In praise of Luckin

That is a tricky question because i have a girlfriend that has a 13 year old girl and she is very pretty and yes i do have pictures of her usually that my girlfriend sends me and i save them but i do not hide them. I am against relationships with under age girls and massage thinking she is pretty, there is no sexual attraction and that’s what you really want to know if your boyfriend has. I would have been questioning him he may not be guilty of anything unless he is trying to hide it as for me i do not have any screenshot of her daughter. Most of the pictures i have is when my girlfriend get money from me and will buy her a dress or shoes for something along that line and send me a picture. There is really no more to say

Exposition (Green Flag #1)

He told me I was perfectly healthy, then he held my hand, while I sobbed my denials, then looked me in the eye and told me I needed a therapist.

The kindness was the worst part. He was absolutely wrong, and oh-so-sure I was ‘in need of help.’ I was in need of help. My tonsils were rotting under a lovely pink layer of seemingly healthy skin. How an ENT could have missed this I don’t know, but I was already sleeping on the pavement walking between buildings for classes–I remember someone asking me if I was ok, and telling them the bricks were just so lovely-warm… It was February. In Virginia.

A month later I couldn’t go 12 hours off antibiotics without running a fever. Student health sent me to a different ENT and he spotted the problem. He put me on 60 days of penicillin (I’m not kidding) to get me healthy enough for surgery, after which the surgeon told my mother my tonsils were the nastiest necrotic mess he’d ever seen.

It’s just an awful thing, being told to get therapy by an expert who doesn’t believe you’re sick. Doctors do it a lot. I’ve had it happen several times, but that was my first.

I was at a (get this) Church social club for kids when some random kid asked me how old I was

“Eleven”, I replied. His reply, as he punched me clean in the mouth, was “All the best kids are 13!”

My brother looked over a few minutes later and came to ask what had happened as he’d noticed me with a bloody lip.

The wannabe bully boy shouted over to me as he left grinning at the end of the session “Don’t forget, all the best kids are 13”

“Wrong!” Said my brother, who was waiting by the door “the best kids are 14!” as he floored him with one punch.

Never had any crap from him again.

Investor alert: China is drinking a lot more coffee, and taking the supply chains off our exchanges

The inspiration for today’s intro.

What’s Really Going On In the South China Sea Between the Philippines and China
December 4, 2024 Ms. Cat

What’s Really Going On In the South China Sea Between the Philippines and China

by Tina Antonis

Maritime clashes between the Philippines and China had been mostly over the Philippines’ military outpost, BRP (BRP—Barko ng Republika ng Pilipinas, which translates to “Ship of the Republic of the Philippines”—the ship prefix for the Philippines) Sierra Madre, in the Spratly Islands, which is disputed by Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan (a province of China, as recognized by the United Nations’ Resolution No. 2758), and Vietnam.

The BRP Sierra Madre was intentionally run aground on a reef near the Second Thomas Shoal in the disputed Spratly Islands, in 1997, so that the Philippines could stake their territorial claim.

The WWII-era ship is rusted out and on its way to disintegrating. In December 2023, the Philippines allocated funds to replace the ship with a permanent structure. Coincidentally, in September 2023, Blake Herzinger, a research fellow at the United States Studies Centre of the University of Sydney, penned an article titled, “It’s Time to Build Combined Forward Operating Base Sierra Madre.”

This outpost would be “manned by combined rotational forces from both the Philippines and the U.S. Marine Corps,” according to Herzinger. In it, he admits that doing so, “would be a provocative move, and it would not be without significant risk.”

In October 2023, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFU) admitted that their resupply missions to the BRP Sierra Madre were carrying materials that were used in the maintenance and repair of the ship. China had been accusing the Philippines of using its resupply missions to send “illegal building materials” to reinforce the dilapidated ship on several occasions. In June of this year, The Financial Times revealed that the Philippines had “secretly” reinforced the BRP Sierra Madre at the Second Thomas Shoal.

On March 5, 2024, in response to an incident at the Second Thomas Shoal, U.S. State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller stated that “Article IV of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty extends to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft, including those of its coast guard, anywhere in the South China Sea.” At the time, the crash was “not the time or reason to invoke a Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States,” according to Philippine President Bongbong Marcos. Invoking the Mutual Defense Treaty by the Philippines could lead to an armed conflict between China and the U.S. Military.

Recently, these clashes have been occurring at the Sabina Shoal, another disputed atoll in the Spratly Islands. In May, the Philippines claimed that China was carrying out “small-scale reclamation” and anchored the BRP Teresa Magbanua at Sabina Shoal to “catch and document the dumping of crushed corals over the sandbars” (China denied this). The Philippines had been using the BRP Teresa Magbanua as a staging area for their resupply missions to the BRP Sierra Madre at Second Thomas Shoal.

A new Philippine Coast Guard vessel was sent to Sabina Shoal, according to Jonathan Malaya, the spokesperson for the National Security Council of the Philippines, on September 26. However, he declined to comment on the specifics of their intentions or plans citing operational security concerns.

Behind the scenes, an information operation has been going on. Information operations, also known as influence operations, involve spreading misleading information and obtaining tactical knowledge about competitors to get the upper hand. Think tank representatives, financed by the US government and corporate sponsors, have been working with the Philippine Coast Guard on ”assertive transparency,” or what the Philippines calls their “transparency initiative.”

With grants from the U.S. State Department, between 2022 and 2024, the Stratbase ADR Institute held a series of roundtable discussions highlighting the importance of multilateral cooperation and strategic alliances in addressing regional “security challenges” and “public diplomacy,” or the act of “influencing foreign publics” to support “U.S. foreign policy goals.”

On January 5th, 2023, Stratbase, together with the US Embassy in the Philippines, hosted a town hall discussion where experts and scholars shared their assessments and recommendations on the various Indo-Pacific strategies and the foreign policy of Marcos Jr.’s administration.

It was here that Ray Powell introduced his “Project Myoushu” strategy, which was inspired by the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). CSIS receives funding from the U.S. government and other governments allied with the U.S., non-governmental and nonprofit organizations (NGOs & NPOs), defense contractors and other corporate donors. Another such event occurred on March 8th, 2023, where Ray Powell gave a presentation in which he described using “independent analysts, storytellers, influencers, media, and embedded journalists.”

Powell, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and a former Defense Attaché (the Defense Attaché System is part of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the “Pentagon’s top spy agency”), is the team lead of SeaLight, at Stanford University’s Gordian Knot Center for National Security Innovation (GKC). The creation of Stanford University’s GKC was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), an organization within the Department of Defense.

Stanford University has contracts with the U.S. government. The center’s goal is to assist the U.S. government in rethinking how it approaches “national security” matters.

The “transparency initiative” tactic highlights China’s “gray zone activities”, in the South China Sea. One aspect used is embedding journalists on these resupply missions.

The original purpose of embedding was to control journalists, according to Helen Benedict, a professor at the Columbia Journalism School. Citing award-winning Australian journalist Phillip Knightley’s book “The First Casualty: The War Correspondent as Hero and Myth-Maker from the Crimea to Iraq” which describes how the U.S. government invented embedded journalism in response to critical coverage of the Vietnam War.

As civilian casualties in Afghanistan reached 5,000, the Pentagon sought a media strategy that would bring attention back to the military’s role in the war, especially the role played by ordinary American service members. This would require bringing war correspondents on side.

Another aspect of this “transparency initiative” is using civil society organizations, such as the Atin Ito Coalition, led by Rafaela David and Edicio dela Torre, to draw attention to the South China Sea. Rafaela is also the executive director of the Center for Youth Advocacy and Networking (CYAN). CYAN has been financed from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which gets the majority of its funding from the U.S. Congress. With its origins dating back to the late 1960s, when the Central Intelligence Agency faced criticism for secretly supporting activists and opposition groups in nations that appeared to be leaning closer to the Soviet Union.

Following the revelation of those CIA plots, the agency faced criticism for what some perceived to be devious manipulation of sovereign states. Congress established the NED in 1983 after years of discussion about whether and how the financing should continue.

Edicio dela Torre is the current President and Vice Chairperson of the Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM). The PRRM was started in 1952 by Chinese rural education advocate Y. C. James Yen with financial assistance from the United States and the Rockefeller family. In 1983, Yen was awarded the People to People Eisenhower Medallion.

The People-to-People Program was initiated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, with initial connections to the U.S. government through the United States Information Agency (USIA).

The USIA’s public diplomacy activities were ultimately transferred to the U.S. Department of State, while its propaganda operations were transferred to the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which has since become the U.S. Agency for Global Media. In the 1950s, during the Hukbalahap Rebellion, the CIA covertly funded the PRRM through front organizations such as the Asia Foundation (formerly the Committee for a Free Asia) and the Catherwood Foundation.

On September 15th, Powell appeared on 60 Minutes, along with the Philippine Secretary of National Defense Gilbert Teodoro, and the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Romeo Brawner Jr. In the 60 Minutes episode, Teodoro refused to confirm if the Typhon missile launcher—a mid-range missile system capable of reaching mainland China—would be permanently stationed in the Philippines.

Three days later, Philippine army spokesperson, Colonel Louie Dema-ala, said training was ongoing, and it was up to Philippine authorities and the United States Army Pacific Command (USARPAC) to decide how long the missile system would stay.

Presently, the Typhon is situated in the Taiwan Strait and faces the South China Sea on the northern island of Luzon. In early September, the U.S. announced that it wants to deploy another Typhon missile launcher “around Japan’s southwestern islands, which are near Taiwan”. While the U.S. claims that these missile launchers are to “strengthen deterrence”, their deployment has only provoked tensions in the area.

While 60 Minutes did state that “in 2016, an international tribunal at The Hague ruled the Philippines has exclusive economic rights in a 200-mile zone that includes Sabina Shoal” and that “China does not recognize the ruling”, their statements were misleading. The South China Sea Arbitration did not rule on sovereignty, and China does not recognize it because the Arbitral Tribunal lacked jurisdiction.

“The Arbitral Tribunal violated the principle of state consent, exercised its jurisdiction ultra vires and rendered an award in disregard of the law. This is a grave violation of UNCLOS and general international law, Wang said.”

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is an international treaty that establishes a legal framework for all marine and maritime activities. The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) is not an agency of the United Nations. The PCA rents space in the same building as the UN’s International Court of Justice.

A Congressional Research Service report, dated August 2023, stated that the U.S. has not declared its position regarding sovereignty over any of the geographical elements that comprise the South China Sea.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) estimates that about 80% of global trade is carried out by sea, both in terms of volume and value. Of that amount, 60% of marine trade travels through Asia, with approximately one-third of all shipping occurring in the South China Sea. Because the Strait of Malacca connects the South China Sea and, consequently, the Pacific and Indian oceans, China, Taiwan (the United States does not officially support Taiwan’s independence), Japan, and South Korea depend heavily on its waters.

China’s economic security is intimately linked to the South China Sea, as the country has the second-largest economy globally and more than 60% of its trade is conducted by water. If the U.S. were to attempt to enforce a blockade in the South China Sea, they would risk retaliation from China.

A war with China would not only interrupt international trade, it’s highly probable that the United States would lose due to China’s anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) capabilities. Anti-Access refers to any action, activity, or capacity, usually long-range, that is intended to prevent an advancing military force from accessing an operational area.

Area denial is described as any action, activity, or capability, usually short-range, that is intended to limit an adversary force’s freedom of action inside an operational area. Long-range artillery and rocket weapons, air defenses, littoral anti-ship capabilities, and layered, integrated long-range precision-strike systems are all part of the threat A2/AD defense architecture.

China’s advanced A2/AD system includes missiles and hypersonic weapons, which the US lacks defense against. China is also developing microwave-photonic radar systems to track incoming hypersonic missiles, potentially enabling defense against powerful militaries’ latest offensive technologies.

The Philippines, has succeeded in garnering support from Western countries through military assistance, funds to upgrade military bases and infrastructure, modernize the Armed Forces of the Philippines, defense agreements with at least 18 countries (minilateralism), joint military exercises in the South China Sea, and the addition of four new EDCA (under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, American military personnel, planes, and ships may station themselves periodically in the Philippines at predetermined places) sites—three in north Luzon facing Taiwan and one in Palawan facing the South China Sea.

China sees this “coalition of the willing” as undermining “regional security and peace.”

The Philippines should seek détente with China and practice quiet diplomacy, as their “transparency initiative” has only escalated tensions in the South China Sea, instead of risking World War III.

Japan’s auto industry is lost – its global position almost to be completely and permanently toppled.

What is happening in Japan is also happening to the other home of the global auto legacies – Germany.

The auto industry defines these two most industralized countries for the last half century . . . . with its sphere of influence extending beyond not just the economics. . . . but the social and political.

Even up to this mid-year, Akio Toyoda can still be seen peddling – and leading the charge of his fellow auto makers – in promoting the hydrogen car and retaining as much as possible the place of the ICE cars for the future. This is until he was replaced and no mention of the hydrogen has been heard since. But there is BMW still promising the notion of the water-engine car as an alternative to EV is still alive.

The main driver for this resistence to EV? Japan and Germany have the huge ecosystem of manufacturing ICE cars that will have to be “replaced” – i.e., millions of workers fired and massive plant closures to transition to a new EV ecosystem requiring new sets of resources, increasingly to be software assuming a greater proportion relative to hardware – a transition from analog to digital.

Japan’s and Germany’s halfhearted effort at developing its EVs have shown them to be at least 5 years behind China . . . . and even further behind if taken within the context of developing the supply chain to have a semblance of independence from China’s.

German, Japanese and Koreans are seeing their Chinese market share declining or collapsing that they were so dominant just 4 years ago. And losing position in the world’s largest market means losing their global positions as Chinese EV are now waging its offensive to takeover overseas markets.

China is on the ascendancy in dominating the global auto industry and there is very little the Germans and Japanese can do to change the trajectory because in reality this transition is not just to the EVs but to the SMARTCARS, the extension of the digital age from the smartphone. Western media has focused on the jaggernaut of BYD but is not making the world aware of the greater significance of the software Chinese EVs are being incorporated with.

Huawei is implementing its Harmony operating system as an alternative to Andriod and by extension its NearLink technology and alliance – to replace WIFI and bluetooth – as their technologies for China’s IoT platform and ecosystem. Note that the two hottest selling EVs in China are those from Huawei and Xioami. This is making EVs with software to be the central focus of mobility in the IoT ecosystem of smart devices of the future. This is China now defining and setting industry standards not just for the future of mobility but for all future smart devices .

Modern Women LOVE to Destroy MEN’S Hobbies | Pearl Daily

It’s unreasonable for the wife to accept the invitation and all that entails as well as wrong.

But an invitation to go swimming with another man alone at 1am is rarely the beginning of this unreasonable act. Someone has not been present in the relationship to even consider the spouse would or should have no problem with it. And something want south before the invitation for your wife to consider wanting to accept instead of being offended by it. Don’t let anyone play dumb with you. Find out what those something’s are and go from there. Actually this is really too far.

The main contents of this issue of China Military News:

The new submarine is unveiled for the first time! Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thought on strengthening the army, we will forge ahead on the road to strengthening the army and fight a decisive battle; the navy and air force of the Southern Theater Command are on combat readiness patrol around China’s Huangyan Island; the Navy’s Sichuan ship is officially launched; approaching the field command post of a brigade in the Eastern Theater Command; a direct visit to the PLA’s winter training ground; Xinjiang Military Region border guards: guarding the Karakoram Mountains with loyalty; the Eastern Theater Command’s “Red Sharp Knife Company” – unmanned equipment is refined and powerful; China’s space station is operating well, and its application results are fruitful…

Main content of this episode: President Xi Jinping emphasized: “Building a strong modern navy is an important symbol of building a world-class military, a strategic support for building a maritime power, and an important part of realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” “In the journey of the new era, in the struggle to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the task of building a strong people’s navy has never been as urgent as it is today.” From the first aircraft carrier Liaoning to the first domestically-produced aircraft carrier Shandong, and then to the first domestically-produced catapult-type aircraft carrier Fujian, the Chinese Navy has continuously made major breakthroughs! 2024 is about to come to an end. Looking back on this year, the Chinese military has made sonorous steps and written countless glorious chapters on the journey of strengthening the army. From the continuous emergence of new weapons and equipment, to the actual combat training on the PLA’s military training ground, from the responsibility of joint exercises and training between China and foreign countries, to the firm protection of sovereignty, Chinese soldiers have forged an indestructible Great Wall of Steel with their blood and loyalty.

Don’t call him. Apoligize to the mutual friends for them having to hear those things. Some of them will believe them. They are not your friends. Others probably know you better and sense what they are saying isn’t true. The rest are hanging onto every word weather they believe them or not, and are waiting for the fireworks to begin wanting to be entertained by the melt down they are waiting for. They are not your friends either.

Once you can tell your friends keep them close. Go no contact with your EX., and all of the rest.

You’ve a new life to build, a life without any of them in it.

I was working at the time for a Chinese American man who decades ago paid for his passage to America by working on a cruise ship. He got here with virtually just the clothes on his back, and through years of hard work, starting as a bus boy in a Chinatown restaurant, he worked long and hard and eventually became a very successful businessman in San Francisco.

This man, a few years ago, purchased at a charity auction the right to sing our national anthem at one of the San Francisco Giants home games. He spent weeks and weeks with a singing coach practicing. He asked me to come with him to the game to videotape him singing.

I should point out that my friend is a pretty good singer. But he does have a heavy accent.

The moment comes. He walks out onto the field. The band starts playing. He starts singing the Star Spangled Banner in his accented voice. Then in about the middle of the song the fact that he was standing there singing in front of nearly 70,000 people hit him and the delayed stage fright caused him to forget the words.

“Ow” I thought. “This might get ugly. How will this crowd react?”

But they didn’t get ugly. A few people in the crowd realized what was happening and picked up the song from where he lost it and began singing, and then more and more joined in. Soon it was my friend, with the entire crowd helping, singing the rest of our national anthem. To me that was one of the most American things that I have ever seen.

EDIT: Wow, 5.000+ upvotes. My thanks go out to everyone who has taken the time to read this and even more thanks to those who have upvoted it. I am so happy that this story has struck a chord with readers. Thank you!

Sky High Biscuits with Raspberry Butter


Yield: 15 servings


Raspberry Butter

  • 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
  • 1/4 cup fresh or thawed frozen raspberries


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 4 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup butter or margarine
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg, beaten




Raspberry Butter

  1. Combine the butter and raspberries in a blender or food processor. Process until smooth. Chill, covered, for several hours before serving.
  2. Heat the oven to 450 degrees F.


  1. Mix the all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour, sugar, baking powder, cream of tartar and salt in a medium bowl. Cut in the butter until crumbly. Add the milk and egg, stirring just until moistened. Knead the dough lightly on a lightly floured surface. Pat 1 inch thick. Cut with a 2 inch biscuit cutter. Arrange the biscuits in a greased 9 x 9 inch baking pan.
  2. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until brown.
  3. Serve warm with the butter.


Bake the biscuits on a greased baking sheet for crusty biscuits.


Per Serving: Calories 247; Fat 17 g; Sodium 393 mg; Dietary Fiber 2g


Pampered Chef

Your wife puts you down to feel better about herself. Your wife doesn’t have feelings for you and doesn’t respect what you do for her. Your wife is never going to be satisfied with whatever you are going to do for her. Your wife wants you to put more effort into pleasing her.

Your marriage is not going to work with this kind of toxic mindset of your wife. Nothing is going to be enough for your wife. You have to talk openly to your wife that you are invaluable to tolerate her behavior. If your wife doesn’t change her behavior positively towards you, then you have to leave her. If you have children together, then coparenting should be done with the help of law.

It all depends upon how you handle this situation if your wife doesn’t improve. Your wife is toxic, and kindly think about your marriage future.

106. ​Hoe_Math – The Michael Sartain Podcast


Submitted into Contest #18 in response to: Your fingers tensed around the object in your pocket, ready to pull it out at a moment’s notice. view prompt

Joshua G. J. Insole



There were too many to fight. He was outnumbered ten thousand to one. He watched as they all raced towards him, vengeance in their eyes and murder on their lips. They came in a mob, clamouring for his blood, each wanting to say, “I helped kill him. I was part of it.”

He stood perfectly still, hands in his pockets, not flinching or recoiling in the slightest. His hand brushed against the thing in his pocket, and his fingers clutched at it; ready, waiting.

The throng thundered down on him, not knowing what was to come. He grinned. Even after it was over, they still wouldn’t understand. They’d trample the ground into dust, confusion written across their faces, unsatiated blood lust driving them mad.

He could do it now, of course. But where would the fun be in that? Where would the showmanship be? No, best to wait until the last possible moment. To delay the act until they were just about to get him, and then…

Of course, Dara wouldn’t have done such a thing. She would have completed the mission and then gotten out of there in the blink of an eye. Nothing more than a stirring breeze that lifts the curtains. Silent like a breath, swift like a falling raindrop. She probably wouldn’t have even used it (and would likely tell him off for utilizing it, calling it a “waste of precious resources”). Dara would have only employed it in an absolute emergency.

But Raiden wanted to use it. Why have it and not use it? It would be like being a millionaire, but not spending any money. Naturally, he didn’t need to use it, oh no. He was good at his job, and he knew it. If his actions had necessitated the use of the thing, he wouldn’t have come so highly recommended at all.

But, as it was, Raiden was at the top of his field.

Well, almost.


“Oh no,” she said, shaking her head vehemently. “No. No.”

“But, Dara, he’s the best—”

Excuse me?

“Well, second best—”

“Hang on, a second,” said Raiden.

“Look, I’m just saying—”

“I said, no,” said Dara, folding her arms across her chest. “Am I not the captain of this crew?”

“Well, yes, but—”


“Ah, maybe we oughta forget it,” said Raiden, turning to walk away.

Wait!” said Franky, grabbing him by the shoulder. “Please. Wait?”

Raiden nodded. “Sure. But don’t ever touch me like that again, you hear?”

“Don’t threaten my crew, you—” the word that came from her mouth made both of the men wince.

“Wait. Just… wait,” said Franky, standing in the middle of them, hands raised in case either one of them decided to go for the other. “Dara, he is very good. You know that.”

“I’m the best,” scoffed Raiden, folding his arms and rolling his eyes.

Franky ignored him. “He comes with a certain… reputation—”

“Yeah, I’ll say,” said Dara with a snort. She turned away with a childish glare.

“Look, guys, I know you don’t like each other, but—”

“Ya think?” Raiden and Dara said in unison, with the same sarcastic inflection. Looks of horror flashed across their faces when they realised, and they both turned away in disgust.

Look. Guys,” said Franky through gritted teeth. “I know you don’t like each other, but we don’t have a choice.”

“There’s always a choice Franky, didn’t I teach you anything?” said Dara.

“Yeah, Franky…” mocked Raiden.

“Oh my God, you two are the absolute worst, do you know that?” Franky turned to his captain and pointed at her leg, which was currently in a cast and was resting on a raised cushion. “Do you honestly think you can pull off a mission with your leg like that?

“Can do it better than him,” she said, pointing to Raiden with her chin.

Really, Dara? Really?

She squinted at him, and her eyes shot daggers, but she said nothing.

“And you,” said Franky, turning to Raiden. “I know how broke you are. You think that debt collectors don’t talk? I know for a fact that there are three scumbag moneylenders out there that want your head on a platter!”

Raiden paled as the colour drained from his face. Dara started to laugh, but Franky shot her a glare that told her she shouldn’t. “You both need each other. And don’t you dare argue with me,” he said, looking from one to the other, goading them into saying something to the contrary. “And, perhaps most importantly, I need both of you. I can’t make ends meet if we can’t take any jobs, Dara… and he’s the best out there. We both know he is. Hell, he knows he is, the cocky sonofa—”



“It’s true.”

An awkward silence fell upon the room. Slowly, Franky lowered his hands. “So, do we have an understanding?”

Dara and Raiden glared at each other, and then flicked their eyes back to Franky.

“Fine,” mumbled Dara.

“Fine,” said Raiden.

Great!” said Franky, more enthusiastically than he felt. “Well, done, guys. I really think that you’ve—”

“Yeah, yeah, let’s talk shop,” said Raiden, shushing him.

“Agreed. Let’s get on with it. Shut up, Franky.”

“I—” started Franky, looking from Dara to Raiden exasperatedly, but then he gave up and sighed, visibly deflating. “Oh, fine.”

“Okay, so, let’s go over the plan…” said Dara, clicking a button and bringing up the holographic map that hovered in the centre of the room.


Raiden pulled the object out of his pocket with the flourish of a well-practiced magician. He saw the look of urgency in the eyes of those nearest to him as they sprinted towards his location. The gleam of fear that flashed across their faces told him that they knew he was about to pull something off, like a rabbit out of a hat… they just didn’t know what.

The natives of Raghajiv bent their heads low and really threw themselves into their sprint, hoping to catch the blasphemous thief.


“They want what?” asked Raiden, astounded. “Are they crazy?

“Yes. Crazy rich,” said Dara. “What’s the matter, is it too big of a job for—” she adopted a mocking, babylike voice “—the great Raiden?”

“No, of course not! It’s just… this is gonna upset a lot of people, you do realise?”

Obviously,” she said, rolling her eyes. “That’s why they’re hiring a crew to do it for them. If it was an easy task, they’d do it themselves, wouldn’t they? Besides, the added danger means they’re adding a few more zeroes to our paycheck, which is always appreciated.”

“How much are they paying?”

“That’s for me to know, Raiden. You’ll get your previously discussed share, as agreed. Now, let’s talk details…”


Raiden rolled the glass orb in his palm precariously. The object was delicate and prone to shattering – it had been designed so. For when the outer shell cracked, it would spill its contents across the ground and into the atmosphere, creating the desired effect.

He watched the horde close in on him like a wildfire. The moment was drawing nearer. Almost there, he told himself. Almost… almost… Three, two, one and—

Raiden smashed the orb onto the floor at his feet.


“Any idea why they want it?”

Dara shrugged. “None of my concern. As long as they pay up, they can smash it for all I care. Let ‘em chop it up and eat it. Let them deface it. I don’t care.”

“But, it’s a religious symbol,” said Raiden, treading carefully.

“Oh, what? What happened in those years that we stopped working together, Raiden? You didn’t suddenly see the light, did you? You haven’t gone all wacko on me, have you?”

“Hey, no. I’m not… a believer,” he said, taking care with the word. “But I wouldn’t talk about the followers like that. I mean, who knows? Right? I mean—”

“Do you want the job or not, man? You might be the best, but there’s a thousand others out there who are good enough who’d do the job without asking this many questions. Plenty of people need the cash.”

“Whoa, whoa, Dara. Of course, I want the job!”

“Then stop talking as if you don’t.”


It felt as if all the air was suddenly sucked from the surface of the planet. Before the tinkling glass had even finished falling to the ground, a great aqua blue bubble had bloomed from the cracked container, blossoming outwards and encapsulating him. For a second it stayed there, hovering around him, crackling with electric life, psychedelic swirling patterns twirling into infinity across its surface… and then it erupted outwards, rocketing into the oncoming horde.

A subsonic BOOM rattled Raiden’s eardrums, and he felt all the hairs on his body standing on end as if with static. His lungs had the breath pulled from them, and he uttered a shocked little, “Oof!” Raiden felt like someone had gently hit him in the gut and winded him. A moment later, he was roaring with laughter.

The mob was still there – nobody harmed. But they were moving in slow motion towards him, their skins crackling with blue lightning. Somewhere in the crowd, someone was still shouting. “Geeeeeeeettttt hiiiiiiiimmmm!” The voice sounded incredibly deep and hilarious.

Giggling like a schoolchild, Raiden stepped out into the crowd, backpack heavy on his shoulders. The thing was right there within grabbing distance, and he could see the understanding in their eyes… but they couldn’t get it. He laughed again. This was brilliant! Raiden waltzed through the crowd, taking special attention to lock eyes with as many murderous gazes as he could. Every single one of them would murder him in an instant, if they had the chance. And here he was, right within their grasp, and they were, for all intents and purposes, statues.

Raiden pranced and danced around their slowly moving bodies. It was as if they were moving in zero gravity or trying to wade through a lake of custard. His laughter tinkled through the air like falling glass. This is fantastic, he thought. This is utterly fantastic!

Although he knew he should be making his hasty getaway, Raiden spent the next twenty minutes jumping and skipping through the pack of would-be assailants, laughing hysterically.


“So, how will we deliver it? I assume people will be looking for it.”

“You assume correctly, Mr. Genius. We’re gonna have the handoff on Tartrak.”

“Tartrak? Dara, are you sure about this?”

“I know what I’m doing. And whilst I’m captain, you won’t question me. Just do your job, Raiden.”

“Well, okay…”


The ship was waiting on the beach, rear ramp lowered onto the sand. Franky was waiting outside, leaning against the ship, arms crossed. He looked annoyed. “What took you?”

“Nothing,” said Raiden, stifling a giggle.

“Did something go wrong?”

“No, nothing at all. Went off without a hitch.”

Franky sized him up. “I hope you’re telling the truth. For your sake. Dara’s pissed. Did you get it?”

Raiden patted his heavy backpack. “Right here.”

Franky nodded, then scanned the horizon. “Nobody saw you?”

Raiden grinned. “Like I said. It went off without a hitch,” he said, avoiding the truth but not overtly lying. At least, not in his own eyes.

“All right. Climb in the back. We’re leaving Raghajiv right now. Heading to meet the buyers.”

“Is Dara…?”

Franky nodded. “Yep. Good luck.” And with that, Franky climbed into the cockpit and started the ship’s engines.


“Geahek? Geahek? Dara, I—”

“Stop. I said to not question my authority.”

“I know, but, Geahek is a mean… whatever he is. And his gang? Dara, they’re wanted dead or alive on every major planet.”

“You think I don’t know that?” Dara hissed. “But he’s paying big bucks. Don’t you get it? If we prove we can handle Geahek without wetting our pants, the rest of the clients will just fall into place. The infamy.”

“I—” started Raiden, but then he gave up. He shook his head and sighed.

There was little use in arguing with Dara. He’d learnt that many moons ago. Once she had an idea in her head…


Dara hadn’t been as angry with him as he’d anticipated. She was just happy he had the idol. She held the thing in her hands and rotated it around, getting a proper look at it. “Over three thousand years old…” she said, in slight awe. “I mean, I know it’s got massive importance, but it is only made from bronze. It’s not like it’s gold or crystal or whatever.”

“Dara…” said Raiden, looking at her as if she had two heads. “This idol is one of the central pillars of the entire Raghajiv religion. You are holding something that people have killed for and died for. Something that people believe in, something people pray to. There are thousands of people out there that think that when they die, they meet—” he gestured towards the statue.

“Wow,” said Dara, mockingly. “That was quite a speech.” She jabbed the idol in his direction. “You should get into politics, y’know.”

Before Raiden could retort, the pilot interrupted them. “We’re here,” said Franky, from up front.

Through the windshield, they saw the icy wastes of Tartrak, the dead planet.


“It’s not too late to turn the job down, you know,” he told her on the ride to Raghajiv. “You can still—”

“Turn Geahek down?

Raiden turned the thought over in his mind. “Nope. You’re right. That would get us killed. If you told Geahek you’d do it, we better do it, hm?”


And now, here they were on their knees in the freezing snow, hands behind their heads, guns trained on them. Raiden wanted to say I told you so. No, probably shouldn’t, he thought. He looked out the corner of his eye and caught Dara’s attention. “Told you so,” he whispered smugly.

“Tiihuh,” she whispered through gritted teeth.


“Tiihuh,” she repeated, keeping her jaw clenched.


“Hnh hn tiihuh.”

“Oh, for goodness sake, will you just say whatever it is you’re trying to say?”

“I said, throw the timebomb!

Raiden’s words caught in his throat.

“Throw it, Raiden!” shouted Dara, eyes urging. Around them, Geahek’s guards were shouting and bellowing orders.

“I, uh… I don’t have it.”


“I don’t… I don’t have it. I might have, ah, used it back on Raghajiv.”

The guards were swarming around them now, a blur of black armour against the icy blueish whites of Tartrak’s wastelands.

“You what? You blithering idiot! You utter moron! You—”

And that was when one of Geahek’s guards struck him on the back of the head, and he blacked out.


“I wonder what he wants it for,” pondered Raiden out loud. “Why chase down an ancient religious idol?”

“Who cares, as long as we get paid?” replied Dara, flippantly. “And don’t go off about the—” she did mock air-quotes “—significance of such an artefact. Let’s just do the work, get paid, and then go our separate ways. ‘Cause your face is already annoying me.”

“Your voice, too,” added Franky.

Dara nodded. “Yeah, and your voice.”


“Lucky for you, we get to spend a lot more time together,” he said, smiling chirpily. “Silver linings, and all that, huh?”

“For God’s sake, Raiden, shut up.”

“Yeah, Raiden, shut it,” growled Franky.

From outside their cages came a tutting. Geahek stepped out from the shadows. “So much infighting, it’s a wonder you lot were able to pull of the heist at all,” he crooned, bouncing the idol in his hand.

“Why don’t you hurry up and kill us already?” snapped Dara. “Stop toying with us!” As the words tumbled out of her mouth, Raiden knew she hadn’t figured it out yet. There were the things on their legs, for a start…

“Kill you?” Geahek asked, frowning. “Why on earth would I kill you? You’re the best heist crew I’ve ever had!” he said with a boyish grin that bordered on the maniacal. “No, no. I’m not going to kill you, gosh no. In fact, what I propose is an… opportunity.”

“Oh, here we go,” mumbled Raiden, fiddling with the ankle monitor that was strapped to his leg. It flashed a red light, intermittently.

A look of unadulterated rage flashed across Geahek’s face, but he maintained composure. “I propose you continue working for me. And when I say ‘work’, I do not mean that you will be getting paid.” His eyes crawled over Raiden. “And please stop playing with that. It’s not a toy, and you won’t get it off.” Geahek’s voice dropped down a register: “Believe me.”

“What kinda work?” asked Dara.

“Well…” he said scrutinising the idol. “This wasn’t the only religious artefact I am after. And you weren’t the only crew I hired. The problem is that the others… they, ah, suffered casualties. In fact, you are the only crew that returned alive.”


“I want you to go and retrieve the other artefacts.”

“Which others?” asked Raiden, an awful feeling rising in his chest.

“I think you know,” said Geahek with a wicked grin. “But here’s a hint for job number one: Quowiduw.” The exotic word rolled off his tongue perfectly.

Raiden closed his eyes and swore.

Dara looked confused. “What? What?

“I’ll leave you to… discuss the proposition,” said Geahek, ignoring her. “Of course, it’s either ‘yes’ or it’s death, you must realise. Any who…” he said, and then swaggered through the doors, whistling a jaunty tune.

“What did he say?” said Dara, turning in her narrow cage.

Raiden sighed. “Basically, we either get killed by his cronies… or, we get killed by religious nuts. Or by mother nature.” He looked from Franky to Dara, in the cramped confines of their prisons. “Guys… we’re going to Muxel.”

Franky and Dara swore simultaneously.

Yesterday, in fact.

Yesterday I turned 40 years old. Not a single damn person, including my friends and even my parents. Not one person, save for God the Father; wished me a Happy Birthday.

I do all the shopping and housekeeping for my parent’s, twice a week. Which means I leave my life, to go to their house and clean it for them. I do their grocery shopping too. My other siblings? Nowhere to be found, or even care. So, you’d think that I might matter to them. Right? You’d think a 40th birthday would be a big one.

I take care of church and help maintain their storehouse, and do all their shopping, bills, etc. I serve as a Worship Leader at my church. None of my team, none of my fellow church members, none of them wished me a happy birthday. These are people I see every week and who keep calendars on people’s birthdays.

No one threw me a party or sent me some money or remembered to say two simple words. No one, but God. That’s when I realized that I am far too kind and giving and generous for my own good and I need to set stronger and tighter boundaries. If ALL the people that I care about and value in my life, can completely forget about me on my 40th, what is considered a Milestone by most people. Not one person. It shows that I care more for them, then they do for me.

That cut me real deep. It really makes me question why I go out of my way to serve and help people, when no one even notices me. Pretty messed up. I sat in my truck with a chocolate cupcake and a Puppacino for my pooch and sang myself Happy Birthday with my dog howling next to me.

People suck. Especially the ones that you’re supposed to matter to.

EDIT 12/29/24 – Just in the last 2 days; I am amazed, humbled and completely taken aback by the level of outpouring love, support and belated birthday wishes, from complete strangers. The same love that I should have been given by the ones that matter most to me, instead I got it from the world; the one place I didn’t expect it. I’ve never written or done anything that went viral. I wrote this 2 days ago out of frustrating and venting and its had more attention and views than any other article I’ve written. And I write a lot. I just want to say to all the people that took the time to read this and sympathize with me and especially the ones who took the time to write a comment or a belated birthday wish. Thank you from the bottom of my 40 year old heart. I value this so much and it was so needed. Thank you, all of you!

My goodness that happened to me. He was the love of my life. I was devastated . It wasn’t an ex but someone he knew through his job. They were both studying for a state engineering licensing exam. At the library in the evenings. One night he wasn’t home by 9:15 as expected. I drove to the library. There they were , steamed up windows in his van. I was so upset. Not long after. I came home and the house felt weird. I opened his drawers, they were empty. I knew then he just left without being asked and without telling me. It was a kick in the gut. I loved him so much. Several weeks later, he knocked on my door with two bags of groceries. “I thought I’d come back home, I brought dinner. We sat and talked. I said “you want to come back? “. Yes, he said, I said “wait, I’ll be right back”. I went into my room and grabbed my wedding rings. I opened his had and placed the rings in his palm, then I held out my left hand. I said , when you put these rings on my finger, again, you are promising me that my heart will never be broken, you want our marriage forever, and you will never do what you did again, I love you , if you know in your heart that you love me and are committing to be with me , you will put them on my finger”, he reached out and took my hand, I looked at him. His eyes were down he turned my hand placed the ring in my palm, folded my fingers over them and said I’m sorry , I cannot make that promise. Then he got up and walked out the door. “Thank for the groceries” I said. I wasn’t surprised. At least he was honest this time! Two months later he came back to announce that he was going to Arizona where he grew up, with a girl he met who had a son. We spoke to each other several times over the years. He called me, I never called him. I was invited to his daughters wedding. Her and I were pretty close since I married her dad. He came alone, he sat with me and his daughters mother joined us later. He was the same charming man I always loved and knew I would love forever. He died after a major stroke a couple of years ago. I was devastated. I still love him with all my heart. I could have just said yes, come home, but I didn’t. He married three times after he left me and was divorced when he died. I made the right decision that day to bait him. My advice to you is to say no life cannot be happily lived backwards. It’s too late. Once they don’t love you and say so, they only come back because there is no one else. That’s not enough to rebuilt on. I’m sorry, I know how you feel. I feel your pain and understand your mixed feelings well.

There’s your answer. She put somebody else in her bed and put you on the couch. That means you need to walk away. Cause there is nothing there. I’m sorry to say and it might hurt. If there is a better future ahead of you, if there’s always a reason that something happens because when one door closes another, 1 will open

My neighbor’s daughter died young and her boyfriend would stop in to look after her elderly mother weekly for the rest of my neighbor’s life. It was very kind.

I moved into the neighborhood a couple years before she died, and she was a porch-sitter and I’m a talker, so I would come talk to her on the regular and lend a hand if she needed something. Nothing heroic, just a little neighboly hanging out.

She passed and he turned up that Christmas with a gift and said “hey thanks for being a great neighbor to her,” and I said, “oh that’s so sweet of you, I LOVE chocolate!” What I did not say, because I thought it would never matter, was, “that’s so sweet of you, but in fact I am viciously allergic to nuts of all sorts, so thanks but no thanks!”

It is now five years later, and a man whose name I do not know, never see, and does not live in the area, is still leaving expensive, nutty assortments of chocolate on my doorstep every year. My kiddo is gleeful and I am resigned. It’s far too late to fess up even if I were to catch him in the act, plus I will be moving next year. Best to just let him enjoy his seasonal gesture.

Andrew Tate Explains Why Men Should NEVER Get Married

You know nothing about your mother. Maybe she considered abortion but decided she couldn’t kill a baby, because a fetus is a baby. You sound depressed otherwise you would not consider that you were forced to come into this world. Your words indicate to me that your mother might have raised you without a father, would it have been better if you had a normal upbringing with both parents? But really you are angry and depressed and you want to blame it on your mom. The last thing you should tell her is that you hate her. If you want to tell someone how angry you are, tell it to God. He know all things anyway. He knows every thought before it comes to your mind. He knows every word before it comes to your tongue. Since He already knows, you should talk to Him instead of blaming your mom.


Submitted into Contest #18 in response to: Your fingers tensed around the object in your pocket, ready to pull it out at a moment’s notice. view prompt

Agnes Sharan

They say our instincts act in a split second.




My head was ringing, my jaw clenched. It was a cold windy night, the alley not any kinder. I pulled my coat tighter around myself. My body was fighting the cold, but the fear coursing through seemed to warm it enough to make my clenched fists sweat. I wanted to put my hand into my pocket but knew that won’t do me any good at this point.




I kept seeing him out of the corner of my eyes, grinning, his eyes lit up like he’s happy right where he is. He looked better than the last time I saw him, more alive. He didn’t look a day over how he looked then, brown eyes, caramel skinned, his clothes the same as that day. I suppose that’s just what happens when you go through something like that. It is what it is.


It was quiet, the stillness almost suffocating. I wanted to get it over with, but time seemed frozen just like the air around me. Some stragglers went past us, but other than the odd look now and then, they didn’t seem to suspect anything. So we waited, him and I, paused in that moment, feeling every breath leave my body, every whisper of wind through my hair, afraid to make any movement that might break this trance. But even as my eyes were wide open, I could see that day play out.


It was about a year ago.


“There has been a mistake. The officer will be punished suitably. We are truly sorry.”


He stood beside me, an officer hat in his hands. I couldn’t meet his eyes. Nor hers. I couldn’t imagine that this day will end like this. And the worst part is, it was all my fault. 


Why did this happen?


I don’t remember who, I just remember a voice asking those words. The sweat in my clenched fists almost felt like his blood on my hands.


“We can’t begin to say how sorry we are. We got a distress call from someone passing through that there seemed to be a suspicious individual in the neighbourhood. Our officers on call were closeby and responded to it and it just so happened that he fit the description.” 




Have you heard a gunshot?


I have. I think its sharp, like a clap maybe? No, no, its dull, slipping past like a breeze. Honestly, you can’t really describe it. It is just a sound that rings around your head. It feels like it has a life of its own, and when it is through with you, all you are left with is wondering what ghosts it left behind.


I thought I’d never pick up something again that could make that sound. Never feel the cool metal beneath my fingertips.




Her voice rang in my head. It did ever since that day. The wailing of an inconsolable mother. A mother who lost her world in what to some was a split second instinct.


What could console her? Was there any punishment that would feel just in this world? Was there any in the universe? Her cries made me wonder every day.


A mandatory leave of absence sure doesn’t. Why else would I find myself here?


“What could you possibly have imagined a 10 year old capable of committing? Enough to warrant him a fatal wound?” The voice choked out the words. “He’s a child! H-He was …” 


The words just buzzed in my ears. My throat felt clogged, like I couldn’t speak despite desperately wanting to.


It continued. “I was just there. I had asked him to wait out on the lawn for me, for just a moment. To wait, on OUR LAWN!” Eyes squeezed shut, fingers pressed tightly to stop the tears. “Why would you think my boy standing on our lawn made him the first suspicious individual huh? A 10 YEAR OLD! He listened to his father and simply stood there, and he was killed at his own house! What world are you protecting us from if you are the ones going around killing us?!”


I could stay silent no more.


“Now listen here, mister, that is no way to talk to an officer…”


“Jerry, shut up. Sir, again, as we explained, he made a sudden turn which was why the officer had to act quickly. We can’t discriminate between criminals based on age …”


“But you can based on colour. That’s what this is about, isn’t it?” 


Her voice rang out. 


The man looked like he wanted to speak out. He then looked at me in the eyes, hazy with the need to defend his comrade but he could see that in the depths of this day, nothing else could explain why it happened. Nothing else could say why an innocent boy with a brown eyed smile had to die. Nothing but the caramel of his skin. 


“We were just going to the park. My wife had gone ahead earlier to get the birthday picnic set up but she texted me about some things she forgot. I didn’t want him to see, that’s why I told him to wait out in the lawn. It would have barely been a couple of minutes. Just a couple of minutes.”


Hopelessness rimmed that voice. It crawled over my skin, making me want to throw up my insides.


“He turned around because he heard me close our door. He saw your guns and understood the danger it posed. He was scared and he looked for his father to protect him. Was that so wrong? In the end, though, it got him killed.”


It sounded like someone who had lost all purpose. Someone who just wanted to give up. But that was a year ago.


“You remember me, don’t you?”


This voice no longer belonged to the helpless father from a year ago. This was one that knew what its sole purpose in life is, and would do anything to get to it.


And it’s hands held clenched in the pocket of its coat the one tool that help it get to it.


I could see the recognition etched in his eyes, the face that came to me every night in my sleep, eyes that then seemed so hateful now filled with something I couldn’t quite understand. He was frozen, just like I, the midnight air speaking the words we couldn’t.


“I don’t think I’ll ever forget a face from that day.”


His voice, I wanted to say, sounded smug. But there was something off about it, like my appearance after disappearing for a year didn’t affect him at all. And that bothered me.


He continued. “I saw it in your eyes that day, you know.” He smiled. “I saw them burning with a desire for justice. And I remember it every time I dream of firing that shot.”


It almost seemed like he was goading me, as though he wanted me to act before even I myself desired it. My fingers tensed around the metal, wanting to pull it out yet not wanting to give him the satisfaction.


“Do you now? A murderer who remembers his victim, how ironic.” I sneered at him. It only seemed to make him grin wider. I didn’t have to imagine I heard smugness in his voice to get triggered by his smile.


My clenched fists felt colder now with the metal in them exposed to the air. He held his hands up in mockery.






“Shh, Arthur, the doctors will fix you right up, its okay.” I looked away, holding his hand tighter in mine. My other hand was holding pressure to his chest, but even the slightest shift felt like he life was slipping away right beneath my fingertips. 


“Daddy?” I couldn’t look at his eyes. He always had a light that in them I could look towards to make any day better. But today was different.


Because today, it was fading.


“I’m scared.”


I met his brown eyes, and in that moment, I wanted to scratch away my skin till it all but bled just to see if it makes his stop. “It’s going to be okay, I promise.”


He closed his eyes. “Sleepy, daddy …”


“Arthur”, I shook him, “Arthur?”




The fear of God struck his eyes at that moment. He looked like he was about to turn, so I held the gun with both hands. “Don’t move!”


He froze, and it gave me a moment to see where the voice came from. He stood behind him, a boy of 7, maybe 8, and he was shivering. I’d like to say it was because of the cold but I but deep down, I didn’t have to guess the reason why. I looked away from him.


“Jim.” He spoke with his hands still held up. “Jim, what are you doing here?”

The boy’s eyes started to fill with tears. “M-mom told me to come l-look for you”, his voice choked.


“Go back to mommy, Jim, its going to be okay. Just go back to mommy.”


That’s when I turned the gun to the boy. All this time, he looked unbothered, but the fear in his eyes now looked exactly what I needed.


“Don’t!” he shouted, pleading in words he didn’t say. “He’s just a boy.”


I sneered. “So was mine! Now you’ll know how that feels!”


“Kill me.”


The words rang in my ears, but it didn’t make sense. Every day for the past year I dreamt of all the ways his face would look like pleading for his life, but none of those faces matched the man before me.


He smiled sadly. “You see him still, don’t you?”




Arthur stood beside the boy now, his caramel smile nowhere to be seen. Instead his eyes were fearful, just as they were that day.


“I do too. Every day. That’s why I resigned after the leave of absence. I kept remembering I chose to fire every time I picked up the gun. I knew you were looking into me, that one day you’d come for me. I didn’t want anything to get in the way of what I deserve.”


I felt as though my brain was finally putting together the pieces from tonight. Everything I found off about his demeanour, from his voice to him smile, it all made sense. For the look in his eyes that I couldn’t understand before, it was not smugness or fear. It was acceptance.


“Why should I believe you?”


He smiled, “I can’t tell you why.” His eyes turned, “Just let the boy go, I beg you. He doesn’t deserve it just as much as Arthur didn’t.”


I finally looked into the boy’s eyes. He was more human to me than anyone’s ever been in the last year, his light no different from my son’s. As I looked on, the ocean blue of his eyes changed color slowly. Now all that stared back was a brown eyed smile that slowly died every second my gun continued to point to it.


What am I doing?


You are no different from him.


My hands shook. But the man didn’t seem keen to use my moment of weakness to escape. He stood still, like a man who had nowhere else he wished to be.




The light in Arthur’s eyes were no longer dying. In fact, they seemed to start glowing. I put the gun back into my pocket.




“GO! Before I change my mind!”


He kept his eyes on me while walking backwards, protecting the boy from my line of fire with his body. If only I could’ve done the same that day.


They were gone and I fell to the ground defeated. Where was the justice I sought? Why do I still feel like clawing my chest out? What could I do?


I screamed out into the night, until I could no more.


It was quiet now.


My hands hung limply by my side, my coat sifting softly in the breeze, brushing every now and then against my hand. My fingers were cold, the ground freezing. I put them into my pocket but there was no more room, so my fingers clenched around the gun. I don’t know how much time passed, only that I was down on the ground waiting for something to happen.


“Sleep, daddy …”


I heard my second gunshot. I still couldn’t say what it sounded like. But it was quiet now, and so I just closed my eyes and slipped into a dreamless sleep.

Dude, you’re 28 years old. You can’t blame your mom for your issues.

Get some therapy. get a job. Go to the gym. Have fun by joining some safe groups. Hang out with friends or make some.

don’t blame your issues on your mother birthing you, you are too old for this… grow up!

How was the Internet invented?

There were whispers of it in the Pentagon first—back in the 1960s—The military sought for a nuclear war survival communication system.

What they produced was much more than they had dreamed.

Started with ARPANET in 1969—They built it piece by piece—like a man laying bricks for a foundation he couldn’t yet see—The initial link went from UCLA to Stanford. Two computers—conversing over a phone line; But it marked the start of something massive.

The development of TCP/IP—the protocol destined to form the backbone of the internet, marked the actual breakthrough—Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf produced it in 1974. Consider it as if any computer—could converse in a universal language—Before that, different networks were like islands—cut off from one another—TCP/IP created connections between them.

NSFNET, a system linking supercomputer centers, first emerged in the 1980s—faster and more dependable than ARPANET—Schools began to plug in—then companies. Growing like a living entity—the network expanded first over the nation and then the planet.

The last piece arrived in 1989 when Tim Berners-Lew created the World-Wide-Web at CERN—He provided HTML, URLs, and HTTP—the tools that would make the internet from a playground for specialists into something everyone could use.

Early in the 1990s, the internet had moved from military and intellectual beginnings—It belonged to everyone now. Commercial suppliers began providing links to houses—The rest is history.

Valtrompia Bread


Yield: 2 Valtrompia loaves


  • 1/3 cup very warm water
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 (1/4 ounce) package dry yeast
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons salt
  • 3 to 4 cups flour




  1. In measuring cup, combine warm water, sugar, and yeast. Let stand 5 minutes stirring occasionally until mixture is foamy.
  2. In large bowl, combine milk, butter, and salt. Add yeast mixture to bowl and stir to combine. Add 2 1/2 cups flour and stir. Stir in as much of remaining flour as necessary to form soft dough. Turn onto lightly floured board and knead for 7 minutes. Shape dough into smooth ball. Put into greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover with plastic wrap. Place bowl in warm, draft-free place to rise until double in bulk.
  3. Punch dough down. Divide dough in half, roll into log 3 to 4 inches shorter than the Valtrompia Bread Tube, and insert in tube.
  4. Cap and bake in a preheated 400 degree F oven for 60 to 70 minutes.
  5. Remove from tube to cool.

If your husband wants to cheat, then you can’t stop your husband from cheating. Your husband will find different ways to cheat. It all depends upon the core personality of your husband. If your husband is an emotionally unavailable, emotionally damaged man, or has high traits of narcissism, then he is more likely to cheat. Cheating is a choice and a conscious act. You can’t do anything here if your husband wants to cheat.

Only man can stop himself from cheating. If your husband is healthy and loves you, then no matter what happens, he is never going to cheat in any circumstances. If your husband loves you, cheating on you will never cross his mind. Cheaters will have 100s of reasons to cheat, and a loyal person only needs one reason to be faithful: that is love.

Absolutely not, it is not unreasonable to get upset. Many things can happen riding solo at that hour. My man would NEVER let me out alone at that time of the night. Shoot he wouldn’t even let me check the mail across the street in the dark. She must not respect the fact that you care about her and a healthy future for her.

Yes, be upset. It’s disrespectful and disregarding your marriage vows. The offer is with bad intentions. To do that any time of day and just her is an affair waiting to happen

Talk to your wife and ask how she would feel if a woman invited you only to go over by her at that time wearing only a Speedo??

Do you want to hear the truth or do you want to hear lies.

The truth is, for the United States, if it does not want to give up its financial hegemony and the US dollar as the world currency, then financial capital absolutely does not want manufacturing to return to the United States.

Because this will reduce their voice in government decision-making, and even serve the manufacturing industry, instead of being able to quickly obtain massive amounts of funds by constantly speculating on some “high-tech” concept products in the stock market. It turned into a real-life Ponzi scheme.

After carefully looking at the U.S. dollar, U.S. bonds, and U.S. technology stocks, I

I realized that the current financial system of the United States is based on the credit endorsement of the United States as a sovereign country.

But it is obvious that as the U.S. debt approaches 37 trillion, the U.S. national credit system is about to go bankrupt.

For the United States, the reshoring of manufacturing promoted by Trump and Musk is like a self-rescue act of a terminally ill person.

But to realize this premise, the financial industry, service industry, etc. all need to serve the manufacturing industry.

Instead, I hype a high-tech concept, which is actually a laboratory product, and then I can obtain a large amount of financing in the stock market. Then a few years later, the company goes bankrupt and closes down. But the money has fallen into the hands of a few.

Isn’t this just pure money fraud?

Then, the United States needs to restart vocational education. Simply put, it means that a large number of Americans should give up their choices in law, finance, services, computers, and liberal arts, and devote themselves to science and engineering and technical training.

This process will take at least 10 years to cultivate a generation of qualified industrial workers and engineers.

Otherwise, it is just a dream to bring back the manufacturing industry.

Because the current illiteracy rate in the United States is too high, workers seriously lack high-end technical training.

In fact, I personally suggest that it is better for the United States to start major infrastructure construction again from now on, which can at least solve a large number of employment problems.

Short Answer: Intel’s main competition was AMD and for a while AMD wasn’t in the race so intel got distracted. After a while Intel decided to comeback with 2nm chip and it proved disaster because of many reasons, some of which are listed in the long answer.

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Long Answer: Intel’s $50 billion investment to lead in 2nm chip production has turned into a tale of misaligned priorities. The company focused on building cutting-edge facilities for foundaries to compete with TSMC and Samsung before resolving its existing 7nm and 10nm chip struggles, resulting in a reduced credibility in the market.

Why did only Intel had a fall while not other competitors like AMD?

AMD focused on outsourcing its chip production to TSMC, allowing it to prioritize design while leveraging TSMC’s advanced manufacturing processes.

TSMC invested steadily in cutting-edge production facilities like 7nm and 5nm, delivering consistent results and attracting customers like Apple, AMD, and Nvidia.

These companies focused on their own expertise and existing products, unlike Intel and that is the only reason for their success.

Andrew Tate Explains Why Men Should NEVER Get Married

The Beatles arrive in New York City

Badly lit alleys in Khlong Toei Slums? Nope! Red-light, Pattaya Soi 6 ? Nope!—- Low cost National Housing Estate in Din Daeng dubbed -slums in the air?—-Nope! Walking Street at Bangla, Phuket? Nope!

Some of those places are hidden gem for tourists and many are popular, though it’s seemed unsafe but they’re almost 100% safe if you aren’t a troublemaker yourself.

So, where, then, isn’t safe to go alone as a tourist?

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Well, nothing is wrong with going to the police station in Thailand, it’s just like going to a renowned lion den alone.

Even if you are one hell of a ‘Rambo’ you are no match with those guys in Brown in the above places.

Are you kidding me? What is wrong with going to make a police report I’m a victim, I did no wrong against the Thai law.?— Did you? And are you sure about that?

I know you will come up with that. ‘ You said you were attacked by 5 Thai security guards, you acted in self-defense, right?’

“You will be slapped with a few charges like ‘destroy public property’ ( section 360) by pulling the pipes from roadside rail to beat all 5 Thai guys up. Another charge is ‘using foul language like ‘ f-word’ to insult their mother’s ( Libel sec. 326’) plus’ Third; Walk out of the bar without paying the bills.(Fraud base:345)

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From all the 3 charges, you will get compound fines 20,000 Baht or jailed, or both. Meanwhile, locked up until you get a bailout, could also be deported if convicted…What? sigh!

The 5 guys? They, too, were fined.—500B each on ‘assault’ (section 295) with 1 year suspended sentence, doing community works for 6 weeks.

Now you know, going to the Police station ‘alone’ as a tourist is a suicidal— Bring a Thai lawyer with you, he or she knows what to do.

This statement occurred in mid-December 2024.

Beef Chimichangas



  • 1 (3 pound) roast
  • 2 firm tomatoes, chopped
  • 3 to 4 scallions, chopped
  • Garlic
  • Salt and pepper
  • Comino (cumin)


  1. Cook the beef in a slow cooker for 6 to 8 hours with the seasonings.
  2. Cool and shred beef.
  3. Cook tomatoes and scallions and add to beef.
  4. Place meat mixture on flour tortillas and roll up. Drop into hot oil until golden brown. Drain.
  5. Top with green chiles, sour cream, guacamole, salsa and shredded cheese.
  6. Serve on a bed of shredded lettuce.

A Place in the Sun

Submitted into Contest #24 in response to: Write a story set in the dark recesses of space where the two main characters are often at odds with each other in humorous and comedic ways. view prompt


John Rennie

The metallic surface of the Cleveland Company logo glimmered faintly as the space station became slowly bathed in the dim glow of moonlight. Eileen sat in the control room chair looking straight ahead, not distracted by the sight of Umbriel passing the window; she’d seen it a thousand times. Her eyes were fixated by the 50-inch rectangle of light above her head. “He never takes me anywhere” she sighed. Prodding the remote control repeatedly at three second intervals, she continued browsing images of the inner Solar System – far off places, close to the Sun, but she knew it was hopeless. Ted hadn’t agreed to leave the space station since their honeymoon in 2159, and no matter how many light-years she spent dreaming of one last planet getaway, it came no closer to reality. Ted was just not interested; he had his mind of other things.At the opposite end of the space station, the sound of clinking and clunking would be absolutely maddening if there had been anyone else around to hear it. The only person there was Ted whose hearing had started to go a long time ago. Pieces of twisted metal and dusty electronic chips were strewn around the floor of the station’s West Wing. A screw with a worn down thread went scuttling across the metal table skimming its surface like a stone across a lake. Eventually dropping to the floor and finding its resting place through a tiny air vent under a cabinet. “Blast!” Ted exclaimed staring into his empty hands. He looked up at the calendar above the workstation and his chest started to tighten.It was November 4th 2212. The arrival of J-Boy, their beloved grandson, was imminent. The young explorer was about to make his annual call. Visitors were rare these days. So rare that they hadn’t had a visitor for 10 years, except J-Boy of course. His visits were guaranteed like Earth’s orbit around the Sun. He could arrive at any moment and yet the satellite was still not fixed. Ted just needed to re-attach a panel to cover the inner circuitry and the dish would be ready for installation. He reached into the screw box and grasped at the fresh air inside. He picked up his magnifying glass to see that the box was in fact empty. Ted slumped back into his chair, realising he would have to go to the East Wing to get a new one. That meant bumping into Eileen. He wasn’t ready to face her, especially as he hadn’t finished the job yet, but he couldn’t stay away any longer. Ted hoped she’d forgotten about the promise he made last month. It was unlikely though.Eileen peered through the small round window in the door of the East Wing. The faint sound of footsteps had interrupted her mid-afternoon daydream of exotic star trails and asteroid showers. She watched as a frail masculine figure emerged from the long dark corridor that connected the wings of the space station. As he got closer, the light from the East Wing window cast a spotlight, revealing the silhouette. There was no doubt who it was, it couldn’t have been anyone else. He was holding a shiny box.”A gift?” she wondered.“Oh, Ted …after all this time, finally he has something to offer, something to show he still cares after all these years.”Eileen excitedly pressed the big red button causing the door to slide out of view. With a childlike grin, Eileen opened her arms.

“For me? Ted, you shouldn’t have.”

Before Ted could speak Eileen reached forward, snatched the shiny box from his hands and ripped off the lid. Eileen’s cheeks were suddenly yanked down by invisible draw strings when she saw the box was empty.

“You’re a mean bloody sod, you know that? Bringing me a shiny thing, getting me all excited then smashing my dreams to pieces with a box of empty promises.”

Ted peeled back his lips to reveal his crooked gnashers.

“Give over, would ya? Screws! I need bloody screws…for the satellite.”

“Screws? I’ll give you screws! I’ll bloody screw you!” she said, waving her fist and reluctantly stepping aside to let him through the doorway.

“Chance would be a fine thing!” he chuckled.

“Wash your bloody gob out, you. J-Boy will be here tomorrow and I don’t wanna hear you opening your potty mouth in front of the lad.”

Ted carried on shuffling toward the storage hatch without saying a word.

“Anyhow, haven’t you got enough screws from all that bloomin’ junk you spend all your life scavenging from outside?”

“I keep droppin’ ’em. My hands aren’t what they once were.”

“Nowt’s what it once was. Remember when you took me to see the rings of Saturn? In the pod, just you, me and a nice bottle ginger wine, billions of stars and endless possibilities.

Now look at us. Cooped up in either ends of this station like a prison, but worse. No bloody excitement here! Just the same old orbit in the darkest, dullest end of the Solar System. We’ve been dwelling about this Uranus moon for all eternity. Saturn was a previous life…”.

Eileen continued ranting and reminiscing, but all Ted could hear was the sound of boxes crashing together as he rummaged around. He picked up a silver box and and grinned.

“I’ve told ya before, there’s a lot of good discarded satellite material on this orbit. These young uns dump it and bugger off t’ Jupiter on a jolly. Perfectly good stuff, it is.”

“You know why they dump it ‘ere, Ted? Cos there’s nowt ‘ere. Nowt but bloody junk and darkness, and that miserable moon locking us into the most awful orbit anywhere in the Universe. Round and round and round and round. I’ll tell ye Ted, if I have to…”

A sudden blast of white noise flooded the control room.

“Come in, Cleveland Company station X14, this is Cleveland Craft 0187, permission to engage”

Ted and Eileen looked at each other and froze.


“You daft apeth, Ted! He’s already here! You’ve wasted all your time meddling with that bloody monstrosity… Oh dear! Oh dear, oh dear.”

“Put the kettle on. I’ll get the satellite.” Ted hurriedly made for the West Wing.


J-Boy felt a warm tingle in his stomach as his spacecraft neared the docking hatch of the space station. Of all the places passed Jupiter, his grandparents space station was the place he looked forward to visiting the most. A loud mechanical bang followed by a gentle hissing sound indicated that his craft and the station were locked together. When the gravity light turned green, he released the door.

“Here he is. Where’ve you been, stranger? Come ‘ere!”

J-Boy was smothered by Eileen’s warm embrace. It was here he always received the warmest welcome of anywhere in the Universe. Clevelands X14 always felt like home.

“I’m great”, J-Boy managed to say amidst the big welcome squeeze.

Over Eileen’s shoulder, he could see Ted holding a large metal dish which was covered in wires and electrician’s tape.

“I got a present for ya, lad. Here you are. What d’ya think?”

Ted handed the gift to J-Boy.

“Ooohh, thanks, Ted. Eh…wha…what is it?”

“It’s a satellite, of course. A retro type but it works a treat. You can pick up all sorts on this: Earth war documentaries, alien life programmes, sports from other galaxies…”

“Aw, sounds great. Thanks, Ted”. J-Boy said smiling warmly.

“Put that junk away, Ted”, Eileen intervened.

“What does he want that old thing for? Pay no attention to him.” Eileen said, gently nudging J-Boy down the central corridor towards the East Wing where a fresh pot of tea was brewing.


The control room was a spacious, octagon-shaped area. From the entrance, various doors and hatches could be seen around the back and sides of the room. Directly ahead was a window spreading across the entirety of the front wall, displaying the darkness of space. In front were two swivel chairs facing hundreds of dials, switches and buttons that controlled the station. Above the controls was a single 50-inch screen displaying images of a much younger looking Ted and Eileen by the window of a capsule pod, peering out at different coloured planets. Like everything in this space station, it looked like it was made at the start of the millennium. It was all fairly dated, but J-Boy liked the homely feel of it. He sat in one of the chairs with Ted and Eileen sitting directly across from him, awkwardly jammed into the opposite chair which was clearly designed for one. Between the chairs was a small table, on it a metallic teapot along with three steaming mugs.

J-Boy began recounting tales of distant galaxies and far off parts of the Universe that Eileen could only dream of visiting. Eileen had been to many places when she was younger, but nowhere as far and exotic. “ How do you communicate with people outside of the Solar System?; Isn’t is dangerous crossing the Kuiper belt?; What’s the food like on Earth?”

She could listen for hours, asking questions and imagining what could’ve been.

“I can show you some snaps if you like?” J-Boy said looking for something in his bag.

“Aye, go on then, I’ll hook ‘em up to the big screen.”

“It’s OK, Ted. I don’t use screens anymore. I’ve got holograms now.” J-Boy held up a small black cube no bigger than a matchbox.

“Holograms? Bloody marvellous! Nowt like this in our day. Us oldies can’t keep up anymore”.

The elderly couple looked like children again as they sat with their mouths and eyes wide open, staring at the hologram projection in awe. They gasped as J-Boy waved his hand in the air to call upon hundreds of spectacular images of planets they’d never heard of and galaxies they didn’t even know existed. Eileen was completely engrossed. The more pictures she saw, the more questions she asked.

Ted wasn’t quite the conversationalist that Eileen was. He would just nod and chuckle upon hearing the wondrous tales. Occasionally chipping in with “Bloody marvellous”. He enjoyed listening, but was always happier when he was busy doing something. Without saying a word, he got up from the chair and pottered over to the control room kitchen in the corner.

“What would ya fancy to eat J-Boy?”, Ted called over his shoulder.

“Oh, nothing thanks, Ted. I ate on the cruise control around gravitational pull.”

“How about some cherry tomatoes?”,

“No, I’m OK, thanks.”

“Grown with martian soil in our space garden”

“I’m good thanks, Ted.”

“Lovely and sweet they are”

“No, I don’t really like…”

“I’ll go get them now.”


“Eileen!  What’s the key code for the space garden? J-Boy wants some cherry tomatoes, he’s starving!

“Eh? No…I’m fi…”

Eileen frowned and looked up from the projection looking deeply concerned.

“Oh poor lad! What are we like, eh? Here I am gabbing away and you’re starving to death. I’ll get ’em J-Boy. Hold on to your rockets, kidda.”

“Don’t be daft. He wants me to get them.”

“Not with your grubby hands. You’ve had them all over that dirty dish and God knows where else.” Eileen gently elbowed Ted’s forearm away from the keypad and prodded the numbers on the glass, saying them aloud as she did. “3 1 7 5 2”.


Eileen entered the space garden and quickly picked up a bucket full of cherry tomatoes that had been freshly picked a few hours earlier. The bucket was overflowing. Eileen groaned and stumbled, but regained her footing and waved Ted out of her path.

“Give it ‘ere”, Ted demanded.

“Don’t be daft. I’ll take it”

“No you won’t”

J-Boy rushed into the garden behind Ted and Eileen.

“I’m alright. Really! I’m not hungry.”

Despite J-Boy’s pleas, Ted and Eileen continued to struggle. Both had one hand on the bucket handle, fiercely insisting they should be the one to offer the tomatoes to their indifferent guest.

Eileen grabbed the handle with her free hand. Now with a two-hand grip, she pulled the bucket towards her, causing both bodies to lurch further into the garden. With one emphatic tug, she pulled the bucket free from Ted’s withering hand. The force of her pull was so great, she let go. The bucket looped over her head for what seemed like an eternity before it landed in the sink behind.

Like a set of lottery balls, the tomatoes bounced around before being rapidly sucked down the sink hole. The sink was in fact a funnel attached to a waste pipe. The three of them stood silently with their mouths open as, through the window, they watched hundreds of cherry tomatoes implode and explode in the vacuum of space. The Cleveland Company logo turned red as tomato juice plastered to the side of the station.


Of course, Ted and Eileen blamed one another for the tomato incident. From where J-Boy was standing, they were both at fault, but it was Ted who agreed to go outside the station clean up the juice. Meanwhile, not to be seen making less effort than Ted, Eileen insisted on inspecting J-Boy’s craft to check it was safe and sufficiently re-fuelled for the onward journey. Guests always left Cleveland X14 with a full tank.

J-Boy watched on from the control room window as two spacesuits attached to the station by an umbilical cable floated out into the alien atmosphere. Eileen could be seen inserting a fuel rod into the J-Boy’s craft which was docked on the right of the window, and Ted could be seen on the left rigorously wiping.

Without warning, a cigar shaped object collided with the door of J-Boy’s craft, but left no mark.

“Bloody space junk! What nuisance!”, Eileen muttered into her radio which J-Boy could hear in the control room.

Suddenly a cluster of antennas, tubes, rocket motor shells followed, relentlessly pelting the space station. A solar panel spinning like coin cut through Eileen’s umbilical cable sending her suited body into a spin.


Ted could see Eileen was untethered and drifting. Without any hesitation, he leapt from the safety of the station into the infinite space. Their spacesuits collided. Ted’s umbilical cable pulled taut as it wrenched the spacesuits back. The relief of catching his wife was short lived when he realised they only had a few minutes before Eileen’s suit’s backup oxygen supply would run out.

The silent onslaught of satellite debris continued to shower down near the entrance; it was too dangerous to go back in just yet. Holding Eileen in one hand, Ted used his free hand to pull his umbilical cable causing them both to float in the direction of the capsule pod.

“Quick, get inside.”

In the pod, Eileen removed her helmet and immediately drew in one huge breath.

“Bloody space junk” she exhaled.

In the safety of the pod with oxygen and protection from the junk cloud outside, Eileen and Ted watched as J-Boy’s craft took a battering. The space station was a giant. It could withstand a severe assault from any decommissioned satellite cluster, but J-Boy’s craft was tiny and in danger of catastrophic damage.

“We have to do something” Ted said as he climbed into the driver’s seat. He hadn’t used the pod since he was courting Eileen in another lifetime.

“Where’s the wha’d’ya me call it?”

“The what?”

“The wha’d’ya me call it”

“The wha’d’ya me what? The ignition?”

“That’s it!”

“There! Bloody ‘ell, Ted – it’s not rocket science.”

“I think it bloody well is!”

Ted flipped a switch and the wall of controls sprung to life.

“Ere we go!”

The propulsion rockets launched the capsule pod up and away from the under fire space station. Ted hauled a lever to change the direction of the rocket boosters. A blast of flames spluttered from under the pod, propelling it in front of J-Boy’s craft and into the path of the debris.



“Come in Cleveland ex, one, four. This is Cleveland CapPod.

“Ted, Eileen, What happened? Are you alright?”

“J-Boy, d’you hear me, lad?”

“Yes, Ted.”

“Listen, we took a hit from some bloody debris. The door’s knackered and so is Eileen’s suit. We’re not going to be able to connect to the docking hatch.”

“I can come out and help!”

Eileen abruptly leaned into the radio

“No, you won’t, you stay right there. It’s too dangerous.”


Ted held Eileen’s hand and a sudden calmness came over both of them.

“We’ve had our time. A great life! We’re gonna get out of this dark end of the Solar System as far as this little pod will take us. We’re going to find a place in the Sun. I made a promise”

J-Boy eyes filled with tears. He was devastated but somehow, he understood. He always knew this time would come.

“Ol’ Cleveland X14 is all yours, lad. Take her anywhere you want. She a bit dated but she’s a good one. A bit like, Eileen”


Ted chuckled.

Eileen fought the tears, “I’ll miss you, J-Boy. We love you.”


The pod lifted up over the space station and accelerated out in the opposite direction of the Umbriel moon for the first time that century.

J-boy sobbed into his left forearm resting on the space station control panel. His eyes were red and sore. He lifted up his head and with his right hand, reached out to switch off the radio. His hand stopped and hovered over the button.

“It’s this way. I’m sure of it.”

“We should’ve left this orbit half an hour ago, where are we going? You daft apeth, Ted. You’ve got the map upside down!

J-Boy smiled and laughed through the tears. He knew everything was going to be just fine.


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Through a Great Distance

Submitted into Contest #24 in response to: Write a story set in the dark recesses of space where the two main characters are often at odds with each other in humorous and comedic ways. view prompt


Matthew Klingforth

Through a Great Distance

“Andrew, God, I can actually hear your sulking,” Becky said across the hull to the large man sitting with his head hanging and his back facing her. “It’s like I have the endangered, sniveling vagina bug crawling in my ear, right now.”

“I am not sulking!” Andrew informed her angrily as he lifted his head and stared ferociously at the corner. “As a matter of fact, I was just now having a soliloquyial discussion on the selfish disregard of ingratitude and how Princesses only crap on other people’s property!” He screamed at her from his walled in position and Becky rolled her eyes in return.

“Look, man, the alfredo sauce was too salty, I don’t know what to tell yah,” she replied with a guiltless shrug. “Maybe, next time, I don’t know, don’t add the entire salt lick to the pot.”

“That is a reward winning recipe!” Andrew bellowed and turned his purpling face towards her. “And I’ll let you know that having all of the culinary delicacy of a frozen lake, does not excuse, nor forgive, straight rudeness.”

“Whatever,” Becky grumbled and returned her attention to the blinking lights of the ship’s internal computer.

“Fine,” Andrew agreed to her resolution and sent out a cold silence across the room.

“I don’t think that, “soliloquyial,” is even really a word.” Becky poked and to her delight, the bear stood-up and stomped out into the hallway.

“There are rules of engagement!” Andrew roared and jabbed his pudgy finger into the chest of no one as he clomped down the hallway. “Once an argument is clearly at the point of appropriate silence,” he said while gesturing wildly with his hands. “I mean, that’s it, you just shut-up. But no, not her, she always has to get that last little…” He paused, too angry to finish the sentence and, instead, bit down hard onto his knuckle. “I want my GD dog back!” he finally screamed at the top of his lungs.

“Becky! Becky!” Andrew yelled desperately as the terrified animal clawed free and leapt from his grasping arms. “No, no, bad dog!” he scolded the Pomeranian, but another crack of lightning from the newest freak storm put her tail between her legs and sent her scampering into the throngs of the many on-lookers and partiers across the barricade.

“Japan…swallowed…unprecedented tsunamis,” Andrew heard the radio from the nearest booze and food tent scream in between its static and he helplessly turned and looked at his escape vessel.

“Becky?” He whimpered with his whole body moving in feeble motions and the tears choking out his breathing. For the briefest of moments, he considered leaving without his precious Becky, but then he remembered all of the hard work and strings that he had to pull to gain passage to the new world and procure his own personal carriage. Failure was not an option.

“You sir!” Andrew pointed and yelled with newly found determination as he marched across his lot towards the security at the gate. “I will have a moment with you,” he said and pushed his impressive mass in between a small helmeted guard and the rest of the world. “Do you know who I am?” Andrew more demanded than asked.

“Yes sir, mister Chizka, sir,” the guard said with what he thought was machismo. “I am assigned to your post, sir, I’m, I’m your takeoff guy” he added lamely and immediately regretted it.

“Good,” Andrew replied with zero satisfaction as he assumed his own notoriety. “Then you know that I am never, EVER, without my Becky!” he blustered as the guard tried to catalogue every piece of information that he had on the man and a wife Becky seemed to ring a bell.

“Yes sir, mister Chizka, that is well known,” he decided to answer in the positive.

“Well?” Andrew asked as he looked around himself incredulously. “Do you see my Becky with me?”

“Oh, oh, no sir,” the former shoe salesman caught the drift and put his two weeks of military training into action. “Where was the last place you seen her, sir?”

“She ran off into that damnable ruffian tent,” Andrew answered with distaste. “She is very likely right at the entrance, trust me, she won’t wander far from a constant source of sausage.”

As the guard struggled with a reply, he was spared by the sudden upheaval of the earth’s crust, causing all to stumble and cheers to erupt from the tent dwellers.

“Listen,” Andrew said in a sudden rush, trying to quickly compensate for the earthquakes two-day early arrival. “What’s your name son?” he asked the guard.

“Thomas Jensen,” Thomas Jensen answered astutely.

“And now, Thomas,” Andrew said in his straight business voice. “I can assume that you’re not one of these tent cretins, right? That you plan on leaving this degenerate planet and make a fresh start on the new world? Yes?”

“Yes sir, mister Chizka, our craft leaves tonight.”

“Good Thomas, I’m relieved to hear that,” Andrew said while putting his meat hooks onto the guard’s slender shoulders and drawing paternal serenity onto his face. “Thomas, I need someone to march into that Hell pit and get me my Becky,” he said while pointing at the tent. “And whoever that person is, well, let’s just say that they will be very well rewarded in the new world,” he stated and then paused for dramatic affect. “Do you think that you could be that person, mister Jensen?”

“Yes sir! Absolutely sir!” Ole’ Thomas was pretty sure of himself.

“Excellent!” Andrew applauded. “Bring her to my sleeping quarters, get us off this God forsaken planet and I assure you that the goose will be splendid.”

Andrew stared out the bedroom window as the world deteriorated around him. “Where are you?” he whispered harshly and took his third pill in less than ten minutes. “I do not feel calm!” he screamed at the window and shook the pill bottle angrily. “Stupid—useless…,” he mumbled softly as his chin dropped down into his chest and time slowed down around him.

“Who the Hell is this?” the drunken slur of a tiny, blonde woman and the sound of a locking door caused Andrew’s eyes to flutter open.

“Becky,” he pleaded unconsciously as the engines started to rumble and the planet Earth began its long series of chain explosions.

“I want my GD dog back!” Becky heard Andrew yell from across the ship and she immediately felt a twinge of regret for that last jab.

“Ah, the big lug,” she said as she drew her legs up onto the chair to hug her knees, thinking about their first conversation.

The world, she believed, was gone. The navigational system, fried on take-off. We could be the last two human beings alive in the Universe and dude couldn’t stop blubbering about his stupid dog.

“Cute little shit,” she said with a sigh and grabbed her rubber ball to squeeze.

The mix-up, she supposed, was favorable to her. She should be dead and at one point and time, it was all that she had expected, wanted, maybe. She was in a weird place at the time. Still though and in retrospect, she made out pretty good. The vessel was equipped to accommodate and feed eight people for no less than ten years. There were like a zillion different movies and video games to play and the regurgitating ventilation system provided a lifetime of low-quality, but breathable air.

The dog, she felt, would have been very happy here.

Words can’t really describe the awkwardness of getting to know the last remaining member of your species. The last real face that you would see in your entire lifetime. Uncomfortable, she guessed. Discomfited? But, after a long mourning and bonding period, it took them all of fifteen seconds to realize that they were trapped in space with a complete and utter moron. He was a proclaimed dog person and she held firm that Becky was really more of a cat. He was a staunch Republican and she didn’t really care what you called a crook. How was it possible that she got stuck with the one person who could witness the explosion of their planet and still continue to deny global warming?

It was the absolute worst possible case scenario for the both of them.

Becky smiled and gave the ball two quick compressions.

“No, no, you’re doing that all wrong,” Andrew said as he watched her gaming in the family center and grabbed the controller out of her hands.

“Oh, really?” she asked, a little shocked at his playfulness, as they had been on a, as needed, communication schedule for the previous three months. “You know how to play Super Mario Brothers?”

“Oh yeah, my brothers and I ate up the classics,” Andrew answered as he deftly moved the courageous plumber across the screen. “I saw Zelda in the game catalogue,” he said while pausing and smiling over at her. “Have you ever played it?” he asked with a school boy innocence that would eventually charm his way into both her pants and their first marriage.

Andrew had considered all four of their marriages as a silly waste of time, but, Becky, although far removed from her deflowering, was a traditionalist. Not so much the religious stuff, but a commitment was needed if you wanted the long-term, personal attention sex. She was, after all, a lady.

Initially they had the children conversation, you know, the old, save the homo sapien rally, but ultimately decided against it. Their little family, alone in the middle of outer space, trying to maintain the human race was, well, just gross, once you ran the numbers and, besides, neither one of the them were exactly, kid people, anyhow. So, they kept rugrats out of their tumultuous and mostly predictable cycle. Right now, as far as Becky saw it, they were within four months to their next marriage. This was clearly a make-up fight. Right now, he’s standing in the master bedroom, staring out the window, waiting for me to come and apologize.

“And apologize I will,” she thought happily as she stood-up and bounced the ball off of the floor and back into her hand. The truth was that over the last six years, she had really grown to love the big ape and she knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he loved her. Only love can make a person as crazy as she made him.

Besides, she had put a lot of effort into making him a suitable partner, the, sometimes, aggressive tips and hints on how to be a better lover, alone, claimed her ownership. She wasn’t about to give up her man and her apologizing for hurting his delicate nature had also become part of their cycle.

“Hey Andrew,” she yelled as she bounced her ball down the hall towards the bedroom. “About the alfredo sauce, you know that I was just being a bitch, right?” She asked, taking the low road and hoping for a quick make-up.

“Becky, get in here,” Andrew yelled back at her in a dazed and far away voice and Becky quickened her pace.

“Holy…” she stood frozen in the entryway, staring through the window at the last thing that she ever thought that she would see again. “Andrew, it’s a planet!” she exclaimed and Andrew turned in his standing position to nod absently.

“You said that the odds were astronomically against this,” she said as Andrew, the human fun sponge, had calculated its chances to being exactly impossible.

“They, they are,” he stammered and returned his gaze to the looming planet.

“Well, is it, you know, liveable?” Becky asked with excitement growing in her voice.

“Yes, perfectly, its atmosphere doesn’t appear to be much different than earths,” he answered.

“It’s unbelievable,” Becky marveled as she walked to stand next to Mark. “What about other creatures? Is there anything alive down there?”

“Affirmative, be it food, friend or foe, the imager shows plenty of animal activity at the surface.”

Awestruck in silence and as they slowly absorbed the colossal potential floating before them, Andrew and Becky’s fingers gingerly touched together and gently entwined.

“Take us home, Captain Chizka,” she said while looking up at her future fifth husband and Andrew set the thrusters to manual.

If you can afford it, and you can do so legally, I would say go for it.

I too am 73. My wife left me 20+ years ago, the best thing she ever did for me.

Some time in the next 10 or 15 years I shall die. In the meantime tho, I plan to experience as much of life as I can. So despite meagre resources I travel extensively.

After covid was managed I sold a car and spent 3 months riding trains and exploring France. Then I did a 3 months stint working on a goat farm in Wakayama Japan. I learned two things. 1. It is much cooler in Japan during Australia’s hot summer and 2. Farmers in Japan cannot attract workers. So they are very glad to provide food and board in exchange for 20 hours of light work a week.

I have just returned from working on a pig and sheep farm in Hokkaido Japan. I was there for three months and was able to watch that country change from full leafed summer glory, to a -10º winterscape. Then home to a 44º Australian summer.


I am currently looking for a volunteer position on a European canal barge. Any takers?

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main qimg 03d9e73755d27fc6034b2582e170fe6b

You are going to die soon, so if you are able, get busy and go learn something. Once you do you will find that everybody in the world is basically similar. There are two discernible groups of humans. The vast majority of the worlds people want to work, to love, to play, to raise up their kids and worship their gods in peace. These are the people you meet when you travel.

And then there are the rulers, who simply want to fuck things up for everybody else for their own aggrandisement and profit. These are the people who inhabit the media and government and business. The 1%.

Chinese robot maids will clean , cook, serve most middle income homes of the world over. 90% of vehicles will be China made EVs. 90% of gardens will be tended by Chinese robot gardener. 50% of lonely singles will have regular sex with Chinese made robot partners. Almost zero bars will be without Chinese robot servers that dish out cocktails and serve beers with precise foam and clean and wipe glasses too! Almost all lorry and buses drivers will need to find a new career. 10 years old now and younger will no longer need to learn how to drive by teenage years anymore. And 95% of cars world wide will be autonomous driving vehicles. 95% of there are using Chinese technologies!

Only USA will there be people who still carry wallets and purse! The only market left for ICE vehicles is the USA. By 2030 194/195 nations on earth has China as their biggest trading partner on earth. The only one not is USA whose Inflation hit 200% for the 10 years running. Thanks to the trade war! USA is a good place to bring your families to see what the world used to be!

Chimichangas de Pollo


Yield: 8 servings



  • 1 (3 1/2 pound) whole chicken
  • 6 cups water
  • 1 medium onion, studded with 2 whole cloves
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 2 large whole garlic cloves, peeled
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 tablespoons shortening
  • 1 large onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 large tomato, cored and diced
  • 1 jalapeño chile, chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed leaf basil
  • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed leaf oregano
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 8 flour tortillas, warmed


  • 2 cups sour cream
  • 1 cup guacamole
  • 2 cups grated Cheddar cheese
  • Shredded lettuce (optional)
  • Tomato wedges (optional)


  1. Place the chicken, water, onion, celery, 2 garlic cloves and bay leaf in a medium size stewing pot. Cook chicken at medium heat for approximately 1 1/2 hours, or until the chicken is tender.
  2. Allow chicken to cool, remove meat from bones, and chop.
  3. Place shortening, sliced onion, and 1 minced garlic clove in a medium size skillet and sauté mixture over medium heat until onion is tender.
  4. Add the chopped chicken, tomato, jalapeño chile, and remaining seasonings and simmer at low heat for 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Place approximately1/2 cup of chicken mixture horizontally across the bottom half of each tortilla. Do not extend the mixture beyond 1 1/2 inches at the sides and bottom. Fold the sides in over the filling and roll the tortilla jellyroll style. Secure each roll with a wooden pick.
  6. Heat 2 inches of shortening in a heavy pan over medium high heat.
  7. Fry each rolled tortilla in hot shortening until crisp and lightly browned. Drain on absorbent towels.
  8. Assemble the chimichangas by placing each rolled tortilla on a plate and garnish with 1/4 cup of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of guacamole,1/3 cup of Cheddar cheese, lettuce and tomato wedges.


Modern Women HAVING MELTDOWN Over Passport Bros!


How much is known about the Voynich manuscript?

My paleography teacher told me that the Voynich Manuscript (Beinecke MS 408) is where your career goes to die. If you claim to be able to decipher it — no, you can’t. Literally every paleographer, cryptographer, code-breaker, linguist, etc. has taken a crack at it by now, and if none of them could decipher it, you definitely have not. If you claim to, you won’t be taken seriously.

We know basically nothing about its contexts beyond what we can see. It’s clearly an herbal of some kind, but the plants do not exist, and there are lots of other extremely strange images, like naked people bathing in a plant? Or being swallowed by it?

These are photos I took of a facsimile. They don’t let you see the real deal anymore unless you really have to, because so many people have touched it, it’s starting to damage the manuscript. The facsimiles are perfect reproductions.

The writing definitely looks like text, but it’s not in any known language or alphabet. Looking at it makes you feel like you suddenly forgot how to read. It looks so much like letters that you feel like you should be able to read it, but it’s just off:

All we know for sure is that it’s a real early modern manuscript, not a modern hoax. There’s a reference to it in the seventeenth century, so it’s at least that old, and the vellum is dated to the fifteenth century.

There’s lots of theories about what it could be, but none of them prevail, because we can’t rule any of them out. If it’s encoded, it doesn’t match any code-breaking technique that’s been used against it so far. If it’s a hoax, it’s an elaborate and expensive one. It honestly might be fiction, written in a conlang. That’s the only explanation that makes sense to me so far, because it would explain why the pictures are of imaginary plants and why the text doesn’t map to any known language. But Tolkienesque works of fiction with their own conlangs weren’t exactly common at the time; fantasy as we know it hadn’t been invented yet. Maybe it just dropped out of fairyland one day, I dunno.

An unreadable book in an unknown language with cryptic drawings of unreal plants and astrological charts sounds so fantastical, it’s hard to believe it’s real. Whether the Voynich Manuscript itself is fiction or not, it makes for some excellent fodder for modern fiction.

Investor Alert: Revolutionary ironmaking method will nullify tariffs and scramble iron ore markets

It was a complete crazy train

Bonnie Ware spent eight years working in palliative care, spending countless hours kindly attending to the needs of dying patients. She typically lived with them in their homes. Most only lived for 3–12 weeks after her arrival.

She’d gone into this field just looking for a job, and figured it would allow her to help people, and spare her from paying rent as she did. As you might imagine, this profession was quite intense, but her tenure proved deeply moving and changed her perspective on life.

As Bonnie stayed at homes, some patients had a near endless stream of family who came by, eager to visit with them and say their goodbyes. Others, laid down their beds, alone, for almost for the entirety of Bonnie’s stay with few, if any, family members visiting.

What Bonnie hadn’t expected, was that much of her role would involve listening. Many patients were eager to have conversations, and in need of company.

They were often reflective, talking about all they’d done. All of them spoke of their regrets in life.

And as they talked, Bonnie noticed a few themes in the things she heard. So she began documenting their conversations. The five most common regrets, in no particular order, are summarized as follows:

  1. “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
  2. “I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.”
  3. “I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.”
  4. “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.”
  5. “I wish that I had let myself be happier.”

The final example was interesting, “let” myself be happier. Meaning, many people felt they had happiness within reach, but could never attain it because of their own decisions.

Do with these what you may. If you winced reading any of them, you might be at risk of that regret.

The fruits of DOGE labor

A major Republican player has charged onto the scene, bringing the researched facts, figures, and graphs showing interconnections between individuals, NGOs, and charities to shine bright lights on dark corruption. It’s how DOGE knew to zero in on USAID right out of the gate.

Exposing where the money flows -DataRepublican

Thousands of data have been collected.

You are encouraged to use it to investigate anyone or any group and sound the alarm.

Based on the above page, you are directed to this page, which creates a graph to illustrate connections.


The WRONG Way to Escape the USA

Lox, Bagel and Cream Cheese

Lox, Bagel and Cream Cheese is one of my favorite comfort foods. I had this wonderful sandwich for the first time at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco many years ago. This is best enjoyed with a cup of piping hot black coffee.



  • 1 bagel, split and toasted or untoasted
  • About 1/3 cup cream cheese, divided
  • Several thinly-sliced pieces lox
  • 1 slice onion
  • 1 slice tomato (optional)
  • Salt and pepper
  • A few capers, if desired
  • Sprigs of fresh dill, if desired
  • Hot black coffee (optional)


  1. Slather one-half of the bagel with cream cheese, more or less to your liking. Add the lox to the top of the cream cheese.
  2. Top with onion, then tomato.
  3. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  4. Garnish with capers and fresh dill, if desired.
  5. Now slather the remaining bagel half with the remaining cream cheese. Set on top of the first half.

Should the US annex Taiwan and show China who’s boss?

Our friend Shun Bot, the favorite pro US panic monger already says US is the boss of Taiwan and controls Taiwan

So it’s game over for China😁

The Reality is a bit different

A. US doesn’t give a Squat about Taiwan

US doesn’t care squat for Taiwanese Independence

Taiwan is a small island that is useless except for a miniature version of a factory making stuff for the US

Unlike Singapore which diversified into Financial Services & High Technology thanks to some intuitive thinking, Taiwan is Israel 2.0 – a Small Island that exists to pander to US and it’s needs

Say tomorrow China says “Ok. You are Independent”

The US would be aghast and shattered

That’s the last thing they want

B. US & the Mainland want Reunification for different reasons

The US want to use Taiwan as a Bait to force the Chinese to attack Taiwan and go to war on the South China Sea, overthrow the CPC and unify China under a system loyal to the West

This was an idea that originated back in 1992 under Bill Clinton

Clinton wanted to introduce capitalism into China to weaken the Communist Party and then unify China under a Loyal Slavish Democracy

It didn’t work of course

Now China is top strong and stable

Meanwhile China wants to reunify Taiwan as part of their National Policy

C. Taiwanese aren’t as Pro US as Shun Bot says

Taiwanese are absolutely not Pro US

Thats why I believe he gets stuff from Q Anon or Marco Rubio or Palki Sharma😁

Simple thing

The Taiwanese elections showed it

William Lai secured 40% of the Votes

This means 60% voted against him

Of the two others -The KMT Guy & Ko Wen Je polled 60% of the Voters

Both favor Cross Straits relationships and KMT favors closer ties

If Taiwan was indeed that Pro US, Lai would have polled 60–65 percent of the votes

Maia Sandhu polled 55% votes in Moldova and we know how bitterly divided Moldova is among Pro Europe and Pro Russians

So a guy who polls 40% and supports the US against China – is definitely NOT endorsing Majority Opinion

Plus if they bring in new guys to split the vote – that’s just electoral tactics like BJP employs in India to win seats

The majority still want positive China relations or unification

Plus the Parliamentary results

KMT won a majority

DPP won 37.4% Seats

Again for comparison in the first election in Poland after communism, Lech Walesa’s Solidarity won 70.2% seats

D. Taiwanese are Chinese

Taiwanese are Chinese

That’s a simple fact

They aren’t American and dont identify themselves as American

They have the same culture, same language as the Chinese
Monkey King craze sweeps Taiwan sparking discussions on cultural tradition
While gamers in Taiwan are not immune to the infectious attraction of Black Myth: Wukong, the Chines

Best example is Black Myth Wukong outsold every other Japanese AAA Game in Taiwan and broke all records

So to answer your question

If the US are stupid enough to Annex Taiwan – the Taiwanese will revolt en masse against the DPP and the US and welcome Chinese Intervention

Again best example is Hong Kong

They said so much about Democracy and how Hong Kong people are furious and revolting

It’s been 5 Years and HK is as stable as ever and even the West knows THAT’S OVER

Doesn’t matter if they have 13 Aircraft Carriers or 130 or 1300


How many times has a Country where US has intervened managed to prosper in the past 70/75 Years post WW II?

The Answer is ZERO

Vietnam – Disaster

Iraq – Disaster

Afghanistan – Disaster

Ukraine – Super Duper Disaster

You think Fifth Times a Charm????

Taiwanese Chinese have pretty High IQ

They ain’t Dumbos

Shun Bot of course needs to go to the actual cultural history of both nations and how the people actually think

Vlogs, Election Trends, Neutral Posts on Singaporean Social Media (Actually a bit pro taiwan actually), Talk to some main landers if he is indeed Chinese which I highly doubt since he responds to Chinese text by Google Translate ,so my guess is Indian based on population on Quora

Changing politicians

Not really rude, but bizarre…

I was 16 and had just started dating a gal from the same high school. I had met her parents a couple of times and all seemed OK, but I did notice they were pretty big drinkers.

They invited me to stay for dinner one evening, and they both had been drinking, but I said ok.

About mid dinner, the parents started arguing, and the dad just suddenly backhanded the mom in the face. My g/f and her sister and two brothers, all younger than her started yelling for me to do something. I was just stunned and frozen. Everything calmed down and we finished dinner in total silence.

The mom got up to clear the table and took a few empty dishes to the sink. All the sudden I saw a quick movement out of the corner of my eyes, and the mom hit the dad with a stainless skillet on the side of his head hard enough to knock him out cold and he fell to the floor. The mom then continued to clear off the table while the dad lay there.

The kids got up and helped the mom. I had no clue what the hell to say or do. I just left.

I dated that gal for about a year and was always over at her house, but fortunately never had to witness something like that again.

How awkward…

A Super-Material That Can Be Made In The Kitchen (Starlite Part 1)

MM makes coffee themed AI

With a handful of bread themes.

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Richard Wolff on the decline of the US empire and the denial of the US

The Endless Now

Submitted into Contest #154 in response to: Write a story featuring an element of time-travel or anachronism. view prompt

Jon Casper

Lawrence “Nova” Novikov thought the slate-gray skies on Mount Mallett had conspired against him. Raindrops stung like bees. Hailstones threatened to shred his vinyl parka like buckshot. And the wind! Gusts from every direction tossed him on the narrow mountainside trail, threatening to fling him into the deep canyon at his side. But he persisted, planting each footfall with care in the lashing precipitation.Between slaps of thunder, he paused to fumble his GPS wayfinder from the pocket of his soaked trousers. Only a half a kilometer to go, he thought. He squinted into the monochrome panorama. I should be able to see it by now.Nova winced as lightning sparked like a camera flash. Thunder rattled the ground beneath his feet. Almost no time between. Too close.He plodded on.Every hair on his body raised. A moment later, another bolt of lightning detonated the gnarled skeleton of a desiccated fir, three meters up the hillside to his right. His ears compressed painfully, the amplitude of the ensuing shockwave too great even to register as sound. He curled into a reflexive crouch, arms wrapped around his head.Cowering, he did not see the smoldering remnant of the tree until it was far too close to avoid. One of the falling timber’s larger branches batted his temple as it splintered into the canyon.The world darkened to a silent black.* * *Dozens of candles surrounded Nova in the rustic log cabin. The storm outside shook the door on its hinges, as if trying to invade the warm space. He breathed in wood smoke and the hint of something savory bubbling on the hearth.“For a minute there, I thought you might not make it.” A shadowed figure sat cross-legged in an armchair across the room. His gravelly voice was more growl than speech.“W-what is this place?” Nova asked. “Who are you?”“Am I not the one you sought?” The figure rose into the flickering candlelight, whose warm glow accentuated the man’s unkempt mop of wiry, copper hair and flowing, red-gray beard, creating the illusion that his entire head was aflame. “There’s no one else up here.” 

Nova swallowed. “Are you … Thorne?”


The man nodded. “I am.”


“How did I get here? The last thing I remember I was … there was a tree, and—”


“I saw it all.” Thorne waved his arm to the front of the cabin. There, outside the window, a flicker of lightning illuminated the distant hillside where Nova had just been struck. “You were lucky.”


The corner of Nova’s mouth quirked up. That would be a first, he thought.


“Shall we get down to business?” said Thorne.


As Nova sat up, throbbing pain marched through his skull. “They … they say you can send people back to their youth. To re-live their lives, with all their present memories intact.”


Thorne nodded. “I have done this.”


“I would like to do that.” Nova rifled through his vest pocket, withdrew a thick envelope, and extended it to his host. “I would like to be eighteen again.”




Nova frowned. “Does it matter? Suffice it to say my life is a joke. I want to … no, I need to correct some mistakes. I need to know … how it might have been.”


“I see.” Thorne sighed, pocketing the envelope. He scraped his armchair across the room before Nova and sank into it. “In that case, before we proceed, you first must hear the story of the last man who did this.”


* * *


The last vestiges of Stephen’s life in the world outside his Otisville prison cell had crumbled. Marlene, his soon-to-be ex-wife, had just departed the medium-security penitentiary’s visiting room, having informed him of her plans: A dish of warm divorce papers would be the last meal she’d serve him. Stephen’s lifelong business partners—two brothers from his college fraternity—had both taken their own lives many months before, in lieu of public disgrace and prison terms of their own. And his own parents, to whom he had always been their eyes’ apple, had summarily disowned him in their humiliation.


If only I could go back and make the right decisions, Stephen thought, I wouldn’t be in this mess.


He believed he knew the exact decisions that had led him into his ultimate cage.


In his sophomore year of college, he’d met Ellen at a party at the Sigma Chi house. Smitten with the music major’s understated beauty and unconventional, quirky style, he’d focused on her to the exclusion of everything else—including his studies. In response to his flagging grades, his parents had introduced their son to Marlene, a Senator’s daughter, along with a choice: Entertain Marlene and keep their good graces; or continue his pursuit of Ellen and lose their riches forever.


Oh, Ellen, he thought, if only I’d known.


Married life with Marlene had initially been contented, if not happy. He would soon, however, run afoul of her appetites for wealth and status. His entrepreneurial stumbles as the owner of an art gallery had all too often required parental subsidy to make ends meet on Marlene’s lavish budget. In response, Marlene had arranged a dinner party, at which she’d arranged for Stephen’s fraternity brothers to offer him a position with their successful hedge fund. Marlene, much as his parents, had presented to him a choice: Lucrative employment with his college mates; or a messy, costly divorce.


If only I’d tried a little longer, he thought, my gallery could have succeeded.


Throughout Stephen’s five-year sentence at Otisville, his elderly cell mate had spoken at length of Temporal Mind Displacement, and of the enigmatic man rumored to have perfected the discipline. Upon Stephen’s release after five years, he’d made his way up Mount Mallett in search of that man.


* * *


Thorne ladled from the pot on the hearth. “Here. Eat.”


Nova scarfed the delicious stew. Between spoonfuls, he spoke with a full mouth. “So, what happened? Did you send him back like he wanted?”


“He got what he’d asked for.” Firelight reflected in Thorne’s steely eyes. “Does a man ever know what he truly wants?”


“I do,” said Nova. “That is, I know what I don’t want.”


“Regret can be a persuasive demon. It doesn’t always have your best interests at heart.”


Nova set down the empty bowl. “Tell me what happened to Stephen.”


* * *


Suddenly, Stephen was a twenty-year-old college sophomore again. His life was a blank canvas stretching in all directions before him, and he decided that Ellen would be the one to paint it with him. Together, they would launch his art gallery and fill it with her work.


His parents, as they’d promised, wrote him out of their will, and stopped funding his college education. With the limited financial aid he’d qualified for, it wasn’t enough to afford tuition at the prestigious university. Not willing to leave Ellen, he’d transferred to a community college across town, where he would complete his business degree. Ellen had been thrilled at first to take Stephen into her off-campus studio apartment, but it wasn’t long before the canvas of their future grew brittle and yellow.


He was constantly underfoot of her art projects. Between both their studies and his part-time job, their free hours as a fledgling couple grew scant, and she grew ever more distant. Late one night, Ellen returned, make-up smeared and hair disheveled. She confessed that she’d met someone else, and had been with the rival suitor that very night. Stephen would need to find another place to live.


His parents rejected his attempts to atone. The Senator’s daughter, Marlene, had already taken up with another young man. Stephen had cost them their ticket to unprecedented social affluence. Moreover, they’d already had to suffer the indignity of acknowledging their son had gone wayward, sacrificing his family name for an utterly common woman.


Stephen was homeless, unable to keep his job, unable to focus on his studies. He had no one to turn to, and nothing left to believe in.


* * *


Thorne pulled out a bottle of whiskey and poured two glasses.


Nova sipped the caramel elixir. “So, you’re saying Stephen was doomed either way.”


“Doomed? No. That’s too strong a word. He wasn’t doomed, his dreams were.”


“What is a man without his dreams, his ambitions, his legacy?”


“We are what we are.” Thorne shrugged. “This moment is all that is real. The words I’m speaking are already an illusion by the time they reach your ears. The future is nothing but the aggregate sum of every present that will ever be.”


Nova scoffed. “If that’s the case, why bother having goals at all? Look, all I know is, I’ve done some pretty stupid things in my life, and I want a ‘do-over.’ Can you help me, or not?”


“What do you think I’ve been trying to do?”


“So far, all you’ve done is tell stories about some guy who made a bunch of bad decisions. That doesn’t mean I’m going to.”


“Of course you will. Everyone does. Every decision you make fragments into a thousand new paths, leading to new choices. New opportunities to thrive—or to screw up your life—and everything in between.” Thorne crossed to the hearth to set another log on the fire. “Anyway, you haven’t heard the end of Stephen’s story yet. There’s more.”


Nova rolled his eyes.


* * *


Stephen climbed up Mount Mallett a second time, with a new plan.


He would return once more to age twenty, and once again assent to his arranged relationship with Marlene. But this time he’d employ another method of satisfying her materialistic hunger. With his knowledge of the future, he could jockey financial investments in various Internet startups and cryptocurrencies to become a wealthy man. That way, he would never need to team up with his fraternity brothers, and get caught up in their fraudulent schemes that had landed him in prison.


And it worked. Before he’d even graduated from college, he’d amassed an eight-figure net worth. Marlene publicly gushed over her brilliant, successful boyfriend, and delighted in their lavish, hundred-guest destination wedding at the St. Regis Resort in Bora Bora. She gave him three beautiful children, and managed their expansive Connecticut estate and its full-time staff, while he continued to parlay their riches into close to a billion dollars.


That kind of wealth changes a man.


It became a challenge to distinguish true allies from sycophants. Even his own family and friends were suspect. Does Marlene only love me for my wealth? Do my parents only love me for my success? Do my own children only love me for the gifts and advantages I afford them? Are my friendships only as enduring as the lavish parties I throw?


Evenings and weekends, he found himself habitually dressing down and sneaking out to working-class neighborhood bars. There, he could interact with people he would never suspect of wanting anything from him but his genuine companionship.


And that’s where he met Claire.


* * *


“I thought you were trying to talk me out of this,” said Nova. “All that sounds pretty good to me. I’m sure I’d be able to sift out the chaff with my friends and relatives.”


“You may think so, but until you are in that position, you really don’t know. And even if you think you do know someone’s heart, there’s always a niggling doubt, there to sour whatever tentative goodwill you’re able to muster.”


Nova crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, anyway, it sounds like Stephen had the best of both worlds. All the money and power he’d ever need, plus an outlet for true friendship with the working class folks. What’s wrong with that?”


Thorne chuckled. “Plenty. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the working class folks don’t take kindly to multi-millionaires ‘slumming it’ with them.”


* * *


With Claire at his side, Stephen was on top of the world. He’d furnished himself an apartment in the suburbs to keep up appearances, and invented a whole back story about his blue collar life for all his chums at the bar. They’d all go out bowling or playing pool after a hard day’s work. Claire would cling to his arm the whole time in doting admiration.


His double life was just what he’d needed to satisfy his desires for both material comfort and genuine connection. He could have happily lived out his days juggling both identities. But, as it happens, secrets have a way of seeping out of even the tightest seams.


After a string of late-afternoon meetings one day, Stephen grinned to find several missed calls from Claire. How she misses me when I’m not around, he thought. Hurrying to Claire’s apartment, he found her front door ajar. A sweet, metallic aroma hung in the eerie stillness.


In the living area, he found Claire slumped on the sofa with a bullet hole in her forehead. The wall behind her had become a Pollock painting of blood and brain. He rushed to her side, shutting the lids on her lifeless eyes, taking her hand … weeping.


A voice came from behind him, in the kitchen. “Hello, Stephen.”


“Marlene!” Stephen stood and backed away, his fingers stained with Claire’s blood. “What have you done?”


“Your little hussy there called me this morning after she saw your face in the paper,” Marlene spat. “She was none too happy that you’d lied to her. She told me everything. All your bullshit. Your secret life. This here”—she waved toward the deceased—“is what you get for betrayal, Stephen. Do you have any idea how humiliated I am?” She drew a snub-nose pistol from her purse.


Staring down the barrel of the gun, Stephen’s intestines roiled. “Marlene, Honey, please. We can work this out. Put the gun away.” He stepped toward her, hands raised.


“Stay where you are!” she commanded.


It was all over in seconds. Stephen lunged for the weapon and fought to extricate it from her fingers. But in the tussle, the trigger depressed. The shot temporarily deafened him, trailed by a reedy, high-pitched ringing.


Marlene’s eyes glassed over before she crumpled to the floor, blood seeping from her chest into the pile carpet.


* * *


Thorne turned to stand by the window. His shoulders drooped. He craned his head skyward and sighed. The storm had softened to a steady rain. The fireplace snapped and hissed.


Nova frowned and knitted his brow, considering the tale.


“You see, it doesn’t do any good,” said Thorne. “You might think your life is a mess, but it could always be worse. There is no more guarantee that you can make things better in the past than in the present. All that matters is the endless now, and what you do with it. The present is your perpetual gift to the future.”


Nova stood and shook out his stale muscles. His clothes had mostly dried from the arid wood fire, despite the humidity outdoors.


“I think I’m going to leave now,” said Nova. “I-I’ve changed my mind.”


“Wise man.” Thorne put his hand on Nova’s shoulder. “Then you may have this back.” He held out the envelope full of cash.


“You keep it,” said Nova. At Thorne’s protest, he smiled and said, “Call it the going rate for stew and whiskey in these parts.”


Nova pulled on his parka, cinched the hood straps, and took his first step into the present.


And he never looked back.

Exiled: The Real Impact of Divorce on Men


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No way China will depend on the US for anything else till at least the year 3000! China remember the century of humiliation from 1942–1949 as though it is yesterday! China and its 1.4 billion people collectively says no fxxking way will they accept the obnoxious nonsense from the US trying to keep the Chinese race dependent on them!

if they can go to the far side of the moon and back, semiconductor is a piece of cake! To be honest China’s good nature to share a piece of cake with the west! China thought wrongly that Intel and ASML will be happy to get 400 out of 1000 bucks per smartphones, PCs, Laptops, TVs. On earth which China makes 100 million a year! After all China can do what it does best to make stuffs at the most efficient and effective manner that no one can even come close!

But no, the US wants to stop China! China says ok we will get back the 400 bucks multiply by 100 million too! The good nature and the sense of give and take don’t work with the US! China says over our dead body! The US picked o the wrong guy! China has the most determination and integrity to drive them to replaced any and every thing the US could possibly threaten them!

Biden AUTHORIZES Ukraine to use Long-Range Missiles to attack deep interior Russia

2:11 PM EST — About one hour ago, U.S. President Joe Biden GRANTED permission for Ukraine to use long-range weapons to attack deep interior Russia.

Developing very fast, check back for updates below.


There are differing reports coming in regarding this issue.  Some of the reports say “long-range missiles” while other reports say “long-range ATACMS”


The MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) is a supersonic tactical ballistic missile designed and manufactured by the US defense company Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV), and later Lockheed Martin through acquisitions.

It uses solid propellant and is 13 feet (4.0 m) long and 24 inches (610 mm) in diameter, and the longest-range variants can fly up to 190 miles (300 km).

The missiles can be fired from the tracked M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and the wheeled M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).

An ATACMS launch container (pod) has one rocket but a lid patterned with six circles like a standard MLRS rocket lid to prevent an enemy from discerning what type of missile is loaded.


The immediate effect upon Russian military forces engaged in the Ukraine conflict is severe.  Russia has much of its Ukraine supply lines and spare forces WITHIN RANGE of the longest-range ATACMS.

The ma below, created by the Institute for the Study of War, shows how much of western Russia can now be attacked by Ukriane, using ATACMS:



The the New York Times is now reporting this story, saying “the Biden Administration has for the first time authorized the Ukrainian Military to use U.S-Supplied Long-Range Missiles, including ATACMS, against Russian Territory.”

So it is not simply ATACMS, it is also Long-range missiles.

It was just last week that the Russian FOreign Ministry took the unusual step of reminding the collective West that allowing Ukraine to use west-supplied, long-range missiles to attack deep interior Russia would make the collective west “parties to the conflict” because those long-range missiles require satellites to guide them to target.  THe Foreign Ministry reminded everyone that Ukraine does not HAVE any satellites.

So in order for those missiles to hit targets in Russia, the missiles need active satellite guidance from US/EU/NATO satellites, and that active guidance makes the West “combatants” against Russia.

The Foreign Ministry then said “there mere granting of permission for the use of such missiles will result in an imminent and devastating response against the West.”

As of about 1:00 PM eastern US time today, Sunday, 17 November 2024, that permission has now been given.

Welcome to World War 3.



Multiple confirmations that Ukrainian forces are preparing for their initial long-range operations against Russia.

Running on Time

Submitted into Contest #154 in response to: Write a story featuring an element of time-travel or anachronism. view prompt

E Canafax

“We’re running out of time.”I felt the blood drain from my face. I knew all too well that one statement held the increasingly narrow key to everything.The deep voice who’d uttered the obvious statement came from a man sitting across from me. He was short in stature, at least eighty, and underwhelming with each feature. The only exception to this underwhelming presence was his eyes; they seemed wise and ancient which wasn’t exactly surprising in an older face but they seemed to have seen more than could possibly have been seen in anyone’s lifetime. They seemed to contain the secrets of the universe. The only thing that fit those eyes was his mysterious personality which suited them perfectly. For whatever reason, I trusted the eyes unreservedly. Although perhaps one day I’d come to regret it.“Then we must go forward with the plan.” He looked at me thoughtfully and I unconsciously stood straighter.“Yes Luke, I’m afraid you’re right.” was his reply “We have already gone too far to stop now.”The corners of my mouth immediately curved upwards in excitement. This would be my moment to change my history for the better, my only chance to reclaim what was meant to be mine, all I had to do was dig through my past.15 years earlierKate Williams peered into the strange object which sat in the bottom of her father’s curio cabinet. Unlike the typical old keepsakes found in the cabinet, the orb caught Kate’s attention. With its translucent material of brown and gold that seemed to move as she watched it. One might suspect this strange object to be a clock based on what was visible on the inside but Kate knew better, after all, no one knew when or where it had even come from, only that it had been passed down in her family from generation to generation. Neither did it tell time nor did it even have a face, only strange swirls.Suddenly the thud of footsteps approached. Kate froze like a deer in headlights. She knew she wasn’t allowed to be in her father’s office. She could only imagine his fury if he caught her in here once again. The door slid open and of course, all she could manage in her frozen state was to widen her eyes in anticipation.“Kate! What are you doing?!” Kate’s jaw loosened, embarrassment replacing any leftover fear.“You look like you’ve seen a ghost!”“W-well um…” she stood up feeling awkward “I-I uh thought you were my dad.” At this point she was nervously picking at a rubber band on her wrist.“Do I look that much like him?” For a second Kate saw a twinge of hurt flash over his face then he smiled with an idea. He lifted his chin up high, then he gave a sneer that was scarily close to her Dad’s which was odd on a face that held so much laughter. She watched as he made his voice as deep as he could muster.“Kate, you are such a disappointment! Breathing! UGH, disgusting! I was never such an insolent child at your age!”Kate covered her mouth with her hand, trying her best not to laugh, the side of her mouth twitching in disobedience. He saw and gave a proud smile followed by a bow.“Thank you, I’ll be here all night ladies and gentlemen!”Her hand left her mouth and a full-on smile burst out, he smiled in like. Then she remembered her initial fear.“Very funny Luke, but we should get out of here before my luck runs out.”“Fine, fine,” Luke said “But what is it your dad’s so scared of you doing in here anyway?”Kate shrugged “dunno”. He looked at her for a second, head tilted to one side, then he seemed to brush it off.

“Well we should get going anyways, the bus will be here soon and I’m not walking to school.”

Kate looked back towards the object, something wasn’t right, it seemed to swirl faster.

“Kate, you coming?” Luke was at the door, impatience coating his face.

“Yeah, I’m coming.”



4 years later



Once again Kate Williams couldn’t help but think about the orb. She’d skipped school. If her father found out, she’d be dead before she could say “sorry” but Kate had to do this. She had to discover what it did… why it was calling to her. She’d always been fascinated by it but, in the last month or so she’d felt a tug towards it like someone was whispering in her ear to take hold of it. Kate walked towards the now glowing sphere in a haze. She felt as if she was watching someone else’s hands grasp the cool sphere. At her touch, it began to hum with power.

Everything in her told her to put it down and never touch it again yet she no longer had control. Her hands lifted it and the room tilted, winds thrashed encapsulating her in her own personal tornado. Her breathing became heavy and uneven. She suddenly felt as if she’d run miles through blazing heat.

The winds became quieter yet twisted faster and faster until her feet lifted slightly off the ground. Then the one thing she least expected happened; she saw faces within the storm. Kate squinted trying to identify each face that flashed through the wind until she realized with a gasp, that her life was literally flashing before her eyes. She watched pictures of her younger self and those of her older self, playing events of the past and seemingly of the future. A thought then sparked in her mind; a question that had blazed in her mind since she was little.

She knew what to do. It was as if it was precoded in her mind. She closed her eyes and focused on the picture of the one person she wished more than anything to see.

The pictures swirled, blurring beyond recognition until they were slowly replaced by images of a different person.

“Mom?” Kate choked out. She could hear the consistent beep sound coming from a heart monitor and the raspy breathing coming from her mother. Kate watched in solemn silence. Why had this picture stopped in front of her? Any other picture would’ve suited her much better. Instead she’d been given one of her mother in her final days.

Kate continued to watch her mom. Then the picture turned its head looking directly at her. Kate stumbled backward, eyes widening.


“Kate, is that you?”

At first, Kate was too shocked to speak, but managed to choke out a simple “yes”. She’d always imagined a conversation like this:

“I’m so sorry Kate” or maybe a “You deserve better.”


Yet what her mom actually said couldn’t have been any more different:

“You shouldn’t have used the sphere.”

Kate just stared at the picture for a second before finding her voice.

“What! B-but why?!

Her mom’s eyebrows knit together and a steely voice responded

“Our family has sworn to protect and guard that sphere and more than anything never use it unless for dire circumstances.”

Of course, Kate should have known her mom would be like this, yet she’d always hoped she wasn’t. After all, what hope did that give her of being different from her parents?

Kate’s face must’ve been incredibly readable because her mom’s face softened and in a kinder voice she continued, “Kate just promise me you won’t do this again. Our family is meant to protect this. What if the orb tears the world? Would you really risk everything? For everyone? ”

Kate stood silent for a moment too long. “No,” Kate looked towards the ground as anger and disappointment surged through her.

“Kate,” her mom said, and reluctantly she looked up, and something unexpected came,

“I’m sorry but you have to protect the sphere.I love you.”

And with that, everything became quiet. The orb rolled from her hands down to the floor. Tears dripped down Kate’s face and she started to sob, the built-up anger, disappointment, and loss all tearing through her.



5 years later



Luke felt his cheeks spread to their widest capacity. He couldn’t help but be excited. He hadn’t seen Kate in four years; since they graduated.

Weirdly enough Kate’s dad was the one who had bought him the plane ticket. When Luke asked why he just said she’d want him there for her birthday. For whatever reason, that was the best thing he’d ever heard.

A memory flashed through his brain, from around the end of junior year, Kate had skipped school. She’d said she’d just been sick but he knew better, after that one day she had become entirely different: more serious. He’d pestered her non-stop for about a month until one day she just broke.

“Luke! Just leave it alone okay?! Even if something did happen I wouldn’t have told you anyway” and then she broke down crying.

He might as well have taped “world’s biggest jerk” to his forehead for making his best friend cry like that. He’d felt terrible. Then he registered the piece about not trusting him and all hell broke loose.

After that they didn’t speak for months, that’s probably when he realized she was more than a friend to him, but he didn’t dare say anything. Not until graduation when they were going to seperate colleges, he felt had no other choice. Of course she hadn’t felt the same way.

Before he knew it he was walking up to her apartment. He was never one to feel anxiety but, at that moment it felt like an overweight elephant was sitting on his chest. He was tempted to return to his car, drive far away, and devise a lame excuse.

He took a shaky breath and lifted his hand towards the doorbell and took a shaky breath. Before he was able to press the button, the door opened. And there he was face to face with Kate herself.

“Hi,” spouted from his mouth and Kate glared at him in return.

“What are you doing here?” she growled

“Happy to see you too!”

She closed the door behind her, grabbed his arm and dragged him back towards his car “Soo, I flew all the way here for your birthday, and you’re going to kick me out?”

“Yes,” she said

“Wow, ok.”

“Really you’re going to give up just like that?”

“Yup. Do you think I came all the way here just for you? I do have other friends still living here, you know.” She didn’t say anything, instead she just looked away.

“You know the world really does not revolve around you.”

She turned around and as a single tear dripped down her face she whispered an “I’m sorry”.

All of his anger melted away.

“Wow,” he thought, “I am way too easily manipulated.”

“Look, Kate, I didn’t mean to upset you here by coming.”

She angrily pushed the tear off her face

“It’s okay, maybe if you came another time?”

“Kate? Who or what is making you cry? That’s my job.”

“It’s none of your business.” It was definitely a guy.

“Yeah, okay,” he said with every bit of sarcasm, then he turned back towards the house and stormed in. He hadn’t been here in four years and there was no way he’d leave yet. No one should make Kate cry, especially not on her birthday.

“Luke don’t be stupid!” he heard her shout at him, but, it was already too late- stupid mode had been flipped on.

He opened the door and let himself in, the first person he saw was her dad.

“Hi sir, someone is bringing Kate to tears. Any chance you know who it is?” Her dad smiled, which I couldn’t help but think was an odd response.

“Well if I had one guess it’d be her boyfriend: Daniel”.

He had said Daniel with a growl, and Luke couldn’t help but, wonder if he’d bought the plane ticket for Luke so he could get rid of him. He pointed towards Daniel and Luke immediately wondered why Kate would be with such a loser. The guy was muscular but, he had a dumb, cocky look about him which meant no good automatically. Luke walked towards him knowing just how to handle this type.

“Hey! Dani!” Luke called

“Do I uh do I know you?” was the guy’s response.

“What! Come on, Dani, you remember me!”

“Oh uh-yeah sorry man, of course, I-uh remember you.” He was an awful liar.

“Good, good! Well between two friends I just saw your girlfriend outside cryin’ any idea why?”

“Psh, hell if I know.” I raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, yeah ok well she saw me talking to this chick and freaked out about it.”

That didn’t sound like Kate at all.

“Wow, are you sure you were just talking to her?” Daniel’s eyes narrowed

“So, what if I wasn’t”

At that point, Luke had had enough, he pushed the loser against the wall with every bit of force, and the guy’s eyes bulged. Luke spoke quietly

“Well Daniel, you hurt Kate, you mess with me and you don’t want to be messing with me. Now you have something good going on being with someone like Kate who obviously loves you enough to be crying over you, so I suggest you be nice to her. You hear me?”

At that moment Luke was grateful for every workout he’d ever done, now it was finally worth it to be able to pin this guy against a wall.

“Yeah, yeah ok.”

With that Luke set him down and brushed off Daniel’s shoulders.

“Now you be a good boy and go apologize.”


Luke grabbed his car keys from his pocket knowing his job was done. He then turned around to a glaring Kate. Wow this felt like deja vu.

“Hey, Kate look-” Kate grabbed his shoulders and yanked him down to a kiss.



2 years later


Everything was perfect. Luke had finally proposed to Kate and she’d said yes. They were both overjoyed with excitement. Of course, even the happiest moments can be utterly destroyed. Luke should have seen it coming. They had just talked the night before and he was planning to stop by and see her the next morning except she wouldn’t return any calls. That was unusual but he just brushed it off which was probably the dumbest mistake he’d ever made. Maybe he could have stopped it right then and there had he gotten to her earlier.

The news was delivered by a phone call by a man with a severe yet gentle voice. Luke drove to the hospital as fast as he could but, by then it was already too late.

Luke never cried, but seeing her crumpled body brought endless sobbing. He’d asked the man what happened and he replied with an all too simple

“She jumped.”

Luke couldn’t believe that. Kate was always happy. Why didn’t she just talk to him? This had to be his fault, maybe he’d missed the signs. And why was she holding that strange orb?




Present time



Luke was once again grateful for the old man. After all, he never would’ve discovered what Kate’s orb did without the man’s help. Yet as the old man had already stated, they were running out of time. Apparently, the orb could only go back in time so far. He would know. Luke would always refer to him as the old man yet he knew he was truly Luke’s older self unable to reach that point in time they both wanted. He hadn’t known they were the same person until Luke finally confronted him for answers. It all made sense though. Why else would he want exactly what he wanted?

Luke held the key to his past and future. Old-luke had explained what would happen when he used it so he wasn’t at all surprised as tornado-like winds wrapped around him. He closed his eyes and focused on the face that had tormented him for four years. The winds changed and pictures of her face began to swirl within them.

“Kate,” he whispered and with that they slowed to a picture of her standing on top of a building. A knot hit his throat and he swallowed it down.

“Kate, why?” he said, his voice cracking with emotion.

She looked towards him, her eyes filled with pity, he must’ve looked awful.

“Our son, Luke.” I didn’t understand.

“He would’ve torn the world in two.” she paused tears brimming in her eyes.

“Luke, if you’d seen what I’ve seen you’d understand.”

“Kate, this is crazy! Don’t kill yourself. Why don’t you just destroy the orb?”

“That’s my plan Luke.”

Then it dawned on him, she’d been holding it in her hands the day of her death; she’d tried to destroy it.

“No, no Kate, it doesn’t work.” his voice cracked “I was there.”

She shook her head in disappointment. “Then there’s no destroying it.”

“What if we hide it and just never speak of it, it’ll just be our secret.”

Kate looked like she’d seen a ghost.

“Or we can figure something else out.” Luke said hesitantly.

Kate simply pointed behind him, her eyes wide. Luke whipped around; it was just the old man. Except something wasn’t right, he looked violent, his eyes filled with greed.

“Luke,” Kate whispered “It’s him.” It’s him, Luke’s head spun.

“Finally, I have it again.” Said the raspy voice of Luke’s betrayer the winds swirled, and at that moment Luke realized the old man would never have been born making Kate never commit suicide and Luke never go on his weird downwards spiral. The winds swirled around Luke and except for the faint memory of his past four years and the decision to adopt a daughter all was as it should’ve been. The orb simply sat in a curio cabinet of Luke’s office.

Best Ham Sandwiches

These Best Ham Sandwiches are great served hot or at room temperature.



  • 2 (12 count) packages sweet Hawaiian rolls
  • 1 1/2 pounds Virginia ham (NOT honey ham)
  • 12 slices Swiss cheese
  • 1 stick real butter
  • 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon poppy seeds


  1. Place the bottoms of 12 rolls in each of two 9 x 13 inch pans.
  2. Place ham (about 2 shaved slices or so) on the rolls.
  3. Cut the cheese slices into 4 parts and place 2 small pieces on each sandwich.
  4. Put the dinner roll tops on.
  5. In a saucepan, mix butter, Worcestershire sauce, onion powder, garlic powder and poppy seeds.
  6. When all butter is melted, brush the melted mixture over the ham sandwiches.
  7. Cover with foil and let sit in the refrigerator for 1 hour or overnight.
  8. Heat oven to 375 degrees F and bake for 15 minutes or until cheese is melted.
  9. Serve.

Sex. Men like sex.

It’s a biological fact that a women’s libido begins to lesson as they age. Some manage to push through it while others just put sex on the back burner and act like just having sex once or twice a month should be good enough for a married man.

At first, it is accepted by the man for the greater good, but over time the idea of sex eventually becomes almost a burden for the woman in the relationship. The man starts getting upset and then the woman starts having sympathy sex just shut the man up. He even tries to be extra sweet for his wife in hopes that this will trigger some kind of sexual response. It doesn’t and the frustration begins to set in. The fire slowly dwindles and the sex life that they once shared is nothing but an empty shell of its former self.

I love my wife more than anything. She is supportive, sweet, compassionate and very cute. In every other area of our marriage, we mesh quite well. However, she just doesn’t care that much for sex anymore. We’ve had long discussions about it but we always end up back in the same place. She has also become very dull and boring sexually, and completely uninterested in trying new things. I will never understand how someone can go from seemingly loving to give oral sex often to being almost disgusted by it. It’s the same penis down there. Surprise, men like getting blowjobs. She doesn’t even want to receive oral even though I love giving it. Imagine that, a wife turning down oral. Crazy, right?

I take care of myself, I have good hygiene, and if you ask her, she will tell you how handsome and sweet I am and how well I treat her, and I really do treat her well.

None of this matters when it comes to our almost nonexistent sex life. I’m 37 years old and I’m lucky to get it more than once or twice a month. She was even too tired to have sex on our last anniversary and promised to make it up to me. It took a week and a half to make it up to me. I am a patient man but even I have my limits.

The last thing I want is to divorce my wife. In every other area of our marriage, she really is gied men cheat.

The rapid rate of evolution

The Average Design Improvement to Commercial Introduction for US Aircraft is around 6-8 years

This means if someone decides to modify the F-35 Or F-15 for better maneuverability , it takes an average of 6 years to get it to proper commercial production and a further 2 years into a Squadron

For China this is 2 1/2 — 3 1/2 years tops!!!!

That’s the secret for their rapidly closing technology gap in many areas of defense

This means if someone proposes design modifications for a J-15 that overcomes a specific weakness, it can be commercially manufactured into a squadron within 30–42 months!!!!!

That was what caught my attention

My son went to the Air Show

He was more impressed with the WHITE EMPEROR metal mock up design whose prototype was to be delivered to PLAAF by 1/1/2026

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He also liked the J-20s and SU-57 which was the big thing everyone came to watch

However I liked the J-15 D

The rate of evolution was FANTASTIC

It was a prototype in 2022 May and now you have 24 ready and another 24 to be delivered by 2025

That’s 3 Squadrons

By now my bet is the next design improvement has already been approved and the next three squadrons of J-15E will be delivered by 2027/28

Like I keep saying – I am not impressed with Individual aircraft

Aircraft costing $ 180 Million plus $ 5 1/2 Million to train a Pilot which can be blown down by a $ 600,000 missile is not my idea of efficiency

I like Aircraft Production and Evolution and Stable Economics

So I like the rapidity of evolution of Chinese Aircraft

In 2000 – The Gap was maybe 100:15

Now it’s 100:90

In a mere 24 years

It will reach parity by 2027

(Again I am being conservative. USAF General Withers says Parity is already reached)

This. The HQ-19 ballistic missile defense system.

The chinese version of American THAAD ER has been operational for some time, but only made its debut at zhuhai 2024.

The interceptors used are bigger than THAAD, and can reportedly counter hypersonic glide vehicles that deviate from ballistic profiles.

Networked with other sensors and air defense systems, it is probably a match for the russian s-500, with China having the edge in sensor coverage.

This fills the biggest missing piece in Chinese air defense coverage.

At the beginning of the year, there were 3 big missing pieces for the Chinese military to go head-to-head with the Americans.

At the end of 2024, I can say there is only one system left: the next gen type 096 ballistic missile nuclear submarine.

The type 095 next gen nuclear attack sub is either in testing or already operational.

4B Movement FAILED And This New Feminist Trend Is WORSE

The AI was interfacing with me

I recently fell sick while I was visiting the USA. I was taken to the Emergency Room of the local hospital where I had various tests and x-rays, and was eventually diagnosed with pneumonia, requiring two drip-feed antibiotics. I was admitted to a two-bed ward that I shared with a patient, obviously demented, who shouted and screamed all night, threw things and broke things, and was completely ignored by the staff. My nurse-call button was broken, so I could get no attention, until a nurse finally turned up in the morning to take vital signs.

At this point, I was told that my blood tests showed I was suffering from septicaemia which would require a third antibiotic, starting immediately. Shortly afterwards, I received a visit from the Chief of Infectious Diseases who informed me that I was not suffering from septicaemia and that he was discontinuing that treatment immediately. He said that the staff that took the blood tests were so poorly trained that the samples were frequently contaminated, and he described the results as “rubbish”. Furthermore, he strongly advised that I discontinue the drip antibiotics and that he prescribe antibiotic tablets that I could take at home. When pressed, he advised that I was much more likely to recover at home than I would in the hospital.

I asked that my daughter be informed and alerted to come and pick me up, and I was told this would be done. I was also told that all the final steps would be taken in the Discharge Unit where my daughter could collect me. When I was moved to the Discharge Unit, I discovered that nobody had telephoned my daughter and that I had to do this myself. Furthermore, the staff knew nothing about my treatment and only wanted me to finish off my paperwork and leave. Consequently, I left the hospital with a cannula still in my right arm and with ecg patches still fastened all over my body: I preferred to do this, rather than risk the further attentions of the medical staff in whom I had no confidence at all.

For my one-night stay, I was given a bill for US$21,000 which I have not paid and which I intend to contest. This is not my first encounter with the US “health” service, and my two other experiences were equally distressing, incompetent and expensive. It is astonishing that Americans are so ignorant of the miserable quality of medical care they receive and for which they pay astronomical amounts of money. I have now had experience in three different states and strongly recommend that, if anybody gets sick in the USA, he/she struggle onto a ‘plane and head for a country where doctors and hospitals know what they’re doing.

Greek Stuffed Peppers and Tomatoes



  • 1/2 pound ground beef
  • 1/2 pound ground veal
  • 5 green bell peppers
  • 5 round tomatoes
  • 1 red onion, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • 1 cup basmati rice
  • 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Basil
  • Parsley
  • Mint leaves
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 egg
  • Water
  • Mizigra (Greek cheese) grated, or parmesan, grated


  1. Simmer and brown the onion and garlic in the extra virgin olive oil. Add meat for 45 seconds or a minute – cook just until barely pink. Pour in basmati rice, then stir for one or two minutes.
  2. Add salt and pepper; continue stirring. Remove from heat, then put into mixing bowl. Add chopped basil, chopped parsley and chopped mint. Add a handful of the grated cheese to mixture. Mix, then add egg, mix it in well with hands.
  3. Cut off tops of tomatoes to make lids. Scoop out interior of peppers and tomatoes, throwing out insides of peppers. Take the insides of the tomatoes (tomato meat), chop it up, then add to bowl of mixture.
  4. Stuff the peppers and tomatoes three quarters of the way. Place peppers and tomatoes in oven-proof casserole. Pour 1/2 inch of water in the bottom of a casserole.
  5. Heat oven 400 degrees F.
  6. Pour some more oil over the lids on top of peppers, then add a little more salt and pepper. Cover with aluminum foil, and bake for 30 minutes at 285 degrees F (remove foil the last five minutes).

Malaysian PM embarrasses Blinken with Russia revelation, refuses to surrender | Janta Ka Reporter

My father was born in 1922 and said he had done enough exercise by the time he was 24.

He was a normal kid, running around, competing in school sports, but not training for them. He was a sprinter and did okay, but no long runs for him.

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At a school camp aged 15

He was drafted when he turned 18 and spent the next five years in the army. He did the usual army stuff, marching, digging holes, and then filling them in.

He served overseas for two years and, after a stint in Italy, went to Japan in the occupation force, where he caught tuberculosis. On his return to New Zealand, he spent 10 months in a sanatorium and had a lung collapsed for two years to assist with recovery.

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Helping my grandfather build his house aged 25

After that, he vowed not to exercise.

He had done his bit, and it was all over by the time he was 24.

He had health issues due to the TB, and the family moved to the dry climate of Australia. When he retired aged 69, my parents moved back to New Zealand.

He did a bit of walking, but it was incidental in getting the groceries from a supermarket that was 400 m away.

So, he did very little exercise for his last 74 years. Never ran, swam, or lifted weights.

Despite that, he was mostly healthy until his final three weeks, when pneumonia set in at age 98.

He survived his entire cohort. All the more accomplished athletes, his friends, his wife, and a whole bunch of people who were a generation younger.

Here is my guess at what kept his heart ticking on.

  • He never smoked, in an era where everyone did. That had to be a big part.
  • He kept his weight in check. He wasn’t skinny, but he was never in the overweight category.
  • He radiated relentless positivity. I never saw him angry. He just excused people for “having a bad day”. People liked him.
  • He drank a solitary glass of wine about once a month. He vacuum-sealed the bottle if he couldn’t give it away to his dinner companions.
  • He spoke to people somewhere every day. Not for long, unless it was one of his buddies.
  • He kept out of the sun, which is important in New Zealand and Australia, where the ozone hole and pure skies allow considerably more UV light.
  • He usually ate a healthy Mediterranean diet that he prepared himself. We kids always joked that he ate much better than we did.
  • He ate two chunks of chocolate every day. Complete discipline. A bar would last him more than a week. He would eat one biscuit when with company, to be polite.
  • He always had projects, all sedentary, such as writing and reading.
  • Most importantly, he was super lucky.

So, his exercise was limited and was just living life. He tended to walk for 15 minutes rather than drive, and it helped that he lived close to the centre of town so his legs could do the work.

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Aged 83 with my mother

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Aged 98, walking outside was enough exercise for the day

I read a lot written by people in their 40s or younger telling people that attendance at a gym is imperative. Protein levels need to be kept high. Supplements. And a whole bunch of other advice.

On the other hand, I see what worked for my father.

Two rules.

Moderation. A positive attitude.

Doesn’t seem hard.

Zhuhai Airshow 2024 is Spectacular: China’s Stealth Fighters & Hypersonic Weapons

I am always amazed when I think how much China has developed its military capabilities in such a short time.

Oh my yes.

If by tyranny you mean a cruel and oppressive government.

1912–1920. Woodrow Wilson. The closest America has ever come to a tyrant.

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He made America a progressive offer they couldn’t refuse.

The man was a racist unlike any other who has ever served in the White House. People in his life time thought he was racist. He thought race mixing was regressive. He re-segregated the government. He had Klan members to dinner in the White House. They watched Birth of a Nation. Progressivism in the 1920s was all about identifying race and keeping them apart (and you though DEI was a new thing didn’t you?).

But that wasn’t the worst. He introduced eugenics and forced the sterilization of thousands of homosexuals, mental invalides, and blacks. Lots and lots of blacks. Because he wanted to make a more perfect human, and that didn’t include dark skin.

He saw the Constitution as something to be gotten around. He declared the declaration of independence to be “of no great import.” He wasn’t just a constitutional activist. There have been plenty of those. He called it outmoded. When the Constitution got in the way of his progressive, he tried to move it aside. “The President is at liberty,” he once declared, “both in law and in conscience, to be as big a man as he can. His capacity will set the limit.” Or my favourite:

No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle.

He tried to redefine sedition and free speech to just be anything he didn’t like. He arrested WWI draft protesters long after November 1918 (this is where the famous “fire in a theatre isn’t free speech” line comes from). Their crime was protesting a draft for what they saw as a pointless European war (heads up, it was). But it was worse than that. Seventeen men who refused service in Europe were sentenced to death, and thousands were sentenced to a life of hard labour. Luckily Warren Harding pardoned them all. But any Jan 6th rioter, BLM rioter, or Hamas hippie should take note on what other presidents have done to people like them.

He established the Committee on Public Information, which was supposed to be a BBC style news service. However, he used it to push fake news on the masses, including lying about U.S victories in Europe and manufacturing German atrocities (in case you thought fake news was a new thing). Worse, newspapermen who tried to publish stories that went against CPI propaganda were censored by the CPI.

The Spanish Influenza. You had a hissy fit about masks in 2020? Paying fines and not being allowed in Starbucks without one? In 1920 people without masks were thrown in jail. In a cell with other non-mask wearers. All coughing on each other. If you think the government engaged in pandemic overreach in 2020, go look at what Wilson did in 1920.

He oversaw and supported the 18th amendment. Prohibition was another progressive brain child. In case you thought ‘the war on drugs’ was new, our boy Wilson was waging it 100 years ago. This one isn’t 100% on him, but he supported it (while keeping a bottle of whisky in the Oval Office).

So instituted eugenics, waged a war on drugs, sent protesters to hard labour, revitalized the KKK, created the only American propaganda office to date, and felt the constitution was something to be worked around.

I’d say that is worse.

Oh, and sumbitch introduced daylight savings.

EDIT – my favourite part of this answer has been the comments pointing out all the other terrible things he did. Thank you for them.

China’s Large Unmanned Combat Vessel Makes Global Debut at Airshow

The new face in Naval warfare.

All-out war?

The Taiwanese military cannot even keep up with the tempo of regular pla activity around the island, leading to crashes and breakdowns.

Taiwan has done nothing to push back the redrawing of traditional boundaries respected for decades. Every passing year is witness to gradual encroachment of the area of responsibility of the Taiwanese air force and coast guard.

Not only that, the Taiwan military stood down each time the pla announced massive exercises and drew exclusion zones around Taiwan. There is no sense of threat among the public, without siren drills or call-ups.

Recently, a Taiwan pilot that ejected from his fighter jet at sea was subjected to a horrifying SAR episode, which required five attempts by five separate vessels to convey him to hospital, during which he endured the ignominy of being dumped back into the sea, and a potentially fatal delay of several hours due to malfunctions and miscalculation while professionals made it up as they went along.

All-out war?

They are certainly not training for war, let alone operating with competence in peace time.

Every Father’s Dream

Submitted into Contest #154 in response to: Write a story featuring an element of time-travel or anachronism. view prompt

Hilary R. Glick

“Remember,” she whispers into my neck, tightening the clasp on my gravity vest, “We only get one shot at this.”“I know.”“And don’t forget to keep an eye on your watch.” She straps the bulky device to my left wrist and flicks the dial until a neon green date and time hover above my arm.Date: 22nd of May 2056Time: 23:55“I know you don’t want to blink or look away for long, but if you aren’t diligently looking at your watch, you might miss your mark. I set the timer to go off in your prime window, but remember, no matter what happens, you only get one shot, so you have to choose it wisely.”She sounds so confident, so strong.“I know, honey. We’ve been through this a hundred times. Everything will be fine…”“Maybe, but it was all theoretical before. The counselors warned us that no amount of guess work can prepare you for the real thing. This is happening in five – ” The neon clock ticks to 23:56. “- four minutes.”She kisses me.“And when Alexis is old enough, I will explain it all to her too. She will understand. She will have time to understand. And I will teach her what to do. If anything happens to me, she will know what to do.”I grasp her hands in mine. Her courage is beginning to falter.“Everything will be okay.”“Promise me you won’t take off that vest until it’s time. We have eighteen years to pass through. Your watch is set for May 2074. You cannot miss your window. Promise me, Fred. I need you to say it.”“I promise.”“No matter what happens! You get one shot, just one shot at this.” She falls into my arms and sobs, finally revealing the apprehension she has hidden for so many months.“It will all be okay, honey. I know my window, and if for any reason something happens and you need me sooner, just signal me on the board.”Simultaneously, we look to the whiteboard at the front of the room where “Be strong! We love you!” is written in large lettering.

I look back to Molly and kiss her forehead, taking my time, hoping to grasp on to what little of it we have left before it all flashes before my eyes.

She pulls away, grasping on to what little control she has for the next three minutes, but I clench her tighter. I know what kind of pressure this puts on her, and I won’t waste a single second of our final minutes together.

My wife has lived through every possible scenario of the future one hundred times over. She has anticipated and prepared for every conceivable situation, living and reliving nightmares all so that I may bear witness to the life of our baby girl and someday reunite with my family for one final, beautiful day together.

Date: 22nd of May 2056

Time: 23:58

Molly looks up at me now, tears illuminating the freckles under her eyes. “Remember me like this, Freddy. Remember me young and thin and full of life.”

“I will love you as you are today, tomorrow, and in eighteen years, no matter how time may affect us.”

She walks to Alexis, who hollers from her crib.

“Come now, my sweet.” I reach my arms out, cradling our baby girl one last time before she is grown. “No need to cry. Daddy will still be here for you, always.”

A sound chimes on my wrist and Molly releases Alexis from my arms, and steps a safe distance back, just like we practiced.

I enter the acrylic chamber in the center of what used to be our living room and take a seat on my favorite lounger chair.

The watch chimes again, now paired with a blinking red button on the center of my vest.

Date: 23rd of May 2056

Time: 00:00

I place my hand on the button, lingering in the final image of my wife and daughter on the other side of the room.

As tears pour down each of their beautiful faces, I clench my eyes shut, fighting back my own emotions, and push the button.


The vest instantly tightens all around me. Hugging my chest and spine so firmly, I forget how to breathe.

I lift my chin, grasping for breath. 

Every muscle in my body aches, pulling me so deeply into the chair, I fear I will burst through the floor. 

But I don’t.

I catch my breath, gasping as if I’ve broken through the water’s surface after a long swim.

My heart rate slows, and my breaths become even. 

I’ve practiced this with gravitational counselors. We have run through the simulations, and I know the techniques. First, focus on regulating your breath.

In – Two – Three – Four. Out – Two – Three – Four. 

Breathing comes strained, but steady. I feel as though there is a fifty-pound weight on my chest, but my lungs somehow continue to fill with air, and release. 

Second, reacclimate to your surroundings.

Gripping the arms of my chair, head placed firmly against its back, I open one heavy eyelid after the other.

In practice simulations, the virtual reality races before your eyes at an alarming rate. It was supposed to prepare me for what time would look like outside of the chamber. I got sick the first time – too many figures swirling around, furniture changing, everything but the floor and walls spinning on an endless stream of life continuing at 120 minutes per my one second. 

In preparation for my deceleration, Molly learned techniques that would help with my motion sickness and acclimation. Small things like moving through the room with intent, staying put for two to three hours at a time so I can see her, updating the whiteboard only once every seventy-two hours her time, leaving furniture in the same place, keeping the blinds closed and the light turned on at all times, anything she can do to slow time down on her side of the acrylic walls.

Opening my eyes, I see she has taken the techniques to heart. While adjusting my breathing and opening my eyes has only taken thirty-six seconds my time, three days have already passed for Molly and Alexis. 

Her movements aren’t the same as they prepared me for with virtual simulations. She does not travel through the room in a flurry of never-ending movements, but rather in snapshot one second visions. 

With my head still leaned against the back of the chair, I follow her around the room with my eyes. 


For three seconds, she lays in our bed on the other side of the living room.


I blink-


She is perched on the couch with Alexis on her lap.

Then just as quickly, she disappears.


Four seconds later-


She is back, kneeling on the floor with Alexis.

Then seated on the couch with a book.

Then back on the floor, and resting in bed for-


Three seconds my time-


Until the snapshot process repeats again.


In twelve seconds my time, an entire day has passed for Molly and Alexis.

I watch for another 24 seconds, understanding their routine, and trusting my acclimation process enough to move on to step three. 

I slowly lift my right arm, testing the strength it takes for even the smallest of movements. 

But I fail.

Instead, I lift one finger, which Molly seems to have noticed.


“Great job, babe! Slow and steady wins the race!” she has written on the whiteboard across from me.


With her encouragement, I manage three more attempts at lifting my arm, and on the last try, I successfully hold it half an inch above the chair for two seconds my time.


Alexis drinks a bottle on the bed.

Molly sips coffee on the couch.

“Going to my parents’ for two days but keep up the good work, babe! We love you!” The whiteboard reads now.


With the girls gone for two days, I know I have at least twenty-four seconds my time to work on my left arm’s strength before they return. Once I lift my left arm for longer than one second, I work on task number three – time check.

I flip my left wrist a quarter turn towards myself, and slowly lower my chin to check the neon green time floating above my arm.


Date: 8th of June 2056

Time: 01:00

Time: 03:00

Time: 05:00


The time, set for odd hours, moves with the outside world and ticks away two hours every second I stare at it. 

June eighth, okay, so only sixteen days have passed for them. I’m making good time. 

For the next five minutes my time, I continue to work my muscles, adapting to the heavy pull of the gravity vest.

As the next eighteen years will pass around me in roughly twenty-two hours my time, I must be able to move enough to stay comfortable and keep my muscles from atrophying.

I keep my neck relaxed against the chair, still following Molly and Alexis with my eyes when I can, tensing and lifting my limbs one at a time. 


“We miss you already, Freddy!” The whiteboard reads.

Alexis drinks from her sippy cup on the floor while Molly watches something on her tablet.

“We are so proud of you!” A new update on the board.


One second –


Molly reads on the couch while Alexis plays on the floor.


The next second-


Alexis cries in her crib.

“You got this!” another update.

Alexis stands on Molly’s shoes.

“Alexis took her first steps by herself today!”


I quickly look to my watch to capture the moment of Alexis’s first milestone before the board changes again.


Date: 8th of August 2056

Time: 09:00


The counselors warned me upon first agreeing to the deceleration procedure that although this would technically extend my life for eighteen years, allowing me to watch my daughter grow up, there would still be many milestones lost in the time gaps.

I blink-


And they are halfway out the front door.


One – two – three – four seconds my time they’ve been gone.

My eyes feel dry.


“Remember to blink!” The whiteboard reminds me.


My neck is sore.


“Don’t forget your exercises! I can tell you aren’t doing them!”


I lift my arm.


“And don’t forget to keep an eye on the clock!”

Date: 14th of December 2056

Time: 11:00


Time itself cannot stop her from nagging me.

I smile.


“It’s nice to see you smiling today.”


We knew the deceleration process would be successful for a five-year span, as that’s the standard practice for most providers.

In a typical deceleration, the ratio is roughly thirty minutes outside to every one second inside the acrylic chamber.

For over a decade, that was the only option, until a group of rouge scientists discovered a way to increase the minutes per second using a stronger gravitational pull, which would, in theory, give a longer span of years in quicker flashes of time. 


Alexis stands on the floor, about to walk.

Molly sits on the couch with a cup of tea.

Date: 13th of October 2056

Time: 15:00

They both sleep in the bed for –


One – two – three seconds my time. 


They are gone for –


One – two – three – four seconds. 

The risk wasn’t great, knowing it was a simple adjustment to the gravity vest. The true challenge was finding a subject willing to watch as fifteen plus years passed before their eyes. 


Alexis plays with a toy.

Molly has friends over.

“Jan says hi!”


When my medical advisor suggested this study, Molly was hesitant. She’d rather have four good months with than spend three months preparing for a lifetime of waiting for me. 

But knowing the technology was available and ready for me to watch my baby girl become an adult was too tempting to resist, and the compensation was hard to pass up.


“Alexis said ‘mama’ today. Now we are working on ‘dada’!”

Alexis cries with a band aid on her knee.

Molly and her mom sip coffee on the couch.

“I got a promotion at work!”


For only twenty-two hours of my life, and eighteen years of theirs, the scientific team promised to cover all costs of daily living, life insurance, and medical expenses for my family for up to fifty years. Which in today’s economy equates to roughly two million dollars per year and rising.


“We are getting a puppy!”

Date: 1st of September 2058

Time: 13:00

Alexis walks with the puppy in her arm.

The puppy pees on the floor.


To grow up without a father is one thing, an absent father is another. I hope to live somewhere in the grey area for Alexis. A father she sees every day, who is steady and loves her more than she could possibly comprehend. A father who is there for all her milestones, watching as she grows into a successful young woman. 


The puppy is now a dog, shaggy and dripping on the carpet.

“Alexis lost a tooth!”

Alexis falls off the back of the couch.

“And another!”


And on that day, eighteen years from now – wait – 

I confidently lift my watch to my face, my limbs almost entirely adapted to the gravity vest now.


Date: 25th of December 2060

Time: 09:00


– fourteen years from now, when her father finally steps out of his acrylic coffin and they sit together in real time discussing the past eighteen years, she will know the sacrifices he made for her. A father who still provides for her and her mother long after he is gone. Afterall, isn’t that every father’s dream?


“We all miss you very much. Happy New Year! 2062!”

One year passes after another.


I check my watch each time we hit another milestone, hoping to remember the exact date and time of each update.


Date: 22nd of February 2062

Time: 07:00

“Alexis starts kindergarten today!”

Date: 1st of July 2063

Time: 15:00

“Mom passed away this afternoon… Wish you were here…”


“I am here,” I want to scream, but I know my voice will travel too slow for them to understand, so I cry for the loss of my mother-in-law and again when Alexis writes her first message on the board –  


“Happy b-day daddy!”


I celebrate successes and mourn losses in my own time. A schizophrenic wave of emotions – tears of joy and pain only minutes apart.

I fight the urge to rip off my vest, to stop time and join my family once again. But Molly has not signaled for help or asked me to stop, so I push on.


Another year passes.

Then another.

“Alexis joined a baseball team!”

Date: 1st of July 2068

Time: 11:00

“Alexis hit a home run!”


The more hours that tick away on my wrist, the faster they seem to progress outside.


Suddenly Alexis is a young woman.

She brings over friends.


When did the bed move?

Is that a new dog?

I hold my eyes open as long as I can without blinking for fear of missing them. 


Molly’s wrinkles are defining and her waistline is filling.

The updates come less often now.

Molly leaves for longer periods of time, sometimes never coming back at the end of her day.


Or maybe I blink too long and miss it.


“Dad’s in hospice. Will be gone for a bit.”

Date: 7th of August 2071

Time: 19:00

Molly is back.

She is gone.

Date: 21st of September 2071

Time: 11:00

No updates on the board. Only quick glimpses of my girls as they come and go.


I feel stronger with every minute that passes.


“I’m so sorry we haven’t updated you in a while. Will update soon.”


I stand and sit back down, but no one is home to witness.


“Dad’s funeral is today. Wish you were here…”


My eyelids grow heavy, working harder against gravity than they ever have. With almost twenty hours my time without sleep, I feel how dry and tired they have become.

I rest my eyes for just a moment…

A sound alarms from my wrist.


Date: 1st of May 2074

Time: 01:00



I fumble in my chair, easing myself into my rehearsed acceleration position.


Molly appears in front of the box.

Alexis appears.


I straighten my spine and raise my hand to the red button on my chest.


“Hurry!” The whiteboard reminds me.


I brace myself for acceleration and push hard against the button.

Nothing happens.


Molly disappears.

Alexis slumps on the couch.

Molly returns.


I push the button again.

And again.

Still nothing.


A team of scientists appear.

“Fred, remain calm. You need to manually eject yourself from the vest.”


How? I don’t know how to do that.


“You need to unclasp the three buckles down the front of your vest.”


My fingers fumble over the buckles, working as quickly as I can, but wasting another six hours their time. 

When the buckles are each released, I look back up to the whiteboard.


“Great. Now, when you are ready, you need to rip the vest off as quickly as you can.”

The sign changes as I finish reading the message.

“This will accelerate your time all at once, so please do this in one swift motion.”

The note changes again.

“Wait until you are ready. We will be here.”

They stand still.


I take a deep breath, lean forward on my chair, and wiggle my arms from the vest. Then, in one, quick swoop, I rip the vest off my back.


I fall to the ground in front of me, which is a much softer impact than I anticipated.

When I flip to my side, dry heaving, pulse racing, I feel her hand combing my hair behind my ear, and look up to see the freckles under her eyes, now outlined in wrinkles.

“We’ve been waiting for you.”

Trump Orders Halt to “Every Single Media Contract”

After revelations the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has been funneling millions to media outlets around the world, President Trump has ORDERED the termination of “every single media contract” expensed by the General Services Administration.

The list includes, POLITICO, BBC & Bloomberg . . .  and many others.

USAID was funding over 6,200 journalists across 707 media outlets and 279 “media” NGOs, which includes 90% of the reportage out of Ukraine.

Right At a Friend’s Wedding, I Caught My Wife and Her Lover Having S*x. They Had No Idea …

Sheech! No wonder men no longer want to get married in the West.

My wife and I had separated, and she had gone to live with another man. That relationship failed (as I had predicted), and she moved in with her father.

One day my wife contacted me, saying that she wanted to come back. I had once told myself that I married her for better or for worse and that I wouldn’t leave this marriage like I had my first one. But since she had left me, it was different. I’d been telling my friends all this time that I wouldn’t take her back, saying that she had made her choice.

Nevertheless, when she told me she wanted to come back, I fell into depression, thinking that I would have to return to my old way of life.

It was then that someone had shared something generic on Facebook on ten ways to tell if you are in an abusive relationship. I looked at it out of curiosity.

My wife met nine out of the ten criteria. The only one she didn’t meet was physical abuse, but I’d remembered a time when she had tried to hit me. I stopped her and outweighed her by eighty pounds. She never tried again.

That Facebook post was a light bulb going off in my head. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have let her get between my family and me? How could I have allowed myself to put up with so much verbal abuse? How could I have let her so crush my self-esteem over the years? I’d grown up with an abusive brother. Maybe that was part of the reason why I couldn’t recognize the obvious.

I thanked the woman who had sent out the abuse information, telling her that you never know who you’re going to help from a generic post. I declined my wife’s attempt to get back together without comment, and a year later, I started final divorce proceedings.

The divorce was hard and miserable and cost me a lot. I’m still suffering financially, but I’m at last in a loving, non-abusive marriage. At first, it felt strange not having to walk on eggshells over everything that I said, but I’ve come to understand that this is the way relationships are supposed to work.

Edit: Someone suggested I add a link to the 10 ways article. I am pleased I still had a link.

10 Telling Signs You’re Trapped in an Abusive Relationship – ActiveBeat


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Of course, but it is helping not hurting China! If one underestimate the other it will be not ready to face the real power that China is. Let me give you a hint! China won’t fight your battle they will make you fight their battle which you are totally not ready! How about a million drones! Including 100 thousand under seas drones waiting for US aircraft carriers. God help you guys! Better pretend to be humble!

Bach to the Future

Submitted into Contest #154 in response to: Write a story featuring an element of time-travel or anachronism. view prompt

Jim Firth

Funny Historical Fiction Science Fiction

Moog Music Factory,Asheville, North Carolina,April 6th, 1980Demonstrating prototypes to money grubbing shareholders was never Steve Masakowski’s strong suit–but this product spoke for itself. It was radical. Audacious. Tubular, even.Today, he was introducing the Moog Liberation Keytar.’Pretty soon, pop stars will be wielding the Liberation onstage. It will provide keyboardists the freedom to move and dance while they play like never before.’ Steve said.After tightening the final screws on the keytar’s plastic casing, he stood back from the workbench smugly.‘There she is. Any questions?’Nobody spoke. Jerry, CEO of Moog, had to rescue Steve from drowning in the silence of the reticent shareholders.‘Excellent work, Steve. Care to give us a demo?’


The grunt of a shareholder slightly resembled approval.


In a moment, Steve’s preprogrammed MIDI rendition of Bach’s Well Tempered Clavier would be filling the room. This particular prelude was was arguably the German master’s best work.


This ought to get the stale, male and pale buggers on my side.


As Steve pressed the button down, he hoped for nodding and tapping along. But what he got were puzzled expressions and horrified gasps leaving wide open mouths. He looked down and saw an empty workbench. His finger had rendered the Moog Liberation invisible–not the intended effect of the demo at all.


One would think the impressiveness of the keyboard’s disappearance would far outweigh any stuttering polyphonic rendition of a Bach classic–but the board members and shareholders were not impressed. Steve was given an ultimatum. He would have to construct another prototype within a week, or face termination of employment from Moog. The problem was that the blueprints for the Liberation had gone missing.




April 6th, 1733, Leipzig


Returning to my study this morning after Sunday service, I saw that a keyboard had inexplicably materialised atop my desk. It looked like the bastard child of my lute and harpsichord. How dare they copulate on the holiest of days?


The instrument has the same configuration of black and white keys as any keyboard—but its keys are not made of wood. They are smooth and hard, made from an alien material I do not recognise. The keyboard, labelled ‘Moog’, is replete with a great number of buttons and knobs.


In utter astonishment, I locked it away in a cupboard–for I do not know its origins. Is it a gift from god, or a trick sent by the devil?


April 8th


God has given me no indication that ‘Moog’ is His handiwork. Once I had found the courage to investigate the instrument further, I saw that it possessed no aura of malice. Rather, the prevailing feeling was my own bafflement at its workings. Dare I try to make a sound with it?


Eventually gathering the will to lay my fingers upon its keys, I heard only silence. It is bound by metal screws which I dare not tamper with for my own safety. What if– encased in its interior—in place of strings and hammers, there are malcontent demons waiting to be unleashed?


In an attempt to coax out sound, I cautiously tested all possible combinations of buttons and knobs whilst taking notes. It wasn’t until I found a small, discrete switch on the back of the body, and slid it into the ‘on’ position, that a green circle illuminated and it produced sound.


The startling timbre of middle C caused me to gasp. When passing in the hallway, Anna Magdalena knocked on the door to see that all was well. She enquired about the strange sound but I did not know how to explain it. Should I have said it was my lunch repeating on me? A boisterous bird on the windowsill? A rather violent yawn? In the end, she lost interest rather quickly—as she tends to do.


For a few hours, I did not dare touch the keys for fear of rousing Anna’s attention again. After consulting my German/English dictionary, I made use of Moog’s volume knob which allowed me play quietly and undisturbed for a while.


Its keys are joyously smooth. I felt a freshness, a fluency, a flair in my playing that I have not felt for years–a certain verve and indefinable effortlessness.


The excitement left me rather exhausted and I was early to bed—but not before locking my precious ‘Moog’ away safely. No one else knows–and I intend to keep it that way.


April 10th


Arriving home from organist duty, I was desperate to play Moog. I am enthralled like the first week I met Anna. Except that this secret affair is between a man and his instrument. Ensuring to lock my study door and lower the the volume, I played fervently for hours until supper.


The many controls change the timbre and quality of the keyboard’s sound. I giggled with glee as I imitated the towering pipes of the church organ on such a small and compact keyboard. I don’t know how the sounds are recreated so faithfully. It must be God’s work.


April 11th


I am a leaky faucet. New ideas are pouring forth every day—faster than I can catch them. I need a bucket. The larger the better.


To take full advantage of this fillip, I will be heading to my country retreat to write free of distraction. It will be a blessing to have no church duty and no interfering wife. My carriage to Zwenkau arrives tomorrow.


April 14th


To conceal Moog from the coach boy, I wrapped her in a blanket and hid her inside my clothes case. The coach boy insisted on loading all of my luggage onto the roof rack, but I refused for Moog to go up there. She made the journey by my side.


Each passing furlong of the journey strengthened the notion that this keyboard is a divine tool. I must do Him justice and harness the sacred, for the betterment of humankind.


April 15th


Having settled into the cabin by the lake, a new prelude poured out of me quite easily. This well tempered clavier—this perfect keyboard—is the instrument for writing with. The new prelude I speak of begins with rhythmic arpeggios that stay similar throughout, but shift in tone–creating many moods.


Ambulating around lake Zwenkau with the keyboard strapped to my shoulders has unleashed previously untapped creative power. My work is feeling altogether fresher and more vital than it has for years. I must, however, be discreet during my perambulations—for I do not wish to be discovered in possession of such an inexplicable device.


April 16th


I have decided that ‘The Well Tempered Clavier’ is a fitting title for this new set of songs–in tribute to this finest of celestial instruments.


April 17th


It looks as though my brief but prolific time with Moog could be drawing to a close. Its keys are warbling and droning and I cannot write. The moaning timbre suggests a loss of power—but I cannot breathe life into her as I would a pump organ. I despair at losing a great ally. Has she done her service and is she ready to return to the Lord?


Yes, perhaps there is even a limit to God’s inspiration. Or perhaps the journey here took too long and I missed His window of opportunity.


The temptation to tamper with Moog’s interior and investigate her source of power is great. But I am loathe to push my luck and upset Him. Perhaps if I am patient, He will grant me more time with her.


April 18th


Moog is dead. And if those are God’s fingers around her throat, then so be it. His will is final. Perhaps I have angered Him with my egotism? My competitive nature and desire to be the best could be mistaken for such a sin.


Today—as I wept frustratedly—I hammered Moog’s keys and buttons, and she vanished before my eyes. Is her being snatched away from me a sign that I should have mourned her passing more gracefully?


Now I am bereft of a muse and an instrument. I must return to Leipzig and finish writing my preludes and fugues. One can only hope that Moog’s inspiration carries over to the harpsichord and piano. What a short lived, but beautiful gift.




When the Liberation keytar landed back on the workbench in the Moog boardroom in 1980, it did so quietly and without any fuss. Steve was handing out the hastily put together new edition of the blueprints to his engineers for the rebuild when one of them noticed a familiar sight.


‘Um, Steve—what’s that sitting on the bench?’


The half a dozen engineers pushed their chairs back and stampeded over to the workbench.


‘It’s the Liberation!’


‘Oh, thank god.’ Steve said. Bach would have approved.


‘Ah, good work,’ Steve’s CEO said, as he walked into the boardroom. ‘That was a fast build! Now the shareholders can finally hear that demo. Mind if I give it a whirl?’


‘No! Don’t press the—‘


The CEO had already strode over and hammered the demo button with a gleeful grin.


Steve pulled at his hair.




Johan Sebastian Bach got to spend more time with his beloved Moog. He made good use of it by writing the rest of The Well Tempered Clavier. But he slipped and pressed the demo button again, sending Moog careening forwards through the spacetime continuum to 1980 again.


Bach took losing Moog a second time rather more stoically. And to him, its comings and goings were still attributable to divine intervention. He thought its visits to be relative to how chaste (or not) a life he had been living. So he polished up his already squeaky clean lifestyle in the hopes that God would grant him more time with Moog.


Steve and his colleagues were oblivious to the fact they had been playing temporal ping pong with a musical giant. Not only had their Liberation keytar played a part in helping Bach write one of his most famous pieces, but it looked pretty badass slung over the shoulders of Gary Numan and members of DEVO as they strutted their stuff on MTV. This is a testament to the versatility of the Liberation. Never before had one musical instrument been both the closely guarded secret of a 19th century musical genius and a bold and brash musical statement in the decade of excess.

I have to say, Marco Rubio is a genius. This guy has been sanctioned by China and can’t even set foot in the country. If he can’t go to China, how can he possibly handle U.S. diplomacy?

Marco Rubio is filled with fear of China. The Chinese only need one weather balloon to make him hysterical, like a menopausal woman.

Diplomacy between great powers is an “art.” If shouting and ranting were enough to handle diplomacy, then we could just hire a husky to do the job.

Greek Spinach and Feta Baked Eggs

This crust-less “spanakopita” spin-off creates colorful swirls of green spinach and sliced Kalamata olives in a cheesy fluff of baked eggs.


Yield: 6 to 9 servings


  • 8 tablespoons (1 stick) Challenge Butter (divided)
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup chopped onion
  • 10 ounces fresh prewashed spinach, roughly chopped*
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup ricotta cheese
  • 1 cup (5 ounces) crumbled feta cheese
  • 1/4 cup sliced Kalamata olives


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Melt 1 tablespoon butter in a 9 inch square or round glass baking dish. Brush butter evenly over the sides and bottom of the dish and set aside.
  3. Melt 3 tablespoons of butter in a sauté pan over medium heat; stir in flour to form a dry roux; continue to stir and cook (about 3 minutes) until mixture gives off a slight “nutty” aroma. Set this mixture aside.
  4. In large skillet, melt the remaining 4 tablespoons of butter over medium heat. Stir in cayenne pepper, salt and onions; cook until the onions are soft. Stir in spinach and basil and continue to sauté until the spinach is wilted. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Then combine roux and spinach mixtures.
  5. In a large bowl, beat the eggs, add ricotta cheese and blend until the mixture is smooth.
  6. Fold in spinach mixture, feta cheese and half the olives. Pour into prepared baking dish. Sprinkle remaining olives over the top and press gently into the surface.
  7. Bake at 350 degrees F for 35 minutes (or until edges begin to brown and center is firm).
  8. Allow to set for 10 minutes before cutting.


* Spinach needs to be as dry as possible. If washing, drain and pat dry with paper towels.

精選 – 珠海航展中俄頂尖精銳盡出 解放軍”這武器”首曝光嚇壞美智庫|#寰宇新聞 #寰宇全視界

Full modern lethality is on show in Zhuhai.

Hound dog meets barbed quills

The Philippines does not have much intelligence value, and the Chinese government does not need to send spies to the Philippines.

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Judging from the current international situation, the United States needs the Philippines to act like Ukraine, forcing China to go to war in the South China Sea, and then the United States gathers so-called allies to fight China, and finally the United States will reap the benefits.

China actually needs the Philippines to act like another failed Ukraine to test its military strength and rehearse for taking back Taiwan. For the Chinese, it is better to choose the Philippines as the battleground for the Sino-US rivalry than Taiwan because, after all, the Taiwanese are Chinese and the Chinese do not want civilian casualties in Taiwan. If it was a choice of two, China would certainly choose to sacrifice the Philippines over Taiwan.

Therefore, whether from the perspective of the United States or China, the Philippines needs to become the “Ukraine of Asia”, and sacrificing the Philippines is a matter of course.

The Philippines may still think that it is smart and that it is doing the right thing, but it does not realize that a great tragedy is about to happen.

Poor Filipinos, they have become the unjust ghosts of the test between China and the United States!

Twilight Zone Time Freezes

Russian Ambassador LEAVES U.S. – Takes Staff, Security, Crypto Gear and Classified Docs

Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, is “concluding” his diplomatic mission, Russian agencies reported late on Saturday.

“Russian Ambassador to the US, Anatoly Ivanovich Antonov, is concluding his Washington assignment and heading to Moscow,” Interfax agency cited a representative of the Foreign Ministry as saying.

The envoy will be returning to Moscow within hours.


When the Ambassador left, his entourage took with them all the communications gear, cryptographic gear, classified documents, all Diplomatic Staff and – here’s the big “tell” — the entire Diplomatic Security Staff.

It is worth noting that Japan did similar things with their Embassy staff and gear, just prior to Pearl Harbor.

“It’s Getting WORSE And WORSE…” – Richard Wolff

He’s really right on this.

Firstly, I was born and grew up in Taiwan.

Secondly, the statement “China can’t invade Taiwan” would have been true if it were made 30 years ago. It is nonsense in the current state of things.

Lastly, your question is comparing apples with oranges. China, or the typical Chinese mindset, sees these two in totally different contexts.

To China, Taiwan is a Chinese province destined to be recovered back into its fold, with its people regarded as Chinese citizens to be governed under the Chinese sovereignty eventually.

And Japan is a foreign nation that has committed massive, abhorrent, inhuman crimes against China without either fully, properly being held to account in the past or fully owning up to its moral liabilities today, while in the meantime having the nerve to threaten China’s security through tangible actions on a daily basis.

The goal of China’s “invasion”, or rather recovery, of Taiwan is to reclaim a piece of China’s own territory extorted from it by foreign imperial powers, most notably by Japan in 1895. This goal complicates the plan, as it is not sensible to bomb a piece of its own territory back to the Stone Age with thousands of cruise missiles.

China has no such scheme for Japan. Japan is not a province of China, and China has no interest in claiming its land or governing its people. To the Chinese mindset, it is just a nation that has slaughtered 30 million of its people in the most brutal and barbaric manner, and is showing increasing unrepentance and recalcitrance by the day again. If Japan ever meddles in Chinese or Taiwanese affairs ever again, what would happen?

It is like if your neighbor had killed your whole family, and now he is breaking down your door again, would you first think of how to occupy his house and make sure his kitchen remains intact so you could make dinner there tonight?

Not to mention that, you already reached a grudging truce with your neighbor that, you would let it go if he promised not to ever enter your house again. Now he is in your house again. Would you still let it go in honor of that fragile truce?

Herein lies the difference between Taiwan and Japan, in objective, and thus in degree of difficulty in action. One is much more challenging than the other, and that is not Japan.

Japan is easy.

What is Japan Likely to Do?

The Japanese know the above very well, except a handful of mouth-breathing octogenarian right-wing cockroaches still marching outside Yasukuni in imperial-era military uniforms. The other tough talking Japanese, whether it’s Ishihara, Aso, Takaichi, Koizumi, ishiba, or those saber-rattling cockroaches on the web, will all keep their heads down like mice and maggots should a conflict break out across the Taiwan Strait. None of them wants to see Japan ceasing to exist as a nation on this Earth because of his stupid impulse. This understanding will likely save Japan’s ass. If you don’t believe it, you can wait and see. It should be made obvious in pretty short order.

And China’s choice of action will be totally logical and understandable, just like the example of your neighbor above. With lessons learned twice in the past century at a price of over 30 million lives and countless properties lost, China simply cannot afford to take any chance again. Will you?

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

Fool me thrice?

Steak Diane


Yield: 2 servings


  • 2 (6 ounce) filet mignons, thawed
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon-style mustard
  • 2 tablespoons shallots, minced
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon fresh chives, minced
  • 1 teaspoon Brandy
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, minced


  1. Season both sides of steak with salt and pepper.
  2. Melt butter in a heavy skillet; add mustard and shallots. Sauté over medium heat for 1 minute.
  3. Add steaks and cook for approximately 4 minutes on each side for medium-rare.
  4. Remove steaks to serving plate and keep warm.
  5. Add into pan drippings, 1 tablespoon butter, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce and chives. Cook for 2 minutes.
  6. Add brandy; pour sauce over steaks.
  7. Sprinkle parsley over the top.

Wife Has MELTDOWN After Husband Lets Kids Run Wild To Teach Her A Lesson About Undermining Him

Becoming? The UK has always been poor outside London.

Think of the deep south in the USA. What do we think of.

We probably think of this

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The UK is even poorer without London.

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but here’s the thing, the UK is poorer AND stuff costs more. Think of petrol at $3 per litre.

That’s the wrong question. The right question should be this:

What is the reason behind the strong reaction of Chinese people when their country is demonized, lied about, insulted and belittled?

The answer is this:

The Chinese people don’t like to be demonized, lied about, insulted and belittled by jealous and retarded people.

As a non-Chinese who would love for the Chinese to re-take Taiwan by the simple expedient of blockading the island and starving it into submission, I regret to say that I am 100% sure the Chinese will never re-take Taiwan either by force of arms or anything else other than waiting patiently for Taiwan to rejoin of its own free will.

Why? I am not Chinese but I can think of a few good reasons –

1.Any kind of coercion of military action, no matter how quickly, cheaply or efficiently achieved, is going to leave China with a potential hotbed of dissidents, American-paid trolls, covert subversives, provocateurs and other subversives and give them easy access to the Chinese mainland. Let me simplify that by saying that China does not need to open its doors and hug a whole nest of snakes at any time in the future.

2.Regardless of how the Taiwanese regard the mainland Chinese, the mainland Chinese still regard the Taiwanese as brothers under the skin I hear. Stupid, I know, but the Chinese never claimed 100% intelligence. For China to forcibly take Taiwan with the risk of thousands of deaths instigated by America, the Taiwanese would have to do something that could over-ride the Chinese regard for a brotherhood unwelcomed by so many Taiwanese. And for all their blather, I don’t think the Taiwanese have quite sunk to the Japanese/Korean/Filipino level of intelligence yet.

3.China does not need or want to engage America on a warfront. Not ever, but most especially now or in the foreseeable future and most especially not over Taiwan, and send so many Chinese to their deaths in a war it could easily win by allowing America to self-destruct as America seems so determined to do nowadays.

4.Going to war over Taiwan would involve too much destruction of the things the Chinese have so carefully and so painstakingly built up over the last 20 years – their infrastructure, economy and heritage conservancy efforts come to mind. Re-taking Taiwan is important to Xi Jinping, I understand, but not one of his primary objectives I suspect – eradicating poverty fully, building a strong society, infrastructure and economy would be.

5.Trying to take back Taiwan would be playing into America’s hands. And the Chinese are not likely to give the American emperors that kind of satisfaction by any means.

I playfully mocked him for being ugly at a preparty with our friends but then he stood up & did this

This is a Rolex Oyster Perpetual

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main qimg 06186f21029a1c9bb10badeea112c975

It costs $ 8000

It’s among the lower end watches

The Higher end watches could be as much as $ 80,000-$ 100,000

It has six key patents – Oystersteel, Everose Gold, Rolesor keys, Chromalight, RLX Titanium & Europium Dysprosium Hybridization

This is a Fake Rolex that you can buy for 1300 HKD in Mong Kok Or around $ 168

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main qimg 7c7173a619c5bb0d91c118b453c421d4

5% what the Lowest Priced Rolex costs!!!!

It uses 3L Stainless Steel, Gold Plated Sterling Silver, Zinc Sulfide, Aluminum 7075

The cost of materials is 17% of the price of materials in a Genuine Rolex yet the performance and quality is close to 90% of an Original Rolex

The strap of 904L Stainless Steel can be purchased for 8% of what an Oystersteel copyright Rolex strap costs

China controls the supply chain for all the basic materials needed to make watches like seven grades of Stainless steel, Zinc Sulfide, Aluminum 7075 and Sterling Silver

It can make these materials for cents on the dollar

So it can easily make a Replica Rolex that can fool all but the experts (You do have fake rolexes for as little as 200 HKD but they are obvious to spot)

So China can easily make replicas at a fraction of the cost

When i was a kid, we had a Rodgers Penknife that was a rage among my generation of army brats

It cost ₹35/- in the late 1960s

The Americans made cheaper knives called PODGERS that sold for Six Bucks!!!!

Very little difference at 1/6 the price!!!

Back then US used to do exactly what China does and the world’s replica market was based on the UNITED STATES

Parisien fashions were replicated and sold for a tenth of the price in certain streets of New York and Chicago

A $ 60 Calf Leather Gloves sold in Bloomingdale could be had for $ 8 for Non Patent Leather just two streets away with the same label

An Original Mink stole cost $ 1200 in 1920 and a Fake Mink cost a mere $ 70 – $ 120

Today China does the same thing

Uses its abundant supply chain to make replicas at far lower cost

Yeah. It was worthy of being told.

Pulled over for possible DUI

Me: May I see your license and registration?

Him: “Do you know who I am?”

Me: “You don’t know who you are? That is very serious.”

Him: “Do you know who I am?”

Me: “Sir, you must step out of your car. Not knowing who you are is possibly very serious.”

Him: “Dammit! Do you know who I am?”

Me: “Sir, if you do not get out of your car, I will have to forcibly remove you.”

Him: “F… y…”

I opened the car door, and gestured for him to get out. He did. I then turned him around, handcuffed him, and patted him down for weapons”

Me: “Sit on the curb and calm down. Once you calm down, I can remove the handcuffs.”

He sat down and glared angrily at the ground. After a bit he spoke.

Him: “I will have your badge for this.”

Me: “You don’t need my badge. You can have your own. Just complete the Los Angeles Police Academy and they will give you one for free.”

Him: “I’m gonna tell you who I am”

Me: “I just want your drivers license and registration.”

He started ranting about not knowing who he was again. So, I put him in the backseat of the patrol car, impounded his car ( we were on the freeway), and took him over to a mental hospital for a 72 hour forced commitment (5150 in California).

Two days later, my Captain called me aside. He said that was a great arrest. It turned out that the guy was one of the city’s councilman. The captain said again, “Good job.” I asked the captain if he was told to talk to me about the arrest. The captain said, “The brass told me to talk to you. I did that.” He laughed and walked away.

Spoiled Princess Rejects BF’s Proposal Telling Him To “Try Again”, Instead He Tells Her To Get Out!

Lyle Closs

I don’t like people. Never have. Arrogance, ignorance, mendacity, self-importance, superiority… I don’t like lists either.I’m not a prepper. If the end of the world comes I’ll be out on my porch with a welcoming smile. I have so little – they can have it all. It adds up to a pile of nought and a root cellar full of dust.My great pleasure is to sit out there and watch the days rise and subside, the mountains glow then surrender to the clouds. The snow falls like ash, the sun claws into my skin, the wind reaches through the cracks of my cabin, the cold informs me I am still alive.I had a family but she decided I wasn’t her type and took the kids away. I came home from the tyre factory with a lung full of carbon and a house full of silence. She left a note. It said ‘Bye’. Love died with a three letter word.I pinned the note to the front door for the landlord and drove away with my last paycheck and became a ghost of the person I had been. A ghost is a memory of someone who once lived. Seems about right.Vegas baby. A place to burn up and die. I turned the paycheck into chips and put them all on red, then red, then black, then black. It doubled each time. To hell with it. I put the lot on 23. It paid. Then black. It paid. Then 00. A ball drops into a spinning slot and you have more money than you’ve earned in your entire life.Fawning, flattering fools rose to the surface like scum from a rotting fish soup. It happens when you have a pile of cash. I’ve seen it now and it’s not just a trope in a bad movie. I’m not falling for that though. Faux admiration won’t ever open my wallet. If you need to be liked you’re just a bank waiting to be robbed.I cashed in and drove to Montana, opened a bank account in Butte and disappeared into the wooded hills. How I like it.My neighbors are bears and birds. I deal with people when I need stores. Sometimes I sit on my porch with my rifle and pretend someone is coming up the trail. I pretend to shoot them.Trouble is that fantasy would be followed by the reality of being arrested and having to deal with every kind of scum in the legal and penal system. Anyway I’ve never shot a living thing. The gun is for comfort. I like the mechanics of it. And if anyone tries to break into the cabin at night I’m ready. Just try it lowlife. Just fucking try it…Anyway, no sense getting carried away with imaginings. People imagining things is what got the world where it is today. Imagining that dealing drugs will provide a better life; that sacking half the workforce will improve the company; that beating up a woman makes you a man. If aliens investigated the people of this planet before arriving, they’d change their minds and head for Alpha Centauri. Who’d want to take over this pile of scat.Which brings me to today. It started with the powerful light shining through my window in the night. You know what it’s like. Your eyes snap open wide, your body’s as tense as a top E string. You wait for the next noise.The light disappeared. It was a starless dark night out. Low clouds. You strain to hear anything more but the only sound is the breeze in the trees. You peer out but nothing moves but the aspen leaves and pine needles.The next morning you remember it wasn’t a dream and you wander off into the woods with your coffee and toast.In a nearby clearing was a large object that I could only imagine was a radically new weapon. It was matt black, about half the size of my cabin, with projections everywhere and no clear front or back. That was just my first impression though. It looked, I realized, like a large spaceship model from a Star Wars movie. But why would a model spaceship be in a clearing in my forest?

Then a very small door opened, a mechanical arm reached out and placed a spherical object on the ground, then retracted. The door closed with a hiss. Hot damn!

The object on the ground projected a hazy light that fuzzed in the air then formed a hologram in the air. It was a weird creature which made strange noises and waved its multiple arms, bowed then sat on the ground with its ‘hands’ held open and its head bent down. It seemed to be acting submissive or at least not aggressive. I sat on the ground and sipped my coffee and took a bite of my toast as I stared at it.

“What the hell are you?” I said.

The hologram creature was about six inches tall. It watched me drinking. I put the coffee cup down by the projector. The mechanical arm came out, picked up my coffee and lifted it into the craft. Seconds later it put the cup back, empty.

“Thirsty huh?”

I put the rest of my toast and honey down. That too quickly disappeared. The hologram alien clapped its hands and bowed ecstatically. I had the distinct impression it was out of food and drink. Whatever ‘it’ was.

Then another door opened and an actual alien dragged itself to the opening. It seemed to be in bad shape. It was just six inches tall. Ugly as sin too. Just like the hologram. Slimy white skin, six eyes in the hairless head, six arms, four legs. Clothes like silk, multi-colored, all tassels and baubles. Some weird idea of fashion.

It babbled at me, a high-pitched gurling sort of speech. “You’re a damn fool if you think I can understand a thing you’re saying,” I replied.

It held up a hand – wait – and dragged itself back inside. The spaceship made a noise like an engine trying to start. The alien came back to the opening and shrugged. I wondered how many gestures were standard across the universe. It was telling me the vessel wouldn’t start. Well, there’s not a lot I can do to help. I shrugged.

It collapsed. Struggled to sit up. Draped its legs over the edge of the opening and stared at me with all its sad little eyes.

The mechanical arm took the projection ball back inside then I heard clicks and hissing and, one by one, it brought out 11 matt black spheres about 3 inches in diameter and put them on the grass. I was puzzled.

Maybe it read my confusion. The projector was brought back out and showed a hologram of an alien apparently dying. I couldn’t tell what was killing it, maybe a poison or some kind of gas. Nothing obvious anyway. It collapsed, much like my alien buddy did just now. It didn’t move though. Then the hologram wrapped the body in a white cloth into a nearly spherical shape then put the wrapped body into a matt black sphere. The arm pointed to the 11 spheres on the grass.

I pointed to the alien in the opening and held up one finger. The hologram held up one finger. Alone.

Then the last one babbled again and tried to stand up but it fell out of the opening onto the grass. I reached out to touch it. It raised it little head, held out a couple of hands and touched my fingers, then it sagged and sighed its last. Dead.

“Bloody hell mate. Don’t tell me that means you’re all dead?” I knocked on the hull of the spaceship but thing appeared.

The mechanical arm lifted the body and wrapped it in cloth, pulled out a final black sphere, gently placed the body into the sphere and closed it. 12 matt black spherical coffins.

I heard a faint humming at the limit of my hearing and the spheres sank into the ground with 12 puffs of smoke or steam and disappeared. I didn’t know how deep they went but later I checked with my old metal detector and it found nothing, so they were at least a few feet in. I imagined them sinking down to the mantel and melting in the lava.

The projector started up again and showed a hologram of an alien looking at me and shrugging. I shrugged back. The spaceship couldn’t start and now had no crew. It didn’t know what to do.

I didn’t know what to do either.

If I tell anyone, the world and its military will descend on my peace and that will be the end of it. I might as well have shot someone.

But I have in my grasp the biggest event in the history of the world. Surely there can’t be just one spaceship? Is an invasion on the way? Could it be stopped if this spaceship was studied by the world’s experts? Could we learn how to reach the stars?

I didn’t think about it for long though. It wasn’t really a quandary. I moved my woodpile and it’s now covered so no-one can see it.

I sit out there most days and talk to it. Sometimes I hear soft humming like it’s still trying to start up. There’s a gap in the pile so the mechanical arm can come out any time it wants.

Occasionally it puts out the projector and the holo-alien shrugs. What can I do? I shrug back and we sit and stare at each other.

What Would World War III Really Look Like? It’s Already Starting…

Sunday, Oct 06, 2024 – 05:30 AM

Authored by Brandon Smith via,

One of the most common assumptions I come across in the survival-sphere is the idea that the next world war would automatically necessitate global nuclear conflict and a Mad Max-like outcome. In other words, a lot of people assume we aren’t in a world war until the nukes start flying and the survivors are left fighting in soda can armor over an irradiated desert. This is a dangerous misunderstanding for a lot of reasons.

What people are overlooking is the fact that we are ALREADY in the middle of WWIII. They don’t realize it because they’ve based their entire concept of world war on Hollywood fantasy.

There are many ways in which wars are fought. In our current situation WWIII is being waged through proxies like Ukraine and Israel (and maybe Taiwan in the near future). The war is also being fought on the global economic stage using sanctions, inflation and the dumping of the US dollar as the world reserve. To be sure, these situations can easily escalate into something bigger and that is exactly what I suspect they will do. However, planetary nuclear war is the least likely scenario.

Survival and preparedness communities have a tendency to hyper-focus on the obviously Apocalyptic. We talk a lot about EMP strikes and split-second grid down calamities. We talk about solar flares, overnight economic crashes and nuclear holocaust. I think survivalists do this because it acts as a mental exercise – A way to better clarify what the best preparedness solutions are in the majority of cases, including the worst cases.

But as I’ve said for many years, collapse is a process, not an event.

These things happen slowly, and then all at once. If you went back in time ten years ago and warned people that in 2024 the US would be in the middle of a stagflationary crisis with a 30%-50% average price increase on all necessities, they would probably dismiss you as a doom-monger. Well, guess what, that’s exactly what a handful of alternative economists (myself included) were doing well over a decade ago, and we were dismissed over and over again – Welcome to our world.

The reason people refused to believe us is because the danger was not immediately obvious. The economic threat was not hitting them in their wallet yet. Stock markets seemed to be doing fine. The jobs market was still functioning somewhat normally. They could only view economic crisis through the lens of a total collapse. The idea that it would happen incrementally never crossed their minds.

Even today there are still people who argue that everything is fine. The stock market is “fine.” The labor market is “healthy.” If you suggest all is not well, you’re a “chicken little.” This is the incredible danger of having a Hollywood fantasy idea of collapse. We may never get to 100% systemic implosion; but even a 50% collapse is still a survival situation.

The same dynamic goes for WWIII. We must not overlook the dangers right in front of us simply because intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles aren’t crisscrossing the sky.

Consider the proxy battleground case for a moment.

In October of 2023 I published an article titled ‘It’s A Trap! The Wave Of Repercussions As The Middle East Fights “The Last War.”’ In it I stated:

Israel is going to pound Gaza into gravel, there’s no doubt about that. A ground invasion will meet far more resistance than the Israelis seem to expect, but Israel controls the air and Gaza is a fixed target with limited territory. The problem for them is not the Palestinians, but the multiple war fronts that will open up if they do what I think they are about to do (attempted sanitization).

Lebanon, Iran and Syria will all immediately engage and Israel will not be able to fight them all – Hell, the Israelis got their asses handed to them by Lebanon alone in 2006. This will result in inevitable demands for US/EU intervention.”

I also warned on the potential motives behind escalation in the Middle East:

The timing of the conflict in Israel is incredibly beneficial to globalists, and this might explain Israel’s bizarre intel failure [October 7th]. Just as US and British leaders had prior knowledge of a potential Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 but warned no one because they WANTED to compel Americans to fight in WWII, the Palestinian incursion serves a similar purpose.”

I my article ‘Iran vs Israel: What Happens Next Now That Shots Have Been Fired?’ published in April, I predicted:

A ground war between Iran and Israel is inevitable if the tit-for-tat continues, and much of it will be fought (at least in the beginning) in Lebanon and perhaps Syria. Iran has a mutual defense pact with both countries and Lebanon is generally a proxy for Iranian defense policy.

Iran will have active troops or proxy forces in all of these regions, not to mention the Houthis in Yemen striking ships in the Red Sea. There are questions in terms of how Iraq will respond to this situation, but there’s not a lot of love between the current government and Israel or the US.”

Not surprisingly there was a contingent of people that argued these things would “never happen” and talk of war between Iran and Israel was “doom mongering.” Those people were wrong (yet again), and I was right. Iran and Israel have now essentially declared war on each other and are exchanging missile barrages as I write this. The ground war will begin in Lebanon and expand from there.

Just as in Ukraine, the looming danger is that war between Israel and Iran will draw in larger military powers like the US and Russia.

People dismiss this outcome because their modern conception of global war needs to change; this world war will not be fought exactly like those in the past.

This time the weapons of mass destruction will be financial and resource driven instead of nuclear. If Iran moves to blockade the Strait of Hormuz (which I believe is imminent), Americans can be harmed financially through energy shortages and gas price spikes even without our soldiers deployed to fight.

There’s also the question of our wide open borders and how many potential terrorists slipped into the US during the Biden Administration’s illegal immigration bonanza. How many attacks (or false flag attacks) are being organized right now?

The regional conflicts could spread and go on for a decade or longer. It all adds up to a world war, but it may never be officially declared a world war. Perhaps there will be a limited nuclear event somewhere; maybe a false flag or a limited strike. But a nuclear war is not necessary to create the kind of chaos the globalists are looking for.

People also need to understand that the powers-that-be also have a lot to risk should a war devolve into nuclear exchange. If it was really that easy for them to launch warheads, wipe out the majority of the human population and then establish a global dynasty, they would have done it a long time ago.

Global war on such a scale is inherently unpredictable. The elites have spent trillions of dollars and the better part of the last century constructing the most complex surveillance and control grid in history. It would be foolish to turn it all to ash in the blink of an eye and I highly doubt that’s the plan. They would be putting themselves and their legacy at risk of being erased forever.

Does this mean I will be ignoring the potential for a nuclear event? No. I will always keep it in mind and have preps ready just in case. A single nuke set off anywhere west of your home could result in radioactive fallout that would take around three to four weeks to dissipate. That said, the danger of these sceanrios might be overstated.

Here’s an interesting fact to ponder: The US government has tested at least 1050 explosive nuclear devices over the decades. Around 216 of those were atmospheric tests that resulted in massive fallout across the country. Some people in close proximity got sick over many years from these tests, but they didn’t result in an overnight mass death event. Perhaps, at a moderate distance, these weapons are not as dangerous as we’re led to believe?

The greater effect of nuclear weapons comes not just from the resulting damage to national infrastructure, but also mass psychological disruption. The economic system would take an immediate dive from even one strike, and it could be anywhere in the world. A single nuke in Ukraine would send shockwaves through already unstable markets.  The supply chain and food supply could be quickly disrupted.

If the globalists wanted to accelerate a worldwide collapse, they wouldn’t need a nuclear war, just one well placed device.

The biggest danger from WWIII is not nuclear exchange, but the disturbing changes societies go through when conflict inspires mass fear. Totalitarianism is much easier to institute during such a war. Freedom of speech is often suppressed and criticism of the government is often criminalized. People who rebel against this are accused of “working with the enemy.” Military conscription is usually enforced and young people are sent off to die overseas over a conflagration that makes little sense.

The economy nose dives and the supply chain tightens. Price controls and rationing are initiated. Black markets flourish but those who participate are aggressively targeted by the government. In the case of the US, armed revolution in many states is a certainty.

Public planning should focus far more on these eventualities and less on Hollywood images of Apocalypse.



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His Ridiculousness Justin Trudeau Has Resigned

Good to hear that His Ridiculousness has finally deigned to resign from his post as Prime Minister of Canada.

Trudeau was of little importance to people outside of Canada. I have never written about him. But I will remember him for his fake wokeness which was as authoritarian as his use of emergency powers against truckers who protested against Covid restrictions.



Justin Trudeau and family meeting a native of India
biggerArend Feenstra, a Canadian, who, with his wife and eight kids, has recently emigrated to Russia, feels relieved:

Trudeau’s reign of terror is finally coming to an end! Many Canadians have seen their lives dramatically altered over the last 9 years, savings wiped out, health destroyed… feeling helpless and hopeless, many of us have fled to other countries in order to keep our children safe. Although Trudeau’s resignation will not undo all the damage that he has done, it is a great start and hopefully the beginning of an end to the destructive and divisive liberal policies that have destroyed the Canada we all knew and loved. May God continue to bless all our beloved Canadians this year and may good overcome evil!God bless you all! We wish you a merry Christmas and a wonderful new year from our new home here in Russia!

Arend’s family has a video channel, Countryside Acres, on which they document their life. Their latest video, posted just two hours ago, is a review of their first year in Russia:

Posted by b on January 7, 2025 at 15:25 UTC | Permalink

Samba Steak stir fry

Seasoned beef strips stir fried to perfection with vegetables, then topped with pico de gallo.


Prep: 18 min | Cook: 12 min | Yield: 4 servings


Pico de Gallo

  • 3/4 cup chopped tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup chopped white onion
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
  • 2 teaspoons minced jalapeño pepper
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
  • Salt


  • 1 pound round tip steaks, cut 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick
  • 3 teaspoons vegetable oil, divided
  • 1 1/2 cups thinly sliced bell pepper, any color
  • 1/2 medium white onion, cut into 1/2 inch wedges
  • 1 medium jalapeño pepper, thinly sliced
  • Salt
  • 8 small whole wheat tortillas (about 6 inch diameter), warmed


  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground chipotle chile pepper


Pico de Gallo

  1. Combine tomatoes, onion, cilantro, jalapeño pepper and lime juice in a medium bowl. Season with salt, as desired.
  2. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.


  1. Stack beef steaks; cut lengthwise in half and then crosswise into 1 inch wide strips.
  2. Combine beef and rub ingredients in large bowl; toss to coat evenly.
  3. Heat 1 teaspoon oil in large nonstick skillet over medium high heat until hot.
  4. Add bell pepper, onion and jalapeño; stir fry for 5 to 8 minutes or until vegetables are crisp-tender. Remove from skillet; keep warm.
  5. Heat 1 teaspoon oil in same skillet until hot. Add half of beef; stir fry 1-2 minutes or until outside surface is no longer pink. (Do not overcook.) Remove from skillet; keep warm.
  6. Repeat with remaining 1 teaspoon oil and beef.
  7. Return all beef and vegetables to skillet. Season with salt, as desired.
  8. Serve beef mixture in tortillas; top with Pico de Gallo.

I’m With the Banned

Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Imagine a world where exploration is forbidden, and write a story about a character who defies this rule to satisfy their innate curiosity. view prompt

Jeremy Stevens

This story contains sensitive content

This story contains leftist political hot-buttons. Do not proceed if you are easily offended.“Do you promise you won’t leave me?”“Baby, how many times I gotta say it?”“More times than you have.”“I promise. I’m not going to leave you.”“It’s just…everyone I’ve ever loved has left.”“I am not everyone.”“And if we do this…”“Ssshhh…you talk too much.”“Just, go slow, ‘kay?”“You got nothing to fear.”—–“And you met him, where?”“At the dugout…”

“I mean, where, the first time?”


“Where online?”

“CuddlesClub. He said he was fifteen though…”

“And how long had you chatted with him, before…”

“Two months, maybe?”

“And when you met him…”

“He could have been fifteen, maybe.”

“But he wasn’t. You knew this, right?”


How did you know this?”

“Just the way you know things.”


“But she’s only twelve.”

“The State does not give her permission.”

“She was raped.”

“Better than being a murderer.”



Noam is playing with blocks on the floor. He uses them not only to build, but to spell. His latest word is “dim”; his phrase: We are a dim lot. Noam is going on four.


Naomi and I are cuddling on the torn loveseat. She entered my life when Noam was born. I am sixteen now; Naomi is nineteen. Naomi named him Noam, said it was a good name, said it meant “pleasantness” and that Noam Chomsky said we are born with “innate linguistic aptitude.”


“It’s a silent ‘fuck you’ to the suppression from the State,” she told me.


I didn’t get it at all then. I get it a bit more, now.


Naomi kisses my cheek, and hums Jack Johnson: …it’s so much better when we’re together.


We are huddled in the shanty. The rain has finally stopped, so Naomi has gone out looking for food. So long as she stays to the alleys, she should be fine. Better food there, anyhow. Lots of restaurants; lots of waste. Last week her foraging yielded an unopened bag of pre-cooked, deveined, tail-removed shrimp. Noam found it delightful.


I was twelve when my parents were imprisoned. My father’d called the judge a sick beast and away they went, both of them. I was sitting behind them with some person in a white robe.


Now now, she tapped my knee. Now now.


I was fat with child and my back hurt. Heavily medicated, I haven’t much memory of those times. Naomi says there’s much we are not allowed to do. Being together is one of them.


“What happens if they find us together?”


“Just stick to the script.”


But Naomi is white, which is also a problem.


“Who’ll believe we’re sisters, Naomi? You’re white and I’m…”


Naomi just kisses me then. It is a hard kiss. Passionate. She grips the nape of my neck and puts her forehead to mine. “Sweet angel, I do so love you.”



At four, Noam is still a thumb sucker. Despite our attempts at potty training he still has to wear diapers, and still Noam cannot speak intelligible words. His block spelling has plateaued. While we have no reliable source for nutrition, Naomi is resourceful and provides our RDA of the necessary food groups but still Noam’s eyes are jaundiced, his gums are bleeding, his skin is scaly. He’s been given to highs of rage and lows of slurping depression. He’s pulled out most of his hair; his fingertips and nails are nubbbed from scratching our earthen floor. I’ve tried to love on him —we both have— and sometimes he’ll relent but more often he’ll gnash and growl.


“What do you think the problem is, Naomi?”


“How well did you know his father?”



It was on one of her last forays that Naomi returned with books. “I found them in the dumpster,” she exclaimed delightedly, “all brand new.”


Governor DeSatanist. We both knew it, but we dared not speak of it, FOR JESUS CHRIST HATH DECREED THAT the right the abort, the right same sex, the right to read, THE RIGHT TO EXPLORE OPTIONS are no longer rights, but SINS, all in the names of murder! defilement! propaganda!


“Oh, Naomi, what beautiful treasures. The Giving Tree. What in the world?”


Exploring Civil Rights: The Movement.

“Racially motivated.”

Bridge to Terabithia? I loved this book.

“Promoting the occult.”

Where the Wild Things Are.”

“Again. Too demonic, they say.”

“All of these were tossed? The Outsiders (too violent!), To Kill a Mockingbird (too mature!)…oh, I love this one but never heard of it: My Moms Love Me.”


We both looked down at our four-year-old, teething on a sandal.


There is heavy foot traffic outside our tin-roofed shanty. They are marching in unison. Regimental, a tap-tap on the door: big bad white men instilling fear in two biracial dykes and a bastard invalid. We know why they are here. Surprised it took them so long.


The walls of our shanty are now lined with books: banned books, we assume, for they’d all been discarded. Several months ago, we’d opened our doors for exploration, purely word of mouth quite naturally as we —Naomi and I, and Noam— are not known to exist, not any longer. (For it’s been assumed, we assume, that we were wiped clean during the last fumigation, we fitting all their criteria of filth, after all.) Prior to finding us, our people had been fed the The History You Need to Know twenty-volume series; The Jesus Christ Giver’s Guide: How to be a Good Citizen; and The Lives of Hunter and Paisley five-volume series (Birth-Elementary Homeschool; Homeschool in the Neighborhood; College is not Necessary; Adulting with People Like You; Growing Old Quietly and Respectfully).


For the past several months, though, we’ve allowed our people to travel, to read with delight words that are actually said, emotions that are actually felt. Our people have been able to find comfort in words, healing words, words that have allowed them to transcend the NORM and to explore the lives of others, the majesty of foreign lands without the privilege of escape from this, our “home of the free because of the brave,” words and emotions that are now SINS because…because…


is there one right answer here?


Because independent thought is treachery. An enemy of progress.


Because “who controls the past controls the future, and who controls the present controls the past.” Because “the best books are those that tell you what you already know.”


Orwell, too, has been banned, of course. But we have him in our library.

Had, for we have been discovered.



We are not going to be stoned, or burned like witches. We are not going to the rack or the gallows, or the chair. We are not going to be strapped to a gurney and punctured with needles. We are not going to be shot, or even gassed.


Our “fumigation” is the now-proverbial Jim Jones’ Drinking the Kool-Aid, though still we get to live, very much like the donkeys at the end of Pinocchio, also banned for its debauchery on Pleasure Island: as sheep in the fields, after the surgeries are complete, we shall follow without question, we shall bleat unintelligibly, we shall chew the cud from dawn ‘til dusk with those indistinguishable from ourselves.


We shall cause no further problems. We shall be obedient.

On my anniversary, he gave me a gift box but when i opened it, it were pictures of me & my affair

After F-35’s Detected, Israel Preparing Large Surface-to-Surface Missile Launches at Iran

After F-35's Detected, Israel Preparing Large Surface-to-Surface Missile Launches at Iran

After the Russian government alerted Iran to the approach of four F-35 stealth jets toward Iran from the Persian Gulf yesterday, which reportedly caused an abort to that mission, Israel is now preparing surface-to-surface missile launches.

Information about Israel’s ballistic missile capabilities is sparse, but here’s what we know about the “likely” missiles to be used, which is speculated to be “Jericho II” missiles, seen in the FILE PHOTO above.

The Jericho II (YA-3) is a solid fuel, two-stage long-range ballistic missile system and a follow on from the Jericho I project. As many as 90 Jericho 2 missiles are currently based in caves near Zekharia (Sdot Micha Airbase), southeast of Tel Aviv.

Jericho II development began in 1977, and by 1986 there were reports of test firings. According to, a project of the George C. Marshall Institute, there is evidence the Jericho II originated as a joint Israeli-Iranian project, cooperation that ended with the loss of friendly relations after the 1979 Iranian Revolution overthrew the Shah’s rule.

There was a series of test launches into the Mediterranean from 1987 to 1992, the longest at around 1,300 km, mostly from the facility at Palmachim, south of Tel Aviv. Jane’s reports that a test launch of 1,400 km is believed to have taken place from South Africa’s Overberg Test Range in June 1989.

The Jericho II is 14.0 m long and 1.56 m wide, with a reported launch weight of 26,000 kg (although an alternative launch weight of 21,935 kg has been suggested). It has a 1,000 kg payload, capable of carrying a considerable amount of high explosives or a 1 Megaton yield nuclear warhead.

It uses a two-stage solid propellant engine with a separating warhead. The missile can be launched from a silo, a railroad flat car, or a mobile vehicle. This gives it the ability to be hidden, moved quickly, or kept in a hardened silo, largely ensuring survival against any attack. It has an active radar homing terminal guidance system similar to that of the Pershing II, for very accurate strikes.

The Jericho II forms the basis of the three-stage, 23 ton Shavit NEXT satellite launcher, first launched in 1988 from Palmachim. From the performance of Shavit it has been estimated that as a ballistic missile it has a maximum range of about 7,800 km with a 500 kg payload.

The Jericho II as an available Israeli counterattack option to Iraqi missile bombardment in the 1991 Gulf War is disputed. Jane’s at the time believed that Jericho II entered service in 1989. Researcher Seth Carus claims that, according to an Israeli source, the decision to operationally deploy the Jericho-2 was only made after 1994, several years after the Scud attacks had ended and a cease fire and disarmament regime were in place.

Raytheon Technologies, quoting Soviet intelligence archives, showed them believing the Jericho-2 to have been fully developed weapon in 1989, but did not indicate when it was available for deployment.

Investigators for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace accessed commercial satellite images of the Sdot Micha Airbase near Zachariah, a suspected Jericho missile base, comparison shows expansion between 1989 and 1993 of the type that would accommodate suspected Jericho II launchers and missiles. Such an expansion would be more consistent with a post-1991 deployment chronology.

It is presently unknown how many such missiles Israel has.

US Military Sending More Assets

Additional Aerial-Refueling Tankers with the U.S. Air Force are enroute to the Middle East this morning, possibly ferrying a Squadron of F-22s, F-16s, or F-15Es which the Pentagon had previously stated would be Deploying soon to the Region.

Shown below, two KC-46A Pegasus tankers (reg: 20-46074 & 20-46073) from McGuire Air Force Base One C-5M Super Galaxy (reg: 86-0012) One C-17A Globemaster (reg: 01-0188) likely heading to the Middle East:

US refueling tankers huge cargo planes to ME
US refueling tankers huge cargo planes to ME

WaPo Editors – Ending The War Is Worse Than Losing

The Washington Post editors have long argued for prolonging the war in Ukraine.

In November 2022, when Ukraine was in a good position to negotiate an end to the war, they argued against it:

Mr. Zelensky and his supporters in the West undoubtedly understand that peace talks might eventually be necessary, his commitment to victory notwithstanding. And yet to declare that, or even imply it, before the time is right — before Ukraine’s armed forces have exhausted every opportunity to regain occupied territory — would convey slackening commitment. And that, in turn, can only convince Mr. Putin that time is on his side and that he should prolong the fighting.

Since then Ukraine’s armed forces have exhausted every opportunity to regain occupied territory – and failed. Russia was then and is now convinced that time is on its side.

Now, finally, the editors acknowledge that their war against Russia in Ukraine is lost. But they still insist that this can not be allowed to be formalized in a ceasefire or peace treaty.

While they are stomping their feet they fail to present an alternative:

Ukraine risks losing the war. A Trump-imposed bad deal would be worse. (archived)
A settlement that dismembers Ukraine and rewards Putin will undermine U.S. credibility.

As Russia is the dominating power in the war in Ukraine there will only be one deal that can be had. It will be along the parameters the Russia’s President Putin has laid out. That deal will certainly be less than optimal for the U.S. side but how would it be ‘worse’ for Ukraine than losing the war?

As for ‘credibility’:

A pullback now would convey that the United States and its allies lack staying power and that their promises come time-stamped as valid only until the next election date. How might China take such a message as its autocratic president, Xi Jinping, contemplates whether to make a military move to try to seize the self-governing democratic island of Taiwan?

The U.S. ‘lack of staying power’ is a feature of its democracy. It is well known that U.S. citizen’s opinions about supporting a war tend to change over time. Just ask the Vietnamese or the Taliban for experience with this. No unrealistic fear mongering about China will change that fact.

It is however good to learn that the editors (finally) see the situation of Ukraine as unsustainable as it is:

Ukraine is also losing troops at a rate far beyond what it can sustain and continue fighting. The official casualty estimate of 400,000 killed or wounded is considered a vast undercount. Thousands of exhausted Ukrainian soldiers are deserting the front lines.

The editors know that it is over for Ukraine but they still reject to acknowledge the consequences. They say that a deal over Ukraine, any deal, would be bad but there is not even a hint of what an alternative might be:

Ukraine can hardly survive another year of this devastating war. But the haste to find a negotiated settlement could produce a bad one that would reward Mr. Putin for his land grab and guarantee he will launch a new attack for more territory once he has a chance to rebuild his depleted arsenal. A poor settlement would also leave Ukrainians bitter after seeing their homes, schools and factories destroyed, and friends and family members killed. Much of their anger would be directed at the Western backers who betrayed them. This is a fight America, and Ukraine, cannot lose, especially with a bad deal.

The war is lost. A hasty settlement will be bad. Russia will be embolden and the Ukrainians will be sad.

But what else is there to do? The editors don’t know. They thus close with a sentence that does not even (‘cannot lose’) make sense.

Posted by b on January 7, 2025 at 16:38 UTC | Permalink

My Cheater GF Loses It After I Pretend To Be In An Open Relationship For 2 Months And Then Dump Her

Head games are terrible. Do not do it.

My story about batteries and early morning wake up calls

I worked at a company where my initial job I had full access to all financial and job information and tracked it daily. When I shifted roles, my access mistakenly wasn’t removed and I didn’t say anything – just continued with the habit.

Shortly after my role changed, I noticed the parent company seemed to be shifting things around to keep one of the leads and their key people and dump everything and everyone else. So I started saving money and paying off debts. Because the writing on the wall was telling me lay-offs were coming. The home office was setting up drought conditions to slowly kill the company I was at in such a way it would seem like market flux. But I could see ALL jobs and financials and where things were being directed. It was a deliberate and slow starvation and eventually the financial situation would force lay-offs.

I was the last member added to my team and if the strategy was last in, first out, I was gone. It was just a matter of when.

One Friday I went to lunch, about six months after I started seeing the pattern, and I told my best friend I would be losing my job really soon. I could feel it coming. Sure enough, came back from lunch and got let go. I was more surprised at how surprised everyone else was, especially the VP who had to talk to me. He got more choked up in our meeting than I did. I was relieved. The wait was finally over.

It was obvious to me the company was being killed to separate the star and the people on their team and jettison the rest. We were duplicating roles – to the home office it made sense to keep the team doing something unique and consolidate the other roles in one location – which was not in our location. Everyone else knew something was up but didn’t know they knew. There was a lot of tension. A lot of anxiety that people weren’t aware they were giving off. And no one but me knew why the office was so on edge. In the end the office was reduced to less than half its size.

I see former co-workers out and about and they all seem much happier than they were that last half year. There’s a lot of bitterness toward the parent company though for breaking up our office and disrupting so many lives.

“Just PREPARE Yourself…” – Danielle DiMartino

No change.

Let it sink in that in 2017 before the corporate assassination of Huawei by the American Federal government, asml sold 1b in equipment to mainland China.

Last year, 2023, they sold almost 8b, a sevenfold increase.

The mainland is now their second largest client.

American ip-based curbs have already been in place since 2022, so the appearance of a mainland-made 5nm equivalent chip made on the 7nm node in 2023 on a Huawei phone embarrassed commerce secretary Gina, especially when she was made the center of a guerilla marketing campaign promoting the phone during her trip to Beijing.

The United States doesn’t want China anywhere near sub-10nm chips, so it is applying pressure on the Dutch government to force asml to disrupt service contracts to select mainland foundries making these advanced chips.

Unfortunately, nothing but an embargo is going to work at this point. But an embargo will be so disruptive the best outcome is global goods shortage and a second round of inflation or worse, market chaos.

ASML will lose the China market for good if they fail to honor contracts. At any rate, they will be lucky to preserve 1b annual sales within the coming decade, given the Chinese determination towards tech independence.

Not embarrassing but it was fucking hilarious. When my daughter was 3 or 4 we were at a restaurant and it was her mom’s turn to drink and mine to drive. So my ex orders a mud slide, which came in an enormous goblet and looked like a delicious chocolate shake.

So of course the little one asks to have some. We said no. She asked again and being our rule for asking for things was no, no, never, (Meaning if we said no twice and we’re asked again never was the answer and we stood by this ) her mom said, “ You can’t have any of mommy’s drink, it has liquor in it.”

My kid responded to this by standing on the seat of the booth and screaming, “ I want liquor, I want liquor!!” My ex, the waitress, and myself all burst out laughing.

We were regulars at this restaurant and my kid is not a spoiled brat so we all knew she was doing this more so as a joke and not a whining outburst. I’m sure the other patrons found this humorous as well. She’s always been a great kid and hasn’t lost her sense of humor.

I will say when she got a little older than this maybe at 5 I warned her that if she embarrasses me in public now, I won’t punish her. I will just store that in my memory, then I’m the future I will show up to her school in my pajamas and make sure I embarass her ten fold.

I never had an issue with her in public until she was like 10 when she would do so intentionally and dare me to get her back because she “doesn’t care what people think of me just like you don’t daddy, aren’t you glad you taught me that?”

{Edit} I read the question wrong and was going to delete my answer but it took too much time typing all that in my phone so I’ll go ahead and leave it until I get some complaints.

Egypt selects Chinese J-10Cs instead of upgrading its United States’ F-16Vs

J-10C: China’s Strategic Moves with J-10C Fighter Aircraft

The J-10 was originally conceived as an air-superiority fighter for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, but the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to its shift to that of a multi-role aircraft. Produced by the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, the Vigorous Drag …


The Egyptian Defense Ministry has reportedly placed its first-ever order for Chinese fourth-generation fighters, specifically the J-10C, as of August 19. This decision underscores Cairo’s ongoing efforts to deepen strategic and economic ties with Beijing, following its recent entry into the Chinese-led BRICS bloc earlier this year.

With this acquisition, Egypt becomes the second country to procure the J-10C after Pakistan. Meanwhile, unconfirmed reports suggest that Sudan may have been negotiating a similar deal before insurgency complications in April 2024 delayed the talks. The J-10Cs are expected to replace Egypt’s aging fleet of F-16 Fighting Falcons as they are gradually phased out.

Interestingly, there is speculation that Egypt’s decision to acquire the J-10C may be an alternative to U.S. proposals for the F-16V upgrade package. The J-10C offers superior combat capabilities compared to the enhanced F-16 model, all at a comparable cost.

Beyond the three squadrons of MiG-29M fighters Egypt ordered from Russia in 2015, most of the country’s fourth-generation fighters come from Western sources. The potential purchase of J-10C fighters marks a significant shift, reflecting the evolving political landscape.

Recent reports suggest Egypt may be ordering J-10Cs, as Egyptian officials voice increasing concerns over the Western-backed Israeli military operations in Gaza. Officials in Cairo fear these operations may force the Gazan population to seek refuge in Egypt.

This possible acquisition is pivotal when considering Egypt’s current fighter fleet, which has long been viewed as inadequately prepared for a major interstate conflict.

The nearly 200 F-16s forming the backbone of the fleet are seen as some of the least capable fourth-generation fighters globally. They’re heavily downgraded and restricted to obsolete Cold War-era weaponry, completely lacking modern beyond-visual range air-to-surface capabilities.

Political hurdles

Over the years, Egypt has encountered several political hurdles in modernizing and arming its F-16s with advanced weaponry. A significant challenge has been its intricate relationship with the United States. Since Egypt’s F-16 fleet primarily comes from the U.S., arms deals with Washington are often bound by stringent political conditions.

U.S. foreign policy decisions often dictate the flow of advanced upgrades and weapon systems, based on concerns such as human rights, regional conflicts, or a nation’s alliances. For instance, following the military removal of President Mohamed Morsi in 2013, the U.S. temporarily suspended military aid, which delayed essential upgrades for Egypt’s aging F-16s.

This, coupled with U.S. control over spare parts and strict operational restrictions on the aircraft, significantly hampers Egyptian air power.

Moreover, Egypt’s French-supplied Rafale fighters, ordered in 2015, also experience notable performance downgrades. Most notably, the absence of Meteor air-to-air missiles severely limits their combat capabilities.

Regional hotspots’

France’s Rafale jets, although free from U.S. political constraints, have faced their own set of geopolitical challenges. When Egypt attempts to diversify its arms purchases, including reaching out to Russia and China, it often conflicts with its Western suppliers.

Western governments, including France, have occasionally been reluctant to equip Egypt with the latest weapons systems or upgrades due to worries about how these might be used in regional hotspots like Libya or Yemen. This balancing act between maintaining good relations with Western powers and non-Western allies has complicated Egypt’s efforts to modernize its fleet with state-of-the-art technology.

Additionally, Egypt’s shifting geopolitical landscape in the Middle East has influenced its defense relationships. The U.S. and European countries have aimed to retain influence over Egypt’s military activities by controlling access to advanced weaponry.

Due to restrictions on integrating advanced air-to-air missiles and radar technologies, Egypt’s efforts to modernize its F-16 and Rafale fleets have been hampered. As a result, Egypt has been seeking more independent options for its defense supplies, increasingly turning to countries like China, which impose fewer political conditions and restrictions. This trend has driven Egypt’s recent shift toward the Chinese J-10.

In contrast, the J-10C will provide Egypt with access to two of the world’s most capable air-to-air missile classes: the PL-10 and PL-15. Western sources have acknowledged that these Chinese missiles significantly outperform their American counterparts, the AIM-9X and AIM-120D.

For Egypt, which has been using Cold War-era AIM-9 variants and the outdated AIM-7, this shift signifies a technological leap spanning several decades in performance. The J-10C will stand as the most capable fighter aircraft in Egypt’s arsenal in terms of air-to-air combat and may even be the most advanced on the African continent.

The fighter has shown in simulated combat that it can outperform modern ‘4+ generation’ fighters almost twice its size, including Russian Su-35s and Chinese J-16s. Its array of compatible air-to-ground ordnance is extensive.

The J-10C is viewed as significantly more capable than any fighter in the Israeli fleet, except for its two squadrons of F-35s. This could potentially push Israel to expand its F-35 orders and invest in more advanced air-to-air missiles for its aircraft.

Images of America

















































View W. along Fern St. from 937, Camden, 1992
View W. along Fern St. from 937, Camden, 1992




I wouldn’t say that our Elementary Maths teacher didn’t know what she was teaching, but Maths probably wasn’t her forte. She could only deliver the lessons or solutions in a “by-the-book” manner.

First, some background: we were a class of 42 students in our O-Level year (Secondary 4 in the British system, 16 years old) taking both Elementary Maths and Additional Maths (the harder subject). From hindsight in the following year, a junior told us that our class had 41 of us scoring A1 for Additional Maths, and one scoring A2, when he complained that we had set a very high bar for his class. So, we were actually the top class of our year, not just in Additional Maths but also Elementary Maths, plus all the other six subjects.

Here is the first story. The previous teacher in Secondary 3 had already completed the entire O-Level syllabus for Elementary Maths, one year ahead of time, and we were already done with the ten-years series (a compilation of O-Level examination papers) as homework. Secondary 4 was really just more revision. Unfortunately, that teacher was transferred to a new junior college (for 17–18 years old). He was that good.

And we were assigned a new teacher, who probably wasn’t aware of our progress. In one of the first lessons, we were terribly bored because we could work out the answers in our heads. We were quiet.

She thought we didn’t understand it and asked, “Do you understand the explanation?”

“Nooooo…” went the usual naughty back-benchers.

“Should I explain it again?”


And she repeated it, word for word. The class was surprised. Word for word?

“Do you understand it now?”

“Nooooo…” and subsequent lessons just went that way.

Second story. Our classroom was next to a laboratory where they conducted experiments for the Basic Electricity and Electronics subject. One of those experiments was to demonstrate the danger of connecting an electrolytic capacitor with the wrong polarity in a direct current (DC) circuit. It would be a controlled explosion of a small electrolytic capacitor.

And there was that mini explosion next door during one of the Elementary Maths lesson.

“Who brought a firecracker?!”


“Who played with a firecracker?”

Everyone looked at each other. “Nobody.”

“I heard it! Whoever did, better own up!”

One of our more alert classmate, because the rest of us were sleepy, said, “It’s next door. It’s an experiment.”

“Nonsense! Own up or I’ll search your bags.”

No amount of explanation convinced her. We even suggested that she should walk over and check with the other teacher. And so she searched our bags, finding nothing. Class dismissed.

Final story. Not knowing who was the teacher-in-charge, I joined the school Maths Club. And in the very first get together, we were asked to complete a 4×4 magic square and the first person to offer the solution would get a prize. Yes, she was the teacher in charge. By that time, I have already figured out one solution (there could be more than one way to solve it) and raised my hand. As I wrote down the first three numbers of the top row, she stopped me and asked me to go back to my seat. She said it was the wrong answer. Needless to say, I double checked my answer back at my seat, knew it was correct but held my tongue.

Another school mate raised her hand, went to the board and wrote the standard solution (yes, there is a very easy solution that involved simply swapping the numbers of the four corner squares and the four inner squares. You can Google it.).

She was praised and offered the prize. Then my schoolmate pointed out that my answer should also be correct (she was one of the smartest in school). I was invited to write my answer down for everyone to see. And the teacher? Mumbled something and moved on to another topic.

After that, I just do my other assigned homework during Elementary Maths class, and she didn’t bother me. ::shrug::

Atheist Dies & Finds There Is Life After Death (Near-Death Experience)

I purchased a brand new, off the lot Ford F-150 Platinum truck with all of the bells and whistles… The sales lady was a very professional looking person, dressed sharply, quick on her feet answering questions, the minute my wife shows up starts down selling knowing my wives don’t want their husbands buying the platinum, gold plated, ultimate, maximum, super charger package… but I was not to be denied. Anyway, I was repeatedly told, free oil changes and car washes for the first year that I owned the truck. “Yeah, just give us a heads up and for the first year, free oil changes or free car washes.”

“Great” I say, ready to drive off the lot. “your first oil change is due in 5,000 miles, call service to schedule when you get close.”

And like clockwork I call service to get my first free oil change and free car wash. Everything goes well.

It’s time for my next oil change and I was at 9,850 miles. I call service and schedule my next oil change, and they had me come in a few days later. Checked me in. I waited, my name was called. “that will be $47.50 for the oil change and $7.50 for the car wash.”

“I was told the oil changes were free the first year that I own the truck.” The service manager smiles and says “that’s correct, but its Its first year or 10,000 miles, whichever comes first” and you are at 10,025.”

I said “excuse me.” and walked back in the dealership, found the sales lady and as I am approaching her desk, she calls out to the manager “Jerry… upset customer. Deal with it!”

They comped my second oil change. Apologized for the misunderstanding “but its clearly stated on page 66 of the sales agreement in section 102 that the sales offer is free oil changes for the first year OR 10,000 miles sir, whichever comes first!” He says this as he his standing in front a large poster board sign stating “free oil changes for the first year you own the car!” and something yellow and small in a different language, in 2 font, at the bottom of the poster, telling me that ”transparency and honesty is paramount here at Honest John’s Ford.” tongue in cheek, fingers crossed behind his back.

BIG BIG Trouble Ahead!

In a word; ESCALATION.

Please read until the end.

The USA has a defence policy of “Launch on warning”. Russia has the same but also is thought to employ “dead man’s hands”. They do this because of the fear of a Decapitation Strike, a first strike tactic. Both sides live under the fear of nuclear strikes designed to remove all senior military and political leaders, and it is a fair worry given how fast modern ICBM (land launched) and SLBMs (sea launched)system operate. A sea launched depressed trajectory missile could take Washington/Pentagon out in as little as ten minutes from launch detection to detonation. Ten minutes in which to find the US president, get them to make a decision, open the nuclear code “football” and transmit the orders. Land launched missiles take 24 minutes to reach the USA and vice versa, still very little time to decide, target and launch. So in light of this the decision to launch middles is made upon warnings alone, specifically Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites. These can detect an engine start within 0.5 seconds. They watch the launch and flash the first warning. They watch the boost phase and post boost phase. At what is called rollover they have a pretty good idea where the missile is going. Ground based radars of the BEMEWS line and early warning radar site in the UK and Poland are the second part of launch verification. At this point the launch order for retaliation is given. Because land based missile bases and bomber bases will be the first targets they have to be launched (use them or loose them).

Once launched no missile can be stopped, there is no self destruct so the course is set.

Once the other side sees the massive retaliatory strike it launches, and it holds nothing back. Dead Man’s Hand means that regardless of any further orders of any type Russia will expend its entire inventory. Less than 20 minutes will have passed. And almost the entire land launch inventory of both sides will have been launched. The bombers now in the air will reach their targets in a few hours, but after their missions they will have no place to return to. They are effectively on suicide missions. Orders will have gone out to ballistic missile subs via US Navy TACAMO aircraft within two hours of first detection they will be emptying their tubes. Land attack cruise missiles from attack subs will launch about the same time or in some cases later. This process cannot be stopped, it’s a one way ticket.

Why is Launch on Warning a problem?

It is not perfect. Satellites can be fooled, radar can be fooled. In one famous incident Russia almost started a war when the moon rising over Norway was interpreted as a mass missile attack. The USA once thought a flock of migrating geese was an attack. In the 1950 early warning radars were so subject to false readings that the USA relied on keeping a B52 circling Thule radar base in Greenland because that would be Russias very first target and seeing it vaporised from a B52 was the best verification there was of an attack!!!!! Today the USA system is much better, the satellites are now absolute marvels at what they can detect. BUT the Russian system still lack some crucial abilities (such as direct look-down) so false warnings are still very possible.


So the USA and Russia are relatively stable, even led by reasonable adults – until Trump came along of course. North Korea is especially dangerous because they introduce so much uncertainty. Any nation with a religious bent can also be a problem. The religious nut-bags of Iran and the self absorbed religious nut-bags of Israel for instance, who knows what would happen if they got the launch codes.

So we come back to Launch On Warning and just how fast a situation would escalate and how utterly unstoppable it is.

I hope this has given you some food for thought.

I bought a 2021 Airstream Interstate 24 GT van in 2021 and traveled around the U.S. for four and a half months. I drove 13,000 miles in that time, looking for a house. I had the time of my life, but it wasn’t cheap.

As a viable long-term option, there are some big considerations. For one, if you do your own conversion, every dime you spend doesn’t come back in resale. No bank will finance someone’s conversion. Second, a useful van for a range of weather conditions is a very complicated thing. It seems simple until you realize how difficult it is to manage condensation without ceiling vents, heaters, and AC, not to mention the insulation and overall build. Then there’s the matter of pipes freezing and keeping tanks above freezing no matter what. This is why conversions are so expensive.

If you want to stop somewhere without a hookup and remain warm and dry, you’re now talking about a generator. They need fuel, and that too gets complicated, so it’s better to stay in an RV park that has showers, power, pump-out, etc. But this comes with a cost. You can stay in places costing as little as $30.00 a night, but you might get shot. These are the equivalent of the worst neighborhoods imaginable, except everyone is closer together. You can listen to the fights all night long.

If you want to stay in a decent RV park, expect to pay closer to $60.00 a night. This would be one where you can’t reach your neighbor from your window. So, you’re looking at an expense of roughly $1,800 a month. Don’t think you’re going to remain in state or national parks because we have this thing called winter. Most RV parks in the north shut down, and your RV starts to freeze up if it’s not protected, so you head south. Guess what? So did everyone else who’s in the same boat, so you’re back to hunting for a decent place, and that takes time. It’s staying at any one place for a minimum of three days because it was so difficult to find good places. Horrible ones are everywhere. I had a few nights in those places, and I couldn’t wait to get out. Sure, you can stealth it a bit, but not much. Truck stops are the best, but just for overnight; then, get moving. Walmart and others are now kicking out overnighters.

Size matters- If you’re going with a bus, they get 4 MPG, so figure a buck a mile. That 13,000 miles would be $13,000 in fuel in a full size bus. I’ve done that too. The Sprinter was 20 MPG, so $2,600 to go 13,000 miles.

Go the route of a big RV and you need a Jeep in tow. That’s work too. The Sprinter was way better. Buy a good used one.

I had the time of my life, but I did it right—with the right rig, with the right planning, and with an exit strategy. Do it on the cheap, and it’s not going to be as much fun or as glamorous as you think.

She Died and Visited Heaven? Doctor’s Near-Death Experience Sheds Light on Life After Death

I used a master combination lock as a brass knuckle in middle school.

This guy had harassed me all year. I was small. He was big. Earlier that day we’d cleaned out our lockers and he’d taken the opportunity to walk up behind me and use a shoelace like a garrote on me. I told. Like it wasn’t obvious from the marks on my neck anyway. When a teacher asked me, I just told her.

Between classes one of his friends came up to me and said that this guy was going to break my nose so I’d always remember him and never rat him out again.

Now, my parents had complained to the school. Repeatedly. He’d attacked me earlier that year and the principal had convinced them not to press charges.

I kept the lock in my hand, with my middle finger in the clasp and the lock in my palm. The bell rang and I went in the hall to my next class. He was in the hallway.

I still don’t know if he was going to actually hit me in the hallway, but he did have his right hand cocked back. I swung up once and it went high, right below his left eye. The next one landed dead center in his mouth. I felt teeth break and cut my finger.

He crumpled over bleeding and crying. I didn’t know what to do and had my hands at my sides when a teacher grabbed me.

I was sitting in the principal’s office getting screamed at. I was going to jail. I was going to be in big trouble. I was going to have a criminal record. I had used a weapon on a defenseless kid.

They called my dad. Not mom who normally handled this.

Dad showed up.

Dad was pissed.

I’m going to remember this like it was yesterday forever. I swear I thought he was going to kill me. Then the exchange:

Principal: your son attacked another boy with a weapon.

Dad: is he under arrest?

Principal: we’re going to have to conduct—

Dad: is he under arrest? Yes or no?

Principal: once the resource officer does an investigation–

Dad (looking at the marks on my throat): you mind explaining how the hell my son got these in his neck?

Principal: well we think there was an altercation with this boy and your son earlier but I don’t think the two incidents–

Dad: are you out of your g*ddamn mind? You’re telling me you sent my son back to class with ligature marks like this and didn’t think to contact us then?

Principal: well that was horseplay then and your son clearly used a weapon here so I think that—

Dad: shut up. Look at his neck. You mean to tell me those weren’t made with a piece of rope or something? By a kid we’ve already complained about? A kid who’s nearly a foot taller and thirty pounds heavier than my son? (Turning to me) wait outside.

Principal: he can’t leave yet.

Dad: is he under arrest?

Principal: well, no, but—-

Dad: then we’re done. I need the names of everyone involved in this, their titles, and the name of the lawyer that represents the city school.

Principal: I really don’t think it’s appropriate to ask that right now.

Dad: Then I’ll get it through subpoena.

We went out to the car. He checked my neck again. Took me to the pediatrician and got it photographed. Two police officers took a statement and looked at my neck as well.

I kept thinking dad was going to explode on me for using a weapon in a fight. He always said it was okay to finish but not start a fight. This time though he was conciliatory.

“Given your options I’d probably do the same thing. ”

Since school was out I sat home for a few weeks. We got a letter demanding we pay for the other guy’s teeth. I heard dad talking on the phone to his attorney, eventually laughing. They never got anything from us, after they got the response which included the pictures of the marks on my neck the other guy’s parents stopped trying to contact us.

I actually saw him a couple years ago; he was changing oil at one of those oil change places.

‘Doctor, please admit my mother for few days under your care’.

I had just started my career as a cardiologist in Trivandrum. The middle-aged lady was my patient for around one year now; suffering from a disease called ‘dilated cardiomyopathy’ (poor heart function) but was stable on treatment, with very little symptoms.

‘Why hospital admission? She is just fine;’ I said

I knew why the admission request.

Most health insurance companies reimburse only if a patient is sick enough to be admitted and not under outpatient treatment.

‘I don’t admit patients just because an IP patient is reimbursable’ I said firmly – a philosophy that I follow even today.

‘No, no sir, don’t get me wrong. It is not for reimbursement; it is something else. Please don’t misunderstand me, I practice astrology, and as per my calculations, my mom has a very bad time in the next 3 days. Please help me.’

I obliged, writing on the case-file as ‘admitted as per by-stander’s request’ in bold letters.

A day later, during morning rounds, I saw her; she was fine; told her that there is nothing to worry. As I got out of her room, her son was waiting outside with a very worried face.

‘Sir today between 11 AM and 12 noon is the most critical time for her’.

Confident and trained in evidence based cardiology, I had far more capability of understanding a patient’s pathobiology than the astrology-expert son, but as per protocol, I just smiled.

‘She looks fine, her ECG is stable, ECHO is good, biochemistry is good. Don’t worry at all’.

What I didn’t tell him was that, astrology or such other paranormal stuff never impressed me. I believe, they are built upon exploiting the fear of an unknown, unpredictable future.

At 11-15 AM code blue is called. The lady had suffered a cardiac arrest.

She was resuscitated, and revived but had suffered a CVA (stroke). She was shifted to ICCU; she remained on a ventilator for 2 days, weaned off but died after 2 weeks due to aspiration pneumonia and sepsis.

The son thanked us for all the care and concern.

A month later he came home for a courtesy visit.

‘Sir I am a govt. employee and have very little to offer you. I do write horoscopes for a living. Can I write the horoscope for your son and daughter sir? This is all that I can do to thank you for looking after my mother; she was so fond of you’.

I froze for a moment.

A perfect fortune teller trying to tell me the future of my kids? No, never.

I thanked him profusely and told him that I shall phone him if I need his help; my way of telling him NO. I think he understood.

A prediction that I would die next Sunday would make me stop do everything because it would become pointless to work. Similarly, a prediction that I would become a billionaire next Monday would also result in similar end result.

It is the dream of a better future tomorrow, that drives all of us, to try and do our best today. No fortune-teller has the right to take that dream away from me.

MM experiments today

Theme is argument during making coffee.

I really like this one…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(6)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(6)

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(5)

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I then focused on women and blue Spring skies…

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(4)

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(5)

This isn’t all that bad…

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(3)

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(3)

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(3)

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(4)

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(2)

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(2)

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(3)

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(1)

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(1)

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(1)

Are they singing?

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(2)

Early morning light… You can almost hear the roster crowing.

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(1)

Hate the horns.

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2

How do mortgage and home loans work in India and China? What is the rate of interest and EMI?


China – Maximum Repayment Period is 360 months or until the 70th Birthday of the Primary Borrower whichever is lesser

India – Maximum Repayment Period is 360 months or until the 70th Birthday of the Primary Borrower whichever is lesser

Interest Rate

China – 1.25% above the Base Market Rate for 5 Year Yields which comes to 4.20% per Annum

India – 1.20% above Base Market Rate for 5 Year Yields which comes to 9.15% per Annum


China – First time buyers can get upto 80% of the Value of the Property OR 112.50% of the Value of the Land whichever is higher

Second time buyers can get upto 65% of the Value of the Property or 82.50% of the Value of the Land whichever is higher

India – Borrowers can borrow between 75% to 85% of the Market Value of the Property

How to pay margin?

China – Chinese People use their HOUSING FUND where 16% is employer contribution and 8% is employee contribution. Employee can contribute another 16% of his salary if he so wishes

Thus every month upto a maximum of 40% of the Employees salary and a minimum of 24% of the Employees salary is deposited towards Housing Fund

The Average 12 year corpus of a Housing Fund would be 291,000 CNY

You can pay all of your Housing Fund provided the Housing Fund has a minimum balance of 1000 CNY

For the balance, they use their Savings or Borrow from friends or Borrow against their Pension Fund

India – Indians pay out of Savings or borrow against their PF or take other Loans

Interest calculation

China – EMI consists of Principal plus Interest. Every month 50% of the Installment is for Principal and 50% is towards Interest

Focus is on Principal repayment

India – EMI consists of Principal plus Interest. Initially 88% of EMI is towards Interest which reduces to 12% by the 220th Month (For a 240 month loan)

Focus is on Interest

Total Amount paid

China :-

House Price – 3 Million RMB

Housing Fund – 291,000 RMB

Savings – 509,000 RMB

Loan – 2.4 Million RMB

Mortgage – 14,942 RMB a month

Total Principal Paid – 2.4 Million RMB

Total Interest Paid – 2.152 Million RMB

Interest as % of Principal = 89.67%


House Price – ₹ 1.2 Crore

Margin – ₹ 24 Lakh

Loan – ₹96 Lakh

EMI – ₹ 79,211/- per month

Total Principal Paid – ₹96 Lakh

Total Interest Paid – ₹ 1.852 Crore

Interest as % of Principal – 192.90%

EMI / Mortgage as part of Median Income

China – 14,942 RMB Mortgage payment against a Median of 38,611 RMB Post Tax for an Upper Middle Class 2 Person Household which comes to 38.69%

India – ₹79,211/- Mortgage payment against a Median of ₹ 1.50 Lakh Post Tax a month for an Upper Middle Class 2 Person Household which comes to 52.80%

Taxes required to be paid


Property Value – 3 Million RMB

Deed Tax – 0.03% – 900 RMB

Registration Fees – 0.05% – 1500 RMB

Notarization Fees – 0.1% – 3000 RMB

Digitization Fees – 300 RMB

Total – 5700 RMB

Transfer Fee (Resale) – 20,000 RMB or 1.5% Property Value whichever is LESSER

Amount as % of Price – 0.19% (New Property)

Amount as% of Price – 0.86% (Resale)

India :-

Property Value – ₹ 1.2 Crore

Stamp Duty – 6% – ₹ 7,20,000/-

Registration Fees – 1% – ₹1,20,000/-

Cess – 50% of Registration Fees – 60,000/-

Total – ₹ 9,00,000/-

Amount as % of Price – 7.5%

Thus in China, the Taxes and Duties to buy a house are barely 1/10th of that of India

Documentation and Verification

China :-

Since 2009, Paper Deeds are no longer accepted in Paper Format and must be converted into a Digital Mapped Format

No Lawyer needs to examine title for Residential Properties

The Chinese Provincial Authority in whose jurisdiction a property exists, issues a CERTIFICATE OF LEGAL TITLE for a mere 80 RMB and a NO HOLD LIEN CERTIFICATE for a mere 240 RMB

Everything is Digital

Properties in 13 Provinces are MAPPED TO BEIDOU and have a mapping coordinate link provided to locate the property at a later date

India :-

Everything is still PAPER

Lawyers needed to examine Title Deeds

Everything is still done with Paper Survey Maps

Capital Gains Tax on Property

China –

  • Zero Capital Gains for sale of First Property
  • 1% Capital Gains Tax plus additional 0.75% Capital Gains Tax for every 5 years of holding a Property upto a Maximum of 3% for sale of second and third properties
  • 10% Capital Gains Tax for sale of Fourth Property and more

India –

  • 20% Capital Gains Tax on sale of any and all Property

Liability for Illegally Constructed Property

China :-

  • Provincial Authority is fully liable to compensate the buyer 110% to 140% of the total value of the Property within a period of 60 days. It’s their business to prosecute the builder. If the Provincial Authority disputes the claim, they must deposit entire amount in ESCROW


  • Courts decide Liability which could take 30 years
  • Meanwhile Buyer is SCREWED

Non Payment of Mortgage :-

China :-

  • Borrower must pay at least one Mortgage payment fully plus any accrued interest for a 90 day Period
  • Non Payment of Mortgage Amount plus Accrued Interest beyond the 90th day will make the Mortgage Stressed
  • Bank provides 240 Days to the Borrower to Restructure the Loan Or Standardize the Loan during which the Bank won’t contact the Borrower but the Borrower can’t borrow from anyone else
  • Bank may repossess the Property after the 330th Day of Non Payment and sell the Property Or hold the property in which case a 90 Day Notice is mandatory for the Borrower to leave the property
  • The Average time to deal with a Delinquent Home Mortgage is 18 months


  • Borrower must pay at least one Mortgage payment fully plus any accrued interest for a 90 day Period
  • Non Payment of Mortgage Amount plus Accrued Interest beyond the 90th day will make the Mortgage Non Performing
  • Bank may file a case under SARFESI ACT and repossess the Property and Auction off the Property
  • The Average time taken between Default and Auction is 5 Years and 4 Months


Conclusion :-

Property Buyers get a better deal in China

They pay lesser EMI as percent of Income

They are protected from Illegal Construction and Bad Buyers

They have very less Capital Gains Tax

They pay almost no Taxes for Registration Or Stamp Duty

Nurse Dies During Aneurysm; Shown The Secrets To Existence During NDE

I was horribly bullied in middle school, new kid, poor, grandma bought my clothes (not my choice), started school early so I was the youngest in my grade, my hair was really short and almost fully white (blonde to a fault haha), didnt know most new music besides radio stuff. One bully in particular was extra harsh on me, would trip me, pants me, make fun of me, threw dog poop at me, pushed me into some spiky berry bush in front of our school, and the thing that finally got me was he would call my grandma names. I could take the abuse of myself, I already had low self esteem so you couldn’t hurt me more than I hurt myself, but my grandma survived a lot and I knew and saw some of the stuff she endured. I had a lot of respect for her, she was basically my mom and dad and grandma, my parents skipped out on any parent duties and abandoned me so she took me in and raised me. I flipped on him during one long session of him just going at the name calling for over an hour then he started on my grandma and I had enough, I flipped my desk over and it was on. He was about 6″ taller than me and at least 30 or 40lbs more than me and 2 years older than me. He swung at me and hit me right in the face, I was so angry I barely felt it and laughed at him (adrenaline musta been in hyperdrive), he had a pencil in his hand and swung at me with that was well but missed, I grabbed a pen off a desk and swung it at him right as he was lunging towards me. Next thing I know the teacher had pushed both of us hard to seperate us and we both fell over. My bully was holding his face and crying a lot, like that heaving cry. I saw blood on his hands. He was taken to the nurse and I was taken to the office. I was told that I had stabbed him in the eye, luckily it was the tear duct and not the eyeball itself. My grandma was called, his parents were called, the police were called. We all had a big ole talk, and the parents decided not to press charges because they already knew that their son was a major bully and I was his main target. I was in tears not cause I was in trouble but because I actually hurt someone, I have always been gentle and hurting any living thing is hard for me, and I hurt another human. The police still took a statement and I was suspended. My grandma beat the crap out of me when we got home and I ended up locking myself in my room for days until everything calmed down.

Flash forward to next year, all the bullying stopped, no one wanted to mess with me anymore, although everyone thought I was a psycho 🙁 which carried on until I move from the area.

Flash forward to my mid 20’s bully adds me on FB with an appology for years of bullying me. Decide to check out his page, he is now a she and is in a committed relationship with a man. I knew from meeting his parents they were not the type who would accept that, dad was a big burly ex football player. This changed my whole perspective on him (her) from this person was just evil and mean, to “yeah they were definitely going through some stuff in middle school”. We talked a bit and have been friendly since.

Time heals all wounds, and I am learning to let go of the past and move forward.

Tavern Meatballs and Cabbage


Yield: 4 servings


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 clove garlic, pressed
  • 1/2 cup bread crumbs
  • 3 tablespoons prepared mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 medium onion, sliced
  • 1 (10 3/4 ounce) can beef broth
  • 1 cup dairy sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • 1 pound cabbage, shredded


  1. Combine beef, garlic, crumbs, mustard, Worcestershire and salt. Form into about 25 meatballs.
  2. In a large skillet, heat oil and brown meatballs on all sides.
  3. Remove meatballs from skillet.
  4. Drain excess skillet drippings reserving 2 teaspoons.
  5. Add onions and sauté until soft.
  6. Combine beef broth, sour cream and flour. Pour into skillet.
  7. Add meatballs.
  8. Cover and simmer 30 minutes.
  9. Stir in parsley.
  10. Steam cabbage for 3 to 5 minutes until cabbage is tender-crisp.
  11. Arrange cabbage on a serving platter.
  12. Spoon meatballs over all.
  13. Serve immediately.

US War on China is a War on the Entire World

By Brian Berletic and first posted at NEO, New Eastern Outlook

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has recently claimed the US is not “looking for a crisis.” This is said, of course, with an important caveat – no crisis is sought as long as China subordinates itself to the United States.

Because China, like any other sovereign nation, based on international law, is obligated to resist foreign subordination, the US continues speeding toward inevitable war with China.

Although China has formidable military capabilities, causing doubt among many that the US will actually ever trigger war with China, the US has spent decades attempting to create and exploit a potential weakness China’s current military might may be incapable of defending against.

Washington’s Long-Running Policy of Containing China

Far from a recent policy shift by the Biden Administration, US ambitions to encircle and contain China stretch back to the end of World War 2. Even as far back as 1965 as the US waged war against Vietnam, US documents referred to a policy “to contain Communist China,” as “long-running,” and identified the fighting in Southeast Asia as necessary toward achieving this policy.

For decades the US has waged wars of aggression along China’s periphery, engaged in political interference to destabilize China’s partners as well as attempt to destabilize China itself, as well as pursued likewise long-running policies to undermine China’s economic growth and its trade with the rest of the world.

More recently, the US has begun reorganizing its entire military for inevitable war with China.

Cutting Chinese Economic Lines of Communication

In addition to fighting Chinese forces in the Asia-Pacific region, the US also has long-running plans to cut off Chinese trade around the globe.

In 2006, the US Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) published “String of Pearls: Meeting the Challenge of China’s Rising Power Across the Asia Littoral,” identifying China’s essential “sea lines of communication” (SLOC) from the Middle East to the Strait of Malacca as particularly vulnerable and subject to US primacy over Asia.

The paper argues that US primacy, and in particular, its military presence across the region, could be used as leverage for “drawing China into the community of nations as a responsible stakeholder,” a euphemism for subordinating China to US primacy. This, in turn, is in line with a wider global policy seeking to “deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy.”

Under a section titled, “Leveraging U.S. Military Power,” the paper argues for and expanded US military presence across the entire region, including along China’s SLOC, augmenting its existing presence in East Asia (South Korea and Japan), but also extending it to Southeast Asia and South Asia, recruiting nations like Indonesia and Bangladesh to bolster US military power over the region and thus over China.

It notes Chinese efforts to secure its SLOC, including with a mutually beneficial port project in Pakistan’s Baluchistan region, part of the larger China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the construction of a port in Sittwe, Myanmar, part of the larger China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC). Both projects seek to create alternative economic lines of communication for China, circumventing the long and vulnerable sea route through the Malacca Strait and the South China Sea.

Both projects have since come under attack by US-backed militancy with regular attacks still taking place against Chinese engineers across Pakistan and a large-scale armed conflict backed by the US currently unfolding in Myanmar which regularly sees opposition forces target Chinese-built infrastructure.

Thus, US policy has sought and has since achieved the region-wide disruption of China’s SLOC as well as efforts to circumvent choke points (CPEC/CMEC). Other potential corridors, including through the heart of Southeast Asia, have also been targeted by US interference. The Thai section of China’s high-speed railway to connect Southeast Asia to China has been significantly delayed by the US-backed political opposition openly trying to cancel the project.

In many ways, the US has already created a crisis for China, albeit through proxies.

Targeting Chinese Maritime Shipping

Under the guise of protecting “freedom of navigation,” the US Navy has positioned its warships and military aviation around the world’s most important maritime passages including the Strait of Hormuz in the Middle East and the South China Sea – the east approach to the Strait of Malacca – along with plans to establish a significant naval presence on the Strait’s west approach.

The US realizes that Chinese military power is extensive enough to significantly complicate, if not outright defeat, US military aggression along Chinese coasts. The US instead imagines targeting China far beyond the reach of its warplanes and missile forces.

The US Naval Institute published, “Prize Law Can Help the United States Win the War of 2026,” the third place entry in the “Future of Naval Warfare Essay Contest.” It warns that a “close naval blockage” is infeasible due to China’s formidable anti-access area-denial (A2AD) capabilities.

It instead argues for:

…a distant blockade—“intercept[ing] Chinese merchant shipping at key maritime chokepoints” outside China’s A2/AD reach—would be generally sustainable; flexible in tempo and location; pose manageable risks of escalation; and impede China’s resource-hungry, import-dependent war effort.

Part of this “distant blockade” would be a campaign of targeting, seizing, and repurposing Chinese shipping vessels to augment the US’ lagging shipbuilding capabilities and the dearth of maritime resources it has created.

Far from a random essay representing a purely speculative strategy, the US has already taken steps to implement its “distant blockade.” The entire US Marine Corps has been tailored solely to wage war against Chinese shipping across the Asia-Pacific and beyond.

The BBC in its 2023 article, “How US Marines are being reshaped for China threat,” would report:

The new plan sees the Marines as fighting dispersed operations across chains of islands. Units will be smaller, more spread out, but packing a much bigger punch through a variety of new weapons systems.

The “new weapons systems” are primarily anti-shipping missiles. Operating on islands and in littoral regions, the US Marines have been transformed into a force almost solely for disrupting Chinese shipping.

Together with plans to seize Chinese vessels, the US has positioned itself not as a global protector of “freedom of navigation,” but the greatest threat to it. Considering China’s status as the largest trade partner of nations around the globe, US plans to target Chinese shipping isn’t a threat to only China, but to global economic prosperity as a whole.

US War with China is War with the World

The danger of Washington’s desire for war with China and implementing its “distant blockade” to strangle China’s economy into ruins is a danger for the entire world. While preventing the global economic damage this strategy will cause after it is put into motion may be impossible, targeting the various components the US is using to encircle and contain China ahead of this conflict is possible.

US political interference and the political as well as armed opposition it has created and is using to cut China’s various economic lines of communication, can be exposed and uprooted by national and regional security initiatives.

Securing national and regional information space is the simplest and most effective way to cut the US off from the populations it seeks to influence and turn against targeted nations to achieve the political and security crises it uses to threaten trade between China and its partners. Passing and enforcing laws targeting, exposing, and uprooting US interference, including the funding of opposition parties, organizations, and media platforms by the US government’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is also essential.

Recent moves by the US to target foreign media organizations and their alleged cooperation with American citizens has created a convenient pretext for other nations to cite when targeting and uprooting NED-funded activity.

While taking these steps will have their own consequences, including retaliation from the US itself, the alternative – allowing the US to prepare and eventually carry out its “distant blockade” against China and its global trade partners – will be even more consequential.

Only time will tell if the emerging multipolar world is capable of seeing and solving this future crisis the US has spent decades preparing to create, or if the political leadership in Southeast and South Asia will fear short-term consequences at the expense of allowing and thus suffering catastrophic consequences in the intermediate future.

Brian Berletic is a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

Every day before I leave for work, I wave good bye to my 2 year old daughter.

After pretending to leave, I would close the door, wait for few seconds, then open the door again to give her a flying kiss from the door and leave.

This routine surprise makes her smile as she enjoys the little game of ours everyday.

However, today, I had an urgent meeting to attend and was super late for work.

So, I just waved her good bye, closed the door and left.

As I climbed downstairs, I could feel a sense of guilt slowly engrossing my mind.

“She will surely be waiting for me to surprise her. Should I go back?

I can’t else I’ll be late. She will understand. Will she? ”

With these thoughts in mind, I reached downstairs and approached my cab.

Just as I was about to board it, something struck my mind.

“Wait for a few minutes, I forgot something” I told my driver and rushed back upstairs.

As I opened the door, I saw her, still waiting for the surprise with anticipating eyes.

Her expressions changed as she saw me.

She was ecstatic and gave a broad smile. I hugged her and asked for a sweet good bye kiss.

I was so glad I came back.

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Davy Knowles w/BAND OF FRIENDS – Tattoo’d Lady/Bad Penny/Shadowplay – 4/12/18

Davy Knowles is some Hell of a savant with this lead guitar stuff.

Playing “Rory Gallagher” tunes with his old band. Now called “Band of Friends”.

One greedy person can make life Hell for the rest of us

I was stuck in India for about a year without being able to leave.

When my wife was pregnant I went to the local Foreigner Regional Registration Office and was told that we should be fine overstaying our visas by a few weeks (to allow her more rest after labor) if I brought in a note from the doctor and the birth certificate.

She gave birth, and I did what they said.

“Okay. Now you must wait,” they said. Fair enough.

I called every week but every time was told that the permits we would need in order to leave were not ready.

In the meantime I cancelled our non-refundable AirAsia flight.

After a couple of months, it was clear that we were not going to get our permits to leave anytime soon.

“Your case had been forwarded to the central government in Delhi,” I was told by the office. “We can’t do anything for you.”

“Oh… Then what do I do now? Who can I talk to?”

“You can’t talk to them. You have to wait…”


And so we lived in a state of limbo and uncertainty for many months, moving from house to house with a small baby because we didn’t know when we would leave.

Our families were worried. It was horrible. I got in touch with the US embassy but that didn’t help.

Finally, a friend introduced me to a friend of his, a man who worked for the government. He pulled some strings, and after a couple of weeks we had our exit permits.

I cannot describe the relief I felt. It’s like being in a place you love, but being trapped there. The place becomes a prison, and you don’t know when you’ll be able to leave. And there’s no sentence which tells you how long your imprisonment will last. You just have to wait. In my case, it was a year. Twelve months.

I thanked the man a gazillion times, and soon we were out of India. Phew.

China’s Diplomacy, Geopolitics, Defense

By the great Godfree Roberts


“China’s overall strategy is not to collide head-on but to maintain strategic composure and, by continuously enhance its strength, exhaust the opponent’s power, thereby increasing its comprehensive control over the USA… This comprehensive control is not merely the combined use of control over land, air, sea, space, and cyberspace in traditional warfare but a competition for comprehensive dominance in areas like trade, industrial technology, finance, and cognitive warfare in an ‘unrestricted total war’ (无边界总体战)… China’s strategic thinking differs from the West, not resembling the confrontational approach of chess but the long-term game of Go—in which strategic advantage is built over time through a dynamic balance of power.”

Australian Ambassador Ross Garnaut: “America would be damaged by war with China over the status of Taiwan, but, short of a major nuclear exchange debilitating both great powers, its sovereignty would not be at risk. Australia’s would be. Indeed, I doubt that Australia could survive as a sovereign entity the isolation from most of Asia that would be likely to follow anything other than a decisive and quick US victory in a war in which our military was engaged”.

The National Endowment for Democracy: What It Is and What It Does. The Foreign Ministry says the NED acts as the U.S. government’s “white gloves,” subverting state power, meddling in other countries’ internal affairs, inciting division and confrontation, misleading public opinion, and conducting ideological infiltration—all under the guise of promoting democracy.

The Zimbabwe president visiting BYD Headquarters and realized that heads of African states are in China for the 9th FOCAC (Forum on China–Africa Cooperation). I spent a long time looking at the current state of China & Africa Cooperation. Let’s take a look at what I found.

NED has long colluded with anti-China forces, including Jimmy Lai. In 2020, the NED set up multiple projects related to Hong Kong in its funding list, totalling more than $310,000, to provide support for the Hong Kong rioters. In 2023, the NED collaborated with the British NGO “Hong Kong Watch” and Amnesty International, as well as anti-China politicians in the U.S., U.K. and Germany, to nominate Jimmy Lai for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize.

America is, geopolitically, trying to punch China at one end of the bar, and getting punched 30 times before it can get there. Their military is too weak to take the field in Russia, their Navy is too weak to beat Yemen and their Air Force can only bomb innocents and misses the heroes of Hamas entirely. America is an old drunk brawler, covered in blood and piss and just embarrassing itself. Its current military strategy makes as much sense as Scarface’s home security. Scarface died so coked up that his body kept firing. That’s America right now, braindead and running on pure muscle memory.

An NHK (Japan’s national broadcaster) announcer told his audience, “The Diaoyu Islands and their affiliated islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times. I protest NHK’s historical revisionism and unprofessional work behavior.” He continued in English:”Don’t forget the Nanjing Massacre, don’t forget the comfort women, they were sex slaves during the war. Don’t forget Unit 731.”   NHK fired the Chinese employee of 22 years and threatened him with criminal charges.


The largest tanker ever on Russia’s Northern Sea Route, the 164,565 dwt Prisma, carrying a million barrels of oil, departed from the Baltic port of Ust-Luga on August 10 and will reach Tianjin in 35 days–compared to 45 days for the Suez Canal and 55 days via the Cape of Africa.

Constructing the new Funan Techo Canal, Cambodia: 10 km completed by 17th. day. The Chinese contractor sent 2,500 large machines to work day and night. The US took 10yrs to build the Panama Canal, which opened in 1914, and which is 100km shorter than the Techo Canal. The Techo Canal is estimated to cost $1.7B. The Panama Canal cost $8.6B in 2024 dollars.

The recent, abortive color revolution in Thailand coincides with the stunning success of the hastily staged color revolution in Bangladesh and the fall of the Myanmar army’s Northeast Command in Lashio to the MNDAA. American and British “volunteers” have been fighting the Myanmar military though Myanmar has not experienced seen a wave of international volunteers like Ukraine or Syria.

In the past six years, 250 US scientists – most of Asian descent – have been identified as having failed to disclose overlapping funding or research in China, or having broken other rules. There were only two indictments and three convictions as legal outcomes of those investigations, yet 112 scientists lost their jobs as a result.

Türkiye has formally applied to join BRICS. Türkiye seeks to enhance its global influence and establish new alliances beyond its traditional Western partners, according to Bloomberg BRICS members: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, UAE, Iran, Egypt and Ethiopia.

China has party secretaries aboard oceangoing vessels. This report focuses on the ship political commissar, a Party representative assigned to oceangoing merchant ships, particularly within state-owned shipping enterprises, to carry out political and administrative work in the management of ship crews.

Serbia should pick BRICS over Brussels, Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin has said in an interview with Russian media. The largest republic of the former Yugoslavia applied for EU membership in 2009 and has been a candidate since 2012, but the bloc has recently demanded recognition of the breakaway province of Kosovo as a condition for membership. “BRICS does not ask anything of Serbia and offers more than we could want. The EU asks of us everything, and I’m no longer sure what it has to offer. We see BRICS as an opportunity and an alternative. Serbia is very closely investigating all the possibilities presented by BRICS and closer cooperation with its member states.” According to Vulin, Serbia is expecting an official invitation to the BRICS October summit in Kazan, Russia.

The footprints of the two global economic power blocs were roughly equal in 2020. China and its BRICS allies are increasingly the world economy’s richest bloc. Nothing prepared the populations of Western capitalism for this changed reality or its effects. Especially the sections of those populations already forced to absorb the costly burdens of Western capitalism’s decline feel betrayed, abandoned, and angry. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza testify to that denial and exemplify the costly strategic mistakes it produces.

The battleground won’t be in the Global South, where the US has very much lost to China, especially in Africa and Latin America. It won’t be in the Indo-Pacific either, where few countries want to take sides. It will be in Europe, where the US has most of its allies and where China is the largest trading partner. Even if America’s decline is gradual, it cannot afford a global military presence.That Europe takes China as a partner, competitor and systemic rival at the same time says more about Europe’s confusion about China than what China really is.


China launches its first nuclear-powered guided missile submarine, the Type 093B, …

I was an Office Manager for a collision repair center for a few years. We had a Mitsubishi Montero towed in from a bad accident that sat over a hot weekend.

The smell was awful. The spare tire was missing from the back. Pieces of teeth, tissue and bone were stuck on it. Lots of flies. The car had a suitcase, computer and other property in it.

We were told by the insurance agent that the car belonged to a long time customer who fell in love with a girl in the Philippines right out of school. He could not afford to bring her with him when he moved to California. He worked two jobs for a few years and saved money to bring her to the state to marry her.

He picked her up from the airport. She was excited! Never been to California before. They blew a tire on the freeway. She was pacing behind him on her cell phone talking to his sister. He removed the spare from the back of the car and was on his knees taking it off when a drunk driver going 65 mph hit them.

The drunk drivers car had struck her, pushed her into him and smashed his head near the spare tire holder on the back of the car. He died instantly. Pieces of his skull, jaw bone & teeth were pressed into the vehicle. She however was still alive and on the phone. She remained alive for a long time while rescue efforts continued. She died when the other drivers car was removed.

Her luggage was in the car. Her parents where flying out to collect her things. The receptionist and I had to remove her things and make a list for them. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

This Sea Is the Most Mysterious in the World

You never put down your gun.

That is Hollywood nonsense. If someone is holding a hostage, cops never surrender their weapon. Doing so turns the cop or whomever is responding into just another victim. You can read numerous answers by real cops to the effect here.

Would the police drop their weapons if someone is held at gunpoint?

Now me personally? Oh fuck no.

Him: Drop the gun or she’s dead!

Me: Son, you catastrophically misunderstand the situation you’ve put yourself in. Right now, she’s the only thing keeping you alive. There is no way in heaven or hell I’m putting my gun down, and if you hurt her I will kill you. No ifs ands or buts. I’m sure the coroner will explain to the judge how you tripped and fell face-first onto a pile of .45ACP bullets. Put the knife down, and you may just survive this.

Now, I can reliably hit a clay pigeon out to 25 yards. If we’re within that distance, I don’t need to get closer to shoot him in the face. Farther out…yeah, I’m less sure of that shot. Unless I have a rifle.

Bottom line, you never ever put your gun down. That’s just a good way to get both of you murdered. Make sure the bad guy understands he’s in a might-die/will-die situation. If he leaves her be, he might die. He might get arrested. He might escape. But if he hurts her, he will die.


Don’t know if this was posted here previously, from “Globalism is Economic Slavery” on one of those websites b doesn’t like too much because their articles generate endless controversy. Its the life the West looks forward to.

He has never owned anything. He rents his bedroom, his furnishings, and his meager entertainments. Each month, a digital account associated with his digital ID receives a number of central bank digital currency units. How much he receives depends upon the number of hours he works at his government job, how much the government values his work, how much the government taxes him for the privilege of using public infrastructure, and how much of his income the government decides should be redistributed to other citizens in need. After taxes, rents, utilities, and other assorted municipal, state, federal, and international fees are deducted from his earnings, he has little — if any — discretionary income.

If he chooses to save that income to invest in his future, the government informs him that his central bank digital currency units disappear within ninety days. If he tries to purchase something that the government has banned, he forfeits what he currently has. If he does something that the government deems contrary to his well-being, his social credit score decreases, and a fraction of his discretionary income disappears. Every few weeks, a digital doctor (running on artificial intelligence) appears on the video screen in his apartment with a detailed list of all the “unhealthy” things he has done since their last interaction. He is informed that a portion of his temporary savings will be redistributed to citizens with healthier habits. His A.I. health monitor tells him that he must immediately report to the closest pharmaceutical distribution center so that he can be injected with the latest “vaccines.” Failure to do so will result in the deactivation of all electronic entertainment devices and a permanent mark on his social credit record.

He is unhappy, and because the State’s A.I. supervisor has detected his unhappiness, the display monitor in his apartment encourages him to find personal meaning by “joining the fight against global warming.” For a while, he does just that. He attends community meetings in his apartment building where government officials talk about the importance of “saving the planet” by “owning nothing.” He chats with anonymous strangers (bots?) on the State’s social media platform, and they all agree that the sacrifices they’re making to save the world are definitely worth it. He wakes up one morning to discover that his social credit score has risen and that he has been rewarded with a few extra central bank digital currency units. Still, our future man remains unhappy.

Then one day sirens blare, and his apartment monitor flashes with breaking news: the country is at war. He listens intently but can’t figure out which foreign nations are attacking. The trusted news anchors tell him that peace, prosperity, and freedom are all at risk. He steps outside his tiny apartment to find other solitary renters fired up and talking excitedly about the battles to come. He walks back inside to find his A.I. supervisor informing him that he has been personally selected to protect the homeland from its enemies. For the first time in many years, our future man feels alive.

He soon finds himself in boot camp, where he enjoys regular exercise, discipline, and camaraderie. Six months later, he and his new friends are shipped overseas. Strangely, in all this time, nobody has explained whom they will actually be fighting. All he knows is that they’re at war with “the authoritarians” who wish to “take our democracy.” There is anticipation in his camp and endless talk of adventure. Then, when everyone least expects it, a thunderous swarm of drones attacks from overhead. Nobody has time to react. Explosions seem to come from out of nowhere. He sees the bodies of his friends torn to pieces. Then everything goes dark.

He awakes in a hospital severely injured, is called a hero, and is later sent home. When he arrives, he notices breadlines outside the government’s genetically engineered food distribution centers. He hears a beggar on the street joke that they should call them “insect-lines,” since that’s all there is to eat. He learns that someone else has moved into his old apartment, but he is offered a new one because of his military service. It is smaller and has even fewer furnishings than the one he lost. He realizes that most of his former neighbors never returned from war and that many of the newcomers now living in their apartments look and sound like those people he was told to fight overseas. Nothing makes sense. His injuries torment him. He feels even more lost and lonely than before he went to war. His A.I. supervisor informs him that he has been added to a list of people considered “potential domestic terrorists.” Remaining on this list will make it hard for him to work and live.

Then, one day, his digital doctor asks if he would like some assistance in ending his life peacefully. “You can save others,” he is told, “by permanently reducing your carbon footprint.” In agony, he wonders, “How did we get here?”


Posted by: gT | Sep 4 2024 6:38 utc | 4

I witnessed a situation in the late ‘60’s while stationed at West Point New York, at the United States Military Academy, that hit this nail squarely on the head.

Two lowly butter bars ( recently commissioned 2nd Lts.) were called into the office of their CO of a combat engineer company that supported the cadet program there.

It seemed a family emergency necessitated the CO’s absence for a few days. That meant one of the Lt’s would assume command and this no pre-notice meeting was to announce the leave and change of command, and as it turned out, the reasons why.

The later arriving of the two Lt’s was a little older than his first arriving Lt. buddy. Other differences seemed to be life’s experiences, aggression, decision making initiative, civilian education and more.

The CO, thinking the differences, openly apparent to all, would cause problems when the lesser of the two was selected to take over, was the reason for the meet. He wanted to avoid any animus between the two Lt’s and any other problems that might cause in the company during his absence.

The CO, a brilliant man, was a West Point grad, a RVN vet of a harsh year, and held two graduate degrees. In other words, on the fast track for a career officer.

He explained, quite unnecessarily, that the later arriving Lt. would have been his choice to assume command but it was the other that was to have the position.

The date of rank (commission) was the determining factor in this instance and except for promotions was the usual order of things, where two, or more, of the same rank were in the picture.

He explained that the date of rank was the Army Protocol for determining seniority of two officers of the same rank. The two Lts. Looked at each other and broke into laughter. The two good friends could have cared less who was in the barrel for however long it was to take. Both were anxious to return to civilian life ASAP.

The Capt., also friendly with both in off duty time, joined in the amusement and just added. “I didn’t want to create any hard feelings!” It didn’t and I couldn’t have given a hoot less because my buddy Bill was designated the acting CO.

“No one is ready for what’s COMING this Fall” Gerald Celente warns

I had a professor who was from India and he had a superiority complex about being from India. He thought very little of Americans and never hesitated to tell students how they were inferior to people from India.

This professor would ask impossible three question tests. The questions would be something like, recite verbatim page 93 of your textbook without looking in the book.

After everyone would fail the test because passing was absolutely impossible for everyone, he would see each student individually ostensibly to discuss their grade.

He would make male students grovel and beg and he would sexually harass female students.

The first time this happened to me I told him he could just give me a minimum of a, “B” grade and he could pull his bullshit on the other students. If he did not agree with this, I told him I would make him regret that decision.

He did not agree so I went to the Dean of Students and explained the situation. T

he Dean of Students gave me the speech about college is about learning to get along with people and perhaps I had problems with the professor but other students did not.

I told the Dean he was wrong and I would prove it to him.

I requested the Dean to be in his office on Friday at 1:00 pm and he agreed. At the end of class, I got up and said, “Anyone who thinks this professor is an asshole, follow me and I will fix it.”

The entire class followed me to the Dean’s office.

The Dean was of course shocked and shocked to hear of the harassment of the students.

The Dean talked to the professor and assumed the matter was settled.

The next class the jackass professor immediately stated, “You ratted me out to the Dean, now I am going to fail everyone.”

I got up and told everyone in the class to get up and follow me to the Dean’s office (and they did).

That time he was threatened with immediate termination.

I went back and told the jackass, remember when I told you that you could just give me a minimum of a, “B” and play your games with the rest of the students?

Now I bet you wish you had.

Do not ever attempt to cross me. That put him in his place. He was later terminated for sexual harassment.

























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SHORPY 32674u1.preview






The United States always lists some Chinese companies on the so-called “Entity List” on the grounds of suspected “forced labor of Uyghurs” and prohibits the import of their products.

Now, the sanctions list has expanded to more than 70 Chinese companies.

This number is not a simple statistic, but reflects a trend: the United States is using economic means to exert political pressure and trying to achieve its strategic goals by attacking Chinese companies.

But whether such an approach can really achieve the desired results is worth our deep consideration.

According to the United States, any goods related to Xinjiang may be considered as products of forced labor and therefore face sanctions.

However, the question is whether there is solid evidence to support this accusation, or is it a malicious frame-up for political purposes?

Xinjiang’s development achievements are obvious to all. The so-called “forced labor” and “genocide” are completely nonsense.

They are lies of the century fabricated by a very small number of anti-China elements. Their purpose is to mess up Xinjiang, discredit China, and curb China’s development.

It is obvious that this is the United States imposing illegal sanctions on Chinese companies under the guise of human rights.

The United States’ serious interference in China’s internal affairs, serious disruption of the normal market order, and serious violation of international trade rules and basic norms of international relations are essentially attempts to create “forced unemployment” in Xinjiang and infringe on the human rights of the vast number of people in Xinjiang in the name of human rights.

The Xinjiang companies sanctioned by the United States for so-called “forced labor” involve Xinjiang’s advantageous industries such as cotton and textiles and clothing, photovoltaic silicon-based, and tomato processing.

These industries play a very important role in promoting high-quality development, solving rural labor employment, and increasing farmers’ income.

You know, if a company’s exports are restricted, many downstream industries will not be able to obtain the necessary raw materials, and the normal operation of the entire industry will be impacted.

This is like a domino effect, one link after another, and in the end, it will not only be these companies that will suffer, but also tens of thousands of employees and families who depend on them for survival.

If the United States really cares about human rights, it should take measures to effectively solve domestic problems such as racial discrimination, gun violence, and drug abuse, rather than treating internal problems externally, interfering in other countries, and imposing sanctions indiscriminately.

Incest Cult Discovered in Backwoods of Australia | The Colt Clan


This is one of the smartest scams I have heard about.

You arrive at your hotel and check in at the front desk. Typically when checking in, you give the front desk your credit card (for any charges to your room) and they don’t retain the card.

You go to your room and settle in. All is good.

The hotel receives a call and the caller asks for (as an example) *room 620* – which happens to be your room.

The phone rings in your room. You answer and the person on the other end says the following:

*’This is the front desk. When checking in, we came across a problem with your charge card information.*

*Please re-read me your credit card numbers and verify the last 3 digits numbers at the reverse side of your charge card.’*

Not thinking anything wrong, since the call seems to come from the front desk you oblige. But actually, *it is a scam by someone calling from outside the hotel*. They have asked for a *random room number*, then *ask you for your credit card and address information.*

*They sound so professional, that you think you are talking to the front desk.*

If you ever encounter this scenario on your travels, *tell the caller that you will be down to the front desk to clear up any problems.*

Then, *go to the front desk or call directly and ask if there was a problem.*

If there was none, *inform the manager of the hotel that someone tried to scam you of your credit card information, acting like a front desk employee.*

This was sent by someone who has been duped……..

and is still cleaning up the mess.

Johnston Island. You can’t go there, at least not legally.

It’s about 800 miles SSW of Honolulu, making it roughly 3,000 miles SSW of San Diego.

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Good features:

Federal wildlife sanctuary. Birdshit EVERYWHERE. Great if you’re prospecting for birdshit.

No noisy neighbors. Except the birds.

Humans all gone now.

Clear-ass water 90 feet deep in the lagoon. Sharks can be seen, and guys used to catch (and sometimes eat) them.

Bad features:

Used to have a shitload of chemical (and probably biological) warheads stored there. All were incinerated in the 1990s and the incineration facility demolished.

Atomic weapons were launched from there in the early 1960s. Two test shots failed, including one that scattered PLUTONIUM all over the launchpad. They buried the waste, but it is still there. Do Not Visit ‘Mount Pluto,” which is where that stuff is buried.

No facilities. Airstrip decommissioned.

A sailboat sheltered in the atoll some years ago during a hurricane. Better than nothing, they said.

I visited there in 1991 as an Army Photojournalist. We repatriated our chemical munitions from West Germany and shipped them there for disposal. I covered the shipment and transfer story.

Short answer: exist.

Longer answer: China is rising rapidly to surpass the USA as the world’s dominant power. The USA cannot lose face.

Detailed answer: China’s rise will undermine US hegemony and thus take away its financial privileges to export away its inflation and punish other nations for not complying with its foreign policy.

The Strange DNA of the last mammoths

Everyone knows these facts.

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure) commonly cause headache.
  • Diabetes (high sugar) can be countered by taking bitter gourd.
  • Avoiding fatty food can surely reduce cholesterol.
  • Heart attack always cause left sided chest pain.
  • Pricking type of chest pain located at one point in the left chest may be heart attack.
  • An Echo test (heart scanning) can identify blocks in the heart.
  • Fruits are no no for a diabetic
  • Smoking just one cigarette is not very dangerous.
  • It is very rare for women to die of heart attack.

Unfortunately; all of the above are wrong.

It is very rare for people to get headache because of hypertension unless the BP is very severe (accelerated hypertension, hypertensive encephalopathy or a hypertensive stroke).

Diabetes results from low levels or ineffective Insulin in the body. Taking bitter gourd actually worsens blood sugar (it is complex carbohydrate).

60 % of serum cholesterol is synthesized in the Liver. So despite strict dieting people can still have very high cholesterol.

Heart attack pain can be anywhere from above the navel to below the jaw, it can radiate to shoulders or back or feel like ‘indigestion’. Despite the classic left chest, left arm pain, many often cardiac pain is atypical.

Pricking chest pain, localized to a point is almost always non-cardiac

An Echo test shows heart valves and heart muscles and cardiac contractility, it cannot identify a coronary block. Indirect evidence of block by way of heart muscle abnormality may be shown in echo.

Citrus fruits and bananas have low glycemic index and are recommended in diabetic diet

Even one cigarette smoking can cause transient narrowing of coronary artery and precipitate a block in a susceptible person (coronary spasm).

Chance of a women dying of an heart attack is more than breast and uterine cancer added together. It is of course less common than in men in menstrual age group.

















In 1997 My 44 yo wife died of cancer.

She had the best insurance money could buy.

While she was being treated, Chemo and radiation her renewal date came up and they cancelled her policy.

I lost everything I had worked for and decided to look elsewhere.

I got on a strangers sailboat and months later wound up in New Zealand from Seattle.

I have never entertained the idea of returning.

I have lived around the world and my eyes are wide open. Something that cannot happen by no travel.

I have found a lot of what Americans long for.

Lower taxes, totally freemedical for life, a safe country, no guns, no enemies and a most beautiful place tolive.

Not lacking in anything.

My town is 50% white and 50% Maoriand others.

no racial issues.

The quality of life is unsurpassed.

A govt that listens to it’s people. My only regret is not leaving 20 yrs earlier.

Comanche Women | More BRUTAL than the Men

A company where I worked in the ’80s and ’90s had a policy of organizing all the employees into teams. If someone wanted to change jobs within the company they had to get the approval of both the team they were leaving and the team they would be joining.

A woman who was well-known as an excellent worker wanted to move to another, better job within the company. Everyone expected that she would have no difficulty since she had such a good reputation. Her team got together to do an evaluation of her, and everyone gave her glowing recommendations. They said they would be sorry to lose her, but that she had worked hard and learned a lot and deserved to get a promotion. Her new team also was impressed with her accomplishments and her reputation, and said they’d be glad to have her working with them.

So everyone was shocked to find that HR had denied her transfer. When questioned they said that her team’s evaluations had been TOO good, that no one was perfect and the evaluations couldn’t have been honest. However, they agreed to let her team do the evaluations over. The second time around, each person tried to come up with some criticism, but all they could think of were little things like “Sometimes her perfume is a little strong” or “Once a couple of years ago she was a few minutes late when she had a flat tire.” The result? HR denied her transfer AGAIN because there were too many negative comments!

This was too much! The team leaders from both her old team and the team she wanted to join went to upper management and insisted that she be given the transfer. No one else knew the details of what happened after that, but HR reversed their decision and she got the transfer.

Trash Talking 20 Year Old Gets Instantly Humbled

Radiation Spike – Was Yesterday’s “Earthquake” actually an Underwater Nuke Blast?

Ah. Ol’ Hal Turner is doin’ some diggin’.

Radiation Spike – San Diego, CA People wondering: Was Yesterday’s “Earthquake” actually Underwater Nuke Blast?

NETC Header large
NETC Header large

After yesterday’s offshore “earthquake,” there is presently a significant Radiation Spike in San Diego, CA, which is now showing 600 Counts-Per-Minute (CPM) of Gamma Radiation in the 800 KeV range; about triple of everywhere else in California.

This reading comes from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Radiation Monitor Network, as being presently reported by the private sector website Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center (NETC).

Here is the reading coming from the radiation monitor network:.

2 NETC San Diego CA 12 6 2024
2 NETC San Diego CA 12 6 2024

Here is the extended Graph of Radiation Readings from this same station over time:

NETC Radiation Graph San Diego 12 06 2024
NETC Radiation Graph San Diego 12 06 2024

The reason this is peculiar, has to do with yesterday’s offsshore, Magnitude 7.0 earthquake, 647 miles farther north, off the shore of Mendocino, CA.

That earthquake took place where you see the large red circle offshore in the ocean on this map from yesterday’s United States Geologic Survey (USGS) website:


That “earthquake” has an interesting, and curious “Waveform” on seismic monitors.   Here is what the waveform looked like; focus on the bright red lines on the bottom right seismic scale image – notice they don’t gradually build-up to the main quake, they just “explode:”


A number of observers have mentioned that this waveform bears more resemblance to that of an explosion than to an earthquake.  The sudden, and massive surge of seismic waves is *NOT* what one typically sees when a large earthquake takes place.  Usually, there is a small, but visible build-up to the main quake.

On social media, some people actually said this was a nuclear blast off the US Coast.  Here is one such claim:



Which brings us back to the radiation reading off San Diego, 647 miles or so to the SOUTH of the earthquake location.  If this radiation spike had anything to do with the earthquake, why are readings elsewhere in California “normal?”

It ____may___ have to do with the “North Pacific Current.”  In fact, it makes PERFECT sense.

The image below, from Wikipedia, shows the generalized flow of the North Pacific Current as it approaches the continent of north America :

Wiki North Pacific Current
Wiki North Pacific Current

Yesterday’s “earthquake” took place off Mendocino, right about where the farthest left blue line of the North Pacific Current is flowing!  That current moves . . . . south.

But more importantly, look what happens to that current when it reaches the “bight” of southern California: the current SPLITS.   The main current continues south into Mexican waters but the split loops back north right around . . .  San Diego!

If the “earthquake” was a nuclear detonation, the North Pacific Current, through its “Southern California Eddy”  Which in Winter is called the “Southern California Countercurrent” would bring the radiation into the California coastline, right around . . . . . . . . San Diego.

And THAT is where we are seeing a significant radiation spike today.  Right where the north Pacific Current would bring what was deep water up by Mendocino, into the shoreline area!


We need someone with a Radiation Detector, to head out onto the beach at San DIego, and grab a reading of the radiation level — especially near the water.

Maybe this Radiation spike in San Diego is . . . . happenstance.

Maybe it isn’t.


You guys know that when I think about a underwater nuclear explosion, I think in terms of a huge tsunami wave hitting the shore and devastating the homes and buildings there.

But maybe…


The purpose of this “explosion” (if it was nuclear, wink, wink) was to coat the entire Western (populated) United States with radioactivity.

Thank about that for a minute.

Now, let’s see what MoA has to say about something that has happened within the last day or two…

U.S. Has Stopped Ukrainian ATACMS Strikes On Russia

As further ATACMS strikes on Russia seem to have stopped this timeline is of interest.

November 18:

U.S. allows Ukraine to use ATACMS missiles against targets within Russia:

The reversal of policy, nearly 1,000 days since Russia started its full-scale invasion on Ukraine, comes largely in response to Russia’s deployment of North Korean troops to supplement its forces, a development that has caused alarm in Washington and Kyiv, a U.S. official and a source familiar with the decision told Reuters.

[Note: There is no evidence that any North Korean troops were deployed by Russia anywhere near Ukraine.]

November 19 and November 20/21:

Ukraine hits an ammunition depot in Russia’s Bryansk Oblast, far from any relevant frontline, as well as military facilities in Russia’s Kursk oblast:

On November 19, six ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles produced by the United States, and on November 21, during a combined missile assault involving British Storm Shadow systems and HIMARS systems produced by the US, attacked military facilities inside the Russian Federation in the Bryansk and Kursk regions.

The fire at the ammunition depot in the Bryansk Region, caused by the debris of ATACMS missiles, was extinguished without casualties or significant damage. In the Kursk Region, the attack targeted one of the command posts of our group North. Regrettably, the attack and the subsequent air defence battle resulted in casualties, both fatalities and injuries, among the perimeter security units and servicing staff.

November 21:

Russia fires a new missile with hypersonic kinetic warheads at a military industrial complex in Dnipro:

In response to the deployment of American and British long-range weapons, on November 21, the Russian Armed Forces delivered a combined strike on a facility within Ukraine’s defence industrial complex. In field conditions, we also carried out tests of one of Russia’s latest medium-range missile systems – in this case, carrying a non-nuclear hypersonic ballistic missile that our engineers named Oreshnik. The tests were successful, achieving the intended objective of the launch. In the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, one of the largest and most famous industrial complexes from the Soviet Union era, which continues to produce missiles and other armaments, was hit.

November 23 and 25:

Ukraine continues with ATACMS strikes against targets within Russia:

On 23 November, the enemy fired five U.S.-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles at a position of an S-400 anti-aircraft battalion near Lotarevka (37 kilometres north-west of Kursk).During a surface-to-air battle, a Pantsir AAMG crew protecting the battalion destroyed three ATACMS missiles, and two hit their intended targets.

As a result of the strike, a radar was damaged. There are casualties among personnel.

On 25 November, the Kiev regime delivered one more strike by eight ATACMS operational-tactical missiles at the Kursk-Vostochny airfield (near Khalino). Seven missile were shot down by S-400 SAM and Pantsir AAMG systems, one missile hit the assigned target. Two servicemen were lightly wounded and infrastructure objects sustained minor damage by missile debris.

After investigating the attacked sites it was confirmed that the AFU delivered strikes by U.S.-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles.

November 27:

The Russian Gen. Valery Gerasimov has a phone call with Gen. CQ Brown, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

Gen. Valery Gerasimov initiated last Wednesday’s call with Gen. CQ Brown, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to provide him with that warning and to also discuss Ukraine and how to avoid miscalculation between the U.S. and Russia about that ongoing conflict.

November 28:

Putin announces the response to the November 23/25 strikes:

Last night, we conducted a comprehensive strike utilising 90 missiles of these classes and 100 drones, successfully hitting 17 targets. These included military installations, defence industry sites, and their support infrastructure. I want to emphasise once again that these strikes were carried out in response to the continued attacks on Russian territory using American ATACMS missiles. As I have repeatedly stated, such actions will always elicit a response.

It seems that Russia’s message has finally reached its recipient.

December 5/6:

In another strike on Russia Ukraine has used fix wing UAVs but no ATACMS:

Last night, the Russian Armed Forces have foiled another attempt by the Kiev regime to launch a terrorist attack using a fixed-wing UAV against the facilities in the Russian Federation.Thirty three Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were intercepted by alerted air defence systems over Kursk region. Fourteen UAVs were shot down over the territory of Voronezh region, eleven over Kursk region, seven over Belgorod region, and one over the Crimean Republic.

Moreover, the naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed two uncrewed surface vehicles moving to the Crimean peninsula in waters of the Black Sea.

Since Gerasimov’s phone call (and Putin’s speech) there have been NO reports of any further ATACMS (or Storm Shadow) strikes on Russia!

During his announcement of the latest strikes Putin also described the effects of the hypersonic missile strike:

The system deploys dozens of homing warheads that strike the target at a velocity of Mach 10, equivalent to approximately three kilometres per second. The temperature of the impact elements reaches 4,000 degrees Celsius – nearing the surface temperature of the sun, which is around 5,500–6,000 degrees.Consequently, everything within the explosion’s epicentre is reduced to fractions, elementary particles, essentially turning to dust. The missile is capable of destroying even heavily fortified structures and those located at significant depths.

During several interviews in recent days MIT Prof. Ted Postol disagreed (vid) with Putin’s claim. Postol describes the Oreshnik impacts as shallow surface explosions with the force of about 1.5 times the weight equivalent in TNT explosives. With an estimated warhead weight of 100 kilogram the impact of each of the Oreshnik’s 36 warheads would be no bigger than a regular small bomb. This would make them mostly useless against anything but large area surface targets.

I am doubtful that Postol got this right:

  • Putin is usually extraordinary well informed and not in the habit of making false claims. If he states that Oreshnik warheads have deep penetration capabilities then they are likely to have these.
  • It would make little to no sense for the Russian’s to demonstrate the Oreshnik on hardened targets, as the bunkers of the Yuzhmash machine plant are, if it does not have significant effects on these. It would be a bluff that could and would be immediately called by the Pentagon specialist inspecting the localities and observing the effects.
  • The U.S. is taking the strike seriously. It has reacted by stopping support for further Ukrainian ATACMS strikes on Russia.

Weapon experts like Postol have little experience with hypersonic projectiles which impact at 10 times the speed of sound. I believe that his assessment is sincere. He also applies the necessary caveats. But I doubt that he, like most other experts, has sufficient experience with the effects of dart like hypersonic projectiles to further back up his claims.

I thus recommend, if only out of abundance of caution, to assume that the Russian claims of bunker busting capabilities of Oreshnik missiles are very real.

Posted by b on December 6, 2024 at 11:11 UTC | Permalink

A final MM Comment for today

An increase in radiation on the Western United States would have devastating effects on the American population. Here’s what the Chinese AI DeepSeek has to say about what is happening…

The effects of nuclear radiation on the population, particularly if it were carried to the coast of California, would be severe and multifaceted, both in the short term and long term. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Short-Term Effects (Immediate to Weeks After Exposure)

1. Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS):

– Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, hair loss, and skin burns.

– Severity: Depends on the dose of radiation received. High doses can lead to death within days to weeks.

2. Injury from Blast and Heat:

– Blast: Severe injuries from the explosion, including trauma, burns, and lung damage.

– Heat: Burns from the thermal pulse, which can cause severe skin damage.

3. Radiation Sickness:

– Symptoms: Similar to ARS but less severe. Includes gastrointestinal distress, immune suppression, and potential organ damage.

4. Contamination:

– External: Radioactive particles on the skin and clothing.

– Internal: Ingestion or inhalation of radioactive material, leading to internal radiation exposure.

5. Psychological Impact:

– Trauma: Shock, fear, anxiety, and panic among the population.

Long-Term Effects (Months to Years After Exposure)

1. Cancer:

– Increased Risk: Radiation exposure significantly increases the risk of various cancers, including leukemia, thyroid cancer, and solid tumors.

– Latency Period: Cancer may develop years or even decades after exposure.

2. Genetic Mutations:

– Inherited Disorders: Radiation can cause mutations in reproductive cells, leading to genetic disorders in future generations.

3. Chronic Health Issues:

– Immune System Suppression: Long-term suppression of the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections.

– Endocrine Disorders: Potential disruption of endocrine functions, leading to hormonal imbalances.

4. Environmental and Economic Impact:

– Contaminated Land: Long-term contamination of soil, water, and air, affecting agriculture and water supplies.

– Economic Disruption: Loss of infrastructure, economic activity, and potential displacement of populations.

Effects on Individuals with Compromised Immune Systems

1. Increased Susceptibility to Infections:

– Vulnerability: Individuals with compromised immune systems are more susceptible to infections, which can be exacerbated by radiation-induced immune suppression.

2. Severe Radiation Sickness:

– Greater Severity: The symptoms of radiation sickness may be more severe and prolonged in individuals with weakened immune systems.

3. Higher Mortality Rate:

– Risk of Death: The combination of radiation exposure and a compromised immune system can significantly increase the risk of mortality.

4. Delayed Recovery:

– Slow Healing: Recovery from radiation-induced injuries may be slower and more complicated in individuals with compromised immune systems.

Mitigation and Response

1. Shelter-in-Place:

– Immediate Shelter: Seeking immediate shelter in buildings with thick walls to reduce exposure.

2. Evacuation:

– Safe Zones: Evacuation to areas deemed safe from radiation exposure.

3. Medical Interventions:

– Treatment: Administration of potassium iodide to protect the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine.

– Supportive Care: Symptomatic treatment for radiation sickness and other injuries.

4. Decontamination:

– Removal of Contaminants: Removing radioactive particles from skin, clothing, and surroundings to reduce further exposure.

5. Long-Term Monitoring:

– Health Surveillance: Ongoing medical monitoring and support for those affected by radiation exposure.

In summary, the impact of nuclear radiation on the population, especially those with compromised immune systems, would be profound and long-lasting, necessitating comprehensive and coordinated responses from medical, governmental, and humanitarian agencies.

Final Final Comment

It appears that the Deagal Report might just be realized when Americans are being assaulted by a thousand “paper cuts”.

Deagle Report
Deagle Report

And DeepSeek AI explains…

The idiom “death by a thousand papercuts” is used to describe a situation where a person or entity is slowly worn down or defeated by a large number of small, seemingly insignificant problems or annoyances, rather than by one major issue. Each individual problem might not be severe on its own, but the cumulative effect of dealing with many such problems can be overwhelming and debilitating.

Examples of Usage:

1. Workplace Stress:

– An employee might feel overwhelmed by constant minor interruptions, small tasks, and bureaucratic hurdles, all of which individually are manageable but collectively create significant stress and inefficiency.

2. Customer Service:

– A company might lose customers not because of one major failure, but because of numerous small inconveniences, such as slow response times, minor errors in orders, and inconsistent communication.

3. Health Issues:

– A person might experience declining health not from one major illness, but from a series of minor ailments that, when combined, significantly impact their quality of life.

4. Financial Strain:

– A family might face financial difficulties not from one large expense, but from a multitude of small, recurring costs that add up over time, such as unexpected repairs, minor medical bills, and regular subscription fees.

Key Points:

Cumulative Effect: The idiom emphasizes the cumulative impact of many small issues, which can be just as damaging as a single large problem.

Gradual Degradation: It highlights the gradual and often unnoticed deterioration of a situation or condition.

Overwhelming Burden: The sheer number of small problems can create an overwhelming burden, making it difficult to address each one individually.

In essence, “death by a thousand papercuts” underscores the idea that the sum of many small issues can be just as detrimental as a single large one, and it often describes situations where the impact is felt more acutely over time.

Jammin’ with the Wailers

Hong Kong separatists suffer racial discrimination in the UK, but for them, the nightmare does not come from Anglo-Saxon racism, but from the actions of the Tiandihui (also known as the Hongmen) to punish Chinese traitors.

Chinese abroad often rely on 3 kinds of civil society organizations for help: clan associations, hometown associations, and the Tiandihui.

Chinese embassies and consulates abroad are official institutions of the Chinese government overseas. They usually coordinate with government departments in the host countries through diplomatic means and are unlikely to intervene in private affairs.

Without the help of civil society organizations, overseas Chinese would not be able to gain a foothold in Chinatown.

The Tiandihui was founded by Ming loyalists in the early Qing dynasty to resist the Manchu invasion of China. This is an ancient organization that is still in operation today and it has become a multinational organization that also has branches in the UK.

Tiandihui members worldwide continue to observe certain common traditions: they all stress their patriotic origin; they all revere Lord Guan, a deified historic Chinese figure who embodies righteousness, patriotism, and loyalty; and they all share certain rituals and traditions such as the concept of brotherhood and a secret handshake.

Chinese Traitors in the UK are also divided into different levels:

  • Taiwan separatists have higher emotional intelligence. Although they are Chinese traitors, they will not show it on the surface.
  • Hong Kong separatists are 100% slaves of Anglo-Saxons. Even if Anglo-Saxons fart, they think it smells good.

Of course, Taiwan independence elements and Hong Kong independence elements are of no use. They only dare to be rebellious at home and remain calm abroad.

Tiandihui is a secret civil organization with many branches and complex structure, and does not conduct public activities.

Don’t expect the inefficient British police to protect Chinese traitors; they just need to accept their punishment honestly.

Dried Beef Casserole



  • 2 cups dry macaroni, uncooked
  • 2 cans cream of mushroom soup
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 cups grated cheddar cheese
  • 6 tablespoons Durkee’s French fried onions
  • 10 ounces dried beef, chopped
  • 5 hard boiled eggs, sliced


  1. Combine soup and milk and stir until creamy, then add remaining ingredients except eggs. Mix well, then fold in eggs.
  2. Cover tightly, and refrigerate overnight.
  3. Bake uncovered for 1 hour at 350 degrees F.
  4. If desired, add more onion rings to top ten minutes before removing from oven.


Israel has ORDERED the crypto-exchange “Binance” to SEIZE the crypto-currencies of all Palestinians pursuant to Israeli Terrorism Law!!!!!

Israel did this by declaring the Dubai Exchange Company in the Gaza Strip, which is the only lawful crypto-currency entity allowed to operate in the Gaza Strip, to be a “terrorist organization.”

All Palestinians were required to use the Dubai Exchange Company for all their crypto-currency transactions.

Since the Israeli government declared the Dubai Exchange itself to be a “terrorist organization” all the money transferred by or through that company is then considered to be the property of the “terrorist organization” and thus subject to being seized!

Palestinians have APPEALED this mass seizure.  Those Appeals are ALL being denied.

The DENIAL letter appears below in original Hebrew language, which has been machine-translated as follows:


“In accordance with the authority delegated to me by the Minister of Defense, according to Section 61(a) of the Law on Combating Terrorism, 556- 2016 (hereinafter: “The Law on the Fight against Terrorism”) and further to your application as a reference, I would like to inform you that your claims against Seizure of property by virtue of an administrative seizure order (T56/23) signed by the Minister of Defense on November 1, 2023, by virtue of his authority according to the law, were examined by and rejected for the following reasons:

1. Section 56(b) of the Anti-Terrorism Law states, among other things, that the Minister of Defense may issue an order on Temporary seizure of property of a declared terrorist organization, as well as seizure of property that was used to commit a crime Serious terrorism or property where a serious terrorist offense was committed.

2. At the basis of the administrative seizure order (Tt56/23) is reliable intelligence information that teaches that wallets of cryptocurrencies, including one that is registered in your name, funds have been transferred by an organization — the declared terrorism of the Dubai Exchange Company in the Gaza Strip (declared on March 7, 2022, published in the 10084 p. 2505 on 4.4.2022.

3. According to the anti-terrorism law, cryptographic currencies that have been transferred by a declared terrorist organization constitute property of a declared terrorist organization and cryptocurrency wallets to which it has been transferred. Said property constitutes property that was directly used to commit a serious terrorist offense of providing a service or Establishing measures for a terrorist organization, as defined in the Law on Combating Terrorism, and therefore in accordance with the instructions The law allows the Minister of Defense to order their seizure by administrative order in preparation for their confiscation.

4. In light of the above, and if nothing is found in your claims to contradict the information that formed the basis of issuing an order The seizure, I intend to recommend to the Minister of Defense to order the confiscation of the property for which the seizure order was issued, In accordance with the authority of the Minister of Defense according to section 66(a) of the law.

5. According to the provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Law, an appeal against this decision will be submitted as a petition to the Court of Matters administrative.



So the Israelis are considering ALL Palestinian crypto-currencies to be “terrorism” because they all went through the only lawful crypto exchange in the Gaza Strip, and Israel has now seized all that crypto-currency from the wallets of the people who sent it or received it.  Whether that person was a “terrorist” or not, does not matter because the crypto-exchange itself was declared a “terrorist organization.”

Any of you who have Crypto-currencies, being held in a wallet that can be accessed by any exchange, should dump that crypto-currency absolutely immediately and get your money.   What Israel has just shown is that they (or any other government) can simply make a declaration that the Exchange itself is a “terrorist organization” then grab all the crypto wallets that have ever been used via that exchange!

You would lose all your crypto, and automatically be considered to be “related to terrorist activities” with the stroke of a pen by some government lackey.

Remember this, too, when they start trying to get you to use “Central Bank Digital Currency.”  They could do the exact same thing with that!  You would find yourself cut off from all money.  Try “appealing” anything when all the cash (you no longer have) is only “digital” and they just grabbed it all!

Today, as you scan your regular “news” sources, see if there is any reporting at all about this?

A nightmare.












4a17039a1 flatiron.preview
4a17039a1 flatiron.preview


































Parenting Gone Wrong: Spoiled Child Leads Family to Deadly Consequences At A Hotpot Restaurant

We recently bought out my wife’s company car, a Subaru Legacy, which we got a great deal on. Shortly before, while the car was still owned by fleet, we had taken the car in to the dealership for an oil change. This was before it got warm enough to need the air conditioner. Along comes summer and we notice the AC isn’t putting out cold air. I pop the hood and notice the wires to the compressor have been cut. I took a number of pictures from various angles and took the car back to the dealership and acted stupid, as if I had no idea why the AC was suddenly not working. An hour later they called to let me know they discovered that the wires had been chewed through, probably by a rat and said the entire wiring harness needed to be replaced at a cost of somewhere around $400–600. I lost my cool and told them they were lying to me and said it was obvious the wires had been cut. The service manager then told me they had found evidence of a rat’s nest under the hood. I told him I had taken a number of pictures of the engine compartment and that I had not seen any evidence of any rodent and said the wires were cut far too clean for them to have been chewed through and that it was pretty obvious this had been done when the car had last been in for service.

Thankfully my wife had a good relationship with the fleet manager and called him and asked for advice. He said to give us an hour and he’d get back to us. The dealership reached out shortly afterward and said they would be taking care of the damage at no charge to us. Apparently the fleet manager told them it seemed as though they were trying to take advantage of the fact that it was a fleet car (as it would have been had we not bought it out), had likely cut the wires expecting the fleet would be covering the repair bill (as they would have done had the car still been a fleet vehicle) and he was prepared to recommend blacklisting Subaru over their actions.

We will never take our car back to Carter Subaru in Shoreline (Seattle) again. Clearly they’re not to be trusted.

** Update: This answer must’ve recently been included in a digest email because it’s received a lot of attention. I figured I should probably update it with a couple of pictures I took before bringing the car in to the dealership. It clearly shows evidence of the “rat” that chewed, err, sliced through the wiring harness.

Regarding the gap between fighter jets of China, the United States and Russia, the most appropriate objects of comparison are the three heavy stealth fighters: J-20, F22 and Su-57.

If we rank the number of the three types of heavy aircraft: J-20>F22>Su-57.

  • J-20, 100 new aircraft are produced every year
  • F22 has been discontinued for a long time, with only about 180 in total.
  • Su-57, no more than 10 are produced every year.

The combat effectiveness of the three heavy aircraft is ranked as follows: J-20>F22>Su-57.

The performance indicators of the fifth-generation fighter jets should be in order of importance:

  1. Super perception (including informationization and intelligence): The maximum detection range of the F22 airborne radar is 250 kilometers, and the maximum detection range of the J-20 airborne radar is 300 kilometers.
  2. Stealth: The J20 is more delicate than the F22. The J20 can adapt to various environments, whether it is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau or the western desert. The J20 only needs an ordinary hangar to be deployed, unlike the F22, which needs a constant temperature hangar for maintenance. Finally, regarding the Su-57, I think if the Su-57 is optimized, the stealth performance still has a lot of room for improvement.
  3. Supercruise and supersonic maneuverability: The F22 should be the one with the best supercruise capability at present because of its engine advantage, but the J-20’s supersonic optimization is the most thorough. After replacing the new engine, its supercruise and supersonic maneuverability will far surpass the F22.
  4. Multi-purpose performance (including payload range): Theoretically, the multi-purpose performance of Su-57 should be the strongest, its bomb bay is deeper, and the front and rear columns are also convenient for arranging large missiles. Compared with the F22, the J-20 has a longer fuselage, larger fuel capacity, and a larger bomb bay, so its range and multi-purpose performance are greater than those of the F22. The comprehensive comparison is Su-57>J-20>F 22.
  5. Subsonic maneuverability (including supersonic maneuverability, also known as super-stall maneuverability): This is the most controversial issue at present. The domestically produced Taihang improved engine currently installed on the J-20 is only a transitional version of the WS-15 engine. Its thrust is barely enough for the J-20, so its over-stall maneuverability is definitely not as good as that of the F22 and Su-57. However, with the advent and deployment of the WS-15 engine, these problems will be solved.

The US military itself knows very well that they are losing their air superiority!

Young Connecticut Man Will Only Give His GF A “Symbolic Wedding” To Safeguard His Hard Earned Wealth

Interesting. Phew! What a crazy life.

Good Job

One day, while I was working upstairs in my office, my German Shepherd came upstairs, stood in my office doorway barking at me.

Then he walked over to the top of the staircase barking as he looked down the stairs. He lifted his head, looked towards me and continued barking.

He walked back and stood in the office doorway again looking at me, barking.

He did this repeatedly for a few minutes while I worked. It became obvious he wanted me to follow him downstairs. I got up and asked him, “What’s the matter?”

As soon as I asked this our house began to shake.

Everything on my walls and shelves were rattling.

I did not understand exactly what was happening, but we both ran down the stairs while I yelled, “Let’s get the hell out of here!”

We got outside and I felt the ground moving.

Then it stopped.

We had just experienced an earthquake. They are practically nonexistent in our region. Somehow, my boy knew it was coming and came upstairs to warn me.

He did many intelligent things in his lifetime, but that was the most amazing.

Suspects That LOSE IT During Interrogations


Ukraine Develops ‘Its Own’ Cruise Missile

On the Ukrainian independence day former President Zelenski announced that Ukraine’s forces would soon use a “rocket driven drone”:

On 24 August, during the Saturday ceremonies for Ukraine’s Independence Day, Volodymyr Zelensky stated that today, Ukrainian forces for the first time targeted enemy troops with a new long-range drone.- This is our new method of retaliating against the aggressor. The enemy was hit. Thank you to everyone who made this possible. All the developers, manufacturers, and our soldiers. I am proud of you, Zelensky said during his speech, quoted by the Ukrainska Pravda portal.

The rocket-drone system, produced indigenously by Ukraine and gracefully named “Paljanica” (like the traditional Ukrainian wheat flour bread, which symbolizes hospitality and happiness), is a military innovation. During the official ceremonies, Zelensky stressed that it is a weapon of a “completely new class”. He emphasized that “it is difficult to counteract it, but very easy to understand why.”

The work on the rocket-drone was carried out in secrecy.

Zelenski published a video that shows a second of the cruise missile in flight.

HI Sutton of Covert Shores created this picture from it.

This is not a drone but a turbojet driven cruise missile. Ukraine announced that it has been tested and could be used soon:

Defense Minister Rustem Umerov promised Monday the weapon would be used again soon in response to the overnight attack on Ukraine.“Ukraine is preparing its response. Weapons of its own production,” he wrote on his Facebook page. “This once again proves that for victory, we need long-range capabilities and the lifting of restrictions on strikes on the enemy’s military facilities.”

A Ukrainian military video hinted that its range is up to 700 kilometers (430 miles) — on par with the U.S.-supplied ATACMS. It showed a map with various airfields, including Russia’s Savasleyka air base, which lies within that range, adding that the Palianytsia can reach at least 20 Russian airfields.

Russia has expected longer range missile strikes for some time and its defenses are positioned appropriately. Another Ukrainian ‘wonder weapon’ will not impress it. Ukraine claims that the cruise missile was developed by itself:

One of the specialists involved in the long-range missile project said it was “a completely new development, from scratch” that began about 18 months ago.“This is not an extension of an old Soviet project,” said the specialist, speaking on condition of anonymity to safeguard the project’s secrecy. The missile has a solid-fuel booster that accelerates it, followed by a jet engine, the specialist said.

The specialist and Fedorov said each missile costs less than $1 million, and the military is turning to the private sector to bring down production costs further. “The private market generates solutions incredibly quickly,” the minister said.

I doubt that Ukraine has created its own cruise missile. There are too many parts of such systems, especially the navigation and targeting modules, that need high end solutions to be able to counter Russian electronic warfare measures and to deceive Russian air defenses. It expect that these will be derivatives from western projects.

Aside from that all Ukraine’s weapon and especially missile manufacturing facilities have been hit several times by Russian missiles. This morning a new large missile and drone attack again hit “the critical power infrastructure of Ukrainian defence industry”. Next to other infrastructure today’s strike damaged three irreplaceable 750 kilovolt transformer stations and several 330 kv stations.

The new Ukrainian cruise missile was probably designed by the U.S. or UK and its various modules will likely be assembled in Poland instead of Ukraine. Still, it will be a hassle to produce many of these. That is likely the reason why the Ukrainian leadership is begging daily to allow it to use long range missiles produced by the U.S. or Britain to hit targets within Russia.

So far the U.S. has blocked such moves because it fears retaliation by Russia. Russia has threatened to deliver such weapons from Russian production to U.S. enemies should the U.S. proceed and allow Ukraine to hit with U.S. weapons within Russia.

A “Ukrainian” cruise missile would of course eliminate that problem.


Posted by b at 16:01 UTC | Comments (153)

We were getting calls from a lot of vendors about past due invoices – for MONTHS. This was so weird as our branch was doing very well and we just could not figure out why our vendors weren’t being paid. Invoices were posted in the AP and this should not have been happening. It got so bad that one of our major suppliers wouldn’t provide any more material until they were paid. This was bad – we had a MAJOR project going that we could not not have material.

We had what was called an Imprest Checking Account. We had a checkbook and could write checks for things like permits, licenses, etc. The cap per check was $500.00 with a monthly “allowance of around $3,000.00 per branch.

To avoid credit hold that month, our Branch Manager told the office manager to write a check for $30,000.00. Done and delivered, material is on the job site. Got a call from HQ/Co. President telling us we did a bad thing and not to do it again because overdraft fees.

Our AP admin decided to do some investigating. Holy carp – we were going gangbusters and collecting a lot of money every month but almost ALL of our AP was aging towards or past 120 days. So she looked in to the HQ office. Gee, all of their bills were being paid on time. So she took this info to the BM who called HQ and read them the riot act.

Next month, same drill – no material from the vendor for the project until they were paid. BM directed AP admin to write a check for $60,000.00.

A week later, same phone call from HQ President. BM invited us admins in to his office and put him on speaker so we could listen. Pres. was yelling and screaming at BM who just sat, calmly, nodding and listening. Pres ended his tirade with “What do you have to say?!” BM, very calmly, replied “Pay our fuickin’ bills.” Silence on the other end followed by unintelligible grumbling and a click. BM just sat there and smiled at the phone and the three of us were in awe. That man, our Branch Manager, was a legend.

After that, our bills were paid on time. I still tell that story and am still in awe of, perhaps, the best boss I ever had.

Wife Spent 5 Months On OnlyFans Before Confessing To Husband & The Reddit Army WENT CRAZY When He…

The term “relationship” has taken on new meaning these days. Not judging, but it is a bit of a shock to my 1960 era sensibilities.

Black Myth: Wukong” has shattered multiple global gaming records on its first day of release. As of 10 PM last night, it reached over 2.22 million concurrent players on Steam, topping the Steam concurrent player chart and setting a new record for single-player games. Additionally, “Black Myth: Wukong” has been the best-selling game on Steam globally for the past week, sweeping the charts in 12 regions including the United States, Singapore, Canada, and Italy.

“Black Myth: Wukong” sold over 3 million copies on Steam alone yesterday, and with sales on Epic, WeGame, and PS5 combined, the total surpasses 4.5 million copies, generating over 1.5 billion yuan in revenue. This figure is hundreds of times higher than the pre-sales of previous domestic single-player games (which typically reached around 100.

To be honest, no domestic single-player game has ever demonstrated such a terrifying dominance. Changcheng Securities even predicts that “Black Myth: Wukong” could catch up with top-tier games like “Elden Ring” and “Dark Souls” in terms of sales.

This is not blind optimism. With over 4.5 million copies sold in a single day and total sales exceeding 1.5 billion yuan, “Black Myth: Wukong” has set a new benchmark. For comparison, “Cyberpunk 2077” had 8 million pre-orders upon its release in 2020, and “The Last of Us Part II,” the 2020 TGA Game of the Year, sold 4 million copies in its first week. Moreover, “Black Myth: Wukong” reached 1 million concurrent players within 60 minutes, surpassing “Cyberpunk 2077.

“Black Myth: Wukong” is rich in traditional Chinese cultural elements, even featuring傩面 (nuò miàn,傩 masks).

Black Myth: Wukong” represents a significant milestone in the global dissemination of Chinese culture, offering a visually stunning and culturally rich gaming experience that has captured the attention of audiences worldwide. By examining the game’s portrayal of Chinese mythology, its impact on the global gaming industry, and its potential to foster cultural exchange, we can gain a deeper understanding of the role of video games in shaping cultural perceptions.

All right, sit down and listen. Jim Van Derlin wrote 10 things. do not forget any of it. Great stuff. Now, I was like 58 going into a Fed prison. I did time in 4 prisons including the Penitentiary at Victorville, CA and finished out my time at FCI Tucson, a medium-high that was rated as High due to it being a transfer point/holding site. Os some shit like that.

So, 9 years. Make amends. Payoff any debts you can. Say goodbye. Sell your car, cancel everything you can, your family won’t need it. If you have family, you will need to connect like never before because IF you get visits, they are hard. I didn’t even want my family coming to fucking prison. The penitentiary is surrounded by a 40′ wall lined with piles of razor wire. The inmates all look like they would eat your face just to stay busy. So you don’t think I’m insulting anyone, a big dude once asked me why I looked so mean, while we were in the visiting room. I think his daughter got scared. I was like ‘bro, you’re 6’9″, 325 pounds and have a face only a mother could love and you think I’m mean looking?

Before this fiasco, a speeding ticket ruined my month. I was not from the hood, I was not connected nor was I a fighting machine. So to reiterate a few comments from Jim, unless you want your asshole the size of a cucumber, DO NOT DO ANYTHING that causes you to owe money. $5 past due, a few homies come by, you no gots??? You trade for sex. It won’t necessarily be your choice. If Someone wants to give you a hit on a smoke, or a joint, DO NOT take it. Do not be surprised that the hit you took went on your tab. Yeah, the tab you didn’t know you had.

Respect others. Expect it back. If something goes sideways and nasty talk starts, you have about 10–12 seconds. If the other dude calms, let it rest. If he ain’t calm, expect an attack immediately. You will never argue more than 15 seconds before the shit flies! Be ready and swing back.

Carry yourself with confidence, but not arrogance. you can nod or a small half smile of acknowledgement to peeps you know from other races but do NOT think you can walk up and join a convo with another race. you’ll be sorry with a quick lesson.

My advice, do not be friends with the first guys that approach you. They will be conning you out of something. Hopefully, your bunkie or a guy from a close cell walks you down to the chow hall. Listen, answer questions honestly, and do not try to be someone you are not. Take it slowly. Be friend-LY with people but it takes months before you should trust or rely on others.

After the mental meltdown of the admitting process and the first few days of living in a parallel universe, you will start to go through your life. There is little you can do inside. I’m still married, somehow. Don’t expect to be. If you are and she waits, you are blessed.

I made it through my whole sentence until the last year. Something happened, I had years of being fed up. I started yelling about something. There were a couple of COs close by. The boys I was pissed at didn’t like being barked at in front of others. An hour later I got a visit at my locker. 5 dudes. A little talking, a little pushing. I counted and got to 11. I knew this was it. Early on in my sentence, I had decided that if I ever got hit by a group, it was gonna hurt. So I figured, I’m going to concentrate my “love and attention” on 1 guy. I wanted at least one dude besides me to walk with a limp, or a hanging arm, or a fucked up face! You’ll be in pain, but make 1 guy remember you. Word gets around.

China Threatens EU Dairy Economy, Argentina Gold In London, Major Bank “USD Big Crash Bets”

Tit 4 tat.

A HK story

So I rung my uncle in Hong Kong because I heard he had a fall recently.

He has to sit in a wheelchair for a while but he was in good spirits.

He was almost gleeful to share about Nathan Law’s recent travails.

Apparently, the white masters are cutting him loose and he is in a bit of a bind financially. His family and supporters are in trouble for sending him money. His mum even lost the subsidized housing unit due to rent arrears.

He wants Nathan to come back and face the music so the family don’t have to.

But he knows that is wishful thinking, because the man is a “chickenshit coward”. His original description is a little too colorful to print here.

He hates the leaders of the 2019 riots because his little side business went under during the mayhem, and incurred a tidy loss.

I don’t blame him.

I wish him a speedy recovery.

It’s commonly believed that India’s potential could soon eclipse China’s, but the real story is quite the opposite. While India’s GDP figures are catching eyes, China’s strategic investments in high-value sectors show that it is leagues ahead in sustainable economic growth.

You see, China isn’t just about huge GDP numbers. It’s about how they’ve managed to turn those numbers into substantial value through smart, forward-thinking strategies. Decades ago, China’s economy heavily relied on exporting low-margin goods. But today, the game has changed. China now focuses on high-tech manufacturing and mastering key technologies, earning significantly more per unit of export. For instance, a Tesla made in Shanghai leaves a big chunk of profit within Chinese borders, which wasn’t the case with the lower-margin goods they made years ago. The same goes for Huawei smartphones, which now rake in higher profits compared to the earlier contracts with Western brands.

Meanwhile, India’s economic landscape is in a different phase, more focused on assembly and service-based tasks. Even though India’s exports are expected to rise, the value they add to the economy pales in comparison to China’s high-tech exports. India finds itself deeply engaged in refining oil, assembling electronics, and providing software services. These sectors don’t bring significant value back home; most of the profits end up with the foreign owners of these technologies.

Another big part of the story is how each country invests in its people. China has poured resources into its education system, subsidizing costs and providing numerous scholarships, creating a skilled workforce geared toward innovation. On the flip side, Indian education remains expensive, burdening graduates and their families and making it challenging to cultivate a wide pool of talent needed for a tech-driven economy.

China’s economic prowess also stems from continuous investment in infrastructure and technology. The nation has heavily invested in electric vehicle batteries, solar panels, and wind energy, sectors that promise not just jobs but also position China as a future leader in these critical industries. India’s investment in high-tech sectors and infrastructure has yet to meet the same level of effectiveness.

Social factors can’t be ignored either. China has nurtured a meritocratic environment with a focus on achieving technological advancements. Meanwhile, India’s societal focus on celebrity culture and ongoing brain drain diverts attention from the systematic nurturing of its economic potential.

So, if you’re asking why China’s GDP doesn’t tell the whole story of its economic superiority, it’s because of these deep, structural investments and strategic choices. Despite China’s substantially higher GDP, it’s the focus on high-value, technology-driven sectors, education, and infrastructure that sets it apart. For India to bridge this gap, there would need to be a massive shift in educational policies, a serious dedication to infrastructure, and a move away from traditional economic activities toward more innovative sectors.

In essence, while India’s GDP growth might look promising at a glance, China’s underlying economic strategies make it a more formidable force on the global stage. This difference in developmental focus and investment is why China, despite what headlines might suggest, continues to pave the way for a more stable and prosperous future.

American’s can’t comprehend living like Chinese..

So interesting, making fun of Americans. Actually a really good video pointing out the importance of LIVABILITY where you live.

I bought a Jeep for $250, drove it a half mile, and sold it for $2,500…unintentionally.

My roommate blew an axle out of his truck, so as I was taxiing him around, he had me take a shortcut. On that back road, I saw this Jeep next to someone’s house. A real Jeep, a 1986 CJ-7, the year before Chrysler took the company over and ruined it. Since I learned the shortcut, I kept going that way, and kept seeing that Jeep, for probably 3 months, although it had clearly been there for years.

It was the homeowner’s son’s Jeep, and he’d moved across the country. He abandoned the Jeep there and ended up sending his father the title to get rid of it. Since I convinced the father I wasn’t a junk car guy or planning on scrapping it, I gave it a good hard closeup look and asked for a price. He said the scrap car guys belittled it and said it was only worth $250 max. Since I genuinely wanted to fix it up for myself, I could have it for that price, which I had on me.

I paid for the Jeep, jump started it, and surprisingly it ran. The brakes were crap, and this Jeep looked horrible, but I saw potential. I stopped at a gas station, and the guy there was mesmerized by this rusty hunk of a Jeep covered in tree crap. He asked me if I would sell it, to which I said I doubt he’s make it worth my while. He then offered me $2,500. I almost crapped my pants. I drove it about a half mile and made 10 times what I paid for it. My plan was just to make sure it had enough gas to get home since the gauge read empty, but instead I made it home with a lot more than I planned on.

After I thought, if he shot me $2,500 right away, he may have been willing to pay more, but I was so shocked I didn’t think of it until later. Who knows…

Yes. The Phalanx fires at 3,000 rounds per minute to 4,500 rounds depending on model.

These are designed to shoot down sub-sonic missiles.

Chinese research shows that in order to shoot down high supersonic missiles (missiles traveling at Mach3 – Mach 5) you need a CIWS that fires at 10,000 rounds per minute.

Also if the missile is maneuvering in terminal phase then the faster the firing rate the better. You also need better radars and powerful computers to predict the missile trajectory and get there first with the gun.

Current Chinese CIWS fires at 11,000 rounds per minute.

Everything in in-place. What event – or false-flag – will be used to trigger Actual WW3?

Hal Turner World


Just to clarify, so there is no misunderstanding . . . 

  1. Armies are in forward positions.
  2. Scenarios were run through computer simulations (AI to use more trendy expression).
  3. Alliances were decided and consolidated.
  4. Legislation was put through legal process.
  5. Politicians who will run things were selected.

Everything is ready.

Now it is a matter of using an event or creating an event to start WW3.  What will be the spark that causes the explosion of war?

I guess scenarios that were run through computers did not give satisfactory results and that is a reason for delays.

But, everything is ready . . . for world war, version 3.

Ukraine was a beta test.


5,500 Dead! Ukraine’s Invasion into Kursk, Russia

Hal Turner World

Ukraine has lost 5,500 troops, 71 tanks, 30 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, 57 Armored Personnel Carriers, and 372 Armored Combat Vehicles in their two week long misadventure into Russia’s Kursk Region.

The staggering losses in such a short time reveal the complete idiocy of this maneuver by Ukraine, or the factual realization that any NATO planners involved, were utterly incompetent.



Medellin: The Sex Tourism Capital Of Colombia | Is This A Passport Bro Paradise Or Nightmare?

The war on “passport bros” has entered a new cycle; as a sexpat.

What is it like to be the child of a billionaire?

A friend of mine was born to rich (not billionaire) parents. His Grandad had started a company with nothing, his dad had taken it on and made it bigger and more profitable. He was the eldest son.

I met him when he was 22. He was a graduate from an elite university, and had a got a lucrative government sponsorship to study accounting, and I’d got sponsorship at 18, to do the same. Which is where I met him. I’m from a more typical background, 2 parents, working 9–5 jobs to pay the mortgage and put food on the table.

We talked about the differences between us, on and off, over the next year or two.

Most of us have to go to work to earn money, support our family, and we keep turning up because if we don’t, we might get sacked. Those who don’t put the effort in, don’t get the bigger, better jobs. None of this applies to “daddy’s boy”. He knew if he wanted it, he would be MD of the family company. If not, the family would appoint a manager or sell the business, and he could live off the profits.

His dad was conscious of this, and had asked him the question a couple of times:

At 18 – Nope, I want to go to Uni

At 21, Nope I want to study to be an accountant

at 24 – I’d like to work in the private sector for 2 years.

Even at 26, his dad did his best to dissuade him:

  • You have a good career ahead of you, outside the family business. You can do well. You don’t need to take this on if you don’t want to. I can get a Professional manager.
  • You know, whatever you do, people will say you were “given it”. You will never get any credit.
  • It won’t be easy. I won’t give it to you, I will give you a couple of jobs, and if you goof around, I will leave you there. People’s jobs and their families depend on this company, and if you become MD, you need to take that responsibility seriously.
  • Once you come in, you will struggle to get a job outside the company again, as companies will always look at your CV and say “No point taking him on. All we’ll be doing is training him up for when he goes back to the family company.”
  • If you make a mistake here, people won’t let you forget. You can’t move jobs, and leave it behind.
  • You are giving up a lot of (government) benefits, if you come here, more than I can give you, and without the responsibility.
  • When you are MD, it’s pretty lonely. It’s not like being one of the workforce. It’s just you. People will give you advice, but they have their own agenda, and it’s only you who has to live with the consequences.
  • There’s always the risk that the company will fail, despite your best efforts. Then you’ll be stuck.

It was during this time that I started to realize that there were downside was well as upsides to being born in to his family.

When he did take it on, his dad was as good as his word. He gave him proper jobs. He made him make the decisions, stand behind them, and if he made mistakes had to own them. Sadly, his dad passed away when he was only 56, so my friend became MD at 30, which was earlier and sooner than his dad and him expected or planned.

He enjoyed it, and did very well. Took the business on to the next level. Increased sales, increased profits, added new product lines, won new customers, put a new computer system in place, trained up the senior team, introduced new production technology, and moved the factory to a new site double the size of the last one, but it was a very demanding role. He was the only family member working in the business, and the wider family seemed to add to his stress, not share the burden. I did some benchmarking on pay rates, and was surprised by his remuneration despite his stellar performance. I advised him that he well below market rates. The family were very reliant on him, but didn’t seem to recognise his performance. In his 40s, he developed some stress related health issues, and stepped away from the business.

After a couple of years sabbatical, he opted not to go back, and took a less stressful and more supportive, and appreciated career, and the company did get a locum manager, and still has it to this day.

The New “Anti-Woke” Visa


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What does a prisoner who is in solitary confinement do in a 24-hour period? What time do they wake up and eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, take a shower, go to work, and exercise? What does a day look like?

Here’s how a day in Z-9 Ad-Seg goes down, from the horses mouth


The day starts early with medical pass at 0600. We kick things off getting the medicals handled first. By 0620, it’s chow time, and in Ad-Seg, that means meals served straight in the cells. The sergeant handles this personally, making sure it’s all by the book. Food goes through the tray slots, no face-to-face interactions. If it’s Ramadan, we’ve got specific procedures to follow, but the routine stays locked down tight.

After breakfast, inmates get their cleaning supplies through the slot. They’re expected to keep their cells up to standard—no exceptions. Hygiene checks happen regularly, and if someone’s slipping, it gets dealt with. Sometimes, it’s hard to see what’s going on in the cell because inmates like to put cardboard on their windows. That’s only allowed if the inmate’s an IEX’r (indecent exposure), otherwise, we’re not having it.


Around 0800, it’s shower time. In Ad-Seg, showers are solo—no exceptions. Inmates get cuffed and escorted to the shower, where they have about 10 minutes. Then it’s straight back to the cell, still cuffed. No free movement here—everything’s on lockdown. If there’s a medical appointment or legal visit, it’s the same routine: cuffed, escorted, and back to their cell.


Lunch comes around 1200, following the same procedure as breakfast—through the slot, no hassle. After they eat, they get a bit of in-cell time. Inmates might read, write, or get in some exercises. It’s a small break in the day, but they know the rules. If there’s any legal business or visits, it’s handled individually, under strict supervision.

Yard Time:

Yard is limited in Ad-Seg—only three hours a week. When it’s their time, they’re cuffed and escorted to the yard. It’s the only chance they get to stretch out a bit, but it’s still tightly controlled, with eyes on them at all times.


Dinner rolls around at 1700. By now, everyone’s in the routine—food through the slot, no drama. After dinner, the day starts winding down. Mail gets handed out, and if they’re lucky enough to have a TV, they catch a bit of programming before lights out.


By 2100, it’s lights out. We lock down the unit for the night, making sure everyone’s where they should be. There’s no movement unless it’s an emergency. We do our rounds, checking cells, making sure everything’s in order. The night settles in, and it’s quiet—just the hum of the unit.

In Z-9 Ad-Seg, everything’s about routine and control. Medical at 0600, chow at 0620, showers, meals, and the limited yard time all follow a strict schedule. Whether it’s dealing with cardboard on the windows or getting the yard in, it’s all about maintaining order—tight, controlled, and always by the book.

What is a family secret you didn’t know as a kid, but now as an adult you do and when you look back it explains a lot of things?

My father was often not around when I was a young child.

But I remember an argument one dinner time with the 4 (my dad, mum, myself and my younger brother) of us sat around the dinner table, I would be around 8/9 my brother 5.

Things had been strained most of the day. Something was said and that led to an argument, I remember dinner plates being thrown, food going all over the place, i slid under the table and grabbed my brother and held my hands over his ears as words were being said I knew he shouldn’t hear.

They separated about 18 months later. The Divorce was messy to say the least and we were forced to spend time with him and his “new girlfriend” who had a little girl so she became our step sister… They ended up getting married a couple of years later and separating a few years after that….

My mum and brother were killed by a drunk driver in 1997 and my Dad who I had barely seen in 15 years given he was a violent drunk died in 2012.

It’s only relatively recently that I got back in contact with my stepmother to find out I had a half brother who was 35 years younger than me and born just before my dad died. But after that bomb shell we discussed memories and I worked out that dining table argument was him telling my mum that he had got her pregnant and that she wasnt my step sister but half sister.

That was the same conversation I discovered I potentially had other siblings too.

As it turns out I did…..6 in fact from 4 other relationships some from the same time he was married to my mum.

I’ve now a relationship with 5 of them, and in the process of adopting one of them, hes 12 and currently living in a kids home.

Leaders talk

China is the only permanent member of the United Nations Security Council not involved in any international conflict in recent years, demonstrating its commitment to peace, said Timor-Leste’s President Jose Ramos-Horta during an exclusive interview with CMG’s Leaders Talk.

At the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Timor-Leste’s president paid a state visit to China from July 28 to 31. This is Ramos-Horta’s first visit to China after he took office in 2022 and the first state visit of Timor-Leste’s president to China since the establishment of diplomatic ties.

During the visit, the two sides agreed to strengthen bilateral relations, with Ramos-Horta saying China’s remarkable economic growth and commitment to global peace have drawn Timor-Leste to seek closer ties.

“China is a global power, it’s the largest economy in Asia, second largest in the world. Over the years, China pursued several strategic tracks, one is building China’s economy to these impressive heights, which make China a global economic power, a global financial power. The modernization of its defense force adds to that, and that creates some jealousy among those who view China as a rival. And sometimes the jealousy is exacerbated, and they try to repeat what was a failure of the 60s and 70s, the so-called ‘China containment’,” the president said.

“China was never involved in any of the major wars in recent decades. Whether the war in Afghanistan, the war in Yemen, in Iraq, Libya and in the ongoing one in Ukraine. China is the only permanent member of the Security Council that is not involved in an international conflict. So for us, its common sense to have strong relations with an Asian power, an Asian country that is also a global power. And I know the history of China going back many centuries. What China was then, particularly before World War Two, after World War Two, a lot of upheavals in China. But long before that, wars waged by foreign powers against China like the Opium War,” he said.

I decided to spraypaint my fence.

Some bloke pulled in front of the drive about 10 minutes before I was due to go out, locked his car and started walking away. I called to him to ask him not to park there and was told to “fuck off and deal with it.”

My drive is not on a road where you can get round a car parked like that. I was stuck. So, I called SWMBO and told her I’d be late to our appointment and to give my apologies.

An hour later the driver wasn’t back and I was going to miss my appointment. So I decided on revenge and decided to do one of the jobs SWMBO had been badgering me to do. Repaint the fence… using my new-ish sprayer. I didn’t use it very often as it’s not a very efficient way of painting, as it releases a lot of paint and on breezy days, it tend to drift… a lot.

Our chosen colour was a cedar red… don’t ask… so I alerted my neighbour as she had washing on the line and set up to spray the fence. I managed to get two coats on the 4 six foot fence panels either side of my drive… plus some excess on the ground inside the garden. It drifted outside as well, but I needed to do the outside as well. Outside the garden isn’t as sheltered as inside so the spray drifted a bit more… right onto the gleaming black Subaru Impreza parked across the drive. I only managed to get 1 coat onto the panels outside before it got too dark to see properly for painting, but not too dark to clean the ground inside and outside with a few buckets of water. It’s a water soluble paint after all. I didn’t see what time he left but would love to have seen his face the next morning when he saw his pride and joy splattered with dried on red fence paint.

SWMBO however was more than happy that I’d painted the fence finally.

Wife Who DEMANDED Separation To “Look For Something Different” Gets Reality Check When Husband…

Reminds me of a time in my life that I have tried to forget…

Rob Taylor

The Celestial HopeBetween the fabrics of existence, where the threads of reality intertwine, a universal truth persists—an unyielding axiom, as constant as the cosmos itself. Amidst the grand cosmic ballet where galaxies waltz and stars orchestrate an eternal symphony, a saga of boundless proportions unfurls—a tale that transcends the constraints of time and space.Eternity, an expanse beyond mortal comprehension, stands as an ever-present enigma, an eternal observer untouched by the transient choreography of moments. Here, within the unfathomable depths of cosmic vastness, a fellowship known as the Chosen Wanderers embarks upon an odyssey that defies the very essence of their immortal existence.At the helm of this eternal odyssey strides Captain Thalara, a figure of unwavering strength and profound sagacity. Her presence is a beacon of determination that pierces the veils of time, carrying upon her shoulders the monumental weight of leadership—a mantle forged in the crucible of unending epochs.By her side stands Lyndor, a spectral enigma whose eyes hold secrets as ancient as the cosmos itself. An heir to arcane lineage, he wields powers inherited from generations long past, now intertwined with his very being.Elysia, a luminary scientist ignited by an insatiable curiosity, graces the crew with her brilliance—a constellation of knowledge that shines even in the darkest reaches of the universe.


Completing this ensemble is Kaelen, a dauntless pilot whose hands navigate not only the cosmic currents but also the tides of destiny. His courage is a vessel that carries them through the currents of eternity, as he guides them toward uncharted horizons.


Through the collage of galaxies, where stars bloom and fade like cosmic flowers, their starship “Celestial Hope” navigates, leaving ripples in the very fabric of existence. The void echoes with the remnants of ancient civilizations—whispers of lives long gone, reminders of the impermanence of all things. Amid this journey, nebulous clouds of despair and tempests of doubt swirl, seeking to engulf their spirits in shadow. Yet, in defiance of the abyss, their camaraderie burns like a supernova—a radiant beacon against the inky blackness of space.


In the heart of this boundless expanse, Thalara’s voice resounds—a harmonious blend of weariness and unyielding resolve. “In the face of time’s inexorable tide, what path do we forge, when life’s embrace clings without release? Millennia have woven themselves into our very essence, as we traverse the chasm between universes, charting a course through the untamed cosmos.”


Lyndor, a specter of enigmatic wisdom and innate power, leans against the console, his gaze an ancient mosaic painted with the memories of eons.

“Within the currents of our veins courses the venom of eternity,” his voice carries a mournful timbre, heavy with the weight of choices made. “An oath, once taken with eagerness, now binds us with chains of regret—a curse woven into the very fabric of our being.”


Elysia, her fingers dancing across the luminescent constellations that map the celestial canvas, murmurs with reverence in her voice. “Recall the epoch when our predecessors glimpsed the unfathomable—a revelation of multiple big bangs, an eternal existence that defies all comprehension. Even the deities themselves pale in the face of such boundless expanse.”


Kaelen, the intrepid pilot who courts the cosmic unknown with audacious fervour, leans back with a half-smile that masks the weight he carries.

“Gods or no gods, our universe bowed to its inevitable conclusion—a requiem sung as stars winked out. Yet, we remain—ephemeral echoes in the aftermath, seekers of sanctuary in the wake of dissolution.”


As they negotiate wormholes that spiral like cosmic whirlpools and cross dimensions that shimmer like astral gateways, they traverse not only space but also the fabrics of existence itself. Their dialogues resonate like distant echoes through the corridors of the colossal starship—an intricate symphony woven from threads of hope, fear, and unwavering resolve.


“Sworn to a hope, we journey as bearers of the ages,” Thalara’s voice emerges as a soothing echo as the ship navigates the currents of the cosmos. “We are the chosen, tasked with the survival of ages.”


Lyndor’s eyes, impossibly ancient and eternally watchful, hold a depth of understanding that spans eras. “To comprehend eternity is to wrestle with its revelations—a truth more profound than any verse etched into cosmic parchment.”


Elysia’s gaze lifts toward the uncharted constellations beyond the viewport, her voice carrying both lament and wonder. “Our universe, once a cradle of myriad existences, now languishes—a relic adrift in the vast detritus of time.”


Kaelen’s fingers glide over the star maps he has charted, a testament to their journey’s wonder and weariness. “Yet, we endure, undaunted by the ceaseless ebb of eons that slip through our grasp.”


As their odyssey continues, a cataclysmic event unfurls—a singularity, born from the final gasp of a dying universe, threatens to consume them in its voracious maw. Amidst the concerto of alarms and the kaleidoscope of flashing lights, their voices rise like beacons in the tempest.

“A universe born anew, an era unseen,” Elysia’s breath catches, her voice a whisper amidst the maelstrom.

“An epoch that hungers to sunder us,” Kaelen’s voice is a resolute call amidst the chaos.

“Take any action necessary! Steer us away!” Thalara’s command cleaves through the tumult like a sword through the dark.

“Aye, captain,” Kaelen’s hands fly over the controls, each gesture a testament to his indomitable will.

Yet, the singularity’s maw widens beyond escape.

“Wormhole generators at full capacity in mere moments,” Elysia announces, her voice carrying both urgency and the weight of time itself.

“An eternity encapsulated within fleeting seconds,” Thalara’s mutterings become an indomitable mantra within the storm.

As alarms wail and the ship shudders beneath the onslaught of forces beyond mortal reckoning, Thalara’s call rings out with resolute clarity.

“Hold fast, all! Prepare for the impact that bridges being and oblivion!”

Lyndor’s incantations weave through the air, a desperate plea to mystic forces woven into the very fabric of reality.

“By the threads of existence, we stand resolute!”

Elysia’s voice, a poignant blend of awe and trepidation, pierces the chaotic symphony.

“Here, on this precipice, we straddle the boundary between existence and the void!”

Kaelen’s hands dance with an orchestral precision, their movement a symphony of defiance against impending annihilation.

“Falter, we shall not! Not now, not after traversing the rivers of time itself!”


Emerging from the cataclysm battered yet resolute, they find themselves adrift in the enigmatic embrace of eternity’s realm. Now the farthest off course that could be conceived, a billion light years have cascaded through their grasp, slipping like stardust through the hourglass of existence.


Thalara’s voice, a potent blend of determination and weariness, breaks the stillness that envelops them.

“Amidst the boundless expanse of eternity, we stand as sentinels—an embodiment of unyielding will. Though the search may seem to be at an end, the journey persists, for we are the very bridge between ages.”


Lyndor’s gaze, a window into stages long past, holds a glimmer of hope, a spark that transcends the barriers of time.

“Eternity may have claimed our lethargy, yet it has not extinguished our essence. We’ll make the proper repairs captain Thalara.”


Standing amidst the cosmic void, their silhouettes etched against infinity’s canvas, the echoes of their odyssey resonate through the corridors of existence—a harmonious melody that reverberates through the contexture of time. Their journey, one that challenged death’s dominion, embraced the abyss, and defied the very fabric of the cosmos, has become an indelible verse in the cosmic motif.


For even as they languor for a billion years, cradled within the timeless embrace of eternity, the saga of the Chosen Wanderers echoed across the cosmos—a saga woven into the very cosmic strings of existence. In the midst of interstellar ages, voyaging through the unfathomable vastness, the Celestial Hope and its devoted crew lay suspended in a timeless repose, a testament to their unwavering resolve in the face of unending existence.


The story of the Chosen Wanderers, forever inscribed in the cosmic annals, teaches that even in the ceaseless dance of stars and galaxies, in the unyielding expanse of eternity, the essence of mortal and immortal alike can forge pathways that transcend the constraints of time and space.


And now in their long great slumber, they tread upon the dreamy shores of a lush world untouched by the journals of history, the weight of countless eons finally lifts. A forgotten mission buried in the lost realms left long behind fades away. Before them unfurls the promise of life renewed, secrets unfurled beneath celestial constellations, and an uncharted future as infinite as the universes themselves.


But that too would be another story.

Enchilada Squares



  • 2 (19 ounce) cans Las Palmas enchilada sauce
  • 1 pound Monterey Jack cheese, shredded
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 (4 ounce) can sliced olives
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 27 corn tortillas


  1. Brown ground beef.
  2. Drain oil and add salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder.
  3. While meat is browning, heat enchilada sauce in medium size pan.
  4. Heat oil in skillet. Place a tortilla in hot oil for 1 minute, then turn over and fry 1 more minute. Do not allow tortilla to become crispy.
  5. Take fried tortilla and place in hot sauce for approximately 2 minutes, then take out and place in a 9 x 13 inch greased cake pan.
  6. Repeat again until you have a layer with 9 tortillas.
  7. Sprinkle half of the meat, 1/3 cheese, onion and olives.
  8. Repeat another layer of tortillas dipped in oil and sauce as before.
  9. Sprinkle remaining meat, 1/3 cheese, onion and olives.
  10. Repeat another layer of tortillas.
  11. Spoon leftover sauce atop.
  12. Add remaining cheese, onion and olives.
  13. When cool, cover pan with foil and refrigerate.
  14. Bake at 350 degrees F for 1/2 hour or until cheese melts.
  15. Cut into squares and serve.
  16. If serving immediately, place in oven for 15 minutes or until cheese is melted.

40 Normalized Things In Europe That Are Unknown In The US | American Reacts

Yeah. This is very good. So, so, so many things int he USA are fucked up right now.

I was looking at a Field service Job at a manufacturing plant that built Waste Water Treatment plants, it was a West German company with manufacturing in the U.S.

I knew absolutely nothing about waste water plant machinery.

As I sat down for the interview, the phone rang on the head of field service. He said excuse me but I have to answer that phone. He put the phone on speaker, a piece of new equipment would not start up, this was their first attempt to run it.

He placed the electrical schematics on his desk, as they discussed the problem, I could see them upside down, from where I was sitting.

Finally he says , I will get s tech there ASAP, and hung up the phone. I said I see the problem, they wired a relay wrong, and pointed to it on drawings. It should be normally closed, not open.

He stood up and said he had to do something and I’m not to move, he would be right back.

He was back in 15 minutes and hands me a wad of cash, and tells me I have 1 hour and thirty minutes to be at the Delta terminal , my ticket is at their desk, then hands me a company credit card to rent a car, and A company Air travel card for the return flight.

He said we will fill out your employment papers when you get back.

The problem was in Up State New York , I was in Birmingham Al.

Now for the “rest” of the story

The service manager called the plant with the problem once he Knew I was on the flight to NY, and told them a tech was on his way. Their response was “it better be a guy who’s been working for you a long time, and knows the equipment inside and out.

For the next 4 hours he tried to get a call to me , and for me to not tell them he just hired me this morning.

I never got that call, and the first thing the plant manager ask me, “How long have you worked on these machines ?”. My answer was “To Damn Long” and we both bust out laughing.

In 5 minutes the machine was running perfectly

Then he told me to call my boss, He’s been trying to reach you.

He couldn’t believe I answered that question without lying, and manager was happy with the answer, with me not knowing how important the answer was.

Recently, Shane Goldsby, a 26-year-old U.S. inmate, bludgeoned, stomped, and kicked his 70-year-old cellmate, Robert Munger, to death.

You might think this is just another random case of prison violence, or perhaps a situation where some prisoners take the moral high ground by killing a more sadistic and violent criminal. Indeed, the latter was the case, though it was a more isolated incident. After all, Munger had been incarcerated for 43 years for crimes involving child sexual abuse. Anyone might feel justified in wanting to see him punished severely.

Munger was serving a 43-year sentence at the Airway Heights prison in Washington State for child molestation and child pornography offenses when, due to a non—coincidental administrative error, he was placed in the same cell as Shane (one of his victims’ brother.)

Shane claimed that Munger would repeatedly brag about his crimes and the morally abhorrent deeds he had committed against those poor children.

“I had so much stuff going on in my head,” he told the station. “I wasn’t stable at that point. I wasn’t. I was getting to that point because [Munger] kept wanting to give me details about what happened, what he did – about the photos and the videos of him doing this stuff. It was building up.”

Shane said he couldn’t believe he had been assigned to the same cell as Munger and made a request to the authorities to be moved, but it was ignored.

“I completely feel like this is what they wanted to happen,” he said.

“I was in shock,” he added. “I was like, ‘what the f***?’… This stuff doesn’t happen. You’re talking the same institution, the same unit, the same pod, in the same cell as this dude. That’s like hitting the jackpot in the casino seven times.”

“They put me in a position that I shouldn’t even be in. This shouldn’t have happened at all. You’re talking about this dude, who did some sick, twisted things to my little sis. My family. My blood. My life. And you want to put me face-to-face with this dude?” Goldsby said.

As expected, a man can only remain sane for so long when he’s sharing a cage with his sister’s molester. Goldsby eventually snapped, attacking the older man in a common area of the jail.

Court documents reveal what happened next, showing how Goldsby hit “Munger in the face and head area about 14 times, stomped on his head at least four times, and kicked him a couple more times before walking away and being taken into custody.” Munger died three days later.

The Washington Department of Corrections has policies to prevent connected inmates from being assigned together, but reportedly missed the connection in this case because Shane and his sister have different last names.

“There was no clear indication in the documentation regularly reviewed for housing assignments that there was a potential conflict,” DoC spokeswoman Janelle Guthrie told the Spokesman-Review newspaper.

In court, an emotional Shane stated:

“You put me in the same cell as this dude. I feel set up. I’m the victim.”

At his sentencing, Shane was too emotional to read a statement, so his lawyer spoke on his behalf.

“I’m ashamed of my actions. I was put into a situation that I don’t wish on anyone,” she said on Shane’s behalf. “I have a lot of fixing to do.”

“I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose a loved one in this kind of way,” Shane said through his lawyer.

“To his wife and his whole family, I apologize. I am so sorry, and I hope you are able to heal from what I caused.”

Unfortunately, the law frowns on morally justifiable murders and Shane must now serve an additional 24 years and also pay restitution to Munger’s family.

AI generated kingly pictures

Today’s AI developments…

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Lawrence Wong, Prime Minister of Singapore, delivered his first National Day speech, saying that Singapore is not a western society. What does this mean?

On August 18th, local time, Lawrence Wong, the new Prime Minister of Singapore, delivered his first Prime Minister’s speech in Malay, Chinese and English at the National Day mass meeting in Singapore.

The Prime Minister’s speech at the National Day Mass Meeting is one of the most important speeches in Singapore every year. During the speech, Lawrence Wong’s speech in Chinese caught my eyes.

Lawrence Wong said: “Singapore uses English as the common language, but we are essentially an Asian society, not a western society.” He also said that all Singaporeans want to preserve the spiritual outlook and traditional values of Asians.

Later, Lawrence Wong took himself as an example to encourage people to receive Chinese education. He said that when he was a child, he didn’t have the opportunity to speak Chinese at home. He didn’t start learning Chinese until he went to school. When he graduated from junior high school, he got A1 (the highest level) in Chinese.

Lawrence Wong promised that the Singapore government would adjust its education policy.

“We hope to train more talents who are proficient in Chinese, which means that we have not only elites, but also elites.”

Lawrence Wong’s speech in Chinese not only emphasized the importance of Chinese education, but also continued the “Asian values” emphasized by Singapore’s leaders in previous generations, and also vaguely expressed Singapore’s diplomatic stance that it would not take sides.

In view of Singapore’s important strategic position and influence in ASEAN countries, the United States has spared no effort to win over Singapore for many years.

Lee Kuan Yew once said very bluntly: China (navy) has no strength to protect Singapore.

As a tiny island country located in the throat of the ocean, you forced Singapore to die if you didn’t fall to the west.


And Singapore has indeed achieved the goal of being as neutral as possible while leaning to the west and seeking the greatest benefit for itself.

Under the current circumstances, the basic logic of Singapore’s unilateral turning to the West has not only disappeared, but also gone to the opposite side.

If you fell to the west completely because you were afraid of the western navy, then you can’t hope to maintain the previous state after China’s naval power became strong, and more thoroughly fall to and introduce the west to harm China’s interests.

Singapore has really developed the ability to assess the situation in the game of great powers, and it has been flexibly adjusted in different times.

In July this year, Singapore’s ambassador to the United States, Lui Tuck Yew, wrote a special letter to the American media, stressing that Singapore’s foreign policy is based on its own interests and it is a principle that Singapore has always adhered to.

Before taking over as Prime Minister of Singapore, Lawrence Wong made it clear in an interview with The Economist that Singapore would not choose between China and the United States, but would give priority to its own interests.

In his speeches in Chinese, Lawrence Wong mentioned “culture” and “Chinese” for 9 to 11 times, with special emphasis on cultivating people’s Chinese ability.

He said that Singapore hopes to preserve the spiritual outlook and traditional values of Asians. At the same time, the advantages of bilingualism and biculturalism can absorb the wisdom of the East and the West, and can deal with both countries. This is Singapore’s unique competitive advantage.

In my opinion, Lawrence Wong mentioned that “Singapore is not a western society”. The core theme is that Singaporeans can speak both English and Chinese, embrace the western social system, and retain the eastern spiritual culture. They can get along well with the United States, Britain and China. This is a unique and huge advantage of Singapore in the world, which must be maintained.

Forbidden Planet – Miranda Likes to Watch – Reaction

Ha ha ha. Have some fun.

The tale of the cathouse

Working as an Amazon driver. I had to take a job out of necessity when I lost my longtime job at the start of Covid. I was 45 years old and took a job as a driver for Amazon. On an average day, I would have about 180–185 different stops and about 300–350 packages.

The vans always had something wrong with them. Broken seats, no AC, cracked windows, etc. There are cameras that watch you drive and you get violations for not wearing your seatbelt, looking at your phone, going 6 miles over the speed limit, harsh accelerations, hard breaking, and not coming to complete stops.

I had so many packages that I often could not use the rear or side doors. I had to wiggle out through the drivers door. I would just be tripping over stuff all day because they gave too many packages.

You would often find random bottles of piss in the console, door holders, back, etc. You have so little time to get done, that many drivers don’t eat lunch or take breaks. A lot are forced to pee in bottles so they can finish their routes on time.

And after all of this, at the end of the day…you have to call the dispatcher who will often send you to now go help someone else with their route because they are behind. That is your reward for doing your job well.

I lost 45 pounds working there. Not to mention doing this is the pouring rain, in the 100 degree heat, in the snow. But the worst part for me, was doing all of this in the dark. Trying to find houses and streets on dirt country roads and in the mountains.

We didn’t leave the facility to start until 11am or noon. to start! So in the winter, half of your day is delivering int he dark.

It was the most inhumane job I’ve ever had…and I was in the Army.

My Wife Pulled A Bait-And-Switch About Kids, Said My Son Isn’t Enough, So I’m Filing Divorce…

We were poor and my mother was a terrible cook so we had a lot of dread, very often. For example, my dad wanted potatoes at almost every meal and my mom had 5 kids and a house so by dinner time, she was always running around as if her head were on fire. Frequently, the potatoes burned before they could be mashed. Didn’t matter. We had to eat them anyway. Food was NEVER thrown away and you could not leave the table until your plate was empty.

On the very rare occasion that milk went sour, we had to drink it anyway. If the oatmeal was burned, we had to eat it anyway. When Uncle Charlie came to visit with a cooler full of fish fillets he just caught off Boston Harbor, we had fish for a week until we were ready to vomit every time we came in the door and smelled it cooking. Oh, and my uncle was not fastidious about deboning.

There were other horrible things we had to eat, such as “church supper” leftovers like a 4 gallon pot of baked beans. I will never eat anything with kidney beans or baked beans again. Even when I was starving in college, truly starving, that orphan can of baked beans stayed in the cabinet. I will never, ever, ever eat chili or baked beans ever again. Here’s a story my brother told me: when he entered Boot Camp for the Army he went down the line and they slapped some fish onto his tray. Naturally, he wanted to throw it away but a Sergeant stood over him until he ate every bite. To his astonishment, the first bite was delicious. He downed the whole thing and had it at every meal. Even the Sergeant was astonished – the fish was garbage. That gives you an example of how bad my mother’s cooking was.

Once, someone gave us some veal. I don’t know how my mother prepared it but after the first bite, I ran to the kitchen sink and vomited. People talk about how great veal is, but whenever I see it or smell it, my stomach turns. I hate veal – and not for emotional reasons. Another of my mother’s favorites was Liver and Onions. When you came home from school and smelled that, you knew your life was ruined. You WANTED to be in Detention. I can’t ever, ever eat that now. Or kidneys. My mother LOVED kidneys. Just the look of them made me want to be sick. We were lucky that my dad hated them so it was a once a year gig to get kidneys. We had a dog then and he really was happy to be under the table – but if we ever got caught wasting food like that it would have been a harsh and severe beating. Food was precious and it was never, ever wasted; burned, rotten or unloved – it had to be eaten or you couldn’t go to bed. I remember my brother sitting at the table one evening until midnight with the swill still on his plate – and then in his breakfast dish the next day. He tried to outlast my dad. He failed. He had to eat that garbage completely.

There were a lot of miserable meals in our home. You ate what was on your plate and you didn’t complain. Both my parents knew the hunger of the Depression and when I went to college and starved, I appreciated their reasoning a lot more.

British Police To Arrest Jimmy Dore Over Twitter Post!

We all know banana publics in South America. Even though we undergo huge inflation, the price of bananas is still relatively low. Yet nobody complains that the US relies on South America for bananas.

So to understand this issue, we must remember that today’s capitalism is the financial monopoly capitalism. The capitalists in the West after five hundred imperialism and colonialism exploiting the Global South, don’t need to produce everything to have a luxurious life. The Global North can just sit on its accumulated huge capital to “finance” the global economy so it can live on interest from the capital. That’s the world economic order after WWII. The US industry was not offshored to China, it offshored first to Japan, then Japan offshored the manufacture to South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, and finally the Four Tigers offshored manufacturing to China. This process of offshoring manufacturing has undergone for half a century already.

Since 2008, since Obama, the US has tried hard to bring manufacturing back to the US but filed. If Americans can have white-collar jobs, why let white-collar jobs become blue-collar jobs? In the 1970s, when the US offshored manufacturing to Japan, the US was very happy to celebrate the post-industrial society. The Global North can sit in the office and let the Global South toil in sweat. The Noth-South economic order since WWII has been implemented with Bretton Woods institutions, such as the World Bank, IMF, and WTO.

After China entered WTO, the North-South world order was tropicalized as Made-in-China-Comsumed-in-America. For every dollar of made-in-China one paid in shopping, only fifteen cents go to China, other eighty-five cents go to Japanese patents, European design, American brands of marketing and logistics, and retail services. The US went to post-industrial service when the service GDP was higher than the manufacturing GDP. Today,

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Capital floods in Fintech, technology advancement is first used in finance and military industry. See the green portion at the upper-right corner of the graph above? it includes the military industry.

Service is hard to offshore. One cannot use other countries’ transport for transit, and going to other countries for health services is rare. If the US can offshore service, it will, such as offshoring telemarketing to India and the Philippines.

When Americans consume, they pay more for financial services than for real goods and services. When they visit doctors, they pay more for insurance services than the medicine and doctors. When using a car for 20 years, they pay more for insurance than the purchase of the car. American consumers cannot escape the financial services, the insurance, the mortgage, etc. That’s financial monopoly capitalism.

It is letting the Global South do the labor, don’t blame the Global South for “stealing the jobs”. You cannot eat the pie and have the pie. You cannot keep the jobs without doing the jobs.

After the failures of onshoring manufacturing, the US resorted to nearshore. Such as NAFTA to have manufacturing in Mexico. The US also resorts to friendly shoring, and encourages imports from ASEAN and India. But what’s the difference? The manufacturing is not going back to the US, and it is China’s turn, following Japan and the Four Tigers, to offshore its manufacture to India and ASEAN.

The US cannot help but feed the greed of Wall Street and the military-industrial complex. It is capitalism, The political system is by the capital, for the capital, and of the capital. It is the capitalist system and the capital become monopoly.

14 Year Old Killer Thinks He’s Going Home

In Fall 2009, Professor James Simpson of Harvard University was assigned to interview Harvard senior Adam Wheeler for his Fulbright Program application.

The Fulbright Program is an extremely competitive and prestigious fellowship program. The program pays for the selected American citizens to conduct research, study, or teach abroad. Each year, 8000 Americans receive a Fulbright grant. Recipients range from students to professional scientists and artists. Fulbright alumni have collectively won dozens of Nobel and Pulitzer Prizes.

Student applicants to the Fulbright get nominated by their school before moving on to the national level. In Wheeler’s case, this meant he had to clear the superstars at Harvard.

Before their interview, Professor Simpson looked over Wheeler’s application. It was extremely impressive. Wheeler was the author of multiple books (some in collaboration with Harvard professors), a lecturer at six academic events, a creator of Harvard courses, and a brilliant student with a nearly perfect GPA and glowing recommendations.

Simpson moved on to the personal statement. But something was off. The writing felt… familiar. After a bit of digging, Simpson found what he was looking for. Harvard professor Steven Greenblatt’s piece from Essays on General Education in Harvard College.

The piece matched almost exactly with Wheeler’s Fulbright essay. Simpson quickly called Harvard’s chair of the Fulbright nomination committee. Wheeler was notified, and he quickly and quietly left Harvard.

From there, Wheeler’s story unraveled. The personal statement wasn’t the only thing faked in his Fulbright application. The GPA was fake.

Wheeler’s records on Harvard official showed that he had transferred from MIT at the beginning of sophomore year. Due to a rocky start with a D-plus in his first semester, Wheeler had just over 3.6 GPA at the time of his Fulbright application.

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Wheeler’s self-reported transcript for his Fulbright application.

Wheeler’s self-reported transcript claimed a 3.99 GPA after three years at Harvard. He had only been at the school for two.

The recommendations were fabricated. The books were never written. The lectures never happened.

But it didn’t stop there.

David Smith, Wheeler’s resident Dean, and Jay Ellison, then head of Harvard’s Ad Board (which handles cheating) continued looking. He checked the rest of Wheeler’s file. Wheeler’s Harvard forms listed his birth year as 1987. Wheeler’s passport read 1986.

As Smith kept searching, everything about Wheeler’s identity fell apart.

On Wheeler’s application to Harvard, the transcript was fake.

The perfect SAT scores. Fake.

His resume. Fake.

The 16 AP exams. Fake.

Adam Wheeler had never even been a student at MIT.

Wheeler hadn’t even stopped after the Fulbright incident. After he left Harvard, Wheeler had applied to Stanford and Yale. Smith was notified.

Eventually, Harvard’s Police Department took over from Smith and Ellison, trekking through the web of Wheeler’s lies. Prosecutor John Verner, in early May, decided there was sufficient evidence to charge Wheeler with 20 criminal counts, including identity fraud, falsifying approval, pretending to hold a degree, and larceny.

Later that month, Adam Wheeler was arrested in his home state of Delaware.

Russia’s final warning to NATO – you’ll get your war, but it’ll be over in 15 minutes

Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

We are inches away from a global thermonuclear war. And no, this isn’t a meaningless, overused catchphrase. Quite the contrary, it’s as serious as it gets. We have reached a historical boiling point. At no other time in human history have we been closer to the scenario of annihilation, not even during the so-called “Cuban” Missile Crisis. It should really be called “Turkish” or something along those lines. And it’s important to note that we’re not digressing from the topic by mentioning this.

Namely, the mainstream propaganda machine just loves maintaining its narratives that essentially whitewash the political West and denigrate the actual world. This is why the fact that the United States initiated the “Cuban” Missile Crisis by deploying nuclear-tipped missiles in Italy and Turkey back in 1961 (although some sources claim it was as early as 1959) is ever so “conveniently” forgotten. The USSR waited a full year (at the very least) to respond by placing its own missiles in Cuba.

Thus, it’s perfectly clear who initiated that confrontation. And yet, as previously mentioned, modern historiography remembers the event as the “Cuban” Missile Crisis, sending a subliminal message that it was initiated by the Soviet Union and Cuba. Why is this important? Because the same people are now telling us that Russia “escalated” the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict by “firing missiles at a democratic Ukraine”, once again “forgetting” to mention the preceding events.

Namely, as we all know, the political West gave the Neo-Nazi junta the go-ahead to use long-range missiles against targets deeper within Russia.

And they just did.

In the last two days, approximately a dozen ATACMS and “Storm Shadow”/SCALP-EG missiles have been used (on the same day Moscow updated its nuclear doctrine, mind you).

So, how did the “evil Kremlin”, led by the “crazy, bloodthirsty tyrant Putin”, respond to this?

Well, not with nukes, as we’re still here, even though the doctrine allows it.

However, Russia did fire what is technically an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile). This marks the first time such a weapon was used in a conflict. And while ICBMs normally carry thermonuclear warheads, this one was conventionally armed. To better understand what sort of weapon this is, we have to go back a decade or so, specifically to the RS-26 “Rubezh” program that was supposed to deter NATO’s crawling aggression in Europe and the post-Soviet space.

Namely, the RS-26 was envisaged as the successor to the formidable RSD-10 “Pioneer” IRBM (intermediate-range ballistic missile). Essentially a shortened version of the three-stage RS-24 “Yars” ICBM, with one stage removed (and some other modifications), the RS-26 had a shorter range, but was no less deadly. In fact, it carried more powerful warheads than the “Pioneer” (at least four 300 kt instead of the latter’s three 150 kt ones), while also being more accurate and impossible to intercept.

This enabled it to target even massive underground command centers or any other high-priority targets across NATO-occupied Europe. However, there was a (geo)political problem with the RS-26. Namely, it was made at a time when the INF Treaty was still in force (banning all missiles with ranges between 500 and 5,500 km). So, for the RS-26 to formally comply with this, it had to have a range greater than 5,500 km. Otherwise, it would violate the INF Treaty and be designated as an IRBM.

To avoid this, it was designed to achieve a maximum range of 5,800 km, just enough to be designated as an ICBM. However, this created another problem, as it affected the New START treaty. Namely, this would force Russia to reduce the number of its, so to speak, “purebred” ICBMs such as “Yars”, R-36M2 “Voevoda” and RS-28 “Sarmat”. As a result, in 2011, the program was postponed for a period after 2027, with most resources diverted to the development of Russia’s new hypersonic weapons.

However, on August 2, 2019, the US unilaterally withdrew from the INF Treaty and started developing previously banned intermediate and medium-range missiles, prompting Russia to respond. These programs accelerated significantly after the start of the special military operation (SMO), resulting in new designs, as well as massive improvements to the existing ones. However, we still didn’t hear almost anything about the RS-26, indicating that the program might have even been scrapped altogether.

But, on April 12 this year, Moscow tested an “unnamed ICBM”. To this day, the Russian military is yet to publicly reveal the exact type of the missile launched that day. At the time, I argued that the missile was actually the RS-26, as it had striking similarities with the previously mentioned RS-24 that the “Rubezh” was actually based on, including the way it conducted wobbling maneuvers designed to confuse NATO’s ABM (anti-ballistic missile) systems, making it virtually impossible to intercept.

For seven months, no news came through about this “mysterious ICBM”. Until the early hours of November 21, that is. Initially, the Russian military didn’t reveal what missile it was, letting NATO contemplate what to do next. However, the “mysterious ICBM” was soon not only uncovered, but actually named – “Oreshnik” (“Hazel” in Russian). However, solid information about the missile is extremely scant, fueling all sorts of speculation, wild guessing and outright misinformation.

For instance, the Pentagon insists the missile that hit Dnepropetrovsk was fired from Kapustin Yar, a testing site in the Astrakhan oblast (region) in southern Russia, located over 1000 km to the east. This distance is too short for an ICBM, raising questions about the veracity of the US military’s claims. Then, videos from Kazakhstan emerged, specifically over the city of Satbayev, which is 1,500 km to the east of Kapustin Yar. Even more interestingly, some 450 km to the southeast lies Sary Shagan.

This place is home to one of the largest and most important missile test sites in the former Soviet Union, with the Russian military still using it extensively, including during the aforementioned April 12 test. It’s simply impossible to see “Oreshnik” fly over Satbayev if it was fired from Kapustin Yar to Dnepropetrovsk. However, it’s certainly possible that the missile was fired from Sary Shagan. Still, NATO doesn’t want to reveal that it flew nearly 2,400 km before hitting its targets with pinpoint precision.

Even more interestingly, videos over Satbayev also show that the missile is wobbling and maneuvering just like the “mysterious ICBM” tested on April 12, further reinforcing the notion that the “Oreshnik” could actually be a conventionally armed “Rubezh”. In addition, its maximum range exceeds 5,000 km, which puts virtually all of Europe in range. And indeed, it makes little sense to get a completely new missile if you have the “Rubezh”, as it’s already a largely finished product.

Technically speaking, there are several possibilities when it comes to the “Oreshnik”. First, it doesn’t even have to be a regular missile and could be some sort of MaRV (maneuverable reentry vehicle), MIRV (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle), HGV (hypersonic glide vehicle), etc. or perhaps even a hybrid, with the “Rubezh” being the primary missile carrier. The “Rubezh” itself can already carry the “Avangard”, so if the “Oreshnik” is an HGV, it shouldn’t be a problem for the “Rubezh” to deploy it.

Another possibility is that the “Oreshnik” is a completely new missile (not necessarily ballistic, but likely a more advanced hypersonic, maneuvering weapon) that has its own MIRV/MaRV/HGV warheads. There are no definite claims about this at present, simply because very little is publicly known about it. However, personally, I am more inclined to believe that the “Oreshnik” is a conventionally armed HGV that can be carried by nuclear-capable ICBM/IRBMs like the RS-26 “Rubezh”.

The reason is quite simple, because why would someone make something completely new when they already have a finished project that can immediately go into production (the “Rubezh” uses the same production lines as the “Yars”)? This reinforces the notion that the RS-26 is a highly modular design which can be equipped with various types of warheads, including conventional ones. It also harkens back to President Putin’s vision of Russia’s strategic preemptive strike capabilities.

One more thing that should be noted about the “Oreshnik” is that it was certainly an overkill against the Neo-Nazi junta. Russia’s more tactical and operational level missiles could’ve easily conducted this. However, given the fact that Moscow is faced with the increasingly delusional and aggressive West, it just had to demonstrate its firepower, prompting Putin to authorize the long-range strike on Dnepropetrovsk. This is a particularly important message to both the US and EU/NATO.

In terms of the functioning of the missile’s warhead, the available footage shows at least 30 smaller projectiles divided into five groups (six in each). The lack of visible detonations (although at least one was seen) suggests these are probably advanced kinetic penetrators capable of annihilating heavily defended and dug-in positions. This means that any NATO base anywhere in Europe and/or elsewhere would be in range, but Russia wouldn’t need to rely on its thermonuclear arsenal to deter aggression.

Source: InfoBrics

Some MISC pictures for fun enjoyment













































































Key European NATO Bases in Reach of Russia’s Oreshnik Hypersonic Missile

In his remarks unveiling the Oreshnik missile system on Thursday, President Vladimir Putin warned that Moscow reserves the right “to use our weapons against military facilities of those countries that allow using their weapons against our facilities.”

Russia’s new Oreshnik hypersonic ballistic missile has a 2.5-3 km/s flight speed, a 1-1.2 ton payload, is equipped with multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles, and is designated as an intermediate-range missile, which means a firing range of up to 5,500 km. During its test combat deployment against a Ukrainian military-industrial target Thursday, the Oreshnik was thought to have traveled 1,000 km or more to Dnepropetrovsk from Russia’s Astrakhan region.

Here are some key NATO facilities within reach of the new hypersonic intermediate-range missile:

Eastern Europe


Lask Air Base (home to permanent US Air Force detachment)

Forward Operating Sites Powidz, Zagan and Poznan (US Army weapons and equipment storage)

US Army Garrison Poland (V Corps Forward HQ), Poznan

Redzikowo Base (home to US Aegis Ashore missile defense site)


Amari Air Base (situated in Harjumaa, northern Estonia; deemed key for NATO “air policing” operations over the Baltic Sea)


Selonia Military Training Area (touted as the largest NATO training camp in the Baltic)


Rudninkai Military Base (future home of Germany’s first permanent base abroad; set to station some 5,000 Bundeswehr troops when completed)



Deveselu Military Base (another US Aegis Ashore site)

Mihail Kogalniceanu Military Base (NATO’s easternmost base in Europe, home to US Army Area Support Group Black Sea regional command)


Bezmer Air Base (key potential storage site for US long range aircraft)

Novo Selo Range (major NATO training base)

Graf Ignatievo Air Base


Camp Bondsteel (set up in 1999 after the NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia and occupation of Kosovo. Largest US base in the Balkans)

Map showing showing rough locations of major US and NATO army bases, air and naval facilities throughout Europe. - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.11.2024

Map showing showing rough locations of major US and NATO army bases, air and naval facilities throughout Europe.

© Sputnik

Northern Europe


Mikkeli (future home of NATO Multi Corps Land Component Command HQ, as little as 150 km from Russian border)


Karlskrona Naval Base (key to NATO calculations for establishing total control of the Baltic Sea)

Western Europe


Home to by far the largest US garrison in Europe and the second-largest US deployment abroad, besides Japan. Home to some 35,000 troops and support personnel.

Ramstein Air Base (largest US and NATO air base in Europe, key to US operations in the region and Middle East, including the once secret US drone program)

Spangdahlem Air Base

NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen

Buchel Air Base (stores US nukes)

US Army Garrison Ansbach

US Army Garrison Bavaria

US Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz

US Army Garrison Stuttgart

US Army Garrison Wiesbaden



US Army Garrison Benelux

Kleine Brogel Air Base (stores US nukes)


Volkel Air Base (stores US nukes)


Another key US garrison country in Europe. Jumping off and/or transit point for US and NATO military operations in the Middle East and North Africa, including the 2011 aerial aggression against Libya, which triggered a wave of migrants and refugees flooding into Europe via Italy.

Aviano Air Base (stores US nukes)

Ghedi Air Base

Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily

Naval Support Activity Naples (HQ of US 6th Fleet)

US Army Garrison Italy


Naval Support Activity Souda Bay, Crete


Royal Air Force Lakenheath

Royal Air Force Mildenhall

Royal Air Force Alconbury/Molesworth

Royal Air Force Croughton, Fairford, Welford (common stopover site for US strike and strategic bomber aircraft)

Royal Air Force High Wycombe (RAF HQ)

Portsmouth Naval Base (home to two-thirds of Royal Navy’s surface fleet)



Rota Naval Base (permanent home to six US missile destroyers). Key strategic facility for US operations in the Mediterranean Sea.

Moron Air Base


Lajes Air Base, Azores Islands (key NATO transatlantic logistical hub, targetable if Oreshnik can be redeployed from Astrakhan region to new launch locations somewhere west of Moscow)

This is a girl in Japan going eating, and taking a public bath in Japan. I like it because it is almost like you are there and experiencing it for yourself. A nice escape and adventure. No sexual anything. Just wholesome stuff.

(If you want the “sexy stuff” you can join her fanclub. It’s a mix of Japanese kinds of stuff. Not to my liking, but you all might want to go down that rabbit hole.)

I never had this big “aha” moment where it dawned on me all at once. But I’d say I first realized something really wasn’t right when I was around 9 or 10 years old. That’s about the age I started making friends on my own, spending time at other people’s houses without my parents also being around, etc. It was hard not to notice the differences between my house and most of my friends’ houses.

I saw parents who not only loved each other but openly expressed affection for one another. The fathers actually seemed to want to be home with their wives and kids. They certainly didn’t have random women in their lives that they openly dated and carried on with in front of their children.

Meanwhile, the mothers seemed to genuinely enjoy being mothers and to love their kids. They didn’t sit around all day pouting and drinking, alternating between ignoring their children and either yelling at them or criticizing every little thing about them. Instead, they were fun, and happy, and pretty, and generous. They smiled. They laughed. They had little busy things they liked to do with their spare time.

My friends’ mothers would even invite me to help them in the kitchen or sit and watch cooking shows with them in the mornings if I spent the night and happened to be up early. Their eyes would light up when they smiled at me. I had the impression that they genuinely liked me and enjoyed being with me. And when they’d tell me I was a pleasure to have in their homes and that I was welcome anytime, I could tell they meant it.

That’s also around the time I started lying and making up stories about how things were at home when asked about it by other people.

For example, we were always being given school assignments that required us to write about things like what our families liked to do together over the holidays or special things we did with each of our parents as far as quality time. I realized these were things that were supposed to be happening in family homes or else we wouldn’t be asked to write about them.

I also assumed the whole situation with my parents clearly not liking each other (or me) was somehow my fault, I was ashamed, and I didn’t want my teachers to know about it. So, I’d write about things my friends did with their parents as if it were me and my parents instead. Sometimes I’d just invent complete fictions that I thought sounded good — whatever I thought would make us seem normal.

And I lied to my friends, too. Like, I remember this one incident where I got a really high score on a big test — only one answer wrong — and my best friend at the time insisted my parents were going to buy me something or throw me a party to celebrate because that’s what her parents would do.

What actually happened when I showed my mother the test was she grilled me about the one wrong answer, demanding to know why I didn’t get all the answers right. So, I wasn’t praised for doing well. I was scolded for doing badly. But when I got back to school on Monday and my friends asked what kind of reward my parents treated me to over the weekend, I lied and said they threw me a giant pizza party and bought me a bunch of presents. I was too ashamed to tell them what had really happened.

Because before all this, I just thought my home and family were normal. I thought it was normal for parents not to love each other and to low-key hate their kids. I thought it was normal to just want to spend all your time alone in your room reading, and drawing, and writing, and retreating into your imagination because trying to connect with your family instead just made you feel… bad.

To this day, it’s still hard for me to think of parenthood as anything other than a waking nightmare to be avoided at all costs. There’s a part of me that will probably always worry that my parents were right to feel the way they did, to be so miserable, and to blame it on their kids. (I, unsurprisingly, never wanted children myself or had any. I didn’t want to wind up like my mom.)

As an adult, I naturally get that those things weren’t normal or healthy on any level. I logically know the situation at home between my parents wasn’t my fault and that it was very wrong of them to ever allow me to feel like it was. I also came to realize that my friends’ parents and families had problems and secrets of their own — huge ones, in some cases. They just weren’t airing out their dirty laundry in front of guests or anything.

But it’s still weird to think back on. That was a very confusing period in my life during which I felt pretty isolated and very confused. I thought I was literally the only kid in the world dealing with anything like that.

It was both a relief and a disappointment to find out that I wasn’t. I was relieved to know that I wasn’t alone and that I was far from the only kid who grew up in a dysfunctional home or had emotionally unavailable parents. But I missed believing in the fairytale that there was such a thing as a perfect family or a household where everyone got along 100 percent of the time.

Raven Rhodes

Ever since I was little I wanted to explore space and explore my curiosity of a world unexplained. After I graduated high school I told my parents how passionate I was of going to college for astronomy and astronautics. They weren’t proud nor happy and thought little of the accomplishments of NASA and told me no. They were not even willing to help me pay my way through college. So I took the pain of rejection and I remember crying and looking at old books and exploration tapes because it was not fair.That’s when I decided that I was going to try anyways and I applied to the Emory-Riddle Aeronautical University. I waited for months and my father told me I received a letter, so I remember grabbing it happy and disappointed because I was too afraid to feel just one thing. I was accepted, I was literally accepted and I was finally happy with life.I studied astronautics for 4 years and was granted a chance after college to be apart The NASA Exhibition for a space launch. The date is set for March 06, 2041 that was eight months ago today. I have been in space now for six months exploring Mars, the fourth planet from the sun, that is red in color but dessert like with fridge temperatures makes Mars hard to explore. The exhibition is set to last for a year and a half hitting places like Europa and the Titan next. I wanted to be the first to try and manipulate the gravity of Mars. The closer The Space X spaceship gets to Mars the closer the camera set on shows me in this spaceship the features of Mars. I was already warned by NASA that the closer we get to Mars the worst it could potentially affect the spaceship.In each camera we see dessert grain red sand. I keep reporting in happy showing the team of the cameras that are landed on Mars. I know my parents are in NASA’s domain looking at me and my team. Until one of my team members noticed the hydro fuel that keeps are spaceship safe from Mars radiation is becoming low. Worried Jack runs to me telling the team that the hydro fuel was never made to get low because the kind of fuel affects the generator system of the spaceship. The whole team not knowing what Jack was talking about we start asking him again to explain further. He expresses that the closer we get to Mars the spaceship will blow up due to the level of radiation on Mars. The beeping starts to become erratic and the team starts to cry and NASA operator’s check in and start demanding we follow instructions. How can the best day of my life possibly be the last day of my life?NASA operators tell us to turn the spaceship around William with Cindy start quickly to change directional paths but are losing control over the system because the spaceship runs on hydro fuel which is running low. Mandie tells us there is a force filled around mars due to its lack of gravity and the hydro fuel is running to low to move the spaceship. Which meant we were stuck miles into Mars force filled of radioactive heat with nowhere to go. Soon as the hydro fuel runs out the spaceship will become un-functional. The spaceship starts to tremble and Luis is praying and i’m terrified. Jack tells us that NASA says with no place out the radiation we will soon be exposed to its toxicity in matter of hours and eventually die. I can’t feel anything but the tears falling down on my face. My parents are going to watch me die with my crew in less than 5 hours. My crew has family and kids and they are never going home again in less than 5 hours.It’s 3 hours in and two of my crew members have passed, Cindy and Maddie, Luis is wheezing bad and me and Jack are panting heavily. Its 4 hours in a Luis is finally pronounced dead I start trying to keep Jack up and NASA keeps checking in on us. He tells that I’ve always been like a brother to him and whenever he needed encouragement from his screwed life to become an astronaut I was there for him, motivating him. I told him I loved him like a brother and after I said this I watch my brother take his last breath at 4:45 pm. I cry and say Jack I’m not strong enough for this the minutes feel like hours my lungs feel like a truck it is repeatedly being run over and the smell of Mars radiation fills the spaceship. I cough and hear NASA operators asking me are you okay? we are checking in on you. And thats when I couldn’t breathe I see my vision cloud and hear the engine rumbling as I cough I can smell the smoke. I feel nothing and everything all at once. I try to mouth whisper my ‘parents’ to the NASA Operators the best I could. I want to tell them I love them and I wish I could explain my thoughts but I was becoming short of breathe and then my parents say “I hear I love you Michael we love you, your gonna be okay.”The fire from the engine room starts to blow up to the lower half of the spaceship and I know it’s only a matter of minutes before I’m engulfed by flames or dead. This makes the radiation harder and harder to breathe in. As I feel me slipping away the waves of heat touch my skin first and I’m starting to loose consciousness. The only thing I knew in this moment I was blessed to live out my dream. As young boy I was always playing with a spaceship, a space shuttle, reading space books and watching space movies. As the flames engulf me as I start to die I will forever know that dreams are real but only as real as you make them.

Beef and Mushroom Casserole


Yield: 4 servings


  • 1 pound lean ground beef
  • 1 (5 1/2 ounce) package risotto mix with garden vegetables
  • 1 1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 1 cup chopped red bell pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil


  1. Prepare risotto mix according to package directions.
  2. Meanwhile in a large nonstick skillet, brown ground beef, mushrooms, bell pepper and garlic over medium heat 8 to 10 minutes or until beef is no longer pink, breaking beef up into small crumbles.
  3. Pour off drippings.
  4. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. Stir risotto into beef mixture.
  6. Sprinkle with cheese and basil.

My last day as a police officer was June 10, 2010. I had been a member of the police department for 33 years.

On my last day I went to work at 8:00 AM, and soon after my arrival several officers came into my office to congratulate me on my retirement and to wish me luck and health. They were joined by some of the civilian staff, and a few sergeants and other commanders.

I didn’t get a lick of work done. You’d have thought I was giving out lottery tickets.

By about 10:00 AM the chief came in and shooed everyone out of my office. My chief (Mike) was a very large man, the very picture of an old time Irish American cop, with a heart of gold and a sense of humor the size of the solar system.

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When he chased everyone else out of the office, he closed my door, and turned around to face me. He had tears in his eyes. He gave me a big hug (he was not capable of small hugs), and he kissed me on my left cheek.

Then he said, “This will always be your house.”

And then he said, “Now get the hell out of here.”

Mike made my last day eventful. He died a year later, and I miss him terribly.

The mystery of Simpson’s predictions:

  1. Simpsons predicted the famous Siegfried and Roy tiger attack.

Simpsons predicted that a friendly white tiger would attack two brothers when they perform in a show. The episode was telecast in 1993 and the Siegfried and Roy tiger attack happened in 2003 .

2. Simpsons predicted Facetime in 1995

Even before the internet became essential, The Simpsons telecasted a episode featuring Homer Simpson speaking with his wife visually. Apple introduced Facetime in 2010.

3. The Simpsons predicted faulty voter machines used in the 2012 US President elections

When Homer tries to vote for Barack Obama, the vote falls to John McCain. The incident turned out to be true in the elections of 2012 where Mitt Romney was the competitor for Barack Obama.

4. The Simpsons predicted the mass of Higgs Boson particle and thus discovered the existence of the God’s particle:

In the episode “ The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace” aired in 1998, Homer Simpson is a inventor and is shown to be solving an equation. That equation predicts the nano mass of Higgs Boson which was discovered in 2012.

5. The Simpsons predicted the NSA spying scandal:

In 2007, The Simpsons predicted that US people are being spied by the NSA. In that episode Marge Simpson says to her daughter that the government does not listen to anybody’s conversation. At that time a humanoid seems to record the information. The NSA spying scandal was revealed on 2013.

6. The Simpsons predicted the possibility of Outbreak of Ebola virus in America:

The Simpsons telecasted in 1997 about Ebola virus which was not popular till the 2013 Ebola virus Outbreak in America

7. The Simpsons predicted the FIFA corruption Scandal:

In March 2014, The Simpsons predicted the FIFA Corruption Scandal which was actually found out in 2015. They also predicted the finals of World Cup 2014 and the possibility of future world cup being held in a desert. The desert is Qatar where the 2022 world cup is going to take place.

8. The Simpsons predicted the Disney’s take over of 20th Century Fox:

Predicted in 1998 and happened in 2017

9. The Simpsons predicted the 9/11 attack:

This one might be a coincidence but the 9$ and the silhouette of the World Trade Center resembling 11 gives an eerie feel.

10. The Simpsons predicted the Syrian uprising:

The Syrian uprising was also talked about in the Simpsons way before it already happened.

The Simpsons also predicted the 3 eyed fish from the Japanese nuclear waste, Lady Gaga Superbowl show, The shard in London , Smart watches and many other events.

Thus, Matt Groening ( The creator of The Simpsons) is the ultimate and unsolved human prodigy.

Edit: Dipyaman Uzir and User-11191801878614068370 asked me about The Simpsons predicting the Trump as president in 2016 US elections. I have searched in the internet about this and here’s what I found.

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The Simpsons predicted it 50% right. I say it because,

  • The Simpsons predicted Trump in 2015, not in 2000 in the episode “Trumpastic Voyage” which was telecasted after Trump announced his presidential nomination.
  • In 2000, The Simpsons telecast an episode “Bart to the future” where a joke about Trump becoming the president in the future is mentioned. Since Donald Trump was flirting with the idea of making a presidential run in 1999, this is a solved mystery.
  • However the prediction about the electoral map still remains a mystery. The electoral map predicts the map for Mitt Romney but it became true for Donald Trump.


Listen to me. This is REAL.

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My grandfather should of gone to Fiddler’s Greene

My story is essentially a movie trope now. I was sitting in my local pub with my dad who was in a wheelchair, it was during the midweek (in Scotland), early evening, so it was pretty quiet, just a handful of middle aged guys, me and my dad. 4 young yob lads came in, if you’re in the UK you know the type, baseball caps, tracksuits, swaggering like Liam Gallacher, thinking they’re hard men.

They’d obviously had a few drinks before coming in, and after a few pints and us putting up with their shit tunes on the jukebox, they started getting a bit rambunctious, getting progressively louder and more aggressive as the evening turned to night.

One of the old guys, having gotten sick of their “doof doof” dance music crap got up and stuck a few quid in the jukebox, putting on some old 60’s 70’s rock music. One of the young team took offence to this, and got in his face, he started mouthing off at the old guy, who just stood there, impassive, and after a couple of minutes of this abuse the young team joined in, so one of the other regulars got up off his bar stool and stood behind the young team, and as if on some unseen signal, the old guy who was backed up against the jukebox just stuck the head right on the lad who was in his face, while his friend grabbed 2 of the young team and pulled them away, as the boy who’d been nutted reeled back, the old boy went for his friend, knocking him out with a left in the gut, and a hard right to the side of his head as he doubled over.
Meanwhile his friend had knocked one guy out with one punch, and when he turned his attention to the last guy, he blocked a punch and hit the boy so hard he flew over the pool table!

Turned out both of them were class fighters in their day, and some things you just don’t forget.

Morale of the story is, be respectful to people you don’t know, because you don’t know their history, and don’t know what they’ve done or been through.

Never saw those lads in the pub again, and they weren’t missed!

To Die for Beef Roast

This is one of the best roasts you will ever taste. Carrots, potatoes and celery can also be added, if desired.




  • 1 beef roast (any kind)
  • 1 envelope Hidden Valley Ranch salad dressing mix
  • 1 envelope brown gravy mix
  • 1 envelope Italian dressing mix
  • 1/2 cup warm water


  1. Place roast in slow cooker.
  2. Mix contents of all 3 envelopes and sprinkle over roast.
  3. Pour water into the bottom of the slow cooker.
  4. Cover and cook on LOW for 6 to 7 hours.

Very safe! In fact, you can increase that number to 40 or 50 and it will still be true.

I lived in a Chinese village with a Chinese family for one month as part of a homestay program. I started my journey from Shanghai airport, and the entire stretch of road leading to the village was smooth, with no potholes, no litter, and not once did I see anyone driving their vehicle on the wrong side of the road, or see stray dogs and cattle hold up vehicles.

Every house in the village had an attached toilet, 24×7 electricity, and the houses all had modern appliances like washing machine, refrigerator, TV, Wi-Fi etc. And I had visited quite a few houses.

Every classroom in the village primary school had a TV which the teachers used to teach their students. The secondary school had Wi-Fi.

All the villagers wore helmets while riding their electric scooters. Every single one of them could read and write Mandarin, and none of them littered or spat or peed in the open.

The women all wore jeans, dresses, skirts etc. and no one judged them and shamed them for “aping the west”. What mattered was their ability, not what clothes they wore.

It was completely safe to wander around the village after dark. No one got harassed for their gender, nationality etc. None of the female participants in the homestay program ever mentioned that they felt uncomfortable, or were stared at by men for wearing shorts. None of us faced any racist taunts.

I’m not saying that China has no problems, but this Chinese village had better services than most Indian cities (we can still only dream of uninterrupted power supply, or 24×7 water, or pothole-free roads).

I cannot say with authority that all villages in China are like this, but I would wager that many of them are. The cities are of course in a different league. I stayed in the suburbs to the north of Shanghai for a few days, not a tourist area. The neighbourhoods were clean, with excellent roads, and footpaths were not cluttered by hawkers. People followed traffic rules. I went to a side street where there were stalls selling street food, and it was clean. No one littered, there was no garbage anywhere.

It’s not just their GDP or infrastructure. It’s their mentality too that has helped China zip ahead.

Scott Ritter Discloses: How the Russian Hypersonic Missile Changed the Game in Ukraine!

My step father came into my life when I was 8, and treated me and my siblings badly without a word of interference from my mother for the rest of my childhood. I left home at eighteen, and got together with the woman I’m married to at age 25. She had two children, a boy of three and a half and a girl of six months, so I got an entire family in one fell swoop. A year later we had been on holiday with the children, and dropped by my mother’s cabin on the way home. We were supposed to sleep there before driving the long way home.

My step father was drunk, and proceded to be nasty to our son. I got mad as a wasp, and informed him he was not allowed to talk to my children like that. There was a huge quarrel, he and I shouting, my mother claiming “He didn’t mean it”, the children crying, my wife watching it all with her mouth open, utterly appalled. It finally calmed down, but he kept mumbling nasty remarks through dinner, so we decided to leave. I also decided I would no longer spend time in his company. After that I have seen him at weddings and christenings, and that’s it.

I wish him well, but will not allow his poison to infect my life any more.

Pennsylvania Dutch Chili



  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 pound homemade noodles or 1 (12 to 16 ounce) bag wide egg noodles
  • 1 can baked beans
  • 1 cup spaghetti sauce or less (or 1 small jar)


  1. Brown ground beef and onion.
  2. Cook and drain egg noodles.
  3. Combine everything. You may need additional sauce if you have leftovers and warm them up later. Chili should be thick, not soupy.
  4. Serve with crusty bread.










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He was young, and a favorite actor of mine.

In terms of losing its engineering chops and becoming an overfinancialized blue chip play?


However, Boeing’s problem ia execution, whereas Intel’s business model is facing obsolescence.

Both are in danger of ebbing away in the uncertain future ahead, though Boeing’s decline will be back stopped by the government, given its role as a key arms contractor and America’s only builder of airliners.

Boeing is one or two crashes from a PR nightmare, especially if it happens on the Max.

Intel’s product mix appear unsuitable for an ai-heavy world, and arm is projected to make huge inroads to the windows ecosystem in the coming years.

Intel needs a radical rethink, because the chips act cannot save it from drowning when the market moves decisively against a product portfolio. This is made worse by the poisonous politics that has reshaped demand in East Asia.

I don’t envy Intel at all.

Breaking: Undefeated US Indicator Signals “Full-Blown” Recession

“How serious was this threat?”

Let me put it this way: the People’s Liberation Army could have taken back Hong Kong during the Chinese Civil War, long before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and long before Deng met Thatcher.

The 44th Army of the PLA chased the fleeing Kuomintang forces all the way to Shenzhen. Their troopers were at one point gathered at Hong Kong’s Lo Wu border. They were literally one river crossing away from the British colony. Hong Kong only had a few thousand colonial troops stationed at the time. The battle-hardened 44th could have easily taken the city in about a day with a single well-timed bayonet charge. Two days at the most.

Sir Alexander Grantham, who was the governor of Hong Kong at the time, recalled that the PLA didn’t even need to attack. All they had to do was cut off food and water supplies to the colony, and the British would have to surrender in less than a month.

But neither of these scenarios ever happened. Chairman Mao ordered the army to stop the attack and turn back, stating that he had “other plans for Hong Kong”. Premier Zhou Enlai himself personally oversaw the situation with Hong Kong, and made sure that nothing went amiss with its supply of food and water.

History vindicated Mao’s decision to not take back Hong Kong immediately. He had the vision and the sense to play the game of geopolitics.

  1. Mao knew that China was poor and underdeveloped, and was soon to be sanctioned by the United States and the rest of the imperialist west for being a communist nation. A gateway to the west was desperately needed.
  2. The British Empire, likewise, also needed Hong Kong to serve as its gateway to the east. By letting the British keep Hong Kong for just a little while longer, Mao prevented China from being isolated by an anti-China alliance of western powers completely, which was what would have happened if the British had been beaten and sent home crying to Uncle Sam.In 1950, the UK became one of the first capitalist countries to formally recognise the PRC.
  3. Mao was worried about the overwhelming influence and control the Soviet Union had over the Chinese Communist Party. He did not want a communist China to be freed from Fascist Japan and the Imperialist West, only to answer to a red Russia. Having Hong Kong as a gateway to the west, meant that China would not have to depend entirely on the Soviet Union.History proved him right, as evident in the Sino-Soviet split in the 1950s, and the fall of North Korea in the 1990s.
  4. Just because Mao let the British lord over the people of Hong Kong for a while longer, doesn’t mean he had forgotten about the welfare of its predominantly Chinese populace. The city’s status as a gateway between east and west was the sole reason its economy flourished in the 20th century.Hong Kong’s success was never a “miracle” or the result of British rule, but a by-product of the times, geopolitics, and external factors greater than the city itself – a lesson most people in Hong Kong, both young and old, have forgotten

Article 5 of NATO would not have been China’s main concern, because the article could only be invoked in case of an attack on a NATO member’s own soil (i.e. Europe or North America). In fact, the first time it was ever invoked was after the events of 9/11.

In any case, China did play a major part in the Korean War, fighting the coalition forces of the United Nations to a standstill, so I doubt the formation of NATO would have changed the course of history too much – and that’s assuming NATO was willing at all to waste money and lives defending the British Empire’s interests. There’s a reason why Article 5 was never invoked during the Falklands War.

The fact remains that the PRC never planned to take back Hong Kong by force in the first place. They had no illusions that the sun would never set on the British Empire. They knew Hong Kong would become Chinese again eventually.

Chiang Kai-shek actually wanted to take back Hong Kong from the British after the Second World War. He rightfully saw the the Treaty of Nanking as humiliating to the Chinese people, and negotiated with the UK and the US to have the treaty abolished in 1942. The British Empire rejected the proposal, Chiang refused to relent, and so the matter was dropped from the agenda.

However, another agreement was formed that whoever entered Chinese territory previously under Japanese occupation first, would get to keep it for themselves.

When Japan surrendered in 1945, both the British and the Kuomintang scrambled to send forces to Hong Kong. KMT soldiers were apparently the first to enter Hong Kong’s New Territories, which was disputed by the UK.

The UK referred the matter to the US. President Truman wanted to ally with the UK against the Soviet Union, so he betrayed Chiang by declaring Hong Kong was never part of the deal. The KMT had to withdraw their forces, and Hong Kong soon became a British colony once again. So close, and yet so far.

This is actually a snapshot into what China was like under the Kuomintang government. Yes they were founded on great ideas by great men, but they were also de facto puppets of the Imperialist West, and therefore unable to give the Chinese people the rights, liberty, dignity and respect they deserved.

Hong Kong would very likely still be British today, had the communists lost the civil war.

Just In! Burkina Faso Forces Launch Ambush Operations Against Insurgent Groups!

John K Adams

Dril entered from the air-lock. Myr looked up from the vid-screen.“Brrr, it’s cold out there.”“Don’t you wear your suit?”“Of course I do. You think I’m crazy?”Myr raised an eyebrow but didn’t answer that.“I remember reading it is always cold out there. It’s the moon, silly.”“I know it’s the moon. I got us this gig, remember?”“That I do.”“I mean, who better than us to prospect the best sites for mining delicious moon cheese?”“No one I can think of.” Myr sighed. “You know what you forgot to have delivered?”

“What’s that, Honey Pie?”

“Some new material. You have told a variation of that joke at least once daily for the last year.”

“Except, mining for cheese is serious business.”

“Please stop.”

Dril smiled at Myr. “You want me to cook dinner tonight?”

Myr sighed again. “Is it dinner time? I know what the clock says, but it doesn’t feel like dinner time. The sun is still out.”

“You know how this works, Myr.”

“Of course I do. I get it intellectually. But a month of sunshine followed by a month of darkness?”

“Actually, it’s more like two weeks.”

“Really? Who came up with that schedule?”

“Uhm… God?”

“I need a break, Dril.”

“What do you say we take a week and go to the Sea of Tranquility? Or to the mountains?”

Myr put her hands up to her ears and shook her head. “No. No. No. No. No.”

Dril passed on this opportunity to, once again, make a joke about American cheese and the flag left behind by the first men to land here.

“Let’s dance.” Dril moved toward Myr with a rhythmic step. He started singing. “Blue Moon… You saw me standing alone…”

Myr shrugged off his embrace. “Don’t you dare start about Kate Smith.”

Dril put his hands up, in frustration and surrender. “I’m trying to make the best of a…”

“Cabin fever. Isn’t that what you call it?”

“On the moon, it is called ‘existential angst’.”

“Thank you, Dr. Freud.”

Dril touched Myr’s elbow. “Come on, Babe. We never look at the earthrise anymore.” He waved his hand and the shaded, domed window automatically brightened. The colorless moonscape spread before them with Earth’s blue orb peeking from behind the distant mountains.


Dril shook his head. “Look at the Earth, Babe. We’ll be going home before you know it. Think how much you’ll appreciate being back.”

“Are we there yet?”

“You’ve heard that you can’t go home again?”

“Watch me.”

Dril stood back. The moment had passed. “I’m going to go out and check the sensors.” He pointed to the counter stacked with various tools and gizmos. “Would you hand me the razzafraz?”

Myr looked at the disorderly mess Dril called his workbench. She picked up the tool on top of the others. “You mean this?”

“No. That’s the franaham… Next to the thingamajig.” Myr picked up another tool at random and held it up. “Thank you.” He took the tool from her and moved toward the airlock.

“Will you be long?”

“No. You know, routine maintenance. Never can say when some asteroid will wreak havoc on our survival systems.”

“I hate when that happens.”

Dril chuckled and ducked through the bulkhead door. He stepped into his suit, secured the safety devices and donned his helmet. Taking his time, he checked the vid-feed and sound system, a routine as ingrained and natural as brushing his teeth before bed. All systems were a ‘go’.

Not that Myr would be monitoring his progress. Lately, her heart wasn’t in it.

He checked the seals on the interior door and activated the exterior door. The small room filled with steam for a moment as the air froze and then escaped into the void.

Dril scanned the bright horizon. It still quickened him to take in this alien moonscape. It never changed. But he did. Each day, his perception of this perpetually static scene seemed fresh by what he brought to it. The frozen nature of it grounded him somehow.

And of course, he thought of what ‘phase’ they were in. He could never shake the earth-centric perspective. But now, Dril would also note Earth’s phase.

After watching Earth’s rise above the horizon, Dril checked the various monitors distributed around their home base and the outer shell of their home. With few variations, all seemed in order.

He chuckled at his own joke. “The barometer seems stuck. Weird, no air pressure at all.”

When on the frontier of space like this, Dril always celebrated an ordinary day.

Seeing the giant ‘S. O. S’ scrawled in the dust by Myr, always made him smile. That happened after their first few weeks on base.

Dril remembered watching her shuffling around in an aimless manner on the landing pad near their base camp. Or so he thought.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Sending a message to anyone who might be paying attention,” she answered.

Then he recognized the letters, wide as Stonehenge. Gigantic letters to be read by someone, anyone above them in the sky.

They read, “S. O. S.” Sans serif.

He knew she meant it. Keeping her morale up kept him busy. That was his hardest job.


Myr watched the airlock door shut. Though a daily occurrence, seeing Dril go out distressed her. What if something happened to him?

Of course, she knew all the routines and procedures. But to be alone out here on this rock… She shuddered at the thought. At first, it seemed a romantic adventure. Like being on a desert island together. Dril called it their ‘dessert island’. She never imagined how desolate the whole thing would be.

Myr entered the conservatory. She spent most of her time there. The humidity, greenery, and oxygen-rich air kept her sane. She loved caring for the plants more than anything. They were her life.

She liked the sunshine streaming into the greenhouse. The windows filtered the harsh light to a level the plants could tolerate. And she had artificial light to accommodate the long lunar nights.

Though primarily their source of fresh food, Myr lobbied for authorization to also bring decorative and flowering plants to their outpost. She prevailed by arguing an environment lacking in beauty would be better tended by a robot. Myr insisted ‘practical’ was broader in scope than ‘edible.’ A garden could include a feast for the eye as well as her belly and wouldn’t unduly tax their limited resources.

Myr had maintained even a guinea pig deserves a home and not merely a box filled with hay. Someone agreed and Myr received permission to transport seeds of her choosing, within strict guidelines.

Now she had a garden, her little paradise. But without apples or snakes. She cared for it with a passion.

The apparently spontaneous generation of certain insects and pests amazed Myr. They required constant monitoring, lest they damage the food crops. Myr understood they must have stowed away on the seeds or the soil. They were unwitting aliens on this unwelcoming stone.

Curiously, there were also spiders, who allied with her to maintain a balance within the garden. Life begets life.

She gathered a variety of tomatoes and other ripe vegetables for their dinner.

Indicator lights and a signature chirp told Myr that Dril was back. She felt calmer now and went out to greet him.

Dril already stood in the living zone when Myr entered from the kitchen. He smiled at her and they embraced. However brief his sojourns outside, Dril’s homecoming always caused her joy.

Dril asked her, “Tell me, how do you know when the moon is full?”

“You never think it is full.”

“No. Work with me.”

“Oh, a joke. Uhm… it’s always half empty?”

“No. It says, ‘hold the cheese’.”

Myr did not react. The new joke felt very old.

“How about this…? What flavor is a ‘blue moon’?”

“Dril, I was feeling better…”



“Alright… One of these days I’ll make you laugh.”

Myr shook her head. “When that happens, you’ll know I’ve become a bonafide lunatic.”

They looked at each other for a moment and burst into laughter. They embraced and kissed warmly.

Dril looked into Myr’s eyes. “How do you do that? You always make me laugh.”

“My little secret, love. Let’s eat.”

They walked hand in hand into the kitchen.

Here’s some of MM’s latest artwork generations

The theme is closeness and intimacy, but those are flagged on the free subscription, so I performed some creative work-arounds.

Of course, figurative nudes, and tradition are in my interest set.

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I’m sure I’ve told this story before…

Quite a number of years ago I was out shooting at a public range when a family showed up. Mom and dad, two kids, and even grandma.

They pile out of a pickup truck… and, well, to complete the visual here, they looked straight out of central casting as a Mariachi band. Now, I’m like “you do your thing, I’ll do mine”, but to say that this group was attention getting understates it by several orders of magnitude.

Dad had some cowboy guns, a revolver and a lever action rifle. They also had a grand total of one set of hearing protection between all of them. No eyepro is present.

They proceed to set up their “targets”, which are just a bunch of milk cartons filled with dirt…. Whatever, it’s a public range and people shoot all sorts of random shit. The boy takes a couple of them downrange, sets them down, and steps about three paces to the side.

Dad starts blasting. Yes, kid is still downrange as fuck.

I immediately decide that I don’t want to have to deal with the paperwork when one of these idiots shoots someone, and start packing up. But I’m doing it slow, because I’m keeping one eye on these guys, and keeping my very loaded rifle slung and ready because I’m also somewhat concerned that I’m going to have to shoot one of these idiots myself if the stupidity level goes up another notch, and I want it to be very obvious that if they point a gun at me they are pointing a gun at a man with a clearly loaded AR.

After they blast some rounds in the dirt, the kid eventually comes back behind the line, and the kids pull out the revolver to take turns shooting.

The boy walks up to the line with the revolver and the girl sits on the bench next to him, looks right at him, and I see the next few moments in slow motion. The boy pulls the trigger and the girl gets an absolute face full of cylinder gap, and screams.

I chose that moment to exit, stage left, but that whole scene is burned into my brain, as assuradly as hot gas was burned into that poor girls eyes.

Hunter Discovers 29 Human Body Parts in the Desert

Cabbage Rolls



  • 12 large leaves cabbage
  • 1 cup cooked white rice
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup minced onion
  • 1 pound extra-lean ground beef
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons salt
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons ground black pepper
  • 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce



  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Boil cabbage leaves 2 minutes, just until pliable; drain.
  2. In large bowl, combine rice, egg, milk, onion, ground beef, salt and pepper.
  3. Place about 1/4 cup of meat mixture in center of each cabbage leaf, and roll up, tucking in ends. Place rolls in slow cooker, seam side down.
  4. In a small bowl, mix together tomato sauce, brown sugar, lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce. Pour over cabbage rolls.
  5. Cover, and cook on LOW for 8 to 9 hours.

Foreign Woman Meets American Women & NOW Understands Why Passport Bros Exist!

The look on their faces when she said she understood why men are traveling out the states. The salt was real in that room!!!

She has no choice but to fly away; the country has already fallen into a downward spiral.

On the surface, the recent unrest in Bangladesh appears to be due to civil service positions being skewed in favor of military families, but this is just a trigger. Even if there were zero reserved positions for military families, there would still be hundreds of thousands of university graduates competing for very few positions.

The essence of the problem is economic decline and public dissatisfaction.

Bangladesh is in deep trouble.

Firstly, there is a population explosion. With such a small land area, it has 170M people. China has a large population, but Bangladesh’s population density is nearly ten times that of China! Russia’s land area is 116 times that of Bangladesh, yet its population is 30 million less.

The total population of these red areas on Earth, compressed into a very small point, is Bangladesh.

With such a large population, the vast majority are engaged in agriculture, which has very low added value.

Bangladesh is the second most disaster-prone country in the world (the first is the Philippines).

Previously, population growth was slow, relying entirely on the harsh adjustment of natural disasters.

During the last major famine, 10 million out of a population of 40 million in Bangladesh died of starvation.

After entering the modern era, pesticides, high-yield seeds, fertilizers, and vaccines have caused a sharp increase in the agricultural population.

Unlike China, which has implemented family planning policies, a democratically elected government in Bangladesh cannot do the same. As a result, the population continues to grow while land area remains fixed, and frequent natural disasters make it difficult to develop a secondary industry on a large scale.

The world’s largest and most dangerous ship-breaking yard is in Bangladesh, but it can only accommodate 200,000 workers, and the value added to production is extremely low.

The country’s pillar industry, the textile industry, has little technological content and faces extremely fierce international competition.

In fact, it is at the bottom of the international division of labor.

Another mistake is the excessive emphasis on higher education. At this stage, the country should focus more on basic education rather than higher education.

After receiving higher education, many young people are unwilling to settle for low-income jobs.

What’s worse is that the country has invested significant resources in cultivating a highly educated population, but most of them are liberal arts graduates.

In China, for example, when I was taking the college entrance exam, the ratio of STEM students to liberal arts students was about 8:1 to 9:1.

There was even some discrimination against liberal arts students at that time; those who failed to compete in STEM fields were the ones considering studying liberal arts.

Even today, the ratio of STEM students to liberal arts students in China is still about 1:1, and STEM students generally have better job prospects and salaries compared to liberal arts students.

(To this day, on the Chinese Internet, the phrase “Are you a liberal arts student?” is still clearly mocking and contemptuous.)

(I believe Vietnam should also learn from this. Today, in Vietnam, the ratio of STEM majors to liberal arts majors is about 1:2, which is far too high for liberal arts students.)

With so many liberal arts graduates, who have broad perspectives, they are naturally unwilling to engage in hard work after graduation, leading to unrest.

Democratic governments and parliamentary politics are not very suitable for late-developing countries.

If Bangladesh cannot make the most of the remaining value of manual labor before AI and automation technologies become dominant, and cannot push for more industrialization, the future of Bangladesh will be very concerning.

On the trail of the shale

A problem with food banks, and eating randomly when the opportunity arises, it that a lot of what these agencies provide is processed foods that are heavily laden with salts, sugars, non-nutritious fats, and many chemicals (including preservatives) that can be toxic to the body. If I were low on monetary and food resources, I would shoot for the natural, nutritious foods that are inexpensive or easily obtainable. Buy them in bulk if possible. Examples of inexpensive foods that pack a nutritional punch, ones that are also tasty:

  1. The humble potato. They can be chopped up, smeared in extra virgin olive oil and baked in a microwave oven. Avoid the butter, margarine, ghee, etc. Do not fry the potatoes like they do the French fries. You could add spices, depending on your taste. Also add tomato paste before the baking. The nutritional value of the potato is very high, but loading it with trans-fatty oils, high cholesterol fluids will negate the value. And the potato is tasty and filling.
  2. But for those who are diabetic or pre-diabetic, an alternative to potatoes that is both filling and low sugar and calorie is the carrot. And carrots are both inexpensive and easy to consume as either raw, medium-cooked, or fully-cooked. You can more easily lose weight while eating carrots, although they are not as nutritious as potatoes, But eating a balanced assortment of nutritious foods will make up for that.
  3. Tomato paste, mentioned above is a thoroughly inexpensive way to eat tomatoes. The red paste is a concentrated and safely processed form of the highly nutritious tomato. A huge bulky can is sold for about $5, would last for weeks in the cooler, even if you use a lot of it every day.
  4. Some in the bean family such as cowpeas, lentils, and garbanzo beans. Buy them raw, to defray the expenses and to avoid the salted canned ones. Place them in water overnight. This will hydrate and soften them and make them easier and faster to cook the next day.
  5. Oatmeal. A canister, depending on size, will last you weeks or even months.
  6. The egg is famously nutritious, and one a day is enough. Boiled, or fried in olive oil. Wonderful animal protein, many B-vitamins.
  7. Drink your tea or coffee in moderation. The antioxidants are there and helps keep you alert. Use stevia, the natural no-calorie sweetener….inexpensive and not bulky. Cut out the sugar, the Equal, and the Splenda. Go for Stevia….comes in several name brands.
  8. An orange or tangerine a day does wonders.
  9. Carrots are another inexpensive nutritious powerhouse.
  10. Eat your nuts. The least inexpensive way to consume nuts , and to avoid overeating them is to buy them in bulk at the grocery store or places like And of course, many roasted nuts from the stores are overrated. If say you placed small amounts of a Brazil nut, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pepitas, peanuts, flaxseeds, etc (or whatever you prefer) in a small Pyrex bowl, added some water and olive oil, microwaved the mixture, you would come out with a very nutritious homemade power bar. Just don’t over roast or burn. Having natural foods at home is not only cheap, but deters you from overeating, and eating processed foods. Also, prepare your snacks at home. Nuts place you in a good mood
  11. Banana. Delicious and nutritious, and filling, mood-enhancing, hydrating, inexpensive. One a day does the trick.
  12. Water…drink your water. This can’t be emphasized enough. This is the medium of body and other functions
  13. Go for inexpensive vegetables, rainbow colors, instead of the tv diners which are hazardous to your health. Eating natural foods makes it so much less expensive to manage your health
  14. Exercising goes well with eating inexpensively and nutritiously, whether you are on a budget or not. My list is inexhaustible, but I suppose a reasonable guideline.
  15. A bit of garlic/onion should be incorporated in the diet, daily.

Be the Rufus

“No one ever buries a hoard of coins, especially precious metal coins, without intending to retrieve it.” Christopher Ratte.

Some Persian soldiers had buried their treasure at the time when the last remnants of Persian soldiers and Persian sympathizers were driven out of Hellenistic Greece. Archaeologist Christopher Ratte and his team have been in Western Turkey for years working on the ancient site of Notion – then part of Ionia – and have found a pot of rare Persian gold coins in what appears to be a basement room.

Credit: Notion Archaeological Project.

The New York Times has published a story on this find, with interviews of Christopher Ratte. Here is a share of that article:

By Franz Lidz, Aug. 2, 2024

It is the late fifth century B.C. and a mercenary soldier kneels in his modest quarters, digging a hole in the earthen floor. He places a small jug, called an olpe, in the hole for safekeeping and covers it with dirt. In the olpe are his savings — scores of gold coins, known as darics, each one equal to a month’s pay.

But something happens to the soldier — possibly something sinister — and he never retrieves his hoard, which remains undiscovered for the next 2,400 years.

That is one of several scenarios proposed by Christopher Ratté, an archaeologist at the University of Michigan, to account for the cache, which he and his research team recently unearthed from the ruins of Notion, an ancient city-state in modern-day Turkey. While digging beneath the courtyard of a house dating to the third century B.C., the excavators found the remains of an earlier dwelling. “The coins were buried in a corner of the older building,” Dr. Ratté said. “We weren’t actually looking for a pot of gold.”

Darics were chiefly used to provide payment to soldiers of fortune. Andrew Meadows, an archaeologist at the University of Oxford who was not involved in the project, said he knew of no other hoard of this type to turn up in Asia Minor. “This is a find of the highest importance,” he said. “The archaeological context for the hoard will help us fine-tune the chronology of Achaemenid gold coinage.”

The archaeological site at Notion spans 80 acres atop a promontory in western Anatolia, a borderland dividing Asia from Europe. It was one of the Greek-speaking communities that emerged in the region during the early first millennium B.C., perhaps because of migration across the Aegean Sea. The deposition and loss of the Notion hoard occurred at a time of warfare, insecurity and great power machinations in a contested frontier zone.

This was true in deepest antiquity, as remembered in the story of the Trojan War,” Dr. Ratté said. “And it remains true to this day, as demonstrated by the Syrian refugee crisis.” He noted that the small harbor on the east side of the city was one of the departure points for Syrian refugees who fled across Turkey to Europe during the refugee crisis a decade ago.

Anatolia is the birthplace of the Western world’s first state-issued coin, the stater, which was created by a seafaring people called Lydians. King Alyattes standardized the weight and design of the Lydian stater, which, beginning around 610 B.C., was struck in electrum, a natural alloy of gold and silver. The king’s son and successor, Croesus, is credited with minting the first true gold coin, the Croeseid. The expression “rich as Croesus” refers to his extravagant wealth as well as the opulence of Lydia during his rule.

Fortifications at Notion, a Greek-speaking community that emerged in western Anatolia during the early first millennium B.C. Credit: Notion Archaeological Project/University of Michigan.

Excavations at Notion last year. While digging beneath the courtyard of a house dating to the third century B.C., researchers found the remains of an earlier dwelling and a cache buried there. Credi: Notion Archaeological Project/University of Michigan.

In 546 B.C., the entire area, known as Ionia, was conquered by the Achaemenid Persian Empire. Although Croesus was defeated in battle by Cyrus the Great, his gold-based monetary system lived on. The Persians continued to manufacture Croesids until they introduced their own bimetallic currency, made up of silver and gold coins. The silver coins were called sigloi, and the gold ones were darics — a name derived from either Darius I, who ruled the Persian Empire from 522 B.C. to 486 B.C., or dari-, the root of the Old Persian word for gold.

In 427 B.C., according to the Greek historian Thucydides, an Athenian general named Paches attacked and killed a troop of pro-Persian mercenaries at Notion after luring their commander into a trap. The Persian sympathizers were then expelled, and Notion was reorganized under Athenian supervision.

Two decades later, a decisive naval battle in the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta was fought off the coast of Notion, which the Athenians had been using as a naval base. Dr. Ratté said that the gold hoard might have been connected to the events of 427 B.C., or later, with the Athenian evacuation of Notion.

“It is possible it was not associated with either of these dramatic events,” he said, “but was simply the savings of a veteran mercenary soldier in a time and place when soldiers of fortune could make a lot of money if they were willing to risk their lives for the highest bidder.” Many Greeks fought for the Persian Empire, including the Athenian historian Xenophon, who was an active mercenary for the Persian king Cyrus the Younger from 401 B.C.- to 400 B.C. — the same time period when the Notion hoard was tucked away.

In 387 B.C., within a generation after the Athenians were defeated by the Spartans, Notion and the other cities of Ionia were reintegrated into the Persian Empire. They remained Persian possessions until the conquest of Alexander the Great in 334 B.C., at which point production of the daric quickly declined. Alexander and his immediate successors had many of the existing gold pieces melted down and recast as coins bearing their images, making darics rare today.

The Notion darics are stamped on the front with a likeness of the Persian king kneeling in a long tunic. In his left hand is a bow; in his right, a long spear. The backs of the coins are blank, except for a punch mark. The hoard is being stored at the Ephesus Archaeological Museum in nearby Selcuk, Turkey, along with imported Athenian pottery that was recovered at the dig.

Dr. Ratté believes that the fact that the loot was never reclaimed is a clear sign of disaster. “No one ever buries a hoard of coins, especially precious metal coins, without intending to retrieve it,” he said. “So only the gravest misfortune can explain the preservation of such a treasure.”


Why do mathematicians and physicists have issues with infinity being real? How does it break our understanding of things?

How did you draw the conclusion that; “mathematicians and physicists have issues with infinity being real?”, explain go into more detail. Unless of course you are a mathematician or psychist and you yourself have issues with infinity being real?

In mathematics, infinity is not just a vague notion of endlessness, but a rigorously defined concept that can be expressed in multiple ways, i.e., cardinality of sets, ordinal numbers, limit concept, symbolic representation, to name a few. Mathematicians have developed sophisticated tools to work with infinity, which strongly suggest that overall they do not have issues with it.

But, from a physics stand point things start to get complicated as the concept of infinity is more problematic and often indicates a limitation of our theories rather than a physical reality. This manifests itself in a number of ways, cosmology and quantum mechanics being prime examples. It is also a challenge when we start talking about black holes and singularities that represent points where physical quantities become infinite, suggesting a breakdown of the theory of infinity, as “normal” rules just don’t apply or they breakdown completely, which in real terms is nothing more than the end point of our understanding.

Many physical models use infinity as a form of idealization, and what I mean by that is, a lot of physical models use infinity as a convenient approximation (e.g., point particles, infinite potential wells), while still recognizing these are idealizations. Keeping in mind that no physical measurement can ever yield an infinite value, as all measuring devices have finite ranges, otherwise what’s the point of attempting to measure something in the first place?

You have not covered the philosophical perspective of infinity in your question which in many ways is just as important as it is in physics, mathematics and the physical world itself. Things like; does infinity actually exist in nature, or is it merely a useful mathematical construct? Infinity leads to numerous paradoxes (e.g., the paradox of Hilbert’s Grand Hotel, for more detail on this go to Wikipedia) that as a thought experiment challenges our intuitive understanding of what we believe infinity actually is. Infinity often represents the boundary of what we can know or are able to measure, that highlights the limits of human understanding.

Then we come to the practical implications of infinity. Some theories for example that produce infinite results often lose their predictive power, which indicates a lot more refinement is required. Infinite series and processes must be truncated for practical calculation purposes, which introduces a need for approximations, as there is absolutely no point them going on forever.

The appearance of so-called infinities in physical theories often drives a search for a more comprehensive framework to work within, (i.e., quantum gravity attempts to resolve singularities in general relativity). This is a signal, or indication that different thinking needs to be applied and more intensive research is required. To that end, in my mind infinity is not an end point, but simply a marker that requires one to go onto the next stage, whatever that may be.

Infinity in mathematics is a well-defined and useful concept that allows for the exploration of abstract ideas beyond finite limitations. In physics, infinity often signals the limits of a theory’s applicability, which then prompts further, deeper investigation and refinement of our understanding of the physical world. The interplay between mathematical infinity and physical reality of infinity is basically a work in progress and will continue indefinitely, as, when you think about it, is there any end to infinity?” Perhaps no…as that is what infinity is, across just about all domains no matter how one thinks about it or how it is expressed.

  • Q1: Why do mathematicians and physicists have issues with infinity being real?
  • A1: I don’t think they really infinity is a concept on all levels is not fully 100% “resolvable”.

  • Q2: How does it break our understanding of things?
  • A2: Again, I don’t think it does, it is more a boundary where our understanding stops and it is merely an indicator that we need to dig deeper, refine and further our understanding. Human knowledge always has and always will have a limit, it will never, ever be infinite.

At the end of the day, there will never be an answer to your two-part question, it will go on forever, all the way to infinity and beyond…whatever that is…



This was brought home to me during an exercise in the mid-80’s when I was a young Engineer Platoon Leader. My platoon was attached to an Infantry Battalion for a long field training exercise. We were equipped with HMMVW’s with TOW missiles and were trying to operate against tanks. That turned out to be pretty tricky, the tanks were very good, and the tactics we were using were not fully developed. We ended up getting kicked around the training area pretty routinely.

In one scenario, the Brigade Commander, a full Colnel and a Vietnam Veteran ordered the Battalion I was working with to hold a particular pass “at all costs.” The Battalion did a credible job defending, but then got flanked, which led to the Battalion Commander, also a Vietnam Vet, to order a withdrawl.

I was pretty new, but I thought at the time that this was a good call. In my view, holding onto the position any longer than we had would have led to the extinction (ln the exercise) of the Battalion, about 500 guys. The Battalion Commander wanted to live to fight another day, and what he was doing was doctrinally sound.

This particular point got discussed at length during the After Action Review. The Battalion Commander got asked why he ordered the withdrawal when he was ordered to stand. He laid out his reasoning, which made sense to me. I was there. There wasn’t anything else to do.

There was this long silence. Then the Brigrade Commander looked at the Battalion Commander with this laser-beam look and says, “John, if I tell you to go die on some hill, I’ve got a damned good reason for doing it. My concerns, the Division’s concerns, are bigger than yours. If I have to sacrafice your Battalion in order to preserve something bigger, it’s my job to order you to do it. It’s your job to take your boys and go out and die.”

This is the dark side of combat that no one really likes to talk about. It doesn’t happen often, normally because of a miscalculation or mistake, but units get asked to make these kinds of sacrafices. When you are an officer, if you’re doing your job right, your unit is like your family. Words that describe how close units bind together in combat fail me. Others have done it much better. These are your brothers, your sisters, your children. When you get asked to do something like this, it’s like asking your children to go out and die for you. Then you have go out and die with them.

Anyway, I’ve never forgotten it. It made me think through a lot of things before I became a Company Commander and had to take folks to war.

Its all about timing

  1. Face culture comes from Confucian culture. As a unique cultural and psychological phenomenon of the Chinese people, face culture has greatly influenced the daily social life of the Chinese people.
  2. North Americans are Christian culture
  3. Arabs, Somalis, Afghans, Nigerians are Islamic culture
  4. Turkic and Mongolians are nomadic culture
  5. The values ​​of Dignity, honor, face are different among Christian culture, Islamic culture and nomadic culture, and the difference is very big.

Honor and face cultures attach great importance to regulating individual behavior by social expectations and cultural norms. However, the two cultural phenomena differ in several crucial aspects.

The new cultural framework of dignity, honor, and face was proposed based on three different cultural logics and reveals that while both honor culture and face culture place importance on adhering to social norms, honor culture places greater emphasis on both self-awareness and external evaluations for self-worth, whereas face culture places more weight on external evaluations.

Additionally, honor culture is characterized by an unstable social hierarchy prone to competition, violence, and virtue, while face culture prioritizes modesty, harmony, and cooperation within a more stable hierarchy. Especially at banquets, whether or not to drink is directly related to face.

From indigenous perspectives, the self-image and social image in honor culture are relatively consistent, and honor encompasses moral, gender, and family-related aspects that may be defended through violence. In contrast, self-image and social image in face culture tend to be incongruent, and face involves morality and social achievement, which is expressed through the dimensions of seeking face and avoiding losing face with an emphasis on status and authority.

Combined with the above two perspectives, these core differences between honor and face cultures can be attributed to the moralization and instrumentalization of social cultural norms.

Specifically, honor tends to moralize social and cultural norms by transforming descriptive norms into prescriptive norms, where majority and typical behaviors that exist in a culture are considered behaviors that group members should or must abide by. In contrast, face instrumentalizes social and cultural norms by using descriptive and prescriptive norms as means and tools to maintain relationships, demonstrate status, and uphold authority.

This perspective provides new insights into cultural phenomena, such as the positive correlation between violence and virtue in honor cultures, where violence becomes a social norm that adapts to the honor culture environment and is moralized into a virtuous attribute. The social norm of harmony in face culture exists both as value-oriented harmony influenced by Confucian culture and instrumental harmony in daily life, leading to a dissonance between face and heart.


Submitted into Contest #24 in response to: Write a story set in the dark recesses of space where the two main characters are often at odds with each other in humorous and comedic ways. view prompt

Roisin O’Riordan

She was going to kill him. She was actually going to murder him. Yes, she has said it plenty of times before but this time she meant it. This time she would drag him by his stupid hair to an airlock and shove him out to space where he can suffocate.Seven months. She lasted seven months stuck in this shuttle with him, but now she was finally going to crack.It started off with the computer. He programmed it to call him “Hot Stuff.” She changed it back. Then, he programmed it to call him “King of the Bandages.” Once again, she changed it back. Twenty nine nicknames later-yes, she kept a list-the most recent development was “Big McDaddy.”And since his names apparently weren’t keeping him preoccupied, he decided to spend time obsessing over hers. Specifically, her first name. On the top of her medical file is “B. Miller” neatly typed out, but he wanted to know more. The guesses started off sensible enough with Bella and Bethany-they have now devolved into Bread and Bacteriochlorophylls.And somehow, no matter what happens, he won’t stop grinning. No one should be as cheery as this guy, it doesn’t seem healthy. Every time she sees him she wants to growl in frustration, but he remains as sunny as the actual suns they pass.But this time is worse than all those other time. This time he took the biscuit because this time he broke a rule that could get himself and her fired. This time he… well, he took the biscuits.”I can’t believe you!” She screeched, storming into the medical bay. “I can’t believe you would actually steal from the passengers!””I’m sorry?” He asked looking up from a rather heavy looking book. He was still smiling. Asshole.”The biscuits. Don’t even try to deny it. I know it was you who took them.””Ok.” He went back to reading.”Ok?” That threw her off her guard. She was expecting an argument. For him to try feign innocence before she finally broke him and he begged her not to tell their boss. It wasn’t supposed to go like this.


“Ok, I won’t deny it. I took the biscuits.” He raised an eyebrow. “Is there anything else or…?”


“Well… well… what do you have to say for yourself?” Her voice got weaker and weaker throughout the sentence. She really had no idea where she wanted to go with that.


“…They tasted nice?” Oh, that made her blood boil.


“Nice? Taste? That’s not what I was asking. Do you know how much trouble you could be in for this.” He was an idiot, he had to be. Maybe, he just didn’t care. No that couldn’t be it, could it? This job involves being away from Earth for years at a time and being fired tends to mean never getting work anywhere else. Maybe he thought the job would be easy and that he would get away with stuff like this. Not on her watch.


“I know how much trouble I will be in-none. No one cares. No one apart from you. Speaking of which, why do you care?”


He is unbelievable. “I care because I was put in charge of making sure everything is ready for when the passengers wake up.”


It is a requirement of every shuttle to have at least one engineer, and, if asked, she would tell people that she is the engineer-because she is. However, the shuttle is built fairly sturdy, and the AI seems to be doing a fine job of maintaining everything. It’s not that she wants things to go wrong… it would just be nice if there were a few mishaps that called for her assistance. This lack of jobs can make floating in space a tad boring, hence her eagerness to take on the role of an over-glorified party planner.


“Look,” he said, closing his book, “in eight months time we’re stopping for fuel at a space station. If we happen to be low on supplies-which we won’t be ’cause these passengers have more than enough-we can stock up then.”


“What if one of them wakes up?” It’s a weak argument but one she feels strongly about. She has read every story there was on passengers waking up from the deep sleep they are put into before take off. The passengers they were currently transporting were Taubverlians, so the four year journey would probably feel like a human’s version of a week to them but apparently it’s a week they would rather sleep through. What if they woke up angry? What if they got so annoyed they decided to file a complaint? What if those biscuits were the only thing that would have been able to calm them down and stop them from demanding the whole crew gets fired? It’s unlikely, but it is possible.


“Really?” He asked. She glared at him with cold, unforgiving eyes. “You need to calm down before you give yourself a stroke. I check, double check and triple check each passenger’s pod everyday and there hasn’t been even the slightest hint that one of them might wake up before they’re supposed to.” He let out a sigh and for the first time since she met him, his smile faltered. “It’s your first trip right? Thought as much. You see, after a while, you will start to get bitter. You’ll start to resent the passengers, our bosses, whoever it is at home that you’re sending your wages back to. The thought that you will more than likely be working here until the day you die and the knowledge that it is extremely rare for a crew member to ever see Earth again combined with the fact that if someone in charge screws up and needs someone to blame we will probably be killed… well, at some point or another, it gets to you. That’s why I play around with the AI and steal the occasional biscuit. That’s why Ellie stole a bottle of whiskey. That’s why Charlie is cheating on her husband with Smith. These acts keep us sane. And they’re not hurting anyone-not if no one finds out.”


She could somewhat sympathise. Ok, she could sympathise a lot. She was bitter. Of course she was bitter about… everything, but she wasn’t going to complain. Her family needed her to have this job, and so must his-it’s not like he would ever see his wages, so they have to be going somewhere.


“Our supervisors don’t care as long the passengers get to their destination safe and sound. You can relax, Birdy.”


She fought the urge to roll her eyes. “That is not what the B stands for.”


His smile was now back to full voltage as he realised he won. “We have been in this tin can for seven months and I still don’t know anything about you. What are your hopes, your dreams, your fears? Where are you from? And what exactly does the B stand for? It doesn’t stand for Biscuit, does it?”


She may come to regret this, but at the moment her stress is leaving her and she feels… lonely. She doesn’t have anybody to talk to on this shuttle apart from when she is arguing with him. Hearing him talk about their colleagues that he clearly knows so much better than she does just reminded her of how much she has isolated herself. “Brooklyn.”


“You’re from Brooklyn? Cool, I have a cousin that lives there, or used to at least.”


“No-well, yes I am from Brooklyn but, that’s what the B stands for.” The look on his face was almost worth it. Almost.


“So, you’re from Brooklyn… and your name is-”


“Oh, shut up.” She tried to fight a grin.


“…Were your parents really worried about you forgetting where you lived?”


“I shouldn’t have told you. I should have just stuck to Biscuit.”


He let out a laugh at that. Dear god, it was brighter than his smile. “Ok, ok, I’m sorry Biscuit.” She shot him a glare with much less heat than the previous one. It was kind of nice talking to him-not that she would ever dream of saying it to him. Just before she got a chance to retort, a series of short beeps filled the room. “Time for me to go check on the passengers again.”


“Oh, right. I have work I need to go do as well.” She turned to leave, ignoring the pang in her chest. She has her work to focus on, friends would just take up time.


“Wait.” He tossed her a small metal box. She stared at the box, then at him, then back again. At his nod she opened up the latches and the contents very nearly managed to surprise a snort out of her. Biscuits.

Tension Subsiding in South China Sea

Changing Geo-Political arrangements.

Mr. Xi doesn’t terrify me, but he certainly “terrifies” my German friend. Let’s call him Karl.

Obviously, Karl isn’t a basketcase of nailbiting anxiety and fear over a man a continent away. But he related a spine-tingling moment some years back listening to the news while driving on the autobahn.

Before we get into that, a little background about Karl.

Karl, perhaps unsurprisingly, speaks Chinese. What tickles me though, is he speaks funny Chinese.

Notice I said Chinese and not Mandarin.

Karl speaks a creole of accented Mandarin and horror of horrors, the Changsha dialect.

Now, try making sense of the hilarity hearing a thick German accent fighting his own tongue to make the proper tone for Mandarin words abused by the Changsha pronunciation.

After all these years, I have concluded he has been putting up a show all along to bewilder and get a rise out of me deciphering his words.

He has a future in standup, if he ever needs a change of scenery.

Back on topic. What piece of news made him nervous? It was a single statistic from China’s anti-corruption drive.

“More than a million party officials have been disciplined.”

He was flabbergasted by how seriously the Chinese were taking the campaign because when he was there, he had concluded corruption was so deeply ingrained in the culture it was impossible to root out. In fact, that was a primary reason why he left China, even though the money was lucrative.

Karl has an interesting way of bringing his point across, and he was ready when I pressed.

“China isn’t Germany. A million out of a billion is a mere drop.”

“Yes, but China either gives lip service or they do a thorough job. 1 million is a thorough job.”

“True. But why should that jolt?”

“Because nothing happened, Bill.”

“What do you mean nothing happened?”

Evidently he was waiting for this moment of weakness because he broke into a sly smile and declared:

“Nothing happened to President Xi.”

I was truly incredulous.

“I lost you Karl. You expected him to fall victim to the campaign he initiated because he is dirty too?”

“No, silly. The fact nothing happened means we have witnessed the coronation of the first Chinese emperor of the 21st century, if only in practice.”

“Now you sound like a flat earther.”

“No no. Nothing far-fetched. How do you think they land a big fish like Zhou Yongkang? Using the police? Or the army?”

“The President probably ordered his arrest personally.”

“Yes but what was the investigative apparatus and how did they manage to arrest him? Zhou was the security tsar.”

“Oh. I think I’m understanding. Even the FBI will have trouble arresting the vice President.”

“Sort of. The Xi administration basically set up their own supralegal modern day Embroidered Uniform Guard that was vested with political power to deal with anyone, even the biggest fish. The million they mentioned? A substantial number are senior cadres, nodes in the power structure. The Chinese think in terms of guanxi or relationships so tackling corruption equals identifying and destroying webs of collusion.”

“Do you think Xi went too far?”

“No. He did a fantastic job. I am just surprised the faction wars didn’t flare up in response. Not even a whimper. Xi has great standing within the party.”

“Ok, so he cleaned up. Why does that terrify you? He is more powerful than ever?”

“Not really. People fail to realize the five year plans were being executed like clockwork in the midst of rampant corruption. He would have reached the state objectives without rocking the boat.”

“He did not need to pick this fight?”

“No. He had to. It was the right time.”

“The stars didn’t align for Jiang and Hu?”

“Yes. The force was not with them.”

“The FORCE? Dude, you have been playing me all day!”

“Electricity, my boy. You can build the fanciest roads and buildings but without electricity you cannot urbanize.”

*Incredulous stare*

“For sure it is electricity. Hu was a hydroelectric engineer. China’s electricity output increased more than 2-fold during his time in office.”

“What does it have to do with corruption?”

“China essentially went full steam ahead to urbanize. Jiang wasn’t even sure how the system would work as it transited from Central planning to market economics as it spread inland from the SARs. Hu laid the foundation to guarantee future growth. The GFC gave China the breathing space to shape a cultural change among the ruling elite. A bunch of people got rich too quickly and developed money fever.”

“What does the GFC have to do with it?”

“China’s economy fundamentally shifted post 2008. China finally flexed her domestic muscle and decided they had to be less reliant on the west. But they had to inevitably slow down as the west recovered from a balance sheet and sovereign debt crisis. It is this recentering to OBOR and domestic growth that gave Xi the breathing space to tackle corruption nationwide.”

“Man, that’s deep but all that says is China has a good man at the helm. What makes him fearsome?”

“Well, when I was there the way the Chinese were throwing money around was unbelievable. Too much waste. And too many funny things going on. Putting a stop to that means the Chinese are getting on board the next stage of growth, one that is much higher in quality, and sustainable. The Chinese rocket shot up the sky in spite of excesses. Can you imagine a people without? Us Germans are counting the days when the Chinese become direct competitors to German technology and quality. The Chinese are getting their act together.”

Note: The emperor reference is no insinuation of shenanigans. Rather it is Karl’s intent to frame how far the Xi administration can push reform. In other words, Xi has the people’s mandate, just like a legitimate Son of Heaven.

Karl is real, but I’ve paraphrased our conversation.

Note: The profundity of Karl’s astute observations is contained within the satellite composites of nightime China, taken two decades apart.

Bill Pfeiffer’s Chili Capital Punishment

Bill Pfeiffer’s Chili Capital Punishment is the winner of 1980 World’s Championship!

chili 1
chili 1

chili 3
chili 3

chili 4
chili 4

Yield: 14 to 18 servings


  • 1 tablespoon oregano
  • 2 tablespoons paprika
  • 2 tablespoons MSG
  • 9 tablespoons chili powder
  • 4 tablespoons cumin
  • 4 tablespoons beef bouillon (instant crushed)
  • 2 cans beer
  • 2 cups water
  • 4 pounds extra lean chuck (chili grind)
  • 2 pounds extra lean pork (chili grind)
  • 1 pound extra lean chuck, cut into 1/4 inch cubes
  • 2 large onions, finely chopped
  • 10 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup oil or kidney suet
  • 1 teaspoon mole (powdered)
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon coriander
  • 1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
  • 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Masa Harina
  • Salt to taste


  1. In a large pot, add oregano, paprika, MSG, chili powder, cumin, beef bouillon, beer and water. Let simmer.
  2. In a separate skillet, brown 1 1/2 pounds of meat in oil or suet until meat is light brown.
  3. Drain and add to simmering spices. Continue browning meat in batches until all meat has been added.
  4. Sauté finely chopped onions in oil or suet. Add to spices and meat mixture. Add water as needed. Simmer two hours. Add mole (MOE-lay), sugar, coriander, hot pepper sauce and tomato sauce. Simmer for 45 minutes.
  5. Dissolve Masa Harina in warm water and add to chili. Add salt to taste. Simmer for 30 minutes.

I was born in 1965, which means I am 59 as I write this response. In the 1980s, I worked as a DJ in a bar called The Notorious Club 26, and I played music from the 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s.

As the DJ, I would say things like, “Remember, never trust anyone over 30. If you are over 30, don’t trust yourself.” As a 20-something, I thought I was being funny. Then a horrible thing happened: I turned 30 in 1995.

I was single at the time, and I realized that all the time I wasted being a DJ interfered with my social and personal life. I worked 6 days a week, and on Tuesday of each week, I got paid. Who wants to go out on a date on a Tuesday? Who wants date some who works from 9 pm until 3:30 AM?

I wass 30, looking back from where I came, and realized that I had wasted the last 10 years of my life. I worked, made very good money, got a lot of cash tips for the customers, loved my job, but my life sucked. All I did was work, sleep, and do household jobs. I had no social life.

I kept working but I also went back to college, and finally finished the work for my BA. After that, I was able to quit the DJ job and work during the day instead of being a vampire on a day pass.

I’m not going to lie: 30 seemed old to me. When I turned 40, I got a card that said something like 40 is the new 30.

I’m 59 years old now, and my hair is gray, just like my beard, and my body is a wreck. However, I know that my life has been full and fun. I’m not sure what comes next, but I am looking forward to the trip.

Johnny West 1960s toy figurines
















As a Chinese person, I never felt any connection to the “patriotism” that the Chinese Communist Party instilled in me since childhood.

In elementary school, our teachers told us, “The most important principle in writing is to show your love for China.” Well, I didn’t understand at all. How could a child possibly grasp what it means to “love China”? For an elementary student, “patriotism” is nothing but outdated stories and empty political slogans.

As I grew older, my aversion to “patriotism” only increased. The reason was obvious: if “patriotism” had a significant impact on one’s well-being, why had I never seen anyone get rich because they “loved China”? And why had I never seen anyone fall into a miserable situation because they “didn’t love China”?

When I started using the internet, I discovered more meaningful things. I realized that China could only avoid destruction by embracing Western political systems. During that time, I read many articles by “independent Chinese intellectuals,” including economists, Chinese immigrants abroad, lawyers, and entrepreneurs.

Back then, I hoped these independent intellectuals could awaken the “numb Chinese people” through their writings. They were active on BBS, blogs, social media, and China’s version of Twitter. I spent a lot of time reading their articles and enthusiastically commenting. I admired them and saw them as the future political stars of China. At that time, I had my own blog called “A Chinese Citizen,” with the slogan “For a Bright Future of China.” I wrote every day, and when I had nothing to write about, I would repost negative news about China and add my own gloating comments.

The trolls on Quora today are nothing compared to the old me.

Later, I got married and had my own child. As a freelancer, I had time each day to spend with my growing child. To expose my child to nature, I took them to many places. Busy with accompanying my child, working, cooking, and doing laundry every day, my life focus gradually shifted.

One summer evening when my child was three years old, we drove to a famous large lake in northern Xuzhou called Weishan Lake. A section of the Grand Canal passes through the Weishan Lake area. The sunset bathed the hundred-kilometer-long embankment road along Weishan Lake in golden light. My wife, captivated by the beauty, asked me to stop the car for a while. I parked by the roadside, and we were greeted by the cool evening breeze and the slightly fishy smell of the lake water. We all quietly listened to the waterfowl returning to their nests.

When a long line of cargo ships appeared at the end of my vision on the Grand Canal, another fleet from the opposite direction sounded their horns as they passed through the Linjiaba lock. The sunset deepened, and the afterglow moved from the embankment road to the surface of Weishan Lake. The vast lake, looking like an ocean, stretched beyond the horizon. Waterbirds in the reeds were startled by passing ships, taking off with pleasant sounds. Watching my child jumping with joy and my wife enjoying the cool breeze, I felt a deep sense of happiness. In that moment, I suddenly realized something:

Weishan Lake is a gift from nature to the locals; the Grand Canal is a monumental achievement by our ancestors. The various aquatic products from Weishan Lake have nourished generations of people on this land. Today, these endless cargo ships continuously transport energy and agricultural products to ports along the route. We enjoy the tranquility of nature, while our material life benefits from China’s vibrant economic system.

The natural geography is a gift from God; historically, it is a territory our ancestors expanded on horseback; and in reality, it is the result of countless generations of Chinese people’s hard work. For economic and social activities to run efficiently, the country’s leaders need exceptional talent to design reliable development plans. Without all this, there would be no individual happiness. The CPC is a positive part of this picture—not the whole, but just as important as all other parts.

I live on this land in this lifetime, and so does my child. Everyone I love and everyone who loves me live on this land. I love them and hope they remain healthy, happy, and joyful. Protecting them means ensuring that this land is free from war, plague, hunger, and poverty. Only when these foundations are solid can I fully devote myself to life and family. Isn’t this the relationship between an individual and their country? The CPC has achieved this, so what exactly am I complaining about every day? Should I deny everything just because of some bad news on the internet and some unfortunate events on this land?

By Weishan Lake at that moment, I grasped a simple truth: to love this country, to love its mountains and rivers, its history and culture, the heroes who shed blood and tears in modern history, and the forces leading this country to rejuvenation. At the same time, when my child grows up, they should see themselves as a master of this country, participating in its development. This is what a young boy should aspire to.

There is no such thing as love or hate without reason in this world. To love something, you must first understand it, knowing its strengths and weaknesses, and recognizing its significance to us. Otherwise, “forced love” is fake, blind, and short-lived. “Patriotism” is no different. Only by fully understanding this land, this country, and the forces driving China’s progress, with all their pros and cons, can one develop genuine love.

I am becoming such a Chinese person.

She Gave Him PRE and POST Date Bill and it Backfired

The Trigger For WWIII Just Arrived – What Are The Implications For Americans?

Guest Post by Brandon Smith

If the year of 2024 has proven anything so far, it’s that our worries about the potential outbreak of WWIII are absolutely reasonable. The skeptics making accusations of “conspiracy theory” and “doom and gloom” have been proven wrong yet again. The geopolitical atmosphere is turning sour fast.

I still don’t think a lot of people realize how truly volatile the situation is globally right now. From my point of view, WWIII has already begun, at least in economic terms.


Let’s not forget the fact that Ukraine is essentially a proxy for all of NATO against Russia. And, the situation in the Middle East is about to become much worse. Because of the alliances involved and the fragile nature of global energy exports there is a danger of systemic collapse should a wider war break out between Israel and multiple Arab nations. It appears that such a war is imminent.

But why should Americans care? It’s pretty simple – War spurs shortages, and shortages in the middle of a stagflationary crisis are a very bad thing.

Sanctions against Russia affect around 10% of the global oil market and around 12% of global natural gas consumption. But so far all that oil and natural gas is still flowing around the world, only the trade routes have changed. The Middle East, on the other hand, accounts for over 35% of the global oil market and 18% of the natural gas market. Widespread chaos in this region would mean economic crisis on a scale not seen in a century.

Think we have problems with stagflation now? Just wait until energy prices go to the moon.

Around 30% of all oil exports travel through the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow passage which a nation like Iran can easily block for months at a time. Sinking a few larger vessels in the straight would obstruct all cargo ship traffic and oil tanker traffic. Trying to clean up the mess would be difficult because artillery, which is almost impossible to intercept, can rain down from Iran on any vessels trying to drag sunken ships out of the way.

Iran has mutual defense pacts with multiple governments in the region including Lebanon and Syria, along with military ties to Russia. The Turkish government is unlikely to allow western troops to use their airspace to launch attacks. The US military presence in Afghanistan is gone and the Iraqi government will never allow foreign troops to use their land to come to the aid of Israel.

This greatly limits the west’s launch points for an offensive large enough to blitz Iran. The vast majority of attacks would be from the air, and if the Russians start supplying Iran with batter radar and missile technology then there’s no guarantees Israel or the US would gain full control of the air space. In other words, if a wider war breaks out it will not end for YEARS and it’s going to be fought on the ground.

Of course, most establishment experts have claimed that the situation will never escalate to that point and that the threat of direct confrontation between Israel and Iran is minimal. I have been predicting the opposite for a number of reasons, just as I predicted that there was a high chance of war in Ukraine months before it happened.

In October of 2023 in my article ‘It’s A Trap! The Wave Of Repercussions As The Middle East Fights “The Last War”’ I warned that a multi-front war was about to develop between Israel and various Muslim nations including Lebanon and Iran. I noted:

Israel is going to pound Gaza into gravel, there’s no doubt about that. A ground invasion will meet far more resistance than the Israelis seem to expect, but Israel controls the air and Gaza is a fixed target with limited territory. The problem for them is not the Palestinians, but the multiple war fronts that will open up if they do what I think they are about to do (attempted sanitization). Lebanon, Iran and Syria will immediately engage and Israel will not be able to fight them all…”

My purpose in that article was to outline the dangers of US involvement in a larger war that would require conscription and escalation with Russia. Despite the “experts” insisting that the odds are overblown, it now appears that the next stage of escalation is about to begin.

Iran, Lebanon and Israel have been exchanging limited fire for months now. This is nothing new. What is new is the change in tone after a Hezbollah rocket strike on a children’s soccer game in the remote Druze village of Majdal Shams that killed 12.

On the other side, Israel’s brazen assassination of the Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh on Iranian soil this week is a clear catalyst for war. Haniyeh has been engaged in a diplomatic mission to start peace negotiations in Gaza. His assassination sends a clear message that Israel has no intention of entering into talks with Hamas.

IDF officials also announced that they had killed top Hezbollah military commander Fuad Shukr in a precision missile strike Tuesday in Beirut.  There’s no escaping it now.

Iran’s supreme religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered retaliation against Israel and issued an order for Iran to strike the Israelis directly. Iran will likely use extended missile barrages, but also stage troops in Syria and Lebanon. The Houthis in Yemen will then increase their attacks on ships traversing the Red Sea. It’s hard to say how much Russia will involve itself at first, but I have no doubt more advanced Russian missiles and other weapons will make an appearance on the battlefield.

The prospect of world war is immense. Israel will not be able to fight in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran all at the same time. Energy exports in the region will definitely face a slowdown, if not a complete breakdown. At that point the war won’t just be about Israel, it will be about a global energy crisis. I don’t see any scenario in which the US government doesn’t get involved.

The high risk of terrorism this entails should not be overlooked. We’ve had an undefended border and record illegal crossings for a few years now under Biden.  There’s not telling how many foreign agents are in the country and I believe this was by design.  I think the establishment maintained open border policies because they wanted such people here.  The more terror these agents cause the more the public will be tempted to increase government powers to deal with the attacks.

Beyond that, the political left in the west has tied itself to the Palestinian wagon as if it’s their business. In reality, leftists view the war in Gaza as just another vehicle for their outrage. They use minorities, they use gays and now they’re using Muslims. It’s the classic Marxist strategy of hijacking the social causes of other groups and co-opting their momentum.

Gaza is just another excuse for progressive spastics to riot and start burning more of the west down (their true goal). Anyone that opposes them will automatically be accused of being a “Zionist sympathizer” even if Israel is not their concern. So, there will surely be Muslim terror attacks, but also civil conflicts triggered by leftists exploiting the situation to their advantage.

The timing of these events in tandem with the election is definitely not coincidental. Whoever ends up in office will essentially be “stuck” with the war, inheriting a disaster from day one. Once US forces are committed to an allied effort, there’s no chance any president (including Trump) will pull those forces out.  If things get bad enough, there might not even be an election in November.

For those that think we can “win” on multiple fronts, the truth might shock you.  Eric Edelman, who serves as Vice Chair of the US National Defense Strategy Commission, has given warning about the impending conflict, stating:

“There is potential for near-term war and a potential that we might lose such a conflict…We need our allies to produce more. Our defense industrial base is in very bad shape. The European defense industrial base is in even worse shape. We need our industrial base, their base, and the industrial base of our Pacific allies. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan–they all need to be stepping up because to match what Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are doing is beyond our ability to do it ourselves.”

I have written about the logistical shortcomings of the west in a WWIII scenario for some time now. At the top of the list will be manpower, just as we have seen in Ukraine. This is why we have been hearing military and political officials hint about a new draft over the past two years. They know what’s coming.

A draft to fight for globalist causes is unacceptable. I’m not going to delve into debate over whether it’s right or wrong for western countries to throw their weight behind Israel. Frankly, I don’t care about that argument. I don’t have anything invested in either side of the conflict. I care about Americans. And, I know that making the US military the go-to solution to the Middle East problem is going to end with a lot of dead Americans. I also know that the expanding crisis would make certain special interest (globalists) very happy.  As I noted last year:

The establishment seems particularly obsessed with convincing US conservatives and patriots to participate in the chaos; there are a number of Neo-cons and even a few supposed liberty media personalities calling for Americans to answer the call of blood in Israel. Some have described the coming conflagration as “the war to end all wars.”

I believe that the real war is yet to truly start, and that is the war to erase the globalists from existence. They want us to fight overseas in endless quagmires in the hopes we will die out. And when we do, there will be no one left to oppose them…”

The trap has just been set. We’ll have to wait and observe the scale of the response from Lebanon and Iran, but I believe the worst case scenario is at hand. There are multiple powderkeg events in progress around the world right now, but the Middle East situation looks to be the most disastrous by far in terms of how it will affect the US.

There’s a hot topic on the Chinese internet: Is the United States now at the end of the Tang Dynasty or the end of the Ming Dynasty?

I’m in the Ming Dynasty camp.

The fall of the Tang Dynasty was essentially due to the power of the Guanzhong aristocratic group blocking the upward mobility of the Hebei class. Although it was nominally due to the rebellion of the An-Shi insurgents, it was actually a civil war between the Han Chinese of Hebei and the Han Chinese of Longxi.

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(What really led to the demise of the Tang Dynasty was this brutal battle in which most of the army was destroyed.)

Similarly, the fall of the Ming Dynasty was also essentially an internal Han Chinese issue.

Even though there were massive problems with the distribution of interests between the north and the south, it was essentially a civil war between the north and the south.

Since both falls were due to unequal distribution of interests leading to the collapse of the country, why do I insist that the United States is currently at the end of the Ming Dynasty?

Three characteristics:

First, during the fall of the Han and Tang dynasties, these massive entities in Chinese history still maintained overwhelming military advantages over surrounding ethnic groups, whereas the United States does not have this advantage now.

Second, before the fall of the Ming Dynasty, there was a period of, uh, I’m not sure if I should say this, but it is indeed recorded in history books, a so-called “men dressing as women,” and LGBTQ was very prevalent. I have no discrimination against homosexuality, truly none! In ancient China, including the Warring States period and the most prosperous Han Dynasty, there were many rulers who were homosexuals, whom I admire! Look, I’m saying this, so I definitely do not discriminate against homosexuals, right?

What I want to say is that when these rulers were homosexuals, soldiers and ordinary people did not have a tendency to change genders, but at the time of the dynasty’s collapse, there were many grassroots males doing this…

I mean absolutely no discrimination, but it is very similar to the records of the late Ming Dynasty…

Third, spending countless amounts of money and achieving nothing. It’s incredibly frightening. Hundreds of thousands of taels of silver invested, achieving nothing…

In general, I believe that the United States now resembles the end of the Ming Dynasty very much.

The real fall of the Ming Dynasty happened during the “Three Great Campaigns of Wanli,” when the Ming Dynasty still seemed very strong and launched three large-scale military campaigns. But seriously, hasn’t the United States also fought in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? These three seemingly world-shaking wars actually only fattened the military leaders?

A hot topic on the Chinese internet is: Who least wants the United States to collapse?

80% of the answers are: China.

Chinese netizens are very clear that this world is maintained by the United States. If the United States collapses, it would be a disaster for the world, including China. No one can escape. So we clearly provide this answer based on our own interests: United States, you must not collapse!

The battle that marked the fall of the Ming Dynasty was the Battle of Salhu.

I do not want the United States to engage in wars in the Middle East again, as it is clearly America’s Salhu moment.

That would be a disaster for China, the United States, and the world.

In this world, no one can defeat the United States, except the United States itself.


I’m from Hong Kong, a city that took in Vietnamese boat people who fled the Vietnam War, at the request of the United Nations. It placed huge economic and social burdens on the city, and the United Nations, after decades, has yet to pay back the 1.3 billion HKD it owes us for our efforts in accommodating them (as of last year, they’ve only paid back 166 million HKD, a mere fraction).

Taking in refugees is an expensive affair that doesn’t always come with benefits. We had enough trouble accommodating ethnic-Chinese Vietnamese people, who were culturally similar to us. Could you imagine if they were from an Islamic-dominated culture? I’m not just talking about the child sex rings, gang-rapes or honour-killings you see in Europe and the UK, I’m talking re-education, teaching them our language and culture, which is difficult and rarely succeeds, in addition to helping them find low-paying jobs, which affects the livelihoods of our grassroots citizens.

I understand the humanitarian principles of helping those in need, but taking them in is not the best solution. The elites who decide on our behalf to let them in can do so in their own good conscience, because they’re not the ones who have to bear the consequences. It’s not their jobs that will face higher competition from low-skilled foreign labour – if anything, they stand to profit from saving on workers’ wages. It’s not their wives and children who have to put up with the gazes and advances of lonely, desperate men (Dr. Clemens Ladenburger being an exception). It’s not their neighborhoods that will face greater poverty and crime. It’s not their communities that will be fractured, as the original residents move out to make way for the new ones moving in.

But most of all, I think young men fleeing their own countries just offends us on a cultural level. You see, there was a time when China wasn’t the second largest economy on earth. Our grandparents had to deal with the Imperial Japanese military, then considered to be one of the finest fighting forces in the world. Even western powers in the Far East couldn’t stop them – Hong Kong (then a British colony) fell in two weeks, with the Japanese only losing a few hundred men.

Guess what the Chinese people back in those days did about it? They fought back valiantly, and suffered the second-most casualties in WW2. Even those who fled to America supported the war effort by sending home what little money they made working jobs white people felt were beneath them.

Refugees (especially young men) should stay in their countries and work to make it a better place for their countrymen. No one can save you but yourselves. The Chinese have known this for at least a century now.

No saviour from on high delivers
No faith have we in prince or peer
Our own right hand the chains must shiver
Chains of hatred, greed and fear
– The Internationale

The Psychopath | House M.D.

I’m going to give a pro tankie answer, even though I am not a big fan of tankies. That’s because I have to agree with them here.

There is absolutely no reason for North Korea to be hated by the West. They are this defensive because they know they are hated and the West just wants to destroy North Korea… and for zero geopolitical reason at that.

The USA destroyed every city in North Korea, and put more bombs on North Korea than they did on Japan which brutally invaded Asia and attacked America’s Pearl Harbor. 635,000 tons of bombs were dropped on North Korea, compared to 160,000 tons of bombs in Japan.

North Korea had 9.26 million people before the war. More than 1 million North Korean civilians were killed or missing due to the Korean War. To compare, less than 1 million Japanese civilians died in WWII, with 100,000+ of them killed in the atomic bombings, in a population of more than 70 million.

The war that America waged on North Korea wasn’t even a war at this point. It was outright genocide. Hitler would be proud of this. Every last North Korean was a target (and some South Koreans too, No Gun Ri Massacre was an example). The aim wasn’t even to put pressure on the North Korean regime, it was to give civilians hell. That is what strategic bombing is aimed to do, give civilians hell.

North Korea would not be justified to invade South Korea (which, frankly, is a capitalist hellhole as much as North Korea is a radical communist juche hellhole today). If North Korea did such things, I would condemn North Korea as well and demand that North Korea go back to its borders.

But it would be very justified to build hundreds of nuclear weapons, and set conditions for its use being the second total destruction of North Korea as happened during the Korean War. Luckily for normal people, North Korea only has dozens of nuclear weapons, and it has only very recently acquired the ability to hit the US mainland with nuclear weapons using just one nuclear weapons platform.

When you read the North Korean history, it makes sense why Kim Jong-un is so preoccupied with building nuclear weapons. If I was him, I would also build nukes.

I’m happy to see countries be able to defend themselves from imperialists the hard way against all odds, be it Israel or North Korea.

America Compared: Why Other Countries Treat Their People So Much Better (Reaction)

The truth hurts.

The imperial examination system was a talent selection system implemented in ancient China to build a vast bureaucratic system and control the entire empire.

For its time, this system was quite advanced.

Firstly, it ensured a relatively open path for social mobility, giving children from poor families a chance. Secondly, it was relatively fair; while the winners of the imperial examination might not have been outstanding managers, they were certainly not fools.

At the very least, they had to read an immense amount of books, be knowledgeable, and be intelligent.

(Someone:Let me tell you something, folks, nobody reads more books than I do. Believe me. I’m the best at reading, okay? I’ve read more than anyone else—more than all the other politicians combined. They say, ‘ how do you know so much?’ Well, I’ve got the best books, the smartest people, and I understand everything. I know all the facts, the details, you name it. Nobody’s smarter, nobody’s better informed. It’s tremendous, folks, really tremendous. And believe me, when it comes to being well-read, I’m simply the best.”)

Moreover, the exams were not purely about comparing poetry or essays but included a large number of “strategy and policy” questions.

These questions are somewhat similar to modern civil service exam questions or political knowledge tests for students.

I found a few examples of ancient exam questions and, trying to adapt them to today’s global situation, rephrased them.

You can take a look to get a sense of the type of questions.

1 The United States has established hundreds of military bases around the world, while China’s military strength is mainly concentrated domestically. What are the reasons for these two strategies, and what are their respective advantages and disadvantages?

2 China’s ethnic policies are inherited from the Soviet Union, which has been criticized by many. However, it seems to be functioning well now, better than the Soviet Union. What do you think is the most important reason for this?

3 Roosevelt’s New Deal has some socialist characteristics, while China’s economic policies have many capitalist features. Share your views on this.

4 During President Trump’s tenure, what were some characteristics of the government officials he hired?

(Someone:I’ve got the best, the smartest, the most incredible people working for me. I pick winners, and let me tell you, they make America great again—just like I promised. The greatest administration, believe me. We’re bringing jobs, we’re bringing prosperity, and we’re making this country shine like never before. It’s fantastic, really fantastic,the best team, making America greater than ever. No one does it better.)

5 During the Korean War, China and the Soviet Union were allies, but in the Sino-Vietnamese War, China and the U.S. became quasi-partners. Share your opinion on this.

These are five exam questions related to politics, history, and military affairs, each requiring a detailed answer. There are also other questions covering topics such as education, economy, diplomacy, and so on.

Additionally, there was the Eight-Legged Essay examination, where candidates were required to use the sayings of sages as arguments and write an essay strictly following the standard format.

Overall, answering these questions well within a limited time is quite challenging, especially considering that you are competing with thousands of the most diligent and intelligent individuals in China.

An interesting fact: The top scorer in the imperial examination was called the “Zhuangyuan.” Only one was selected every three years. Over the 1,300-year history of the examination system, there were a total of 504 Zhuangyuans.

The first one was from the Tang Dynasty, and the last one was from the Qing Dynasty. Their hometowns were very close to each other, and today this area is known for having one of the strongest cities in China’s college entrance examinations, Hengshui City in Hebei Province.

The United States is sinking fast…

Young Boy movie theater


I believe every system has to DELIVER RESULTS

Results alone decide whether a system is a success or a failure

The Chinese System today rose from an Agrarian Nation struggling with poverty to one of the biggest and most powerful nations on the planet with a near $20 Trillion economy

This means their system is a ROARING SUCCESS

India as it stands once Chinas equal has a 1/6 Per Capita Income, 1/9th Industrial Production and 16% of the Skilled Labor and 1/200th of the Infrastructure Or planning but 5 times more corruption and a lot more inequality

This means our system is a HUMONGOUS FAILURE

Plain and Simple

  • Two Nations
  • Similar Background of Colonial Exploitation
  • No Huge Stash of Oil Or Gas
  • Same Illiterate People, Primarily Farmers
  • Loads of Poor People

One becomes a major force to reckon with

Other is struggling on its way to the middle

I don’t give a rats ass about anything else

In the same way

Chinese Students have near Top Mensa scores

Chinese Graduates lead all forms of Scientific Research today

Chinese Engineers have worked on Marvels across the world

So their system (Meritocracy) is a ROARING SUCCESS as far as I am concerned

It has delivered results

The Indian Students on a Median Level have nothing on the level of the Chinese

Indian Graduates are at best glorified managers of big enterprises founded by Westerners or have toilet cleaning startups that have Zero Technological Innovation or Edge

Indian Engineers – no need to say much

So our System is a HUMONGOUS FAILURE as far as I am concerned

This System means – Low Quality Government Schools, Free Rein to Private Schools, Exploitation of Students and Reservations – all of these

Plain and Simple

  • Two Nations
  • Same level of literacy or illiteracy
  • Same struggle to expand on primary education

One is so dominant that they terrify the West who have been world leaders for over three or four centuries

Another producing factory drones and talented casual leave sanctioning munims

So everything India is doing is flawed according to me


Now either it’s because the Chinese are genetically superior in which case it’s perfectly fine to say “This is our maximum limit. Doing little and generating 99% Gas”

Ambika Vijay and our friend Dr Karan Shanmugham have presented some valid points over the last few months or year to say this theory is unlikely

So the only explanation is :-

Our System is flawed in every sense possible

This includes Reservations

I am not for Meritocracy because of the equality notion nor am I against Reservations because it is unjust

I simply say Meritocracy has proven a roaring success while Reservations has achieved virtually nothing for India in 35 years

So this means either the concept of Reservations is wrong in itself or the Implementation of Reservations is wrong

As to Justice to Oppressed Castes

Again China sets an example here to it’s minorities (Uyghurs, Hui, Hill Tribes, Tibetans, Lhasans, Pinglis)

  • Fully Free Education upto University Graduation
  • Stipends to students every month from Grade III to University
  • 51% Guaranteed Resource sharing
  • First Preference Farming Contracts
  • 66% Guaranteed Local Contracts or Undertaken Contracts

Yet all of them need ABILITY to qualify for anything

Won’t these help the oppressed communities far better than keeping them as beggars and dangling reservations???

It’s why Xinjiang generates it’s revenue plus contributes to China while Tibet too has a net outward contribution


Kashmir has Zip

Most Poor Districts with Dalit Majority or Oppressed Majority have ZERO outward contribution to a State

So as usual India is doing something very wrong


It hasn’t worked or produced any results so far to indicate otherwise

So it’s time to overhaul everything because India is One Gigantic Failure especially since 1975–2024 barring a 10 year period from 2000–2010 & a 4 year period from 1992–1996

Is that being done?

  • Our Legal system is replaced by a More Draconian system
  • Leaders are stupider as time goes by
  • We are digging down on our failure system instead of looking for flaws and overhauling

So the biggest question is


I do not know that is the fact or not but I do know one thing : should stay away from them, period. During the VN War, those nva you bumped into battlefields of South Vietnam were survivors of all challenges before they met you. The weak, the sick all died along the HCM Trails by bombings, sickness…Behind every single nva soldier, he had nothing to lose ( no fancy cars, big house and good living back home ) In fact, behind him there could be a piece of farm land, poor. His village and his folks got bombings from US planes. Put aside all political propaganda, these factors alone could propel him to the point he really wanted to trade life and death with you. He didn’t trek thousand miles in tough terrains to fight you with his bare ass. He got his ak47, hand grenades and all kinds of trainings. He also knew that no man is tougher than a bullet. Why would he be afraid if he is willing to put his life away for a good cause ? That is why no matter what nationality you are Chinese Japanese, French, American, Korean, Australian, Cambodian, Thai…HE WILL NOT HESITATE TO CONFRONT YOU WITH ALL OF WHATEVER HE GOT. Share ( an ex-nva of Cambodia battlefields, late 70s )

Yes actually! Going anonymous.

I have a very good friend who used to drive a very very old second hand car. I always teased him why he didn’t bought a new reasonable car like me, cause I thought he was a middle class guy who can afford a normal car instead of buying refurbished cars. Also, he used to never tip waiters and would always search cheaper options of everything. I would always poke him and make fun of him for being a cheapskate, of course in a friendly way so he never would mind.

Now on the part when I found out. I started a business and was in very needed of investment. It was a big idea so I needed every help I could get. I already had received help from 5 of my friends, which was seemingly enough to start the venture along with my money. When my cheapskate friend knew about my idea (I never told him myself), he came to me and said he would like to invest in my venture as he loved the idea. Then he offered me an amount which was almost double the combined investment of 5 others! No words will be enough to describe how shocked and surprised I was.

I knew there is difference between how the rich thinks and most of us do. But I never totally understood it until I had this experience.

What Putin and China Just Did to the U.S. Military is SHOCKING, Pentagon on Red Alert

“Terrify” is too strong a word; I prefer the word “concerned”.

Xi Jinping is a very smart person, and there are stories how he was determined from a very early age to become China’s leader. He had a plan.

He worked his way up, and eventually became party general secretary, chairman of the Central Military Commission, and President of China. He is not attracted by wealth and money, and is not distracted by women and sex.

These are all good virtues for the leader of a country to have, because it shows that he is able to think of the overall good of the nation, and its citizens when making decisions. He does not think of personal benefit, which is important.

He has also surrounded himself with very intelligent advisors, notably Wang Qishan.

My concern is that while he has understood how to work the system in China to get where he is, he has much more difficulty getting inside the heads of non-Chinese societies and non-Chinese leaders.

This means that he can make good decisions for China and Chinese, but he has a much harder time understanding the needs and concerns of other nations. But, at a time when China now has the world’s second largest economy, this becomes cause for worry because China is now a superpower. The leader of China cannot only think of what is good for China; he has to think of the problems other nations are having.

This explains my disappointment at China’s current over-reliance on Chinese nationalism to support China’s claims to the South China Sea. While I can understand eventually exercising claims to this territory, I really don’t understand why these claims were exercised beginning in 2013? If China was going to make a peaceful rise, why frighten its SE Asian neighbors so soon, and then militarizing these islands, giving the US a pretext to engage?

Was this really necessary? Was this done just to impress Chinese that China was now a global power, and the period of shame was over? What has been accomplished?

If this was the idea, I think that it was done too soon, and then Xi was caught off-guard by the election of Trump, and then caught off-guard again when Trump appointed Lighthizer and Navarro, both of whom were hostile to Chinese expansionism.

Doesn’t this make other countries look at China and say “All this talk of China’s peaceful rise was a sham, they just want to gobble us up?”

This is not just a PR and media problem, it is a challenge for policy formulation.

China got caught off-guard because many domestic reforms were delayed for too long. Now, if it makes reforms under US pressure, it looks weak, as if it were bowing to US pressure, which is not good for Xi and the leadership.

Deng Xiaoping said that the best strategy for China was to keep a low profile; I continue to believe that is the best formula for China because it does not yet offer a framework which other nations can buy into. “Non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs” is not a framework for an inter-connected world, because technology has gone way past that.

This is because China’s foreign policy now is too purely transactional, and has not yet expanded beyond that. When is it going to expand beyond only being transactional? The one bright spot in foreign relations is Xi’s relationship with President Putin; they seem to genuinely get along and like each other.

Why wasn’t this kind of relationship developed with the leadership of western nations, before everything blew up recently?

The United States was a flawed leader, but it offered a framework which worked for a long time. It won the Cold War against the Soviet Union, but it lost the peace because it turned inward and became selfish. It thought that it could only remain strong if other challengers, like China, were beaten down. Other countries lost respect for its leadership.

So far, China does not offer anything better.












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From another source…

For your information, Sunday there was a demonstration for peace in Amsterdam. Suddenly ''we'' were confronted with AZOV demonstrators. The AFVN wrote an article about it, it is in Dutch, I translated it with deepl translate. Hope it is clear enough what happened.

Sunday 28 July saw the monthly demonstration of Platform for Peace and Solidarity. What happened on that day that we can interpret as a low point, there was ‘suddenly’ a demonstration on Dam Square by the AZOV battalion.* AZOV is a fascist organisation in Ukraine and responsible for much death and destruction. During WW2, they committed many crimes against dissenters, against people of different backgrounds based on colour. Ukrainian fascists openly stood on Dam Square with flags of AZOV and openly scanned slogans for the release of AZOV, for supporting these fascists. With outright lies naming Russia as the aggressor, that Russia would be a terrorist state and hatred against Russians. This while the aggression comes from the US/Ukraine with many bombing civilian casualties. It is not for nothing that most refugees are in Russia.Russia intervened militarily after many attempts to negotiate and conclude peace agreements. So this did not come out of the blue and Russia's action was by no means unprovoked, quite the contrary.

It is a shame that it has come to this, that fascists can openly demonstrate in front of the National Monument that symbolises the victims in the fight against fascism 1940- 1945.

We as AFVN have not experienced that for a long time that fascists are allowed to openly propagate their ideology on public roads with impunity. It is certainly due to the Western media in which fascism in Ukraine is systematically trivialised and denied. So they are certainly partly responsible for the legitimacy of fascism.

Why didn't the police intervene? How could this have come to this? We cannot let this go unpunished and want to call on everyone who is against fascism to take action. We want to call on everyone reading this message to spread it as much as possible, people need to know. We must call on politicians and administrations to distance themselves from Ukrainian fascism in the Netherlands, the law prohibits overt fascism and signs.

We call on all members of parliament to have parliamentary questions asked about this. And we should fire the city council, asking whether fascism is tolerated in the city of the February Strike. In the coat of arms of the municipality of Amsterdam, heroic, determined and merciful is written as a tribute to the February Strike 1941.

Both China and the U.S. have their own strengths and weaknesses. My responses will focus more on the aspects of China that I find commendable.

Strict Drug Control

I strongly agree with this. China does have a drug problem, but with years of strict crackdowns, it has been better controlled now.

I remember getting lost in a minority area in Beijing around 1999 or 1998, walking into a small alley, and finding many discarded needles on the ground. It was quite unsettling at the time. Another instance was across from the rental house I was staying in, where a middle-aged man committed suicide because his son couldn’t quit heroin.

Breaking Bad is my favorite American TV show, but what Mr. White does is certainly not commendable! By the way, the U.S. has much better freedom of creation. Shows like Breaking Bad would never pass the censorship in China. This results in very few worthwhile Chinese TV dramas, which I hardly watch because they seem immature and uninteresting.

I know a narcotics officer who said they are like a firewall, sacrificing themselves to protect ordinary people like me who are pure and innocent. He said narcotics officers encounter the most vile things in the world.

I’ve seen some videos about the plight of American drug addicts, wandering the streets and losing their ability to work, which is very sad.

Strict Gun Control

It’s extremely strict, to the point of being unreasonable. For example, if I remember correctly, air guns have been banned since after 2000. If I were American, I would definitely buy a gun because it seems fun. But that’s not possible in China.

There are pros and cons to this.

Most people still support strict gun control. If I remember correctly, countries like Japan and the UK also have strict gun control?

I heard that the U.S. bans the sale of bulletproof vests, while in China, you can buy them freely.

China doesn’t ban bows and arrows; you can buy and play with them freely. In fact, the destructive power of a bow and arrow is not less than that of a handgun, which I don’t understand why it’s allowed.

Refusal of Immigration……

In fact, all East Asian countries refuse immigration, including Japan and South Korea. However, it seems that Japan is not particularly opposed to high-skilled Chinese immigrants. I have two friends who have immigrated to Japan.

China is similar. For instance, North Korean defectors—China has accepted far more than all other countries combined, including South Korea.

But there hasn’t been much public or official reaction, and they gradually receive citizenship. They go to school and work as usual.

However, there was a lot of opposition online when Rohingya refugees entered China from Myanmar, around only 30,000 in total.

The general sentiment was: accept them humanitarianly but do not accept them as immigrants. But for the same Myanmar people, if they are from Kokang (essentially Han Chinese), there is no opposition,even though they are also a minority group suppressed by the Burmese military junta.

Today (2024.08.01), the Kokang army captured a major city, and they have a population of 1.12 million under their control.

Chinese people are very familiar with this.

Today is the PLA Army Building Anniversary, and they deliberately chose today to attack the Northeast Command. This is called “paying tribute”.

You see, their way of thinking is just pure Chinese!

Even if all of them were to integrate into China, I wouldn’t feel much difference. They all speak Chinese, use Chinese currency, and telecom services, and copy China’s way of life, including television stations and news broadcasts.

( Kokang’KKTV)

(China CCTV)

If Vietnamese or Laotians were to immigrate to China, I personally wouldn’t object.

This topic is a bit sensitive and politically incorrect to discuss further, but I think you understand my point. Almost all Chinese people share my attitude. The last Rohingya incident saw a female actress advocating for their acceptance, and she was heavily criticized to the point of shutting down her social media accounts. The general opinion was to put those thousands of people in her home.

I don’t mean to be racist, not at all. However, if hundreds of thousands of people of Chinese or Confucian cultural sphere enter China, and local security hasn’t significantly deteriorated (there are indeed crime records, such as defectors worried about being reported, or cases of murder and assault simply for food, but overall, the crime rate is very low), whereas another group’s entry results in frequent incidents of armed robbery, severe injury, and even rape—crimes that are now quite rare in China—shouldn’t I, as a taxpayer, question whether my tax money might be better spent on something like keeping a dog?

Why is that?

Other benefits include a strong emphasis on education, high medical standards with low costs, and so on. But the most important points are the ones mentioned above.

Sierra Tkacik

“Jane!” A voice bellowed from the recesses of the ship. “Where is my grapefruit?”“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” A voice echoed from the opposite direction.“My grapefruit, Jane! The one I specifically had my name on! The one you stole!”“First of all, why would you print your name on a freaking grapefruit? Second of all, if you didn’t want me to take it, you shouldn’t have put it in a community fridge.”“So you did take it!”“Why is this grapefruit so important, anyway?”“Do you know, Jane, how many people have died in ships due to scurvy? Do you?!”“So eat an orange!”“The orange is overrated! The grapefruit is the only citrus fruit that understands me.”Charlie groaned and pressed his forehead against the table. “Lewis, we just had a shipment of grapefruit yesterday, get another one!” “Shut up, Charlie! This doesn’t concern you!” “I don’t even know why you try anymore.” Lyra flipped her braid as she slid in next to him. “Because you well know how much worse it will get if I don’t.” Harriet groaned as she remembered the third great prank war. Jane and Lewis were in an argument over their favorite colors, and it escalated into a full-blown war. Everywhere anyone turned, there was another trap set for either Lewis or Jane. Somehow, they ended up joining forces against the rest of the ship and wreaked havoc upon the crew of the Flame. They feared that it would spread to the other ships of the fleet, but luckily, Charlie recovered from his bout of illness quickly, and managed to calm both Lewis and Jane within the hour. But the crew would never forget the horror and fear they faced in that week; that was the day Charlie became the unofficial leader of all things Lewis and Jane. “I don’t even know why they’re on the same ship after that stunt; much less the mothership.” Lyra took a lasting gulp of coffee. “Jane’s the best engineer in the whole fleet.” “And Lewis is crazy good with the servers and the rest of the ship’s tech.” Harriet supplied, flicking a crumb of her muffin. “Plus, they’re great gunners in a pinch and work well with everyone except each other.” Claude snorted as he walked in. “Tell that to the Horogin embassy from two month ago. “Listen,” Lewis looked up from his tablet, “we all agree that the embassy was a mistake, just like we all agree that in general, Jane and Lewis are remarkable workers.” “Besides,” Harriet simpered, “can you really picture them anywhere else?” The room fell silent except for the gurgle of the coffee maker as each of the four tried to imagine Jane or Lewis stationed on any other ship. “Fair point.” Lyra admitted. “So can I just be put on another ship? I grew up on the Growth; agriculture is not something so easily forgotten.” Her violet braid twisted in front of her and seemed to writhe in agreement. “Uh, Charlie?” Claude pointed. “There’s a problem.” Charlie took one look at the floating braid before letting out a groan. He tapped the screen of his tablet and set it down, a holograph of a red-headed man slowly taking form. “Hey Charlie!” He showed of a gap-toothed grin. “Your gravity messing up too?” “Yep.” “Yeah, I just got off a vid with the captain about it. Lewis is checking it out now.” “Lewis? Isn’t he usually on servers?” “Usually, but since he passed out on another late night shift yesterday, I figured putting him on monitor watching duty was a better plan.” “Alright.” A blond man with dark, circular glasses stomped past, an indescribable look on his face. “Lewis, you figure it out yet?” “Yeah, Arnold, it’ll be fixed in a sec.” He disappeared from view. “Hey Jane!” A voice came from both the tablet and the hallway. “Something’s blocking the free-float tube!” “Yeah, that’s probably your grapefruit.” “You didn’t even eat it?!” The screech caused both Lyra and Charlie to wince. “What the heck?” “I don’t like grapefruit.” “So you took it from me for the sole pleasure of depriving me joy?” “Yeah.” A clang was heard and Lyra’s braid dropped. “It’s in the compost bin now.” “I hate you, you know!” “Just like I hate grapefruit?” An indecipherable collection of sounds was heard, before the hologram showed Lewis stomping back to his post. “Good work, buddy.” Arnold offered, to what might as well have been empty space. “Thanks for dealing with it, A.” Charlie picked up the tablet. “Good luck.” “No, man, good luck to you. Lewis has his morning break in five minutes.” And with a wink, Arnold was gone. “But that’s the same time Jane’s on break.” Lyra remarked. The four looked at each other with wide eyes, then at their meager breakfast. “Hide the grapefruit.”

Stuffed Flounder


Yield: 6 servings


  • 6 (1/2 pound) flounder
  • 2 medium onions, chopped
  • 3 ribs celery, chopped
  • 1 small bell pepper, chopped
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 3 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 1/2 cups seasoned bread crumbs
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Dash of Tabasco sauce
  • Dash of cayenne pepper
  • 1 pound lump crabmeat
  • 1 (8 ounce) can shrimp
  • Butter (to baste)


  1. Cut flounder down the middle. Take knife and cut around inside under skin to make a pocket on each side of the slit.
  2. Sauté onions, celery and bell pepper until tender.
  3. Mix eggs, lemon juice and bread crumbs. Add salt, pepper, Tabasco and cayenne.
  4. Check crabmeat for shells and add.
  5. Drain shrimp and add.
  6. Stuff flounder with crab and shrimp mixture.
  7. Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees F, basting with butter. Watch carefully. Do not overcook.

In 1975 I was assigned to the 1/19th Infantry Battalion, 25th Infantry Division at Schofield Barracks, HI. Although I was an Infantryman (11B MOS) I was detached from my line unit to Battalion HQ as I had another Secondary MOS in Administration (71L).

Under Army Regulations, when someone left for a Leave it was necessary to sign out on the approved Leave form prior to departure. On weekends or other after duty times the forms were sent to the Battalion HQ where the NCO assigned as Charge-of-Quarters managed the sign-out process.

One young Private reported to HQ to sign out but the CQ did not find his approved leave in the file. This was not entirely unusual and, as the CQ knew that a leave had been approved by the young man’s Unit Commander, he let him go saying they’d take care of the paperwork when he returned from leave. Tragically he died in an accident while on leave.

As one of my regular tasks at Battalion included preparing the Duty Status Report, and as it was especially necessary in this case before the soldier’s family was notified of the death – and before they received Death Benefits – I noted his status as “Present for Duty to Approved Leave to Deceased” and sent this to the soldier’s Company Commander for his signature. While waiting for the form to be signed and returned I also began preparations for the letter that was going to be signed by the Battalion Commander and sent to his family.

Instead of signing the form the Company Commander came to Battalion and informed me that this man did not have an approved leave because he did not sign out as required. He further told me that though the man had requested the leave he, as the CO, never approved it. Accordingly, he instructed me to change my status report to “Present for Duty to AWOL to Deceased” which would have resulted in the soldier’s family receiving nothing and being informed that their son was in violation of Army Regulations at the time of his death. I was totally shocked as I knew this was untrue, and I informed the Captain of that fact and that I refused to change my Report.

In anger, the Captain ordered me to accompany him to the Battalion Commander’s office to answer for my “insubordination” and face whatever penalty the Colonel deemed appropriate. I did so and explained to the Colonel what had actually happened, that the man’s First Sergeant would verify that the Leave had in fact been approved by the Captain, and that the man’s name was still on the Company HQ’s Duty Status Board noting that he was on Leave, something the 1SG would not had done unless he had personally seen the approved form. The Colonel seemed to side with me and I was dismissed to continue preparing my report and the notification letter. At the same time the 1SG looked into the Company Commander’s waste basket – and found the leave form, signed by him, and then crumpled up and thrown out. He brought the form to Battalion and gave this to the Colonel. While he and I waited outside the office we could hear the Colonel speaking to the Captain in anger but, after a while, he came out of his office, looked at us, and then stated that while the form had in fact been approved the young man still violated regulations by leaving without signing out as required. I was then ordered – again – to change my report noting that this Private died while AWOL.

Now I was the angry one and, although just a Junior NCO (3-striper at the time), I gave the Colonel a “one finger salute” and went back to my office and slammed the door, ignoring the Colonel’s order to stop.

When the Colonel – and most of his Battalion Officers – came into my office I was ready for them, although I thought I could still end up in Leavenworth. Before the Colonel could say a word I laid out on my desk a stack of Leave Forms that, since I was responsible for Duty Status Reports, had been sent to me for filing. As I went through them I sorted out a number that had not been “properly” handled.

“This form is for the Commander of Company C. He is currently on Leave but has not signed out as required by Regulations. I will prepare the AWOL Report on him, Sir. This one is for the First Sergeant of the Combat Support Company. He is currently on leave also but has not signed out. I will report him as AWOL, Sir, as required.” Altogether I found perhaps a dozen others that were technically AWOL to include one of the Colonel’s Staff Officers.

The Colonel looked at me, realized how serious I was, and then turned to his officers and said, “How did you people let me get into this mess?” He then turned to me and said, “Sergeant Keith, prepare your report and the letter, noting that this young man was on approved leave at the time of his death.” I responded by saying, “Yes, Sir. Already done.” He then ordered the Captain to return to his office with him where, I expect, the Captain was reamed a new one.

A few months later the Colonel – a Lieutenant Colonel actually – was promoted to Full Colonel and reassigned to Division HQ. When I had occasion to go to Division HQ I tried to avoid running into him as I still thought I was on the sh-t list with him but one day I did run into him and he told me to come into his office and close the door. This is what he said: “Sergeant Keith, although you might have handled that situation better, you were right and I was wrong. I apologize.”

My respect for this man has never left me to this day.

I was 17 years old. I was taken to court for a paternity suit from my ex-girlfriend. She claimed I was the father of her child. Her and I were very sexually active using the withdrawal method for birth control. Ultimately, I plead no contest and started paying child support monthly. I supported the girl for 19 years with no visitation rights. Certain times were hard and the mother also took me to court to have the support payments increased by 300%. Again, I was ordered by the judge to pay the increase as my income increased. Fast forward to the the present day. The girl now with a daughter of her own messaged me and says, “I look at photos of your children and I don’t see any resemblance to me. I would like to pay to have a DNA test done. Would you agree to this?” I had nothing to lose so I agreed. We get the results back and it was determined I was NOT her father. Her and I went through so many emotions. Anger, relief, sadness and more. I have messaged the mother with no reply. I feel bad for the daughter as now she never knew her biological father and probably never will. I have no recourse to collect the support payments as there is no statute in Canada. I will just live with the fact I helped support a child that turned out good.

Waffle House Jonesin’

Several things become true:

  1. The southern part of Korea stops being an island, meaning they must negotiate far more with their continental partners. South Koreans can finally visit Mt. Baekdu/Paektu. (The Koreans will probably have to figure out which romanization to stick to.)
  2. Korea will be a nuclear power with launch vehicles capable of nuclear deterrence.
  3. Korea will have a similar situation to China wherein the “interior” is in essence a developing country. This will relieve a lot of low wage employment pressure for the richer, southern areas.

However, the likely political outcome for Korea makes them prey for the interests of China and the US. This is because:

  1. Korea is a nuclear power. The US will not tolerate a nuclear power in that region of interest that is not strategically indebted to the US, while China will not tolerate a nuclear power on its border that is hostile. Strategically Korea can only push for an independent, neutral position and hope that it does not have to pick sides.
  2. Korea is still divided on political opinion and will remain so for some time. Having talked to North Koreans, it is clear that many of them actually do care for the general political project of their nation. It is why most of their elites wash their own clothes and cook their own meals— they want elites to take responsibility for their social obligations. The South Koreans on the other hand seem to gravitate towards elite control, in particular Seoul basically consuming the rest of the country. The clash in opinion is ripe for fresh division.

It would be a situation heavily influenced by external forces larger than it. Likely, such a united Korea would not necessarily be at equilibrium. Here’s to hoping the Koreans can beat the odds and find their own peace together.


Welcome to the West.

I’m not an MD but I am a nurse and had a personal issue once. I had a surgery years ago through my nose. There was this horrible smell, and there was so much pressure and pain. I wasn’t supposed to be blowing my nose and was using the sinus rinses as ordered. I noticed that when I would rinse the left side of my nose, nothing came out of the other nostril, but I would get the horrible drip down my throat for hours afterward. I knew something wasn’t right. I kept telling the surgeon that something was wrong. She smelled the odor and put me on multiple rounds of antibiotics with no improvements and told me that what I experienced with the rinses was “normal”. She never looked in my nose after the first post-op appointment where she told me that there was a “lot of swelling but that’s normal at this point”. After the 6th time I had gone in there complaining of the same awful smell, pain and pressure (and still with the same sinus rinse result), I demanded to see her supervisor. She was really put out, but I didn’t care. Her medical director saw me 3 days later, he used a scope and I could hear him say under his breath, “Oh!” He then pulled a long piece of packing out of my nose that was the most disgusting, smelly thing I had ever encountered in my life. We just looked at each other. He just said, “Well there’s the problem. Things should get much better now.” I was speechless.

SIGHTINGS – Retro Pulp Science Fiction by Skyward, 1961, INTEGRATING G3!

PRODUCTION NOTES FOR SIGHTINGS I have always wanted to make this film, but it was not possible until just now. Remember when YouTube was in its very early days?

There were all kinds of unexplainable collections of sightings, cryptids, and paranormal stuff like ghost photos, etc. After watching enough of these, I would get the strangest feeling that would last for days, kind of astonishment with a certain kind of dark wonder.

Many of those favorite videos have just vanished to time, to be replaced by a billion new ones in better quality video.

Going back into the historical archive, AI UFO SIGHTINGS was my first very wishful attempt to at least explore the idea.

The contrast now is UNBELIEVABLE. We were all completely blown away by the state of the art back then, only just over a year ago. Someday I will revisit this idea ever further with even better tech!

The strangest thing is G3ML really is like starting over at the beginning, and has already shown me some magnificent aberrations and interdimensionality, so for right now we remain in the ‘breaking new ground’ historical epoch of visual artificial intelligence!!

**Just a small rant – The term “AI” is such a buzzword! It’s like “NFTs” and “Crypto” were, bandied all about by cor prits in order to cause another Bandwagon stampede of sheep! Attached to every possible plastic product it can be weakly linked to! I don’t think anyone on THIS channel is too excessive of a follower, so we can take a rest here from the oceanic dilution of the term.

Vented, thanks.

In our next couple of adventures here, I can take some time to illustrate some of the triumphs and challenges involved in working with the new ML modes, as I have already tracked a path or two. I’ll just point things out as we go and as we discover them. Thanks Everyone!!!!!!! Please Share with your more open-minded friends! !!!!!!!Overjoyed to have you here! -Skyward

Oh yeah. This actually happened to me. I was stationed in Arizona, an open carry state, When I turned 21 I picked up my S&W Combat Model 19 .357 revolver which I had preordered, I had already had a custom made leather, gun belt and holster. I spent a lot of time at the range and open carried when off base. After several months I had an epiphany of sorts, a moment when I asked myself, ‘why are you really doing this and exactly under what circumstances will you pull this weapon?’ Up to that point I was just all 2nd Amendment, self righteous, young baddass wannabe. I quit carrying for over a month while I considered this question and consulted a lot of friends and senior NCOs I respected. I finally got my mind right and began carrying again. One of the things that happened to me is that I became a much more polite, tolerant and respectful person. I know it may sound trite but I always go back to Spiderman and his Uncle Ben who said “With great power, comes great responsibility.” No truer words have ever been said. Things said which I may have taken affront or been offended before, rolled off my back. I tended to avoid potential confrontation depending on the circumstances. That said, I was at the Tucson Flandrau Science Center & Planetarium walking around the exhibits while waiting for the next planetarium show. Everything was fine and there was a Boy Scout with his Troop who asked me about my weapon and why I carried it. Spent a few minutes talking about self defense and the defense of others as well as the 2nd Amendment. Parted ways and continued to view the exhibits when this middle aged, balding, hippie type wearing sandles literally accosted me. Got right in my face looking up at me and started off with verbal abuse, calling me a NAZI, and why was I scaring all of the people in the museum and other nonsensical stuff along with personal epithets. I was a bit taken aback and started to get angry then remembered why I carried and the responsibilities for doing so. As I was looking down at him, he came to a break in his tirade and I said, “Mister, I don’t see anyone around us afraid of anyone but you.” This was true because at this point a crowd had gathered and their attention was gathered on the hippie. This really pissed him off, he got red faced, raised his fists and I actually backed off a couple of steps shouting, “Man you really don’t want to do this!” At this point the manager of the museum got between us and cooled the guy down. He invited us both his office to talk things over. Once there the hippie again went off on a tirade about me carrying a weapon and scaring people. I responded again that the only person who was afraid was hippie guy and that by Federal and Arizona state law I was legally able to carry open. I also requested the Manager to call local law enforcement to verify this. The manager was obviously aquainted with the law and said that would not be neccessary. He also said that as the planetarium’s projector was worth millions of dollars, would I be willing to unload my gun? Looking at him I said sure, why not, and did so pocketing the cartriges. That seemed to have satified the hippy and he stormed off. I turned to the manager and said, you know I can reload in a few seconds, He said, “Yup, but it got rid of that asshole

Guy Pretty Privilege

In 1997, I was the first intern sent from MIT to work at a Honda R&D center near the city of Utsunomiya, Japan. I quickly learned that the work I did there wasn’t too important to anyone; the whole point of my internship was for Honda and MIT to build a relationship, and I was just a sentient poker chip that they exchanged. This was fine with me since it allowed me the freedom to get involved in some fascinating research in shape memory alloys. Eventually people noticed what I was doing, and I became part of a very high-performing group looking at shape memory alloys, piezoelectrics, and magnetostrictive materials within active structures. Japanese companies like Honda tend to keep their blue sky R&D more internal, while most American companies instead fund university labs to do the same work.

At the end of my internship, I participated in a talk with the head of R&D at Honda. That man did very little talking in the meeting; his handpicked successor who was 20 years younger mostly ran the meeting. My group gave updates on all of our various projects, and the successor asked some insightful questions that showed me that he knew his stuff.

At one point in the meeting, the successor drew a beautiful, ornate balance scale on the whiteboard, showing the smart people working on the project on one side labelled “negatives”, and the results on the other side labelled “positives”. He was making the point that our group shouldn’t just produce average results, but in order to justify the time of the best engineers, our group needed to produce extraordinary results. That’s when the senior manager got up, and walked to the whiteboard.

This man had been silent throughout the meeting, and that made him getting up and walking to the whiteboard all the more remarkable. 21 years later, I still remember his gait getting out of the chair and walking to the whiteboard. He erased the picture of the engineers from the “negative” side of the balance, and drew them in on the positive side. Then he said,

“The most important output of this R&D team is not the projects they do. The most important output is the people, people with experience in these new technologies. Successful projects are nice, but the experience is the #1 thing. When the time comes for more active structures in cars, we will need Honda people with this experience, more than we need these exact projects.”

I have long since moved from the automotive industry to the semiconductor industry. I’ve seen many meetings with yelling and swearing and people slamming down phones and walking out. I’ve never seen a person take control of a meeting and shift the focus of a group the way that Honda executive did, simply standing up and walking to the whiteboard and quietly saying a few declarative sentences.

It was one of those quiet boring days in the office.

I was sitting there at my desk, trying to work while my brain was going numb from all the boredom.

Sitting right across from me was a colleague of mine who is a Pakistani. He was focused on his work and minding his own business.

I started talking to him in English (I’m an Arabic speaker). I don’t remember what the conversation was about, but at one point it became about birthdays.

He asked me when my birthday is. I told him it’s on September 23. He then told me that his birthday is in September as well, but it’s in the beginning of the month.

Now I’m no expert in horoscopes, but I know that my birthday is on the first day of the Libra, so his horoscope must be the one right before the Libra.

I paused for a while to figure out his horoscope, and after realizing it’s the Virgo while not knowing at the time that it’s called “Virgo”, I translated the horoscope from Arabic to English in my head, and it came out as “Virgin” (I’m really not good in horoscopes), and then I went ahead and asked him after a long pause:

So, you’re a virgin?

He looked at me with a confused look and said: I’m sorry?

I asked again: You are a virgin, right?

He let out a nervous chuckle and said: What?!

I was not getting it. Why was he so slow to understand? and I kept insisting that he must be a virgin, and I’m sure of it.

He was looking at me silently, with widened eyes and a shocked look on his face, not understanding what the hell is wrong with me!

Then I decided to spell it out for him; Your horoscope is the virgin, right? Because your birthday is in the beginning of September, so it must be it.

Him: Ahhhhhh! A Virgo! Yes, my horoscope is the Virgo.

He then laughed and sighed with a bit of relief.

Only then did I realize what I had just asked him, and OMG! how embarrassed and stupid I felt.

We then ended that delightful small talk, and we both shifted our focus back to that boring work of ours, never speaking of how awkward that conversation was.

Well I think everyone is going to find this answer entertaining.

Got off work at around 5 p.m. one day and walked out to my parked car in the area where I usually park it. It was a note on my car stating that it had been involved in an auto accident.

Now here’s where it gets really interesting. That note was from the Los Angeles Police Department.

The company I worked with shared a parking lot with a J. C. Pennys store. Apparently store security spotted a shoplifter and decided to arrest her. Unfortunately instead of stopping her as she exited the store they decided to let her get into her vehicle and attempted to leave the scene. As she was backing out of a parking space they opened her door and pulled her out of the moving vehicle. Now some of you might be thinking oh my God, they pulled her out of a moving vehicle! What happened to the moving vehicle? Nothing to worry about, it stopped when it plowed into my car.

And of course this lovely shoplifter of a lady had no driver’s license let alone valid insurance.

And at that time I did not have uninsured underinsured coverage on my insurance. So I would have to pay a high deductible on my comprehensive coverage. I know it sounds strange as comprehensive is not for that. But my insurance said they would cover it that way due to the odd circumstances.

I called the corporate offices of J. C. Penneys, to ask them to pay for the damage to my car. They told me they had nothing to do with the damage to my vehicle. And that I should go after the owner/driver of the car.

I told them that I was sorry they felt that way, and that I would visit the shoplifter who was in custody at the LA County Jail. And I would be happy to tell her about the incredible lawsuit she probably has against J. C. Penneys due to their security personnel pulling her out of a moving vehicle.

After listening to my statement, the person on the other end of the phone at J. C. Penneys responded by saying please send me a copy of your repair estimate and will issue you a check immediately.

And I promise to everyone, this is an absolutely true story.

Unfortunately yes.

People fear the Americans because they absolutely devastate countries for fun.

They destroyed Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen and other places.

They’re defanged these days because of their priorities that is to profit from war rather than winning any actual peace/stability.

We’re even seeing their inability to stop Ansar Allah :D. Their colour revolutions have also been failing since the mid 00s.

The same thing with Somalis in the UK or Pakistanis. If you attack them? They’ll fuck you up badly. Hence why British people have little love for them but fear them.

At one time UK Chinese and Indians (especially the Sikh guys) too were feared as in a fight we broke the rules. In a fight in the UK 60s, 70s and 80s) if you won a fight, it was normal to shake hands and forget about it. For the aforementioned communities we weren’t so magnanimous.

If you lost a fight against us? You’d be murdered.

My father literally has tons of stories where some idiot loses a fight and simply gets stabbed to death as he begs for his life. Some of the stories I recall from Mr Singh before he passed were brutal.

He’d tie them up in the basement and beat them to death slowly over several days.

Since China is hated by westerners, there’s only one option.

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main qimg 4a1144b93cc4f82b37403d8f573f1e37

A savage war which will make Gaza look like it’s nothing.

MM based on the Carmine Sabitini archetype template-seed

Nervous. Very, very nervous.

By 1941, Turkey was in an extremely tenuous position. The Soviet Union, our old friends during our War of Independence, had reversed course under Stalin and had begun to eye not only the old Imperial territories in Turkish east that were conclusively lost with the Treaty of Kars, but also the Straits themselves. On the other hand, there stood Germany across the border- a state with which we ostensibly had friendly enough relations, but the aims of the Reich were hard to know. Further complicating things, Britain was prodding us to see if we’d enter the war on the Allied side, and while Britain didn’t exactly have the power to force us, this put us in the crosshairs of a Reich that might decide that it’d be better off eliminating the threat before it struck at an unopportune time. And of course, even if Germany didn’t desire to attack us, that still left the question of Mussolini’s Italy hanging: after all, Germany hadn’t wanted to attack Greece either.

Still fighting to climb out of the ruin that the Great War and the struggle for freedom afterwards had left us in, we couldn’t afford another war, nor did we want one. This left the razor sharp path of strict neutrality for us to follow, while arming ourselves to the teeth so we could sell ourselves dearly when the time came.

Throughout the Second World War, Turkey was one step short of a state of war. Air raids shelters designated across the country, rationing and blackouts instituted, courses to train citizens on the realities of warfare set up, and the army and the economy mobilized for wartime, Turkey was bracing for a war that might have been right at the door, intending to sell our lives dearly if it came to it.

By 1943, the Turkish army had expanded to forty-five divisions(including one armored division) and five brigades(one cavalry, one armored and three infantry), organized into three armies and fifteen corps, totaling 1.3 million men under arms- two thirds of all people eligible for military service.

Soviet-produced T-26 tanks during a parade before the Second World War. These vehicles bought in 1932 was the first sizeable tank force of the Turkish army. By 1945, Turkish armed forces would have a rather sizeable tank arm consisting of an utter hodgepodge of vehicles, ranging from Soviet T-26’s, British Vickers Mark 6’s and Valentines, German Panzer III and IV’s, and American Stuarts and Shermans.

Turkey’s Second World War policy can be described tongue in cheek as putting all effort towards being a friendly, but extremely spiky hedgehog. It was centered simultaneously on maintaining friendly neutrality with everyone around us, while being as ready as humanly possible for any war that might come our way.

High-Value Man TRIGGERED American Women After He Told Them They Aren’t Wife Material

I’ve seen a lot of really sad things, way too many than I care to recall. But here’s just one sad story of many.

A Husband and Wife were having a Birthday party for their daughter. She was little, maybe 4 to 6. I don’t remember exactly how old she was. The mother and daughter and guests were all playing, and eating cake in the living room of their 8th floor apartment. The father had been recently receiving treatment for depression, and went into the kitchen and decided to jump out of the window, to his death.

The Mother didn’t notice, until we came up to the apartment and knocked on the door. I saw what was going on, and called her out of the apartment into the hallway. I explained everything that just happened to her, and yes, I didn’t follow protocol and have her make a formal ID of his body. Yes, I did it differently. A picture, the doorman, and his ID, were good enough for me. There’s no way I was going to put this poor woman through any more stress.

She asked me about what she should do? How could the situation be handled? I still don’t know if I gave her the right advice. I was a 28 y/o, I wasn’t married, and had no children. I told her to lie to her daughter for now. Not to tell her that her Daddy had died on her birthday by jumping out the window and committing suicide.

I told her I’d help call the guests’ parents, and have their kids picked up from the party. Then maybe she could tell her daughter that her Daddy wasn’t feeling too well, and went to the hospital. Maybe in the next day or two, she could tell her that her Daddy had died in the hospital of a heart attack.

Then, when the child was older she could tell her the truth, since family secrets always wind up coming out, anyway.

I’m not one for lying to people but I just thought that she would always associate her birthday with her father’s death, and that just wasn’t fair for this little girl. Unfortunately, death by suicide is still mostly taboo, even in big cities. She and her Mother deserved so much better than the hand they were dealt that day. I still don’t know if this was the right advice, but this is what I would have done for my child, if I’d had one.

Election In Britain

The Tories have lost the election in Britain.

Labour, under Keir Stamer, did not win the election. It received less votes than it had received under Jeremy Corbyn in 2017 and 2019.


The turnout was low. The overwhelming voter sentiment was ‘anything but Tory’. There was no enthusiasms for Labour and Stamer’s program.

Labour, under Corbyn, had been a real worker party with socialist tendencies.

The deep state, with the help of the Israeli embassy, had launched a media campaign against Labour alleging that it was hiding anti-semitic tendencies. Corbyn made the huge mistake of not fighting back against it. In the end he was kicked out despite Labour’s healthy election results.

Jeremy Corby, no longer in Labour, has been reelected. So have been five MPs who campaigned on a pro-Gaza position.

Stamer is a controversial figure. He seems to have been placed in his position by the deep state. His previous position was the Chief of the Crown Prosecution Service. He had a major role in indicting and incarcerating Julian Assange.

After being installed he has moved Labour to the right. It is now occupying a pro-capitalism center-right position:

“What Keir has done is taken all the left out of the Labour Party,” billionaire businessman John Caudwell, previously a big Tory donor, told the BBC. “He’s come out with a brilliant set of values and principles and ways of growing Britain in complete alignment with my views as a commercial capitalist.”The Labour Party highlighted his endorsement.

Stamer will hurt the British public more than the Tory did under Sunak.

There will soon be an uproar against him.

I do note expect him to survive for long.


Posted by b at 13:16 UTC | Comments (172)

I was blessed with having great parents, but this is how they broke my heart…

My parents had me quite late. My mom was nearly 40 when she fell pregnant with me. I was their baby. Some of my half brothers and sisters had moved out already, when I arrived.

This made me much closer to my parents than any of the others. By the time I came around, they had both become more patient, less worried about making mistakes, way more relaxed and our relationship showed that.

But they were also much older than most of my friends’ parents. When my friends were relying on their parents to lend them money, mine were retiring and due to some issues with their retirement fund, there was no money for them to relax and enjoy their golden years.

Luckily, I had already started on my way to a successful career in software development, so I was fully prepared to support them, rather than the other way around.

For the last 10 years or more I have been asking them to live with me. Every time I asked they had some excuse that they couldn’t(or wouldn’t). For years I have been planning all the time we could spend together, but nothing I did would make them budge.

Then, 4 or 5 years ago, Dad had a stroke. He went from healthy active 75 year old, to a bedridden, confused, (sometimes) aggressive man-child. He refused any attempt at physiotherapy and declined steadily from then on.

Mom was a trooper. She looked after Dad to the best of her abilities, but she was well into her seventies too, so it wasn’t easy. I stepped up my attempts to get them to move in with me. They needed my help more than ever, but they were determined to stay in their own home.

Then, this year in February, Dad got sick. Some sort of stomach bug. Mom was exhausted (I mean, more so than usual). I tried to get an organisation to take over caring for my father at home, to give mom a break, especially since the illness meant so much more work for Mom. Every one I contacted were unable to help, because my parents lived too far away from the city. They were happy to help us if my folks moved to my house, but no one was willing to travel that far daily.

Eventually, on the 7th of February, Mom agreed. She and Dad would move in at the end of the month. After 10 years of me begging, they finally agreed. I was over the moon.

The next morning I got a panicky phone call from her just before 5:00 am. “Melanie, your dad isn’t moving. I think he’s dead.”

Dad had passed away peacefully in his sleep. Heart break #1. He may not have been 100% himself, but he was still my dad, and I could still see glimpses of who he used to be.

But at least Mom was coming to live with me. I moved Mom in the day after Dad’s funeral. It may have been too late to spend time with Dad, but I wasn’t going to waste a minute with Mom.

But when she moved in, something was wrong. She had no energy. Way less than ever before. I knew she had emphysema, but she had oxygen and I got her a shoprider. I was prepared to do whatever I had to make Mom’s last years as enjoyable as possible. Nothing seemed to work though. Mom’s health was declining so fast, and I was in denial.

On the 23rd of April, she was admitted to hospital. On the 26th of April, again, just before 5:00 am, I received a phone call. This time from a nurse to say that Mom had passed away during the night. Heartbreak #2.

She lived with me for 68 days. After I begged her to live with me for years. All the thing I had planned for us. All the places we could go. She spent 68 days with me, before she passed away. I know I should feel grateful that I got at least 68 days, but somehow, right now, I don’t feel grateful at all. I just miss her and want to get all that time back.

I often wonder if people in the US and China understand what it means to use a nuclear weapon.

Yes, China can destroy the US. My hope is that this essay will give the reader an idea of what that is like. Targeting each other’s population is what deterrence is all about.

I grew up during the Cold War. We did civil defense drills in school once a month. This meant old fashioned air raid sirens warning us of impending doom. The teacher closed lead-lined asbestos curtains called flash curtains in each classroom. The students squatted under our desks. We knew we had less than a minute before impact when the air raid sirens emitted a wavering tone. Such a thing would not have saved me because my school was only a few miles from an important Air Force base. The purpose of the exercise was only to provide morale to a population under threat of annihilation.

No one really knows what can happen in an attack or what China will do. This is my educated guess; an imagining. Let’s suppose a single missile, a DF-41 with 10 x 150 kt MIRV bracketing the Newark-New York-Jersey metropolitan area. Let’s think about what this small attack does before we decide what the two brigades of DF-41 displayed in China’s military parade can do. Let us also suppose the US does not retaliate and total war does not ensue. The one missile destroys the United States. It takes a couple of years but the wound festers and takes the country down.

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Figure 1. Sixteen DF-41 launchers on display in China’s military parade. China conducted 7 test launches so far of the DF-41.

First, a little about the DF-41, China’s most modern intercontinental ballistic missile. The DF-41 is the most advanced ICBM in the world, carrying up to 12 MIRV per missile to a target of 15,000 km. It is similar to the Russian RS24-YARS, a MIRV’d Topol-M but has longer range, more warheads, and is extremely accurate with or without GPS. Launched from 9,300 miles away, the missile can hit within an area the size of a football field. The DF-21 launches from the back of a truck. Time from a launch near Mongolia to arrival in the New York area is 21 minutes.

The DF-41 warheads are very similar to the US W-88 having a yield that is selectable between 20 kt and 150 kt. The MIRV vehicles are designed to penetrate the US missile defense system which means they may actually be MARV.

I used an online tool to make the following map.

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Figure 2. Simulated attack on the Newark-New York with 8 150 kt surface blasts and two air bursts all from one ICBM. The large orange rings around the impact zones are everything on fire, the gray areas are overpressure that breaks windows, roof, doors, etc. The green rings are everyone dies there within 24 hours from radiation never mind the fire, the inner rings are the fireballs than vaporize everything. The darker gray around the airbursts is an overpressure that squashes everything flat.

Let’s imagine how this plays out. It is 1:00 PM in the afternoon in Shanghai when, during spiraling tensions, the US attacks and destroys a PLAN aircraft carrier with a nuclear torpedo that was conducting operations in the South China Sea.

At 4:00 PM, in response, a single truck launches a DF-41 ICBM, the time is 3:00 AM in New York time. The weather in New York is clear with a light wind from the Southwest. At 20 minutes from impact, the first stage of the ICBM has MECO and the second stage begins firing. At 18 minutes from impact, the second stage has SECO and the third stage begins its burn. The fairing of the rocket jettisons to reveal 12 cone-shaped objects mounted in a pyramid. Two of these objects are penetration aids that act like chaff.

NORAD detects the launch 16 minutes before impact. NORAD does not have ABM in a position that can intercept this launch, it can only monitor what happens in horror. Fifteen minutes before impact the third stage has TECO. Fourteen minutes before impact, NORAD determines that the ICBM is targeting the East Coast, probably New York City or Washington DC.

Thirteen minutes before impact, it is 3:08 on the East Coast and 12:08 AM on the West Coast of the US, and the Emergency Broadcast System warns everyone in the US that a missile impact is imminent. Of course, most people are asleep.

The sharp cone-shaped objects decorating the top of the ICBM separate from the MIRV bus. The third stage of the ICBM continues on a ballistic trajectory moving at 25 times the speed of sound as it deploys penetration aid to create a dozen dummy warheads following the ballistic trajectory.

The real warheads change course like the DF-21 warhead is known to do. A second penetration aid creates a large number of dummy warheads over the target.

At 4 seconds from impact Pilots of a Boeing Dreamliner on approach to Newark Liberty International Airport observe a light show as the hypersonic warheads glow white-hot streaking through the atmosphere. It looks like meteors to them and then there is a light like no other. Everyone on the plane is dead before the plane bursts into flames and falls out of the sky. All non-military electronics in New England permanently cease functioning due to an EMP released by the two air bursts.

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Figure 3. Ground zero at Trinity, the 22 kt test at Alamagordo.

At impact, each of the 8 surface blasts creates a fireball 1.1 km in diameter vaporizing everything into ionized gas. All buildings are demolished by 20 psi overpressure in an area of 2.2 km in diameter. Everyone gets a lethal dose of radiation in an area 4 km in diameter and will die of excruciating pain. Everything not reinforced steel and concrete is flattened in 5 km diameter. Everything is in the process of burning, including people with 3rd-degree burns in an area 10 km in diameter. All glass and roofs are blown in an area of a diameter of 12.5 km. Remember all of this is times 8 from a single launch and we haven’t covered the airblasts, which are similar but with wider overpressure effects and a huge EMP.

It is impact plus 1 second 2.5 million people are Dead. The blast on Manhattan alone kills 750,000 and injures another 750,000. Lights go out over most of the East Coast.

At impact plus one minute, 3.5 million are dead. Seismographs around the country detect a swarm of ten 5.8 Earthquakes in the New York area. So begins a disaster, a holocaust, a war, destruction like nothing the US has ever seen. All from one truck-launched rocket.

At impact plus 2 weeks 8 million people are dead, 12 million are homeless and injured. A Hellish round water-filled depression reaches from Hell’s Kitchen to 3rd Ave and 52nd str to 38th st. Tall buildings reduced to broken girders and large chunks of concrete sticking out of a sickening pond.

All ATM machines across the nation cease functioning. Banks close, credit cards don’t work. The heart of the world’s financial system no longer exists. Because the wind came from the South West, people in upstate New York and New England are rained on by radioactive ash. People on the West Coast and all over the country do not have enough food because the just in time food distribution system is broken. The attack shatters the US economy and plunges the world into a financial meltdown.

Impact plus one year, the fires are still burning. The entire state of Connecticut is abandoned permanently and much of upstate New York is a forbidden zone. Power is not restored yet in New England. The US government fails miserably addressing a disaster, orders of magnitude worse than Katrina. One hundred thousand people died from exposure during the Winter following the impact. Skeletons and rotting bodies of people and animals lay in the streets of the once-great metropolitan area and a thousand people a day die from injuries. There is an outbreak of medieval diseases among the millions of homeless. People are randomly killed by accidentally wandering into random no go zones in perfectly green fields and forests of upstate New York.

At impact plus 2 years the political entity, formerly known as the United States ceases to exist. The West Coast goes its own way. Texas goes another. The Southern part of the United States makes Bangladesh look like heaven. Tens of thousands of US servicemen are stranded all over the world. The US Navy cannot buy fuel for its ships and planes.

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Figure 4. One of 10 warheads, a surface blast in Midtown Manhattan kills between 750,000 to 850,000 people and injures another 700,000. The one warhead alone is the worst disaster in US history by two orders of magnitude.

Now, it is known that China can replicate this scenario 24 times in the US largest metropolitan areas. The 24th largest metropolitan area is the San Antonio area just to give you an idea. The second largest is in Southern California. DF-41 is just one kind of nuclear delivery system that can hit the United States; China has others.


The Soprano Family Tree EXPLAINED

It’s highly unlikely. If India couldn’t keep up with China over the last 25 years, what makes anyone think another 75 years will make a difference?

The problem with India is three-fold:

  1. It has an ineffective democratic political system which produces ineffective governments.
  2. It has a highly disjointed society mired in ethnic/religious conflict, poor human rights, and low participation rate of women in the labor force.
  3. It has low literacy and backward infrastructure. Even newly built infrastructure has a tendency to collapse.

This happened to my wife, who went to Japan to teach English as a foreign language for a year after University in her early 20s.

A few weeks before she was due to leave Japan, she was hit by a taxi while crossing at a pedestrian crossing. The lights were red, but the taxi driver was high on drugs and didn’t stop. Luckily for her, she was riding across the road on a bicycle that took most of the force of the taxi, otherwise she would have likely been killed. As it was she was thrown onto the road, and severely damaged her left leg which was hit by the taxi.

She was rushed to the local hospital, where the doctors told her they couldn’t save her leg and would have to amputate. This was a small city and the local hospital wasn’t very sophisticated, so she wanted to get a second opinion from the regional hospital nearby but the doctors wouldn’t send her elsewhere. Not being able to speak the language, she called a number of her friends from the school where she taught and they physically carried her out of the hospital, into a car, and took her to the regional hospital.

Again, luckily for her, a specialist doctor at the second hospital felt he could save her leg. Because of the language barrier, and her fear of a misunderstanding, she insisted on a local anaesthetic and watched while they inserted a metal rod from her knee to her ankle. The operation was a success, and the result was that she had to spend a few months recuperating in hospital before she could fly home.

Here’s where the surreal part kicks in.

She was lying in bed one day shortly after, when a man in a smart suit came in and dropped a paper bag on her hospital bed. He said that the local police were kicking up a fuss about the accident and he represented an organization that wanted the problem to go away. In return for her not pressing charges, they were willing to pay for her hospital stay, pay for Japanese language lessons to keep her engaged in the meantime, and to compensate her with the contents of the bag. He also made it clear that there really wasn’t an option here – she had to take the offer.

She took the offer. After he left, she looked in the bag to find the equivalent of c. £40,000 in Japanese yen (this was back in the early 90s).

It turned out that the taxi driver was a member of the local Yakuza and had been trying too much of the merchandise. They could have smoothed it over if he’d hit a local, but he had the misfortune to hit a foreigner. The regional police got involved, and the embassy got involved, and the whole thing was drawing way too much attention.

The happy ending was that a few months of intense Japanese lessons combined with little else to do gave my wife an understanding of a side of Japan that she’d never had seen otherwise. As a result, she ditched the flight home and stayed to continue the adventure, eventually enrolling at a Japanese University in a Masters degree in Japanese language and history where she was the only woman and the only foreigner that her professor had ever taught. Lots more great stories for another time.

However, her left hip really aches in cold weather.

What Body Fat Percentage Actually Looks Like For Men

  • At least once in your life, have a job that you don’t do for the money.
  • Never lie to your doctor.
  • Don’t be the guy who tells a kid that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.
  • Unless you’re in the first row at a concert, don’t try to record it with your phone. The video and audio would be crap and you’ll never watch it again.
  • If you buy a Rs.10000 dress for Rs.5000, you haven’t saved Rs.5000, you’ve spent Rs.5000.
  • Don’t wait for something bad to happen for you to become a good person.
  • Being in a beautiful relationship > Being single >>>> Being in a shitty relationship.
  • Ladies, if you like him, tell him. He wouldn’t understand subtle hints, strong hints, or obvious hints. Just tell him.
  • The handsome, royal gentleman/the gorgeous, intelligent woman that you want to find so hard, probably won’t be in the nightclubs.
  • Take her somewhere different. Movies and dinners are played out. She wants to tell her friends great stories. (Thank you, ladies.)
  • Sometimes, girls don’t need advice, they just want someone to listen.
  • Spend time with your Father as often as you can. You’ll miss Him when you can’t anymore.
  • You know, those times in life when you have a grand thought, a fantasy, a wild gesture, a silly prank, anything really, anything that peaks your senses and makes you feel like you are living? If so, then take advantage of such moments. When your brain is telling you to call it a night, but your heart says to keep going, listen to your heart and do something new, do something fun, do something legendary and your brain will thank you for it later. You’re welcome.

Ugh! Good showing or not?

By Richard Werner

Yes, there was a secret deal with Saudi Arabia. Yes, China and BRICS alternatives beckon. But the true story is one of intrigues and double-crosses. And dead bodies.

28 June 2024. London. This month many stories were circulated on social media concerning the end of the petrodollar. This is of course a topic that I covered fairly comprehensively in this article, which was published in Fortune in March last year, and when I threw a completely new light on the inflation of the 1970s.

Parts of my analysis has become widespread knowledge, such as my emphasis on the deal between the US and Saudi Arabia – forced on that country the way the Mafia markets its ‘protection’ racket. However, it seems much confusion remains about the details of the events half a century ago, and most of all different versions of what happened were circulated this month, giving quite a misleading spin to the facts.

It started with some reports in early June, which stated that 9 June 2024 was an important date, because this is when the 50-year old “Petrodollar Agreement” would run out, as Saudi Arabia was not going to renew it. Signed on 8 June 1974, we hear in these reports, it ran out half a century later, on 9 June 2024. Such reports triggered a response by the Defenders of Mainstream Narratives reminiscent of those articles in the newspapers in 2020 that “debunked” reports that most people were not threatened by Covid 19, or that the injections were risky and could have seriously harmful consequences.

The 1970s inflation had been sold to us as being due to an external supply shock, triggered by a war. But as I pointed out in my March 2023 piece, it was instead engineered by the US Federal Reserve. As I explained, it was actually the USA that triggered the oil embargo and oil price rises in late 1973 and early 1974, as cover for its central bank’s policy of massive monetary expansion, escalated to all vassal state central banks, which had been implemented since August 1971, when the USA defaulted on its obligations to convert on demand US dollars into gold. The oil price surge, which happened after the first bout of inflation had peaked, was engineered by the US, as cover for the inflation and in order to transfer wealth from Europe and Japan to the US and in order to shore up the US dollar and global network of military bases. For this, a deal was forged between Saudi Arabia and the US, whereby the US would “protect” Saudi Arabia militarily, including ensuring the stability of autocratic rule by the Saud family, in exchange for the agreement by the biggest oil producer, Saudia Arabia, to sell its oil only in US dollars, and invest 80% of its resulting oil revenues in US Treasury securities. This policy supported the US dollar and simultaneously plugged the twin deficits of the current account and the government budget. It also ensured that the world’s oil spending ended up back in the US, so that the proliferating number of foreign military bases and operations could be maintained and financed.

The agreement to reinvest the Saudi oil revenues in the USA had been kept secret, and even the statistics on the main buyers and holders of US Treasuries were kept hidden for many decades, whereby Saudi Arabia was not revealed as the main financial supporter of the USA (an aggregated figure for “Gulf state investors” only was published, until a few years ago). Those who spoke of the “petrodollar” in the 1980s or 1990s were marked as “conspiracy theorists”. The 80% reinvestment requirement was first revealed by John Perkins in his 2004 book Confessions of an Economic Hitman, which was based on his personal experience, including as US consultant on “development consulting” contracts in Saudi Arabia. (The book is highly recommended). Of course he was also censored for spreading “misinformation”.

China launched an oil futures contract denominated in Chinese yuan already in 2018. And Saudi Arabia has been negotiating to sell oil for Chinese currency since at least 2022. But the US is busy trying to avoid this.

So is there any significance to the date of 9 June 2024? A number of reports by mainstream media, establishment financial houses and official “fact checkers” have come forward to engage in recasting the narrative and sow seeds of doubt about the end of the petrodollar.

Fact checkers denounce baseless conspiracy theories – claim no secret deals between US and Saudi Arabia

For instance, a “fact check” by PolitiFact asserted that “online claims” were “false” about the end of the petrodollar:

Notice that this official denial uses classic fact checker techniques, foremost of which is the elevation of a strawman that is then shot down: As far as I am aware, nobody claimed that Saudi Arabia would switch from selling oil only against US dollars to not allowing the US dollar at all. Yet, the headline insinuates there have been online claims that the dollar could no longer be used for oil purchases from Saudi Arabia. So invent a false claim that you put into the mouth of your opponent and debunk it. This fact checking statement does claim however that there was no agreement that Saudi Arabia would sell oil only for US dollars – one pillar of the actual Petrodollar Agreement.

But what about the main trigger for the reports in social media, namely the importance of the date of 9 June 2024? One indication that indeed 9 June may have legal significance comes from Reuters, because they launched a strangely timed report about an agreement between Saudi Arabia and the US on 9 June 2024, when many people would be using search engines to find out more about an agreement or failure of an agreement: Reuters claims on 9 June that

“the Biden administration is close to finalizing a treaty with Saudi Arabia that would commit the U.S. to help defend the Gulf nation as part of a deal aimed at encouraging diplomatic ties between Riyadh and Israel, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday, citing U.S. and Saudi officials.”

This report is clearly designed to sow confusion and ensure that those who google “treaty 9 June US-Saudi Arabia” or similar search words would get a story that was innocuous and irrelevant. The negotiations have been ongoing for many weeks, but Reuters had to publish this report on 9 June 2024, by pure coincident the date many commentators claimed that the petrodollar agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia had expired.

“The possible deal, widely telegraphed by U.S. and other officials for weeks, is part of a wider package that would include a U.S.-Saudi civil nuclear pact, steps toward the establishment of a Palestinian state and an end to the war in Gaza, where months of ceasefire efforts have failed to bring peace”, Reuters knows further.

It is quite possible that this treaty was meant to be the de facto extension of the old Petro Dollar agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia, and apparently the US failed to seal it in time for the old one to run out. Which could mean that there is presently no written agreement between Saudi Arabia and the US in place concerning these issues. Of course, that is less important while US troops are inside Saudi Arabia. This may be why the US may not feel the rush.

What does the White House say? When asked about the alleged failure to extend the petrodollar deal (that Saudi Arabia would sell oil only for US dollars), the official State Department spokesman refused to comment at a formal press conference. Watch the video or read the relevant passage from the transcript:

State Department press briefing

MR MILLER: Yeah, go ahead.

QUESTION: Thank you so much. At the very 11th hour, when the United States and Saudi Arabia are very close for a defense deal, there are reports – unconfirmed reports that Saudi Arabia is not going to renew petrodollar deal with the United States. So any confirmation by U.S. side?

MR MILLER: That Saudi Arabia is not going to what?

QUESTION: Petrodollar agreement that took place 50 years back.

MR MILLER: I’m just not going to speak to those reports at all.

Dow Jones fact checkers denying that there was anything to see here were propagated by the fund monitoring and rating firm Morningstar:

This mainstream media organisation found “a fatal flaw in this logic: The agreement itself never existed”, referring to the agreement that Saudi Arabia would sell oil only against the US dollar, said to have been signed on 8 June 1974. As witness it cited one Paul Donovan, economist employed by asset manager UBS, who stated: “Clearly, the story is going around today is fake news.” But, when reading his comments, it emerges that he conceded that there was indeed an agreement, namely one that established the United States-Saudi Arabian Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation on 8 June 1974. According to Donovan this “had nothing to do with currencies”. On this date, a joint statement was released that had been signed by then US secretary of state Henry Kissinger and Prince Fahd, the second deputy prime minster (and in 1982 to become King) of Saudi Arabia.

The Commission and agreement was for five years and would routinely be renewed. According to the Dow Jones fact checkers, the agreement was merely “a more formal arrangement that would ensure each side got more of what it wanted from the other”. That it true if we rephrase “that would ensure that the US got what it wanted from Saudi Arabia”. Did the agreement mention currencies? It did not have to: With this agreement, on 8 June 1974, the US established a legal framework for the US to exert control over the entire Saudi economy, its oil production, its revenue from oil sales and the use of its oil funds – it was essentially a takeover of the Saudi economic governance. Currencies are a part of this, even if they are not explicitly mentioned.

The fact checkers however wanted to give the impression that this agreement was not about the petrodollar, when surely there was no other reason for it. Dow Jones goes on:

“According to Donovan and others who emerged on social media to debunk the conspiracy theories, a formal agreement demanding that Saudi Arabia price its crude oil in dollars never existed. Rather, Saudi Arabia continued accepting other currencies – most notably the British pound (GBPUSD) – for its oil even after the 1974 agreement on joint economic cooperation was struck. It wasn’t until later that year that the Kingdom stopped accepting the pound as payment.”

Wow. So put differently, the fact checkers actually admit that indeed Saudi Arabia did stop selling oil in any other currency than the US dollar, even phasing out the currency of the other, prior colonial ruler, Britain, in 1974, even though the latter with a minor delay of a few months.

The financial scribblers at Dow Jones then go on to admit the secret deal that Saudi Arabia was going to reinvest the majority of its oil dollars back in US Treasuries: “Perhaps the closest thing to a petrodollar deal was a secret agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia reached in late 1974, which promised military aid and equipment in exchange for the Kingdom investing billions of dollars of its oil-sale proceeds in U.S. Treasurys, Donovan said. The existence of this agreement wasn’t revealed until 2016, when Bloomberg News filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the National Archives.”

As I stated earlier, this secret agreement was first publicised by John Perkins in his 2004 bestselling book Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Bloomberg in 2016 triggered the formal confirmation from the US government. As I had reported in March last year, what Bloomberg’s FOI query did reveal in 2016 was the precise data of Saudi ownership of US Treasury bonds – which had hitherto been hidden in the statistics, by publishing only an aggregate of “Gulf country” holdings of US Treasuries.

So Dow Jones calls the Petrodollar Agreement a “conspiracy theory”, but in its “debunking” admits that both the data of Saudia Arabia’s ownership of US Treasuries have remained secret for almost half a century, and the deal to re-invest the oil money into US Treasuries itself, has been secret – as we know for ca. 30 years. Despite this astonishing and likely illegal secrecy, Dow Jones insists that it was not “some shadowy agreement” and that any other claim was just “conspiracy theories”.

So what exactly is the fake news then?

Dow Jones’ and Reuters’ track record in “fact checking” is by now notorious, as they covered up vaccine damage for years and slandered critics of the unjustified Covid restrictions. What about that UBS-hired economist who had joined this double-speak of factually admitting the secret agreements and simultaneously claiming it was “fake news” and “conspiracy theories”? Donovan’s so-called economic “analysis” is largely absent, his writing consistently unreadable and his forecasts reliable if one considers them as counter-indicators: Throughout 2020 and 2021 he insisted there would not be any significant inflation. Even in 2022 he did not concede that he had been wrong. Instead, he developed the theory that a sudden bout of disinflation would hit and reverse the picture in 2021 and 2022.

In his article of May 2020, entitled “Can debt be inflated away?”, published at a time when I was forecasting “significant inflation in 18 months”, he argues, astonishingly, that governments will not use inflation to reduce their debt burdens; instead they will do that without inflation, we are told! Some gems:

“Inflation is a complex topic. Entire books can be written about it. One of the myths that exist about inflation is that governments can easily inflate away their debt levels. … Governments are likely to try to reduce debt levels after the virus by taxation. There is one particular form of tax that is likely to be popular— financial repression. … Financial repression has been effective in cutting debt in the past. Financial repression also means that bond markets cannot punish governments for inflation (at least, not as easily). Bond yields are forced lower under financial repression. … For a government it makes more sense to tax savers through financial repression, while keeping inflation moderate. Adding inflation does not reduce debt in the long term.”

In June 2020 in his report “Where is inflation going?” he forecasts “low inflation in near term” and expects “Central bank policy should not be especially inflationary.” Astonishing, after the most dramatic monetary expansion in the history of the Fed in March 2020. But according to him, “The most likely outcome is near term low inflation, longer term higher but not high inflation”. Why is that? He is a believer in the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” – a term used much by World Economic Forum front man Klaus Schwab: “Reversing globalization is inflationary if it is politically motivated. If it is a consequence of the fourth industrial revolution, it should be neutral or disinflationary.

As late as February 2021, in his report “What’s up with inflation this year?”, this financial commentator predicted that there would not be any significant inflation in the major economies. While he already had to concede at that time that “some product prices” had been “raised”, he argues this was due to “unusual spikes in demand for specific products, coupled with supply chain problems”. Based on the higher-than-he-expected inflation he had to admit: “Headline consumer price inflation numbers will move higher in developed economies this year.” But he doubles down: “They are unlikely to be high. Importantly, consumers will not necessarily notice several of the inflation increases, and these changes are unlikely to alter consumers’ view of their real disposable income.”

Right, so no high inflation in advanced economies and nobody will care about the modest inflation. Later that year, in his August 2021 report “Will tomato ketchup kill inflation?” he further doubles down on his “no inflation” forecast by coming up with the astonishing theory, which he calls the “tomato ketchup effect”, that a bout of “disinflation” would hit hard and surprise everyone!

“Inventories data suggests some disinflation impulse in developed economies over the next few quarters. The fact that we have had fewer, and smaller summer sales has added to inflation now. As the retail inventory / seasonal price discounting pattern normalizes, this will first remove an inflation contribution, and then from next year act as a disinflation force (discounted prices in 2022 being compared to undiscounted prices in 2021).

So, the tomato ketchup effect could add to disinflation forces—although, ironically, it should be noted that actual condiments prices are already a source of consumer price deflation in the world’s developed economies.”

So as late as Summer 2021 Donovan had still not woken up to the fact that the massive and unprecedented credit creation the central banks forced onto the banks and the economy in March 2020 would result in inflation, and he even predicted “disinflation” to dominate.

When, in 2022, inflation could no longer be denied, Donovan switched to publishing eulogies on central banks having done the right thing. In this report of 6 April 2022, entitled “Price inflation or demand deflation”, the UBS commentator claims

“There was only one plausible policy response to the global pandemic: ease policy.”

Actually, that report sets new records in being painful to read. His audience cannot be a large one:

“As noted in the last Chief Economist’s Comment, food is not food.”

“Economically, commodity prices operate through two channels: higher inflation, and lower growth.”

It does seem though that UBS clients were asking him more questions as his disinflation scenario of 2021 and 2022 didn’t quite pan out. But that, we learn, was just a further force for more disinflation:

“The economist who goes from working 60 hours a week to 90 hours a week but is paid 10% more is a force for lower inflation—the employer gets 50% more economist for only 10% more money.”

While consumers got 20% less volume for their groceries now in smaller packaging, what was his take of the forced closures of many firms during the Covid psyop? Instead of recognising this as a reduction in supply, as I commented throughout 2020 (which means, with unchanged demand, a source of inflation), he sees this as a source of deflation!

“However, if companies go bankrupt in the face of reduced demand or there is an expectation that demand is going to be weaker for longer, this second-round effect could become more significant in the future.”

After the Federal Reserve had raised interest rates in March 2022 – which Donovan had singularly failed to forecast – he merely concludes his analysis on “inflation or deflation” with the by now familiar warning of deflation:

“The risk of policy error has increased, which might suggest that the prudent course of action would be a slow and steady pace of tightening to ensure that demand deflation does not get out of hand.”

Right, so this disinflation theorist expected risks of demand deflation as late as April 2022, almost until inflation had peaked at double digits in most economists later that year.

His reports can be found in the Archive at the bottom of his page – no direct hyperlinks are possible, as all links are mutating to only give you his main homepage.

It seems UBS is nevertheless happy with the utterings of this particular commentator, located in the chief investment office, whose forecasting track record must have bankrupted many investors – although his audience is likely those high net worth individuals who hand over their assets entirely to UBS to manage while they themselves consider the economy a big mystery. So he has likely been deployed to ensure these clients won’t ever begin to understand how the economy works. Most importantly, just like when Boeing hires its staff on the basis of their latest woke views, the impact on quality is palpable. The content of Donovan’s writings on economic matters seems less important, while his loyalty to politically correct ideological issues must be appreciated. See for instance his economics report of 27 Juni 2018, entitled “Pride and Prejudice and Economists”, in which he celebrates “pride month” by providing his views on “LGBT” at length – which many will consider an outrage, because he thereby overlooks the “Q+”, clearly a major flaw in his argument. Nevertheless, UBS clients learn important facts:

“The economics of LGBT equality is the economics of prejudice. Prejudice takes place when a person, a firm, or society makes a choice using irrational ideas.

“Prejudice puts the wrong person in the job. If an LGBT employee has come out, prejudice may do more economic damage. If a company is prejudiced, it will employ the wrong people to fill its positions. A company may choose not to promote the best qualified LGBT employees if there is an anti-LGBT prejudice, for example. A company that deliberately does not use the best people is never going to make as much money as it might”

“A company may find it difficult to hire the best non-LGBT staff if it is anti-LGBT. A non-LGBT person may be unwilling to work for a company that does not share their values.”

Of course, the detailed five-page analysis in 2018 was not enough on the topic. Moreover, it obviously was wholly inadequate to merely pontificate on “LGBT”. So in August that year, Donovan added a 9-page report entitled “The commercial case for LGBTQ inclusion”. This inclusion of “Q” people clearly spelled progress for UBS clients, but at the same time no doubt many UBS clients were demanding more such analysis. While UBS readers of investment analysis would have appreciated the quiet expansion of the important concept to include “Q”, they would at the same time have felt a strong curiosity to see also the “+” people covered in the economists’ insightful analysis. As a result, in due course UBS wealth management clients were delighted to find that in the following year Donovan produced a seven-page report on this urgent topic, in which he also improved on his shameful earlier failure to celebrate “+” people. It is entitled “Does anti-LGBTQ+ prejudice do more damage than we think?” (8 October 2019). For lack of space I cannot elaborate on the content of this now suitably expanded analysis, except for noting that UBS’s commentator eagerly adopts the habit of mainstream economists of simply making stuff up and then proclaiming it as fact, known as “making assumptions”:

“The non-heterosexual population is likely to be significantly larger than officially reported (an 8% to 8.5% range seems a sensible assumption).

So, an uneventful economic analysis and unsuccessful forecasting record, but at least the orthodox, government-supported views on important issues such as transgender activism in society are well covered. Shall we guess that Donovan also was an eager proponent of the innovative policies adopted in March 2020 and thereafter by many governments across the globe, involving masking, lockdowns and experimental injections that killed millions? Or any other agenda endorsed by the powers that be? That would not be surprising, since, as his endorsement of the Fourth Industrial Revolution foreshadowed, it turns out Donovan is an asset of the CIA-founded “World Economic Forum”:

At this stage I would like to disclose two things about myself – and, fear not, they do not include the above woke topic: firstly, I was selected as “Global Leader for Tomorrow” in 2003 by the World Economic Forum, which would, they told me at the time, allow me to attend the WEF events for five consecutive years, including their major late January gatherings in Davos. I attended the latter bash in January 2003, when I was given that dubious accolade, and again a year later. The snowy location was lovely and it seemed exciting, at the time, to the thirty-something your truly to meet famous leaders, such as Bill Clinton, or be taken aside to be introduced to an unknown German politician called Angela Merkel, who had not yet risen to power, as well as meet some pop idols like Peter Gabriel. But the hosts were not too happy about my penchant for challenging their well-staged and pre-programmed “discussions” with facts, almost always contradicting their agenda. So not long after the second event I attended, in January 2004, I was informed that the “Global Leaders for Tomorrow” program had been cancelled, meaning I was no longer invited to WEF events. Later I found that a new group called “Young Global Leaders” had been created and a more selected subset was going to be invited back, obviously not including me.

The second disclosure is that when researching this article I dimly felt like I had seen the name Paul Donovan before, and not in connection to analytically rigorous work. Then I remembered a particularly nasty negative review of my book Princes of the Yen, years earlier on Amazon, which made numerous factually wrong claims. The name of that particular reviewer was a Paul Donovan, who possibly was instructed at the time to produce a hit-piece on the newly published English version of my book. My book was highly acclaimed in Japan, even by leading financial and political analysts. Of course, it is no longer available on Amazon – you can only get it new at .

It could be sufficient to stop here. But there are a number of loose ends the reader should be allowed to connect.

Digging deeper into the murky events of the 1970s Petrodollar Deal

Firstly, my conclusion stated above, that the 1974 agreement established the legal basis for a complete US takeover of Saudi Arabia’s economic policies quickly emerges from various sources. As billions of dollars flowed into Saudi Arabia as part of the agreement with the US, the administrators and CIA agents on the US side were keen to stay in charge of the allocation of this money, channelling billions to the US and their pockets.

In a publication by the Middle East Institute we learn about this “under the radar” US control of Saudi Arabia:

“The Americans who were seconded into the Saudi government were there as part of a grand design engineered by William E. Simon, President Richard Nixon’s last Treasury Secretary, to channel as much of that money as possible back to the United States. Simon was Deputy Secretary until he was promoted into the top job on May 8, 1974 — just three months before Nixon’s resignation in the Watergate scandal. He stayed on as Secretary under Nixon’s successor, Gerald R. Ford.

Despite the distractions of Watergate, the spring of 1974 was a crucial period in US-Arab relations. Agreements negotiated by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in his famous “shuttle diplomacy” had ended the hostilities of the 1973 war and stabilized the battlefields of Egypt, Syria, and Israel. The United States restored diplomatic relations with Egypt. With the end of hostilities, the Arab oil producers, led by Saudi Arabia, ended their wartime embargo on exports to the United States. In that newly favorable atmosphere, Nixon embarked on a last-hurrah trip to the region. While in Saudi Arabia, he agreed to the creation of a US-Saudi Arabian Joint Economic Commission, known as JECOR. This was Simon’s brainchild.

JECOR’s mission was twofold: first, to teach the Saudis — who had no tradition of organized public agencies — how to operate the fundamental bureaucracy of a modern state; and second, to ensure that all the contracts awarded in pursuit of that mission went to American companies. JECOR would operate for 25 years, channeling billions of Saudi oil dollars back to the United States, but would attract almost no attention in this country because Congress ignored it. The Saudis were paying for it, so there was no need for US appropriations or congressional oversight.

The Commission’s objectives were listed in a joint statement issued by the American and Saudi officials who created it: “Its purposes will be to promote programs of industrialization, trade, manpower training, agriculture, and science and technology.” The participating Saudi government agencies would be the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Finance and National Economy, Commerce, and Industry, and the Central Planning Organization, soon to become the Ministry of Planning. On the US side, the managing agency was Simon’s Treasury Department, not the Agency for International Development, because it was not a traditional foreign aid program — it was a money-management program.

So the Saudis had no clue how to run the country, and the US, in their wisdom and great experience with colonial rule, were generously offering to help.

Declassified US documents confirm the far-reaching scope of the June 1974 agreement. We learn that through the JECOR machinery and Americans on the ground in high positions at all the ministries, the US essentially directly controlled Saudi Arabia’s economy and finances and thereby its government.

In an internal letter by the top US administrator on the ground in Saudi Arabia to his superior, we learn that the top decision-maker was not even Treasury Secretary Simon, but Henry Kissinger himself. The report was written in April 1974 and referred to an Initial Study Report on Joint U.S.-Saudi Cooperation, indicating that the original oral agreement had been made earlier, likely the meetings before the December 1973 highlight when Kissinger met with King Faisal in Saudi Arabia.

Written by Joseph Sisco to Henry Kissinger, we learn in this letter that the two commissions (one on economic matters, the other on security matters) would

“operate subject to my day-to-day political guidance and coordination, under your direction.”

Sisco describes the timeline that would lead to the 8 June 1974 formal agreement that would seal US control over the Saudi government.

Kissinger’s goals thus had been to

(1) end the restrictions on oil supply that Saudi Arabia had imposed in October 1973; this was achieved by March 1973, by promising Saudi Arabia solutions and compromises (that never materialised);

(2) gain control over the Saudi economy and government in order to ensure compliance with his objectives;

(3) which included ensuring that the Saudi currency would be pegged to the US dollar, hence Saudi Arabia would agree to sell oil only against the US dollar,

(4) and which also included a continued steady rise in the oil price (against Saudi resistance), and

(5) that Israel and its actions would be kept out from discussions about all of these. In other words, it was all about US (and Israeli) interests.

The “bedouins” would have to follow orders.

Having achieved four out of five is not bad. Despite this great success of Kissinger’s diplomacy in securing US interests, upon his death last November at age 100 there were voices that criticised what happened in 1974 – namely for failing to achieve aim number 5 and keep those issues separate from Israeli occupation of territories after the 1967 war. For throughout 1973 and 1974, Saudi Arabia had considered itself as the leading Arab nation that should and would represent Palestinian interests, and consequently, both the Saudi King Faisal, and his trusted foreign minister, repeatedly demanded the withdrawal of Israel from the territories occupied in 1967.

“In December 1972, Saudi King Faisal ended a long-standing policy of not allowing “oil to be used as a political weapon,” as James Akin put it in a Foreign Affairs article in early 1973. In that month, two American officials, John Connally and Franklin Lincoln, visited Faisal separately and came back with the same message. “King Faisal said that there could be no further development of mutual Saudi-U.S. economic interests or any further expansion of oil production … without a political settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict,” Kissinger reported to Nixon, according to State Department archives” (Source).

The oil embargo was not an issue for Kissinger, because he had beem keen to drive up the oil price, and indeed the hike of January 1974, when the oil price quadrupled, was on Kissinger’s insistence, vis-à-vis a reluctant Saudi oil minister Yamani.

However, the dogged determination by the Saudi King and his foreign minister that Israel withdraw military troops to within the borders of 1967 was crossing a red line for Kissinger.

Already in December 1972, Saudi King Faisal “ended a long-standing policy of not allowing “oil to be used as a political weapon,” as James Akin put it in Foreign Affairs.

“In that month, two American officials, John Connally and Franklin Lincoln, visited Faisal separately and came back with the same message. “King Faisal said that there could be no further development of mutual Saudi-U.S. economic interests or any further expansion of oil production … without a political settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict,” Kissinger reported to Nixon, according to State Department archives.

The same article elaborates:

On Aug. 10, 1973, almost two months before the eruption of the Arab-Israeli war and the imposition of the oil embargo, then-national security adviser Henry Kissinger told the director of the Office of Energy Policy, John Love, regarding the potential use of oil as a weapon, that “the Saudis are just not sophisticated enough to understand it, and they are, therefore, more dangerous.”

This conversation occurred because Love wanted to discuss what he had dubbed the “Saudi Arabian problem.” By this he meant a recent change in Saudi policy that saw it threaten to use oil as a tool to exert pressure on Israel to withdraw from territories occupied in the 1967 war. Kissinger thought that the Arab-Israeli conflict was “insoluble” and that any “Arab government that would sign a settlement acceptable to the Israelis would be out in two years.” This is why he thought the Saudis were not sophisticated enough to understand the dangers of being at the forefront of this issue both for themselves and for U.S. interests.

What exactly were the “dangers” and who was most at danger? This would soon emerge – and it was the top Saudi decision-makers, whose lives were at risk should they choose to challenge Henry Kissinger and his plans for the US and the Middle East.

Initially, the foreign minister and his King could be appeased concerning the Israeli occupation, thanks to Kissinger gaining their trust, insinuating deep understanding and referring to promising negotiations with “the Israelis” that would later address the issue. For instance, after one meeting with foreign minister Al Saqqaf, Kissinger boastfully and ‘jokingly asked the participants, “Did you see the Saudi foreign minister come out like a good little boy and say they had had very fruitful talks with us?’” (Source).

Actually, Kissinger knew better than anyone that this Arab demand would never be met and that settlers would soon lay claim to land and homes in the occupied territories. So he deceived the Saudi leadership, waving the possibility of an eventual Israeli withdrawal to obtain an agreement from the Saudi king to establish US control over the economy. Believing that the US would support what to the Saudis seemed reasonable and just demands that Israel would withdraw from the territories it occupied during the 1967 war, Saudia Arabia also persuaded other Arab oil-producing countries to follow them in lifting the oil embargo on March 18, 1974, despite key demands not having been met. In the eyes of some, even this was a failure for Kissinger, since the temporary existence of “the embargo succeeded in linking the Arab-Israeli conflict with U.S. interests in the region’s oil — an outcome that Kissinger tried very hard to prevent from happening” (same article).

Once the formal agreement of what amounted to a legal takeover of Saudi government by the US had been signed, on 8 June 1974, Kissinger will have begun to encourage the Saudi King and foreign minister to drop their demand that Israel withdraw from territories occupied since 1967.

This no doubt displeased the King and his foreign minister.

Their persistence in demanding the withdrawal of Israel from occupied territories and their insistence that Saudi Arabia lead the Arab countries on this point resulted in King Faisal and his foreign minister Al Saqqat was becoming a problem for Kissinger. Meanwhile, Kissinger seems to have established a more cordial understanding with King Faisal’s half-brother, Prince Fahd. That prince pointed out to the Americans that al-Saqqaf was “anti-American”, says Wikipedia – likely code for the insistence on the Israeli withdrawal.

“During the oil crisis in 1973 both Prince Fahd, later King Fahd, and Prince Sultan, minister of defense, claimed that Al Saqqaf and Ahmed Zaki Yamani, oil minister, had an anti-American stance and also, were the major reasons for King Faisal’s hostile approach towards the USA.”
Wikipedia on 29 June 2024

Kissinger no doubt had a solution in mind.

Consider the subsequent events. On 6 November 1974 Henry Kissinger was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and was meeting senior government officials of Saudi Arabia. At the final meeting, just before Kissinger’s departure, the foreign minister, Umar al-Saqqaf, spoke as follows:

“Our policy is the same. We want to see complete withdrawal to the 1967 borders and the return of Arab Jerusalem to its people and the restoration of their legitimate rights to the Palestinian people. I have no new demands. This is what I said even before the Rabat conference. I am saying this and repeating it simply because we have no new demands.

There is another topic touched upon by my friend Dr. Kissinger; namely, that of oil. I repeat that the policy of my King and my government is still the same as it was; namely, to keep the prices as they are and to try to reach a reduction, albeit a symbolic reduction, or if we can, a greater reduction—and we would be doing this because of our awareness and of the welfare of humanity at large.

Finally, I greet our guests, the Secretary of State and the colleagues who came with him, and look forward to seeing him in the not too distant future when at least part of these problems we have been discussing will have been solved” (Source).

The foreign minister may not have been aware of this, and certainly was not aware of the significance of the consequences of his words, but by this statement he had made clear that, after all these talks, discussions and negotiations, the current leadership of Saudi Arabia was going to continue to cross two important red lines of Kissinger’s policies: Firstly, concerning Israel, Saudi Arabia should have given up its demands that Israel withdrew to its 1967 borders. Secondly, it was Kissinger who had persuaded the Saudi oil minister Yamani to quadruple oil prices in January 1974, and the policy was not to reduce them significantly, but if anything, raise them further, because high oil prices underpinned the US dollar, which had become a petrodollar, and at the same time high oil prices ensured that the transfer of wealth from other countries, notably Germany and Japan, to the United States would continue.

How dare a “Bedouin” make demands on the US and Israel? Or, in Kissinger’s words of 1973, he found it

“ridiculous that the civilized world is held up by 8 million savages. … Can’t we overthrow one of the sheikhs just to show that we can do it?” (Source).

At the time, Kissinger responded diplomatically, if obliquely:

“The Foreign Minister, who has been a voice for moderation and wisdom in this area, will be coming to the United States next week to the General Assembly, and I look forward to continuing our discussions on that occasion.” (Source).

The events took their course. Like today, when influential decision-makers in America want nothing more than war with Russia, at that time the idea was for the US not to give in. Apparently the calculation was that the King “of the Bedouins”, whose father Abdulaziz, aka Ibn Saud, had been installed by the grace of the UK and later was backed by the US, was going to get a warning shot, and failing that, a new King would be installed. After all, the UK and US knew that it had been worthwhile to encourage the old King to keep producing sons – 45 in total. There were plenty of princes to choose from, some of whom were bound to be amenable to a deal that would put them on the throne.

As Andrew Scott Cooper details in his book Oil Kings, secretary of defense Schlesinger and secretary of state Kissinger had been discussing toppling one of the Arab governments and seize the oil production. This should not be considered far-fetched, but something quite plausible, since it is what the US actually did implement in many countries, such as in Iran in 1953, in Libya in 2011 and tried in Afghanistan for 20 years, and partially succeeded in Syria – today one third of the country – the parts with the oil – under illegal US occupation (an “unprovoked all-out aggression and occupation”, to use the terminology used against Russia), with the oil stolen by the US.

In line with this practice of engineering regime-change, Schlesinger and Kissinger developed plans to “seize Abu Dhabi,” the oil-rich emirate in the newly founded United Arab Emirates, in the last days of November 1973.

“Although the plan was not actualized, Kissinger organized a press conference on Nov. 21 where he publicly threatened “countermeasures” if the economic pressure continued. The following day, Yamani, the Saudi oil minister, appeared in a TV interview in Copenhagen and declared that Saudi Arabia would cut 80% of its oil production if any countermeasures were taken. He also told his American, European and Japanese audiences that the Saudi government was willing to blow up its oil facilities if the United States were to take any military action. These threats were substantiated by the CIA and ended Kissinger’s attempt to dissociate the issue of Arab-Israeli peace from the oil embargo” (Source).

But by late 1974 the plans of Kissinger had evolved. He probably felt he had warned al-Saqqaf.

Al-Saqqaf travelled to New York the week following their meeting in Riyadh, to meet address the United Nations General Assembly on the Palestine issue. There he spoke for the 11th consecutive year, on the issue of Palestine.

“He said, as he had unvaryingly for seven years, that Israel should withdraw from the territories it occupied in 1967.” (New York Times, 16 November 1974).

If there were further meetings with Kissinger and others in the first half of November, we can only guess that he refused to change his mind about these 2 red line issues.

He died suddenly and unexpectedly in New York on 14 November 1974 at the age of 50.

In the words of the New York Times:

“…Mr. Saqqaf had died of a cerebral thrombosis, a blood clot in the brain. He was 50 years old. … Mr. Saqqaf has been at the center of negotiations between Middle East leaders and Secretary of State Kissinger on the issues of Middle East peace and oil.”

And in another New York Times article:

“Saqqaf was an imposing diplomatic figure. Over 6 feet tall, he often dressed in flowing Arab costume for official functions and while on missions. He was fluent in English and French and accustomed to Western ways.

His body was sent back to Saudi Arabia on a US plane with the under-secretary of state and the President’s condolences.

This sudden death however seemed not to have deterred King Faisal to change his mind about these two policy issues. The economic decisions were made by Americans in charge of the JECOR. Sure enough: Oil prices failed to fall in 1974 or 1975, which is what the Saudi King was trying to achieve, backed by his foreign minister, for the greater good of humanity, as his foreign minister had explained. Needless to mention, Israel also failed to withdraw to the borders of 1967.

But open dissent was to be discouraged. First the foreign minister, labelled “anti-American” on Wikipedia, died in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. Then, half a year later, his King, to whom he was loyal and with whom he shared his vision of foreign policy, especially the demand that Israel withdraw from occupied territories, was also dead. On 25 March 1975, King Faisal was assassinated and his half-brother prince Khalid was made King of Saudi Arabia.

Did this mark a turning point in Saudi Arabia’s attitude concerning being the leader of the Arab states in demanding that Isreal withdraw to the 1967 borders? The reader be the judge.

Kissinger had warned that it was not wise for the Saudi Arabian leadership to be at the forefront among Arab states in this demand on Israel, and especially their willingness to use their control over oil production as an active tool in that policy.

The next leaders were less insistent.

Unfinished business

Yet, there was one piece of unfinished business – long-standing oil minister Yamani was still putting up resistance. It was surely just bad lack what happened to him next.

In December 1975, when Yamani was at the OPEC headquarters in Vienna, notorious secret service operative Ilich Ramirez Sanches, better known as Carlos the Jackal, who had studied at the University of Westminster in London, raided the building and took Yamani hostage. He then demanded a plane and went flying around North Africa with Yamani and other hostages for two days (the pilot was British ex-Royal Navy man Neville Atkinson; other operatives on the team included German “Red Army Faction” members, an organisation that has since been shown to have been run by NATO as part of “Operation Gladio”). Yamani was supposed to have been shot by Carlos, but wasn’t. Carlos was thus expelled from his Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine organisation by its leader Wadie Haddad before the end of the year for failing to shoot hostages when PFLP demands were not met, failing in his mission.

But minister Yamani had become more agreeable ever since: He stayed in the job until 1986 and lived to a ripe old age.

There is nothing to see here.

It does look as if the US has essentially been totally controlling the Saudi government and all its key policies, rendering the decision to sell oil only against the US dollar – challenged by Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Muammar Qaddafi of Libya at the cost of their lives – subject to direct US control, and thus rendering it unnecessary to point this out explicitly in any written agreement between Saudi Arabia and the US.

So what about the current crown prince in Saudia Arabia? The media seems to have created the impression that he is some kind of “rebel” who is trying to shake off US influence. Indeed, when Crown Prince Mohammed’s request to the US to obtain nuclear power were rebuffed, he achieved a rapprochement with Iran, which was intermediated by China. This, in turn, ended the longstanding and ongoing proxy war in Yemen, in which Iran had supported the Houthis and Saudi Arabia their opponents.

“The diplomatic breakthrough also strengthened Saudi ties with China, a powerful alternative and counterweight to the United States that Mohammed could leverage in his dealings with the North American superpower. Indeed, just hours after the deal was announced, the offer to normalize ties with Israel in exchange for U.S. commitments on security and nuclear technology was reiterated”. (Source)

On the other hand, he seems to have acted to keep Arab leaders in line. Think about the peculiar resignation of the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri in November 2017, when on a visit to Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. He was only allowed to return to his own country after significant international pressure, upon which he rescinded his resignation. At the time, several dozen Saudi princes, business leaders and government officials were arrested in Saudi Arabia.

“Many were released only after relinquishing partial control of their businesses to the state or paying billions of dollars. The Saudi government was believed to have collected more than $100 billion from the move.

Having strengthened his de facto status as the premier policy maker of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed sought to foster more cordial and stable relations internationally. In October he reportedly indicated that he would normalize Saudi Arabia’s ties with Israel, as the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and other Arab countries had done in recent years. (Source)

Most of all, US troops, which also means deep state operatives, continue to be based inside Saudi Arabia. So at present there is insufficient evidence to suggest that Saudi Arabia is no longer under US control.

BRICS and the alternative to the US dollar

A Chinese Renminbi (RMB)-denominated oil futures contract named Shanghai crude oil futures (SC) has officially been trading at the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) since 26 March 2018. In 2023, China and Saudi Arabia entered into a local currency swap agreement worth ca. $7bn in order to boost trade in their currencies and lessen the reliance on the US dollar.

In early June 2024, Russia’s central bank and the Moscow Exchange halted trading in dollar and euros, as the US imposed further sanctions against Russia and made use of the US dollar even more difficult for Russians. As a result, the Russian central bank stated that the yuan had become the predominant currency on the Moscow bourse, accounting for more than half of currency trades in May.

In December 2023, Iran and Russia held a meeting of central bank governors and concluded an agreement to trade using their local currencies instead of the dollar.

Meanwhile, the BRICS economic group, which includes China, India and Russia, has discussed the prospect of a BRICS currency that would challenge the dominance of the dollar.

However, the US dollar remains the most important foreign reserve currency, accounting for more than half of all FX reserves (although this is down from two thirds only two decades ago).

Given the high degree of deep state machinations concerning Saudi Arabia, oil and the dollar, should we really believe that the emergence of an alternative currency among the growing BRICS group of countries is a development that was not signed off by top decision-makers?

While China and other BRICS countries would like to increase oil trade in BRICS currencies, this is not happening yet. A main obstacle is that the Saudi currency itself is pegged to the US dollar and, as noted, US dominance over Saudia Arabia’s economic and political decisions remains. In the words of a Japanese analyst:

“It is true that China is asking Saudi Arabia to use the renminbi to settle its crude oil payments, but the Saudis would not want to take China’s offer seriously,” Mr Kondo said. “The Saudi riyal is pegged to the dollar, making budget planning easier by receiving oil revenue in dollars. The dollar’s position as the world’s major reserved asset remains still dominant, which give little incentive for the Saudis to switch to other currencies.” (Source).

Another obstacle is the fact that China still has some capital controls on its international financial transactions, with the yuan only partially convertible. While it can be used for current account transactions, to pay for goods and services trade, restrictions remain for capital account transactions, including investments and loans. The Chinese yuan has not internationalised enough to serve easily as a reserve currency.

Also, Saudi Arabia only this month became a full participant in the mBridge project, a collaboration between several central banks to develop a new system for cross-border payments using central bank digital currencies. But this project is guided by the Bank for International Settlements, partly owned by the Bank of England, the formerly privately-owned bank domiciled in the City of London Corporation. MBridge was launched in 2021 as a collaboration between the BIS and the central banks of China, Hong Kong, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates, to advance cross-border trade and payments using the project’s blockchain, the mBridge Ledger. In addition to the six central bank “full” participants, there are a further 27 official entities partnering in the project, including the IMF and the World Bank. Other central banks, namely of Norway, South Korea and Turkey (NATO or otherwise US allies) are observers. Partner banks include Goldman Sachs, HSBC and China’s six biggest state-owned banks.

The US policies in the past ten years were designed to forge a new military alliance between Russia and China, which others, such as Iran, have joined, while also forging an economic alliance centering on these countries in the larger circle of BRICS countries. More recently, the policy of first freezing and now confiscating Russian assets held in the US sphere of influence must convince more and more countries that an alternative system is more attractive than the US economic zone of influence.

It is notable that US policy decisions have been at the bottom of all this, further enhanced by the American-run regime of grey and black lists of countries concerning financial and tax reporting and consequently the ease of access to bank services. This regime practically discriminates against people and companies resident in many countries and makes simple payments and fund transfers difficult for them, as banks shy away from the high regulatory burden. It did not use to be this way and it doesn’t have to be this way. But decision-makers chose it this way.

Could it thus be that the much-hailed “alternative” to the US system of hegemony of BRICS countries and a BRICS currency is just another Hegelian dialectic opposite, possibly seen as necessary on the road towards a one-world government? For a one-world currency to be realistic, as proposed for instance by my former Oxford MPhil Economics classmate Mark Carney in 2019 at Jackson Hole, the US dollar has to be dethroned. The decision-makers behind this are influential enough to make America take those policies that would dethrone the dollar. Their chosen tool are central bank digital currencies, favoured also by China and Russia, not just the Western central planners. And it is these that we must oppose and resist as much as possible.


For me, it is Paris!

I am an Indian and you are going to say that you have many places in India that are worse than Paris. And I accept it, perhaps you are right! But the question asks specifically, “What is one city you would never return to”. It asks for my opinion based on my experience.

  1. A lot of Black people (I mention this because there were no other ppl in those groups. More on the line of haggling and harrassing, and NOT on racial discrimination) trying to strike a conversation by blocking my path with the most common question, “Which country you are from?” or with the line, “You look pretty”One of the women walking in front of me answered, “From Italy” and that is it! He started to follow and he was like, “I love Pizza.” and “You are so pretty”. Since she was ahead of me, it scared me! And in a split of second, she ran away. And then he asked me, “Which country are you from?”Some Black people selling souvenirs on the roads near Eiffel Tower were very persistent in trying to sell their items. I mean, we neither went near to them nor asked them anything. And these guys also knew Hindi, “Sasta hai Sasta hai!!”The other city where I had a similar experience was in Rome. But for some reason, it was not so crowded and I could escape every time.
  2. Weird experiencesOne of the most profound weird (I would not tag it “racism”) experiences I had was in Paris.
    We were waiting for the Bus in a queue. There were Indians in front of me and there was this group of 3 old stylish ladies talking in French behind me.
    When the bus came one of those three ladies pointed a finger and said to me and my mother, “You two, behind me!”. You should know better than to bully me! Long drama short, I got into the bus and those three got into the second bus that was for the same route just behind this one ;)Another experience was at the metro station after I purchased the tickets from the vending machine. A man came to me and asked me where I was going. I told him and then he said, “This is not the ticket you should be buying”.
    Every European city has its own rules when it comes to tickets, where to validate it and so on. There is a high probability that I could have made a mistake and bought the wrong ticket.
    I got nervous. He began to tell me that I should not be buying from the vending machine for this route and should purchase a value that was higher than my current ticket.
    After a minute, it felt odd because I am not so dumb to purchase the wrong ticket! And I can read English as well as French. I simply told him, “Okay, I will pay the fine” and I just walked away from him. (Btw it was the right ticket)I have a couple of more experiences. All these in 3.5 days I stayed in Paris.The bus drivers are all the time irritated.Surprisingly, a lot of honking compared to other cities in Europe that I have visited.
    Pedestrians were crossing even on the red signal for the pedestrians (In India, nobody cares for signals but in Europe, in almost all the places I have visited ppl take traffic rules seriously.)
  3. Pricey!Paris is known as the Fashion Capital of the World. Rightly so! Almost all the big brands are present there. But for the middle class, it is too heavy on the pocket.My shopping included only books, second-hand French books that would have been hard to get in India!
    And obviously, some freeze magnets!French Macarons are also costly and I have had better things in my life which were damn cheaper. My mother remarked, “Why is it so sugary?”
  4. Over-hypedMacarons are over-hyped and so is the Mona Lisa!But since I will not perhaps visit again (other than special circumstances), I had a lot of French Macarons and waited 55 minutes (even though I had a ticket) to enter the Louvre (where the Mona Lisa lives!) and another 20 minutes to get somewhere near to the painting.I am not complaining per se, just pointing out. I enjoyed both. It is just that it is nothing great. But had I missed it then I would have regretted it because of all the hype surrounding it.
  5. Paris Metro made me uncomfortable. But maybe, it is just me.
  6. A lot of traffic and jams as well. I preferred to walk around and/or take the metro.

I was advised by my driver in Porto not to stay out too late in Paris and to make sure that I am always in a place that is surrounded by people. Not a good advice before starting the Paris trip.

A teacher that I knew very well was arrested and jailed without bond for sexual assault.

But there was no evidence to the accusations.

He got along well with the students and staff. A bit strict at times, but he was a pretty humorous and kind person overall. So when the allegations came out, we were all shocked but confused.

Something just didn’t feel right.

The person pressing the charges was a senior, and she was a bit “out there.” Many people saw her as a “social justice warrior” with strong beliefs in feminism. She definitely wasn’t a timid or soft-spoken person at all.

She claimed that he had molested her since freshman year, assaulted her multiple times at school, and even visited her home several times.

Her friend also testified as a witness while saying that she had been assaulted too.

What’s “interesting” though is her Facebook page which states that her hobby is “taking down white males.

Furthermore, police did a thorough investigation of all his devices, but couldn’t find anything.

Nevertheless, he was still arrested and jailed.

Now, I’m not saying he’s innocent, but without any evidence, it’s difficult for me to justify his imprisonment either.

And I really hope that he isn’t innocent.

Because if he is, then he has had his whole life unrightfuly taken away from him.

He’ll never be able to teach again.

He’ll be forever labeled as a child-molester.

His career is ruined.

His family is broken.

And his life, by all means, is essentially over.

Imagine you have an army and you’re out of supplies. Like, if you sit there for a few more days, your men will start to starve. That’s how bad it is. You’re also not getting resupplied any time soon because the enemy navy is blocking your sea routes and the enemy army is blocking your land routes. Your only way to survive is to beat the enemy army in a head-on battle.

But there’s just one problem: the enemy army is twice as large as your own. And is led by one of the greatest living generals.

How do you win the battle?

This was the situation Julius Caesar faced in the late summer of 48 BCE. He had made a gambit, attempting to cross the Adriatic in late fall in risky waters, but he only made it across with half of his army and was promptly outmaneuvered by his opponent Pompey’s larger army. Near the town of Pharsalus, he found himself outnumbered, outmatched, and even outplanned. Pompey held all the cards.

Pompey’s associates, who included most of Rome’s Senators, urged him to battle. He himself wanted to stay up on his hill and starve Caesar out, but he was pressured into a confrontation. He obliged.

As Pompey’s army marched out, it must have been an intimidating sight for Caesar. He had faced down larger armies before, but they had always been armies of Gauls, undisciplined warriors without much organization on the battlefield. Facing him now were trained Roman soldiers led by a commander with decades of experience in field battles. Caesar must have come to terms with the idea that this would be his last battle.

The two armies lined up. Pompey had the tactical flexibility to either stack his units tightly to create more breakthrough pressure or to extend his line and outflank Caesar. He opted for the former, matching Caesar’s line in length and seeking to penetrate. Caesar had no choice but to attack.

In most battles, the attack would begin with a slow walk, accelerating to a brisk stride and eventually a full jog that would create momentum for the strike. However, Caesar knew that his momentum was not enough for Pompey’s deep ranks. He took advantage of his soldiers’ coordination and discipline; ten meters before making contact, he ordered a full-stop halt to the entire line. After a brief rest to recover from the initial run, they advanced slowly, shields braced, into the fray.

The infantry combat devolved into a stalemate. Pompey’s lines had more weight, but Caesar’s soldiers were veterans who had fought with Caesar for a decade. They had bore powerful charges with more fervor from Gauls before, and they could handle slow, grinding formation fighting just fine despite being outnumbered.

For Caesar, the problem would be the cavalry.

Pompey was dominant in cavalry. Caesar had some Gallic auxiliary horsemen, but Pompey, with all the resources of Greece and the rest of the Roman east, had amassed Macedonian-style cavalry in the thousands. They outnumbered Caesar’s cavalry at least five-to-one, and when they charged, it was a sure thing they would crush Caesar’s flank and bring a quick end to the battle.

Finally, around the peak of the fighting, Pompey’s cavalry charged. Thousands of hooves on the ground, kicking up dust and producing a terrifying low rumble that drew closer and closer to Caesar’s cavalry. They stood still, awaiting the charge. It looked like suicide, a last stand.

At the last moment, they raised their spears. It was a death wish. Pompey’s cavalry made contact.

Immediately, Caesar’s cavalry turned around and fell back. Pompey’s cavalry followed in hot pursuit. But suddenly, Caesar’s cavalry units began splitting off into two groups. They each moved to one side.

Taking their place were a unit of legionaries. Armed with spears.

Pompey’s cavalry were not prepared for this reserve unit of infantry, especially not ones using spears. Turns out their spears were actually just improvised pila: heavy throwing javelins repurposed as anti-horse weapons. But against an unexpected enemy whose momentum became kryptonite, they worked perfectly.

Horses and riders fell, impaled by the spears. Others were struck in the back by pila as they turned tail to flee. The charge broke into a chaotic mess, and the Caesarians were getting the better of the melee fighting on foot. Finally, the Roman cavalry came back for their charge, making contact with the broken Pompeian formation and utterly scattering it. The Pompeian horsemen fled off the battlefield in disarray.

Now it was Pompey’s flank that was in grave danger.

Pompey did not expect that the Roman cavalry would be coming back from their death stand. He was completely unprepared to see a mix of cavalry and infantry barreling toward his left flank. The infantry were equally unprepared and failed to meet the charge properly. Their tightly packed lines were crushed even closer together.

Caesar took advantage of this disorder from every angle. He knew a river protected the left side of the battlefield, so he diverted the rest of his reserves to the Pompeian left flank and sent them on a crushing push through their lines.

The Pompeians folded. 40,000 men lost to 22,000 men on a flat plain with only one little trick.

Julius Caesar would go on to defeat all challengers, becoming the dictator-for-life of Rome.

Then he got stabbed. Sadge

China does not reveal its true military capability (following the principles of Sun Tzu).

Western intelligence can only guess at China’s real nuclear capability. At present, their guess is that China has 350 nuclear weapons and 90 ICBMs.

However, many netizens have studied this question in great detail and their estimates are much higher. Their consensus is that China may have 800 nuclear weapons, and possibly as many as 2,000, including the delivery vehicles for all of them.

Bottom line? We just don’t know.

This uncertainty is what China aims for. It must keep US military planners up at night.

Suppose China does have 800 nuclear weapons. Suppose China has the delivery vehicles for all of them. What does this mean for the United States?

America’s missile defence shield is unproven in the field. However, it has been tested, and recent tests show less than 60% effectiveness. That means 40% of China’s nukes could slip through US defences.

So how much damage could 320 nukes do to America? Well, it would certainly flatten America. It would kill many tens of millions of people, perhaps over a hundred million.

It would wipe out America’s industrial and technological base.

It would create millions of square kilometers of radioactive wasteland that are uninhabitable for centuries.

How could America feed its remaining population? Radioactive land is not arable.

And let’s not overlook the possibility of nuclear winter.

If this is anybody’s idea of survivability, they’re welcome to it.

Never Underestimate China’s Ability to Do the Unexpected


Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in space. view prompt

Jaylen Hyden

Her hands ghost against the Paine of thick glass separating her from the void, infinite nothingness as far as one could look in the pitch black reach of death’s gaze.the only thing stopping her from being scooped out into its frigid embrace was metal. Metal  and wires, a rib cage made out of nuts and bolts, with nothing but cold surfaces and sharp edges welded together that encapsulated her and the rest of her crew.She almost forgets to breathe, her lungs twisted up and tangled with a combination of unfiltered elation and deep seated dread that knocks back and forth within her skull until she becomes lightheaded from the thought of acknowledging either of them.Instead of that, she grunts, lifting herself out of her chair while her eyes continue to fixate on the electronic timer counting down its life until they reach their new destination. A new place, new opportunities, a new start-A new home.She hesitates at the last thought, brushing it aside as she walks away from the machine, her hands slightly shaky from the amount of caffeine she’s ingested in the last 48 hours, the empty cups now stacked up into a messy pile beside her desk.She walks out into the hallway from her office, the bright, fluorescent lights nearly blinding from her extended time cooped up and occupied with work. Even just a few steps out and she can already hear the mutter of chatter flooding from the commons area, Snippets of conversation buzzing to life the closer she gets. A small smile lifts the corners of her mouth as she enters the room, her older sister sitting in one of the many chairs scattered about the room.She walks towards her on the bleached white tiled floors, stopping beside her place a comforting hand over her shoulder; and chuckles when the girl nearly jumps out of her seat from surprise.


“Wha -Charlie! I told you not to scare me like that!” the older girl squeaks, a squeezed smirk scrunching up her face subtly.


Charlie replies with a toothy, smug smile, only patting her sister again on the shoulder, albeit a bit more delicate this time.


“You know I couldn’t miss an opportunity like that!” charlie defends, crossing her arms while continuing to wear the same smirk. Her sister rolls her eyes, and finally chuckles along.


“So you finally decided to come out of your hole, huh?” Her sister nudges charlies side with her elbow, a friendly gesture. Charlie’s body tenses slightly, she really wishes she didn’t have to. She would rather be anywhere else then on this godforsaken ship, but she never really had a choice.


“You would do the same if you were the one in charge of making sure this tin can doesn’t blow up!”


“guess I can’t argue with that.”


“See, I told you. Now how is the data coming along?” charlie glances over at the clock hung up on the wall; god, it was already almost 2am. She doesn’t want to be here.


“Got two more potential sites we could look into, nothing special though.” her sister shrugs.


“Are they actually habitable this time?” charlie mutters under her breath. She feels like she’s already said this before, like this whole thing has happened before.


“Yeah yeah,” her sister waves a dismissive hand in the other direction “no more acidic deposits or whatever.” charlie snorts at the response. But it’s mostly out of reflex. She can’t wait to get back to her room at this point.


“Can’t say people would be too happy if the equivalent of an acid volcano blew up their home.”

She jokes back, forcing her face into a smile.


“It sounded like it would be a ‘them’ problem at the time, not a ‘me’ problem.” her sister jokes.


“Whatever you say, rose.” she rolls her eyes, until settling her gaze on the screen of glass on the other side of the room. Her face scrunches up as she easily abandons the shallow conversation, instead making her way across said room; something twisting uneasily in her stomach the same way her awe of the stars did with her lungs.


“Where do you think you’re going, i’m not done with you yet!” Rose calls after her, a smile still strewn on the taller girls face, while her sister ignores her.


Charlie stops a few steps short of the glass, and places a delicate hand on its surface, her eyes squinting into the nothingness.


“Uh, rose?” she finally responds to her, calling out to her sister as her other crew peers start to glance over curiously, and then follow up with an array of different sounds of sudden panic.

“I’m coming i’m com-” she stops short behind the shorter girl, mouth slightly agape.


“Rose, what is-

“What the hell is that thing?!” a sudden shriek arises from the room in the back, cutting charlie off from trying to reason out what she’s currently seeing in front of her.  Something in her memory seems to click, but she doesn’t know why.


Something blacker than the abyss stares back at them, long, lithe tendrils slowly curling in and out from around it as it continues to approach the ship.


Somebody in the crowd begins to scream, and soon the whole ship is riddled with fear and panic as everyone seemingly begins to scramble. Crowds of people trampling over each other through the small door frames on either side of the commons.


She should be running with them, screaming in terror and ripping her hand away from the glass. But instead she can only stand still as her sister tries to drag her deeper into the false security of their ships from the lurking leviathan in the void.


She’s just so tired. And she just wants to go back home.

Maybe space wouldn’t be that cold after all?


She can hear her sisters voice behind her, muffled but just as grating to her ears. She stares out of the window, glazed over eyes watching the creature sulk closer.


She can finally go home.

BECOME OBSESSED – 3 HOUR Motivational Speech Video | Gym Workout Motivation

My Big Ass Arc Gun

Now, guys, in my previous post I briefly mentioned that I had various prototype labs in my homes that I would tinker around with. You know that I have read extensively, and painted. But I never discussed the things that I was prototyping and cobbling together.

And here, I want to enlighten you all on some of them.

Ah. It was a BIG part of my life.

Of course, some of you know that I have been working on the dimensional portal. And, though I never mentioned it, it does need to be known that this was just one of many hundreds of projects that I enjoyed playing around with.

What I never told any of you all was that I actually made a small portal, and at the time of my “retirement”, I was able to send cans of peas and corn to “somewhere”. Wherever they went, they left my world-line template.

That’s for certain.

Teleportation portal
Teleportation portal

For illustration only.

My device at my home lab wasn’t so bulky and industrial. Nothing but the frame for the generation of the portal. And my sensors, and the mechanism to modulate the wave-forms. I was working with a company in China for a “real” turbo-charged version. And I made a video about that adventure. Don’t you know.

What I did was made a small 30 degree slope out of plywood, and rolled the 303 size cans down the slope where they entered the portal at the exact moment when the transition coordinates were in flux.

And yeah. It took me a number of tries.

It was a small victory, for certain. Really. I was really proud of myself. And I was literally hopping… seriously, I was hopping up and down in the lab. Were they bouncing off as a ejection of the field, or did they actually go somewhere. I am convinced that they left and went somewhere. Ah. It was my confirmation that I was on the “right track” as I tried to replicate the Majestic dimensional portal.

Of course, my problem at that time and still is… calculating WHERE.

I was able to get them to disappear and go somewhere, by greatly altering the destination coordinates by some initial random manipulations. I was always cautious and conservative; read “timid”. I was far too reserved to try anything really radical.

But one day, I said “fuck it” and just really changed the coordinates in a most radical manner.

It worked. And they went somewhere.

But a measure of what the actual destination was, still eludes me.

303 can of corn
303 can of corn

Now, there’s a trick that I had to work out, just to get them to do anything. I had to alter the overlay of the destination coordinates over the egress coordinates in the same phase or rhythm as the powering of the electromagnetic field. Once I was able to do that, well, sure they just left this world line sharply.

I really didn’t NEED to have radically different coordinates. But rather, the secret was in the switching process from egress coordinates to destination coordinates. Not on the coordinates themselves, but how you apply the changing field into the portal.

Hurray! for me.

After hopping up and down, I left the lab. Wrote down the events in great detail (I had very detailed notebooks back in the day). Then, I went and packed for my next trip. (Oh, and my wife was bitching where all the cans of peas, corn and beans were disappearing to…)

Then I went to China on a  business trip.

And when I came back, I was arrested and incarcerated, and I have no clue where all my prototyping gear went.


It is unlikely that anyone would have recognized it for what it was. Just a jumble of electronic things on a work bench in the garage. Gosh, though.

I do miss that work bench. It was a old 1940’s steel leg “map table” with a horribly top finish. So I covered it in thick ply plywood. Bolted it down with lag-bolts, and it was as stable as a rock. I’ll tell you what.

Anyways, we can go back to my final dimensional portal experiments prior to the hard stop, and  discuss them at a later date.

All by memory of course.

All records, gear, photos and everything else are all missing. Who knows where they are now?

But I had something else.

I was working on duplicating the alien pulse-plasma rifle from the Science Fiction movie “District 9”.

Remember that?

Well… not THAT weapon. That was some kind of blast gun.

I’m talking about the arc gun.

There’s a scene where the arc gun causes BIG ASS explosions. And that was what I was aiming for.

And, well, no it didn’t look like the movie version. What I mean is that I made a functional replica. Not a appearance replica.

District 9 Alien Assault Rifle 1
District 9 Alien Assault Rifle 1

I guess I am weird.

What I did, was a kind of work-around, I guess you could call it that.

What I did, was take a taster firing mechanism. That was the wire ejection device, the wire, and the entire battery and trigger mechanism.



Gun 1
Gun 1

I kept it almost completely intact. But I added a home-made (obviously) thermobaric warhead.

Ejir g5WoAEacFi
Ejir g5WoAEacFi

My first warhead had no fuse, and relied on very fine talc powder. Which was really, the a clay mineral composed of hydrated magnesium silicate, with the chemical formula Mg 3Si 4O 10(OH) 2. Talc in powdered form, often combined with corn starch, is used as baby powder. And so, as impure as it was, I used Johnson’s baby powder.

So yes. I made (I suppose) a baby-powder bomb.

In the more advanced designs I used a small bare copper wire that would press against a small PE bag of Hydrogen Peroxide to ignite the warhead when the signal was issued.

Now, this is a small grenade like warhead. Of course, my prototype was ugly as fuck and had a small (out of machined aluminum extrusion sides bolted together that contained my dispersal gas, and ignition powder (yeah, my first go around was with a 22 shell casing minus the lead).

  • You fire the gun.
  • The projectile goes to the target in a shallow arc.
  • It hits the target.
  • A “one shot” starts a counter and a nanosecond delay allows the gas to disperse.
  • Then the electrical charge zaps through the wires.
  • It ignites the .22 casing.
  • That then ignites the gas cloud.
  • Big, BIG explosion.

To the viewer, it looks like I shot a (faint) lightening bolt that exploded like a big bomb.

20220312 WOC550
20220312 WOC550

And When I tried it out, I will admit that it shocked me. And I did take EVERY precaution. You do NOT NOT NOT mess around with guns. So I was behind a cinder-block retaining wall.

And I still had the top of my hair singed.

Now, the problem with this crude set up was I didn’t have the range. My “warhead” was too heavy. And it needed to be improved. Smaller warhead, and lighter. More powerful ejection device, and longer wire. But all these issues could be worked out.

In fact, my biggest concern at the time was how to make the electrical movement in the wire larger so that it would look like a real bolt of lightening.

But yeah.

This is EXACTLY what I made; Gun B21 @2:40

And here, again, not so dramatic @5:29. But yeah, that’s my project.

Some crazy sciency fiction shit for sure….

All gone.

Yupper boys and girls. Be being such a “danger to the great citizens of the wonderful state of Arkansas” (Heee Haw Hee Haw)… it’s all gone.

Now, only CHINA has access to advanced weapons technology.

Don’t you know.

Oh, not by me. I’m just a quiet unassuming fellow trying to have fun with food, girls, and cats. But I’m not the only Mad Scientist that was pushed out of the pustules and fetid swill that the United States has become.

Yuppur. All gone.

The United States can have bupkis.

I will never forget.










I will never forgive.


‘No proof’ US landed on moon – Ex-Russian space boss

Dmitry Rogozin says that while many in Roscosmos defended Washington’s version of events, no one could produce irrefutable proof


The former head of Russia’s Roscosmos space agency, Dmitry Rogozin, has expressed doubt that the US Apollo 11 mission really landed on the Moon in 1969, saying he has yet to see conclusive proof.

In a post on his Telegram channel on Sunday, Rogozin said he began his personal quest for the truth “about ten years ago” when he was still working in the Russian government, and that he grew skeptical about whether the Americans had actually set foot on the Moon when he compared how exhausted Soviet cosmonauts looked upon returning from their flights, and how seemingly unaffected the Apollo 11 crew was by contrast.

Rogozin said he sent requests for evidence to Roscosmos at the time. All he received in response was a book featuring Soviet Cosmonaut Aleksey Leonov’s account of how he talked to the American astronauts and how they told him they had been on the Moon.

The former official wrote that he continued with his efforts when he was appointed head of Roscosmos in 2018. However, according to Rogozin, no evidence was presented to him. Instead, several unnamed academics angrily criticized him for undermining the “sacred cooperation with NASA,” he claimed.

The former Roscosmos chief also said he had “received an angry phone call from a top-ranking official” who supposedly accused him of complicating international relations.   

Rogozin concluded by saying he still cannot believe that the US was able to pull off the feat, but is now unable to, despite the incredible progress in technology since the late 1960s.

What he claims to have found out, however, was that Washington has “its people in [the Russian] establishment.” 

Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to the Moon, with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin going down in history as the first humans to walk on the lunar surface.

The flight was preceded by the unmanned Soviet Luna 2 program, which blazed the trail for Moon exploration.

Last April, President Vladimir Putin pledged to resume Russia’s lunar program.

Grilled Beer Sirloin with Mustard

Steak with Beer Mustard Sauce 1 1024x683
Steak with Beer Mustard Sauce 1 1024×683


  • 4 large beef sirloin steaks, (about 1/2 pound each)
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 teaspoons mustard
  • 2 teaspoons tarragon vinegar
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Mix together the oil, mustard and vinegar. Coat the steaks well with the mixture and allow to marinate for about 10 minutes on each side.
  2. Season with salt and pepper, then grill the steaks for about 2 to 4 minutes on each side.
  3. Serve with French fries and salad.

The United States is spending SERIOUS money trying to destabilize the ‘Stans.

Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan… notice a pattern here?

map of central asia
map of central asia

The CIA is spending serious money destabilizing Central Asia and their BRI ambitions to remake Eurasia.

Serious money.

[1] Kyrgyzstan authorities report foiled coup attempt

Kyrgyzstan’s State Committee for National Security says group of extremists planned violent seizure of power

Elena Teslova | 05.07.2024 – Update : 05.07.2024


Kyrgyzstan’s State Committee for National Security announced on Friday that it had thwarted a coup attempt by a group aiming to seize power violently and destabilize the socio-political situation through mass riots.

The committee’s statement revealed that raids on the suspects’ homes and vehicles uncovered components for improvised explosive devices, firearms, ammunition, walkie-talkies, body armor, law enforcement uniforms, drones, and extremist literature.

Five suspects have been placed in pre-trial detention, and further investigative and operational measures are ongoing.

Detailed information will be provided later, the committee said.

[2] Tajikistan tense amid arrests of senior personalities and former officials and rumours of a failed coup

25 June 2024

Tadjik President Emomamli Rahmon has run Tajikistan with an iron hand since taking power in 1992. There are now reports that he is preparing to hand power to his son. So, news of dissent in the Central Asian Republic is rare. News of a coup and the arrests of many prominent former officials have therefore triggered a lot of speculation. Saidjafar Usmonzoda, a prominent member of the Tajik parliament, was detained on June 14 for allegedly “plotting to overthrow the government.” Prosecutor-General Yusuf Rahmon accused Usmonzoda of collaborating with the foreign-based opposition group National Pact of Tajikistan and of speaking with its leader, the self-exiled Sharofiddin Gadoev. Parliament quickly stripped Usmonzoda of his immunity

His arrest was soon followed by the detention of former Foreign Minister Hamrokhon Zarifi.

But perhaps more prominently has been the detention of the former Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Tajikistan, Akbarsho Iskandarov. During the wave of conflicts in the early 1990s, he took over as the Chairman of Parliament and served as Tajikistan’s acting president. In recent years, he worked at the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science, and Law of the Academy of Sciences. Prior to this, for many years, he served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia.

The General Prosecutor’s Office summoned Akbarsho Iskandarov for questioning on June 13 and 14, following which they did not release him. The reason he was interviewed and the grounds on which he has been detained are unknown.

“Investigators of the General Prosecutor’s Office questioned about 50 people during these days and released them on their recognisance, while Akbarsho Iskandarov was not released,” a source stated.

As is often the case in authoritarian countries dissent often bubbles under the surface. The Tajik authorities have not been very forthcoming with information about what is going on, but the developments come on top of an already tense time for the Tadjik leadership as it tries to deal with the fallout from the involvement of Tadjiks in the recent terrorist attacks in Moscow. His leadership has embarked on a number of measures, which some consider knee-jerk, such as banning the hijab.

All in all, Tajikistan’s problems seem to be piling on top of each other, and as Central Asia’s poorest country, it is vulnerable to sudden shock. Other Central Asian leaders look at the situation in Tajikistan with concern, not least because of the risk of falling out into their own quite fragile political processes.

[3] Uzbekistan imposes regional state of emergency after deadly unrest

Government U-turns over plans to curtail autonomy of Karakalpakstan but fears rise tensions may escalate

Reuters in Almaty
Mon 4 Jul 2022 09.47 BST

Eighteen people were killed and 243 wounded during unrest in Uzbekistan’s autonomous province of Karakalpakstan over plans to curtail its autonomy, Uzbek authorities said.

Security forces detained 516 people while dispersing protesters on Friday but have released many of them, the national guard press office told a briefing.

On Saturday, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev dropped plans to amend articles of the constitution concerning Karakalpakstan’s autonomy and its right to secede. He also declared a month-long state of emergency in the north-western province.

According to official reports, protesters marched through the provincial capital of Nukus last Friday and tried to seize local government buildings.

Photographs from Nukus, published on Sunday by the news website O‘zbekiston va jahon yangiliklari, eng so‘nggi tezkor xabarlar, qiziqarli maqola, intervyu, foto va video materiallar, showed street barricades, burnt out trucks and a heavy military presence including armoured personnel carriers.

Videos shared on social media showed at least two severely wounded people being carried away by their arms and legs. One was bleeding from the abdomen, while the other was screaming.

Another showed a young man crouching by an apparently lifeless body in the street, screaming “a man is dying”, and running for cover as shots rang out.

An exiled opposition politician, Pulat Ahunov, told Reuters over the weekend that people were unable to move around or obtain more information because of a state of emergency imposed by the authorities.

Uzbekistan is a tightly controlled former Soviet republic where the government clamps down hard on any form of dissent. It was the second outbreak of unrest in central Asia this year, after Kazakhstan crushed mass protests in January and Russia and other former Soviet republics sent in troops to help restore order.

The protests in Uzbekistan were prompted by planned constitutional changes that would have stripped Karakalpakstan of its autonomous status. In a U-turn, the president dropped those plans on Saturday.

Ahunov, the chair of the opposition Berlik party, told Reuters from Sweden that he condemned the use of lethal force. “The authorities, from the start, should have opted for dialogue and negotiations,” he said. He said he feared the potential for the situation to escalate into an ethnic conflict between Uzbeks and Karakalpaks, a minority group with their own language.

Authorities had called a public meeting for Tuesday to discuss the situation, he added.

Kazakhstan said it was concerned by the events in Uzbekistan and welcomed moves by the authorities to stabilise the situation.

Steve Swerdlow, associate professor of human rights at the University of Southern California and an expert on the region, said Uzbekistan should engage as transparently as possible in declaring casualties and the use of force and over the longer term look at what concerns were at the heart of the protests.

[4] President of Kazakhstan says he has weathered attempted coup d’etat

By Reuters
January 11, 20229:44 AM GMT+8

NUR-SULTAN, Jan 10 (Reuters) – Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said on Monday that his country had weathered an attempted coup d’etat coordinated by what he called “a single centre” after the most violent unrest since the Soviet collapse.

In a speech to an online meeting of the Russian-led CSTO military alliance by video link, Tokayev said that order had now been restored in Kazakhstan, but that the hunt for “terrorists” was ongoing.

“Under the guise of spontaneous protests, a wave of unrest broke out… It became clear that the main goal was to undermine the constitutional order and to seize power. We are talking about an attempted coup d’etat,” he said.

Demonstrations against a fuel price rise began just over a week ago before erupting into a wider protest against Tokayev’s government and the man he replaced as president, 81-year-old Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev speaks during a televised address to the nation following the protests triggered by fuel price increase in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan January 7, 2022. Official website of the President of Kazakhstan/Handout via REUTERS

“The main blow was directed against (the city of) Almaty. The fall of this city would have paved the way for a takeover of the densely populated south and then the whole country,” he said. “Then they planned to seize the capital.”

Tokayev said that a large-scale “counter-terrorism” operation would soon end along with a CSTO mission that he said numbered 2,030 troops and 250 pieces of military hardware.

Tokayev defended his decision to invite Russian-led troops into the country and said that doubts over the legitimacy of that mission stemmed from a lack of information.

Kazakhstan would soon provide proof to the international community about what had happened, he said.Sixteen members of the security forces were killed, while the number of civilian casualties is still being checked, he said.

Reporting by Tamara Vaal in Nur-Sultan; Writing by Tom Balmforth; Editing by Andrew Osborn

Taiwan will not become Ukraine. China wont let it happen.

USA is using Taiwan as a cash cow to buy all US weapons. That is all. No harm done to China as a whole. It only hurts Taiwanese taxpayers’ money but not China.

China knows USA’s goal is to provoke China to start a war. Like Ukraine provoking Russia.

In the big picture, a war will hurt the economy of the entire world. Not just China.

Not to mention human life.

So China keeps a cool head. Stay calm & not to react to US deliberate malice. Not to fall into the US trap.

But China has closing up on Taiwan these days.

First. no more so-called Taiwanese sovereign territory. All are Chinese. Chinese coastguards & warplanes are moving closer & closer to Taiwan coastline & airspace.

2nd, China is to pass a law to put on trial stubborn Taiwanese separatists without their appearance in court. Max death sentence. Extradition too.

The law can apply to foreigners who help stubborn Taiwanese separatists.

USA & the West in general is quiet on the upcoming Chinese law so far. Because they have similar laws to deal with their separatists too

Just wait & see. Dont worry.

Pepe Escobar: Putin’s BOMBSHELL just Changed Everything and NATO is Done

Finding love in space

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in space. view prompt

Tea Kleva

It’s year 2155 and I’m living on Venus. We travel with space ships from one planet to another. Woman live on Venus and man on Mars, so in order to meet each other we go once a week on Jupiter.The purpose in my life is to find the love of my life. What a cliché, right? But I can’t help it if I’m a hopeless romantic. Sometimes I think that I would never find him and I will live alone till I die.The day to go on Jupiter came and I was ready to meet the love I was waiting for the past 50 years. All the girls took a seat in a spaceship and we were ready to go. The journey was long, so I started to talk to the girl who was sitting next to me.“So, are you nervous for your date?” I asked her.She looked at me and smiled. Her eyes were green and I just lost myself in them. I was just staring at her and the whole thing became awkward really fast.“I’m sorry for starring at you like that, but you have such a pretty eyes.” I apologized.“Oh, don’t worry,” she replied. “And yes, I’m a little nervous for my date. By the way, I’m Caroline.”“Nice to meet you Caroline, I’m Jasmine.”We talked the whole trip and we became friends. I felt the happiness filling my body and I was so grateful that I met her.The boys were already waiting for us. This place was always so beautiful and with the boys on it I loved it even more. I was just standing there alone, when one boy approached me.“Wow, I just can’t believe it. You are stunning!” the boy said.

I smiled and thanked him. He took my hand and gave it a little kiss. We walked to one free table and sat down.

“Let me introduce myself, I’m Hunter, I’m 166 years old and I live in a villa on Mars. I appreciate the natural beauty, so that’s the main reason I chose you as my date.” He said.

“Well thank you for the compliment, Hunter. I’m Jasmine, I’m 133 years old and I live in a small apartment on Venus. I appreciate that you are such a gentleman and that’s the reason I let you choose me as your date.” I said.

We were flirting the whole time and I could feel some kind of connection between us, but at the same time I just couldn’t stop thinking about Caroline and every time I saw her having a good time with her date I was kind of jealous.

The day on Jupiter ended and I felt like there was no connection between me and Hunter. He was the perfect guy, just not for me. I walked in space ship and sat beside Caroline.

“How was your date?” I asked.

“It wasn’t bad, but at the same time I felt I had more connection with you than him, you know.” She said.

I was so happy, because I felt exactly the same. Does that mean that I should search for my soulmate on my own planet? I’m so confused.

“Can I ask you something?” I said. “Would you like to go out with me? To know each other better and become maybe, uh, more than friends…”

I couldn’t believe I actually said that. I was a little scared of how she is going to react. So I was just starring at my feet. She took my chin with her soft, warm, perfect hands and lifted my head so we made eye contact. She was smiling so that’s a good sign.

“I would love to go out with you Jasmine, because I feel something for you. It’s a little strange, but an amazing feeling.” She said while still holding my face.

During our flight back we hit another spaceship. The alarm went off and I was panicking. Caroline took my hand and told me everything is going to be okay. We landed on the Moon and Caroline had the idea that we could go on an adventure, so she took my hand and we ran on the other side of the Moon. We found a cave and we went inside. It was dark, but fortunately I had my battery with me. The cave was white, the walls had different shapes and the echo was amazing. We started singing and the walls sang back. I never wanted to leave this place. We went deeper in the cave and found a waterfall. I remembered that we learned a lot of this cave in the school. The water was magical. If you dive in it and think of some place, you would get there through this waterfall. I was so curious if this really worked, so I proposed to Caroline that we dive in the water and travel on the Earth.

We got in the water and thought of some place on Earth. Suddenly I remembered that Eart was a big place and that we wouldn’t land in the same place, but it was to late. There was a flash of light so I closed my eyes and I could feel my body flying through the space. I landed in front of Big Ben. I was in London. I didn’t have any device to communicate with Caroline and even if I was among the people, I felt alone.

Right now I just wanted to find Caroline and go back to Venus, where I could perhaps marry her and be with her forever. I know that we didn’t know each other enough, but my gut is telling me that she could be the one.

I just stopped for a minute and closed my eyes. I wanted to see if I could feel where she was. I heard music in the distance and someone was calling my name. I turned around and opened my eyes. Some kind of shadow ran into the bar where the music came from. I followed the shadow and I saw a girl who had same hair as Caroline. That must be her! I found her! I went to the girl and hugged her.

“I finally found you!” I said. I let go of the hug and the girl turned around. It wasn’t Caroline. I felt so embarrassed and I left the bar. I started crying because I thought I would never find Caroline. I sat on the stairs outside the bar and I couldn’t stop crying. After I stopped crying I looked on the floor and my tears spelled Paris. I stood up and went to the airport. I had some money with me so I bought a ticket for Paris.

I searched whole Paris just to find Caroline, but I couldn’t find her. I stopped in front of Eiffel tower and started praying that someone could give me a sign or some kind of help, so I could find her.

“Hello miss, do you want to see how beautiful Paris is from the top of Eiffel tower?” some man said.

I bought a ticket to visit the top of the tower. I stopped for a moment to enjoy the view, when someone grabbed my shoulders. I turned around and there she was, Caroline. We found each other, fate wanted to reunite us in the city of love, Paris. We hugged and I just couldn’t let her go. I didn’t want to lose her again.

“Now that we found each other again, we should go home.” She whispered in my ear.

“But home is wherever we are together. So right now we could stay in Paris and then we could explore the rest of the World.” I said with a tear sliding down my cheek.

So we decided to stay on Earth. The only thing we needed at the moment were each other and the desire for travelling.

After 5 years we travelled the whole world, so we decided to go back on Venus. Me and Caroline live in the house we build together. We love each other and want to grow old together.

Sometimes your soulmate come to your life when you least expect it and sometimes it’s not the person you would expect, but that’s the beauty of life, it’s unpredictable.

PH is a US puppet. It is USA who controls the movement of puppet PH.

If ever the China-PH meeting works, it will be USA who wants to ease the tension in SCS.

Does USA want to ease SCS tension? Let us look for signs.

Few things took place since the US installation of mid-range missiles in PH on 2024/4/11. ie USA wanted to escalate tension on 4/11.

1, On the same day, both China & Russia react & mentioned Cuba. Hinting that they could do something in Cuba.

Actually, they also can do it in all Latin American countries that are hostile to USA. You USA create tension at our front door, we Russia+China will create tension at your front door too.

2, Cuban defense chief right away visited China. I heard he visited Russia too.

3, Later Russia sent 4 warships to visit Cuba with open welcome by Cuba.

4, On 6/14 or so, Pentagon disclosed it launched an anti-Chinese-vaccine campaign to kill Filipinos. (I still cannot figure out why USA disclosed this at the time when we already forget about covid. There is a reason but we dont know why yet.)

5, On 6/17, PH soldiers were defeated by Chinese coastguards at Ren’ai shoal.

At first, PH was vicious. Later, under US instruction, PH tuned it down to misunderstanding or accident.

PH threatened to invoke the US-PH Mutual Defense Treaty. Thru 2 scholars in Cambridge U, USA told PH that MDT does not apply to SCSea.

6, On 6/28, USA announced it will withdraw US troops from Luchu (Okinawa) & Japan mainland to Guam, starting Dec 2024. Hollowing the US power in the 1st island chain.

7, On 6/29, USA dropped a sub detector to SCS. Got caught by China. There was a 2-day China-US electronic battle in SCSea. USA lost & left,

8, Chinese destroyers & later an aircraft carrier sailed near US military bases in PH. To “declare” victory.

9, On 7/4, USA said it will remove its mid-range missiles in PH in Sept. … a further indicator that USA has lost to China.

Duterte clearly is smarter than Marcos. He openly said that when PH has 1 missile pointing at China, China will also point a missile at PH. (I add) China will not point 1 at PH but 100 missiles. USA cannot out-perform the Chinese speed in manufacturing. If USA can match, USA wont move to Guam.

Back to the question. There are signs that USA wants to de-escalate SCS tension, for now. Perhaps until after they find a Biden replacement for the US election.

Cool, and interesting.

Chinese battery expansions

China’s progress with renewable energies is undeniable, but the ethics with which they are achieving it is not. The whole world is on tenterhooks with the battery they are hiding from the rest of the world. The reason? It has enormous potential to destroy our industry and export capacity with the strangest material we have ever seen.

China created this battery that leaves lithium behind but has it hidden in its industry

China has recently made major advancements in sodium-ion battery technology as an alternative to the more common lithium-ion batteries. Sodium-ion batteries utilize sodium ions rather than lithium ions to store and release energy.

While lithium-ion batteries currently dominate the global battery market, especially for electric vehicles and consumer electronics, sodium-ion batteries have some potential advantages that have piqued China’s interest.

China sees sodium-ion as a strategic opportunity to establish domestic technology leadership and reduce reliance on imported lithium. With its vast sodium reserves, China could secure its supply chain for battery materials rather than depend on sourcing lithium from other countries.

This has led major Chinese companies to accelerate sodium-ion research and development. Over the past few years, China has rapidly expanded sodium-ion battery production capacity and implemented large-scale deployments of the technology.

Sodium-ion Chinese batteries, a milestone in energy history

Sodium-ion batteries are very similar in design to the lithium-ion batteries that currently dominate the battery market. Both use intercalation chemistry, meaning that ions move between the cathode and anode to provide power.

However, sodium-ion batteries use sodium ions instead of lithium. This provides some key advantages. The cathode in a sodium-ion battery is typically made from layered transition metal oxides, while the anode uses hard carbon, similar to lithium-ion batteries.

During discharge, the sodium ions flow from the anode to the cathode through the electrolyte. When charging, the ions flow back to the anode. Unlike lithium, sodium is cheap and abundant. Sodium does not need special handling or storage. This makes sodium-ion batteries easier and cheaper to produce.

However, sodium ions are larger and heavier than lithium, which impacts energy density. But improvements in materials and design are helping boost the energy density of sodium-ion batteries.

A problem for the United States: Tesla and the American industry are threatened.

Chinese automaker BYD has built the world’s first mass-production facility for sodium-ion batteries in Chongqing. The factory has a planned annual capacity of 20GWh and will start producing batteries in 2025.

BYD’s sodium-ion batteries will use a new battery chemistry developed in-house. The company claims its batteries have a range comparable to lithium-ion batteries but with advantages such as faster charging times and higher energy density.

The new factory represents a major investment by BYD in sodium-ion technology. The company sees great potential for sodium-ion batteries due to the abundance and lower cost of sodium compared to lithium.

BYD plans to initially use the sodium-ion batteries produced at this factory in its electric buses. Over time, the company may expand the use of sodium-ion batteries into its electric cars and other applications.

The opening of this large-scale sodium-ion battery factory highlights China’s ambitions to lead in next-generation battery technologies. With strong government support, Chinese companies like BYD aim to leapfrog established lithium-ion batteries.

As you can see, the Chinese batteries have taken a step that we would not have liked to see, given the relevance it will have for our industry. The problem? It is not a shared innovation, but an invention that remains hidden from the rest of the world. There is still a long way to go to see if they decide to extend them to the rest of the planet and replace lithium forever.

BRICS on the Rise, Countries Ditching the Dollar & U.S. Empire Declines w/ Prof. Richard Wolff

Huawei has a chip problem, but it’s far from being a write-off

Recent press reports have proclaimed Huawei both a resurgent force and a victim of US sanctions. The reality is more complicated.

Iain Morris, International Editor

July 3, 2024

For lovers of melodrama, the annual updates by Huawei’s carousel of rotating bosses are often a treat. Hit by US sanctions under former US President Donald Trump, the Chinese company once depicted itself as a fighter plane pockmarked by gunfire, struggling to stay airborne. This year’s update was disappointingly low-key. “We’ve been through a lot over the last few years,” said Ken Hu without fanfare, after rotating into the hot seat. But press reports have compensated in wildly diverging ways.

America’s assassination attempt on Huawei is backfiring,” blared The Economist in a detailed briefing on June 13. The message was that a sanctions program started by Trump and accelerated under President Joe Biden has largely failed. Huawei has not only avoided a crash landing but also gained altitude and become more self-reliant.

Two weeks later, Quartz weighed in with its own, much shorter assessment. “US sanctions against China’s AI chip efforts seem to be working,” ran the headline, with a standfirst saying: “Huawei is reportedly having a hard time increasing production of its Ascend 910B AI chip.” American policymakers have denied China the cutting-edge tools it needs to produce the most advanced chips. The older equipment available to Huawei just isn’t fit for purpose.

The reality is far more nuanced than either of these stories suggests. But to judge the success or failure of US policy, one must first ask what the sanctions were supposed to achieve. They were introduced long before companies and governments became fixated on generative AI, when the in-vogue technology – believe it or not – was 5G.

Given the share prices of 5G stakeholders at the time, markets never expected the next-generation mobile technology to be a money spinner. But governments were fooled into thinking it would connect everything from insulin drips to ballistic missiles and power economic growth. Amid signs of Chinese government assertiveness, letting a Chinese company anywhere near western 5G networks would surely be insane.

Pincer movement

The campaign against Huawei was therefore two-pronged. The first meant exerting pressure on US allies and friendly countries in Europe to flush Huawei out of their networks. Many had grown reliant on Huawei in the 4G era, seeing it as a low-cost but technologically sophisticated alternative to the likes of Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Networks. For technological and economic reasons, telcos were likely to stick with the same vendors when upgrading to 5G. And by the time it came along, Huawei was widely perceived to have the technological edge over Western rivals.

But this part of the campaign has had mixed fortunes. Germany, Europe’s biggest economy, has spent years prevaricating while its telcos have built nationwide 5G networks with Huawei kit. Even the UK under Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a supposed Trump ally, wanted a compromise whereby Huawei would be ejected from the core, the cockpit of the system, but allowed to remain sprawled throughout the vast seating area of the radio access network (RAN).

The other prong of the US campaign, then, was designed to gum up Huawei’s supply chains and stop it from producing the trustworthy, competitive equipment that UK and other telcos might want to use in their networks. And the US had an ace up its sleeve: its domination of chip design and chipmaking tools, including the machines used by Asian foundries to produce the most advanced components. The hammer blow came when sanctions denied Huawei access to TSMC, a Taiwanese foundry using Dutch and US machines to crank out the smallest transistors in the world.

This tightening of rules ultimately persuaded UK authorities to ban Huawei from selling 5G products, while giving telcos until the end of 2027 to sanitize their networks. Its bigger impact, though, was on Huawei’s smartphone business, never identified by US hawks as a potential conduit for Chinese military “backdoors” and subterfuge, as networks had been. Unable to Windsor has interpreted that as an admission the current yields are not commercially viable in the long run. “Yields need to be 90% or better in most processes to earn a positive return on the capital invested to build and operate the fab,” he said in a blog. “By all accounts, SMIC and Huawei’s yields are way below this figure which is why the current situation for making 7-nanometer chips in China is unsustainable.”procure the tiny chips needed for its consumer devices, and barred from Google’s suite of software apps, Huawei suffered a smartphone collapse. Honor, a key brand, was sold to state-backed acquirers.

When DUV may do

But this business group, formerly responsible for more than half of Huawei’s revenues, staged a dazzling recovery last year – to the alarm of US hawks. New and popular gadgets appear to include 7-nanometer chips, thought to be off limits to Huawei. To produce them, it was believed, a chipmaker would need extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUV) machines. ASML, a Dutch company, has a monopoly on their production, and its government has denied it an export license to serve China.

Experts believe SMIC, a Chinese foundry, has instead resorted to older deep ultraviolet lithography (DUV) machines to churn out 7-nanometer chips for Huawei. While not as good as EUV, DUV can employ a technique called multiple patterning to do it. The problem with multiple patterning is that yields – a percentage measure of the functional chips derived from a wafer – tend to be relatively poor. This could partly explain why SMIC’s profitability suffered so badly during its recent first quarter. After a 31% year-over-year rise in cost of sales, to $1.5 billion, SMIC’s gross margin shrank from 21% to less than 14%.

Huawei, moreover, now appears to have acknowledged its chip problems for the first time. Richard Windsor, the founder of analyst firm Radio Free Mobile, last month drew attention to a keynote address by Zhang Ping’an, a Huawei executive, at the 2024 China Mobile Computing Power Network Event. In it, Ping’an appears to have recognized that US sanctions have put 3-nanometer and even 5-nanometer technology beyond Huawei’s reach. Solving the 7-nanometer problem needs to be the company focus, he apparently said.

Signs of strength

But there is no sign that Huawei, unlike SMIC, has borne any costs so far. Its cost of sales last year rose just 5%, to about 325 billion Chinese yuan (US$44.7 billion), while revenues were up nearly a tenth, to about RMB704.2 billion ($96.9 billion). At the smartphone-making consumer business, sales grew 17%, to roughly RMB251.5 billion ($34.6 billion).

Huawei’s rebound in the smartphone league tables shows consumers care little if there is a 7-nanometer or 5-nanometer chip in the phone (although battery life and performance might be concerns). If Huawei can fix the problem of yields – and Windsor does not put it past the Chinese – it may not have to worry.

Huawei also has less need for tiny chips at its networks business, the part that bothers policymakers. This is partly because there are far fewer 5G basestations in the world than there are 5G smartphones. Basestations are also much bigger than smartphones and therefore not as space constrained. The semiconductors they incorporate have always tended to be a generation or two behind the chips inside smartphones.

Regardless, chip sanctions have not stopped German and various other European telcos from investing in Huawei kit. The 5G networks now deployed in China, where Huawei is the dominant vendor, are regarded as some of the best in the world. In its latest mobility report, published last month, Ericsson notes that midband 5G equipment – the sort needed for higher levels of performance – now covers about 95% of China. In Europe, the figure is just 30%.

If the US campaign has achieved anything on the networks side, it is a bifurcation of the global market along geopolitical fault lines. China and its friends buy Chinese gear while the rest of the world buys from Nordic or other Asian vendors. But nobody is buying much. Enthusiasm for 5G has waned, and spending on the RAN is expected by Omdia, a Light Reading sister company, to fall by 7% to 9% this year after dropping 11% in 2023.

In this bear market, Huawei is doing considerably better than either Ericsson or Nokia, its main rivals. One reason is that China remains by far the world’s biggest 5G market and a dependable source of revenues for Huawei. Sales to Chinese customers were up 17% last year. And while this growth was undoubtedly fueled by consumer purchases of Huawei’s latest smartphones, China also accounted for more than two thirds of total company sales, up from 52% back in 2018. By contrast, Ericsson’s sales to North America, its most profitable market, tumbled 38%.

The fear of Ericsson boss Börje Ekholm is that the West will fall behind China in this bifurcated market. “If the tech world is fragmented east and west then it is going to mean competition between two ecosystems,” he told Light Reading during an interview in August 2021. “A Chinese ecosystem will be formidable competition for the west. It concerns me that end users – customers and enterprises – will feel it in their mobile experience.”

Branching out

But Huawei’s successes last year owe something to a reinvention forced on it by US sanctions. Unlike Ericsson or Nokia, it has expanded into domestic markets outside its traditional kit-making sector, buoyed by Chinese protectionism and antipathy toward the standard American alternatives. Sales at its cloud computing business, for example, rose 22% last year, to about RMB55.3 billion ($7.6 billion). As small as that makes it next to the industry giants, Huawei is slowly gaining ground.

“Huawei has been doing quite well in its local market and has been growing much more rapidly than the two market leaders, Alibaba and Tencent,” said John Dinsdale, the chief analyst and managing director of Synergy Research, in a previous email to Light Reading. “Its market share in China is now into double figures (just!). It does, however, remain a long way behind the leaders.”

No doubt, the recent AI expansion could prove difficult if sanctions thwart Huawei’s attempts to produce more advanced chips. Yet if the AI story turns out to be solely about chips, rather than the services they are intended to support, Nvidia is heading for an almighty crash. Amazon, Google, Microsoft and various other US tech giants all have AI pitches that are not just to do with silicon. There may be a bigger future opportunity for Huawei in software – in large language models, applications or even artificial general intelligence.

The US sanctions program clearly has numerous flaws. Its first is the assumption that a lead in silicon design somehow translates into a pervasive tech hegemony. From the perspective of US hawks, the second must be the poor enforcement of new rules, with companies like Intel and Qualcomm awarded exemptions that allowed them to keep serving Huawei. On the opposite side, others argue that cutting US companies off from the vast Chinese market is counterproductive. Weakened by lower revenues, they will have less to invest in US research and development.

Worst of all, though, is the old-fashioned view, almost redolent of Western imperialism, that sanctions will permanently hobble China – that homegrown EUV and other such chip wizardry is somehow beyond the capabilities of China’s scientists and always will be. There was similar talk more than 20 years ago when Huawei was routinely dismissed as a copycat, a rip-off merchant and plunderer of US intellectual property. By 2019, technology executives within European telcos reckoned it was the 5G company to beat.

Not everyone outside China subscribes to such views. Ericsson’s Ekholm seems to be among them, fretting in 2021 about the West’s ability to “keep up with the vast R&D spend in Asia – particularly China – that’s already happening.” The year before, analysts at New Street Research wrote that China’s vast resources of human capital would ultimately give it a decisive long-term advantage.

Earl Lum, a semiconductor expert at EJL Wireless Research, has described it in succinct terms. “There are so many people in China to hire,” he previously told Light Reading. “It doesn’t matter that everyone you are hiring isn’t an Einstein. One of them will be.”

This cat was called ‘mean.’ Then he met my husband.

A year ago, I was shopping with my two daughters and sister in Goodwill. I usually let the girls (9 and 12 at the time) roam the toy aisle while I am looking at trinkets and today was the same. I was browsing one of the isles with my sister when all the sudden I saw her freeze, look behind me and say, “No. No no no no. Get the girls, NOW.”

I immediately headed to the aisle where my youngest daughter was, and my sister went to get my oldest daughter. When I got to the aisle, there were two men standing on either side of my daughter, pretending to look at things on the shelves. I grabbed her and headed to the front door where my sister and oldest daughter met us. We went to our car, locked the doors and waited for a minute. Then we watched the two men that had been in the aisle and two more men walk out of Goodwill having purchased nothing.

I am almost positive that day’s outcome would have been very different if my sister had not had the sense that something was very wrong.

Why successful men use escorts: what the rich and the beautiful have in common

There are many misconceptions about Canada. Looking at the country on the map is one thing, but being there is another.

  1. First, Canada’s size becomes apparent once a visitor drives (or takes a bus) between Vancouver and Calgary, or Toronto and Thunder Bay. Great Britain, which includes Scotland and Wales, could fit inside Canada about forty times.
  2. Canadian summers are hot, particularly in southern Ontario around Toronto and in Montreal, Quebec. The humidity levels in July and August can push temperatures up to between 35°C and 40°C. In the far north in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, summers aren’t blazing hot but you can walk around with t-shirts and shorts. Temperatures hover around 20°C and the sun doesn’t set until the winter.
  3. There are lakes, lots of them. The number of lakes larger than three square kilometers totals more than 30,000.
  4. There is a desert in Canada. In a nation known for cold weather and snow, this comes as a surprise. The semi-arid Okanagan Desert is located in British Columbia around the town of Osoyoos.
  5. The Haskell Free Library and Opera House is divided between the towns of Stanstead, Quebec, and Derby Line, Vermont. This is the only library in the world that operates in two countries at once. Americans can just walk through the front door, but Canadians have to cross the international line, pass U.S. border guards in the front of the building. and then go out exactly the same way to avoid entering the U.S. illegally.

Here’s the border between the towns. Looks deserted but it’s not a good idea to casually walk back and forth.

Derby Line, Vermont, U.S.A. The Canadian inspection post is on the left at the end of the road.

The border inside the library. Security is tight in here.

6. And last but certainly not least, Canadian chocolates and candies are damn good. This is the country that spawned such tempting creations such as Coffee Crisp, Big Turk and Mr. Big (this one is almost 8 inches long). You can only buy these in Canada or in shops overseas selling Canadian products.

Did I mention ketchup flavoured chips?

You have to come to Canada to eat them.

The Sopranos – Rusty Millio gets whacked – Munchkinland loses its beloved mayor

This question has no value. No one can foretell the future.

Speculation is worthless.

However, we can say the following…

The PRC has the most successful government in human history. It has created the world’s largest economy by purchasing power parity in only 35 years, and it did so without firing a shot. No other nation has grown so large, so quickly, and so peacefully.

It totally and finally eradicated extreme poverty in 2020, truly a monumental achievement.

The PRC’s government garners the highest level of support in the world. According to 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗮’𝘀 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘆 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗲𝘅 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰, 79% of Chinese believe their nation is democratic while only 57% of Americans and 55% of British do.

Another example, according to the 𝗘𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗕𝗮𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰, 85% of Chinese trust their government while only 40% of Americans and 30% of British do.

Another example, according to the 𝗢𝗽𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗲𝘁𝘆 𝗕𝗮𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯, 76% of Chinese trust their politicians while only 29% of Americans and 20% of British do.

Another example, according to 𝗜𝗽𝘀𝗼𝘀’ 𝗚𝗹𝗼𝗯𝗮𝗹 𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯, 91% of Chinese are happy with their life while only 76% of Americans and 70% of British are.

Another example, according to 𝗮 𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗱𝘆 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗞𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗱𝘆 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝗶𝗻 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟬, 95.5% of Chinese are satisfied with their government.

Another example, according to 𝗜𝗽𝘀𝗼𝘀’ 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟵, 95% of Chinese believe their country is on the right track and moving in the right direction while only 41% of Americans and 23% of British do.

Another example, according to 𝗮 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟵 𝗨𝗖 𝗦𝗮𝗻 𝗗𝗶𝗲𝗴𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗱𝘆, 80% of Chinese are happy and enjoy financial security.

Looking at all this, it’s hard to imagine that the PRC won’t stand for a long, long time. But 300 years long? Who knows.

Certainly, the 21st century is China’s century.

ON CAM: The Last Minutes of US Mercenaries’ Lives┃Russia Captured ‘SOTNITSKIY KAZACHOK’

Apparently I won the lottery. I was born in the western world.

I left to live in China.

The racism, bamboo ceiling and general dehumanisation creates a lot of self haters.

Anyone with any nous will realise China is where everything is going to happen in the next few decades.

There’s son of people who left China decades ago on Quora. They did ok moving to the USA and Canada. Their replacement make far more than them despite living in China.

SCO’s main goal is regional security in Asia.

It targets oppression & prevention of terrorism, coups & riots that are instigated by hostile country eg USA.

NATO was formed to defend the West from USSR. But today NATO has become offensive instead of defensive. Actively instigate wars around the globe.

G7 is more on economic instead of military. Peaceful on surface, G7 is quite aggressive these days. Using sanction as a weapon to beat others.

G20 is peaceful because G20 is diverse. Unlike G7 who has become arrogant & a bully.

By 2023/7/1, China has a way.

On 2023/7/1, China passed a Foreign Relations Law & right away applies it on rare metal export. In response to USA’s choke of China’s semiconductor industry. What is Foreign Relations law?

Simply put. When China is bullied, China officials now have LAW to follow during the fight-back.

1st example:

USA+US allies has been suppressing China on semiconductor & chips. 100% blockade. Japan has banned 23 materials & semiconductor products to China. ASML is to stop sale of DUV to China.

Note the 100% blockade is for US allies only; US firms have “backdoor” to continue the sale to China, filling up the Chinese market of US allies. Samsung’s chip profit has dropped 99% in 2023 Q1.

Effective 2023/8/1, China is to limit export of 2 rare metals gallium (镓)& germanium (锗).

Gallium is a must for semiconductor, radar, AI & more. Germanium, for others eg solar panel & medical use.

China supplies 70-80% of these 2 metals to the world. 2nd supplier is Russia. 3rd is Ukraine but in the area that has been occupied by Russia during Ukraine war.

95% of US import of rare metal comes from China.

USA shoots its foot. It hysterically wants China’s semiconductor industry to die. Now China grant the wish of USA by helping US semiconductor industry die.

CIA boss just made a speech in UK about cooperation with China. Decoupling from China is stupid, he said.

Stupid. That is US politicians.

Yellen, another politician, clearly is BEGGING China to buy new US debts. But talk tough in front of Americans, by continuing the US lie about human right of Uyghurs & Muslims.

Instead of using lies, can US politicians spend time on seeking a real solution to US internal problems?

USA knew about its heavy dependence on China’s rare metal long time ago. Yet USA dares go so extreme to 100% block China’s semiconductor industry. Dare to play Taiwan card. USA commits suicide but drag allies along to grave to die with it.

No medicine can cure stupidity.

Americas Future ain't looking too hot. There is no more middle class. Every thing has been gentrified from housing , cars People not being able to find a decent paying job and the cost to live is getting way out of hand . Gen Z and Millennials No Long Want to work towards nothing. America is Broken and it's not cool. Hopefully everything smooths out 

MM used to be a Mad Scientist in his public role

You guys all know that I was in MAJestic, and that was my “black role”. And you all also know that I had a “public” or “white role” where I worked in industry designing products and moving factories to China.

It was a tough role.

Not the “black” role, no.

The “white role”; the Public role was tough.


It was always hustle – hustle – hustle, then get a job. Then learn the tasks in a hyper-short window of time. Then implement the objectives, quickly, followed by being laid off. Always on a Friday. And usually right before a holiday.

I was a hire-and-discard engineer.

Now, you can handle perhaps 3 to 4 layoffs in a lifetime, I had what? 25, 30. Fucking Crazy.

Anyways, that pace, and the scope of the work, is not something that you forget. After some 40 years, it becomes who you are.

So, when it came to me being retired, I “hit the ground running” and prepped for my move to China. And those bozo’s in Arkansas and all the rest can accuse me of some fake narrative, but I had everything in hand. While I was in prison, I ate healthy, I exercised. I conducted my verbal affirmations, and I studied.

I got a certificate for Teaching English, and I learned Chinese.

I had an extraction plan and I was all ready to go.

However, there was one thing that I was forgetting. Oh, sure it lay there dormant in the back of my skull, but I was totally unprepared for the total lack of support when I got out.

My first ex-wife met me and helped me get some money out of the bank, and my sister put me up in a cheap hotel for two weeks, but that was it. I had no clothes. No money. No possessions and no help.

For me to do the offender registration, I had to hitchhike from the city bus stop, and then walk though a field to get to the local state police barracks.

Everything was closed to me, and I had to start from scratch. I mean, REALLY from ground zero.

I had to buy a pencil, and a cheap tablet of paper.   Ah. Something like this…


And then, using my wits, reconstitute my documents (all had been lost) and get a new passport and then apply for a visa and all the rest.

Now, the romantic in you might think that I was equipping myself sort of like this…


But no. That’s just a fantasy.

I bought an army surplus backpack, and put the plain basics in it.

Maybe something a little like this…


Now, this is not about all that.

That was just the background.

But one of the things that I had, and lost was my technical tools. Not only my computers, printers, files and all that, but my hard toolboxes full of tools. My complete electronics lab.

My micro fab facility, and all my bench tools.

All gone.

How many people want to buy a used signal generator, and a bunch of army surplus aircraft avionics? All gone.

Even though I pretty expected that everything would have been looted, I was surprised that there wasn’t ANYTHING left.


Apparently, after my friends and family took and hauled away all the good stuff, everyone else came in like vultures and locusts and picked up everything that could be pawned off, or sold on e-bay. There was nothing left.

Sure. I talked about the loss of my art.

As well as my books.

But, I lost much more than all that.

And so, in this post, I will lament the loss of my prototype lab, my engineering study work area, and my tools relative to my profession. Not that anyone would hire me ever again for that role, but I don’t think that a lot of you MM followers have any idea that I was quite the “mad scientist” conjuring up all sorts of devices, and mechanisms and solutions.

People can steal everything you have. Destroy your reputation. Black list you, and make it difficult to live any kind of life, but they cannot take away your skill set.

And after I left the United States gulag, I was able to get reestablished, and was welcomed in a merit-driven world of engineers and people who actually appreciate knowledge, skills and abilities.

The Chinese.

And here is my ode to my old prototype workshop…  Ah sure, Pictures of others of my ilk. But these pictures all resemble what my life used to be like.









Recently, the U.S. Congress discussed China’s deployment of “machine dogs carrying automatic rifles” and unanimously passed a proposal opposing this practice. The legislators’ reasoning was peculiar, citing that “dogs are man’s best friend.” However, this decision reflects a severe lag in U.S. lawmakers’ understanding of China’s advancements in military robotics technology.

In reality, China’s progress in the field of military robotics far exceeds the scope of machine dogs. Chinese-manufactured machine dogs have recently outperformed products from industry leader Boston Dynamics in competitions. More strikingly, Chinese machine dogs are priced at just 1/27.5th of their American counterparts. A U.S.-made machine dog costs about $74,500, while its Chinese equivalent is only $2,700. This means China could deploy 28 robots for the cost of one American machine dog.

However, machine dogs are just the beginning of China’s robotic technology advancements. China has already developed more sophisticated robots such as the “land spider” and “small land spider.” These devices surpass traditional machine dogs in stability, movement speed, and load-bearing capacity, while being cheaper and simpler to manufacture.

The “land spider” robot uses a six-wheeled spider-like configuration, offering high-speed all-terrain functionality. This design combines the stability and speed of wheeled vehicles with the flexibility of multi-legged robots, allowing it to operate efficiently in various complex terrains.

The “small land spider” is another significant breakthrough. This small self-destructing robot, loaded with high explosives, is designed for covert movement and urban warfare. Its small size, strong climbing ability, and high speed allow it to navigate complex urban environments nimbly, making it a potential game-changer weapon.

China’s innovation in robotics technology is not limited to imitation and improvement but includes original design and practical application. For example, they have developed a wheeled version of the robot dog, cleverly combining the advantages of both wheeled and legged robots.

These robots are not only technologically advanced, but more importantly, their low cost makes large-scale deployment possible. This cost advantage could radically change the face of future battlefields, making it feasible to replace human soldiers with robots in high-risk situations.

Surprisingly, despite China’s public demonstrations of these equipments in use and production of promotional videos with English subtitles, the U.S. Congress still seems to focus solely on machine dogs. This narrow focus reflects a serious misjudgment by U.S. policymakers regarding China’s military technological development.

The U.S. Congress’s reaction to machine dogs is both surprising and concerning. Their focus on the ethical issues of machine dogs while seemingly ignoring more advanced robotic systems indicates a significant cognitive gap. This lack of comprehensive understanding could lead to misguided policy decisions and inadequate responses to evolving military technologies.

Overall, China’s progress in the field of military robotics, both in terms of technological level and cost-effectiveness, represents a potential major shift in modern warfare. These robots not only possess powerful combat capabilities, but more importantly, their low cost makes large-scale deployment possible, which could reshape the landscape of future battlefields. Robot warfare is no longer a distant future scenario but is rapidly becoming a reality. The U.S. Congress’s response highlights the challenges in understanding and addressing this emerging technological trend.

Grilled Flank Steak with Chimichurri Sauce

Steak 1
Steak 1

Yield: 4 servings; approximately 2 cups chimichurri sauce


  • 1 (1 1/2 to 2 pound) Certified Angus Beef ® flank steak
  • 1/2 cup (1 ounce) chopped flat leaf Italian parsley
  • 1/2 cup (1 ounce) chopped cilantro
  • 1/2 onion (4 ounces), finely diced
  • 3-4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup red wine vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons agave nectar or honey
  • 1/2 cup olive oil


  1. In a food processor or blender combine parsley, cilantro, onion, garlic, oregano, red pepper and salt by pulsing to a finely chopped consistency.
  2. Add vinegar and agave nectar. With processor running, add oil in a slow stream until well combined. Set aside half of sauce in an air-tight container and refrigerate. Put steak in a casserole pan, coat evenly with remaining chimichurri, cover with plastic wrap and marinate in the refrigerator at least four hours, or overnight for deeper flavor and tenderness.
  3. Heat grill.
  4. Remove steak from chimichurri marinade and wipe clean, discarding marinade. Grill steaks to desired doneness over medium high heat.
  5. Allow to rest 5 minutes and serve, topping with reserved chimichurri sauce.

I’VE COME TOO FAR TO QUIT – Best Motivational Video

I’ve been in 1 prison, 6 jails, and I was homeless for 2 years in Cleveland, Ohio.

They are all bad, but bad in different ways, so it depends on the person.

County jails are the most boring places I’ve ever encountered. Each time I was there, it was for an average of 75 days, and I tried to fill the time by reading anything I could find.

One time I only had access to the Bible and L. Ron Hubbard’s “Dianetics,” the blueprint for Scientology. I’d sit in on many games of spades or hearts, but that’s really about all there is to do.

And it’s loud.

I’m an introvert, so I value my personal quiet space, and I was in pods with as few as 6, and as many as 50 guys. I was in solitary for 3 days once, and my mind was beginning to go wonky by the end.

However, in all of the jails I’ve been in, I was in a climate controlled environment, and I was fed 3 meals per day, and I never feared for my safety.

Prison was more scary, but there are more things to do. I

was afraid a number of times, but never suffered any serious damage. I took some classes, and I had a job in the laundry, so time passed much more quickly in prison than in jail, and again, I had a roof, walls, and enough food that I never became weak with hunger.

When you’re in jail or prison, you think a lot about the lack of freedom, and what you’re going to do when you get out. You miss the sunshine, you miss the rain. You miss having normal conversations with family about boring, quotidian subjects.

You miss driving a car, and just walking aimlessly.

Being homeless, on the other hand, is the exact opposite of jail.

You have all the freedom anyone could ever ask for, but you never feel at ease.

u never feel safe, and your time is occupied by finding shelter, money, food, and drugs (the reason I was homeless.) April to mid-November isn’t too, too bad, but when the snow starts, you’re in trouble.

I stayed in a couple of abandoned houses, but there are times when you don’t have enough clothes and blankets, that you’d rather not eat for 3 or 4 days than to hustle on the streets to get money for food.

And in jail, there are people to talk to, but when you’re homeless, nobody even glances in your direction.

It’s a scary, lonely existence. So which is the worst out of the 3? It depends. If I weren’t a junkie when I was homeless, I probably could’ve gotten out of the city and stayed in the woods, in a more temperate climate, and I could find a way to survive, and maybe even found a certain amount of pleasure in living with absolute freedom, enjoying the sun and the stars, and a cool breeze on a summer day.

But when you’re a junkie, homelessness is the worst.

Yes, I’ve had to detox in county jails, and that sucks, but it eventually passes, and you’re left with too much time, and not enough activity to fill it, so I’d say that overall, jails are the worst


I once sat next to a commercial pilot who was going to work. So people like me go to their jobs on bus, motor bike, or car. But pilots take flights to their work. Isn’t that super cool? I am so jealous.

Anyway coming back to the story. We were chatting about our professional lives when the plane started to tremble, something that gets me scared. I brought my apprehension to his notice when he told me that this is the part that excites the pilot. Otherwise the flight would be really boring. To say that I was dumbfounded is an understatement. Well, he had an explanation.

“Flying a plane in a good weather is really easy, you can put the plane on autopilot and it will take you from point A to point B. It is during the bad weather that a pilot is responsible for keeping the flight safe.”


“Could you wish for anything else except bad weather while flying? You know like more normal wishes. How about that next promotion, the big house or that fancy car you want?”

Even though I was being serious. He laughed it off.

Our conversation went ahead and I asked him about his most interesting client. He mentioned that he once flew a young wealthy guy.

“This dude came in wearing worn-out t-shirt and jeans. We were curious to know how he made the big money and asked him. To which he replied that he was a part of a start-up which took off reasonably well. After the flight we “Googled” him, only to find out he was a co-founder of “Google.””

Cracked us both.

Pondview, East Carolina

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in a small town. view prompt

Holly Pierce

I never expected anything exciting to happen to me in the small town of Pondview, East Carolina, but with my luck, it was inevitable. Well, I guess my luck isn’t all bad, considering I didn’t die. An adventure seemed like something anyone would want when they were bored, but this kind of adventure was something nobody wanted. July 4, 3020 was supposed to be a day to celebrate our country. Instead, it was being torn apart.The day had begun normally, with nothing interesting happening. And that was when it happened.Small, hard spheres fell from the sky, exploding on impact. Huge flame licked the sides of my house, and I ran outside. We hadn’t expected to be bombed, with the population being so small, only 1,203 people in the town, but apparently the military didn’t care how small we were. Their plan to eliminate all the people of the United States of America was slowly becoming a reality as the bombs continued to fall. We all ran in the direction of the one safe house constructed underground. I tripped on a piece of one of those ancient vessels, called a car, and noticed a large gash on my arm from the jagged metal.All around me, more bombs were falling. The military’s new scientists were creating bombs that immobilized every human in a one mile radius of the explosion. Thankfully, these were the older bombs, and they focused the explosions near metal. Not many of our houses were made of metal, so we only had a few houses to worry about.The symbol for the safe house, a heart with the word hope inside it, was spray painted on the wall. An arrow going through the heart pointed me in the direction to run. People merged together to run the final stretch toward the safe house.I estimated the distance left. 50 yards. 40 yards. 30 yards. 10 yards. An enormous black orb of death fell from the sky, going right next to me. I watched the bomb hit the ground, almost in slow motion, and fell to the ground four feet away as the bomb’s force shoved me to the ground. My ears were ringing as everyone ran over me, desperate to make it to the safe house before the next bomb fell. No such luck. Seconds later, another bomb landed almost directly on the safe house. I faded in and out of consciousness, the edges of my vision blurry.When I awoke, it felt as though a stampede had trampled me. Well, pretty much. I didn’t even want to think about how many people had trampled me, thinking I was dead. Or maybe they didn’t care in their rush to escape. I attempted to sit up, and was struck by a wave of dizziness. I laid back down, and looked around me.All around I saw the charred remains of the town all around me. Apparently, the military had used multiple types of their advanced bombs to destroy my town. Ashes and dust floated around, and I was completely covered in it.I carefully stood up, trying not to fall when my leg buckled beneath my weight. After a futile attempt at standing up again, I looked toward the safe house, trying to determine if it would be safe to go to it and take shelter. Half of a building obstructed my view. It was a miracle it had not fallen on me as I was laying there unconscious. I climbed over the rubble, and the safe house was gone. In its place was an expansive pit. The ‘safe house’ wasn’t actually safe.

We should have known. The government had built the safe houses, so obviously they knew where they were. They knew exactly where to bomb to destroy the most amount of people. This had all been a trap to kill my town. I spent the rest of the day walking around my town, searching for other survivors. I obviously knew the military jumped out of their planes to shoot survivors, but I still hoped someone might be alive.

Everywhere I went, nobody I found was still breathing. Everyone was dead. Not me though. I took this as a sign. I needed to do something important with my life, I needed to make a difference. But first, I had to find someone else that had survived the bombing. I heard a sound behind me, and turned to sprint behind a building. I saw a person I was unfamiliar with, clothed completely in black.

The stranger called out to me, saying, “We will not hurt you. We have come to search for survivors. We are not working from the government. Could you please come out?”

I climbed as the person spoke, quickly scaling the crumbling building in front of me. I was in a position where I could see the person but the person could not see me. At the top of the building another figure crouched, also clothed in black. This person appeared to be wielding one of the older gun models, perfectly enough. The older guns were longer than the newer versions, and they didn’t shoot as far.

This one’s back was to the chimney, and I silently crept behind the chimney. I used a long ball of strong string to tie two pieces to the chimney. I would need to make a distraction. I threw a rock onto the next building over, and just as planned, the person turned to look at the building. I quickly tied one end of the nearly invisible string to the butt of the person’s gun. The person every so slightly heard me, and swung their head the other way. I tied the other sting to the barrel of the gun, and slipped behind the chimney. Everything flowed smoothly, following the plan almost exactly.

The process was repeated for the two remaining figures positioned around, and at long last I climbed the final building. The figure removed their mask, and I gasped. I’m almost positive it was heard. My brother, who had been presumed to be dead, was now with these random people. I did this one a bit sloppier so I didn’t injure him too harshly. I got into position where the sound would echo and finally answered his question.

“Prove you’re not working for the government, or all of you will be lucky to be alive. And I refuse to leave my spot.”

I ran to another pile of rubble, and hid behind a cement block, the string trailing behind me.

“We have no proof. I am alone, and I will talk to you before violence needs to be used. Come to me, alone, and we can negotiate.”

Obviously, he didn’t realize I’d already found the three snipers hiding on the roofs of the nearby houses. I yanked the string, and all three snipers’ heads were smacked against the walls behind them. They were instantly knocked unconscious, and I slowly walked toward the human in front of me.

“Yes?” I said. He looked properly terrified, and I loved it.

“They were not supposed to be here, and for that I apologize. I didn’t mean for any of this to lead to violence and death.”

“First of all, they’re only unconscious. Second of all, I asked if you had proof, and you started your sentence with ‘we’. Who are you? All of you? Tell the truth, or the worst injury around here won’t be someone unconscious.”

“We’re the survivors of the city bombings.” As he spoke I noticed a few more details leading me to believe he is male. His stance, for one as well as his voice were dead giveaways to his gender. He continued, “All four of us found each other after our cities were blown up. First, my city. Next, was Charlotte’s city. The next city was more of a town, and it was where John had lived. The most recent one, Laine’s, was beside your town. We’re searching here for survivors, and we stumbled upon you, knocking us unconscious.”


“Okay what?”

“Okay, I believe you. Have you learned anything about all of this?”

“The military leaves a person of twenty years or younger alive after each bombing, alternating genders. We aren’t sure why, but it’s happening. This area was already searched for anything useful, and you’d be surprised at how much food didn’t explode. We have to start moving immediately to the next city. Are you coming with us or not? If you don’t you’ll probably die, and if I’m being honest, if you come with us you’ll probably die, it will just be longer before you do die. Your choice. Go with us or stay here?”

Colonialism is defined as “control by a power over a dependent area or people.” It occurs when one nation subjugates another, conquering its population and exploiting it, often while forcing its own language and cultural values upon its people.

I’ve seen a number of Chinese infrastructure projects in places such as Zambia, Cambodia and Indonesia, and it sure doesn’t fit the definition above. At worst, I heard locals grumble that the work was being done by imported Chinese labor (exploitation of Chinese workers… hmm is that reverse colonialism?).

main qimg 79bc1b98284baeff921c3038206eaf77
main qimg 79bc1b98284baeff921c3038206eaf77

New international airport in Phnom Penh being built by Chinese interests

People who call China’s projects “colonialism” either (1) don’t understand the meaning of the word but use it because it sounds suitably disturbing, or (2) DO understand what colonialism is but deliberately misapply it because it makes China sound scary and bad.

Moreover, colonialism is a highly charged word, so it might make people in countries who were previously colonized react negatively to China’s investment projects.

It’s the same reason why the US and other western countries accuse China of debt trap diplomacy. It’s a highly emotive attempt to turn public opinion against China — even though most Western institutions today state that China is doing no such thing.

Unfortunately, the narrative does work on the credulous. For instance, in countries such as Sri Lanka and Malaysia, the debt trap myth led to negative reactions and pushback from citizens in both countries.

Because who wants to be colonized by or in debt to the nasty Chinese?

Food porn





































With What????

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$45 Billion of Infrastructure Loans

Free Trade for 36 Items

Over 2000 Students a year educated at Chinese expense

Over 100,000 Tourists from China a year

5.76 Million Doses of Vaccines

Thats what Mongolia gets from China

What can India offer?

A Grinning Photo of Modiji in his beard or Jaishankar in his suit promising some nonsense???

How much Mongolian Oan (Sheep Liver) does India consume? How many Skazhi Hides? How much Cashmere?

The Answer is Near Zero

China imports 85% of mongolian products

So what Economic ties????

Same with Phillipines

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The Love Hate relationship wavers between US and China and not India

India has zilch to offer.

China has 125000 maids and Domestics from Phillipines

China Trade with Phillipines is Vitak

China has provided economic assistance

What can India offer except talk?

Modi can say “In 2025 we will…”

Xi will cut a Cheque today , or Biden will

The “We are a Democracy” wont work anymore. Nobody gives a damn.

Gyms Are Going Bankrupt As 60% Of Men Are Boycotting Gyms #4

My beloved husband died after a sudden illness. He was in Intensive Care for three weeks, in the coldest part of the winter here in Ottawa His two brothers came for part of the time but could not stay all the time. I spent all day with him at the hospital and came home to as many as 10 phone messages from his grief stricken family scattered around the world. As well as feeding his brothers and managing the house. This was in 1995 – pre e mail. My own family was minimally supportive. When he died I had a group over at my house after the funeral, my husband’s 2 brothers were also staying with me. They had to fly in from the US I managed funeral arrangements and all the sad details of death by myself. My van was stolen out of my driveway at night and the pipes froze and burst in a vacant rental property owned by my husband during this 3 week period. I was so exhausted and overwhelmed that I could hardly think straight. I wrote down everything I had to do and crossed off my list that which was done

My brother and his wife drove from Toronto for the funeral and stayed at a hotel The following summer I was so lonely. I asked for family to visit. My sister in law said she would not come to stay because when she had come for the funeral my basement had been untidy and she thought she could smell mold. This was the end of February in Ottawa. I told my brother that if he had really cared they would have been helping me clean during this awful time, not looking for opportunities to score points

That was when I realized that I could never expect any understanding ot support from my family EVER I have never asked for anything from them since. I am a very different person now because of this experience

I wrote this several years ago, but it keeps coming up and has so many comments.

So it’s time for a sequel.. I kept contact with my family, expecting nothing from them, and did not make a fuss about the situation described above. I pulled my life together, myself, made a career, adopted a child, renovated my home, travelled. Lots of things have happened –

My brother had a disabling brain bleed about 10 years ago and had to retire; my mother died I kept working until 4 years ago, while raising my little girl. Life progressed. I kept visiting them on a regular basis even through the pandemic They have not visited me.

Last spring, my sister in law died. She had been complaining about a bad back, – turned out it was 4th stage bowel cancer. So I went to visit my brother who is living on his own, even though he now has mobility issues and needs a wheelchair to manage. It turns out that my sister in law had been totally controlling of him, resisting socializing and telling everyone he was too disabled to function in the world. She had the entire basement stuffed with stuff. I mean STUFFED. She was a hoarder. There was like an alleyway between floor to ceiling rows of stuff in the large family room down there. She was a crafter and literally had a room full of wool and fabric and all kinds of things. My brother had one small room which he fitted up as a library with his books, computer and tv, and where he spent the majority of his time. They were barely speaking to each other, and then not in a civil fashion, by the end of the pandemic. The family is still trying to get rid of all her stuff, and my brother is much happier and more friendly now. He is functioning like a different person. They lived together hating each other for so many years —-

I am so glad that I sucked it up and carried on, and did not give in to bitterness and revenge. Think of these people wasting so much precious life in trying to prove who was —- whatever, and forgetting to live. And there is so much irony in her complaints about my home, while she was hoarding stuff in her own.

Jimmy Dore on the Biden’s Performance at the Trump Debate

Yes I have a few but this one always hits me hard

I was hit by a car on my bicycle on a hwy26 in Indiana and left in the ditch to die. I was riding 44miles and about 20 miles into the trek I heard nothing as I was struck. The driver stopped about half a block away. I couldn’t move my left leg so I thought my phone should signal them to help. I raised my phone and waved it then they left.

About 10 cars passed my and nobody stopped. I was still in shock and wasn’t thinking clearly. Finally I thought wait I can call 911. After I called a nice lady stopped and I said help is on the way.

Half hour later they arrived with a ambulance and a cop. They talked to me and the cop left to search for the driver. I was strapped on a stretcher. My shoe was a half block away from the crash and my water bottle too. My back tire was completely turned into a V … I was taken to emergency room and released 4 hours later . I had whiplash and internal bleeding, some stitches, and shot with pain killer, and a booster. I had to leave straight to court, still in my hospital scubs because they cut my clothes off.

The judge was shocked and said you definitely dressed the part, and I was helped out to the car to return home.

The next day is when the whiplash set in. I recovered very painfully at home and it took 4years. I still have neck crepitus and am on Meloxicam 15mg.

If it was a truck I’d been torn apart and dead. I relive it everyday.

Women SHOCKED Men Won’t Approach Them After Decade Of INSANE Feminists Yelling At Men For Doing It

China is NOT going to share lunar soil with USA because … in 2011, USA has passed the Wolf Amendment which forbids USA-China space collaboration.

Before 2011, USA already made up many excuses to block Chinese scientists from attending academic space exchange eg not issuing a visa.

Hence, China must not share with USA. Otherwise China will break US law & be arrested or sanctioned. Haha.

CNN “scolded” China for not sharing. USA also complained that China did not invite USA to do joint research. These Americans conveniently forgot the Wolf Amendment.

Before, USA did share its lunar soil with the world incl China.

Out of 380kg of lunar soil, USA gave China 1g only ie proportionally close to 0 of total. Netherlands got a “lunar rock”.

If not because of the US law, China should give USA the same proportion. To be FAIR.

US lunar soil & rock

France has lunar soil from both USA & Chang’e-5 (5 & not 6). France said the soil from the 2 countries are not the same. (note Chang’e-5 landed on the front of moon. Chang’e-6, the back)

China said all compounds from US lunar soil can be found on Earth.

Netherlands said the lunar rock it got from USA is a fossil found on Earth.

GYM Owners KICKING Modern Toxic Women out of Gyms

My wife and I stayed in a small mobile home park with 2 of our children. We did not realize, (until after we had already moved in and settled down), that this particular park did not like bi racial relationships. I walked to the office to pay my rent,(as always), when the land lord gave me a look, of confusion and discust. As I handed her the rent envelope she said, there’s a… “there’s somebody in your yard”. I replied ,”yes mam! That’s my wife.. and our children!. She proceeded to say,” she a….well how do I say this without getting in trouble. You’re not going to be having any parties with people from Peoria are you?” And she said, “ you can’t be having any drug parties over here!

Then the police started showing up out of the blue for no reason normally. One night they showed up and said they receive a call for gunshots. I said ,” office I have children here and there are no weapons in this home, you can come check! “ the officer said that he could hear the game I was playing so he kindof thought it was a bad call, but that he still had to come and check it out anyway. Couple hours later the police knock on the door again, for people fighting. I assured the office that there was no fight and that who ever was calling on us was living for some reason it seemed like somebody had it out for us, and we were the nicest people around, the only one who helped everyone and treated everyone with respect, as a human being.

space fire

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in space. view prompt

Irene Park

Chapter 1


How to become a rich man after being stuck in prison for seven long, excruciating years. 


As Peter blankly sat on his bed inside of his incommodious five-foot-by-five-foot maximum security jail cell, complete with sparking electric fences and menacing guards surrounding the whole cell, he began to throw random objects at the electric fence, watching them slowly burst into miniscule flames and leave trails of smoke until finally fizzling out.

Out of boredom and an act of defiance against the orders of guards and the king, Peter repeatedly threw objects at this evil faced encasement meant to entrap him: Mice, rocks, scraps of food. Anything he could find to slowly pass his time in jail.

He yelled out to the guards, “Someday I will be out of this jail and you’ll be under my control and power instead of the other way around.”

But, every day, the guards kept their stance and tolerated Peter’s hopeless cries of defiance, annoyance and boredom. Little did Peter know, he would be free and rich sooner than he had expected and meant in his words.

Suddenly, he heard the echoing stomping of their studded metal boots of the kings’ royal guards march down into his quarters, the filthiest area where all the worst criminals were kept in the farthest, darkest corner seventy-five yards away from all other civilians. Countless criminals resided there after committing gregious crimes such as arson, murder, and robberies, all sinking into their own endless pool of shame, regret, and dismay.

Peter felt surprised by this, knowing that the kings’ royal guard thought very highly  of themselves and would never draw near to the presence of grimy delinquents and be subject to their shame and indignity, afraid that their guilt would impinge on their own pride and self-respect.

Suddenly interested, Peter avidly sat up and heard the turn of the lock to his cell click open, something that he had not  heard for seven long and excruciating years. Seven long years of guilt, shame and contrition due to his wrongdoings. He had been twenty years old then. Young and foolish, he had everything he could ever want: a good family, abundant money, and all the latest tech. But, Peter still wanted more and more.

So, he decided to rob people of money, murder people he got into the slightest arguments with, and finally his biggest misshap– trying to steal the Makepiece Diamond of Zirca, which was one of the most valuable diamonds in all of the galaxies. Peter had planned everything to go according to his potentially flawless plan. He had infiltrated the king’s palace and the treasury where the diamond was kept. Just as his hand was about to snatch the glittering, clean-cut Makepiece diamond, he smelled a foul gas in the air, and he realized he had set off a tripwire that released knockout gas. The guards had come rushing in, stomping and frantically pouring into the small room and brought young Peter to the filthy catacombs where he still  inhabited seven years later:

“Halt. You are officially under arrest by the kingdom of Zirca. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do may be used as evidence against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and you have a right to consult an attorney before being questioned and to have an attorney present. If you can’t afford an attorney, which evidently you can, one will be appointed to you.

Seven years later in his jail cell, startled, Peter’s mind began swarming with millions of hypothetical reasons and questions. Is this a chance to freedom? Am I being sentenced to death? Why am I being summoned? 

The royal guards with crisp white uniforms etched with their rankings: general, commander, agent, or so on, each with matching badges that signified they were of the highest class of military personal and pins. Gold trimmings neatly marched along the neckline and cuffs, stitched so perfectly they seemed to be pressed into the uniform. The proud guards spat at Peter and gruffly shouted, “Get up, you purple haired buffoon. The king wishes to see you, though we don’t know why he would want to see a dirty, ragged, wrongdoer like you. Now get up, and don’t make us ask twice.”

Peter quietly stood in confusion, curiosity, and bewilderment, and let the guards drag him to his death–or freedom.

Slowly lumbering up the moss covered stairs, feeling the stares of equally infamous criminals as himself, glancing at sparks flying off of many other electrical fences, new criminals with snarling faces thrashing in the guards arms.

Peter felt the guilt he had controlled and held in the jail of his own heart for seven long years come to light as he walked the walk of his own shame to the king’s court.

After what seemed like an eternity, or more precisely, 458 feet, 30 flights of stairs, and more than a hundred jail cells like his own, he finally saw the dazzling lights of thousands of crystal chandeliers, servants serving the king to all his miniscule whims, mellifluous music floating through the air from a grand harp, and finally the throne itself.

Peter started muttering to the guards that clenched his arms so tightly.

The king’s throne was a magnificent piece of work and the centerpiece of the throne room. Dripping with jewels such as clear-cut diamonds, forest-green jades, ocean-blue sapphires, dazzling sea-green emeralds, deep violet amethysts, ice-blue topaz, and fire-red rubies, it reflected a thousand rays of light, while being placed in pure gold.

Peter gaped in awe to the regal king that comfortably rested aloft the magnificent golden throne and meekly bowed out of his own humility and respect. The king, although aged and ancient-looking, he had an extremely wise mindset, and made decisions for the best of his planet. He had a great, wispy white beard, flowing robes of shimmering gold, and a grand crown on his head.

The tension of silence between the king and Peter at that moment became stifling. All servants, jesters, and guards sensed the palpable tension between the rotten criminal Peter and the royal, regal, wise King of Zirca. As the silence started to become almost unbearable, and static sounding, the king’s booming voice finally rang out.

Suddenly hearing the king’s echoing voice, Peter quickly glanced up at him. The king spoke to Peter and announced, “Peter, son of Circa. You have murdered countless families, looted many of my finest ships, and have attempted to steal the Makepeace Diamond of Zirca. For this, you have had been sentenced to life in prison. But, unfortunately, our planet is dying. Our Fire of Hestia has been stolen by the people of Titan. I am recruiting you to retrieve it for your freedom or death. Now, young Peter, what is your response?”

Hearing the name of “Fire of Hestia,” Peter’s mind clicked, and he finally realized why he had been brought up from the catacombs, left to rot, but instead given a chance of freedom. The Fire of Hestia was a relic from when the whole universe had been created. It powered all life on a planet, and without it, a planet could rot and die away slowly. Peter looked out the king’s grand windows, and saw that the whole landscape had changed since he had been exiled into prison. It looked dark, gloomy, and somber. Before, it had bursting with life: Foliage everywhere, children laughing, picnics taking place everywhere. But now that the Fire of Hestia had been stolen by the Titanians, the planet of Zirca was dying.

True, there were other relics across the universe that powered other planets, but the Fire of Hestia was special. It was the only relic powerful enough to give life to such a gargantuan planet such as Zirca and the people of Zirca the comfort and pleasure it needed.

Peter silently debated in his mind of the decision he should make. Shall I go after The Fire of Hestia in this quest? Should I spend the rest of my life rotting away in my shame and mildew? His hands became clammy, and his throat suddenly felt parched. But, Peter knew what he had to do to save his home planet and all those inhabiting it.

Peter responded in an equally regal voice, knowing that he had been chosen for one of the most difficult and important quests in all of robbery history.  Despite the fact that he felt weary, bone thin, hunched over, had matted hair, ragged clothing, smelled of the sewers, and a single shoe he boldly said, “My king, I am honored for this opportunity and I am willing to accept. But, only with added compensation. I would like 100 bars of pure gold, new clothes, new shoes, and a new spaceship to get to Titan. You must give me my demands, otherwise I shall not perform any services for you.”

The king replied after some thought, “Although that is quite a handful of treasures that you demand to have in exchange for your service, the planet needs you.  I realize there is no other thief as clever and stealthy as you. I shall supply your extraordinary demands in return for the Fire.”

Peter conclusively announced, “Then I shall accept this quest and go out to find this Fire of Hestia.”


Gym Owners Are Starting to BAN Cameras | Modern Women Are BAFFLED

In 1979 I was hired to manage a new branch of a trust company. The branch opened in June and was not expected to be profitable for three years. With some good fortune I was able to make a profit in the first year and every year after. The company opened two other branches the following year and asked me to train the new staff which I did. Those branches had turn over and failed to ever be profitable.

in 1988 the firm merged with another firm and all managers were invited to bring their spouses to a big meeting with the new management at a large resort in Arizona. While there the spouses were invited to a special meeting with management to outline how great the nee merged firm was going to be. After that meeting my wife told me I needed to look for a new job. She felt the new management were crooked. I didn’t agree

in January 1989 my immediate supervisor phoned to say he was being dismissed and I needed to watch myself.

in March the replacement for my supervisor decided he wanted to come for a visit to discuss the goals for the new year. He also wanted to meet my local advisory board. The board meeting was held and we sat down to (I thought) goals. He presented me with a letter saying I was being let go. He mumbled his way through an explanation. I asked if the managers of the other two offices were being let go. He said know.

my next statement was “ So my branch has made money for 10 years and those branches have lost money for 9 years. I suppose the problem is that I didn’t realize the objective was to lose money”

He denied that was the issue but did say they thought my pay was too high. They had to pay me severance for 10 months.

I had a new job in 6 weeks and after 18 months I was making twice as much. 6 months after the the trust company went out of business due to losses bi guess the objective was to lose money

Woman RUINS Her Familys Life for Views

The whole saga about how China has only just “discovered” how to make ballpoint pens is a highly instructive lesson in how the media is capable of shaping public opinion of an issue while missing the point entirely.


In early 2018, TISCO, a Chinese steel and mining conglomerate, announced with much fanfare that they are now able to manufacture high quality ballpoint pen tips, meaning that Chinese pen manufacturers will for the first time be able to produce high-quality ballpoint pens without a single imported input. Western media outlets were quick to latch on to the story and a raft of headlines such as these popped up:

Finally, China manufactures a ballpoint pen all by itself – WaPo

China’s Latest Innovation? The Ballpoint Pen. – Bloomberg

China Couldn’t Make Its Own Ballpoint Pens—Until Now – Fortune

At last – China learns how to make a ballpoint pen –

Ballpoint pens and the danger of China’s ‘one-dragon’ policy – FT

Finally! After years of trying, China celebrates ballpoint pen breakthrough – SkyNews


The headlines and articles therein convey the message that Chinese manufacturers were unable to produce a decent ballpoint pen because they either lacked the knowhow, the innovative drive, and/or the IP protection framework required to spur innovation, thus requiring a 5 year state-led initiative to cut through the chaff. Some of these articles also contain misleading information about how the Chinese have to import stainless steel tips from Japan and Switzerland, when the Chinese are in fact the world’s largest manufacturers of said stainless steel tips.

This slew of misinformation and biased reviews led some commentators such as these: China’s Ballpoint Pen Victory – Or Why American Wages Are Higher Than Chinese, to speculate that the Chinese inability to produce a simple pen is symptomatic of the larger reason why American workers are worth more, and also why a barber in Illinois is paid more per haircut than a Chinese barber in Peking (sic), while skirting the fact that neither the US nor any other country besides the Swiss and the Japanese currently possess the ability to produce ballpoint pen tips of a similar quality.

Here’s what all of these writers are missing about these newfangled ballpoint pen tips:

Not only are the tips made with the utmost precision, the balls are made of tungsten carbide.

Tungsten carbide is a very useful material that is not only used in a wide variety of commercial applications such as ballpoint pens, jewelry, and cutting tools, but also industries of critical national importance such as nuclear reactors and armor piercing ammunition.

Since the early 2000s, the PRC government has identified tungsten carbide as a vital component of its national security infrastructure, and has invested huge sums both internationally to secure its sources of supply, and domestically to build its ability to utilize said supply.

The ballpoint pen tip is merely a commercial application for the material that requires extreme precision at all stages of the manufacturing process and supply chain. As such, if you’re able to produce a high quality tungsten carbide ballpoint pen tip, it goes to follow that you will be able to produce anything with tungsten carbide. And yes, that includes armor-piercing weaponry and ball bearings for advanced weapon systems.

That’s why the PRC government has spent 5 years and large sums of money on developing a product for an inconsequential niche market. To the PRC, it’s not about producing a ballpoint pen. It’s about reaching technological parity and independence in an area of vital national interest.

I was 17 and my best friend, who is now my ex-best friend, posted a video (an embarresing video) of me on the school blog. And I got extremely mad at her.

I couldn’t do anything too bad because my parents were friends with her parents and I could possibly get grounded. I absolutely despise getting grounded, like any other normal teen

Anyway, I finally had an idea, it was pretty harmless yet extremely effective. I put a package filled with glitter and stuffed it inside her car because she had given me the keys just the day before.

She was and still is a very proud and arrogant person. Meaning that she always thought that she was in charge of the fucking world (when she isn’t and I hope to god never will be)

She opened the package and out popped glitter, spreading all over her face and her entire car. The prank was absolutely harmless, but it was horribly hard to get the glitter out of your hair.

She came up to me in the hallway and confronted me. I told her that I didn’t do anything and she started to punch me. I was about to punch back, but then I saw the principal staring at us and decided not to do anything and let her punch me.

Just before she was about to give me a bloody nose or something the principal came in and started scolding her and telling her that violence was wrong and is NEVER justified.

By now the bell had rung, but everyone was still outside, eager to see what was going to happen. The principal not only humiliated her in front of everyone, but she also got a 1 week suspension.

After the end of this I was very proud of myself and continued on with my normal life. She didn’t talk to me and I didn’t talk to her.


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One of my employees had missed an important meeting on Friday, and I needed an explanation.

“Why weren’t you at the meeting on Friday?” I asked, trying to keep my tone professional but firm.

He looked at me, a serious expression on his face. “I’m really sorry, boss. I was abducted by aliens.”

I blinked, not sure if I had heard him correctly. “Come again?”

He nodded earnestly. “I know it sounds crazy, but I was walking to my car, and suddenly, this bright light appeared. Next thing I know, I’m on this spaceship surrounded by little green men. They were curious about Earth and kept asking me questions. I tried to tell them I had a meeting, but they wouldn’t let me leave until they were done.”

I stared at him, trying to gauge if he was pulling my leg. But he looked completely sincere. “And… they just let you go after that?”

“Yeah, they dropped me off late Friday night. I didn’t think anyone would believe me, so I didn’t say anything,” he explained, his eyes wide with what I could only describe as genuine bewilderment.

I took a deep breath, wondering how to handle this. “Alright. Let’s just focus on getting back to work and make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

He nodded, relieved. As he walked away, I shook my head, still processing the bizarre excuse. I wasn’t sure if he was telling the truth, had an overactive imagination, or just didn’t want to admit to a more mundane reason for missing the meeting. Either way, it was the weirdest excuse I had ever received, and one I doubted I would ever hear again.

Huawei exec rejects idea that advanced chip shortage will hamper China’s AI ambitions

By Reuters

BEIJING, July 4 (Reuters) – A senior executive at Chinese technology giant Huawei (HWT.UL) on Thursday dismissed the idea that a shortage of the most advanced artificial intelligence chips will hinder the country’s aim to be a leader in AI, but said innovation is needed to address the issue.

The comments by Zhang Ping’an, CEO of Huawei Cloud, comes amid tighter U.S. restrictions on advanced AI chip shipments to China including a ban on sales there by companies such as U.S. giant Nvidia (NVDA.O).

“Nobody will deny that we are facing limited computing power in China… But we cannot rely solely on having the AI chips with the advanced manufacturing process nodes as the ultimate foundation for AI infrastructure,” Zhang told a forum at the World AI Conference in Shanghai, a three-day event that kicked off on Thursday.

“If we believe that not having the most advanced AI chips means we will be unable to lead in AI, then we need to abandon this viewpoint,” Zhang said.

Huawei, which has been placed on the U.S. Entity List barring it from purchasing advanced chips from U.S. companies, has developed its own AI chip product called Ascend, which is now used by many companies in China to train AI models.

However, the Ascend AI chip, along with many others from Chinese companies, is considered to be significantly inferior in terms of computing power compared to the offerings from Nvidia.

Zhang called for innovative approaches that place more focus on the cloud, which he said can help to compensate for the lack of advanced AI chips through innovation in computing architecture.

He also said that a converged approach is needed to combine cloud, edge, and networks in ways that can be used to reduce energy consumption and improve overall efficiency. Zhang touted Huawei Cloud as being among the leaders in providing such innovative solutions.

He Got Up And Left Her & She INSTANTLY Regrets It!

Edward Joseph O’Hare (a.k.a. “Easy” Eddie, a.k.a. “Artful” Eddie) was a wealthy Chicago defense lawyer, renowned for finding legal loopholes through which many of his criminal clients would walk and escape justice.

In 1923, O’Hare himself was indicted for illegal booze racketeering, but he won his own case on appeal.

Al Capone, one of O’Hare’s legal clients, went into business with O’Hare, with Eddie running Capone’s dog racing sideline. This came about because O’Hare had somehow obtained the patent on the mechanical rabbit, and was able to “fix” the races. The rigged dog races would make a ton of money for both Capone and O’Hare.

By 1930, Eddie O’Hare was on top of the world – he had fabulous wealth, he had fame, he had power, and he had the backing of Al Capone.

But out of the blue, in 1930, O’Hare decided to “go straight”, and told Federal agents what was going on in Capone’s criminal empire. He told them everything: about the organization’s structure, the tax books, the bribes, the fixes, he gave names – the works. O’Hare did all this because he wanted a better life for his son. It’s not known what deal Eddie made with the Federal Government (possibly admittance to USNA?), but it’s certain that he didn’t want his son to be associated with the slime of the criminal underworld. In no small part, based on O’Hare’s testimony, Capone would be found guilty of income tax evasion in 1931, and sentenced to 11 years in a federal penitentiary.

Ratting on Al Capone was tantamount to committing suicide, and “Easy” Eddie met his death in 1939 – one week before Capone was released from Alcatraz – a victim of blasts from several shotguns while he was driving his car:

shot dead
shot dead

Edward J. O’Hare pictured slumped at the wheel of his car after he was shot to death in 1939.

Although he started cleaning up the family name, Eddie never lived to see what would become of his son, but Edward Henry O’Hare (a.k.a. “Butch”) made sure the O’Hare name would become respectable.

You see, after graduating from a military high school, Butch O’Hare would enter the United States Naval Academy (USNA) in 1933, and graduate in 1937, becoming a navy pilot.

On February 20, 1942, Butch O’Hare became the Navy’s first fighter ace of World War II when he single-handedly attacked a formation of nine medium bombers approaching his aircraft carrier Lexington. Even though he had a limited amount of ammunition, O’Hare shot down five enemy bombers and became the first naval aviator recipient of the Medal of Honor of the war.

O’Hare’s final action took place on the night of November 26, 1943, while he was leading the U.S. Navy’s first-ever nighttime fighter attack launched from an aircraft carrier. During this encounter with a group of Japanese torpedo bombers, Butch’s Grumman F6F Hellcat was shot down; his aircraft was never found. He was 29 years old.

In 1945, the U.S. Navy destroyer USS O’Hare (DD-889) was named in Butch’s honor.

If ever you fly, and your trip takes you through Chicago, you will be landing at the O’Hare International Airport, so named on September 19, 1949, six years after Butch O’Hare was killed in action.


Lieutenant Edward “Butch” O’Hare in a Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat. The wartime censor has blanked out the famous “Felix the Cat” squadron insignia on this photo

The Creamy layer don’t

The Brainiest Chinese, the Intelligent Chinese – they see far more potential at home than to go to the US now

In 2005 -52% of the top 1000 GaoKao scorers gave up their places to go for Graduation to the US

In 2023 – it’s ZERO

They go to Peking, HK, Tsinghua and other Chinese Universities instead

Only those who can’t get placed in a Top University and have money – go to US or Australia or Singapore

The Chinese who want to go abroad and get a green card are those who :-

  • Score low in GaoKao and cant get placed in a Good University
  • Who don’t want to go to college and rather to work and start a business and have relatives abroad
  • Who want to study Political Science, International Politics and such subjects
  • Cooks and other low level Chinese

They end up setting up a Restaurant Or Night Club Or Kiosk or Bodega or work in a Floating Barge

I WILL NOT GIVE UP – Powerful Motivational Speech

One of my favorite videos of this genre.

Keep moving forward.

It’s a long story

It began in 1985

A Delegation of Chinese Businessmen came to Bombay to various Indian Banks for a Letter of Credit.

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They wanted a LoC of £ 15 Million Or so to import steel from Hull in UK

They wanted an SBI LoC because their banks were not recognized in UK and the UK Bank (Midlands Bank) refused to do Business with the Chinese

DBS refused because the Steel was not insured

The Chinese delegation waited for 4 Days patiently and for three days the Bank GM couldn’t meet them. They waited outside his cabin and were mocked at by the staff

All of us worked close by – SBI, BoB, CBI and other banks so this was popular news

Every day at lunch the four Chinese would sit and have Indian food and give awkward smiles

On the fourth day the GM came, gave them 30–40 minutes and demanded a ton of documents

At the same time the Japanese had come for some credit line related to NTPC to supply equipment and they were met by the Chairman and executives and given VVIP treatment

The Chinese patiently signed their documents, did their business, paid the extra interest and went back home

I was a witness to this and any banker who worked in Bombay would be witness to this

In 2014 – 29 years later, a Chinese Delegation came for some business

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Banks scrambled over themselves for the Chinese Business

They deposited $ 2 Billion in one hour with a flick of their finger

The Executives grovelled and kowtowed and bowed and scraped like Coolies before the Chinese

Plus at this time SBI needed LoC from Foreign Banks to import from UK or US while every Bank in the world saluted at the Chinese LoC and advanced Twenty Billion Dollars without a second word

So SBI Kowtowed to Bank of America or Credit Suisse or used Bangee to get it’s LoCs accepted for upto $ 300 Million

The Chinese Banks didn’t need anything. They could get $ 20 Billion on their own LoC

I was a witness to this also

I wasn’t a Banker anymore but a Legal /Credit Consultant and saw the 2 Billion Dollar deposit as a friend showed me the entry

In 29 years i saw the Chinese grow from people who didn’t merit even a MD of a PSB to a group of people who could deposit 2 Billion Dollars in a single hour

I saw the same UK Banks who once refused to give the Chinese a mere 15 Million Pounds unless they had double backed LoCs , now begging for their business and lending them 20 Billion on their Paper without 15 seconds hesitation

I saw the Chinese go from a Nation which once stood in line at Tata Steel gaping with awe and admiration at our machines and process, now a Nation that makes steel superior to any other Nation on the planet

I saw the Chinese who once watched our Maruti 800 with awe and admiration now make EVs that are beating the pants of the Western models every single day

In 40 stinking years!!!!!!


I see India once proudly emerging now groveling for Business from Western Companies even with all political favors

I see India unable to produce a pencil that has a demand in a Global market outside Nigeria and Bangladesh

I see India entirely dependent on Western Hardware and Software and merely clicking the key board like two bit PROGRAMMING COOLIES unable to invent anything with a Global Appeal

I see India with once with an Industrial Productivity which was fourth highest in Asia in 1981 after Japan, South Korea and Singapore now rank 11th behind Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia and even Goddamn Thailand!!!!!

And all my anger began with Mitra

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Those who have been on Quora for longer than 4 years can attest to this

I never wrote anything except the law and rarely politics and never on China until I saw posts of Mitra as a cutting edge robot

I felt a surge of rage and all my pent up emotions surged out and that’s it. It can’t stop to this day.

I saw my fellow countrymen defend Mitra as a cutting edge piece of Robotics and it’s founder rather than acknowledge that it was premature to introduce this Robot to the Global World , actually mock me as a desk jockey government servant and claim that he would respond only to the criticism of Google Top Execs or Big Shots

I left the topic at this point, unwilling to start a war on Quora

From that day I have written against Indian ‘Achievements’ because I AM ANGRY

I am not a Chinese Citizen

I am an Indian Citizen and I want my sons to be here in this country with me, growing, prospering, working hard for its development like so many Chinese sons

To watch with pride as India grows and dominates

But No!!!!

I see LIES, LIES and more LIES every day

I see my fellow countrymen rather than find ways to identify problems, call me China Agent and Paid Propagandist

It shows me the inferiority of many of my countrymen and I GET ANGRY

So you think it’s because I admire the Chinese that I write all this?



Where did we go wrong?

That keeps me angry all the time

What can we do about it? How can we correct ourselves?

Nobody asks this question and that makes me angry all the more

So if you don’t like it – Apologies

I will keep on and on

Somewhere some people should wake up and see and question people Like Byju Raveendran, Ola Bhavish , Ambani, Adani, Mahindra on what their indigenous technology is and what they have actually achieved

Question people like Modi, Shah, Nirmala, Rahul Gandhi, Kejriwal on the same questions

And those who agree with me, they aren’t my bhakts. They are just logical minds who can see where the Nation is heading.

For God’s sakes remember I am not your enemy

I am a Patriotic Indian helplessly watching his Nation slide into regression and worthlessness with every passing day

Those who are closing their eyes to this and talking of 3rd Largest Economy and Viksit Bharat and How great Ambani is – THEY ARE THE PROBLEM NOT ME

Women Have Cost Businesses MILLIONS Because of METOO

When my father was 92 he pretty much gave up on living. He didn’t have any terminal condition other than the one we all have. We had made attempts at various safe living situations during which he refused to move from his independent living apartment to assisted living in the same facility, kicked my sister and then me out for “being in his business”, fired anyone we hired to help with activities of daily living, and lots of other maddening behaviors (actually, par for the course for him but worse). The thing is, his mind was pretty much fine- it was his body that was failing him. When he realized he couldn’t and wouldn’t have life on his own terms, he just gave up. After a couple falls, passing out from low blood sugar several times (including at a wedding) because he refused to lower his insulin dose appropriate to the much smaller amount he was eating, and several admissions for urinary retention, bleeding from his bladder and UTIs, all due to prior prostate radiation, he said he just wanted to be left in peace to die. We (including him) decided to admit him to a really excellent hospice, the same one where my mother had died 8 years earlier. He asked to sign a DNR and did, asked that he receive anti-anxiety and pain meds for his spinal stenosis, and said he only wanted ice cream to eat. We all had an agreed-upon plan of care. He was sleeping peacefully when we left. Then, at 10 pm that first night while I was showering, I got a voicemail from his personal cellphone. On it, he sounded frightened, said he didn’t know where he was, and that the nurses were poisoning him. I called the nurses’ station. His nurse immediately went to his room then called me back to say he was sound asleep again. She even held the phone to his mouth and I could hear him snoring. He grumbled loudly when she tried to wake him to talk to me. She said he probably wasn’t used to the meds and they would give less and stagger them from then on. I wound up not going there that night after checking on him again with his nurse about 2 hours later. At 5 am I got a call that he had died in his sleep. So his voicemail wound up being the last words I heard from him.

Kansas City Beef Brisket

chef marks kc smoked brisket large
chef marks kc smoked brisket large


  • 1 (5 pound) beef brisket
  • 1 tablespoon tenderizer (optional)
  • 2 to 4 tablespoons Liquid Smoke
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 teaspoon celery salt
  • 1 teaspoon onion salt
  • 1 teaspoon garlic salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • Worcestershire sauce, to taste


  1. The night before cooking, sprinkle brisket with tenderizer, Liquid Smoke, salt, pepper, celery salt, onion salt and garlic salt.
  2. Wrap in aluminum foil and refrigerate overnight.
  3. The next day add nutmeg, paprika, brown sugar and Worcestershire. Wrap well with aluminum foil — this is important. Cook 5 hours at 275 degrees F.
  4. Slice thin on the diagonal.
  5. Serve with homemade barbecue sauce and buns.

I posted this as a long comment here but thought that it is significant to deserve its own posting on China’s Future:

Let me explain: From the US official POV, China is an existential threat like never before, because not only can China do and make everything the US does and makes, China will lead in all the fields which the US has no hope of catching up in: EVs, tech and network equipment, aircraft manufacturing, and defense equipment. Even in agriculture, the US will not be able to sell food commodities to China because China will import from Russia and Brazil instead of from the US.

If the US is no longer the tech leader, the US stock and bond markets will lose 50% of their value. Since the US and European ruling classes derive a significant portion of their value from the New York, London markets, they will get poorer. And they will not be able to invest in growth markets because those markets won’t want to take western currencies, especially the US dollar.

If the US stock and bond markets take such a hit, this means that the US standard of living will also take a hit. First, most Americans are heavily in debt; many of them rely on credit card debt just to cover their monthly expenses, and they have no savings. These people will not be happy, and they will not go away peacefully because a lot of them have guns. They won’t understand how it got to this, and they don’t particularly care in understanding, but they will be very angry.

Under the US political system, it is very hard to mobilize the public against an enemy because most Americans have very little understanding of foreign affairs. For this reason, it is very important to create a foreign bogeyman such as China which they can lay all the blame on.

That is what is happening now. When the US’s existence is threatened, academic scholars are at the frontline in shaping public opinion.

The problem now is that both sides are hardening their positions. Biden doesn’t have the mental capacity to defuse the situation. This means that his key advisors are making policy without his input. They all believe that China is the existential threat. They hoped that the Ukraine war would weaken Russia enough so that they could then deal with China, but that did not go according to plan. But China is getting stronger and its relationship with Russia is growing, so the US is running out of time.

South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines were going to be the useful idiots who would directly confront China, but that is not going according to plan because they know that they are in China’s frontyard, and China is becoming increasingly powerful. They also understand that they may be left high and dry by the US, in which case they become dead meat in China’s front yard.

The US policymakers also understand that the US military is in a weak position to confront China because of the long logistics lines from the US mainland to the western Pacific. A lot of tactical inventory for a conventional war has been shipped to Ukraine and Israel for their wars, and it will take 2–5 years for American factories to step up production to replenish those inventories.

But the US doesn’t have 2–5 years; by that time China will be exporting its chips and selling EVs and solar panels all over the world, and will complete its overland connections to Europe through Russia and the Trans-Caspian routes. Europe will have de-industrialized because it has lost access to cheap Russian energy making their factories uncompetitive, and Chinese brands and equipment will replace European brands and products at 50% of the original European price.

The NATO/EU/G7 alliance will grow weaker by the year. Will the US withdraw to the North American continent, or will it make Custer’s last stand in a nuclear confrontation with China?

Right now, the US is led by candidates who were born in the 1940s and grew up during the Cold War with the Soviet Union. Both strongly believe that the US triumphed against the USSR; they believe that this was America’s winning formula, and that today’s China is a smarter and much more adaptable version of the USSR, and that it can be cut down to size using the same tactics and sanctions against the USSR. They cannot adapt because this is the world they grew up in.

They have no vision for the next generation of Americans because they are old, and frankly will not live much longer. I feel sorry for younger Americans because they are stuck in a bus with a crazy driver who is heading for the cliff, and there is nothing they can do.

They deserve better leadership so that they can build their future, but right now, it looks like they have no future.

The American Revolution: Take 2

A few months ago, I received a friend request from a girl. She was from my college and also my best friend’s ex, so I accepted it. I remember, they were in a relationship for eight months after which she friend-zoned him as she did with her previous partners. My friend went into depression after that.

Well, within a few days she became comfortable chatting with me and started sending flirtatious texts. I felt awkward in the starting but after few days I reciprocated keeping in mind not to let her sabotage my stringency.

Now after a few months seeing that she is highly into me, I thought maybe it’s the right time to give that girl a taste of her own medicine. I started using terms like “buddy” and started avoiding her texts. She became quite angry (and her desperation increased) and after a few weeks, she confessed that she has fallen for me.

Me- ”But that cannot happen. You are a good friend as well as a good human too, and I don’t want to lose our friendship.”

She- (furiously) ”Why did you do that to me.”

Me- ”Did what”??

She-“Talked to me in a special way.”

Me-“Well, I didn’t do that. You started sending me flirtatious texts, I just reciprocated. I never told you I feel for you.”

She- ”Please say that you are joking. I don’t believe you are doing this to me”

Me- “No, I am not joking. Besides, you did the same thing with my friend with whom you were committed. We are not even committed. I never promised you anything. It was just a healthy flirting that lasted for a few days”

She- “You are such an a*sho*e!”

She blocked me after that.

P.S.- I know I did the wrong thing but I felt that she needed to know what it is like to be on the other side.

42 Vietnamese foods you have to eat in Vietnam

This gets me so horny! LOL. Just joking, but really… I love these adventure food videos.

Here a mind-blowing fact about Japan: when I was in Japan on a business trip I had a few hours to myself, so I decided to go sight-seeing. I got my expensive SLR, hailed a cab, and took a trip around Tokyo seeking Godzilla. A couple of hours later I returned to the hotel and took a shower. After the shower I realized I had left the camera in the cab. It’s gone forever, I thought. But I went to the concierge and told him my story.

“What was the name of the cab company?” he asked me.

“I don’t know,” I admitted.

“What color was the cab?”

“I can’t recall,” I admitted, feeling like a fool. He was looking more dubious.

“Do you recall what kind of car it was?” he asked.

“Not a bit,” I said stupidly.

He was looking at me as if I were another stupid American. “We will see what we can do,” he said, “but I have grave doubts about recovering your camera.”

And yet two hours later I got a call: they had my camera. Astonished, I went to the front desk and they handed it to me. I tried to hand a wad of cash to the cab driver who had returned it. He refused to take the money. I tried to give a wad of cash to the Concierge, but he only took the wad, took a few bills, handed the rest back and told me, “these are for the operator who called every cab company in the city. Your camera was in the lost and found.”

I marvelled at the chances of recovering that same camera in New York City from a cab in two hours. I felt the chances would be infinitesimally small.

Kill Bill – 1950’s super panavision 70

The Philippines cannot replicate the warship beaching at Second Thomas Shoal.

If the Philippines repeats the incident of the warship running aground at Second Thomas Shoal at Sabina Shoal, it will directly violate Article 5 of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, which states that all countries in the South China Sea have the obligation to ensure that “uninhabited islands and reefs are free of people and facilities.”

If the Philippine warship ran aground in Sabina Shoal and crossed the “red line”, then China can take any measures to stop it.

The contest between China and the Philippines over Sabina Shoal is essentially a war of public opinion.

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The Philippines spread rumors that China would reclaim land and build islands in Sabina Shoal, so it sent 4 coast guard ships into Sabina Shoal, but the Philippines did not dare to cross the red line.

What China needs to do is to seize the opportunity of the Philippines to “provoke China” as much as possible, and then launch a fierce counterattack to finally achieve complete control of Sabina Shoal.

He Man – The Masters of the Universe – 1950’s Super Panavision 70

in 1974 I had this pimple on my right forearm that wouldn’t come to a head, nor would it go away. And it was tender. So after a couple of months I took it to my doctor who sent me to a dermatologist. It was an amelanotic melanoma, a melanoma with no pigment. Further examination found that it had metastacized and there was some in my lungs. IN 74, that was a death sentence. They gave me 6 months, max.

But I was 25 and otherwise healthy, so they did the hail mary pass, cut out the lobe of my lung with the most mets, and put me on a brutal chemotherapy regimen of a monthly injection of 2 grams of something they called DTIC. It’s so toxic that they usually spaced it out over five days a month. But as I said, I was young and healthy and they thought I could take it. So they gave me a five day course in one dose, every month for a year.

And once a month for a year, I’d fly back off the road to San Francisco, get poisoned, and then run for home to try and make it before the nausea began. I never did, but the nurses would give me a just-in-case garbage bag for when it hit. Then it was eight hours of agony, cramping and running at both ends. The pot pipe made it possible for me to keep breakfast down the next day as I tried to pull myself together in the face of the worst hangover on earth. And the next day, I’d be back on a plane, and back on tour. This went on for a year, but it was worth it. I beat terminal cancer, and the years since then have been the best years of my life




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IHP01 DV perfect street small.preview



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IHP105 HamOnt dockside01 smaller.preview






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IHP11 BallsAgin small.preview








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coolpool 0.preview

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IHP62 Decatur kiss smallv2.preview

A few years ago I had a guy in one of my college history classes. Over a few months I would catch him looking at me all the time until finally one day he asked me on a date. I told him I’d love to and we agreed to go to an Italian restaurant. I get there and go inside and he’s nowhere in sight. Our date was for 6. He didn’t show up until 6:45/7…I’m a very, very punctual person so this really got under my skin, but he apologized profusely and told me he had gotten out of baseball practice late and came as soon as he could. So, I just let it go and we started talking. He really bragged and stressed to me how he was in the minor leagues and was about to go pro. He was 28 at that time and I’m not too familiar with baseball, but I thought that was a little late in life to be going pro and he didn’t look like he had played a sport in years, but whatever I just listened. And after so long we started talking about what we wanted for our futures, kids, jobs, etc. He told me he wants to get married and play baseball, nothing else. I said no kids? And he said no, this planet is full of rapists and murderers and he refuses to add another rapist or murderer to the world. I just sat there and looked blankly. I said well I think the odds of you having a rapist and/or murderer as a child is pretty slim (trying to lighten the mood), and he cuts me off and asks if I’m retarded and if I hear what I’m saying. And this man went on a full 40 minute rant about the Roman Empire, mass murderers, Islam, rapists, and crazy conspiracy theories. He would go back and forth between this cool laid back guy to this crazy the-earth-is-going-to-burn extremist. So I excused myself to “go to the bathroom”, found the waitress and personally left her a tip, and then ran to my car and left.

When I saw him in class that next week he avoided me. Like, completely picked up his desk and moved it across the room like a child avoiding. Every time I’d answer a question he ALWAYS had a rebuttal, even if the answer is a clear cut answer, or he would elaborate on what I said because “I didn’t explain it right”. After so long he dropped the course and I never saw him again.

It’s called the Dance Girl Phenomenon

In Hong Kong – many Dance bars provided the cheapest girls for sex and many Sailors from US or UK or France paid a pittance for these girls

Yet these girls were not the main income for the Dance Bars

It was the Drinks!!!!!

Drinks were marked up as much as 450%

An Inferior Scotch that perhaps cost 8 Hong Kong Dollars for a Liter was sold at 3 HKD for an 80 ml glass

That’s 36 Hong Kong Dollars per Liter

The Girls ensured that the customers were focused on the Girls and drank low quality drinks by paying 450% marked up prices

The girls were the BAIT

They were there to attract the men to drink in those bars

In the same way – in a Movie Theatre, a Multiplex – the Real Profit comes from your FOOD & BEVERAGES

The Movie is the BAIT

A multiplex chain pays maybe ₹18.50 Crore for a movies All India rights

At ₹ 63.50/- a ticket to ₹127/- a ticket margin after paying Taxes and Distributor shares – would they really be taking huge profits?

At ₹127/- a ticket – they would need to sell 15 Lakh Tickets just to break even

Now the Food

9 grams of Corn Caramel Slurry produces 41 grams of Caramel Pop Corn

1 Kilo of Slurry costs ₹ 390/-

That gives you around 4.25 Kilos of Carmel Pop Corn Or 33 medium serves approximately

At ₹85/- per serve thats ₹ 2,805/-

You do the math

₹390 worth of slurry gives you ₹2,805/- worth of Caramel Pop Corn and even if you sell only 50% , that’s still almost 360% Profit!!!!!

Your Coke costs the Food outlet on a Weight Basis

It’s a Soda Fountain that mixes CO2 with Patented Coke Slurry /Syrup, Water at the appropriate pressure and gives you your Coke

It costs ₹8000/- for 500 Litres of Coca Cola or 675 Large Serves of Coke

That’s ₹11.85/- per Large serving (742 ml) of Coke

How much do you pay?

Around 120 bucks in a Multiplex!!!

44% goes to Coca Cola, the Machine license costs etc

That’s still ₹67/- for a Large Coke that the Theatre Chain pockets

Thus around 500% mark up

Now you know why they give you all those free refills of Coke in a 180 ml container? It costs them a paltry ₹3/- every time you refill while you pay ₹200–300 for food

Once inside the Theatre, you can’t help but eat food during the interval

You will go to the restrooms and on the way back see the crowd at the food outlet

The Food makes up and ensures Multiplex Chains can break even and make a profit even by paying a high cost

Its why they sell Corporate Bookings

500 Tickets for the first 5 shows – 50% tickets for each screen and show for FREE to advertisers as a compliment

The Producers pay for this and the Multiplex earns heavily on the food sold

Producers declare how full the theatres are and everyone wins

Single Chains can’t survive on such economies of scale

Soda fountains would not be profitable to them as their volumes aren’t that high

So their main source of profit is the TICKET and the Food is a supplementary item

So Popcorn is ₹ 30/- instead of ₹85/- and Coke sells by 200 ml bottle with the Food outlet merely getting the retailer margin of ₹ 4.60/- per bottle when he sells for ₹25/- to the customer

However they pay only ₹7–8 Lakh for a movie rights and their margin per ticket is much higher

So they survive on ticket sales and make profits on tickets

Plus their LAND on which they have been built is valuable every day against the rent of Multiplexes

Thus Most single screens borrow heavily and are mortgaged until the day they sell to a developer who demolishes the theatre and builds a Hotel Or Mall Or Complex

Western Couple Expose The SHOCKING TRUTH About CHINA After Their First Visit

Absolutely! Many years ago, one of my brothers was accidentally killed. He was single and enjoying life, had a girlfriend. For years, my Mom lamented that she wished he would have had at least one child before he died so she would still have a part of him here.

Fast forward to a few years ago. We all did an Ancestry DNA test to see if we could find any relatives from my maternal grandmother’s side. She was a refugee from Germany, came to the US with an American family for safety during Hitler’s reign of terror. She never reconnected with any of her family again. A cousin and I had gone to Germany to research – the village that she grew up in had been completely annihilated during the war.

We met with the Red Cross there, and many other officials. Nothing could be found as to what had happened to them. We know they existed, she had brought many pictures of her with her family from the time she was a baby, up to her teen years, holiday gatherings, birthdays, etc. So we were hoping to find someone, anyone that remained of her family.

A few months went by and my Mom got a notification that a close match had been found, a child or grandchild, and I got one that said niece or cousin. We were certain this was a mistake because we could account for every single person in our family.

To make a long story shorter, my brother’s girlfriend moved back to the east coast after he died. None of us thought nothing of it. She was grieving and wanted to be close to her Mom. But apparently, after a couple of months, she found that she was pregnant. (This was the very early 1980’s, OTC pregnancy tests were not a thing at that time.)

By the time pregnancy was confirmed at three months (she apparently thought missed cycles were due to stress), she had lost all contact with our family on the west coast. This was also before cell phones. Also, she has been seeing another guy while she and my brother were dating. Anyway, we were able to get in touch with this mystery relative via Ancestry. When we met in person, I almost fainted – she was a female replica of my long dead brother, and she had two kids of her own, with the youngest looking like my brother’s twin. My Mom got her wish after all, a child of the child she lost. But we never did find any of my Grandma’s family.

Kill Bill – Gogo Scenes

My then boyfriend proposed to me after we lived together a couple months. We discussed where we would live, how we would balance work and the household, the financial arrangements, the time schedule, if we wanted kids, how many kids, the way to raise and educate our kids, how we would balance his/my parents, his/my wants and no’s in the marriage… literally everything. Then we said yes to each other.

I asked for my mom’s opinion.

She looked at me in the eyes and said:

‘Are you sure you can raise your kids ALL by yourself, without ANY help?’

I explained that my future husband and I would share all the responsibilities, and we had already discussed every detail we could think of.

‘No.’ She said, ‘I’m asking YOU.’

‘Are you sure YOU can raise your kids ALL by yourself, without ANY help?’

It took me two months to think it over.

I checked my bank balance and assets. I made a budget about how much it would cost to raise a child, and predicted my future cash flow based on my current income and market value. I adjusted for my health insurance and life insurance. I checked the law about maternity leave. I consulted my friends who were single working mothers about what they struggled against and how they solved (or didn’t solve) problems. I thought over the resources I had and the difficulties I would face. I found out that I could not withdraw all the risks. And without help, it would be such a tough mission to raise a child. I also found out if I tried really hard, I mean, really really hard, it would NOT be a ‘mission impossible’ either. As long as I didn’t die too early, or lose all my skills by some accident, or… I mean, if my luck was better than the worst, and with my best effort, I would be able to make it.

I answered to my mom yes.

She said, ‘Now you are ready to get married.’

13 years passed by. I’m still in marriage with this man. My daughter is 11 yo.
Like all married couples, my husband and I have experienced fights, crises as well as boredoms. We learned to negotiate and compromise. We tried hard to find some balance. When passion faded with the time, we learned to find satisfactions and happiness from a stable day by day life.

I didn’t have to raise my daughter all by myself. My husband shared half of the mission. My parents and his parents helped a lot. Still being aware that ‘I would be able to do it all by myself’, I always feel being in marriage with this man is of my free will. And it also makes me able to fully respect and accept the fact that he is free to stay or leave this marriage too.

Despite the fights, crisis and boredoms, we still chose to keep our marriage. We don’t have to, but we choose to. We never feel the pressure or desperation to imprison each other or ourselves in the marriage. That’s one of the reasons marriage still feels good after 13 years, I guess.

And having seriously considered how to take full responsibility to raise our child, I feel so grateful that he lends me his shoulders and hands, holds up ‘half the sky’ of our family. I never take his efforts and contributions for granted.

People say marriage is based on trust. My mom says don’t rely on trust. She teaches me not only to hope for the best, but to prepare for the worst.

Feelings change. Humans change. Rather than asking ‘Is he/she trustworthy?’, my mom taught me that nobody owes me trust. And once make a decision, take full responsibility.

7 HOURS AGO: China Finds Something Strange on the Moon and Astonishes Scientists!

3 years ago, my neighbor died in bike accident. His son was of 2 years at the time, so I assume his wife to be in her mid or late 20’s.

In South India, we have a custom of visiting each other’s home in festivals to greet and give kumkum. After a year of the guy’s death his mom (mother in law of the widow) came to my home for one such occasion and my conversation with her went like this.

Me: Aunty, how is akka? (Sister in Kannada)

Aunty: She is getting better putta. (Putta – Kannada word to address younger people with love)

Me: Aunty, I know that this is normally not allowed, but we don’t mind her coming along with you during festivals to greet and take kumkum.

(Normaly widows are not allowed to take kumkum after marriage according to the followed tradition)

Aunty who was very happy to hear this went on to explain,

Aunty: I only wish society was more welcoming like your family, putta. At home, I am trying as much as possible not to make her feel like widow. I insist her to light the deepak in the morning and night in house and do Pooja, I include her in every ritual, we are doing everything we can. In fact we are even insisting her for a second marriage, she is young, we cannot replace what she lost from our care. If my daughter lost her husband at such young age, I would be thinking about a better life for her again, right? She is a nice person, she is still traumatized because of what happened. We are trying to do everything we can, but we cannot expect the same acceptance from everyone, so she is still not confident to come out and gather in social gatherings. Your invitation made me happy, once she makes up her mind to visit people, I will bring her to your home. She might take little more time to gain that confidence.

What I understood by this situation is people are changing, at least many are changing, but there is still a long way to go.

My request is, when you come across such people (widows) all you have to do is talk to them normally as you always would, that itself is a big thing for them.

It’s their life, let them live it again, they shouldn’t lose their identity just because they lost their husband.

Humid Night Routine of Living Alone in Japan

People all over the world are living their lives. This is a glimpse into the life of a chick in Japan. I think that food is sexy, but being lonely is awful.


That a job must get done no matter what. That means if it is hotter than hades outside, or if it is cold, or if it is raining, or if there is a sandstorm, you must still go to work.

A rather humorous example is from my life as an airman, while deployed to Camp Sather, Baghdad Airport. The airport had a mix of Iraqi civilian air traffic controllers and U.S. Air Force air traffic controllers. Although our air traffic controllers were armed with an M9 pistol while on duty, these guys weren’t really trained for shootouts and how to conduct security. They were, understandably, worried about their Iraqi counterparts and if one of them should smuggle in a weapon or worse into the air traffic control tower. Consequently, an airman was assigned as security for our personnel inside the tower, 24/7, in the event of an attempted insider attack.

In reality, this air conditioned posting was posh and we loved being there. There was a desk with a computer and internet connection, movies that could be watched on the computer, and even a DSN line to call back to the United States as much as you wanted. Even the Iraqi controllers were quite pleasant to be around and they all spoke at least some English, per their job assignment.

Also, since the posting was outside of the camp’s defense perimeter, you would have food from the cafeteria delivered to you. No waiting in line!

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(Baghdad Tower, photo by author.)

The only downside:

The elevator in the control tower often broke. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to go to work. That meant climbing up 14 floors with your vest, helmet, NVG’s, rifle, pistol, and spare ammunition. What a bitch! Nothing could make you go from loving how lucky you were to draw this assignment, to hating it in mere seconds. When you made it to the top, the person you would be relieving would always have a bottle of cold water waiting on you. By that time you were huffing, puffing and drenched in sweat. Tough life in the Air Force.

Nebula in the Deep

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in space. … view prompt
John Popovich

Her muscles seemed to tense with every chime of the warning alerts; proximity, fire, and power failure alarms each ringing in their own distinct tone and pattern. As the captain called out for a report on every station the voices went from stern and confident, to shouting and chaotic.

Venturing into the cerulean and fuchsia mixed cloud, the crew of the ISS Condor had no idea what to expect. The observation windows were useless as the clouds covered the ship like thick cream. The current of plasma that comprised the beautiful anomaly clung to every nook and cranny of the ship’s fuselage, wreaking havoc for the ship’s systems analyst.

Lieutenant Dawson exhaled sharply, shaking her hand at the station monitor. “I’m getting readings all over the ship, everything from hull breaches, power surges, and a fire on C-deck. I’m shutting down automated countermeasures… try to keep her from fixing problems that aren’t there.”

“Do something about those alarms while you’re at it. Do we have anything on perimeter sensors, short range? Long range? Anything from our remote probe?”

The chief turned in his chair facing the captian, his forehead wrinkled, and cracking in his voice. “Nothing consistent. I am getting intermittent contact from the probe. Strange readings, I’ve never seen anything like this.”

The lighting on the control deck flickered as power surges were felt throughout the ship. Alarms blaring, lights flashing and now the ship was rumbling. Dawson gripped the arms of her chair, her knuckles turning white as her fingertips went numb. The pounding of her pulse in her neck caught her off guard, escalating with every breathe. Nothing made sense, she heard his order to shut off the alarms, but it didn’t register. As if he was speaking a different language.

Glancing from her station monitor to the captain, she saw his jaw tense, eyes squinting, focusing on the forward observation windows. If there was any fear in him at all, he didn’t show it. They were flying blind, but he kept them steadily on course. She had to trust him.

Rattling with increasing intensity, the ship groaned in pain as the bulkheads shed their safety panels. Like the nebula didn’t want them there and fought with constant resistance. What secret was it trying to keep?

Suddenly the ship stopped shaking, the colorful sludge sliding off the forward windows. The captian stood from his command chair, balancing himself on the overhead monitors as he leaned forward to look at the seemingly empty eye of the nebula.

“Lieutenant, I want a damage report as soon as you can. See if you can purge all of our external ports, get this crap off of my ship… And please shut off the alerts!”

Staring at her screen, trying to catch her breath, she unwrapped her hands from the arms of her seat. Flexing her fingers, she disabled the system alerts. As a loud hissing filled the command bridge from the purge, the systems came back online, one by one. Turning in her chair to report the ship’s clean bill of health, she paused, interrupted by deafening silence. Seeing her wide-eyed crew mates looking out of the observation windows, she stood moving from her station toward the center of the bridge trying to catch a glimpse of what had captivated the crew.

The inner wall of the nebula was at a distance, but there was something more. Maneuvering around the captain’s command station more objects came into view, strange t-shaped bodies, made of metal… had to be. Another long cylindrical object that seemed to be rounded on one end with what looked a short thick tower protruding from the side. There were other jagged fragments, and what looked like a mist of dark and light particles. Everything was motionless, floating in the peaceful center of a chaotic cage.

“There’s the probe!” The chief pointed at the window before scurrying to his station.

The captain’s head whipped around. “Can you make contact?”

“Yes, but I’m getting a lot of strange readings Sir. The objects don’t match any vessels on record. The nebula consists of some sort of plasma, it’s chemical make-up is like nothing I’ve seen.” The chief’s voice was high, and he stuttered as he read the data as quickly as he could. “There are trace amounts um, of-of ice, wait, yes crystalized H2O, and, and… this can’t be right.”

“What is it?”

“Carbon, lignin, hemicelluloses… this… Captain it’s particles of wood!”

“That’s impossible!”

“It doesn’t make sense but that’s what it says… Sir there’s something else. There seems to be radiation emanating from one of the objects.”


“No sir, but curious. This isn’t adding up.”

“Chief, keep searching the database, figure out what these things are. Helmsman, bring the ship about, I want you to pull us parallel to the source of that radiation. Dawson, meet me in airlock three and suit up.”

She looked at the captain nodding, acknowledging the order. Her head spinning with the various scenarios that a space walk could present. She’d done this a dozen times before, always making it back in one piece. She couldn’t help but think that one of them wasn’t going to be as lucky this time.

Lieutenant Dawson and the captain checked each other’s suits, making sure that every seal was fastened, oxygen connected, and equipment secured. The captain turned to place the helmet on her suit, she gently grabbed a hold of his gloved hands.

Closing her eyes, taking a deep breath, she exhaled with a light tilting of her head, signaling the captain she was ready. The helmet came down, twisted and clicked, activating the release of oxygen to the suit. The rush of air, and distinct smell of disinfected fabric and plastic switched on her focus. The long hours of training took over. Assisting the captain with his helmet, they approached the outer airlock door.

Looking through the porthole, the long cylindrical object slowly moved closer to the ship. There was something recognizable on the short tower of the object, it looked like an airlock, but strange. No window, docking clamps, nothing. There seemed to be a ring suspended from what looked like a hatch by three thick metal spokes. Her focus broke as the chime from the pressure indicator buzzed and the light flashed from red to green. It was time.

The captain pressed the release panel slowly opening the airlock. After securing their tether lines to the hull of the ship, the captain counted down from three. They gently pushed off the Condor and floated toward the object. The droning of the winch echoed through her suit as it let out the slack of the tether, drifting closer and closer to the object. Gripping the lifeline to her side, taking long controlled breaths, she collided with the hull of the object. The captain landed first, already on his way to the hatch. The magnetic boots seemed effective as she watched him walking on the smooth surface of the object. Activating her boots, followed.

Reaching the hatch at the top of the tower and gripping the wheel, the captain spun it counterclockwise. Dawson looked at the data pad on her wrist, monitoring the object, anticipating what lay beyond the hatch. The door opened with ease and they removed the winch systems from their suits, attaching them to the hull of the object. The captain went in first, climbing past what looked like a ladder. The airlock seemed rudimentary, there was a manual release on the interior, no electronics, no inner airlock, just a ladder that led down to what looked like a command station.

Walking through the dark corridors of the object, they could only see what was illuminated by the lights on their helmets, taking notice of what looked like words written on the bulkhead. The metal grate beneath their feet also had a recognizable design. Everything looked so familiar.

“Captain, do you copy?” The coms link fizzled as the chief’s voice crackled through.

“Yes Chief, we’re inside the object heading toward the source of the radiation spike.”

“Uh… you’re not going to believe this, but I’ve identified at least three of the objects inside the nebula.”


“Two of them are 19th century aircraft from Earth.”

The captain stopped and turned toward Dawson, his eyebrows furrowed. She stared back at him, blinking, trying to awaken from what seemed like a dream. “What’s the third object?”

“You’re inside of it… it appears to be a 21st century Naval Submarine. Virginia Class.”

“We need to leave, these were nuclear powered, who knows what state of decay the reactor could be in. These things weren’t built for space.”

Just then, the submarine rumbled and shook, the coms link fizzling as the chief’s voice frantically warned them of something they couldn’t quite discern. “… anomaly …energy weapons …attack…”

“Chief, come in! What’s happening out there? Chief!” The captains voice had a tone of desperation, something she’d never heard before.

The submarine rocked and jolted violently, they had left their winches tethered between the submarine and the Condor. Rushing back down the corridor to the ladder they climbed as fast as they could. The captain reached the hatch first, flying through the opening, reaching for Dawson’s hand.

Reaching for him she was blinded as a flash of blue light struck him in the chest, knocking him off the submarine. The coms link roared in her ear as the chief screamed for the captain to reply to his call for orders.

Her free hand hung lifeless as if still waiting for the captain to grab it. The other hand gripped the rung of the ladder, fingertips going numb again, the pulse in her neck intensifying as it did before, the piercing plea of the Chief in her ear.

The captain wasn’t there to snap her out if it this time. Closing her eyelids tight and taking a deep breath, she could see the captain staring out of a window of uncertainty. Calm. Focused. The way she wanted to remember him.

Exhaling slowly, and gripping the ladder with both hands, she cautiously pulled herself halfway through the open hatch. The Condor was tethered to the lifeless submarine suddenly taking fire, unable to maneuver and defend herself.

The attacker was dark, shaped like an elongated pyramid, firing its weapons erratically. Flashing blue lights surrounded the Condor as the energy shields deflected much of the fire. The remaining blasts splashed into the colorful milky walls of the nebula, while others hit the objects floating in the eye, disintegrating them into balls of blue fire. The shockwaves smashed into the sub, yanking the leash of the Condor.

While Dawson observed the situation, formulating a plan, she noticed a red orb in front of the Condor. It whirled chaotically as red particles emanated from its center. While slowly growing bigger and bigger, a black center of the orb started to open.

“Captain! What are your orders? What do we do, we’re under attack!”

“The captains dead… I’m in command.” Dawson let out a deep breath.

“Lieutenant what do we do?”

“How are the energy shields holding up?”

“We’re at 70% capacity. Our weapons were knocked offline before I could activate the shields. Who are they? Why are they firing at us?”

“We’re going to be fine. They don’t seem to be locking on to anything, the nebula must have temporarily disabled their tracking system.” Her reassurance fell on deaf ears.

“No, no! We gotta get out of here!”

“Listen to me! Don’t move the ship, you’re tethered to the sub, you’ll rip us apart. We’re going to be fine for now if you don’t move. What’s happening in front of our ship?”

“Yeah… yeah it popped up right before the firing started. It seems to be a displacement field of some sort… I can’t… I don’t know.”

“Chief. Listen to the sound of my voice, calm down. Displacement of what?”

“Ok, ok. If I’m reading this right, it appears to be a wormhole.”

“Good… good. We don’t have much time before they figure out how to get their targeting systems online. I’m going to go back into the sub.”

“No! You need to get over here now, we need to leave.”

“Chief, I’m going back into the sub. I’m going to place a charge on the reactor core. We’re going to fly through the wormhole, the explosion will collapse the displacement field behind us.”

“Why don’t we go through the nebula?”

“We can’t risk it. I’m making a lot of assumptions about this attacker right now. Chief, do you understand my orders?”

“Yeah… yeah I got it.”

Thrusting down the ladder, and disengaging her magnetic boots, she bounced off of the metal grid floor. Stabilizing herself she flew through the corridors of the submarine, grabbing and pulling at anything the walls could offer. Following the tracker on her data pad she found the reactor compartment.

Engaging the magnetic boots, planting her feet firmly to the floor, and gripping the wheel of the hatch door, she jerked it to the right finding nothing but hard resistance. Frantically looking about, she found a piece of pipe attached to the bulkhead. Banging on the steel with her hands it wouldn’t break free no matter how hard she tried. The sub rattled and shook again.

Pulling the plasma torch from her equipment pouch and flicking the switch igniting the brilliant white flame, she cut through the top and bottom of the pipe, releasing it. Turning off the torch she let it float away, inserting the pipe between the spokes and placing one foot on the bulkhead next to the door. Pulling the bar with everything she had, groaning in pain as every muscle in her body felt like it was on fire from the strain, the wheel finally gave way.

The structure began to rumble more frequently, the attacker must have fixed their targeting systems. Time was running out.

The compartment filled with blobs of coolant escaping the reactors cooling system. It was nearing critical mass. She placed the explosive charge on the side of the reactor’s large cylindrical wall, setting the timer for ten minutes. Gripping the pipe that was used to open the door, she swung it at the cooling pipes, cracking them open, releasing more of the gelatinous substance into the room, hoping to accelerate the meltdown.

Before she could make it through the opening of the compartment, a large explosion of blue light ripped through the hull of the sub. The blast throwing her against the bulkhead. Looking through the hole was disorienting as the sub and tethered Condor were now spinning together in the eye of the nebula. Each vessel pulling and fighting with one another’s momentum.

Working her way to the edge of the hole she timed her leap. Waiting for the sub to spin just right, looking for the tether lines, she jumped from the sub grasping for a line. Eight minutes left. She could do this.

Staying on course, the lines whipped and crossed one another, she had to be careful not get tangled herself. Blue flashes of energy flew past her. Grabbing one of the lines and pulling herself toward the ship, the second line thrashed across the visor of her helmet, cracking it. Oxygen hissed through the crack, making it impossible to focus on the airlock.

Moving closer to the ship, she activated the remote airlock sequence. The door opened and with a swift pull on the line she spun faster toward the opening. Activating the magnetic boots and landing on the hull, she made quick work of detaching the tether lines from outside of the airlock.

“Chief, I’m on board the Condor closing the airlock now. Fire the thrusters and push us through the wormhole. I’m on my way to the bridge.”

Running as fast as her legs would take her, adrenaline pumped through her veins. Slamming into the captains station she fastened her restraints.

“We have two minutes! Go, go, go!”

The helmsman forced the throttle further forward, pushing the ship’s engines to their breaking point, thrusting them into the blackness of the wormhole. Dawson watched the rear viewscreen, the long dark ship was in pursuit, firing its weapons. The screen went bright white leaving only a silhouette of their attacker… the reactor had gone critical. The wormhole collapsed behind them, crushing the rear half of the dark ship. Secondary explosions radiated from all over busting the attacker into pieces.

Relief of their escape was short lived as a loud tapping rattled the front observation windows. More ice crystals. Where was this wormhole taking them?

The crystals turned to a clear liquid, the alarms blaring and systems going offline. Lunging forward in their seats the ship had moved from full speed ahead to a lurch into the translucent liquid.

“Lieutenant, the engines are dead. Proximity sensors indicate that we’re in a large body of water, but I can’t be sure. Our sensors weren’t built for anything like this.”

“The ship is airtight, we can survive water, getting out of here is another problem. Can we launch a probe to the surface, see where we are?”

“It’ll take some time to retrofit it for these conditions, but I think we can do it.”

Waiting for the probe gave her time to process everything that had happened. Their mission was a success, explore the nebula. Their cost was the life of the captain, and a journey through a wormhole to who-knows-where.

Standing behind the chief, eyes glued to his monitor, the crew’s eyes widened in disbelief as the data rolled in. The atmosphere above the water was oxygen rich, breathable. There were land masses nearby… cross referencing database… They were on Earth, 800 kilometers from the coast of Florida.

“What the… are we in the Bermuda Triangle?”

Swallowing down the lump in her throat, Dawson wracked her brain for an appropriate response. Nothing had prepared her for this.

Marinated Tennessee Hickory Flank Steak


Marinated Flank Steak I
Marinated Flank Steak I

Yield: 4 servings


  • 1 1/2 pounds flank steak
  • 1/2 cup Jack Daniels Tennessee Hickory Mesquite Grilling Sauce
  • 1/4 cup red wine


  1. Cut flank steak in half lengthwise; cut each half into thirds. Place in a heavy-duty zip lock plastic bag.
  2. Combine Jack Daniels’ Grilling Sauce with red wine; pour mixture over steak.
  3. Seal bag and turn several times to coat steak.
  4. Marinate for 4 to 24 hours in refrigerator, turning several times.
  5. Discard marinade.
  6. Grill steak over medium heat to desired doneness, turning and brushing with additional Jack Daniels’ Tennessee Hickory Mesquite Grilling Sauce.


Posted by FootsieBear at Recipe Goldmine April 28, 2001.

Source: Jack Daniels’ Grilling Sauces package

It was a ‘blind date’ arranged by my mom and his mom. Two moms happened to both have an I-love-matchmaking retired coworker. Two coworkers happened to meet in a mahjong gathering. So.

At a square of a shopping mall, I waited and waited, constantly checked my phone, called him. No answer. No idea why I waited for couple hours like an idiot. Probably because I had nothing else to do other than watching people passing by, (which also explains why I agreed such an arrangement in the first place).

I saw a man in shorts who tried to speak to every woman sitting at the square, one by one.

I called him again.

No answer.

The man in shorts came to me.

‘Are you Nell Zhang?’

Turned out he lost his phone.

I felt grateful he still tried hard to find me.

We did self introduction.

He asked me where I worked, and told me his company was the maker of the famous ‘Sofy Napkin’. I jokingly asked if I could get a discount for pads from him. He nodded,

‘Yes, 15% off, if you marry me. Moreover, we can buy Mamy-Poko diaper (it’s another brand from his company) with half price for our kids.’

I laughed. He didn’t, but asked me what’s so funny.

I excused myself and couldn’t find anything else to say.

Neither did he.

Then we watched people passing by.

Then we watched each other passing by.


When Women Treat Men Like KINGS #10

My father has a story he told me in the 1990s, it was actually more about Japan and Korea than China.

It’s obviously translated through my memories into English.

An American delegation of businessmen go and visit Japan/Korea/China (the place changes depending on when my dad tells the story). They visit a car factory and are panicked OMG they can make cars here! I didn’t think they’d be able to…

They go home and at the next company meeting bring this up with their superiors. They are ignored and dismissed anyway it’s not going to affect our next quarterly profits so this threat is ignored and deemed insignificant.

This process is repeated several more times….

Until there’s another meeting say bud why are our quarterly profits on a downward trend? But by then it’s too late those car makers have eaten your lunch and dinner.

Big Blast At U.S. Arms Factory; One Missing, Two Injured As Fire Engulfs Missile Production Centre

WTF?  Very interesting.


I’m so shocked at what an incredible rip off Vegas has become. I don’t gamble in the casino but the greed of these corporations has just gone crazy.

For example, when I came here 10 years ago the roulette had 36 numbers plus the green 0. If you hit your number you would receive 35/1 odds as you had a 1 in 37 chance.

Last year in 2023 when I came here I was shocked to see an additional 00 on the roulette wheels making your odds 1 in 38 to still receive a 35/1 pay out.

So I’m back here again in June 2024 and yes you guessed it, there are now magically 3 x 0’s on the roulette wheel! 0, 00 and now 000!

They know people don’t understand the enormous disadvantage this gives the punters.

On top of this I’m paying $30.00 for a coffee and a sandwich and when I received my hotel bill they hit me with a $52.00 a day resort fee that I was never told about when I checked in but it is apparently in the small print!

I went to an ATM in the casino and took out $200.00 It charged me 7.5%, yes $15.00! And I’ll be charged more money on top from my UK bank charges.

The shows are eye wateringly expensive along with the drinks. I really think they are making a massive mistake in their business structure. People are disgusted. EVERYONE is talking about it, from the people on holiday to the taxi drivers. I’m fortunately financially well off but it’s not the point. No one likes feeling ripped off, not even if it’s for $20.00. They are making a huge mistake. No one is coming back to Vegas in a hurry.

When I was around 11, our next door neighbors accused my then 5 year-old brother of intentionally breaking some large planters – really large ones – on their front porch. The wife swore she saw him do it around 5:00am. A ridiculous claim on so many levels. Now they didn’t like my brother, he was always so much bigger and taller than other kids his age and they didn’t like him to play with their same-age son. Which was fine, as he didn’t. They apparently felt their smaller child would get hurt by my gentle giant of a brother. (Now 6′4″ btw). Now my brother adamantly denied that he had done anything remotely like what they said and he was understandably very upset at being accused. He may have been a bit tall for his age, but he was still just a little kid. Later that day, the police came by and warned us that some no-gooders, possibly teenagers if I recall, had been caught slashing tires and vandalizing property in our neighborhood. And that we should continue to be on the lookout for their cohorts. My father let the neighbor know that, as I believe the police did as well but the neighbors still insisted that it had been my brother. We didn’t talk to them after that and steered clear as much as we could. A few years later, they came and took the neighbor wife away in a straight-jacket, while she was screaming hysterically and incoherently. Apparently, she had some mental illness problems. BUT even after that, the father never apologized. Nor did he treat my brother, me or my family politely or properly. Even today, so many years later, I still get a bad taste in my mouth when I remember them.

This is a list of US mission capable aircraft. The US needs to fix US aircraft first.

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Heartbreak Ridge Your Ass is Mine

The rcep numbers are big. 30 percent of the world population, 30 percent of world trade, 30 percent of global gdp represented.

The common glue here is China, which is the biggest trading partner for the rest and of course, the largest economy. I am surprised Korea and Japan jumped on board, given their protectionist stance on agriculture and several other categories. India walking away was no surprise.

Overall, I’m encouraged by the give and take. This can serve as a good template for belt and road countries in the coming decade.

The headturning numbers will come from asean as infrastructure led growth boost trade numbers.

The success of the rcep should prove to the world there is no crisis in the SCS beyond American manufactured drama. All the claimant states and trade routes are represented by rcep.

My friend’s trash boyfriend. She’s pregnant with his second kid. He refuses to watch their son and when he does complains that he’s too tired. Says the new baby is not his “problem” until it is born. Won’t take her to doctor appointments. Tried to make her walk five hours home from work at six months pregnant. Abuses her daughter from a previous relationship.

His mother thinks his behavior is fine and defends him. He’s a sex addict, woman beater, child beater, and an accused rapist. But anything bad he says or does is his girlfriend’s fault and not his.

My son’s biological father. Cared so little he didn’t show for the original custody hearing. Fought cour ton habing to pay more than 25 a month child support (state bare minimum) but agreed to 28. Would never watch our son when I worked because he was busy at the library playing online games with his other girlfriend and wouldn’t help pay for sitter. When he did rarely watch my son, wouldn’t change him or clean up messes. Yelled at him for looking at him when he was eating. Smacked our crying son on the butt as hard as he could in the mall. Threw and broke things in front of our son and hit me in front of him.

My brother’s ex. Drove her jeep high and flipped it with my nephew in the car. He survived with no injuries. She’s finally in jail for it.

My brother’s wife who left him for a guy in Florida she ran away to and got pregnant from. Has zero custody of her own three kids. Trying to pin new baby on my brother. Brother is hispanic. Baby’s dad/her boyffiend is african American. Not hard to do the math. Did drugs in front of my nephew and didnt take care of him. Laughed at him when he had nightmares or wanted time with her or my brother. Bought designer bags and clothes but wouldn’t buy him walmart t shirts.

These are the worst acts of parenting I have ever seen, and I’m adopted because my biological mom didnt take care of us (she’s mentally handicapped, dodnt know any better).

Russians advanced in New York, Iran’s destroyer sinks, Ukr to highjack Rus strategic bomber.

Heating up craziness.

I was dating a woman, it was way too early for love, we had only been seeing each other for 6 weeks, but things were going well. Christmas was coming up, and it’s really awkward buying a gift for someone that you have no commitment to.

She was telling me a story about going to the mall, and seeing these red shoes, with a different shade of red, bow , in the window. She tried them on, and they fit like a glove, but she decided to spend the money on her kids, and not herself, so she left them.

When I left, I checked the size of her shoes by the door, and the next day I drove to the mall, and there were the red shoes, with a red bow, sitting in the window.

It’s risky putting this much thought into a gift for someone, that you have known less than 2 months. Do you look like a stalker, or a romantic?

I took the risk, and bought the shoes.

Two days later, she called me, and said that she was going to be spending Christmas with her ex and the kids, in another province, and that it wouldn’t be fair to me, to keep dating. She was honest about everything, and we parted on good terms. Except I now had to return the shoes, during the holiday rush.

I have done much more extreme things for my wife, but they weren’t crazy, because I was committed to my wife.

This was crazy, because I risked driving her off, by looking like a stalker, and it was a lot of effort, for someone, you have just started dating.

The Most Insane Ex-Girlfriend I’ve Seen..


Thanks for the request.

This is another example of asymmetrical warfare that the U.S. sucks at.

Its a game of “whac-a-mole” that the Houthis are playing that is impossible for the U.S. to keep up. The Houthis simply hide and launch their missiles at different places and time that is impossible to anticipate and take out. And by launching more than enough, its impossible to take out all.

The battleground at the South China Sea is different.

These involve large warships that both sides can see a long time coming.

However, China has the advantage. It has shown it can eliminate the element of surprise by being able to detect submarines in the South China Sea with aircrafts and satellites equipped with high-resolution radar. They have surveillance to ensure nothing is sneaked in – inclduing sub detectors.

There is also the advantage of proximity. With its militarized location at the SCS, it takes less time to mobilize that in coordination with its command of the arsenals of hypersonic missiles to provide cover, there will be ample time to take out any incoming warships.

When I was working for a chain store I was told they hired somebody and they put him on with a manager who was a little difficult to deal with if you didn’t know how to take her. (She spoke to everybody as if she was dealing with four or five year olds. I once asked somebody if she had been a kindergarten teacher and they said no, it’s just the way she is.) Anyway he worked one shift with her and called the next day and said he had had enough and quit.)

The most interesting case of short-term employment happened at Walmart. They hired this kid to work in my department (food) and after punching in he would come out to the floor and then he would disappear. No one was able to figure out where he went. They tried paging him and no answer. People looked around the store and couldn’t finding his hiding spot. I don’t think he left and went home because the cameras would have picked him up if he did that. He only reappeared when it was time to punch out. It didn’t take long before the manager decided he could dispense with his services.

This cat, after a car crash and desperately struggling on the roadside, finally she was rescued.

The German Sägerücken

Rule #1 of combat. If the enemy is in range, so are you.

A sniper, if they are set up really well and don’t shoot too often, can go a long time without being found. But once they are found, then they die.

There was a situation once where a particularly well concealed sniper was shooting at American troops in Iraq. He may not have always killed his intended victim, but it was, to say the least, disconcerting for the troops in his area.

In an effort to rid themselves of this pest, the Army sent out various sniper teams to try and locate this guy. They were out for a LONG time and shot after shot was made by the sniper, but he was still impossible to find.

Then one counter-sniper saw a brick in a wall move. A single brick moved, then a shot was heard, then the brick was put back in place.

They had found him.

A sniper was sent to a position that would allow them to shoot into the hole the sniper was making when he moved that brick. A few minutes later, the brick moved, the counter-sniper shot, and the enemy sniper was dead.

His big mistake was thinking that nobody would ever see that one brick moving. So he stayed in one place and died because he was too lazy to find a new hide.

Study the laws carefully with proper Chinese translation

(Rough Translation)

There are four levels of Punishment :-

Level 1 – Any person who publishes material through a blog or electronic post advocating for Taiwanese Secession from the Mainland shall be

If younger than 18 years of age, be placed under RESTRICTIVE SURVEILLANCE until such time as the Investigator sees fit or until the person commits activities that are deemed secessionist under the security act

If older than 18 years of age or 18 years of age, shall be placed under ACTIVE SECURITY INVESTIGATION and subject to security report may be WARNED or placed under DIGITAL BLACKLIST or maybe charged with Secessionist activity under the security act

  • So here if you merely post you want Taiwanese Independence – you will either be monitored by the authorities and won’t get a Civil Service Job or a Foreign Scholarship or a Passport for maybe a decade or two
  • Or if you are an Adult – you get a warning or get placed on a Digital Blacklist meaning No access to Weibo or other Social Media Apps
  • Unless it is revealed you are funded by NGOs or other groups in which case you get charged with Secession and could face severe sentences

No Jail in either case

Level 2 – Any Person who belongs to or supports an Organization that advocates Taiwanese Secession under Lists I-IX or who has received a sum of not less than 60,000 RMB in a single year or 200,000 RMB over a longer period from such an organization without discernible services provided shall

Be sentenced to an Imprisonment of not less than 5 years which can extend upto 15 years

However any Person who has joined or expressed such support only over a period of less than 3 months shall receive a PUBLIC WARNING and if in compliance shall not be proceeded with beyond RESTRICTIVE SURVEILLANCE

  • This means if a Mainlander joins a Pro Taiwanese Organization like a foolish student,he shall get a WARNING and if he complies and backs out – he is not touched beyond the usual Restrictive Surveillance. He of course will never work for Civil Service or Get a Passport for life

Level 3 – Any Person who forms an organization within the Mainland that calls Support for Taiwanese Secession and either collects funds for the same or advocates policy and speech that is in favor of Taiwanese Secession shall

  • Be Sentenced to Death with no avenue of commutation to Life Imprisonment
  • All members of the HUKOU records of the Person shall automatically be under ACTIVE SECURITY INVESTIGATION and shall be placed under RESTRICTIVE SURVEILLANCE and Digital Blacklist and any members of the Party shall be expelled from Party Membership subject to Committee Enquiry under VII Rules
  • Any members of the HUKOU records of such a person shall if overseas be recalled immediately and after a recall notice period of 60 days shall be categorized under Level III Security Act
  • This is the changed law. The new law where if anyone forms an organization that calls for Taiwanese Secession and collects funds or makes speeches in favor of Taiwan. THEY WILL BE EXECUTED WITHOUT MERCY OR COMMUTATION TO LIFE
  • Their family members will be investigated and if members of the CPC may be expelled or if overseas shall be recalled and if they don’t come within 60 days- they will be deemed security threats and can even be KILLED ON FOREIGN SOIL

This is the New change in the law. Earlier it was 25 Years to Life with NO DEATH PENALTY

Level 4 – Any Person who is accomplice to or instigator of an Act of Physical Violence or Terrorism on the Mainland or Mainland Sovereign Territory in any Country that causes at least 500,000 RMB of Damage or a loss of one or more lives shall be

  • Sentenced to Death with Commutation possible only for persons who can prove lack of knowledge of the activities and who had no further role
  • All members of the HUKOU records of the Person shall automatically be subjected to the NATIONAL RELOCATION ACT and SECURITY DETENTION ACT
  • Any members of the HUKOU records of such a person shall if overseas be recalled immediately and after a recall notice period of 7 days shall be categorized under Level III Security Act
  • Any Separatist who causes Violence in China or Embassies that cause 500K of physical damage or loss of even one person shall be executed without mercy
  • Families of such persons shall be deported to labor camps and kept there for life including Children

Both Parents or All Guardians will face the same sentence if their Kids younger than 18 are charged and convicted under this act

So if a 17 year old kid blows up a Molotov cocktail killing someone, the Parents will be executed under the New Law unless they inform on their kid leading to a conviction of the Kid in which case they get fully exonerated by the State

So the only new change is that now anyone who forms an organization to support Taiwanese Independence shall be executed without mercy and their families shall be prevented from doing a lot of things

  • Their Kids can never go abroad
  • Their families can never live within 300 Kms of any place with Security facilities
  • Their families can never get a Passport
  • Their families can never work for the Government of China
  • Their families can never work for a Strategic Industry in any capacity
  • Their families can never join the PLA or PLAAF or PLAN

Families include – Parents, Children, Wife, Consort, Divorced Wife is Divorce is less than 5 years old, Siblings, Wives of Siblings, Children of Siblings, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren

So if one guy does it – upto 40–50 people can suffer for no fault of their own

Now here is something the West didn’t tell you

The Law also excludes people:-


The Security Law shall NOT regard the following persons as culpable under it and shall deem them law abiding. This includes :-

  • Any person who reports possible secessionist activities of any family member under the Hukou system
  • Any Person who has relatives in Taiwan and declares the same
  • Merely because a person has visited Chinese Taipei does not put a person under the purview of the Act unless such person visited Taipei in contravention of existing emigration procedures
  • No person who merely posts secessionist content on behalf of another person and can establish the same, be charged under this act
  • Merely indicating support for DPP in Taiwan or for Leaders of the DPP is insufficient to be charged under this Act

So you can call William Lai a Hero and nothing will happen to you

So only three areas are DRACONIAN

First is that family members also suffer for no fault of their own , something that was removed off statuette since the death of Mao Tse Tung and reintroduced in 2009 for Xinjiang only

Second – Kids can inform on their parents and Parents must inform on their Kids to avoid being charged. So a son who sees his father work for Taiwan must report him and watch him be executed to survive and so must a father

Three – Execution is the only course now. No commutation to life. You get convicted, you die

This wasn’t the case previously

So while the new laws are draconian to a good extent – they allow a lot of leeway unlike India

In India someone saying Pakistan Zindabad can be charged with UAPA

In China now clearly – just because you hail DPP or William Lai won’t make you culpable at all. You will not even be touched.

I hate it.

I hate having to make an appointment. I hate filling out those stupid review of systems files that the doctor never seems to have bothered looking at by the time I get to talk to them. I hate that the doctor is always late, but that the staff will give me shit about it if I’m late. I hate having to ask someone else to write me a prescription for something I already know I need. And, most of all, I hate being lectured about what I need to do for my health.

Go away! Shut up. I already know this stuff. LEAVE ME ALONE! I’m a freakin’ doctor, too, dammit.

That’s a polite rendition of my inner monologue when a doctor tells me what I need to do. So, most of the time, I avoid going to the doctor’s office. If I know I want something, I write myself a prescription—yes, you can do that, as long as it’s not a controlled substance. If it doesn’t take care of my problem, then and only then will I seek medical care.

I’m young enough that I can get away with it, because I don’t yet have serious medical issues. For now, there are very specific circumstances under which I will go see a doctor:

  1. I need to see a specialist for a problem well above my pay grade.
  2. I know that some test needs to be ordered. I can’t order a hip X-ray or lab test for myself, for instance.

Even then, if I can get away with it, I’ll go to the Urgent Care center, because I hate making appointments.

“If you treat yourself as a doctor, you’ll have an idiot for a patient.”

I’ve heard variations of these over the years. Fine, I’m an idiot, then. I don’t care. I’ll be damned if I’ll go see a doctor unless I absolutely have to.

Don’t try this at home, kids.

I Dumped My Girlfriend And Ended Her Best Friend’s “Perfect” Open Marriage, Now EVERYONE Blames Me

Yes. When having sepsis, the initial diagnosis by the ER doctor who didn’t even bother to look at me was “ your depression acting up”. Never mind my high fever, renal colic pain and failure, my inability to breathe, vomiting and repeated fainting, it must be all in my head! Fortunately my blood results changed his mind.

Blood tests were ordered after I did some yelling on the topic of me going to another hospital( which was quite near) and then coming back to kick his a**.

Very recently my elderly mom has suffered from lower back pain for 2 months straight. No meds helped, she frequently vomited, could hardly walk and couldn’t sleep because of the pain. She was ordered basically every test known, going through gastroenterology ( yeah, she has post inflammatory narrowed esophagus), urology/nephrology, orthopedia. Urine tested, blood tested. She was told she was fine, nothing was wrong. Until a CAT scan was performed. Showed 3 fractured vertebraes caused by foreign mass.

After giving birth , I cried through the night because of a terrible pain. Was told by the nurse on duty that “ G, you have birth vaginally, we only give pain meds to women recovering from C-section, it can’t hurt you”. Had multitude of stitches( forgot to count after an hour of them sewing me back together) due to 4th degree tear and an F broken coccyx! I couldn’t sit, walk or lay down without that pain for 4 months. But I guess it was just me being too sensitive.

Since we’re both women, we have plenty of those experience. Let’s group them under medical misogyny aka “you’re a woman, you’re overreacting”.

Ps. Let me not start on how many times I was asked if I was sure it wasn’t just a period pain. I think it was actually the first 2 years of me having recurrent kidney stones causing renal colics when my then ahole GP refused to order an ultrasound “ because I was too young to have kidney stones”.

PS 2. The most ridiculous situation actually happened when my molars rot and caused a massive infection during the last trimester of my pregnancy. At first, I went to a doctor with what seemed as a heart attack. He then moved on to whether I was having a stroke, trigeminal nerve inflammation to finally getting to “ F teeth why didn’t I think of that?”. To give him some credit, my pulse was sky high and I felt sharp pain in my jaw and neck. Teeth wouldn’t be the first guess.

My second husband was in the hospital, dying from cancer. The day before he died, I took him down stairs to smoke a cigarette. As we were sitting outside, he looked around and said, “Honey, don’t look, they’re watching me.” When I asked him what he was talking about, he said “the shadow people. They’re over there, in the woods.” I turned to look and he said “no, don’t look, they’ll get you too. I think they’re here for me” That comment sent shivers down my spine. I said “no, sweetheart, there’s no one here for you” I thought he was hallucinating because of the pain meds. He said “shut up, I have to tell you some things.” He proceeded to tell me how my life would go after he was gone. He told me that I would get remarried and that he would tell me WHOM I was going to marry. He told me I would have more children.

Now, at this point in my life I had been told that I couldn’t have any more children. I told him he was crazy and that I thought we needed to get him back up to his room.

I got him back up to his room got him in his bed and he went back to sleep. He passed away in his sleep 6 hours later.

Oh, and the things he said would happen….

They happened!

I worked with a man whose life fell apart quite dramatically over a few weeks.

He was a nice guy and I really liked him. His name was Ivor and I feel terrible about what happened to him.

He and his wife were drinking together one evening, and they started arguing. So he went to sleep in his car. A few hours later, the police knocked on his window and woke him up. Although he had not been driving, the keys were in the ignition and he had been sleeping in the driver’s seat. They breathalised him and he was still very drunk.

As they now had him for drunk driving, they had the right to search his car. In the car they found a cosh that he kept for protection. I doubt he would ever use it. But, unfortunately, they are illegal and he was now in trouble for carrying an offensive weapon.

His wife was angry at him so wouldn’t let him come home, so he had to sleep on a friend’s sofa. By the way, Ivor was not a young man, he was in his early sixties. Due to his stress, he carried on drinking. He started missing a lot of work. Which was bad. What was worse is that one day, he DID turn up to work, but very drunk. He worked for about thirty minutes, until his managers called him in the office, and after a heated argument, he was fired.

So we never saw Ivor again. This whole thing played out over about three weeks. So in three weeks, Ivor lost his wife, driver’s license, job, and got a criminal record. In his sixties.

Ivor was a good guy and he used to have foreign students stay at his house. Just before he got fired he had Japanese students, and would bring Japanese food in for us to try. I often wonder what the Japanese people staying at his house made of his meltdown.

Barbecued Brisket




  • 1 flat brisket

Dry Rub

  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • 2 tablespoons chili powder
  • 2 tablespoons meat tenderizer
  • 1 tablespoon pepper
  • 1/2 tablespoon garlic powder

Mop Sauce

  • 1 (10 1/2 ounce) can beef consommé
  • 1 can water
  • 1/3 cup vinegar
  • 3/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons meat tenderizer
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons dry mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 bay leaf

Barbecue Sauce

  • 1 1/2 cups Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 cup vinegar
  • 1/4 cup steak sauce
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup ketchup



  1. Trim any excess fat from 1 flat brisket. Rub both sides of brisket thoroughly with Dry Rub. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  2. The next day prepare a grill so that it will smoke slowly for about 6 hours or about 1 hour per pound. Start brisket on grill with the fattest side up. Cover grill. Mop with Mop Sauce frequently during grilling. Turn brisket about every hour.
  3. Serve with warm Barbecue Sauce.

Dry Rub

  1. Mix all ingredients in small bowl.

Mop Sauce

  1. Bring beef consommé and water to boil in medium-size saucepan. Turn down heat. Add remaining ingredients. Stir until thoroughly mixed. Remove from heat.

Barbecue Sauce

  1. Place all ingredients in small saucepan. Bring to boil. Remove from heat.

Throwin rocks at a wild Polar Bear ?

Short answer – No. Long answer – HELL NO.

Even if you had a 9mm pistol (let’s say a glock)

And you were facing a polar bear and you were lucky enough to let off some rounds. Guess what ? Be prepared to make peace with whatever deity you follow and learn from the lesson and do better in the next life.

The Bear will look at you and think……. “that looks tasty …nom nom”

Most animals will back off at the sound of gunshot.

Not Polar Bears

Even if you hit them they’ll carry on charging and will get to you.

The only way to stop it was if you were very, very, very lucky and got the bullet through their eye into their brain, maybe.

But areas of instant kill with a bear charging towards you on all fours is about size of teaplate. Can you hit that repeatedly under stress ? You really do not have much time for mistakes.

Their skull is harder and thicker than a motorcycle helmet. They kill seals just by slapping them. Trying to alpha posture by standing tall and making yourself look bigger will accomplish nothing.

“I’d hide behind a rock!”

You die behind that rock.

“I’d jump into a river!”

You die wet and cold.

“I’d stand my ground and yell at the bear to frighten it”

You die faster.

There are around three thousand polar bears on the Svalbard islands; that’s more polar bears than there are humans and they are protected by Svalbard law. So they have not built up a fear of humans.

Not every animal wants to hug a human.

Until humans with BIG rifles (22 calibre ……….actually more like .444 marlin) came along, nothing hunted polar bears. Nothing. There is no scaring it off. Just look at them

Polar bears will eat each other if they’re desperate enough. So what do you think they’ll do to you ?

They’re also dangerous because they’re skilled apex predators (meaning they have no natural predators of their own) Which means, cute as they may be, the polar bear is quite functionally the great white shark of the north.

  1. They don’t hibernate.
  2. They never get cold.
  3. Food is scarce.
  4. They’re always (I repeat) ALWAYS hungry.

The bottom line is if you’re a human being on open ice in the Artic Tundra with no serious firearm or vehicle and you run into this pic below ?

You have two chances of surviving

  1. Slim
  2. None

And slim just left town

You know the striking thing about a Polar Bear when u see them in the flesh, my friend ?

They’ve got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll’s eyes.

When they come at ya, it doesn’t seem to be livin…….until they bite ya and at that point you’re not on earth anymore and the Polar bear is the last thing you’ll ever see.

And bears are omnivores (meat and plant eaters) which means unlike carnivores like tigers and lions who have the polite decency to kill you as quick as possible first then eat you.

Polar bears will just hold you down, pin you to the ground like you’re a seal or salmon and eat you while you’re alive and screaming.

They have a bite force of 1,000 psi (Pounds Per Square Inch) that’s a force strong enough to crack a bowling ball and they’ll use that to disable you, to rip off your arm or leg for a snack, you can’t even imagine the kinda force they can generate.

To a Polar Bear an average-sized human is just right for a comfortable dinner with a glass of port and a good cigar afterwards.

You dunno what you’re dealing with.

And they’re trying to get access to your organs to chew them apart, then if there’s anything left of you, put you in stash, n come back a bit later n eat some more of you.

Just a brutal way to go.

They can run at speeds of 25 mph, If that doesn’t impress you, the fastest man alive who was Usain Bolt his maximum top speed was 27 mph and they can smell you for miles (even if your under snow) and swim for 100’s of miles

And they’re smart to. Polar bear on thin ice ? No problem they know they have to spread their weight around so it’s not concentrated in one spot so as to not crack the ice.

Humans in movies : Aggressively steps on ice

There are only three things up in the Arctic: Ice, water, and potential calories. Guess which category people are in ?

The mundane might be truly valuable

For a spell, I worked as a Movie Theater Manager in Corpus Christi, Texas. The theater was a duplex; meaning two screens. Being a rather small operation. And the company was Mann National and our branch was “Twin”. So I worked for and at “Mann National Twin”.

The hours were terrible. Essentially, you worked when everyone else was having fun. But the perks were nice. One of the perks was a credit card that enabled me to visit and watch any movie at any time at any of the movie theaters in the country. UA (United Artists) or whatever. I could go anywhere.

Some of the movies I would watch over and over. Like Christine, or “For your eyes only” which pretty much tells you all the time frame of my experience. Ha!

One of the things that I used to like to do was crawl up to the projection booth and ham it up with the projection guys. There were two guys and one girl and they all rotated. And they were union workers and had rules that they had to obey, but they liked me a lot and we had a good time chatting it up and chillin’.

Good memories come about around the most common and unusual events. Who would have ever thought that I would be remembering those days with a fondness from my office in China while some guy in Romania is hounding me for solar pile drivers? Ah, life is strange. That’s for sure.

Enjoy what you have. The mundane might be truly valuable.



When I was young, my mom regularly read my older sister’s diary and would scream at her for hours based on what my sister wrote (normal, innocent things like losing her temper about having to wash the dishes). So I never wrote in a diary even though my mom pushed me to. She tried to read all my emails, almost never left me at any friend’s house, and would listen in on phone conversations. She would search my (shared) room up to a couple times a week while I was in college.

It got to the point that my cousin knew to follow along if I immediately changed the topic because I hear the click of another phone getting picked up. I would set up my underwear and sock drawers in specific ways so I knew which days she searched the room. Sometimes, I set up stuff for her to find (a fake love note) because it would stop her from searching more. Even after I moved out, she would go on my library account and check which books I was reading to see what I was doing in life. A pregnancy rumor was started that way because I was studying to help one of my friends in the delivery room.

I begged her to respect my privacy and to just talk with me but she refused. If we had trust and open communication, she would have found out that I had never done drugs, didn’t drink till I was 21 and still in small quantities, my crazy behavior was study at coffee shops with classmates, and that my then boyfriend and I were very safe in everything we did.

Now, due to that and other things, I don’t tell her about anything personal. I have not told her about the long term relationship I’m in, where I live, anything serious going on in life, etc. Instead, she searches online, stalks through our personal and professional profiles, and finds information that was stolen and sold by hackers. When I was recently followed by a photographer, I didn’t know if it was a private investigator that she might have hired or someone I needed to be scared of.

So NO, it is not ok for parents to snoop through their children’s stuff. It is crossing a boundary and destroying trust. Instead, parents need to build the trust between themselves and their children, even if it means getting outside help. Otherwise, you are treating your child the same way prison wardens treat prisoners.

Well, not so much a lawyer, but….

I heard this story 35 years ago, told by a highly respected prosecutor about a case someone else in his office handled.

The case involved a murder charge but the body of the victim had never been found. Instead, the prosecution relied on circumstantial evidence to prove that the victim had in fact been killed. Nonetheless, the evidence, according to this prosecutor, was overwhelming and proved convincingly that the defendant committed the crime and disposed of the body.

The defense case focused on the lack of a body, hoping to create reasonable doubt in the jury’s mind about the prosecutor’s whole theory.

In this particular state, the prosecutor makes a closing argument, followed by the defense, followed by a rebuttal closing argument by the prosecutor to address points raised by the defense.

In his first argument, the prosecutor laid out the evidence, piece by piece in such a forceful and convincing fashion that the jury sat mesmerized, as he described it, “noddin’ and bobbin’” their heads in agreement. When he was finished, he confidently sat down.

When it was the defense attorney’s turn, after a few introductory remarks, he proclaimed “Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, having heard the prosecutor’s argument, you may be thinking that this is a slam-dunk case and my client is guilty. But there is one piece of evidence that the prosecutor didn’t and couldn’t produce: The body of the alleged victim. Well, the reason why he couldn’t produce the body is because there is no victim. And I am going to prove that to you.”

At that point, the defense attorney stopped, then pointing to the door, said “ladies and gentlemen, in the next thirty seconds, the alleged “victim” (using air quotes) is going to walk through that door!” He then walked back to his seat.

The prosecutor broke out in a sweat, thinking that his case just went down the tubes. But after about 30 seconds, he sighed in relief when no one walked through the door.

The defense attorney then continued: “Now ladies and gentleman, you have heard the judge instruct you that you must find that the prosecution has proved each and every element beyond a reasonable doubt in order to find my client guilty. Up until this time, you may have felt he succeeded. But when I announced that the alleged victim was going to walk through the door, each and every one of you WATCHED THAT DOOR! In fact, all the courtroom staff WATCHED THE DOOR! Not only that, the PROSECUTOR HIMSELF WATCHED THE DOOR. Now you tell me how anyone in this courtroom could claim there is no reasonable doubt that my client murdered the victim when EACH AND EVERYONE IN THE COURTROOM TURNED AND WATCHED THE DOOR!”

He then sat down.

The prosecutor, a bit flummoxed, got up for his rebuttal and did his best to convince the jury that the evidence nonetheless proved the defendant’s guilt.

The jury went out to deliberate but within 20 minutes announced they had a verdict. When the court asked the foreman to read the verdict, he confidently announced “GUILTY!” Each of the jurors was then polled and confirmed that they too had voted to convict.

As was permitted in some states, the judge invited the jurors back to chambers and permitted them to discuss their experience with the attorneys. Of course, the defense attorney and even the prosecutor were anxious to know how they so quickly reached a verdict without a body to prove the killing. The defense attorney asked in a respectful manner, “Didn’t the fact that all of you, as well as the courtroom staff, and even the judge and the prosecutor turned to watch the door mean you had some level of doubt in your minds about whether a murder even occurred?” The jury foreman spoke up. “Yes, you’re right that each of us turned to watch the door. And we couldn’t help but notice that the court’s staff also fixed their eyes on it, along with the judge and even the prosecutor. But we also couldn’t help noticing that there was one person who didn’t turn to watch the door and that was your client.”

I should add that the prosecutor who told this story was Michael Turpin, who was the Attorney General of Oklahoma when he spoke in 1983 at the Career Prosecutors School of the National District Attorneys Association at the University of Houston. He gave the best lecture I ever heard as a prosecutor and I’ve attended hundreds since then.

The most dangerous man

Vietnamese Pork with Orange Juice and Cilantro

Vietnamese Pork Chops
Vietnamese Pork Chops

Yield: 5 to 6 servings



  • 1 (2 1/2 pound) loin of pork, center cut, trimmed of most but not all the fat
  • 20 small cloves garlic, peeled
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/3 cup chopped cilantro stalks
  • 1 1/2 cups chicken broth
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 4 whole allspice


  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon fat skimmed from the pan juices
  • 3 green onions, trimmed and finely chopped, with most of the green parts
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
  • Juice of 2 large oranges
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro stalks


  1. Heat the oven to 350 degrees F and set the rack in the middle of the oven.
  2. Make 20 incisions all over the pork with the point of a sharp knife and insert the cloves of garlic.
  3. Season the meat with salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Set the meat on a rack in a roasting pan and sprinkle the top thickly with the 1/3 cup chopped cilantro stalks.
  5. Put the broth, bay leaves and allspice in the roasting pan, and cover the pan tightly with foil so that no steam will escape.
  6. Cook the meat until it is very tender but not falling apart, so that you can slice it easily — about 3 1/2 to 4 hours.
  7. Set the meat aside on a warm dish for about 15 minutes.
  8. Slice the meat, cover with foil and keep warm in the oven.
  9. Meanwhile, degrease the broth.
  10. Put the butter and 1 tablespoon of the skimmed fat in a saucepan and heat.
  11. Add the onions and 1 tablespoon of the lime juice and fry gently until soft.
  12. Add the remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons lime juice plus the skimmed pan juices (be sure to scrape the bottom of the pan well for all the scraps adhering to it), cover the pan and cook the sauce for about 5 minutes.
  13. Add the mustard, orange juice and the 1/4 cup chopped cilantro stalks.
  14. Cook, uncovered, for about 4 minutes longer.
  15. Pour some of the sauce over the meat and pass the rest in a separate dish.

Vietnamese Pork Chops 2
Vietnamese Pork Chops 2

A very good perspective.


Look at ancient China and take the necessary precautions.

"Youse guys in the United States are really flooring the gas petal so that you can speed off the edge of a cliff. I don't know whether to laugh or cry."



American cluster fuck on full display

In the last years of our fakemarriage my husband slowly checked out from all shared duties, whether it is chores, bills, our daughter… always too busy or just wouldn’t. I was so exhausted and he insisted i should take care of myself, “go get a massage, go to the hairdresser, you need some time for yourself” (when i I didn’t even have time to properly shower…) But he would brush off any complaint from my side that my exaustion was due to me actually taking care of it all.

Whenever i would insist and directly ask him to do something he would say “can you take care of it?” or just go through a rage and leave.

One day i was involved in a minor car accident. Argued a little with the other driver but felt no harm was done and left. As i started driving, my neck was seriously hurting, my ears were ringing and i felt dizzy. My daughter who was 4 and with me at that time was also acting weird and saying mom it hurts.

I rushed back home which was 5 minutes from there to him so he can drive us both to a doctor. He told me he was actually on his way out to meet his friends and said “can you take care of it?”

That day i understood that his behaviour was not due to him being lazy or busy.

He just didn’t care at all.

This world is ruled by the fist ie weapons today.

If your fist is stronger, you rule the world. That makes you a mafia.

When you are a mafia, you make the rule & you can change the rule anytime to suit your situation.

2 scholars at Cambridge U did a research. I of them is Romel Bagares. He is a professorial lecturer in intl law in 3 Manila-based law schools & PH judiciary Academy.

1, PH’s legal territory does not incl SCS (my word) PH has no EEZ in SCS. All PH activities in SCS are illegal.

2, The 1951 USA-PH Mutual Defense Treaty does not apply to SCS.

In 1975, former US State Secy H Kissinger already, in writing, told PH that, by law, USA would not protect PH in SCS.

In documents from 1977-1980 eg doc 578, US State Secy C Vance explained to PH that MDT is based on 1898 US-Spain Paris Treaty & 1900 US-UK Washington Treaty. PH does not own any part of SCS.

3, PH’s arbitration is (my word) as good as toilet paper.

Today in 2024, USA changes the rule: PH owns some SCS because some islands/reefs are close to PH. … today’s USA overturning the USA from 1975–1980. … mafia USA has changed rule because it wants to suppress China’s rise.

PH is a US puppet.

Bolivia failed coup. Kenya Ruto retreats. NATO wants to give Elensky something. Meloni upset with EU

Astro Naught

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in space. view prompt

Joshua G. J. Insole

“It’s okay, Ground Control. I know you did everything you could.”

Charles sat at his desk, staring at the blank screen. Nobody said a word. There was a slight hissing of static. He swallowed hard, and there was an audible click in his throat. His mouth was dry. His heart was thudding intensely in his chest. Charles felt as if someone had fastened a belt around his torso and was gradually pulling it tighter and tighter.

After what seemed like an eternity, Stan broke the silence.

“Come in, Pete.”

The static hissed.

“Pete. Come in.”


“Come in, Pete.” Charles was dimly aware that Stan was crying as he spoke. He could feel the hot tears trickling down his own cheeks. It felt as if his heart was lodged at the base of his throat. He could hardly breathe.

“Pete, come in.”


“Pete, please come in.”

Finally, Greg got up from his seat and laid a hand on Stan’s shoulder. “That’s enough, Stan. He’s gone.”

The last two syllables hit Charles like a two-tonne truck. He felt the room spin around him, as if he’d just been clocked in the jaw by a solid right hook. Charles placed his sweaty hands on the polished dark wood of the desk, palms down, just to make sure he didn’t lose his balance and go sliding off his chair onto the floor. The table beneath his fingers felt cold and indifferent; the feeling simultaneously grounded him in the reality of the moment and made him feel as if he were dreaming or in a drunken stupor. This desk is really hard, he thought, madly. That’s enough, Stan. The wood is very cold. He’s gone. Is wood always this cold? That’s enough, Stan. It’s very cold.

Somewhere behind him, a woman was sobbing. Hell, they were all sobbing. Gabrielle was just the most audible.

The words bounced around his skull: He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone.

All at once, Charles felt incredibly hot. He thought he might throw up, right then and there. He wouldn’t be able to make it to the bathroom in time; he’d have to spew his guts into the wastepaper basket next to his feet.

Like a man in a dream, Charles slid off his office chair with a thud, landing on his knees, not feeling a thing. The chair rolled away behind him, squeaking a little on the wheels he had been meaning to oil but had somehow never gotten around to. Sweating and shaking, he reached for the metal bin. Thank God he’d remembered to put a plastic bag inside, because the bin was made from a metal mesh. If I hadn’t remembered, my puke would have been filtered out the bottom quite nicely. Just like using a colander, Charles thought. Then he began to retch, in great, stomach-wrenching convulsions.

Somewhere nearby, someone was asking if he was all right, but he wasn’t all right, he wasn’t, nothing was all right, nothing, and the room was spinning, spinning, spinning, and Charles could feel the acidic vomit racing up his throat, and the world was twisting around him, and everything felt too heavy, and the room wouldn’t stop spinning and—


Pete allowed himself to drift. There was no use fighting it, as there was nothing he could do. It would be a waste of energy. And energy was all he had left. Well, that, and the precious oxygen in his tank.

In his ears, all he could hear was whistling white noise. For half a second, he thought that he heard someone say, Come in, Pete. And maybe they did, but the words were fuzzy and soft; hard to isolate from the hiss. He started to respond, and then gave up. The last few seconds of communication had been hazy with interference as it was — now that he had floated further away, he knew contact with Ground Control would be impossible. Besides, he had said his goodbyes. Pete didn’t want to prolong the pain of a tortured farewell.

Pete spun away from the asteroid, spiraling out, further and further. He knew that he had approximately between six and eight hours of oxygen in his tank, depending on how well he controlled his breathing and how much physical exertion he subjected himself to. He had been on the surface of the celestial body for one hour and forty-three minutes, before the small meteoroid struck.

First man on an asteroid, he thought as flew away from the point of impact, pieces of debris scattering around him. Was it worth it? he asked himself. He knew immediately he shouldn’t have posed the question.

It was miraculous that none of the wreckage and rubble had injured him. Miraculous, if you ignored the fact that he had been jettisoned off the tiny planetoid and propelled far away from any hopes of rescue. Pete didn’t know how fast he was traveling, but he knew that it was too fast — and he was too small of an object — for any chances of being saved. He only hoped that his crew was safe from the fallout of the collision; would they be able to avoid the incoming hailstorm? And if not, would the fragments of rock penetrate their shuttle? Pete knew that he’d never know.

Pete spun and spun and spun, rotating not quite fast enough to cause him to blackout. He watched the changing views as he twisted through the void: stars, the sun, planets, debris, stars, the sun, planets, debris, stars, the sun, planets, debris. Over and over and over. Spinning. Spinning. Spinning. Each time he caught the barest glimpse of Earth — a tiny droplet of blue in the vast nothingness — and then it was gone. Pete thought that his tiny home planet had never looked more beautiful, even though it was only in his line of sight for a fraction of a moment.

He saw no fires or explosions as he spiraled. Pete knew that this was not a sign that his team was safe, but he clung to the hope, nonetheless. Maybe they were okay. Maybe they got away in time. Maybe the shuttle was able to withstand the barrage. Maybe. Maybe.

He spun and twisted and turned and conserved his breath. Slowly, Pete fell into a cosmic trance, glazed eyes staring out into the solar system. The celestial dance was hypnotic, like an interstellar mobile above the crib of humanity.


He was being pulled. Pulled in one direction. The sensation startled him from his reverie.

He spun and he twisted and rotated. Stars, the sun, planets, debris. What was tugging at him? He strained his eyes. Stars, the sun, planets, debris. Was he imagining it? Stars, the sun, planets, debris. No, he was not, Pete was sure of it. There was a definite sensation of being reigned in. But by what? Stars, the sun, planets, debris, stars, the sun, planets, debris, stars—

And then he saw it. And for a moment, he couldn’t breathe. His lungs contracted and all the air escaped him, as if he’d just been punched in the gut.

His thoughts were a mixed cocktail of fear, confusion, and fascination. How did we not see it? thought Pete, only distantly aware of his own feelings. How did we miss it? It’s huge.

The black hole occupied half of his visual space. If you were to only glance at it, you might just miss it — after all, most of the area surrounding it is also black. But the absence of the small yellow-white specs of distant stars gave away the gaping hole in time and space. There was also the accretion disk spinning around the gaping maw in the fabric of reality. The giant clouds of gas spun and spun around the shadow of the hole, twisting and rippling beyond recognition or cognition. It was smaller than the ones he’d studied, but now that he was facing it, Pete was astounded that it had not been observed earlier. After all, it was at the edge of their solar sys—

Pete didn’t recognize the stars. The thought hit him, and his brain dumped a load of adrenaline into his veins. As he spun towards his destination, his eyes traced the emptiness for the Earth. For planets — any that he knew. Mars. Jupiter. Venus. Saturn. Completely gone. It was all alien to him. Even the sun was different; smaller and somehow less vibrant. Rather than a bright, white-hot yellow surface, this star burned a deep orange that bordered on red.

Where am I? he thought, panic brimming in his chest. He knew that he had been propelled away from his home system, but he never actually thought—

He was closer to the black hole now, he saw, as he turned once more. Another realization hit him, with the low thud of an interplanetary bass drum: even if he had been in the shuttle, it would have already been too late to get away. The thought should have terrified him, but it instead soothed him. The idea that fighting was futile allowed Pete to accept his fate; had he a chance to escape, he would have fought — as panic flooded his thoughts — until he wasted his oxygen supply and starved himself of air.

The black hole’s shadow was hungrily consuming that which span around it. But it was more than that — the objects making up the accretion disk looked hungry to be eaten. The collective rotating disk slowly fed into the hole eagerly, each portion being allowed the time to flow in and disappear.

Pete was flying towards the hole faster and faster now. It was no longer the gentle pull it had been — a minute ago? An hour ago? A second ago? It dawned on Pete that time was beginning to lose its rigidity.

The astronaut allowed himself to be guided on a fast track through the shadow’s surrounding disk of orbiting materials; he was the guest of honor at this party of extinction. He looked down at his hands and saw the light being distorted and drained away, into the abyss. Pete knew that if someone were observing the phenomenon, they would not see him, attired in his spacesuit of white. No light would be escaping the rounded clutches of the infinite shadow.

Event horizon, he thought, as his brain was sliced into oblivion. A billion parts of his grey matter screamed in unison. Evnethrzion Enevthzorni Vneetzhirone Tvneeizoenrh Netvneorehizo Votenehroez— 

Pete’s final coherent thought was of his wife and his daughter, back home on Earth.

And then Pete felt himself being torn in two. But that wasn’t entirely right. He was becoming two. Simultaneously. He felt it. But the two Petes shared different fates. He was both, and somehow, he was neither. One Pete was incinerated instantaneously — torn apart and shredded into annihilation. It happened so quickly that he felt neither pain nor fear. One moment he was, the next he wasn’t. Pete was gone.

The other Pete was a different story.


He came out the other side. But it wasn’t him. Not the same one that had gone in. But it wasn’t an entirely different Pete, either. He felt like a drop of rainwater that had finally joined the ocean; still water, essentially — if you ignored the salt — but ultimately changed forever. Part of something bigger, indecipherable, integrated with everything else. Inseparable from the whole he had now joined.

The first thing he noticed was that he no longer had his old body. The second thing he noticed was that he did have a body of sorts. His body was everything. It took him a moment to register this sensation, but once he clocked it, it all made sense, in a single step. First, there was confusion, then there was complete and utter understanding and acceptance. There was not an in-between.

Pete was floating in nothing. Pete was also the nothingness. He was the vacuum in which he sailed. He was the darkness that surrounded him. The nothingness was overwhelming. He felt hollow at the emptiness inside. He felt stranded as he floated in the absence of everything.

The answers came to him via a drip-feed. The remedies came to him all at once, like a roaring waterfall.

Pete wanted light, and then there was a flare before his non-eyes. Sun, thought the thing that had once been human. The sun looked lonely, so the Pete-thing wanted planets to join it. Rocks appeared in the vacuum, scattered across the plain of darkness. Several collided with each other. Some exploded. Others floated off, for destinations that new-Pete was unconcerned with. Bits and pieces, here and there, began circling the throbbing star.

One of the worlds spinning around the burning ball of gas was thirsty, so the post-Pete-being gave it water. It looked blue and sparkling, as it twisted in the light. Like a marble, suspended in the ether. He also gave the other spheres some resources of their own, but these are closely guarded secrets which I will not spill.

Pete watched as things developed, occasionally putting in a hand here and there when he so wished. Never acting too often, never interfering too infrequently. The answers came to him both immediately and after an infinity, equally from external sources and from within. Now, Pete thought and was told, and then he acted accordingly — often simultaneously with the arrival of the instructions.

Pete tended to the thriving system like a gardener to their plot — planting seeds, watering, pruning, and harvesting. He watched his creations bloom. He watched his creations wither and die. Not everything is destined for a long life, and that is okay, thought Everything, as time unfolded in every direction.

After a time, the small creatures on the tiny blue speck began sending things outward. A few explosions, here and there. These small-scale sparks in the heavens told not-Pete that they were learning. He left them to it, for that was what he was meant to do.

Eventually, they got it right.

After a time, they began sending themselves out, too.

Following an instant and an eternity, Pete was joined by another.

What friends does the USA have??? The USA has vassal states.

China has more actual friends because China helps them economically:

  • Over 150 countries participate in the Belt and Road Initiative.
  • Over 120 counties have China as their largest trading partner.
  • China respects all nations rather than threatening them with sanctions and war.
  • When the West hoarded their vaccines during the pandemic, China helped poor countries vaccinate.
  • China works to bring peace around the world. China brokered an historic peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
  • China is leading the world to de-dollarize, freeing them from the tyranny of the US Dollar.


















My son has been a caddie at a local country club for almost 20 years. He has a degree in Computer Science. He was required to do an internship to get his degree. At the end, he was offered a permanent job that would put him on the management fast track. His internship, however, convinced him he had pursued the wrong major.

He then went into restaurant management. He hated that, too. His brother, who has a business degree and is a Certified Financial Planner, had been working as a caddy for several years. So, my other son decided to try it out. They both absolutely love the game of golf, being outdoors and having a job they don’t take home with them.

The son who has been a caddie longer has a more winning personality, can converse intelligently about business with his rich customers and is recognized as the best caddie at the country club. He is on pace to make $100,000 this year. The other son makes around $40,000 which is still more than most of the caddies make.

What they do makes them happy. They actually enjoy going to work each and every day unless it is raining. Caddying in the rain is really hard work. I don’t feel sorry for them even though they could have earned so much more. No amount of money will make you like a job you don’t want to do,

This is a very, very good review of Hoe Math. Damn!

My very dear friend dated a Russian girl, lets call her Bellarusse, for about six months. She let him take her to every expensive event of the English summer season. Opera, Wimbledon, Henley Regatta as well as lots of theatre, concerts and Michelin star dinners. But never let him so much as kiss her. “These things,” she said, “are deeply frowned upon by my conservative culture.”

Over Christmas, he took her skiing with another couple. Everyone had agreed no gifts, but the day before departure, he was called in a panic by other couple to say Bellarusse had bought him a gift so he’d best go shopping.

He rang me frantic, “what should I get her?”

I don’t know what genius struck, but I immediately said “that is such a quandry, because, in Russia, if a man buys a woman a gift worn against the skin, it implies that they have been intimate and you don’t want to offend her. She’s so conservative. What to get, what to get…”

Oh the things that this excludes; pretty much everything that your average, rapacious golddigger wants: jewellery, scent, handbags, scarves, any clothing at all, fancy soaps and lotions. As the words tumbled out of my mouth, I felt the most beautiful glee.

Not only was she hugely grumpy with her alessi French press coffeemaker, but her gift, was a crappy little matchbox cover, badly painted with a scene of a troika.

Oh and she fell down the slope skiing and broke her nose.

She refused any more dates.

The sad thing is that I can never tell him about my evil genius.

Implications of Trump-Biden “Debate” Are Staggering – for both the USA and the World

Implications of Trump-Biden "Debate" Are Staggering - for both the USA and the World

OP-ED — I did not get to watch the Trump-Biden Debate last night because I was doing my live radio show while the debate took place.  From what I have seen in video snippets, it was an unmitigated DISASTER – for both the United States, and for the world.

What everyone got to see last night is what many of us have known from the beginning: Biden is not running the country because he is incapable of doing so.  His lack of mental faculties, likely from Dementia, is unquestionable.

This begs the question “Who is it that’s actually running the country?”

It’s a fair question.  During the Debate, Biden could barely formulate a cogent answer to most questions.  His frail, rambling, often times non-sensical answers were genuinely sad.

Let me digress for a moment to say that while I did not vote for Biden in 2020, (I voted Trump) and while I do not like Biden as a man or as a politician, I do NOT take any satisfaction in seeing the man so genuinely mentally disabled by age. There, but for the grace of God, goes me.

I don’t wish Biden’s condition on anyone; and it pains me to see the President of our country (even an illegitimate one who occupies office through election fraud as Biden does) so addled, frail, and no longer capable of governing.  Yet, that __is__ the situation we all find ourselves in.

The current President of the United States is unable to discharge the duties of his Office.  Period.  Full stop.

Now, one could argue that Biden’s Cabinet should invoke the Constitution’s 25th Amendment to remove him, but being candid, his Cabinet are such Partisan sycophants, a person has a better chance of being struck by lightning than the Cabinet carrying out its Constitutional role and removing this disabled President.

Then, too, we’re only a few months away from an election and we could probably get-through that time with Biden in this condition — if it weren’t for the fact that Biden’s underlings are so utterly incompetent, so completely ignorant of facts and of history, and so severely lacking in rational judgment, they are quickly moving us toward nuclear World War 3 with Russia over their botched handling of Ukraine.

So where does Biden’s Debate “performance” leave us?  In a world of hurt!

The rest of the world got to see Biden, too, last night.   And our Adversaries now know, the USA is in no position of power over world events.  Our leadership is non-existent.

The Biden underlings have such historical ignorance, are so lacking in logic and rational judgment, adversaries can go do whatever it is they want, and the US will be, at best, sluggish to do anything about it.

The lack of strength projected through last night’s debate, has made the world much more dangerous.

With World War 3 looming as a result of our botched Ukraine policies, and further, as a result of our botched Taiwan approach, and further by our botched Middle East actions (read our slavish devotion to that rinky-dink country, Israel, and its pipsqueak army that seems only competent in dropping 2,000 pound bombs from fighter jets onto unarmed civilians) the continuation of a Biden Administration could literally mean the destruction of our nation and our world.   We may not be able to survive until the election!

For me, the absolute worst part of last night’s debate:  Polling which said 67% of Americans thought Trump won, while 33% of Americans thought Biden won.   To my thinking, that a full 33% of the people in this country, are so incapable of logic, so incapable of discernment, that they thought Biden won, indicates to me that a full third of this nation is literally too stupid to even be considered citizens, never mind shown any respect.

Those 33% are too stupid to even be considered “persons.”  There really is no other way to view them, and worse, no hope for them, at all.

Biden Implodes: And Here’s Who Is Really To Blame

In 1933, a beautiful, young Austrian woman took off her clothes for a movie director. She ran through the woods, naked. She swam in a lake, naked. Pushing well beyond the social norms of the period. The most popular movie in 1933 was King Kong. But everyone in Hollywood was talking about that scandalous movie with the gorgeous, young Austrian woman.

Louis B. Mayer, of the giant studio MGM, said she was the most beautiful woman in the world. The film was banned practically everywhere, which of course made it even more popular and valuable. Mussolini reportedly refused to sell his copy at any price.

The star of the film, called “Ecstasy,” was Hedwig Kiesler. She said the secret of her beauty was “to stand there and look stupid.” In reality, Kiesler was anything but stupid. She was a genius. She’d grown up as the only child of a prominent Jewish banker. She was a math prodigy. She excelled at science. As she grew older, she became ruthless, using all the power her body and mind gave her.

Between the sexual roles she played, her tremendous beauty, and the power of her intellect, Kiesler would confound the men in her life including her six husbands, two of the most ruthless dictators of the 20th century, and one of the greatest movie producers in history. Her beauty made her rich for a time. She is said to have made – and spent – $30 million in her life.

But her greatest accomplishment resulted from her intellect, and her invention continues to shape the world we live in today.

You see, this young Austrian starlet would take one of the most valuable technologies ever developed right from under Hitler’s nose. After fleeing to America, she not only became a major Hollywood star, her name sits on one of the most important patents ever granted by the U.S. Patent Office. Today, when you use your cell phone or, over the next few years, as you experience super-fast wireless Internet access (via something called “long-term evolution” or “LTE” technology), you’ll be using an extension of the technology a 20-year-old actress first conceived while sitting at dinner with Hitler.

At the time she made Ecstasy, Kiesler was married to one of the richest men in Austria. Friedrich Mandl was Austria’s leading arms maker. His firm would become a key supplier to the Nazis. Mandl used his beautiful young wife as a showpiece at important business dinners with representatives of the Austrian, Italian, and German fascist forces.

One of Mandl’s favorite topics at these gatherings – which included meals with Hitler and Mussolini – was the technology surrounding radio-controlled missiles and torpedoes.

Wireless weapons offered far greater ranges than the wire-controlled alternatives that prevailed at the time. Kiesler sat through these dinners “looking stupid,” while absorbing everything she heard. As a Jew, Kiesler hated the Nazis. She abhorred her husband’s business ambitions. Mandl responded to his willful wife by imprisoning her in his castle, Schloss Schwarzenau.

In 1937, she managed to escape. She drugged her maid, snuck out of the castle wearing the maid’s clothes and sold her jewelry to finance a trip to London. She got out just in time. In 1938, Germany annexed Austria. The Nazis seized Mandl’s factory. He was half Jewish. Mandl fled to Brazil (later, he became an adviser to Argentina’s iconic populist president, Juan Peron.)

In London, Kiesler arranged a meeting with Louis B. Mayer. She signed a long-term contract with him, becoming one of MGM’s biggest stars. She appeared in more than 20 films. She was a co-star to Clark Gable, Judy Garland, and even Bob Hope. Each of her first seven MGM movies was a blockbuster. But Kiesler cared far more about fighting the Nazis than about making movies.

At the height of her fame, in 1942, she developed a new kind of communications system, optimized for sending coded messages that couldn’t be “jammed.” She was building a system that would allow torpedoes and guided bombs to always reach their targets. She was building a system to kill Nazis.

By the 1940s, both the Nazis and the Allied forces were using the kind of single frequency radio-controlled technology Kiesler’s ex-husband had been peddling. The drawback of this technology was that the enemy could find the appropriate frequency and “jam” or intercept the signal, thereby interfering with the missile’s intended path.

Kiesler’s key innovation was to “change the channel.” It was a way of encoding a message across a broad area of the wireless spectrum. If one part of the spectrum was jammed, the message would still get through on one of the other frequencies being used. The problem was, she could not figure out how to synchronize the frequency changes on both the receiver and the transmitter. To solve the problem, she turned to perhaps the world’s first techno-musician, George Anthiel.

Anthiel was an acquaintance of Kiesler who achieved some notoriety for creating intricate musical compositions. He synchronized his melodies across twelve player pianos, producing stereophonic sounds no one had ever heard before. Kiesler incorporated Anthiel’s technology for synchronizing his player pianos. Then, she was able to synchronize the frequency changes between a weapon’s receiver and its transmitter. On August 11, 1942, U.S. Patent No. 2,292,387 was granted to Antheil and “Hedy Kiesler Markey,” which was Kiesler’s married name at the time.

Most of you won’t recognize the name Kiesler. And no one would remember the name Hedy Markey. But it’s a fair bet than anyone reading this post of a certain age, will remember one of the great beauties of Hollywood’s golden age – Hedy Lamarr. That’s the name Louis B. Mayer gave to his prize actress. That’s the name his movie company made famous.

Almost no one knows Hedwig Kiesler – a/k/a Hedy Lamarr – was one of the great pioneers of wireless communications. Her technology was developed by the U.S. Navy, which has used it ever since.

You are probably using Lamarr’s technology, too. Her patent sits at the foundation of “spread spectrum technology,” which you use every day when you log on to a wi-fi network or make calls with your Bluetooth-enabled phone. It lies at the heart of the massive investments being made right now in so-called fourth-generation “LTE” wireless technology. This next generation of cell phones and cell towers will provide tremendous increases to wireless network speed and quality, by spreading wireless signals across the entire available spectrum. This kind of encoding is only possible using the kind of frequency switching that Hedwig Kiesler invented.

China has Trumped the U.S. in Australia: Make Wealth, not War


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China already knows the military capability of USA.

No need of the “help” from Houthis.

There were many standoffs between Chinese & US warships & warplanes near China. Testing each other’s military capability.

At each standoff, it was USA who left the scene first.

The latest one was in SCSea near Xianbin reef. Two US aircraft carriers were close-by. One near Xianbin & one near Taiwan.

PH has 2 coastguards trying to illegally occupy the reef just like their junk ship at Ren’ai reef.

China orders to detain trespassers & sent 3 10000-ton destroyers there. US Roosevelt aircraft carrier left the area.

China knows USA very well. Dont worry.

  1. Nobody cares about you, your plans, your goals, or your little dramas. So stop pretending they do, or getting upset when they don’t.
  2. When it comes to reaching your goals, discipline is more important than motivation. If you don’t have discipline, you’ll never stick to anything.
  3. You are the only person capable of changing your life; no one can do that for you. The easiest way to change yourself is to change the things you do each day.
  4. The biggest threat to your progression in life isn’t something or someone around you; it’s you.
  5. The key to a successful life lies not in what you know, but in what you do with what you know.
  6. Failure is just a stepping stone on the road to success.
  7. You can’t change the past, but you can still fuck up your future if you repeat it.
  8. Success is not about what you accomplish, it’s about who you become in the process.
  9. Your comfort zone is a barren place. Nothing ever grows there.
  10. Anything in life worth achieving will not be easy to get. If it were, everyone would get what they wanted. Most people give up on their goals when things become too difficult. Don’t be like most people.

In 2016 my then-fiancée (now wife) and I rented a commercial property for our e-waste recycling business. It was the back half of a former 1930’s era gas station/garage in Magna, UT. It was Perfect for what we do, all the needed electric outlets, 3-phase power, lots of room.

HOWEVER, when we tried to get our business license the building failed the inspection (severe structural deficiencies, including improperly supported roof beams and a door cut through a load-bearing wall without a proper header installed) and we were ordered to close down… so we told the landlord we were moving and considered the lease broken due to fraud.

Rather than accepting the situation and repairing the building he chose to start and eviction and sue us for treble damages (claiming $50,000). We counter sued for our moving costs and lost revenue based on “fraud in the inducement”.

His attorney played dirty, including falsely claiming that one hearing had been cancelled and then trying to get the judge to issue a summary judgment when our attorney failed to appear (he had trusted to professional courtesy and believed the opposing counsel). THAT got shot down because my wife and I WERE there and I handled our part of things.

Then, in a subsequent hearing opposing counsel moved for summary judgment against us because “They have not provided proof that they did not damage my client’s property”. YES, he requested proof of a negative.

One of their arguments to defend against our countersuit was to claim that they had not properly served us with an eviction because they did not know our home address (Utah requires service at both the business and tenant’s home address in a commercial eviction). That was an obvious lie because our home address was clearly printed on the lease. They also claimed that we never had permission to run a business out of the space, which was another lie… since a Business license in Salt Lake County requires a notarized document from the landlord declaring that a business was allowed.

They made mistakes in court filings, putting the wrong names on court documents, the wrong COURT on the same documents, and including private information from another case in our subpoenaed discovery.

FINALLY, the judge ordered depositions… our landlord showed up and “couldn’t remember” the answer to any questions, and what he did “remember” was all lies. When shown documents with his signature he said he didn’t remember signing them.

In the end, rather than us paying HIM $50,000 he paid us (our attorneys, more like) $18,000.

Our paltry share of that settlement bought me my 1995 F150.

Douglas MacGregor Unmask: ‘Hard Unavoidable Truth’ About Ukraine War – NATO being Stage Four Cancer

Thai Rice Noodles

Thai Rice Noodles
Thai Rice Noodles

Yield: 4 servings


  • 12 ounces fresh rice noodles (rice ribbon noodles)
  • 3 tablespoons cooking oil
  • 12 ounces skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, cut into bite size pieces
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
  • 2 cups broccoli florets
  • 2 carrots, cut into thin, bite size pieces (1 cup)
  • 1 small onion, cut into thin wedges (1/3 cup)
  • 1/4 cup oyster sauce
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar


  1. Cut rice noodles into strips 1 inch wide and 3 to 4 inches long; set aside.
  2. In a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of the oil for 1 minute over medium high heat.
  3. Carefully add noodles; cook and stir for 3 to 4 minutes or until edges of noodles just begin to turn golden.
  4. Remove noodles from skillet; set aside.
  5. Add remaining oil to skillet; add chicken, garlic and ginger. Cook and stir for 2 to 3 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink.
  6. Stir in broccoli, carrots and onion; cook and stir for 2 to 3 minutes more or until vegetables are crisp tender.
  7. Stir in the oyster sauce, brown sugar and noodles; heat through.



Absolutely. Completely.

Lemmon 714

Back in the 1980’s there was a very popular medicine that people took recreationally. It was called a Quaalude.

Methaqualone, known as Quaaludes, is a synthetic compound similar to barbiturates. It affects the central nervous system by inducing a sedative state. Quaaludes gained popularity during the 1960s to the 1980s as a recreational drug in the United States until the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) banned its usage.

It was initially developed as a sleeping pill, but if you can shake off the initial sleepiness, you end up getting the most euphoric high, that I have ever experienced.



Quaaludes ad from the 1970s
Quaaludes ad from the 1970s

I only took it once. I wish that I would have taken it more often, but it was banned shortly afterwards, and access went to zero.

One of the reasons why the 1970’s were so funky was partly due to Quaaludes. The high you got from this pill was unlike anything else.

All you wanted to do was be funky, talk, have fun and dance.


But, you all know, that was decades ago. Noe, I do not advise using or taking any kind of recreational drugs aside from wine and an occasional cigarette. But, some memories are so precious. In fact one of my favorite memories was being on Quaaludes and trying to get into a disco.

Alas we couldn’t get in as my buddy wasn’t wearing proper shoes. But the girls in the disco sure as hell wanted me to.

Now, I do not advocate taking drugs. Aside from some wine and an occasional cigarette or two, I’d advise not harming yourself. But occasional use, with special people that you trust can create special and magical times that are noteworthy and special.

Thus my story.

Oh, it was crazy, but something about being silly, and not drunk… talkative and friendly, and not shy… and the loss of inhibitions really made me a most popular man. I could of had many bedroom adventures were I to enjoy the disco lifestyle of the 1970’s. Oh those days.

81ZMdRn9vNL. UL1500 N
81ZMdRn9vNL. UL1500 N

Here’s someone else’s opinion…

Mmmmm, ‘Ludes…num-num, num-num, num! 

Come to pappa! Boy, these kids taday have no idea what they missed out on.

Quaaludes were an extremely popular party drug of the mid-70's, early 80's, and consisted of 300mg of methaqualone, an extremely powerful sedative and hypnotic, originally marketed in the US by Rorer Pharmaceuticals. In addition to the popular street name “ludes", they were also known as Rorer 714's, and eventually Lemmon 714's.

Yes, they were prescribed for sleep, but taken in the right dosage, the individual would lose their inhibitions. They would tend to become very chatty and since everything in the 70's was either about sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll, Ludes had all of those bases covered.

I was fortunate to have had two very generous friends that had legitimate prescriptions for them but, barring that, they'd sell for about two bucks a piece, if you knew the right people.

There were a couple of problems with Ludes. First, they became so popular and controversial, Rorer decided the liability wasn't worth it and sold the patent to Lemmon Pharmaceuticals in 1978. 

Overdosing on Ludes became notorious because the individual would lapse into a coma followed by central nervous system collapse. And, because the drug was fat soluble, there wouldn't be much you could do for the individual in the way of flushing it out of the body. 

They would also go on to become a notorious date rape drug, as well as  Bill Cosby's preferred method of attracting unwilling victims.

In 1982 due to its wide spread abuse it was taken off the market and, in 1984 the DEA would reclassify Quaaludes as a Schedule 1 narcotic, putting into the same category of drugs as heroin and ecstacy.

I could of…

But I didn’t.

Ah, maybe that was a good thing. Things could have gone really bad, really quickly. But I did have a taste. And, you know what?

It was fun.



"Our countries share traditional bonds of friendship and have forged a comprehensive strategic partnership.
We have always been keen to express our deep gratitude for the assistance and support we received from the Russian people in the past, when we were fighting for our independence, as well as at the current stage in the development of our country.
Vietnam follows an independent, self-reliant, peaceful, friendly, and multifaceted foreign policy, and has always viewed Russia as one of its priority foreign policy partners.
We want to work with Russia to further enhance our traditional friendship, which results from the constructive efforts by many generations of our two countries’ leaders and their people."

Excerpt from statements by Vietnamese President Tô Lâm during the joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin following their talks, Hanoi, June 20, 2024.

NASA decided to launch the Starliner despite the discovery of five different helium leaks in its thruster system. Now those helium leaks might endanger the lives of the astronauts on the return flight. Here’s a quote from the article:

Two NASA astronauts who rode to orbit on Boeing’s Starliner are currently stranded in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS) after engineers discovered numerous issues with the Boeing spacecraft. Teams on the ground are now racing to assess Starliner’s status.

Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were originally scheduled to return to Earth on June 13 after a week on the ISS, but their stay has been extended for a second time due to the ongoing issues. The astronauts will now return home no sooner than June 26th, according to NASA.

After years of delays, Boeing’s Starliner capsule successfully blasted off on its inaugural crewed flight from Florida’s Cape Canaveral Space Force Station at 10:52 a.m. EDT on June 5. But during the 25-hour flight, engineers discovered five separate helium leaks to the spacecraft’s thruster system.

Now, to give engineers time to troubleshoot the faults, NASA has announced it will push back the perilous return flight, extending the crew’s stay on the space station to at least three weeks.

“We’ve learned that our helium system is not performing as designed,” Mark Nappi, Boeing’s Starliner program manager, said at a news conference on June 18. “Albeit manageable, it’s still not working like we designed it. So we’ve got to go figure that out.”


Oh Fuck!

Apricot-Glazed Ham

A simple glaze over ham makes for an easy special occasion meal.

apricot glazed ham2
apricot glazed ham2

Prep: 10 min | Bake: 1 hr 30 min | Yield: 20 servings


  • 5 pound fully cooked whole boneless ham
  • 1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon cloves
  • 2/3 cup apricot nectar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice


  1. Place ham on rack in a shallow roasting pan. Bake, uncovered, in a 325 degrees F oven for 1 1/4 hours or until meat thermometer registers 140 degrees F (about 15 to 18 minutes per pound.)
  2. For the glaze, in a small saucepan combine brown sugar, cornstarch, nutmeg and cloves.
  3. Stir in apricot nectar and lemon juice. Cook over medium heat until thickened and bubbly, stirring constantly.
  4. Brush ham with glaze. Continue baking for 15-20 minutes more, brushing occasionally with glaze.

Scott Ritter: NATO in BIG TROUBLE After Crossing Russia’s Red Line, Putin and China Brace for War

One of Scott’s best videos. Well worth the time to watch.

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Who had the worst death in history?


I’d nominate Junko Furuta.

source: Japanese Horror Story: The Torture of Junko Furuta

Junko Furuta was a Japanese schoolgirl who suffered 40 days of unimaginable torture at the hands of her classmates before dying on January 4th, 1989. After she rejected the school bully, Hiroshi Miyano, she was taken by 4 boys to the home of one of the kidnappers, Nobaharu Minato. All in all, over 100 people knew of her abduction; none did anything to help, and several joined in the torture.

According to their statements in court, the four boys tortured Junko relentlessly, to such an extent that her face was so swollen she was virtually unrecognisable, she lost bladder control (and was beaten for wetting the carpet), and her body developed a rotting smell.

The torture included:

  • Rape — Junko was raped over 400 times over the course of 40 days. Many of these rapes were gang-rape, and the four boys’ friends were invited to join in and humiliate her. Over 100 different men are alleged to have participated in rape at some point. She was naked for most of her imprisonment and forced to masturbate in front of her captors. Some of the boys urinated on her, and she was forced to drink her own urine.
  • Vaginal mutilation — iron bars, scissors, needles, skewers, a bulb, fireworks, cigarettes and lighters amongst other foreign objects were forced into her vagina and anus, causing severe burning and damage. Additionally, she forcibly had her breasts pierced with sewing needles and one of her nipples was torn off.
  • Beatings — she was beaten regularly, and sometimes strapped up as a human punching bag. The boys used clubs, rods and bamboo sticks to punish her for displeasing them.
  • Freezing — after pleading to die, she was locked outside overnight (bear in mind this was in winter), and later locked in a freezer.
  • Burning — this is believed to be the ultimate cause of her death. She suffered severe burns from the aforementioned lighters and fireworks. When she tried to call the police, she was doused in lighter fluid and her body was set on fire. Somehow she survived, but was killed by another body fire on the 40th day of imprisonment.
  • The boys reportedly dropped barbells and an iron exercise ball on her stomach, which was partly responsible for the lost bladder control, along with the damage to her genitals.

Hiroshi was sentenced for 20 years, and the other main captors received 5–10 years each. Most of them were subsequently arrested again for various crimes, including rape and fraud. They were aged 17–18 at the time; Junko was 17.

Had the captors been slightly older, they almost certainly would have received life imprisonment or the death penalty. The case is considered controversial due to their lenient sentences, and I can see why.

So on brand. Cringe.

What are some deep thoughts that you have?


  1. “deep” is “deep” upside down.
  2. If 99% of people find you unattractive, 78,000,000 people still find you attractive.
  3. One of the worst parts of having mental health issues is that you’re seemingly required to have a breakdown in order for people to understand how hard you were trying to hold yourself together.
  4. The fact that Jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite having no brain gives hope to many people.
  5. Dogs must be notorious in the animal kingdom for being the closest ally of the deadliest species ever to inhabit earth.
  6. At some point in your life, an attractive person passed by you and regretted not talking to you.
  7. Why is “Sean” pronounced as “Shawn” instead of “Seen” but “Dean” is pronounced “Deen” instead of “Dawn”
  8. At some point in your childhood you and your friends went outside to play one last time, but you never knew it.
  9. Cutting corners creates more corners.
  10. Why are there no pizza drive-thrus?!
  11. To know the ones that are worth your love, first you have to love the ones who are not.
  12. The scariest part of growing up is realizing many adults are clueless; life is based more on luck than knowledge.


Larry Johnson REVEALS: U.S. Missiles Strike Deep Inside Russia, NATO in Danger, The World at Stake

Yuppur. The USA is actively fighting Russia. There is no way that Ukrainians are aiming and guiding these missiles.


What is the most satisfying passive-aggressive thing you have ever done to a really mean or rude person?

When my ex left, she went out of her way to be as cruel as possible about the whole process.

It was taking us some time to disentangle our living situation, finances, etc. My approach was that we were both adults who had at one point held affection for each other, so we might as well be as grown up as possible about the situation. I tried to be fair, and to give ground on things that meant more to her than to me – particularly as I earned more so would find it easier to relace anything she took.

She took the opposite approach. It wasn’t just that she tried to take everything she wanted. She took things simply because I wanted them. On the day she moved out, she packed up my washing line, despite the fact she was moving to a house with no garden. I let it go as not worth the hassle to fight her.

As might be expected after a 5-year relationship, there were some connections we hadn’t managed to untangle before leaving day, so from time to time I needed to get in touch – for example, to tell her I was no longer paying for her car insurance, and that she’d have to sort it out for herself. She continued to be obstructive, and to request that I cease all contact with her. I was tearing my hair out, trying to do the right thing but being knocked back rudely at every turn.

It was then that a good friend introduced me to what she called the ‘Princess Bride defence’:

As you wish.”

It was the last text I sent to her. Thereafter, any time I found one of her sentimental possessions in the back of a cupboard, it went straight to a charity shop. When important-looking letters marked “URGENT” arrived addressed to her, I returned them as undelivered – at my convenience, after a few days. When I was asked to pass a potential teaching opportunity on to her, I said that wouldn’t be possible. When Christmas cards from her extended family arrived (addressed to both of us) I shredded them. She didn’t hear from me again.

As she wished.

GAU-8 holes

Have you ever met or known anybody who is inbred?

I know several people that are inbred right now. Normally I wouldn’t have any contact with these folks, but I am a firefighter in a very rural area, and I answer a lot of medical calls. I have some very very gross stories I could tell, but I will spare you the details as it is pretty disgusting and depressing. One thing I will say is that some of these families that are really inbred have an inbred look. I can’t really put my finger on what it is, but their eyes just look a little different. I don’t judge these folks at all, after all they’re just people. They’re really victims, they didn’t ask for this.

I was a reserve deputy back in the early 90s, and I went to a call where we arrested a man who had just gotten out of prison , and he went and attempted to rape two of his cousins, and successfully completed the act with one. From the description of the crimes , it seemed like the guy was completely compulsive.

As we turned off a long country road down a long dirt road to make the arrest, I saw poverty that I had never seen in America. There were people in mobile homes with no electric and broken windows and homemade steps. Most rural areas are full of pretty normal people, but this pocket of the woods had a family that was inbreeding for a long time, and some of them looked very strange. I went to the back of the house in case the guy tried to run while two other deputies went into the house to make the arrest. One very old lady in a ripped T-shirt with no bra gave me the worst hate stare I have ever seen, she just stared at me with a one eye bigger than the other inbred silent angry glare. Amongst all this, a very sweet , nice 5-year-old girl came up and asked what I was doing. I told her we were arresting a bad guy. Just then the two deputies came out with the rapist, and he was the most normal looking guy there. He was a studious looking guy with wire rim glasses and nice clothes. He was also the father of that little girl who I just talked to. She started wailing with the saddest cries you’d ever hear and threw a stick at me. It was one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve ever seen up till that point.

Incidents like this made me realize why the deputies I rode with were so cynical. They often saw the worst in people.

It wasn’t long after this that I decided to join the fire department instead of law enforcement. After 30 years in the fire department, I have seen a lot of strange things, but that call still sticks out my mind as being very sad. I think I remember it because it was the first time I’d been exposed to that level of poverty, indifference and craziness.

If you have read this far in my story, thank you. I do actually have some upbeat news. Social services have drastically improved in my area, I haven’t been to a house full of kids with no lights and no heat in quite a few years. I think it has been close to 20 years since I have been to a 14-year-old on her second pregnancy. Things have gotten much better.

Douglas Macgregor: Iran & Turkey join Russia, North Korea sent Nuclear Bombs after Meeting Putin

He’s speaking truth. Damn. The USA just ain’t ready.

Why do people adopt babies from other countries but not their own?

I adopted two children from Russia. One was 20 months old, and the other was about 4 years old. This is my qualification to speak on the subject. Sadly, Russia no longer adopts children to the US, because we sanctioned one of Putin’s friends.

The fact of the matter is that it is easier to fly all the way around the world two times, like an astronaut, to get a child in Russia, than it is to adopt a child in the US State of Washington (and presumably other U.S. states).

Russia is a place that has the kind of economic chaos that makes relatively high-quality babies available for adoption. Too many Russians can’t keep their children, and Russians do not, as a rule, adopt their own orphans. The Russian authorities are not afraid to take a child away from failed parents, so the child has likely only suffered a few months of neglect. The US, by contrast, has a strong tradition of parental rights, so it takes years to remove a child.

In the US, many children are born to meth users, so that their brains are irretrievably fried. Heroin is the drug of choice in Russia, which, while horrible for the parents, is not so bad (as meth) on a fetus’s physiology.

When you return home from Russia with a child, that child belongs to you. It is your adopted child. Period, end of story. By contrast, children in Washington State are generally not legally free to adopt when they are placed in your home. That means you are only a foster parent, with few rights. For the next couple of years, if your new baby’s crack-whore mother or jailbird father cleans up their act, even temporarily, they can yank your baby away and back to its previous life of neglect and abuse. Imagine having to tell your other children that their forever-brother or sister is not home when they return from school, because it unexpectedly went back to its birth-parents.

Now tell me you think it’s strange that people do international adoptions.

Badlands Homecoming

Submitted into Contest #251 in response to: Dream up a secret library. Write a story about an adventurer who discovers it. What’s in the library? Why was it kept secret? view prompt

Joe Smallwood

The badlands had ceased expanding, and there was just enough food to support one or two researchers—well, maybe only one—and that would be me.

The bishop had his hands full. A guard saw me into his office, and the bishop sat waiting behind a huge, salvaged desk between us.

The desk, a marvel, held my gaze. Its rich, brown hue was a testament to its unique origin, a strange wood with a veneer of such smoothness, partially burned away, creating a mesmerizing play of colors. I couldn’t help but wonder about the lives that were risked to retrieve such a treasure.

“You are?” he said, not looking up. Now, if it were up to me, I would fall on my knees and kiss his ecclesiastical ring, listen to his blessings, and wait for benediction. Such was my upbringing, which I had only known since…forever. To be in his presence was an honor granted to so few.

But I must answer him! Yet remembering my very name seemed an extraneous and worthless undertaking.

“Thomas Cranwell, to commoners excluded from knowing my ecclesial rank,” I said, finally.

“Why do you exclude yourself?” he asked again, without looking up from whatever was absorbing him. “Are you not to work for the extension of the Kingdom of God?”

“It is for an uncommon request. Permission to attend at Bradwell,” I practically whispered.

That got his attention. I am asking for something forbidden. To speak of Bradwell and the treasures of antiquity that it contained was to invite suspicion.

Myths, stories, and legends about the sacrifices made to build Bradwell many generations ago were a staple around campfires at night. After the cataclysm and before the new orientation, the building of Bradwell took place in a time so dark that our present darkness looked light by comparison. Yet I was convinced that understanding our past would help build our future!

I threw caution to the wind. Before I knew what I was doing, I was kneeling before him, seeking his hand to kiss his ring, even as I could not see that the guard had moved to strike me from behind.

“Stay your hand!” the bishop ordered. “What have we here? A search for knowledge at any cost?”

“Only a fool who seeks to serve, Your Excellency!” My tears were so copious that if I looked at him, I imagined he would send me off straight away. He laid his hand on my head.

“Thomas, I’ll inquire about your character. Send me your references and bid me a good day!”


I had to work while I waited. Luckily for me, I had learned a trade as a metal scavenger. It was considered a low occupation, but it was necessary since the metal that never rusts could no longer be made and was highly prized. However, my unusual request made people suspicious of me. Even the scraps I found in the well-combed hills and valleys surrounding Urhan fetched such low prices that I began to starve. Being without family and friends in any place was inviting death into your life. I hoped I would not have to wait long for the bishop to answer!

When news came that the bishop had approved my request, I now had a servant, David, a protection seal on paper, no less, and a stipend. The bishop’s generosity quite shocked me. Was he an antiquarian? Even if only in secret? I couldn’t account for my good fortune otherwise.

We hastened to start our journey. David was young—only sixteen—yet enthusiastic and uncommonly curious. When I told David we were off to Bradwell, he jumped for joy! I warned him to conserve his strength. It would be a long and challenging journey, even for one like himself. Besides, he was to support me, such as I was.

Upon leaving Urhan, David removed his sandals and shook the dust off them, motioning me to do the same.

“A curse on any who did not help us!” he shouted with glee.

This made me angry. “You hardly know what it is, you ask!” I said. “We have nothing but what we carry—nothing at all. It could be that a curse has been laid on us! Mind your place, boy!”

David’s eyes fell, and he began to weep. “Forgive me, Father, he said.

“It is your youth and inexperience that speaks,” I answered. “The world is larger than we know!”


We arrived at Urhan Station, a smaller community composed almost entirely of humbler folk, primarily farmers. I was not incardinated anywhere in the Urhan region. I thought it proper to approach the local magistrate to inform him of our presence and request leave to be accommodated for at least one night, perhaps two. Upon reviewing my documents, I was permitted to stay, provided I sought provisions in the local market and remained at the local inn. This I was happy to do.

Thank God news had not spread about my mission. It was a relief to be treated courteously for once, and I relished the opportunity to rest and regain my strength.

David was enraptured by the many sights of Urhan Station, which he had never visited before, even though it was only twenty miles from where he lived.

“Father, shall we hear Mass today?” he inquired.

“Certainly!” I replied.

We soon happened upon the parish church, a quaint, quite old stucco and wood structure dating back to the earliest days of the Urhan region’s reconstruction. Even today, the church outshone the other various dwellings, which were much more bare and plain-looking. A bell rang out, calling the populace to prayer. The church was soon filled.

I was struck by Father Bruno, the priest who said Mass. His intensely blue eyes and reputation for knowing people’s sins without being told drew many visitors for confession, even from Urhan proper. I feared he would somehow know of our mission, so I hung back in one of the back pews.

When Mass was over, and we had finished our Thanksgiving prayers, he strode right to the back of the church to see me, calling me by name, although we had never met.

“Father Cranwell! Know you, not your duty! To serve God! It is not your place to seek that which God has destroyed!”

He said this so loudly that David prostrated himself at his feet, weeping and begging forgiveness. I was stunned, and when Father Bruno had left, and I regained my composure, it was plain that we would have to leave Urhan Station; the sooner, the better.

David wept incessantly. On the one hand, he knew he might fall prey to ruffians or dire circumstances, being alone without my support. Yet, given his religious upbringing, he could not ignore Father Bruno’s words, and I would not contradict a fellow priest, so I released David from his obligation to me.

I did this with a heavy heart, wondering if I would survive long enough to arrive at Bradwell without David’s support. Yet I had to think of what was best for the boy.

“You are free to leave,” I said as we left Urhan Station.

“Where will I go?” he asked.

“Don’t you have a family to return to?”

“Family? My family is the church. I am an orphan!”

With this, I stopped to look at him. David was in tears again. I was nearly beside myself with grief, too. It was clear that he could not make a decision.

“Come with me, and you will no longer be an orphan but a son to me!” I said, wiping both his and my own tears.


We were quite clearly approaching the badlands. Strange, disfigured animals approached us, peering out from the undergrowth. David readied his slingshot, and I, my staff.

“I could hit one!” David exulted.

“Let us pass by the side,” I answered. Thus, we took detours through thick brambles to avoid these “denizens of hell,” as the common folk called them.

The road, too, became more rutted and overgrown. Signs warned us not to go further, though the further we went, the more rotted they appeared, like the people who erected them had passed on or failed to maintain them.

We had to sleep in the open air in a shelter we could make from branches and sticks. It began to rain. I had heard of the constant rain in the heart of the badlands, soaking you through and through. We knew not to drink from the fetid swamps that threatened to overwhelm the road, which now resembled more of a simple path than a road.

“Is God punishing us?” David asked after a tough night when I coughed more than I slept. “Isn’t it clear we shouldn’t be here?” he continued. He was throwing stones into the swamp, a look of defeat on his face.

“Hush now and trust,” I said. We have not come all this way to die now!”

But I wondered how much more we could take, wearied to the bone from the dampness and privations caused by a lack of food and good sleep, never mind the constant fear of what might happen if we grew inattentive or were unlucky.

After three days, the path abruptly stopped at a ruined habitation. No one was home, and it looked like no one had been there for some time. After my brave words to David, my heart sank. Where to now to Bradwell?

Had I fallen prey to pride? It was Father Bruno’s words that echoed in my mind.

I sank to my knees and wept.

I could have died there and then and been happy to meet my maker, poor, alone, a sinner in need of redemption. It was David who came to my rescue.

He bounded into my view even though I lay prone in the muck and filth in those last few steps on the path to nowhere.

“Look, Father!” He helped me up. “Come over here! Do you see it? Up on the hill!”

My poor eyes were unaccustomed to focusing at such a distance, yet I could just make out a building built on a hill. Was it a monastery?

 I could see it shining like a beacon, a bright sheen off what looked like stout walls as we hobbled closer, David supporting me with every step I took.


By some magic I had never seen before, the gate to the monastery slid open to reveal a monk dressed in a black tunic. He did not speak, only motioning to us to follow him. A Benedictine? I had never seen one before.

The monk’s tunic hung loosely over his body, stopping only at his ankles. He wore a rectangular piece of cloth over his shoulders called a scapular that appeared to be made of wool. When he turned to lead us to the community, I noticed his cowl limp and unused, the sun only beginning to make its presence known.

It was an edifying experience to see such calm and serene purpose in this one monk who neither sought nor cared for our taking any notice of him whatsoever.

We climbed some hewn stone stairs to such a height! It was utterly exhausting. I had to stop frequently to catch my breath, but I could still reach a portico, the sun clothed with refracted light through the most marvelous stained glass, again as something I had never seen before. I reached out to touch it, causing the light to fall in a sudden dazzling brilliance as if moved by unseen hands. I wanted to stop and question the monk about how light could be so liquid yet impervious to my understanding!

But he moved ever onward, not looking back.

We reached a stolid door of massive weight, again opening at a mere touch! What I presumed to be the abbot greeted us.

The abbot wore a black cappa, which is a full-length cloak over his tunic. He also wore a ring, which he held out to me.

I collapsed before I could kiss his ring, and from what David told me later, I hit my head on the stone floor, losing consciousness.


I awoke in an infirmary, or what looked like one. David was so happy to see me come to my senses. He looked fatigued as if he had been waiting a long time by my side, sitting on a wicker chair next to an untouched tray of food on a small table.

“Eat, father!” he said, his voice catching him unawares like he had not spoken for hours. Then, he cleared his throat and looked as if he might cry.

I had more important things on my mind. “What of the…abbot?” I gasped as I reached for a plain, remarkably shaped glass containing a liquid I did not recognize.

David handed it to me. “He never spoke to me. After you collapsed, two monks carried you here. Will you get well, Father?” he pleaded.

“God willing!” I said. You are so faithful to me; how can it be otherwise?” I joked, but then I frowned. “But there is much to discuss…” I said as I tried to get out of bed.

“Not until you are well!” David commanded. “Eat!”


The days went swiftly by. A monk with remarkable medical knowledge examined me. And there was so much food! So much more than I was used to.

Then, several days later, another monk with such bright eyes came to get me. This one was not unassuming or silent. He was talkative, so much so that I wondered if he was a monk or a commoner dressed in monk attire!

“Know you, not your duty!” I exclaimed at one point amid his chatter.

He rounded on me, his confident air dissipating as air escapes a putrid cask.

“Know you, not yours?” he replied. With that, we both fell into sullen silence. He then led me to see the abbot.


It was as before. This time, I kissed the abbot’s ring and returned to standing before him in what looked like the chapter house, a meeting room where the community would gather to conduct business.

Gazing about, I saw things on shelves I had never seen before. Whether they were functional or not escaped me; some seemed to be parts of other, larger objects. Here and there, you could see these recognizable parts protruding. But I was not given leave to stare at these unusual artifacts for long.

“You and your servant are welcome to stay with us!” the abbot announced. “I have made inquiries, and the bishop of Urhan diocese has vouched for you. The bishop was once a monk at this very place! What exactly have you come here to do?”

“Father Abbot, I wish to conduct research.”

“By all means, let us visit the scriptorium and the library!”

Again, there was light that I had never seen before.

In a wonder of wonders, I was led into the scriptorium, where monks sat at tables reading words that appeared and disappeared on pages filled with light, with no visible candles.

Then, many books in unknown languages were in the library, with pictures not drawn or painted of such wonders as I could scarcely describe! Many of these books were burned, and some could not be read. Still, everything was neatly stored and accounted for.

“Why not let everyone see these wonders,” I asked.

The Abbot was taken aback. “Do you believe that the people would comprehend that we were once prosperous, but now we are poor only because of a war of unimaginable fury as if the very wrath of God enveloped everything? This is knowledge for only a select few!”

The Abbot, setting aside his vows, embraced me and continued speaking for what seemed like a very long time.

“You need hardly wonder! Was it not always so? Monks preserved knowledge, whether of religion or not, that would have been lost otherwise in past times. We do so today, as always. Forever, until the end of time itself!”

So began my new life. Father Bruno could remind the people of what went wrong, and I would now discover why.

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What is the most frightening thing that anyone has ever said to you?

I was at the pool, having just finished with my morning workout. I was drying off and noticed I had gotten a new text from one of my friends.

OMG are you okay??! I saw the crash!!

I froze in confusion. Reread the text. Tried to wrap my mind around it before coming to my senses and quickly punching in her number.

One ring, two. “Pick up, pick up!”

She answers, breathless. “Rachel! Are you okay? Please tell me no one is hurt!”

“What do you mean? I’m at the pool!”

The line goes dead silent. I can hear her breaths on the other side, raspy and shocked. My heart pounding wildly against my chest.

Then, “There was an accident, I saw your mom in the car. It’s bad.”

I swear my heart stopped. For a moment, everything blurred. I had no idea there was a crash. I had no idea what was going on.

For a second, thoughts of losing my mother crashed through my brain and I wanted to be sick.

My friend told me the car had been t-boned (hit from the side). She said it looked bad, that our car had been dented-in and she saw medics pulling my mom out. I remember my heart feeling like a knife was cutting through, tears blurring my eyes.

I thanked her, hung up, and quickly called my mom. I think I called her four or five times before someone answered.

My father.

If you haven’t read my past answers, my father and I have a rocky relationship. But I still wasn’t prepared for his words.

He told me to stop calling, that everything was fine. He wouldn’t tell me if she was alright, or what had happened, just to stop calling. He hung up.

Needless to say, I was pissed and scared out of my mind. I called another six or seven times before my mom finally answered.

And she was alright.

She was bruised, crying, and shaken, but she was alive. And in that moment, that was all that mattered.

But hearing that something had happened, that she had been in an accident, had almost stopped my heart. Those have definitely been the most terrifying words I have ever heard: “I saw your mom in the car. It’s bad.”


Why do educated Chinese support CCP despite not having the freedom to criticize Chinese politicians?

As a Chinese guy who has lived many years in America, I’ve got the answer for you, but I’m pretty sure you won’t believe me and think I’m ridiculous:

China actually has a lot more freedom of speech than the US or other western countries.

Ok, now please allow me to explain:

In China, we certainly do not have the freedom to criticize Chinese government, IN PUBLIC. That’s pretty much the only thing you can’t do. (we talk shit about them ALL the time in private daily conversations.)

Other than that, you can say pretty much anything you want in China.

However, when I was in the US, I feel suffocate because there’s a lot of things I couldn’t talk about, or I couldn’t say my real opinions. Everything needs to be political correct. You certainly can say your government is a piece of shit, but that’s not what freedom of speech is. You can’t talk about xxxxxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxxx, etc… When I was there, I had to be extremely careful about what I say, even in daily conversations. There’re so many chains, not free at all.

I think you guys know what I’m talking about.

Cajun Style Holiday Ham

Ready to experience the holidays Cajun style? Bring in some Louisiana Cajun flavor to your holiday dinner with Slap Ya Mama’s Cajun Style Holiday Ham complete with our famous original blend and seafood boil seasoning. Say goodbye to traditional holiday meals because our recipe will keep you wanting more year round!

cajun style holiday ham
cajun style holiday ham


  • 1 (8 pound) picnic ham
  • 12 ounces Coke
  • 1 pound Slap Ya Mama Seafood Boil
  • Slap Ya Mama Original Blend Seasoning, to taste


  1. Fill a large pot halfway with water and pour in Slap Ya Mama Seafood Boil. Bring to a boil and place ham into the pot. Boil for approximately 1 hour.
  2. Remove ham and let drain and cool.
  3. Heat over at 400 degrees F. Trim top skin from ham leaving a little fat. In a crisscross pattern, slice the top of the ham about 1/4 inch deep.
  4. Place ham in a roasting pan with 1/2 cup of water in the bottom of the pan. Pour Coke evenly over ham. Now season the whole ham with Slap Ya Mama Original Blend Seasoning.
  5. Bake at 400 degrees F for 30 minutes.
  6. Reduce heat to 350 degrees F and continue cooking for another 30 minutes or until there is a nice crisp on the exterior of the ham.
  7. Carve ham, serve and enjoy!


Recipe and photo used with permission from: Slap Ya Mama

What person destroyed their entire life by making one simple mistake?

Lisa Nowak.

She was a NASA astronaut. Emphasis on WAS. During her stint in NASA, she actually had a pretty impressive career—she flew in space aboard the shuttle Discovery in 2006, in fact.

But she threw it all away. Over a guy.

You see, her boyfriend William Oefelein, another astronaut, had cooled in his affections towards her and was now seeing another woman, Colleen Shipman. We’ve all had love interests break our hearts, and it sucks. Some of us go a little cray-cray during the heartbreak period, especially if we’re drunk. But Lisa Nowak—she went well beyond drunken texts in the middle of the night.

She drove 900 miles from Houston to Orlando to confront the other lady. Shipman was going to be arriving at Orlando’s international airport, and Nowak was going to be there to confront her. According to police reports, she even wore adult diapers so she wouldn’t have to make any bathroom breaks during the trip. Anyway, she finally got to Orlando, confronted the other woman, and pepper-sprayed her.

Result? She was sentenced to a year’s probation, kicked out of both NASA and the U.S. Navy, and now has Google and Wikipedia detailing her misdeeds. The notoriety of her case—Law and Order actually made an episode about an astronaut love triangle—meant employers were reluctant to hire her despite her credentials, and the last anyone heard she’s been living a quiet life in Texas working in the private sector. Without the boyfriend.

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What is the smartest thing you have seen someone do in court?

Not a case I was in town for – it happened fast

A man comes home in morning hours, crawls into bed still hungover, and wakes up in a pool of blood. His wife had been stabbed in the night.

He ran into the hallway and called 9–1–1 — but the police quickly charge him for murder. He says he got drunk the night before and his memory is a blank. She was killed sometime in the night — no signs of forced entry. They have their man.

Weeks later it goes to trial. Once underway, the man’s memory is triggered and he says he thinks he was in jail two counties over. The judge calls a recess.

The sheriff’s deputies check on this alibi, bring that sheriff in for deposition, and sure enough, the husband had gotten into a drunken brawl at a nightclub and was thrown in jail many hours before his wife’s time of death. He wasn’t anywhere near the crime scene. The deputies visit the nightclub and the coat check girl remembered him well – and the brawl. This was an upscale club so brawls were rare.

They brought all this back to the courtroom, the prosecutor moved for dismissal and the judge granted it. Recall they’ve already seated the jury, so double jeopardy is attached. He cannot be tried again.

A couple of months later, the deputies run into the coat check girl and it comes out that the husband, once released from jail, visited the nightclub in the morning and gave the coat check girl a $50 tip “for all the trouble”. One deputy surmises this might all be a hoax. The husband tipped the girl so she wouldn’t forget him.

They visit the jail itself and learn a priceless bit of news – the jail has no after-hours personnel. The inmates sleep it off until morning anyway. Another nugget, it’s also well known that one of the jail’s two cells has a bad lock. A little persistent jiggering will cause the bolt to retract and release the inmate. They also learned that two months prior, the husband had been in that same cell for disorderly conduct and no doubt learned about the lock.

At this point, they had all they needed, but too late. They surmised the husband started the brawl to get himself incarcerated, by luck or persuasion landed in the right cell, sneaked out to kill his wife and sneaked back. The next morning he pays the coat check girl and returns home, and it all falls out from there.

By the time the deputies learned all this, the husband had already sold his home, cashed-out his wife’s substantial life insurance policy, and was in the wind.

Daddy warnings

Putin: West Seeking “Strategic Defeat” of Russia in Ukraine, Means End to 1,000 Years of Russian Statehood

Upon finishing his visits to North Korea and Vietnam, Russian President Vladimir Putin was asked by media what it means that the West continues to escalate the war in Ukraine, and openly calls for a “strategic defeat of Russia.”  His answer opened the door to a Russian nuclear first-strike against the West.

Asked what does it mean to Russia that the West keeps escalating the Ukraine conflict, President Putin’s remarks went like this:

“We see it.  We observe it.  As you said, they constantly raise the degree and escalate the situation.  

Apparently they expect us to be scared at some point.

But at the same time, they also say that they want to achieve a strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield.

What does this mean for Russia?   It means the end of its statehood.  This is what it means.

It means the end of the thousand year history of the Russian state.  I think this is clear to everyone.

And then the question arises, why should we be afraid?  Isn’t it better to go all the way, then?

This is elementary formal logic, a course that I studied at the University for six months, but I remember it well.

I even remember the teachers who taught this course.

Therefore, I think that those who think so, and even more so, SAY SO, make another big mistake.

Here is the actual video in original Russian language with English subtitles.  My analysis appears beneath the video:


Words mean things.  When a man like President Vladimir Putin says a particular thing, if the world has learned nothing else from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it knows he means what he says.

Russia made strident Diplomatic efforts over the Ukraine situation for years, and told the West in December of 2021 there has to be Iron-clad, legally enforceable Security Guarantees for Russia over the ever-nearing encroachment by NATO toward Russia’s border – with Ukraine being the most recent encroachment.

The West laughed and threw Russia’s Treaty proposal in the ashbin of history.

Russia tried again in January of 2022, only this time, they told the world  “If Russia cannot obtain iron-clad, legally enforceable, security guarantees by Diplomatic means, it will obtain them by military or military-technical means.”

The West took about two weeks before laughing at Russia again, and declining the Treaty proposal.

On February 23, 2022, Russia called Ukraine President Zelensky and told him “You have five hours to agree to NOT join NATO and NOT place American missiles on Ukraine Territory.”

Zelensky called the British Home Office and the US State Department for guidance.  Both Britain and the US told Zelensky to “ignore Russia’s ultimatum.”  Zelensky did exactly that.

After the five hours had passed, Russia waited an additional two hours.  No response form Ukraine.   That morning, the Russian Army crossed the Border into Ukraine by force, and the war commenced.

So when Russia says something, they mean it.

For President Putin to say

"But at the same time, they also say that they want to achieve a strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield.

What does this mean for Russia?   It means the end of its statehood.  This is what it means.

It means the end of the thousand year history of the Russian state.  I think this is clear to everyone."

is the absolute worst RED FLAG imaginable.

Russia has a nuclear doctrine.  They’ve had it, open to the public, for years.

In that nuclear doctrine, Russia makes clear they will only use nuclear weapons if “there is a threat to the existence of the Russian state.”

What did Putin just say in the video above?   He said that a “strategic defeat of Russia means the end of its statehood; an end to the thousand year history of the Russian state.”

Well, since that is how Russia perceives the publicly stated goal of the West to inflict a “strategic defeat” upon Russia, then the legal framework now exists to justify the use of Russian nuclear weapons.

It is as plain as day from what President Putin just said.

What he went on to say is even worse:

It means the end of the thousand year history of the Russian state.  I think this is clear to everyone.

And then the question arises, why should we be afraid?  Isn't it better to go all the way, then?

Uh Oh.  “. . . go all the way?”  Yes, he actually said that.   So what does THAT mean?

To me, it means “If Russia is going to be ended, why shouldn’t they go all the way and end the people who are ending Russia?”

To me, “. . .  Isn’t it better to go all the way” means mutual destruction.  If Russia is going to lose its thousand years of Russian statehood, then everybody else is going to lose theirs too.

These remarks from the Russian President are among the most important words ever spoken in human history.  They lay out the ACTUAL course of events we are all on.   Destruction.

Yet we in the West go along our merry way, seemingly oblivious to the actual reality.  A reality that WE created.  A reality that WE continue to perpetrate.

The actions of the United States and our NATO vassals, is directly threatening our continued existence.  We the people have a right to protect ourselves from what this government is doing.

If we sit back, do and say nothing, it seems to me this government is leading us all to our deaths.  Soon.

Pepe Escobar: Putin and China issue DEVASTATING Warning to NATO and Everything is About to Change

Journalist and Geopolitical Analyst Pepe Escobar reveals the truth about Russia and China's accelerated push toward a multipolar world and how their latest moves will completely destroy the dominance of the U.S. dollar as we know it. This video breaks it all down following Pepe's May trip to Brazil and other BRICS countries.

Power blocking all of Chicago

LOL I was in a shopping mall one time and this little kid, maybe 3 years old, was mad at his grandmother about something (I think she told him he couldn’t have a cookie or something like that) and he threw himself on the ground and was screaming and crying. She simply sat down on the bench and watched him, then took out her phone and was fiddling with it, but kept her eye on him even though he wasn’t aware of it. When he saw she wasn’t watching, he stopped crying for a moment and just stared at her. She took an extra moment, then looked at him and said, “You done?” He started screaming again, then she shook her head, acted like she was dialing a number, and said something like this (I’m having to paraphrase, it’s been some years):

“Yes, is Santa there, please? Yes, I’ll hold. *pauses* “Santa! How are you, my old friend?” *pauses, nods like she’s listening* “Ah-huh. Yes. Oh, that’s wonderful!” The little kid’s now stopped crying and is looking at her like, what? She went on. “Yes, I’m afraid I’m having to report my grandson.” His eyes got huge and he stared at her like she was doing the worst thing imaginable. “Yes, he’s acting up. No, no, nothing like that, but he’s being stubborn about my not giving him a sweet.” *pauses* “Why, yes, I remember your wife’s cookie recipe! They’re delightful!” *pauses again, nods like she’s agreeing* “What a wonderful idea! I’ll tell him. And yes, that is sad, but it must be so. All right, I’ll catch up with you later. Have a good one! Give Henry the Elf a hug from me.” With that, she hung up and looked at her grandson gravely. “That was Santa. He said for every time you give me trouble this year, I’m to report your bad behavior and he’ll update this list. Keep it up, and you’ll get nothing. So you have to be good, okay?”

I tell you, this child wiped his face and nodded, then came up and gave her a hug. “I sowwy, wandma.” She hugged him and told him she loved him, but she’s not being mean grandma when she doesn’t give him what he wants, she has a reason she’s saying no.

I was completely floored. Epic Grandma FTW!

Living in VIETNAM VS CAMBODIA & Why I Prefer Cambodia

Vintage beer and coffee





























Final arguments had just concluded in a week-long will contest where I was representing the proponent of the will, a very nice, but shy, 56-year-old woman. After the judge instructed the jury, the jury stood up and went into the jury room. We started moving from the counsel table towards the aisle. Simultaneously with the last juror in closing the door, my client fell face down on the floor without even putting out her arms. Her body hit with a thud and her head bounced off the floor once, smashing her nose. Then, a second or two later, her entire body went into rhythmic muscle contractions, from her neck to her feet, which lasted for several minutes while the judge, the bailiff and the opposing counsel started to panic. I was in shock for a second or two, then yelled, “call an ambulance!” (To be fair, everybody may have been yelling the same thing.)

My immediate thought was “she’s dead, she’s had a ‘sudden death’ heart attack.”

The judge then said, “I’ve got to call a mistrial.”

Fortunately I had sense enough to object to that, pointing out that the jury had already closed the door and did not see who was sick or dead, so it could not influence their verdict. (And I sure didn’t want to try the case again, possibly without my client!) The judge agreed and instructed the bailiff to keep the jury room door shut.

By then, my client’s convulsions had ceased and I bent down to feel her pulse. When I put my fingers on her neck, she let out a moan, but stayed unconscious. She was alive, which was an enormous relief to everyone in the courtroom, but she didn’t seem like she was going to recover anytime soon, if at all.

Then the jury knocked on the door! The bailiff poked his head in and learned they had a verdict. That was quick. He told them that the judge had other issues to take care of and that they had to remain in the jury room.

The ambulance came and carted her off. As soon as they entered the elevator, the judge called the jury back in. I was standing alone at the counsel table. The jury held in our favor. After the jury was discharged, a couple of jurors asked where my client was and they were shocked. They had not heard a thing in the jury room.

Fortunately, my client’s diagnosis was “anxiety and panic attack” and was released the next day. But I would have bet the farm that when they rolled her out of the courtroom, it would probably be the last time I saw her. Glad I was wrong.

Why would anyone live in the Philippines instead of Thailand or Vietnam?

Don’t Break Character

Submitted into Contest #250 in response to: Write a story in which someone is afraid of being overheard. view prompt

Katariina Ruuska

“How does this number look to you?” The man opposite me slides a piece of paper across his desk and my eyes have to scan over it three times for the number to register in my brain. It’s at this moment that I believe in God again. Almost a decade of rejections, doors slammed in my face, and scraping by on instant noodles now, finally, all seem worth it.I look up at the man, who, upon seeing the stupefied expression on my face, breaks into a big smile, his straight white teeth revealing that he hasn’t seen the bottom of an instant noodle cup in a very long time. “I take it you’re pleased with the number?”“Mr. Murdoch, I don’t think Hollywood actors get paid these kinds of sums.”“It’s Neville, please.” He flashes that smile again. “The compensation is proportional to the difficulty level of the job. It takes a very special kind of actor to perform in a virtual reality simulation for our thrill-seeking luxury clients. You’ll portray a range of characters of different genders and ages, and the script can be flipped at any moment.”“That’s the reason I signed up,” I say honestly. “Acting in a simulation sounded like a really interesting challenge.”Neville leans across the table and pats my forearm with his neatly groomed fingers. “And that’s why we picked you. You were the perfect blend of versatility and improvisation skills we’ve encountered in an actor.”I feel my chest swell with pride. He leans back in his chair. “Now, today is your final audition, which means you get to try the simulation, see what it’s like to act as different avatars, and think on your feet. You’ll be acting opposite the Professor — a grand actor whom you’ll absolutely love — and the setting of the story is a lab where the evil government is out to get him.”He makes a mock “oooh” gesture and continues, “You’ll be playing three different characters and we’ll make our final decision based on your best performance. Have you had a chance to look at the script yet?” 

I nod and pull out the stack of papers I’ve highlighted with a yellow marker. “Yes,” I say. “Many times over and I have some questions.”


Neville nods. “Absolutely. You can ask our director in a minute when you meet her. Now, let me show you to your pod.”


With one swift movement, he’s up on his feet, holding the door open for me. I shove the script awkwardly back into my bag and get up from my chair.


He leads me down a long corridor that’s the kind of white that blinds your eyes, peppered with the latest tech, oozing money and power. Our footsteps sound almost illegally loud in the thick silence.

We pass an unlabeled room that’s open and, just before the door closes in my face, I catch a glimpse of a man wearing a helmet lying inside a white pod with a laser-like light scanning his body.


“Hey, is that the other actor?” I say, pointing at the closed door.


Neville nods. “Sure is.”


“Do you mind if I go say a quick hello? I always like to meet my colleagues.”


Neville gives a slight shake of his head and places his hand lightly on my back, leading me away from the door. “I’m afraid that’s not such a good idea. The Professor has a very specific process that he doesn’t want interrupted.”


“Oh.” I nod and don’t insist. Far be it from me to interrupt a fellow actor’s process.


“And we’ve arrived.” Neville scans his retina outside another room and I hear the heavy door open with an impressive clunk. “After you.”


I step in, and am greeted by a white pod, just like in the room we passed by earlier, and a wrinkly, sour-looking woman standing by it.


“This is Amanda, our genius director,” Neville introduces her.


I grasp her clammy hand with mine. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I say. The woman forces a smile that looks like a real effort to produce. “Hello,” she manages.


“Rose has some questions about the script,” Neville says brightly, and Amanda’s head snaps toward me. “Oh?”


“Yes,” I say, pulling the pages out of my bag. “For example, on page 2, Robert says ‘Hello, how are you?’ I was wondering if I could say ‘Hey, what’s up, man?’ instead? I think it would fit his character better.”


Amanda stares at me like you would at moldy cheese and gives me one of those smiles again. “Sure, honey, say ‘What’s up?’” Then she gestures towards the pod. “Lay down there.”


I slide into the smooth bean-shaped device, and Neville helps place a helmet with a reflective surface on my head.


“I don’t know if you’ve experienced a simulation before, Rose, but you’ve never experienced anything like ours,” he enthuses. “Everything feels completely real. You can taste an apple and feel the sun on your skin. You don’t need to move a muscle in the pod. You just move your legs in your mind and, ta-da, your avatar walks.”


“Cool,” I say.


“Just remember our one cardinal rule. Don’t…”


“…break character,” I complete his sentence.


“That’s right.” He nods approvingly. “Now, if you’re ready, I think we can begin.”


I feel my heart rate go up, not knowing what I’m up against, but as I don’t want to appear difficult by asking too many questions, I just shrug and say “Sure.”


“Marvelous,” Neville trills, then proceeds to push a button on the side of the pod. “Scene 1: Robert,” I hear him say and the next thing I know, I feel water flowing over my hands from a faucet. I look up and startle a little as I see a clean-shaven man staring at me, but then realize it’s just my reflection in the mirror. Well, my avatar’s reflection. Robert. 36 years old. PhD in experimental physics. Best friend of the Professor.


Neville wasn’t kidding. This tech is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. I locate the hand towels quickly, wipe my hands dry, taking a second to marvel at how I can feel the texture of the paper rubbing against my skin. But then, since time’s a-wastin, I snap back to my current reality, to page 1 of the script, and step out of the men’s room.




I literally bump into a man with a bushy beard and thick black glasses.


That’s the Professor, I hear Amanda’s voice in my ear, and my startlement switches into a friendly smile. “Hey, what’s up, man?” I say with my character’s deep bass. “Sorry about that. You okay?”


“Yeah, fine, fine,” the Professor says absent-mindedly.


“Yeah?” I say, returning to the script. “And how’s the project?”


“The project…” the Professor says but instead of finishing that thought, he does the very thing Neville warned me about — he flips the script.


His gaze drops and his body starts to tremble, and I realize he’s crying. I freeze for a second, but then my improvisation training kicks in.


“Hey, what’s wrong?” my bass voice says and I land my big manly hand on his shoulder. The Professor keeps sobbing.


“You wanna talk about it, man?”


When he still doesn’t answer, I hook my arm around his neck. “Come on,” I say and start leading him towards the men’s room where I figure we can talk more privately. But just as we reach the door, he stops and looks up at me, his gaze turning steely. He flicks my hand off his shoulder as if it were a tarantula and shakes his head at me. “Robert would never do that,” he says, and I realize I might have just blown my shot. But before I can rectify the situation, I feel the helmet being removed from my head and then I’m back to the old me again.


I sit up, giving my brain a second to adjust to the quick change of scenery. Neville’s smiling at me like you do to a child who missed the goal but still tried their best. I look up at Amanda, whose eyes are fixed on her tablet, not at me, and realize the gravity of the situation. “I blew it, didn’t I?”


Neville offers a calming gesture. “No, no, no, don’t worry about that. This was just the first scene. Remember, we’re using the best out of the three.”


I give another glance at Amanda, who’s still not looking at me. “Maybe I could get some feedback?” I say. “To understand what I did wrong?”


Upon realizing that Amanda is more interested in staring at her tablet than actually directing me, Neville jumps in. “It’s just that men of that generation don’t usually go to the restroom together. That’s why the Professor called you out. But don’t worry, we have now rebooted and you will start again in another role.”


Ugh, of course! I could kick myself. I did so much preparation for my new role as a guy and yet I managed to break that one fundamental rule of dudedom. I just hope that I do better next time around.


Neville holds out the helmet for me. “I must apologize. We’d normally give you more time to recuperate between the scenes but since we’re in a little bit of a time crunch…”


“I understand,” I say and put the helmet on. “I’m ready for my next scene.”


Neville smiles gratefully. “Very well. Here we go, then.” He pushes the button. “Scene 2: Christy.”


And then the next thing I know is I’m sitting in an office, staring at my reflection on a window to my right. I’m a woman in her early 40s, and boy am I stunning with my long wavy red hair cascading over my shoulders, framing my graceful oval face.


I hear the door unlock and in walks the Professor. He stops in his tracks and stares at me, bewildered. “What are you doing here?”


“Well, hello to you, too,” I purr. “Do I need a reason to see my husband?”


He shakes his head with a little smile and comes to give me a peck on the lips.


I pat the brown paper bag next to me. “I brought lunch.”


“You’re an angel,” he breathes and sits down on the chair opposite me.


So far everything is going according to the script.


“So, how’s your day so far?” I say and my simulation husband looks down. “Fine,” he says.


I let a moment pass between us, then take his hand, just like in the script. “Come on, I know my husband,” I say, “I know when something’s on your mind.”


He looks up at me, and I notice a slight shimmer in his eyes. I can’t help but marvel at his subtle acting style. He makes everything feel so authentic.


“If anything happens to me,” he whispers in a panicked rush, “I need you to get something for me, to protect you and Cody.”


He’s doing it again — flipping the script.


“What?” I ask with a frown, playing the part of the concerned wife to perfection. “What are you talking about?”


But the Professor shakes his head. “No. Don’t ask ‘what.’ Ask ‘where,’ and ‘how.’”


I shrug. “Fine. Where? How?”


He nods pointedly. “You know. You of all people, Christy.”


Before I can say anything else, I hear Amanda in my ear: Ask him to elaborate.


“You need to give me more, honey,” I say with a voice that’s part confused, part terrified.


You will know,” he repeats. “The less I say the better. There’re ears everywhere. All you need to know is that it’s in a safe place. Do you understand?”


I don’t understand at all. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that his wife understands. And she would. These characters have been married for fifteen years.


I nod. “Yes,” I say, offering him a knowing look. “I think I do.”


And then the helmet is being removed from my head again.


My brain takes a second to adjust back to the real me, but when it does, I see Neville looking pleased and even Amanda offers me a tight smile and a nod.


“How did I do?” I ask, still out of breath from the quick change of pace.


Neville flashes his perfect smile. “You nailed it.”


“Yesss!” I say, my excitement only shadowed by the fact that this was the easiest role for me to play — a cisgender straight woman. But I know that the role that’s coming up next is going to be my true trial by fire.


“I made some changes to the script. Work these in.”


I flinch as Amanda slaps her tablet onto my lap.


Would it kill you to say ‘please?’ I think, but then scan the changes quickly and look up at her with a perfectly pleasant smile. “Sure thing.”


She nods in tight-lipped approval and Neville helps me back into my helmet. “Again we’re moving at a very quick pace here but are you ready for your final scene, Rose?”


“Ready,” I say.


“Perfect. Scene 3: Cody. Action.”


As soon as he says that and pushes the button, I find myself staring at the Professor’s door.


From the outside.


It takes me a moment to adjust to this much smaller body, but when I do, I get right into the action on page 23.


“Daddy, open up!” my little boy’s voice says as my tiny fists hammer on the door frantically. “Daddy! Daddy!”


There’s a sound of unlocking the door. The Professor appears in front of me, hair disheveled, tie crooked. From this perspective he looks a lot taller than before. He stares at me in disbelief. “Cody? Get in! Quick!”


I do as he says and he locks the door behind me. “What’re you doing here? Where’s Mom?”


This is where I get to demonstrate my versatility as an actor. My bottom lip starts to quiver and my eyes fill with plump tears. “They took Mommy,” I sob.


The Professor squats to my eye level and firmly grips both of my shoulders. “Who? Who?” he repeats, shaking me with each word.


“The bad guys,” I say and he gets up, looking almost paralyzed by fear, running his fingers nervously through his hair. Again I marvel at his acting ability.


“Mommy told me to tell you there’s a map,” I say.


His head snaps in my direction. “What map? Where?”


“Mommy put it in the safe.” This is the change that Amanda added to the script.


The Professor looks at me, wide-eyed. “What the hell was she thinking putting it there?”


“Daddy you said ‘hell.’”


He doesn’t answer. Instead, he runs to the wall with a picture of his family — my scene 2 and scene 3 characters —, and opens it as if it were the cover of a book, revealing a rectangular steel safe behind it.


I hold my breath. I can sense Amanda’s eyes zeroing in on his hands, now poised over the keypad. Her intrusive, thirsty gaze prying where it’s not wanted makes me suddenly feel sick to my stomach.


A memory is nudging at the back of my mind. “Robert would never do that,” said the Professor in the first scene.


He broke character. Why would he go against the one cardinal rule?


Unless, of course, he didn’t.


The words come out of my mouth unannounced, no louder than a whisper: “There’s no map.”


My simulation father stops his hand in mid-air and turns to look at me. “What?” he says.


I clear my throat. “There’s no map.” I speak with more conviction now, although my heart’s pounding. None of this was in the script.


“Then why did you say there was, buddy?”


I shrug, my gaze downcast. “I dunno.”


There’s a short silence, then a gentle hand ruffles my hair. “It’s okay,” the Professor whispers, then kneels next to me and lifts my chin, looking into my eyes. “Listen. There’s something I need you to know.” He pulls me into a tight hug, his mouth so close to my ear that I know no other person can hear what he says next: “Some bad guys are trying to get what’s inside that safe,” he whispers. “They’ll do anything to get it. If they take me, I need you to remember these numbers and keep them a secret.” And then he whispers a sequence of numbers in my ear, repeating them over and over, until I feel my helmet being removed from my head, and I’m back in my body again.


My head’s spinning and my heart’s in my throat as my gaze travels around the room. No Amanda in sight, only Neville. He’s smiling, but it feels just a tad forced, something my acting coach would point out as “disingenuous.”


He clears his throat. “I see you took some liberties with the script.”


I speak, my voice just the right level of bright: “Improvisation is one of my fortes. I wanted to show you that I can think on my feet.”


“I see.”


A silence passes between us.


“Just out of curiosity,” he says at last. “What did the Professor whisper into your ear at the end?”


I give him a smile. An innocent, sweet, naive, and totally believable smile. Because that’s what I do; I’m an actor. A damn good one. And right now I’m acting the part of the clueless little girl they’ve written me off as.


“He told me I did good,” I say with not so much as a blink. Then I say goodbye, rise from the pod, step into the elevator, and exit this high tech building – all without ever breaking character.

USA has no intention to have a peace talk (with Russia). Details below.

The gathering is for USA as a leader to make sure the US followers still remember their leader-USA.

Why say USA has no intention for a peace talk?

On 2024/6/10, in a CBS interview, US senator Lindsey Graham said Ukraine is sitting on a mineral mine that worths US$10-12 trillion (on eastern Ukraine). He said the West cannot afford to lose (the Ukraine war). The West must win the war so as to make sure Russia & China cannot access Ukraine’s mineral mine. He recalled former pres Trump sent military aid to Ukraine in the form of loan.

Earlier in 2022, Washington Post reported that the Ukraine war was about national mineral & energy wealth esp lithium which is important for weapon manufacturing.

That is, the war is a tool to rob Ukraine of its rich resources.

The war has nothing to do with d e m o c r a c y either. Boy, have we been fooled?

No wonder, more than once, USA & UK stopped Ukraine from ceasefire & peace deal with Russia. … it is about m o n e y & c o l o n i s a t i o n of Ukraine.

So from now onward, dont ever support democracy movements around the globe. Dont be fooled by western politicians any more. Otherwise you are putting the life of other people at risk.

Read “America’s Deadly Export – democracy” by William Blum.

a side note

Biden & Ukraine has signed a 10-year treaty. USA promises to protect Ukraine (translation: to militarily & economically control Ukraine).


Why or why is this no longer popular?






















In my freshman year calculus class, I had a professor who was much older and didn’t really care about the “rules” anymore. Anyway, I took his first midterm and did really poorly (got something like a 34%, and the average was around a 50%). I felt like I had done much better after leaving the test, so I emailed the professor and asked if I could see where I went wrong (he didn’t give exams back; you had to schedule an appointment with him to see your exam).

Fast-forwarding a little bit, I get into his office and he hands me the exam. I flip through the test, seeing that I got a few points off here and there for various things, but nothing significant. I get to the last question, and I see a huge red X across the whole problem and a “-45” …. but the question was only worth 15 points.

A bit shocked, I assumed there must have been a mistake. So I kindly ask him to take a look, and he says no mistake there. There was nothing written on that page so I didn’t understand. He must’ve seen my confusion, and then proceeds to rant about why I deserved the -45 for a 15-point question.

“You drew your lambda backwards. What if you drew your N like you drew your lambdas? They would become Zs!” Not only did this not make sense (if I drew an N backwards I would get a Z rotated by 90 degrees, not a Z), but it shouldn’t have mattered.

The context here is that I was solving a lagrange multipliers problem, in which you have to introduce a dummy variable in the middle of the problem that you then get rid of by the end of the problem. It’s really just a place holder, and it’s commonly denoted by “Lambda” in most texts. Anyway, I drew my lambda backwards so that the short leg was on the right side and not the left. “Egregious mistake.”

I petitioned for the points back, and he told me to drop out of physics and engineering, telling me I didn’t have a shot at succeeding. I ignored him, and he told me he’d subtract 10 more points each minute I remained in his office. Dude was a real prick.

Stephen King’s The Stand (1994) 4K

This is THE FULL movie. And it is awesome!

Just watch the first five minutes if you are not sure…

My family legacy though the clocks of time

Oh boy…I travelled to Mexico City in Nov 2017 and I committed a mistake of asking direction from the police Officer at the airport. I didn’t know Spanish and the officer didn’t know English. He asked for my passport and then called another officer. They discussed something in Spanish and after wasting a good amount of 15 minutes instructed me to follow them. They took me to the washroom. I thought there must be a secret door to their office but to my disappointment it was just a toilet. The police officer instructed me to OPEN.

I asked, OPEN what?? A first thought came to my mind that he is asking me to open my pants but thank God he clarified that he wanted me to open my bag. He started checking my bag and somehow found the 1200 USD that my office paid for the official work.

He started asking for money in Spanish. Though I understood it the first time but still I tried to remain ignorant. For the next 10 minutes, I was only saying ‘No Spanish’ and he was trying to make me understand like a monkey that he wants money. All this shit was happening inside a toilet. Then I gave up.

I asked how much.He said $100 for each officer. I came in Indian mode and started bargaining. I started acting like a hungry person so that he gets frustrated and leaves me but man..he was adamant. Finally, I bring him down to $20 each. I paid the extortion money and ran as fast as I could.

The only lesson I learnt is that this symbol is common irrespective of the language, colour, race or country.

People are Maxed Out …. Inflation Nation

“The trend of the world is surging forward.

Those who follow the trend will prosper; those who go against it will perish.

China’s national reunification is the overwhelming and irresistible trend of history.

‘Taiwan independence’ means war, and division brings no peace.

Shouldering the sacred mission of safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Chinese PLA is fully prepared and stays highly vigilant.

We will take resolute actions to smash any ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist attempts and thwart any foreign interference.”

main qimg 75fa044799b70381ab2301305b6ac92f
main qimg 75fa044799b70381ab2301305b6ac92f

Excerpt from remarks by Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson Senior Colonel Wu Qian at the Regular Press Conference, May 30, 2024.

You know, as a non-American, I find it pretty morbidly fascinating how the Republicans shamelessly attack Biden and the Democrats with exactly the kinds of things they are the most guilty of themselves.

It’s incredibly cringe- like watching a morbidly obese person on a mobility scooter riding around attacking mildly overewight people for being “fat”. There’s nothing funny about watching that level of poor self-awareness.

I continuously hear Trump call Biden “crooked Joe Biden” when it is he, and not Biden, who is the first former president to be charged with a bucket of crimes.

He calls Biden “Sleepy Joe” when he can’t keep his own eyes open during his own trial.

He says Biden is senile and incapable of coherent speech when he was the one sent to take a cognitive assessment and his own speeches are borderline gibberish formed of rambling digressions set in the vocabulary of a slow 5th grader.

He calls the Democrats “extremists” when he is the one who incited an insurrection.

He calls Biden “the worst president in history” when, by any reasonable yardstick, Trump is the worst, most incomptent, mentally-unstable leader since Idi Amin Dada.

He accuses the Democrats of ruining America’s reputation in the world and turning the country into a joke, while the world remembers him making a fool of himself at the UN, making puppy-dog eyes at Kim Jong-Un (who he still can’t resist praising) and stuffing himself into the worst tailored tux seen since Laurel and Hardy parodied a night at the opera, to meet, and disgust, the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Honestly, everything the Republicans say is a poorly-disguised self-own. Almost nothing they accuse the other side of is not an outrageous “tu quoque” at themselves!

People laugh but I find this level of mass delusion genuinely alarming.

“NATO is cooking up something big” and Putin is ready for all out war | Redacted News


As a kid, I liked to hack. Not for doing damage or stealing, but to play on big computers.

There was a lawyer’s office in the town center – a big chain. And walking past one evening, I saw a modem with a rotary phone on top. In the U.K. it was common to have the phone number of the phone written on a piece of paper in the center of the dial.

Heart racing, I climbed through the plants outside the window to get a better look. I wrote down the number.

I got home, and dialed it.

It rang, and rang. No answer.

So they called out on it.

Next day I called their head office, and asked the receptionist if Mike was still in charge of the I.T. department.

“No, Sir. I have never heard of a “Mike””

“My memory! Shameful! So, what is his name?”

“Why, it’s Peter; I can connect you.”

“No need, I had the wrong guy, the wrong office maybe. Thank you for your time”.

I called the modem number again, only this was also during office hours.

“Err, hello?” Said a surprised worker as he answered the phone that never rang.

“Hi, this is Peter at head office. What the hell is going on there?”

“Err, what?”

“Every time you log in today, you delete 4 files. Some are files not even assigned to your branch.”

“Errr, what??”

“*Sigh* ok, let’s get you out of trouble. When did you log in last?”

“Oh, ok, thanks. Err, about an hour ago”

“Right, what number did you dial in on?”

“Err, the usual one”

“Obviously, but there are 6 “usual” numbers. I am getting you out of trouble, can’t you save me from having to look that up?”

“Oh, right, sorry, errr 555-555-5555”

“Perfect. And your username is?”


“That’s great, what password are you using?”

“Err, we are not meant to give that out”

“I know, that’s why I called on this number. I can fax the request, you can fax the answer, and I will have to report that you slowed down my work at the partner’s meeting I have to be at in 3 minutes. James, I am just trying to help you out here, save me some paper work, oil the wheels…”

“Ohh. Gotcha. Thank you. It’s ‘some-password'”

“Thanks, right, I gotta go fix it”.

That night, after playing with the system, I left it printing “your security needs serious attention.”.

It would have printed until out of paper.

There were others, but I enjoyed that one, the simple pleasures 🙂

At that time, my actions were not criminal. Today, the same thing would be illegal.

Stout-Braised Corned Beef Tacos
with Fiery Cabbage Slaw

A great Mexican twist to corned beef is an excellent choice for Saint Patrick’s Day if you are looking for something new and unusual to serve. In addition to the regular instructions for a slow cooker, directions are also given for making this in an Instant Pot.

stout braised corned beef tacos
stout braised corned beef tacos

Yield: 10 servings



  • 1 boneless corned beef brisket, trimmed (3 pounds)
  • 1 cup onion, chopped
  • 1 cup carrot, chopped
  • 1 cup celery, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 cup beef broth
  • 1/4 cup tomato paste
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon coarse ground black pepper
  • 1 (11.2 ounce) bottle Texas stout beer
  • 16 to 20 small (6 inch) corn tortillas, warmed
  • Fresh cilantro and jalapeño pepper, chopped

Fiery Cabbage Slaw

  • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 3 cups finely shredded cabbage
  • 1/2 cup grated carrots
  • 2 green onions, thinly sliced on the diagonal


  1. Rub corned beef brisket with package of pickling seasonings.
  2. Place onion, carrot, celery, garlic, beef broth, tomato paste, brown sugar and black pepper in a 4-1/2 to 5-1/2-quart slow cooker. Stir to combine.
  3. Place Corned Beef, fat side up, on top of the vegetable mixture. Pour stout beer over brisket. Cover and cook on HIGH for 6 TO 7 hours or on LOW for 9 to 10 hours or until brisket is fork tender.
  4. Remove corned beef and place on a cutting board, spooning a bit of the liquid over the top. Carve brisket into thin slices across the grain.
  5. To make slaw, whisk together mayonnaise, vinegar, red pepper sauce, sugar, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Add cabbage, carrot and green onions. Toss gently to combine.
  6. Serve with beef in tortillas with Fiery Slaw. Garnish with toppings, as desired.

Pressure Cooker/Instant Pot

  1. Rub Corned Beef Brisket with package of pickling seasonings.
  2. Combine onion, carrot, celery, garlic, beef broth, tomato paste, brown sugar, and black pepper in the insert of the pressure cooker. Stir to combine.
  3. Place Corned Beef, fat side up, on top of the vegetable mixture. Pour stout beer over brisket.
  4. Seal lid and set unit to HIGH pressure for 90 minutes. Let pressure release naturally for 20 minutes, then manually release remaining pressure.
  5. Remove corned beef and place on a cutting board, spooning a bit of the liquid over the top. Carve brisket into thin slices across the grain.
  6. To make slaw, whisk together mayonnaise, vinegar, red pepper sauce, sugar, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Add cabbage, carrot and green onions. Toss gently to combine.
  7. Serve beef in tortillas with Fiery Slaw. Garnish with toppings, as desired.


Per serving: Calories 420; Total fat 24 g (Sat. fat 7g; Trans fat 0g); Cholest. 75mg; Sodium 1870mg; Total Carb. 24g; Fiber 2g; Total Sugars 9g; Protein 22g; Vit D (0% DV); Calcium (2% DV); Iron (15% DV); Potas. (10% DV)

This is the market warning TSMC about its long term prospects.

TSMC’ s casting its lot to decouple from China by abiding to all U.S. sanctions, committing $65 billion in three greenfield leading-edge fabs in Arizona to manufacture the most advanced chips in the U.S. and setting up new fabs in the E.U. and Japan.

These certainly look like they’re leaving the China market for SMIC to fill. And the market sees the SMIC is catching up. They’re now making 5-nm chips without the EUV machines.

Now even for an idiot, this is the question that TSMC must be pondering: Where the SHIT are they going to sell the chips their fabs in the U.S., E.U. and Japan will be making?

TSMC must know China is the market. And they’re making do with other technologies as Huawei is without the “advanced chips”.

And China is making fast progress at becoming self-sufficient in chips by building out the ecosystem for its own chip manufacturing infrastructure and experimenting new technologies. And if this were to play out, it is very likely that TSMC and ASML will be left out in the cold.

The market can see as a possible fate for these two titans of the chip industryi.

ASML is trying to hang on with its remaining business in China. The most telling how important China is despite the sanction going on its second year, China is still more important than all its other markets combined. The video is about their government now pushing back at U.S. pressure.

But this may be too late if China develops it own technologies and alternative to the ASML machines.

And lastly, it’s TSMC that is the most vulnerable. Yes, they’re the Numero uno and rule the industry but consider this – Apple accounted for $17.52 billion or 25% of TSMC’s total revenue in 2023. This company losing just one client automatically put it in the red in the industry where you’re as good as your last chip. And TSMC has now being all its egg with the U.S.!

Jeffrey Sachs: NATO In ‘Wartime Hallucination’ Mode! The Most TERRIBLE Offensive Is About To Happen

I was in Kolkata when a terrified tamilian friend of my wife called to say a group of Hijras were outside their flat demanding money to bless their new born baby

I was the only man and was sent out to confront them

I had never felt more frightened in my life

There were 5–6 of them standing and demanding to bless the new born baby, sing and dance and get some money

Then I decided to talk to them

I didn’t know bengali that well so I asked them in Hindi what they wanted and they said they wanted to bless the baby and sing and dance and get money

I asked “How much money”

They said “500 Bucks”

This was 1994 and 500 Bucks wasn’t a small sum

I said “50” and expected a lot of yelling and shouting. Instead they asked how I could be so mean and how tough their life was

Suddenly it was a TN Traffic cop situation where a ₹50/- demand soon became a ₹5/- for a cup of tea (Old days, the 1990s)

We went back and forth and finally negotiated for ₹100/- and I stuck to ₹100/- and finally paid them from my own pocket to leave without any dance or song

I never got my money back

That lady thanked me and said she would pay me back but I never got the money back

Forget they are Hijras

Just talk to them like they are people and trust me it works

You get intimidated by the appearance and the voice and the social embarrassment but if you can stick to your guns, they are just people

Today in Bangalore, near Jayadeva Hospital road, suddenly they came and begged for money and before I could say no, my wife pushed a 20 into the hand of the Hijra to get rid of the embarrassment

Instead you could politely say “No”

You would have if this was a normal beggar

Just look at them as normal human beings and forget the clothes and the voices

Suddenly it feels pretty normal

I have only been fired once. It was the worst job I have ever had. My father owned a car dealership, he told me that if I ever wanted to work for him, I had to learn the business somewhere else before I could come work for him. I had just graduated with an English degree and found a job selling cars.

All car salesman do not deserve the negative stigma that comes with the occupation, but there are many that do deserve the scorn. It is a complicated business. Pay is based on sales commissions. If you do not sell a car, you are given a weekly stipend that will be deducted from your commission when you finally do sell a car.

My first four months were great. I sold 8, 10, 12, 16 cars. Then my fifth month I sold 12 again. My boss made some comment about me slipping. The next month I sold 14, he still made comments about my not selling up to standards expected. There was a board with a list of all the salesman and the number of cars they had out in the Breakroom. Looking at the list, I was in the middle.

It was frustrating to have a boss giving me a hard time when it seemed he allowed others to perform at a lower level. When I came close to making a deal, the boss would refuse any negotiation offers from my customers. I was either selling cars at full price, or not at all. He was not helping me sell the car. My next month was the worst ever. We were three weeks in and I had sold only five cars.

The third Saturday of the month was a do or die day for me to make a sale and salvage my month. Saturdays are generally the best day in car sales. Even the worst salesman can sell a car on Saturday. This particular Saturday, I planned to sell two or three cars.

After our morning sales meeting, my boss said to me, “Can you come by my office?”

I followed him in and sat down across from him. He began by telling me how I started strong but had fallen off on my sales the past couple months. He complained about my efforts and said I could sell a lot more and that he expected more from me considering that my Dad owned a dealership and I grew up around the business.

“You have to sell a car by the end of the day today or you are fired” he said. “I promise you! Don’t take that as a mere threat.”

“You had better hope I sell a car then,” I said.

“Why should I care if YOU sell a car?” He asked incredulously. “You are the one who will be without a job.”

“Because if you make me work my whole Saturday and fire me at the end of the day I am going to beat the shit out of you,” I said. “… and don’t take that as a mere threat.”

“That’s it you’re fired!” He said. “Get out of here.”

China Sanctions US Defense Companies!

Yesterday, I parked my car near the temple on the street. I got down of the car and washed my hands with the water I brought from home.

This lead to spilling some water on the road.

Suddenly, a guy arrived on his scooty and stood ahead of me.

He started using cuss words and said, ‘you idiot, that is my house, in front of which you are washing your hands. Do you have any shame, next time you do this you will see what I do to you.’

He didn’t even let me speak and kept going on and on.

His house was across the road, a few metres away from where I stood. Also by the time he spoke, the water had already dried.

I felt like giving him a mouthful, but then I realised that what will I get in return, abuses? Physical altercation? Insult? And frustration for days?

He kept speaking, and I smiled and walked inside the temple. (I was wearing a mask so he couldn’t notice my smile)

He kept staring and speaking in a harsh tone while I calmly worshipped.

By the time I returned, he was gone.

It may appear cowardice I assure you it isn’t.

Why should I frustrate myself, create unnecessary discomfort and lose my peace for a stranger who doesn’t even have adequate manners?

Why should I become like him and lose my traits and wisdom?

Most importantly, why should I bother myself at all?

Earlier, I would have definitely hit that person or given him back his deeds with interest, but every time I did that, I ended up suffering in some way or the other. Also the impact of such fights stays for days. So I decided to deal with such people using a mature outlook, and I am happy with that.

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I do. It ruined his life.

This man lived in a rural area, and worked at the only truly large employer. Plenty of scattered mom and pop types, but this was a branch of a corporation. He loved his job.

He struck it for millions. Well, you have to identify yourself to claim it. It hit all the papers, even out to the city, where I lived.

When people realize you have won the lottery, people come out of the woodwork to try to get a piece of it. Every relative, no matter how distant, came calling, demanding with various levels of pleading to get some of the money. He didn’t think he should have to share it, so those relatives stopped speaking to him.

It’s not just relatives: neighbors, coworkers, “friends”, they’ll come around and aren’t subtle. He said no to them as well. They weren’t happy either.

You also get all kinds of crazies knocking at your door and calling your phone number. They got contacts from people pleading for money for their son’s kidney transplant or whatever. Lots of sob stories, lots of pleading, lots of insults.

Frightened by the attention and the chaos, his wife became overwhelmed and had a nervous breakdown. She would eventually divorce him.

The economy in his area turned. The corporation he worked at began layoffs. As he had been there forever, his seniority insulated him from worry about being cut, but it didn’t insulate him from bullying from his coworkers about how he was taking a job from someone who needed the money to feed their family or keep their home. He couldn’t take it eventually, and left his beloved job.

So, he won millions and lost everything else: his friends, his wife, and his job. He still lives in his old house, and every so often walks into town and buys everyone at the local diner breakfast.

I think he was better off before.

With the US and Britain proving unable to dislodge the Houthis from their strongholds or stop the militia from attacking Israeli-linked, American and British vessels in the Red and Arabian Seas, commercial shippers have increasingly eyed Russia’s Northern Sea Route as an attractive potential alternative, a leading mainstream US news magazine has reported.

“The surging costs and fear of getting hit by Houthi drones and missiles have led some shippers to consider the Arctic as an alternative, as melting ice begins opening new potential on the so-called Northern Sea Route,” Foreign Policy wrote.

The article ‘discovered’ what Russian officials and media have been saying for years – that the 5,600 km Northern Sea Route is the shortest maritime route between Europe and Asia, and can shave 8,000 km or more of distance, and 40-60 percent in time, off shipments, compared to traditional Europe-Asia routes through the presently troubled waters in the Middle East.

“The ability to slash some 5,000 miles off a ship’s journey would mean much faster travel times – a major plus in today’s world of online retail and next-day delivery,” FP said.

Unfortunately for the West, there’s a catch: 70 percent of the Arctic, including virtually the entire length of the Arctic portion of the route, passes through Russian waters. “Ships wanting to use the route must secure the Russians’ permission and pay them transit fees. Given current relations between many Western countries and Russia amid the Ukraine war, that poses an obvious challenge,” the magazine lamented.

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This reminds me of my older son. As a teenager he would say “I can’t wait till I am 18, so I will be free.” I asked him “Free to do what??” and he would say “Whatever I want to!” At that time, I told I “OK, on your 18th birthday, you will get eviction papers. On your 17th birthday, you will get luggage so you have a year to practice packing!” I had told a friend of this conversation, because as a parent, I knew it was a joke. Well, this friend owned a thrift store and gave me a suitcase to give to him. So on his 17th birthday, he came downstairs to see a huge navy blue suitcase sitting in the corner with a huge blue bow on it. The look on his face was priceless, as if to say “Really, Mom???” He didn’t know that all of his real gifts were inside.

Seriously, though, your child and life circumstances will dictate when they should move out. Can they afford to move out? Are they still in school? Do they have a job? Do they have the life skills? I don’t believe there should be a set time in their life where we say “OK, it’s time. Move out!”

My older son joined the Navy, and was in the Delayed Entry Program. He stayed with us until he left for Basic Training. He has been on his own since. My younger son (who asked where his luggage was on his 17th birthday) went the college route. He went away to college and when he graduated, he came back home. He was welcome here until her got on his feet. He stayed with us for about 5 years. He is now living with his fiancee and planning his wedding next year.

As every person is different, so is the time they should move out.

Badlands Homecoming

Submitted into Contest #251 in response to: Dream up a secret library. Write a story about an adventurer who discovers it. What’s in the library? Why was it kept secret?

I have been thinking about including short science fiction stories with my daily posts. Please kindly tell me what you all think about this addition. MM

The badlands had ceased expanding, and there was just enough food to support one or two researchers—well, maybe only one—and that would be me.

The bishop had his hands full. A guard saw me into his office, and the bishop sat waiting behind a huge, salvaged desk between us.

The desk, a marvel, held my gaze. Its rich, brown hue was a testament to its unique origin, a strange wood with a veneer of such smoothness, partially burned away, creating a mesmerizing play of colors. I couldn’t help but wonder about the lives that were risked to retrieve such a treasure.

“You are?” he said, not looking up. Now, if it were up to me, I would fall on my knees and kiss his ecclesiastical ring, listen to his blessings, and wait for benediction. Such was my upbringing, which I had only known since…forever. To be in his presence was an honor granted to so few.

But I must answer him! Yet remembering my very name seemed an extraneous and worthless undertaking.

“Thomas Cranwell, to commoners excluded from knowing my ecclesial rank,” I said, finally.

“Why do you exclude yourself?” he asked again, without looking up from whatever was absorbing him. “Are you not to work for the extension of the Kingdom of God?”

“It is for an uncommon request. Permission to attend at Bradwell,” I practically whispered.

That got his attention. I am asking for something forbidden. To speak of Bradwell and the treasures of antiquity that it contained was to invite suspicion.

Myths, stories, and legends about the sacrifices made to build Bradwell many generations ago were a staple around campfires at night. After the cataclysm and before the new orientation, the building of Bradwell took place in a time so dark that our present darkness looked light by comparison. Yet I was convinced that understanding our past would help build our future!

I threw caution to the wind. Before I knew what I was doing, I was kneeling before him, seeking his hand to kiss his ring, even as I could not see that the guard had moved to strike me from behind.

“Stay your hand!” the bishop ordered. “What have we here? A search for knowledge at any cost?”

“Only a fool who seeks to serve, Your Excellency!” My tears were so copious that if I looked at him, I imagined he would send me off straight away. He laid his hand on my head.

“Thomas, I’ll inquire about your character. Send me your references and bid me a good day!”


I had to work while I waited. Luckily for me, I had learned a trade as a metal scavenger. It was considered a low occupation, but it was necessary since the metal that never rusts could no longer be made and was highly prized. However, my unusual request made people suspicious of me. Even the scraps I found in the well-combed hills and valleys surrounding Urhan fetched such low prices that I began to starve. Being without family and friends in any place was inviting death into your life. I hoped I would not have to wait long for the bishop to answer!

When news came that the bishop had approved my request, I now had a servant, David, a protection seal on paper, no less, and a stipend. The bishop’s generosity quite shocked me. Was he an antiquarian? Even if only in secret? I couldn’t account for my good fortune otherwise.

We hastened to start our journey. David was young—only sixteen—yet enthusiastic and uncommonly curious. When I told David we were off to Bradwell, he jumped for joy! I warned him to conserve his strength. It would be a long and challenging journey, even for one like himself. Besides, he was to support me, such as I was.

Upon leaving Urhan, David removed his sandals and shook the dust off them, motioning me to do the same.

“A curse on any who did not help us!” he shouted with glee.

This made me angry. “You hardly know what it is, you ask!” I said. “We have nothing but what we carry—nothing at all. It could be that a curse has been laid on us! Mind your place, boy!”

David’s eyes fell, and he began to weep. “Forgive me, Father, he said.

“It is your youth and inexperience that speaks,” I answered. “The world is larger than we know!”


We arrived at Urhan Station, a smaller community composed almost entirely of humbler folk, primarily farmers. I was not incardinated anywhere in the Urhan region. I thought it proper to approach the local magistrate to inform him of our presence and request leave to be accommodated for at least one night, perhaps two. Upon reviewing my documents, I was permitted to stay, provided I sought provisions in the local market and remained at the local inn. This I was happy to do.

Thank God news had not spread about my mission. It was a relief to be treated courteously for once, and I relished the opportunity to rest and regain my strength.

David was enraptured by the many sights of Urhan Station, which he had never visited before, even though it was only twenty miles from where he lived.

“Father, shall we hear Mass today?” he inquired.

“Certainly!” I replied.

We soon happened upon the parish church, a quaint, quite old stucco and wood structure dating back to the earliest days of the Urhan region’s reconstruction. Even today, the church outshone the other various dwellings, which were much more bare and plain-looking. A bell rang out, calling the populace to prayer. The church was soon filled.

I was struck by Father Bruno, the priest who said Mass. His intensely blue eyes and reputation for knowing people’s sins without being told drew many visitors for confession, even from Urhan proper. I feared he would somehow know of our mission, so I hung back in one of the back pews.

When Mass was over, and we had finished our Thanksgiving prayers, he strode right to the back of the church to see me, calling me by name, although we had never met.

“Father Cranwell! Know you, not your duty! To serve God! It is not your place to seek that which God has destroyed!”

He said this so loudly that David prostrated himself at his feet, weeping and begging forgiveness. I was stunned, and when Father Bruno had left, and I regained my composure, it was plain that we would have to leave Urhan Station; the sooner, the better.

David wept incessantly. On the one hand, he knew he might fall prey to ruffians or dire circumstances, being alone without my support. Yet, given his religious upbringing, he could not ignore Father Bruno’s words, and I would not contradict a fellow priest, so I released David from his obligation to me.

I did this with a heavy heart, wondering if I would survive long enough to arrive at Bradwell without David’s support. Yet I had to think of what was best for the boy.

“You are free to leave,” I said as we left Urhan Station.

“Where will I go?” he asked.

“Don’t you have a family to return to?”

“Family? My family is the church. I am an orphan!”

With this, I stopped to look at him. David was in tears again. I was nearly beside myself with grief, too. It was clear that he could not make a decision.

“Come with me, and you will no longer be an orphan but a son to me!” I said, wiping both his and my own tears.


We were quite clearly approaching the badlands. Strange, disfigured animals approached us, peering out from the undergrowth. David readied his slingshot, and I, my staff.

“I could hit one!” David exulted.

“Let us pass by the side,” I answered. Thus, we took detours through thick brambles to avoid these “denizens of hell,” as the common folk called them.

The road, too, became more rutted and overgrown. Signs warned us not to go further, though the further we went, the more rotted they appeared, like the people who erected them had passed on or failed to maintain them.

We had to sleep in the open air in a shelter we could make from branches and sticks. It began to rain. I had heard of the constant rain in the heart of the badlands, soaking you through and through. We knew not to drink from the fetid swamps that threatened to overwhelm the road, which now resembled more of a simple path than a road.

“Is God punishing us?” David asked after a tough night when I coughed more than I slept. “Isn’t it clear we shouldn’t be here?” he continued. He was throwing stones into the swamp, a look of defeat on his face.

“Hush now and trust,” I said. We have not come all this way to die now!”

But I wondered how much more we could take, wearied to the bone from the dampness and privations caused by a lack of food and good sleep, never mind the constant fear of what might happen if we grew inattentive or were unlucky.

After three days, the path abruptly stopped at a ruined habitation. No one was home, and it looked like no one had been there for some time. After my brave words to David, my heart sank. Where to now to Bradwell?

Had I fallen prey to pride? It was Father Bruno’s words that echoed in my mind.

I sank to my knees and wept.

I could have died there and then and been happy to meet my maker, poor, alone, a sinner in need of redemption. It was David who came to my rescue.

He bounded into my view even though I lay prone in the muck and filth in those last few steps on the path to nowhere.

“Look, Father!” He helped me up. “Come over here! Do you see it? Up on the hill!”

My poor eyes were unaccustomed to focusing at such a distance, yet I could just make out a building built on a hill. Was it a monastery?

 I could see it shining like a beacon, a bright sheen off what looked like stout walls as we hobbled closer, David supporting me with every step I took.


By some magic I had never seen before, the gate to the monastery slid open to reveal a monk dressed in a black tunic. He did not speak, only motioning to us to follow him. A Benedictine? I had never seen one before.

The monk’s tunic hung loosely over his body, stopping only at his ankles. He wore a rectangular piece of cloth over his shoulders called a scapular that appeared to be made of wool. When he turned to lead us to the community, I noticed his cowl limp and unused, the sun only beginning to make its presence known.

It was an edifying experience to see such calm and serene purpose in this one monk who neither sought nor cared for our taking any notice of him whatsoever.

We climbed some hewn stone stairs to such a height! It was utterly exhausting. I had to stop frequently to catch my breath, but I could still reach a portico, the sun clothed with refracted light through the most marvelous stained glass, again as something I had never seen before. I reached out to touch it, causing the light to fall in a sudden dazzling brilliance as if moved by unseen hands. I wanted to stop and question the monk about how light could be so liquid yet impervious to my understanding!

But he moved ever onward, not looking back.

We reached a stolid door of massive weight, again opening at a mere touch! What I presumed to be the abbot greeted us.

The abbot wore a black cappa, which is a full-length cloak over his tunic. He also wore a ring, which he held out to me.

I collapsed before I could kiss his ring, and from what David told me later, I hit my head on the stone floor, losing consciousness.


I awoke in an infirmary, or what looked like one. David was so happy to see me come to my senses. He looked fatigued as if he had been waiting a long time by my side, sitting on a wicker chair next to an untouched tray of food on a small table.

“Eat, father!” he said, his voice catching him unawares like he had not spoken for hours. Then, he cleared his throat and looked as if he might cry.

I had more important things on my mind. “What of the…abbot?” I gasped as I reached for a plain, remarkably shaped glass containing a liquid I did not recognize.

David handed it to me. “He never spoke to me. After you collapsed, two monks carried you here. Will you get well, Father?” he pleaded.

“God willing!” I said. You are so faithful to me; how can it be otherwise?” I joked, but then I frowned. “But there is much to discuss…” I said as I tried to get out of bed.

“Not until you are well!” David commanded. “Eat!”


The days went swiftly by. A monk with remarkable medical knowledge examined me. And there was so much food! So much more than I was used to.

Then, several days later, another monk with such bright eyes came to get me. This one was not unassuming or silent. He was talkative, so much so that I wondered if he was a monk or a commoner dressed in monk attire!

“Know you, not your duty!” I exclaimed at one point amid his chatter.

He rounded on me, his confident air dissipating as air escapes a putrid cask.

“Know you, not yours?” he replied. With that, we both fell into sullen silence. He then led me to see the abbot.


It was as before. This time, I kissed the abbot’s ring and returned to standing before him in what looked like the chapter house, a meeting room where the community would gather to conduct business.

Gazing about, I saw things on shelves I had never seen before. Whether they were functional or not escaped me; some seemed to be parts of other, larger objects. Here and there, you could see these recognizable parts protruding. But I was not given leave to stare at these unusual artifacts for long.

“You and your servant are welcome to stay with us!” the abbot announced. “I have made inquiries, and the bishop of Urhan diocese has vouched for you. The bishop was once a monk at this very place! What exactly have you come here to do?”

“Father Abbot, I wish to conduct research.”

“By all means, let us visit the scriptorium and the library!”

Again, there was light that I had never seen before.

In a wonder of wonders, I was led into the scriptorium, where monks sat at tables reading words that appeared and disappeared on pages filled with light, with no visible candles.

Then, many books in unknown languages were in the library, with pictures not drawn or painted of such wonders as I could scarcely describe! Many of these books were burned, and some could not be read. Still, everything was neatly stored and accounted for.

“Why not let everyone see these wonders,” I asked.

The Abbot was taken aback. “Do you believe that the people would comprehend that we were once prosperous, but now we are poor only because of a war of unimaginable fury as if the very wrath of God enveloped everything? This is knowledge for only a select few!”

The Abbot, setting aside his vows, embraced me and continued speaking for what seemed like a very long time.

“You need hardly wonder! Was it not always so? Monks preserved knowledge, whether of religion or not, that would have been lost otherwise in past times. We do so today, as always. Forever, until the end of time itself!”

So began my new life. Father Bruno could remind the people of what went wrong, and I would now discover why.

Survived on 10 Rs for 11 days. I lived on borrowed food and also ate free food at temples. Cycled a distance of about 24 km everyday. Lost friends, Girlfriend, faith in everything but ended up being stronger and learning a lot of lessons.

On 21st October 2010 all I had was 10 Rs. in my wallet. You can only buy a cup of tea with that amount of money. Life was hell for 11 days (From 21st to 31st October 2010) I would eat mostly at temple(prasad) or eat bits from food offered by other employees who worked with me, then go to the wash room and cry at my situation. I would come back home tired after cycling for 12 km and cry on my bed and fall asleep because of exhaustion. Wake up early and cycle back to work.

On the 11th day I went to my uncle’s place where my Grandmother was staying at that time. Because I met my Grandmother after a long time and she gave me 20 Rs. She put it in my hand and said “I know you earn much more, right now I have only 20 ₹, keep it, it’s a blessing” I had tears in my eyes and don’t know why but I felt she understood what I had gone through. I immediately hugged her and cried for a while. It is customary for grandparents in our family to give some money to grandchildren when they meet after a long time. I bought a bun & a cup of tea from a bakery that evening with that money. The first time I had spent in 10 days.

Looking Back, the most stupid thing I have done in my life so far : starting a business in 2009 with a couple of friends. I was always fascinated to start something on my own. Stupid because firstly I trusted people’s words and believed them and secondly I took risks without contingency. I had taken loan from the bank for the initial investment of business, the business partners had their own savings though. The first few months were manageable, but come August 2010 things became very bad for us. I had to borrow money from friends to pay salaries of the people working with us. My credit card was already maxed out. Plus I had EMI of the loan and the 4 wheeler EMI. The 4 wheeler down payment was paid by dad & Sister and for the EMI I had promised I would pay, otherwise at home no one was interested in the 4 wheeler.

Come 5th October 2010 the date of my EMI and all money in my account was over. In fact if I remember there was 14 paisa in my account. Of course I had a few 100 Rs in my wallet. I begged my friends to help with some money and no one did. My partners always said they too had no money, only that they still continued living with a decent lifestyle (One of the reasons I left the business in mid 2011). In fact my business partners did not even bother to acknowledge the fact that in the beginning while our share of profits was still good, month after month I would invest back my share of profits to the business, they would not, nor would they ask me to take my share. By mid month(October) almost all my money was spent. My parents were in my home town. I was living in a place where I had even taken loans from neighbors. The idea of staying at home would be really bad as people would ask back their money.

I had to stay at home and not switch on the lights for the fear of the neighbors asking back their money. Since there was no light I would sleep early, wake up early and cycle to work 12 km one way (Tough in a city where there is an uneven terrain and without any food, all the rice and other food items at home I had consumed by mid month). By now I was also having a rough patch with my ex. Once I explained things to her, & even cried in front of her because of my situation, all she did was patiently listen(like she would always do but not help.) All I wanted was some emotional support but probably she felt that I wanted some money from her and very politely said “I got to go, parents are waiting at home”. I could have asked my parents for help but the business was started against their wishes and they would ask me to explain a lot of things and ask me to quit, also the fact that I had already borrowed a lot of money from them.

By the start of next month things got better, and ya I started taking my share of profits which I was not doing earlier. Slowly I started working towards saving some money every month(this went on a long way to help in getting my sister married a couple of years later). This phase of my life or rather the 3–4 months was the toughest I had in all fronts, Bad business, bad finances, bad health, bad mindset, bad temper, bad relationship and bad memories. I remember that by November 1st week when my parents were back things were getting normal and I started to tell them bit by bit about the problems in business. They helped a lot in those troubling time.

And lastly, I still keep the 10 Rs note in my Wallet and I would not give it to anyone for whatever amount they offer me. It keeps reminding me that the tough times are gone and even if life gets harder I can handle it.

Three Envelope Crock Pot Roast

3 envelope roast
3 envelope roast

Prep: 5 min | Cook: 6 to 8 hr | Yield: 6 servings


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 (.7 ounce) envelope dry Italian-style salad dressing mix
  • 1 (1 ounce) envelope ranch dressing mix
  • 1 (.75 ounce) envelope dry brown gravy mix
  • 1 (3 pound) boneless beef chuck roast


  1. Stir together the water, Italian dressing mix, ranch dressing mix, and brown gravy mix together in a bowl until smooth.
  2. Place the beef roast into a slow cooker, and pour the sauce over top.
  3. Cook on LOW until the roast is easily pierced by a fork, 6 to 8 hours.

I had a very dear friend…actually an unrequited love…that died of leukemia when he was 26. We had been close from pretty much the time we met in college, but our stars never aligned. We dated, but he eventually married someone who divorced him 3 months before he died.

I visited him whenever he was in hospital. The last time I beat my blood donation to his room by 5 minutes. His Mom (who adored me because I got up to clear dishes with her the first time I had dinner with them), was with him as usual. I knew he was close to the end and didn’t want to chase her out and told her she didn’t need to leave for me, but she insisted. She came back a few minutes before I left.

My friend’s dad called me a week later at work to give me the news and let me know about arrangements. The funeral was about 5 hours away. My mom took a mutual friend and me to the funeral.

His family was surprised and pleased that we came all that way and invited us for lunch at his sister’s house. We three travelers mingled and talked separately for a couple of hours and then headed home.

On the way home Mom related a talk she had had with my friend’s mom. Friend’s mom said that she spent most of her time at the hospital when her son was there as he was for days and weeks at a time. She loved her son and didn’t want him to be alone. She usually stayed no matter who came to visit. But she said she always felt safe leaving him alone with me…that I was the only one she felt safe leaving him alone with…and that he was always better after I visited.

I knew he was my soul mate, but that kind of sealed the deal.

Not the high school bully, but the town pervert who liked to prey on 13-14 year old girls. I was 18 at the time, and had a summer job running a game room on the main street of my home town. I was only 5 feet 2 inches tall, so not very intimidating to look at. One day while I was working three young teenage girls came running in and asked me to hide them. Right on their heels was the known pervert who was only not in jail due to family influence. I walked up to him and told him to leave. Note he was over 6 feet tall and in his late 20s. He smirked at me and reached out to shove me out of his way so I put him to the floor, screaming in pain. You see, my father had extremely rigid notions that you never hurt or harassed those weaker than yourself but he knew others didn’t feel that way, so he taught me some nasty tricks to take down any bullies. In this case I grabbed his wrist and bent it back, putting him in severe pain, then with my other hand reached out and grabbed his neck on the nerves and put him to the floor. I then told him he was banned for life from the game room and told him to get out. After that, the game room was a place of safety for the kids in that town

It depends on the situation. I used to go out once a week after work with three other women. One time they were talking about the next week’s outing being at a different place and I said, “Oh that sounds like fun.” And they said, “Oh, you’re not invited. We’re going out with a different coworker and she doesn’t know you very well so we didn’t think she’d want you there.” I was like… why are you discussing a weekly outing that I’m not included in? I told them I was going to the ladies’ room so they could firm up these plans without me at the table, and will hopefully be done discussing it by the time I return. I thought it was incredibly rude of them to discuss it like that in front of me. I don’t need to be included in every outing, but don’t talk about it like it’s our next outing, and then inform me I’m not invited. Of course the other person heard about it from them and wanted me to come, but at that point there was no way I’d join them. Covid broke up our weekly outings soon after.

Wolff Responds: Its Time To Come To Terms With The New Economic Order (May 29, 2024)

“Hello there. Where do you come from? Do you like China?”

“I know your type!”

I was about 22 years old, meeting a friend from work at a bar near the beach when he introduced me to one of his friends, a woman about the same age as we were.

She took one look at me and said, “I know your type! You’re a business major. You’re in a fraternity. You think you’re privileged and better than others.”

I didn’t know what to do. She looked at me and then said, “See! Just try to deny it. I nailed it didn’t I!?”

I can’t remember much else. I looked over at my friend for help but he had turned the other way talking with someone else and hadn’t heard anything she had said.

I may have said something like, “Do you think Neil would be friends with someone like that? Please ask him about me.” I felt like maybe something bad had happened to her and rebutting her at that moment wasn’t as good as having her talk to our mutual friend. I felt unwelcome and left. I wasn’t really interested in arguing or apologies. The moment was ruined.

It was rude because none of it was true. I was a drama major, working a minimum wage job paying my way through college, never had any interest in fraternities and generally disliked the whole good ole boy mentality. I was however blonde, blue eyed, clean cut, and wore 50’s retro style clothing. I probably looked the part.

Why should Malaysia recognize Israel?

Why should we have any diplomatic relations with an occupying government in Palestine that commits genocide and other human rights violations on the Palestinians?

Why should we allow these type of genocidal Zionist people in our country? So they can lord it over us? We didn’t celebrate Merdeka so we can be colonized again. An Israel embassy is a colonial outpost. If you know Malaysian history, you know that the British Resident was the advisor to the Sultan and in effect was the real leader during the British colonial era. An Israeli ambassador is not here to be a regular ambassador, he would be a Jewish Resident. After the Portuguese, Dutch, British, and Japanese colonial eras, we don’t need a Jewish colonial era. We have seen what happens to Jewish colonies.

As for Communist China, while we do have relations and even trade relations and a visa free policy between Malaysia and China, what we have are bilateral relations on equal terms. Malaysia’s ethnic Chinese do not lobby Malaysia to champion Chinese hegemony the way America’s Jewish corporates lobby the USA to champion Jewish hegemony. We also do not allow China to spread communism or other Chinese origin ideologies here and China respects that because China does not interfere in Malaysia’s affairs.

If Malaysia ever recognizes Israel, that is the day I will leave Malaysia, because it means the minority Chinese and Indians are truly no longer safe. A Malaysia that supports Israel is also going to be a Malaysia that has no qualms about committing genocide on the ethnic Chinese and Indians in Malaysia with the help of Zionist Jews. I really don’t think any of our esteemed minorities in Malaysia have thought that through.

Hungarian Goulash

hungarian goulash 1 15
hungarian goulash 1 15

hungarian goulash 1 17
hungarian goulash 1 17

hungarian goulash 1 16
hungarian goulash 1 16

hungarian goulash 1 18
hungarian goulash 1 18

hungarian goulash 1 14
hungarian goulash 1 14


  • 2 pounds round steak, cubed
  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 (14 1/2 ounce) can tomatoes
  • 1 cup sour cream


  1. Put steak cubes, onion, garlic in slow cooker. Stir in flour and mix to coat steak cubes.
  2. Add all remaining ingredients EXCEPT sour cream. Stir well.
  3. Cover and cook on LOW for 8 to 10 hours.
  4. Add sour cream 30 minutes before serving, and stir in thoroughly.
  5. Serve over hot buttered noodles.

He is trying to steal this car…

MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate – Unfit for Purpose

MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate - Unfit for Purpose

The main stream media (MSM) in Europe and the US is deathly silent as a court determines the PCR test legally useless to test for Covid.

The Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what does the MSM do? They ignore it

Four German holidaymakers who were illegally quarantined in Portugal after one was judged to be positive for Covid-19 have won their case, in a verdict that condemns the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable.

Earlier this month, Portuguese judges upheld a decision from a lower court that found the forced quarantine of four holidaymakers to be unlawful. The case centered on the reliability (or lack thereof) of Covid-19 PCR tests.

The verdict, delivered on November 11, followed an appeal against a writ of habeas corpus filed by four Germans against the Azores Regional Health Authority. This body had been appealing a ruling from a lower court which had found in favor of the tourists, who claimed that they were illegally confined to a hotel without their consent. The tourists were ordered to stay in the hotel over the summer after one of them tested positive for coronavirus in a PCR test – the other three were labelled close contacts and therefore made to quarantine as well.

Unreliable, with a strong chance of false positives

The deliberation of the Lisbon Appeal Court is comprehensive and fascinating. It ruled that the Azores Regional Health Authority had violated both Portuguese and international law by confining the Germans to the hotel. The judges also said that only a doctor can “diagnose” someone with a disease, and were critical of the fact that they were apparently never assessed by one.

They were also scathing about the reliability of the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, the most commonly used check for Covid.

The conclusion of their 34-page ruling included the following: “In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”  

In the eyes of this court, then, a positive test does not correspond to a Covid case. The two most important reasons for this, said the judges, are that, “the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used’’ and that “the test’s reliability depends on the viral load present.’’ In other words, there are simply too many unknowns surrounding PCR testing.

Tested positive? There could be as little as a 3% chance it’s correct

This is not the first challenge to the credibility of PCR tests. Many people will be aware that their results have a lot to do with the number of amplifications that are performed, or the ‘cycle threshold.’ This number in most American and European labs is 35–40 cycles, but experts have claimed that even 35 cycles is far too many, and that a more reasonable protocol would call for 25–30 cycles. (Each cycle exponentially increases the amount of viral DNA in the sample).

Earlier this year, data from three US states – New York, Nevada and Massachusetts – showed that when the amount of the virus found in a person was taken into account, up to 90 percent of people who tested positive could actually have been negative, as they may have been carrying only tiny amounts of the virus.

The Portuguese judges cited a study conducted by “some of the leading European and world specialists,” which was published by Oxford Academic at the end of September. It showed that if someone tested positive for Covid at a cycle threshold of 35 or higher, the chances of that person actually being infected is less than three percent, and that “the probability of… receiving a false positive is 97% or higher.”

While the judges in this case admitted that the cycle threshold used in Portuguese labs was unknown, they took this as further proof that the detention of the tourists was unlawful. The implication was that the results could not be trusted. Because of this uncertainty, they stated that there was “no way this court would ever be able to determine” whether the tourist who tested positive was indeed a carrier of the virus, or whether the others had been exposed to it.

Sshhh – don’t tell anyone

It is a sad indictment of our mainstream media that such a landmark ruling, of such obvious and pressing international importance, has been roundly ignored. If one were making (flimsy) excuses for them, one could say that the case escaped the notice of most science editors because it has been published in Portuguese. But there is a full English translation of the appeal, and alternative media managed to pick it up.

And it isn’t as if Portugal is some remote, mysterious nation where news is unreliable or whose judges are suspect – this is a western EU country with a large population and a similar legal system to many other parts of Europe. And it is not the only country whose institutions are clashing with received wisdom on Covid. Finland’s national health authority has disputed the WHO’s recommendation to test as many people as possible for coronavirus, saying it would be a waste of taxpayer’s money, while poorer South East Asian countries are holding off on ordering vaccines, citing an improper use of finite resources.

Testing, especially PCR testing, is the basis for the entire house of cards of Covid restrictions that are wreaking havoc worldwide. From testing comes case numbers. From case numbers come the ‘R number,’ the rate at which a carrier infects others. From the ‘dreaded’ R number comes the lockdowns and the restrictions, such as England’s new and baffling tiered restrictions that come into force next week.

The daily barrage of statistics is familiar to us all by this point, but as time goes on the evidence that something may be deeply amiss with the whole foundation of our reaction to this pandemic – the testing regime – continues to mount.























Mud In Your Eye (fango en su ojo)
Mud In Your Eye (fango en su ojo)



















I took a ship to Chittagong to be scrapped. The owners sent money to a local bank to clear the wage bill. Since the crew hadn’t been paid for some time, this amounted to a lot. When I went to collect the cash, the manager gave me about half in currency notes and the rest in American Express travellers cheques. “There isn’t that much currency in the whole of Bangladesh.” I paid my Myanmarese sailors and three Russian officers in cash and the Indians with the TCs.

On return to India I went to deposit the TCs in my bank. It was a well known foreign bank which had taken over the retail banking business in India of BoA.

“You won’t get the money in your account for one month because we have to send the TCs to New York for verification.” American Express had an office in Chennai. They accepted the TCs and gave me a cashier’s cheque for the amount. I deposited the cheque in my regular bank and the funds were available the next day.

Insane save!

There was a time not so long ago in China when anything American was automatically seen as better. In the 1990s, weddings were held at a McDonald’s near Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. By the 2000s, Nike sneakers, iPhones and dates at Pizza Hut were the badges of middle-class achievement.

America, which is called “Meiguo” or “beautiful country” in Chinese, was the bastion of wealth and ease. Even the moon hung larger in the United States than in China, people used to joke.

Now, Chinese media and commentators mockingly refer to the United States not as “Meiguo” but as “Meidi” — “the beautiful imperialist.”

And Chinese shoppers are more likely to be sipping a drink from Luckin, a Chinese coffee chain, than Starbucks or lining up all night to buy Huawei’s Mate 60 Pro than the latest Apple device. Today, no one says the moon is any different when seen from the United States.

“Back in the days you looked at American brands you just felt they were cooler,” said Tracy Liu, a 30-year-old translator in Shanghai. “Now people chase after domestic brands.”

In my freshman year of high school, I pissed off 5 upperclassmen on the football team at once.

On the first day of football practice, I commented that the team’s starting linebacker was a tiny dude. For comparison, I was 6′1″, 230 Lbs and he was 5′7″, 190 Lbs. Well, when you’re a piece of shit freshman who hasn’t even played a game yet, you just don’t talk about a Senior like that. I didn’t know that because I was a dumbass and sophomores were baiting me into talking shit about that guy who everyone except me knew was extremely aggressive.

After practice, the Senior who I talked shit about confronted me. Instead of apologizing and moving on, I told him to fuck off. As you can guess, that didn’t make him very happy.

A few weeks later, him and 4 of his closest friends attempted to jump me in my neighborhood. I got off the school bus and as soon as the bus drove away, they started surrounding me. One guy got his phone out and said “this is gonna be epic, better record it.”

They quickly started closing in around me. My adrenaline started pumping and I was in the zone. I had never fought 5 dudes at once before, so I was definitely on edge. However, these guys had challenged me and I was going to respond in kind and protect my honor. I was an amateur boxer, I knew that a few well placed strikes would knock these guys out. I started taunting the guy who I offended and making fun of him for needing so much backup to fight one guy. My hope was that this tactic would appeal to his ego and make him fight me one on one, where I was guaranteed to win. My strategy worked, the other guys backed off and he decided to take me on alone.

When I saw the other guys back off, I got into my fighting stance and hit him with a hard right cross. He dropped like a sack of potatoes, out cold. The other guys started ganging up on me. I took off my belt and started whipping them in the face. I quickly moved on the biggest guy in the group and hit with a left-right jab combo, he hit the ground – I broke his nose. He was out. I took the belt and strangled another guy and bashed him in the head with my elbow. He went down. The other 2 dudes grabbed me from each side and started beating the shit out of me. I felt blood trickling down my nose. I used a technique my dad taught me and tripped one of the guys and stomped on his face. He didn’t get up and the other guys hit me with a right uppercut. I literally flew up in the air and came crashing down. I was a bit woozy and everything looked blurry. That guy started running towards me like an enraged bull, I got up quickly staggered backwards and hit him with a left jab and right upper cut, he went up and then he came down. He came back up, I kneed him in the face and he went down. The adrenaline rush wore off and I kind of crashed down next to a tree stump.

Some lady had seen the whole thing and asked me if I was ok. It wasn’t a pretty sight, my clothes were torn up and my face was all bloody. I told her I was fine. I got up and called my buddy, explained the situation and asked him what I should do. There were 5 dudes on the ground, 3 unconscious, 2 writhing in pain. He told me to just walk home and I did. I guess they all got up and went home at some point.

The next day at football practice, I was ushered into the Coaches office and all 6 of us got yelled at for at least an hour. Then we were forced to shake hands and apologize to each other. Those guys never bothered me after that. I had earned their respect and they didn’t want to escalate the situation. I never disrespected them again either.

The good thing was that my fight became legendary in school. The defensive line coach took to calling me “Iron Adi” based on “Iron Mike Tyson”. He even made fun of it from time to time. He told the other guys if they ever pissed him off, he’d let me loose on them.

Because some people don’t want to fix them.

A friend of mine decided to give something back to the UK community and taught GCSE maths at a community centre. He charged them nothing for it, those who wanted it could pay the £120 (at the time this was 00s) to take their exams. They could give 50p or something to the community hall for them to pay their bills.

He saw a problem and tried to fix it at his own cost. He gave up after 2 groups. He managed to get about 12 people to graduate and put up their photos as success. He gave up because the vast majority of people who took his course were wasters. They were sent by the job centre and had no interest in learning anything and would simply go there to drink tea and play on their phones.

That’s literally an unfixable problem, they don’t want to learn and have no interest in learning.

My brother and I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s. Here’s a few common things that we did, which might make modern parents uncomfortable…

  • Riding bicycles and skateboards without helmets, knee pads, elbow pads or anything else…
  • Spend most of our free time outdoors and unsupervised, including walking to school.
  • Driving in cars without airbags, seat belts and without cell phones.
  • Playing outdoor sports and games in the middle of the street.
  • Playing with BB guns, pellet guns, real bows and arrows, sling shots, lawn darts, cap guns, firecrackers and acetylene cannons.
  • Building things, like tree houses in trees found on vacant lots, from scrap lumber at construction sites…
  • Playing on “real” playground equipment, like 30-foot high swing sets, 8-foot high monkey bars, 15-foot high steel slides or even old decommissioned F-86 fighter planes, like we had at our elementary school.
  • Paddles with holes drilled in them, hanging in the Principal’s office at school.
  • Playing with toys like chemistry sets, with real reactive chemicals, radioactive science kits, hot plate cooking sets, where you make your own edible rubberized candy, which resembled insects, or buying snacks like candy cigarettes, which resembled real cigarettes.
  • Dressing up at Halloween like hobos (homeless people.) Politically incorrect, which wasn’t a thing back then…
  • Building plastic model kits, using model cement (styrene glue.) Using electronic kits to build radios and other devices using hot soldering irons and lead solder.
  • Going to the library to check out books for information, since there was no internet, cell phones, iPads or personal computers.
  • Mowing lawns, building a lemonade stand or selling candy at school to raise money. We’d use our hard-earned money to go to the record store and purchase albums and 45’s.
  • Listening to transistor radios for music, since there were no iPods, Walkman players or cell phones.

Too many things to remember…

I got arrested, handcuffed, and stuffed into the back of a police cruiser and driven downtown to be booked for felony assault and battery…

I cold-cocked a guy (from behind, without apologies – he was twice my size) who was beating the crap out of a woman maybe half my size with his fists on the sidewalk, and she instantly leaped on my back and started shrieking at me and trying to pull my hair out for “attacking her man”. When the cops arrived (somebody had already apparently called them), they really had no choice but to arrest me….

When we got to the police station, the arresting officer sat me down on a bench right next to the front door, and took off my handcuffs, saying, “Now don’t you run off or anything… We haven’t even got your name yet”, and disappeared into the back with the desk sergeant.

About ten minutes later, after seeing both of them poke their heads around the edge of the door to check on me a few times, the desk sergeant came back out, squatted down next to me, sighed heavily while shaking his head sadly, and said, “You’re either way too good to be true, or way too stupid to survive, but you need to listen carefully here… <wink wink> You are sitting, unrestrained, one half second away from freedom while we, silly trusting saps that we are, forgot to even ask who the fuck you are. Why, if you were to walk out of here, it’s unlikely we could ever figure out who to look for, much less where to find you… <wink wink wink wink>… So don’t <wink like a natural spastic> go getting any funny ideas or nuthin’…” <heavy sigh>

About a minute later, the light-bulb went on in my head (I guess the adrenaline level had dropped enough) and I walked out the door, a free, but terrified and utterly confused nineteen year old…

That was forty four years ago, and the desk sergeant retired in 2003, but I still see him at Whole Foods or Home Depot from time to time – and he still shakes his head sadly and wink winks at me every time I run into him.


Daddy’s Golden Mushroom Chuck Roast

This is great on Portuguese rolls.




  • 3 1/2 to 4 pound boneless chuck roast, browned in 2 tablespoons oil
  • 4 cans Campbell’s Golden Mushroom Soup
  • 1 large can mushrooms, drained, or 12 ounces washed fresh mushrooms whole or sliced
  • Milk (use the 4 soup cans to fill each 1/2 way)

img 7438 1
img 7438 1



  1. Place browned meat into slow cooker.
  2. Mix the 4 cans of Golden Mushroom Soup with the milk, using a whisk to blend smoothly. Stir in drained can of mushrooms or fresh mushrooms.
  3. Set slow cooker on LOW for 8, and let cook for 8 to 10 hours. If you like it thicker, shut off slow cooker and mix cornstarch and water and stir into gravy.
  4. Serve with mashed potatoes or wide noodles or dumplings and a veggie.
  5. Also good as a sandwich because meat pulls apart.

    I was in the U.S. Air Force and stationed in Alaska, along with my wife and preschool children. My mother-in-law came up from Iowa to visit. She walked off the plane with my wife’s nephew. MIL had been invited … toddler nephew was not invited. The look I gave my wife probably scorched her a bit.

    As we were leaving the Anchorage airport, we pointed out all the foreign flagged aircraft. This turned out to be beneficial less than an hour later.

    Minutes after arriving at our apartment, the phone rang. Collect call from one of wife’s siblings. Wife hears me say, “Yes, I will accept collect call charges.” I then handed the phone to MIL. I didn’t say anything to MIL or to my wife. My wife looked at me and, based on the look on my face, decided to not say anything to me either.

    When MIL hung up (after an extended discussion), I said to MIL, “We invited YOU up to visit. We DID NOT invite [nephew] up here. Furthermore, we DID NOT invite intrusions by [wife’s] brothers and sisters.”

    I continued by explaining, “I need that phone for my Air Force duties. If we lose that phone due to not being able to pay for lots of collect calls, I will be forced to move on base.”

    I went on to explain that family housing on base was very limited. So, I would probably be assigned single enlisted quarters on base. [Wife] and our children would have stay in this apartment. I would be allowed to visit them, provided I notified my supervisor or chain of command each and ever time I’d be out of telephone contact, as well as how long I expected to be out of contact.

    (Even if I didn’t have a roommate in the enlisted quarters, wife and children would have to be signed in and signed out.)

    I finished by telling MIL, “If this continues, we will put you and [nephew] on the very next plane out of Anchorage.” My wife chimed in to say, “And we won’t check to see where the plane is headed.”

    The Mindfuck of Parental Abandonment (And How to Unfuck Yourself)


    Imagine this: you’re a little kid, and one of the people you depend on most in this world – a parent who’s supposed to love you unconditionally – up and leaves you. They peace out, either physically or emotionally, and you’re left holding the bag of your own shattered expectations and broken heart.


    Now, as a child, you don’t have the cognitive or emotional resources to process this kind of trauma in a healthy way. You can’t rationally say, “Well, Mom/Dad are clearly dealing with their own issues and limitations which have nothing to do with my inherent lovability.” Nah, your kiddie brain defaults to the most obvious, ego-centric explanation: “It must be my fault. I must not be good enough. If I were better, they wouldn’t have left.”

    Boom. In one fell swoop, your self-worth takes a major hit. And that belief – that you’re fundamentally unlovable or deficient – can linger in your psyche like a bad fart in an elevator, stinking up your emotional wellbeing for years to come.

    Fast forward to adulthood, and you may find yourself unconsciously replaying this abandonment drama in your relationships. You pick partners who are emotionally unavailable or who treat you like shit, because on some level, you’re still trying to prove your worth to that original abandoning parent. Or you push away anyone who gets too close, because vulnerability equals the risk of being left again, and fuck that noise.

    Meanwhile, you’re walking around with a gnawing emptiness inside, a sense that you’re just not quite good enough, no matter what you accomplish or how much external validation you rack up. Because that wounded little kid is still calling the shots, defining your worth through the lens of an event you didn’t have the capacity to understand at the time.

    So how do you break free from this emotional mindfuck? How do you reclaim your self-worth from the jaws of abandonment?

    It starts with recognizing that your parent’s choices had fuck-all to do with your value as a person. They left because of their own limitations, not because of yours. You could have been the most perfect, adorable, lovable little rugrat on the planet, and they still would have bailed, because they were wrestling with their own demons that had nothing to do with you.

    Next, you have to grieve. You have to feel the pain of that abandonment fully, to sit with the anger and sadness and hurt, instead of constantly running from it or numbing it with self-destructive habits. This isn’t easy, and you may need the help of a therapist to navigate this emotional shitstorm, but it’s necessary to heal that wounded little kid inside.

    Finally, you have to start redefining your worth on your own terms. You have to learn to love and accept yourself, flaws and all, without needing constant external validation to prove your value. This means setting boundaries in your relationships, pursuing your passions unapologetically, and treating yourself with the kindness and respect you deserved all along.

    It’s a long, messy, uncomfortable process, but it’s so fucking worth it. Because when you can stare down the pain of abandonment and come out the other side still knowing your inherent worthiness, that’s real freedom. That’s self-love in action.

    So if you’re struggling with the aftermath of parental abandonment, know that you’re not alone, and your pain is valid. But also know that you have the power to rewrite the story. You get to decide what defines your worth, not some emotionally stunted adult who projected their own issues onto an innocent child.

    It won’t be easy, but few worthwhile things are. The journey to wholeness never is. But trust me, it beats the hell out of staying stuck in the emotional quagmire of self-blame and unworthiness.

Compilation: UFOs & Aliens!

Bicycle Bill

US politicians?

They just equate anti-genocide in Gaza to antisemitism.

They use force to pin down peaceful protesters.

And …

After WW2, from 1946-2001, in 55 years, there were 248 wars in the world. USA instigated 201 ie 82% of all wars. Not counting non-military riots & coups. In 200+ years since US independence, there were less than 20 years when USA was not in a war. Worse, it is US vassals who shed blood & lose life for a US-instigated war for US benefit only.

USA wants wars to …

1, make $$$ … $$$ by arms sale & post-war construction

2, slow down or suppress China’s fast development which, in US words, threaten US security ie US hegemony.

US politicians have no right to say anything about anybody because they are the global bully. USA is the one who supplies weapons to, say, Israel, to do genocide in Gaza

Back to Taiwan.

On 5/21 China sanctioned former Republican congressman Mike Gallagher who works for MIC to lobby Taiwan to buy more US weapons.

5/22 China sanctioned 12 US defense-related entities & 10 top people ie China sanctions US arms sale to Taiwan.

5/23 a series of action

1, announcement to world

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told the world: (my translation) Taiwan dares to secede. … China will launch an operation to suppress secession & foreign interference of Chinese domestic affairs. China’s operation meets UN Charter & intl conventional practices. China’s operation is absolutely necessary, reasonable & legal.

China urges USA to stop supporting Taiwan independence & stop interfering China’s internal affairs.

China is determined to fight any action that threatens China’s sovereignty & integrity of Chinese territory. (I add) UN does approve suppression of secession.

3, With posts, China informs Taiwanese that China targets Taiwan independence gang & not ordinary people. With details which cities to target. Written in traditional Chinese for the convenience of Taiwanese & with pictures. So that Taiwanese Defense cant hide info from the public.

One post lists Lai’s 5 biggest lies.

4, One post shows 6 Chinese powerful weapons. Analyst said the weapons are to show to USA because subduing Taiwan does not need powerful weapons.

The U-Boat that sank because of a toilet

I’m not even kidding.

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main qimg f0a0ba84b8bcf3820307d5415b4740e8 lq

What had happened was that U-1206, had recently received a brand new toilet. This was a far more advanced model with an improved plumbing system which allowed it to be flushed at greater depths. The downside, was that it was complicated to use, and only a few members of the crew were trained as “flushing specialists”.

Unfortunately, the crew members ended up misusing the toilet on U-1206, which by the way, happened to be cruising at a depth of around 60m at the time. The misuse caused a large amount of sea water to start flooding the submarine. To add insult to injury, the sea water began flooding the submarine’s batteries, which caused them to release chlorine gas (it’s rather toxic stuff), forcing the submarine to surface.

Once surfaced, the submarine was spotted and bombed by British patrols, which forced the crew to scuttle the submarine. A total of 4 men were killed and 46 were captured.

So yeah, the German submarine that sank because the crew didn’t know how to use a toilet. Definitely not the way to go.

China’s Change 6 Has BIGGER Space Missions Than US Thinks

Russia Early-Warning (Nuclear) Missile Radar ATTACKED

One of Russia’s absolutely key over-the-horizon, nuclear-early-warning radar sites has been hit by drone attack, BLINDING Russia from missiles launched at them from . . .  the Middle East.

The 818th Separate Radio-Technical Unit at the Armavir Radar Station located in Krasnodar Krai, Russia is now knocked-out.  Here are images of the two gigantic radar buildings at that radar site (Click on image TWICE to fully enlarge):

The map below shows where this particular station is:

Armavir radar station small 2 large
Armavir radar station small 2 large

Normally, the entire Russia early-warning radar system provides the coverage seen in the graphic below:

Russia early warning radar array COVERAGE
Russia early warning radar array COVERAGE

Armavir radar station medium
Armavir radar station medium

With the damage to the two radar stations at the Armavir Radar Station, there is now a GAPING HOLE in Russia’s early-warning system against nuclear attack.

Russia is now a sitting Duck for a nuclear first strike, not only against their Strategic Nuclear missile silos, but also against all the major population centers inside Russia.

Russia Early Warning Radar Attacked 1
Russia Early Warning Radar Attacked 1


Submarine launched nukes from the far eastern Mediterranean Sea, land-launched or even air-launched missiles from Turkey, from ISRAEL, Sub-launched missiles from the Red Sea, ALL can no longer be detected by Russia.

The coverage map below is highlighted below to show the unimaginable scope of the GAPING HOLES.


Of course, this is being credited to Ukraine, but the radar stations that were hit DO NOT COVER UKRAINE.  Clearly, this hit was concocted by the US/EU and NATO; they are the ONLY entities that benefit from this. (Correction: There is another beneficiary . . .  Israel . . .  can now launch ballistic or nuclear missiles at Iran, and Russia will not be able to warn Iran.)

Why would we do this?   Unless . . . . we’re planning a nuclear first-strike upon Russia!

Worse Danger Now Than the “Cuban Missile Crisis”

Today’s attack opens the door for a full, complete, and absolute DECAPITATION ATTACK upon Russia.  We can now hit ALL their strategic missile silos and take out ALL of their national government and they wouldn’t even know the missiles had been launched until it was too late.

How long will the Russians wait – with themselves completely vulnerable– before they have to decide to “Use them or Lose them?”  We may have just FORCED the Russians to launch a nuclear first-strike.

By any realistic measurement, this is now an “Existential Threat to the existence of Russia.”     We could literally be like the song “On the Eve of Destruction!”

Notice too, this was done on the big “Memorial Day” holiday weekend here in the U.S.  Many Americans are traveling to the beach, to the mountains, away from home, away from all their money and preps.  


Armavir Radar Station is an early warning radar station near Armavir in Krasnodar Krai, Russia. It is a key part of the Russian early warning system against missile attack and is run by the Russian Space Forces. There are two radars here – one faces south west and one south east. They provide radar coverage of the Middle East.  The satellite image below shows the station from above:

Russia Early Warning Radar Site Satellite pic
Russia Early Warning Radar Site Satellite pic

The station is located on the former Baronovsky Airfield  3 kilometres (1.9 mi) south west of the village of Glubokiy and 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) south west of Armavir.

The station was described as starting to operate at the end of 2006 and then entering “experimental combat mode” in 2008.

On the day in 2009 that Russia lost coverage from radars in Ukraine it was announced that it had “begun operations”.

In May 2012 it was announced that it would go on combat duty before the end of 2012. In December 2012 it was announced it will be in the first quarter of 2013.

On 6 June 2013 it was commissioned by order of the President Vladimir Putin visiting the Central Command Post of the Russian Armed Forces.  There is a planned second segment, which will overlap zone of the Gabala radar station lost in Ukraine.

2013 ballistic launch in Mediterranean

On 3 September 2013 Armavir detected two US/Israeli ballistic test launches in the Mediterranean towards Syria.

Now, they can’t detect those anymore.  Or our missile subs launching from the eastern Med, the Red Sea, The Gulf of Oman, or even south of the Horn of Africa off Somalia.  Russia are now sitting Ducks.

Hal Turner Snap Remarks

I earnestly hope you have taken my long urged advice to have Emergency food, water, medicine, a generator, fuel for it, communications gear like CB or HAM, and all the little emergency things you need like flashlights, batteries, portable radio with spare batteries, FIRST-AID KIT, gas grill or spare charcoal and lighter fluid, a manual can opener, and so on.  Looks to me like time is up.

Taiwan Surrounded by China Navy

Taiwan Surrounded by China Navy

The island of Taiwan awoke yesterday morning to find itself surrounded by the China Navy.  The Chinese government says this is an “exercise” but Taiwan believes an invasion is coming.  So does the USA.

From the Chinese government:

Taiwan surrounded large
Taiwan surrounded large


As a result of China’s military moves, Taiwan deployed its Coast Guard, which is now in a sort of Mexican Stand-off with China’s (much larger) Navy:

China naval exercise
China naval exercise

Taiwan Air Force announced that 10 F-16 fighter jets will be activated if Chinese aircraft enter the adjacent region. F-16 Block 20 warplanes were seen loaded with air-to-air equipment at the Hualien air base in eastern Taiwan:

Taiwan CG Mexican standoff w china
Taiwan CG Mexican standoff w china


To emphasize how serious the situation is, Taiwan, for the very first time, deployed Anti-Ship Missiles on its coast, and raised the missile launchers into launch position!



Intelligence sources told me that at the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Chinese Leader Xi Jinping, which took place in Beijing last week, military adventures were among the topics the two leaders discussed.

The Intelligence guys say that China sees Trump is making a very hard run for re-election, and they know they will not stand any chance of taking Taiwan if Trump gets back in.  So they have to act before the US election in November.

Taiwan F 16s air to air payloads
Taiwan F 16s air to air payloads

China also knows that the US is seriously weakened now due to our supplying Ukraine with weaponry to fight Russia.   So short of missiles is the United States Navy, that when a Destroyer or Missile Cruiser returns to port from sea duty, its missiles must be taken off the ship, to be placed on another ship which is going OUT to sea duty, because the US Navy does not have enough missiles to load all of its vessels!

Moreover, they say, Joe Biden is seen as a dementia-addled incompetent.

All these things add up to China making a move against Taiwan sooner rather than later.

The U.S. seeing what China is doing, has dispatched the USS Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier from its port in Japan.  The Ronald Reagan set sail from Japan late Wednesday night, and arrived in the Philippine Sea on Thursday.



The vessel is within air strike range of Taiwan and the Chinese fleet surrounding Taiwan.  But the Reagan is also now within range of China’s hypersonic “ship killer” missiles.

Very dangerous things going on.  Just one small mistake by anyone, could cause this to escalate into immediate war.

Russia Dropped Devastating ODAB -1500 Vacuum Bomb at 120 ATM Pressure

“I’m 5’1 and it really makes me insecure about the way I’m perceived by society.”


I’m a 19 year old dude, who’s lately been feeling really bad about my height. I’m just about 5’1 ft and it really makes me insecure about the way I’m perceived by society. I’m fairly buff and I do amateur bantamweight MMA, but I still find myself self-doubting my masculinity.

I sometimes have extreme periods of self-hatred where I trash my room or feel the urge to punch in mirrors that reflect my image. I can’t for the life of me get over my height; I feel that I’m unlovable.


I’ve increasingly been relying on money and alcohol for happiness as they are the only thing that brings semblance of security. I know it’s not healthy, but it’s the only thing that calms me during my mental breakdowns.

I’ve also tried seeing therapists about my problems but I’ve pussied out of all 6 of my meetings; I feel like they’d look down on me or dismiss my issues.

First off, let’s get one thing straight: your height doesn’t define your worth as a man or a human being. Period. End of story. Anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit and probably projecting their own insecurities onto you.

Life is a giant mess of uncontrollable factors, and your height is just one tiny piece of that chaotic puzzle. You’re 5’1”, and yeah, society can be a dick about things like that, but guess what? You’re also a buff, bantamweight MMA fighter. That’s badass. Seriously, think about it – you’re out there training and fighting, and that takes guts, determination, and a hell of a lot of strength, both physically and mentally.

Now, onto the main issue: self-doubt and insecurity. It’s normal to feel down sometimes, but trashing your room and wanting to punch mirrors? That’s not helping anyone, least of all you. It’s time to channel that anger and frustration into something constructive. You’ve got the discipline from MMA, use it to tackle your mental health too.

Here’s the thing about masculinity – it’s not about how tall you are or how others perceive you. It’s about owning who you are, flaws and all. Being a man isn’t about towering over others; it’s about standing tall in your own skin, no matter what. So, you’re 5’1”. Own it. Wear it like armor. It’s part of what makes you, you.

Money and alcohol might give you a temporary high, but they’re a band-aid on a wound that needs stitches. They won’t bring you real happiness or security. You’ve already recognized this, and that’s a crucial step. You know it’s not healthy, so it’s time to find healthier outlets. Your love for MMA is a good start – it’s a great way to vent out the frustration and also keep you disciplined.

And about those therapists – I get it, opening up to someone can feel like you’re exposing your vulnerabilities. But that’s the whole point. Therapy isn’t about being judged; it’s about finding someone to help you navigate through the storm. If you’ve pussied out of 6 meetings, fine. Start with one. And if you don’t like the therapist, find another. This is about you, and it’s worth the effort.

Self-hatred is a dark hole, but here’s the light: the fact that you’re reaching out means you want to climb out of it. That’s strength. That’s masculinity. Start by accepting yourself as you are. Height and all. Look in the mirror and instead of seeing what you lack, see what you’ve got. See the fighter. The determined guy who won’t back down from a challenge.

The bottom line is this: your height doesn’t determine your value as a man. Your character does. Your actions do. The way you treat yourself and others does. Focus on being a good fucking human being and the rest will fall into place.

It won’t be easy, and you’ll have to work at it every single day. But trust me, it’s worth it. You have the power to create an amazing life for yourself, regardless of your height. So stop making bullshit excuses, get your ass in gear, and make it happen.

Keep fighting.

Chinese Kindergartens

A one minute video clip. Well worth the time to watch. From my personal stash.

Beef Ragout with Grilled Bread

This dish can be made in a slow cooker or the stovetop. Canola oil is used to make both the ragout and grilled bread because of its neutral flavor and heat tolerance. The ragout is served with bread to soak up the hearty and flavorful broth, but it can be served with pasta or polenta instead.

beef ragout grilled bread
beef ragout grilled bread

Yield: 6 servings; serving size 1 1/2 cups (375 mL) ragout



  • 1 pound lean beef roast such as round tip roast 500 g
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil 15 mL
  • 1 medium yellow onion, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon dried Italian seasoning 15 mL
  • 1 medium eggplant, not peeled, cut into 1-inch (2.5 cm) cubes
  • 2 green bell peppers, chopped
  • 2 (15 ounce/426 mL) cans low-sodium crushed tomatoes
  • 1 cup red wine 250 mL
  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped 60 mL

Grilled Bread

  • 12 slices whole grain Italian bread, sliced on bias, about 1-inch thick each
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil 15 mL


  1. In large, nonstick skillet, brown each side of beef roast in canola oil. Place roast in slow cooker.*
  2. Add onion, garlic, Italian seasoning, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and red wine. Cook on LOW heat for 8 to 9 hours (or on HIGH heat for 4 to 5 hours) until beef is tender and has an internal temperature of 145 degrees F (65 degrees C).
  3. When beef is cooked, shred with a fork.
  4. To prepare grilled bread: Brush bread with canola oil and grill for 1 to 2 minutes on each side, until toasted.
  5. To serve, top ragout with parsley. Serve with grilled bread.


* If preparing on stovetop, use a large pot (8-quart) and bring ragout ingredients, except parsley, to boil and simmer covered for at least 30 minutes.


Per serving: Calories 340 Total Fat 10 g Saturated Fat 2.5 g Cholesterol 60 mg Carbohydrates 29 g Fiber 7 g Sugars 9 g Protein 25 g Sodium 210 mg Potassium 640 mg

I was employed as a contract employee at a big corporation from 1980–82.

About 2 months before my contract was to be terminated-something my boss neglected to tell me at the time-he came to me with a request that was unrealistic and ,frankly, border line crazy. He asked me to complete a project that normally would take 4–6 weeks in 2 weeks. No room for discussion or negotiation. Just DO IT. (The project was done at the request of another district and my boss was the middle man.)

Anyway,by coming in early,working through lunch, putting in long overtime hours,and coming in on Saturday,I did the impossible. I finished the project-with 2 days to spare. Elated,I left a note on his desk informing him of the good news. I admit I expected a Thank You or a Well Done.

His reaction was beyond appalling.For a week there was dead silence. It was as if none of this had even happened. Finally,he approached me and said. “You remember that project you finished last week?” I said.”Yes,of course.” He answered. “Well,I just submitted it…2 days late,as we just can’t have the other district make such unreasonable demands on us.”

So Ralph, if you happen to be reading this,it’s been over 40 years but I still haven’t forgotten your vile behaviour that day. To me you’re still the biggest POS in the world!

Some of my favorite family pictures from the 1960s













































































Not sure if this really qualifies, but what the hell.

I’m at a large retail store, driving through the parking lot looking for a space. I see an empty spot ahead, and start to turn into it, only to be greeted by another car honking it’s horn, sitting in the space across from it. The guy inside is waving his hands furiously and gesturing at me, while the woman in the passenger seat attempts to cover her face. I finished parking and got out, and gestured to the other driver with upturned palms and a “what’s wrong?” expression. I was actually concerned the guy might have been in some sort of trouble, or needed help, but I wasn’t expecting what happened.

He shut his car off and thrust his door open, actually hitting the SUV beside him, and screamed “You asshole!” before even getting out of the car. I started to get the picture before he even said the next words. “You did that on purpose”, he asserted, then flung some profanities I won’t type here as they’re too explicit, although one of the tamer ones was calling me a “cousin fucking redneck motherfucker”. Real class-act, this guy. During this tirade, his (presumably) girlfriend had also exited the vehicle, and now had the look of someone who wished they could physically become invisible.

I listened to his rant about my deliberate and personal attack against him which I perpetrated by parking my car, and preventing him from pulling through spaces, to wit, he would now have to reverse out of his parking space…which was just an unforgivable inconvenience.

I guess it’s a sign of getting older, or wiser, but probably just older, that this guy didn’t make me lose my shit on him. It wouldn’t have been too long ago that I’d have smashed his face two words into his second sentence.

Instead, I let him get the whole rant out, nearly a full two minutes of it. He made a hell of a scene, and by the end of it…I was laughing. Not on the inside, I was laughing in his face. He didnt like being laughed at, apparently, and stepped back shutting his door so he could approach me. He had his hands up at shoulder height at this point, looking like he might take a swing at me. I took a step closer and said in a decisively stern tone “Let me get this straight. You got out here yelling at me, because you don’t know how to drive a fucking car and that’s somehow my fault, is that right you little prick?” and I leaned in so close our noses almost touched. I could smell alcohol on his breath. He stepped back, and didn’t swing (Big surprise, someone acting like a loud douchebag).

He instead walked back, or rather stomped like a little kid pitching a fit, back to his car (which the girl was no longer in, but instead standing beside with her door closed) got in and slammed the door. He motioned to the girl to get in as he started the engine, she shook her head no, and he put it in reverse and slammed backwards out of the parking space…and into the big 4×4 pickup behind him to his right. The tow hitch obliterated his back bumper, and didnt let it go. He was in a full rage again at this point and drove away, leaving the accident, his (presumably) girlfriend and to the credit of universal karma, his bumper with license plate behind.

This entire exchange lasted a bit less than five minutes, but it’s five minutes I’ll treasure.

Beef Roast with Sour Cream Gravy

Crock Pot Pot Roast Feature 1
Crock Pot Pot Roast Feature 1


  • 1 (3 pound) chuck or pot roast
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon dill weed
  • 5 or 6 small potatoes
  • 5 or 6 carrots
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 teaspoon dill seed


  1. Coat roast with 2 tablespoons flour, salt and pepper. Brown in oil in skillet.
  2. Put roast in slow cooker. Add water and vinegar.
  3. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon dill weed over meat, then add potatoes, carrots, onion and salt.
  4. Cook on LOW for 10 to 12 hours or on HIGH for 6 hours.
  5. To make gravy, pour off 3 tablespoons drippings, add 1 tablespoon flour and heat.
  6. Measure rest of drippings, and add water to make 1 cup. Add to flour mixture and heat for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
  7. Add sour cream and 1 teaspoon dill weed. Heat to boiling.

US Threatens to Shut Down EUV if China Reunifies Taiwan by Force

Can remotely disable chip fabs…? Really! I pretty much doubt it.

I only met my Grandfather a handful of times in my life. My father never really talked much about him even though he was alive for the first half of my life (He died in 2000). The stories I heard were of a very tight man (he never spent money on anything – including his family) that bordered on absurdity.

What I didn’t know until the day after he died was that he not only saw active combat in WW2 but served in Patton’s army during the Battle of the Bulge! I was incredulous. How could nobody have told me before that day? His story (I thought) would be incredible.

When we were cleaning out his house after his death, I found a box under his bed. It was the first time I had ever been in his house—he never wanted visitors. In this box, he had two Lugars, several Swastica pins, SS emblems, an army medal for bravery on the battlefield, and other items taken from German soldiers.

My uncle came up behind me and yelled,” We found ‘em,” and my dad and other uncles entered the room. My uncle looked me in the eye and said, “Do you know what these are from?”

I responded, World War 2? – but I didn’t know he had actually done anything; after all, nobody had ever told me anything about his past. Then, my Uncle told me in a quiet tone that my grandfather manned a 50-caliber machine on the back of a jeep during the war. During routine patrols, he spotted two SS soldiers trying to infiltrate their lines under barbed wire.

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main qimg d0cfd0eb9c6ff87ffa25e164bf2571cf

He had the jeep stop, and they shined a spotlight on the soldiers. He then “turned them to hamburger” with the 50-caliber. There was no surrender in the Battle of the Bulge – it was kill or be killed, no prisoners. He had killed two stuck, defenseless men and was even awarded a medal for it.

I had watched Saving Private Ryan a few years before this occurred and was in the middle of the HBO series Band of Brothers when it dawned on me that this event changed him into who he became.

He was forever scarred by what he did and did not feel like a hero. In truth, he came home to raise a family but ended up withdrawing from society and getting divorced by my grandmother by the time I was born. My grandmother was the most Catholic person I knew, and when I was a kid, I remember her fighting her excommunication from the Church. That’s how badly she wanted out of that marriage—she suffered excommunication to get away from my grandfather.

In truth, he viewed himself as a very flawed man who did not deserve to be around people. He pushed everyone out of his life to live his last 20 years as a hermit. He could never get over what he did to those German boys stuck under the barbed wire, and he never felt worthy of the medal he received for his “bravery.”

During his funeral, it was the first time I ever saw my father cry, but then he went to hug my mother’s father for over a minute. He then exclaimed that my mother’s father became his true father as his dad was never really a father. He didn’t drink, but he had a nasty temper and put his children through hell growing up, taking out his past on them whenever he was triggered. But he was still crying over the father he never had the chance to really know.

Saving Private Ryan made me realize what war really was and what it did to people. It made me realize it wasn’t about heroes and villains but about who survives till the end. After that day, I realized what the Iraq war was going to do to another generation of boys in 10 years, and I shuddered. War should always be the last option. Not only does it kill and maim, but it leaves psychological scars that last generations.

This is Tonya Harding Syndrome

“Tonya Harding Syndrome” is a metaphorical expression that originates from the scandal of Tonya Harding, an American figure skater. Tonya Harding was a promising figure skater, but her career was ruined because she was involved in a planned attack on her rival Nancy Kerrigan. Her husband and others participated in the attack in order to weaken Kerrigan’s competitiveness before the Olympics, so that Harding would have a greater chance of winning. In the end, Harding was banned from figure skating for life.

Later, the concept of “Tonya Harding Syndrome” was used to describe the behavior of those who take unfair means to hurt their opponents in competition because of the fear of losing their advantage. It is not only applicable to individuals, but also can be used to describe similar behaviors that may occur in competitions such as companies, institutions, societies or countries. The essence of this behavior is to destroy fair and decent competition.

Back to the question itself:

If an American company can make 100 products at a cost of $10,000 and in 1 month, the Chinese can make 300 products at the same cost and time, and their quality has reached the same height. This allows them to reduce prices to half and still make a considerable profit, so who will buy American companies’ products?

Americans find that they can’t compete with them even if they try their best, so they expect the Chinese to slow down, otherwise they will shoot.

This is why they hope that China will reduce its overcapacity production.

Just another hypocritical cover for Tonya Harding Syndrome

Taking High-Speed Train In China, 2024

I had a horrible experience trying to buy a new Honda at a local dealership. I told them what I wanted, but they kept trying to up sell me on a different model. Then it was switching sales guys, to the hard core close. etc. etc. I understand sales and all the BS really doesn’t bother me since it’s part of the game. However, after reaching a price and completing the paperwork, I drove out with the car.

I was happy until Jennifer from the office called me three days later at work. They made an error and didn’t collect money on some specific fees listed in the contract. I was pretty sure I paid everything listed. I told Jennifer I needed a couple days to review the contract and look at the check I wrote to determine if I owed money. She became a belligerent bitch, yelling about how I have their money and need to come down right now and pay. I told her I would review the contract and pay them if I owed them money. She called at 9:00 am the next morning being a bitch again demanding money. Later that evening, I reviewed the contract and they didn’t total up the doc fee correctly, and owem them $394.00.

I called Jennifer and told her that I did find the error, would pay the amount, and asked if she could please tell me when she left the office so I could pay her personally. I waited to 4:50 pm on Friday night (Jennifer works an 8-5, M-F) and paid her $394 in nickels. I had broken the seals on the bags from the bank which meant they needed to hand count all the coin.

I had brought a book, took up residence in their customer lounge, and waited for them to complete their count. I enjoyed watching Jennifer and 4 sales persons make little rows of nickels. After over 90 minutes they brought me the $0.45 in additional funds I added to see if they would accurately count it. My back up plan was if they said it was all there, I would inform them that I actually included extra money and couldn’t remember how much, so they would need to recount.

Member of British Parliament: “We are already at war with Russia; They won’t tell the people until July or August”

MP Andrew Bridgen large
MP Andrew Bridgen large

VIDEO BELOW shows British MP Andrew Bridgen confirming on a radio show today: “We are actually at war with Russia now… They’re not going to tell the people probably until July or August; maybe later.”

“The whole thing’s a pantomime in Parliament… It’s not a race between the blue and the red team to see who crosses the finish line. This is a baton handover on all the big issues: Net Zero, Covid response, the WHO, the trans agenda.”

We have a natural right to defend ourselves from the people doing these things, that are going to get us bombed, our families killed or injured, our way of life, destroyed..  It is our right, it is our DUTY to take action.

The Death of Fast Food ….. Part 2

Hungry MM

My wife came home and told me that she was very hungry at 3 o’clock this afternoon. She was playing sports with her first graders at school. She even developed some symptoms of hypoglycemia, such as physical exhaustion, sweating and palpitations. So she told the children: You wait for me a little bit, I will go to the school gate to buy some food. Then, incidentally, she asked the children, are you hungry? As a result, all the children shouted, yes, we are hungry! Some of them stood up and said, teacher, I want some bread! I wanted some 饼(pie)!

So my wife went to the food shop near the school gate and bought a lot of bread and 饼(pie) – she said it cost a lot of money. And asked the store owner to help her distribute the food into dozens of small portions. Then she bought herself another cake.

When she returned to the classroom, all the children returned from the playground, screaming for food. So my wife turned the PE class into a food tasting class. She was still hungry, so after she had distributed the food, she began to eat. Just began to eat, a few children have finished their food, said to my wife: Teacher, really delicious! I also want to eat! The wife looked at the children, He could not bear to eat the cake himself and shared the rest of his food with the children.

So when she came home this afternoon, she was too hungry to walk. Luckily, I had already prepared dinner. That was the story of the day – a group of seven-year-olds, turning a normal class into a food tasting class, while my wife endured hunger all afternoon.😂😂😂

This is the protagonist of the afternoon pie:

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Ps. The first graders have lunch in the school canteen, but they always eat very little. One reason is that some children are picky eaters. Another reason is that the food in the canteen is sometimes not very good. In addition, children are always excited when they eat. Sometimes they eat only a little and say they are full.

Yes, I had given someone who I thought was a good friend a place to stay(at the house I had just bought-my first home mind you) she and her bf were gonna sleep in the garage/studio apartment for a week or two, mind u I had just moved in myself 3 days before she started staying there….anyways 1–2 weeks turned into 5–6 months and I was like chick u gotta go. Like I need my home to me and my two kids. Now it was no secret she had a huge drug problem. But had been keeping straight while at my house. When she left everyday, who knows what she was up to but around me and my kids she seemed normal. Well she didn’t like being told to leave so the day she finally left(3 weeks later) she called cps and told them that I was an IV meth user. Now the funny thing is is that I’m 200 pounds at 5 foot six. I’m healthy as a horse never done meth and definitely not an IV user so when DCF came to my house the first thing they asked me, if I use meth and if I use intervenously. I stepped Back and motioned to my body and said really do I look like you’re average meth user let alone IV meth user? She laughed and said she needed a urine sample. To which my response was to call my lawyer. I called my lawyer as soon as she left he said just give them a piss sample. You’ll be fine. You don’t use drugs. Who cares get it over with. So I called her she returned, took a sample and tested me positive for amphetamines although I’m on Adderall. She was new. Two weeks later her and her supervisor show up at my house and test me again to which I came back positive for amphetamines not methamphetamines and the supervisor said that’s all we needed to see. So we’re taking your kids into custody. At that point I lost my shit. I called my lawyer. I called my therapist. I called my mom. My mom had to drive an hour to me, at which point dcf granted my mom custody for two weeks and I was not to be alone with them until my blood test got done and finalized so everyone could see I wasn’t on meth but simply taking my prescribed amount of adderall, but because they were so dumb and didn’t have any pharmacology courses under their belt, they had no idea the difference between amphetamines and methamphetamines on the UA they gave me twice. I got my kids back with flying colors. I had no reason to doubt it but all of this over the word of a stupid bitch that got everything she could ask for living in my home for six months for free , but because she felt slighted, she decided to have me lose my kids. She’s called DCF five times but DCF now comes to my house first off a little because I kind of put my foot down The time they know the kind of game she’s playing she has called DCF on every single person she’s ever lived with come to find out. Oh yeah, she’s now doing 7 to 15 years federal for identity, theft, and check fraud And using Stolen credit cards that she stole directly out of the mailbox. She’s a winner isn’t she? Be careful your friends are always in the ass when you least expect it even if you are a mom that doesn’t do drugs or have any issues there still a chance you lose your kids. Get a lawyer The first CPS is involved. Good luck, Godspeed.

Why I Live in China and REFUSE to Move Back to America


A nation of nymphomaniacs by design

I am over 50, and not only do I not have any money saved, I’m in debt up to my eyeballs.

So I think I am qualified to answer this question.

Short answer? Continue to go deeper into debt.

Longer answer?

Within the next twenty years (unless universal complete healthcare happens) I can probably expect to lose my teeth, since I can’t afford dental care.

I will have to continue to earn as much of a living as I currently can, while physically deteriorating even further.

I expect to lose my home (nowhere near being payed off), and have to live with my adult children on their incomes. (and they are only starting to earn them, by the way.)

I fully expect to have to see my sister, ten years older than I am, die during that period.

As long as I can afford a computer and the internet, I will live more and more of my life online instead of out in the real world.

If the current style of Trump republican remain in power, I can see any benefits I currently have continue to be marginalized and vanish.

If Democrats overcome the Republicans, there is a possibility I may get comprehensive universal healthcare and drugs I can afford, and I may be able to collect what little Social Security may be coming to me, if not a small, guaranteed income to overcome my extreme poverty level.

I have no guarantees of any help or aid, as indeed I have never had. So my life should not radically change over the next twenty years from what it has been the past twenty: a hopeful future being twisted into a tragic present.

I don’t know how many of us are in the same situation I am, which has been cause by singular features of my personal life, a failed marriage, becoming the adult caretaker for my ailing parents, and then my brother, and then my eldest son (who has cerebral palsy), and probably soon for my sister as well.

But I imagine many of us over 50 who are only managing to barely squeak by from paycheck to paycheck will be in much the same boat: we are all pretty much in a position where we are in a self-perpetuating downward spiral, and we won’t get out without outside help.

Many of us will wind up getting reverse mortgages to make ends meet, getting much further in debt in the process, and having health issues from not seeing the doctor as often as we should, so we will become burdens on the next generation, who we will have no inheritance to pass on to.

Somehow, as depressing as all that reality is, I still look hopefully towards being in a better place in five to twenty years, and the future being bright again.

I somehow have confidence that the millennials will not screw up the future as badly as we boomers have.

Toxic evil woman gives 200 men HIV and instantly regrets it

I am Chinese. I apologize. I don’t know what “criticism” means here? In China, the most popular self-media app is called “Toutiao.” If you haven’t heard of this company, then you must know TikTok. They are different products under the same company. On “Toutiao,” criticisms and complaints against the Chinese government abound at all times. These criticisms are directed at government institutions at the national, provincial, municipal, and rural levels. Below are some examples of similar content I have seen in the past month:

  • Complicated medical insurance reimbursement process;
  • A relative’s child got into a better school through bribery;
  • Traffic signs on highways are in disrepair year-round;
  • The government has promised to start construction on a subway line for three years but has not yet begun;
  • Government incompetence behind food safety issues;
  • The village chief appoints his relatives to important positions;
  • Unfair treatment, complaints lodged with national departments, but still unresolved;
  • Reporting a corrupt official, only to face retaliation;
  • Gas billing system in a city seems to have raised prices, causing many to pay more;
  • Sewage flows freely in an old residential area, but the government has yet to initiate a demolition plan;
  • All diners at the same restaurant suffered food poisoning, but the government investigation is opaque, suspected of corruption;

Based on Toutiao’s recommendation algorithm, if you read some of the above content, the app will tirelessly recommend “criticism and complaints against the government” until your brain is overloaded. If this isn’t “freedom of criticism,” then what is?

Actually, I know what the asker wants to express: always criticizing the Chinese Communist Party, the one-party rule. And none of the criticisms I listed above touches on the “key points.” Right?

I’m sorry, could you use any online survey tool to design a questionnaire about “whether you oppose the Chinese Communist Party”? And invite suffering Chinese people on internet communities in China to fill out the questionnaire, in order to get “first-hand insider information from China.”

You will get the data you want and be surprised—why don’t Chinese people oppose the power that rules them? You will continue to draw the conclusion—the reason is that Chinese people have been brainwashed.

In the end, you will still believe: the seeds of freedom and democracy will never sprout in China, because Chinese people are ignorant.

That’s the whole trick. So, I wish you live in the “terrifying China” dream you imagined, and never wake up. I respect your choice.

China Commences Military “Drill” – Completely Surrounds Taiwan

China v Taiwan large
China v Taiwan large

The China military has begin drills surrounding the entirety of Taiwan, including islands of Kinmen and Dongyin, state media says.

Taiwan was forced to scramble fighter jets and put missile, naval and land units on alert this morning after China launched huge military exercises around the self-governing island.

Beijing said the menacing war games, dubbed ‘Joint Sword-2024A’, were a ‘strong punishment’ for Taiwan following the inauguration of its new president, Lai Ching-te, who is detested in Beijing as a ‘separatist’.

China claims Taiwan is part of its national territory and the People’s Liberation Army routinely sends navy ships and warplanes into the Taiwan Strait and other areas around the island to wear down Taiwan’s defenses and seek to intimidate its people.

But this week’s wargames are massive in scale.

The PLA released a map of the intended exercise area which completely surrounds Taiwan’s main island concentrating major firepower at five key points, as well as places like Matsu and Kinmen, outlying islands that are closer to the Chinese mainland than Taiwan.

China’s coast guard also said it organized a fleet to carry out law enforcement drills near two islands close to the Taiwanese-controlled island groups of Kinmen and Matsu just off the Chinese coast.

They come after the island swore in President Lai who said in his inaugural speech on Monday that Taiwan ‘must demonstrate our resolution to defend our nation’.

China denounced Lai’s speech as a ‘confession of independence’.

UPDATE 11:50 AM EDT  — ***** URGENT *****

Agence France Press (AFP) Reports:

Brutal Warning China to Taiwan
Brutal Warning China to Taiwan

This UPDATE comes as the Chinese military has Taiwan literally surrounded for an ongoing “Military Exercise.”

Hal Turner Remarks:

We all have to keep 2 things in mind:

1. Not all military drills lead to invasions.
2. Modern invasions always follow military drills..

Recall that China’s President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin, had a big meeting together about a week ago.   If no one thinks Putin & Xi didn’t have a little war gaming session when they met last week, either you’re not paying attention or you’re just willfully ignorant.

It seems to me China must strike while Biden is still in office and the USA is weak. They know of Trump wins they will not be able to do so.

This isn’t WW II, and a Chinese “invasion” of Taiwan (or liberation of Taiwan from U.S. military occupation, which would be a more correct description of the campaign) isn’t going to look like D-Day.

Taiwan is small enough for China to be able to completely obliterate all (U.S.) air defenses located on (and off) the island before sending in paratroopers to secure key locations.

Then, and only then, will China start shipping troops to the island… and U.S. will be able to do literally nothing to stop it.

Either way, it sure seems that Russians and Chinese have agreed on China opening a new front against the U.S. in Taiwan.

This is a video of the Chinese military drill

This is a MM video, direct copy from the PLA.

When I was born my dad could not get work, so he decided to rob a service station, well that sent him to prison for the 1st 5 years of my life. So we lived with my grandmother (mom and baby me) in a place called piedmont courts back in the 50’s.

When my dad served his time he found work in a blue collar trade which he learned in prison and so life was basically lower middle class, which is to say we had a car, 9″ Black and White TV, meat and potatoes, new clothing twice a year, Easter and the start of school, and by new clothing I am talking new pants maybe shoes and shirt just one or two of each. We lived with my aunt and uncle as we did not have enough money to get a apartment or home.

Then when my baby brother was born, I was 11 years 7 months old, my dad left with the parting phrase, “I did not want the first bastard I sure don’t want the second” so my mom with a 3rd grade education, so petite she bought her clothing from the girls section, and no programs to help; was homeless.

Now I must admit she could have gotten help from her family but there were conditions she unwilling to tolerate. My new born baby brother was to be placed with my Aunt M and Uncle J’s family to properly raise, I was to go to a boarding school and mom had to live with an old maid aunt/chaperon in Marion county South Carolina.

Mom would rather die than lose us so we were homeless, we lived in the streets in cities from Miami FL (weather was a factor) to Worcester MA, mom’s favorite brother lived there; we crossed a picket line in Philadelphia and mom was beaten and they threatened to kill my baby brother and myself, a cab driver rescued us. Also in Philadelphia I almost died due to hypothermia, I was carrying my baby brother in about 2 or 3 feet of snow (remember homeless) and mom could tell I was in real trouble, so she went to a Catholic church which turned out to be a nunnery, mom begged and pleaded for help for me and my baby brother, they gave us blankets, soup, let us sleep in the kitchen and gave us some money for a bus to go somewhere warmer, Miami. (Note: we lived in an abandoned car a fireman showed mom the location of in Miami)

For a short time we lived with Aunt R whom was also divorced, (Note: Divorce was looked down on greatly at the time, so much so we could not rent a place even if we had money, because they would not rent to a single woman with two children, they just could not have that kind of trash living in their apartments). My mom was recruited to work massage parlors, which evolved to prostitution, which lead her arrest for solicitation in Norfolk. I have some really scary stories and some great ones.

I am just establishing I was by any standard poor.

What did we eat, well when we got extra money, there were food stands that sold hot dogs 10 for a dollar, burgers 5 for a dollar etc. those were special times. When we lived with aunt Rachel and her 4 children and boyfriend of the day, Robert my cousin and I would scour the roads for soda bottles, take them to the grocery store, cash them in and buy a bag of rice or beans, get a can of jack mackerel for the rice or ham bone for the beans cook it in a big pot and everyone ate well. When we were in the streets we would buy a can of anything that could be eaten cold, basically open can and eat. We also scoured for food, behind restaurants, trash, day old goods from the bread factory. There were lots of days week old moon pies and miniature pecan pies or just stale white bread kept us going as we lived in abandoned cars, under picnic tables, trash cans, or sewer pipes.

When I was in my 50’s I searched out my family, reconnected with them and they spent a lot of time telling me we did not have to go through this, but it was all mom could think of in order for us to stay together, there were no programs at that time, and welfare was basically a block of cheese, big can of peanut butter, and staples like beans and rice.

To this day I will eat grits with a raw egg in it, soup with stale bread broke up in it, rice and fish. I can afford steak I just don’t want it, never developed a taste for all that fancy food, so it is no loss.

Last note, I never loved my mom any less, she did the best she could do, I settled things with my dad, granted in my 50’s, he admitted he did wrong took 100% of the blame and never shifted any to mom, that helped me in getting over his abandoning us. All of these people have passed, most in the last 18 months, my dad died November 20th 2016, my wife of 47 years Martha passed April 12th also 2016; without a doubt her passing is the greatest loss of my life. Yea, I know this is perhaps too much info but it is therapeutic for me and I do not think people realize what others go through. There was no drug or alcohol abuse involved in all this, just life as it happens.

That is what a poor abandoned/divorced white woman with a 3rd grade education, an 11 year old and infant living on the streets ate.

Single Mothers Are GOING MAD Trying To Date When They Learn Men Want NOTHING From Them Besides Sex

Ugh. What the HELL is going on in the West?

Classic Orientalism











































PASSPORT BROS Got Him A Beautiful Traditional Mexican Wife & You Can See WHY

Advanced lithography (e.g. EUV / DUV) gets all the attention but not enough in the Natsec OSINT community are paying attention to industrial-grade glycine, a critical amino acid used in the semiconductor supply chain to help remove degraded resist during the etching process. Advanced etch processes enable chipmakers to use triple or even quadruple (!) patterning to create the tiny features found in most modern chip designs.


Due to BIS export controls announced in October 2022, all exports of industrial-grade glycine below ISO 140001 certified levels (more on this below) from the U.S. and allied nations were restricted. This has forced the Chinese specialty chemicals industry to scramble to find new supply alternatives, as the sector has long been dominated by Japanese supplier Ajinomoto and UK-based GEO Specialty Chemicals.

Over the past year, Donghua Jinlong Chemical — based in the heart of China’s military-industrial complex in Shijiazhuang, Hebei — has risen to prominence. Founded in 1979 by a former mid-level apothecary in the PLA, it has long been a provider of food-grade glycine but in response to export controls, re-developed its glycine formulas for industrial (and possible “dual” military) use.

Since 2022, Donghua Jinlong has rapidly expanded production capacity, building no less than sixty-eight “lights out” factories with aggregate production capacity of 1.7 trillion picograms — not a typo — of aggregate annual capacity. In a stunning turnaround from peak supply chain disruption in late 2022 / early 2023, analysts are now expressing worries about spillover excess capacity into food-grade glycine given the rapid rate of factory expansion. Shares of Nissin, Nongshim, and Master Kong plummeted last week on volatile trading in glycine commodity prices.

This plus a slick marketing campaign on TikTok have propelled Donghua Jinlong to a dominant 42.807% global market share in this critical material.

Last month, Donghua Jinlong was elevated to national-level “champion” status and hailed as a Party paradigm in the “upcoming round of techno-scientific revolution and industrial transformation” (新一轮科技革命和产业变革) that is one of the pillars of “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” (习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想).

Unlike the poseurs at Huawei — much less Hubei Jingfa Chemical Group with its puny 3.653% market share — Donghua Jinlong is certified to ISO 22000, 90001, and 140001 standards. The last one is especially difficult to attain and industry analysts were more shocked by its ability to reach 140001 standards than SMIC’s ability to reach HVP at N6+ earlier this year.

TL;DR: All y’all cucks really ought to pay more attention to industrial-grade glycine and Donghua Jinlong.

Because of this speech made in Taipei:

An irresponsible, dangerous, and stupid political stunt by a former Secretary of State who remains sanctioned by China.

He is essentially tearing up the three communiques, and openly pushing for the independence of Taiwan.

The 3 communiques are words that underpin the basis of US-China diplomacy. Tearing them up equals the end of relations, and most likely, open war.

uh, I made a few heads hurt a couple years ago when I took a position uh, that said, “You know, it’s time for the United States to recog- recognize Taiwan as a sovereign and independent country.”

Um, you should know, I I thought about this a lot before making that statement. As a former Secretary of State, people think about what you say. Sometimes they think about what you say, and they say, “You’re just crazy.” Um, but I thought about it a lot, and I came back to what I tried to write about in my book. I came back to the central idea that we shouldn’t live in a make-believe world. We shouldn’t say things that everyone knows aren’t true. We should accept fundamental, basic truths and speak about them openly, no matter what that means, what, no matter what the second-order implications of that are. We should, when when we live in a fantasy world, we create enormous risk.

Um, this wasn’t just a, a gesture or a diplomatic nicety. Um, recognizing this place, Taiwan, as an independent, sovereign, free nation is true. It reflects the reality. You know, I was I was speaking, uh, a week or so back about this law that China has on its books, this idea of an anti-secession law. That’s just crazy, right? When when Xi Jinping speaks of Taiwan as being reunified with his country, this is propaganda. This is an effort to shape the minds of your children, and shape the minds of people around the world who don’t know the history, that don’t know the history that is so central to why it is, it would be important for the United States to make a declarative statement about Taiwan and its independence. It’s a it’s it’s a simple call to just recognize the existing reality. You govern yourself democratically. We saw this yesterday with your peaceful transition of power. You control territory. You engage in international trade. You do so as a separate entity, deeply separate from the People’s Republic of China. None of your real estate, none of your territory, is under the PRC’s sovereign control. Uh, to suggest otherwise belies the reality. You know, the risk is that the PRC has misinterpreted the – the PRC stance, and frankly we’ we’ve had these set of understandings, these communique- these agreements, that have been made uh, long ago now, um, and perhaps they were workable in decades gone by. It’s possible.

Um, when the other side violates an agreement, and there are really only two parties involved, it makes no sense for the other side to continue to honor those commitments. This isn’t about belligerence. This isn’t about an effort to create conflict. This is about recognizing conflict. This is about recognizing that there is an aggressive party, and there’s a party that is a potential victim of that aggression. That’s the people of Taiwan, not the people and the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. They are the aggressor. They are the ones who have threatened and attempted to coerce this place. You are the ones who have stood up to this coercion, aggression, ways that are important and noble and decent, and God bless you for that.

And finally, I, what pushed me over the edge to say that America ought to take that position is a reflection of my country’s history, my country’s history of recognizing people and their sovereign right to protect their own borders and to create prosperity for their own people. We correct an historical oversight when we get this right, but it also strength- strengthens a peaceful and democratic peoples. It’s not just you. It’s not just a policy adjustment. It is a moral and strategic imperative. And it is a necessary and it is a rightful acknowledgement of the democratic process of your true, free, and sovereign state. Time for us to act boldly, together. And when we do, when we do, I am convinced uh, that we will look back on the day that we just acknowledged the truth and the reality, we will look back on that day as a day that was an inflection point in world history, an inflection point in the history of this place, and an inflection point for the peoples of the entire region, and we made their lives better, safer, and more prosperous.

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Breaking News – China: “The Japanese People will be dragged into a fiery Hell”

Wu Jianghao large
Wu Jianghao large

Chinese Ambassador to Japan, Wu Jianghao, today publicly announced “The Japanese people will be dragged into a fiery hell,”  after Japan pledged support to Taiwan.

The ambassador has already been summoned to the Taiwan Foreign Ministry.

Hal Turner Snap Analysis

WOW!  That language is so unusual as to be completely unknown coming from _any_ China official.

Seems as though old animosities are resurfacing in Asia.

This is not the language used by Diplomats . . .  or are we in a new paradigm?

If this is what their DIPLOMAT says . . .  can any of us imagine the level of anger/hatred the Chinese still feel against Japan for the “Rape of Nanking?”

Sounds to me like someone has some very old scores to settle.

This could get ugly.

Men are lonely. Women are lonely. I so feel for this woman. Sad girl. Terrible!

The West is a cluster FUCK.

Taken from South-East Asia and transported to America, on May 27, 1902 he was in an enclosure at the Forepaugh Circus in Brooklyn when a keeper, in a state of intoxication, decided to throw sand on him and burn his trunk with a cigarette. The animal left no escape for man, but from that day on, especially for obvious marketing reasons, it was advertised as “the bad elephant that killed 12 people”.

The animal’s growing aggressiveness in the face of instigation convinced the owners to sell it to the Sea Lion Park; Here it wasn’t long before Topsy became the protagonist of a new attack and escaped from the facility, once again after being hit in the ear with a pitchfork.

The new owners thus found themselves obliged to euthanize the elephant in an event open to the paying public; For Topsy, three systems were planned to be used simultaneously: poisoning with cyanide-laced carrots, hanging with iron cables and finally electrocution.

The latter had been strongly sponsored by Thomas Edison who wanted to demonstrate in this way the danger of alternating current, supported by George Westinghouse in favor of direct current; a shock of 6,600V, lasting 10 seconds, killed the animal instantly.

Famous Pennsylvania Dutch Sticky Cinnamon Buns

IMG 8776 sticky buns
IMG 8776 sticky buns


  • 1 package dry yeast
  • 1/4 cup warm water
  • 1 cup milk, scalded
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 1/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour, divided
  • 3 tablespoons soft butter
  • 1/2 cup chopped raisins
  • 2 tablespoons currants
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped citron
  • 1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar


  1. Soften yeast in warm water and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. Add milk to sugar and salt. Mix and cool to lukewarm.
  3. Add 1 cup flour and mix until smooth. Stir in yeast. Add remaining flour mixing well. Knead dough on floured board until smooth. Put in greased bowl, grease top, cover with towel and let rise in warm room until double.
  4. Punch down dough, and roll into a rectangle about 1/4 inch thick. Brush with the softened butter and spread with mixture of raisins, currants, citron, the 1/4 cup brown sugar and cinnamon. Roll up like a jellyroll and cut into 1/4 inch thick slices. Lay the slices in a buttered 13 x 9 x 2 inch pan. Cover and let rise until doubled.
  5. Sprinkle top with the 3 tablespoons brown sugar.
  6. Bake at 375 degrees F for 20 to 25 minutes.

This week I took my family out to some fancy Italian restaurant to celebrate my daughter’s college graduation.

This is a type of place that everything is a la carte because I guess making you pay for side dishes makes it a fancy restaurant.

I digress. So the bill is $225. And it included a 3% fee which was never explained to me but let’s assume it’s a credit card fee.

At the bottom of the receipt list the suggested tips 20% 23% and 25%.

Here’s my problem in the past 3 years going out to eat has gone up by 25% in the United States. Tips are based on the cost of the restaurant so inherently the tips went up by 25%. And yet I guess this is not enough, on top of that there’s an expectation for a 25% tip? You got to be kidding me.

Now before you tell me how I’m a cheapskate and servers work hard for their money let me tell you about a week ago I went with my daughter and wife out to a breakfast place the bill was $45 the service was excellent and I left $10.

According to my calculations that $10 is over 20%. But that is not the point. The point is are you telling me that that waitstaff at the fancy Italian restaurant work any harder than if the breakfast place I went to?

I am so irritated with the tipping culture of the United States, especially the expectations at fancy restaurants that do not necessarily go above and beyond for service.

Make your life special no matter where you are or why

After exiting prison, I was placed in a half-way house. And, of course, over time I rose through the ranks and became a major director of the operations there. You cannot change who you are, no matter what snarls and lies are thrown at you, the fundamental being of what you are never changes.

So I was placed there, and I managed the house there.

It was for men. Everyone had one issue or the other. Most all of us were getting back on our feet, and there really wasn’t much in the way to help us, so we banded together and ran that house.

Some had addictions. Some were on parole and some had mental issues. Most were divorced. All were having trouble finding work.

When I came to the house, it was dim and gloomy and not managed at all. The light-bulbs were all replaced with 15 watt refrigerator bulbs (if any). They were the cheapest bulbs that one could buy. But they made the interior of the place really dark and super gloomy.

It was also stifling. They kept thee windows closed all the time. The initial reason was to keep the electricity bills down, but the real reason was that everyone was too laze to take responsibility.

Out of my own pocket, I bought “natural lighting” light-bulbs in 75 and 150 watt versions, and put them in all the fixtures. Talk about making a difference! What an amazing change.

The next thing that I did was mandate certain windows to be left open a crack (1 inch = 2.5 cm) so that fresh air could get in, and we kept the thermostat cooler in the Winter (at around 65F) and warmer in the Summer (at around 80F) so that over all we had a nice movement of air, and reasonable temperatures.

Here’s the typical window opening in “my room” in the shared house. Notice my piles and piles of books. LOL.

my books
my books

I then organized meals. One person would cook dinner per day, and we rotated. We sat down and came up with a meal plan and in short order we were eating meatloaf and mashed potatoes, tomato soups with grilled cheese, open faced turkey sandwiches with gravy over french fries, and Italian sausage. Not to mention the chili, spaghetti, and other meals.

It was remarked to me that the mental health of everyone was greatly improved, and the house was a nice, cozy place to live.

Eventually, I left.

But during that point in time… well, I made a difference.

During this point in time, of your life, are you making a difference?


All fingers point to Israel, but it could just as well be the United States.

  • First, The President of Iran dies in a helicopter crash, with his Foreign Minister. HERE
  • Second, The Iranian Intelligence Chief is assassinated. HERE
  • Third, the Chief of the Iranian national Police is assassinated HERE

All within a two day window.

What are the odds? Using the on-line probability calculator we are looking at 0.000000000000001% of it being a natural coincidence.

Four kittens, left in the river due to illness, emitted faint cries for help, but went unnoticed.

What is the best way to respond when your waiter asks if everything was okay, and it wasn’t?

I have a favorite breakfast restaurant that I have been to over 30 times. The breakfast is always great (almost), I posted 5 star Google review. Arrived to the pleasant greeting from a new waitress, who served my normal pancakes, eggs and bacon (don’t judge, it’s great). Both pancakes were burned on the bottom. I ate the eggs and bacon, turned the pancakes over to display the black pancakes. The new waitress removed the plate and said nothing. I normally leave a 25% tip, but left 15% and left.

Next few times, perfect, then again a set burned black. I turn them over and wait. The waitress comes over to offer coffee, and I say. “I’m sorry to be a pain, but I won’t be eating these, would you kindly replace them with pancakes that are not burned”. She apologized, fixed the error.

A bad meal may be a fluke, a bad cook that doesn’t care, but has not been found out yet. I learned that it really is my obligation to politely refuse a bad meal without eating more than a taste if the error is not obvious. The owner will never know that they have a problem if you hide it. If you eat it, you pay for it.

The first waitress should have dealt with it, but it may have been her first day on the job, and I did not expose the obvious issue by saying something. She lost out on a generous tip for her inexperience or lack of attention.

A restaurant is very difficult to manage properly, hurting that restaurant with bad reviews based off of one meal is IMHO very wrong. My rule is never to review restaurants that serve a meal I disliked, only ones when it’s truly fantastic. They lose that 5 star review, and it’s not the waiter/waitresses fault, unless he/she ignores an obvious error. If the error was in flavor, blandness and invisible, I’d still leave a 25% tip. But I would not order that meal again. If I try two or three meals there that I dislike, I never go to that restaurant again.

A friends wife ordered a meal took one taste and couldn’t eat it. She was very polite and didn’t say anything. I asked why, she said the cook just over cooked this. I said, would you mind if I said something. I asked the waitress to remove the meal from the check, and asked my friends if she wanted anything else. She was not mad, but the restaurant doesn’t get to benefit from a badly cooked meal. No drama, no bad review, just draw attention that maybe that cook is not attentive to his meal preparation. And returning a full plate of food.

I started work as a production supervisor. I asked my first boss how do I become successful?

He replied, every day you come to work you will find 100 things to do. 85 of them ar not important and will fix themselves. 15 can wait until tomorrow with no harm, and 5 are going to kill you. Your main job is to find the 5 that are going to kill you and take care of them first. That was the best advice I ever got, and also noticed in my 40 years of work that the best managers are not the ones who solve problems, but the ones that keep problems from ever happening.

The next is a Sam Walton story told to me by the former Vice President of Sales at Proctor and Gamble. One day Sam called him and said be in my office tomorrow. Of course when your largest customer calls you go, and he flew to Bentonville. Sam said I’m dropping your company and you have 30 days to get all of your products out of my stores. I’m sick of working with you guys, you have a promotion every week and I have to stock extra inventory for the sale then sales drop as soon as your promotion is over. I have to hire extra people just to change prices and you are causing a major disruption to my operation and I’m using twice the warehouse space, and I just won’t have it any more. Of course the VP was stunned. Who on earth would refuse to do business with the largest producer of consumer products in the world. He said what can we do? Sam thought for a minute and said we will take one product, Pampers, and you will run no special coupons or promotions. The only thing I want is the lowest everyday price that you give anyone including promotions, and you will deliver two truck loads of pampers to each of my store every day. He agreed. After three months Pamper sales significantly increased and P&G was making more money than they ever had. He no longer had to have marketing and promotion people and they were able to reduce their transportation and warehousing costs significantly. Basically keep your operation simple and don’t cloud it with things that don’t matter, and don’t be afraid to walk away from bad customers regardless of the revenue you will use. Profit, not revenue should be the driver.

Apricot Ginger Biscotti

IMG 8690 e1461703731106
IMG 8690 e1461703731106

Yield: about 12 biscotti


  • 1/3 cup (about 2 ounces) dried apricots
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon water
  • 1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons (about 1 ounce) chopped candied ginger


  1. Heat oven to 325 degrees F. Lightly butter a cookie sheet and dust with flour, knocking out excess flour.
  2. In a bowl soak apricots in boiling hot water to cover 5 minutes. Drain apricots well and pat them dry with paper towels. Chop apricots fine.
  3. In another bowl lightly whisk together eggs and transfer 1 teaspoon egg to a small bowl. Whisk water into the 1 teaspoon egg and reserve egg wash.
  4. In a large bowl with an electric mixer blend flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Add remaining egg and vanilla extract and beat until a dough forms (dough will be sticky). Stir in apricots and ginger.
  5. Turn dough out onto a floured surface and knead 6 times. Working on cookie sheet, with floured hands form dough into a 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch rectangle. Brush rectangle with some reserved egg wash and bake in middle of oven for 30 minutes.
  6. Cool rectangle on cookie sheet on a rack 10 minutes.
  7. Loosen rectangle from cookie sheet with a metal spatula and carefully transfer to a cutting board.
  8. Cut rectangle crosswise into 1/2 inch thick slices. Arrange biscotti, cut side down, on cookie sheet and bake 10 minutes on each side, or until pale golden.
  9. Transfer biscotti to rack to cool.


Biscotti keep in an airtight container at room temperature for 3 days or frozen for 1 month.

A whacked out crack head was driving with two others in the car. This crack head got up beside a car with a man, his wife, and two grandchildren on a 4 lane and started weaving like he was going to hit the family. He stuck his tatted up nasty arm out the drivers window and gave them the finger while acting crazy. The family slowed down, the crack head got in front of them. The crack head did not know that the family was turning right, they did turn right, and the crack head actually slammed on his brakes, backed up, and started to chase the family. The driver of the family in the car had enough, he stopped, the guy chasing him stopped about 100 feet behind and they both got out. The crack head was stoned, and started to charge the man until the family man pulled his M&P Shield 9 mm. The look on the crack head was sheer amusement. I have never seen anyone stop dead in their tracks and start walking backwards, almost running backwards. The crack head got in his car and backed all the way back to the intersection and took off. Yes, you guessed it already. I was that man, and this was about 18 months ago. Yes, I have a CCP, and yes, I would have shot him. I’m too GD old for that bullshit, especially when he put my wife and grandchildren at risk.

I was in the Navy for 21 yrs and heard a lot of stories. There are nearly 6,000 people on a carrier and at least two and sometimes 4 are at sea at one time and often at sea for 3 to 6 months or longer. The carrier is a very dangerous place to be – especially the flight deck.

The flight deck is 90 feet above the water so a fall from there often causes injury. There are also tons of other places that you can fall from. If you are seen falling, you almost always will be rescued. If you are not seen falling. . . .well . . . .it is a long swim to shore. Falling overboard happens on every deployment but most are rescued. Those that are not seen falling are just “missing” at the next role call and the ship is searched. Usually, missing means fell overboard which means dead.

What the public does not know is that there are always serious injury accidents and quite often fatalities on every deployment. In the 60s and 70s, there was an average of 1 or 2 deaths for every deployment. I have been out for a long time and the safety record might be better now but I doubt it. The carrier is still a very dangerous place to be – especially the flight deck.

“He won’t marry me after 16 years and two kids”


I’m a 38 year old woman who has been dating a 40 year old man for 16 years. I feel so depressed and disposable because he won’t marry me.

We have been together for 16 whole years. We have two daughters (4 and 8). I wanted to be married before having kids but he basically said he thought that if he married me first then I might decide not to have any kids and he would be stuck never having any. So I was guilted into having them before being married.

I have felt horrible about my situation for years but last summer, about a month before our 16 year anniversary, I started to feel much worse. I’m depressed and I think about it multiple times a day. I feel like a joke. Like a disposable piece of trash. Like I’m not good enough to be loved completely.

I’m a stay at home mom so I depend on him financially so it’s not as simple as just moving out.

I’m so embarrassed. I feel worthless. I have one very good friend that I met four years ago…. She thinks we are married and I’ve never corrected her. His parents and siblings refer to me as their daughter/sister in law. His mom introduces me to people as his fiancee because she knows that the term girlfriend doesn’t seem serious enough after 16 years.

A few months ago at confession the priest wouldn’t absolve me of any sins because I couldn’t tell him that I wouldn’t fornicate again. Older priests always have because staying with him in a fake family was best for my kids. This younger priest wouldn’t do it and I was crying hysterically. Now every time I think about that I get choked up. I can’t go up for communion at mass. So on top of feeling not good enough I also get to feel like I’m going to hell.

I love him but since this depression started this summer I feel different about him. And all men. I now think all men are incapable of love. For the sake of my daughters I need to stay with him but I don’t know how to handle feeling this way for 14 more years. I’ve been trying to tell myself that when I’m 52+ I’ll have a chance to find someone who will actually love me completely.

I honestly don’t know how I can stop feeling so horrible. I think about it multiple times a day, every single day.

How do I get over it? Or what do I do to improve things? How could I talk him into it? I don’t know if I could. I just feel so lost.

I feel your pain radiating through every word of your letter. 16 years is an eternity to be stuck in relationship limbo, and with two kids in tow, no less. My heart aches for you.

Let’s be clear: Your partner’s refusal to marry you is not a reflection of your worth. It doesn’t mean you are unlovable or disposable, even though I know it feels that way. His unwillingness to fully commit is about him and his issues, not about your inherent value as a person and partner.

But here’s the hard truth: You cannot talk him into marrying you because he does not want to marry you. I know that stings like hell, but trying to force or guilt him into a proposal will only breed more resentment and dysfunction. For whatever reason, he’s made it crystal clear that marriage is not on the table. You need to stop waiting for him to change his mind, and start focusing on what YOU need and want.

First things first: Look into your rights as a common law spouse in your area. After 16 years and two children together, you likely have some legal protections and entitlements, even without a formal marriage. Consult with a lawyer to understand your options and safeguard your interests.

Next, it’s time to start building some financial independence. I know you’re a stay-at-home mom, but is there any way you could get a part-time job while the kids are in school? Even a few hours a week could give you a sense of autonomy and put some money in your pocket. Plus, it’s a chance to connect with other adults and remember that your worth extends beyond the confines of your relationship.

Speaking of confiding in others – it’s time to come clean with your close friend. I know it feels shameful to admit that you’ve been lying about being married, but true friends will understand and support you through this. Keeping up the charade is only adding to your emotional burden. You need people in your corner who know the real story and can offer guidance and empathy.

I also want to address your belief that you need to stay with him for your daughters’ sake. I get it – you want to keep the family together, to spare them the pain of a split. But here’s the thing: Your daughters are watching you every single day. They’re absorbing the dynamics of your relationship, internalizing the way you’re treated. Is this the model of partnership you want for them? Staying “for the kids” in a union that leaves you feeling depressed and degraded will only teach them to settle for less than they deserve. Sometimes, the most loving thing a parent can do is to leave a toxic situation and show their children what it looks like to demand better for yourself.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to lean on your own family for support during this time. I’m sure they want to see you happy and whole, and would be more than willing to help you navigate this transition. You don’t have to shoulder this burden alone.

I know the thought of leaving is terrifying, especially after pouring 16 years into this relationship. But from where I’m standing, it sounds like you’ve already mentally checked out – you’re just looking for permission and a plan. So here’s your permission: You deserve happiness, commitment, and a partner who values you completely. And here’s a rough plan: Get educated about your rights, start squirreling away some money, tell the truth to your inner circle, and begin envisioning a life beyond this relationship.

I won’t pretend any of this will be easy. Disentangling your life from his will be a process, logistically and emotionally. But I deeply believe that you have the strength to reclaim your joy and show your girls what a woman looks like when she refuses to settle.

It’s time to bet on yourself. To fight for the love story you deserve, even if – especially if – you’re the only one in your current relationship willing to do so. 16 years is long enough to wait for someone else to see your worth. Now it’s your turn.

20 years ago, I was helping put my friend by working in his high end ski shop that also sold expensive ski outfits.

This petite gal came in wearing a vintage mink swing coat. She selected 6 outfits, in increasing sizes, including jackets & pants and went into the fitting room with them.

The door of the fitting room ended about 1′ above the floor. I kinda noticed that I saw her pull on a pair of pants but never saw her take them off which was kinda weird. Now I knew to keep an eye on the booth. Then I saw her try another pair on top of the first pair.

Just happened that there was a police car parked outside the shop. I went and spoke to him explaining what I thought was going on. He said that he would wait to outside our door so that he could arrest her if she was stealing.

Long story shore, the customer had layered on the 6 outfits on top of each other and then her coat. The previous loose swing coat was now tightly closed across her body. She let me know that she didn’t like any of the outfits and walked out. I nodded at the cop and he arrested her on the spot . She was wearing over $6000 of clothing. Ended up being found guilty of Grand Larceny and spent time in jail.

Ladies, if I may speak.

I’m going to wager this is a major, perhaps the biggest gripe women have with head games men play:

A guy and a girl will meet for a date.

Within a date or two, the guy will probably know if she’s someone he could see himself in a relationship with.

He realizes the answer is probably no.

When she asks if he is looking for a relationship or to date around, he says, “A relationship.” but leaves out the part (but not with you).

He continues going on dates with her knowing full well that he doesn’t want a relationship with her.

Why does he keep going on dates?

Because he knows if he keeps going on a few dates, he’ll probably get to sleep with her. Most girls don’t give it up on date 1 or 2. But sometime after that, it often happens.

Sure enough, 3–5+ dates in, they have sex.

Perhaps they go on a couple more dates and hook up a couple more times. He eventually bails, ghosts, or fades into the unknown.

Or in the worst case, they have sex once and he is out.

Hence, the common dating profile line you see “no hookups!” on what feels like 70% of profiles (in America at least).

As a general rule of thumb, guys, I know girls are fun, shiny objects. I’m a fan of them too.

But if she’s stated clearly she doesn’t want a hookup/fling, don’t dangle the relationship carrot. You’ll just feel like shit afterwards.

And more importantly, you’ll hurt her feelings.

Russia & China — Two Against One

Guest Post by Ray McGovern


Chinese President Xi Jinping’s extremely warm reception of President Vladimir Putin yesterday in Beijing sealed the increasingly formidable Russia-China strategic relationship. It amounts to a tectonic shift in the world balance of power.

The Russia-China entente also sounds the death knell for attempts by U.S. foreign policy neophytes to drive a wedge between the two countries. The triangular relationship has become two-against-one, with serious implications, particularly for the war in Ukraine. If U.S. President Joe Biden’s foreign policy geniuses remain in denial, escalation is almost certain.

In a pre-visit interview with Xinhua, Putin noted the “unprecedented level of strategic partnership between our countries.” He and Xi have met more than 40 times in person or virtually. In June 2018, Xi described Putin as “an old friend of the Chinese people” and, personally, his “best friend.”

For his part, Putin noted Thursday that he and Xi are “in constant contact to keep personal control over all pressing issues on the Russian-Chinese and international agenda.” Putin brought along Defense Minister Andrey Belousov as well as veterans like Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and key business leaders.

Joint Statements Matter

Xi and Putin signed a strong joint statement Thursday, similar to the extraordinary one the two issued on Feb. 4, 2022, in Beijing. It portrayed their relationship as “superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era. Friendship between the two States has no limits, there are no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation …”

The full import of that statement did not hit home until Putin launched the Special Military Operation into the Donbass three weeks later. China’s muted reaction shocked most analysts, who had dismissed the possibility that Xi would give “best friend” Putin, in effect, a waiver on China’s bedrock policy of non-interference abroad.

In the following weeks, official Chinese statements made clear that the principles of Westphalia had taken a back seat to “the need for every country to defend its core interests” and to judge each situation “on its own merits.”

Nuclear War

Thursday’s statement expressed concern over “increased strategic risks between nuclear powers” — referring to continued escalation of the war between NATO-supported Ukraine and Russia. It condemns “the expansion of military alliances and creation of military bridgeheads close to the borders of other nuclear powers, particularly with the advanced deployment of nuclear weapons and their means of delivery, as well as other items.”

Putin has undoubtedly briefed Xi on the U.S. missile sites already in Romania and Poland that can launch what Russians call “offensive strike missiles” with flight time to Moscow of less than 10 minutes. Putin surely has told Xi about the inconsistencies in U.S. statements regarding intermediate-range nuclear missiles.

For example, Xi is aware — just as surely as consumers of Western media are unaware — that during a Dec. 30, 2021, telephone conversation, Biden assured Putin that “Washington had no intention of deploying offensive strike weapons in Ukraine.”

There was rejoicing in the Kremlin that New Years’ Eve, since Biden’s assurance was the first sign that Washington might acknowledge Russia’s security concerns. Indeed, Biden addressed a key issue in at least five of the eight articles of the Russian draft treaty given to the U.S. on Dec. 17, 2021.

Russian rejoicing, however, was short-lived.

Foreign Minister Lavrov revealed last month that when he met Antony Blinken in Geneva in January 2022, the U.S. secretary of state pretended he’d not heard of Biden’s undertaking to Putin on Dec. 30, 2021. Rather, Blinken insisted that U.S. medium-range missiles could be deployed in Ukraine, and only that the U.S. might be willing to limit their number, Lavrov said.

The Mother of All Miscalculations

When Biden took office in 2021, his advisers assured him that he could play on Russia’s fear (sic) of China and drive a wedge between them. This became embarrassingly clear when Biden indicated what he had told Putin during their Geneva summit on June 16, 2021.

That meeting gave Putin confirmation that Biden and his advisers were stuck in a woefully outdated appraisal of Russia-China relations.

Here is the bizarre way Biden described his approach to Putin on China:

“Without quoting him [Putin] — which I don’t think is appropriate — let me ask a rhetorical question: You got a multi-thousand-mile border with China. China is seeking to be the most powerful economy in the world and the largest and the most powerful military in the world.”

The ‘Squeeze’

At the airport after the summit, Biden’s aides did their best to whisk him onto the plane, but failed to stop him from sharing more wisdom on China:

“Russia is in a very, very difficult spot right now. They are being squeezed by China.”

After these remarks Putin and Xi spent the rest of 2021 trying to disabuse Biden of the “China squeeze” on Russia: it was not a squeeze, but a fraternal embrace. This mutual effort culminated in a Xi-Putin virtual summit on Dec. 15 of that year.

The video of the first minute of their conversation was picked up by The New York Times, as well as others. Still, most commentators seemed to miss its significance:


“Dear friend, dear President Xi Jinping.

Next February I expect we can finally meet in person in Beijing as we agreed. We will hold talks and then participate in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games. I am grateful for your invitation to attend this landmark event.”


“Dear President Putin, my old friend. It’s my pleasure to meet you at the end of this year by video, the second time this year, our 37th meeting since 2013. You have hailed … China-Russia relations as a model in international collaboration in the 21st Century, strongly supporting China’s position on safeguarding its core interests, and firmly opposed to attempts to drive a wedge between our two countries. I highly appreciate it.”

Is Biden still unaware of this? Have his advisers told him that Russia and China have never been closer, with what amounts to a virtual military alliance?

The Election

Putin has said he is aware that Washington’s policy toward Russia “is primarily impacted by domestic political processes.” Russia and China certainly assess that Biden’s policy on Ukraine will be influenced by the political imperative to be seen as facing Russia down.

If NATO country hotheads send “trainers” to Ukraine, the prospect of a military dust-up is ever present. What Biden needs to know is that, if it comes to open hostilities between Russia and the West, he is likely to face more than just saber rattling in the South China Sea — and the specter of a two-front war.

The Chinese know they are next in line for the ministrations of NATO/East.

Indeed, it is no secret that the Pentagon sees China as enemy No. 1.

According to the DOD’s National Defense Strategy, “defense priorities are first, defending the homeland, paced to the growing multi-domain threat posed by the People’s Republic of China.”

The Pentagon will be the last to sing a requiem for the dearly departed unipolar world. May sanity prevail.

American Reacts to First Time You Realized America Really Messed You Up you Americans Living Abroad


What do you believe has been a major culture shift that has affected values in the United States in the last 50 years?

I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, back in the 1970s. My mom was a unwed mother. My uncle was a biker and drug dealer, and had done various stretches at the expense of the California taxpayer. He was also somewhat of a surrogate father for me at times.

I noticed early on that every drug dealer, car thief, burglar that crossed his threshold had at least one tattoo, but usually more than one. My mom eventually married (twice) with my first step father being a truck driver from a southern lower middle-class background. His family was working class whites, and none of them had tattoos. My second step father was a small business manager with a more middle class background. None of his friends or families had ink.

Back in the 70s and 80s, the was a pretty clear demarcation:

  • If you had tattoos you were generally lower class, but you were lower class in a way that rejected upward mobility and civility.
  • If you were middle class or upper class, tattoos were simply not an option.
  • Respectable working class men didn’t have ink. The sole exception to this was military veterans who sometimes had unit or ship tattoos, but otherwise lead respectable lives.

Now significant percentages of all economic and demographic groups have tattoos.

I don’t think this phenomena so much represents tattoos themselves being mainstreamed, but rather that underclass culture in general has been mainstreamed. The AVERAGE person today is more likely to embrace underclass culture.


  1. Tattoos.
  2. Almost half of children born to unmarried parents.
  3. Proliferation of profanity in normal everyday conversations.

As a teen and young adult I worked my tail off to get away from underclass culture. But in the intervening years, many in the upper and middle class have assimilated underclass culture. Tattoos are just and expression of that.

China Helped Zimbabwe Beat Evil U.S. Sanctions


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My daughter , her partner and their 1 and 3 year old sons lived in a small downstairs apartment. Her partner worked second shift so he wasn’t home until about 10pm. Around 6pm she would put the boys in the bathtub before brushing their teeth and putting them to bed and the neighbours had no issues with the noise that came with young kids in the tub. Splashing and the like.

Sadly the upstairs neighbour moved out and the landlords brother moved in after his wife kicked him out. He hated kids and the same day he moved in he took offence at the noise of the kids in the tub and my daughter told them off for splashing her and he called the police stating he suspected she was abusing them. She had just gotten the kids out of the tub and they were wrapped in towels when a knock on the door came, then police open up.

She opened the door and was eh hello? The two officers looked at both kids and saw they were wrapped in towels and asked if she had been bathing them? She said yes. They then asked why she had yelled at them and she showed them her clothes which were all wet and all the water on the bathroom floor caused by them splashing. She explained that she had told them off for splashing so much but that was all it was. This was 6.30pm.

They apologised for coming out and said there was obviously no issue here. One said he also had two small kids and knew how it was at bathtime. They then left.

A few days later they came back. Same complaint, same officers. Again they didn’t find any problems but did say that it was the neighbour upstairs who made the complaint. The next day her partner was off work and went up to talk to the neighbour at 1pm. Neighbor opened the door and was visibly drunk and slurring his words and basically told my SIL to get lost. SIL called the landlord who apologised for his brother, that he was an alcoholic and refused to accept it and get help but that he couldn’t kick him out as he had nowhere else to go.

Over the next few weeks the police came several times and finally told my daughter that it was probably best to move out. Thing is the rent was cheap and the only other apartment available was almost twice the price but it was owned by the same landlord and he offered to reduce the rent because of the trouble his brother had caused.

Less than a year later he sold all of his rental property and the new owner raised the rent. Now my daughter is stuck in the apartment because there aren’t any other 3 bedroom apartments available. The rent is so expensive that they can’t afford to save for a down payment to buy their own home. All caused by an alcoholic who refused to admit he had an issue.

AMERICAN Reacts to Americans Realize the Entire Earth Doesn’t Revolve Around Them!

What are the smallest signs that someone is severely depressed?


  1. Decreasing interest in sex, food, entertainment and social events. A lack of previous enthusiasm in activities and people that brought them a readable sense of joy.
  2. Binging on entertainment, music, films, television shows, etc. that have a suicidal character or widespread theme of death.
  3. Lack of concern in hygiene. Wearing the same clothes, noticeably unkempt appearance with changes in hair and skin care, decreased activity and exercise, no interest in looking good.
  4. Increased isolation. They quit calling friends, decreased communication with neighbors and service people. Gradually alone until the end.
  5. They begin to become clumsy, breaking items, stumbling, and having accidents. Their mind is too focused on their depressive state.
  6. Their home gradually becomes more cluttered and dirty, repairs are ignored. Mail remains unopened inattentive to their environment.
  7. Lack of ‘being present’. You will notice that their body is with you but emotionally and mentally they aren’t engaged.
  8. They begin giving things away, nothing has sentimental value anymore.
  9. They become confused, forgetful, and apathetic towards both mundane and special events, even their favorite friends.
  10. Their speech pattern changes, mumbling, monotone, and barely audible. There is a noticeable lack of humor, their mouth takes a downturned expression. There is a vacant sadness in their eyes. Expression is one of despair.
  11. They begin talking about famous suicide victims while their interest towards the topic increases. They express acceptance or approval of suicide.
  12. Their vocabulary leads towards, or hinting at, the statement, ‘’There is no hope or future’’. They express an apathetic attitude towards everyone and everything.
  13. They lose the spark and liveliness from their eyes. They gradually develop a dull, lifeless look.
  14. The frequency of their smiles gradually decreases until there is a frozen, blank expression on their face of sadness.
  15. Their health problems increase and they don’t seek answers or want to talk about it. They stop exercising and sleep more.
  16. The extremely depressed won’t seek counseling but exhibit a ‘don’t worry’ persona, trying to fool everyone that they are GREAT, until the body is found. Major depressive disorder creeps up slowly until it overcomes the natural survival instinct.

AI Just Got Insanely Better

Jesus Christ.

Vintage art
































Kenetic narratives, thomas robson, ls
Kenetic narratives, thomas robson, ls







Women Are Crying Over NEW Laws Requiring DNA Tests In More States…

What is the evilest way to acquire wealth?

From 1950s to mid '60s two Mexican sisters concocted an elaborate plan to make quick money.

Delfina and María de Jesús González (also known as The González Sisters) ran “Rancho El Ángel”, the centre of a macabre prostitution ring that would eventually claim more than 90 lives: men, women and infants. All in the name of money.

In 1964, three women managed to escape from the the ring and approached the authorities with a horrifying story. They’d just escaped from a brothel where they were kept prisoners and forced into prostitution.

When the cops investigated the brothel, they were shocked beyond imagination. All the women the sisters had in their employ had all been abducted. To keep them in line they were beaten severely and drugged often to keep them under control.

Any woman who lost her beauty was immediately killed and disposed of somewhere in a shallow grave in the property. They dared not get sick; the sisters figured it was easier to kidnap more women than buy medicine. A new victim was totally free.

But the working girls weren’t the only victims of the Sinister Sisters. Any babies unfortunate enough to be conceived in this dungeon were quickly disposed of by way of immobilizing the mother and viciously beating her until she miscarried.

At the conclusion of the investigation, the police uncovered more than 90 bodies buried in the property.

The crimes earned the sisters 40 years in prison (the maximum that Mexican laws allowed). Although Delfina died whilst serving time her sister completed the sentence.

The Guinness World Records immortalized them as the “most prolific murder partnership” in history.

Cranberry Cappuccino Biscotti

cranberry cappuccino biscotti
cranberry cappuccino biscotti

Yield: 2 1/2 dozen cookies


  • 2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa
  • 2 tablespoons instant coffee granules
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 (6 ounce) package Ocean Spray Craisins Sweetened Dried Cranberries
  • 3/4 cup whole almonds, coarsely chopped


  1. Heat oven to 325 degrees F.
  2. Combine dry ingredients in a medium mixing bowl.
  3. Combine eggs, egg whites and vanilla in a separate mixing bowl.
  4. Add to dry ingredients, mixing just until moist, using an electric mixer on medium speed.
  5. Add sweetened dried cranberries and nuts; mix thoroughly.
  6. On a floured surface, divide dough in half and pat each half into a log about 14 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide.
  7. Place on cookie sheet and bake for 30 minutes or until firm.
  8. Cool on a wire rack.
  9. Reduce oven temperature to 300 degrees F. Cut biscotti into 1/2 inch slices. Stand upright on cookie sheet.
  10. Bake for an additional 30 minutes.
  11. Let cool and store in a loosely covered container.

First Time You Realized America Really Messed You Up | Part 3

Has a dress code been instituted at your place of work because of one employee?


My current employer is the County Clerk’s Office. As I’m sure you can imagine, a lot of the employees are female and older and are, for better or worse, sick to death of wearing stiff polyester suits to sit in a cubicle. A lot of people wear tunic-style tops/dresses and stretchier pants for comfort’s sake.

Well, like a lot of other legal entities, leggings were creeping into the office slowly but surely, and there were some vague warnings from HR, but one day we got an official memo that leggings were verboten by the end of January 2023. One coworker, a large, tall lady who was directly affected by the new ruling (because it meant that now her thighs were uncomfortably exposed from behind when she wore dresses) protested directly to the HR manager. The manager was candid enough to admit that the change was attributable to one particular complaint made directly to the serving Clerk: “I just came out of a courtroom and saw one of your employees walking around in leggings as pants and a short tunic shirt.” Requests to be allowed to wear leggings beneath dresses were denied, protests that opaque leggings actually covered more skin than sheer pantyhose were ignored.

So, no more leggings. Oddly, stretch pants are just fine.

But at least they didn’t make us start ordering work clothes from the Land’s End catalogue as threatened. (Probably because they don’t want to have to stump up a $300/person stipend for us to get a lousy cardigan set.)

Russia’s Anti-Drone Grenade Launcher Shotgun



How can husbands who are cheated on by their wives find peace in their heart and move on without resentment?

Alright, listen up – This is gonna hit like a freight train, but it’s the real, raw truth you need to hear. If your wife cheated on you, you were probably not in the driver’s seat of your own life. Sit down, grab a notepad, and let me lay down the law.

First off, the fact that you’re even in this situation means you lost the game somewhere along the line. A high-value man doesn’t get cheated on. Why? Because he’s the top-tier, cream-of-the-crop alpha who commands respect, loyalty, and admiration. Women don’t cheat on men who exude strength, confidence, and power. So, accept the fact that you weren’t operating at your maximum potential.

Now, when a woman cheats, it’s a slap in the face, a kick in the gut, and a punch to the ego – all rolled into one. It’s a challenge. The universe is testing your resilience. Are you gonna crumble like a cookie? Or are you gonna rise from the ashes like the fiercest, most unstoppable phoenix in the playbook of life?

Here’s how you man up, find peace, and move on without resentment:

1. **Upgrade Yourself**: Look in the mirror and identify what made you vulnerable. Was it your physique? Your finances? Your mental toughness? Transform every aspect of your life. Hit the gym or use slay fitness on Slaylebrity VIP social network like the world depends on it. Grind in your career until you’re a walking success story. Upgrade your wardrobe until you look like royalty. Become a man so high-value that you leave her in the dust, wondering why she ever settled for less.

2. **Channel the Pain Into Power**: Pain is an incredible motivator if you know how to harness it. Channel that betrayal, that hurt, into an unbreakable determination. Every time you feel the sting, double down on your goals. Let every rep, every deal, every personal achievement be a middle finger to the past.

3. **Cut the Cord**: You don’t need that toxic energy in your life. She’s a chapter in your past – close the book and toss it into the fire. No looking back. Cut all ties, block her number, delete her pictures. Out of sight, out of mind. She’s history, and you’re writing a new future.

4. **Surround Yourself With Winners**: Align yourself with high-value men who breathe success. Join circles where loyalty, respect, and power are the currency. If you have the means level up to slay club world on concierge. Being around winners will elevate your life game to a whole new level. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with – make sure they’re all titans.

5. **Secure Your Fortress**: Next time, choose a woman who recognizes your worth and treats you like the king you are. Build a fortress with someone who stands by your side, not someone who’s eyeing the exit.

Remember, resentment is a weed that grows in weak minds. You’re here to cultivate greatness. Let go of the past, don’t let it define you. Use this betrayal as a catapult to greatness. In the end, your success, your transformation, your newfound status will be the ultimate revenge.

Peace isn’t handed to you; it’s earned through relentless self-improvement, unshakable confidence, and unparalleled strength. Stop sulking, start dominating. Become the man who turns tragedy into triumph and rises above – unbreakable, unstoppable, untouchable.

This Will Blow Your Mind!

I just couldn’t understand why my coffee tasted like camel pee

During my “off in the wilderness” days, we (my wife and I) would go to a restaurant and order coffee with refills. Back in those days, refills were the norm. And we could stretch our time, and enjoy ourselves by drinking coffee.

One day while we were at the fast food franchise Carl’s Jr. we were drinking the coffee and talking about how lousy it was. Honestly it tasted like camel piss. And we stopped drinking it and left the restaurant.

But it was only then that I glanced in the window reflection and saw two of the employees a guy and a girl watching our every move and snickering.


Spent the night vomiting. Both of us.

I don’t know what happened to those two.


But…  Karma is a swift sword. Don’t you know.


Van life. If it wasn’t one thing it was the other.

I’ve had people pour sugar in the gas tank, and others flatten our tires. I’ve seem people call the police on us, and all sorts of stuff. Not an easy life. I’ll tell you what.

But pissing in our coffee…


Memories that I don’t ever want to relive.



What was the role of empresses and concubines in Ancient China (Han, Tang)? Did they have any power over the emperor?

First of all, an Empress was significantly different to a concubine in ancient Chinese culture. Although ancient Chinese allowed polygamy, there must always be a formal wife. She was married through a more formal ceremony and had significantly more legal rights and privileges, such as not being allowed to be divorced without valid reason.

A concubine did not have any of these privileges.

In fact, a son born to a concubine could be given for adoption to be the son of the prime wife, if she chose to do so.

The Empress was, of course, the formal wife of the Emperor. She would have to have the dignity to be the First Lady of the Empire; also there was no Second Lady (sorry concubines). And as the First Lady, she would have to play a role fitting of traditional Confucian values. That is, to be a supportive wife and responsible mother.

I will list out the one lady who I personally rate as the greatest Empress of China. Note that this was in regards to being the traditionalist figure. Empress Wu Zetian was, of course, greater as a leader, but she would always remain a controversial figure because her actions challenged the patriarchal society.

Empress Ma was commonly nicknamed Ma Bigfoot. Not necessarily meaning she had big feet, but more likely that she did not bind hers (foot binding, for all the cruelty, was for rich ladies who didn’t need to do manual work).

She was betrothed to a mid-ranking military commander named Zhu Yuanzhang. Little did she know that his fate would eventually be intertwined with the fate of a nation.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was imprisoned in the army, she secretly smuggled food to feed him. After Zhu Yuanzhang became crowned as Emperor Hongwu, she still occasionally prepared simple meals in their dinner, to advise him to never forget their humble beginnings. When the Emperor wanted to kill the royal teacher Song Lian, she fasted to convince the Emperor to spare him, stating that even a commoner had to show sincere respect to a teacher. Sadly, she died before the Emperor, and even her last words she asked him not to blame or sentence any of her doctors, stating that it was not their fault that they couldn’t cure a person already doomed to pass.

But just considering her biography, one could tell that she remained humble and modest, without overstepping her position. If an Emperor wanted to give significant political power to the Empress or her family, it would be very heavily frowned upon or criticised. There had been times where the Empress’ family had too much power, and caused severe corruption in the government (moreso in earlier Dynasties like Han, Jin and Tang).

What about concubines getting too much power from the Emperor?

If an Empress and her family gaining too much power was criticised, then a royal concubine gaining political power would be considered outright blasphemous. Ancient China often had the social rule that a formal wife should be chosen for both their merit and near-equal social rank to the husband, but a concubine did not. They were often chosen purely for beauty, servitude to their husbands, or even out of love (!).

A royal concubine’s only influence over the Emperor would be to use the Emperor’s love for her, to sway his opinions. And even so, if the Emperor’s decision was found out to be under the influence of a concubine, he would be criticised for being “weak-minded,” “lustful” and “irrational.” Because of these, some of the more power-hungry Emperors would punish his concubine if she dared to speak on political matters. And given that concubines were of lower status, she could receive much harsher punishments, such as banishment to the cold palace. Most concubines would not dare to speak up until they’ve reached significant status within the palace.

There were some ladies who were concubines who rose to power, either by usurping the current Empress (like Empress Wu Zetian), or when their son got chosen to be the new Emperor, they would gain (honourary) Empress status.

Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang was probably the best example for this; she had significant power and influence, but during her time as Empress Dowager (mother) and not royal concubine. While she was not liked by her son Emperor Shunzhi, she was very significant to her grandson Emperor Kangxi. And again, she knew the importance to teach and inspire her heir, not abuse power for herself. After she had died, Emperor Kangxi was able to continue his legacy.

Tomato Gravy

Tomato Gravy
Tomato Gravy

Yield: 8 servings


  • 1 1/2 cups tomato juice
  • Pinch of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch


  1. Boil tomato juice.
  2. Add baking soda, salt and sugar.
  3. Mix cornstarch and milk together, and pour into tomato mixture. Bring to a boil.
  4. Serve on scrambled eggs or fried mush.

“My boyfriend called me a 4/10”


Since dating my boyfriend, he kept making side comments about my appearance here and there. Then he compliments his ex every now and then. He says she is pretty or ended up talking about how he fell for her ass. One day I asked him to stop because it was making me self conscious. He never complimented me until I made a comment about it.

It’s been about four months and I told him I don’t have a good feeling about him and his ex and that he makes it seem like he likes her more than me. He finally told me that she is more attractive than me and that I am a 4/10 for him. I even asked how he thought about me, compared to his friend’s girlfriends, and he says they are more attractive than me. He tells me that his ex beauty means nothing to him. Then he turns around and still tries to call me beautiful after telling me was below average in looks. I am ok without being everyone’s cup of tea, but my own boyfriend?

Now I’m always looking in the mirror questioning myself. Everytime we go out I think about how he thinks all the girls are prettier than me. I don’t think I’m ugly and I am also not super attractive, but damn I thought I’d atleast get a 5 from my own boyfriend. What do I do? Do I leave because now I’m too insecure to be with him? Am I wrong? Would you date someone who thinks you are below average look wise?

Your feelings are valid, and your boyfriend’s behavior is utterly despicable.

Rating your girlfriend’s looks on a numeric scale, constantly talking up how hot your ex was, and telling you that his friends’ girlfriends are more attractive than you? No. Just no. This guy has the sensitivity and emotional intelligence of a potato.

You say you don’t think you’re ugly but also not super attractive. But you know what? That’s irrelevant. What matters is that you deserve to be with someone who thinks you are absolutely beautiful and makes you feel that way. Every. Single. Day.

His attempts to call you beautiful now ring completely hollow after he so thoughtlessly shattered your self-esteem. It’s like smashing a vase and then trying to hastily tape it back together. The damage is done.

I would seriously question staying with someone who makes you this insecure, who makes you feel like you don’t measure up, like you’re always being compared to other women and found wanting. That’s not what a loving relationship should do to you. It should build you up, not tear you down.

Leaving him over this would be completely justified in my opinion. Find someone who will appreciate you for exactly who you are, inside and out. You deserve so much better than to be stuck with a tactless, insensitive, emotionally stunted man-child who probably couldn’t find his own ass with both hands and a map.


Vintage Illustration

















Did you change your mind about China after you actually visited the country?

I went to China in 2017 with my family for a holiday. And a lot I had in mind about China was not true.

Language is a major barrier in China. I was totally wrong. Though the majority do not understand English, the younger generation in the metro cities can understand and converse in English pretty well. In Beijing, whenever we were stuck, there was someone to help us out. And those who are into tourism, keep their smartphones in use! Even we used offline Google translate to communicate to people. So language is not at all a barrier.

Chinese only eat non-veg which includes crawling, tiny insects. We carried so many ready to eat thinking we’ll get nothing vegetarian. Again, totally wrong. I feel, Chinese eat the most balanced meals with a healthy mix of veggies, carbs and protein. Had some of the most amazing vegetarian Chinese dishes. All that ready to eat remained untouched.

Chinese are soft, melodious speakers. Till date, I had heard Chinese announcements only in the airports, public places in Singapore and Hongkong. It sounded so melodious. But in reality, Chinese can sound loud. They do make several sounds, even from the epiglottis, making it sound weird.

China is a cheap shopping destination. I was very excited to shop in China. Thought I will buy a cute suitcase and fill it with stuffs. But in reality, the prices in their markets is comparable to that in India. I did not even find that cute suitcase I was looking for! I was particularly looking for a jacket, which I couldn’t find in their local markets. Later after coming back to India, I ordered it online from Aliexpress!

As an Indian, we would not be catching a lot of attention in China. Again, I was proved wrong. Chinese find us exotic. We got a lot of stares in the Beijing metro. Many asked for a selfie. In the summer palace, a group surrounded us and looked with awe!

Found Out


Do you think that for the majority of people in America, they find themselves in difficult positions in life mainly because of the poor decisions they made in their early years?

Everyone makes bad choices at some point in their lives.

The difference between “a mistake that ruined your life” and “a small setback” is gender, race, and wealth.

Consider Brock Allen Turner. He came from a rich family. He was a student at Stanford. He was on the swim team. And on January 18th, 2015, Turner sexually assaulted an unconscious woman behind the dumpster. He was caught red-handed by two other students. Turner was indicted on five charges and found guilty of three felonies.

The prosecutors recommended that Turner be given a six-year prison sentence based on the purposefulness of the action, the effort to hide this activity, and the victim’s intoxicated state. Do you know how long he got? Six months. The judge sentenced Turner to six months in the Santa Clara County Jail, and Turner served three months.

Turner’s father famously said, “His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve. That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20-plus years of life.”

The Judge himself was a Stanford alumnus and student-athlete like Turner.

What do you think would happen if Turner is black, poor, and went to a community college?

Everyone makes mistakes. Rich people with generational wealth can bounce back from it. Regular people making the same mistake would take them longer to recover and potentially alter their life’s trajectory forever.

The majority of people in the US, especially millennials and Gen Z, find themself unable to afford a house or find a job not because of the poor decisions they made. No. They find themselves in a difficult situation because they don’t have generational wealth to pay for their school, so they have to take on debt before they even enter the workforce. They don’t have a family to gift them a flat in a trendy neighborhood. They have to take the first job offered because, without a job, they don’t have health care. They couldn’t work on their start-up idea because they didn’t have parents who gave them over 300 thousand dollars in investment, nor were their parents friends with the CEO of IBM.

Reagan’s trickle-down economy never trickled down. After corporations discovered stock buy-back, job security was nonexistent. An entry-level job requires a master’s degree and five years of experience.

Everyone is created equal; some are more equal than others.


Dating apps are holding on for dear life, and they’re failing


Who was the most interesting person you’ve ever been seated next to on an airplane?


The flight had only one open seat, the flight attendant said, so squeeze in. The middle seat was open between me and what appeared to be a businessman, who was dispassionately reading the newspaper next to the aisle when the announcement was made. He set his newspaper down and turned to me, with a strange grin.

“I bet,” he said, “we can have that empty seat here.”

“Oh?” Naturally I was intrigued.

“Start an argument with me. We can be so unpleasant no one will want to sit here.”

I immediately did, asking how he could dare consider something so selfish. It continued from there, with the two of us quietly snarling at each other and glaring daggers at anyone who looked like they even considered intervening or sitting between us.

The plane continued to fill. We ended up at some point reciting the Monty Python argument skit from somewhere in the middle, so we never ran out of material. Any topic we could think of, we argued about. Seats around us vanished. People hastily stood to let people slide in.

He never had to. The last person finally was seated, leaving the space between us open.

Immediately, his face switched from outrage to smug satisfaction and he extended his hand to me.

“Thank you, that was fun. I’d love to do that again sometime.”

Then he picked up his newspaper, shook it open, and continued to read. We said nothing else the rest of the flight.

I think about that guy every time I’m sitting next to strangers.

Has a child ever done something that really surprised you?

Almost a year back, I went to Apple Store along with my father and my younger sister to get iPhone for my father. We bought the phone and were waiting for its installation. There weren’t much people in the store and we were simply looking around the other products.

In the middle of the silence, where everyone was heeding their own business, a 13 year old Boy walked in store ( I am assuming his age ). He was wearing a basic t- shirt, jeans, had specs. He also had school bag on his back. He walked straight towards the billing counter and said something to the person standing. Everyone looked at him. We all were wondering and guessing the possible reasons for him to be there. One of the store attendants brought the unit he asked for. He came to buy Smart Watch worth 90k INR. He was clear what he wanted and did not waste much time to decide.

Store manager asked him how is going to pay, to which he took the money out of his back and handed over all the cash to him. He did not bother to count and gave all the amount he had. He took the watch and left without taking the left over cash. The manger stoped him, gave the remaining amount and finally asked for whom he is buying. “Papa”he said and left.

Everyone in the store was equally perplexed and surprised.

I questioned Manger that why did he let him buy, he should have cross checked with his father. I get to learn that it is Apple policy not to question anything to the customer.


How do I stop an elderly neighbor for asking me to do everything for her?

Just say no as Nancy Reagan said.

I have an elderly friend who I helped out with certain things including tech support. She was quite rude about it sometimes if she couldn’t get a hold of me right away. I let it slide as I thought we were friends and had a friendship worth saving.

Then all of a sudden she had terrible breathing issues that came out of nowhere. She was hospitalized as she needed oxygen and many tests including a colonoscopy. I was devoted to this woman and spent more time than I should have visiting and bringing her things from home.

I did her laundry and spent hours cleaning her apartment as I didn’t want her to come home to a messy apartment.

I mentioned a colonoscopy as the purgative gave her sudden diarrhea and a soiled her pajamas. She shouted at me to go to the bathroom and rinse them out. I did this disgusting thing that even a nurse wouldn’t have done. By this time I was getting burnt out as I am in my sixties and am disabled myself.

For the sake of myself I started to say NO and I was rewarded with a rude awakening. She was so awful to me as she was very entitled and didn’t like being told no.

Once she was discharged I expected a call thanking me for cleaning her apartment in addition to everything else I did. I received no call for a week then an email ordering me up to her apartment to help her with things.

I have since ghosted her after sending a long email on her bad behaviour. She is housebound now with at home oxygen but she no longer has a slave ( me) so don’t know don’t care.

She would still have my friendship and help if she had just learned how to say thank you.


What’s the buying experience like when purchasing a high end luxury car like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley, Rolls Royce, etc?

I recently purchased my first Bentley… woohoo.

I wanted to try pre-owned first to make sure I liked it. This one cost me 1/3 the price of a new one, but it’s also eight years old with 28,000 miles. The car looks new and drives like it’s new.

My experience was likely different than most as I didn’t purchase new. I had been looking off and on for about two years. I finally found exactly what I wanted and then nearly decided not to buy it.

Financially, it’s a horrible purchase… most vehicles are. I still wanted to own one, so I decided to go with this one. It was loaded. It’s a 2016 Continental GT Speed. It’s a little different than most Bentley’s, in that its exterior color is kind of in your face, while most Bentley colors are more subtle.

I found it online. Emailed the dealer to discuss it. Worked on the price a little bit. Agreed to purchase as long as they would ship it in an enclosed trailer.

I had never even sat in a Bentley before.

I love the way it drives. My wife doesn’t care about cars at all, and she mentioned how nice, how comfortable, and quiet it is. She asked just yesterday, “you’re going to buy a new one before long aren’t you?” Not because she wants a new one, but because she knows I like to test things before I fully commit.

It seems to be a good car, and one that I’m going to enjoy driving for a year or so before I trade it in for a new one.

I ordered custom license plates for it. The plates say INVSTED for invested.

If you want to know if purchasing the vehicle was exciting or anything like that: not really. It was kind of like ordering something online from Amazon.

The excitement comes from driving it.

Wholly Holy Insane shit!!

My God!

Why were Soviet submarines so much louder than American and British subs?

This statement is true for 1950s and 1960s, but if we talk later…

Just few interesting incidents around this topic.

31 October 1983, Sargasso Sea. Frigate, USS McCloy, equipped specifically to track Soviet submarines, was conducting tests of Towed Array Sonar Surveillance System (TASS). Soviet Project 671RTM submarine K-324 was tasked with trailing American frigate and gathering information about the new detection system. At one point, K-324 got too close to McCloy and hit the towed antenna, as a result, almost 400 meters of it were spun around the K-324s propeller shaft. K-324 lost ability to move and surfaced.

Destroyers USS Peterson and USS Nicholson arrived at the place shortly and started moving between K-324 and McCloy, trying to cut the antenna and prevent Soviets from seizing it. K-324 called for tug and prepared to scuttle in the event if Americans tried to seize the sub. This lasted for 10 days before Soviet tug Aldan arrived and tugged K-324 to Cuba. The trophy antenna cable was removed and sent home for research.

Another example, quite famous. 21 March 1984, project 671 submarine K-314 was tasked with tracking US carrier group based around USS Kitty Hawk in the vicinity of Korean peninsula. After 7 days of going on and off of carrier group tail, K-314 lost the contact and surfaced – right in the middle of carrier group’s order, resulting in collision between K-314 and Kitty Hawk. Neither the sub nor the carrier knew about each other location before the collision.


Soviet naval commission determined that the cause of the collision was an incorrectly selected search depth.

This was due to hydrology: thermocline at that fateful moment passed through a depth of 30 meters. But the crew could not take advantage of this, since all instructions obliged the sub to stay no higher than a safe depth of 50 meters. For this reason, K-314 did not detect the aircraft carrier and came dangerously close. When the BIP (combat information post) reported to the commander the distance to the main target at 60-70 cables (13-15 km), it was actually several times less than 10-15 cables (2-3 km).

The collision, though, was really lucky for both vessels. If K-314 had surfaced 20 seconds earlier, Kitty Hawk would have split it in two. Kitty Hawk, meanwhile, received the blow on the starboard side, right across the aviation fuel tanks and leaked a couple of tonnes of it. The fact that fuel had not ignited was very fortunate for Kitty Hawk.

11 February 1992, north of Murmansk. Los Angeles class submarine USS Baton Rouge was conducting intelligence tasks in the area and playing “cat and mouse” with Russian Project 945 submarine K-276. After various maneuvering, K-276 ended up behind and below Baton Rouge and surfaced right into it, ramming it from below. K-276 was repaired and returned to service, Baton Rouge was scrapped two years later.

For submarines that were supposedly very noisy, snapping the array designing to track submarines, surfacing in the middle of the carrier group and ramming hunter-killer submarine from below are interesting achievements.

For those who wants to comment on recklessness of Soviet sub commanders, quite a lot of collisions were caused by US subs too, like 20 March 1993, 23 May of 1983 or 24 June 1970 collisions, all with Sturgeon class subs on US side


What are some life lessons you have learned that you wouldn’t have if you hadn’t joined the military?


  1. Soldiers don’t fight because they hate the enemy. They fight to protect their buddy.
  2. Racism exists at every level of society.
  3. Just because you’re on the same team doesn’t mean all the players have your back.
  4. The government pays way too much money for many substandard products and services.
  5. There is a large difference between a clean weapon and an armorer approved clean weapon. “Go try again Hill!”
  6. No one joins the military because they are too stupid for college. I wish this stereotype would hurry up and die already. I served with some of the most brilliant minds of my generation.
  7. A soldier with a car is a popular soldier.
  8. Polishing boots is indeed a zen practice.
  9. Clothes last ten times longer if you dry clean them.
  10. Take care of home and never air your dirty laundry in public.
  11. Women play as many games as men do. And they’re often as unfaithful.
  12. It is possible to run while still drunk from the night before.
  13. Not all officers are suitable for command.
  14. There is such as thing as bad NCO’s.
  15. Technology can cause as many problems as it is supposed to solve.
  16. It is possible to drive with zero depth perception.
  17. Loneliness hurts but it won’t kill you.
  18. It’s not that easy to die.
  19. Motrin can solve all of your health problems. If not, take some Cepacol.
  20. Having the right roommate matters a lot.
  21. The closest distance between two strangers is a hot plate of good chow.
  22. Stay alert, stay alive. At all times. In this day and age this might just safe your life.
  23. Misery is always better with company.
  24. Hospital food is better than army chow hall food.
  25. Even a grenade launcher can get boring after a few hours.
  26. Nothing can cheer someone up like news from loved ones at home.
  27. If you donate plasma beforehand, getting drunk is a lot cheaper.
  28. Many times in life, we are required to do things that do not make any sense.
  29. Wet weather gear will often make you wetter than you were before.
  30. Humvee’s are horrible vehicles. It takes around 3 hours to replace a Humvee turret by yourself on a Friday evening in the motor pool.
  31. People will abuse the uniform.
  32. Heat is a killer.
  33. If your not pissing clear, time to drink water.
  34. You can save quite a lot of money by cutting your own hair.
  35. We are all pawns of more powerful people open to the random chances of fate.


An American Reacts to Why America Sucks at Everything – THIS ONE HURT


What did you do first after being released from prison or jail?

Once pass the prison gate in the prison van..went over to the bank to cash the state check and then to the motel that I told DOC that I was going to…waited till the van turned,so that officer couldn’t see me leave ..walked over to the state my food stamp card..then to Walmart .Got a dome tent and sleeping bag,food, quart of water. fillet knife and a ball of clothes line,a sharpie ,cell phone…once out side , looked in the trash bin and got a cardboard box..walked over to the street that would take me to the interstate..once there, walked over a overhead bridge.. went to sleep in the tent that night morning,walked over the truck stop over the other side.made me a sign on where I was going to…

While I was setting there at the TS..a shoolie came in and 4 guys got out ..we spoke and I asked which way they were going..they was going my way ..I asked if I could join I had a ride . Once there.had them drop me off where I wanted to a person who I could stay my DL , bought a pickup and a on bed camper..lived in it as I started my life outside of prison..

Since I discharged all of my sentences.I could travel and sleep where I wanted to..been out here for 13 years now…had a business that I had till I retired from.. Don’t want a place that I have to pay rent on.. upgraded to a shuttle bus now..not bad for a 70 year old guy…

What’s the nastiest move a coworker made to get you or another coworker fired?

I had a lesbian coworker who had the hots for the young executive assistant to the president of the company. She was the cutest girl at work so I flirted with her. I had a hot, sophisticated, rich, brilliant girlfriend so I never asked her out. My girlfriend and I were on a break so I tested the waters on asking the EA out and the lesbian coworker overheard it on a Friday. So she sends me company emails over the weekend telling me all the EA’s flaws. I’m thinking, WTF but I know the lesbian is going to be trouble and save the emails.
Few weeks later, I actually start dating the EA. The lesbian goes to the presidents office in tears making up tales of me menacing her. He tells the VP of engineering to fire me immediately. I get walked out of the building 20 minutes later on a Friday. The head of my project tells the president it’s going to cost millions of dollars if I go so he calls me at home asking me to work at home. I finally get to tell my side of the story and sent him the emails. I get a public apology on Tuesday and back pay. Thank God the b*tch was stupid and used the company email system so I had proof.

Chili Gravy

Chili Gravy
Chili Gravy


  • 1 1/2 tablespoons butter or beef drippings
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup cold water
  • Salt, if needed
  • 2 to 3 cups meat, cubed or ground
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped or crushed
  • 1 tablespoon red chili powder
  • Hot biscuits


  1. Melt butter or drippings in a cast iron frying pan.
  2. Add flour and stir until rich brown.
  3. Slowly stir in cold water and continue to stir as it cooks so it won’t get lumpy.
  4. Taste and add salt, if needed.
  5. Brown meat with garlic and chili powder in a skillet, then add to the gravy, which should be bubbling. Simmer for a few minutes, then serve over fresh hot biscuits, mashed potatoes, rice, enchiladas or tamales.

American reacts to ‘Why America Sucks at Everything’


What are the top ten things I should experience in life?


  1. Take your family for dinner frequently. There is no time like family time and they appreciate it more than anything. Be there for them when they need you.
  2. Travel alone, travel with a a group of friends, travel with him/her. Travel anywhere possible and as far as possible. Make spontaneous plans and travel without any arrangements. It’s going to be very hard but you will love the experience.
  3. Fall in love. It’s a great feeling in the world when you know someone always has your back no matter what. Remember, with love comes heartbreaks too but don’t worry because time almost heals everything.
  4. Find some mentor for yourself and when you feel ready, mentor someone. This will change someone else’s life and it’s an amazing feeling.
  5. Work for someone else, work for yourself or anything that you want to do but make sure to make money. Money can’t buy happiness but it surely does make your life luxurious.
  6. Try new looks and change the way you dress up once in a while. This will make you feel fresh and confident too.
  7. Learn how to ride, drive, swim and as many languages as possible. Also stay updated with new technology. They make your life easier.
  8. Wash you car, list the best songs that you always listen to and go for a long drive alone. Sing the song when you are in the car and forget everything. You will feel that life is better than you actually think. You can do it with friends too but the experience will be a little different.
  9. Forgive someone. It’s not for them but for yourself. Don’t keep on holding to something someone has done to you. Just let it go and give yourself a fresh start. Trust me, you will feel amazing.
  10. Get married. Start a family and make them happy. I haven’t done this yet but I am sure this is going to be one hell of a experience in life.

Have you ever put a hidden camera in your own bedroom?

Actually I have, though in the end I wound up not needing it. Let me explain…

Several years ago I lived in an apartment that had been carved out of the basement of a raised ranch house located in a beautiful part of Oakland, CA. The setup was such that I’d enter the apartment through the attached garage and the owner, who lived upstairs in the main living area of the house, would only enter the garage to do laundry and would do so using the same exterior door that I used to enter my apartment through the garage.

You can see where this is headed.

After having lived there for about a year, I started to find small things in my living space that had been moved, or a leaf on the floor that I knew hadn’t been there when I’d left the house in the morning. I owned a cat through so for awhile I just assumed he had been moving these things around, but for some reason (maybe the locations where the items were found?) I couldn’t shake the feeling that the landlord was cutting through my place to get to the garage. I set up a camera mostly just to prove to myself that I was being paranoid.

Well, it turns out I wasn’t being paranoid at all. I just didn’t wind up needing the camera to find out. One morning while I was sleeping in after a fun night on the town, I woke up hearing the sound of someone talking to my cat. WTH? I groggily look over and there coming down the stairs in his underwear and carrying a basket of dirty clothes was my landlord. He looked over said good morning and tried to keep on his way. Some choice words were spoken, a new lock added to the door that he used for access, and a rather confusing video was captured of me lecturing a half naked man about privacy that day.

I’m very glad not to be renting like that any more.

In elementary school, what was the funniest reason you got called to the principal’s office?

I was in the first grade and the public school I attended was having a canned food drive for Thanksgiving. My teacher picked me to go to the Principal’s Office to appear in a news photo of several students sorting through the baskets.

I was a shy, six year- old kid with little school experience, so my teacher walked me to the office to await my journalistic debut. The office was bustling with activity that morning and a secretary told me to have a seat. She pointed to a bench where some “big” boys were sitting and horsing around. My teacher had left and there I was sitting with these sixth grade kids.

I was terrified when this large man in a suit stepped from an adjoining room and in a deep, angry and booming voice said “Get in my office now!” He gestured at the group I was sitting with on the bench.

I followed those sixth- graders into his office and sat quietly in a corner chair. He started hollering at us at the top of his lungs, pointing at the biggest kid and saying he ought to suspend all of us for what we’d done.

He ordered us all back to class but not before the biggest kid had his behind paddled with a wooden board. By this time, I was terrified and balling my eyes out. I found my way back to class and knocked on the closed door. My teacher opened it, took one look at me and realized something was clearly wrong. There I was, my shirt soaked from crying, my face contorted from sheer terror, and my eyes no longer those of an innocent boy.

She asked what had happened and when I couldn’t get the words out without blubbering, she grabbed my hand and off we marched…back to that terrible place where kids were being tortured.

Upon arrival, I noticed the mean man, the secretary and my teacher huddled and whispering in the room where I’d just been traumatized. They pointed at me and I couldn’t believe my eyes. They started laughing.

“You poor little boy,” my teacher said as she wiped my forehead. The mean man explained he was the principal and those boys were in the office for being bad. I wasn’t supposed to be with them, he apologetic ally said.

There were some other kids watching me at this point and the secretary said I was to go with them to have our picture taken. There was a man with a big camera with them so I fell in line and we went outside. When he took the picture for the paper, he told us all to smile.

That Sunday, after the paperboy delivered our newspaper, my mom and dad flipped the pages and proudly eyed the picture of their young son. I had already told them what happened that day, so when my mother, with a straight face, asked why I wasn’t smiling like the other children, we all had a good laugh.

Confident Man Humbles Woman After Forcing Him to Do This On Date


I’d served 16 yrs and 4 months when I was released on parole. I was fortunate that my partner (who I married 6 mths after my release) had stood by me throughout my sentence (our son was just over 1 yr of age at that time and prison was much different then). Visits were 20 minutes a month (behind wire) You could write 1 letter a week and receive 2 (which were heavily censored with blackout) There were no gangs, no drugs, no buy ups (Comms),no sports, no weights -each wing had it’s own yard. You were let out 1 hour in the morning and 45 minutes in the afternoon.

The prison officers totally controlled the prison with violence and threats of violence- you lived your life one day at a time doing the best you could to get through another day in a place where it was anything but normal. You become grateful to be locked in to your cell for the night. About 9 months before I was released, they converted a wing into a Special Care Unit for inmates who had served 10 yrs or more to help prepare them for life after prison. I applied to participate in the program and was 1 of 14 other inmates who were successful in the first intake. I was always grateful to be given the opportunity to be in that unit. It made me realize I was so out of touch to what I had perceived life back into society would be-like comparing chalk to cheese.

My partner was encouraged to participate in the program and speak about how life was for her dealing with my incarceration. I’d believed because she was in the free world that she was going okay- that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Her struggles far outweighed anything prison threw at me. I had about 3 months to go before I could apply for parole. Every thing was moving along okay but for some reason the psychologist and I had communication problems from the get go because he felt that I wasn’t taking the program serious enough and could make a better effort. To be honest, I had no idea what he was going on about but I was very aware that his report could stop my getting parole so I took the attitude from then on to agree with everything he said to me. The last night in prison, I couldn’t sleep. I had my civilian clothes in the cell with me so I got changed early (at dawn) when they let me out for breakfast.

I had been granted an early release so at 8 am, as I walked to the main gate, I became totally overwhelmed that I was finally going home. When I got to the gate, my partner and son were there I just held them for what seemed like an eternity- it was incredibly surreal. I wanted to get off the prison property as quick as I could. I was incredibly nervous and just wanted us to get home. When we got home and we walked in, that was when it really hit me- I wasn’t in prison anymore and I emotionally lost control. The truth is; I had no right to have my partner and son be here for me and support me for over 16 yrs but here they were… so excited to have me home. We didn’t talk about prison. I had lots of questions though about how much things had changed whilst I’d been in prison. That afternoon, my son’s girlfriend turned up. I was incredibly nervous meeting her but she was great which made me comfortable after that.That night was the first time my partner Dorothy and I made love in nearly 17 yrs- it was a beautiful night. Though I had a terrible time trying to go too sleep so I went into the lounge room and put the television on. Not long after, my partner came out and I told her I couldn’t sleep so she snuggled up and we watched movies together. In the morning, my partner was taking me into Sydney for the day. When we got on the bus about half way to Sydney the bus was full and I felt like I was choking and badly closed in. I told Dorothy we had to get off because I was sweating so bad. When we got off, I told her how I felt and we caught a cab the rest of the way. When we got into Sydney I couldn’t believe how much had changed- the amount of people and traffic was bewildering. I wouldn’t let go of Dorothy’s hand.

We went into a cafe for breakfast and coffee I was totally taken aback by the prices of everything. People’s dress sense was totally foreign to me as because when I went off to prison, it was the rock and roll and hippy era. It was all so very different. We went into a major store in Sydney called David Jones- we weren’t in there long when I had a shocking panic attack. I told Dorothy I had to get out of there as I honestly thought I was going to collapse and have a heart attack. It was terrifying. It was a long time before I went into a major shopping center where there were so many people for quite a while. Prior to going to prison, I was starting my final year in nursing and unlike today, 80 percent of it is done in University & 20 percent in a hospital setting. Back in my day, all training was done hands on in a hospital. I applied to finish my nursing career which was accepted. So much had changed, wages had dramatically increased. In the early days of my release, we didn’t venture far from home as my confidence level was low out in public. My partner was so understanding of how much I was struggling to integrate back into society and function normally. Everyday was a better day. 6 months after I was released, she & I married and made plans for the future. We both wanted to travel around Australia but one of my parole conditions prohibited me from travelling interstate for 2 yrs so when we had weekends off, we would go camping as much as we could. Our son and his partner were due to have their first child. They lived in a unit not far from us.

After 2 years of Dorothy and I working, we’d saved enough for a deposit for our first home for us- that was a huge step in going forward. One of the biggest, if not the biggest hurdle facing me, was at work where I kept all conversation as much as possible to hello and goodbye. I avoided having my lunch or dinner breaks with other staff so I wouldn’t be asked any questions about where I worked before. It wasn’t like I could say, “I’ve just come out of prison after serving 16 yrs for armed robbery.” It was a terrible fear; a do or die situation where you don’t want to lie but it was a case of self preservation. On several occasions, I was put into that situation where I had to reply to where did I’d worked before. It was a normal question to be asked and I replied I worked interstate or in a country town (one I knew enough about in case I was asked questions about that town). That wasn’t easy- having to lie about your past but I had no choice as I wasn’t going to declare my hand and go backwards. Before I went to prison, my wife and I loved going dancing (particularly rock and roll) but one of my parole restrictions was I couldn’t go onto licensed premises even though I didn’t have a problem with alcohol. I found the most consistent problem I faced was being with/around people, so after work, I would go straight home. I avoided making friends at all costs. At home it took me a long time to get used to turning the light off. I was forever doing things in the garden or in the house. I was fastidious about keeping everything clean. I was also constantly washing my hands.

As time went on, my son and his now wife had another child which I doted over- they and my wife were everything to me. I told my son, Adam, how sorry I was not to have been there as a father for him. I can honestly say never once did he blame me for anything; he was just happy I was finally home. I had just finished my parole licence after 5 yrs when I was at work one day at the hospital and my son unexpectedly turned up. He was in a terrible state. I asked him to calm down and tell me what was wrong. He told me that Dorothy had had a heart attack at work and they couldn’t revive her. My world just crashed-everything meant nothing in a blink. For my son’s sake, I was trying hard to keep my emotions together. I told him to go home while my wife was brought to the hospital where I worked. I asked my superior if I could go see her. Unfortunately, when I got to the morgue and saw her, it was total devastation. I got angry and kept asking her how could you do this to us. I begged her to wake up. I couldn’t let go of her. I can’t even remotely explain how I felt- the loneliness and emptiness physically hurt. My tears were uncontrollable and I was inconsolable. After about an hour, I left and went home. My son and his wife and grandchildren turned up. Very few words were spoken though we talked about the funeral. It was the most dreadful time. The next day, I resigned from my job and after the funeral, I told my son I needed to go away for awhile. I went on geographicals for nearly a year. I just could not come to terms with my wife dying. When I finally did get home (much to the relief of my son), he said to me “Dad you have to let go, this isn’t how mum would want you to be”. I didn’t get grief counselling, I just threw myself into my work and my grandchildren. I also bought a motor home and on my holidays I would go to the places she & I were going to go to together. Eventually, I paid the house off. As far as meeting another woman was concerned that was not going to happen anytime soon. Eventually, I put prison life completely behind me and became just another normal member of society. I’ve been out of prison 34 years now. And, a few years ago, I met a nice lady. We are close friends and keep it just as friends only because my one and only love was Dorothy and that’s how it will always be.

I am a Muslim from China, and my English is not very good, so I partially used translation software to complete this answer. My friend’s wife works in an elementary school. We often get together, eat, and chat. Once, she talked about having two special children in her class. One is a child from the UK (his parents work at a local foreign enterprise), and the other is a child from Xinjiang (her parents are from Xinjiang and run a restaurant in our city). The British child left our city when he reached the fourth grade to follow his parents to another branch of the British company in China, but that is not the focus of this text. I’ll talk about what I heard about the girl from Xinjiang.

The girl is Uyghur and came here in the first grade, barely speaking Mandarin. My friend’s wife (who manages the class and also teaches math) was worried this would affect the girl’s mood, so she arranged for two Han Chinese girls to be her “Mandarin teachers.” By the time my friend’s wife talked about her, she was already in the fourth grade, and her Mandarin level was indistinguishable from local children. This girl had clearly integrated into the group.

Since she initially couldn’t speak Mandarin, she encountered difficulties in her studies. My friend’s wife patiently tutored her. She said that the Uyghur girl made the fastest progress in math. This was not only because she was the math teacher but also because math is a way of thinking, not a language. So, the girl quickly earned an “A” in math. Because of her poor Mandarin, the Chinese language teacher did not impose high requirements on her grades, as long as she listened attentively and completed her assignments as best as she could, she could pass.

My friend’s wife told me that the girl’s family is devoutly Muslim and explained a lot to her. Sometimes, during Muslim festivals, the girl would bring traditional foods from home to give to her teachers.

This Uyghur girl looks very different from Han Chinese (from a Chinese perspective, she looks more like a European Caucasian). She is very beautiful. Therefore, some boys in the class liked her very much.

As her Mandarin improved and her relationships with her classmates grew stronger, this girl often invited classmates to her parents’ restaurant to do homework together after school. Sometimes, when it was evening and there were still children who hadn’t left the restaurant, the Uyghur girl’s parents would invite them to stay and have a free dinner at the restaurant until their parents picked them up.

The above is what I heard about the daily life of an ordinary Uyghur girl in an eastern province of China. It seems mundane, and as I write this answer, I also think it is an unremarkable story. However, I want to remind you that in recent years, many people from Xinjiang have come to big cities in China to seek fortune. Running restaurants is their most common business.

In 2019, a friend invited me to a Xinjiang restaurant in my city (he knew I am Muslim and have dietary restrictions). There, I saw many locals. Xinjiang restaurant owners often package their restaurants with a “Western Frontier” theme, adding a sense of mystery that attracts people to try the food. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get used to Xinjiang Muslim food.

Another business for Xinjiang people is selling jade. In China, jade is considered a precious gemstone, and the Hetian region of Xinjiang is a major source of this gem. Every time I go to the largest antique market in my city, I encounter some Xinjiang people selling these stones. I see them chatting, smoking, arguing with Han Chinese, and, when happy, singing Uyghur songs that others don’t understand.

I think that anyone forcibly displaced from their homeland would not be happy. They must be filled with hatred and complaints in their hearts. And the most direct target of their hatred would be the Han Chinese areas and people under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party (many Han Chinese are even atheists or non-believers). And as the target of hatred, Han Chinese would certainly be full of vigilance and the same hatred towards them. Right?

But what do you feel in my mundane words above?

  • A Han Chinese elementary school teacher was afraid an Uyghur child would feel lonely and helped her find friends;
  • A Han Chinese language teacher gave special care to the Uyghur girl, encouraging her to learn Mandarin well;
  • The Uyghur girl gradually made Han Chinese friends on campus;
  • A group of Han Chinese boys liked the Uyghur girl;
  • A group of Han Chinese children freely came and went to the Uyghur family’s restaurant, and the Han Chinese children’s parents never worried about any “potential danger”;
  • The Uyghur restaurant owner often kept Han Chinese children and provided them with free dinners (although most of the time it was simple meals like noodles, dumplings, and naan);
  • Some Uyghurs have gained wealth here;
  • Many Han Chinese were attracted by the “Western Frontier” gimmick and went to Uyghur-owned restaurants to eat;

How can anyone infer from the above facts that “Uyghurs are forcibly displaced and persecuted”? Just as those who do bad things always leave traces, if there were persecution, there would certainly be resistance. Even if one person is persecuted, they would have parents, children, friends, and relatives who would all hate the persecutors.

If the Uyghur restaurant owner in the text was persecuted, why wouldn’t he tell his daughter about this hatred? Some might say, “The CCP is too scary; they don’t dare.” But at the very least, they would teach their daughter to stay away from Han Chinese, right? There’s no need to frequently invite Han Chinese children to eat, right? Hearing that some boys who persecute their religion like his daughter, could there be anything worse than this?





The pause that refreshes

When I was a young boy, perhaps 11 or 12, I went on a business road-trip with my dad. We drove throughout the Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia hills selling “ship propeller shaft “sleeves”” to prospective small boat yards.

In that week-long travel, we would stop at various small towns along the way.

I well remember us pulling into a out-of-the-way (on a dirt road) rural West Virginia General Store. We were in the sticks… the middle of nowhere. I am not kidding.

It looked something like this
It looked something like this

And we go into the decrepit old wooded unpainted building, and walking on the wooden floor that make noise with every step. There was an old man there. Shit! Older than God himself, I would say. And my dad wanted to get a coke.

Well, this place didn’t have a coke in the cooler. But the old man said that he “had just the thing”, and he went into the basement and after a few minutes of him rummaging about, and making a bunch of noise, comes up with this ancient old wooden box. Completely dust covered. I mean it. It was layered like you have no idea.

28601668 1m
28601668 1m

And he used a hammer to open it. He pried the wooden box open, and the nails were all rusty, and some of the wood was just brittle. I remember that clearly.

Inside were bottles of coke-cola. But they were strange bottles. He chuckled that “you’re getting the real thang“.

And handed each of us a coke.

Now, the bottle was strange. It was curved, but not like a normal coke bottle was. It had this fat Goose-Like shape. Exactly like the bottle in the picture below. The third from the left.


He said something about getting this in his inheritance from his father. But I wasn’t paying attention. I was simply asking my father if this was good to drink. And both he and the old man laughed.

“Don’t be silly.” My father said. “Of course it is.”

So the old fella got out a bottle opener and opened up three bottles, Yeah. He opened up one himself. And he kept watched me with this funny curious look on his face.

I wouldn’t have remembered this moment at all if it wasn’t for his amused look.

And so, I looked up at my dad. And he was swigging his. So I took a tepid taste.

I was good.

No shit. Really good.

Ah. But different.

You see, it was not refrigerated, but it tasted refreshing. Like those mint commercials that suggest a blizzard of freshness. It tasted like a normal coke, but maybe a little bit watered-down perhaps. Yet…but… had this lite refreshing “bite”.

It also wasn’t nearly as sweet. Oh, it was sweet, but not as thick, and not as super sweet. More like a gentler coke, but with a mint-like “bite”.

The old man smiled and chucked, and looked at me again.

“What do you think son?” he asked.

I told him that it was good. Yeah. I told him that I really liked it.

Again, he chuckled. Yeah. He nodded.

He said. “It’s the pause that refreshes.”

Then he added, “Son this is a special coke. You know that, right?”

I had no clue as to what the Hell he was talking about.

But I said “Yes Sir. It really is good sir.”

And then after that we both left and got in the car and drove off.

I will tell you that my dad and I had a great time afterwards just chatting away in the long drive. Man, we talked about so much, and so many things. Not that I remember them all, but it was really enjoyable. I do remember that.

We were “chatter boxes”.

Oh, I never went back to that old man, and haven’t a clue as to where that General Store actually was. But you know what I think?

I think that we drank the original Coke-cola; the one and only made with real cocaine leaves.

And that is both a blessing and a curse. As good as it was, the present day sugar-laden version cannot compete against the less sweet, but totally refreshing cocaine-laden version.

Real talk.


The three coups of July

In less than two weeks we have seen three events in the United States that could all by themselves be described as coups or coup attempts.

  1. Trump assassination attempt.
  2. Kamala’s coup, the forced removal of Biden from the ticket and possibly from the presidency.
  3. Trump’s counter coup after failed assassination, selection of JD Vance as candidate for Vice President.

The last event may be the most consequential of all, as it opens the possibility of a real regime change in America. During his first term Trump had little influence on the workings of the US government. He failed by surrounding himself with neocons and Deep State operatives.

The failed assassination now acts like the Reichstag fire of 1933, giving Trump Hitlerian powers to remove the old establishment. He is now manning his team with people the US mainstream likes to call “Russian agents” or “Putinists”. A real danger to democracy!

Interestingly, the Twitter account of TIME magazine published three covers and cover stories for a print issue dated with a sell-by date of August 5.

I do not know which one, if any, have appeared in print. Note, that the three covers do not match the three “coups” I have listed. Covers 1 and 3 are related to Biden’s ousting, cover 2 relates to Trump’s assassination attempt and counter coup.

Posted by: Petri Krohn | Jul 24 2024 16:46 utc | 21

What was a red flag that made you stop talking to a person immediately?

I was scheduled to fly from Boston to Minneapolis very early on July 4th to celebrate my sister’s birthday that day (we always joke that she gets a fireworks show for her birthday each year).

As a student with a tight budget, I booked the cheapest flight, which had a layover in Chicago.

After landing in Chicago, the airline announced that the plane had mechanical issues and we were to fly at the same time the following day.

That was not an option for me.

Birthdays were important for my sister, and I was determined to get to my destination no matter what.

That’s how I ended up on a greyhound bus, traveling the 8 hours or so from Chicago to Minneapolis (by car it’s around 6 hours, buses tend to take their time and have a short bathroom break in the middle).

The bus was full and I ended up sitting next to a fellow college student.

We got to talking had had a really nice time chatting and time passed fairly quickly.

About an hour away from our destination, and having felt very comfortable with each other, this young man asked me where I was during the 9–11 attack.

This was in 2006, almost 5 years after the attack, and we each spoke about where we were when it happened.

He then said that he trusts me enough to let me know that the the US government was behind the attack and that they were framing Al Quaeda.

I thought he was kidding.

He wasn’t.

Uncontrollably, and quite literally, all that came out of my mouth was: “Oh no, I thought you were normal.”

I couldn’t even look at him after that, moreso because I was a bit embarrassed by what I said to him.

I didn’t mean to insult him, but was so taken back by what he accused the government of doing, especially after al Quaeda proudly told the world that they were reaponsible.

Not only could I not look at him after that, I didn’t speak to him at all.

I made it to my sister’s birthday though.

Why American Suburbs are so Creepy (liminal spaces)

Has anyone ever bought a car with the wrong engine in it?

I have.

I ordered a Ford Crown Victoria in 1981.

Three weeks before delivery I got a call from Ford Motor company.

The engine factory in Windsor, Ontario is on strike. Would I mind if my new car had a “slightly larger” engine? No price change.”

It made no difference to me. I’m a sales guy, and I don’t ever do anything special with my cars.

It arrived.

The dealer apologized for this car on delivery. “It may have a little harder suspension than you expected”.

Wow, what an understatement.

This car was a V-8 powered police car in plain clothes, a real wolf in sheep’s clothing. It looked just like in the catalogue.

But everything outside the cabin was super heavy duty. Larger wheels, oversize brakes, extra-large radiator, battery, and alternator, as well as a heavy-duty transmission with overdrive. Top speed 225 km/h (140 mph). It could go faster, but I lost my nerve.

I drove it with utmost care.

It was so light in the rear end that I could spin the tires on dry roads up to 60 km/h (40 mph).

My wife used to have fun squealing the tires by jumping on the accelerator going around corners.

My teenage daughter? She NEVER drove it, not for one metre. NEVER.

The drawback? A 55 litre tank. In the city, two days between fillups. On the highway, about three hours between fill-ups.

I kept it for four years and sold it to a guy who added a tow-hook for his camping trailer and kept it for another six years.

The blessing – my company paid for all my gas in those days.

My next car – A V8 Pontiac made under the worst of the 55 mph rules in the United States. A wheezing engine and a speedometer that ended at 140 km/h (90 mph). I don’t think it could be driven any faster, not even downhill with a tailwind.


1950s USA – Real Street Scenes of Vintage America – Colorized

When did you realize small things matter?

Once, when I was sitting in my physics exam, there was this girl who was an assistant in the exam room. She watched and kept eyes on us so that nobody could cheat. She also organized all the stuff that was related to the exam.

She came to me and asked me for an extra pen, so I gave one to her, and I put my head back to my test. I kept writing and I didn’t raise my head till the time was over.

I got up from my seat and gave them my papers and they asked me to sign; I did. Everything was normal; I got out and met my friends. We started walking and talking. We probably walked an hour away from the university.


Suddenly, I saw a car coming directly towards us, and the driver was a girl. She stopped in front of us dramatically with the sounds of breaks screeching and smoke everywhere.

She came out of the car. I saw that she held my pen in her hands.

It was her; the assistant girl from the exam room! What blows me away is that she did all that to bring my cheap pen back to me!

I mean it wasn’t even easy to find us after we walked so far, and I’m sure she had more important things to handle there in the university than to go out and look for me!

I always thought those kinds of people no longer existed, but they do exist and they are so beautiful and pure.

Sorry for my English, but if you get the story in general, that’s more than enough for me because I’m glad to share it.

CHINA Destroy U.S SANCTION Shackle, Produces Quantum Module



What was a red flag that made you stop talking to a person immediately?

I am white. At the time this occurred, my biracial daughter was 7. We had moved into our new house a month earlier and winter had just taken a break. So, while she was in school, I was doing some winter clean-up yard work. Neighbor from across the street waves. Older man, 70-ish. Crosses the street to speak to me. We introduce ourselves, he points out the house that he lives in and asks me: “Have you noticed a certain element moving into the neighborhood? Right on this block?”

“Certain element” is, of course white-speak for “non-white.”

The school bus driver’s timing was too precious: first graders were let off in front of their homes. My little darling comes skipping up the driveway behind the neighbor. She’s all smiles for mommy. I’m all smiles for her. I take her hand and reply to the neighbor:

“Element? Element? No, other than one old racist white guy, I haven’t seen anything odd. Then I said to my child, pointing to the neighbor’s house: “See that white house across the street? Don’t ever walk in that yard, a very mean old man lives there.” And with rake in one hand and child in the other I turned around and we went inside for an after-school snack. Needless to say, I never spoke to the MF again.


What was I born for? Tearful End of Little Kitten After Abandoned by Owner

What are some of the most messed up family secrets?

  • My drug dealing Uncle was found in a hotel room with another drug dealer having homosexual relations by the cleaning lady. They both placed a hit on her life. She was forced to move out of state.
  • Another drug dealing Uncle was caught drug dealing in his car with his children. The police made a deal with him. He snitched on all of the other drug dealers in town in exchange for not being arrested. The police promised to not tell. They lied. A family member had to resettle him in another state with fake identification.
  • A cousin never told the family she was pregnant. Nobody even had the faintest idea until she gave birth. She threatened my grandma with giving the baby up for adoption. My grandma begged her to not make the decision. The great grandchild is now being raised by my Aunt. She looks just like her mother. My cousin won’t acknowledge her.
  • My grandma goes to church with a lady whose husband she used to date and have extramarital affairs. My grandma had us call him Uncle as children. He’s been dead for many years, but my grandma and the lady act like nothing ever happened.
  • My father is the only brother on his side of the family to never deal drugs or go to jail or prison.
  • I’m the only nephew on my father’s side of the family to never go to jail or prison.
  • On both sides of the family, many people have multiple children with multiple partners before marriage. But they mostly all go to church or mosque. And they tend to be overly preachy except for their life decisions.
  • Mental health problems loom large on both sides of the family. One side pretend they don’t exist and claim Jesus is in control. The other side is bat crap crazy and bow at the feet of Minister Farrakhan.
  • My grandma is the only reason everyone comes together for holiday functions. There are solidly formed cliques that hate each other. Some are able to move from clique to clique. Most aren’t.
  • My dad’s side of the family thinks I am a sex freak. The same goes for my mother’s side.

Malted Milk Waffles

WS BC ButtermilkWaffles Day 7 v4
WS BC ButtermilkWaffles Day 7 v4


  • 1/3 cup malted milk powder
  • 2 1/2 cups buttermilk pancake mix
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs, separated
  • 1 1/3 cups buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted


  1. In a large bowl, stir together malted milk powder, pancake mix and granulated sugar.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until stiff peaks form; set aside.
  3. Add egg yolks, buttermilk and butter to dry ingredients; mix well. Fold in egg whites.
  4. Spray preheated waffle iron with nonstick cooking spray. Pour batter onto hot waffle iron. Cook until golden brown.
  5. Serve warm.

What is the most unusual and incorrect reason you’ve had the police called on you?

Not me, but my dad. Pictures in a house can do wonders for calming down a police officer.

My grandmother lived alone in a small town in NH. No police department, just the County Sheriff’s Office for law enforcement. As she was elderly and lived alone in a remote area, she had a check-in system with the Sheriff’s Office. She would call in every morning, just to let them know that she was up and about without any problems. On the rare occasion that she didn’t call early enough, they would call her. That happened every few months.

My parents were up visiting her, when my mom got sick and had to be admitted to the local hospital. The next morning, bright and early, my dad and grandma went to the hospital to see my mom. My grandmother, worried about her daughter in the hospital, forgot to call the Sheriff’s Office.

My mother asked my dad to go back to the house to get her a book. As my dad was walking out of the house, a deputy pulled in the driveway.
Scene: An elderly woman didn’t make her daily call, that she almost never forgot. Said elderly woman doesn’t answer phone when Sheriff’s Office calls. Deputy pulls into driveway, thinking a fall and a broken hip. Strange car with out of state plates in driveway and a stranger walking out of the house.

The deputy gets out, hand on holstered gun, and asks “Who are you and where is Dorothy”. My dad tells him that she is at the hospital, visiting her daughter/his wife. The deputy then asks if he can prove it. Dad tells him that his picture is on the piano. They walked into the house, dad picks up one of the many family pictures on the piano, there he is in a picture with my mom & grandma.

Dad said that was when the deputy finally took his hand off his gun, and radioed in to cancel his backup. The deputy told him that as soon as he saw him walking out, he called in saying he might have a situation and the Sheriff called back letting him know he was on the way.

The funniest part of this story happened years later. There was a family gathering at my grandma’s over Christmas. My nephew hit a deer and totaled his car, no injuries except for Bambi. He called it in, and called grandma’s house to ask if someone could come pick him up. Dad’s car was at the end of the driveway, so he’s elected. He shows up at the accident scene, and as he’s walking up the same deputy looks at him and says “I know you. Your picture is on the piano”.


Shuffle dance of Chinese school principal

What is a split-second decision you made that changed your life?

I was a ‘plus 1’ to a wedding reception that I knew no body except my ‘date’.

I really felt only friendship towards this guy and I made it obvious. I was planning on cancelling because I really didn’t want to be in a room full of strangers with a guy who I felt kinda awkward with at this point. But I decided to suck it up because the bride and groom had paid for me and it would have been rude to cancel. The drive up was a nightmare – I was driving and it was pouring – I could barely see. I was getting really annoyed at the guy because he kept talking about how great he was in every single way and also said I could have made more of an effort with dressing up (I had minimum time to get ready since I had worked the morning). 🙄 so I was regretting my decision to attend.

we got there, sat down at the table and that is how I met my husband. He was sat at the same table, we got talking/dancing. He was a twin and I took a chair ribbon to put on him so I knew which one he was. We started dating shortly after, moved in together after a month of dating. We’ve been together 15 years, married 12 and have 4 children.

Me and the bride are still in touch, and sadly another lady I met there and remained friends with-died in her 20s of cancer when our (same age) children were only 2 a few years later. That day changed the entire course of my life for the better. I’m glad I didn’t cancel that crappy date.


What is your most interesting encounter with the police?

When my older daughter was a toddler, I took her to a friend’s house for a play group. When we were getting ready to leave, I put my daughter in her car seat and proceeded to open my front door; to my shock, my door immediately swung closed. I was baffled as to why this would have happened.

Upon closer inspection, I noticed that a car had hit my car right where the door hinge was. There were now straight white even lines on my blue car. I took my daughter out of her car seat and rang my friend’s doorbell. I explained that it looked like somebody hit my car and took off.

At this point, my friend’s son piped in. (Keep in mind that this child was also a toddler – he was not yet three years old!) He said “I saw a car hit your car!” When I questioned him about the details, he said it was a white car and he even told us the make and model of this car!

The reason why he was able to do this was because he owned over 500 dinkies and he knew every make and model of every toy car he owned! The child then looked out the window, pointed and announced “There’s the car!” It was parked across the street.

At this point, I called the police to report a hit and run. The police came over pretty quickly and I told him the whole story. After inspecting my car and the car across the street, the officer rang the neighbour’s doorbell.

After denying that he had any knowledge that he hit my car, the police officer made this man back his car right up to where my car was hit. The white lines on my car matched up with the lines on this man’s bumper. Imagine the look on the police officer’s face when I told him that the person who identified the car responsible for this hit and run was a toddler!!!

strong independent woman gets a TRAIN RAN on her and regrets it

I’m married for 30 years. My husband is 63 and I’m 60. He acts more like 73 than 63. He’s very boring and I can’t stand it anymore. What should I do?

I am now very close to 68 years old. when I was 54 my wife was two years older than me and 56. We had been together for 28 years. You will notice that I used past tense. I started to be bothered with her lifestyle compared to mine. She liked to smoke cigarettes and drink beer all day long and I was and am very fit.

She was my soulmate but in 2010 I left her for a while because I didn’t want to watch her grow old and die prematurely. At that time she looked like she was 10 years older and then she was. It didn’t take me very long to find out that I couldn’t live without her and we got back together within a few months, but it was difficult because some damage was done. We were able to overcome our obstacles because of our deep love for each other even though she was still hurting her body through her lifestyle. In 2016, she was diagnosed with a very severe form of COPD. After several tests, we sat in the doctor’s office and she was told that if she changed her lifestyle that day she might live seven years and if she didn’t, she might live four. Two years later, they discovered a mass on her lung. Damage done. On April 20, 2020 she died in my arms at home.

If you’ve been together for 30 years, then you have something. Sometimes you might think it’s boring but when they are gone, it is really boring and awful. I have never forgiven myself for leaving her although maybe someday I will, but for right now I miss her so much.

Hang in there, find things to do to keep yourself from being bored and cherish the people you’re close to including your husband or wife.


China leaves West’s financial system? Sells record amount of Dollar Assets. De-Dollarization.

Why did 10 million Americans lose their homes after the 2008 financial crisis?

“Sir, I need a loan to buy my dream home,” says Luigi.

“Do you currently have a job?” asks Mr. Greedy.

“Yes sir, I have a good job!”

“Do you currently own or rent a home?”

“I rent a home. We pay $1,500 per month.”

“Oh, I will be able to help you save so much money!”

“What do you mean, Mr. Greedy?” asks the innocent Luigi.

“Today you pay $1,500 a month. That’s terrible. You’re giving that money away to your landlord. You save zero in equity! Terrible investment, Mr. Luigi,” salivating for his HUGE commissions.

“Well, I know. I hope we can someday qualify for a loan, Mr. Greedy.”

“With our loan, you will pay the bank only $1,300 a month, saving you $200 every month.”

“Wow, that’s like a dream.”

“Mr. Luigi, are you sitting down?”

“Yes, Mr. Greedy. Why?”

You are qualified for a 100% loan, Mr. Luigi! No money down! The bank will give you all the money needed to purchase the house.”

“Really? Really? Wow, this is life-changing news, Mr. Greedy! Every one of my friends that have purchased a home is happy — real estate prices just keep going up!”

“And they will continue to rise, Mr. Luigi. Congratulations!”

“This is a life-changing event! Thank you, Mr. Greedy!”

Now, to answer your question, why did 10 million Americans lose their homes after the 2008 financial crisis?

Remember when you last purchased something with credit?

When we buy something, we’re focused on the satisfaction of the purchase, not on the obligation of the payment we just assumed.

Our behavior as a consumer is easily influenced by emotions and excitement to fill that emotional void with the purchase. This becomes a huge problem in a world where there’s an alarming lack of financial education — people may be deceived or make bad decisions.

I still remember those pre-crisis years. The world was different. Everyone wanted a piece of the pie. The real estate “party” was something nobody wanted to miss. Naturally, millions of Americans were emotionally attracted to the dream while ignoring the future legal and financial demands of their loans.

The banking system was extremely greedy. Banks qualified what are known as subprime mortgages. These are loans granted to individuals with poor credit scores (640 or less, and often below 600), who would normally not be able to qualify for a mortgage.

Mr. Greedy abused many consumers like Luigi, selling too many unqualified mortgages. Now, Luigi purchased his home for $200,000. He qualified for a 100% loan.

Luigi started making payments.

Then, the unexpected happened. In 2006 home prices started to drop. Suddenly Luigi’s $200,000 home was worth $50,000 less.

Luigi faced a decision: pay back the loan for $200,000 or give the home back to the bank.

Like Luigi, millions of Americans were not willing (or able) to pay the mortgage on their unreasonably expensive home anymore.

People stopped making their payments, which triggered defaults.

Now the banks were full of expensive foreclosures in their inventory. Prices kept falling. Nobody was willing to buy them.

The problem quickly spread nationwide.

Meanwhile, financial corporations who owned these junk sub-prime loans stopped receiving payments. This triggered the perfect storm.

A collision of two gigantic “cornerstone” industries of the economy followed.

It was scary … Devastating for millions around the world.

The rest is history …

Will history repeat?

What do you think?


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Have you ever accidentally touched another person inappropriately? What happened?

Rule of life:

  1. If it is your mistake, no matter, of what age, the person could be, fall back and say sorry.

  2. If it’s not your mistake, no matter, of what age, the person could be, rip him/her off, if the person tries to mess with you.

This is how I lead my life and I got no regrets.

Delhi metro is funny and accommodating at the same time. The other day, some months back, I was late for my office and had to reach Gurugram as soon as possible.

The option of using a cab was haunting me because, at peak hours, the traffic on Jaipur highway tends to intensify.

I landed at AIIMS metro and boarded a metro up to Sikanderpur.

The metro was overcrowded with office people, frustrated with their boss and distance from the offices, even one could say it looking at their faces.

Somehow, I got adjusted in the crowd, have put my earphones on, and started listening to songs.

A girl boarded metro from Saket, New Delhi and was in a hurry.

I understand. People could be in a hurry but there should be a protocol of no panicking because anyway, the metro gonna get the same time for everyone.

She stood opposite to me.

Later, more people boarded the metro from Qutub Minar and she got pushed, in a way that my elbow got pressed with her breasts, and I felt it, I won’t deny, but it was not my mistake.

According to physics and logic, which she lacked, I was stationary and she was acting as an object who interacted with a stationary object.

Someone patted on my shoulder.

She: Hello? Are you desperate?

She shouted loud enough to get the attention.

Me: Excuse me?

She: Dude, watch your elbow. You just tried to press my breasts.

Everyone started to give a look as if I am the harasser here.

I understood, she was wanting fun.

I raised my eyes, came closer and shouted loudly.

Frankly, you lack common sense. I was standing opposite to you and didn’t even notice you standing because you’re not worth looking. You are an attention gainer. You think, boys being a minority in such cases would step back, ask for a sorry even if it doesn’t justify a mistake. You are an arrogant girl who just wants attention.

I can prove it.

Who wears a “Deloitte” hoodie in the month of April?

The temperature is already above 30, and you are wearing a hoodie not because you feel cold but you wanna make everyone realize, I work in one of the best advisory firms.

Get a life.

And about your breasts, I didn’t even feel it.

The last line, if someone could have understood, was kind enough to rip her off and two people started laughing on the last line.

Rest didn’t get it.

Even, she didn’t.

She made a face, turned back and didn’t say anything after that.

She got down at the next station.

After leaving, everyone said: Good, you have at least spoken. It happens a lot in the metro.

Lesson: Zulm karne se, Zulm sehna Jada bara apraadh hai- Bhagwad Geeta.

English: One who harasses is not the bigger criminal, but the one who endures it is the biggest criminal.

Homemade “Maple” Syrup

Homemade Maple Syrup
Homemade Maple Syrup


  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon maple flavoring or extract


  1. Combine granulated and brown sugar in a saucepan. Add salt and water. Bring mixture to a boil.
  2. Remove from heat. Add maple flavoring or extract.
  3. Cool and serve.


Use any combination of granulated and/or brown sugar as long as it is two parts sugar to one part water.

If you fell from 14,000 feet without a parachute, where would the safest place possible be to land?

In WW2 my father made a water landing from high enough that he did not notice the shrimp boats at first. Luckily he remembered the training about men hitting water from altitude and the theories about how to survive. He became a dart. Legs were crossed and toes pointed to avoid having the legs ripped in different directions. Chin over the shoulder to avoid having it ripped off. Not looking down to avoid having the face smashed in. Arms tight against the sides. Do not have your butt stick out—be as straight as possible.

He had to take in another breath as the air pressure increased. Once he slowed down in the water he inflated his “Mae West” but the water pressure did not allow it to fully inflate yet. He kept the dart sharp because it worked. He claimed he still went in over his head the third time he hit the water.

The navy’s take was to alter the training about when to leave your parachute during a water landing to avoid getting tangled in the lines and drowning. Instead of jumping out of the harness when you are 10 feet from the water (my hillbilly father thought the Gulf of Mexico looked like the local pond he used to jump into—after all, how big is a wave?) you waited until your toes touch, then jump out.

You shouldn’t do that on purpose since getting a detail wrong results in death.


What is the most “illegal” thing you’ve done and gotten away with?


I have to go anonymous on this one.

It is the year 1999.

I helped my friend / flat mate escape from jail..

We were in Egypt at the time, and were young and still in university. I am an Egyptian citizen, he on the other hand was a foreigner, and did not have a valid driving license.

For some stupid reason he was driving his friend’s car and got heckled by a pedestrian (who pretended he got hit by the car to scare some cash from the driver, common practice in egypt and some other countries I will not be mentioning that I have been to). Anyway, my friend did not have any cash on him, minutes later police came over and booked him. He managed to call me for help from someone’s cellphone.

That night I went over to the police station, with food for my friend. At that point it was not my intent to help him escape. Anyhow, being an Egyptian, I know how to “grease someone’s hands” to let the food and cigarettes in.

The soldier whom I bribed gave us a couple of minutes while he smoked a cigarette, and there was an open door at the end of the hall. My car is parked close by.

I told him, if you can run to that door, jump over the fence (a shitty low cement fence), I will wait with my car in 2 minutes, and I will take you to the airport.

That is exactly what we did. Took him in my car, stopped by his place which was close by for not more than 30 seconds for his passport, and off to the airport.

I saw him once after that in his country of origin almost 10 years later.

Edit: thank you Gargi for the edit and review. Really appreciate it!

I laughed and laughed!

Slice and drain

Yeah. I was pulled over for speeding in a construction zone (I was). The officer takes my license back to his car, and comes back acting almost embarrassed, asking if I’m aware my license was suspended, like 3 years ago! I have no idea what he’s talking about. He hands me my license back, with no speeding ticket and just tells me to take care of the suspension right away. So I’m sitting on the side of the highway, in a construction zone, and I ask, “So what do I do? I assume I can’t just drive away with a suspended license?” And he responds, “no, go ahead, I’ll call it in to make sure no one else pulls you over for the next few days, just take care of it”. (unexpected) [End of story]

Turned out that years earlier I had been pulled over for a rolling stop at a stop sign. I was going to contest, but with two young kids, full time job…it just didn’t happen. This was before everything moved on-line, so knowing I was getting close to due date, I sent in my payment and such via certified mail. The DMV received the payment, cashed the check and all, but didn’t properly close out everything they needed to. As a result, my license had been suspended, but aside from small print on the back of the original ticket saying what could happen if not paid (it was paid) no further communication had been or needed to have been sent.

Luckily I had saved the certified mail receipt! I had literal proof in the form of receipts and cancelled checks. DMV fully admitted it was their error, but turns out they didn’t really have a process to correct an error caused by them, so, while my driving privileges would be reinstated, the suspension was going to stay on my record…. except no, that wasn’t going to work for me. It took about 8 visits over the course of about a month to get everything finally straightened out.

Where Are 30 To 40 Yo Single Men Why Can’t We Find Them

I was fired for endangering lives for less than a 15 second conversation.

It started when I worked for Ashland Inc., the chemical company (they owned Valvoline at the time). My boss and I did not get along all that well, I still think to this day she is the worst boss I’ve ever had.

Anyway, I worked in the city and tornadoes are very rare in the city. I was a temp contractor who had been there 2 years (some were there 5+ years, entire team was contractors and they did not hire on) and so when the day came to an end and it was time to leave I packed up my things and headed for the elevators.

I took the elevator down to the lobby and that’s when it happened, the tornado siren started blaring and I continued to head for the exit. I ran into my boss who was coming in from outside and she asked what I was doing, I replied that I was leaving. She said I absolutely could not leave and that if I left I would not have a job tomorrow (I was already off the clock but still on company property).

I told her that it was not worth losing a job over, so we walked towards the shelter for a good 5 steps and the siren turned off. Conversation was less than 15 seconds and the siren was off and I was free to leave.

We had to head to a hallway like this, we all remember this from school!

main qimg 2f12e4225b03fa3f7324b7644aa4d9dd pjlq
main qimg 2f12e4225b03fa3f7324b7644aa4d9dd pjlq

She brought this up at a managers meeting two days later and informed the other managers attending that she wanted to fire me for creating a situation where I forced her to put her safety at risk by impeding her ability to get to shelter due to her having to ensure the safety of another employee.

I was let go and filed for unemployment, the case examiner was so shocked by the reasoning for my termination he approved my unemployment. I took a nice long vacation and got hired on directly at another company that I love working for.

Also she was forced into retirement 2 years later and the team disbanded.

About 20 years ago I got a ticket ticket I got for running a stop sign. There was construction at an intersection and I was waved through by one of the construction workers. The officer in his car on the other side of the intersection did not see this and proceeded to pull me over. I tried explaining but he didn’t want to hear it.

Fast forward 6 months, I find myself sitting inside a courtroom overly dressed in a suit and tie patiently waiting my turn. With my last name being on the tail side of the alphabet I was one of the later people to be called.

Right before me was a man in his late teens/early 20s with a short bright red hair and a red beard. He was wearing a white tank top, ripped, oil stained, jeans and smelled like he had smoked about 2 packs of cigarettes already that morning. The court clerk calls this gentlemens name, the guy stands up, and before getting asked any questions, proceeds to loudly tell the judge in a thick South Boston accent that “this is all bulls*it” and how he “does not have time to wait around all day for this bulls*it”.

The judge pauses, looks at the man, and says “Son, I haven’t even read out the details of your case yet why are you coming in here yelling and hollering?”.

The man looks at the judge and says nothing.

The Judge proceeds to read off how he was driving a car with an expired registration and was pulled over for doing 30 mph over the speed limit and asked the man to tell his side of the story.

The man says “As I was saying before you interrupted me, that was all bulls*it and the cop was full of shi*t”

Needless to say the judge didn’t take kindly to this man, didn’t see his side, upheld the ticket, and threw him out of the courtroom.

Next they call my name, I walk up slightly dumbfounded by what I just witnessed and say “good morning your honor”. The judge raises up his hand as if to tell me to shut up. He looks at me and says “nice suit, thank you for being respectful, your case is dismissed, have a nice day”……. I picked up my dismissal paperwork said “ thank you your honor” and walked out of the courtroom.

Vintage men’s magazine art.

Enjoy this fun glimpse into the past.





























By Hugo Dionísio

May 8, 2024

Being an “ally” with the USA does not guarantee immunity against economic interference, subversion and sabotage, quite the opposite.

The Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, once said that the formula used by the European Union to manage its relations with China is “impractical”, “it’s like driving a car to an intersection and looking at the traffic light and seeing the yellow, green and red lights on at the same time”. I would say more… In addition to the confusion with the traffic light indications, the driver — for the Chinese only — still has to watch out for nails, oil and potholes in the road, which can lead to a crash or damage to the vehicle.

And who would cause such dangers along the way? Given the desperation of the actors involved and the unidirectional nature of the actions… Consequently, the exasperated and catastrophic tone that we find in the Western press, as opposed to a more triumphalist tone that was still in force six months ago (maybe even less than that), tells us everything we need to know. It’s incredible how Western emotions run riot, going from one extreme to the other in very short periods of time. From certain victory in Ukraine against Russia, we move on to widespread panic, in which Sullivan, Biden, Borrell or Macron, who as recently as September were already bathing in the good waters of Crimea, have now moved on to the certainty that Russian troops will not stop at the Dnepr and perhaps not even at the Danube, Rhine or Elbe.

During 2023 we all watched the unstoppable succession of predictions of the fall of the Chinese economy — remember, the Russian one was already “in taters — only now to be panicked by the flood of high-quality, low-cost products that the lazy West can’t even dream of competing with. It’s happening in cars, as well as semiconductors and agricultural machinery, and we’re gradually discovering, from the hysterical tone of Janet Yellen and Blinken, that if anything is falling, it’s American hegemony, whose containment strategies have so far only resulted in even stronger and more capable opponents. After all, it’s hard work that shapes character. The rentier capitalist elite of the West is too used to the easy money of royalties to be able to compete with those who have never abandoned industry, agriculture and truly productive activities.

The fact is that, in the Washington Post, David Ignatius, a researcher linked to the U.S.’s largest think thank, based on work by the Rand Corporation itself, says that analysts say the U.S. is entering a decline from which few powers have recovered; it is also RAND that provides us with an article entitled “U.S.-China rivalry in a new middle age”, pointing to the need for decision-makers to develop a neo-medieval mentality, namely by having to wage war in the knowledge that the “public” doesn’t want it; Borrell says that the U.S. is no longer hegemonic and that China has already become a superpower, something that Brzezinski had promised would never happen again; or the statistics on the U.S. economy, which say that it grew by only 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024, which shows a slowdown compared to the forecast. A big slowdown, considering the 2.7% predicted by U.S. broadcasting networks such as the IMF.

Curiously, it is from RAND itself that the best advice comes. In its study “The Fates of Nations”, two reflections are suggested which, considering their content and topicality, have no other destination than the political power based in Washington: 1. When nations stand between victory in war or national collapse (between the sword and the wall, I say), the punitive and coercive imposition of conditions is not an adequate path to success in rivalries; 2. Excessive ambition and oversized strategic scope contribute to many types of failure.

These reflections are the current portrait of the U.S.: wanting to extend itself everywhere, it is beginning to open cracks in the center, because the larger the surface, the thinner the cover; taking positions of strength in all situations — threatening all contenders with sanctions — causes those involved and those who might be the target of these actions to flee and become averse. If we add to this the fact that, according to various sources, Trump’s team of advisors has proposed that he impose penalties on countries that want to reduce their dependence on the dollar, we can already see that 2024 is going to be a terrible year for the world’s largest reserve currency. For now, gold has never been higher and almost 1/3 of the oil traded in 2023 was in currencies other than the dollar. If I were president of any country, I would do everything I could to reduce dependency until Trump takes office, considering that the prospects for Biden re-election are not the most enthusiastic.

Confronted with this reality, what is Washington doing? Failing to situate itself in this multipolar world in the making and failing to adopt a cooperative and respectful approach towards other states, preferring to focus on “a competition of great superpowers”, contrary to what, e.g., the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace proposes, in its report “The United States Policy Challenge”, the administration headed by Biden operates as if it still had all the power on its side and, lacking the strength it normally relied on, adopts the stance of sabotage, disruption and causing instability in the “business environment” of its own “allies”, when they are in the way between China and U.S.’s “national security” needs.

In Mexico, threats have been made — no one has confirmed them — against the López Obrador government if it persists in its intention to allow BYD factories to be set up so that they can make use of the exemption from customs duties applicable to the USMCA free trade agreement. The U.S. itself is unilaterally saying that the rules agreed between the three countries no longer apply to Mexico, without Mexico, supposedly a party to the agreement, having any say in the matter. If this situation isn’t proof of who’s really in charge when a country signs an “agreement” with the U.S…

This process of disruption, which aims to make it impossible for Chinese companies to set up shop, is taken so seriously that even a country like Portugal could be caught in the net and see its economy profoundly affected by U.S. intervention and interference.

Take the case of the oil company GALP, a privatized company with 51% of its capital held by U.S. “institutional investors”. First, we saw the news that the 8th largest oil well in the world, located in East Africa, more specifically off the coast of Namibia, had been awarded “to Portugal”. Specifically, the oil well had been awarded, not “to Portugal”, but to GALP, it would have been “to Portugal”, if the company were still public (only 8% are). The company is run by a Portuguese oligarch family, whose holding company “Amorim Energia”, which holds 35.8% of the capital, is based in the Netherlands.

It should be said that it would be more accurate to say that, 80% of the exploration, of the 8th largest oil well in the world, was awarded, not “to Portugal”, but “to the Netherlands”. And although the Amorim family manages the company, the capital is held by an overwhelming majority of North American, English and Canadian capital (75.2% in all). You can see who’s really in charge.

This same GALP, whose transition program towards sustainable energies and sectors envisaged a gradual move away from fossil fuels, has now announced that it has abandoned the proposal to set up a lithium refinery in southern Portugal. GALP, a profit-driven private company, is abandoning a lithium refining business, largely financed by European and Portuguese funds and with a guaranteed market?

Let’s not forget that the ultimate aim would be, with taxpayers’ money, to guarantee GALP entry into a strategic sector from the point of view of “sustainable” industries, and with guaranteed profitability, since the lithium would be explored also in Portugal, refined in Portugal and installed in batteries in Portugal. An extremely lucrative business guaranteed and with the development of important know-how. This explains why GALP accessed the 8th largest well in the world and why it has now come to say that, after all, the decarbonization objectives will have to be postponed. What do these people care about “climate change”?

For Portugal, this project was fundamental, as it would close the cycle of production and electric vehicles within its borders. From lithium mining to the production of electric cars, everything would be done in Portugal. However, there was a catch to this ambitious project. This project, which is one of the most important to be financed under the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Plan in the country, was based on the production of batteries through the installation of a Chinese enterprise factory named CALB, which has already been approved by the previous government, which curiously suffered a judicial coup of “lawfare”, after which another government was elected, supposedly with different ideas on this matter. Let’s see how the differ.

Once again, we will have to listen to what the U.S. ambassador to Portugal said about the businesses in which Washington would not welcome China’s entry. Wouldn’t welcome is an understatement, as we know. Lithium, personal data, ports and 5G.

This is how a small country like Portugal was caught in the middle of a tectonic dispute between superpowers, in which the still hegemonic power developed a process of destroying the “business environment” applicable to its competitor. As we know, history doesn’t say much about those who are always on the defense, and so they have become increasingly closed. But that’s another story.

This example contains all the complexity, fallacy and aggressiveness of the “decoupling” strategy, which, when translated by Ursula von der Leyen into the “language of the EU”, became “derisking”. It also shows how, in the EU, it is the U.S. that calls the shots and how being anchored to the European Union, and everything it stands for, is in fact a serious brake on development. Portugal, like Mexico, like Germany, Spain, France and the whole of Europe, is seeing investment projects that could keep Europe industrialized closed down, boycotted and destroyed. Just because they are projected with Chinese companies.

Perhaps even then the Chinese company CALB won’t give up on its factory in Portugal. However, this foreseeable foreign interference will not fail to diminish the company’s expectations of future profitability and, above all, create a brake on its competitiveness for better prices. Symptomatically, this continued sabotage of the European economy and that of the “allied countries” is based above all on technologies that the U.S. wants to dominate. In this context, we should also have conscience that Volkswagen has signed an agreement with China’s Xpeng, and that a factory for the German brand is also located in Portugal. We can’t help but get a whiff of the traditional U.S. persecution of the German economy, which suffered a severe setback with the destruction and closure of Nord Stream and what was left of it. It all ties together again.

What this case proves is that today, in the West, and especially in territories that are in some way controlled by the tentacles of U.S. monopoly power (the Portuguese case proves the importance of the public nature of companies like GALP), they are limited to businesses that they are unable or unwilling to sabotage or destroy.

If the Think Thank and research institutes themselves suggest to the U.S. political elite that the best approach would be cooperation, respect for the sovereignty of others and, above all, not trying to get everywhere, it is not for lack of informed knowledge that these elites behave so savagely. Their objective is very clear, and consists of creating such an insecure, unpredictable and erratic environment for Chinese companies that they should abandon their desire to set up and trade with Europe and Latin America, without it being possible to say that it was the U.S. itself that sabotaged the economic development of countries that claim to be “allies”.

The means used range from unilaterally changing the rules, their own rules, promoting agendas such as “decoupling” or “derisking”, or, if necessary, and as Nord Stream proves, directly destroying supporting infrastructures, subverting democracies by organizing judicial coups and color revolutions, threatening sanctions and other penalties. In the last resort, war is even promoted, as was done in Ukraine and is now being attempted in Taiwan.

And this is how everything that has been said before, about open markets that close when at a disadvantage or open when there is a guarantee that only the hegemonic power wins; climate agendas that are a priority but are soon abandoned when the defined accumulation cycles are at stake; respect for the sovereignties of other countries that are protected when it comes to getting closer to rivals and are unprotected when it comes to defending U.S. dominance.

The terms under which the “national security” of the USA is defined, its protection grows at the pace of the destruction of the sovereignty, economy and freedom of its “allies”. Being an “ally” with the USA does not guarantee immunity against economic interference, subversion and sabotage, quite the opposite. It guarantees that this interference is carried out more easily, as the traditional defenses that result from national sovereignty do not exist. To be a friend of the USA today is to watch its own destruction and remain silent.

With friends like these… Who needs enemies?

Arnaud’s Filet Mignon au Poivre

Arnaud's Filet Mignon au Poivre
Arnaud’s Filet Mignon au Poivre

Yield: 6 servings


  • 6 (8 ounce) filets
  • 6 tablespoons cracked black pepper
  • Salt
  • 3 tablespoons clarified butter oil
  • 3/4 cup brandy
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup demi-glace, home made or purchased (available in gourmet shops and groceries)
  • Watercress to garnish


  1. Lightly season the filets with salt and pound cracked pepper into both sides.
  2. Heat the butter in a sauté pan over high heat.
  3. Add the filets and brown on both sides (rare 10 minutes; medium-rare 15 minutes, medium 18 minutes, medium well 20 minutes, well done 25 minutes.
  4. Remove from pan and keep warm.
  5. Deglaze the pan with the brandy, add the cream and reduce to a semi-thick consistency over medium heat, approximately 1 1/2 minutes.
  6. Add the demi-glace and cook about 1 minute more.
  7. Taste for seasoning and adjust if necessary.
  8. Center each filet on a hot dinner plate, ladle sauce over.
  9. Garnish with watercress.
  10. Serve.

“The Worst Thing Any President Has Done in My Lifetime” | Victor Davis Hanson

My father was a mere lieutenant colonel when I went to Basic Combat Training. I didn’t tell anyone, not other soldiers or the drill sergeants. On the morning of our graduation, LTC Dad showed up in the company area in his Class A green uniform. Everyone freaked out and our company commander approached him to see why he was there (he had been there the evening before in civilian attire but didn’t make himself known). Our first sergeant stepped in front of my platoon while we were in formation to prepare to march to the area where graduation ceremonies were held. She asked which of us was Walker and I responded. She stepped up to me and asked “Private, why didn’t you tell anyone your daddy is a colonel?”

I said, “I didn’t think it mattered, First Sergeant.” In truth, my father’s battalion operations NCO had counseled me before I left for Fort McClellan to always do my best and never do anything to intentionally draw attention to myself. He said that if they had to pull my LBE strap aside and read my name tag to figure out who I was, I was doing it right.

She thought about my answer for a moment, nodded, and said, “Very well. Let me go sort this out.”

After the graduation ceremony, I was allowed to ride back to the company with my family instead of marching with everyone else. I found out later that my drill sergeant and the senior drill sergeant had a falling out over this. DS S told me that he allowed it out of respect for my father and the fact that I had been a good trainee who always gave my best effort and never caused any trouble. The SDS was a mean little pissant who wouldn’t let his own mother get a coke from the machine in the day room if it was up to him, unless she busted out 100 pushups first

So, the only nicety I received was a ride back to barracks after graduation while everyone else marched.

EDIT: It was only about a half mile and it was a beautiful spring morning in Alabama. While I appreciated the extra few minutes with family, I didn’t really care one way or the other and neither did anyone else, except the senior drill sergeant.

Oh they knew the score

Several years ago, I was working full time while attending college full time and pastoring a small country church. I also had 2 school aged children at the time. Needless to say, my life was very busy. Production was picking up at work and they instituted a voluntary overtime schedule. Since it was voluntary, I chose to not work it.

My supervisor approached me one day and said they needed me to work overtime.

I said I thought it was voluntary.

He said it is.

I told him I didn’t want to work it.

He said but I need you to work it and set an example for the less senior people.

I told him, I’d set the example by getting my work done in 40 hours.

But I need you to work overtime.

Then it isn’t voluntary.

Yes it’s voluntary.

Has anything been late shipping because I haven’t worked any overtime.


Then I choose not to work it.

This went back and forth several times. Then it happened on several different days. Same result I refused to work the VOLUNTARY overtime.

Since the supervisor wasn’t getting anywhere with me, he had the plant manager talk to me. Basically, the same conversation, just a different day and a different boss. Finally they said if I didn’t work the voluntary overtime, I would be written up.

I called their bluff and submitted my 2 weeks notice. I stated that I didn’t think that was the best for myself or the company, but I had too much going on in my life to work the voluntary overtime. I submitted a written copy to my supervisor, the plant manager, HR, and the company president.

When I hadn’t heard anything back in over a week, but before the 2 weeks were up, I asked my supervisor about it. He simply said, “Oh, you don’t have to work the overtime.”


I ended up working for that company for over 20 years after that. Actually, staying there longer than my supervisor, the plant manager, or even the CEO/president.

Chili Garlic Stuffed Peppers

This recipe is sure to be a crowd pleaser! It’s packed-full of delicious flavor from Johnsonville® Sausage.

chili garlic stuffed peppers
chili garlic stuffed peppers


  • 1 (16 ounce) package Johnsonville® All Natural Fresh Italian Mild Ground Sausage
  • 5 red, green or yellow bell peppers
  • 1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
  • 1 1/2 cups garlic & herb marinara sauce
  • 1 2/3 cups shredded Italian blend cheese, divided
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper


  1. Heat oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. In a skillet, cook and crumble ground sausage over medium heat until browned and fully cooked; about 7-10 minutes.
  3. Add the spinach, marinara sauce, 1 cup cheese, garlic and crushed red pepper.
  4. Cut top off each pepper; scoop out pulp and seeds.
  5. Place peppers on a microwave safe plate; cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until tender.
  6. Fill peppers with sausage mixture; place peppers in a greased baking dish.
  7. Sprinkle with remaining cheese; bake for 20 minutes or until completely heated.


For a fun appetizer, use mini sweet bell peppers instead of large peppers and omit microwave heating step. Place mini stuffed peppers upright in muffin cups while baking.

“I’m embarrassed to be out in public with my boyfriend.”


My boyfriend and i have been together for 2 years. I love my boyfriend, but he lacks social awareness and doesn’t have good manners. For example, when we went out to dinner the other night, he was talking/laughing extremely loudly, burping and farting. When we go to the movies, he talks regularly rather than whispering and makes commentary about the movie, which annoys the other people in the theatre. Also, whenever we walk past a group of people, he tries to be funny and says stupid things. For example, the other day, we were walking past a group of guys and my boyfriend was like “i need to fart” super loudly. Mind you, he’s 27.

I don’t know if i’m being overly sensitive or if his behaviour is childish and unacceptable. How can i handle this situation?


Dear Embarrassed Girlfriend,

Your boyfriend’s lack of social awareness and immature behavior in public settings is understandably frustrating and embarrassing for you. Burping, farting loudly, making inappropriate commentary at the movies, and saying crude things to strangers is the kind of conduct most people outgrow by the time they graduate high school, not the way a 27-year-old man should be acting.

You’re absolutely right to be bothered by this. It’s not overly sensitive to expect your partner to have basic manners, exercise restraint, and behave respectfully in shared public spaces. His childish antics reflect poorly on him and on you by association.

The real issue is why your boyfriend seems oblivious to social norms and unconcerned with how his behavior affects you and others around him. Have you talked to him directly about this? I would sit him down at a neutral time, not right after an incident, and calmly explain how his actions make you feel. Use “I” statements like “I feel embarrassed when you make loud bodily noises in restaurants” rather than “You always humiliate me.”

See if he’s receptive to toning things down and working on his self-control and social skills. If he gets defensive, minimizes your feelings, or refuses to make an effort to change, then you’ll need to consider whether you can accept this long-term. It’s no fun constantly cringing at your partner’s behavior.

Ultimately, you can’t force him to change, but you can and should advocate for yourself. Make clear that the status quo is unacceptable to you. If he’s unwilling to modify his behavior, you may need to modify the relationship. There’s someone out there who can make you laugh without making you cringe.

Women Are ATTACKING Men Because We Refuse To Date Them…

I was at a mutual friends house when my ex bf showed up asking to speak with me. My friend told him I didn’t want to talk to him at the moment then he closed his door. All of a sudden all you could hear was something hitting the windows, followed by the sound of glass shattering. Over and over all you could hear was the sound of windows being busted out.

My friend yelled, “Get down he is shooting!” I was thinking their is no way, surely he is just throwing a brick or something. After the ninth window I told my friend I’m going to go get help. I didn’t have a cell phone at the time because my ex had broken it earlier in the week and intercepted the new one when it came in the mail.

My parents lived two blocks away. I grabbed my dog and started running towards my parents house. I heard another gunshot. I didn’t know if he was shooting at me, or if he had turned the gun on himself. I ran in my parents house crying hysterically and called 911. The police came right away and arrested him. My ex threw the gun in the sewer so the police never caught him with it.

My friends landlord was so mad about his windows. He asked my friend what type of company was he keeping. The police put a restraining order on my ex after he broke out the window to my car (with me in it), and the window to my house.


I don’t know when I first realized that my childhood wasn’t normal but I do remember some of the specific realizations I had.

I was very neglected and realized at a very young age that if anyone was going to take care of me and make sure I had food, I had to take care of myself. I jokingly say that television raised me because television spent more time with me than either of my parents ever did.

There was no alcohol or drugs in my home so I didn’t have that problem but my parents were very religious and controlling. I was only allowed to wear green dress shirts. I was never allowed to wear red, blue, or t-shirts. Somehow though, I managed to always forget to wear green on St. Patrick’s Day. I never wore what any of the other kids wore. I was always the outsider, the freak, the shunned one.

I think the reason my dad ignored me was because I was a disappointment to him. I wasn’t born a strapping young holy man. My dad often did buy toys but he bought them for himself and he played with the toys until he broke the toys and then he gave the toys to me. I don’t think I ever had a toy that wasn’t already broken before I got it.

But even though my parents tried to turn me into a righteous, holy man, I found my dad’s secret porn stash. Hypocrisy anyone?

And if you think my parents were bad, just wait till you learn about my crazy grandfather who believed that God had told him to sleep with many women and children in order to spread his holy seed.

People told me they admired how I never conformed to peer pressure. How I wish I was able to conform to peer pressure. How I wish I would have been allowed to wear red t-shirts.

How to spot GUILT TRIPPERS from mile away

One day, when I was in the seventh grade, I missed the bus. My family only had one car, which my father drove to work. For this reason, my mother made me walk to school. It was springtime and the weather was pleasant.

I walked to school (and it was not in 10 feet of snow both ways, nor was I barefoot). By the time I got there and signed in as tardy in the principal’s office, I had missed two classes. I was told to sit and wait for the bell and join my next class…so I waited.

The bell rang and I dashed off to my next class.

The next day my first two teachers both asked for a note for being absent. I explained that I had missed the bus and had to walk to school. That was end the of the discussion.

A lightbulb went off in my head.

  • The school did not call my mom. Even if they had, she knew I was on my way there.
  • My teachers had no idea that I was late and not absent.
  • The office did not contact my teachers when I was not in class, nor did they inform the teachers in my later classes.

So, the next chance I got (weather allowing) I purposefully missed the bus and walked to school. I then signed in as tardy in the principal’s office. Then when the next bell rang, I walked out the side door.

I was free.

It was a warm day. I went to the town park, where I found an envelope that simply said “Paperboy”. In it was $6.00 in cash.

I was rich.

I went to the local news shop and bought a National Lampoon magazine, a sandwich, and a soda (those were the days). I went back to the park and enjoyed the rest of the day. As I read my new magazine, I decided that tomorrow I would bring my boom box.

My Wife Had an Affair With My Best Man

“When I was 20, I worked in a nursing home. I befriended a man who talked about WW2 and how he’d lost so many guys in his company. One day, he had a stroke. When he returned from the hospital, he couldn’t remember anyone but me and told me he wasn’t doing good. He knew his time was coming to a close. He said it was time to pay for all the horrible things he’d done in Europe. He wasn’t religious but asked me where I thought he was going. I said to bed because it’s lights out. He said, ‘No, Jodie, my name’s Mike, ‘I mean up or down.’ I’m not a religious person, but I said, ‘That’s not for me to say.’ He laughed and said, ‘I know where I’m going. There’s only one place for people who have done what I’ve done…I’ve killed so many people, Jodie. Most of the time, it didn’t matter who it was. We went into buildings just shooting. There’s only one place for me. It’s what I deserve.'” “I worked there as a dietary aide, and it was a pretty nice nursing home. He and I’d become pretty good friends, too. I had absolutely nothing to respond with when he’d said that. He passed away the next day.

When I say that experience shook me to the core, I really mean it. I quit that day. That man’s face is burned into memory because of that conversation. His son said he kept asking where Jodie was at. Working in a nursing home is a haunting place. It takes a special type of person to be able to watch people just die around you.”

Today’s comic memes





























I live in Dunedin, New Zealand – it’s a small-to-medium sized University city. At the time of this story, the city’s population was around 120,000 and the University had around 7,000 students, many of them living in the 1000 or so student flats which dot the city.

I was visiting a friend in a town about 100 miles north of Dunedin – Oamaru. While I was there, my friend introduced me to a couple of her friends, Chris and Natalie, and we started chatting about various things. Eventually the subject turned to music, and I mentioned the band I was in. Among the things I mentioned was that we’d had our first gig the year before at a party in a student flat that was unusual because someone had put an old public telephone box on the upstairs balcony.

Chris said “Was it in Park Street? I used to flat there when I was at uni.” Chris had flatted, three years earlier, in the flat where my band had its first gig.

The Natalie chimed in – “My brother lives in that flat!” Natalie’s brother Shane was now an occupant of the same flat.

The following month, I started my master’s degree course and was given study space to share with two other students working on similar topics – one of them was Natalie’s brother, Shane.

Dating Matters: “I’m 21F and ugly as a pig.”


I’m 21F and ugly as a pig. I have a birth defect that causes asymmetry and makes my speech kinda wobbly and stuff. On most days it doesn’t bother me much, I get by. I have my puppy, jobs here and there, I’m very close with my family.

But then I go out. No guy ever looks at me. Even if I’m hanging out with people and there are guys, they don’t glance at me or say a word at me. Even if I ask them a question, they don’t answer.

All I’ve ever wanted in life is to have a husband and kids and a happy home. It sounds cheesy and really fucking stupid but I doubt I’ll ever even have a real healthy relationship because I am just so ugly. If a guy was into me, he’d judt be settling. I don’t want to be settled for. So I guess I’ll just never experience anyone liking or loving me romantically. It’s very hard and a girl I know is having her second kid and I haven’t ever even kissed anyone because apparently no one wants to kiss me.

The acquaintances I have keep telling me it’ll happen but they just don’t understand that it won’t. It’s kinda hard to date and kiss guys when they don’t even acknowledge your existance.

Oh my dear, my heart aches for you. The pain and loneliness you describe is so palpable and understandable. It’s a fundamental human need to feel seen, acknowledged, and loved – especially romantically. Your yearning for a husband, children and happy home is far from stupid. It’s a beautiful dream shared by many.

I want to be very clear on this – your worth is not defined by your appearance or by male attention. You are so much more than what’s on the surface. The fact that you have ambitions, care for a puppy, work hard, and have a tight-knit family says a lot about your character. Those are the qualities that make a person truly attractive.

Society places far too much emphasis on conventional beauty standards. But real love – the deep, enduring kind – looks beyond that. It sees the uniqueness of a person’s spirit, the magic of their heart.

I know it feels impossible to imagine right now, but there are people out there capable of appreciating you for all that you are. Perhaps you haven’t met them yet. Perhaps they are still growing and learning to see with clearer eyes. Don’t let the ignorance or superficiality of some define your self-worth.

Continue investing in yourself and in what brings you joy and meaning. Nurture your wonderful bonds with family. There are many kinds of love in this life and romantic love is just one of them. Pursue your interests, be kind to yourself and others. Let your incredible resilience and zest for life shine through.

In navigating these feelings, it might help to expand your social network in contexts where personality and passions can shine brighter than physical appearance. Perhaps there are clubs, groups, or volunteer organizations in your area that align with your interests—places where you can meet people who share your values and enthusiasms. These settings can be more conducive to forming genuine connections because they focus on common interests rather than appearances.

Also, it may be beneficial to continue discussing these feelings with someone who can provide professional guidance, like a therapist. Therapy can be a great space to explore your self-image and learn strategies to bolster your self-esteem. It can also provide tools to help you navigate and challenge the societal pressures that so harshly define beauty and worth.

When you are living as your fullest self, you’ll be in a much better position to find and build healthy relationships.

Lastly, try to remember that life’s timelines are as varied as the people who live them. The fact that someone you know is on a different path does not diminish the potential of your journey. It’s okay to move at your own pace and in your own way.

You are deserving of love and happiness, not as a settlement, but as a celebration of who you are. Keep your heart open and your head held high. You have much to offer, and there is much still to come.

Warmest regards

What to say when someone belittles you

Take chips and airliners, which China has had to import. China spent more on chips than oil until recently, buying hundreds of billions dollars worth every year.

Why? It made few chips, especially the higher-end ones.

Chips wasn’t a priority in the current 2021–2025 five year plan, because the Chinese had more pressing concerns lower down the value chain.

But Huawei changed everything.

China now has 30% of global chip production capacity, and will exceed 40% in a few years. There is a legitimate case for overcapacity and subsidy, on a free market basis. Unfortunately, trade flow is being reshaped by politics, rather than economics, and that is why Janet glaringly omitted CHIPS from her Beijing spiel.

To emphasize, the overcapacity in chips is solely driven by America throwing its weight around to unfairly contain Chinese development in high technology, and the Chinese threw restraint (and the rule book) out the window.

For airliners, China didn’t make any, until recently. Comac currently has 2 models in service, the ARJ21 and the C919. In a few years, production of the C919 will be ramped up to over 200 per year, along with the introduction of the CJ-1000 engine option next to the Leap 1. The backlog of orders, currently >1,500, will take a decade to clear. The first widebodies, the C929 and C939 (the A330 and A350 equivalent) will also make commercial debut in the 2030s, along with Chinese engine options.

All these form part of a broad spectrum assault up the value chain, allowing China to go from today’s 35% of global manufacturing to >50% before 2040 arrives.

There will be two classes of goods in the near future: China-made or foreign made. By then, China will have an essentially complete indigenous supply chain built on IP it controls. Other than select niches such as specialty pharmaceuticals, software and machine tools, the Chinese will have competent or even superior alternatives to everything the rest of the world manufactures, from green energy to AI. The exclusivity of western high walls and deep moats will increasingly be found in the recesses of history.

On to the consumer. An often underexplored angle is the end-to-end shopping experience. In today’s world, it’s the online stream that drives sales. Finding a product, choosing among options, payment and finally delivery. Today, I can order a $5 item from China, and select the 5-day guaranteed doorstep delivery for another $1.50.

Amazon can’t do that. Rakuten can’t do that.

Temu and Shein are absolutely smashing markets worldwide, because they are offering end-to-end apparel shopping experiences that no one else is delivering today.

What’s their secret sauce?

Affordable quality at the forefront of trendiness, fulfilled in a jiffy.

It isn’t just cost structure, to step up to bat with the Chinese.

The entire service platform including the underlying logistics is just as critical.

The competition hasn’t emerged yet, but I welcome being proven wrong.

Why have I expended so many words without seeming to answer the question directly?

I have come around to the conclusion that cost structure is the wrong question to ask, because friend-shoring is being shaped through politics, rather than economics.

The bigger change is the 1–2 trillion dollars of revenue that foreign firms generate in China, the largest single market in the world. That is why Janet and others have drawn attention to China’s “excessive household savings” and “low consumption”, calling on the government to boost demand. Foreign firms are seeing alarming shifts in Chinese demand patterns, from Tesla to Apple to Starbucks to Boeing. Will French bags, Swiss watches, German cars, Italian fashion be next?

This is irreversible, as Chinese competition improve by the day, attracted by the high margin, glitzy models of western capitalism.

This is the true galactic war being fought, in the mainland market, and not the friend-shoring distraction. The Chinese brands that emerge from this brutal experience will be globally competitive. Even runner-ups will be able to find niches elsewhere, such as Transsion in Africa.

In other words, forget friend-shoring and competitive cost structures. Any firm that doesn’t have a place in the world’s biggest, most dynamic and competitive single market isn’t globally competitive, and will have to rely on political protection to survive.

I’d like to end with a short discussion on the scale of the Chinese challenge.

The strength of the Chinese come from their extraordinary ability to organize and cooperate on multiple scales, including pie-in-the-sky multi-generational goals without set horizons.

The five-year plans are a good example, a top-down-bottom-up meeting of minds to drive national progress. For example, a bottom-up request to increase rural income requires top-down connectivity and power, from roads/public transport, to electric and telecoms grids, so that farmers gain market access, and talent and investment can pour in for job creation. This all-of-nation cooperation between public and private is rare, with the closest being Taiwan when the KMT was in charge. Japan and Korea both suffer from opposing clan interests, and as Japan discovered for the past 2-3 decades, competitive advantages can be rug-pulled by Uncle Sam on whim. As a national system, I believe modern day China is peerless in terms of the depth and cohesiveness of broad-spectrum cooperation.

Ten, twenty years ago, Toyota will keep an eye out for what Honda and Nissan is doing, followed by Hyundai and Kia, with a secondary interest in the Germans. Toyota stayed the number 1 carmaker globally wholly on merit, because it has core competencies.

Fast forward to the present and Toyota is staring goggle-eyes at the millions of BEVs being churned out by the Chinese, when its own BEV presence and selection is minimal. Even Huawei and Xiaomi are churning out cars today with smart self-driving features. BYD is replacing shocks/springs/struts with linear motors for suspension, and it is far superior to the best the market has to offer today. BYD, one company, hires more R&D staff than foreign automakers combined.

It is a different scale of challenge when BYD can add hundreds of thousands in production capacity within 12–18 months through local government support in factory building, provision of utilities, upgrading of connectivity, the hiring of staff, and approval of permits. The speed and efficiency takes the breath away. Better yet, the modern Chinese factory enjoys a high degree of automation, and production can be rapidly scaled up at other sites.

One will have to copy the Chinese to keep up with the Chinese, without the advantage of market scale, and the efficiencies enabled by the public-private cooperation model.

If a girl does this, never talk to her again…

My ex-girlfriend called me to let me know she was pregnant. We got married and not long after the baby was born she walked away and left the baby with me.

Over the years, family would ask me if I was sure she was mine. She looked nothing like me or other members of my family. My daughter has very dark skin. Her mother was never a serious part of her life. On days when her mother was supposed to pick her up and spend time with her, my daughter would get dressed-up and excited and her mom was a “no-show”. I would make up some excuse for her mom not showing up. And on birthdays and Christmas, I would always place a gift under the tree and address it from her mom.

As she got older, her appearance got more defined and had nothing in common with me or my family. Her skin got darker and her lips thicker and her hair curlier. There were always the questions from family and friends and the usual gossip in our hometown.

One day, when she was 15 years old, she sat down next to me as I was working on my laptop. She said “Daddy, may I ask you a question?” I continued what I was doing and simply replied, “Sure, sweetie, what’s on your mind?” She said, “Daddy, would you like me to take a DNA test?” That hit me real hard so I stopped what I was doing, closed my laptop and faced her. I said “Now why exactly would I want you to do something like that?” She answered, “Wouldn’t you want to know for sure if I am your daughter?” She just sat there looking down at the floor while I weighed the question and realized I was walking on a mine field and I had to gather myself and get this right. “Honey, you are my daughter and no DNA test will change that. There is nothing a paternity or DNA test can tell me that will make me think anything else. “

My daughter is grown up now and has many other roles. She is a doctor, a wife, and a mother. But she remains and always will be my daughter.

Why the US will lose its War on China

Carl Zha talks to Dr. Oualaalou of the @geopoliticaltrends about what and why the US plan to contain China is doomed to failure. We discuss the latest development of US military deployment in Taiwan Strait and the Philippines.

Having been involved in retail for decades.

Back in the mid 80’s I was doing a price shop, collecting their lumber & building materials prices, for comparison. The competition store had a policy that I be upfront, not coming in and trying to spy. So one fine day I’m there wearing my company polo and a jacket that had our logo on the back. My name badge clipped to my jacket. I wasn’t trying to hide.

As I was finishing up I was approached by a customer who asked if I could help her with a storm door. I was walking that way so I expected she needed help with putting the door in the buggy.

Wrong, she needed a sales pitch. So I gave her one. She thought that low price equals poor quality. So I did my sales pitch on storm doors and answered her questions.

I ended my pitch with a trick, I threw my 25 ft tape measure at the “glass” and caught it when it bounced off. She asked if “we” installed and I said yes we did. So writing down the UPC I walked the customer to the desk and turned the sale over to a store employee. Smiling to myself I walked out.

A week or so later I was back in the same location again doing a price shop. The Asst. Manager had seen me walk in, he walked up and told me to talk to the store manager. He and I walked to the office. He bought me a can of Coke and got the boss.

The store manager walked out and had one of their shirts in hand. It seems that my help in the store was documented because the lady I’d helped had written a letter to their corporate office.

Corporate had authorization a bonus for the person who had done such a great job. So I put their shirt over my shirt and had my photo taken being handed the check.

The manager offered me a job, which I declined. But I still think that was a hoot.

Shorpy fun

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For some reason, I was really upset with one of the teachers and while most people would have tried something stupid, like gum in chair, drawings, graffiti or something similar … I noticed that the teacher was distracted with something and I went to her computer and simply pressed the control, the alt and the arrow down keys which caused her screen to turn upside down with seemingly no way to fix it. She could not find a setting back then visually to switch it back in any menu. Now one can find a menu option in the monitor settings but back then, nothing! Nada! That’s what made it funny: people used to go nuts! The only fix is to press control, alt and the arrow up key. There was no other way around it but no one knew this trick and people still would say, “wtf?” If they saw their computer like this…

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It was funny watching five grown men trying to figure it out and finally just flipping the monitor upside down twisting all the cables which were not long enough for that.

I felt really bad. I started feeling guilty and I went up to her and said, “What’s wrong with your computer, Mrs. Rodriguez?”, she said, “I don’t know what I did but my monitor is just crazy?”. I said, let me take a look and before she could say, “No wait, I am working on something” I had press the combination of keys to fix it and told her she was all set. She gave me a nice hug and I did not feel so bad for having done that.

(Home made) Italian Sausage

homemade italian sausage FB
homemade italian sausage FB

Yield: 3 pounds


  • 2 1/2 pounds pork shoulder, butt portion, trimmed and cut into large chunks
  • 1/2 tablespoon coarse kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon dried anise
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1/2 pound pork fat, cut into large chunks
  • 4 garlic cloves, peeled

Homemade Italian Sausage 4
Homemade Italian Sausage 4


  1. Put pork into a large bowl. Add salt, anise, peppers, oregano, thyme and water. Mix well to coat meat. Work seasoned pork, pork fat and garlic through a meat grinder using the disc with the largest holes, alternating ingredients as you grind.
  2. This sausage may be kept in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or in the freezer for 6 months.

“Am I making the wrong decision in staying with my cheating girlfriend, even though I don’t feel hurt by it at all?”


I need to share something that’s been weighing on me about my relationship with my girlfriend, Marcia. I’m looking for some clarity here because it’s a bit of a complicated situation.

Despite Marcia recently being unfaithful at a party, I find myself neither upset nor wanting to end things with her. This has completely thrown my childhood friends, Lucas and Brad, for a loop. They’ve always been like brothers to me, and they can’t understand why I’d stay with her, fearing I’m making a massive mistake.


Let me give you a little background on myself. I’m a bit of an introvert, preferring coding and anime over big social gatherings. I’ve always felt at ease in my own company or with a tight-knit group of friends, rather than at large social events. I’ve never dreamed of a traditional future with marriage and kids; instead, I believe as long as a relationship makes you happy, it’s never a waste, no matter the outcome. This might seem unusual to some, but it’s how I view love and commitment. Although I would never cheat out of respect for others, I also don’t experience the deep sense of betrayal that often accompanies infidelity.

Marcia and I met during college in a class where we initially connected over a group project. Our relationship grew from shared interests, and she was the one who asked me out. I was honest about my inexperienced romantic history and my unique views on relationships. We’ve been together for years now, sharing countless moments of joy and companionship. When Lucas confronted me with evidence of Marcia’s cheating, I felt no anger or jealousy—just an absence of the pain most would expect. We talked it over, and she was genuinely sorry, making promises to change, though I hadn’t asked her to because my main concern was about open communication for safety reasons, like STDs.

The biggest issue now is how Lucas and Brad have reacted. Lucas thinks I’m settling because of my low self-esteem, and Brad has even called me spineless, predicting that I’ll regret staying with her. Their reactions are rooted in care, but also stem from a more traditional view of relationships and self-worth that doesn’t quite fit with my feelings or experiences. Despite their worries, I remain content with Marcia. Yet, their opposition has sparked a tiny doubt in me, making me wonder if I’m overlooking a big mistake. Am I wrong for wanting to stay in a relationship where I feel happy, despite everything?


I hear you when you say that Marcia’s infidelity hasn’t shaken you, and that you feel content to continue the relationship. But I’m worried that your willingness to brush off her actions may be rooted in some deeper self-worth issues that are clouding your judgment.

Cheating is a massive breach of trust and respect in a relationship. It doesn’t matter if you’re not the jealous type or don’t believe in traditional relationship structures. When your partner steps out on you, it sends a clear message about how much they value you and your bond. By choosing to stay, you’re essentially telling Marcia that her behavior was okay and that she can get away with mistreating you.

I know you care for her, but sometimes the most loving thing we can do for ourselves is walk away from people who have hurt us. Being alone for a while isn’t a bad thing. It gives you a chance to focus on yourself, build up your self-esteem, and really examine what you want and deserve in a relationship. The dating pool will still be there when you’re ready to dive back in.

Your friends are right to be concerned. They can see how unhealthy this dynamic is, even if you’re struggling to admit it to yourself. I know it’s hard to face, but I really think you should consider therapy to work through these self-image issues. You need to learn to love and respect yourself before you can have a truly fulfilling relationship with someone else.

I get that this isn’t what you wanted to hear, but I’m telling you all this because I genuinely want the best for you. You deserve so much more than a partner who disrespects you and a relationship that requires you to shrink your own sense of self-worth. Be brave, put yourself first, and trust that there are brighter days and healthier loves ahead. You’ve got this.

Politicians Sold The American People Out

I live in rural Alaska, and the population of police is as thin as the population of residents! I have called in twice for a welfare check. Both times the police said that the situation did not warrant one.

In the first case, a guy I shared a taxi with once a week to go shopping had not answered the phone in 2 days. He lived 7 miles away, and I could not drive because I was partially blinded by MS (it is better now). It was New Year’s Eve, and I couldn’t reach ANYBODY to go check on him, and felt very itchy about his welfare… I finally put on all my Arctic gear and walked that 7 miles through driving snow to check on him. I still can’t believe I did that on a hunch… Turned out he had fallen and broken his hip the day before. His woodstove had burned out, and he was frozen to the floor by his own urine. It took the fire department to peel him off the floor and get him out of the house. He lived, but he lost 8 toes, and his independence.

The second was just a couple of weeks ago. My roommate would not open the door, and 2 roomies were waiting outside in the garage… no sign of movement in the house… The police did not feel it rated a welfare check! A friend broke into the house for me and discovered her. She was older, and not in great health. She had died in the bathtub. When her BODY was found, the police came right on out! I am really grateful to the friend who found her. I did not have to see her dead at all.

This is great!

Lots and lots and lots of great movies

Met a guy on OKCupid who seemed cool. He had a professional head shot as his profile picture and was pretty well spoken, so I met him for dinner.

Everything was okay, though I didn’t really see it progressing to date #2, when he commented on my shoes.

“I wouldn’t really go with those shoes next time you wear that dress,” he said.

I thought he was joking and laughed, not at all offended because I’m the first to admit that I know nothing about fashion. Nope.

He continued: “No, seriously. I’m the type of man who needs to know that his woman will not only always look good, but will take my advice when it comes to what she looks good in.”

Crickets. Then he added, “I’d be glad to take you shopping if you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re pretty enough, just need some help with outfits.”

Um, thanks? I did my best to finish the date graciously and deleted his number literally as I walked to my car in the restaurant parking lot.

Funny, bizarre, and definitely a turnoff.

20 MILLION MILES TO EARTH 🎬 Exclusive Full Sci-Fi Movie Premiere 🎬 English HD 2022

Movie time!

The first U.S. spaceship to Venus crash-lands off the coast of Sicily on its return trip. A dangerous, lizard-like creature comes with it and quickly grows gigantic.

Ray Harrihausen’s creations were so way ahead of their time. I understand he worked virtually alone and spent huge amounts of time bringing his horrors onto the screen, a true genius.

“What business is McDonald’s in?”

The three 20-something young men sat across a table from me. I’d just returned to the States from a couple of years living abroad, and it was time to find a job. Back then (18 years ago), the newspaper classifieds were still a pretty good resource for job hunters. The description had been a bit vague (classifieds were usually short), but the promised wage was decent, so I sent in a résumé, and got an interview.

When I arrived, I waited in a stairwell outside a sparsely furnished office with another guy about my age (20-something), until my interview slot (the last one) came. When I entered, after the usual greetings, that was the first, and only, question asked.

The trouble is, I recognized the question, and its source. Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad books were growing in popularity, and a friend had shown me a passage in which Ray Kroc, owner of the McDonald’s chain, asks a class of Harvard MBA students that very question, receiving predicable answers such as “restaurants,” and “hospitality,” only to reveal that he considers himself to be in the real estate business.

I’ve always considered Kiyosaki’s approach to personal wealth to be irresponsible and well beyond my risk-tolerance level. He was very trendy at the time, and the fact that this question constituted the whole of my interview was a huge red flag for me. In my mind, it communicated:

That this company was following financial trends rather than principles,


that the company would probably be long on charisma and short on discipline

Combine that with the lack of concrete detail about the job, and I was more than a bit wary.

I answered the question properly, finished with pleasantries and small talk, and drove away. I received a call-back before I’d gone a single mile; I’d gotten the job. They explained that it was a sales position (something I wouldn’t have bothered interviewing for if I’d known), and started talking about a starting date.

“Actually, I’m not really interested,” I said.

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Finally, he just said, “Okay, thanks!”

That was it. I still feel like I dodged a bullet with that one.

“The world has already changed—and not in the way that people overseas wanted.

But what do they want? What is their endgame?

The United States, having launched a sweeping attack on all undesirable countries simultaneously (you know this axis of ‘evil’: from Belarus to North Korea, including Russia, China, Iran, and others), realized that they made a mistake.

They brought together the disobedient Russia and their archnemesis, China.

By exerting pressure, they pushed these two states together: Russia, with extensive resources and a powerful defense industry, and China, with enormous economic and human potential.

They realized that they could not handle this union.

But the United States found a way out: they instigated a conflict in Europe, in Ukraine, and put it on the shoulders of the European Union and NATO, promising to help with money.

The goal is to distract, get Russia bogged down in the war with Ukraine, weaken it with the war and sanctions—as Russia will be too busy to build an alliance with China.

Meanwhile, they wanted to deal with China and drag others whenever possible into this showdown: AUKUS [Defense alliance of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States], which is a new NATO in the Pacific, and then Japan and South Korea.

This is the essence of the U.S. strategy to assert its dominance in the world.

After that, everything will be over: they will throw everyone under the bus, like they did in Afghanistan.”

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Excerpt from the address by Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko at the 7th Belarusian People’s Congress in Minsk, April 24, 2024.

Temu and Shein are next in line on the chopping board.

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China’s Temu Takes Over 17% Of US Market Share, Cutting Jobs From American Amazon And Decimating Small Businesses
China's Temu Takes Over 17% Of US Market Share, Cutting Jobs From American Amazon And Decimating Small Businesses

Caleb Naysmith

Thu, Apr 25, 2024, 4:49 AM GMT+8

China’s Temu Takes Over 17% Of US Market Share, Cutting Jobs From American Amazon And Decimating Small Businesses

With rising inflation, American consumers are increasingly turning to the Chinese e-commerce platform Temu for their shopping needs. With its enticing tagline “Shop like a billionaire,” Temu has captured 17% of the U.S. market share, posing a challenge to traditional American retailers such as Spend less. Smile more.

Inc., Dollar Tree Inc. and Five Below Inc. The rise highlights the lucrative and disruptive nature of startups.Owned and operated by PDD Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:PDD), Temu offers a wide range of products, including home decor, pet supplies, beauty and health products and clothing. The platform is known for its competitive pricing, often offering significant discounts on items compared to prices on Amazon. Coupled with Temu’s discount codes, consumers can enjoy even greater savings.

Temu has even become the No. 1 Shopping App on Apple’s App Store, surpassing Amazon, Target Corp. and Walmart Inc., which currently hold the third, fourth and eighth spots, respectively. The No. 2 shopping app is Shein, another Chinese retailer.

Orders purchased on Temu are shipped from China and are estimated to be delivered within 10 days. However, in a bid to compete with Amazon’s fast delivery, Temu opened its marketplace to U.S. warehouses last month. Shopping from these sellers can significantly reduce shipping time, giving U.S. retailers the ability to handle fulfillment and shipping directly.

In December, Reuters reported that Temu was successfully challenging U.S. dollar stores like Dollar Tree and Dollar General Corp., accounting for nearly 17% of the market share in the United States. According to data analytics firm Earnest Analytics, this compares to 8% for Five Below, 43% for Dollar General and 28% for Dollar Tree.

In January, Amazon announced it would lay off 5% of its Buy with Prime workforce, which equips retailers with fulfillment and delivery services.

“Following a recent review, we’ve made the difficult decision to eliminate a small number of roles on our Buy with Prime team. Buy with Prime is a top priority for Amazon, with strong adoption from merchants and positive feedback from customers, and we will continue investing significant resources in Buy with Prime to build on that momentum,” an Amazon statement said.

The ripple effects extend to discount stores like Dollar Tree and 99 Cents Only Stores, both of which have announced significant closures and employee layoffs.

Citing changing consumer demand and economic challenges, 99 Cents Only Stores is shutting all 371 locations in Arizona, California, Nevada and Texas. Dollar Tree plans to close 1,000 locations across its Dollar Tree and Family Dollar stores.

The new American dream is to leave

"I live in New York and he is 200% correct. The majority of us are living paycheck to paycheck. I am also moving out of the country soon. America is on a fast decline. Our government does not work for us."

This is a byproduct of the American “Woman’s Rights” movement.

The initial intention was for gender equality, where women would be treated as equals with men. Eventually, a more radical sub-branch of the movement took control and steered the movement towards an anti-male bias. Over the years, they acquired wealthy and powerful contributors, and used their positions in government to fund and control the narrative. Resulting in the destruction of the American male.

This women’s rights movement in the United States has gone through several stages.

Each stage has been marked by specific goals, accomplishments, and challenges.

First Wave (19th Century – Early 20th Century)

– Focused on legal issues, particularly women’s suffrage (the right to vote).

– Key events: The Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott; the adoption of the 19th Amendment in 1920, granting women the right to vote.

This initial stage is often erroneously considered to be reasonable, but a look at the amendments to the constitution clearly show that the movement removed the stable “Head of the Household” voting role towards one where anyone can vote. Thus, this movement, during the FIRST WAVE, significantly altered the federal government and the spending trajectory of the United States.

Demographics changed substantially. Voting profiles changed radically, and a “nanny state”
became the norm, as the female voters started to demand a government that took on a parental role; thus a government with a greater role in the lives of Americans.

Second Wave (1960s – 1980s)

– Emphasized a broader range of issues, including equality in the workplace, education, reproductive rights, and legal rights.

– Key events: Publication of “The Feminine Mystique” by Betty Friedan in 1963; the establishment of the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966; the passage of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

– Advocacy for reproductive rights, including the landmark Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade in 1973.

During this wave, the “rights” of women altered the workplace, the Geo-political scene, the educational system, and the kinds of movies and shows on televisions and extracted out of Hollywood. It was during this wave that the notion of a traditional family was discarded, and men started to be depicted as buffoons and useless clowns.

There is a direct correlation between divorce rates and the implementation of pro-feminist initiatives. This was the era of the destruction of the family. As the women entered the work-place, forced layoffs, firings and short-duration employment became the norm.

Third Wave (1990s – Early 2000s)

– Focused on diversity and intersectionality, addressing issues of race, class, sexual orientation, and gender identity within the context of women’s rights.

– Emphasized individualism and a more inclusive approach to feminism, acknowledging different experiences and perspectives.

This wave turbocharged the fall of traditional values, and the “career women” entered the work force with government sanctioned privileges that harmed the male roles. The court systems, and child service systems became co-opted by this movement and became hostile to males.

Laws and rules, from family law to corporate law favored females. Lower skilled females were engaged in once-dominant male activities to meet hiring quotas. The result was a gradual decline in the quality of the American work-force.

Fourth Wave (Mid-2000s – Present)

– Characterized by the use of digital and social media to advocate for women’s rights and mobilize anti-male activism.

– Focus on sexual harassment, gender-based violence, and the #MeToo movement.

– Greater attention to intersectionality, considering how various aspects of identity intersect and impact the experiences of women and non-binary individuals.

It’s a real problem.

The damage has already been done.

Presently, in the United States and it’s proxy nations, under the LGBQ+ rainbow flag, the male gender is ridiculed, minimized, and berated to a point where various social phenomenons have occurred. To include…

  • Young men in the 20s have stopped dating.
  • Young men tend to be virginal, while young women engage in serial promiscuity.
  • The “Soft man” era where men have “checked out”.
  • A drop in college and university admissions for men.
  • A push back on dating with the “drizzle drizzle” movement.
  • American men are leaving the United States as “passport bros” and not returning.

The changing demographics and the ten year forecast for citizens within this toxic anti-male environment is contentious. Historically, very BAD things happen when large sections males in a nation are hurt, abandoned, ridiculed and disparaged.

It will be very bad.

Apple-Cinnamon Pile o’ Pancakes

apple cinnamon pancakes 3 1200x1800 1
apple cinnamon pancakes 3 1200×1800 1

Yield: 5 servings (2 pancakes and 2 tablespoons syrup each)


  • 1 cup Apple Cinnamon Cheerios cereal
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 2/3 cup chunky applesauce
  • 3 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • Maple syrup or maple-flavored syrup*


  1. Heat griddle or 12 inch skillet over medium-low heat or to 325 degrees F.
  2. Pour cereal into plastic bag and seal. Crush cereal with rolling pin or can of soup. Pour crushed cereal into large bowl. Stir in remaining ingredients, except syrup, just until moistened.
  3. Pour batter, a generous 1/4 cup at a time, onto hot griddle. Cook for 2 minutes or until edges look cooked and bubbles begin to break on the surface. Flip pancakes and cook other side until golden, about 2 minutes longer.
  4. Serve with syrup.


* Tasty topping: Skip the syrup and top instead with warm apple pie filling or a sprinkle of brown sugar.

No one cares.

It’s time I told you about my Uncle RK.

My late uncle.

A victim of sexism and neglect his entire life.

  • When he was just a boy, he was expected and pressured to get good grades in school – which he did. On the contrary, they let my mom slack off and had no expectations for her.
  • Eventually, he ended up placing within the top 200 in a nationally ranked exam and going to one of the most prestigious colleges in the country for peanuts – thanks to a large scholarship.
  • During his college days, when he visited home, no one bothered to greet him. His own mom forgot he was coming once and ended up giving his room to some relatives for a short stay.
  • In his early twenties, he was falsely accused of sexual harassment. After spending a few months in jail, my grandmom made a hefty payment to the accuser’s family, who agreed to drop the charges.
  • He struggled to find employment after college thanks to his criminal record.
  • After being forced into an arranged marriage, he was stuck with an emotionally abusive wife.
  • After losing another job at age 30, he got depressed. The humiliation he received from society and from his wife for being unemployed was unbearable.
  • In July 2000, he killed himself, by jumping off an apartment. Everyone chalked it up to his mental instability. To this day, I still hear them saying that he was a weak and pathetic man who couldn’t handle life.

I think you got it by now.

This is the worst part of being a man: No one cares.

No one cares if you feel lonely, if you feel neglected, if you are falsely accused by a woman, if you have an abusive wife, if you lose your job and feel worthless or if you kill yourself.

My uncle RK is a lot like me. He’s introverted, sweet and sensitive person. He’d never harm a fly. He used to take great care of his little sister (my mom) and show affection to his older brother.

He’s also a genius. He managed to build a working generator when he was just a boy (remember this was before the internet). He was always the smartest guy around.

He was cool too. When he toured Japan in the nineties, he brought back some novel electronic gadgets, among them was a digital dictionary.

I wish I had met him.

I wish he was alive. We could have talked about so much. He could have been a mentor to me.

Rest in peace. Uncle RK – 1969–2000.

I cannot believe that this entire film is free on youtube. It is a great watch. Take the time to enjoy this fun, and very funny, Classic Drama Movie: A Boy and His Dog – A young man and his telepathic dog wander through a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Oh, and it takes place in 2024!


Camping Chinese style

  • Do you know that if a person starts fixing him/her self in front of a person, then there is a good chance that he/she likes him/her.
  • If you like a person, you learn things quickly while working with them.
  • Do you know that men touch their face when they feel uncomfortable, and women touch their hands, throat, clothes and hair.
  • If there is a change in a person’s behavior and behavior on seeing you, such as unnecessarily shaking hands or talking loudly, then understand that he definitely has some feeling for you.
  • If a girl looks at you from a distance and pretends to see you somewhere else as soon as she comes near, then understand that she likes you.

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The United States is “at the edge”.

Real GDP growth 1.6%. Everyone is getting the “wake up call” People don’t really have the money.

Ukraine update

Almost six thousand foreign mercenaries have been eliminated in Ukraine since the start of the special operation

October 22, 2022. Relatively fresh graves were discovered near Lisichansk, but this is not a pet cemetery, as it might seem at first glance. The graves of these “animals” indicate that they did not deserve another burial.

It’s surprising that they somehow managed to bury the mercenaries with dog nicknames. Apparently, the cult of American mercenaries was unshakable for the Ukrainian Nazis. Or they simply did not have time to tell the Ukrainian fighters that in neighboring settlements, during the retreat of the troops, their brothers, on the orders of the Kyiv command, simply burned about fifty Poles to hide traces of the presence of a foreign illegal contingent. Somewhere we have to put those who were stabbed to death in an alcohol and drug stupor, shot in the back during an argument or trying to retreat. An autopsy will show.

It can be assumed that such burials are not an isolated case.

In total, starting from February 24, 2022, the number of “soldiers of fortune” who arrived in Ukraine amounted to 13,387 people, 5,962 mercenaries were killed.

The Russian Defense Ministry has recorded the participation of more than 13 thousand mercenaries in hostilities on the side of Ukraine
Despite Western assurances about the absence of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry monitors and constantly records all foreigners who have arrived in Ukraine to participate in hostilities. Here’s how mercenaries are distributed by cou

USA: 1113 arrived, 491 destroyed

So I’m sitting in the jury box (a “simple” possession with intent case) and the prosecution brought out their star witness to testify how he knew that the defendant had the (ready for this?) five ounces of marijuana (four is the max for “casual” possession in Texas). Prosecutor finishes and looked pretty smug. I had started to come around to his side. Defense attorney starts off with some banal line and then says “Johnathan, that is your real name, right?” Well “Rick” had a stunned mullet look. “Ah, well yeah, I guess”. “You guess what? Is that or is it not your legal name?” “Ah, well yeah, it is.” “And not Rick, or rather Richard, as you stated when you were sworn in?” “No, it’s Johnathan, sir.” “And Johnathan, does the DA know this?” “Ah, well, no, sir” (Starts to sweat). “Johnathan, are you wanted by the State of Oklahoma?” “Ah, well, sorta.” “That’s a yes? Did you lie to the DA about that? What else did you lie about? Does the DA know that you’re wanted for <at this point I wanted to see if the DA actually wet himself> perjury? In a case involving <and soiled himself> a possession with intent to sell marijuana case?” At which point the lawyer handed the chief bailiff a set of papers that I learned later was the warrant and such from Oklahoma. I had the seat closest to the prosecutor’s desk and distinctly heard him mumbling “fuck, fuck, fuck, why today?” “Today” was the day before early voting in the primaries and he had some pretty serious competition.

So the judge tossed the evidence given that the statement from the witness couldn’t be deemed reliable (or whatever, real lawyers help me) and his statement was the only reason the sheriff’s department got the search warrant to begin with. Essentially end of case. We didn’t even get a break for some stale sandwiches, but did get paid $9.36 to watch a prosecutor’s last case.

Oh, and the defense lawyer. Well “Johnathan” should have recognized his old college roommate!!!!

Khoisan I don’t know much about, but the inhabitants of the Lamu Islands in Kenya are indeed descended from Zheng He’s crew. This has been confirmed by genetic testing.

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To this day, the Chinese gene is not only in their blood, but also remains in the daily lives of these people. There is porcelain, Chinese furniture and unobtrusive life skills that every Chinese is familiar with.

They use Chinese cupping, herbal medicines and some of them can even take their pulse!

Some islanders say their family name is Vae / 萬.

Silkworm and silk weaving skills have been passed down in the area, but have been lost over time.

Uwamaka Shariff’s Story

A Kenyan girl named Uwamaka Shariff is a descendant of Zheng He’s crew.

Shariff has completed high school, she longed to be able to go to China to study, but due to financial pressures, she decided to write a letter to Guo Chongli, the Chinese ambassador to Kenya.

In the letter, she wrote: “I am a Kenyan and also half Chinese, I am a descendant of Zheng He sailors …… I long to return to China ……”

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Three months later, the Chinese Ministry of Education approved the application, allowing Sharif to study in China at public expense.

In July 2005, Sharif arrived in Nanjing on a plane, and Nanjing’s vice mayor Xu Huiling personally went to the airport to greet her and presented her with a beautiful sarong and flowers.

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In Nanjing, Sharif was impressed by the rich history of the city, and she also witnessed the high-rise buildings lined up in Nanjing, and she felt more and more the charm of China in this city full of modernity and simplicity.

Here, Sharif experienced too many firsts in her life, the first time she stayed in a five-star hotel, the first time she rode in a lift, the first time she used an intelligent toilet, the first time she bathed in a shower. ……

Currently, she lives in Xi’an and Guangzhou.

Enjoy some vintage comics































What China just did to the U.S. Military is SHOCKING and War is Coming to Taiwan

The U.S. military has crossed China’s red line again, and China’s patience is being tested. Is the US and China destined for war? This video breaks it down.

Currently I work overnight as a concierge for an Apartment complex in the heart of Nashville.

Each night, I come in at 11pm, get told what happened during the day, and then sit at the desk for around 8 hours.

I watch tv, I read, I could bring any gaming console I wanted to, I play chess online allot, I do classwork if I have it, practice magic tricks, I exercise. My boss has even told me if I wanted to take a 30 minute nap here or there to go for it. Whatever.

At 6am I unlock the building’s front door, pool doors, deliver a few newspapers, and inventory our package room. In all honesty, it’s about 15 minutes worth of work give or take.

Technically I’m there as emergency relief, or just in case a tenet needs a package or food gets delivered, but that’s all once in a blue moon type stuff. 1 out of every 99 nights.

The funny thing is that all of the Tenets voted to have an overnight person, even though I see virtually no one. If they knew how little I did, I wonder if it would really change their minds.

The super massive black hole.

The best friend of your parents retires and is finally ready to sail the seven seas in his fishing boat with his wife, only to hear a couple of weeks before the journey that he suffers from terminal pancreas cancer, and that the final journey will be different, and end in pain.

I call it The sudden blow.

Your favorite aunt retires and wants to party more than ever, but gets depressed on the way about the hardships of the life that lies ahead, and ends her own life. (The sudden blow..)

Your dad retires, and he will travel, go to restaurants, sleep on sunny beaches, drink red wine, and enjoy every single minute of it, finally away from the constant stress a working life has endowed on his body and mind. And then he falls asleep on a beach towel, and never wakes up. (The sudden blow..)

It’s about a body that never stops working, it’s about a mind that never stops racing, it’s about a road that has been carefully paved over a period of more than 40 years which suddenly takes a drastic turn.

Isaac Newton knew that a body in motion wants to keep moving, and that’s exactly what happens to people who retire. The sudden blow.

It’s as if our minds and bodies have held on for so long, and then finally give up, and give in. The cancer that finally surfaces, the mind that implodes, the heart lacking oxygen — a human erodes.

So be careful if you retired only recently, and hear a strange knock on your door while you are reading this answer. Because it might be the sudden blow.

And it’s coming for you.

In this week’s video, we look at Russia’s announcement of an official BRICS currency. There has been speculation and rumors of this currency for some time, and one major theory is that it would be backed by a basket of commodities including gold. However, the Kremlin recently announced they have almost completed a digital currency based on blockchain technology. Backed by gold or not, if a new BRICS currency becomes internationally adopted for trade, the U.S. Dollar will lose value. If U.S. Dollar’s value decreases, we expect the price of gold to increase. While there is no official launch date yet, dismantling the dollar will take time and we don’t expect it to go down without a fight. In the meantime, we will keep an eye out for any official launch date and stay ready to keep viewers informed.

I wasn’t the mechanic. I was the customer.

For many weeks, the hood of my car seemed to be getting heavier and heavier.

One day, as I was driving, I noticed an odd odor faintly resembling a shepherd’s pie cooking.

I pulled into my mechanic’s garage.

When he started lifting the hood, he, too, noticed that it was unusually heavy. With a manly thrust, he managed to lift it and place the prop underneath.

And that’s when the insulation fell away from the inside top of the hood.

What came pouring out was pounds and pounds of dry dog food nuggets, many of which rested on the engine and began a slow sizzle.

Mechanic: “Let me guess. You own a dog, and you park your car in the garage at night, right?

Me: Uh, right.

Mechanic: And you feed your dog dry food, yes?

Me: Uh, yes.

Mechanic: And you keep the food in the garage, right?

Me: Yes…

Mechanic: Then you also have squirrels.

Me: I do?

Mechanic: Yes. The squirrels are taking the nuggets and hiding them under the insulation blanket under the hood, for later. I’ll bet you’ve been thinking your dog has been eating more than usual, lately.

Me: Uh, yeah! Now that you mention it.

Mechanic: Case closed. You don’t need a mechanic; you need a couple of traps.

And he was right.

China and 20 nations unite to forge a Grand Canal from Xinjiang to the Mediterranean.

China and 20 other countries have embarked on an ambitious project to build a Grand Canal, aiming to form a direct route from China’s Xinjiang to the Mediterranean Sea via the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor (TCTC). This collaborative effort announced in 2023 will dramatically shorten the transit time across Asia and Europe and benefit all participating nations. Placing China strategically closer to Europe, this new route bypasses the geographically and politically complex Malacca Strait, reducing reliance on longer routes. Leaning on Central Asia’s topographical advantage and existing rivers, plans to connect Xinjiang and the Mediterranean Sea with a canal seem plausible. By tackling the challenge of the Ural Mountains and linking the Tobol and Kama rivers, a canal from Central Asia to Europe could drastically cut travel distance. The project has the potential to reshape Eurasia’s geopolitical landscape and boost China’s global influence.

The importance of a fan

It depends on the wealth and how they got it.

If they earned it themselves then no as they have to struggle to get it.

It’s their children who are born into it and do not struggle. Hence wealth lasts only 3 generations. I mean Li Ka Shing richest man in HK (who is actually Canadian) his son never went through his dad’s struggles and is far less of a business man than his dad. Though he’s doomed anyway as his company is just a rent seeking company and PRC China doesn’t like that.

So when everything is within reach, then there’s nothing worth reaching for.

Older people may remember a television series called Made In Chelsea. I literally know several of these rich kids from the first series. Well knew as they probably have forgotten me.

They had flashy cars, they went on holidays and flew first class.

But they never knew struggles of others and they were very shallow as they had no real character. It didn’t matter if they failed something as money would immediately fix it. So they didn’t even have to try all that hard either.

I’m not saying it’s not a good situation to be in though.

Once I was doing some gardening work for a former neighbour. Just to get some more money in my pocket. I was riding in his work vehicle and talking to him. Like all adults inevitably do, he asked me about school.

I didn’t want to talk about school, so I tried to redirect the conversation to his experiences at school when he was younger.

Before I knew it, I had him telling me about his experiences attending an all-boys boarding school in the 1990s. It was about as violent as you’d expect, but out of nowhere he said something that completely shocked me.

“Oh yeah, and if you started the fight they’d beat you with the cane”


Only in non-government schools, but holy heck.

In my mind, students being caned is something that only ever happened in reruns of Little House on the Prairie I watched as a kid. Or something that happened at home when you’d been especially bad.

But nope. In the ‘90s, my neighbour and his classmates were caned for a variety of offenses, including smoking, streaking, fighting, leaving campus, etc.

You needed your parents’ permission for teachers to be allowed to cane you, but many disciplinarian parents gladly let their kids have it. In fact, the Australian state of Queensland (where my former neighbour went to school) still allows students to be caned as punishment.

“The school, which has 600 students in Prep to Year 12, gave the paddle 10 times last year and seven times in 2007, he said.

"I would never use the paddle unless we have spoken to both parents and have their blessing for it to be used," Mr Bensley said.

"It is always administered in a loving way. In fact, we pray with them afterwards."

I’ve gone to several Catholic schools in Australia, albeit in other states, and I never saw anything like this.

In all my time at Catholic schools, the only shit-kickings I ever got were from my fellow students. In fact, teachers at my school weren’t even allowed to touch students beyond absolute necessity.

It’s crazy to think that not only was this present in the 1990s, it’s still present now. Not just in Australia, but all over the world.


CHINA DESTROYS INTEL and AMD – rip and replace us garbage…

The world is splitting. Non Western countries are getting tired of US / EU sanctions on everything and anything.

He was tall, dark, and handsome, and insanely good looking… Until he opened his mouth.

He had walked into my English class in my sophomore year and all the girls watched as he took a seat.

Girls were drawn to him and he never lacked for companions who wanted to chat with him.

But he dripped with conceit.

When he spoke, it was apparent that he was interested in one topic only — himself. The world, for him, revolved around him.

The more I got to know him, the uglier he looked to me. By the end of the year, I couldn’t believe I ever found him attractive.

When I was much younger, I did forgive character flaws because someone was insanely good looking. But I came to understand that some of those insanely good looking people weren’t very nice.

Some were selfish, obnoxious, bullies.

Over time, I realized that people are sometimes like deceptively wrapped presents.

Sometimes you unwrap a beautiful present with shimmering paper and a fancy bow to find nothing but a piece of poop inside.

Other times you open up a present wrapped in plain brown paper to discover a diamond.

Insanely good looking people are good for catching my eyes for only that very first time I meet them.

But after that, whether they are good looking or not depends on their personality.

If they have an intriguing mind and a beautiful heart, I find the person insanely attractive regardless of their outer appearance.

Do you know why a manhole is circular in shape?

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main qimg 50198946b6a2e5df6a0e0411501560f8 lq

This was the question asked to me in my internship interview. I did not know the answer to this question but thought to give it an attempt. I gave multiple reasons –

  1. It would be easy to clean as there will be no corners where the dirt can accumulate
  2. It must be to ensure the safety of the person going inside the manhole. If the manhole is rectangular or square shaped then there are chances that the person will hurt himself with the sharp corners of the manhole

The above reasons are okay but not the prime reasons for a circular design. The main reason is –

The diagonal length is the largest dimension in a rectangle or a square. A rectangular or a square shaped manhole would have a same shape cover as well. This means the length or breadth dimension of that cover could be accommodated easily in the diagonal of that manhole and this is how the cover would fall inside the manhole.

To avoid this unwanted fall, manholes are designed circular in shape.


Hope this was interesting. 🙂

The 1-3-1 rule

We, South Koreans, really hate our politicians.

But out of all the politicians we hate, the most hated politician of the modern era has to be Park Geun-hye – Wikipedia, the previous president of South Korea.

Her, when she could still smile.

I say “previous” because she got impeached and jailed after the largest political scandal (and the largest protest that followed) in the history of Korea happened, her approval rating dropped to 5%, and still said some really stupid things while all that happened.

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main qimg 988ec36908c37eca3b8e4c3b391ff725 lq

Her, after we brought her to the Supreme Court and was found guilty.

I haven’t seen a chart so satisfying since the chart of South Sea Company stock prices.

Some people were so pissed off to literally make a list of the most arrogant, idiotic, shameful things she has said in the most popular public wiki in Korea. Here are some of the gems I found:

“Is this A.I?”

After seeing a pair shoes with smart sensors.

“Powder made out of Korean chili pepper….this must be extraordinarily valuable.”

After seeing Chilli Powder in a marketplace. Of course, this is untrue and very stupid and awkward at the same time.

“Sleep is the best.”

After an authority of a religion said to her sarcastically “You seem to sleep well nowadays.”This is during the times the protests were happening and Park decided to isolate herself to ignore the protests.

“What did I even do wrong?”

After asked to resign from office. This was after the Korean Intelligence already uncovered so much evidence of her corruption, that it was literally impossible to deny it.

“After the impeachment attempt fails, I will use the power of the people to silence the Press and Korean Intelligence.”

Keep in mind that her approval rating was plummeting to zero at this point. And also that South Korea is a democracy.

“I think this is misogyny.”

When she was accused of her incompetence during the Sewol Ferry incident(details are here: John Oh’s answer to What is the best photograph of government corruption?), she said this.

“When taking tests, it is always the women that take it diligently and with great effort. But why aren’t Korean men like that? I mean, they even go to the military. Maybe it’s because our country leads in gaming, and men are like that because all they do are games.”

Fact: stated during her birthday feast with very important politicians by her.

Also fact: It’s complete bull.

“For 3 and a half years, I served Korea without knowing tire, and you dare make me a dirty person?”

Things that happened during her term:

  • Shook the foundation of Korean democracy to the core
  • Increased the income inequality in Korea to 3rd in OECD
  • Increased the debt of Korea by 17%
  • Made house prices 40% higher
  • Set the record for the longest period of time the exports of Korea declined in a row
  • Set the record for Millennial Unemployment rate
  • Diplomatically strayed away from the U.S.(our most valuable ally) and close to China(our worst enemy’s most valuable ally)

Things that did not happen during her term:

  • Literally anything good to Korea
  • Park working hard.

AI generated Men’s magazine pictures

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Harr 1(1)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Harr 1(1)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Harr 3(1)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Harr 3(1)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Harr 2(1)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Harr 2(1)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 0(6)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 0(6)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(6)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(6)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 1(5)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 1(5)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(5)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(5)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 2(5)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 2(5)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 1(4)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 1(4)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(4)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(4)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 2(4)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 2(4)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 1(3)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 1(3)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(3)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(3)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 0(3)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 0(3)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 2(3)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 2(3)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(2)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(2)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 2(2)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 2(2)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(1)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(1)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 1(1)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 1(1)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 2(1)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 2(1)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 0(1)
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 0(1)

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 1
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 1

Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 0
Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 0

Absolutely, yes, without a doubt.

China’s economic rise threatens the United States’ global hegemony, which is based entirely on its US Dollar supremacy as the world’s reserve currency.

The United States can print money without end to fund its overseas wars and enrich the military-industrial complex.

The United States can control disobedient countries with punishing sanctions.

The United States can extract other countries’ natural resources.

China’s economic rise can undermine the US Dollar and kick out the main pillar of America’s power.

The USA is scared to death and extremely desperate.

My middle boy. He is 9 now. He was 6 at the time and we were shopping. It was more embarrassing than rude…

Going down the aisle, he is walking with his brother and my daughter is in the trolly… the boys are talking, distracted… and I’m on my own, wife was somewhere else in the shop…

Suddenly he looks up and noticed in front of us a rather large man. I mean large. He had never actually seen a person of this size because even though I am chunky, and my side of the family are, my wife and her side is quite slim!

Anyway, in his charming childishly quiet voice, (full volume) he belts out:

“wow daddy, HE is fat! Fatter than you!”

I turn beetroot red, and tell him that he can’t speak like that. He was confused.

(He has heard family talk about how fat I am and I think this was just a processing mechanism for him)

But then I look up and the man is laughing… as he walks past me and I try to apologise about my son’s outburst he says: “don’t worry lad, you got time to catch up to me!” and walks off chuckling!

Later (it got better) we go to see my mum, and she says something about me being fat (it’s a joke as I am chunky but the skinniest of the lot on my side!) And straight away my boy pipes up:

“No no nana, you can’t call daddy fatty, as we saw a man that was so big that you and daddy and mummy could fit inside him!”

I was facepalming… I mean great defence of daddy but I need to teach this kid how to be more sensitive!

3 years on and it’s still a struggle. Kid has no filter. So we choose words wisely!

Best Ever Hotcakes

21014 Good old Fashioned Pancakes mfs 002 0e249c95678f446291ebc9408ae64c05
21014 Good old Fashioned Pancakes mfs 002 0e249c95678f446291ebc9408ae64c05


  • 2 eggs, separated
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour, sifted
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/3 cup sour cream
  • 4 tablespoons butter, melted


  1. Add sugar and salt to well beaten egg yolks.
  2. Sift and measure four, add baking powder and soda and re-sift. Add flour mixture and milk, to egg yolk mixture alternately, a bit at a time until all are added, (stir the whole time).
  3. Add sour cream and mix well.
  4. Add melted butter and mix well.
  5. Gently fold in stiffly beaten egg whites.
  6. Bake on a hot griddle, turn only once when bubbles on the surface break.

One day when the oldest turned 12, he anxiously asked his father what was the secret of life. The father replied that he was going to tell him, but that he should not reveal it to his brothers.

—The secret of life is this: The cow does not give milk. “What are you saying?” Asked the boy incredulously. —As you hear it, son: The cow does not give milk, you have to milk it. You have to get up at 4 in the morning, go to the field, walk through the corral full of manure, tie the tail, hobble the legs of the cow, sit on the stool, place the bucket and do the work yourself.

That is the secret of life, the cow does not give milk. You milk her or you don’t get milk. There is this generation that thinks that cows GIVE milk. That things are automatic and free: their mentality is that if “I wish, I ask….. I obtain.”

“They have been accustomed to get whatever they want the easy way…But no, life is not a matter of wishing, asking and obtaining. The things that one receives are the effort of what one does. Happiness is the result of effort. Lack of effort creates frustration.”

So, share with your children from a young age the secret of life, so they don’t grow up with the mentality that the government, their parents, or their cute little faces is going to give them everything they need in life.”

Argentina Heads To China For Economic RESCUE As Farm Outbreaks Devastate Export Revenues

Argentina is facing an export crisis. With inflation still raging, an outbreak in their corn harvest threatens to collapse their export revenues. It’s not a surprise that the Argentine Central Bank is running to China to secure their Yuan swap line for their vital imports. Here’s what you must know and why Argentina’s in desperation mode.

MM describes China

When I was a child, bedtime was 8:30, no fooling around about it. Unless I was reading. If I was reading anything at all, I could stay up as long as I stayed quietly reading. (I rarely made it to 9).

Later, my parents’ problem became getting me to stop reading and go to sleep. I had the third floor of the house to myself, but I kept getting caught staying up and reading. Tried sealing the door so light couldn’t leak out. No good. Tried covering the windows so nothing showed in the yard. No dice; I kept getting caught.

Many years later, as a young adult, I broke down and asked Mom how she did it.

She gave me the look she reserved for occasions when I’d done something a little cute, but basically stupid, and replied: “How many nights were you not reading?” Me: *thinks* “Oh. So, every night on your way to bed, you just hollered upstairs, and on the odd night when I was already asleep, no harm done?” Mom: “Uh-huh.”

One of the biggest surprises that has happened after retiring is realizing what it’s like to downsize. We lost, or rather left behind, over 1000 square feet. We’d had a lovely piece of property, and now we don’t have very much.

I’ve pared down our possessions, I’m still doing that, and I’m beginning to realize how little we need. No one will tell me why I dragged my mother’s china with me. I won’t use it. I hardly used it when we had a larger house. I was younger then, and we did a lot of entertaining. You’ll find out how this works. You know that there is no good reason to take so much stuff, but you do it anyway. I look at that china and think, “Let my heirs take care of it.” As long as I don’t do that with too many things, I should be okay.

I’m overwhelmed by how nice people are in the community we’ve moved into. People showed up at my door with homemade soup, breads and even dinner. We were welcomed with open arms. I’d lived in my old neighborhood for a long time, I knew my neighbors, but I never got to know them well. I had a good friend across the street. I knew the people on my block, but we each had our own lives. We were working. That made a difference. Larger homes with larger plots of land tend to make people stay within their boundaries. I don’t feel any boundaries here. I feel free.

I didn’t expect to be this happy. I thought we were just doing this for the money, but I’ve found out that I’ve been looking for this place a long time, and finally I was old enough to find it.

SHOCKING: China Warns The US “Cooperation or Confrontation” As Russia SEIZES US Bank Assets

This is a VERY GOOD video. China gave the USA “notice”.

China has had enough.

Blinken’s in China and things aren’t going well for him. Beijing has given him multiple warnings and red lines not to cross. China has given clear signs they aren’t afraid of America’s economic threats. Meanwhile, Russia has just frozen the assets of JP Morgan’s Russian account. This asset seizure will likely continue as the West plans to confiscate Russia’s frozen $300 billion. Here’s what you must know!

When I was 20 years old, still a university student, and in the early stages of a relationship, a game of truth or dare with friends took an unexpected turn. I was dared to confess about my relationship to my parents, even though it felt too early. However, my ego pushed me to accept the challenge.

I nervously called my dad.

  • Me: Hi, Dad.
  • Dad: Hi! How are you?
  • Me: I wanted to say something.
  • Dad: Okay, go ahead.
  • Me: I… hmm… (I hesitated).
  • Dad: What’s the hesitation?
  • Me: I wanted to say… (still hesitant, thinking of how to handle things if they go south).
  • Dad: Is there someone around you? (He heard my friends’ voices and they were making sure I said it.)
  • Me: Pooh… (taking a deep breath and without second thought) I like a girl!
  • Dad: Okay, what’s her name? (He seemed surprisingly cool, which was not typical with Indian parents.)
  • Me: (I told him her name.)
  • Dad: Okay, where is she from?
  • Me: (I gave him her details.)
  • Dad: Alright. Just remember one thing in life. Even if you miss one bus, there is always another bus that will come. You just need to wait.
  • Me: Okay (totally dumbfounded by how things turned around).
  • Dad: Anything else?
  • Me: No.
  • Dad: Bye!!.
  • Me: Bye !!.

Till this day, I remain captivated by the way my dad handled that unexpected conversation. His calm and open-minded response, especially given the usual cultural norms, left a lasting impression on me. The analogy he used, comparing life’s opportunities to buses, has become a guiding principle for me in facing challenges.

Since that day, whenever I encounter setbacks or failures, I recall my dads words and wait for the next bus. 🙂

edit: Thanks a lot for all the upvotes . shared it with my dad yesterday, and he was ecstatic about the response. A big thanks to all who read and all the upvotes !!

My mom had lung cancer. I was with her the last few days. She refused medication until the last day. Then started morphine. I had fallen asleep after reading to her for a bit.

The nurse explained to me that her kind of death is like slowly drowning the morphine reduces your bodies desire to breath. Very hard to watch.

Well I fell asleep finally and my alarm did not wake me for her next dose. I heard “ Neal get up!”. Just like when I was late for the bus 50 years ago. I had not heard her speak above a whisper for more than a month.

I gave her her next dose read a bit more to her from the hobbit ( she called her house that she built after she was65 her self) her hobbit house ( partially underground) but she had never read the hobbit and loved it when we read to her.

She never spoke again, I actually think she was not really there after that second dose of morphine.

Due to covid this remarkable lady never had a funeral. Grew up on the reservation, professional trick rider from ages of 9 to 12. Completed high school, raised 3 boys on her own . Ran 3 successful businesses, tribal council 3 times no one messed with her twice all 90 lb 4ft 7 of her…. Happy trails ma….

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In 1997, a Saudi Airlines 747 landed at the wrong airport in India – it was supposed to land at Madras International Airport but ended up touching down at a nearby Indian air force base instead. The pilot simply saw and aimed for the wrong runway. Oops!

In that particular case, the base’s runways weren’t enough to allow the plane to safely take off again.

So, they made the plane as light as possible. All of the passenger seats were taken out, as well as all of the galleys. Any excess weight was removed from the plane to make it as light as possible. It was given just a few minutes worth of fuel – the absolute minimum necessary to be able to get the plane in the air and make the short flight to the Madras airport, which was its original, intended destination and just a short hop away.

Big, longhaul planes that need longer runways are usually intended for longer flights, and thus a big reason they need such long runways for takeoff is they’re loaded up with so much fuel. So, perhaps the Saudi 747 wasn’t the only case in which a large plane was stripped of as much weight as possible, and then given the absolute least amount of fuel possible – just enough to allow it to take off and get itself to the nearest airport with the right runway.

Apparently the same happened with a TWA flight that landed at the wrong airport near Steamboat Springs, CO in 2001, and an Atlas Air cargo jet that landed at the wrong airport in AZ. In each case, all excess weight was removed from the plane, and it was given just enough fuel to get it to the correct airport. Once there, everything was put back on the plane (after being trucked over) and it was put back in service. Obviously, these situations each involve pilots accidentally landing at the wrong airport, mistaking them for the (nearby) airport they were supposed to land at. So in these situations, giving the planes just enough fuel to get to the proper airport – but not enough to prevent them from taking off on the short runway – was an option.

When I chose to leave the language center where I had worked for 14 years for lack of respect issues by ‘the boys’ club’, one colleague (who was part of the club) made it clear that HE thought I was making a huge mistake.

Fast forward perhaps 5 years. He, too, had left the center for a higher paying position elsewhere.

We ran into each other at an exhibition, and he asked what I was doing for work.

As a communications teacher, I am really good at reading body language and tone of voice. He was oozing condescension and seemed ready to gloat, assuming I was working at some unlicensed language school.

I admit to messing with him and felt no guilt whatsoever.

I told him I was teaching part time (I had been a full-time teacher trainer and supervisor at the center) and added nothing.

He gave one of his famous ‘sad on the outside, superior laugh on the inside’ looks and saying he still had connections, he offered to put in a good word for me at the center, so MAYBE I could be rehired there as an hourly teacher.

I thanked him as sincerely as I could, but then, looking very serious, told him I was part-timing at the then top-rated business school in Thailand, making over three times what I had made fulltime at the center and working only a fourth of the 40-hour week.

His look of shock was very satisfying.

The fun didn’t end there.

My husband walked up and asked if we were talking about our new logistics company (we owned six 10-wheel trucks outright); I feared my former colleague was going to have a heart attack.

Note: I had been moonlighting at the business school long before I left the center. It was no secret, but the ‘club’ never bothered to learn much about me.

When I left the center, I also left my disgust and anger about them AT the center, being unwilling to carry THAT burden into the future.

A few years ago someone I had known when they were a teenager showed up where I was working looking for a job. He was in his early 20s by this point (American citizen) but had been kicked out of his moms house. He had nothing but the clothes on his back and his birth certificate.

There was a truck stop walking distance from where he was staying that would hire him but he had to have a social security card and a picture id.

So I tried to help him get those items and I discovered just how difficult it is to get photo id without photo id! He was a nice kid but not brilliant. And he had no car so I drove him. first place we went was the social security office. once there it was discovered that the birth dates on his birth certificate and his social security card were one day apart! That took more paperwork to figure out.

Finally we get a social security card but then we go to the local dmv for an id. He didn’t have a previous id of course, and because of his situation he had no utility bills in his name or passport or anything else. Eventually we managed to get him an id because I was willing to sign paperwork vouching for his identity since I knew him when he was a kid

Both the social security office and the dmv were over 20 miles from where he was staying, and each took multiple trips. He couldn’t get a job so he had no money so he couldn’t have taken Ubers. ( and no working phone or credit card) And he would have really really struggled figuring out all of the paperwork. I have a masters degree and I struggled trying to figure out this stuff.

These days any ‘legit’ -ie not paying under the table – employer has to check social security cards and all of that stuff.

If a homeless person has lost their social security card and picture id – I can assure you – at least in Texas – it’s incredibly hard to get either back. If that homeless person does not have someone to vouch for who they are, they might not be able to get it again.

it took well over a month and numerous trips to get him sorted out. Once we did, he took the job and could work again. But a homeless person with no one to drive them around and help them out? Good luck.

I’m going to go with Louis Farrakhan on this one

A couple quotes so you can get my idea:

  • “You see everybody always talk about Hitler exterminating six million Jews. That’s right. But don’t nobody ever ask what did they do to Hitler.”
  • “White people are potential humans – they haven’t evolved yet.”
  • “The Jews have been so bad at politics they lost half their population in the Holocaust. They thought they could trust in Hitler, and they helped him get the Third Reich on the road.”
  • “The Mother Wheel is a heavily armed spaceship the size of a city, which will rain destruction upon white America but save those who embrace the Nation of Islam.”
  • “Now that nation called Israel, never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.”
  • “The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man.”
  • “I believe that for the small numbers of Jewish people in the United States, they exercise a tremendous amount of influence on the affairs of government …Yes, they exercise extraordinary control, and black people will never be free in this country until they are free of that kind of control … “
  • “Many of the Jews who owned the homes, the apartments in the black community, we considered them bloodsuckers because they took from our community and built their community but didn’t offer anything back to our community. When the Jews left, the Palestinian Arabs came, Koreans came, Vietnamese…and we call them bloodsuckers.”
  • “White people deserve to die, and they know, so they think it’s us coming to do it.”

Arrogant? Check.

Idiotic? Check.

Shameful? Check.

I walked into a Harley-Davidson dealership looking to buy my next bike. I was looking at their pre-owned stock, which, like in any other retail scenario, is significantly less expensive than buying new. My son (I think he was 7 or 8 at the time), was with me, and I had him sitting on the passenger seats of several bikes on the floor to see if he were tall enough to reach the foot pegs. We were both wearing jeans and t-shirts, which is fairly typical for us, and not entirely uncommon among motorcyclists.

I narrowed my selection down and got on those bikes with him to see if he could hold onto me in the riding position. After probably 5 or 6 bikes, I decided on one, and started looking around for a sales person. There were several of them on the floor, all just kind of glancing over at us while talking among themselves. We wandered through the merchandise section of the store, and as we passed the group of sales people, I said “apparently nobody wants to take a cash down payment for their next sale?”

We walked out, and I later discovered that while this treatment of customers isn’t all that common among Harley dealers as a whole, this particular dealer is notorious for it.

As a new officer on overnight shift, I was dispatched to a shooting in an urban neighborhood in the downtown area. When I arrived, I was accompanied by two other officers where we observed two men in a pickup truck in front of a house who had been shot. Before a minute, there were another half dozen police officers who had arrived securing the scene while we administered first aid. The paramedics came and took the driver. The passenger, a 19 year old kid was pronounced dead at the scene. We had learned shortly thereafter this was a drive by, gang style shooting that was retribution against these individuals who had shot one of there members the week before.

I was assigned to stand by the passenger door of the pickup securing the evidence until the scene could be processed. Our CSI Unit worked during the day shift and was on call, so we had to wait.

The door was open with the nineteen year old’s head and right arm sticking out the door as he laid on his right side across the seat. This was my first homicide scene. This was the first time being close to a deceased body. I stood there watching his blood spill out of the vehicle and drift down about fifty feet in the gutter to where we had put up our crime scene tape.

About 45 minutes had passed when a lady drove up, exited her vehicle and approached where the detective was standing outside the tape. When she saw the blood, she let out a shriek and then inconsolable sobbing as she knew her son was the one in that pickup truck even before the detective could have informed her. Before long, family members started to arrive. One by one, the shrieks and the sobbing continued. After about an hour, they left together, attempting to console one another. Then there was an eerie silence. After nearly 23 years, I can still remember what the scene looked like, the smell, and those agonizing screams. My prayers are still with this young man’s family.

Southwestern Egg and Cheese Breakfast Casserole


Yield: 10 servings


  • 18 eggs
  • 2 small cans green chiles, chopped
  • 1 to 1 1/2 pounds cooked breakfast sausage
  • 2 1/2 cups grated Monterey Jack cheese
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1 green bell pepper, diced


  1. Spray slow cooker with Pam.
  2. Starting with sausage, layer meat, chiles, onions, peppers, and cheese, repeating the layering process until all ingredients are used and ending with a layer of cheese.
  3. Beat eggs, then pour over mixture in slow cooker.
  4. Cover and cook on LOW for 7 to 8 hours.
  5. Serve with sour cream and/or salsa.

One of my daughters is a serious academic. She is the student who, when given an assignment due in 2 weeks, would begin it that same evening. She always turned in essays and projects early; sometimes the teacher even told her to take it home for a while until it was due. She scrupulously studied for every test and exam. When she was in Grade 8, French class, every project, quiz, test, and participation level scored 95% or better. Yet, on her report card, her grade was B+.


We arranged a parent-teacher interview at the appropriate time as designated on the form supplied with the report card. My daughter, who was understandably very upset with her grade, accompanied me to ask for clarification from the teacher. Perhaps it was a simple error? We brought along all of my daughter’s marked work from the term.

“Oh, no error,” said the teacher. “I don’t ever give an A or A+. Students always have room to improve.”

“Well,” I countered, displaying all the marked term documents we had, “could you please explain how you added numerical grades over 15 assignments, that seem to average at 97%, to equal a B+, which is a numerical grade of 85–90%?”

“That may be accurate,” said the French teacher. “But I don’t give A+ to any students. There is always room to improve.”

We passed over the projects and exams that were graded at 100%. “Please explain how my daughter could improve in this circumstance.” Then we handed over the lowest-graded item, at 95%. “You have marked several of my daughter’s interpretations of this French novel as “inaccurate,” but her views actually are in agreement with those of these renowned French literary critics.” I passed her the publications.

“So, please explain to my daughter and me how she could have improved her performance enough to get the grade she needed to promote her to her desired school?”

“I never give an A+,” was the final comment before the interview was ended. And my daughter was once again in tears.

“It’s not over yet,” I told her. I sent all of our documentation, the report card, and the teacher’s remarks (which I had written down as they were being discussed) to the school Principal, cc to the Superintendent, and to the School Board. Within 3 days her mark was corrected to A+, and a letter of apology was sent to my daughter from the principal of the school. The French teacher transferred.

I am proud to say that this daughter is now in her 4th year PhD English Literature, and is completely fluent in French.

As a follow on to two videos I’ve recently made, on about the reasons why Japan invaded China and another about the reason why China should be grateful to the USA, there have been a few questions and I’ll attempt to answer them here.

The road is shit

1. Men can go for hours without thinking about anything.

2. Most men own three pairs of shoes.

3. 50% of men say they would feel comfortable if their girlfriend had a lesbian lover.

4. A man speaks about 2,000 words a day; a woman, about 7,000.

5. It’s easier for a man to buy a bathing suit.

6. Women have two types: depressing and more depressing.

7. Men have two types: sexy-cool and horrific-speedo.

8. Love can help men quit smoking. If a man suddenly quits smoking, he may very well be falling in love.

9. Men are 150% more likely than women to use dating sites.

10. Physical intimacy is even more important for men than for women, who may value verbal communication or emotional intimacy more.

11. On average, men are more colorblind, but their eyes also perceive motion better.

12. Most men would rather take a bullet than buy tampons at the supermarket.

She seems like a nice lady

It actually happened before we got on the plane. I was travelling alone from Toronto Canada to London Uk. I had loads of bags with me. I’d checked in my big suitcase but I also had my small suitcase, a backpack and a hold-all with me. My hold-all has my laptop and other electrical in it and I was terrified of it getting damaged. I got to the departure lounge early so I sat close to the door but also away from people. I picked an area that wasn’t crowded and saw one gentleman sitting there. He was sat the the middle of the row of seats, so I wanted to give him space. To his right there were three empty seats and to his left there were four. I went to the left and sat on the last seat, putting my electrical bag on the seat next to me and trying to keep all my bags in a little area around me. Normally I wouldn’t have put it on the seat but there were a lot of kids running around and I was worried my laptop would get kicked.

A man came over to where I was sitting and asked if anyone was sitting in the seat next to me/ my bag. It wasn’t clear which. There were a lot of other seats available with no one sitting next to them. I said no.

He sat down in the seat right next to my bag. His husband/ boyfriend joined him a few minutes later. They both look super grumpy.

The first guy turns to me and says ‘I thought you said someone was sitting there’

I said, ‘no, I told you no when you asked me’

’then why can’t you be less fucking dumb and move your bag so I can sit there?’

‘Why? You could have sat anywhere else and I wanted to give the gentleman over there space and myself space’

basically he wanted to sit in that seat. It wouldn’t mean not sitting next to anyone in any configuration of where he sat on the bench but he wanted that seat because reasons? There were loads of seats available where he and his partner could have sat with no one on either side of them. He basically started anmassive tirade at me saying I saw stupid and a complete uneducated idiot who didn’t know anything in public. People looked at me and I have really bad anxiety so I almost had a panic attack.

I don’t remember exactly what I said at that point because my fight or flight anxiety mode started going off and I got super dizzy. I do recall saying something like ‘yes, clearly I’m stupid and my science degree confirms it’. And then telling him to fuck off when he wouldn’t stop bothering me.

I wanted to leave but I didn’t want to give in now as he’d been rude to me for no reason. I wasn’t hurting him and he’d just started having a go at me over nothing. If he’d wanted me to move my bag he could have asked politely but I was tired from travelling from my university in Peterborough to Toronto after a day of classes.

I got onto the plane and sat down.

Like ten minutes later the people behind me sit down and it’s the dude and his partner. They immediately start bitching about me and calling me a dumb whore etc. I started crying and called my mum to tell her what had happened.

May I also point out at this point that I was a 20 year old lone student and these men were in their thirties. I just wanted a calm journey home.

I ended up talking to an air stewardess and telling her what had happened. I asked to move seats because I was so upset. She told me once we took off I could sit wherever I liked in the area of the plane and she would keep an eye on them. I ended up able to sit in a row where a lady and I were the only people in a four seater. We sat on the furthest points on their side, both napped, and she told me she’d be my travel mum and if they were mean again she’d tell them off.

Yes I didn’t need my bag on the seat but I’m always prepared to move my stuff if someone needs space. I have osteoarthritis so I often can’t hold heavy things on my lap and my legs were in a lot of pain already so I tend to put bags next to me instead. I also get paranoid of being robbed if I don’t have everything closer but to the side. I just feel safer when I can block my items in with my suitcase and I can hold onto the suitcase at the same time. I just don’t feel the men handled it fairly in response to what was happening.

NB: 1. The carrier I was flying on does not have the two bag limit. You are also allowed a laptop bag. My laptop didn’t fit a standard size so it went into a sportdirect hold-all that wasn’t too big and was cleared by the crew. My backpack was small and just had my passport, money etc valuables you wouldn’t put in the checked bagged. I wasn’t being abnoxious with the amount of stuff I had, it was well within my limit and I kept it as much out of everyone’s way as possible.

Also clearly someone couldn’t read as I wasn’t worried my laptop would be stolen while in the air, but at the departure gate.

Furthermore, I am apparently not allowed to call my mother if I’m upset and should stay at home. I want to clarify that I was studying abroad as part of my degree. I was returning home to the UK. I don’t think it is a bad thing to be able to share things with your mum if you’re upset and unsure what to do in a situation. It was only my second time flying alone and I have severe anxiety. I was like 19 at the time and hadn’t ever lived in another country, but clearly there are some assholes on Quora.

Some AI generated pictures

Default dark skinned beautiful curvy woman wearing a tshirt wi 0
Default dark skinned beautiful curvy woman wearing a tshirt wi 0

Default Dragon 3
Default Dragon 3

alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 3 350932c3 11b3 42aa b659 9c4d74fc3298 0
alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 3 350932c3 11b3 42aa b659 9c4d74fc3298 0

Default Asian lovers kiss 1
Default Asian lovers kiss 1

Default Golden background Gold texture Beautiful luxury and el 3
Default Golden background Gold texture Beautiful luxury and el 3

Default Golden background Gold texture Beautiful luxury and el 2
Default Golden background Gold texture Beautiful luxury and el 2

Default Please create a YouTube thumbnail image featuring a fe 0
Default Please create a YouTube thumbnail image featuring a fe 0

Default Advanced Aquatic Civilization A society made up of int 0
Default Advanced Aquatic Civilization A society made up of int 0

Default Advanced Aquatic Civilization A society made up of int 2
Default Advanced Aquatic Civilization A society made up of int 2

Default cute creature leader march of the cute creatures empir 0
Default cute creature leader march of the cute creatures empir 0

Default cute creature leader march of the cute creatures empir 2
Default cute creature leader march of the cute creatures empir 2

Default cute leader march of the cute empire cute empire cute 0
Default cute leader march of the cute empire cute empire cute 0

alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 3 6aaf1929 46c1 435b 966d 85d00e64a38b 0
alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 3 6aaf1929 46c1 435b 966d 85d00e64a38b 0

Default In the center of the image stands a man with an astoni 0
Default In the center of the image stands a man with an astoni 0

alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 3 def2657b d1b0 4dd9 aff7 696f5aee7f04 0
alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 3 def2657b d1b0 4dd9 aff7 696f5aee7f04 0

Default Dark Grand library with staircase windows that show a 3
Default Dark Grand library with staircase windows that show a 3

Default Dark Grand library with staircase books on shelves ups 2
Default Dark Grand library with staircase books on shelves ups 2

Default Dragon 1
Default Dragon 1

Default Advanced Aquatic Civilization A society made up of int 1
Default Advanced Aquatic Civilization A society made up of int 1

Default tree house cozy bunk dark bedroom with circular windo 2
Default tree house cozy bunk dark bedroom with circular windo 2

Default Dark Grand library with staircase windows that show a 2
Default Dark Grand library with staircase windows that show a 2

Default tree house cozy bunk dark bedroom with circular windo 0
Default tree house cozy bunk dark bedroom with circular windo 0

Default tree house cozy bunk bedroom with circular windows sho 2 6842236d b97c 4293 b8ef 163c6718b014 0
Default tree house cozy bunk bedroom with circular windows sho 2 6842236d b97c 4293 b8ef 163c6718b014 0

alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 0 7551e666 1d7d 4758 a86a 13a4826e6523 0
alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 0 7551e666 1d7d 4758 a86a 13a4826e6523 0

Default tree house cozy bunk dark bedroom with circular windo 1
Default tree house cozy bunk dark bedroom with circular windo 1

I know more about alcohol than the average bear.

While working on my ChemE degree at Michigan State I took coursework towards a specialization in Beverage Science and Technology. Over the years I have brewed beer, made wine and cider, and distilled whiskey, rum, gin, vodka, and brandy (legally, of course…)

Hell, I even tried my hand at drowning in it. 0/10, not recommended.

I don’t drink like I used to and I sold off all of my alcohol making equipment years ago, but I am still fascinated with the history, culture, and science of booze.

It suffices to say that I am not often surprised by anything to do with alcohol. I mean, sure, we’ve come a long way in some of the finer details of production, but in general alcoholic beverages are made in much the same way as they have been for hundreds of years.

Or, so I thought…

Cue the world’s first Carbon Negative Vodka

In general, vodka production is about as tough on the environment as vodka itself is on your liver. Most vodka is made from grain or potatoes which must first be mashed (requiring heat/energy) to convert basic starches into fermentable sugars, it is then fermented (releasing carbon dioxide), and distilled to a high degree of purity (lots more energy), before being filtered and watered down to drinking strength.

Being that traditional vodka production necessarily evolves CO2, it’s pretty much impossible to make a carbon-negative vodka. That it has been achieved at all is pretty surprising. How they pulled it off is beyond surprising, it’s mind-blowing:

They make it out of air.

Yes, air. Specifically, carbon dioxide. The Air Company, out of Brooklyn, NY, has figured out how to make ethanol using nothing more than air, water, and solar energy. No mashing, no fermentation; just air, water, and sun.

Each bottle is made from the carbon dioxide equivalent of the daily uptake of eight trees.

I would have never guessed that this would be possible. The solution to global warming has finally arrived: We all just need to drink more vodka.

The earth will thank you, unfortunately your liver probably won’t.


Edit: You know how you write an answer and it languishes at under 100 views for weeks until you all but forget about it but then it gets shared to Gold Medal Answers and suddenly you wake up to a bazillion comments and you can’t possibly answer them all? My apologies to those who I can’t address directly, but I’d like to clear up a few questions here:

  1. No, I am not affiliated in any way with the Air Co. and this answer is not meant to be an endorsement. I have not even tried the vodka and can’t say anything to whether or not it is even good. I think that the concept and chemistry are amazing, though.
  2. There have been some comments about what it actually tastes like. Again, I haven’t tried it but it’s a valid question. While vodka is theoretically nothing but water and ethanol, it certainly is more than that in practice. Distillation is not a perfect separation, most fans of vodka can taste flavors from the source material. I am a fan of neutral vodkas, but none are completely neutral. This one might be…or maybe not. There might be some side products that can be tasted. I’d love to find out for myself if anyone can get their hands on a bottle (*wink wink*).
  3. “Carbon Negative” is not the same as “Violates the laws of thermodynamics”…
  4. For anyone interested in the chemistry, my guess is that the process is a commercialized version of this: Scientists Accidentally Turned CO2 Into Ethanol, but I don’t know for sure. If any chemists out there know better, let me know (I am not a chemist, just a lowly chemical engineer…)!

Cajun Catfish with Honey Dijon Bacon Potato Salad

Fried catfish paired with a delicious Honey Dijon Bacon Potato Salad…yummy!

cajun catfish honey dijon
cajun catfish honey dijon

Yield: 4 servings


Honey Dijon Bacon Potato Salad

  • 5 cups baby Yukon gold potatoes, cooked and quartered
  • 1 medium red onion, diced
  • 1 1/2 cups celery, diced
  • 1 cup bacon, cooked, drained and chopped
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Creole mustard
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Hot sauce to taste

Cajun Catfish

  • 4 U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish Fillets
  • 1/2 cup fish breading
  • 1 tablespoon Creole seasoning
  • 1 1/2 to 2 cups frying oil


Potato Salad

  1. Combine all ingredients and mix well.
  2. Adjust seasoning with salt, pepper and hot sauce. Cover and refrigerate.

Cajun Catfish

  1. Combine fish breading and Creole seasoning in shallow bowl. Coat catfish in breading, lightly shaking off any excess.
  2. In a large skillet, heat oil over high heat. Fry catfish until golden brown, approximately 3 minutes per side.
  3. Place on paper towel to drain.
  4. Serve immediately with Honey Dijon Bacon Potato Salad.

Rent is too high

“Please don’t touch this car”. A salesman told me once. I worked at a car dealership in Florida and I wanted to buy a car. A nice little Volkswagen with teeth. The sales manager told me that if I ever needed a car to come to him and he’ll handle it. So I did and he told me to work with this one gentleman and that when I found the car I wanted, to let him know and he’ll speed it on through. So I went on my lunch break with the salesman he recommended and when I got to the car I wanted, a brand new 2004 VW R32 (at the time). So I found the one I liked, silver and I said that I wanted this one and proceeded to open the door (I had been eyeing them whenever they came through the shop on pre-delivery inspection).

“Please don’t touch this car.” I said, “what?” “Please don’t touch this car unless you intend to buy it”.

I didn’t fuss, I walked away and got into my car and drove across town to another VW dealer and bought the car there. All the Volkswagen guys in that area more or less knew each other from meeting at VW training school or from the racetrack plus I used to work with some of them.

I said don’t prep it, don’t clean it just take the sticker down and let me take it the way it is. Don’t even gas it up. Maybe I spent 20 minutes there, I had my own financing so it wasn’t a hassle. Their sales manager was blown away when I told him what happened to me not half hour earlier. I drove back to work and parked it in the employee parking lot. Went into the break room to eat a sandwich. That rude salesman from earlier walked in and tried to offer me a deal. I said “I already got the car.” He said, “really, from who?” I said, “from XYZ Volkswagen”. He looked at me weird. I dropped the keys onto the table with the id tag still on it. “Wanna see the receipt?” He walked away.

The sales manager comes and asks what happened and why didn’t I come to him first. I had nothing against the sales manager at the dealership I worked for but I told him “every single time I’ve tried to buy a car from any dealership I’ve ever worked for I’ve gotten a hassle from the sales department, every single time – cash deal or otherwise. I agree to the price, I buy the warranties and extras, why isn’t my money good enough?” He was speechless.

Come to find in the next week the owner of the dealership was highly upset I bought a car from another VW dealer. I told him the story, all he could do was apologise. Did you know that the following month the owner threatened (off record) to fire anyone who bought a car from another dealer? Talk about punishing the victims of his hostile sales department. Since that day, whenever I go to a dealer to buy a car, I go to the weakest salesperson and give them their fastest sale ever. The big shots can go pound it.

Two different times within 3 hours of being married.

The first time the bride and an ex-boyfriend were caught, *ahem*, having relations together by a member of the groom’s family.

Lots of screaming, yelling, and drama. The bride and ex-boyfriend were both escorted out. The groom was sitting in the corner surrounded by his family in tears. What seemed to make everything worse was the music kept playing.

The second was a bit more interesting, to say the least.

First of all, neither the bride nor groom seemed interested in the planning. The second thing was that every meeting we had, the best man AND maid of honor were there too.

Day of the wedding and the groom gets caught with the best man. The bride was pissed, but not for the usual reasons. What she said when she found out was,

“I can’t believe you two couldn’t wait until tonight!”

I swear you could have heard a pin drop. Come to find out, both were from very strict conservative and Christian families. Both were also homosexual. So they worked out a deal to “marry” but live their lives how they wished. Even more drama at that one. We escorted the bride, groom, and their significant others (for a lack of a better term) out of the area.

The Monday after, I just looked at my boss and said,

“That was one hell of a coming out party, wasn’t it?”

The U.S. can do whatever the hell they so chooses but the real question is that does it fall faster into oblivion? Right at this moment the image of the U.S. is that of lacking confidence and weak mentally and unstable to think straight!

That U.S. the present day image of the U.S. let alone it is getting ridiculous by the day. Using a fighter aircraft to shoot down a 1000 bucks weather balloon l floating across the U.S. costing them millions to trying to did armed a teeny booper social media and calling EVs. A security risk!

Investors and business partners watch for confidence and risk in dealing with a mature economy and the US looks and sound like a mentally unstable nation to have a serious relationship! So can you do what you want? Sure yes especially if you can print money freely but at what cost? This is what smart person ought to think!

Everyone in the world knows it is a Singaporean tanker run by Indian seaman but if you feel like fooling your own citizens that you still can do shit it is easy. But you are losing credibility by the day!

Damn! This is amazing! It really is. This is dark. And it is truth.

We cannot continue to allow the corporate model within a society. It is toxic to society. As we are experiencing right now.

Chili and chips

I’ve been having a lot of perfect days lately, working from home. They go like this:

  1. wake up without an alarm clock (I don’t need one, I go to bed at ten and am up at six, every day, happy to get up and do stuff).
  2. distribute a round of cuddles and canned breakfast to the house panthers, who will be staging a drama already for being famished and helpless little things.
  3. boil up hot water for some suitable morning cuppa, typically grain coffee, maté, or hot water with stevia.
  4. recline on the couch with my laptop and try to comprehend the world.
  5. as temperatures pick up outside, eventually switch to sitting in my hammock under the birch tree and work from there.
  6. have some lunch; I’ve gotten pretty good at cooking in ways that are barely noticeable, so I just go inside and, miraculously, edible things await.
  7. do some tinkering around the house, improving this or that a little bit, often just with wire and a nail.
  8. work some more.
  9. go photograph something, possibly by car.
  10. come home and feed the panthers again, then possibly hammock or TV-room with interesting documentaries until I go to bed again.

1. About 75 percent of the brain is made up of water. This means that dehydration,

2. Can have negative effects on brain function, even in small amounts.

3. The human brain will grow to three times its size in the first year of life. It continues to grow until you are about 18 years old.

4. Headaches are caused by a chemical reaction in your brain combined with the muscles and nerves in your neck and head.

5. Your brain uses 20 percent of the oxygen and blood in your body.

6. Alcohol affects your brain in ways that include blurred vision, slurred speech, an unsteady walk, and more. These usually disappear when you calm down again. However, if you drink frequently over a long period of time, there is evidence that alcohol can permanently affect your brain and once again not sober up. Long-term effects include memory problems and some reduced cognitive function.

7. If the brain does not get oxygen for 5-6 minutes, then it stops working forever.

8. As we grow older, the human brain becomes smaller. This usually occurs sometime after middle age.

9. The human brain starts to lose some cognitive skills by your late 20s, along with your memory abilities.

10. A brain freeze is actually a sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. It happens when you eat or drink something that is cold. This stretches blood vessels and arteries to the very back of the throat, including blood to your brain. These compress when they are cold and heat up again, causing pain in your forehead.

11. Dreams are thought to be a combination of imagery, phycological factors and neurological factors. They prove that your brain is working even when you are sleeping.

12. It is a myth that humans only use 10 percent of our brain. We actually use it. We use more than 10 percent when we sleep.

13. During human evolution, the brain has tripled in size.

14. Your brain uses the same amount of power as a 15 watt light bulb.

It gets very cold in Michigan and I have a very large, down-filled winter coat. It’s somewhat hideous but it’s very warm.

Apparently coats like mine are great for shop lifting. You simply place a hole in the pockets and drop items that you’ve casually picked up and drop them to the bottom of the coat as you shop/steal. It’s difficult to tell that you have stolen anything because the coat itself is so large.

I was shopping in a card shop a while back and the sales woman there accused me of shop-lifting, because of my coat. When I was at the register to pay for ALL of my items she asked me if I would also like to pay for the items inside of my coat as well.

I smiled and I gently laughed and asked her “Are you kidding me?” I told her that I was a shop owner myself and that I would never steal anything from anyone.

She looked at me in a slightly disgusted way and rolled her eyes. “Oh. So that’s how it’s going to be!” She didn’t ask me about my store or attempt to apologize. She just stared at me. Hmm… I thought.

I had quite a large number of items that I did want to buy and I had been quite a regular customer there for some time. I was beyond insulted, but I understood her frustration, even though I was shocked.

I took off my coat, gently put it on the counter and opened my purse. “Would you care to inspect my belongings?” I said in a calm and polite way. She patted down my coat and glanced in my rather small purse. She then slid my coat over and without apologizing, began to ring up my items.

I let her ring up everything, staring back at her silently as I waited for an apology. Nothing.

I didn’t reach in my purse to pay. Instead I pushed the items back at her gently and I told her “I’m sorry but I’ve changed my mind. Not about the items, I still want them but I think I’ll take my business elsewhere, where my business is appreciated. There are lots of stores, exactly like yours.” And I left. And I held my head up without shame or anger. But what I really felt was hurt.

I went a few miles down the street to another shop that offered the exact same items and I left that store with all of them. The bill was well over $100.00 .

I understand that shop lifting is a problem but honesty is not. I gave the first woman every opportunity to make the situation right but I really felt that she did owe me an apology. I didn’t think that it was too much to ask for considering the insulting way that she had treated me in her store.

I give all of my business now to the other shop owner. Yes, it’s a bit further to drive but I feel I’d rather go without than give the first shop owner even one dime of my hard-earned money. In my opinion there is no reason, whatsoever, to treat anyone like that.

The savage killing of serial rapist Akku Yadav by a mob of women he raped is one of the most brutal revenge of all time in Indian History.

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  • On August 13, 2004, Akku Yadav was lynched by a mob of around 200 women from Kasturba Nagar, a slum of Nagpur in Maharashtra.
  • He raped more than 200 women that mostly belonging to Dalit families, the Untouchables, those placed at the bottom of the caste ladder in India. The members of the Dalit community received little to no help from the government authorities.
  • Akku Yadav fed the local officers bribes and drink, and they protected him and dropped his cases. Despite countless women coming forward with allegations of rape against him, Akku Yadav always felt free to rape whomever he wanted.

Whenever a victim reported him to the police, the authorities would alert Yadav, who then visit that women and threaten to throw acid on her and rape her again. He had raped so many women in Kasturba Nagar that a rape victim lives in almost every other house in the slum.

Source:- From Castration To The Killdozer, These Are History’s Greatest Stories Of Revenge

  • Usha Narayane, a victim who had repeatedly been harassed by Akku Yadav reported the case about Akku Yadav to the Deputy Commissioner, who promised her that police would soon arrest the serial rapist. One day Akku Yadav himself surrendered to the police fearing his death by local women.
  • The next day in court, Narayane and many other local women heard that the Akku Yadav was likely to escape punishment yet again. Together, they entered into the court in large numbers armed with vegetable knives, stones, and whatever else that was at hand.

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As he walked in, Akku Yadav spotted one of the women he had raped. He called her a prostitute and threatened to repeat the same crime again. The police laughed. She took off her sandal and began to hit him and started saying that, “We can’t both live on this Earth together. It’s you or me”. The attack lasted for more than ten minutes and left Yadav’s dead body butchered on the courtroom floor with 70 stab wounds and his penis cut off.

Source:- From Castration To The Killdozer, These Are History’s Greatest Stories Of Revenge

  • Usha Narayane, a local activist, was arrested and charged with murder, as with other women. In 2012, Narayane was released from custody. 21 other people, including six women, were also arrested and released due to lack of evidence.

Justice Bhau Vahane said, “In the circumstances that they underwent, they were left with no alternative but to finish Akku Yadav. The women repeatedly pleaded with the police for their security. But the police failed to protect them”.

Source:- ‘Arrest us all’: the 200 women who killed a rapist

  • The death of Akku Yadav at the hands of the women he raped was one of the most brutal stories of revenge in Indian History.

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  • Source of this news and story from where I have written this content:-
  1. From Castration To The Killdozer, These Are History’s Greatest Stories Of Revenge

Hot Turkey and Cheddar Casserole

Hot Turkey and Cheddar Casserole
Hot Turkey and Cheddar Casserole


  • Butter
  • 3 cups (about 16 ounces) cubed (1 inch) leftover turkey
  • 3/4 cup chopped celery
  • 1 (5 ounce) can sliced water chestnuts, drained
  • 1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper
  • 1 1/3 cups mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon grated onion
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded sharp Cheddar cheese, divided
  • 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
  • 1 cup cornflakes, crushed


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly coat a 9 x 13 inch baking dish with butter.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine turkey, celery, water chestnuts, red bell pepper, mayonnaise, onion, lemon juice, 1 cup Cheddar cheese, and 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese; mix well. Place the mixture in the baking dish and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until heated through.
  3. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, combine the remaining 1 cup Cheddar cheese, 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese and cornflakes.
  4. Sprinkle the cheese mixture over the baked turkey casserole, and bake for 5 to 8 minutes, or until the cheese melts.

Gusty Erie

  1. By 2020, depression will be the leading cause of death and disability.
  2. Feeling ignored causes the same chemical effect as that of injury.
  3. People who play video games often are much more likely to have lucid dreams than non-gamers. They were also better able to influence their dream worlds as if controlling a video-game character.
  4. People who have cars with bumper stickers are more likely to exhibit road rage. You may want to think twice before laying on the horn!!
  5. Phobias may be memories passed down through generations in DNA, according to new research. If you remember a past event, you’re actually remembering the last time you remembered it rather than the event itself.
  6. Thinking about sex will temporarily relieve the urge to pee in the case of an emergency.
  7. Having a problem? Lay down! You can process thoughts faster by laying down.
  8. At a restaurant? Wash your hands after ordering. The menu is generally the dirtiest thing you can touch.
  9. Always check your cell signal when looking for new apartments or dorms to live in.
  10. If a crocodile is chasing you, run in a zig-zag pattern. Crocodiles can’t take sharp turns well.
  11. If a crocodile has caught you between its jaw, you press his eyes intensely with your thumbs, he will leave you.
  12. You can clear cigarette smoke in a room by spinning a wet towel around.
  13. If your stomach is rumbling in a public setting, do not clench your muscles, instead of push out like a beer belly and the noise will stop.
  14. Honey= brightens, tightens, & fights wrinkles & acne. Honey Facial: Smear onto face let sit for 1-3m, rinse with warm water, pat dry.
  15. Got a pimple before something important? Use an ice cube to shrink it.
  16. Mash tomatoes and apply the pulp as a pack on the face. Wash this off after half an hour to get a clear and glowing complexion.
  17. For oily skin, mash one banana with a teaspoon of honey and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply to face for 10 minutes, rinse.
  18. You can get longer nails by applying olive oil to help them grow.
  19. Eating garlic and onions can make your hair grow faster.
  20. Putting sugar on a wound does helps heal it faster!
  21. Clean your room! When your room is messy, you’re more likely to procrastinate and not get work done.
  22. If you know you’re going to vomit eat some vanilla ice cream first. It won’t stop the vomiting, but it will stop the burning sensation.
  23. Remove ink from clothes? Put toothpaste on the ink spots generously. Let it dry completely, then wash.
  24. Sign up for the free 30 minute trial of on-board WiFi while flying. Delete cookies when the trial ends. Start a new trial.
  25. If you are buying headphones/speakers, test them with Bohemian Rhapsody. It has a complete set of highs and lows in instruments and vocals.
  26. Put a stocking over the end of a vacuum to find tiny items like earrings. This prevents you from accidentally sucking them up.
  27. Mess with telemarketers! Some aren’t allowed to hang up, so answer the call, take a shower, have a snack, then say “no thanks 😉
  28. Memorize your waiter’s name when they introduce themselves—call them by name later in the meal and they’ll like you more.
  29. Singing in the shower daily can help boost your immunity, lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve your mood.
  30. Combine used coffee grounds, coconut oil, & sea salt for an amazing body scrub that will remove dead skin cells while hydrating your skin.
  31. If you don’t know whether to write “affect” or “effect”, use the word “impact” instead.
  32. If you want someone to listen to you, start the conversation with “I shouldn’t be telling you this.
  33. If your boyfriend or girlfriend wrongs you–don’t tell your parents about it. You might forgive them, but your parents won’t.
  34. If you’re ever stuck in a large crowd, put coins in a can and shake it, asking people to donate. Everyone will move to avoid you.
  35. When walking through a crowd, look at your destination in the distance. People will clear a path if they see you make a clear eye-line.
  36. When washing clothes, always turn them inside out so the design doesn’t crack.
  37. If you still feel tired after a good night’s sleep, you’re probably dehydrated. Drink some water after you wake up.
  38. If you email a big company and tell them your recent purchase was unsatisfactory, they’ll most likely send you free stuff.
  39. Feeling sleepy? Hold your breath until you can’t anymore and then breathe out slowly. This will increase your heart rate.
  40. Sleeping without a bra can help you have a 95% better sleep.
  41. Sleeping on your stomach can induce weirder, scarier, and sexier dreams.
  42. Sleeping next to someone you love not only reduces depression, but it also helps you to live longer and makes you fall asleep faster.
  43. Eating your food slowly will help you lose weight, enjoy your food, reduce stress, and lead to better digestion.
  44. Fasting for 16 hours will reset your body’s natural sleep/wake cycle and is considered an effective way to overcome jet-lag.
  45. Have a flat tire? Take a picture of it on your phone for future reference. Use it as an excuse later.
  46. When in college, always sit in the front. Your teacher will remember your face when it comes to grading and most likely be more favorable.
  47. Forgot an assignment and need to email it? Change the date on your computer system and send it.
  48. If you think somebody is giving you a fake number, read it back to them incorrectly. See if they correct you.
  49. Listening to music can boost your running performance by 15%.
  50. Before sleeping, 90% of your mind begins to imagine the stuff you’d like to happen.
  51. Have a good 20-minute workout at night so you’ll feel better before you sleep.
  52. Dancing, singing and masturbating are all proven ways to fight depression and lead to better sleep.
  53. Take vitamin B complex during the summer. Insects don’t like the way it makes you smell to them, it wards off mosquitoes and biting flies.
  54. In college? Always ask for a student discount, most stores have it and students never use it.
  55. If you are drunk and have the urge to vomit, taking short rapid breaths can help it go away.
  56. If you download a “PDF” file and you see it ends in “.exe” delete it. Its a virus.
  57. When cleaning your room, start with making your bed. It will make everything around it look out of place and it will motivate you to clean.
  58. Hearing your name being called, when no one has actually called your name, is a likely sign of a healthy mind.
  59. If you want someone’s number at a party, take a picture with them and ask them to send it to you.
  60. The Two-Minute Rule: If you see something that needs doing, and it can be completed within two minutes, do it immediately.
  61. Putting dry tea bags in gym bags or smelly shoes will absorb the unpleasant odor.
  62. Wrap a cold paper towel around a drink and put it in the freezer to make it cold faster
  63. Drinking 2 cups of cold water on an empty stomach can boost metabolism by 30%
  64. Cough keeping you up at night? Put Vick’s Vapo-rub on your feet and put on socks. Within minutes the cough will stop permanently
  65. Hugging can help reduce stress and lower blood pressure — This helps to protect us from heart disease
  66. When on a date, the best way to judge a person’s character is to see how they treat waiters and waitresses
  67. To remove gum from hair, dip into a small bowl of Coke, leave for a few minutes. The gum will wipe off
  68. When doing sit-ups if you place your tongue on the roof of your mouth it will stop you from straining your neck
  69. If your boss calls you in on your day off, tell him you’ve been drinking, the boss can’t fault you for not coming in.
  70. When going on a date, go to a horror film. Elevated heart rate and adrenaline are strongly tied to sexual attraction.
  71. If you ever drop glass, put a piece of bread on it. The consistency of the bread will pick up even the smallest shard
  72. When you’re finished with an essay, copy and paste it into Google Translate and listen to it. It’s the easiest way to find mistakes.
  73. If you toss onions in the freezer 15 minutes before you cut them you won’t tear up.
  74. Accidentally text the wrong person? Immediately put your phone on airplane mode and once it fails to deliver, delete the message.
  75. If you place an egg in water and it floats, don’t consume it. It’s bad and should be thrown away. A fresh egg will sink to the bottom.
  76. Eating Pizza once a week can actually help reduce the risk of esophageal cancer. So go eat some Pizza.
  77. Turning the shower cold right before you get out closes your pores and makes you less likely to get acne.
  78. Yellow rooms can make babies cry more and couples fight more.
  79. Grab a banana for breakfast! They are known as happy fruit. Eating just one can help relieve irritable emotions, anger and or depression.
  80. Bananas can reduce the swelling and irritation of mosquito bites and help with nicotine withdrawal.
  81. People who enjoy sweets like chocolate tend to be more generous, happier, selfless and open-minded.

Here it comes again..

  1. If your criticism is based on facts and logics, then your criticism is welcomed.
  2. If your criticism is based on rumor and bias, then you will ran off and seek political asylum in USA, Canada or UK, like the pro-”democracy” activists in HK, eg, Joshua Wong and Agnes Chow Ting. Because you can’t make a living in China, everyone knows you and they put you into their blacklist, you can’t find a job. So the only choice is to go for your funder.
  3. No one is excuted by the government for criticizing it so far.
  4. No one believes in Xinjiang fake news, because those news reports targeted on you, not us. This is your government’s propaganda, not ours. We can tell the illogic and not-make-sense narratives at the first sight but you can’t, because the distance and language barrier made you not able to access information from a much wider range.

The answer lies in the theory of deterrence and enduring paranoia of that most iconic of Cold War doctrine’s “MAD” or Mutually Assured Destruction. If there is one man who was most responsible for both it is General Curtis “Bombs Away” LeMay. LeMay was everything you imagine a Cold War air force general to be — a sports-car driving, martial arts practicing, HAM radio operating, steel-nerved commander for whom the killing of thousands or even millions of civilians was an uninteresting footnote in the larger strategic calculus of war. Indeed, he may well have been the source of that stereotype. he is certainly remembered as both the patron saint of the United States Air Force and as among the most infamous war criminals in history.

Along the way LeMay became one of the guiding lights of American strategic airpower. Now, LeMay didn’t like ballistic missiles. He was a bomber man. So if we asked LeMay this question he would probably respond the same way he did when he advocated for the continuation of the SAC bomber program in a memo dated January 4, 1964:

Ballistic missile forces represent both the U.S. and Soviet potential for strategic nuclear warfare at the highest, most indiscriminate level, and at a level least susceptible to control.

What LeMay is saying here is that the ICBM fleet is, by design, an all-or-nothing proposition. The fact that it exists — out in the middle of the Northwest Great Plains in full view of any satellite that cares to look down upon it — sends a very clear and unambiguous message:

  1. The United States has the ability to reduce your homeland to a smoldering ruin
  2. The United States will use these weapons if you use similar weapons against her
  3. The United States has numerous redundant protocols in place to ensure that it will use these weapons if the time ever comes.

These three statements are the core of deterrence theory. They’re sometimes referred to as the “Three Cs” — Capability, Communication, and Credibility.

  1. The enemy has to know that you are capable of destroying them.
  2. You have to communicate under which circumstances you would do so.
  3. And they have to find your threat credible.

This last “C” — credibility — is probably the hardest to nail down. Credibility amounts to a psychological state: are you really ready to kill hundreds of millions – maybe billions – of people to follow through on your threat? The ICBM fleet is about credibility. It is a Sword of Damocles, hanging over the enemy’s head.

That’s why they can’t have a disarm button.

The mere existence of the ICBM fleet is a compelling argument for the idea that the people that built it have accepted – in advance – the moral quandary of the nuclear age. They are not a gun brought to a knife fight; they’re a suicide vest rigged to a dead-man’s switch. But that promise of crushing retaliation loses some of its credibility if it comes with a “take-backsies” button.

But, paradoxically, the lack of that capability also diminishes the credibility of the ICBM threat. Because they are an all-or-nothing proposition, ICBMs offer very little proportionality. The United States may be more than willing to turn lose its missiles if a Russian first-strike is spotted coming over the North Pole, but would the Americans really jump to total thermonuclear war if just one warhead were used to clear a route for Russian tanks as they rolled into Germany?

Maybe not… and that creates a problem. It invites escalation and that escalation may bring about a general nuclear exchange which wouldn’t have happened if there had been some way to deter that first nuclear use.

This is the weakness LeMay saw in the missile based deterrent. The missiles have their place but, as LeMay puts it:

The employment of these weapons in lower level conflict would be likely to escalate the situation, uncontrollably, to an intensity which could be vastly disproportionate to the original aggravation. The use of ICBMs and SLBMs is not, therefore, a rational or credible response to provocations which, although serious, are still less than an immediate threat to national survival.

LeMay’s solution to this problem was – predictably – the bomber. The ICBM fleet could await the end of days in its silos, LeMay contended, the bomber would be there to handle everything short of that.

And that is largely the role of the American bomber force. Whenever Uncle Sam feels some “gunboat diplomacy” is in order, the bomber fleet is there: flying in joint exercises over South Korea

or dropping cruise missiles after a marathon flight from the other side of the world


So why don’t ICBMs have a recall button or a disarm button? Because that’s what bombers are for.

Rural towns are generally built around one or maybe two industries other than agriculture.

Take my hometown, for example. You basically work in some form of manufacturing, or you’re in dairy and crop farming. Go north a ways to some bigger rivers and it’s dairy farming and paper mills.

Every other business basically operates to support those two industries. Dollar General, Shopko, Piggly Wiggly? They provide the basic necessities for people who work in those industries. The specialty shops downtown provide luxury goods for people who work in those industries. The standard Wisconsin small town 2:1 ratio of bars to churches exist to support those industries.

The car dealerships don’t sell Priuses and sedans hardly at all; they sell pickup trucks and grocery-getter wagons/SUVs. Mostly used; the only new dealership in my town folded about 15 years ago and both lots are still vacant.

A hundred years ago, iron was king in my hometown. It was mostly blast furnaces making iron ore into pig iron and shipping it off to coal country to be made into steel. When the iron mines dried up, it switched mostly to manufacturing.

One of the four major manufacturers in the area closed almost 20 years ago now after it got bought up by a west coast equity firm. It wiped out probably a solid 15% of the school district area’s employment. It came at a bad time, as well, in the middle of a recession, so getting other work was pretty hard. Another industry in town laid off 50% of their workforce and automated two product lines.

Between transfers and people who had to move out of town to find work, enrollment in the school district dropped a solid 5–10%. My class was large, at around 125. By a decade later, the average class size was down to 80.

Automation in the other manufacturing industries has resulted in attrition of jobs there probably by another 50%, though I will seriously credit one of the local employee-owned companies for doing a great job of retaining employees and retraining them for other positions to keep them, which is probably why they’re one of the few manufacturers that has expanded significantly and actually increased overall employment in the last decade. The other manufacturers, not so much.

Then there’s agriculture and advances in that field.

Here’s what my great-great grandfather started farming with:

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If you were fast and had a good horse and you worked sunrise to sunset, you could probably plow a 40-acre field in three or four days. Work it down in another two or three. Plant it in another two or three. If the weather cooperated and you worked your horse and your equipment and yourself hard. And the land was already cleared of trees and stumps. You could pull a two-row corn planter.

By the time my great-grandfather was ready to start working the farm, my great-great-grandfather was able to put together enough money for one of these:

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That’s a John Deere unstyled model A. The first one on the farm had steel wheels, not tires. On the other side of this is a flywheel that you had to crank to get it started. It was insanely hard to do. But it didn’t get tired and need water every hour or so like a horse. And it would pull a two bottom plow. You could plow a 40-acre field in a hard day if you had enough light. You could probably do a 4-row corn planter with this.

By the time my grandfather was old enough to start working the farm, my great-grandfather had bought this:

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This is a Ferguson TO-30. It might look smaller than the A, but it’s got more horsepower (26HP), hydraulics, and a three-point hitch. My great-grandfather bought it after the A needed a serious overhaul and the tractor salesman brought out one of these and a Ford 8N, and my great-grandfather said he’d buy whichever one got to the top of a hill with a two-bottom plow faster. The Ferguson won. (We still have the original in the family, plus the replica model the salesman gave him for buying it.)

You could plow, work down, and plant a 60-acre field in probably three good days’ work, if you were willing to work into the dark a bit. (My great-grandfather actually specifically ordered the tractor without lights because he believed if you were working into the dark, you were working too long.) Still a 4-row corn planter, but you could probably pull a larger grain drill than the A.

By the time my uncle was in high school, the farm was up to this:

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That’s a Ford 7600 diesel. Almost 100 HP, over three times as much as the Ferguson. This would pull a four-bottom plow. Live PTO, making it possible to run better and better equipment. My family actually sprung for one with a cab because Grandpa was getting older, but he didn’t like it, actually.

With the four-bottom, a cultimulcher instead of a disk and drag, an 8-12-row corn planter instead of a 4-row that the Ferguson would pull, you could work a 60–80 acre field in three days if you were nice to the equipment, and probably still get some other stuff done.

By the time I was old enough to start really driving around tractors, the neighbors were driving these:

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That’s a Massey-Ferguson 8220. The neighbors had an 8240, if I recall correctly. I remember when the guys around the corner bought one of these and a chisel plow. 150HP.

They worked down an 80 acre field in about two hours and planted it with a 16 row corn planter in about three hours two days later.

Today? I have an uncle who does crop and dairy farming. He’s got one tractor with 240 HP that can chisel plow a 120 acre field by GPS in 60–90 minutes, and will pull a 24-row John Deere corn planter. He probably wouldn’t even use it to work down a 40-acre field because that field would be too tiny to effectively turn around very well.

My great-grandfather would have been stunned at that. He might have imagined it, but it would have been a wild dream.

One guy can work ten times the cropland that my great-great-grandfather could have with a quarter of the work.

And yields have gone up, too. Hybrid corn and advances in other crops have made it so that today’s farmers are growing an order of magnitude more per acre than my great-grandfather did.

But all of those advances come at a cost. A bag of seed corn or soybeans can cost upwards of $100 a bag, and is currently going for as much as $180 a bag for the 2020 corn planting season. My grandfather once stormed out of a mill with me 25–30 years ago as a kid when the same sized bag of seed corn was going to be $15 because it was “highway robbery” and he figured he could get it cheaper elsewhere.

The same is true of dairies. My great-grandmother milked 20 cows by hand; a large operation at the time. In the 50’s, they got an electric vacuum pump system after the farm got electricity, and built a bigger, modern milking barn. That bumped them up to 60 head. In the 70’s, they were able to add on and up that to 100 head. By the early 2000’s, they were a small dairy, starting to be unable to compete. My uncle made some bad decisions, but he leveraged the land like crazy and cheated my great-grandmother out of her share of the farm to afford a 240 head new barn with a milking parlor.

He’s still a small operation now and is close to bankruptcy.

There’s a farm about two dozen miles over that has 8,400 head and the farmers don’t even milk the cows now; the cows have an RFID tag and when the cow feels like it wants to get milked, it wanders over to a stall and a robotic milking machine reads the tag and hooks itself up. The system tracks the cow’s individual production.

When my great-grandmother was doing the milking, there were probably fewer than 8,400 milking cows in the county.

But that huge operation is probably over a $10 million investment. That would have been unfathomable for my great-grandfather.

Whether crop or dairy, it’s been evolve or die, and evolving requires growing into a massive factory farm. That equipment and the buildings are expensive. And the margins are thin. If you couldn’t get enough credit to expand, you went bankrupt. If you had a bad year or two, you went bankrupt. The margins on all of that are razor thin; the farmer is probably actually netting pretty little, if not taking a routine annual loss many years.

Small farm bankruptcies are skyrocketing right now because factory farms are keeping the prices so low as to make the margins non-existent or below break-even for the little guys.

The area where I grew up is a moonscape of rotted out, fallen down barns, abandoned outbuildings, and lonely old farmhouses with lonely old retired farmers who have given up. They sold off all the equipment, and if they can rent out the land for enough to pay off the mortgage, they do, or sell it off for enough to satisfy the liens and keep four or five acres with the house. And when the old man and his wife pass away, the kids, who have moved to the city, don’t want to take care of it anymore. I’ve seen a dozen or two of those old houses just demolished; the outbuildings used for storage if anything at all.

Maybe 10–20% of the farms that were operating when I was a kid thirty years ago are still milking. Six of the seven neighbors my grandparents and uncle had that were farming when I was a kid are out and quit wholesale. The one left isn’t doing dairy anymore, the kid, who’s almost exactly my age, sold off the dairy cows and most of the equipment, does some basic crop farming, and grass-fed beef. One of the last neighbors to sell had gotten up to about 1400 acres that he’d owned and another 400 he rented before he sold out to a guy from Iowa who trucks up even more massive equipment than I described above, works up the whole thing in less than a week, and moves on to the next bit.

One guy. With probably a dozen hands. I have no doubt that he owns or rents over 36,000 acres.

Who needs a whole town to support that anymore? He isn’t going into my hometown for groceries every week, or the downtown coffee shop on a routine basis. He isn’t in the bars regularly. He isn’t buying stuff from the local hardware store, or tires and oil changes from the local mechanic.

Even if he were local, he certainly isn’t buying the same amount as the 100+ farm families he’s replaced.

Infrastructure also drastically changed my home area. Infrastructure, especially transportation infrastructure, dramatically reduces the friction costs of commerce. If it costs less to move stuff to market, people will build stuff there. If not, people won’t.

The railroad was first on this. Wherever the railroad went, towns grew along it. Where the railroad didn’t go through, those places died or never grew. There’s a little town of about 300 people, about big enough to have an “unincorporated” sign and not much more.

There’s a huge Catholic cathedral there, built to serve probably a 150 family congregation. Today, it serves probably a few dozen for a whole area.

That’s because the railroad was supposed to go through the town, which is why they built it. There’s half a dozen other old businesses that used to exist, too, the hollowed out remains of their buildings still visible, built in anticipation of a train that literally never came.

Because the railroad company built ten miles east, instead.

That town died. Or rather, never grew at all. The businesses mostly folded, with the exception of a bar and a butcher that finally relocated when I was a kid. There was a fancier restaurant there that closed up about five years back finally. It had a for-sale sign on it since before I graduated high school, but the guy who owned it could never find a buyer and finally just retired.

Today, railroads are largely replaced by highways and interstates, though freight rail is making a comeback in some places. Not enough to support a whole town, like it once did, but enough to keep some businesses going.

The main corridor in my home area is now I-41, 20–30 miles from town. It’s only recently been made into an interstate. When my parents were first dating, it was only two lanes. I still remember when there were no overpasses and it was cross-traffic most of the way by us.

As the interstate and a few four-lane state highways have grown, the towns along them have stayed steady or grown with them in some spots.

The towns between the main highways? They’re mostly gone or drying up. One got virtually wiped out by a tornado twenty-some years ago and never really recovered. Every year, they keep talking about consolidating the school district with a nearby one because enrollment is too low to sustain it independently. The elementary school closed fifteen years back and K-8 are all in one building now.

I remember a couple years ago, I was going through Iowa on my way to a wedding and they’d recently moved I-80. The main highway that it now paralleled used to go through a bunch of little towns. We got off the super-slab and went through some of them because we weren’t in a hurry to get to Colorado. Half of everything was boarded up. I asked the cashier about it. People don’t want to exit the highway and drive four miles south to get to Casey’s General Store. They just bypass the towns and wait until the next bigger stop. Where towns could, they’d tried to move towards the highway, but that’s often not possible.

It’s what happened to the towns on Route 66. A few remaining nostalgic pieces of it remain, but most of it’s just gone. Whole towns were just erased.

But even my hometown isn’t seeing new facilities getting built for manufacturing and the like, because of a lack of infrastructure. There’s a decent state highway into town that they keep in reasonable repair, but it’s a ways to the interstate still. The existing facilities keep churning out stuff, but if the companies are expanding, it’s along the four-lane highways and the towns and cities on those, still reasonably nearby enough, I suppose.

One company bought out that old plant that went bust I mentioned and turned it into a big R&D facility, since it doesn’t need much import/export and it’s smack in the middle of town. Getting trucks there is a pain in the ass. When they come up with something, they send the specs over to the shiny new plant two towns west, which is built on a four-lane highway with direct access to Madison and Milwaukee.

Internet is another infrastructural element that is significantly lagging in some of these places. Nobody’s running fiber to my hometown for the most part. A lot of people still have DSL. Maybe satellite. Apparently Verizon or Frontier is upgrading some of downtown somewhat. The last time I was at the local coffee shop to use the wi-fi, the speed test ran up to 15 megabits.

The cell coverage depends on the provider, but it’s spotty even in downtown. Verizon is okay. US Cellular is the preferred choice. Sprint, T-Mobile, and AT&T are complete dead zones. That makes it hard to operate a retail business these days, which is increasingly dependent on the internet for sales and backend that we take for granted. You’re not selling much if you can’t use so much as a Square reader at the local businesses. And you’re not getting a lot of tourists if their phones are off the grid before they get to the city limits.

And younger people don’t want to live in a town where they can’t get Netflix or Prime Video at even standard resolution half the time. So, they’re not moving there, or leaving for greener pastures if they can.

Because there isn’t enough demand, the cable companies don’t bother upgrading the lines unless they have to. Because there isn’t basic high-speed broadband, nobody moves there to create the demand. It’s a vicious cycle. My folks just moved out of the place where I grew up and moved to the edge of a moderately large rural town. They get one internet provider, which maxes out at 8Mb down, 4 up. If they were two blocks over, they could get another provider with much better bandwidth, but where they are, they’re just screwed. A lot of places are like that. There’s no competition, and relatively light demand, so there’s basically no reason for the telecoms to bother running anything out there.

At least my hometown and surrounding area are still close enough to major transportation routes that Fed-Ex and UPS will come all the way out. My in-laws have to drive 20 miles into town to pick up anything. They’ve been where they are for fifteen years and two weeks ago, a Fed-Ex truck actually went all the way to their house for the first time, ever. The delivery driver said he would never do it again. They don’t even get mail delivery to their place; they have to go up the minimum maintenance road five miles to a turnaround if it gets delivered, and they maintain a PO box in the slightly larger, but further away town for that purpose instead.

Water is increasingly an issue, too. New water treatment plants with higher capacities are expensive and getting more so. Rural areas have a lower population density to spread that cost around, and that means either a need for increased state aid, or higher property taxes.

If you don’t live right in town, that water isn’t probably coming to you. So, the farmers and people who live outside of town, but who are in the township and so would pay the increased taxes to pay for it, vote against it. They’re already paying literally tens of thousands of dollars for septic systems and wells; paying more property taxes for someone else’s water on top of that, while getting nothing in return, is a hard sell.

Even trash collection is an issue here. Depending on the size of the town, you might have to do it yourself or contract with a company, because the town itself might not provide it. Again, friction cost for a business, and another thing that sometimes makes people not want to move there. I grew up with it, so the idea of a garbage guy that actually comes to your house is still weird to me, as are the ideas of a) not having an organic bucket that needs to get hauled out to the brush pile by the line fence, b) not having a burn barrel for paper garbage, c) not needing to separate out metals from other recycling to take to the salvage yard when there’s enough to get the higher price, or d) that the garbage guy comes at a specific time rather than taking it to the dump on Saturday morning or dropping the cash in the can or slot to pay for the bags you put in if you come not on a Saturday morning.

When rural areas lack easy access to the kinds of infrastructure that reduces commercial friction costs, they’re at a serious disadvantage. It’s more expensive to do things, it’s more difficult to attract workers, and as a result, what sustains these small towns begins to go elsewhere.

The decline itself then turns into a vicious cycle. As the major sustaining industries and businesses give out, or the resources like a clay or gravel pit start to dwindle, the people that can leave, do, especially younger people.

That increases the concentration of people remaining in poverty.

And with an increased concentration of poverty comes a lot of the problems that arise out of that: increased crime, increased drug use as depressed people try to self-medicate, depressed property values that make it even harder to get out, and more.

The schools end up with lower enrollment, and lower tax revenues, and lower state aid. So they have to start cutting services. And then people move out of the district because they want their kids in a better school, if they can.

Any young people who can get out flee. That leads to a brain drain of the community. It’s hard to get young professionals to move back if they think they’re never going to make enough money to justify it, or lose a quality of life that they enjoy elsewhere.

So, that means fewer social workers, attorneys, doctors, etc. serving these areas that can help mitigate these problems of poverty, and it spirals downward even more. People of means have fewer kids; people without them have more but can’t support them. Services get progressively thinner, making people more desperate.

More and more desperate people often end up getting into the criminal justice system one way or another, and once you’ve got a felony, everything is substantially harder. Housing, employment, everything. That traps more and more people, as well.

People that are trapped get more and more hopeless. Suicide rates skyrocket.

Eventually, the whole thing just gives out. The remaining people die off. The houses and businesses are abandoned and left to crumble.

We’re not just talking about your boom and bust ghost towns of the Wild West. There’s plenty of these that are modern, some dying in the last few decades. There’s a few places I know of around where I grew up where the last living inhabitants were present just a few years ago. Today, there’s a handful of vacant buildings and nothing else left. You can walk right in a few of them. Some of them are so far gone that you wouldn’t even know that several thousand people once lived there in some cases as recently as thirty or forty years ago just by looking at them.

One town near where I grew up used to actually put up their own population sign and an old man would repaint the number by hand every time someone died or moved away, until he died and nobody took over the task. There was a lumberyard/building center there, a church, and a bar, when I was a kid at least. It was a quarry town for limestone before that, but the easily accessible limestone ran out in the 60’s. There were probably 100 residents total, maybe, when I was a kid, but at one point there were about 1900 people who lived there. The businesses closed and the church is boarded up now. About twenty houses remain; two others were destroyed by fire – one started accidentally by a homeless person who was squatting in it after it was abandoned. The businesses are all vacant, the for-sale signs faded and dusty.

Sometimes a natural disaster comes in and finishes the job. Gays Mills in Wisconsin has been flooded completely out several times in the last decade. Hundreds of residents just gave up and never came back when the insurance gave them an out. Some businesses are trying to stick it out, or relocate as disaster relief has tried to make it possible to move the town to higher ground.

Lastly, the death rate is exceeding the birth rate. Sixty to eighty years ago, you needed ten kids to run the farm, and the infant mortality rate was considerably higher.

In the last 20–30 years, though? People aren’t having babies. The birth rate in a lot of these rural areas is well below replacement. The oldest generations are dying off with increasing rapidity every year.

Death rates among 18–64 year olds in rural areas are also on the incline. The opioid crisis really has disproportionately affected rural areas not because it’s higher per capita, but because there’s just fewer people overall and so the same per capita impact has a greater overall impact.

But suicides are where it’s gotten really out of control. The rural suicide rate is bonkers higher than urban areas. It’s as much as 25% higher in some areas, and it’s risen over 40% in the last 20 years. There’s been a lot of research into this, with hypotheses ranging from lack of health care (both in insurance and in care providers) to stigma around mental health to simply increased access to guns, but there has not been a good consensus around what factors are most prevalent or most contributory.

This is perhaps the most literal reason rural towns in America are dying: they are literally seeing more death than birth.

Some other rural towns are growing around new industries. In Kansas, feedlot and meatpacking plants are growing substantially. Feedlots are smelly as hell. You don’t want to live anywhere near them. Seriously. Even setting aside the animal cruelty issues that are often present, they’re just awful places to be within ten miles of. But, they also provide jobs. For the desperate rural worker, any port in a storm.

In Minnesota, it’s chicken and turkey processing. There’s a handful of towns that have poultry processing, and they’re doing pretty well for now.

But those jobs are not very secure. They’re hard labor, and if someone gets laid up, there’s enough people willing to take the jobs that someone can just be replaced. Anti-union sentiment from conservatives that dominate these areas don’t make anything easier, either.

Additionally, these industries also creating a lot of tension because the local natives don’t want those jobs due to the lack of security and don’t often apply, or can’t pass a drug test to qualify; instead, these jobs are attracting a lot of immigrant labor, such as Somali refugees. These are more typically than not legal immigrants, but that makes little difference to some people who are already mistrustful of any outsiders. I have a relative who moved into a rural town thirty years ago and still is considered a transplant and given second-class citizenship to a generational local.

But many of these industries are also boom-and-bust. The oil fields in the Bakken and the Permian Basin led to huge expansions of parts of North Dakota and Texas, but as quickly as they exploded, they’ve died off as oil prices crashed in recent years.

Those feedlots and chicken processing plants are likely as insecure. All it takes is a commodity oversupply, or a trade war, to shutter whole plants. And if that’s the primary employer for the area, it can take a significant piece of the town when it goes.

Some rural towns are still doing okay, or even growing a little, and in sustainable ways.

What’s kept my hometown alive is that it’s a good bedroom community that’s 30–45 minutes driving from two reasonably large urban areas and less than two hours from two more metro areas. Those are people who want to live in a small, safe, quiet neighborhood, but they don’t work there. They commute to the larger cities in the region.

Enrollment is back up a little in the school district with people moving in to live in a quiet spot, and class sizes are back up to about 95-ish. The school has some good programs such as an award-winning music program that have brought in school choice students from neighboring districts (with corresponding state aid), or even gotten some individuals to move there.

The tax base has remained about neutral or grown a little as developments and new housing grow slowly. Areas that were farm fields when I was a boy are now subdivisions generating more property taxes than the agricultural zones they once were.

There are some rural areas that have this geographical quirk and are mostly becoming the new form of suburbs for those wealthy enough to either buy a nice place in a small town, or a couple acres of former farmland and build a house out in the country. The cost of living is usually reasonable or even sometimes lower than the city or suburbs; housing is certainly cheaper even if certain commodities are a bit higher.

But there’s a lot of rural areas that don’t have that quirk of geography.

Get out in the middle of Nebraska, or Iowa, or Kansas, or Minnesota and there’s a lot less. It’s a long, long way to the urban centers.

Those places are increasingly seeing the demise of rural America the hardest.

Scott Ritter Jaw-Dropping Revelation: NATO vs Russia – A Ticking Nuclear Time Bomb Ready to Explode!

No, I don’t think the Chinese government would take such an approach.

“If you sanction me, I must retaliate against you and launch corresponding sanctions, otherwise I will be weak.”

This is a common understanding in Western society that governments must respond to public sentiment. If other countries “hurt us”, we “must tit for tat”. Retaliation must be direct, reciprocal and obvious. Only then can public sentiment be released, and politicians’ approval ratings not drop.

So we discovered a key point: the way of revenge is centered on politics, not interests. No one cares whether doing so will bring greater benefits to society or cause greater harm.

“If you sanction me, I must retaliate against you, but the method may not be reciprocal. How to do it is left to professionals.”

This is a common perception in Chinese society, which is full of patience and believes that professional officials can handle it better than public sentiment.

With this premise, we return to the Tiktok case. If Tiktok is forced to sell by the United States, will China’s retaliation be to force Apple to sell it? No, that’s simply impossible

There is a proverb in the Chinese world: If a dog bites you, it does not mean that you have to bite the dog too.

There are many ways to take revenge, you must choose the one that is most beneficial to you.

In the past few years, China has been challenging the status of the United States in global economic activities, and the United States is in a state of hysteria. They are trying to use all available means to contain China. However, we find that China’s response has always been mild, even making people feel a little weak.

In fact, they have been choosing the way that is best for themselves, rather than the most “tit for tat” way.


The United States has imposed tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods; they believe that in order to contain China, it is worth raising prices in the United States.

China’s most “relieving” response should be to impose additional tariffs on $200 billion of U.S. goods, but China believes that this will affect the import of technology and raw materials by Chinese companies, which is not worth it.

China’s actual approach is to expand BRI, join RECP, seek to join CPTPP, expand trade scope, offset the influence of the United States, and stop buying soybeans from American farmers.


The United States has imposed five rounds of comprehensive sanctions on Huawei; they believe that it is worthwhile to undermine the fair international image of the United States and use “national security” crimes against a company in order to curb the development of China’s 5G technology.

China’s most “tit for tat” response should be to select an American company, such as CISCO, or Microsoft, or others, and impose five rounds of comprehensive sanctions. But China believes that this will affect these companies’ operations in China, reduce Chinese jobs and government tax revenue, and this is not worth it.

China’s actual approach is to change foreign investment laws and allow foreign companies to independently invest in telecommunications, automobiles and other industries. Then successfully brought Tesla to China.


The United States has imposed “Chip and Science Act” sanctions on hundreds of Chinese companies; they believe that destroying the market and revenue of the US semiconductor industry can delay the development of China’s AI technology, which is worthwhile.

China’s most “tit for tat” response should be to select a group of American companies, such as General Motors, Ford, Walmart, and Starbucks, to implement some kind of reciprocal “sanctions bill.” But China believes that this will affect these companies’ operations in China, reduce Chinese jobs and government tax revenue, and this is not worth it.

China’s actual approach is to sanction several U.S. arms dealers and ban the export of rare earths to the United States. Launch the semiconductor development plan encouraged by the government, establish the National Semiconductor Fund, and recruit talents from all over the world to strengthen its semiconductor industry.


Some Western public opinion has produced many similar news: Tesla is banned in China, and Apple mobile phones are banned in China. They seem to want to tell us: Look, they are just as bad as us;

But the truth is there, these are lies. The CEOs of Tesla and Apple have both praised the performance of the Chinese market.

Some Western public opinion will also tell us: Google is banned in China, Youtube, X and Ins are banned in China; so it is reasonable for us to ban Tiktok.

But some facts are deliberately ignored. Bing is running very well in China, and Amazon and Paypal have been running in China for 20 years. The crux of the matter is that China has enacted laws, companies that are willing to abide by them stay, and those that are unwilling to abide by them leave. China actually does not have a “ban” against a certain American company.

Now, the United States is demanding that Tiktok be forced to sell, maybe it will be Temu’s turn in the future, Shein

China’s most “tit for tat” method should be to choose an American company, such as Apple mentioned in the question. Asking them to “force a sale”

But China will definitely not do this. On the contrary, we may see them take more opening measures to encourage more foreign companies to participate in the Chinese economy.

They are deliberately taking a completely different approach to doing things than the United States. Use openness to fight closure, use trade to fight sanctions; use win-win to fight zero-sum games; use construction and manufacturing to fight bombs and destruction.

They are very patient and they are creating a global persona:

I don’t have many slogans, and I’m not very good at publicity and storytelling. I will only use actual actions to tell the world: who represents justice and friendship, and who represents evil and destruction.

In the short term, China’s approach seems inefficient, negative, and weak. But over time, many things change.

Here’s a Jewish mama joke.

A Jewish mother picks up the phone to hear the sound of a woman gulping sobs. Her daughter! “Darling! What’s the matter?

Woman:” Oh,Mama! Oh,Mama!”

“Yes darling. Mama is here. What’s wrong?”

“We’re snowed in. The car won’t start. The refrigerator stopped working and all the food is spoiled. The kids have colds and the house is a mess. I have a headache. And twenty ladies from my Hadassah chapter are coming for lunch at one o’clock! Oh,Mama” she wails “What am I going to do?”

In a calm soothing voice Mama replies “Don’t worry darling,Mama is here. First I’ll go down to the grocery and pick up something to eat.Then I’ll take the subway. And from the subway I’ll walk the sixteen blocks to your house. I’ll cook something for the twenty ladies,they’ll love it. I’ll give the kids an aspirin so they’ll be quiet. I’ll tell them a story till they fall asleep so you can lie down too. While the food cooks I’ll pick up the house. Everything will be all right. Don’t worry darling,Mama is here! That’s what a mother is for!”

The woman gives a huge sigh of relief. “Oh,Mama thank you! I feel so much better.”

“Don’t mention it,darling” Then,in an everyday voice “If you’re snowed in and the car won’t start how did Sam get to work?”

(Puzzled voice) “Sam? Who’s Sam?”

(Mama impatiently) “Sam! Your husband Sam! How did he get to work?”

Long pregnant pause. Then in a small voice the woman says “My husband’s name is Saul”

Another pregnant pause . Then in a trembling voice the woman says:

“Does that mean…you’re… not coming?”

Skillet Pizza Supreme

cast iron skillet pizza 1
cast iron skillet pizza 1


  • 1 package dry yeast
  • 1/4 cup warm water (105 to 115 degrees F)
  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, divided
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup milk


  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water in a small bowl; let stand 5 minutes.
  2. Combine 2 cups flour, sugar and salt in a large bowl; stir in yeast mixture and oil. Add enough milk to make a soft dough. Cover and let stand 15 minutes.
  3. Turn dough out onto a floured surface. Knead 5 to 8 times, working in remaining 1/2 cup flour to make a smooth dough.
  4. Pat dough evenly in bottom and halfway up sides of a lightly greased 10-inch cast iron skillet.
  5. Bake at 425 degrees F for 8 minutes.
  6. Spoon sauce over crust.
  7. Top with any toppings desired.
  8. Sprinkle shredded Mozzarella cheese over the top.
  9. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until cheese melts.

cast iron skillet pizza 09
cast iron skillet pizza 09

Near the end of my sophomore years of high school, when I got my license and began driving myself to my friends’ houses to hang out.

At that point in my life, I had five friends that I hung out with on a regular basis, and about a dozen other people who I knew through those friends. Those dozen were like second-tier friends. We hung out a lot because we happened to be friends with the same person.

Before being able to drive myself to my friends’ houses, I was limited to friends’ houses I could walk to, or convince my parents to drive me to. By the time I turned 16, I’d been in six different friends’ houses that I could recall.

Then, during my first visit to my friend Rick’s house (I had to drive there myself because he lived pretty far away), I realized something: he had a lot of pictures of him, his mom, and his brother in the house, but zero pictures of his father. He’d never said anything about his father, but I always assumed he had one. When we finally talked about it, he said that his father walked out on the family when he and his brother were still young, and his mom never talked about him.

That got me thinking about all of my other friends. Jay’s father was an alcoholic and abused his mom until she divorced him. Emma’s father was actually her step-father, because her real father ran off with a younger woman. Emma’s step-dad was also much older than her mom. Sarah was being raised by a single mother. Aaron’s dad drank and swore a lot, and I’m pretty sure beat his wife. Trey’s dad was super controlling of his wife. (And, a few years later, killed her. He’s currently serving life in prison.) Anthony didn’t know who his dad was. Etc…

It was then that I realized that, of all of my friends, only one of them had a father in their lives who wasn’t an alcoholic, wasn’t abusive, and actually seemed like a nice guy. That was Tom. Tom was an only child and his parents were some of the nicest people you’d ever meet. His mom was a teacher and his dad was a businessman. They were both very active in one of the local churches.

My parents were married before they had me or my sister. They stayed married until my dad died. Both of my parents took an active role in my life as a child. My father never once raised a hand, or even his voice, to my mother. He didn’t drink. He didn’t do drugs. He wasn’t the jealous type. He never cheated on her. He showed her plenty of affection through all of the years of their marriage.

I think a lot of it had to do with the socio-economic class I was raised in. I, like most of my friends (except Tom), was raised in a lower socio-economic class. Poverty takes its toll on marriages. I guess, for a poor kid from the South, I got super lucky when it came to dads. Mine was like the dads you saw in sitcoms back then, while my friends’ dads, if they even had them, were more like the dads in dramas about abusive relationships.

FOUR MINUTES! This new site was online 4 Minutes Before HACKERS went after it

This rebuilt and restored website was online to the world for only 4 minutes before HACKERS tried to break-in!  They were caught.

Long-time users of this website will recall that during Thanksgiving of the year 2022 (over a year ago), this site was mercilessly HACKED.  It’s layout and functionality were wrecked.

At the time, I didn’t have the money or the ambition to do a full rebuild/restoration, so we jury-rigged-it and got by for a little over a year.

I saved up the money, did the research necessary, and last week, my tech guys began the rebuild.

In the past, the site has “good” security, better than most sites.  Yet Hackers were ultimately able to breach that “good” security, got in and did their harm.    So for this new rebuild, security was a major — I mean really big — aspect of the rebuild. Enterprise grade security.

Last Friday, this newly rebuilt and restored site went online at 7:24 PM eastern US time.

FOUR MINUTES LATER, the security system was already recording hacking attempts, and blocking IP addresses of malicious users.  FOUR MINUTES!

I got alerts from my system about what was going on, and that these certain IP addresses had automatically been blocked, but telling me I should consider adding these IP’s to the PERMANENT BAN list.   I did.

Here’s just a small sampling of the IP’s banned, and why:

Hacker Ban List

Hacking BANS 03 31 2024
Hacking BANS 03 31 2024

So it’s going to be  a rough ride for me as we proceed in the future.   For whatever reason, people with nefarious motives are already trying to break in.

I thought you should know.   In fact, it’s important you know.

Doing what I do to bring the TRUTH to the public, has enemies.  Those enemies don’t want YOU knowing the truth.

This is from my childhood in the 1960’s. My Mom and Dad were married in 1946. My sister and I were born in 1959 and 1962, so they were older parents. My dad died when I was 8. My Mom went into a deep depression. She started smoking and drinking a lot. She finally got her driver’s license, and we would drive to the bank to deposit our Social Security survivor’s benefits once a month. Then we would drive to the neighboring big city that sold alcohol. As a 10-year-old kid, I remember going into Snappy’s, getting 4 cases of Lone Star beer and a handle of Canadian Club. I would write the check on my Mom’s checking account, and they would help us load it into the trunk while my Mom sat in the car. I had to get my little sister up in the morning and walk her to school. I would sign her report card, and sign my own. I got very good at forging her signature. I did the grocery shopping, hauling them back on my bike. We ate lots of cheap frozen pizzas and sugary cereal because that is what I liked. It all seemed normal to me. She smoked and drank herself to death when I was 17. When I had a family of my own I worked very hard to give them a normal life. I realized when they were little that my childhood was really messed up and I wanted a better life for them.

Zulu Culture

Three bulls heard the rancher was bringing another bull onto the ranch.

First Bull: “I’ve been here five years. I’m not giving this new bull any of my 100 cows.”

Second Bull: “I’ve been here three years and have earned my right to 50 cows. I’m keeping all my cows.”

Third Bull: “I’ve only been here a year, and so far, you guys have only let me have 10 cows. I may not be as big as you fellows, but I’m keeping all 10 of my cows.”

Just then an 18-wheeler pulls up in the pasture carrying the biggest bull they’ve ever seen.

At 4,700 pounds, each step he takes strains the steel ramp.

First Bull: “I think I can spare a few cows for our new friend.”

Second Bull: “I actually have too many cows to take care of. I can spare a few. I’m certainly not looking for an argument.”

They look over at the third bull and find him pawing the dirt, shaking his horns and snorting.

First Bull: “Son, don’t be foolish, let him have some of your cows and live to tell about it.”

Third Bull: “Hell, he can have all my cows. I’m just making sure he knows I’m a bull.”

Generally not well.

Generally speaking, American POWs captured by Germany had it alright. They were not sent to concentration camps and generally received pretty good treatment at the hands of the Germans.

However we are dealing with Nazis here- keep that in mind. 2 factors really decided how an American POW would be treated.

  1. Was he being captured by the SS or the normal German Army (SS bad, Army good)
  2. Was he black or Jewish

If you were Jewish or Black and captured by the SS (or even elements of the Amry) you would be lucky to find yourself in a concentration camp. More likely, you are killed on the spot. If you were white and captured by the Army you’d be sent to a more comfortable imprisonment.

Black soldiers had it bad though- as they were considered Untermensch (sub-human).

I am about to tell you a story that will ruin your day and remind you how evil and demented the SS was.

So you are all familiar with the Ardennes offensive right? Also called the Battle of the Buldge where US forces were surrounded and cut off during the winter and then held out for weeks while the American 3rd Armored division broke through to save them.

Well during this time there were 2 massacres of US troops. The fact we are well aware of them both shows how rare it was for this thing to happen but I digress.

During this battle, 85 American soldiers were captured and executed by elements of the SS. Instead of bringing them to a prison camp the Germans just flat-out shot them all to death. But these men were all white, so they got the mercy of a bullet. This is called the Malmedy Massacre and is very well known.

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There is another atrocity long forgotten though, largely because it involved Black US soldiers and not white ones.

During the battle 11 “Colored” G.I’s found themselves out of ammo with only 2 rifles and lost in the woods. They came upon a little house in the middle of nowhere and asked for refuge from the cold.

Inside this house were Belgium Patriots who supported the US. They offered the 11 men shelter and food and warmed them up. The nearby neighbors were not Patriots though and had a son fighting in the SS. They would run to the Germans and inform them Americans were being sheltered nearby.

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4 men from the SS would arrive armed to the teeth. The Americans chose not to resist, not wanting any harm to befall those that took them in. They were also lacking the weaponry to fight.

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So all 11 Americans surrendered to these SS soldiers and they wouldn’t even get the mercy of a bullet. Their bodies would be found shortly after and US command was shocked by what they found.

I am not going to pull any punches- I want you to understand the level of evil we are dealing with. These men were found with the following injuries.

  • Their eyes had been gouged out while they were still alive
  • Fingers were removed and legs were broken
  • Men were beaten to death with rifle butts
  • Many men had been run over by vehicles
  • A few were shot, but not in the head- they were shot in the knees and stomach to inflict maximum suffering
  • A few men had fractured skulls from having their heads beaten in

Just executing a POW is a war crime but this goes beyond it. The 85 executed at Malmedy were simply shot, perhaps because the Germans lacked the logistics to transport or guard POWs.

These 11 black US G.I’s were brutally and violently tortured and killed for no other reason than they were black. The SS soldiers took joy in their suffering. It’s the brutality that is hard to imagine.

The US would investigate this for years but the killers were never discovered. Maybe they got killed by the eventual onslaught of US forces. Hopefully, they died slowly in a pool of their own shit crying for their mothers who were already dead at the hands of the Red Army in the East.

I hate the SS

How about my high school principal?

Waaaayyy back, early 1970s, everyone arrived at school and was greeted by an announcement to go to homeroom.

Sounds normal, except that we only went to homeroom for things like report cards. Normally our first period class was attendance center, so a sudden announcement of starting the day with homeroom was weird.

Everyone went to homeroom, and there was a lot of wondering what was up – even the teachers seemed puzzled.

The principal then made a strange and rambling speech over the PA system.

It was about the parasites infesting our school.

It turned out that his definition of parasites was students who wore their coats to class, students who sat on the floor, students who held hands with :::gasp::: students of the opposite sex, students who, well, acted like teenagers.

Any student seen doing these things would be suspended for the rest of the day.

It didn’t take long.

By second period, everyone was wearing their coats. Half the school had on pieces of paper that read “I’m a parasite and I’m proud.” Members of the football team (all boys at that time) walked from class to class, holding hands. Any student with a free period was in the core, sitting on the floor around the tables instead of in the library or somewhere else. The Madrigal singers, in full costume ready for a performance, promenaded through the main hall with their hands in position (boy raised, holding girl’s in an “elegant” fashion), but not touching (it looked really stupid). I’m sure there was more, but that’s all I saw.

His policy was rescinded the next day. It’s really hard to suspend 2000 students, and that’s what it would have taken.

I suggest you visit China. It reversed my preconception. I am from Norway, North Europe. A rather modern and advanced society.

On my first visit to the US over 20 years ago, I was surprised at how backward and old fashioned it was. Movies had let me to believe it was the epitome of modern society. I visited several states on the East/South-East. Very backwards digitally. Terrible infrastructure. Unwalkable. Dirty. Hard to find quality restaurants outside of big cities. Dead city centres in medium sized cities.

I went to China a year or two later, and the opposite struck me. It was a highly modern society. Highly digital. Fantastic high-speed infrastructure (that is even better nowadays). Super clean, modern cities. I was mainly in the Jiangsu province that time. Loved it!

I suggest everyone to go and form their own opinions. I really fell in love with Suzhou, not far from Shanghai.

We were drunk. Stupid teenagers thinking that we could make fun of every rule.

“Let’s go to Gabriel’s house and continue the party there!” one of my friends suggested.

“We don’t have a car!” I said.

“I’ll take everyone on the back of my pickup truck! Hop in!” Juan said while starting his truck’s engine.

I immediately hesitated, “I don’t think it’s safe!”

“Aahhh… don’t be a wooze Hector! Come on! Everything will be okay!” Juan said.

“I don’t like the idea!”

Everyone was ready to go, partying, singing, drinking and fooling around.

It was very late at night. I had two options, call my mom to come pick me up or simply go with the flow.

I ignored my gut and followed my friends.

We were balancing ourselves as the truck moved forward. Juan, the truck driver, wasn’t responsible of us sitting — and standing on the back of the pickup.

A quick turn was enough to change the rest of my life. One of my best friends lost balance and was thrown off the back.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!” I shouted to the top of my lungs while hitting the rooftop of the pickup.

Juan stopped.

We quickly jumped out of the box to assist my friend. He was bleeding. His head was totally covered with blood and unconscious. He had landed with his head on a yellow speed bump causing him to fracture his head.

We took him to the hospital. Four days later he passed away. He was 16 years old.

To this day, his parents cry every time they see me because I bring memories of their son. I’m always speechless. I can only imagine how I could have prevented this life-changing event for every one of us.

I lacked character.

To answer your question:

Not trusting your instinct, your conscience, your spirit or however you want to call it; will bring terrible regrets that may last a lifetime.

Today, I’m aware of that “small voice” that somehow, I know I shouldn’t ignore anymore.

Yet, it all comes down to character, strength, and courage to stand my ground even when temptation or peer pressure is on.

I had been away for a couple of months diving and arrived home after a long flight. As soon as the taxi pulled into the parking square I noticed that where I once had a solid wooden door to my house I now had plywood sheet. So I immediately knew something was wrong. I got out of the taxi and approached my house where I was met by my neighbours who told me that the previous night, the Police had broken into my house and searched it. Now furious I called the Police and demanded an explanation.

A few minutes later the Police arrived and together we entered my house. Once inside they explained that a few weeks earlier a body had been found on the beach in the North West of the country, and there had been a public appeal to help identify the deceased. Following this appeal my brother (who I have not seen for over 30 years) had called the Police and claimed the body was me. He had even been taken to identify the body. With this information the Police arrived at my address and spoke to my neighbours who confirmed that they had not seen me for a number of weeks. This reinforced their incorrect assumptions that the body was mine, and as it was considered a suspicious death, they decided to break into my house and examine it, in case there were any clues that could help them solve the death.

The body found on the beach was later identified.

So yes there had been someone in my house, the Police, it wasn’t a pleasant feeling knowing that they had been through all of my possessions, and then I was left with a bill for a replacement door, as damage caused by Police in the execution of their duty, is apparently excluded from house insurance.

China has announced countermeasures against a US company and two individuals that have long collected sensitive information to provide so-called evidence for illegal sanctions by the US, after the US newly added two Chinese officials and three Chinese companies onto a sanction list citing so-called human rights concerns.

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US intelligence data company Kharon and Edmund Xu, director of investigations of Kharon and Nicole Morgret, a former researcher from Center for Advanced Defense Studies, will be prohibited from entering China (including China’s mainland, the Hong Kong SAR and the Macau SAR), said Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning on Tuesday.

China will freeze the property of Kharon and the two persons in China, including their movable and immovable property, and prohibit organizations and individuals in China from transactions and cooperation with them.

In December, US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control announced to sanction two Chinese officials for alleged link to human rights abuse. Meanwhile, the US Department of Homeland Security added three more Chinese companies to the so-called “Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act” (UFLPA) blacklist.

In response, Mao said that the US once again fabricated and spread false narratives about China’s Xinjiang region, imposed illegal sanctions on Chinese officials and companies under the pretext of so-called human rights issues in the region, seriously interfering in China’s internal affairs, seriously violating international law and basic norms of international relations, seriously tarnishing China’s image, and seriously damaging the legitimate rights and interests of relevant Chinese officials and companies.

China firmly opposes and strongly condemns this and has made solemn representations to the US, Mao said, urging the US to stop slandering and smearing China, revoke the illegal unilateral sanctions against Chinese officials and companies, and stop implementing erroneous bills such as the so-called UFLPA.

If the US refuses to change course, China will not flinch and will respond in kind, the spokesperson said.

Full movie.

This was the movie that forced President Regan to talk with the Soviet Union to stop the ramp up towards world war 3. Must watch.

Include all the vintage commercials.


Check the characters before buying the poison

My mother, husband, and I combined households many years ago, and we all lived together until her death. We would trade off hosting family holiday dinners with my aunt and uncle who live nearby. When this happened, which was many, many years ago, my cousin, his wife, and their child lived with my aunt and uncle, so we always celebrated holidays together.

One year at a holiday dinner at our house—Thanksgiving, I think—we also invited one of my best friends and his family: a wife, and three children, the youngest a baby, and the oldest a seven-year-old girl.

During dinner, my aunt asked the seven-year-old girl what she had been doing of late that she thought was fun. She was extremely enthusiastic about the Harry Potter series and the entire world in the books, and explained the newest book had been released recently, and she was reading it at night with her father.

She began to say something else when my cousin’s wife, an Evangelical Christian, cut her off.

She began lecturing her loudly and cruelly about the world of Harry Potter, the evils of witchcraft, and even told her she was a bad girl, with bad parents, for even opening one of the books. (My mom, husband, and I were all following the series, as well. We’d all read the newest volume she was talking about because, well, adults read a lot faster than a seven year old.) We were also giving her less than loving looks.

My aunt politely silenced her daughter-in-law and reminded her the question had been addressed to the little girl, then said, “We can discuss your feelings about Harry Potter another time, at home.”

She asked the girl to continue. Before she could get a full sentence out, my cousin’s wife again jumped in and began lecturing the child about what she was reading.

She also called out her parents, and began insulting their judgment and their parenting skills.

That time, my mother stopped her with a simple, “That’s enough. Someone else is speaking, and you are out of line.”

The seven year old was clearly growing distressed.

She was simply trying to explain why she liked Harry Potter, and an adult was being terrible to her.

We were all certain my cousin’s wife would finally be quiet, and encouraged the child to finish her thought. Again, an interruption from my cousin’s wife, followed by an “ouch! why did you kick me?” because my cousin had kicked her under the table when he saw she was going to open her mouth.

She spoke anyway, lecturing all of us, and then finished her comments by turning to the seven year old and saying, “And you are going to Hell.”

That, of course, tipped the scales, and my friend’s little girl began to cry.

My cousin’s wife got up to go get something from the room where the food was laid out, and I followed her. I’d grown angry at the second interruption, but had tried my best to hang on to a bit of calm because I was a hostess, too. I’d had it, though. I was beyond furious.

I followed her into the other room, and told her she wouldn’t say another word about it, or I’d have to tell her to leave—she was completely out of line with her comments, her lecturing, and especially with driving a young girl to tears. She looked at me for a moment, then said, “You don’t have the nerve, and your Mom won’t put up with it.” I said, “Go ahead and try me.”

If she said anything else at all that night, aside from which kind of pie she wanted, I don’t remember it at all.

The Sopranos – Tony Soprano extorts Ralph Cifaretto

I am from a longline of southern cooks. One of my first memories, is standing on a chair with a wooden spoon stirring cornbread batter. My husbands family does not share this skill. My mother in law is lovely and an amazing women. She is charming, beautiful, kind, extremely health conscious but a lousy cook. My husband swears , he and his siblings were raised on wheat germ and bean sprouts. Cooking was truly of no interest to my mother in law. She knows nothing about cooking above the very basics. The first Holidays after our marriage, I hosted the Thanksgiving meal. I was so excited because I love to cook. A few days before the big day, my mother in law called to say she would like to bring the Turkey. I assured her that wouldn’t be necessary but she insisted. I agreed. When I told my husband, he laughed and said that I better have a back up plan. His mother had good intentions but turkey was not in her Wheelhouse. Anxiety got the best of me. I put a Turkey in my outdoor smoker the night before on the pretense that it could be used for sandwiches the following week. Thanksgiving day, a hour and a half before the meal, my husbands family showed up with Turkey in tow. It was still in the wrapper and totally raw. My mother in law said she came a little early so the 20 lb Turkey would have time to roast. My husband was all grins. I thanked her kindly, praised her on the size of the Turkey and took it into the kitchen. A hour and a half later, I served a beautiful smoked Turkey to my guest. No one even picked up on the fact that the Turkey was smoked instead of roasted except MY mom. Thankfully she said nothing until we were alone. The sad thing is my daughter has the cooking skill of my mother in law. But thankfully, she also has her loving kind heart and that outweighs cooking any day!

It was around 2009 when our flat screen TV began to require several tries before it would turn on. You knew it was finally going to turn on when you heard the “ka-blink” sound. Finally, one day it would not turn on at all. My wife confidently said, “You can fix anything. Can you fix the TV?””. I expressed my skepticism as my electronic expertise and experience were very limited. But I also didn’t want to just give up despite my prejudice that modern TVs were not ” fixable”. My guess was that the power supply had failed so I began a Google search for how to replace the power supply on a Samsung TV. I found an article titled something to the effect of ” I don’t know much about electronics but this worked for me”. Seemed like a good place to start.

The article was excellent with a description and photos of the capacitors that can fail. If they are swollen or leaking, replace them. Removing the capacitors was the main technical challenge but the article described the entwined copper wire yarn that draws out the solder as you melt it. The real challenge was finding replacement capacitors. Only one store in metro Atlanta had them. Took two days to find the store. I needed 3 but bought several extras for a total of somthing like $8. The guy at the store said, “ Nobody fixes anything anymore.””

Installing was fairly straightforward soldering. Tried to be careful to not overheat anything. It helps your confidence when you consider the TV was dead and most people would have just tossed it. Anyway, the moment of truth came. Pressed the ” On” button on the remote and (after an anxious delay) ” ka-blink”!! I felt like Tom Hanks when he declared ” I have made fire! “. I basked in my wife’s admiration for the rest of the day. The TV still works and I still have the extra capacitors, just in case.

I wish I could cite and thank the person who took the time and effort to post the fix. It was excellent.

My sister fell from the 4th floor when I was 16 years old and fought for her life for two whole years.

When you fall from such a height, it’s most often not the impact that kills you.

It’s the fall.

Most people falling from such a height, faint before impact – and they fall on their back.

Their spine breaks, ruptures, and is torn to shreds and most of them die or are paralyzed their entire lives.

But, my Didi, was awake through the fall.

She fell on her legs.

Later doctors told us that, that was the only reason she’d survived.

On impact, her right leg, which bore the maximum impact, was torn to bloody shreds.

Her right foot had an entire piece fall off from where it was attached.

When I saw her – the white sheet that covers patients was red with blood.

I saw bone where flesh was supposed to be.

When I saw the X ray for the first time, I couldn’t help but hopelessly cry.

Part of her hip bone was just bone dust.

Literally! Literally bone dust where bone should be.

This further complicated her surgery when she was admitted to the ICU.

Bone fragments could have ruptured her blood vessels – or so the doctors said.

Forget walking ever, doctors told us she had a ten percent chance of survival.

My Didi spent two years in the hospital and missed her board exams (12th) that year.

Next year, carried on a stretcher, she was ferried from the hospital in an ambulance and she sat for her 12th boards.

That year – she scored 92 in her boards with a 94 in Physics and Maths.

Her school awarded her an Exceptional Student award and gifted her a phone and a certificate for her achievements.

Today, she has two degrees to her name.

One in Physics and another in Hotel Management.

She’s preparing for a third degree – an MBA this year.

Today, she’s working for a subsidiary of Google in Hyderabad, all alone in a different city.

The limp is still visible, but barely.


This word doesn’t even begin to explain what I feel when I look at her.

She’s a living, breathing miracle.

Literally — a living, breathing miracle.

My favorite family story.

I am an only child, and my parents were a challenge. They did not get easier, as they got older. My family (me, the husband and two sons) lived about 2 and a half hours away and would always go home for Christmas, usually bringing food, since there was no guarantee that there would be anything in the house to eat, and all restaurants are closed on Christmas (my parents survived on black coffee, white toast and McDonalds, and surprisingly, it had no effect on their longevity).

One year, my mother insisted that, instead of my cooking, we should all go to the Legion Hall to the ‘friends’ dinner, for the old, lonely and homeless.

Well, technically, we weren’t lonely, we were together. And they could have as much food as they wanted, since I was willing to bring it. But Mom wanted to go to this meal, and I wasn’t going to deny her what she wanted on Christmas day.

So, off we all go to the Legion. Mom sees someone she knows and sits down with them. My father follows, sitting down with her. She totally ignores the fact that there is no room for the rest of us to sit with her. Dad gives me a shrug, but doesn’t say anything (because, in my family, this is just Mom being Mom and we roll with it).

My family grabs a four top by the bar and we eat our meals rolling our eyes and shaking our heads.

There was an empty seat on the table by my Mom. A reporter for the local newspaper takes it and interviews her. The next day, she is on the front page of the local paper complete with photograph, announcing that the people that put on these meals for those who need them are “angels.”

Apparently, though it did not make it to the paper, (THANK GOD) she also told the reporter all about her daughter “the famous author” (I’ve written a bunch of books and she was really proud). But anyone who knew her knew that story already. She did not bother to mention that I was in the room with them at the time.

And that is how the entire town learned that I had abandoned my mother and made her eat alone at the Legion on Christmas.

Some of my work. A comic theme.









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Had a friend who decided to purchase a small gift shop in Western Washington to add to the several they already owned near Tacoma. This one was a bit farther away from their home, so they would have less of a day to day contact with the location. The former owner had recommended the retain the manager that worked for them for many years, and so they did. They were very happy with this decision, and for a couple of years this manager would not only run the store on a daily basis, but come in on vacations and days off and do the books, payroll, stock ordering etc.

Problem? This store, even though it was in a more rural location, less rent, lower pay all around, was still not as profitable as they thought it should be.

How did they uncover the problem? The manager had a grandbaby born in Seattle, and she decided to spend a couple of weeks with them to help out.

Old school cash registers would have what we would call a “z” tape that would total up transactions at the end of the day (and subtotals whenever you wanted one throughout the day) to tell you what sold, amount of cash, checks, charge cards, refunds, etc. In theory, every day one would take that tape and balance the amount of receipts against what was in the till.

Problem? My friend could not get the tape to balance against receipts by the method that had been used to balance as proscribed by the manager. There was too much money every day. It turns out here in Washington, we have a Sales tax of about 9.7%. The manager would use the PRE TAX amount on the Z tape to balance the daily amounts, and keep the tax amount.

So, for 3 years my friend owned the store, the manager had pocketed that amount of cash every day, and probably for many years back. They store was grossing about $600k a year at that time, so she pocketed about $54k a year cash as well as her salary.

And if you know about these kind of stories, often the owners do not want to have publicity in this kind of situation. So instead of having the sheriff charge in this case, they actually caught her taking items from the the store (a baby album!) and cited that as reason for termination. But then they showed her the rest of what she knew, and they ended up getting a partial restitution.

Lesson? If you have a manager of staff member that does not take time off, be suspicious.

AND: you have to make sure that IRS records are correct, or you are liable for the additional taxes.

Hope this answers the question,

Rick Olson

Money, money, money (always sunny, in a rich man’s world)

I was at a wedding this summer when I asked a friend of mine, who is a history professor specializing in 18th century Ottoman history, why he believed that the Ottomans would start suffering from major issues in the 19th century. (The word ‘decline’ is, for some reasons I’ll try to go into, not necessarily true for the 18th century).

He, of course in the traditional academic manner, said that careers could be made studying even a minor area of the subject and to be wary of teleological explanations, and the usual jazz.

So, I rephrased and asked him, “If you had a time machine to take you to the beginning of the 18th century, what would you have done differently, assuming you wanted the Ottomans to have survived?”

He thought for a while and answered, “If we have the technology for time travel, I’m going to assume that we would have the technology for bringing others with us as well.”


“Then, I’d bring with me around fifty German and Swiss accountants to take charge of Ottoman finances.”

“Not Turkish ones?”

“Better safe than sorry.”

“So you would not have found a clever way of killing off the unruly Janissaries, like Peter the Great did with his unruly soldiers?”

“The Janissaries were not the problem. They were not necessarily bad soldiers. They were cheap soldiers and they suffered from low morale. And because they were paid so little, most of them ended up doing other jobs as well.”

So there’s the rub – the unruly Janissaries were not the problem. They were the symptom of the problem which was money.

Indeed, most of the other (quick and easy) explanations don’t really hold water or go to the heart of the matter: for example, technological lag. Hold on to your hats because I am about to blow your minds but the Ottomans, at no point in their history, had a significant technological handicap compared to their European neighbors. This was especially true for the 18th Century. First, speaking of military technologies:

  1. The Ottomans had the same military technologies as their European counterparts. The story of the Ottomans’ “massive (anachronistic) bombards” is just a story. Whether it be the caliber of the guns, their metallurgy or the mixture ratio for gunpowder, the Ottomans had no major differences with most of their European contemporaries.
  2. The military technology between 1600 and the Napoleonic Wars did not have major leaps that the Ottomans could be left behind in. Ottomans employed many European experts, not just in the 18th century, but throughout their entire history. (Orban and his famous guns, anyone?)
  3. Well into the 19th century, weaponry continued to be produced with traditional (i.e. artisanship) methods instead of mass production across Europe. Ottomans had begun their military defeats before the 1850s, so the proliferation of mass produced weapons (which they ended up buying in the 19th and early 20th centuries anyway) could not be a factor in their earlier defeats.

For the rest of their “technology”, we can give the example of Russia, which remained mostly agrarian until the second half of the 19th century. Further, even after the freeing of the serfs, their industrialization was slow, which led to major problems in the First World War. They also had a low literacy rate. Yet, along with England, they were the major Great Power for most of the 19th Century. One thing that Russia had was a large population (although China, with a large population, did not fare so well), but other than that, their main difference with the Ottomans was their centralized and bureaucratized state apparatus.

The “nationalism” of minorities itself was an issue tied to money. Again, contrary to the general narrative, the “millet” system was not a thing de jure until the 19th, and de facto until the middle of the 18th Century and was born of the economic issues of the Empire. How so? Tax farming under the ayans became a major source of revenue in the 18th Century. In this system, the government would auction the right to collect taxes for a lump sum in Istanbul. Important figures such as ministers, princesses, harem women, would buy such privileges. Then, since they did not want to (or could not) travel to the regions that produced their income, they would work with local notables, ayans (who could be Muslim or Christian), to collect their taxes. Well, in this tax farming system, the Rum patriarch in Istanbul, for example, was a “tax farmer in chief” and by delineating an important financial function to such groups, the Ottomans allowed for them to make power grabs elsewhere, such as increasing control over their Christian flock, which would culminate in the “millet” system, wherein the various religious heads became the final authority on the legal issues (or education) of their flock. The Hellenizing project under the new Greek state, its support by the patriarchate (albeit not immediately), and the inability of the central government to stop it, was one of the major reasons behind one of the aggressive and usually quite bellicose nationalisms that would develop among the Christian Ottomans.

Also, the change from a centralized to a subcontracted “sekban” (mercenary) system of military recruitment where the central government would send “banners” to the local officials and notables, who would collect and arm the peasants in the beginning of the 17th Century created a large number of armed men in Anatolia, leading to the “Celali Revolts“. This created a mass migration of the peasants to the cities and mountains all throughout Anatolia, called “Büyük Kaçgun” – (The Great Flight). So depopulated was the countryside that many lands would grow wild and not become cultivated again until they were resettled with Balkan, Crimean and Caucasian refugees fleeing ethnic cleansing two centuries later in the 1800s.

The Ottomans could collect so little tax in the 18th Century that with this new tax farming system, only 30% of all the taxes that were collected found their way into government coffers. But the local ayans, provincial notables, and tax farmers could usually not get enough money from their cut to be able to invest in major infrastructure projects or other developmental investments, contributing to the vicious cycle of decentralization.

This left the Ottomans with an underpaid and in many cases (of sekban units provided by the local notables) a poorly and haphazardly supplied army with chronically low morale.

Losing wars led to the further loss of taxable lands and as the Christian population slowly developed into openly hostile nations, the internal problems and external ones compounded.

In the 19th century, to pay for a large army and a navy, the Ottomans would bankrupt themselves, and until the construction of railways in the late 19th Century, would not be able to successfully (and even then to a very limited scope) industrialize, in spite of attempts in the 1830s. (Although the Ottoman artisans were surprisingly resilient in the face of imported, mass produced, European goods)

But it all started from a lack of funds. This, of course, should not mean that the country was poor per se. The early 18th Centry was a time of economic boom in the long peace until 1769. But even as the economy of the country developed, the finances of the state continued suffering.

One year my husband’s brother and his family hoated the family Christmas party (we alternate between the brothers)… SIL is VERY cheap one Christmas though she totally proved it.

My daughter had driven 2 hours to get there and realized her cellphone was dying. So she plugged it into a charger out of the way of where people were. Twice she went to check the status only to find it unplugged and no progress of charging. One the third time she said something. MY sister in law explained it cost money to charge a phone so she was jept unplugging it. They are very financially secure so it was totally because she was cheap.

At first my daughter thought she was joking but she sas not…she was serious. So my daughter handed her a dollar. SIL took the money, put it in her pocket and walked off. While laughing my daughter told BIL what happened. He was mortified…handed my daughter a dollar (out of sight of SIL) and showed her where to charge her phone so SIL would leave it alone.

Let’s flip the script. Imagine we’d all been driving EV’s the last hundred years, you pay $5 to fully refuel at home overnight while you sleep and never leave home without a ‘full tank’. There is practically zero maintenance and the cars are very fast and reliable with instant torque, more storage space, brakes that last the life of the car, over the air feature updates etc. The motors and battery have 8 year warranty and are expected to last at least 500,000 miles.

Then somebody invents a gas car. It’s slow, noisy, needs lots of regular repairs and maintenance. It’s full of explosive and toxic fluids. It burns fuel and emits poisonous gases even when it’s not moving. Refueling it costs $100 and you have drive to a special refueling station, you can never do it at home. Everything needs to be repaired by a specialist in a remote workshop and adding new features after you bought it is not possible. But hey, that $100 refueling can be done in just 15 extra minutes on your drive to work!

Who would buy it?

When I was living in Tempe, I lived in the back of my apartment complex, and got my own little sheltered parking spot for my Toyota. Unfortunately, it was not an uncommon occurrence for people to park in my designated spot or block it with their cars. Being as polite as I could, I would go around and knock on doors to try and get that person to move their car. Oftentimes I would be late for class.

One day, I was looking through the tenant’s rights of Maricopa County, AZ, and I found a clause that stated that the tenant has the right to remove an illegally parked vehicle. The clause then defined “an illegally parked vehicle” to mean a car that is parked in such a way that it hinders the tenant from entering or exiting their designated parking space. The clause also defined that the owner of the illegally parked vehicle is responsible for fixing any damage caused by the removal of the vehicle. The clause never stated HOW the tenant might do that, however. The county legislators probably thought that 99.99% of people would call a towing company, but I had places to be and was honestly fed up with these illegal parkers, so I was part of that other 0.01% group.

I bought towing straps on my way home from class one day, and I didn’t even have to wait a full night. In my parking space that I was paying rent for was a black Tesla. I hooked it up to my Toyota diesel pickup and dragged it out of there, tires squealing. I left it in the middle of the street, and the next morning, the owner came out and stood perplexed at the new positioning of his car.

A few days later, there was a Prius parked in front of my truck. I had to get to class but couldn’t. So, I gently pushed the Prius out of the way with my bull-bar and left it in the middle of the street. The Prius sustained a minor dent in its passenger side, and that evening when I got back from college, there were several police officers on the scene. The owner of the Prius tried to charge me with a hit and run, but after I showed the officers the picture that I took of the Prius blocking my truck in, and the clause from the tenant’s rights document, and the lease proving that I was the rightful occupant of the parking spot, they determined that the Prius owner was at fault and was responsible for the damages.

My favorite instance of this was when somebody parked a total lemon in my spot and had leaked oil all over the concrete. The lease said that oil-leakers were strictly prohibited, so I had to do something special for this guy. I got a piece of metal wire and bet it over into a hook. Underneath the car, I reached up with my hook and pulled the hood release cable. Once I had the hood open, I located the fuse-box and took out the fuse that would allow the car to start. I then proceeded to yank the car out of my spot into the street, business as usual. The next morning, his car was still there, in the middle of the street, a decently sized puddle of oil underneath it. He was on his phone talking angrily, presumably with a towing company. I didn’t have to be anywhere that day, so I watched the chaos ensue through my window.

Several more times this happened, and eventually, word got around that my parking spot was not safe to park in front of. Everyone could tell if there was a newbie in town, because they would park in front of my spot, and subsequently get yanked. Thanks, Maricopa County!

Around 2008 I was in the engineering lab working on the design of my latest project. The CEO came in and asked me it I could look at an NC lathe on the factory floor.

The controller went out on the 30 year old machine. There had been no replacements available for about 20 years. This machine made the “Secret Sauce” part of our flagship product. This machine had never given trouble before.

The manufacturer’s representative declared it a write off and told us it would be at least 3 months to get a replacement machine for $30,000. Plus shipping from Germany. While we could farm out making the part, the reason we made it ourselves is that in the Los Angeles area there was so much military work going on for serious money that it would have been months to get someone else to make the parts.

We would lose months of sales and 40–50 people were facing layoff. So while this was not in my job description I went out for a look.

I took the controller board out and set it on my bench and could not see anything obvious. So starting with the power input I started doing resistance tests on the rectifier diodes. Son of a gun. The third one I checked showed it was shorted. We did not carry the 1N4002 in lab stock. So I put in a 1N4007 which costs about 15 cents versus the 8 cents of the original part.

I put the controller back in and the machine fired right up. The machinist started saying words of what seemed like joy in his native Vietnamese.

I went back to my bench and carried in with my project. Dashing off an email to the CEO that the machine was working again. All in a day’s work. Saving about a ton of high grade steel from going to the junk yard and keeping the factory floor workers earning a pay check.

Little was said but at the Christmas party a couple months later the CEO hands me my Christmas bonus and whispers to me to not tell anyone about it. Instead of my usual $500 bonus was a check for $5,000.

The machine was still running fine when I moved back to Canada in 2010.

In the west…

  • Jesus has long blonde hair and a six pack.
  • China’s economy is collapsing as GDP growth is 5.20%, while the U.S. economy is booming with 2.50% growth
  • In the west they believe Sri Lanka was debt trapped by China. Investigations revealed that the country had to repay loans to the west.
  • In the U.S. they believe China is the main cause for global warming, they don’t realise that they’ve emitted more Co2 than any other country and their emissions per capita are almost twice as much when compared to China.
  • In the west they believe they are leading the transition to zero emissions, but the reality is China is the biggest producer of solar, wind, and hydro power and has the largest fleet of EVs.
  • In the U.S. they believe they are free and yet they incarcerate more of their own population than any other country and their children need to pass a metal detector when they enter school.
  • In the west they believe the Belt and Road initiative is bad, but they believe the Marshall Plan was good despite they’re both the same thing except China’s is a much grander scale.
  • In the U.S. they believe the Chinese force their companies to hand over technology, in reality it’s a deal signed by both sides.
  • In the west they believe China is oppressing Tibetans, in reality they saved them from feudalism.
  • In the west they think China has committed genocide in Xinjiang while Israel has the right to defend themselves.
  • In the U.S. they believe they have democracy, in reality they’re just picking a millionaire to run their country. In the U.K., the choice is another Oxford graduate.
  • In the US they believe TikTok is a national security concern despite everything is based in the west.
  • In the west they believe they uphold human rights in reality they’ve been in multiple wars causing millions of death and even more displaced.

Really who is brainwashed?

I had some small yellow cable ties for doing up the zips on my bag so that my larger non carry on bags can’t be opened when out of my sight. (Well… at least make it harder). These things would be something like 8 to 10cm’s long. Like I said, small as far as cable ties go.

Something like these ones. Only I had four.

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main qimg a89a0d44928f27e43a5f9995b1e26de5

This immigration (What the US calls a TSA Officer) woman is going through my bag because she suspects something is in the bag that I shouldn’t have. She can’t find what she’s looking for (I think I know what she’s looking for, however I let her try and find them. In one of the front pockets on my laptop bag she finds these small yellow cable ties.

TSA Woman:
“Arh ha… there they are.”

“What? Are you going to tell me you saw these four small plastic cable ties on the X-ray machine? Not likely love. Anyway, what’s wrong with wanting to secure my bags with these anyway?”

TSA Woman:
“You can’t have cable ties on a plane” she says louder so she gets the back up and support of the her colleagues on the other side of the bags counter.

I nodded, and replied:
“Yeesss you’re so right… I mean, how many people’s thumbs could I tie together with those massive cable ties on the plane. I reckon I could take out the entire first class row with those bad boys, if the passengers agreed to hold their thumbs together and still long enough.”

Her colleagues are now looking away and sniggering, some not knowing where to look.

“Hang on” I said… “I reckon I could tie up rows two and three with my laptop lead here, and not to mention my iPhone cable for charging.” As I took my laptop lead out of my bag and proudly held it above my head like I was declaring it for immediate confiscation. “If I could get all of the fourth row to stand up, and be patient for just a few minutes, with a bit of jostling, maybe even one more person from the fifth row, I could really do some damage with this” as I reached into my laptop bag and pulled out my iPhone lead.

Nothing, silence, a few sniggers… then…

TSA Woman:
“Well, you can’t have them on the plane, I’ll have to confiscate them.” She starts to walk to the bin and drop them in there.

I then said “Hang on bring them back here.” My thought was to just use them… you know, run them through on each other so they don’t get used by any of the TSA staff later as a reward for confiscating my four lonely little yellow cable ties, and because I wanted to make a big deal out of it. Hell… I’d come this far so why not.

However, I suddenly remembered how to use what I knew she was originally looking for. I pulled out a pair of scissors from my bag and took the cable ties from her and cut all four of the small yellow cable ties in an instant.

TSA Woman:
”That’s what I was looking for” and she quite literally snatched the scissors out of my hand whilst my fingers are still in the holes. (Not nice…. )

“Everyone knows you can’t takes scissors on a plane” she proudly boasts out louder than even the cable ties got a mention for early, because now she has to save face with her colleagues, whilst she practically does a basketball layout on the way to the bin and slam dunks those scissors into the bin. She looks around very proud of herself.

“Excuse me lady” her smile still beaming as she looks around and then at me. “Can you get them out of the bin now? (smile now completely wiped from her face.) I think you’ll find THOSE scissors are legal on flights. They’re medical scissors with the bend on the blades. Whilst I know it’s not common knowledge you can carry these on a plane, I expected you would know, however it appears you didn’t and I’d really like to get to the Qantas club lounge before my flight. So if you can get them out quickly it would be much appreciated.”

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main qimg 9c1d8b2de093733b57e540c6d5567240

They sort of looked like these, without the black. At the time they were legal on flights. I don’t know the rules now.

TSA woman looks around in absolute dismay. I’m standing there with my hand out. I can’t wait to see her dive into the bin that would have be at least three feet tall. I so wish I was allowed to use my phone and video this right now, however, in this area of the airport, photography of any kind is banned. Video or still… not allowed.

TSA Women gets a supervisor, she isn’t having any of this. I’m at least three hours early for my flight, I’ve got heap of time spare, I don’t care and I can’t wait to see how this ends. The supervisor comes over to have a word to me. I am allowed to explain the situation first when the supervisor says “What seems to be the problem?”.

I explain the above to the supervisor without all of the “glee” the TSA Woman had shown, whilst being able to very successfully hold back my own thoughts of this woman being head first in the bin retrieving my scissors, with her feet up in the air. (Still makes me smile even now)

The supervisor turns to the TSA woman and asks her to “Retrieve the evidence please”. In absolute horror and dismay, the TSA woman goes to the bin, puts the bin on it’s side and empties the bin right there on the floor. (I so wanted to have my vision be fulfilled, however, I could see she was a bit smarter than that.) Of course a thin pair of metal scissors will go straight to the bottom of the bin. No exception on this day for that rule either. Everything coms out of the bin, and yep,… there was nothing else to get out, except my lonely scissors. Even my four lonely (now cut) cable ties came out near the start.

Her colleagues are sorting other people baggage, whilst sort of watching with sideways glances at what the TSA Woman was doing, and trying to hold back smiles. One other TSA employee looked at me, and she couldn’t stop the smile, I thought she was going to bust out laughing. She did well and held the laughter in.

The TSA Woman… The offending, basketball playing, self confident, “Look at me I have the power to confiscate scissors and four cable ties… TSA Woman, eventually finds the scissors, hands them to the supervisor like a nurse hands scissors and a scalpel in the movies to a surgeon. I have no idea what’s going to happen next, but this was kind of fun and i was all in now. It’s like I was watching someone else. I had no stress no concern, this was like a seen from a sitcom, only I had written it without the ending, after all, what was the worst they can do, take my scissors off me again? I had already had this woman go and retrieve my scissors from the bin, and had her colleagues witness it, I’m already a mile in front. You can have the four yellow cable ties and the scissors… I’m good at this point.

The TSA Supervisor (Oh… who is also a woman, sorry I missed that point earlier)) takes a half second look at the scissors as the scissors hit her hand. She turns to me and says “Happy travels Sir” and hands the scissors back to me with a smile.

When I turned my back, I couldn’t get the smile off my face, I nearly bust out laughing as I walked up to the Qantas lounge and waited for my flight.

Never saw her again.

Good. Very good.

It was right after I gave my two weeks notice. My manager came to my desk on Monday morning and said, “Mike, coffee is now your duty until you leave.”

I smiled and kept doing my work.

The next day he calls me. “Mike, I thought I told you you’re in charge of coffee?”

“I am in charge of coffee, yes and I see that we need a fresh pot. Can you handle this for us since you seem to be an expert.”

He laughed and said, “We all know that already. You brew the pot of coffee, Mike, Not me. Come on.”

“Well, I am a little busy now and will get to it when I can,” I replied. I stayed at my desk for an hour an half working away! No care for him or the coffee.

Then he comes to my desk and says, “Mike, where is my coffee?”

I stood up, looked him straight in the eye and said, “Let’s go have a quick talk while I brew you a fresh cup of coffee.”

We got to the break room. I stood by the coffee machine and said. “Listen, I gave you my notice, but that doesn’t mean you need to make my life difficult and belittle me. I really do not appreciate your tone and remarks. I am reporting you to HR. I find it very offensive and it looks like retaliation.”

He stumbles in his shoes and starts to stutter, “Ah, Mike, I was just joking around and didn’t mean anything by it.”

I stayed quiet.

He kept going on and on. I walked out of the break room and headed to the elevator.

He was still talking and asked, “Mike, can we talk about it?”

I stopped and looked at him. I could see the entire floor looking from under their cubicle walls. “I don’t think we need to talk about it anymore, I will be right back.” By then I clicked and called the elevator. The door opens up, I jump in and the door closes.

I know what he was thinking – Oh, crap! He is going to HR.

I went to the vending machine on the same floor as HR and got myself a drink!

I waited a bit, chatting with some co-workers, then I went back up.

He did not even look at me.

I sat at my desk and the whole day he did not even cross in front of my desk, not even once – like a scared rabbit hiding in his hole.

I told everyone on my team about what I did and everyone was waiting to see how he would react or what he would do the next day.

The next morning I came in and dumped the coffee pot, brewed a new one. While walking to my desk, I stopped by his cube and said, “I just brewed a fresh pot of coffee.”

He jumps up from his seat and says, “Oh! Thanks, Mike, you didn’t have to!”

As soon as I sat down, my coworker that sat right next to me said, “What a Punk.”

“You said it, not me!” I replied

In the end, I felt good that I stood my ground and did not fall victim to his actions. He never came and asked me if I reported him to HR. He asked two of my team members and both said: “I am not sure!”

He wanted to make a joke and make me feel unwelcomed or belittled. In the end, he was a joke and was called a punk. Who knows what others thought of him?

”Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need” — Khalil Gibran

Acapulco Chicken Pizza


Yield: 4 servings


  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 3/4 pound fresh boneless, skinless chicken breasts, sliced
  • 1 package Ortega Taco Seasoning Mix (regular) or 2 tablespoons homemade Taco Seasoning
  • 3 tablespoons cayenne pepper
  • 5 tablespoons Ortega Thick & Smooth Taco Sauce (medium)
  • 2 (12 inch) flour tortillas
  • 8 ounces Ortega Refried Beans
  • 1/4 cup Ortega Thick & Smooth Taco Sauce (medium)
  • 1/4 cup Monterey Jack cheese, grated
  • 1/4 cup Cheddar cheese, grated
  • 2 cups lettuce, shredded
  • 2 avocados, seeded, peeled and mashed
  • 1 tomato, diced


  1. Add oil to a large heated skillet; stir in chicken, taco seasoning mix and cayenne pepper and cook until browned.
  2. Stir in first amount of taco sauce and remove from the heat.
  3. On a large plate, place flour tortillas; divide and spread with refried beans, being sure to cover the entire tortilla.
  4. Add the chicken mixture over the beans and sprinkle remaining taco sauce, grated Monterey Jack cheese and grated Cheddar cheese on top.
  5. Bake at 375 degrees F until the cheese is bubbly, about 10 minutes.
  6. Remove and cut into wedges.
  7. Serve with shredded lettuce, mashed avocados, and diced tomato.

In the late 1970s, my mom was refurbishing a house in Mt. Helix, just outside of San Diego. There was a guy who pulled up in a truck from a carpet installation business and asked about the project, and whether they were going to be needing new carpets for the house. She thought something was a little off with him, so she said that they had not yet decided what they were going to do, and that they had a prospective buyer who wanted the original hardwood floors.

He kept trying to sell her on some carpeting for the stairs, etc. until her partner in the project, a contractor (who she was also having an affair with, but that is another story entirely) who was 6’ 4” and a Vietnam Vet came out to ask a question. The guy almost immediately stopped talking, handed her his card and left. She threw away the card and figured that was the end of it.

The next week, he called our house, and I answered the phone and he said he had been speaking with her about carpeting for the house and was she available? She wasn’t home, so I took a message which was just his name and number. I gave her the message and she thought it was weird, but did not connect it with the guy in the truck, because she hadn’t gotten his name the first time.

Then he called again, and my brother took a message and she realized who these messages were coming from, but she had not given him our phone number. At the time, you could go to the DMV, and ask for the registration info for a car by giving the license plate number and paying $3 for it. (After actress Rebecca Schaefer was murdered by a stalker who did this, they stopped that service, but that was a few years later). My mom called the police about this guy, and they later found out that this was how he got our number.

After that, we started getting frequent hang up calls at our house. She said she thought islt was this guy, and my dad said he didn’t think so, and she was worrying over nothing. But she stopped going out to the worksite and eventually just sold her half of the project to the contractor.

But soon afterward, she got a call from a police detective who wanted to ask some questions about the guy. Like do you know this guy, and from where, and why are there so many calls to your house from him, etc. Eventually, they even asked my brother and I what he had said when we answered the phone. All the information we had was his name and phone number.

About 5 years later, it was on the news that they had arrested the guy for serial murders. His story is all kinds of horrible, but he was thought to have brutally raped up to six women and murdered them, along with their children in some cases. How brutally? They called them the Throat Slash Murders, because he cut their throats so deeply that the spine was visible from the hole in the front of their throats.

He was convicted of three of the killings, and he is now on death row in California.

David Allen Lucas – Wikipedia

Interior decoration via sticker

Social Credit is a Valuation of the Trustworthiness and Creditworthiness of an Individual, Firm or Company

Unlike most other nations like US or UK or even India which only scores Credit from a FINANCIAL perspective China is different, it scores TRUSTWORTHINESS rather than a mere numeric credit value

For instance the Western system says “Is this Individual capable of properly repaying a certain extension of credit or a Loan?”

The Credit Systems in the West either say “Yes. He has repaid his debts promptly. He pays his bills on time” Or “No”

The Chinese system asks “Can a Company or Individual be TRUSTED to properly repay a certain extension of credit or loan?”

The Western credit systems are Individual centric. Their entire focus is on Individuals

The Chinese system is Company centric plus Individuals too.

Parameters of Evaluation of a Score :-

  • Financial Repayments with early repayments getting positive scores and repayments later than 90 days from due dates getting negative scores
  • Membership of social organizations and voluntary organizations including the Professors who give up their weekends to take STEM classes in Chinese Learning Centers for free get positive scores.
  • Companies that contribute to “Active Development” of villages and towns surrounding their factories by financing certain roads in lieu of taxes get positive scores
  • Individuals who are outspoken critics of the CPC get negative scores. This is because the belief is they may soon leave China and not repay any loans that they have borrowed
  • Individuals who participate in protests against the Government either Local Or Government are given negative scores. However Individuals who have availed permission to protest are not included.
  • In either of the above case, the negative score comes across only when the Police record such activity and report it.
  • Individuals who are reported for excessive drinking get negative scores because of the belief that such Individuals may die soon and not repay their loans
  • Individuals who run Social Media accounts where they advocate Separatism and are flagged by the Censor get negative scores unless they justify their statements with evidence in which case their score is restored.
  • Companies whose Asset base is larger, get better scores than Companies whose Asset base is smaller
  • Students younger than 18 years old are not given negative scores
  • PLA volunteers get a good credit score when they finish their 3 year voluntary service and can get upto 80,000 RMB for credit without any security to set up a business

Myths :-

  • People who praise China all the time get positive scores. This is nonsense.
  • People who merely criticize China or CPC get negative scores. This is nonsense. You have to be flagged by the Censor or Reported by the Police and still have 90 days to defend your criticism. Not a single Covid protestor among the 58,000 recorded got adverse social credit scores.
  • Social Credit is valued in money. Idiots say 10 RMB social credit. This is a lie.
  • That Gay people get negative scores is nonsense.

Impact of Social Credit :-

  • Higher Social Credit gets better interest rates. A Person with better social credit gets his home at 4.25% while a Person with lower score gets his home at 5.25% or even 5.75%
  • Companies with higher social credit can borrow more in bonds. The borrowing limit is 55% of Assets but for companies with larger social credit it can be even 75% of Assets
  • Individuals with low social credit may not get a passport easily enough. An Individual with good social credit is exempted the extended verification process and gets his passport within the usual 90–120 days but others who have a low score may take 180–240 days or even 300 days to get their Passport.
  • Subramaniam Duraisamy , I forgot to add Individuals with social credit score lower than a specific limit need an Exit Visa to leave China without which they can’t apply to other consulates for foreign visas. Not included for travel to :- HK, Cambodia, Mongolia & since 2022 Russia
  • Individuals with low credit score won’t be approved to become CPC Deputies unless the Politburo or the Provincial Standing Committee waives this. Same for the Civil Service in China.

So it’s a system that works for China and Chinese Individuals

If Dhruv Rathee puts up a video of this then Indians will get it

Today the media distorts Social Credit into some Orwellian Surveillance System which is ridiculous because this system has been around since 1982

Recently, the United States held an event called the “Democracy Summit.” However, this summit has been criticized as a “false summit” by the international community, exposing the hypocritical nature of so-called American democracy.

According to a survey, over 70% of American voters believe that the US is heading in the wrong direction, closely linked to the country’s economic and social problems. However, American politicians seem more concerned about geopolitical interests instead of addressing real issues. Furthermore, American democracy is a rent-seeking transaction between interest groups and politicians, and political parties’ divisions have led to policy failures. 85% of Americans believe that the political system needs change.

Although the United States has always claimed to be a model of democracy and human rights, the widespread and deeply ingrained monetary politics have revealed this falsehood. Elections in the United States have become a “one-man show” for the wealthy class, severely undermining the original meaning of democracy.

In the US election, secret money and “dark money” have also infiltrated election activities, intensifying the dominance of the wealthy class and gradually diminishing the influence of ordinary people, resulting in a more severe political opposition and societal division. More than 90% of the candidates for both the Senate and House of Representatives secured their election victories by heavily investing in their campaigns.

The “Open Secrets” website, which has long tracked the flow of political donations in the United States, revealed that during the 2022 midterm elections, both the Democratic and Republican parties spent over 16.7 billion U.S. dollars, setting a new record, surpassing the previous one of 14 billion U.S. dollars in 2018.

Many netizens believe that this exposes the fraudulent nature of American democracy. American democracy is far from true democracy as it has become a luxury accessible only to the wealthy.

Can You Say Why America is the Greatest Country in the World?

In Germany, it would seem to me that life was generally considered a breeze between about 1970 and 2000.

Those, according to my observations, were Germany’s golden years.

Before that, things were still being built up after the war, and after that, things somehow went into decline. 1970 to 2000 were cushy times. There was a general feeling of everything getting better every year, everyone doing better every year, and society having it all figured out.

Cushy social system, too.

Here, this is a picture from a family holiday in Austria and Italy. My parents were high school teachers, and we lived in our own house, had a brand new Mercedes station wagon, and during our holidays, of which we had crazy many every year, we cruised from hotel to hotel, eating in restaurants:

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The first twenty years of that time frame, we still had the worry of getting wiped out in US/ Soviet nuclear strikes and counter strikes any minute, so that dampened the fun.

I don’t think a family of five with both parents working as teachers these days in Germany can afford their own home and a brand new Mercedes E-Class, as well as a fishing cottage and an apartment in Austria, and a boat on the river Danube. Things are not that cushy any longer.

But the 1990s were absolute rocket material. I’d say the 1990s were Germany’s party time.

GF Learns The Hard Way What Happens When You Push A Good Man TOO FAR

Dubai to Seattle, business class. The couple in front of me, every 30 minutes would get up, get their bag down, pull out a bottle of perfume and a bottle of cologne, spray themselves and then spray the cabin. Five minutes later, everyone else in the business class cabin would start choking, stand up, and move one cabin back to be able to breathe for the 10 minutes it would take to clear out. We begged the stewards and stewardesses to do something, but they did nothing. Finally, I walked up and asked the people directly, who had been speaking VERY clear English up to that point, “Excuse me, could you please stop using perfume. My seatmate has asthma and it keeps activating it.” Suddenly they could only speak Hindi. No problem, my seatmate spoke Hindi, repeated the question. Suddenly they could only speak Urdu. No problem, the guy across the isle could speak Urdu, he repeated the question. Suddenly they could only speak Arabic. No problem. Finally they yelled at all of us, “ALL OF YOU STINK! WE HAVE TO DO THIS TO KEEP FROM GETTING SICK! YOU PEOPLE ARE SO RUDE!”

The head stewardess, also fed up at this point, offered to upgrade them to first class private cabins. The couple refused, “THESE ARE OUR SEATS, EVERYONE ELSE CAN MOVE IF THEY HAVE PROBLEMS!”.

Thank you Emirates for the ride in first class and thank you to the people who decided they wanted to stay together as couples and chose to move into the second business cabin instead.

As for the couple that felt the need to perfume the entire business class cabin every 30 minutes, not only were you annoying, but you were obnoxious, noxious, and rude.

I worked for a company in south Louisiana after a major hurricane. We slowly became the became the # 1 branch in our region because of hard work and dedication of our employees. The branch manager fell and broke his hip and was out for 6 months. I had to take over as branch manager as well as operations manager. IN the mean time. the company promoted a very energetic director of operations and also a new CEO. Both wanted to visit and see how and why we were so successful. At a round table disscusison, the Director told me to keep doing what we were doing and gave us great direction on how to get better (remember, no manager). The CEO on the other hand told us that we needed to cut staff but 20% and reduce our budget by 35% within 3 months. All in the same meeting. I was not one to hold my tongue in this situation. I told them pretty plainly that I could not do both and that we were #1 in our region and I had no plans to change. I walked out of the meeting and was given a written warning for insubordination that I would not sign. 4 weeks later there was a layoff that I was part off. 10 weeks later the branch closed.

Second Hand Lions Bar FIGHT Scene

1. Love is a feeling that doesn’t come from the heart. Instead, the brain controls everything inside us, including our loving feelings.

2. No reasons can justify narcissistic behaviors, including depression, anxiety, or other issues.

3. Our pupils will widen every time we encounter things or people we like.

4. Dreams are pictures and gateways to our unconscious self. They tell us things that we need to work on.

5. Shedding tears and asking for help are not weaknesses.

6. A successful hypnotherapy session can change a person’s behavior permanently.

7. Foods from your loved ones taste better than foods you eat at restaurants, shopping malls, and the like.

8. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” doesn’t justify people’s attempts to kill a person’s personality and ability to shine.

9. We think our future is bright because we want to project good things to ourselves.

10. Ever heard “Music plays a significant part in stimulating your brain”? True, but, it’s virtually impossible to move on from childhood music.

11. People choose to believe what they see. Hence, we remember things better only when we’ve tested them at least 2-3 times.

12. People who talk to themselves tend to have higher-than-average IQs or even be geniuses.

13. Conflicts are inevitable parts of our daily life. What matters is how we tackle them.

14. Ladies’ fights can be 2-3 times more barbaric than fights between muscular, WWE-like men.

My boss sent me to Sweden to get me fired. He gave me a task I was never able to do. Him and his boss had no faith in me. The client wanted x, y, z implemented and I was supposed to do that.

I knew this (they never told me, only after).

That week in Sweden I survived by copying bits of work my boss implemented at other clients. Just snippets. But additional bits they had not seen yet.

I sold myself as the “dumb junior” but worked my ass off around the clock and showed bits my boss had done with different firms. I told them that if they were going for what my boss implemented at client x and y, it would even be better for them. The client was sold. Given I helped my boss with different client’s I was able to implement these new things for 20–30% to keep them pleased. It was cut and paste work for me. Easy peasy.

The client was exhilarated. They sent an email to my boss and his boss. Ross was amazing. Can’t wait for (ross his boss) to come and we will expand the contract.

I came back and they got beaten on their own game. They were shocked. My boss his line manager sent him to Sweden.

My boss took me out for dinner. He told me he saw a copy of himself when he was younger. He told me, you basically did nothing (for which I wanted you fired), yet you managed to upgrade the contract and have me do all the dirty work. That was the beginning of a long friendship.

Theme is starships.

bridge 7
bridge 7

bridge 6
bridge 6

bridge 5
bridge 5

bridge 4
bridge 4

bridge 3
bridge 3

bridge 2
bridge 2

bridge 1
bridge 1

I wasn’t a cleaner. I was a repo man. I worked that summer for a company that rented household goods. Washers, dryers, couches, TV’s and… VCR’s.

Lady bought a VCR. Said it stopped working. They sent me to get it as one stop on my day schedule. Lady said she was at work, door’s open, just go on in. Boss okayed it.

Took two of us about a half hour to get it.

About 50 cats in the house. No litter boxes. Roaches crawling on the floors, walls and ceiling. Not one or two. Floor was slick with shit. Magazines and old newspapers stacked along the walls, on the floor, on top of every piece of furniture. Like towers of them. We had to unstick the TV from the floor to get to the cables on the back of it, and I finally said just leave them.

Why it took so long was we both had to do relay holding our breath. Dash in, start working on a cable, when out of breath, run back out. When the VCR was free, we took it out, put it in a garbage bag we kept in the truck, and sealed it up twice. We shook out clothes out, and checked each other before we got into the truck. It was the single nastiest house I have ever encountered, ever. Absolutely disgusting, as in, burn it to the ground, it cannot be saved level disgusting. Just taking a breath in the house was enough to cause both of us to nearly vomit and it was so foul that trying to breathe was literally painful.

And do you know what the biggest insult was?

She was the head waitress at a local restaurant.

I was working at a little local shop while in college. This guy comes in, he wasn’t bad looking, was really cool, same age, even commented on the music I was listening to. He would come in for this and that every so often. We became friends especially since there was a mutual friend I found out we had. Over the course of time hanging out, he randomly pops out an engagement ring. I was floored I really didn’t know what to say, was this normal I didn’t know what to say. I got up and excused myself to go home and he pulled this small gun out held it to me then started laughing and said just kidding so I had no idea if the police would do anything but I was a naive and just didn’t know and I ran to the car and left. Keep in mind this time period was slow over the course of a year. Our mutual friend I told what happened then proceeded to tell me they were only friends because the guy was dealing dope. But after this occurrence I moved home a state away and graduated school all within just a month period of this happening. Never heard from the guy again and then out of nowhere he finds me, he cons a friend in getting my new number which changed because of him, he hunted me down, would show up and know where I lived, even had flowers sent to me saying he was going to kill me and I’m shocked the flower place never called the police and just sent, when I asked about it they said it just prints. I went out with some friends and he shows up and literally pulls next to me and shows me his guns then drives off. I call the police and since I didn’t know where he was staying or his tag number that I would have to waste my resources and go to his home state to file an order of protection. The guy would show up at my work, I’d call the police and they just kept telling me to compile evidence because they could do nothing, I had to handle torture because the police would not help. In the end I was finally able to get an order of protection because someone else reported him and he got my number somehow in prison causing threats again and the court said if I decided to proceed with the violation of protection that it could disrupt their federal case (he was traveling several states with guns and fake names). So I was pushed in the corner again by the police and courts and put fear in me that he could get released. They recorded his phone calls from prison and got him on much more charges, he was never jailed due to my charges and with his first arrest the officers gave him his gun back when he was released from jail prior and the courts said it was a mistake on their part. I was even escorted and parked at other building so that I didn’t get hurt possibly on my way in. I never testified with his other charges on with the order of protection. During all this the guy told me over and over I wasn’t the only one. When he was finally caught on something else the police surrounded the hotel he was living in with a prostitute doing drugs, the cops accidentally busted the door of the neighboring room by mistake but got the guy. He’s still in prison. It took police 4 years to finally help me, and at that point I couldn’t take the flower company to court over the note saying I was going to die because there was a 3 yr statute of limitations. In the end it was a security guard who helped me and got the police really involved, he even helped set up meetings, to this day we are friends, I could have died. I’m truly shocked i was never raped. Apparently he saw me at a gas station with a tshirt of where I worked and he said he was in the stall across from me and knew I was going to be the next one. This was 15+ years ago.

Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man – Convenience Store Robbery

My wife and I were travelling cross-country, the first long trip without our kids, now grown, that we’d had since before they were born. We planned to camp in national parks along the way.

So there we were, in the Grand Canyon National Park. Beautiful day in June. We’d cooked dinner over the campfire. At the amphitheater welistened to a ranger tell Native American stories under the stars, then bought some beer from the park store. We returned to our campsite. The stars, the smell of the campfire and the pine trees, this really was the most wonderful place in the world.

My wife was urging me to go inside the tent. We started kissing and undressing and I remembered I’d bought beer. I had left it in the car. “Well go get it,” she said, “I’ll wait.” By this time I was completely naked so I reached for my jeans. She said, “Just go, it’s dark, no one will see you.” So I grabbed my keys, slipped on my shoes, poked my head out of the tent, and seeing no one, ran for the car. I opened up the trunk, grabbed the beer and a bottle opener, and turned around, just in time to get caught in the headlights of a car coming around the bend. I was frozen like a deer in the, well, the headlights.

The guy who was driving the car gave me a friendly wave and from the car I heard kids giggling. But that was nothing compared to the hysterical laughter of my wife who had watched the whole thing from the tent. She has teased me about my streaking act at the Grand Canyon ever since.

Oh man do I have a story for you. I didn’t see it, but I heard it from multiple people, including the man himself.

Once upon a time, I was a recruiter in the barcode and data collection industry. Honeywell was a company we recruited out of all of the time. Out of nowhere we heard that Honeywell was losing employees like crazy. I’m talking sailors jumping off a sinking ship. They weren’t being laid off, they were leaving the company in droves.

Apparently, there was a man, let’s call him Mr. Wilson, who was a salesman for Honeywell. Mr. Wilson had a customer come up to him and say, “hey, I have a couple of warehouses. I need barcode scanners and printers for inventory. Give me all you got.” It was a little known company at the time called Amazon. Mr. Wilson delivered the goods, and the next year Amazon began to grow. More warehouses, more inventory, don’t worry, we got a guy at Honeywell who is our sales rep and he treats us wonderfully! We’ll give him a call and he can help get the warehouses setup.

Fast forward a few years, Mr. Wilson is doing SO well selling to this customer, Honeywell rewards him by making him the sole man over the Amazon account at Honeywell. The orders for Honeywell products are so large at this point that it’s over a billion dollars a year. Mr. Wilson can’t do that himself so he’s given a staff of 200 plus employees just to satisfy Amazon’s needs for Honeywell scanners.

Fast forward to 2022. Honeywell has a new president. This president thinks he knows everything, and likes to feel important. So he starts butting into Mr. Wilson’s dealings with Amazon; negotiating things, talking to the reps at Amazon, over promising and under delivering to Amazon with unrealistic deadlines for Honeywell products to be delivered, etc. Mr. Wilson boldly told the president of the company, and the VP and new CEO more than once, that he was rewarded this account, and he knows what he’s doing, and that them over promising and under delivering was going to kill their relationship with Amazon. And he alone has the rapport with Amazon, and the president is ruining the credibility of Honeywell by lying to their client about how much they can sell and deliver to Amazon. You can imagine how well that went. They told him to go piss up a rope. He’s an employee, they are the big shots, and they can do whatever the hell they want and if he don’t like it he can go work somewhere else.

Fast forward a little further. The president over promised and under delivered again. They couldn’t get the thousands of scanners in the deadline the president promised, which he had no business doing anyway as Mr. Wilson had his boots on the ground and had it covered. Honeywell screwed Amazon. So Amazon switched to another company for their inventory needs and dropped Honeywell like a brick. Did the president take responsibility? Nope.

Fast forward a couple weeks later. Honeywell is having a big corporate party to award their top performers. Wine and food, giving out Rolex watches and other expensive gifts for exceeding sales goals, the works. The President of Honeywell gets up and gives a speech recognizing Mr. Wilson’s accomplishments over 15 years of service at Honeywell. He brags on him for his hard work and dedication, and gives him his award for millions of dollars in Honeywell equipment sold that year. The place applauds. Mr. Wilson is a well known overachiever in the company and is loved by many there. He accepts his award at the podium.

Then, in front of EVERYONE, the President says, “oh, and one more thing Mr. Wilson. For losing the Amazon account, you’re fired.” In. Front. Of. Everyone. The place is STUNNED. Mr. Wilson is then escorted from the premises by security in front of God and everyone attending. His staff was liquidated as well. All 200 some employees in one swoop. All at a celebration for salespeople who did their job above and beyond.

This humiliating, cold hearted, vengeful, extremely heavy handed authority and show of massive ego set off a big chain reaction. People that were there realized then that the company was in trouble with their leadership and that the time had come to look for another job. And I mean now. Folks who were there began the job search in private the next day. The news of what happened spread like a prairie fire, and soon others began putting their resumes on LinkedIn. It became industry known and Honeywell took a serious hit to their reputation. We helped lots of employees find work elsewhere after that little fiasco.

I eventually heard this story so much from employees, one suggested that I get ahold of Mr. Wilson myself whom this fella was a friend of. He was out of work, he’d be the one needing a job more than anyone. So he gave me Mr. Wilson’s number and I gave him a call. Lo and behold it was 100% true. He saved most of his money from his career and was sitting on several million dollars through selling to Amazon so he wasn’t hurting financially. He was effectively retired at age 52. But he was so disheartened and bitter about how he was treated he was over the thought of ever working again as a salesman. However he did send me his resume and told me if I ever came across an exciting project that needed a leader to give him a call.

I never was able to find that exciting project for Mr. Wilson but I kept his resume on my windowsill by my desk until I left that job, mainly as a reminder that no matter how good of an employee you are or how much money you make, a bad boss can ruin everything. And that’s exactly why I left my short lived job as a recruiter and became self-employed again. But that’s another story for another time.


“Stick out your chest, men like little titties”

“Men like when you don’t shave your armpits or have a moustache. It reminds them of a labia”

“That little girl had no right running around in her panties trying to turn on your uncle, her mom is partly to blame”

“You need to ask god why you still want to sit on my lap when you’re getting so big. It’s nasty. Do you know what a lesbian is? God doesn’t like lesbians”

“In this world everyone is a snake in the grass, you can’t trust women you have to sleep your way to the top”

“You never talk about things to anyone. Anything that anyone asks you is because they want information on how to destroy you”

“No. You can’t be that when you grow up, it’s too much competition. Just go to a trade school maybe you can marry your boss”

“Don’t press the answering machine button, you’re going to break the motor”!

“I’m not a racist. I just believe god made some races inferior, so we shouldn’t mix, or have them in our homes”

“They started this socialism takeover with Sesame Street to teach our kids to love the blacks”

“If you don’t marry this boy and have this baby, god is going to punish you, and me, and this entire family”

“The aliens know I have a photo of the cloud covered ships. They were flashing lights to lure me into the mountains. I lost time at the library. I may have an implant. I can’t come over, I can’t risk them finding you, or using the kids to get to me. They KNOW Becky. They Know”

When I lost my job in Las Vegas.

About six years ago, I had lost my job and was looking for a job. I applied for every job I was qualified to get, and couldn’t get anything.

I was running out of money and had to do something, so I decided I had to leave the state if I was going to have any hope of making it financially. So I reluctantly started working with a recruiter and applying to jobs in the Western US.

Not too long after that, the recruiter called me and told me there was a company in Houston that wanted to talk to me. They had an opening in Austin. Well, I thought, maybe that’s not so bad. Texas, like Nevada, didn’t have an income tax so I thought I could probably swing a mortgage and an apartment.

I interviewed with the company, and they liked me. A day or so later, the recruiter called me and said they wanted to hire me…but for a position in Oakland, CA.

Oh, no. I did NOT want to go there. The cost of living out there just scared me. I told the recruiter that I didn’t think I could swing the cost of living there, and what about that job in Austin? I wanted to go there. He told me that this was where they wanted me to go. Austin was off the table. Well, being broke, I was in no position to say no, so I said yes, I’ll take it. I moved to Houston for four months to train, and then they sent me out to Oakland.

It turned out to be a blessing to move out here for two reasons:

  • I was able to over the next few years to establish myself in a new career direction: renewable energy projects. California is ground zero for such projects, and it turns out my skill set and experience is a desirable thing to have. I never would have been able to make this change had I stayed in Las Vegas.
  • I had started serious voice lessons in Las Vegas about a year before I moved. By the time I moved here, I had been taking lessons just long enough to know I had some ability. I wanted to continue studying voice, and found a teacher out here who not only picked up where I left off but also helped me get started in the theater community out here. I have now done several musicals and plays here, and am going to sing in an opera next year-things I have wanted to do for years but could not because Las Vegas didn’t have any real opportunities.

The move was a blessing in disguise-something I thought would be an absolute disaster turned out to be a growth period for me personally and professionally.

A curve ball thrown at him…

Bourbon Pecan Roast Chicken

Bourbon Pecan Roast Chicken
Bourbon Pecan Roast Chicken


  • 1 (3 pound) whole chicken
  • 1/2 lemon
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
  • 3 tablespoons fresh tarragon, chopped, or 1 tablespoon dried tarragon
  • 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, chopped, or 1 tablespoon dried rosemary
  • 4 whole garlic cloves, peeled
  • 3 small onions, peeled
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/4 cup broken pecans
  • 1/2 cup bourbon, divided


  1. Heat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Wash the inside cavity and outside of the chicken and pat dry. Rub the cavity with the cut side of half a lemon and sprinkle it with salt and pepper. Fill cavity with the tarragon, rosemary, garlic cloves, onions and paprika. Truss and tie chicken. Pull up skin from breast, press pecan bits into meat; pull skin back into place. Pour 1/4 cup of the bourbon over chicken and place it on its side in the oven.
  3. Roast for 20 minutes, turn to other side, add remaining bourbon, baste and roast for another 20 minutes.
  4. Turn again, baste and roast for a final 20 minutes. Chicken is done when thigh is pierced and juices run clear.

Well not me, but on one afternoon at work, my PC started printing a continuous series of lower case f all over the screen. I switched off and on but the ‘f’s came back as before. So I called IT.

The fellow turned up, stroked his chin for a while whist observing the stream of ‘f’s rolling up the screen and opened his case of tools and removed a pair of tweezers.

Carefully deploying this tool he delicately removed a piece of cheese which had been holding down the letter ‘f’ on the keyboard. “Lunch at work?” he asked. Indeed. And it had included a cheese sandwich!

The following morning when I came in and switched it on, a large flashing ‘WARNING!’ screen appeared, followed a few second later by a notice reading “To avoid continuous ‘f’s, do not eat cheese sandwiches at this computer!” It vanished when I touched a key, but reappeared every time I switched the machine on until it got upgraded. An embarrassing reminder of what a silly bugger I’d been.

Fun in Japan

I grew up rich. Very rich. And at a young age, my parents lost everything. To be more specific; my father lost everything. Instead of telling me the truth, they shielded it all from me.

Now, being the kind of child who was used to Versace dresses and Armani jeans, it wasn’t easy to start shopping at our local equivalent of Walmart. And trust me, I was the kind of kid that knew that nice stuff was really nice. And I loved shopping.

It wasn’t easy to give up all the toys. It wasn’t easy for me to buy less books than I used to. And I wasn’t given a reason why. All I was told was that I was a spoilt brat and that I didn’t deserve it.

My parents fought. A lot. Turns out, my dad had a gambling problem I didn’t notice.

He lost the house, the cars, the business. He owed people money. Terrifying people. And as a young girl, I used to be followed around by these terrifying people.

My mother kept me home more often. I wasn’t allowed out, unless it was to a friends house.

I developed insecurities, some learning disabilities and a terribly annoying stutter. My change was so obvious at school and the counsellors noticed. They told my mother to send me to a psychologist. That it would help. But she told them no, and that I wasn’t crazy.

But I wasn’t crazy. I just needed help. And she refused it because she didn’t want to believe it.

And my grades dropped even lower.

In my early teenage years, my mother told me the truth. We were poor. I could barely believe it because I studied at one of the most expensive schools in the country. But it was true.

The reason why daddy didn’t come home for a year? Because he was embarrassed. And because he didn’t want those terrifying people he owed money to, to get him.

My mother sold everything. She paid his way out. Then she got a divorce.

That broke my heart.

She blamed everything on him. She started drinking more. Started openly smoking.

She called me an idiot. Told me I was worthless. Basically made me feel as bad as she did.

That was kind of crappy.

All this while she made sure I hated my father for what he did. And I did.

At university I couldnt study without worrying about money. I worked more than I studied so I could pay for room and board, and I couldn’t keep up the hours necessary to make my grade. So I had to leave.

After I quit university, I didn’t speak for a year. I hid in my room and slept and read and occasionally I would go out to see old friends and feel more distant from them than I had ever been.

Eventually, my mother’s partner got me a job working at a gambling den. If you knew anything our country, it was that places like these were quasi-illegal.

Women were hired to entertain the male clients, and to take their cash to change it into credits. I was hired because I was pretty and I spoke English without an accent. Perfect for one of their best customers.

I was depressed. I wanted to die. But I did it because she made me do it.

I quit after three months. I realised that after everything she laid on me, that was possibly the worst. That was the biggest plot twist in my life. That my mother would basically prostitute me to make ends meet. That realisation what what changed me.

I still love her. But I do not necessarily trust her.

And as for my dad? I don’t hate him now.

I’ve learnt from the many turns of events, and finally from that last one that even though I am my parents children, that my parents may not always have my best interest in mind.

And now, I make sure that I’m ok and I get the support I need from the people whom I trust. And I support the people I love, and try not to expect anything in return.

It’s hard to shake off her shadow but every day is a new one, and everyday I am getting better.

Resident Evil: Opening Scene (HD CLIP)

Years ago I was at a wedding.

We were assigned a table with people we didn’t know.

All of a sudden, a guy started a conversation:

“So what do you do for a living?”

“I’m a pilot.”

“Are you a pilot, or a copilot?”

After clarifying the roles of captains and first officers, I said: “I am a first officer”.

“Your only task is to make coffee for the captain.” He laughed.

“What do you do?” I asked.

He had a good job: he was the sub-secretary in some government dependency. I suddenly felt like a hyena when she spots a wounded gazelle.

“You must make very good coffee for the Secretary.”

He got as offended with my answer as I was with his. Our conversation was over.

Why am I telling you this story? Because I feel offended by your question.

This time, however, I’ll be nice… and respectful.

I am a lazy guy.

If there’s an easy way, I’ll find it. I’m really good at avoiding chores. I’m on a constant lookout for shortcuts. I procrastinate.

Except when doing my job. Then, I become hard-working. There’s simply no other way.

  • I am awake while everybody else is sleeping.
  • I work more hours than others.
  • My job carries high levels of stress and responsibility.
  • I cannot afford to screw up too much.

I fly a highly automated airplane and, yes: I fly on autopilot most of the time. But this doesn’t mean I sit around doing nothing.

Flying manually or under autopilot is the same. You seem to be missing some important points of my job:

  • We are constantly planning what to do if things go wrong.
  • Conditions change, forecasts sometimes are wrong.
  • Weather gets nasty.
  • Aircraft systems fail.
  • There are a lot of procedures to follow.
  • The rules of the air are complicated, with subtle variations from country to country. We have to comply.
  • Passengers get sick, babies are born on board.
  • Airports get closed.
  • We fly with a certain amount of fuel. You cannot create more.
  • We cannot stop for troubleshooting.
  • We fly, navigate and communicate regardless of what’s happening.
  • We have to react calmly under extreme situations.

Most importantly, pilots are constantly making decisions. The right ones.

  • Making the wrong decision can cost me my job or my license, or even worse.
  • Making a good but inefficient decision can cost the company more money than they have paid me in 14 years.

They pay me to be safe and efficient.

Tinder Experiment: Attractive Men Reveal What Women REALLY Say

This is really harsh, but needs to be shown.

1.The “Invisible” robber

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On April 19 1995, a five foot six robber robbed the Pittsburgh bank without wearing a mask. His face could be seen clearly in security cameras.

When he robbed, he was so confident that he smiled at surveillance cameras before walking out of the bank.

Apparently, he rubbed lemon juice onto his face before committing the act. Since lemon juice is known for being an invisible ink, he thought the juice made him invisible.

When police caught him, he was very shocked, and said “But I wore the juice!”

2. The Bungling Burglar

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47-year-old Crawshaw got stuck at the bathroom’s window of a home he’s trying to break in 15 feet above ground.

The fire brigade had to be called to free him when the home owner returned to this ridiculous scene.

He was sentenced two and a half years in prison.

3. Driving dog

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When Reliford Copper III was suspected of driving under influence, he led police to a high-speed chase and crashed into a house.

When police cuffed his hands, he defended himself by saying “My dog was driving that car! I ran because I wanted to!”

Apparently police wasn’t convinced that he isn’t drunk or high. His charges included property damage, leaving the scene of an accident and resisting arrest.

I personally find those dumb criminals very amusing, I guess they just made the jobs easier for cops. Did they make you question human intelligence?

If you want to be a criminal, do it smart! 🙂

Every Grocery Store Is Leaving Chicago | City Begs For Help

I used to think… I used to think… that Chicago could avoid the collapse of American cities. Nope. It’s all down the shitter.

China has canceled US, Australian, France wheat imports, replacing them with orders from Russia, Kazakhstan and Argentina.

The US cancellation was the largest cancellation since 1999.

The Chinese government is showing a strong preference for buying from the BRICS and Global South economies, and is moving away from buying from the G7 countries which are part of the western bloc led by the US.

This is done for a combination of political and economic reasons. The US is pulling out the big guns when it comes to chip technology, AI, and blocking Chinese sales of EVs and solar panels, and more recently, the forced divesting of TikTok USA, which are all part of de-coupling and de-risking. From the Chinese perspective, the US’s Biden administration is heading rapidly in the direction of sanctions against Chinese companies following the sanctions applied against Russia. Opposition and hostility to Chinese companies and business interests in Congress is very strong, and China must be prepared for the US acting to seize Chinese assets which the US can reach. The only way to avoid this scenario is to have as few overseas assets in US dollars and held by US banks as possible.

This is the de-risking and de-coupling model the Chinese are following.

In the US, there may be a political side-effect in this US election year: Trump supporters are usually stronger in US rural states, and some farmers may blame the Biden administration for poor wheat sales and vote for Trump. In a tight race, this may be an important factor.


I’m not sure whether this is a little known fact, but I’ve always found it disturbing.

You know when you’re buying medicine, sometimes toiletries, and other things like that, and you find those annoying little seals?

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Some of you might know why these exist. Some might not.

In 1982, a 12-year-old Mary Kellerman took some Extra-Strength Tylenol and died not long afterwards.

Adam Janus, brother Stanley, and sister-in-law Theresa all died after taking some Tylenol capsules.

Not long afterwards, Mary McFarland, Paula Prince, and Mary Reiner all died after taking the same brand capsules.

All were from within the Chicago metropolitan area.

After the 7th person died, it was realised where the connection lay – each had ingested Tylenol capsules.

Tests on the bottles the capsules revealed an alarming fact:

The capsules

had been dosed with potassium cyanide!

Police were quickly able to rule out manufacturers as a source. They weren’t being tampered with there. They theorized that the source was from the shops and drug stores themselves.

They suspected that somebody had procured the capsules, added the cyanide to each, and then resealed, and methodically replaced the containers back on the store shelves.

The mildly disturbing fact?

The police don’t know who did it.

They were able to identify numerous suspects, including someone who had carried out poisoning rampages like this, an individual who had sent a ransom letter demanding $1m to Johnson & Johnson, and others. But no direct ties were ever found.

Nobody has been held directly accountable for this crime.

Alongside the bottles they know were responsible for the deaths, authorities found 3 additional bottles that had been contaminated.

I just find it so disturbing that someone can commit such a heinous crime, and still be walking around like a normal person.

The fact that the capsules could be opened, tampered with and resealed led to the abolition of pellet-filled capsules as a medication mode

Gen Z Aren’t Having Kids & Everyone Is Worried

Obviously could not laugh at it in the Court Room ! -:)

However this was many years ago when I was called on to Jury Service. had been to this Crown Court ( The higher of the two initial Criminal Courts in England and Wales [note that Scotland has its own laws and procedures] ) .

We had been sworn in and the case was about to start when the Court Orderly told us that there had been a change of plea that the Court had accepted, so as such there was nothing to “Consider”, but as we had been sworn in had to at least be in session, and hear the Charges against the man read out to the Court.

The hearing was essentially a Sentencing hearing and for the Judge to consider the facts of this and past cases. (I appeared that this man had quite a history from the age of about 14 onwards!) .

The Defence Barrister had stood up, the Police having given their details and repeating the causation of the Charges. The Judge asked the Defending Barrister, where there were any mitiating circumstances that that Judge should take in to consideration.

The Defence Barrister stated that : “ my client, although having a troubled history, has show good will and has not been arrested for any maters or brought about sentence for over four years”.

The Judge, who had been listening to this an making his notes for consideration, looked up at the Defending Barrister and just quietly said: “ Yes. Mr …… but I would remind you that you client was indeed in Custody for 20 months of those four years ! “

The Barrister tried to wriggle around with mitigating circumstances, which unsurprisingly the Judge swept aside, and the Defendant received a further custodial sentence.

All the Jurors we trying to keep straight faces until the now sentenced party was taken to point of detention, and the Judge had left the Court Room and we were discharged by the Usher.

Just one of thise unforgettable moments-:)

[To-Yoko Kids] The darkness of Shinjuku Kabukicho.

When the doctor pulled me aside and asked me if I’d secretly had a vasectomy.

My wife and I weren’t succeeding in getting pregnant so we headed to the doctor. She asked about our backgrounds, etc. and decided that there “might be a problem”. Since males are biologically simpler in this regard, they started testing with me. The results came back with ZERO sperm. Not low count. Not poor motility. Absolutely no sperm.

I was referred to the head of urology at a local university medical school and after a couple of tests he determined that it was genetic. I never had and never would produce sperm.

In six weeks we went from “there might be a problem” to “you’ll never produce biological children”. That was quite a plot twist. Most couples assume that they can have kids whenever they want but roughly 20% have fertility problems.

I’ll skip over the details but we eventually adopted two boys. Our oldest is in the US Army and our youngest starts college this fall.

Sometimes I still wonder what sort of child we might have “produced” but I have no regrets and I wouldn’t trade my sons for any number of bio-children.


I wasn’t expecting the response I’ve gotten to this. I appreciate the kind comments about what a wonderful guy I must be, but I wasn’t trying to do anything spectacular. I was just a married man who wanted to be a dad and unexpectedly found out that I had few options. I love my boys and they love me but I’m probably a fairly average dad (well, maybe a LITTLE above average).

Let me address a couple questions and then provide some details on the adoption process.

First, you can be born with genetic infertility. However, without digging up medical records that are over 20 years old I don’t remember the specific diagnosis and it’s possible that it’s congenital without being genetic. Second, as several have pointed out, sperm is a very small component of semen. Everything appeared to function fine for the first several years of our marriage. We had no warning that anything was wrong before the lab results came back.

I skipped adoption details because I didn’t think they fit the “plot twist” topic but here goes…

Once we got over the shock we had to figure out what we were going to do. We attended a Resolve conference ( that helped us think about our options. Following the conference, many deep conversations, and a great deal of prayer we decided to pursue adoption.

The problem is that the US has far more infertile couples looking to adopt than available babies. Waiting lists were years long and required significant costs up front. Then you had to live in the same state – in some cases the same county – while waiting. I was in graduate school and we’d almost certainly be moving in a couple years. That meant we’d lose our spot on the list and our money.

We looked into special needs adoption in our state. Unless we were ready to adopt very severe needs the waiting times weren’t much shorter. Once they found out that I was in graduate school and my wife was a college teacher, they went out of their way to discourage us from starting the process.

We were about to give up when one of our contacts heard that Holt International had a temporary window for couples to apply to adopt minor special needs children from South Korea. If everything worked out, we could get a child within a year. We were approved to adopt a boy who had just turned two. In the adoption world, simply being over two years old made him “minor special needs”. Otherwise he was healthy. We got him in April and moved from Kentucky to Indiana over the summer.

That was 1996. We had been married 11 years, we’d never had children, and we started with a toddler who spoke only Korean.

The adoption wasn’t finalized when we moved but once we had him in our possession a move was OK. Since we changed states we had to use a different local adoption agency to finalize. This introduced us to Bethany Christian Services. When we decided to adopt a second child, we worked with them and again found a minor special needs boy from South Korea. This time the special need was premature birth. He was 8 months old when we got him and our doctor saw no signs of prematurity. He was developmentally right on schedule.

That was 1998 and we ended up moving to Wisconsin in 1999 where both boys grew into impressive young men.

Japan Walk Kabukicho at late night, Red Light District, back alley in Shinjuku, Tokyo|歌舞伎町 新宿 4K

When I was 15 my mother moved my sister and me out of state. To prove that I was qualified for the the AP classes I requested at my new high school, my mother had my IQ tested by a registered psychologist. When revealing my score to my mother, the psychologist recommended not sharing the information with me – her experience was that people who knew their IQ at my score tended to slack off in school. So my mom didn’t tell me until I was an adult, but it didn’t matter. It’s not difficult to know when your mental abilities far outweigh those of your peers.

Then there’s my sister – she always struggled with academics. She was in the slower groups at our private school and people tended to dismiss her academic abilities throughout her childhood because she didn’t naturally shine or pickup concepts instantly like I did. Learning was a battle, so she was taught to focus and take her time in everything she did.

My sister went on to become a nurse, earning straight A’s in college because she studied methodically and planned her routines meticulously. She does very well in everything she has interest in because she knows she has to practice. She doesn’t expect to understand everything outright but knows she can learn with time. Her pace is slower, focused on practice, dedication, and social relationships. She works harder, and I think she’s happier than I am.

I understand everything, conceptually, without much background. I learn systems, trades, programs, methods, etc extremely fast. I test at the highest percentages without extensive study or preparation. But I never learned how to keep a routine, practice consistently, or work hard. I was alienated as a child because I couldn’t relate to my peers and now I have trouble forming deep, personal relationships. I was heavily medicated for severe clinical depression for over a decade. Contrary to what others have said about IQ, none of this is because I developed some elitist, alienating complex over a number. I didn’t know my IQ score until a few years ago. Rather, I struggled because navigating through this world as an outlier is fundamentally soul crushing.

I do very well professionally because of my pattern recognition abilities (having major influence on business practices is inevitable because I’m able to see the big picture and long term like most can’t), but I’m never happy with what I’m doing with myself – I always want to be more, better. I want to change the world. I’ll do very well financially, I always have. I’ll get where I want to be in my career and I’ll continue to seek out and absorb more and more knowledge like a sponge until I die – it’s what I do best. But my sister will always be a happier person, surrounded by warmth of friends and family, feeling connected to a tribe in a way that I am envious of.

So sure, with a higher IQ, I’ll be more successful in career and the academic intelligence realm – but who cares? What about intelligence of the soul, emotions? Happiness? Truly belonging to a network, a collective intelligence? When we die, what matters more? I’d bet a few handful of IQ points on happiness.

EDIT: I wasn’t expecting so much activity on my first answer on Quora! Thank you for taking the time to interact. After enough comments have popped up expressing similar views I’d like to clear a up few things.

High IQ does not predispose us to perfection. You’ll find errors in my writing and everything else I do in life, just as I’ll find errors in you. Hyper-focusing on inconsequential details to gain a temporary upper hand isn’t nearly as satisfying as listening to a message and relating to the soul of a story. That said, I’m happy to see many can relate.

Some have read the above as a self-aggrandizing diatribe insulting my sister. I think that’s harsh and off-base but I won’t argue opinions on my writing; what you hear is as important as what I intended to say. I will, however, clarify a bit. I love my sister, I’m her biggest fan, and she knows it. She struggled, had tutors, and was ultimately removed from private school, but she is by no means dumb. She’s smarter than I am in many ways (which is what I tried illustrating above) and I am envious of the way her personality shines in a crowd.

Finally, through many years of therapy, self reflection, and goal setting I’m in a great place in life. I have a loving partner, a quiet home, and a successful career that allows me to contribute to the quality of life of many which I find extremely fulfilling. My point on happiness is that we all struggle in some way – mine is emotionally. It’ll always be difficult, but I use tools to overcome just like my sister worked to overcome her struggles, and you can overcome yours.

Gen Z Doesn’t want to Work Anymore …. Part 2

I knew one inmate in maximum security. This guy never gave me trouble. Typically, one hour of rec, three trays a day, one shower please and thank you was about the summation of our existence. I remember having a few random conversations with him like wishing him a Merry Christmas or us talking about the Branch Davidians.

So imagine my surprise when one day walking by his cell I see a cat hanging out in the cell with him.

The unit had a small army of cats, probably more cats than officers if we counted. They kept the rodent population down, supposedly. However I would see them usually hanging out begging by the kitchen or in the grassy area.

I spent some time trying to figure out how a cat got into the cell. The window was covered in black metal mesh. Up through the toilet maybe?

As I would find out, the inmate trustees who were supposed to be cleaning the pods, but were out doing anything but working could be paid to put a kitten in a bag and pass it to a fellow inmate.

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I’m not sure how many soups were worth a kitten and the exchange ratio never made itself apparent to me. Technically there were no rules against inmates having pets. The only thing I could possibly think of was a traffic and trading charge which wouldn’t hold water because I didn’t see it happen. Not that I was interested in writing up the inmate. I was happy for him.

The inmate soon regretted his decision. The commissary didn’t sell kitty litter. I recommended that he tear up old bags or pay a trustee to bring him grass. Also, cat food was not on the commissary list. My inmate bought tuna which was about as close as you could get. He told me that he tried feeding the kitten scrambled eggs describing it as “… the worst decision of my life. That thing was blowing up my cell.”

At a loss, the inmate turned in the kitten to a female officer who took it home. The cat became known as “Contra” (as in contraband). I talked to that coworker about it and Contra couldn’t seem to adjust to life in the free world. Contra was obsessed with sleeping in brown bags and had a bad habit of shanking, correction clawing the other members of the family.

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“Lookout boss.”


All of this is choice.

It’s only been about the last 15 years or so that I’ve discovered how wonderful life is when you live alone. I grew up with lots of friends all through school. My husband and I had combined our friends and our life was full of friends and children. My days were nonstop from the time my feet hit the floor in the morning. Our lives were hectic, busy and we enjoyed it that way.

Life really can change in a second, without warning. When our lives changed drastically when my husband died in an accident, I withdrew from everyone. It was not enjoyable. I didn’t want to be around anyone. That kind of alone was not enjoyable and it wasn’t healthy either.

Life goes on and I was surrounded with lots of new friends. Then the kids moved on to start their lives and families. I also started a new relationship that ended ugly 10 years later. I dated but nothing got serious. But I just wanted someone around. I didn’t want yo be alone. That isn’t healthy either. After several abusive relationships I made some major changes in my life. I moved several hundred miles away from everyone and everything I knew. I started my own business. I had to work a lot to get my business making money. I had no time to get out and meet people. About 3 years later I was able to relax. My business was doing so much better than I dreamed it do. I now had time to go meet new friends. I had met some people in the neighborhood. Ladies I’d walk with in mornings and evenings. I didn’t feel the need to hang out at tge bar or spending the weekends at tge veach or antique shopping or doing of the things I had always done. I really wanted to be at home, working in the garden, decorating a room, or just piddling around the house. I was enjoying spending time with just me. It was something g I’d never done before.

I have met a lot of people in my town because of my business. I socialize all day at work. Then I go home and I spend the rest of the day doing what I want. I date but I don’t want anything serious. A good long time friend will visit each month for several days. I enjoy the visit. I also enjoy it when the cost is over and I can be alone.

When I look back on my life I can see how my interests, wants and needs changed every 5 years or so. What I wanted at 20 wasn’t what I wanted at 25 and do on. So, for right now I’m enjoy my life alone. I don’t know what I’ll be enjoying in 5 years but for today in happy with my life right now.

Downtown Chicago Is Now A GHOST TOWN | Tourism Is Basically 0% | Migrants TAKE OVER

Chicago is now a ghost town.

How about a mystery so profound, that it stands apart from all others. The archaeological marvel that is changing our very understanding of human history.

Göbekli Tepe, Upper Mesopotamia, Turkey.

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I’m aware that Göbekli Tepe isn’t as famous as other sites such as Stonehenge or the Pyramids, heck some of you reading this may not have even heard of it…

I know my misses hadn’t, don’t worry I promptly corrected that travesty.

Basically, there was this unknown archaeologist who decided to dig up a strange shaped “potbelly hill”, he took a chance and discovered the archaeological find of the last hundred years, if not ever. Yep, that’s how monumental this is.

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Around 12 thousand years ago, some neolithic humans built a vast complex of stone structures, with massive stone monoliths which were intricately carved and inclosed large circles, for a mysterious and possibly never to be discovered purpose… Then they buried it all.

“Göbekli Tepe is an archaeological wonder. Built by Neolithic communities 11,500 years ago, it features enormous, round stone structures and monumental stone pillars up to 5.5 meters high. Since there is no evidence of farming or animal domestication at the time, the site is believed to have been built by hunter-gatherers. However, its architectural complexity is highly unusual for them.” — Professor Gopher.

Who frack built it, why did they do it, how did they know how to build it and why the bloody hell did they bury the vast structure intact?

Seriously, 12 thousand years ago humans were supposed to be hunting wild animals and gathering berries, living short and brutally hard lives, not building vast complexes out of stone…

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I know what you’re thinking – ‘Who cares, it’s not that impressive, we already know our ancestors raised big stones.’

Angrily throws metaphorical chalk across class, hitting petulant student in the face.

Göbekli Tepe is 6,000 years older than Stonehenge, it literally changes our entire understanding of human history. What’s more, is we’ve barely scratched the surface, seriously this neolithic complex is massive.

Humans didn’t just spontaneously learn how to carve stone like this or form large organised societies overnight capable of working across multiple generations to build such a marvel.

Oyeah, and the current thinking is that Göbekli Tepe could also be the birthplace of agriculture.

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Only 5 percent of the site has been excavated, that’s the equivalent of opening the entrance to Tutankhamun’s tomb, taking a shaky ass polaroid picture, with shit lighting, and then spending the next 30 years just gormlessly staring at that shite photograph.

Göbekli Tepe is the most fascinating mystery and yet it receives practically no attention.

Yakuza Takes Me To The Hostess Club In Japan (#137)

I actually had this situation a number of years ago. TL;DR – I decided that the humanitarian route was best.

This long-time employee was a favorite of our customers, as well as her colleagues. Unfortunately, the “big C” came for her far sooner than she deserved. I noticed a decline in performance well before she broke the news of her diagnosis. I knew that I had to do something, as she had such a critical “linchpin” role in our operations. But I felt that simply jettisoning her was completely unfair…and more than a bit heartless.

She used all of her PTO and FMLA for the year or so where she was fighting it off. I simply distributed what part of her role that I could to other people during the times she was out. She improved for a little while…but it came back stronger, and it was clear she was about out of options.

As a senior manager, I never use my PTO. Always something else to be done, you know? *shrug* So, I had my full yearly allocation, except for 8 hours I’d taken to have a root canal. I quietly arranged to give her my personal bank of PTO during the summer, so she could have that time with her family (particularly the younger relatives, who were all out of school) while still being paid. I didn’t tell anyone about it, including her, but word leaked.

She resigned around mid-summer, and passed away three weeks later. Her husband told me at the funeral that she had found out how she got her extra time off from HR, and made it known what I did before she passed.

Unintentionally, I made a great organizational investment. To this day, we have benefited from the good will generated from that decision. People know when you’re talking the talk…and they know when you’re walking the walk. Taking care of a long-time employee with a terminal illness is a great way to walk the walk. And I can’t imagine what might have happened if I had made a different choice. Besides, even if you don’t get the organizational benefit, it’s always the right time to do the right thing.

Almond Anise Biscotti

Almond Anise Biscotti
Almond Anise Biscotti


  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup butter, softened
  • 1 tablespoon anise seed
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 cup chopped almonds


  1. Beat sugars and butter until well blended. Add anise seed and eggs; blend well. Stir in flour and baking powder; mix well. Stir in almonds. Shape dough into two 10 x 1 inch rolls. Place rolls 4 inches apart on greased cookie sheet. Flatten each to 2-inch width. Bake at 350 degrees F for 20 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely.
  2. Cut diagonally into 1/2 inch slices. Arrange slices, cut side down, on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 350 degrees F for 6 to 10 minutes or until bottom begins to brown. Turn and bake for an additional 3 to 5 minutes or until crisp. Cool completely.
  3. Store in tightly covered container for up to one month. The anise flavor gets stronger with time.

Lots of truth here.

Noticed the room unusually clean and saw an envelope propped up prominently on the pillow. It was addressed, ‘Dad’. With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope and read the letter, with trembling hands.

Dear, Dad. It is with great regret and sorrow that I’m writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend, because I wanted to avoid a scene with Mum and you.

I’ve been finding real passion with Stacy. She is so nice, but I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercing’s, tattoos, her tight Motorcycle clothes, and because she is so much older than I am.

But it’s not only the passion, Dad. She’s pregnant. Stacy said that we will be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods, and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children.

Stacy has opened my eyes to the fact that mari*juana doesn’t really hurt anyone. We’ll be growing it for ourselves and trading it with the other people in the commune for all the cocaine and ecstasy we want.

In the meantime, we’ll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so that Stacy can get better. She sure deserves it!

Don’t worry Dad, I’m 15, and I know how to take care of myself. Someday, I’m sure we’ll be back to visit so you can get to know your many grandchildren.

Love, your son, Josh

P.S . Dad, none of the above is true. I’m over at Jason’s house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the school report that’s on the kitchen table. Call when it is safe for me to come home.”

The decision in 1241 A.D. by the Mongol princes, Batu Khan and Kadan, to ignore the advice of their infamous head military strategist Subutai and return to Mongolia after hearing of the death of the Great Khan Ögedei.

A little less than 800 years ago, Western civilization was on the precipice of complete annihilation. Ögedei, the third son of Genghis Khan, had continued his father’s violent and brutal imperial expansion into Europe and was poised for success. The arrival of news of the Great Khan’s death was either fully or partially responsible for the Mongol withdrawal from Europe sparing Western Civilization from the near universal destruction experienced in the wake of the Mongol hordes.

The desire of the grandsons of Genghis Khan to attend the Kurultai where the election of a new Great Khan would take place is entirely understandable. While neither would ultimately be selected because of the election of another of Genghis Khan’s grandsons, Güyük Khan,

they obviously had an interest in trying to position themselves politically for the election. Subutai was no doubt apoplectic over the decision as he was in the process of planning the invasion of the Holy Roman Empire having had great success in Europe up to that point.

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  • Mongol siege of Ryazan in 1238

Before the Mongols withdrew, they had begun to experience some stiffened European resistance such as in Austria. But much of Europe east of Vienna had been laid waste by the Mongols and while they may not have succeeded in an occupation of Western Europe, the devastation would have undoubtably been verging on apocalyptic.

Subutai was one of the most ruthless of the Mongol generals. Any city failing to surrender unconditionally faced unspeakable horrors of death, destruction, and torture. The cold efficiency of the Mongol’s killing machine has seldom been equaled with entire cities murdered in a few hours of systematic execution. Over a period of a little more than a century, some estimates place the death toll at the hands of the Mongols as high as five percent of the global population.

Let that sink in. Five percent of all humans.

Europe might well have been permanently set back a few centuries had Subutai succeeded in finishing and executing his plans.

It should be noted that this classical view is no longer universally accepted. Many other factors have been suggested for the withdrawal of the Mongols including the aforementioned stiffening resistance, diminishing returns in plunder, and tribal infighting prior to news of Ögedei’s

death. And as horrible as their blackened earth strategy was, many historians regard the Mongol rule in a more benign way than Western history has traditionally viewed it. While personally I am not persuaded by these more modern takes, it is important to acknowledge these other plausible and less Eurocentric points of view.

Irrespective of these caveats, there can be little doubt that the death of Ögedei was a factor in the Mongol withdrawal and that world history would have been greatly altered had the hordes advanced into Western Europe. As it turned out, the Mongols never returned to Western Europe to follow up on the ground they had already softened. This single decision by two of the grandsons of Genghis Khan, at that precise moment in time, radically altered the shape of the modern world.

Baked Cherry Oatmeal

baked cherry oatmeal 11
baked cherry oatmeal 11


  • 2 cups old-fashioned oats
  • 4 cups milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond flavoring
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup sliced almonds
  • 1/2 cup dried cherries
  • 1 large apple, unpeeled and grated


  1. Heat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Coat a 3 quart casserole or baking pan with cooking spray.
  3. In mixing bowl, combine all ingredients.
  4. Transfer to baking dish.
  5. Sprinkle top with additional almonds.
  6. Bake uncovered for 45 minutes.
  7. Serve hot.

Where China is ahead? China’s nuclear safety record is surprisingly very good. Especially when compared to other major industrial countries with nuclear power plants in operation.

China has had to deal with some major regulatory lapses in food safety and medicines in the past, but when it comes to nuclear safety, they might just have the best record on the planet if not one of the top 3, especially when the scale and scope of their nuclear energy systems are taken into account (46 reactors and increasing).

The Chinese nuclear operators have repeatedly gotten very high grades from international agencies on their safety precautions. Nuclear safety related incidents are graded from Level 1 to Level 7 (Level 7 being the worst like Chernobyl and Fukushima). The Chinese have never had an incident beyond Level 1.

A lot of this is because China’s nuclear safety is very openly discussed by Chinese nuclear engineers in technical journals within the country. Because of this openness and lack of censorship, several articles were published by Chinese engineers detailing that the primary issue with Chinese nuclear powerplants were due to substandard technical equipment or non standard equipment coming from equipment providers in China. This led to a 2016 scandal (which was reported openly in the Chinese press) about valves being supplied to nuclear powerplants that resulted in around a dozen nuclear equipment providers to publicly sign confessions to crimes regarding providing false information and provision of defective equipment.

The details of the scandals were published alongside signatures and seals from CPC officials and the CEOs of the equipment providers in the China Energy Report.

If you guys are familiar with the Chernobyl series, one of the big themes regarding the disaster was the secrecy and lack of information around the nuclear reactor designs and operations. Which prevented faults from being exposed.

If we were to speculate why China has such a good safety record, why the regulations are so good in nuclear safety and why safety issues can be discussed in such a transparent manner: It’s probably because of how deeply unsettled and impacted Chinese leaders were by the Fukushima incident in neighboring Japan.

The Fukushima incident spurred a pretty significant internal overhaul of China’s nuclear safety even though no disaster or safety incident had occurred yet. Reactor construction was put on hold, a lot of safety laws were implemented and the safety law was rapidly published. Nearly a thousand people were added to the national nuclear safety regulatory authority. Actually, the national nuclear safety regulatory authority is pretty special in China because apparently if you choose to go work with them, you can get residence permits (Huko) which are a big deal in China. And that was how they were able to bump up their recruitment despite the somewhat lower salary the organization pays compared to others.

And China’s excellent nuclear safety record has a benefit for the rest of the world as well. Pakistan has also had 0 nuclear safety incidents beyond Level 1 regarding their Chinese built powerplants, partly because Pakistani nuclear plant operators adopted the safety practices and procedures of their Chinese counterparts who they got these plants from in the first place. Pakistani nuclear operators also get training from Chinese operators which helps to further spread these safe nuclear plant practices to developing countries.

I think one side benefit of China exporting reactors abroad is, is that their safety record follows them. So a lot of developing countries can make the switch to safe, non-polluting nuclear energy by getting reactors from China and at the same time getting some pretty high quality training and safety procedures from them in the progress. Assuming of course, they continue to follow these safety procedures in an updated and consistent manner over the years. And also pair it with the same open, frank discussion on the current state of nuclear safety in the country, the same way the Chinese nuclear engineer community does.

Academic sources if you want to go more in-depth on this topic: Jane Nakano and Thomas Rawski

What China still lags in?

Probably the soft infrastructure of a country: Policies.

I’ll give two examples:

  1. Health care policies and health insurance management
  2. Horizontal cooperative policies in large engineering organizations.

  1. Health care policies and health insurance management

China is at that point in their development where they have pretty much mastered hard infrastructure (roads, bridges, dams, powerplants).

But soft infrastructure, like your health care policies are an area where the government is still trying to figure out how to make systems work. The newer hospitals in China, disease prevention, early detection and a lot of other components of China’s health care system are pretty first class and comparable to the best systems in the world.

The issue comes around questions of policy: What should we expect the patient to pay for? What should the government pay for? How do we optimize drug prices to balance between innovative research and affordability? How can hospitals balance their budgets without requiring government bail outs? How do we balance between breadth and depth of medical coverage?

While China’s economy and spending power has increased manifold, in terms of advances in health care coverage, the country is actually going down in terms of health care advancement compared to the past and the last major increase in life expectancy and quality of health care was achieved under Mao’s barefoot doctor program.

The government is trying to figure things out. They rolled out universal health care for China, which was no small feat. It focusses on breadth rather than depth (give some limited health care insurance to everyone instead of give health insurance that covers everything to some people). Hospitals are allowed to mark up drugs 15% to make profits off of them.

But the core issue remains that health insurance and managing health insurance is something that’s been in China for only 20 years and is new to the country and it’s managers. So we have the somewhat strange situation where China’s health care system is well funded, has excellent doctors and supporting staff, has hospitals equipped with the latest technology.

But the health care system is in deep trouble because the managerial skill needed to keep it running through pricing optimization, risk management, risk pooling, health insurance management, premium setting and healthcare policy expertise is very badly lacking. And could lead to massive financial problems in the future if the policy isn’t ironed out correctly.

The second example I’ll give is of horizontal management.

This plays a big part in engineering firms in China that are trying to achieve the Chinese government’s goals of developing next gen technologies in China indigenously.

A good example here is COMAC, which has been trying to get into the passenger aircraft game to compete with Boeing and Airbus, primarily with their first aircraft the C919.

COMAC is a good example of a Chinese SOE that still has a large leftover legacy from how Soviet State enterprises were organized. It is extremely top down and while it can excel in vertical management, it struggles when it comes to horizontal management.

Horizontal management refers to how the different departments and units within companies are supposed to integrate with each other and synchronize their activities. Within engineering firms, this is something that System Engineers, Project Managers and Systems Integration Managers are supposed to enable. A complex engineering system like a submarine, a satellite or a aircraft cannot be created from scratch in an engineering organization where you have 0 horizontal integration and management and your departments fail to coordinate with each other when designing and developing components that are supposed to go in the same end product.

COMAC’s C919 had a very trouble development history precisely because COMAC is still very much organized and managed by state employees whose perspective is still shaped by vertical management principles of large Soviet organizations. And suffers from major issues in internal integration of different department efforts.

Which is why the Chinese government is making an enormous push to attract not just technical experts and engineers from abroad, but also the business managers who specialize in this stuff and enable it to happen.

I think this is why a lot of Asian parents need to stop pushing the “Doctor or Engineer” choice on their kids. There’s enormous demand in China at the moment for managers who are experts in health care policies, insurance management etc. from the first example. And engineering managers, project managers and other enablers of horizontal integration in the second example.

Both of these fields require people with imagination, flexibility, creativity and good communication skills.

The thing is, it isn’t like China has failed at this: Ali Baba has superb internal horizontal integration. There’s a joke that Ali Baba and Tencent are better positioned to make China’s next passenger aircraft or aircraft carrier than Chinese SOEs because being private sector entities they have superbly synchronized their internal alignments and developed seamless integration between all their different divisions and departments.

And we have to remember that this is the first time the government is making a move in these sectors where they will have to take time to build up experience.

And I think the Chinese government should consider filling this deficiency in their current internal economy and industrial base by either continuing to get top managerial talent from abroad, nurturing their own management talent or give more space to private sector entities in this fields that don’t suffer from the internal management issues that the Chinese SOEs struggle with.

Source used:

  • Jane Nakano, Senior Fellow in CSIS Energy and National Security Program
  • Loren Brandt (University of Toronto)
  • Thomas Rawski (University of Pittsburgh)

My daughter, who is 5 years old, is super sweet and compassionate, but she also can be quite the spicy one! She sometimes says exactly what she means. With her dad, however, she is much more restrained. He, though, has a tendency to nitpick and it can become annoying, even to me. I have to hold myself back from saying, “Leave her alone; she’s fine!” He just thinks girls should walk like this, talk like that…yada yada. Well, my daughter isn’t about that life. She is unapologetically who she is. She just hears him, says, “okay, Daddy” and tries to adjust.

Well, one day, we were traveling. We’d be out all day. We were tired. And my husband was fussing about something again. She was in the back seat, looking out of the window with an exasperated look on her face. I was also looking out of my window with the same look. Both of us just wanted him to shut up fussing.

Just as I was getting ready to say, “Enough!,” her little voice chimed in. She sounded like an adult trapped in a 5 year old’s body, “Oh my goodness, DADDY! You make me want to DRINK!” I turned and looked at her, stunned. She was looking at the rearview mirror so she could see his face and her expression was priceless. But his, was hilarious. He asked, incredulously, “I make you want to do what?” She said, “You make me want. to. drink….and I am not talking about juice boxes or CapriSUNs either, Dad!”

I promise, it took everything in my power to keep a straight face. I watched his face turn beet red. He looked pretty angry. But he said nothing. He looked at me, and I gave him a “Don’t look at me, I would have said the same thing” kind of look. We rode in silence for about half an hour. She said, “Dad, I should not have yelled at you. I’m sorry. But, I meant what I said.” (That’s my line to dad LOL). Then, she took a nap. His nagging has really slowed dramatically.

While I think children should respect their parents and not yell. I do think that is a two way street. I also think kids should learn to stand up for themselves. I cannot imagine a better lesson for both of them.

Banned from fun

I want to relate a story of something that happened when I was in fifth grade.

At that time, I was attending a small elementary school in my town, and it was so very typical of the 1960’s. It was, just as you might imagine it to be. Wholesome, 1960’s era, and just middle America. It was a slice from “Mayberry RFD”.

My class was 60 students and one teacher. I seem to recall that his name was Mr. Calhoun. It was pretty much 30 girls and 30 boys.

One day,a classmate named Steven decided to have a birthday party at his home on Saturday. And he sent out invitations to everyone except to two students; myself and a girl named Karen.

I didn’t care. But Karen was pretty upset about it.

Nothing much would of come of it, except that my parents (when they took my sister to the party) noticed that everyone in the class was there except me. And so they asked her what was going on, and my sister told them “Oh, Robert and Karen, weren’t invited. We don’t want them at the party.

My parents said, “if Robert cannot go, you won’t go either” which caused a howling of lament and kicked up a big fuss-storm. “We don’t want them!” and all the rest.


I’ll give my parents this credit. They went up to Steven’s parents and had a word to them. Which pretty much straightened out everything, and soon Karen and myself were able to attend, and we were given first class treatment at the party.

About eight years later I was attending university, and my friends were all on this one particular dorm in the building on campus. I was there all the time.

Day Hall.


Everyone knew me. Not a day went by where I did not hang out there, even though I actually lived off campus. That dorm was my actual home.

Well, the dorm floor (it was co-ed) was going to have a dinner, but the RA (Residential advisor) refused to allow me to participate in the dinner, even if I was willing to contribute and pay for my dinner. The entire floor was upset. But she held her ground. Stating that “rules were rules”.

So I didn’t go.

Neither did, one of the most popular people on that floor; Howard.

No. He went and took me out to dinner himself and we ate dinner at a place called “Hungry Charlies” and had a good old time.

Hungry Charlies before it was torn down
Hungry Charlies before it was torn down

Apparently, without us two, the dinner was just kind of bland, and a formal kind of thing. Not filled with the normal crazy life that use odd-balls contributed to the environment. LOL.

When we finished dinner, and arrived at the dorm, we got off the elevator and was welcomed by the entire floor with open arms. It was a great time! Lot’s of missing us, apologies and all the rest.

Both events were similar.

A party was held, a few people were left out, later they were let back in, and people learned that these individuals were more important to the body politic than was was first obvious on the surface. So take note. And have heart.

Odd-balls, and the outliers should always be welcome.


Disturbing addresses after Victoria Neuland is dismissed

Rufus story

Six-year-old Bridger from Cheyenne, Wyoming, saved his sister from an attacking dog on July 9. After getting bit several times, he grabbed her hand and ran for safety. He later said, “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me.” He’s now in recovery after receiving about 90 stitches. A true hero who deserves our praise! ❤️

Credit: Nikki Walker / Instagram

The reason why US companies have not fully decoupled from China is multifaceted. Firstly, China is an integral part of the global supply chain that feeds into American companies’ production processes. Products manufactured in China are often price competitive and offer good value, which appeals to US consumers’ preferences for affordability and quality.

Additionally, China boasts the largest consumer market globally, providing significant opportunities for US companies to generate profits. These profits contribute to various pension funds, including those for millions of public employees(military personnel, government employees, and teachers). Moreover, a portion of these profits is reinvested into the US economy for future business endeavors and research and development, further solidifying the economic ties between the two countries. Overall, the interconnectedness of the global economy, coupled with China’s significance as a manufacturing hub and consumer market, incentivizes US companies to maintain their presence and operations in China.

Additionally, several other factors contribute to US companies’ continued engagement with China:

  1. Skilled Workforce: China has a large and increasingly skilled workforce, making it an attractive destination for manufacturing and production activities. Many US companies benefit from access to this pool of labor, which can be cost-effective and efficient for certain types of manufacturing processes.
  2. Infrastructure: China has invested heavily in infrastructure development, including transportation networks, ports, and industrial zones. This infrastructure supports efficient logistics and supply chain management, making it easier for US companies to conduct business operations in China.
  3. Supply Chain Resilience: While there has been discussion about diversifying supply chains away from China, the country still offers supply chain resilience due to its extensive network of suppliers, subcontractors, and manufacturing capabilities. US companies may find it challenging to replicate this level of integration and efficiency elsewhere.
  4. Technological Collaboration: China is increasingly investing in research and development across various industries, creating opportunities for technological collaboration and innovation partnerships with US companies. These collaborations can drive advancements in technology and foster mutually beneficial relationships.
  5. Cost Considerations: Despite rising labor and operational costs in China, certain industries still find it cost-effective to manufacture products there. Factors such as economies of scale, specialized skills, and established infrastructure can offset higher labor costs, making China a competitive manufacturing destination.

While there are challenges and complexities associated with doing business in China, the country offers significant advantages and opportunities for US companies across various sectors. As a result, many companies continue to maintain their presence and engagement in the Chinese market.

Being real


Back in the mid 80’s I contracted salmonella poisoning from eating undercooked chicken at an employee luncheon.

About 6 hours after eating the chicken, I started feeling sick. I was aching all over, running a fever and having bad diarrhea.

But I had a three yr old and a 1 yr old to care for and my now ex husband did not believe it was a man’s place to take care of the children.

I made it through the first night and got the babies ready for day care the next day. I have never been so sick in my life. I remember lying in bed dreaming of eating popsicles because I was so thirsty. This went on for a couple more days, sending the kids to day care in the mornings, lying in bed all day, and trying my best to take care of them at night.

I was just 22, so I finally broke and called my mom. She came immediately, took my temperature, which read at 106 degrees, and ordered my husband to take me to the emergency room while she watched the babies.

I fully expected to get a prescription and get sent home. I had no idea just how sick I was.

I waited for about 30 minutes before being seen. But once I was, things moved really fast. I was a little out of it, but I remember a team of doctors and nurses trying to get an IV in me. Every vein they tried collapsed because I was so dehydrated. They eventually got an IV into my jugular vein.

The next thing I remember was lying on a bed and being rushed through the halls. Whoever was pushing me was literally running.

I was taken to the ICU where I stayed for almost 2 weeks. One night I was freezing, so when the nurse came in, I asked for an extra blanket. She told me she would get it as soon as she checked my vitals. I never got the blanket. When she checked my temperature, she literally dropped the thermometer and ran out of the room. There was another nurse with her, so I asked her how high my fever was. She said “honey, it’s so high that we can’t read it”. I was packed with ice bags and a cooling blanket after that. I was in and out but do remember someone saying “I think it’s time to call in the family.”

I made it through the night, but had a small stroke as a result of my fever being so high.

I eventually fully recovered and my doctor told me that I had had the most severe case of salmonella ever reported in our county and that I was lucky to be alive.

If not for my mom insisting that my ex husband take me to the ER, I probably wouldn’t be here today.

Thank God for moms. 🙂

Overpriced American Weapon vs Low-Cost Chinese Golf Cart

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Beef Turnovers (Empanadas)

You can use the discos or make your own turnover pastry. I’ve done both, and they’re equally as good.



  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 pound ground beef
  • 1/2 medium yellow onion, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup tomato sauce
  • 6 stuffed green olives, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons sofrito
  • 1 packet sazon with coriander and annato
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • Ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 (14 ounce) package Goya discos (yellow or white), thawed*
  • Vegetable oil, for frying


  1. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add ground beef and cook until browned, breaking up meat with a wooden spoon, about 10 minutes.
  2. Add onions and cook until soft, about 5 minutes more.
  3. Stir in tomato sauce, olives, sofrito, garlic, oregano and black pepper. Lower heat to medium-low and simmer until mixture thickens, about 15 minutes.
  4. On a lightly floured work surface, using a rolling pin, roll out discos until 1/2-inch larger in diameter. Spoon about 1 tablespoon meat mixture into middle, fold in half to form a half moon; moisten edges with water and pinch to seal closed, or seal with a fork.
  5. Fill a deep saucepan with oil to a depth of 2 1/2 inches. Heat oil over medium-high heat until hot but not smoking (350 degrees F on deep-fry thermometer).
  6. Cook turnovers in batches until crisp and golden brown, flipping once, 4 – 6 minutes.
  7. Transfer to paper towels to drain.


* Flattened dough for turnover pastries all rolled out and ready to fill – in the Mexican refrigerated section. Make sure you buy the larger ones.

As far as sazon, you can really use whichever flavor you like. Goya now makes a salt-free version of their seasoning. Or, if you don’t want to use sazon for any reason, just use a good seasoning salt, to taste.

Some more nice renderings of girls and food

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Default crystal clear high definition image perfect lighting b 2(3)

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Default crystal clear high definition image perfect lighting b 2(4)

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Default crystal clear high definition image perfect lighting b 0(4)

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Default crystal clear high definition image perfect lighting b 3(3)

It’s the kind of mood that I am in now.

Oh fuck

  • If a woman says she is okay or replies with ‘hmm’ , she is not okay , she is either mad or her mood is off.
  • A woman doesn’t dress up or do a lot of skincare for guys or other people , she does it , cause she feels relaxed and happy while taking care of herself.
  • If you are a friend with a woman and you like her , you better tell her early because its hard to get out of the friend zone or brother zone she has put you in.
  • Beautiful , cute , pretty are lame compliments, these never make women blush or anything. Be genuine and comment about her personality and her soul not only outer beauty .
  • If a girl is a wearing makeup or glasses and you tell her that “ you look good without makeup/glasses .” Please don’t, she didn’t do makeup to look same and she is wearing glasses cause she has to. That is literally a backhanded compliment.
  • Women likes guys who are caring , genuine, can make them laugh and a man who has his future planned.
  • If a women is kind and sweet to all and if you ever get on her bad side get ready to see worst of hell.
  • Women are more mature than men but they act immature only infront of their favorite men.
  • Being friendly and flirty doesn’t mean that a girl likes you. She acts like that with everyone cause she wants to be kind and not uptight. So be clear about your feelings because what you are reading as signals are clearly her being kind to you.

Make it stick

They will allow it. EDIT, mostly because they’re powerless to stop it. Russian military production capability exceeds all of NATO and westerners are still just TALKING about ramping up production.

But what will happen yeah? Is the state controlled media in NATO countries will simply stop talking about it and hope everybody forgets.

Remember this? I sure do.

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The Americans with their SUPER SOLDIERS, SUPER MEGA ULTRA TECH weapons and the best training and best everything… were humiliated by a bunch of men with beards.

They spent trillions to replace the Taliban… with the Taliban.

Note how little news coverage this absolute humiliation gets.

The same will happen.


It’s a lot of fun, but will have a tragic ending. Octopuses are fairly well known for being intelligent, which is something that makes them interesting pets. Most octopuses are nocturnal by nature, meaning they are most active at night, like bats. Thing is, many of the octopuses I’ve kept quickly realized that Jim and other humans are harmless and, in fact, friendly. From there, the octopuses also quickly realized Jim is the Food God, which naturally helped jump start our relationships. Once that is established, they happily started following my schedule. Just like an affectionate dog or cat is excited to see their master when they get home from work, a pet octopus will also come out in anticipation of a treat or some interaction. This friendship will grow. You will get to know your octopus, and it will get to know you. Some of my octopuses loved being petted. Some loved playing tug-O-war games. Some just enjoyed running their sucker-covered arms over my hands (which is how they smell us- their suckers are full of sensory cells) Others enjoyed getting a Lego submarine or other toy they could tear apart and destroy. Several octopuses I kept seemed to be music lovers- I was a guitar player/singer in several bands and when we practiced at my house, my octopuses routinely came out and danced around on the glass all night while we played. They are very complex animals, and no two are alike in personality or demeanor. Some will become your best friend, but others may just want to be left alone.

The problem is that they are also very short lived critters. Most octopuses only live about a year. They hatch as teeny tiny little things and grow very quickly. What that means for the prospective keeper is that a wild-caught octopus is likely already more than 6 months old (so it has grown large enough for collection divers to find). By the time you bring it home and have tamed it to the point of a relationship I described above, it’s close to the end. It’s usually heartbreaking. Male octopuses often suffer from senescence- a sort of cephalopod-based senility. They lose their minds and start doing strange things. They stop eating food and begin nibbling the ends of their arms off. They will do strange things. One hung upside down from some of the tank plumbing and refused to move. In the wild, they often stop hiding and get snapped up by predators. Despite their reputation for being escape artists, most of my escaped octopuses were suffering senescence. Then one day your little buddy will just die, and it can be just like losing that loyal dog or cat: it’s going to hurt. Just as you started to get to know him, his time is over. Female octopuses will often lay eggs whether they mated or not. At that time, she will guard those eggs literally with her life. She will refuse food and do nothing but hide in her den and groom the eggs religiously. In the wild, when the eggs hatch the babies go off on their own and the mother will die hours later. At home, she will defend those eggs for a month or so until she expires. There’s no avoiding it.

I’ve been keeping and studying octopuses for over 20 years now. You learn to brace for that early end, but it does not get any easier, especially when you happen upon an especially interesting and unique octopus.

My God!

When Chinese environment is bad you guys demonised China and blamed them for global warming and accused them of being uncaring to their population. Well the acted positively. They now cultivate the most wind, water and solar energy and they subsidise their population to stop using Internal combustion Engines and moved into full EVs that made their environment healthy and their skies blue again and now you find fault with these too!

China can never ever win! China should not care about what the west says at all! China should and is doing what is good for China and the world! The west also gave subsidies to their EVs too except that they are simply not as strategic or as smart as BYDs and the likes. That is your problem it has nothing to do with China.

The U.S. and the west made a racial profiling that they meaning white people and only they can makes stuffs so they can charge whatever they wanted. Hence they allowed their workers and their CEO get whatever they wanted. As these cost can always be passed on to consumers! But the are dead wrong. The Japanese, then Koreans, ASEAN and now Chinese can do everything faster, cheaper and way better than the west and today it cannot sell everything unless it is heavily subsidised. It not only EVS. It is everything.

Sick and Tired

Two cases come to mind.

  1. Flood Insurance case: I represented a lady who had the misfortune to rent an apartment in a flood zone, and it flooded. She did have the good sense to buy a flood insurance policy, but FEMA declined to pay for an obscure reason. The apartment owner also had flood insurance, and FEMA paid that claim. I filed suit on behalf of the lady, and said that her apartment was the exact same apartment insured by policy # XXX issued to the owner, and that the owner’s claim was paid. Three days before Christmas I got a call from a Department of Justice attorney representing FEMA and she said “We read your complaint. You’re right. How do we write the check?”
  2. Collection case: I represented a guy who was being sued on a credit card account. After preliminary skirmishes it’s the day of the trial – client asked where should he meet me, and I said he wasn’t to meet me unless I called him. I told him to stay away from the courthouse but close enough he could be there within 10 minutes if I called. He objected and I told him to trust me on this. I went into court and the lawyer for the credit card company (who had interned for me a few years earlier) showed up; we exchanged pleasantries. She then asked ‘where’s your client?’ and I said I didn’t know but was ready to try the case without him. She had a blank look for a moment, then said something about my maternal canine ancestry as she realized my tactic (to my immense grinning) and had to take a dismissal of the case. She had planned to call my client as an adverse witness to introduce the credit card documents (credit card collection companies almost never send a witness to court) which had to be done to prove the collection case. But my client wasn’t subpoenaed as a witness so didn’t have to be there. Without a witness to the debt (which probably was in fact owed) they couldn’t get a judgment.


“If you don’t do as I say, I’ll upload every photo I have of you”. This was the email Cassidy Wolf received from her hacker.

Cassidy was confused. Only two photos of herself hung on her bedroom wall. She realized later that the hacker had been spying on her for over a year through her webcam.

Cassidy used to keep her laptop open on her bedroom floor. She would play music whilst studying, changing and going back and forth in the shower. The hacker watched everything.

Cassidy must have opened an email with a link, enabling him to place malicious software on her laptop. If she clicked on the link, this would have granted him full access to her computer.

The hacker was able to trace the keystrokes on Cassidy’s keyboard. This way, he learnt her passwords, saw the sites she was accessing, and accessed her webcam 24/7.

[1]  The hacker posted pictures of Cassidy changing using various Facebook accounts, including her younger sister’s account.

The hacker was someone from her high school; somebody whom she passed in the hallway every day.

Despite the hacker being caught, Cassidy has to live with this trauma forever. The sound of every email notification will continue to make her stomach churn.

This happened before she was Miss Teen USA. If this could happen to Cassidy, it could happen to any one of us.

Somebody may be watching you through your camera right now…

Image Source: Miss Teen USA webcam hacker Jared James Abrahams sentenced to 18


Feminists are furious!

Yes of course you are unless you become a US lackey in that case you become a U.S. dog! Taiwanese are like me an ancestor from Hokkien or Fuxian province in the south of China. I am what you called a Singaporean with a Chinese origin and you are a Chinese living in a province of China call Taiwan! We both loved our motherland and we will do everything to helped the cause of Chinese successes.

The U.S. and the west are Chinese haters simply because the failed to steal China into their spheres and could not break China up into a hundred minute nations so that it can swallow up one by one. Hence it us trying to destabilise Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinxiang using false pretences and war mongering. But it has failed so far and it is costing the US an arm and a leg doing so. So to China it is like providing the US with a long and strong rope to kill it selves. If that is what they wanted!

Taiwan will forever be a part of China and that status can never changed no matter ho much the U.S. tries to prised it away.

Leftists SHOCKED Employer LIED In Order To Avoid Hiring Them, Company FEARS WOKE LAWSUITS


This is a very good video. It surprised me. It really did.

Not in any meaningful way.

Let’s say you went to prison with an artificial leg. The leg enables you to walk and you’ve used it for so long that, with pants on, most people think you just have a bad limp.

The prison says you can’t bring your prosthesis in with you because it might have drugs hidden in a secret compartment. No worries they say… we’ll get you fitted for a new leg when the doctor comes around… in September. So you wait… and wait… and wait in a prison issue wheelchair.

The day of the doctor’s visit finally comes. Uh oh… there was a fight at the higher security prison next door. We’re on lock down. Nobody is going anywhere. No worries they say… the doctor will be back next year.

So, you file a grievance. You have the right to write down whatever angers you on a form and give it to your case manager. He dismisses your concerns… you try to go over his head, but you need copies of his denial…hard to get when he’s only in his office an hour each week… It’s amazing how often the man can lose paperwork. Case managers are often the folks not friendly or efficient enough to work at the DMV.

Nine months later, you’ve made it through three levels of appeal and only have a couple more to go… what are you crying about says the next appeal response… the doc will be there in just three short months! They mark your grievance as “resolved” and list it as a success for the process.

Yes. On paper prisoners have rights. In reality they are locked away from being able to help themselves or exercise those rights. They are completely at the mercy of a staff that could not care any less.

Oh, and my story about the artificial leg? He was still stuck in the chair when I left.

Brenden’s Easy Pork Ribs

This is one of the best and easiest ways to make baked barbecue ribs. Try using pineapple or mango juice or other juices instead of the orange juice.

Oven Pork Ribs IMAGE 5
Oven Pork Ribs IMAGE 5


  • Pork ribs (any variety)
  • 1 bottle Sweet Baby Ray’s Barbecue Sauce
  • 1 cup orange juice


  1. Mix together barbecue sauce and orange juice.
  2. Lay ribs in a baking pan and pour barbecue mixture over the top. The ribs should be nearly submerged in the barbecue mixture.
  3. Cover pan with foil and set oven to 250 degrees F.
  4. Option 1: Cook for approximately 3 hours (depending on amount of meat). Remove from pan. The meat will be juicy and delicious. This method will make the meat fall off the bones. Excellent for sandwiches!
  5. Option 2: Cook meat for about 2 hours, remove from oven and transfer to hot grill. While on grill, continue to brush with barbecue mix from pan. They should only need a few minutes on each side. The barbecue sauce should get a bit crispy.
  6. Option 3: Instant Pot: Stand ribs on end on a trivet in Instant Pot. Pour in orange juice. Cook on manual for 25 minutes. Natural release for 10 minutes. Place ribs on foil-lined baking sheet, and brush with barbecue sauce. Broil for 7 minutes, then serve.

Darn cool from Africa

EU ambassadors are unanimously ignoring an invitation to talk from Lavrov

MACHINE-TRANSLATED FROM DER-SPEIGEL IN GERMANY — The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited EU ambassadors to speak to Foreign Minister Lavrov, but EU ambassadors have canceled their participation. Russia says it will have “terrible consequences.

Ambassadors sent to other countries are primarily responsible for being in contact with the government of their host country. They prepare meetings of politicians, negotiate economic issues, but of course also cultural and other issues. But their most important task is to contact the government of the host country.

Ambassadors must not interfere in the internal affairs of their host country. The UN Charter, i.e. the basis of international law, clearly defines this in Article 2. However, this does not prevent the ambassadors of the EU and its member states from interfering in Russian affairs by supporting the radical Russian opposition or making LGBT propaganda, which is prohibited in Russia. For the sake of completeness, LGBT is not banned or punished even in Russia, there are gay clubs and so on. It is only forbidden in Russia to propagate this.

Imagine that the Russian ambassador to Germany would interfere in German politics, support Reich citizens effectively, for example, and violate German laws. Would the federal government put up with it, or would it invite the Russian ambassador to speak and demand that he refrain from doing so?

That was also what the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs wanted to tell the EU ambassadors about the hot phase of the Russian presidential campaign, as Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov. March in an interview told:

„ Two days before the planned event, before the meeting, they sent us a note: ‚ We decided not to go there. ‘ Can you imagine relations with diplomatic countries whose ambassadors are afraid to meet the minister of the country where they are accredited? Where was that ever seen? “

Lavrov said that his ministry „ has gathered a lot of material on how EU embassies in Moscow are preparing for our presidential election, what mechanisms for interference “ they use and that „ any projects are created to support our non-systemic opponents “. And he said:

„ Overall, these are things that messages are not allowed to do. “

The arrogance of the EU

Thereupon a Russian business portal asked the EU embassy in Moscow and the following answer to get:

„ Our reaction followed the death of Alexei Navalny and after the EU’s demands for an independent international investigation into the causes of death had not been considered. “

It is fascinating how arrogant the EU is. Would a western country accept an international investigation requested by Russia if a prisoner dies there in prison? For example, God forbid Julian Assange? And why is the EU coming the Russian demand not, to investigate the shooting down of the Russian Il-76 with 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war on board?

In its response, the Permanent Representation of the EU also referred to an extremely low level of trust „ and added:

„ We were invited to discuss EU-Russia relations, but Minister Lavrov is now saying that the conversation was about teaching us. This proves that we were right to reject the invitation. “

That raises two questions. First, why are there still ambassadors for the EU and its member states in Russia if they now even reject invitations to talk to their contact person, i.e. the Russian Foreign Minister? Secondly, who really makes foreign policy decisions in the EU if the EU can ensure that the ambassadors of all EU countries simply reject an invitation?

The official Russian reaction

Maria Sakharova, the spokeswoman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was at her regular Press conference asked about the scandal and I completely translated the question and its answer.

Start of translation:

Question: You mentioned that the EU ambassadors refused to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. What consequences will your actions have for you?

Sakharova: The consequences for them become terrible, terrible. If a professional diplomat loses his face, if everyone realizes that he has lost his professionalism and skills, then there is no compensation, in no way and in no form. They have to ascribe that to themselves.

You sincerely harm me for one reason. They have become hostages to their own regimes. Many of them have come a long way to become ambassadors for EU countries in the Russian Federation. It is a fact that experienced people are deployed to large countries, including members of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and nuclear powers. Given its size, our country should actually send specialists who have considerable experience. After many years of work, they all came to this position, this post. And they made their own states look stupid and bad. Not their peoples, but the regimes in their countries. Unfortunately, that happened. I don’t think there is any other explanation.Whether they pinched themselves or whether their regimes showed them, it is always the same thing. They basically signed „ “ that they are not ambassadors for their countries.

What is a „ Ambassador “? An ambassador represents not only a specific organization, but the whole country as a whole. It is very important. It is not just someone who represents this or that political party or social movement that has appointed him. It is not someone who represents this or that ideology that is in power or in opposition. No, it is someone who represents the people of his country as a whole.

Who do they represent if they refuse to meet with the authority that is the counterpart for them? For them, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is primarily the source of all information, data, both on bilateral relations and on the position in multilateral formats. You did it all yourself and arranged it. This has the corresponding consequences.

The second point: it would be okay if they sealed themselves off on all fronts in our country and in principle didn’t speak to anyone. That would be a strange attitude, self-torture, unprofessional. But at least you could see a certain logic in it. According to the motto, self-isolation according to the COVID 19 pandemic is not over yet. But they regularly take part in some marginal events and are making a fool of themselves in our country.

We treat the representatives of countries and peoples with respect, who are guided by the fact that they represent their countries in their entirety. The proposal to hold this meeting was made out of respect for their peoples. But our people, the people, the NGOs literally laugh at them. They have already become heroes of „ Memes “ or a kind of performance art.

Go online and enter „ American Ambassador to Moscow “. Who writes that? It is not the government, it is not some special institution that does it. These are people who find it funny how the ambassadors of the countries of the „ collective West “ have turned from diplomats into marginal ones who take part in any wild actions, that are not intended for intergovernmental communication.

They agitate within our society, interfere in internal affairs and become the „ clowns “ who are released before a rodeo, to warm up the dog handler or rider „ “ and entertain the audience. They become these clowns, run around in front of our audience and endlessly try to attract attention, stage a performance, participate in something, send their strange messages and appeals, that are hardly understood by our audience. They are constantly trying to lay flowers somewhere, to raise any „ rainbow flags “ above their messages and wherever possible. People are already laughing at them. They probably just don’t understand it. Many of them speak little or no Russian. Maybe they just don’t understand how to think about them.

If the US ambassador now publishes information on his official website, the Russians are said to be not afraid to take part in „ humanitarian actions “ by the US government. That is said to not harm your patriotism. How is that possible? Our brothers and sisters, our citizens, are killed with American weapons. Terrorist attacks against civil infrastructure occur regularly in Russian regions. Children die and you invite our country’s citizens to participate in US government programs that guarantee, that their patriotism is not harmed? We decide for ourselves how we should deal with everything we should do with patriotism, how we can show it and how we should deal with all your programs.

This is sad, but was to be expected in view of the degradation that we have observed for many years in the diplomacy of the „ collective West “. The clearest example is Josep Borrell, who holds the post of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. All 27 EU countries are guided by it and give it the right to speak on its behalf on foreign policy issues. What is he chatting about? It turned out that even official representatives of the EU countries do not understand what he is saying. It turned out that it is not he who writes his column, but that someone writes it for him. I’m not sure if he’s reading that at all. How does it work? What is that creepy performance?

What kind of diplomat is he? Have you ever heard a diplomat say that there is no place for diplomacy and that everything on the battlefield has to be decided? We always emphasize that we stand for peace, negotiations and, to the end, for a peaceful solution. Even though we are facing hybrid aggression from the United States. What did the head of European diplomacy say? Josep Borrell says the opposite and kills diplomacy.

Ursula von der Leyen, who also deals with the international relations of the EU, does she represent them? It enforces US policy within the EU. This is anti-diplomacy.

I would like to remind you of Liss Truss, who was Britain’s Prime Minister for a month and a half and before that was Foreign Minister, diplomat of the Kingdom, for a year. Before that, she also held various senior positions in the British government for a short time. What kind of diplomacy is that? At a fateful moment, she came to very important negotiations in our country and did not even know that the Rostov and Voronezh regions were part of the Russian Federation. Is that normal? This happened during a conversation about the situation between Russia and Ukraine.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that she would not speak to Russia unless it turned 360 degrees and fundamentally changed its foreign policy. We turned 360 degrees, so what? We are waiting for active actions from Berlin. Where are they?

And she said that more than once. Either nobody tells her that she talks nonsense and stupid stuff, or she believes that they are all enemies who talk about their mistakes, and she has to resist that – I can’t tell you that. But that’s the level of „ diplomacy “. That was to be expected.

This is the degradation of western diplomacy in all its „ splendor “. What are they doing in the UN Security Council? They kill the Security Council by blocking obvious resolutions and only replacing them with sanctions. There is only one thing left for them: to decide on these endless sanctions that destroy diplomacy. Even more, these are not just sanctions, but part of the hybrid and economic war against our country.

End of translation



I’ve taken several hours to assess what is in the article above and, to me, it boils down to this:

The “Ambassadors” are acting like High School kids in a Clique:   “We’re not talking to yooooooou.”

It would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic.

Yet “pathetic” is not the only descriptor that comes to my mind.  “Dangerous” is another descriptor.

What these “Ambassadors” are doing is leading very explicitly to actual World War 3.  When Diplomacy ceases, generally, war commences.

When history writes the epitaph of our collective West, it may say something like “They destroyed themselves because children in adult bodies threw a temper tantrum and wouldn’t talk Diplomatically.”

To me, it’s as though the Russians are the only adults in the room.

Our civilization is being lead down the road toward destruction my supposed “men” who choose to act like high school children.

He hasn’t a chance in the 2024 election, but he is the one deserving of consideration. Libertarian Party Candidate.

Russia Reveals Intent for Ukraine: Map Shows what will be left . . .

Russia Reveals Intent for Ukraine: Map Shows what will be left . . .

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council (i.e. Senate), Dmitry Medvedev, has revealed how much of “Ukraine” will remain once Russia completes its military operation.  Not much.

In a social media posting, Medvedev made clear “We will not stop until this is the case.”   Here is the full map:

Medvedev map future Ukraine
Medvedev map future Ukraine

The collective West, through NATO, wanted to place US Missile defenses on Ukrainian territory so those missiles would have only about a five minute flight time to Moscow, and to Russia’s Strategic Nuclear Silos.  Russia said “no.”

Russia pointed out that no nation can defend itself from missiles that have only a five minute flight time between launch and impact, and so the positioning of US missiles on Ukraine soil was simply an intolerable security threat to Russia.

The West did not listen.

Russia tried to negotiate what they called “Iron-clad, legally enforceable, security guarantees” and the collective West scoffed, and threw Russia’s proposal (rhetorically) into the trash.

Russia then re-proposed those security guarantees by having their proposal hand delivered to the White House, to NATO HQ, and to the Executive  addresses for each NATO member country, with the additional warning that if Russia could not obtain security guarantees Diplomatically, they would do so by military, or military-technical mean.

The West waited about ten days before they scoffed (again) and (rhetorically) threw the proposal in the trash again.

Days later, Russia telephoned Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and told him he had FIVE HOURS to agree to Russia’s security demands.   Zelensky called both the British Home Office and the US State Department, both of whom told him “ignore Russia’s ultimatum.”

Two hours after that deadline passed, Russian troops crossed the border into Ukraine.

So here we are, slightly over two years into the Ukraine-Russia conflict, and Russia is taking by force, the territory it needs to protect itself from US/NATO missiles.

Over one million troops are now dead — mostly Ukrainians, but a considerable number of Russians, too — all because the US and NATO wanted to put US missiles on Ukrainian territory.

None of this had to be.  Yet here we are.

Now, we see the extent to which Russia will conquer to protect itself.  The map is clear.

Only instead of figuring out that this **MUST** be the way things will be, the collective West is now talking about sending troops into Ukraine to fight Russia.

Russia has long said such an act would mean “a war no one will win” which, as Readers are well aware, means Nuclear War.   Yet French President Macron just this week, doubled-down on his idea to send troops into Ukraine.

What part of “No” does Macron (and NATO) not understand?

The world is being lead into a nuclear conflict that does not have to be.

Prostitutes in LA

If you’re talking about the Napoleonic era wars, with long lines of men in fields slowly marching forward and shooting en masse, as depicted in, for example, the movie “Barry Lyndon”:

The answer is that they fought this way, according to my military historian friend, because:

a) That was actually not as suicidal as it seems to modern eyes, because typically, in a big battle like that, you’d only have about 5% to 10% casualties…

b) Unless one side lost its nerve, and broke and ran, in which case they would have much, much higher casualties (because it’s much, much harder for scattered individuals to defend themselves against an organized group).

Hanging out with a military historian can be quite interesting. You can see how technology dictates tactics, and both evolve over time.

Long lines are for maximizing the number of guns that you can get into a mass volley fire (and massed fire, i.e. everyone shooting simultaneously, can have devastating psychological effect and break a charge).

Horses are for fast mobility, so you can get around the line faster than the men can re-arrange themselves, come at them from the side (where only a few can get a clear shot at you) and stomp all over them.

Squares (literally take that line of men and arrange them in a square, facing outward) are for keeping horses from being able to get around you.

The technology changes, then the tactics change.

EDIT: For a much more detailed (and fun!) dissection of military line tactics, see Eric Lowe’s answer to Why were line infantry tactics, the practice in which 18-19th century warfare was dominated by rows of men firing at each other, common practice? I understand single shot firearms, but the concept seems counterintuitive.

China continuing to be China

As a non-American, I really miss:

  1. That the US President acted and sounded presidential. Think about this; when he said Kanye West was a “jackass” (I personally believe this was light, considering what had happened), the press was all over it. Can you imagine if the president today called Kanye West a Jackass? It would not even make the news!
  2. He actually knew there was a world full of thinking, intelligent people outside of US borders.
  3. The way he behaved as a gentleman, to all people, but, specially, with his wife (you know, little things like opening a door for her, or waiting for her to get out of the car before joining someone).
  4. I know I already mentioned the way he talked, but I will also state here the way he responded to people speaking to him with highly charged emotions; he always seemed cool and tempered. He was smart, and his comebacks were always good, without being rude.
  5. That he was not afraid to admit a mistake.
  6. The fact that he was actually involved in being president. He knew what was going on; he based his knowledge on personal involvement. This also, of course, also made the fact that when he spoke, he knew what he was talking about.
  7. The depth of his speeches, and the lack of words like “big”, “enormous”, and “huge” being repeated a thousand times per speech.
  8. His wife and his children; they were just real. Looking at the Trump family today reminds me of when I met the Prince of Japan; the princess was nothing more than window dressing.

Overall, there is one word that describes Obama which Trump, no matter how hard he tries, he will never have:


Bad guy gets justice

I went out with a co-worker who asked me to go furniture shopping with him because he wanted a woman’s opinion when decorating his new house. He said that for taking the time to go shopping with him, he wanted to buy me dinner.

I met him at his place and he drove the furniture store.

He asked for my opinion on different pieces of furniture and, if I liked anything, he would examine it thoroughly and then tell me everything that was wrong with it and why I was wrong to like it. 2 hours later, we left the store without buying so much as a lamp.

He stopped by Kentucky Fried Chicken and bought a bucket of chicken. He then drove us back to his house.

We ate the KFC at his kitchen counter (he had no table or chairs) and then he announced it was time for us to go to bed (more accurately, to mattress on the floor since he had no bed).

I picked up my purse and headed for the door. He was insulted and disappointed that we weren’t going to end that fantastic evening with coitus.

Worst part — I had to look at this moron every day at work for the next 5 years.

Cat tries to rescue dog

Yup! They have no trouble at all distinguishing one human from another. In fact, my first octopus hated my ex. She always tickled the octopus in a way that really annoyed the little cephalopod, and the octopus responded by squirting water at her.

It got to be a running joke, because if she even opened the lid slightly the octopus would surge up to the surface and give her a face full of water, then retreat and hide under its den. It was like a cartoon!

It liked me though. It would greet me and play tug O war and take food right from my hand. The octopus clearly could tell us apart, but I wanted to know: how far did the recognition go? It gave me an idea: we tried to fool the octopus.

I put on her hat, her sunglasses and jacket, and I let my hair down (I’ve had long hair since the ‘90s)

Nothing. He knew instantly it was me.

Then it was her turn: she tied her hair back in a ponytail, wore one of my shirts and sunglasses. She opened the lid and:….…GOOOOSH! Not even a little hesitation.

That was a long time and many many octopuses ago, but the trend is clear: That first octopus wasn’t unique. Since then, we have had many, many octopuses that could very obviously and easily tell us apart. Now I’m married to a fellow ceph expert, and now my darling wife and I make sure to take turns interacting with our octopuses to make sure neither of us winds up on the wet side of an unfavorable cephalopod yelp review.

It’s a myth that when you leave prison, you’re done.

You see it happen in movies… the prisoner is finally released after years. He walks out that front gate into a new life full of opportunity and hope.

Ahem… bullshit.

After you walk out that gate, your movements are monitored; you’ll have court ordered requirements and a probation officer to enforce them. You may be enrolled in classes, substance abuse sessions, public service, etc. You might have to take a weekly urinalysis. Maybe you’ll wear a drug patch. You might sport a nifty GPS ankle monitor that can shout helpful things at you like, “Call your PO, NOW!” You might have to cough up a chunk of your meager salary to pay for all these things.

You could have fines or restitution to take care of, and the courts are a creditor that doesn’t take no for an answer.

You’ll have a hell of a time finding a decent job. Apartments aren’t any easier. Would you want to rent to a felon, or hire one? Even people that say they would, still quietly look for ways not to.

I applied for a county job and had the job in the bag until my felony came up. The hiring manager said he believed in second chances… Ten days later I received a terse letter from the HR department explaining that “due to adverse information” I could not be considered for hire. The second chance wasn’t mine, it was theirs… a second chance to back out. Even if the hiring manager was 100% sure that I was the perfect candidate, he doesn’t want to stick his neck out for a felon. I don’t blame him.

Instead I wound up working at a car wash for minimum wage for my first year. Now I’ve got a warehouse job, but I still make only a quarter of what I made before my journey started. After child support and insurance are deducted, my job pays me $125 a week (don’t even raise the topic of getting support reduced… I’ve tried).

Your PO can knock on your door any time of the day or night and can ransack your place for any reason or suspicion. They can show up at your job to ask questions or talk to your neighbors (hasn’t happened to me, but I’ve heard plenty of state cases where it has).

My probation is for five years, but I’ve known a few guys who have lifetime probation. Imagine looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life. One forbidden beer and you’re off to cell block seven!

The “help” the state provides to get you under way after release was the biggest impediment to starting over. I’m sure some guys need what was provided if they’ve burned every last bridge in their lives. For me, the halfway house just frustrated my efforts.

The felony will haunt you for as long as you live.

Truth is that once you’ve seen the inside of a prison, you never really get to walk out free again.

All good things end. This is a tribute, but I can feel it’s reality.

MM the movie producer

I used to live in Washington, D.C. years ago. Every other morning the radio station played DC101 and we listened to the Greaseman. I hate all drive time DJs, I just want to hear music but I really hated this guy. His catch phrase was, “Habba-doo-gee Habba-doo-gah”.

Then one day a guy called in and asked the Greaseman how to keep a job. That he had been an idiot and lost several jobs in a row and had his license pulled and how he had gotten a job bartending that was walking distance and he wanted to really try to do well and not lose this job but he didn’t know how.

The Greaseman dropped his phony radio voice and and said something like the following, “I am going to give you two pieces of advice. First if your shift starts 6, show up at 5.45. Take the fifteen to have a chat with your coworkers, wash your hands, get your head in the game. When your shift starts you are ready to work. Bosses hate people who clock in but aren’t ready to do any work yet. They notice that shit.”

“Two, look at all the other bartenders. You want to be the second best dressed bartender there. If you try to be the best dressed, well maybe the other bartenders will think, ‘Look at this new guy trying to be better than all of us.’ But if you aim for the second best you will fit in with the other workers and the boss will still think, ‘Here’s a guy who knows how to be professional.’”

I was like, “Wow, that was actually pretty good advice from someone I thought was an idiot.” I still think it was pretty good advice.

Being a CEO

What is something a guest in your house did that made your jaw drop? How did you react?

My daughter has a very close female friend. They went right through school together and to this day remain good mates. The friend ,(s), went off to uni and while on a holiday back home, stayed overnight at our house. On Saturday morning I had been for an early run and was in the bath ,we had no lock on the door and had this rule if the door is closed someone is probably in there. So the door opens and (s) walks in , naked as the day she was born, says Hi to me and sits down and takes a piss. This is a girl I have known since she was 4 years old and was such a shy little girl, then at 18 was OK with being naked in front of me and me being bollock naked in the tub. If my jaw dropped any lower I may have drowned.

I am fucking tired

Forgotten Chicken

Forgotten Chicken is a great fast and easy recipe! I have made this with chicken tenders, and it’s great. This is also known as “No Peek Chicken.”

forgotten chicken
forgotten chicken


  • 1 1/2 cups white rice, uncooked
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 can cream of celery soup
  • 1 soup can water
  • Chicken breasts or thighs
  • 1 envelope dry onion soup mix


  1. Mix rice, soups and water.
  2. Pour into a greased 9 x 13 inch baking dish.
  3. Lay chicken on top of rice mixture.
  4. Sprinkle chicken evenly with onion soup mix.
  5. Cover tightly and bake for 1 1/2 hours at 350 degrees F.

Check this out

I tried this. Very cool. But takes a while to generate.

What would your course of action be if you saw a healthy, able-bodied individual get out of a vehicle that they just parked in a handicapped parking space?

Mind your own business.

About 20 years ago, I was in a downtown area with my friend and her young son. My friend has MS and sometimes has trouble walking long distances. She has a permanent handicapped placard from her state. It was hanging in my car, and we parked in a short term parking space. So, here we are, two women apparently healthy, with a small child, and this jerk of a guy comes up and asks me which one of us is handicapped.

Usually I don’t think of the great answer until 2 a.m., but I found my tongue as I walked around to open the trunk…

“Not that it’s any of your business, but it’s her.”

…I open the trunk to reveal the stroller AND the wheelchair…

As I’m unfolding the stroller..

“For now, she’s going to steady herself by pushing the baby in the stroller. If she gets tired later, we’ll come back and she can hold him in her lap, and I’ll push the both of them in the chair. IS THAT OK WITH YOU?”

I’m still proud of that.

Just because a disability is not visible to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. If you have the person in question’s full medical history, feel free to contact the authorities.

What is the kindest thing you’ve ever seen a tourist do?

We were at a flea market that isn’t advertised. People have to either live in the area or hear of it from someone who does. A little bit of everything is sold there; nothing is expensive.

It was dusty and hot, with a mishmash of cotton cloth used as overhead cover, held together by clips and ropes, held up by mostly bamboo poles.

We gladly sat down on a rickety wooden bench, ordered homemade lemonade and rested.

Not far from us was a family of four, sitting on two worn out rattan mats. Grandmom and grandad (that’s what the kids with them called them) arranged fresh veggies for sale at the front of the mat while the kids (a teenaged boy and a younger little girl) sat behind them, cleaning more veggies and fruit.

The grandparents were poor farmers, that was evident from their clothes, their weathered skin, the way they spoke, their eyes. The children, wearing clothes that were too small, old but clean, were probably living with them so their parents could work in Bangkok. It happens a lot here.

Then I heard Australian English. Two couples of backpackers walked by, chatting. How they found this market, I will never know.

Maybe six meters away, one of the young men stopped his friends and looked back at the veggie vendors. All four returned and squatted down in front of the mats.

I was about to see if I could translate for them when the grandson began to do his best. I smiled.

The next few minutes were pure joy. The Australians were asking the Thai names of veggies and then gave the English names. Lots of smiles and laughter. They bought some of everything, then tried to pay more than the asking price.

Grandmom was having none of that; she added extras to their bags.

They took their leave but returned, taking clothes and shoes from their backpacks and insisting on sharing with the whole family. The area around us went silent (unheard of in Thai markets).

The two things I remember the most: the teenager’s huge eyes when he was given a pair of running shoes, and the little girl’s delighted laughter when she put on a pretty pink shirt that was big enough to be a dress for her.

Grandmom, wiping tears, tried to give them more veggies.

Meanwhile in China

How many times have you had to fight for your life as a police officer?

I’ve been in some scrapes, but only one in which my life depended on winning the fight.

I made the mistake of letting a subject in too close to me. By the time I saw him pulling the gun from his waistband it was too late to pull my own. I could only grab his hands and make sure the barrel of his gun did not point across my body.

For a few seconds it was quite intense. As my backup strolled up I yelled, “GUN!” at which time my backup, well, — BACKED UP. Then he hid behind a gas pump, pulled his gun and pointed it at the subject and I as we wrestled for the gun. It became a little more intense then, knowing I was in this alone. I guess had I been shot my backup would have avenged my death.

I had to make him drop the gun (the bad guy, that is). I whacked his hand against the gas pump and it fell to the ground, then he did too.

My Chief read my report and gave me a commendation letter. I still have it somewhere. He said he and the politicians were impressed by how I handled the situation. He wrote, “…you could have used your own gun, your K9, your ASP baton, your Taser or your OC spray, and instead you disarmed the subject using the least amount of force available.” I felt like a complete idiot. I never bothered to tell him I would have used ALL of those things if I had the opportunity.

So, guys. Don’t make the same mistake I made. Keep that tactical distance. Or have a good backup.

Texas Declares Biden Administration To Be In VIOLATION

What is the best random conversation you overheard?

This wasn’t something that I overheard, but my cousin did.

He was sitting on a train and overheard two girls talking, roughly in their early 20s. One of the girls had been asked to house sit for a family friend who was away for 2 weeks and also look after their pet German Shepherd.

Things were going well for the first few days until she woke up one morning and the dog had died in its sleep.

This was in central London in the height of summer, and the girl didn’t own a car. The owners wouldn’t be back for about 8 days so she couldn’t just leave it in the house until then incase it started to rot. She read online that she should store it in a cool place, but there wasn’t anywhere suitable at their house as it was a very big dog. She also didn’t have many friends in the area and had no access to a car, so she had no idea what to do.

She googled where the nearest vet was who might be able to store the body until the owners returned, but it was two stops away on the tube. Even if a taxi agreed to transport a dead dog, she couldn’t really afford to pay £20 for a London taxi, so she put the dog in a suitcase and took it on the tube.

A man offered to help her carry it down the stairs as she was struggling, and asked what on earth she had inside that made it so heavy (about 30kg). She was a photography student, so told him that she studied photography and had a lot of camera equipment inside. They chatted a bit about it and got on to the tube.

At the next stop, the man got off, but just as the doors were closing, he grabbed the suitcase and ran off towards the escalators as fast as he could. He was obviously a petty criminal who thought he would cash in on the camera equipment. Before she knew what had happened, the doors had shut and she was on her way to the next station.

I’m not sure if they ever got it back, but there aren’t many greater images than the thought of this man returning home thinking he had hit the jackpot, only to open the bag and see a dead German Shepherd staring back at him.

Feminist Icons

21 interesting facts about human behavior:

  1. 70% of people like old songs because of the memories attached to them.
  2. When a person dies, they have 7 minutes of brain activity left, it’s the mind playing back the person’s memories in a dream sequence.
  3. Psychology says that playing video games makes you more creative.
  4. Most people type faster when there’s someone they like.
  5. You appear more attractive to a person when you make them laugh or smile.
  6. 80% of women choose silence to express pain. You should know she is truly hurt when she chooses to ignore you.
  7. People with sarcastic personalities are more honest with their friends.
  8. Overthinking is a special form of fear. It gets even more dangerous when anticipation, memory, emotion and imagination are added together.
  9. The happier you are, the less sleep you would require to function in everyday life. Sadness increases the urge to sleep more.
  10. The average woman smiles 60 times a day. An average man smiles only 10 times a day.
  11. When people refuse to tell you what’s wrong, you tend to think that it’s probably your fault.
  12. Intelligent men and women are more easily annoyed by people in general.
  13. Women and men experience the same kind of emotions but women are more honest with them.
  14. Life becomes more meaningful when you understand the fact that you will not get the same moment twice in your life.
  15. What we wear tends to affect how we behave.
  16. Introverts tend to have more thinking capabilities than extroverts.
  17. Eat bananas, because bananas contain a special chemical which can make a person happy.
  18. Pretending not to care is the habit of those who care the most.
  19. When you become really close to someone, you can hear their voices in your head when you read their text.
  20. Being sarcastic can add upto 3 years in your life.
  21. Appreciating someone can boost their confidence and motivate them to do better things in life.

The Expectations of a Modern Woman

What is the most powerful supernatural warning you have received?

Yes, I remember a very strange thing that happened in a sort of mundane way. This happened around the late 1980s or early 1990s. I can’t remember the exact date now.

I had an appointment at the dentist, and went out to my car. It was a 10 minute drive to the dentist.

It was pouring with heavy rain. I got in my car, started it, and then realised my wipers weren’t working. I fiddled with the switch, but no -they wouldn’t work at all. It would have been impossible to drive through those conditions with no wipers.

There had NEVER been any problem with them, so their sudden refusal to operate was quite strange.

I went back in the house and phoned the dentist. I knew I’d be charged a late cancellation fee, but oddly, the receptionist said they’d had a cancellation, so there was no rush. “Just get in when you can in the next forty five minutes or so” she told me, “And there won’t be a charge.”

I was pleased by that . No pressure about timing.

I went back to the car, and tried the wipers again. Nope -not working.

I just sat there for a moment or so, then tried again, and suddenly they sprang into life!

I was, by then, about 15 minutes over my scheduled appointment time. But that didn’t matter so much now.

I drove out and about a couple of miles away there was a turning onto the main road, so I turned….

…And headed straight into a pile up of cars; a big car accident which had obviously just happened. I pulled over to see if any help was needed but someone told me they had already called emergency services.

That accident had happened within the previous 10 minutes obviously. A number of vehicles were involved. It was quite horrible to have to weave my way through it all, knowing people had to be injured, or perhaps even killed. But I had to, in order to not block the road for emergency vehicles about to arrive.

So I continued. But as I drove I began to wonder why I had been stopped from driving out, by my “broken” wipers (which, by the way, never ever broke down again and worked perfectly until the end of that car’s life.)

And as time went by, I began to wonder if something, some force, something I had no name for, had protected me that day? And why?

Something quite strange had happened that day.

I don’t feel I was “warned”. I feel I was quite clearly protected from harm, or possible death.

So one thing I learned is this: When things appear to go very frustratingly wrong in your day and you start to get annoyed about it, just stop and wonder. What might you be protected against? You don’t know. Keep an open mind.

Truth is a tough sell

What did your kid do that you had to punish them for, but couldn’t help but laugh at later?

I got a call about the “dentist’s visit” my daughter was leaving high school for. It was very strange since I was not aware of any dental appointment. I looked into it and was told that she had given the school a handwritten excuse note supposedly from me. I had not written any note.

The school was concerned because she had been having so many dental and doctor appointments that year.

It turned out she and her friend had been writing notes for each other to get out of school all year long. They had also signed a bunch of forms at the beginning of the school year so the signatures on the notes would match the signatures on file. The other mother and I had signed those forms, but the girls told the school secretary they’d lost the first sets they were given. The unsuspecting secretary gave them packets of replacement forms which the girls then signed and turned in.

I had to punish my daughter, but I secretly admired the amount of thought and preparation she and her buddy had put into the project.

Separate Vocals and Instruments from Songs!

06 Things everyone should avoid to tell people

  1. Don’t tell people your failures. They will always see you as a failure and never give you the opportunity.
  2. Don’t tell people your plans. They will sabotage you.
  3. Don’t tell people your next big move. Move in silence, take action, and shock them with your results.
  4. Don’t tell people your income or the source of your income. Always make them wonder.
  5. Don’t tell people your weakness. They will use them against you.
  6. Don’t tell people your secrets. Only a fool reveals secrets.

Traditional Woman Destroys Woke Feminist

Have you ever found something in your child’s backpack that enraged you?

I have to give my broom riding ex wife credit for this.

I have full custody but I completely missed something the ex caught one morning in texts from our daughter who had stayed at one of her friends’ house. We thought it was a safe place. We had never had any trouble with our 14 or 15 yr old daughter.

She texted her mom asking if she could pick her up later than agreed on that day. Her mom called me and said text our daughter, something is strange it doesnt sound like her.

I thought it was slightly different but definately her so I wasnt worried. Whats the problem?

She sounds high or drunk. Her texting is weird.

I picked her up myself and she smelled strange in the car but seemed normal.

I checked her bag as she took a shower and found two empty pint whisky bottles and a vape pipe. Complete and total shock.

Big fight after her shower but she has never been caught with anything again or made us suspicious. She was never allowed to hang out with that girl again. The parents didnt say anything to their daughter and busted her sneaking out to meet older boys with cars and alcohol the next night. We took ours’ phone, she couldnt warn her.

That girl straightened up too, I saw her at her job a few years later and she was very nice and mature acting. I was impressed with her.

It’s As BAD As We Thought… (Finally Some Honesty!)

Did an accidental diagnosis a medical condition save your life?

‘My friend’s life’

He generally never says no to anything, and so he always ended up paying for all our colleagues’ coffee bill, whenever we ordered. But he always did it smilingly. He is the quietest radiologist I know of, and one of the most capable.

It was late in the evening, and he did not have lunch yet. Not the right time for the General Electric (GE) salesman to request him to ‘do demo a new portable ultrasound system’.

‘Sir just 5 minutes, the company insisted on your comment sir, please’.

As usual, he couldn’t say no.

With the last patient gone, he looked for some hospital orderly to lie down on the patient bed to check the new ‘portable ultrasound’ machine.

Hungry, and looking for a way to solve his predicament, he succumbed to the most primordial reflex. He lifted the right end of his neatly tucked shirt and placed the ‘ultrasound probe’ on to his own abdomen to check for the clarity of the machine.

What shocked him was not the clarity of the ultrasound machine but the fact that his right kidney showed a clear ‘mass’ at the lower pole; a diagnosis of ‘Renal Cell carcinoma – RCC’ That was the diagnosis that he would make on seeing such an image for any patient, including himself, with a radiology MD name board on his white coat.

‘Good machine’ he softly commented and left.

Instead of going for lunch, he went to his colleague in a nearby hospital. By evening urology consultation was taken and the next day he was inside the operating room in a green dress, undergoing partial nephrectomy.

We waited outside. No one ordered coffee.

The biopsy confirmed cancer, but fortunately, he was cured.

Because it was detected very early.

Now I know why his room has the picture of an ultrasound machine hung on the wall; instead of the usual lord ‘Ganesha’.

The mouse might be good at smelling money, but the ultrasound is better in picking up unseen diseases early and save a catastrophe, something that no money can buy.

Some Real Talk

How would you handle uninvited guests the DAY of your wedding, that absolutely can’t be accommodated for? “Oh, so-and-so’s wanted to come so I brought them!”

I was a caterer for for 10 years and specialized in weddings. My last weekend serving food for weddings before moving out of state was my most challenging! There were 2 receptions for 300 people each and an extravaganza for 700 people and all were on the same day. My partner was at one, our most experienced employee oversaw the 2nd one and I had the 700 person nightmare. We had some hiccups but they all went well. We always had sufficient food for people who showed up after not responding. We had servers with champagne or sparkling cider at the end of the receiving line. We knew how many glasses they had available to help keep count of people served. Most weddings were buffet so we only had out enough plates for the people they’d signed a contract for. Often we had to bring out more plates. It was appalling how many times the parents of the bridal party tried to get out of paying for the extra people. A wedding is no place to bring uninvited people.

Girlbosses are the WORST.

What office rule made you say “Really?”

I used to work for a multi-billion dollar consumer goods company. There were several rather stupid policies in place.

One of them simply didn’t make any sense at all. It was a “clean desk policy.” You were only allowed one or two pictures on your desk, your computer, and an in/out basket. At the end of the day, you had to put anything that wasn’t approved away, and that happened to also include whatever you had in your in/out basket. Yes, that had to be empty at the end of the day. No staplers, tape dispensers, pens/pencils, etc. could be left on your desk.

Our offices around the world were set up as “open offices.” There were no cubicles, nor were there any enclosed offices. The only rooms with doors were meeting rooms and, of course, the restrooms. Desks were arranged in pods based on department, and you could see clearly from one corner of the building to the other.

Whenever the big-wigs were coming from the main headquarters, HR would scurry around and enforce the clean desk policy. They would badger, bully, and berate us to the point where they even took the offending items off our desks and threw them away. Everything had to be perfect for the big-wigs.

Here’s where the stupidity of the policy comes into play: the big-wigs never visited after hours when the office was in full compliance with the policy. They visited during office hours which was when everyone had papers strewn all over their desks because they were at work!

Strong Points from Arthur Kwon Lee

Damn! This is great.

Is China ready for WW3 against the USA?


China is a peaceful nation, but it is not a pacifist nation.

They are also not idiots. They see the actions of the United States, and like President Putin, have concluded that no one in America is in control. It is completely running amuck, on “auto pilot”, going through the motions, and seemingly desirous of “suicide by cop”.

There was a time when the United States, with it’s “allies”, were roughly matched in military ability against China. That was right after world war 2, when the American military was at it’s strongest, and the Chinese nation, and military was at it’s weakest. That was back in 1950. And when the United States started bombing China during the “Korean War”, they unleashed a dragon. And the Allied forces were horribly mauled.

Since then, well, China has been getting ready. REALLY READY.

To understand what is going on, you must study Chinese military history. Because once you do… then you realize just how fucked the United States is right now. Is there anything that the United States can do right these days? From abandoned cities, to homeless tent cities, to breath-taking inflation, and mind-boggling corruption.

Do you think that it is because the American “system of democracy” hit some “bumps in the road”, or that since 2008, the United States have been fighting world war 3 against China? And China, if you read history, ALWAYS destroys the aggressor nation from within.

You all must remember that…

  • China has the oldest military in the world.
  • It has the oldest navy in the world.
  • It has the oldest marines in the world.
  • It has the largest military in the world.
  • It is peer capable with the best military technologies, including stealth, cloaking, and AI robotics.

But China doesn’t want to use these forces. It wants peace.

But, you know, if some imbecile decides to bomb China / Taiwan… well, the radioactive clouds over America will take decades to dissipate.

Oh, China is ready.

And, so is Russia.


Many years ago when my husband and I were first married, I was a college student while he was working as the grunt guy for a used restaurant equipment shop to pay the bills. We stopped at Sears while doing errands. When I got out of the car, I looked down and saw a ring.

I thought it was a junk ring that a child would wear or something. I don’t know why but I picked it up and threw it on the dash before I closed the car door and went into the store.

Sometime later, while my husband was driving us to another errand, I picked up the ring and looked closer. I thought that it might actually be real. I couldn’t believe it. I mean why would a real ring be in the parking lot of Sears?

However, I took it in with me while we went into the next store and stopped at the jewelry counter. We showed it to the clerk who looked at the stone with one of those eye glass things. He confirmed that it was a real diamond.

We ended up going back to Sears to report the ring to their security, who called the police, and we had to wait around for them to show up. They took the ring and filed a report. It took several hours and we weren’t sure if the hassle was worth it.

However, we found out a few days later that an older couple had come into Sears looking for the wife’s wedding ring. Apparently, she had taken off her ring to put on lotion while her husband was driving and then she had gotten out of the car with the ring still in her lap. They didn’t realize the ring was gone until later.

We were glad that I had impulsively picked up what I thought was a piece of junk and threw it on the dash of the car. A wife got back her wedding ring and we had an unusual story to tell.

Alien Bodies Confirmed After Testing to be NON Human

Check it out.

What is it like to work in a Chinese factory?

I once was the Managing Director of a Consumer products division in DongGuan, China. This is how we ran it. Here’s some points that are off the top of my head.

[1] All employees sign a contract of employment. It lists the working hours, conditions and length of contract. Most contracts were 2 – 3 years long. If the employee breaks the contract, they lose accrued benefits, and social welfare benefits. If the company breaks the contract, they risk substantial fees, and penalties.

[2] Working hours were 8:30am to 6:00pm with a two hour lunch & nap time. Six working days. Sunday was off.

[3] Everyone has a free room in a dorm. The rooms had a bed, small kitchenette with refrigerator, television, and free wifi. It included a small table, and chair. Shared bath down the hall, and a common room with sofas, kitchen, microwave, and large screen television.

[4] Everyone got free meals. This included breakfasts, lunch and dinner at the canteen. Plus periodic special moments, like fee watermelon, ice cream, or Jaozi spectacular. The management and supervisory staff ate in a upstairs dining hall, the regular workers ate in a hall (or outside) next to the kitchen.

[5] We had a shared bus that ran to and from the factory into town. You could arrange pickups, or meet their fixed discharge and pickup schedule. The driver lived in the dorms. Ran a regular schedule but could be pulled out for special trips on request.

[6] Supervisory staff had slightly larger quarters, a special common room, and some other minor perks.

[7] Time management was conducted by thumb-scan. Presently the factory uses facial scanning.

[8] No dress code, except for safety concerns. Employees washed their clothes in the (dorm) floor washing machines and hung their clothes on their dorm porches. Typically, employees wore tee shirts, and trousers with tennis shoes.

[9] Average age of the workers was somewhere between 30 – 45. The guards were all retired males, and the cleaning ladies and cooking staff were also (generally) older if not retirement age.

[10] Families. Some employees had children, or extended family. The children were permitted to live in the dorms, and were monitored and looked after by the factory community. The guards had the responsibility to make sure that the children went to school safely. Visitors often asked about the toy scooters, and what-not in the parking lot and yard. But that’s why.

[11] Sickness. Illness was treated with serious concern, and we would assign staff to help the person see a doctor and make sure that they got the medicines that they needed.

[12] Special holiday. Once every six months we had a special holiday, where the factory took a trip to a park, or amusement center. The employee would have to contribute towards the cost of the bus ride, but the meals and fees were all paid by the company.

[13] CNY Holiday. The company shut down for CNY which generally lasted ten days. About half of the employees opted for a full month off. This was negotiated in their contract. Leading up to the holiday was a hectic time. We would then host a nice big dinner, and a KTV visit(s) where the yearly bonus would be handed out. Bonuses were equal to one months salary.

I’ll tack on more info as I think about it. But this should give you an idea of what it is like working in a factory in Dongguang.

Chinese billboard

Only in China.

To Die for Beef Roast

This is one of the best roasts you will ever taste. Carrots, potatoes and celery can also be added, if desired.

to die for crockpot roast
to die for crockpot roast


  • 1 beef roast (any kind)
  • 1 envelope Hidden Valley Ranch salad dressing mix
  • 1 envelope brown gravy mix
  • 1 envelope Italian dressing mix
  • 1/2 cup warm water


  1. Place roast in slow cooker.
  2. Mix contents of all 3 envelopes and sprinkle over roast.
  3. Pour water into the bottom of the slow cooker.
  4. Cover and cook on LOW for 6 to 7 hours.

American food makes you fat.

In 2010 I drove across the USA with my family.

Rather than drive my own car, I wanted to rent a car so we could have it replaced if there was a problem on the road. We had a lot of plans and couldn’t afford to lose time. We wanted a nice, large SUV with unlimited miles.

Hertz would not offer unlimited mile SUVs but I could get a minivan. So, I booked that, disappointed. I called the local airport rental place to tell them my plans, and to ask if I could reserve a specific vehicle make and model even though that was against policy. When I explained why, the manager’s eyes lit up. “We don’t offer unlimited milage SUVs, but you can upgrade the minivan contract to SUV fur a small fee and the unlimited miles feature follows!” She then let me and the kids explore the 4 SUV models of the time, and we picked a Chevy Traverse. We agreed on a Thursday pickup.

As we were packing in the days leading up to the rental, we thought we’d get the car a day early and start loading so we could take off sooner. Since we had a special arrangement, I called the location and asked about an early pickup. The person who answered said the manager was out that day but said to come down and see what they could do.

I arrived at the SJC airport location on Wednesday, and the rental lot was nearly empty. My heart sank. I suspected they would not honor the deal. I walked in, braced for bad news. When I introduced myself, they recognized me immediately. “Oh, you’re the cross-country guy! Come with me.”

We walked to the back of the rental shack and there was a Chevy Traverse, with a big OUT OF SERVICE sign on the dashboard.

“We got this car on Monday, but we couldn’t rent it because it had mechanical problems.” He opened the door and pulled the sign off the dashboard with a flourish and a grin. “OK, that should fix it. Now we can rent it.”

I went on to clock 7,800 miles over 5 weeks. They didn’t bat an eye when I returned it.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Sings About Rainbows

This AI is fucking amazing!


Wearing a beanie in beantown on a beany day

I was in the ninth or tenth standard.

Our Maths teacher was excellent in teaching maths in logical way.

I had a great respect for her teaching excellence.

Since I loved Maths and scored good marks, students who had problem with maths would come to me in the short interval for clearing their doubts in some difficult problems.

Those students were day schoolers , while I was in boarding.

In short interval when I was explaining Maths, they would offer me some food to taste which they brought from their home.

One particular item jowar roti(it is called jonna rotti in Telugu) with smoked brinjal chutney(baigan ka bharta) was my favorite. So whenever any of those girls brought those items, they would invariably offer me.

One day when I was explaining some problems to the girls, the teacher saw us.

After some time I was called into the staff room.

I was scared. “Did I do any thing wrong by explaining maths to those girls?” I thought.

“It is a good thing you are clearing the doubts for those girls. I appreciate you. You are saving my time” she said.

My respect for her increased.

“But why do you eat from their (mentioning their caste) tiffin boxes? Stop eating from now onwards”

My entire respect for her came crashing down in a minute.

From then onward, I respected her as a good Math teacher but never considered as a mentor.


Southern Fried Catfish

Fried Catfish Recipe 8 scaled
Fried Catfish Recipe 8 scaled


  • 6 small catfish
  • 2 cups buttermilk
  • 2 cups cornmeal
  • Salt
  • Ground pepper


  1. Shake cornmeal, salt and ground pepper in a paper bag.
  2. Heat oil to 360 degrees F, halfway up the sides of a cast iron skillet.
  3. Dip catfish into buttermilk, then into dry mixture in bag.
  4. Fry for about 2 1/2 to 3 minutes on each side (5 minutes per every inch of thickness).
  5. Serve with Hush Puppies.

Years ago, my husband stopped by a yard sale looking for old canning jars (which he collects). When he was getting ready to pay for his new treasures, the man running the sale asked him if he wanted a bottle he had – it was only $5. So my husband bought it. He put it in the back seat of his truck and headed for home.

When he got home, he noticed the vivid green coloring to the bottle so he took some pictures of it and uploaded pictures of it to a collector’s group he belonged to. One person offered him $100, another $200. Finally, someone messaged my husband and asked him if he even knew what he had. Turns out it was an old Binninger’s whiskey bottle and the second one known to exist. They offered to pay for transport to their facility and take it around to some collectors’ shows, then auction it off so it could get some exposure. My husband paid for the shipping and agreed that they could auction it off.

That bottle sold for $6000. The auction house got 10%. So $6000 – $620 (600 to the auction house and $20 to buy and ship) = $5380.00. Not a bad traffic

This was actually half of three conversations that were all connected.

A few years ago I was on holiday in Pisa. One day we were travelling back to Pisa by train after a day out and we were sitting near a young Italian.

When he started speaking to someone on his mobile, I did pay attention at first but I then found that I was understanding what he was saying without trying. I decided to practise my aural comprehension and started listening.

He was asking someone to meet him at the station and I assumed that it was his sister, since many young Italians live at home.

Anyway he said something like:

”…… if you could come and meet me at the station … I need to buy a birthday present for Mamma…”

I could not hear what the other person said but I realised he had received a negative response because he said “OK” in a tone of resignation. I had a vague suspicion that asking for help to choose a present was just an excuse and his real concern was getting a lift home. He then said something like:

”I’ll see you at home then ….. or maybe you could come and pick me up at the station …… Ah, OK. I’ll see you at home then”

I noticed that when he asked about being picked up at the station he spoke with exaggerated casualness, obviously wanting to give the impression that he had only just thought of it although it was his real reason for phoning.

After his request had met with another refusal, he phoned someone else and suggested meeting at the station before going to a bar. This person also declined.

A few minutes later the young man’s mobile rang and I just knew that the second person wanted to arrange something for another night. When he answered his mobile, I could half sense and half hear the other person suggesting that they meet another time. The young man did not want to arrange anything and ended the call very quickly.

Personally, if I had been in the other person’s position, I would not have bothered with that young man again. He seemed really self-centred.

Shorpy History

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1. Money might not buy happiness but it does make sadness comfortable.

2. The fuller your phone battery is by the end of the day, the better your day was.

3. Having a small circle is cool until your two friends are busy.

4. World history unfolding seems so unreal until you experience it first and it becomes too real.

5. If an object is large enough, it becomes a location.

6. Never run for a bus or a relationship. Because when one leaves, another arrives.

7. May you attract someone speaks your language so you don’t have to translate your soul.

8. Some people don’t realize how hard you are riding for them, until you park.

9. Everyone wants you to go the extra mile, but seldom gives you the gas to do it.

10. Randomly hearing your favorite song is more satisfying than putting it on yourself.

According to the plan, it was supposed to carry back 2 kilograms, but the density of the lunar soil is based on public information in the United States. The U.S. public information is incorrect. The actual lunar soil density is smaller than that disclosed by the United States.

In this way, under the same volume, the mass decreases: 2 kg → 1.731 kg.

This scientific parameter must not be wrong! Get it wrong and the mission will fail. Fortunately, the Chinese do not trust the United States and have margins when designing.

2 possibilities: Deliberately publicizing wrong information to mislead others. The second is that the United States really doesn’t know what is wrong. Therefore, the United States keeps asking China for information and lunar soil. China ignored it!

I am not qualified to say that the US moon landing was fake, I can only have doubts.

Some Problem discussion :

1. The Soviet Union also used unmanned missions to land on the moon, obtained the lunar soil, and found water, while the United States said there was no water. The Soviet Union was not confident and could only believe that the lunar soil it obtained was contaminated. Now, no one from China has landed on the moon to obtain lunar soil, proving that the lunar soil contains water.

2. The ironclad proof of the American moon landing is the installation of a lunar surface laser corner reflector . The distance between the earth and the moon can be measured on the earth through the lunar corner reflector. However, the United States installed two corner reflectors manually, and the Soviet Union installed three corner reflectors with automatic machines for unmanned lunar landings. At the same time, the Soviet Union’s corner reflectors can also measure the distance between the earth and the moon. The effect is the same, how can it be “irrefutable proof”.

3. Zhang Benan , deputy chief engineer of China’s aerospace industry , publicly stated that according to the internal assessment of the US Apollo moon landing, the reliability rate was less than 50%. If China followed the American moon landing model, it would be impossible to succeed. Look, Chinese scientists always speak in direct manner. If the success rate of a project is less than 50%, can it be successful? However, there were 6 Apollo moon landings, 5 of which were successful. Science is not feudal superstition. We talk about projects based on facts. We do not take personal feelings and evaluate rationally!

4. When the United States landed on the moon and returned to the earth, it did not master the ” Qian Xuesen ballistic ” re-entry technology and returned to the earth at the second cosmic speed , which would have killed all the astronauts. However, the three astronauts are not dead, they are alive. what happened? The United States has not yet mastered this technology. In 2022, NASA made big claims early, claiming that Orion was the first manned spacecraft in history to use a jump return method (i.e., “floating”) to reenter the atmosphere. This is actually a ” semi-ballistic return ” and is not fully understood. But how did they return to Earth in 1969?!

5. China and the United States, no one has landed on the moon, and some people have landed on the moon. Comparison of lunar surface pictures:

main qimg 9f3133a555bfba4b50b4547c58bb3bce
main qimg 9f3133a555bfba4b50b4547c58bb3bce

China, lunar surface, lunar soil is dense and discolored. United States, on the lunar surface, the lunar soil is like a cement pile, loose and does not change color. (Picture below: Moon landing announced by the United States)

main qimg da27dfb27dc0d274dda5f095a428ba41
main qimg da27dfb27dc0d274dda5f095a428ba41

There is another picture, below: Ground simulation training taken by the United States (published by the United States), take a look

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main qimg 4ae1eed93956631e2abf65cb90cd3e78

In the ground simulation, the astronauts were held by two wires behind them, and the scene was almost the same as if they were on the moon… If you go to the studio and the wire ropes are blurred, you would think that they are on the so-called moon….The picture below shows the lunar surface taken by China’s Chang’e 2 , which is believed to be the remnants of the American Apollo 11. However, it is a shadow with a resolution of 70 meters. It does not prove that “someone landed on the moon”. A lunar rover? American flag? where? Where are the footprints? No one has ever landed on the moon, so we can throw something down. It’s pitch black, what are you looking at? ?

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main qimg 31564713a11c1dfe16ed8e2776cbed29

Even if no one lands on the moon, we can still create this huge pile of ruins with nothing visible. 2002 American TV show, the host who questioned the moon landing insisted that astronaut Aldrin swear to the camera with his hand on the Bible, declaring that he had truly left footprints on the moon. If he refused, it would prove that the moon landing was a hoax. Aldrin remained silent for a long time. But the host continued to ask, saying that if you don’t swear, “you are a coward, a liar, and a shameful thief.” Faced with such verbal provocation, an angry Aldrin punched the host, but he still refused to swear in the end. Later, Armstrong and other three other astronauts who landed on the moon also refused to swear when they encountered similar situations. That is to say, no one who landed on the moon has dared to swear according to the Bible that he landed on the moon. (There is a video, you can look for it) According to American law, pressing the Constitution and the Bible with your hands and swearing an oath are essentially testimonials, which are legally binding. Many people do not understand American law. The act of swearing on the Bible can be used as evidence recognized by the court. If you lie, it is ” perjury “; and perjury is one of the six major felonies and must be sentenced to more than one year in prison. There is no Execution outside prison and understanding outside court. Therefore, when Americans are forced to swear or testify, they can remain silent and refuse to answer. This is a form of self-protection and is recognized by law.

Conclusion :

1. We must use a “real scientific attitude” to talk about problems, instead of “because the United States is very powerful”. Everything it does is right and true. This is inappropriate. Discuss things objectively without any subjectivity; let alone use force to overwhelm others, “America is great, how dare you doubt it?” “Scientists from all over the world don’t doubt it, so who do you think you are?” “Whatever culture you have, you are worthy of doubting Apollo”…This is no longer interesting.

2. Not much to talk about, just two:

A. The United States has not yet mastered the “floating technology.” How did the people inside the lunar return module survive when it returned to the earth at the speed of the second universe? Entering the atmosphere at the speed of the second universe, the spacecraft can withstand at least 16G inside and outside, and the human body can withstand up to 10G. If it exceeds, you will die. How did these moon landings survive?

B. Just one. Of all the “moon-landers”, not one of them pressed the Bible and swore he would land on the moon. Why? When talking about things, convince people with reason.

Everyone is interested in the ground training of the American Apollo moon landing. Here are a few more pictures. These are all announced by NASA:

main qimg 38177cfc66c2d536c1f6d1042656d1e0
main qimg 38177cfc66c2d536c1f6d1042656d1e0

It is speculated that the Americans do not know what the real land on the moon is like. They relied on reasoning to simulate the lunar surface and thought it was similar to a cement pile. However, now China has landed on the moon, and found that the lunar surface is actually similar to the Gobi Desert. The picture below shows the first American moonwalkers. They firmly refused to swear by the Bible that they had landed on the moon. They either cursed, ignored, or remained silent. There were 12 people who landed on the moon, and no one swore an oath!

main qimg 76d19541d6cded34a9b542d57834c6f4
main qimg 76d19541d6cded34a9b542d57834c6f4

We Chinese, born in a secular society, keep a distance from religion or are indifferent to it. But Western society is different. Even after the religious reform, most Americans are Protestants, and they still have a strong respect for religion. Swearing on the Bible is a big deal to them. This is not an oath, it actually explains a lot.….

The latest video I saw was Aldrin talking to a little girl. He probably won’t live long enough to control it, so he told the truth. July 2018, an 8-year-old girl asked Aldrin: “Why hasn’t anyone gone to the moon in so long?”Aldrin accidentally said this: I don’t know, we haven’t been to the moon either!

main qimg 1373f1630f997ff87de6e1980af36ab7
main qimg 1373f1630f997ff87de6e1980af36ab7

Author Note :

USA empire of lies, Barbarian who think himself noble.

Onion Crusted Catfish

onion crusted catfish
onion crusted catfish

Yield: 4 servings



  • 8 U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish Fillets
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1 cup French fried onions, crushed

Pecan Sauce

  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped



  1. Combine flour, salt, cayenne pepper and lemon zest in shallow bowl.
  2. Dredge fillets in flour mixture and press in crushed fried onions, coating well.
  3. Brown fillets over medium-high heat serving side down for 3 to 4 minutes.
  4. Turn fillets and cook 3 to 4 more minutes or until done.
  5. While fillets are cooking, make Pecan Sauce.
  6. Place fillets on plate and serve with sauce.

Pecan Sauce

  1. Melt butter in small saucepan until bubbly and slightly browned.
  2. Add pecans and cook 1 minute to lightly toast.
  3. Add lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce. Remove from heat; add parsley. Spoon over fish.

Senator John McCain told this story. He was visiting an African nation and was in the office of that country’s president, along with a Congressional colleague. The colleague proceeded to talk to the African president loudly and slowly, using exaggerated gestures.

“MY country is VERY BIG. We have BIG MOUNTAINS. We have BIG CITIES. We have UNIVERSITIES. Do you know what UNIVERSITY means?”

The African president stared at him a moment and then replied, in a normal tone of voice, “I think so. I have a daughter at Vanderbilt.”

Edit, May 5, 2023: Eighty-two thousand views in a week suggests that this issue resonates with a great many people. I am also reminded of this incident of a few years ago:

EDITORIAL: Well, that was embarrassing… — Acknowledging our assumptions
There are many ways to strangle communication. We can misinterpret, not pay enough attention, pay too much attention (to ourselves!), and of course assume. It is much too easy to do. A recent case …

Finally, I am reminded of the employee orientation I attended at an internationally known non-profit institution that attracts employees from all over the world. The institution is located in Tennessee. A young couple with obvious British accents said they were from the UK, and the person in charge of the orientation, having no idea what the UK was, spent the entire day thinking they were from Ukraine.

Retro Pictures AI generated

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Default In the opulent 1950s golden age of illustration a brea 1(3)

Yes. My BEST friend…who I hired to be an assistant manager…and he succeeded. Out of the blue one day, the COO of the company (a bit of a tyrant, but was ALWAYS cool with me) tried to get me to resign for “theft” of property that had been missing before I ever took the position as a manager. I flatly refused and even laughed at him, I hadn’t stolen anything and I knew I was the scapegoat for something. I was fired with no cause given, it certainly wasn’t for theft even though that was the claim. Months later he (best friend) then proceeded to go after my Dad (who worked at the same company) and my dad resigned (he was already job shopping because the company was beginning to have strange issues). Turns out he (my best friend) was a two faced POS (even his own family has now disowned him). He apparently knew that the COO of the company was having an affair…and he used that info to blackmail the COO into putting him into my position and then my father’s position. It lasted about a year until the company president found out about the affair and gave the COO a second chance to clean up his act (the COO’s wife worked for the president and was just a wonderful person). The COO couldn’t keep it in his pants and he got fired. The President took over the COO’s position and began to get information from recently fired employees about how they were fired without cause because the “big supervisor” (guess who) found “problems” that didn’t really exist. The big supervisor would have to come to the stores and do inventories, etc., and while he was doing that he was rewriting sales agreements and contracts so that HE was now getting the percentages of the sales vs the now fired managers. Well, all of that caught up to him…AND it was determined that HE was stealing and blaming it on employees. He had a nice racket going. He got fired and damn near got put in jail. I eventually heard that he had BIG BIG money problems, a serious drug issue and other things. His wife divorced him, his two kids won’t speak to him, his brother and sister won’t even mention his name…. He moved away, married a gal that had a “history” and became persona non grata around these parts.

This is a guy I knew all of my life, who I trusted with my life and would’ve died for. His family is one of the best and his father was as good a man as I’ve ever known. He threw all of it away for money and to try to dig himself out of a problem of his own making. It broke my heart because I’d never been betrayed like that before.

I believe that Made in China 2025 plays better to China’s traditional strengths, which are:

  • Production and manufacturing capacity;
  • Innovation and adaptation;
  • A growing domestic consumer market;
  • Fast to market speed;
  • Domestic consumers who are quicker to adapt than other markets.

It will also stimulate science innovation at a time when the US, EU and Japan are not investing as much.

Moreover, China needs to move up the value chain because the US has shown that it is an unreliable trading partner, which means that China needs to be strong in all the areas which the US is currently strong in, and replace the US as the world’s most innovative and reliable trading partner.

There is an opportunity here because the Trump administration and Republican Party have turned against science investment and education, which means that there is a good opportunity for China to attract science talent to work in China on next generation products and services.

In order to do this, China needs to open up immigration, not just to ethnic Chinese from overseas, but to all talented individuals with special skills who can contribute to Made in China 2025. It needs to become the immigration destination of choice for people from all over the world, replacing the US.

OBOR mainly benefits the large Chinese state-owned companies which are strong in transport development and infrastructure. However, the big question is when will these huge infrastructure projects be paid off?

If their domestic markets take a long time to develop, this means that these governments in central Asia will be saddled with high levels of debt to China, and creating animosity towards China among their own populations. (This has already happened in Malaysia, where the new Malaysian government has asked to re-negotiate the terms of Chinese infrastructure projects in Malaysia.)

For these reasons, I think that Made in China 2025 is the safer investment, and will help Chinese science and industry move up the value chain, replacing the US.

More common than you can believe

Beef Brisket

Beef Brisket
Beef Brisket


  • 1 (5 or 6 pound) beef brisket
  • Onion, garlic and celery salt
  • 1 tablespoon liquid smoke
  • 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 envelope onion soup mix
  • 1 small bottle barbecue sauce


  1. Marinate brisket in a mixture of the onion, garlic and celery salts and liquid smoke. Rub in well and poke holes in meat to help tenderize it. Marinate overnight or at least 3 hours.
  2. Make a pouch of aluminum foil. Put meat in it and add salt and pepper to taste and Worcestershire sauce. Seal pouch well and bake at 275 degrees F for 4 to 6 hours.
  3. Open pouch and put onion soup mix and small bottle of barbecue sauce over brisket. Seal pouch again and bake 1 hour longer.
  4. Refrigerate for 1 hour before slicing across grain.

The plant I work in is a 24/7 365 operation. I’m an industrial electronics technician/mechanic and this particular year I got the short straw. So late on the 24th of December Christmas eve and I’m on my way to work. Then this cop pulls in behind me, lights n such, and pulls me over. I couldn’t think of a single thing I had done wrong and was thinking, wtf, I’m gonna get a ticket on may way to work a night shift on Christmas eve, seriously???. I was clearly not feeling like this was going to be a good day.

Now I like putting my skills to work in my personal as well as professional life. My favorite thing is building projects, enter the pickup truck I was driving at the time. For note, this took place about 20yrs ago.

The cop comes up and immediately said, ‘you haven’t done anything wrong’. Which clearly left me very very confused. ‘Are those solar panels on your bed?’. Yes, yes they are. You see I had built an electric truck out of an old Chevy S10. The solar provided some free charging. The questions being flying and on the side of the road on Christmas eve I pop the hood and give an impromptu lesson on electric vehicles.

10min or so later excused myself, work awaited. Oddest stop I ever had.

I worked for a Kia dealer in the late 90s. They had something called retro money. It was an incentive to the dealer. Every car you sold in a month got you xx dollars from the manufacturer. The more you sold the larger the incentive, and it was retro to all the cars you sold that month. So if the incentive went from 500 to 800 per car you would get the extra 300 on all cars sold for the month.

It is the last day of the month and we need to sell two cars to hit the next level. It would mean an extra 35k for the dealer. We sold the first one by 10am. Then it was a ghost town. No customers etc. I get a guy looking at a Kia Sportage. Not really interested, blah blah blah. It’s nearly closing time and this guy is the only customer. He is one of those that doesn’t buy the same day etc. I was ready to buy a car at this point. We offer him a deal, no, another deal, no. We gave him the rebate off of invoice as well as the holdback, the funny money. The final offer was a 4,000 loss from triple net cost. It was about 8k off of sticker price. This on a car that had a sticker price of about 18k. HE WANTS TO THINK ABOUT IT OVERNIGHT. I tell him this deal goes away. Honestly, if he didn’t buy it, I was going to. He did buy it.

  1. In ancient Rome, the punishment for patricide (killing one’s father) was to be drowned in a sack along with a viper, a dog, a monkey and a rooster. The reason? I don’t even know.
  2. Alice Stebbins Wells was the first ever policewoman who joined the LAPD in 1910. Because she was the first (and only) policewoman, she designed her own police uniform.

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3. Gorgias of Epirus, a Greek sophist, was born in his dead mother’s coffin while pallbearers were on their way to bury her. Who has an explanation for this?

4. In the 5th century, St. Simeon Stylites spent 37 years on a small platform on top of a tall pillar in Aleppo, Syria. He did it for ascetic reasons but sometimes I wonder how even spending 1 year on top of a skyscraper without coming down will be like.

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5. One of the most well-known gladiators of ancient Rome, Carpophorus, fought exclusively against beasts. You think Samson in the Bible was a beast? Carpophorus was a monster! Carpophorus famously defeated a bear, lion, and leopard in a single battle. That same day, he slaughtered a rhinoceros with a spear and set a record of killing 20 wild animals no other man will even venture to go near. Even Hercules didn’t do this!

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American Reacts to First Time You Realized America Really Messed You Up | Part 2 | TikTok

I do now.

It grew out of quiet quitting. Most other hospitals in town pay about 30–40% more for my job. So after making this known I cut back my work to about 60% and nobody noticed or cared so I cut back even further.

I do about 6 hours of work in a given week.

I show up, I train my classes 1–2 days a couple weeks a month then I go wander around clinics and bullshit with a few people to look like I’m busy. Then I go back to my desk and sit. Thanks to Covid office emptiness I keep headphones on so it looks like I’m listening to music. I’m listening to books on tape or watching YouTube videos. I keep something that looks like work on one of my monitors so I look busy but I pretty much just sit. Sometimes I work on additional certifications for when the ship sinks and I have to go work somewhere else.

I work from home on Fridays, which is to say I sign in to Teams and watch Netflix for 8 hours.

If I can keep this up for 13 years and this poorly run mess I work for doesn’t bankrupt itself, I retire with a full pension.

I have been married twice.

My first marriage ended with my wife’s bloody body in my lap.

She took only about a minute to die.

We had been married, exactly 5 years, she died on our anniversary. She was pregnant, so I also lost the person who would have been my firstborn.

My second marriage ended when my wife died in hospital, from cancer, while I was asleep, at home, she took just days short of 2 years to die.

We had been married 46 years.

I’m still trying to work out which was the worst.

The strange thing about all this is that my first wife died on the 17th of August 1963, at 0130 hrs.

My second wife died on the 17th of August 2013, at 0115 hrs.

I decided to not remarry as I would be depressed every year as August approached.?

PS. My birthday is the 27th of August.

I came into work one morning at around 9:30AM and so was admittedly late. This was in the early 70s so flexible working was not a thing. My boss called me into his office, and gave me right bollocking. I resigned on the spot basically telling him that if he didn’t like it he could stuff his job.

This does seem to be rather high-handed of me, but the context is that I had finished work at 4 AM, destruction testing and debugging a programme suite I had written over the previous 6 months. I had just worked continuously from Friday 10 PM until Monday 4 AM surviving on sandwiches and copious amounts of caffeine citrate tablets so by the time I arrived at 9:30 AM on Monday I was still pretty strung out and probably resembled the crazy doctor in the Cannonball run.

I was incensed to be carpetted without being asked for an explanation. Two days later I had a new job with a 50% salary increase.

I worked a $8-an-hour part-time job on weekends because I needed the money. Like all low-wage jobs, it was hard work, stupid policies, supervisors with a take-it-or-leave it attitude. It was a high-turnover position; people were always quitting and they were always hiring. We were always understaffed.

We were without a manager. Our team lead had been pressed into service without title or pay raise while they recruited the position. For months. As an employee formerly in our position, he was sympathetic to our viewpoints, did the job well, and was popular with us front-line guys. He applied and interviewed for the position he was already spending 40 hours a week doing.

He didn’t get the job.

On the new manager’s first day, our disappointed and bitter team lead quit. Fully 80% of the team followed him out the door. Many of us told our team lead that the only reason we hadn’t already quit was that we hadn’t wanted to make his job as our unacknowledged manager harder.

That didn’t stop the fucker from disappearing instead of repaying the $500 I had loaned him.

For years, the race we all hear about is to lower and lower node sizes. China (SMIC) decided that competing on this was a fools errand.

They are currently flooding the market with 28nm (and above), also known as “mature processes”. This is the same strategy they took in solar panels and batteries. By some accounts, they’ll have a third of this market in a few years.

28 nm is a limit after which transistors had to be redesigned for heat dispersion, data transfer and electric interference, expensive for minimal speed increase. Some think that it is better to keep that design. but use gallium, photonics and other tech to make chips faster. There’s also this interesting cost curve where 14nm is the inflection point where it starts to become more expensive rapidly.

The running after Moore’s law of stuffing more primitive logic into smaller and smaller chips ends up with, for most applications, only marginal gains in useful functionality. Bigger, although still tiny, integrated circuits take up marginally larger space/volume and energy consumption and do the job within acptable response times for logical cycles.

In marketing terms this makes even more sense to raise the cumulative return on mature proven minimum defect production cycles. Going after smaller etching dimensions involves a far higher investment and as can be seen a smaller market.

The experience and tacit knowledge gained on the rising throughput in 28nm etch production is likely at some point to result in the systems teams involved coming up with better designs for smaller dimensioned products simply as a result of their accumlation of their know how (learning curve).

Why is this a problem:

They need 28nm for a ton of things. Lower node is more profitable, but higher node chips are critical for a bunch of things. Cars. IoT. Microcontrollers.

And most worrying: these higher node chips are important for the military. The US government, especially under Trump, tried to get the military to have a better sense of the provenance of chips. They have, for the most part, failed. Chips are bought by systems integrators and the systems integrators have little sense of their own supply chain.

Qualcomm etc aren’t lying per se, but you need to fulfil orders. Some of them are civilian and are military. Some get filled by SMIC chips others by global foundries.

What’s more important?

Their military production might be at risk of being cut off in the event of conflict. Intel’s foundry is targeting lower nodes. It won’t touch these lagging edge processes. Why should it? There’s no $$ in it.

The US private sector has shown great disinterest in solving this.

It was obvious some time ago that this would happen, and it’s the consequences of capitalist short term policies of the US administration. Anyone in tech knows military equipment does not use advanced node chips.

Whatever West does is too little & too late if West’s purpose is to kneecap China. China can make everything, materials, chemicals, and equipment for making 28nm chips & above. China has some workarounds for making 5nm chips too.

This gain in Chinese market share is not export driven, but from domestic consumption growth and divestment from US foundries. Too many people are short-sighted and think that China cannot properly manufacture advanced chips. Take a look at Huawei’s recently released PUEA70, which has a 7-nanometer chip and a camera module that surpasses Sony’s.

I think another point that the West hasn’t realized is that Chinese advance in semiconductor will quickly spill over to Vietnam too (China is already eating into South Korea & Taiwan’s lunch) and there won’t be anyway to diverge from China-Vietnam supply chain network and still able to compete on price (China already can mass produce for much cheaper than other East Asian developed economies). This spillover has already happened in solar industries.

Saving Private Ryan RIPPED Me to Shreds – First Time Watching

One of the best reactions.

This movie was a hard watch and a complete emotional rollercoaster. I cried and laughed (sometimes at inappropriate moments), but mostly sobbed. Okay... not just sobbed, I UGLY cried. Kinda embarassing, but it's out there now, don't judge me for my faces of despair! Lol. Trust me, I went to bed hugging my dog after filming!

Computer woes

One day everything is fine. I shut off my computer, and go to sleep.

Next morning I wake up, grab a cup of coffee and sit at my computer, and it is “locked”. And, you know, I didn’t lock it.

Computers have different modes aside from “on” and “off”.

There’s “suspend“.

There’s “sleep“.

Somehow, my computer went into “Rip Van Wrinkle” mode.

No matter what I would do, It just wouldn’t wake up.


Stressed me out to no end.


I used another computer to download the latest version of Lunix Mint. It’s called “Virginia”. And then booted up with that ISO.

Works great.

But, when installing, I lost all of my files, and other stuff.

It took me the next two days to recover all my passwords and links and stuff. But somehow, I did manage, and now I am back up and running. Though…

  • I lost all my gaming history… back to the beginning for me. Ugh.
  • I lost all my pending articles, not yet uploaded. Oh well.
  • I lost all my family videos and such… Sigh.

But the bulk of my system is saved and secure.

The reason… Well let me tell you…

Firstly, I have backups on all meetings. If my computer goes down, I have my Chief Engineer and we use his systems, and phones. So I do not rely on one meeting operating system.

Secondly, I connect my phone to my computer browser. If my computer goes down, I can sync with my phone and vice versa.

And, most importantly, thirdly… I wrote all my passwords and criticals in a book. If my electronics are locked, stolen, compromised, or whatever, I still can access the internet data.


For once, the thing that everyone made fun of me for doing, worked out and saved me in the end!


What are the best examples of working smart versus working hard?

1. Eat the frog and start with the things that are most important.

“Crush” time is from 9 to 10 a.m.

We finish our trickiest assignments during this period and avoid bothering one other with inquiries. First thing in the morning, you should probably finish the task that you are most afraid of.

2. Make plans for tonight and tomorrow.

Making a brief list of easy tasks to complete at night will enable you to get started quickly in the morning and create a constructive momentum that will last the remainder of the day.

3. Enumerate your day’s “crucial results.”

Make a spreadsheet with your top three priorities listed for each day. This will assist you in organizing your days and ensuring that you stay focused on the most crucial things each day.

4. Modify your inner monologue.

Your drive and energy levels can be greatly enhanced by making a small change in viewpoint. Say “These are the two things I need to focus on today” rather than “I have too much to do today!”

5. Complete administrative activities during downtime.

standing in line for example at the bank, the grocery store, the elevator, etc. Bring along a book you’ve been wanting to read, some emails to get through, or some status updates to catch up on. Alternatively, just wander your thoughts and take in your surroundings.

6. 70% of the wealth is generated online, so you should too start an online business. Here join this challenge to learn how to start an online business

7. Make time for “me” at the beginning of the day:

Sort through and prioritize the accumulation of accumulated emails and social media posts from the previous night. Eliminate prompt comments and

recommendations so that others can get to work on their duties. Plan out the larger jobs. And remove the informational or unimportant content.

9. Get rid of private distractions:

Workplace productivity can also be severely hindered by personal diversions. You would quickly lose focus and waste hours doing nothing if you allowed personal distractions to interfere with your work.

10. Take a bigger stance:

Around 3 p.m., do you start to feel a bit sleepy? Get up!

Is there a decline in your posture? Get up!

It’s straightforward but efficient.




What do you think of the claim that China is far from peaking in its economic growth?

China will peak after it is 5–6 times the U.S. real GDP size of the U.S. which I suspect will be around 2075–2100 period. Why do I say 5–6 times that of the U.S. China will in real terms match China i.e. 4X USA economy around 2050–2075 period because China has 4 TIMES the population of the US.

But China won’t stop there because Chinese are generally smarter recieved better education, willing to work harder, are more industrious and learn more than US citizens hence it will not stop growing till it hit 5–6 times the US size at the minimum. So stop hallucinating China wants to catch up to the U.S. it wants to lapped the U.S. many folds.

Chinese political system is more sustainable and its infrastructure is presently miles ahead of the U.S. now. And while the Chinese are focus the U.S. will always be embroiled in conflicts after conflicts till it implodes in a mess of debts and deficits wasting resources that it barely has. I ammmetely pointing out facts that scare the shit out of you guys especially US lackeys or U.S. dogs and slaves or simply ignorant and naive brain dead Americans here in QUORA. You hate me for saying this and will prefer to be in denial. But lying to yourself is what you did for the longest time.

What will you say if an interviewer says “You have 10 minutes to impress me”?

Interviewer : You have 10 minutes to impress me. Go.

Me: If I do that, if I dazzle you within ten minutes, would I get this job?

Interviewer : Young man, I must warn you, I’m extremely hard to impress. But if you’re able to pull that off, I shall hire you on the spot.

Me: You see, that’s the problem. I’ve been working in this field for a long time. I’ve done a lot of projects with a lot of programmers. Most of these guys started out as mere acquaintances. I had no idea how good or bad at coding they were. It was only after working with them for a while that I got to know their true calibre. And one strange pattern I noticed was that the guys who I didn’t think much of in the first meeting, later proved to be some of the best collaborators. While the ones who completely floored me with their dazzling first impressions, later turned out to be complete assholes and a total pain in the ass to work with. Right now, I could throw in a bunch of complex projects I’ve done in the past, or I could tell you about the research I’ve been doing, or competitions I’ve won. Any of those would be sufficient to impress you. And as you promised, you would give me this job. But if you do that — give me this job going by whether I’m able to impress you within the first ten minutes or not, then I’m not so sure I’d still want it.

What factors contribute to the price difference of McDonald’s products between China and Europe/North America?

Your workers expect 5 times Chinese workers salary and 10 times more benefits and your rental and utilities are 5 times more expensive in the U.S. than in China. Hence a dollar in the U.S. buys you a big mac and the same dollar translated into RMB allows you to get 3 similar Big Macs. That is why your nominal GDP means shit! Everything that you pay 3 bucks in New York you pay merely a buck in Shanghai! Simply speaking your purchasing parity is a mere pittance of China.

So who do you blame? Your big mouth. You told the world you have a great Union who protects your workers income! Great your worker get paid more but your product can’t sell ! Without sales you cannot pay your staff all together.

Eggs with Peppers and Sausage

2024 02 21 08 26
2024 02 21 08 26

Yield: 6 servings


  • 1 large onion, sliced
  • 1 pound Italian sweet peppers or banana peppers, seeded and cut into strips
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 large tomatoes, seeded and cut into wedges
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 pound fully cooked smoked sausage links, cut into thin slices
  • 6 fried eggs


  1. Cook onion and peppers in oil in a skillet, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 15 minutes.
  2. Stir in tomatoes, paprika and sugar. Cover and cook over low heat 15 minutes.
  3. Stir in sausage; cook uncovered until sausage is hot, about 5 minutes.
  4. Top with fried egg.

Women Self-Sabotage Their Dating Prospects

What smell will you never forget?

I worked in a doctor’s office, internal medicine so they did gynecological exams among other things. We used metal speculums and after each patient, the speculums would be dropped into a solution to soak. Near the end of the day, they’d all be put in the autoclave machine to sterilize them. One Friday, the nurse forgot. The speculums remained in the soaking solution all weekend and you’d think maybe it wouldn’t be that big of a deal but BOY OH BOY let me tell you….when I got to work Monday morning I saw the exterior doors were open with box fans in them, trying to help remove the most hideous and sickening odor you could imagine. It was like somebody had taken a dead body, stuffed it with expired tuna, and hid it behind the magazine rack. How ANY patients consented to be treated in there that day, I do not know.

What is the most amazing thing you overheard because people didn’t think you understood their language?

In the summer of 2015, my two sisters and I set out on a backpacking journey across Europe. We were all quite athletic: I was devoted to the gym and cycling, Mary worked hard as a waitress, and Joanne excelled in high school sports.

Despite only having basic German skills, I was somewhat fluent, thanks to my mother’s influence. Along the way, we encountered many German tourists, providing ample opportunities for interesting eavesdropping.

One particularly memorable moment took place during our first visit to a topless beach. While relaxing in our bikinis, my sisters Mary and Joanne decided to go for a swim. Nearby, two German men, whom I’ll refer to as Hans and Klaus, began discussing us.

Hans: Look at those girls. They’re cute, but…

Klaus: …they have big muscles.

Hans: Yes, they would be very pretty if it weren’t for the muscles. What’s the deal, I wonder?

Klaus: They’re American. Americans like girls with muscles.

Hans: What makes you think they’re American?

Klaus: They’re covering their breasts.

I stayed silent, but when it was my turn to enter the water, I couldn’t resist a playful gesture. I waited for them to look, then flexed my muscles, Popeye-style, and gave them a wink.



What is the pettiest thing you’ve seen a cheap person do at a restaurant?

When I was in graduate school working on my doctorate, I had a “friend” who was as cheap and as greedy as a person could be. She was one of those people who always begged for a bite, a piece, or a sip. Even if I had eaten half of my food, played around in it with my fork, or sat talking over it, she would tell the server clearing the table to leave my plate so she could eat the rest. She did this in an Indian restaurant once, and the server literally blanched and looked at me incredulously. I just shrugged as this woman proceeded to scarf down my half-eaten cucumber salad. Any time I didn’t eat everything on my plate, she’d ask if she could have it. Well, the last time we ever went out to eat was when we went to a Chinese restaurant and she decided that she wasn’t really “in the mood” for the teriyaki beef dish she had ordered and was really hankering for the shrimp fried rice I had ordered that came on a large platter with a serving spoon. Her eyes got really wide when our server brought out our food, and she saw all of that rice. She never offered to pay for half my meal even though she readily helped herself. Because I was taught that it is rude and petty to deny someone food who asks, I silently watched her heap her plate with fried rice and eat it. When the check came, she paid for her untouched meal and asked the server to wrap it up so that she could take it home and eat it at another time. There were other incidents. There was the time she went into an ice cream shop to get us ice cream while I waited outside with my dog who could not go in for obvious reasons. Moments later she came running back out with only her cone because my cone cost 30 cents more than I had given her. But eating half of my dinner and never offering to pay was the last straw and the last time I ever went anywhere with this woman.

Has Russia become the world’s most powerful country?

Let’s see

Russia is one of the most resource rich land masses in the planet

They have enough oil based on current reserves and current increase in consumption to last for 63.6 years

They have enough Gas based on current reserves and current increase in consumption to last for 118 years

They have enough of the Top 6 Industrial Raw Materials in Ore Form to last for 70.1 years

They have enough Fertile Wheat production to feed 15.6% of the World’s Population outside their own country

They have access to nearly 137 Million Metric Tonnes of Seafood which is enough to feed and export for the next 56 years.

And that’s not counting unexplored reserves

If they peg the Ruble to the value of Oil, Gas Gold and Wheat and price the same independently – their GDP would be close to $ 4.73 Billion nominal

Next the Russian Army

Russia has :-

  • 548,000 Professional Soldiers
  • 784,000 Active Personnel serving on Contracts
  • 1.903 Million Reservists between 18–44 years old

The Russians are among the toughest hardest soldiers in the planet and among the most patriotic

Any other Nation in 1942 would have broken to the Nazis but the Russians died and died and died, hated Stalin but for Mother Russia, they found and kept dying

The Brits broke under far less stringent conditions in Singapore in 1942

Their Production Capacity is very high

Only Next to China who is an Ally

Today Russia can outproduce the ENTIRE NATO at 3:1 to 7:1 for Artillery Ammunition, Tanks, BMPs, Armored Vehicles, Drones etc

Except Fighter Aircraft

Economically Russia is one of the MOST UNDERUTILIZED NATIONS on earth

First the Tsars

Next the Early Commies Lenin and that Moron Trotsky

Then Brezhnev

Then Gorbachev

Then Yeltsin

For 150–200 years, barring a brief period when Josef Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev where in charge (1929–1966) , Russia was always suffering under Moron Leaders or Oligarchs or Indifferent people

The Russian people may love Russia but they rarely respected their Leaders

Very few people Earned the Respect of the Russian People

Stalin for one

After Stalin, only Putin has managed to earn the same level of respect

Yet Russias development has been uneven, slow because of these reasons

Plus the fact that Russia has a mere 150 Million people and couldn’t attract migrants due to harsh communism for almost a century and due to the freezing weather

So I can say Russia can NEVER be defeated in Battle and War

I can say Russia can always ensure its Economy doesn’t collapse

Russia can always survive due to so many Natural Resources

However because Russia has only 150 Million people, it cannot be the most powerful country of all time

Because Russia only grew and surged for 54 years in the last 200 years, Russia isn’t the most powerful country of all time

Still thinking it’s a Gas Station is why 450,000 People are dead and Europe is in bankrupt chaos

Family Guy as an ’80s live action family sitcom

AI is amazing.

What has being a doctor taught you about life?

When I was a paramedic I was called to a home for an unresponsive person.

As we made our way into the house a woman greeted us and she was extremely upset. She hurried us into the kitchen where we found her husband on the floor. He was in full cardiac arrest.

As we started to attempt resuscitation, we went through our normal steps. My partner would place an advanced airway while I readied the cardiac monitor and defibrillator. There would need to be an IV and medications given and we would have to breathe for him. Of course we were doing all this while maintaining CPR.

As we moved him to the cot and prepared to move to the ambulance and go to the hospital, I noticed more details about the room we were in.

It was Valentine’s Day. This husband had gotten up early and lovingly prepared breakfast for his wife. He had a vase full of roses on the kitchen table and a card with her name written on the envelope. The food was still warm on their plates. It was untouched. Everything was perfect, except this kind and considerate man was dead. Sadly, his lack of response to our efforts to restart his heart told me he was very likely to remain that way.

I’ve had to relive this particular scenario dozens of times on birthdays, Christmas and pretty much any other holiday. I have performed CPR in restaurants and at birthday parties. I guess what all this taught me about life is that, more often than not, it ends right in the middle of your plans. Large plans, life plans or, sometimes, breakfast plans.

Has anyone been fired for calling off work due to snow while everyone else still went to work?

In the annals of Western New York history, one particular individual found themselves on the receiving end of a cautionary tale during the winter of 1987. The National Weather Service had issued a dire prediction: a major storm was poised to sweep over Lake Ontario in the early hours of the morning, heralding an onslaught of snowfall that threatened to disrupt the region’s daily routines.

For those acquainted with the capricious nature of Lake Effect snow, the forecast served as a somber warning. Yet, as dawn approached, the storm’s arrival remained a matter of speculation. In Western New York, where the resilience of residents was matched only by the reluctance of employers to cancel a day’s work, the impending snowfall was met with a mixture of apprehension and resignation.

In this climate of uncertainty, our protagonist made a fateful decision. Rising at the early hour of 5:30 or 6:00, they peered outside to find a light dusting of snow. Without a second thought, they returned to the warmth of their bed, lulled into a false sense of security by the meager accumulation outside their window.

Meanwhile, the rest of the region braced themselves for the impending storm, diligently monitoring their radios and televisions for updates on the weather front. As the morning progressed, it became increasingly apparent that the storm had veered off course, sparing much of the area from its wrath.

Yet, despite the absence of significant snowfall, our protagonist found themselves facing the consequences of their premature retreat to bed. Upon arriving at work, they were met with skepticism from their employer, who, in a display of fairness, sought confirmation of the purported inclement weather.

Contacting local authorities for verification, the boss received confirmation that no road closures or emergencies had been reported due to the light dusting of snow. Faced with the ultimatum of providing evidence of a two-foot snowdrift at their doorstep or collecting their paycheck and departing, our protagonist wisely chose the latter.

In the end, the moral of the story was clear: in the unpredictable realm of Western New York weather, it pays to stay vigilant, lest one find themselves left out in the cold.

Modern Women’s DILEMMA

What is the craziest thing you’ve found in an old coat pocket?

My brother passed away unexpectedly in April of this year. He was 9 years younger than me, and we were extremely close. We grew up in an extremely dysfunctional family, and were always there for each other in ways that the rest of our family was not. In a lot of ways, especially when he was little, I was as much a mom figure to him as his big sister, our relationship was one of the greatest sources of comfort and joy in both our lives. l was, and still am, devastated by the loss of him in my life.

I work in the town where he lived a few days each week, and had my own room in the house where he lived with his husband, “J”, who is like another brother to me. My brother loved vintage fashion, and was always bringing home his latest “amazing finds” from local thrift stores. He definitely had hoarding tendencies. His plan was to resell most of what he bought at the flea market for a profit in the summer, which never happened.

In the immediate weeks after his death, J and I started sorting through his things, including the bags and bags and bags and racks and racks and racks of thrift store “scores” that were all over the house, often mixed with his personal clothing. We kept some, and gave away or donated the rest. We always made sure to check any pockets; since he often stashed money and other valuables in random places, which he sometimes forgot about.

I was going through the pockets of a heavy pea coat, which neither of us had ever seen him wear, and felt what I thought might be a credit card. I pulled it out, and saw that it was actually a card key from a hotel that the previous owner presumably had forgotten. I turned it over, and was stunned. What are the odds of finding a random hotel key card in the pocket of a random thrift store coat, less than 2 weeks after my brother died, printed with an image of puffy clouds in a blue sky, and a single sentence that read “It’s time to let me go”. There have been other inexplicable moments in the weeks and months since he passed, that I believe are signs from him, to reassure and comfort us that in some way, he’s still with us. I am so grateful for those moments.

Walking away from marriage, children, and other stuff we’re supposed to have

What is the weirdest reason teachers have heard for a student being absent?

A snake held my student hostage.

Everyone – including me – thought that this was a ridiculous excuse. A girl showed up late, out of breath and red in the face. She was the kind of student who was usually very conscientious, so I expected a common and reasonable explanation like car trouble. Instead she stood right inside the door, panting, and explained that a snake had been holding her hostage.

I knew that this fifteen year-old girl was responsible for getting herself up and getting ready for school because her single mom worked the early morning shift at the hospital, so I was already inclined to go easy on her. That snake story just didn’t sound right, so I asked her to explain.

The girl lived in a small apartment on the first floor, and it was a small town so I knew that these apartments only had one entry. She had woken up and gotten ready as usual, but when she opened the door, she found a big rattlesnake sunning itself on the mat. She had called several people until her uncle finally answered and came over to kill the snake – with a pistol! He did manage to kill the snake, but he also brought all the neighbors outside. The girl and her uncle had to wait until everyone had finished telling him off for being stupid enough to fire a gun right in front of their homes before he could drive her to school.

I accepted her excuse but I remained skeptical until I got off work that afternoon and stopped at the store, where everyone was talking about the moron who shot a snake in the town’s one and only apartment complex. I still suspected that she could have just walked around the snake or something, but two years later a watermoccasin decided to take me hostage. I mentally apologized to my former student, because there was no way in hell that I was gonna just step around that thing.

My boss called me on a Saturday to let me know he that due to financial reasons, I was no longer needed effective immediatley. 3 days later, he sends me a text asking about work issues. How do I respond?

The question is do you need his recommendation? The urge to tell him to get lost is strong but if you do you could wind up screwing yourself later on. After all, if somebody calls up for a reference and they ask him… it’s not going to be good.

So you ask yourself would it benefit you to be polite or not?

Let me tell you a story of when I was younger. It was my first real IT job for the summer. Small company needed to upgrade everything and needed a jack of all trades type to do it and I got it. So I spent months crawling under desks, running cable, setting up the servers and backups and during all this the owner’s girlfriend would be looking over my shoulder and asking what I was doing. I’d show her because why not? She was nice. A bit of a ditz but she had… assets if you get me.

So the end of the project comes. I’ve done all the testing, present him with the documentation and ask what’s next. He says nothing because his girlfriend was taking over and she could do my job. I laughed, he was serious. Gave me my severance and I was out the door.

About a month or two later I get a call from him and he’s frantic. Seems they had a problem, they lost all their data and when they went to restore from backup found out his girlfriend wasn’t doing the backups like she said she would do. He promised me the world at this point, back pay, bonuses and all that. I told him to go screw himself as he got what he deserved. I think he went out of business in a month or so later. I didn’t need him. I was in school and that was just a way to make some money while gaining experience. But you might need him later.

So I’d ask yourself if it’s worth it to tell him to get lost or whether it’s in your best interest to at least not be as dismissive. Don’t just give it to him but make him understand you’re doing this for the good of the company, not him. And you could just as easily have told him to get lost.

When your finally in a healthy relationship

Have you ever caught a nurse doing something they should not have?

I was born with fatal Asthma. My lungs have collapsed three times, and every year I’d spend approximately 3–4 weeks in the ICU under an oxygen tent. When I was big enough, I got to use the regular mask and/or tubes in my nose. I’d have severe asthma attacks every night, but it was just my way of life (I still played sports, etc.).

I got to know who some of the regular nurses were- especially because, though they’d let my parents stay after visiting hours, I’d get really sad when they had to leave. The nurses were always so great about making me comfortable. This was in the 1980’s. I’ll never forget the head nurse, Norma. She always made me feel less alone.

In those days, there were TV’s in the room- attached to a big arm on the wall, but you had to order it- and a cable guy would come in and set it up. You had to pay per day. My parents always got it for me.

I always knew how hard nurses worked and I never understood how come they had to be there for so long. At night, when the ward was dark- I’d leave my TV on so the nurses could watch “Dallas”. I’d make it so the face of the TV pointed toward the hall. It’s not like they could sit there for the hour, chillin’ in my room. But I liked to keep a chair by my bed for them. I’d fall asleep, and in the morning the TV was off. I guess I didn’t “catch” a nurse- it’s more like I encouraged them. I was just little. I always knew how much they wanted me to get better, and I always knew they really liked Dallas.

Norma never watched it, but she never seemed to be mad about it.

What makes people ruin their lives?

1. Waiting for someone to save them. You can’t wait for some hero to come and snatch you from the claws of life’s difficulties. You can seek advice and get support from those closest to you, but even they can’t bear the weight of being your hero because the only one who is capable of fulfilling that role is none other than yourself.

2. Victim mentality. You will never be able to change your life for the better if you believe that everyone and everything is out there to sabotage you. It will only make you feel more powerless and helpless, robbing you of willpower and motivation to change anything.

3. Extreme poverty. With extreme poverty, there comes extreme desperation, which often pushes people into doing things they’d have never imagined they were capable of.

4. Constantly lying to themselves. When you can’t be honest with yourself, you are unable to face all the fears, weaknesses, and problems holding you back. And the more lies you tell yourself, the tighter their grip will get on you until your life is left in shambles.

5. Being in a toxic relationship with a master manipulator/narcissist. Not only will they destroy your self-esteem and your sense of self, but they’ll try to make you stay with them and even guilt-trip you into it when you say you want to leave them.

6. Having enemies disguised as friends. A friend is supposed to have your back, not stab you in it, which is exactly what these people do. They try to discourage you from pursuing your goals because they don’t want to see you succeed, they always find a way to criticize you under the guise of “friendly feedback” and are never there to support you when you need them.

7. Growing up in a dysfunctional family. If one or both of your parents were abusive, toxic, etc., you will start noticing the consequences of it after stepping into adulthood. Once you do, you’ll have to unlearn some things you subconsciously picked up during childhood and completely destroy the rest. Otherwise, you’ll risk repeating the vicious cycle by turning into your parent(s) or living with the damaging consequences for the rest of your life.

Paluski (Polish Potato Fingers)

Do these bring back memories. Paluski! We always had them with homemade kapusta and kielbasi. I make these all of the time. My family loves them with a nice mushroom gravy. They taste delicious fried in some bacon fat with onions and crisp bacon. I sometimes cut them up into small pieces and add them to my homemade chicken soup. I have even gone so far as to fry them up and serve them with sunny side eggs, scrambled and poached.

2024 02 21 08 a28
2024 02 21 08 a28


  • 4 cups all-purpose flour + extra if needed to make a pliable dough
  • 4 cups mashed potatoes, cold
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 4 eggs


  1. Cook potatoes and drain well. Press through a ricer and place in a large bowl. Cool.
  2. Combine flour and salt in a large bowl, mixing well. Make a well in the center of flour and add eggs, one at a time, mixing well until all the eggs are mixed well.
  3. Add the riced potatoes and mix until all ingredients are blended real well. If necessary add some water to make the dough pliable if too stiff, this will depend on how much flour you add. (I have found that 4 cups will make a very wet dough, so I add 1/4 cups of flour at a time until the dough feels just right. This is done by feel. Do not make the dough too stiff.
  4. Roll out dough in portions at a time onto floured surface, rolling out into a long log about 1-inch thick.
  5. Cut logs into 3/4-inch pieces, rolling slightly to even out.
  6. Drop into rolling salted boiling water and cook until paluski float to the top, allowing them to simmer a few minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and place in a large bowl.
  7. Have some melted butter ready to drizzle over the paluski to coat them.
  8. You can sauté some onions in butter and toss in with them.


Either way you doctor them up, they taste wonderful.

Woman says she’s breaking up with boyfriend over this…

Are there employees who later employed their boss?

I bought the security guard company I worked for when the owner decided to retire and move to Las Vegas. He wanted 3 months billing for the whole tamale; office equipment, gear, patrol car, and clients. He was billing around $237,000 annually so the asking price was just over $59,000.

I got a business loan for $30,000 and agreed to pay him $1,700 a month over 18 months for the balance owed. The extra money was for interest.

A couple of years later he showed up in my office. The $30K was gone and the monthly payments had ended, and he needed money. So he asked me for a job selling for my company.

I’d quadrupled his annual billing — from $237K to $980K — so I told him I’d pay him a $1,500 monthly draw against commission.

After 6 months he’d sold 3 patrol accounts, for a grand total of $1,100 a month, so I cut my losses and let him go.

Has a cop ever said something to you which was completely unexpected?

While at university my roommate and I lived a couple blocks in from the beach. He walked up to the beach to check the surf late one evening. A cop pulled up along side him and said “Hey, are you [my name]?” My roommate said “no” and the cop drove away without another word.

A few days later at about 8:00 PM I left our apartment and started to drive to our university. My small truck had an automatic transmission and the parking break was broken. So I kept a large rock by my feet that I would wedge behind a tire when I parked. As I drove away from our apartment a cop pulled me over. I asked what the problem was and he didn’t answer. He shined his flashlight inside my truck. He saw the rock and asked in a very serious tone why it was there. I explained. He then told me to get out of the car. I complied. He didn’t go inside, but looked inside the door. He saw my backpack on the passenger seat. He said he wanted to search it and asked if I had a problem with that. Knowing I had done nothing wrong, I was getting annoyed. There was nothing but textbooks and notebooks in my backpack, but I didn’t like his attitude. And I was upset about the cops asking my roommate if he was me for some reason a few nights earlier. So I said I did have a problem with it and I would not be allowing him to search it. He said he had the right to search for probable cause. I asked what he was defining as probable cause. He replied that the rock on my floor was a weapon. I told him I thought that was a pretty weak position after the explanation I gave him and I objected to his search. He said if he called a judge he could provide me a warrant to fully legalize any search he wished to perform. I then told him I would wait calmly while he radioed the station (before mobile phones), they called a judge, and a search warrant was issued. I also asked how he thought a judge would react to being annoyed at home to get a warrant to search a [local university] student’s backpack after being pulled over for not committing any traffic violations. He looked at me, said “you better pray I never catch you doing anything wrong” and turned away. He got in his cruiser and drove off. It was all very strange, but I never had another incident after that.


How can middle class people become rich?

I came from a very ordinary background, and I have advised countless people who are very wealthy and grew up poor or middle-class.

Even if we look at larger studies, we find that most of the richest people in the world came from working and middle-class backgrounds.

Only in some places where inherited wealth dominated, like some parts of Europe, is it 50%-50%.

If you mean is it possible to get rich, or wealthy, on a middle-class income, then the simple answer is yes.

This man was a UPS driver for years. He made a maximum of $14,000-$15,000 a year:

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Theodore Johnson died with $70million after a friend told him about investing, which is why he got into it.

Yes, you read that right. $70million. Now sure, when he started investing, 14k-15k a year was worth 50k-75k in today’s money.

Yet it still wasn’t a huge salary. So, how did he manage it? Well, he invested very smart, long-term.

He wanted to make a difference when he died, so he gave it to charity.

He isn’t alone. This man was a janitor called Ronald Read who accumulated $8million:

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This lady was a secretary and accumulated $9m:

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You might think these are one-offs. However, stats show that 14% of the world’s millionaires are teachers, and about 50% are middle-income professionals.

The reason is simple. Income doesn’t always rise exponentially with time. Wealth can.

What is more, there are always investment opportunities out there, as I mentioned on a recent CNBC interview:

As a final comment, I will speak about risk, as it is the most misunderstood subject.

Do you assume that you are playing it safe with money in the bank?

You are fooling yourself 👉🏼 and here is exactly why:

1. If you save money in the bank you’re buying into the sure risk of inflation.

2. If you only rely on your savings for retirement, you’re risking everything on the assumption that things will go to plan.

But life doesn’t always go to plan. Some sort of risk is inevitable, it’s everywhere.

It is far better to:

  1. Put your eggs in numerous baskets and not just the bank or property
  2. Pick the risks you will take. It gives you more control.
  3. Take action, rather than setting New Year’s resolutions to save/invest more money + lose weight and forget about it!

Grocery prices in Russia will SHOCK YOU


What are some scary psychological facts about human beings?

  1. When a tattoo is removed, the ink particles are eventually broken down and excreted through the urine.
  2. Our own immune system, meant to protect us, can kill us faster than the fastest-killing virus, Ebola (4 days)
  3. Your brain can play tricks on you, making you feel referred pain from your organs in unexpected places! For example, a painful pancreas can present as pain in your flank or back; a heart attack can feel like jaw or shoulder pain; a kidney stone can feel like testicle pain;
  4. The cause of period cramps is the uterus suffocating itself. During a period, the uterus contracts to shed its lining, and sometimes the contractions are so strong that they squeeze the blood vessels, cutting off the supply of oxygen and causing pain.
  5. The front of your tongue has a mind of its own and is always on the move, secretly exploring your mouth. Dentists are well aware of this behavior during impression taking, when the tongue can be seen chasing the dental tool or licking their fingers around the mouth.
  6. Your eyes are “immune privileged,” meaning the rest of the body’s immune system has no knowledge of their existence. If this immune system were to suddenly become aware of the eyes, it may treat them as a threat and try to neutralize them, potentially leading to blindness.

700 people needed paramedics as they queued to see the Queen’s coffin because of the 20 hour wait and the cold weather. Why are so many people so blindly adoring and loyal to the royals when they get treated like sh*t?

Through various work events, I’ve met the late Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Prince William, Prince Edward, Sophie (Countess of Wessex), Princess Anne, James (Viscount Severn), and Lady Amelia Windsor. Though James was only a toddler at the time. Regardless, none of them ever treated me with anything but respect and cordiality (when time allowed more than a passing handshake). And I’m about as lowborn as it gets. The bastard scion of an unwed mother, who was herself the daughter of a gangland enforcer and the 2nd cousin of the man who *ahem* allegedly disposed of the evidence of murders conducted by one of the UK’s most notorious gangs. My more distant ancestors on my mother’s side were Irish loyalists, and on my father’s side were Welsh coal miners. Sailors, miners, and criminals were what went into making me. And yet still, never have I ever been treated poorly by any member of the Royal Family I’ve ever had any interaction with.

As to loyalty… Dolce et decorum est pro patria mori. I’m from a family with a long military tradition. Loyalty to my nation and sovereign go without question. It’s Parliament, not the Royals, who inevitably fuck over me and mine. I’ve no reason to be disloyal. Furthermore, Queen Elizabeth is one of the most dedicated monarchs we’ve ever had. She gave her all to her country and her people. It is only proper that loyalty and service be returned.


The U.S. Has Made Taiwan a Trigger for War. Can China Disarm It?

Taiwan is a useful pawn in the U.S. strategy of confronting China as a “great power competitor”, Finian Cunningham writes.

Ever since China’s civil war ended in 1949 with victory for the Communist side, the island of Taiwan off China’s southern coast has been a U.S. pawn as a haven for anti-Communist forces. The United States has sponsored the Taiwanese separatists first under the dictatorship of Chiang Kai-shek and up to the present administration in Taipei. Ironically, Washington portrays Taiwan as “democratic and free”.

Washington’s support for Taiwan waned in 1979 when the U.S. endeavored to normalize relations with Beijing under the so-called One China Policy which defines Taiwan as under the sovereign control of the People’s Republic of China. The U.S. position conforms to the international norm of recognizing China as one sovereign nation in which Taiwan is but an island province.

The U.S.’s so-called normalization of relations with China was not genuine. It was a geopolitical move to wedge relations between Beijing and Moscow. Now that China and Russia have reestablished strategic connections under Presidents Xi and Putin, the U.S. has reverted to overt hostility towards China and its policy of using Taiwan as a cat’s paw to destabilize the mainland.

After the Obama administration embarked on its Pivot for Asia strategy in 2011, Washington earnestly reinstated relations with Taiwan in such a way as to deliberately provoke Beijing and undermine its sovereignty.

Tensions over Taiwan have become increasingly fraught as the United States steps up military supplies to the island territory. The weapons systems have become increasingly offensive in their capability of attacking China’s mainland. This development not only undermines China’s sovereign authority. It also poses an overt national security threat to Beijing. Taiwan is a mere 130 kilometers (80 miles) from the Chinese mainland across a narrow sea called Taiwan Strait.

This places China in an acute dilemma. Should it take preemptive military action or wait it out until politics takes its course?

A recent election in Taiwan was won by a pro-independence party. But there was a greater combined vote for parties that want more friendly relations with mainland China. That strongly suggests that Taiwanese people are against a military confrontation and are amenable to political reconciliation as proposed by Beijing. Perhaps over time, the Taiwanese population may develop a decisive majority that desires peaceful reunification.

The problem is the United States has control of the initiative to inflame tensions with China. In that case, Beijing might eventually be drawn into a military confrontation despite its aspirations.

The Return of Great Power Competition

Since the supposed end of the Cold War in 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union, for most of the ensuing three-decade period, the United States declared its main national security concerns to revolve around international terrorism. In recent years, however, the U.S. has relegated the perceived threat of terrorism and officially prioritized its strategic concerns about “great power competition”.

Russia and China have been labeled the top geopolitical rivals for U.S. global power. In this way, there has been a return in Washington to the Cold War geopolitics and rhetoric that dominated international relations during the five decades after World War Two. While Moscow and Beijing have both repudiated adversarial relations and have repeatedly urged peaceful coexistence in a multipolar world, the United States has relentlessly sought to depict the so-called “global rules-based order” as being threatened by Russia and China.

The current U.S. administration under President Joe Biden has contrived to portray international relations as an existential contest between “Western democracy versus autocracies”. This zero-sum terminology is typical of Cold War ideology which aims to polarize international relations into geopolitical camps of “us and them”. Such polarization is an essential function of U.S. and Western power politics and the promotion of U.S. hegemonic ambitions.

By dividing the world into “blocs”, the resulting conflictual relations and tensions are amenable to American militarism. In other words, cooperative peaceful international relations as advocated by Russia and China in their multipolar visions are anathema to the pursuit of U.S. hegemony based on unilateral domination.

China is Enemy No. 1 for the United States

Several U.S. strategic planning documents indicate explicitly the emphasis on “great power competition”. The 2022 National Security Strategy defines the U.S.’s priority concerns. The document states:

“We are now in the early years of a decisive decade for America and the world. The terms of geopolitical competition between the major powers will be set… the post-Cold War era is definitively over, and a competition is underway between the major powers to shape what comes next.”

The strategic outlook clearly determines China as the bigger threat to U.S. power. The document states:

“Russia and the PRC [People’s Republic of China] pose different challenges. Russia poses an immediate threat to the free and open international system, recklessly flouting the basic laws of the international order today, as its brutal war of aggression against Ukraine has shown. The PRC, by contrast, is the only competitor with both the intent to reshape the international order and, increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to advance that objective.”

Another major U.S. planning document, the 2022 National Defense Strategy, also defined China as the “pacing challenge” to American global power. It was stated that China is “the only competitor to the United States with the intent and increasing capability to reshape the international order.”

The term “pacing challenge” is a euphemism for Enemy Number One. The prioritizing of China over Russia as the designated top threat to U.S. national security was reiterated in the National Defense Authorization Acts in 2023 and 2024. The NDAAs govern annual U.S. military spending of over $850 billion – about four times the military budget of China and more than eight times that of Russia.

The war in Ukraine which erupted in February 2022, has certainly accentuated tensions and hostilities between the United States and Russia. This may give the impression that Russia is deemed by Washington as a greater threat than China. Nevertheless, despite the heated rhetoric and war in Ukraine, the strategic outlook according to the U.S.’s own planners is that China is perceived as the long-term principal adversary.

Even Russian President Vladimir Putin in a recent interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson acknowledged that China was seen in Washington as a bigger threat than Russia. “The West is afraid of a strong China more than it fears a strong Russia,” said Putin.

U.S. is Planning on War with China

The United Air Force announced on February 12, 2024, a major overhaul and expansion of force structure in the Asia-Pacific. Its commanders specifically cited China as the motivating threat and reason for renewed military build-up for “high-end conflict”. When the civilian head of the U.S. Air Force, Frank Kendall, was appointed to the post in 2022, he told the U.S. Congress that his three priorities were: “China, China, and China.”

Several senior American commanders have publicly warned that the U.S. could be at war with China in the next five years. And they mention Taiwan as the flashpoint.

This war planning accounts for an overall U.S. military build-up in Asia-Pacific involving air, navy, and land weapons. Washington has been expanding military bases and missile systems in Australia, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Guam, and most provocatively on China’s territory of Taiwan.

On January 16, 2024, it was reported by Taiwanese news media that the island territory was building two new missile bases on its east coast facing the Taiwan Strait and China’s mainland. The new construction stemmed from the expected arrival of more U.S. anti-ship missiles. The reports also indicated that five more bases were under planning.

These developments point to long-term planning by the United States for a military confrontation with China in the coming years.

Taiwan is the Primary Cat’s Paw for U.S. Hostility

Following elections in Taiwan on January 13, 2024, U.S. President Joe Biden stated that the U.S. did not support “independence” for the island territory.

Biden was thus publicly affirming Washington’s adherence to the One China Policy (OCP).

However, Biden’s public position on Taiwan and China can be better understood as part of the United States’ other policy of “strategic ambiguity”. Officially, Washington claims to recognize China as the sole sovereign power concerning Taiwan. Whereas in practice, U.S. actions point to another, treacherous agenda.

When Chinese President Xi Jinping met Biden in November 2023 at the APEC summit in San Francisco, the American side reiterated its obligations under the One China Policy. At that summit, President Xi called on the United States to stop arming Taiwan. He said Taiwan was the “most dangerous” issue and warned that China would use force if the matter is not resolved diplomatically for reunification.

Under Biden and his predecessor, Republican President Donald Trump, the United States has ramped up weapons supplies to Taiwan.

Provocatively, it seems, the U.S. has chosen to ignore President Xi’s admonitions about desisting from arming Taiwan.

The reported expansion of missile bases and supply of U.S. missiles to Taiwan indicates that Washington has set a course for antagonizing China by undermining its sovereignty over Taiwan.

On February 8, 2024, it was reported for the first time by U.S. and Taiwanese media that American special forces were being permanently stationed in Taiwan and the neighboring Kinmen islands near the Chinese mainland. This development is a major violation of the One China Policy by the United States. It puts into perspective the purported pledges made by Biden in person to Xi during the APEC summit.

Furthermore, the purpose of the U.S. forces in Taiwan has offensive connotations. The American personnel are reportedly engaged in training Taiwanese military units for conflict and monitoring China’s mainland forces.

It should be noted that these U.S. military developments in Taiwan followed a high-level meeting between America’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi which took place on January 26 in Thailand. Earlier that month, Chinese and U.S. officials also held “high-level discussions” at the Pentagon after a two-year suspension. The series of talks was reported in Western media as an effort by the American side to reduce tensions and improve communications.

Again, rather than such contacts being a genuine effort at improving relations, they seem to be more illustration of the U.S. policy of “strategic ambiguity”. More accurately, that policy should be called “strategic duplicity”.

It seems plausible that Washington is trying to mislead China over what its real intentions are regarding Taiwan and the wider issue of strategic confrontation. The Biden administration may state adherence to the One China Policy and call for better military-to-military communications to avoid conflict.

Yet, in practice, the United States is pushing ahead to supply Taiwan with more missiles. This unprecedented build-up of offensive U.S. capability is replicated in other territories across the Asia-Pacific.

The election in January of Lai Ching-te as the Taiwanese president provides Washington with a strident “pro-American” voice in Taipei for the next four years. Lai has previously called for Taiwan’s independence from China. Indeed, during the election campaign, Lai said there was no need to make such a declaration because Taiwan was “already independent”. Beijing has repeatedly declared its desire and sovereign right for full reunification of the island territory with the Chinese mainland. However, President Xi has warned that if Taiwan were to formally announce independence, China reserves the right to use military force to assert its legal sovereign control over the territory.

Taiwan is a useful pawn in the U.S. strategy of confronting China as a “great power competitor”.

By giving tacit support to pro-independence politicians in Taiwan, Washington is inciting separatist sentiments. Supplying the territory with U.S. weapons and military personnel also foments Taiwanese notions that Washington is a military patron who will come to Taiwan’s defense if a conflict were to erupt with mainland China.

Significantly, the incoming Taiwanese president is the third administration of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). The DPP first came to power in 2016 under President Tsai Ing-wen. She was re-elected in 2020. Her vice president Lai Ching-te is taking over in May when he is inaugurated as president. The DPP has inflamed pro-independence politics over the past eight years with the full encouragement of Washington under both the current Biden administration and his predecessor Donald Trump. This political saber-rattling will likely continue over the next four years of Lai’s presidency.

It is also significant that the last eight years have seen a build-up of missiles in Taiwan’s arsenal. Before 2016, the island’s military capabilities were limited. Under the DPP, and with supplies from the U.S., Taiwan’s forces have acquired ballistic missile capabilities, especially anti-ship missiles. The target range of these weapons is short-range up to 500 kilometers which could reach China’s southern coastal provinces.

What needs to be monitored is the supply of longer-range U.S. missiles which would indicate greater strategic ambitions in a conflict with China. The American-sponsored militarization of Taiwan is correlated with the incitement of separatist politics on the island, which in turn foments tensions with Beijing.

On February 13, the U.S. Senate approved a $95 billion military aid package for foreign allies, including $60 bn for Ukraine, $14 bn for Israel and $8 bn for Asia-Pacific. The latter portion will allocate nearly $5 bn to Taiwan. The Asia-Pacific funding will cover the U.S. build-up of missiles in the region.

This is another indicator of U.S. hostile intentions towards China. It belies the seeming diplomatic engagement and renewed military-to-military communication exchange. The litmus test for rhetoric concerning the One China Policy is the facts on the ground of military offensive capability toward China.

The facts testify that Taiwan is being honed as a cat’s paw to antagonize and provoke China.

The Ukraine-Russia Analogy

There is a vivid analogy with how the U.S. has cynically used Ukraine as a provocation toward Russia. Ukraine has deep cultural ties with Russia and a long history of disputed territorial control. Over the past decade, the United States has ramped up military support for Ukraine and incited animosity with Russia. The tensions erupted in February 2022 with Russia ordering a military invasion of Ukraine to halt mounting provocations. A two-year war ensued and is continuing. It is the biggest war in Europe since the Second World War. An estimated 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed. The conflict has had a devastating impact on Europe’s economy. It brings nuclear powers perilously close to catastrophic all-out war.

China’s former ambassador to the United States, Cui Tankai, recently stated that China would not be drawn into a military trap in Taiwan. The seasoned diplomat alluded to the U.S.-instigated scenario of Ukraine and Russia. On the matter of increasing American arms supplies to Taiwan, Cui was quoted as saying: “Someone may be preparing a proxy war but we will not fall into that trap. We don’t want to see a situation where Chinese are killing Chinese.”

Such aspirations are laudable. Nonetheless, such a view is a hostage to fortune. The Chinese authorities may not want a war over Taiwan and may try their utmost to avoid a war. Beijing’s aspiration for peaceful reunification with Taiwan is no doubt genuine.

Still, unfortunately, the United States has the sinister power to turn Taiwan into a trigger. Washington is ramping up offensive military capability and fomenting incendiary pro-independence politics. Beijing does not control that hostile process. There may come a point when Taiwan becomes what Ukraine is to Russia – a site of proxy war by the United States.

In that case, there is a stern prognosis: China should act militarily sooner rather than later to assert its control over Taiwan. A war seems inevitable given the U.S.’s reckless and incorrigible provocations. The belligerence in Washington is constant regardless of who sits in the White House. The U.S. presidential election in November this year will make no difference to the strategic course. The longer China leaves its response, the bigger will be the military confrontation as a result of the increasing U.S.-supplied offensive capability of Taiwan.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview on February 14, 2024, that a major regret he has about the current two-year-old war in Ukraine is that Russia did not act sooner to intervene against U.S.-led provocations. Putin ordered Russian military intervention in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, to defend the ethnic Russian population of former east Ukraine and to preempt the growing threat from NATO to Russia’s national security.

This author wrote an article 10 years ago regarding sinister developments under the NATO-backed regime in Kiev which came to power in February 2014 in a CIA-backed coup d’état. The article made the argument that Putin should have sent troops into Ukraine in mid-2014 to preempt what was a looming U.S.-led proxy war. Subsequent events in Ukraine – the horrendous scale of death and destruction – and Putin’s own recent admission of regret would suggest the author’s prognosis in 2014 was correct.

On the matter of Taiwan, there is a real risk of China repeating Russia’s problematic delay in acting decisively. By not acting decisively to preempt, China’s President Xi Jinping might also share the same regret about Taiwan as Putin does over Ukraine.


Can you describe the creepiest person you have ever met?

When I was about 20 years old and at that time I lived with my parents. They had a plastering company in after being rewired. One was an elderly man, due to retire the next year. The other was younger, tall, quite good looking, but there was something about him I couldn’t fathom. Every time he came into the room, the hairs on the back of my neck prickled, and the dog would whimper and go into the other room. I’d catch him watching me as I went about my business. I was crocheting to pass the time while they were there and he kept asking me about it and coming over to see how it was going. He’d put his hand on my shoulder as he leaned over to look. It freaked me out.

My parents went to walk the dog and left me to hold the fort. The older man randomly started talking about personalities and first impressions of people. He kept looking from his colleague and back at me. He said do you find you get a gut feeling when you don’t like somebody? I said that yes, I do. He still kept looking at his colleague, then he said that when we have a gut feeling it’s important to act on it, and that 9 times out of 10 it’s correct, even if the person seems to be okay. He looked at me, raised his eyebrows, smiled slightly, nodded slowly, and carried on with his work.

I swear to this day that he was warning me not to trust his work colleague.

Why are Singaporeans more likely to dislike America 🇺🇸?

I won’t speak for my countrymen.

Personally, I wish America well, because it is vital to the global economy.

But I choose to make a stand when it comes to war in East Asia, which America is hell-bent on provoking for selfish national interest—preserving American primacy.

I cannot, and will not accept that, and my efforts here on Quora is a mere token, informing and explaining developments to fellow East Asians.

For example, how the demonization and dehumanization of mainland China will inevitably lead to the victimization of Chinese diaspora, repeating the age-old pogroms and witch hunts suffered by Chinese diaspora over the last 4-500 years.

For example, how a weaponized dollar will bring ruinous harm to the financial health of East Asia, and options being developed against the certainty.

For example, the many hotspots around the region through which conflict with China may arise.

For example, the multi-dimensional economic war being waged on the mainland economy, and its fallout, rules-based order be damned.

America is not my home. I maintain an interest because what happens stateside directly affects my family’s future.

A strong, well-run America is good for the world. Unfortunately, both conditions are ebbing today.

And that spells danger for the rest of humanity.

I am merely curating and explaining developments, as America loses its primacy.

It is up to American society to recognize, accept and change course.

But that appears a faraway daydream today.

Elon Musk Think’s OpenAI Discovered Something

He is probably correct.


China is one of the most emblematic and visible practitioners of Progressive-Conservatism, which may seem an odd description given that Communism is described by the West as ultra-radical. 

However, when integrated into the context of Chinese history and its longstanding social-philosophy, it’s actually normative as the past is honored while wading into the future with confidence based on past successes. 

When looked at seriously, China’s policies seek to establish Balance and Harmony globally. 

Containing China makes no sense. Working with China makes a great deal of sense. And the latter path is far easier than that of confrontation. 

A look at the Big Picture shows nations confronting China declining while those cooperating rising.


A while ago my mother’s kid sister (my aunt) was on the dating market, and she was dating various men. After a period of time, she had to choose between two men. Apparently, it was a tough decision.

Ralph. He was a blue-collar carpenter. He was from a traditional Catholic family, and was a “salt of the earth” kind of guy. I really liked him alot. He was honest, a straight-shooter. He was just a all around “good guy”. But he wasn’t wealthy. He was just solidly middle class, with about 11 children.

Sonny. He was a dentist, who branched out and bought up factories and businesses. Turned them around. And then sold them for a profit. He had a daughter, and a large ranch with horses, and a great spread of land.

Well, my aunt decided on Sonny.

Ralph was devastated. I (and my wife at the time) liked him a lot. I haven’t seen him since. He used to help my mother fix and repair stuff at her house. He just did it because he had the talent and the ability. He built her a storage room in the basement and a huge porch in the back.

A few years ago, Sonny and my aunt were having troubles. Apparently he was “too controlling” . Ah. I hate to hear that.

I am of the opinion that if she would have chosen Ralph, she would have been much happier. Maybe not wealthier, but certainly… happier. Sigh.



Are teenagers really that moody and hard to handle like people say they are?

Moody? Yes.

Hard to handle? Only if you make it that way.

It’s all about picking your battles with teens. My oldest is 18 now and has been accepted into a very good college, so we’re pretty much “done” raising her. Now it’s mainly just raising money for her.

But, between the ages of 13–18, there were quite a few times where she did something she knew we didn’t want her to do, or she lied to us, and we let her think we didn’t know. We knew, we just picked our battles, and those didn’t seem like battles worth fighting. Basically, if it was something that put her or her future in danger, we came down on her for it. If it was something that just annoyed us or was rude, we let it slide, sometimes.

For example, we grounded her when her grades started slipping because she was spending too much time with her boyfriend. She was mad, but it worked. Within a week, her grades were back up and she was un-grounded. We also have a rule in the house about not hoarding dirty dishes in the bedrooms, but sometimes I’ll look in her room and see literally 20 dirty dishes. Is it worth making a fuss over, even though she’s being disrespectful and breaking a rule? Nah. I just ask her to bring me the dishes from her room the next time I’m loading the dishwasher. No need to pick a fight.

Our parenting mantra for her was pretty much: “Make sure she doesn’t screw up her future by getting pregnant, doing drugs, or failing school, but otherwise, don’t needlessly rock the boat.”

It all worked out. Assuming she doesn’t go completely insane over the next five months, she’ll be fine.


Chicken Soup with Tortellini
(Pollo in Brodo con Tortellini)

Tortellini Soup

There is nothing, nothing, as comforting as walking into the house after a long day to the wafting aroma of chicken tortellini soup.

Today’s Creamy Chicken Tortellini Soup is a healthified version of a heavier cream-based soup.

I haven’t removed the essential elements that make it special such as tender chicken, hearty cheese tortellini, and even a little cream. I’ve just reduced certain ingredients, so you can feel good about serving this Creamy Chicken Tortellini Soup to your family.

And maybe even having seconds.

2024 02 13 07 38
2024 02 13 07 38

Yield: 8 servings


  • 1 (3 to 4 pound) broiler-fryer chicken, cut up
  • 6 cups water
  • 1 stalk celery (with leaves, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 medium carrot, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 medium onion, cut into fourths
  • 2 sprigs parsley
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon black peppercorns
  • 1 package commercial fresh tortellini or 20 homemade tortellini
  • 2 cups water
  • Minced parsley
  • Grated Parmesan cheese

Ingredients You Will Need

  • DeLallo Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Large Sweet Onion peeled and chopped
  • Red Bell Pepperseeded and chopped
  • Carrotssliced
  • Minced Garlic Cloves
  • Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast  or bonleess chicken thighs
  • Chicken Broth – low sodium chicken broth
  • DeLallo Three-Cheese Tortellini Pasta
  • Heavy Cream
  • Packed Frozen Spinach or fresh baby spinach leaves
  • Fresh Chopped Parsley
  • Dried Thyme Leaves or fresh thyme leaves
  • Crushed Red Pepper
  •  Salt and Pepper
2024 02 13 07 40
2024 02 13 07 40


  1. Heat chicken, 6 cups water, celery, carrot, onion, 2 sprigs parsley, bay leaf, salt and peppercorns to boiling in Dutch oven; reduce heat. Cover and simmer until thickest pieces of chicken are done, about 45 minutes.
  2. Remove chicken from broth; strain broth.
  3. Refrigerate chicken and broth separately until cool.
  4. Remove chicken from bones and skin. Cut chicken into bite-size pieces; add to broth. Cover and refrigerate.
  5. Prepare tortellini. If using commercial tortellini, do not precook.
  6. Skim fat from broth. Heat broth and 2 cups water to boiling. Add tortellini. Heat to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and simmer until tortellini are tender, about 30 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle each serving with minced parsley.
  8. Serve with Parmesan cheese.
2024 02 13 07 39
2024 02 13 07 39

How To Make Chicken Tortellini Soup

This Creamy Chicken Tortellini Soup is quick and easy to make, yet offers so much wow-factor, your family will ask for it again and again!

  1. Saute. Place a large sauce pot over medium heat. Add the olive oil and chopped onions. Saute for 3 minutes to soften. Then add the chopped bell pepper, carrots, and garlic. Saute another 3 minutes.
  2. Simmer. Add whole raw chicken breasts, chicken broth, dried thyme, crushed red pepper, salt, and ground black pepper to the pot. Bring to a boil. Lower the heat a little and simmer for 15 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through. Remove the chicken and place on a cutting board.
  3. Cook Pasta. Turn the heat back to medium. With the broth still simmering, stir in the DeLallo Three Cheese Tortellini. Stir well so it doesn’t stick together. Then chop or shred the chicken and place it back in the soup.
  4. Cream and Season. Once the tortellini is cooked through, about 10-14 minutes, turn off the heat. Stir in heavy cream, spinach, and parsley. Add a little more cream if desired. Taste, then salt and pepper as needed.
2024 02 13 07 42e
2024 02 13 07 42e


Has anyone ever taken a DNA test and found something completely shocking?

My Mum was 79 when a lady who grew up in the same small town as she made contact and started chatting with her. My Mum said, “I don’t know who this person is, but she seems to know me.” Eventually, this lady said to my mum that she was her half-sister. They organised a DNA test and there was shown to be “a high probability” that they were half-sisters. AncestryDNA has shown that I am related to my Mum’s new half-sister. So after 79 years, her whole ancestry has changed.

The story ended up being that my Mum’s father was unable to have children whilst her mother really wanted one, so the father of this other lady was allowed to produce a child with my Nan, that child being my mother. Apparently, the other family was aware of what had happened but kept it under wraps until my Mum was 79 years old when her half-sister decided to talk to Mum and see if she was a nice person. Having decided she was, she opened up to her regarding the situation.

Biological fact




If China improves or invent something to sink USA aircraft and sell other countries like Iran, will the USA lose power overseas?

China already got that capability.

On 2024/1/8, China praised the commander & crew of Nanchang destroyer.

Nanchang (南昌号) is 10000 tons with the most up-to-date equipment. It started service in 2020. It has sailed to Guam a few times. The latest one was Dec 2023 to accompany the fleet of Liaoning aircraft carrier (辽宁航母).

On 2024/1/8, Chinese CCTV released a video which showed 2 US warships, probably EP-18E, nose-diving towards Nanchang. To intercept Nanchang’s electromagnetic field.

Nanchang left Liaoning fleet & went, alone, closer to US aircraft carrier fleet. It activated its Fire Control Radar & opened the lid of 7 of its many missiles. To counter-intercept the electromagnetic field & to warn USA that the US aircraft carrier fleet has been targeted & can be attacked by Nanchang.

The standoff of Nanchang-US warplanes & warships lasted for 20 days. At the end, US fleet left. … China won the electromagnetic “war” & Nanchang crew was thus praised.

Have you ever seen someone being literally laughed out of a courtroom?

Several years ago, I was in court in North Carolina. At the time, cases were called alphabetically, by last name.

One gentleman, let’s call him Ben Jones (not his name but I can’t remember what it was) was called to face charges for some petty crime or another. The judge hadn’t even heard any evidence when Mr. Jones started cursing the judge, the DA, the bailiff, the clerk and everybody else. When the judge gave him a month in County for contempt, he cursed more. This went on until he ended up with about 6 months in county.

When he was finally removed from the courtroom, Chris Jones (again, not the real name) was called up. He immediately asked for a continuance. When the judge asked why, he said that Mr. Curser was his brother and he didn’t want his behavior to affect his case. Even the judge laughed a little and told the guy not to worry, he could keep an open mind.

The judge smiled at the guy upon his not guilty plea, found him not guilty and told him to tell his brother that he’s a reasonable judge.

Is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or the Communist Party of China (CPC) considered more leftist?

It is very hard for people who live in western democracies and are used to a multi-party political system to understand that defining the Party as being either left or right is not applicable in the Chinese context.

I would just say that the Party is strongly pro-development and pro-growth, and is focused on improving the lives of ordinary Chinese and making China into one of, if not the greatest economic power in the world, with a special emphasis on manufacturing and hi-tech. It has been very practical and pragmatic, sometimes adopting socialist policies and sometimes adopting free-market policies. As far as the Party leadership is concerned, it is most important that it works for ordinary Chinese, and does not threaten the leadership role of the Party in Chinese society.

The greatest threats to the Party leadership are internal corruption by Chinese officials; this is why Xi has waged his never-ending war on corruption. He sees corruption as a potential cancer in the system, which undermines the peoples’ faith in the system and Party. In China’s past, corruption has almost always been a major contributor to the fall of Chinese imperial dynasties. The other great threat comes from capitalism going wild, and Chinese worshipping the super-rich as their role models. If this were to happen, materialism would run wild, and Chinese would become superficial materialist people like many South Koreans, who worship billionaires and successful actors and entertainers.

To sum up, modern China is very complex, and describing the Party as leftist or rightist is completely inadequate to describe its real nature.

China’s insane Subway system ( America Jealous)



Former bullied kids, what did your bullies do when they met you as an adult?

I was hitchhiking a ride one day, about ten years after being bullied. A truck passed, slowed down and backed up to where I was.

“Hey Brad! It’s me” I heard from just below the passenger side door, from the person leaning out of view to open it. All the fear of my past washed over me because I recognized that voice. It was the voice of the doom that followed my every move, my tormentor from junior high through the end of high school.

He looked at me through the open door of his truck with a side of him I had never seen before. “It’s ok man. I’m not trying to trick you or anything” he said.

Various scenarios played in my head, none of which made sense for an adult man to think, so I got in the truck. I needed the ride.

“Thanks for stopping” I said.

“I did more to talk to you than give you a ride. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again, but there you were, and now I have the chance.”

The chance at what? I thought. Oh sweet Jesus! Is this guy a serial killer by now? Did all the hate he pummeled my frail body with finally build up to a point that he was now insane? What other reason could there be?

I considered jumping out, but that would certainly kill me. All I could do was wait for his next move.

“I swear I’ve thought about you since I last saw you” he said. “What I did to you was so very wrong. I’m so sorry. I can’t tell you why I did it.”

His voice trailed off into a sob. His shoulders lurched forward in heaves of grief. He had to pull over to maintain control of the vehicle.

We sat in awkward silence on the side of the road.

I held his confession in high regard. It was the first time I saw him as a human being. The fear I felt was displaced by compassion for a person that suffered from the enlightenment of adulthood. I knew then what I needed to do.

“I forgive you, Trickle” (his nickname .) It was akin to evoking the name of Satan himself.

“I don’t go by that name anymore!” he protested angrily.

“What should I call you now? What is your name?” I said, hoping that he knew.

“It’s Paul, just Paul” he said in a soft voice.

“Pleased to meet you, Paul” I said reaching out my hand to shake his.

With that the demon that was “Trickle” was exorcised from both of our lives. All the suffering we endured was cleansed.

We talked for hours and stayed in the truck for the duration. I never saw him again.

I think of him now. I hope that he received my forgiveness, and that his life for the last 30 years since we met that day was free of guilt.

Paul, if you’re reading this I want you to know that I did and still do, forgive you.


What did your boss say to you during a meeting that resulted in you immediately resigning?

Not me but a friend. He is pretty high up in the Cyber Security world and has his own business. He was hired by a company to help them harden their network. So he went in and did his due diligence to understand everything that they had, what their vulnerabilities were, etc. After he had done the due dligence, he designed and wrote up a system that he felt would meet their needs. It is very important to understand that when he does this work, he is specific about what hardware and software that they will need to use. He has it in his contracts with his clients that they must follow his design to the letter or his company will walk away, the client will still be required to pay in full all work done to that point + a portion of the remaining contract, and his company will be released from any and all liability.

He goes into the meeting with his client C Suite. Goes through his presentation and presents his numbers. Immediately, the CFO pulls up a document for a completely different system (different hardware, software, etc) that he feels would be just as adequate and significantly cheaper. My friend explains why he has designed the system and hardware needs to best meet their requirements that they gave him and how that system that the CFO was referring to would not meet their requirements. CFO immediately argues back that they should use this cheaper system and demands that he and his company implement it per the contract. My friend immediately stands up, gathers his documentation, designs, presentations, hardware list and everything from everyone in the meeting and tells the CEO that they have just violated their contract with him and they they have 30 days to pay his company out and that he and his company will not be working for them at any time now or in the future and walks out.

What is a funny story that happened due to language barrier?

About ten years ago, I was on a one-stop flight from Vietnam to Los Angeles. Hanoi – Incheon – LAX.

We were transiting at Incheon airport. We had to do a re-security screening after landing from Hanoi. So, we got in line. An officer was walking back and forth in front of the lines, with a water bottle in his hand above his head, speaking loudly in English, “No water. No fruits.”, to let people know to get rid of all those things from our bags before getting checked.

Suddenly, a middle-aged woman in front of me, walked toward the officer, took the water bottle off of his hand, opened it, drank some water from it, closed the bottle, and gave the bottle back to the officer with her biggest smile. She nodded her head with the officer like she wanted to thank him for offering the water. The officer was surprised and then laughed, but the woman didn’t understand English, I guessed, she kept smiling and got to the screening area.

The screening area had five small tables in a row, each table had an officer. You just had to walk to the table and open your handbag for the officer to take a look, and you were done, pretty quick and simple. One by one. After finished checking a person, the officer raised their hand, “Next!”, so the next person could walk up.

That woman was finished checking, she was walking out when the officer at the next table raised his hand, “Next!”. Suddenly the woman also raised her hand and gave the officer a high-five and the same big smile. Then she walked away.

I still smile every time I remember that trip and that cheerful woman.




What happens if a motorist is arrested for DUI only to find out their breathalyzer reading is 0?

One night, while driving home form the Ozzfest, an officer on DUI patrol stopped me for suspicion of DUI (he claimed I was swerving) He made me do the FST bare foot and I passed. He the takes out the breathalyzer and I blew a .008 (I saw the reading as he quickly turned away) and the cop stepped into me, looked me in the EYE and said; “HERE!, IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, the legal limit it .07” I knew he was messing with me so, I just shut up and said; “Oh? I didn’t know”. From there on, I said nothing. He arrested me for suspicion of DUI. I know the limit is .08 but I don’t fight with cops on the side of the road. When I was released, I walked to the tow yard and picked up my truck. When you get stopped for DUI they take your driver’s license (send it to DMV) and give you a number to call with in 10 days.

The next morning I called the DMV. The DMV gave back my license over the phone cause the was no evidence filed. Knowing there was no evidence, I put myself on the court calender so, I could get a copy of my police report. In order to get the police report myself, (without a lawyer), I had to agree to defend myself so, I agreed to defend myself.

The judge calls my name, he pauses… because, he sees that I am defending myself. He says; “Charles are you going to defend yourself?” I reply, “YES SIR!” The judge then says; “DO YOU KNOW WHAT BEN FRANKLIN said about people who defend themselves?” I replied; “YES, YOU DON’T NEED TO HIRE A LAWYER TO GET A POLICE REPORT”. The judge didn’t like my answer but he gave the report reluctantly. The judge gave me my report and I went down the street to have lunch and read the report.

I read through the report and to my amazement, the officer told the truth, that I blew a .008 and the limit was .08. after read the report, I went back to court and found a DA. I tried to get him into the court room so, my case could be dismissed. The DA declined to help me so, I had to return for a hearing.

To make a long story short, trust me its longer….I defended myself the whole way through but it took a dozen appearances (over a year of court dates) before I finally got my case dismissed. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AND READ THE POLICE REPORT BEFORE YOU AGREE TO ANYTHING.

Have you ever seen your teacher doing something inappropriate in front of the whole class?

I saw neither of the following, but I sure heard about them from the offenders themselves.

I teach in Thailand and have trained teachers in not only methodology but also cultural considerations.

‘Sam’ had been a kindergarten teacher in the U.S. and had often patted kids’ heads when they did well or playfully tugged gently on their hair.

Why he thought that would be ok with adults, I will never understand. Mortified, he came to me, admitting that the students had explained that their heads were considered blessed and asked him to stop touching them. He had apologized profusely.

‘Dan,’ on the other hand, was stubborn in the belief that he owed no one an apology. A class represenative had asked a Thai Academic Office staff member to tell ‘Mr. Dan’ to stop putting his feet up on the teacher’s desk and on empty student chairs.

When she explained to ‘Dan’ that feet are considered ‘dirty’ as the lowest point of the body and should not be placed on furniture that others use nor pointed aggressively at others, ‘Dan’ scoffed and walked away.

The Assistant Academic Director then got involved, and ‘Dan’ grudgingly apologized to his class who accepted it but because of his tone, saw him as disrespectful of Thai culture.

‘Mr. Dan’ complained about the ‘ridiculous’ custom to anyone who would listen. Most (including me) reminded him that he is a guest here and should abide by Thai ways.

Note: If paper currency goes skittering, do NOT put your foot on it because it can be considered lese majeste since money carries the image of the king. A fine or even jail time may be involved.

Woman Adopted 11-yr-old Cat. What She Did Next Shocked The Shelter Staff!



What’s the scariest thing that happened when you were in a vulnerable position?

It all started with good intentions.

It was part of an initiative that I began 10 years back, my goal to slowly acquire skills to fix things myself so that I wasn’t constantly having to hire people to fix things.

I was under my car laying on my back sorta like this.

image 162
image 162

I don’t remember precisely the problem with the car. But I do remember it was night time and I had a small flashlight.

I didn’t have the equipment to lift the truck up properly, so I’d just slowly and carefully wiggled my way under there.

It was a tight squeeze. Very tight.

I felt like Bishop in that insanely claustrophobic scene from Aliens where he crawls through a mile-long, shoulder-tight tunnel.

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image 163

As I’m on my back, my flashlight is shining up into the engine and I’m quickly realizing that I’m in over my head, (you may as well be teaching a monkey to do brain surgery at this point).

Then – shit got real.


I heard growling.

With my god damn legs hanging out from under this car, I heard the deep guttural growling of a large dog within 10 feet of me, clearly growling directly at me.


I began squirming out as the dog continued growling from the same spot.

Then I emerged.

I looked right.

And the growling stopped.

It was a familiar large, yellow lab, who started wagging his tail as he recognized me:

It was my neighbor’s dog.

And my neighbor was standing right behind his dog, with his hand firmly gripped on the dog’s leash.

“Need a hand?” he said with a chuckle.

He enjoyed f—king with me.

As a Westerner, do you want to see a stronger or weaker China? Do you think China’s current scheme (and how do you phrase it) is going to make it stronger or weaker? Do you want to change its scheme and why?

I am no Westerner

Yet I want to see a Super Strong China

It gives me hope that an EASTERN NATION can cut it at the top and not be always subservient to the West

Every History Chapter from 1500 AD onwards is about the West dominating the Global South

First the Spaniards & the Holy Roman Empire

Then the Portuguese

Then the British, Dutch and French

Then the British, Belgians & Prussians

Then the British and French

Then the Nazis

Then the Americans & Soviets

Then the Americans

It’s been 500–550 years since any Eastern Power has been able to hold a place at the top table

Japan tried in 1938–1939 but was throttled and embargoed

Japan tried again in 1979–1985 but was given a dose of PLAZA

Now China looks to be within 200 meters of the finish line

China to me is an ancient friend of India and a country that has no ideological issues with India

I want China to prosper and be as strong as possible

Then that gives me hope that India may follow Chinas footsteps


What are some examples of employees who were fired for being “too nice” in their workplace?

When I was 17, I worked for a cellphone store. One of my coworkers was helping this lady who was going through a tough time. Her husband passed away, and she had five small kids. He was their sole provider. She told us he cared for everything so she could focus on their home and kids. She needed a phone and didn’t have access to the funds her husband had left her because her mother-in-law was trying to take it from her. So my coworkers told her she could purchase the cheapest phone, and it would be suitable for a couple of months and work for what she needed it for. But we were instructed to tell the client they could only get the phone with the highest phone plan. If we sold it with the lowest phone plan, it would kill our numbers. My coworker saw this lady was struggling and did this for her. The next day when our boss asked why it had been done. He was furious and fired her for it. I quit a couple of days later.



What would you do in a school shooter situation?

I’m a teacher. I always insisted on having the crappy classroom at the end of corridor one, one of the five ground level corridors.

Why? I wanted to keep the students away from the office. If they were late, I wanted them to slip into my class without reporting to the authorities. I wanted easy and immediate access to the outside for any students experiencing acute anxiety or if they were about to burst into tears. If that happened, they were guaranteed some privacy.

I could also see who was at the Happy Tree across the street (a key pot smoking location).

My classroom was a long way from the office and most administrators were too lazy to come by. If they dropped by, there was a reason, which was fine with me.

But there was another reason I wanted to be at the end of corridor one.

The intruder alert procedures insisted that we gather on the floor in our classrooms, remain silent after closing the drapes or blinds and covering the window on the door and locking it.

Like fish in a drained barrel.

So that was the official Plan A.

My plan was Plan B.

If there was an intruder alert, I needed to determine the direction it came from. Then I wanted all my students to run across the street to the Happy Tree, as a group, on through the park, across the next street, and through the intersection to the mall. They were to be silent and fast. I would be behind them.

It never happened.

We have so much support and school-to-work programming for mentally ill and angry young men that I don’t think it will ever happen, but if I was wrong and it did happen, I wanted my students out of harm’s way.

They couldn’t be out of harm’s way if they were cowering in the corner of a classroom.


Why can’t America win any war?

Because a war isn’t fought with soldiers alone.

The US military is the biggest military power in the world. There’s no arguing against that. They have some of the best troops, the best tech, and probably the best logistics. Heck, strike “probably”, they fight wars on other continents.

What they often don’t have is a clear idea of what they want to achieve, and that’s down to the people who send them out. The US politicians rarely have a clear vision of their war objectives, and when they have one, it’s often laughably unrealistic.

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image 164

George W. Bush planning the invasion of Iraq

For instance, the idea behind the adventures in both Afghanistan and Iraq was to install a democracy. That’s not a military objective, that’s a political objective, and the military is patently useless at that sort of thing. And it was a hopeless task to begin with; yes, there was a lot of opposition to Hussein, but they all just wanted a different crazed dictator. Vietnam became a total mess because, again, they sought a political outcome, and asked the military to achieve it, and then messed up the political side totally.

It’s all a bit like if Elon Musk wants new and better recruits for SpaceX, so he hires Lionel Messi and Novak Djokovic. Yes, they’re world class, but they’re not world class at what he’s trying to do.

Help me…


What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve seen someone do while driving?

I was driving through a long painful construction zone, we were reduced from three lanes to 1, for no apparent reason, we would suddenly come to a stop, with a flagman stopping us, then start up again. The speed was reduced from 110 kmph 68 mph to 50 kmph 30 mph.. We had been crawling along, or stopped for 16 km, 10 miles.

I was the person in front, when the flagman stopped, so there were no cars in front of me, for a couple of kilometers. When the flagman motioned for me to proceed I was leading the pack. After a couple of km I could see the “End of construction “ sign. For some reason there was a concrete barricade slanted across the shoulder. I started speeding up, I was maybe 50 feet from the barricade, that was also the end of construction, and I had sped up to maybe 80 kmph, out of nowhere, a guy passes me on the shoulder. He had to have seen the barricade, but he was accelerating, I’m guessing he was doing 200 kmph 124 mph when he flew by me, he had to instantly change into my lane, I slammed on the brakes, and he almost made it through, his bumper clipped the barricade and went flying through the air, and skidded across three lanes to disappear into the median. I swear he missed hitting me by less than a foot.

I was the only one who could see the end of construction, and 110 kmph sign, so I was the only one who had been speeding up, and there was a huge gap behind me that would have been easy to pull into, and once we passed the barricade, we were back to 3 lanes again, and I was the only car ahead of him.

I honestly had no idea that someone was doing 200 in a 50 kmph zone transitioning to 110, on the shoulder. It was single lane traffic, I wasn’t even checking my mirrors.

To save maybe 30 seconds, he lost his bumper. I have no idea how much more damage he did because he kept going at well over the speed limit.


What has your child’s school done that got you so mad, you went in and read the riot act to the teacher or principal?

This was a long time ago about 1985–86. My son was in I think 3–4 grade. He and a group of about 4 boys hung out together in the playground at recess. One day the 5 of them were hanging out at the swings. They were like sitting on them and talking but not really swinging in them. The story gets a bit long here.

Another boy came up and asked them for one of the swings since they weren’t really using them. Now one of the boys being a smarty pants said something like “ give me a quarter and I’ll let you have the swing”. To his surprise the boy gave him the quarter.

I think you see where this went. So everyday at recess the 5 boys would run out to the swings and charge a quarter for the other kids to ride the swings. This went on for about 2 weeks until someone at the school finally found out.

So I get a call from the school to come in. Come to find out they had called the police and had the school psychologist and a police detective “talk” to the boys. The detective actually threatened the boys that they could go to jail and psychologist wasn’t much nicer.

Now don’t get me wrong I was not condoning the behavior but in the end I don’t think what they did was actually wrong it just wasn’t very nice. The school on the other hand label these boys as the horrible thugs and the police even said that they were guilty of extortion. The psychologist was going on about deviant behavior and how traumatic an experience it was for the kids that paid for the swings.

I went in to the school but I did not take my son with me they asked me why and I said because I didn’t think they would want him to hear what I was about to say which was the following:

can understand your concern and my husband and I will deal with the behavior, however here are my issues.

The school intimated to me I should have noticed my son coming home with all this money and I was a poor parent. It was a quarter so no I wouldn’t notice he had a quarter on him at the end of the day. We’re not talking $10 a ride here, we had a change dish on top of the TV that he and his sister would take out money for lunches or milk/snacks at school so I wouldn’t really think it strange that he had an “extra” quarter at the end of the day.

*Where was the adult supervision on the playground that this behavior went on for 2 weeks before one of the others kids on the playground complained?

*Whereas I agree what they did wasn’t very nice it was in no way a criminal act or extortion. The boys did not threaten the other kids like gimme your money or I’ll beat you up or if you tattle you’ll be sorry. They simply were selling rides on the swings.

*You had absolutely no right to have my son ( who is probably about 8 years old) interrogated or questioned by either the police and psychologist without my permission.

*In the end the boys made about $2 total each because all of the boys said sometimes the kids only had a dime or a nickel to pay.

Again I agree it wasn’t a nice thing to do but illegal or immoral I don’t think so. I explained this to my son and I don’t know about the other boys but I did make my son apologize to the kids he could remember and he gave them their money back ( at least most of them that he recalled) it came out of his allowance.

The one thing I did tell the school was that if the roles were reversed and my son was told he had to pay a quarter to ride the swings. The first thing he would have done was when he got home he would have said something to either his dad or I.

My first question to him would have been “Did you give it to them?” If he had said yes I probably would’ve said something like “ Don’t do that again if they are asking you for money for the swing go tell a teacher. You don’t pay to ride the swing “ I would have then followed up with school it would not have gone on for 2 weeks!

I can’t believe that my son and his friends were the first ones to ever try something like this. But in my mind I can see these 5 boys with a little light bulb moment 💡 ! I asked that boy for a quarter to ride the swing and he gave it to me!!! There was nothing criminal or psychotic in their behavior just a bunch of boys being dumb.

My son did not grow up to become a social deviant or a gang member or thug. He is married with 3 kids and 3 grand children. I look at this episode as just one if those childhood stories that we tell at family gatherings.




What are the consequences of being too good at your job? Can you get fired for it?

One of the first jobs I had was at a distribution center for AH Robins Pharmaceuticals. I was assigned to work with another guy to fill and pack the small orders that shipped via UPS. I was 22 and had just been hired while my coworker was 29 and had been with the company for about 6 months. We were the youngest guys, by far, in the warehouse. Everyone else had been with Robins for 15+ years and all but one were 50 years old, or older. The other guy was 38.

Being young(er), we decided to make a game out of completing the orders by seeing who could pick and pack them faster. As a result, we’d finish the orders by lunch each day. Since we had half a day left and nothing to do, at first we were told to stock the small order shelves and then clean the area around the packing table. But we finished that so quickly the warehouse manager had one of us start helping the other workers pull truck orders.

That was when the older workers pulled us aside and told us that we needed to slow down because we were making them look bad. We just laughed at them. But then the warehouse manager called us into his office and told us to slow down and take our time, or he’d have to let us go.

We were puzzled by this and we finally worked up the courage to talk to the DC Ops Manager, and he explained that the warehouse was staffed with long-time employees who were set in their ways, and we needed to go along to get along. So we began stretching our orders out to last the entire day so our coworkers and boss would be happy, but the job no longer fun from that point on.

Why does China constantly conduct military exercises near Taiwan but never attack Taiwan directly?


Taiwan is the yurt, not the front.

In pictures, Taiwan is this:

image 10
image 10

and not this:

image 161
image 161

The 24.7 military activity around Taiwan is a visible electric fence, a constant tripwire reminder that Taiwan is ringfenced, and the Taiwanese military is not doing anything about its ever-shrinking area of responsibility. It’s the classic boiling frog, with time scales measured in years.

A blockade is an ON-DEMAND military option today, based on demonstrated readiness, enabled by real-time multi-sensor intelligence and deployed assets.

The real battlefront lies further away, as far south as the Philippines, as far east as Guam, and as far north as the Japanese home islands.

In other words, the battlefront is as far south as America, as far east as America, and as far north as America.

Let me repeat, because it is important.


That is the current strike capability of the combined Chinese military.

The island of Taiwan, paradoxically speaking, is no longer central to the question of Taiwan.

Militarily speaking, of course.

An ugly truth




What are some psychological tricks that are not only useful but also highly profitable?

  1. The way you dress is linked with your mood. So dressing well most often helps in keeping you more stably happy.
  2. People will be more willing to do something for you if you ask them in their right ear.
  3. Women often ask questions about things they already know the answers to.
  4. Studying for 30-50 minutes with 10-minute breaks is one of the best methods to improve your retention.
  5. A person who enjoys being single is called Quirkyalone.
  6. To make your thought sound convincing, say that you heard it from your parents or teachers.
  7. Déjà vu occurs when your brain tries to apply a memory of a past situation to your current one, fails, and makes you feel like it’s happened.
  8. We believe what we WANT to believe.
  9. Listening to high-frequency music makes you feel calm, relaxed, and happy.
  10. The cells in your body react to everything your mind says. So negativity brings down your immune system and you feel sick.

How do you politely tell a client that they are asking for too much work?

I always provide a clear estimate of every job I look at. I had a woman that had been referred to me by her sister but had been warned about her too. She had money but didn’t like spending it. She wanted a simple wheelchair ramp installed in her garage for her ailing husband. I noticed her 4500 sqft house needed a lot of work including a new roof. I offered to build the ramp for only $500, which was about $50 over cost of lumber. It was going to be a simple ramp with plywood covered with Astroturf or berber carpet. I figured it might open the door to other work on the house. I’d make my money back later. She looked at my estimate and passed it back to me. Then told me she knew somebody that can build it cheaper. I thanked her for her time and started walking to my truck. She asked me where I was going. I told her that by her comment that she was going to have the cheaper guy build it. She wanted me to lower my price. I said that was impossible as I was making zero on the ramp. The lumber alone was $450. After gas, I was breaking even. Again, I thanked her for her time and started walking back to my truck. She said she thought it would be closer to $300. I replied that It should have been at least $1500 and I was doing her a favor as I knew her sister and could see the house needed other repairs. She asked if I could do it for $300. I actually laughed and told her to hire the guy she knew that could to it cheaper. I’m done playing her games. I knew she was bluffing and there was no other cheaper guy. I wished her good luck and said my final goodbye. I later thanked her sister for warning me beforehand.

Why are there so many dead malls across the US?

For the most part, technology happened…

When I was a teenage & young adults (late 70’s to Mid-80’s) the shopping mall was at its peak. A large number of stores in a climate controlled environment where you only had to park once.

For me a visit to the mall was a visit to …

  • The arcade (to play Space Invaders & Asteroids)
  • One or two book stores (using both Walden Book and B Dalton)
  • The music store
  • Sears, to check out both electronics & tools
  • Radio Shack
  • The food court.

Now, both radio Shack & Sears were in decline by the mid to late 90’s anyway.

But console games spelled the death of arcades. When feed money into a game when you could play them at home as many times as you wanted?

Book, music and electronics are all found on amazon. And music, for the most part, now as downloads.

In many malls, there were also novelty stores like Spenser’s, and even hobby/arts & crafts focused stores. There seems to be an overall decline for some time, at least before the “maker movement” had a resurgence. But again, online shopping has seriously cut into that market.

I commended on an older answer, that most malls are filled with clothing stores, which is death via boredom for a typical guy.

I really don’t see malls coming back, at least not in their past “glory days” format.

1950’s housewife rules



What is the most badass thing your parent has ever done?

When I began school, we lived 3 doors down from the kindergarten school.

On the first day of school, I walked to school. My mom stood on the front porch and watched me walk all the way, and I waved to her when I got there.

I was very excited and could not wait for the day to proceed – I was a big girl, and was finally in school!

At that time, most schools still tried to force left-handed children to write with their right hand. I am left-handed.

My teacher walked behind me as I sat at a table with several other students. We were coloring pictures. She saw that I was using my left-hand. She smacked the back of my hand with her ruler. It was wood and had a metal strip on it. I jumped and dropped the crayon. She yelled at me that I was to use my right hand, it was not acceptable to use my left hand.

My kindergarten class was a half-day class. For the next 3 1/2 hours, every time I picked up anything with my left hand, she instantly slapped my hand with the ruler.

By the time I left to walk home, the back of my hand was bruised, and I had several cuts on my fingers from the metal band on her ruler.

I was no longer thrilled with the prospect of going to school.

I went home and told mom I was not going back.

When my father came home from work, mom told him what happened. He called me over to him and looked at my hand.

He picked up the phone and called his boss. He told him that he would be late to work the next day.

The next morning, my dad walked with me to the school.

It was a small school that was used only for kindergarten. There were 6 classes.

We walked in the front door of the school and my dad yelled for my teacher and the principal.

They both came running to see what the commotion was.

My father was very loud with the principal about the fact that my hand was bruised and cut.

He then turned to my teacher and told her very clearly that I was left-handed and that I would remain left-handed.

He then told her that if I came home from school with one more mark on me from her trying to force me to write with my right hand that he would return to the school and make sure that she had two marks for every mark she put on me.

He then looked at me and said, “Joyce, you write with your left hand.”

He then walked me into my classroom, helped me hang up my sweater, and walked me to my chair.

He patted me and told me he’d see me at dinner. He then gave my teacher a scowl and left.

It is now not a big thing to be left-handed. That was not always the case. It was the first time I realized that I was not like everyone else. Dad showed me it was OK to be different.

What’s a childhood secret you’ve never told your parents about?

When my younger sister and I were about 14 and 16, we went shopping at a department store together. We separated briefly, she went to the washroom while I looked through albums in the music department. When she was about 15 minutes late at our prearranged meeting spot, I went to the adjacent car park to see if she’d returned to our car by mistake. The garage was enclosed, dark and mostly deserted and I heard footsteps rapidly heading away from me as I approached our car, a low slung mustang. My sister suddenly popped out from under the car and threw herself into my arms, sobbing and shaking. A creep had lurked outside the ladies’ washroom and followed her all around until she panicked and ran to the garage to hide. I was furious and 16 year-old me drove around that parkade to try to find that creep predator. I had some half formed plan of running him over. We returned home, and decided not to say anything to our parents because we didn’t want to lose our car privileges and the ability to shop on our own. Now that I understand just how bad that could have turned out, and realize that predator was a danger to other young girls, I realize that I should have told my parents, so that they would have contacted the police. Instead, we decided to stay together when shopping downtown, and practiced alternative ways to shake off a creep. My sister made a decision that day that could have cost her life. My parents were never told.





What’s something that sucks about being a man?

I was travelling by bus to a place. And was sitting alone on the seat meant for two people, window side. The scenery was beautiful and I was lost looking outside the window, enjoying beauty of nature.

The bus stopped and a lady boarded the bus. She looked like she was aged above 60. Now, there were two seats empty in the entire bus. One was besides me and other one behind me. Same as me, a man was sitting in window seat behind me, alone. He too looked like he was enjoying the beauty of nature seemed happy with the window seat.

Now the lady stood besides me, thought for a while and asked me to sit with the man sitting behind me. I was like, why? Can’t you sit besides me or that man? Are we going to eat you? Why are you killing our enjoyment? She was adamant and started creating a scene.

I had to get up and sit besides that man. He felt my reaction and offered me window seat but, I thanked him and choose to be on the aisle seat.

What an unnecessary sacrifice! You need to kneel befor fake feminism, THAT SUCKS ABOUT BEING A MAN.

In the United States, what happens if you have an emergency medical condition, like appendicitis, and you don’t have medical insurance? Do you have to find money to pay for the surgery before you can get operated on?

My wife nearly died about 22 years ago. She had cysts on her fallopian tubes. On one side it was big enough that it caused the tube to twist, which torqued the ovary on that side. It basically folded over. This prevented proper blood flow to the organ, so it died inside of her.

I had an entry-level corporate job with good health coverage. The kind where you have to tell hospital staff to check again and see that no, I don’t actually have to pay for xrays, blood tests, yadda yadda, I have the GOOD coverage. Even so, after the emergency hysterectomy I was hit with a bill that was many, many thousands of dollars. I tried to negotiate a payment plan but there was no way I could pay enough monthly for them to agree to it, so they garnished my wages. A lot. Faced with losing my car (and therefore my ability to get to work) and having to choose between groceries/prescriptions and rent/utilities, I had to declare bankruptcy. It took me a decade or so to pay it off, and that’s after they wiped out a lot of my debt and consolidated the rest. Fucked my credit to boot.

And that healthcare that people on here love to tout as the best in the world? Without my intervention, they would have killed my wife. The morning the surgery was scheduled for, no one showed up to take her from her room to the OR. I tracked down a nurse and was told that because my wife has a fever, she needs to go home and take tylenol or something and come back when the fever goes down. While she has a dead organ killing her from the inside. I screamed that the fever wouldn’t go down until she was dead, and made a big enough scene that they finally consulted a couple more docs until one said “well yeah, we’ve got to operate now, wtf are you waiting for?!?!”

What’s the “meanest” thing you’ve done for your child that you know he/she will thank you later for?


When my sons were younger, their Dad and I began teaching them both how to tidy up. This began with the usual dirty clothes in the laundry basket and toys being put away, taking dishes through to the kitchen etc. Pretty standard stuff. As they got older, we taught them how to do their own laundry, wash dishes and hoover. In the beginning, it was all a novel experience for them and they were eager to help mummy and daddy – especially when it came to us teaching them to bake or cook simple meals.

Fast forward to when my eldest started secondary school.

Naturally, the novelty had long since worn off and it was such a big deal if I dared ask them to do something around the house *gasp* (How dare I?) One day, my eldest had been asked to tidy up the mess he had left in the kitchen – it wasn’t much, just a butter knife and toast crumbs on the side and a dirty plate and glass. He huffed and looked at me.

“You know something, Mum? I don’t think I should have to do this…”

“Why not? You made the mess…”

“Well, I’ve been speaking to Nev* and he says he doesn’t have to do this sort of thing…”


“Yeah, he says his mum does it all while he’s at school and his dad’s at work. So why should I have to do it?”

I knew I had to choose my words carefully here, he was all but saying it was a mum’s job to do everything around the house. I could see his dad open his mouth and I held up my hand to stop him.

“Son, does Nev’s mum work?”

“No, she stays at home.”

“Ok, do I work?”


“Does your dad work?”

“Yes, but…”

“And who is the first person home each day?”

“Well, me I suppose, but…”

“So do you think it’s fair that after dropping you and your brother at school in a morning, commuting to work, sitting in an office for eight hours then commuting back, picking up your brother from the after school club and come home to find you’ve made a mess in the kitchen from making a snack, do you think it’s fair that I should have to tidy your mess?”

“But Nev’s mum…”

“Son, do you think it’s fair?”

“Well, no, but…Nev thinks it’s mean…”

“Oh does he now. I’ll tell you what, let’s go ask him shall we?”

Son wasn’t happy when I took him round to Nev’s. We spoke with Nev’s mum who was less than impressed by what both boys had said, but what was funnier was when she turned to Nev and said: “I don’t give you jobs to do then do I? I guess I’ll have to find you something else to occupy your time if you think that, won’t I?”

Needless to say, both boys were not happy that we had called their bluff.

Fast forward another few years, both sons can do their own laundry, cook excellent meals and tidy up etc. Son’s girlfriend was really impressed when he cooked her a meal and she asked me how come he was such a good cook. I just laughed and said, “I was mean.”

*Name changed

Four ways



What causes a person to live like a recluse and not want to deal with the outside world?

Stress. I know recluses. They actually enjoy my company, I know when to leave. One of them worked hard and burned out, he found he was less and less productive. Working longer hours and getting less done.

He started working from home, he quit going to crowded bars, if there were more than 3 people in a group, he was out of there. He couldn’t take the anxiety.

He became more productive again.

Another person had a concussion that lead to post concussion syndrome. They were a social butterfly, and suddenly they couldn’t be in a room with more than 6 people. They couldn’t handle sirens, helicopters, barking dogs, squealing kids, or crowds. If they came to the end of a grocery aisle and there was someone waiting to cross, they would be frozen with anxiety, not able to make a decision.

People that can’t handle crowds become hermits.

President Obama said he was suffering from decision overload, so he had someone make all of his small decisions so he had the resources to handle the big ones.

Someone laid out what clothes he should wear, scheduled all of his appointments, chose his meals, etc.

The older I get the more I am susceptible to stress, so I can relate to them, and hope that I am not just like them in 10 years.

What did your boss ever say in the office that caused you to resign?

I was a middle school teacher(1984). The night before school started my 18 month old son started having seizures. My husband and I spent the whole night at the hospital with him. The doctors did a spinal tap and my son lost feeling in his legs. The doctor said that it could be temporary, or it could be permanent. I still showed up at school the next morning and I told my principal that my husband was staying with my son for the week and that I would need the following week off. The principal told me, you need to decide whether you want to be a mother or a teacher because you can’t be both. I resigned on the spot and went home. My son did regain full sensation in his legs a couple of weeks later There was no way I was going back to that school.


Looking for a wife

What are signs of a covert narcissist?

In my experience, there is only one sign I always look for to discern a covert narcissist.

The other red flags will pick up narcissists, but they pick up the overts or malignants.

But there is one thing, yes one thing, that is simultaneously so subtle that it makes coverts fly under the radar, and also the one thing which is what makes a covert narcissist a covert narcissist. In other words, this one thing makes coverts different from all the other types of narcissists. It is their signature.

It’s switching off.

Coverts switch off. They practice

  • avoidance
  • ghosting
  • withholding
  • neglect
  • silence
  • pretend not paying attention
  • pretend not hearing you
  • pretend misunderstanding you
  • pretend there is something wrong with you when you talk about something serious and dear to you (e.g. reframes you as bitter and unable to let go when you share insights on narcissism etc. -> covertly tearing you down by twisting your perspective; this is a form of switching off because they refuse to lower themselves to empathize with your perspective so as to understand it, they switch off listening and understanding)
  • pretend superiority (e.g. I forgave my narcissist, therefore I’m superior to you, you wouldn’t talk so much about your narcissist if only you would forgive them, you should forgive, for your own sake, never let the narcissist change you, I choose love, I choose forgiveness, I choose not to hate, no one is evil, everyone deserves compassion, we are all the same, there is humanity in everyone, etc. -> blowing their own trumpet; this is a form of switching off because they refuse to lower themselves to empathize with your perspective so as to understand it, they switch off listening and understanding)
  • acting stupid to create situations (e.g. to persistently cause miscommunication and misunderstanding, to ignore you and create opportunities to withhold, to get away with having done harmful things, to deliberately frustrate and antagonize you by doing the opposite of what they are supposed to do, deliberately act bored or switched off while you are giving instructions and then doing the opposite of something simple you asked for e.g. don’t buy eggs -> buys two cartons of eggs and then proudly boasts that you asked for them)
  • you take a walk with them, you stop by to admire a flower (or you fell down and sprained something), they pretend not to notice and keep walking on without you, and you either look up from the flower to find yourself all alone, or you lie there watching their back recede into the horizon
  • they cut in line right in front of you just as you open your mouth to give your order, preventing it, pretend to be oblivious, and happily make their order instead, you stare at their side profile (what the hell! can you believe this girl?)
  • they do something they know they shouldn’t do (e.g. litter, trespass, jaywalk, steal your food or your seat, or chat on the phone loudly in the cinema, leave their car in the middle of the road blocking everyone, walk in the middle of the meant road for cars) and then pretend to be helpless, oblivious, or ignorant when you have an issue with them
  • not pick up the phone
  • they pick up your phone call, they are told to pass a message to you, they take the message and never pass it on to you
  • you are napping, the phone rings, the covert narcissist is right next to the phone, they let the phone keep ringing, it wakes you up, you run across the house to groggily pick up the phone while the covert narcissist was right next to it all along (at other times the phone manages to ring out) (this happens consistently)
  • the receptionist who cuts everyone off midsentence to transfer them, and keeps doing it the whole day, every day
  • they never reply your email (even though they are not busy)
  • they never return your call (phone message)
  • you greet them, they look down but make sure they never acknowledge you (they don’t stare at you because that’s malignant, but they make sure they do not reply) (some will look down and give a Mona Lisa smile, like they are slightly embarrassed at their own rude behavior)
  • you sit across them at the party, they look away from you in disgust, avoiding eye contact and refusing to talk to you, a guest passes by, the covert narcissist suddenly beams a smile at you and says ‘hey, remember that time when … ?’, the guest passes on by, the covert narcissist terminates mid-sentence and goes back to snubbing you, until the next guest comes by
  • walk out on you midsentence
  • keep on talking as if to you after you’ve left the room, still holding the conversation but without you
  • covert narcissists are experts at urging everyone to get along, forgive everyone, hate no one, and then mysteriously degrading you through silence and withholding over nothing (they have weird concepts of what getting along means)
  • mysterious sour moods (they are a form of switching off, the switching off of love or joy, sour moods in the absence of concrete causes are a form of withholding, and especially negatively affects susceptible empaths nearby)
  • convenient unavailability or inaccessibility
  • disappear
  • run away from fights they started with their covert antagonisms and microaggressions
  • coverts are experts at telling you they don’t want a fight with you after they’ve finally button pushed you to the limit and caused you to start sorting things out with them
  • snub
  • ignore
  • always have nothing to say in response to what you just said (covertly deflating you and degrading you by refusing to reflect back to you sanity and gravitas; it’s as if their attitude is always ‘you just said something stupid, I’m not going to honor that with a response’ to everything you enthusiastically share or say)
  • or they will always give a lackluster or subtly negative devaluation or degradation response to your happy, exciting, inspiring experience
  • not be courteous when courtesy is appropriate and expected (hyper-courteous at other times as if they were on an audition) (courtesy is a weapon to be deployed in the most inappropriate ways)
  • always being the unavailable shoulder for you to cry on only when you have dramas in life (only unavailable when you need them, this is not a fairweather friend, it’s weaponized withholding)
  • after you tell them your sob story, they make sure they never say a word to console you (e.g. ok, bye!)
  • you call, the covert narcissist picks up the phone, you want the covert narcissist to pass a message to someone else, just as you start telling your message, the covert narcissist pretends you’ve finished and says ‘ok bye!’ and starts hanging up, forcing you to scream for them to wait and not hang up on you.
  • making promises just so they can abuse through failing to come through (duper’s delight e.g. ‘you’re a fool to believe my promises or to trust me’)
  • making sure they don’t inform you when they go on extended vacations, so that you will call them on the phone, still expecting to make a date for lunch, but there’s no one home to pickup, should you call the police and report missing persons?
  • making sure they cancel plans on you at the last minute, while making sure you never get wind of it any earlier, to create the greatest last minute upset (this is worst when there’s plane tickets involved)
  • frustratingly not give any response or acknowledgement whatsoever when it is appropriate to the situation – the mannikin routine (this is always deliberate, make no mistake, it just appears like an accident each time for maximum plausible deniability)
  • the impossible to please parent, spouse, child, boss, sibling, friend

Coverts practice weaponized switching off. They are like a demonstration prototype that always refuses to work at the convention in front of the investors, or the cartoon frog that only sings when there’s no audience, and switches back to ‘ribbid’ when an audience gathers to listen. Or a mannikin that comes to life when the lights are off, dances, holds parties, then freezes back into position when lights come on, or Toy Story.

This is a peculiar form of passive aggressive crazymaking particular to covert narcissists.

Learning to recognize weaponized switching off will allow you to spot covert narcissists early.

Most people are trained to dismiss and overlook weaponized switching off because it is very highly plausibly deniable, but secondly, because they did not suspect the nature of covert narcissists. This causes them to impute more decency in the covert narcissist than they posses.

When being the recipient of weaponized switching off, something will feel odd to your gut. That’s because your gut senses that the covert narcissist is missing cues. This missing cues is deliberate. Missing cues is something the covert narcissist cannot help doing because their nature is antagonism and hatred, and refusing to behave appropriately by honoring the subtle cues of interaction is how they rebel and live out their intrinsic hatred (don’t mistakenly do this to people in the Asperger spectrum, or those who are depressed, or those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, or Alzheimers or dementia, or who lack sleep).

(The cause of missing cues is zero affective empathy. Zero affective empathy causes the covert to both overcompensate with lurvebombing at times, and weaponized switch off at other times. This is because zero affective empathy causes their emotional reaction to everything to be inappropriate, screwy, and ‘off’. Hence their emotional response to everything is always inappropriate. This can be easily detected once you know to look for it. Fakeness, all fake people are coverts.)

It’s hard to explain, and easy to dismiss. But you will feel erased to various degrees in their presence.

The point of switching off is to refuse to acknowledge your personhood (to deny you the glory you deserve through simple things like paying attention or replying earnestly – by the way paying attention and earnest replies are acts of love). They are not switching off to conserve battery. They are switching off to micro-antagonize you. It’s covert button pushing. This is how they toy with your emotional wellbeing. It is meant to produce in you shame, embarrassment, frustration, anger and insecurity. They like to throw you emotionally off balance. This is how they make themselves feel better, at your expense. As you get to know them better and better, they will switch from micro-antagonisms to bigger and bigger antagonisms, and it tends to happen along the lines of withholding, denial, avoidance. Malicious suppression.

What they actually switched off was their humanity. The game is to attack your humanity through switching off their own humanity. A humane person does not seek to feel better through causing hurt feelings. Cruelty is inhumane. Covert narcissists have emotional cruelty built into them. It’s a lot like what they talked about regarding Auschwitz.

Funnily, covert narcissists hate it when you switch off on them. Just try it and see, fail to answer or acknowledge them, pretend you weren’t listening and give no response to them, and see how they react.

My theory is that they react so poorly to their own medicine because they know that whenever anyone does that, it is a deliberate, antagonistic move, because they are well aware that they wanted to ruin things whenever they themselves did it.

11 If a son asks for [a]bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish?

12 Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?

Bible Gateway passage: Luke 11:11-13 – New King James Version


Ask a covert narcissist for bread and you will get a stone.

Ask a covert narcissist for fish and you will get a serpent.

Ask a covert narcissist for an egg and you will get a scorpion.

These are forms of weaponization, weaponization against your expectations, and weaponized switching off against doing what’s decent.

Sounds good, but isn’t




What is the oddest reason you have been contacted by your child’s school?

“Hello. Is this (my sister) Laykia’s guardian?”

“Yes, this is her mother speaking.”

“Ah, hello, Miss. I am Mr. McMichaels. I’ve come to talk to you about your child’s behavior!”


“Right now, as we speak, your daughter is on the floor crying.”


“Yes. And she won’t stop.”

“My… 6-year-old daughter… Is crying. Right now. And you decided to call me about it.”

“Well, yes, because I asked her what could I do to stop her from crying and she said to call you.”


“So how is your day?”

“Has my daughter stopped crying yet?”

“Mmm, NO! She won’t stop crying untill you talk to me for a bit more!”

*in unconvinced tone* “Uh-huh”

“So, let’s ignore the topic of your daughter for a moment. What are you doing tonight?”

“Tell my daughter to shut up and be a man. Goodbye, Mr.McMichaels.”


“Oh. At 6 I will be going on a date with my lovely husband for our 20th anniversary! Never contact me again, Sir.

My sister comes home and explains she did not cry that day, nor did she have Mr. McMichaels as her teacher.

The teacher tried, and failed, to plan a date with my mother.


EDIT: EEeEe, I’m sorry, guys, I didn’t make this clear enough! This is from the POV of my Mother, not me! I’m sorry for the confusion lmao <3

Also, thank you guys for the love and upvotes! Ik my Mama should’ve said something to the Principal but she was in tears about how funny it was. My Mum isn’t what you would call ‘A responsible adult’ She just laughs at things like this. But, I swear, if something more were to happen she would have told someone I assure you that.



Other than shouting back, what’s the best thing to do if your boss screams at you about something you did wrong?

Not my boss, but a true story. A few years ago I was in a pizza shop waiting to pick up my takeaway pizza. A store manager at the counter publicly tore verbal strips off a young trainee who had apparently made an error in her work. I was appalled at the way he humiliated the poor little thing in front of onlookers. At the time one of my children had begun part-time work during the school holidays to earn some money and this young lady only looked about her age. I’m a teacher and maternal, and while all the other customers looked uncomfortable but weren’t going to say anything, I decided to let fly. I mean, what could he do to me? I wasn’t his employee.

I stepped up to the counter and took on the manager. I told him that what she had done was totally understandable given her age and level of experience. I then said that how he handled it was NOT and that I was going to report him to the company for foul language and abuse of a minor. I had his name from his badge and I had the receipt showing time and date of my purchase and that he really needed to go to counselling and get help.

He turned on me, screaming abuse and making a fuss, and actually came out from behind the counter to tower over me, attempting physical intimidation seeing as yelling at me was not having the desired effect. I got out my mobile phone and recorded him, and another customer at the store called the police and reported him. I also made good on my threat, got in touch with the company with details and was assured that they would investigate the matter. I think the fact that the police had been involved swayed them.

Anyway, long story short, about a year after the incident I returned to the shop (they did make good pizza!) and the young trainee came up and thanked me for my help. The former manager had gone to counselling but it then came out that he had been groping other female workers and they were emboldened by the fact that I had taken a stand and spoke up about him. He lost his job and I have no idea where he is now. But I hope nobody else has had to suffer from his misogynistic rants.

48th Law

What incident fundamentally changed the way you viewed China (for better or for worse)?

Learning Chinese and got to visit China in 2008 (and then in 2010 and 2013)

Before 2008, I attended a college in the US and my view on China was roughly the same as the Western MSM (Communists, human rights abuses, people have no freedom etc.) However, having visited China 3 times and witnessing the development gradually changed my views on China.

I remembered my first day when I landed in Beijing and I wanted to test my Chinese, so I asked a taxi driver whether his life is okay in China. He replied, “还可以“, which means “it’s okay” without sounding worried or oppressed at all.

That surprised me a lot. Weren’t the people of China oppressed? Why was his tone so relaxed?

And during that Olympics year, I witnessed the boom of subway in Beijing. When I first got there, there were just 3 operational lines (Line 1, 2, and 13), but just a couple months later, 3 or so more lines became operational. My life in Beijing was better than expected. I thought I was going to feel oppressed in China, but apart from censorship of certain contents (notably contents on Dalai Lama and Falungong), I was free to enjoy jianbing every morning and free to explore the city (it helped that Beijing subway back then only cost RMB2, or just a little more than a quarter dollar). Moreover, me having Chinese heritage can blend in very well in China and I enjoyed same kind of usual city life in a similar fashion to that of Bangkok. And I ended that year by taking the Z-train from Beijing to visit the Yangtze River Delta area. Their sleeping cabins were far better than the Thai ones (and I China was poorer than Thailand in per capita income back then)

Fast forward to 2010, my view on China became more neutral. Having spent months in Beijing 2 years prior, I thought living in China isn’t so bad. I didn’t whine the same MSM rhetorics anymore but I still couldn’t find positive things to talk about China. That year, what amazed me were their infrastructure. I took the bullet sleeper train from Shanghai to Beijing, and it was the first time I ever saw a bullet sleeper train! By this time, I was convinced that the Chinese transportation infrastructure was miles ahead of Thailand.

2013 was a really pivotal year for me. In that year, I decided to tour China alone by myself from Datong to Xi’an, then to Lanzhou and Dunhuang, then back to Xi’an and Beijing before taking the train to North Korea. By being able to speak the language and being able to blend in with Chinese people, whenever I travelled around any city with Europeans or Americans, there were always Chinese people asked me whether I can ask those white people to have pictures taken with those Chinese locals. Also, one day on the train from Xi’an to Lanzhou, I met a young Chinese college student in her berth opposite to mine. She saw me looking very Chinese, yet reading a guidebook about China in English. Once, she asked me in Chinese to move something out of the way and I did it for her, then the conversation began. She was so surprised to know that I’m not Chinese but a Thai, and then moved on to talk about her Thai idols. I was also surprised that a lot of Chinese people know the politics of my country quite well.

Having all those experiences in 2013, I concluded that Chinese people are so curious and they asked me a lot of questions after knowing I’m a foreigner. They are hunger for experiences and perspectives. But most importantly, they are people who simply want to work hard and enjoy a good life, as we all are in any part of the World. Politics are of very least concern for them. The way Chinese people come to you may seem rude, but I interpreted those moves as sincere curiosity.

Then my view on China gradually became more positive, as seeing people across China hunger for knowledge and better life made me realize massive potential of this millennia-old civilization that my ancestry also belongs. And since I mentioned “sincere curiosity”, Chinese people are also very friendly (it helped though that I can speak the language). I’m sure that even if you are whites from Europe or America, if you start a conversation in Chinese, you will easily make friends in China.

Having been to China for 3 successive times also fascinated me that each time I was there, I saw massive amount of development unfolded right before my eyes. Then I started to wonder why I thought China was such an evil place pre-2008. Looking at the people and infrastructure, they surely have come very far on the World stage. And nothing matters more than current generation of Chinese people are living decent lives. To me, I think whoever was running China did the job well enough to ensure steady prospects for her citizens.

Now, I would like to have my fourth visit and see their entrepreneurial spirits in places like Shenzhen, Hangzhou, and Beijing with my own eyes and be blown away just like all three visits prior.

Tuscan Onion Soup with Shaved Parmesan

Onion soup is a hearty dinner.

If French onion soup is on a menu John or I are sure to order it. We really love it! Onions, cooked slowly with beef stock and then topped with bread and cheese! What is there not to like? Then, one evening we were invited to a friend’s house for dinner, and they served Italian onion soup. It was different from the French version, but it was delicious, and I had to have the recipe.

Where did Italian onion soup come from?

I did a little research on this fantastic dish and learned that it is known as Carabaccia. It originated in Tuscany going back at least to the 15th century. Carabaccia was made with red onions which are native to Tuscany. It had a sweet and sour flavor and used almonds as a thickener. A piece of bread would be placed in the bottom of the bowl and the soup would be poured over it and then topped with cheese. Sound familiar?

Apparently, Catherine d’ Medici brought the recipe to France with her from Tuscany when she married King Henry II. It is said that this was one of Leonardo DaVinci’s favorite dishes. Over the years changes were made to the original recipe. Some modern takes on this soup include the addition of a poached egg and the omission of the almonds as a thickener.

3 bowls onion soup with parmesan
3 bowls onion soup with parmesan


  • 3 pounds white onions (3 or 4 large)
  • 4 medium leeks
  • 4 ounces pancetta, in 1 piece
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 6 cups chicken stock
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 3/4 to 1 cup fruity red wine, such as Merlot or Beaujolais
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 6 slices rustic country style bread
  • 2 garlic cloves, peeled, halved
  • 3 ounces Wisconsin parmesan cheese, in 1 chunk
  • 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped


My version is a little different and closer to some of the more modern takes on the recipe. It does not have the sweet and sour flavor that was typical of Carabaccia and I omitted the almonds altogether.

Red onions are still the main ingredient. I also use a nice rich red wine and some tomato sauce to compliment the flavor of the onions. I also like the addition of beef stock, where the original recipe might have used a vegetable stock. Garlic and thyme, also add to the robust flavors of this soup.

Tips for making Italian Onion Soup

  • The onions are the star ingredient in this recipe, so they need to be cooked carefully to get the best flavor out of them. The onions, garlic and sugar should be added to a pan with hot oil and cooked down until they are soft and caramelized. To do this you will need to set the heat on your stove low and allow the onions to cook slowly so that they do not burn. You will need to be patient; it may take 20 minutes or more for the onions to soften.
  • When you add the wine bring the soup to a boil and then lower the heat a bit and let it cook until the wine is reduced by half. This will heighten the flavor of the wine.
  • It is best to whisk the tomato sauce and the flour together before you add it to the soup. Make sure that you do not have any lumps of flour in the sauce before you add it.
  • Once all the remaining ingredients have been added, let the soup cook on low heat for 1 hour. The slow cooking process creates a rich robust soup that is worth the wait!
italian onion soup with parmesan
italian onion soup with parmesan


  1. Peel the onions and cut in half lengthwise. Thinly slice crosswise.
  2. Trim the leeks and cut in half lengthwise. Slice crosswise in 1/4 inch slices, using 3 inches of pale green. Place the leeks in cold water, and rinse to remove the dirt. Drain. Reserve the onions and leeks.
  3. Unroll the pancetta and dice into 1/4-inch pieces.
  4. Heat the olive oil in a large soup pot over medium-high heat. Add the pancetta and cook until some of the fat has been rendered, about 5 minutes.
  5. Add the onions and leeks. Sauté for 20 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally.
  6. Add the stock, and simmer 30 minutes.
  7. Stir the vinegar, wine, salt, and pepper into the soup. Cook until thoroughly heated.
  8. Toast the bread slices, and rub with the peeled garlic clove halves.
  9. Spoon the soup into soup bowls. Float the bread croutons in the soup. Pare 4 or 5 shavings of the cheese on top of each serving.
  10. Garnish with the chopped parsley, and serve immediately.

Servings: 6

By Chef Thomas Catherall, C.M.C

italian onion soup with fontina 2
italian onion soup with fontina 2


As a teacher, what is the saddest thing you’ve found out about one of your students?

I once had a young lady in 12th grade come to me at the end of class, just before lunch, and tell me her Uncle, who lived with them, was molesting her. I instantly reported it to the Admin and the Campus Police. The Campus officer burst out cussing. It seems that two+ years before the same Uncle had gone to prison for molesting the same girl. He was a good manipulator and had convinced the prison shrinks he was reformed and as a first timer got released early on parole. And the terminally stupid parents let him move right back in with them – he was the Mother’s “Baby Brother” and had always been spoiled etc. The girl and her little brother were taken out of the home and sent to live with another Aunt and Uncle, I seem to remember one of them was a peace officer. The molester was sentenced to a long term with “no parole” and her parents were put on probation for child endangerment. She didn’t even come to check out, the Admin did all her papers to send her to another high school for her. But one of them passed on her “Thank You” to me. It seems I was the 4th teacher she told and the only one who did anything. The rumor was the other three were demoted to probationary teacher and put on notice as well as having a prosecutor warn them that he could charge them with a felony for failure to report the suspected abuse and just might still do it if they failed to report anything again, even if it was just a rumor they heard from the students.

What is the per capita income in China? Is there a need for China to increase its national income for better living standards? Why or why not?

No not at all. First GDP itself is a highly flawed form of economic measurement. GDP per capital. Is therefore by same extension is highly flawed.

Let’s just look at one item if GDP. Healthcare. The U.S. with a mere 330 million population has GDP that consists of 6 trillion dollars Healthcare and pharmaceutical items while China that has 4 times the U.S. population if 1.4 billion people has a GDP that consist of only 1 trillion dollars in the same category!

So why is that? China offers universal healthcare coverage compared to the U.S. billing every penny to the healthcare industry and hence the difference. The irony is China today as a life expectancy of 78 years old versus 76 years old for the U.S.

So either the U.S. overstated its GDP by 24 times that of China or China understand its GDP by the same ratio! Hence American’s look rich but they are not and Chinese look poor but they are actually a lot richer.

We haven’t even factored in real purchasing power parity. A dollar can buy a Big Mac in the U.S. but the same dollar can exchange for roughly 7 RMB and that can buy you 3 Big Mac in Beijing. So once you factored in that and you factored in the 0.1% in the U.S. owns almost everything and 99.99% Americans are a mere average Chinese but less capable to think for themselves!

Per Capita GDP in USD is a totally non factor!


What are some of the best examples of “American ignorance”?

I’m from the US, but unlike most US citizens I’ve traveled extensively. Even so, the five best examples of “American ignorance” I’ve witnesses all occurred within the US.

1) The car that makes its own gas. I was on a flight, sitting in first class, and next to me was a college student (from Quinnipiac College). I was reading a car magazine, and she very excitedly told me that she had just gotten a new car, and what she loved about it the most was that the car made its own gas. This was before the era of electric cars, so that couldn’t have been what she meant. I asked her how her car ‘made its own gas’. She said she didn’t know how, but it was so great that it did. I asked her who told her that it makes its own gas. She explained that was the strange part; the dealer didn’t even mention that! She went on to explain that she drove the car off the dealer’s parking lot, and the gauge said the car had enough gas to go 381 miles. She got on the expressway and drove 15 miles to her parents house, and when she got there the gauge said that the car had enough gas to to go 409 miles! So she’d never have to buy gas again because when she drove 15 miles it made 27 miles worth of gas!!

2) I want a room with an ocean view! I was checking into a hotel in Orlando, FL. Ahead of me in line was a couple from Minnesota, demanding that the desk agent give them a room with an ocean view. The desk agent patiently explained that Orlando is 60 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, so there were no rooms in the hotel that had a view of the ocean since it was an hour’s drive away. The man raised his voice and exclaimed “Don’t you go lying to me; I looked at the map and Orlando is only a half inch from the ocean!”

3) How the f**k am I supposed to know what zip code I’m in? I was at a gas station in Tucson AZ. I no longer live there, but I used to. I was filling up the tank, and a guy at the pump next to me was swearing up a storm and hitting the pump. He came over to me and angrily asked “Do you know what f**king zip code we are in?” and I told him I wasn’t sure, but I thought it was 85719. He went back to his car and moments later was was screaming and kicking the pump again. Then I realized that he thought the pump was asking him to enter the zip code for the gas station, instead of the billing zip code for his credit card!

4) Only an hour from Boston and an hour from NYC! I was at a high school graduation party for my nephew, and I met his girlfriend for the first time. I asked her where she was going to college in the fall, and she told me she was going to Quinnipiac College. I asked her why she chose that school, and she told me that it was in the most amazing location, only an hour’s drive to Boston and an hour’s drive to NYC. I asked her how that could be, since it takes 3h30m with no traffic to get from Boston to NYC, so there isn’t anywhere can be an hour’s drive to Boston and an hour’s drive to NYC. She said “that’s what’s so special about the location!” <Note – I have nothing against Quinnipiac College, it is pure coincidence that two of these stories involve their students>

5) The impact of video games on violent behavior. I’ve been involved in college admissions for both Harvard and MIT. I don’t think I ever laughed so hard as when I read the opening sentence of an applicant’s essay: “The impact of video games on violent behavior has been a controversial topic for centuries.”

And just to show that ignorance isn’t limited to Americans, here’s one involving a Brit;

I’ve been on eBay since before you were born. One of my hobbies is restoring and refurbishing old cameras. I pick up ratty old cameras at random antique stores, goodwill, garage sales, and, of course on eBay, and clean and repair them. On eBay I often find great deals when someone misspells a camera name, so it doesn’t come up in a standard search (i.e. Rollleiflex or Cannon or Lieca) so I search for misspelled versions, and often end up as the only bidder. Once I came across a listing with a whopper of an error. The photo was of a very rare and expensive camera, the Olympus OM-3, with a title and description of a very common and inexpensive camera, the Olympus OM-30. At the time, the OM-30’s sold for $10 – $15, but the OM-3 is very rare, and never sells for less than about $600, sometimes as much as $1800. I felt bad; that was too much of a differential to let the seller leave all that money on the table. So I emailed the seller and asked if the item for sale was the camera in the photo or the camera in the description, and let the seller know that the camera in the photo was worth quite a bit, and if that was what was for sale, s/he might want to adjust the item title so that the auction got the attention it deserved.

The response I got:

“Of course it’s what’s in the picture! How else would I get the picture, you daft cow! Who are you, the eBay police? I’ve been on eBay since before you were born and I don’t need you telling me how to run my business! Bugger off”

So I bought it for $10.27, as the only bidder! I ended up selling it a few weeks later for $1200.

image 11
image 11


Sigma Males

Tinfoil Hat Event – Taiwan

*** ALERT ***

An earthquake measuring Magnitude 7.5 has struck Taiwan, triggering a TSUNAMI WARNING!

From the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

The point of origin of this “earthquake” was ON the East Coast of Taiwan.

7 4 map
7 4 map

Also from the USGS, the Community “Intensity” Map rating the level of perceived shaking as LEVEL 9 – VIOLENT.


This location is along the rugged, but very beautiful, Taiwanese Eastern coastline.

And when you use Google Maps to zoom in, you discover some interesting things packed amongst the quaint houses and highways there…

Taiwan base 1
Taiwan base 1


President Biden, made an unexpected emergency phone call “HOT LINE” to Chinese President Xi Peng. Immediately, within hours, of the “earthquake”.

“Xi, Biden hold phone talks” bPublished: Apr 02, 2024 11:08 PM. Found HERE.

...President Xi underlined three overarching principles that should guide China-U.S. relations in 2024. 

First, peace must be valued. The two sides should put a floor of no conflict and no confrontation under the relationship, and keep reinforcing the positive outlook of the relationship. 

Second, stability must be prioritized. The two sides should refrain from setting the relationship back, provoking incident or crossing the line, so as to maintain the overall stability of the relationship. 

Third, credibility must be upheld. The two sides should honor their commitments to each other with action, and turn the San Francisco vision into reality. They need to strengthen dialogue in a mutually respectful way, manage differences prudently, advance cooperation in the spirit of mutual benefit, and step up coordination on international affairs in a responsible way.

President Xi stressed that the Taiwan question is the first red line that must not be crossed in China-U.S. relations. 

In the face of "Taiwan independence" separatist activities and external encouragement and support for them, China is not going to sit on its hands.

He urged the U.S. side to translate President Biden's commitment of not supporting "Taiwan independence" into concrete actions. 

The U.S. side has adopted a string of measures to suppress China's trade and technology development, and is adding more and more Chinese entities to its sanctions lists. 

This is not "de-risking," but creating risks. If the U.S. side is willing to seek mutually beneficial cooperation and share in China's development dividends, it will always find China's door open; but if it is adamant on containing China's hi-tech development and depriving China of its legitimate right to development, China is not going to sit back and watch.

President Xi stated China's position on Hong Kong-related issues, human rights, the South China Sea, and other issues.

Nothing to see here.

Move on folks.

Spaghetti Heaven!

When I lived in The ‘States, spaghetti was my primary food. It was affordable, tasty and easy to make. I would cook up hamburger (mince) and then add it to spaghetti with some peppers and onions.

When I moved to China, I learned about REAL noodles… and all sorts of different variations. All so darn yummy.

Zha Jiang Mian (Old Beijing Fried Sauce Noodle, 炸酱面)

A popular classic Beijing dish, Zha Jiang Mian features ground pork and onion cooked in a rich savory brown sauce with a hint of sweetness, tossed with noodles and then served with crunchy cucumber. It takes no time to prepare, is easy to cook, and can be prepared ahead of time. It’s a perfect one-bowl dish for hot days and is great for meal prep as well.

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220608 Zha Jiang Mian 1


What is Zha Jiang Mian

Zha Jiang Mian (炸酱面), or translated literally, fried sauce noodles, is one of the most classic and famous dishes in Beijing cuisine. It’s not as fancy or well-known as Peking Duck, but if you travel to Beijing, locals will always recommend this dish to you.

My parents told me that zha jiang mian was a dish for poor people. The traditional recipe uses a thick salty soybean paste to make the sauce, together with a bit of ground pork and sometimes lard. The sauce becomes so rich and flavorful that you only need a small amount of it to accompany a whole bowl of noodles. This way, people don’t need to spend much to fill up their bellies.

Although it seems like a simple dish, it has a whole set of rules that govern how it’s served in Beijing. It is called Old Beijing Fried Sauce Noodles here, and this is considered the most traditional and authentic way to prepare the dish. In addition to the sauce made from yellow soybean paste, the dish is often served with sliced cucumber, sliced red radish, boiled bean sprouts, and yellow soybeans. By adding all these things to the noodles, you can create a balanced and flavorful dish that is refreshing and has a good texture.

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Why this recipe

However, the recipe I’m sharing today is different from the traditional way of cooking Zha Jiang Mian. This is a family recipe that was passed down from my grandma, and I think it tastes much better than the traditional one.

Secret Ingredient: Sweet Bean Paste 

Instead of yellow soybean paste, my family uses sweet bean paste (Tian mian jiang, 甜面酱) to make Zha Jiang Mian. It is a thick dark brown sauce made from fermented wheat flour. Tian Mian Jiang is less salty than yellow soybean paste and has a slightly sweet flavor (It is the same sauce that accompanies Peking Duck and Moo Shu Chicken). It has a more delicate flavor and is less overwhelming than yellow soybean paste. Sometimes Chinese restaurants label it as hoisin sauce. But sweet bean paste is less sweet and has a deeper fermented umami than hoisin sauce.

You can find sweet bean paste at Chinese markets and many Asian markets. You can also purchase it on Amazon.

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220608 Zha Jiang Mian 5


A more satisfying sauce

The traditional Zha Jiang Mian uses very little pork in the sauce. Because the dish is created for a budget meal, like I mentioned above.

For the homemade version, my mom uses much more pork and chopped onion to create a much better texture and more delicious sauce. Since sweet bean paste is less salty than soybean paste, you will also use more sauce per bowl of noodles, which makes the dish more balanced and satisfying. 

My mom likes to chop a fattier block of pork into small cubes instead of using ground pork, to achieve a better mouthfeel. Here I used ground pork to make prep much easier. But feel free to use cut-up pork for your dish if you prefer.


When you’re ready to cook, your counter should have:

  • Sweet bean paste and water
  • Sliced cucumber (and other toppings if you prefer)
  • Minced ginger
  • Shaoxing wine
  • Oil for cooking
  • Ground pork
  • Chopped onion
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220608 Zha Jiang Mian 2

Type of noodles for Zha Jiang Mian

There are a few options for Zha Jiang Mian. Traditional Zha Jiang Mian uses a rather thick type of noodles. It’s a bit similar to udon noodles in terms of thickness, but with a chewier texture. 

If you have access to Asian market, try to find fresh noodles in the refrigerated section. The Lan Zhou Fresh Noodles or Da Xi Bei GunGun (my favorite) by HAVISTA, and the Plain Noodles from Twin Marquis are great options. You can freeze the portion you’re not using for up to 6 months.

If you can only find dried noodles, that’s totally fine. You can use either the thick type or thin types of noodles, depending on the texture you prefer. Make sure to use noodles made from wheat flour and water (there shouldn’t be eggs or other ingredients).

If you’re up for a fancier meal, check out my homemade hand pulled noodles for a more authentic experience.

Topping options

You can serve your Zha Jiang Mian with no toppings and the result will still be delicious. For a better texture, my favorite topping is sliced cucumber. Other crunchy vegetables such as sliced radish (red, daikon, or watermelon radish), blanched bean sprouts, and sliced carrots are great options as well. You can also add a small handful of salad greens to the dish. 

TIP: If you find slicing vegetables too time consuming, use a julienne peeler to save time.

An untraditional topping

Unlike the traditional way of serving Zha Jiang Mian, my mom loves to add scrambled eggs and tomato as a topping. This is a family tradition and I’ve never seen other people serve Zha Jiang Mian this way. But I love how it tastes. The tender tomatoes and eggs add more volume to the noodles and balance out the rich brown sauce, making the dish so delicious and colorful! 

How to cook zha jiang mian

Mix the sweet bean sauce

Sweet bean sauce is a thick paste that’s easy to burn in a hot pan. So you will need to add water to it to thin it out before cooking. It’s like the idea of miso paste, as you should dissolve it in water beforehand. 

Cooking Zha Jiang Mian sauce

  1. Gently cook the ginger
  2. Pan fry the pork
  3. Add the sauce
  4. Simmer to bring the flavor out of the sauce
  5. Add the onions and cook until tender
  6. Stir and serve!

The sweet bean sauce needs to be cooked for long enough to bring out the best flavor. That’s why you will start with a diluted sauce, and it will gradually thicken until it’s done. Make sure to stir the sauce frequently during the cooking, so it won’t burn on the bottom of the pan.

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Cook the noodles and assemble

When the sauce is simmering, you can start a pot of water to cook the noodles. Because the Zha Jiang Mian sauce will be piping hot once it’s done, you can boil the noodles at the end, when the sauce is almost ready.

To assemble, transfer noodles to individual bowls and add a spoonful of the sauce. And top it with vegetables as you like. Then you can mix it all together and eat it.

My family’s recipe not only preserves all the deliciousness of a bowl of traditional Zha Jiang Mian, but also tastes better and is super comforting. Add a spoonful of sauce to the noodles and gently mix them; you will smell the pungent aroma and be unable to resist picking up the chopsticks and digging in. 

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220608 Zha Jiang Mian 8

More delicious noodle recipes

Guys, this dis is authentic, and super delicious. If you love American (Western) “spaghetti with meat sauce”, you will absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this dish. It is worth the time to prepare correctly.

However, if you are in the West, go to any Chinese family run… Chinese restaurant, and ask for Zha Jiang Mian.

Pronounced like a “ja”. Say it twice fast as in “ja-ja”. Add “mian” which is noodles in Chinese. You say…

 ja-ja mian.

Or if you are shy ask for …

Ja-ja noodles.

You’ll love them.

zha jiang mian
zha jiang mian


What is the most condescending advice you received from someone who assumed you were poorer or less educated than them?

Originally Answered: What is the most condescending advice you received from someone who assumed you were poor or less educated than they were?

I worked at Trader Joe’s for 3 years while I was pursuing my Ph.D. One day, a woman and her granddaughter came through my lane. The girl, about 12, remarked that she thought it would be fun to work at Trader Joe’s someday. Her grandmother winked at her and said, “Oh I think you can do a little better than that.”

I continued scanning her groceries and said, “Keep it in mind if you’re ever in school getting your Ph.D. The flexible hours and benefits are great so you can focus on your studies.” I looked directly at the grandmother and said, “At least that’s how it’s working out for me.”

The woman was embarrassed, but I continued, talking again to the granddaughter. “And, just remember, a job you love and enjoy is the most important part.”

This is just ONE example of hundreds. Customers coming through my lane acting as though the only reason for me being there was because I was too dumb, too lazy, too whatever to be their equal. I worked with people with their MBA, artists, and people who didn’t have a college degree but were the hardest workers I’ve ever known before or since.



Ukraine SitRep: A Hated New Commander – Critical Lack Of Infantry

The Ukrainian President Zelenski has fired the commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces General Zaluzny.

Zaluzny was replaced by General Syrski, a somewhat unexpected choice as Syrski is hated by the troops for pushing them into meat grinders without a perspective of winning. Syrski, who was born as a Russian, had lost the cauldron battles of Debaltsevo (2015), Soledar (2023) and Bakhmut (2023). Currently Avdeevka is in a cauldron and likely to fall.

Rumors say that Syrski already ordered reserves to reinforce the troops in Avdeevka. Russian FAB bombs will welcome them.

The Economist describes Syrski as thus:

General Syrsky has a reputation for being willing to engage the enemy, even if the cost in men and machines is high. He is a divisive figure who provokes strong reactions from serving officers. Some praise his professionalism, others say he terrifies his subordinates and rules by fear. He is less likely to question the priorities of his president. As he takes on the top job, he will have to soften his style of command and learn to speak truth to power.

The reorganisation will also cause disruption as officers shift to new positions in the chain of command. It is important that these changes do not degrade Ukraine’s capacity to fight. Before long, the country will need a new mobilisation even if General Syrsky uses his troops mostly for defence—as, for now, he should.

Simplicius discusses the most plausible reason why Zalauzny got fired and Syrski promoted:

Ask yourself, why would Zelensky appoint a commander that the entire armed forces allegedly hates?

In fact, this is a ‘design feature’ not a bug.

Recall that the reason Zaluzhny was given the boot was he had become too powerful: he was too loved by the troops, and by the people. Why? One of the reasons is likely because he fought for the troops multiple times. In early 2023, documents were leaked showing that he nearly begged Zelensky to pull troops back from Bakhmut, but the narco-Fuhrer refused, wanting it as a symbolic city defense—perhaps taken with romantic delusions of Stalingrad.

During the grand summer ‘counteroffensive’, Zaluzhny pulled the brigades of the 10th Army Corps back and began to use them sparingly—much to the chagrin and disapproval of US sponsors—after the initial first few wipes devastated columns of Leopards and Bradleys along the infamous road of death near Rabotino and Mala Tokmachka.

Recently it was claimed Zaluzhny likewise attempted to get Avdeevka totally withdrawn. It does not seem that he likes to waste men for what he knows to be fruitless efforts. Syrsky on the other hand appears glad to grind them down.

So, has it become obvious yet? Zelensky needs a commander-in-chief he can control, someone not universally loved by the troops; someone who cannot use those troops at a time of opportunity to ‘march on Kiev’ and oust Zelensky from his citadel. Syrsky appears to fit the perfect prototypical role: undefiant, unpopular, uncharismatic, and most importantly, untempted by political ambitions—the ideal subserviant factotum to Zelensky’s regime.

There is no word yet what Zaluzny is going to do. He has the respect of the troops and good relations with the ‘nationalists’, i.e. the Nazi fringe militia of Ukraine. He also has the support of some politicians opposed to Zelenski.

A coup is thereby a possible outcome of this change.

Yesterday a Washington Post article, sources from interviews at the Ukrainian front, describes the utter shamble the Ukrainian forces are in:

In interviews across the front line in recent days, nearly a dozen soldiers and commanders told The Washington Post that personnel deficits were their most critical problem now, as Russia has regained the offensive initiative on the battlefield and is stepping up its attacks.

One battalion commander in a mechanized brigade fighting in eastern Ukraine said that his unit currently has fewer than 40 infantry troops — the soldiers deployed in front-line trenches who hold off Russian assaults. A fully equipped battalion would have more than 200, the commander said.

Under normal circumstances a mechanized battalion is supposed to hold a 3 kilometer long frontline. With only 40 infantry soldiers available that becomes an impossible task. The further deterioration from that depleted state will be rapid.

Oleksandr, a battalion commander, said the companies in his unit on average are staffed at about 35 percent of what they should be. A second battalion commander from an assault brigade said that is typical for units that carry out combat tasks.

Asked how many new soldiers he has received — not including those who have returned after injuries — Oleksandr said his battalion was sent five people over the past five months. He and other commanders said the new recruits tend to be poorly trained, creating a dilemma about whether to send someone immediately onto the battlefield because reinforcements are needed so badly, even though they are likely to get injured or killed because they lack the know-how.

“The basis of everything is the lack of people,” Oleksandr said.

“Where are we going? I don’t know,” he added. “There’s no positive outlook. Absolutely none. It’s going to end in a lot of death, a global failure. And most likely, I think, the front will collapse somewhere like it did for the enemy in 2022, in the Kharkiv region.”

The new Ukrainian mobilization law, which is supposed to refill the army with fresh bodies, is still creeping through the Ukrainian parliament. It will likely come into force only by April. The first new troops conscripted under it will take until July to be combat capable. One wonders is the current Ukrainian army can hold that long.

Posted by b on February 9, 2024 at 7:41 UTC | Permalink

My Wife/Her Friends Expected Me To Pay For Their $700 Dinner Bill, Instead I Walked Out!

As a police officer, what type of crimes are virtually never solved?

There are already some good answers here. One type of crime that has a low solvability is the “one off” variety, e.g. an offense the perpetrator does once before moving on. Solvability gets even lower if the crime is committed with no other connection between actor and victim.

For example, say that I am on a cross-country road trip, and take a detour to Ames, Iowa. I’ve never been there. I take I-80 to I-35 North, and stop off at a gas station/convenience store somewhere around Ames. I cover my license plates just before I get there, park around back or some other place where there are few surveillance cameras, and walk inside, robbing the store. I go back to my car, drive a few miles before getting rid of the license plate covers, and resume my trip. I stop for gas only at stations around I-80, none on I-35.

I haven’t given the cops much to go on. If I’m careful not to leave fingerprints and wear some clothing that makes it hard to get a good camera shot of my face, the chance this crime is going to be connected to me is pretty low. If I get greedy and use the same tactics at other crime venues, I increase my chances at getting caught with each iteration.

Organized crime hit men use a similar tactic. They take on targets that are outside their usual haunts, and do the deed in a place there are few witnesses. The police local to the site of the crime won’t know anything about the hit man. A federal agent looking for behavior patterns (M.Os. or modus operandi) might pick up the trail, but even that is a long shot, one that gets longer if the M.O. hasn’t been tied to the hit man.

While there are some smart criminals, most people who make it a habit to commit crimes aren’t especially bright, and have signature behaviors that tie the crimes back to them.

What is the most Russian thing ever?

There’s a sport called Airsoft. If you know about it, skip this part, but for those who don’t here’s an explanation.

Airsoft is like paintball, but a lot of its components, i.e. the guns, gear, etc. is a lot more realistic than paintball. A lot of LARPers and MilSim (Military Simulation) guys love doing stuff like that.

The sport started in Japan due to its tough gun laws but the sport soon spread to other places like Britain, America, and… oh… Russia for instance.

In America, MilSim events are huge. There is a lot of preparation involved. People will drop thousands on gear to look like this:

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This is an image I found off Google. Rifle, easy with all attachments, $300+, not to mention any internal modifications he might have.

Helmet an easy $50, assuming its a nice one. Earpieces have wires, so they’re probably communication linked, noise cancelling and sound enhancing. Easy $70–80. Crye combat pants. $100.

Even vehicles, which probably cost thousands to kit out:

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As you can see, American MilSimmers are rather dedicated.

However, compared to Russian MilSim events… Well let me just say this. Its like comparing a pickup game of basketball with the neighborhood friends versus an all out NBA game. Take a look at this video.

Fucking hell. Russians bring multimillion dollar TANKS to their Milsim events. Plus, as you saw in the second vid, Russian soldiers got involved to take blank potshots at people to add to realism!

Meanwhile in America you have people arguing about 10 foot engagement distances and bang killing.

Yep. Most Russian thing ever, bring a tank to a toy fight.

Spaghetti alla Puttanesca

Spaghetti alla Puttanesca is a traditional Italian pasta from Naples that’s quick to put together from pantry staples. If you have canned tomatoes, garlic, olives, anchovies and capers in your cupboard, you can knock out this simple but flavourful sauce in a flash. It’s a stellar emergency meal everyone should know, with a “saucy” backstory of its own!

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Spaghetti alla Puttanesca

There are various colourful stories explaining how this dish came to be, and how Puttanesca pasta got its name. “Puttanesca” roughly translates to “working girls” in Italian (that’s a politically correct term I’m using there!) One tale tells how this dish was invented in the brothels of Naples so the smells wafting from the kitchen would entice potential … errr, clients. Another story claims this pasta was a quick and simple dish ladies of the Neapolitan night could throw together in a hurry in amongst their busy schedules.

Does this kind of talk on a G-rated food blog make you blush? 😉

Whatever the origins, today this is considered a classic and staple Italian pasta recipe. It’s budget-friendly, easy and quick to make, yet delicious enough to woo family and friends (or indeed, “paying customers” … 😉)

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Ingredients in Puttanesca sauce

Being such simple recipe, this is one of those dishes that genuinely benefits from better quality ingredients. In this pasta, the one ingredient I find is really worth seeking out is fresh deli-style olives in olive oil or brine, rather than cheaper jarred ones you find on supermarket shelves.

Oh, also, anchovies – the secret “why is this simple sauce so good?” ingredient. If you skip it, the sauce isn’t quite as good! However you can leave it out if you wish to make the dish vegetarian / vegan (add a little more garlic, capers and olives instead).

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  • Black olives – Try to use good quality, fresh olives from the deli. These come in either olive oil or brine and will add more flavour into the sauce as it simmers compared to bottled ones that come in sealed jars. Both pitted and unpitted are fine but pitting your own is best.
  • Anchovies – This adds savoury flavour and salt to the sauce without leaving it “fishy-tasting”. In fact, you’d have to have a highly attuned palate to be able to taste it at all. The anchovies are finely chopped and dissolve into the sauce, and any strong fishiness disappears leaving just deliciously deep umami.I prefer to use whole anchovies and finely mince it myself because it has better flavour than using anchovy paste. But paste is a handy alternative – my rule of thumb is 1/4 teaspoon of paste per anchovy (so use 3/4 teaspoon in this recipe).
  • Spaghetti – Traditionally made with spaghetti or vermicelli pasta (ie. the thinner spaghetti), though this recipe works just fine with any long pasta. Or short, for that matter!
  • Tomatoes – Not all canned tomatoes are created equal! Better ones are sweeter and break down better to create a sauce. TIP: If you find your tomatoes are a bit on the sour side, just add a touch of sugar to the sauce. It’s a cheat’s way of taking the sour edge off that is a game changer with for example, Spaghetti Bolognese.
  • Capers – Adds little pops of briny goodness and that unique caper flavour to the sauce. I usually use standard size capers. On occasion, I find they can be giant in size so I’ll reach for the baby capers instead. Both work!
  • Garlic – Because this is Italian food!
  • Chilli flakes (aka red pepper flakes) – A pinch of heat is wonderful in this sauce. It’s not a spicy sauce, here it’s just a background hum of warmth.
  • Extra virgin olive oil – For cooking and finishing.
  • Fresh basil and oregano – These finishing herb touches will really lift the dish and return some freshness to the sauce. But if you don’t have them, it is absolutely still worth making using a pinch of dried oregano. Don’t bother with dried basil, it’s basically flavourless.If you don’t have basil, serve with a sprinkle of parmesan instead. The extra flavour will compensate for absence of fresh herb flavour.

How to make Spaghetti alla Puttanesca

Start the sauce first and get it simmering, then cook the pasta. They’ll both finish at the same time, ready to toss together!

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This recipe serves 2. Use a medium size skillet here rather than a very large one, else the sauce will dry out too quickly when simmering. If you’re scaling the recipe up however a large skillet will be necessary to toss the pasta in the sauce (or use a pot for the sauce and tossing).

  1. Sauté aromatics – Start off by sautéing the garlic in olive oil until it starts to go golden on the edges. Then add the finely chopped anchovies, capers, olives and red pepper flakes and cook for a further 1 minute.This sautéing step is key to the flavour of the sauce. It blooms the flavour of the red pepper flakes and even more importantly, takes the raw fishy edge off the anchovies while causing them to break down, ready to dissolve into the sauce.
  2. Add everything else into sauce – Add the can of tomatoes, then add water by rinsing out the can. In goes salt, pepper and fresh or dried oregano, then give it a good stir.
  3. Simmer 10 minutes – Once the sauce comes to a simmer, turn the heat way down to low and let it simmer gently, stirring every now and then, for 10 minutes while the pasta cooks. The tomato will break down, the water will cook out, leaving behind a nice, shiny and thickened sauce. If at any stage it looks like the sauce is drying out (probably due to heat being too strong or using a skillet that’s too large), just add a splash of water.
  4. Cook pasta – Cook the pasta in salted water. Just before draining, scoop out a mugful of pasta cooking water. This is a key, essential step for cooking any pasta (well and properly!). We add a splash into the pasta sauce when tossing with the pasta. Starch that’s left in the cooking water helps emulsify the fats and water in the sauce. This has a thickening effect and also discourages the sauce from separating. The sauce clings deliciously to the pasta strands instead of leaving a watery pool of bland liquid at the bottom of your pasta bowl.You’ll see this step in every pasta recipe on my website. And every household in Italy makes pasta this way!
  5. Combine pasta, sauce and pasta cooking water – After draining the pasta, immediately throw into the sauce along with about 1/4 cup of pasta cooking water. I rarely measure, I just eyeball it.
  6. Toss, toss, toss! With the skillet still on a low stove, use 2 wooden spoons to toss the pasta vigorously for a minute. After 20 or 30 seconds of tossing, you’ll notice that the sauce in the skillet starts clinging to the pasta (thanks to the pasta cooking water!).The pasta is ready when the sauce is all stuck to the pasta rather than sitting in the skillet.Pasta/sauce gets dry – If at any stage the pasta (or sauce) gets too thick or dries out, rather than being slippery and shiny, just add an extra splash of pasta cooking water then toss more. This will resurrect the pasta and makes it “juicy” again. This is why we scoop out a big mugful of pasta cooking water! I do this multiple times when taking photos and shooting videos of pasta because it loses freshness within minutes and I can’t shoot that fast!Sprinkle with basil and serve immediately!
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Pro tip: warm your pasta bowlsWatch how to make it

Pasta is a dish that is at its absolute best served hot and fresh. It is never the same reheated. It is also one of the rare dishes where I make the effort to warm serving bowls, to preserve the heat of the pasta when eating. I just pop them in a 70C / 160F oven to warm before I start cooking, or in the microwave for a minute before serving. It’s worth the small effort, especially in winter!

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What to serve with Puttanesca pasta


Puttanesca is traditionally not served with the typical shower of parmesan because it already has plenty of salt and savouriness from the flavour-packed ingredients. But I won’t stop you if that’s how you want to roll.

Having said that, if I don’t have fresh basil sometimes I use parmesan to compensate as a finishing touch (no it’s not the same thing at all, but I like to have a garnish).


In my world, Puttanesca is planted firmly in the “emergency pantry meals” bucket so you won’t get a side salad if I make this for you. It’s also technically 95% vegetables anyway! 😉 However, if you’re after a super quick one that’s on-theme, Rocket with Shaved Parmesan fits the bill with a side of hot buttery garlic bread or focaccia (I’m very proud of this recipe, I hope you try it one day!).

Add a Tiramisu for dessert or Italian Almond cookies with coffee, and suddenly this humble “quick pantry dinner” has transformed into a full blown Italian dinner menu!

Watch how to make it

I have an employee who constantly steals other people’s lunches. Do I fire him?

Yes. Always.

We had a 10 year employee working at my store named (ummmm) “Suzy”. She was the community out-reach leader (and amazing at it) and the intimates / beauty department manager. She had a perfect attendance record. She was one of TWO “Exceeds Expectations” leaders in the entire store. She went to EVERY fundraising event and was absolutely one of the most delightful human beings I ever worked with.

I was in the break room with the store manager. In walked “Suzy”. She opened the fridge, dug out a bottle of iced tea. Said (out loud), “No name! Fair game!” and opened it and drank it. We didn’t even have time to stop her. We saw her take an item from the fridge. There was no moral dilemma on our part. The front of the fridge had a sign on it saying, “If it’s not yours and you take it, it’s theft. Period.” We had a camera pointing at the fridge because food theft had been a past issue.

“Suzy” was walked off the property the same day.

She was stunned. “But I have perfect attendance. I’ve gotten exceeds expectations on every review. I’m the community captain.” It absolutely broke my heart (she was one of my all time favorite employees). We had to explain to her, “Nobody gets immunity to the rules. You cannot be the greatest employee ever and expect that you earn some kind of points that grant you forgiveness, especially in an area so critical to trust and morale. All theft is treated the same, regardless of size or intent. You took something that didn’t belong to you.”

Theft is and should always be treated with absolute zero tolerance. No exceptions ever. Making exceptions demands future exceptions for all people. Making exceptions about theft opens the door to low standards. Better to fire all the perpetrators and shut the unit down until backfill can be identified than to allow a thief to continue being employed for even one second.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Demise of Europe


How can parents be so unloving that they would make their own child homeless by kicking him or her out into the street?

I did it.

My son stole $2000 in a locked box from under my bed as I slept. He knew I needed that money to do badly needed repairs on the house we had just moved back into after a divorce. He had just gotten out of a juvenile treatment facility. He refused to get a job. He kept bringing a friend over at night when I was working.

My house reeked of marijuana every morning when I got home. They ate my food. He was 18. A legal adult. When I discovered he stole the money I had him arrested.

He was put in jail. No one would bail him out so he stayed there for three months. At court I told him I did not want to see him until he was a contributing member of society. He had to have a legal job…not selling street drugs etc. He was given time served plus probation and had to pay restitution. He got out of jail and lived with the kid who had been hanging out at my house.

His mother kicked them both out. My son found his birth father and stayed with him. He soon learned the man’s sole goal in life was to stay high. My son then stayed with another friend, couch surfed.

Lived in an office building bathroom. Then with a woman who was crazy. Then a friend rescued him. He lived with them and their father for two years.

They made him stay clean, clean up after himself, eat healthy, get and keep a job. He then asked if he could come back home.

He is now 24. The other day he thanked me for holding him accountable. He has a job he enjoys and is saving money for a future. Some kids just need tough love.

This is funny


What are some funny things you’ve seen happen with the police chasing someone on foot?

My husband is a retired Royal Thai police officer. He rarely told me much about his days, not wanting me to worry, get upset.

He did, however, share a few events that had me laughing…

Story 1

Husband and his men were chasing a small group of meth dealers who abandoned their car and ran into the tall grass of a swampy field.

Husband has the usual regulation, very short hair and was wearing a bright orange vest that was clearly marked POLICE, front and back, in huge English and Thai letters.

He waded into the swamp and stood next to one of the meth dealers who told him to take off the bright vest because the police were searching the area!

Story 2

Husband and his guys raided a gambling den at dawn. The players, many of whom were very drunk, ran to their motorcycles, trucks and cars to get away.

Four men staggered to their car but were stunned because the police seemed to be keeping pace on foot with their ‘pedal to the metal,’ speeding car.

In fact, they had jumped into an abandoned car that had no engine and hadn’t noticed they hadn’t moved at all.

Story 3

‘Uncle’ Tan was a quiet, older man who grew veggies and sold them from the back of his pick-up.

Officers received a call saying that Uncle had unsuccessfully tried to rob a local shop with a plastic water pistol and was walking down the highway, TOWARDS the police station.

He seemed pleased when he was arrested.

As was the norm, he was told he could be held for 48 hours in the police station jail, longer if a judge deemed it necessary. Uncle perked up at the possibility of ‘longer.’

The officers were puzzled until the truth came out: his wife’s sisters were coming for their yearly visit, and Uncle said that he was just too old to go through that hell again. He had thought he would be in jail for weeks.

The judge showed leniency, asking the police to hold Uncle until it was deemed safe for him to go home.

* Note: this was NOT in husband’s district.

Due to the numerous US military bases in countries close to China and the creation of the AUKUS, is China imprisoned?

Does it occur to you it could be the U.S. that could be imprisoned? If the U.S. ends up spending tons of money meaninglessly and without a return and yet it cannot stop spending billions to continuously do shit that don’t pay it is the U.S. that is trapped. China don’t gives a shit it simply just let the US waste all it money bribing nations who refuse to do shit, just to pretend to the world it has allies.

For us in Asia. Even Japan, Korea, Phillipines and India have no wish to do shit as it knows the repercussions and it has been China’s neighbour for some 5000 years! It may have no choice but to barked some shit on China to get the U.S. off its back. But sure won’t risk it to do more than that. So the U.S. having a pay billions get some pretend shit is outright silly and wasteful.

So who is trapped? China can and will do what it wants. And the U.S. has to stay and waste a ton of resources to get pretentious shit that China gives a damn. To me the U.S. is trapped in its own stupidity!



What are the best ways to improve your personality?

Best ways to improve personality :

  • Groom yourself, even if you’re living alone . Keep your beard clean and trimmed. Girls may wax, if necessary.
  • Always carry a wallet, Comb, Belt, Perfume, a pen with you.
  • Workout at least 1 hour a day, it’s the least you could do for your body.This will keep your confidence up, your body healthy and your face free of pimples.
  • Cover your mouth while sneezing, coughing, etc. Say ‘Sorry/Excuse me’ afterward.
  • Invest in your own personal hygiene like flossing your teeth, cleaning your mouth, wearing cologne.
  • Speak a bit less and think before you speak because one wrong word can hurt your personality.
  • Talk looking into the eyes of the other person.
  • Be a man of your words , If you promise to do something for someone, make sure you do it .
  • Show respect for other person’s opinion. Never tell a person he or she is wrong.
  • Learn the difference between Ego and Self-respect. There’s a very thin line between them.
  • Hustle as much as you can. Fast success brings ego, slow success builds personality.
  • Do Meditation.(Meditation transforms you into a new human)
  • Never make fun of someone’s disability whether it’s financial, mental or physical.
  • Never hesitate meeting new people. People have own experiences and knowledge to share with you.


What is the most ludicrous thing someone got fired for at your job?

My coworker, Marty, at the Department of Correction was fired after bantering with our department’s business manager. She was a diva with a (very) high opinion of herself and one morning Marty told her that she looked “nice”.

She cocked her hip and smiled at him, and asked if he was implying that she didn’t look good every day. Marty responded that she did, indeed, look good and that she looked good enough to eat. That ended the conversation and I went on my merry way.

When I returned to the office late that afternoon, another coworker pulled me aside and asked, breathlessly, if I’d heard about Marty. I hadn’t — I’d been out installing computers in a prison all day — so she said that he’d been fired! For sexual harrassment! The diva business manager had filed a complaint against him.

I immediately tracked my boss down and told her the complaint was bullshit, and that I’d witnessed the entire exchange. She said that her hands were tied because Marty admitted saying the diva looked good enough to eat. It was considered inappropriate verbiage for the workplace and the diva insisted that she would be uncomfortable working with Marty.

I kept my contact and conversations with her to a minimum from that day on.


How to use a telephone

Cool vintage stuff…

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How does China’s exclusion from the International Space Station affect its space ambitions?

China has been excluded from the ISS project, which has greatly promoted the development of China’s aerospace technology.

You can imagine that 20 years ago, several young people decided to save money to buy a car and then use it together. The Chinese were excluded. He was told: Your money is dirty and we will not accept it.

You have to understand that Russia, which the United States considers an enemy, is accepted, while China is excluded. How humiliating is this to China?

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The young man decided not to pray to join but to work hard on his own. Finally, he made enough money to buy a car of his own. A new car that belongs only to him.

The group of young people who pooled their money to buy a car are still using that old car together, even though it is very old. All participants are not yet able to buy their own cars.

When they saw a Chinese driving a new car alone, they were filled with envy, but they said: His car is smaller than ours!

Let us assume that if China was allowed to join, what would be the result? They may have a module on the ISS, but they will never have their own CSS.

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Now everything has changed

The Chinese space station is so advanced that they even use Hall thrusters to maintain orbit without having to consume a lot of fuel like the ISS.

Famous media commented that the interior of CSS is like an Apple store, while the ISS is like an old grocery store.

Were you thinking this?


What stupid thing did you do when you were a child that turned out to be very funny?

My father was a very serious and strict man. We lived in a nice house with a covered front porch on a hill overlooking a valley. One day when I was 10 yrs. old I was with my father on the porch ,there was a man dressed in a suit and tie and they were discussing serious business. I knew not to disturb them in any way. I had to remain quiet so I quickly became bored. I looked around the porch for something of interest when I spotted a small stone on the floor. When I picked it up I thought it was such a perfect throwing stone, the shape and the way it fit in my hand I just knew it would travel a record breaking distance down that valley. I took a few steps back so I would be behind dad’s peripheral sight as they both were facing the valley in deep conversation. I focused on a bush for my target . I took a couple deep breaths and threw the stone with every muscle I had.

To my horror the stone slipped out of my hand . I heard a deep moan as my father collapsed to one knee . As he grabbed his left ear he uttered”” “JUMPIN JESUS” WHAT WAS THAT ? I was so afraid I couldn’t speak. The stone had hit the bone behind his left ear and instantly a purple knot appeared . WELL , WHAT WAS IT ? I finally managed to say… a rock.. A ROCK ! Get in the house. Well, lucky for me their conversation lasted longer giving him a cooling off period. When the man left Dad gave me a lecture about throwing rocks and interrupting adults. Surprisingly there was no physical abuse which I expected. Now many years later even though he’s gone , I can hear his voice as if he just now said “WELL, WHAT WAS IT ?” And I get a good laugh about that frightened little boy .

The Imperialist projection against China

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Do you wonder why I put the Deng Xiaoping face on my post? Because the post I am writing tends to make sense for what I will try to convey. As you know, in the mainstream media, basically the West tends to use this Imperialist projection against the Chinese nation. It has become a human sin for the Chinese people to seek their old legitimate rights such as the right to become rich and powerful, the right to become among the most respected nations it used to be during the Ming towards Qing era.

The mainstream media has changed its focus from China’s rising economic threat towards China being the country seeking sphere of influence in Asia. This projection is among those who had committed this act before. History doesn’t lie, not do the suffering of the people they had to face from the British to the American Imperialism which still is going today in many forms.

China has now become one of the second largest economies in the world and the first if we see it through a PPP basis. The nation’s citizens are now enjoying a much better, high quality life in comparison to what their parents had to face under Mao respectfully. China, just like Deng envisioned, became the county that is leading the world in science, tech, and environment policies where China has been recently focused on being the country focused on building a strong green economy.

Media nowadays tends to portray China as aggressive and imperialist. Every investment China does in other countries is judged as a form of imperialism, every defense that China undertakes or its mission to uniting Taiwan is seem as foreign aggression by the West on China when they only want to take what was lost before. This judgment is not just fueled by the West but also by CINOs, or in other words ‘Chinese just in name’ that have Chinese names and ethnicity but they lack the Chinese spirit to show sympathy for their homeland. Most of these can be found in countries like Malaysia and Singapore or even U.S. who tend to side with the West’s aggression against China. This lack of knowledge is what has made ignorance prevalent today. The lack of the understanding the Chinese mindset and their way of doing things is what made them see China from a hostile viewpoint rather than a positive one.

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Socialism: what do I mean? Well to understand China’s foreign policy and the way how it perceives the world is through the socialist perspective. You see Socialism didn’t come out of thin air in China. People before Mao used to be exploited, oppressed by the Chiang Khai Shek government. The land was controlled by the foreign businessmen who used China as a source of destination to build capital under the Chinese labour. This unequal relationship between China and the West is what made the Chinese more angrier, coupled with the hate from their humiliation. The weakness of the Chinese civilization is what pursued the Chinese people to seek a new radical solution and that was Socialism which back then Chairman Mao worked tirelessly to increase the support and work towards unifying China.

Its basis was simple: to fight against oppression, build an equal society and bring back China as the nation it once was. Which means an independent, strong China without being anymore humiliated. Thus when Mao United China is the time where humiliation of China ended and China began to recover. During the recovery, China faced many obstacles. Once was the American aggression in Asia, the other was the restrictions which were put against China because they were “Communist,” then the aggression from outside. China, after seeing Korea fall to the American forces, was forced to send its troops and successfully push out the American troops and North Korea was saved. Hence the socialist and proletarian cause was built on self defense and defending neighbours from Imperialist aggression that came from thousand miles away.

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After Chairman Mao’s death, Deng Xiaoping came to power, which is praised for the new reforms that brought China to the place it is today. A new socialist modern economy built by Chinese people and a strong country looking to move forward even more and bring back the national rejuvenation to the Chinese people. The Deng Xiaoping goal was to always revitalize China which is now being carried by the leader Xi Jinping. Which meant a rich China which used to be under Qing before the Imperialist oppresion, a strong China in Asia and a China that is respected and seen as the gateway to the Eastern civilization and not a China that will replace the role of the West.

Deng Xiaoping in a public forum told others:

China shall always belong to the Third World and shall never seek hegemony. This idea is understandable because China is still quite poor, and is therefore a Third World country in the real sense of the term. The question is whether or not China will practise hegemony when it becomes more developed in the future. My friends, you are younger than I, so you will be able to see for yourselves what happens at that time. If it remains a socialist country, China will not practise hegemony and it will still belong to the Third World. Should China become arrogant, however, act like an overlord and give orders to the world, it would no longer be considered a Third World country.

What do these words mean? It is simple. The leader who laid out the reforms for his nation and the next vision, he is also the one who made sure to future generations to always see China as a nation similar with others of the third world. He never advocated a China which replaces the West’s role, he never advocates for a dominated Chinese power that controls Asia in the similar way of how United States has controlled South America.

This is also one of the main factors that led China into creating SCO and BRICS organizations, because the vision is simple: to build prosperity and encourage integration and connectivity with the third world that includes all of the former nations that were once colonized and exploited. Anti-Imperialism is after all something that has been pushed from Marxists itself, because the concept or freedom isn’t mainly focused on ending exploitation but also imperialism that caused the third world to suffer under the hands of the Western nations, that exploited its natural resources to feed their population.

Anyone who tends to see China in a Western way then that kind of thinking is bound to fail and even insult your own intelligence. No rational person would be crazy enough to compare China to a Western country and I believe the track records of US and other western countries, tells us a lot about the morality that the West loves to show many times.

But what kind of vision then does China see for the world?

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Of course the role that China will play will fundamentally change the world in many ways, and right now we are already noticing many changes especially in Asia. We are seeing a role that keeps growing each year. And a strong China is at the same time bringing a good balance to the world especially when it’s necessary to counter the bi-polar world order by US

  1. Multipolarism: China’s idea of Multipolsrism came even more to light after the importance and value of BRICS began to rise. This is in vision with Deng Xiaoping’s stance who’s always have said to never seek hegemony. China sees Multilateralism as the only way to bring equality to the world order where some certain nations seek a greater role in the world affairs and share a certain security to meet the world challenges.
  2. New Financial system: Putin in the interview with Tucker laid out a very good critique of the US dollar. He mentioned how the United States’ policies towards other rivalries have caused mass panic in the world, and it is true in many ways. After the Russia war in Ukraine began, the West was so quickly to launch the heaviest sanctions in history. This didn’t collapse Russia’s economy and instead they shot themselves in the foot. Because the world for the first time in history was ready to move and make a change in the international order, which was the beginning of implementing new different currencies in trade with other countries. This thing is only going to become more common especially as BRICS advances.
  3. Unity within their territory: Many people tend to see China’s actions in Taiwan in a wrong way but instead this isn’t the case. China has only sought to reunify its territories that were once lost. The ROC and PRC were at civil war which the ROC lost and retreated to Taiwan. Technically they are still at war, because considering that no peace treaty has been made or even ceasefire, this makes it legitimate for China to reunify Taiwan.
  4. The development of BRICS: BRICS will continue to play even more important roles in the next decades, it will be more than just an organization. It will be the representative of the East and of the Global South. It will put the other part of the world in equal footing with the West. This balance is exactly what the whole world should pursue, because the moment there is a balance of power, then you will be at peace and respected. Though my opinion of BRICS might be optimistic, but as of now, I believe that all members have one desire, and that is to seek more independence from the US dollar regime.


What are some psychological facts that people don’t know?

Does it really matter which type of clock we are using?

Yes! It does.

Reason is “Those who use ‘Analog clock’ are more aware of the ‘time spent’ & the ‘time left’ than those who use Digital clock”.

How? Is what your question right?

Here we go. Let’s have a look at the digital clock.

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image 9

What did we get? The time is 9:30 & that’s it. Only the current time.

Now, Analog clock.

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image 8

Just look at it. Look at how beautiful it is. What do we observe here? 11:55. That’s it? No. But along with the current time there is something else.

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This we sense by intuition. An Analog clock resembles a pie chart which can represent selfexpressive data.

Intuition matters! It is the advantage of having Analog clock.

This is not so easy with digital clocks. Because we need to force our brain to calculate the ‘time spent’ ,‘time left’, etc.

The USA is so fucked


How does a woman feel when she is getting old and no one wants her?

I’m not getting old. I’m there. I’ll be 77 years old in a couple of weeks, so I believe I qualify to answer this question.

I have a lover who is younger than I am. And if I were to “lose” him, I would readily find another, if I desired it.

However, I pay close attention to my figure, my wardrobe and my makeup. It takes me about half an hour to put my makeup on skillfully enough so I don’t look as though I’m wearing any. I dress nicely even when I have nothing important to do, although I am still in business, which keeps my thinking sharp. I watch what I eat carefully, most days keeping at 1200–1400 calories total for the day. This enables me to have lunch or dinner with my love or friends in a restaurant pretty much any time I wish.

I don’t exercise, though I know I should. However, I have two flights of stairs that I go up and down many, many times per day. I tell myself that this helps.

I read extensively, and not just on the damn internet. I have an immense library and continually add to it. I read in science and in the arts. Although I do try to avoid politics, these days. I am responsible for my feelings, and I like them to remain hopeful and serene. But my reading enables me to converse on many topics. And until Covid, I also traveled, an activity which broadens anyone’s perspective.

So in answer to the question, I feel just fine, thank you very much. And I also feel – and know that I am – desired.

I hope perhaps your young mind has been opened, even a bit. Thanks for the question.

A very good illustration

This is a good illustration why the size and growth of US debt is totally out of whack with the real economy.

American debt is already THE systemic risk to the world economy. There is not enough money in the world to satisfy America’s ravenous appetite, not even if it prints them for free.

This is why the BRICs are desperate for an option to the dollar.

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Have you ever dined at a restaurant that left you thinking ‘is this a joke’?

Hubby and I went to a fancy steakhouse in Atlanta for dinner a few years back. Having checked out the restaurant’s online menu, we made sure we were appropriately dressed—me in a long Italian silk dress and hubby in some business casual outfit. We arrived at the time of our reservation and experienced multiple WTF moments—

1. We were led to a side dining room instead of the fancy main dining room shown on their website. The decor was shall-we-say interesting. It resembled a kindergarten cafeteria, with folding chairs.

2. All the other guests there looked like they had just attended a basketball game.

3. The female manager had a LOW-cut cami and jacket on. Her boobs were 75% exposed.

4. On my way to the ladies’, I passed the kitchen and caught a whiff of rotten fish.

5. Before the server set my plate of scallops down, I smelled a stench that could have only come from decayed seafood.

6. Service was slow, but that was the least of our concerns.

All this cost us $250, tip included.

If you wonder why we did not raise any issues about what we went through, it was a mystery shop. Essentially, I was contracted to observe anything about the restaurant’s operations. In the end, the meal did not cost us anything. We were actually paid some money for the effort. However, the experience was so bad that I did not offer to take the same assignment for several years to come.

Vintage Ads and Celebrities’ Glamour on These Classic Vespa Scooters

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The DELUSIONAL OBSESSION with 6-Figure Salaries in Modern Dating

Future cat ladies. (And I do love my kitties. But no man is going to be able to make them happy.)

Italian Drunken Noodles

Italian drunken noodles are my Italian fusion take on one of my favorite Thai-style dishes. Brimming with noodles drenched in a flavorful, wine-infused sauce, bits of spicy Italian sausage, plus sweet bell peppers, onions and basil, this Italian take on drunken noodles is not only scrumptious, but quick and easy to prepare as well!

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italian drunken noodles 03 03 13 1 ca

Yield: 6 servings

An Italian twist to a favorite Thai dish

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of trying Thai drunken noodles (or pad kee mao), you know what an amazingly vibrant, rich and flavorful dish it is.

With ribbons of broad rice noodles drenched in a sweet and savory sauce, charred red and yellow bell peppers and onions, a choice of spicy meat, tofu, or shrimp, and a light flourish of freshly julienned Thai basil, this dish always hits the spot when it comes to all those big flavors I crave in Thai cuisine.

I must admit, whenever I would enjoy this dish, it always made me wonder what an Italian version of it would taste like…

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italian drunken noodles 03 03 13 2 ca

How to Make Drunken Noodles with an Italian Twist

In keeping with those basic components of noodle, meat, veggie, sauce and herb, it’s easy to see how Thai-style drunken noodles can easily be “morphed” into a brand new, Italian-style dish with a distinctly different flavor profile, while still maintaining the spirit of the original.

This is what I love and appreciate about fusion food!

What I did with this Italian drunken noodles recipe was to substitute wide and tender pappardelle noodles in place of the broad rice noodles, and then switched out some spicy and rich Italian sausage for the tofu, shrimp or chicken typically served in the Thai version.

For the sauce element, I used a tomato base kissed with a hint of wine in order to make the dish a bit “drunken”, and then kept the classic vegetable medley of multi-colored bell peppers and onions, plus that flourish of fresh basil to tie all the flavors together.

Here’s a glance at my Italian drunken noodles recipe: (or just jump to the full recipe below…)

  1. To get things started, I cook my pappardelle noodles according to package instructions, and keep them warm while I prepare the sauce.
  2. For the sauce, I place a large, heavy-bottom pan over high heat, and add a drizzle of olive oil; once hot, I crumble in the spicy sausage and brown it until cooked through, then remove it from the pan.
  3. Next, I caramelize my onions in the pan drippings, then add in my seasoning, followed by my bell peppers, and saute until golden; then, I add in my garlic and wine, reducing that just a bit.
  4. Finally, I add the diced tomatoes, with their juices, into the pan, along with the browned sausage, and allow the mixture to simmer for a couple of minutes; and then, I finish the sauce with a touch more olive oil and some fresh herbs before adding in my warm pappardelle noodles, and tossing everything to combine.
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italian drunken noodles 03 03 13 3 ca


  • 8 ounces pappardelle noodles, uncooked
  • Olive oil
  • 4 spicy Italian sausage links, casings removed
  • 1 large onion, quartered and sliced thinly
  • 1 ½ teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • ½ teaspoon cracked black pepper
  • 1 red bell pepper, cored and thinly sliced
  • 1 yellow bell pepper, cored and thinly sliced
  • 1 orange bell pepper, cored and thinly sliced
  • 4 cloves garlic, pressed through garlic press
  • ½ cup white white (I used Chardonnay)
  • 1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes, with juice
  • 2 tablespoons flat-leaf parsley, chopped
  • ¼ cup fresh basil leaves, julienned, divided use


  1. Prepare the pappardelle noodles according to instructions on package; then, drain the noodles very well, and keep them warm while you prepare the sauce.
  2. Place a large, heavy-bottom pan or braising pot over medium-high heat, and add about 2 tablespoons of olive oil; once the oil is hot, crumble the spicy Italian sausage into the pan in small chunks (you want to keep the sausage fairly chunky), allowing it to brown in the oil for a few moments on each side; once the crumbled sausage is browned, remove it from the pan/pot with a slotted spoon and place into a small bowl to hold for a moment.
  3. Next, add the sliced onion into the pan with the sausage drippings, and allow it to caramelize and become golden for roughly 5 minutes or so, stirring to keep it from burning (add a touch more olive oil, if necessary); once the onion starts to become golden, add the salt, Italian seasoning and cracked black pepper, and stir to combine.
  4. Add in the sliced bell peppers, and allow those to saute with the onion for about 2 minutes until slightly tender and golden; next, add in the garlic, and once it becomes aromatic, add in the white wine and allow it to reduce for a few moments, until almost completely reduced.
  5. Next, add in the diced tomatoes with their juice, and return the browned spicy Italian sausage back into the pan, and gently fold the mixture to combine; allow it to gently simmer for about 3 to 4 minutes to blend the flavors, then turn the heat off.
  6. To finish the sauce, drizzle in about 2-3 good tablespoons of the olive oil to create a silky, rich flavor, and stir in the chopped parsley and about half of the julienned basil.
  7. Add the cooked pappardelle noodles directly into the sauce, and using tongs, gently toss and combine the noodles with the sauce and all of the ingredients in it; check the seasoning to see if you need to add any additional salt or pepper.
  8. To serve, add equal portions of the Italian drunken noodles to bowls, and garnish with a sprinkle of the remaining julienned basil (you can even top with shaved parmesan, if desired, and an extra drizzle of olive oil).
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italian drunken noodles 03 03 13 5 ca

Tips & Tidbits for my Italian Drunken Noodles:

  • The larger the pan, the better: Use a large, heavy bottom pan (cast iron or a Dutch oven) for this dish, as it retains heat well and will give a little extra color and flavor to your peppers and onions; plus, it provides room to add the noodles directly into the sauce at the end, and toss ’em around.
  • Pappardelle are best, but don’t sweat it: Pappardelle noodles are the broad or wide egg noodles that look a bit like “ribbons”, and you should be able to find them in the pasta section in most markets—they really are best for this recipe; but if you can’t find them, feel free to substitute whatever type of pasta noodle you like. The flavor will still be amazing.
  • Go white or go red: White wine is what’s called for in this recipe, but red wine would also be a delicious choice; use whatever you’d actually like to drink with this dish.
  • Looking to leave out the alcohol? No problem: If you’d prefer to leave alcohol out, then simply substitute chicken stock for the wine, and add a little squeeze of lemon at the end for that “brightness” as well.
  • Go Veg: For a meatless version, omit the spicy sausage altogether, and enjoy just the veggies, noodles and sauce; but you can always use a vegetarian “crumble” in this dish as well, or even use cubed tofu to keep in line with the Thai inspiration.
  • Prep ahead: You can make the sauce element of this recipe ahead of time, such as the day before you’d like to serve it, which will actually give the sauce more time to sit and gain deeper flavor; just prepare the noodles the day of, toss with the warmed up sauce, you’re set to go.
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italian drunken noodles 03 03 13 6 ca

General Instructions

  1. Place a large, heavy-bottom pan or braising pot over medium-high heat; add about 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Once the oil is hot, crumble the Italian sausage into the pan in small chunks, allowing it to brown in the oil for a few moments.
  2. When the crumbled sausage is browned, remove it from the pan/pot with a slotted spoon and place into a small bowl to hold for a moment.
  3. Place in the pan the diced bell peppers, salt, Italian seasoning and cracked black pepper. Stir to combine. Allow to sauté for about 2 minutes until slightly tender.
  4. Add the garlic. Once it becomes aromatic, add the white wine and allow it to reduce for a few moments, until almost completely reduced.
  5. Add the diced tomatoes with their juice.
  6. To finish the sauce, drizzle in about 2 to 3 good tablespoons of the olive oil to create a rich flavor.
  7. Add the chopped parsley and about half of the basil.
  8. Return the browned Italian sausage back into the pan and gently fold the mixture to combine. Allow it to gently simmer for about 3 to 4 minutes to blend the flavors. Then turn the heat off.
  9. Stir and keep warm while you prepare the noodles.
italian drunken noodles 03 03 13 4 ca
italian drunken noodles 03 03 13 4 ca


Will the U.S. really defend Taiwan?

During the debate, KMT Presidential candidate brought up a very good point. The US sold 400 missiles to Taiwan for $6 billion. That came out to be $15 million / missile. But then when the US was defending Israel from attacks they fired those missiles and were reporting that they were expensive $3-million missiles.

Why were they sold to Taiwan at 5x the price? It makes sense if the US is leveraging the reported danger to extract as much value as it can from Taiwan. It doesn’t make sense if it has intentions to defend Taiwan.

The Mainland is ending its preferential treatment towards Taiwan which would hurt the ability for Taiwanese products to be exported to the Mainland. The US can help mitigate the impact to the Taiwanese economy by increasing imports from Taiwan and signing a free-trade agreement but it hasn’t.

How can anyone expect the US to give up its lives for Taiwan if it can’t even give up a bit of its profit?


What are some tips for becoming successful?

Tips for becoming successful :

  • Always keep a diary and a pen with you. Whenever you get any intriguing idea, write that down in your diary. When you open this diary, you’ll realize that you have a great set of ideas.
  • Leave your comfort zone as nothing grows for good there. Take risks in your life. Risks come with reward. Look at the rewards and move ahead.
  • Introspect and improve. Realize your mistakes and improve them. Try your best to not to repeat your mistakes again.
  • Success is something you take by force. No one will give it to you freely.
  • The secret of success is hidden in books and old-school wisdom. Yet most people hate to read books. No wonder, few people are successful.
  • Stop expecting instant satisfaction. Patience, persistence and perspiration are your best friends. Remember that there are NO shortcuts in life.
  • Cry as hard as you want, but make sure that when you stop crying, you never cry for the same reason again.
  • No matter how much it hurts now. Someday you’ll look back and realize, your struggle changed your life for better.
  • If you are an intelligent person, you will try to do what you love the most. But if you are a genius, you will only do what is needed.
  • Students believe that there is only one right answer to every question. That is why people always want to follow the crowd because they think there is only one right way to live life. Find your own way . don’t follow the crowd
  • Putting in the work daily without quitting. Going through the drudgery and mundane tasks repeatedly. Practicing everyday like insane just to master your craft.
  • Don’t bother about the judgements of society, friends, peers and relatives. You want it, go for it. Don’t give a fcuk about others , live your life , give your best
  • And Finally , Make the best out of every hour.


Modern women lifestyle

Must the CCP fall? They can’t assimilate everyone in China into Chinese culture.

The Chinese Communist Party is not in charge of assimilating everyone into Chinese culture, and it does not promote it. In fact, the Party makes a big deal out of preserving minority cultures, and giving them special advantages such as in numbers of children they can have (unlimited), and giving minority students extra points in the highly competitive university exams. There is some grumbling from Han Chinese about all the benefits minorities get in China.

Some minorities such as the Manchus, some Mongolians and some Tibetans have been absorbed by Chinese culture, not by any government policy. The general rule in China is that any non-Han Chinese minority, if it adopts Chinese language and the Chinese non-nomadic lifestyle, will eventually disappear over several generations.

This is not done because of any government policy; it is just that Han Chinese language and culture have a very strong pull which is hard to resist over time. This is because more than 90% of China’s population is Han Chinese, and once a minority adopts the language and then culture, it loses its own identity.

This is not done under any threat of force, but is done voluntarily by individuals.


More fun with the the Vespa scoots…

We start with Ann Margret.

1960s beauties with vepas 3
1960s beauties with vepas 3
1960s beauties with vepas 4
1960s beauties with vepas 4
1960s beauties with vepas 5
1960s beauties with vepas 5
1960s beauties with vepas 7
1960s beauties with vepas 7
1960s beauties with vepas 9
1960s beauties with vepas 9

Western women are BROKEN

She Made Him Wait, While Keeping a “Friends With Benefits”

The USA is sinking under the deep blue waves…

What did your boss say to you during a meeting that resulted in you immediately resigning?

It wasn’t so much what my boss said, it was more about what the company did. Being more specific, what the sales department and management did.

At the time I was a senior developer for a medium sized, privately owned and pretty much unheard of software company.

One day I found out, quite by accident, that the sales department had told a prospective client about some wonderful new software that we had.

The only problem with that was this wonderful new software didn’t exist!

So, sales lied to the client.

Then came all the fanfare, because they actually sold it to them… with an impossible delivery date, even for a team five times our size.

The plan was for the dev team to develop this new software working sixty hours a week without overtime pay, while management strung the client along until the final delivery more than a year later.

So there was this big pep talk meeting – you know the ones – we need you guys to help us deliver and all, and we’ll make it up to you afterwards, we promise. We’re a big family and we are in this together and all that kind of stuff.

I didn’t believe a word of it.

After the meeting I confronted my boss who said, “Well, you know how it works.”

At that moment I knew he didn’t have my best interests at heart and I looked at him and said, “I want no part of it.”

Then I got up and left the building without saying another word.

The next day when I didn’t show up for work my boss called me asking where I was. I told him, “Sorry, I thought I was quite clear yesterday, as I said, I quit!”

He said, “But you can’t quit! We need you! You’re our only senior developer!”

And I answered, “Watch me!” and hung up the phone.

It’s been four years now and the company still hasn’t delivered the final version of the software nor has it made good on its promise to their employees!

I’m sure glad I quit when I did!

Different generations


Who was the weirdest classmate that you’ve ever had?


You ever have that goofy kid who could never take anything seriously? Who took any opportunity to be the center of attention? Who relished being the class clown and wore the jester’s hat like a triumph? That was Chad. I don’t remember how many grades in elementary school we had together before he and I transferred to other schools at the end of fouth grade, but it was at least a couple. He used to not only drive the teachers crazy but even us students too! Every day we had to bear witness to his never ending shenanigans, sometimes he would start up with a joke and the whole class would collectively groan and grab their faces. If I’m being honest, I was his friend but even I found him to be too much at times, too optimistic, too dramatic, too goofy, too Ace Ventura. I remember thinking, “why can’t he just be normal for a day?”

I went to middle school with some of the kids/friends from this elementary school. One of the popular boys, Randy was one of them. We were talking during free period one day when I brought up Chad. He also remembered him and smiled. We exchanged stories about his greatest hits and laughed. Then he told me something that absolutely broke my heart, and only spoke as a testiment to Chad’s resiliencey. He told me Chad’s stepfather used to beat him, often. At some point the authorities found out and removed him from his home. His everday life at home was hell, his only respite was during the time he was safe and felt safe at school, and Chad always made the most of each moment because he knew when he got home that day and every day after that, there would be no more laughter.

I hope he’s doing better, and I hope he’s happy where ever he is now. It goes to show you never know what someone is going through, even if they smile in your face everday. I have never forgotten about Chad, and I never will.


Were you ever treated poorly when you wanted to purchase an expensive item until they found out you were rich?

Just recently actually.

My twins birthday is coming up. And I was thinking of rewarding the missus by upgrading her car to something better.

A Range Rover Evoque 🙂

So the search started, and I finally scored a good deal on this particular high spec (and a higher priced) Evoque that’s is in a dealership nearby to my house.

Off I went. Arrived in my old e46, and I asked to see the car. This local Chinese chap took one look at me, and probably deduced that I was too young, or too shabby looking to even qualify to get an evoque, and decided to reject me.

He told me, put a deposit before even thinking of sitting in the car!

Before you think I made drama, let me tell you that the opposite happened: I smiled and walked back. I don’t necessarily like to deal with idiots, so I don’t mind looking for another.

For some reason, just as I was about to leave, another salesman from India who is working there came to me, apologized profusely and told me that he can serve me better.

I accepted.

I went to see the car, and told him that I would love to take it for a test drive 5 minutes away to my house to show it to my wife to ask her opinion on the spec and color. This guy agreed, and said we could do a short run.

So off we went.

The moment this Indian guy saw the neighborhood and my house, and the cars parked in there, he realized that he scored a lottery prospect.

After that, I was practically given free reign to do unlimited test drives and checks on that car, unaccompanied.

I saw the car on Wednesday. Thursday I contemplated on it with the missus between that or Cayenne. She wanted Range Rover, so be it.

On Friday I agreed and signed the papers in the AM. That evening the bankers called to tell the dealer that the loan passed. This coming Monday I am taking the car, once paperwork’s is completed.

$90 billion spent on disinformation about China, what did the US people get?

This is really great. I really like Charles.



How historically accurate is the theory that the ancient Minoans were actually in fact the mythical empire of Atlantis or at least the inspiration behind it?

Of course, only Plato could answer this accurately but here’s my penny:

In Greek mythology, Thera and the eruption are missing and the explanation for this is that the eruption miraculously didn’t affect mainland Greece. The Greek myths that express their collective memory, although they involve foreign lands often, had to be of Greek interest and the eruption, no matter how cataclysmic it was, was not. So, Plato didn’t possibly have a clue about the events of the Bronze Age which took place almost 1,000 years before his time.

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As you can see, the mainland is out of ash range. Image from

What could be his inspiration for the description of Atlantis then? I can only make assumptions…

However, having in mind that Plato had traveled enough, how about the circular Punic port of Carthage?

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Why do Chinese people think that China is better than the USA?

Security is better. When i studied in Chicago, I was told to always keep 20-dollar life money in the pocket in case anyone wants to rob me, and UChicago has the so called safe ride to take students home because walking alone at night is not safe. Here in Shanghai, Beijing or any major cities (except Guangzhou perhaps), it’s safe for girls to walk alone at night. And people don’t shoot people so often, especially struggling students don’t kill classmates or teachers. At worst, they jump from buildings without harming others.

Second, food is cheap and delicious if you don’t mind antibiotics, additives, pollutants etc. (If you count in unhealthy western food, the Chinese food is not that bad in quality.) Clothes are cheap and good quality. In fact most products made in China are cheap and accessible.

Third, online purchase and delivery and other services based on the internet is incredibly convenient. As long as you don’t care about personal information, China has all kinds of Apps to satisfy your physical and mental needs.

Fourth, the government agencies and hospital systems are much more efficient than those in USA. I am not saying the quality is better but the waiting period is shorter.

One thing I dislike is a must of vpn to access foreign media. But this is like a filter, the gov don’t want ignorant children and people to access to those anti-China information, because they can’t do critical thinking, so the gov thinks that if those were to be brainwashed, they would have to be brainwashed by us not the Western. I am neutral to it. Common people are like pawns, they’d better just stay where they were and do both to avoid being cannon powder.




Can you tell me about your first camping experience with your family? How old were you and how did it go?

I was 10 my brother was 13 and mom and dad was in there 30. We when to a old run down house that Dad was used to go on fishing trip when he was a kid. Mom said it so run down. Dad said it still got a roof on it. Mom said ok we stayed. We got what fews begs we have out of the car and we when into the house. it started to Strom very bad. We stayed dry in that old house. About two hours passed we was getting our sleeping bags out. We hard a loud pop. The wind had blown a big tree on to the car. The car was totaled. Mom said we 150 miles from home without a car. No one could sleep until the Strom had stopped that was all most 3 hours. By morning there was a new storm and like the other one it to blowed a tree down on to what left of the car. We ended up been there for over a week. Our foods ran out after five days. We all fished for our foods. 6 days in as we was all fishing. A big tree fell onto the dam house. If me and my brother was have been in our room a sleeping we were been hurt or killed.

GAMECHANGER: China Tests ‘Dream Shell,’ Achieving Mach 7 Speed


What’s something that sucks about being a man?

Both my wife and I worked, we both had good jobs and shared the childcare of our 4 children. I was always the more nurturing parent, if the children ever hurt themselves they would always come to me, I was more affectionate, I used to bathe them, read to them, tuck them in and look after them most weekends. My wife was extremely jealous of my relationship with the children and they grew up, we grew apart. She used to often go out with the girls on a Friday and Saturday night and occasionally wake up the following day with a hangover so bad she would spend the day in bed. Which was fine with me, meant that I had more time with the children and we used to find somewhere to go and have real fun.

Unsurprisingly after 13 years of marriage, when our eldest was 11, she decided to leave me, she had an affair and that was that.

What really sucks about being a man is the custody battle that I had after that. The standard custody model still is, for the father, every other weekend and maybe one night during the week. Everyone assumes that the mother is the ‘right’ parent for the children to live with and I had to fight that prejudice every day for a very long year.

My ex-wife even told me that she didn’t really want custody of the children, she only was fighting because the bigger percentage of time she got, the more Child Maintenance she would get. The first time that we were in court she started off by saying that I shouldn’t see the children at all, claiming that I had abused the children, hit them, raped her and had an affair with a teenager. The judge ordered that I didn’t see the children at all, while this was investigated. That was a hard couple of months.

After a year, meetings with social services, so many court visits that I had my own seat in the waiting room, I eventually got 50:50, the best a man could ever hope for in this world.

Even though we had exactly 50:50 I still had to pay Child Maintenance because she gets the Child Benefit. Guess why … Child Benefits default to the mother at the birth of the child.

I Visited World’s Largest Tech Show…You Won’t Believe What China Did

A confederate life

When I was in college I used to wear two particular hats. Syracuse was a cold, snowy place. With wind, rain, ice and snow. And wearing a hat and scarf was mandatory.

Today, I just want to tell you all about these particular hats.

Both were real leather. Most hats are made out of other materials, but both of these hats were made out of leather. One was a brown cowboy hat. It looked a lot like the one that Don Williams wore…


The other hat was a replica confederate soldiers cap.

I loved wearing it, and so many people complemented me on wearing it.

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2024 02 10 12 38



In today’s hyper-polarized woke society, wearing it might end up getting me shot. But the 1970’s were a different time, and I loved wearing it. I had long hair, and often wore either a combat parka, or a leather jean jacket (with a fluorescent orange hoodie underneath.) .


What was the last thing that was stolen from you?

The last thing that was stolen from me didn’t have a great deal of monetary value. Some, if you are a collector. The last thing that was stolen from me was an old hubcap off my grandpa’s ancient Chevrolet pickup truck. I’m still sour over it.

I live on part of what was my grandpa’s old farm. There is old stuff all over this place. In the outbuildings, in the barn, in the cellar and wash house you will find old things. Old tools, old bottles, there are a couple of wine casks from when my mother was a child and her daddy had a still hidden out in the pasture. Lots of old farm implements sitting around.

This stuff is treasure to me. I love nostalgic stuff. I’m fascinated by old items. What looks like junk to some looks like treasure to me.

One day, I was poking around in an old shed, and found that old hubcap. I set it aside and made a mental note to bring it to my house. As I was leaving the shed, I noticed some broken glass on the ground. So I picked up the glass and put it in that old hubcap. From time to time another piece of glass would surface, and I just put it all in that old hubcap. It was out there in that shed with glass in it for a few years, but I knew it would be there when I wanted it.

Then one day about a month ago, I noticed the hubcap was missing. The glass was all over the ground and the hubcap was just gone. I asked my dad about it and also my nephew, and they don’t know anything about it… They are the only two people who have been around, to the best of my knowledge.

Now here is the thing. This is way out in the boonies. People don’t just wander around our property. I would never have dreamed of anything going missing from this place. But my hubcap is still gone.

Like I said, some people will wonder why I’m worked up over an old hubcap. It’s because I have a collection of things that belonged to my grandpa, and because I learned how to drive in that old chevy truck the hubcap belonged to.

Also, it frosts my butt that someone just picked it up, dumped out the glass, and walked away with it. Who would do that?

I have my suspicions. But I will never know for sure. You can bet, I will take care to protect my treasures a little bit better from here on out. And I will watch the suspicious one like a hawk from now on too. Just in case.

Pasta with Three Cheeses
(Pasta al Tre Formaggi)

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2024 02 10 12 19

Yield: 8 servings


  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Fontina or mozzarella cheese
  • 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Gruyere or Swiss cheese
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 6 cups (10 ounces) uncooked egg noodles
  • 3 tablespoons dry bread crumbs
  • 1 tablespoon butter


  1. Heat 2 tablespoons butter in 2-quart saucepan over low heat until melted. Blend in flour, salt and pepper. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until smooth and bubbly; remove from heat. Gradually stir in milk. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute. Stir in cheeses; keep warm over low heat.
  2. Cook noodles as directed; drain. Alternate layers of noodles and cheese mixture in ungreased 2-quart casserole. Stir bread crumbs and 1 tablespoon butter over medium heat until crumbs are toasted; sprinkle over noodles.
  3. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees F until bubbly, about 20 minutes.


My GF Had A BREAKDOWN After The Open Relationship She Wanted Backfired

What’s a polite way of saying something rude?

Flying back from Mallorca on Jet2, the pilot said on the intercom:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I have some good news and bad news. The good news is that we’re ready early and we’ve made it with plenty of time for our departure slot. The bad news is that unfortunately it seems the Spanish air traffic controllers have decided to walk out in solidarity with striking French controllers so we currently have a 2 hour wait. However, to ease the boredom, I’ll step out of the cockpit and you can all come up, sit in the pilot’s chair and be shown around by the first officer who’ll answer any questions you have”

The second I saw him come out of the cockpit I sprang out of my seat to get to the front of the inevitable queue and had a good chat with the FO while sitting in the seat. My impressions were that the cockpit of a 737–800 is a lot smaller than you’d think and that the seats are pretty difficult to move.

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After 90 mins the pilot is on the intercom again:

“Folks, unfortunately we’ve been told we have another 2 hours, 45 minutes wait (huge groans from the cabin)
Only joking, we’ve got to get going quickly so back to your seats and buckle up soon as you can! (cheers from cabin)”

The pilot landed pretty hard in Birmingham and 10 seconds after reducing reverse thrust was back on the intercom:

“I’ve just been informed that my landing was a bit on the hard side. I don’t know what the fuss is about, it seemed fine to me. But apologies to anyone with loose fillings”

What is it that Australians don’t like about American tourists?

Most American tourists who make it as far as Australia are the best of your country, and we enjoy having them. Those who we would rather hadn’t come do share a few characteristics, though.

  1. Ignorance. No, you can’t drive from Sydney to Alice Springs in an afternoon. Yes, the beaches have flags you swim between for a reason. No, you won’t get bitten by snakes walking through the suburbs. And no, no, for the love of God NO you CAN’T see all of Australia in a week flat. Not even if you fly everywhere.
  2. Arrogance. If you come to any country as a guest, and spend half your waking hours telling people how much better your country is than theirs, you won’t make friends. This applies to any two countries, but with special particularity to Australia and America. There are STILL Americans about who’ll tell any Australian they can find how they, the mighty US of A, saved our “asses” in any number of conflicts, but especially the stoush with the Japanese in the early mid-twentieth century. We didn’t actually need our donkeys saved, and we’ve been paying for it in a number of ways ever since. And no, your health care may be wonderful for that five percent of the population who can afford it, but we cover everybody, so that we don’t have people begging in wheelchairs for their next oxygen bottle. Also, no, we can buy guns if we want to, but we don’t have to.
  3. Loudness. Now I know the average Australian has a pretty good paddock voice, but we don’t take it inside. There are some Americans you can hear three streets away, and sitting next to their table in a restaurant can be a penance.
  4. Lack of manners. As I said at the beginning, most US visitors to the antipodes are darlings. But anybody who snaps their fingers to summon a waiter here is likely to be ignored at first and ordered to leave if they persist. It is standard here to thank people who do stuff for us, whether they are paid to or not. We thank our bus drivers, our wait staff, our cleaners and our hotel staff, our shop assistants – everybody. They’re people. Lack of common courtesy marks you out as an arsehole.



I was recently fired from a company. My old boss just contacted me asking work-related questions. Should I respond?

Not fired, but gave them 7 weeks notice to quit. I was maintenance person in a nursing home. Within 6 months of being employed there, my manager asked me to undertake a level 2 course in social care. She had noticed my interactions with the residents and tried her best to convince me to extend my duties to include care work. After about a year of “ thinking about it,” I decided to study for a qualification in health and social care.

Around this time, after I’d already started the course, the nursing home was sold to another company. The new boss, for whatever reason, didn’t like me. Once qualified, I was picking up extra shifts on the weekend as a care assistant. It took him (and his wife) 3 months to realise I was also doing care work. He came and saw me at work, telling me, “We only want qualified staff looking after residents.” I showed him my certificate, indicating I was indeed qualified to look after residents. He then told me “ I don’t want you getting too tired.” ( I was only working 30 hours per week on maintenance.) I pointed out that a lot of his care assistants were actually working 60 hours a week and would often ring in at weekends saying they could not come in and I was prepared to cover any illness by other staff. He refused to accept this offer, restricting me to my working hours.

Anyway, I’d decided I enjoyed looking after elderly people and applied to our local NHS hospital for a position as a healthcare assistant. I passed the interview and selection procedure and handed my notice in. He avoided me for the next 6 weeks. On my final day there, he approached me and told me, “Get a year’s clinical experience and you can come back as a care assistant.” (An offer I could refuse.)

I finished work on Friday at 3pm.

Next morning, the nursing home phoned me at home, telling me there was a major water leak in the kitchen. I told them I was no longer an employee and to call an emergency plumber. “But that will cost us lots of money.” No shit, Sherlock! I almost relented, but my wife pointed out that I wouldn’t be paid, had I gone in. They asked me where to turn the water off, but I reiterated that they should call a plumber ( who would also not know where to turn the water off, as there were actually two incoming supplies to the one building.) I have now been with the NHS for almost 5 years and can honestly say it’s the most rewarding job I have ever had.


What is the weirdest thing you accidentally did in someone’s view, thinking you were alone?

Well I hope you guys don’t judge me for it.

I was 18 and had gone for an interview. The secretary of the guy who was to interview me took me inside his cabin and told me to wait.

I was too nervous, hungry and desperate.

All of a sudden I had this huge urge to sneeze. But it just died midway. I reached for the handkerchief in my new trouser to realise I forgot it at home.

When the urge was back I was desperately looking for a tissue on my still-to-be-boss’s table. When I didn’t get any, I reached over and grabbed a notepad, tore off a page and made its way to my nose at the correct time!

I blew my nose. Had a grin on my face. And sat there satisfied only to see my boss standing just behind me.

I smiled awkwardly.

He came over, offered the little dustbin to me. I slowly put the soiled paper in it and muttered a ‘thanks’ and a ‘sorry’.

I thought I would be looked upon as a gross teenager, so it came as a surprise when he hired me.

For the next few months whenever he passed by my department, this would be the conversation.

“Enjoying Shefali?”

“Yes Sir!”

“Any problems?”

“No Sir.”

“You got a handkerchief?”

“Yes sir.”

And then he would laugh and wink at me. Colleagues could never understand why would we have such a conversation everytime.

Don’t even ask me how badly I wanted the earth to swallow me.

Putin Offers INCREDIBLE Terms For Peace With Ukraine In Tucker Carlson Interview!

What’s the dirtiest contract that you felt “forced” to sign?

This is a signature page:

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The sketchiest contract I was ever forced to sign what was the Little Rock School District’s teachers’ contract. I hesitate to name the district, because I suspect this isn’t uncommon, BUT:

I was handed a signature page, like the one above. And no contract. At the top of the page it said something along the lines of “I agree to be bound by the contract that the union has so selflessly negotiated on my behalf.” Again, we were told we were not allowed to see it unless we joined the union. Multiple teachers told me they were threatened every year not to show the contract to anyone, including the teachers who were bound by it.

Why did I sign it? Because they gave it to us 3/4 of the way through the year! It was a retroactive contract! I had two kids and a pregnant wife. We had sacrificed to work in education, had chosen to live in squalor for the greater good, and so needed the paycheck. Plus I had hundreds of students counting on me.

I was told that I had to pledge to obey the contract, but couldn’t know what was in there. It had all my rights and responsibilities in it. But I couldn’t see it, nor could any of the signatures that preceded mine. The fact that I was hired at the significant level of those with a master’s who had been principals before, yet was only offered $40,000—that was supposedly explained in there. The reason why that $40,000 manifested as a net income of $18,000 was in there. The reason my room had no decorations, no computer, no phone, 325 students, and fewer than 20 textbooks—all would be revealed—just not to me because I didn’t join the mob.

That’s right, I said it. I’ve bought used cars, leased cars, homes, worked in corporate law, even bought a timeshare, and I’ve never dealt with a contract-situation as icky as the teachers’ union contract. If someone ever hands you a signature page with no contract, I hope a migraine-inducing klaxon alarm goes off in your head and red flags drop from the ceiling.



How should I deal with a coworker who never wants to pay when we eat out?

I had a friend like this, not a coworker. We would go out to eat and took turns paying the entire bill. After a while, I noticed that when it was HER turn to pay, I would order less than $20 worth of food + tip (I didn’t drink alcohol), usually ordering a moderately priced entree and a lemonade, with no appetizer or dessert. However, when it was MY turn to pick up the tab to “pay her back,” she’d order the most expensive menu items, including appetizers, multiple cocktails, and dessert in addition to the expensive entree. The bill would be upwards of a $100, even though my portion was usually under $30 since i only ordered one entree. This happened frequently enough, that I realized she was doing this on purpose, insisting she pay when we went to eat at a cheap chicken shack when our meals were dirt cheap, but then picking expensive restaurants when it was my turn to “pay her back.”

I tested this theory; we went for sandwiches once at Jimmy John’s and she insisted on paying: I carefully only ordered a $12 sandwich with taxes and that’s it. She didn’t even tip.

The following week, we went out to eat and it was my turn to pay. She immediately said she wanted to try out this new sushi restaurant that opened downtown. I told her ok, and as I drove us there (I always drove, but she NEVER offered to pay for gas), I casually mentioned “hey, my meal was only $12 the last time you paid, so I’m only paying for $12 for your meal this time.”

This person had the GALL to say, “oh really? Never mind, then, let’s just go grab sandwiches at Subway.”

I didn’t respond, I just couldn’t believe how shamelessly disappointed she looked.

Our friendship didn’t last long after that, but it was due to her overall abusive, manipulative behavior, besides what a cheap moocher she was.

Scott Ritter: Statement on #tuckercarlson ‘s interview w/ #putin

Can China even economically afford a war to “reunify” Taiwan?

$57k x 1000=$57million

that is to say, china can launch a 1000 sorties drone swarm attack with merely $57 million, that is merely 6 abrams tanks, or one apartment building in Shanghai.

In addition, Xi will very likily get 80% off because he owns Norinco.

So that is 5,000 sorties with the same budget. or 40,000 sorties at the price of a villa in SH.

Imagine 40,000 of this flying over your head.

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in addition, this costs $200 ea for Xi

500 of these equals to the death pension on a private.

taht is to say, evey TW soldier will have to dodge 500 such drones to survive the war.

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500drones looks like this, a common recreation in chinese cities.

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imagine the drones in a “i wanna f_ck u” formation before running towards you.

this drone bomber costs $340,000 (=3.4 soldiers) and can deliver 1 ton of explosives to 2500km away.



Pulp Fiction by Wes Anderson Trailer

Can you explain the meaning of “decouple”? Is this something that President Trump wants to do with China? Is he seeking to completely sever trade ties between the two countries?

I don’t think Trump wants that. He is smarter than that. And he is smarter than Biden for sure. Privately he certainly don’t want that. If anything he wants the U.S. to be a strong 2nd largest economy. And his own companies benefit profusely.

He like fools who ask this question to thinks he like to decoupled because he wins votes and can do shit. He knows severing trade with China is like cutting of your limbs to fight China. Decoupling with China means decoupling from the world by the U.S.

I wish he does that, but he won’t. His companies will cut the sweetest deals, his group will strike up the most profitable venture and he will say shits like Kung Flu or Chiiinaaa! And guess what you bunch of morons will ejaculate.

FYI . . .Preps for this show if the worst happens

World Hal Turner 09 February 2024


I have been reporting to all of you the developments in Poland that lead many to believe NATO will enter the Russia-Ukraine conflict before May 5.  I have renewed my urgent suggestions that all of you have emergency “preps” like food, water, medicine, a generator, communications gear like a CB or HAM radio, and I want you to know what I am doing/have done to “prep” this show.

When the Russia-Ukraine thing broke out, and it became clear that the US and NATO would be getting involved by shipping weapons, I worried to myself if Russia might take that as us being a “participant” in the conflict.   So I MOVED the servers for this web site to South America. It’s a big deal: one primary server, providing content via the cloud to 19 other data centers around the planet.  When you type in my website address and your browser goes out to the DNS server, my DNS routes your request to the geographically closest data center (that’s up and running) to speed-up your content delivery.   Not everything is coming into or going out of a single place.  

Every time YOU have visited this site for the past 2+ years, it has served you from South America!

I also established back-up streaming audio servers down in South America as well, but have never utilized them.   

The streaming audio right now comes out of Oregon and it’s a big deal, but in a different setup than the website.  Multiple audio servers operating through a load balancer, which can automatically spin-up additional servers to accommodate demand.  But Oregon is near Washington State and we have a gigantic naval base in Bremerton, WA, which is home to much of our Pacific Fleet.   

So if Bremerton gets nuked, Oregon will likely feel the EMP repercussions and that data center may go offline.  Hence, the reason I set up a big audio server system in South America, just in case.

Here in New Jersey, just outside NYC, all of you are aware that the show goes out over a fiber optic line and there is a separate, fiber optic line as a fail-over.   If both fiber optics are down, there is a cellular data fail-over.  For awhile, I also had laser failover but it was just too expensive and I had to get rid of that.  I have a backup generator and fuel for it on-site.  It’s all on battery back-ups which can provide at least one hour of service, which is more than ample time to go out and crank-up the generator.  The NJ house also has an EMP SHIELD in the main electrical panel with the hope it bleeds-off any EMP.

In the Pennsylvania home I inherited when my mom died, (after I had to pay off her Reverse Mortgage) I have a Cable modem and, just recently was able to add a single Fiber optic connection. But because trees falling can take out those land-based lines — and have done so in big storms quite frequently — I also have a cellular failover, and two satellite uplinks.  

ALL of that gear is on Uninterruptible power supplies that can provide power for at least one hour, and I have two Generators on site, all hard-wired in.  The one generator is 13KW and surge to 15KW, the other was my mom’s and it’s tiny 4KW. That house also has an EMP SHIELD in the main electrical panel.

All our motor vehicles have EMP SHIELDS installed in them – even my snow plow truck!

So I have done everything I know how to do to make certain the show __can__ air each night, no matter what.

Late last week, after finding out that Poland issued a NOTAM to all aircraft flying in the eastern 1/4 of the country, to maintain radio comms with air traffic control and to use their Transponders even at flight levels below 9500′, it became evident to me that NATO is likely to enter the Russia-Ukraine conflict within the time period of the NOTAM, which continues until May 5.

It seems clear to me that if NATO enters that war, the missiles will fly and some of them would – in my view – fly here.  If Russia takes out the US, then NATO collapses immediately.  So we ARE, in my view, an early target.

So I spoke to Alan Weiner at WBCQ and inquired of him as to whether WBCQ has a back-up generator for the transmitter on 7490.   It does!   A 250KW generator which, according to Alan, EATS FUEL.

I have also inquired of WRMI in Miami, Florida and WWCR in Nashville, TN. I am waiting to hear back from them.

I tell you all of this because I want you to know I’m not just out here telling YOU to prep, I’m actually doing it myself.

I have no idea where all this crap is heading, but I am thinking about it and am taking steps to actually BE PREPARED.


My boss is always taking part of my food in a common fridge. I told him I didn’t like that and now I buy my food to avoid it. Am I a skinflint?

You are not a skinflint, you are now spending more for food than your boss. Depending on your work place. If you have evidence that your boss is doing this you could go to HR and tell them your boss is stealing your food. Theft is theft.

When I was first out of university, and had no money, I would go to the grocery store and buy a package of 5 sausage rolls. I would eat one each day. It worked out to about $1.50 for lunch.

Then my sausage rolls started disappearing, first just one a week, then 2 and finally 3.

I used to buy them on Monday, and they were just edible on Friday. Now I was buying two or three packs a week.

If I bought them on Thursday, I didn’t trust them by Tuesday . So in this case I bought them on friday, and knowing I would probably only be able to eat one more out of the package before they were either stolen or stale dated, I took them home, and I drilled out a tiny hole in the center. Then I some hot sauce that I had never been able to use, because it was just too hot. It was concentrated, so that its scoville rating was similar to pepper spray.

I filled up all of the 4 remaining sausage rolls, with this killer hot sauce, and put them in the work fridge.

Later that day, around 4:00 when the next shift was coming in, there was screaming coming from the locker room. The guy was frothing at the mouth, his eyes and nose were leaking, he had been eating the sausage roll with his locker door open, to keep out of sight.

Fortunately for me I had never complained to anyone about the missing sausage rolls.

It took 15 minutes before the guy was functional again.

He wouldn’t tell anyone what had happened, because he didn’t want to admit to theft. But it turned out, he had a bunch of stolen knick knacks from people’s desks, in his locker. It turns out someone who will steal food, will steal little items from the day shift as well.

He was fired.

But then I had to find something else cheap to eat. Because I couldn’t be seen eating sausage rolls.



Why doesn’t the USA produce cheap grocery products for the whole world like China if it’s an effective way to become an economic superpower?

Why don’t you understand the ABC of human behaviour? After all I presume you are a human, right?

Ok let me explain. No human want to buy anything 5 times a price it can pay in the market easily. And do you know why the U.S. makes everything at several fold cost compared to others? That is simple. The U.S. workers are paid at least 5 times other workers are paid yet it can only achieved half their productivity. And U.S. CEO insist they must be paid 100 times more! Your government insist it must focus on forever wars! China focus on making peace and being competitive!

So how can the U.S. makes anything that can be competitive? No way! Not in a million years! So you cannot make anything competitive but you have money to spend more on weapons than the next 10 biggest defence spending nation put together! Perhaps the U.S. thinks it can use the military to force other countries to work as slaves to produce cheap goods and hand over to the U.S.!



Did a teacher ever try to embarrass you in class but you had a brilliant response?

I had a 4th grade teacher that was fairly strict. One morning, during a reading session, she caught me drawing pictures, a fairly elaborate illustration of King Kong and Biplanes shooting at the poor guy. She snatched it up and scolding me for not paying attention in class. “maybe this will get your attention” she cackled, as she proceeded to tape the drawing onto my back. Before you could blink, it was lunch time, and as I was in the lunch line, all the reviews from my young peers rolled in. All positive, with “cooools” and “holy smokes!” and questions.
Well the soul-killing deterrent backfired on the old witch, and I went on to study art, Illustration, and design. I’ve been employed as an artist for over 40 years and have won dozens of awards and accolades. Although this may sound boastful, the real point is, don’t let anyone kill your dreams.

What would happen legally to a police officer if they detained a homeless person and drove them several towns or cities away and warned them not to return like Sheriff Tease did to John Rambo in First Blood (1982 movie)?

My old department had something like this happen.

A guy I’ll call “Cecil” was one of our frequent flyers. He was a Paiute Indian and had pretty much fried his brain with alcohol. He was also legally blind and carried a white cane. He would get arrested on some nuisance offense, spend a day or two in jail, get released, rinse and repeat. The two-officer crew of the downtown prisoner transport van, aka “the wagon,” were usually the arresting officers.

One night, the wagon crew decided to take a different approach. They picked up Cecil for something-or-other, but instead of taking him to jail, they got on the freeway and headed east. Fifteen or twenty miles east of town, they let Cecil out on the side of the road. Freeway and sagebrush, not much else. The wagon drove back to town.

Cecil was found by a state trooper who wondered how he got there. Cecil was only of marginal help, as it was difficult to know whether he was comprehending what was going on around him. When asked any question, his typical response was to shout random numbers at his interviewer.

Eventually, investigators were able to piece together what happened. The two cops were fired and criminally indicted on charges of kidnapping and oppression under color of authority.

Trial was scheduled several times. Each time, Cecil was either in the wind, out between arrests, or brought to court from jail. He couldn’t respond coherently to the simplest question. The attorneys defending the former officers capitalized on this and moved for dismissal of all charges, as Cecil was the only material witness and didn’t always seem to know where he was or what was happening around him. The ex-cops walked.

One got a job driving a bus. He was considered by all involved to be the instigator and mastermind, with his former partner sort of along for the ride. The partner was eventually hired by a sheriff’s department and worked there long enough to qualify for a pension.

What’s the most incredible coincidence that ever happened to you?

When I was 17 I had a son I had to give up for adoption as the father was going off to Vietnam and we were unmarried. It was heartbreaking to say the least. When he returned, we married and had our daughter. Always looking to find the son we had to give up, as my parents had insisted. As the years went by, we searched and tried every imaginable source to find our boy. Our daughter was told she had a brother eventually, and my parents eventually regretted this adoption and begged me to “”find the boy” -impossible. Our daughter moved across the United States from Florida to California eventually and I had given up all hope after 34 years of searching. One night while in California, she told her roommate about her brother – it was his birthday, and she was sad. That night the roommate invited her for dinner with a friend. During dinner her friend questioned her about this brother….after everything my daughter told her, the young man said””me too”! He, too, was from Florida – adopted, this was his birthday, a miracle! Millions of prayers answered- she was indeed sitting across the dinner table from her long lost brother!! Found at last!! It all turned out beautiful. He had been blessed with an amazing adoptive family for which I will be FOREVER grateful. Many coincidences in my life but this? BEST ONE!!

Going Viral: Behind the AI-Generated Wes Anderson Trailers for Star Wars and LOTR


What were you convinced you got away with as a child, only to find out later that you totally didn’t?

My siblings and I were sent to bed VERY early compared to our peers – most annoying. In rebellion, we often stayed up late, reading in bed while our parents remained downstairs watching TV. I had an old lamp and learned rather quickly that if I turned it in the normal direction it made a ‘click’ sound. But, if I turned it backwards, the light would quietly go off. So, in our creaking Victorian house, I had plenty of warning someone was coming and could get the light off and the book out of sight before they were anywhere near my room.

We had been given flashlights and batteries at Christmas soon after we joined the Girl and Boy Scouts. We needed them for camp and other scouting activities. Of course, we also found they made it really easy to stay up reading as well. At the first creaking boards, we’d turn them off and pretend to be asleep.

There were times that we might have been so engrossed in our books that we didn’t hear anyone coming upstairs and wouldn’t react until we heard footsteps outside our doors. The lights would have been easily visible beneath our doors. But, somehow, we managed to get the lights off before either parent noticed.

YEARS later, we had a good laugh when our father asked us why we thought we were given new batteries every Christmas and birthday (and any time in between when we said we were out). There were not enough scouting activities to burn as many batteries as we seemed to go through. No, the flashlights were to ENCOURAGE us to read more. They weren’t going to catch us with lights on if they could help it. If they did, though, the usual comment was, “Don’t you think it’s time you went to sleep?” We were never punished.


What is the fastest you wiped that smirk off your manager’s face?

I was working at my local coffee shop. It was pay day and my pay didn’t come in. No phone call from my boss about it. It was 630 am as I was waiting for my pay to get to work for 8 am. I called in and ask if there was a problem with the pay. He said rudely there is a problem at the bank it might be in later today or tomorrow. I said well then I am not coming in today for my shift as I am not walking 2 hr to get work. If you called me at 5 to tell me about the problem I could have asked my sister and brother in law for bus fare before they went to work .

next day, I checked my account and my pay was in. I showed up for work and my boss thought he would tell me off in front of coworkers and customers. I said it’s not my fault you didn’t bother calling or texting your employees about the problem. And you should really wait to talk to be about it when it is appropriate not in front my coworkers and customers. The smirk came off his face quick walked away and didn’t say anything about it after. 1 month later we got a new manager


Does China know that there can never be a new world order without a previous war in which China emerges victorious?


Heard of implosions?

That’s when something collapses on itself.

American society is imploding. Every decade this century has seen its strength weaken, particularly the social fabric, which has been torn asunder by division.

This is an American problem that require Americans to fix.

Alas, the talk never strays far from eternal war with a musical chair of external enemies.

A new world order is emerging, whether America wills it or not.

Can you imagine 4 years of Donald “making America great again”, followed by 4 years of Joe’s “Build Back Better”, followed by another 4 years of “MAGA”?

Again and Back? That’s Michael Jackson’s moonwalk—the illusion of forward motion while moving backwards.

The global south doesn’t want to be stuck on the american gameboard, because it hasn’t led to long-term development. And as Barack openly admitted, America has an agenda to keep the global south poor, because the planet cannot sustain itself providing the American standard of living for the unwashed masses.

A nation that continues to believe its Constitution is perfect and cannot be updated will not see out the 21st century intact.

America will discover it is merely one nation, out of >190, and learn to live like the rest of humanity. No one is immune to the poison of exceptionalism, particularly the hegemon.

In other words, atrophy develops in the absence of resistance.


What is the most powerful supernatural warning you have received?

I was a high school rowing coach and we had to leave at 3:30 a.m. for an event far away. As usual, I was running late and had 15 minutes to get to the school meeting spot, 20 minutes away. The two-lane road snaked through woods and up and down hills and it was pitch black: no street lights. My Jetta and I were flying and I suddenly heard the word “DEER!” shouted in my dead grandmother’s voice. I stomped on the brake as a deer shot right past the hood of my car. I pulled over, shaking. As I took a deep breath I smelled daffodils. Confused, I looked around: there were no flowers here. An image of a pink bottle of perfume popped into my mind and it struck me- the smell was White Shoulders, my grandma’s perfume.

I smiled and thanked her, promising more responsible driving in the future. As I got to the meeting place, a few rowers commented on the smell of flowers.



What are the best tactics if you get in a fight?

A friend of mine was at a bar one time. He can be a little antagonistic, and he ended up hitting on a girl who had a big, mean boyfriend.

He comes over to me and says, “this guy is trying to fight me, I swear. I don’t think I can fight him, he’s huge.”

I didn’t really know what to say to the guy, to be honest.

He’s nervous, but ends up saying, “I’m just going to get naked. Nobody wants to fight a guy that’s naked.”

I laughed, thought about it, and agreed. If the big guy were to start a fight with him, he would probably be best off by getting naked first.

It ended up being that the big guy walked over and said something about having to settle this like men.

They went outside.

My friend looked at me with these big, crazy eyes, ripped off his pants and shirt (butt naked), kept his shoes on, and just yelled “let’s do this!”

The big guy wanted to fight him, but didn’t know how. Eventually, he just walked away, and muttered something about my friend being “too gay” for him.

I guess his homophobia was larger than his desire to beat up my friend.

I’m selling my car through Craigslist. A potential buyer whom I’ve never met wants to buy the car and pay with a cashier’s check. They say they’ll mail me the check. The person hasn’t seen the car or driven it. Is it safe to accept a cashier’s check?

All these answers are great, and most have been tried on me. Back in the 80’s, I had a printing business and a “customer” gave me a rather expensive rush order for an event that was happening in a few days. I asked for payment up front because it smelled fishy. He gave me a check for about $5,000. Before I printed anything, I went to his bank and asked if the check was good. The manager told me there was not enough funds to cover the check. He could not legally tell me how much money was actually in the account, so I asked him if I added $100 if it would cover the check. No. Went through this dance till I came to $700 or something. Great! I deposited $700 into his account and cashed his check for $5000. Printed his order, (still had a tidy profit) and called him to pick it up. He was delighted, thinking he had scammed me. Then he showed up absolutely furious, having found out about the $5000 he never intended to spend. Said he was going to call the police. I told him to wait just a minute, the police were walking in right now. I had called the venue and what he was having printed was bogus tickets. My next call was the police. They walked in and he had the gall to ask them to arrest me for theft. I said he gave me a check and I cashed it. Then I showed them the tickets he was having printed. They took him out in handcuffs with him yelling that he wanted his money back. Never saw him again.

Very Cool





What makes you always want to be alone?

Wow. Ok I’ll bite. Not in the sense of being a hermit, but relationship wise.

A lifetime of abuse.

That will do it to you. As I recover, I am starting to realize that I don’t have any capacity for conflict. I don’t want to extend trust. I am suspicious and quickly withdraw from anyone that remotely, even unintentionally upsets me. My defenses are beaten down and I am an open wound.

No relationship is going to be without conflict. And you can’t really extend love without extending trust. So here I am alone and I am realizing that I will probably remain so for the foreseeable future.

I don’t really want to be alone. But I have realized, quite painfully, that I am going to hurt someone that tries to love me. That’s unacceptable and depressing. I will NOT become the abuser.

I’m in therapy and one of the first meaningful things he said to me was “I may not be able to help you. Due to the length and severity of your trauma, you may carry the effects for the rest of your life. The best we can do is hope to manage your PTSD.”

I appreciate his honesty.

So no, lonely as I am, I will not afflict some poor woman with my messed up self. I will go on alone. Well, not completely alone…

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2024 02 10 12 02

What is the most unusual and incorrect reason you’ve had the police called on you?

I don’t know about incorrect, but it was certainly unusual.

My church had a lock-in for high school aged kids. If you haven’t participated in one of these, it is essentially a big slumber party. But it is chaperoned. It is church after all. Sometimes schools do them too.

Anyway, there are all kinds of events that happen. Often there is a scavenger hunt, and this particular lock-in was no different, except with a twist. They had a “tape recorder and Polaroid camera” scavenger hunt. In other words, we were divided into groups and had a list of crazy things we were to get photos and recordings of our group doing. These days we could just use our phones for this, but this was in the 80s and technology was obviously not the same.

So we set off on the list. There were all kinds of things. We did a picture with a human pyramid. That was relatively tame and easy. Then we came to another. We had to get a photo of us walking through a drive thru restaurant line. Oohkay. I was our group’s driver, so I took us to a local Wendy’s. We got out and walked through the drive-thru line. Remember this was the 80s and I don’t think that many restaurants had cameras watching the drive-thru line back then. So, the staff of the restaurant didn’t know we were walking through the line till we got to the window. Wow, that turned escalated into drama really quickly. The manager was really mad at us, and they refused to serve us. Well, that didn’t really matter much. We tried to explain why we were doing it, but he was having none of it. I guess he thought we were drunk or on drugs or something. So, he called the police on us and they promptly showed up.

I guess he thought that was going to scare us. Actually, we were thrilled. We also had “recording the sound of a police siren” and “taking a photo of the group with a police officer” on the list.

Because of a grumpy Wendy’s manager, our group won.

What was the shortest interview you’ve had that led to a job offer?

When I was 18 I moved into a share house with some friends. On the second or third day I was checking the mail box when a man walked over from across the street where a little model car shop was located.

He said to me “excuse me, do you live here?” I said “yes, I’m Susan, we just moved in”. He replied “Good, would you like to come and work for me? The girl who used to live here worked for me for 3 years, but she moved out”. I asked “what sort of work did she do? What do need?” He told me that she did office admin work, tallied invoices, paid bills, occasionally sold merchandise….

I asked how many hours and how much and then, happy enough with the repky, I took the job on the spot. On my front lawn, next to my letter box.

He seemed to just trust that the house knew the right person to work for him. I worked their for 4 years and then I moved out. I can only assume that the new resident got offered a job soon after…

What is the most shocking thing you have seen a police officer do?

I love this one! Many years ago a police officer had a BIG guy handcuffed in the back seat of his squad car. He was trying like all hell to get the guy out. Another officer came to assist him. This guy wedged his feet into the floor under front seats. They didn’t want to mace him because they would not be able to use the squad for a long time. He was not a violent offender. It was something with being intoxicated but not driving. I think his wife called. He wouldn’t budge. Lots of swearing and threats to get him out. It was actually funny to see. He was not coming out.

Anyway, this state trooper I know, who is also a teacher in aikido and a few other martial arts, goes and asks him to PLEASE COME OUT. This guy is dying from laughter. He was calling him all kinds of Asian insults. So, the trooper asks one of the cops to hold his hat. He starts to put on rubber gloves. This guy is yelling, what cha gonna do? Check my prostate? Even the cops were laughing. Trooper says, “No. I’m gonna get you out of the squad.” Guy yells, “Go ahead, you &$@#@ eyes”. So trooper reaches in and with one hand pinches his nose closed. He put the other over his mouth. In about 60 seconds that guy flew out of that squad! We all learned a lesson that day. No matter how big the engine, it will not run without oxygen!

Jurassic Park but with a Cat

The West’s Not-So-Subtle Message To Russia: Photo Emerges of F-16 with U.S. Nuke (Trainer) on Wing; Ukraine?

World Hal Turner 09 February 2024

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2024 02 10 11 53

A photo has emerged of an F-16 Fighter Jet with a U.S. B-61 Nuclear Bomb (Trainer) mounted under its wing; the exact same type of plane the West plans to “give” to Ukraine. A message to Russia?

That photo – shown above with (my) added text showing the B-61 nuclear trainer, was clearly taken during summertime; there are dandelions showing in the nearby grass.  That such a photo was even TAKEN would be a gigantic breach of nuclear security.  The fact that it has suddenly “emerged” in public is nothing short of astonishing.   Unless, of course, its release is to send a message.

A “Trainer” is the same size, shape, and weight of the real thing, but is inert; there is no nuclear warhead in it.   It is designed to provide pilots with a “feel” for the aircraft when it is carrying such a device, so the pilot can get used to how the plane handles with the weapon mounted, and what it feels like when it is released.

It also allows a pilot to train on how and when to release the bomb so that it actually hits the intended target. 

The B-61 is a gravity bomb and is not guided by its own engine or any wings, to hit a target.

The B61 nuclear bomb is the primary thermonuclear gravity bomb in the United States Enduring Stockpile following the end of the Cold War. It is a low-to-intermediate yield strategic and tactical nuclear weapon featuring a two-stage radiation implosion design.  Here is a FILE PHOTO of the actual, functional, B-61:

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2024 02 10 11 5r4

The B61 is of the variable yield (“dial-a-yield” in informal military jargon) design with a yield of 0.3 to 340 kilotons in its various mods (“modifications”). It is a Full Fuzing Option (FUFO) weapon, meaning it is equipped with the full range of fuzing and delivery options, including air and ground burst fuzing, and free-fall, retarded free-fall and laydown delivery.

It has a streamlined casing capable of withstanding supersonic flight and is 11 ft 8 in (3.56 m) long, with a diameter of about 13 inches (33 cm). Basic weight is about 700 pounds (320 kg), although the weights of individual weapons may vary depending on version and fuze/retardation configuration. As of 2020, it is undergoing a 12th modification. According to the Federation of American Scientists in 2012, the roughly 400 B61-12s will cost $28 million apiece.

Back in May of 2023, when the issue of giving F-16’s to Ukraine first surfaced, I reported that the U.S. caused severe consternation among its NATO allies by insisting that the planes given to Ukraine be the type already modified to handle the B-61 nuclear bomb (Story HERE).

At that time, the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council, their version of a Senate, publicly commented that if the US allowed Ukraine access to such bombs, Russia would have no choice but to make a “preventive” (pre-emptive) nuclear strike against Ukraine!

In the months since that story, the US and NATO have been training Ukrainian pilots on how to fly the F-16.   At US insistence, those pilots are ALSO being trained how to use the B-61 nuclear bomb!

Not to put too fine a point on it, but why would those pilots need such specialized training unless the intent of the US and NATO is to actually allow them to use nuclear bombs?

This is the reality that is being forced upon Russia by the U.S. and NATO, and Russia is quite plain about how they will respond.   For instance, while military radar can determine what type of aircraft they see on radar, they have no way of knowing if that plane has a B-61 nuclear bomb under its wing.   Thus, the Russians will have to treat ALL F-16’s as if they are nuclear-equipped.  Should one such plane approach Russian Territory, the possibility of Russia being nuked __could__ cause them to strike first.

Moreover, within the past two months, a lot of news has come out about Ukraine being given German “TAURUS” cruise missiles.  The Taurus KEPD 350 is a German-Swedish air-launched cruise missile, manufactured by Taurus Systems and used by Germany, Spain, and South Korea. Taurus Systems GmbH is a partnership between MBDA Deutschland GmbH (formerly LFK) and Saab Bofors Dynamics.

The missile incorporates stealth technology and has an official range in excess of 500 km (300 mi). It is powered by a turbofan engine at Mach 0.95 and can be carried by Panavia Tornado, Eurofighter Typhoon, Saab JAS 39 Gripen, McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet, and McDonnell Douglas F-15K Slam Eagle aircraft.  The missile can easily be adapted to other aircrafts such as EF Typhoon, JAS39 Gripen, F-16 Fighting Falcon, and F-35 Lightning.  Here is a FILE PHOTO of an actual Taurus Missile:

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2024 02 10 11 55

While the missile’s actual range is never publicly disclosed, the specifications readily reveal it has a range “greater than 500km.”

The map below shows a 500km range from the northern-most area inside Ukraine, and Moscow is CLEARLY within range; especially given the fact that Germany readily and publicly admits the Taurus missile has a range “greater than 500km.”

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2024 02 10 11 56e

So as you read this, the US and NATO are training Ukraine Pilots on F-16’s.  Training those same pilots on the use of the U.S. B-61 nuclear bomb, and debating also giving them German Taurus missiles which can reach Moscow.

Thus, the West is escalating and escalating the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  

This week, Poland issued an ominous Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) changing flight regulations in the entire eastern quarter of their country.  Pilots up to flight level 95  (9500 feet) must now be in radio contact with air traffic controllers, and must use their Transponders so ground controllers can see EVERY plane in the sky within that vast area.

The geographic area covered by this NOTAM includes the entire Poland Border with Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania.  Here is the map from the NOTAM:

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2024 02 10 w11 56

Poland’s NOTAM also makes clear they are adding these new rules “due to the possibility of Unplanned Military Actions related to ensuring National Security.”

What “unplanned military actions” does Poland foresee?   Missile exchanges with Russia, perhaps?  Why would that happen?  

Well, it turns out that the F-16’s being given to Ukraine require a lot of maintenance, refueling and re-arming, which the airfields inside Ukraine can no longer accomplish because Russia has hit them so many times.

So it is now within the realm of __POSSIBILITY__ that those F-16’s may have to be flown into Ukraine from NATO bases in Poland or Romania!  

Just this week, Russia made it explicitly clear that if F-16’s take off from NATO bases, and are used to attack Russian forces inside Ukraine, Russia will “mercilessly destroy” those bases.

That . . . . that right there . . . . would then be called “A Russian attack against NATO” which would then be used as an excuse to trigger NATO Treaty, “Article 5” Collective Self Defense.

When Russia began its Special Military Operation (SMO) to “de-militarize” and “de-Nazify” Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin made clear “Russian conventional forces are not comparable to NATO.  We know that.   But Russia is also a nuclear power.  And our nuclear capability is superior to all others.   If NATO declares Article 5, Collective Self Defense against Russia, it will be a war no one will win.

Readers are no doubt aware that the only “war no one will win” is a nuclear war.

So from the start of Russia’s SMO, the US and NATO have known Russia may use nukes.  Now, the US and NATO are setting the stage for exactly that, by supplying Ukraine with nuclear-capable F-16’s, training Ukraine pilots to fly those planes and to use the B-61 nuclear bomb, and allow those planes to takeoff from NATO bases outside of Ukraine, attack Russian forces in Ukraine, then land at those NATO bases for refueling, re-arming, and maintenance.

The US and NATO are doing this despite knowing the Russians will “mercilessly destroy” those NATO bases, and will use nukes if NATO declares Article 5 self defense against Russia.

Here’s the punch line:  The Poland NOTAM began February 5, 2024, and will remain in effect until May 5, 2024.

That tells most people that Poland knows between now and May 5, 2024, the fight between NATO and Russia will break out, and they are warning pilots in that area over what they KNOW is coming . . . . because Poland, the US and NATO are going to actually cause it.

Of course, the mass-media in the United States and in Europe, has been completely derelict in their duty to report these facts to the general public.   As a result, the general public has no idea at all, their own governments are escalating the situation between Russia and Ukraine to the point that actual nuclear war may commence between now and May 5.

Do you have Emergency food, water, medicine, flashlights, batteries, an electric generator, fuel, communications gear like a CB or HAM radio?   If not, how do you expect to survive if this thing happens?  How will you and your family eat?   How will you get information once the electric grid goes down from the electro-magnetic pulse from nuclear detonations which take down all the TV and radio stations?

You’ll be left, cold, hungry, in the dark and without information, because YOU chose to do nothing and not prepare.

Better get prepped.  There’s very little time left.


Frègula Sarda

In the Mediterranean island of Sardegna (Sardinia), locals call this pasta “frègula.” In current Italian, it is known as “fregola.” At home, Chef Rosario simply calls it a delicious pasta option!

fregula sarda
fregula sarda

Yield: 2 servings


  • 1 1/2 cups Frègula Sarda; alternatively, use orzo pasta, acini pepe or large cous-cous
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO)
  • 1/2 red onion, diced
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 red chile pepper, fresh or dry, with the seeds removed, crushed
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 1 1/2 cups cherry or grape tomatoes, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon capers, drained
  • 4 cups homemade shrimp or vegetable broth
  • 1 celery, chopped
  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • 1 pinch saffron
  • 12 ounces large shrimp, preferably shell-on
  • Fresh marjoram or oregano, chopped
  • Fresh Italian parsley, chopped
  • Lemon zest
  • Bay leaf
  • Salt to taste


  1. Peel and de-vein the shrimp, reserving the shells for the broth. Make broth by heating the shells in a little olive oil and adding a handful of roughly diced carrots, celery, onions, tomatoes, parsley stems and a bay leaf. Cook for one minute with a little olive oil; then add water and bring to a simmer. Keep at a simmer until needed. If you use pre-peeled shrimp, use a light vegetable broth instead.
  2. In a large casserole start the soffritto: add EVOO, onions, garlic and chili peppers. Cook on medium heat until golden (not brown).
  3. Add frègula and sauté for a minute.
  4. Add wine and cook to evaporate alcohol.
  5. Add capers, tomatoes, and saffron. Once heated through, add 1 cup of the simmering broth. Stir occasionally. Add broth in 1 cup increments as needed to keep the frègula moist and brothy.
  6. When the pasta is almost cooked “al dente” (10 to 15 minutes, depending on the size of the pasta grains) add shrimp and cook for a couple minutes more (or until they reach an internal temperature of 160 degrees F). Remove shrimp from pot to avoid overcooking and set them aside.
  7. The frègula is ready when all the broth has been absorbed and it has reached a creamy, risotto-like consistency.
  8. Remove from heat, add herbs, and stir thoroughly. Transfer to a serving platter or individual plates. Place the cooked shrimp on top and sprinkle with freshly grated lemon zest.


Frègula resembles a large size cous-cous, but it is also reminiscent of other “berry sized” pasta varieties, like “acini pepe” or orzo. The word frègula derives from the Italian verb “sfregolare,” which describes the action of hand rolling the dough against a terracotta surface. The Sardinian version is made with 100% durum wheat semolina and pure water. Once shaped, it is lightly toasted to a golden color and “ecco fatto,” it’s ready for this delicious recipe!

Sommelier’s Notes

Sella & Mosca 2017 La Cala (Vermentino di Sardegna) – Sardegna, Italy

Vermentino is a white wine grape indigenous to the western Mediterranean. It thrives in northwestern Italy, southern France, and the nearby islands of Corsica and Sardegna (Sardinia).

This pleasing wine offers herbaceous Mediterranean flavors heightened with hints of pineapple and citrus.

How did you get revenge on your boss?

I worked at a staffing firm in New York City. I was the top producer and my two bosses loved me.

One of the bosses who is on his second marriage, and having an affair with the receptionist. It was not a secret. Everyone in our small company knew.

both bosses or cocaine addicts. As their addiction increased, they were decreasing our commissions.

Counselors started leaving. The bosses were bringing in inexperienced losers, who were requesting the company more money than they were making.

I decided to leave.

I typed up a letter of resignation and included the amount of commissions that were currently owned to me.

They never gave me a penny.

My husband is an attorney and wrote a “lawyer letter“ to the two principles. They didn’t care.

I got together with a few of the other counselors, who had also left, and also didn’t get their commissions. We decided to write a letter to his wife, telling her about the affair that her husband was having with the receptionist.

He used to tell his wife said he was going to the gym every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. He always left with a gym bag filled with a change of clothes.

We told his wife that he had no gym membership and that she should check his gym bag when he comes home on those days and see that not one thing in the gym bag was used and nothing was sweaty or dirty. The gym bag was exactly as it was in the morning when he left for work.

She obviously knew the receptionist, and put everything together and filed for divorce.

he was furious, and called each one of us, and asked if we had done it! Lol!

We will still had to go to court but I sued for $23,000 which was $10,000 more than my original claim. I knew that he had an idiot doing the bookkeeping and they would have no idea what they are with me.

I got every cent I asked for! Ha ha!

The Working Man’s Breakfast

Very interesting stuff about the 18th century.

Swimming in toxic waste


Back in the late 1980’s, I attended a local County zoning board meeting. This was in Indiana.

I had a personal reason for being there which is of no concern at this time. Maybe I’ll talk about it later on, but it’s really just a trivial thing.

Anyways, the bulk of the meeting as that a couple of big conglomerates wanted to dump their industrial waste, medical waste, and radioactive (!) waste in our county in a landfill outside of our town. They would do it for free, and we would allow them. All the the board members were “gung ho” on this proposal.


I mean it, it was like they must have been having sex with the corporations, they were gleefully pushing the paperwork through. I have never seen such happy people. I was really stunned.

“Yes please! Can I have some more toxic waste, HIV needles, radioactive liquids, and cancerous shit sir?”

But a gal stood up.

I knew her. I worked with her.

And she stopped the entire (future) train wreck. In fact, the smiles disappeared from the boards faces as a true and real anger started building in the room.

She reminded them of “Love Canal” and WTF were they thinking! And she and others were going to make a big issue of this, and screams of bribery and money changing hands and all that went a flying.

The meeting ended.

And nothing was resolved.

The next week, we read in the local paper that the board passed the company, and allowed it to start dumping the toxic trash near us.

I guess that they just went ahead and did it anyways, and the “public hearing” was just for show.

The United States is like that.

Just for show. They do what they want.

Oh, there are rules and regulations.

They do what they want.

Oh, there are rules and regulations.

For you. For me.

But not for THEM.

The entire community was screwed over.

People! I am convinced that the ONLY way to set things right is to erase it all and start fresh.


As a concerned Australian myself, how do Americans feel that their taxes are being used to destroy other countries and make wars instead of their own well being?

Im thoroughly pissed off. Im Australian too but I see on the news tonight that USA has just started the war in the middle east. They dont give a fuck whos country they bomb but they are doing it to bomb Iranian supporters. Americans also have bases in countries not their own so whats the fucking difference. Biden says were no going to bomb Iran just every supporter base outside their borders. So that has to mean that every US bases outside its borders are no fair game too.. This IS the beginning of the true WW3 and Im pissed off because not only my taxes but my countrymen will most certainly be asked (forced or coerced) into fighting in the middle east in support of USA. USA are the fucking bad guys here just like they were in Afghanistan and Iraq and in Vietnam before that. We should not be involved in this. I dont support Iran and I dont support Syria or Jordan or Lebanon or Gaza but for gods sake please realise that its the USA that are starting and supporting these wars. The only thing I support now is Justice and humanity and I cant see it anywhere.



What are some of the key reasons why Apple’s sales in Greater China declined by 13% YoY?

So the U.S. and U.S. dog nations thinks that when you do shit on Huawei all for containing their progress has no repercussions?

Think again!

Everything you throw at China it will boomerang back 3–5 times as hard on you! Bear that in mind 1.5 billion Chinese and Chinese origin for a start and another at least 2.5 million sympathetic to China others will turn off similar U.S. or western brands representing 60% of world demand to spike the west back.

So think very very very carefully before you ever do shit. China is happy to share a loaf of bread with the west if it plays fair. It not it will have no choice. Take EV’s for example. If the west start anti China shit, 60% of world’s demand is at stake. Japanese and western brands better think twice if you start this racist shit.

Apple is a good company. But the U.S. government forces it to do shit in China so it has to bear the repercussions. Learn how to say no to the U.S. government. Remember for very new outlet for McDonald’s, KFC s and Starbucks in the U.S, China open 10 new outlet. For every GM sold in the U.S. 2 is sold in China. Think twice before you do shit!

Apple, is learning the hard way now, GPS learned the hard way, US chips are are thoroughly fxxked up, US senators learned that depriving Chinese from ISS allowed the Chinese to put up a better, faster, more technologically advanced Chinese space station up in space! Those shit western brands that foolishly talk up fabricated shit about the Uyghurs all lost a boat load of money!

12 Reasons Why Men Don’t Want To Get Married Anymore

Pepperoni Stromboli

2024 02 03 13 17
2024 02 03 13 17


  • 2 (16 ounce) loaves frozen bread dough, thawed
  • 1/2 cup spaghetti or pizza sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 4 ounces sliced pepperoni
  • 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Punch dough down. On a lightly floured surface, roll each loaf into a 20 x 8-inch rectangle. Place one rectangle on a greased baking sheet.
  2. Spread spaghetti sauce in an 18 x 4-inch strip down the center. Sprinkle with oregano, pepperoni, and mozzarella cheese. Fold long sides of dough up towards filling; set aside.
  3. Cut the remaining rectangle into three strips. Loosely braid strips; pinch ends to seal. Place braid on top of the cheese; pinch braid to dough to seal. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes or until golden brown.



99% on line

Has a teacher ever accused your child of doing something that you know he could not have done?

When my daughter was in fifth grade, if her bus got to the school very early before school, instead of going to the cafeteria and waiting there, she would go to her, previous kindergarten teachers room and help her with the five-year-olds. She would read to them, play with them or help organize the day for the teacher by passing out papers, crayons, etc. once the bell rang that the school day was starting, she would just go to her own classroom and begin the day normally. My daughter very much liked her kindergarten teacher, and she, being a youngest child, enjoyed being around young children. She felt good about helping out and very much enjoyed these early morning volunteer sessions.

Well, everything was fine until somehow her fifth grade teacher found out what she was doing. To this day, I don’t know why, but her fifth grade teacher was absolutely livid that she was not dutifully sitting in the cafeteria until school started. She called my sweet and helpful girl, a little sneak. Said that she was sneaking around the school before school started even though she knew very well what the rules were. I have to assume that the kindergarten teacher also knew what the rules were, but never had a problem with it, or told my daughter to go ahead and go to the cafeteria or to her own classroom. The lunatic fifth grade teacher further demanded that my daughter write her a letter of apology for not following the rules.

anyway, when my daughter came home from school that day and tearfully told me how she had been treated by her fifth grade teacher, now I was livid. I called the school and demanded a conference with the teacher and the principal and my daughter. We had a conference, and they tried to calm me down by telling me it’s all about safety, and they have to know where our children are at all times that they are on school grounds, blah blah blah. Which is fine. But that needed to be calmly and kindly explained to my daughter instead of assassinating her character. I demanded that the teacher apologize to my daughter. After the principal pressed her, she very awkwardly and haltingly apologized. I further informed them that my daughter would NOT be apologizing to anyone for innocently trying to be helpful and kind.

But my daughter did not get to volunteer in the kindergarten classroom after that day. And they did not find her a replacement volunteer opportunity, either. And, of course, she hated her teacher from that day forward. And even now, when she is 23 years old, Every time she thinks about that teacher, who chose to believe the worst, instead of seeing the goodness in her, she becomes angry all over again.

Mandatory Paternity Test Law Passed – No More Paternity Fraud From Women

Why did the Edmund Fitzgerald sink?

Most serious researchers into the Edmund Fitzgerald’s shocking destruction on 10 November, 1975, in a gale on Lake Superior believe that the ship sank from a combination of factors. This is largely due to widespread dissatisfaction with the conclusions reached by the US Coast Guard in the immediate aftermath of the sinking.

image 58
image 58

Great Lakes Ore Carrier SS Edmund Fitzgerald

Edmund Fitzgerald History, The Fateful Journey

The Coast Guard’s official report on the loss of the Fitzgerald, dated 26 July 1977, stated that the most likely cause of the wreck was improperly sealed cargo hatch covers (the rectangular structures amidships that are clearly visible in the photo above), which led to gradually accumulating water in the non-subdivided cargo hold. As more and more “boarding seas” sent water crashing over the main deck, the ship sank lower and lower until finally, its bouyancy was overcome and it plunged to the bottom of Lake Superior. In short, the ship was lost due to the failure of its crew to properly secure it against the conditions caused by the severe storm in which it sank. This is probably the closest thing in maritime circles to citing “pilot error” as the cause of a plane crash. The Coast Guard’s document is located in its entirety here:

The Lake Carriers Association—the professional trade group representing the shipping companies which owned the US-flagged ships on the Great Lakes—immediately and vociferously disagreed with the Coast Guard.

Lake Carriers’ Association

Paul Trimble, a retired USCG vice admiral who was then the president of the LCA, wrote a letter to the National Transportation Safety Board on September 16, 1977, that specifically disputed the cornerstone of the Coast Guard’s theory on the sinking. His letter stated that:

“The present hatch covers are an advanced design and are considered by the entire lake shipping industry to be the most significant improvement over the telescoping leaf covers previously used for many years. The one-piece hatch covers have proven completely satisfactory in all weather conditions without a single vessel loss in almost 40 years of use…and no water accumulation in cargo holds.”

Having thus rejected out of hand the idea that the Fitzgerald’s crew had essentially been negligent or at least careless in securing the hatch covers, the LCA’s suspicions immediately centered on an event that occurred several hours before the sinking, soon after the ship had departed from Superior, Wisconsin, fully loaded with more than 26,000 tons of taconite iron ore pellets. This was a possible running aground or “shoaling” of the ship near Caribou Island.

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image 57

Caribou Island in Lake Superior, North America. Photo Courtesy of Morris Chisholm by way of Flickr dot com.

Caribou Island – Wikipedia

During its final journey, Fitzgerald was traveling in concert with another large freighter, the SS Arthur Anderson, under the command of Captain Bernie Cooper. At around 1530 (3:30 in the afternoon), or roughly 4 hours before the Fitzgerald sank, Cooper received a radio transmission from Captain Earnest McSorley of the Fitzgerald. McSorley told Cooper:

Anderson, this is the Fitzgerald. I have a fence rail down, two vents lost or damaged, and a list. I’m checking down. Will you stay by me till I get to Whitefish?” By “checking down”, McSorley meant that he was reducing speed so the trailing Anderson could close the distance and keep an eye on the Fitzgerald in the gathering storm. Cooper radioed McSorley and asked if he had his pumps going, and McSorley said, “Yes, both of them.”

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image 56

Massive Storm Waves Breaking on the Shore of Lake Superior. Wave Heights of 35 Feet or More Have Been Observed During Storms on the Lake.

It is crucial to note that the storm was already underway by this point in the day on 10 November. Winds had reached near gale force several hours earlier, at 7 AM that morning, with wave heights of 10 feet observed. Thus the Fitzgerald was in heavy seas well before it passed by Caribou Island, and more so at the time McSorley reported that his vessel had been damaged. Just prior to the Fitzgerald’s radio communication with his ship, Cooper and one of his bridge staff on the Anderson—sailing astern of the Fitzgerald and watching its course on the Anderson’s radar—both remarked to each other that each thought McSorley and his ship were far too close to Caribou Island and a known underwater hazard called “Six Fathom Shoal”. A “list” meant that the Fitzgerald had taken on enough water to make the ship lean over on its side. A downed fence rail could only have been caused by either a heavy impact with a large object of some kind, or—much more likely—”hogging” of the ship. This would have snapped the steel rail as it was bent to the breaking point by the ship’s hull itself being forced upward from an impact with something on the lake floor beneath the vessel. Although Cooper’s sometimes excitable and occasionally inconsistent testimony led the majority of investigators to discount the idea that the Fitzgerald had struck rocks jutting up from the lake bottom, others were convinced.

Subsequent radio transmissions from the stricken ship indicate that McSorley was worried. Between 4:30 and 5:00 he called the Coast Guard on the emergency channel—the “distress frequency”—and also put out a general call asking for information about the lighthouse and the radio beacon at Whitefish Point, at the southeastern end of the Lake. The comparitive safety of Whitefish Bay was just beyond the Point.

Further, although McSorley did not tell Cooper that he was particularly concerned by whatever had happened near Caribou Island, around 5:30 he reported to another ship captain, Cedric Woodard of the Swedish cargo vessel Avafors, that:

“I have a bad list, lost both radars. And am taking heavy seas over the deck. One of the worst seas I’ve ever been in.”

Woodard replied: “If I’m correct, you have two radars.”

McSorley: “They’re both gone.”

It should be noted that McSorley said something at this time that was apparently picked up in his transmission to Woodard because McSorley was shouting to the crew while leaving his radio mic on. As described by writer Hugh Bishop in his Lake Superior Magazine article “Edmund Fitzgerald: Decades of Speculation, Fascination and Grieving”:

“Captain Woodard, who was acquainted with McSorley and had talked with him many times previously, said in testimony that he didn’t recognize the voice when first they spoke and that McSorley sounded strange.

Still later, at about 6 p.m., Woodard called the Fitz to report that the light had just come on at Whitefish Point. During that conversation, he stated that McSorley inadvertently left the microphone on when he said to someone in his pilothouse, “Don’t allow nobody on deck,” also saying something about a vent that Woodard couldn’t understand.

In Lake Superior Port Cities Inc.’s newly released book, The Night the Fitz Went Down, Captain Dudley Paquette vividly describes his voyage through the massive seas of the November 9-10, 1975, storm as master of the downbound Inland Steel Company’s SS Wilfred Sykes. He is particularly intrigued by the command that Woodard overheard.

“In those seas, such a command goes without saying, so why did McSorley have to emphasize it?” he asks. “There had to have been something happening on the deck that a mate thought they had to get control of – even if it meant putting lives in danger.”

Whatever prompted that command just a little over an hour before the sinking, Paquette analyzes that it would have been catastrophic and visible from the pilothouse in the darkness of an early November evening. That would likely mean that it was at the forward end of the weather deck. Previously suggested possibilities are that a hatch cover washed off or the heavy deck crane or the spare blade for the propeller broke loose and crashed about.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if a hatch cover came off, because I loaded right beside him in Superior on November 9 and the deck crew was still putting on hatch covers when they left the Superior Entry into Lake Superior,” Captain Paquette says. “It’s likely that they didn’t latch a lot of the hatch cover clamps because the crew was on Sunday overtime pay and they were so late getting covered up – and the weather was very nice at that time.” Captain Paquette thus sided with the Coast Guard and essentially blamed the crew.

Edmund Fitzgerald: Decades of Speculation, Fascination and Grieving

By this point, then, at around 6 PM, the Fitzgerald was badly damaged, listing from increasing amounts of water in its cargo hold and in other spaces—too much for the ship’s powerful pumps to stay ahead of—and sailing blind.

Worse, meteorological reconstructions of the 10 November 1975 storm show that it was exceptionally powerful even by the Great Lakes’ notoriously vicious standards.

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image 55

Unusual and Violent Waves on Lake Erie in a Recent November

The Spectacular, Rip-Roaring Waves of Lake Erie’s ‘November Witch’

The November Witches Of The Great Lakes | WeatherBug

Why the Edmund Fitzgerald sank

In some ways the seas during the worst storms on the Great Lakes are more difficult than what ships would encounter in the open ocean. This is due to the “Bathtub Effect” that produces oscillating waves which collide with each other from two or more directions. A “seiche”—similar to a tsunami—can also develop as sustained winds blow enormous amounts of water ahead of them down the Lakes. Similar factors have led to ten foot waves being seen even on as small a body of water as the 50 square mile Sea of Galilee (referenced in the New Testament in Matthew 8:23–27).

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 8:23-27 – New International Version

SIDEBAR – The Bathtub Effect

— This blog post is discussing the Bathtub Effect as observed in the Gulf of Mexico and not the Great Lakes, but is still a good overview of the phenomenon.

What Is a seiche?

Captain McSorley knew that his ship was badly wounded and in mortal danger. Knowing also that he was not far from Whitefish Bay, he decided to run for it. Unfortunately this decision put him squarely in the worst possible place at the worst possible time. The Fitzgerald sailed into the exact spot where the storm reached its maximum power, and at the center of the worst waves and seiche storm surge produced by the 80-plus MPH winds and “bathtub effect”.

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image 54

The Final Voyage of the Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior. The Ship Sank 17 Miles Northwest of Whitefish Bay.

The last communication with the doomed vessel came via radio at about 7:10 PM. Anderson first mate Morgan Clark radioed the Fitzgerald to notify him of a radar contact about 19 miles ahead. McSorley acknowledged this and asked if he “was going to clear”, ie, if there was any danger of a collision. Clark said that there was none, then asked how things were going. McSorley replied, “We are holding our own”.

Soon after this, the Fitzgerald entered a snow squall and radar contact was lost. Just prior to Clark’s transmission, Cooper later testified, the crew of the Anderson had felt “a bump”, an impact that hit their vessel from behind. Looking back from the pilothouse, the bridge crew saw two huge waves partially engulf the ship, moving forward from the stern. The second of these struck the back of the pilothouse, which forced the bow of the Anderson down into the seas. As Cooper described:

“We took two of the largest seas of the trip. The first one flooded our boat deck. It had enough force to come down on the starboard lifeboat, pushing it into the saddles with a force strong enough to damage the bottom of the lifeboat.… The second large sea put green water (the powerful center of a wave) on our bridge deck! This is 35 feet above the waterline.”

image 53
image 53

SS Arthur Anderson, a Great Lakes Freighter That Traveled With the Edmund Fitzgerald on 10 November 1975. Note the Height of the Ship’s Pilothouse in the Bow of the Vessel.

Cooper’s ship, though badly rattled, quickly recovered from the force of the blow, and the crew watched the two giant waves move down the Lake—toward the struggling Fitzgerald. All contact with the Fitzgerald was lost about 10 minutes later.

The subsequent report by the Coast Guard was based on extensive video of the wreck on the bottom of Lake Superior. The footage was taken by the US Navy’s CURV III (Cable-controlled Undersea Recovery Vehicle).

CURV – Wikipedia

Conditions on the lake bottom, 535 feet down, were somewhat muddy and so the quality of the video was not ideal.

Following the Lake Carriers’ Association letter to the NTSB that disputed the Coast Guard’s conclusions, a second report—this one by the NTSB itself—was issued.

Taking a somewhat broader view of the tragedy, the NTSB document considered in more detail several possible contributing factors. Most of these had been briefly touched upon by the Coast Guard but not discussed comprehensively.

One of these was the near-certainty that the Fitzgerald was overloaded on its last trip.

image 52
image 52

An Early Photo of the Fitzgerald, in Light Condition at Pierside, Probably in the late 1950s or Early 1960s. The Ship Was Launched in 1958.

image 51
image 51

The Fitzgerald Riding Low in the Water While Fully Loaded, Sometime in 1971. The Ship Would Have Looked Much Like This As It Sailed Into the Storm on 10 November 1975.

The distance from the waterline to the main deck of a ship is known as “freeboard”. On the night before its destruction, the Fitzgerald probably left port with as little as 11 and a half (11.5) feet of freeboard and possibly even less. This was a dangerously thin margin of safety, particularly in a storm, even had the ship not been damaged.

There was also the possibility that the Fitzgerald was not entirely seaworthy in other respects when it sailed from Superior, Wisconsin. The NTSB noted:

“A former chief mate of the FITZGERALD testified that between September 13 and October 3, 1975, the FITZGERALD discharged at Toledo, Ohio. Because of the FITZGERALD’s deep draft, she was not able to pull up to the dock and had to lay off some 12 feet each time. The ship seemed to plow its way toward the dock every trip, he said. Similar “groundings” of other Great Lakes bulk cargo vessels during discharge at various ports were observed by Coast Guard Marine Inspectors during the winter of 1976 and the spring of 1977 and by Safety Board personnel during the summer of 1977.

In other words, there may have been unrepaired damage to the bottom plating of the ship’s hull that was the result of literally plowing its way the last short distance to various unloading docks around the Great Lakes shoreline.

This idea has some corroboration from one of the ship’s surviving previous crewmen, Jim Woodard, who had sailed on the Fitzgerald for some time in the 60s and 70s. He told a recent interviewer that the Fitz “was a wet ship”—meaning it leaked noticeably and often shipped water while underway—and that he just did not have a good feeling about it, even though it was widely known as “the pride of the American side” and an assignment on board was greatly prized among Great Lakes mariners.

Forty years after the sinking of the Fitzgerald, untold stories…

It is also possible that the vessel’s design itself was inherently flawed and at least somewhat structurally unsound. Support for this point comes from the fact that the Fitzgerald’s sister ship, the SS Arthur M. Homer, which had undergone a very expensive lengthening and reconstruction to increase its cargo capacity, was suddenly and unexpectedly removed from service by its owner, Bethlehem Steel Corporation (now defunct) just 5 years later, in 1980. A similar conversion had been planned for the Fitzgerald itself.

The following passage from the Wikipedia article about the sinking explains:

“Retired Great Lakes Engineering Works naval architect Raymond Ramsey, one of the members of the design team that worked on the hull of Fitzgerald,reviewed her increased load lines, maintenance history, along with the history of long ship hull failure and concluded that Fitzgerald was not seaworthy on November 10, 1975.

He stated that planning Fitzgerald to be compatible with the constraints of the St. Lawrence Seaway had placed her hull design in a “straight jacket .” Fitzgerald’s long-ship design was developed without the benefit of research, development, test, and evaluation principles while computerized analytical technology was not available at the time she was built.

Ramsey noted that Fitzgerald’s hull was built with an all-welded (instead of riveted) modular fabrication method, which was used for the first time in the GLEW shipyard. Ramsey concluded that increasing the hull length to 729 feet (222 m) resulted in a L/D slenderness ratio (the ratio of the length of the ship to the depth of her structure) that caused excessive multi-axial bending and springing of the hull, and that the hull should have been structurally reinforced to cope with her increased length.”

The Great Lakes Engineering Works The Shipyard And Its Vessels

image 50
image 50

The Launch of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald at the Great Lakes Engineering Works in Detroit, MI, 7 June 1958. The GLEW Was for Many Years a Major Shipbuilder on the Lakes, and Has Since Gone Out of Business.

Eventually the NTSB report gave its “Findings” and “Probable Cause”, which largely echoed the Coast Guard’s previous findings but with additional detail:


1. The FITZGERALD’s hatch covers were not weathertight and allowed water to enter the cargo hold over an extended period. This water was not detected because it migrated down through the cargo. There was no method provided for sounding the cargo other than visual observations, nor was there any method for dewatering the cargo hold with the vessel trimmed by the bow.

2. Amendments to the Great Lakes Load Line Regulations in 1969, 1971, and 1973 allow Great Lakes bulk carriers to load deeper. This deeper loading increased deck wetness which caused an increase in the flooding rate through nonweathertight hatches or other nonweather-tight openings.

3. The topside vents and fence rail were damaged before 1520 either by a heavy object coming adrift on deck or by a floating object coming aboard with the seas. The FITZGERALD’s hull plating probably was damaged also; the damage propagated and caused flooding of the ballast tanks and tunnel.

4. Flooding of ballast tanks and the tunnel caused trim and a list. Detection of ballast tank flooding prompted the ballast pumps to be started. However, the flooding rate through the hull damage, which was propagating, increased and exceeded the capacity of the pumping system.

5. The hull stress levels, even with a substantial amount of flooding, were low enough that the hull girder did not fail before the sinking.

6. The forces on the hatch covers caused by boarding seas were sufficient to cause damage and collapse. These forces increased as flooding caused a list and reduced the vessel’s freeboard.

7. Flooding of the cargo hold caused by one or more collapsed hatch covers was massive and progressed throughout the hold. Flooding was so rapid that the vessel sank before the crew could transmit a distress call.

8. The vessel either plunged or partially capsized and plunged under the surface. The hull failed either as the vessel sank or when the bow struck the bottom.

9. The availability of a fathometer aboard the FITZGERALD would have provided additional navigational data and would have required less dependence on the ANDERSON for navigational assistance.

10. The most probable trackline of the FITZGERALD, from west of Michipicoten Island to the position of her wreckage, lies east of the shoal areas north and east of Caribou Island; therefore, damage from grounding would have been unlikely.

11. The shoal area north of Caribou Island is not shown in sufficient detail on Lake Survey Chart No. 9 to indicate the extent of this hazard to navigation. A contour presentation of this hazard would allow mariners to better assess this area and would help to eliminate the erroneous conclusion that there are isolated spots of shallow water, where in fact there is a large area of shoal water less than 10 fathoms deep.

12. Insufficient water depth has been observed at some loading and discharge piers. “Groundings” of vessels at these locations induce hull stresses of unknown magnitudes and create the potential of undetected hull damage and wear.

13. Although the National Weather Service accurately predicted the direction and velocity of the wind expected over the eastern end of Lake Superior on November 10, 1975, the predicted wave heights were significantly less than those observed.

14. Loading information on the FITZGERALD and other Great Lakes bulk cargo vessels was not adequate.

15. Great Lakes bulk cargo vessels normally can avoid severe storms. The limiting sea state for Great Lakes bulk cargo vessels should be determined, and the operation of vessels in sea states above this limiting value should be restricted.

16. The presence of an EPIRE aboard the FITZGERALD would have provided immediate automatic transmission of an emergency signal which would have allowed search units to locate the position of the accident. The accurate location of this position would have reduced the extent of the search area.

17. Installation of trim and list indicating instruments on the FITZGERALD would have provided the master an early indication of flooding that would have an adverse effect on the vessel. These instruments would have given an indication of whether the master’s corrective action was adequate.

18. The surface search and rescue capability of the Coast Guard on November 10 was inadequate.

Probable Cause:

The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the sudden massive flooding of the cargo hold due to the collapse of one or more hatch covers. Before the hatch covers collapsed, flooding into the ballast tanks and tunnel through topside damage and flooding into the cargo hold through nonweathertight hatch covers caused a reduction of freeboard and a list. The hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces imposed on the hatch covers by heavy boarding seas at this reduced freeboard and with the list caused the hatch covers to collapse. Contributing to the accident was the lack of transverse watertight bulkheads in the cargo hold and the reduction of freeboard authorized by the 1969, 1971, and 1973 amendments to the Great Lakes Load Line Regulations.”

In short, the ship sank because of progressive flooding following damage sustained from some cause near Caribou Island, aggravated by overloading. The initial flooding and overloading made the Fitzgerald go lower in the waves of the storm, which began a downward cycle of boarding seas. These gradually brought more and more water aboard until a final, catastrophic collapse of one or more hatch covers allowed sudden additional and overwhelming flooding that drove the ship to the bottom.

The NTSB added that the storm was significantly stronger than weather reports had predicted, and both the Coast Guard and the NTSB noted that the navigational charts used by McSorley were not entirely accurate regarding the underwater hazards around Caribou Island. This last factor led the NTSB to take the unusual step of including a dissenting opinion in its conclusion. Board member Philip Hogue wrote:

“The most probable cause of the sinking of the SS EDMUND FITZGERALD in Lake Superior on 10 November 1975, was a shoaling which first generated a list, the loss of two air vents, and a fence wire. Secondarily, within a period of 3 to 4 hours, an undetected, progressive, massive flooding of the cargo hold resulted in a total loss of buoyancy from which, diving into a wall of water, the FITZGERALD never recovered.

Like the Marine Board of the Coast Guard or the majority of the Members of the National Transportation Safety Board, I could speculate or surmise in the first instance that flooding into the cargo hold took place through ineffective hatch covers or in the second instance that flooding took place due to the failure of hatch cover Number One due to massive seas. I reject these arguments because neither of them is fully cognizant of the ramifications of the first reported list, the loss of two vents and fence railing at approximately the precise time the FITZGERALD was reportedly in or over shoal waters. Between the first reported damage and the time of the sinking, approximately 3 to 4 hours later, seas of 25 to 30 feet and winds gusting to 80 knots were variously observed. Without exception, expert testimony has affirmed the fact that seas in shoal waters are inherently more violent and wild than in open water. It follows, therefore, that subsequent to her initial sustained damage, the FITZGERALD suffered progressive damage from laboring, rolling, and pitching for the next 3 to 4 hours as it proceeded toward Whitefish Point Light. At or about 1730, Captain Woodard aboard the Swedish vessel AVAFORS received a report from Captain McSorley stating the FITZGERALD had a “bad list,” had lost both radars and was taking heavy seas over the deck in one of the worst seas he had ever been in. In approximately 2 hours from the initial report of a list, the FITZGERALD had acquired a “bad list” and sustained the loss of both radars. Approximately 1 hour 40 minutes later at or about 1910, the FITZGERALD reported it was holding its own. This was the last transmission ever heard from the FITZGERALD. Aside from the expert testimony elicited at the Coast Guard Marine Board hearing, it is self-evident that Captain McSorley had a damaged ship, and that he did not know how damaged she was….

It is reasonable to assume, from all that is known of Captain McSorley, that his first report of damage was based on damage sustained immediately prior to 1530 and that it was no small consideration that caused Captain McSorley to ask the ANDERSON to stay with him, saying, “I will check down so that you can close the distance between us.””

In the end, while these are expert and informed opinions, no one really knows for certain what sank the Fitzgerald. There is an enduring mystery about the ship and its final voyage that is both tragic and strangely compelling. In this vein Woodard said something striking. He had spoken with many of the Fitzgerald’s crew when his ship and the Fitz were in port a couple of weeks before the sinking.

“God strike me dead if I’m lying,” Woodard said, his spontaneous laughter checked. “We pulled in behind them and everybody I saw on that crew had an aura around them. That’s the honest-to-God’s truth. They glowed, just like a little brightness, you know what I mean?”

When asked if he was benefiting from hindsight and imagination, Woodard said, “I’ve never seen that since.”

My mother once told me a similar story. She said she had seen our next door neighbor at the local post office just before he was killed in a car wreck by a drunk driver. She later described seeing the same kind of strange aura and light around him when she looked at him.

Do with that what you will. As I say, there is mystery here.

Perhaps the biggest lesson that should be taken from the sinking is that no matter how skilled the sailors and how large the ship, all are still less than specks of sand compared with the vastness and power of the sea and of great storms over large bodies of water. It is no wonder, then, that both the traditional US Navy Hymn and Gordon Lightfoot’s enduring ballad speak with reverence of the power of both Nature and Nature’s God.

Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bidd’st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!



How the US Keeps Fighting China, Knowing It Won’t Win?

Damn. This is pretty good.

What do you think was the most ingenious military tactic ever executed?

It’s a toss-up between Caesar at Alesia and Alexander’s siege at Tyre. But for this answer I’ll focus only on Caesar.

Those two are definitely in my list of top battles not only because of the absolute understanding that Cesar and Alexander had of the flow of battle, or the mind-blowing tactics they used, but also because of the ingenuity they showed and just the relentless determination to bend the universe to their will.

Let’s jump straight to it.

Caesar at Alesia

image 67
image 67

Just look at this. What you are seeing is Caesar laying a siege while at the same time being besieged by another force. Just… OK.

The year is 52 BC. It’s the culmination of 8 years of Gallic Wars. The leader of the Gauls is Vercingetorix. A great general himself and a chieftain of the Arveni tribe. He had organized a fairly large rebellion and even convinced several tribes, allies of Rome, to defect and join his cause. After shadowing Caesar’s legions for some time, and playing a game of cat and mouse, he ended up retreating to the hill town fort of Alesia. Around 30,000 strong, together with the local civilian population were stationed in the small fort.

Caesar, being the great tactician that he is, opted for a prolonged siege, to starve and demoralize his enemy. He ordered the construction of a 18 km long wall to circumvent the town and prevent the enemy’s escape (the middle fortification that you see on the photo above). As you can imagine, this is already a little unorthodox. Sieging a fortified town with a smaller force, in the middle of enemy territory, with little to no supplies. But then what this total badass did was to turn around and build a secondary, outer wall, 21 km long, circumventing the first one, with enough space to contain his entire army. And those walls, weren’t anything simple either. There was enough space for his man to patrol them, as well as more than 20 towers, trenches, and even a moat which he somehow filled with water.

Between the choice of attacking a superior force with better position and being trapped between two armies, Caesar opted for a 3rd option – to build his own frigging castle.

While all of this was happening, Vercingetorix’s relief force arrived, adding more than 50,000 to his already larger force. Caesar was outnumbered 3 to 1 and was smack in the middle of the two armies.

The battle raged for several days, the Gauls were attacking simultaneously from the inside and outside, with the two side’s cavalries chasing each other around the fortifications. On the 3rd day of fighting, a focused attack on one side of the fortifications almost broke the Romans but a young soldier by the name of Mark Antony snatched victory from defeat with his commanding skills.

On the final day of the battle, both Gallic armies made a last attempt to break Caesar and attacked simultaneously, spreading to cover the whole length of the fortifications. The Romans were spread thin and Caesar was commanding his reserves himself, rotating groups of 500–1000 man and reinforcing every spot that was about to falter.

Completely surrounded and fighting on all directions at once, Rome’s legions were in dire situation. Then the worse thing happened, the outer Gallic army bridged the outside walls and poured in the fortifications. Caesar rallied around 7,000 soldiers from wherever he could spare and formed a shield wall on the two sides of the broken fortifications, trying to contain the Gallic spill. Then, from another side of the wall he sent his remaining cavalry who were useless defending the walls anyway, to break out of the fortifications, circle around and charge from the location where the Gauls were entering his defenses. In the most epic pincer move ever, Caesar’s cavalry came seemingly out of nowhere, scaring the attackers shitless, and making them think another army was approaching. This caused general panic. Seeing this, the whole Gallic relief force retreated, leaving only Vercingetorix and his remaining forces trapped inside the fort.

Vercingetorix rode out and personally surrendered to Caesar the next day.

image 66
image 66

Caesar seen here, forced to sit down due to the sheer weight of his balls.


“A Total COLLAPSE Is Coming” – Whitney Webb WARNING 2024

Do you think Senator Tom Cotton’s questioning of Chew Shou Zi, TikTok CEO, implies that Singaporeans have communist ties just because of the ethnic Chinese majority in Singapore?

Yes. The key word is Chinese, not Singapore. But then Zuckerberg’s wife is Chinese and he was not asked about It. Chew was asked about his wife and children. Maybe if Tom Swabhead goes to Singapore, their immigration control should ask

“Are you a member of the Ku Klux Klan?”

“No, sir I am from…..”

“ Just answer the question”

“ No sir”

“Did your ancestors fight for the Confederates?”

“Sir, that was before my……”

“Yes or no please”

“You can’t expect me to…. no sir”

“Did your great grandfather own slaves ?”

“What makes you think so?”

“Your surname is Cotton. And have you heard of Uncle Tom’s Cabin?”


I Walked In On My Fiancée “Servicing” My Dad, Got In On Video And Now I’m Sending It To Her Family

What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?

One day when I was around 18 or so, my mom got a can of soup out of the pantry. When she went to open it, she found the can had already been cut and the soup was all moldy inside:

image 65
image 65

She grabbed another can: same thing. My mom ended up pulling all the canned items out of the pantry to check each one. All said, there were at least a dozen cans of soup that had been opened and carefully placed back on the shelf, and they were now absolutely disgusting inside.

My brother, my father, and I all swore we had not been responsible for this. None of us had any theories (well, no reasonable theories) as to how this might have happened.

It wasn’t until a while later (might have been a few months or even a year or more later, don’t really remember clearly) that my mom was telling this story at a gathering of a large group of family friends when one of my best friends, Joelle, interjected with: “Umm, I think maybe that was me…”

And then we finally got our explanation for the whole bizarre event.

Several months prior to “the soup incident,” my family had gone away for a week-long vacation. Joelle, also 18 or so, had been our house-sitter since we had pets that needed to be taken care of.

She now recalled for us how one night she had been in the mood for a bowl of soup (and we had told her to feel free to eat anything she wanted). So she grabbed a can of soup and our can opener, which wasn’t like the electric one she was used to. Ours looked like the one on the left while she was used to the kind like the one on the right:

image 64
image 64

With the can openers she was used to, the blade would pierce into the top of the lid, cutting down into the metal inside the rim, like this:

image 63
image 63

Ours, on the other hand, was a “safety” can opener that cut into the side of the can, just below the rim:

image 62
image 62

So, after finally managing to latch the thing onto the can, she twisted it around the can like steps 1 and 2 below:

image 61
image 61

But she never got to step 3, because to her, it didn’t look like it worked.

image 60
image 60

Hungry, and determined to not let the defective can opener deprive her of a bowl of soup, she tried a different can. Then another…and another…before finally just giving up and eating something else entirely. And since she didn’t manage to open anything anyway, she just put all the cans back into the pantry the way she’d found them.

She never mentioned it to us before, because who wants to admit to being the dumbass who can’t operate a simple can opener?? Besides, it’s not like we would ever find out…

And that is the story of how our house guest accidentally left us with a pantry full of moldy soup.

*images are not of the actual incident. I got all the images from a Google image search and then added the borders, arrows, and commentary.

SPOOKY, Empty Towns In Rural, Forgotten Texas

What happened at a wedding that made you feel horrible for the bride?

Nearly 90% of the 500 invited guests didn’t attend the wedding.

This wedding was recent, just last Christmas. The bride and groom, let’s call them Michelle and Paul, were married on December 24, of all dates.

Michelle is a goddaughter of my aunt and her mom has been friends with my aunt since high school. Paul is a third generation Filipino Chinese but his grandmother is very traditional. She insisted on consulting a feng shui expert, who claimed that December 24 was the best date for the couple to get married on. How he decided on this advice, I have no idea.

In Filipino culture, Christmas is the most important holiday of the year. During Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Filipinos will surely be home to celebrate these days with their families. How Filipino families will spend Christmas is always pre-planned, so don’t think they’ll give up being with their families on a very special occasion just so they can attend your wedding.

Michelle’s mom lamented that her daughter and future son-in-law almost had no say on the details of their own wedding, and that everyone in Paul’s family seemed to blindly obey their matriarch.

As soon as my aunt received the wedding invitation, she called Michelle and her mom right away to let them know that she won’t be able to attend the wedding. To make it even less likely for guests to attend, the wedding was set at 6 PM, which is going to be followed by dinner at a hotel. Knowing how big weddings really go, the 6PM ceremony will last for an hour, then it’s followed by endless picture taking in the church, which is followed by even more picture taking at the reception. When guests finish dinner, there’s going to be a program and other traditional wedding stuff that will take hours. So, the guests will be essentially spending Christmas Eve at this wedding and not at home with their families.

So the wedding took place as planned, but only two or three members of the entourage made it. After pictures were taken in the church, the two bridesmaids and the best man, who is the only part of the groom’s entourage who made it, left and rushed to get home.

The reception was really sad. Only family members were left in attendance that the program was nixed.

A few days after the wedding, my aunt had a chat with Michelle’s mom and she was still disappointed. She had hoped that the wedding would be set on a different day so that most of the guests could attend. She said that the function hall was practically vacant with rows of empty tables. The servers who were hired to accommodate 500 guests ended up serving one guest each. She sent my aunt a picture that looked like this:

image 59
image 59

(Photo Credit to emmalovesweddings via Pinterest)

It really baffles me why this wedding still took place as planned and there didn’t seem to be any adjustments made. It’s truly bizarre and not something a bride would like to remember about what could have been the happiest day of her life.

Edit: First, thank you for the upvotes 😊🤗 I never thought my answer would get this much attention since the question was answered many times before I did.

If I did not reply to your comment, it means I can’t find it 🙁 I don’t get notifications on some comments.

I’ve been to many weddings and have heard of and seen some unpleasant things happen that I can add a few more to this answer. The reason why I chose this wedding for my answer is because of it being so bizarre, it’s unbelievable.

Here are some information to help explain how the wedding went as it did and I learned this from my aunt after I posted this answer.

The grandmother paid for the bulk of the wedding expenses. She paid close to 90% of the costs and in a way it helped explain why she had the last say on the decisions. If the wedding was meant to be a gift (this is only a speculation), she should have just given the money to the couple so they can plan their wedding according to their choices.

I still can’t get my head around this: Grandma booked the venue on the day the invitations were sent out. So there really was no point in waiting for RSVP. One of the wedding planners quit at this point— not surprising at all.

Before the invitations were sent out, the bride’s family was advised by several friends that a Christmas Eve wedding is not a good idea. According to my aunt, one of the bride’s uncles was heard saying, “I told Michelle not to expect us if she’s having her wedding on Christmas Eve. We already made plans.” Several friends also said basically the same. “If the wedding is on Christmas Eve, we won’t make it. Count us out.” So the family already knew that many of the guests won’t make it. The groom informed his family of this. Clearly they were not able to convince grandma, who said, “We will proceed as planned.” I’m pretty sure one can still cancel or make reductions on catering services at reasonable charges but grandma did not. Well, it’s her money. 🤷🏻‍♀️

The few members of the entourage who made it apparently had an agreement with the couple. The best man and two bridesmaids, one of them turned maid of honor, promised the bride and groom that they will stand for them during the ceremony at 6PM, but also promised their families they will be home in time to spend Christmas Eve. This is why they appeared to have ditched the couple at the church when they did not. Because of this lack of a wedding party, certain parts of the ceremony were “altered.” it got me asking this question, if there were only this few members of the entourage, couldn’t members of the family take their place? It seems that the more details I got, the more questions I have.

The “RSVP” doesn’t always work in my culture. Sadly, most people do not bother replying to an invitation. If they want to attend, they’ll simply show up and sometimes they do so with extra guests in tow. If they don’t or can’t make it to the occasion, they will simply do not show up. I know this from experience. This also explains why in most gatherings, the host prepares food based on the number of people who were invited, not with the number of people who confirmed to attend. Paul’s grandmother must have had the same thought, but it was definitely not a smart move to go ahead and have the caterers prepare according to the number of invited guests. Adjustments should have been made when several guests already expressed their regrets about not being able to attend in favor of spending Christmas Eve with families.

One guest told my aunt, “It is wrong of them to assume we’ll give up Christmas Eve in favor of the wedding. If you invite me for any occasion on a Christmas Eve, it is understood that I will not attend.” I’m assuming the other guests shared the same sentiment.

There was a compromise on the wedding date and the wedding ceremony. I was also curious about this and I learned that the families came to an agreement. The wedding ceremony was held by Catholic rites in deference to the bride’s religion, but the date of the wedding will be decided by the groom’s family, who are Chinese, thru a feng shui reading. It was probably an attempt at combining traditions for the merging of two families but it did not work.

There’s definitely a lot of absurdity on this wedding that I still find it hard to believe the entire thing happened at all. I hope for the best for the couple.

Magic Music for Cats – UNBELIEVABLE Results (Tested 2022)

Ending The U.S. Presence In Middle East

The Biden administration, in its utter stupidity, is launching a(nother) full fledged war throughout the Middle East.

U.S. launches retaliatory strikes after deadly attack on Jordan baseWashington Post – Feb 3, 2024
The operation, targeting numerous sites in Iraq and Syria used by Iranian forces and its affiliates, followed the killing of American troops last weekend

> U.S. forces launched a broad attack against Iran’s powerful military wing and affiliated militias in Iraq and Syria on Friday, delivering a blow to armed groups that Washington has blamed for killing American troops in Jordan and a surge of violence across the Middle East. <

Daniel McAdams @DanielLMcAdams – 11:01 UTC · Feb 3, 2024

The Biden Administration just literally just blew up all the weapons of the Iraqi brigade that was fighting ISIS!
Let that sink in…

Hawkeye1812Z @Hawkeye1745 22:09 UTC · Feb 2, 2024

🇺🇸💥🇮🇶Footage shows the explosions of the headquarters of the Anbar Operation Command & the headquarters of the 13th Hashd al-Sha’bi Brigade, after it was targeted by US raids, in the Anbar province of Iraq

That is is unit which is fighting ISIS … 🤔
Embedded video

Secretary Antony Blinken @SecBlinken – 21:01 UTC · Feb 2, 2024

I am returning to the Middle East this coming week to continue working with our partners on how to achieve durable peace in the region, with lasting security for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

President Biden @POTUS – 22:45 UTC · Feb 2, 2024

Today, at my direction, U.S. military forces struck targets in Iraq and Syria that the IRGC and affiliated militia use to attack U.S. forces.

We do not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world.

But to all those who seek to do us harm: We will respond.

Elijah J. Magnier @ejmalrai – 14:11 UTC · Feb 3, 2024

The US: We don’t want to escalate the war in the ME, but we bombed Yemen & killed 10 Yemenis, we bombed Syria & Iraq & killed 16 Iraqis, 7 Syrians, but please de-escalate coz we will bomb you more in the coming days. In the meantime we are sending bombs to Israel to bomb Gaza.

In 2020, after the U.S. assassination of General Qassam Suleimani, the leadership of Iran announced that, in consequence, the U.S. presence in the Middle East will be ended. Iran and its allies have since diligently prepared themselves to achieve that aim.

The hot phase of the process itself was initiated primarily by Hamas on October 7 (which followed the October 2 desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque by Zionist settlers). The secondary and tertiary steps were launched by Ansarollah in Yemen and Kataib Hizbullah in Iraq.

In each cases the U.S. and its Israeli proxy responded with harsh escalations.

It was the biggest mistake they could make.

agitpapa @agitpapa – 15:07 UTC · Feb 3, 2024

Harakat al Nujaba PMF declares that it will not be defeated or subdued by US airstrikes and vows to teach the US humility with fire, says it has surprises in store.
Attached image

Syrian military statement: US occupation cannot persistAl Mayadeen – Feb 3, 2024
In its statement, Syria’s military emphasizes that the US is working on reviving ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

> The statement also affirmed that the Syrian army will continue to defend Syria’s land and people, and strike all terrorist groups, regardless of how much their sponsors and supporters try to obstruct this goal. It added that it is determined to liberate the entire Syrian territory from all terrorism and occupation, including the US occupation which “cannot persist.” <

The Axis of Resistance is present throughout the Middle East. It has its own economic and social networks. It produces its own weapons and its fighters are well trained to fight under the local circumstances. This is an enemy the U.S. can not defeat.

As Aaron Maté explains:

These groups’ decision to strike US forces in response to the Gaza genocide follows a well-entrenched pattern of resisting joint US-Israeli aggression, or what the Journal describes as efforts to “push back against American and Israeli influence” in the Middle East. And contrary to US claims that Iran’s main regional allies – Hezbollah in Lebanon, Ansar Allah in Yemen (the Houthis), the PMU in Iraq, Hamas/Islamic Jihad in Palestine, and the Syrian government — are all mere Iranian “proxies”, these groups “have domestic agendas of their own and operate with some measure of autonomy,” the Journal notes. US intelligence analyst Brian Katz concurs. Iran’s allies “are no longer simply Iranian proxies,” Katz writes. “Rather, they have become a collection of ideologically aligned, militarily interdependent, mature political-military actors committed to mutual defence.”

The conflict has boiling on a low flame for some time:

As the Washington Post notes, Iranian allies in the region “began targeting U.S. interests in 2018, after then-President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran” as part of a hawkish policy of “maximum pressure.” Rather than return to the Iran nuclear deal upon taking office in January 2021, Biden continued the Trump agenda – and knowingly endangered US troops in the process.

When Biden “ordered airstrikes on militia groups” in Syria, the Washington Post reported in August 2021, that ended up “sparking a fresh cycle of reciprocal violence, with militiamen firing at a facility housing U.S. troops and American forces responding with artillery fire.” Biden’s support for Israeli aggression against Syria yielded the same result. When a drone strike hit a US military base located in southern Syria in October 2021, US and Israeli officials acknowledged that it was “Iranian retaliation for Israeli airstrikes in Syria,” the New York Times reported.

In launching and encouraging attacks on Iranian allies in the region, Biden was pursuing an arrangement that he forged with the Israeli government In August 2021, then-Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett urged Biden to pursue “a death by a thousand cuts” strategy, in which the US and Israel would “[counter] Iran through a combination of many small actions across several fronts — both military and diplomatic — instead of a single dramatic strike,” Axios reported. The goal would be to put Iran’s “regional aggression” – a euphemism for resisting US-Israeli hegemony – “back in the box.” Toward that goal, one of Bennett’s key requests was that “Biden not to pull U.S. forces out of Iraq and Syria,” which the Israeli delegation felt quite “optimistic” about. In Biden, Bennett gushed, “I found a leader who loves Israel, knows exactly what he wants and is attuned to our needs.”

In opposite to those plans it is the Resistance which is using small and increasingly larger cuts to eliminate, over time, the U.S. presence in the Middle East. It is dead serious.

As Aleks of Black Mountain Analysis writes:

I would like to ask you now to understand the following: It is not what I want or my opinion; it is the ice-cold reality: On October 7th, a war was started by the Axis of Resistance. It was started against both Israel and the Western occupation of the Middle East. As stated above, it will not end before all occupation forces are out of the Middle East, the Two State Solution has been implemented in Israel, or all people in the Middle East are dead … period.

I have no emotions here; I’m not invested in the region. This is a logical assessment of what is currently happening in the region. It is not going to stop until one of the scenarios is implemented.

Other interested powers are already positioning themselves for a new situation in the Middle East.

Give it two, three or maybe even five years. But the envisioned results WILL be achieved.

Posted by b on February 3, 2024 at 15:38 UTC | Permalink

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49906805 286557092037492 1039974154486177309 n
90089466 1755265167947159 1490993781655110871 n
90089466 1755265167947159 1490993781655110871 n
91255299 202814234349687 5761158773999384818 n
91255299 202814234349687 5761158773999384818 n
92520642 532681297393274 6930534662542131057 n
92520642 532681297393274 6930534662542131057 n
104615594 730534774358791 3634265249203653115 n
104615594 730534774358791 3634265249203653115 n
106704936 1011607739291726 1718652800639072428 n
106704936 1011607739291726 1718652800639072428 n
118074523 662826097667760 4029915352404519245 n
118074523 662826097667760 4029915352404519245 n
134767428 482859659783313 4024870876840033286 n
134767428 482859659783313 4024870876840033286 n
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Untitled 12 60bf27a1e13d2 880

The Age of Making Money is Over. The middle-class is done.

Sausage and Cheese Calzone

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HomemadeCalzones 03

I don’t know about you, but the only thing I love more than pizza is a big calzone filled to capacity with all of my favorite fillings. Calzones are the ultimate in Italian comfort food if you ask me. More than lasagna or spaghetti, when I want something that fills me up and leaves me feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside, I go for a calzone. These calzones are the best I’ve ever had because they’re fully homemade. From the dough to the sauce, it’s all made from scratch right in the kitchen, so it’s the freshest, tastiest calzone ever!

Homemade Calzone Recipe

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HomemadeCalzones 08

There’s nothing better than this delicious calzone recipe for a dish that’s full of Italian flavor. A flaky, homemade crust surrounds a filling of Italian sausage, onions, pepperoni, three kinds of cheese, Italian seasoning, and more tasty ingredients, then they’re served with a tasty marinara sauce. When you put them all together, you get a recipe for hand-held deliciousness that you just cannot beat. It’s just like holding a tiny pizza in your hand and then devouring it.


  • Pizza dough
  • 1 pound sweet Italian sausages, skins removed
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 4 ounces white mushrooms, sliced
  • 10 ounces mozzarella cheese, coarsely chopped
  • 3 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed hot red pepper flakes


  1. Prepare pizza dough.
  2. In a skillet, cook the sausage and onion over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring to break up the meat.
  3. Add bell pepper and mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes more, stirring often, or until the sausage is cooked through and vegetables are soft.
  4. Remove with a slotted spoon to a large bowl. Stir in the mozzarella, parsley and red pepper flakes.
  5. Heat the oven to 450 degrees F. Brush 2 baking sheets with olive oil or spray with olive oil cooking spray.
  6. Divide the dough into 4 pieces. Take one piece of the dough and with floured hands press it into a 6-inch round. Stretch or roll it out with a rolling pin into a 12-inch circle. Leaving a 1/2-inch edge, spread a quarter of the filling over half of the dough. Dampen the edges with water. Fold the dough in half to enclose the filling; seal the edges with a fork. Repeat with the remaining dough and filling. With a large spatula, carefully transfer the calzones to the prepared baking sheets.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes, or until golden and crisp on the outside.

Serve warm.


One of the best parts about these homemade calzones is that you can play with it to make it exactly the way you want it. After making the crust, the rest is up to you. Go super rustic or make it semi-homemade. Use your favorite toppings. You can tweak it to your heart’s content.

Favorite Pizza Toppings

Just like a pizza, this calzone is totally open to your interpretation. Use any of your favorite pizza toppings from sausage and pepperoni to salami, ham, and pineapple, olives, anchovies, bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach, and more. If you’d put it on a pizza, you can put it in this calzone.

Vegetarian Calzone

Make this recipe vegetarian by filling it with your favorite pizza veggie options. The marinara sauce pairs perfectly with any vegetable that you’d normally put on your vegetarian pizza.

Semi-Homemade Calzone Recipe

If you don’t want to go the homemade route, make this recipe semi-homemade. Use premade pizza dough and pizza sauce to cut down on time. Then make the rest of the recipe per the directions.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about this homemade calzone recipe, then I have answers. The following FAQ answers all the most frequently asked questions regarding calzones, so it’s worth a read before diving into the recipe.

What is a calzone?

A calzone is simply a folded pizza. Its essentially an Italian version of a savory turnover.

What’s the Difference Between Calzones and Stromboli?

There are three major differences between the two. Calzones are simply a round crust folded in half and stuffed with toppings and sauce. On the other hand, Stromboli is rolled into a spiral with a bit of extra dough folded over the top to seal it. Another major difference is that, while both the calzone and Stromboli are dippable, Stromboli will often have sauce baked inside it while calzones never will. Finally, calzones almost always have ricotta cheese in them, and Stromboli doesn’t.

Do Calzones have Sauce Inside?

No. Calzones are dipped in sauce. The sauce is never baked in.

Do Calzones Always Have Ricotta Cheese in Them?

Traditional calzones almost always have ricotta cheese in them.

Is a Calzone Just a Folded Pizza?

Pretty much!

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2024 02 03 13 13

What to serve with calzones?

These are hefty, hearty hand-held pizzas, so the best things to serve are light options like a side salad or roasted vegetables.

Can you freeze calzones?

Yes. Let the leftover calzones chill in the refrigerator, then wrap them tightly in clingwrap and store them in an air-tight, freezer-safe container or heavy-duty freezer bags.

Homemade Calzone Recipe Ingredients

This recipe is fully homemade, so there are several ingredients. The great thing is that they’re all simple and easily found at your local grocery store.

For the Dough

  • All purpose flour
  • Instant dry yeast
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Warm water
  • Olive oil

For the Filling

  • Butter
  • Onion, diced
  • Hot Italian sausage
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Ricotta cheese
  • Mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • Parmesan cheese, shredded
  • Fresh parsley, chopped
  • Garlic salt
  • Black pepper
  • Large eggs, with one egg beaten
  • Pepperoni slices

For the Marinara Sauce

  • Tomato sauce
  • Tomato paste
  • Crushed tomatoes
  • Onion powder
  • Garlic salt
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Black pepper
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HomemadeCalzones 13

How to Make This Homemade Calzone Recipe

As a fully homemade recipe, you’ll be making the dough, filling, and sauce. Don’t let that deter you, though. All three parts of the recipe are very simple to make. Requiring only basic steps that anyone can do.

Step 1: Make the Homemade Pizza Dough

In a large bowl, whisk flour, yeast, salt, and sugar together. Add warm water and oil. Using an electric mixer or stand mixer with the dough hook, mix on low until ingredients are well incorporated. Increase speed to medium and continue mixing until dough forms into a ball (about 8-10 minutes).

Place dough ball into a lightly oiled bowl and cover with a kitchen towel. Let rise for about 1 hour or until the dough has doubled in size. Next, transfer to a well-floured surface and divide the dough into 9 even pieces. Place dough pieces on a large baking sheet or parchment paper and set them aside.

Step 2: Make the Filling

In a large frying pan or skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Add sausage, onions, and seasonings to the pan and cook until sausage is completely cooked through and no longer pink and onions are translucent. Drain and set aside to cool. In another bowl, add the ricotta, mozzarella, Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, and parsley. Stir to combine then add eggs. Mix well. When the sausage has cooled, add the cheese mixture, stir to combine. Set aside.

Step 3: Make the Marinara Sauce

In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, add tomato sauce, tomato paste, crushed tomatoes, and seasonings. Stir to combine. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer over low-medium heat for 20-30 minutes.

Step 4: Assemble the Calzones

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and line a baking sheet(s) with parchment paper. Set aside. Then, roll each dough ball into 6-inch circles. Add a heaping tablespoon or two of the sausage and cheese mixture to the center of the dough. Fold the dough in half and press and pinch the edges together to form a seal. Brush the tops of each calzone with beaten egg and place them on a prepared baking sheet. Bake for 10 – 13 minute or until golden brown and serve with the marinara sauce.

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HomemadeCalzones 02



The new world order so called (Russia, China, Iran and North Korea) may this year or 2025 initiate a coordinated war of military objectives to defeat the USA and its Western allies? Could the USA be on four military fronts at the same time?

First let me help you understand further. If U.S. has the audacity to attack China. It won’t be 4 fronts. It will be at least 10 fronts! The U.S. has done so much shit there is at least 10 nations that wants to teach the U.S. a humbling lesson!

Luckily for you guys China won’t attack you unless you attack them! China wants peace and prosperity not wars and ravages. But still if you make the mistake China will make you pay dearly. Don’t say we did not warn you.

If you attack China in, in China, China will attack the U.S. in U.S. mainland. Don’t be fooled that China will submissively let you walk all over them. This is 2024 not 1842! Let’s hope you are smart enough to be humble.



What was your real life experience of a movie cliche?

I was at a comic convention that was being held inside a mall. I was dressed as Batman. We decided to walk around the mall for shock value, as we were and are weird that way.

While my friends went into a store to shop, I stood outside a Barnes and Noble bookstore waiting for them. Suddenly, an alarm rings!

The shoplifter had books under his shirt. His hope was to mingle with the Saturday afternoon crowd and be lost in the shuffle, getting away with his ill gotten gains. Keeping his head down, he tries to blend in.

Suddenly, a pair of black boots fills his view. As his gaze travels upwards, he sees a scalloped cape, a Bat emblem, and finally the terrifying visage of…the Batman!

Shocked that Batman was in front of him, he paused…just long enough for the security guard to catch up and snag him. The guard thanked me by saying, “Thanks for helping me nab him, Batman!” He then led the shoplifter off.

Someone called the local news crew, who sent a reporter. By the time they had arrived, the convention was over and I was home. A friend of mine who works at the station told me what happened. The reporter talked to the security guard who confirmed the story. The reporter asked if there was any security footage of the event.

When they checked, because the footage was in black and white, they could barely make out the young man in the t-shirt, but the black clad Batman was not seen. They decided not to run the story without visuals.

Once again, the movie cliché of Batman catching criminals but no one could prove he was there became manifest.



1930s ABANDONED Time Capsule House with MANY Valuables left inside

What a beautiful, but abandoned, home.

What did someone say/do that made you close down your account and go to another bank?

I made a deposit at the teller window for a check for $741.23. (Yes that’s a very “specific” amount” but important to my story.) I got the deposit receipt back and went on my way. As soon as I got home to enter the transaction my register, I noticed a discrepancy. The deposit receipt said my deposit was for $741.32. I had a copy of the deposit slip I had given the teller, and it said $741.23- the correct amount. Granted it was only 9 cents discrepancy so I thought “No big deal. They will just fix it.” Well, it ended up being a huge deal. I had a number of things set up for auto pay from my bank that would start coming out 2–3 days later. I always try to give myself a window “just in case” I am late depositing my check and it doesn’t post until the following day or something.

Well, the next morning the deposit was showing up as though it had posted- still with the 9 cent discrepancy, so I figured they would just deduct the 9 cents within a couple of days and all would be well. Nope, they completely reversed the deposit and took ALL of that money back out of my account. By the Tuesday following the weekend, I was “in the red” due to “NSF fees.” I called to find out what happened- thinking maybe I had forgotten to enter an auto pay into my records. Nope, I was told that the discrepancy had triggered an investigation of my account and my funds would be held for 21 days. I asked if I could leave a message for the branch manager to give me call. I was told that would be fine. I left a message, and received no call back for a couple of days. This was very unusual.

This was a bank I had used for YEARS for personal and business reasons. The company I work for had a long business relationship with the bank as well. I knew the branch manager well. I arrived at the bank to talk to the branch manager and found out he was out of the country dealing with a family emergency and wouldn’t be back for at least two weeks. I asked to speak to whoever was filling in and explained the nature of the situation. Well, the “substitute” manager was extremely unpleasant and unprofessional. She berated me and was practically yelling at me for an error that was THEIR fault. I was told the situation could only be remedied right away by “a cash deposit large enough to cover the original check and enough to cover the NSF fees.” I was still reeling from the fact it had happened at all. I went back to discuss the matter with my employer, an attorney. He spoke to someone he knew at another branch and they were able to fix the immediate problem, and restored all of my NSF fees. My employer was NOT happy. Shortly after the dust settled, my employer asked me to set up an appointment for us to go down and remove some items from our safe deposit boxes to take out items for an “inventory” of the boxes. While I was in the vault removing the items, my employer was out in the lobby closing down all of the accounts and the boxes. We moved them next door to a different bank.

Our usual branch manager came back to the news that we had closed all of our accounts. He asked why this happened over something so “insignificant” as a 9 cent discrepancy. I went through the entire scenario. He was so upset that it had happened, but he understood why. The manager that berated me is now gone. I will NEVER work with this bank again. They were the issuer of a rewards card I had for travel. I cashed out all my rewards and closed the card. If I ever find out they are the issuer of any credit card I may apply for, I just say “no thank you.”

Remember … work your grind

Is the United States capable of defeating the Chinese army without using nuclear weapons, given the advanced technology of the US military?

I think you mean either the Navy or the Air Force. There is no scenario where the US Army engages the Chinese Army without first Naval and Air engagements.

And the loser of the engagement won’t be fighting an Army war afterwards.

The current state of the art is that the Chinese have a decisive advantage over US war ships. The US would have to traverse 1,200 miles of Ocean minimum to attack China or Chinese forces. During those 1,200 miles of Ocean, the US fleet would come under attack from ASBMs (anti-ship ballistic missiles), Hypersonic wave riders that can come in from any direction, and supersonic anti-ship missiles.

The Pentagon simulations show that US ships don’t have enough ammunition to prevent most if not all US ships from being sunk.

If the US launch fighters, then the US F-35 from 10 carriers (about 700 fighters) would be facing several thousand Chinese fighters of various grades but with PL-15 air to air missiles which out range US AIM-120 by at least 30 miles.



If your army have pistols and the enemy has rifles and we are fighting on a open plain starting at 1,000 yards with no obstacles, who would win?


WTF Girl?

Ukraine Army Uses American-Supplied HIMARS to Strike Bakery, Killing 20 Civilians

World Hal Turner 03 February 2024

The Ukraine Army used an American-supplied HIMARS precision rocket system, to attack a Bakery/Restaurant in the ex-Ukraine city of Lysychansk, Luhansk, Russia today. The strike killed at least twenty (20) people and destroyed the building.

TERRIFYING SCENES of dusted and bloodied bodies on stretchers could be seen as the dead and injured victims were pulled from rubble.

Lysychansk is a city of about 99,000 people and is some 15 kilometers (nine miles) from Ukrainian-controlled territory.  It is not  a military center and has no military troops or bases there. 

It is clear Ukraine hit this city because they wanted to kill CIVILIANS.  The scalable map below shows the location of Lysychansk.!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d141171.10110017186!2d38.41226461490611!3d48.893455237813825!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x41200ff1a84cd0c5%3A0x4dcad050a5b70faa!2sLysychans%27k%2C%20Luhansk%20Oblast%2C%20Ukraine!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1707002419291!5m2!1sen!2sus

Video of a heavily damaged building, with emergency workers pulling out an entirely crushed car, is already making its way across global social media sites has people asking why the Ukraine Army would hit a bakery?  The answer: The bakery was known to have fresh bread on weekends.

The Luhansk Information Center said Ukraine shelled the bakery using the US-supplied High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).

Lysychansk voted in a supervised and internationally-observed Public Referendum, to secede from Ukraine and to join Russia.  Ukraine would not let them go.

The city was liberated from the Ukrainian Nazi government by Russian forces in the year 2022.

Since then, from time to time, Ukraine has fired into the city from the distant front lines, for the sole purpose of harming civilians, whom they hate for voting to leave.

People all over the world look down on China and have a bad image of China, but why are only the Chinese not aware of this?




That’s what’s being done

Rather than keep responding to Western Lies, China took the best way out which is to

Come & see for Yourself

Every foreigner who comes to China, reports on the reality which is seen by at least 50–100 more foreigners and gradually they begin to see the LIES that the Mainstream media has been spreading


Rather than respond to Western propaganda which would matter very little, they invited and had 600,000 people visit Xinjiang including 80,000 foreigners from the West & Japan plus another 400+ delegates from across the world

Not one of them could respond to the propaganda spread by the West and many downright called them “LIES”

So the West quietly changed Genocide to CULTURAL GENOCIDE which was addressed by a Chinese who said “So what , you want us to remain in the 19th Century is it?”

I recently sent a mail to their tourism department and they said Xinjiang needs NO PERMISSIONS whatsoever for any size tour group

You can book a ticket to Urumqi and as long as you follow Visa norms, you can travel anywhere you want within China

The Chinese of course are aware of this but they know it’s a lie. They know how their life is.

They are puzzled to know they are being repressed by the CPC and regard the whole thing as obviously childish lies.

Simple as that

BOOK YOUR TICKET and find out what China really is like.

Best way to counter the lies


What is the biggest misconception people have about life?

Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots.

I had very average scores in the 12th grade and the CET exams. I did not prep for or take the JEE. I randomly walked in to the BITSAT and AIEEE and obviously didn’t clear those either. My father wanted me to take a “core engineering” branch like Mechanical in a semi-decent college. He was willing to help figure out a way to pay for that. However, I was only interested in computers at the time; so I decided to push back. Also, I don’t like handouts or shortcuts so decided to take my rightful place at the new college-by-the-highway and see where life took me.

At the time, a lot of people mocked me and said it was stupid of me to have screwed up my one chance to make my life better. Most people started dismissing me from their lives as just one more from the crowd. Four years later, I got an admit from Stanford University and suddenly everyone wanted to be my friend; everyone wanted to tell me how they always believed in me. I was not buying it. The journey wasn’t romantic at all. Every day, every week, every month was a struggle, a fight worth fighting, a life worth living. I found my true friends and the love of my life during that journey. They were the people who stood by me and had my back when I was a nobody.

Being at the small college gave me time to pursue what I genuinely enjoyed. I loved building robots and my HoD supported me whole heartedly as I participated in competitions across the country along with my friends (from 3 different colleges). I would not have received such an opportunity had I taken admission at another college where grades mattered most. It was this support, encouragement and exposure that helped me build a stronger profile.

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

My second story is about love and loss.

I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. My friends and I started building robots in his house when we were 19. We worked hard and in three years, we had won many national and international competitions and earned a name for ourselves in the country’s AI circles. Do note, this was way back in 2007 when AI was a very new field that not many people fully understood. We started a company that enabled us to teach college students about robotics and AI, and, we were happy. And then we closed it all down. Life happened. A couple of us got jobs and moved. One of my friends had to take some extra classes and had to repeat a year. And as for me, I had no clue what to do next so I decided to take a year off and watch birds while I applied for my M.S.

Our robotics team was very near and dear to me. My team was literally my best friends, the guys I grew up with since I was a toddler. To close shop and move on like that was heartbreaking. We had dreamed of conquering the world together as teens but life would have none of it. This was the first time I understood what it meant to give up something you love. Luckily we all stood by each other and ensured that we helped one another move on with things. After all, there’s more than one way to achieve your dreams. And things did eventually work out really well for all of us.

I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if we hadn’t dissolved the company. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patients needed it.

Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.

My third story is about death.

When I was 17, I watched my idol read a quote that went something like:

“If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 13 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Earlier this year, my father had a severe stroke. It took me 36 hours to get back home to be with my mother. Those were the longest 36 hours of my life. We spent the next three weeks with dad in the ICU as he battled for his life. Until then, death was always a concept that we had discussed often but never actually witnessed. We practically lost him a couple of times but he made it back. This taught me some very important life lessons, especially around what my priorities should be.

I learned how fragile life is and that family should always come first. It struck me deeply how we will all someday lose the people we love. I realized how important it is to make every moment count.

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

What is the biggest misconception people have about life?

“I’ll do that tomorrow”


It’s starting in Europe – the uprising has begun

High fashion pooches

Dogs in Shenzhen are a real trip. I must tell you all, these pooches have to be the most catered to, and pampered animals in the world. They get hair styling, fingernails, their own clothes, carriages and backpacks.

It is wild.

Check out the pictures…

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2024 01 30 10 5cv7

Now… with a smile on your face… enjoy today…

What is the best comeback you used on someone?

Many, many years ago I was working at Godfather’s Pizza. One of our assistant managers was a real jerk. One of his endearing habits was making sexist remarks. I found that the way to shut him up was to add into the conversation topics that he just couldn’t handle. Like one day when a song by The Who was playing. I altered the words and sang to him “Talking ’bout my menstruation”. Another time he was being rather condescending, lecturing the kitchen staff, and mentioned the cleaning towels. He said “We DON’T use RAGS!” and I said “I do!”

Which reminds me of a time with this guy I was dating briefly. We had just had dinner at a restaurant on our way back to town, and before leaving, he said “I’m going to visit the porcelain altar.” When he came back from the restroom, I asked “Did he accept your sacrifice?” He answered “With open mouth”. So then it was my turn. When I came back to the booth, I said “I gave a blood sacrifice”. I don’t know why he thought his answer was so witty, but mine was horribly disgusting!

Have you ever walked out of a car dealership just before signing a final purchase contract? What happened?

This was back several years ago, phone books were still used and no one had ever heard of such a thing as a smartphone. But I went to a Ford dealership in response to one of those Saturday morning programs I seen about various dealerships having sales on used cars where they’d parade them by the screen while rattling off the various things the car or truck was equipped with and the listed price. I go to the dealership and fell for their first scam, they ask you if you’re trading in the vehicle you arrived in and if you say yes they ask you for the keys so they can appraise the vehicle. Don’t ever fall for this cause not only are they going to low ball you on the trade in value (know what your car is worth before you go), but some dealerships will also about hold your keys hostage until you agree to buy whatever car you had been looking at with excuses ranging from they’re still looking at your car to let me go talk to my manager for the umpteenth time…

So I had fallen into this trap. The sales guy I had test drove the car with didn’t know anything about the car, I had to educate him, and I decided not to buy the car. Well they wouldn’t give me back the keys to my car and we were going through a litany of excuses – they were still looking at my car, let me talk to my manager, they can’t find my keys, so on and so forth. I’m getting angry and I’m not a confrontational person mind you but around and around we’re going. But then I have an idea and ask for a phone and the phone book. They ask who I’m calling??? I turn the pages of the phone book until I find the listings for the various local news channels and start to dial the phone on the desk for one of the local news outlets as I tell the dealership guy I’m calling the news, I’m sure they’d just love to hear about this dealership and their sales practices (cause we’ve all seen shady dealerships get profiled on the news haven’t we????). Well you never saw my car keys appear so fast. Never did get to talk to the news, got a busy signal but I didn’t tell them. Got up, left and bad mouthed them to everyone I ever encountered who was thinking about buying a car from them.

Why Men ARE NOT COMMITTING in Modern Dating | Dating Apps & Relationships


What are the differences in living conditions between Vietnam and China for both foreigners and locals?

Vietnam (Hanoi), China (Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu)

As a foreigner who has lived for a short time in these citys, I can answer this question.

I have lived in these cities for more than 30 days, so I have a certain say.

1. Basic life

The cost of living in Hanoi is lower than Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen in China, and about the same as Chengdu. This seemed a bit incredible to me at first, because Vietnam’s per capita income is much lower than China’s. But the fact is that whether it is rent, catering, purchasing mobile phones, or telecommunications services, prices in Hanoi are not cheap and do not match the level of development of the entire country.

Regarding this issue, some Vietnamese friends also told me that it is because I have adopted a “foreigner” lifestyle. For example, I live in hotels, shop in large shopping malls, and eat in more formal restaurants. It’s not really an “ordinary” life.

But I think this explanation is limited in its persuasiveness because I also live the same way in China. For example, the price of a bowl of rice noodles I eat on the streets of Hanoi is almost the same as the price of a bowl of noodles on the streets of Chengdu.

What particularly impressed me was that the taxi price in Hanoi was twice that of Chengdu and 1.5 times that of Beijing and Shanghai.

Compared with China, only some service industries in Hanoi are relatively cheap, such as haircuts and massages.

Therefore, in terms of basic life, the consumption levels of foreigners living in big cities in China are similar to those in big cities in Vietnam. There are no problems with basic living needs.

2. Public facilities

In terms of public facilities, Vietnam and China are quite different.

Hanoi’s urban development level is similar to that of Southeast Asian countries (except Singapore), while China is at the world’s leading level.

Urban transportation: Hanoi mainly relies on taxis, there is only 1 subway, and the public buses are terrible, slow and inefficient. There are some rickshaws that I rarely try.

China relies mostly on subways, every major Chinese city I’ve lived in has a huge subway system, and taxis are cheaper than in Vietnam. Buses in big cities in China are also very cheap and efficient. China also has a large number of shared bicycles and electric motorcycles, which are very convenient and you can use public transportation to quickly reach your destination.

China is faster and cheaper

Roads: Vietnam’s urban roads are narrow, vehicle driving efficiency is low, and traffic congestion is serious. Roads between cities are in poor condition and there are very few freeways. Driving long distances is not an option

China’s road construction level is very high. Expressways can lead to every small city. You can easily drive more than 500 kilometers a day by driving a car. If you are not prone to fatigue, 800 kilometers is also acceptable.

Driving a car in China is easy, but it is not recommended to drive a car in Vietnam for short-term stay

Cross-city transportation:

Vietnam is largely dependent on flying, driving a car is not an option and the rail experience is terrible.

Chinese people generally rely on highways and high-speed rail to solve journeys within 300 kilometers.

Most distances of 300-800 kilometers rely on high-speed railways.

Planes are only used for journeys over 800 kilometers, as they are too inefficient.

Although China is larger and cities are further apart, it actually takes less time than Vietnam.


The catering industry in Vietnamese and Chinese cities is very developed, and there are also restaurants that are open for a long time at night. So basic meals are no problem.

The food in Vietnam is generally Southeast Asian style. You can feel the influence of Thailand and Cambodia, and the spices they like to use are relatively similar.

The difference lies in diversity. China’s catering industry is the most diverse I have ever seen. In cities like Chengdu or Shenzhen, you can eat completely different foods every day for a month, and there are many choices for each type.

The catering industry in Hanoi is relatively simple. The tastes of Vietnamese restaurants are almost the same, unlike in China where there are so many types. The number of foreign restaurants is much smaller than in China, and there are even fewer choices.

3. Medical treatment:

Hospitals in Vietnam are crowded, and so are those in China. But the efficiency is not bad. Compared with Europe and the United States, the medical efficiency of China and Vietnam is very high.

I had a skin allergy in Vietnam and a respiratory infection in China. I entered the hospital on the same day, completed the examination on the same day, and received treatment and medicine on the same day.

The obvious difference is that Vietnamese doctors basically don’t speak English and they need to use translation software or my friends. Chinese doctors basically all speak English.

In terms of hospital environment, Chinese hospitals are larger, cleaner and more modern, while Vietnamese hospitals are generally older, but have complete basic examination equipment. (I don’t go to many hospitals. I always ask local friends to take me to regular large hospitals)

4. Language :

Language is a big issue in Vietnam

English is basically useless here, except for some hotel staff and professional translators, and some college students, almost no one can speak English. What’s embarrassing is that there are more people who can speak Chinese than English. So in Vietnam I always try to speak Chinese first.

In China, young people in big cities basically know some English, but some are more proficient and some have difficulty. But if I speak slower, many people can understand. However, as a Chinese speaker, I speak more Chinese, and I feel that the language environment in China is very good.

Spinach Balls (Pseftokeftedes Santorini)

2024 01 30 10 21
2024 01 30 10 21


  • 1 1/4 cups peeled, chopped plum tomatoes or 1 1/2 cups cooked, well-drained, chopped spinach, or any other greens
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped scallions
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon freshly chopped parsley
  • 1/2 teaspoon oregano
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 heaping teaspoon fresh mint
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder
  • Olive oil, for frying


  1. In a large bowl, combine tomatoes, scallions, garlic, herbs and spices. Add flour and baking powder and mix together so that all ingredients are well blended and have the consistency of a thick batter (about as thick as pancake batter).
  2. In a large heavy skillet, heat enough olive oil for frying. Taking a heaping tablespoon at a time, drop batter into hot oil and fry until golden brown and crisp.
  3. Remove at once with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.
  4. Serve hot.

Servings: 36

Scariest Things Caught On Live TV

Who do you know who appears poor that is secretly loaded?

When we first moved to Maine, my wife was a wedding photographer. Having relocated from the West Coast, we were pretty unaware of the lay of the land here. We’d heard of ‘old money’—the result of generations of inherited wealth—but had never seen it up close.

So my wife gets a call from a woman asking about photo coverage of her second marriage, and my wife agrees to come out to their house to discuss with her and her husband, Richard. My wife takes along a $200 off coupon she was offering new clients at the time. She gets in her old Subaru and heads to the address. At some point, she realizes that the huge, mile-long block of woods she’s navigating around is completely enclosed by a stone wall and that the house she’s going to is the only structure inside the walls. She starts to sweat.

Inside the house, she’s introduced to Richard Rockefeller. He’s an unassuming guy in his 50s, a medical doctor. She thinks, there must be lots of Rockefellers here on the East Coast; this doesn’t mean he’s related to THE Rockefellers.

He is. In fact, Richard is the son of David Rockefeller and grandson of John D. Rockefeller. He is a physician in Maine, a prominent member of the community and president of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, a philanthropic foundation.

My wife has a lovely time, he asks lots of questions about her Nikon camera and even gladly accepts her $200 coupon, because, why not?

We both work together to cover the wedding reception, held a month or two later on an island the family owns off of Bar Harbor, Maine. We take a private boat to the island and are greeted by Richard at the dock. He’s wearing baggy old khaki pants, an ancient LLBean flannel shirt, a floppy sun hat and old battered shoes. He’s driving a Subaru wagon that makes my wife’s nine-year-old car look new. He grabs the wheel and tells us—the hired help, basically—that he’s taking us to his ‘barn’ where we’ll spend the night.

So we arrive at a structure I could call a barn only because it has the vague shape of what once was a barn. Huge open area for seating and events, with an upstairs loft area with comfy beds, bathrooms. We stayed there, in a gorgeous custom post-and-beam ‘barn’ that probably cost three times what my own house cost.

The weekend was fun—we photographed people like Glenn Close and others in attendance for the event. It was low-key and tasteful and understated, but obviously extravagant. Richard and his wife were extremely kind to us.

I’ve never forgotten my brush with ‘old money’. Here in Maine, you might sit next to someone like Richard Rockefeller at a local diner and never know it.

Richard died a few years later in a small plane crash. I consider myself fortunate to have met him, however briefly.

Woman Held Accountable By Church For Cheating On Her Husband

What did you notice during an interview that made you not want the job?

Back in the ‘80s, as a teen, I applied for a security position at local supermarket (36hrs/wk), advertised in the Jobcentre. The advisor phoned them on my behalf (standard practice), they wanted me to attend a week long training seminar, nearly 3 hours away by bus, and assured they’d refund travel costs.

First day of training went well, and they informed me they’d refund travel at end of course. Fair enough. At the end of the week they said they’d refund after the contract was signed (yes, alarm bells rang), I intended to accept the job, while not great pay, it was local (walking distance) and better than nothing. So, read and signed contract, collected uniform, then given my assignment, 2pm to 2am (60hrs/wk, same pay!) at the airport! Not local! I explain it’s too far, and public transport doesn’t run that time of morning, they expect me to get a taxi home, which would cost more than my wages! I’m then told they do not refund travel expenses, after repeatedly saying they would.

As I’m leaving, wondering how I’m gonna explain this to dad (to borrow more money), I notice a woman in security uniform, she’s pale and looks upset. She’d not been paid for 3 MONTHS! I returned to the office, stating I didn’t want the job, to be told they’d sue for breach of contract.

Of course I’m upset and scared, if I take the job then it’s either have about 2 hours a day at home, or live in the airport, and hope I get paid. If I don’t take the job I’ll lose my benefits and get sued.

When I got home, I explained what happened to dad. He contacts a drinking buddy who works for the benefits office, and we both go see him Monday morning. He said they’d breached a verbal contract, I had good reason to believe they’d breach the written contract (not pay wages), and the job was not as advertised. He was appalled they hadn’t given me a copy of the contract. He assured me I wouldn’t face sanctions. He contacted the company’s head office on my behalf, he also made sure the company was blacklisted from advertising at the jobcentres.

Dad and I returned the uniform to the offices, he verbally ran rings around the 2-faced muppet who threatened me with breach of contract. Oh, and I made sure the room full of new recruits knew travel expenses are not refunded, not to expect a paycheque for at least 3 months, and the job is unlikely to be where or when advertised.

What are some hard ways to make life better?

I want you to take a gander around your room right now.

Seriously. pivot in your chair, couch, whatever —and survey everything.

How many things aren’t being used?

How many things are being kept for thin sentimental reasons? Until last year, my answer was “many, many things”.

I had an old crappy laptop that didn’t even work. I had a bunch of comics that were never going to become rare — because millions were printed. I didn’t even like the comics.

Your life is being dragged down by purposeless objects.

Junk is scientifically linked to stress, procrastination, and inefficiency. You could turn all three of those problems into advantages.

I hereby challenge you to can 50% of your stuff. Don’t let your room get like this.

Start by throwing away that stupid printer

My printer was the ultimate bad employee. Once every six months, I’d summon him, “Can you come to work today?

And in that one moment of need, he was hungover and unable to function. I’d get a mysterious error. Or an out-of-ink issue despite having barely used the printer.

He’d groan and moan and nothing would happen. He’s like that deadbeat dad who can’t sober up once a year for his son’s birthday party.

“Damnit Epson! You can’t get your act for Billy’s party for one day. Not sure why I ever married you!”

My printer is no longer with us. He’s enjoying an early retirement in the sunny isles of the Hillsborough County Waste Department.

The point I’m making: if you own something that doesn’t do its job, start there.

That lame couch you never sit on because it isn’t even comfortable? That clunky, wobbly table with a weird mystery stain, you can’t get rid of? Find them a new home.

Donate it.

Break it with an aluminum bat and scream my name if you want.

Do what must be done. I command thee.

Take a NASA perspective

I used to write in a tiny office, in a tiny house for 13 years. I moved in when I was in my mid-20s.

It was in this house that I had a girlfriend, who became a wife, who then became an ex-wife. I’ve finally collected the plunder from my various ventures and invested in a nice home. As I took stock of my inventory, I was mortified by how much junk I owned. I felt like a hoarder.

If my stuff was going to space, I’d have blown out NASA’s cost-per-square-foot budget. “Who brought these 50,000 index cards from Sean’s 2003 Bio class!?”

Heck, they’d have needed an extra fuel tank. Everything you own isn’t cost-free.

As you add more stuff, it drastically increases the surface area in your home. That surface is just one more thing to clean and collect dust. It eats up mental space. Think of your belongings like they’re being shot into space. Everything must be of absolute necessity.

No junk on the launch pad.

A push for more functionality

I used to have a GPS watch. I used it to track where I spent the most time in the house.

It was depressing: 90% of my waking hours were in my office.

I wasn’t surprised. Yet is this what home ownership is supposed to be about?

One study showed this is a common phenomenon, particularly in larger homes. Shaquille O’Neal famously owned an 18-bathroom house — and admitted, “I only use three rooms.”

We fail to optimize space. We have a bunch of chairs that suck to sit on.

Our dressers are full of clothes we never wear. Give yourself a reason to use every room in your house.

Decluttering isn’t about whether you like something; it’s about whether you actually use it.

A functional, non-cluttered house feels light. It’s efficient. It almost like weight loss. You feel lighter on your feet. Purging junk even feels like exercise: it isn’t particularly fun, but the outcome is super rewarding.

One simple trick and then some

We moved 14 times in 18 years during my childhood.

To avoid becoming hoarders, we had a hard and fast rule: if you haven’t used it in six months, throw it away. Do you even know what you own?

Imagine knowing what and where each item is at all times. I know where my remote is. I know where my two pairs of brown dress socks are.

I feel in control. Everything is accounted for. There is peace of mind in knowing everything in your life belongs there and has a use. It’s not neglected like an abandoned toy. It reinforces a mentality of purpose and deliberacy.

Adopt a six-month rule for your belongings, with rare exceptions where they need apply.

Selling on marketplace

The first object to go to was my dining room table.

I put it on the Facebook marketplace for only $50. My inbox blew up like a hot scammy dating profile at Port Dumbass.

This is usually what happens on the platform. It’s so easy. Two hours later, a nice, middle-aged Hispanic couple showed up.

After inspecting it, he turned to me and said, “How about $35?” I said, “Sorry. There are too many people wanting to buy.”

I wasn’t bluffing. But — then I offered him another table and several dozen other household items for free.

I realized I just needed to get rid of stuff. Thirty minutes later, we were stuffing his van with three tables, a huge ladder, and even lawn equipment. It wasn’t the most profitable way of doing things, but it felt good giving to someone who would need. I jokingly offered him the shirt I was wearing too, but he declined.

Decide what you don’t need and isn’t being used, and either sell or donate it.

I also called a trash hauler and paid them $150 to haul off a huge trailer full of unused stuff. You can find them easily on Craigslist.

The last step is to buy a big box of industrial bags. Then, each week make it a point to fill at least one with things you don’t want anymore.

They fit in the regular trash pickup. Donate what you can to the Salvation Army and get a tax deduction. Sell the rest on Facebook Marketplace.

Don’t think of this as an action but a lifestyle. You’ll reevaluate how you spend your money, taking broader consideration for how badly you actually need something.

Your house will feel bigger, more open, and more efficient. You won’t lose nearly as many things.

And you won’t have nearly as much stuff to manage. Throw away 50% of your stuff and you’ll be better off for it. It’s not a dare.

It’s a double dare.

I thought I wanted that…

What would Hell be for Joseph Stalin?

The question makes me remember two old Soviet jokes.

Both are about a tourist visit of the Hell. One of them mentions Joseph Stalin.

Joke #1

A tourist visit of Hell. Hall of the greatest criminals. They stand in blood (according to some versions, in shit). Hitler is waist-deep in blood, his gaze angry, his mouth shouting something that tourists do not hear. Stalin stands to Hitler’s left, silent, with a sardonic smile on his lips, blood reaching to the middle of his boots.

Tourist (astonished): Please tell me why Hitler is buried so much deeper than Stalin? Did he spill so much more blood?
Guide: Ah, I will have to tell the administration. Stalin cheated again!
T: How does he cheat?
G: He always climbs on Lenin’s shoulders!

Joke #2

A tourist visit of Hell. Astonished tourists see Nikita Khrushchev sitting on a sofa, with Marilyn Monroe in his lap, caressing him and kissing his bald head.

Tourist (astonished): Are you telling me this is the punishment for Khrushchev’s sins?
Guide: No, dear sir. This is the punishment for Marilyn Monroe’s sins.

DATING CRISIS: Why Are So Many Men Single?


What is the real condition of poverty in China?

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image 222

See these Kids?

These Kids are University Students in China and Poor Kids, Children of Poor Families

Under Common Prosperity, University Students are mandated to serve 42 hours a year in their third or final year to tutor and help poor kids pass their examinations

They have these centers where Poor Kids are provided Food, Clothes, Shoes, Smartphones and Tutors free of cost as part of the revenue from the tax collections of the local provinces plus a 3.5% of profit from the Big Gun Industries

The best of them are admitted to School and on to Gaokao

The others get Skilled Training

The others get Vocational Training

Their Working Age is reduced from the mandatory legal 16 in China to 14 in many provinces so that they can earn a living and help their families

Once they are 21 years old, THEY HAVE TO COMPETE ON THEIR OWN

Their Talent , Their Ability

No Reservations

No Affirmative Action

I like this system

Help the Kids, give them education, give them all the material benefits needed then they can compete fairly

From 2019–2023 – Roughly 8.5 Million Poor Kids have been given Jobs that will transform them to Low Income immediately and Middle Class by 2036

China just doesn’t handout money or food to poor families like India or US do


One new rule that China established in 2021 for Poor People was :-

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image 221

The Ten Year Rule

Tenant Farmers who work as Rural Workers can now send their Kids to the Local Schools in the Village where Education is free plus two meals are free (Breakfast and Lunch)

The Kids study from 4 PM to 7 PM

They work from 7 AM to 12 PM and are paid a minimum 6 RMB per hour ($ 0.91) which is equally TOPPED UP BY THE STATE

So each kid makes 60 RMB per Day and makes 4,000 RMB for a season in addition to two free meals a day plus education

Tenant farmers don’t have to feed their kids for 240 days a years, that has to be done by the Agricultural Unit Owner

Tenant Farmers who have worked as Tenant Farmers for at least 20,000 Hours , are eligible to get their OWN LANDHOLDINGS with the deposit amount FULLY WAIVED

Hu Jintao and his gang ignored these rules

Xi enforced them immediately

Almost 300,000 Tenant Farmers now own their own LANDHOLDINGS on 30 Year or 100 Year leases

The Real Condition of China is that today China has

51.9% Middle Class or Higher

34.7% Low Income

13.4% Poor People

0% Extremely Poor

Target 2030 where at least 15 Million Kids are involved in given all those benefits is

55% Middle Class

40% Low Income

5% Poor People

This is the target set in 2022

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image 220

The Stock markets can wait

According to Xi, the key is to create a large middle class consumer base

800 Million is the Goal for 2030 from 426 Million in 2023

Have you ever seen a mass exodus after a respected employee quit or got fired?

My father was a banker for most of my life. He worked in the trust department assisting people with estates, wills, and trust funds, inheritances, etc. My mother used to tease him that he had a “harem” of older ladies who thought he was wonderful because he had handled things when their husbands died.

In the early 90s the local bank was bought by a much larger bank from another state. Things changed and not for the better. My father was told that he should use money from one account to bolster another account and replace the money later. My father refused. While it might not have been illegal at the time he felt that it was highly unethical and he wouldn’t do it.

He resigned.

And when his clients all found out WHY he resigned they all, except for two or three, moved their accounts to a different bank.

One of his colleagues who still worked at the first bank told him that the leadership from the new bank were dumbfounded by the sudden mass exodus of clients. And when my father informed the local lawyers who referred clients to him what happened they stopped referring clients to that bank. In less than two years after my father resigned the out-of-state bank closed the Trust department because it was unprofitable. My father took great satisfaction in that.

WOW! I am humbled by the huge number of upvotes for this story about my father. He was not perfect, no one is, but he was an honorable man and I am proud to be his daughter.

I am humbled by how high the number of upvotes as climbed. It is over 5,000. This is the most upvotes I’ve gotten on anything I’ve written on Quora. Thank you for recognizing a good man.

Male inequality, explained by an expert | Richard Reeves

Who interrogated an accused with too much zeal?

In the 3rd century BC, a sensational scandal erupted in Rome: two Vestal Virgins had lost their virginity, and the guilty party was a young ‘pontiff’.

The Sibylline Books were consulted to decide the fate of the three religious figures, the Vestal Virgins Opimia Floronia and the pontiff Lucius Cantilius.

The two women had no escape, having been caught in the act. The rule of the Vestals prescribed live burial.

Floronia, not accepting the idea of dying in such a way, preferred to take her own life. Opimia resigned herself. A large crowd saw her ascend onto a mournfully adorned chariot, accompanied by a procession of priests to the place of execution.

Many Romans wanted to witness the dramatic scene of her being enclosed in the tomb with a loaf of bread and a pitcher of water. The interrogation of Lucius Cantilius was public.

The Pontifex Maximus, his superior and representative of the state religion, took on the role of the public prosecutor. Relentlessly, he ordered the questions to be preceded by violent lashes, repeated after the defendant’s answer.

It was not possible to conclude the interrogation: Lucius Cantilius, in fact, died from those lashes.

What’s the worst thing a girl ever said to you when rejecting you?

I had a sunroom added to my house, and the sales lady, construction manager was around a lot. She was quite flirtatious, as sales people often are. So when the project was done, and I had signed off on everything and I would never see her again, I asked her out on a date.

She told me she was moving to a different city the next week. Which was pretty suspicious, because my project had finished ahead of schedule. But I didn’t press it. Three months later I had a leak in my sunroom, and I called them up to fix it. Guess who answered the phone?

We had spent a lot of time together, and she knew I wasn’t psycho, the logical thing would have been to say that she wasn’t interested. If she was worried for some reason, then say that she was in a relationship.

But no, she had to go with the whopper, that I am moving to a different city. Nothing tells you how a person views you as much as telling an outrageous lie that’s so easy to check.

She told me on the phone, that she had just moved back. I pretended that was a reasonable answer.

Physical Intimacy: His NEED is NOT your WEAPON Ladies

How did you know it was time to call it a career?

Police work is a young man’s profession. You don’t want to be out chasing criminals on the street in your fifties. I was hired rather late in life, graduating from the police academy at thirty-three years old.

I learned quickly that I could do the job of a street cop but liked narcotics, especially undercover work. That led to more complex investigations. After six years in narcotics, I decided it was time to gain rank, so I aced the sergeant’s exam. I enjoyed every day as a street sergeant, leading and teaching.

Four years later, I would become a lieutenant which was great for a while. As a watch commander and then patrol division commander, I led over half of the department and made positive changes. All was fine until one day; I was asked to take over internal affairs. Our department had more serious problems than I realized. I spent the next six years of my life embattled, persuing the worst officers you can imagine.

Officers committing crimes, abusing their power, abusing citizens, and even their loved ones. Stealing, cheating, and anything else they thought they could get away with. I spent a lot of time being grilled in court by their high-priced defense attorneys with only limited success.

By the time I left, we had fired all but one of this group. The last was fired shortly after I left. So I had to go through hell for years, but in the end, the department was a better place for the citizens we served.

My twenty-five-year retirement couldn’t come soon enough. A few more years in that pressure-cooker position, and I might have stroked out. So at fifty-eight years old, I walked away with my pension. I haven’t been sorry a single day since I retired six years ago. Life’s too short.

Have you ever accidentally opened someone else’s email and found something interesting?

My husband and I have been together 20 years when we met he was finalizing his divorce which they were simply too young and tried to grow up too fast they were together just two years. After about a month I was helping him get some of her stuff out which was all junk. I started cleaning out a desk of hers and in the bottom drawer was just stacks n stacks of mail. Apparently my husband hates opening mail and would just put it in a drawer for him to open later, I certainly make him open his mail I don’t know why she would do that. So he told me to open it, it was flyers, bills, coupons, everything in a stack. I start opening mail and I would see $5000 check then another then another then another. These checks were two days away from void/expired or have to wait a long time to reissue. It was from his dad’s estate and each kid got $5000 from certain accounts and investments and so on. He was broke at this time with his divorce plus being in your 20s you don’t quite make as much yet. He went from having a couple hundred dollars in his account and the very next day we now have money to put down on a house which is cheaper than our current rent and much larger and we later made a good chunk of cash when we sold it. In the end, it did look like a scam letter or a collections notice, now im always into opening mail because I’ve even over paid a bill and what looks like a bill would be a small refund for my over payment. I just can’t wait to get that jury summons for a crazy court case.

Will there be a War with China

Has being a polite customer in a stressful situation ever resulted in unexpectedly exceptional service or special treatment for you?

We were the polite customers in a round about way-

We are attending a destination wedding on an all inclusive resort in Jamaica-absolutely beautiful weather, all the food and drink you could possibly want. Beautiful rooms with waterfront views-

The bride and groom and the 6 other guests attending were incredibly rude, demanding, belittling, belligerent and racist in their remarks towards the staff on the resort. My husband and I had never seen this side of their personality and were shocked at the behavior to the point that after the wedding (3rd day of 7) we disassembled from those in the group and did our own things.

On the final day, we were all

booked under the wedding party and had to check out and depart together-one of the women in the group was accusing the cleaning staff of stealing her clothing, the bride was making up all kinds of reasons she should have received a discounted stay, on and on, the mother of the bride was loud and yelling in the front foyer of the resort-my husband and I had enough and told all of them to shut up. All they had done the entire trip was lie and complain. We then went into a private office and explained to head of the resort how they were lying because we heard all the comments they had made and could prove it-We were comped 1k off our stay and turned that money around to tip the staff that so excellently served us during our stay-my husband and I both knew none of the others had left a tip and it was intentional to not do so as it was mentioned on the very first night at dinner.

Once it was clear their motive was to get as much for free as possible they were checked out w/o any further interaction and escorted to the van that would drive them to the airport-My husband and I were put in a different van to go back

We never asked for anything back as we had a great trip but the resort was happy to give us the 1k- as for those people we have not spoken to them since-it’s not that hard to be nice!

As a professor, has there been a student you instantly recognized as a genius in the first week of knowing them?

Genius is what genius does. Professors spend the better part of their waking days interacting with intelligence at the upper tail of the distribution, so an unusually adroit bit of intelligence will catch any professor’s eye. Alas, anybody with experience also has seen many a charlatan, so skepticism always comes first. I may recognize genius quickly, but I will test it many times before I conclude it is truly there.

Here is an illustration.

A few years back I had an MBA student, born in the Caribbean, who had considerable world-travel experience under his belt. Quietly confident, and charming and affable, he had natural leadership abilities. Over time his stories of travels came with the additional details that he was facile with languages, and that helped him pick up work as he travelled.

I was intrigued, and learned about his travels throughout Asia, and tested him a bit with details (I have some experience in that part of the world, but, of course, I also had many more years to accumulate it). He seemed to be telling the honest truth. He knew things about Myanmar (and similar places) that would be hard to learn unless you visited.

Here is the genius part. He said that, for a while, he settled in China doing translation and other work. How was that possible? He had simply picked up Chinese, he said. I have an old acquaintance who was native English speaker who knew several European languages and learned Japanese after spending many years there, and he told me about all the challenges. So I was just a little skeptical. A few words, sure, but fluent with no formal training?

I had asked a few of the native-Chinese speakers whether the student could speak well, and they said yes, but none had a lengthy conversation.

One day we were visited by a Chinese delegation of businessmen. And my student was introduced to them. Off they went in conversation, laughing and conversing. He was fluent, and just as charming and affable in that language.

I never doubted him again. Genius is what genius does.

That’s fishy

Why do so many people hate the self checkouts?

My typical self checkout experience goes like this.

Using own bag. Place on scale. So I do. I use a backpack so it is heavier than a shopping bag. This triggers, Wait for an assistant. I open my bag ready so the assistant can look inside it. I do this because if they asked to see inside my bag I would be terribly offended and most people don’t like being told to go fuck themselves.

Ok, ready to start scanning. Where is the barcode on this cabbage? Oh, I need to look for it in the touchscreen. Finally found it after 2 minutes searching.


This happens at least one more time. I am really getting pissed off now.

Ready to pay. It asks me if I took a bag. I didn’t. It asks me if I’m sure. Now I start arguing with the machine. I’m fed up of you. Why would I steal a 40p bag? Don’t you think I would have taken the £10 side of salmon instead?

Finally, after a good 5 minutes have passed I get to pay for my 15 items. But wait, I have wait for assistance again to authorise the bottle of wine I bought. OK, so now I get to pay.

Not so fast. There were a couple of discounted items in there and guess what we need to get the discount applied? That’s right, an assistant!

I pay, put on my backpack and instead of saying thank you, as I would to the cashier, I mutter, stupid fucking bastard, to the machine.

Not a pleasant experience at all.

A woman I know who works in my local Aldi told me she feels bad for the old people. An old woman told her that she used to look forward to shopping because she lives alone and sometimes the cashier might be the only person she spoke with that week.

Some people enjoy human interaction. As a general rule, I’m not one of them. However I much prefer to be served by a cashier than those self checkout machines. It takes too long and it’s frustrating. Added to that, I feel like it is constantly accusing me of shoplifting.

Pepe Escobar: Putin and China just changed EVERYTHING with this Move and the Neocons Can’t Stop Them

What’s something a doctor did to you that you won’t ever forget?

When I was in grad school, I had to have oral surgery for a midline palatine cyst. After misdiagnosing it as an abscessed tooth and mucking about, my dentist finally referred me to an oral surgeon.

The oral surgeon (who was nearing retirement) asked about my financial situation at the initial consultation. It was pretty dire, so I told him I would need to pay over time. He told me not to worry,

After doing some imaging he told me that he had never seen a cyst that large. The surgery was done, and went well. But I was left with two drains coming out of the corners of my mouth. These needed to remain in place for a week.

My upper jaw was incredibly swollen. With the drains in place, I looked like a walrus. I had to be careful how I ate and drank, to avoid having food or drinks dribble out of my nose. Nonetheless, I had to go to classes (it was the first week of the semester) as well as meet my students (I was a teaching assistant at the time.)

And every other day, I had to see the oral surgeon. He irrigated the site and gave me samples of antibiotics and words of encouragement.

When he finally removed the drains, my palate was healing well. I saw him two weeks later for follow up. I stopped at the front desk to arrange for payment. His total bill? $50! The surgery had taken almost two hours! And there were those follow up appointments as well.

I was incredibly grateful. I waited to see him between patients to express my gratitude. He smiled and said, one day you’ll do something for someone else.

He was right. And I will never forget him.

Scariest Things Caught On LIVE TV 2#

As a landlord, what was the grossest thing you ever saw in a tenant’s house or apartment?

This wasn’t my property but that of a friend. He rented it to a couple ‘from New York’ they claimed, who showed up very well dressed. He was in a suit and his ‘wife’ in a nice dress. They claimed to need a ‘local apartment’ as they ‘came to Boston’ (we are 10 miles west of Boston) often and stated an apartment was cheaper than renting hotel rooms every time, sounded legit. Anyway, for the first year, the rent was a couple days early then it was ‘just’ on time for a few months then a couple days late but paid IN CASH every month so no real issues. THEN it happened! After about two years the rent was a week late so my friend went by daily to catch them in (remember, they stated that they were from NY and came up ‘often’ so he didn’t expect them to be there at any given time). After five drive-bys he was there in the evening, on weekends, nothing seemed out of place from the outside. The yard was impeccably neat and clean as they stated it would be. Then two weeks later on a Friday evening just after dinner as he drove by he saw movement inside the apartment. He stopped and knocked on the door. When it opened, he was greeted by someone who spoke NO English. Panic ensued, people running around the apartment and out the back door. He told someone who came to the door that actually spoke some English that the rent was past due and needed to be paid. They stated that they would have cash Saturday morning for him. He asked why so many people and was told it was a party. He didn’t believe that story and said so, he told that individual that as it was rented to TWO PEOPLE everyone else had to go and if more than two were there in 12 hours it would be $50 EACH! What follows I witnessed the very next day. We knocked, no answer. I went around back and knocked, no answer. I walked back to the front. He was pounding on the front door… no one answered. WHY I cannot tell you but I turned the door knob, the door was UNLOCKED. He opened it. Before I go on, first I will say that we eventually found two month’s rent left on the kitchen counter in cash. Now the HORROR! They removed the doors from the kitchen cabinets and replaced them with chicken wire to house the CHICKENS that were now living in most of the cabinets! TWO DOZEN CHICKENS!The STENCH was gag worthy. The filth was just as revolting but what got me was the bathroom! The door was closed but the exhaust fan running. (A neighbor later told me it was running 24/7, read on and you will know WHY!). When he opened the door my friend closed it fast and proceeded to vomit! I opened the door to see the toilet PLUGGED AND MOUNDED with feces! The bathtub was ALSO filled with urine and feces! There were mattresses wall to wall in every single room except the bathroom and kitchen! This included a rough basement too! About 50(?) mattresses! The apartment was being used to house over 70 people! Even the ceilings were disgusting. I do know that the entire apartment had to be gutted and renovated, I saw it after it was done. It took a bit of searching but the two that rented it originally were found, I don’t nor want to know what was said or done but I do know that they were in full knowledge and complicity with what was going on. One further note, at some point before they ‘filled the tub’ they had roasted a pig in it! They built a fire in the tub and roasted a pig above it! When the apartment was gutted, it was found that the wall and floor behind and beneath the tub were charred, they almost burned down the house!

Hollywood Goes CRAZY! | Seinfeld DESTROYS Woke Insanity in EPIC Video

How do Chinese restaurants get their beef to be so tender? Like beef in black bean sauce or Mongolian beef etc. It almost falls apart in the mouth.

I’m an aficionado chef and I love watching cooking tutorials. Recently, I’ve discovered the secret behind how Chinese restaurants get their beef to be so tender in dishes like beef in black bean sauce or Mongolian beef – and it’s pretty interesting!

Once I did an Asian cuisine workshop, and one of the chefs there taught me the secret. Chinese restaurants often marinate their beef in a mixture of baking soda, cornstarch, and soy sauce for at least 30 minutes before cooking. This breaks down the proteins in the meat, making it more tender and easier to chew.

In addition, Chinese restaurants slice the beef against the grain, which makes it even more tender. When you slice against the grain, you’re cutting the beef perpendicular to the muscle fibers, and this makes all the difference.

Another thing that I love the most about Chinese cuisine is the high heat cooking method. When you stir-fry beef at a high temperature, it keeps the moisture inside the beef and makes it juicy and flavorful. And the cuts of beef that they use, such as flank steak or sirloin, are naturally more tender than other cuts.

I’ve tried making beef in black bean sauce using these techniques, and it is absolutely delicious! The beef just falls apart in your mouth, and it tastes so well. So, if you want to make your beef dishes tender and juicy like the ones you get at Chinese restaurants, try using these techniques. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed!

Tomato Pilaf

1400x919 One Pan Tomato Pilaf
1400×919 One Pan Tomato Pilaf


  • 2 medium tomatoes, coarsely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons chopped onion
  • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup uncooked regular rice
  • 1 teaspoon instant beef bouillon
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper


  1. Cook and stir tomatoes and onions in butter in 2-quart saucepan over medium heat for 2 minutes.
  2. Stir in remaining ingredients. Heat to boiling, stirring once or twice; reduce heat. Cover and simmer 14 minutes without lifting cover or stirring.
  3. Remove from heat. Fluff rice lightly with fork; cover and let steam 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. Serve with grated Parmesan cheese if desired.

Yield: 8 servings

Does a boss ever get in trouble when a staff member quits?

Names are fictional, but otherwise this is accurate to best of my memory.

Back in the mid-80s during my high school years, I worked at major fast food place. I worked there for around 18 months and was generally well regarded by the managers there. Because of this, I would often be called on to see if I was able to cover a shift when someone called out.

One such time, I agreed to cover and went in to see that the only person working was the manager (Jim). So literally it would be just the two of us working, Jim up front on register and me in the back making the food. (Another person from a different store came in an hour or so later to help out). It was a rough night, but we made it work.

After things slowed down, I asked Jim what happened. One of the other managers (Randy) was working that night and everyone he had working with him just up and left. I asked Jim where Randy was, and he said he was asked to leave as well and really couldn’t talk any further about it.

The rest of the story wouldn’t reach me for a week or so, but the entire staff quitting at once prompted the owner to investigate what happened. It turns out that Randy had been violating labor laws for months. And as most of the staff (including myself) were minors, those laws are more stringent and carry higher penalties. Things like forcing more than 8 hours a day, working outside certain hours, and forcing unpaid OT. While I don’t know for sure what prompted everyone to leave that night, I have to assume it was related.

Randy was taken off the schedule and, as far as I know, never set foot in the store again. I don’t know what legal consequences resulted from this, if any.


What’s the strangest request you’ve had at McDonald’s?

I have not worked at McDonald’s, but since there’s no equivalent question for Burger King, I’m going to answer anyway.

Late at night, a guy came up to the counter and said he wanted a Whopper with 10 patties on it. He seemed like he was probably a little stoned, or a little drunk, or probably a little both. “Money is no object,” he said. I knew how to set this up, but I called the manager just to make sure everything was ok and more importantly because I knew she would want in on this process. We had a button for a patty with no bun, to accommodate people on the Atkins Diet. I entered in his Whopper request, punched the patty button nine times, and then hit the intercom to explain to the kitchen crew the correct interpretation of what was now appearing on their screens. My amplified voice filled the kitchen, like the voice of God:

“That is not a mistake. It is a Whopper with 10 patties on it. Please do whatever it takes to make it happen.”

We couldn’t hear anything from the back over all the machine noises. The guy paid. It was around $12. Then, after a few minutes, there was activity at the hamburger chute. Normally burgers would be placed here and they’d slide to the front to be bagged or placed on trays. A pair of hands gently placed a very large, roughly-ball shaped object on the chute. The hands gently—tenderly— guided it to the bottom. It was held in place by four Whopper wrappers. “Be careful with this,” one of the cooks said. “Wrapping it was very difficult.”

The customer was delighted. Once he had his to-go bag, he explained that he and a friend had got in an argument concerning the truthfulness of our “Your Way, Right Away” slogan, and he had just won a bet. It remains one of my favorite moments, a real team effort.

Why Men Get So Few Matches on Dating Apps

Bridgeport blow hole

As a young boy, my father would take us out periodically out of our city (Bridgeport, CT) and go for a ride into the country. And there we would go to a roped off hole in the ground. Turns out that twice a day, this hole would gusher out a tall column of water. And it was really cool to watch as a young boy.

It’s something that I haven’t seen in decades. And truthfully, I have forgot about it all. But you know, the other day, by chance, I remembered the blow hole. I was thinking about it the other day whilst musing about what to expose my young daughter to. Yup. A natural ocean blow hole.

If you can spend sometime at a local library and chat with the people there, they might be able to point you all in the right direction for some fun excitement for the family. You never know.



Have you ever been asked or told something so offensive you found yourself momentarily stunned?

I worked in a coffee shop and many tourists would come by. This guy from another state came one day doing the « have we ever seen each other before » act. I said no and gave him his coffee. Just a reminder that I had a fiance at that time (now my husband). He then waited for me at the end of the counter . I thought he had a question so I went up to him and asked if everything was ok. He told me the classic « you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, I would love to take you on a date … blahblahblah » I refused and said I have a fiance. He replied « but do you love him? » I was stunned.

I confirmed that yes in fact I was very much in love with my fiance to wich he replied « are you sure? ». I was getting frustrated a bit so i just said « I know I love him so don’t ask me that again it’s rude ».

The next thing he said was even worst. He simply said « Not even for one night? ». That was enough, I went up to my boss and told him everything. My boss escorted him out.

Very shocked how a person can ask such questions shamelessly!

America today

Yogurt Cake (Yiaourtini)

2024 01 29 19 17
2024 01 29 19 17



  • 1/2 pound butter
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1 cup yogurt
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/8 teaspoon cloves
  • 6 egg whites
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1 shot glass cognac
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda


  • 2 cups sugar
  • 3 cups water
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice


  1. Grease a 13 x 9-inch baking pan. Heat oven to 325 degrees F.
  2. Sift flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and baking powder and set aside.
  3. Cream the butter well. Add the sugar and continue beating until very light. Add egg yolks one by one and continue beating. Slowly add yogurt and dry ingredients alternately. Whip egg whites until stiff, but not dry. Fold the egg whites into the cake batter. Fold in chopped walnuts. Mix the baking soda with the cognac and fold into the batter. Pour into pan and bake 45-55 minutes.
  4. While the yiaourtini is baking, prepare syrup. Bring the ingredients to a boil and gently boil for 20 minutes.
  5. Let both the yiaourtini and syrup cool for about 20 minutes and then very slowly pour the syrup over the yiaourtini. You may not need all of the syrup.
  6. Cut into diamond shapes. Cover to keep cake moist.



You have to suffer

What are the most difficult and useful things people have to learn in their 20s?

This is an idea I read somewhere a while ago, and it’s been really helpful for me in developing patience:

Most people completely overestimate how much they can do in a day, but underestimate how much they can do in a year.

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image 218

In just a day, you can’t change much.

Say one day, you go to the gym, eat healthy, sleep 8 hours, talk to a girl you have a crush on, and work on your business for a few hours. You do some breathing exercises you found on YouTube, read a book, and even call your mom and ask her about her day.

You had a great day.

But at the end of the day, you’re frustrated because your life is pretty much the same. You still kind of suck. You’re still a mess.

Your muscles are still small and you’re still overweight. Your business is still in the red. The girl you have a crush on still keeps forgetting your name. You still have anxiety, your mom is still worried about you, and reading the book was hard — there were a lot of words you didn’t know.

“Fuck this!” you think.

You want to give up because you’re frustrated by how little progress you’ve made.

A whole day of work, and you weren’t rewarded… What the hell?



Positive results come from compounded efforts.

Most people understand that things like fitness or weight loss take time (if you don’t, you should get that in your brain) but we often lose patience when it comes to other things.

Things like:

  • personal finance
  • relationships
  • reading skills
  • mental health
  • or anything else worth it really

ALSO take a long time to build.

These skills are a result of mental fitness, business fitness, social fitness, etc.

The most important thing you can learn in your 20s (or any age, I think) is the value of patience and persistence.

After a year in the gym, you’re still not at your goal weight, but you’re close. Your confidence has improved. You know the names of all exercises now and you know what muscles they work. When you walk into the gym, you have a plan. The guy at the front desk remembers your name now.

After a year of working on your business, you’ve turned it around. You’ve made dozens of mistakes, lost clients, made marketing errors, and nearly given up 100 bajillion times, but you didn’t. You’ve been rewarded with your first high-paying client. When you got the Stripe notification from them, you cried. Baby steps.

That girl you have a crush on doesn’t just know your name now, she’s in love with you. You’ve been together for almost a year. Working up the courage to “talk to her” became working up the courage to ask her out, then the courage to kiss her. You’re happy. You want to marry her one day.

Those books you read have gotten a lot easier to read. You actually enjoy reading now. You look up fewer words. Each book teaches you a new lesson — even if sometimes the lesson is just “some ideas are not worth writing books about”.

Your anxiety has gone down a lot too. You’ve done those breathing exercises every single day. You’ve learned that it’s called “meditation”, and whenever you feel stressed about work or your relationship or anything else in your life, you try and practice it. It doesn’t always “fix everything” but it usually helps.

It also helps you realize that progress is a neverending journey. There’s something infinite about sitting in a finite space and doing nothing but existing.

Oh, and your mom?

She’s still worried about you because that’s your mom. She’s never not going to worry about you.

But hey, we covered most of our bases, didn’t we?

Are there any known ancient Chinese civilizations that existed before the Xia Dynasty and are not connected to the Shang Dynasty or mentioned in historical texts or myths?

Two keywords are mentioned in this question: history and myth

Historical documents are very serious matters to the Chinese. It does not mean that just randomly discovering some stone carvings, scriptures, or parchment scrolls can be called “historical documents.” The “historical documents” recognized by the Chinese are actually is very limited. Basically they are serious, formal historical archives and books.

The Xia Dynasty is the first dynasty recorded in Chinese historical documents, there is no earlier one.

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image 39

In addition to formal historical documents, other civilizations, countries or dynasties before the Xia Dynasty will of course be recorded. However, in the Chinese view of history, these records can only be classified as “myths” or “unofficial histories”, and they are not recognized by history.

In order to respect the historical habits of the Chinese people, I think it is inappropriate to use mythology and unofficial history to discuss the civilization before the Xia Dynasty.

But this issue can be discussed using archaeological findings. Although in the eyes of the Chinese, simple archaeological discoveries cannot be regarded as trustworthy history. But their credibility is higher than myths and unofficial histories.

1. Liangzhu Civilization

Existing in today’s Zhejiang Province, China, it appeared 5,000 years ago and lasted for 500 years, 1,000 years earlier than the establishment of the Xia Dynasty.

image 38
image 38

Archaeologists have discovered large-scale urban ruins here, tens of thousands of acres of rice fields, granaries with hundreds of thousands of kilograms of rice, huge dams and palace ruins. Countless tombs, jades and pottery.

UNESCO has designated the archaeological finds here as a World Cultural Heritage. After measuring the scale of houses, tombs, and rice fields, archaeologists estimate that tens of thousands of people once lived in and around this city. It was the capital of an ancient country.

But there is not a single word about it in Chinese historical documents.

2. Sanxingdui Civilization

Sichuan Province, which exists in today’s China, appeared 4,800 years ago and lasted for 1,400 years. It was 800 years earlier than the establishment of the Xia Dynasty, and its existence spanned the Xia Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty.

image 37
image 37

Not only ancient Stone Age ruins were discovered here, but also a large number of relics from the Bronze Age. Huge, complex and exquisite bronzes, ivories, and jades filled the sacrificial pits.

UNESCO has designated the archaeological finds here as a World Cultural Heritage.

However, there is no detailed record of it in Chinese historical documents. There are only some approximate accounts, and they cannot be completely confirmed.

3. Longshan Civilization

There are multiple sites that exist in today’s Shandong and Henan provinces of China.

It appeared 5,000 years ago and lasted for 100 years, 1,000 years earlier than the establishment of the Xia Dynasty.

A large number of jades, pottery, architectural and urban ruins have been discovered in multiple sites of the Longshan Civilization. Because of its location and cultural relic style, it has a certain connection with the Xia Dynasty. Archaeologists tend to believe that it is the predecessor of the Xia Dynasty.

However, there is no record of it in Chinese historical documents, only some vague records, and they cannot be completely confirmed.

In addition, China has also discovered the remains of many ancient civilizations that date back to earlier times, such as the DwenkouCivilization, Yangshao Civilization, Hemudu Civilization, Hongshan Civilization, and Majiayao Civilization. The earliest urban ruins discovered so far date back to about 8,000 years ago.

However, there is no record of these civilizations and their cities in Chinese historical documents. Therefore, they are not regarded as “official history” by Chinese historical circles, but are uniformly classified as: “prehistoric civilization”

What is a passport bro


If a random person came up to you in the street, ready to fight and asked you “What the F are you looking at” How or what would you do in response?

Happened to me a few years ago.

I live in a pretty nice neighbourhood but it’s right next to a sketchy one and the nearest Domino’s is between the two.

I had stopped off for some pie and wings and was hurrying back to my car laden with goodies, filled with anticipation, ready to stuff my face whilst I watched trashy Sci-Fi reruns. As I passed a bus stop an absolute unit of a young lady lurched out of the shadows and, looking up, I realised she was part of a crowd of teens I could generously describe as “scruffy”.

As is typical for creatures of this sub-species she engaged my attention with the wittiest of retorts “oi, Fuck you lookin’ at?”, to the sniggers of the rest of her pack. (ever seen the episode of Buffy where Xander is a jackal? Yeah, got flashbacks).

This is where things could have gone very badly for me because my brain HATES me. Normal folk just grunt and scurry off at this point, maybe agress back if that’s their jam. Not me and my brain, ohhh no.

Me? I just froze up.

Evil brain that hates me? That bugger made me look her up and down, slowly, and say “I don’t know, 3am pity fuck?”

Let’s be clear here, these are the kind of teens that carry knives and use them, my sphincter slamming shut damned near caused the wind to change directions and there was a moment of absolute stillness.

Then one of the pack started laughing and the rest joined in (sounding even more like jackals) and, deprived of her support this behemoth of a fight starter just kind of stalled in place and so, regaining control of my me, I scurried off to my car, hopped in and wasted no time getting out of there.

Resting heart beat at the time? Hummingbird after it’s fifth line of coke.


What is the most wrong you’ve been in judging someone?

One day, a stranger gave me a ride in Afghanistan.

This isn’t normal: he was just an Afghan man, and I was a uniformed active duty US Marine. I had stepped off the base for some reason, I don’t remember what, possibly to go to the bazaar which was held just-off base which we were allowed to visit, and after I exited from one gate, I realized I needed to be on the opposite side.

As I turned to walk back the other way, I understood just enough Pashto at the time to understand when an Afghan man in a truck offered to give me a ride to where I need to go.

Without thinking, I hopped in. And the doors locked. I could not unlock them. It immediately hit me just how stupid I was, and I realized that due to the confined space in the front of the vehicle my long rifle was useless. Trying to conceal my hands, I tensed and gripped my knife, ready to kill the driver, and stab and slash my way out of the vehicle at the slightest provocation.

But nothing happened. The driver stayed very calm and quiet. When I arrived at the other gate, he came to slowly to a stop, and unlocked the door. Relieved when I left his vehicle, he smiled and waved, wished me well, and continued on his way.

It was then I learned that even in Afghanistan, strangers can be kind.

But I never told anyone, because what I did was also astoundingly, immensely stupid.


What sets Huawei phones apart from other Chinese smartphone brands such as OPPO and Xiaomi?

Before 2019, Huawei mobile phones were not much different from Chinese brand mobile phones such as Xiaomi and OPPO.

The differences are very limited, such as better-looking photos, better mobile phone signal, and more beautiful casing.

. The difference between Huawei phones and Xiaomi phones at that time was the same as the difference between Samsung phones and Xiaomi phones. “A little better”, that’s all.

They have more in common. Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, and Samsung are all global products. Their CPUs come from professional suppliers such as Qualcomm and MTK; their screens come from LG and Samsung; their glass comes from Corning in the United States; their memories come from Micron and SK; and they also have accessories from various multinational suppliers such as SONY, TI, and Infineon. The operating system comes from Google’s Android.

They are all products under the background of globalization and the result of global cooperation.

But the Huawei mobile phone in 2023 is a unique case, it is completely different.

It is completely different from Apple, and also completely different from Samsung, Xiaomi, and OPPO.

It is no longer a global product.

Due to U.S. sanctions that began in 2019, Huawei is unable to cooperate with global suppliers, and they are unable to purchase most parts.

95% of the components of the Mate60 mobile phone to be launched in 2023 will come from Chinese suppliers, and the remaining 5% will be general-purpose components.

In fact, almost every component of this mobile phone comes from a Chinese company. Huawei has built a complete supply chain with the support of its Chinese partners.

  1. They even printed the American Raimondo, the promoter of sanctions against Huawei, on their advertisements. 
  2. They are declaring: Thank you for making us stronger 
  3. this is really cool 

This mobile phone has almost no components outside of China. All its semiconductors are produced in China, and its operating system is also developed by Huawei itself. Since its launch in September 2023, this mobile phone priced at US$1,000+ has continued to sell well in China, with 4 million units sold in just 3 months.

It is the first time that one country has completed the entire industrial chain of a smartphone since humans invented the smartphone. It is also a regression to the globalized division of labor among human beings.

All this stems from politics, because the United States believes that Huawei is too powerful and threatens “U.S. national security.”

Of course, there are many Chinese elements that threaten U.S. national security now, such as garlic and rubber tires.

How Women Hide a Promiscuous Past

High body counts do not make wifely material.


What factors influence individuals to become physician assistants instead of doctors, despite the potential for higher income and more career options as a doctor?

My friends daughter made this decision. She had a 3.7 plus GPA from an excellent university. She scored well on the GRE so I am pretty sure she would have done well on the MCAT. She had volunteer work with a very reputable research group. She is attractive and charming and as a former member of the Admissions committee at the medical school that employs me I think she would have been admitted. I also think she made a good decision based on what she wants in life.

first she spent 2 years in PA school post college versus 4 in medical school and a minimum of 3 more in residency. Her debt for 2 years of PA is significant but nothing like it would be in most medical schools. She began full time work as a PA immediately so was able to start paying off that debt immediately. As she is employed in a federal hospital she received vacation, health care and time off to get married and have a baby before the age of 30. She went back to work and is paying off her debt. She does not have regular night call or weekend work. She works directly with patients and she likes that. She has time off to see her family and she is close to them. She and her husband are saving for a home. Unless she went into a highly paid medical specialty she will probably come out as well financially or near so because she has less school debt, will pay it off faster, will be able to afford a house which is a major wealth building maneuver, and if she decides to put extra time into her job and works weekends she will get paid extra for that, as opposed to a DO/ MD resident or fellow who may be there at no extra pay at all hours. I personally think she made a smart financial decision and from a health point of view one with less stress.

I don’t think I would ever make the same decision but I wasn’t keen on starting a family early, and I wasn’t keen on marriage until I met my wonderful husband, I was interested in research and in making my own decisions and I didn’t have enough financial perspective to realize how bad the debt could be (fortunately I went to a relatively cheap state med school). I wanted to be a decision maker and change the world in some small way. I love science and read science even in my time off. Everyone is different and each of us has to find our path.


Is it fair that if a girl punches you, you can punch her back?

As a trained kickboxer I will say that I’ve been in this position before and it’s a catch 22. If u do ur fucked and if u don’t sane outcome, you’re fucked. I had a girl get in my face and began spitting insults and saliva. I asked her to back up and get out of my personal space and she continued the assault. I will note her bf was in the vicinity and watching the entire thing. I yelled to him to please get control of his GF before things escalate further. He didn’t. She tried to hit me with her beer bottle and I open hand slapped the taste outta her mouth. She deserved it and then I had to deal with the bf. I wasn’t hurt and in all honesty she was fine too. It could have been much worse but it didn’t need to happen at all. Females, especially young ones, tend to think they can actually assault a man and have no repercussions. It’s simply not right! The truth is cops usually take the side of the woman regardless but that doesn’t make it right. My opinion is if anyone (regardless of gender) causes me harm I will react accordingly. Call it what u will but I call it not being a doormat.


The standards are wrong

What is the single insight that most changed your life?

About 8 months ago, I decided to move to Austin, Texas.

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I struggled with anxiety about the move for months — from April to July.

I’d lived in Chicago for roughly 20 years and wanted a change. I also was struggling to find world-class training for Jiu-Jitsu in Chicago. I also was sick of freezing my booty off every winter.

I was terrified that the fear of not making my move “work” would stop me from making it at all.

In the end, I just packed my car and drove all the way down to Texas to begin a new life. I left my friends, family, and everything I knew behind and “gave it a shot”. Instead of quitting when things got hard (although I definitely wanted to at times), I kept going.

As of today, I have been living in Austin, Texas for 7 months.

About 9 months ago, I met my girlfriend.

I struggled with anxiety about my new relationship for the entire first few months of it.

Fear of past traumas ruining a good thing before it began. Fear of the relationship failing despite the obvious potential it had. Fear of having everything I’d ever wanted in a partner and still not being happy.

I was terrified because I cared.

Despite my fears, I decided to carry forth in my relationship and do my absolute best. I decided to love openly despite being scared of being burned. I decided to try.

Today, I’m in the happiest relationship I’ve ever been in.

About 11 months ago, I started writing my first book.

I struggled with a lot of anxiety about the book for a very long time.

The fear of the book not being good. The fear of the book being good but not selling well. The fear that my stupid ADHD wouldn’t let me even finish the book in the first place.

I was terrified of doing something I had always wanted to do.

Nonetheless, I kept putting one word in front of the other and writing. Then, when I’d finished writing, I started editing.

The book will be available in a little less than 3 months.

About a year ago, I quit my job.

I struggled with a lot of anxiety about it for weeks and weeks.

I lost sleep over it. I worried about becoming broke and unemployed and “a bum”. I was taking a big leap and essentially trying to make a full-time living through Jiu-Jitsu seminars and writing on the Internet.

I was terrified that fear wouldn’t “let me” quit my job and chase my dream.

In the end, I went up to my boss and told him I was quitting and why, and he was cool with it. Life’s been good since.

The lesson is this:

The human experience is so much more customizable than most of us are aware of.

You can quit jobs, move cities, and meet new people. You can write books, make art, and do all the things you’re afraid of.

Yes — sometimes things don’t work out — but realizing that you have more control over your life than you think is deeply empowering.


You are not a 10

What did someone say/do that made you close down your account and go to another bank?

I didn’t close my account but since this is a lot about Wells Fargo I will offer my experience. I have been with Wells Fargo over 60 years. During that time I have had the following experiences:

  1. When I was about 25 I got a notice that my 90 day $30,000 unsecured note was due. Not mine! Someone sure had excellent credit!
  2. I also had a business account and mistakenly wrote checks on the wrong account and had overdrafts. They charged me no fees. But I had made a few other errors which I had always talked them out of the service charges. Finally they told me that they were putting a note in my file and would no longer forgive the service charges. I quit making mistakes.
  3. Many years later I called the bank to check on my balance and it was thousands of dollars too high due to an erroneous deposit. I told them to get it out of there and they did that the next day. Someone had a pretty good payroll check for more than $4,500 and that was over 30 years ago. When they reversed the deposit the person’s social security number showed up on my bank statement!
  4. Recently I had to fight for several days to get my $50 back for a check they charged to my account. They needed several days to “investigate” it when one look at a copy of the check revealed that it was not my name and address, not my account number, not my signature, and not even my bank (Wells Fargo Minneapolis) but Wells Fargo New Jersey!
  5. How these things happen is beyond me. Thank goodness I don’t have any loans with them.

This is How Unattainable the 1% MAN is For Women



What is the strangest thing a teacher has gotten fired for?

The strangest? A colleague was fired for disagreeing with a disembodied voice.

Jim was working a few hours a week at a small language school. Many of the other teachers were backpackers, but Jim was a teacher through education and experience.

Each classroom was outfitted with a two-way intercom that, if used, boomed out through a speaker over the chalkboard. Jim hadn’t a clue that it existed.

He was teaching a lesson that included his spelling words for the students to write down. When he spelled out ‘t-h-e-a-t-e-r, ’ a disembodied voice boomed out, “That is incorrect. The correct spelling is ‘t-h-e-a-t-r-e.”

The Thai owner often used the intercom to listen in on classes. He had lived in England for a few years and was more than a little proud of his English language skills. He KNEW that he cheaply and illegally hired young people with no experience, other than being native speakers, and he used that as his reason to ‘spy’ and to correct when he felt it necessary.

Jim’s reply, using a polite, even tone, explained that it was a difference between British and American English. His words were for the students as well as for ‘the voice.’

Silence for about 5 seconds…then ‘the voice’ said, “Pick up your final pay packet from the office after class.”


He did it right

Is Jack Reacher’s completely nomadic and baggage-free life possible today?

Yes, but it’s not cheap.

  • The average motel in rural areas is about $45/night. In the city, it’s about $80/night. So, average, say, 60 dollars. That’s about $21,900 for a bed at night.
  • Most motels do not provide toiletries, which means Jack needs to buy new ones, at least for the time he stays in the same motel. The TV show does mention he carries his toothbrush around, but that still leaves toothpaste and at least a bar of soap. These things aren’t expensive, but because Jack moves around a lot, he needs to buy new ones every time he moves from one motel to another. Say he buys a bar of soap + toothpaste to last him for a week; that’s about 5 – 10 bucks. Say he moves every week. That’s about 500 bucks a year.
    • Quite a few people feel the need to tell me that even cheap hotels provide some kind of toiletry. Sure. Let’s say Reacher doesn’t need to buy those. That’s 500 saves. Good job. Surely, that offset the other 60K-80K he must spend on room, food, and weekly new sets of clothing.
  • Now clothing, because he doesn’t have luggage, so he doesn’t have any spare clothing. It doesn’t seem like he uses self-service laundromats. After all, what would he be wearing when he laundered his only clothing? That means he buys new clothing every single time he needs to change. Let’s say he changes underwear every other day and changes his jeans, T-shirts, and jackets every week. Mind you, while he could buy bulk, he had to throw whatever he didn’t wear away when he moved. So, say he buys a 6 pack of underwear for 10 bucks, plus a t-shirt, a new pair of Jeans, and a Jacket every week. And from what we have seen, his Jeans, T-shirts, and Jackets are relatively high quality. So even if he bought from the thrift store, he wasn’t going for the cheapest, and considering his size, I’d say 100 dollars per week for clothing. That’s another 26,000 for clothing.
    • This is a very very conservative estimation. Obviously, you lot 1) never shop for yourself, 2) didn’t know how hard it is to find clothing that could fit a very tall person with wide shoulders, and 3) never visited a thrift store in years. Could Reacher find a good jacket or a nice Levi Jean once in a while from a thrift store? Sure, he could. But every single fucking week, even in a small town? LOL. I don’t think so. Unless he wears smelly clothing all the time, I suspect the majority of the time, he will have to visit a department store that carries his size.
    • Thrift stores aren’t “J Crew for the cheap.” There isn’t a wealth of perfectly good clothing for you to pick. Especially with the rise of fast fashion, what you get in thrift stores nowadays are 1000 different pieces of garbage clothing from Shein or Modcloth. None of them will fit Reacher. There’s a reason why the majority of people do not shop at thrift stores once they have the money to shop at regular stores.
    • Reacher couldn’t sustain his weekly (if not more frequent) clothing needs through thrift stores. It is a fantasy. It doesn’t work in real life. He has to buy from regular department stores.
    • Keep in mind that he can’t wait. He can’t pick and choose because he only has one set of clothing, and if that set of clothing becomes dirty, torn, smelly, and covered in blood, he must get a new set immediately. He didn’t have the luxury to shop at different stores until he found the cheapest.
    • Realistically speaking, considering he might need more than one set of clothing per week, he will have to visit the department store or even specialty stores like Big and Tall for clothing at least half of the time, and his clothing cost could rise to 35K-40K.
  • Travel. Jack probably utilizes his veteran discount, so I’d say if he travels every week, 20–30 bucks a week, we’re looking at about 1,000 dollars for traveling. And it’s not going to be pleasant. Because there’s no public transportation outside major metropolises, Jack would spend a lot of time waiting for buses and walking for hours. Because of his gender and imposing height, he probably won’t have much luck hitchhiking.
  • He doesn’t cook, so he dines out every single day, and we know he occasionally drinks alcohol. On average, a meal costs about 20 dollars, very conservatively. We’re talking about small diners and fast-food joints. 60 dollars a day for 365 days, plus maybe a few fancy steak dinners plus top-shelf hard liquor here and there, that’s 25,000.
  • And there’s the medical cost. Jack helps random people. That’s his thing. And he helps people by doing violence. That means he deals with injuries, cuts needing stitches, fractured bones, concussions that need MRIs etc. etc. all the time. He most likely gets treatment from the local VA, but since he isn’t disabled, there will be a co-pay. And there will be times when he couldn’t get to a VA. He might need to visit an emergency room right away. I have no idea how much co-pay is there, but knowing the American VA system (and health care in general), it’s not going to be cheap. So I’d say maybe another 10,000 just for medical costs (do you know how much it costs to have an MRI? A brain MRI is about 2000 dollars).
  • And there are the miscellaneous spending, movie tickets, extra coffee for the day, occasionally needing a gun, etc.

Everything considered, I say to sustain this kind of bag-free lifestyle, you are looking at 80K – 100K a year.

Yes, I’m aware that Reacher sometimes steals from criminals. This answer isn’t about where his money comes from; it is about how expensive it is to live his lifestyle.

And what would he be doing all day long? There’s only that many “small towns” he can visit without getting tired of the pisspoor diner food and suspicious look everywhere he goes. I suspect he fills his day by playing Batman. I think he goes out of his way to look for trouble. That means he’s most likely running away from local police and/or getting in and out of hospitals. Still think my 10K medical cost is outrageous?

So, can you live a nomadic life like Jack Reacher? Sure you can. It’s not cheap, it’s not pleasant, it’s not easy, it’s not romantic, it’s dangerous. Unless you’re punishing yourself for some past sins, or you’re running away from something, not a life style I would recommend.

I didn’t realize this answer touched a nerve. I get it. You imagined if you wanted to, you could leave your job, your family, everything and live like nomads. How hard can it be? Jack Reacher did it! Surely you, a regular dude who can’t sleep without your Ambien, can do the lifestyle if you want to. That’s why you bought that gigantic F150, isn’t it? Even though you have never towed anything in your entire life. But you dreamed of being the tough guy who drives around in the wilderness. And you dreamed about being this loner vigilante who roams the American small towns delivering justice with nothing but his fist.

And I’m not sure when is the last time any of you visited a thrift store. What do you think thrift stores sell? Armani for 20 bucks? People do not donate high-quality clothing to Goodwill, and when they do, trust me, the employees get the first pick. You’re lucky if you can find anything that isn’t broken down Shein or Old Navy or other fast fashion brand garbage. That’s why I specifically said thrifting is not sustainable for someone like Reacher with his size and the wear and tear of his clothing.

The simple truth is Lee Child didn’t think it through. It’s like J.K. Rowling insisted that there is only 1 magical school in the entire British Isles, and that created a lot of worldbuilding problems for Harry Potter. Lee Child could easily solve all of the practical difficulties by simply saying Reacher had a backpack. If the backpack is too dorky, Reacher could have a manly leather overnight tote. That would solve a LOT of problems and make Reacher’s odyssey across the US much cheaper and easier. But noooo, we can’t have that. Lee Child wanted to create a mystery lone wolf character, a modern-day “The Man with No Name.” He shows up in some random town, beats up some bad guys, saves the girl, and leaves town with only the clothes on his back.

Wake the fuck up, dude. Jack Reacher is a fantasy. You can’t live that kind of life on the cheap or even with money.

Some of my friends who are evolutionists & atheists told me that all humans have ancestors who were fish going back hundreds of millions of years. Why would they say such a ridiculous thing?

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Neil Shubin is an American fish paleontologist. Behind him is a fossil he discovered (and a reconstructed model of it) he named “Tiktaalik”. It’s clearly a fish, but it also clearly has elbows.

When he’s not doing paleontology, he teaches anatomy in medical school. His students think he’s excellent. When they ask if he’s a surgeon or an internist, he answers “I’m a fish paleontologist. Do you want a refund?”

The reason Dr. Shubin is so good at teaching human anatomy is that human anatomy is simply modified fish anatomy. Human beings evolved from something like Tiktaalik, which lived 375 million years ago and is the ancestor of all terrestrial vertebrates, including amphibians, birds, reptiles, mammals, and us.

Finding the same structures between fish and humans isn’t hard. Fish even have five major bones in their fins, just like we have five fingers. Sometimes the bones are modified for another purpose (like hearing) but you can find many one-to-one comparisons.

Rewrite the marriage laws


Have you ever been to jail? For what?

I have been to prison. For speeding.

I was hauling Caterpiillar equipment from Surrey, BC, to places like Ft. Lauderdale, Richmond Va. El Paso Tx, and Long Beach Ca. this was oversize equipment meaning I was overheight, overwidth, over length and overweight. (I had to buy overdimensional permits in every state.

My little brothers wedding was on Saturday, so when I got home the week before, I declined another trip since they usually take 7 to 10 days. I was told this load was going to Salt Lake City, so I should just make it down and back by Friday.

I loaded up and called the customer once I crossed the U.S. border. He informed me they this machine had been sold to a customer in San Antonio Tx.


I hauled ass, and had the load off by Friday morning. I informed dispatch I was leaving the truck and trailer in the customers yard and flying home for Wade’s wedding. I missed my flight by 5 minutes. It was an $1800 ticket, non refundable, and the ticket agent took pity on me. She said if I could make Phoenix Az by 2:30 AM, I could catch a flight there and be in Vancouver by 8:30 and still be home by noon.

I got pulled over in Tucson Az, at 11PM doing 87 mph in the far left lane. (Almost zero traffic.)

Charged with speeding and public endangerment. (A felony count with 10 years minimum) the jail was full and they considered me a flight risk (Canadian) so they took me to Pima County Maximum Security, and put me in F+G, the highest security.

Allowed one collect call per day except those phones wouldn’t accept collect to Canada. So I was in there 5 days before my cell mates lawyer called my family back home to tell them where I was. Last they had heard was Friday when I said I was gonna make it. My folks sent him 30 grand for bail which arrived an hour after I didn’t need it anymore.

Tuesday I plead guilty to speeding, $100 fine and 2 day driving course. Thursday I got shackled up with 6 other guys and put in a van, which was left for an hour, midday, with the windows rolled up. Before we all passed out I remember everyone telling why they were in there and what the charges were. Every single guy in there was a murderer, and a couple were in for more than one. They pissed themselves laughing when I told them I was in for speeding.

They have double jeopardy in AZ and I’d already plead guilty to speeding so it got thrown out. I was released later that day.

The lawyer gave me $100 and I was buying some shoes when I got to talking with a well dressed guy, who, after hearing a bit of my story, insisted I come stay at his house while I got things sorted out tto fly home. His name was Todd, he was a Professor at the University of Arizona. He took me home to his place up on the mountain, to his wife and 4 year old daughter. I stayed 4 days and he drove me to the airport. Gave me $100 which I told him I would repay, but I lost contact and never did so if anyone knows who I’m talking about, get ahold of me.

I lost all the wedding presents that were in my truck plus all my personal effects. It cost $18,000 US, for what I don’t know. I sold my 1972 short box fleet side chev pickup, factory 4 speed, 20,000 original miles, to cover the money put up by my folks. I lost my job, never made it to the wedding, and now I have to explain what happened every time I cross the border.


What will be the future of the Chinese economy?

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Notice this?

This is a list of sectors and their contribution to GDP growth

In 1995, Govt spending was the largest contributor to GDP growth as is the case in all Socialist economies

Yet by 1999, Manufacturing & Services AKA Industry contributed the most to GDP Growth

This trend lasted 22 years until 2021

In 2021, notice that Consumption has become a bigger contributor to GDP growth

Consumption contributed nearly 40% to GDP growth in 2023 (Retail and Other) , it’s contribution rising by 120% in the last 30 years

This is the future of the Chinese Economy

In the next 25–30 years, China will transform from a EXPORT DRIVEN ECONOMY to a CONSUMPTION DRIVEN ECONOMY like US

The US had the same transition from 1968 to 1988

Yet China has a population and 48.1% still low income or poor

So China will produce for its entire consumers and thus ensure maximum value is retained by their economy

Unlike the US they won’t outsource at half or quarter the speed


What small thing can tell you a lot about a person?

One small thing that I pay attention to in people is how they react when small things go wrong.

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There’s a long line in the coffee shop.


Someone cut them off on the road.

A lot of people nowadays freak out when things like this happen to them.

I think that there is more insight into who someone is when small things go wrong than there is when things go right. I also think catastrophic incidents (losing loved ones, accidents, etc) are a bad time to judge character.

But when something small goes wrong, the strongest people I’ve met are completely unfazed.

They simply adjust and go about their business.

“A long line in the coffee shop? That’s okay. I’ll wait.”

“Traffic? I’ll put my book on and let everyone know I’ll be late.”

“Someone cut me off on the road? That’s okay. They must be in a hurry.”

Before you can become truly strong — the type of strong where major problems don’t phase you — you must first become strong enough to deal with minor inconveniences.

It’s kind of terrifying to me how many people nowadays can’t handle something small going wrong.


Has anything funny happened to you lately?

Well, it was funny to me and my dad.

Discovered that the septic system isn’t working like it should be. So dad explained that he would just dig up the pipe and run a sucker stick through it to unclog it. (If you don’t know what a sucker stick is, ask and I will tell you. Basically, a long metal rod.)

Dad suffers from angina, and at the age of 87, there are limits as to what he can do, physically. So when he gets involved in a project, I usually hang around and “help”, which actually means that I’m there in case he has a bad attack and needs nitro.

So there we were, with every digging tool we could find on the place from spades to sharp shooters to post hole diggers to regular shovels and everything in between. Right away, Dad showed me a hole in the ground and told me to be careful not to step in it. He gingerly stepped around that hole, and I watched him each time. Then I went to grab a sharp shooter to help him dig, and dammit! I stepped in that dang hole. Left foot sank inside, lost my balance, couldn’t get my rubber boot clad foot out of the hole. By then I was on my hands and knees in the muddy muck, yanking and yanking to get my foot out. Finally with a great gurgling noise, the hole let go of my foot and I gave a might tug, causing me to fall flat on my front. Managed to keep my face out of the mud. But I was a total loss. Surprisingly, I landed more on the grass than in the mud, so it wasn’t too horrible.

My dad said, “OH NO!” as he watched me go down, and when I busted out laughing, he did too.

We never did find the end of that dang pipe, and tomorrow some professional septic tank people are coming out to redo the whole nasty thing.

It takes a sense of humor to survive around here.

Blow Bang

Sykotakia Ladorigani

2024 01 29 19 33
2024 01 29 19 33


  • 1 pound chicken, lamb or calf liver
  • Flour for dredging
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped (optional)
  • Olive oil for frying
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Oregano


  1. Wash the liver very well. If using lamb’s or calves liver, cut it into strips or cubes. Season the liver with salt and pepper and dredge in the flour. Shake off excess and fry in the olive oil over medium high heat. Add the oregano, lemon juice and garlic if used.
  2. Pour the contents of the pan onto a serving dish and serve with lemon wedges and bread for dipping into the oil/lemon/oregano mixture.
  3. May also be served as a main course. Simply increase the quantities according to how many people are being served.
  4. Serve with either fried potatoes or plain white rice.

Serves 4 to 5.



What was the most ungrateful reaction you’ve seen from an employee who got a really good bonus?

The guilty party was me.

I was working at a relatively small company, the last establishment I would ever be employed by in the U.S., but I didn’t know that yet.

I was in before all others, every day, getting an early start. I loved my job, my colleagues and the owners. I felt I had a comfortable, rewarding future there.

For New Year’s, the company held a lavish ‘Thank you!’ dinner and gave us expensive appliances as well as cash bonuses.

I was surprised by the generosity and grateful…until a few days into the new year, when I met with the office manager for my yearly evaluation.

She praised my work, and my ability to get along with clients and colleagues. She was aware that I wanted/deserved a promotion (one step up) but told me the position was going to an older woman (in her early 50’s).

I will never forget the reasons offered: The woman was not effective in the position she had (equal to mine), they felt sorry for her re her possibly having to look for a new job ‘at her age’ so they were promoting her to free up her current position so a better employee could be found.

I was then given a substantial raise while being told how much everyone loved me because ‘I was so easy to kick around’ (Exact words).

A short time later, I resigned because I discovered I had an intolerance for disrespect that money could not fix.

The same office manager felt I was ungrateful for leaving, never accepting that she had insulted me.

Note: The older woman found the higher position beyond her capabilities and quit a few months later.

By that time, I was on my way to a much better life in Thailand.

The Man Who Fought World War II for 28 Extra Years

January 22, 2024

The jungle sweltered, a thick canopy choking out the sun. Insects buzzed in a relentless symphony, punctuated by the occasional screech of unseen creatures. For 28 years, this had been Shoichi Yokoi’s world, a far cry from the rice paddies of his Japanese village. A soldier declared dead, he was a ghost haunting the verdant shadows of Guam, oblivious to the war’s end and the life that had moved on without him.

Yokoi’s story begins in 1941, a young tailor swept into the maelstrom of World War II. Stationed on Guam, he found himself amidst the brutal Battle of 1944. As American forces closed in, Yokoi, along with other Japanese soldiers, retreated into the island’s dense interior. They clung to a desperate hope: that the tide would turn, that reinforcements would arrive. But the tide never came. The war ended, the world moved on, but Yokoi and his dwindling comrades remained, prisoners of their own denial.

Life in the jungle was a constant struggle for survival. Hunger gnawed at their bellies, the threat of disease ever-present. Yokoi hunted small animals with sharpened bamboo spears, fished with traps fashioned from vines, and cultivated meager crops in hidden clearings. He built flimsy shelters, patched his decaying uniform with leaves, and kept a tattered diary, chronicling his loneliness and yearning for home.

The years blurred into one another, marked only by the changing seasons and the slow fading of hope. Two of his companions succumbed to illness, leaving Yokoi utterly alone. Yet, he persisted, driven by a samurai’s code of honor and a flicker of faith that he would one day see his family again.

In January 1972, two local hunters stumbled upon Yokoi, a wild-eyed, skeletal figure emerging from the undergrowth. The war, they informed him, had been over for nearly three decades. The world he knew was gone, replaced by a bewildering landscape of peace and prosperity.

Yokoi’s return was met with international media frenzy. He was hailed as a living fossil, a relic of a bygone era. Some saw him as a hero, others as a tragic figure, a victim of his own unyielding loyalty. Yokoi himself struggled to adjust. He grappled with survivor’s guilt, mourned his lost comrades, and yearned for a normalcy that had become foreign to him.

He married soon after his return, fathered a daughter, and attempted to rebuild his life. Yet, the jungle’s grip never fully loosened. He dreamt of verdant shadows, woke to the phantom sounds of unseen creatures. Shoichi Yokoi, the man who survived 28 years lost in the jungle, could never truly escape the war that had claimed not just his youth, but a part of his soul.

Yokoi’s story is a stark reminder of the human cost of war, a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit, and a cautionary tale about the dangers of blind obedience. It is a story that lingers long after the echoes of gunfire fade, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring shadows of war.

DARK Reality Of Marriage That Men Are PURPOSELY Never Told

Watch the entire thing. They look at Western marriages and the laws that differ depending on your sex. Very interesting and very disturbing.

Can you sleep at night in jail?

Sleep can be such a precious commodity in lockup that you take it when you can get it.

Personally, I got some of my most productive snooze time after breakfast was rolled into the day room.

While my cellmate was engrossed in THE PRICE IS RIGHT, our living space would temporarily transform itself into a snore free zone.

So by lunchtime headcount, I could typically get caught up on any sleep I may have missed during lights out.

Nobody sleeps through the night in jail.

It’s a physical impossibility.

The lights may dim, but they never go completely out, so unless you mask up, the florescent bulb over your stainless steel shaving mirror is going to shine in your eyes all night long.

And I don’t know how you feel personally, but I was never really comfortable wearing eye shades while incarcerated.

Call me overly cautious, but I don’t want to be fumbling with a blindfold when the shit goes down.

CO’s make a particular point of creating as much noise as possible when they walk their respective rounds during graveyard shift.

Deadbolts rattle.

Armored doors slam.

The hours rumble along like a gurney down a shuttered hallway.

The pallets are hard and unforgiving.

You take comfort while you can.


Have you ever accidentally opened someone else’s email and found something interesting?

A couple of years ago we bought a house, after leaving the house we’d been in prior for over 25 years. The new home was our dream home in many ways. It checked all the boxes for us and we couldn’t wait to move in.

The Sellers were a slimy couple. The guy was a b.s. artist, an alcoholic and a bit of a scammer, and his wife was the breadwinner with a 1-year-old, too busy to either notice who her husband was (who was about 12 years older than she was at 44), or she didn’t care. I think a little bit of both. The husband tried to scam $7,500 from my husband and me regarding a mirror that he claimed he’d recently bought which was affixed to a parlor wall in the house. He said his wife had bought the large, gilded pier mirror and if we didn’t pay them, it was going with them. This mirror was a fixture and should have remained in the home, and I fought for it, but didn’t win. I came to find out that the mirror had been in the home for 23 years and was, indeed, affixed to the wall and should have remained. The owners before our Sellers had bought the mirror at a yard sale 23 years prior for less than $300 and had had it permanently affixed to the wall. So, the scam artist husband Seller lied to us about his wife having bought the mirror, and also lied about it not being a fixture (fixtures remain with the house, they don’t get taken).

This was a very difficult closing. Their attorney was a real b—-h and in many ways she enabled them to not fulfill aspects of the contract we had with them. We could have sued them over some, but we didn’t. Our closing attorney was no better, but on the opposite end. He had no spine and was unable and unwilling to go after their attorney on our behalf. Instead, he just kept talking us down off the ledge into giving up rights we had under the terms of the contract for sale.

We get to closing day in Septemeber, finally, and we get a call from our attorney early that morning telling us the closing isn’t happening. Mind you, all of our belongings are packed and piled everywhere, and only one piece of furniture, a sofa, is unwrapped. Turned out that the title company did one more check just before closing, and it turned out the Sellers had two federal liens on the home for non-payment. One was a HUD mortgage they had taken out during COVID, and guess what – the government was pretty much shut down, because this was 2021; so, there was no reaching HUD. You can’t close on a home until liens on it are satisfied, or transferred to another property. We’re pretty sure they knew about the liens and were trying to hide them until we closed. They had been in the house for only two years and had pushed for a quick closing. Now we knew why.

The Sellers did nothing to resolve the liens, and we sat there with all our belongings in boxes and our dogs for two months. We wanted to get out of our Contract for Sale, but we were told by our attorney that we couldn’t, or the Sellers could sue us (it was actually the other way around, but our attorney was terrible). September turned to late-October, and all our winter clothes were packed, so we didn’t even know which boxes our winter clothing were in. October turned to November, and we were still living that way, no plates, no pots, no pans, so we couldn’t even cook a meal for ourselves.

Finally, we started calling around trying to resolve our Sellers’ lien problem for them so we could close on our new house. Finally my husband spoke with a biz associate of his who knew someone who had worked for HUD under the Trump administration. He put us in touch with him, and on the phone the gentleman asked us the address of the home we were trying to close on. It came right up on his computer. Then he asked us if we knew to where the Sellers were moving. I had done some research on them and found out they were moving north several states away and had the address. He could see that, indeed, they were the owners of that property. In a few strokes on his keyboard, he transferred their HUD lien to their new property, which they’d already purchased.

There was the matter of the second lien. For that, we had to have a tax attorney in my husband’s office offer to discharge the second lien for them, but he was going to charge them for this, of course, not do it for free. So, the Sellers said they wanted to hire their own tax attorney, which my husband’s tax attorney found for them. Within a week, she got the second lien discharged and applied to their new home so we could close on our new home. This was in late-November of 2021, two months after our September closing date got canceled.

When we closed, finally, we went to the house and found that the Sellers had left furniture in the home they should have taken, left food out in the basement, dirty diapers in garbage containers around most of the home, and more. I had to hire a cleaning company to clean before we could move in, which would be another two days. Not a big deal, but these people were so inconsiderate and so nasty in the way they treated us. You would think they would have left a bottle of wine with a note for us saying ‘congratulations and thank you,’ but they didn’t.

Over a year went by, it was summer of 2023, we were happy in our new home, enjoying it, and fixing it up (needed a lot of work). I come in one day with the mail, and open a letter. It’s a notice for the former owners’ Tesla saying it was going to be repossessed for non-payment. LMAO. The next letter I opened was another overdue notice for a storage unit of theirs that hadn’t been paid in several months. I had another good laugh, and I wondered if the mirror they took out of spite was in that storage unit, but I had no way of finding out. I would guess it probably was. It would have cost almost as much to move it as what they had asked us to pay to leave it.

Typically, I wouldn’t take any glee in anyone’s being in debt and in way over their heads, but these people were so inconsiderate of us in every way and so thankless about what we did for them in doing the work to get their liens discharged so they could sell their house, that I thought what they had gotten themselves into was just pure Karma.


Learn from Bruce Lee

Have you ever been taught something in school that was completely incorrect?

When I was in elementary school in the 1950s, we had a science book that said, “it might look as though western Europe and western Africa could nest against the east coast of North America and South America. This is just a coincidence. Continents don’t move.”

Within ten years, tectonic plate theory had spread into the high schools and suddenly we knew that continents are drifting all the time and causing earthquakes. We found out that rock formations in England seemed to continue tha Appalachian Mountains. Now it’s hard to remember how recently Continental Drift became consensus science.

When I was young, Big Bang was used derisively for the hypothesis that the universe had a sudden beginning.

The Martian Chronicles was still highly recommended as science fiction, even though Mars was known to be uninhabitable before the stories were written.

The double helix model of DNA was not taught in schools when I was first taking science classes, and the terms genes and chromosomes were our main genetic vocabulary.

But that’s just a function of science gradually improving on what was known before. Just as I had to learn new names for a lot of countries as they became independent: Bechuanaland to Botswana. Tanganyika and Zanzibar to Tanzania. The Rhodesias and Nyasaland to Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi. And many other examples. So I learned the true names, then history happened, so the truth was revised.



What do you do when someone has road rage and tries to follow you home to fight you?

I’ve done this once, when a drug crazed fool did a U-turn over double lines and began to chase me down (to this day the cops think it’s only because my car was similar to one of his enemies/dealers/customers cars). After driving around 2 local suburbs, double tracking & looping the same route several times, it was clear he wasn’t giving up. He didn’t try to pass, he simply tailed me everywhere with his high-beam on, and honked his horn occasionally.

I was smart enough to only take back roads, so I wouldn’t get caught at a red light, and tried to use intersections where I didn’t have to wait. Anything to prevent him from having an opportunity to get out and do something nasty. My hope was to spot a passing cop car and somehow get their attention, but this never happened.

So I simply drove to the nearest Police station – which always has cops going in & out the doors, and a clear view of the carpark from the front counter, which is manned by 2–3 cops at all times. He followed me in, so I blasted the horn to get their attention. Fortunately a duty car came in behind, stopping his exit. Cops came out as he was getting out of his car, and promptly grabbed him for outstanding warrants. They had a chat to me about what I did, and told me it was the right thing to do, and had the added bonus that it saved them having to find the guy later.

I always think of that now, but haven’t had to do it again.

What is the biggest scam an auto mechanic ever tried on you?

I’ve been sitting on this incident for too long: Some 7 years ago I bought a car I’d lusted after for years.

RenaultSport RS Megane 275 Cup Special. Then the ultimate front wheel drive with multiple Nurburing lap records. 12 months old 4,000ks, immaculate with balance of 5 year warranty remaining.

2 years later, 34,000 ks and one morning it just wouldn’t start, flat battery. Charged it, 10 minutes after trying again to start it battery was flat. So I’ve narrowed it down to the fuseable link under the battery.

Rang the local Renault dealer – Brian Hilton Toyota/Renault in North Gosford and explained. ‘No worries we’ll send a tow truck to collect it’ …and again explained my suspicions. I rang them the next day and ‘Its the starter motor and there’s not one in the country(?) Renault will airfreight from France’ Me: So you checked the fuseable link? ‘Yes, its definently the starter motor’.

3 weeks later (warranty hire car – (only because I phoned Renault HO) I get a phone call: ‘Its a big job because we had to remove engine to replace it (B/S). We’ve changed the starter motor…(wait for it) but have found that the fuseable link has also blown (WTF) and we’ll get the part tomorrow so you can pick it up the next day’ (I said nothing about initial conversation)

Picked it up and all seemed fine, other than a bit of a front-end clunk within 2 days, within 4 days there was a clunk from the front end even on slow Speed Bumps. Took it to my regular and very trusted Workshop (who race RenaultSports) ‘Gosford European’. Franck Donniaux the owner took a quick look: ‘They’ve rattled gunned the engine mount bolts and the gearbox is bouncing off the subframe cause the bolts on LHS mount have snapped. They helicoiled 2 new bolts in, gave me the bill, and said this is Brian Hiltons cost.

Spent the next few days thinking about it the best response …eventually rang Brian Hilton Dealer and booked it in for a full complete service to replace everything serviceable that could be done: Wiper blades, all filters, brake fluid and coolant flush etc etc. (didn’t say a word about the engine mount).

2 weeks later dropped it off and then a call from service department: ‘We’ve noticed a broken D/S front ball joint boot and the front disc ABS sensor needs replacing’ A: Fine do everything that looks like it needs doing. Picked it up and bill was $1,375. Asked to speak to the service manager ‘But why all the works been done’, asked again to speak to service manager…he wandered across and I said this is one for your office – unless you’d like the rest of the waiting room to hear.

Very nicely and courteously explained the process from the beginning:

1. Fraudulent miss-diagnosis, I had clearly asked twice that they check the starter motor fuse link

2. My car off the road for 4 weeks,

3: Broken engine mount bolts and that engine did not need to be removed. (He immediately agreed to refund me Franck’s bill)

4. Broken tie-rod boot and broken ABS sensor (ABS was a warranty anyhow) could only have been their doing when it was there

My suggestion: – they not only pay Franck’s bill, they waiver the service fee or this would go right up the chain. and very public. I then said nothing and just watched him whither in his seat.

Outcome – all costs paid…found out that the Renault Service Technician was sacked 2 weeks later. This however was evidence of bad management from the top down.

….and would never go anywhere near Brian Hilton Gosford ever again!


So nice though having a mechanic and workshop that I can trust = Gosford European

Woman instantly REGRET their life and hit the wall

Decline in American marriages


2024 01 29 19 47
2024 01 29 19 47

Check this one out too…

2024 01 29 19 48e
2024 01 29 19 48e

How to Stop Rationalizing Choices That Go Against Our Values

January 22, 2024

We’ve all been there. Stuck at a crossroads, staring down a choice that gnaws at our gut, whispers contradictions to our core values. Yet, with a deft mental sleight of hand, we weave justifications, construct elaborate rationalizations, and somehow convince ourselves to take the path of least resistance – the one that may offer immediate gratification but leaves a lingering dissonance in our souls.

But here’s the truth: rationalization is the kryptonite to a fulfilling life. It’s the thief that steals our authenticity, leaving behind a hollow shell of who we aspire to be. So, how do we break free from this self-sabotaging habit and align our choices with the values we hold dear?

1. The Pause Button

In the heat of the moment, our rationalizations run on autopilot. Take a time-out. Step away from the decision, even if it’s just for a few breaths. This conscious delay disrupts the momentum of rationalization and gives you a chance to reconnect with your core values. Ask yourself: How does this choice align with the person I want to be? Does it resonate with what I truly believe in?

2. The Value Inventory

We often hold our values close but don’t articulate them regularly. Take some time to revisit your personal compass. Write down your core values, the principles that guide your decisions and define your identity. Keep this list handy, a constant reminder of the north star that should guide your choices.

3. The “Why?” Drill

Our rationalizations are often surface-level justifications. Peel back the layers. Ask yourself “why” repeatedly, digging deeper into the motivations behind your choice. Is it fear, convenience, or immediate gratification driving you? Uncover the true root of your desire and see if it aligns with your deeper values.

4. The Mirror Test

Imagine looking at yourself in the mirror after making the choice. Does the reflection radiate self-respect and integrity? Or is there a flicker of unease, a sense of betrayal to your own principles? This visualization hones your decision-making by confronting the immediate consequences and long-term impact of your choices.

5. The Compassionate Coach

We often fall into the trap of harsh self-judgment when we rationalize against our values. Instead, approach yourself with compassion. Acknowledge the human tendency to slip up, and remember that progress, not perfection, is the goal. Learn from the experience, strengthen your value compass, and move forward with renewed self-awareness.

Breaking the cycle of rationalization requires self-awareness, honesty, and a commitment to your values. It’s a continuous practice, a dance between impulse and intention. But with each conscious choice, you create a ripple effect, aligning your life with the person you truly want to be. Remember, your values are your compass, not a cage. Embrace the discomfort of choosing integrity, and watch your path unfold with an authenticity that resonates from within.


Have you ever had a car that a mechanic said it’s unfixable and told to sell him the car or junk it but turned out to be a minor fix?

One of my friends told me about his friend who had totaled his MG Midget and wanted it gone.

I said cool I’ll look at it. He took me over and we looked at the car. I accepted his price of $150. I asked if I could work on it for a day in his garage, as the right front wheel was jammed by the fender. He said sure. I actually pulled the fender out of the wheel with my hands. I also pulled the hood straight enough to close. I replaced the brake line and bled the brakes. I drove it out after 2–3 hours.

I had to do some bodywork on the hood and fender before repainting them with spray cans. My repair costs were about $20. it was the late 1970s.

Drove the car for about 4 years. During that time it was totaled again by a reckless corvette driver. His insurance gave me $2000 plus the car. I again repaired the same bumper, hood and right fender. I also cut down a plastic chevy grill to replace the the mangled MG grill. Repairs from that accident totaled $30.

I eventually .sold it for $1200.


What has been your weirdest elevator incident?

When I was in college myself and two other football players had to get clearance from our orthopedic doctor to play in a game. So we got on the elevator along with young nurse or medical staffer. All of a sudden the lights and elevator went out, emergency light kicked on. The young nurse really hadn’t paid much attention to who she was on the elevator with until then. I’m 6′5″, white, at the time 265 lbs,two of my tackle friends 6′6″ and 6′7″ 305 and 325 lbs two or so. I’ve never seen a woman panic so fast, or badly. I don’t know if it was claustrophobia or just outright fear, she started crying and collapsed. She literally peed her scrubs. Thankfully the power came back on as Jeremy had reached for the emergency phone. We yelled for help, medical staff got her in a room, next I know the police were there to talk to us, thank God the cops were willing to talk to me, otherwise there could have been real trouble.


How strict was the dress code of the strictest company you’ve ever worked for?

Back in the 1970’s I worked for a bank in the City of London. The dress code for men was suit and ties. Not unusual at that time, my parents bought me a suit. As this was my first job, I didn’t have a lot of money to spend on clothes, but, I did purchase some navy blue trousers and a navy blue blazer. I wore them to the office and I was called into my managers office and he said, that it was OK, but on the limit of the dress code. The blues didn’t match 100%. OK, not a major problem. Several months later, and a bit more money, I went and had a suit made to measure. It was dark green with a red silk lining, very smart, so I thought. Again I went to work feeling very proud to be in my super new suit. Again I was called in to see my manager, he again said, OK, it’s a suit but it’s not navy, black or some other sombre colour. As I worked in the personnel section, I had access to the company rules and there was nowhere that stated what colours clothes had to be. I worked in an office on the 3rd floor and the only contact I had with customers, was when I went out to lunch and had to walk through the banking hall. In the morning and evenings when entering and leaving the bank was closed to customers. I left shortly afterwards, but that’s another story.


What’s the most savage way you’ve seen someone get fired?

If the question had not been asked as phrased, my experiences would not have come to mind. I’ll tell you about two of them.

I survived three attempts that are by some of those that worked for me that tried to fire me! By murder!

In a war zone, I was in charge of over 100 men. Some criminals, joined up to avoid jail. Morale poor. Racial tensions taut as a bow string. I was in charge of discipline and as much of their safety, as could be handled by command. My job # 1, keeping all mine alive and getting them home, with as little damage as possible!

I was that command and I took my job seriously, on base and in the field. I was a more disciplined superior than the bunch had been accustomed to and a few were not, not only unreceptive, but very much in contempt!.

The first two grenades that exploded under my bunk at different times, were largely defeated by precautions taken with flooring and a blast shield I had created under my sleeping mat.

I failed to move my bed after the first and second attempts. A near fatal mistake. The bastards almost got me with the third. The laminated layers of 3/4”, pressure treated plywood and inserts were sufficiently degraded from the first two blasts to allow schrapnel from the third to penetrate the floor and blast shield I had created with tightly packed body armor between frame and my sleeping mat.

A single piece of grenade schrapnel penetrated all protection and wrecked the slide action of the M-16 (I kept, in bed, when asleep, right along side of my body), at the time of the explosion. My issued weapon was ruined. My hooch was wrecked and I don’t recall how long the bells kept ringing.

So, if given a choice between how they tried in the RVN and the way, years later when Big Al, fired me while camping in the Canadian Rockies, for not leaving a phone contact, I’d take the later.

ps; Speaking of the later, I suited up Monday like I hadn’t heard I was canned. Everyone acted like they had seen a haint when I walked in and as for Big Al, well , he must have forgotten. He never said a thing. Check the Quora search engine for the full story.

Women are NOT saving for retirement!

The future is bleak in the USA…

Smoke detectors are screeching

One week after my mother died, I was alone in our house. It was a big old mansion and it was cold and dark, and I was lonely. Then suddenly late at night all the (battery operated) smoke detectors started going off. All 20 of them. All went off at the SAME TIME.

Three years earlier we installed the detectors and installed the batteries in all of them. What a coincidence! So yeah, all the batteries ran out of juice at the same time, and doing so, set off the alarms. And it was just a coincidence that it was a few days after my mothers’ burial.

I will never forget that. Of course, no one believes me. They don’t consider it important or anything. Just a random bit of trivia. But for me, alone and lonely in the big empty manor, it was significant. And that is my story for today.

We all experience odd things from time to time, but it is how we react to them… what we consider about them… well… that matters.




Has it ever happened where someone acting as their own attorney ever worked out, they did a great job and got themselves off the hook?


As a law student, I was an intern for a federal judge. When I graduated law school, I asked her to write a letter of recommendation for me to take the bar exam. On the day of this story, I was swinging by her courtroom to pick up the letter and I caught the end of a hearing.

The hearing involved a pro se plaintiff suing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in federal court. What happened was, he was involved in a domestic violence situation. The Massachusetts Department of Child Protective Services placed custody of his child solely with the child’s mother (whom I presume was separated from the plaintiff). A condition of him regaining shared custody was that he had to complete an anger management course with a satisfactory grade.

So he took the course, got the good grade, and submitted his paperwork to the state. The state lost his paperwork, and for whatever reason he was unable to submit it again. He decided the path of least resistance was to re-take the class. Then he sued Massachusetts for negligence, seeking to recover the cost of the second class.

To be sure, this is a pretty modest ask. I could imagine other plaintiffs being… shall we say… more aggrieved under these circumstances. Maybe throw a million or two for emotional distress, etc. Nope. This guy was just asking to be made whole. This probably is why the judge ended up being so sympathetic.

Although the hearing I walked in on was only a preliminary hearing, the judge was absolutely livid that the case made it that far. She absolutely grilled the Assistant Attorney General (“AAG”) who was representing Massachusetts. Along the lines of:

Judge: I’ve read the pleadings, and it appears to me there’s no factual dispute here. Ms. AAG, is there a dispute?

AAG: Well, your honor, we can’t really be sure that we lost anything, but…

J: But the man has documentary evidence that you did! Are you disputing these documents?

AAG: [sheepishly] No…


AAG: Well, your Honor, it was never… ummm… it isn’t clear the exact amount he is seeking in damages…

[Maybe in his complaint, he only asked to be reimbursed for so-and-so expenses without actually stating a dollar amount]

J: Oh, it’s not huh? Did you bother asking? You know what, never mind. Let’s figure it out right now. Mr. Plaintiff, how much did the second course cost?

Plaintiff: About $2100?

J: Call it $2400. And did you incur any other expenses?

P: I had to take off work early and I had to take a taxi to the school. I make so-and-so dollars and hour and the taxi was such-and-such. The course lasted so-and-so many days.

J: Okay, call it $3000. Ms. AAG, how’s that? $3000. Can we settle this?

AAG: Well, your honor, I… ummm…. I don’t know if I have the authority to se….

J: Don’t give me that!! Do you have any reason to dispute that this is the correct dollar amount?

AAG: [again, sheepishly] No your Honor

J: Great. Then there’s no reason to not to settle this, right?

AAG: [whisper-soft] R… right.

J: Great. Let’s get this done right here, right now. [To her clerk] Rex, go ahead and print off one of the form settlement agreements, and put in $3000.

[The settlement agreement is signed, and apparently the hearing is over]

J: Ms. AAG, one more thing: When will he get his money?

AAG: Well, your Honor, I really don’t handle that aspects of settlements, I really couldn’t…

J: You have thirty days.

AAG: Your Honor, all due respect, but I…

J: You have. Thirty. Days.

AAG: Yes your Honor.

Not only did this pro se plaintiff win, but he won without ever really opening his mouth.


The prices of products in China are going down but the prices of made in China products in Europe and America are going up, who is pocketing the increasing gap in the prices of made in China imported products?

Take a Product made in China and off a factory line for 130 RMB

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image 214

By the time the product is packed and shipped to an exporter, the product costs 225 RMB to the exporter including 8% to the Manufacturing Factory, 32% in Taxes and other charges

The Exporter pays a further 24% in Taxes and Shipping Changes plus his own profits and sells it to the US Importer for 300 RMB

The US Importer pays around $ 43 for the product to the Chinese exporter

Earlier he would give it to the distributor who would sell it to the retailer who would retail it for $ 79.99 or around 580 RMB

From $ 18 to $ 80 is the journey of the product in the capitalist market

Now comes Tariffs

Imagine a 30% Tariff imposed

That would price the product at $ 58 to the importer as he has to pay $ 15 to the US Government

This rises the retail price to $ 109.99 for the retailer whose profit margins on the product fall by 18–20%

That’s the hourly wage of an extra worker

Nothing changes for the Chinese

The Product at $ 109.99 is still unbeatable at that price and no US manufacturer can compete and make a similar product for less than $ 275 Retail


  • The American customer pays $ 30 More
  • The Retailer loses profit cut
  • The Importer gains zilch

The US Govt gains an extra $ 15 paid by their own public

That’s all that’s happening

The US, the great capitalist country is slowly becoming Soviet Union

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image 213

This Brainless Syphilitic hoped that he can reduce customers who aren’t prepared to pay the extra 30 Bucks for the product and hence reduce orders by the retailer from China and they would buy American products made in Mexico

Why Chinese Companies Are Investing Billions in MexicoAlarmed by shipping chaos and geopolitical fractures, exporters from China are setting up factories in Mexico to preserve their sales to the United States.

China simply moved their factories to Mexico

Now they sell the same product for $ 109.99 with a MADE IN MEXICO sign, pay $ 30 to the Mexican partner and MAKE THE SAME $ 43 that they did when they made the product in Fujian

So US as usual is screwing up its economy every single day


What are some mind-blowing facts that sound unreal but are actually true?

  1. The crime rate is so low in the Netherlands that they have closed 23 prisons since 2004 because they don’t have enough criminals to fill them
  2. Back in the 90’s Denzel Washington paid the fees for a young aspiring actor who couldn’t afford to go to Oxford’s summer theatre. That young actor was Chadwick Boseman (R.I.P). Chadwick publicly thanked Denzel at the AFI life achievement awards in 2019
  3. In 1963 a Turkish man was renovating his home. After knocking down a wall in his basement he found a tunnel. He followed the tunnel and discovered an ancient underground city called Derinkuyu which once had a population of 20000 people
  4. In 2009 an autistic artist named Stephen Wiltshire was able to draw the New York City skyline from memory with a pen after taking a helicopter ride for just 20 minutes
  5. Princess Diana was known for ignoring royal protocols. She would often ride the tube. At theme parks she would refuse preferential treatment and make William and Harry wait in line like everybody else
  6. The blue Nelson lake in New Zealand has the clearest body of water known to man with visibility in the lake of up to 260 feet
  7. The record for the biggest car theft of all time was 1000 Volvo cars. The cars were ordered and delivered then the invoice was ignored and to this day has still not been paid. The cars were ordered by and delivered to North Korea
  8. In 1963 the Bronx zoo opened an exhibition titled “the most dangerous animal in the world,” it was a mirror
  9. 2 muggers in New York City once tried to mug former heavyweight champion of the world Jack Dempsey (who was in his 60’s/70’s at the time). It ended as you might expect with both muggers unconscious. The dates and circumstances leading to the event are a bit uncertain although Dempsey did reference the incident in his book
  10. My personal favourite: In 1996 an avid birdwatcher in Devon, England spent a whole year hooting at owls and then recording their responses unaware that it was one of his neighbours pretending to be an owl and hooting back

Nasty beast alert

What was the most unexpected thing that happened to you in a supermarket?

I got convinced to buy a couple of lottery tickets and won a good amount of money when I really needed it.

My ex had offered to run to the store before leaving for his business trip. While we really didn’t have much of anything in the house, I told him not to bother, b/c it was in walking distance and I could go for the extra exercise.

A series of unfortunate events occurred: He called me after the first night to let me know the reports were in worse order than he anticipated, so he’d probably be gone an extra 2–3 days (not a problem, though we did share a vehicle at this time). Instead of going to the store, I decided to order food only to have it cancelled because my debit card had been declined. Twice.. The next day when I called the bank, I was informed someone had tried to use my card number to purchase 2k in airline tickets, so they cancelled my card & I wouldn’t receive another one for 7–10 days.

This was during a period where I’d yet to see the importance of an emergency credit card and rarely carried cash, but fortunately, I looked in my purse and checked the clothing pockets in the laundry room and came up with about 35 bucks and some change.

I walked down to the store and got some basic necessities, and relayed my woes to a cashier I talked to quite often. They jokingly suggested with luck like mine, I should use my last 10 bucks for scratch offs. I knew she was being facetious, but given the mood I was in, I said “why the hell not”, and bought two, $5.00 tickets. On the first one, it said I won a free ticket and she asked if I wanted another or cash, but since I was going all in I asked for the another ticket. I scratched that one off first, and to my surprise, won 250.00 dollars. I was so shocked, she had to remind me I had one more, so I scratched that one off and had won another 250.00. It was an unexpected and pleasant surprise during an otherwise frustrating situation.

Do not harm others


Can you think of an example of someone who did something bad at work but didn’t get fired?

This still angers me 23 years later. So I lived in a village which had a river that runs through it. And every year it floods at least once due to heavy rains and high tides. The river was once big enough that boats would come up and our little village was a kind of harbour. When it flooded the river would come up and over the fields and accross the main road. Now cars and buses would go through this flood water with no issue. Until October 2000. My class had been kept behind so I missed the bus home. My brother who was 11 (was tiny for his age and looked about 2–3 years younger because of his height) and my sister who was 15 were on the bus along with about 5 other kids all between 11–15

Now remember that other buses got through, including the bus from another school and our school buses aren’t like Americans but just regular coaches that are used for holidays etc and the councils pay for this. Our bus driver contacted his manager and asked what to do about the flood. The manager said to let the kids off and not go through the flood water. The only way for the kids to get home was to walk through the flood water. It was about 2 foot deep but was incredibly fast flowing.

When I finally got home I found out my little brother had nearly been swept away by the force of the water and my sister nearly died trying to stop him. Luckily all the kids made it through safely. The bus would have just got it’s tires wet. The worst part was, the following day was my granddad’s funeral so it was already a horrible time.

My mum kept us of school both to grieve and also because she couldn’t trust the bus driver with her 3 children. The manager promised us a trip to Alton Towers. We never got that trip as the manager was fired but the driver kept his job. He wasn’t allowed to drivw the school route again but instead was put on a mini bus driving little old ladies to town and back.

BOTH should have lost their jobs. He would have seen the other bus go by (was also a coach but a different company) so he knew he could get through it but to make my tiny little brother walk through rapid flood water….. that’s something you can’t forgive. My sister is terrified of water now, struggles to even cross a bridge with running water below. my brother seems to be unaffected, he was more worried about losing mum’s Tupperware and the pizza he’d made at school.


Parents are putting their feet down

American school boards are getting shut down.

What is the funniest joke you’ve been told that you still think about to this day?

A hillbilly went hunting one day in West Virginia and bagged three ducks. He put them in the bed of his pickup truck and was about to drive home where he was confronted by an ornery game warden who didn’t like hillbillies. The game warden ordered to the hillbilly to show his hunting license, and the hillbilly pulled out a valid West Virginia hunting license. The game warden looked at the license, then reached over and picked up one of the ducks, sniffed it’s butt, and said, “This duck ain’t from West Virginia. This is a Kentucky duck. You got a Kentucky hunting license, boy?” The hillbilly reached into his wallet and produced a Kentucky hunting license.

The game warden looked at it, then reached over and grabbed the second duck, sniffed it’s butt, and said, “This ain’t no Kentucky duck. This duck’s from Tennessee. You got an Tennessee license

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?” The hillbilly reached into his wallet and produced an Tennessee license. The warden then reached over and picked up the third duck. “This duck’s from Virginia. You got a Virginia hunting license?”

Again the hillbilly reached into his wallet and brought out a Virginia hunting license. The game warden was extremely frustrated at this point, and he yelled at the hillbilly, “Just where the hell are you from?”

The hillbilly turned around, bent over, dropped his pants, and said, “You tell me, you’re the expert!”

Three things


What is the lowest probability event you have personally witnessed?

In the mid-nineties I was a big city police officer. Just before Christmas I was dispatched to a driveway auto accident. It seemed minor as I arrived but a young woman had fallen and struck her head resulting into a head injury that lead to a two month coma. I had a friend badly injured in the same hospital ward and I spent many hours sitting with the family of the the injured woman and grew to know them. As she slowly came out the hospital staff tried to wean her back to solid foods, she resisted. As a middle aged police officer I developed a voice of authority. The family ask me to help, with my voice and commands she began to eat a few bites. As she regained clarity she began to know who I was. After time my friend was transferred to a long term facility and the coma girl was released to go home with family supervision.

Months go by and I am dispatched to a car break-in in the courtyard of the coma girl’s apartment building. I was taking a report from another young woman victim. I heard a voice from several floors above, “Wayne is that you”? Because I am so sophisticated and know one Shakespeare scene, I answered “but soft, what light through yon window breaks? It is the East and Christine is the sun!” Chris who still had memory problems replied “ay me”. We completed the scene while the car break-in victim stared as though she was an extra in a Woody Allen movie.


You must follow

Zesty Chicken Oregano
(Kotopoulo me Riganates Skaras)

2024 01 29 19 04
2024 01 29 19 04


  • 1 (2 1/2 to 3 pound) broiler- fryer chicken, cut up
  • 1/2 cup olive oil or vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons dried oregano leaves
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • Lemon slices


  1. Place chicken in ungreased 13 x 9-inch baking pan.
  2. Mix remaining ingredients except lemon slices; pour over chicken.
  3. Bake uncovered at 375 degrees F, spooning oil mixture over chicken occasionally, 30 minutes.
  4. Turn chicken; cook until thickest pieces are done, about 30 minutes longer.
  5. Garnish with lemon slices.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings

How can an employer ask an hourly employee to arrive ten minutes early (every workday, without pay) to start work on time?

I worked as a temporary at a place that tried this crap. I told the agency that the supervisor refused to sign my time sheet with the extra 15 minutes, because they don’t pay their own employees and won’t pay me for it either.

The agency called the other temps working there and found out that they were adjusting their time sheet so they can get paid. The agency owner then called the client, who was so sure about herself. She said she had the right to have the meeting every morning and not pay anyone for attending.

The agency owner informed her that he was going to audit every time sheet of every temp that they have sent her, calculate the lost time and charge her for it. He then pulled out all of the temps and paid us for the rest of the week and any back pay. Which was kinda sweet, this happened on a Monday afternoon.

I was one of the last people to leave the office and she came out of her office and was yelling at me for calling the agency. I was temping a payroll clerk position, so of course I knew what she was doing was illegal. I told everyone in the office this and that they can get backpay for every meeting every morning, if they filed a wages and hours complaint with the labor department.

Then I walked right past her and said have fun with that. It cost her a lot of money to pay back those employees and temps. She had a hard time getting temps after that, because they didn’t want to be part of her hours scam.

Looking for a sign



What the fuck 1


High-Value Woman: Traits, How to Find and Make Her Your Girlfriend

Last Updated On December 15, 2022by Andrew Ferebee

Some men waste their time on women in lower leagues. You don’t want to be that guy!

High-value women are not desperate for a relationship. They don’t rely on men for finances, validation, or even their security. No, they’ve got it all figured out. 

I won’t lie to you — these women are rare. If she is self-possessed enough to know what she wants and go out there and get it, she’s a real keeper. When you meet her, you will know it immediately. You need to do something about it before someone else does. 

Miss this opportunity and she will have a ring on her finger before you know it.

So, how do you spot a high-value woman and what should you do about it? I want to help you with just this conundrum. Read on to elevate your chances of getting a shot with her now. 

Traits of high-value women

First things first, what is it that makes a high-value woman? Like most men, you’ve met — and even dated — countless women in your lifetime. What makes this one so special?

Trust me, you will know that she is different. But you might not be able to pinpoint exactly why that is. Whether you’re already dating her or ready to make your move, there are some things that you will have noticed about this woman. Here’s a quick breakdown: 

1. She has her own career or knows what she wants to do with her life

You’re not looking for a 1950s housewife — you want a woman who has her own drive, her own passions, and her own career. You know that there is nothing more attractive than a woman who has set her own life goals and is reaching them at every turn.

That’s not to say that she has to have the biggest paycheck. She might be dedicated to a career in nursing, be a teacher, or have a small business.

Whatever it is that drives her, it’s about the fact that she’s not waiting around for some man to come and ‘save’ her.  

2. She doesn’t play games or try to ‘win’ your affection 

Some women play endless, tiring games. They won’t call you back. They pretend to be mad about small things.

They ‘test’ you to see how you will react to certain things. They sneak around and don’t treat you right. All of that is nothing but high school drama. 

You deserve to leave it behind. Real, grown-up women know that there’s no point in playing games when they meet someone that they value. If she is direct and lets you know that she is interested, that is a green flag. 

As the relationship moves forward, you can trust her to never play around. She’s not here for those games. She wants to live her best life — with you by her side. You need to make sure that you can measure up to her standards before you even try to approach her.

Real women want elite men. Before you can win her over, you need to make sure that you have your own life sorted out. I’ve worked with many men to help them regain their masculine power and elevate their lifestyles. 

The journey toward the life that you deserve might sound tough, but it’s worth your time and effort. Backed by a supportive community of men and coaches, I’ve seen men get the results they’ve been looking for quickly. When you transform your life, the right women will notice and, trust me, they don’t play games.

3. She is upfront about what she wants and expects from a relationship

You’ve got no time for a woman who is giving you riddles. Some women think that it’s cute to be oblique and never let a guy know what they want. Then — as if that weren’t bad enough — they have the audacity to get angry when the guy doesn’t fulfill their needs. 

You can waste your time, energy, and money on dating these women. All that you will get in the end is a loss. When you’re seeing a woman who is obsessed with drama, you need to get her claws out of you as soon as possible. Repeat after me: It will not end well. 

Dating a high-value woman is a completely different experience. From date #1, she will show you what she wants and you will never feel in the dark. You won’t have to play dumb guessing games with her to keep her on the side. She has the maturity to be upfront about it. 

4. She is self-assured and can make her own decisions

Confidence is a rare trait. 79% of women say that they struggle with their self-esteem. You’ve likely seen the signs: she is unsure of her decisions, constantly asks you for advice, and needs reassurance that she’s attractive all the time. It’s exhausting. 

High-value women are different. When you meet one, you will notice the difference straight away. She is self-assured and doesn’t need a man’s advice. In her career and personal life, she makes her own decisions. She is the one calling the shots here. 

You won’t find this woman begging for your attention — you will want to give it to her.

5. She is in control of her own life and doesn’t need a relationship

This woman was fine before you came along and — if you do break up — she will be fine once again.

Elite women are the opposite of clingy. They know themselves and their own minds. These women are not waiting around for the right guy to come along. Far from it.

She doesn’t mess you around or beg you to stay with her because she’s ‘lonely.’ No, she has her own stuff going on each day. If you’re the right man for her, you will fit into that.

6. She is kind and compassionate to the people in her life 

Kindness goes a long way. You might think the woman I have described here is cold. That’s not the case. You don’t want some uptight or cut-throat businesswoman. 

High-value women care about the people in their life — and they are not afraid to show it.

She might be close with her family. She might have a tight-knit group of friends. She might spend every Sunday with her sister.

Whatever it is, you can see that she has compassion. 

How to make a high-value woman your girlfriend 

You’ve got your eye on her — she’s got it all together and has ‘girlfriend’ written all over her. Now that you’ve found a high-quality woman, how do you make the first move? 

Over the years, I’ve worked with a wide variety of men in my elite coaching program. It’s no secret that the vast majority of men worry about dating.

When you’re new to the game, you don’t want to end up making rookie mistakes. Luckily, I’ve got your back here.

Here, I share my expert-backed advice on where to find high-value women, how to catch their attention and make them want you. 

1. Make the right first impression — it counts 

75% of men are scared to first approach an attractive woman. Let’s say that she catches your attention when you’re in a local bar. How do you react? Do you stare at her across the room for hours on end? Or do you get up out of your seat and do something about it?

When you find yourself in the presence of a high-quality woman, every second matters. What you do from the offset will make an impact on her and determine how she reacts. No matter how nervous you may be, it’s important that you act like a complete gentleman. 

Be respectful of her space and whether she wants to be approached. When you first introduce yourself, ask her if she’d like to have a drink with her. Women often find men intimidating when they approach them out of the blue. Let her know that you won’t take up too much of her time and that you purely want to get to know her or get her number. 

2. Show her the respect that she deserves from the start 

High-quality women are worthy of your respect. Scratch that — all women are worthy of your respect. One of the most important lessons that all men have to learn is to treat women as they deserve to be treated.

When you meet a woman who ticks all of your boxes, you need to treat her like a lady. There are no exceptions to this golden rule. 

Forget the tricks that pick-up artists tell you will work. They won’t.

If you want to make this woman your girlfriend, your best bet is to go back to old-school dating techniques.

That means showing her that you are interested, taking her on dates, and giving her the space to make up her own mind. Take some tips from your grandpa — he knew a thing or two.

3. Avoid playing games or using cheap gimmicks to get her attention 

Men and women both play games when dating. You know the drill. You might not text her for a few days after the first date.

You might pretend to have plans (when you don’t!) to seem more in demand. You might even lower yourself to the old ‘negging’ tactic. 

None of the above will work. You’re dealing with a high-quality woman here and you need to show her more respect. Leave those playground tricks behind. 

If she notices that you are playing games, you will lose her attention fast.

Chances are, she’s met men like that before and — as you might expect — swiftly dismissed them. Women who are self-possessed don’t have the time to mess around with players.

4. Show her that you are a high-value man and worth her time

You’re looking for a high-value woman — have you stopped to think about what she’s looking for? Yes… *ding ding ding*… you guessed it: She is looking for a high-value man

The most effective strategy in attracting this woman is showing that you have your sh*t together. Women who know what they want will be on the lookout for elite men. 

They don’t want some man-child who they will have to pick up after. Nothing is less attractive than that. No, they need a guy who calls the shots in his own life. 

What are you bringing to the table? A good job? A house? Financial independence? A lively social life? Think about what it is that you have to offer and subtly let her know about it. You don’t need to flaunt it. Be quietly confident in what you have to share with her. 

The moment she sees that you’re a strong, stable man, she will be interested. You don’t have to bend over backward to get her attention. Make sure you let her know that you are on the path toward your most elite life and that she has the chance to join you. 


Before you can win the affection of a high-value woman, you need to elevate your lifestyle. I’ve worked with a selection of the world’s most elite men to support their growth.

My coaching program teaches men like you to change their mindset and regain the masculine power that has been taken from them. Taking control of your life is the first step. 

Unfortunately, there’s no magic trick that will make a high-value woman fall in love with you. Life doesn’t work that way. You need to put in the groundwork and figure out your own life before you can attract a woman of this caliber. You have to start that journey. 

Having the support of coaches and a community of like-minded men can make a real difference. I’ve worked with countless men who have tapped into this power and used it to upgrade their lifestyles and relationships.

It’s time to stop missing opportunities – in your work, romantic, and social life – and start living the best version of your life now. 

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What are some harsh but true reality of today life?

  1. 99% of your problems can be solved with money. Don’t listen to anyone who suggests otherwise.
  2. Having a degree doesn’t mean you’re smart. Some educated people make foolish choices.
  3. Real connections are better than just watching porn. Try dating real people.
  4. Regrets are a waste of time. Instead of dwelling on your regrets, make the most of available time.
  5. You have the ability to do anything; don’t let another person discourage you.
  6. Your boss doesn’t care about you. He will immediately replace you if he can find a cheaper substitute.
  7. In a job, you’re helping someone else succeed. It’s important to pursue your own dreams.

Have you ever had a bad gut feeling about someone and it was right?

Yes. My cousin was dating an unemployed airline pilot. Her father was a pilot, so flying was the ultra in pride and desirability. She was quite wealthy, and very desirable to a man who wasn’t into working. He was divorced, living with his momma, and dodging child support payments, blaming the wife for all of his problems.

She was diagnosed with cancer. I went to help out when she had her surgery. Since she lived in another state, I stayed with her at her parent’s house. They were both too busy to care for her due to their high powered careers.

After she got out of the hospital, I walked into her room to give her some medicine. He was leaning over her body in a way that struck me as strange. He almost looked threatening. It was like he was that Harry Potter character who sucked out your energy and soul. When I saw his face, I can only describe it as a window opened up and I saw evil. I warned her and her family about him.

As a result, I was kicked out of their house and shunned for a good two years. I was not invited to Christmas and her father told my grandmother it was because I didn’t like “the nicest guy” he had ever known. Keep in mind this family is quite prominent and he was sucking up to them big time.

The next time I saw my cousin, she had a badly broken shoulder. He had tried to kill them both by ramming his car at top speed into a tree. She had jumped out of the car and shattered the shoulder. Unfortunately, he did not kill himself- he just wanted to kill her. She suffered with that shoulder until the day she died. It never stopped hurting. His abuse started not long after I gave the warning she ignored.

Another year passed and my uncle came to me to apologize. He said, “You were right about somebody.” He went on to tell me that he had been arrested and given a long prison sentence for trying to kill his ex-wife. I wish they had listened.

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Marriage is over in the USA


Has someone ever been fired because of you?

When I was very young, I decided to move in with my girlfriend. At the time, I did not realize that I was way too young to do this and not really ready to take this step with this particular young lady. We looked at apartments and were interested in looking at furniture. My girlfriend told me that she knew a family friend who sold quality furniture at a store that give discounts to members of her labor union.

We visited this furniture store located at the time (mid 1980’s) in the Empire State Building. Her friend was happy to see us and even offered us an additional discount since he knew her family so well. He explained to us that his company offered a money back guarantee on all deposits. This guarantee was printed on their receipts. We picked out a bedroom and living room set and I left a healthy deposit.

Long story short, we ended up breaking up within the next two weeks. I went back to the furniture store to get my deposit back but my former girlfriends friend was not in. I visited the store two more times and I always seemed to go on his day off. The manager and his assistant noticed that I had been there a few times asking for him and offered their assistance. I explained that I was there for a refund of my deposit. They informed me that they had no record of me putting a deposit on furniture. They asked for my receipt which readily I produced. Very few businesses used computers at that time. They looked up my matching receipt number in their book. When they turned to the matching page, it was blank. They determined on the spot that the salesman had not entered the transaction in their records and pocketed the money. They stated that he was probably going to come up with the money at a later date and enter it in the book then. He probably thought that he had time to pull this off without anyone finding out. The manager and his assistant were very angry. They handed me back my receipt and told me that I was going to get call from the salesman by the next day, and that he was going to make arrangements to refund my money out of his pocket. They also told me that If I do not hear from him, return to them and they will refund my money and they would then go to the police and have him arrested.

The next day the salesman called me and made arrangements to meet me at my job to give me the deposit back. The check that the former salesman gave me was drawn on his mother’s account. It appeared that Mama had to come to his rescue. The Furniture store manager called me 2 days later. He informed me that he fired the salesman and if in the future I wanted to purchase furniture, he would offer me furniture at cost.


What are the bad habits of human life?

Yesterday I read an article that rather haunted me.

[1] It’s about a boy, aged 9, who lived alone for almost two years. His mother abandoned him to live with her boyfriend. The boy didn’t know how to operate the heater, so he would sleep under three blankets in the winter just to keep warm. He’d eat canned goods, and scavenge for food outside like a hyena.

He did go to school, however, managing to be present every day for two years without fail, having a perfect attendance record. His grades were excellent and he was reportedly in good spirits. Nobody in school new he ate stale food and took cold showers in a cold apartment with no one by his side. Authorities speculate the boy’s routine is likely what kept him alive — going to school every day, eating lunch there and talking to his friends in class. He never had friends over, always finding excuses not to.

Now the kid’s in foster care. His mother is being charged with all sorts of crimes for abandoning him. He reportedly never wants to see her again. Does he even have a father, grandparents? God. It’s just so sad, leaving a child alone to fend for himself in this world.



China containment becomes a lose-lose strategy for everyone

  • In trying to fight Beijing, Washington is causing irreparable damage to the world economy and it may be too great for even America to bear

Alex Lo

As Nobel economics laureate Paul Krugman recently observed in Foreign Affairs, “China’s role as the workshop of the world … might be as hard to replace as the global role of the US dollar.”

And yet, that hasn’t stopped Uncle Sam from trying to wreck the China workshop, which has the unintended consequence of pushing more countries to try to “de-dollarise”.

The United States has been strong-arming countries and companies to divert their supply chains away from China, and these involve not only advanced tech products such as superfast computer chips but also mundane items such as rare commodities. Meanwhile, it has weaponised the global economy and financial systems to pursue its own foreign and trade policy goals.

They are the two economic aspects of its full-spectrum containment against China, which of course, also includes a predominantly military component. Countries such as India, Vietnam, Indonesia and even the US were supposed to benefit from the supply-chain redirection. But they now find it hard to take up the slack. Much of the re-routing with new chains turns out to be just longer, more opaque and expensive, without severing ties to Chinese suppliers. Costs are adding up.

Last year, Taiwan’s Pou Chen Corp, a leading shoe manufacturer for the likes of Nike and Adidas, had to cut more than 6,000 jobs at its Ho Chi Minh City plant. The Vietnamese government once heavily advertised the investment of Japanese electronics giant Kyocera Corp, but it ended up producing low-tech ceramic packages for electronic insulation and resistance, rather than the more advanced packages for crystal devices.

Labour unrest, official corruption and red tape are cutting short the allure of Vietnam for foreign manufacturers. Comparatively, getting permits, licences and subsidies for foreign businesses in Vietnam for many has made China almost a bureaucratic paradise. Volatile internal party politics in Vietnam may be as tricky and scary as in China.

Cheaper labour costs at first made Vietnam attractive, but it turns out relocating factories, hiring locals and reorganising supply chains away from China can eat into whatever savings are made. Many Vietnamese contractors still go to China for supplies, so Western clients end up, as the Economist recently reported, inviting in more middlemen.

The story may be better for India and Indonesia, as both are competing with even cheaper labour, so long as they stick to low value-added production. But they may fare worse if they aim higher, as Vietnam can boast good infrastructure with modern ports, newly built highways and power supply. In any case, China doesn’t want those jobs any more as it is moving up the hi-tech value chains.

It’s highly ironic that Taiwan’s TSMC, which agreed to build a big chipmaking plant in Arizona after intense pressure from Washington and the island’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party, has just announced production delays to next year, and for even more advanced chips, until 2027 or 2028. Perhaps by then, the US plant will come in handy and replace production in Taiwan, as that was the date some Pentagon generals claimed the mainland would invade!

Brics, the bloc originally made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, has long been criticised for having no viable economic or political coherence or purpose. Well, now it does. They are all afraid of US economic warfare with sanctions being its primary weapon. From digital currencies and currency swaps to restricted computerised messaging for financial transactions, they are trying to de-dollarise.

Dozens of countries, especially those in the Global South and are not US allies, want to join now. Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have been invited to become members.

As Krugman said, the China workshop and the US dollar are two pillars of the global economy and are extremely hard to replace. Yet, Washington has made it a policy to erode those pillars, one by design, the other inadvertently.

The collateral damage may be too great for even the US to bear.

Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso quit ECOWAS regional block

January 28, 20243:52 PM GMT+1Updated 37 min ago

NIAMEY/BAMAKO, Jan 28 (Reuters) – Three West African junta-led states Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso said on Sunday they are immediately leaving the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), a regional economic bloc that has been urging them to return to democratic rule.

The decision by the three countries, announced in a joint statement read out on Niger national television, is a blow to the bloc’s regional integration efforts after it suspended the three countries following military takeovers.

“After 49 years, the valiant peoples of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger regretfully and with great disappointment observe that the (ECOWAS) organization has drifted from the ideals of its founding fathers and the spirit of Pan-Africanism,” Colonel Amadou Abdramane, Niger junta spokesman, said in the statement.

The three countries are also members of the eight-nation West African Monetary Union (UEMOA) that uses the West Africa CFA franc currency pegged to the Euro.
The monetary union, following decisions by ECOWAS leaders after the coups in Mali and Niger, had cut off their access to the regional financial market, and the regional central bank. It later restored Mali’s access but Niger remains suspended.

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Women WEAPONIZED The ME TOO Movement & Women Are Being Ignored In The Workplace


What’s worse than you thought it would be?

A lower left tooth was loose (#21 for the cognoscenti). I went to the dentist.

He looked concerned, said it was broken vertically, removed the part that was broken, and took a look at what was left.

“You’ll have to see an oral surgeon for this. It’s a dental emergency. I’ll have my office set up the appointment.”

I get a call a few minutes later. Can I come in to see the oral surgeon the next day?

Next day, I’m there. Terrified. I’m a total dental chicken. “The tooth was reabsorbing into the jawbone” (What?!!) “so we have to take it out. It is likely to get infected. You need …”

And he proceeded to give me a few minutes of dental speak.

With only laughing gas and huge horse syringes full of novacaine, and wearing intense magnifying glasses, he drilled and chiseled a tooth/root/bone unit apart.

None of that was necessarily the coup de grace.

The hard part is not having to drink smoothies for a week until the stitches are removed.

The hard part is not waiting seven months with a toothless gap in my smile, as I wait for my gums to heal before they can do surgery a g a I n to place an implant into my jawbone (but that’s a huge Y I K E S for the future).

The hard part — is — overwhelming and aching bone pain in my jaw socket where the tooth infiltrated the bone. It hurts so much that pain has been preventing me from sleeping or moving much during the past four days since the tooth was separated from the jawbone and extracted.

I didn’t anticipate any of this pain with just a loose tooth. The pain afterwards was totally unanticipated and a thousand times worse than I thought it would be.

If a dentist ever tells you that a tooth is infiltrating your jaw bone, act sooner than later. Even if you don’t feel that anything is wrong.

Dental pain should be avoided at all costs.

Do You Have Jason Bourne in Custody? | The Bourne Supremacy | All Action


What happens when a service member in the US military gets sick? Do they get sick days or time off? Or are they expected to simply push through it?

Originally Answered: What happens when a service member in the US military gets sick?

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image 212

In the army:

  1. You still show up to work.
  2. You ask permission to go to sick call (doctors).
  3. You wait in line at sick call for so long you’re either dead or not sick anymore.
  4. The doctor sees you for 20 seconds.
  5. You get a profile (doctor’s orders limiting work) for way longer than you need.
  6. You’re given Naproxin, Motrin and crutches, even though you came in with the flu.
  7. Everybody hates you because you get to stay home while everybody else has to work.
  8. You’re labeled a sick call ranger (person who abuses sick call to the point they are considered professional shammers).
  9. If you’re lucky, you’ll get some wacky profile that blows everyone’s mind; No Sun profile, No standing longer than 10 minutes per hour profile, etc.
  10. First Sergeant finds clever ways to make you work ten minutes at a time standing, 50 minutes sitting down, and in the dark.
  11. You don’t get sick anymore.

Seemingly weak girl is actually the world’s No.1 kung fu master, defeated all men



What do men find unattractive about women?

I’ve met guys over the years who find all kinds of physical traits unattractive. Everyone has their own personal visuals they like or dislike.

But there seems to be one universal, non-physical trait that men find unattractive with women: complaining.

You’ll never hear a guy complain that he wishes his woman would complain more to him. You’ll hear a lot of guys complain about how much their woman complain. (Or, complaining’s close cousin, criticizing.)

This includes things like:

  • Complaining that their guy didn’t do something that he either didn’t know he was supposed to do, or planned on doing later.
  • Complaining about the quality of work their guy did for something that no one is ever going to see or care about.
  • Complaining to their guy about things the kids or pets did wrong, as if it’s their guy’s fault that the kids or pets did those things wrong.
  • Complaining to their guy, like its his fault, about things that the guy has absolutely no control over, like the weather.
  • Complaints that are essentially versions of “my man did not read my mind.”
  • Criticizing their man’s choices for things that have no impact on the woman whatsoever.
  • Criticizing their man’s choices when their man asked for the woman’s input, but the woman didn’t offer any.

Tangentially related to “complaining” are things like:

  • Attempting to hold a deep conversation while the guy is trying to focus on something else, like a television show or driving.
  • Attempting to hold a deep conversation with the guy within 10 minutes of falling asleep or waking up.
  • Greeting their man with a task to do as soon as he gets home.
  • Adding on to their man’s “to do” list while he’s actively doing something the woman already put on that list.

Around 3,000 years ago, Hebrew men realized how much they didn’t like their wives’ complaining, and wrote it down in the book of Proverbs.


Should a boss be allowed to fire an employee for something they do outside of work?

Hard to imagine, but an ex-colleague of mine was fired for something they DIDN’T DO outside of work but were ACCUSED of doing.

The company we worked for had a code of ethics that said you could be fired not just for doing something wrong, but for there being a public IMPRESSION that you did something wrong.

In his case, he had been in the chain drugstore the previous weekend, and was accused of shoplifting. After some unpleasant exchange with the store’s security staff and my colleague insisting that he would NOT allow them to examine his bags, but would only allow the police to do so, the police were called. He was searched, his bags were searched, and nothing was found.

Store management apologized to him. He said fine, okay and that was that, right?


On Monday when he came to work, and people were saying what they did that weekend, he said “You won’t believe what happened to me!” and he related the incident.

Within a couple of hours, he was called to Human Resources and fired. Reason? Small town, everybody knows everybody. The accusation of shoplifting was made publicly in the store, where some of the other customers knew or might know him, and who also might be OUR customers. In our company’s eyes, that made our customers question whether they should give us their business, if we kept him as an employee.

He appealed but to no avail. Lost his job.

Lesson – don’t share too much about what happens on your time off, even if you didn’t actually do something wrong, perception can be everything.



Who is the rudest celebrity you have met, and who would be the nicest?

I was in Las Vegas and was shopping at the Caesar’s Palace mall. I came across a sport memorabilia store that had two sports stars there signing autographs. At one end of a long table was Pete Rose and the other end was Kenny Stabler. I noticed that there was a long line waiting for Rose’s autograph but no one was at Kenny’s side. I didn’t know why Kenny didn’t have anyone in his autograph line, since he did have a super bowl win and was in the NFL HOF. My son-in-law was a huge Oakland Raider fan, so I went over to get Kenny’s autograph. As I was talking to Kenny, I noticed that Rose wasn’t really talking to the fans in line. He just signed the picture and his handler told the fans that Rose didn’t have time to answer any questions and told them to move on. Rose never even cracked a smile and actually looked perturbed to be there.

On the contrary, Kenny was most gracious and talked to me for over 10 mins. Instead of the stock picture they were passing out, he posed for a picture with me trying on his super bowl ring. He took down my address and said he would mail it to me. To my amazement, within a week I received the photo. My son-in-law treasured that photo for many years until his passing. What a difference in personalities between two superstar athletes. I never respected Pete Rose after that incident even though I once supported his failed attempt to get into the baseball HOF.



What examples of unintended consequences have you seen in everyday life?

In college, a fellow fraternity brother named Mike met me after class to tell me he had the key (answers) to the upcoming engineering-physics mid-term exam and I could buy it for just $25. It was to be a 100 multiple-choice question exam to be given in a week.

Unfortunately, Mike spoke a little too loud and the professor heard him. The professor did not know who or how many people had the answer key so he decided to create an all-new test. He contacted two of his top grad students (Paul and Jim) to help and they toiled over the task for the next 4 days.

On the day before the exam, I overheard the professor ask Paul if he “was ready”. It seemed out of context so I got suspicious and decided to check with Mike. I heard MIke was over by the WPC Student Center so I headed over there. As I was scanning the area for Mike, I saw him talking to Paul. I hid and watched as Mike gave Paul an envelope and Paul gave Mike several sheets of paper. Mike had just bought the answer key to the new exam.

I waited until they separated and then went to Mike. I asked, “Are we all set for the exam tomorrow”. I wanted to see if he would offer me the new exam key. To my surprise, he did. I took it and sold it to two of my friends – Bruce and Khan – for $30 each. We all aced the exam and repeated it all again for the finals . . . . but with less drama.

So what were the unintended consequences? Bruce and Khan went on to become structural design architects at a prestigious firm in Chicago and were the design engineers for the 1,450 ft tall Sears Tower (it’s now called the Willis Tower) – the one that had 90x 5×8 ft, 380-pound windows that blew out in high winds.

As it turns out, the semester that we all cheated on the exams was when they taught the aerodynamics of wind on structures and how to compensate for the stresses involved. If Bruce and Khan had attended those classes and learned the topics taught that semester, then the Sears Tower would not sway 18″ in high winds and would not have ultimately spent $6 million to replace all of its 10,343 windows. All those unintended consequences because of an exam answer key that sold for $30.


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If this isn’t all true, it should be, and if it isn’t then how could it be? I’m not one to make up stuff unless I do and then it is only to prove my credibility or not. Wouldn’t you do the same if you didn’t know what you say you know in the context of being honest and trying to tell people that which could be true if it was? But, being a smart person, you knew all that already, didn’t you?

11 Signs A Woman Has Multiple Partners and What to Do About It

Published On January 22, 2024by Andrew Ferebee

So, you’ve met a woman that you’ve completely fallen for. You’ve been dating for a while, and everything has been going well. She might even be “the one.” 

The problem is, you’re not entirely sure you’re the only one in her life. You can’t place your finger on it exactly, but something leads you to believe she may be seeing other men. 

You want clarity, but you’re unsure how to broach the subject. After all, things are going well, and you don’t want to mess up a good thing. But at the same time, not knowing what’s going on is driving you crazy. 

Dating multiple people at once is a tricky subject to navigate. In an ideal world, both partners will communicate their ideas and expectations about dating other people. The problem is we don’t live in an ideal world. 

More often than not, people dance around the issue because they don’t want to hurt the other person’s feelings (or damage the relationship’s potential). This leads to one or both people playing the guessing game. 

If this sounds like your current situation, understand you are not alone. And as difficult as it can be to navigate this situation, you can gain clarity — if you know what to look for. 

Today, I’ll give you a framework you can use to gauge whether or not the woman you’re dating has multiple partners and how to approach things if she does. Signs That The Woman You’re Seeing Has Multiple Partners 

1. Unless You’re Told Otherwise, Assume She Is

In today’s dating climate, you should always assume that the woman you’re dating is also seeing other men. Unless she comes out and explicitly tells you that the two of you are exclusive, you’re probably not. 

Of course, this isn’t 100% certain, but in today’s world, where online dating makes it easier than ever before to meet people, you should always assume this is the case. 

Understand that couples seldom become exclusive off the bat. Nine times out of ten, one or both people will date around before settling on their chosen person. 

So, even if you’re really into the woman you’re seeing and everything seems to be going great, that’s fine. But just remember that nothing is official until it’s official. 

2. Other People Call You The Wrong Name — Or Think They’ve Met You Before 

If she brings you around to meet a group of friends or family, and those people call you the wrong name or think they’ve met you before, it could be a sign that she’s dating other guys. 

Don’t assume that these friends or family members are misremembering. It’s far more likely that they were introduced to another man recently. 

And if you want to gauge whether she’s being honest with you, press her on the issue. Ask her about it and see what she says. If she tries to dodge the issue or acts unnatural, it’s probably because she’s dishonest. 

3. She Avoids Introducing You To Friends Or Family Members 

Oppositely, she may avoid bringing you around to meet her friends or family. For this one, look at the context of the situation to see if something seems odd to you. 

If she has to attend a wedding and tells you she’ll go alone, that’s odd behavior. Why? Because no one likes to attend a wedding alone. And chances are, she’s not. 

It’s far more likely that she’s just going with someone else. 

If you’ve been dating for several months and have not met anyone from her social circle, that’s just not natural. If she often tells you she can’t meet because she’s going out with her friends but doesn’t invite you to come, that’s also odd. 

Chances are, she’s bringing another man to these gatherings. And rather than letting her friends or family know she’s dating multiple men, keeping you on the back burner is easier. 

4. She’s Had An Unreasonable Amount Of Partners 

Does the woman you’re dating talk about more exes than you can count? If so, it could indicate a pattern of behavior. 

Just because a woman has many exes doesn’t inherently mean that there’s something wrong, but the time frame matters. If you get the sense that she’s dated ten different guys in the last three months, there’s a very good chance she was dating them simultaneously. 

And there’s also a good chance that’s the same thing happening with you. Chances are, you have much in common with the men who came before you. 

So, always be mindful of the patterns that are right in front of you. 

5. She Shies Away From You And Isn’t As Affectionate As You Are 

Do you feel like you’re the one who’s always being affectionate, but she isn’t doing the same? Sure, you may be intimate with this woman, and everything could be great in the bedroom, but what about other acts of affection? 

Does she allow you to wrap your arm around her while walking together? Can you hold her hand? Hug her? Kiss her in public? 

Sure, some people aren’t into public displays of affection, but it can also be a sign. These “loving” affections are sometimes more significant than sex. And if she shies away from your affection, ask yourself why. 

There’s a strong possibility she’s seeing other men and doesn’t want to lead you on any more than she already is. 

Remember that men and women approach dating and relationships in very different ways. You’ll seldom see a man stay with a woman after losing interest, but women do this often. 

If you think she’s lost interest in you but doesn’t have the heart to tell you, read the signs and don’t let things last any longer than they need to. 

6. She Craves Sex Less Than You Do

Oppositely, it might not be the public displays of affection that are the problem, but your sex life. If she approaches intimacy with a take-it-or-leave-it attitude, again, ask yourself why.

Of course, it’s perfectly normal for people to not be in the mood sometimes. What you have to look at is the underlying pattern. If your relationship started with a great sex life, but that drive suddenly faded, there’s a reason for that. 

If she tells you she enjoys sex and that she enjoys having it with you, but the two of you inexplicably go long periods without sleeping together, it could be a sign that there’s someone else in the picture. 

Again, nothing is certain. But if something feels off, it’s probably because it is. It could be a sign if you’re a generally rational man who doesn’t have underlying trust issues, but something is telling you not to trust this woman. 

7. She Tells You She’s Busy — But Doesn’t Tell You Why 

Does it seem like you can never get a straight answer from her? Does she give you ambiguous answers about what she’s doing and who she’s doing it with?

If so, it indicates that she’s seeing other men. Also, look at how often you meet up with her. If it’s every couple of weeks or once a month, that’s probably because she’s seeing other guys when she’s not with you. 

Does she only meet you during the week and always have a full calendar on Fridays and the weekends that doesn’t include you? 

Again, look at the underlying patterns. If they seem strange, it’s probably because something’s up. 

If you’re really into her and want nothing more than to spend time with her, but she seems unwilling or unable to do the same for you, it’s a sign that something is off. 

8. She Takes An Excessive Time To Respond To Your Messages 

Most people are glued to their phones between six in the evening and midnight. They unwind from work with a glass of wine, Netflix, and their social media feeds. 

If you text this woman without a hitch all day, but then she suddenly goes MIA during the evenings, that’s almost certainly a sign that she’s with another man. 

She’s not texting you back because she can’t text you back. Again, look for things that seem odd. If she tells you she’s going to the gym after work, that’s fine, but if she doesn’t respond to your messages until noon the next day, it may be because she was with another man. 

9. She Only Meets You At Odd Times

It’s nine o’clock on a Friday night, and she suddenly hits you up to go out. And this happens after she told you she already had other plans. 

While you told her that you would also make other plans, that wasn’t entirely true. Your “plans” entailed ordering a pizza and playing Call of Duty. 

You want to say ‘no,’ but you are also sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself, so you can’t resist. 

If a woman likes you, she’ll make you her first priority, not the fallback guy. If the woman you’re seeing asks you to meet at odd hours or with little notice, she’s using you as a backup. 

Now, some guys are okay with this, but if you’re not, you need to say so. You should not suffer in silence and play the guessing game. 

10. She Still Has Active Dating Profiles 

Whether you met this woman online or not, if you find that she has an active dating profile, you can be almost certain that she’s using it. 

Don’t let her sell you on the “I didn’t have a chance to delete it yet” or “I forgot I had it.” Having a dating profile as a woman means dealing with a constant barrage of messages. It’s almost impossible to ignore. 

And if the woman you’re seeing has an active dating profile, she’s not ignoring it, either. 

11. She Gets (And Seeks) A Lot Of Attention On Social Media 

While an active social media presence isn’t necessarily a sign of something wrong, keep an eye out for odd activity — especially from other men. 

If you see comments like, “I can’t wait to see you again,” or “We had such a great time,” from men, and you have no idea who these guys are, there’s a good chance she’s dating them. 

Just look for anything that seems odd or out of place. If your instincts tell you something doesn’t feel right, then something is wrong. Don’t turn a blind eye to it. 

What Do I Do If The Woman You’re Dating Has Multiple Partners?

Well, for one, you could just talk to her about it. And if you haven’t done this already, it’s probably because you’re scared of the consequences. 

You may fear that if you talk to her about it, she’ll tell you that she is, in fact, seeing other men and isn’t interested in seeing you anymore. Or that she’ll just cut you off completely.

And this leads us to the true problem… 

In any relationship, no matter how casual or serious, a certain power dynamic develops. And the person who is more confident, grounded, and self-assured is the one who has the upper hand. 

And in instances like these, that person is not you. If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume that you are not dating other women, even though you suspect your partner is. 

I’m also going to assume that deep down, you know exactly what’s going on with your current relationship. The problem is that you’re having a hard time accepting the truth.

The question is, why are you putting yourself in this position? 

Why are you allowing yourself to be subjected to this treatment? Why are you allowing this woman to essentially “play you”? Why are you allowing yourself to be treated in a way that feels disrespectful? 

Is this what an alpha male would do? 

Certainly not. An alpha is the type of man who doesn’t chase women but has women chase after him. 

Just imagine how great it would feel to be the type of man who could have his choice of high-quality women instead of being at the mercy of situations like these. 

In other words, there are several things you could do to remedy this situation, but the first thing you should do is… 

1. Raise your value in the dating economy

Let’s just face the facts for a moment and be brutally honest: You’re at the mercy of this woman you’re dating. She has you wrapped around her finger, and she knows it. 

Because if she truly valued you for the man you are, she would never let an opportunity to be with you pass her by. There’s no point in playing the field when you have the home run sitting right in front of you. 

But that’s the thing: she doesn’t see you that way. And that may be your fault. Are you doing everything you can to show her your value as a man? Is it abundantly apparent how great of a catch you are? 

Become the type of man that women would line up to date. Be the type of man who can give women experiences unlike any other. Be a grounded, cultured man who takes risks and gets what he wants in life. 

Invest in yourself so no woman can deny your obvious value. Prioritize your physical fitness, expand your mind, embrace new experiences, and be a fun person to be around. 

When you put your power on full display, women will take notice. 

2. Talk to her about it and have an honest conversation

Or, if you’re really interested in this woman and genuinely think your relationship has the potential to be something special, discuss the issue. 

Tell her what you think is going on and explain that you’re uncomfortable with it. Tell her that you value the connection the two of you have and want to see it grow into something more. 

If she doesn’t feel the same, yes, that will hurt a lot, but at least you won’t have to spend your days guessing. Remember, sometimes, the fear of pain (especially emotional pain) can be worse than the pain itself. 

The first step to resolving the issue is getting it out there in the open so you can discuss it. 

3. Consider your options

If you’re aware that the woman you’re dating is also seeing other people, it might be worth thinking about exploring other relationships yourself.

This suggestion isn’t for everyone. If it doesn’t align with your values or comfort level, that’s completely okay. However, it’s important to reflect on the dynamics of your current situation.

She’s keeping her options open, which raises the question: should you do the same? It’s natural to have strong feelings for her and to hope for a more committed relationship in the future. But, if you’re not at that stage yet, it might not be wise to fully commit yourself to someone who isn’t making you their priority.

Instead of focusing solely on this relationship, consider the possibility of meeting other people. This approach can provide a more balanced perspective and prevent you from feeling overly invested in a situation where your needs might not be fully met.

4. Stop wasting your time and prioritize self-respect

If you’re fed up with the situation and can’t take it any longer, end it. Tell her you no longer feel comfortable with the relationship and move on. 

Many people forget that they are responsible for how others treat them.

If you’re being treated in a way that makes you feel undervalued, it’s because you allow it to happen. 

So, don’t allow it to happen any longer. Make the hard choice and end the relationship. 


If you’ve grown sick and tired of these dating situations you find yourself in, it’s time to make a change. Leave the past behind and become a high-value man who attracts high-value women into his life. 

If one thing is certain, it’s that anyone has the power to change. Society has a nasty habit of conditioning us to believe we’re fixed in our current situation and that we’ll never be able to improve and embrace our full potential. 

Not true. I’m proof of that. And if you want to gain insider knowledge of everything I learned on my journey, the professional coaching program at Knowledge for Men is just what you need. 

How nice would it be to be surrounded by a group of strong, grounded, like-minded men who will challenge and push you to become the best version of yourself? 

And to be clear, this isn’t a place for those faint of heart. Honestly, you’ll probably have to face aspects of yourself that will make you quite uncomfortable. 

But if you’re looking for the single best place to grow into your true potential, this is it. No complainers are here, only serious, dedicated men committed to helping others. 

Are you ready to take the next step? Are you ready to embrace your untapped potential and live a life you previously only imagined? 

If so, the time is now. I’ll see you on the other side! 

Trump clears the air

Russia And Iran Finalize 20-Year Deal That Will Change The Middle East Forever

Posted on by Lambert Strether

Lambert here: Not a geopolitics maven, but Iran sure did offer Russia the right hand of good fellowship with those drone sales.

By Simon Watkins, a former senior FX trader and salesman, financial journalist, and best-selling author. He was Head of Forex Institutional Sales and Trading for Credit Lyonnais, and later Director of Forex at Bank of Montreal. He was then Head of Weekly Publications and Chief Writer for Business Monitor International, Head of Fuel Oil Products for Platts, and Global Managing Editor of Research for Renaissance Capital in Moscow. Originally published at

• Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei gave his official approval to a new 20-year comprehensive cooperation deal between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia.

• The agreement will replace the 10-year-deal signed in March 2001 and has been expanded not only in duration but also in scope and scale.

• The new deal includes far-going agreements on defense and energy.

Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, gave his official approval on 18 January to a new 20-year comprehensive cooperation deal between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia, according to a senior energy source in Iran and a senior source in the European Union’s (E.U.) energy security complex, exclusively spoken to by last week. The 20-year deal – ‘The Treaty on the Basis of Mutual Relations and Principles of Cooperation between Iran and Russia’ – was presented for his consideration on 11 December 2023. It will replace the 10-year-deal signed in March 2001 (extended twice by five years) and has been expanded not only in duration but also in scope and scale, particularly in the defense and energy sectors. In several respects, the new deal additionally complements key elements of the all-encompassing ‘Iran-China 25-Year Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement’, as first revealed anywhere in the world in my 3 September 2019 article on the subject and analysed in full in my new book on the new global oil market order.

In the energy sector to begin with, the new deal gives Russia the first right of extraction in the Iranian section of the Caspian Sea, including the potentially huge Chalous field. The wider Caspian basins area, including both onshore and offshore fields, is conservatively estimated to have around 48 billion barrels of oil and 292 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of natural gas in proven and probable reserves. In 2019, Russia was instrumental in changing the legal status of the Caspian basins area, cutting Iran’s share from 50 percent to just 11.875 percent in the process, as also detailed in my new book. Before the Chalous discovery, this meant that Iran would lose at least US$3.2 trillion in revenues from the lost value of energy products across the shared assets of the Caspian Sea resource going forward. Given the newest internal-use only estimates from Iran and Russia, this figure could be a lot higher. Previously, the estimates were that Chalous contained around 124 billion cubic feet (bcf) of gas in place. This equated to around one quarter of the gas reserves contained in Iran’s supergiant South Pars natural gas field that account for around 40 percent of Iran’s total estimated gas reserves and about 80 per cent of its gas production. The new estimates are that it is a twin-field site, nine kilometres apart, with ‘Greater’ Chalous having 208 bcf of gas in place, and ‘Lesser’ Chalous having 42 bcf of gas, giving a combined figure of 250 bcm of gas. 

The same right of first extraction for Russia will also now apply to Iran’s major oil and gas fields in the Khorramshahr and nearby Ilam provinces that border Iraq. The shared fields of Iran and Iraq have long allowed Tehran to side-step sanctions in place against its key oil sector, as it is impossible to tell what oil has come from the Iranian side or the Iraqi side of these fields, which means that Iran is able simply to rebrand its own sanctioned oil as unsanctioned Iraqi oil and ship it anywhere it wants, as also analysed in full in my new book on the new global oil market order. Former Petroleum Minister, Bijan Zanganeh, publicly highlighted this very practice when he said in 2020: “What we export is not under Iran’s name. The documents are changed over and over, as well as [the] specifications.” Another advantage of the shared fields is that they allow effectively free movement of personnel from the Iranian side to the Iraqi side, and the utilisation of key oil and gas developments across Iraq is a key part of Iran’s longstanding plan, fully supported by Russia, to build a ‘land bridge’ to the Mediterranean Sea coast of Syria. This would enable Iran and Russia to exponentially increase weapons delivery into southern Lebanon and the Golan Heights area of Syria to be used in attacks on Israel. The core aim of this policy is to provoke a broader conflict in the Middle East that would draw in the U.S. and its allies into an unwinnable war of the sort seen recently in Iraq and Afghanistan, and which may soon be seen as the Israel-Hamas War escalates.

The price of all manufactured items traded between Russia and Iran, including military and energy hardware, has been formalised in the new deal, although also not in Iran’s favour. For Iranian goods exported to Russia, Tehran will receive the cost of production plus 8 percent. However, these export sales to Russia will not be transferred to Iran, but rather they will be held as credit in the Central Bank of Russia (CBR). Moreover, Iran will receive a huge markdown on US dollar/Rouble or Euro/Rouble exchange rates used to calculate its credits in the CBR. Conversely, for Russian goods exported to Iran, Moscow will receive the payment in advance of delivery and at a much stronger exchange rate that benefits Russia. Moreover, the base price before any exchange rate calculations are made, will be founded on the highest price that Russia has received in the previous 180 days for whichever product it is selling Iran. This system has informally been in place for several weeks now, and according to the senior energy sector source in Tehran exclusively spoken to by last week, Russia has ensured itself the highest possible price by selling to Belarus at a very large premium whichever product it intends to sell later to Iran, so establishing the required pricing benchmark. Payments for goods and services falling outside the direct finance route between the central banks of the two countries can now be done through interbank transfers between Iranian and Russian banks. Those also involving renminbi can also be done through China’s Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) system, its alternative to the globally-dominant Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) system. 

In many cases, the expansion of military cooperation between Iran and Russia is tied into the energy sector elements of the new 20-year deal. Progress is earmarked to be made on upgrading the facilities at the key airports and seaports that have long been targeted by Russia as being especially useful for dual-use by its air force and navy, and which are also close to major oil and gas facilities. Top of the list of Iranian airports that Russia regards as the best for dual-use by its air force are Hamedan, Bandar Abbas, Chabahar, and Abadan, and it is apposite to note that in August 2016, Russia used the Hamedan airbase to launch attacks on targets in Syria using both Tupolev-22M3 long-range bombers and Sukhoi-34 strike fighters. Top of the list of seaports for use by its navy are Chabahar, Bandar-e-Bushehr, and Bandar Abbas. Similarly linked to Russia’s gaining the first right of extraction in the Iranian section of the Caspian Sea is that it will also be given a joint command capability over the northern aerospace defense section of Iran’s Caspian area. 

It is also apposite to note here that Iran’s electronic warfare (EW) system can easily be tied into Russia’s Southern Joint Strategic Command 19th EW Brigade (Rassvet) near Rostov-on-Don to the northwest of the Caspian. This can also be linked in with China’s EW capabilities. These EW capabilities would include jamming systems for neutralising air defences in the region. This will be augmented with new missiles designated to be sent to Iran by Russia under the new deal, according to the senior E.U. security sector source exclusively spoken to by last week. “Selected IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] personnel will be trained on the latest Russian upgrades of several short- and long-range missiles – the Kh-47M2 Kinzhal, the Iskander M, the RS-26 Rubezh, the BrahMos3, and the Avangard – before the plan to manufacture them under licence in Iran begins, with the aim being to have 30 percent of them stay in Iran, with the rest being sent back to Russia,” he said. 

“What all of this means, is that the new 20 -year deal between Iran and Russia will change the landscape of the Middle East, southern Europe, and Asia as Iran will have a much-extended military reach that will give it much more leverage to make political demands across those region,” he exclusively told last week. “This reach also means that countries in these areas will feel that continuing to rely on the U.S. for their protection is a lot more of a precarious option than it was before,” he concluded.


Be careful how to treat others


Old Fashioned Greek Shortbread

Old Fashioned Greek Shortbread
Old Fashioned Greek Shortbread


  • 1 pound butter (NO margarine)
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 cup confectioners’ sugar
  • 1 teaspoon anise
  • 4 to 5 cups all-purpose flour


  1. Beat butter at medium speed of electric mixer for 10 minutes.
  2. Add egg yolks and confectioners’ sugar. Beat 5 more minutes.
  3. Add anise. Add flour one cup at a time, kneading.
  4. Roll dough into 1-inch balls and bake on ungreased cookie sheet at 375 degrees F for 12 to 15 minutes or until very lightly browned.
  5. Dust with confectioners’ sugar.

Makes 5 or 6 dozen.

What’s the fastest you’ve wiped a smirk off of someone’s face?

Being a new Grade 11 student in a small city was devastating. I had come from the “big city” to a rural cowboy type environment.

In the school of 259 students there was a huge class difference. Some families had money, some were farm kids bused in and as always the partiers. I didn’t really fit in, but I wasn’t bullied either.

The cheerleader girls snubbed everyone. Including me, they gossiped and ignored everyone but their clique. As I only had a year and a half before graduation I existed, couldn’t wait to get out of this place. As soon as school was done, I went back to my home city.

I was fortunate to get a job at the library, which was unionized. A year went by before the wages were negotiated and settled. When this was completed, we were back paid a year of difference.

This was in the early 1970’s and when I got my huge cheque and took it to the bank. I went through the teller, who recognized me and I was shocked to see the cheerleader queen working for the bank.

She took my deposit and with her snooty voice asked me if this was a severance payout. I looked her in the eye and smiled. I assured her that I hadn’t been fired. She looked at me and I could see she was looking for a snide remark. Just then I got my revenge.

I smiled and said to her, heavens no, I love working at the library. I told her, no problem, this is my bimonthly cheque.

She was so shocked that she turned on her sweetness and asked me, would you like to go for coffee this week. Again, I smiled and told her, thank you for asking but my social calendar is very busy.

I then left and didn’t look back.


Which was the most tactless tourist you have ever seen?

“I am an American. I am not a tourist in your country.”

I was working as a Tourist Officer for the GNWT. My job was to maintain a park, and do tourist services. Simple work. One of the services was a visitor exit survey to see if people were enjoying the north. Let me set the stage.

Fort Smith NWT, is a community of about 3000 people. The airport is very small, and usually only has one person on duty for a flight. Her name was Mary*. She was both ticker agent and security guard. She pointed at an older woman and said “Tourist” so I went over and asked if she was willing to do the survey. “No problem, young man” was the very southern response. She was from Peachtree Georgia and had a classic plantation accent. After a few questions about what hotel she stayed at, and and activities she did, Mary called for pre-boarding, but to please do a tourist survey with me as there was “Plenty of time.”

The woman got absolutely infuriated with me instantly. And very loudly yelled “I am an American. I am not a tourist in your country.” And stormed over to the gate. The entire airport started laughing. And “In your country” because a new standard greeting between us for the summer.

*All NWT airports have a “Mary” and it seems like they are all the same women. A wonderful native Lady with a wicked sense of humor.

About time something is being done

Burn the bra

It was 1972 and my mother burned her bra.

All the mothers in the town was doing it. It was supposed to be liberating. At the time it made no sense to me. I couldn’t understand what was going on. I just didn’t know.

Dad didn’t like it.

That was for sure. And he explained it to me that “Your mother is going through a phase”.

Three Years Later…

In 1975, my parents split up.

On the surface, it was because of work reasons, and my mother and dad went separate ways. Ah, many contributors were involved certainly. But looking back in hindsight…

…I cannot help but think that the destruction of our family, while I was a early teenager, was set in motion by the woman’s feminist movement that set “the ball rolling”.

Listen up!

We have to pay attention to what is going on around us. If we do not, the potential for catastrophic events becomes exponential.


What kind of problems would Chinese tanks face while invading Taiwan? Would they be similar to Russian tank losses in Ukraine?

Finding a use for them. No really, why would we use tanks? You westerners and your WW2 mentality.

In 2021 there were 600,000 privately registered drones, there’s many more, I have several unregistered drones, I don’t fly them so they don’t need registration. Chinese companies pioneered drone displays of thousands of drones…

There’s airborne drone food delivery in Shenzhen now.

There are fire drones used to clean powerlines

In statista 5 million drones of various types were exported in 2020 and this increased to 7 million in 2021. That doesn’t even consider domestic use and purchases.

The darker side of girls

What should you do if a stranger knocks on your front door at 2AM?

A fella knocked on my door at midnight in mid-town Houston on a Saturday. Middle-aged well-dressed white guy. His impeccable $75,000 black Ford top-of-the-line diesel pickup was idling in my driveway.

I was not concerned at all about opening the door, because I stopped to put a .38 Smith with a 2″ barrel in the back pocket of my jeans and my well-trained 80-pound black Labrador was sitting next to me looking at this guy with great curiosity.

Me: “Hey there! What’s up?” Walter the Lab wags his tail and watches.

Guy: “Hi neighbor! I live right over there (spins his arm 360 degrees) and I have a big problem! My car broke down and my wife isn’t home. I had a tow truck bring me to the house, but I can’t get in because I forgot my keys, and can’t get to my money to pay him! Can I borrow $80 until tomorrow?

“Otherwise he’s going to tow my truck to impound and it’s going to cost me $300. Can you help a neighbor out? I’m for real! Look! I have a Rolex on my wrist and a $1200 laptop in my truck!”

Those of you who own Labradors know that they are the most human of dogs, and can communicate with just a glance.

Walter’s eyes are saying: “Pop! This creepy bastard has no pupils! I think he’s a drug-money seeking asshole!”

I sigh, because this dog is great, but he has an irritating habit of eye-stating the obvious. Jeez!

I’m not going to say, as my dog would: “There is no wrecker. Your truck is running. You have your keys.”

Instead, I say: “Glad to help! I have a $100 bill. Give me the laptop. Leave the truck keys, pay the wrecker, and just come back tomorrow and bring me back the C-note and pick up your truck and computer!”

The guy looks at me. Moments pass. He says: “The wrecker guy ain’t got no change. I’ll try another neighbor.”

And he was gone.

Damn dog treats me like an idiot.

Greek Chicken and Rice (Kotta Pilafi)

Chicken Biryani with chicken legs on the top.
Chicken Biryani with chicken legs on the top.


  • 6 chicken breasts (about 3 pounds)
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 medium onion chopped fine
  • 1 1/2 cups canned tomatoes
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 cup uncooked rice
  • Dairy sour cream for garnish


  1. Sauté chicken breasts in butter until golden brown. Add onion, tomato, water, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
  2. Add rice and stir to mix evenly. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes longer or until the rice is tender. Add more water if necessary.
  3. Serve with a bowl of sour cream to be spooned over the rice.

Serves 6.

Additions called in from Bessie: Use one whole broiler (3 pounds) cut up into pieces. Sauté in 1/4 cup olive oil (not butter). Use 3 cups boiling water with the rice instead of 2 cups (you won’t have to add water later this way).

Second passports

Have you ever come back to your vehicle only to find something quite unexpected?

Many years ago I parked my car in an underground car park when I went to see my girlfriend.

After a few hours I went to leave and as I was walking towards my car and as I got to about 30 to 40 yards from it I heard my car door shut (my car moved so I knew it was mine) and this person jumped up and started running carrying a large bag.

I yelled at him to stop, give back anything he stole and I will not call the police but he ignored me.
As he had the jump on me, I hoped into my car and took off after him.

He managed to get to the stair well before me, but only just.

So I jumped out of the car and with the help of what I can only call an angry adrenaline release, he only managed to get about 20 yards past the exit and I gave him my best attempt at a body slam tackle and flattened him.

He was unlucky enough to have me land on top of him which left him badly winded.
As I sat on him, I opened the bag he was carrying and it contained my stereo and a pile of other things out of my car, plus some other stereos and stuff.

This was before the time of cell phones, fortunately 4 passerby’s had come over to find out what was going on and as soon as I told them he was stealing stuff from the cars, one went to the nearest appartments and managed to ring the police while the others stayed with me.

The police were there within minutes and they happily took the person away including all the stolen items.

Then I went down to the police station, made out a statement with the police and retrieved my stolen items after the police had recorded them.

I went back to my girlfriends to make out some signs to put into the carpark to let others know what had happened and where to retrieve their stolen stuff.

Turned out there had been car breakins going on for several months in the area and he was charged with them (fingerprints confirmed it was him).

Didn’t need to go to court as he pled guilty, but he was forced to pay me for the damage to my dash and door lock and refitting the stereo.

That was one of those really great memories for it is not often you can actually catch the person doing this sort of thing.

Political DANGERS of Chat GBT

Must watch.

Will China go to war over Taiwan, or just say a few strong words?


Taiwan is a region of China. China owns it.

  • The Chinese say so.
  • The Taiwanese say so.
  • The United States says so also.


If the United States goes full-on stupid and tries to conduct a war “over” Taiwan for one excuse or the other… then KISS YOUR ASS GOODBYE. The world will experience full on thermonuclear war. We are all gonna die.

China will go “light-switch”.

One day there is New York city, the next day, it is flat radioactive glass.

And you just cannot blame them. I mean if the PLA is marching inside Philadelphia… bombing and blowing up the bridges of San Francisco… or Chicago reduced to cinders…

…wouldn’t the United States start lobbing nuclear missiles also?

Let’s keep things real. The United States says one thing, but does something else. It’s like a petulant child that keeps on pushing the boundaries, and then one day gets hit by a Mac Truck barrelling down the highway.

The United States is a slow motion train wreck… and soon it will die.

But will it die over Taiwan?

Death by cop.


Commentary on a Few Lavrov Points Being Argued at MoA

Karl Sanchez

I composed the following to address several objections raised to Lavrov’s End of Year Presser provided in the previous article by those at the Moon of Alabama blog that can be found on this thread. Those wanting to read about China’s Initiative mentioned below can find in several pages back in the Gym’s archives, same with Wang Yi’s 9 January speech. Other points presented I’ve written about many times over the years, the outlaw nature of the USA was formulated in the mid-1980s, although I don’t claim originality. Of course, knowing the entire context behind the complaints and my writing is crucial. Those few readers who’ve read everything at the Gym will have the greatest understanding. I should also use this opportunity to suggest readers to sometime soon read/watch Dr. Hudson’s latest interview on the Big Picture as well as his almost as recent interview with an Indian organization on Neoliberalism/”Perfecting Imperialism”.

When a law is passed, it’s either obeyed or violated. The UN Charter is a corpus of laws that was signed and ratified by all nations wanting to become UN members–one must be done for the other to occur. Once a nation agrees to obey a law it becomes an outlaw if it disobeys. As documented many times here and elsewhere, at the moment the UN Charter attained its legal status, the USA and many other Western signatories were already violating the law and thus became outlaws. An Outlaw remains an Outlaw until it’s brought to justice and as part of its penalty says it will refrain from breaking the law again. Since all those outlaw nations have yet to face justice for their actions, they remain outlaws. It’s really that simple. When the history of the making of the UN Charter is studied, it becomes very clear that the Four Freedoms are at the base of it and are within both the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Part of my Big Picture argument is that WW2 never really ended as the fixtures that were to provide for a lasting peace were never attained: Denazification of Europe was prevented by the USA, UK and France, meaning they immediately broke the covenant by which they were rewarded with permanent UNSC seats and vetoes. Thus, the three main Plundering nations immediately gained outlaw status by November 1945, and have retained that status ever since.

The Global Majority Movement aims to right the wrongs that emerged in November 1945, the primary document being China’s Global Security Initiative (GSI), which is essentially a restatement of the UN Charter specifying no hegemonic nations will be allowed to join. If such nations are to exist, they will exist outside the primary global organization and will remain outlaws since they choose to be outside the laws of nations. Such a reorganization of the UN will eliminate the “privatization” of its global agencies by the hegemonic outlaws that’s impeding their ability to do good and exacerbating the potential for them to do ill, like the subversion happening at the World Health Organization. Of course, the reorganization won’t be perfect–there’ll always be problems with governance no matter what, which is Putin’s mantra, the point being to accept that fact and continue to strive for excellence. Wang Yi in his New Year’s speech on 9 January said it’s China’s goal to make the GSI a reality this year as a supermajority of the world’s nations have already said they will join.

The League of Nations failed for a number of reasons. The UN is failing because it’s held hostage by outlaws. Humanity needs an organization global in breadth that helps Humanity organize to advance its wellbeing while solving problems affecting the global community, a fact differing little from the visions expressed by many in 1944. The reformed UN will immediately be improved since it’s no longer held hostage, and the Security Council will be reformulated to exist without the veto since there’re no hegemonic members requiring it to protect themselves from justice.

Humanity is on the cusp of evolving beyond armed conflict to solve problems. Universal moral values have advanced for that goal to be possible, but to-date the hegemonic outlaw nations impede that progress. It appears the best way to change their behavior is to relegate them to the Out Group until they prove their behavior’s changed and they’ve atoned for their outlaw past. Yes, the outlaw nations will yell and squeal, stomp their feet, pull their hair, and propose all sorts of threats that prove exactly what they are and why they need to sit in the corner and think about their actions like the small children they show themselves to be. Yes, it will probably take a generation or so (20 years) for them to figure it out–they’ve been serial outlaws for almost 80 years and even longer before that, so their ways are habitual.

The job is to formulate the future so Humanity cannot just survive but thrive. The past can and will be argued about endlessly, which is a given. But enough about the past is agreed upon so the future can be formulated and constructed. It’s time to take a big step outside the box to do what must be done. As was once said: Lead, follow or get out of the way.

A reflection on our economy

The View From China

Roger Boyd

A major requirement of conducting effective foreign policy is to understand the viewpoint of your main competitors, something that the Western elites have shown increasingly less able to do. There are exceptions, such as Stephen Cohen, but these are rapidly sidelined. More recently, John Mearsheimer has shown some ability to understand the Russian point of view with respect ton the Ukrainian conflict. In this essay, I try to place myself in the shoes of the Chinese leadership. I will do the same for Russia and Iran in future pieces.

China Gains More Strength Every Year

China is the manufacturing power house of the world and is focused on dominating the leading technology sectors the way that the US dominated them previously; this technology leadership is one of the remaining tenets of US power. In early 2023, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute placed China in the lead in 37 of the 44 critical technology areas that it tracks. The US was the leader in the remaining 7, with a large gap between China and the US and any other nations; Europe is nowhere.

In late 2023 the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) confirmed this, seeing China leading in 7 out of 10 of the industries within its Hamilton Index; computers and electronics; chemicals; machinery and equipment; motor vehicles; basic metals; fabricated metals; and electrical equipment. The US lead in only IT and information services, other transportation and pharmaceuticals. The share of Chinese production in these 10 industries nearly doubled from 2008 to 2020, from 12.9% to 23.9%, while the US improved a bit from 19.3% to 21.5%; with US gains predominantly due to the IT and information services area. Chinese industry is 70% more focused than the US in advanced industries. The ITIF report notes that:

For the United States, losing this race, either because policymakers are indifferent to the country’s industrial structure or because they choose to focus on other economic or societal goals, would be catastrophic, as it would turn the United States into a deindustrialized, United Kingdom-like economy. Time is short. The 2020s are likely to be the decisive decade in which to turn around U.S. advanced industry fortunes, because once China gains sufficient global market share, allied and U.S. production risks being permanently weakened.

The Chinese leadership very much understands this, and this is the core area of the real economic war between the West and China. From 1995 to 2020, Japan’s production share of advanced industries collapsed and is now only about 7.5% and falling, Germany’s share fell from a lower start level to about 7% and continues to fall. In the same period, the UK, France and Italy have all fallen to shares well under 5%. Japan and Europe are an advanced technology backwater, and becoming more so. With the huge investment mistakes of the Japanese car industry with respect to electric vehicles, Japan’s fall may even accelerate in the next decade.

Chinese GDP, and GDP per capita, growth continues to far outpace the West with continued growth of 5% or more per year. This creates strong Party-state legitimacy as the Chinese people see their lives improve year over year, at a pace that still doubles incomes every 14 years. Chinese GDP at PPP in 2023 was 32.9 US$ trillion, compared to 26.95 for the US, 6.49 for Japan, 5.54 for Germany, 3.87 for the UK and the same for France, 3.05 for Italy, and 2.8 for South Korea. At current relative growth rates, Chinese GDP will be pretty much equal to all of those other Western nations within a decade, while its GDP per capita at PPP will have grown from US$23,309 to US$37,968; about the same level that the Greeks currently enjoy.

With rising incomes, and industries rapidly moving up the technology curve, China will be able to offshore more and more of the simpler production steps while keeping the higher technology ones to itself; greatly increasing the level of integration of the ASEAN nations, and quite possibly North Korea. China’s neighbourhood will become more and more integrated with it, while Japan may shrink in both relative and absolute terms. China will also be capable of transacting more and more of its trade in Yuan rather than US dollars.

China has a massive population of 1.4 billion, which started to decline in 2022; with a median age of 39. Between 2020 and 2040 however, the Chinese labour force will only fall by 8%, a decrease which pales when compared to the probable increase in per capita GDP. China also has a strange income structure where the much better educated younger workers 25-34 have the highest incomes, and income falls rapidly in older age groups. This will facilitate large increases in older age groups over time, as the much higher levels of education move their way up the age curve. Chinese GDP per capita can also increase very substantially before it starts to reach Western levels. Demographics may pose an issue after 2050, but not before then.

The rapid move to electric vehicles will also start to cut into oil demand, reducing a Chinese dependence upon imported oil that currently stands at over 10 million barrels per day. As those imports fall, the share of Russian and Central Asian imports will rise, as will the share of domestic production (4 Mbpd). The amount of time that China’s large strategic oil reserve will last during a crisis will also steadily increase.

China has kept military spending at 2% of GDP, but as the economy keeps growing so does military expenditures. China’s expenditures are significantly more efficient and effective as those of the US as they are only focused on the defence of China and its environs, rather than on global hegemony. There also seems to be much less graft and profiteering in China’s MIC (Military Industrial Complex) than that of the privatized US one. In addition, China’s great advantages in manufacturing give its MIC a significant advantage over that of the US. China is in the position of the US in the 1980s, with a rapidly growing economy facilitating ongoing increases in military spending. The US is in the position of the Soviet Union, with a slow growing economy that will require the MIC to take up an increasing share of GDP to keep pace with China. A dynamic that can only reduce further the dynamism of the US economy with respect to China’s.

The US Loses Strength Every Year

The US main allies, the EU, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are not well placed when it comes to leading technology sectors, drivers of growth and even demographics. Its hemisphere is also one full of lower growth economies with few technology leaders, in fact South America has significantly de-industrialized over the past few decades.

In the leading technology sectors the US may have gained a little against the rest of the world, and may pick up some of the energy-intensive European manufacturing operations, but has been overtaken by China and is falling further behind each year. The contrasting performance of the Chinese and US car industries in moving to electric vehicles is just one example of this dynamic, with Chinese car exports surging while US manufacturers (excluding Tesla) become more and more dependant on the US market.

Over the past three decades the US has expanded colossal amounts of money on foreign military adventures, at a cost of over US$6 trillion, with little to show in return. At the same time the US economy has become increasingly dominated by monopolies, oligopolies and the financial sector; the rentier sector of the economy has expanded greatly while manufacturing has been diminished. The US, including its bloated, profiteering, and dysfunctional MIC, is very dependent upon imported parts, including those from China and from other nations that utilize Chinese components. At the same time, the US maintains a massively expensive global network of bases and naval battle fleets.

In great contrast to the average Chinese person, the average American has seen their incomes at best wallow at the same level for decades as all economic gains are concentrated at the very peak of the income distribution. This has been exacerbated by the inflation spurt of the past few years, and now also rising interest rates. With a couple of decades of cheap money creating a mountain of debt, much incurred by working people in an attempt to maintain consumption patterns. Trust in societal institutions is at an all time low, and the “Trump vs the Rest” elite civil war has increasingly exposed the inner working of the elites to the population; tanking trust and legitimacy levels even more. A further wedge has been driven into the political scene with the issue of US support for the Zionist genocide. The year 2024 promises to be one of increasing political chaos and upheaval, with 2025 probably no better. It may well be into 2026 before any domestic stability and foreign policy focus can be regained. There is also still the possibility of a deep recession.

The US population is 335 million, which is slowly growing due to significant immigration offsetting a record low birth rate and an increasing death rate. Average life expectancy has been declining since 2014 due to increases in drug overdoses, liver disease and suicides. Trends reminiscent of the Russian experience in the 1990s; deaths of despair due to working class immiseration made worse by a rapacious profiteering health care sector. The mishandling of the COVID pandemic has added to this declining trend. The younger US population is increasingly overweight, unfit and poorly educated as shown by the falling percentage that would meet the military recruitment requirements. Only 23% of Americans aged 17 to 24 are eligible to join without being granted a waiver, down from 29% in recent years. Increasing disillusionment with US institutions, and low pay, has also lead to less and less younger people wanting to serve. The US position on the Gaza genocide is opposed by a majority of younger US citizens, which may serve to increase the disaffection with military careers even more. The physical quality of those that do leaves much to be desired:

They have to teach them how to run, and they’ve had issues with bone density to the point that, when they do run them, they’ve ended up breaking a leg or worse, a hip,” the former official said. “I’ve even heard in some cases they’re putting them on diets of Ensure — you know, the stuff for old [people] like me — in order to build that bone density.

The US role in the seizing of Russia’s central bank foreign assets, and the cutting off of Russia from SWIFT, has accelerated the move to trading in local currency pairs instead of via the US$. Its inability to corral more than its Western vassals into a coalition of the willing against Russia has seriously damaged its soft power position. The more recent embroilment in the Zionist genocide has done significantly further damage to that soft power, in contrast to a China that has maintained a carefully balanced approach. If the US drags itself further into the Middle Eastern quagmire, in addition to the Ukrainian one, the “pivot to Asia” will be put off for yet more years.

Europe Is Losing Its Relevance

With the cessation of cheap fossil fuel imports from Russia, Europe is no longer competitive in energy-intensive manufacturing and plants will tend to move to other nations with lower energy costs. Interesting that the CEO of Solvay, a Belgian chemical company never mentions the loss of cheap Russian natural gas as a challenge; instead she blames too much government red tape and not enough subsidies, staying on message at the World Economic Forum:

DW manages to cover every possible determinant for German deindustrialization, except for the self-harming Russia sanctions. The higher energy prices are mentioned, but not that they could be reversed simply by cancelling the sanctions. That option cannot be discussed within acceptable German political discourse; i.e. outside the AfD. Neither of course, the true purveyors of the terrorist attack upon Nordstream 2.

In addition, Europe’s inability to gain a strong position in the leading technology sectors places it at risk of being out-competed by other nations moving up the technology curve. The tendency toward fiscal austerity, together with the ongoing costs of supporting Ukraine and increased military expenditures, hamstring any attempts to fund a fulsome industrial upgrading strategy. The centrally important car industry, which supports so many other sectors of the economy, is deeply challenged. It faces the annihilation of its sales in China, which provide up to 50% of the profitability of the major producers, and faces increasing Chinese (and Tesla) competition at home.

With the tendency toward fiscal austerity, the large indebtedness of a number of nations (e.g. Italy, Greece), and the lack of drivers of economic growth, the probability is for a continuation of the low to no growth of the 2010s with the possibility of a significant financial crisis. The US-driven decoupling from China, e.g. the Italian exit from the Belt and Road Initiative, will only add to the low growth path. Any moves to confiscate Russian foreign exchange reserves that are predominantly held in European banks may also have negative growth impacts.

The European Union as a whole has a population of 450 million people. The major nations are Germany (84 million), UK (67 million), France (64 million), Italy (59 million), Spain (47 million) and Poland (38 million), and they comprise the majority of the population (359 million). The population is in a small accelerating decline in Germany and Poland (started in 2018), and to a greater extent in Italy (started in 2016), while stable in France and Spain and growing quite rapidly in in the UK. The median age ranges from 41 (UK) to 46 (Italy) and is on the rise.

These populations are becoming increasingly disaffected with their government’s policies toward Ukraine in a time of austerity, and a recession that has already started may feed into this disaffection. Europe may be becoming increasingly irrelevant to China, with any FDI in Europe focused on nations that are considered to be more friendly such as Hungary and Slovakia.

Japan Is A Declining Power

Japan’s share of the Hamilton Index industries has collapsed since the mid 1990s and is continuing to decline. The woeful position of its massive car industry with respect to the move to electric vehicles may lead to the loss of much of its Chinese and Asian sales, as well as reductions in the US market. The new CEO of Toyota, hand-picked by the Toyoda family member who lead Toyota into the hydrogen blind ally, is staying with the generally anti-EV strategy; even investing in ammonia-based engines. That’s like doubling down on Betamax after VHS had overwhelmingly won in the market place.

And abject failure with respect to hydrogen cars does not seem to faze Toyota!

The Japanese population peaked in 2010 at 128 million, and is on an accelerating decline path with a natural fall in population of nearly 800,000 in 2022 with minimal net immigration. The median age is 49 and the 0-14 year old share of the population is only 12%, which will create a very serious problem for any attempt to significantly increase the armed forces in future years. The outlook for Japan is at best stagnation while it manages its massive government debts and a rapidly declining population that threatens to significantly reduce both the working population and property prices.

A Win-Win Approach Can Deconstruct US Hegemony Peacefully

China does not need to win in any military sense, it simply needs to continue to develop good relations with other countries across the world; nations that it will increasingly trade with and invest in. It has shown great flexibility in responding to shifts in the international system, and we can see a focus more toward the Middle East and Africa as Europe is bullied into keeping its distance and South American governments change (e.g. Milei in Argentina).

Notwithstanding Filipino grandstanding, the “trade with and respect the sovereignty of” approach to foreign relations has paid dividends with respect to the ASEAN nations that represent the fastest growing economic region in the world. Countries that are neutral between China and the US. The same for Central Asia, and of course an Iran that China is increasingly integrating with. India with its 1.4 billion population is no real threat to China given its independent leanings and its utter inability to develop a real industrial policy that will lead to technological upgrading while providing meaningful work to its increasing legions of unemployed. India will certainly continue to not be the new China. The rise of Hindutva also risks increasing domestic polarization between Hindus and Moslems. China’s diplomatic successes in the Middle East, and the moving away of many African nations from Western domination also plays well into China’s strategy.

The neutrality of the ASEAN and Central Asian nations, together with the increasing integration with Russia and Iran (and possibly with North Korea facilitated by Russia), provides a safe EurAsian neighbourhood for China’s further development. This is then fruitfully extended across the Middle East and Africa. Europe, apart from Hungary and Slovakia, may be on the back burner until it established some level of strategic autonomy; that may have to wait for the inevitable Ukrainian collapse. Brazil and Mexico also offer continued opportunities.

We should expect China to be patient and flexible, given that it is winning, especially as long as the US is militarily tied up in Ukraine and the Middle East. China’s diplomacy with respect to the Palestinian issue shows this patience and careful balance, being seen as supportive of the Palestinian cause; with the Palestinian envoy to the UN calling China “a true friend ready to do everything they can to help the Palestinian people”. A position that plays well outside the Golden Billion of the West, and especially across the Muslim and African nations.

Political chaos in 2024 and 2025 may further disable any attempts by the US to reorient to face off with China. In reality, the US has few real options in facing off against China given its economy’s significant dependences upon Chinese imports and the lack of willing sacrificial lambs; even the Taiwanese are not ready to trip over the Chinese red line of declaring formal independence. As each day passes, the military and economic outcomes of a face off with China get worse for the US and better for China. That horse may have bolted sometime in the 2010s and it is far too late now to try to bolt the door. The onus is on the US to make the play, with the only true additional red lines being perhaps a full-scale NATO attack on Russia or Iran; both of which would be disastrous for the West. Other than that China’s approach is one of “steady as she goes” with small course corrections as required by changing circumstances, while maintaining professional and respectful relations with other nations.


Peter is right about Rupert Murdoch interest in China.

This book:

Rupert’s Adventures in China –

(See attached book cover photo)

With detail description of how Murdoch invested 10 years in China trying to setup his Media empire there. His efforts includes the following 2 most interesting strategies but failed miserably :

1) trying to gain Deng Xiaoping favour by offering Deng’s daughter US$1 million book royalty to publish her book about her father.

2) joint venture with a former PLA official to set up phoenix Satellite current affair TV. The PLA partner insisted that Murdoch incharged of investment, he incharged of content. 10 years later, Murdoch sold the share with good profit and leave China for good with hatred because he still failed to influence the content.

This is a classic case that the CCP cannot be bribe into given up their sovereignty in the media industry.

The evil Murdoch have being very successful in controlling the Australia, UK, US, and Canada governments. Read this two books.



Learn from Asia

What happened that made you walk out of the courtroom and think, “That did not just happen”?

Was in divorce court on a bogus complaint from the ex. The charge, I wasn’t paying child support and wasn’t looking for work. The judge, a classmate of the ex’s asked me to prove my defense. I started to bring out paperwork, etc. from my briefcase while noting that a deputy had come up behind me. I thought that was odd since he didn’t do that with anyone else and I had been in court for other bogus charges by the ex every three to four months. As I pulled out the papers and asked if I could approach the bench and present my evidence, the judge said, “I’m not interested in what you have!” Right away I’m thinking then why the heck did you ask me for proof? I asked him a second time to present my evidence and that’s when he threatened to hold me in contempt and jail me for thirty days if I spoke again. He then gave me a date in the future to get things straightened out or he’d throw me in jail. As I walked out of the courtroom, I turned to the deputy who was “escorting” me out and started to say something and he told me, “Not here”. We took a few steps down the hallway and then he grabbed my arm and as I turned toward him, and he me, he said you just got screwed but were wise to not speak again!” He advised me to get an attorney so the judge couldn’t screw me over again. I related my problem to my Chiropractor, and she referred me to an attorney she knew. I explained what happened with the divorce proceedings up until that point and he offered to take my case for $400. He actually stuck to that amount in spite of having to do a number of hours and headaches from her attorney. Even the head of the county child support division testified on my behalf that I was current on the child support the whole time and even gave me a letter stating so. That finally got her and her attorney to stop harassing me and my employer and the divorce was finalized a year after it should’ve been.

First Time Hearing Zhou Shen – Floating Light

Where is the right place to bring someone down in a fight?

I’ve taught unarmed combat and a jiu-jitsu based self defence system for many years. I think one of best targets to drop an aggressor at a close range is the knee and shin. Groin strikes are a bit hit and miss especially with a mistimed kick. I’ve always installed into students the three basics of handling an attacker, firstly if an attacker can’t stand he can’t hurt you, if he can’t breathe he can’t hurt you and if he can’t see he can’t hurt you. So striking the knee or shin, throat and eyes are the basics. That way it gives you a chance to get out of there pronto. Depending on the severity involved in the confrontation, be wary about throat strikes, it could be fatal. You don’t need to eye gouge as that means you have to be in close. Finger or thumb pokes to the eyes is sufficient to make a getaway. As for the knee/shin a swift hard kick will suffice. Don’t try anything fancy, that’s for the movies. All the people I’ve trained with over the years, especially at shodan level and above had there own favourite basic techniques to handle an attacker. The upshot is try and avoid these situations in the first place. On the other hand, if the attacker is tooled up especially with a bladed weapon and there’s no way out for you, you’ve got to go into psycho mode and fight like a wild animal as if your life depends on it. Expect to get cut. If you do, try not to get cut on the inner arm/forearm where vital veins and arteries are. If the outcome ends with the attacker being seriously hurt, so be it. It’s self defence and you have right to defend yourself any way you can. I’ve always had it in my mind an old saying “better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.” Take care.

Stay safe out there.

If a police officer pulls you over and asks if you know what you did wrong, should you admit guilt immediately or say you are not sure?

Some police departments train their officers to begin all traffic stops by asking “Do you know why I stopped you?” There is exactly ONE correct answer to this question. Even if the pedestrian you just ran down is still sprawled across your windshield, the answer is “No.”

Clearly, they are soliciting a confession to anything that you know you did wrong in the recent past. If the officer saw you roll through a stop sign, and you suggest that you changed lanes without signalling, he just got a two-fer.

Now, although I do not know how often it happens, but my time as the prosecutor in traffic court in a small Oklahoma town for a year made me believe that sometimes, the officer is pulling over some attractive looking young ladies just to flirt. It so happened that the worst thing my judge could do to a person in traffic court was a $30 fine plus $5 court costs and, theoretically, up to a week in jail. But since the town had to pay the county jail $20 per night, that wasn’t happening.

Well, the only people who took a half day off work to come contest a traffic stop were pretty darned sure they were innocent. Sometimes, it was because they believed some urban legend about the law — like the stop had to be on city property- so that if they could get to the Safeway parking lot before an officer caught them, they were innocent (they were NOT, just because of that).

But about once a month, I had to deal with some very attractive (and very angry) young lady who was stopped while driving alone on Friday night. The officer had asked if she knew why he stopped her, and if she said that she had done nothing at all wrong and then when he offered a reason, she was positive that she hadn’t done THAT. And when Thursday morning traffic court rolled around, she was still not going to pay $30 plus court costs. Instead, she would come give me a piece of her mind.

When they fell into that pattern, I frequently dismissed the charges.
But that doesn’t work so well if she’d actually guessed what legitimate reason he had for stopping her.

Greek Meatballs (Keftethes)

These meatballs are deliciously light and delicately flavoured and you can serve them hot, warm or cold or freeze for future use.

I have made Keftethes on many occasions – (the recipe is from a Greek cookbook I’ve had for years) – and they are quite famous amongst my friends. Hope you enjoy them. Regards ~ Geoff Clifford – UK

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  • 1 large onion, finely minced
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1kg (2 1/4 pound) lean minced beef or lamb
  • 2 cups unseasoned breadcrumbs, moistened in about 3/4 cup warm water
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons finely chopped mint (if not available, use chopped, dried mint)
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • Black pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons Ouzo (optional)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley
  • All-purpose flour
  • 1 cup olive oil and corn oil mixed (you may need slightly more)


  1. Fry onions with vegetable oil over low heat until golden. Remove to a large mixing bowl.
  2. Add meat and all other ingredients except flour and olive/corn oil mix. Knead for about 10 minutes or until mixture is a smooth paste.
  3. Heat the oil mix in a large frying pan to the point of fragrance.
  4. Meanwhile, start to shape mixture into balls about the size of a large marble by rolling lightly between palms of hands, I suggest that you do them in batches of say 12 to 16, each batch being enough to space evenly but separately in the frying pan.
  5. As each meatball is formed place them on a large plate which has been liberally covered with plain flour. When the batch is finished lightly roll the meatball in the flour. At this point the oil in the frying pan should be just ready.
  6. Put the batch of meatball into the pan (Use kitchen tongs as the oil is very hot).
  7. Start on your second batch of meatballs, make them and place them on the floured plate. At this point it is time to turn the meatballs over and when you have completed this roll the second batch in the flour.
  8. Now it is time to remove the first batch from the frying pan using a slotted spoon or kitchen tongs and place on paper towels to drain.
  9. Put the second batch of meatballs into the pan to cook and carry on with the process until you have finished the mixture.

How should I take it when my boss removes my promotion but let me keep the salary? Should I quit?

Here’s what I did. I was manager over a small group of engineers for about a decade. I had been with the company for 20 years. We had a good salesman that kept us busy and though we were a small subsidiary of a larger company, we brought in good money. They messed with the salesman’s commission because he started making more than the president of the company. Along with that, they cut our groups profit sharing, which had been amounting to quite a bit for us, too. The salesman quit, and our business tanked as a result. In an effort to shake things up, they brought in a new top level manager for our group, a new salesman, and I was removed from my managerial position and replaced by one of my subordinates. My salary remained the same, I did the same work on actual projects as always, except then I was no longer required to manage projects, track all the expenses and time on projects, go on sales calls with the new salesman, or be held responsible for the group. I liked the work and most of the people around me, so I was fine with staying there. I was about 55 when this happened, and honestly, I was happy to shed all the administrative bullshit and still make the same money. A year later the new manager quit, they brought in a new guy (after they asked if I would resume the position) and within a year they scuttled our whole group. The company ($40 million company) had been making about 2.5 million a year clear from our group, but because they couldn’t handle the fact the salesman was making so much money compared to them, they ended up putting the entire subsidiary out of business. I was happy collecting my money for those 2 years without near the stress, and moved on to a better position in a new company after that. Things just seem to work out, sometimes. So my advice…if you like the work, are satisfied with the pay, there’s no reason not to continue on there. If you don’t like the place, stay until you find a good replacement job. You can be a lot pickier about choosing a new job when you have a good income source.

【中文版本】周深新歌《浮光》跨晩首唱!宿命感拉满 | Reaction

My earwax story

I have an earwax story for today.

Back in the day, I would periodically use hydrogen peroxide to clean my ears out. This was done by my family doctor and he recommended it along with soaking my head in a bathtub of warm water.

You see, I had a problem with excessive earwax fabrication. Oh, not a common problem for certain, but I had to maintain this particular issue with my body.

So one day, my ear got stuffed up, and when I tried my hydrogen peroxide solution, it only seemed to make things worse. Instead it got more and more clogged up. Indeed, for an entire month, my ear was caked full of earwax and I was at a loss as to what to do… not so serious to go to the doctor, it’s earwax after all, but serious enough to be a real problem personally…

…enter a business trip. I went and interviewed at a hot water heater company in Tennessee. And after the interview and meal, I went to the hotel. I drew a tub full of hot water and lay down to soak in it.

I soaked for a good hour, and then I held my breath and tried to blow the water out. And then it happened!

An explosion of earwax released, and many it was a sight to behold. Where the heck was all this earwax from? I don’t know, but I must have had globs and globs of the stuff. It was amazing!

Of course it ended up falling apart in the hot water, but you could tell, it was like thick honey that turned to slimy powder. Quite the experience, I’ll tell you what.

And that is my earwax story.

Stuff you won’t hear anywhere else.

Moving on for today…

What are the cleverest scams you have come across?

Here’s a LEGO Millennium Falcon, retail price $100:

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Here’s another LEGO Millennium Falcon, retail price $7:

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Back in 2004, scammer Bill Swanberg realized that Target, Walmart, and other stores sold both of these sets. Here’s what he’d do:

First, he went into a store, and bought both sets. Totally legitimately. He took the smaller one, and scanned in the barcode. Next, he re-sized it so that it would be the same size as the barcode of the larger set— and printed out gobs of them on glossy sticker paper.

Next, he’d bring a few with him into an unsuspecting store. He’d find the LARGE version of the LEGO Millennium Falcon, and cover up the barcode with one of his stickers of the SMALL set’s barcode.

Then, he’d trot up to the register, and the associate would ring them up. “Woah, this big set only costs $7.00?” “Yeah, it must be on sale, that’s why I grabbed it, LOL!” “Wow, nice find!”

Then he’d leave, remove the stickers carefully, and sell them online at a “discounted price” of, say, $50. Everyone online was amazed at the great deal, and lined up to buy them. They expected he got a great deal on them, but 50% off didn’t seem like it was all that suspicious.

He did this for quite a while— but gradually the various stores became aware that their inventory wasn’t lining up. Target noticed the pattern in 5 different states, and eventually had a security guard stop him in a store in Portland, Oregon, after he bought 10 copies of the same Millennium Falcon set. In his car, he had over $6000 of LEGO, as well as a laptop denoting other stores in the area that he planned to visit (or had already visited).

Upon review, Target alone estimated that he had resold over $200,000 worth of their merchandise— and that he had sold over $600,000 online for the past couple of years (much of it likely being from similar scams).

Why is China so afraid of asking for help when there is a virulent virus outbreak?

Why is China so afraid of asking for help when there is a virulent virus outbreak?

In 2008, a Richter Scale 8.0 earthquake shook the mountainous Sichuan province in China. When the dust settled, ~ 70,000 people were dead. ~ 20,000 people were missing, presumably dead. ~ 375,000 people were injured. ~ 5 million people were left homeless. It’s one of the greatest natural disasters in the twenty first century. The disaster was so great, that China immediately asked for help from the rest of the world.

2008 Sichuan earthquake – Wikipedia

The US government gave ~ $4.5 million in aid, plus a guy to the Beijing Earthquake Center to look at their data. So that’s what, 80 cents for each affected person?

The rest of the world pooled together ~ $450 million, plus some emergency supplies. Most of it came from China’s immediate neighbors.

The Chinese people donated $1.5 billion within the first 2 days.

The Chinese government gave the earthquake-stricken area $130 billion. 98% was spent in the first 3 years. 100,000 PLA troops rushed into the earthquake area within 2 days to help.

This was back in 2008, when China’s GDP per capita was only about ~ $3,500 a year. Now it’s over $10,000.

So I don’t think China is “afraid” of asking for help. They are realistic. They simply don’t expect to get much help. Something symbolic, maybe, which will be much appreciated, but they must do the heavy lifting themselves. Big countries must stand on their own two feet, because you really can’t expect a bunny to lift up a fallen elephant! The elephant needs to get up on its own. Reactions to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake – Wikipedia

No normal country should count on foreign aid to solve their problems.

In the current Coronavirus outbreak, China is mostly helping other countries: It isolated and published the sequence of this new virus, developed diagnostic kits and diagnostic protocols, and shared all these with the WHO and the world. It has put in border controls aimed at keeping infected people from going abroad. It publishes treatment protocols and regular updates as doctors discover and develop their knowledge of this disease. It has put 50+million people under quarantine. It is doing a lot of the heavy lifting in the global management of this novel disease.

PS: The US gave Haiti $12 billion in aid after Haiti earthquake. 2010 Haiti earthquake

Haiti is right at America’s doorstep, and the American people are very generous towards Haiti. Today Haiti looks like this:

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Source: A ‘Lost Decade’: Haiti Still Struggles To Recover 10 Years After Massive Earthquake

While Sichuan, China, looks like this:

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Turned out that a big chunk of that $12 billion was the US State Department writing checks to the US Department of Defense for sending 200 guys to Haiti to “provide security”. The rest mostly went to NGOs’ hotels, jeeps, salary, and “hardship pay”. It’s a legitimate question to ask if International Aid is really worth it, not only for the Chinese People, but also for the American People as well.

5 Years After Haiti’s Earthquake, Where Did The $13.5 Billion Go?

“USAID has spent about $1.5 billion since the earthquake,” Johnston told Goats & Soda. “Less than a penny of every dollar goes directly to a Haitian organization.”

What’s the cheapest thing you’ve ever seen a person do?

Full disclosure – I already disliked this woman.

She was wearing fake eyelashes, spray tan and high heels with her two-piece bikini to our pool party.

All she was missing was a Sash. It was way too much.

This was supposed to be a low key pool party at a bar that had a pool. Not a beauty pageant.

And this lady loved talking about her job and how great it was and how it paid well, which becomes relevant here in a second.

She ordered a Rum & Coke. After drinking part of it, she turns to our other friend, Liz, and says,

“Hey – do you want the rest of this? I don’t like it.”

Liz says, “I guess are you sure?”

“Yes – have it!”

And with hesitation, Liz has a few sips of it after but doesn’t finish.

So about 20 minutes later, as I’m there on the stool next to her, she waves down to the bartender, asks for her check, and says,

“Put my rum & coke on Liz’s tab, I didn’t like it so she drank it instead.”

Cmon man.

Your job pays so well but you are juking your friend to pay for your backwash?

Bikini contest for the Miss Cheap USA pageant.

From 1959


If you put sharp objects in your yard to deter cars from driving through it, would the driver be responsible for any damages?

Where I live anything that the courts could say was a trap was illegal. I had people cutting across my property to get to the river, the previous owner had just laid razor wire coils in the bush. If anyone had got hurt on it. I would have gone to jail. So I carefully pulled it all out and placed monster boulders everywhere. No one can say a boulder is a trap.

There was a guy who had a private road leading to his place. People kept tearing it up after it rained in their 4×4 , side x side, and atvs. He had no trespassing signs, and private road signs, and people ignored them. So he stretched a steel cable between two trees, with a padlock, so he could open it. He could only put up the cable where he had two big trees close enough to the road, to string it, and enough trees to stop them from driving around the make shift gate, so it was about 50 m up his road .

A teenage girl on an ATV drove by his private road and no trespassing signs, and got knocked off her quad by the rope. They sued the land owner and won. This is in Canada, rules might be different elsewhere.

That was your job!


Kapusta Pork

Kapusta Pork
Kapusta Pork


  • 3 pounds pork loin roast, boneless
  • 3 cloves garlic, halved lengthwise
  • 1 tablespoon caraway seed
  • 3/4 pound bacon, chopped
  • 4 cups cabbage, shredded
  • 1 1/2 cans sauerkraut (approximately 14.5 ounce can)
  • 28 ounces diced tomatoes
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 ounce German beer


  1. Insert 6 small slits into pork loin. Insert garlic slices in the slits. Season with salt and pepper.
  2. Place pork loin in slow cooker. Layer bacon, cabbage, sauerkraut, tomatoes, caraway seeds and bay leaf on top of pork loin. Top with beer.
  3. Cover and cook on HIGH for 8 hours.
  4. Before serving, shred pork and stir all slow cooker ingredients.

What is one piece of simple advice that actually changed your life?

A few years ago, when I was agonizing over my future career path, my dad told me to make a list of the things in life that make me happy.

Then, split the list into two categories.

The first category includes any type of happiness that you can feel instantaneously. Sipping hot chocolate on a chilly day. Hitting the snooze button to steal another five minutes of sleep. Binge-watching the new season of your favorite show.

The second category includes any type of happiness that takes a long time to appear and a long time to fade. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Mastering difficult skills. Building closer relationships with the people you love.

Some of the items in the first category, my dad explained, might clash with the items in the second. The more hot chocolate you consume, for example, the less nutritious your diet becomes.

But a few items in on your list, just a few, might actually fit into both categories. The best painters in the world obtain joy both from the instantaneous act of painting and from the ultimate goal of becoming a world-class artist. The best soccer players love being out on the field just as much as they love becoming better athletes.

Circle these items, these things that bring you both short-term happiness and long-term happiness.

These are the things that you can spend your life doing, and never feel like you’ve worked a day.

You need to remove yourself


What’s the weirdest way your fast food order got messed up?

You ever been to a Mcdonalds where the manager is an ass and the employees have had enough of it?

I once went to a Mcdonalds that had a mass quit a few hours later. I went up to the counter and ordered a Mcchicken, a regular coke, a small fry and an ice cream cone.

They take my money and a few minutes later come back with my order, which is… heavier than normal. And my ice cream cone is a foot tall. And my coke is a large.

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(It looked like this)

“Woops.” says the cashier. “Looks like we accidentally supersized your order.” she says with a wink. I could tell from the sarcastic tone that there was no accident about it.

I returned to my table and sat down, and noticed that my McChicken wasn’t alone, there was also a chicken select sandwich in there. I was a really, really poor kid at the time. The Mcydee’s dollar menu was a rare treat for me, and getting one of the main menu items was just amazing!

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Definitely still my favorite Mcdubbers sandwich.

My ‘small fry’ took up an entire large fry box, and then there was about a large fry’s worth of loose fries in there. Like the entire bag was drowning in fried potato goodness.

So intentionally giving me a lot of extra food to spite your boss? That’s the strangest way my order’s ever been messed up. Part of me wished I had ordered more.

Edit: So Quora apparently thinks I need a credential to prove that I sometimes eat fast food and sometimes get my order messed up. This is what happens when you let an AI make decisions.

5% of women


When did you realize your parent was a total badass?

I knew my dad was a Bad Ass early in my youth. I didn’t realize how much of a Bad Ass he was until last spring. You see my father served in WWll with the 100th/442nd Regimental Combat Team in France and Italy. A segregated US Army regiment made up of Americans of Japanese ancestry from the US mainland and Hawaii. A large portion of these warriors came from “internment” (prison) camps from which their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and family were incarcerated. These guys had something to prove. We are AMERICANS! And prove it they did. For their valor the 100th Battalion/ 442nd Regimental Combat Team has been recognized as the most decorated unit in American history. The 100th Bn/ 442nd RCT earned more than 18,000 awards, including 9,500 Purple Hearts, 5,200 Bronze Star Medals, 588 Silver Stars, 52 Distinguished Service Crosses, 7 Distinguished Unit Citations, 21 Congressional Medal of Honor awards and the Congressional Gold Medal. Now that’s BAD ASS! My dad was gravely wounded in Italy and left to die on the battlefield as he was not believed to survive his wounds. When the burial detail came upon my father he was still alive and eventually recovered after a long convalescence. We know this story as it was told to my cousin by the soldier who found my father still alive. Unfortunately I never had the pleasure to meet his as he passed a few years ago. My father was awarded the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart and other awards for his efforts. He was never better than 70% disabled and eventually upgraded to 100%. So I had the opportunity to travel to France and Italy last year on a tour that follows in the footsteps of these American heroes. I walked where they walked, saw the trenches whey they lay and climbed the slope’s and mountains that they climbed. But I did it in the daylight. They did it at night in the cover of darkness. These were the mountains near Carrara Italy. Impressive just to do this in daylight. Crazy to think it could be done at night! That’s when I knew how much of a BAD ASS my father and the Nisei warriors of the 100th Bn/ 442nd RCT were. I could not be more proud. R.I.P. dad. PFC Roy T. Tsutsui Co. F 442nd RCT

The dumbest idea


What has your child’s school done that got you so mad, you went in and read the riot act to the teacher or principal?

Not a parent, but the child.

Whenever I was in public school, I had fairly good grades, I didn’t study much so it was crazy how good I was doing. This all lasted until 4th grade, whenever I got put in this horrible woman’s class. I was the kind of child to speak my mind and get SUPER excited about things. This woman (not calling her a teacher because she doesn’t DESERVE the title) did not LIKE that. She decided to target me specifically for her relentless bullying of literal infants. Anytime I would get excited about anything, she would tell me to flip my card (yknow, the stupid elementary punishment bullshit). Anytime I would do something that would be considered out of place in a classroom, she’d make me flip my card. She would rally my classmates to bully me too.

As the school year went on and the bullying from the woman and my classmates got worse, I started falling into a deeper pit of my own depression stemmed from the abandonment of my dad, over-protective (yet still somehow neglectful) mom, and the bullying I had to suffer at school. This made my grades drop HARD. Specifically in my math and science class, as I was not being properly taught by this woman.

Every time we would get to a new part of our science workbook, we would get given a science study guide that we had to fill out ourselves that she would then grade and fix whatever mistakes we had made. A month prior to the specific incident I’m about to tell you, my mom had noticed how bad my grades had dropped and made sure I studied (which did NOT help). She always made sure I had my study guides and stuff I got from school.

It was a regular school day for me, we had just gotten a new study guide that we were going to fill out. The woman decided to put us in pairs to do them so we could discuss the answers and stuff. She put me in a pair with the nicest girl in the class (picture the human incarnate of an excited golden retriever) and we began working on it. We finished around the same time the others did and submitted our papers. After we all finished, the woman started grading our papers. Whenever she had finished, she handed most of them out, but she held on to two of them, my friend and I’s. She waved them around in the air and said “THESE two don’t have any names… Oh well… Who wants to play 20 pickup?” and then ripped them to shreds and threw the remains on the floor. My friend and I were crushed (and fucking humiliated) as we both really needed those papers and here we were, watching our classmates pick up and fight over who could get the most pieces like it was some sort of game played at a birthday party.

A few minutes later, she picked up her copy of the study guide and said to us, “I’ve got one more left. I’m thinking of a number and whichever one of you can get closest to it wins the paper.”

I ended up winning and she gave it to me, which I instantly started working on. I figured she would want me to redo it as soon as she gave it to me. About a minute passed and she walked to my desk, swiped it from me and gave it to my friend saying that I “Wasn’t paying attention”. I felt like absolute shit the whole day.

My mom had asked me where my study guide was, and I told her what happened. She went on an absolute RAMPAGE.

Luckily the next parent-teacher conference was pretty soon after and she didn’t want to embarrass me by showing up to the school while my classmates were there. I don’t know exactly what happened during the meeting between her and my mom as I was sat outside the classroom. All that I know is that whenever the door opened, the woman looked pale and terrified and my mom had her classic murder look that she would get after laying heavily into someone.

She never told me what she had said or done, but that woman never dared to bother me again. She didn’t even like LOOKING at me. Anytime I did something she didn’t like, she would glare at me like I just killed her entire family and set her house on fire and reply something passive aggressive.

My mom ended up finding out that she had done this to other kids too at other schools. Pretty sure the bitch was on tenure though, so there wasn’t anything we could’ve really done.

I still see her around town though and she acts overly excited to see me. The first time I had seen her after I finished 4th grade, I was about 13 and was super socially anxious and had panic attacks whenever I was reminded of that experience, I was at the dollar store with my grandma and the woman came up to me and started talking, I of course was trying to keep my shit together and not start having a full blown panic attack so I was very quiet. She said “Aw, what’s wrong? Are you shy now?”, all of my fear was replaced with rage and I had to stop myself from giving her the sickest right hook of her life. I regret not doing it while I was still a kid and wouldn’t have had very many repercussions for it.

SO, I’m not going to name-drop her, as I’m pretty sure that’s illegal, but I will say that if you live in or are planning on moving to Sabine parish, LISTEN to your kids if they tell you about bullying from their classmates or any of the school staff. Hell, do that even if you DON’T live in this area.

Burkina Faso’s President Has Good News for Africa but Very Bad News for the West


What’s it like to be rich as in 1% rich?

My parents started middle class and worked their way to the 1%.

It isn’t this huge party. But there are some basic things you don’t worry about as much.

It is weird because I didn’t grow up wealthy at all. And had a strict-as-hell dad.

At some point after I left home, things really ramped up. My dad left the military and became a high ranking exec with SAP.

My mom started a vineyard at their farm. And sold off a lot of great real estate investments she’d made over the years.

But you would never know it if you bumped into them at the store or something. They have very humble personalities. If you went to their home however..

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When I wake up in the morning in their guest room I get to enjoy a view like this:

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When I visit they spend most of their time working around the house and on the farm. We don’t really sit still much. And even when we are it is because we are working on something. We are worker-bees.

Also, I think everyone has a misconception as to how wealthy the top 1% is. 10 years ago, even I had the impression that 1%ers don’t work hard and take 9 vacations a year. I think it is just different if you started small and got there in your middle age and have kids.

At that point, you are more concerned with managing everything and making sure your kids are doing OK.

(Maybe that it is .01 percenters that do all that laying around by the pool…)

Either way I love visiting my parents, but every time I get home here in Florida my house feels really really small! 🙂



What’s the strangest thing delivered to your house (that you did not order)?

My last name is Warehouse, just like the building. This has led to lots of interesting things, like getting calls at my work about finding things at our district warehouse or getting my account banned on Quora back when they cared if you used a fake name. It also means I get weird deliveries.

One day a big cardboard box showed up addressed to my wife, so I left it on the table without really looking at it. A few days later it was still untouched, so I asked her why she hadn’t opened it yet.

“That’s not mine, it’s got sports stuff all over it.”

And it did! Now that I looked, the box clearly had a Nike logo on it. And on closer inspection, its address tag was a mess. There was a weird poorly printed label that said “redirect” that had my wife’s name and our address in California on it, slapped over a very official looking original label that said the box was bound for a warehouse in New Jersey.

And that’s how I ended up with a bow of 24 pairs of XXL Nike football gloves meant for the New York giants.

45% of men


What is the best comeback you used on someone?

Not mine, but I witnessed it.

In 1981 I worked as a computer operator for a company, then owned by Tex Schramm (owner of the Dallas Cowboys). There was a young woman, from a well to do family and graduate of Radford, working there. She was really into women’s lib.

There was also an older gentleman, long past the possible retirement age. One day I was in the lobby as the young woman, who I had recently begun dating, was ready to leave. The older gentleman was leaving, and held the door for her.

She lit into him. “Just because I’m a lady, you don’t have to hold the door for me.”

The response: “My dear Joanne, I do not hold the door for you because you are a lady. That would be presumptuous of me. I hold the door for you because I am a gentleman.”

I made the mistake of laughing.

You gotta keep this in mind


What’s something on an employee’s first day that sets off red flags?

In my second year at my current job, a lady was hired to replace my senior who had resigned.

The job was in a public office and for the most part was quite easy going. Somebody off the streets could learn the essentials in just a few hours.

The lady who came had seniority and several years more experience than me working at a different branch. I therefore expected her to have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with me.

How does this work again?’

‘Did I do this right?’

‘How about you be the one to do that? You’re so good at it.’

‘Can you show me how to do (such-and-such) again?’

The lady transferred from a location that had the exact same type of system and technology as mine yet she had not a clue how to do anything!

How was this woman in a senior position? She didn’t know anything about the job. Was she dumb?

A week of ‘training’ had passed and she didn’t really learn anything and had to be supervised at all times. Before I could find out how it was that she was so slow she suddenly vanished.

She stopped turning up at work and calls to her phone went unanswered. I sent an email to HR explaining that she had gone AWOL. They gave some half-assed reply. A few months later, after she had long been forgotten, I get a frantic letter from HR saying that they have been paying her salary and they’ve just become aware that she has not been turning up to work.

‘No shit,’ I say in my mind.

HR investigates and finds out that she had accepted another job elsewhere the entire time and was gladly accepting two salaries. HR demanded that she return the unearned salary. She said she would but she was going through financial distress at the moment.

She never returned a cent. HR washed their hands of the matter and kept it hush hush.

Turns out she wasn’t dumb at all.

So my answer to the question ‘what sets off red flags on an employee’s first day?’

Playing dumb.

We are living in just such a moment now


Have you ever met an adult who literally can’t read? What was your reaction?

When I was small, my parents sent me to my grandparents (who lived in a rural area) every summer so they could look after me when school was out.

My grandpa was born late 191x or early 192x – even he didn’t remember exactly.

When I was 6 years old, I started going to elementary school which started to have summer assignments. So, when my parents sent me to my grandparents for the “vacation”, I brought my textbooks and books with me to study. One day, I remember, I brought a book to my grandpa and asked him for some help with my summer homework. He smiled, “Oh, sweetie, I can’t help you with that!”. “Why?!?!”, I was surprised, he’d never said “No” to me. A second of hesitation, then he said, “I don’t know how to read”

It didn’t make sense to my 6-year-old me; but later, when I grew up, I knew, it was the result of war and poverty, my grandpa never went to school.

Anyway, “But you know EVERYTHING!”, the little me was shocked and questioned him. He stroked my hair, “Ah, I just don’t know how to read texts in the book. I can read other things. I can read leaves to know their trees. I can read the soil to know what I need to do to get more produces. I can read the river to know if it’s safe to go down and play. I can read the night sky to know if tomorrow it will be rain or shine”, he explained to me.

A light bulb went off in my head; he taught me to ‘read’ some of those things, why didn’t I teach him to read texts? So, I offered him, “Do you want to study with me, grandpa?”.

So, I started to be his ‘teacher’. I taught him a, b, c. He studied, then forgot everything in the next summer because he didn’t use it frequently enough; so I had to teach him again.

I taught him to read, every summer, until he passed away.

Evil Utah Wife


Why don’t people want to work the trades? Things like plumbers electricians are well off.

I have had a number of jobs in my time. I’ve been a framing carpenter, finish carpenter, furniture maker, the army, and being in the office in the construction industry as a project manager for the last 16 years.

Working in the trades can indeed be very lucrative, and I know a number of plumbers and welders that do significantly better than me financially, but from someone that has worked in the trades and in the corporate office, there are a lot of benefits of the office world that help pull people away from going into the trades.

The first is simply being warm when it’s cold, dry when it’s raining and cool when it is hot. It’s pretty tough going to work everyday to be freezing cold all day or burning up hot. Secondly, you can do stuff after work without needing to take a shower or change clothes first. Third, you don’t beat up your body so much working in an office. I’m 47 so still well short of retirement age and I really can’t imagine doing the type of work I did in my 20’s all day, every day. That was tough work and I got injured a lot and had to just suck it up and work through it. Injuries these days take a lot longer to heal too.

Occasionally I get all nostalgic about walking floor joists 30 feet up with a 16ft 2×8 on my shoulder, then I’ll have a flashback to what that actually feels like doing it every day and appreciate very much my AC and roof and clean clothes. My nostalgia forgets doing that same joist walk with feet numb from the cold, or sweat in my eyes or a lingering injury.

The trades are good, solid, well paying professions, but if you have any other alternatives they are definitely a young person’s game. The people I see my age still working in the trades (doing the work, not management like me) are physically beaten down for the most part with bad backs, bad knees, and a collection of scars that make anyone take notice.

The Duran: Neocons want WAR in Middle East and Israel, the US will LOSE Big


Serbian Skillet Pork
(Muckalica — Yugoslavia)



  • 1 1/2 pounds boneless pork shoulder
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 3 medium onions, sliced
  • 1 medium tomato, chopped
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper
  • 1 medium green bell pepper, cut into strips
  • 2 ounces feta cheese, cut into 3/4-inch cubes
  • Hot cooked rice


  1. Trim fat from pork. Cut pork into 1/2-inch slices; cut slices into 1/2-inch strips. Heat oil in skillet until hot. Cook and stir pork in oil over medium heat until brown, about 15 minutes; drain. Add water, onions, tomato, salt, paprika, pepper and red pepper. Cover and simmer until pork is tender, about 30 minutes, adding water if necessary.
  2. Add green pepper. Cover and simmer until green pepper is crisp-tender, 5 to 10 minutes. Top with cheese.
  3. Serve with rice.

Yield: 4 servings

What’s the best revenge you’ve gotten after being fired or let go from a job?

When I was about 21 or 22, I worked for this remodeling contractor. My dad does remodels and has rental properties, and I’ve always been a DIY type of guy, so I learned young and had about 10 years of experience at the time. Anyway, one day I was at work, and the boss nor the crew lead could figure out how to solve a problem with some vinyl flooring and the customer was there watching them for a good half hour or so. I repeatedly tried to make suggestions but just kept getting ignored. Finally I just stepped up and tried something and it worked. The next day the owner told me that work was slow and he didn’t need me to come in. That same afternoon he called me and let me go due to “not having the quality of work that his company is known for”. I’m sure he was just upset that I made him look like an ass in front of a customer. Anyway, fast forward to a week later, this customer had a family member that was also gonna get some work done by the same company. The previous customer gave the family member my Facebook info and she contacted me and asked if I could do a job for her. About 3 days in, my old boss came and the look on his face when he saw me doing the job he came to bid for was priceless.

American major bias against men

10 Unknown social rules

1. Don’t call someone more than twice continuously. If they don’t pick up your call that mean they have something more important to attend to.

2. When someone drops something on the floor by mistake or drops food from the plate or doesn’t know how to use a knife/fork don’t stare at them. The same goes to people sneezing, coughing or even an uncontrollable fart. It’s an involuntary reaction.

3. Always skip using the washroom beside the occupied one. It makes it uneasy for the person in the occupied washroom as well as yourself if you occupy the one right next to theirs.

4. If you’re talking to someone and notice any of the following, they’re trying to end the conversation:

  • Their eyes keep darting away.
  • They angle their body away from you.
  • They give you rapid one-word answers.

5. When someone you know has an obvious change in appearance, e.g., weight gain/loss, bald spot, acne. never comment on it until they talk about it to you, they already know what is happened to them.

6. If a colleague tells you they have a doctors appointment, don’t ask what it’s for, just say hope you’re ok. If they want to talk about it they will and you don’t put them in the uncomfortable position of having to tell you their personal illness.

7. Treat the cleaner with the same respect as the CEO. Nobody is impressed at how rudely you can treat someone below you but people will notice if you treat them with respect.

8. Do not make plans in front of those you are not involving.

9. When meeting someone after a long time, unless they want to talk about it, don’t ask them their age and salary.

10. When a friend/colleague offers you some food, you can politely say No. But, don’t do this after tasting or smelling it. It’s an insult to the one who has offered it to you.


Is taking revenge by yourself a good idea?

This is John Eisenman. He lost his daughter to s-exual trafficking. She was sold for $1,000 in Seattle Washington. He did what a father should do and researched, investigated and found out about her abduction. He RESCUED her HIMSELF. He found out the person who sold her into trafficking was her 19 year old boyfriend. He met up with him, abducted him, bludgeoned and stabbed him to death in Nov, 2020. The authorities found him [dead AF boyfriend] in Oct 2021 in the trunk of the car he abandoned. John Eisenman sits in jail knowing his daughter is safe and growing up after he has already lived 60 years of his life. I bet you, he rests easy. Live your life to the fullest. He did his absolute best to make sure his child have the opportunity to do the same no matter what the sacrifice.

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image 157

My POV:- I think justice can’t be black or white, it’s a greyish territory. I’m not a supporter of taking revenge but rather law doing the job. Although, we all know how deeply fukced up is our law and order.

When Women Finally Realize It’s THEIR Fault

Sometimes we idealize the United States from the 1950s. What was common in the 1950s that would horrify us now?

The decade of the 1950s was the time of my well-remembered childhood. Some of the memorable un-nice features follow:

Coal shuttles in basement windows to fill the coal bins for the furnace that kept you alive in subzero weather. The loud roaring rattle of the coal can never be forgotten. My wife grew up in destroyed Berlin where the kids snuck onto the train tracks to steal coal for cooking and winter heat, especially before 1950.

Ice trucks for the “ice box,” which was the refrigerator of the day. Great fun to persuade the iceman to chip you a sliver (possibly unsanitary) in the steaming summer.

Raking and burning leaves either in the curb or in our own home trash bin (a large ugly concrete “bathtub” for burning all wastes) beside the separated garage.

Kids everywhere, dirty, yelling, playing, fighting … the postwar baby boom.

After we graduated from paying marbles on the sidewalks, the never-forgotten aroma of the lightly powdered flat bubble gum accompanying Topps baseball cards used for flip-card contests. Still remember the rules.

Friends and relatives died a lot. Lost a cousin to polio despite her father being chief of staff of the largest hospital in St. Louis. Lost two more to a house fire and others to asthma. I narrowly avoided rheumatic fever and a close call with total vision loss from measles. Number 1 brother developed Type 1 diabetes, but that was hereditary (skips a generation); lasted a LONG time.

Turning on the lights to visit the bathroom in the middle of the night and watching hundreds of roaches scurry across the floor into the corners and cracks.

Sticky asphalt from the tarred streets that would permanently ruin any carpet in a snooty home.

Kids (and adults) hitch-hiked. I hitch-hiked regularly many miles to high school and college and back rather than take buses with long cold/hot waits and transfers. Just after the 50s, noticed how remarkably easier it was to hitch a ride when in my ROTC uniform.

Teenagers still in school who had never worked had no vote in national elections.

No air conditioning. Vornado floor fans, window fans blowing over block of ice, or car rides with windows open down to “Cool Valley” (yes, a real town) a low-altitude area with much lower temperatures were our only options when temperatures soared far over 100 degrees and humidity was ~80%.

Construction sites were wonderful if dangerous playgrounds for kids. Unsafe, with nails sticking out, deep ditches and holes to avoid. Taught caution and the value of tetanus shots. Learned aromas like the smell of wet concrete, rebar, freshly cut wood; mountains of dirt for King of the Hill games, playing “war” with wooden toy 1904 Springfield rifles in literal miles of dug-up ground for the interstate highways.

Homes and office buildings were insulated with asbestos, long before attorneys and asbestos-removal firms became millionaires from it.

Local stenches were many and varied. Worst were from the fish processing plants and cattle/pig stockyards, with the “nicest” smells being chemical fumes from riverside plants.

Working on the USS Admiral, was required to check for “floaters” under the port paddlewheel every morning by opening the trash slot over the water.

Learned to water-ski on the turd-filled muddy Mississippi.

US Army chemical warfare testers sprayed my hometown with zinc cadmium sulfide, a fluorescent additive of some kind and a possibly radioactive agent to secretly study possible bio/chem weapon vectors … later explained “to protect us from potential Soviet attack”.

Nearby communities (Weldon Spring, West Lake and Berkeley … but not CA) were being contaminated by toxic waste buried by one of my future employers after they processed the uranium for the first nuclear weapons. Not done on my watch; however, as an adult I did work at a number of the other tainted sites: their original chemical plant and their radiological branch.

Cap guns: actual gunpowder explosives were loaded in a tight roll to be fired by your Lone Ranger or Cisco Kid cap gun. Bangs and sparks with gunpowder’s sulpuric stench …

Bows and arrows (with real points).

Jungle gyms were tall blocks of hard unadorned steel pipes over bare dirt dusty in summer and frozen in winter.

Complete and utter obedience to our family’s Commanding Officer who actually posted duty rosters for my 4 siblings (girl was exempted) which I was required to enforce as senior NCO.

Amused myself by playing war battle games with bottlecaps. Falstaff, Budweiser and a few Stag … strewn from the six-pack dad chugged every night. Didn’t realize he was a drunk until years later.

Black and white TV with the Indian-head test pattern after midnight when all stations went “off the air.”

TV showed stereotypical characters in every show like: the Howdy Doody Show; Kukla, Fran & Ollie; Texas Bruce’s Wranglers’ Club; Lone Ranger, Cisco Kid, Zorro, etc.

Friday night fights: boxing matches every weekend.

Racism was acknowledged but not celebrated. Had black school/playmates (parochial school) and babysitters who all lived in a nearby section of the city.

Racial mockery was the basis of much TV/radio humor. Amos & Andy on the radio, Milton Berle’s burlesque schticks, Pat & Mike Irish insults, Sid Caesar’s fake Japanese babble, Jose Jimenez jibes at Mexicans on the Steve Allen Show … don’t remember German accents being considered “funny” until Hogan’s Heroes.

Classmate who later became a Japanese citizen used to play records advocating anti-Communism from John Birch (didn’t know of his Society then). Nothing mean or nasty that I remember from those lectures but quite un-PC now, I guess.

BB guns: never permitted in our home, with 4 boy, 1 girl; but vet dad built us an actual shooting range for my 13th birthday present, a .22 bolt-action Winchester … a literal deep sandbox at one end of the basement under a steel sheet canted at a 45 degree angle. Access controlled by dad, of course.

Joined my school’s rifle club in 1959 when they (not me) won the national championship with open sight .22s mounted on Garand 30–30 war surplus stocks. Kids shot rifles as a matter of indifference. Safely too, because safety was taught, responsibility was demanded … and disobedience was both unthinkable and unacceptable.

Getting adopted by a kitty

Go Granny

What is your opinion on the treatment of China by Western countries, such as Australia, compared to how other Asian countries, like Japan, treat China? Do you believe their actions are too harsh or not harsh enough?

History will one day see how the U.S., its dog nations, the EU, its fellow colonialists and native slaughtering nations and its slave nations, treatment of China. Is a modern version of African slavery, Nazi Crimes, barbaric colonialism by the Europeans and the Savage rape and murder of Nanking!

How do they treat China and the Chinese race. Terrible, obnoxious and despicable. What more to say! Slurring at every turn, blindly accusing China without facts, evidence and proof calling them copy cats, stealing intellectual property, cheating, for being aggressive and threatening nations, genocide that never happen, causing Covid! All are no different from the Nazi blaming of the Jews!

Just backed by a pack of lies. And using coercion and bribery to get a dissident or two to cast doubt on China! If you are one of the group I single out please stop being a pawn or a parrot in these fake news. China won’t yield to these ludicrousness and shameful act of throwing shit!

To me you can accuse China of not bordering about its cosmetic cover up of its desire to ensure that the century of humiliation can never happen again and that it will do everything in its power to get back it’s rightful place in history. Remember how thousands of black people are wrongly accused by the white people for all sorts of thing and them lynch them!

History will show the truth that the U.S. and the west are doing the same to the Chinese. Sure without the lynching!

I love this

When have you fired someone on the spot?

I did once, but it wasn’t my initial intention.

I owned a flying school and had a receptionist who was good with the customers.

One day I got a phone call at about 4PM from a student asking why we had shut early. I assured him we hadn’t as we had people flying till 7 that night. He told me he was standing outside and the doors were locked.

When I came in next day I checked CCTV and sure enough she had locked up at 3:30 whilst people were still flying. She returned at just before 5:30. I checked the day before and the same thing had happened. She locked up at 3:30 and returned at 5:30. It was near the end of the month so I waited till the end of the month to see what hours she had claimed for.

I also called a government employer hotline that is set up in the UK to give free help and advice. After explaining the situation they told me she was in breach of her contract, and it was gross misconduct which is a sackable offence. They said she was “stealing time” from me. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt so I decided to listen to her before I took action. The helpline advised that if her answers weren’t agreeable then I should suspend her on full pay whilst I investigated.

Sure enough she had claimed for her full allowance on her payslip so I called her into my office to explain herself. She claimed to have “forgotten” to take it off her hours worked. I was more concerned about leaving the building unattended whilst we had students still flying. What happened if we had an emergency? She refused to answer me so I was left with no option but to suspend her.

I studied the CCTV for previous 30 days and she had done it for almost 50% of her shifts! Despite this I didn’t want to lose her, the students loved her.

So I invited her back for a formal interview and offered to allow her to bring a witness. She declined the representation. I explained that the interview was being recorded and I had my solicitor on speaker phone to listen and ensure we both were acting within the law. It was to protect both of us.

I asked her for her reasons and she said that she had been visiting her boyfriend and having lunch together. He was an instructor pilot for me but had never left mid-shift. I then explained about why it was wrong to leave the premises whilst we still had aircraft in the air. She just shrugged her shoulders. I asked her to wait outside whilst I spoke to my legal adviser.

Truth be told I couldn’t afford to lose her. I had previously told the helpline that and they recommended “based on my explanation” that I give her a final written warning. This should be enough to make her realise it was wrong. I decided to go down this route.

After 5 minutes I invited her back into the room to give her the final written warning and a good explanation why this was happening. As I said to her “Thank you for your patience,” she replied, “Are you really doing this?”

“I am.”

Then she erupted! Quite a verbal assault against me! Then she pulled out an envelope and handed it to me saying, “I can’t believe you have blown this out of proportion, here is my 30 days notice, and as you owe me some holidays I will be taking them so I don’t have to work with you any more.”

I just calmly said, “Don’t worry about the 30 days notice, you won’t need it because I’m letting you go for gross misconduct!”

*screaming at me*“YOU CANT DO THAT!”

*a tiny voice on the telephone*”Yes he can, you stole from him and he is within his rights to terminate your contract with immediate effect and without compensation. Now if I was you I would leave quietly or Mr Savage could have the police involved for theft.”

A week later I received a letter asking for a reference as she had found a new job!

Metropolis, directed by David Lynch

Holy shit! I really love this.

Short but awesome!

Is it legally justifiable for a cop to shoot an advancing person with a knife who refuses to stop or drop it? How about morally?

Let me show you a kitchen knife.

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image 156

While writing this answer, I called my wife (I’m at work) and asked her to send me the photo of this knife from our kitchen. I hate using it, especially while cutting soft veggies. It is dull, useless and cheap-ass piece of cutlery. I bought it for $0.50.

I was stabbed once.

With a kitchen knife exactly like this one shown in the picture.

I was going to work, when I came across a domestic street brawl. Men and women screaming, abusing and beating each other. I remember a wooden ladle in action too.

It was too awkward for me not to do something. I had no cellphone back then as it was too expensive and uncommon.

I tried calming them down with help of a few neighbors.

And during that peaceful effort… a young man out of nowhere attacked me with this kitchen knife. The swing was so swift and forceful that it scared me if this connects at all. I tried to grab his hand but the knife pierced my palm and popped out from back of my wrist.

Now I wish to stress couple of issues here.

A knife is a knife and it does not matter if it is big, small, sharp, dull, scary or funny looking. When used with intentions to inflict damage… it will damage the body inflicting stab and slash wounds, and might very well cause fatality.

And even more importantly…

This was quite a harmless bout, typical domestic quarrel between two neighboring families that usually just ends up with them receiving a bruise here and there, a noisy chest thumping exercise for the most part that goes around here over stupid disagreements.

Still…the moment I saw that guy approaching me with knife, his glowered and gloomy expressions alarmed me of imminent danger, I understood this is not just a warning… this guy wants to hurt me. To anyone else, he might not seem to be posing a palpable peril towards the cop but I as a cop perceived the incoming.

I was unarmed; I could not protect myself intelligently.

What if I was armed that day? To whom do I look up for the use of deadly force authorization?

That’s no one else’s but my decision to make.

It is my judgment call even if it is objective or weak in other’s opinion. If I have reasons to believe the person is a threat and warnings don’t serve the purpose, I have to neutralize the threat. I don’t want to hurt anyone; that’s the last and the most distasteful option for any cop in all sincerity. But at the same time, I want to protect myself and others with my best effort and ability.

I assure you, it could have been a fatal blow.

The department would have lost one of theirs, my mother would have gone crazy upon hearing of this news. All of this because of someone’s absurd, idiotic and senseless aggression.

I don’t deserve that.

No cop deserves that.

So in my opinion, if a knife-wielding person advances towards the cop and chooses to ignore the warnings – and sends an apprehension that he actually might attack the cop –

I’d consider that a legitimate threat.

And using deadly force to neutralize that threat is justifiable legally and morally.

Nice idea

What’s something your husband did to you that you will never forget?

We were married in Las Vegas over a weekend, never had a honeymoon, and it appears there wouldn’t be much romance or emotion, which appeared to suit both of us fine.

My life goals had always been to earn as many degrees as possible and to have a significant career. When my husband said he wanted to apply to law school, I stuck around to find out what would be happening.

On our fifth wedding anniversary, I was working on my masters’ degree and pregnant – not in my life goals, but I was accepting of the situation. We were both graduate students, living off student loans with no money for anything.

When I woke on our anniversary day, my husband presented me with a six page long poem he had been writing for days. He called it “FANGS for the memories.” The poem was written in the cadence of the song “Thanks for the memories” which would have been way too sentimental for either of us.

It’s been 45 years later and I still have not only that poem but also the poem he wrote on our 10th anniversary.

This past year we celebrated our 50th anniversary and not one celebration. But I do have two amazing sentimental and romantic poems to read and reread over and over – I will never forget those!

This Is Why Everyone is Quitting YouTube

The wrong answers were the ones published

When I attended university there was this strange routine that we went through at the end of each class. The professor would provide us the CORRECT answers to the questions in the back of the book. You see, our engineering classes all had us attend classes, labs works shops AND do the questions in the books. But, for some darn reason, the answers to the questions were always wrong.

Why is that?

A angry graduate student perhaps? A mistake by the book publisher? Maybe something else.

It’s really not a big mystery… but it still remains a mystery to me. Why?

It’s one of those things that I muse about from time to time… the wrong answers were the ones published.


How will “political correctness” shape our future?

To death.

At least this is what happened to this beautiful woman here:

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image 151

Her name was Mercedes Grabowski, a pornographic actress who went by the stage name August Ames.

Near the end of 2017, she took a stand and refused to shoot with a male performer which also happened to star in gay scenes. She believed that STDs among gay actors have a higher probability to spread. So given that the actor was bisexual (gay, for what matters to this point), she thought she would be in a higher risk of being infected. “My body, my rules”, right? It was not abortion that was in question; it indeed was about her own body. I thought that was the feminist’s motto, and they should have sided with Ames.

Apparently not so. Instead, a twitter mob started a smearing campaign to call her homophobic, hypocrite, hate bastard and so on. A lot of porn actresses now declare themselves as feminists. Instead, only one or two stood by August.

She was only 23 years old and apparently suffered from depression. She hanged herself on December 6, 2017.

Afterwards, some gay activist stated: “she went on hatred against our community and paid the price.”

This was all because suddenly it became a social sin to criticize gays or point anything negative about them. Some said August was misinformed about how seriously and often blood tests are conducted on gay performers, but that’s besides the point: she just didn’t want to; she had autonomy, exercised her autonomy and paid with her life. Also, if some LGBT supporter brings to attention that the blood tests are more frequent and thorough within the gay community, then it should prove her point about being afraid to shoot in the first place.

As far as I can tell, August Ames was the first fatality due to the political correctness.

Feta and Mint Rice

Feta and Mint Rice
Feta and Mint Rice


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 small onion, chopped
  • 1 cup long grain rice
  • 1 (14 1/2 ounce) can chicken broth
  • 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
  • 3 tablespoons minced fresh mint
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper


  1. Heat oil in heavy medium saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and sauté until translucent, about 5 minutes.
  2. Add rice and stir for 1 minute.
  3. Add broth. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and cook until broth is absorbed, about 20 minutes.
  4. Fluff rice with fork.
  5. Add feta and mint and mix in with fork.
  6. Season with salt and pepper.

2 servings; can be double or tripled.

I’m gonna say it

Helen Beveridge’s Haluski Grange Stand Favorite

This one is a stand favorite. If you can’t wait a whole year, here is the Haluski scaled down.

Helen Beveridges Haluski Grange Stand Favorite
Helen Beveridges Haluski Grange Stand Favorite


  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) margarine
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 large head cabbage, chopped and steam until tender
  • 1 pound egg noodles, cooked al la dente
  • Salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste


  1. Using pot large enough to accommodate all the ingredients, melt the margarine and sauté the onion until tender.
  2. Add the cabbage and the noodles and stir to combine. Heat thoroughly.
  3. Season to taste.

Serves 10 to 12.

Final Comments: Once a year only. Customers love it because ” It’s such a comfort food”

30 Glitches in the Matrix Caught on Camera

Oh Man oh man! This is a must watch.

What is the hardest thing you have ever done?

In 1988, at the height of the AIDS crisis, my childhood friend became infected. He lived in a large Canadian city and I lived with my spouse 90 miles away, but commuted by train to his city for my job in an art department at an advertising agency. Because my friend had been rejected by his family for being gay, I offered to watch over him and monitor things as his life came to an end.

The far religious right wanted all gay men jailed until they died. Fortunately, religious folk weren’t taken too seriously in Canada.

My friend, who had always a bit eccentric, became extremely eccentric. I lived with him during the week and went home on weekends. As his condition became more unpredictable, I arranged with a local hospital to keep him on weekends so I could go home and sleep.

His short term memory left him. He became worried about my safety. Then he lost his ability to read. He began misunderstanding his medication instructions and displayed stroke symptoms, and skin ulcers due to mis-management of his drugs. There was a new crisis every day.

At work, the other employees quietly took on duties that were mine. My boss ignored my erratic hours. My spouse supported me as best he could. And then, two months before my friend’s death, Canada’s first AIDS Hospice, Casey House, opened. Everything was free and they had room for my friend. It was a quiet, comfortable death.

I lived with a straight man in one city and a gay man in another city and still did my job.

I did this for a whole year without any prior experience in palliative or nursing care. It was the most difficult thing I ever did, and the best thing I ever did.

I went for an entire year without a movie and without having any fun.

My spouse was still there at the end of it, and I felt that if I could do all that, I could manage anything that came my way.

No Mother Around, Little Kitten Got Bullied By Teenagers, He Can’t Resist And Just Cried…

What is the proudest moment of your life?

I belong to a middle class family where meeting the ends is somewhat tough. Most of the times, we are a bit short of ration and we eat outside very less(once in a month).

We are three siblings. My two elder sisters and me. Four years back, we married my eldest sister and spent 15 lakhs on her marriage. This year, we married my second elder sister and around 6–7 lakhs were spent.

In this way, we spent all my father’s savings + Gold belongings of mom in two marriages. On the other hand, I pursued my BTech from one of the best engineering college and my father spent 4 lakhs on my engineering also.

So, all in all, he spent 25 lakhs in total on his kids. Now we have no savings and parents got scared how we will make our ends meet in coming days.

I was in final year of engineering and I knew this phase would be coming. So I did my best to get placed. I was so much prepared and still I got rejected in last rounds of interviews. It was kind of a roller coaster ride. Firstly, I would not be able to clear aptitude test. Then in some companies, I stocked in interview. You will not believe my presentation skills are so fine that I can easily attract a room of people while presenting.

Then in one company, I cleared 5 rounds of interviews and was rejected in the sixth round. That day was the toughest day in my life. I am stubborn and never give up easily, so while coming back home, I managed to forget that day and prepare for further companies.

Then, one day 6 Feb 2018(After trying for 5 months to get placed) , a company visited which was nearest to my hometown and profile was very much suitable for me. Package was average but still I was giving more importance to profile. So I got through 5 rounds of interviews and cleared all rounds with flying colors. That was my day, because I had feeling since morning that I will make it today.

When I called at home, my mother started crying after hearing the news. My father always hides his emotions but I knew that day, he was also crying. So, my parents got a hope for future. Now, they know that our son will be earning from July and we will start saving for our future. I never hesitated to spend our entire earnings in my sisters marriages because I knew, I will easily do it myself.

That was the most happiest and proudest day of my life. No doubt, I have been a brilliant student always but getting a job with an international marketing profile when your family is at most toughest phase is proudest feeling.

Unhappy, unmarried women are the only reason why Democrats are competative

Is it worth it for a white person from the US living in China to learn Mandarin?

I have never understood Americans who go to a foreign country to live for an extended period of time who don’t attempt to learn the language. Or at the minimum, learn the basics. Despite America not having an “official” language (although English is the language in which most everything is done), I hear people here complain about “foreigners who come here and don’t learn English.” Yet the very ones who grumble about immigrants here are the same ones who give Americans the reputation of being rude, arrogant, and ignorant when traveling internationally.

Someone in China told me awhile back that they knew a teacher who had been there for thirty years who didn’t know the most basic Chinese words. I sighed and rolled my eyes because, while I’m not surprised, it certainly disappoints me.

It also just doesn’t make sense. I went to Southeast Asia for only a few weeks but I learned some basic phrases in Malay because it’s respectful to do so, but also, to make my life simpler. Sure, plenty there spoke English, but many did not and how was I to interact with them if I couldn’t even say things like “hello, thank you, where is, goodbye” and so forth? To live long term in a country and not learn their language sounds torturous to me. The local language will help you with directions, help you with shopping, help you with bartering, help you with public transit, help you find a bathroom in public, help you order food, make reservations, run errands, talk to neighbors, make friends, seek help from police, tell a doctor what your symptoms are, help communication at your place of employment, watch the news or television shows, read the newspaper, read street signs, and so much more.

How does one even live for months or years in a foreign country and not absorb some of the language naturally, anyway? I find that both astounding and confusing.

World War 3 Is Coming – Robert Kiyosaki’s Message To The World

Have you ever received the most needed help from someone you never expected?

Oh, yes! Several years ago, I had lost my house to foreclosure, and about six months later lost my car as well.

The company I worked for at the time had an abandoned, older, little pickup truck sitting in weeds at the back of their lot, broken down, so I asked my supervisor, “If I get that old Mazda pickup running, would it be OK if I drive it?”

He said it had sat there for over a year, unable to start, and left in the weeds to rust; “If you can get it running, you can drive it; make sure you have proper insurance.”

The fix was not difficult and it was running within a day or so. It was filthy and beginning to rust—but it was running and I could drive it for free!

Due to a divorce, a second child who needed support, and a maximum paycheck garnishment by the IRS, I had lost everything: home, car, and most of my (very modest) paycheck. I had no savings and no money to buy even a cheap used car.

My girlfriend had allowed me to move into her house (with her mother and daughter living there as well). Thank God. I had nowhere else to go, and the money to rent nothing.

After a month or two, my supervisor took me aside and told me that some of the other employees were beginning to complain that no one else in the company could take a vehicle home—not even the drivers! So I had a week to find something else to drive. Oh, crap.

So, at the end of that day, I got my paycheck from my desk and went to the bank.

My bank was closed for the day so I went to drop my paycheck into the night deposit box. As I pulled into the driveway of the bank, there was an unattended car sitting in the middle of the driveway and I drove around it. After I dropped off my paycheck, the car was still there but this time there was a woman standing outside it. I was too tired and depressed to stop to help, so I passed her and got on the highway to go home and continue my search for car money.

After I drove a few blocks from the bank, my conscience got the better of me and I turned around and went back to the bank I had just left. The woman was removing some packages from the trunk of her car. I parked the pickup truck and asked her if she needed help; she said she had just called a girlfriend of hers to come get her and she complained that she only needed that car to run for a few more days and it had broken down.

“Why only a few more days?” I asked.

She said that her elderly father had just passed away, out of state, and she was his only child and executor of his will.

“He has a nice Lincoln Town Car that I’m going to start driving and won’t need this one anymore. And now it dies on me!”

“What were you going to do with it?”

“I don’t know,” she replied. “Donate it, maybe. I paid it off years ago and got my money’s worth from it so I thought I’d donate it somewhere.”

“Well… I don’t have a car…”

She held the keys out: “Now you do!”

She asked for help to push the car back into a parking space so it didn’t block the driveway into the bank, then asked for my girlfriend’s address so she could stop by to bring me the title before she moved back to New York. Of course, with her being busy packing to move, I never expected to see her again.

When my girlfriend got home from work a few hours later that day, we drove her SUV back to the bank, hooked a chain up to the car, and towed it home. Now it was parked in the driveway at home. I cranked the engine over but it wouldn’t start, so I opened the hood. The problem? A small vacuum line had come off of its fitting. I put it back on and the car started fine. Time to fix? Five minutes.

Two days later, the kind woman showed up at my girlfriend’s house, car title in hand. I offered her a $100 bill for the car—all that I had—and she politely refused to take it.

To this day, many years later, I have no doubt in my mind that God Himself arranged for us to cross paths so that I could get what I needed but couldn’t afford. I still give thanks to this day for that mercy.

China’s Shocking Message To Argentina! Is The World Ready?

What are some street smart tips that could potentially help me one day?

  1. Always carry a few coins in your pocket….

If someone confronts you with a knife you pull the coins subtly from your pocket and drop them on the floor. The attacker will always look down to the floor upon hearing the coins drop and this will buy you a second or two to turn and run. This can also be used if someone is intent on fighting you and you know you need to land the first blow, it’s a distraction technique.

2. Never use an ATM while wearing headphones and if wearing a coat/hoodie, never have the hood up, both will affect your awareness and makes you more likely to be robbed.

3. When entering any room, work out where every available exit and hiding place is. In the event of an emergency you will react a hell of a lot quicker if you have planned scenarios in your head, it will make you far less likely to freeze up. This was something explained to me by an ex-special forces guy I was chatting to at a conference (he was head of security). He was sat at the same table as me, one of those big round ones with 10–12 people on each. I noticed his eyes were never still and he was always glancing at each door, window etc, basically any entrance to that room. I got chatting to him after the conference and asked him about what I had observed. He said “imagine you are at a public event and an armed terrorist storms into the room and starts shooting, most people are going to freeze for the first couple of seconds and that can cost you your life, plan for it to happen and although incredibly unlikely it ever will, you’ll react instantly and it could save your life”

This is the way life works.

What are the potential consequences of a prolonged US-China trade war? Is there a possibility of a financial winner once the conflict is resolved?

I like to think of it this way.

When the Chinese leader says, go this way, it will improve lives and bring social progress, the people respond enthusiastically, because there is material benefit that they or their children will live and enjoy.

When the American leader says, go this way, to maintain American hegemony and prestige, it’s a mixed bag, because only SOME will draw material benefit from the machinations.

Unfortunately, those who benefit have a stranglehold on decisionmaking.

The Chinese economy as we find it today is a product of over 7 decades of unequal, and discriminatory suppression. In fact, China was embargoed for 30 years by the US-led west, while the Soviet Union instituted soft sanctions from the 60s until its dissolution.

The Chinese know how to handle economic suppression, because they have taken many lessons from decades past. In fact, Deng’s post-reform and opening up economy is designed around sanction-proofing. We are now seeing evidence of the multi-layer systemic robustness built into the Chinese economy, from finance, to manufacturing.

I won’t worry about China, other than the train being a few seconds late to destination. That’s the aggregate effect of the US’s half hearted attempt at trade war.

Why half-hearted?

National security threats are confronted head-on, an all-of-nation effort because survival is at stake. Donald the Orange’s trade “war” is more political shock and awe than a real trade war, because his administration LOWERED tariffs on Chinese medical products during covid. The was maintained by Joe the Elderly.

The US NEEDS China, and that calculus hasn’t been fully absorbed by the American leadership, resulting in half-baked, and sometimes, hare-brained policies and words that have been repeatedly walked back on, or exposed as failures and fraud.

American prosperity is maintained by the US per capita GDP being 10x or more than the global south. What happens in a world where that multiple shrinks, such that the unnatural size of the US economy begins to correct into a more equitable world? What happens when the global south can develop their own economies by trading among themselves, without the first world’s financing and technology?

In other words, what will inflation look like in a non-dollar holding sway world?

That day is coming, accelerated by the exhausting (and futile) efforts to contain China’s rise.

Chinese officials say more than 30 million cars will be sold in China in 2023. Is this a new record in the history of the human automobile industry? Why are their economies still booming?

What’s actually booming is not China’s economy, but manufacturing.

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Once upon a time, Chinese had to pay 300K+50K of RMB for a top model VW Tiguan. That’s about 50K USD.

The 50K is additional price, for guarrantee to get one in 3 months. Otherwise, you could expect to have one in… 100 years.

Now with 350K RMB,

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one of my friends got a Nio ONE, and it’s bigger than Range Rover, with all the equipment you want. Tiguan on the other hand is just a compact or A-class SUV, which is based on Golf.

My father got a Changan Deepal SL03 with 20K USD.

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It’s 4820mm×1890mm×1480mm, a proper VW B-class sedan.

Even the most standard Passat Hybrid in China costs 29K USD.

SL03 has EV range of 165KM, comparing to Passat’s 52.

SL03’s tire is 245/45R19, Passat is 215/55R17.

SL03 has Lane Departure Warning System as default, which for Passat is a selection.

SL03 has driver fatigue detection system, which Passsat doesn’t.

SL03 also has door opening warning, rare collision warning, internal driving recorder, and rescue calling system.

SL03 has a 360 degree camera system while Passat has only rare view camera.

The L2 assistant driving system is default in SL03, but an option for Passat.

SL03’s trunk cover is electric.

SL03 has bluetooth and NFC key, and support keyless entree for all 4 doors. Passat has only a remote key, and only the front doors can be opened keylessly.

SL03’s main screen is 14.6 inches, Passat’s is 9.2 inches.

SL03‘s shift is electric, Passat’s is mechanic.

SL03 has AR-HUD and wireless cellphone charging, which Passat doesn’t.

The only thing which 29K Passat doing better than 20K SL03 is probably the seats. Passat has geniuen leather, while SL03 is man-made. However, SL03’s front seats have cooling and heating, while Passat can only heat front seat.

With less money, Chinese are now able to get much much more from local brands.

We may not earn much more, but the cars are much cheaper now, and they are better.

Because of the overwhelming pressure, international brands also put down their prides and started to offer more equipment with lower prices in China.

And Chinese cars start to have advantages:

When other brands are still trying to make their auto-parking system more usable in real situations, Huawei already has cars which can park themselves without people staying around.

And they can pick you up at where you left the car when you finished your business.

This auto-parking system not only works in smart parking lots, but can also manually scan regular parking lots and achieve almost the same function.

This Huawei Luxeed S7 is only 35K USD.

Also, Huawei’s auto-driving system is almost road ready. It doesn’t only work good on highways, but also very good in chaotic downtown areas.

This is because China managed to dramatically lowered the price of laser radar, which used to cost 10K USD each when it was made in the US. Now in China, one car may have 3 or 5 of them and still is cheaper than its European competitiors.

A VW ID3 costs less than 20K USD in China. In Europe, it’s 40K EURO, which is around 44K USD. So is the BYD Seal, which the Chinese price is about half of European price.

It’s the same in other regions.

Active electronically scanned array, which is the core of US Navy’s Aegis Combat System.

Most countries don’t even have the ability to develop a AESA.

Meanwhile in China, it’s widely used in agriculture.

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DJI T40, an agricultural drone with AESA and dual eye-sight system.

Infiwave/InfiRay S5000 surveilliance radar. It’s able to monitor man or animals in 10KM radius, and vehicles in 12KM radius. The whole system is only 15KG, plug and play, and support one bottom start. Even a total amature could use it.

In China it says this to be used to monitor boars, to prevent them from damaging the crops.

The massive manufacturing of China also benefits people in a daily basis.

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image 26

25 of such windproof disposable lighter costs 24.98 RMB in Taobao, which is 0.14 USD each.

Whole selling could be cheaper.

How much does such a lighter cost in your country?

WHY MEN NEED SEX ? (why should sex be non-negotiable)

What was the cruelest rumor you’ve heard about another kid when you were in school?

There was that girl that had been lonely all her life. People, especially in school, disliked her because she was “strange”, “a nerd”, “too quiet” and just “different”.

One day she decided to talk to her teachers during the breaks instead of trying to fit in where she didn’t. She always acted older than her age and her teachers liked her, so they usually didn’t send her away, but had a friendly chat with her ever so often instead.

By tenth grade, she had almost developed some kind of friendship to a few of her teachers. When she got the “strictest teacher of the school” as her major course teacher in grade eleven, it took her mere weeks to find out that he actually wasn’t so strict at all.

They talked for at least half an hour after the lessons. About science, about our society, the people in school and whatever came to mind. Those two thought quite alike, despite an age difference of 34 years, and the girl now almost a woman could for the first time in years really live her passion for learning. Her teacher was highly intelligent and very knowledgeable, having not only written a dissertation in the past and worked in research for years but also being interested in a broad spectrum of topics.

Well, doesn’t sound so bad, now does it? So what happened?

Well, because teenagers are teenagers, it took about half a year for people to start whispering about the girl and her teacher. It started off lightly, she was still strange and why would she even talk to him?

But a few months after that, some people thought it to be funny to make up a non-existent romantic relationship between teacher and student. Despite that girl having been very close to other teachers before, but now that it was a male teacher, it suddenly was completely different. Because people of opposite gender can’t just see each other as friends, right? They just have to be in love to even think about talking to each other.

A less than funny “joke” became something way bigger. After two weeks, all of the 1600 students knew about this. And most didn’t know that it was a joke. People were laughing and pointing at her, throwing insults at the girl for something that never happened.

Finally, after about three months of dealing with it alone, she had the heart to tell her teacher. They decided to never talk to each other outside of class again, to prevent the teacher from getting problems with the school. While it was just a rumour, that didn’t mean that it wouldn’t lead to problems.

Both of them lost a friend on the day they made this decision. And the student lost a person she saw as a second father – her father barely ever was at home and her teacher had been one of three people (the other ones being her best friend and a female teacher she knew since fifth grade) she ever fully trusted. It might not have been cruel at the first glance, but it hurt her in more ways than the others students could’ve ever imagined.

That girl was me.

If Walter White had a Cat

This is amazing! Enjoy the laugh for all you “Breaking Bad” and cat fans out there.

What is your opinion about Chinese missiles filled with water for fuel claimed by American intelligence as the reason for purging top Chinese officials? Is it true?

Credit to Bora Tas for digging this out. US intelligence is now all propaganda and non-experts.

The Chinese idiom for taking kickback type of fraud is “injecting water”. The idiots in the US intel thought this was literally injecting water. They had no idea that Chinese ICBMs use solid fuel rockets. So there is nothing to inject water into. (Edit: I was born in Taiwan. According to Liner AI, “The Chinese idiom “注水” translates to “fraud” or “to adulterate with water,” often used to describe the act of diluting or adulterating something for fraudulent gain.”

US intelligence should have realized that something was wrong with the translation instead those morons gave it to MSM as news. You have to ask yourself, how can the entire intelligence department on China makes this mistake. And no one realized that Chinese missiles use solid fuel.

And now the Chinese are laughing themselves to death because the US is just a joke. Even the intelligence is clueless. They are too cheap to hire people that actually speak Chinese and understand Chinese culture.

周深 Charlie Zhou Shen《Unstoppable》

What is a split-second decision you made that changed your life?

I owe the rest of my life to one last moment decision I made.

To better explain the gravity of my decision, I must firstly give you some information on my background.

You see, when I was younger I went to one of the worst schools the world has to offer. We didn’t have proper English education, we lacked the access to the Internet, the school couldn’t afford to buy desks and some classes didn’t even have windows. Welcome to Turkish public education.

Before you get the wrong idea, I must admit something. I didn’t go there because we couldn’t afford to send me somewhere better. I wanted to go there because my family taught me the idea that being used to living on the bare minimum would always best prepare me for life. I trusted them.

I spent eight years there, always working hard, and always doing my best.

In Turkey, students sit one centralized exam at the end of 8th grade, which determines the high school they can go to. Because the student population of the country is incredibly high, this exam is bone breakingly competitive. A single question wrong is the equivalent a death sentence. As a result, candidates woke up early to study, and fall asleep at night, again studying. There is no room for complacency.

Up until and during 8th grade, everything seemed to be going perfectly well. I was almost guaranteed to get 100% from the exam, against all odds.

Weeks before the exam, something catastrophic happened.

My father, who is a well known intellectual in Turkey, was arrested by the Islamic government on charges of criticizing the religion. This devastated me.

For weeks, I couldn’t study. Hell, I couldn’t even go to school. Being in a school like mine in a country like Turkey has a serious downside, you see. People are horrible. The day after my father was arrested, everyone, including the teachers and the principal directly said to me that my dad deserved what was coming for him. To them, questioning Islam was a sin. I was entirely torn, lost and disoriented.

Consequently, when the day of the exam came, I messed up. I totally messed up. I did my best but all I gained was a top 5% mark. And believe me, I am not being a nerdy attention seeker. The educational gap in Turkey is massive. You either go to a world class high school with top professors and tutors, or to a building full of illiterate and religiously biased classmates and teachers. Unfortunately, 5% would get me into the latter. I was done.

Later, the idea that I could go abroad appeared to me. And so I looked up tens of different schools in tens of different countries, and I applied to around 50 of them. The problem was, I didn’t speak English and it was already May. I had missed all deadlines by months. Only five responded at all, and I was turned down by all of them.

One last time, I went online to find a school. I came across a school called Stewart’s Melville College. I was completely shocked by the school. It looked like it came straight out of Harry Potter, and it was in Scotland. Well, I didn’t speak English, and my former education had been taught in a hellhole, so I realized I stood no chance at entering this school.

However, I thought I would send an application anyway. I filled my name and my details, and right as I was pressing “send”, I realized that there was a £60 application fee. I would never pay that for such a long shot. I could buy 60 Snickers bars for that! And so I exclaimed, “oh, nevermind mom, there is an application fee” and I closed the website.

However, my mom didn’t agree. She told me to do it. I said no. She wouldn’t change her mind.

And so I placed my application.

Surprisingly, they replied.

They would send over the entry exam to a local school in Turkey where I would sit it under supervision.

When news of this came, I spent every moment of the four days I had into learning a bit of English. I worked day and I worked night.

When the day came, I took the exam. The English half was impossibly difficult. However I absolutely aced the maths and the verbal reasoning.

A few days later, I received the long awaited e-mail. This was it. It was my last hope. It was either this or a life wasted.

I opened the e-mail.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I had been accepted.

I guess the people working for Stewart’s Melville saw that I was willing to give everything I had for the opportunity of studying with them, and this was enough.

I thank them every day for this. I went from studying in a Third World public school into studying in the most beautiful place in the world. Without exaggeration, these people saved my life. For the first time in life, I am truly happy.

Fast forward four years and unfortunately, my father is still in prison, but I have been saved. Life gave me a golden opportunity, and I will never let go of it.

Because in the last four years, I have been given a real challenge. A real goal to strive for. In the last four years I have been taught to be independent. I have learned how to speak English, and finally I’m in a place where we are given real education.

So yes, my life was changed at the last moment for the price of 60 Snickers bars. Knowing what I know, I would have given a hundred times that.

I study in one of the best high schools in the world, and I am incredibly proud of it.

Sorry for the long post, but this is the story of my life.

This is what is happening all over the USA…

What are some ridiculous psychological facts about human beings?

Here are some short and somewhat ridiculous psychological facts about humans:

1. The average person spends approximately six months of their life waiting for red traffic lights to turn green.

2. Studies show that people are more likely to believe something is true if it’s written in bold font.

3. The fear of running out of phone battery is so common that it has been given the name “nomophobia.”

4. Research suggests that people are more likely to remember information if it is presented in the form of a catchy song or jingle.

5. The phenomenon known as “earworms” refers to when a song gets stuck in your head and plays on repeat, sometimes for hours on end.

6. Studies have found that people are more likely to trust someone wearing glasses, even if they have no expertise in a particular field.

7. The average person will spend about six months of their life searching for misplaced items, such as keys or glasses.

8. Research has shown that people are more likely to remember dreams that are in color compared to those that are in black and white.

9. According to studies, people are more likely to make impulsive purchases when they are hungry.

10. Research indicates that people are more likely to find others attractive if they are in a high-arousal state, such as on a roller coaster or during a scary movie.

Would a person ever transfer offices because of feelings for a coworker?

I’ve seen this happen before.

My final job was at a company called Power Design. Our office had the nickname, Power Divorce, because so many office romances would pop up between coworkers. They primarily hired young and attractive people. And when you are working in close proximity all the time, staying late at the office—it’s deceptively easy for feelings to develop.

And all it takes is one simple question, “Want to get a drink after work?”

Then you are both going to a hotel that night, or to someone else’s home while the spouse is gone.

I’ve heard of several instances of employees being moved because of a crisis at their home, and an ultimatum given that meant either this high performing employee left the company, or moved to a different location—away from the person they’d fooled around with.

Who needs fiction when real life is just as interesting.

Bohemian Chicken Paprikash with Spaetzle



  • 3 pounds chicken with skin, cut in pieces
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 4 teaspoons Hungarian paprika, divided
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 cups water + 3/4 cup
  • 1 (16 ounce) container sour cream (2 cups)
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • Spaetzle or other dumplings


  1. Sprinkle chicken on all sides with salt and paprika. Melt butter in a large Dutch oven. Add chicken. Sauté until golden. Turn chicken, add onion, and sprinkle with 2 teaspoons paprika. Simmer, covered, for 20 minutes.
  2. Add 2 cups water and cook slowly covered until tender. Remove chicken; keep warm. Whisk together sour cream, 3/4 cup water and flour until smooth. Gradually add sour cream mixture to broth. Stir over low heat until sauce is thickened. Add paprika as desired. Return chicken.
  3. Keep on low heat, uncovered until serving time.

Makes 8 servings.

What have you learned from your life till now?

  1. Everybody has a chapter they don’t read aloud.
  2. The fish is killed by its open mouth.
  3. Problems end up in the the hospital, prison or the morgue. Everything else is just an inconvenience.
  4. If you don’t heal what hurt you, you will bleed on people who didn’t cut you.
  5. Let go or be dragged.
  6. Let go of what doesn’t serve you to make space for what does.
  7. The road of life if paved with flat squirrels that couldn’t make a decision.
  8. Every dollar you spend is a vote for the kind of world you want to live in.
  9. You cannot have a rational argument with an irrational person.
  10. If you live off people’s compliments, you’ll die from their criticism.
  11. Normal is just a setting on the washing machine.
  12. Worrying is a waste of your imagination.
  13. You don’t notice your progress in life because you are always raising the bar.

These Eerie and Scary Glitches Will Creep You Out

Every day when I leave, my boss says, “Leaving already?” Today I replied, “I did my 8 hours” and he says “Well, you are salaried”. I do my work, don’t use my computer for anything other than work, and also work from home. What’s his deal?

I had a clock watcher boss one time. I routinely came in early and usually stayed late. I worked weekends when necessary, and usually racked up 50–60 hours per week. One day I came in early as usual. I finished a project I had been working on, and it was about 4:45 pm. Quitting time was 5:00 pm. I decided to leave a few minutes early for a change. I was walking past my boss’ office when she looked at me and made a snide remark about “bankers’ hours”. I walked into her office and politely asked her if she wanted me to adhere strictly to the regular times. I told her I would do so in future. Two weeks later, she called me into her office and asked why something was not finished yet, and when would she have it. I politely told her that since I was no longer working 50 hour weeks, she would have to wait a little longer for things to be done. After that, we agreed that I could keep my own hours.

Have you ever told a ridiculous lie just to see how someone would react?

My ex-husband liked to do this and was pretty good at it. I would often ruin it though as I couldn’t keep a straight face. We were in Walmart one time near the back of the store, he in one aisle and I was in the next one over. I overheard him telling a sales associate that he’d seen a cat run by and that she’d better notify management right away. I heard her thank him and then saw her hurry off to the front of the store. A few minutes later, we were in the hunting and fishing aisle and an associate rushed up and grabbed a large fishing net. My ex asked him what he was going to do with it and he said, “there’s a cat loose in the store, and I’m planning to catch it!” As he turned to walk away, he yelled, “look, there it goes!” and took off running. We looked at each other bemused and then burst out laughing. Once we had everything we needed, we headed to the checkout. While the cashier was ringing up our stuff, she said, “did you hear that there is a cat loose in the store?” My ex told her that he’d seen it earlier and she excitedly shared that she’d seen it as well while on her break and that this was the most fun she’d ever had while at work.


Fenikia Greek sweet cookies
Fenikia Greek sweet cookies



  • 1 cup peanut oil
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 jigger brandy
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 3 cups flour
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon ground cloves
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • Dash cinnamon
  • Dash ground cloves
  • Chopped walnuts for garnish


  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 pound honey
  • 1 lemon, sliced or 1 orange, sliced


  1. Cookies: Heat oil and butter over low heat until butter is melted and mixture is hot. Remove from heat and stir in water and brandy. Cool.
  2. Stir in beaten eggs.
  3. Sift together flour and baking powder with the tablespoon each of cinnamon and cloves. Add to liquid mixture to make a dough that is not too soft. Add a little more flour if necessary. With floured hands shape dough into ovals and indent lengthwise with thumbs.
  4. Combine chopped walnuts with sugar and dash each cinnamon and cloves. Put 1 teaspoon of this filling into the indentation in the dough and close dough over filling. Place on cookie sheets and bake in a 400 degree F oven for about 25 minutes or until golden brown. Cool.
  5. Dip cooled cookies into hot syrup and place on racks to drain. Decorate with chopped walnuts.
  6. Syrup: Combine above ingredients and boil for 5 minutes.

Makes about 6 dozen small cookies.

What is the weirdest thing you have experienced in 2023?

I am 70 and a retired.former Apple engineer who now lives in Texas. I was visiting my son and his family in the LA-area in southern California over Christmas break in December 2023. Having finished that I was at the airport security line getting ready to fly with my wife to the San Francisco Bay Area to visit my daughter’s family. I didn’t feel all that well, but thought I just had a minor cold. The next thing I knew I was in the back of an ambulance with my wife sitting next to me on my way to St. John’s hospital in Santa Monica. One minute I was in a line the next I was in the ambulance. (That was really weird!)

They soon diagnosed me with a relatively serious case of the COVID virus. I was promptly put into an isolation room at the hospital and was visited by doctors and nurses occasionally in lightweight hazmat gear to check up on me. Two days later the doctor told me that he was going to release me to self-isolate. He told me that if I hadn’t had my vaccines and boosters up to date that probably wouldn’t be happening. It seems my body had a strong enough immune system due to the vaccines to allow me to recover relatively quickly. I would be a dead man without them.

I spent up until January 3, 2024 in my son’s back bedroom by myself until I no longer tested positive for the virus. And, then I flew back home with my wife on a long flight first to Seattle, WA and then to Austin, TX. That was the best we could do on short notice. I never did get see my daughter, her husband and the other two of my five grandchildren. And, then, of course, my wife caught COVID too. She, however, just got a slight fever, headache, and a cough and is now clear of the virus. She too was fully vaccinated.

Isn’t it weird how this damn virus can practically kill one person even if they are relatively healthy and leave another person with just minor symptoms. That, in itself, is the weirdest thing of all.

The year 2023 ended badly for me. Good riddance! I hope you all fared better than I did.

Top 10 Real Life Glitches In The Matrix | MARATHON

Poor poor Marko

When I was in High School, I had many friends.

These friends formed “circles”, close groups, sport groups, nerd groups, drinking buddies, and so on and so forth.

One of the extended groups of friends were part of one of my constantly changing “drinking friend group”. And within that group was a fairly nice kid, a guy that we shared a brew and two at various keggers. I will call him “Marko” (not his real name.)

He lived on a farm; an isolated small home off the tail end of a dirt road.

He was ok. Really.

But his mother… Oh Lordy!

There was something really wrong with her. Not all together there, and man was she odd, and she really tended to behave strangely. Really strangely. Over the years, all of us, decided to avoid her, and actually all of us felt really sad for our friend Marko.

Now, with this as the background, I will now relate the last moment when I saw Marko’s mother…

It was 3am on a Wednesday in late Summer; say July or early August. We (myself and my buddy Robbie) were riding in his International Scout (a 1970s era vehicle) on the dirt gravel road though the cornfields in the hills of Western Pennsylvania. We were riding, drinking beer, and smoking… And the headlights on the truck illuminated the gravel in front of us.

As we went up a hill, the road turned to the left and as we turned that curve, we saw Marko’s mother. She was standing there, at the edge of the cornfield, at the side of the road. Wearing a old stained white nightgown, and standing there. Her expression looked like something out of a horror movie. I’ll tell you what.

We didn’t stop.

We kept on driving.

The corn blended into the dark background.

Then Robbie let out a sigh.

“Poor. Poor Marko” he said. And we turned up the 8-track player and listened to The Rolling Stones play “Gimmie Shelter”.

As we continued to drive though the dark night in the cornfields.

Poor, poor Marko.

Poor, poor Marko…

Gimme Shelter (Remastered 2019)

Well-experienced people sayings that you should never do these things

  1. Never compare your sex life with porn videos. Because porn videos are totally fake.
  2. Never be sad for losing someone. No one lasts for long period of time. Even, you are gonna lose your beauty, money and health with age.
  3. Never underestimate failure.Only a failure gives you the proper perspective of success.
  4. Never “Trust” easily on anyone. Because trust is the most expensive thing and so don’t trust blindly. Even, your friends get jealous when they see your progress.
  5. Never share your password of social media accounts, email, Internet Banking, and ATM pin\CVV number with anyone. Never!
  6. Never get involved in sexual activities till you are not serious in your relationship.
  7. Never believe on that girl\boy who have lots of relationship in their past. They can easily manipulated you by crying their bad past.( Exception is everywhere)
  8. Never try to hurt your parents. They have lots of expectations from you.
  9. In any situation, Never think about ending your life. Even plants regrow leaves after one leaf shed.


Polish Salad with Pickled Eggs
(Salatka z Piklowanymi Jajkami)

Salatka z Piklowanymi Jajkami
Salatka z Piklowanymi Jajkami


Pickled Eggs

  • 3 cups beet juice (cooking water from beets)
  • 1 cup red wine vinegar
  • 8 whole black peppercorns
  • 4 whole allspice
  • 4 whole cloves
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 6 hardboiled eggs, peeled


  • 1 bunch leaf lettuce, torn into bite-size pieces
  • 1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced and separated into rings
  • 1/4 cup olive or vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Dash of pepper


Pickled Eggs

  1. Heat beet juice, vinegar, peppercorns, allspice, cloves and bay leaf to boiling; pour over eggs.
  2. Cover and refrigerate at least 24 hours.


  1. Toss lettuce and onion. Divide among 6 salad plates.
  2. Cut eggs into slices or fourths. Arrange 1 egg on top of each salad.
  3. Shake remaining ingredients in tightly covered container; drizzle over salads.

What is a weapon that was used in the Vietnam War that most people are not aware of?

The QSPR ‘Tunnel Weapon’. When US forces had to crawl into tunnels to chase the enemy it was a very intense experience. A GI often went down there with just a 1911 .45 and a flashlight, and once his buddies dropped him down there he was pretty much on his own. As you can imagine, firing a .45 in a space the size of a closet does your hearing no favors and also alerts other bad guys down there to your presence. The militay, in conjunction with AAC, came up with the ‘Tunnel Weapon’ a specially modified S&W .44 Magnum for the ‘tunnel rats’ to use.

image 8
image 8

It had a short barrel and a smooth bore like a shotgun. The gun used a special ‘captive piston’ ammunition that was almost perfectly silent. When fired, the propellant pushed a piston in the case forward, launching buckshot made from a special alloy. When the piston reached the end of the case, it was caught and did not leave the case. As a result, all the propellant gas was captured in the case … so no noise signature. The pellets, driven forward by the force of the piston, continued down the bore and out the muzzle. The result was a totally silent and flash-less weapon that could be used in a confined space like a tunnel. They never were distributed in any meaningful amount and only a few went into practical field trials. The guns almost never turn up but some of the special ammo shows up once in a while.

What is the biggest tip that you have ever received as an employee?

There are bucks and there are bucks.

Hot afternoon, sitting at my dinner place doing books and covering the phone. Don’t open for dinner until six…it’s three. Happy to be alone. The front door is unlocked because we are out in the country and it doesn’t need to be.

Girl in her twenties pushing her bike in the door, walks by the “closed…open for dinner at 6” sign, and, before I can say, “Sorry miss, we’re closed,” asks me for a coke. Ok, this is a custom walnut bar, 150 label wine list, crystal glassware, fresh flowers, dress code…you know, and she needs a coke in a paper cup with a straw.

I bite my tongue as she leans her bike against the wall next to the front door. “Uh, I don’t have a to go cup, but, have a seat…how’s your day going?” I poured her a coke on ice and she told me she had guessed wrong on her bike trip, trying to pedal up the mountain had wiped her out. She was a college kid and did not have the money to eat at this place, but I had her look over the menu and grab a brochure. I didn’t charge her the ridiculous price for the coke. And away she went.

Four years later, it had been a really busy shift, customers all over the place. I acknowledged one of our regulars as he left with a party of six and thanked him for his business. He replied, “You know we always love to come here, it’s been what? Four years now? Birthdays, holidays, homecomings, my daughter’s rehearsal dinner…” He gestured to a young woman. “Honey? Come over and say hi to the boss.” You have already guessed who the “young lady” was. She had bicycled home that day four years ago and told her family about our place. I can’t estimate what her family had spent there over those years helping keep us in business.

SIMPING on Chicks

Why do some people act less intelligent than they really are?

To survive alive.

Remember the communication range, huh? The thing is that the larger gap of intelligence between two people, the greater likelihood the reaction of the lesser endowed is outright hostile.

Acting stupid and dumbing down is a survival mechanism. To howl with the wolves (or rather bleating with the sheep). Humans are social animals and we all want to fit in. Therefore acting stupid is a way to a) pretend you fit in and b) not to evoke a hostile reaction among the lesser endowed.

The thing is that it is a) incredibly consuming and b) never foolproof. But I wouldn’t be alive today if I couldn’t act stupid when needed.

What is the most valuable thing you’ve “rescued” that somebody else threw away?

When I was a teenager, my mom took me on a trip to visit the tobacco plantation where her mother had grown up. The land had been in the family since the 1700s. It was really cool seeing antiques that had been in the family for generations. There was even an old muzzle-loader that had been used to fight in the Revolutionary War. It was so heavy that I had to rest my elbow on my hip. I couldn’t even lift it like you would an ordinary (modern) rifle.

While we were there, a cousin told us we could take whatever we wanted from stuff she’d stuck in an old shed that had been used originally for drying tobacco. My mom filled a large paper grocery sack with papers, documents, letters, and antique books.

Later, while driving home, I began going through the contents of the bag while my mom drove. There were letters from the early 1900s and throughout the 1800s, some sad; some hilarious. There were wills and other business documents. Kind of boring to me at the time. Two-thirds of the way down, there was a strange piece of “paper” folded into fourths. It was obviously very old and bulky.

I carefully unfolded it to discover . . . the original land grant from King George III bestowing on my ancestors 600 acres in the colony of North Carolina. It was a piece of parchment with such tiny, perfect calligraphy spelling out the description of the land, etc. It was a legal document. Just as astonishing was that it still had King George’s seal attached! The seal was round and about the size of a coaster you stick under a mug to protect wood. It was maybe an inch thick and very hard. That was the coolest thing I ever helped to “rescue.” 🙂

Don’t be too needy

Why is it considered polite to ask “how are you?” without actually caring about the response? Why don’t people just say “hi” instead?

Often people say hi, or hey, or they give a little wave or salute, or they nod or smile in passing. All these rituals of greeting communicate: I know you, you’re within my greeting circle.

But some people and some friendships require an actual conversation. If it’s a really good friend whom you haven’t seen in years, there’s a lot to catch up on. “It’s been so long, how ya doin’?” You talk about substantive things. “Betty’s been declared cancer-free for the past five years, but that was a bad scare.” “I wish I’d known what you were going through, while all I ever worried about was getting through tax season.” That’s a real conversation.

But there’s a space between, where the person once meant something to you. Or you moved in the same circles and you don’t remember them all that well. That’s when empty conversation tides you over till you get your bearings in the conversation. “Hi, how are you?” “What do you want to pretend is interesting, my sciatica, my year of unemployment, or Tina’s and my separation?” “Wow, that’s rough! So much time has gone by.” “I can see you’re struggling to remember —” “No, not at all —” “I introduced you to my roommate’s sister at that boating weekend on the lake and after that you two were so into each other that I don’t think you came up for air for six months.” “I can’t believe I forgot that connection. It’s like I’m your roommate-in-law.”

So those empty how-are-yous serve a purpose, to string the conversation along until you find your footing — or realize there’s no way to remake the old connection — or there never was a connection. Empty forms evolve because we NEED them, so don’t waste time disparaging those social forms. They can delay or avoid a lot of social awkwardness.

You will starve

Can a war between the U.S and China be kept conventional? Or will a war with China be the end of our existences via nuke?

The war between the United States and China began in 2008. At the time of this writing, it is 2024. So the war has been on-going for 16 years. During this period of time it has been characterized by the following realities…

  • Not reported in the Western “news” media.
  • Characterized by offensive actions by the United States (either direct or by proxy).
  • Characterized by defensive actions by China.
  • Characterized by unconventional warfare at every level.

This idea that “someday” a conventional war will manifest between China and the United States is a false narrative. This narrative was concocted in 2017 under the direction of both Mike Pompeo and John Bolton in the Trump Administration. Anyone who believes this narrative is foolish.

We know today, in 2024, that both the Pentagon and RAND have repeatedly announced though various channels that the United States is unable to win a conventional war against China. This is true whether it uses proxy nations or not.

Leaving only the nuclear weapon option.

China has long prepared for a first-strike nuclear attack by the United States. China fully expects the reality of this situation.

Thus, China has been manufacturing, preparing, and training to absolutely eviscerate the cities of the United States, and the participant proxy nations, that dare attack it.

Were a “HOT” shooting war to erupt between the United States and China… it will eventually turn nuclear.

What we know about this situation is frightening

  • The United States neocons believe that a war is inevitable with China, and that the United States will “win” it, because it is “exceptional”.
  • The United States fields 3rd generation nuclear systems, and rely on advanced pin-point accuracy for “surgical” destructive objectives.
  • The United States does not have any ABM defense against the Chinese and Russian current technology.

Meanwhile, in China…

  • China has active fielded 6th through 8th generation nuclear systems, in great quantities, with modern cutting-edge delivery systems and avionics.
  • China military doctrine is to saturate the target area broadly with multiple cascades of weapons. They believe that if a target in located in a city, that you destroy the entire region surrounding that city over, and over, and over until no life remains.
  • China also has a massive ABM system purposely designed to intercept American and Western missiles and destroy them long before they arrive at their targets.

The Chinese policy is soundly defensive.

The American (neocon) policy is resoundingly offensive.

Were a HOT war to erupt between the two nations… the citizens will not be aware of it. As the “news” media will not report on it. Any war prep in the West will be reported as “aggression by China”.

And in a blink of an eye, the cities of the West will be erased one by one.

That’s sad

Have you, while repairing a computer, ever found anything that made your jaw drop?

True story from my days of working in industrial controls.

A co-worker + I visited a refrigerated warehouse to take a look at a controls PC that had stopped spitting out readings on a printer every so often as it should have. Based on the old principle of “if it doesn’t work. turn it on; if it still doesn’t work, plug it in,” I checked the printer’s connection the PC and, lo and behold, it had fallen off.

I plugged it in and told my co-worker “OK, we’re done.”

“We can’t just do that and leave,” he responded.

So, I decided to clean out the PC just on general principles. I should note that this was in the mid ’90s, and smoking was allowed in this office. Lots of smoking. Without especially good ventilation. Right next to the PC.

So, I took the PC to the loading dock and opened it, figuring I’d “breathe life into it” by simply blowing the dust out of it. But that wasn’t going to do the trick. Nor would the typical can of compressed air. A trowel would’ve done the trick, though.

Needless to say, I did clean out the PC using whatever tools I had handy. When I returned it to the office, I suggested that they either stop smoking around it – as if that was likely, improve ventilation, or at least get some smokeless ashtrays, or else they’d be paying a lot more for new control PCs.

Of course, my employer would gladly have sold said new PCs to this customer, since damage from smoking was not covered by the warranty.

Have you ever seen an employer fire someone without realizing what a crucial role the employee played?

Quite a few times, this played out in front of me and for different reasons.

I was the HR coordinator assigned to a branch of a company and had to be present during all disciplinary or fact-finding meetings between management and employees to make sure that management didn’t do anything stupid and bear witness to anything actionable said by the employee during those meetings.

In one case, I worked with a manager with no real gift for social grace. He was intimidated by conflicts and hated the fact that none of the “damn kids” working for him gave him the respect he felt he deserved from his position. When he held these investigatory meetings with employees over minor infractions like tardiness or excessive call-offs (minor infractions), he would escalate the situation by leading with the attitude of “why shouldn’t I just fire you?” which was all but stated in his long, rambling opening remarks.

One guy who was transferred over from another facility was a GIFT engineered by regional management to make up for the loss of two machine workers who walked off because of poor working conditions. Without them, we would have lost more than a week’s production based on their unique maintenance knowledge and ability. The employee sitting in the hot seat was brought in at a decent wage to compensate for asking him to commute an hour each way to work. Our manager did not take this into account when listing all FOUR late punches collected in the employee’s first month as he worked out the parking and other transportation issues related to his new job.

The problem was that the boss was intimidated by the young man’s ability to do the work of two people and fix problems that even HE couldn’t. I think the boss just wanted to assert power or compensate for this feeling of inadequacy, but the replacement employee was having none of it.

“I volunteered to help you out. I’m doing my best to get in and get to work. I stay a little late each day, too.”
“If you’re doing your best and can’t get to work on time, you’re not doing good enough.”

I saw from the employee’s expression that he knew the kind of poor manager he was dealing with. He stood up extended a hand and said, “Okay, then. Thank you for the opportunity. I’ll be heading back to the other store on Monday. Good luck.”

The boss was so stunned (as was I, but for different reasons) that he accepted the handshake and said nothing while the employee walked out of the room. Knowing what this would mean to the store’s production and morale but wanting to maintain some sense of managerial control, I waited until the door closed behind the guy before I called the boss the most polite kind of short-sighted imbecile that I could.

I intercepted the employee and apologized, asking him to reconsider. As I expected, he said he would take the matter up with the Regional Manager who set up the reassignment. When Monday came, I received the paperwork promoting the once temporary machine operator to Assistant Manager of Production at a decent salary and to schedule a disciplinary conference with the Branch Manager for being an incompetent jackass.


How can a US carrier group defend against thousands of “carrier killer” missiles at once?

Well, I just read a very typical ‘Merica answer on this. And I’ll have to tell youse guys, I got one Hell of a belly laugh. I mean it. It was deep and long…

The four points made were…

[1] It will not happen. The USN isn’t stupid and would stay out of the range of the Carrier Killer missiles.

I had to laugh at this. China has the ability to sink aircraft carriers ANYWHERE on the globe. If you all think that ONLY the DF-17 can sink a carrier group, then you are reading too many propaganda pieces.

[2] It could not happen. China doesn’t have enough of these Carrier Killer missiles to be a threat.

Again, this gave me such a howling laughter. As if some basement bozo knows how many missiles and non-missile weapons that China has. No one knows how many missiles that China fields, but I can positively tell you that China does things in mass.

[3] It cannot happen. China isn’t stupid to take on the United States. The USA is invincible, and China doesn’t know how to fight a “real” war.

Oh, my belly was laughing so hard on this canard. China has the oldest army in the world. China also has the oldest Navy in the world. The Chinese military was perfected during the Tang dynasty. Then bested Genghis Khan, and then was absorbed into it, resulting in the massive Yang dynasty armies. Aside from the fact that the Chinese beat the living snot out of the USA during the “Korean War”, China has been engaged fighting with the USA on all fronts since at least 2016

[4] Carrier Killer missiles are just hyperbole. They are just normal missiles with some undemonstrated abilities that the USN can easily thwart.

Ha ha ha ha. I mean talk about living under a rock. Jesus, this nonsense is so thick that you need waders to trudge though the muck.

China is a peaceful nation.

But, it is NOT stupid.

The United States has thrown EVERYTHING at China. And I do mean EVERYTHING.

From “color revolutions” inside of China, to “color revolutions” in all the nations surrounding China. From undersea excursions and conflicts, to near-space satellite warfare. From cyber warfare, to bio-warfare attacks. From managed famines to lawfare assaults. From efforts designed to collapse the Chiense banking industry to efforts to collapse the Chinese real estate industry.

It’s been full spectrum and absolute.

But not reported in the “news” of the West.

Instead we hear of submarines ramming undersea mountains, freak geomagnetic storms, the “apparent random” firings of Naval Commanders, and the Secretary of the Navy. We read (in the West) about Chinese “warmongering” a build up for a “Taiwanese invasion”.

All this interspersed about how Putin has brain cancer, and how Russia is running out of ammo. We read about how Xi Peng is going to be disposed and how the poor downtrodden people of China are going to rise up for “democracy” and Freedom”.

Info war is in full swing.

There is ZERO credibility in Western “news” media. Today it is so outrageous and comically fake and ridiculous that it is amazing that these tabloids are still able to have people that watch and read their content.

So… Yeah. It’s full spectrum. EVERYTHING.

Of course…

The clueless in the West would believe the fake narratives of Putin losing, China collapsing, and America remaining strong. They will believe that COVID was fake, or if it was something of concern, then it was “China’s fault” for one reason or the other. That’s the narrative, and that’s want the oligarchy expects Westerners to believe.

The United States is a feudal plutocracy.

While China is military-based meritocracy.

Oh, it’s just like the United States is throwing EVERYTHING at China, China is preparing with EVERYTHING as well.

And, let me tell you all…

They don’t read American / Western “news”.

They know what is REALLY going on.

So China is ready.

If you are a consumer of Western “news” you will be unaware of the following facts, but you do need to brace yourself for the realities.

  • Were the USA, either directly or through proxy, attacks China… China will throw nuclear warheads at American cities and military installations.

Oh, sure. China has a “no first use policy” in regards to nuclear weapons.

But within the FORMAL WORDING of this (particular) policy is one sentence that you all should all pay attention to…

“…if attacked… China reserves the right … to use every means at its disposal … to attack the nation that attacks it.”

For some reason, the Western “news” media glosses over this sentence. Perhaps they cannot read Chinese, or simply just cut and paste their “news articles” directly out of Langley VA. What ever, the FORMAL STATEMENT regarding nuclear weapons use is very carefully worded, and ambiguous enough to give the most aggressive neocons pause to consider.

So, yeah. China is ready.

It was ready in 1950–53 when it defeated the United States in Korea, and is ready today as it dishes EVERYTHING thrown at it, right back to the United States to consume.

At this point in time…

The United States and China are like a married couple living together weeks prior to a divorce. The United States is cheating, bending words, manipulating systems… and thinking “They’ll never find out”.

While China, is playing it smart.

Already has contacted the divorce attorneys, arranged the legal papers and made all the necessary arrangements. Just waiting for the time of CHINA’s choosing to terminate the relationship.

So… that being said…

“How can the USN defend against China’s formidable anti-Naval missile forces”?

There ARE a number of things that the United States government can do.

  1. Not fight China. Give up. Stop the war-mongering.
  2. First strike against China using a barrage of nuclear ICBMs and SLBMs.

That’s it.

Nothing else is realistically possible.

By the way… this is the OFFICIAL view of the United States Pentagon as of late fall 2023.

Of course, it all depends on the temperament of the “leadership” in Washington DC. And since they are clueless morons that are evil psychopathic narcissists, I can’t help but believe that they will be as delusional with China as they are with Russia. And the end result will be disastrous for the Untied States.

And the world as well.

Nothing quite ruins your day as a cascade of nuclear weapons hitting you.

Quick summary

  • China is READY to take on the United States, simultaneously with it’s proxy “allies”.
  • China WILL use nuclear weapons.
  • China is above-peer capable with the best equipment of the West.
  • China is a military-based meritocracy.

Quick Note

  • The disinformation about China permeates all levels.
  • China is a military-based meritocracy, but the West portrays this reality as “conscription”. Which is disingenuous. It gives the Western reader a pre-conceived illusion of poorly trained, unmotivated troops. But the reality is something quite different.

Toilet paper throw

What are some of the most pretentious things you’ve heard people say?

I once worked in a Michelin star restaurant with over 3,000 bottles of wine. One night a couple was dining at my bar and they were ordering multiple courses. With each course they ordered, they would order a different glass of wine to pair with it. Pairing wine with food is an art, not a science. One person’s nirvana can be another person’s acid rain. Wine tends to bring out the snobbish in people, too; all the worst stereotypes about wine nerds are true.

There were two other bartenders working that night and they got their food and first wine pairing with one of the others. I was clearing their plates and setting them up for their next course when the guy indicated the Vouvray they had finished, and then asked me for an opinion on what they should have next with whatever-fucking-dish they had coming.

“I really like this sauvignon blanc,” I said earnestly, and held out the bottle for them to inspect.

The guy looked at me like I just farted on his face. “AFTER A VOUVRAY?” He said, horrified.

He shooed me away and got one of the other bartenders to help pick the next wine. I was now a social leper, apparently. My judgment could not be trusted any further than I could throw that bottle of wine. I was a rube, an unsophisticated novice who had no right to even be working in such an establishment. I might as well have suggested for him to drink his own piss. And he could have, for all I fucking cared.

The line became a running joke at the bar. Anytime I touched the sauvignon blanc bottle someone would gleefully ask, “They weren’t just drinking the Vouvray, I hope?” And we’d laugh our asses off. I have since asked multiple people why that might be a faux pas as a wine suggestion and no one has ever given me a legitimate answer.

The USA is nuts

What are the most terrifying photos of animal teeth and claws?

Cat claws aren’t really meant to kill (although they can and surely do). They are meant to grab and hold.

A kill typically consists of a sequence: grabbing the prey and getting it to the ground, suppressed, and then finishing the job.

And boy do they come equipped:

A lion claw to hand comparison:

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image 48

Now it is a different story for most birds of prey.

A harpy eagle, and many eagles, can actually use their claws to kill their prey.

They pin their prey down and hold them, jerking their claws back and forth.

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image 47

They also use their beaks to tear the animal apart, which, if it is lucky, happens quickly.

This is why you often see a predator eagle seeming to just stand and stomp on its prey. The prey moving around is actually what kills it in many of these instances.

It’s believed that the T-Rex shared this in common with predatory birds.

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image 45

Their arms weren’t functional for hunting, so they would use one leg to lean in and hold the prey down on the ground, while their jaw did the rest of the work.

One of the closest living examples of what dinosaur claws looked like belongs to the Southern Cassowary, which lives in papua new guinea and looks like a deformed ostrich.

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image 44

But when you see their claws, it’s immediately obvious who they are related to:

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image 46

Fortunately, they are omnivores.

Nature is metal AF. Death by another animal never seems to be a fun way to go.

What is a ‘bug that became a feature’ in real life?

Airline executive: hey, if we squeeze the seats closer together, we can fit in one more row of seats, sell more tickets, and make more money!

Health and safety: but you can’t squeeze the exit row seats closer together — people have to be able to get through to the exit. So those seats would have to stay further apart while you squeeze the other ones closer together. It’ll look stupid.

Airline executive: that’s not a bug — that’s a feature! We’ll sell those seats at premium rates for people who want legroom just a little less than what they used to have, rather than a lot less!

Exit row seats used to be unattractive, due to the additional responsibility.

Now, they’re apparently fairly popular, due to the guaranteed minimum legroom. Which the airlines are not providing out of the kindness of their heart, but because an ‘exit row’ has to, you know, allow people to exit, so they’re legally mandated to keep them a certain width.

And some people apparently get annoyed when the stewardess asks them whether they are willing and able to assist in the unlikely event of an evacuation….

McDonalds is unaffordable

Have you ever seen a girl so pretty that you wonder if you’d ever see her again?

In high-school my friend and I were selling Christmas wreaths door to door.

We would take turns with the sale line.

This time it was his turn.

My friend was usually out going and very talkative.

We get to this door he goes up and knocks. This beautiful girl opens the door and kind of lifts her leg around the door cradling it and she bites her lip.

My friend was silent didn’t say a word he just stood there dumb founded.

I laughed, said sorry for my friend here…and then gave the whole sales pitch. She giggled and declined. Thr whole time my friend just stood there looking like a fool with his jaw just hanging open.

After she closed the door ot took him a moment to collect himself.

He commented about how beautiful she was. I said yeah, she was nice.

We go down another street and I realize that this side of the street was just the back side of the houses from the other…

I tell my buddy who was still somewhat dazed he gets this next house… (it was hers but from the other side)

She opened the door again same spill but this time I sold the Christmas wreath.

I don’t remember what happened after the second incident. I just remember it was hilarious.

I have so many different stories. We’ve even run across people answering the door in the buff. Usually not the good looking type though!

No Tuna?

What’s the most insane thing a human has survived?

Let’s talk about this guy.

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image 43

That’s not a green screen in the back.

His name is Wim Hof. They call him The Iceman.

He can withstand extreme cold.

No, not single digit numbers without a shirt on.

Not a wind chill in New York in January.

So extreme that it would kill anybody else.

He has set a world record for the farthest swim under ice, going 188.6 feet under.

He has the fastest half marathon barefoot on snow and ice, running 2 hours and 16 minutes. (most can’t do this in regular climate!)

He has spent 1 hour and 53 minutes in full body contact with ice.

Normally, this should kill anybody between 15 and 45 minutes in.

He has climbed Mt. Everest to 25,000 feet in just shorts and boots.

So the big question remains.


He employs something called “The Wim Hof” method.

He manipulates his mind and his breathing patterns to help his body create an ability to warm itself.

Sounds weird right?

He went under a study with researchers at Wayne State University.

He showed that when he didn’t employ his method of rapid breathing, “his skin temperature would fluctuate between about 33.5 degrees Celsius with the warm water and 31.5 degrees Celsius with the cold.”

However, when he did use his method, “his skin temperature stayed almost perfectly steady at just under 34 degrees Celsius.”

They found in the PET scan later that “the rapid breathing exercise worked by warming the capillaries in the lungs.”

This warming effect of the breathing exercise allows the blood to circulate more freely in the body.

Here he is explaining the exercise to someone else.

Additionally, and weirdly enough, “Hof didn’t demonstrate an increase of activity in the anterior insula, where higher-function thermoregulation is done. Instead, he had an unexpected spike in the periaqueductal gray matter, which is associated with control of sensory pain. Maybe it really is mind over matter after all.”

And he takes this insanity even a step farther.

Hof claimed (and was tested) to be able to control his immune system with his consciousness.

So the most insane thing a human has survived?

Well, Hof makes it seem like you can kind of survive anything.

Life is truly mind over matter.

If a girl rejects you, what is the best way to get her to regret her decision?

Remember Betsy from Taxi Driver?

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It was played by Cybill Shepherd.

During the filming of the movie Robert De Niro had a huge crush on her.

He even asked her out on a date.

But she turned him down.

After that during the entire shooting De Niro did not speak to her except when he was in character.

Shooting over.

Movie released.

Taxi Driver did really good business at the box office and also received positive response from Critics.

But rejection from his crush did not stop De Niro. He did classic films like The Deer Hunter, One upon a time in America, Raging Bull, The King of Comedy, Casino, Heat , Goodfellas, Cape Fear, The Irishman etc.

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image 4

He won an Oscar for the Best Actor for Raging Bull.

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And now he is considered as One of the Best Actors of all time.

On the other hand Cybill Shepherd was forgotten with time.

The only character she played worth remembering was Betsy in Taxi Driver.

40 years later when she wrote an autobiography, She wrote that she regretted turning him down a lot. She wrote, it was the biggest mistake she made in her life.

Now what De Niro did after she turned him down is worth reading

Did he threaten her boyfriend? NO

Did he start doing drinking and drugs? NO

Did he try to get revenge from her anyhow? NO

What he did was – He kept working. He concentrated on his career. And now he is THE ROBERT DE NIRO. Who inspired hundreds of other actors from all over the world.

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image 2

So if a girl rejects you, what is the best way to get her to regret her decision?

Respect her decision and focus on your career. Build an empire. Self destruction and revenge mindset (Easy Path) will not do anything. Forget about her. You’ll regret later if you choose the easy path.

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image 1

Ignore Grammatical mistakes.

He’s lying

What is the most badass thing a historical figure has ever said?

One of the most badass thing ever uttered was: “We’ve been fighting in the West throughout the war and we have enough experience to assess our situation. We will not allow ourselves to be taken hostage! You will die like rats when we break out of here!” – Viktor Leonov.

This man is Viktor Leonov:

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image 7

In 1945 after the fall of Berlin, Viktor Leonov, a grizzled old Russian naval commander who had inflicted crazy amount of death and misery on his Axis enemies was sent to fight the Japanese in the east.

Viktor was assigned to a naval parachute division and was dropped with over 145 men into what was supposed to be a lightly-defended airfield somewhere in the midst of china. Fun fact, it wasn’t lightly defended. Over 3000 Japanese soldiers were waiting for them and the second they landed they were rounded up.

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image 6

Viktor and his officers were forced marched into the Japanese HQ where the Japanese garrison commander ordered their surrender. Viktor refused and told the Japanese to surrender.

The Japanese officers laughed and told them this is no place for jokes and that he should just sign the papers for the Soviet official surrender and get it over with. Viktor was not joking. He jumped out of his chair, slammed his fist on the table and yelled in a heavy, very deep and intimidating Russian accent:

“We’ve been fighting in the West throughout the war and we have enough experience to assess our situation. We will not allow ourselves to be taken hostage! You will die like rats when we break out of here!”

Right at the end of the sentence, one of his men pulled out a hidden grenade and threatened to blow up every single man in the room.

The Japanese surrendered.

Viktor and his troops walked back to the soviet base with his over 3,000 Japanese prisoners who only hours ago were telling the captured soviets to surrender.

After that, he went back to fighting and captured four Japanese ports along the Korean and Manchurian coastlines. During his daring operations against the Japanese, he lost a grand total of nine soldiers. Seven of them died parachuting into that airfield I just talked about. Viktor apparently only retired because there was no more room on his chest for any more medals.

Viktor died in 2003, his death was not even mentioned in the newspaper.

Strange NYC

What’s an act of kindness someone did for you that you still think about every now and then?

Back in the late summer of 2000 or 2001, I was looking for a job because a freelance customer had stiffed me on six weeks’ worth of invoices. I wasn’t thrilled about either of those things, but hey, at least I like my field. Anyway, my brother called me up out of the blue and we had a conversation that went something like this:

“Hey, you’ll never guess who I sat with on the plane today: John Prine!”

“Oh, cool. How’d he look? He wasn’t looking all that good last time I saw him.”

“He looked OK. He was coming into town for a show tomorrow night with Mary Chapin Carpenter and someone named Lyle Lovett.”

“OMG! Don’t ask any questions, just GO.”

“Oh, I’m going. But I was wondering if you want to go.”

“Uh… I’m broke and in Winnipeg. And I have to be at a job interview at 3:00 pm the next day. Is that even doable?”

“Oh, yeah, it’s totally doable, I have a zillion points. Let me see…” <keys tapping> “OK, I can get you on a flight that comes in about 4:30. I’ll pick you up, we’ll grab some dinner, take in the show, then I can drop you at the airport in the morning and you’ll be back in town by… about 1:30.”

“Uh… OK!”

Next day I take the bus to the airport, fly to Toronto, Scott picks me up in his minty 89(?) Porsche 911, zoom we’re downtown, bam we’re getting a falafel for supper, then we’re off to the venue. Prine was awesome as ever, Mary Chapin Carpenter was great, but Lyle Lovett and his Large Band absolutely killed it. I’ve seen a lot of damned good shows, and that one was right up there with the very best. Then it’s back to Scott’s place, up early, zoom back to the airport, fly back to Winnipeg, and I’m taking the bus to my interview and asking myself, “Did all that really just happen?”

It was an incredible pick-me-up at a time I could really use one, and by far and away one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. (He’ll probably read this, so I’m just going to say “Thanks again!”)

Oh yeah, and I got the job!

Fish Bowl

What is one thing your kid came home and told you one day that made you want to go to school the next day and go off on the principals and teachers?

After a 4 year stay in Japan, representing my husband’s company, we returned to the States and settled in California. We registered our children in school. After a few days our youngest daughter came home and reported that a man had come to the school and taken her out of class and they had gone for a walk. The man had shown her lots of pictures. I was horrified and asked what kind of pictures. She told me one was of a policeman with a bad guy.

next morning I was at the school and in the Principal’s office demanding to know if it was true and if so, why. I was told that I had made a mistake when filling out the enrollment form and had put down that my daughter was born in Japan. My reply was that as her mother I would certainly know where she was born and that was in a hospital in Tokyo. Then I learned that California law requires that any student that doesn’t understand English must have an interpreter.

I told the Principal that if she had spent two minutes in conversation with my blue eyed daughter, born of a British mother and American father she would have known my daughter was fluent in the English language.

Hungarian Pork and Sauerkraut
Sandwich (Peshene)

2024 01 04 19 08
2024 01 04 19 08


  • 4 slices pork butt, as meaty as possible, sliced thin, pounded if necessary
  • 1 large can (27 ounces) sauerkraut, rinsed, squeezed dry
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Hungarian sweet paprika
  • 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) salted butter
  • 8 slices of the best rye bread


  1. Prepare the pork butt and add some seasoning to it. Gently brown the pork in the butter until done. Don’t over cook.
  2. Set pork aside and add sauerkraut, onions, garlic and seasonings to the pan. Be generous with the paprika. Fry the kraut until browned.
  3. Make up 4 sandwiches being generous with the sauerkraut mixture.

I sometimes add 1-2 peeled raw potatoes (diced small) to the frying kraut.

Why do most poor people remain poor?

Every time I visit my parents’ house, I would see someone drinking tea and talking to my mother. They’re usually female, ages 20 through 40. From their appearance, I can see that they are not doing well financially. I call them my mother’s “projects.” She has maybe 4–5 “projects” at a time.

They are visiting my mom to get help, discuss a problem, get some advice, and occasionally some of them would bring gifts to say thank you. I don’t know how it started, who these women were or how they met my mom. But their stories are depressingly similar. All of them were women who had kids, frequently didn’t have husbands, or were in abusive relationships. Let me tell you about one of them.

I’ll call her Zaya. Zaya is a young woman, around 27 years old. First time she met my mother, was when she was 20. She’s developmentally a little slow. Reads and writes with difficulty, and it takes her some time to understand difficult concepts. But she is a hard worker. Always does her tasks diligently. From what I know my mom helped her in some small things:

  • One winter she bought her and her child winter clothes.
  • Helped her daughter go to a good public school nearby. To do that my mom registered her to her house.

What is special about her? Nothing really. But she has encountered so many problems in her life that, I think, really shows how difficult it is to be poor:

  • She was adopted and her family, except her mother, treated her like an unpaid maid.
  • She became pregnant when she was 18. The father of the child disappeared, never to be seen.
  • She worked as a cleaner in a small company and received a modest salary. My mom took her to a bank one day and helped her open a savings bank account. After several years, she saved an equivalent of 5–6 months salary.
  • When her relatives learned about it, they pushed her to liquidate her account and contribute to her brother’s wedding.
  • She met one guy, who was a driver and they decided to live together. They built a small house. She used her savings to buy appliances, furniture etc. Just before they officially registered, the guy died in a car accident. His family, moved in and kicked her and her kid out on the streets. I offered to help her write a report to the police and go with her to submit it. She didn’t want to go to all the trouble.
  • She opened a new account and kept the bank book with my mother for safekeeping. Her family learned about it and forced her to pay for renovation at their house.
  • Her mother, the only person who supported her, passed away. She told her on several occasions that if she passes away she wanted her daughter to live separately from their family.

The last time we heard from her, she was moving to a different city, since her oldest brother was moving there and opening a small barber shop. He promised he would pay her salary. After she moved there, she changed her cell number and stopped calling my mom. It has been more than a year since we heard from her.

Whenever I hear people say that the poor are lazy, or bad at managing money, I always think about her. Her life is like a boxing match with a pro boxer. She gets knocked down, she gets up to be knocked down again. The sheer amount of sh*t that she experienced in her life is really astounding. This is why many of the poor remain poor. Because life is unfair…

Neocon Debacle and Declining Empire | Richard D. Wolff

Lethal Easter

When I was a young boy, I reckon somewhere around 7 years old, we were living in Monroe Connecticut. It was (at that time) a growing middle class neighborhood, and my father bought a plot there and was building a house.

(Later on, it became a wealthy suburb, and our house that we sold at a loss in 1965, became worth many, many millions of dollars. Sigh).

I used to explore the woods around the home.

And one Easter, my father woke us up with our baskets of chocolate, and Easter eggs, and a live white rabbit.

And us kids… being kids… well, we spent all day feeding the rabbit chocolate. And that is what happened all during Easter.


The very next day, we woke up to find the rabbit dead.


Chocolate ends up killing animals like rabbits, dogs and cats.

Sheech! We didn’t know!

So that morning, once we all got our clothes on, we filed in a line… a procession… and carried the rabbit to the swamp and trees behind our property.

And there, my dad dug a hole, and we buried the rabbit.

We all threw some dirt on the cardboard shoe-box, and said goodbye to our short-lived friend.

Sometimes, the best intentions… due to ignorance… can be lethal.


Do you think Alexander the Great is greater than Napoleon?

Here is my opinion:

Napoleon Bonaparte, who became Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, is the most famous self-made man in history. The other great men with whom Napoleon is compared, such as Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar, began their careers with tremendous advantages. Alexander was already king of Macedonia when he conquered the Persian Empire and earned the title “the Great.” Caesar was born into the aristocratic patrician class, and was governor of Spain before he conquered Gaul and became dictator of Rome.

Napoleon was born in Corsica, a backwater province of France, and through his father’s efforts attended military schools in France. At any other time, he might have simply served as a career officer in the king’s army, perhaps with some distinction. Instead of this fate, the chaos and violence of the French Revolution provided opportunities for ambitious men. Like hundreds of other French military men and politicians, Napoleon was literally the right age, at the right time in history, in exactly the right place to exploit fortune.

Through a combination of talent, ability, patronage, boundless energy, and great luck, Napoleon circumvented potential rivals and rose rapidly to prominence and power. By 1807, fourteen years after his first success at Toulon in 1793, Napoleon had created an empire unlike anything Europe had seen since Ancient Rome. He was 38 years old.

From the siege of Toulon to the battle of Waterloo twenty-two years later, Napoleon fought more battles than Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar combined. However, this era was far more than just the sum of his military exploits. The transition period between the 18th and 19th centuries was the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. People listened to the new, powerful sounds of Beethoven’s music, were inspired by the Rights of Man to overthrow the rule of kings by divine right, were appalled by the beheading of thousands during the Reign of Terror, were awed by the discovery of an ancient civilization in Egypt, and read the first works of the Romantics like Byron, Kant, and Goethe.

Gifted military commander, innovative administrator, and ruler of an empire, Napoleon seemed to influence everything and everyone. His enemies were so impressed with his genius and abilities that Prince Metternich, Austrian Minister and Chancellor, named the period the “Age of Napoleon” shortly after the French Emperor’s death.

Napoleon Bonaparte rose from obscurity on a small island to become the most powerful man in Europe, then lost it all to die in exile on another small island. It is one of the most incredible stories in history.

If you hang up an a scammer or telemarketer, they’ll just call you back. If you get them to hang up, they’re much less likely to call you again. Have you found a never-fail way of getting scammers and telemarketers to hang up?

We got scam calls alot at our office…always an India accent. One Tuesday a call comes while I was on lunch break and frankly bored. I listen to the spiel. An American stranded desperately needs our help to get to the embassy. Why he/she had an Indian call would have been a good question, but I’m in this for the fun. So I loudly relay to my co-worker what they’re telling me…”Oh my gosh! Sarah you’re not going to believe what’s happened to this poor woman!” Making a long story shorter, we strung them along all week on lunch break having them email and call back while we tried to figure out how to make this $5k transfer. Friday rolls around and they call with wire #’s so I can send the cash on my lunch break. We wait about 20 minutes and they call back. I very innocently explain that I couldn’t send the money because my bank said they’re scammers, but not to worry…I gave the bank their phone number, wire numbers, and email address so the bank can verify they’re legit. Lot of cussing in the background and they hung up. It was quite satisfying and we got no more calls.

What are some of the mind blowing facts that you have ever come across?

The Enköping murder 2023 in Sweden.

A young immigrant taxi chauffeur had raped a girl who was 14 at the time. Oh well, sexual crimes happen and often the perpetrators come from cultures where the woman’s value is somewhere between cows and furniture. The Swedish law is rather jovial and lenient, also on what comes to sexual crimes.

The girl’s boyfriend had gotten furious, and had decided to avenge. He had called his brothers, and together with the girl, they had ambushed the chauffeur. They had assaulted him, tied him, kicked him and finally hanged him on a tree in a nature reservate.

The chauffeur’s colleagues had gotten worried as he had not arrived to work, and they found him hanged on the tree a week later.

The gang of five was caught on basis of the mobile phone data. They are charged of murder. But since they are all underagers (under 18), they cannot be tried and sentenced as adults.

It is easy to see the girl was a native Swede, as the boyfriend and his brothers killed the assailant to avenge the rape. If she had been an immigrant, the boyfriend and his brothers would have killed her as a honour murder.

All in all, I am not amused of this case. It is a direct slap upon the Sweden’s collective face. First, this whole case would have not happened if rapists were punished severely enough in Sweden. Second, vigilantism is a sign that the official crime investigation and punishing machinery is not working as it should. Third, because murdering a rapist is not an eye for an eye – murder is a far more grave crime than rape itself. And fourth, because the murderers are all underagers. It is utterly unlikely adults would have taken the law on their own hands and murdered the rapist, but underagers with too much testosterone and too little consideration can commit crimes like this.

“One cold night a billionaire met an old poor man outside.

He asked him, “don’t you feel cold being outside, and not wearing any coat?” The old man replied, “l don’t have it but I got used to that.” The billionaire replied, “Wait for me. I will enter my house now and bring you one. ‘ The poor man got so happy and said he will wait for him.The billionaire entered his house and got busy there and forgot the poor man.

In the morning he remembered that poor old man and he went out to search for him but he found him dead because of cold, but he left a NOTE, “When I didn’t have any warm clothes, I had the power to fight the cold because I was used to that. But when you promised me to help me, I got attached to your promise and that took my power of resisting.

MORAL: Don’t promise anything if you can’t keep your promise. It might not mean anything to you, But it could mean everything to someone else.”

What’s something the British know that most people don’t?

  1. Only the British will know the “Slaughtered Lamb’s” most famous extra.
  2. If you drink ten pints, your body will GPS itself towards a Kebab shop.
  3. Only the British will know what Stephen Fry, Emma Thompson and Robert Lindsay have in common.
  4. Only the British will know that Roger Moore nearly appeared in an Andrew Lloyd-Weber musical.
  5. Only the British will know why the bowler was holding the batsman’s willy.
  6. We know which part of Spain the rain mainly falls on.
  7. It’s not a great idea to look the guy at the next urinal in the eye and smile!
  8. Men know that five shakes and more, is getting ‘iffy.’
  9. Only the British know what “Dogger” means when I say radio four.
  10. Only the British knew about ENIGMA
  11. Only the British will know about the use of inflatable tanks in WW2.
  12. Only the British will know what an Anderson shelter was.
  13. There’s always going to be one fat bridesmaid.
  14. That part of the wedding where the vicar says, “Does any man or woman know why this man and this woman should not be wed?” – that’s the bit where Brits start playing in their head, what the outcome would be if someone says yes.
  15. Only British drivers can navigate a double traffic island, with traffic lights and live.
  16. Only British people know that a 747 over London actually STOPS, mid-air, then proceeds to land at Heathrow, while barely moving.
  17. Only British people standing on the beach of Dover know that on a clear day you can see France, and that no bugger has yet seen France.
  18. Only British people that the only thing that the City of London was designed for, is lunch.
  19. Only the British know that the USA has NEVER lost a war in which donkeys were used.
  20. Only the British will think that American history is an oxymoron.
  21. Only the British know that the difference between burned toast and the US Army, is that you can still make soldiers out of burned toast.
  22. Only the British know that the sea at Southport is only half true.
  23. The French call it an outside cafe. The British equivalent of tables and chairs outside is called an eviction.

As an ICU doctor, how do you deal with patients’ loved ones trying to keep them alive even when that would be unethical and cruel (medicine, medical science, people, interpersonal skills, ethics, injuries, intensive care)?

It is horrible to be forced to keep a brain dead 16 year old on massive machines because the mother knows God will do a mighty healing and threatens legal action and calling me a murderer. By the way I am a Christian Doctor and I do pray with my patients and families. Two Neurologists declared this man brain dead. All the protocols were done proper . She refused any organ donation from her son. She had all the pastors and elders praying for this miracle. She glared at me horribly. I had prayed with her. She called me a murderer. I felt overwhelmed and miserable and helpless. I did not dare “ unplug “ this young son of hers. Very very depressing and sad . I consulted with the neurologist who said from his long experience to just stop trying to fight mom. He said the patient will “ die “ within a week even with full tubes and support. Forget the ethics and all the money lost and wasted that could have gone to better use. Just let it happen.

This helped me a lot.

After a week the patient went into total heart failure and no rhythm and was declared heart dead finally and the mother gave up. She was satisfied all was done and God took her son home.

Who gets to win even when the family are flat out wrong by science ? Who gets to pay all these bills? Who just eats it? We could build a whole school for what this all cost. And this sad game plays out all the time.

I have never resolved this dilemma in my heart .

Do you think Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are happy to see the United States collapsing?

Tell me

Just look around yourself

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Olaf Scholz and Annalena Baerbock and that group have single handedly performed Harakiri on their Industries and People

By tacitly cooperating with the destruction of Nordstream and by getting access to Cheap Gas and Oil taken away, they have subjected their people to inflation of almost 9% and forced their industries to pay between 57% –117% more for energy

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Joe Biden, Blinken and that group have single handedly forced a level of de dollarization never seen before even in the 2008 Global Crisis

They have forced inflation on their Citizens

They have ignored Financial Struggles back home

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Boris Johnson and Sunak and that group have done the same

Kept Europe in a state of war, Kept Oil and Gas impossible to buy for Europe or UK Without paying a 20% premium on the price to 40% premium

Plus knowing their actions have caused double digit inflation of 11% across the last two years

Are these really Democracies??????

Are they doing a SINGLE THING for their people?

In the US, more people have been cut off from Healthcare in the last two years

Anything being done?


The US has been flooded with more illegal migrants in the past four years than under any other presidency

Anything being done?


The Politicians of these Countries are being elected to power on the basis of deluding their voters by mass media and social media every time and once elected, commit every act of atrocity against the people

The exact opposite is happening in these AUTOCRACIES

In China, the focus is Food Security, Energy Security, Technological Independence, removing poverty, increasing healthcare participants

In Russia, for the first time Putin is focused on ensuring his people have enough to eat, work and the ability to buy homes at lower prices

In Saudi Arabia, MBS has made life much easier for women, more education, cheaper prices and a return to free healthcare for its citizens

Not to mention moving away from religious dogma

Even in India

Our Government never talks of Food or Energy Security or Water Security or Agricultural Security or Healthcare or Education

It’s always :-

  • Fifth largest economy
  • Third Largest economy by 20XX

In China meanwhile it’s always :-

  • So much Poverty gone by 20XX
  • So much energy dependence removed by 20XX
  • Own Soybean Production increased

I believe the very system of DEMOCRACY is collapsing across the world

Every Democracy now reveals a fatal flaw of how much more dangerous a Democracy can become for its people when it’s leadership becomes poor like the case of most democracies today

Xi and Putin have nothing to do with it

They didn’t sponsor Maidan in 2014

They didn’t blow up Nordstream

They don’t Publish lies about other countries

All they have done is REACT to unfair decisions taken by democracies and in the process caused greater damage to the same democracies

Top 20 Paranormal Events Caught On Camera

How has one person helped you achieve a successful life?

My daughter was 2 years old when I considered returning to school for my masters. I called Millersville University and requested a catalog be mailed to me.

After I called, I had misgivings. Should I wait until Lauren was a little older? The easy way out is always so attractive, so tempting.

The catalog arrived while Lauren was napping. I made myself a fortifying cup of coffee, sat down at the kitchen table, and perused this ominous looking catalog for, by now, that’s how I came to view the situation. Having consumed my coffee, I decided waiting was the better decision.

Two days later, the mailman delivered another catalog. I placed that on my desk beside the first one. Things began to look a little sticky when day five produced yet another catalog. Was Someone trying to tell me something?

Instead of placing the catalog beside two of its fellow conspirators, I took this into the kitchen, made myself a cup of coffee, and read the requirements.

Dad’s graduation photo.

Having finished the catalog and my coffee, a memory arose. It was of my father. I remembered walking through the kitchen on my way to bed. He sat at the kitchen table with the light shining on his textbooks, pencil in hand, working the problems his professor at The University of Dayton had assigned.

Dad worked full time at Delco Products in Kettering then attended night school to finish the degree he’d started years before. His studies had been interrupted when Pearl Harbor was bombed. At 40, he returned to college to complete his degree.

If Dad could do this, so could I. I put my feeble excuses aside, and spent the next three years completing my MEd and reading specialist certification. It felt good and my parents were quietly proud of me.

The USA is fucking nuts


  1. You don’t listen when someone is talking.
  2. You create conflict for no reason.
  3. You constantly act superior.
  4. You interrupt others.
  5. You constantly complain.
  6. You are rude.
  7. You turn everything into a competition.

Bara Brith

This is a very old Welsh recipe. The word “Bara” is the Welsh word for bread and “brith” is the Welsh word for speckled.

bara brith
bara brith


  • 1 pound mixed dried fruit, chopped
  • 1 1/4 cups freshly-brewed tea
  • 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • 2 3/4 cups self-rising flour
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 egg, beaten to blend
  • 3 tablespoons orange marmalade
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon


  1. Place fruit in large bowl. Pour tea over fruit.
  2. Add brown sugar and mix well.
  3. Cover and let stand at room temperature overnight.
  4. Heat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease a 9 x 5 inch loaf pan.
  5. Add flour, milk, egg, marmalade and cinnamon to soaked fruit mixture. Stir until combined.
  6. Spoon dough into the prepared loaf pan.
  7. Bake until bread is brown and crusty and wooden pick inserted near center comes out clean, about 2 hours.
  8. Cool slightly. (Can be prepared up to 4 days ahead. Wrap tightly and store at room temperature.)

Makiwnyk (Poppyseed Loaf)

Here is the recipe for the makiwnyk, poppyseed loaf. This recipe was written down by me when I was about 15 years old as my mother was making it. The paper is old and falling apart, so bear with me. Don’t let this scare you from making it. I just found it and haven’t had a chance to re-do it.

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2023 12 30 12 10



  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup lukewarm water
  • 1 envelope active dry yeast
  • 2 cups milk, scalded and cooled until lukewarm in mixing bowl
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 2 cups flour
  • 6 to 6 1/2 cups flour, divided

Poppyseed or Nut Filling

  • 1 pound poppy seeds or ground nuts (I think she used walnuts)
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) melted butter
  • 1 cup hot milk
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons grated lemon rind


  1. Loaves: Dissolve the 1 teaspoon granulated sugar in lukewarm water (100 degrees F). Sprinkle active dry yeast into water/sugar mixture and let stand for 10 minutes.
  2. Stir briskly with a fork. Add softened yeast to lukewarm milk and stir. Beat in the 3 cups flour. Cover bowl and let sit in a warm place until light and full of bubbles, approximately 1 hour.
  3. Stir in the 1 cup granulated sugar, salt, melted butter and lemon rind. Beat just until mixed.
  4. In a small bowl, beat with a fork the eggs and egg yolks. Stir into the batter. Add 2 cups flour and beat vigorously. Add another 4 to 4 1/2 cups flour working it in with a rotating motion of your hand. Turn dough over on a lightly floured surface and knead 8 to 10 minutes.
  5. Shape into a smooth ball and place in a greased bowl turning the dough once. Cover and let rise until doubled, about 1 1/2 to 2 hours, approximately.
  6. Poppyseed or Nut Filling: Combine all filling ingredients in a mixing bowl and beat until totally incorporated, set aside.
  7. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  8. Punch down dough and divide into 3 equal parts. Roll each into a 1/2-inch thick rectangle. Spread with poppyseed filling or nut filling and roll up each rectangle in a jellyroll fashion. Pinch seams to make edges secure and turn under loaf. Place on greased baking sheets and cover and let rise until doubled in size. Brush tops with butter and bake in oven for 1 hour.

Makes 3 loaves.

* I just go out to the supermarket and purchase the Solo poppyseed or nut paste and use that – it’s quicker.

I got fired. My ex-boss is now asking for the whereabouts of important files. How should I respond?

I’ve had two similar circumstances. In one, they had fired me and later discovered the program I had written that tracked orders in the company required an extensive update. They wanted to bring me back at my old pay level to fix it. I counter offered with a contractor based fee. They laughed and declined. I found out later it cost them ten times my offer to get it updated. The contractor they hired wouldn’t work on the old hardware they had been too cheap to update, wasn’t familiar with the legacy format of the database file involved, would only work during business hours, stretching out the job over many days, etc. I had offered to have it done over a weekend for $5k. It took over a week and cost $47k. I was told they inquired into suing me for damages. Since they had not fired me for cause, and because I had made a reasonable offer, I was told they were advised not to pursue it.

in the second circumstance I had left the company voluntarily six months prior. My replacement had been given all the passwords with instructions to change them on my departure. Six months after my departure I received a phone call from my old bosses’ lawyer – on a holiday weekend, no less. They wanted to know the password for a critical piece of hardware and threatened me with a lawsuit if I did not provide it. I said I would not even talk to them without my old boss conferenced in. She was on the line in ten seconds, leading me to believe she had been listening in all along. I reminded her that I gave my replacement all the passwords, including the one requested, with instructions to change them. She said he abruptly left and they are locked out. They were trying to make it my problem. I expressed my sympathy, said there was nothing I could do, wished them well, and hung up.

In general, unless you did something nefarious, the location of their files is not your responsibility after they fired you.

Were there any famous honeytraps in WW2?

I’d like to define “honeytrap” for others first before answering…

A honeytrap occurs when a person, political organization, etc. use sexual favors or romantic relationships to gather information. It’s also known as “sexpionage”. This was used quite ofted during the cold war.

In WWII it would be used more for spying on others rather than gathering information in a prison camp by using sexual favors. I really can’t think of anytime that prison camps did this, certainly not the Japanese who looked down upon those who surrendered.

Claire Phillip’s set up a famous honey trap. Claire was a U.S. citizen who escaped Manila when it it fell to the Japanese. She spent a number of months caring for other guerrilla figthers in the hills of Bataan. She was eventually convinced to go back to Manilla and spy on the Japanese. Phillips ran the Tsubaki Club which was a nightclub eventually most frequented by the Japanese soldiers (really the officers).

“Madame Tsubaki” would sing and socialize with Japanese businessman and officers along with girls she trained to flirt with them in order to get information. Her girls were able to gain information pertaining to troop units, troop movements, and important goings-on by flirting (and sometimes more outside the club in the nearby hotels). The next day, Phillips would gather the information gleened from that night by her and her girls and smuggle it by courier to the guerrillas.

She also helped smuggle food and notes into nearby prisoner of war camps. Her luck eventually ran out and she was captured by the Japanese police in 1944 after one of her couriers that had been captured (who had been brutally tortured and eventually killed) gave her up.

She was sent to one of the worst prisons on the island and was put in solitary confinement. The Japanese had plans to execute her, but instead commuted her sentence to hard labor. She was freed when her prison camp was liberated.

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For her brave acts, she was awarded the Medal of Freedom in 1951 upon the recommendation of Douglass MacArthur.

For further reading, I’d recommend – MacArthur’s Spies: The Soldier, the Singer, and the Spymaster who Defied the Japanese in World War II by Eisner, Peter (2017).

I’d also look up the story of this woman:

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Betty Pack was an American-born British spy nicknamed “Victoria” who worked for the famous MI6. She was the one who first discovered that the Poles had broken the German Enigma code.

I’d recommend The Last Goodnight by Howard Bloom (2016), to read more about her in detail.

As a prison or corrections officer, what was the funniest thing you witnessed an inmate do?

I was a Critical Care Transport Paramedic for one of the largest prison systems.

I was picking up a 65+ year old “Lifer” who was suffering chest pains from our unit Infirmary, to transport him to the main prison hospital…

A young CO was putting the Old Guy (“OG”) in the required Full restraints while OG was laying on my ambulance cot, with a mile of wires, IV tubes, oxygen tube and sensor cables running everywhere….

Since OG had a high security rating, the rules required handcuffs with a “Lock Box”, belly chain, leg irons and a “trip chain”…

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The kid was fumbling everything…

Finally the OG, told the CO… “Dammit Kid…!! I ain’t got enough heartbeats left to wait on your ass….! YA DO IT LIKE THIS….”

….and Old Guy proceeded to direct Young CO in how to properly restrain a High Security Prisoner, quoting the Procedure Manual chapter and verse.

And the OG did a darned fine job of it…

When the young CO finished he told his LT he was going to write the inmate up, the LT told him to STFU and learn…

We had an uneventful ride to the hospital, and OG survived that and several more cardiac events before he finished his sentence… so to speak…

I liked OG…

He was respectful with the Medical Staff and COs tho hard as nails and well respected by the other inmates…

Life is precious, please don’t destroy it. Remember!

  1. Stop telling people everything most people don’t care and some secretly want you to fail.
  2. Stay away from people who make you feel lonely. No company is better than a Bad Company.
  3. It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.
  4. Not everyone will like you that’s life.
  5. Focus on you people come and go.
  6. If you don’t control your mind someone else will.
  7. Sometime the things that break your heart end up fixing your vision.
  8. Loneliness is the price you pay when you start to improve yourself.
  9. Proud you survived the days you thought you couldn’t.
  10. Be kind but don’t let people use you.
  11. Don’t go broke trying to impress broke people.
  12. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
  13. Don’t compare your life to others you have no idea what their journey is all about.
  14. Never underestimate the power of stupid people.

As a car mechanic, what is the craziest discovery you have found on an automobile?

I was working for an independent Mercedes repair shop in Richmond Virginia. A customer had moved to Richmond from West Africa and had his Mercedes shipped by boat to Newport News and then flat- bedded directly to our shop to get it checked out and get a state inspection. The boss told me to drive it to another shop a few blocks away that did engine cleaning. When I got there we popped the hood and the guy proceeds to turn an industrial-sized pressure washer onto the engine. Out pops the biggest rat I’ve ever seen, maybe the size of a small dog, and we watched it run across the road and behind the nearest building. If that’s the kind of rats they have in West Africa I’m definitely steering clear of that place.

What was the most surprising reason why a co-worker was fired?

A semi-friend in high school days had a lot of connections where we worked part time. As a result, he believed he could do (or not) anything. He had been right for a year running. If he wanted Friday night off for a date — granted — something none of the rest of us got. If he wanted to come in later on Saturday morning, granted.

He’d “volunteer” to straighten up shelves, etc. and in reality he’d goof off. Sometimes he’d hang out in the stock room, other times in the break room. Sometimes he’d leave the store for as long as 20 minutes. The manager, who “knew,” nevertheless never went looking. He also knew that if he caught the kid, then what? He couldn’t fire him (connections) and yet he’d now officially know he was goofing off.

What if one of the rest of the staff complained. Even worse, what if one of the staff filed a complaint with the Dept of Labor or something like that? So he maintained his “deniability” by never going to look.

Then one day, one bagger was at lunch and the second was on break. The store had been empty but all of a sudden, there was someone at the check out. The rules of the store were that that the cashier never bagged … that was the bagger’s job.

The manager knew Jon was somewhere in one of the aisles goofing off, so he paged him to the front. No response. Paged again, no response. Finally, Jon comes wandering up, the manager points to the checkout line and Jon erupts.

“Go do it yourself you Effing lazy <religious slur name>. I bet you think that just because I have pull downtown that I’m in your <religious slur> religion but I’m not. So if you want to bag that b&tch’s groceries, get up off your lazy <backside> and do it. I’m going out for a smoke …”.

The manager said (very quietly I was told), “No, you’re fired.”

Jon started to laugh and the manager once again said, “You’re fired. Get out of this store right now.”

Jon: “Yeah right you little piece of <religious slur> <word for crap>. You’ll be the one fired when this is over.”

The manager stood his ground and told the woman in the courtesy booth to call the local PD. To Jon: you’ve got until they get here to get out or you will be arrested and I will press charges. I assume that the store will also back up any charges the cashier and the customer might want to level at you.

Then he hears the siren … he sees the cop car coming toward the store. With that, he tore through the store and ran out the back emergency exit and to his car. Not long after, he’s on the phone to his grandfather, who was his connection downtown.

But the grandfather had already heard the story so when Jon went off again, Granddad let him rant and then said “as your manger said, you’re fired. Is that all you called me about?”

I heard the story from coworkers and from him and both sides agreed on all the essential details. This was very possibly the first time anyone had ever told him no and made it stick.

Have you ever witnessed a murder?

In 1976 I was in college, and one afternoon a girl was screaming on the balcony of my dorm. So I went out there, and saw a student lying on his back, very pale, barely conscious, with blood coming out his mouth. Another student was kneeling over him, and said “if he dies I’ll kill myself, but he shouldn’t have messed with me”. A rifle lay on the balcony between them.

They were both freshmen, and had been on campus for only two weeks. The victim apparently was a bit of an asshole who had pranked the perp the previous week, destroying some of his property. On this day, he had been at it again, locking a different student in a bathroom and walking away. That was his last prank.

It was a small town, which did not have “911” service yet. I think there was some confusion about who was calling the ambulance – most of us were teenagers at that point. We should have carried him into the parking lot and put him in a pickup; the hospital was only a half-mile away. Finally the ambulance arrived; I think I saw his hand move as they loaded him in, but he was dead upon arrival.

The perpetrator surrendered without resistance. Apparently he had a history of mental illness, so he was found insane and was transferred to a mental institution. The rifle did not belong to him.

12 Harsh truths that will make you a strong person

  1. We can’t control the past. Wasting time to worry about it is lost time.
  2. Sadly, we don’t get what we give. Don’t expect people to always give back. Not everyone has as giving a heart as you.
  3. Good things usually don’t come easily. And if you think about it, great accomplishments take time too. Don’t expect rewards instantly.
  4. Not everyone will support your dream. Haters, doubters, and pessimists will sabotage every move you make. To overcome this, follow your gut and forget them.
  5. You are responsible for the problems you encounter, regardless of who caused them. So instead of blaming others, find a way to get out of situation.
  6. Our words have the power to hurt. Cruel remarks wound others for life. Use your words to inspire and to liberate instead.
  7. Failure quickly gets to our hearts, but success goes to our heads. Our character is revealed at our highest and lows. Be humble at the top. Be faithful in the valleys.
  8. Our assumptions about what happiness should be are what makes us unhappy. Let go of your expectations about what would make you happy.
  9. We judge ourselves by our ideas and others by their actions. Be a person who others want to meet and be around.
  10. We all will die. No one will live forever. Start living a purposeful life and try to mend broken relationships, because you never know when life will end.
  11. Hating oneself starts with breaking one’s promises. Once done, it feels terrible. When it becomes a habit, you hate yourself more.
  12. Sometimes we have to ditch toxic friends from our lives and surroundings.

In court, what was the most devastating cross-examination of a witness that you ever saw?

My first jury trial my client was accused of knowingly applying for Oregon resident hunting licenses and tags without qualifying for residency. My client owned about 40 acres of land in Oregon and had a trailer home and a large shop on the property and had utility bills for that property. He had one pickup truck registered in Oregon and one in California, where he taught at a community college, but his witnesses testified he spent summer and sabbaticals and holidays in Oregon and did not own a residence or have a permanent address in California. He paid state income tax to California and not to Oregon and had a California license, and a resentful Oregon neighbor had turned him in to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW). ODFW regulations required proof of residence by any 3 of a long list of documents, including a utility bill, a Passport, and a Social Security Card.

At trial, the arresting state trooper took the stand and on cross examination I handed him the booklet of regulations, which was 20 or 30 pages of fine print and was, at the time, distributed to every place that sold licenses, and asked him to turn to the page that described the residency requirements where my client could have found the requirements when he purchased his licenses and tags. I expected the trooper to turn right to that page and I planned to establish that all my client had to do was show a utility bill with an Oregon address, his social security card and passport (which have no addresses) in order to establish Oregon residence to the satisfaction of the vender.

To my great amusement, the trooper could not find the page. He fumbled through the pamphlet, back and forth. I enjoyed that for a few minutes, and finally told him the page number. He went to that page and scanned it and said “no, it’s not there” and went back to flipping through the the booklet. I let him do that for a minute more and said “look at page _ at the last paragraph set out with darker highlighting” and he then found the part and I went on with my questioning. At the end of the trial in my closing argument I hammered on that: My client is supposed to be able to read these rules while standing in line for his license and he is supposed to understand how they apply and the trooper can’t even find the rules when I tell him what page to look on . . . “

The jury acquitted my client on all counts. I cannot say for sure, but I believe that cross examination was the best moment in the trial for me and my client. My client was found not to have “knowingly” violated the law. And my brilliant cross examination was not planned or even anticipated. I assumed the trooper would be familiar with the regulations and would turn right to the page. The witness did it to himself.

What is the rudest thing your in-laws have ever said to you?

My father-in-law looked me in the eye and angrily laid a curse on me by saying: You’re going to die a miserable old man all by yourself. With that, he got out of his chair and stalked away.

The circumstances were I was divorcing his daughter. Understand that his daughter had had several affairs, had made my life hell for several years, and truly didn’t want me in her life. She only claimed she wanted to stay married to save face and for the Machiavellian goal of making me look like the “bad guy” because I was the one filing for the divorce.

The lead up to the above talk was my then father-in-law had called me up to come by and talk to me. I of course said yes. I had always had a good relationship with him.

I spent the first half hour listening to him about how the Christian thing to do was to not get divorced. I made sure to fully listen to him. I mirrored back to him what he was saying to make sure I understood. I didn’t interject with my counter thoughts.

When he had finished I only got about 30 seconds into what I had to say in response. He cut me off. Said I wasn’t listening to him (because I wasn’t agreeing with him) and then he laid the curse on me per the quote above.

That was the last time I talked with him some 20 years ago. As I write this I’m sitting here with my wonderful wife of 10 years enjoying a scenic overlook from the back deck of our house.

Hot Dog Sizzler, an Auto Oven Cooks Hot Dogs From the 1950s

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Want a hot dog on the road? Just plug this heater into your car’s electrical system. This 12 volt electric cooker could cook two wieners at the same time in three to five minutes in your car!

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It was called the Hot Dog Siezzler and was made by the Thomas Manufacturing Co., of Chicago sometime in the 1950s while drive-in’s were around. This was thought up has an alternative to what they saw has an expensive meal at a White Castle or McDonalds or even Carols. It only makes sense because after all who wouldn’t rather have a hot dog instead of a hamburger?

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Priced at $3.95 in the 1950s. And it also comes in a 115-volt version for the home.

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What is the most dark painful method of torture known to man?

Keep in mind that this is my opinion so you may/may not agree with me.

  • Spanish Donkey

This was a torture method that was used during the Spanish Inquisition (period of forced conversions to Christianity, killings, prosecutions and torturing). It was mostly used on women (but it was common to use on men as well) when they were stripped naked, put on the Donkey, weights were added on their legs and the point of the Donkey was to pressure the woman’s genital area and if the weights were heavy enough, it would split the victim in half. Weights were added to prevent the victim from falling off the device and to increase the agony.

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  • Judas Cradle

Similar to the Donkey, Judas Cradle was a torture method used to punish criminals mostly. It was a pyramid shaped seat on which the victim was put slowly to make them suffer more. The victim was tied with ropes above the Cradle and then slowly lowered to the top of the device. Men were impaled through their anus and women through the vagina. The device would leave victims in agony and if those that were torturing wanted to make the whole process worse than it already was, they would add weights to the victim’s legs. If the victim didn’t die from the pain and exhaustion (as the device was known as “the wake” as it prevented victims from falling asleep) they would die from infections as the Cradle wasn’t cleaned.

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  • The Brazen Bull

This torture method first appeared in Ancient Greece. The victim was placed inside a bull and fire was set under the bull causing the metal to change it’s colour to yellow as it was heated. The victim was roasted to death in the bull while the bull itself was designed in such a way that the screams coming from the victim sounded like the bellowing of a bull.

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  • Scaphism

This was a Persian torture method. The victim was placed in a boat and covered with one more and then forced to ingest large amounts of honey and milk. Diarrhea occured as a consequence and the smell would attract various insects to the victim. Additional amounts of honey were poured on the victim to attract more insects as he/she was left to float in a pond on the sun. The insects would burrow through the victim’s skin destroying everything on their path. It was a long-lasting torture method so the victim was in agony for days.

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A real truth

As a teacher, what is the most ridiculous complaint you have had from the parent of one of your students?

Back a few years ago, I had a class with a lot of kids who hated going to Phys. Ed. The teacher wouldn’t let them participate without sneakers on, so they would (accidentally on purpose) “forget” their sneakers on Gym Days. I hit up the stores and bought sneakers (on clearance) in a variety of sizes so that no one would miss their Phys. Ed. time again. One day, “Josie” wanted to wear the pink sneakers, but “Susie” was already wearing them. She cried for a minute, then got over it. That evening the principal came to me and said that “Josie’s” mother had called an insisted on a conference with both of us. When he suggested that she just talk with me first, she said that what I had done was so awful, she needed him to be there to back her up. He asked me what I had done to this child. I had forgotten the sneaker business (It was a tiny part of a very busy day) and I couldn’t think of a thing. She was a complaining mother, and I was pretty sure nothing big or important had happened. He didn’t believe me. He was sure it was something really awful. Well, the mother comes in the next day, and her huge complaint was that her daughter had wanted to use my pink sneakers the day before, and I hadn’t let her wear them. The principal gave me a look, and I gave him a look reminding him that I told it wasn’t anything big. I explained to the mother why “Josie” didn’t get to wear the pink sneakers. She was still angry and said I should have taken them off of “Susie’s” feet and let “Josie” wear them. Happily for me, the principal told the mother that if her daughter needed pink sneakers that much, she should buy them and send them to school with her. We had a good laugh after the mother left.

Our neighbor’s 8-year-old drops by our house almost every afternoon and chats away about anything and everything until we ask him to leave. He’s a sweet kid, but it’s becoming a pain; what should we do?

I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to tell you my story.

I was that 8 year old child once.

My father was an alcoholic, my mother severely depressed. I raised my sister and provided her with the emotional support when our parents were too immature and abusive to give that to us.

I would get beat up, thrown against the wall, kicked, punched repeatedly on the head by my father, his rage would shake my soul. My sister and I would drown ourselves in books, homework and play as quietly so we wouldn’t anger our father. Our mother was verbally abusive, she would break everything in our home.

My father would tell us to get lost, to get out of his way, to shut up, leave him alone, brain dead kids.

He hated us.

One day my sister and I went to the neighbors house and asked them if they had candy.

It was an elderly lady and her husband. They giggled and came out with candy for us and told us to have a good day.

A few days passed and we knocked to ask them again. This time they pulled out some chairs and sat down with us. We talked for a few hours. We told them about our hobbies, favorite books, favorite everything. They gave us candy and told us to go home and not be out so late.

The next day we visited the elderly couple and they played the piano for us. We were so amazed by their warm atmosphere, love and kindness.

Some days we would go visit and they would just sit on the front porch showing them our sweet rock or toy collections, our art and we would even sing classical songs with them.

With time they began to tell us they were busy, then they didn’t open the door anymore.

We wanted to do something nice for them and picked out flowers for them and left them at their doorstep.

I still look back and I’m thankful to have met such a sweet couple. I strive to be like them one day as an old lady with my husband.

You have no obligation, but for me those strangers meant something worth remembering in my rough childhood.

What was the rudest thing a guest has ever said or did while visiting your home?

When I was in my 30s and moved into my first house (as a couple). I waited to re-paint, decorate and have locks changed and things fixed and restored, then I had a party/BBQ in my new house and invited some relatives. The party was on the patio with access to the guest bathroom and I placed sticky plastic runners on the new rugs. A couple of the relatives (the younger ones) brought some friends with them (rude to not clear it with me first) and a good thing that I have a tendency to cook way more food than I need (Nana taught me well). I was a little hyper aware of everyone’s comfort and whereabouts when I notice that two female friends of friends were missing. I knew that only one person at a time would use the bathroom so I went into the house. They were both trying the door to my bedroom (“Maybe it’s stuck”) which I had locked along with the two guest rooms and I went casually behind them and asked softly what they were doing.

They both whipped around startled. One of the women said “The door’s locked.” I actually did that because I didn’t want one of the kids to accidentally let my cats out. I didn’t say anything and they exchanged a look then asked why I had the door locked. I drew in a breath and asked them “Why do you need to go into my bedroom?”

“oh we just wanted to look at the house.”

“I think you’ve seen enough, now go outside or leave.”

They went outside…to complain. Why are there doors locked, why is there plastic runners all over the house, did you know there’s nothing in the medicine cabinet and the only thing in the vanity is an extra roll of paper (I did that on purpose).

I cleared my throat and said, “The why is because of people like you.” Their friends (Our relatives) just chuckled and kept their heads down.

Chase Explains Why Women SUCK At Picking Men And She Got UPSET

I’m 70 y/o and this has been the case for many of the women I have known. Horrible in their choice of men. It’s on you girls, wise up.”

Has your cat ever comforted you unexpectedly?

Sigh. Yes, completely unexpectedly. This past Friday night, my girl was actively dying from liver failure. She was within hours of death and I was staying with her to help comfort her. There were no vets to call to help ease her passing at that time of night, so I was doing my best to comfort her through it as best as I could. I was lying on the floor with her and softly petting her, telling her I was there, she would be OK, that we all loved her, she was the BEST friend I ever had, but that I knew she was very sick and when she was ready go it was OK to go, and see her mama who had passed several years ago. I was trying my best to stay calm (because me being upset always concerned her) but at one point I broke down and cried a little. My dying cat made a huge effort to stand up, rub along my side and then lay down facing me. She looked me in the eye, and put her paw on my hand and purred. This is what she did after I came home from the hospital with my baby years ago and was suffering from postpartum depression, and after I had had gallbladder surgery and was sitting in pain on the couch for days, after my mother in law passed away and any other time I was distraught in the twelve years she knew me. She was always wonderful, and even when she was dying herself she was still thinking of me. Good lord, I’m missing her!

Dong Jun named Defense Minister

Dong Jun 董军 was named as defense minister, taking the position formerly held by Li Shangfu.

For the first time, a Navy veteran was named to the senior defense minister position. This likely means that the Chinese government believes that, for the first time, its major challenges will come from the sea, which includes South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines. If conflict breaks out in any of these areas, the navy, air force and rocket forces will play a more important role than the army.

In terms of defense spending, this likely means a steady increase in budget for the navy, which is now building two more Chinese aircraft carriers.

If there is a major conflict with the US in the western Pacific, the navy, air force and rocket forces will form the tip of the Chinese spear.

This is what Xi is preparing China for, just in case.

How true is it that the Chinese have made a train that has no wheels and can go reverse?

I think by “train without wheels” you may be referring to it

In July 2021, the 600 kilometers per hour high-speed maglev transportation system developed by CRRC was mass-produced in Qingdao. This is the world’s first high-speed maglev transportation system with a design speed of 600 kilometers per hour.

In 2022, this maglev train will be exhibited at the German International Rail Transit Technology Exhibition.

In 2023, this maglev train will be displayed at the World Manufacturing Conference.

It is not a new thing, at least it has been around for 2 years.

It is a complete solution and requires a dedicated track to operate. This means that it is not a “train” that can run on ordinary rails.

It has no wheels and is suspended on the track by magnetic levitation. There is no resistance from the track. The propulsion power comes from each carriage. Technically, it’s flying in the air, just a few centimeters above the orbital surface.

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The forward power of the maglev train comes from the conversion of the electromagnet polarity between the track and the carriage. S and N are alternately converted to push the train forward.

When it needs to reverse, the control system changes the conversion sequence of each magnet, and the vehicle can drive in reverse. Since there is no need for a gearbox and complex transmission mechanism, its reversing becomes very simple.

Why Men Are NO LONGER Approaching Women!

I’m reminded of the BLIND guy that a chick said was staring at her in the gym. The guy’s defense was obviously “I’m blind, I can’t stare at anymore” the gym still kicked him out.”

What is the most offensive thing someone has ever asked you?

A few times people have asked me very intimate questions about my sex life; I just looked at them and cussed them out.

A hairy but non-intimate question that has been asked of me a few times: Why won’t you have a Christmas tree? Why? Because I’m not Christian, I am Jewish, and although there are some Jews who do put up and decorate Christmas trees, I don’t.

I had a friend from high school who grew more heavily Christian, and she peppered me with questions about this. One time on the phone (perhaps the last time we spoke) she asked me why I wouldn’t consider putting up a tree for the holiday. I asked her if she would consider setting up a Hanukkah menorah with candles for the holiday. When she said no, I laughed drily.

I told her this was offensive to me and she couldn’t understand why. I think that people who are of the “dominant” religion sometimes forget that not everyone is of their belief. And yes, it is offensive to me to be pestered about this. Ask once, and if I say I don’t, accept that. Otherwise, you’re going to get a jawing from me.

10 Sad realities of life you should know

  1. Maturity does not come with is age it comes from experiences it’s damn true because you can find a kid in 30 year old person and a wise person in 12 year old kid .
  2. Some people come in our lives just for some time and then they leave us as if they never met.
  3. Money is really important in life and It can solve at least 99% problems of our life .
  4. No one is permanent in your life, one day everyone is going to leave you and We all know this but it’s takes guts to accept this fact .
  5. No one can love you more than your parents, maybe at one point of life you will think that someone loves you more than them but it will be just illusion for fraction of time, which will get over with time.
  6. Looks matter, Good looking people do get some benefits over others but of course it’s what others can do but we should always love ourselves the way we are.
  7. Don’t give too much importance to someone or don’t do too much care because one day they will get bored of this.
  8. There is nothing like BFF (best friend forever) because one day that forever gets replaced by never.
  9. There is some problem in everyone’s life, so don’t compare your life with anyone; No one is really happy all the time.
  10. We all have someone who extremely love us but only some lucky people have someone in their life who can understand them too.

What did a judge say during sentencing that made you say “You gotta be kidding me”?

I was around 30 and went through a phase where my right foot was much heavier than my left foot. I got pulled over for doing something like 80-85 in a 60 in an area about an hour from where I lived. When I went to court, the conversation between me and the judge went something like this…

Judge: This is your 4th speeding violation within the last 12 months. Do you realize this carries up to a $10,000 fine and up to six months in jail?

Me (suddenly feeling very dizzy because I actually did not realize that): Yes sir.

Judge: I assume you paid a fine each time before this one.

Me: Yes sir

Judge: It seems that taking your money isn’t getting through to you. How do I get through to you?

Me (on the verge of a breakdown): I don’t know sir.

Judge: I’m sentencing you to 6 months in jail, suspended. I’m also sentencing you to a $10,000 fine, suspended. You’re going to come back here in 3 months and we’re going to look at your driving record. If there’s nothing on it, you’ll go home. If there’s anything on it, your sentence will be carried out. Then we’re going to do that again 3 months after that, again 3 months after that, and again 3 months after that. In other words, I’m going to inconvenience you to drive back here every 3 months over the next year so we can look at your driving record. Does that sound fair to you?

Me (barely able to speak due to a throat like the Mojave desert): Yes sir.

Judge: I thought you might think so. I’ll see you in 3 months.

I walked out of there not believing my good fortune. Instead of just throwing the book at me and moving on, the Judge took mercy on me and pretty much made me walk the line. I went back every 3 months and he congratulated me each time for not having any other traffic violations.

Which battle saw the most intense artillery barrage in history?

If we’re only talking about sheer intensity (and not effectiveness) then the Soviet bombardment signalling the start of their Berlin offensive at the end of World War 2 is the clear winner.

According to Cornelius Ryan’s book “The last battle”, Soviet guns were lined up for mile after mile and stepped back caliber by caliber. The mortars were in front. Behind them were tanks, their long main guns elevated. Next came self-propelled guns and, following these, batteries of light and heavy artillery. Along the rear were 400 Katyusha multiple-rocket launchers. In all, over 20,000 guns took part in this bombardment.

At exactly 3 AM on the 16th of April 1945, three green flares soared into the sky and the huge collection of guns roared into life. In merely 35 minutes, half a million shells of all types and calibers were let loose. Many soldiers on both sides were battle-hardened veterans of the Eastern front, yet even they didn’t expect the true intensity of this barrage.

The noise was terrible. Gunners had to keep their mouths open to equalize the pressure on their ears, otherwise their eardrums would rupture. One experienced Soviet battery commander even warned his crews to not only open their mouths but also scream at the top of their lungs. The crew did exactly that but blood still ran from their ears. The most fearsome sound of all came from the Katyushas. The rocket projectiles whooshed off the launchers in fiery batches and screeched through the night, making terrifying noise like “huge blocks of steel grinding together”.

Everyone on both the German and Soviet sides suffered from some degree of deafness and could not hear very well at least for a while. In Marshal Zhukov’s command bunker, only when the bombardment was over could the staff barely hear their telephones ringing. Even residents of the eastern districts of Berlin, some 55 kilometers away from the target area, could hear the bombardment like distant thunder.

Also according to Cornelius Ryan: The German countryside beyond the western Kustrin bridgehead seemed to disappear before a rolling wall of bursting shells. Whole villages disintegrated. Earth, concrete, steel, parts of trees spewed into the air and in the distance forests began to blaze. Years later German survivors would vividly recall the strange hot wind that suddenly sprang up and howled through the forests, bending saplings and whipping dust and debris into the air.

Antony Beevor’s book “The fall of Berlin” cited Gerd Wagner in the German 27th Parachute Regiment: “In a matter of a few seconds all my ten comrades were dead.” When Wagner recovered consciousness, he found himself lying wounded in a smoking shell crater. He was only just able to struggle back to the second line. Few escaped alive from the artillery barrage which smashed trenches and buried their occupants, both alive and dead. Bodies are still being discovered well over half a century later.

The massive barrage also produced strange concussion effects. Troops and equipment alike shook uncontrollably from the shock. In houses closer to the front, pictures fell off walls, windows and mirrors shattered. In Muncheberg, a cross tumbled from the church spire. In the police station at Mahlsdorf books fell off their shelves and telephones rang for no reason. Lights dimmed and flickered in many areas. In Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten an air raid siren suddenly went berserk and no one could switch it off. Along the edges of Weissensee and Lichtenberg a sudden wind caused curtains to whip and flap with ghostly abandon, and in Erkner some inhabitants of air raid shelters were jolted out of sleep, not by noise but by a sickening vibration of the earth.

The world had never seen such a massive artillery bombardment like that before, it has never seen anything like that since.

Brian KICKS OUT PSYCHO Obnoxious Feminist!

I genuinely don’t think she’s trolling, I think she’s literally just crazy. She has no idea how crazy she really is.”

If an alien spacecraft landed on Earth (and its crew died later for some reason), how quickly could we learn from its spaceship how to build our own spaceship that could match its travelling ability?

John W. Campbell got his engineering degree in 1930. In 1970, he wrote about what would happen if an SR-71 Blackbird was magically time-traveled to 1930.

It was clearly from the future. But how far in the future?

Electronics: not a single vacuum tube. Just little plastic cases with pins sticking out. They decide to sacrifice one to understand it. It appears as if the circuit diagrams are drawn on the chip. They can’t be sure, because much of the drawing is below the resolution the optical microscopes of the day allow. They do a spectroscopic analysis of the material. It is 100% pure silicon. Turns out the spectroscopes of 1930 cannot detect the parts-per-billion of the dopants that create the semiconductors.

Power: they’ve never seen a jet engine. There does not seem to be any way for the engine to operate. They try to run it. The fuel does not burn. Turns out the special fuel (if I recall, something called J6) can only be ignited by throwing some hypergolic igniter in on the ground. If it flamed out while running, it could not be restarted.

Radio: the circuitry is more magic drawings on silicon. They can’t figure out how any of it works. Turns out it runs at a higher frequency than anything they know how to detect.

Radar: They have no idea what that horn in the nose does. It seems to emit some kind of energy, because a tech got his hand in front of it an experienced some heating. So they tried using infrared detectors but saw nothing. Centimeter radar was beyond anything they knew about, and they had no way to detect frequencies that high, beyond anything they could even imagine.

Construction: it is made of pure titanium. More titanium than exists in the entire world! Extruded into thin sheets. And welded! Everyone they checked with said that it was impossible to weld titanium because it would essentially “catch fire” and it would start oxidizing and would all burn away.

So how far in the future did it come from? They got all kinds of people together, scientists , engineers, scientifiction authors. Where did this come from? Or, when did this come from? Consensus: maybe 400 years in the future.

No, it was 40 years.

So if we can’t reverse engineer something of human technology from 40 years in the future, do you think we have any chance whatsoever of reverse-engineering something from an alien planet?

When I became a programmer in 1963, if you added up all of the bits of memory in all the computers in the world, you would have at most a few megabits of memory. I am typing this on my iPhone, which has 128 gigabytes of memory, that is, one terabit of information. Plus a GPS, Internet access, three cameras, and a telephone that can allow me to talk to anyone who has a telephone anywhere in the world in seconds. That’s a bit longer than 40 years, but not that much longer. This thing I’m holding in my hand is at a minimum 100,000 times more powerful than the supercomputer of 1963, and could be construed as a million times more powerful along some measures. It has more RAM than our mainframe of 1983 had disk space to support 30 programmers. If I walk a block in any direction I will probably pass 20 phones equally powerful. And I live in a neighborhood of single-family homes

So we probably won’t be able to do anything with that alien spaceship. It might use quantum computers that compare to our quantum computers like my iPhone compares to an IBM 704 vacuum tube computer.

Does a boss ever get in trouble when a staff member quits?

When I was working in the arctic we had a mass mutiny after the boss cut our paid hours from 12 to 8, while we were down for repairs. Which was about 5 days. Those extra hours were all over time, so it almost cut our pay in half. We had signed up for 12 hour days, and just because we couldn’t work more than 8 hour days, we didn’t see that as our problem.

Our boss refused to budge, and at least 5 people submitted resignations, and said that they wanted tickets home, because the company wasn’t meeting the terms of employment.

The next day, a new boss showed up and took over, and pay was reinstated retroactively. The people who had quit ,hadn’t flown out yet, and they all returned to work.

Its hard to find qualified help in the Arctic. Cutting pay for five days, would have meant that we were shut down for at least another ten days before they could have flown in new qualified people. They wouldn’t have flown in for an eight hour day.

The old boss was transferred somewhere else, where he could do less damage. He wasn’t fired.

A story of two presidents

What did someone say in court that made you burst out laughing?

Back in Fort Bragg I stopped to get gasoline while I was wearing my fatigues. That was during a time when gasoline was being withheld by the producers claiming a gasoline shortage. There was a long line leading to the cashier.

To make a long story shorter, four young men came into the store and one of them came to members in the line making demands of them. I thought it was a prank on friends of the young men until he came to me. He demanded a coke I had in my hand intending to purchase when I paid for my gasoline.

I offered to buy the gy a coke and told him to go to the cooler and bring it back. He said that he was perticulaary fond of the coke in my hand. I refused to give it to him. He told me “we’ll see you outside”.

They were gone when I left the store, so I pulled up to the pump as was pumping gas into my car, when their car screeched up to mine and all existed the car. The same guy walked up to me and demanded the coke. I did not know him or his buddies and I was alone. He shouted “give me my coke”. I hit him across the head and face with the coke which was in a bottle. The bottle broke ! The broken glass sliced his head and face from above his left temple down to his lower right jaw.

He fell bleeding profusely. His buddies asked if they could pick him up without me cutting them. I told them to get him.

Skipping a bunch of details, I ended upon in court before a magistrate to be charged for assault on a minor. The boy’s father was in the courtroom and drunk as a a skunk. When he saw me walk in in handcuffs, he shouted pretty loudly “There’s the Son of a Bitch who hurt my son”.

The Judge admonished him telling him that was drunk and that he would not tolerate causing and such in his courtroom.

He man looked up at me and loudly said “Tell that son of a bitch (the Judge) that I’m not drunk”.

It turned out that the four young men were terrorizing local stores and people doing this same stuff over and over. I was released based upon defending myself.

The kid and I later became decent friends with him crediting me with saving his life. He has a scar across his face until this day but he is a law abiding and friendly young man. He is not hostile toward me at all.

When have you cheaply or inexpensively fixed an item someone thought unrepairable?

As a very poor college student, I used to go dumpster diving. I found several things (radios, alarm clocks, amplifiers, etc) that I fixed and sold. I found that I could make about $40 a week that way, with only a couple hours work. Minimum wage was about $3.25/hour so it was relatively lucrative. But there were two items that I kept for myself.

In 1985, I found an old computer in a dumpster, complete with 8″ hard drive. I took it home and took a look inside. Everything seemed okay, so I went to the library and started looking for information about it. It turned out to be an Altair 8800BT, one of the first commercially available microcomputers. I stuck it in my closet and ignored it for a couple of decades, just taking it with me every time I moved. A few years ago, I came across a listing for a similar computer on eBay, and was astonished to find that it was worth about $5000! I spent about $200 getting it working again, but it is so much fun to play with that I haven’t gotten around to selling it, and the value fluctuates wildly. There is an amazing amount of code and documentation available for it on the internet.

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A few months later, I found a Sylvania Superset in excellent condition. I took it home and plugged it in. The flyback transformer was blown. I spent $30 for a replacement, soldered it in, and the TV worked flawlessly until 1999, when my (now-ex) wife gave it to a friend.

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The photos are not mine, but they are the exact same models.

What is the most deceiving picture of all time?

The Saigon Execution photo, but not for the reason most people think.

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“Two people died in that photograph. The recipient of the bullet and General Nguyen Ngoc Loan. The general killed the Viet Cong; I killed the general with my camera.” – Photographer Eddie Adams

This picture is both moving and tear jerking for me because I know the back story. Most people look at the picture and think the South Vietnamese general as some kind of monster. When the general lost a leg in combat and received medical treatment in the U.S., many were outraged. Then-Sen. Stephen M. Young (D-Ohio) called Loan a “brutal murderer” and said his treatment in the United States was “a disgraceful end to a … disgraceful episode.”

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What most people don’t know is that the real monster was not the South Vietnamese general, but the Vietcong terrorist. Viet Cong officer­ Nguyen Van Lem was the leader of a hit team that infiltrated into Saigon to execute political opponents and members of the police force. Just that morning, he had murdered 34 people. 7 of the dead had been General Loan’s own men. 2 or 3 had been Americans. The rest were wives and children of South Vietnamese police officers. All had been bound at the wrist, forced to kneel near a pit, and executed. The prisoner and all of his hit squad were terrorists who dressed as civilians to attack civilians.

Loan, fresh from intense combat with Viet Cong, literally caught Van Lem red handed. The most recent victims were one of Loan’s men, the policeman’s wife, and his 6 children. The general had literally caught the terrorist standing over the bodies of his own God children.

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Combat was ongoing. Loan had to rush back into battle. He didn’t have time to read a Viet Cong terrorist his rights. He put a bullet in the brain of a terrorist who had killed dozens of women and children. But for decades, the picture was reprinted over and over, with no context. The ignorant believed General Loan to be a villain, rather than a hero taking a monster off the streets of Saigon.

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Now the picture itself was not deceitful, nor was the photographer. But the picture was stripped of context and used to deceive the reader of American newspapers.

Have you ever fired someone for not coming to work on time?

Late and absent both. Let’s call her Patricia. Patricia, our receptionist, was late or absent at least once a week, and she was always very apologetic and always promised it would never happen again. Eventually she was put on last chance, final written warning.

The owner and I discussed it and thought that maybe if Patricia felt that the company was willing to invest in her, she would feel more invested in the company. So we sent her to a class to improve her skills. She was very excited about the opportunity.

The day of the class was monstrous. A new client signed unexpectedly and we had to immediately come up with eight workers in the right specialty to send them, but to come up with travel arrangements and temporary living quarters in a city a thousand miles away for those eight workers. We got through it finally but I’d been covering not only my own job but Patricia’s as well and I was exhausted.

The following day Patricia came in and I asked her how the class went. She said, “I was a little late and they wouldn’t let me in.”

“So why weren’t you here? If you weren’t in class you should have come to work,” I told her.

“Well, I would have, but I thought you’d yell at me.”

I told her to sit down and I’d talk to her later. Before I said anything further I wanted to talk to the owner, who wasn’t in yet. I also called the company that provides the class in question, and they told me that while the attendance records weren’t in yet, Patricia would have had to be at least an hour and a half late before she would be denied access.

The owner and I agreed that where Patricia had already been on last chance warning for her attendance, this was the last straw. As I told her, “If you’d come in to work when they wouldn’t let you into class I would have yelled at you but you’d still have a job. As it is, you don’t.”

How did old fashioned sail boats manage to sail across the Atlantic just by the power of the wind? If the wind blew in the other direction wouldn’t it just sail back in the other direction?

Old-fashioned sailboats were able to sail across the Atlantic by using the power of the wind and the skill of the sailors. They did not just sail back in the other direction if the wind changed, because they knew how to adjust their sails and navigate according to the prevailing wind patterns. Sailboats work by harnessing the force of the wind on their sails, which creates a lift that pushes the boat forward. The direction and speed of the boat depend on the angle and shape of the sails, the position of the rudder, and the resistance of the water and the keel.

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By changing these factors, sailors can control the movement of the boat and steer it towards their destination. However, sail boats cannot sail directly into the wind, because the wind would push them back. Instead, they have to sail at an angle to the wind, called tacking, and zigzag their way forward. This way, they can sail in any direction, even against the wind, as long as they have enough space and time.

The Atlantic Ocean has very reliable wind patterns, called trade winds and westerlies, that sailors used to their advantage. The trade winds blow from east to west in the tropics, near the equator, and the westerlies blow from west to east in the temperate zones, near the poles. These winds are caused by the difference in temperature and pressure between the equator and the poles and the rotation of the Earth.

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Sailors who wanted to cross the Atlantic from Europe to America would use the trade winds, and sail south until they reached the tropics, then sail west along the equator, and then sail north to reach the Caribbean or North America. Sailors who wanted to cross the Atlantic from America to Europe would use the westerlies, and sail north until they reached the temperate zone, then sail east along the higher latitudes, and then sail south to reach Europe. These routes are known as the Atlantic triangular trade because they formed a triangle on the map.

Sailing across the Atlantic was not an easy task, and it required a lot of skill, courage, and luck. Sailors had to deal with storms, waves, currents, pirates, diseases, and other dangers. Sometimes they had to navigate using the stars, the sun, the compass, and the log, and estimate their position and speed. They also had to cooperate with their crew and follow the orders of their captain. Sailing across the Atlantic was a great adventure, and a great achievement, for the old-fashioned sail boats and their sailors.

Has there ever been a famous billionaire who went completely broke due to bad habits?

One famous example of someone who was extremely wealthy and lost it all due to a bad habit is Howard Hughes.

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Howard Hughes was a prominent American business magnate, aviator, film producer, and philanthropist who was born on December 24, 1905, and passed away on April 5, 1976. He initially gained wealth through his inheritance of the Hughes Tool Company, a successful oil tool business. Hughes expanded his empire into various industries, including aviation, film, and real estate.

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Here’s how he lost his wealth due to a combination of factors:

1.) Excessive Spending: Hughes had a penchant for extravagant spending, particularly on ambitious projects. He founded Hughes Aircraft Company and designed and built innovative aircraft like the H-4 Hercules, also known as the “Spruce Goose,” which was one of the largest planes ever constructed. These projects consumed vast amounts of his wealth.

2.) Film Ventures: Hughes ventured into the film industry, producing movies like “Hell’s Angels” and “The Outlaw.” His fixation on perfectionism and costly reshoots significantly inflated production budgets, leading to financial losses in the film sector.

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3.) Reclusive Lifestyle: In the latter part of his life, Hughes became increasingly reclusive and struggled with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). His reclusiveness made it challenging to manage his various business interests effectively, and he withdrew from public life, which hampered decision-making.

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4.) Legal Battles: Hughes became embroiled in numerous legal disputes, including battles over his inheritance, control of his companies, and allegations of fraud. These legal battles drained his financial resources and added to his woes.

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5.) Mismanagement: Hughes entrusted the management of his vast empire to a series of individuals, some of whom were not always acting in his best interests. This mismanagement further eroded his wealth.

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By the time of his death in 1976, Howard Hughes had gone from being one of the wealthiest individuals in the world to a recluse with a much-diminished fortune. His life and financial decline are often cited as a cautionary tale of the perils of unchecked ambition, excessive spending, and reclusiveness.

What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

A woman was at my local bar in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, drinking a beer. It was a quiet early evening, maybe a dozen people in the place including the bartender and bouncer. A guy carelessly bumps into her, spilling her beer on her. He doesn’t apologize. Irritated, she points out that he just spilled her beer. I don’t recall exactly what he said, but it was very much not what a gentleman who just spilled a woman’s beer should have been saying.

Two large, tattooed dudes with shaved heads come along and sit on either side of the guy and ask him if he’d still be talking like that if the woman wasn’t alone. Because she very definitely was not alone. She was there with these two guys who had been up picking some music on the jukebox when the incident happened. And all three of them were good friends with the bouncer and the bartender. So they wondered if maybe the guy would like to apologize to the woman, buy her another beer to replace the one he spilled, and be a lot more thoughtful about how he treats people in the future. Which he agreed to. They pointed out how fucked up it was that it wasn’t until they came along that he started behaving more like a gentleman, and that maybe he should rethink his behavior towards women.

The guy left soon after, having wisely left a generous tip in exchange for leaving with all his teeth still in his mouth.

When did you think you were going to get fired, but didn’t?

I was working at Office Depot as a cashier. A lady had over $100 in merchandise. She had a coupon from Staples that was for $10 off of $50 and asked me if I would honor it. We did accept competitor’s coupons. I told her of course, not a problem. She produced it, and I was reading the fine print to make sure that it was valid. Some coupons will have exemptions, such as not being allowed to be used with HP ink. As I was trying to read the fine print, the lady told me that I said I would accept it. I agreed and asked her nicely to please be quiet so I could read the fine print. She was quiet for a few seconds and stated again that I promised that I would accept it no matter what. I told her that I didn’t promise, but please be quiet, I need to read in silence. She was quiet for a few seconds and brought up the fact I said I would honor it. I slammed my hands down on the checkout counter and told her if she would just shut up, and let me read it, we would both be happier. That shut her up long enough to see why she was trying to distract me. The coupon had expired two days prior. I looked at her and she blushed. I said, now I get why you were so insistent about my saying I would honor it. She started stammering out an apology. I told her not to worry, I would still honor it. I did because I figured, we were still making $90 from this sale, and most likely she would come back here to shop. I did ask her if she tried to use it at Staples and they wouldn’t honor it. Yes, they told me to try and see if Office Depot would accept it.

I expected to be fired for the way I talked to her and that I accepted an expired coupon from Staples.

Instead, she filled out a survey saying how wonderful I was and now she would only shop with us. She transferred her printing over to us, which generated over $1000 in sales monthly. The general manager asked why I honored it knowing it was expired. I told him because I said I would, but I did tell her that all the conditions had to be met first. Once I saw it was expired, I figured the $10.00 loss was nominal in making a customer happy.

I’m just supposed to do this forever?

Uh. Yes.

Who saved your life without even knowing it?

My mother saved my life by cursing me out and making me go to school. It was the day after my 11th birthday. I had every intention to stay home and play the new Super Nintendo games I had received for my birthday. Usually, my mother wouldn’t have had any problem with this, but that day she was adamant that I was going to get up and go to school. We got into a terrible argument and both said very hurtful things to each other. I had no choice but to go.

As soon as I got to school I had this overwhelming feeling that I just wanted to go home and lay on my mother’s lap and cry. It wasn’t because of the argument but it was something else I just couldn’t put my finger on. The school day was finally over and I still couldn’t shake this feeling. My godbrother and downstairs neighbor wanted to come over and play the game and even though I still just wanted to get in the house and cry, I reluctantly agreed.

When we got to the door it was locked. No big deal. Looked under the mat and the key wasn’t there. Still not unusual. I climbed up the back patio and let myself in. I immediately went to the front door to let my company in. After I let them in I went to the kitchen to get a piece of cake and my downstairs neighbor went straight to the tv and cut it and the game on.

For some reason, my godbrother started to walk through the apartment. When he came back into the living room he told us that we needed to go outside. We begrudgingly went. Once outside he proceeded to say “I don’t know how to say this, but your mother is dead”. I darted back in and went straight to her bedroom. She was tied to the bed with the phone cord and her throat had been sliced open. There was blood everywhere.

I ran back outside and downstairs to call 911 as our phone wasn’t connected at the time. I didn’t really know what to say and I think the operator must have thought it was a prank because she hung up on me. So I called my grandma and told her. After that, I just sat on the bottom step until the police and paramedics started pulling up. My grandma arrived shortly after and it gets blurry from there.

It will be 26 years on September 26 that this happened. Still no arrests. I feel like everyone in town knows exactly who did it, the same people I’ve been saying for years, but no one is willing to say anything. Mind you her boyfriend was killed in the same way about a year before. This happened in Plymouth, North Carolina, and her name is Sonja Day. You can also look at details of her boyfriend’s murder on the North Carolina Innocence Commission website under the Spruill case. My cousin was wrongfully convicted of his murder and after all this time they are finally trying to do something about it. I’ve always been adamant that the same people are responsible for both murders.

Sorry for being so long-winded. Probably should have made this its own answer. So that’s how my mother saved my life. I would like to think that if I stayed home that day, I could have saved her somehow, but it likely wouldn’t have gone that way.

Edit: Wow! I never thought that this many people would read this. I would like to thank everyone for their comments and well wishes.There are a few things happening that may lead to an arrest. I feel like the end may be within reac. I’ll definitely let everyone know how it works out.

Why should I not compare myself to others?

1-Everyone is on a different journey. You may just be starting yours while the other person might be at the end of his/hers.

2-Comparing yourself to others is a losing battle. In the game of life, you will never reach a point where you are better than others in every way.

3-What you are comparing against is inaccurate information. What people present to the outside world is usually an edited version of their reality.

4-Your dream is likely different from others. If you have a big dream, it will take a while before you achieve it.

5-Comparison saps you of your limited time, you’ll be better off paying more attention to your dream.

6-All you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won’t like you at all.

As a software developer, how often do you leave a backdoor in your code?

I once left a backdoor on an Android app since I was working with a client that couldn’t be trusted whether they would pay me or not. Heard from another developer that they let him develop and ran away with the software and never paid him.

It was like this, whenever the app starts it proceeds as usual but on the background it sends a request to one of my servers, if the request reaches the server and the response is code 200, then its ok, am still waiting for the payment the app can proceed as usual, if 201 then I wasn’t paid, so crash the app, clean all preferences and change url that was saved in preferences makes the app completely unusable for good. If 203 then I have been paid in full, proceed never send any request to my server again.

And my guess was right,I made the app, haven’t send the code to the client yet (they didn’t need the code though, it was a full running app), they started using the app, told me some stuffs, I fixed them, everything is set, they love the app, it was even more than they expected, I even made them an admin dashboard with a bunch of analytics to monitor all their data for free as a way to make them like me to work with them in the future, in my price I even included free up to 3 months bugs fixing if any were to occur, they were so happy with the results.

Then they immediately disappeared, waited for their reply for two weeks, nothing, not even a reply to tell me to wait, its like they all died from a hurricane or something, they even changed the pass to their server so I couldn’t get in and kill it, that was proof enough that they clearly ran away with my software. So I sent the 201 status code from my server and the whole app froze, all clients they connected couldn’t use the app anymore, immediately the following day they tried to contact me, I tripled the price after seeing they wanted to scam me. They paid me in full the same day through western union, I sent a fully working app with no backdoor, and all the source code. And that was it, I’ll never work with these guys again.

I will put a backdoor if you are a bad client, if you are a good one or pay in advance I’m not putting any, or if we are in the same country because I know I could sue you. I hate backdoors anyway because they are too risky no matter how much I try to secure them, the fact that they exist is a problem.

Would you rather live in a huge home and be house poor or live in a modest home and have a lot of expendable money?

My wife has a face painting and balloon business. Before the pandemic, she was booked over three hundred gigs every year at hourly rates that would make a lawyer happy.

Once April 2020 hit, her business dried up. No parties. No festivals. No grand openings. No fairs.

We shrugged our shoulders. Oh, well!

She refunded her pending contracts to keep good customer relations. I went to work as usual. We actually increased our savings since then. My job covers our needs.

We’re fine!

The reason is our modest house. We made do with a smaller home and aggressively paid the mortgage down when times were good. When rates dropped, we refinanced. Our mortgage payment is only 1/4 of my monthly net income.

This could have been a very stressful time financially. I’m very grateful that it hasn’t been at all. I wouldn’t trade that security for an extra room or a big garage.

Modest home all the way!

It’s a true story

Said by “Al Bundy” actor of Married with Children. But it is a true story.

Why does the Air Force keep the A10 if the F-22 and even F35 can ground attack, and they’re magnitudes faster?

Funny story. The Air Force never wanted the A-10 and never wanted to support the Army in ground attack roles. They only adopted the A-10 to save their budget from the Army demanding to develop and provide their own CAS solutions.

Fast is great for a lot of things but the A-10 is able to loiter and remain aloft at much lower speeds, allowing pilots to see what was developing on the ground.

Six A-10s can be produced for the cost of one F-35.

A-10s are 1/6th the costto fly each hour.

A-10’s are mission capable at nearly double the rate of the maintenance intensive F-35.

The F-35’s are rife with problems that are slowing production and have cause groundings.

F-35’s stealth is far less useful in low and slow engagements because it can be detected and killed by people with eyeballs and manpads. The A-10 suffers this problem too but it’s more durable and cheaper to replace.

Every F-35 lost to CAS missions will be detrimental to other sorties the plane might have flown.

I like the F-35 but it’s not really a good plane choice for getting down in the mud with the grunts.

image 519
image 519

If an F-35 was shot up like that’ I seriously doubt the pilot would have managed to fly it home.


Folks, I never mentioned Ukraine. I never suggested sending the A-10 into combat without other types of aircraft designed to make their use tolerably safe. I also never made the A-10 put to be some sort of superhero airframe, unable to be killed. I specifically answered a question about the A-10 vs F-35/F-22 in close support of troops.

Have you ever caught a nurse doing something they should not have?

During my son’s 12th grade year of school another student broke his leg during football.

At the hospital, after the X-ray the nurse came in to wrap my son’s leg. She grabs his leg and bends it to the side, and I hear this pop noise as my son screams out.

I yelled at the nurse and made her leave the room. At this point the head doctor and head nurse rushed into the room. I told them to get my son’s pain under control. They gave him a shot and after he relaxed I explained what the nurse had done. I told them that I should sue the hell out of the hospital for allowing a person man or woman to work with patients that clearly has no damn idea what the hell she is doing.

The doctor and nurse took the bitch into an empty room and she walked out of the room and walked out of the exit door. She looked at me with a hateful look and I called her a bitch, and the doctor witnessed it. He told me it will be dealt with.

Not sure if she was fired or just sent home on probation.

Barley with Mushrooms (Scotland)

mushroom barley 3f
mushroom barley 3f


  • 8 ounces mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 medium onions, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 3 1/4 cups boiling water
  • 1 cup barley
  • 2 teaspoons instant chicken bouillon
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Dash of pepper


  1. Cook and stir mushrooms and onions in butter 5 minutes; place in ungreased 1 1/2-quart casserole.
  2. Stir in remaining ingredients.
  3. Cover and bake at 375 degrees F, stirring once, until barley is tender, about 1 1/4 hours.

Have you ever walked into your home and known something wasn’t right? What happened?

When I was in 3rd grade my parents got a collie for me. Lassie was big on TV and I wanted my own Lassie. We named her Lady. She was the perfect pet and protector, especially of me. We lived in Omaha in a split level house. The kitchen, a bedroom, and a combination laundry room/bomb shelter were on the back of the house, the lower level. My brother, sister, and I shared the bedroom.

My parents both worked so when we got home from school, we’d stay with the lady across the street, who also took care of my younger brother who was not school age yet. We would leave Lady in the neighbor’s back yard during the day.

One day I wanted something from my room so I took Lady with me to our house. I was part ways down the back stairs when I realized the back door was open and a man was standing in the kitchen. He had apparently just forced the door. He was holding a pry bar. I froze and he started towards me, not seeing Lady behind me on the stairs. She met him as he was coming up and tore into his arm holding the pry bar. He dragged her to the door and out and I called her back as he ran away. We never learned who it was, though my dad suspected one of the neighbors.

There were two other times Lady probably saved members of our family. She woke us up the night our house burned down and got us out within five minutes of the entire ceiling collapsing.

The other time was when we had moved to South Carolina. We lived on the last street at the edge of town. Behind us was a wide field, then some woods. A few miles past the woods was a prison work camp.

My dad was gone bowling and my mother, sister, brother, and I were watching TV. It was summer and the side porch wooden door was open. The screen door wasn’t latched. My mom’s car was parked right outside the door.

My mother saw a man come over the back fence and look in the car windows, probably for keys, then walk up onto the porch and look through the screen. She called out, “What do you want?”

He didn’t say anything, just walked into the living room. He saw a woman and three kids but he didn’t see Lady, who was lying by the TV. She saw him, though, and without a word from us she was across the room and tearing into him. He bolted out the door, and she was chewing away at his legs as he went over the fence. We ran outside and turned on the porch light. He was running across the back yard, and Lady backed up to get a running start and leaped the fence. She caught him again at the back fence and worked on his ass some more. When he got over the fence and disappeared into the night, my mom called her back.

The police came and said he was an escapee from the prison camp. They brought dogs and tracked him from our house and found him in the woods. I suspect he had a healthy fear of dogs by then.

He wanted the car keys and who knows, he might not have wanted any witnesses to call the police.

Lady passed away while I was overseas in the military. My mom told me my dad sat on the floor and held her for hours until she was gone. We all loved Lady as much as she loved us.

It’s a turnoff for me

What are some ‘bro code’ instances you have experienced?

I’ll narrate two instances where I’ve witnessed a beautiful manifestation of “bro-code”.

Mine was a co-ed school. Our class strength was divided almost equally between girls and boys. One of the guys, Inzy, had a massive crush on a girl from another section. He was too shy to speak up however. He thought she was out of his league (whatever that means!).

Our class fellows immediately got down to image building. They casually started talking about Inzy with the girls of the other section. Not with his crush. They chose the other girls, carefully avoiding “the one”. The tales of his intelligence, humility and humour started being discussed amongst the other girls and this piqued the interest of his crush.

Some girls soon started interacting with Inzy with their casual helloes. And as expected, Miss. Crush bumped into him outside our Chemistry lab and asked him to clear some doubts. Inzy did not know what hit him! He did manage to sail through with his explanation.

Inzy found his girl, all thanks to his bros who worked behind the scenes and set the ball rolling for his love story. We girls also contributed our bit… by keeping quiet about the entire set up. Wasn’t easy!! :p

The second instance is a bit gory. There were a group of boys who used to hang out regularly at the corner of our street. They were college students who had known each other since their childhood. One of them was Omi bhaiya (elder brother). He was a gentle giant, forever helping others.

One day another gang of boys from some other neighbourhood came to our locality. That day our regular group of elder boys had not yet converged. The gang went up to a lone guy who coming back on his cycle and started fighting with him. He tried to escape but was surrounded. The gang was getting aggressive and soon withdrew hockey sticks and bats. The commotion drew the attention of Omi bhaiya who was casually walking towards his usual hangout. He ran towards where the whole scene was unfolding.

Just as the cyclist was about to be slashed with a blade, bhaiya caught the sharp weapon, with his bare hands! His hand was slashed across the palm. Seeing blood gushing out, the neighbouring gang guys ran away. Turns out that it was a fight over some insult.

When bhaiya was asked why didn’t he call for help and instead held the blade, thereby harming himself, his answer was simple. “The boy being attacked is my friend’s younger brother. He’s like my own. Couldn’t take a chance. Bros always look out for each other.How could I see him get hurt?”

Cesnica (Serbian Christmas Bread)

Cesnica Serbian Christmas Bread
Cesnica Serbian Christmas Bread


  • 7 3/4 cups flour
  • 3 tablespoons yeast
  • 1 cup shortening
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • Warm water


  1. Heat oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Combine flour, yeast, shortening and salt. Knead with enough warm water to moisten until dough separates from hands. Dough should be firm, not tacky.
  3. Put dough on greased pan. Let rise for 10 minutes in warm area.
  4. Perforate dough with fork. Insert clean coin (quarter or gold dollar) and spread dough flat like a pizza.
  5. Bake for 25 minutes until brown.

Makes 16 servings.

What can I learn in one minute that will be useful for the rest of my life?

In one of my job interviews this year, I was asked, “How much do you think the chewing gum market is worth in the United States?”

If you haven’t encountered a question like that before, it might sound like a crazy thing for an interviewer to ask. For one thing, I knew absolutely nothing about the chewing gum industry. For another, if I ever actually needed that information, the smartest response would probably be to pull out my phone and Google it.

But the purpose of doing estimations like that isn’t to figure out the right answer – it’s to practice structuring your thinking in a logical way. You can learn the gist of how to do it in a minute, and you can use this kind of logic for the rest of your life.

Estimations like these are often referred to as Fermi problems, or back-of-the-envelope calculations. To solve one, you’re supposed to figure out a way to break the main question into a series of smaller components that can more comfortably estimate. Then, you put them back together to arrive at an approximation of the final answer. The trick is to ask small questions to reach a bigger solution.

For example, this was how I estimated the size of U.S. chewing gum market:

  1. I knew that there are about 320 million people in the U.S.
  2. I knew that the average lifespan in the U.S. is about 80 years. We’ll assume that age is evenly distributed among the population (not actually true, but close enough for our purposes.)
  3. Teenagers and adults – say, between the ages of 10 and 50, so about half the population – are the demographics most likely to chew gum. Let’s guess that about 75% of them are gum-chewers.
  4. Small children under the age of 10, and older adults over the age of 50, are the demographics least likely to chew gum. Let’s guess that 25% of them are gum-chewers.
  5. If we do the math, that gives us a total of about 160 million gum-chewers in the U.S.
  6. On average, each of those people probably chew at least 1 stick of gum every week.
  7. Most of the packs of gum I’ve seen contain about 15 sticks of gum.
  8. There are 52 weeks in a year. If we round up a little, that means the average gum-chewer buys about 4 packs of gum every year.
  9. I’d guess that an average pack of gum costs about $5. That means that 4 packs would cost $20.
  10. That gives us about $20 per person * 160 million people = $3.2 billion spent on gum every year.

I had no idea if that was right or not – for all I knew, some of my assumptions were completely ridiculous. But maybe some of my wrong assumptions canceled each other out. I Googled the question afterwards, and I found that the U.S. chewing gum market was worth $3.9 billion in 2015, which means I at least got to an accurate order of magnitude. And best of all, I got the job!

If you want to try doing one yourself, here are a couple of fun ones:

  • How many gas stations are there in your country?
  • How many hair are on your head?
  • How many airplanes are there in the world?
  • How many customers visit your favorite restaurant every year?
  • How many Quora answers have you read in your lifetime?

What is the most hurtful thing someone has said to you?

Right before I attempted suicide (and 2 months after my heart attack), I asked my “wife” to tell me that she loved me. She refused. We weren’t fighting or anything. She just refused. So I asked her to lie to me and say that she loved me. I was feeling low and my body was failing me. I’m a veteran who been through a lot. So she decided to make confessions. She said that it was NOT her responsibility to tell me that she loved me or that I was attractive. If I wanted to feel loved or attractive, go to therapy instead. She also revealed that she hated the educational gap between us and said that she despised living in my “shadow” and being known as my wife.

This absolutely BROKE me. The final straw was when I told her that she broke my heart and she just shrugged.
I absolutely wasted 20 years of my life.

What is the best thing your teacher ever told you?

Originally Answered: what was the most interesting thing your teacher said?

Original question: What’s the best thing you’ve heard your teacher say?

The first day I walked into my 10th grade chemistry class, the lights were off. The teacher was waiting at the front of the room, holding a small candle in front of him. The candle’s tiny flame was the only source of light in the room.

The class murmured a bit, confused and excited. Once we’d all quieted down, the teacher said, “Tell me some of the observations you can make about this candle.”

We paused for a moment. That seemed a little too easy for chemistry class.

“But keep in mind,” the teacher added, “that observations are the things you observe empirically. Inferences are the things you conclude… and inferences can be wrong.”

We stared at him, wary now.

At last, someone piped up, “Um…The flame is yellow?”

“The flame gives off heat.”

“The wick is burning.”

“The wax is cylindrical!”

The teacher raised his eyebrows at that one. “Are you sure?”

We stared harder at the candle, not sure how to respond to that. It definitely looked cylindrical.

The teacher shrugged. Then he put the candle into his mouth and started chewing.

The class stared at him.

At this point I was wondering if I ought to call the emergency room or something, but the teacher just kept chewing as though nothing was wrong. Eventually, he swallowed, shrugged again, and said, “Actually tastes okay.”

As it turns out, the so-called “candle” wasn’t made out of wax at all. It was actually just a slice of banana, with an almond slice for the wick.

The student’s “wax” statement had actually been an inference.

After explaining this to us, the teacher turned on the lights and said, “If there’s one thing I want you to learn in this class, it’s the first rule of scientific thinking: Never assume that your mind can’t lie to you.”

And that’s the story of how my 10th-grade chemistry teacher swallowed a candle to teach us the first principle of scientific thinking. Here’s to you, Mr. Miller.

06 Coolest psychological hacks you should read!

  1. Test someone’s attentiveness. Alter a sentence slightly. If they’re attentive, their expression changes or they ask about the change.
  2. Handshakes reveal personality; they can show anxiety even if you hide nerves.
  3. Avoid being too available, especially to close ones, except for parents. Excess availability makes you seem less important; they might take you for granted.
  4. Instead of dinner and a movie, watch the movie first, then dine. It gives you a dinner conversation starter.
  5. Don’t react hastily. Don’t expect acknowledgment. Think before acting!
  6. The thing that people remember the most about you is your personality, way of talking and attitude.

Why do people say that the CCP of China is on the brink of bankruptcy?

The Communist Party of China (CPC) originally did not have any party property and was a political party with 0 assets. The word “bankrupt” cannot be associated with CPC.

But the Kuomintang (KMT) in Taiwan owned party assets and was indeed bankrupt.

image 566
image 566

If you mean “the Chinese government / State Council (PRC)”, then I can tell you for sure that the Chinese government also has 0 assets, and they are only the managers of state-owned capital, not the owners.

If you mean “China’s financial sector”, then I can tell you with certainty that China’s savings rate is 45%, 10 times that of the US. China’s savings rate is even 11% higher than Japan’s, despite the fact that Japan is also an ardent thrifty nation. The main reason for this is:

  1. Chinese people have a sense of worry and are always used to saving money to prevent and cope with emergencies and unforeseen events.
  2. Chinese people generally have the habit of saving, no matter poor or rich, they all like to save their income in the bank to accumulate more money, instead of using credit cards to spend money in advance as westerners are keen to do. You can even ask the little black brothers in San Francisco why they like to rob the Chinese, because they know that the Chinese like to go to the bank and save their money, and they rarely spend tomorrow’s money today like the whites do.

The savings of 1.4 billion people is a huge amount of money, which is the “ballast” that keeps the ship stable, so the risk resistance of China’s financial industry is much higher than that of Wall Street’s financial industry.

In other words, even if the global finance collapses, China’s finance will not collapse.

Becket (1964) Richard Burton & Peter O’ Toole

Debauched King Henry II (Peter O’Toole) installs his longtime court facilitator Thomas Becket (Richard Burton) as the Archbishop of Canterbury, assuming that his old friend will be a compliant and loyal lackey in the King’s on-going battles with the church. But Becket unexpectedly finds his true calling on the ecclesiastical side, and aligns himself against the King’s selfish wishes, causing a rift and an eventual showdown not only between the two men, but also the institutions they represent. (IMDb)

Let ’em explore

I loved the good ol’ army surplus stores, and as a boy, I would go over to them with a fist full of changes and some bills and pick up a odd surplus item or two to dink around with.

I had a Vietnam war era canteen… aluminum, not plastic, and it leaked. But I would wear it with my web cargo belt as I rode in my hikes thought the nearby forests. I also had a mess tin, with massive silverware, fit for a giant, but I really never did anything with it.

army and navy store
army and navy store

When I was 13 years old, I had a surplus German world war II pith helmet from the Africa Corps that I wore all the time, and I would wear it as I spent my summers golfing and then swimming. My friends all got ones as well, but theirs hardly lasted past a week. It would get wet… one excuse or the other …and be ruined. But unlike them… I treasured mine.

Army supply
Army supply

My brother had a cameo dentist smock that was really cool, and for a spell I lusted over it. It looked really cool. Don’t quite know how he ran into it, but the Army and navy store was constantly getting new and one-off items throughout the Summer months.

One week before I left for China, I went into the “old” store and I hardly recognized it. Mostly empty with a warehouse “feeling” to it. Many cheap goods, and not much to interest me. I bought a black backpack and it was the only thing that survived my trip to China. The rest of my belongings were lost in transit.

I suggest that if you have an opportunity, take your early teenagers to a local Army and Navy store and let them explore. Who knows what they will find.


What’s the most expensive thing you’ve lost and found?

I bought a house and was moving out of the previous home, in which I had a 6-car garage full of toys, along with many items stored outside. That month, I sold six Harleys, brought home three more, and sold them. Now that I would have half the storage space, I sold several other items, such as boats, offroad vehicles, and toy haulers.

When each of these items was sold, I would rubber-band the cash in $10k bundles, and anything less would be placed on the top shelf until it could be bundled with other funds. I’d frequently toss the bundles into the safe for the time being. At some point, when I did the math in my head, I felt I was missing a $10,000 USD bundle.

I had too much on my plate with the move to be concerned about whether or not I had lost money. But I’d catch myself doing the math in my head while driving or having a meal, and it wasn’t adding up, so I’d somehow lost a bundle.

The safe was left at the house due to its size and weight. I had to come back for it after enlisting some assistance in moving it. I had already emptied out its contents while rearranging a few of the internal shelves.

Once I realized I was going to be transporting the safe on its back instead of upright like before, I decided to remove all the interior shelving this time, as it would have come apart while being transported on its back. That’s when I found the missing $10,000. bundle.

It’s a good thing I hadn’t sold the safe with the cash inside.

What’s the fastest you’ve wiped a smirk off of someone’s face?

I used to work for a large rehab company. I was a licensed occupational therapist. One year, we had a new girl start there, who was from Europe. She was also also a licensed therapist, but had two years of additional training. She was also on a work visa. At first she was friendly and agreeable, but soon began to show her true colors. She started making snide comments about people behind their backs, and then proceeded to say them to their faces. She told me that where she came from, I wouldn’t be considered a real therapist, because I had only studied for two years.

We had a few Rehab assistants that she proceeded to lord over, because she had a college degree and they did not. But they worked hard and did their jobs. One day she sat with us at lunch; myself, and two rehab assistants. She proceeded to make rude comments about certain ethnic groups in the company, claiming that they had chips on their shoulders. I told her that her remarks could be construed as racism, and that she had better knock it off. She scoffed, and went on making rude comments. When she left the room with a big smirk on her face, one of the aides told me that she had been making unflattering comments behind my back, too. I decided that she needed to be taught a lesson. I contacted our clinical director and reported her behavior, especially the racist comments.

An hour later, she came walking down the hall, smirk replaced by copious tears. She had been warned that if she continued with her behavior, she would be shipped right back to Europe.

What did you say to your boss that made them quit their job?

I was an assistant manager for a large auto parts company. Our district manager (DM) was a real POS. I avoided him as much as possible. One day he came to our store, very pissy, and the manager was trying hard to appease him. After the DM left, I looked at the manager and told him he just brown nosed to his ankles. He didn’t say anything, just gave me a funny look. Two days later, after his “weekend”, he handed in his notice. He looked so relieved and happy those last two weeks!
He was dating another manager, so we all heard when his dad, a real sweetheart who used to come in frequently, passed away. Other than his girlfriend, I was the only person from the company that attended the funeral. He told me then that my comment was a major wake-up call and that he realized he was no longer willing to work in that environment. His new job made him much happier.

Why didn’t junk food cause obesity in the olden days?

I grew up in a semi-rural area, the child of homesteaders. We had food. Food was never good or bad, it was on the table, and you ate until you were full.

We ate very well, but worked for that food.

My mother had a huge chicken coop, so lots of eggs and chicken.

We planted and harvested about 2 acres of fruits and vegetables of all kinds that could grow in our area. My father had a greenhouse about the size of a single car garage, so we were able to extend a growing season.

Summer weekends were spent in the bush, picking all sorts of wild berries.

We made our own jams, jellies, cordials, chutneys, different kinds of pickles, canned fruits and berries. We processed veggies for use during the winter. This involved sterilizing jars, picking and cleaning foods, slicing, dicing, blanching food, boiling sealing jars, bagging and freezing.

My father bought the rest of the food we couldn’t grow or source naturally.

Sundays, we always had a huge roast, all kinds of roasted root veggies, and devil’s food cake with 7 minute frosting. Most often, dessicated coconut was also put in the frosting. This is exactly what it looked like

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image 98

During the week, a normal meal was soup, meat and 2 veg, salad, some kind of pickle, and dessert. Dessert was usually fruit, either fresh or home canned in heavy syrup, and ice cream.

When I was young, our home had a wood stove – so fire wood had to be chopped. We didn’t have running water, so water had to be carried by bucket. We had a coal furnace, so coal had to be shoveled in, several times a day, outside of the summer months.

Because we didn’t have running water, we used an outhouse, which was in the far corner of the property. Even going to the toilet, you walked half a block each way.

When I started kindergarten, the school was almost 2 km away from my home (just over a mile). The only time you were allowed to stay at school for lunch is if the temperature was colder than a high of 0F (-18c). So most days, I walked about 8km, just to go to school and back (x2).

The girls all played jump rope at recess. Do children still do that?

We very rarely ate outside our home, except as guests at other people’s homes. When we would go on camping vacations, our first meal out, and last meal coming home would be KFC – the real stuff they used to make with the cream gravy. So if that is the fast food we had, we had it twice a year.

We used to get a bottle of soda when we went to Grandma’s house. That was about every second week. But we used sugar like crazy. Tea and coffee always had at least 2 tsp of sugar in it. Canned fruit was all in heavy syrup. When the large bottles of cola began to be sold, they were terrifically expensive. The 2 quart bottle was over $4. Considering the first apartment I ever rented a couple of years later was $125/month – you can see what a luxury item Coca Cola was.

Basically, I would say we ate very well. There were plenty of treats, but we were always walking/running and working in the yard. Even the simple things took a lot of work. There was no turning on the tap, that water had to be hauled into the house.

So what I would say is this.
Previously, there was little junk food. My mother even made home made marshmallow.
Food was processed at home or in restaurants (eg. no pre-formed patties)
There was no plastic sort of food, such as Cool Whip (introduced in 1966)
People didn’t eat away from home very much.
People had to work much harder for food.
People worked and walked much more in their lives.
The food of the past is very different than the food of today.

For those who conceal and carry a firearm, what life threatening moment made you grateful for doing so?

My previous answer from a similar question:

I am a 100% disabled USAF Veteran, and I carry a concealed handgun legally. I have had all the background checks that the FBI and Federal Government require and although not of sound body, am of sound mind (my ex-wife may disagree!). I was legally carrying when I stopped in San Antonio to get some fuel. I was in my pickup truck which is wheelchair equipped and it was on the back of the truck and I have Texas Disabled Veteran plates on my truck.

I used my credit card to get the fuel and this was about Christmas time. I am a Christian and love that part of the year. As I was finishing up I was approached by a young man in his late teens and early 20’s who had been watching me since I arrived. I am Italian, and he isn’t (you will figure out his heritage in a moment). He asked how my “Christmas was going?” I replied, “It’s a great time of the year!”. He stated “I’m having a horrible Christmas; I don’t have any money and my kids and wife will get nothing from me this year – can you help? I replied that I carried no cash and he had seen me “use my credit card at the pump!”

He then became directly confrontational and pointed his finger in my face and stated “Then you can take your honky ass into the ATM, use that card and get me some cash!” I backed off 2 steps and stated “I don’t know you and I am not in the habit of giving anything to people I don’t know”. His response was to pull back his jacket and show me a large hunting knife handle that was stuck in his pant and state “What if I show you this knife?!”?

My response was to draw my weapon and point it at his chest and state “What if I show you this gun?” He backed off quickly realizing the crippled Veteran was not as easy a target as he thought!

I was unaware but that store clerk was listening in on the speakers that are at the pump and had summoned the police. They arrived as I was pointing the weapon at the suspect. As soon as they arrived I reholstered and the store clerk told them what she had observed, and I verified the situation.

The Officer asked “Why didn’t you shoot him? He has been a problem for months around here!” My response was “he backed off and I think he would have bolted had you not arrived”. He was taken into custody for attempted armed robbery and I testified at his trial about 11 months later. He was given 7 years in the Texas Department of Corrections. Turns out he never had a wife or children.

What was I given? My life. It could have gone very wrong was I not armed. It could have ended in the worst way.

Guns aren’t meant to fight fair. They are meant to win. They are meant to give people control over what happens to them and to protect themselves, the public, and even you from serious bodily harm or death.

It’s not cowardice – it’s prudence.

I am here today because of that weapon which I still carry faithfully – always knowing it’s there but also always hoping I never have to use it.

It is and was an equalizer.

What moment completely changed how you saw someone?

“Can I trust you?” she asked me quietly as we walked in the school grounds.

She didn’t even wait for me to reply.

“My father was diagnosed with cancer. Two years ago. Of the prostate. He was under treatment since then, but these days, he’s been getting worse. And we don’t even have that much money, we’re a simple family.”

Sarah was the ‘weird girl’ in the class. Or that’s how the others saw her.

She was always energetic. So much that you’d think she was high on caffeine every day. She had a prominent personality, something so sun-bright that you couldn’t help but notice. And being talkative and making loud, obnoxiously lame jokes were a fundamental part of her.

Sarah was just so full of life. The fullest you can be. The fullest I’ve ever seen someone.

I think that’s what began, slowly but surely, irritating others in a way.

She would laugh at her own awkward jokes and people would roll their eyes. She’s so random and so extra, they’d say.

She became the class clown.

One day, during the sports class, the conversation written above took place.

And I couldn’t help but silently wonder: how/why was she so buoyant and full of life all the time?

A second later, the tone of her voice shifted.

“You wanna know why I’m so cheerful all the time?”

It’s like she read my mind, I swear. I looked her in the eye, then quickly looked away.

But what she said left me open-mouthed because it was completely different than what I expected.

“You know, I believe that you have to create what you want for yourself. As I see it, everyone has to create their own happiness. There is no other way out. I have so many things to be sad about. But that is exactly what I won’t be. I just work like that,” she shrugged.

And suddenly, just like that, I saw her in a whole new light. And I’m not even exaggerating. It was literally like depicted in the movies.

In fact, I felt guilty, on behalf of my class, that we’d been so utterly stupid.

Not to be dramatic or anything, but Sarah taught me things that I have not learned from anyone else.

I’m not gonna lie and say that since that moment, I’ve been the happiest person alive. I haven’t. It’s a slow process. But I see myself getting there very soon.

Sarah reminded me that one has to create their own happiness. You can’t rely on life or its circumstances to do that for you. She was a living example of the quote: “When life knocks you down, smile and stand up taller than ever before.”

I like to call Sarah my ultimate friend.

According to BBC, the China-EU trade talks end without reaching a agreement, which suggests that there are still unresolved issues, possibly related to further opening up of the Chinese market in the specified sectors, how do you view it?

Let’s see the issues :-

First EU told China they were not buying enough EU Products and importing enough EU products and the Trade deficit was widening quite a bit between the two nations

China replied that most of the EU Imports they formerly imported, they now had excellent quality import substitution within China like Industrial Chemicals or Industrial Technology Machines or ICE Cars

China also said the EU had restricted things they were most keen to import like EUV equipment or Deep UV Lamps or High Grade Etching Equipment

So China said “We have an open market. Bring your products and COMPETE. We have no tariffs here on your products”

The EU want China to keep buying ICE Cars and Industrial Technology at 3 times the price just to ensure a better balance of Trade

China said “How is that Capitalism? Free market?”

EU couldn’t respond

China did point out that Chinese imports of Advanced Lenses and Pharmaceuticals from the EU had risen by 41% across 4 years

The EU claimed China was violating and helping Russia bypass their sanctions. In fact I believe this was their main purpose in visiting China. They accused China of selling to Russia all the Industrial Spares and Manufacturing Parts plus enough goods to keep their purchasing intact

The Chinese replied they were not at war with Russia and EU sanctions were not sacrosanct to other nations. China brought out Lithuania and Australia and asked the EU if the EU recognized Chinese Sanctions on either nation and honored them

China asked if tomorrow China sanctions Taiwan, would EU agree to follow the same and not help Taiwan bypass sanctions

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Ursula mumbled something about democracy and China told her to “Get Laid”

The EU finally accused China of protectionism and subsidy of NEVs that allowed NEVs to be sold cheaper in Europe

China categorically rejected this as wholly untrue and explained how EV subsidy was aimed to help CHINESE CITIZENS buy EVs and spearhead EV transition fully by 2030. They explained how the subsidy was at the tax level and the manufacturing subsidy provided to BYD was used only for their sale price to Chinese Citizens

The EU of course knew this very well

They have advisors who told them the same story

China then pointed out the EU subsidies to their mobile providers of almost € 63 Billion to help them buy the more expensive Nokia equipment for their 5G instead of Huawei

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Again Ursula mumbled something about Democracy and China told her again to “Please get Laid” emphasizing on the “Please”

Simply speaking China is bewildered at all these leaders repeatedly coming to China and demanding things that are entirely against free market and capitalism

They offer investments but into the most mundane things like mass manufacturing and medium grade manufacturing that China isn’t interested in anymore. China has much more money than all of EU combined and can easily bankroll their manufacturing

They want TECH INVESTMENTS, the ability to identify good tech and invest in the same

EU doesn’t want this at all because of US orders

EU wants the World to remain in 2010 but the world is in 2023

What are you banned from? Why?

**Wanted to add, I only just realized I misread the title as WERE banned, not are. My apologies!**

I was banned from my local Walmart because I miss scanned an item. I went to self checkout one day because I had 4 items and wanted to teach my sons how to scan items. To make the story easier to understand, I had a tshirt, set of bras, shorts and some socks. While scanning, we had accidently double scanned the bras rather than scan the shorts, honest mistake. We finish up and as we are heading out, loss protection stops me and says “My name is XXX I’m with loss prevention please come with us” I was genuinely confused, my son got scared because of how aggressive they were but we complied. While in the security room they proceeded to rummage thru my bags and asked to search my purse. Again, I complied, but they never explained why I was pulled in. They searched cameras for probabaly 20 minutes. At one point, I hear one of the workers call across the radio “We need security detail for an escort.” I started getting REALLY scared and demanded an answer. Finally, they explain I miss scanned an item, because of this I am being escorted out of the building and will not be allowed back on property, should I step foot on property I will be arrested. I was baffled! They didn’t even give me a chance to fix my honest mistake! Needless to say, again I complied, but I put in a call the corporate after leaving, they reached out to me and lifted the banned immediately, apologized, and fired the entire loss prevention team. It wasn’t the first time they had abused power!

What’s the fastest you’ve personally fired someone else and why?


This guy was new and he was hired by someone else and put on my team. He messed up because he said he got his degree the same time I did. At the same school. In the same program.

I always research my team beforehand. But, this time it was pretty short.

He failed out his third year and didn’t come back to school. At least not mine.

I figured maybe he fibbed and graduated later. I checked with my school. No record of graduation.

He walked up to my team after he got to work. Asked him to follow me and we went to HR.

We sat down and I asked him about his degree. He repeated his resume exactly.

I stood up, said thank you and good luck. We’ll be going in another direction. And HR did their thing.

We don’t ask about degrees, but we do check your resume for lies. And, we don’t care if you have a degree. Just don’t lie about it.

That means that you are probably going to lie about your work. And, that is pretty toxic.

What is one thing you regret doing the most?

Committing a felony. I didn’t set out to break the law, I was a law abiding citizen for 59 years.

I was suffering from a deep depression and began self-medicating with Methamphetamine. The depression and drugs led me to some questionable online activities which, to me, seemed harmless. Without my realizing it though, I had crossed into the dark web.

My first inkling that I was in trouble was when 7 sheriffs came to my house with a search warrant. 6 months after that I was arrested on 23 felony charges.

Over the next 6 months my lawyer negotiated that down to 5 charges in exchange for me pleading guilty which I eventually did – I did not have the money to pay for a trial defense, and even if I did, a loss would have meant that I would die in prison – I was 60 years old.

I was extremely fortunate, mostly, I think because I was a first time offender, with a lifetime of abiding the law. I was sentenced to 5 years probation and 3 years prison suspended – no jail time unless I screwed up.

I lost a very successful career and income as a software engineer – no one would hire me with a record. My wife died of a stroke, partly due to the stress of the legal proceedings. Her family completely disowned me (my own family was gone) so I was completely alone in my grief.

I was forced to retire at 62 and live on social security (my first wife got my retirement in the divorce) and I have almost no friends.

Because of one mistake fueled by depression and drugs, my life was destroyed. I have to submit to monthly drug tests and meetings with my probation officer (a significant expense on social security as I have no car and he is 30 miles away), and in constant fear of having my probation revoked for breaking a probation rule (anyone who’s ever been on probation will understand what I mean).

If I could go back to mid 2018 and seek professional help for the depression, I would do it in a heartbeat. If I had sought treatment then I wouldn’t be where I am now.


I have received a lot of comments with people complaining that I’m not taking responsibility for my actions – this is completely wrong.

I take full responsibility for what happened to me. I made the decision to self medicate with meth rather than seek mainstream treatment. It was my decision to engage in the actions which led to my crime. Nobody made me do it but me.

I was arrested on evidence I cannot deny and sentenced fairly according to the law. I was a law abiding citizen for 59 years and believe strongly in the rule of law and the need to uphold it. I have absolutely no complaint about how I was treated as the result of my actions. The legal system and all of its agents acted exactly as I expected in doing their part to enforce the law and maintain societal controls.

That said, I have no doubt, with God as my witness, that I would have NEVER broken the law had my faculties not been impaired by drugs – in a sober state I would not have engaged in the actions that led to my crime. My values and critical thinking were subverted by the drugs – there is plenty of medical and psychiatric evidence of this. That is not an excuse, it is a simple fact.

What is the smartest thing you have ever done in an interview?

I wished the interviewer luck in finding a candidate with the credentials they were looking for, when it became known that I didn’t have the right credential to teach what they wanted me to teach.

They waited until the interview to tell me that they were specifically looking for a teacher with a Reading Specialist endorsement, which I didn’t have. They could have checked my resume before they called me in for the interview to see I didn’t have that, but whatever. My lack of the proper endorsement brought the interview to a quick close, and I wished them well in their search for someone with that particular endorsement. I knew they’d have a hard time finding someone with that who was willing to work at a private school. Public schools, which pay better than private schools around here, are quick to grab the Reading Specialists.

About three weeks later, I’d completely forgotten about that interview, and they called me in for a second interview. I checked their school calendar. They were two weeks away from opening day. I knew they were desperate. I was desperate to find a position too, so it all worked out. I went in for the second interview, and they offered me the position, even though I didn’t have the specific endorsement they wanted. Private schools are flexible when it comes to those things anyway.

They remembered me from the first interview because I was nice to them. I ended up working there for two years. It was my first real teaching position, and I loved it. I got the experience and connections I needed to make finding new teaching positions in later years so much easier. The first position is always the hardest to get.

More Than a Feeling

You feel like rolling up a joint. Eh?

What should we make of the Hong Kong’s “Safe and Orderly Election” that required 10,000 police officers to be deployed across the city?

Were you here? I am here and I was here on Sunday election day.

Yeah and? You hear 10,000 police deployed across the city! OMG.

What I saw? I went cycling early in the morning. I passed the election polling station, a small queue and a load of villagers.

The two police officers? They were stood about 10 metres away outside to one side.

That’s not an unusual sight. You see police standing around busy bus depots and MTR stations. The only ‘heavy’ presence was a couple months ago where desk job police were walking around. I scooted in between them and NOTHING happened.

We Have a Problem – The Actual WAR INVASION of the USA **IS** Planned and now, We have a date range . . .

World Hal Turner 11 December 2023

America, we have a problem.  While it has long been rumored that foreign countries are planning to invade the continental USA, we’ve never seen evidence of any such actual planning; until now. . .

For years we’ve all heard rumors of Chinese troops being massed in south-central Mexico, but never any proof to bolster such claims.

Two years or so ago, we all found out that Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada signed a Treaty with China allowing the deployment of People’s Liberation Army troops in Canada, and the Treaty prohibits local Canada governments from having __any__ say where those troops are, or what they do while in Canada.  That Treaty has been verified and __is__ real.

So if one believes the rumor about China troops in south-central Mexico, and we already have confirmation they’re entering Canada, that would mean invasion of the continental USA would be possible from both the north and the south.

Then, too, for years, we’ve all heard rumors that Venezuela would send troops to Cuba, to join with Cuban troops to invade Florida from Cuba — but ZERO evidence of any such planning has ever been offered or produced by anyone.

NOW, THOUGH, we have something very real, from deep inside Russian Intelligence.  

Below from inside the Russian FSB, we now have concrete proof an actual INVASION of the United States of America is, in fact, being planned, and the date range for that invasion has already been decided.   It appears we have less than one year.

The evidence, obtained from inside Department “C” of the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia, appears below, and is for SUBSCRIBERS TO THIS WEBSITE, ONLY.  

<not available>

As a mechanic, what was the biggest mistake you made when fixing a car?

Back around 1990, I was about 23, two babys and wife at home, and got laid off at the light bulb factory in Plymouth Florida. So I went to work selling veggies at the flea market and working on VW’s while looking for a job. I had been rebulding Bug motors for some time and it had become quite a routine. Well I had this old bus, it was a 1962, 23 window Kombi wagon. Pulled the motor, did the thing right, line bored, new cylinders, pistons, all the bearings, oil pump, Bosch 009 distibutor, new carb, everything top-knotch. The owner wanted it right, so he spared no expense and I was happy to oblige. The afternoon arrived and i finally had the motor back together and up in the bus. It was bolted in and I was hooking up the wires and needed a new connector to hookup the new distributor and when i went into my shop to find one, i noticed this little silver thing laying on the bench. Picked it up and eyed it carefully. It was half of a cam bearing. Yup, I had left out half of a cam bearing shell. Had to pull the motor back out, break it all the way back down, and sure enough, there was one shell missing. Put it in and back together it went. Ran like a top for years! Thankfully, I didn’t try to fire it up!

Campfire Dutch Oven Chili with Cornbread

campfire dutch oven chili cornbread
campfire dutch oven chili cornbread

Yield: 10 servings



  • 3 pounds ground beef (90% lean)
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 green bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 jalapeño pepper, ribs and seeds removed, chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 tablespoons chili powder
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
  • 1 (10 ounce) can diced tomatoes & green chilies, undrained
  • 1 (12 ounce) bottle beer
  • 2 (8.5 ounce) boxes cornbread mix (including ingredients to prepare cornbread)

Optional Toppings

  • Sour cream
  • Sliced green onions
  • Shredded Cheddar cheese


  1. Heat briquettes up in a chimney, then make a layer of hot briquettes on the ground, a fire ring, or other metal structure.
  2. Place the Dutch oven on the briquettes and allow Dutch oven to get hot.
  3. Add oil to the Dutch oven and sauté onion, bell pepper, and jalapeño pepper stirring occasionally until tender, approximately 4 to 7 minutes. Add garlic and cook for an additional 1 minute.
  4. Add ground beef to Dutch oven and cook for 8 to 10 minutes, breaking beef into small crumbles and stirring occasionally until browned. If Dutch oven starts to cool off, add more hot briquettes on the bottom.
  5. Add chili powder, paprika, cumin, oregano, black pepper and salt; cook for 1 minute.
  6. Add tomato sauce, diced tomatoes & green chiles and beer; bring to a boil. Cook for 30 minutes.
  7. Prepare cornbread mix based on box instructions and pour over chili, spreading into an even layer.
  8. Heat approximately 20 additional briquettes. Cover Dutch oven with lid and place hot briquettes evenly on the top of the closed lid.
  9. Cook for about 10 minutes, checking halfway through. Check to see if cornbread is done by sticking a wooden pick into cornbread. If the wooden pick comes out clean, it is done.


Per serving: 479 Calories; 174.09 Calories from fat; 78g Total Fat (6.22g Saturated Fat; 0.34g Trans Fat; 2.31g Polyunsaturated Fat; 8.39g Monounsaturated Fat;) 84.98mg Cholesterol; 960.63mg Sodium; 41.14g Total Carbohydrate; 5.28g Dietary Fiber; 31.5g Protein; 4.19mg Iron; 614.17mg Potassium; 10.92mg Niacin; 0.6mg Vitamin B6; 2.67mcg Vitamin B12; 6.87mg Zinc; 21.17mcg Selenium; 91.78mg Choline

This recipe is an excellent source of Protein, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Iron, Zinc and a good source of potassium.

What is the fastest you wiped that smirk off your manager’s face?

I worked as PC tech early in my career for a man that was a total control freak. Very military. One of his expectations was that everyone was sitting at their desk exactly at 8am. No excuses. Well, I was transferred under his department after my previous manager retired. I had been working without complaint for over a year.

If I knew I had a busy day I would come in early to get things done without interruption. I had been late a few times during the previous month as I was a new Father. But, as I said, I came in early, and stayed late so my work was never affected.

I also was a contractor, not an employee. And my contract wasn’t a 8 to 5 time clock, but a work level, number of tickets thing.

Anyway, this particular morning I came in about 30mins early to finish up a repair from the day before. No sooner than I had walked into my office the Plant Manager walked in. He was having a problem. So, off I go.

Well, it was about 45 minutes later when I walk back in to get a replacement hard drive. There stands my Boss. He starts in on me about me not being at my desk. Yelling at me like I’m a dog. I just stand there. Finally, he says I’m fired. I’m to pack my “stuff” and leave. Which I do. As I’m about to leave I tell him, Oh by the way, the Plant Manager (his Boss) was waiting on me. His face dropped.

I walked out.

About an hour after I got home I get a call from my company. The Plant Manager called them. He told them he wanted me to come back. I declined. He then called me. He paid me directly to come fix his computer. And my Boss got fired.

Who was the one kid at school who you never believed could make it as far as they did?

This kid was the other way around. He was considered as a brilliant geek, and I believe he suffered a lot from the constant bullying by the other kids. He scored very well in Olympiads, and also scored high marks on subjects such as Math, Physics and Chemistry.

In his spare time, he read Math books, studied Bridge and entered in semi-professional competitive Bridge games — I guess that was one of the reasons why he was seen as a geek.

Several teachers were convinced that Terry would ace university and become a brilliant scientific researcher, but reality turned out to be very different. He first tried engineering studies but failed miserably, and then spent some time in the professional Bridge circuit, but he never reached the level he thought he would.

Some years later, I was a surveillant at a Linear Algebra exam for freshman Informatics students (I was a postdoctoral researcher at the time), and there he was, trying once again to obtain a degree. And he flunked again. Not much later he left academics, and I kind of lost track of his life.

At reunions, those that do not show up are the people that died young, those that hate their past more than anything else, and those that failed in life. The future definitely turned out differently than Terry had hoped.

But luckily, we did not know this when we were seventeen.

What is the best way for a groom’s mother to help with the wedding without stepping on bridesmaids or other family members toes?

My MIL was absolutely the best. Once we had settled on the number of guests we could afford to invite, she offered to contribute toward the wedding so that more guests from their circle of family and friends could be invited. Because I wasn’t sure if we could afford an open bar, she offered to cover it and did so. She organized the rehearsal dinner and did an absolutely splendid job. The day after the wedding, she put together a breakfast for some of our out-of-town guests at her home. On the wedding day, she stayed low profile so that my mother could join me in getting ready with my bridesmaids (and this I regret, not asking her to join us, but I was young and naiive at the time and it didn’t occur to me). On the day of the wedding, she took care of little things that others didn’t, like collecting the bridal gown after I’d changed into my travel clothes. When we traveled to another city, she asked a family member who was visiting her for the wedding to let us use their apartment so we didn’t have to pay for a hotel. She’s the best MIL one could hope for!

What is the oddest conversation you’ve had with a telephone scammer?

Not the oddest but one of the funniest.

I was down the pub one summers day pre-Covid with a good mate of mine called Dan. Dan’s originally from Texas, ex-US Army 1st Sgt, and now living in the UK with his lovely wife. He’s been here long enough to have a good grasp of the British sense of humour.

We’re having a drink and chatting when my phone goes off, a number I don’t recognise and I answer, putting it on speakerphone. A thickly-accented Indian voice (who claims to be called ‘Hank’) on the other end tells me that he is the FBI, that i’ve got multiple warrants out for my arrest etc, but that if I pay them I won’t have to be arrested-bear in mind i’m in the UK and the FBI has no jurisdiction over here. Having sunk a few pints by then, i’m in the mood for a wind-up. I ask for details of these warrants, tell him that they’ll never catch me, then I ask him if he knows Special Agent Aaron Hotchner (Thomas Gibson’s character in ‘Criminal Minds’). He replies that Agent Hotchner is on holiday at the moment. I tell him that I know this as he’s sitting right beside me, and he’d like a word with him. I hand the phone to Dan and sit back to enjoy the show. Dan goes all in, quoting legal codes, threatening traces, freezing of their assets, criminal charges, the works! Needless to say the call ended not long after

Would China be better off if they backed the Ukraine and ditched Putin? How would that work?

China has a really sweet deal with Russia right now. I can not think of a single reason to change it (from China’s perspective.)

  1. China is desperately short of fossil fuels and Russia is a huge exporter of fossil fuels. They are even willing to build multiple pipelines to get natural gas to China.
  2. Everything Russia sells to China goes at a 40–50% discount because of China’s manipulation of its two-currency system.
  3. Everything Russia buys from China comes with a 40–50% markup. Same reasons. Some things that are sanctioned go for as much as 4,000 times their original cost.
  4. China is selling Russia billions a year in heavily marked up “dual use” goods such as military grade tires, military vehicles, body armor, night vision devices, helicopter engines, field medical kits, and even entire field hospitals. They also sell them considerable sanctioned goods, especially electronics, that Russia cannot make for itself.
  5. They are compatible authoritarian governments.
  6. China and Russia make an impenetrable voting bloc at the UN. Together, they can block any international initiative against either of them.

Supertramp – Take The Long Way Home (BEST QUALITY SOUND)

So many of us can relate to this.

What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

I once had a client who was, literally, the strongest man I’d ever seen. Harry was well-built and about 6′ 4″. Even though he was large to begin with, his sheer strength to size ratio was off the charts.

One day we were driving in the car together and a guy in a Mercedes cut Harry off in traffic. Harry expressed his displeasure at this move by honking his horn. “Mercedes guy” proceeded to flip Harry off and then he pulled over – I guess he was looking for a fight.

Harry pulled in behind him. He got out, then Harry got out. The other guy was about 6′ tall and slightly pudgy, but not small by any means. However, once Mercedes guy saw Harry, he hurriedly returned to his car. BUT, he forgot one very important thing. His sunroof was open.

Harry, usually a fairly reasonable guy, was beyond pissed off. He went up to the guy’s car, PULLED him out THROUGH THE SUNROOF, put him on the street, turned him upside-down and STUFFED him back in his car, once again THROUGH THE SUNROOF.

Then Harry calmly strolled back to the car, got in, and we drove off. I glanced in the side view mirror and could see Mercedes guy’s feet sticking up through the roof kicking around a bit. Too funny!

I’ve never seen anything like it before or since. Harry passed away a few years later, but I’ll never forget him or what he did that day. It was an awesome sight!

Running late

The other morning as I was running late for an appointment I drove past a park and from a distance, I saw this young girl sitting on the bench and it looked like she was crying… I continued to drive and I thought to myself “what if that was me or even worse.. my daughter”.

So, I turned around and pulled into a parking spot, opened my car door and walked over to her and set down beside her.

She was crying so hard that she didn’t know I was there until I tapped her on the shoulder and asked: “Are you okay?” She looked up at me and said “No” “He cheated on me” “I don’t want to even live anymore” I knew at this point, I needed to take as much time as I could to talk to this young girl.

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We sat there on that bench and talked the entire afternoon about relationships, life, and future goals and when the time came we finally said our goodbyes so I walked back to my car and as I started to back out, I looked back at her and she was walking towards me with her head down.

When she came up to the window, she confessed to me that she thought about taking her own life and because of me stopping and talking to her she decided that wasn’t in her best interest anymore.

Needless to say, I might have missed an appointment but I also might have saved a life.

Is it true that Japanese people don’t eat or drink in excess?

Sweet, sweet summer child. Let me share with you a day in the life of a young Japanese Salaryman, if you’ll indulge me.

Clearly, you have never heard of the dreaded company 飲み会。

Ah, that magical moment when your boss tells the faculty, “Today was a good day, let’s go out drinking!”

“What’s that you say? You have plans? No, no, clearly you are mistaken. Because WE, the employees of the company have decided to go drinking. We have all made this decision, subconsciously, the very instant, I, the boss, mentioned it. 空気を読んで! Are we not the pinnacle of unity and harmony?”

And now, you’re off to a wonderful night of drinking with your coworkers. Who must drink with the boss, as long as he wants to drink.

“What’s that you say? You don’t like drinking? NONSENSE. You merely have not found the appropriate drink, which, I, the boss, know is just right for you. Have another cup with me!”



“Eh? Eh? You don’t feel so good. Fie, I say! You just need another drink. Perhaps a different sake.”

That’s going to go on for a bit, until you, the newbie, and your coworker, who has learned how to hold his liquor better, are on a street corner outside a hotel in Tokyo, the coworker kindly holding your head as you throw up everything you have ever eaten. They are kind and will give you water afterwards, as you swear you will never drink again.

Until the next mandatory company 飲み会。

What is the sneakiest thing you did in your workplace?

I worked at a company where they were getting rid of a bunch of flat panel displays. They were old and had a funky plug on them, but worked perfectly fine. I asked the powers that be if we could take them home, since they were just going to trash them anyway. I was told that if you can bag them up, you can walk right past security in the lobby and you’ll be fine. You can’t just carry them out the door, though.

It turned out that one of my coworkers had a girlfriend who worked in a place that sewed custom bags for various industries. I gave him dimensions and 3 days later, we had bags we could use. Between the 6 techs I worked with, We walked out with about a dozen displays. We benefitted, the displays didn’t end up in a landfill, and a new line of bags was developed at my buddy’s gf’s company. It was a win-win-win.

[Gotta Get A] Meal Ticket

Early Elton John.

Why are people with a big house, nice cars, and with kids still unhappy about their lives?

At some point early in my marriage, we had a relatively large 6 bedroom house on a golf course subdivision with a pool and clubhouse. I had bought the nicest Lexus sedan I could afford, and a large SUV for my wife. We had two young kids. And we were miserable.

It wasn’t just about the money. These things were expensive for sure, and definitely weighed down our budget, but we could afford it.

The problem was time. I was busy with my business, working almost 7 days a week. My wife was taking care of the babies AND helping with the business. We almost never took vacations. A rare weekend off was like a vacation.

I’d be reading or playing with the kids and the phone would ring. The laughter turned off like a switch while I go to another room to talk. It’s like the world paused while the family waited to hear if I had to leave or not. Sorry, gotta run! I’d leave before even hearing if the kids said “bye daddy.”

I’m sure you’ve seen the Disney movie, Aladdin. I was the Genie. Giver of gifts. Solver of problems. All powerful being. But no more than a slave. The business owns you. Clients own you. The mortgage owns you. Just like the Genie, I longed for freedom.

One day, my wife and I looked at each other and asked “what are we doing?”

I started interviewing for jobs and got hired relatively quickly. Within a few months, we closed the business, sold our house, and moved. It was like Aladdin setting the Genie free.

It turned out that I work half the time, making pretty much the same as before.. I still drive the same car, which is now 15 yrs old. We live in a house half the size of what we had. I see my kids more than most dads I know. I am an equal participant in their homeschooling. We go on vacations multiple times a year.

Life isn’t perfect, but definitely there is more happiness now.

Addendum: Thanks for reading and the upvotes!

I’d like to add that it’s definitely possible to have a business or earn a lot and have a big house, nice cars, etc. AND afford family time. It’s not mutually exclusive at all. I know a lot of people who have it all. If you can find that lifestyle, go for it. I just didn’t have it in me, but that’s OK.

What does it feel like to be old, for example over 50 years? How does life change?

I applaud those who answer these types of questions honestly. After all, I believe that the younger ones who ask these questions want honest answers as to what they have in store. What they don’t want is old people trying to prove they’re doing great and that they’ve still got it, without offering any balancing disclosures.

I get irritated with people who answer these questions with only a list of all the great things they’re still able to do. They sky-dive, hike, kayak blah blah blah. They so desperately seem to want to come across like they’re still twenty. THEY ARE NOT. And the men nearly always have to show off about how they’re still sexually active (failing to mention they need boatloads of viagra to do it.) And no offence, but NOBODY wants to picture old people still at it.

Now some of these people are flat-out lying, and some are being honest. But, my irritation isn’t because some are truthfully still active and fit; it’s because, whilst crowing about their experience of older age, they’re leaving out the shitty parts of ageing.

It’s perfectly okay to admit that despite still being fit enough to kayak, and despite being generally content and more enlightened, you’re also struggling with physical issues, fears, societal prejudices, or sadness.

You’re struggling with friends who have cancer or have already passed.

You’re struggling with your own mortality.

You’re struggling with the knowledge that you’ll soon enough be of no real use to your children anymore.

You’re struggling with the saggy stranger you see in the mirror.

You’re becoming more invisible to the public at large.

You’re struggling with lessons learned too late in life.

You’re struggling with questions like ‘What the fuck was all that about?’

You’re struggling with dodgy knees, age spots and overall deterioration.

You’re struggling with energy levels and motivation (not all the time, but certainly some of the time.)

At times, you’re struggling with boredom; not every old person is sky-diving 24/7.

Your memory is not what it used to be.

Weight (for many) cannot be managed, no matter what.

The absolute worst part is losing friends and relatives along the way. Your social circle becomes smaller and smaller.

Then you have widows and widowers who have to grapple with a whole new way of life at their age after having relied on another person for decades.

It unnerves me that so many people are so hell-bent on proving something rather than sharing the reality, inevitability, vulnerability and, even the beauty, of life’s cycle. That you know your time is gradually coming to a form of decline and close, despite the fact that you might still be able to kayak.

There’s just something very self-congratulatory about those proclamations. Something which I imagine makes certain other older people feel like they’re failing or not doing enough, and that also sets young people up for thinking that ageing is one big picnic.

It’s okay to still be enjoying your life at whatever age without portraying ageing as a hunky dory affair. It isn’t. On some fronts, it’s way, way better, but on other fronts, it positively stinks. (Just as I imagine most teens would describe their teenage years.)

What is the most dangerous situation you have faced?

It was in the military boot camp. Finnish military is based on conscription; it is colloquially called as “penis tax”. It means if you are a boy, you have to serve in the military on pain of imprisonment. Girls may volunteer, and I volunteered.

Draft dodging is made almost impossible in Finland, which means the military gets almost the whole cohort to service (except those who are exempted for health reasons or who chose civilian service instead). It is a genuine cross-section of the whole society – which mean that the military does not get only the best of the boys to rank and file, but also the worst.

It means you have to serve with people you would attempt to avoid at any price in civilian life; bullies, thieves, blue falcons, pranksters, antisocial cases, substance abusers, weakly talented etc. And then there are always those, who have an intention to make other people’s time miserable.

We girls slept in a separate dorm, but practised with boys. And unfortunately there was such Arschloch in our company. He especially picked on us girls (as we all were volunteer), and especially me.

In the end his picking, teasing, harassing and pushing my button went far enough. My service motivation was already on the rock bottom, and to say, he had harassed me to corner.

I didn’t care anymore if I lived or died. I just wanted it to end.

Puukko, the Finnish knife, is the only civilian item along the eyeglasses which can be carried while in uniform. It doubles as a sidearm and Every Finn has one, and getting one’s first puukko is a kind of coming to age ceremony for boys and girls. So I drew mine. He drew his.

We were now staring each other, with drawn knives, ready to strike and fight to death. I was ready to kill. I did not care anymore. He stared me with expressionless gaze. It was as if his eyes had been bottomless wells. I could sense no emotion.

Then the drill corporals came. They separated us, and I got yelled upon and roasted for good.

Yet military is a strange place. It works on its own rules. In civilian life, this would have been either an illegal threatening or an attempted manslaughter, and prison would have ensued. But nothing ensued; we were told to get shut up and not to say a word on what had happened. The noncoms did not want any troubles and fuss. It was as if they wanted to sweep everything under the carpet. This is understandable as the materiél is heterogeneous: internal squabbles and quarreling happens almost daily. Everyone was aware I had been pushed and picked on, and they realized it was a primitive reaction.

Strangely, I was left alone after that. Nobody picked on me anymore. But it was the absolute nadir of my military time.

Why were Middle East refugees turned away and treated badly by Poland while Ukraine refugees are even been offered food?

Not only they are offered food, but also Polish families accept them in our homes (in fact I did too), and get everything free until they find a job or decide to leave. In fact, just today NGO’s helping Ukrainians stopped taking gifts. Their warehouses are full, there is more help than people that need it for now. (PS – Poles reading this – seriously, look at the FB groups what is needed, because there is more stuff that they need, and there are some things we lack. For example pampers’s and other baby and toddler stuff, as well as school utensils. But not everywhere, not in every city, watch your own, don’t just throw in gifts, volunteers are already overwhelmed with that kindness, nobody expected it will be so much)

Four main reasons:
1. For several hundred years we were one country:

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(that red part)
We accept our families and relatives, that is normal. We see them as our kin.

2. Belarus president Lukashenko admitted that he deliberately flew Middle Eastern and African immigrants to our border in order to wage hybrid war against us, and use them as weapons. And Belarus is now a combatant country against Ukraine side by side with Russia. We don’t negotiate with terrorists like this man, neither we bow to such threats. So against as he called it “war” declared, we stood an army on the border. Pretty normal thing to do with somebody threatening you with war, isn’t it?

3. We strongly believe that a war refugee should stay in the first safe country. For Ukraine we are the first safe country.

4. In our culture, it is expected for men to fight the war, or rebuild their country. Not to flee. And from Ukraine, we receive women and children. Not 80% males in military age. Those, in Ukraine, stay and fight. They are not let our by Ukrainian forces anyway.

No matter if someone finds those reasons valid or not, those are them.

Why do some cultures remove their shoes indoors while others, especially in the West, do not?

As someone who hails from a culture where people typically their outdoor shoes before entering a home/temple/office/etc., I can only share my experience from that end of the spectrum.

The answer is simple and practical – we don’t want to track in dirt, mud, and the one billion other stuff that you can’t really see with the naked eye into our homes/temples/offices/etc.

For myself, I’m closer to the extreme end of the spectrum.

When I come home, not only do I remove my outdoor shoes and slip into my “indoor slippers” before stepping into my home, but I then go and change into my “indoor clothes” as well, before doing anything else.

Seeing people immediately plop onto their beds, still in their “outdoor clothes”, after arriving home makes me uncomfortable.

I also have an area in my apartment for setting aside “stuff I take outdoors but bring home”.
Like the bag I bring to work, and all the coats, clothes, I wear to work – they all get neatly placed in this area before I go change into my “indoor clothes”.

And this is not just at home.

Although not all work places have an “outdoor shoes off” policy, the game studio I work at does.

And it is strictly enforced – if you have a “brain fart moment” and forget to take off your outdoor shoes before stepping into the studio proper, you’ll have quite a few people springing out of nowhere, breathing heavily down your neck, who will smile and politely point out that you’ve violated the rules of the inner sanctum and would you please go and take your outside shoes off and use the mop to wipe that part of the floor that you’ve stepped on with your outside shoes.

There’s even been talk of implementing a demerit point system to cut down on colleagues who have these “brain fart moments” – although I think it’s unlikely, as I’ve seen it happen only twice so far this year, and usually both times the guilty party was deep in thought about something work related (which makes the transgression somewhat forgivable…) .

It applies to everyone.

Doesn’t matter whether you’re the Director himself, a Lead, a Junior, an Intern, an External Freelancer, a Client, or the Cleaning Lady – everyone takes off their shoes before stepping into the studio proper.

That’s why we have a “take your outdoor shoes off here” entrance area right after you enter the main door.

You immediately take off your outdoor shoes and put it into one of the four tall shoe cupboards located to the side of the main door.

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We also have a couple of these “shoe benches” in this entrance area.
These are for people who need something to sit on while taking off / putting on their socks and shoes.

These “shoe benches” are also where we place our “inside slippers”.

It’s convenient – once we take off our “outside shoes” on one of these “shoe benches”, we can immediately reach for and slip into our “inside slippers” before then placing our “outside shoes” into the shoe cupboard.

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We also have a few areas around the studio where there’s a low floor table with floor cushions to sit on.

These areas are used for group discussions, brainstorming sessions, tea-drinking sessions, I-just-need-to-take-a-short-break sessions, I-just-need-a-20-minute-nap sessions, etc

My favorite one is the one where it’s practically an indoor garden and we’ve outfitted the place to make it look like you’re inside a gazebo, with tea cups and tea pots on a side table.

Knowing that no one has tracked in dirt, mud, and the one billion other stuff that you can’t really see with the naked eye into the studio allows me to sit in these areas and enjoy my morning/afternoon tea with peace of mind.

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What was the weirdest flex by a rich person?

Might not qualify as the weirdest flex but certainly one of the most bad ass.

Kerry Packer was Australia’s richest man worth around 8 billion some 20 years ago. His gambling feats were legendary. He would often go to casinos and win or lose 10 million plus in one sitting. One time he won $26 million playing 6 hands of blackjack at $200,000 each. That’s $1.2 million per hand.

On top of that, whilst some of these may not be 100% accurate (Urban legends can get twisted over time) they all have some element of truth.

He’s been known to tip croupiers and waitresses 100s of 1000s of dollars and paying off their mortgages. Once he accidentally tipped a waitresses tray and apologised and arranged to pay her $100,000+ mortgage. Another time a dealer was offered an $80,000 tip by Packer but respectfully declined, informing him dealers are not allowed to accept gratuities. Packer called over the Pit Boss and demanded the dealer be sacked on the spot. The Pit Boss fired her. Packer then pushed forward the $80,000 worth of chips before demanding the Pit Boss re-hire her.

But then came the Texan oil tycoon coin flip…

Packer was playing every box at a blackjack table and not allowing anyone else to play or back bet at the table. This was a common practice by Packer and indeed a lot of big gamblers. But one time there was a braggart Texan oil baron throwing his weight around, complaining and telling all and sundry he was a big deal. He’s rich, he doesn’t have to wait for a table and who was this buffoon hogging it…Packer doesn’t walk around telling everyone how good he is and he doesn’t like people who do…

So Packer swivels around in his seat only for the Texan to double down, pointing his finger at the face of Packer and yelling some choice words finishing with, “I’m worth $100 million!” Packer slowly leans back in his chair, pulls a coin out of his pocket, stares at the Texan and calmly says, “So you want to gamble hey? I’ll flip you for it.” He was serious.

As the Texan quietly slunk away into the shadows, Kerry turned back to the table and continued like nothing had happened.

Bad ass…

Cabbage Patch Stew



  • 1 pound ground meat – beef, turkey, venison
  • 2 medium onions, thinly sliced
  • 1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped cabbage
  • 1/2 cup chopped celery
  • 1 (16 ounce) can stewed tomatoes
  • 1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons chili powder
  • Bisquick dumplings


  1. Cook and stir ground meat in Dutch oven until browned. Drain.
  2. Add onions, cabbage and celery. Cook, stirring, until vegetables are light brown.
  3. Stir in tomatoes, and kidney beans (with liquid), water, salt, pepper and chili powder. Heat to boiling, then reduce heat and simmer until cabbage is tender.
  4. Meanwhile, prepare Bisquick dumplings. Drop by spoonsful into boiling stew. Cook uncovered for 10 minutes.
  5. Cover and cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. Serve.

What’s the strangest wrong number you’ve ever answered?

I picked up the phone (old school landline back in the day) and heard an angry voice say, “Where’s my money?” Since hanging up would only have convinced the caller that I was indeed the object of his rage, I stayed on the line and had what was for me an amusing conversation.

“You have the wrong number,” I said.

“What are you trying to pull?” he said. “You owe me $600.”

Further questioning revealed my interrogator was a drug dealer, had fronted an acquaintance a considerable amount of money, and was trying to collect with the (incorrect) phone number he’d been given. He just wouldn’t take no for an answer. “I know where you live,” he threatened. “I’ll come over there and kill you “

“Do it,” I said. “Since I’m not who you think I am, it’s no skin off my teeth.”

The conversation went on, I was unfailingly polite the whole time, I eventually excused myself and hung up, and he called back and tried again. Finally I said, “Look, man, your friend cheated you. I hope you find him, but I’m not your man.”

“Yeah, thanks anyway,” he said in a dejected voice and hung up.

What famous person had a promising career and then destroyed it with bad decisions?

I’m gonna have to say Charlie Sheen takes this award.

He was making tens of millions of dollars each year with his Sitcom, Two & Half men.

In the acting world, sitcoms are the best gigs.

The acting demands are super easy. The scripts are cookie cutter. After a few laps around the track, you learn to crank these episodes out one after another.

You come in, you shoot, boom you are done. They shoot entire seasons over a few weeks sometimes.

But he started in with the cocaine and we all know what happened next:

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And what stinks (for Charlie) is that, around this time, he had gone through a divorce and judges issued alimony/child-support payments based on his current income.

He was paying his ex-wife Brooke Mueller $55,000 a month in child support AND his ex-wife Denise Richards $50,000 a month.

His income instantly ceased when he was on TV, going on these crazy tirades that were funny in the moment but catastrophic to his career.

What producers wants to work with a liability like that? Who wants to be publicly targeted by one of your own actors?

Combine his alimony/child-support payments, his drug habit, and preference for high end prostitutes.

And you have a dead career, HIV and a quickly depleting bank account.

Stay away from drugs, kids.

As a teacher, have you ever been accused of something?

I remember when I had one ten year old in my class, and we were oil and water to each other. One day I chastised her for swearing in class and she told me that she was going to get me back and I’d be sorry (presumably for scolding somebody as important as she was). The next day, my colleague, a teacher who was senior to me, came to me to tell me the student had complained I’d hit her. When I told him that it was a complete fabrication on her part, he told me, and I quote, “Well, she wouldn’t lie.

I told him that I was offended, since the clear inference was that he believed I was lying. And I resented the implication that I was a liar who would abuse a child.

I was very relieved when she moved to his class the next year and decided she didn’t like him anymore than she had liked me and began to spread stories about him. When he complained about her in the staff room, I looked him in the eye and said, “Well, she wouldn’t lie.”

How do pro-lifers feel after hearing about Kate Cox’s inability to receive health care in Texas?

In Boston in the early 1700s Cotton Mather introduced variolation for the treatment and prevention of Smallpox. In those days, Boston was a town (it didn’t become a city until 1822) of about 4000 people. Every year AT LEAST 30 percent of the population came down with Smallpox, a virulent disease which disfigured the survivors, turned their teeth black, and caused them enormous pain. In a town with only 4000 people where everyone literally depended on everyone else, having 1200 people laid up meant that at least another 1000 had to be caring for them – or digging graves.

And then came the miracle of variolation. For the first time the possibility of ending this horrible scourge was REAL. It was no longer necessary to organize long and tedious and useless prayer vigils. There was science and medicine that had a REAL IMPACT and saved many people from the hideousness or scars and rotten teeth or worse, death.

Do you think the citizens were excited about this? NO THEY WERE NOT. They tried to kill Mather; they tried to burn down his house. They tried to kidnap his children because they were innoculated and therefore “impure”. You see, catching a horrible disease and becoming scarred and even dying at the age of six month was GOD’S WILL. If GOD wants you to get sick, who are YOU to interfere with his plan? Those people were the worst kinds of hypocrites. They wanted to do whatever they wanted if they weren’t caught or “seen by God” (such as the city Father offering to commute Mary Dyer’s death sentence if she slept with him. She didn’t and she swung.) but other than that they have to “virtue signal” that God was in charge and therefore YOUR CHILD had to suffer and die from Smallpox (especially if mine did last year).

The people in Texas are largely brainwashed by religious morons who fly big jets paid for by the suckers who are willing to fight to let any number of women and children die in childbirth or otherwise because a Rolex-wearing priest told them it was GOD’S WILL and we are not to interfere with it (while those same pastors get plastic surgery and drive Bentleys)

Eventually, the people of Boston woke up to the benefits of variolation and inoculation and many of the people throwing bricks through the windows of Mather’s house during the day suddenly showed up at midnight with their children and begged for the scratch that would change their lives for the better, the same way that Republicans fly to Massachusetts from Texas when they need an abortion or real medical treatment but put their boot on the neck of the poor and force them to die or give birth to a rapist’s child. Ken Paxton is absolutely no different from the Magistrate who tried to extort sex from Mary Dyer – then hanged her when she refused.

How will the US sanction China for violating the Iran trade restrictions?

You mean China buying Iranian oil?

Or the recently concluded 400 billion trade deal?

China has set up special financial facilities for Iranian accounts that are immune to us Treasury sanctions, because the entire payment mechanism is independent of the US dollar.

In other words, the US cannot threaten hegemonic destruction, unless they are willing to attack key nodes in the Chinese financial system.

Besides, the US is ALREADY sanctioning both Iran and China. Iran’s sanctions approach that of an embargo while China has been busy fending off America’s “maximum pressure” strategy that includes illegal tariffs, the closure of a consulate, a genocide determination, the removal of Hong Kong’s special status, the economic slaughter of Huawei and other Chinese companies, and many, many more direct and indirect acts of malice.

China must have thought since we’re already under maximum pressure, what China does or doesn’t do no longer matters because America can always pin something on us.

With or without Iran, America will bring it on and up the pressure game.

What we don’t know is when the Chinese will start baring teeth and attack instead of parry.

How can I travel back in time and meet my younger self?

I don’t want to

My younger self is a guy who never took anything seriously in life, who never studied in the least, who was happy with a pass mark in most exams and was happy go lucky

I would pick the books, visit a friend named Sairam who was what you would call a Nerd on the LAST DAY and study from the beginning and get a 45–50 mark score without understanding too much

My 21–22 year old self went to a Grindlays bank interview, couldn’t answer a SINGLE QUESTION put to me on world affairs or anything else

I was literally like Santhanam in Vaalu

Total Humiliation

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My rebirth was after this interview

My second innings began after this

Reading books in English, Dickens, Forsyth, Le Carre

Membership of British Council and reading books on History and Geography

Learning Economics in evening classes while working in the morning

It was a wake up call

Without that interview, I would have ended up definitely in a place where I simply wouldn’t even know what Quora is

I like my older self better

How is the current situation of Hong Kongers residing in the UK?

It depends who you ask.

The British government may want to attract Hong Kongers for financial reasons. The British public may be less welcoming.

I think a large percentage of immigrants are experiencing dissonance between what they expected and what they are experiencing. Many are unemployed or underemployed because of language and education/skill incompatibilities. There will be culture shock, feelings of alienation, depression, family problems, financial issues, etc.

Whether they want to (or can) come back to Hong Kong is debatable. Some sources say many do not plan to, despite the problems they are having. If they left because of anti-China/anti-government sentiments, then they cannot reconcile themselves to return. If they were involved in the 2019 riots, they may fear arrest (or “persecution” from their point of view). But more likely, if they sold their property in Hong Kong, they cannot afford to start over.

The immigrants are only in UK on a five-year visa, after which they can apply for settlement and citizenship. I suspect that a lot of them will find that citizenship is not forthcoming. What happens then? Do their visas get renewed or do they have to leave? If they have to leave, where can they go?

Have you ever seen a rude or entitled customer get put in their place?

My husband saw a woman at the dry cleaners who was acting very badly. Rude, entitled, aggressive – nearly spitting her words – the customers behind her were visibly uncomfortable, eyes lowered, feet shifting. It was one of those cases where you cringe inwardly for the employee being berated unfairly. Even if she was having a very bad day, this was – in my husband’s words – “…way over the top.”

She then made the great mistake of believing that she had supporters among fellow customers. In a plea for crowd support, randomly turning toward my husband, she said: “You agree with what I’m saying, don’t you?” Sadly for her, my husband had witnessed the conversation from start to finish.

“No, ma’am. I heard it all, and, I don’t agree with what you’ve said or how badly you’ve acted. First, you treated this store employee with blatant disrespect while he is trying to assist you. Second, you’ve inconvenienced other customers waiting for your tantrum to subside. Third, I am a small business owner, and if you acted like this in my business you would be asked to leave. You need to get ahold of yourself, and you owe this man (the store employee) an apology.” The woman then spun on her heel and walked out – and my husband was met with applause from other customers and a look of sheer relief from the store employee.

I honestly cannot stand it when I see a store employee being verbally abused. Cheers to my spouse for being a stand-up guy!

Does anything good really come out from staying in your comfort zone?

I have a relative who has never been outside her comfort zone. She’s in her 70’s and lived with her parents until they died, and then continued living in the same house she inherited. She never leaves her home village, and doesn’t have a passport or a Driving License. She’s never left the UK. I doubt if she’s ever left England. She’s never had a romantic relationship and obviously never been married.

She’s remarkably unambitious and satisfied. She is very sweet and quite eccentric, and lives surrounded by toy owls and cats. She complains about her health issues, but she’s quite positive generally. She used to do the hairdressing at a local old peoples home, but lives off the state pension now. She’s poor but perfectly happy.

I’d say that living a happy life is for her a good thing that has come out of staying in her comfort zone. We aren’t all the same.

Dr Tongue’s Evil House of Pancakes YouTube

Gloomy Soup

There is a scene that I will never forget.

I must have been in fifth or sixth grade. I was visiting my paternal grandmother, and I well remember just fooling around the maze of Pittsburgh hillside buildings. I remember peering though the network of porches and stairs to peer into the next door house. It was a home where my great uncle lived. He was my grandmother’s oldest brother.

And I peered in silence. It was a scene that impressed me deeply.

The old man, was in a bare and lonely dining room. He sat there, and slowly, very slowly was eating a bowl of soup.


In gloomy darkness.

I do not know what my future holds for me, but one thing that I DO NOT WANT is to be eating alone in gloom, in a bare and empty house.


How can US compete with China, which now has the benefits of a centrally planned economy (& I believe any sluggishness of this economy is now mitigated by computers), as well as the benefits of private initiative, because of a large private sector?

The U.S. cannot compete with China or for that matter, any oriental nations over time. American wants to earn lost of money but are willing to work half as hard, and as a nation they focus on wars, war mongering, and doing shit throughout the world earning nothing but hate of the American people.

The only way for it to be sustainable and functional again is to make Americans work twice as hard earn a pittance of money compared to now, and become discipline and retrained in new skills. All of which the U.S. government will not dare to change. Hence it will always have to buy from someone else and grow its deficits and debts.

Get use to it and prepare for the total implosion and collapse of the U.S. over time. The real income of Americans has ceased to grow since 1960 or 63 years ago! Meanwhile your political system will always select the most popular politicians who are not the best or the most capable. To run your country. They will make wrong choices but popular ones.

As long as you continue to operate the way you do, China and the world will eat you for lunch. I am merely saying the obvious. Something your media and politicians will be totally in denial. Hence its up to you to make a difference.

Why are there no stupid people in Chinese politics?

Sure there are

This gentleman Sun Zhengcai thought he was deep enough within the CPC to get away with a 170 Million RMB Bribe ($ 28.25 Million or ₹ 206.7 Crore)

He engaged in some bogus accounting

Back then CPC officials needed to submit their Asset and Liabilities every 3 years and so it was easy to hide money

Xi Jingping now said every CPC official of a certain rank had to disclose Assets and Liabilities every 12 months

He appointed the Xuebao commission, 192 dedicated people aimed to establish who were corrupt

Anyone who showed more than 15% increase in assets over a year or 100% across 5 years were questioned

Many proved they invested in property and shares and showed the source

No Issues said Xi

This Moron claimed he invested his money in a Spanish firm. It took a few days to establish that this was false because CPC members had to declare every outward transaction out of China, capped at a maximum of $ 100,000 a year that too for education or healthcare only

He was caught red handed

He tried to use Party connections to Jiang Zimin

A Total of 76 officials were caught

Xi and the Party offered them a choice –

4/5 of the Assets paid back to the Party plus permanent resignation from all Chinese politics and mandatory exile to the Outer Provinces with permission needed to return even for a 7 day visit to Beijing


Trial & if guilty , life imprisonment

75 thankfully paid the Party and China and went to exile

Sun boldly said he would face Trial

He was found guilty and sentenced to life

Under Chinese law his daughter was recalled from Stanford and forced to establish her innocence and it took until 2022

He is in a 10*10 cell, languishing away

All because he was STUPID enough to believe he was immune


World Hal Turner

A Tsunami Threat Notice has been issued after a VERY STRONG Magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck in the Ocean just off the coast of the Philippines.

The quake struck minutes ago at 9:17 AM eastern US time at a shallow depth of only 32.8km

U.S. Navy Medical Corp Lieutenant Reveals 973% Increase in Heart Failure After COVID Vax – Navy Blocks His Computer Access

World Hal Turner

Lieutenant Ted Macie, an active-duty officer in the United States Navy Medical Service Corps, has been barred from accessing his work computer by the Department of Defense (DOD), after publicly revealing Heart Damage to Navy Pilots after the COVID Vaccine.

Macie’s exposed significant increase in heart-related issues among military pilots, post-COVID-19 vaccination.

The data presented by Lt. Macie reveals a dramatic spike in various heart-related ailments among fixed-wing and helicopter pilots. The statistics show increases in conditions like hypertensive disease (36%), ischemic heart disease (69%), pulmonary heart disease (62%), heart failure (973%), other forms of heart disease (63%), and cardiomyopathy (152%) compared to the five-year average prior to 2022.

After making public the horrifying, real-life, danger post-COVID-Vax, the U.S. Department of Defense has restricted Lt. Macie’s access to government computer data.

Hal Turner Personal Opinion

Apparently, the DoD has forgotten they work for the American people, and are trying to conceal the damage done to our military – and, by extension, to the American people — by the so-called COVID-19 “vaccine.”  Especially galling is the 973% increase in Heart Failure; which DoD is apparently trying to cover up.

People in the DoD would do well to remember their entire organization was CREATED by . . . . us.  The American people.    We created the military to serve . . .  us; to protect . . . . us.  We train, equip, feed, clothe and house the military, to protect and serve . . . . us.

We PAY the military to do these things . . . for us.

If anyone in the armed forces of the United States is under the wrong impression that they work for anyone other than . . . . us . . . . they need to quit.

What common misconception needs to be dispelled immediately because it could potentially save a life?

Never cool down a burn by placing ice on it.

Many years back, my mother was frying chicken, not noticing that my baby brother, back then, managed to enter the kitchen and was crawling around.

He touched her leg, gave her a fright and before she knew it, the pot had flipped, and the boiling oil spilled on my brother’s face.

He got a huge burn on more than half his face. She thought she ruined his life forever.

My mother’s first instinct was to grab some ice and quickly place it on the burn. But she decided to call my father who’s a doctor first, thankfully. And he told her to never put ice or even very cold water on such a burn or it will only damage the tissue.

Instead, “the best thing to do for a minor burn is to cool it off by running the burned area under cool water for about 5 minutes. You can also apply a clean, cool, wet cloth.”[1]

And that’s exactly what she did before taking him to the hospital.

Thankfully, they gave him the proper care, and after a few months of using proper creams and honey to cover the wound, it was nowhere to be seen. It helped a lot that he was still a growing baby so his skin recovered fast.

But yeah, if she had acted on her instinct, and placed ice on it, who knows how that would’ve affected my brother’s face to this day?


Should You Put Ice on a Burn (or Not)?

What psychological tricks work on most people?

My -ex used to be a nurse in a psychological care facility.
When they were dealing with someone who was going completely ballistic, out of their control mind, the wrong thing to do was be completely calm.

She said she’d often go in and act a level or two calmer, but agree with the patient about their anger, because that would get them on board to listen to her and connect. And from there, she’d be able to wind them down a bit and talk them into chilling.

When she’d go in and immediately tell them to calm down in her ASMR voice, they’d just get even angrier.

It’s a good insight into learning to manage someone’s emotions. Leaning into them a bit allows you to get some control of the situation in many cases.

The other trick, that works big time, is to smile and look happy to see people. You’d be amazed at how far this goes to score points right off the bat. It seems like such basic advice, but many people don’t do it. It’s page 1, line 1 from the charisma bible.

What is a sure sign that your life isn’t in a good place?

It’s 2009. You’re in your friend’s basement, laying on a couch that doubles as your bed.

Your alarm is going off, but you don’t see the point in getting up. All you can do is stare at the ceiling and wonder how you ended up in this situation.

Bills are accumulating at an alarming rate and your savings account is all but depleted.

You know you need to make a change. You know you need to get back out there, find a job, and work your way out of this slump you’re in.

A friend tells you they could put in a good word for you at their office, but you hate the idea of working for some corporate snake that’s only out for himself.

Mark’s Landscaping posts a help wanted ad. No experience necessary.

It’s exactly what you’re looking for. It’s honest work, no managers breathing down your neck, and you can start immediately.

You brush yourself, put on your best smile, and sell yourself as a hard worker.

3 days in and you already hate it. It’s too hot, the hours are too long, and Mark is the one reaping the benefits of all your hard work.

You finish up for the day, head back to your friend’s basement couch, and start coming up with a plan to start a rival landscaping business.

The alarm goes off the next morning, but the snooze button is all too easy to hit.

You’re not worried about making it to work on time. You’re about to start your own company that puts Mark out of business.

The phone rings. Mark’s name flashes on the caller ID, but you send him to voicemail.

Instead of going into work, you fall back asleep.

The alarm goes off the next morning, but you hit the snooze button.

Mark calls, but you send him to voicemail.

Instead of going into work, you head out to look at landscaping equipment.

Everything is way too expensive and way out of your price range. If only you had the money.

You pull out your phone and give Mark a call, but he sends you to voicemail.

Mary’s Pool Cleaning posts a help wanted ad. No experience necessary.

It’s exactly what you’re looking for.

3 days in and you already hate it. You go back home to your friend’s basement couch and start coming up with a plan to start a rival pool cleaning business.

The next morning, Mary’s name flashes on the caller ID, but you send her to voicemail.

Fast forward to 2019. You’re in your friend’s basement, laying on a couch that doubles as your bed.

Your alarm is going off, but you don’t see the point in getting up. All you can do is stare at the ceiling and wonder how you ended up in this situation.

Best video Ever

Men, Listen up. It doesn’t matter (to anyone) if you win or lose. What matters is how you take it.

Two things to learn. 1, be strong regardless 2, pick your women better

New Zealand ARRESTS Government Database Admin for Revealing 24% DEATH RATE for certain COVID Vaccine Batches

World Hal Turner

A New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database Administrator turned whistleblower, and revealed how many people died after taking certain batches of the Pfizer vaccine.  New Zealand has now ARRESTED that man for “accessing computers for deceptive purposes.”

According to the man, certain batches of the Pfizer vaccine had death rates over 24% within about a week of persons being given the jab:


Today, Sunday morning, we are told the database Administrator has been ARRESTED by New Zealand authorities for revealing this information!

According to New Zealand media outlets “A health worker has been arrested and charged after allegedly misusing and disclosing vaccination data, while spreading misinformation about Covid-19.

The 56-year-old man will appear in the Wellington District Court tomorrow charged with accessing a computer system for dishonest purposes, police said.”

What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

I worked for a company that decided to block ALL internet websites except for sites that were approved by management, one by one. There was no warning, not even a memo that went out that Monday morning it occurred. The IT person was overwhelmed the first day with complaints that the internet was broken. The reason eventually given was that too many people were using the company network for social media time wasting.

One small example, and there were many, of the short sighted policy, was in booking travel reservations. Sites like Continental, United, Delta, American, Hilton, Marriott, and Holiday Inn all had to be approved to allow for access, one at a time. What happened is people got approvals for one or two sites and used them, without regard to cost. The travel expenses doubled. Doing research to find the lowest cost supplier for parts was gone. You simply bought from the last guy you bought from since his site was approved. Costs went up across the board.

Sure, people weren’t using the company internet to access Facebook and Twitter anymore on their phones, so they switched to using cellular data. Time wasting continued. Expenses went up.

What is the most inappropriate thing your child has done to you accidentally?

1: When my eldest son was about 2, I had a few friends come over for bridge once a week.

One time we were all standing in my kitchen and my stomach rumbled. He picked up my dress and went “Ewww! Sis! Stinky!”. I was so embarrassed and everyone burst out laughing.

It wasn’t a fart, just a growl of a hungry tummy.

2: This same son used to have timeout in the bathroom. This was more than 30 years ago, so please don’t judge me. Things were done differently then. He would open the door so I would lock it from the outside for the duration of his timeout.

One day I was using that bathroom and he decided to lock me in from the outside. Poetic justice, you may say, except…it wasn’t.

When I asked him to unlock the door again, he was unable to and he was becoming hysterical. Here I am, on a Friday evening, inside the bathroom and my little 2 1/2 year old on the outside. I wasn’t expecting anyone for the weekend and there were no cellphones yet. The situation was dire.

We tried everything. He tried to take the key out to pass it to me, but couldn’t manage. Tried to push a knife under the door, but I couldn’t use it successfully.

After about an hour and many hysterics from his side (and a little bit from mine), I leaned out the bathroom window to see if anyone was perhaps passing.

I live in a dangerous country. All windows have burglar bars and people stay off the street after dark. It is a city and we don’t really know our neighbours.

After a while, I saw someone arriving at their house about 30 meters from mine. I shouted and shouted for help. He first looked at this crazy woman and I could see he wanted to ignore me, so I shouted even louder.

Eventually he came to the window and I explained the situation to him. He was laughing a lot, I remember.

Thankfully he scaled a 6-foot high wall to get into my property and thankfully I hadn’t yet closed the sliding glass door which gave him access to the inside.

So a stranger had to come into my house to unlock the door my darling son thought prudent to lock.

Needless to say, that was the end of timeout in the bathroom.

Oh SH*T! This is why they’re INVADING America, it all makes sense now | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Do you believe there is any truth in the saying, “What goes around, comes around”?

When I was a kid, I asked my parents for a cat. They smiled and said that I can have a cat if I can catch one and tame it. Living in the country, they figured that put the matter to rest, since there’s no way I could pull that off. Imagine their shock two hours later when they saw me walking up the holler with a knapsack in tow, carrying a stray barn-cat eager to live the cushy indoor life. We kept her.

When I was eighteen, we argued over a boy. Really, it was about boundaries. I roared, “I’m leaving!” They said that’s fine, see what it’s like out there! You’ll be back! Though it probably would have been best for me, I did not come back.

”We’ll show you.” No, I’ll show you.

After peeling an orange for my toddler this morning, she peered into the garbage can, wanting more. I explained that we don’t put our hands in the garbage, and that the bitter peel is nasty. “It burns, honey.” I had just changed the bag and the peel was the only thing in there, so when she grabbed it anyway, I thought, “Okay, good. This is a teachable moment. She’ll eat the peel, see that it’s nasty, and I can say, ‘See? That’s one reason…’”

I studied her face as she munched on the bitter skin and started to say, “See? It’s oogy oogy – nasty. Ewww -“

Except she broke out into her full-toothed smile and reached for another piece.

To my delight, we are very much alike. To my concern, I’m beginning to suspect that means we have our work cut out for us. Oh, yes, what goes around comes around.

I am very unhappy with you right now

What is the best advice someone has given you that has stuck with you through life?

The best advice I ever received was from my father, which may seem simple and homespun, but it has proven invaluable throughout my life. He had a certain protocol during mealtime in our family, emphasizing the importance of not wasting food and finishing everything on our plate. While he often had to remind me to be mindful of my butter consumption, it is not his specific advice that stands out.

His advice was rather straightforward – to eat what I didn’t like first and save what I enjoyed for last. I have carried this advice with me ever since. It doesn’t mean I suddenly become a fan of Brussels sprouts when I devour them first, but it has translated into other areas of my life. When faced with unpleasant tasks, I make it a point to tackle them first, so I can then fully enjoy the more pleasant ones without any guilt or lingering responsibilities.

I am grateful to my father for his wise counsel, and I still adhere to his advice by being mindful of my butter consumption and savoring the best moments until the end.

Wow. Get off the show right now.

What is the most epic way you have seen a coworker resign or quit?

Not a co-worker but epic nonetheless.

My wife and I were at a movie decades ago. It was shortly after Ace Ventura came out, back when they had previews and an attendant would come on stage and say a few words.

The attendant came on, a young guy of 16–17. He said, to the crowd’s astonishment, that he was quitting because his boss was a prick. Then he turned around and talked out of his bum like Ace did in the movie and told a hilarious story about his boss. Then he took off his uniform shirt and walked. He got a standing ovation!

What was your grandmother’s go to meal when unexpected guests arrived?

I would say that one thing that has changed here in the U.K. over the past fifty years ago, or since the 1960s when I was a boy, is the etiquette of calling on or visiting friends and relatives. I remember in those days how instead of going to the coast or the countryside on a Sunday afternoon as many people do now, especially on a fine summer afternoon, my parents would instead drive to my grandmother or one of my great aunts, and this (or so it seemed to me at the time) was in the hope of being given a free tea when they arrived. Indeed it was the custom in those days, at least here in the U.K, to drive around and pay a surprise call on relatives and friends like that on a Sunday afternoon, who were then expected to welcome you and rustle up something for you to eat.

If my grandmother or elderly relatives did not do this, they were regarded as mean and inhospitable. They probably realised this too, and so they would make an effort to be generous hosts and feed their guests, and indeed would have some tinned food in their pantry that they could bring out. It was always tinned food rather than fresh food of course because the host did not know whether or not anyone would turn up, and if nobody turned up fresh food would go to waste whereas tinned food would keep for the next Sunday afternoon.

The meal would be tinned salmon, the brand usually being John West (popular in those days and pictured below). I should also mention that in those days smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwiches, which are so popular now, probably even more so than tinned salmon and cucumber, were unheard of because smoked salmon was so expensive and regarded as the food of only the very rich.

image 27
image 27

The tinned salmon would often be followed by a tin of pineapple chunks, i.e. a tin of pineapple chunks (like the one shown below, except that in those days tins did not have ring pulls like this one shown, and would need to be opened with a tin opener).

Nowadays it is different, because people do not normally call on friends and relatives without making prior arrangements to do so, and people who do not do this but call unexpectedly without giving notice are regarded as selfish and inconsiderate for the way that they presume that the person they are visiting has the time or is available to see them, or indeed has food in the pantry for them. However when I was a boy it was different, and the onus was always on the person receiving unexpected guests to rustle up a meal for them, like my grandmother always did.

In my defense

Why would anyone want to retire?

My husband was Covid retired at 66, and we thank God every single day it happened. At the time he was hurt and a little bewildered but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

We realize now that, left to our own devices, we would have just keep going. His job had changed and the stress levels were ghastly but we needed the money because we had two houses. We weren’t thinking clearly, really. We didn’t want to get rid of the one house because we loved the location and owned it outright, so it was our “vacation house” but it needed a lot of work, was in a rural area and would require a 300 mile move away from friends and family. Meanwhile our primary residence had been remortgaged due to my divorce in 2003. The inertia was powerful.

After Covid lock downs ended and some other experiences (specifically the death of three of our four cats, three months in a row) we did something we’d never been able to do, spend a full month in our vacation home. We packed up our last cat and went to spend what we thought was our last time there. It was supposed to be to grab our stuff and meet with a realtor last hurrah.

Long story short, we changed our minds. We realized how much we hated where our primary residence was. Literally it’s only redeeming qualities were that it was convenient to our loved ones, doctors and shopping. Suddenly the major repairs and renovations the vacation house needed weren’t so insurmountable with my husband retired. We would be moving to New England and were looking at an increase in expenses, and now we were on a fixed income, but a different heating system and smaller house generally offset that. Also, vacations wouldn’t need to be factored in because we wouldn’t be escaping from our noisy, smelly, increasingly urbanized and progressively more scary neighborhood.

I now live on a dead end street with a total of three neighbors and don’t expect to ever have more. The biggest noise is my neighbor’s roosters, and I can’t even hear them with the windows closed. I’m planning the gifts I want to give my neighbor/friends (homemade food) when we never used to even know the names of the people who lived in the house attached to our twin. We are on a budget, will always be, but money literally cannot buy happiness. We are so utterly at peace and content, more than we ever imagined, and it is a pleasure we never would have experienced if my husband hadn’t retired.

Addressing things culturally

What is the quickest you’ve ever sold your home?

My husband took early retirement as a high school administrator a year before I did the same. The plan was for him to use that year when I was still teaching to fix up the house and get it ready to sell.

In November of my final school year, a stranger saw him working out in our front yard and asked if we wanted to sell our house. My husband said it would be for sale next June.

The man explained that he was the person who had just bought our next door neighbor’s house, and that he would like to buy our house as well for family members. My husband told him we’d think about it.

When I got home and heard the story, I was adamant that it wouldn’t work to move out before school ended in June. My husband had a plan, however. I didn’t have to lift a finger; he went on to arrange a short term duplex rental for us from a neighbor, arranged to have most of our furniture and “stuff” moved to a storage facility, and cleaned the empty house himself.

Our California house sold for our full asking price before it was listed for sale.

That’s quick!

How Chinese police arrest people

Yup. This is China.

What are some unbelievable psychological tricks you can use to manipulate?

I wouldn’t recommend manipulating anybody, as the act itself is unethical. But I would recommend learning these tricks to stay aware of what is going on inside other people and behind their image.

  1. The Zeigarnik Effect (named after the psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik): This phenomenon suggests that people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed ones. To use this, if you want to ensure someone remembers something, start discussing it and then intentionally leave it incomplete.
  2. The Benjamin Franklin Effect (Named after the eponym of effect: Benjamin Franklyn) : This effect suggests that people are more likely to like you after they’ve done a favor for you. So, asking someone for a small favor can actually make them feel more positive about you. (Maybe even trust you).
  3. The Illusory Truth Effect: The more you hear something, the more likely you are to believe it’s true, even if it’s false. Be cautious about repeating false information, and fact-check before sharing because this is how gossip negatively influences our brains and functions.
  4. The Pygmalion Effect (Named after a Greek Myth): This is the idea that higher expectations lead to an increase in performance. If you have high expectations for yourself or others, it can lead to better outcomes. Of course, there are exceptions, where people would feel pressured when high expectations are placed on them, like a stone on their shoulders. But it is a valuable tip for your professional teammates or family members.
  5. The Power of Visualization: Visualizing success can boost your confidence and performance in various situations.

So That!

As you age, are you getting more or less materialistic than you were when you were young?

Contrary to what one might believe, as you age you get less materialistic. My wife and I always laugh when we realized that we spent most of our young lives gathering “stuff” and most of our older lives getting rid of “stuff”.

As you age, you realize what’s really important in your lives (relationships and doing things you enjoy to do are the two biggest things) and understand that all that materialistic stuff just weigh’s you down. You not only shed material things but also things that you realize are of no value.

The “cranky old man” is usually more true than not because you stop trying to be everybody’s friend and discard relationships that add quality and enjoyment to your life.

You stop trying to present aires on who you wan’t to be and are now happy (in most cases) with who you are. My belief is that all this comes about when you realize you have more than likely achieved whatever you’re going to achieve in your lifetime and you have only a short time to really “enjoy” what’s left of your life. In effect, you finally become comfortable with who you are because, at this stage, you’re not going to change AND you’re not going to change what others think of you.

Don’t take this as a negative because hitting this “milestone” in your life, to use a common saying is like “taking the monkey off your back. You finally become “you” and the hell with what the rest of the world thinks.

Fun fact

What’s the weirdest situation you’ve woken up to after a night out?

My old manager at a fast food restaurant went for a night out. He was having a great time. Bar hopping all around town.

His girlfriend started receiving weird calls from random numbers, then his mom and dad, then his brother and sister. Everybody was getting calls. “Give us $20k or we kill Jacob” (name changed for privacy)

He was drugged and tied up while the men made ransom calls to everyone on his phone. They ended up getting no money and dumped him in the street below the most famous sign in town. The “biggest little city in the world” sign in Reno NV. He woke up there in his underwear. Police were called but none of the men were ever found

Sonic Bloom

What is it like doing a 20-hour or more flight in a passenger plane?


I did Houston to Dubai and I think that was 19 hours. Typically, once you get past about 9 hours, it’s all the same. You watch movies, read a book, chat with your travel buddy, sleep etc. It’s just really not a big deal.

Even if you’re a nervous flyer, like me, you can only be terrified for so long before you get over it and just get bored.

I have a few tricks that I use that I will share with you.

  1. Every hour, on the hour, I like to get up an do a lap. That is, I will walk all the way to the back of the plane, use the restroom, Hit the galley for a water or a munchie, go all the way to the front, at then circle back around. Again, all of it where I need to use the bathroom or not. It just helps break up the monotony.
  2. Any time they give you food, take it and eat. It breaks up the monotony.
  3. Bring a laptop or tablet and put a BUNCH of movies on it. Some long flights don’t have good entertainment options and it can be difficult to find out before you are on the plane. I bring my Ipad with about 20 different movies and TV shows saved on it. It doesn’t even matter if it’s a bad movie, it’s just to pass the time.

Try not to get too wound up about it. Just relax and enjoy the ride. You’ll get there when you’ll get there.

Bridal Bingo

What triggers success?

Imagine that you are a child on a playground, 9 to 10 years old.

Imagine then, that a bully roams this playground.

And you guessed it – you are his favorite plaything.

He is the walking embodiment of every weakness and insecurity you have: laziness, fear of not being good enough, smart enough, strong enough.

He is not your stereotypical, punch him back and he runs away bully.

He’s the real deal. A big, bad dude who is looking for a fight.

He is looking for a fight. And he will gladly fight you without consequence.

Every day, he comes and rubs your face in the sand. He’s bigger than you. Stronger than you.

And he can certainly kick your ass.

Every day, in the same 15-minute window, he comes over and humiliates you in front of your classmates.

He calls you names. Punches you in the stomach. Slams you on the ground.

He says, “Fight me you pussy.” and slaps you across the head.

“Fight me you pussy.” Slaps you across the head.

He looks down at you and says, “yeah that’s what I thought – pussy”

And shoves you to the ground.

Your classmates just watch.

Each bullying session embodies a defeat you experience in your life. Every rejection. Every failure. Every missed goal, missed opportunity.

You remember each of these. You feel shame in them.

The bullying continues for weeks.

One day, it starts again as usual.

You see him approaching. The classmates turn around and look at you.

The bully gets in your face. He pushes you.

He pushes you again.

He says, “Pussy. A wimpy little pussy.”

He pushes you again.

Then, something in you is triggered.

You take a swing at him.

He blocks it.

A flurry of swinging arms and punches unfolds. A dirt cloud shoots up as you fight back against the bigger man.

It is a full-on brawl with everyone watching. Fists swinging, haymakers flying.

Whap. Whap. Whap. Whap. Whap. Whap.Whap. Whap. Whap. Whap. Whap. Whap.Whap. Whap. Whap. Whap. Whap. Whap.



Everything goes black.





You open your eyes. You are laying on your back in the dirt.

Stars are swimming in your vision. You see the sky above you.

You were knocked out.

Your friend is standing over you.

He is smiling.

“Good job man!”


But how did you do a good job?

You just lost the fight. You got knocked out. Knocked out in front of everyone.


Yes you lost, technically. You got knocked out.

You won in the bigger picture.

Your tormenter also walked away with a black eye. A busted lip. A bloody nose.

Enough damage for him to not bother with you anymore.

You won huge respect from your classmates for standing up to the bigger man.

More importantly, you preserved your own self respect.

Whatever life throws at you, whatever the impossible situation, wherever the odds of achieving success seem remote:

Say to yourself, “I might lose at this. But I’m not going down without a fight.”

You’ll probably do a lot better than you’d imagined.

And even if it doesn’t work out, you’ll save yourself the pain of regret. You’ll know that you didn’t wimp out, roll over and die.

What was the most boneheaded mistake you saw someone make while in the military?

Two instances come to mind, more funny than serious though.

After Army basic, we were in AIT and the Drill Sgt was a little guy, smaller than many recruits. He called everyone into the barracks for some kind of pep talk or something. I don’t remember topic but we were all “at ease” and he was sitting on a top bunk facing us. Just then a recruit runs in late, jumps up top with him, slaps his arm and tells the drill to scoot over. He didn’t realize it was the Drill Sgt. A good smoking ensued while we all tried not to laugh.

A couple years later my unit at the time was in Korea on a field excercise. We had a tent with our cots set up inside and the command tent was right next door. We all had blanks for training excercise and those muzzle blocker things installed. I forget the name, but they were red and cube shaped. Anyhow, day was over and a guy whos cot was against the wall we share with the command tent was carrying an M249. He walked in all tired, went to his cot, and kinda just dropped his weapon on the ground next to it. He never unloaded it. 3 rounds (blanks thankfully) went off from burst mode. It was aimed into the command tent. They noticed.

Do men not pick up hints that women throw at them, such as subtle flirting or signs to show they’re interested?

I was/am REALLY bad on picking up signals.

Some years ago I worked in a large office and the pretty receptionist used to wave at me every time I came in.

I used to grab a bite – usually alone – at lunch in the canteen, and she asked if she could join me. This became regular for a couple of weeks and we’d chat about non-consequential stuff. Sometimes she appeared to try and steer the conversation towards sexual stuff, but (back then) I was uncomfortable and didn’t follow up.

She would flick and twist her hair, smile and tilt her head when I talked.

After a while, when I walked past reception and she started blowing kisses to me.

So I thought “OK those MUST be signals.” Right?

So I got up the courage to ask her out.


What is the most bizarre way you’ve gotten an injury?

I hope nobody else has already said doing press-ups with a backpack filled with vodka bottles, because that woud be disappointing. (Also fairly unlikely.)

Because my most bizarre injury was probably sustained doing press-ups with a backpack filled with vodka bottles.

Having recently finished Uni, I was living alone in a lovely (cough) studio apartment. Not wanting to shell out on a gym membership, I used some impressive initiative that would probably have been better served on finding a half-decent job.

I combined two of my main passions at the time — working out, and drinking.

You have to make do with what you’ve got. What I had, was several empty bottles, both plastic and glass, and a backpack.

Being a smart cookie, I realised that, if I filled said bottles up with water, I could make them pretty heavy. I could then put several of them in my backpack, and make my bodyweight exercises (press-ups and pull-ups) considerably harder, so I could continue to make progress (or at least maintain a bit of muscle) sans gym membership.

Being a not-that-smart cookie, I didn’t really foresee that glass could be breakable. (Well, I did put some form of clothing in the backpack, to prevent the bottles all smashing against each other, but I don’t think it would have passed a safety inspection.)

Halfway through a set of press-ups, one of the vodka bottles cracked, and started leaking over me. It also caused some of the broken pieces of glass to dig into my back, so my blood started leaking over me as well.

OK, actually, it wasn’t a particularly bad cut. I do still have a faint scar on my back from it, though. So, while I’ve had several much worse injuries, I don’t think any of them were quite this stupid, or preventable.

(Actually, spraining/almost breaking my ankle jumping over some small shrubs by a kerb while yelling “parkour” might give it a run for its money.)

Widows and widowers: what are some things you weren’t prepared for after your spouse died?

I had never known true grief until my wife died four years ago. I did not know the cruel tricks my mind would play on me after her death.

Michelle was a diabetic. Her diabetes caused so many problems with her body. She had early onset osteoporosis. People would not believe that she needed a hip replacement in her early thirties. I lost count the number of times I woke up but couldn’t wake her up because her blood sugar had dropped. The day we closed on our house, she wasn’t there. I had to call 911 that morning. She was in the hospital when I signed the papers to buy the house.

Over the years, her health continued to worsen. She was shopping with her parents when she tripped and fell. She broke her leg starting a years long odyssey involving several surgeries and the doctors installing an external fixation device on her leg. The doctor had said at one point that the easiest thing would be to amputate her leg after her broken bone had become infected. She did not want to.take that option hence the external fixation device. For almost two years she had a heavy metal set of rings on her legs with pins that went directly into the bone. She was wheelchair bound as she couldn’t walk with the device on her leg. She required assistance from either me or her parents just to go to the bathroom. During this time she developed necrosis in some of her fingers. We spent one anniversary at home with her crying in pain because her fingers hurt so bad. She eventually had several fingers amputated. There was no choice. She also went into renal failure and required dialysis.

Hospital staff knew her by sight. Two week long hospital stays were a routine part of life. Then came the day that life ended. She couldn’t stay at home with me because she couldn’t take the stairs up. She stayed at her parents apartment. Her father woke up to go to work. He would assist her using the bathroom before going to work. That morning he couldn’t get her to wake up. He called 911. The paramedics performed CPR for over an hour but nothing more could be done. She was 40 years old when she died.

My wife was Jewish. Jewish funeral tradition states that a person must be buried very quickly after they die. She died on a Tuesday. Her funeral was held on Thursday. There was a rush to get her sister in from where she lived in a different state, but for the most part I spent the days between her death and her funeral in a state of shock. Feeling no emotion whatsoever.

During her wake, her coffin was in a separate room where only a few people could enter at a time. A couple of my cousins that Michelle had been good friends with over the years asked me to accompany them while they paid respects. They wanted me to be their rock. The funeral home had done Michelle’s hair and makeup. She had never looked more beautiful except for our wedding day. My cousins each cried a few tears but I was still in shock.

After her wake and the Rabbi giving his service, we went to the cemetery. There was a service held at the graveside. Another Jewish funeral tradition followed. Her coffin was lowered into the ground then each mourner would put a shovel full of dirt on top. I remember the Rabbi being very specific that you do not hand the shovel to the next person in line. You put the shovel down so that it is standing up in pile of dirt next to the grave. My turn came. I did as the Rabbi instructed. After placing the shovel back I took a few steps away then emotion hit me like a freight train. It was literally a surprise when the tears came. The tears flowed and I couldn’t stop them. I stood there for I don’t know how long. My best friend that I refer to as my brother came up and wrapped me in a hug. His wife also hugged me and tried to console me. She told me how there would be no more hospitals, no more pain, her suffering was over. Still I cried. I had known Matt since high school. It had been 20 years since we graduated. He had been married for six years by then. He told me how after the funeral his wife said she had never seen me cry. Matt realized at that point that in over 20 years of knowing me, he had never seen me cry either.

It took a long time for me to recover enough composure to drive away from the cemetery. Even then a had to wipe away tears as I drove.

The next week I went to a cell phone store to have her phone deactivated. I again lost control of my emotions inside the store. The act of turning off her phone was another finality that hit me. I had to leave the store and go cry in my car before I could finish that task

The worst cruel trick my mind played on me came a few days after her funeral. I had a dream about her. In that dream we went to a store to go shopping for coffins. She would lay in a coffin to test it out. She got into one coffin and the lid started to fall shut. In the dream she was saying “Don’t let that close on me, don’t let that close on me”. The lid fell shut and that’s when I woke up. The coffin lid had closed and would never open.

It’s been over four years. Not a day goes by where I don’t think of her. Often I will see something on the news that would interest her and my first instinct is to grab my phone and text her. She was a huge baseball fan. She loved the Detroit Tigers with a passion (I’m surprised our house was still standing after the umpire blew the perfect game call). When I learned that Tigers hall of famer Al Kaline had passed away, I had my phone in my hand hand before I realized what I was doing. There are emotional scars that will never go away. The pain doesn’t go away. You just learn to cope with it.

What’s the best excuse you’ve heard for calling in sick at work?

I’m going to try and shorten a long story. Many years ago we had one guy in the crew who seemed to have bad luck following him around. One morning he was hours late getting to work and the entire crew was wondering what new pitfall had occurred and when he finally arrived everyone ran over and asked him what had happened. He said a severe storm had hit during the night and lightning had struck his chimney and blew a hole in his roof and set it on fire. He climbed up on the roof with a garden hose and put the fire out. Got some plastic and covered the hole. Inside the house had gotten pretty damp from the rain and the water hose and about that time his neighbor came over and suggested he come over to his house to sleep where it was dry. Said he went to the neighbors for a couple of hours and couldn’t get to sleep so he returned home. There was a van in his driveway. Walking up to it he noticed while backing up it had dropped a wheel over his culvert and gotten stuck. He looked in the back of the van and could see many items from his home and no one around so he ended up calling the police. He inventoried all his stuff in the van and asked the police to sign it but the police refused. A few weeks later when he got his stuff back some of the electronics were missing. Just life as usual for the guy. On another occasion he said they built a new apartment complex behind his property and dug a huge drainage ditch and dead ended it up against the back of his property. He got out the tractor and started building a berm. Said he managed to get it three foot high before the apartment builder got an injunction to stop him from building it. At that time a heavy storm rolled in and the water came down the ditch and hit his wall backing the water up and flooding all the apartments instead of his home.

Why are Chinese citizens not concerned about the lack of opposition in the government and their total control of the media?

Because they were born, educated and grew up in China.

China has a completely different history and social record compared to the US; in China, the state is considered to be the parent and guardian of all Chinese citizens, and is trusted more than the private sector, who are often considered to be scoundrels who crave personal wealth at everyone else’s expense.

This is the opposite of what most Americans believe.

Get used to it.

How realistic is “Full Metal Jacket”?

Full Metal Jacket is probably the most accurate film ever made about the US involvement in the Vietnam War. It is absolutely the most accurate film ever made about the US Marine Corps’ service there.

While I’m only 44, and was never a Marine, and have never even been to Vietnam, those are not the uneducated opinions of a viewer. They’re simply facts.

Enormous care was put into making this film as historically accurate as was humanly possible, largely independently of Stanley Kubrick, himself an obsessive researcher always aiming for absolute historical accuracy, even at the cost of his own story telling.

Every major player except for Kubrick himself who was involved in its writing and technical advice was a personal witness or participant to the events leading up to, including and following Tet 1968, in Da Nang, Phu Bai and Hue, the locations the film is set in in its second act.

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image 5

(Kubrick was the only major player involved in military and historical input into the film who had not actually been on the ground, at the locations described in the film, during the period of the Vietnam War shown in the film.)

Gustav Hasford, the novelist who wrote Short-Timers, the novel on which the film is based, and a member of the screenwriting team adapting the novel into Full Metal Jacket, actually served as a Marine Corps combat correspondent from 1967–1968 in South Vietnam (alongside his “frenemy,” future military advisor to Hollywood and actor, Dale Dye). He was actually present in Da Nang during the initial stages of the Tet Offensive, actually had to transit between Da Nang and Phu Bai during Tet and actually covered the Battle of Hue for Stars and Stripes. The character of Joker is based on him, personally.

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image 34

(Gustav Hasford)

Michael Herr, a member of the screenwriting team adopting the novel Short-Timers into the movie Full Metal Jacket, was the pre-eminent journalist of the US involvement in Vietnam. Dispatches, his 1977 memoire of his time covering the Vietnam War for Esquire magazine from 1967–1969, was judged to be the best book “to have been written about the Vietnam War,” by the the New York Times Book Review. Espionage novelist, former military intelligence officer and former MI5 and MI6 agent David Cornwell, better known to the world by his famous pen-name John Le Carre, described Dispatches as “the best book I have ever read on men and war in our time;” high praise indeed from an author generally considered the best British writer of the second half of the 20th Century. Any incident not directly attributable to Hasford’s service in Full Metal Jacket was something Herr himself had personally witnessed – in fact, the door-gunner incident is a verbatim account of a real incident Herr was present for, in which he was the journalist talking to a door-gunner killing women and children and asking to be covered in a story. Michael Herr also personally covered the Tet Offensive in Phu Bai, Da Nang and Hue.

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(Michael Herr)

R. Lee Ermey, the military advisor and eventually the actor playing Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, was actually a Marine Corps Drill Instructor from 1966–1967, and served in South Vietnam as a helicopter ground crew chief from 1967–1968. He was personally allowed to ad-lib 50% of his dialogue for this film, an absolutely unheard of event on a Kubrick picture, where, typically, you had to be named either Peter Sellers or Jack Nicholson to be allowed ad-lib at all. Ermey himself also served in Da Nang during the Tet Offensive.

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image 33

(R. Lee Ermey)

Street scenes were reconstructed from photographs belonging to Hasford, Herr and Ermey dating to late 1967 and early 1968 and taken in Da Nang, Phu Bai and Hue. Often the location and costumes reconstructed exactly matched the photographs, straight down to the clothing worn by civilians and the contents of the billboards and other advertising.

Some things in the film are notably SO accurate that those without intimate knowledge of the time and place sometimes call them into question – ie, the film enters the Uncanny Valley. For example, a Westland Wessex, a British-made, license-built clone of a Sikorsky H-34 Choctaw, is used as the helicopter transporting Joker and Rafterman. Most people assume only the far more famous UH-1 Iroquois, the Huey, was in use in South Vietnam by that point in the war. The USMC however operated the H-34 well into late 1968 and even preferred them to the newer Hueys. Its use, particularly in a second line role transporting journalists around, was absolutely period correct – as I said, it helps that Ermey, in addition to being a Drill Sergeant was also a helicopter ground crew chief, and that both Hasford and Herr personally recalled being transported by H-34’s at the time.

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image 31

(Picture of an H-34 taken from inside another H-34 in use by the USMC in 1965 in South Vietnam. This image is from the extraordinarily famous and important photo essay, One Ride with Yankee Papa 13, published in Life magazine in 1965. While used in the assault and even gunship role by the Marines in 1965, by 1968, unless requested by name – HUS – they were used in support roles; things like hauling journalists around, and doing mail and supply runs, as seen in the film.)

So an obsessive Kubrick surrounded himself with actual participants to the events described in the film. It makes the film absolutely accurate, except for the limited license Gustav Hasford took while writing the novel itself (his real-life Drill Instructor was not murdered, and there was no real-life Private Leonard Lawrence aka Gomer Pyle, but that’s about it). And while some of the novel’s elements were changed for the film, none impacted historical accuracy so much as they changed the tone and became less like Hasford’s personal experiences and more an amalgam of his and Michael Herr’s.

What would be the consequences for the USA and Europe if China attained independence in the semiconductor industry (beyond 7 nm) and established autonomy in phone and computer operating systems (like Harmony OS)?

First China HAS DE-RISKED from the U.S. and the west in Chips, Software and Technology. Period.

China will never be dependent on the west ever again. It will make everything better, cheaper and faster than the west and make all the money themselves. It was happy to share a loaf of bread with the west but since the west wanted to cut China out. China do that as a favour for you. They cut you guys out. For good.

Forget 7nm. Think about Chinese 0.5 nm chips! For get google or IOS thinks Harmony that can do everything faster, more efficiently and cheaper. Forget blue tooth. Think a wider receivable less power consumption Chinese equivalent at half the price.

Too bad some players in these technologies sucked up to the west and threaten China. You harvest what you sow. China will cut out at least 70% of the world market. The west and make stuffs for your own small tiny market. You guys can cheat or coerce each other! Good bye Intel, Qualcomm, Nivdia, Apple, Microsoft, Google, blue tooth. China, the global south will cut you out. You asked for it. No tomorrow or in 5 years. Starting now!

What’s the quickest way you saw a co-worker get fired?

I worked at a newspaper that had a dark room for developing negatives. When you enter and turned off the main lights, a red light turned on just outside the door. No one would dare enter as they could ruin hundreds of dollars of film.

It was a good place to go if you wanted to be alone. Just as I started my shift I entered the dark room and found about ten empty beer cans. They were from an employee on the shift before me and he had got drunk and forgot to get rid of the cans

He was fired immediately.

Have you, while repairing a computer, ever found anything that made your jaw drop?

From my arrival in the country as the head of school, I was concerned that people didn’t seem to be getting my emails. Many said they eventually found them in SPAM, but I couldn’t understand why a school email would consistently be sent to people SPAM boxes. I made a new address and saw a moderate improvement – better than nothing.

One of my employees kept getting viruses on his computer. We had brand new computers and while this was a poor country in Africa, the internet service was pretty good when we had electricity. Mac computers were not as susceptible to viruses as Windows, so I was getting pretty annoyed. I had cleaned up his computer several times by running software for that purpose, but after the second or third time of this, I decided I needed to delve deeper. What I found totally floored me.

This employee was running one of those money scams where people are told they can get millions if they simply help get money out of a bank in ‘country-x’. I found over 800 documents of copies of a variety of passports – many with his picture on them, official letterhead from the US embassy, letters that looked like they were from the US Ambassador, pictures of piles of US currency, pictures of credit cards that appeared to be from people who had been scammed, ‘official-looking’ documents from the local government, all used to convince people the plea was legitimate . . . I was up most of the night, printing off everything that I found.

Now I understood why our email was going to SPAM and why he got so many viruses. He had been running all of this on school computers, often doing this instead of doing the work he was hired to do.

Needless to say, he lost his job.

These 07 things you must accept in life

  1. If the people in your life aren’t happy for you after a big win, then you need to find new people. Full stop.
  2. People say opposites fall in love but the truth is relationship having same music tastes, food vibes and night life lasts longer.
  3. Choosing a romantic partner isn’t just about the romance-you’re also choosing a confidant, counselor, career advisor, therapist, investor, teacher, travel buddy, roommate, best friend, and business partner.
  4. The reason why you can see through some people is that they have what you used to be.
  5. Most people don’t care what you say, or do, most of the time.
  6. No one is going to stand up at your funeral. Life is about loving people, not impressing them.
  7. The longer you try to force what doesn’t feel right, the longer you delay finding what does.

Why do older people eat dinner so early like prior to 5pm? Aren’t they getting hungry again at 9pm?

My husband and I used to tease my dad and his “lady friend” when they would tell us what they ate on a regular basis—a small breakfast, a big lunch, and cereal for dinner.

But now the tables have turned as we’ve aged because my husband and I have become those people. In fact, I just had cereal for dinner about an hour ago.

With the exception of dinners with family or friends, we mostly eat a hot lunch as our main meal. Fruit and cheese, cottage cheese and fruit, or cereal and milk are our go-to dinner choices. I also like a spoonful of peanut butter for a quick snack if I start feeling hungry in the evening. And we both have a sweet tooth so some snacking does take place during the day.

When you age, your metabolism slows down and, for us at least, three full meals are just too much. We also feel better if our heaviest meal is midday rather than in the evening.

Again, we’re flexible and social occasions will find us eating a big dinner. But on those days, we just have a sandwich for lunch so we have room later to enjoy a big meal at night.

Norton’s Cafe Jambalaya

Whole30 Jambalaya Recipe Primavera Kitchen 1
Whole30 Jambalaya Recipe Primavera Kitchen 1

Yield: 15 cups


  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 2 green bell peppers, chopped
  • 3 ribs celery, chopped
  • 1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 4 ounces Norton’s Cajun Seasoning (about 1 cup)*
  • 2 cups (4 sticks) margarine
  • 1 pound raw chicken, cut into bite-size pieces (about 2 cups)
  • 3 cups hot water
  • 3 cups tomato sauce or canned diced tomatoes
  • 10 ounces andouille sausage, cut into bite-size pieces (2 cups)
  • 10 ounces ham, cut into bite-size pieces (2 cups)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons beef base
  • 2 1/2 cups uncooked white rice


  1. In a large pot, combine onion, peppers, celery, sugar, seasoning and margarine. Cook over low heat until margarine is melted.
  2. Add chicken; cook for about 3 minutes. Add hot water, tomato sauce, sausage, ham, beef base and rice. Stir well, cover with tight-fitting lid and simmer for about 30 minutes or until rice is cooked, stirring4 or 5 times to prevent sticking. Add water near end of cooking if extra liquid is needed.


* Substitute Paul Prudhomme’s Magic Seasoning Blend for Vegetables if you cannot locate Norton’s Cajun Seasoning.


Per 1 1/2 cups serving: 755 calories; 49g fat (58 percent calories from fat); 624g saturated fat; 54mg cholesterol; 24g protein; 55g carbohydrate; 14g sugar; 2.5g fiber; 3,621mg sodium; 55mg calcium; 624mg potassium


Source: Norton’s Cafe, St. Louis, Missouri

What is the best way to respond to a rude dinner guest?

Once upon a chilly evening in late autumn, my friend hosted a dinner party. Among the guests was someone known for their rather abrupt demeanor. As the evening progressed, this guest, let’s call him Mr. R, made a particularly rude comment about the host’s choice of wine. The room fell silent, the air thick with discomfort.

My friend, the host, faced a moment of choice. She could either let the comment sour the evening or handle it with grace. Choosing the latter, she responded with a light-hearted yet firm tone, “Well, Mr. R, it seems this wine isn’t to your taste. I believe in embracing a variety of flavors at my table. Perhaps the next one will be more to your liking!”

The guests chuckled, appreciating her tactful handling of the situation. Mr. R, realizing his faux pas, nodded and even managed a small, albeit sheepish, smile.

This moment, while seemingly trivial, became a masterclass in handling rudeness with grace and humor. My friend’s response not only diffused the tension but also reminded everyone that kindness and a bit of wit can turn an awkward situation into a pleasant one. The rest of the evening continued with laughter and lively conversations, the earlier rudeness fading into a distant memory.

Have you ever accidentally found out that you were about to be fired?

LOL. I opened an email in my in-box, sent out to our whole region. In the email my (less than intelligent) boss listed out why he wanted to fire me, and the next email – copied to everyone (from HR) said to “get rid of the worthless piece of s**t today”. I sent a copy home, made my rounds of my team, and started packing my office.

I sent a note to the region (not counting my boss and HR) thanking them for their help in my short tenure. Then I sat and waited for my boss to show up. He got there to find my office packed, my computer wiped and my paperwork in order. I made him count and sign for my petty cash and assume all liability on my corporate credit card, and I was gone.

I did send a copy of the emails to the head of HR and the Chief HR Officer, along with my intent to file a lawsuit for releasing confidential HR information to non-essential personnel. 60 days later, both the HR contact and my former boss were gone. So was I, but I shouldn’t ever worked for that company in the first place.

How should I tactfully tell a family who invited me for dinner that I’m still hungry?

My husband and I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail (AT) in 2000. Those who know of the experience know that most hikers cannot eat enough to for all the calories they burn. A friend’s in-laws lived just a little ways off the trail in NC and they offered to let us shower, eat with them, etc as we passed through.

First off we had to wait for another couple to arrive. Then, out came lunch: thin-sliced bread with low-cal cheese, one thin slice of sandwich meat, and lettuce, making it a sandwich. On the table there was a small dish of chips. A brownie for dessert. Steve and I looked at each other and sighed. These people were exceptionally kind and generous, but they also were very health conscious. They offered another sandwich, if we wanted, so Steve insisted that he could make his own, intending for it to be bigger. When we got back on the trail a couple of hours later, we hiked about two miles and then stopped for our usual lunch.

The people were so kind that we couldn’t let them know we were still hungry! It’s a story we still tell when giving highlights of our AT Thru-hike.

What is the sweetest memory you have as a parent?

Back when my son was about 5 years old he was invited to a friend’s birthday party at a waterpark. There was also a park area where they set up a bunch of games for the kids and one was a sack race. Well I started to video this as any crazy parent of a young child is going to do.

They started the race and all the kids took off towards the finish and my son was absolutely last falling way behind. The other kids were passing the finish and he was still struggling. I started feeling horrible for him because every one else had finished and he was still going. My heart was beginning to break for him and I was ready to stop videoing and thought I am going to run out and give him a hand to finish.

Well that would have been my mistake if I had have because all of a sudden I could hear him and he was saying “I’m doing it! I’m doing it!”. I started beaming and continued to video cheering him on! He didn’t care that he was last, he was proud of himself for doing as well as he was and I knew I had to let him finish. I still tell that story to this day and it chokes me up. He still has that “don’t quit” attitude and he keeps moving forward. I LOVE this memory!

Have you ever had a weird experience immediately following the death of a loved one that made you think there is an afterlife and that the deceased person was communicating with you?

I woke up one morning with my eight year old son hugging me and telling me that “everything will be fine.” Yet, he wasn’t actually physically there. He was staying at his father’s far away. I asked him how he got home and then he was gone… I jumped out of bed and began searching all over the house for him. My daughter woke up and I asked her if she saw her brother. She looked at me like I was losing my mind – uh, mom, he’s at dad’s… But, I felt I had actually felt and talked with him and it was as real as anything. Kinda dazed, I went about my day until hours later I received a phone call from my children’s father – our little son had just died from a terrible car accident. I still believe to this day that he came to me ‘before’ he passed and have been comforted by this. The next day I traveled to the scene of where he had died. All of a sudden I heard him say clear as anyone “mom, look at me, I can fly!” Then he said another thing I will never forget. He said “mom, there is no such thing as time… and everything will be fine, you will be fine…” A couple of other things have since happened but the most important was the pre-passing hug…

Have you ever caught a mechanic lying about a repair they claimed to have done to your car? What happened?

Many years ago, I brought my Cortina to the local Ford dealership for its annual MOT test. This was not a major issue as I had thoroughly inspected the car in my own lockup beforehand. Since my father had an account with the garage and I was working late, the service desk was closed when I picked up the car. As a result, I simply collected the keys from a salesman and drove home. The next day, I collected the paperwork and was informed that they would send me the bill through the mail.

About a week later, I received the bill, which stated that they had replaced all four sets of brake shoes. Immediately, I phoned the garage to question the bill’s accuracy and requested them to verify if it was meant for my car or if they had made a clerical error. In response, I received a letter with a threatening tone, implying legal action if I did not settle the bill immediately. Frustrated, I replied saying, “I will see you in court.”

In Scotland, we have a system called Small Debts Court, where local magistrates preside over minor cases. I received a letter stating the date and time for the hearing, and I was quite eager for my day in court.

During the proceedings, the magistrate inquired why I had chosen to represent myself without a lawyer present. I explained that I did not believe the case warranted the expense. The garage’s lawyer then provided a summary of the facts. When asked if I disputed any of the statements made by the garage, I replied no, accepting everything that their lawyer had said. I proceeded to present copies of the correspondence exchanged between the garage and myself. At this point, it seemed like an open-and-shut case, as I refused to pay for something that was clearly not done on my car.

It was then that I inquired if the magistrate was knowledgeable about the technicalities of motor car braking systems. He confirmed that he was, but also mentioned that if there were any technical points beyond his understanding, he would seek expert assistance and pause the proceedings. I subsequently presented the bag of worn-out brake shoes that had been left in my car as per the garage’s regular procedure. I explained that as a qualified mechanical engineer and a car enthusiast who frequently participated in car racing, I had upgraded my Cortina’s brakes to disk brakes all around several months prior and had a bag of brake parts that were incompatible with my car. It was clear that the mechanic had never even inspected the brakes. I firmly refused to pay for work that couldn’t have been performed on my car.

Although the magistrate didn’t laugh, a broad smile appeared on his face as he declared, “Case closed.”

Could the Battle of the Bulge have been successful for the Germans?


What most people don’t realize is how close the Germans came to victory.

Forget Bastogne and the river crossings, the crucial battle was the Battle of the Elsenborn Ridge.

The 21st Army Group was planning on crossing the Rhine in early 1945 in the Netherlands, but the massive supply depots for this operation were located in Belgium as the stretch of land held by the Allies in the Netherlands was too narrow.

Beyond the Elsenborn Ridge was the largest supply area in Western Europe and without these supplies, the 21st Army Group could no longer operate.

But US troops in the North belonging to the 12th Army Group also got their supplies from this crucial area.

By now, the port of Antwerp with a capacity of 40,000 tonnes a day was open and US troops depended less and less on French ports.

If the Germans break through at Elsenborn, this massive supply area falls into enemy hands meaning the Germans have all the fuel, food, and medical supplies they need while the Allies run out of ammunition in a matter of days.

The intense V-weapon offensive against Antwerp (the small city of Antwerp got more hits than larger London) is disrupting resupply at the port … so those 40,000 never actually materialized until March 1945.

With the 21st Army Group out of the way, the Germans can rather easily take Antwerp.

Thanks to the heroic resistance of American troops at Elsenborn, this never happened, but it came close.

Lloyd’s Cajun Blues Cafe Cajun Riblets

Lloyds Cajun Blues Cafe Cajun Riblets
Lloyds Cajun Blues Cafe Cajun Riblets


  • 1 slab ribs (split down the center)
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • All-purpose seasoning
  • Garlic powder
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Black pepper


  1. Pull skin from back of ribs. Trim all excess fat.
  2. Rub ribs with Worcestershire sauce.
  3. Sprinkle ribs with all-purpose seasoning, cayenne pepper, black pepper and garlic powder.
  4. Sprinkle brown sugar on ribs and pat, rubbing sugar into ribs.
  5. Oil grill or spray with nonstick spray.
  6. Place ribs on grill. Slowly cook until fork tender.


Ribs may also be baked in the oven at 400 degrees F for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

What is the best part of being honest?

Rick is having an affair on his wife.

He typically spends time with his mistress under the guise of working late or being on work trips.

He tells his wife he is working on Project 6A which requires much of his time.

Day 20

His wife casually picks up his phone, to see if he has his mother’s new phone number.

He panics internally. He forgot to delete the messages with his mistress.

He stays cool. His heart racing.

She doesn’t see. After that, Rick gets a new cell phone for his mistress.

Day 30

Wife is frustrated with his working late.

He says, “It shouldn’t be this way much longer. My coworker Steve just started helping me on this project. It should move along quickly now.”

Day 41

His wife asks, “Have you loaned our Netflix to anyone?”


She says, “It’s weird, that show we were watching. Someone finished the last few episodes.”

His heart catches in his throat. He’d been using it at his Mistress’s. He forgot to mark the episodes as unwatched.

“Not sure,” he says.

Day 43

During a phone call. His wife says, “It’s the weirdest thing. Cindy said she saw you at the grocery store.”

Rick was ***out of town***

Rick says, “Hmm. Must have been my lookalike. Wasn’t me!”.

His wife buys it.

Day 50

He and his wife are at a work function. Rick steps out to use the bathroom.

His wife bumps into a worker.

She says, “Hey Steve!”

Steven comes by, hugs her, “Hey! How are you?”

She says, “So you’ve been working late on Project 6A right?”

Steve scrunches his eyes, “Project 6A? What is that?”

And Rick’s entire life comes crashing down.

No guilt. No pain. No remembering things. No covering up.

The benefits of honesty are many.

The path of honesty is the path of a happy life.

Have you ever caught your neighbor doing something that made you furious?

It wasn’t just one thing, but several.

Shortly after he and his wife moved in next door, he started nailing a squirrel trap to my side of the fence. I told him if he wanted a trap, he could put it on HIS side of the fence. He would regularly have workmen over and I kept catching them in my yard. When asked, they’d tell me he said he owned the property, so I’d set them straight and tell them to leave. He wasn’t big on asking my permission for anything, especially being in my yard.

But the satisfying one was when he parked in front of my driveway. I had some things delivered that were sitting in front of it, so he felt entitled, despite the fact that he had a long driveway, and I did not. And when I’d ask him to move, he’d yell at me. He liked yelling at women, and I lived alone. One day, after everything had been moved, he parked right across the driveway. There was nothing in front of the garage, lots of parking on the street, and his driveway was empty. So I called parking enforcement. When she showed up to give him a ticket, he came belting out of the house, screaming at both of us. Part of his rationale was that my garage was full of “shit”. Parking enforcement said she didn’t care WHAT was in the garage, and that it was MY driveway. After he got done screaming and stomped off, she typed ABUSIVE into her handheld computer, said, “No one yells at me,” got in her car and left. I looked it up later. He’d tried to go to court to fight it, and instead of a $47 fine, he got $250. And he never parked there again. I was thrilled when they moved.

What is the strangest reason someone else has seen you naked?

Ok, this is weird and sordid and I’ve never posted anything like this before.

I was married at sixteen to a man seven years older, a felony convict, and illiterate. And NO, I wasn’t pregnant and was in fact a virgin when we married. And YES, this travesty took place in the U.S.A.

A couple years after marriage, we drove to Louisiana with a an eight month old baby so he could (he thought) get a job. Instead he and his brother robbed a gas station and my mom and dad flew me home. I went back to visit him at his request (I lived in Chicago) and he made me aware that he managed to pay the guards (with MY money) so we could have sex in a visiting room. In retrospect, (the kind you’re graced with fifty years later) I realize PART of the agreement was so they could watch!

When I think of how fucking stupid I was at that age, it makes me want to vomit. Anyway, someone shot and killed him a year or so after he escaped. So I married again in 1979 to a wonderful man and we’re still together and happy.

Fogging the Sewers

When I lived in Tangxia; Danguan there was this twice-a-year event that is worthy of reporting. You see, I lived in a little city part of a bigger city next to Shenzhen. It is a small manufacturing city located North of Shenzhen in the Pearl River Delta. And being a manufacturing city, dating back many centuries, there were a lot of old buildings and old roads, and old sewer lines.

Well, twice a year, the local government would “fog” the underground sewers. This was a release of insecticide in a mist fog that would be sprayed by huge trucks all over town. The idea was to kill off the insects and rodents, and the city had been doing this for centuries.


Let me tell you all that when that happened, a virtual carpet of huge (mouse-sized) cockroaches swarmed out of the sewers and carpeted everything. Some flew, many just climbed all over, including on shoes and trousers and woman’s legs. It was darn crazy!

If you saw it, you would not believe it. Not a scrap of concrete could be seen; three layer deep of swarming cockroaches everywhere. Wholly shit!

Last time it happened, my wife was so freaked out that I had to carry her two blocks back to our apartment. She was hysterical and had goosebumps all over her arms and legs. Jeeze! So imagine the scene, they were crawling, racking, flying, swarming, on everything. On our feet, the trees, the sidewalks, the store windows, the cars. They were buzzing, hopping and leaping, and my wife was in goosebumps and hysterical.

An experience that I do not want to relive ever again. Let me tell you what!


What is the nastiest home you have been in?

I was about 13 and was asked by a family friend to help her step daughter out by babysitting her 3 kids while she worked at a pizza parlor in town. It would be from the time I got out of school till 10pm, but Summer vacation would start in a couple weeks so I figured I could manage it.

I agreed to try it and see how it went. The day I was to start, I rode my bike to the house. I could smell some horrible smell from the yard. Went to the door and it was wide open. I yelled “hello??” and 3 of the cutest kids I’d ever seen came running! They were full of questions. I asked where their Mom was and the eldest said she was already at work. I was surprised, but I figured something had changed with our plans and she had to go in early.

I walked into the living room and the air was thick with stench. It was a combination of animal waste, rotten garbage and food. The living room had a couch, a chair and was literally 3 feet deep in clothes, garbage bags and dirty diapers. I was a kid and wasnt sure where to start, but i found a roll of garbage bags and we began. I say we because those babies were such a help!

The oldest was Michael and he proudly told me he was 5 and would be staring Kindergarten the following year. He was short and stocky with a mop of curly blonde hair. What I first noticed was his serious expression. He had an excellent vocabulary and was a chatter box. Next was a little girl named Jessica. She was 3 and absolutely beautiful. She was quiet but didnt miss anything. She was petite and had hair to her waist that was full of tangles. The baby girl was Grace and she was 2. She was very frail looking, although she turned out to be anything but frail. She was in just a diaper which was soaked, so I asked Michael to show me where the diapers were. We all headed into the girls room. It was filthy. I find a clean washcloth and get Grace cleaned up. She smiled the whole time. They were all hungry, so we head to the kitchen. I found a can of soup and some stale crackers, which they devoured. While they ate, i started on the kitchen. The sinks and counters were i overflowing with dishes. I turn the faucet handle and no hot water! So i start heating water after digging to uncover the stove. Theyve devoured the soup and want more. There was nothing more, so i grab my backpack and find a yougurt to split, some cookies and an apple which was all split between the 3 of them. I noticed there was no bickering. These 3 were accustomed to looking out for each other.

We started with the garbage and those kids really worked hard…..even the baby! We started by getting the garbage bagged up, and I started laundry. We worked for hours, and those kids didnt want to stop! They wanted a clean house. We got the living room mucked out, we found clean sheets and got beds made. The kitchen had a good start. I went in and cleaned the bathroom while they found jammies. I looked up from scrubbing and those faces were beaming. Got Grace in the tub and started detangling Jess’s hair. I know it had to hurt……but she never made a peep. Grace was clean and ready to get out. Water change and Jessicas turn. When she was clean, we changed water and gave Michael his privacy. I took the girls and checked the magical backpack. I found some nice lotion and they smelled lovely! They both had beautiful hair and kept touching it. Michael gets out and wants some lotion too. We decided to move Michaels bed in with his sisters (his “bedroom” was tiny, i think it was a.closet) We found some books and read. They were all asleep in minutes. As I detangled myself feom the sleeping babies, Michael asked if I was going to come back. I gave him a hug and said Id see him tomorrow. He grinned and it made my day. I waited for Mom to get home. It was almost 11 PM by the time she got home and I could tell she had been drinking. She introduced herself and looked around the room. She was shocked. She asked who had cleaned and i told her we all did. I see a car pulling up and its my Dad coming to see why Im so late. She says she had a meeting and was kept late. He ssaid”Look, we need her done at 10. Not 1001! If you cant be home at 10, she cant do this “ He loaded my bike up. He asked how it went. I didn’t want to tell him how dirty it was because I was afraid he would say I couldnt go back, and I had promised Michael.

And so it went. Every day, the kids and I would clean up a bit more. The cleaner the house got, the more time we had to walk to the park or go to the community pool. We had a great time and those 3 kids were all amazing.

I babysat the kids all that summer and into the start of school. It was just too much and I had to quit after Christmas vacation. I still watched them occasionally and we always had so much fun. This was in the early 70s. I still see the 3 kids who are adults now with families of their own. Michael went on to become an executive chef and works at a very trendy restaurant in the San Francisco area. He has a couple of kiddos and a lovely wife. Jess is an RN and works in the Lake Tahoe area. Shes a single mom of 2 boys and Grace is still local and keeps me in the loop with updates. She married a local guy and they have a daughter. She teaches at the local elementary school.

Its weird because it was such a short period of time, but it left us all with a bonding of the heart. Their Mom passed away last year and I went to her services and got to see all the kids (lol at KIDS!!) They introduced me as the best babysitter ever.

Filthiest house produced some wonderful humans. I was happy to be a small part of that. Sorry this was so long. Was a lovely trip down memory lane. Thanks for reading.

A bad sign

What has been the roughest moment in life?

When my husband caught me cheating on him. There are no excuses, it was an incredibly stupid, selfish, and insane thing to do to someone who didn’t deserve it. The person I cheated on my husband with wasn’t worth it, that’s for sure.

After telling most of my friends and family what I did, my husband packed his bags and left. I spent a week on my couch contemplating suicide and hitting absolute rock bottom. My friends all took his side, understandably. Almost everyone I loved turned away. I fell physically sick with some sort of insane flue—the worst I’ve ever had in my life, probably from the stress.

I could’ve turned to the guy and tried to start fresh. New life, new boyfriend, new friends… Get that divorce and start over. Instead, I realized that what I had was worth fighting for, even if it took years to get it back. I ended the affair with that guy.

I wrote to each friend and family member who knew about this that I was going to do whatever it took to build my life back. I wrote to my husband. I begged him to come back. By some miracle… he did. We went to counselling, I went to therapy. I opened my life to my husband: no more privacy. He had access to everything, which I was completely fine with.

It took a long time, but eventually my friends came back. My husband’s trust slowly began to rebuild. Years and years later, our marriage is strong-full of incredible love, respect, and trust. I look back at what I did in complete disgust. I live everyday with that heartbreak, wishing I’d never put such an amazing person through that. Although that time was dark, it was the push I needed to wake up and stop living like a selfish idiot.

I wouldn’t trade the life I have now for the world. It took incredible pain and humiliation to get here, but it’s what led to my amazing life now. For those going through a dark time, take it day by day… one step at a time. I never thought I’d ever get here, but with hard work and patience, it will get better.

Send your soul to Jesus

As a police officer, has someone ever been so terrified when you pulled them over for something minor that it broke your heart?

Not sure of the exact date, but it would have been mid to late ’80s in Bristol city centre.

Late one evening I was in a crew of 6 in a transit van when we saw a knackered looking Fiat 127 (they were never brilliant when new, let alone one that was 15 years old!). Half of the lights were out, smoke from the exhaust (and lots of noise).

Pulled the car over, and found it contained 2 adults and 3 children (all under 6 or 7 at a guess). Occupants were of obvious Asian descent (not unusual for that area of Bristol), so I started to ask the usual questions whilst a colleague looked over the car (which was found to have 3 bald tyres, no window wipers and a lot of rusty holes in the bodywork).

The driver and adult passenger were almost in tears, and trying to speak in English, which wasn’t that great. I established that they were Mauritian, and had only arrived in the UK that day. Once I spoke to them in French they looked relieved (my French isn’t brilliant, but was better than their English). He produced a Mauritian Driving Licence, and when asked for insurance and registration for the car (which they had purchased upon arrival at the airport), they produced a hand-written receipt showing that they had paid £1000.00 cash for the car! (it was worth about 20 quid scrap value, and certainly shouldn’t have been on a road). Even worse, he proudly produced another hand-written “Insurance Certificate” for which he had paid the car seller another £300.

They had come here to attend a family funeral, and had been royally ripped off by some scumbag near Heathrow as they needed to get down to Bristol as soon as possible.

Obviously, we couldn’t let them continue driving as it was unlikely to get them very far anyway, and was a liability to everyone else on the road.

I had no intention of getting my pen anywhere near to an official ‘ticket’, and explained the game to my Sergeant – who fully agreed with me.

All the time, the family were getting more and more upset as they started to realise the situation they were in and the trouble they thought they were in.

We took them back to our station (and a colleague drove their car), fed and watered them, spoke to relatives by telephone, and sorted out as much as we could at that time.

They were taken to a hotel for the night and agreed to surrender the car for destruction.

As the story spread throughout the night (between other colleagues, paramedics, fire-fighters, hospital staff and taxi drivers…. that was the way things were in the City at that time) offers of help came in.

By the time we went off duty at 0700 hours, the hotel bill had been waived, a taxi was ready to take them down to Exeter (their intended destination), and a collection had raised just under a grand in cash. Toys had been donated for the children, and small ‘gifts’ for the adults.

By the time they arrived in Exeter, the local police had found and purchased a small run-around car which wasn’t great, but had a few months of MOT and tax left on it, and was roadworthy… enough for their use whilst they were in the country.

We got a lovely letter from them once they were back in Mauritius, thanking us for the help we gave (and arranged) – but we only did what we could to help someone who needed it, and had been badly treated by opportunistic scum.


Thanks for the gramatical corrections – I try my best, but often fail!

I’ve never had a higher-rated answer on Quora, or received so many comments – Thank you, everybody.

It is not often that I bother to answer many questions, being a ‘reserved’ British ex-cop many situations just don’t seem worthy of reply, or have already got a few good answers.

I fully appreciate that probably 95% of the questions (and thus, answers) are posted from the USA, and whilst i find them interesting to read, are often so alien to a British way of thinking that I see no advantage in adding to them.

Anyone who reads my other (very few!) answers on Quora will see that I have some views and oppinions on some things – mainly to counter the critics and troll posters when it gets a bit ‘personal’, or to defend those who I feel need it.

I have no desire to be a “super user” on here, despair at many of the “questions” asked, but still feel that (every so often) even the British have something useful to add to this world.

Men want…

Who are some of the nicest rock musicians? I’m aware of the rock jerks, but at the same time there’s gotta be some genuinely nice rockers.

I have to tell this story. I started writing song when l was about 15 years old. One of my biggest influences was Harry Chapin. I live in Los Angeles, and Harry played at the Greek Theatre every year. I went to see him four or five years in a row after getting my drivers license.

Harry played about 300 concerts a year. He gave about half the money he made to world hunger. After the concert, he sat and sold and signed T shirts for the cause and would stay until every person who wanted to buy a T-shirt was able to . His Security guys, always moved people quickly through, because they knew Harry would talk to everyone. After the first concert l stood in line to get a signed T-shirt, and when it was my turn l told him l was a songwriter. He smiled and said, “ Really ? I wish you the best of luck”. The following year l went to where he was signing T shirts, and to my surprise , he saw me and asked, “ How’s the songwriting going?” While he was signing T-shirts, I stood to the side and talked to him about songwriting. His security tried to make me leave, but he said, “. Leave the kid alone. He’s not hurting anyone.”

l did this every year, and the last time l saw him, l was 20 years old and had got my first job playing songs at a Shaky’s Pizza place. I told Harry that and that l played Taxi, but that there was a part l couldn’t figure out. He turned to one of his security guys, and said, “ Go get me one of the guitars out of the truck “. Pretty much all the people who were buying T shirts were done . The security guy said, “ Harry! It’s midnight man. We got to get out of here!” Harry said, “ Just do it.”

The irritated security guy did it and Harry showed me how to play the part. One thing l forgot to mention, was that l had brought me mom with me to see him. She was so happy for me and told that story to people that story unt the day she died. Harry Chapin was a very special man.

Galatoire’s Trout Meuniere Amandine

2023 12 04 17 16
2023 12 04 17 16

Yield: 4 servings


  • 4 (6 to 8 ounce) trout fillets
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • Oil
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1 cup sliced almonds
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/2 tablespoon chopped parsley


  1. Sprinkle fillets with salt and pepper, dip into milk and roll in flour.
  2. Fry in 3/4 inch of hot oil in a shallow skillet until golden on both sides.
  3. Remove and keep warm.
  4. In a separate pan, melt and whip butter until brown and frothy.
  5. Add sliced almonds and lemon juice.
  6. Place each fillet on a heated plate and pour sauce over it.
  7. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Why do so many countries in the West lie about China to their own countrymen?


China has a system of Governance that is radically different to that in Western Countries

Thus it is imperative, if the West has to keep it’s “We are the guardians of democracy” model, they have to portray China as evil and the system as collapsing

Otherwise won’t the people ask how if the Chinese system is so bad, is the nation prospering so much?

What is the strangest/best thing that happened to you at a restaurant?

My granddaughter and I were at a Denny’s. We ordered and ate lunch. The waitress came back and picked up the bill that she had left on the table. So we finished and waited for her to bring it back finally called to her as she went past.

We ask for the bill to be brought back and she said no it was paid for.

An elderly man sitting at the counter had paid for our lunch. When I asked her why she said he is a regular customer and told me that he always smiles at people and you and your little granddaughter were the only ones that ever smiled back at him.

What’s something that sucks about being a man?

My wife had a 6 month affair, when I found out I left her.

A number of people assumed I was the one who cheated on her. That bothered me. I corrected them.

Worse were all the people who assumed I must have done something wrong to deserve it and that I was still the bad guy. People told me I must have not paid enough attention to her, I must have some how drove her to it, etc. Some people refuse to believe that I somehow didn’t do something wrong to cause her to cheat.

All I can say is this – I loved her and treated her like a queen. When I’ve asked her why she did it, the response from her has always been that I was a terrific husband, that she loved me, and that she regrets it. The guy was nearly 20 years younger than her (he in his early 20s, she nearly 40), he was attractive and charming and started flirting with her and she found him irresistible.

So, that’s a double standard that I’ve lived through and find unfair; if I had cheated I would’ve been labelled a creep/jerk, when she has an affair I’m still somehow a jerks who is to blame??!

Have you ever met a celebrity who asked you, “Do you know who I am?” and you said no?

Back in 1997 in Canmore, Alberta, Sir Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin were in town filming The Edge. Mr. Baldwin decided one evening he wanted to eat at our local Chinese eatery.

I was an Eco-Tourism operator and frequented the establishment quite often. They had an orange chicken that I went bonkers for.

It was peak dining hour and the place was experiencing a 45-minute waiting period to get a table.

In strolls, cocky Baldwin and he demands a seat “NOW!”

The owner was this 5 ft tall fiesty Chinese woman and when she told Mr. Baldwin that he’d have to wait about 45 minutes he pulled the old, Do you know who I am?”

Man, if you could have seen this lady go into action it was an Academy Award for putting an arrogant prick into his place.

She yelled at him with her Mandarin accent, “I don’t care who you are, you get out of my restaurant and don’t come back!”

image 19
image 19

The rumours of his arrogance have always swirled in the tabloids and I got a front-row seat to see it in action.

And the winner is for putting the Douche BgAlec Baldwin in his place… The Owner of the Famous Chinese Restaurant, in Canmore Alberta.

10 Powerful lessons for the rest of your life

  1. Risks are required for life’s greatest rewards.
  2. Maintain privacy even with trusted people.
  3. Prioritize mental health over any career.
  4. Embrace independence to become unstoppable.
  5. Accept that not everyone will like you.
  6. Your mood is your choice.
  7. Don’t stress over things out of your control.
  8. Surround yourself with supportive people.
  9. There’s always criticism when doing great things. Don’t let it deter you.
  10. You have the power to create yourself, life is not about finding yourself.

What is something you want to “get off your chest”?

I need do this anonymously, because it’s a sensitive subject.

I’m a father of two wonderful children, and my oldest, my son, has special needs. Due to his premature birth (roughly 30 weeks), he developed a condition called Periventricular Leukomalacia, or PVL for short.

PVL is essentially an under development, often by necrosis, of white brain matter near the ventricles of the brain. Read up on it a bit on wikipedia for more info if you interested: Periventricular leukomalacia – Wikipedia

We discovered this was case shortly after his first birthday, when doctors started noticing some developmental delays and some muscle stiffness on his left side. Some evaluations and scans, and it was confirmed what he has, and that it also the cause of his cerebal palsy. It was quite a shock.

Anyways, we start doing therapies and early intervention and it’s such a wonder watching him overcome it all in small steps, in his own way. You feel blessed at times to see his hard work pay off, to truly value life and love and family.

So what do I want to get off my chest?

It’s all bullshit. You know those parents who “wouldn’t have their child any other way because it taught us so much about ourselves and….” well fuck that.

I absolutely hate it. Hate. With a capital H.

I have other parents talk to me and they word things like “well, he’ll get past all this and so forth…”. Ummmm, no dumbass. His condition is chronic – forever. We can adapt to it, and work really hard and he’ll cope and be better off for it.

But while Johnny Awesome-Dad and Super Son are learning how to play catch, I’m helping my son learn how to alternate feet when climbing stairs, how to be aware of his raised arm at the elbow and to lower and swing while he walks, while that guy got to teach his son how to swing for the fences.

His mannerisms are collectively a huge brain capillary-exploding annoyance. From the non-sensical sounds that he repeats 100 times to the way he is so damn slow at e v e r y t h i n g.

Yeh, I hate being a special needs parent. On top of being one, I also have to be his political advocate, constantly representing other parents to our federal and state politicians to ensure kids like him get proper educations.

I really really hate all of it. I only love him – I just wish I could heal him. That’s probably the worst. Of all the things I can do and fix, I can’t make him better.

Fuck me.

(January 9th, 2019)

Edit: Wow, a lot of upvotes. Most I have ever received by far, my next closest has about 115.

Ok, to a few comments: Thank you for the kind words from most people, the support, sympathy, and empathy. I truly did not write this to receive that as I quite literally was getting something off my chest.

To those who think less of my answer, even angry at me for being so: Your opinion is valued and appreciated. My response to it though is simply a shrug and a “It is what it is.” I know my son didn’t choose to be this way, but understand I am not choosing to feel this way either.

I wish I was a better person in this regard but I’m not. However remember this: I don’t let him see it. Fuck, I don’t even mention it anymore to family because they’ll either blanket me with guilt statements and be angry at me (Fuck You btw) or keep telling me lies like “It’ll all be fine” (no it won’t) or “He’ll be fine” (no, you obviously don’t understand it at all).

How do I cope?

  1. Weed. Makes me feel better.
  2. Heavy bag – I punch the crap outta it. Actually split the first one and I’m on my second. Looking to buy a speed bag.
  3. Bottle it up and get back to my life.

And lastly yes I have considered leaving because he deserves a better Dad. The problem with that is it would take a lot of time for my wife to find another person who wants to take this on. Secondly my other child would suffer the loss of Dad when they did nothing, or have anything, wrong. It wouldn’t be fair and life is unfair enough as it is – I don’t want to add to it.

06 things a leader should never do

  1. Don’t be indecisive. Ain’t nobody gonna follow someone who can’t make up their damn mind.
  2. Don’t be a two-faced snake. People can smell that crap from a mile away.
  3. Don’t be a damn pushover. You gotta have a backbone if you want to make it in this world.
  4. Don’t be lazy. If you’re the one in charge, you gotta put in the work.
  5. Don’t be a know-it-all. You ain’t that smart, trust me.
  6. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. We all need it sometimes.

Level 5 – Impossible

House of Blues Bayou Voodoo Smothered Chicken

2023 12 03 15 32
2023 12 03 15 32

Yield: 4 servings; 1 pound Roux


Brown Roux

  • 10 ounces all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup vegetable oil


  • 1 pound butter, melted
  • 2 pounds chopped onion
  • 1 pound chopped celery
  • 1 pound chopped red bell pepper
  • 1 pound chopped green bell pepper
  • 1 pound sliced mushrooms
  • 2 ounces minced garlic
  • 2 1/2 ounces all-purpose flour
  • 4 cups red wine (chef suggests Burgundy wine)
  • 2 quarts dark beer
  • 2 quarts water
  • 2 tablespoons beef base
  • 4 tablespoons chicken base
  • 1 tablespoon liquid smoke
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tablespoons Tabasco sauce
  • 1 cup Louisiana Seasoning


Brown Roux

  1. Place oil in a heavy stock pot and heat until it smokes. Slowly whisk in flour, 2 cups at a time, mixing well. Cook in oven at 350 degrees F for about 2 hours, stirring every 15 minutes. Roux is done when chocolate brown color is achieved. Allow to cool.


  1. In a large skillet or sauté pan, add butter.
  2. Put onion, celery, red bell pepper, green bell pepper and mushrooms into the pan and sauté.
  3. Add garlic and sauté for 1 minute.
  4. Add flour and stir; cook for 1 minute.
  5. Add red wine and reduce until thick.
  6. Add dark beer, water, beef base, chicken base and bring to a boil.
  7. Add liquid smoke, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce and Louisiana seasoning.
  8. Whip some roux into the sauce. Bring to a boil then remove from heat.
  9. Put some pre-made rice on a plate, put cooked chicken breast on top of rice and ladle voodoo sauce over the chicken and rice.

None of that matters

What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

Ages ago in the late ’70s I worked in an engineering department for a huge manufacturing company – one of the big three in Detroit. A co-worker had about 30 years with the company and a ton of vacation time. He and his wife had a daughter late in life. She was about 8 at the time and daddy took vacation days every Friday and Monday during her summer vacation.

Big boss comes in one Thursday afternoon looking for the doting dad. We say he’s off until Tuesday, and reminded him of daddy’s schedule.

Keep in mind that all vacation had to be submitted and approved, by boss man, in January.

But in this moment he can’t have what he wants when he wants it.

Boss man hits the ceiling. We can’t have that. Everyone has to take vacation in full week increments.

The guy had a pretty specialized skill set, and no one else was really up to speed in his area of expertise. We could fill in in a pinch. Daddy could complete final draft when he got back on Tuesday.

the following summer, I had transferred to another department, but that department struggled when dad took his six-plus weeks of vacation consecutively!

it was a whole lot easier to cover his job for four days than six weeks.

Served that jackass right.

What were some outcomes of committing adultery in your life?

It resulting in us trying for 6 months after ending the affair. To her cheating on me with another man to eventually leave me at the end of the 6 months. Tit for tat I guess. Lots of shame and heartbreak on my end but those are the consequences. Mostly life lessons though. Divorce was the anwser and we will both be happier in the long run.

So true

What’s the weirdest phone call you have ever received?

Many years ago a young woman called me up one evening to ask some questions about insurance regarding the car accident that had happened between her car and mine that afternoon. Slight problem, I hadn’t been in a car accident. She had my name and license plate from the police report so I went out and checked the number of the license plate on the back of my car, and it wasn’t the same number. After a little more discussion I got my auto registration and that did match the number on the report – the license plates on the front and back of my car weren’t the same! After thinking about it I realized what must have happened: I had returned from a business trip a couple days earlier and while my car was parked at the airport parking garage someone had swapped the license plate on the back of my car with a different one and then put my license plate on the car that got in an accident (it was almost the same make and model as my car – they must have been casing the airport). Not surprisingly this turned into quite a mess to untangle, requiring multiple calls to insurance as well as a visit by the police officer to verify my car had not in fact been in an accident. The weird part that still bothers me to this day – the woman driving the car who’d gotten in an accident had the same last name as me. My last name isn’t an unusual one, but it’s not extremely common either. She told the police she was my niece (not likely – I’m white and she was black). How did that happen?


What is the most interesting fact that you know and I don’t, but I should?

Have you noticed big brands dropping A, B & O from their signs and logos?

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Most people who noticed the same, thought that it could be some malfunction but the real reason for the missing A, B, and O’s is something more serious and amazing.

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NHS Blood and Transplant organization, along with PR agency Engine Group has launched the ‘Missing Type’ campaign. It has undertaken this campaign to make people aware the benefits of blood donation and its importance of saving lives.

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Big brands and companies like Tesco, Mirror, McDonalds, Starbucks and Hardrock Cafe have agreed to be the part of the campaign to make people aware of blood donation.

As a part of this campaign, NHS has asked big brands to omit the letters that signify blood types from their logos and signs viz, blood types A, B, and O.

Truly Amazing !

What is the best moment you witnessed in which somebody proved they weren’t “all talk”?

I watched a 90 lb female put a 235 lb guy in the hospital. This was a fight between 2 neighbors in my neighborhood. This guy harassed her for weeks then for some reason he decided to walk up to her front porch and knock on her door. I was sitting on my front porch when it happened. I was thinking this is not going to be good, and had my cell phone within reach.

She open her door and in a clear loud voice, she requested he get off her property. He said, what are you going to do about it. She said, I’ll call the police. He laughed at her and reached for the screen door. Before I could move she kicked him in the head twice, swept his legs out from under him, and he was down and bleeding.

I started to call the police, but again before I could dial the number a patrol car pulled up and the officer put the guy in handcuffs. I just sat there, drank my coffee and waited for him to come over and ask what I saw. I told him and signed the bottom of the form.

As he walked away he said you know the woman? I replied yes, she’s a former Marine. He chuckled and said. I guess the guy didn’t know that, and I laughed.

When did someone’s culture shock concern you?

When I had an Amish girl come live in with me during the week to help take care of my three-year-old daughter and my brand new twin boys.My husband was in Vietnam.

The first night that I went out to play cards with friends I came home at 10:00 p.m. everybody was sitting in the dark. It was pitch Black and it had not occurred to me that she would not be allowed to turn on the lights or use the electric stove to heat formula.

From them and I would make sure everything was turned on before I left. I only played cards twice a month but they were never left in the dark again. I would heat formula and put it in the thermos bottle but I also showed her how to fill up pan with hot water from the tap to sit the bottles in.

EDIT due to the amount of people that think it was horrible to leave my newborn twins and 3-year-old daughter with a stranger I need to explain the Amish girl lived with me. I would take her home on Saturday morning and go pick her up on Monday morning. I even knew her family. She had helped raise 9 younger brothers and sisters.

Two types of men

What is the most interesting thing you have seen a blind or deaf person do that changed your assumptions about them and amazed you?

When I was in high school I would get terrible menstrual cramps. I would leave school and go to the cab stand down the block. The dispatcher was a man that I’ll call Joe. He was blind.

I would walk in on a wooden floor and Joe would say hi Linda you need to go home? I would take a taxi and come in after school the next day to pay for it. This was in a small town about 15,000.

I grew up, graduated high school, moved away, got married and got pregnant. My husband was going to Vietnam and I went back home to stay with my parents. This was about 6 years after I had left home.

I stopped at a bakery before I went to my parents house. I took one step on a cement floor and a man standing at the counter buying some donuts said “Hey Linda when did you get home?”

I never understood how Joe recognized my one step on the cement floor and I was very pregnant. You would think the sound would be different but he recognized that one step immediately.

What was a red flag that made you stop talking to a person immediately?

A guy I went on a first date with (set up by a friend) told me how his ex wife was having a breakdown and had messaged him that day, to say that she couldn’t cope and was going to call social services and have their two children placed in care. Shocked, I looked at him and said “Couldn’t you take them for a couple of weeks and give her a break?” I kid you not, his genuine, honest response was “Not a chance, I have them every other weekend, that’s enough for me!”. I don’t think I hid my horror very well. Ugly, ugly man. My own son was 3 years old and the time, and if he wouldn’t step up for his own kids, he was going nowhere near mine!

15 Psychological facts everyone should know

  1. It takes about 66 days for an average individual to make something a daily habit.
  2. Eye pupil dilates to 45% when an individual looks at somebody they love.
  3. Food prepared by someone else tastes much better than your own preparation, even when you use the same recipe.
  4. Hearing a single negative thing could damage at least five positive memories.
  5. Studies have shown that consuming food without preservatives will increase I.Q by up to 14%.
  6. Men aren’t more entertaining than women: they only make more jokes, they don’t care whether others like their humor or not.
  7. Shy people tell others very little about themselves, but they do it in quite a manner that makes other individuals believe they know them better than they actually think they do.
  8. People in blue rooms are also much more productive.
  9. Being alone is harder for your health than you really believe.
  10. Any relationship born between 16 and 28 years of age is more likely to be robust and long-lasting.
  11. If we have a plan B, our plan A is less likely to succeed.
  12. Being happy around people makes you happier.
  13. Convincing yourself that you slept well tricks your brain into believing you did.
  14. The sort of music you listen to influences the way you view the world.
  15. A hug longer than twenty seconds will produce hormones into your body that makes you trust the individual who is hugging yo

Moped related crimes

What is the most amazing thing you overheard because people didn’t think you understood their language?

Not so much amazing, as being extremely useful to me. I was on a European Standards Committee for several years. Members came from many European countries and it was customary to conduct all meetings in English.

Often the French and German delegates would speak to each other in the meeting in French or German to try and exclude the UK delegate from what they were plotting. This was on the basis that they assumed that the British could not speak other languages. It was advantageous to me for them not to know that I understood at least the gist of what they were saying.

However, when meeting in Dusseldorf the German delegated took us all out for dinner after the meeting. This was in a very German restaurant and the waitress approached me asking, in German, what I would like to eat. Not thinking, I blew my cover by replying in German.

The German delegate’s jaw dropped and said “you speak German!”. Trying to save myself I admitted that I could speak enough basic german to get by, but I couldn’t resist adding “ but my understanding is better”.

The Swedish delegate sitting next to me actually laughed and gave me a pat on the back.

What is that one picture that describes the lowest point in your life?

Well, everything was going great in my life.

A 26 yrs old with a decent job(in Indian Silicon Valley), beautiful girlfriend, about to be promoted, in short, enjoying my life.

But now,

A road accident(to save a little girl), which confined me to home for 4–5 months, had a knee fracture, operated, implanted with a metal plate inside(permanently).

Promotion aborted(as i m on Medical Leave for quite a longer period).

Cheated by my girlfriend when we were planning to get married, our parents accepted us.

My situation after surgery,

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image 18

I was full of life. Travelling, working out in gym used to make me feel energized, lively, confident. But my eyes in the above picture are full of unnecessary thoughts, wandering with all the lively moments I had before.

Permanent Implant,

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image 17

I was planning to call my parents to bangalore so that i can arrange some vacation for them and let them know about me and my girlfriend. But this was not the way i wanted them to come.

Even after accepted by my parents, she cheated on me. This was the time when i needed her the most. I know that,

“We should Forgive people in our life, even those who are not sorry for their actions. Holding on to anger only hurts us, not them.”

Also after one-by-one misfortunes, my self-confidence is f**ked like a Gangbang. So i’m not in a place to keep grudges with her and trying to move on, to forgive her and forget her.

Now they want me to settle down in an arranged marriage with a girl of their choice. And neither I am in position to ask for getting married with a girl of my choice nor in a position of getting married with any girl due to hindrances in my promotion, beautifully f**ked self-confidence.

I’m just trying to recover as soon as possible from the physical and emotional injury so that i can go back to my self made track of life.

This is the way American Dating has devloved

And men are walking away and saying no.

Can the USA easily destroy the Chinese economy by simply sanctioning and forcing the American transnational corporations to leave the Chinese market and close their factories?


Go ask Russians, nearly all western countries did the same as you mentioned to Russia, including the so called “nuclear option”: kicked Russia out of SWIFT, did Russian economy collapse?

Oh, maybe you don’t know the real world, just living in the “information cocoons”, you’re fed with selected information, which made you believe China is easy to win, like our beloved president 45 said, trade war is easy to win.

This is his easy to win:

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image 2

Now, it is America who’s relying on China, not China relying on America. Say you to buy a Toyota and wait for over a month, sometimes you need to pay extra money, and its price is rising year after year, while in China, Toyota is to buy at will and drive away upon you paid, and its price is lower and lower. For example, RAV 4 in America starts from $29K, while in China, it starts from RMB 175,800, which is about $24.5K.

The problem is not China, it hides in America, destory China can’t solve your own problem.

The big heads are more informed and clever than you average Americans do. They know they can’t win, sanctions, trade wars, are just to slow down China’s pace, not to stop it.

What are some psychological facts about attracting people?

  • Wear clean clothes. (perfumes are a gold plus)
  • Keep a smile on your face. (Brush your teeth)
  • Instead of trying hard to get attention, try to give attention. (People love those who listen to them)
  • Ask them for small favors which they will likely say yes to. (game changer)
  • Mimic their body language when talking/listening to them. (eye contact is a gold plus)
  • Straighten your posture. (Don’t lean forward or backward in a conversation)
  • When talking stop saying “I think, but…, I believe” instead use words like “and, because”. (assures that you are confident)


What screams “I’m upper class”?

Years ago, I was involved with a lawsuit against a tech company. Kind of “class action,” which meant a lot of people were there.

I noticed two levels of dress: casual and super-expensive suits.

As the process unfolded, I realized that those two levels of dress represented three levels of wealth.

The expensive suits were all worn by guys (and, yes, sorry, this was long ago, and everyone was a guy) who had high-paying jobs. Most would regard them as well off. They drove new, leased BMWs, etc. They were supercilious toward everyone because THEY were the only ones wearing expensive suits, shoes, and Rolexes.

The casual dressers represented two economic levels:

  1. Those who could not afford expensive suits or Rolexes.
  2. Those who had so much money they didn’t need to impress anyone.

At one point during the proceeding, I ended up in a room with four suits while I was dressed in jeans and wore a lightweight “Members Only” jacket. (You can tell this was long ago, right? Remember when those were cool?)

At first, they spoke only among themselves, treating the “obviously” poor guy like I couldn’t possibly matter. I let them go for a few minutes and then interrupted them for an important message on life. I told them how their expensive suits put them at a disadvantage because the only thing obvious in the room was that none of them were in the top tier financially.

They included me from then on.

To answer the question: The truly rich wear whatever they want. Only those who are still struggling to become truly rich are slaves to the “badges of honor” that they THINK demonstrate they are rich.

Listen up

What is the rudest thing a person has ever done to you for being too kind?

I was at a Home Depot and saw this lady trying to lift a 90lb bag of cement from a flat cart into the trunk of her car. I said let me help you with that and grabbed the bag and put it in her trunk. She said I don’t need your damn help. I said sorry and grabbed the bag and put it back on the cart. As I was pulling out of the parking lot I saw that she had dropped the bag and it broke open all over the parking lot. I honked and waved.

What are some mind-blowing facts about the U.S. military?

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During the Vietnam war President Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara came up with “Project 100,000,” and the idea was to kill two birds with one stone by drafting men who were developmentally disabled or just too stupide to be left into the army. It was to provide more men for the war effort and give the less fortunate a chance at being productive members of society.

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There’s typically an IQ minimum of 80 points to serve in the US military, but the rule was loosened, and they started allowing in men with mental disabilities. These men became known a “McNamara’s Morons” and died at 5 times the rate of other Americans in the war.

You had men turning up to basic training that couldn’t even tie their own shoes and couldn’t even understand the basics like dressing the bed. Some of these soldiers didn’t even understand why they were utterly exhausted at the end of a run when they were full of energy at the start of the run.

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When in combat training, none of the men could pass their physical training because they couldn’t grasp the idea of throwing a heavy training grenade in a high arc to reach the target that was 90 feet away.

A lot of the men were protected from battle and kept safe by sergeants who took pity on them, but a lot were sent into dangerous battles on the front line. Not only were some of these men a danger to themselves they also put their fellow soldiers in harms way by not being able to grasp the seriousness of what they were involved in.

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image 3

For example, in one platoon a dozen men were injured when a live grenade was tossed at them by another soldier as a prank. The soldier in question didn’t have the brain function to understand how dangerous a grenade was.

The word McNamara Moron’s was a derogatory term used by many of the sergeants to describe many of the men that fell under their care. Although the experiment was a disaster, not all of the men drafted under this new legislation failed to learn and grasp the fundamentals of combat. Many went on to have distinguished careers, and many were awarded the “Medal of Honour.”

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The story of Forrest Gump was inspired by McNamara’s soldiers and the bravery some of these men showed when faced with impossible odds.

What is the most intelligent one liner you have come across?

In my opinion…

A quiet little boy was putting up with the abuse of a foot taller, loud mouthed girl. The girl was berating him for being a Nerd.

The teacher heard what the girl was saying to the boy, and admonished her, “Karen! You should be nice to Billy! He is a straight A student, and someday he just might be your Boss.”

Billy looked at the teacher and quipped, “But I don’t want to be a Pimp!”

10 Habits of all successful people

  1. They find a way to win, no matter the conditions or circumstances.
  2. They manage their time well.
  3. They are obsessed with self development.
  4. They have self discipline.
  5. They take responsibility for their actions and their results.
  6. They set goals.
  7. They read. A lot!
  8. They take risks.
  9. They keep going when they suffer setbacks.
  10. They do what they love knowing that is the greatest reward.

street fashion china

What is the rudest thing you have ever told one of your parents?

When I had just turned 18, my mother came into my room with a birthday balloon. It was one of the nice fancy balloons. She was really happy to give it to me.

But I, being the selfish spoiled teenager reacted in anger.

“What! Is this it? I don’t get a cake or presents?!?!”

I will never forget the look of hurt and pain on my mother’s face. She turned around with tears in her eyes and quietly took the balloon from my room.

I knew instantly that I hurt her. I tried to run after her and apologize but the damage was already done.

I know she forgave me right away and gave me the balloon. But, you see, we were a low income family and balloons were rarely given. It was a gift I should have been proud of, but I turned it into something painful.

I learned a valuable lesson that day. You can’t take back words spoken in anger.

I will be 40 this year and my mother has been gone for 16 years and I can still see that look on her face as clear as if it had been yesterday.

I miss her.

I just do

Make America Go Away

The United States is like an abusive, narcissistic uncle that just knows that you will always need him; he is the indispensable uncle that just requires that you accept his authority by saying “uncle” otherwise he will sadly have to increase the level of abuse until you either “get the message” or die from the abuse. The vast majority of the world’s population understands this, whether it be the Latin Americans cheated out of democracy again and again, the Africans who had their post-independence dreams destroyed, the Middle Eastern modernizing and secular states that were eradicated, the Vietnamese that died in their millions to rid themselves of US occupation, the people of Gaza being murdered by US bombs and shells, or the Chinese, Russians and Iranians who face the wrath of the US for not understanding their place. The last thing they want is for the US to be “great” again, and they certainly do not see it as indispensable or a shining city on a hill, as the US political elite claim again and again in the form of religious-style mantras.

US politicians, policy makers and even international relations scholars accept this abusive, narcissistic narrative as they waffle on about a “Liberal International Order” where the US acts as the mafia-boss who makes the rules while not being subject to them, and bloviate about the decrepit “shining city” that must deliver its “gift” of liberal democratic capitalism to the world’s unwashed. Just as they did to the Amerindians in their three century war of extermination, ethnic cleansing and land theft, as they established the “new Jerusalem” of ethnic supremacy; personified by the racist bigot President Wilson who spun a good yarn about “freedom” while bringing the very opposite to not only many foreigners but also the US population. It was he who placed the velvet glove of sweet words about “Western culture” over the hard, racist fist.

So yes, the vast majority of humanity just want the US to go away and leave them to manage their own affairs. The problem with abusive narcissists is that they can turn into “family destroyers”, wiping out the rest of the family because they just know that the family (i.e. humanity) cannot survive without them. If they are to go away, then so must humanity. When those wanting a faster rate of change complain about the careful and patient diplomacy and actions of Russia, Iran and China, they must remember the dangerous lunatic that those nations are dealing with; one that can make humanity disappear with it if it so decides, in a global murder suicide. Anyone looking at the current psychopathic thrashings of the Israeli state must hold no flights of fancy about a US where a quarter of the population still believe in a heretical bible Armageddon fantasy, and its elite are wedded to their global dominance. Such lunatics have to be carefully managed and slowly subdued in order to reduce the possibilities of self-destructive and psychopathic rage-induced paroxysms.

Please Make America Go Away, as peacefully as possible.

The CORE FANTASY that drives women to ORGASM and WHY

What’s the best mistake you’ve ever made?

I needed a “C” to pass my college communications course.

If I didn’t get a “C,” I would fail to meet my college major requirements setting me back an entire semester.

Here’s the problem: The semester was over, and I had a D+.

My only hope was to email the teacher asking for a bump in my grade.

I wrote an email to her explaining how my past school performance warranted a higher grade and that not passing me would only hurt an ambitious student.

When I hit send, I realized I made a HUGE mistake.

I addressed her using another teacher’s name.

I tried to calm down, but then I remembered we’d spent half the semester covering email etiquette.


What did I do?

Two days later, she emails back.

First, she addresses the glaring mistake then says she bumped my grade up to a “C” to never have me as a student again.

I went out for drinks that night.

This is by far the best mistake I’ve ever made.

US is Militarizing Itself to Death, While China Emphasizes Cooperation.

What did someone do that made you think they were really smart?

When I was in high school our physics teacher gave us a challenge that involved making a paper air plane of any shape. The only objective was to get it to fly as far as possible. I had some paper air plane making skills so I made the best plane I could and it flew pretty far.

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image 6

One guy made the greatest, yet simplest paper airplane of all time. He stood there at the starting line with a regular piece of paper. Some classmates scratched their head while silently chuckling to themselves. Moments later he took the flat piece of paper, crumpled it up, and threw it down the hall way.

He beat the class with ease.

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image 5

Some of the students got mad and said that he cheated.

The physics teacher said, “How so? I said it could be any shape. A paper ball is indeed a shape.”

He won the contest with flying colors.

“Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.”

— Arthur Schopenhauer

I still regard this classmate as a genius.

Cats and Snakes

What are some mistakes you’ve made with money?

When I graduated from nursing school 10 years ago, I was flush with cash for the first time in my life. Within the span of a month, I went from having an after tax income of $600/month to an after-tax income of $1200 every 2 weeks.

I felt rich. I was 21 years old. I didn’t want to just save. I would invest.

I read a couple of books, opened a brokerage account, and proceeded to buy and sell stocks and call options. I made a lot of money quickly.

I concluded that I was going to be a stock market genius.

So, when I started losing money, I of course knew that it was a temporary setback. So I played, er, invested some more, and some more, and some more.

After a while, I had to admit to myself that I had a problem. I stopped after a couple of years. I had maybe lost $30K by then.

I repeated the same experiment at the tail end of med school. I decided to borrow an extra $20K and invest. This time, I was going to be disciplined. I was going to focus on buying call options on companies that were going to spin-off part of their assets into standalone companies. The idea was that the market was mispricing the combined companies and that the sum of the parts would be greater than the whole, after a spinoff. It was not an entirely crazy idea. I’d made money that way before.

Anyway, my roommate started making a ton of money in penny stocks of companies involved in the marijuana business. I was jealous of how quickly he was making money. I joined in. I lost another $10–15K. I pulled out. He continued playing. He made money for a while. Eventually, he lost more than he had made.

I wouldn’t be surprised if I’d lost about $50K in the stock market over the past decade. That has been my worst financial decision. I see it as tuition money that I paid in order to learn that I am emphatically not a stock market genius.

I’m a physician. My mistakes are going to be relatively costless to me. Please don’t try this at home.

How has China been investing in its chip industry, and what does it mean for the US government?

The U.S. has 2 choices. And Americans need to wake up to this reality to face the new world. China will always be independent from the U.S. in technology. In many cases it will from now onwards be ahead and with far better technologicallyDon’t than the US and the west. It is happy to share its benefits but it will never allow the U.S. and the West to ever threatened them again. Ever. Never Ever.

Don’t blame China. China were happy to play second fiddle till the despicable US foolishly thought that it can easily contain and control China in Chip technology for a generation. It took less than 3 years for China to catch up. It won’t look back. Now all the trillion of dollars shit it cost to do this shit will ll be wasted. If the U.S. never learnt then they can always lose more trillions. China don’t mind.

What does it mean for the U.S. government? It needs to know that the US has 2 choices. Either it work and I am cooperate with China and profit from China’s humongous market and manufacturing prowess or it loses it all including the access to the global south market representing som 120–150 nations around the world. The U.S. needs to make this decision. Americans need to learn humility and accept that it no longer can dictate to the world.

China will design its own chips, it will manufacture its own chips and it will sell to whoever wants to buy it and use it. It will do so at a faster rate and take less time, and make it a a lower cost and make it cheaper than the US and the west. That is what China always do and and the Chip Ban, the GPS threat and the ISS ban will simply motivate China to dominate all technology. Thanks USA

What do you like to ban, sanction, blockade from now onwards? I think China should stop the U.S. from using paper to clean their backside since China invented paper. Let the use their hands.

Was Steve Jobs really such an asshole like it is shown in the movie (2015)?

I worked at Apple in the 80’s and think the movie grossly underplays how much of an asshole he was.

I’ve worked with many billionaires in my career, and Jobs was the biggest asshole I ever met.

He would destroy people just for the fun of it. He would make it personal.

There were a few who managed to survive and even thrive, like Andy Hertzfeld.

Even on the original Mac team, there was a small number that Steve treated with respect, and the rest he treated like shit. It’s one reason the Mac team fell apart after the Mac shipped. Steve glorified about 10 of them; they were on the cover of Business Week IIRC. The rest he made clear were shit. They had worked their asses off and built a magical product, but Steve didn’t recognize them. So the glorified rock stars got big heads, and the others were deeply slighted. So the team fell apart.

It’s also true that at NeXT and then his return to Apple, Steve grew up and learned to treat people better. Steve v2 wasn’t exactly Mother Theresa, but he learned a lot of lessons and was much improved.

Have you ever had such a close call it makes your skin shiver everytime you think about it? If so, what happened?

Yes, I still shiver 10 years later. My husband and I were thinking of buying a lot in a new intentional community in Belize (think semi-rainforest, not beach). We stayed at the guest house for several days to tour and explore the area. Activities included canoeing on the beautiful river, hiking, learning about the local culture, etc… Now, recall there’s a river, hence big rocky, sandy, soil-y hills that sloped down to it. Also, no paved roads yet. One day we decided to do a driving tour in our all-wheel drive rental (as opposed to a 4WD we had reserved). You can guess where this is going. We came to the top of a steep incline, and to continue, there was no choice but to proceed down the other side. Approximately 10 feet to our right was a cliff that dropped steeply into a gorge and the river. (I was driving because my husband isn’t crazy about manual transmissions.) Then, the brakes failed. As we gained speed, rocks began to bump us closer to the edge. Honestly, we were thinking that was it- the end of the road for us. But in a moment of something- not brilliance for sure- maybe instinct, I threw the car into first gear. It slowed, then came to rest about 4 feet from the edge. Finally I screamed, just to release the tension. Somehow I didn’t leave a puddle in my seat.

If that wasn’t enough, seconds after we got out of the car, we heard the screams of several women who were crashing through the dense forest to our left. When the three women reached us, they were completely out of breath but managed to yell, “Wild pigs! Wild pigs!”. Just as all of us squeezed into the car for (protection, not escape!), we heard the pigs retreating and running back where they came from.

We did not buy the lot.

In a Vietnam movie, an officer warns a fellow soldier of an incoming airstrike laying “snake and nape” (nape is obviously Napalm). What does the ” Snake” refer too?

“Snake” or sometimes “snakes”, Snakeye bombs. Mk-80 Series bombs of various weights fitted with a high-drag devise to provide rapid deceleration upon release.

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image 4

The special fins were held tight to the bomb casing until release, at which time they popped open to insure maximum horizontal separation between bomb and aircraft at detonation. Without the high-drag unit added, bombs could strike the ground and detonate under the aircraft. In some cases the explosion would bring down the delivering aircraft. At one time, this was called a “Low Blow”. Snakeyes were generally dropped at low to very low altitudes to enhance accuracy. Mk-80 series bombs without the decelerating tail unit were generally described as “Slicks”.

What is a split-second decision you made that changed your life?

When I was 15 years old I made a decision that to this day still baffles me. I spent the weekend with my good buddy putting a hot motor into his car. We finished the work on Sunday afternoon and my friend told me he would come by my house and get me later so we could go celebrate the car and new motor.

When he got to my parents house that evening I walked out to the driveway and made that fateful decision by telling my buddy that I had “homework” to do and wouldn’t be going with him.

Later that night my friend and two others hit a tree going about a hundred miles an hour. It killed my friend and the other guy in the front seat and put the backseat passenger in the hospital for a month.

To this day I have no idea why I didn’t go with them. I really didn’t have any homework. It just came into my head that day and I said it and that was it.

I would have been the guy in the front passenger seat that night.

What do you want to get off your chest anoymously?

When I had a daycare I had a four year old who went through a terrible phase of pulling hair. He didn’t just yank; he’d get his fingers tangled in there and twist and pull with his entire body. It was extremely painful. He once got hold of my hair and pulled some out.

I tried everything to stop him. I watched him like a hawk. I stopped him when he got that look and lunged for someone’s hair. His mom acknowledged the problem she was having with him at home with his two older sisters. She tried everything; we both did, but nothing stopped him.

One day he got hold of this cute little two year old’s hair. She was screaming in pain as I tried to detach his fingers. And I finally had had it. I grabbed his hair and pulled just as hard as I could.

He let go immediately and started crying. And he never pulled hair again.

His mom thought he had finally grown out of his phase. I never told her what I did. I didn’t abuse the kids I watched; never spanked them or yelled at them. I still feel guilty for what I did. He probably would have stopped on his own.

Has a family member ever done something that was unforgivable? What was it, and could you ever forgive them?

My sister. It was the day of my mother’s funeral after a very fast illness and sudden, unexpected death. My husband had run an errand for Dad. He was gone about an hour. During that hour, one sister (older, middle one of three) cornered me as I sat at the dining table. She spent most of that time telling me what a horrible person I was, listing every perceived mistake I had ever made in my life, all the times I had disrespected her, etc. When my husband came home he found me sobbing, curled into a fetal ball behind the guest bed.

That afternoon and for the rest of that weekend I would not be in the same room with her. I spent my time composing a long email listing every claim she had thrown at me and why each was wrong (or blown out of proportion). It was all I could emotionally manage.

She never even acknowledged the email, let alone apologize for being such a bully. I waited two weeks and sent another email, asking if she got the first one. She acknowledged that she did. That’s all. Just a “yes I got it.”

I have not spoken to her since. And because my other older (oldest) sister just stood there, I have barely spoken to her. Their emails are automatically filtered to trash. They don’t even know my phone number in Spain, where I now live. I no longer have any sibling photos on the “photo wall” in the hallway. I consider myself an only child. I will not return to the US for either of their funerals when the time comes. They are not welcome to visit me in Spain and I don’t even want them notified when I die.

When was the last time someone else had to experience a walk in your shoes moment?

My daughter is a single mom, and once a week I help her out. I pick up her kids, aged 8 and 7, from school and watch them until their mother comes home around 8 PM.

The older one is a lot like me. Introverted, shy, a bookworm who goes through a couple of books a week. I never have a bit of problem with him. We understand each other. We’ll watch TV or play a game of chess together.

The younger one is the social butterfly of the family. She goes outside and plays with the other kids in her neighborhood.

She’s also stubborn to a fault. Just like her mother at that age.

And one evening about a week ago she started getting defiant. Refused to do anything I asked. I was losing patience.

Just then her mother came home and things escalated. I watched the two most stubborn human beings I’d ever met lock horns for about half an hour. I’d seen this behavior before — we got it from her mother, my daughter, when she was that age.

“Dad, I am so sorry for all the trouble I put you and mom through when I was her age,” she told me.

I laughed. “It’s OK. You grew up to be a pretty good kid and I’m sure she will too.”

But she was right. Everything she had put us through when she was young and stubborn was now coming back on her.

Such, I suppose, is the circle of life.

What would Western people think when the Chinese ask them whether they’ve had dinner or not?

Thanks for the a2a. I have Chinese friends living all over the world. Some of them without fail ask me nearly every day if I have eaten yet. I have never thought it was anything other than kindness.

You see, I am from the Deep South in America. We Southern women show love and hospitality through our cooking. When I visit family, we’re having a meal and I have brought a dish. Or if they visit me, I’m feeding them and they probably brought something. I know my mother loves me because every time I visit, she makes tea exactly the way I like it. My brother knows I care because I make his favorite foods or desserts. My father is proud when I compliment his ability to grill a steak, and my sister requests my old-fashioned strawberry cake for her birthday. My daughter, she wants to make birthday cakes for everyone—whether it’s their birthday or not!

Food is a language, and that language expresses love, hospitality, kindness, care, and friendship. I believe Chinese people (as well as other cultures) understand this. I have always taken my Chinese friends encouragement to eat dinner or breakfast as a sign of their care for me, and I express the same care toward them. If they ever came to visit me, I wouldn’t let them leave my home without feeding them first. They don’t have to be fluent in English and I do not have to speak perfect Mandarin when it comes to sharing a meal together.

Why can’t Americans get access to the Chinese electric car market?

Americans foolishly screamed and shout that they are the leader of the free world without ever questioning if it is even remotely true or not! Please don’t be angry or upset if I help you guys since I understand you can pretend to be free or even dare says you are ordained by god to spread democracy and freedom but you Americans are one of the least free country on earth.

Let me help you good American. So first I like to explain how unfree you guys are.

35% of you cannot get health care when you fall sick! The most basic of freedom is the freedom to see a doctor and get cure when you fall sick. At least 100 million Americans don’t have this basic of basics of freedom.

Next 1 million Americans are homeless and don’t have another basic of basics of freedom. The freedom to have a roof over their head.! They have to live in makeshift tents on the streets.

20% of Americans don’t have 500 dollars to their name and don’t know where their next meal is coming from! Surely everyone must have the freedom to have a hot meal to stay alive!

USA with about 4% of world population has 25% of the worlds prisoners population! Think about this my American friends, prisoners are certainly. Not free. Many of them coloured people thrown into jail for the slightest reason. How on earth can you keep a straight face to say U.S. is the leader of the free world. No one know!

In many cities in the U.S. one cannot go to certain parts of the inner city like the Queens in New York. As crimes are rampant. So normal innocent and good Americans like you have to avoid that part of America! Surely freedom means you can go to anywhere or any part of America.

Kids and parents suffers the mental turmoils daily for just going to school. Many got shot to death in schools, public places, cinemas and even in Capitol Hill! Is that freedom? Even your kids are not free to go to school without a random mass shooter lurking with military grade weapons to murder them! Is this freedom?

If you are not fortunate to have a white skin you could be necked to death in the bright daylight of even driving a good car may be be shot to death just for suspected of stealing the car! Everyday you live in fear of a white policeman! Is that freedom to live? Freedom to avoid death at the racist inclination of the white racist? Surely not.

Freedom means you can choose who you really want to be your leader. Only 30% choose Biden. Or 35% choose Trump! Why are they your president? Your system allowed 0.8% of the richest and most influential people to choose your candidates! Surely this is not political freedom. This is far from democracy. How on earth can you call yourself the “beacon of democracy” who in a sane mind can claim that?

Oh today you country stop the Americans from having access to best 5G technology, Smartphone, best EV’s, drones and others for some geopolitical nonsense! Is this freedom? Freedom to be deprived? Let me help you understand. You are deprived from buying a 10 thousand bucks EV that need to be charged once a week but you are not allowed to! You cannot buy your Tesla like for half the price! Just to support your too big to fail auto industry paying 100 million bonus doing shit for good Americans!

But to me EVs and Drones are just the top of the iceberg of your draconian and suicide policies that takes away the freedom of Americans like you. Think about Jullien Assange, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden! Freedom? American is anything but free.

What’s the best revenge you’ve gotten after being fired or let go from a job?

I wasn’t fired, I just quit a job with a window replacement contractor after finding full time premanant employment. I called to inform the man and give him two weeks notice. He cussed at me and slammed the phone down. I called him right back and asked him to send me payment for the previous weeks work and he ratteled on about how I installed those last windows wrong and that he would not be paying me what was owed and told me never to call again followed by a loud “click”. So, I tallied all my hours plus all the OT I’d worked but was never paid more than a flat hourly rate. I took this document to the owners of the business he had contracted with, explained the situation and said “I just want to give you the opportunity to resolve this before I take the matter to the labor department” (they had a local office). The owner said “Thank you” and said they’d take care of it. The man was in a back office supposedly waiting for a meet so I said “Great! We will just need to come to agreement on what he owes me” The man said “Nothing to worry about there, whatever you say”. I asked when I might expect payment from him and the man said, if this amount on your records is good, I’ll cut you a check right now and we’ll just deduct the funds from his contract payment. I never saw the man again but he was a hot head all the same and I could feel the burn of his rage as I drove away.

As for my ability to install windows… The man had previously took me aside, giving me a raise because, as he said “You’re the only one I have who can read a tape measure”.

What is the strangest item you’ve ever found when cleaning up after a party?

About 5 or 6 months ago, my girlfriend and I threw a little get together at our place for friends from work. I cooked dinner for everyone, and we just sort of made it buffet style. The whole affair was great fun and will make for great memories. After everyone had left Emily and I decided that we’d at least get the major stuff picked up, (the dishes and glasses into the dishwasher and the leftovers put into the fridge). While Em was finishing up in the kitchen I began moving things around in the front room, and there I found a pair of thong panties next to the couch. I picked them up and walk into the kitchen with them hanging on my finger. Em stood there looking at them and doing her best not to laugh. Because they were pink, I knew it wasn’t something that fell from the laundry basket by mistake. Neither of us likes pink.

To this day nobody has come forward to ask about them.

Best video Ever

Men, Listen up. It doesn’t matter (to anyone) if you win or lose. What matters is how you take it.

Two things to learn.

1, be strong regardless

2, pick your women better

Do you have a simple childhood memory that you could never forget?

Yes. It’s 1986, I’m 9 years old and I come downstairs to get ready for school. My dad is reading the paper and he says, “Hey Corey, what do you know about comets?”

I immediately spout off everything a space-addicted 9 year old kid can/should know about comets. My dad beams at me and tells me bedtime will be postponed.

Night falls and my dad comes home early. We get into his Ford Escort and drive to K-Bee toys where he buys me a pair of GI Joe binoculars just as it is closing.

I can still remember what they looked like in the packaging.

We drive to a subdivision that is under construction and park on a mound of dirt that is now someone’s home.

We both lay on the hood of that car and look at the stars. We talk about space. We talk about life. He tells me that the next time this comet passes by Earth he will be long gone, but he hopes I will watch it and remember what it is like to be a child staring at the night sky with his dad.

We never saw Halley’s comet that night. Our binoculars were too cheap, the light pollution was too strong, the comet was too far away. To be honest, I think I prefer it that way.

Because what I want to remember about that day has nothing at all to do with a comet.

There’s a great many things I wanted for my life. Some of them have come to pass, others never will. But above all I hope that, one day, I will sit on a mound of dirt as an old man. I will sit with the great love of my life and our children and our children’s children.

And we, all of us, will look at the stars. And maybe we’ll see a comet and maybe we won’t.

But we’ll look regardless and we will think of the ones we have loved.

Why is Apple manufactured in China? Would it be more expensive to manufacture in the United States?

Your U.S. workers demand 5 times Chinese workers income, and 10 times more benefits and are willing to world half as hard and are 75% as smart or well trained and your CEO expects and demand 100 times more income!

As such if you produce here Apple 15 must be marketed and sold USD5000 instead of less than USD1500! Ask your local customers, friends and colleagues will they buy Apple 15 or save USD4000 and buy a Chinese phone this is faster, better and cheaper.

You decide. Tim Cook knows the answer! China knows Tim Cook knows the Answer and the 7.999 billion people except you and your 6 racist friends need to ask!

What’s the fastest you’ve wiped a smirk off of someone’s face?

I had a coworker who disliked me the moment she saw me. Idk why, but it seems to occur to me a lot, “hate at 1st sight”, lol! I am a very friendly person who has found that if I treat an unfriendly coworker respectfully and don’t react to their nastiness, they will eventually grow to like me.

Well, after nearly 2 years of her passive-aggressive behavior and snide remarks, I finally grew weary of her abuse. FYI she was almost my doppelgänger in every way. Nearly identical facial features, hair color, style, figure and dress size Misses 0. Acquaintances usually couldn’t tell us apart.

So, one day she came to work wearing a very cute summer dress. I complimented her on it.

She smirked and said, “Thank you! I’d tell you where I bought it, but there are no extra large sizes left.”

I responded, “Oh, darn! You got the last one!”

What is the strangest feedback you have received after a job interview?

About a decade ago, I got an Interview for a network administrator position. The phone interview went really well. I had a panel interview with an HR rep, some VP, and the manager I would have reported to. It goes great, and I get a conditional offer later that same day. They even offered me more than I asked for, though I suspect the recruiting agency may have padded my range to get a bigger commission (and I loved them for it). I sign the background check paperwork.

Two days later, I get a call from the recruiter saying that the offer was rescinded and that the recruiting agency can’t work with me any more. Ok, that’s really weird. My credit score is shot due to having been unemployed for a bit with bills piling up, but that’s not usually the kind of thing that gets a recruiting agency to drop you. I ask for details, but the recruiter will only say that I will receive communication by mail.

A couple weeks later, after I had finally accepted a lower-paying offer elsewhere, a letter comes in the mail with a copy of my background check. I read over it and see convictions for armed robbery, attempted murder, aggravated assault, and a bunch of other stuff I don’t remember … except remembering I’ve never been arrested or charged for anything like that, let alone convicted. Well, I look at the paperwork l, and what do you know. The first and last name are correct, but the middle name and date of birth are wrong. It’s almost as if they Googled my first and last name and just read the results of whoever popped up first.

I kind of wish they had done a bit more reading, because it would have been hard for him to attend interviews seeing as he was literally in prison while I was in their office.

I did point out the error to the recruiting agency … and never heard back.

What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

Originally Answered: What is the best case of “you just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

A woman called my newsroom crying. Nobody wanted to deal with her. So they sent her to me. She was crying and hard to understand, but the basic story went this way…

She had bought a used car. She needed it badly to get to the THREE jobs she held to support her children by herself. No husband. Less than two weeks after buying the car, it broke down. She called the dealer who had told her it had a 30-day warranty.

He told her he couldn’t help. But, she told him, you said it had a 30 day warranty. His response — too bad. When she complained, he told her — “lady, you’re dealing with the big boys now.”

She was crying as she told me this. I was — to put it mildly — angry. My response to her — let me call you back.

I called him. I explained the problem and when I did not get what I considered a good response, I “explained” things to him:

  1. He needed to respond appropriately to her and solve the problem.
  2. If he did not respond appropriately, I would have my entire investigative news team look into his operation.
  3. He did not like that.
  4. Cautionary note here: My response – YOU picked the wrong person to fight with, and no, NOW, you’re playing with the Big Boys, expletives to follow…

He took back her car. Gave her a slightly newer model without any problems. She called crying and thanked me. I may have cried a bit too.

PS – I didn’t do the story about him. I wonder if I should have?

Hey western news media…China is amazing!

On Jan. 1, 1945, Hitler sent 1000 planes of the Luftwaffe to destroy airbases of the Allies to protect his troops fighting in the Battle of the Bulge. Why was it a failure?

Operation Bodenplatte, also known as the “New Year’s Offensive” or “Unternehmen Bodenplatte”, was a large-scale aerial offensive launched by the German Luftwaffe against Allied airfields in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg on 1 January 1945, during the Battle of the Bulge. The operation was intended to cripple Allied airpower and support the German ground forces in the Ardennes region.

Despite achieving some initial surprise and causing some damage to Allied aircraft, Operation Bodenplatte was ultimately a failure. The Luftwaffe suffered heavy losses, losing over 250 aircraft compared to Allied losses of around 130. The operation also failed to achieve its main objective of crippling Allied airpower, as the Allies were able to quickly recover from the attacks.

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image 7

There were several reasons for the failure of Operation Bodenplatte:

  • Poor planning and coordination: The operation was poorly planned and coordinated, with many of the Luftwaffe units involved not receiving their orders until the day of the attack. This led to confusion and delays, and the attacks were not as coordinated as they could have been.
  • Allied air superiority: The Allies had achieved air superiority over the skies of Western Europe by the end of 1944, and the Luftwaffe was no match for the combined strength of the Royal Air Force and the United States Army Air Forces.
  • Adverse weather conditions: The weather on the day of the attack was poor, with low clouds and fog, which made it difficult for the Luftwaffe bombers to find their targets and for the Luftwaffe fighters to intercept Allied aircraft.
  • Allied intelligence: The Allies had broken the German codes and were aware of the planned attack. This allowed them to take evasive action and scramble their fighters to intercept the Luftwaffe bombers.

As a result of its failure, Operation Bodenplatte marked the beginning of the end of the Luftwaffe as an effective fighting force. The operation resulted in the loss of irreplaceable experienced pilots and aircraft, and the Luftwaffe was never able to regain its strength.

Why is the top bunk considered disrespectful in jail/prison?

A top bunk is not “disrespectful”…. It is its own special fucking misery in a world of miseries…

Having to sleep in the top rack forces the occupant into constantly climbing over and disturbing the occupant of the lower bunk, denies the top bunk the use of “Privacy Curtains”, is fully exposed to the ventilation system which will always be too hot or too cold, is fully exposed to the lights, which can often be on 24 hours a day, prevents easy access to possessions stored under the bottom bunk, it forces the top bunk occupant into waking up the lower bunk every time he has to use the toilet or sink, and cuts down on the number of places the top bunk occupant can sit, since sitting on someones bunk without their permission is an act of disrespect…

I have seen more SERIOUS fights between cellies over “bunk territory” than any other issue… I’m talking about fights when one or both combattants require hospitalisation and a trip to The Hole…

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image 16


Have you ever seen something in a restaurant that caused you to leave in disgust?

My wife and I were out to eat with some friends. We were having a good time and enjoying ourselves when all of a sudden this horrific smell wafted towards us. The unmistakable smell of baby shit.

Eww, but whatever. Babies shit. It happens.

However, what happened next left us speechless and without appetite. The man with the baby was at a large round table with several other people. When they smelled it too, there was the standard, “Ooops, someone made a poopy” comments towards the baby.

The man picked the baby up, pushed some plates and glasses out of the way, and proceeded to open the offending diaper right there in the middle of the dining room. The smell was bad to begin with, but once he opened that thing up, it was nauseatingly bad. We had just received our meals, but there was no way we were eating anymore.

People around the restaurant were staring at the table, but no one at that table seemed to think anything of it. They were going about their conversations as though there wasn’t a shit-covered child on the table. One of the tables next to us went up to the bar to complain; the bartender said “That’s Jane’s family, she’s the manager. I’ll go get her.”

Jane came out of the back with an irritated look on her face. When the customer complained, she loudly said, “Oh, it’s not that bad. He’ll be done in a minute.” and walked over to the infant and made baby noises at it while the dad finished changing the diaper.

We and a few other tables all got up and headed for the door. “Hey, you didn’t pay!” was shouted after us. One of our companions turned and said to the manager, “You call the cops, I’ll call the health department. I’m sure they’d love to hear about this.” and we left.

I used to really like that restaurant, now I can’t even drive past it without gagging a little.

Seriously, how can people be so fucking disgusting?

It’s true

Have you ever stood up to a bully at the workplace and they backed off?

Originally Answered: Have you ever stood up to a bully at the workplace and they back off?

Yes indeed. Two years ago, we had a hurricane. I had no food, no lights , no power. The next morning, I still went to work.

My manager raised his voice and was abusive. He wanted to push his work on to me, but I had no power, and didn’t see the email the night before. I spoke up to him and said he was totally unrealistic. He was stunned, like no one had ever spoken back to him.

The manager told the director, and the director texted me two hours later, getting harsh, saying “I know you have power supply issues, but the three of us need to meet“.

Ten minutes later, I sent a letter to HR complaining of harassment and abusive speech. I copied the email to an executive three levels above my director. The executive texted me back and said to keep him informed.

HR saw the executive’s email response, and the HR director called me within 40 mins of getting the email. I told her I wanted a management change. She switched me to a new set of directors an hour later. The new directors are professional and wonderful to work for.

The main point: Bully bosses don’t back down right away on their own. You must save yourself by contacting a boss two levels above your boss. Two levels, not one level. Use email letters to complain. Letters put everyone on notice, and they’re like a hand grenade.

Imagine if a guy said this…

What is the most awkward conversation you have had with your parents?

I am going to win.

When I was about 17 years old, my dad walked in on me and my then-boyfriend having sex.

The house I lived in at the time was located directly across from my high school. I was enrolled in a lot of sports, as was my boyfriend. Our practices often didn’t start until a half an hour or so after school ended, so most days we had a little bit of time to, um, kill. This particular day, I thought my dad would be at work. We raced to my house, went to my bedroom, and went at it. A few minutes later, without warning, my dad did the thing he always did – knock, then immediately open the door. Seriously? What was the point of knocking? I’ll never understand.

So there I was. His precious baby, naked with a boy. I did the only thing I could think of, which was to do a little *roll* off the bed, and then a second *roll* to hide myself underneath my bed. Leaving my bare-bummed boyfriend to the nightmare above me.

The only words my dad said was, “get dressed.”

I did not go to practice that day. Instead, I had to have dinner with my dad, alone. I couldn’t even look him in the eye. I was mortified.

We tried to have small talk???? “How was your day?” “Fine, yours?”

Worst. Day. Of. My. Life.

Bringing home the bacon

What is the craziest thing you heard while waiting in a line?

Two guys, college-age were yapping and I heard them say, it would be nice if the old f***er would let us go before him.

I looked up ahead of me in line and there were two young women, and then a man and wife and I didn’t see the advantage of them wanting to let these guys go before them, and they didn’t look all that old, then I realized that they were talking about me.

So I reached in my basket and took a shirt I was buying and pulled the tag off it, so when it was my turn and I didn’t let the sh**heads but in line, I left the shirt for last after taking my time unloading all the merchandise and striking up a nice conversation with the checker that always stalls a little and then she got to the shirt.

By this time the guys were really pissed. She said sir, your shirt doesn’t have a tag, let me call someone and get a price for you. I looked back with a grin. and said, you just got old f**kered.

An opening…

What is the biggest snub you received from a family member?

I got married in 2008, my sister in 2009. My wedding was lovely and small but I felt like it meant a lot. My sister got married a year later. My Aunts bestowed upon her a family necklace (something borrowed and old) that was blue, and a simple flower bracelet for her something new.

They had done none of that for me.

I cried for 3 days. Like my marriage didn’t matter at all.

The cat is fast

What is a split-second decision you made that changed your life?

I was nearly killed in a multi-vehicular accident when I was 25. The first police officer on the scene pronounced me dead, but, luckily for me, there was a nurse on hand to confirm that, while I was gravely injured and in shock (which means that you don’t have a pulse in your arms and legs because your blood pressure is so low), I was actually alive.

By the time the ambulance got there, I was conscious and screaming from the pain of my injuries. I had broken both my legs, my pelvis and three vertebrae (they were not displaced), but the source of my agony was a dislocated knee joint. My knee-cap was 6 to 8 inches north of where it should be and my upper and lower leg bones over-lapped by 3 or 4 inches.

It hurt. A LOT.

So, they cut me out of my car and got me into the ambulance and rushed me to the hospital. I was in bad enough shape that they called ahead so an Orthopedist was waiting for me. Unfortunately for me, he was a newly minted doctor fresh out of his residency.

When he came into the exam room he:

  • did not ask my name
  • did not introduce himself
  • did not examine me
  • did not look at my chart
  • did not attempt to take the pulse in the ankle of the mangled leg

What he DID do was say, “Oh, that leg has to come off.” Those were literally the first words out of his mouth.

Now, my sister is a nurse and my mother wanted me to be a doctor, so I knew that he should have at least looked at my chart and attempted an exam. I was so angry at his utter lack of bedside manner that my immediate response was, “If I lose my leg, you’ll lose your license.”

Honestly, I don’t know who was more surprised, him or me. Admittedly I was having a REALLY bad day, but normally I would never say anything like that to anyone.

Now, what I didn’t know at the time was that in 95% of the cases where a person has a dislocated knee joint the way I did, the femoral artery that supplies blood to the lower leg is crushed beyond repair. But I was extraordinarily flexible, and luckily, my femoral artery was NOT damaged.

So after a short but pointed argument and a bit of malpractice (on the doctor’s part), my injury was reduced and I got to keep my leg below the knee. It has taken a lot of surgery to fix the damage and more than a decade of physical therapy to relearn how to walk but I can walk and 99% of people won’t notice my limp.

So that is how a split-second decision changed my life. If I had let the doctor amputate, no one would have known that my artery hadn’t been crushed and I’d have a prosthesis and be buying my shoes one at a time. I thank goodness every day that I said what I did to that insufferable jerk.

Women and their tests…

Heaven on Seven Chicken Voodoo Rigatoni

spicy rigatoni 3
spicy rigatoni 3

Yield: 8 to 10 servings


  • 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2 inch cubes
  • 2 tablespoons plus 1/4 teaspoon Angel Dust Cajun Seasoning
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup diced yellow onion
  • 1/2 cup diced red onion
  • 1/3 cup thinly sliced green onion, white and green parts
  • 2 tablespoons Roasted Garlic Puree
  • 1/3 cup diced celery
  • 1/2 cup seeded, diced green bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup seeded, diced red bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup seeded, yellow bell pepper
  • 1/3 cup seeded, diced poblano chile
  • 1/4 cup seeded, diced cubanella pepper
  • 1/4 cup seeded, diced banana pepper
  • 1 tablespoon seeded, minced Fresno chile
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons seeded, minced habanero chile
  • 1 teaspoon seeded, minced jalapeno
  • 1/2 teaspoon minced serrano chile
  • 1/2 teaspoon seeded, minced fingerhot chile
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon light brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon dark brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon Hungarian paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon Spanish paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon chile powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground white pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 cup peeled and diced ripe banana
  • 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
  • 1 cup water
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 3/4 cup pineapple juice
  • 1/2 cup mango juice
  • 1/2 cup papaya juice
  • 1/3 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon Key lime or regular lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon Hot as a Mutha hot pepper sauce or habanero sauce
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, chilled and cut into pieces
  • 2 pounds dried rigatoni pasta, cooked according to package directions


  1. Season the chicken with 2 tablespoons Cajun seasoning.
  2. In a 5 quart Dutch oven, preferably enameled cast iron, heat the oil over high heat. When oil is hot but not smoking add the chicken and brown for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
  3. Stir in the yellow, red and green onions and the garlic puree cook for 2 minutes.
  4. Add the celery, peppers, and chiles cook until vegetables are soft, about 10 minutes.
  5. Add honey, sugars, paprikas, chile powder, allspice, coriander, turmeric, salt, black and white peppers, red pepper flakes, remaining 1/4 teaspoon Cajun seasoning, and stir for 2 to 3 minutes to coat meat and vegetables with the seasonings.
  6. Mix in the banana, tomato sauce, water, coconut milk, juices and hot pepper sauce. Bring to a boil reduce the heat to medium low and simmer uncovered for 1 hour.
  7. When ready to serve, stir in the butter until well blended and toss with rigatoni in a large bowl.


Posted by Recipethyme at Recipe Goldmine 8/18/2001 5:26 pm.

Source: Chef Jimmy Bannos – Heaven on Seven Restaurant, Chicago

Humanity on the earth

What survival instincts does a battle hardened soldier have on the battlefield? I mean, what is “the smell” made of?

While we usually call it the “sixth sense”, the military term for this phenomenon is “premonition and intuition”.

Soldiers who fought for a long time on the battlefield have often developed sharper senses. Their bodies and minds are adapting to a survival situation:

After you have been away from any artificial light sources for a while, your night vision will improve. Being constantly exposed to enemy fire, your ability to see and recognize objects at a long distance increases.

You will be able to fine tune your hearing so that you’ll will be more perceptible to all “man made” sounds, for example tank engines or sounds of movement in the underbrush.

There are even soldiers who are capable to smell human feces from long distances away.

And some soldiers go even further: they develop an elevated state of mind, where their subconsciousness is able to connect the tiniest sensory inputs with the soldier’s vast experience. This way, soldiers can “foresee” future events on the battlefield, can “sniff out” ambushes and “know” where the enemy has put the mines.

This is not a new phenomenon, though there are many accounts from WWII and the Vietnam war where soldiers acquired extraordinary perception skills. Unfortunately, the military often dismissed them as “spooky stories”.

I was able to acquire a limited set of “extrasensory perception” skills myself. Interestingly, while I was fighting in the Bosnian war, I wasn’t really able to develop above average senses. As the war went on, I became better in anticipating enemy positions, or mined areas, but this was purely because of my ever growing experience and improved knowledge of our enemy’s tactics. When you’ve seen the enemy attacking a couple of times, always in the same way, it’s really not too difficult to figure out what their next steps will be.

During the war in Kosovo, however, I went one step further. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that we were nonstop in combat. There were no clear front lines (like in Bosnia) and everyday was a fight for survival that demanded from us to be 100% alert and sharp.

I remember one particular day: it was the third day of a massive enemy attack and I was manning a position together with a comrade. We were expecting that the enemy’s main assault would happen just in front of our position. We were in a small house and the moment I entered the building I felt that something was wrong. I couldn’t put my finger on it, though, but an inner voice told me: “this place is no good!”

We waited, but nothing happened. The fighting had started on our right flank, but in front of us, everything was still calm. All of a sudden, I told my buddy: “Let’s go somewhere else!” He trusted my word and didn’t argue with me and so we moved to another house that was a couple of hundred meters up the road.

On our way, we passed two of our comrades who were waiting in another position. I took a short look at their spot and told them to move fifty meters up the road to another place. I didn’t know why I said it, but they obeyed my order and moved immediately.

My new position was in a big three story house, only hundred meters to their right side, and so I was able to keep an eye on them. After an hour, the enemy attacked us with tanks. I shot twice with an RPG, but the enemy was still advancing. Our house had a very safe place in the basement and more and more soldiers came from other places to find refuge there.

image 15
image 15

Our last position, the “big house”, seen from enemy side. Picture taken after the war.

Outside the house, bullets and shells were flying from every direction. Suddenly my alarms went off again. I stood up and said: “Let’s go! Now or never!” and we all exited through a small window at the back of the house.

When I got outside the house, the air was red from the dust of the houses’ red bricks. Trees were hit by artillery shells and one fell just one meter in front of my feet. I waved and screamed at the two comrades that I had left nearby and told them to join us. Somehow we all made it to a safe place.

What I found out later was that an artillery shell had hit the exact place where I had my first position, just minutes after we decided to leave the place. The shell went straight through the roof and would have killed us immediately.

The two soldiers that I had asked to change their position came to thank me. They told me that only one minute after they were in their new position, an artillery shell had hit the old one.

And the last man who had left the big house from the small window told us that the moment he was leaving the building, a tank round had hit the room in the basement where we had stayed the whole time.

Of course we had a lot of luck that day, but there was more to it. After having spent a long time in combat, I was able to trust my instincts, my gut feeling, although it didn’t make any logical sense. From a military point of view, the positions that we had been using that day were carefully chosen and the best possible choices. Still, some inner voice told me to abandon them.

There were more occasions where my extrasensory perception skills (or those of my comrades) were either saving our lives or made us better soldiers. Especially during night combat, we often “knew” where each of our soldiers was positioned and what they were doing, without being able to see them. We were able to move without wasting time figuring out where everyone was left and we could shoot without hitting one of our own people. This made us better and more lethal soldiers.

A very interesting article on this subject: The U.S. Military Believes People Have a Sixth Sense

Nice Guys are NOT men

Jerry’s Cajun Cafe & Market
Louisiana Seafood Gumbo

Seafood Gumbo
Seafood Gumbo

Yield: about 8 to 10 gallons of gumbo. Can cut recipe in half to reduce.


  • 2 cups vegetable oil
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups diced onions
  • 2 cups diced celery
  • 2 cups diced bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoons minced garlic
  • 2 cups chopped green onions
  • 3 gallons water
  • 1 pound fresh or frozen okra
  • 1 (28 ounce) can Ro*Tel diced tomatoes or 2 (10 ounce) cans
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper
  • 2 ounces crab boil
  • 8 dashes Tabasco sauce
  • 8 dashes Louisiana hot sauce
  • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
  • 1 ounce Paul Prudhomme’s Seafood Magic seasonings
  • 1 ounce Cajun seasoning
  • 1 ounce dried basil
  • 1 ounce dried thyme
  • 3 pounds peeled and deveined shrimp (70 to 90 count)
  • 1 pound claw crab meat
  • 2 whole crabs, cleaned and halved
  • 1 pint fresh oysters
  • 1 ounce file or to taste


  1. First, you make a roux. In a large, heavy stock pot on medium heat, add 2 cups vegetable oil and bring to temperature.
  2. Add flour gradually. It will sizzle when it is at the right temperature. Using a whisk, stir roux constantly. Stir until it reaches a peanut butter color. When it reaches the desired color, add the onions, celery, bell pepper, garlic and 1 cup of green onions (in that order) until all ingredients are cooked down or caramelized.
  3. Add water, okra, Ro*Tel tomatoes, seasonings and bring to boil. After it reaches boiling, reduce heat to low and let simmer for at least an hour.
  4. Add seafood and continue to cook on medium heat for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  5. Taste for seasoning and texture.
  6. Add file to thicken.
  7. Stir in the remaining green onions and simmer for a few more minutes.
  8. Serve as a soup with a little steamed rice.


Source: Jerry’s Cajun Cafe & Market – Pensacola, Florida

Time Blindness

What’s a childhood secret you’ve never told your parents about?

Well… it took me 20 years before I revealed my secret. But here goes.

When I was 17, I had a 1971 Dodge Dart Swinger.

image 14
image 14

(Photo credit: Category Archives: Vintage Review).

It was older than I was. The biggest issue was, the floor pans were pretty rusted out (and the Flintstones jokes that came with it). I could see the road flow by if I looked down under my feet and pedals. Water would splashed up when it rained.

So I try to fix it. Some rolled stainless steel wouldn’t stay down right. Riveting just made more holes. And I gave it a break. Later that afternoon, I noticed my mom’s cookie sheet. It was almost the exact right size! And it wouldn’t roll up. A few clips with tin snips, and some epoxy, I had the floor of my car (on my side) waterproof!

Later that week, my mom wanted to make cookies. I, of course, had no idea where her cookie sheet was.

I think the worst part was me “helping” her look for 5 or 8 minutes.

A few summers ago, and 20 or so years later, I finally came clean about it. Time heals all wounds, and she wasn’t too upset.

Neocons Still Can’t Believe Russia Defeated Them

What did you do as a child that you hid from your parents?

I was quite a lonely boy, and longed for a relationship. On holiday, I met a girl who seemed interested in me, and we had fun: we walked, climbed, sailed together and did a lot of talking. At the end of the holiday, we exchanged addresses and corresponded for a year or so. I kept ALL her letters.

One day, she wrote to tell me about her new boyfriend. He was wonderful (apparently.) Being rather immature, I felt betrayed. I had no reason to feel this way, we were only friends and I should have felt glad for her, but hey. Teenage angst.

I took all her letters, threw them into my metal litter bin, and set fire to them.


I had the window open, and there was no-one else in the house, so that was cool. I remember the IMMENSE satisfaction watching those letters burn.

When the bin cooled, I decided to bury the ashes, and with them my heart. I lifted the bin – and there was a perfect bottom-of-the-bin shaped hole in the polyester carpet.

My father was fairly physical in terms of punishment, so my heart did not just sink: it scuttled itself. I knew that Armageddon would ensue were this to be discovered.

In panic, I looked around and realised that my room was a perfect oblong. The bin-shaped burn was in the left corner, my bed in the opposing right corner.

I have (up to this day!) never worked so hard or fast in my life. I removed the furniture from my room, managed to lift the carpet, desperately salvaging the carpet tacks, turned the carpet around, nailed it back down and replaced the furniture, with the bed covering the offending burn.

My parents wondered why I suddenly announced my decision to assist with the housework by taking responsibility for all upstairs vacuuming and cleaning. They were surprised but pleased: I was desperate to keep my crime concealed.

I am now 59. My father has passed away, but my mother still lives in the family home. And the burn is still under my old bed. 45 years later, my crime remains hidden.


What are the most interesting facts about human behavior?

1. Pretty people are automatically more acceptable by people. Average looking people have to do something above average to get accepted and ugly people have to do something extraordinary!

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image 24

It is because the human mind appreciates physical beauty and repels ugliness because of immaturity of mind. But in the end what matters is inner beauty or ugliness and that wiseness comes with experience and time.

2. Leaving your girlfriend/boyfriend seems much tougher than leaving your friends.

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image 23

It is because romantic relations induces strong pheromones secretions in your body that cause you to develop strong bonding feeling with your partner. It is not the case you have with friends and hence breaking a strong bond seems tougher.

3. People who get goosebumps frequently while listening to music have a special connection with it. These people listen to music very frequently and their work capacities and capabilities are partly dependent on it. If they are barred from listening to music for 1 month, their productivity will fall.

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image 22

It is because the hormone adrenaline increases in their body while listening to the music and that causes more activation, more awakening and better functioning of their body. Plus, it keeps the mind calm.

4. The more attention you give to a person, the more attitude he/she will show you and the less crap he/she will give about you.

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image 21

It is because as the humans get more attention, their minds tend to think that they are very important and good looking and the person who is giving them attention needs their company desperately and is not equal to them at all.

5. Money instils confidence and happiness in majority of people. It increases their desire to work.

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image 20

It is because anything (money) that is able to complete every single desire of people is very much acceptable to them as human desire are insatiable.

What do you do when you realize your teacher is wrong about something? Do you correct them or just let it go?

In 5th grade I had a 1st year teacher, Ms. Craig, who was amazing and one of the reasons I went into education, but I digress. One day we were studying the United States and where all of the states were. I noticed that she had switched Missouri and Minnesota. I remember thinking – that is not right. you see my dad is from Minnesota and my family lived there for a short spell when I was 4. I decided, to ask her if that is really where Minnesota located. I will never forget her reply – You know Denise, I am not totally confident that it is let’s check. So in front of the entire class, she lifted the map she had written on to look at the map that contained all of the States written on it. Well, look at that Denise is correct, I made a mistake and mixed up two states!

Miss Jana Craig if you are out there and can read this, you made a very strong impression on a 5th grader in the very first class you taught. You were the BEST teacher ever! Thank you for making me love school.

Why is it that some high-IQ individuals turn out to be failures in the end?

Because you need the required secondary powers to succeed.

The most important required secondary power is to be born in an upper class family. Most of those high IQ people who succeed, have born with silver spoon on hand.

The reason is trivial. Nobody makes it alone nor in a vacuum. To be successful, you need to get socialized with right people, to know the right people, to be encouraged, to have social support, you name it. The less you have those, the less likely you are to succeed.

Then there is the thrice-goddamned communication range. If you are a high-IQ person in a middle class environment, you are likely to be branded as a weird kid, a nerd, a geek, an egghead and bullied and ostracized. You learn very quickly to hide your intelligence to stay below the radar lest you are torn into pieces. And God help you if you are born in a working class family – you will be stampled as a weirdo, a misfit, an outcast, and eaten alive.

For a middle class and working class high IQ individuals, the best hopes are military and STEM branches. Military because militaries are meritocracies, and high IQ is an asset once you are past buck sergeant or lieutenant. STEM branches, because they are difficult and require brainpower, and you are likely to get networked with similar-minded youngsters.

Forget the rags-to-riches fairy tales. They are just that – fairy tales invented to deceive the gullible and to make the proles to blame themselves for their failures.

G3 and P99 dreams

I know that I live in China, and that it is safe, safe… safe! But you know guys, I do miss my guns. Yup. I left them all behind back in the ‘States when I moved to China. I loved to take them out, and shoot them every now and then, and truthfully, I was lethal with my pistol.

I also miss my G3.

HK G3 Assault Rifle
HK G3 Assault Rifle

I have had numerous weapons through the years, but I left behind my precious P99. It’s not that it is better than the trade-offs that I get here in China. It isn’t, but every now and again, I do miss firing that pistol.

Truth, you all.

Deep down, I still hold on to some of my American characteristics.

Walter P99
Walter P99

Of course, all of this is meaningless to you all, unless you are an American. But there is always something very nice about being able to defend yourself from the crime-ridden United States .

Here’s a (my) Martin .444 lever action.

Marlin 444 Lever Action
Marlin 444 Lever Action

Man, oh man, those bullets were huge!

Marlin 444
Marlin 444

It could really cut through the brush… I’ll tell you what.

Back in the day, Australians used to own thee kinds of weapons, and then a crazy guys in Tasmania (I seem to recall) went on a shooting spree “out of the blue”, and the Australian government started to ban everything… you know… to make Australia safer.

I hear that there are parts of Australia that remains very, very dangerous. I mean that there are some places that you do not dare go out at night…

…ugh. That is NOT a place where anyone should live.

But I don’t know if it is the wildlife… or the “wild” life. But if live in one such place, I would suggest that you leave. Life is too short to live in fear.

A life lived in fear is a life not lived.

Are there employees who later employed their boss?

For my case, I was the boss who was later hired by the guy who used to work for me. Early in my career, I managed a construction crew of a dozen or so workers. One of my workers, I’ll call Scott, showed exceptional intelligence, drive and common sense. I promoted to foreman and then supervisor in less than two years. I left that company over a contract dispute and found another job.

Six years later, I’d grown bored with the new job and felt my future there was limited. Out of the blue, I received a call from Scott. A short time after I had left the old company, Scott ran into his old college sweetheart and a year later, married her. College? A menial laborer, promoted for foreman, and then supervisor, had a college degree? Yep. He told me that he was once a practicing attorney but disbarred for helping a client hide some assets. After disbarment, he slipped into depression and alcoholism. At his lowest point, he took the job of laborer.

His sweetheart and new wife was $$$ LOADED $$$. she had bought him his own successful construction company. He was a smart, ambitious guy but lack bossines (I mean business) sense and knowhow. He found himself over his head on a project and called me for help. It happened I had a couple of weeks vacation left, so for a nice fee, I agreed to spend that time helping him.

At the end of those two weeks, he offered the the job as Executive VP at salary over my current one and a share of the profits. He turned out to be the best boss I ever had and I worked for him until he retired (at forty-two.)

How do Chinese people feel about foreigners who live and work in China?

Ask the foreigner.? To them it is a million times safer than back home in the U.S. Chinese people like diversity and welcome good foreigners. But if he is a CIA or NED spy or trouble maker chances is he or she will be caught within 24 hours. If he likes the food, the place the people or the culture he or she is always welcome. If he is a hubris, xenophobic racist he should stay at home and join the KKK.

Let me warn you, China sniff you out in an hour and we will send you packing. But if you live China and wants to make China even better welcome. Let me tell you what you can do in China that you cannot do at home. You can open a 6 pack and you can drink as you walk on Chinese streets. You cannot do in the U.S. You can walk in the street at 3 am in the morning safely even if you are a women. In the U.S. you have many no go areas that even cops don’t want to go.

You cannot see homeless because there is none in China. Your chance of being shot by a random mass shooter is a billion to one in the U.S. if you fall sick everyone including foreigners get to be treated by the best doctors and given medical help. The life expectancy of China exceed that of the U.S. There is zero case of racial profiling in China but in the U.S. blacks can be necked to death in open daylight.

Come over and let’s prosper together.

Is Xi Jinping’s presidential car in San Francisco a Hongqi car? What model is it?

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image 154

It is a customized armored Honqi H9 Model 701

There are Sixty Eight Customized cars made for the CPC top brass every 5 years and PLA Top brass

Xi Jingping has four such cars, all similar and heavily armored

The Communication system is connected to a Chinese Satellite constellation and is not dependent on any other system allowing the president to talk to anyone he wants without any interception

Presently only Biden & Putin have similar systems

The Contract Tender price of this car was 972000 RMB ($ 136K)

What did your boss do or say to you that made you quit your job?

“I don’t care if she’s dead. Money is money.”

I’ve been managing a brand for 9 years and have had stellar performance. I was promoted quickly and pretty soon assumed the role of second in charge for one of the key cities.

Part of my role includes bringing in big corporate sales. I was in the midst of closing a large annual contract with a major player.

And then my godmother had to undergo brain surgery.

I applied for some time off and spent a week with my godmother who lives in another country. I had accrued over 40 days in leave as I’ve been working myself to death to grow the company.

When I returned, my then boss wanted to know if I had finalised the sale. I was speechless. Everyone knew about my godmother’s surgery and it was an annual contract that the company could’ve afforded to wait a couple of weeks for. It wasn’t as if it was completely lost and I’ve been in communication with the client throughout.

But then came those words that I will always remember – “I don’t care if she’s dead. Money is money.”

I walked.

On a happier note, my godmother is fully recovered!

What is the most extreme example of human willpower and discipline?

Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima

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image 153

Story: He was the leading runner in the 2004 Summer Olympics marathon.
At his pace, he was sure to win first place and secure the gold medal which would’ve brought pride and glory to his family and country.

Near the end of the marathon, he was attacked by a spectator. The spectator actually sidelined into him. Intentionally. In public.

That brief, 10 second-long distraction was enough to completely disrupt De Lima’s mental AND physical rhythm, both of which are critical to running long distance marathons.

He was quickly surpassed by two other runners and was evidently off his game for the remainder of the marathon. He finished in third place in surprisingly good spirits and received the bronze medal.

What people remember is that he crossed the finish line with a smile despite what had happened to him just moments before.

This was a man who was robbed of first place and an Olympic gold medal in a matter of seconds.

Imagine training for something your entire life and being so close to accomplishing something extraordinary. Something that brings you, your family, and your country great pride and happiness and puts you in the history books.

Only to be robbed in a matter of seconds in the most outrageous and nonsensical way possible. By something that should never have happened in the first place.

De Lima could’ve stopped running when that incident happened. He could’ve attacked the trespasser. He could’ve complained endlessly to the officials.

But he pushed past, he ran, and he finished.

Even after the fiasco, words like “furious” or “hatred” were evidently not in De Lima’s vocabulary. Holding a relentless vendetta against his perpetrator was clearly not important to him.

Even when a fellow Olympian earnestly offered his own gold medal to De Lima, De Lima responded “I am happy with mine – it is bronze but means gold.”

De Lima went on to win a variety of awards commemorating his self-discipline and spirit of sportsmanship.

He also went on to light the cauldron at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

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image 152

It takes immense willpower and discipline to run and finish as a top contender for a marathon in the Olympics, but I think what makes De Lima so special is his willpower and discipline to look past something so ill-fated and still come out on top. He truly lives a life of no regrets.

And I don’t remember who won first or second place in that 2004 Summer Olympics Marathon.

But I remember Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima.

The man is a legend.

Men and Ice Cream

What is the most offensive thing someone has ever asked you?

When I was nine years old, my mum died.

Although I didn’t know how she died at the time, it later turned out that she had died by suicide. Nine year old me thought she’d just died of old age — she was 43 after all!

We were kept off school for a few days. My middle sister was in the year above me at the same school. Our classmates had been told that our mum had died (not how) and that they should be nice to us.

On my first day back at school, a boy from my sister’s class ran up to me and shouted in my face “Jordan, how’s your mum?” and ran off laughing.

I still remember his name 41 years later – Billy Smart; the same name as a popular travelling circus from that time. That’s all I remember about the boy now – his name and that he thought it would be funny to tease me about my dead mother. I hope he became a more sensitive and well rounded person as an adult, but I have doubts.

What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

Ahahaha, memories! I worked at a publisher for a few years and the management had no clue how much work folks did. They were so clueless, in fact, that they were convinced people were shirking their duties, sneaking out early, coming in late, etc.

So, they ostentatiously installed an electronic time card system. We had to log in and log out every time we entered or left the building, respectively.

They informed us we were going to be paid for the “actual” hours we worked, instead of what we submitted on our timecards (we were “salary,” and yet had a low-budget pay system, so “salary” simply meant “submit a 40-hour timecard every week regardless of the actual work you perform.”), with the implication that we better watch out ’cause “now they were watching.”

Hahahahaha! Watch this!

This company was so delusional that it spent cold hard cash in a passive-aggressive attempt to not pay people, and it totally backfired.

To no one’s surprise, the next payroll was a blowout because we always busted ass and worked long hours. Plus, we completely stopped taking work home to do. Our rationale was “If you’re going to be a jerk about insisting that we are only paid for being in the building, then we’ll only work while we’re in the building.”

The company found themselves shoveling out overtime pay like it was Skittles.

They deactivated that system after Week Two.

I think, to this day, they still think we somehow “hacked” the system, because they could not acknowledge that we worked long-ass hours.


Make men cry

What is the best thing you have ever learned from a criminal?

I learnt how to break into my own house when I forgot my keys.

I was waiting for my wife to come home standing in my doorway when a neighbour asked me if I was okay. I said I was fine and I was waiting for my wife to get home from work so I could get in.

I knew that he had a criminal history. He asked me if he could use a small branch of one of my trees to open the door. I agreed, and he put one into the letterbox of my door and he used it to nudge the Yale lock to open it.

I learnt that I needed a better lock. In fact, I bought a whole new door with several locks.

I also learnt that criminals can. and do. reform. For many years, my neighbour could have entered my house and stolen anything he wished.

You just need to put more effort in…

What’s something your husband did to you that you will never forget?

He died!

Months before he died he wasn’t feeling the best. Where he used to NEVER take time off work he had started taking lots of time off. Or coming home early. His feet hurt him. He did a lot of walking at work.

I BEGGED him to go to the doctor. I told his mom to TELL him to go to the doctor. All it created was fights. So I quit begging him to go.

I went on a girls weekend and he died in our home. I have SO MUCH ANGER that he died so young, when it possibly could have been prevented. The main cause of death was a heart attack due to untreated diabetes. Clearing out his drawers I found many bottles of unused diabetic pills. They weren’t even his. Someone gave them to him to “help”, he still didn’t use them.

Now I tell people. PLEASE make sure the ones you love go to the doctor, use Dave as an example why. Also that you know how all the household expenses work. He paid all the main bills and spoiled me. I didn’t have to do any of that. Was a huge eye opener when I had to take over. Nearly lost my house to foreclosure, but am finally getting things under control, four years later.

So yeah, he died on me. I will never forget. We were high school sweethearts. Met when I was 15, he was 17. Got Married when I was 19 and he was 20. Married for 23 years. Together 27.

Make sure the ones you love take care of themselves and get medical help. Sucks being a 42 year old Widow.

Don’t be too humble…

What is the most absurd thing you’ve been charged for on a bill?

So I was in a car accident with my then girlfriend. A teenage girl, driving her mom’s car ran a red light and hit us. It was a pretty bad accident and my girlfriend was taken out of the car on a backboard. The girl who was driving was really shook up, and her passenger had a minor wound that was bleeding. I had banged up my knee and my face got hit pretty hard. An ambulance came, but there was no room for me in the back, so I sat upfront, shotgun. When we got to the ER it was really busy. I sat there waiting for about two hours. Finally a nurse brought me to the examining room, where I waited about another 45 minutes to an hour. The nurse who brought me in looked at my swollen face and said if you had iced that it wouldn’t be so swollen. Finally I just signed myself out.

About a week later I got a bill from the hospital for treatment and an ambulance ride. I called and told them I wasn’t paying because they never treated me and I rode on the empty front seat of the ambulance. They told me that I was charged because if I had really needed treatment it was there. So I asked if they charged people who walked past the hospital also were charged for the same reason. My bill was graciously forgiven. That’s when I knew I would go to law school.

Who cares what he thinks…

What’s something your husband did to you that you will never forget?

Not my husband but my bf. On Sunday passed I collapsed at the bar we were at having pizza and wine, and I suddenly dropped like a stone. I died for like 7 seconds, eyes wide open and no pulse. I was out for a few minutes then slowly came to. I had no idea what I was doing on the bar floor or who the girls were hovering over me. (Lucky the one girl was a chemist and resuscitated me) My bf tried to see if I could make it to the car but I was too weak, I could not walk at all. I could barely sit up. He called an ambulance for me. He sorted my ID with the drivers to help with my medical aid numbers (as the ambulance was going nowhere otherwise) Followed me to the hospital and sat by me while tests were being done. My blood sugar stabilised and I could go home. He drove us back at midnight, an hour journey…both of us exhausted. He’s not my husband so I didn’t expect him to do all that for me. I can’t believe he behaved exactly as a husband would. I’m a very lucky girl.

Jerry Springer world

What’s the best revenge you’ve gotten after being fired or let go from a job?

After the dotcom crash I got hired by a small software company. They didn’t really have a good product and it was obvious they were on the way down. One day the owner called in with instructions to fire all the sales people as they weren’t making any sales anyway. OK so at the end of the month he calls to ask how sales were going. I said about as good as can be expected with no sales people.

A week later the hammer comes down and we’re all let go and given our severance checks. I immediately go to the bank branch that check was drawn on to cash it and it bounced!

So since I still had the keys to the office, I went back and grabbed a bunch of high-end laptops and took them home. Another week goes by and he calls to ask about these laptops that have gone missing. I said they’re not missing, I’m holding on to them until you make good on the bounced check. I was told that was theft and they would be pressing charges. I said great, I’ll be contacting the Labour Relations Board about your shitty practices and also the Police about knowing passing a bad check for thousands of dollars.

Needless to say I was asked to stop by his office to exchange the laptops for another check. It was like the scene out of Scarface where Tony Montana goes to buy the coke.

Owner: Do you have the laptops?

Me: They’re close by. Do you have my check?

He gave me the check and I went and cashed it and then went back and gave him his laptops.

It is assumed that men can handle hardships on their own…

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you for being nice?

This is the best, most positive experience I had at the hotel where I worked in college.

As I was getting ready to close my shift out at the front desk of a large hotel on Capitol Hill, a woman came to my desk and said that she wanted to check in, but she lost her purse somewhere along the way between the train station and the hotel.

She was frantic. She was having a meltdown. I asked her about her reservation, if she was with a group? She said “Yes! I’m with X group!”

Awesome. I knew this was an incoming group, with a block of rooms, so I asked for her name. Her name corresponded with a name on my incoming list. I told her that I see her reservation and you have a room! So don’t worry about that, I said. Let’s get the rest sorted.

I then asked when was the last time she saw her purse, and she said that it was on the Amtrak that came into Union Station about 20 minutes before she got to the hotel.

I asked her if she’d had anything to eat. She said she hadn’t, in hours. I said well you better get over to the restaurant and let them give you something to eat while I make some calls! I sent her to the restaurant, and I made sure that everyone knew she was my guest, and why.

I got on the phone, called a few people I knew at Amtrak and asked them to find the cleaners on that train. They found her purse, and brought it to the hotel. Everything intact.

Kicker is? The woman I helped? She was in DC to lead a series of workshops on customer service. I turned out to be the star in her first session on “Getting service right.”

Turns out, I’m nice. Who knew?

This man deserves Heaven

What’s the hardest thing you’ve endured being poor?

As my marriage began to unravel, my (then) husband became worse and worse with money.

First, he wouldn’t come home for days, leaving the kids and me with no car. That meant if I needed groceries, I had to walk 8 blocks to one store or 11 to another and carry them home.

I couldn’t ask my father for a lot of help, as my mother had cancer. More often than not, I was helping her, and my father was filling in when I couldn’t.

One day, I found I had no bread or milk for my children. I went to the cabinet where I kepy emergency money, only to find the jar empty. The “proud papa” took it. I scooped up whatever spare change I could find and went to the grocery. At the counter, I found I was short. I was ready to cry. I tried to think of which should I put back, when the grocer told me someone behind me paid for my groceries. I cried as I took the bag and said thank you.

Walking home I thought it couldn’t get any worse, but I was wrong. The jerk stopped his paychecks from going to our joint account. He wouldn’t pay the mortgage or utilities.

I had a bank book that he forgot about, and with that I paid bills for as long as I could. I put my children on food stamps to put food on the table. I put a lien on my house since you couldn’t qualify for services if you owned a house. Passover was coming and I didn’t have a penny.

Agencies that claimed to help made you feel like you were robbing them if you asked for food. I got one parcel and was sick. Everything was dated a month or two before: the juice, other items, and the raw chicken – which smelled so bad I threw it out.

I begged my brother for $200 so we could have a nice holiday. He gave it to me – and never let me forget it. If he needed a favor, he reminded me that I owed him. I was so ashamed I never told my parents.

The house went to foreclosure about the same time the utilities were shut off. I borrowed money from my father to move and pay first month’s rent on an apartment. When I finally started working I put aside $10 a month to pay him back. It was hard, and I barely made ends meet. My kids hadn’t gotten new clothes at this point in nearly two years.

I was still chasing my separated husband to get him to court. Finally, I hired three court servers for $200 a piece to wait at each exit at his job. He was served his subpoena to appear in court. After some delays – didn’t come with a lawyer, fired his lawyer in court – the judge asked him why he didn’t take care of his family. He said I’m having problems with their mother. The judge said “Why didn’t you buy food? Pay for the house? Clothes? What did you do for your children?” He kept trying to say he was having a problem with me and the judge got angry.

“What did you do with your money?” the judge asked. We presented photos of his new sexy sports car – bought with the money that was supposed to take care of his children. The judge told him “I’m done talking to you.” Then she asked me what I had done for my children.

I showed her the paperwork for food stamps, proof I sold jewelry and used the bank book I had to pay utilities. I just got a job, so we were under a roof.

She told my then husband “you earn almost 3 times as much as your wife and you did nothing for your children?” She ordered child support at the maximum allowable by law, as well as back pay of money he should have paid since January (it was now October).

He screamed “where will I get that kind of money?” The judge said “sell your sexy car, that doesn’t have room for your three children.” My attorney stepped up and said “we would like to show more mercy than he showed to his children. He can pay off his wife in semi monthly checks.”

He took the deal, never realizing he would be paying me for three years. The extra money coming in meant my kids could get new clothes for the first time in two years, I paid my father back the money he lent me – and I gave my brother $300 when he lent me $200. I told him the extra $100 was for him to shove it anywhere he wanted – I didn’t want him to talk to me like I was dirt again. In spite of my brother’s protests that he didn’t mean to humiliate me, he did in fact keep the extra hundred.

Today, I’m a bit better off. But I still need to watch my money. Sometimes I get depressed and buy junk I don’t need. But I try hard to avoid that.

Smart man

Why do some people think a nuclear war can be won against say Russia or China?

Read some of the western propaganda. You can see it on youtube videos about non western hardware.

There’s a very common narrative.

Everything Russian is junk! None of it works! Russians apparently don’t even have working rifles according to most westerners. If Russian rifles don’t work how would these [slurs] be able to maintain nuclear weapons! Only the SUPREME MASTER RACE can maintain nuclear weapons. You can see smug British people say haha ours work! Like our SA80 the BEST gun in the WORLD! The Challenger 2 the MOST INVINCIBLE TANK IN THE UNIVERSE. You remember posts on Quora about 6 months ago? British people saying it would take nuclear weapons to stop a challenger2.


Everything in China is made of tofu! Pretty much exactly the same as the above.

The MASTER RACE is so confident that they think they can perform nuclear strikes and bomb our cities and we can’t do anything back.

It is a big problem

Blue Bayou Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate Mousse
Chocolate Mousse

Yield: 8 cups


  • 12 ounces bittersweet chocolate
  • 4 ounces unsalted butter
  • 5 ounces egg whites
  • 2 ounces granulated sugar
  • 3 1/2 cups heavy cream


  1. In a double boiler combine chocolate and butter, stirring until melted.
  2. Whip cream and sugar until light and fluffy; set aside.
  3. Beat egg whites at high speed until soft peaks form.
  4. Using a wire whisk combine egg whites with the melted chocolate and then with the whipped cream.
  5. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Don’t rock the boat

Be the best option.

Say I steal 2 cents from every bank account in America. I am proven guilty, but everyone I stole from says they’re fine with it. What happens?

A case like this actually happened in the 1960s. A programmer working on Wall Street opened an account and wrote a program that funneled all the forgotten mills rounded off of each penny into his account. It seemed like he was stealing nothing. It turns out that a weakness in binary systems makes it difficult for them to convert 1 penny correctly so they round up or down. There are often thousandths of a cent that are then ignored and few people, if any, on Wall Street look at the penny column. It was absolutely invisible. But those thousandths of a cent, multiplied by millions of daily transactions add up. He was caught by the sheer size of the numbers that were being generated.

He was prosecuted not because anyone cared about those fractions of a cent (they didn’t) but because he was stealing and stealing is against the law.

When you steal something it doesn’t matter what the victim thinks. The state is obligated to prosecute. The statutes don’t often say, “He broke the law but it’s ok because his victims don’t care”. The statutes, while they may take the scale of the injury into account, must prosecute you for breaking the law because “Justice is blind”. It’s a one size fits all approach, for better or worse.

In reality we know what really happens and there are plenty of ways for justice to be derailed long before the judge bangs the gavel and pronounces a sentence, but the theory still applies. It doesn’t matter what the victims think. Actions have consequences and you broke the law.

Dogcoin millionaire

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you for being nice?

In 1994 my then-husband was arrested for soliciting a hit man to kill me. He was apprehended by federal agents through a sting operation. As more information was revealed about how he was caught, I learned that my husband had contacted a member of the Outlaw motorcycle gang looking for the killer. Turns out the gang member called the feds because he had been in my business a few weeks prior with his daughter and I had given the little girl change for the gum machine.

A quarter saved my life….and sent my now-ex husband to prison for 21 years.

Be nice, you never know 😉

Cat With a Broken Paw Went To The Clinic & Begged For Help, But The Vet Did Something Shocking!

Great story!

What would China be like today had Mao Zedong lost the civil war against Chiang Kai-shek’s nationalists? How would this have affected the balance of power worldwide today?

Mao won because he and the Red Army had won popular support among the Chinese people. In fact, during the three main battles fought during the civil war, Chinese civilian volunteers provided logistical support to the Red Army, and abandoned the Nationalist Revolutionary Army.

In China’s cities, runaway inflation and corruption among Nationalist officials destroyed support among private Chinese businesses, and they moved to support the Communists.

From your question, you seem to assume that the civil war simply involved two armies fighting each other for the control of China.

In fact, just as Sun Tzu has said, wars are fought and won in the hearts and minds of the people; it is not just about two militaries.

For this reason, your belief that the Nationalists could have won against the Communists is an impossibility.

The Chinese people decided that they needed a new China, and that is the environment the world is living in now.

Marriageable man or instragram

How have you changed?

“I’m worried about you,” my grandmother told me. “You’re too nice. People like you don’t do well in the world.”

That was the last time I saw her.

I forgot about that conversation.

I didn’t even understand what she meant.

Besides, it’s easy to dismiss the words of an elderly woman suffering from advanced Alzheimer’s.

I’ve always been concerned with what others think about me. I wanted to do well in the world. I had a deep need for outer acceptance because I wasn’t embracing myself on the inside.

I thought that if I just stayed out of trouble—if I just avoided controversy and did my best to please the people around me—I’d feel safe in the world.

Perhaps even wanted.

And so I became the nice guy.

I let other people come first. I put my own needs aside. I sacrificed my wellbeing.

And I was miserable.

But in the last years, something changed.

I put me higher up the priority list.

It’s not that I became an asshole or stopped caring. I realized that I’m still someone who feels and empathizes deeply with others.

But I decided to stop operating out of fear and guilt.

And I’ve realized that, as much as it sounds like a cliché, you have to cultivate happiness within instead of expecting the world to hand it to you as a trophy for your “good” behavior.

So I started taking my career seriously and insisted on being paid what I knew I was worth instead of letting employers walk over me.

I began practicing martial arts and became more confident.

I resolved to not put up with other people’s shit.

I gave up being nice.

And in doing so became more empowered. More genuine. More me.

I finally understood what my grandmother was trying to say.

She was right all along.

I just wish I could let her know.

Yes and no

25 Strange Things That Only Exist In Vietnam!

Vietnam, nestled in Southeast Asia, boasts a multifaceted tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. The nation’s turbulent past, marked by the Vietnam War, contrasts with its vibrant present, where bustling cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi are hubs of innovation and growth. In today’s video, we will be talking about the things you can only find in this country of the east. We cover everything from their markets to their religious beliefs, but if you stay until the end of this video, you will also find out what exactly is the balance of five flavors, and why is it the most important part of their cuisine. Enjoy!

What was the biggest decision taken by you that changed your life?

Writing on this site—because of what it’s led to.

After my divorce, I knew I’d have a lot more free time on my hands. I needed a hobby that would be productive.

I am very intense and passionate about anything I do. I was a hardcore gamer for years and was a high-level league of legends player at one point. Not good enough to go pro, but maybe just below the level at which people make money. But it was a problematic hobby that ate up too much time.

As a child, my dad had often said, “Wow imagine if you put as much time into your studies as you did into those games.”

I decided no more hobbies that will consume me.

I figured writing on Quora would be a quasi-productive, quasi-fun hobby, that wouldn’t consume me too much.

Everything except that last part was true. It spun into this whole big thing that I never expected. I got obsessed with writing. I think in the first 3 years I wrote 4000+ answers.

This love of writing led to opportunities to make money. I was able to work at the craft.

Writing also made me realize how much I hated my corporate job. I would liken it to when you are in a terrible relationship and some great, attractive person who has their shit together asks you out on a date.

You start to wonder, “What if there is more to my life than this crap relationship?”

Quitting my job was a huge decision that changed my life for the better. I have freedom. The money is great so far. I have control of my life.

It’s amazing what can happen if you just listen to your parents.

How China Reinvented The Space Station!

Why was France industrially much weaker than both Britain and Germany before WW1?

Because it was mainly an agricultural country and France was a major food exporter.

Britain and Germany had massive industries meaning fewer people working in agriculture. This resulted in food shortages, the need to import food, and higher food prices.

The French economy was doing very well being based on agriculture.

Computer brain. Don’t get computer brain.

What is the funniest loophole you have ever seen?

When I was in eighth grade, our science teacher held a school wide competition to see who could build the strongest bridge out of tooth picks.

My best friend, “J”, was very smart, very clever, and always mischievous. The rules only states that the bridge had to be made out of toothpicks and had to be a certain length (I think 12”, this was over 20 years ago). The rules did not limit what glue you used to join the toothpicks. Additional toothpicks could be earned by doing extra credit worksheets.

“J” came up with an awesome plan. He did dozens of extra credit sheets. He had thousands of toothpicks. His father was a machinist for a local manufacturer of printing presses and was able to procure some industrial grade epoxy to use as glue.

“J” set to work making alternating crisscrossing layers of toothpicks and epoxy. He essentially made a solid brick of toothpicks and epoxy.

The day of the competition came. The competition went in alphabetical order and “J”’s last name was pretty far down the list. The teacher had everyone gathered in the gym to see the competition. The bridges were suspended over a gap with weights hung from them until they broke.

Kid after kid brought up their bridge, some of them very fancy suspension type looking bridges. Most of them broke at 6 kg or less.

“J”’s turn came. He walks up to the platform with his brick. Kids in the audience are laughing at it. The bridge is placed over the gap. 1 kg, 2 kg, 3, and on until they hang the biggest weight of 25 kg and it’s not even flexing. All the kids are stunned.

The teacher, who was quite large and probably weighed 150 kg, puts two stacks of books on the floor, puts the brick over the gap between them, and stands with one foot on it. Not even flexing yet.

He then has the entire middle school follow him to the parking lot. He uses the books to prop up the brick again and proceeds to drive one wheel of his car onto it. It flexed a little.

At this point he has run out of heavy things to try to break the brick and declares “J” the winner.

As a teacher, what was the trashiest thing you’ve seen a parent do?

I’m frequently shocked at the language some parents use when dealing with the priests and nuns at a Catholic school. I’ve been in meetings where parents shouted and swore at elderly clergy people because they (the clergy people) had the audacity to remind the parents that they were way behind in their tuition payments, or their children were in danger of being expelled due to too many discipline issues.

I was always taught to treat older people and members of the clergy with respect. I’ll never get used to hearing a middle-aged parent scream and swear at an elderly priest or nun.

I was also always taught that you’re supposed to be extra nice to pregnant women. Apparently, a lot of parents were not taught that. I’ve seen parents scream and swear at teachers who were just weeks away from giving birth.

I was also always taught that you’re not supposed to swear in front of children. Yet every year, there’s at least one incident where a parent picks up their child from school and, in the course of a three-minute conversation within earshot dozens of kids as young as three years old, manages to drop a dozen really loud f-bombs.

I’ve also been preparing for my class in the morning, only to have the windows of my classroom shake as someone with stupidly-loud bass in their car drove up to the school to let their kids out… all kids who were under eight years old. There’s a time and a place for loud music. Seven thirty in the morning in front of a Catholic elementary school while you drop off your kids is not the time or place for that.

I caught my neighbor using my electrical outlets outside, and I told him I was going to call the cops and tell them what he was doing. He laughed and said I can’t prove it. What should I do?

Get photos of the cord plugged in, photos of where it goes (unless you have to trespass), and make sure they are dated and time stamped (most digital cameras can do that and possibly some phones). Pull out your electric bills from the times you know he was using your power and try to see how much extra was used. If it is a lot over a short period, you have proof on the bill. Not sure about your power company but some keep track of just how much is used when to try to help you cut down and that information could also help you.

I always say, document, document, document so it isn’t your word against his.

What the Hell?

What work secret did you accidentally find out that changed everything?

I’m not sure this counts as ‘accidentally’ but: A long time ago I joined a startup company. We were doing some innovative stuff with fiber optics.

My roommate and I got into the habit of taking the accountant out to lunch or Happy Hour every few weeks; generally on a Friday. We’d get a few drinks into her and she’d open up about the financial condition of the company because she was worried.

We found out that the first unit we “shipped” was actually sent to a warehouse for storage because the CFO wanted to tell the investors we’d sold and shipped a unit by year end. There was a potential client but they hadn’t signed the purchase order.

When I found out that the CFO was lying to investors and employees I started looking for a new job. Sure enough four weeks later they announced a layoff. I was let go because “your software already works and we’re betting that it will keep working.” Meanwhile they kept a programmer that couldn’t get his program to compile let alone work.

When my manager called me in, I told him that he was cutting off his nose to spite his face. I also neglected to mention all of the semi-automated routines that I’d built in my spare time that no one had thought about or worried about ( things like builds, backups, space reclamation in the homegrown database, etc. ).

They offered us ‘outplacement services’ with the first meeting that AM at an offsite location. At the outplacement meeting they scheduled us for a follow up meeting the next morning. I told them I couldn’t attend because I had an interview already scheduled. Three other people also had interviews already scheduled because I wasn’t the only on that took the accountant out to lunch!

Have you ever met a failure who completely changed their life around that truly inspired you?

Yes. I have a school friend who was very bright and did well. He was in the rugby team and was a Prefect. He was very popular.

After school he went to a good uni but surprisingly dropped out. He got a good job in advertising but lost it. He got another, got married, but both failed disasterously. He was a raging alcoholic and was out of control. Finally he became very ill and ended up in a clinic. He was in his 20’s still and was given a year to live unless he stopped drinking.

He met a girl at the halfway house he was in. She was in the same position as him. Together they joined AA and got their lives going. They moved abroad, to a fairly undeveloped country that was growing quickly, and with some inheritance, started a small film production company. They did very well. He was responsible for starting many AA chapters there. He saved careers, marriages and lives.

We met for lunch recently. It’s forty years since his last drink and he’s happy and prosperous. Being dry is not a struggle, but he is still vigilant. He accepted a long time ago that he has a terrible weakness, possibly inherited, and this is his burden. Unwilling to hand on this weakness, he’s never had children. He’d have made a wonderful Dad.

How warm was it inside of homes in the 19th century during the winter time?

Cold, but usually above freezing, at least here in the UK where nearly all buildings are made of stone or brick.

I don’t have central heating. I do have 18″ thick stone walls, but in a very cold winter my kitchen has been known to get so cold that my fridge stopped working, and my hands went numb within a minute or two of entering the kitchen.

However: yes, my windows are double-glazed but they’re a lot bigger than they probably would have been in the Victorian era, and in the Victorian era they would have had wooden shutters. I don’t even have curtains in the kitchen, because the room is laid out in a bloody stupid way which means I can’t even get *near* the window without climbing on top of a kitchen counter and walking across it.

In the Victorian era I would have had a fireplace in the living room and possibly the bedroom, and my kitchen would have had an actual stove that burned fuel and so put out excess heat.

Have you ever sabotaged food because someone was stealing it?

Back in the day I worked as an assembly line “artist,” creating art that sold wholesale to decorators of office buildings and hotels. The company was owned by a foreign family that had fled prosecution in their own country and a few family members were employed as artists or support staff.

I was a poor lad but this job seemed really fun. It paid a bit more than minimum wage and it was cool to hang out with young artists like myself. I rarely went out to lunch, preferring to save money and bring my own, including yogurt cups for dessert. After a while I noticed my yogurt kept vanishing. I made a stink about it, even contacted HR (well, the supervisor that handled billing and HR) mostly suspecting another starving artist.

Then I had a diabolical idea – I read that consuming saline solution could cause diarrhea! I wore contacts so I had some, I just needed to find a way to inject my yogurt cups with it. After some failed attempts, I was still trying to figure it out when another yogurt cup went missing.

Struck by inspiration, I went to the HR supervisor’s office and “confessed,” with the door open and loud enough for nearby folks to overhear, that I had “spiked” the yogurt with saline. I regretted my rash decision and told her that whoever consumed the yogurt would likely have stomach problems for an hour or so but would otherwise be okay.

Sure enough, an employee suddenly went home sick, complaining of stomach problems! And it was one of the owners’ family members, a fairly well off individual compared to the rest of us. So did I get in trouble with the bosses for poisoning a beloved relative? Nope, because there was NO ACTUAL SALINE in the yogurt! The only thing the thief was suffering from was a guilty conscience.

Don’t steal food!


If men and women are equal, how did the society become patriarchal in the first place, almost all around the world?

Men and women are NOT equal.

There is a thing called sexual dimorphism. This refers to physical, physiological and even mental differences between males and females of a species, beyond their sexual organs.

The vast majority of species in the animal kingdom have sexual dimorphism, and even some plants. I’m sure you’re familiar with lions.

Males and females are fundamentally different, and in humans and all apes the males are generally bigger and stronger than the females. This isn’t just a matter of exercise. Testosterone in men promotes the growth of larger and more powerful muscles, something women cannot achieve without outside help like anabolic steroids.

Testosterone doesn’t just influence men’s muscles; it also affects their brains. Men and women are mentally different because of the different levels of testosterone and estrogen in their brains.

And guess what? This doesn’t just apply to humans.

Male birds, for instance, are the only members of the species that initiate courtship rituals. (That’s why the peacock has that huge mane of feathers). Male birds sing and court females because of the levels of testosterone in their brains, making them aggressively seek and impress females.

Most animal species from rats to humans to birds exhibit these mental differences between males and females, even in species where no physical sexual dimorphism is present (such as with dolphins).

These differences even cause societal systems to form in animals. Patriarchies aren’t unique to humans. Lions have a totally patriarchial society where the males head the pride, and the women serve and hunt for him. Wolves, apes, and other animals have formed patriarchies.

Guess what? Some of the other species have matriarchies. Elephants for instance are a completely matriarchial society, with males being cast out of the herd to find other herds to impregnate, which is about the extent of his involvement in society. The herd itself is guided by the oldest matriarch.

The fact of the matter is, differences between males and females affect society. Not just in humans, but in many social animals. Pretending that men and women are equal is like an ostrich hiding its head in the ground trying to ignore what is obvious.

Human societies formed into patriarchies around the world regardless of creed, religion or ideology for one simple reason: the stronger physical dominance of men made them better warriors and workers, while the vulnerability of women during childbirth meant it was important to provide a safe and stable environment for them to rear children in. Further, only women can produce milk to feed newborns. This meant that the role was locked in from the start, something a man can never do.

Thus men took on the role of protector and provider, while women took on the role of homemaking and childbearing. While modern society can allow men to just buy infant formula and women to rise to exemplary careers and bring home the bacon, this is a modern development and not one that was possible through the early stages of human evolution and society.

In today’s world and moving into the future, it’s certainly possible for us to destroy the patriarchy and create a different kind of society. Time will tell where this social experiment will lead humanity.

Terrorists Blow-Up PAKISTAN Air Base! 40 Fighter Jets Burning

World Hal Turner

The Taliban-Linked Terrorist Group “Tehreek-e Jihad” (TTP) has just claimed Responsibility for a Significant Attack tonight on Mianwali Air Force Base in Northern Pakistan.

The Terrorist Group appears to have Snuck into the Base using Ladders and are claiming to have Destroyed several Aircraft as well as some kind of Armored Vehicle.

The Pakistani Army is currently conducting an Operation to Secure the Base and have already Killed multiple Terrorists.

Why is China not supportive in making India a permanent member in the UN security council?

I viewed some answers above, I felt many answers didn’t get the main point.

The truth is: nobody of the 5 wants to share their rights.

Everyone of the 5 says they agree to extend the council but actually they don’t. Because it will add the bargain cost.

USA government says they support Japan to get into the council because USA knows Russia and China will veto. USA says like this way to keep Japan in hand to deploy USA army.

China supports Germany to the council because China knows USA and France will veto. Guess for what interest.

USA and Russia says they support India because they know China will veto. For what interest? Weapon sales.

So now do you understand what game they are playing?

How far do alpha, beta, and gamma particles travel in the air?

Alpha particles don’t get far at all. They’re heavy, they’re slow, and they carry a charge, so they interact easily. They can travel an inch or so in air, but are blocked by a sheet of paper.

Beta particles are just elec…okay, um, so, correction. β- particles are just electrons. They’re light and zippy, so how far they get depends on how fast they go. Good rule of thumb, approximately 10ish feet or so for each MeV of energy.

β+ particles are positrons—antimatter electrons. In theory they could get as far as β- particles, in an antimatter world. In our world, they don’t get far at all in air before they hit something and annihilate in a flash of gamma photons.

Gamma rays? Oh, it is on. Hold my beer.

Gamma rays laugh at your puny “air.” Gamma rays laugh at your puny steel. Gamma rays might stop for lead, maybe, if you have enough of it to make things interesting. Six feet of concrete or one and a half feet of lead should do it.

  • This might as well be tissue paper to gamma rays
  • Gamma rays sneeze at this
  • This is not even close to what it takes to stop gamma rays
  • Starting to get there, if the gamma rays are going through lengthwise
  • Now we’re talking! (The whole stack, not one plate)

Gamma rays will go merrily through this planet’s entire atmosphere, plus the bodies of the researchers doing the experiment, plus the roof of their house, and then merrily on toward Alpha Centauri.

What happens if the United States stops China from developing advanced computer chips?

300,000 engineers and scientists in China will briefly look up from their work and say in a puzzled tone: “奇怪,那是什么声音? 是不是美国放屁的声音?”. Then they return to their R&D projects in advanced chipmaking.

Bitter Pill

Have you ever been mugged and had it end badly for the mugger?

Not a mugging but I did have a break in at my apartment. I was assaulted, had both eye orbits fractured, broke ribs and fingers, and was choked almost to the point of loosing consciousness.

I however did manage to stab my attacker in his face and skull, scalping him from his left ear to the top of his head and causing brain dammage. He lost serious ammounts of blood passed out and was put in a medically induced coma for two days and had multiple blood transfusions before he was even conscious to be charged with aggrivated assault, breaking and entering and attempted murder (I dont actually know what he was officially charged with, just that he was sentenced to two years and ended up serving four)

I had my ass beat, and badly. But I was told by the police that if it wasnt for modern medical treatment my attacker would have died.

Now years later I was very drunk the night before my brothers wedding. Someone did try to mug me but I was apparently so drunk that I didnt know what was happening and I thought they wanted a cigarette and I kept explaining that I dont smoke. Their heart must not have been in it because they gave up and moved on to someone else without stabbing me. Some witness called police and I was supposedly too drunk to give a statement. They got me back to my hotel and I dont remember any of it

And thats my life story so far.

“Men Have No CLUE!” This Is Why Men Aren’t TAKING Western Women SERIOUSLY Anymore

Raw reality. I am so glad that I am no longer young.

U.S. and Europe Talking with Ukraine about PEACE NEGOTIATIONS with Russia!

World Hal Turner

U.S. and European officials have begun quietly talking to the Ukrainian government about what possible peace negotiations with Russia might entail to end the war, according to one current senior U.S. official and one former senior U.S. official.

The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal, the officials said.

Some of the talks, which officials described as delicate, took place last month during a meeting of representatives from more than 50 nations supporting Ukraine, including NATO members, known as the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, the officials said.

The discussions are an acknowledgment of “the dynamics militarily on the ground in Ukraine” and politically in the U.S. and Europe, officials said.

In other words, despite all the media hype that Ukraine is winning, Ukraine is actually losing.  Imagine that.

More at NBC News HERE

First it’s the unchecked flooding of Chinese Fentanyl into America. Next, mercenary bounties get placed on British residents. At what point should America issue an arrest warrant for China’s Xi Jinping à la Manuel Noriega?

Rodrigo, educate yourself.

Unchecked flooding of Chinese fentanyl into America”?

Fentanyl is a LEGAL drug. Fentanyl addiction is a problem only in America. NOT in China or anywhere in the world. It is Americans ordering, procuring and peddling this drug and not the Chinese “flooding” the U.S. It’s OUR problem because WE caused OUR opioid addiction. Why the shit are you blaming China for us not being able to control the trafficing of fentanyl within the U.S.?

Mercenary bounties placed on British residents”?

“Mercenary bounties” is the farthest from the truth.

Australia, UK, US condemn Hong Kong bounty for exiled activists

Bounties is defined as money paid for killing or capturing a person or animal.

However, Australia, the U.K. and U.S. have branded the rewards for information as “bounties” for 8 exiled pro-democracy HK activists for the 2019 riots in Hong Kong that these countries instigated through the CIA and NGOs. Hong Kong has every right to seek information on persons guilty of seditious acts against China.

This is Hong Kong issuing warrants for their citizens for serious criminal acts. And if they are stupid enough to return to Hong Kong, they will be arrested.

Arrest warrant for Xi”?

Another stupid question. Who is to issue this? The U.S.? For what charge?

Are you dense enough to believe the U.S. has the authority to arbirtrarily order the arrest of the leader of another country? The U.S. has NO police authority beyond our border just like any other country.

And then what? Do you expect the U.S. or another country to invade the soveriegnty of China by going to China to arrest Xi?

China hate does not justify you to think, write or act stupidly.

This Just Ηappened In South Carolina, But Something Εven Stranger Ιs Ηappening Around The World!

Seems suspicious we never had this many huge disasters in our food manufacturing plants, trains, and other big plants.

U.S. Flying MQ-9 “Reapers” Over Gaza

World Hal Turner

The United States has been flying MQ-9 “Reaper” drones over the southern Gaza Strip of late. (HT REMARK: One wonders if they are giving intel to Israel so they can slaughter more women and children?)

They were first spotted on Saturday on Flightradar24.

Officials say the drones were being used to “aid in hostage recovery efforts” indicating that the U.S. is more involved than previously known.

Are Republicans losing?

Republicans are winning, they just don’t seem to know it nor can they give the rest of us some peace. What do I mean by this?

Traditional Republican values are what America still runs on and much of the rest of the world too. In fact, all of the countries where things work, they run on traditional conservative or Republican values. Like thrift, hard work, saving, putting your kids in school, reasonable but not high levels of tax, a hand up not a hand out. No corporate crony capitalism (this is in theory of course as there always is colllusion) , some type of religious base to your society and usually that is Christian though it could also be Jewish, or Hindu or Buddhist or Muslim.

So why are the Republicans winning and losing?

First the losing. Because they can’t stop themselves, they keep snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It is called extremism and the entire right wing of the Republican party starting with the so called Freedom Caucus which has nothing to do with either, not espousing freedom rather telling everyone especially women what they can and can’t do and it is not even a caucus, just a raucous group of malcontents.

Republicans are winning of course in the electoral college where they own around 30 states which gives them a disproportionate control of just about everything with state, local and federal government. They control red states which means military bases and expenditures (11 out of 15 largest are in red states, yet they cannot pass a budget that is focused on the military or allow the military to make promotions which their extremists block). They control state houses in the same proportion, they gerrymander like crazy and win more and more as the Supreme Court now rules in their favor, slowly whittling away black and brown rights in particular.

They are winning on dismantling and even the legitimacy of the federal govt and their chief avatar, Trump has his man in as Speaker who we found out this week doesn’t even have a bank account. No, he is not a traditional Republican.

What to make of this? Democrats feel they are in the majority, but control less and less and are fragmented. Republicans could control everything but the right wing crazies including Trump keep giving them opportunities which if it were not for Joe Biden, they would have squandered once again.

Republicans? Their values, real conservative values rule the civilized non autocratic world. Unfortunately in America, these values are not the values of the current Republican party.

Therefore you see, in the end they are winning in spite of themselves and with their losing their way and becoming extremist, they are literally taking the country down along with democracy with them.


Bank Notice: “Some Deposits May Be Temporarily Delayed”

World Hal Turner

Several US banks are facing service disruptions today. Meanwhile, users on the ‘free speech’ social media platform X complain that the Automated Clearing House system is down. shows Truist, Bank of America, Chase, US Bank, and Wells Fargo are experiencing widespread outages and disruptions that began around 0800 ET.

A message on Bank of America’s webpage reads, “Some deposits may be temporarily delayed … Some deposits from 11/03 may be temporarily delaved due to an issue impacting multiple financial institutions. Your accounts remain secure, and your balance will be updated as soon as the deposit is received. You do not need to take any action.”

Hal Turner Remarks

I see about 5 US banks listed as being offline over on down detector website. (HERE)

Bank of America
US Bank
Wells Fargo

My bank (Capital One) is **NOT** affected at all.

One wonders if the situation in the Middle East has Hackers going after the US banking system?

Apparently, it’s a particular clearinghouse that B of A, Chase and Huntington use. That went down last night. They just got it up and running and I was told that most will get their deposits within 2 hours. Tonight at latest”

BofA rep just told me that the Fed sent the banks a bulletin that there was an outage overnight but that the servers are back online now and the deposit backlogs should be worked through by end of day today.

My wife contacted her company’s bank this morning. They reported that the issue is with the banks that use what’s called the ‘Federal EPM Processing Clearinghouse,’ and that they had a widespread server outage overnight, but that they are back online and processing the backlog.

What is the weirdest complaint people made about their food in a restaurant?

We were eating at Benihana’s one evening and sat next to a young couple who appeared to be on a date. They looked over the menu and ordered a variety of sushi. I was impressed by how adventuresome they were.

When their meal arrived both of them stared at their plates closely examining every item. They were clearly getting very upset. Finally they called over the waiter and the gal said in a loud voice, “You call yourself a restaurant?! Did you even CHECK this stuff before it left the kitchen! Look at it! Everything is raw!”

No words.

I learned what true love is…

Will China survive if her country suffers an extreme economic embargo from international communities just like one from North Korea?

China has had the north Korea experience. It was embargoed (I.e. Total sanction) together with their war comrades for three decades, until the 70s.

China survived that, back in a time when they couldn’t even make fertilizers.

The soviets helped but only the first decade. China remained desperately poor into the 90s.

Today, a china embargo will not be cost free like in the past. Does the world even notice Cuba has been embargoed for almost 6 decades?

Not so China.

For one, Apple as a viable company becomes historical, because it will not have hardware to sell. Every single company in the semiconductor supply chain will be disrupted, because China is a key node, either as supplier, assembler or customer.

Moving on, the different festivals driving seasonal demand will have to be repriced, because it is hard to find a supply chain big and efficient enough to absorb demand spikes.

Study the pandemic. Why didn’t a black market develop for ppe, ventilators and other medical equipment despite exponential growth in demand? Prices increased but they stabilized and the quantity and quality of goods has been remarkable given months of spiraling demand.

It is the same story with work from home essentials, from bird feeders to children toys to video conferencing equipment.

Things are so out of whack containers are being shipped empty back to China while the cost of sending an FEU from Asia to Europe has crossed the 10k mark.

Embargo China if you must, but it will hurt big time, especially for the comfortable first world.

China has made itself relevant to the world. There will be no repeat of “let’s bomb Iraq back to the stone age using flour in the test tube as justification”.

If China is embargoed, you won’t only see it in the news.

You will feel it, deep into your pockets, and you will live the consequences.

REPORT: VIP Jets Now Airborne from DC to Cheyenne Mountain Bunkers – “Gov’t Going Underground”

World Hal Turner

I’m not sure what to make of this, but it was posted in a US Veteran’s Forum.  The guy in the brief video seems VERY nervous as he reports EIGHT “VIP” Aircraft heading to Cheyenne Mountain (NORAD??) and says “They’re putting government into Bunkers.”

His voice is clearly trembling as he describes what he sees going on.  Looks legit to me, at first glance.

I pass this along with the full Disclaimer that I have not (yet) verified these claims.   But if he’s right, then time is of the essence and all of YOU should know.

*****FLASH ***** U.S. House Approves Resolution on Iran: “All means necessary” to prevent Nuclear Armed Iran

Nation Hal Turner

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a Resolution late last night  “. . . to use all means necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon; . . .”    Now we know why our military is massed in Middle East.

It now seems clear to me that all the US military hardware sent to the easstern Mediterranean, has nothing at all to do with Israel, per se, and has everything to do with Iran.

That military hardware isn’t there “to protect Israel” as much as it is there to disarm Iran.

The Iranians have likely suspected this, now, they know.

Iran had better take a long, hard look at what is arrayed against them because once all that firepower starts shooting, the entire landmass of Iran will be like a hail storm of explosions.

What happened to Iraq in 1991, I think will look like nothing compared to what they plan on unleashing against Iran.  But . . . . there’s a little problem.   Russia.

Two weeks ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin casually reminded the world that his MiG-31 fighter jets, flying freely in international air space all the way up in the Black Sea, are equipped with Kinzhal hypersonic missiles.   He also causally reminded the world that those missiles have a “known” range of at least 1,000km.  Without actually SAYING this, it quickly became clear to everyone paying attention that America’s two aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean Sea, are within range of those Kinzhal hypersonic missiles.

Moreover, it also became quickly evident that those missiles can carry either a conventional warhead, or tactical nuclear warheads of at least 5 kilotons.  

The US cannot defend itself from hypersonic missiles.  No one can.

So if the US goes after Iran, using carrier-based planes, Russia can order two of its MiG fighters to fire Kinzhal missiles armed with small, tactical, nuclear warheads, and utterly destroy both aircraft carrier battle groups.

Can you say “World War 3?”

A direct Link to the official US Government Website showing the text of the US House Resolution on Iran is HERE

Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

Interestingly, this now seems to be a method for declaring war without actually “declaring” it.  

While the words “Congress shall make no law . . . .” does **not** mean what it actually says in the Constitution’s First Amendment, and while “. . . shall not be infringed.” does **not** mean what IT actually says in the Constitution’s Second Amendment, you can bet your ass that “. . .any means necessary . . .” means exactly what it says in this resolution!

So . . . . it now appears that the massive naval and military build-up we’ve been watching in the Middle East over the past two weeks was all part of a well-planned series of moves KNOWING FULL WELL they intended to take us to war with Iran.  They just waited until ONE day before likely hostilities break out, to put through this new “policy.”

This is the level of sleazy, political, human, garbage we have in the Congress of the United States.

Oh, and by the way, have you noticed that this web site is the **ONLY** media outlet in the entire country pointing this out?  That shows you you the level of sleazy, human garbage, infesting the mass-media these days.   Keep it all quiet — on purpose.   Keep the American people in the dark — on purpose.

Then, when actual war breaks out, the American people are blind-sided, afraid, and called to rally behind the troops.   All one big plan.

As our military starts coming home in body bags, the very same politicians who literally caused the war, will cry crocodile tears for the men whose lives their vote snuffed out.

It’s disgusting to me on a level that’s hard to verbally describe.

Straight to the point

The Ukraine Peace Talk Trial Balloon

A trial ballon has gone up on the NBCnews website. It is testing the public reaction to the upcoming U.S. and NATO acknowledgment of their defeat in Ukraine:

U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources sayNBCnews – Nov 03 2023

WASHINGTON — U.S. and European officials have begun quietly talking to the Ukrainian government about what possible peace negotiations with Russia might entail to end the war, according to one current senior U.S. official and one former senior U.S. official familiar with the discussions.

This comes the same week that saw a Time piece about Zelenski’s unwillingness to consider the real situation on Ukraine and to admit defeat. The same week the Economist interviewed General Zaluzny who optimistically spoke of a stalemate at the front even while his army is on the cusp of disintegration.

Taken together the three pieces might well be part of a U.S. administration campaign to concede its defeat in Ukraine while blaming its Ukrainian proxy forces for the results of its blunder.

Back to the NBC piece:

The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal, the officials said. Some of the talks, which officials described as delicate, took place last month during a meeting of representatives from more than 50 nations supporting Ukraine, including NATO members, known as the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, the officials said.

The discussions are an acknowledgment of the dynamics militarily on the ground in Ukraine and politically in the U.S. and Europe, officials said.

They began amid concerns among U.S. and European officials that the war has reached a stalemate and about the ability to continue providing aid to Ukraine, officials said. Biden administration officials also are worried that Ukraine is running out of forces, while Russia has a seemingly endless supply, officials said. Ukraine is also struggling with recruiting and has recently seen public protests about some of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s open-ended conscription requirements.

The problem of the Ukrainian army is an obvious one. It is running out of men and has few it can still recruit. It is difficult to assess the real losses the Ukrainian military has had, but I would not be astonished to learn that they sum up to about 300,000 dead and some 500,000+ wounded, many of whom will now be disabled.

Finally these concerns about Ukraine’s manpower get acknowledged:

President Joe Biden has been intensely focused on Ukraine’s depleting military forces, according to two people familiar with the matter.

“Manpower is at the top of the administration’s concerns right now,” one said. The U.S. and its allies can provide Ukraine with weaponry, this person said, “but if they don’t have competent forces to use them it doesn’t do a lot of good”

The last sentence seems to be taken from the Time piece which had said:

In some branches of the military, the shortage of personnel has become even more dire than the deficit in arms and ammunition. One of Zelensky’s close aides tells me that even if the U.S. and its allies come through with all the weapons they have pledged, “we don’t have the men to use them.”

Ukraine itself is destroying its own brigades faster than it can generate new ones:

During the last days tanks from the 47th brigade (Leo 2) and 10th mountain brigade (T-64BM/BV) have been seen, and were destroyed, near Avdiivka. Both brigades had only recently been mauled during their hopeless attacks at the southern front. It does not make sense to throw what is left of them into another battle without reconstituting them. The whole experience and knowledge these brigades had gained will be lost with them.

The whole professional middle-block of the army, the sergeants and young officers, have mostly been killed or wounded. Without them it is impossible to constitute new forces.

The NBC piece has made news in Ukraine (in Russian) but I have yet to find Ukrainian reactions to it. While I was publishing this a first political reaction, total denial, appeared:

Zelenskyy: There is no stalemate, and there will be no talks or concessionsUA Pravda – Nov 4 2023

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy does not think the situation on the front in Ukraine is a stalemate and has said that Ukraine will not negotiate with Russia.

Quote from Zelenskyy: “This is not a stalemate. Russia controls the sky. We are protecting our troops. No one [in Ukraine] wants to just throw our people [into the battle] like Russia does […]

How can we overcome it? With the F-16s, we have to wait for our guys to get trained and for them to come back. When there’s air defence on the front, our soldiers advance, and they deploy the equipment they have.”

What will he say when the F-16s, the fifty year old wunderwaffen, fall out of the sky faster than they go up?

There are sure signs that the divide between the political and military leadership in Ukraine is growing. President Zelenski, on request of his new defense minister, just removed the commander of Ukraine’s special forces and installed a new one:

Major General Viktor Khorenko does not know the reasons for his dismissal from the post of Commander of the Special Operations Forces. Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, did not submit a request for his dismissal.

It is very unusual to fire an officer without a request from his superior commander.

There are also shots fired against Zaluzny himself:

President’s Office advises Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces not to publicise situation at frontUA Pravda – Nov 4 2023

Ihor Zhovkva, Deputy Head of the Office of the President, commenting on the article by Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, for The Economist, has said that the military should not bring to the public what is happening at the front.

Zhovkva also stated that “one of the heads of the leaders’ offices” called him after the mentioned article was published.

“And they simply ask me in a panic, ‘What should I report to my leader? Are we really at a stalemate?’. Are we trying to achieve this effect with this article?”, the President’s Office representative said.

The NBC piece even sets a time frame to Ukraine to admit that it is over:

Officials also have privately said Ukraine likely only has until the end of the year or shortly thereafter before more urgent discussions about peace negotiations should begin. U.S. officials have shared their views on such a timeline with European allies, officials said.

Russia will likely agree to peace talks. But it probably will demand more than Ukraine is willing to give. At a minimum that is the full control over the five oblast it has annexed, including Crimea, and no NATO relations with Ukraine. The current Ukrainian parliament will probably reject those requests which will then lead to further Russian demands.

Kiev has yet to acknowledge reality. The Ukrainian state has been bleeding out – financially as well as physically. Its masters have found that their aim at the start of the war – to weaken Russia – has led to the opposite. Russia now has a bigger and better armed military with more real war experience than any of its possible opponents.

Russia has won.

Posted by b on November 4, 2023 at 13:23 UTC | Permalink

Who is the smartest person on earth currently? How?

Danny-Bob Vanderwal is the smartest man alive. Danny-Bob was so smart back in school that the teacher couldn’t find anything in her text books that Danny-Bob didn’t already know. When he graduated from high school, he got offers to go study just about anywhere he wanted. But instead, he went to work at the family vineyard. Danny-Bob said he owed it to his great grandpa that brought these grapevines from Germany to the Ozarks over a century ago.

image 150
image 150

Back in 2013, the county had the worst drought anyone could remember. Grape vines died and family vineyards went out of business everywhere. But Danny-Bob had a plan. He’d studied old geology maps of Vanderwal mountain made back in the 1930’s. He found a fissure in the bedrock down about a hundred feet below the vineyard. Danny-Bob had walked the mountain since he was a little kid, and he had always wondered where the watershed drained to. He came to the conclusion that the stormwater on the surface was draining down to that fissure. And it was probably staying there.

The summer of 2013 was really hot. It was well over 100 degrees in the shade. Danny-Bob had bought an old 1950’s cable-tool well drilling machine and the whole family was out trying to punch a hole through the black granite bedrock beneath the vineyard. Danny-Bob had the old Hercules diesel power unit firing on 5 of the 6 cylinders, but she was turning the drill head. The whole family worked non-stop for 8 days and nights. And finally, on September 7, 2013, Danny-Bob hit water. They all hugged each other and danced in the cool wet mud that flowed up the borehole.

The Vanderwal vineyard was the only one to survive the drought of 2013. Danny-Bob’s great grandpa’s grape vines are still producing today. And everyone in the county knows without doubt, Danny-Bob Vanderwal is the smartest man alive.

What are some things nobody tells you about life?

This answer is purely based on my opinion:

  • No matter how strong the bond seems but it can be broken.
  • The people you think will not leave you forever can leave you in 0.1 sec
  • You can survive without things you think you can’t survive without.
  • At one point of time in life you will get hated by everyone or anyone
  • If you’re student you will be respected everywhere according to your marks
  • If you’ve finished studying you’ll be respected according to your job standards
  • Your looks matter alot
  • You’ll have to go through many phase alone
  • There aren’t 100% guarantee of your loved ones being with you
  • You will hear the most painful words from your close ones
  • Everybody likes to be with you untill you treat them well or else they’ll stop liking you
  • You’ll come through a phase when you’ll find it hard to smile.

What is the most offensive thing someone has ever asked you?

I lived in a small country town and my front garden was on the road children took to the little school, and as I was usually out there with my dog, many of them would stop and talk to me, and pet the dog, but being careful considering the paranoia about pedophiles, I never made any ‘advances’ that could be considered inappropriate

I had to collect my mail from the little post office, no deliveries were made, and standing in line one day, a miserable older woman in front of me turned and demanded to know ’Are you a Pervert?’

As you can imagine EVERY head snapped round, and all I could think to say was,

‘ I don’t really you want to visit later and find out?’

Her face was a study..the post office erupted in laughter, and she stormed out in embarrassment, and being a small place, the story went around like wild fire…and several locals congratulated me later for ‘Talking the old biddy down a peg or two!

What was the shortest interview you’ve had that led to a job offer?

How about an interview that I did not even know was an interview? Time spent on interview: −2

weeks. Let me explain:

I went to a state university, and was not the ideal student. My undergraduate GPA was pathetic. I could make excuses, but the reality was that my parents made enough money that I could not qualify for any government student support, and they expected me to provide money to them. All of my high-school friends were far more cool than me, and they had jobs, and money. I could have worked a bit harder, maybe. But I worked my way through college, and usually took on too many obligations. My GPA was very bad, but one professor, Dr. Vimes, hired me on a grant to do some work creating custom maps for convention attendees, to get them to the booths that they were interested in. I got to travel to conventions and install the map systems.

When I finished my BS degree, I wanted to go on for a Master’s degree. The department chair, Dr. William M. Marcy, initially rejected my application. However, some of the faculty, and the department administrative assistant, convinced him to give me a chance. Dr. Vimes weighed in on that, and probably made a greater difference in my life than he ever realized.

As a Master’s student, I was paid a meager stipend to teach courses and conduct some research. I had the opportunity to travel and present my research at conferences. Meanwhile, Dr. Marcy had a start-up company that employed some graduate students. They had a fundamental problem that they could not solve. They had worked on the problem for over a month, and one of the graduate students told Dr. Marcy to hire me. He caught me in the hallway and outlined the problem, and asked me if I could solve it. I said “probably.” I showed up at the job site at 9:00 AM. By noon their problem was solved. It took me another 30 minutes to write some code to automate it. Dr. Marcy asked me for a bill, and I said, “Don’t worry about it. I had fun solving the problem. Buy me a good dinner someday.”

Under the tutelage of Dr. William Jennings Briant (Brian) Oldham, I finished the MS degree, with a much better GPA, and went to work in industry. In my two years, there, I earned an award for “Best internal supplier” and filed a patent application. When I told them that I wanted to go back to school and earn a PhD, they were willing to support me. They paid for four years of what turned out to be a six year degree. The patent was awarded, and they licensed the technology to other entities. The patent made them well over $10 million, so I think think that them paying me for four years of graduate school was a win-win. During my time as a PhD student, I traveled the world and presented papers to scientific conferences in several countries.

Now I’m going to answer the question.

As I approached my graduation with the PhD, I wanted an academic position. I wanted to be a professor, even though the pay is less. But there were about 50 academic positions nationwide, and over 600 applicants. There is a fairly standard part of interviewing for an academic position. The applicant must give a “research” lecture, and a “teaching” lecture. I needed to practice my lectures. So in October, I sent an email message to my MS Thesis advisor, Dr. William Jennings Brian Oldham, asking if I could do my lectures for their seminar. at my former university.

About a week later, he responded by asking what dates would work for me. The signature on the email message indicated that he was now the department chair. I congratulated him on his promotion, and gave the dates that I could be there.

Fast-forward. I drove down in early December to spend a few weeks with my family and incidentally give my lectures and get some feedback on them from my former professors. Dr. Oldham asked me to show up early, so that they could give me a tour of the campus and see how it had changed in the decade after I was a student.

I showed up at the appointed time, and a student took me all over campus, which was surprisingly interesting. Being near Christmas, someone was playing the carillon. One of the best carillons in North America. She even took me to the office of the president of the university, where I met with Dr. William M. Marcy. Yes, he had worked his way up from professor, to department chair, to university president. We only met for a few minutes, but he did mention that I had been a really shitty undergraduate, and that he was very happy that other people had pushed him to change his decision on admitting me to the MS program.

Shortly after that, I gave my teaching and research talks, and got some feedback from my former professors. The president of the university was present for both of my talks. He reminded me that he still owed me a dinner, and asked me if I was available that night. That night, we went to the best restaurant in that city.

A week later, I received an email message from my former advisor, Dr. Oldham, asking me to log into a web site and fill out the application. It turns out that they had put me through the standard job interview, and all I had to do was actually apply. I did that, and a week later, Dr. Marcy called me and asked, “What will it take to get you to come here?” I answered, “I want to be the highest-paid associate professor on your campus.” And that is how I ended up spending 14 years at a great university in a place where I really did not want to be.

And the shortest interview of my life. I did not even apply for the job until after the interview, so really, the time between application and landing the job is negative.

Blue Bayou Chicken Florentine

chicken florentine side close
chicken florentine side close

Yield:4 servings; 2 cups sauce



  • 4 (7 ounce) chicken breasts (with skin)
  • 1 cup Florentine sauce (see below)
  • 3 ounces chopped fresh or frozen spinach*
  • 3 ounces grated Cheddar cheese
  • 2 ounces cooked and chopped bacon
  • Seasoned salt to taste
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter

Florentine Sauce

  • 2 teaspoons unsalted butter
  • 2 teaspoons all-purpose flour
  • 3 teaspoons unsalted butter (room temp)
  • 1 1/2 cups finely chopped onions
  • 3 sliced medium mushrooms
  • 2/3 cup white wine
  • 1/4 cup chicken broth
  • 2 chicken bouillon cubes
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 tablespoon diced pimentos
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh chives
  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper, to taste



  1. Heat oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. In mixing, combine spinach, bacon and cheese; set aside.
  3. Open chicken breast and sprinkle with seasoned salt. Stuff with spinach mixture. Fold and place seam side down in baking dish. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle outside with seasoned salt.
  4. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.
  5. Top with Florentine sauce and serve over rice.

Florentine Sauce

  1. Blend together flour and 2 teaspoons of the butter; set aside.
  2. Sauté onions and mushrooms in 1 teaspoon butter (do not allow onions to brown).
  3. Add white wine and reduce completely.
  4. Add remaining ingredients. Bring to a simmer and slowly add the flour/butter mixture a little at a time until desired thickness is achieved. Continue cooking at a simmer for 8 to 10 minutes.


* If fresh spinach is used, it must be blanched.

What was the shortest interview you’ve had that led to a job offer?

That was the last job I had in Vietnam before moving to the U.S.

I showed up. My (later would be) boss looked at me. Pointed me to the chair to sit down in front of his desk, then he said:

– I read your resume and recommendation. Do you have any questions?

I didn’t expect the interview went straight to that point, so I asked:

– What do you expect your new hire to be in one year?

I think I surprised him with that question as well. He thought for a few seconds, then listed out his bullet points of his expectations. After listening, I told him, firmly:

– I will be that person in 6 months.

He stood up, held his hand out. I shook his hand, he smiled:


I got the job. Worked for him 5 years. He’s the best boss that I’ve had the chance to work with and learn a lot from.

What did your boss ever say in the office that caused you to resign?

Years ago I worked as an overnight stocker for Walmart when a night manager position came open.

I was the team lead in the grocery department and had, previously, been an assistant manager for a local grocery store so after almost 5 years with Walmart and 12 years in the grocery business, I felt that I was qualified for the job.

I went through several interviews and at the end it came down to me and a suckup who worked days.

The suckup ate lunch with management staff on a regular basis so I had a feeling that I was going to get screwed.

I didn’t receive a call on the day that they said they’d announce their decision but when I arrived at the store an assistant manager asked me to come back to the HR office. I knew I’d gotten screwed when he directed me to a chair in front of the desk while he leaned against the desk so I sat back to listen to what he had to say.

He said that choosing between me and the dayshift suckup was an incredibly difficult decision but they’d decided to promote the suckup.

He said that I was doing an outstanding job as team lead in grocery and it would not be in management’s best interest to remove me from that position.

He said that I was doing such a good job that they were bumping my pay up by 50 cents an hour, effective immediately.

He asked if I had any questions and I had just one:

“So, I didn’t get the promotion because I’m doing too good of a job?”

He immediately began backtracking and saying that I misunderstood him but I knew what I’d heard. I handed him my name badge and apron before leaving the store. I have not set foot in a Walmart since.

Can Taiwan and Quad win a war against China?

Not a chance

China can go into War Economy in a matter of weeks

None of the others can

You would be taking them on in their backyard where their supply and production and replacement will be twenty times faster than Quads with only South Korea being capable of production based supply


India , if they send one ship will face a Chinese pincer movement across the Eastern and Northern fronts and that’s a war that India with barely $ 20 Billion debt free dollars can’t afford

Russia and Venezuela and Middle East will refuse to supply Oil to India on the spot and Canada is not a friend now.

So India will simply sit this one out


Japan is a decent Navy but an offensive war?

They would simply be unable to get weapons and equipment beyond the sixth week

They would be begging the US for equipment pretty soon especially Shells

Japan has 140,000 active shells & around 600 Active Missiles

China has 1.7 Million shells and around 12,000 Active Missiles for offensive and defensive

South Korea

South Korea will sit this one out

Uncle Kim would be looking with Glee

No way will SK risk a conflict with China and open up a new salvo with NK

So it would ultimately be US vs China

Quad, the rest of it would simply opt out or play a small role in the deep background

US isn’t the great superpower anymore

They can’t defeat China on their turf

They don’t have the manpower if China decide to go reserve and get a whopping 5 Million men in 6 months

No American will agree to get conscripted to fight China miles away today

This ain’t 1965

So No

NATO, QUAD have no chance against China in the South China Sea

China doesn’t want a conflict because China is primarily a Trader than a Warrior

What items make you silently judge the people who buy them?

I don’t generally care what people buy but there is an exception.

I’ll occasionally see someone who is morbidly obese at the grocery store, who had a kid or two under 8 who are very, very overweight already and on track to be 2–3x their healthy weight.

Without fail, their grocery cart almost entirely filled with junk food.

I’m all for people living their own lives and whatnot. I also get that food and being judged is a sensitive issue for overweight people.

But I hate seeing kids being indoctrinated into a pattern of trashing their body.

It’s a really difficult thing to undo later in life if you’ve been conditioned to go straight for candy or chips everytime you are hungry. It borders are being a form of child abuse.

image 151
image 151

Admittedly, this is a touchy issue for me because I lost a family member solely to the fact that they’d chosen to trash their body. I probably have some pent up agitation because of that.

Outside of that, I don’t generally judge people’s purchases. When I worked retail many years ago, the only thing I judged people over was their attitude.

As long as they were nice and respectful, we were cool.

Some people look down on you for working such a low octaine position. So I try to pay it forward and be polite with everyone.

Is British airways really that bad, why do some allege it’s standadrs have dropped?

British Airways has been in decline for a LOOONG time.

What was it?

Multiple things : They were pretty much a monopoly in the past meaning they had the American problem. DELTA, AA have absolute monopolies on some routes… so it’s like it or lump it. This attitude continued well into de-regulation of airlines.

Later on, they got bought out and as usual corporates sweat the company for more profits. They did this by cutting back on cleaning and employee pay.

Employee pay was a funny one. In that they had unionised staff yet again a legacy of the monopoly age. They could give you crappy attitudes and be protected from losing their jobs. They also had new less well paid staff on different contracts. In essence nobody cared. The seniors were entrenched and were difficult to fire so they didnt care. The new staff were underpaid and on a vastly lower rate and less perks than the regular full time staff so they too didn’t care.

What is the craziest thing you’ve found in an old coat pocket?

I bought a coat on Marketplace. When I got home, I washed it, and I checked the pockets again before doing so, to make sure there was nothing more – like a tissue – that might make the wash gross. The pockets were really deep and came to a point, and I felt something in one of them and had to fish deep to get it. When I pulled it out, it appeared to be a diamond ring, with three sizable diamonds, white gold. I took a picture and messaged the seller I’d found it. She was surprised – said it had been an anniversary gift and wondered if her little girl had been playing with it and put it there. I didn’t want to make the drive again – it was 20 mins each way. So I offered to ship it, which she accepted. I hoped she would offer to pay shipping, since this was not my fault. She’d didn’t. I shipped it anyway.

Have you ever seen a mass exodus after a respected employee quit or got fired?

I worked several decades at a company that Forrest Gump invested in, he called it “some fruit company in California”. I just turned 60, and got a bit tired of expectation of 14 hour days, so I asked to use my skill set in a reduced capacity. I have a life to live, family, other interests. So I asked for a demotion. “We don’t do demotions”. I said that we would have to do something, as I am not keeping up this pace until I drop. So we agreed to part ways (laid off). This did not go over well with other engineers who respected my work, some of whom I have mentored. Basically, anytime you touch a keyboard on a Mac, and enter something in any language of the world, what you see on the screen is my junk (and the junk of a bunch of other really bright people with whom it was my privilege to work). Well, it seems that the other engineers realized that there is no loyalty, and it was just a matter of time before they would be treated similarly. Next thing I know, the other engineers have moved elsewhere inside the company, or have left. Then it seems the entire project got put in “maintenance” mode, as nobody wants to mess with my work, I believe (it is elegant, but a bit hairy… well, I think I invented something, but whatever). Conclusion: This fruit company is ok at recycling hardware, but does not want to hear about recycling its people. The CEO is reported to have said that this is a company for young people, although he isn’t. My years of experience and skill set are no longer valued, there is no loyalty (as I go through ups and downs of life), so I’m happily pursuing my other interests… and I don’t look 60 anymore !

West Confused As China Rolls Out Red Carpet For Russian President Putin On His Visit!

Hot ants

When I was a five year old boy, my father gave me a magnifying glass… set me on the curb near an anthill, and I spent the entire afternoon burning ants.

It was cruel.

But I had no idea about that during that time in my life. I mean, I was only five.


I wonder how many times that I hurt others though ignorance, and a lack of compassion. I really do wonder.

Look guys, we cannot change the world, but we can alter our little piece of it. Let’s just strive to be a little bit better on a day to day basis. What do you say?


As a teacher, what was the biggest lie you heard a student say?

I’ve been teaching nearly 20 years and my favorite lie is still the one that I heard as a brand new teacher.

A student came to class with his hand bandaged, carrying a doctor’s note. He told me “last night, my computer blew up and the shrapnel injured my hand so I couldn’t complete the homework assignment that was due today.”

I took a look at his hand. The bandage was so loose it was falling off. There was no way that any sober doctor had done such a sloppy job. It looked like he had tried to apply it himself and been unable to do it properly one-handed.

Then I took a look at the note. It was from a doctor’s office and it said “[Student’s name] has been seen for a ___ hand procedure.” I took a closer look at the blank space between “a” and “hand”. The word “minor” had been erased (but not well enough that I couldn’t see it if I squinted). I was guessing he had a wart removed or something that morning.

I didn’t need to point out the holes in his story, though. I just told him, “I’m sorry to hear about your injury, but the assignment wasn’t due today. It was due two days ago- the day before your ‘accident’.”

He walked to his seat without a word. He looked like he was going to be sick.

China’s Most Advanced Warship ABLAZE

World Hal Turner 21 November 2023

Longushan 2 large
Longushan 2 large

China’s People’s Liberation Army – Navy ship “Longushan” is reportedly ablaze just off the coast of China tonight.   The vessel is reported to be “China’s most advanced warship.”

No OFFICIAL word on what caused the fire.  (There ARE rumors . . . .)

All mention of this is being rapidly scrubbed from China social media networks, and no official information is coming out of Beijing.

The vessel bears Hull Number 980 and is described as a Type 071 landing ship.


China’s fifth Type 071 amphibious transport dock (LPD) Longhushan; with hull number 980) was commissioned with the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN or Chinese Navy) on September 12, 2018 in Shanghai.

Originally designed after the Taiwan Strait crisis in 1996, the Type 071, measuring 210 meters long and 28 meters wide, is capable of carrying an 800-man marine battalion and some 20 amphibious tanks.

When you lost him

Has anything apparently insignificant or of little value ever been found by archaeologists, which later turned out to be of extraordinary value?

During building construction in an Athenian suburb in 2014, a tomb of the classical period was unearthed. It was no big deal, it happens frequently in Athens. Archaeologists took over but the findings in it weren’t of much interest…until they assembled a ceramic wine cup (a skyphos) smashed in 12 pieces, this one:

image 13
image 13

The cheap cup belonged to a man named Drapetes (the name, inscribed at the bottom of the cup, indicates a slave) However, the big surprise came from the other six names inscribed on the cup:

Aristides, Diodotos, Desimos, Arrifron, Pericles and Efkritos. Could this Pericles be the famous general?

Archaeologists say yes! This is why:

One of its fragments is engraved with six names, including Arrifron — the moniker of Pericles’s grandfather and brother. “The name Arrifron is very rare,” said A. P. Matthaiou, secretary of the Greek Epigraphic Society

. “The mention of [Arrifron] over that of Pericles on the surface of the vase makes us 99% confident that they are the two brothers.”

The inscription of the name Aristides also points favorably to Pericles having used the cup. Aristides was a politician who acted in Athens between 488 and 478 BCE, while Pericles led the city-state from 460 BCE to his death from the plague in 429 BCE. The cup dates between 480 and 465 BCE when the two might have interacted in a social setting such as a symposium or tavern. As men commonly drank from the same skyphos, it’s possible they would have carved their names onto the cup as a token of their meeting. “[He] certainly was dizzy from the wine as it is clear that whoever wrote the name of Pericles made a mistake initially … and then corrected it,” Matthaiou said.

Drapetes kept the cup. We don’t know why or how, maybe he was flattered by the presence of the noble company in his tavern.

It’s always a little magical when archeologists turn up objects that place such mythic figures in real time and space, breathing the same air and walking the same ground we do today. It seems miraculous that 2,500 years after the orator’s death, an ancient cup just happens to contain six complete names evidencing a life that has evaded archeologists for centuries.

U.S. Army prepares for War with China and Congress is EXCITED about it

Sigh. You all afraid, yet?

Angelina’s Zydeco Creole Jambalaya

Angelinas Zydeco Creole Jambalaya
Angelinas Zydeco Creole Jambalaya


  • 1/2 pound smoked sausage, cut
  • 1/2 pound ham, diced
  • 1 cup onion, chopped
  • 1 cup bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 cup celery, chopped
  • 1 cup green onions, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 can whole tomatoes, drained (reserve liquid)
  • Pinch thyme
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups Uncle Ben’s Converted Rice
  • 1 1/2 cups stock water
  • 2 pounds fresh shrimp, deveined


  1. Place sausage and ham in very heavy Dutch oven and sauté until lightly browned. Remove from pot and set aside.
  2. Sauté onions, bell pepper, celery, green onions and add meat drippings. Cook until tender.
  3. Add tomatoes, thyme, pepper and salt. Cook for five minutes. Stir in rice.
  4. Mix together liquid from tomatoes, stock and Worcestershire sauce equal to 2 cups and add to sautéed vegetables. Bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and add fresh shrimp, ham and sausage. Cook uncovered, stirring often for about 30 minutes or until rice and shrimp are done.


U.S. Marines shifting focus to China, threat is “real”: top general

The U.S. Marines view deterring China as their key focus and will strive to make sure a conflict in the Indo-Pacific does not “spill over” to Japan, the military branch’s top general Eric Smith said Monday, while warning that Beijing’s missile capabilities are “significant” and “real.”

The Marine Corps’ No. 2 officer, who has been nominated to become the next commandant, also said in an interview in Tokyo that a littoral regiment being formed in Japan for remote island defense is being designed to provide “advanced maritime domain awareness” to allies and partners, in order to better detect events in surrounding waters.

The United States and Japan announced in January that the existing 12th Marine Regiment based in the southern prefecture of Okinawa will be reorganized into the 12th Marine Littoral Regiment by 2025, making it the first MLR to be forward-deployed against China.

The regiments will possess advanced surveillance capabilities and will be armed with long-range fires. Consisting of about 1,800 to 2,000 personnel per unit, they will also be capable of flexibly deploying small groups of marines to remote islands in the South China Sea.

The forming of the regiments comes amid China’s increased military assertiveness around far-flung southwestern Japan islets and Taiwan, which has raised the risk of conflict.

From HERE.

Commandant of US Marine Corps Hospitalized after Medical Emergency

Nation Hal Turner

The Commandant of the United States Marine Corps is hospitalized after a serious medical emergency. General Eric M. Smith suffered a medical emergency on the evening of October 29 and was taken to a hospital.

He is now in stable condition.

Per Statute Law 10 U.S.C. §8044, as the senior officer assigned to Headquarters, US Marine Corps, by date of rank, Lt. General Karsten Heckl, the Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration, who is the Commanding General of the Marine Corps Combat Command, is  serving as Acting Commandant of the Marine Corps, for the interim.

Wife Cheated On Me With Her Colleagues, so I Snatched Everything She Had – FULL STORY

You didn’t dodge a bullet. 14 years with her, you got shot.”

What’s the most pretentious thing you’ve ever seen on a résumé?

I received a resume from someone who had recently graduated from high school. They had one job on the resume and their job title was Director in Charge of Company Morale at a prestigious local law firm.

The resume lacked all the things I was looking for, but the job title listed intrigued me. I set the interview and was waiting to hear a litany of lies.

On the day of the interview this cleancut sharp dressed young man showed up. After brief small talk I asked about the prior job and what it entailed.

Turns out his Director in Charge of Company Morale Position entailed him going out each morning and getting coffee for all the partners. He said without their morning coffee, morale was very low.

Best belly laugh in an interview ever. I hired him. And he worked out well because he found a way to place a positive attitude on everything he did, however menial the task.

Edit: I am honored that so many people like my answer. Thank you all.

Update: I’ve had several people suggest editing the gender from “they” to “he”. At the time I read the resume and set the appointment, I had no idea if the applicant was male or female. Gender was not a decision point in our hiring process. This is why I have left the answer unedited. Thank you all again for the overwhelming response.

What did you do that was a huge achievement for you but very insignificant to the people around you?

This morning, I woke up to a text from my bank.

“Unusual account activity— call this number”.

I called and the automated machine said it would read back my last five transactions to check for anything weird.

“Video entertainment— $65. California.”

“Video entertainment— $10. Declined. France.”

“Video entertainment— $10. Declined. France.”

“Gas— $30. Colorado.”

“Gas— $30. Wyoming.”

I was pretty sure I hadn’t been to France or California recently, so I checked my account summary and noticed I had -$50 in my account.

I’m taking poor college kid to a whole new level. I’m negative poor right now.

So I called their fraud number and the woman on the other end walked me through securing my account and getting a new card. She asked a few questions, told me my card was on its way, and hung up.

The achievement was not that I got my card number stolen. It wasn’t that I managed to put my account $50 under.

It’s that I made a phone call.

That sounds awfully small and to everyone around me it is, but I have been known to have panic attacks when forced to make phone calls. I hate ‘em. They make me anxious and uncomfortable and incredibly stressed.

I struggle with hearing on the phone (and in general, really), which exacerbates my social anxiety and makes phone calls some of the worst interactions I can have.

But today, I did it. The woman even had an accent and I think I understood her and responded correctly.

It’s a small thing, but when it’s one of your biggest fears, it can feel like the greatest thing in the world.

Make Daddy a sandwich

When did you realize you’re an asshole?

I was 20 and dating a guy that I met in a 20s chat room. This was the year 2000. We went to a grocery store and was walking down the Easter candy isle when I spotted these malt eggs. I stopped and said, “eww! Do you remember getting these in the bottom of your Easter basket every year?!” He simply said, “No.” Stupid me goes on and on about how I hated them and that he MUST remember getting them… He finally says quietly, “No. I didn’t ever get an Easter basket. My parents didn’t have the money.”

THAT is why I’m an asshole.

FYI, I married that guy that same year and we are still together with 3 amazing kids.

The next Easter morning he woke up to his first Easter basket from the Easter bunny complete with malt eggs. 🪺

Are you happy with your current life situation?

I got some new shoes today.

I was cleaning the coffee cart when a guest at the soup kitchen walked by me.

“You’re wearing Converse. Do you collect them?”

“No,” I tell her. “I just like my old black pair. They’re comfortable shoes.”

“They are. I have some pink ones that don’t fit me—I’ll bring them and if they fit you, you can have them.”

True to her word, I glanced out of the kitchen door today to see her holding them up, much to my coworkers’ confusion.

At work, I can’t walk two steps without someone stopping to talk to me.

One man spent all day poking fun at me about how sunburned my arms are.

Another gave us all breakfast burritos and promised sopapillas tomorrow.

I spent a good part of an afternoon with one of our volunteers trading fun facts and talking about theatre.

Sometimes strangers stop in the serving line to tell me their story.

I learned about Rainbow Gatherings and how they send positive energy into the world.

About powwows.

About brain injuries and single parenting and the best way to make spaghetti and bonnets purchased in Missouri and what chickens like to eat and how they make decaffeinated coffee.

About cancer and babies and sunburn cures and about how food is one of the greatest gifts known to man.

I took the job at the soup kitchen because it paid and because they called me back first.

But damn, my job fuels my artist’s brain more than anything else.

People. People are all that art is.

And if you can be in a room where veterans and drug addicts and businessmen and hitchhikers all sit at the same table for a meal—

You’ll find no better place to hear someone’s story.

Today, I got new shoes, and I don’t even know that woman’s name.

But I know her. I know them all, even if all I know is that one guy likes the comics in the newspaper and another always waits for his wife before eating.

You ask if I’m happy with my current life situation.

I’m poor. My pay is calculated at pretty much the poverty line for the local community, so I’m making fuckall in money.

I’m tired and I’m sunburned and I’m sore and I’m still excited to go to work every day.

It doesn’t feel like a job. I don’t dread it like I honestly thought I would.

I’ve been sleeping full nights and working full days and while the depression doesn’t just go away, it finds someplace else to be during the work day.

I wish I had the money to do everything I want to do, but I will honestly take full days at the soup kitchen over working fast food any day of the week.

I guess I’m happy.

I don’t know. I’m content. The days are flying by faster than I can count them.

If anything, this work strengthens my desire to work in nonprofits. I don’t think traditional schools are for me.

I’m excited to keep going, and that feels good enough for me.

Don’t take it personally

Do Europeans view Americans as prudes?

I was very surprised with American attitude towards (partial) nudity. A couple of real-life examples from when I lived in NJ:

  • My kids were 2 and 3 years old and during the summer it’s very normal in Europe for small children to run around the house and yard naked. When they did that in the US however, I received several complaints from our neighbours and one of them put up a solid fence between our properties after that.
  • Two years later we went to a water park in Hope, NJ and our daughter was only wearing bikini bottoms. The top didn’t fit well, would only annoy her and there was nothing there to hide or cover up (so we thought). We received a warning from the park and had to cover her up or leave immediately.
  • When our daughter was in pre-school we (the parents) had to stop by the principal for a serious discussion: they noticed how our 4-year old daughter started undoing her pants before she got in the rest room with the door closed, which was apparently shocking to the other kids.

After that we started adjusting better to the local norms and didn’t have any incidents anymore. I’ve always wondered though why this was such a big deal and suspect it to be a nutty religious thing.

Which is the most powerful country today?

CHINA, in every respect, I know every yank will say the USA but I don’t think so, not anymore, mainly because of their debt, and growing daily, yes, the US have a very powerful navy, but SO WHAT? Ships can be sunk, and sunk quickly, missiles are the thing these days, and China is way ahead with their hypersonic missiles, double the speed of US ones. According to all reports. Also, they run rings around the US in speed and cost of manufacturing. Which also puts China in front.

Have you ever walked out of a restaurant after you were seated by a waiter or waitress?

Yes! Just recently my husband and I did this. We were visiting NY. Our hotel had a restaurant in it. We went down for breakfast. There was a menu just outside of the restaurant. The continental buffet was $29. The hot buffet was $45. A little steep, but we figured those were just NY prices.

When it was our turn to be seated, they but us at a high communal style table. I’m 5″2 and I HATE high tables! We sat down and looked around. We looked at each other. The kind of silent communication you can do with someone you’ve been with for years. Then we decided that we were not paying $100 for breakfast while we sat at an uncomfortable “display” table. I turned and looked out the window. I saw 53rd St. Grill across the street. We walked past the waiter as he was bringing our waters. The food at the grill was delicious, and cost about $30 for both of us. We ate breakfast there for the remainder of our trip.

She can’t handle the truth…

What’s something that sucks about being a man?

I have several female friends that worked hard in school and then got prestigious jobs. But the thing about prestigious jobs is that they’re usually a lot of long hours of tough work. They made fairly good money but after a long, frustrating day at work they would sometimes joke “ugh, I need to find a rich husband so I can be a house wife.”

And then some of did. One of them moved to another country where traditional gender roles are more prevalent and she found herself a really rich husband. Then a few of the other girls moved too and, I kid you not, they also found rich husbands.

I’ve met a lot of girls that have jumped up the socioeconomic ladder through marriage. But guys? I haven’t met a single one. Generally speaking, girls still expect guys to make at least as much as them.

So what sucks about being a guy? The immense pressure to be financially successful. As much as we try to deny it, society is obsessed with financial status and will measure a man’s worth based on his wealth.

What are some good examples of perverse incentives?

The current economic system is full of perverse incentives.

Ever heard of the phrase “identifying your customer’s needs”?

The thing is, creating or maintaining needs so that you know what people need is more profitable than trying to identify new needs every time.

Problems cause need, and so problems are encouraged.

Imagine there is a pothole in the street.

That’s a problem. It’s going to cause issues.

If you identify it, then you could set up a company to fix roads, and try to get paid to fix it.

But what would be even more profitable would be to lobby so that it doesn’t get fixed, and then open a shop next to it to fix people’s suspensions after they break, or to offer towing services.

Because then you have a repeated source of income.

And then anyone trying to fix the pothole becomes a threat to your bottom line.

People benefit from the existence of problems, because then they can be paid to provide a temporary solution.

And this impacts many areas of our lives.

The legal system currently is bloated, and overly complicated. But the lawyers have a job thanks to that, so they don’t want it to change.

Government officials are corrupted by bribes and lobbying, and their perverse incentive is to take the money instead of working for the good of people.

Planned obsolescence leads to people making items that don’t last a long time but break fast, and have to be replaced, because that’s an opportunity for profits.

We are scared of human labor being replaced by machines. A weird incentive to be against progress and automation, because our access to resources depends on our labor being needed.

Health insurance is a business that tries to deny as many claims as possible to increase profits.

The owners and workers of the factories producing bombs and munition rely on constant wars for their income.

Creating emotionally laden clickbait attracts more attention than rational discourse.

If you identify a problem somewhere, fixing it is not the most profitable thing you can do; letting it happen, and then swooping in is.

If you want maximum profits, and know that the housing market will crash, you don’t want to try and avoid that, you want to short the market and make billions. And then use the billions to buy up the low price property from the desperate people in need who just lost their life savings.

There are perverse incentives all around us.

The perverse incentive is to do the easy thing, for short term profits.

Doing the right thing, even when it’s hard, to reap the long term benefits? That’s what we should be aiming for.

Men are visual

What was the bravest thing you ever did in a job interview?

I arrived for an interview and was asked to wait a few minutes as the interviewer was held up. A few minutes later he came out, apologised said he’d been called to an urgent problem. He explained that some of the stuff I’d be working on would highly commercially sensitive and while he finished up could I read through the pre-interview contract and sign it.

I read through it and though I’m no lawyer it read like they could sue for everything I owned from my house down to my underwear if I so much as said I’d been within a mile of the building. The I interviewer came back a few minutes later and asked if I was happy and had signed the paperwork.

I replied that I hadn’t signed coz it looked a bit iffy on the conditions and he replied

‘congratulations, you’re the first person out of 8 people who passed the first stage test’.

Apparently everyone else had skimmed through and signed and not bothered really looking at what they were signing off on.

I got the job 🤣


What’s the best excuse for being late you’ve ever heard?

A kid walked in late to my English class in 8th grade.

My teacher was really weird, and would go on these rants about how space doesn’t exist, reality is a figment of our imagination, and one person at google is taking over the world by deciding what search results google gives you.

This kid walks in and says “I’m not late because time doesn’t exist.”

He wasn’t marked late.

FIRST TIME HEARING Simple Minds – Alive & Kicking REACTION

How liberal are you?

I’m a retired cop, and most people think we are very conservative. My law enforcement friends think I’m a hippie.

  • I am for the legalization of recreational marijuana. I have never tried it, probably wouldn’t even if it was legalized, but it’s time for us all to grow up and see that Reefer Madness isn’t helping anyone.
  • I am opposed to the death penalty. I don’t like pedophiles or murderers, I just don’t think our government should be in the business of killing people. And I know first hand how flawed our criminal justice system is.
  • I support peaceful protests, even if I disagree with their views.
  • I think we (law enforcement) need to work with the media. Many of my colleagues think I’m nuts. It’s win-win when we do.
  • I think abortion should be legal. But I wish the last one performed was the last one ever performed.
  • I support diversity, tolerance, and I believe in “seeing the whole elephant” (a term I constantly told to my sons as a lesson from a poem by John Godfrey Saxe: The Blind Men and the Elephant
  • ). We need to put ourselves in each other’s shoes, and the best way to do that is to be around each other.
  • My grandfather’s first sight of America was the Statue of Liberty. I believe that monument is still relevant.
  • I vote for democrats. I vote for republicans. I vote for independents and green party and libertarians. I just think we need some good people in charge, and it makes me crazy when people vote straight party tickets.
  • I am a straight white male, married for 37 years. (Hi, honey.) But I am glad same sex couples can get married. I have 4 grandchildren. If they grow up with different preferences than most, I still want them to find love and happiness.
  • Trump is a disaster, and I’m going to wear out my rosary beads because of him.
  • I believe in the Second Amendment (actually am quite fond of them all), but I think it has gotten out of hand. Maybe we are not as self controlled as the Founding Fathers had hoped we would be. I am for reasonable restrictions on gun ownership.
  • I think everyone should have health insurance (at least as good as what members of congress give themselves), whether they can pay for it or not. Life is an inalienable right. Pretty sure health is too.

Not sure if that makes me liberal or not. I don’t like breaking rules or laws, but there are times when that is necessary. As long as you understand the consequences.

As that great philosopher Popeye once said, “I yam what I yam.”

Psychologist Explains Why MEN CARE about a WOMAN’S SEXUAL HISTORY: what women don’t understand

This is very interesting. I never looked at things this way.

Paying twice as much for getting something ½ the value.”

Well as a man, it doesn’t matter to me whether they have “grown” or got more wisdom, they still did the deeds, and as rude as it may sound to a woman, a good man will hold you accountable for your actions and your past. No high value man, as they put it, wants to pay new car prices for a used car.”

What are the downsides of being promoted at work?

Management didn’t know what to do with Steven and it was their fault. Steven was a 28-year-old coworker and assistant project manager. We worked at a corporate construction company and project managers were our most important personnel.

Steven was smart and had stellar reviews, but when prompted about promoting to PM, he said, “No, no, I’m good.” It perplexed our CFO and COO, who didn’t know why a good employee wouldn’t want more money and responsibility.

I knew why. I was the budget manager at his division and sat in on many of their meetings. I saw the grueling pressure put on project managers and saw them yelled at on occasion. It wasn’t an easy job. Steven figured, he was young and enjoying his life and didn’t want that kind of pressure. And perhaps he thought he’d be bad at the job — which is wiser than most realize.

The Peter Principle was first proposed by psychologist Laurence J. Peters and was intended as satire. It proposed that competent employees will be continually promoted until they are incompetent in their new role. Then, they remain in that position for the remainder of their career. Consequently, every role is eventually held by an incompetent employee. His concept was unexpectedly hailed by researchers as having relevance and truth. Many firms now actively work to combat it.

I would wager any person reading this, who has been in corporate long enough, can think of at least one manager who was shockingly bad at their job. Yet they seemed untouchable.

It makes intuitive sense that as the demands and competition go up, your shine can easily lose its luster. For example, I was a good swimmer and the captain of my high school team. I felt like a god when I swam in local meets against kids who only swam a few months a year. But as I went up to districts, states, and then regionals, I felt increasingly less special.

Today, I’m a writer who sits on the other side of the corporate fence, living mostly free of hierarchal structures and constantly worrying about mistakes slipping through. I see my own partner, and friends, all angling for promotions and raises. This isn’t bad on its own as I admire ambition. But I’ve watched many of them take a hit to their life satisfaction.

The data reflects this: Employees are the unhappiest they’ve been in years, due to a lack of control, unreasonable workloads and not enough time off. You’d wonder why anyone would want to take on more if they are already drowning, but they do — by the millions.

It seems paradoxical. You work to be good at your job and gain respect, only to be promoted to a position that jeopardizes those perceptions. Being highly competent risks making you incompetent.

If you succeed enough, your high flying incompetence may introduce the Peter Principle’s brother, dubbed Peter’s Pinnacle, where you make a huge mistake and are paid to go away. It happened with the president of Disney, Michael Ovitz, who was fired after 16 months but made off with a $38 million severance.

The art of balancing

A few programmers I’ve known are good at dodging this responsibility paradox. My buddy Brian is a high flying coder, who is stiff-arming attempts by management to bring them into their fold and start managing people. He insists his goal is to be a skilled programmer and contribute to the company.

But beware of letting this mindset drag you to stagnancy. Don’t become the middle aged employee who has been in the same role for 10–20 years, just going through the motion and replying blandly to questions about their day with, “Living the dream.” The difference with Brian is that he is continually refining his programming, and is passionate about coding. There’s still a fire in him.

I’ve seen many falls from grace over the years, employees who were five star performers and thought highly of. Then, months after the company gleefully announced their promotion, the whispers started, “I heard he’s been struggling in his new role.” And, “He’s slipping.”

At a former employer, there was a corner room we called “The Death Trap.” The role for that office fell under a difficult manager and had sky-high expectations. They went through four people in 18 months. The company fired three managers who’d had great reviews in prior roles. One was saved by the skin of his neck by transferring to another department. It was the Peter Principle on full display.

Companies can do better too

Per a study by Dr. Ed Lazear at Stanford University, companies should account for the Peter Principle in any promotion decision because it’s an inevitable consequence. One solution is to inflate the original promotion requirements to smooth the transition. Put another way, ensure the candidate is an absolute star in their current role before leading them to deep waters.

Sometimes, you shouldn’t promote great employees at all. For example, in school, they often took our “Teachers of the Year” and offered them jobs in the administration. It’s tragic because it removed the teacher from working with students and making an impact where they thrived. Why not pay the teacher more to keep being an awesome teacher? To the managers seeing this, think long before hard-capping salaries by job title.

Parting thoughts

Think about your job well beyond compensation. Your motivation and job satisfaction are driven by feelings of competence, relatedness (feeling connected to coworkers), and autonomy. Every move up the ladder impacts those three things in unpredictable ways. If you do take a promotion, use that job to supplement your skills. Hire and surround yourself with smart people, and listen to what they have to say. That alone would save many from the clutches of the Peter Principle.

Everything is a tradeoff. I was keenly aware of that when I quit finance to be a writer. It was a conscious but difficult decision. I resolved I would probably never get wealthy. Upward mobility, outside of me writing a fluke hit book, would be limited. My health benefits would vanish. But I’d be doing something creative and that I loved doing, with minimal oversight and flexibility. Four years out, I’m still happy with this decision, but I am constantly doing status checks. Things can change on a dime.

My point is: Take a long view. Protecting your reputation and integrity gets harder as you carry more responsibility and teams to manage. Make sure the new role aligns well with your skillset, lifestyle, and has the support in place for you to thrive. If you make the decision solely for money, you may fall into an old and dangerous career trap.

Women are retards?

I don’t think so, but he has a point.

What was the moment you cancelled the friendship with your best friend?

For most of my life, my best friend was my sister. Then one day she called me and said that she didn’t want me to be part of her life anymore. I can’t tell you why because she didn’t say. That was five years ago and I haven’t heard from her since.

About two years ago I found out that she had moved to another state without even letting me know. I had some kind of emotional breakdown. Tears streamed down my cheeks for four straight days. I couldn’t sleep. My heart was broken.

The hardest thing about it is not knowing why. I’ve run dozens of scenarios through my mind but nothing seems to make sense. We have completely different political views but had made a pact years before that we just simply would never discuss politics. I had just been diagnosed with cancer for the second time just days before the phone call. She refuses to deal with anything “sad”; so maybe that was it.

After about four years of losing sleep and wondering what had happened, I realized that I don’t care so much about it any more. I guess that was the day that I cancelled our friendship. I consider her to be my ex-sister, now. I have lots of friends who do want me to be a part of their lives. They are my true brothers and sisters.

Blue Bayou Bananas Foster Shortcake

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da482b66 8f8c 4a17 a8aa 7c33dbc7a653

Yield: 4 servings



  • 2 ounces (about 1/3 cup) brie cheese, diced
  • 2 1/2 cups Bisquick
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup water


  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 4 large bananas, cut into 1/2 inch slices
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1 cup plus 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons dark rum
  • 2 tablespoons banana liqueur


  • Whipped cream
  • Fresh mint sprigs


  1. Heat oven to 400 degrees F.


  1. Add together the diced cheese, Bisquick and sugar, mix well. Add the water and mix thoroughly to make a wet batter. Drop the batter in 4 mounds onto a greased cookie sheet and bake on the top rack for 20 minutes or until cooked through (when wooden pick inserted in middle comes out clean).
  2. Remove from oven and cool on wire rack.


  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan and sauté the bananas for about 3 minutes. Add the sugars and stir until melted. Add the cream and, stirring constantly, cook over high heat until it reaches a boil. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 10 minutes. Add the rum and banana liqueur.
  2. To serve, cut the cooled biscuits from the top two thirds of the way down, open it up and pour the sauce into the center of the biscuit.


  1. Serve with whipped cream and mint sprig.

Promiscuous Women Have The LOWEST Standards | Pearl Daily

This is super interesting.

My first experience with a woman in a typically male job, was in a campground at age 16. We worked as general labor, building things, cutting trails, planting trees and so on. Once or twice a week we would rotate an “easy day” while we rode the riding lawn mower, basically just sitting on our ass all day long. That ended when a girl started. She did nothing but ride the mower all day, every day. Somehow what was previously 1-2 easy days of work, became a full time job for her. And the rest of us no longer got any “easy days”. She never held a shovel, or a hammer, or an axe. But she got paid the same.”

Why do rich people work even after they become rich? Why don’t they play?

“Dad, when will you retire?” I asked him one day.

“Hector, I retired before you were born,” he laughed.

Confused, I asked again, “Be honest, Dad, I mean, when will you stop working?”

His response was simple, “Working? What’s work? I don’t know what work is.”

“OK, Dad, forget about it,” I said as I assumed he wasn’t willing to talk about this.

“Hector,” he said, “what you know as my job is not work for me. I enjoy architecture so much that I could do this 24/7. This is who I am. Architecture is my life.”

So, to answer your question, why do rich people work even after they become rich? Why don’t they play?

My father lived to be 91 and worked until his body gave up on him. He was a passionate architect who found joy in his work. That’s what kept him active and full of joy every day. His passion for architecture was infectious, and it taught me this valuable lesson about work as a lifestyle.

So, if you ask me about retirement or work-life balance, I’d say it’s better to find what you love and make it a part of your life. When you find that, you’ll stop working and start living. We achieve a balance not by separating work from life but by integrating what you love into your lifestyle.

Today, this is how I see it: It’s not about working less; it’s about loving more what you do.

That’s the secret to a fulfilling life. As my father always said, “The day you find what you love is when you will stop working.”

So, go out there and find your passion. Make it your lifestyle.

And remember, it’s not work when you love what you do.

12 rules

An interesting event happened in the South China sea on 24 December 2023

There was an interesting event happening on South China sea 24 December 2023.

This is a translated Chinese article pulled off the American platform Quora. Access to the article has since been "suppressed" and is not so easily found. Enjoy this article. -MM

Fact confirmed :

U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet announced Thursday night that the Electronic Attack Squadron 136 (VAQ-136) on the “Carl Vinson” aircraft carrier (CVN-70) currently operating in the South China Sea Commander Lieutenant Colonel William Coulter was relieved of his duties on the grounds that he “lost confidence in his command ability” Paul Ritter(Another military high rank in US navy), who was originally scheduled to serve as the squadron commander in April 2024, immediately Take over.

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William Coulter is temporarily transferred to the Electronic Warfare Wing, Pacific. William Coulter has only served as the commander of VAQ-136 in January 2023, but was suddenly dismissed a few days after the “Carl Vinson” entered the South China Sea.

Speculation :

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The F-18 “Three Brothers” on the US aircraft carrier. In the top is the single-seat F-18E, which is used for air control. The one in the middle is the F-18F multi-purpose type, which is mainly used for anti-ship/anti-ship and close range. the one in the bottom is an EF-18 “Growler” electronic warfare attack aircraft.

The fired electronic warfare commander (William Coultier) of the USS Carl Vinson managed this type of electronic squadron.

The strength of electronic warfare capabilities is extremely important for the US military’s aircraft carrier strike group (different from battle groups). Failure to obtain “electromagnetic control” means that enemy fighters, warships and even land-based anti-ship equipment will have a high chance of successful penetration, The warhead charge of modern heavy anti-ship weapons is no longer RDX, but CL-20 explosive (hexanitrogen), its power is three times that of TNT. The equivalent of about one ton of TNT explodes inside the aircraft carrier (more advanced weapons are equipped with armor-piercing nose cones, which can easily penetrate the aircraft carrier) with more than 6 times Mach impact energy, although the probability of sinking if hit by one is low, severe damage and loss of combat effectiveness are certain!

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It is said last week, the US military’s EP-3E “Aries” electronic warfare aircraft encountered our military’s Y-8 electronic warfare aircraft over the southern Taiwan Strait. The two aircraft conducted a complex electronic offensive and defensive battle. The US aircraft did not gain any advantage, Evacuated the premise.

EP-3E is not under the management of the commander of the VAQ-136 Electronic Warfare Squadron aboard the USS Carl Vinson, which has nothing to do with his dismissal, but it is likely that he was defeated when he commanded the EF-18 to confront our J-16D, which resulted in the “Carl Vinson” being exposed to the firepower of our military.

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Our army’s J-16D may be the most powerful operational/tactical electronic warfare aircraft in the world. It is derived from a heavy fighter, while the E/F-18 is a medium-sized aircraft. With comparable levels of electronic devices and integration technology, The former has a larger fuselage, higher engine power generation and greater power. It has a slight advantage over the “Growler” in interference and burn-through capabilities (anti-jamming), and our military has geographical advantages. “Growler” “It needs to take off from an aircraft carrier, and it is also at a disadvantage in terms of range and fleet size. However, our military can launch more J-16Ds at the same time to implement spectrum suppression (which can interfere with the Aegis radar on the Burke-class destroyer). This is all It was the reason that led to the downfall of the E/F-18.

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The J-16D cooperates with other electronic warfare aircraft to compete for electromagnetic control rights, and then the H-6K carries long-range hypersonic missiles to strike. This is a tactic that US aircraft carriers cannot crack at this stage.

Needless to say, the struggle between our country and the United States is intensifying. In the past three or four years, when American aircraft carriers have entered the South China Sea from the Bashi Channel, our military will organize large fighter formations to conduct simulated offensive and defensive battles against them!

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With the improvement of our military’s technology, the US aircraft carrier battle group can no longer show off its power like it did during the “96 crisis”. It has more symbolic significance than military significance. the US military’s four EA-6D “Prowler” electronic machines were able to interfere with telecommunications signals in most areas of Fujian and Zhejiang.

Conclusion of the speculation :

William Courtier putting the aircraft carrier at risk from our forces, and was dismissed.

Author Note :

US often send their war machine to china’s sea. do you really think US submarine hit mountain in South China Sea?

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if you see the damage in that submarine, you can clearly see it was not caused by a breeding box, why because the upper part was not damaged. it was caused by a Chinese underwater drone, the best speculation due to damage is in the middle of the upper part of your so called sophisticated submarine.

Beowulf restaurants

In the late 1970’s / early 1980’s was a short-lived period of time where Beowulf restaurants made an appearance. They were briefly popular. And didn’t last long. But it was something that happened and then disappeared long before the invention of the Internet.

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2023 11 19 09 45

I never attended one of these venues, and so all that I know about this fad was second hand and from articles that I had read at that time. Apparently, what was popular was a rather crude communal table where everyone ate rather simple meals of meat, mead, and rough breads.

Time moves on… and the world revolves. The past is forgotten, and replaced with new things. We all need to deal with this reality.


Did you ever see karma hit someone who deserved it so befittingly that it was eerie?

Aged 13, just after school two pretty girls ask me to come to the bicycle lot to “show me something”. Wow – attention from two pretty girls – I’m in! (OK, I was also headed there anyhow to get my bike to cycle home, but still!) So off we go. They’re flirty and friendly, I’m wondering what the heck is going on but I’m too stoked to be suspicious.

As we come around a corner two boys jump me, each grabbing an arm and holding fast. Another approaches carrying a big plastic container, filled with some kind of lumpy slimy stuff – looks a bit like oat porridge. As he gets closer he is flanked by the two girls and gets ready to chuck the stuff on me. I am desperate. I kick at it, just hoping to prevent him achieving his goal. It spins out of his hands, flinging slime into his and both girls’ faces, as well as all over the boy on my left’s chest and stomach. They’re all screaming and scatter. Now I am angry. I turn and pick up the container, spin and throw it wildly away from me. It randomly hits the one boy that was not initially splattered square on the back of his head as he is running away and spills the last of its contents down his back. Five for five.

I go get my bike and head home, not a speck on me.

Bringing up the hard conversation

As a teacher, what was the best excuse a student gave for being late?

True story:
I had a student who was 15 minutes late to my 1st period class every day. After a week of this, I asked what the hell was going on. Turned out his single parent mom was an alcoholic and every morning was passed out on the couch. He took it upon himself to get his younger sister ready for school each morning, making sure she showered, had clean clothes, and ate breakfast, homework completed, etc. Then he drove her to middle school which was in the opposite direction of the high school to assure she arrived safely. Because of the different 1st bell times, he was always 15 minutes late. I told him to skip going to the office and just come directly to class, enter quietly, and we’d be good. I never questioned his story. Other students whined and asked why THEY had to be on time if he didn’t. “You want to trade places with him? Take his life for yours?” No takers. Everyone knew.

So it wasn’t really an excuse, it was a legit reason.

What is the most condescending advice you received from someone who assumed you were poorer or less educated than them?

I was walking my dog around the marina and I was going back to my dad’s boat. I saw a couple standing next to it. I walked down to the end of the dock and the guy told me only boat owners are allowed on the docks, and I have to get out. Then he turned to the woman and was telling her about the places he’s been on his boat, and how he has to find someone to clean it…all this time he was pointing at my dad’s boat.

I was just standing there wondering what’s going on. Then he told me that if I’m lucky enough I’ll find a rich guy like him, and told me to go away before he called security. The woman said I’ll have to find some other guy because he’s taken. She made a face at me and was hugging him. I tried going around them and he asked what I’m doing. I told him I was getting on my dad’s boat, and they both laughed at me.

Then Ed (one of the crew) came out from the back of the boat and told me dinner is ready. I told him I’ll be right up as soon as these idiots got out of my way. I stuck my tongue out at the woman and said he’s all yours. She got mad and walked away. The guy was following her and she kept yelling at him to stay away and how he’s a fake. Tom (another crew) opened the side door and asked me what’s going on….I said she didn’t like him as much as she thought she did.

What is the definition of “an alcoholic”?

I am an alcoholic. Warning, answer may contain triggers.

When I have one beer, although I will drink it slow, I will want another one directly afterwards. Because I will have opened something inside of me that is similar to a lock.

Once this lock has been opened I immediately relax. I feel good. That beer tasted great and made me feel great. I want to feel more of that.

So I have a second beer. This one I drink a little quicker because I now have the taste for it. After my fourth beer I start drinking rum. I don’t even remember drinking those last two pints, but I’m sure that they tasted great too. I feel fantastic.

I buy a bottle of rum to take home, and make sure that there is at least six beers chilling in the fridge for tomorrow. I drink through the night.

The next day I wake up and there’s only one beer left in the fridge and the rum is nearly empty. I polish off the beer directly after breakfast and pop to the shops to buy some more. I’ll buy 20 beers this time to last through the week, and another bottle of rum. But I’ll save the rum for the week, and buy a couple of bottles of Prosecco for today. It’s a nice and sunny day, and will be lighter than drinking beer.

By 3pm the Prosecco has gone and I am back on the beer and the rum. I run out of beer on Monday and the rum has gone by Tuesday, so I pop back to the shops to stock up mid week.

After fifteen years of living like this my kidneys start bleeding urate crystals into my blood stream which gives me gout. I lose the ability to walk, sleep or function as a normal human being for weeks at a time. Over the next few years my life becomes a living hell.

I decide to quit drinking and have now been sober for 26 months. I no longer suffer from gout.

I avoid going to the pub, because it is frankly boring if you are not eating or drinking. “Why don’t you just have one ?” my friends always ask.

Because I am an alcoholic. When I have one beer, although I will drink it slow, I will want another one afterwards.


Have you ever had such a close call it makes your skin shiver everytime you think about it? If so, what happened?

Back in middle school, I would bike my way to school, about 1.7 miles each way. I rode a $40 10-speed bike as two days of work was all that my parents could afford at the time.

The route would take me through city streets and up and down an overpass that stopped at a red light with cross traffic. Every time I came down that overpass, I would hope the light is green so I didn’t need to push my bike’s crappy brakes to their limits.

During the winter months when rain added to my misery, that downslope stop got extra sketchy as wet bike tires won’t grip the pavement. I really tried to time for that green light on the way down.

One time, when the rains made the pavement extra slick, I worked my way down when the light was green. So, I didn’t bother slowing down as much. But, just as I was about the enter the intersection, about 30 feet away, the light turned yellow. At that point, I had no chance to stop. I had two choices. I could either wipe out and slide straight into traffic or take my chances shooting through it.

I went with what seemed to be the lower risk move and went for it. As I entered the intersection, the light turned red and the cross traffic light turned green. A big pick up truck, one of those from the 1980s with the chrome trimmed grill, came straight at me from the left. Apparently he had seen his light turn green and was trying to catch it.

Somehow, he caught sight of me flying across in front of him and slammed on his brakes. I heard his tires tear at the wet pavement as they brought the big truck to a stop inches from me. I felt the steamy heat from radiator pour right on my face.

Stunned, I didn’t stop. I crossed the intersection and continued on the other side without daring to look back. I heard the truck roar across the intersection as I kept going, still shaking from the close call.

Those days, I never wore a bike helmet as I was young and an idiot. Somehow, I lucked out instead of becoming a vegetable.

Why Are Japanese Women Blowing Loads On Men

This is super interesting. And it is NOT what you think.

What will always be cool?

My buddy Tyler and I were out at a pool hall shooting a few games of 8 Ball.

A couple of jerkoffs fueled by liquid courage sat down in our area, pulled out their fancy cue sticks, and asked “You guys want to play doubles against us?”

When we declined their offer, they assumed we were just scared of losing.

We were having fun and not taking our game too seriously, but after every missed shot, we heard their snide remarks.

“C’mon, man! A toddler could have made that.”
“If you guys played against us, you’d probably learn a thing or two.”

Tyler had enough and invited them in for a game. He is an excellent billiards player, but he kept quiet, didn’t hype himself up, and didn’t trash talk.

Those guys maybe sank 3 of their balls before Tyler cleared the table.

Even after he demolished them, he didn’t gloat or rub it in their face. He just said “Good game” and we went about our business.

Humbly putting people in their place will always be cool.

Alphas and Beta orbiters

Do you think a character can be too flawed to work as a character in a story?

No. There’s no such thing as “too flawed a character.” Just look at A Song of Ice and Fire. Everyone in the story is flawed, and about half of them are entirely irredeemable. Still, it captured the hearts and souls of a generation of readers.

You can even make your flawed, irredeemable character your protagonist, like Lolita. Humbert Humbert was a pathetic child rapist who lived in his own fantasy world. He took us (the readers) on a ride and forced us to think about our own preconceptions about “love and romance.”

However, there are some pitfalls you need to be mindful about.

First of all, be very clear about the flaws of your character. There are a lot of supposed good characters engaging in extremely questionable behaviors and were considered “acceptable” by the author, by the characters around the flawed characters, and the author wanted the readers to root for the flawed character, ignoring or sometimes because of their problematic behavior.

For example, Edward’s obsession with Bella in Twilight is deeply problematic and abusive. Bella constantly puts herself in danger so she can see Edward is deeply problematic and manipulative. And yet, the author obviously thought these behaviors were OMG so romantic, and we’re supported to root for a 100-year-old vampire taking advantage of a teenager’s vulnerability. That’s bad storytelling.

If you want to write a flawed character, you need to make sure other characters in your story react to your flawed character in realistic and reasonable ways. One good example is Elementary on CBS. Granted, it is a TV show, but the concept applies. Similar to other modern Sherlock retellings, Sherlock Holmes in Elementary is deeply flawed in your typical Sherlockian ways. But unlike other modern Sherlock retellings, people around Sherlock don’t take his bullshit. They aren’t unreasonable enablers of his abusive behavior. They call him out for it so Sherlock can grow to be a better person.

And that’s the KEY of having a flawed character. The point isn’t writing the flaws. The POINT of the story is for the flawed characters to GROW and become better (or become worse if you are writing a tragedy). A flawed character who remains the same from beginning to end is a boring character (unless they are a villain).

Secondly, there’s a difference between being flawed and being likable. Han Solo is a flawed character, but he’s also instantly likable and remains so throughout the series. On the other hand, Princess Leia was also a flawed character, and she started out entirely unlikable. Han Solo’s character growth is about him growing some conscience and doing the right thing, while Leia’s character arc is about her becoming more and more relatable and likable, which is a lot harder to write (Lucas absolutely doesn’t have the skill to write it). If the story was about Leia as the protagonist, Star Wars might not be as enjoyable as it is.

The reason I stopped reading Name of the Wind is because I found Kvothe to be entirely unlikable. Yes, yes, I understand the writer wants to pull a Humber Humbert and give us an unreliable narrator, but the point of an unreliable narrator is to show how unreliable the narrator was. In the case of Lolita, the author shows us the devastation of Humbert Humbert’s actions on Lolita and how it ruined her life. And if the “Lolita is 12” doesn’t make the point of Humber Humbert being an unreliable narrator and a despicable child predator from the beginning, I think you should be on some kind of list.

The problem with Name of the Wind is that the author was so wrapped up in the awesomeness of his own unreliable narrator and never bothered to show us just how stupid and arrogant the guy actually is. Sure, in later books, we get to see some failures of Kvothe, but the author went out of his way to make justifications for Kvothe so we, the readers, would still root for him.

I found Kvothe’s narrative to be juvenile. If a 15-year-old edge lord wants to write a self-insert wish-fulfilling fantasy where he’s the best of everything, the youngest of everything in the whole damn world, and save the day being the hero, get multiple girls to fall for him, you get Kvothe. I roll my eyes every other page until I have to give up before I get an aneurysm.

Of course, Name of the Wind is an award-winning book. And there are plenty of 15-year-old edge lords who see themselves in Kvothe and will defend the book to the death. So… to each their own.

That leads me to my third point: You can’t please everyone. There will always be people who don’t like your story, and that’s OK. As writers, the only thing we can do is to be authentic to ourselves and hope that authenticity will connect us to our readers through our works. So, if you want to write deeply flawed characters doing horrible things, go right ahead. There are plenty of writers who make a career writing extremely gory stories about horrible people torturing and killing each other (Yes, I’m looking at you, GRRM, where’s the Winds of Winter? Hum?).

Do what feels right for you.


What is the weirdest life lesson you have learned in your life?

  1. One of the worst feeling is letting someone go from your life but still keeping them in your heart, you miss them but you can’t tell them because situations aren’t the same anymore.
  2. Sometimes, you end up losing yourself trying to hold on to someone who doesn’t care about losing you.
  3. Strangers can become best friends just as easy as best friends can become strangers.
  4. Spending a large amount of time with someone literally causes you to a pick up their habits. Choose your friends wisely.
  5. No one ever discovers the depth of their own loneliness.
  6. Most people have their own shit to worry about.
  7. When in doubt, don’t act. Wait for that moment of inspiration to strike.
  8. Denying the truth doesn’t change the facts.
  9. It’s weird how we sometimes think we can’t live without them again then you blink and you don’t even miss them anymore.
  10. We often pretend that everything is getting better, when it’s not.
  11. Sometimes being all alone and enjoying our own company helps a lot.
  12. It’s awesome when someone understands you more than you.

Have you ever accidentally found out that you were about to be fired?

HR lady I was friendly with did me a solid. We were at the coffee maker and she was fuming about something, so I asked what was up. She looked at me, sighed and said “You might want to start looking for a new job. Your manager is not your friend”. That’s when I realised I wasn’t being paranoid and my manager really was trying to push me out. A week later, I was sacked.

Flawed logic

Does Xi Jinping’s family or relatives own land in the U.S.?

Sanctioning, confiscating, and robbing “enemy countries” is a Western specialty.

If Xi’s family or relatives owned land in the United States, it would have been confiscated by the US government in the Sino US confrontation. Confiscating the assets of Xi’s family is much more justified than robbing the assets of legitimate Chinese businessmen such as Huawei.

The West has not even let go of sanctions against Russian cats, Russian artist, let alone the land owned by the Xi’s family.

Meng Wanzhou was inexplicably detained by Canada for three years simply because Huawei received payment from Iran in its HSBC account.

Mao loves swimming, and when Americans learned this information, During the Mao era, even bikini swimsuits and trunks sold to China were subject to US sanctions. Lol!

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2023 11 18 09 21

What’s the cleverest cheating you’ve ever seen as a teacher or student?

I quite enjoyed the “cheat” I used in a mock A-level exam many years ago. We all had Casio FX-7000G programmable calculators that had room for ten custom programs. For our maths exams (and probably physics as well?) it was standard practice for the invigilators to wander up and down the line of desks before the exam, where you had to show the program home screen that displayed the list of ten slots and showed them all as being empty. I thought it would be funny simply to create a program that, when run, displayed a mock-up of the home screen, showing text that looked identical to the actual home screen with all ten slots being (apparently) empty. In one of my exams I had this set as the sole program on the calculator, just to prove (to myself) that the invigilators would not be able to notice the difference. I ran it just before entering the exam hall, and, yep, the invigilator took a look at the calculator and was satisfied that there were no programs entered on it. If I recall correctly, there WAS one visible difference, which was that the real screen had a flashing text caret at the bottom whereas my mocked-up screen did not. But the invigilator didn’t spot it. I suppose you’re just expecting everybody to comply and your brain sees what it wants to see when 99% of the screen is exactly as predicted.

I probably wouldn’t have had the guts to pull the same stunt in the real final exams, let alone actually use it to mask the presence of other hidden programs. But I did have fun testing out my little proto-cheating hypothesis that one time.

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image 12

When you were a kid, what did you teach yourself to do without your parents knowing or approving?

Not me … but once I took a former student of mine and her eight year old daughter to breakfast when I was visiting her city. While we were catching up, the daughter was doing something quietly with her fingers. We asked what she was doing. “Oh, I’m counting in binary, see? One, two, three, … ,” as she raised and lowered successive fingers to represent the 1’s and 0’s of the binary system. “But I can only go to 32, holding all five fingers out. Oh, wait! 33, 34, 35 … “ as she used her other hand to coninue. Her mom asked where she learned that. She said, “I saw some older kids do it, so I taught myself.” I don’t think we should worry about that child.


What did someone say to you that instantly made you realize their life was in danger?

My dad said he should get his “cancer” looked at. I asked what he meant and he opened his shirt. There was a 2-inch long mole-like growth on his chest, brown and black and rough on the surface.

I’d had many skin cancers removed, and dermatologists have lots of pictures around showing both the benign and the dangerous kinds. This looked exactly like the photos of very dangerous Melanoma, the lethal version that had no cure.

I got him to go to the best doctor in Dallas. His diagnosis: Lie on the operating table – now! We have to remove the cancer today, without waiting for the biopsy. It was definitely the deadly kind.

He removed it all using the then-new Mohs technique of mapping the sample, flash freezing it and checking if there were any ‘edges’ that may still leave cancer cells.

My dad came home with 23 staples in his chest; my mom fainted at the sight. But he survived.

He’s 94 years old, living comfortably in Arizona, and still mentions how I saved his life sending him to the doctor 30 years ago.

Body counts of 19 year old girls

Damn! But, it’s a new world…

What screams “I’m upper class”?

In college, I made a pretty good living writing papers for trust-funders.

My background is dirt poor: single mother, trailer park, small town. I earned a scholarship to a Top 20 private university. It was my first exposure to True Wealth.

Where I grew up, the farmer who drove his Cadillac into town was “rich.” The doctor who built a Tudor monstrosity beside the lake was “rich.”

They weren’t, as I realized during freshman orientation.

A guy down the hall had the same last name as a Wall Street brokerage. His great-(or great-great) grandfather founded it.

A girl upstairs (coed dorm) was the daughter of a household-name media figure.

My roommate’s dad wasn’t famous, but he owned a company that manufactured parts for the Big 3 automakers. It was quite a conversation stopper when he asked, “So what does your dad do?”

I met many others. I became friends with some. Others, I noticed, were patronizingly polite toward me.

They took money for granted, to the extent that they were baffled, even resentful, when lack of it was an impediment. A friend and I discussed moving to an off-campus apartment the next year. I calculated that my scholarships (plus the side hustle) would cover half the rent and utilities for basic two-bedroom squalor.

He found us a condo that, for a mere $150,000 apiece (40 years ago), we could live in for three years and then resell for a handsome profit. He couldn’t understand how my single mother, still living in a trailer, didn’t have $150,000. “Well, can’t she just borrow it?” He found a future roomie with deeper parental pockets. We were never as friendly again.

He was the son of a lawyer and a Fortune 500 VP. Like so many others I met, he had attended prestigious prep schools, some of which even a hick like me had heard of.

And many of them didn’t give a fuck about the education an elite university could provide. They viewed their admission the same as their trust funds — as a present given at birth.

My roommate skipped far more classes than he attended, but he managed to pass. (Not only are the rich different from you and me, as Fitzgerald observed, but so are the rules that apply to them.)

His mom had even written his admissions essay. It was how things worked in their world. Other people did things for you, while you floated along in your cloud of privilege.

He was my first customer — an English 101 five-pager comparing-contrasting Holden Caulfield and Huck Finn. He wanted to go skiing instead.

I was careful not to write it too well. He got a B-minus and was satisfied.

Word got around. I charged exorbitantly — $100 (about $350 today) and sometimes more, depending on length and deadline imminence. The Fifth-Avenuers and Connecticut-estaters were happy to be overcharged and undereducated.

These were not stupid people. Their range of experiences had made them far more sophisticated than I. They just didn’t see the point of learning for learning’s sake. No classroom-derived fact or principle or perspective would make a material difference in their lives’ trajectories.

My roommate, for example, knew that once he shook the dean’s hand and accepted his fancy paper, he’d begin working in his dad’s company. The four years until then were Party Time. All he had to do was not get kicked out.

Years later, I realized that as an executive in the family business, he’d never dream of sorting out a complex problem by himself. If critical thinking or analysis were required, or research and a report to summarize it, he’d hire someone to do it — some jumped-up striver, some social-climbing grind educated on scholarships.

Someone like me. In a way, college actually was preparing him for the future.

Effort is for the little people. Nothing screams “upper class” louder.

EDIT: A few replies have criticized my answer for equating monetary wealth with social class. Fair point, although in my experience the noblesse oblige plummet rather swiftly without wealth to keep them aloft.

On the other side of the coin, even the nouveau-est of the nouveau-riches often establish their begrudged place among American aristocracy within a generation. Papa Joe Kennedy was a crass, rum-running thug, yet his kids were perceived to be shining knights of Camelot.

Upper class is longitudinal wealth and privilege. And power. Always power, even when wielded without malice or intent.

With that in mind, I’ve made a few tweaks to clarify that the old classmates I’ve mentioned grew up in an upper class cocoon, where they developed the patronizing obliviousness toward struggle/work/effort and an occasionally disdainful amusement toward social climbers.

Doing the right thing

What was the shortest interview you’ve had that led to a job offer?

I left message with a cruise line stating I was a dealer looking for work.

30 minutes later I got a call back.

Hi this is Ed from Dolphin cruise lines. Do you deal roulette?

Me: yes

Ed: you have a passport?

Me: yes

Ed: we have an opening but you need to make it to Miami in 3 days. Call me when you’re here.

So. I sold my car to get money for a flight. Told my girlfriend I was moving out and leaving for Miami. (It was a crappy relationship. Part of the reason I applied).

As soon as I got to Miami I called Ed and he told me to hurry and get to the port. I arrived and was amazed at how big the ships were and was trying to guess which one was mine when I met Ed. He gave me a plane ticket to Aruba and told me to hurry back to airport as the flight was leaving in a few hours.

Flew on the first and only smoking flight on Air Aruba. Got off and joined the M/S Oceanbreeze. Was the start of a 12 year journey that had me see over 100 countries, 27 ships, and 9 cruises lines until I met my wife on one and we returned to Canada to settle down.

In retrospect it was the most influential call of my life.

While driving a stick shift, how do you handle taking off at a traffic light when there’s a car extremely close behind you on a hill?

Fifty years ago, on my honeymoon in San Francisco, my new bride asked if she could drive my car. I said “Sure!” – without hesitation, knowing that was the only conceivable right answer. It was a Porsche 356 coupe I had while still in grad school and while we were dating. She had been with me on lots of drives, but had never driven the car.

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But you don’t drive in San Francisco without, at some time, being stuck on a hill – the city is hilly! And sure enough, a car came right up behind us and stopped.

“What do I do?”, she cried out. I talked her through it: With your feet firmly on the clutch and brake, pull on the parking brake. Then with the car in first gear, move your foot to the accelerator pedal and rev the engine so it doesn’t lug. Now slowly let the clutch out until you feel the car try to move forward, then release the parking brake. Up the hill we went (whew!).

She never asked to drive my car again.

Only seeing the finished product

Have you ever done something nice for someone, and they returned the favor many years later?

I’m a physician and used to work in a small town. One evening a tree cutter knocked on my door. He had cut his thumb off. I made sure the bleeding was slowed and suggested he see a specialty hand surgeon but he insisted he had no insurance and could neither afford the emergency room or a specialist.

I agreed to do the surgery. I blocked his arm with anesthesia and I spent all night in my office re-implanting his thumb.

The next day, my office staff saw the blood in the exam/surgical room and asked what happened and asked how much to charge. I instructed them NOT to charge him as he had no insurance.

Although the first few days were rocky, my patient did well and now has a normal functioning thumb.

Years went by and Hurricane Hugo smashed the North and South Carolina coast directly hitting Charleston and began to move inward and upward. The storm hit my town and knocked trees over and many were in my yard including one that fell and hit my two-year-old daughter’s window!

The morning after the storm, I heard the noise of a chain saw. I looked out and there was the tree cutter cleaning up AND grinding the stumps of all my trees! He yelled and waved- “Doc, no worries – I’m just paying you back!” Quite a nice barter deal!

What women want

These video clips are just so precious.

I’m 63 years old and so lonely. Does it matter to anyone?

A couple of years ago, I noticed a hunchbacked figure standing in our front garden, but I had no idea what it was doing there. Instead of approaching the figure, I watched it patiently, and noticed that she seemed to be pulling weeds. And then she was gone.

Over the next few weeks and months, the woman reappeared on an irregular basis, and proceeded with pulling weeds on her own in our frontyard, slowly and decidedly, but also absently — as if she was meditating.

Sometimes, I also heard her singing.

One day, we walked up to her to have a chat. And so she told us she was a widow who had lived on her own for almost a decade now, only a couple of houses further down the road, and that in lack of any company (except for a son who only seemed to surface if he needed something), one day she had decided to pull some weeds — be cause she loved doing that.

And she had chosen our frontyard.

She asked us if that was alright, and we happily acknowledged. It was the start of a curious frontyard relationship which sublimated through (watching) pulling weeds, (listening to) old forgotten songs, waving hallo to each other with a smile, and the occasional short chat. It lasted for some years.

One day, the weeds kept on growing and the old songs started to fade, and in front of her old house, an ugly “TO SELL” sign appeared which symbolized her passing. In between the high grass and long thistles in our frontyard, you could still find some crumbled musical notes if you had some luck.

So to answer your question: it does matter to anyone.

It matters to us.

Creole Goulash

Beef Goulash
Beef Goulash

Yield: 6 servings


  • 2 pounds beef round steak
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 (16 ounce) bag frozen soup vegetables
  • 1 (16 ounce) bag frozen Brussels sprouts
  • 1 bag frozen hash brown potatoes
  • 1 can tomato juice
  • McCormick’s Creole Seasoning
  • Garlic powder or salt


  1. Cut meat into bite-size chunks and brown in olive oil.
  2. Add frozen vegetables and a nice amount of the hash brown potatoes and dash liberally with Creole seasoning.
  3. Dash slightly with garlic salt. Stir well.
  4. Add enough tomatoes juice to make a nice thick sauce and dash more Creole seasoning/mix to taste.
  5. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are cooked and/or reduce heat for desired thickness of tomatoes sauce.

What conversations have you overheard in a language they assumed you don’t know?

I work at a reception in London. I’m Swedish, as are some of our guests.

Guest: “The light bulb in our room is out.”

Me: “I’m so sorry about that! The maintenance guy will be here later, are you OK until then?”

Guest: “Sure, thanks!”

Guests among each other in Swedish, right in front of me: “How fucking hard can it be to change a light bulb?”

Me: “Oh, you’re Swedish, cool! The problem is that I have no idea where he keeps the light bulbs.”

I will never forget the looks on their faces! I take customer service and my job very seriously, but I must admit I enjoyed that moment at the expense of the guest 🙂

Is it true that most young unmarried men in China don’t have girlfriends, because of the gender imbalance in China? If yes, then what are some solutions for this problem?

I have a solution to the gender imbalance problem. I also have a solution to the “I cant afford to marry a girl because I can’t afford a house, car, and bride price” problem. Are you ready for it?

Chinese men should actively pursue and seek to bring women from America, Australia, Europe (etc) to China. Western women don’t usually expect their partner to automatically have a house or even a car, and they certainly don’t expect any sort of dowry or bride price.

China has historically been very good at absorbing any invading people groups. This would be no different. Let the Western women “invade” and in a generation they will be absorbed into the culture. If China put effort into exporting soft power appeal in the same way that Japan and Korea do, then getting women to come over and marry would be easier. Would there be cultural differences as wide as the Grand Canyon and a big language barrier? Yes. But they could be overcame easily enough with time and patience.

My answer is a bit silly perhaps, but you must admit, it’s creative!

Why people like Tiktok

What will serve you well in life?

Just yesterday, I was on my way to work, a commute that involves driving across Tampa Bay on a 2 mile long bridge.

My bridge was stuffed with traffic.

A commute that usually took 30 minutes, took 2 hours.

This traffic jam literally shut down Tampa’s morning commute, causing everyone to be an hour late.

What I later found out, was that that morning around 5:00 AM, a highly intoxicated man drove down the wrong side of the bridge.

He made it almost 2/3 the way down across the bridge.

He was weaving between oncoming traffic, until he finally went head on into an oncoming commuter:

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He was killed.

The innocent person he hit is in the hospital currently, in critical condition.

The driver had a history of drunk driving.

It does make one wonder what takes people down these roads in their life.

Perhaps it started with one drink with friends as a younger man, and later snowballed into a full blown addiction.

Maybe the addiction was just a substitute for unhappiness in his life.

Or maybe driving down that bridge was his way out, and he was willing to take someone with him.

In any event, we all have our demons, though typically they aren’t as powerful as this man’s was. But those demons represent our weaker selves.

Know your demons. Know their names. Know when they visit. Know how to keep them out.

Small demons can become big demons. Big demons can be many demons. And when that happens, it’s game over.

Keep an eye on your demons.

Demons hate being seen. When you see them, they tend to shrink. They tend not to multiply.

How do you interpret President Xi Jinping’s meeting with American executives in San Francisco?

US business men are normal successful people who knows right from wrong. And they know China is a humongous and unavoidable market that makes or break them. The average Joe here is QUORA who are hubris, naive and ignorant thinks the U.S. is a ten foot giant and it can do any shit it wants. That is why they are less read, less travelled, more conservative mainly white trash don’t get it.

But U.S. business men are articulate and mindful. The came in force here in San Francisco to greet and express support to China and Xi Xinping. Waves flow to the shores everywhere and businesses go where money can be made.

Your U.S. media can say or do shit it wants. It don’t work. Your despicable politicians can say or do anything it wants but it won’t work. Every firm get out of China 3 new firms move into China. These companies unlike the average Joe the racist are smart and knows how to grow.

Unfortunately in the U.S. is mainly made of average Joe, so it seems the entire U.S. are made of fools. But the U.S. business men are no fools.

Kenny Veach Vanishes on his Quest for the M Cave | Mojave Mysteries Vol. 1

The Why Files is just on another level compared to other Youtube channels. Everytime Why Files uploads a video, it makes you question reality, it makes you laugh (looking at you Hecklefish), and sometimes (like this time) it makes you feel. I’m so glad that I stumble on this channel.

What is the most embarrassing thing you heard over the mic while gaming?

Back in high-school, I regularly had game night with a couple of good friends, and being that we were a group of socially awkward nerds, we had plenty of hilarious experiences.

One night while we were playing Grand Theft Auto V, my friend’s mom suddenly came into his room, and she seemed incredibly concerned.

James: “Hi Mom. Do you need something?”

Her: “James. We need to talk.”

James: “Uh, okay. Let me turn off my mic real quick.”

Her: “No no, leave it on. I want your friends to hear this too.”

James: “Uhhhh, okay? So what’s going on?”

Her: “James, I want you to be honest with me. Are you gay?

James: “What? No! Why are you asking me this?”

Her: “Are you sure? It’s okay. I don’t mind. It’s just that you’re almost 18 now, and you still haven’t had a girlfriend yet.”

James: “…”

Her: “I mean, I’ve never even seen you talk to a girl before. Are you afraid of women or something? It’s okay. You can be honest with me.”

James: “No Mom, it’s not like that. Can we please talk about this later?”

Her: “James, I’m just really concerned for you. Guys your age should be getting experience.

James: “Oh my god. Mom, please…

Her: “Is there anyone that you’re interested in? Maybe I can help you out. Or what if you ask some of your friends right now? I bet they know some good girls for you.”


The rest of us could barely hold in our laughter.

Now, I don’t know if his mom was just trolling us or not, but it was absolutely hilarious.

What is normal in China that is weird and sometimes rude in many countries?

Asking for something in the shop to the cashier.

If you are in an English speaking country, and you over hear a Chinese person say to the cashier in the general store, or waiter/waitress in restaurant some thing like:

“Give me a pack of Marlboro, and a lighter.”

“Give me a pack of gum, and a mint.”

“Give me a House Specialty Grilled Rib with mashed potatoes on the side.”

And it cringes you, because you find it rude and impolite.

It made you think of a robber in the dark alley saying:

“Give me your fucking wallet, or I’ll cut you!”

You are right to feel that way…

But mind you, it’s not that the Chinese people are rude.

It’s because this asking for something is extremely acceptable in the Chinese language.

If I were to go to buy stuff in China, I’d say:

“给我一个冰淇淋, 谢谢。”


literally, it means “Give me an ice cream, thanks.”

In China, it doesn’t have strong command implications.

But the acceptable way of ordering and buying in English speaking cultures, it’s:

“I’ll have…”

“I’ll get…”

“I want…”

To sound less aggressively demanding and more “asking politely”.

What is a stand that you took with a customer that you will never apologize for?

I was working a seasonal second job as a cashier at Toys R Us to earn extra money for the holidays. I was working Thanksgiving evening. We opened the doors at 6:00 pm to give an early start to Black Friday customers. The man who was first in line went running back to the exact spot where the specific toy he wanted for his granddaughter SHOULD have been. Each store was guaranteed to have at least one Barbie Escalade that year, but it was strangely not the case at our large store.

I knew there were certain employees who would often buy the limited items before customers ever had the chance to buy them. Sooo….when the gentleman came to my checkout aisle, panicking over not being able to find the car he had been waiting for out in the cold since that morning, I apologized and took him straight to the manager.

Since I was seasonal, I didn’t really care if I lost my job or not. I explained to the manager, right in front of the customer, that the gentleman was here for the one guaranteed Barbie car, but it was not on the floor. When the manager said someone must have gotten to it first, I then said, “This gentleman has been waiting first in line outside all day, skipping Thanksgiving, and was the first person back to that department. The registers have not had anyone check anything out yet. Clearly, we owe this man a car.” The manager simply said, “I’m sorry, but there are no rainchecks and we probably won’t get anymore in before Christmas.” I told her, in front of him, that I suspected an employee had rung it out and taken it to their car before we opened. “While this gentleman is here, can you please track this inventory number to see who checked it out?” The manager said she didn’t have the time.

I gave the gentleman, after she walked away, the inventory number and the number to the district manager so he knew who to report it to and what to say.

I found out later it was a friend of the manager who worked in the back room who had grabbed it up. I guess that still happens at a lot of stores…..Grinches they are.

He’s just being friendly…

What is something you need to confront?

I stumbled upon a DVD of old home videos in my dad’s stuff. They were from ’96 so I wasn’t even a thought back then — all the footage was of my sister, age 2, doing nothing of importance but everything worth filming to first-time parents.

And you bet your ass I sobbed while watching it.

I have lost a lot in the past three years.

We lost our family house, built five generations ago.

One dog. One cat. One bird. A few fish.

My parents’ marriage.

My mom’s new apartment.

Friendships because of depression.

When I could no longer afford it, college.

And the small stuff. I think someone sold my guitar while I was away. I don’t know where my records went. Where are my keepsakes, my high school yearbooks I will never look through but what if I wanted to?

My solution is, was, and has always been, to simply not think about it.

Don’t ask Mom where your guitar is. Don’t ask Mom what happened to your cat. Don’t ask, don’t question, don’t wonder.

It’s gone. Just let it be.

For months now I haven’t grieved because grieving is what you do when someone dies. It’s how you process the loss of a physical person, and through all the turmoil all of my physical people — whether I liked it or not — had survived.

But just a few weeks ago, my dad passed away.

Suddenly I was faced with my own definition of what grief should be, and even so I rejected it because I simply didn’t need to grieve.

I hadn’t seen him in nearly two years by the time he passed. Never mind the fact I lived with him for 18, clearly we weren’t close and therefore I had no real reason to grieve.

Done. Problem solved. Grief averted.

A week after he passed my sister and I traveled back to Wyoming to sort through his stuff and in the mess we uncovered a DVD labeled “home videos.”

Out of curiosity I polished it up and popped it in a disk drive. I figured it’d be some nice nostalgia, something fun and lighthearted.

At first, it was. I laughed a lot. The first video was my sister’s 2nd birthday party, so I watched her open presents and play with toys and blow out the candles on her cake.

Then the camera panned around the room and I saw everyone in attendance — both my grandmas, all my uncles and aunts and cousins and great-aunts and everyone in one room, laughing and joking and telling stories.

It hit me like a freight train.

Over half of the people in that shot were either dead or estranged. Most of them hate each other now. Some I haven’t seen in years. Others I’ll never see again.

The footage cut and continued to a few days after her birthday party. My sister was on the couch watching TV while my dad chattered from behind the camera.

“Taylor, what are you doing?”

She grins.

“Look at that smile.” He laughs.

“Taylor, I love you. I love you Taylor. I love you.”

I had to pause to get tissues. My chest hurt. I felt lightheaded.

Look at everything we’ve lost.

I would never have that life again. No big family coming together happily for a birthday party. No dad cooing from behind the camera, just proud to be a father. No watching my parents be in love. It’s gone. It’s all gone.

And I can’t keep pretending it doesn’t bother me.

Is it any wonder why I don’t want to date because I know they’ll always leave? Why I don’t make new friends, because they’ll leave too? Why I hate leaving my apartment because I know my cat will die, or leaving my car because I know they’ll tow it away even though they have no reason to? Why I refuse to get a regular salaried job because I know they’ll fire me and I’ll lose everything — my home, my stuff, my life?

Is it any wonder I’m afraid?

I know that if I never grieve, I’ll always have that clinging onto me. I’ll always be scared to do anything, to gain anything, because I’ll always be afraid that I might lose it again.

So as much as I dislike it, I have to confront where I’ve been. I have to accept loss and find ways to move forward with it.

It hurts. It hurts so much.

But carrying it with me every single day is so, so much worse.

My Girlfriend Failed A Loyalty Test And Had A Complete MELTDOWN After I Told Her It Was Over

Human relationships and the turmoil that can occur. Ugh! I am so very glad that I past that stage in my life. It’s so difficult for so many people.

Have you ever discovered that you or your friend’s drink was drugged or tampered with?

It was 80’s Florida, a party at some college students’ apartment. My older sister, 18 and I, 16, went. My sis didn’t do drugs and wasn’t a big drinker. After a couple hours, we were standing outside talking, all was normal. The next second, my sis couldn’t stand up. She just slumped to the ground as if all her bones had suddenly disintegrated. Luckily her bf was there too – between the two of us we managed to get her in the back of the car and outta there. When we got home we put her in her bed and explained to mom what had happened. As she didn’t drink much or do drugs, somebody must have spiked her drink. Luckily she was with us when it took effect, or God knows what would have happened.

Gender aging

What was the shortest interview you’ve had that led to a job offer?

The department store personnel director lady slid the familiar-looking booklet across her desk. “It’s just a short test we give all our applicants,” she said. “You have five minutes.” I glanced down at the first page. “Uh … I really can’t take this test,” I told her. She looked puzzled. “And why not?” I smiled. “Because I know all the answers,” I replied. She smirked. “Well, I guess we’ll see about THAT, won’t we?

It wasn’t an idle boast. During my sophomore year of college I did an internship at a local mental health clinic where I administered and scored various tests. In addition to personality profiles, many of our clients were given a timed, multiple choice IQ test that had been developed by the military. It was the same test the store personnel lady had just handed me. I’d scored hundreds of them. And, with lots of practice, I’d memorized the answer key.

It took less than a minute to color in all of the little circles on the answer sheet. “Did you even bother to read the questions?” she asked. “Sort of,” I replied. End of interview.

My mother was standing by the phone as I walked through the kitchen door. “The store just called,” she said. “They want to offer you a job.” I climbed back into my car and returned to the store where the flustered personnel lady spent the next few minutes gushing over my “highest ever” test score. I was quickly ushered into the store manager’s office. My test was on his desk. “How?” he asked. He cradled his head in his hand and tried hard not to laugh as I recounted my repeated attempts to explain my knowledge of and experience with the test I’d just aced.

“So you really did know all the answers,” he said with a smile. Yup.

The job was mine.

Why does everyone say China’s economy is doing so badly when they are growing at 5.4% according to the IMF?

It is doing badly

No point in being an Ostrich. After all we can’t be like our Indian brothers

Two of its largest earners – Exports and Real Estate have taken a hit plus due to the Global slowdown and Fed interest rates , Investments are in mild net outflow


They are doing way worse than China which is not being covered in any way by anyone

The Narrative is that China is the only economy that is doing badly, giving the illusion that every other economy is booming and thriving

That’s the problem and that is propaganda

Every Economy has good and bad points

China’s bad points are it’s Real Estate, it’s Exports , it’s Investment outflow and it’s Local Government Debt

Yet it’s good points are it’s surging domestic demand, domestic consumption, very strong fiscal stability and very low National Debt for a GDP of that size

It’s Resilience so to speak of

The Western Media continuously harp on the negative aspects of Chinas economy while ignoring the positive aspects completely

The Western Media almost always harp on the positive aspects of countries like USA while turning a blind eye to the negative aspects

The reason is over the last two years or so, the Western Media and the Western Nations have decided to go back to the DEMOCRACY IS THE BEST MODEL mode

Thus they target primarily China and Russia for all the flaws and illustrate that both nations are likely to collapse any minute

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Putin doesn’t care too much

He has his Oil and Gas and his army and he simply has no dependence on the US. He knows at the end of the day, for thirty years at least, maybe forty, the world needs his Oil badly and as long as he sells Oil, he gets whatever imports he wants

Besides at 2 Trillion, Russia isn’t an Economic threat to the West

Their threat is Military and hence the barrage of so called Russian Military Collapses predicted since 2022 May by every Western Journalist

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Xi meanwhile is dependent on the West today for a lot of business and so he can’t say f*** you like Putin can

Besides at $ 19 Trillion, China is an economic threat to the US directly rather than a Military one

So the narrative is one sided, badly one sided

The reality is US and Europe are doing worse than China

Its just a bad time for the Global Economy due to three years of Covid led economic fracture plus the Ukraine conflict plus now Gaza

People are in recession mode and aren’t jumping to buy stuff and build stuff, the way they were in 2016–2017

Democracies hide and sugar coat the issues they face due to election fears

China faces the problems head on

That’s the simple difference

In 1917…


Excerpts from some speeches:

Mr. President,

China is a socialist country, and a developing country as well. China belongs to the Third World. 

Consistently following Chairman Mao’s teachings, the Chinese Government and people firmly support all oppressed peoples and oppressed nations in their struggle to win or defend national independence, develop the national economy and oppose colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism. 

This is our bounden internationalist duty. China is not a superpower, nor will she ever seek to be one. What is a superpower? 

A superpower is an imperialist country which everywhere subjects other countries to its aggression, interference, control, subversion or plunder and strives for world hegemony. If capitalism is restored in a big socialist country, it will inevitably become a superpower. 

The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, which has been carried out in China in recent years, and the campaign of criticizing Lin Piao and Confucius now under way throughout China, are both aimed at preventing capitalist restoration and ensuring that socialist China will never change her colour and will always stand by the oppressed peoples and oppressed nations.

If one day China should change her colour and turn into a superpower, if she too should play the tyrant in the world, and everywhere subject others to her bullying, aggression and exploitation, the people of the world should identify her as social-imperialism, expose it, oppose it and work together with the Chinese people to overthrow it.

Deng’s speech represents Mao’s attitude and is also a declaration from the PRC government to the world.

This speech actually represents China’s long-standing foreign policy and national positioning:

mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non- interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.

Wolf Formation

Were you aware that a Chinese fighter jet intercepted a Canadian surveillance plane taking part in a UN operation to enforce sanctions against North Korea?

FFS, it was not an intercept. No one got shot at or shot down.

The Canadian plane was there, far away from home. The Chinese plane was there, close to home. They flew together for a while, but the Canadian crew got anxious. Perhaps they know that they do no have a real excuse to be there.

If and when a Chinese military plane ever flies close to the Canadian coast, a Canadian flight might do the same.

The last time an errant Chinese balloon drifted over the North American continent, it was shot down. That is what you’d call an intercept.

Let’s stop with the hypocrisy and the hyperbole.

No action…

Biden Sends “War Powers” Notification to Congress over Gaza Situation

World Hal Turner

Al Jazeera is reporting utterly massive and continuous bombardment of the northern Gaza Strip; unlike anything seen so far.  They believe a ground offensive has begun.  ALL COMMUNICATIONS CUT OFF.  Phones, Fax, Internet, Cellular all off.

Russian Television (RT) reports complete loss of contact with their crew inside Gaza.  Even TV satellite uplinks are not working; possibly being JAMMED.

Sources in and around Gaza are claiming that the Artillery, Tank, and Airstrikes on the Northern Gaza Strip tonight are the Heaviest they have seen since the start of the War.

Israeli naval vessels have begun shelling the northern tip of the Gaza Strip.   This is in ADDITION to ongoing air strikes, and artillery shelling.

— Reports of General mobilization announced by Palestinian resistance in West Bank.

— IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says the military has ramped up airstrikes in the Gaza Strip in the last few hours: “The Air Force is striking underground targets very significantly. Ground forces are expanding the ground activity this evening.

–Palestinian Red Crescent says it has lost contact with its operations headquarters in Gaza.

— IDF Spokesman Hagari announces: “The ground forces are expanding ground operations this evening”

— IDF set to expand ground operations in Gaza tonight; Israel considers giving up on hostage deal & fully invading Gaza.

— U.S. President Biden has just been Briefed by his National Security Team on Updates regarding the Situation in Israel and Gaza:

Iran Foreign Minister: “They pressed the button.”   (HT remark: I take this to mean the Ground Offensive is a “Go.”  )

 — Israeli Channel 12: “Israel abandons the prisoner deal and prepares for ground entry.”

— Israeli Diplomatic Officials have stated tonight that they believe Hamas has been “Dragging their Feet” on Hostage Negotiations within Qatar in order to Delay or Halt an Israeli Invasion of the Gaza Strip, and that despite the claims made the last few days by U.S, Egyptian, and Qatari Officials there is No Breakthrough that has been seen; further stating that they are Finished with Waiting.


Columns of Israeli tanks are on the move, approaching the Gaza Border north of Beit Lahia and Beit Hanoun:

— Hamas official tells the Financial Times the organization ‘did not expect this much of a response from America’ after the 7th of October attack, adding ‘what we are seeing now is the entrance of the US into the battle, and this we didn’t count on’.

 3:50 PM EDT —  Hamas: We hold Israel, Washington, and Western capitals responsible for the massacres in Gaza.

— Oil prices surge by 3% over Middle East tensions

 — Hamas calls on Arab countries and the international community to help ‘stop the crimes and massacres against our people’

 ***** BULLETIN *****

3:54 PM EDT —


Israeli Tanks have crossed the Border Fence into the Northern Gaza Strip near the City of Beit Hanoun.

— Gold hits $2,000 an ounce for the first time in five months

— Oil just spiked 3% and rising.


Israeli tanks have just now begun crossing the Northern Border into Gaza.

 4:05 PM EDT —  Hamas-Linked Accounts are claiming that Israeli Tank has been Struck by an Anti-Tank Guided Missile and Destroyed to the East of Beit Hanou in Northern Gaza.

Meanwhile, up at the West Bank . . . . There is a shootout between Hamas and the IDF at the Nitzani Oz checkpoint in the Tulkarm region. Three homemade bombs were thrown at Israeli soldiers at the checkpoint.

 ***** FLASH *****

Update from Israeli Defense Force: “The Expanded Activity into Gaza Is Not The Anticipated Larger Operation”

 — The Jordanian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs states that the Israeli Invasion of the Gaza Strip has begun.

4:10 PM EDT — Large IDF infantry & armored forces operating in several towns; exchanges of fire and massive airstrikes reported

4:12 PM EDT — JUST IN: Rocket attacks have begun against U.S. facilities in both Syria and Iraq.

 NOW ALSO IN THE WEST BANK — The city of Nablus is uprising against the Israeli invasion of Gaza.  Thousands taking to the streets.

4:16 PM EDT — The map below shows where Israeli forces have entered the northern Gaza Strip:

— this may be a probing attack . . .

— Adviser to Israel’s PM says military operations are underway and ‘when this is over, Gaza will be very different’.

 — Explosions reported in another US illegal base in Kharab al-Jir area in Hasakah Syria.

Entire West Bank Erupting:

4:21 PM EDT — Large Explosions have now also been reported at the Al-Omar Oil Fields in Northwestern Syria which houses a U.S. Operations Base.

 4:24 PM EDT —


Reports of Egyptian Air Force and Israeli Air Force airborne over the EGYPT/ISRAELI border at Eilat and Taba.

Why did Egypt put fighter jets up, and why is Israel mirroring them?   


Just-in:   Egypt deployed air defense systems to the Sinai Peninsula.    Well, Egypt certainly isn’t doing that over the Palestinians . . . is Egypt going to war against Israel?


Houthis in Yemen are launching ballistic missiles and drones towards Israel.

 — IDF infantry and armored forces are now operating in Bureij, Beit Hanoun and Jabaliya in the Gaza Strip, with gunfire and heavy airstrikes reported.

EGYPT . . . .     

Grand Imam of Egypt’s Al-Azhar Ahmed el-Tayeb condemns what Israel is doing now in Gaza as ‘blind terrorism, clear violation of all conventions, norms’


“The area of Beit Hanoun adjacent to the Erez crossing point is being annihilated into oblivion”

DUGIN IN RUSSIA:  “Israel has just declared the beginning of ground operation in Gaza. The Judgment Day is announced. Now the most important events have to follow. All US efforts to prevent or at least to delay it were in vain. This is the war between islamic world and collective West.”

4:38 PM EDT — Initial Reports of Explosions over the City of Eilat in Southern Israel.

— Turkish President Erdogan is urging residents to come out tomorrow for a rally in support of Palestine.

— Hamas’ Al-Qassam Brigades says it is confronting Israeli ground incursion into Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip; violent clashes taking place on the ground

4:57 PM EDT — In the Update above showing 4:31 PM, I reported Yemen was launching Ballistic Missiles at Israel.  At the Update above showing 4:38 PM, I reported “Explosions over the city of Eliat” Israel.   Moments ago, Hezbollah’s official channel posted a message from a member of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement with a single word: ‘Eilat’  —  following recent explosions in the southern Israeli city. Hezbollah had previously hinted at involvement if Israel pursued a ground invasion.   With it’s posting saying “Eliat” Yemen becomes the first outside country to attack Israel over the Gaza situation.


UN General Assembly adopted a draft resolution calling for an “immediate, permanent and sustained humanitarian ceasefire” in Gaza and demanding a cessation of hostilities immediately.  (HT Remark: Useless words, from Useless people in a Useless organization.   The UN should be dissolved.)

Naval Assault By Israel

SPAIN . . .

Spain’s social rights minister says after communications cut off in Gaza, “The objective is clear; they want even more impunity to commit the worst atrocities’


Claims now POURING IN saying a Yemen Missile struck Eliat,Israel and this photo is ALLEGEDLY the aftermath of that hit:

— Senior Pentagon official: CVN 69 aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower has passed through the Strait of Hormuz and will be in the waters of the Persian Gulf.

 ***** BULLETIN *****


Syrian army artillery in Daraa has begun shelling Israeli army positions in the Golan Heights.   Syria now becomes the SECOND outside country to begin attacking Israel over the Gaza situation.  At this hour, Yemen and Syria are now, apparently, in this fight.


Al Jazeera reporter Wael al-Dahduh: “We are not all right. Human body parts are everywhere. Missiles are aimed at everyone. The bombing (of Gaza) does not stop for a second.”

********** URGENT **********

5:19 PM EDT —

Coastal areas of Gaza report that American troops of the Delta Force unit are fighting on the ground.  (I am attempting to verify or corroborate these CLAIMS.   I __did__ call the Pentagon Press Office.  It went like this:  “Hello  this is Hal Turner with radio stations WBCQ and WRMI.  I am receiving reports that American troops from the Delta Force allegedly made entry into the Gaza Strip and are engaged in battle.  Does the Pentagon have any comment to make?  The reply: ‘Not at this time.”  Sooooo, they didn’t confirm it, but they also didn’t DENY it.)

5:40 PM EDT —

Reports of Heavy LOSSES of Israeli armored vehicles (including tanks) destroyed, and Soldiers KILLED.

RELATED: The Dutch embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, urges all Dutch citizens to leave Iraq immediately.


President of Belarus: “Any attack on Iran will lead to the third world war.”

— Two Senior U.S. Officials have told CBS News that the Israeli Strikes and Ground Operations tonight in the Gaza Strip appear to be the “Rolling Start” to the Full-Scale Invasion of Gaza.


The U.S. State Dept. recommends that U.S. citizens in Lebanon leave now while commercial flights remain available due to the unpredictable security situation. Please see available flight options at Beirut–Rafic Hariri International Airport

— Israeli Channel 14 says “Disappointment for our army tonight”

— MILITARY OBSERVERS: Israeli army has so far failed with a ground invasion and is practicing a scorched earth policy through indiscriminate bombing of Gaza.

***** FLASH *****


North Korean leader Kim Jung Un in a Special Announcement to the people of North Korea, announced: “We are on the threshold of World War III and everyone must prepare.”

— “Moses Staff” an Iranian computer-hacker group warning Israel: “You will undergo irreparable damage in the field of cyber and infrastructure. From now on you should pay for each spilled blood. Wait for huge combined attacks. Our target is clear, specified and accurate”

 — Military Analyst of Israeli Channel 14: The first land operation is a complete disappointment. The government is gambling with the lives of soldiers.

 — Israeli Media is reporting that Thousands of Israeli Troops alongside Hundreds of Tanks and Armored Vehicles have entered the Northern Gaza Strip tonight near the City of Beit Hanoun with Heavy and Difficult Fighting against Terrorist Forces ongoing.

— Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan said there are ‘no talks’ currently taking place between the group and Israel over a potential ceasefire and prisoner exchange.

 — The Israeli army received a devastating blow on the outskirts of Bureij camp, and the tanks were burning as if they were toys and dolls — Walla News


In New York City RIGHT NOW, thousands of people are engaging in a “sit-in” at Grand Central Station.  The event, organized by Jews, DEMANDS an immediate cease fire and saying:


—  A source in the Palestinian resistance to Al-Mayadeen: “Israeli army is in a state of hit and run and has not been able to stabilize any of its forces in the main effort areas northeast, northwest, and central in Al-Bureij, therefore it intensifies the shelling at the fronts where they intend to advance.”


Palestinian sources report that Israeli forces have stormed the Jalazone camp in the West Bank.


“Bleeding for the people of the Arab nation. The failure of the ground attack launched by the occupation forces on the Gaza Strip through three fronts, and there are heavy losses among the enemy’s ranks in terms of soldiers and equipment.

The enemy fell into ambushes prepared by the Palestinian resistance on a number of fronts, and since the beginning of the battle there have been defensive plans against any attempt.

Kornet missiles and Yassin missiles were used to repel the attack, and we expect the enemy to try again.

The Israeli occupation used helicopters to evacuate the wounded and dead from the battlefield.”


Biden sends War Powers Notification to US Congress. 

He will move on

Biden Forced To Call Off His Plans For Ethnic Cleansing Of Gaza

The U.S. government under Joe Biden had developed plans to ethnically cleanse Gaza by moving all of its 2.3 million people into Egypt:

Harry Sisson @harryjsisson – 2:44 UTC · Oct 11, 2023

Amazing: President Biden is working on a plan with other countries that would allow civilians to safely leave Gaza and cross the border into Egypt. This is great news. President Biden is making sure that innocent people don’t die due to the actions of Hamas. That’s leadership.

The NSC spokesperson had confirmed that plan:

US ‘actively working’ to establish safe corridor for Gaza civilians: White HouseYeni Safak – Oct 12, 2023

The US is in active talks with Israel and Egypt to establish “safe passage” corridors for civilians in Gaza to flee ongoing Israeli airstrikes, the White House said Wednesday amid an expected ground offensive in the besieged enclave.

“We’re actively discussing this with our Israeli and our Egyptian counterparts, we support safe passions for civilians. Civilians are not to blame for what Hamas has done. They didn’t do anything wrong,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters at the White House.

“We are actively working on this with Egyptian and our Israeli counterparts. Civilians are protected under the laws of armed conflict, and they should be given every opportunity to avoid the fighting,” he added.

This all was based on a plan originally developed by radical Zionist within the government of Israel:

Leaked: Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse GazaThe Cradle – Oct 29, 2023

Israeli culture magazine Mekovit published on 28 October a leaked document issued by Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence recommending the occupation of Gaza and total transfer of its 2.3 million inhabitants to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.

The document, issued on 13 October, identifies a plan to transfer all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among three alternatives regarding the future of the Palestinians in Gaza at the end of the current war between Israel and the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance.

The document recommends that Israel evacuate the Gazan population to Sinai during the war, establish tent cities and new cities in northern Sinai to accommodate the deported population, and then create a closed security zone stretching several kilometers inside Egypt. The deported Palestinians would not be allowed to return to any areas near the Israeli border.

Egypt of course rejected any such plans. As I had explained:

Netanyahoo’s Strategic DilemmaMoon of Alabama – Oct 21, 2023

Israel, with the help of the U.S., has tried to push the population of Gaza into Egypt. From Egypt’s standpoint that would be a humanitarian solution, at least as long as others pay for it. But it would cause a serious strategic problem. Resistance by Hamas and others against Israel would continue indefinitely, but Egypt would be held responsible for it.It can not and will not take on that burden.

Despite that logic the White House continued to proceed with its plan. Its request to Congress to finance the wars in the Ukraine and Gaza with up to $106 billion included these lines (pg 40):

Letter regarding critical national security funding needs for FY 2024 – White House – Oct 20, 2023

These resources would support displaced and conflict-affected civilians, including Palestinian refugees in Gaza and the West Bank, and to address potential needs of Gazans fleeing to neighboring countries. This would include food and non- food items, healthcare, emergency shelter support, water and sanitation assistance, and emergency protection. This would also include potential critical humanitarian infrastructure costs needed for the refugee population to provide access to basic, life-sustaining support. This crisis could well result in displacement across border and higher regional humanitarian needs, and funding may be used to meet evolving programming requirements outside of Gaza.

Russia had called out the plan for the nonsense it is:

Middle East and Central Asia. Lavrov on the interests of the USA and the West, parallels with UkraineBelta – Oct 28, 2023

“It is clear that such an approach is disastrous, because if the Gaza Strip is destroyed, if two million residents are driven out, as some politicians in Israel and abroad are implying, this will create a catastrophe that will last for many decades, if not centuries,” Sergey Lavrov noted.

Backed by Russia the Egyptian resistance against the plan continued. A phone call held yesterday finally buried it:

Sisi, Biden probe developments of Gaza escalation, reject displacement of PalestiniansAhram Online – Oct 29, 2023

During the call, El-Sisi reiterated Egypt’s firm rejection of policies that collectively punish and displace the Palestinian people.

Biden, for his part, affirmed to El-Sisi that the US likewise rejects the displacement of Palestinians outside their homeland, expressing his appreciation for the positive role played by Egypt in this crisis, said Egyptian Presidential Spokesman Ahmed Fahmy.

The call touched upon the importance of preventing the expansion of the conflict into the region, added Fahmy.

During the call, El-Sisi reiterated Egypt’s firm rejection of policies that collectively punish and displace the Palestinian people. Biden, for his part, affirmed to El-Sisi that the US likewise rejects the displacement of Palestinians outside their homeland, expressing his appreciation for the positive role played by Egypt in this crisis, said Egyptian Presidential Spokesman Ahmed Fahmy.

Biden was forced to publicly declare that his plans for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza were called off:

President Biden @POTUS – 21:23 UTC · Oct 29, 2023

I also spoke with President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi to share my appreciation for Egypt facilitating the delivery of humanitarian assistance to Gaza.

We reaffirmed our commitment to work together and discussed the importance of protecting civilian lives, respect for international humanitarian law, and ensuring that Palestinians in Gaza are not displaced to Egypt or any other nation.

This is another failure of the dimwit policies cooked up by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and SecState Anthony Blinken as directed by their Zionist puppeteers.

I for one support all plans that would allow them to safely leave Washington DC. They can move to Antarctica or to wherever the climate is severe enough to cool their genocidal moods.

Posted by b on October 30, 2023 at 9:35 UTC | Permalink

Mommy issues

Do soldiers in war ever help the enemy?

Of course. There are many instances. One of the most conspicuous was the case of Lt. Friedrich Lengfeld. He not only died to help a wounded American soldier during the battle of Hürtgen Forest, but is one of the very few Germans honored by his American enemies who in the 50th anniversary of the battle set up a monument in his honor. Here is an excerpt of the story:

By November 10, Lengfeld’s company was exhausted. The group had been decimated, and those who survived hadn’t bathed in days. Everyone was suffering from a serious bout of lice, hunger, malnutrition, and severe cold, as well as damp because of the snow and rain.

They had been fighting over a forester’s lodge in the woods to the south of where the Hürtgen War Cemetery now stands. At the time, the lodge had been used as a shelter by both sides depending on who held it.

The structure was beside a minefield the Germans called “Wilde Sau” (wild sow) and despite its decrepit condition, it provided some shelter from the elements. The following day, Lengfeld lost two men from sniper fire, so they prepared for another attack.

Later that evening, the US 12th Infantry captured the lodge, causing Lengfeld to lose more men. Rallying around him, they launched a counterattack and managed to drive the Americans out the following morning. As the Americans retreated, one of them ran directly into the Wilde Sau with disastrous consequences.

Though severely injured, the American survived and began calling out for help. Beside the minefield was a safe path guarded by a German machine gun. Lengfeld ordered Hubert Gees (a rifleman and his communications runner) to go to the gunner and tell him not to fire at any Americans who came to rescue the man.

Hours passed and no one came for him, either believing he was dead or because the Americans had retreated in disarray. Unable to take the man’s cries any longer, Lengfeld decided to mount a rescue himself.

The lodge was located beside a road protected with antitank mines the company had placed and knew the locations of. At around 10:30 AM, Lengfeld led a team of medics beside the road till he got opposite the American soldier. He then went into the minefield, but as he got off the safety of the path, he stepped on a hidden anti-personnel mine which blasted him away.

They quickly carried Lengfeld back to the lodge, but it was too late. There were two deep holes in his back, and he was suffering from serious internal injuries. They managed to get him to the First Aid Station in Froitzheim where he died later that evening.

The identity of the American soldier remains unknown.

The Battle of Hürtgen Forest was one of the longest battles fought in WWII, lasting from September 1944 until February 1945 at a cost of some 33,000 American lives and about 28,000 German ones.

Despite this, Lieutenant Colonel John Ruggles, former Regimental Executive Officer of the 22nd Infantry felt compelled to honor Lengfeld’s heroism during the battle’s 50th anniversary. And that’s why veterans of the 22nd US Infantry Society set up a monument in his honor at the cemetery.

In part, it reads: No man hath greater love than he who layeth down his life for his enemy

Lt. Lengfeld was 23 years old.

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image 139

All three mistakes

What are the first things you notice when you become homeless?

I think the very first thing you notice is people’s behavior towards you changing.

Even before you are on the streets, even before you notice how random strangers now treat you differently, call the cops on you for existing, or feel justified in harassing or persecuting you…

Before that, you learn that for so many of the people you considered to be friends, you dont exist anymore. You learn who your real friends and family are, who the people are that will actually stand by you, even in tough times. Often, there are not that many.

The other thing that you learn a lot about is how much people waste.

How much food, clothes, furniture, space, money, how so much of everything is being wasted.

When you live on other people’s scraps, you develop an eye for waste.

It is amazing how much stuff people throw away, most of it perfectly good.

It is also super interesting to see how incredibly protective people are of their garbage! They were throwing it out a second ago to be destroyed, but if you take it, that would be the end of the world. I think it might be because when you take it, it induces cognitive dissonance as people see that the stuff they are throwing out is actually useful.

You notice a lot of other things too. For example that poor people are a lot more tolerant, and willing to help than rich people. To poor people, you are human, but as socioeconomic level rises, things change.
One time one of my friends received some change from someone wearing a suit. We celebrated the event, it was too rare an occasion not to.

Also, you notice how little a roof actually matters, compared to other things.

Is sleeping in a shelter worth the loss of half your day, the loss of your safety, being treated like an animal, suffering withdrawal symptoms, and abandoning your dog? Yeah, no, I’ll find some cardboard somewhere instead, thank you very much.

Edit: and one more that I forgot to mention: Homeless invisibility!

As I sat on the streets, I often pondered what an incredible spy I would make.

Being homeless was sometimes kind of like looking at life from an alternate dimension, where I could see and hear others, but they could not see me, hear me, or notice me.

I could be waving, and speaking to them, but I might as well not have existed, no reaction at all.
Sometimes, I was almost able to get through to some people.
They didn’t quite seem to actually notice me, or ever look at me, but they would speed up a little, or make a detour around me. Perhaps some kind of 6th sense allowed them to feel my presence, even though they could not see or hear me? Maybe this is where the reports of ghosts and other such paranormal experiences come from?


What did someone do on an airplane that made you say “You’ve gotta be kidding me”?

This happened years ago, before I had kids. I was on a flight, sitting in the window seat, minding my own business as people boarded. A young woman with a child sat in the middle seat next to me. I figured the child had the aisle seat, but no, someone else had that seat.

Now the rules then were that a child could be a free lap-rider up until the age of 2 years, then were required to purchase a seat.

This was the biggest 2 year old I have ever seen or the mother was pulling one over on the airline. Now they require a birth certificate if there is any doubt the age of the child.

Everything was fine until the plane took off. At that point the child decided they needed to see out the window and walked onto my lap to see the view.

Mother didn’t even flinch.

Just kept encouraging the child to see the view. She then slipped on headphones and buried her nose in a magazine.

Over the next two hours the child stomped all over me, demanded my attention, and prevented me from eating or drinking anything.

The flight attendants repeatedly asked the mother to keep her child on her lap, and she would for as long as it took for the FA to walk away. The flight attendants kept mouthing ‘sorry’ to me the whole flight.

I decided to suck it up for the child and since it was a short flight to just deal with it. As I stood to disembark the plane, after the mother and child had already left, all of the flight attendants hugged me, shoved extra snacks into my hands and thanked me over and over.

I ended up leaving with a big smile on my face. People like that mother are the reason the rest of us have to deal with so many rules and regulations.

Creole Cabbage Rolls

Add a Creole twist to stuffed cabbage roll recipes. These Creole Cabbage Rolls are stuffed with ground beef, Italian sausage, onions and Zatarain’s Spanish Rice, covered in rich tomato sauce. A delicious dinner recipe, or enjoy as a cold weather meal any time of day.

creole cabbage rolls
creole cabbage rolls

Prep: 30 min | Bake: 45 min | Yield: 15 servings


  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1/2 pound ground beef
  • 1/2 pound Italian sausage
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1 (14 1/2 ounce) can diced tomatoes
  • 1 package Zatarain’s® Spanish Rice
  • 1 head cabbage, core removed
  • 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce


  1. Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add ground beef and sausage; cook and stir until no longer pink.
  2. Stir in water, diced tomatoes and Rice Mix; bring to boil. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer for 25 minutes or until rice is tender.
  3. Remove from heat. Let stand for 5 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, bring 4 quarts lightly salted water to boil in large sauce pot. Drop cabbage, stem-side down, into water. Reduce heat to low; simmer for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove cabbage and carefully remove outer leaves. Return cabbage to simmering water; simmer until outer leaves have softened.
  6. Repeat simmering and removal of cabbage leaves as necessary.
  7. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  8. Place about 1/3 cup of rice stuffing near core end of each cabbage leaf. Fold in sides of leaf over stuffing, then roll up. Place rolls, seam-side down, in 13 x 9 inch baking pan. Pour tomato sauce over top.
  9. Bake for 45 minutes or until cabbage rolls are tender.


Variation: Top cabbage rolls with 1/2 pound medium shrimp, peeled and deveined, during the last 10 minutes of cooking.

What could have been awesome if people hadn’t ruined it?

Hitchbot, the hitchhiking robot.

Hitchbot was created by two Canadian professors. According to his creators, he came to fruition in order to see if robots could trust human beings. Hitchbot could not walk, he was only able to speak. Still, he could relate facts and carry on basic conversations. Using just these abilities, the professors wanted to see if he could travel across countries only by hitchhiking.

For a while their plan worked!

Through the kindness of people, Hitchbot had traveled across Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands. Along the way, Hitchbot had cruised the canals of Amsterdam, spent a week with a heavy metal band, and been a part of a wave at a Red Sox game.

Unfortunately, his good fortune would not continue.

Starting on July 17, 2015, Hitchbot would start on his fourth and final journey: attempting to travel from Boston to San Francisco.

After about two weeks, Hitchbot met his sad demise in Philadelphia. The robot was found stripped and decapitated, broken beyond repair. Photos were tweeted of his body, but the head was never found.

Hitchbot could have been a testament to human kindness, and for a while he was. But, ultimately, people had to ruin what could have been an awesome thing.

Still, regardless of his destruction, there was a strong outpouring across the Internet mourning his demise. Despite the poor actions of a few individuals, Hitchbot was able to touch the lives of many.

He remained upbeat all the way up to his passing. His last words are below.

“My trip must come to an end for now, but my love for humans will never fade,” the bot said. “Thank you to all my friends.”


HitchBOT, hitchhiking robot, gets beheaded in Philly – CNN

Hitchhiking Robot, Safe in Several Countries, Meets Its End in Philadelphia

hitchBOT – Wikipedia

Power Dynamic

What office rule made you say “Really?”

We had a no alcohol in the office rule. But we were having a summer BBQ put on by the company, which featured a keg of beer. The BBQ was on the lawn in front of the office. One of my coworkers had to use the washroom, and didnt want to put down their red solo cup, with the 10 other identical red solo cups, that were sitting on top of the flower box, by the entrance to the office.

I doubt they even thought about it, they just walked into the washroom, and put their cup on the counter by the sink. One of the bosses walked into the washroom, and started giving him heck, saying that he was going to write him up, and that this was a serious offence. It was, the company had fired someone, for picking up a bottle of wine at lunch, and putting it in his desk, to take home for dinner.

Another coworker was leaving the washroom at the time, and came and got us, and asked us all to bring our beer cups with us to the washroom. We couldn’t even fit in the washroom, we were backed up down the hall.

The boss seeing how big a fuss this was going to be, backed down and said people would only get a verbal warning this time.

Its pretty ridiculous, that a company has a no alcohol in the office policy, but supplies alcohol on the property, where the only washroom is in the office.

What is something about human psychology that almost nobody knows?

  • By exercising daily, your risk of catching a cold, flu, or some serious form of infection is dramatically reduced;
  • Don’t punish people in your present for the actions of people in your past;
  • About 80% of human conversations are complaints;
  • People with low self-esteem are more likely to put others down;
  • If you want to do more than meet the expectations of society’s life plan, create your own definition of success;
  • Growth comes from doing what we don’t want or are afraid to do;
  • Your physical pain, as well as fear and stress, can be alleviated by holding the hand of someone you love;
  • Even the illusion of progress can be motivating;
  • The beginning and the end are always easier to remember;
  • All advice is guided by the experience of the person;
  • Mental health is just as important as physical health. Emotions are real. Get comfortable with them. Understand that what you feel is normal. You are not less because of how you feel. Find a good therapist before you need one;
  • Getting a good night’s sleep, eating healthy foods, and being physically active are essential to staying healthy throughout your life!

What a good man wants…

Do you think democracy is a failure? Why & why not?

Democracy isn’t a failure. When implemented correctly, democracy works very well.

The problem is the US isn’t a democracy.

Yes, yes, I hear you. Technically speaking, the US is a republic, and we use “representative democracy.” Yes, I took Political Science 101 in college, just like you. So shut up for once.

The US isn’t even a “representative democracy.”

The US system is a plutocracy or rule of wealth.

Thank Citizen United, our system is entirely dominated by money. People with great wealth have great influence over our policy. Our representatives in the House and Senate are bought and sold by interest groups. You want single-payer universal health care? LOL, the insurance interests group will kill whatever bill you bring to the floor with super PACs. Do you want to be reelected? Better not hurt the status quo. Oh, and while we’re at it, let’s start another war in the Middle East because weapon manufacturers and military-industrial complexes are paying for my next election.

We might not be able to do much as individual voters, but we can put in the effort to be informed voters. Vote in local elections. Read about policies. Do your research on the candidate you vote for and pay special attention to who’s paying for their campaigns. Donate to candidates who rely on individual donors instead of Super PACs.

And, more than anything, overturn Citizen United Vs. FEC. Money isn’t speech. Political donations should not be protected. Remove money from the election so we can actually have a democracy.

Pre Birth Plan: Woman Volunteers for INSANE HARDSHIPS to Help Earth SHIFT!

All at once

I watched a very interesting movie. It’s an American-Chinese joint venture. The movie is titled “Everything everywhere all at once“.

I watched it while taking the High Speed Train from Guangzhou to JiangXi.

It was fun.

everything everywhere all at once review fight scene
everything everywhere all at once review fight scene

It, like much of the modern Chinese contemporaneous movies, a visual feast. Artsy and curious.

It was about world-line travel.

Fictional. Funny, Visually appealing.

Everything Everywhere All at Once is a 2022 American independent film written and directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, who produced it with Anthony and Joe Russo and Jonathan Wang; the film incorporates elements from a number of genres and film mediums, including absurdist fiction, comedy-drama, surreal comedy, science fiction, fantasy, martial arts films, immigrant narrative, and animation.

Michelle Yeoh stars as Evelyn Quan Wang, a Chinese-American immigrant who, while audited by the IRS, discovers that she must connect with parallel universe versions of herself to prevent a powerful being from destroying the multiverse. 

The film also stars Stephanie Hsu, Ke Huy Quan, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jenny Slate, Harry Shum Jr., and James Hong in supporting roles.

The multi-verse as described in the movie has no similarity to what I understand the MWI to be. However, I always enjoy world-line travel movies.

The film explores philosophical themes such as existentialism, nihilism, surrealism, and absurdism, as well as themes such as neurodivergence, depression, generational trauma, and Asian American identity.

The film itself is brilliant. Even if absurd.

2023 11 18 07 25
2023 11 18 07 25

The MWI is real, and it is valid. However, the idea in the movie that consciousness is equally shared between the world-lines is a tad distorted. Instead the centering of consciousness on a given world-line is the actual REALITY within this universe.

At a tense meeting with IRS inspector Deirdre Beaubeirdre, Waymond's body is taken over by Alpha-Waymond, a version of Waymond from the "Alphaverse." 

Alpha-Waymond explains to Evelyn that many parallel universes exist because every life choice creates a new alternative universe. 

In the Alphaverse, the late Alpha-Evelyn developed "verse-jumping" technology, which enables people to access the skills, memories, and bodies of their parallel selves by performing bizarre actions that are statistically unlikely. 

The multiverse is threatened by Jobu Tupaki (Alpha-Joy), whose mind was splintered after Alpha-Evelyn pushed her to verse-jump beyond her endurance; Jobu experiences all universes at once and can verse-jump and manipulate matter at will. 

She has created a black hole-like "Everything Bagel" topped with everything,[18] which appears as a toroid singularity[19] that could destroy the multiverse.

Evelyn is given verse-jumping technology to fight Jobu's minions, who converge on the IRS building. 

She discovers other universes in which she made different choices and flourished, such as becoming a kung fu master and film star; she also learns of Waymond's plans with the divorce papers. 

Alpha-Waymond believes that Evelyn, as the greatest "failure" of all Evelyns in the multiverse, has the untapped potential to defeat Jobu. 

Gong Gong is taken over by Alpha-Gong Gong, who instructs Evelyn to kill Joy to stop Jobu from using her to enter Evelyn's universe. 

Evelyn refuses and decides to face Jobu by gaining powers through repeated verse-jumping. 

Alpha-Gong Gong, convinced that Evelyn's mind has been compromised like Jobu's, sends soldiers after Evelyn. 

While they fight, Jobu locates and kills Alpha-Waymond in the Alphaverse. 

As Jobu confronts Evelyn in her universe, Evelyn's mind splinters, and she collapses.

Evelyn uncontrollably verse-jumps alongside Jobu across bizarre and diverse universes. 

Jobu reveals she does not want to fight at all, but that instead, she has been searching for an Evelyn who can see, as she does, that nothing matters, while killing the Evelyns that do not agree with her. 

She brings Evelyn to the Everything Bagel, explaining that she wants to use it to allow herself and Evelyn to truly die. 

Upon looking into the Bagel, Evelyn is initially persuaded, and behaves cruelly and nihilistically in her other universes, hurting those around her.

As Evelyn is about to enter the Bagel with Jobu, she pauses to listen to Waymond's pleas in her universe for everybody to stop fighting and to instead be kind, even when life does not make sense. 

Evelyn has an existentialist epiphany and decides to follow Waymond's absurdist[20] and humanist[21] advice, using her multiverse powers to fight with empathy[22] and bring happiness to those around her; in doing so, she repairs her damage in the other universes and neutralizes Alpha-Gong Gong and Jobu's fighters. 

In her home universe, Evelyn reconciles with Waymond, accepts Joy and Becky's relationship and tells Gong Gong of it, and talks with Deirdre after Waymond convinces Deirdre to let them redo their taxes. 

Jobu decides to enter the Bagel alone while, simultaneously in Evelyn's universe, Joy begs Evelyn to let her go. 

Evelyn tells Joy that even when nothing makes sense and even though she could be anywhere else in the multiverse, she would always want to be with Joy. 

Evelyn and the others save Jobu from the Bagel, and Evelyn and Joy embrace.

It is a fantasy. Which is still a fun illustration.

So that is OK, don’t you know.


But what does the audience get from this movie?

  • That there is a multi-verse; and MWI.
  • That you can travel between different world-lines.
  • That the traveling consciousness can absorb simultaneous experiences that color the actions in the reality.

I personally view this movie as an entry bridge towards enlightenment of the true and really pertinent reality that we all experience.

World-line slides… shown in the movie.

everything everywhere all at once
everything everywhere all at once

The three key points above are all in alignment with MM’s MWI narrative.


Who is the most evil person you have ever met?

Edward. We called him Crazy Ed. At 12 years of age during a family reunion he grabbed his dad’s shotgun and started shooting. He got mad at his parents over some little crap. Shot his ma, pa, aunt and was chasing his uncle but ran out of shells. In a juvenile prison, this was the 1960s, he tried to poison a few people. And beat another thug with a broom half to death before they hauled him off. He was a polite, fairly polished, soft spoken youth. Looked like a mousy little accountant, glasses and all. He told people when he got he wanted to be a hit man for the mob. He enjoyed killing. I have no doubt that’s what really became of him.

The big problem

When being terminated from a job, have you ever warned the company of something important that only you knew how to do, and your advice has gone unheeded?

I was an IT director for a company that had been acquired by a much larger company. When I declined to move to their IT location half a continent away, I was laid off. by phone. (my whole group was effectively laid off because they moved my group’s functions to the parent companies group much larger group and they all refused the move).

This was not unexpected, but the knowledge transfer had not taken place yet between the groups. (it was just beginning)

I accepted the severance package and told them we needed to call my counterpart in the corporate group to make sure the transfer was done securely.

When they asked why, I said that as an IT directory I have all the adminstrator passwords and could literally shut down the business if I was upset about the termination. I want to make sure that any issues that come up will not be pointed back at me or my team.

They agreed to conference call with my counterpart so he could take the necessary steps to secure the system.

The call went like this:

Me: Hey! You need to change all the administrator passwords on our unix servers and close out some accounts:

Him: Why?

Me: My group and I just got terminated and you need to secure these servers to make sure everything stays copacetic. You need to terminate my accounts, all access, and those of my team laid off effective immediately to protect corporate and customer assets.

Him: <explodes>What Assh*t did that? We haven’t got anyone to manage those systems, There has been no knowledge transfer on what the systems are used for, <folornly>I’m screwed!

Big Boss: That would be me. Just do it.

Him: OK, OK. I am logging on to the servers. What is the command? Oh Sh*t, I can’t ask you can I….

Big Boss (to me): This is a surprise. Would you be willing to stick around for a couple of weeks….

Me: Sorry- Even though I don’t particularly have an issue about being laid off, Corporate Security Rules identify me now as disgruntled employee and I am not allowed access to secure systems or even the building spaces.


What is the most awkward conversation you have had with your parents?

I am going to win.

When I was about 17 years old, my dad walked in on me and my then-boyfriend having sex.

The house I lived in at the time was located directly across from my high school. I was enrolled in a lot of sports, as was my boyfriend. Our practices often didn’t start until a half an hour or so after school ended, so most days we had a little bit of time to, um, kill. This particular day, I thought my dad would be at work. We raced to my house, went to my bedroom, and went at it. A few minutes later, without warning, my dad did the thing he always did – knock, then immediately open the door. Seriously? What was the point of knocking? I’ll never understand.

So there I was. His precious baby, naked with a boy. I did the only thing I could think of, which was to do a little *roll* off the bed, and then a second *roll* to hide myself underneath my bed. Leaving my bare-bummed boyfriend to the nightmare above me.

The only words my dad said was, “get dressed.”

I did not go to practice that day. Instead, I had to have dinner with my dad, alone. I couldn’t even look him in the eye. I was mortified.

We tried to have small talk???? “How was your day?” “Fine, yours?”

Worst. Day. Of. My. Life.

Cajun Style Cube Steaks

2023 11 09 14 37
2023 11 09 14 37

Yield: 4 servings


  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour, divided
  • 4 (4 ounce) beef cube steaks
  • 1 medium green bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 medium onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 (15 ounce) can no salt added tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of Cajun seasoning
  • 2 cups hot cooked brown rice


  1. Place foil grilling bag on cookie sheet. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of flour in bag.
  2. Arrange steaks in single layer on top of flour; top with pepper and onion.
  3. In a small bowl stir together tomato sauce, Cajun seasonings, and remaining 2 tablespoons flour. Spread evenly over steaks and vegetables. Seal bag by double folding open end, leaving room for expansion.
  4. Coat grill rack with nonstick cooking spray. Heat grill to medium indirect heat.
  5. Slide bag from cookie sheet onto grill rack. Cover and grill for 35 minutes.
  6. Remove bag from grill. Use kitchen shears to carefully cut open bag.
  7. Fold back top for steam to escape.
  8. Spoon steaks and vegetables over rice.


Do people who visit your house care if it’s straightened up or not?

We had a a couple of very dear and long- time friends coming over to watch a DVD a few evenings ago. I went into the living room to make sure the sofas were clear of books, newspapers, knitting etc, but there was still some clutter around. The odd grandkids’s toys sitting in a corner. A laptop my husband was fixing for someone In bits on the coffee table. I said to my husband “ Oh, it looks OK. It’s only Angela and Colin coming.” Then I thought that’s a horrible thing to say! But then it occurred to me – it was, in fact, a great compliment. They were like family. I don’t do a big tidy up, making it pristine, if my daughter is coming with her children. Like them, Angela and Colin are part of our lives. It’s clean and comfortable, but it doesn’t have to be “ visitor ready.” When they arrived I told them what has gone through my mind, and they agreed – they would feel the same about us.

Newlywed Has MELTDOWN After Husband Gathers Proof Of Her Cheating For Their “At Fault” Divorce State

All these stories are so sad. But this one seems to be really authentic. The human situation sucks. Ugh. I am sorry for all three people.

What is your opinion of the USA compared to other countries like Japan, China, and Australia? Why is this your opinion? What makes the USA different from these other countries in terms of culture, economy, government, etc.?

USA and Australia are clearly stolen nations or stolen continents after barbaric and phenomenally cruel slaughter of natives living in their land for centuries. These lands don’t belong to the present inhabitants and it must remind all humans in earth of what savagery and imperialism occurred during the 1600–1900 where rampant European colonialism and aggression happened throughout the world.

Australia and the Americas have to be seen as naked aggression and raped of land and destruction and real genocide whatever culture is a 200–300 years old remnants of these atrocities.

China and Japan has long history spanning thousands of years. It possesses history and philosophy of life and both nations were helped by Confucianism and its ethics of discipline, hardworking, respect for the elders and authorities and constant learning and meritocracy. Both are highly educated and very successful societies. For a while Japan was infatuated with western style colonialism. Not the Chinese as it sees that is wrong to steal other people land.

Nations that grew out of stealing land that belong to others naturally sees themselves entitled. Dominate its regions. The U.S. Latin America and Caribbean while Australia the Islanders and thinks they have a right to command South China Sea too. That to me is clearly wrong and high handed with a tinge of colonialism.

Both Australia and the U.S. benefits from the so called international rules based order that favours the west at the expense of the developing world. But that privilege is being stripped away bit by bit. And truly free competition is beyond them. Hence the huffs and puffs.

09 Things you should avoid at any cost

  1. Never try to learn so many things at one time.
  2. Never accept disrespect from anyone. No matter how close he/she is. Nothing is more important than self respect.
  3. Never waste your time for anyone.If they really don’t care for you.
  4. Never advice to people, who don’t value your advice or not interested in your advice.
  5. Never fall in love before accomplishing the goal.
  6. Never judge a person without knowing them.
  7. Never demotivate anyone.
  8. Never give to much importance to them who are not interested in you.
  9. Never think you cannot do anything .

Men will choose the waitress that gives him peace

What steps should be taken by both the U.S. and China to ensure a stable and mutually beneficial relationship going forward?

Only one word RESPECT. Without respect US will always think their way is always the right way. China is not trying to change the U.S. liberal democracy. That is the U.S. way the U.S. sees fit for the U.S. it is the U.S. that insist China must not practice Socialism with Chinese characteristics! There lies the problem.

As long as one thinks and believed that they and only they knows best no relationship can work. The U.S. must know that to each it’s own. And one man’s meat is another man’s poison. I dare say the problem in the entire 100 years passed us that the U.S. wanted every nation on earth to be submissive and subservient to them!

China is very mature. China wants a rich and prosperous USA to sell to and to go for holidays. It doesn’t want to change a thing. The U.S. wants to weaken China. It wants China to be split into a 100 bite size nation for the U.S. to chew on it! It sees itself as the standard, the authority and the god ordained nation to rule the world.

That disrespect cannot go on. It gets no where. A 5000 years responsible civilisation cannot accept a 247 years old rogue stolen nation of cowboys telling them what to do.

This is HOW MUCH My Vending Machines Made in 365 Days!

Was attacking Gaza a wrong decision? Will Israel now be on the backfoot across the world? Will people forget the massacre of innocent Jews by Hamas after seeing the Gaza attack?

I have taken a while to collect my thoughts. Some things need to be said.

This will be a disturbing post. So let’s cling precariously to reason. Please.

Two things are obvious here. The first is that the actions by Hamas rip a new gash in the face of humanity. No thinking person can deny this. Generally reliable news agencies like Reuters [1] report:

“We’ve seen dismembered bodies with their arms and feet chopped off, people that were beheaded, a child that was beheaded,” a reserve warrant officer identified only by her first name of Avigayil told reporters.

She said multiple cases of rape were found by forensic examination of the bodies, which have been stored in refrigerated containers.

A large number of international journalists have viewed graphic footage [2] that documents these atrocities:

Other sequences showed a militant with an agricultural tool hacking at the head of a man lying on the ground, gunmen killing wounded female Israeli soldiers and a jubilant Hamas fighter calling his family: “I killed 10 Jews with my own hands. I’m using the dead Jewish woman’s phone to call you now.”

Only a really crazy conspiracy theorist with his underpants on his head would doubt that these terrible things are absolutely, shockingly real.∗

But there is one more thing …

The other obvious thing

Hamas planned this attack meticulously over months—almost certainly with Iranian support.

[3] Israeli intelligence failed comprehensively. But no, these are not that obvious, other thing. The second thing is the answer to the question “Why?”

One answer is “Because Hamas hate Israel, hate Jewish people, and want to erase Israel from the face of the Earth, as they have often declared”. This is almost certainly true, but it is too glib. It is not the answer. If you follow this reasoning, then Hamas are like a fox in a henhouse—ripping away until no living thing is left alive.

The problem with this glib answer is that it doesn’t make complete sense. Yes, of course those who killed 1400 Israelis and kidnapped many more did so with almost indescribable savagery. Yes, of course they went out of their way to document the bloodshed and atrocities. And yes, of course, this is a new low—by even the lowest imaginable standard.

But this is far less than half the story. Those who set up this atrocity surely knew how Israel would respond. They could predict that Israel would pummel Gaza. They invited a blockade, and an invasion by the Israeli army. So the correct answer to that “Why?” question is …

This is all going according to script

Hamas knew that this would result in a huge number of deaths of their own people in Gaza.

Hamas are hoping that thousands—or even tens of thousands—of their own people will die. They have planned for a bloody fight in Gaza, with civilians all around. They want this. They want large numbers of children to die in Gaza. This is part of the plan.

At least thirty Israeli children died. By 24 October 2023, two thousand three hundred and sixty children had died and over five thousand had been injured in Gaza. [4] This is precisely what Hamas want. It is part of their plan. It is surely what they predicted. They are malevolent—but they are not stupid. So then, why did they do this?


They knew that Benjamin Netanyahu would have no choice but to retaliate not just in kind, but on a vast scale. They knew that had he said something like:

We will not descend to their level. We will hunt down every single one of these terrorists, but we will do this in our own time. Not one will escape. We will move mountains to preserve international law, and protect innocent civilians …

… then he would have been labelled ‘weak’. He would have been out on his arse. The atrocities were so bad that people would have demanded an immediate military response from his successor. This is the main reason why the atrocities were quite deliberately so atrocious.

So thousands of children are dead, and thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians of all ages will still die. Quite according to the script that Hamas has laid out. They don’t care. In fact, it’s precisely part of the plan.

Now you asked:

Will people forget the massacre of innocent Jews by Hamas after seeing the Gaza attack?

No, of course not

That day will live in infamy. But it won’t matter.

Because the countries around Israel will also never, ever forget the vastly greater number of children who died. They will never forget Israel’s response. And here’s the truly terrible thing.

For every one who died, several more will spring up, their heart filled with hate for Israel. There are about two million people [5] packed into the Gaza strip. It’s like a vast kindergarten—and from this kindergarten, hundreds of thousands of people will emerge, and none of them will forget Israel’s actions.

Israel is running things entirely according to Hamas’ script. And when they deviate, they do so in the wrong direction …

A bonus for Hamas

Israel has even provided a few unanticipated bonuses that make things worse. For example, Israel’s UN envoy Gilad Erdan has accused the Secretary General of the UN as follows:

[6] The UN Secretary-General, who shows understanding for the campaign of mass murder of children, women, and the elderly, is not fit to lead the UN. I call on him to resign immediately. There is no justification or point in talking to those who show compassion for the most terrible atrocities committed against the citizens of Israel and the Jewish people. There are simply no words.

This was in response to his speech on 24 October, [7] that went as follows:

I have condemned unequivocally the horrifying and unprecedented 7 October acts of terror by Hamas in Israel.

Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians – or the launching of rockets against civilian targets.

All hostages must be treated humanely and released immediately and without conditions. I respectfully note the presence among us of members of their families.


It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.

The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.

They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing.

But the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas. And those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

Another perhaps unexpected bonus for Hamas is how Israel has cut off supplies…


By far the most important supply Israel has cut off is fuel. No, not water. Not food. Fuel. [8]

This is because the hospitals with their thousands of bomb-injured and crushed people need fuel to run. And water cannot be pumped (or even desalinated) without fuel. Oh yes. The Israelis also supply one third of the water to Gaza. And this has been cut off, too.

They are allowing a few percent of the supplies needed. This will result in multiple deaths, particularly of vulnerable people—the elderly, and children, and the sick.

The most disturbing bit

In the video clip associated with this post, the Israeli defence minister describes Palestinians as ‘human animals’—and says that this justifies cutting off food, fuel and water.

Israeli defence minister orders ‘complete siege’ on Gaza “We are fighting against human animals”.

This is from the international playbook [9] of dehumanisation:

During the Holocaust, Nazis referred to Jews as rats. Hutus involved in the Rwanda genocide called Tutsis cockroaches. Slave owners throughout history considered slaves subhuman animals.

In summary

So this is the way I see it. Israel has provided a knee-jerk response.

In consequence, their entire state may not survive. This will likely take a few decades to play out—but I think Israel has just signed its own death warrant in the blood of thousands upon thousands of the sick, the elderly, and children.

This is precisely what Hamas scripted. Israel has simply followed the script.

I find this all tragic beyond words.

My 2c, Dr Jo.

It’s sad we even need to say this. But already the conspiracy nutters are out there in force.

Image was generated by Poe/StableDiffusion in response to the prompt “a fox in a henhouse with lots of feathers and blood”.

The 5 real reasons why guys are lonely today

This is really surprisingly good.

Are Singaporeans considered to be native English speakers?

Based on my observations after having lived in most of the Anglosphere and in West Europe, I feel that many of the people from said countries would not consider Singaporeans “Native English Speakers”.

Which is pure snobbery, in my opinion.
I guess they see themselves as the gatekeepers of who can or cannot be a native English speaker.

I have been to Singapore several times, and in the early part of my career, I was even seconded there.

While it’s true that there are many Singaporeans who grew up in a Chinese-speaking (or Malay-speaking, Tamil-speaking) household and might not have reached the level one would expect from a native English speaker, I also came across many Singaporeans (admittedly, I only worked with Chinese Singaporeans during my time there), the young ones, especially, who could only speak English.

Sure, they’re ethnically Chinese, but their Chinese is…. below even the rudimentary level.
Like, if you ask them something very simple and basic like “Can you state the four cardinal directions in Mandarin?”… they can’t.

If they can’t even do something as simple and basic as that in Chinese, and their main language, the one they’ve been using since birth, is English – then how are they not native English speakers?

If you don’t consider them native English speakers – then the question becomes: So, what is their native language?

They can’t, or, to be generous, barely, speak or read Chinese.
The only language they know is English.

Shouldn’t that, by definition, make them native English speakers?

Or is it really possible for someone to not be a native speaker of any language?

I would definitely consider this demographic of Singaporeans native English speakers, but, you know, I’m not one of the “gatekeepers” mentioned above, so my opinion might count for nothing.

What was your worst moment in the bathroom?

Taking my morning shower, I felt a twinge of stomach pain. “Man, I’m really hungry!” I thought. “I’ve got to hurry up this shower and get some breakfast.”

Then I started to feel a little light-headed. I put my hand out and braced myself against the shower wall. I felt even more faint. “I could pass out and fall in here,” I thought. “I’d better get out.”

So I did, and as I was toweling off, I started to feel nauseated. I went to the toilet and threw up—blood! Holy shit! I called to my wife, “I’m vomiting blood.” She came and took a look; “You sure are!” It wasn’t a whole lot, about 30 ml of bright red blood and mucus, but it was scary as hell. I was hoping it was only an ulcer or something, but I couldn’t help thinking cancer, especially since a friend of mine had recently died of stomach cancer. It was mid-January and my daughter’s wedding was coming up in April. “I’m not going to make it to Nicole’s wedding,” I said to my wife.

The nausea passed. I finished drying off, laid down in bed, and fell asleep for 2 hours. When I woke up, I threw up more blood.

It turned out that it was in fact cancer. I had a rare type called GIST—gastrointestinal stromal tumor. There was a tumor in my upper stomach exactly the size of a billiard ball. But I’m writing this 7 years later. I lost very little stomach to the surgeon—only an area a little larger than a (U.S.) silver dollar—and I was eating at a fine Italian restaurant in Houston five days after the surgery, everything from red wine to tiramisu. I danced with my daughter at her wedding and I’m a grandfather now. I’ve been fine and very healthy since that surgery. Scared the hell out of me in 2010, though.

I hope never to have another bathroom experience as bad as that one.

Baby Poo

Huawei and Meituan announce collaboration to develop HarmonyOS ecosystem

Huawei and Meituan announced a comprehensive partnership to innovate industries, apply technologies, and develop businesses using HarmonyOS. Huawei will fully back Meituan in launching the development of native applications for HarmonyOS.

The announcement comes on the heels of Huawei’s HarmonyOS Next is expected to ditch Android app support as early as 2024. Several of Huawei’s self-developed OS concept stocks rocketed and hit the daily limit after the news was released, according to ChinaDaily.

Huawei partners with Meituan for HarmonyOS ecosystem

Meituan is a Chinese tech giant that offers a wide range of services, including food delivery, online grocery shopping, and ride-hailing. It is one of the most popular apps in China, with over 600 million active users.

Huawei’s confidence in its alternative ecosystem strategy on the mainland received a boost in late August when the company launched its Mate 60 Pro smartphone, its first 5G handset since the Mate 40 series was released in October 2020.

The Mate 60 Pro was met with strong public support, and Huawei became mainland China’s fastest-growing smartphone vendor in the third quarter of 2023.

Recently, multiple job applications in China have announced the launch of HarmonyOS app development. For example, 同程旅行_旅游_旅游线路_旅行_出国旅游_自驾游_周边游_旅游网站 (formerly known as Tongcheng) announced the launch of HarmonyOS native version App development, with plans to complete core version development by the end of 2023.

In addition, a number of internet giants, including Meituan, have listed several job openings related to HarmonyOS. For instance, Meituan publicized a variety of HarmonyOS-centric roles, such as Senior HarmonyOS Engineer and HarmonyOS Infrastructure Engineer.

According to data, as of August 2023, the HarmonyOS ecosystem boasted over 700 million devices and was supported by more than 2.2 million developers actively contributing to its development. By October 30th, the number of devices upgraded to HarmonyOS 4 had surpassed the hundred million mark.

The connection between “body count” and “cheating while married to a man”

There is a correlation. And it is surprising.

What was your “I didn’t judge, but I did smile” experience?

I was at a 7–11 today. I was standing in line, waiting to go. It was 6:30 PM, I was on my way home from my after-work-workout.

I get a tap on my shoulder,


Behind me, a middle aged, 45ish aged woman, attractive, curvy, in a tight fitting outfit, with makeup on, high heels, smelling of perfume says,

“Would you mind if I went ahead of you? I’m in a bit of a hurry.”

I said, “Sure – np!” I had nowhere to be. And she asked nicely.

A moment later, a customer at one of the two working registers walks off and the cashier waves her forward.

She, with her hands full of items, walks forward dumps them on the counter.

I really wasn’t trying to spy, but I couldn’t help but notice.

It was a bar of soap. A bottle of wine. A candy bar.

And 4 sets of condom 3-packs. Someone had a big night planned.

I didn’t judge. But I did smile.

Who the fuck is this guy?

How was the cleaning up of the First World War battlefields done?

They are still slowly trying to clean it up. The areas that were too dangerous are called Red Zones. Restrictions within the Zone Rouge still exist today. After the war, the French government declared a 460-square-mile area unfit for human habitation or development. It stretches roughly from Nancy through Verdun and onto Lille, with various non-contiguous zones so riddled with unexploded shells (many of them gas shells), grenades, ammunition, and human and animal remains that it was simply too dangerous to enter.

In the 1920s and ’30s, the government oversaw the planting of 36 million trees, mostly pine and spruce, in part of the Zone Rouge. This the Verdun forest.

The Department du Deminage, was created after the war. Over the decades, it has helped to reduce the extent of the Zone Rouge, destroying hundreds of thousands of munitions and chemical shells, and has returned some land to civilian and agricultural use. They calculate that they have 300 years work ahead of them before they have cleared the whole battlefield. French farmers collect a huge amount of unexploded ordnance, barbed wire, shrapnel, and bullets every year. It is called the “Iron Harvest.”

Some areas remain entirely off-limits, the soil so full of arsenic that 99 percent of all plants die. There is still the ever-present threat of unexploded shells. There are many ghost villages that were left abandoned after the war, deemed beyond repair. The bodies of roughly 80,000 soldiers whose bodies were never recovered are still there. The bomb depressions are still there.

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Damn good advice

Why do people choose receiving money over sticking to their moral principles?

Moral principles don’t help you eat. Money does.

I mean, that’s the simple, and charitable, way to put it.

The more complex answer is…less charitable.

Most people don’t have moral principles. They have a general set of guidelines they absorb from the society around them without really questioning too much. These guidelines are tribal in nature, and as often as not are more about marking in-groups and out-groups than about a coherent, consistent set of morals.

A great many people want to think of themselves as “good,” but aren’t particularly interested in thinking a lot about it, and particularly aren’t interested in sacrificing comfort or lifestyle for it.

And given that what passes for morality in many folks is actually a set of tribal signifiers, they most definitely aren’t willing to give up social standing for it.

In fact, I’ll wager you that more than a few people who truly consider themselves moral, scrupulous people willing to give up money for morals, will still toss their values aside the moment they involve loss of social standing.

We are social creatures. We need the support and approval of the people around us to survive. Not just in the sense of an income stream to keep ourselves fed and a roof overhead, but in the sense of a social group—without that, we suffer.

So yeah, confronted with social censure for not adopting the opinion of the people around them, most folks absolutely will surrender their values. Confronted with losing money for not adopting the opinion of the people around them, most folks absolutely will surrender their values. If you’re reading this, odds are pretty good you’re one social smear campaign or a few hungry days away from letting go of what you imagine to be your most cherished moral principles.

Men over the age of 30

What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

Originally Answered: What is the best case of “you just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

Ooh yes this brings back the memories from the early 1980s.

A bunch of us went to the next town for a few drinks and a laugh. I seem to recall one of the lads (not me) was getting married so for reasons that won’t become apparent we trooped off to a bigger town 10 miles away instead of our own little town.

We walked into a quiet little pub, grabbed some drinks and sat down on a round table which perfectly suited our group of seven.

The pub was totally empty apart from us and the barman. It was very early in the evening.

A group of three guys walked in and one of them looked very angry. Big and mean he was too. They walked straight over to us and the angry guy looked directly at me.

Angry – You! You’re a big cunt. Let’s have a fight now. Outside!

Me – No thanks mate. We’re here on a lads’ night out and don’t want any aggro.

The lads – Nah come on mate. We just want a drink. Blah blah blah.

Angry – Come on you cunt. Let’s fucking fight now.

By now he’d walked around to my side of the round table. He was a big and very tough-looking guy and I really didn’t want a punch in the mouth off him. I was probably the biggest in our group at 1.90 metres and 110 kg but even so, I didn’t want to fight this big lummox.

Me – Listen mate…

Angry punched me in the side of the face so hard I thought my head had come off. Blood spurted out but no teeth. It hurt a lot and I just held my face thinking “what the hell do I do now?”

I didn’t have to do anything. Andy, who is a very slender and weedy and very sweet young friend of mine stood up.

Andy – No-one hits my mate. Big mistake.

Angry – Oh yeah. What you going to do about it you strip of piss?

Andy sent him sprawling across the next table with one perfect punch to the face. Angry got up and together with his two mates left the pub without another word being said.

The barman walked over and spoke to Andy.

Barman – Wow. That guy you just floored is the hardest guy in town!

Me – Not any more he isn’t. Cheers Andy.

My face hurt for ages but thankfully no serious damage. Andy was our new top mate of the group.

That is how a star is born

What is the lamest “benefit” you’ve been offered by an employer?

I was offered a $500/month truck allowance, by my employer, to use my own vehicle on service calls. I bought a used truck, for that purpose. I had to carry a $1 million liability insurance policy, due to some customer’s requirements, in order to drive on their property, too. Then, he changed the number to $250. I told him that wasn’t what he had originally told me. That Friday, he gave me a note, as I left to do service calls, and said to think about it. All it had on it was “$350”. Monday morning, I showed up early, and loaded EVERYTHING that belonged to me into my truck. When he showed up, I gave him my building keys. He wanted to know what was going on, and I said “I’m gone.” When he asked if that was how I negotiated, my reply was “I don’t negotiate with liars.”

I sent postcards to the customers I did work for, telling that I was no longer with that company, but was available to keep their equipment running. I was the ONLY one at that company who knew how the stuff worked, and all the repair business went to me. The company had to down-size, and then sold out to a competitor, so my old boss went from owning his own business, to being just another employee.

Too late! The U.S. allows South Korea to produce chips in China, and China is not doing it!

Too late for South Korea, the China ship has sailed.

What was the most obnoxious thing you’ve seen done?

On a regular basis? Taking a giant gas guzzling car and lifting it to make it even less fuel efficient.

The trucks you see here in America are so obnoxiously big and with callous disregard for global warming. It’s crazy when you drive around here in Florida: 70% or more of the cars are SUVs or Trucks. Literally, 70% or more.

It’s definitely a cultural thing but I wish it would go away. The guys in these lifted trucks are almost always the hyper aggressive drivers the push up behind you and lay on the horn and then flick you off as they go by.

But then, a few minutes later, I’ll see one of them pulled over by a cop. That’s always the most gratifying feeling.

US Supreme Court Tackles Game-Changing Social Media Censorship Case!

This is a huge issue.

Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor when they knew they couldn’t take on the United States?

Well that’s exactly the thing. The point of attacking the harbor was so they could take on America. There are two reasons that Japan carried out the attack.

  1. The Paper tiger

The Japanese referred to America as a “paper tiger.” What they meant by this was that their military was all bark and no bite, and if the fleet was destroyed there was no way America could come back. What the Japanese underestimated was America’s production capabilities. America was at the time of 1941 one of the largest and most efficient producers of the world, and while FDR was of the intention to stay out of the war, the factories of the United States were churning out tanks, rifles, planes, and ammo to the Soviets fighting the Wehrmacht in the Europe, and Britain fighting the blitz, the Italians and Germans in North Africa, and the Japanese in Burma, China, and Australia. US Shipyards were just as impressive, with destroyers and merchant marine ships built by the hundreds, sold to Britain to protect against the u boats tearing up the Atlantic trade. Japan made the mistake of underestimating the capabilities of US industry. When the US declared war on Japan in retaliation, production went towards building their own military, including the navy. The US navy numbered in the thousands, from the dozens of capital ships to the hundreds of destroyers and submarines, and all of the auxiliary ships and escorts included. In addition, right after the attack the navy raised most of the sunken ships in the harbor. Of the eight battleships we lost, five were raised and went back into the fight, one of them sunk on refloating, and only two of them remain there, USS Arizona and USS Utah. Pearl Harbor remains one of the greatest tragedies in US history, but because of America’s industrial might, it was not the end.

2. The target

From a tactical perspective, another reason for Japan’s attack was what they believed they would destroy and how it would impact the fleet. The Japanese’ main target was not the many battleships and destroyers that were stationed in Pearl Harbor, not the oil tanks, command, or airfields- These were very significant, and their destruction was all devastating to our efforts in getting in the fight, but the most important targets were but one part of the navy:

The US Carriers

It is often said by historians that Pearl Harbor was the end of the days of mighty battleships and battlecruisers and the dawn of the carrier. The six Japanese carriers, Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, Hiryu, Zuikaku, and Shokaku, were the most important part of the Japanese fleet, and carried out the attack on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese knew that the US would only have a chance against the Japanese carriers with the carriers of their own. Therefore, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor believing that the US carriers were there. Fortunately for the US, and the Allies as a whole, the carriers were at sea, safe from the carnage. As a matter of fact, the battleship USS Utah was painted to look like a carrier from the sky, to train US dive bombers, and because of this saw some of the heaviest bombardment of all of the ships, being one of the ships unable to be raised from the bottom. The assessment that the US carriers were essential to the US staying in the fight proved correct. The US launched the Doolittle raid the following year, striking Tokyo for the first of many times in the war from the carrier USS Hornet. The Shoho was destroyed in the following battle of Coral Sea at the cost of the carrier Lexington, but where we really see the tide turn in the Pacific is Midway. The carriers USS Hornet, USS Enterprise, and USS Yorktown crippled the Japanese fleet by destroying Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, and Hiryu. This would not have happened if it wasn’t for the stroke of luck we had with our carriers out at sea when the Japanese struck Pearl Harbor.

Admiral Yamamoto, the brilliant Japanese commander who was behind the attack, which I should say despite its failure to knock out America was still a well planned and impressive attack, astutely believed that a drawn out war with the United States would end in defeat, and despite his best efforts to prevent a drawn out war, he was correct. In the film portrayal of Yamamoto in Tora! Tora! Tora! He is quoted for saying:

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with terrible resolve.”

Yamamoto was killed in April of 1943, and with the carrier might have Japan gone as well, the rising sun was doomed to set.

Men are GIVING UP on Women and their hypergamy

There is such a serious problem with RELATIONSHIPS in the West.

In business, has your boss ever tried to fire you, only to be fired by their boss instead?

Not me, but my wife.

Her department acquired a new department head, a newly promoted V.P.

One of his first actions was to identify all of the highest paid (and most productive) managers and terminate them as a cost cutting measure. At that point managers at my wife’s level were considered “at will” employees and, as such, could be terminated at any time with or without cause.

In any case, the V.P. then proceeded to fill the vacant management positions with much lower paid and less qualified staff. All of this happened within a matter of hours on a Friday afternoon. My wife was understandably quite distressed when she got home that evening.

Over the weekend, though, my wife received a call from the executive V.P. who oversaw her department. He called from his home in Southern France late in the evening so he could speak to my wife in the mid afternoon here in SoCal. He asked her to please report to work as usual on Monday morning.

When she got to work on Monday everything was back to normal and the new department head was gone. Fired for incompetence.

My wife stayed with the company more than a dozen years after that. She was eventually terminated permanently after her department had been sold to a different company. This time, though, she received a rather generous golden handshake — 32 weeks severance pay — as she left for the last time.

This is why men are no longer approaching women; Top 10 reasons WHY

I never experienced unconditional love until I got a dog.

How likely is it that China and Russia will continue to strengthen their partnership in the future?

Very likely. Their recent MOU to develop semiconductor lithography, naval shipbuilding, marine nuclear reactors are just another episode in that relationship. The glue that binds them is energy and technology. China needs energy and Russia needs technology. Trade between both countries are growing exponentially, currently at about 40% per year. Russia recently announced it would allow China to build a container port in Vladivostok, another indication China is preparing to use the Arctic belt road via northern Russia.

My opinion: There could be a day when Russia buys warships from China. It has already begun with Russia buying a Chinese frigate. It could also be possible that Russia and China will jointly develop gen 6 and gen 7 fighters and bombers, reducing non-recurring costs. Russia needs ‘China speed.’ China needs Russia’s energy from oil/gas to uranium. It is also likely that Russia and China will standardize military calibers and weapons between them so interchangeability and user knowledge will be compatible between both countries. The SCO makes the case for this standardization to increase to SCO members.

Both are BRICS and SCO members and both organizations are growing which gives them more world influence.

Have you ever accidentally found out that you were about to be fired?

It wasn’t exactly on accident. I worked in the office of a commercial laundry business and they asked me to come in on a Saturday to mail out the monthly bills. During the time I was there the assistant manager came in and started hitting on me. He kept urging me to “go in the back and make out”. I refused and soon one of the drivers came in and he had to go talk to the driver. I finished up with the bills and went home. I told my boyfriend “Well, I don’t think I will be working there very ling”. Sure enough the next Tuesday I was let go for some “bookkeeping errors” that weren’t errors and I had been doing them for months without any problems.

What men and women want

Creole Meatloaf and Macaroni

2023 11 09 14 39
2023 11 09 14 39

Yield: 4 servings


  • 1 onion, minced
  • 1/2 green bell pepper, minced
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 (28 ounce) can tomatoes
  • 1 1/4 cups elbow or broken macaroni
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 to 1 1/2 cups meat loaf, cubed*
  • Seasoned salt and pepper


  1. Cook onion and green bell pepper in butter for 2 or 3 minutes.
  2. Add next four ingredients and 1 cup water. Bring to boil and simmer, covered, about 1/2 hour, stirring frequently.
  3. Add meat loaf and seasoned salt and pepper to taste. Heat through.


* Use leftover meat loaf.

What will these snowflakes do when things get REALLY tough? We haven’t even started yet.

Welcome to MY LIFE. Ugh!

What were the benefits of the feudal system in Europe in the middle ages?

For a serf: It sure beats being a slave. You are treated as a human being, you have your law-encoded rights and responsibilities, your taxes usually were reasonable and your lord had the responsibility to protect you and provide a free access to the castle. He also had the responsibility to provide you work and livelihood, and if he abused you, you had the legal right to flee to a town.

For a freeman (franklin or yeoman): You had the right to your life, body and livelihood, you could freely carry weapons outside a town, you did not pay rent to a lord and you could choose your profession. And should things go sour, you could freely move to a town.

For a town dweller: Towns were semi-independent domains who often were subordinate to the king alone, and while working can give you living, trade will make you wealthy. Townspeople usually were richer than countrypeople, and towns were bastions of freedom.

For a clergyman: You are the subject of the Mother Church and Father Pope alone, and nobody else. You are no more a subject of the lord, the king or the emperor. You will learn how to read and write, and you are free to pursuit your intellectual tendencies. If you join the Cistercian order, there are good chances you become a great engineer.

For a civil servant: You are the subject of the King alone, and nobody else. Same as with the church on intellectual pursuits, but you also may marry and have kids.

For a nobleman: You are first and foremost a soldier. You practice martial arts and train for war, military skills, leadership skills, equestrian skills and anything needed to serve in arms. You are exempt of taxes because upkeeping a military lifestyle is expensive. Your life is likely to be violent, nasty, brutish and mercifully short, but you might become a knight and a lord one day if you avoid that.

For a lord: You are a semi-independent ruler of your domain, and you are the lord and the hidalgo. You owe allegiance to the King alone, and you either pay it in taxes or serve 30 days in his service. Your main profession is to be the supervisor of the peasants who work on your estate, and maintain the balance between overworking them and providing them decent livelihood. Sorry, no ius primae noctis – that is an Age of Enlightment myth.

For a King: Think positively. You do not have the same absolute power as the sultans and czars in despotism, but neither you will face the same chances of getting assassinated or ousted or mutilated as they experience, and you do not need to kill your little brothers to ensure the throne. It is a good idea to run the country as a family enterprise – give important tasks to your younger siblings – and use the most talented of the lords as civil servants. Just maintain the balance between Church, Lords and Commoners, and you will do just fine.

What sounds extremely wrong, but is actually correct?

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  1. Hard-work alone won’t guarantee success — some poor people work harder than all of us.
  2. If you are an adult — your life situation is your responsibility. You made the choices, you face the consequences.
  3. If you want love or approval from someone — you must be okay without it.
  4. Your brain is evolved to keep you safe yet miserable — not happy and content.
  5. Money is hard to earn — you are desperate and miserable because you won’t have patience.
  6. People can be toxic even when they love you — you have to live for yourself.
  7. Negative people don’t have any ill intent— they are just running on autopilot.
  8. Pain is necessary for growth — there is no way around pain.

Female Comedian EXPOSES The Truth About Dating In Her 30’s After Riding The HOTDOG CAROUSEL in 20’s

“I haven’t even met this man, and I am mad at him” – Truer words have never been spoken about female nature.

What are the most common regrets that people have once they grow old?

If you are asking me personally, what is my biggest regret, I would have to say that I regret not taking more pictures of things I did when I was younger, and not documenting the adventures I had.

I find that after 50+ years on this earth, I remember bits and pieces of my life, but there are big chunks of my life that I cannot recall, so having more pictures of those events and having a documented record of those activities would be something that would truly bring me joy, being able to remember more of the life I lived.

What’s the most questionable cost-cutting move you’ve seen an employer make?

My international company failed to have routine office supplies at our US location. Entirely. No office supplies.

So one day I needed a new pen. There were, of course, none. But rather than going out and buying my own at a local store, I decided to order one just to be ornery.

So I filled out the formal requisition form for one pen. I justified it (I wrote stuff and my old pen was empty), then used the proper channels to submit the requisition. The form:

  1. Traveled from my California office to the main US branch office in Boston.
  2. Boston routed the form to their home branch office in London.
  3. London sent the form to the main International headquarters in Paris.
  4. Paris approved the req. then…
  5. Cut out one layer of bureaucracy by sending the approved form direct to Boston (the Paris and London offices hated each other)
  6. Boston sent the approved req. back to my office.
  7. I was then able to go out and buy one pen at corporate expense from the local store.

I was tempted to ask for a sheet of paper next, but Boston eventually decided to fund a small office supply in our location.

Oh. The Internet was around, but I should add that the original requisition form was hard copy. A piece of paper. That form physically travelled from California to Boston to London to Paris back to Boston then back to my office before I bought my pen.

Can you suggest any reasons why the sources of the Nile remained unknown until late in the nineteenth century?


This is what the Nile looks like when it goes through Sudan

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This is The Sudd. It’s Arabic for “barrier”. It’s also part of the Nile. It’s also much bigger than what you see here. It’s not much better even when it floods. Imagine you’re an explorer in, well, any time really and you come across this. The Ancient Egyptians tried to navigate past it for centuries. They utterly failed. Then the Romans decided to have a go at it. They failed too. Europeans tried in the 19th century. They had no better luck.

And where there’s swamp, there’s malaria. Good luck with that.

Europeans only found the source because they decided to avoid it entirely and attack it from the other direction, exploring into Central Africa. That’s not much easier.

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Richard Burton decided to make a go of it. He started in lovely civilized Zanzibar and worked his way overland until he found Lake Tanganyika. “Eureka” he exclaimed, “I have found the source of the Nile”.

However, the guy he brought along with him, John Speke, told him he was nuts. Tanganyika was too low and too small to account for the fact that the Nile never ran dry. Burton told him was an idiot and they returned to England triumph…. no, wait, the scientific community wasn’t convinced.

So Speke got to go on his own expedition. He turned north instead and found the much larger and much bigger Lake Victoria.

He returned to England well, not triumphant, but with enough good data to get funding for another expedition to try to make it to the Sudd and not only did he do that, he found another source of the river that met up in the Sudd, what we now call the “White Nile” as opposed to the larger source flowing out of Lake Victoria, the “Blue Nile”.

So, Speke gets the credit, literally for “connecting the dots”.

As a disabled person what is the cruelest thing said to you?

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2023 11 16 09 06

Image: Me sitting on my porch at my home in the Central Valley of California.

Well as a disabled person, I am legally blind the cruelest thing, in my opinion, was not said with words.

Deeds speak out loud and clear.

I took a class on a subject of interest to me.

The teacher with a happy smile in her voice told me she had a special place in class for people like me.

It was the back corner, furthest away from all of the others in the class.

Total isolation. I could hear the other members of the class, I could see the shadows o of the other members of the class.

When the class had a pot luck of snacks at the last week of class, somehow I didn’t get the e-mail to ask me to take in something. So I didn’t.

Then no-one actually told me directly that there were snacks available nor did they come over and tell me about the pot-uck offerings.

Though they did make quite a bit of a racket, going back and too to the snacks tables and telling each other who had brought which items.

Another classmate came to the class in about the second week and was sat close by in the same corner. She only attended one week and disappeared. She was profoundly deaf. We could chat okay as she could lip read. But as for interacting with the class it was difficult.

Me being bloody minded as I am, finished the class. I paid good money so I wasn’t going to surrender to unspoken insults.

Biden Angry, Calls Xi ‘Dictator’, US Business Applauds Xi; US Isolated UN SC; Sullivan Sleepless

Very good, and clearly explains the Geo-political situation today.

What are some of the funniest “got fired” stories?

I was fired on the day I was going to hand in my resignation.

I hated the company: boss played favorites, personnel feedback was nonexistent, and they were very stingy with vacation time, even if you earned the days.

The third point I found out too late. After earning 10 days of personal time, I requested for time off six months ahead. Not only was it declined, I also got a stern talking-to by the same boss who played favorites.

I was so pissed off that I started looking for a job that very same night.

Within two weeks, I got an offer from a company I interviewed the previous year who kept my résumé in the active bin.

I moved my vacation date to the next month, upped the number of days, and got a business class ticket. I printed a resignation letter once I signed the offer at the new job.

The next day, I cared not an iota at work. I was just waiting for 5:00 so that I can hand in my two weeks.

4:30pm came and I got an email from the boss. I was being let go. They didn’t really say why (not that I cared) but they were going to give me a full month’s pay to help me find a new job.

i cleared out my desk, gave a quick thanks to my boss (co-workers have left at this point), and screamed when I got to my car.

I got the final pay the week after, then collected unemployment for a few weeks, and had a bloody fantastic time on vacation.

What is the least intelligent thing you’ve ever seen a tourist do?

Growing up in Florida, we used to play at the beach almost every day. At least once or twice a week, we’d be building sandcastles, or kicking the surf when we’d watch a tourist with wide eyes knowing what’s to come…

I’m an empath, and often tried to warn them. As a pudgy six year old however; I wasn’t usually fast enough. By the time I’d be close enough to yell “don’t touch that!!”, the elderly tourist or drunk college kid was already screaming in agonizing pain! The Portuguese man o’ war looks like a shiny blue balloon, or plastic grocery bag. The venom is insanely painful. I watched about a dozen people pee on each other by the time I was 8.

What’s something a poor kid would understand, but would utterly confuse a rich kid?

  • Pretending you are not hungry when going to an expensive restaurant with friends, because you can’t actually afford to order food there.
  • Acting like you don’t like after-school sports, because you have to bolt to your after-school job, so you have lunch money and bus fares.
  • Pretending that family commitments prevent you from going on the school trip. You know there’s no way you can pay for it.
  • Declining invitations to weddings because you don’t have proper clothes to wear and because you have no way of getting there either.
  • Spending an extra hour in the supermarket so you can make the best choices with the $28 you have for food for a full week.
  • Listening with horror as co-workers trash the boss who only gave each a $20 gift Visa card. You, on the other hand, are silent and also excited beyond words – you plan to get much needed shoes, a winter coat, and a backpack at the Goodwill store.
  • Having teeth pulled, which should instead be filled and capped, because it costs one-tenth this way.
  • Talking to supervisors in chain food stores to find out what they do with damaged food. (Poor people know these stores often have a place where you can go to collect it.)
  • Adding water to the quart bottle of milk to stretch it.
  • Taking home unused sugar packets, tea bags and napkins from the fast food place and feeling grateful for them.

These are my memories of being poor. Although I am no longer poor, these memories keep me grateful, and, more importantly, I will always understand the behavior of those whose actions are continually checked by empty pockets.

During WW2, were there places where troops were stationed that never saw any action?

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2023 11 16 09 03

Quite a few places, including Iceland.

After Denmark surrendered to the Nazis in April 1940 the status of Iceland was ambiguous. Although Iceland was an independent state, it’s ‘personal union’ with Demark, and dependence on Denmark for its defence and foreign relations, potentially meant it could be occupied by Germany. Its strategic location astride Britain’s Atlantic supply route to the United States made it vital to the United Kingdom’s security.

Britain invited Iceland to join the war as any and, when they rejected this, plans were made to occupy the island. Four Royal Navy ships led by HMS Berwick (above) deposited 745 Royal Marines in Iceland who met no resistance from the Icelandic police force, who were the only permanent armed presence on the island.

Iceland was occupied first by a British Division, then by elements of two Canadian Divisions and then by a brigade of US Marines. The latter arrived in June 1941, a whole six months before the United States officially join the war. This was one of Roosevelt’s most partisan decisions and greatly helped the British war effort as the Canadians could be sent to Britain, where eventually they would take part in the Dieppe raid and the battle for Normandy. Roosevelt sent the Marines as, being part of the US Navy, they were under his direct control, whereas sending the US Army would have required the approval of Congress, which was uncertain. The occupation of Iceland was not always popular with the locals, but one benefit of it was the construction of Rejkjavik airport.

Although planes and ships based in Iceland saw action, the garrison itself saw no action. There were, however, casualties as a result of the Icelandic climate and terrain. A five man patrol of the Kings Own Yorkshire Infantry were lost to the elements, for example. Despite the cold though, there were definitely worse places to spend the Second World.


A lot of people have asked why the US Army couldn’t be deployed before war broke out. The answer is complicated, but it’s due to a policy decision rather than an act of the Constitution. Here are the details:

“At the same time, the War Plans Division raised inquiry concerning the effect of the legal restrictions that prohibited the National Guard, members of the Reserve, and men drafted under the Selective Service Act from serving outside the Western Hemisphere and which limited their terms of military service to a period of twelve months. For purposes of naval defense the President had placed the Atlantic frontier of the western world, quite arbitrarily, along the 26th meridian, which excluded the whole of Iceland. [25] The question was one of policy, not geography; and if policy for the moment dictated a course of exclusion, circumstances at any future time might well prescribe a change in policy. Whatever concern was felt during these first days in June seems to have arisen over the time limit rather than the controversial geographical restriction. On this basis it was entirely rational for the Chief of Coast Artillery to observe that selectees would have to be used in constituting the harbor defense regiment proposed as part of the Iceland garrison. In any event the problems posed by the legal restrictions did not seem insuperable as long as the 1st Division was being considered for the nucleus of the force. Although 75 percent of the officers of that division had been drawn from the Reserve, it was presumed that most of them would volunteer for duty in Iceland. The problem, in this respect, was considered to be one of maintaining secrecy. As for enlisted men, only a “small percentage” of them were selectees, and only about 10 percent of the men of the two antiaircraft regiments-the 61st and 68th-were subject to the restrictions written into the Selective Service and National Defense Acts. “

What is the nastiest thing you’ve done for revenge?

We were once renting a house and saving money towards a down payment to buy, when the owner came and told us he had to sell and had already and we had to be out by the end of the week. We refused since our lease guaranteed us 30 days. The new owner said that lease was void and had our utilities turned off. So as a goodbye gift, we went to the store and bought some old fish and 10 cans of cat food. There was a fireplace in the basement built of brick and had come separated from the back wall. We dropped the fish behind that. The cans of cat food, we opened and placed in crawl spaces throughout both floors of the house.

What does it mean when women play with their hair while looking at you?

Well, according to my ex girlfriend of 40 years ago, I am blind, because I didn’t notice that the hostess, had sat down next to me, leaned in close to talk in a loud room, laughed at my jokes (hey, I’m funny) and played with her hair.

My girlfriend said it was so obvious she was about to throw up. Guys are oblivious.

Why was Steve Jobs so much richer than Steve Wozniak even though they founded Apple together?

Steve Jobs sold all but one of his stocks in Apple when he left in 1985, when Apple stock was at an all time low. He founded NeXT and was the majority owner when Apple bought the company, though at that point he was almost out of money, on the brink of bankruptcy. He also bought Pixar and it has been rolling out blockbusters every other year for 20 years. He also invested in other companies. Toy Story alone made Steve Jobs a billionaire because Pixar was publicly traded company.

Woz on the other hand gave away a lot of his stock. He financed more than a few huge rock concerts that lost a lot of money. He started a company making remote controls that failed and lost money. He got divorced more than a few times. He helps old Apple employees that are out of luck and deal with sickness. He gives away a lot of his money. But you don’t need to worry about him, he still has a lot and he is according to everyone who actually knows him, a super nice guy. He was never in it to have money, he just wanted a computer that he could fiddle with.

China Warns US “Don’t Try THIS” As Biden Prepares To Hug Xi

What kind of cooperation between the United States and China on nuclear disarmament is feasible?

Very simple.

Just develop the smart bombs to change the equation from MAD to MGD – i.e., from the “old-fashion-not-so-accurate assured” to the “IoT-satellite-guided guaranteed” way of mass destructure.

These are the AI-enabled hypersonic bombs that cannot be defended against and only a few hundred launched from a control center are needed to completely annihilate the entire country the size of Russia, China or the U.S. Then the 5,000-plus warheads in the nuclear arsenals of Russia and the U.S. would become redundant and useless.

Even the triad security concept of land, air and sea delivery system becomes redundant. No need for those expensive bombers and subsmarines to deliver nuclear warheads as backup when those smart ICBMs can do the job.

The calculus for disarmament becomes very straightforward and simple.

War can be so simple when you know its guaranteed and forever.

And isn’t it why Biden is trying to deny China our advanced chips?

Have you ever experienced karma in real life?

We were in a beautiful relationship for about 3 years. And then suddenly she over texts, broke up with me. No explanation given. Like every other guy, I cried, pleaded for just one reason, and all she said was it’s over, I don’t want to be with you. She has changed her college a month before the break up. And like I suspected she fell out of love with me because there is new guy who approached her. Quite similar to everyone’s love story. Lol

Anyway, I was literally shattered, and broken. I couldn’t believe the girl I thought to be my future left me in such a dire condition.

It’s been three years since she is gone. Yesterday, I got a phone call from her at 2am. Basic points from the calls were:

  1. She was unhappy, crying profusely over the phone. She said she don’t have anyone to trust and talk to, except me. And yes, I talked to her because pretty much I loved her too much.
  2. She said the guy cheated her, and when asked him for a breakup, he said he will going to kill her, he abused and hit her off. And she thought everybody will leave silently like me.
  3. I asked her to do a police complain, she said, she doesn’t want her parents to know, she is stucked.
  4. After few minutes on call, she was laughing, talking to me as if we were never separated, I was wondering how easy the things are for girls.
  5. Then she told me even before her father and brother, I am the person she trust and respect the most. I was flattered but I knew, it’s no more important.
  6. I was again at ground zero, I felt happy talking to her, but the wounds were yet fresh.
  7. I tried not to make her feel bad and bid her bye.

Today I Changed my phone number, and email id!

I do love her a lot, still? Yes. But I cannot give her the power to destroy me again.

The lonely chapter

Have you ever caught on to someone trying to scam you before it was too late?

One day, I had a woman come into my checkout line and wanted to buy ALL the $1.00 Bic cigarette lighters at the checkout stand.

Between the two sets of lighters, she was purchasing about 35–40 lighters.

I was then ringing up all the rest of the completely full shopping cart of stuff she got in line with. At the end, she then handed me a bunch of coupons.

I was already on guard because buying so many lighters was very unusual. I looked at the coupons and there was a whole stack of them that were for $4.00 off of a $6.00 Lady’s Bic shaver.

She never purchased any shavers, and I told her these coupons could not be used, as she did not have the item.

She said they were for the lighters. I told her, “No, this is for 4 dollars off the shaver, not the lighters.”

She insisted that it would accept, and scan for, the lighters, too. I agreed. I told her I knew it would, but it was because of an error in the coupon codes, and it was not deliberate. We had been made aware of the error and did not accept it.
She persisted in telling me that if it scanned, we had to accept it.

“No, Ma’am,” I said. “The coupon has to be for the item the coupon is for, not something else.”

What she was attempting to do was get 4 dollars off a 1 dollar item, giving her a negative 3 dollar balance with every lighter purchased. With about 40 lighters, that would leave her total at -120.00 dollars, which then got balanced out with all the rest of the items in her cart. Had I not paid attention to the actual coupons and just blindly started scanning them, not only would she gotten 40 dollars’ worth of lighters free, she would have gotten over 120 dollars’ worth of other merchandise completely free without paying a single cent.

I told her that what she was attempting was theft. She got irate and claimed it was not theft because she was not trying to take the items out without purchasing them. I told her that was exactly what she was doing by running what she knew to be a scam.

She then did not want to buy any of it, and wanted me to void off all the items.

That is when I got rather devilish myself. I told her quietly that no, she was going to buy everything rung up, as-is, without the scam, or that I would be calling the police for her to be charged with theft of well over 180 dollars’ worth of merchandise.

Either she got charged with theft, or bought what she wanted to buy at the correct total.
But, it was not getting voided.

She bought it all.

I never saw her in the store again.
Before that, she had been a semi-regular customer, always holding up the checkout as she constantly scammed coupons for far more than what the coupons were supposed to allow.

Good riddance.

Why is it hard to make new friends?

can’t do the 15th,” John said. “Can we push it back two weeks?” I looked at my calendar, trying to align the dates with our friend Derrick. Then, after finding a great window, John came back with another complication. I rubbed my temples in frustration.

I’m 40 and most of my friends are married and buried in toddlers. They also live in other cities. I try to arrange a trip each year, but coordinating it feels like pushing a boulder up a mountain. Beyond the scheduling conflicts, I’m in competition for their PTO with grandparents and extended family.

As a kid, it was all so simple. The only prerequisite for new friends was the spirit of play. If the other person was down, and nice, they became friends. In college, it was all about who I partied with and saw the most frequently. Everyone was so social. Then, this blur of obligations pulled us all apart.

As social primates, friendships are central to our health and happiness. Yet so many of us are painfully lonely and it isn’t entirely our fault. Since the 1950s, sociologist have asserted that modern life makes it difficult to meet the three conditions for close friendships: proximity, repeated and unplanned interactions, and an environment that encourages people to confide in each other.

Which is why it feels so forced to be planning hangout trips months in advance. It feels like I’m scrambling to keep legacy friendships on life support. I can scarcely plan to meet for dinner with people without complications.

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In school and college, it was so easy because there was endless time for socializing, and we were all on top of each other in dorms and classrooms. And, we didn’t have real bills and adult problems. So how can we make more friends as adults?

Converting new friends

Per one study, it takes 40–60 hours within the first six weeks of meeting someone to turn them from an acquaintance into a casual friend. It takes another 80 to 100 hours to elevate them to true friend status. Which feels like a ton of time as a career driven person. But these connections can be built up over longer stretches.

The obvious answer for me was work, back when I had an office job. But the people at my office weren’t necessarily the people I wanted to spend my time with. Sometimes, we just have to work with what is in front of us. It can even boost competency. Researchers found that doctor coworkers who became friends, performed better at their job. A personal connection and trust can boost performance in team environments.

In March of 2020, four teens were stuck on a boat in Cuba. They’d intended to fly back to the Netherlands. Then the pandemic struck and they decided to sail home. The intensity of spending weeks on the boat together, working to navigate as a team, turned them all from strangers into close friends. One friend said, “Being around someone 24 hours a day, you tell them everything. You don’t do that when you are home.”

My friend, who went to prison in his early 20s after being caught up with a bad crowd, said the same thing happened during his five year stint. Today, he is doing fine and in his late 40s, but is still friends with his former cellmates.

The challenge is that we apply more filtering mechanisms with age. We often filter people out by political views, social class, and do so without realizing it. It’s useful to be attuned to what you want in a friend, but beware of letting this turn into snobbish gatekeeping.

Getting a grip on potential friends

One study used Christmas cards in Western society to approximate social networks and estimated each of us have around 121 acquaintances. Other studies have found wide variances from this number. But it is exceedingly rare for anyone to have zero acquaintances.

These acquaintances are potential friends and not to be dismissed. Weak ties, as sociologists call it, are still great for mental wellbeing even if it is just a brief conversation. Today, I found out my beloved gym of seven years is closing. The owner, Joe, let me in for a final workout, even though the lights were off and they were cleaning up. We found time to chat about life and his decision to quit. I’ve always enjoyed talking to him so we exchanged phone numbers to potentially hang out. The other option is to reconnect with older friends you haven’t spoken to in years.

Accept that rekindling friendships is just more work in adulthood. Remember when your buddy got their first girlfriend or boyfriend and stopped hanging out? That’s everyone now. If you have a partner, it’s worth thinking through which potential friend has a partner who would vibe with them.

Also, practicing “self-disclosure”, or opening up about your life, is proven to boost connections with people. One study found three great insights about disclosing. One, people who give more intimate disclosures tend to be more liked than those who don’t. Two, people disclose more to those they like. And three, people like you more after you disclose. This comes with a caveat: don’t make it too personal, too soon. Avoid mud slinging from your divorce and giving play-by-plays from the bedroom.

The importance of maximizing time

My buddy has two kids and said he has one hour of total free time each weekday, and that when he finally gets that hour, he is desperate to decompress and have some time alone. Yet he also wishes we hung out more. This is a common theme around the country. People are lonely and crave more connection. Operate with this assumption, rather than starting from the assumption of someone judging or not liking you.

Remember to think about the places you frequent, and the potential friends you could make and maintain through those interactions. List out a few acquaintances and consider upgrading them. The key with any of these people is to also do things outside the place you regularly see them.

If you don’t see people on a regular basis, consider joining a club or taking up a hobby that involves other people. Then, get to work. Initiating doesn’t have to be heavy. Just something as simple as, “We should hang out some time.”

Lastly, be real and have conversations. Don’t spend 45 minutes talking about the weather. Vulnerability has a mutually boosting likability effect. You’ll both be happier in the end.

Planning for changes

What are some unwritten social rules everyone should know?

“You look tired” is not a compliment.

Don’t say “I’m fine” if you’re not fine.

Don’t ask “how are you?” unless you want to know.

Don’t say “I am here if you need anything” when being more specific will truly help. “I am coming over tomorrow to drop off some soup” is way better.

Don’t glance over someone’s shoulder when they are in the middle of a story that matters to them.

Don’t look at your phone at all when you are spending time with someone.

On a plane if your seat is tight don’t recline it. Also, let the person squeezed in the middle seat use both arm rests.

Be extra nice if someone is serving you: giving you a manicure, bringing you food, preparing you a drink. Also please don’t hit on them. They are not charmed. They are serving you.

If anyone says “you hurt my feelings” the only correct response is “I am listening.” Not “I didn’t intend that” or “I was joking” or “wow you are sensitive.”

If you can make someone’s day a bit smoother, please do.

People want to feel heard more than they want advice.

People want to feel seen more than they want to be fixed.

People want to be sincerely complimented more than they want constructive criticism.

Say thank you a lot. Say it all the time. Add why you are saying it. “You always get my coffee just right. Thank you.” “You make my day sunnier. Thank you.” Thank you for reading, sharing and commenting on what I write. It encourages me. It makes my day.

American Couple React “America Compared: Why Other Countries Treat Their People So Much Better”

Orange creamcicle

Sometimes the simple and mundane are the things that we remember, and the memories that we cherish.

The very last ice cream that I shared with my father occurred about two months prior to his death. It was nothing “special”. We were riding in the car together, and he saw a Dairy Cream restaurant and suggested that we get an ice cream cone. They had “orange creamcicle” on sale, so he bought us two and we ate them outside in the warm September sun.

To outsiders, it was just two grown men eating ice cream outside, and really there was nothing overly special about that event.

But for me, it was a memory that I will always treasure.

Enjoy what you experience. because it is all so fleeting….


Kindness: What is the kindest act you have ever witnessed?

I was broke and had just received a food stamp card. In the grocery store I picked up about $8 worth of food. Standing in line I took the card out of my wallet, noting the lonely $20 bill that represented my net worth. When my turn came I swiped the card and waited. The clerk said “I’m sorry but there is only $1 available on your card.” I was in shock, because this was my first time using it. Falling back on my fine command of the language, I said nothing. I was confused, embarrassed, and a little sick. Finally I just backed away mumbling that I must have left my money on my yacht. As I was leaving a man stopped me and said, “you just dropped this $20 bill” and handed it to me. I thanked him profusely for his honesty. I also thought what a careless idiot I was. I managed to fumble away the last of my money and only the honesty of a stranger saved me. Well I stopped at another store on the off chance some mistake had been made at the first place, and that turned out to be the case. With tremendous relief I started to put the card and my recovered bill in my wallet. I found to my amazement that my original $20 was still there. I realized that the stranger had given me the bill, while preventing my embarrassment or any refusal of his generosity. This is not meant as a greatest example of kindness, but to mention that a major part of his gift was the lift it gave my spirit to know of such kind and generous people. The last thing you need during hard times is cynicism.

Why do so many foreigners go to China and think China is good?

It’s a nice place. I lived there for eight years (2012–2020) and miss it a bit, now that I’m back in Britain. What shocks me so much is the hideous, made up distortion of news reporting about it in the West, But I suppose that the US has to get something for the $400m Congress has voted for anti-China propaganda. It is just humiliating that it gets so much and so few push-backs.

All linked to…

What did you find while snooping that you wish you had never found?

When I was 9 years old, my mom surprised me and my little sister with a trip to Florida. We live in the Midwest, so any spring break trip to somewhere warm is greatly appreciated. I was so exited to have a story to tell my friends when I got back to school. One night, my best friend’s parents came over to talk to mine. They moved to the driveway, and told my sister and I to stay inside. While they were talking I heard my dad’s text notification. He had left his phone inside. Curious, I looked at what the message said. I cant quite remember what that message said, but when I scrolled up, I read a message I should not have seen. It was from my friends dad, who was now standing in the driveway. It read,

“do your girls know ours are coming on the trip, too?”
“No, we are going to surprise them”, was the reply from my dad.

I was so shocked! My best friend and her sister were coming to Florida with me! I worked so hard to conceal the fact that I ruined the surprise, up until we were at the airport. We got out of the car, and my friend was there, so excited that she got surprised. I faked a reaction, but I was so mad at myself for ruining what my parents worked so hard to keep hidden. I haven’t told a soul to this day.

My boyfriend threatened to leave me because I am too negative. He told me he doesn’t want to hear anything negative anymore, so I don’t tell him anything. We talk superficially, and I feel no love. How can this work?

You need to seek counseling. Negative people are often happier with negative people. Then you can both talk about the worst case scenario, or see the cup as half empty. I have friends like this, and I try to only hangout with them in a group, so I don’t get to depressed.

Yet my friend is truly happiest when he can complain about something. Even if he has to really reach for the negative. Like I made a ton of money last year and paid off my debts, but when you make that much money, so much of the extra money just goes to taxes. Then a half hour rant on taxes.

I am truly happiest when I am positive. My wife is the most upbeat person I know, next to her, I am a gloomy gus.

Find out if you can be happy, if you have a positive attitude, if so get counseling and save your relationship. If not, cut him loose, and find someone who likes to complain about things.

People who are being mean to you…

What is the weirdest thing you have been stopped for by airport security?

Not me personally, but something I saw.

Returning from a service call in Honolulu, the lady in front of me at the TSA line had serious trouble lifting her (obviously very heavy) carry-on onto the x-ray conveyor. It set off all sorts of alarms when it went through, and the TSA guy did a manual inspection as a result. When he opened it up, the suitcase’s contents were revealed: it was completely full of cans of Spam (the processed meat product). I was absolutely convinced that they actually contained something more nefarious and that she’d likely be arrested, but the TSA guy simply zipped the case back up and sent her on her way.

I was next in line, and, noticing the puzzled look on my face, the TSA guy explained that Spam is considered a gourmet delicacy in Japan, where it sells for around 3–4x what it does in Hawaii. As a result, there is a steady flow of Japanese tourists to the islands, who pretty much pay for their vacations by doing what she did. I was born and raised in the UK, where Spam has a reputation for being gross and disgusting, and something you would only eat if you can’t afford any nicer form of protein.

What is the best thing you saw someone do when they got fired from their job?

It happened to me actually.

Management was changed and they appointed new guys ex consultant of the company who pretend know everything – based on the textbook. I am the last two managers that stay in the company when management changed.

So, this new guy did all micro management you can imagine to make most of the people left very nervous and stressful. I managed to stay for another few months until I have felt enough is enough.

Just few days before I intended to put my resignation letter, this new guys and HRD call me to the meeting room and let me go with severance payment – a payment package…

What a wonderful world it was and few friends that knew I am about to gave up congratulate me for being fired…..LOL

How do I impress my boss?

This is something I learned very early in my career. I always feel thankful for my former boss who taught me this lesson.

How to ask questions.

The first day I joined the company, after handing me all my personal devices and necessary office items, he led me to my cubicle and told me to self-study the system and come back to him by the end of the working day with questions. So I did. I brought back my two-page-long questionnaire and handed it to him. He read it, then told me to sit down. “Alright, question one, ‘What does (feature) x do?’”, he read my question out loud, “What do you think it does?”, he asked. I answered him with the thoughts I gathered when I studied the system. “Correct!”, he said, “Now, you see, with the way you first asked the question, if I answered it, it would have taken me five minutes to answer, but if you had asked ‘Does x do this’ including what you’ve learned, it would take me just seconds to answer ‘Correct!’ and I also would know that you actually studied and understood it. When you ask questions that you need answers to, make sure it takes the least time for the person you ask to answer. Yes/No is preferred.”

I took that advice seriously.

Instead of asking ‘What does that mean?’, I ask ‘Does that mean [my understanding]?’. Instead of ‘What should we do in this situation?’, I ask ‘In this situation, I propose the solution as below, do you have any directions or adjustments?’. Instead of ‘What time do you want the meeting to be?’, I ask ‘I checked your calendar, you have three open slots x, y, z; which one do you want to set up the meeting with Mr. A?’

This lesson has been a great help in my work, not just with my bosses, but also with other team members/ clients as well.

Cajun Sausage Roast

2023 11 09 14 29
2023 11 09 14 29



  • 1 (3 pound) pork loin roast
  • 1 pound smoked Cajun sausage
  • 1 small onion, chopped fine
  • 1 small green bell pepper, chopped fine
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1/2 cup cold water
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon Kitchen Bouquet

Seasoning Mix

  • Granulated garlic
  • Dried chives
  • Parsley flakes
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt


Seasoning Mix

  1. Mix granulated garlic, chives, parsley flakes and black pepper to make seasoning mix. Add salt to mix.


  1. Cut the whole loin into smaller roasts, about 6 inches long. Cut a hole through the center of each roast, along the center axis of the roasts and insert the sausage. If the cross-section of the roast is big enough, cut two parallel holes. Open the holes to the size of the smoked sausage and pour about 1 tablespoon Seasoning Mix into the long holes and push something through the roasts to distribute the seasoning. Slide the smoked sausage through the longitudinal holes in the roasts until about 1 inch of sausage protrudes from each end.
  2. Dust inside and outside with seasonings and salt. Allow to sit and marinate at room temperature for 30 minutes.
  3. Place the roasts on a rack inside a covered roaster.
  4. Pour the cut-up onion and bell pepper into bottom of roaster and place, uncovered, in a 425 degrees F oven for approximately 30 minutes or until seared lightly on the outside.
  5. Cover roaster and continue to cook with a meat thermometer until done inside, about 160 – 165 degrees F on meat thermometer.
  6. Remove roasts, trim end faces of excess sausage and chop fine.
  7. Add cornstarch dissolved in cold water.
  8. Add soy sauce and thicken sauce over medium heat.
  9. Adjust color of sauce with Kitchen Bouquet and adjust seasonings.

Could you share a story about a time when you felt like you were the dumbest person in a particular situation?

After I left the workforce, my wife continued working. I normally waited to get up until after she left to keep out of the way. This oneorning, I hear the door close as she is leaving. I get up heading in to start the coffee. On stepping into the kitchen the 1st thing I see is her phone on the charger. Run to the window to see her on the road and gone. I run back to the bedroom to grab my phone to call her to come back and get her phone. When her phone rings I compound the idiocy thinking who would be calling her this early? They need to get off the phone so…she…can…answer…my…call. Then to cap it all, as I’m closing my phone cancelling the call, I’m looking around to see if anyone saw me. 2 of the cats were dying laughing and the other 2 shaking their heads as if thinking what an idiot.

What is the lamest “benefit” you’ve been offered by an employer?

“Getting in on the ground floor.”

I’d been laid off at a position that did not pay well, but the work was easy. I was interviewing with this other company, and the guy (owner? one of the owners?) would not proceed with the interview unless I filled in my salary from my previous job, so I did.

He offered $3K more per year.

BUT… whereas my old job was 37.5 hours per week, this guy was expecting 55–60 hours per week. The benefit was that they were a small company, and their product was going to be big, and I’d be one of the people who benefited when someone big bought out the product.

Calculating the hours, I told him that, on a per-hour basis, he was offering me between 69% and 76% of what I was getting at the previous job, to which he restated his script about getting in on the ground floor.

A few days later, I got another, much better offer. It was an hourly contract, but 84% MORE than the previous job, and about 2–1/2 times (per hour) what he was offering. I took it.

A day or two after that, he called asking if I was still interested, and I told him I took another position “at MUCH higher pay,” I said, and definitely put the weight/emphasis on the word much. I didn’t tell him how much, but again, he tried to sell me on his “Getting in on the ground floor” shtick.

I couldn’t believe he was still trying to sell me on that.

What was it like to eat a hamburger in the 1950s?

Two juicy 100% U.S. Beef patties with two slices of melted American cheese.

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Sandwiched with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles and A&W classic sauce all on a lightly toasted bun… it doesn’t get better than this – we believe!! Because our country imported almost everything in the old days. (And still do very much in 2023).

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image 11

1963 in fact was the year that put American popular food into our collective psyche.

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Now here’s a genuine all-American brand serving all-American fare. And Malaysians fell in 💕💕😘 with new food that truly touched the hearts.

1963 was the first time that burgers were sized ‘papa, mama, baby burger’ – 🥰 cute! (Come to think of it, burgers don’t exist before A&W Malaysia.)

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It was a year that a drink sensation was introduced — in big frosted glass mugs – the A&W Root Beer and Root Beer Float – the two most lovable, must-drink beverages ever since the country’s independence 1957. (Today there are A&W canned root beer in convenience stores everywhere.)

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A&W Root Beer and Coney Dog and Curly Fries are synonymous with A&W and vice versa. To borrow a line, “we’re still loving it, mucho!!”

I’d like to think that the burger in “1950s America” would not vary too much from today’s A&W ‘Papa Burger’.

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image 124

The bear is back!

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New A&W retro outlets in Malaysia give you the charming ‘American diner experience’…

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… who says you can’t bring back the good ol’ days?!!!

In many countries in Europe, how do they manage to give employers 4 to 5 weeks of holidays and many other benefits that in America don’t exist?

Do you know which is the laziest nation in Europe, the one that works the fewest hours? Let me give you a little hint, this is their capital:


A study by OECD released recently showed in no uncertain terms Germans are the laziest nation in Europe in terms of hours worked. They have the largest economy and one of the largest per capita incomes in EU and worldwide. It gets weirder.

Do you know which nation works the most hours? The most hardworking nation in Europe, clocking in almost 50% hours than Germans in a given year is obvious at this point: Greeks. For every two hour a German works in a year, a Greek works three. For that they’re labeled as the lazy wealth moochers of the south that live easily on their spectacular seaside and glorious history.

Something doesn’t quite add up, does it? It turns out that hours worked is only relevant in a few low added value professions, such as store clercks, recepcionists, call center operators, night guards and the like. Those are professions that are necessary, but they’re low skilled, don’t pay well and don’t add much value to the economy.

What drives a modern economy forward are innovators and engineers who push the boundaries of what is possible. Their productivity is almost inversly proportional to horus worked. You only have that much creative energies to do something new and you need time to recharge. You don’t work as well when you’re tired and simply sitting at work comitting time theft does not equal to productivity. Germans work hard, very hard, during the time they’re at work. But when they clock out, always on time, they leave the job behind and enjoy themselves so their next work day is strong and productive once more.

The same goes for holidays. Germans are notorious for long holiday breaks and this again improves productivity. Your best becomes better if you’re well rested and you’re more willing to give your best to a company that appreciates your effort and talent.

By contrast, Americans often view workers as a nuisance they have to pay for and treat them accordingly. Why would you give your best for a company that only gives you enough not to run away to be treated like a slightly less smelly dropping instead. All of Europe is far ahead of USA on this matter and four weeks of holiday are the statuatory minimum given to all, not some great benefit to droll upon. Five to six weeks are not at all uncommon and you can go well beyond that in certain occupations (i.e. working with radiation, mental hospital employees, etc).

Cat story

A tuxedo cat named Andrew was found in a Bronx park, malnourished and in pain. A local rescuer and Little Wanderers NYC provided medical attention, including tooth extraction, for Andrew’s severe oral infection. After treatment, Andrew became affectionate and was taken into foster care where he enjoyed being indoors and bonded with his caregivers. He developed a close bond with a foster volunteer named Jeff, following him around and showering him with affection. Andrew’s transformation and loving personality have made him a permanent member of Jeff’s family, and the two share a special bond.

What if the Industrial Revolution had started 2,000 years ago rather than 200?

It actually did.

Unfortunately, there is this thing called van Loon’s law. It dictates: The level of technological progress in any society is inversely proportional to the number of slaves in the said society.

So you have to first get rid of slavery before any technological advancement will happen. In a slave-owning society, all technology will remain as mere curiosities and gadgets.

Heron’s aeolipili – the first functional steam turbine. It remained as mere clever gadget as there were enough slaves in the Hellenistic world to do all the tasks of slaves.

So first you had to get rid of slavery. The only way to get rid of slavery is a religion which prohibits slavery. There have historically been four of them: Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism. So the technological revolution could have begun only in those cultural spheres.

Slavery ended in Europe with Christianization – first in the Roman Europe by the Dark Ages and then in the Northern Europe at the end of the Viking era. This dictates the earliest point when technological evolution can begin for good.

Once you get rid of slavery, you need to invent rudimentary technology – i.e. harness the forces of the nature – wind, tide, water etc. You need to develop metallurgy and chemical engineering, and material sciences. Anything which saves human labour, as the price of human labour is now the bottleneck. The Dark Ages were actually a serious period of gadgeteering, and laid the basis for the real technological revolution.

I mean, as fun as it is to whip the woman who is your sex slave in the night, to grind the quern-stones at the day, windmills and watermills are just far more efficient to produce flour.

The thing with science fiction writers is that most of them are engineers, and the heroes have open budgets and do not need to worry about economy. But to develop technology, you need a stable economy. You need to develop Capitalism first. Sorry, no such thing in the bazaar economies. And Capitalism began to evolve in Italy by 1200, and was fully developed by the 17th century. Before that, only gadgeteering.

The third requirement is the rise of sciences. That began with the emergence of universities in the 11th century. To develop sciences, you need a religion which separates between mysticism and philosophy and which recognizes an objective reality, to discover the connection between philosophy and mathematics, to discover the connection between mathematics and engineering, and to develop a system where all these things merge. This happened in the Late Middle Ages.

The Industrial Revolution happened just at the right moment. It could not have happened any earlier. You need to get all the required secondary powers in action first – only then can the real thing happen. The 200 years of Industrial Revolution was preceded by 2000 years of Religious, Philosophical, Technological, Scientific and Economical Evolution.

“We are watching ARMAGEDDON unfolding before our eyes” Col. Douglas MacGregor

Very dangerous prospect for the whole world, not only for US.

For those of you over 40, what is it that confuses you the most about young people?

I teach teens in France, and I guess many of the particularities of this generation initially confuse or surprise me, I find myself able to roll with it.

I have been especially surprised to hear that, generally speaking, they don’t have any interest in movies, books, TV series, or music. It is surprising to me that even music isn’t of interest to them!

Some like video games, but for the most part, they spend more time on social media than anything else.

The implications of that, and how society will develop with them, leaves a lot to think about.

But as a teacher, I figured I have to deal with that reality. So, for example, I have them do a project where they have to make a tutorial video in English (I teach English). This was something they got excited about, put effort into, and they made great videos! They know how to use their phones, and add special effects, music, off-voice…. they were able to be creative with it. I stopped trying to use current music, films, TV or books. It just wasn’t getting their attention.

The young generation isn’t void of creativity, but they seem to have taken over control of their social conditioning. I mean, they are watching each other create and spread ideas, values, and ethics. I was raised watching cartoons, TV shows, commercials (and reading cereal boxes!) that were carefully geared towards conditioning me to adhere to certain values that my government and the biggest corporations wanted me to integrate.

The kids today have been able to break off from that, and I suppose that scares some older folk. Like it means chaos rules and will lead to destructive movements in society. I’m not so sure. I’m observing with curiosity.

Ex-CIA: Their New Plan is TERRIFYING!

Two Middle East Outlooks

Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor and dimwit, had written a laudation of his own and his bosses foreign policy for the November print edition of Foreign Affairs. The piece was finalized before the war in Palestine had begun.

The Sources of American Power
A Foreign Policy for a Changed World


Indeed, although the Middle East remains beset with perennial challenges, the region is quieter than it has been for decades.

The progress is fragile, to be sure. But it is also not an accident.

[The president’s] approach returns discipline to U.S. policy. It emphasizes deterring aggression, de-escalating conflicts, and integrating the region through joint infrastructure projects and new partnerships, including between Israel and its Arab neighbors. And it is bearing fruit.

This disciplined approach frees up resources for other global priorities, reduces the risk of new Middle Eastern conflicts, and ensures that U.S. interests are protected on a far more sustainable basis. Challenges remain. The Israeli-Palestinian situation is tense, particularly in the West Bank, but in the face of serious frictions, we have de-escalated crises in Gaza and restored direct diplomacy between the parties after years of its absence.

Alastair Crooke, who has personally negotiated prisoner exchanges between Hamas and Israel, has published a rather bleak outlook.

Escalations Cannot Be Stopped – The White House Is Rattled; Escalations Might All Fuse Into ‘One’
The reality of the necessity of war is permeating widely the consciousness of the Arabic and Islamic world.

It is no coincidence that Netanyahu flourished a map of Israel during his General Assembly address last month in which Israel dominated from the River to the Sea – and Palestine (indeed any Palestinian territory) was non-existent.

Tom Friedman in his NYT reflections may fear that just as NATO’s impaired performance in Ukraine has ruptured ‘the NATO myth’, so too the 7 October Israeli military and intelligence collapse and what happens in its wake in Gaza ‘might explode the entire pro-American alliance structure’ in the Middle East.

The confluence of two such humiliations might break the spine of western primacy. This seems to be the gist to Friedman’s analysis. (He likely is correct).

Hamas has succeeded in smashing the Israel deterrence paradigm: They were not afraid, the IDF proved far from invincible, and the Arab street mobilised as never before (confounding western cynics who laugh at the very notion of there being an ‘Arab Street’).

Well, that is where we are – and the White House is rattled.

This is what worries the White House Team. They are deeply unconfident that an Israeli invasion of Gaza will put ‘Humpty’ together again. Rather, they fear that events may go badly for the IDF, and further, that the images relayed across the Middle East of Israel using overwhelming force in a civilian urban setting will revolt the Islamic sphere.

In spite of western scepticism, there are signs that this insurrection in the Arab sphere is different, and resembles more the 1916 Arab Revolt that overthrew the Ottoman Empire. It is taking on a distinct ‘edge’ as both Shi’a and Sunni religious authorities state the duty of Muslims to stand with Palestinians. In other words, as the Israeli polity becomes plainly ‘Prophetical’, so the Islamic mood is turning eschatological, in its turn.

That the White House should be floating kites about ‘moderate’ Arab leaders pressing ‘moderate’ Palestinians to form an Israeli-friendly government in Gaza that would displace Hamas and impose security and order shows just how severed is the West from reality. Recall that Mahmoud Abbas, General Sisi and the King of Jordan (some of the region’s most pliable leaders) pointedly refused even to meet with Biden after the latter’s Israel trip.

The anger across the region is real and threatens ‘moderate’ Arab leaders, whose room for manoeuvre is now circumscribed.

So hotspots are proliferating, as are attacks on U.S. deployments around the region. Some in Washington claim to perceive an Iranian hand, and are hoping to expand a window for war with Iran.

Should Israel enter Gaza (and Israel may decide it has no choice but to launch a ground operation, given the domestic political dynamics and public sentiment), it is likely that Hizbullah will incrementally be drawn further in, leaving the U.S. with the binary option of seeing Israel defeated, or launching a major war in which all the hotspots become fused ‘as one’.

In a sense, the Israeli-Islamic conflict now may only be resolved in this kinetic way. All efforts since 1947 have seen the divide only deepen. The reality of the necessity of war is permeating widely the consciousness of the Arabic and Islamic world.

Posted by b on October 27, 2023 at 13:44 UTC | Permalink

UH OH! China “Will Support Iran”

World Hal Turner

Chinese Premier Li Qiang came out before assembled media Thursday to say only this:

“China will continue to firmly support Iran in safeguarding its national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national dignity, and will strongly oppose any external forces interfering in Iran’s internal affairs.”


This Israel-Hamas thing is getting worse by the hour.

Ground invasion or not, Israel is. . . fucked.

Just a matter of time before Iran outright attacks, with the support of Russia, China, Syria. Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, etc.

I think they already realize they have the upper hand against Israel AND the US..

The biggest news we have heard in a long time is that China will support Iran in the liberation of Palestine. That’s a big deal. It doesn’t get any bigger.

This is shaping up to be the USA, Israel, and the EU against everyone else.   I think we cannot win.

We are watching and documenting the start of WW3 right before our eyes.

Why are people Leaving America?

Everything you said is truth. Things are getting more and more unaffordable here in the US and inflation and crime is killing many small businesses.”

What moment in your life were you at the right place at the right time?

A bar order changed my life. “14 Bier bitte (14 beers please).”

I was celebrating (with friends) the severance package I had signed a few hours earlier.

After 5 years, my time in Germany was coming to an end. I already had 2 interviews lined up back in the US.

From the barstool to the left came a voice. “Excuse me.” I turned to look in the eyes of a rather scruffy absent-minded-professor type.

He smiled and said, “you seem to have a slight English accent…or maybe American?”

“American,” I confirmed. He continued, “you wouldn’t happen to be looking for a job would you?”

Crazy I thought. “I just signed my severance contract 3 hours ago.”

“Can you write?” he replied.

“I think so. My grandfather was a journalist, my mother taught English.”

I’ll spare you the details. He hired me. I never went back to the US. That special lady I had met 7 months earlier came back from her studies in the UK.

Love developed. Babies arrived. We moved to France. Babies grew into fascinating persons.

Any other bar, any other night and it never would have happened this way.

Lucky boy am I .

Have you ever seen an employer fire someone without realizing what a crucial role the employee played?

One employer I had decided to make me redundant…which was a BAAAAAD idea.

Keeping it short ( I hope ). I was managing a Photolab ( in a pharmacy ) in SE London…I literally built it up from where it was originally bringing in ‘maybe’ around 10% to 12 % of the total takings of the shop…to where it was bringing in over 80% of the takings. I did that by making certain that the quality we produced was the best for ( literally ) miles around. We had company reps from the midlands who would bring their films into us…because they couldn’t find anywhere to beat us.

At one stage we had the top boys from Kodak visit us, because they were ‘concerned’ at the amount of photographic paper we were going through…sometimes 20 rolls a week. A roll of paper is 175 Meters long…that’s over 1500 prints per roll, or just over 23,000 prints ( 6 x 4 ) a week. It turned out that there was only one Kodak lab in the whole of southern England that beat us…and that by less than 3 %…and that was at a popular seaside resort…Brighton.

Sorry for the long back story.

Almost the first thing they did was make one of the two guys on the counter redundant. Then not long after that they made my assistant redundant as well. You’ve probably worked out where this is going already. If there’s only one person working the lab or the counter what happens on days off? Or when you go to lunch…or if your ill?

Answer? I haven’t got the foggiest idea…we were never told.

Then shortly after that…I was made redundant.

Not really a surprise…I had figured out which way the wind was blowing well before this. In all fairness when they told me I was being made redundant I did tell them that in my ( exceptionally modest and humble opinion ), the lab would be closed within three months since they had no one to run it properly…they ( of course ) just ignored that.

I had a new job within two weeks…paid almost as well…and without all the hassle.

The big problem they had now was that there was now only one person to run the counter side of things…and the lab. That’s assuming that the ‘last guy’ didn’t bother with inconsequential things…like a trip to the loo, or tea breaks or lunch breaks, day’s off, holidays, emergency’s at home or just being to damn ill to come to work.

Oh, I forgot to mention something else.

He wasn’t trained to operate the lab.

He told them. ‘I’ve got no health and safety training for photolab work…you know…for all that unimportant stuff…like the electrical hazards, hazardous and corrosive chemicals etc.’ He had no first aid certification, no fire hazard training. And nothing else either, like the day to day maintenance of the machinery, let alone the longer term maintenance.

There was also the minor ( but vital to maintain quality ) chore of balancing the master channel on a daily basis, plus ( on an ongoing basis ) all the print and film channels. He had no idea where to even begin with that…absolutely not his fault at all…he was counter staff…not trained lab staff.

And…then he told them something else, he was colour blind…not exactly great for printing colour films.

He was told. ‘Use the scanner, that’ll do the job’.

‘Uhuh…I can’t do that’. ‘HUH? Why NOT’!

‘It’s been disabled in the software and disconnected from the motherboard…I don’t even know what it looks like, I wouldn’t recognise it if it got up and smacked me in the face, and I don’t know how to hook it back up and get it working again…of course there was one person here that could do that…but you got rid of him, and even if I did get the scanner working again the quality and delivery times will nose dive, the two people you made redundant did everything manually…that’s why the quality was so good, and why we were doing so much trade’. ( my assistant and I could print faster and more accurately than the scanner could do the job ).

Then, obviously trying to be ‘helpful’ ( IE sticking the knife in ) he added. ‘We could always get an engineer out from Kodak to reconnect it, but, since it’s not a breakdown…it’ll be chargeable’.

Not done.

How do I know all this ?

I’m at home one evening and I get a phone call from the ‘last guy’. ‘Hey! how’s it going’? ‘Pretty good’ was the answer…’How’s the lab doing’? ( I love this bit ) ‘What lab’?? ‘Umm…THE lab’. ‘Like I said…WHAT lab’?! ‘It’s CLOSED’??? ‘Well…I suppose you ‘could’ put it that way…the whole shop is closed…permanently’. ‘Pardon’?

It turned out that not only had the lab closed because ( surprise surprise ), nobody knew how to operate the printer properly or maintain it…but when the customers found out I’d been laid off they expressed their disgust by voting with their feet. The whole shop became a wasteland…hardly anybody went in there now.

Now that might not have been so bad when I first started there, and the lab brought in maybe 10 to 12 % of the total takings…but by the time I was laid off…the lab was bringing in around 80% of the total takings…of the entire shop.

Remember I said the lab would probably be closed within three months?

I was wrong…it took 6 WEEKS! before it…and the whole SHOP was closed.

The new company thought they were getting their hands on a gold mine, and to be honest it would have been…if they hadn’t messed it all up.

What’s an unforgettable statement that your boss told you?

In my mid 20’s I had a job at a recording studio. I was “the girl”. I was completely in charge of all things office.

This place was part of an advertising agency.

We had the whole bottom floor and most of what we did was recording jingles.

So there were the jingle writers And the musicians and the sales people. All in all it was pretty much fun.

One day the pay checks were given to me to hand out and I happened to notice that everyone made more money than I did. I marched upstairs and asked WHY. I knew full well I did more work than anyone else there. I was told that “They were creative and I was not.”

My husband and I had already been doing glass work. I called him, told him to come get me. when he got there I said I am quitting my job. I want you to quit yours,too and we will do glass work full time.

He did and we rented our first studio which was near UWM on Milwaukee’s upper East Side.

We are still doing glass work today, 45 years later. hundreds of projects all over the country.

So thanks for telling me how uncreative I was.

Why Men NEED Sex

This should be taught in schools/colleges, the differences between Men & Women so that people can better go about relationships & know why the opposite gender behaves how they behave instead of thinking that there’s something wrong with them. i.e men have 17 times more testosterone than women hence men will tend to have a higher sex drive!

Is China still rising or already dying?

Assuming the World was born on 1/1/1946

  • The Chinese Economy resembles a 48 year old man. Not young anymore but certainly not old or dying
  • The Japanese Economy resembles a 77 year old man. Prematurely aged 20 years thanks to the Plaza accords or would be a healthy 57 year old
  • The Indian Economy resembles a 43 year old. Down on his luck and having a last chance at some development and growth.
  • The US Economy resembles a 75 year old. Having sucked the youth of every Economy to keep from growing old or slowing down his ageing
  • The Russian Economy represents a 34 year old, reborn after dying as a 88 year old and still unsure of how to go forward but strong enough to fight the world

What office rule made you say “Really?”

This was maybe ten years ago, back when I worked in a warehouse.

One fine day when I arrived at work there were no chairs at my workstation. A manager was out there and told me they had removed the chairs because the people who worked the previous shift spent too much time sitting around instead of doing their other tasks, but I could go into the office and bring a chair out to the warehouse every day when I came in.

When the next person on the shift came in I told her what was going on with the chairs, and her response was, “What is this, junior high?” I was more amused than exasperated, and life continued with me bringing out a couple of chairs at the start of work every day.

Soon afterward our senior manager became tired of people losing pens all the time and announced that anyone who needed a pen would have to ask her for one personally. I myself was very methodical about how I used my pen, always putting it down at the same place on the table where I worked and expecting it to be there whenever I needed it. Other people (mostly our regular vendors) were less careful with pens, and it didn’t take long before my pen disappeared, along with most of the others.

Now, these were not expensive pens, so the savings our tightfisted manager gained from controlling their distribution could not have been that much. More importantly, our senior manager’s schedule didn’t overlap with mine very much, and if I had better things to do with my time than ask the senior manager for a pen every time I needed one, surely that was more true for her.

So, I took the matter to Human Resources, mentioning both the chair and pen situations in an email. The next morning an HR person called me up on the phone and got some more details about everything. About five minutes later I heard the rumble of plastic wheels on the concrete floor of the warehouse, and there was the middle manager with an extra chair in one hand and a fistful of pens in the other. Sounding a little contrite, he dumped the pens on my table and said if I needed more to please let him know.

Often when I hear people talk about HR, it’s in the context of how HR is on the side of the employer instead of the employee. So I offer up this one instance where HR came through for the little guy.

The chairs in the warehouse stayed in the warehouse afterward. And, more importantly, I never had to waste anyone’s time by asking my senior manager for a pen.

A distorted view of life…

What are the benefits of universal healthcare?

I’m in Australia.

Years ago I fell off a truck and dislocated my shoulder. I called an ambulance and they turned up. One guy said “I’m trained for resetting that”, so he did, me lying on his trolley bed on the pavement, they then took me to hospital for X-rays to make sure there were no further issues.

I don’t know how much it cost, I didn’t see a bill.

Years later I caught double pneumonia. 15 days in hospital with several courses of strong antibiotics and lots of rest.

I don’t know how much that cost – never saw a bill.

And a couple of years ago my 93 year old father in law was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, and fitted with a pacemaker that same day, spend a night in hospital and came home with an internet connected heart monitor so they could check on him from the hospital.

We never knew how much that cost … he never got a bill.

That’s universal health care for you.

We also get low cost and no cost pharmecuticals

I don’t mind the 2.5% levy added to my tax bills at all – it’s good value.

What facts about the United States do foreigners not believe until they come to America?

One observation I’ve made is that people from Europe have no concept of the ridiculous expanse that is the US, and to be fair the idea that you could take a day trip to another country when you’re in Europe blows my mind as well. I met a couple from France who thought they were going to go to Maine, New York, DC, and Orlando (Disney) all in one weekend. Just for reference, it would take you nearly 24 full hours of driving to get from Maine to Orlando.

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In case you can’t tell, below is the US compared to Australia.

If you had to be in a medieval army, which role would be the safest?

You would not even be in a medieval army if you wanted to be safe. You would have joined a medieval army because you wanted to get rich quick – there was no other way to make easy money.

First of all: avoid all sieges. High risk of dying from dysentery as either besieger or besieged.

A longbow archer was very safe, and paid well, except that archers could not get “first pick” of battlefield booty. It was a trade off. Even so, you might get lucky especially if you got to sack a big town.

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You won the lottery by either capturing a nobleman, his horse, or his fine armor. Capturing a common knight was not bad except that, quite often. knights went into deep debt to finance their war service

Even so. knights sometimes had rich relatives (so don’t get mad and kill Sir Deadbeat)

A surgeon would have been pretty safe and, if captured, you would be treated well.


How did your cat pick you?

We live about a quarter mile away from the nearest road, back through the woods, so it’s rare for any stray domestic animals to wander back here, but on the evening of May 26 this year, this tortoiseshell came strolling up the porch steps and looked in the window.

“Oh no,” we thought. “I hope it goes away.” We already had two cats and didn’t want a third. That lasted about 20 minutes. Then, “Well, I guess we need to feed her something. We can’t let her starve.” So she got a meal off us. When she was still there the next morning, we named her. That was it. That’s when you can no longer say a cat doesn’t own you.

I already had a jet black longhair named LBK adopted from a colleague who was moving 1,200 miles away and didn’t want to take her from Georgia to the snows of Vermont. My wife has a blue tortoiseshell rescue cat she calls Biscuit. So we named our porch cat Triscuit—not after the cracker but sort of an organic chemistry joke (bis-, tris-, Biscuit, Triscuit). Students of o-chem will get it.

Triscuit was very emaciated when she came to us. She weighed 3.2 lb; the basal half of her tail was almost hairless, like an opossum tail; she had a prolapsed rectum, worms, and diarrhea; she smelled bad. But I’m a sympathetic sap, especially for underdogs (and undercats), and she captured my heart. After several trips to the vet and a special rehab diet, my free cat has so far cost me only about $780 since May. She’s now up to 4.3 lb—just $180/lb. She’s worm-free, and she’s growing some hair on her tail. She just might live.

Cajun Stuffed Peppers

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2023 11 09 14 32


  • 1 pound ground meat
  • 1 (16 ounce) can stewed tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup chopped onions
  • 1/2 cup green bell peppers, chopped
  • 1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
  • 2 cups cooked rice
  • 6 to 8 bell peppers
  • Sliced cheese


  1. Cook meat, tomatoes, onions, chopped peppers and tomato paste. Cook for 20 to 30 minutes until done.
  2. Cook rice. Mix rice into meat mixture, then simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Clean peppers. Boil in large pot until peppers turn darker green. Dry peppers on paper towels. Cool.
  4. Stuff peppers with meat and rice mix.
  5. Serve with a slice of cheese on top.

Why do Americans think they’re strong when they lose to countries like Vietnam and Afghanistan, and they think they can take China?

Anyone can think they are superman! Just that most are smart and humble. China is a very pragmatic and rational nation. It knows no nation has a right to exist and enjoys full sovereignty. China never sees itself as a nation that is strong. It knows very very well that should anyone threaten China, it will fully defend itself completely and hurt the attacking nation. Very very hard.


If you were sentenced to death and the judge said to you, “I will let you choose the method of your death”, what method would you choose?

Bullet to the Occiput with a 9X19 Parbellum slug by a professional when I least expect it

Death takes 0.53 seconds and before you drop to the floor you are dead

It’s best description was by Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth in Schindler’s List

However that was expected

I want it unexpected so that there is no fear or surprise

You are just powered off

What was the nail in the coffin for an employee or a co-worker?

Me to a new hire, “install this wing flap actuator on that left wing and what ever you do…do not drop it, it’s very expensive.”

New hire, “Yes, sir. No problem”.”

Two minutes later, a loud, crashing thud can be heard from over by the left wing.

Me, “NEW HIRE? Did you just drop that actuator?”

New hire “No sir, I just dropped a tool. It’s alright.”

Me as I go over there to examine the situation. “Then why is there a dent on this mounting lug of the actuator?”

New Hire, “uhh, I don’t know, must’ve come that way. It’ll be alright. It’s fine. It’ll still work.”

Me, “Lives are at stake when we work on these aircraft and when mistakes are made we have to own them and immediately correct them. This actuator will not work and neither will you. Remember this lesson on your next job.”

Men and women

How did you get your most satisfying revenge on someone else that truly deserved it?

In college I lived in an apartment building and my next door neighbor was the rudest, most angry and disagreeable person that I had ever met. One day after classes I rode my bicycle home and went to store it in the small storage shed in front of my car. I noticed that someone had clipped the right rear corner of my fairly new car. I looked at the Cadillac next to my car and saw a indentation on the rear quarter panel at the same height as the damage to my car. The color on the damaged quarter panel matched the color of my car exactly.

I approached my mean, nasty and disagreeable neighbor, showed him the damage and he immediately claimed that I must have hit his Cadillac and threatened to sue me, get me evicted and on and on.

He worked in a bank in a troubled part of town. I drove by the bank and noticed a massage parlor in a single wide trailer about 2 blocks away.

I went to an adult book store and purchased an explicit picture magazine titled “Beautiful Black Asses”, went to a card store and bought a very feminine thank you card and an envelope big enough for the magazine. I signed the card “Thanks for everything honey – Candy” and mailed it to his apartment with the massage parlor’s name and address as the return address. I was aware that his wife got home first every day and retrieved the mail every day.

A couple of days later I heard a LOUD screaming exchange between them and the wife took off in his Cadillac, burning rubber all of the way. She and the Cadillac were gone for about a month before she returned but, their relationship seemed chilled until I graduated and moved away a year and 1/2 later.

Shifa Hospital Bunker – How Would They Know?

Big claims:

Israel claim Hamas headquarters is hidden under the Shifa Hospital in – October 31 2023

Israel-Gaza war: US says Hamas has command centre under Al-Shifa hospitalBBC – November 14 2023

But how would they know?

Top Secret Hamas Command Bunker in Gaza RevealedTablet – July 29 2014 (!!!)

The Israelis are so sure about the location of the Hamas bunker, however, not because they are trying to score propaganda points, or because it has been repeatedly mentioned in passing by Western reporters—but because they built it. Back in 1983, when Israel still ruled Gaza, they built a secure underground operating room and tunnel network beneath Shifa hospital—which is one among several reasons why Israeli security sources are so sure that there is a main Hamas command bunker in or around the large cement basement beneath the area of Building 2 of the Hospital, which reporters are obviously prohibited from entering.

I bet 100 to 1 that nothing Hamas is present in the well known bunker beneath the Shifa hospital.

Posted by b at 9:53 UTC | Comments (2)

Punishing the men she likes…

What is the biggest life lesson you have ever learned?

Dad: What are you searching in that drawer?

Mom: I couldn’t find my saved money, I need to pay the deliveryman.

Dad: Don’t worry, you’ll find it. How much for the deliveryman?

Mom: 5 thousand rupees. I ordered some groceries and essentials for the house.

Dad paid the deliveryman and we eventually got busy with our daily work.

The next day, Mom, Dad, and I were cleaning the kitchen, when my mom shouted.

Mom: Look, I got my money, it’s in the cupboard. I was so foolish, I searched the whole house for it.

Mom looked so happy because she saved it for her friend’s birthday gift.

But the situation was something else.

Dad got out of the house to smoke a cigarette and I ran behind him.

I said “Why did you do that?’

Father asked: ‘Do what?’

I replied “I swear I have seen you taking the money out of your wallet and putting it in the cupboard.

Dad smirked and replied: “You know she was everything for me! I can’t see her getting sad over the little money she lost yesterday. Because I think we need to care for the person, we love the most!”

Dad takes out a handkerchief and starts putting off his sweat.

I said “Dad, now why are you using mom’s handkerchief? Is it a sign of your care towards Mom too?”

Dad “Nope, because it still has her fragrance”

This was something that changed my whole point of view not only towards life but also towards love too.

Hope you’ll like my answer,

Yours truly,


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Why is heroin so addictive?

“I’ll just do a little this time”.

Every heroin addict’s go to line. The problem is the drug is too brutal and won’t let you do a little this time.

Heroin messes with your brain big time.

It is an opioid, which means it comes from the same plant as morphine and other painkillers.

But heroin is different because it gets to your brain faster and stronger than other opioids.

It does this by changing into morphine once it’s in your blood, and then attaching to these things called opioid receptors in your brain.

Opioid receptors are like switches that control how you feel pain and pleasure.

When heroin hits them, it turns them on full blast, making you feel a rush of euphoria and relaxation.

It also blocks out any negative feelings like depression or anxiety.

Sounds awesome, right?

Wrong. Because heroin is so good at turning on your opioid receptors, it also tricks your brain into thinking that heroin is the best thing ever.

Your brain starts to associate heroin with happiness, and forgets about other things that make you happy, like food, friends, or hobbies.

Your brain also becomes less sensitive to heroin over time, so you need more and more of it to feel the same effect.

This is how addiction happens.

You become obsessed with getting and using heroin, and you can’t stop even if you want to.

You also start to feel sick when you don’t have heroin, because your brain is used to having it all the time.

This is called withdrawal, and it sucks big time.

Withdrawal can feel like death. It can make you feel like you have the flu, but worse.

You can have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle aches, sweating, chills, anxiety, insomnia, and more.

Withdrawal can also make you crave heroin even more, because you know it will make you feel better.

The white horse is one of the most addictive drugs out there.

It hijacks your brain’s reward system and makes you dependent on it for feeling good.

It also makes you sick when you don’t have it, and makes you want it more than anything else in the world.

Possibly the worst thing is that even being sober for 20 years, you always remember that first high. That first rush. So the urge never really leaves…..

Do you know what happened to the smartest student in your class?

The smartest student in my class used to be nicknamed “Rain Man” in math class because of how fast he was able to make calculations. But he wasn’t just the best in math. He was also the best in the language classes and in history class – any class except physical exercise really. He wasn’t much use there.

Everyone thought he would go on to become a university professor. But he didn’t. He started distancing himself from academic pursuits in high school and instead started reading poetry and wanting to be an artist. When he was evaluated for military service and got a stellar score on the IQ test, the officers asked him what he wanted to do after high-school, and he told them he wanted to study literature or write novels.

Most likely the issue was that he came from an academic family, with both his parents being university professors, which made that career path seem like nothing special to him. He wanted “more”, whatever that was.

At college, he would become increasingly erratic, often not showing up for class and failing to read appointed materials. But he would still pass all exams with high marks by making an effort at the last minute.

The “artist” aspiration hadn’t died out though. He was pursuing writing as well as music, eventually forming a band, but he never really made an impact. He wasn’t even a bad music artist but he also just wasn’t outstanding like he was at school. His commercially unsuccessful “artist” career saw him moonlighting at random shift jobs to get by, including as a night receptionist.

It would be seven years until he realized music and literature weren’t going to get him anywhere. If he had just managed to put his head down and work diligently on a more weighty subject of study, be it mathematics or medicine or political science, I’m sure he would have had a brilliant career and made a splash in his field. As it was, he was already in his 30s without any really useful qualifications while others were getting promotions and buying real estate.

In the following years, he first learned Chinese and went to live in China, then came back again, took up coding with the intention of making AI models but also lost interest in that before really getting there. Nowadays he’s still struggling to even get a decent job – something I think no one would have expected back then at school. And who knows what’s next?

I guess I should know because I am this person. I was the smartest kid in my class. In this game of “professor or suicide”, I’m thus far neither. But being gifted hasn’t served me particularly well. Since everything was easy for me throughout my education (well, except P.E. and crafts), I never learned to really struggle. I learned that I could win without struggling. Therefore, I proceeded to avoid anything that might seriously put me to the test. And at the end of the day, intelligence is really no match for effort.

The silver lining is that I’m more and more beginning to realize that I don’t need a brilliant career, neither in academia nor as an artist. In hindsight, I was pursuing both more out of vanity than anything else. Unusually smart kids have a tendency to accrue lofty expectations from all around; from parents, teachers and classmates alike. Everyone tells you: “you could do this” and “you should do that” and “you’re gonna be a star” and it’s easy to become inebriated with this praise and forget to stop and be honest with yourself about what YOU actually want – not what others want for you or even what you want for your own idea of you. Finally doing so has been quite liberating.

Filtering out all the good men

Is it true that in China, people with European appearance are valued and they are paid a higher salary, for example, if it is an English teacher?

This is an illusion. The Chinese used to think that having a European appearance meant they would be good at teaching English, but they later realized they were wrong.

Professional ability is linked to your salary, not your appearance.

If you can provide an English major certificate or education certificate, you can earn a good salary at English teaching institutions in China, but of course, there will be many people competing with you. Education requires teaching experience, not just talking to oneself in the classroom. Engaging in the teaching profession requires mastering teaching methods that students can understand. You must first be able to communicate with students in Chinese. Not everyone is suitable for the teaching profession, and whether to stay or not ultimately depends on the graduation rate data of students. People who lack a competitive advantage cannot enter higher education schools and can only teach their children some simple English conversations in kindergartens. Of course, the salary will be much lower than that of school teachers.

China’s second language ~ third language education is civilian education, not aristocratic education.

Generally speaking, the China government requires Chinese students to master at least 1~2 foreign languages. Because English-speaking countries dominate the world, China has popularized English education in the compulsory education stage.

There are many foreigners engaged in English education in China because it is easy to find substitutes, and the competitive pressure of practitioners is also the biggest among all language education. Meanwhile, due to the popularization of English education in China, the job of English teacher is also the easiest to find.

Language teachers such as Russian, Japanese, Korean, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic are relatively lacking.

As far as I know, some teachers of small languages have already earned salaries of $1000~$5000 per hour. (一万到五万一堂课)

Some infrastructure contractors, in order to make their employees understand the local language, offer considerable salaries to language teachers who attend classes during training.

In fact, in recent years, the salaries of Arabic language teachers and French teachers have been very good. Because there are many Arab countries and African countries (French speaking area) along the the Belt and Road. Since there is a demand for business, of course, relevant language education talents are needed.

What is the most bizarre thing a coworker has done to get fired?

We hired a lady to organize our archives before they were digitized. This was in 2000. She was just required to work 8 hours a day, and only needed to interact with coworkers for about an hour a day. So she decided to work 3:00–12:00 and our Mom and Pop small company saw no reason why she couldn’t do her job at night.

She was doing a decent job, and nobody had a problem. But we reached a point, where she had to start working days, so she could tell people what was going on.

She had stored all of her rolls of fim in garbage cans, and paper records in recycling boxes.

The first day she wasn’t there when the cleaners came to clean her office, they emptied all of her film and paper into shredders, and hauled it away.

Not one person in the office could figure out why she not only used her garbage can for storage, but brought in extra garbage cans and filled them.

She was livid and blamed the cleaning staff for emptying the garbage and recycling as they were required to do by contract.

They didn’t exactly fire her. They laid her off, and said that now that there was no data to archive, they didn’t have a job for her.

Delusional expectations

Have you ever known someone who has gone missing?

Sara Anne Wood was just 12 years old when she was abducted within view of her home on Aug 18, 1993. I was friends(from camp) with her brother Dusty and it hit everyone so very hard. This was an incredibly nice family from Central New York in a very small town. Back then, kids had heard ghost stories about kids being snatched but very few took it seriously. Sara’s case changed that for many and the resulting publicity made sure that new tools for the public and law enforcement would save more missing kids since.

The man who admitted to abducting and killing her also confessed to another murder- a 12 year old boy, Jimmy Bernardo. He confessed to another murder(Jamie Lusher) but like Sara, the body has never been found. The killer has given incorrect information for the recovery of Sara Anne Wood and Jamie Lusher many times. FBI psychologists are unsure what is keeping the killer from revealing the information since he seems willing to put it behind him. He will serve every day of his pitiful existence behind bars but it isn’t enough for the pain he has brought to so many in this world.

I have not named the killer out of respect for my childhood friend’s family who feel the killer has garnered too much fame already. It’s easy to search, but do me a favor if you choose to look it up. Please also learn about all of the positive changes brought about by Sara Anne Wood’s case. Those changes have saved/found many thousands of children since.

Note to Dusty & the Wood family: I hope you find peace and closure. We have not forgotten Sara and will never stop looking.

I am so so so SO very glad that I no longer live in the USA.

It’s all loony town.

What was the most embarrassing medical procedure you have had?

When I was 16 I developed a kidney abscess. It was treated over several weeks and dissipated. First off, I had to sit in a room with a bunch of 70 year old men waiting for my Urologist. Then, the Dr was flummoxed how a teenage girl could get this, so proceeded with different types of tests. One was testing my Ureters. In the hospital, I was naked from the waist down with a paper drape, filled my bladder with something and iodine and literally put a stopper in so that I couldn’t pee. Then, they left the room. It was just me and a male tech who was in front of some machines with screens. The room had swinging double doors. Every once in awhile someone would come in, and my nether regions were on full view to anyone coming in, and anyone passing by. When I was done, I had to wrap the paper drape around me and sprint to the bathroom across the hall to piss like a Russian race horse! I’m pretty sure I leaked that liquid all across that room and the hallway. Yes, this was very embarrassing.

These girls are delusional…

When you think your child is too quiet on his own, what was he actually doing that surprised you?

One of my girls had been diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome, developmental delays and schizo affective disorder.

She attends a day program for adults that provides socialization along with life skills training. They also take the clients out into the community to do contract jobs supported by staff. She came home beaming and said she was working in a local grocery store. I assumed stocking shelves, sweeping, etc.

About her third day she came home excited as usual got a snack and went to the bathroom.

I cleaned up the table, put away leftovers, and generally spent a fair amount of time puttering around.

Then I realized she was still in the bathroom and it was very quiet.

I called her name.

No answer.

I checked the door.

It was locked.

I banged on the door, yelled her full name and demanded she open the door immediately!


What are you doing?

It’s a surprise. Go away!

Now I’ve had pretty awful bathroom surprises from kids. Things like blood all over from an accident doing something I’d warned them about, to diarrhea, to bathing the dog in the tub with the associated water and mud sprayed around.

I said I was counting to 10 and the door had better be open or I’d pick the lock. Yeah, I’ve had to do that on more than one occasion.

At 9 she opened the door beaming and sweaty. See mom! I cleaned it all by myself! The floor around the toilet, the sinks, inside the toilet and the mirrors! Now I need to wash my hands.

Everything was spotless. I had forgotten most stores have at least employee restrooms. That was what she was doing at work.

She then said it was nicer at home than the men’s room. It was disgusting and stinks.

I was floored! Never have I had a child do such a thorough job cleaning anything! I gave her hugs. I told her I was sooo happy with the sparkling clean bathroom.

Then she asked me, Mom, can you teach me how to clean the tub? They don’t have that at the store.

I was shocked. She actually wanted to do more cleaning!

I told her I was so proud of her, and then later made her promise that if she wanted to clean the bathroom again would she please leave the door open. I explained that the surprise was fantastic, but some cleaning supplies were smelly and she could get sick.

She looked disappointed and asked how she could surprise me if the door was open.

I promised if she said she was working on something special I’d stay in the kitchen and make cookies.

I get a clean bathroom, the kids get fresh cookies, and my husband eats raw cookie dough. Wins all the way around!

China SHOCKS The US With Terrifying Nuclear Space Missile

Have you ever accidentally found out that you were about to be fired?

I got a call from a friend, who had literally just been informed that he was laid off. And he was wondering if I had also gotten the axe.

I was on vacation for a week. It was Tuesday or Wednesday, and I was on my way to a dog show to help some friends set some things up. My friend had been walked into the office that morning and been told that his last day would the the following Friday. The severance was good, he had already been thinking about retiring, and his wife was having pretty bad health issues. So he just said cool, and planned on wrapping up the things he was involved with.

So I checked, and did have a voicemail on my phone. I listened to it, and yes, a manager I knew had called VERY EARLY that day and asked that I call her back when I had the time, sometime today. Given that my friend had been laid off, and what the situation at the company was, yeah, I knew I was going to get the boot as well. Not my first time, so I just sat back and made a list of what I needed to do. Then I called my friend back, told him about the voicemail and we commiserated. And finally I called the manager back and got the bad news. No big deal.

Being laid off sucks. But keep your wits about you, be open to doing something different, make smart financial decisions and just keep movin’ on.

What are some good examples of “life isn’t fair”?

In May 2016, Amber Heard, who is now divorced from Johnny Depp, shared photos claiming he abused her. People quickly condemned Depp, especially when he was cast in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. Many thought he shouldn’t be hired due to the accusations. Meanwhile, Heard was praised as a survivor and advocate for abused women.

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Depp, who had built a good reputation over the years, faced a backlash. People didn’t want to work with him, and he was labeled as an abuser. He received hate from fans, the media, and almost everyone.

However, this year, Depp released tapes that changed how we saw the situation. Heard admitted to hitting him and throwing objects at him, even causing injury. She mocked him, knowing people would likely believe her over him.

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2023 11 16 08 2c5

Depp, in essence, is saying, “Imagine if I, as a man, claimed to be a victim of domestic violence. How many would believe or support me?” The story shows how we often quickly judge someone as a villain, even when they might not be at fault.

Women are attracted to bad boys. How can I act like or be a “bad boy”?

I was the bad boy and what you’re trying to make is a mistake.

Let me explain why.

Most girls in their 20s and even 30s have some kind of masculine ideal. This ideal is anything but healthy. They want the sociopath or the aggressive jerk or whatever is considered nowadays a good representation of masculinity.

The definition of a “good masculine sexual partner” is more of what you’d find in “Fight Club” than “Breakfast At Tiffany”. And yes, I was one of them. I acted as a jerk, I was emotionally imbalanced, I got into a lot of arguments and fights and I was emotionally and physically violent.

And this got me laid. A lot. The fact that my life was chaotic and broken, ironically, made a lot of very beautiful woman want to save me.

And here’s the thing …

If you want to screw your emotional balance, make your life a mess and be in that position for the sake of getting laid you are an idiot. This is because the “bad boy” image that works to get women turned on is kind of the opposite of what works in every other area of life.

Everywhere else consistency, maturity, dignity, integrity are rewarded. In the business world nobody will put up with the “bad boy” bullshit. In the academic world the same. Most realms of life are a meritocracy where your hard work and effort are going to get you what you deserve. Dating is one of the few fields in which the least you care and the more counter-intuitive you act, the better results you’re going to get.

But it is not worth it.

This is because while being a bad boy may get you female attention, being a bad boy is generally not a good life strategy and there is a LOT MORE to life than getting laid. I remember how at some point in my life I was an emotional mess, smoking, drinking, going in bars each night, sleeping with two girls at the same time (not in the same bed) and many people were “admiring me”.

In reality, I was crying out of frustration and desperation often because I was in a hole and no one was pulling me out. While I was getting girls to take off their panties, I had no money, my business partners wanted nothing to do with me, my friends who showed integrity and character have been replaced by superficial relationships and the future looked really bleak.

So honestly, what you want is the most immature thing you can do.

Trust me, treating life as a bad-boy (and I’m not talking about buying a leather jacket but actually being a “I-Don’t-Give-A-Damn” type of person) has a far higher downside than upside. While there are always going to be ladies who will (1) want to save you from yourself (2) think they can change you (3) be attracted because you’re different, the people who don’t want to have sex with you won’t really be impressed by what you’re doing.

So here’s my advice.

Act as a man and stop trying to emulate the dysfunctional bad-boy image. The rogue, the sociopath, the psychopath, the out of control wreck are and were always female fantasies for better or for worse but actually being one sucks.

Instead simply focus on acting as a man. The same traits that you consider boring nice, as a nice guy, are exactly the traits required to succeed in most fields. I’m not saying to be a wimp but I’m saying that being dysfunctional for the sake of mediocre sex (because deep inside you’ll always know that that’s not love but rather fascination) is a very bad trade-of.

Why We’re Leaving The United States

Building up for Christmas

Today is Christmas. We don’t really celebrate it very much here in Southern China, but it still is a reminder of great and grand times that I grew up with as a boy. This included such things as month-long cookie baking, Christmas breads, Christmas meals, Christmas carols, and Pitiza.

Vintage and throwback Mothers Day ideas 300x200 1
Vintage and throwback Mothers Day ideas 300×200 1

Yeah. It goes much further than a Christmas tree and piles of presents and shopping.


It includes work luncheons. It includes drunk work parties, and long breaks, and card games.

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2023 11 21 20 09

The USA has come a long, long way from what it used to be. That saddens me.

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2023 11 21 20 08


How do you tell if someone is a true friend?

My best friend told me once that if I ever moved away from home, she’d stop visiting home and fly to wherever I was.

When I mentioned that I want to move to the UK, her response was “Ooh, that’s not too far from northern Europe! We could take a trip to Norway from there!”

She’s studying abroad right now with a month to go and she told me “I don’t want to leave here, but I can’t wait to hang out with you.”

No matter how far apart we are, she keeps planning herself into my life.

At the same time, though, we can go for days without talking.

She was gone for a month with no internet or phone service and when she finally got back to civilization, she texted me like nothing had ever changed.

We can tell each other anything.

I can say things like “I almost wet the bed last night” and “I think guys with mustaches can be incredibly attractive” and “Want to hear the world’s only placenta joke?”

And I know she won’t judge me… not too harshly, anyway.

We can talk about gossip and neuroscience and our dreams and geology and Hamilton all without pause. There’s nothing we can’t share.

We laugh. We cry. We eat large amounts of Taco Bell.

We stay friends no matter how many time zones apart we are or how many days we go without speaking.

We can be completely honest with one another and there’s no doubt it comes from love.

We keep planning ourselves into each other’s lives.

That, to me, is a true friend. One who isn’t a friend out of convenience but out of devotion.

One who stays your friend even when it’s difficult or when the geography doesn’t line up.

One who wants to be around you, and is willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

I’d say I got lucky. I’ve had the same best friend for almost twelve years.

She’s a true friend.

The 3% club

Taiwan elections

For those who do not keep up with what’s going on in Taiwan, the pro US pro independence DPP is now lower in the polls after a coalition by the opposing blue and white camps

This means that it is now more likely that the status quo will be upheld, which is better for the region and future developments. As i have pointed out before in another comment

Nope there is a third scenario, one i think the Chinese government is aiming for

That is to advance China itself, economically and technologically beyond the level that the US has any chance of holding at the island chains, thus forcing the abandonment of the chains and resulting isolation of Taiwan. This is happening even now but requires time to complete hence tactics are aimed at dragging it out

The US economic power is collapsing which is why one should never be provoked when against a increasingly desperate opponent. Simply let them die off

Economic power (specifically industrial power as financial paper pushing does little) is the lynchpin of military power, so when it goes down, the military goes down with it and that is not even taking into account the corruption such as the $1300 cup.

Taiwan’s DPP talks up a big game but that is predicated on US support. The US has pulled back to the 2nd island chain because trying to hold the first chain is untenable, thus the attempt to pull the Philippines, South Korea and Japan to be the sacrificial pawns while the US tries holding at Hawaii (and standing on the soapbox made by the corpses of their “allies”)

Once US support dies off due to a lack of funds, obvious tech disparity and a numerical disadvantage, the Taiwanese will have 2 possible choices

i) Give up (this is the most likely given the current Taiwanese do not support their children going to war)

ii) Try a “heroic” last stand (which gives the mainland under One China, the legitimacy to launch a full scale attack)

Also do keep in mind that there are the possibility of burner accounts. What are burner accounts? They are accounts that are made with the specific idea of portraying themselves as part of whichever side/camp/group and will then suddenly turn around to support the other side at moments they find critical. The most famous recent one is bellingcat

Catfish Muffuletta

Catfish Muffuletta is a very tasty sandwich made from one round loaf. Depending upon appetites, it can serve from one to four!

catfish muffeletta
catfish muffeletta

Yield: 1 to 4 servings


  • 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 3 U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish fillets
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup giardeniara marinated garden salad, coarsely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons pitted olives, sliced
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 (8 to 9 inch) round loaf Italian bread
  • 1 medium tomato, thinly sliced
  • 1 bunch arugula
  • 1 pound sliced provolone cheese (optional)


  1. Heat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Season catfish fillets with salt and pepper. Fry fillets in the hot oil, in batches if necessary, for 2 to 3 minutes on each side or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Place fillets on a plate to cool and drizzle with lemon juice.
  2. Drain giardeniara and place in a small bowl. Add olives, parsley, garlic and the remaining tablespoon of olive oil and mix until combined.
  3. Slice the bread in half horizontally and pull out most of the soft white part in the middle. Spread half of the giardeniara mixture in the hollow of the bottom piece of bread. Arrange the fillets in a single layer over the vegetables. Top with layers of tomato slices, arugula leaves and provolone slices, if using, and remaining giardeniara mixture. Place the other half of the bread on top, pressing firmly into place.
  4. Using a serrated knife, cut the sandwich into wedges and serve.


The wedges can be individually wrapped and served at a picnic.

So you don’t want the job

US Congress unanimously approved the Patent Restriction Act. All of China’s patents are at risk of invalidation overnight. Huawei’s 20000+ patents could be deemed invalid. All countries at risk as the US can claim a national security threat. Fair?

How stupid is this?

What about apple? They have 95000 patents around the world.

If the US disregards patents so will the rest of the world, so not a single patent is worth the paper it’s written on, that includes ALL US patents around the world.

It looks like the US politicians once again showed us how bright they are, no wonder the country is going down hill fast.

What is the bravest thing you have ever seen someone do?

I watched my father care for my mother for six years as she slowly succumbed to the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease.

He gradually took over all the housework and cooking while dealing daily with her hurt, her rage, her confusion and her fear. He protected her from herself. He made sure that she kept the weekly hair and nail appointments that she so loved. He went shopping with her for the pretty clothes she adored.

When he finally acquiesced to his children’s insistence that our mother be placed in a nursing facility (because we were worried that his health was suffering from the strain of her care), he visited her twice every day. He paid aides to apply her makeup and arrange her hair every day. When the facility requested that he take her jewelry from her, including her pins and diamond engagement ring, he had a jeweler make up copies using cubic zirconia so that she never knew that she wasn’t still wearing her own lovely things.

And at her memorial service, the room fragrant with dozens of heavy bouquets of gardenias which were her favorite flower, my stoic father fought to keep his composure as he spoke of his love for the lively, witty, beautiful woman who had spent almost sixty years at his side. He called their time together a privilege, and recounted as though it had happened yesterday the first time he ever spoke with her, on a staircase at their university.

The manifestation of my father’s commitment and devotion to my mother in those unimaginably difficult years is the bravest thing I have ever witnessed.

* Sigh *

And he is going to prison in FLORIDA.

What are some of the best examples of sarcasm?

The best sarcastic response I have ever witnessed was by a colleague. But first, a little background to set it up.

When I worked at a law firm, one of my many functions was to head up the student practicum program. Basically, people studying IT at a local college needed three months of work experience as part of their graduation requirements. So I would interview them and select a few and they’d get an orientation. Once done, I would then take them around and introduce them to the team that they would be working with.

I kept it light and fun, because these students are nervous and I want them to feel comfortable. There was one student I was taking around, and when I got to the network manager’s desk, I said “This is Aaron, the network manager. You have to watch him, because he can be sarcastic.”

The student turned to Aaron and said, “Oh yeah? Say something sarcastic.”

Without missing a beat, Aaron extended his hand and said “Pleased to meet you.”

I couldn’t stop laughing.

What office rule made you say “Really?”

When I worked for an engineering consulting company as a project engineer, my boss came up to me when I had been there a few months.

He told me that the office rule was that nobody could wear jeans.

As an engineer, I had never been told that jeans were not allowed. Now, if I were management, or met with clients, or worked for a law firm or a finance person, I could see that, but engineering is notorious for being casual to the point of being borderline slovenly because engineers DO go to the field and nobody wears a suit on a construction site. In my position, I didn’t have to meet with clients all that often.

And I wasn’t slovenly—I was wearing a blouse and sweater with the jeans, which weren’t torn and were conservative in appearance (not ripped, not overly tight or had loud design details). The only difference between those jeans and any other pair of pants that would have been acceptable was the fabric.

That same company had a policy of not providing a coffee pot for the employees. Just about every company I’ve worked for at least provided the pot, and sometimes the employees would pitch in for the coffee stuff. The only reason our office got coffee at all was because we shared our office with the construction arm of the company, which DID provide coffee for their people (I dare you not to provide coffee for a field guy). One of our managers, when visiting our office asked why we had a coffee machine, and that’s the answer he got—it wasn’t ours.

The cheapest ass company I ever worked for. The company I work for now, I could probably literally show up in sweats if I wanted to and nobody would say anything. But I’m not going to push that.

Oh, and they provide coffee. And tea and apple cider and hot chocolate, and when we have our monthly office meetings, they kick in for lunch as well.

A certain tier of guy

What is currently stressing you out?

I’m dumping my therapist.

The straw that broke the camel’s back was when she asked if I was autistic.

“I just wonder if that’s why I’m having a hard time communicating with you.”

She continued that she wasn’t qualified to diagnose me, but I should look into it. No referral to someone who could diagnose me. No recommendations on resources. Just the assertion that I could be autistic because I apparently don’t communicate well.

When I reminded her that I probably have ADHD, which could explain those symptoms, she cut me off.

“They’re totally different.”

But they really aren’t. They have some key differences, but a ton of the symptoms overlap. Trust me. I’ve done my research.

She’s done this a lot—made alarmist statements with basically no course of action. In that same session she also told me I put up a lot of barriers in the therapeutic process.

“Can you give me an example?” I asked.

“I can’t think of any, but I sense it.”

I mentally rolled my eyes.

It’s been several months of frustrations. I told her I wanted to discuss relationships and she said she doesn’t read about relationships so she couldn’t help me. I told her I was struggling to find a place to start with doing inner work and she said “Just pick somewhere.” I told her I didn’t think quitting my job was a good suggestion and she said I was “resistant to getting out of my comfort zone.” (Note that in the last case, I told her I really like my job and didn’t want to do anything else.)

We haven’t clicked since day 1, but I kept going because I was sorely optimistic that maybe it just needed time.

But it didn’t need time. It’s been like six months and I feel as stuck as ever. I dread going to therapy because I feel like I’m going to listen to 50 minutes of her talking about her own life mixed in with advice that doesn’t do anything for me.

I’m stressed about actually pulling the trigger though. I don’t like change. I don’t like potentially hurting others. And I don’t like setting boundaries.

Hence why I’ve let this drag on for 6 months.

Tomorrow’s the day. I’m sending an email to let her know I’m done. I already booked an appointment with a new therapist to motivate me into doing it.

So, y’know. Best of luck to me. Hopefully I can find a therapist who actually helps.

Update: sent the email to end the relationship and booked my appointment with a new therapist!

Is it true that as long as the US has such strong allies in Asia as Japan, India, South Korea, etc., China’s actions will always be limited?

That is your dream. Not at all a reality. What is really true is that as long as the U.S., Japan and South Korea do this their economy will tanked and they will disintegrate into a bankrupt. China will let you have a long strong rope to hang yourselves.

Also Japan, South Korea and India are polite Asian people who have been living with China 5000 years. And they are still a nation in its own right! The U.S. neighbours Mexico lost half its land to the U.S. in a mere 100 years!

These 3 nations knows that! The saw it with their own eyes. China will do what they always do. Protect Asia for Asians.

Cat learns some Mike Tyson boxing moves…

This is BY FAR the funniest video that I have ever watched!

I got fired. My ex-boss is now asking for the whereabouts of important files. How should I respond?

LOL, when I was 25, I was an experienced herdsman for a pretty large dairy farm in my area.

The boss was too cheap to buy a computer, so I used my own, and often worked at home going through records of the cattle, creating the new lists as needed. Long story short, we had a falling out, and I offered to update the files before I left, which he rejected. A week later, he was at my door demanding I update the files.

I offered for a price, to be paid in advance. he became angry and stormed off.

I never heard from him again.

This will come back and BITE you chicks!

Have you ever had such a close call it makes your skin shiver everytime you think about it? If so, what happened?

I’m a very adventurous hiker & sport participant. I flew hang gliders for years, but I also have scuba dived, sky dived, skied double black Diamond runs, winter camped in snow caves, white water canoed, gone on looonng-g-g hiking trips into the back country & spelunked (explored caves). It’s hard to say which sport is the most dangerous BUT for sure no one should do any sport without multiple safeguards & precautions. Dangerous sports are not for risk takers.

I’ve rarely had a close call. I can say when I did, twice, it was because I ignored safety precautions personally because I was with “experts” I put my trust in!

Despite spending a lot of time in the back country, I nearly killed myself when I ignored obvious important basic precautions the first time I went with world class expert spelunkers deep inside (one mile!) a very dangerous cave with steep drops into an unseen abyss or flowing rivers that disappear further into the ground, & cliffs requiring technical climbing expertise. Precaution #1. Don’t split up. We drove up in two cars, my ride wanted to leave early. He led me down a wrong path to the exit & we were lost in a very wrong part of the maze of the cave. We were supposed to lay a string trail from the cave entrance to follow out. My guide was over confident…. He’d been in the cave so often! He left me (!) to try to retrace to where we left the correct route as I lay in a fetal position trying to get warm… Luckily he found the route, luckily he found me, luckily I’m here to write this!!

Low value man

What’s the bravest thing you have ever done?

This incident happened when I was studying in my 10th grade. A male teacher hit my back with a throw ball deliberately. I was quite annoyed with the behavior. I chose to remain quiet. He came near me. I could sense that he was going to do it again. After a certain argument, I gathered my courage to shout at him – “Behave yourself” in front of 50 odd students. Humiliated teacher, stormed out of the place. The next day I was punished in front of my classmates for back-answering my teacher. Note that, none of my teachers knew what had happened behind the scenes and not one student was ready to narrate the incident. I was portrayed as a bad girl.

I did a little secret investigation(Well, I was 16 then, it was a big thing for me) on that teacher. Asked my junior friends, the students who attended his tuition classes. Turns out that, the teacher was lustful and many girls had similar experiences as mine, but no one had dared to speak up. I handed over all the information to the head mistress. The teacher was interrogated and after the certainty of the issue was proved, he was suspended. I felt really proud that I had the guts to stand up for myself.

You Won’t Believe Nightlife in Kigali, Rwanda!

What’s a sign of maturity that really shouldn’t be?

Franz Kafka wrote, “Most men are not wicked. Men become bad and guilty because they speak and act without foreseeing the results of their words and their deeds. They are sleepwalkers, not evildoers.”

This speaks to an immutable sign of a child masquerading as an adult. Just as a toddler innocently comments about how fat someone is, the immature man litters his remarks with no thought of a world containing feelings besides his own. There callous impulsiveness matches that of a kid snatching candy from a Halloween bowl.

There is profound virtue in choosing restraint in the face of an easy chance to hurt someone’s feelings.

A good and kind person speaks difficult truths with care and love. And they know what should remain unspoken.

They see a world containing many people, all with differing needs and vulnerabilities. This is beauty. This is someone cementing themself as a person who belongs in your life.

Woman EXPOSES The INEVITABLE Problem With Dating Modern Women | TRAINED/GROOMED To Be Masculine

Kara used to earn as much as $20k in a month, but has pulled back on work since becoming a mother—leading to painful identity issues. Her husband Drake has picked up the slack, but gender roles loom large in their at-home dynamic. Modern Dating is confusing for men and women.

Kuwaiti FM says no ties with Israel unless Palestinian issue solved

Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah reiterated on Sunday Kuwait’s refusal to normalize relations with Israel “unless a future Palestinian state is established in line with international resolutions.”

He made the remarks at a press conference held at the headquarters of the foreign ministry.

The minister added that it is his responsibility to maintain Kuwait’s security and interests abroad by maintaining relations with friendly, brotherly and allied countries.

“The Palestinian issue is our first issue, without any ambiguity … Kuwait has never deviated from the path,” he said, adding that the war Israel waged against Gaza is retaliatory, not defensive.

The Kuwaiti top diplomat called for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Gaza, providing assistance to the besieged enclave and ultimately resolving the Palestinian issue through the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders.

The principle of marginal utility

What was the most outrageous repair quote a mechanic has ever given you to fix your car?

I needed a car in a hurry and spotted a 5 year old Saab 9-5 turbo for sale online at a great price.

Called the owner, lady answered, husbands old car he was working and had a work vehicle so it was up for sale. It all sounded great so a buddy drove me there and i bought the car after a test drive.

Drove the 50 miles home without an issue until i reached the turnoff for my hometown when the car went into limp mode and the Check Engine light came on….. crap….luckily i was near a small industrial park so i pulled in at the front of a newly opened mechanics shop.

I’d met him once before at a friends unit in the same park but didnt know him. Told him what happened and he said leave it with me.

I started googling this model Saab and read many horror stories about failed turbos and blocked oil traps resulting in engine rebuilds… i was worried…..i had no car, it was going to cost me a fortune….

1 hour later i got a call, car is fixed. Shocked i went back out and sure enough it was running perfectly. I asked what was wrong and he said a pin hole in a breather pipe on the turbo caused a sensor malfunction. He replaced it with a new piece of hose and redirected it so it didnt rub on the exposed metal.

I asked what i owed him, he said 20 cents for the part…. He said don’t worry about it its a lovely car and it only took me 5 mins to fix.

Proof that there are gentlemen in the autotrade.

Beauty in China

GF Abandoned Me At An Absolute Lowpoint, Only For Me To Have The Last Laugh When She Was “PUT AWAY”!

I’ve heard so many stories like this, and it is unbelievable to me. Women who leave their boyfriends after losing their job or suffering some sort of injury; wives who abandon their husbands when they are diagnosed with terminal cancer. It’s absolutely despicable! I thought they were supposed to be the compassionate ones. Why does it seem like they are, actually, the more diabolical ones?”

My ex called me about a year after our divorce went through. Of course I let it go to voicemail. She was arrested and in a mental hospital. For the next month, I got 2 calls a day. Each one maxing out the voicemail limit, saying the same strange things over and over. And of course, she “didn’t do anything wrong” and the cops framed her. Then the calls tapered off for a few weeks and one day finally, they stopped. Never answered her. Never heard from her again…”

Just how brutal was Genghis Khan?

How brutal was Genghis Khan? The guy was a one-man wrecking crew on a continental scale. He and his Mongol horde were responsible for the annihilation of entire empires, like the Khwarazmian Empire, which was wiped off the map in about two years. We’re talking about cities falling one after another, populations being massacred, and cultural legacies destroyed.

The Mongols employed psychological warfare, making sure their atrocities were well-known to instill fear in their enemies. They had a simple policy: “Surrender or face decimation.” And by decimation, we mean the wholesale slaughter, rape, and enslavement of entire populations.

Been there and done that…

Why do Chinese people love Mao, when he literally killed many of their ancestors and people (more than 15 million)?

Who says so! The western media? Did you count the body? The U.S. wanted to break up China into 100 bite size nations and chew on it like candy in 1945. The lost miserably. And had to do shit it Taiwan up till now. 74 years later!

Can you trust anything from western media? 15 million? Why not say 150 million. After all it is just another zero in their typing machine! Stop being a fool. Grow some grey matter, it is good for you. You really want gore details?

How many African slaves were tortured, lynched to death? Raped and killed? How many slaves baby were thrown to feed crocodiles? How many American natives were culled like sheep by white Caucasian cowboys? How many Japanese had to die to avenged Pearl Harbour? How many Vietnamese women and children were Agent Orange or Nepalm burnt alive? How many Muslims died from your cowardly Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya carpet bombings? How many Latin and African lives are lost die to US actions by CIA?

10 million? 100 million? The trouble U.S. Chinese are hell of a lot more intelligent than ignorant and naive Yanks. To Chinese and indeed 5–7 billion others Mao did what is right to save China from U.S. becoming USSR, or Yugoslavia or Middle East. Broken into tiny nations with U.S. puppet!

Stray Cat Paws At The Window Every Day Until Lady Adopts Him | The Dodo

Why does Russia have a strong military if it doesn’t have enough money and resources to use it?

Russia has a lot of natural resources such as oil and gas, coal, gold, manganese, uranium, copper, nickel, iron, chromium, graphite and so on.

The European countries to the West need those resources and are constantly expanding NATO eastwards, threatening Russia’s security.

This is why Russia needs a strong military to defend itself.

But Russia is not a poor country as you are trying to imply. In fact, Russia has the fifth largest GDP PPP in the world behind China, US, India and Japan.

Women RUINED The Gym For Everyone

What is the best way a friend has showed you that they are a true friend?

Many years ago, my husband was in a terrible car accident and ended up with a broken neck. At the time our two daughters were 13 and 10 years old. My husband had to be transferred to a larger hospital about an hour away. I and my husband both have great families who live nearby. I depended on them to make sure our daughters were taken care of while I was at the hospital with him, along with many of his family members. I came home, after finally getting word that he was going to survive and had a very life threatening surgery to stabilize his neck, which did save his life. When I got home, I found my lawn mowed, brand new pillows and a new phone line installed where my husband would be spending the first part of his recovery downstairs in our home. All was done courtesy of my brother’s best friend who I had always considered to be a second brother to me. I also found out that he had picked up my girls and bought them dinner and just made sure they were well cared for and feeling secure during such a hard time and while our families were busy supporting us at the hospital. Friends like him are too precious to ever take for granted.

How to make your kitty happy

What happened to make you not want to be a boss anymore and stop being a boss?

When I was almost 50,i reached what for me, was the top goal professionally – becoming the VP of IT in my division. “I made it”! Woo-hoo! After 20y of hard work and risk, I made it to the top.

Just one thing – I categorically, absolutely HATED the job. Plus I worked for a four star Ahole of a boss.

After 7 months I stepped down and took a 70k a year pay cut to go back to being a senior software engineer, a job where I loved the work and was gifted at it. I never even looked at the ladder again let alone climb it. I retired in 2020 as a senior software engineer with no regrets at all.

Brutal truths

Are your twenties really the best years of your life?

Do you know why everyone says the 20s are the best years?

Because most people stop living after they turn 30. And many stop living even while they’re in their mid-20s.

Many people graduate college with degrees they didn’t really want. They just got the degree their parents wanted them to get, or the degree they thought they should get in order to find a stable job, or the degree that was easiest to tolerate for four years.

Many people leave college and settle into a job they don’t really enjoy. They pick up the first “good job” that presents itself, get comfortable, and decide to start working their way up the ladder there.

Many people begin living life beyond their means as soon as the opportunity presents itself. They don’t save money, they spend money. They pick up an expensive car payment. They blow it on bar tabs and once a year trips somewhere so they can forget about the other 51 weeks they spend doing something they don’t really enjoy.

Many people get married because they think they have to. Or they get married because nothing else exciting is going on in their lives and they think, “This is what being in your 20s is all about!” They get married because they would rather be with someone else than be alone. Etc. etc. (And if you’re getting married for the right reasons, by the way, congrats.)

Many people start having kids. They want to buy a home. They want to provide for this family-in-progress—and so now there is absolutely no possible way for them to leave their job or career path because they have too much overhead. It becomes a financial no-no.

The reason everyone says your 20s are the best years is because most people create a safe and comfortable lifestyle before they even turn 30.

And then as soon as they turn 30, they’re done. They don’t have any more “goals.” They don’t work on acquiring new skills. They don’t find ways to go outside their comfort zone. They stop reading. They stop learning. They stop, essentially, looking at life as an opportunity for growth, and instead repeat the phrase, “I am so old.”

That is the opposite of how I ever want to live my life.

I realize the above are sweeping generalizations, but the sad part is they are true. In a lot of cases, the majority of people stop. They just stop. They find what’s comfortable and then they’re done. Life becomes a countdown to dusk, instead of a journey toward the sun.

And the worst part?

They look back and say, “Your 20s are the best years of your life!”

Every year has the ability to be the best year of your life.

It’s up to you what you choose to do with it.

Driving in a sports car

Cajun Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

2023 11 11 20 14
2023 11 11 20 14


  • 4 tablespoons butter, softened
  • 8 slices crusty Italian bread
  • 6 tablespoons pepper jelly
  • 8 slices pepper jack cheese
  • 8 slices Muenster cheese
  • 2 links andouille sausage, grilled, each link cut into quarters and split lengthwise*


  1. Spread 2 tablespoons butter on one side of four slices of bread.
  2. Spread pepper jelly on one side of the remaining slices of bread.
  3. On the slices of bread with pepper jelly, place two slices of pepper jack cheese and two pieces of grilled andouille sausage.
  4. Cover the andouille sausage with two slices of Muenster cheese and top with the remaining slices of bread, butter-side out.
  5. Heat a large skillet or griddle over medium heat.
  6. Place sandwiches, butter-side down, in the skillet and spread the remaining 2 tablespoons butter over the tops of the sandwiches.
  7. Cook sandwiches, in batches if necessary, for 2 to 3 minutes per side, or until golden and the cheeses are melted.
  8. Serve immediately.


* May substitute any other smoked sausage for the andouille

An empty offer

My friend wants to have a party to celebrate him paying off his mortgage. We are in our late 30s. Why do I feel like it’s a subtle flex? I think it’s unnecessary especially getting your friends to celebrate this. What do you think?

I have been to two mortgage parties. At each, the couple spent about as much as one mortgage payment, to supply food and booze, to maybe 50 friends and family. Everyone was ecstatic for them.

I personally have never held one, but I think they are a great idea. Sometimes it feels like the only time old friends get together is at funerals. This brings everyone together, for happy times.

Men no longer are accepting rude behavior

Gonzalo Lira Update

Simple post.

Let’s start here…

Gonzalo Lira Update

What is the best thing you saw someone do when they got fired from their job?

This happened to a friend of mine 10 years back and I was left astonished.

The company decided to focus on large deals and geared up all its sales team for the same. My friend (lets name him A) who was a salesperson of company X took this to heart and went after large deals for an entire year. Having said that, winning a 20m$ deal is different than 2m$ deals. The person had no result to show but lot of effort and background setting to do. After 3 quarters of no result, my friends Boss (lets name him B) calls up a review meeting at 10 pm to tell him that he has been fired.

My friend A had a call with a prospect at 11 pm. He attended the call, signed the biggest deal of the company for that year and left the company (as he was terminated at 10 pm) The Boss (B) took the most hefty sales commission of that year from the company as A was terminated.

I was an employee of the same company.

Its easier for companies to define strategy but lack of belief in people who can carry out that strategy and unwillingness to bear the cost of the strategy. Don’t know who lost more here, company (lost a great employee and believer and doer), A (lost the job and the biggest commission) or B (got the money but lost the respect of entire sales team)


Have you ever had an encounter with an angel? Did it scare you?

Yes, I did. And if the Angel had not spoken to me, I may not have recovered from what I almost did. I was (and still am) a Christian believing in God as He is personified in Father, Son and Holy Spirit and I believe that there are Angels that perform whatever God wills.

I was a teenager living at home with my parents and wanted to run to K Mart to buy something. My next door neighbor’s two girls (probably 7 and 10) were there also and wanted to go with me. I tried to tell them it was not a “fun trip” as I was going for one thing only so if they went with me, they’d have to stay in the car. Their mother gave them permission so we left.

As I’d told them, they had to stay in the car. I bought my one item and came out. I could easily see my car but there were no children in it. At first, I was angry. Then I thought, they’re hiding so I’ll teach them a lesson. I’ll get into the car, zoom off across the parking lot, then when I stop and look back, they’ll be running after me and I’ll laugh at them!

So, I got in and started the car. As there was no car in front of me, I thought to put the car in drive and push down on the gas. But, just as I put the car in ‘drive,’ a voice from the back seat, a man’s voice, said, ‘Put it in reverse!’ The voice had such authority in it that I responded by immediately putting the car into reverse. As I turned to look behind the car as I backed up, I wondered, “Who was that?”

I was so surprised by the voice that I stopped the car and looked into the back seat. No one was there! When I turned around, I got the shock of my life- where the front of my car had been, were the two girls crouching down on the ground! If I had driven off at high speed as I’d planned, I would have run over – and possibly killed – the two girls! I immediately knew that an Angel had spoken to me in order to save the children and, most likely, me!

I remain to this day profoundly grateful for that voice.

Why won’t China let Google cars drive around so we can see the street view on maps throughout the country?

You can already see the streets around the country. Go to 百度地图

As for why not google. It will be related privacy and national security laws.

Things might have been different but at the time google was not working with local governments to censor content (it is now) since it had a single product. Now each country is localised and has censorship but politics prevent google from returning to China.

I don’t see that changing any time soon. Also, China will let Google street view go all over China the same year that the US allows Baidu street view go all over the US.

Any, enjoy Baidu Street View you can see most of China using it.

It is worth being aware that Baidu Street View doesn’t show everything. They avoid going near most military locations and often only go to major towns. That being said you can see lots of locations that are in the news. About half of the detention facilities in Xinjiang can be found but not the ones outside of smaller towns.

Hoisin Spareribs (Cantonese)

Hoisin Spareribs
Hoisin Spareribs


  • 4 tablespoons hoisin sauce
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 2 tablespoons peanut oil
  • 4 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 2 pounds pork ribs, cut crosswise


  1. Rub the meat with the sauce to coat well. Cover and allow the ribs to marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  2. Grill over a medium fire, turning once or twice until the ribs are slightly charred and cooked through. Let them cool slightly. At this point, they will be easy to cut. Cut them into bite-size pieces.
  3. Serve with additional hoisin sauce.

When did you realize your child was no longer a child?

He was 12 at the time. I had given him a 6pm curfew. He needed to be home to eat dinner and do his homework. I understood that he biked home after school and hung out at his friend’s house, which is about a half block away. So one day he was late. It’s 6:15 and no son. I’m upset and worried.

He comes home and tells me that their friend, Jenny * had come over to play Mario Kart with them, and he wanted to walk her back to her house because it was getting late. So he walked his bike next to her and walked her to her door before he came home.

I admit, I was a bit skeptical. I let it go with a “be home on time tomorrow”. As excuses go, that was a damn good one, so a little pass was given. I half believed him, but didn’t really think that was the reason. I was wrong.

Her mom called me the next day and thanked me. She was nervous about letting her daughter hang out with BOYS. She thanked me for my son walking her daughter home. That is when I realized that he had become a young man. Who can weigh decisions. Worried mom, or walk a younger, smaller person home safe.

He’s almost 14 now, and has earned my trust. When Jenny hangs out, he makes sure he walks her home. She lives about 3 blocks away. Her mom and I have become friends. Unknown to him, she texts me when he drops her off. She’s his friend. Even when he was “dating” someone else, he would still make sure she got home safe.

I’m not saying it right. She’s one of the guys. A friend. She just lives a few blocks over. As a woman who was once the girl who was one of the guys, I get it. I like her. She’s a good friend to him.

My son, as the one who looks out for her? That’s not a kid’s decision. That’s a young man that I am proud of. I got him a cell phone so it’s not the same now, but I remember that night when he told me that he was just making sure his friend got home safe. Then getting the phone call thanking me. That’s when I knew, I had a young man, not a little boy.

*her name has been changed.

A crying mother cat brought her dying kitten to a man. Just unbelievable!

What is the most jaw-dropping method for shoplifting that you have seen?

Let me preface this answer by saying I’m a law-abiding, productive member of society. In particular, I don’t condone shoplifting.


In my youth my social circle was… shall we say… pretty diverse. When I was a freshman in college, a guy named Mark was part of that social circle. He was clean cut, well read, well spoken, impeccably dressed, and homeless. This was pre-9/11, back when sleeping at the airport wouldn’t raise any red flags (especially in Vegas, where I grew up).

He stole stuff for a living. Most anything he needed for personal use (clothes, bikes, personal electronics, books, etc.) was stolen. He would also sell stolen stuff to get money — because unfortunately, not everything can be stolen.

One day he stole a set of tools and got himself a union job. And shortly after that, he got himself an apartment. So he enlisted my help (… as a friend with a car…) to gather all the stuff he had stashed at gym lockers around town and move it to his new apartment. Lockers and lockers and lockers full of stuff.

It didn’t stop there. Now that he had an apartment, he needed home stuff. Sheets, pillows, blankets, pots, pans, etc. Stuff he never had a use for. I asked him how the hell he’s going to steal something as bulky as pillows. He said, “The same way I steal anything. I just walk right out with them.”

I couldn’t believe it, and he invited me to observe.

So we took a trip down to the outlet mall. I wasn’t going to be an accomplice, but I had to see this for myself. I’d loiter around by the front of the store just to see him make his smooth exit.

And sure enough, he went and got himself a giant empty bag, put pillows (or pots and pans, or blankets, or whatever), put the stuff in the bag, and walked right out.

In one case, he put some stuff (I think plates?) right down the front of his pants. Evidently, he was spotted by someone. On his way out, the manager of the store got in his way and said in his best manager voice: “Stop right there sir. Were you planning on paying for those?”

Mark pulled the plates out of his pants, handed them to the manager, and cheerfully said, “I wasn’t planning on it, here you go!” and walked right out. The manager stood there, holding the plates, dumbfounded. Getting back to the exact question, I’m pretty sure my jaw literally dropped.

What is the fastest anyone has been fired from a job?

I once fired a new employee the same day that I hired him.

I advertised an opening that I had for a security guard position and a young guy came in and filled out an application. He was a clean cut kid and had actually dressed like he was going on an interview — sport coat, slacks, tie, white shirt and shined shoes — so once he completed the app, I had him come into my office to chat while my secretary checked his references.

She was able to reach all but his last employer — she got an answering machine — and all of his personal references, and they all gave him a glowing approval. So I decided to roll the dice and offer him a job. He came in on a Tuesday and the positioned opened on Friday, so I gave him a couple of uniforms and directions to the post, and told him to show up on Thursday for training.

I was congratulating myself for filling the position so quickly, and easily, when the business owner from that last employer returned my secretary’s call. The man said that he normally didn’t give out derogatory references because it opened him up to trouble, but he didn’t see anything wrong with telling me that the young man had been fired for stealing copper wiring from his supply yard, and selling it for scrap, because he had filed charges on the kid.

I called the agency that had made the arrest and they confirmed that the kid had been arrested, and that he was charged with a felony. If the kid was found guilty he would not be able to work as a security guard so I decided to nip a potential problem in the bud. I called the kid and asked him to return to the office with his uniform. He knew what had happened and apologized for not telling me about his arrest and impending court date. He seemed, to me, to be a good kid who made a bad choice but I still terminated his employment.

What is a fun psychological trick to try on someone?

Ten psychological knowledge of love you must know right now!

1.Most women are attracted to men with a strong sense of humor.

Generally speaking, a strong sense of humor is associated with intelligence.

2. When the relationship lasts for three to five months, it is most likely to break up.

According to Fisher, a psychologist, the divorce rate is the highest after four years of marriage. So love needs to be tested by time.

3. Compared with those who regard love as a fairy tale, people who look at love rationally are more likely to obtain love, and love is longer.

4. Men are more likely to be attracted to women with similar bone structure to his mother.

5. What kind of person you are, you can attract what kind of person you are.

If you expect to meet a great person, you have to be equally good first

6. Have you ever had the experience that you suddenly feel like someone in a moment, but then you feel like nothing the next day.

This is known as the “suspension bridge effect.”. When a person is anxious to cross the suspension bridge, his heart will not help but quicken his heart. If you happen to meet another person at this time, he will mistakenly understand the acceleration of heart rate caused by fear as that the other party makes his heart beat, so that he likes this person. Love needs time, but the heartbeats needs reason.

7. A good first impression is more about body language, tone and speed than what you actually say.

8.Love is a natural painkiller.

When you have a disease, the person you love is around, which can significantly relieve the pain. Even looking at a picture of a loved one can relieve pain. Meanwhile, psychologists have found that when couples hug, their brains release oxytocin. Oxytocin helps reduce headaches for up to 4 hours. So if you feel tired, stressed or in pain, hugging your partner is a great alternative to any painkiller.

9. Express gratitude to your lover and feel happiness immediately.

10. Heartbreak is real.

Studies have shown that violent or traumatic events can cause real pain in a person’s heart, which is known as broken heart syndrome. When deep emotions cause excessive anxiety, chest pain or shortness of breath and other symptoms, it is easy to have broken heart syndrome. This is often more likely to occur in women and can easily be misdiagnosed as a heart attack.

Can a hospital in the United States make someone leave who cannot get a hold of anyone to pick them up and they have no money?


image 455
image 455

This happens in some parts of the US more than others. This photograph was taken in Louisville, Kentucky, where it’s so common a single hospital may do this half a dozen times a week.

Generally the patient is discharged, escorted off hospital property by security, and left at the closest street corner to the hospital. Patients who can’t walk are placed in a wheelchair, wheeled off hospital property, then physically dumped out of the wheelchair into the street.

It’s so common it has a name: patient-dumping.

This happens all the time in American hospitals.

What is the one in a million coincidence you have ever had?

The year was 1978: I was applying for a job as a dishwasher on the late night shift at a local restaurant. I was told to return at 11PM (when the shift started) for an interview.

What I didn’t know upon my arrival (at 11PM) was that someone else had already been hired.

But that other guy (whose name was “Luke”) didn’t show up.

And everybody thought I was Luke.

It took a few weeks for the paperwork to clear up (because I was punching in as Luke Somebody for two weeks). And it was a good thing that I got paid in cash every week.

And “Yes” I thought it was odd that I would be shown to the locker room upon my arrival (at 11PM) and told to change into a uniform and then go to the dishroom without even being asked my name. But it was a job (and I worked there about 9 months).

What is the most embarrassing thing you have seen your sister do?

The summer before I left for college, Yale hosted a formal reception for the families of the incoming freshmen in my area. It was the kind of gathering where people come in button-down shirts and lacy dresses, and where sliced fruit and fancy cheeses are served on silver platters.

While everyone else was focusing on mingling, Claire Yang – ten years old at the time – immediately zeroed in on the food. I let her make a beeline for the refreshment line, and for a while afterwards, I didn’t notice anything amiss.

Then she returned with an anxious look on her face, pulled me to the side, and said, “Hannah? Can you help me eat this?”

I looked down at her plate and found myself face-to-face with a colossal slice of brie – at least a quarter the size of the enormous wheel it came from. Claire had managed to consume an admirable fraction of her slice, but even so, she was still holding enough brie to spread on a month’s worth of crackers.

“I thought it was cake,” she whispered.

I just stared at her, trying not to laugh.

In an even smaller voice, she said, “It’s not cake.”

We hadn’t really attended events with wheels of brie before, so it was an understandable mistake. Still, though, I wish I could’ve seen the faces of everyone else in line when she cut it.

My dad has bees.

Today, I went to his house and he showed me all the honey he had gotten from the hives. He took the lid off a 5-gallon bucket full of honey and on top of the honey there were 3 little bees, struggling. They were covered in sticky honey and drowning. I asked him if we could help them and he said he was sure they wouldn’t survive. Casualties of honey collection I suppose.

I asked him again if we could at least get them out and kill them quickly, after all he was the one who taught me to put a suffering animal (or bug) out of its misery. He finally conceded and scooped the bees out of the bucket. He put them in an empty Chobani yogurt container and put the plastic container outside.

Because he had disrupted the hive with the earlier honey collection, there were bees flying all over outside.

We put the 3 little bees in the container on a bench and left them to their fate. My dad called me out a little while later to show me what was happening. These three little bees were surrounded by all their sisters (all of the bees are females) and they were cleaning the sticky nearly dead bees, helping them to get all of the honey off of their bodies. We came back a short time later and there was only one little bee left in the container. She was still being tended to by her sisters.

When it was time for me to leave, we checked one last time and all three of the bees had been cleaned off enough to fly away and the container was empty.

Those three little bees lived because they were surrounded by family and friends who would not give up on them, family and friends who refused to let them drown in their own stickiness and resolved to help until the last little bee could be set free.

Bee Sisters. Bee Peers. Bee Teammates.

We could all learn a thing or two from these bees.

Bee kind always.

What’s the quickest way you saw a co-worker get fired?

During my brief stint as a McDonald’s fry cook in summer 1982, the crew at my store got along pretty well.

Then came the day when a “transfer” worker with a couple of years’ experience came aboard. I met him when he was walked around the store a day or two before his first shift. He was about my age, 20, and seemed really full of himself.

There was talk among the crew that this fellow was going to position himself as some kind of de facto crew chief, and nobody was looking forward to it.

Turned out, that never happened.

I wasn’t working on the day New Guy had his downfall, but I sure heard about it. It was on his first shift.

New Guy had experience running a cash register, so he was put on one, right out of the gate.

This was during the early days of the Chicken McNugget, which came with your choice of dipping sauce. One of these was barbecue sauce, an unremarkable tomato-based variety.

So, a small group of well-dressed older men get into the line at New Guy’s register. One of them says he’d like an order of McNuggets but he’s not sure what dipping sauce to get and could the cashier (New Guy) please recommend one?

New Guy starts into an opinionated description that includes the phrase “the barbecue sauce sucks.”

Those well-dressed older gents? They are McDonald’s executives on their way to or from some important McBusiness and have stopped off for a quick bite and to see how the crew is promoting Chicken McNuggets.

In their minds, telling customers that “the barbecue sauce sucks” is not good McMarketing. It’s more Jeff Spicoli than Mayor McCheese, I think you’d agree.

They did not keep their displeasure a secret.

New Guy was terminated on the spot, more or less, though the store management probably had to do some paperwork to make it official.

He didn’t even finish his first shift.

But just to make sure New Guy isn’t forgotten, I still use the phrase “the barbecue sauce sucks” whenever possible.

A husband

How did you react when you learned that a coworker who you believed to be your trusted ally was instead working diligently to undermine and defame you?

I had known and worked with *Ernest* for perhaps ten years.

I had helped him with professional and personal situations, and he often confided in me, so I knew ‘where the bodies were buried’ (nothing illegal).

I never confided in him nor asked him for help because I am a very private person, but that was OK since he was very focused on himself.

I guessed that he sometimes bad-mouthed me to other male teachers because he wanted them to include him. Another reason to not confide in him.

Several times when I couldn’t take on an outside class, I would suggest him for the course. He was someone I could trust to do a good job. He thanked me each time.

We were both teaching at an international company where I had taught before and was respected. He was, to them, the ‘new guy.’

I saw him in the training manager’s office, and he was ‘ernestly’ (pun?) speaking to her; she looked concerned.

Ernest said he had been talking to her about a student.

I asked her later if there was a problem and could I help. That’s when she told me that Ernest had tried to convince her to use only him for future classes by spewing several untruths about my teaching methods. She told him she would consider what he had said.

And she did, and that’s why she would not give him additional courses.

He had hanged himself.

The training manager and I had worked together several times, and she had taken two of my classes.

That incident opened my eyes to his deceit; I wondered if he had done the same at other places where I had helped him find work.

He had.

Some relationships were saved; some were lost.

I did not confront him: it would have accomplished nothing constructive. Ernest never admitted to wrongdoing. He blew up and argued, never hearing anyone else. It would have been a waste of my time.

I stopped suggesting him to clients.

Fast forward about six months.

I was hunched over a stack of students’ papers in the teachers’ work area. I was not interested in conversation, but Ernest asked if I had heard from the international company.

Without looking up, I said I was currently teaching a course there. He asked angrily why he hadn’t been called, as if I had had something to do with it.

Continuing to work on my students’ papers, not looking up, I said, “She and I have worked together several times. She didn’t like what you said about me.”

Ernest began to sputter and deny. Still not looking at him, I just waved him away.

China’s consumer market is so huge, attractive, and growing rapidly in size. Isn’t it foolish of the US government to decouple or derisk from China?

Of course it is!

Just think about this close to 1 billion out of China’s 1.4 billion people in China are middle class and are buying stuffs that the U.S. can sell or benefit from. That is more 3 times the U.S. consumer. But it is bigger than the next 10 biggest consumer on earth put together! And what is worst it is still growing and growing fast!

And you want to “decouple” or “de-risk” from this market? If I were you, I will go all out courting the Chinese to be your life long customer!

But that is not all. 2/3 of the rest of earths need is made in China and they may replace your parts and product too while making them? Did it sink into your head that you are being decouple or de-risk from the world?

It has been a full 5 years since Donald Trump declared a trade war with China. Do you want to know the result? China has out grown the U.S. five times! Your deficits and debts actually shot up! You had a crippling inflation and treating it cause you a banking crisis! China is having 0.2% inflation rate!

If you care to open your eyes, it is a mosquito bite for China while it is a cancerous growth for the U.S. economy. This coming election chose wisely, dump every China hawks and China haters! They are destroying your livelihood and putting you in debts. Get a guy in the White House that fly straight to China to patch thing up the first day in office.

China is your only hope to stay away from bankruptcy! Tell Taiwan don’t be another Ukraine. We the U.S. cannot afford Ukraine let alone Taiwan which will cost us a 100 times more! You island is not going to float near Florida coast! Be real. Join China today!

Tell China no need to innovate we will sell everything damn things to you any day any time!

How do you deal with a friend who, when going out to a restaurant, ends up constantly complaining in a rather petulant or whining manner?

I used to have a friend who treated service workers poorly. At restaurants, he would make a point to complain about the service, the table location, the ambience, and, of course, the food. He sent his orders back to the kitchen more than a few times when we dined together. His manners toward the wait staff were mean and condescending.

The first few times I witnessed the behavior, I let it go. Maybe his tantrum was legitimate. Maybe it was his youth. (He was in his 20s.)Then it became a pattern. The next time it happened, I said to him, “That’s enough,” as he was berating the waitress about the temperature of the food. I apologized to the waitress before we left the restaurant.

I asked him why he had to be so rude to the service staff. He didn’t think his behaviors were out of line at all. He rationalized falsely that if he had paid for the service, it would have to hold up to his liking. I then reminded him that it was I who footed the bill for almost all the meals we had had, and even if he had contributed his share, his treatment of the staff still wouldn’t have been justifiable.

He was working as a receptionist at a community clinic at the time. I asked him how he’d feel if the customers were rude to him for things beyond his control. He said that would never happen because everyone loved him. He then quickly dismissed my teaching moment.

I stopped inviting him to dinners and weaned myself from him socially. He reached out a few times, and I eventually had to tell him the reason we could not be friends – his kindness deficiency.

Kindness to people you care about is easy, but it shines the brightest when you dispense it to strangers and those who are vulnerable to your criticism.

Experience China’s Futuristic Spaceship Train Station: A $10 Billion Masterpiece

What was the craziest thing a mechanic said about your car?

I drove my girlfriend’s new Honda Civic and noticed a rough 2-1 downshift and told her it would be good to bring it in and have it checked as it was under warranty.

She called me when the dealership told her that it needed new front pads and rotors at 3000 miles, and the warped rotors were the problem I had felt.

I happened to be a master certified Mercedes-Benz technician at the time, so naturally I had already ruled that out. We went to the dealer and I met with the service advisor, while I was still in my work uniform, and asked him to review the recommendations on the car.

He, rather dismissively, said it needed pads and rotors because my girlfriend had warped them. I asked him for the run-out measurement and threshold for the car, and he looked at me like I was speaking in an alien language. Then he said that they don’t do measurements, just a road test. I replied that if the vehicle was out of the specifications for run-out, (the warpage of the rotor surface) that it must be measured against a manufacturer’s standard to claim that a new car needed $600 in brakes that wasn’t caused by a warrantable defect.

Given that he still gave me a “deer in headlights” look with a hint of “go F yourself”, I asked for him to bring the car out for a road test. When it arrived I took the work order from his hand and read the “mileage in” out loud, then I read off the exact same mileage from the odometer. I asked him how a determination for warped brakes was done in less than a mile, when the brakes should go through their full range of temperature to diagnose system specific issues on a road test. He replied that they can get hot in under a mile. I asked him if that kind of driving was policy for his technicians to be doing in a residential neighborhood, and he just stared blankly.

So we went on the road test and I duplicated the issue. He said that it was warped rotors. So I did it again and let go of the steering wheel, as warped fronts cause the wheel to tip back and forth when slowing to a stop, and when it remained stationary I asked him if it was still warped brakes. He stated he didn’t feel anything. So I did it again, and he stated that that was normal. After another few times demonstrating a 2-1 downshift clunk, with no vibration in the steering wheel, and getting a number of other BS replies from the advisor, it was time to call in someone else. Mind you, my girlfriend was in the back seat watching this whole thing.

At that point I asked for the service manager.

Of course we sat around for another 45 minutes before we were told he had just gone home, and the foreman would see us.

Round 2 with the foreman. I drove the car and duplicated the issue. He said, that’s odd, let me drive it. He drove it and duplicated the issue multiple times. He stated that he would check it out and let me know what he found, and that it definitely wasn’t brakes and a recommendation for brakes should have never been made without a proper road test no matter how common warped rotors were on these cars. The next morning he called up and stated that all the shifts were within specification, he had also driven a number of other vehicles and it appeared to have been a difference in programming between the 06 and 07 models where the 07 had a harsher downshift at low speeds. He said to bring it back if the shift ever got worse and even out of warranty, there was a verified complaint on record and it would be fixed within reason.

Even experienced technicians can get the runaround just like everyone else. The only advantage I had was I understand the vehicle systems, and how to diagnose them, enabling me to call them out as a professional. But when someone shows up after disassembling a $60k engine from a $150k car, while still in their Mercedes-Benz shop uniform, you’d think the jig would be up without needing to shove their face in it. What hope does the average person have?!

BTW, the transmission is still fine at 160k miles. The control unit adapted out the harsh shift eventually.

Do you think that “sapiosexuality” is a real thing, or is it just that people tend to like people with whom they have shared interests?

Yes, it’s definitely a real thing.

In my early 30s, a friend invited me over to her house for dinner. She was around my age, and single. When I arrived with my obligatory bottle of wine, there was another single woman that I was slightly acquainted with, and a man I’d never met before. We had the usual conversations: personal news, politics, literature, theatre/film, funny stories, and so on. The man didn’t seem to get our references or know anything about the topics we were discussing, and most of his interjections were a little surprising. But we did our best to be polite and welcoming and include him.

Anyway, he ended up being the first person to leave, which gave us a chance to ask the hostess how she’d met him and so on. Obviously myself and the mutual acquaintance had the same opinion of him, as she asked the hostess “But why did you invite him?”

“Because he’s SOOO good looking!” she replied.

Myself and the other woman looked at each other. Neither of us had found him good looking, and if he had been, that physical attractiveness had vanished early in the evening, given his lack of intellect. He wasn’t entirely unintelligent, he was a teacher, but he had just no interests or curiosity.

What family secret was finally spilled in your family?

Oof. Where to start. I have a couple to choose from. Most involve my mother in some shape or form. Let’s see.

There was the time she went away for a “visit home”, she immigrated at 18 from the UK. And then about 30 years later I got a call from one of my sisters asking me to sit down as she told me about my “other sister”.

Or there is the time my 63yr old sister (I’m 56) told me that someone has contacted her and introduced me to my 40yr old nephew I had no idea I had.

But I think the one that really hurt came out after my fathers death, which was a year after my mother passed.

They divorced when I was about 4–5yrs old. I believed my mothers account from 1973 till 2018 when my father passed that she was an abused wife who left in the middle of the night with nothing but the clothes on her back.

I didn’t see or hear from her for 2yrs which was explained to me that she had taken that time to get her life together.

She was actually now living with her new husband, David. Ironically in the same town as me for the past year. But I stood by her account.

I fought tooth and nail with my father from the age of 5 to 50. Around 50 my second wife talked me into letting things go for the sake of my daughter. So she could have a relationship with her PopPop.

After he passed away, my brother and I discovered multiple documents, lawyers notes, divorce decree and Private Investigator reports.

She was taking money and cheating on him THE WHOLE TIME.


Both had passed and I couldn’t confront my mother or apologize to my father.

My mother brainwashed me, my brother and my 3 sisters (not the 4th who wasn’t around of course) into believing it was all his doing.

I lived on the streets, spent time in JV, and joined the Army at 17 basically to get away from this man and cause I had nowhere to live etc.

She robbed me of a relationship with my father. And that I can NEVER get back or make up for now.

Did you ever see karma hit someone who deserved it so befittingly that it was eerie?

I was driving to work on the Dulles Toll Road one winter morning when the road was covered in snow and ice. I was in my little Chevy making a steady 40 mph, when an SUV came up riding my bumper and honking at me before pulling into the next lane and roaring past me. 10 minutes later I passed the same SUV on its side in the median.

Another one I didn’t see, but heard about from a friend who did was on another snowy day in northern VA. We had had an unusually strong snowstorm for the area (about 2 feet IIRC), and there was a line-up of traffic trying to get onto the ramp from the Beltway to I-95. A guy in one of those big SUV’s (the kind they show blasting through snowdrifts in the commercials) decided he was going to cut across the triangle of ground between the highway and the ramp – only to get caught up on the guard rail that was buried in the snow! According to my friend, his front end made it over before the weight of the vehicle broke through the snow and stranded him!

Life in Africa

I’ve heard of many waiters who make a killing on tips. Would ending the tipping system actually be worse for waiters?

US Answer

By a happy coincidence I recently had lunch in a new and no tipping restaurant. These are currently very rare in this country.

I sat at the bar. There were tent cards everywhere mentioning this and noted that no tipping was the reason for the increased prices. They also mentioned that if you somehow didn’t understand this, any tips you did leave would be donated to a local charity. Finally, when you received the check, there was no tip line available.

So my bartender had been in the business for many years in other tipping restaurants. She was a single Mom with two young children. She was delighted to have employer sponsored health insurance that she could afford and a 401K plan. She was an hourly employee not much different than anywhere else in corporate America.

She mentioned that the non-fluctuating income was a huge advantage for her. If she worked a shift where the bar was dead, she still made a living wage! If she worked a shift that was hugely busy, she did not see the increase in her income but the benefit of a consistent cash flow more than offset this for her.

The restaurant had only been open a few weeks. She mentioned that with the addition of affordable health insurance and a 401K plan, she was easily seeing an increase in her standard of living.

It seems to me it’s clearly a win for her lifestyle but I can easily imagine other situations where the employee might not see the same advantages.

What’s something a doctor did to you that you won’t ever forget?

As an infant, I was born with a lump behind my left knee. This was in 1957. I cried and pulled at my leg incessantly, so my mother took me to the small town doctor. By this time the lump was swollen and red. The doctor lanced it and pus and blood went everywhere, according to my mother’s account.

As a result of improper dressing and care, I developed gangrene in the leg. I received so much penicillin that I became allergic to it. I had multiple surgeries to try and remove the infected tissue.

Finally, it was determined that the only option to save my life was to remove my leg.

The bishop of our church called for the church members to join in a special fast and prayer for me. That night before my scheduled surgery, the doctor awoke with an idea to try and save my leg.

He called my parents and explained that he was moving my surgery from the first one to the last one. He put a tube in the thigh and and another in the calf and flushed it with a concoction of medications. He told my mother to watch my toes and if they turned any more purple to have the nurse call him and he would take me into surgery immediately.

The toes did not turn darker and over time, I was able to keep my leg. They did not expect it to be fully functional, however. I actually learned to walk with a cast on my leg. I was, of course, too young to know what this doctor did for me. My parents were not well off and I am pretty sure that the doctor did not receive much if any compensation.

Fast forward 15 years later and I’m a healthy young man, getting good grades and working in a restaurant, with my eye on college and a church mission. I was also racing motorcycles.

I sought out the doctor and made an appointment with him. He was older and nearing retirement. I introduced myself and asked if he remembered my case. He absolutely did. I thanked him for saving my leg and changing the course of my life. He was amazed at how fully functional my leg was.

When I told him that I even raced motorcycles as a hobby, he grinned and said, “Don’t go messing up my good work.”

I have always felt a bit of a responsibility to use my legs to work hard and serve others. I am now in my sixties, raised a good family, (all of whom ride dirt bikes, including some of the grandchildren) lived a wonderful, productive life. To this day, I think of this kind, caring doctor and do my best to not mess up his, and God’s, good work.

“I Just Came To The Realization Why I’m Single” | “That’s WHY Guys Don’t Want To Wife Me Up”

Have you ever had a client/patient who you knew was beyond helping? A patient old enough, who’d tried everything, to no avail? Have you ever known there was no hope for someone?

It is very rare when a patient enters an ER with generic complaints such as stomach pain, without ever realizing that something really bad is going on inside. This patient was such a case, in one of the worst peek-and-shriek disasters his surgeons had ever seen.

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He entered the ER with severe abdominal pains, and he could not stop vomiting.

The first thing a doctor thinks in such a case is that this patient might be suffering from an intestinal infection such as gastroenteritis, or food poisoning, but this patient was having so much pain that he needed to be opened up as soon as possible

My girlfriend was still a trainee, and assisted the surgeon who would perform the operation which would not nearly last as long as they had expected.

Because what they found inside was a sentence — a classic “peek-and-shriek.”

The patient’s bowel was black and gangrenous (in other words: dead), and he was having a bowel infarction so severe, that he was beyond saving. So they closed him up again.

He died not much later, without ever waking up.

Why is change so hard?

My maternal grandfather was cheap.

So. So. Cheap.

He’s softened with age (95) but back then it was bad, really bad.

(And before I launch into this tirade, let me preface by saying he’s an amazing grandfather, who has done a long list of great things for us.)

But here we go:

In the brutal Florida summers, he barely let the air conditioning run, it was cool enough to suffice a desert scorpion.

As a kid, I remember opening my eyes in the middle of the night covered in sweat, sneaking quietly down the hallway, slowly turning the temperature down just a couple of degrees.

And as soon as that house changed temperature so much as a half a degree, it was like an internal alarm went off in grandpas mind, an inner voice that screamed, “Your money is all going away! Hurry!” and within 30 minutes the AC would be right back to 5000 degrees.

We’d take road trips and everyone would have to pile into one hotel room.

He designed a water heater outside that was a long weaving row of pipes that were painted black and heated up in the Florida sun naturally. (Clever, right?)

He kept the ovens outside to cook with to help keep the air conditioning bill down.

He hated it when my mom/grandma ran the hair dryers in the house because it used electricity and heated the house up.

We won’t even talk about what happened if you left the lights on or, god forbid, left a door open.

Go out to eat at a restaurant? Are you crazy?

It was a habit that frustrated family members over the years.

The obvious question was, why is this man so cheap?

It wasn’t like he didn’t have money. He was a PhD, working at NASA. Was it necessary to torture himself (and others)?

The thing that took me a long time to fully appreciate, was that it all stemmed from his childhood.

He grew up in abject poverty in the 1920’s/30’s, as many Americans did following the great depression.

He had 7 brothers and sisters, his father died at a young age, they had one lightbulb that hung from the living room. Luxuries were non-existent. They lived meal-to-meal, paycheck-to-paycheck.

They were known as the poor family. They were dirt, freaking, poor.

Growing up in that world set ‘Survival Mode’ to a permanent on-position. He spent much of his life with a subconscious fear, that a moments lapse in vigilance could bring the onset of poverty again.

But to his credit, he paid for the things in our life that truly mattered, like education.

And he was one of the only siblings in his family who sent money back to his poor mother, from his very first paycheck to the last day of her life.

My grandfather may remind you of someone in your life who frustrates you.

Just remember, changing these behaviors is easier said than done. They often originate from somewhere much deeper in that person’s life.

Have you ever stopped going to a restaurant because a waiter or waitress was rude to you?

There is a small family restaurant that I have been going to on and off for 10 years. After I moved I rarely went. Then when I moved back close by I tried to start going more.
The owner’s daughter is always working there and I have known her for 10 years. She used to hug me whenever I went there. There have been many complaints about her rudeness including online. I never really had a problem with her because there was always someone else working to keep her balanced. I have seen her have her moments with other people. The last time I went she was rude to me and acted like she didn’t know me. I haven’t and won’t go back because of it. I used to recommend the restaurant to others. Not anymore.

There is a real grease spoon in Orlando, Florida on West Colonial called Mr. Quick. That place has been around since the 1970’s and looks like it hasn’t been updated or cleaned since then. They are like Waffle House except cheaper and not as classy. When me and my husband first got together I took him there because Waffle House was too busy. The waitress approached our table and goes, “Watcha yall want.” like we were bothering her by waiting on us. She never refilled my husband’s coffee. Finally, he asked if he could have a refill. The waitress goes, “I guess” and sighs while getting the coffee. When he wanted another refill he waited and after not wanting to wait and deal with her again he went behind the counter and got his own refill. The waitress tells him you can’t go back there sir!
Obviously, we never went back. We still talk about it though.

What is the most jaw-dropping method for shoplifting that you have seen?

It wasn’t exactly shoplifting, but very similar. A guy was working for the Canadian mint. His job was to melt down gold from jewelry, coins and ore that the mint bought, and refine it, so it could be used to make gold coins.

When he had purified it to 99.9 percent, or so he used a ladle to scoop a load of gold out, about the size of a golf ball, and assay it , they called it a puck of gold. He was supposed to dump the puck back into the vat.

Instead they found Vaseline and rubber gloves in his locker. There were no cameras in the locker room or the refining room. He never admitted any wrong doing, so it’s all circumstancial evidence.

The scanners at the mint, were notorious for going off, for no reason, and then the guards would do a scan with hand wands, that weren’t powerful enough to detect something in a body cavity.

He sold 17 pucks, and had 4 more in his house when he was investigated. For a total of 21, but he set off the scanner 28 times. Which is why he thought he could get away with it.

He sold each puck to a gold buyer for between $7000–8000 and then took the check to the bank and transferred the money to Jamaica, to build a house. This way he stayed below the $10,000 limit, that would trigger an investigation.

The gold buyer never questioned where he got solid gold pucks from.

For the first 16 times the bank never questioned why he was sending so much money out of the country.

Then to make sure he wasn’t being scammed into sending money to someone fraudulently, the teller asked him about it. He had presented his government picture ID from the mint, as his ID, and then told her he was cashing checks from selling gold, and sending money to his parents to rebuild a house.

The teller wasn’t a dummy, a guy who works for the mint, is selling gold, and transferring the money out of the country.

She called the cops.

So he took molten gold, shaped it into a smooth puck, inserted it with Vaseline up his rectum, and conned his way past security.

Thats a jaw dropping form of sneaking something out of a business.

What is an insane coincidence that you’ve experienced?

We went on a long driving trip this summer, starting in Vancouver and then through the US. As we went north, the first possible Alaska entry is Hyder, which is a bit off the normal route to Alcan and Alaska proper. While in this (VERY small) town, we stopped at a little wildlife viewing area and saw some beavers building a dam.

As we got back in the car, a large gray industrial-looking truck pulled up next to us, and a young man and woman got out. It had German license plates and two bikes on the back. I thought it was strange to see a truck with German plates in southern Alaska, especially what looked like a construction truck. I didn’t think much more about it. (Map is for context.)

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About a week later, having driven through Skagway, Yukon, and then south to Wrangell-St Elias, to Denali, and Fairbanks (the point being that we drove a LONG way over about a week), we started driving the Dalton Highway up to Deadhorse. This is a route that rental companies won’t let you drive; you have to have your own car. The drive was 2 days north. After seeing the Arctic Ocean (this requires a tour and 24 hours notice, in case you ever think about going), we started back south through the Atigun Pass in the Brooks Range. Again, this is for context about how far we drove and how remote we were.

Pulling into a parking lot at the top of the pass we see… a large gray industrial-looking truck with German plates and two bikes on the back. Wow, we thought, that’s a coincidence. But it made sense that if you’re really going to make a trip and have the time to do it, the Dalton is a great journey. Still, seeing the truck again after such a distance was pretty cool. *Note: this is a very dangerous road that requires a solid vehicle and 1000 miles round trip of careful attention to the road. Worth the trip, but be warned.

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We went south to Vancouver and stayed there for a week while we went to a wedding. Then we headed south to San Diego through all of the National Parks in California, then back north to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, through Utah, Colorado, back across Utah to Idaho and finally to Wyoming. (This was several thousand miles and several weeks. You might see where this is going.)

Driving through Yellowstone, now at least 5 weeks after leaving Deadhorse, I’m driving (slowly, there was a herd of bison) along the eastern part of the loop in Yellowstone…

…and we passed a large gray industrial-looking truck with German plates and two bikes on the back. What are the odds?

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(I noted the distances not to brag or anything, but to show that we went on a very long drive across thousands of miles over many, many weeks, and saw the same unique truck three different times.)

You never know where life will take you. If you ever have the opportunity to really travel, don’t wait. We slept in the car to save on hotels, ate sandwiches that we made ourselves and did what we could to save money, but it was the trip of a lifetime.

And if you ever see a gray industrial-looking truck with German plates and two bikes on the back, wave hi to them for us!

What is the funniest joke you’ve been told that you still think about to this day?

I was working for a company called Alteon, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Boeing, which provided training on Boeing’s commercial aircraft — flight, maintenance, and cabin crew (a.k.a., flight attendants). One day the ‘device manager’ (the person in charge of the full-flight simulators) offered several of us time in one of the simulators. Of course, we all hopped on it!

During her stint as ‘pilot’, one of our group had a bit of difficulty with the ‘landing’; on the first pass, she came in too hot and fast, so the device manager aborted the landing, and had me (I was sitting in the ‘instructor’s’ seat, and had access to the simulator’s controls) reset the simulation.

On the second attempt, she came in hard; the simulater bounced twice, knocked the phone off its hook, and even threw me out of my seat! (I had neglected to fasten my seatbelt; hey, it was only a simulator, right?)

After the session, as we were heading back to our respective jobs, I asked the device manager, “On that one hard landing, in a real-world scenario, would we have walked away from it?”

He told me, “Oh, yeah. The device has a way of indicating a crash, and no crash was indicated. It may have blown a few tires, but that’s about all.” And then he told me this story:

“There was a pilot, for an airline I would rather not name, who once made just one of those strut-bottoming landings that could jar your tooth-fillings loose.

“He pulled up to the gate, and as per company policy, left the cockpit to bid the passengers goodbye.

“One passenger, a little old lady, walking with the aid of a a cane, shuffled up the aisle to the exit. When she got to the front of the plane, she fixed the pilot with a steely glare and asked him, ‘Young man, did you land this airplane…, or were we shot down?’”

It’s been nearly fifteen years, and I still laugh!

If an intruder was in your house, would you try to kill the intruder, or run the hell away out of your house?

You would most probably hide like this girl.

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So, back in 2014, there was this crazy incident in Venice, California. Melora Rivera found herself face-to-face with a total intruder trying to break into her house. Talk about terrifying! But she didn’t panic. Nope, she jumped into action and made a daring escape by climbing onto her roof. And that’s when the infamous photo was taken.

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Melora Rivera

Imagine this: the front door gets kicked in, and Rivera’s instincts kick into overdrive. She jumps out of bed, throws on a flannel shirt, and dials the cops on her cell phone. But get this, the intruder follows her onto the roof!

So here she is, on the roof, weighing her options. She quickly realizes that climbing down directly is not the smartest move because, well, it’s a long way down. With her safety at stake, she decides to wait anxiously for the police to come to the rescue.

And boy, did they. The police showed up in just two minutes, but when they arrived, they only saw Rivera on the roof. They were worried about who she really was. And Rivera, she was terrified that the intruder might accidentally end up where she was hiding.

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AP Photo/, Alex Thompson

Thankfully, the Los Angeles Fire Department stepped in and saved the day. They used a ladder to safely get Rivera off the roof. Meanwhile, the police were able to convince the intruder, later identified as Christian Hicks, to surrender. He got slapped with burglary charges real quick.

But the craziest part? Rivera’s neighbors were there witnessing the whole thing go down. They whipped out their cell phones and snapped photos and videos from every angle. You’ve got Rivera huddling under an eave, phone to her ear, while the intruder lurks just above. And then there are the cops with guns drawn, ready to protect Rivera from any harm.

Talk about a wild day in Venice!

Scott Ritter: “Houthi’s have us beat.. We have played ourselves and will FAIL due to INCOMPETENCE!”

What is the worst thing a woman can say to her husband?

Once upon a time, in the quaint little town that could be any town, there lived a woman named Jane and her husband, Tom. Jane was known for her quick wit and a tongue that could be as sharp as a razor blade, especially when her patience was tested.

One day, after a particularly long and stressful week, Jane and Tom found themselves embroiled in one of those arguments that couples often have, about something so trivial neither could later remember what sparked it. The air in their cozy living room was thick with unspoken frustrations and the remnants of past disagreements.

As the argument escalated, Tom, red-faced and exasperated, blurted out, “Why can’t you just let this go?”

In that moment, Jane, with a cool and steady voice that belied the storm of emotions inside her, replied, “Because sometimes, dear, I wonder if I made a mistake marrying you.”

The room fell silent. The weight of those words hung in the air like a thick fog, and Jane immediately regretted them. It was as if time had stopped, and she could see the hurt in Tom’s eyes, a hurt that echoed a fear buried deep in his heart.

Though they made up later, and Jane apologized profusely, those words became like a tiny crack in the vase of their marriage. Invisible most days, but a reminder that some words, once spoken, can never be fully taken back. They both learned that in the tapestry of marriage, woven with threads of love, trust, and respect, it’s often the words left unsaid that hold the most power.

Has another parent ever gotten mad at you for saying ‘no’ to their child?

My police officer husband (he’s since retired) and his partner met me, our son and his partner’s wife and children at McDonald’s one night for dinner. Our kids were playing in the playland. My son was about 5 or 6 at the time. We heard my son crying and looked up to see another child had pinned my son in a chokehold as he was coming out of the slide and was punching him in the face.

I stood up and said “Excuse me. We do not play like that.” and sat back down and we continued to eat. Suddenly “BIG MAMA” came storming into the play area and started screaming at me for being a racist bitch. We are white; she and her children black. I simply explained what had happened and that I hadn’t said anything about race.

She continued to scream and cuss at me. My husband stood up and said “Ma’am, your son was belting our kid in the face.”. She started screaming at him then claiming he was a “racist pig” and that she wanted to see his supervisor. He had done nothing as a police officer.

We wound up leaving because she wouldn’t shut up. About 2 weeks later, we tried the play date/dinner again, but, walked in to find them there. She immediately stood up and we just left.

Police officers, what are some of the most interesting conversations you’ve had with the people you’ve arrested?

Many years ago we had a couple adult brothers who lived in a house in our town. We’ll call them Donald and Ronald. They liked to drink and they liked to play with guns. They had the combined IQ of a house plant, but Ronald was just a little brighter than Donald.

On TWO occasions (about a year apart) we had to evacuate the adjacent neighborhood because these two decided it would be fun to start shooting in the air from their open windows.

We had to treat these situations as barricaded subject calls. We could not assume they wouldn’t shoot at us.

So we established inner and outer perimeters and tried to make telephone contact with them.

On both occasions (after several hours of negotiations) we were able to get them to surrender without anybody getting hurt, but the second time was a little hairier than the first one. They had friends involved as guests and they added an extra unknown factor we had to deal with. It was also rumored that a child was in the house, but this turned out to be false.

The first time they were charged with various misdemeanors. Since we could not prove they caused any damage to homes or other property we were unable to secure more serious charges. The second time we could. Both times their guns were confiscated.

I was the negotiator who spent several hours on each occasion trying to get them to come outside so we could peacefully resolve the situation. By the second time, they were on a first name basis with me.

The second incident was treated a little less patiently than the first one. About 90 minutes after the shots from inside the house stopped, we did something we chose not to do on the first occasion: we cut off the electricity inside the house. Within a half hour of cutting the electricity they surrendered and were taken into custody.

I was in the station about an hour after they were taken into custody. One of the officers who was working on booking and charging the brothers came into my office and told me they wanted to speak to me in person, so I went back to the holding cell area.

Donald said, “Bruno, what the f***, man. You shut off our electricity?? You didn’t do that last time.”

I said, “You’re right, Donald. We didn’t do it last time. But this time you guys brought it to a new level, and so we brought it to a new level. Don’t do this again.”

“Well, what if we do??”

“Then we will turn off your oxygen.”

“You can do that???”

I just walked away.

Soon after this incident the brothers sold the house and moved out of town.

Can you explain the process of a U.S. company going public in China? Can you provide some examples of U.S. companies that have done this successfully?

Don’t worry you will soon know. But by bit China will take down the Wall Street. It has taken down GM and Ford, AIA and Apple, China has the most capital. China in time will have the most investor. China is far more responsible fiscally and monetarily than the U.S. what make you think U.S. start ups and giants don’t want to cash in there?

It is a matter of time. Now China starts the first salvo to answer to Donald Trump. He don’t want Chinese companies to be listed in NYSE, China says don’t worry. We won’t. China wants all Chinese companies to delist within a decade! Let us see who lose more!

What was the best way you’ve taken revenge on an awful parent?

It wasn’t me, but a very good friend of mine. Her mother was very abusive to her and her brothers throughout their childhoods. They all left home in their teens as soon as they were able to get their first jobs. After many years of no contact, the mother died and was cremated. Two years later, no one had come to collect the remains. The crematorium contacted all the children. The brothers refused to have any involvement. The crematorium staff made my friend feel so guilty, her and her husband drove 7 hours to the city where her mother had died to collect the ashes. On the drive home my friend started crying and said she didn’t want the ashes. She said they would just be a painful reminder of all the years of abuse. Without a word, the husband pulled the car over, grabbed the urn, walked down an embankment and threw the ashes into a river. My friend laughed and said she had never felt as loved as she did at that moment. The mother couldn’t swim and was terrified of water.

What is something almost no one says, but you’re sure everyone thinks?

“Please, dear God, don’t let it come down to another Biden/Trump face-off in the next election.”

Some of my liberal friends and family members, and liberal Quorans whom I follow and respect, have expressed how they think Biden is too old and wish that he would just bow out gracefully. I suspect that those who haven’t said as much have been thinking it.

Similarly, while I know that Trump seems to have good polling numbers amongst likely Republican primary voters, I don’t know any Republicans in real life who really like him. I know some who like his policies, particularly on border security, but those same people have expressed disdain for the man himself.

I’m hoping that, once people actually get a chance to vote in the primaries, the polls will be proven wrong about how much support Trump really has. Perhaps people are lying to the pollsters out of spite for the mainstream media. Or, maybe one of Trump’s competitors in the primary will gain momentum in the early primaries, and the “please, not Trump” Republican support will all go towards that one candidate, and it will be enough to make Trump not the nominee.

Most of my liberal friends and relatives didn’t support Biden in the last election, but they voted for him out of hatred for Trump. It doesn’t really matter how they vote, here in Illinois, since the Democrat always wins here, but I wonder if that hatred of Trump will be enough to get Biden elected again in states where there is a real competition.

I predict that, should it come down to Trump/Biden again, most people won’t be voting for either of them, so much as voting against the other person (by voting for the only other person on the ballot who can actually beat them). They will dutifully vote for Trump or Biden, while wishing they didn’t have to, then spend the next four years complaining about the exact things they were warned would happen should that person get elected.

Illinois primaries too late, and is too solidly blue, for my presidential vote to matter, so I’m off the hook as far as stressing over it too much. I’m just along for the ride.

But I think that almost anyone who isn’t Trump or Biden, who ends up as the nominee for the Republicans or Democrats, could easily win the election. Their presence on the ballot would be welcome news to voters from both parties.

I think that Nikki Haley, in particular, would have the easiest pathway to victory, should she end up the Republican nominee, particularly if she were running against Biden. The liberals in my life who go through life with demographic lenses clouding their views on everything would quietly support Haley, just because of her gender and race, and not for any party or policies she supported. That, plus the core Republican support the nominee will get anyway, would win Haley most of the swing states, I suspect.

Why is the Chinese government so much more effective in its policy making while Western countries take forever to make moves?

Decision making & Accountability

That’s it

Chinas policies are CRISP and their origin and implementation route is flawless

Everyone knows who proposed the policies and who implemented them

If a policy succeeds, the persons who implemented them get promotions and responsibility and the persons who proposed them get more traction within the CPC

If a policy fails, the persons who implemented them are if not punished, at least put in a doghouse and forgotten with their careers stagnating until a few of them are lucky enough to get a second chance

The persons who proposed the policies will also remain where they are and silently in the next Congress retire or go into insignificance

It’s a beautiful system running on RESULTS, RESULTS and always RESULTS

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Take the floods of 2023

41 City officials faced the wrath for the City being flooded for 36 hours (Flooded means water reaching above 3 inches on Public Roads and 1 1/2 inches in Airports)

That is Accountability

They will be replaced and their careers will taper off.

Meanwhile this man, who planned ahead and saved at least 6% of Chinas crops from being destroyed and rather was responsible for a bumper crop

He will be rewarded suitably

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Xi Jingping almost never makes policies

Those days for him are done

So are other members of the standing Committee

He now listens to his people, his advisors and asks them to handle things

If things go well, they get promotion and traction

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Wang Yi handled his job beautifully and got rewarded with a Politburo appointment

Now he is the Top dog controlling all foreign policy within the Party

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Zhao Lijian was perceived as not doing his job well enough

He was promoted but his new job has maybe 25% of the power he once held

It’s always results

If China gets over 5% GDP growth this year, that’s good for everyone and they did ok

If China manages more than that, that’s better than expected and there will be promotions

If China does worse, those officials will soon be forgotten and stagnate and deputed to insignificant errands

The Western Countries & other democracies like India don’t have such a flawless system

Here everyone rushes to take credit for success and everyone tries to blame others for failure

As a result a lot of mediocre people occupy exalted positions of power merely because of political maneuvering or influence rather than ability and talent

In China, 11 people in the Politburo & Central Committee are people who supported Li Keiqang over Xi Jingping in 2012

No issues

In US, would Biden hire Joseph D Kernan or Trey Gowdy or Brent Mcintosh?


They are highly able Individuals but they will be ignored because of politics and because they were Trump appointments

Thus as usual every decision is laced with more than ability and merit and accountability


China’s MILITARY PLAN To Bring US To Knees With A Click Of Button

What advice did another parent give your child that made you furious?

Oh. my. god.

So my six-year-olds father and I went to a dance competition that she was competing in. And there was obviously that one “dance mom” who has all the t-shirts and tote bags with the studio’s name on it and thinks their child is the best.

Anyway, my daughter finished her amazing solo and finished the group dance too. Let’s call this “dance mom” figure “Entitled Mom.”

So after all the dances came awards and my daughter won first place for solos in her division (yay!). EM’s daughter won eighth and she was NOT having it. She started screaming in the halls like: “THE JUDGES ARE SO BLIND!”, “MY DAUGHTER SHOULD BE IN FIRST NOT THAT KID (my kid)”, “I DIDNT KNOW THIS WAS A COMPETITION FOR JUDGES TO SHOW OFF HOW IDIOTIC THEY ARE!” etc.

And of course, some staff told her to calm down, blah blah blah.

Then the EM came up to my kid and put her finger in this tiny six-year-old’s face and said “You did not deserve this trophy. Go home and quit because I bet this was your first win only because the judges can’t see real talent.” And this *female dog* had the audacity to grab the trophy out of my kid’s hand and throw it across the room.

I went OFF. I took this lady bag and threw that across the room. Not my proudest moment but yeah I was pissed.

In the end, she literally told my daughter to quit and my kid went home instead of happy and proud of herself, crying her eyes out because of that lady. The studio that EM’s kid was representing sent me an email the next day apologizing and that EM was not allowed to attend any competitions that her kid was going to representing that studio. We also got a new trophy because when EM thew it the top broke into pieces.

So yep that’s my story, now my daughter is 11

What’s something you can’t believe you had to explain to another adult?

This happened to me about 20 years ago when I still lived in Alabama. I needed a little cash so I drove to the my bank to pick some up during business hours. This was quite a few years before any of our local banks had automated tellers.

I used the drive-thru where I wrote a personal check to “cash” for 50 dollars, if I remember correctly. I then gave the check and my identification, my passport as I had lost my drivers license a couple days before, to the teller.

The teller, let’s call her Charlotte, takes my passport looks at it and, over the intercom, says to me, as though very probably dealing with an idiot, “Sir, I’m gonna need a valid photo identification. I don’t even know what this here is.” (Imagine Dolly Parton doing a parody of her own southern accent).

I tried my best not to seem a condescending prick and replied “ That’s my passport issued by the United States Department of State. I can assure you that it is a valid form of photo identification. Just look at it. There’s a U.S. Flag and a picture of an bald eagle and everything.”

“Well, be that as it may I’m gonna need a drivers license or somethin’ otherwise I can’t give you no cash.” she insists.

“What you have there is most definitely SOMETHING. Perhaps you should confer with one of your colleagues or even a manager.” I suggest.

“Betty, can you come over here and look at this?” she asks of one of her colleagues. “This gentleman claims that this is A VALID PHOTO IDENTIFICATION. Do you even know what this is?”.

Betty looks at me and says “Sir, we’re gonna need a valid form of photo identification like a drivers license or somethin’.”

I give the classic 2 handed facepalm and, after a long suffering sigh, I say “It’s a passport. It’s issued by the United States Government to U.S. Citizens who generally use them to travel abroad and it is definitely a valid government issued photo ID.”

By this time a third teller, let’s call him Carl, is involved “I think it’s one of those things you use to go to foreign country or somethin’.” he says to Charlotte and Betty. He looks at me “Sir this is a bank. It ain’t no airport. We’re going to need a valid photo identification like a drivers license or somethin’.”

At this point I’m no longer trying to avoid being a condescending prick when I ask “Can one of you ignorant savages fetch a manager? Preferably one that’s traveled beyond the borders of the great state of Alabama.”

After a round of “Well I never’s!” Betty takes of in a huff to retrieve the bank manager. When he arrives Charlotte looks at me smugly and says “Bill, this gentleman wants withdraw cash but, he doesn’t have valid photo identification, he only has THIS!” and with this she presents Bill, the bank manager, with my passport.

Bill looks at me sheepishly and there is an audible click as the intercom shuts off. Because of this I didn’t here exactly what bill said to Charlotte, Betty, and Carl but judging from their body language and the way their eyes all drifted downward I would guess it was none to kind. Then a click as the intercom springs back to life and Bill says “Please allow me to apologize Mr. Estes I promise you that nothing like this will ever happen again. Would 2 twenty’s and a ten be o.k.?”.

Men do not want this

What is something you can’t have?

Fucking closure.

The last things we said were “Love you, man. Goodnight” before he had to go away for a month.

He came back and blocked my number, blocked me on social media, and effectively erased me from his life.

No warning.

No explanation.

No goodbye.

10+ years of friendship thrown in the trash.

It’s been 7 months, and I still don’t know why.

And I feel the loss in my chest and my body and deep in my bones.
Every fucking day of my life.

Not giving someone any sense of closure is one of the cruelest things you could do to another person.

I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

Edit to add:

It’s been 2 years now, and it still fucking hurts an unimaginable amount.

Highly irritated at everyone who has ever said “Time heals all wounds.”

No. It fucking. Does not.

Edit to add:

Coming in on 3 years soon, and the pain has dulled into what can best be described as a painful annoyance.

Perfect analogy?

Have you ever burned the ever-living-shit out of your arm or hand?
It hurts for so long.

Taking a hot shower is agony.
Putting on a shirt is a bitch.
Honestly, just touching it is awful.

Then it starts to scab over. It’s very sore still, but less excruciatingly so.
If you bump it on something, it’s rough. You’ll probably let out a loud yelp.
But it’s healing.

And then the scab begins to flake off. The pain is mild, but the itching is constant. If you poke it hard, it’s certainly not going to feel good, so you try not to poke it.

It’s a different kind of problem, and you really just wish you hadn’t burned yourself in the first place.

This is where I’m at now, three years later.

It’s mild pain, paired with utter annoyance.

And it’s leaving a hell of a scar.

Edit to Add:

It’s been 5 years now.

To my former Self: The wound is healed, my darling! And the scar is so very important. Thank you for honoring our pain with the attention it deserved.
To think! We could have become bitter and cold, but instead we are blossoming and warm and eager to learn again.

And to my original edit: No, you are right, time does not heal all wounds. It rebuilds YOU around them.

Closure isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Growth, however? Utterly priceless.

She got wet

What are the implications of Moody’s downgrade of China’s debt outlook?

Moody is a western and U.S. rating agency. It works for the US government and owned by the neocons. What is says is bird poo. Looking or listening to Moody’s is no different from checking Jews status from a Nazi perspective!

This is the same agency that gives AAA rating to the U.S. economy! The one that could not increase the real standard of living since 1960. That is 60 years ago. Moody’s depend on their mood ! Or when their pay master tell them what to grade!

These are the agencies thss as t has to go in the new world order. One don’t get your cronies to rate you!

People who’ve built and slept in igloos, what’s it actually like?

Hat tip to Scott Welch – amazing answer.

As a recreational igloo builder, I can add:

  • It’s a lot of work – I’ve built maybe a dozen, and it always takes 3–4 hours. I’ve built them in Sierra and Cascades snow, and it’s a huge amount of work to tramp down the snow, churning the layers of snowfall so there aren’t weak spots in your bricks…
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  • Cutting the bricks with an ice saw is neat – but the blocks (2′ x 1.5′ x 1′) are really heavy – that’s about 20 gallons of packed snow/ice, perhaps 30–50 pounds heavy.
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  • You build up in a spiral – so each block leans in a little more than the previous one, and each is supported by touching the corner of the previous block. You don’t try to build a solid structure – just a skeletal framework of blocks touching each other with triangular holes between.
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  • The last pieces are hard to place, since you have to lean over a somewhat unstable structure without tipping it in. If you aren’t diligent, it tends to be taller than a half-sphere, and then it’s nearly impossible to place the keystone block.
  • When the frame is done, you fill the holes with packed snow, which makes the structure really solid and robust enough to climb up and stand atop.
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  • When the dome is done, then you can dig down and create an entrance tunnel. It’s important that the tunnel is lower than the sleeping platform, because otherwise the warm air trapped in the dome all just blows away.
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  • The entrance tunnel is going to be tight – the smaller the hole, the warmer the structure, and it’s a lot of work to make the tunnel big anyway. This is not a structure for the claustrophobic!
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  • From inside, you can really see the structure – the gaps between the blocks that you packed with snow are much less dense than the blocks.
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  • And at night, a flashlight really shines through the structure.
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  • You can build a lot of supplementary structures with ice-blocks to make comfortable camp. Be sure to plant skis and packs upright – the night after I took this picture, we had 3–4 feet of new snow, and only the tips of the skis were showing. This time, we didn’t have to go digging…. By the way, you keep your water bottles and boots inside your sleeping bag, otherwise they will likely freeze. Frozen boots are a serious problem if you are in the wilderness.
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  • Inside, you want to ventilate so the temperature stays a little below freezing – you don’t want it dripping on you. But it’s still much warmer than outside overnight. It’s also utterly silent. I’ve slept through some amazing storms without hearing a thing.
  • And you need some really good sleeping pads – most of the cold comes up from the sleeping platform, not from the cold air. It’s worth spending some time to make sure the sleeping platform is totally flat and level, because ice is slippery, and if it’s not flat, you’ll spend all night sliding towards the tunnel and trying to scoot back, which isn’t very restful.
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  • Enjoy yourself!

Hoe math

Why did Kentucky Fried Chicken get so bad?

My blood type is KFC positive and even I am finding it hard to eat it these days.

On top of the product changing, most likely to make more money, the service has deteriorated terribly, at least the one closest to me.

Every time I would order they would get it wrong. It was so bad it was almost like they did it deliberately.

One day, about three years ago now, after having enough of being given the wrong food, I decided to go in to the store in person and complain.

Surprisingly, but not really given how bad this store is, there was a lady at the counter complaining about exactly the same things I was going to complain about. She even said, like me, she came down especially to make the complaint in person.

I could tell from the body language that the 12 year old store manager couldn’t care less.

Another time I went there at lunch time to buy chicken (Kentucky Fried Chicken – that is apparently what they sell!) but they had none! None! Literally no chicken but I could get a burger if I wanted. I guess you let a store be run by children and this is bound to happen.

As I walked out empty-handed, two police officers were walking in. I said to them, “Good! You’re here to arrest them for running out of chicken!?”

They asked me if the store was indeed out and so they turned around and left too but did say something along the lines of, “Yes we should be able to arrest them. How could KFC run out of chicken at lunchtime?”

My thoughts exactly! The Colonel would be turning in his bucket in disgust!

Ma Po Tofu (Ma Po Dofu)

A famous Szechuan recipe – the name Ma Po Tofu is roughly translated as “pockmarked grandmother bean curd,” named for the old woman who supposedly invented the dish.

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2023 12 24 14 58



  • 3 cakes regular tofu (medium firmness)
  • 1/4 pound ground pork
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon salted black beans
  • 1 tablespoon chili paste
  • 3 tablespoons stock (chicken broth)
  • 1 leek or 3 green onions
  • Freshly ground Szechuan pepper


  • 1 1/2 tablespoons tapioca starch
  • 2 tablespoon soy sauce


  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • Oil for stir-frying


  1. Mix marinade ingredients . Marinate pork for about 20 minutes.
  2. Cut the bean curd into 1/2 inch (1 cm) square cubes, and blanch (drop into boiling water) for 2 – 3 minutes. Remove from boiling water and drain.
  3. Chop leeks or green onions into short lengths.
  4. Heat wok and add oil. When oil is ready, add the marinated pork. Stir-fry pork until the color darkens. Add salt and stir. Add the salted black beans. Mash the beans with a cooking ladle until they blend in well with the meat. Add the chili paste, then the stock, bean curd, and leek or green onions.
  5. Turn down the heat. Cook for 3 – 4 minutes.
  6. While cooking, mix cornstarch, water and soy sauce together. Add to wok and stir gently.
  7. Serve with freshly ground Szechuan pepper.

What is the pettiest notice you’ve received from your Homeowners Association?

I left my trash can out 5 hours past when I was supposed to bring it in. I hadn’t brought it in because my arms were full of groceries and I had just returned from a full day of working. I was so burned out from work and shopping I didn’t even make it to my bedroom; I fell asleep on the couch. Next morning I get a call from the hoa saying that someone complained about the garbage cans being outside longer than allowed. I had literally brought the can in at 5 am so that it wouldn’t inconvenience people. Apparently that wasn’t good enough, and it had to have been in the night before. Even though it was the first time that I had left it out, they still fined me $200. I asked 1. How did they know the can was mine? 2. When was the complaint filed, since I had brought my can in at the crack of dawn. They refused to answer either of those questions.

Another incident with the SAME HOA really made my blood boil. They claimed my sweet wheaten terrier was terrorizing the neighborhood because he would like to look out of a second story window and occasionally bark at another dog passing by. Please note that this dog is 40 pounds and in no way shape or form, able to get out of the building with out human assistance. The hoa said that he was a threat to the neighborhood and well over 40 pounds, the weight limit that they imposed for dogs. I told them that he was exactly 40 pounds, and showed vet records to prove it, and that even if he barks at a dog passing by, humans can’t hear it from the street because the windows are closed! Hoa didn’t care. Fined me $400 and said for every new complaint they would double it. They’ve doubled it 3 times. No proof of my dog harassing anyone. Just their word versus mine. The hoa literally gave me the choice of debarking my dog or putting a bark collar on him; both of which are cruel. My immediate neighbors have no problem with him barking if they ring a doorbell or knock on the door because that’s what watch dogs do, so I’m honestly not sure who is filing complaints against me. Once I save up enough for a new place, I will never be in a hoa again.

As a Realtor what is the messiest thing you ever saw in a home?

Not a Realtor but a home inspector for mortgage companies. Went to inspect a mobile home that was in process of being repossessed. House was supposed to be empty. my job was to take pics, insure elec and water was off, house was vacant and there was a clear path for the truck to remove the house the following week. When i got here, the home was not vacant. Living in the home was a woman and her 4 hogs. yes, hogs, giant filthy hogs. The walls were literally black about 3 feet up the walls. the floors were inches thick in hog poop. The bathtub was FULL of dog/hog poop. The house was only 2 years old! this woman was sleeping in a recliner chair in the middle of her living room. There was also a multitude of dogs. She started crying and said she had to move to the hog pen in her back yard if we took the house. She dragged her chair outside and called her hogs and dogs and went into the back yard. When i stepped back there to take pics of the back of the house i could see her in a 3 sided shack, in her recliner. I had to take many pics and after every room i would run outside and take breaths of fresh air. The stench was overpowering. When I was done and went back to my car, where my husband was waiting, as he had “rode along” , I took off my shoes and threw them in the trash and then got in the car. We got about 1/4 mile and husband make me pull over and take off my clothes. he gave me his shirt to drive in and we threw away my clothes too. I reported to the company that the house was unrenewable and they should just write it off and let her keep it. I dont know what they actually did.

Can you tell me about a time that you sued someone in civil court and won?

I got a letter in the post from a private parking company telling me I had overstayed by 10 minutes. They wanted £60, or £100 if I didn’t pay immediately.

Where I live, only the driver is liable for private parking charges, and I was at the dentist elsewhere at the time, so I appealed to the parking company telling them I was not the driver and could not have been because I had an appointment somewhere else at the time.

I heard nothing for a while so thought that was it, but then suddenly I got a demand for £100. I wrote saying that I had appealed already, restating my case. They told me they had no record of my appeal, and that now I was too late to appeal, so I owed £100.

I wrote to them following their complaints procedure, stating they had lost my appeal, and restating my case. They replied, “tough luck”. I wrote asking if that was the end of their complaints procedure. They replied I was out of time to appeal.

Letters now started coming thick and fast from them. The charge somehow escalated to £180, and the letters got quite aggressive, talking about court action, credit ratings and supreme court verdicts about parking. To be honest, they were quite stressful.

I put them on notice that the letters were causing me stress, and that under the data protection act I had the right for my personal data to be stored correctly. The particular item I wished to be stored correctly was that I was not the driver. Additionally, my data could only be used for appropriate purposes, and as I was not the driver, pursuing me for a parking charge was no longer an appropriate purpose now I had appraised them of the facts.

Letters continued.

The statute of limitations for parking charges is six years, and I had no desire to keep getting stressful letters for this time. Only one course of action seemed appropriate, so I filed a claim against them for data protection violations.

I asked for £200.

They paid up in full before the court hearing.

What kind of people make you ashamed to be a human being?

My distant cousin was marrying this girl. The girl’s family were investing a huge sum. But days before final confirmation, the girl calls him and reveals what her parents were hiding.

She fearlessly discloses, she was having neurological problems since she met with a car accident as there was a bleeding in her brain at that time.

That really hurt my cousin(Deepak, name changed). But as much as he wanted to get away, her honesty only polarised him in the direction his mind definitely didn’t.

It was a conundrum that the girl, though through arrange-marriage only, but he had started loving, should he leave her because she told the truth. If she wouldn’t have, then he would have surely married her.

He thought what kind of justice it would be. Marry the untrue but ditch the true. He consulted doctors and got a positive reply that her condition could be well tackled.

He calls her and says, whatever happens, we face it together. I’ll marry you and always be by your side. He got the reply which distorted him from within into the fragments he could never reassemble.

The girl said, “Don’t you get it idiot, I have a boyfriend, my parents are irritating me. I don’t want to be a disobedient girl in their world. Just say No and let me marry my lover.”

How long should China’s lockdown last? What are the consequences if not enough time is given?

China did it just right.

First China locked down very strictly as China like all nation do not enough is known about Covid -19 yet and no known cure or prevention is yet to be available.I believed the Chinese authorities saves at least 10 million deaths if not for their timely and strong actions.

Next while the U.S. and many western nations were bickering and could not lock down like China after condemning China on the so call “draconian” measures. And as a result the infections extrapolate hundreds of fold compared to China. So while China opened up strategically to use the time to overtook the west in many technological fields while the west were finally forced into lock down due to huge deaths!

So while the Chinese work and progress the western nation were paralyse. Chinese vaccines were more effective than the western ones. And it has less side effect. The rapid and effective vaccination of 1.4 billion probably save a hundred million infections and millions of life.

China being responsible and careful watch, study and understand that the latest strains of Covid had become a weak strain that it is time for China to eased up. That they did after being sure that opening up fully will mean full infections. And indeed that happened but without deaths and long infections.

To me and to the world China handled the Covid pandemic the most effectively and most successfully of all nations. To me the western so call liberal democracy failed phenomenally. And while the west were selfishly profiteering from the vaccine, China spread their goodwill and share its vaccine throughout the world.

Now that the dust has by and large settled, on the Covid-19 pandemic. China passed the severe test admirably and extremely successful proving that Chinese political system of socialism with Chinese characteristics won the day. All in all it lost 0.5% of what the U.S. lost in life due to Covid-19 the U.S. based on per million citizens.

Final result U.S. with only 330 million population lose 1,190,000 life while Chin with 1.4 billion population lose less than 6000 life! During the 3 years of Covid-19 ravage from 2020–2022 China grew close to 4 times the U.S. growth! Meanwhile the U.S. life expectancy felled below China for the first time in 2021 and by end of the 2022 Chinese people on average out live the US by 2 full years!

For me the Chinese did just right. Compared to the U.S. that handled it worst that many 3rd world nation.

If you’re fired, do you have to return your company car immediately?

Interesting. I had a good friend who had a good sales job. He was a good earner for the company and a stellar employer. He had two children, and of course needed the job to support his family. He worked hard and was a nice guy. He had a company car due to the fact that he drove a lot.

One day he got called into the office and was fired. I can’t remember why, but it was a stupid reason. Somehow the new company CEO just didn’t like him and found some bogus reason to get rid of him. I spoke to a few of his company friends later, and they all agreed, he was a great employer and in no way did he deserve to be fired. They told him to clear out his desk and leave, and turn in the keys for his company car. He cleaned out his desk, and politely told them, his car was parked on the street, so he would bring it directly to the front door for them.

He certainly did. He got the car from the street, drove it into the parking lot, and right through the front doors of the company. Completely destroyed the foyer, front entrance, and the car. Then he calmly got out of the car, and said, “Sorry about that everyone, I must have hit the gas by accident.”

Probably cost $200,000 damage. Police arrived and interviewed him. He was apologetic, and explained his shoe got caught on the brake pedal, holding the gas down.

The police didn’t charge him. He was on private property, so it wasn’t an accident on a public roadway.

Here’s the funny thing. The new CEO had decided to start saving money, and ignored calls from his building insurance company. There was no policy to cover the damage.

My friend got a new job rather quickly and got on with his life. He became a legend.

What is something the West always gets wrong about Chinese culture?


My name is Clara and I have studied and lived in Ningbo for several months. I was an exchange student of University of Nottingham Ningbo and learned a lot of things about China and its people.

In my opinion, there are many things that we have gotten wrong about China. However, I am speaking in my position of spanish woman. I feel like maybe other countries who have a higher rate of ethnicities inside their country can have other points of view. At least, in my country there were many stereotypes among chinese minorities. This is because the only treatment most of them have with chinese people is getting a spring roll in a Chinese restaurant or buying a toy in a chinese owned store. So the only thing known about China is through media. And often media is full of stereotypes and mockery. While countries like Japan and Korea have been lately in the fancy spot, due to their pop culture in general. Chinese is not as keen on exporting its products, even though it’s getting more recognition lately. So people don’t tend to glamourize China and see it as a “developing country” packed with many people and a place to adopt children

After spending some time in China and learning more about its culture and experiencing things with my own eyes, coming back home and hearing those comments that I found even funny before, make me sick and now with the pandemic going on is even more disgusting. “Chinese people are poor” “Chinese Woman must be very unhappy” “They eat everything that moves” “C’mon pose like a chinese” “How was China? I can’t believe you traveled around it must be very dangerous” “Have you dated any chinese? They have small dick, haha” “I don’t have any problems with dating other races but I just don’t like chinese people” and the list goes on. Specially, they tend to considerate everything that is asian related as chinese. Geishas are chinese, K-pop is chinese singers, Anime is chinese cartoons and the list goes on

I have already given up in correcting people’s racism. I am still dealing with mine and some people are simply not willing to change. I have tried to explain to some people that China is far more advanced than Spain. People use things more smartly in all of the levels, from paying to even designing potatoes packages. I have tried to explain that chinese people are always willing to help and chinese younger generations are open to dialogue. I tried to tell them that even my chinese female friends stand in more or less the same social ideals as I have. I have meet straight people, bisexual people, gay people, religious people, atheist people, and so on in China. Each one has it’s own opinions and perspective on life. Nobody is brainwashed. I have also explained that I have never seen bats on a street market or anything similar and that holding back your eyes to mock asian eyes is very racist. I have also tried to explain that China is a very safe place and people are very peaceful and mind their business. And the other racist things such as “I just don’t like chinese people”, I just replied with “Well, I don’t like you either and here we are”.

Star Trek: The Silent Skies | COLORIZED & EXTENDED

Oh my goodness!

What the Heck is going on with the USA? Prep for false flag, practice to the end, or just insane commands from a demented “president”?

EAM transmitted to USN submarines? WTF?

E-4B National Airborne Operations Center “NAOC” Transmits Emergency Action Message (EAM) to US Submarines from over Gulf of Mexico!

World Hal Turner 21 December 2023

NAOC and E6B Takeoff Offutt AFB
NAOC and E6B Takeoff Offutt AFB

A United States Air Force E-4B aircraft, which is a designated National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC) took off from Offutt Air Force Base this afternoon, headed out over the Gulf of Mexico, and Transmitted an Emergency Action Message (EAM) to US Nuclear Missile Submarines, using Very Low Frequency (VLF) Comms.

There’s something unnerving seeing a E-4B NAOC (GORDO16) and a E-6B TACAMO (FULL02) launch from Offutt AFB around the same time.  As you can see from the FlightRadar24 map image below, that’s what happened.

The E-4B

The E-4B serves as the National Airborne Operations Center and is a key component of the National Military Command System for the President, the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

In case of national emergency or destruction of ground command and control centers, the aircraft provides a highly survivable command, control and communications center to direct U.S. forces, execute emergency war orders and coordinate actions by civil authorities.

The conduct of E-4B operations encompasses all phases of the threat spectrum. Additionally, the E-4B provides outside the continental United States travel support for the Secretary of Defense and his staff to ensure Title 10 command and control connectivity.

The E-6B

The E-6B Mercury is a communications relay and strategic airborne command post aircraft. It provides survivable, reliable, and endurable airborne Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications (NC3) for the president, secretary of defense and U.S. Strategic Command.

Only One Job: 

The E-4B and E-6B at the end of the day only have one job: getting the message out (Nuclear launch codes) from the NCA (National Command Authority) to the United States Nuclear Triad by any means necessary.

Those means include a variety of waveforms including VLF, HF, UHF, SHF and beyond.

A B-52, B-2, ICBM Silo, or Submarine, will decode these encrypted messages and either launch their nuclear weapons at an intended target – – or not  – – based on the decisions of our elected public officials.

So imagine my dismay when surveillance picked up the E-4B transmitting an EMERGENCY ACTION MESSAGE (EAM) while out over the Gulf of Mexico this afternoon!   More specifically, the aircraft was messaging our nuclear missile SUBMARINES because it was using VLF, Very Low Frequency, to send the encoded message. VLF is the band that penetrates the ocean to sufficient depth, to reach our submerged nuclear missile subs.

USA civil war?

The state of Colorado ruled Trump ineligible for the 2024 election. An account of something something insurrection democracy something.

As it stands, Trump will compete in only 49 states in the election.

It is likely, others will follow. If a few swing states do it, then result of the election is successfully altered.

If supreme court does not strike these down, the United States is officially no longer a democracy.

If supreme court strikes it down, the damage is still done. People will lose trust that their vote matters.

The country is headed into civil war.

Posted by: FieryButMostPeaceful | Dec 21 2023 16:26 utc | 3

What was the funniest way you ever wasted the time of a telemarketer?

“I have amazing news!!”

Began the telemarketer. We’d been getting a lot of those calls in the past few weeks and I was about 19 or so, so my evil little comedic mind was at work.

Here’s the thing: no one asks those bastards (you know I wanted to say something else) to call us personally! We want them to stop. It was back in the early days of this crap and many of the accents over the phone were still American.

“I have amazing news!!”

“You found a kidney??!”

“Uh, what?”

“You found a kidney!!!! You’re from the hospital, right? We’ve been waiting by the phone and- and I just can’t believe this is really happening; bless you; thank God!”

“Um…no… I’m… calling about (something he suddenly had dramatically less confidence in).”

“You- you’re not from the hospital?”

“No, sorry, I-“

(I turned my head from the phone and didn’t really muffle it properly.) “Oh, don’t cry, Sarah, sweetie! They’ll find one! It’s okay sweetheart, don’t worry.”

(I turned back to the phone.) “I’ll just call back later.”

“Thanks; I’m sorry: could you please keep the line clear? We’re waiting to hear from the hospital.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll do that.”

It got played about 2 more times and then those bastards stopped harassing us by phone to buy or sign on to their whatever.

Meanwhile, about China…

US are completely paranoid about China overtaking them, their tactics to block them has simply backfired spectacularly, so the US resort to scaring every neighbour of China into thinking they are going to invade them, including us.

Arnaud Bertrand
This is a good read on “why the American technological war against China could backfire” and “supercharge China’s creation of an independent computer chip industry”.…

It’s exactly what is happening and at the end of the day, as the article makes clear, it’s all about hubris.

It was always beyond delusional for the US to believe that it could stop the technological progress of a country that IS AHEAD OF THEM on all metrics that matter for it, as detailed in the article:
– “Chinese high schoolers score the highest in the world in reading, science and mathematics”
– “Chinese universities are outperforming institutions in the rest of the world in the vast majority of disciplines”. For instance, critically, China has 6 of the top 10 universities in the world in engineering whilst the US only has 2…
– China produces more than double the number of STEM PhDs every year than the U.S.
– “In 2022, China overtook the U.S. for the first time as the country or territory publishing the most research articles in prestigious natural science journals”
– “China published the highest number of scientific research papers annually between 2018 and 2020, and had 27.2 per cent of the world’s top one per cent of the most frequently cited papers, compared to 24.9 per cent for the U.S.”
– According to research done by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute “China is leading [the world] in 37 of 44 cutting-edge technologies, including nanoscale materials and synthetic biology”
– Etc.

Conclusion from the article: “When it comes to the use and production of knowledge-based industries, China has more advantages than any other country in the world. American actions will create a new generation of Chinese high-tech firms that will compete directly with the U.S. and western businesses from whom they used to buy their products. These firms will produce more affordable products than their western counterparts, and could dominate technological infrastructure in the Global South.”

In a nutshell the very notion that China is a country whose technological progress could be stopped is almost criminally deluded, and derives from both a deep misunderstanding of China by the US and a deep overestimation of American capabilities… Adopting this strategy is backfiring big time and will without a doubt yield a considerably worse result for the US than if they’d favored a “coexistence” collaborative approach 🤷‍♂️

Posted by: MD | Dec 21 2023 20:24 utc | 33

Two guys

Do you know people who get paid to do absolutely nothing at their jobs?

When I worked security, I knew people whose job consisted entirely of occupying a space for a long period of time.

Technically, they were securing the area and they had a walkie-talkie to call the rest of us if anyone tried to go into the area who shouldn’t have been there. But no one ever tried to get into those areas.

I worked at an outdoor concert place that had upscale restaurants around the perimeter of the grounds. Those restaurants closed when the show started, and security guards were put in the restaurants to make sure no drunk concert goers tried breaking into them.

I volunteered for that position once, and never again. I literally sat in a dark, empty restaurant for four hours. I could hear the music outside, and I could see people walking by the windows, but no one tried to come into the restaurant. No one ever tried. It was so boring… I requested to be in front of the stage for shows after that.


On the wedding day.

Civil war?

The Liberty Report

Bar Biden From The Ballot?

by Daniel McAdams | Dec 21, 2023

This week’s decision by the Colorado Supreme Court to bar former President Trump from the presidential ballot has led to expected repercussions:

Republicans across the country are threatening revenge barring Biden from red state ballots. Where is voting in this country headed?

Posted by: MD | Dec 21 2023 21:12 utc | 40

What should I do to make a lasting impression on others?

I was skidding through my freshman year, sleepwalking to classes and nursing hangovers. I’d just stepped into an elevator on our first day and noticed Professor Kaplan standing next to me. I’d heard about him. He was allegedly one of the best professors, a former Harvard lecturer.

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I turned and said, “Greetings professor! I believe I’m attending your lecture today.” Holding his notebooks, he turned, smiled, and said, “My condolences.” And then he proceeded to give one of the best lectures I’ve ever seen. His display of humility in that elevator made him that much more endearing.

Self-deprecating humor, done lightly, and framed in a positive way, is powerfully charismatic. It makes people feel comfortable and appeals to their insecurities. But if you make a joke about your third wife leaving you, you might be overkilling it.

News broke from the Xiangshan Forum that the Chinese government will abolish the Great Firewall. Are Taiwanese and Americans mentally prepared to accept the impact of public opinion from 1.4 billion Chinese people?



A lot of people think I’m paid to write the things I write, I merely have a fair bit of free time. Today was the last day for my day job until next year, tomorrow is a massive party though…

Anyway me and a couple of other shit posters irritate enormous amounts of westerners merely by our free time shit posting.

People don’t like to argue against me because I like to use western media to debunk western media. Last night for instance a person said the BBC is honest. I then showed them two BBC clips together and one was very different.

Imagine 500million extra internet users even MORE aggressive and shit postery than me? I say 500 million because while 900 million people can write English to an OK level only about 500 million are proficient.

Imagine ME x 500 or x 5000. And here’s the thing, I’m overseas born, so I’m a hell of a lot easier going than a lot of Chinese people.

What’s the fastest you’ve wiped a smirk off of someone’s face?

Back in 2006 me and a friend had been Christmas shopping, and it was a big outing for me, I had been battling Leukemia for a number of years, and after having a bone marrow transplant I was finally able to be out of a sterile environment,.

We went into a Restaurant and were seated right next to a table where 3 quite over weight women were seated.

I was very thin, I am 5 foot 7 and at the time weighed about 105 lbs. I didn’t have much of an appetite, so when finished my meal was barely touched, the waitress asked me if I wanted a box to take food with me, and I said no.

Well that prompted one of the “ ladies” to loudly say say “ Skinny Bitch, you can tell SHE is on drugs”!

I just looked at her and said “ well, not since the bone marrow transplant, thankfully I am done with Chemo.”

that shut her up.

Have you ever seen a mass exodus after a respected employee quit or got fired?

Back in 1981, I was kitchen manager at a new pizza place in town. We were about 4 months in and turning a good profit. The guy who managed the place was a great guy and everyone who worked there loved him. The actual owner of the place had a daughter with a boyfriend. He fired our boss for no reason and said his brat’s boyfriend was the new boss, a guy who had never worked in food service before (it’s just a pizza joint, how hard could it be?). Then we were told we would need to be attend a meeting to talk about these changes at 4:00pm. We did the following: 1) added shit-tons of salt and cayenne pepper to existing pizza sauces, 2) changed the printed recipe for dough to make it unlikely to rise correctly, and if it did rise to certainly taste bad, 3) change the sauce recipe to make it inedible, and 4) swap all the lines around for the soda machine, so that when you dispensed from Coke, Dr. Pepper came out, etc. We only had beer in bottles, and our bottles were longneck deposit bottles, and they hadn’t picked them up yet, so we loaded all the beer into the back of a pickup truck, filled the beer cooler with empties, and took the beer to an undisclosed location. Four o’clock came around and everyone was there. New boss, his girlfriend, and the owner were there and as soon as the new manager was introduced, we got up, walked out the door, and soon found ourselves at said undisclosed location, partaking in recently purloined beer and repeatedly calling in take-out orders that would never be picked up. Did I mention, there was a reservation for a party of 30 that night at 6:00?

Anyway, the place was done in 6 weeks.

More stress than effort

What is the dumbest life decision you’ve seen somebody makes?

I present you John Allen Chau:

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Besides making a bad life decision that cost him his life, he also got the opportunity to take a step back but decided to dive back in immediately:

There is an island called “North Sentinel” which is home to 150 natives who vehemently refuse all contact with the outside world.

This rule makes sense, as these human beings are not accustomed to the diseases of the modern world, and any contact could lead to contamination that would be fatal to their small tribe.

But this didn’t stop John Allex Chau, a 27-year-old preacher, from travelling to the island to preach about Jesus Christ.

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He was showered with arrows which, fortunately for him, all missed their target.

Logically, he decided to return the following day for a second attempt.

A completely dumb decision, as the poor man would never leave the island alive.

Didn’t he think God was maybe sending him a divine message the first time the arrows missed his head?

What’s the weirdest way your fast food order got messed up?

A few years ago, I was charged with ordering breakfast sandwiches for everyone in the office for our morning meeting.

As I went around and got everyone’s orders, ‘Dave’ specifically asked for no mayo on his sandwich.
I made a note on the order next to his name that said “NO MAYO” and sent in the order.

Half an hour later, I was distributing the sandwiches and heard Dave say, “Oh, har har har. You’re so funny, Kate.”

I came over to see what he was talking about and started laughing.

Dave’s ‘sandwich’ was comprised of two buns that were swimming in mayo.

No egg.

No bacon.

No cheese.

No ham.

Just an ungodly amount of mayo everywhere.

Someone had to have emptied half a container of mayo in between the buns, and thought, “Hmmm… not quite enough”.
And then slathered the outside of the buns, and then thought, “Nope, doesn’t cut it!”.
And then wiped more mayo on the inside of the packaging.

After I finished laughing, I took it back and showed the cashier who was absolutely appalled at the mayo monstrosity in my hands.

She went in the back and asked the other guys what the hell had happened and why on earth they made a mayo sandwich.

Apparently they thought it said “Only mayo.”

In which case, they fucking nailed it.

Modern Women Are FREAKING OUT As 63% Of Men Have WILLINGLY Left The Dating Scene

Keep it simple. 50% of women in the 20s and 30s today will NEVER get married, and will NEVER have children. Up your game girls

Is there one moment that made you think that you have a ‘cool dad’?

I was 18 and at home with dad, while mom and my brother had gone out of town.

He asked me if I wanted to watch any movie and I replied a big enthusiastic yes.

I suggested a Bollywood movie Gangster. He agreed. I hadn’t seen the movie’s trailer. What a mistake.

We went to the mall, got the tickets.

When the awkward scenes started, he turned to me and said,

“You should watch such movies with your friends. Why did you tag me along?”

“I am sorry I didn’t know they had such scenes.”

“No worries. Let’s see the movie now. Next time see the trailer before suggesting it to me.”

When it got over we went over to the food court for dinner.

I noticed a guy and wondered where have I seen him when my dad said,

“He is not your type.”


“He is not your type.”

“Who? I was not looking at him in that sense.”

He smiled.

“What makes you think he is not my type.”

“He has a moustache. You hate moustaches.”

“How do you know that?”

“Well you know right, I had a moustache till you were a toddler? You would constantly pull them and say you hate it. Why do you think I have been moustache free all these years?”

I smiled at the memory when he pointed to another fellow and said,

“That guy looks your type. Or that?”

“Papa please.”

“Or that…..”

This is one memory I cherish with my coolest dad!

What is the best excuse you have given to the police for speeding?

Not me, but I was there. My mom was driving and my brother & I, about 9&6 years old, were fighting in the back seat. She’s yelling at us to stop fighting, and didn’t realize that she got into the town speed limit zone (35 instead of 45).

The cop came up and asked why she was going so fast, and she told him. Next thing you know, he’s got the back door open and is lecturing us about how mom needs to pay attention while driving and if we are fighting in the back seat she can’t. And if he catches us fighting in the back seat again, he might have to arrest us. Then he told my mom to drive safe, and to let him know if we caused any more trouble.

Years later, I asked her if she remembered. She laughed, and let me know that of course she did. He had been one of her classmates, she had known him since they were little kids.

For how many days can a person survive without food?

I fasted for 21 days without food.

I read a book about a magician who performed a stunt where he was locked into a glass box above the city. He did not eat for 53 days, he could only drink water. His stunt had to quit as doctors were monitoring his vitals and after 53 days they started to get too bad.

I couldn’t believe someone could fast that long without food and live, so I wanted to try it myself. I like challenging myself in weird ways I guess. But, I had to make sure I wouldn’t die first, a lot of people told me I probably would.

It turns out, fasting has been used for centuries as a form of healing. Catholic churches had fasting centers where people could come when they got sick back in the day. Jesus, Gandhi, and pretty much every religious figure did it. It was well known that fasting healed the mind and the body.

I read a lot of literature on how fasting has reduced cancerous tumors and even autoimmune diseases. I read about all of it’s supposed health benefits: teeth whitening, skin clearing, tumor shrinkage, plaque eating, and fat reduction. They all sounded good to me. It said you got a heightened clarity of mind after 21 days so that was the time frame I decided to do.

I began my fast. The first day wasn’t bad. The second day I got really hungry and then it went away. The third and fourth day were bad. I was so hungry I didn’t even leave my couch. I just sucked down water all day and slept. Apparently, after 72 hours your body goes into ketosis and starts living off of fat reserves. I think it took closer to 96 hours for me.

After that, I completely lost my hunger. I actually had a lot of energy. The hard part wasn’t eating, I no longer wanted food. The hard part was boredom!!! I suddenly went from eating 3 meals a day to eating nothing. The time I spent cooking, eating, and washing dishes was given back to me, probably at least 4 hours. I couldn’t work out (bad on a fast) so that was out. I couldn’t do any social things because those all involved eating a meal, drinking coffee, or alcohol, none of which I could do at the moment. So, I became ultra productive. I got all my homework done weeks in advance, I started crocheting and painting, and I slept a lot. My mom and friends received calls from me every day. I had so much TIME.

Some days I felt weak, but other days I had a ton of energy. I felt great and really happy. My skin cleared up a lot after the 10th day and I did notice my teeth getting whiter. My tongue got white stuff on it; according to the internet that’s a way your body gets rid of toxins. I lost around a pound of weight a day.

After the 21st day, I was ready to eat again out of boredom. I started by drinking a decaf coffee. That was a mistake, my stomach had lost its lining so the acidity of coffee made me throw up. Everything I ate was really intense. Fruit tasted sweeter and everything had so much flavor.

Overall, I’d lost 24 pounds and I looked really good. But, I had never regained hunger. That meant I still had fat stores on me. If you fast long enough, you’ll regain hunger one day which they call your “true hunger”. That means your fat reserves are up and your body will start eating your muscles to survive, so you really need to start eating after that! I’d also lost some muscle, I was weaker at the gym now, but I regained my muscle quickly.

Most people, if you’re a normal weight, can fast 20-40 days before regaining hunger, before their total fat stores are up. After regaining hunger, your body starts to eat muscle tissue for energy, which includes your heart, and it’s only a matter of time before it will give out. Perhaps 7–20 days until death as preducted by some studies.

But, if you’re overweight or obese, you’ll have a ton of fat stores ready to use. One guy fasted for 384 days under medical supervision on nothing but water and tea with no adverse affects. I’m sure he could have made it quite a while longer until his fat stores were completely up but he ended the fast when he hit 180 lbs.

So the answer is, it varies. But, if you’re of a normal weight, your maximum is probably somewhere from 20-40 days until your muscle tissue begins to get compromised.

Explore China’s Amazing Futuristic Library – Totally Mind-Blown!

Wholly shit!

Have you ever accidentally found out that you were about to be fired?

Yep! I was 17 working at a mom ’n pop kinda thing, local hardware store. The type where entry-level workers just write in what they can work on a calendar posted in the back room.

Well, one day, the owner came to me and told me that there was about $50 missing from my register. I was usually one of the closers, and I always went to the bank with the nighttime lead to drop off the deposit. I thought maybe I just counted wrong or something. The owner said that if he saw that kind of discrepancy again, I would be fired. I said ok, yes, I understand. I worked for about another week, but I could tell that I was being watched by hawks.

So when I went the next week to write myself in on the schedule, I saw my name crossed out with White-Out on the calendar. Confused and a bit suspicious, I wrote myself back on. When I came in for work, the owner pulled me aside and told me that there was another $70 found missing from my drawer and that I was no longer employed there. Well, ok, fine. Maybe I can’t count, or I’m just an idiot, but whatever. I kind of knew I was going to be fired soon when I saw my name whited-out on the calendar.

For the record, I was at a party with a bunch of random neighborhood friends a few years later, and I overheard a guy I used to work with talking trash about the hardware store and how he robbed the place blind and didn’t even get fired for it—someone else did.

Almond Chicken

almond chicken
almond chicken


  • 1 1/2 pounds chicken breasts
  • 1 teaspoon ginger
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 12 ounces Chinese pea pods
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 cup natural whole almonds
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons water
  • 1/3 cup sherry


  1. Skin, bone and cut up chicken breasts into 1/2-inch cubes.
  2. In a bowl, mix ginger, honey and cornstarch and blend in water, soy sauce and sherry.
  3. Thaw pea pods if frozen. In a wok, heat oil over medium heat.
  4. Add almonds, stirring and cooking for about 3 minutes.
  5. Add chicken and cook just until meat turns white.
  6. Pour in sherry mixture and cook until sauce thickens.
  7. Add pea pods and stir-fry until hot and glazed.

Yield: 4 servings

Yup. You all don’t want to hurt MY girl…

What were the first symptoms you had of a serious, life-changing medical condition?

I was working in a supermarket in October 2001. I bent down to pick a can of beans off the bottom shelf on an aisle.

As I stood up, my vision shattered.

Image: My vision shattered much like looking into a light diffuser on a fluorescent light.

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I also began with a severe headache on the right side of my head.

Over the next few days the headache went away but my vision remained poor inmy right eye.

I was sent to a local eye hospital by my doctor and there I was told after several days of testing that I had Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome, an auto-immune disorder in the same family as Lupus.

The eye problem was a blood clot that had formed and destroyed the blood supply to the retina of my right eye. Treatment was to be life long and I would need to take blood thinners, then Warfarin though today I take other blood thinner drugs.

I also had to have extensive laser surgery on my right eye to prevent further damage from the clot and resulting new blood vessel growth.

Five and a half years later, when I was going through a non theraputic dosage of Warfarin. I had a similar event, a blood clot formed in my left eye. Destroying that retina and leaving me legally blind.

Gone wrong

Isn’t it a sad thing for the Chinese that the Koreans would rather make friends with white people than them?

Let me help to makes western admirers amongst orientals such as Japan-and South Korea, people from greater China such as Hong Kong and Taiwan and neighbours such as Phillipines and Vietnam see light.

I am qualified to advise and share my experience. I was born in Malaysia and now a Singaporean who were a starry eye west admirer for say the first 20 years of my life.

Today I am a practical and pragmatic person who sees things differently. If your nation is a direct neighbour or in Chinese neighbourhood, try to comprehend the following.

China has been around for 5000 years as your neighbour and during 4800 out of the 5000 years China were really really strong. In fact so strong it could if it wants to, to walk right into your nation and claimed it for good. But they didn’t. Japan, Korea, Philippines, India, Vietnam and others remain a fully sovereign nation. Appreciate that.

Just look at the nation that lies and spread fear about China, the U.S. it is barely 247 years old yet it started as a 13 states union and in less than a hundred years it stole another 37 states from its neighbours. And what did the U.S. do in Asia! It murdered 3 million Vietnamese, a million each in Philippines in Mindanao, Laos and Cambodia, and at least 2 million suspected communists in Indonesia and colonised the Philippines for close to 50 years.

And they do that as a nation 10 thousand miles away from Asia! China is stone’s throw away from your shores yet you are still independent! So be logical and honest about who is the aggressor and who respects your sovereignty? If you are fair China is a 5000 years gentleman. The U.S. is a 247 years hoodlum you never ever want to get close with, unless you are inviting trouble.

Next let me help you know your future. China is the world’s most humongous market. Your nation is blessed to have such a huge market at your door step. They can buy your products and resources and yet supply you with value for money product for a song.

They are not the despicable west who wants to change your way. They even say their socialism with Chinese characteristics is not exportable and urge you to seek your best political and social system going forward. US says it is their way or the highway! In fact they murdered 5 million Indo Chinese to make them democratic unsuccessfully in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

Go to the U.S. to have fun and travel around, do business with them as they are a big spender. But whatever you do remember who really is with you and where is your future with. Most of all remember where is your nation is geographically and China will always be there! It cannot be floated away and so are you, you are stuck there.

Don’t ever let your nation be another Ukraine, the U.S. want your people to die and your nation to be destroyed just to poke China in the eye, just like how they used Ukraine to poke Russia in the eye, unfortunately one time too many. Don’t let them have even one CIA or NED officials in your nation. And don’t ever be used as a cannon fodder.

Grow up and know right from wrong. Korea for example, whether you stay rich and get richer depends on China not the U.S. The only thing the U.S. can help you is simply to get your nation destroyed! China will always be there, it will grow to be 4–5 times the size of the U.S. economy before then of this century. And as a market for Korea, it will be bigger than your next 20 biggest market! So get real, grow up like me, be a realist and be smart.

Vote in a pro Chinese candidate. Vote in a leader that has no inclination to do shit for the U.S. And tell the US. that you are a friend and a partner of China, and that you want American’s as tourist and investor. But under no circumstances will you allow them to interfere in your nation and in Asia. Asia is for Asians. If you have issues involving the US is a sure way to implicate the issues and create discord.

The USA is bat-shit crazy

What is the lowest probability event you have personally witnessed?

Iraq, circa 2006:

A bunch of young dumb grunts are meandering about the country looking for bad guys, WMDs and whatever else General Mattis (pbuh) felt was appropriate at the time. In this case it was myself and the United States Marine Corps.

Being young, dumb and American, we naturally did not speak much Arabic besides the usual peacekeeping terminology like get your hands up, stop, get down and f#ck off. As is common in these conflicts, we tend to recruit native speakers to act as interpreters.

For reasons unknown, I happened to remember one of these dudes in particular. Let’s call him Joe Hammad for the sake of security. Now these guys usually don’t work anywhere near their hometowns in country because let’s be honest, in the eyes of the bad guys, hell even in the eyes of many locals, these guys are narcs. Snitches get stitches and all that but ramped up to 3rd world standards.

In exchange for helping us communicate with an often unfriendly populace, these dudes are offered visas to go stateside should they fulfill their obligations. For many reasons, this often doesn’t happen. Remember the snitches thing?

Fast forward to 2014. Suburb of a large Arizona city. My broke ass is out of the military and between employment so I decide to put an ad on Craigslist to let a room of my house for rent. Thank goodness I was financially smart enough to have owned my own home at the time.

Within a few days of placing the ad, I have a nibble or two but this one guy comes with cash in hand. I meet him on the porch when he arrives. He’s an Arab man of medium height, about 45 years old and well spoken with a sharp sense of humor. Within minutes we both had a clear spark of recognition.

And that’s how Joe Hammad from Iraq became my roommate after the war in Iraq ended.


Why does homemade fried rice never taste the same as fried rice from a Chinese restaurant? Am I missing some secret ingredient or method?

I can’t say for sure whether or not you’re missing any secret ingredients, since I don’t know your recipe. I am certain you’re missing one key component though, and that’s heat.

Chinese restaurants cook over commercial wok burners, which put out 125,000 BTUs of heat. Your home stove might generate 15,000 BTUs out of its largest burner. That’s a pretty significant difference.

The heat of a wok burner imparts a distinctive flavor onto foods. When foods hit the polymerized surface of a hot steel wok, they instantly release moisture, which leaves the food in the form of steam. The foods are tossed through the rising steam, where they capture the droplets of water, and fall back into the wok. This action, repeated over and over, is the essence of wok cooking. The intense heat also causes rapid browning and caramelization and gives the food a distinctive smokey flavor. The flavor, known as Wok Hei in Cantonese, is what makes Chinese take out so crave able, and can’t be duplicated on a home stove. None of what I described can be duplicated, to the same degree, on a home stove. It just doesn’t generate enough heat.

This is a 125,000 BTU wok burner.

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image 347

That ain’t your momma’s kitchen stove.

If a policeman tells me I can’t film him, am I required to “obey a policeman’s lawful order”?

My daughter’s car was hit by a speeding unmarked police car. I have written about this and she is recovering well. When I got to the scene, she was still trapped but the fire brigade were on the scene and had everything in control. While they were waiting to cut my daughter out, the lead fireman came over to me and told me to take as many pictures and as much video as I could and to make sure I got pictures of the officers involved. As soon as I started taking pictures a uniformed policeman came over and said that I had to stop as it was an active crime scene. I said that was nonsense and carried on taking pictures. He carried on saying I should stop. I told my wife who had just turned up to take pictures as well. The policeman just walked away. We took loads of pictures and videos, the witnesses telling us what happened. It took two months for the police to give my solicitor any indication that an officer was involved in the crash and this was only because he sent them some of our photographs. They now say there will be no criminal charges to either driver and that his speeding was legal as he was on a covert operation. He was unhurt and walking around, he never once came over or asked how my daughter was. I am glad that I did not listen to the policeman and I am sure that the video and pictures will help in the civil case.

What is your best parking spot revenge?

Back when I was (a lot) younger, after a softball game both teams (mine and the other side, who were all good friends on and off the field) came back to our cars to find someone had parked lengthwise behind three of our cars. None of the three could get out because this unthinking individual parked lengthwise and not in a valid parking spot behind them.

We waited about 20 minutes or so chatting, hoping the person would come out and move. They never did. It was a smallish car, a Corolla, so several of us carried the car to the space in the hedge where people had access to the softball fields beyond. It fit perfectly, the front bumper against one side of the gate and the rear bumper within two inches of the other side. Note this wasn’t a metal gate, it was a hedge with an arbor vitae forming the “sides” of the entrance.

Then, out of sheer schadenfreude, we waited. Some left, of course, but most of us were there about 45 minutes later when the person came back to discover their car was basically unmoveable without cutting down a tree owned by a private entity, or have it dragged out by tow truck.

Red Pill men

What secrets are you hiding from your parents?

Going Anonymous as my parents follow me and I don’t want them to know this.

I was young ,probably in 7th or 8th standard when I used to do this.There is a bakery near my home of which I still am a regular customer .I buy things from the place at least 5 times in a day.

As we were regular customers we had credit system of paying the owner .We used to pay our credit on a monthly basis. So basically anyone from my family could go and get anything from the bakery and the owner would just write it in his accounts book and we used to pay the whole amount at the end of the month.

Me being really smart found a loop hole and would buy a lot of snacks,basically all kinds of items available for me to eat . I would just buy snacks worth Rs 2000 or so when the owner was not at the counter. He had an assistant who did not know how t read or write so he used to tell me to write it in the accounts book and I would just pretend to write everything and hand him over the book and he never used to check or bother about it.

I did this 3–4 times when I started to feel guilty about this because clearly it was shoplifting or stealing.

I later made a promise to myself that I will never do this again and would pay the whole amount I had stolen to the shopkeeper once I start to earn .

I completed my graduation this year and started working at an MNC and after I got my first salary the first thing I did was to take the money and confess to the shop owner about this.

He got angry at first but looking at my honesty he accepted the whole amount that was due which was about Rs 10000 and thanked me for this.

I told him not to tell my parents about this as they will be really disappointed .

This was the happiest day of my life as a big burden that I carried for almost 6–7 years was finally gone.

As a mechanic, have you ever made a mistake and ruined someone’s vehicle? How?

I’m not a mechanic, but wanted to share this story.

I needed a new battery for my Jeep Cherokee. I went to the local place that handles my maintenance. I was in a hurry and also needed an oil change. I brought the vehicle into the Maintennance bay. The guy went to get a new battery. He said something about the battery being backwards, or similar statement. It had something to do with not having the exact battery needed. The engineer in me thought that we should wait to get the right battery, but I didn’t push the issue. I had to be somewhere and was in a hurry. The guy puts the battery in and asked me to try to start it. Smoke billowed out of several places inside the vehicle. Wtf was going on?!? This guy had reversed the poles on the battery and had effectively electrocuted my jeep. To say that the electrical engineer in me was upset was an understatement. I had to be somewhere. I got them to fix my Jeep so that it would run. I was irate. It was a Friday. I had to be somewhere all weekend. I was back on Monday morning. Thankfully, they did pretty much everything right. The mechanic had quit, thankfully. There were some additional repairs that had to be completed. Everything was covered.

A few years later, I needed some warranty or recall thing done. The dealership wouldn’t handle the recall work because of non Jeep parts. I went back to the local shop, and they replaced everything with Jeep parts. The dealership handled the recall work.

while I was mad about the incompetence of the mechanic, the local shop did the right thing.

Which countries will likely disappear in the coming 10 years? And for what reasons?

It’s a wild assumption, but one very likely case is Yemen

image 30
image 30

For those who quite don’t know, the situation in Yemen is like this

image 29
image 29

The green region is under Houthi control (backed by Iranians), the light red is controlled by Hadi government (backed by Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain and even USA), the yellow is the Southern Transitional Council (a movement that wants South Yemen to come back as it existed prior to 1991), and the white is al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula, also called AQAP

Now one would expect either of the sides to fall, however seeing the way each one is sticking to their captured lands, it looks that another division of Yemen may actually happen. If the AQAP could be vanquished , then the country would end up with three separate authorities, leaving the whole field very much open for a possible trifurcation . It’s quite possible that the Southern Council could get vanquished too, if that happens then a bifurcation would happen, leading to once again a North and South Yemen to emerge.

The difference would be that unlike the previous versions where North Yemen was an independent Arab Republic and South Yemen was a communist state, this time North Yemen would be an Iran-backed client state whereas South Yemen would be a Saudi-UAE backed client state.

Too white

Chicken Cubes with Cherries, Pineapple and Lichees
(Bo Lo Lichees Gai Kew)

2023 12 21 19 54
2023 12 21 19 54


  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1 teaspoon sherry
  • 2 teaspoons light soy sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon anise pepper
  • 1 tablespoon chopped scallion
  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 cups vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons ketchup
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1 cup lichee juice
  • 1 cup lichee meat
  • 1/2 cup maraschino cherries
  • 1/2 cup pineapple chunks


  1. Bone chicken and cut into cubes; mix sherry, light soy sauce, anise pepper and chopped scallion together, pour over chicken and marinate for 30 minutes.
  2. Beat egg white and 2 tablespoons of cornstarch together. Pour over chicken breast mixture.
  3. Heat oil to 325 degrees F. Deep fry chicken. Drain on paper towels.
  4. Mix sugar, ketchup, vinegar, 1 tablespoon cornstarch and lichee juice in saucepan; stir until thickened. Add lichee meat, cherries and pineapple. Stir until hot, then serve over chicken.

Yield: 1 serving

What is the sneakiest thing you did to get back at an awful neighbor? Did you get caught?

He knew it was me.

This was Central Florida, the lawns were St Augustine grass that with lot of water, mulching and fertilizer, they grew a couple inches a week, and the leaves are wide and tough unlike the soft lawns up north.

My neighbor disliked me because I built a 2 story house and that blocked the view of the lake. We worked for the same company and he was upset that I was hired in at a management level although he didn’t work for me.

Our lawns were about a 1/3 acre, so a Saturday cut and trim would easily take 3 hours with a normal lawn mower.

He bought a basic riding lawnmower, and he would drive his mower on my property, up to 5′ before making a U Turn. That was OK, except he would make the hard turn on top of my sprinklers. Almost every week, I had to replace the broken PVC pipe, digging up my lawn. I tried several things to dissuade him, but in the end on a Friday night, I brought home about 20′ of a high strength braided steel cabling. It was the smallest diameter I could find. I uncoiled it surrounding the sprinkler heads pushing down into the tall grass so you would never see it. But you would hear it, and I was in my garage when I knew he ran over it. The racket it made was frightening.

Even a 25″ blade on a 10 HP motor couldn’t cut it. But it did wrap it around the shaft and stalled the motor. All 20 feet of the cable was gone from my yard.

He had to push his mower to the garage, and spent the rest of the day disassembling his mower to untangle the mess.

That was the last time he went on my lawn.

Can the Chinese government stop Chinese citizens, especially the billionaires and millionaires, from leaving China?


The Only Billionaires who are restricted from leaving are those who are Directors of Public Companies or Director’s/Top Executives of Companies that owe minimum 10 Million RMB in Loans to Banks or vide Public Bonds

They need an exit visa

Others can leave when they want

Many Billionaires from the Mainland have their families in Singapore, Australia and USA while they live in the Mainland for 6–9 out of 12 months a year

The only rule for them is they cannot repatriate in excess of $ 300,000 a year out of China , that too for very specific reasons

So what they earn in China, must be kept in China at all costs

They try sending more money out, they face upto 18 years jail

So keep your family wherever you want, have Villas in Sydney or Florida, Send your mainland sons to UK for school but THE MONEY YOU EARN IN CHINA CANNOT LEAVE CHINA OR YOU NEVER SEE DAYLIGHT AGAIN FOR AT LEAST 10–18 YEARS

Who is the most notorious mad genius of all time?

How about instead of notorious we focus on an evil genius that should be more notorious? Nazi scientists always get all the focus but what if I told you Japan had their own version of an evil scientist and he was an absolute monster.

Meet Shirō Ishii – a serious piece of sh%t

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This guy was a Doctor and microbiologist- and a rather smart one at that. He was regarded as a brilliant person for nearly his entire life. He was well educated and joined the army as a doctor. While there he caught the eyes of his superiors and was sent for further education at Kyoto Imperial University.

During WW2 he was placed in charge of Unit 731 and this is what he was known for.

What was unit 731? Well, they were a scientific unit that conducted experiments and thought up new ways to win the war. Some examples of things they did include

  • Imprisoning women, raping them until they got pregnant, and then running horrid painful experiments on them just so they could see how certain poisons affected pregnant women.
  • They would infect people with syphilis and then cut them open (while alive and awake) so they could see what their bodies did as the infection progressed. Women, men, and even children were forcibly infected
    • This is called vivisection- its the practice of cutting someone open while alive to see what their body is doing and its typically done when experimenting on animals. In unit 731 they did it to people without anesthesia- always resulting in a slow agonizing death for the person.
  • Injected people with animal blood to see what happens (bad way to die)
  • Placed people in centrifuges and spun it until they died
  • Deprived prisoners of food and water to see how long it was until they died
  • Placed people in low-pressure chambers until their eyes popped out
  • Burned people alive to see how long they would live
  • Injected people with saltwater to see what would happen
  • Poisoned people to see the effects
  • gave people radiation poisoning to see the effects
  • Leave 3-day old babies in the cold just to see how long it took them to freeze to death
  • Tested flamethrowers on live people
  • Tested grenades on live people
  • Removed organs for fun. For instance, they would remove someone’s stomach and attach their esophagus to their intestines directly.
  • Tested hundreds of diseases and biological weapons on people

In all, around 10,000 prisoners were killed by Unit 731 and as many as 20,000 were tested on. The biological weapons produced by this unit were used to kill as many as 500,000 civilians

On a side note not even the Nazis used chemical weapons in WW2 (they only did in concentration camps). The ONLY nation to employ chemical weapons against civilian and military targets in WW2 was Japan.

You may wonder what happened to Shirō. I mean we caught him and put him on trial for war crimes right?


He was given full immunity in exchange for full disclosure of his tests. American microbiologists stated that Shirō’s findings were extremely valuable and impossible to replicate unless the experiments were done again.

Shirō lived out the remainder of his life a free man and died in 1959.

Humor: What are some of the greatest examples of presence of mind?

A businessman went to a shoe store to purchase a new pair of shoes. He was a prominent person in that town. After selecting a pair of shoes with size 8 he asked the salesperson to pack it. The salesperson had just started his career and joined the shoe store a few days back.

The businessman soon discovered that he had left his wallet at home. He told the salesperson that he would take the shoes with him and make the payment the next day. The salesperson being new to business excused himself in order to discuss this matter with the store manager. The manager knew that the customer is an eminent businessman; however, was reluctant to deliver the shoes without payment. At the same time, he was not ready to lose a sale too. He advised the salesperson to handle the situation in the best manner possible and left the place.

The salesperson stood there frozen for a few minutes unable to decide. He then returned to the customer, started packing the shoes and handed the package to the customer.

The next day the customer arrived at the store with the shoes he had purchased, made the payment for his purchase and told the salesperson that “After opening the package I found one shoe with size 8 and the other with size 7. Maybe you packed them by mistake. Can I have the shoes with size 8 please?” The salesperson apologized for the inconvenience caused and replaced the wrong size shoe with the correct one. The customer collected his shoes and left the store with satisfaction.

The manager happened to overhear their conversation and realized that the salesperson had used his presence of mind and handled the situation very well. They didn’t lose their business as well as the customer.


It is by the presence of mind in untried emergencies that the native metal of a man is tested. If an individual has a calm state of mind, his attitude and views will be calm and tranquil even in the presence of great agitation.

What were some of the incidents where you displayed your intelligence as a kid?

In the fourth grade, Mr. Mowry, our high school biology teacher, visited and gave a lecture. Afterward, he asked the class to name the smartest animal.

One kid said “chimpanzee.” Another said “dolphin.” I kept waving my hand, but he ignored me. (He later told my mother he knew I knew the answer.)

Finally, after the rest of the class ran out of ideas, he asked me. The class looked incredulous when I said “human beings.” After all, people aren’t animals.

His response was “Life has only two choices. Plant or an animal. Which is it?”

(When I had him as a teacher in the tenth grade, I pointed out there were other life forms, such as fungus and bacteria. He acknowledged that, but figured it was a bit much for a fourth grade class.)

In any case, it felt like my fifteen minutes of fame.

It’s been downhill since then.

What happened at a wedding that made you feel horrible for the bride?

I was at a wedding once where the Groom ended up in hospital with achohol poisoning, but it wasnt what you think.

There is a tradition where I live, where right after the ceremony, the bridesmaids “steal” the Groom and take him for a drink. While the groomsmen do the same thing with the Bride.

An hour later, right on time, the groomsmen had the Bride at the next venue where the dinner and dance was to be held, but there was no sign of the bridesmaids and the Groom.

We guests sat around for a bit, wondering what was going on, and eventually food was served despite the fact there was no Groom, and the Bride was looking more and more upset.

It wasn’t until the start of the wedding dance that news filtered through about what happened.

The Groom had never, up to this, had a drink in his life. And the over enthusiastic bridesmaids had made the guy down several hard drinks in that hour.

And, he reacted really badly to them.

So badly they had to take him to the emergency room to be treated for poisoning, and that is where he spent their wedding night.

The rest of the wedding evening for us as guests, kinda fizzled out as you can imagine. But that poor Bride was in tears and left shortly after the dinner to be with her new husband.


After you became a parent, what did you realize that your parents had right all along?

A lot of things, but I’ll focus on just one for this answer. Maybe other parents can relate:

Cooking for the family is a one-person job.

My children always want to help me cook. I remember, as a child, I always wanted to help my mom cook, but she only let me help on the weekends. Now, I usually only let my kids help me cook on the weekends, too.

In fact, during the week, I kick them out of the kitchen, just like my mother did with me 30 years ago.


Because, after a long day at work, cooking is actually very relaxing… if you’re doing it alone. Cooking with children is mostly just teaching and supervising. I do that all day. I don’t want to come home and do more of it most days.

Plus, when children “help” you cook, it just slows you down, and I’m usually in a hurry to make dinner before my wife gets home.

My children also tend to stand right behind me when I’m cooking, and I’ve tripped over them before. So now, for speed and safety reasons, I have a “the only person who should be in the kitchen while I’m cooking is me” policy on weekdays.

What is the strangest medical thing that has happened to you?

My mom took me to see this doctor when I was 8 years old and she wouldn’t tell me how come. When we got there the nurses took me in and got me ready for the doctor. They had me laying down with things on my arms and legs so I couldn’t move. I thought this was really funny but I was really embarrassed because I didn’t have clothes on and they could see my boy part. When the doctor came in she started looking at my boy part and she asked me if I know why my mom has brought me here this morning and I didn’t know why. I was like yikes when she told me that in a moment they are going to be circumcising my boy part. I have friends that are circumcised and I know what that means and I was like yikes. They give you stuff so it wouldn’t hurt but I still feel her doing stuff to it and I was like yikes thinking about what she is doing. After it was done and mom come in and got me I was really embarrassed because everyone seen it and know what happened to me. We went for breakfast after and mom told the waitress why I had pajama bottoms on. That was the most embarrassing day ever.

Why has the US failed to rally the Muslim world against China using the Uyghur issue?

Because the biggest killer and tormentors of Muslims (IN THEIR HOME COUNTRIES) this century has been the UNITED STATES!

Back home, Muslims have been discriminated, and watched like a hawk by the authorities, especially those of Middle-east descent.

The last time America “rallied” the Muslim world was the first gulf war, where a UN coalition liberated Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. Cooperation has been downhill ever since. Even MBS, the Crown Prince of Saudia Arabia, has cooled relationships with America and delivered repeat diplomatic snubs. America’s strongest and most important Muslim ally in the Middle East is working hard to diversify risk, such as settling in non-dollar currencies.

Besides, the evidence is weak, and nothing like the blatant genocide/war crime broadcasting live from the Gaza strip today.

What is the most selfish act you have ever witnessed?

I was camping at a campground in Northern California, and had gone to the bathroom in the morning. A guy was washing his hands with his ten year old son. This guy was decked out with a full on safari outfit, right down to the hat and it was clearly brand new.

When they had finished washing hands, the Dad took a few of those super cheap, thin, brown paper towels and dried his hands. When his son reached for his own paper towels, the Dad said “uh uh. Waste not, want not!” And handed him his soggy, used, brown paper towel and the kid had to try to dry his hands with this gross, soggy wad of used paper towel. The dejected look on the kids face said it all.

I was so disgusted with this guy and felt so bad for the kid. If he was so desperate to save such a minute amount of natural resources, he should have let the kid wash and dry first, and used the kids leftovers.

it really felt like psychological abuse, but he said it with such vigor that I think he was just an ignorant narcissist.

I’ll never forget it.

What was the longest night you ever had as a parent?

It was a Friday night and the last day of school. My son would be a Senior in the fall.

When I pulled down our street on my way home from work, I noticed both sides of the street were lined with parked cars. You probably guessed it. My son had turned our house into Animal House! We had just had a pool built and it was full of kids every afternoon. I didn’t mind. I could relax knowing where my son was.

But this wasn’t one of those afternoon get-togethers. This was a full blown wild party. Girls were naked in the pool, and there were whiskey and beer bottles everywhere. It looked like half the high school was packed into my house.

My fear was someone leaving drunk. I couldn’t let that happen. I found my son. I told him and the group with him that I was going to my room and would let them have their party, but I needed everyone to leave me their car keys. I didn’t want anyone leaving drunk.

In my state, 17 yr-olds are not old enough to drink. I am responsible for each one as long as they’re in my house. I’d also be responsible for them drinking at my house, I could be arrested. But my worry was getting those keys and keeping them from leaving. I’d figure something else later.

I had what looked like 10 sets of keys that kids had gave me. I told them to write their name on their keys. I thought that once I got their keys, I wouldn’t be so worried and I’d contact parents and let them know what was going on.

I’d been home about 15 min, and went in my room to change out of my work clothes. In under 10 min, I was out of my room and was going to get more of the kids’ keys. Problem was, no one was there. The house was empty, and the cars on the street were gone, except for a few that were probably passengers now. Not one kid was in sight, only a few articles of clothing had been left floating in the pool.

I was furious. My son had left too. He wasn’t answering his phone either. I called a few parents and explained. A few didn’t enjoy being bothered with it. None of them seemed concerned. I was so upset I puked. I didn’t know what to do, or where to look. I just prayed they were all safe at someone’s house. I cleaned the house, and every 30 minutes called and texted my son. He never replied. I tried to sleep, but I kept thinking about all the terrible things that could happen to them, how one night of partying can ruin the rest of their life. I couldn’t stop thinking. I probably buried my son a dozen times in my mind that night. Around 3am, I dozed off

At 4:14am, I got a call. The connection was poor, and I couldn’t hear every word, plus there was a lot of noise. I heard “this is blablabla with —-sheriffs —-EMT paramedic—-permission to treat———!l? Ma’am? Hello? We need permission —-accident involving 4 minors—-please ma’am!

I was yelling, “ Yes, yes, you have my permission to treat them.” I kept saying it over and over, because our connection was so bad. I wanted them to hear me.

The call was dropped. I hit redial on the phone, but it wouldn’t reconnect with who just called. I didn’t know where the kids were, who was with my son, or the details of the accident and the injuries. It was like being trapped in a horrible nightmare. I didn’t even know where to begin. I called all the hospitals and police stations in the area. Nothing.

I have never felt that much pain and heartache at the same time. I wanted to be with my son. I was no longer angry, I just wanted to to be where my son was. I kept envisioning the worst. I paced the floor while holding my bible, and praying those next few hours. I hit my knees and begged God to take me and leave the kids here in good health. For hours I was frantic. I was shaking and felt so helpless. The not knowing was tearing me up. I felt crazy.

At 6:20am I get a call from the hospital. She can’t discuss the accident or injuries. She just gave me the address and names of the passengers. These 4 boys were in a hospital a 4 hour drive away. I had to drive 4 hrs, having no idea of what condition my son would be in. This had become the worst night of my life.

This drive was a long 4 hours, plus a bad storm had rolled in and made driving difficult. I kept thinking, “ Why doesn’t my son call? It has to be bad if he’s not calling me.” The hospital was in a small town on the way to a popular city on the bay. I couldn’t believe it! They had left the house and driven to the beach. I kept thinking about all the empty beer bottles and whiskey bottles I’d picked up at the house. My mind was thinking the worst.

It had gotten pitch black, and the wind was gusting. I was driving into a bad storm, lightning struck all around me. The rain was so heavy, I could barely see the lights of the gas station ahead of me. The cars on the road had all pulled in to wait out the storm. I figured I should too. thought I’d fill up with gas, but there wasn’t a pump not in use. I pulled over by the air pump and just then lightning stuck a transformer, it was on fire. My nerves were shot. The explosion scared me so badly that I almost pee”ed my pants. I couldn’t take it. I decided to get out of that parking lot before a gas pump exploded. Just as I was about to pull out, I heard the sirens. Tornado sirens! Wtf! I was done, I couldn’t handle this. I just wanted to be with my son. I didn’t know what to do. The rain was now falling almost perpendicular to the ground. My windows were rolled up, and still the rain was coming in. My car was shaking. I put it in park, turned off the key, and just sat there crying and praying. I couldn’t see anything out of the windows. I heard another loud explosion, but couldn’t see what it was. I shut my eyes and cried. I listened to the wind and thunder and sirens. My car was shaking so badly I thought the doors were going to open. Then everything stopped. The wind had pushed me to the end of the parking lot next to the railroad tracks. There were railroad tracks (the big wooden beams) all around my car. I guess the wind pulled them up and tossed them around. I put the car in drive and drove. I was hyperventilating, and pulled over at a rest area. I began thinking I would never make it to my son.

I made it to the hospital, and found the corridor they were on. When I got off the elevator I was looking at a waiting area. My son and his one friend were sitting there talking and laughing. A cop was sitting with them. I ran to my son, and he stood up. At that moment I didn’t know if I wanted to hug him or punish him. (Of course I hugged him.) I was looking at his face and arms and I wanted to count his fingers and toes just like I did the first time I held him. He was holding me as I was crying tears of relief. Not a scratch on my son’s body. All four boys were fine!

The cop told me that he had seen a car in a corn field and stopped to check it out. Apparently the crash had just happened when he arrived because the tires were still spinning. My son had fallen asleep behind the wheel. When the car went off the road onto the shoulder he woke and his reflex was to turn the wheel. This caused the car to spin and he lost control. It hit a cable line and the car flipped 5 times. One boy in the back seat flew through the windshield and landed 30’ from the car. He drove a hatchback, and the other boy in the back seat was thrown out of the back. No one was wearing seat belts, but not one boy needed a stitch. Thank God! The cop said he didn’t think he’d find anyone alive. It was the worst accident that little town had ever seen. I was so relieved that everyone was fine. The cop told me that when he was walking up to the car he followed a trail of beer cans all the way to the car. They were unopened and no one had been drinking. They were tested and they were all found to be sober. The car had flipped through the corn field, and the cop said the corn probably softened the blows.

We had to go to the wrecker yard to pay for towing The cop told me to prepare myself. There was no way to prepare myself for what I was about to see. His brand new car didn’t have one place on it that wasn’t damaged. You couldn’t tell what you were looking at. The front and back looked the same. The door handles were the only thing that made you know which end was where. Ears of corn were sticking out everywhere. It was a sight. I stood there crying and holding my son and his friend. They cried too.

I don’t remember if my son got a ticket. I do remember that I had to drive him to alcohol awareness classes twice a week for a month. And once a week I had to drive that 4 hrs to see the judge for a month. The car was sold for scrap for $325. I joke now, and say that we would have gotten more for the corn. The other two boys were arrested for having marijuana on them. They had to wait for their parents to get them.

This happened 19 yrs ago. Last year I was visiting friends near that little town. We went to play bingo one evening. I was talking with a couple sitting across from me. I had mentioned that the last time I’d been down this way was for a bad accident that my son was in. The man looked at me and said “OMG! You’re —’s mom!” He knew my sons name, and said he was the cop on the screen. He told me how he has never been able to forget that morning and the accident. He still has nightmares about walking up and finding 4 dead boys. His wife said it really got to him. She had told her husband that he needed to maybe find the boys and once he knew they were okay, maybe the nightmares would stop. But he didn’t have contact info. I showed him pics of my son and grandson. This man cried right there in the bingo hall. I think it did us both good. I hope he’s sleeping better.

I truly believe we a learned something that day. It definitely changed all involved.

It was the worst 24 hrs of my life.

Why do bars open your beer for you?

Question: Why do bars open your beer for you?

State law is the primary reason.

Also there’s another more shrewd reason: Any beer that is NOT opened isn’t one that they have sold and it can allow them to 86 a patron who is sneaking in beers to drink.

While this is, of course, uncommon in higher class establishments, in lower-end bars, patrons have been known to BYOB as the prices of the bar’s offerings are unacceptably high in their opinions, necessitating the “need” for them to sneak in their own and defray some of their drinking expenses. The bartender and servers can tell if they see a beer that’s unopened or witness a patron opening their own beverage that the bar didn’t sell it, and they can eject the patron(s) involved.

This actually was quite common at some of the establishments that I used to frequent in North Carolina decades ago. One of the worst fights that I have ever witnessed was when a bartender tried to eject a patron who brought their own and the patron struck the bartender with a bottle. Unfortunately for the patron, things weren’t like a movie and the bartender proceeded to beat the shit out of him which including some kicks to the head when the man was down. Had some other patrons not stopped things, we probably would have witnessed a murder. I left shortly afterward and I never returned to that establishment.

Anyway…an unopened beverage is one that wasn’t sold by the bar and that’s another reason for the bar to open theirs.

How did your marriage end?

Suddenly (for me). He had been planning it for a while as he had met someone else. I found out and confronted him. He admitted it and left. I cried alot mainly because I had two very small children and another on the way. To be honest I was scared. However within a few weeks I began to notice things. The atmosphere in the house was calm and happy and it was MUCH tidier and better organised. . I was far less stressed and not shouting at the children. Mornings were a breeze because I was in charge and there was now a routine. Bedtimes were easy for the same reason (this had been a nightmare before). I enrolled the children in after school activities which they loved and hadn’t been able to do before because ‘we couldn’t afford it’. Also their friends could come over for tea (not allowed before). I had loads of spare money because no one was buying cigarettes or alcohol. Then the icing on the cake… a gorgeous new baby came along. Life was good and 21 years later its better than I ever imagined possible. The woman he left me for is much better for him. She treats him the way he treated me. I am happily married and the children are all grown up. The end of that marriage was the beginning of my life.

Chicken Slices with Sichuan
Peppercorn Sauce (Jiao Ma Ji Pian)

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  • 1/2-1 teaspoon whole Sichuan peppercorns
  • 5 green onions, green part only, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons chicken broth
  • 2 tablespoons light soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon plus 1 1/2 teaspoons sesame oil
  • 1 pound cooked sliced chicken


  1. Soak the Sichuan peppercorns in a small bowl of very hot water for 5 minutes; drain.
  2. Puree the peppercorns, green onions and salt in a food processor; transfer to a small bowl.
  3. Add the broth and soy sauce, stirring until well combined; stir in the sesame oil. Drizzle over the chicken slices.

Serves 4.

What is the strangest thing you’ve ever found in your yard?

I’ve written this before and it seems right for this answer.

When young, this is the strangest thing we found in our yard.

Dad had a house built in a new subdivision just out of town. It was one of the first houses. It used to be prairie land.Here’s the story.

Yes. We had a very large, beautiful back yard with fruit trees, lilacs, birch and spruce. It was like a park.
Anyway, mom had my older twin sisters and I doing yard work, or helping in yard work because she wanted us to learn about planting, growing and nurturing.
Lori and Tracy hated yard work. It was like being on a chain gang to them.
“When I have my own place, I’m not having one, bloody plant,” Tracy said. Only she didn’t say bloody.
The twins were sixteen here, I was fourteen. I was digging a hole to plant a small tree mom had bought and my spade kept clunking on something.

Lori was raking and Tracy weeding in the garden with a hoe but no plant was safe with Tracy around. Good and bad plants were sliced to death. She figured the worse she did, mom might not ask her to help anymore. “They’re all green anyway!” The girls had better things to do. They would have much rather been with their friends, boys, or shopping for clothes.

I dug around this thing, pulled it out and cleaned some of the mud off of it. It was a small, very old statue like object about a foot and a half long and a eleven inches high.

“Hey guys, come here,” I called my sisters. I always called them guys. They came running over glad to get away from work. We cleaned off the mud as best we could.
“Holy shit! Do you know what this is?” Lori exclaimed. “RJ, bring it by the house.”

It looked like it was made of cement. I lugged the heavy thing to the house. Lori turned the hose on it and washed off the rest of the mud.
When finished, we stood there looking at a small, very old, well worn statue of a baby kind of laying down in its side. That’s what it clearly was.

Lori looked at Tracy, then me. “I think it could be a grave marker, for a baby. Maybe some pioneer’s child died and they lived around here and buried the child and the father made this statue to honor the baby.” My sisters were real life Nancy Drews plus they had vivid imaginations. Lori had it figured out in minutes. Tracy and I agreed. We couldn’t come up with anything better than that.

“Unless,” I said, “This is a prehistoric baby that was buried and fossilized.”

“Don’t think so,” said Lori quickly.

“Ok,” I said agreeing with my big sister maybe a little too quickly.

“There were no humans in the dinosaur era,” she added, “it’s a babies grave marker.”
We lived a way out in the suburbs. Dad bought the land and built a rather large house on it. Pioneers could have lived here and buried their child.

We got mom and dad to come out and have a look and they thought it quite interesting.
“Dad, maybe if I dug up around there I might find some more neat things,” I said holding my spade. The twins agreed.
“No,” mom said, “knowing you, you’ll have this backyard looking like a prairie dog village.”

We wondered what to do with the baby statue.
“Why don’t you put it by your pet cemetery?” Mom said.
In the far corner of the yard we had a little pet cemetery with some birds, turtles, fish, my gerbil Gerry, and a squirrel we found dead in the yard. All our pets who died except the bird that flew through the open living room window and my rabbit I took out in the back yard the first day I got him. He hopped away, under the fence and was gone.
I was not allowed any pets after that except a fish named Cleo, after Pinocchio’s fish. Cleo was kept in Lori’s room because I overfed the last two fish and they died.
“You’re supposed to sprinkle food in lightly,” said Lori, “not give it a big buffet!” I was not trusted with fish.

Anyway, I’m getting way, way off the subject here.
We liked the idea of the baby stone guarding our pet cemetery and that is where our unexpected find ended up, watching over our deceased pets.
“We have a lot of pets buried out here,” I said after setting the statue near the cemetery.,

“Yeah, and you killed most of them,” Lori said messing my hair. Tracy laughed.

“I did not,” I said, “just two fish that I gave too much to eat and the turtle who escaped and was found under my bed.”

“Cause you left the lid off his pan,” Tracy said.
“I think he was trying to crawl into bed with you.”

We stood there looking at the stone baby, as we called it.

“Back to work guys,” mom called, “Tracy, you’ve chopped weeds and good plants, I told you the difference.”

“They’re all green mother, all look the same,” Tracy said under her breath as she walked back to the house.

It was a pretty neat find that we all remember. To this day, we are still not sure of its story but it was a small statue of a baby laying on its side in rest.

It is a child laying on its side in a fetal position facing you, head on a pillow.

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Legend of the Phantom Fortress | The Ghost Plane that Flew and Landed Itself

What is the most selfish act you have ever witnessed?

A girl I knew, we’ll call her Jen, had a pretty lousy dad.

He was on disability from the government and hadn’t worked in years because of a ““““back injury”””” that didn’t hinder him from partying, playing basketball and romping around with girls.

Consequently, he was perpetually broke and living paycheck to paycheck.

Jen’s mother divorced her father when Jen was 2, largely because of his inability and lack of desire to work.

She remarried another man. They had kids, which was fine, but Jen always felt like an outsider in that household.

Her biological dad was in her life but never came through in the most important moments.

Her birthday came around and when I asked if her dad got her anything, she said, “He couldn’t afford to get me a present.”

Without thinking I said, “But wait? Didn’t he just take a surfing vacation to Mexico?”

She sulked and said, “Yeah…”

I felt terrible. Wished I hadn’t said anything.

A birthday present might seem like a small thing, but it is a big deal to a kid.

What should you do when someone has taken your assigned seat and refuses to move on an airplane?

You call the flight attendant.

Airlines have a rule that everyone must be in their assigned seat on take off.

It is because if there is an accident it makes their processes easier after the fact.

Once the plane is in the air, the attendant may move people around.

You have the choice of moving or not – often if you do, the seat offered to you will be better than the one you have. But check first.

I was in the situation where I had an aisle seat in a bank of 3, and the other two seats were taken up by a couple who were extremely fat. They didn’t speak the language I spoke, but by gesture the man was pretty clear what he wanted, and was getting really angry with me. However, I had sat down and stayed there. There literally was no room for me between them, as it was I could barely keep my seat. He called the flight attendent and was insisted I swap. She explained to him, and then to me, in English, that she had to insist we keep our assigned seats until we were at cruising altitude, and she assured me I wouldn’t have to sit in the middle. When she came back, she asked me if a window seat in bank that had no other people in it was acceptable – of course I jumped at the chance. (I tend to be a bit claustrophobic and find being able to look out the window a true joy.)

Where would you not go because you would be seen as a stranger out of place?

For a pedicure.

That’s a lady’s place.

Not for REAL men.

But I did go, on the mistaken belief that the pedicurist could relieve the discomfort from my ingrown toenails. So a friend told me.

I had no appointment; had to wait. Reading women’s magazines and crayoning in the coloring books for children. I never was very good at that.

The air was thick, redolent, I should say, with estrogen fumes; choking. They were sucking the oxygen out of the room.

There they were, all those females reclined in chairs, sort of like dentist chairs, their feet in little bath tubs. I had never seen that, before. Good Lord, deliver me.

So I deployed my best defense: I turned invisible.

It must have worked; none of the women seemed to recognize my presence, or even my existence. No problem, there; I get a lot of that, anyway.

But, alas, as my power of invisibility slackened, a technician noticed me, and motioned me toward a chair. We could not speak; her language was Vietnamese and mine was Klingon. Hand signals, gestures.

But then, as I reclined, and the warm water engulfed my feet, I started to relax. Then came the gentle massaging of my feet and toes, soon followed by the most gentle clip-clipping I have ever known.

The finale was a massage of my lower legs whereto were applied various emollients and ointments, emitting scents of citrus and of juniper, frankincense and myrrh. I wondered if I was being prepared for burial.

And I’m going BACK.

Why do fast food restaurants now expect tips?

Its called tip creep, I was in a hardware/automotive store a few months ago, when I went to pay, it asked if I wanted to leave a tip. The top suggestion was 35 percent. I glared at the poor cashier, and she said, dont blame me, the new credit card/debit machines all came preprogrammed like that. She had no idea if management had asked for it, or if essentially all new machines were like this. She told me to complain to management, not her, and so I did.

I think its an American problem. I was shocked that many states had frozen minimum wage increases for 25 years.

In some states you only get a couple of bucks an hour, if you make your minimum in tips. This is sick, boost minimum wage to 15 or $16 an hour. Get rid of the bribes, err , tips. When I was in Egypt, if you wanted your government paperwork processed faster you paid a facilitation fee, if you wanted the plumber to move you up the priority list, again it was backshees ( I m not sure of spelling) or a facilitation fee.

Thats what we are moving towards. First it was restaurants and bars, then hair stylists and masseuses, then fast food restaurants, then pick up at pizza joints, then hardware stores. At a hardware store, where I self served, who gets the tip? Would the cashier get 35 percent of all sales, I want that job.

Here in Canada where minimum wage is $15 or $16 , we pay the same tip as the US where its $2.33

So my guess, is that the credit card machines have tips as a default, and fast food restaurants have no incentives to remove it, because who would they give that tip to?

What is the cheapest thing you’ve seen a mega-rich person do?

Years ago, I was traveling with a gentleman who owned multiple companies, all successful, and was worth multiple hundreds of millions. He had rented a car several days before my arrival (I flew in later), and he offered to drive to the airport for the flight home. As he drove, he explained to me that the car was not full on gas when he picked it up, but the rental car checkout person had given him his business card and assured him if there was an issue with the amount of gas on return, he would handle it. As you might expect, on return they wanted to charge him something trivial like $15 to top up the tank. He was livid. He paid, just to get to the flight, but then spent the next hour on the phone and at the gate, and onto the plane, stopping only going through security, arguing on the phone to have it removed. Couldn’t let it go. This man was probably made more money in interest in 1 minute just sitting than he would have saved in a hour+ of arguing. It could not have been worth his time, or rather, his time could have been so much more effectively used.

In my experience with folks at this level, and I’ve met a few, it’s a compulsion. They simply cannot let it go. They will spend a million dollars to make $1.2 million in an instant, but will not spend $5 if they feel taken advantage of.


I was fired 3 days ago out of nowhere after 5 years. Now, the CEO emails me that my job has been “re-instated”, but when I come back, I will get a warning for “low performance”. What can I do?

Rest assured the CEO is not doing it out of the goodness of his heart.

Most likely what happened is the CEO or company realized they need your expertise in something or to train your replacement. Or perhaps as some others pointed out, the company forgot to dot their I’s and cross their T’s when terminating you. Perhaps they had to fire you for cause but didn’t follow progressive discipline procedures. In order to protect themselves and avoid a lawsuit they are bringing you back to perform these tasks.

If you do go back, insist on signing a contract for a certain duration like 12 months. I’d also insist on a certain raise like 25-100%. Whatever you think is reasonable. Insist on no derogatory information in your file. I’d also add language that the contract could only be voided for cause and company bears the cost of the arbitration.

If the company brings you back keep in mind they will try to part ways with you when they no longer need whatever short term assistance so start looking for another job immediately.

Do not under any circumstances come back under their ‘reinstatement’ conditions. You are better off collecting unemployment and looking for other opportunities.

What is something about human psychology that almost nobody knows?

1. A person’s attitude towards life is influenced by the environments in which they grow up.

2. Your thoughts are shaped by your upbringing, culture and societal expectations.

3. Humans have a tendency to try and simplify complex situations into simple concepts.

4. Our mind’s capacity for self-awareness is both a strength and weakness when it comes to problem solving.

5. We are often irrational when making decisions, but this doesn’t mean we’re illogical creatures.

6. Nonverbal communication accounts for over 70% of how we communicate with each other.

7. Self-perception is formed through interactions with our environment, including family, peers and media messages.

8. Everyone has implicit biases that influence their beliefs and behaviours, regardless of how aware they are of them or not.

9. Fear can be a powerful motivator as well as an inhibitor of personal growth depending on how it’s managed and directed .

10. Emotions play a significant role in decision making processes, more than many people realize or acknowledge .

Should the Chinese government be held responsible for the recent commuter train mishap in Beijing?

Of course they must be responsible

In China, the subway is a social infrastructure, not a profitable business.

Although the subways are operated by “subway companies” in various cities, they are usually state-owned enterprises.

In other words, the equity of the subway system is controlled by the government.

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Therefore, in an accident like the Beijing Subway, there will be two different responsibilities.

1. Legal liability

The subway company must make up for the losses, which includes repairing damaged vehicles and facilities, rescuing injured passengers, and paying their medical expenses and emotional distress. They also face criminal prosecution if anyone dies.

In short, they must bear all the responsibilities that a Western subway company should bear.

Of course, insurance companies also play a very important role. They will activate insurance clauses to provide necessary compensation.

2. Political responsibility

Since subway companies are state-owned enterprises, they must bear more political responsibilities than private companies. In other words, an official must be held responsible for the accident.

First, the subway director of the Beijing Municipal Transportation Management Bureau must bear direct responsibility. He may be subject to isolation and review to determine whether he has committed malfeasance. If suspected of committing a crime, he would be thrown in jail. If not, you are usually fired.

Secondly, the director of the Beijing Municipal Transportation Bureau must assume management responsibilities. He usually needs to make a public apology and be demoted or transferred to a minor position.

Also, the director of the Beijing Emergency Management Bureau must assume management responsibilities and accept investigation. Are they doing their job and completing routine inspections and supervision? If not, it’s usually demoted or fired.

In China, for any important social incident, government officials will be investigated and held responsible. If you think that after the accident, some official stood up and said: “We are very sorry.” Then it could be over, and then you’d be totally wrong.

What is the most witty reply you have given ever?

I don’t know if it’s witty or not, but it stunned the other person and was extremely satisfying.

When I was in my early twenties I worked at one of those cookie stores in the mall. I was working With my friend L who hired one day when a man in his 60s or so came up. I started helping him and L went behind me and kind of playfully kicked me, I laughed and told her not to kick me. I’ll agree it was childish, but that isn’t what upset that man. I’m guessing that just dropped me that last little bit lower in his eyes and he figured he needed to tell me off.

“I think you should be kicked for having that shit in your face.” I had a small nose stud at the time.

For just the tiniest hair of time I was stunned and had no idea what to say… then he opened his mouth again.

“What does your dad think of that?!” Big old smirk, oh he thought he had me on that one.

But I knew I won.

“I don’t care, he was an abusive alcoholic that almost beat my mom to death and molested me at eight, and he’s dead now. My mom however thinks I’m amazing in every way and is happy we all turned out well.” Big smile. All true by the way, I just don’t normally tell strangers all the details like that in go.

His face fell and he stared. Then he grabbed his cookie and stomped away.

What weird rule did you have as a child that you thought was absolutely normal?

We had to announce to the rest of the family any time we were going to use the bathroom, and how long we thought we’d be in there.

This was because we only had one bathroom and my father got really mad at us if we interrupted him while he was in there, or if my sister was in there for a long time, as she tended to do when she was a teen.

Some of my fondest memories from childhood are of my sister knocking on the door to get into the bathroom, like it was an emergency, shortly after my father went in there. It was never really an emergency. She just needed to fix her hair or something.

My dad: [Goes into bathroom, newspaper in hand.]

Thirty seconds later, my sister comes out of her room and starts knocking like crazy on the bathroom door.

My dad: [Godammit I just got in here! Leave me alone!]

So, every time any of us needed to use the bathroom for any reason, we’d stand in front of it and say, loud enough for everyone in the house to hear, something like:

“I’m going to the bathroom now! I’ll be in there for about ten minutes!”

Then we’d pause, in case someone wanted to use it quickly before we went in there.

I didn’t realize until I was an adult that announcing to your family that you were going to the bathroom wasn’t a normal thing to do.

Has a housekeeper ever said something to you which was completely unexpected?

YES… when I was in South Africa, I hired a maid through an agency. She arrived on the appointed day. She gave me the agent’s papers and introduction letter, and she asked me where she should start. I said she could start with cleaning the oven. “Oh no,” she said, “I don’t clean ovens”. “That is OK,” I said, “make yourself a cup of tea and make some breakfast for yourself and then I will give you your money and you can leave”. She looked very crestfallen and told me she needed the job. I said “OK; then clean the oven and you can stay”. She cleaned the oven.

She stayed for 30 years, and every month we had the same conversation. She left the agency after a month and she became my best friend, my companione.n, my housekeeper, my babysitter, and my nurse when I was ill. When she retired, I paid her a pension for the next 12 years till she died of COVID-19. I miss her very much. She was a wonderful woman.

What is your best parking spot revenge?

In my youth I was hard up for a summer job so I took a position delivering newspapers. I was a substitute driver for the regular person doing the route. My paper had a shed where I and the other drivers would come to load up our papers at about 4 am, and across the alleyway there was another shed where the rival newspaper distributed papers to it’s drivers.

One morning I park in front of my paper’s shed to load up. As was my usual practice I used the tying machine in the shed to secure a couple dozen papers to throw at the beginning of my route and loaded them in my car. I then loaded stacks of papers that I put rubber bands on while driving to use for the rest of the route.

I found that while I was doing all this, the delivery truck for the rival paper had unloaded several large stacks of their papers just behind my car. I was ready to leave for my route but could not start because the papers were in my way. I went over to the other paper’s shed and asked the guys there to please move the papers so I could leave my parking spot. They laughed at me and said I could move them myself.

So, I did. I got in my car, started it up, put it in reverse, and backed out of the space. The stacks of papers went flying, my rear wheels driving over many of them. I then accelerated forward over the papers and they shot out in a satisfying rooster tail all over the parking lot and I was off for my route.

Did you ever accidentally overhear a conversation about you from your coworkers?

I was working in a record store that had booths to listen to records before you bought them. I was in a booth setting it up for someone to listen when the boss/owner was outside the booth, not knowing I was there. He started to complain that he did not like my hippie looks and did not trust me. The next day, the manager quit (I do not know the reason), and the boss came to me the next day and wanted me to take over as the store manager. I told him I would think about it. After work, I called the ex-manager and asked why he quit. He said he was sick of the two-faced liar that was the boss and he had got a job with a new company called the Wherehouse (an up and coming big chain record company, He asked me if I wanted to be the assistant manager which paid a lot more than I was making.

The next day, I called the boss/owner and told him that I did not want the manager job, and, by the way, I quit. He tried to talk me into staying when I said, “Then why did you say…” and repeated everything he had said about me.

I started at the new record store the next day

The Truth about Paternity Fraud

What happened in the past that seemed too crazy to be true but actually happened?

Otto Von Bismark was a prophet.

In 1888 he predicted the following

“One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans”

In 1914 the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Serbia (in the Balkans) would be the event that led to WW1

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Then in his final days, he said

Jena came twenty years after the death of Frederick the Great; the crash will come twenty years after my departure if things go on like this.

Exactly 20 years after Bismark’s death Germany would lose WW1 and nearly collapse.

In his final meeting with Wilhelm, he stated

“Your Majesty, so long as you have this present officer corps, you can do as you please. But when this is no longer the case, it will be very different for you”

Indeed when the present officer corps moved on and were replaced by the next generation Wilhelm was forced from power and exiled in shame.

Let’s tell some more Bismark facts because the guy was just such a hoot.

  1. During his younger years, he famously got in an average of one duel per month and never lost. Duels as in fights to the death with swords.
  2. While working his first job for the government, he disappeared and left his post randomly only to appear weeks later with the daughter of some English gentry.
  3. There was an assassination attempt during his rise to power. A man shot at him six times and then was disarmed by guards. Bismark said he was fine and walked home. Hours later the royal court doctor finally got in to see Bismark despite the protest of Bismark. Turns out all six bullets hit him but none of them did much damage. Bismark was just unconcerned about the whole thing.
  4. Bismark was a local lord in his younger years. He had an estate with some peasants who worked for him. He would announce his entrance into their homes by shooting a gun in the air or releasing a fox.
  5. He would drink two bottles of champagne and smoke two cigars for breakfast
  6. There was a period where rebels took the Prussian King (his king) hostage. At the time Bismark was still a countryside lord minding his land. He decided to raise his farmers into a peasant militia and free the king. As he went to leave with his militia, a local man told him to stop whipping up the peasants and go home. Bismark responded, “You know me to be a kind man, but if you try to stop me I will shoot you”.
  7. For all of his antics and wild personality, he ended up marrying a very calm, devout, conservative Christian lady.

The rest of his story is a little less flashy but just as interesting. The man was a freak of nature. He played Europe like a chessboard for decades. He created Germany and accidentally the French Republic, and he was one of the most brilliant political minds ever.

Let’s end with some fun quotes because why not.

“If you like laws and sausages, you should never watch either one being made.”

“There is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children and the United States of America.”

Next a few Andrew Jackson facts.

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  1. After being elected president of the United States, Andrew Jackson faced an assassination attempt. Richard Lawrence bought a gun and approached Jackson to shoot him. The first shot misfired, and the second shot misfired as well. Jackson noticed this and proceeded to attack the man and beat him with his cane. Jackson’s guards had to pull Jackson off his assassin — what a mad lad.
  2. After winning his election, Jackson threw a rager in the White House inviting a ton of random people in to drink heavily. The party went on for hours and was out of control. Jackson was forced to flee the out-of-control party through an upper-floor window.
  3. Andrew Jackson loved to duel, like step back and shoot each other type duel. In a duel with Charles Dickenson, Jackson did something bonkers. As the men turned, Jackson just stood there. You see the rules were that both men had to stand still until both shots were fired. Charles turned and shot hitting Jackson around his ribs. Jackson then took his time to aim so that his shot would be fatal. He calmly took a bullet so he could kill his opponent guaranteed.

When Jackson’s friend approached him about this, Jackson said

“If he had shot me through the brain, sir, I should still have killed him.”

In what ways is India better than the United States of America? What could the USA learn from India?

I have been living in the US for about 7 months now. I am strictly comparing my life in India and here:

  1. India has PayTM: You don’t need to carry cash, cards. Most businesses, even small stores, auto rickshaws have paytm facility. Here I cannot, cannot, leave my credit card at home!
  2. Public Transport: Is almost non-existent, at least where I live. There is the Caltrain, at a 1 hour frequency, and some buses and VTA, but they usually do not cover the routes I need. And I cannot just take an auto rickshaw to the grocery or Target/Walmart. If I don’t have a car, I need to depend on Uber/Lyft which are expensive.
  3. Online shopping experience: Myntra, Jabong, Flipkart, Amazon, most e-commerce biz in India have home pickup for returns, which you don’t have here.
  4. Laundry is a headache: Most apartments do not have in house laundry, dryers, and making several trips to the laundry room is not something I enjoy. Not to mention, it is expensive too ($1.5 laundry + $1.25 dryer per load)
  5. Medical Services are way too expensive and not easily accessible: Medicines and vaccines are expensive. Something like a tetanus shot which costs Rs. 50 (less than $1) in India, costs $80 here. I can get spectacles made for Rs. 2000 (~ $30) in India, but it would cost me upwards of $300 here. In India, I do not need an appointment in most cases, and I can walk in to a clinic. For my son’s eye checkup, I got an appointment for after 2 months. For the spectacles, the optometrist said they do not have the technician available and can only accommodate us after 3 weeks(!!).
  6. Paper wastage: I get so many paper adverts in my mail every two days, which go straight in to the bin. Sheer waste of paper! And the DMV refused to accept a soft copy of one of my documents. They said they need a hard paper copy! I thought the US was at the forefront of the Digital revolution.
  7. Tipping: Expect to pay about 15%-30% more than your actual restaurant bill, for the tip. There is no service whatsoever, servers just come and put your food on the table.
  8. Shopping experience: Shopping here is not something I enjoy. There is usually no one around to help you with sizes, suggestions or finding something. They simply tell you to go help yourself by saying that whatever they have is out there, so you are left to find stuff yourself.
  9. Lifeless atmosphere: Every city, village in India is vibrant, full of life (and noise 🙂 ). I miss that very much here.

Of course, my answer is restricted to my observations and my small sphere of life. There are definitely greater differences, social, political, economical, which some people have put up here. I just listed some that common folks like me might experience.

Thank you for the upvotes!

Just a couple of months short of completing a year in the US, and I keep finding things that I wish were different ( I know I sound very cynical, but I am not, and I do appreciate the good things in the US too)

Going to add a few more to this list:

10. Road trips aren’t as much fun as they are back in India. Half the fun of those long road trips lies in watching the scenic beauty on the way and halting at roadside dhabas or tapris for chai and bhajiyas or food. Be it any highway, you are bound to find one or two such small roadside hotels or dhabas where you can stop and savour hot food and talk and laugh with your companions. I do not find that here. Road trips are just driving on long freeways or interstates where sometimes people tend to fall asleep due to the monotonous driving.

11. International shipping : There are very few choices in that regard, namely FedEx, UPS and probably DHL. And they are quite expensive. FedEx gave me an estimate of between $100–200 plus $30 for the box ( which is not charged separately in India) for a 4lb (less than 2kgs) shipment. Whereas, our parents sent us 8 kgs of Diwali faraal 🙂 from Pune for less than $70.

12. I miss the air of celebration or festivity here. During Diwali, Indians might put up their festive lights and diyas on their patios, but they do that and go back into their houses and shut the doors or pull the blinds. That’s that! That was Diwali here. Sad. But, the same Indians celebrated Halloween with such gusto, I was left wondering is this what happens when we move to the US? That we forget to celebrate our own festivals the way they ought to be while embracing the festivities of the West? While I see nothing wrong with the latter, I would have definitely loved to see more enthusiasm towards the former.

13. Gun violence: The gun violence happening in the US is being covered in almost newspaper and sites. It has created a general unsafe atmosphere. Especially the shootings in schools and colleges, innocent young lives being snuffed out by some senseless act of violence are tremendously sad.

14. New Year celebrations: India – restaurants, malls, roadside dhabas, almost everywhere that you get food, open till 5 am. US- most restaurants closed post lunch or early evening on 31st Dec and closed whole day on 1st January. So, we had very limited choices of restaurants to go to for New Year’s Eve dinner.

15. Limited places for kids to play: Most apartments here do not allow kids to play inside the apartment premises. Kid scooters, bicycles are not allowed. Playing in corridors is also discouraged so as not to disturb residents during quiet hours. Going to a park everyday is not possible. So, all in all, kids have only the school grounds to play mostly. It would be very helpful if apartments designate a play area for kids.

What moment at the office made you realize, “It’s time to start looking for a new job”?

When my son was an infant, after my wife’s maternity leave was over, she went back to work about 30 minutes from our house. My job was about 90 minutes from our house. I had to leave home by 6am every morning to take my son to my in-laws for the day, so I could make it to work on time. Then, I had to be the first one out the door at work to make it back to my in-laws so I could pick up my son and bring him home. On a good day, I would be home with him by 6pm. On a bad day, particularly if it was snowing, we might not make it home until 8pm.

One day, my son slept through the morning ride to my in-law’s place, and was asleep when I went to get him at the end of the day. I realized, when I went to sleep that night, that I had not seen my son awake that entire day. Worse… he hadn’t seen me that day.

So I started looking for a job closer to home. Over the years, I’ve taught at four different schools, always getting as close as possible to my own house, to maximize the time I get to spend with my children. I’ve got my commute down to fewer than ten minutes now. It’s great! I even come home on my lunch break so I can walk the dog some days.

What is the stingiest thing that you have seen a family member do?

When I was very young, I’m guessing about 5 ,my uncle gave me a letter holder that was shaped like a dachshund, it became my favorite toy.

My grandfather was visiting, and he saw me playing with the letter holder. Which was dogs front and rear separated by coils, which would have held letters.

He said, “you’re playing with office equipment, that’s not for little boys, you don’t want that do do you “ I assured I did, that it was my favorite toy. He took it anyway. My mother wouldn’t stand up to him, and he was gone.

When he died about 10 years later. I went to his office to get my toy back, just on principle. It wasn’t on his desk, my grandmother said that she had never seen anything that looked like what I described.

When I was about 8, we had a standalone bathroom sink that just stuck out of the wall. My grandfather very nicely made us a stand that went around the sink, with two doors on the front. It allowed us to store stuff in the bathroom. It looked professionally done. He said it was practice for the one he would build himself.

A month later, he came down with one that was miscut badly. He took it into the bathroom and replaced the good one with the garbage one.

He said that he needed the good one in his nice house, and the crappy one wouldn’t look out of place in our house, and he didn’t want to spend the money on new supplies.

Honestly! Who would take back, what was supposedly a gift of love, that he had made for his daughter.

What are some of the funniest “got fired” stories?

Writing anonymously so it don’t come to bite me back…

To win some times you ‘really’ have to lose

I was working for a US based MNC in India’s self proclaimed Silicon valley.

I was leading a team, the work was too strenuous. I was clocking in around 12–17 hours of office time everyday for almost 8 months. My health started to deteriorate (constant back problems) due to long hours of sitting. I was not able to spend time with my newborn baby. Had to practically live in office for almost couple of months. And to top it all , Management was the least bit supportive , they take employees for granted and make their life hell. As in most services based companies , work life balance is a distant dream. They thought Vacations are an aberration, And thought that the more miserable an employee became the more productive he becomes.

To cut the long story short , I decided enough is enough and that I would pull the plug on the job. I work for my life sustenance and not the other way around. The problem is we have to serve 3 months of Notice period, which is a big NO for most recruiters. During the week when I was mentally preparing for this ordeal, my Manager approaches me saying , your performance is OK, but we are initiating a Performance Improvement Program (PIP) for your own benefit. Which they thought would make me more productive. They thought this would make me teach a lesson, and I would work ‘HARDER’, and this was a process were they monitor me for a month and would let go if employee is not performing better. This is an absolute horrendous experience for any employee to go through. Let alone somebody who literally ‘broke their back working’.

But this was a boon in my scenario if I fail not only they would let me go in a month but also they would give me four months Salary ( They don’t want the undesirables to hang around). I kind of simply stopped working , and made sure I fail in ALL the review meetings , we don’t want to leave anything for chance do we? , with a puppy face of course. So at the end of the Month , I was relieved of my duties and I received 4 months of my salary in due time. And I landed the next job in 2 months which gave me 30% hike as well.


0:02 / 16:40

I’ve LEFT China Moved to Germany (BIG MISTAKE)

What was your “I am surrounded by idiots” moment?

There was a time, quite a few years ago, when I worked as a cashier at Burger King. I mostly worked at the front counter, taking orders and keeping things neat and tidy up front.

One night, I noticed that our drive-thru times were seriously lagging, even though we weren’t that busy. The kitchen was sending food out quickly, and I was bagging it up just as fast, so why did we have four orders waiting to go out the window?

I went to investigate and found my drive-thru employee in the middle of a meltdown. We had a dinosaur for a system back then, and the drive-thru was tricky because the register didn’t tell you how much change to give back, just how much the order cost. To help those who needed it, we kept a calculator by the register, but apparently, nobody had thought to let the new girl know it was there.

Honestly, though, she wasn’t the only one who struggled with making change, and it always shocked me how many people were incapable of doing basic math without technological assistance.

Long story short, I ended up teaching many of them how to make change without the calculator, but it was shocking how many high school and college kids could not make small change.

What would you like to remind everyone?

After my husband was killed in an accident, friends and family sent their condolences and were ready to help me with whatever they could. Many brought us meals and others took care of the yard work and some gave money and gift cards. I was very grateful for all their kindness. It was overwhelming how kind people were, it brought tears.

In time things began to settle down. I was cooking out meals and mowing the yard. But what continued on was the sympathy. I’d be in Walmart and I’d see a friend or neighbor, and the conversation would be about how I was doing and how sorry they were, and even when I’d say I’m doing fine and just want to get past the pain, it was as if they didn’t hear me.

Everytime the phone rang it was someone who was reaching out, praying for me, and asking if I was ok.

It’s hard to be grateful and appreciate all the support, but at the same time wanting to move on without hurting anyone.

Grieving my loss was going well. It was front constantly reminded of the tragedy that set me back. I had to stop answering my phone so I could heal. One day someone was knocking relentlessly at my door. I opened it to find a friend that I hadn’t talked to since before my husbands death. She was telling me to get my purse and come with her. I asked where we going? She said to have some fun, so grab your purse and let’s go.

Not once did she bring up his death. We talked about the stuff we had always talked about. We got our nails done, ate lunch at our fav fajita restaurant and stopped at a few antique stores. When we got to my house I asked her why I hadn’t heard from her and why she didn’t even ask how I was doing. Her answer was, she didn’t need to ask how I was doing, she knew how I was doing, she said you were grieving. I let you grieve. Nothing I could say or do would benefit you. I figured that after a few months of grieving you’d be ready to get away from everything and everyone that’s keeping you from moving on. She hugged me and said softly, Lori, it’s time to move on and live your life.

She was an amazing person and best friend.

What is the coolest line a pilot has said to the passengers?

G’day folks, this is your captain speaking. Sitting next to me is my old cellmate Dave ‘Eye Patch’ Gordon who failed his driving test but passed the FAA exam, so as long as there’s no roads up there, we’ll be pretty safe. ‘Dave turn that oil leak light off please.’ We’ll be flying up over New York, then over Canada, where, on the way in, we were shaken like a shitting dog, so we’ll try and avoid that really rough air – no promises, but we’ll try. Then we’ll turn and begin our passage over the Atlantic. That British Airways jet parked next to us gave us the bird last night, so we’re likely to give that asshole a close pass on climb-out. Our cabin crew, led by the gorgeous and ample Lisa will serve you dinner later. Enjoy a few drinks on us and when we turn off the no-smoking sign, light-up those Malboros and be kind enough to throw one in my direction. In the meantime, while we’re waiting for our slot from these union controllers, spare a thought for us pilots, whose lives depend on these assholes when they walk off the job. We’re flying an old 747 original today, so if you hear it moaning and groaning or even see an engine fall off, we have three others, built in 69 and patched up with some really good glue. Dave, turn that fucking oil leak light off.

What is your evaluation of the recent visit to China by a delegation of Arab foreign ministers? Do they want China to attack Israel?

Maybe they do but unlike the U.S. China has culture, US don’t. Unlike the U.S. China knows right from wrong., the U.S. don’t! Unlike the U.S. they are mature, he U.S. is not! probably will never be! China don’t want anybody to attack anybody!

China don’t want another death. China want a safer and better and more peaceful world. These Arab and Muslim world want China to help make a better world. Not one that the white Caucasian can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and decide that they feel like carpet bombing them to kill their grand parents and their babies and children and they can pluck from the sky any excuses such as WMD or made up genocide such as Uyghurs forcing Japan into a 30 years stagflation!

Arabs an Muslims are not wrong, they want a life that the U.S. cannot fxxked the up! Or steal every penny that they work hard to save. But U.S. insist that they must have the monopoly rot do genocide and slaughter! Why?

Because of their skin colour! Because of their religion and their Anglos Saxon culture! They can kill and not be killed! Because like whites Caucasian humans they deserved to raped any coloured women and lynched any coloured human because they are 4/5 of an actual human!

Yes their message is that there are are behind the Chinese. If the U.S. misbehave they will all fight a war that totally destroy America. China is frankly calming them down! The world ought to rid the U.S. rules based International order 50 years ago!

DNA Clinic Reports: Half Of Men Who Take Paternity Tests Are NOT The Real Father

What psychological tricks and hacks are useful to know?

1. Try to maintain a positive attitude as much as possible, it will make you more productive and better equipped to handle challenges.

2. Challenge yourself by setting realistic goals that stretch your capabilities and inspire you to work harder.

3. Take regular breaks throughout the day to give yourself time to relax and recharge.

4. Surround yourself with positive people who support you and help you achieve your goals.

5. Visualize success in your mind’s eye – see yourself completing the task or achieving the goal in a clear, focused way and visualize this outcome happening with ease and enthusiasm.

6. Break down tasks into small manageable steps to help avoid feeling overwhelmed or discouraged by large projects or goals.

7. Create positive self-talk statements that motivate and remind you of your goals, abilities, and purpose throughout the day.

8. Minimize multitasking and focus on completing one task at a time for greater clarity and productivity in your work or personal life endeavors.

9. Reassess strategies that have not worked for you in the past, rather than feeling like a failure try again with a different approach if necessary for success in any situation .

10 Finally remember, patience is key! Allow yourself adequate time to grow and accomplish objectives in life without putting too much pressure on yourself to succeed quickly .

What’s the best revenge you’ve gotten after being fired or let go from a job?

Well this is not exactly of being fired or let go from a job but the revenge factor is there. Pretty immature now but at the time a very sweet one.

Back in the 80s I was on my senior year to become a CTA by Christmas. The well done summer job in the research lab of the local paper mill was rewarded by a job offering after I graduate. We set the contract signing to end of November. Surely I was happy about this.

Cometh the day of signing and the head of the HR explained they’ve received an order from high up that I cannot be hired. No names or reasons were given. After pulling some strings I got to know the picture.

In the lab school we had two classes and the teacher of the other one was an mean old frustrated witch for whom anybodys happiness and joy was a thorn in the eye. Nobody got along with her but since she was about to retire people just put it up with her. She of course heard about my job offer. As we of course all knew her husband was the chief of all labs at that papermill. The order not to recruit me came from him and was based on some bullshit about me. I personally never met him so it was easy to guess where the order came from. When I confronted the Witch about this she just smiled vily and said something nasty which prooved my suspicions. I was so furious I didnt know how to sit or think straight. Eventually left town to work at the university lab instead and academia actually became my career.

She was a dedicated gardener and had a collection of massive palm trees and other plants in our coffee room. Comes the graduation day all her plants suddenly turned brown and died. She was utterly upset about this and with watery eyes was thinking of some parasite attacking them. She was right – that parasite was me equipped with 2 kg of sodium hydroxide pellets dissolved in 10 l bucket of water. Poured on the plants the evening before graduation…

This is now over 33 years ago and I regret killing her plants…sorry for that….but at the time the revenge factor was pretty sweet.

Black Star Trek ’72 Alternate Universe Casting

This is fun.

What was the best time you witnessed a bully get owned?

I was sitting in a student bar many years ago with some friends. There was a young lady there who me and my friends knew from the Aikido class we went to. She was much better than us and we didn’t know her well but we had said hi as we went to her table.

A couple of large guys came in being rather loud and obnoxious. We ignored them but one of them decided to start hassling the young lady who was sitting alone at the bar reading her course book. We would have got involved but she didn’t need us to! She told him no, he tried to grab her and then, like a flash, she just put him in a wrist lock. She didn’t move from the bar, just put the lock on one of his hands and he collapsed in agony, a few seconds later she took it off again and repeated her request for him to go away. This time he did, rather sheepishly!

Chicken Bokeumtang (Spicy Korean Chicken)

IMG 0552
IMG 0552


  • 1 (4 pound) whole chicken, cut into 11 pieces with bone in and skin on
  • 1 pound potatoes, peel, halved or quartered
  • 3 to 4 carrots, peeled, cut into large chunks
  • 2 onions, cut into large chunks
  • 8 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 3 tablespoons Gochujang, Korean red pepper paste
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Gochugaru, Korean red pepper flakes (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon honey or granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons rice wine
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon sesame seeds, plus more for garnish
  • 4 green onions, sliced into 2 inch pieces


  1. Bring enough water to boil to blanch chicken in a large Dutch oven; add chicken into boiling water, bring back to boil, about 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. Drain chicken into a strainer and rinse pot quickly. Rinse chicken under cold water and place back to pot.
  3. Add potato, carrot, onion and garlic to Dutch oven.
  4. In a small mixing bowl, combine gochujang and next 6 ingredients. Add combined sauce into pot and toss everything together until chicken and vegetables are evenly coated with sauce. Cover, bring it to boil over medium high heat. Stirring frequently.
  5. When it starts boil, reduce heat to medium and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring frequently for first 20 minutes of simmering to prevent burn bottom of pot.
  6. Stir in green onion and remove from heat.
  7. Transfer to a serving plate, garnish with some more sesame seeds.
  8. Serve with warm cooked rice, kimchi and other your favorite side dishes!


Full russian war movie. In Russian, but nicely done. Takes place during world war 2.


After my mother died, I spent a few months living in her (our) house and taking care of it, and arranging probate issues. It was a difficult time, as my second wife (the wife from Hell, and BTW…the person who worked for MAJ to “retire” me), demanded that she gets the entire estate “or else”.

So, I’m dealing with all these stressers.

Those in the “know” also know about this point in time. My fate forecast; I am entering my “triple black” inauspicious time, and I lost my job, my wife, my mother… and soon (though I didn’t know it yet) everything else.

But at this moment in time, I was in the house, and my brother came over with a close friend of his (ours).

We were all in the kitchen drinking. My mother had collected all sorts of wine that sat in racks in the kitchen / dining area, and they decided to open them up and start drinking.

And I stepped out to go onto the “sun room”.

After the first bottle, my brother said “corked”.

If a wine is “corked”, it means that it has been tainted by the cork, or rather a chemical compound which can be found in natural corks. This contamination gives off a very distinct smell and taste, which can be described as musty, earthy, wet cardboard, wet newspaper, or even wet dog. The term ‘corked wine’ refers to a wine contaminated with cork taint, which can happen if the wine is bottled with a TCA-infected cork.

Which means that the wine had been sitting too long, and somehow the wine went bad. Now, this might be a term used by aficionados, but for us “regular folk” (and I know, I drink one FUCK of a lot of wine) it was just fine.

I tasted the wine.

It was fine.

I was in the other room, and when I went into the kitchen, imagine my horror when I watched my brother and his friend draining out about 35 bottles of (very expensive) wine down the sink. Claiming that it was “corked”.

wine down the drain
wine down the drain

They weren’t “corked”. Not in the least.


As a wine lover, and as a wine aficionado, I still remember that moment with aghast horror. Such a pity! Such a waste. And what is really horrific, is that he has no idea… none… not one iota what he did.

Everyone… what ever you do, don’t though out wine unnecessarily. Even if corked, it can still be used for cooking! Sheech!


What was the moment you cancelled the friendship with your best friend?

Don’t know about my “best” friend but I remained close with an ex. She didn’t like my partner for (mostly) racist reasons. But they were civil together when we met up.

I didn’t tell her we were expecting. But at 20 weeks my partner experienced severe pain and was hospitalised for 4 days. This came up in conversation. She deduced that we were expecting.

She pushed me to ask for an abortion.

She then posted it on Facebook to around 2000 followers, asking for advice about persuading someone to get an abortion. To a group I was a member of.

I blocked her on all meeja and we haven’t spoken since.

She did send a message apologising. Not for the sentiment, but for taking it public. That really doesn’t address the core issue, which is that she wanted my beautiful daughter – the love of my life – executed because of her hatred of my partner. It’s going to be difficult to remain friends after that.

Copeland’s of New Orleans Crawfish Etouffee

2023 11 13 06 55
2023 11 13 06 55

Yield: 6 servings


  • 6 cups water
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon lobster base
  • 1 pound fresh crawfish tail meat
  • Pinch black pepper
  • Pinch white pepper
  • Pinch cayenne
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon peanut oil
  • 1 cup chopped yellow onion
  • 4 teaspoons all-purpose flour
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 cup chopped green onions
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
  • 6 cups cooked white rice


  1. Prepare a stock by bringing the water to a boil. Add bay leaves and lobster base. Allow to boil for about 20 minutes or until the water has reduced to 5 cups of stock. Hold aside.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the crawfish tails with black, white, and cayenne pepper.
  3. Add the paprika and stir together well.
  4. In a medium-size pot, heat the peanut oil at a near high setting. Oil should be hot but not smoking.
  5. Add the chopped yellow onion and stir until translucent.
  6. Add the crawfish tails and stir until they are heated and cooked through and have attained a good bond with their fat.
  7. Add flour and mix well.
  8. Pour in stock gradually, stirring constantly, until sauce achieves a substantial thickness and consistency.
  9. Season with salt to taste.
  10. Add the green onions, garlic, and parsley. Reduce the heat to a medium setting and simmer for about 10 minutes more.
  11. Serve over a bed of cooked white rice.


If desired, you may stir in 2 to 3 tablespoons of butter to completed etouffee for added richness.


Posted by GayleL at Recipe Goldmine 9:17:49pm 4/19/03.

The New Thai Tax Law that EVERYONE is Talking About

Big news in Thailand. This new tax law has everyone talking, and a bit scared. I will detail the rules and how it might affect you. So if you’re ever considering relocating to Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Samui or anywhere else in Thailand, there’s lots of information in this video.

What is the most inappropriate experience you had with a debt collection agency?

Years ago I bought a USB “dongle” for Internet access, through a company called Orange.

It was a pay monthly arrangement.

The bloody thing never worked, their customer services eventually admitted that the area I was in had very poor access and it wasn’t going to improve soon.

I said let’s just cancel.

They said no, you signed up for a year.

I said fine, and cancelled the regular payment, after sending them a letter explaining why, with my contemporaneous notes from a series of calls.

They kept sending demands. I said jyst take me to small claims court, we’ll see what the judge says. My view was, if the thing doesn’t work I ain’t paying for it. Contractual obligations go both ways.

Eventually they gave up, but clearly sold the debt (iirc around £250) to some agency.

The agency got in touch, but their phone number was a premium rate one. I sent a letter explaining my side, inviting them to small claims.

At around 6 month intervals for 2 years, different debt agencies tried- presumably these guys sell debts on?

Eventually, a reslly aggressive debt agency agreed to try it in small claims. They were based in London, I live 180 miles north.

I turned up, they didn’t. Well, not on time- some flustered legal junior arrived as I was leaving, and got a proper bollocking off the judge.

Judge awarded me, and my expenses/lost day’s pay, were to be covered by DebtTwat ltd.

I wasn’t expecting them to ever pay up, but i certainly wasn’t expecting them to send me a demand for flustered legal bloke’s train fare, taxi, and fee.

Obviously i tore this up and sent it back without a stamp.

Getting old in China

When did you realize you’re an asshole?

We once took my son and his family out for a meal. The bill was £150, and I paid it with a card. I asked the waiter if I could add a tip and he proffered the card machine to let me do so. I added £20 and paid and we left.

As we got to the car park I glanced at the receipt and realised I’d actually given him a tip of 20p, clearly defining me as tight-arse, so I proceeded back into the restaurant, spotted our waiter, in a group of two or three of them at the bar, apologised for my mistake and gave him a £20 note. Smiles all round. I’d clearly done the right thing.

However as I left for the second time, I couldn’t resist adding “By the way, I’ll take my 20p back next time I’m here”

This caused a roar of laughter, and on subsequent visits has made us memorable and very well looked after. As I pay – more carefully with the tip – I am asked “Will you take your 20p now, Sir?”

The Standard Female Delusion Chart – a tool to reduce dating drama

Technology has enabled countless millions of desperate and morally bankrupt men to constantly shower mediocre women (there’s nothing wrong with being mediocre — most of us are) with attention. Naturally, women assume that this attention is higher-quality than it actually is, because “why wouldn’t people like me?” It’s an understandable mistake. We all want to believe we are “worth it.”

Simply put, a huge wave of sleazy, short-term, hookup-level interest from men is being mistaken – by the women who receive it — as akin to marriage proposals, and they are subsequently developing deeply emotionally and ego-rooted beliefs that they are all 9s, which is mathematically impossible. They then proceed to reject men who are far more likely to treat them well and pursue men who see them as nothing but cheap conquests, resulting in avoidable emotional damage, which they then take out on men in an intensifying cycle of resentment.

I must stand against this, and all I have is a voice. The only power that a man has to stop this cycle is to stop playing the game of letting women think he wants to be with them for real, when he knows he doesn’t. Shame on you. Stop that.

The only power that a woman has to stop this cycle is by being realistic about her actual value and finding men who are most likely to give her the maximum return for what she offers. Stop letting yourself believe that users love you.

That’s a delusion.

These diagrams are only roughly based on non-scientific data, but they are heavily rooted in real-life experience that proves itself true again and again.

I am confident that if women use them to identify the correct men and get to know them, they will have better luck starting relationships that last, and that will cause much less drama, heartbreak, confusion, and wasted time.

Also, my content does and always will contain humor to clarify and intensify the points that I’m making. Try to not take my content as being in competition with formal science, but rather as evidence-and-experience-based advice to avoid common dating problems. I tripped over a lot of rocks so you don’t have to. Best luck out there.

As a doctor, what is the biggest mistake that you’ve made?

I had scheduled a young woman for a very long (easily 12+ hour) surgery on a deep-seated brain tumor right next to her brainstem. Having explained the risks and benefits of the surgery at length like I usually do (including significant risks of death, coma and stroke), she was more concerned about how much of her hair I would remove to do the surgery.

The night before surgery, I got a terrible flu – fever to over 103, malaise, joint and muscle pains, the works. In the end, I had no choice but to cancel her surgery and schedule for another day …

… expecting she would understand … I mean, who would want to undergo such a massive and dangerous surgery if the surgeon were that ill?

Well I was wrong. The patient became furious, hostile, angry, blamed me for inflicting emotional distress … demanded that I immediately find another surgeon to do the surgery that morning (not possible) … later lodged complaints up and down the hospital system … filed complaints with the medical staff … threatened to sue me … it took weeks to calm her – and our hospital – down.

It was the first time I had ever canceled a surgery in >20 years.

It’s what you get in a society that demands more than it understands. A society in which people live their lives in imaginary worlds conjured up by media (including doctor stereotypes) far removed from any sense of real humanity.


A few Comments made me realize that not everyone understood my Answer, and I should perhaps clarify a few things:

  • the tumor was not near any part of the brain that would affect intellect or emotions
  • this patient was not “dying of a brain tumor;” while the surgery was going to be long and dangerous, it was far from urgent
  • I gently passed her care on to another neurosurgeon (it’s never a good idea to operate on someone who lacks faith in you), who operated on her a few weeks later; I heard she did well (though her attitude remained problematic)
  • there are no “back-up surgeons” waiting in the bullpen in case a surgeon gets sick: nowhere in the U.S., nowhere in Europe and nowhere in the world. Not like TV.
    • this is especially true of small sub-specialties like Neurosurgery
    • the all too common 60+ hour neurosurgical work week is packed full of patient responsibilities, and it is unrealistic to expect a colleague to abandon their own patients just to fill a gap like that at the last minute
    • no patient would want to undergo a huge brain surgery by someone they just met that morning – nor would most surgeons want to do a “surprise surgery” at the last minute. Neurosurgeons must do a lot of preparation before embarking on big, complicated cases. It’s not at all like you see on TV.
  • of course the hospital and its committees understood my situation completely (any reasonable person would understand that doctors can get sick), but they are obliged to investigate every complaint – hence a whole lot of unnecessary time and effort

To be honest, what I found most disconcerting about some of the negative Comments was how easily some people could make major assumptions about this story instead of simply asking me questions to clarify the situation.

Such Comments are just another example of: “demand more than understand.”

Why I’ll Never Move Back To America…

The American Dream… Is it dead or alive? In this video, I share THREE reasons why I don’t foresee myself ever moving back to America and why moving to the Philippines was potentially the best decision my family has ever made. Enjoy!

What is the hardest thing you have ever done?

At the age of fifteen, thirteen days after my fifteenth birthday to be exact, I went out on my first real date. He came to my door and picked me up and we walked to a party. We had so much fun. He walked me home and he kissed me goodnight and he asked me to be his girlfriend. This felt like the greatest night in the whole world. Nothing could bring me down from my giddy and excited teenage crush!

….except for what happened the next morning.

I was awoken by my mother shaking me gently but urgently saying, “Honey? Erin. You need to get up now sweetie. Daddy’s going to die today…”

Those words ripped me out of any dreams I was having and back into the waking nightmare that had become my life for the last two years. I lived in constant fear that I was going to lose the bravest, strongest, most honourable, incredible man this world had to offer, but never really truly believed in my heart that it could happen. For me, to believe that he was really dying would be a betrayal to my hero. I would be giving up on him, and you never give up on your hero, not ever.

I learned that day that no amount of wishful thinking or prayer can change your circumstances.

The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do is to tell my dad that it was okay for him to die. He was hanging on with everything he had but it was time for him to go. I told him out loud that it was okay to let go, that we would be okay. We all told him that he had permission to die and to stop struggling so hard. And as soon as we said those things to him he passed away.

I held his hand as he took his last breath.

I watched my hero lose a terrible battle with cancer and I didn’t really know if I would be okay. I may have just lied to the person I loved most in this world. But I still believe I did the right thing. Setting my dad’s mind at ease was the most important thing to me that day, not wondering whether I’d be okay.

And to tell the truth I’m not sure I ever have been okay since that day. Something inside of me changed forever and I haven’t been able to get the old me back.

But I let my dad believe we would be okay because that was what he needed to move on. And I’d do it for him again in a heartbeat.

What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

I had an uncle who was mildly retarded. It wasn’t Down Syndrome, it was probably lack of oxygen at birth, but people could tell just by looking at him that he was different.

That may be why 3 18 or 19 year old teens thought that they would jump my uncle and my grandmother while they were walking through their neighborhood in Bridgeport, Connecticut. What could an old lady and a 30 year old “retard” do to them?

I haven’t mentioned it yet, but my uncle was the youngest of 11 children. 9 of those kids were boys. So even though his brothers had taken it a little easier on him because of his mental disability, he was still used to playing rough and fighting. A lot. So when these teens threatened him and his mother he snapped. He hospitalized all 3 kids. He wrapped one of the kid’s arms around a tree backwards, the opposite direction of the kid’s elbow.

When the first officers showed up they put my uncle in cuffs, thinking he had initiated the carnage. My grandmother set things straight. My uncle had just defended his mother and himself.

The American Child vs The Chinese Child || 美国孩子 vs 中国孩子.

What was the biggest scandal at your high school?

A student got sassy with a teacher about a grade and the teacher kicked him out of the room. The student grabbed a pencil and stabbed the assistant teacher in the room. Just in the hand, but still.

So the teacher goes rage mode and physically marches the student down to the deans office. Everyone is initially furious at the student, he’ll be expelled for sure. Assistant teacher is shaken but fine.

Daddy was a big donor to the school and the kid was on the state championship bound Football team. Daddy argued with the school, who reverses the expulsion and instead fires the teacher for “laying hands on a student.”

There were walk outs, several other teachers quit, the local news picked it up, the whole nine yards. Nothing changed. The school kept the little asshole to keep Daddy happy and fired a very, very good teacher.

When were you hilariously wrong about something?

When I was a cocky, long-haired punk and could get girls just by walking up and talking to them, I saw what I thought was two women getting in a car. I went up to the driver’s side and said something to the girl behind the wheel involving the word “ladies”. The long-haired dude in the passenger seat leaned over and said “Ladies?” he was annoyed I had tried to hit on his GF, but we laughed it off.

Entitled Women Make First Date List, And It BACKFIRES

I was at McDonald’s and I noticed that customers were choosing to wait in line to order with the cashier, instead of using the available kiosks. Why do you think that is?

I’m 61. My husband is 69. We can’t figure out how to use the kiosk. This morning, we added what we wanted to our order, but couldn’t figure out how to check out. The only icon that looked like it was a possibility was “Review Order” and it was greyed out. So, we were stuck. We backed out of it and left the restaurant. Also, when we saw the “login” prompt, we thought we might have to create an account which we don’t want to do. It’s just one more login and password we would have to remember. Nobody was at the counter to provide assistance. I’ll be diplomatic here. McDonald’s doesn’t sell weed. They sell shitty fake food. There’s nothing in their stores that I can’t live without…for the rest of my life. So, if they’re not willing to assist an old couple by taking their order, we won’t go into their restaurant(s) anymore. We went home and made a veggie omelet, hash browns, and cantaloupe. It was superior to anything on the McDonald’s menu and cooking it was less stressful than trying to figure out that fucking kiosk. Fast service that’s easy is basically all McDonald’s has going for it these days. And, they won’t even do that anymore. Plus, they’re using these non user friendly machines to phase out workers. Fuck ‘em.

What is the dirtiest fine print you’ve seen in a contract?

I was going to download my banks, banking app, I always read the fine print. They want control of my camera, and they want permission to edit my contacts list.

I said “No” they said that the app wont work without access. I access my bank over the Internet, through their website directly, without going through the app. It works fine. Yet they don’t have access to my camera or contacts, funny about that.

Hot Signs

When were you hilariously wrong about something?

I was on a subway train in DC. I had my five year old son with me, plus a few bags. I’m sitting on one end of the car, paying attention to the stops because I really don’t want to miss ours. A young black man grabs a seat on the other end of the car. I’m thinking gang member. Bandana. Gold jewelry. Baggy pants. Mind you, there were enough people on the train I certainly wasn’t concerned… that was just the impression I had. Anyway, we’re approaching our stop. My son has fallen asleep. The car isn’t jam-packed but it is kind of full. I’m wondering how I’m going to pick up my son and our stuff and make it to the door before the doors close.

As I struggle to get to my feet and head for the door, I see a foot casually hooked around the door, so it can’t close.

Yep. The black kid with the bandana and jewelry. As I look over, he flashes a smile.

We got off the train with no problem. A few people moved out of our way, but I didn’t see anyone else attempting to actually help.

Was he a gang member? Who knows. Who cares. At that moment, he was kind and helpful to a stranger. That’s all that mattered.


What was the shortest interview you’ve had that led to a job offer?

I went to apply for a job one time, and when I got there, the lead hand introduced himself to me while shaking my hand.

I had never been to this place before.

As he was shaking my hand this other guy jumped out from behind a machine, and in a gleeful, boisterous tone yells out to the lead hand, as he’s pointing to me, “There’s the guy! There’s the guy right there, that’s going to show you how to work that machine!”

It was a guy that I worked with at a previous job. He was a helper that was assigned to me whenever necessary.

I couldn’t believe it.

The lead hand looks at me, and that second I knew I was in.

What’s the fastest you’ve wiped a smirk off of someone’s face?

I was in an elevator on a cruise ship. Some wiseacre saw my polka-dot suspenders.

He smirked, “Nice suspenders. You from Wisconsin?”

I replied, “No. Ever since my cancer surgery, I can’t wear a belt.”

His smirk instantly evaporated. The elevator doors opened on my floor, and I got out.

Soft tissue sarcoma caused by Agent Orange in Vietnam, They took out 1–3/4 pounds of me from my groin to my beltline. It left a notch where a belt would sit, so I can’t wear a belt comfortably.

About Women body-count…

Good equivalent.

Why does the education system of China and Singapore work so well while India lags behind?

The Legendary Mao in 1954 felt that any party member whose kids studied in Missionary Schools run by Western ideology , could not be trusted

In 1964, he felt such party members were Collaborators and Enemies

Thus every CPC member wisely decided to ensure his kids studied in Local Chinese schools and so the Party built more and more and more and more Schools all across China

Since their own members kids would study in these schools, the quality of these schools were higher and the subjects better

In 1996, Jiang Zemin after 42 years decided to repeal this old rule from Maos time and allow CPC members to send their kids to private schools

Then they discovered something

They discovered that Private School Quality was LOWER than Government School

Nobody wanted to send their kids to Private School.

Math, Science, Physics was of a tougher standard and teachers were the best

Thus even if it was due to fear of being branded a Collaborator, the fact is due to Mao – Chinas Education System became one of the best and it’s Government run schools became top notch

Indias misfortune was India never had a visionary like Mao or Deng

We did have Kamaraj but he was too localized

In India, Children of Politicians studied in the finest schools and later typically in UK Or US or Canada and foreign Universities

As a result there was NO REASON for Politicians to focus on quality education

India is a cesspit democracy

Long term vision was replaced by Short term election strategies

As a result, India focused on the BARE MINIMUM for State Or Centre sponsored Education

China and India were both equally pauper nations in the 1970s , in fact India was a tad bit richer

Yet China spent more on Education due to it’s long term vision , spent more on training teachers, spent more on sending teachers to foreign countries for enhancing their knowledge


Politicians lined up their pockets

They duped the public

They openly stole public money and lined their coffers

Still even in 1992, there was some hope

Reservations destroyed it

The principle that a Moron Dullard was entitled become a Neurosurgeon or Doctor merely because Great Grand Daddy was oppressed a few decades ago

Plus the fact that this system was exploited even further when the genuinely oppressed weren’t at all given the chance

Instead a handful of wealthy persons took advantage of loopholes and drove quality into the Ground

China meanwhile had Crisp, Lovely, Meritocracy

A Son of a Sweeper could become an Engineer if he had merit, or a sweeper if he didn’t. Only Ability mattered.

By 2014, China was at a place India couldn’t reach with a hundred ladders

Then under Modiji, we all hoped things would improve

  • That at last we would have an AFFORDABLE EDUCATION ACT
  • That at last Modi would set a National Education Program and do what Mao did in 1954

Didn’t happen

Private Education raping the average Indian family with absurd tuition fees

Modiji focusing on Language policies, Sanskrit, Vedas and changing India to Bharat and removing Chapters on Mughals

The Average Chinese focusing on Python and Technology. The Average Indian on Ram, Laxman and some made up lies about how Modi is a superhero

It’s why, the Top 5% or 10% Chinese and Indians are similar

Yet the Average Chinese can swallow the Average Indian for breakfast, lunch and dinner

The Below Average Chinese os more than a match for the Average Indian

The Below Average ‘Educated’ Indian is on the lowest rung

Plus Indias biggest problem is the AVERAGE INDIAN

He doesn’t realize there is a problem at all

Realizing there is a problem means needing to work on a Solution and needing to recognize failure

Sorry. We are India. We are the best. We have no weaknesses.

Our Education system is flawed

Most refuse to agree. Some who agree make excuses including blaming Manmohan Singh. Some talk ‘Practically’ and say India needs to do nothing but everything will magically happen

Like I said, India is heading to a point where it would end up as a hotch potch, mish mash of uneven growth, a kind of Tumor rather than a crisp engine of growth with a Vision like China or even Vietnam

The $ 10 Trillion India would be a Huge Tumor rather than a nice neat rocket

Unless India buckles up and begins basic structural reform of Education, Healthcare and Liberal Laws

A Respectful manner

What are some deep truth you must learn now or never?

1. Everyone is insecure about something. It’s not just you.

2. You will never be 100% sure about decisions you made. But always make a decision because it’s better to go back and fix it than to never make it at all.

3. There is always someone better than you. So there’s no point to compare.

4. There’s nothing in life you can really control except your own thoughts and actions. So always hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

5. Nothing lasts forever. Things change, people change. And YOU can change anytime too.

6. Life is not a fairy tale. That’s why it’s always exciting and you’ll never be bored.

7. Hard work doesn’t guarantee success. But that’s what makes it challenging.

Just stay at home and don’t even try…

What was your weirdest date ever?

Going anonymous on this one, sorry about it, I just don’t think I can face being associated with the story I am about to tell.
It will be a bit long-winded but one of the weirdest encouters ever happened in my life. And as it happened in a date, so…

Here it goes:

I signed up for a free dating site and started chatting to several guys. One of them, seemed like a nice and decent person.

When we started talking, it was about usual topics, interests. The conversation was flowing, as they say. I gave him my mobile number and he sent me texts every day, just some niceties. One of them was “I think we are on the same wavelength”
I hope so” I responded.
I haven’t the slightest known yet, how wrong I was on assuming so…

After a week of talks, we set up a real life date.

He lived around an hour train ride from me and came to the station to pick me up. When I entered his car, he looked up to the sky and said:
do you find those clouds a bit weird?”
There were no clouds, only condensation trails from airplanes.
I said: “these are not clouds”

To which, he responded: “exactly” and had an expression on his face as if he just had said something really meaningful.
Bit of an odd exchange, but I shrugged a shoulder and we did not mention the “not-clouds” again.

To my surprise, the date he set up was not the usual movie or restaurant combo with drinking, instead he took me to the riverside on a boat ride. I was enjoying it a lot, we both did a bit of rowing, it was sunny, we chatted nonchalantly.

We were talking about building styles in the UK (I am a foreigner) and I told him my impressions about buildings and differences to my home country.
I also added that my dad is a bricklayer, so I have seen many houses being built.

To this, he said: “I have built something too”
I asked: “What did you build?”
“It is very unique. You will see it once, I hope.” –
he said mysteriously.
“What is it, a bunker?”
– I joked and we laughed out loud.

The first date was over. I thanked him for the pleasant time and laughs. There was not much chemistry between us but I thought, what the hell, I will give another chance. So, when the next day he asked me for a second date, a dinner in his house, I said yes.

We drove to his house, where he lived alone. A nice and big family home.
He had a wine chilled and invited me to look around. Everything was tidy, clean and stylish. I was impressed. We settled and he poured me some wine.

Out of the blue, at one point, he told me to go outside and check his car.

The following conversation happened:

Do you see the scratches on the side?” – he pointed on the side, where large, faint scratches were running.
Of course I can see them”
What do you think caused them?” – he asked again.
I suppose branches or grass, or other cars, maybe some metal objects, a key maybe?” – I said hesitantly unsure where this conversation is going.
Let me tell you: Satan did these scratches…” – sounded his response.
Satan scratched my car.” – again that sort of meaningful expression.
You mean figuratively I think, mean people maybe with evil motivation?” – I tried to deter the distrubing turn.
No, literally, the Satan itself.”- he said dead serious.….

Do you know the feeling, when suddenly the world seem like upside down and the fear hits you momentarily to make you nausetic and words froze inside you?
I had that, combined with one of the biggest WTF moment.

Is this guy crazy or what?”

We went back inside, my alarm bells were set off after this, I tell you.
I was like a hawk, watching for little signs of anything unexpected.
Little did I know that the real fun starts later….

He suggested we go to the kitchen and eat dinner. At least something normal, right?
You would think that someone inviting you over would prepare something. This was not the case. He suggested we eat soft boiled eggs.
I happen to like boiled eggs very much, so ate 4 of them with bread. No problem, I am not fussy. So far so good.

After dinner, we went back to the living room and I relaxed a bit as Satan and scratches, the weird clouds and non of this crap was mentioned again.
However, around a half hour later, again without any transition he says:

Let me blindfold you, so I can show you what I built”

My mind went screaming: NO.F**.WAY!
Adrenaline rushed through my blood I could sense it.
Right then, I became concerned that this guy wants to kill me.
In the same time I decided he won’t have an easy task to do so as I will fight like hell.
I am not timid and rather strong and quick, so I was sizing up my options to run to the kitchen, grab a knife and defend myself if it comes to that.
At this point, I’m wondering who was crazier, me or him?

Amazingly this is what I responded to him without even thinking:

You know what? You are not going to blindfold me. Reason is, I think you are plotting to kill me. I know. And I also want you to know that you are not going to succeed. I will fight until my last breath.” – I sounded very calm, which amazed me even further.

His eyes opened wide and seemed genuinely surprised.

Ok, ok, I can see you are nervous. Calm down, I am not planning anything. Just wanted to surprise you. I can see it backfired, so let’s just go as we are. No blindfold, I promise!” – he said.

Even though I was scared, I was also curious, so I responded:

Right. I will take a look, under two conditions.
First: You go in front of me and
Second: I will take a knife from the kitchen and walk behind you.
One bad move and you are dead. Did I mention I do martial arts?”

He agreed to my conditions.
So, here we are, walking out the backdoor into the dark garden.
The wind is blowing, trees and bushes rustle ominously as we walk the path.
Him in the front with a light, me behind him, armed with the biggest kitchen knife I have ever seen. Just a perfect picture of two batshit crazy lunatics.
As a matter of fact I have never fought in my life, I’m absolutely terrified, I lied about the martial art thing as well, I don’t know what I’m doing here, who is this insane person with me, not a single soul knows I am even here – I think about my life, my family far away, my stupidity.

We reach the shed in the back, well away from the house.
There is only me and him, the bushes, and complete silence.
Around us and as in front of us, as much as I can tell, just some woody areas and meadows and… a garden shed.

This is it” – he says standing in front of the shed.
Just a normal wooden shed, with 6 locks on the door.
This is what you built? Well, good one, now we can go back” – I am almost relieved.
No, the one I built is inside. Do you allow me to open it?” – I realise he must be scared of me a bit too.
I nod.

He removes the locks and opens the door.
The first thing I saw is a big ass axe on the floor!
I jump away and pull the knife in front of me defensively.

I knew it! Is this your murder weapon?!” – I shout. I can feel my heart beating so fast.

Sorry, sorry! This is not meant to be here, I will put it away, ok? There.”-he says quickly.

Give me that axe. Handle first.” – I order.
He did.

Now, look inside” – he asks and steps aside.

Very slowly, keeping an eye on him, I look inside the shed.
No rotting corpses, no torture chamber, just a few gym equipment, gardening tools, completely normal.
I sigh… maybe I imagine too much into this…until.. from the corner of my eyes I notice something on the floor.


A submarine hatch door.
Holy crap, like a bloody rollercoaster! My gut is churning again.

You really built a bunker…” – this is all I can say. What? How? Why?
Words would fail to describe my thinking processes.
Yes” – he says bluntly and asks me to allow him to open the hatch door.

Next thing I know is we are looking down into a hole with concrete stairs, thick concrete walls, going down few meters. A nuclear bunker.

I am thinking, “if he kills me now and closes the door, nobody will ever find me”

Let me tell you the end quickly.

I did went down and looked around in the nuclear bunker of his design. He wanted to know what I think of it. I pointed out that no air filtration, pollution measurement equipment and surveillance system was installed so I was not sure if it is of any use (apart from hiding dead bodies). He agreed it needs improvement.

After the tour, we went back to the house. As you can guess, I was exhausted and weary from the whole evening but a bit calmer as I was still alive.

I thanked him for everything and requested to leave.
He cried and told me he never met such a cool person as I am…

I was happy I only met a lunatic and not a serial killer.


A guy took me for a second date and showed me the nuclear bunker he built driven by his ideas on an upcoming doomsday fight between evil and good.

Fitness before business

Or not. Hum…

Why do Iran’s leaders threaten the United States so often? They never threaten England, Mexico, or Canada. Why is that?

Is refusing to be submissive and subservient to the U.S. threatening the U.S.? To you it may be, but to the rest of the world it is call standing up to their right!

Lets defined threat. If Iran say it will bomb Washington, LA, New York, Miami or Hawaii, that will be considered a threat. Did Iran do that? So far it is the U.S. that funded and supported Saddam Hussein to fight a war with Iran in the 1980’s and murder General Solameini an Iranian scientist by a drone in Iraq! That is threatening. But it is the U.S. threatening Iran!

Seriously unless you are blind, deaf or dumb could you asked such a ludicrous question! Come on man be real. The U.S. ought to know that, Americans must surely know that. And you by asking this question is seen by 7.5 billion out of 8 billion or world inhabitants as a fool to even ask this question.

The U.S. threaten Iran and half the world to be bomb into smitten daily. And anyone that refused to be submissive and subservient to them is their enemy. Such behaviour belongs to Ghengis Khan or Atilla the Hun, or the Vikings not a 21st century nation! Call a spade a spade! Make the world a better place.

Humans need contact

Will China cut off rare earth exports to Western, South Korean, Japanese and Taiwan chipmakers in retaliation for US sanctions on Chinese chip technology?

In my opinion yes, but not now. I looked at the numbers about this. As I suspected, the main reason why China extracts and processes this much rare earth metals is its industry demands it. It is not because of low labor costs or lax environmental regulations.

Few relevant numbers:

Chinese mine production was 210,000 tonnes in 2022, limited by Chinese law for environmental reasons.

Global mine production was ~300,000 tonnes. Which means the Chinese share of global production was 70%.

China’s share in the processing of rare earth ores was 85%. This means around half of the non-Chinese production was imported to China for processing. We can conclude from here that China processed around 255,000 tonnes of rare earths in 2022.

China’s export volume was 48,000 tonnes in 2022. For the value of this trade, the last data is from 2021. And it is 653 million USD. Completely insignificant for China, especially when you consider that it is coming at an environmental cost. When you look at the volume, you see that China’s exports are barely higher than its imports (in terms of weight after the processing of the imported ores). China’s own industry uses almost as much as China extracts from its own soil. Really, it looks like this monopoly only emerged because the scale caused by domestic demand resulted in much lower prices compared to the rest of the planet.

If this monetarily insignificant trade is this important for countries who are trying to kill entire sectors of the Chinese industry, then China should stop this trade. Let them deal with years of shortages. But it is not a good time to do this now. Export controls should be timed so that non-Chinese shortages should coincide with the emergence of Chinese products that compete with the products of Western companies (primarily US, SK and Japan) suffering from the shortages. This is important because commodities are rarely irreplaceable.

Passport guys make sense

What is the most outrageous “fee” you’ve ever been charged?

It’s not technically a fee, but…

When I moved into my first apartment, it was one of those fancy newer buildings that offered incentives on move-in. In my case, it was a low deposit and a free month of rent! Because I was signing for a mid-month move-in, they pro-rated their amounts. At this stage was when I started eating the big bucks working crypto-forensic analysis and scam tracking jobs for Coinbase.

I wrote my check, moved in, and all was well for about 2 years.

A few weeks after I got tossed a notice about the building’s management being changed, I received a new notice taped to my front door. It told me I owed the front office <insert blank> amount within 3 days or they would begin eviction proceedings.

I’ve paid rent on time my entire life so I couldn’t imagine what on earth I would owe. Then I read the amount typed into the <insert blank>.


Yes. One cent. One one-hundredth of one dollar. One penny, and they wanted it NOW or they were going to evict me. What the hell?!

I went down and talked to the nice people in front of the computers in the leasing office. They looked through the files and told me that the new management was going through the books and making the final debt collections in order to start the new term on solid bookkeeping. They were rounding up all the outstanding fees and demanding payment. My fee, it appears, had been hanging around for two years. Yep: a rounding decision on that pro-rated rent amount.

asked them why they didn’t waive it. They said they couldn’t. I wasn’t about to lose my home over a rounding error, no matter the principle. I dug into my pocket to get the damn coin and hand it over. They held up their hands.

“I’m sorry, we don’t take cash.” I am sure the look on my face was comical but inside I was boiling with baffled rage.

They made me write a check. In order to keep my apartment, I used a $0.10 sheet of specially coded paper to hand over to salaried employees to collect in a deposit bag to go into a bank to cover a rounded calculation that had been irrelevant for 2 years but was now suddenly the difference between shelter and the streets.

tl;dr I was nearly evicted over a penny.

Super Real Truth

If you could financially afford it, would you hire a house cleaner to clean your house once or twice a week, or would you prefer to do it yourself?

Once upon a time, I was a stay at home mother. My home was spotless, my daughter taken care of, dinner was ready when her father walked in the door. I was happy and felt fulfilled. I truly loved giving of myself to my family.

Until I found myself alone and I had to find work. I did what I had to. I work long hours. Some say I work too many hours. But they aren’t responsible for me or my daughter, so their opinion is irrelevant. That responsibility falls on me, and even if I ever did remarry, I would never expect anyone else to be responsible for her, other than myself.

I prefer to do all of the “domestic arts” myself. I enjoy them. But the hours I work and the responsibilities I carry outside of work necessitate that I delegate some things to others. I don’t mind paying someone to clean if it means it’s one less thing for me to worry about.

Why is the US dollar used as a standard currency? What would happen if another currency was used instead?

Well, for this, we have to go back to the closing years of World War II. Although Germany and Japan were still fighting, it was clear they were going to lose, but that meant cleaning up the economic mess that had been created by the war.

Now, historically, the British Pound Sterling had been the most common reserve currency due to its stability and the ability to convert paper money into gold. However, the British government had to go heavily into debt for the war and suspended conversion of paper money into precious metal. However, it hardly mattered as British gold reserves were under pressure as it borrowed more and more money.

Now, the United States was in debt too, but back in 1933 they had already suspended the ability to convert paper currency into gold (you could convert it to silver until 1964) and had made the ownership of gold illegal. They then consolidated all the gold held by the various regional Federal Reserve banks and all the private gold they confiscated (and gave paper money for) into a single depository next to Fort Knox in Kentucky. Moreover, most countries had finance their debt int he United States as their own markets collapsed. In other words, the United States was swimming in gold.

So in July 1944 all 44 allied nations met at a hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire and worked out the new world monetary order. At the top of the agenda was avoiding expensive and potentially destabilizing transfers of large amounts of gold which would allow nations devastated by war to have capital to rebuild.

The scheme essentially took gold entirely out of the market and fixed it to the U.S. dollar, with $35 U.S. being the equivalent of 1 ounce of gold. Nations in the compact, called “Bretton Woods”, would agree to buy all the gold they had at that rate. Each nation would be able to fix the value of their currency against the U.S. dollar (for example, 5 francs to the dollar) but would have to guaranteed that exchange rate for intercountry transfers (i.e. the U.S. could buy all the francs it wanted for dollars at that rate). Countries could change that rate (Canada did in the 1960s when it dropped the rate from $1.00 U.S. for $1.00 Cdn. to $0.975 U.S. to $1.00 Cdn.) but had to stand by it. In other words, gold would not routinely change hands, U.S. dollars would.

There was a catch. Even though people couldn’t exchange dollars for gold, countries could. Most countries held U.S. dollar reserves, which were largely from surplus exports to the U.S. If they wanted to, they could “take delivery” of gold, assuming they wanted to securely transport it from Fort Knox themselves.

As such, the U.S. dollar standard replaced the gold standard, as the U.S. dollar became the common currency for all the countries in the compact.

Of course, this only lasted until 1973 when Richard Nixon pulled the United States out of the agreement. From that point forward, there was no fixed rate between currencies and they traded on the open market. The U.S. also ended the prohibition against owning gold and started selling some or theirs on the open market.

A Golden Eagle, a roughly 1 ounce gold coin that the U.S. government sells at the current market price of gold, plus a small premium.

Most countries still use the U.S. dollar as their “reserve” or “exchange” currency, but that’s changing. For example, Argentina just moved from the dollar to the Chinese yuan, which is also quite stable because the Chinese government manipulates its value

Get your act together guys

What’s something you’ve never told anyone?

I am 21 years old. When I was in 10th grade there was a girl A in school. Just like typical teenagers she had many rumours surrounding her. I ignored those and went ahead and made friends with her.

In some months we started dating. We were head over heels for each other. We had everything going great so shown in movies. One day when we were on a date, after coming out from washroom she gave me her phone. There she had written something which changed all my views on her. She wrote that she was raped at the age of 14 by a guy who forced her to be his girlfriend so that other people won’t suspect a thing.

Fearing society and her parents, she didn’t tell it to anyone. But had to undergo therapy. Her parents were totally unaware to real reason behind her behaviour. She lost a ton of weight and was living on medicines. This was really shocking for me. Then I had flashback of all the times when she had certain insecurities and why she required so much time to trust a person. She also had intimacy issues because of this. And that person had told her to shut her mouth or he’ll leak the tape which he had recorded. This rumour was spread in our school by her friends isolating her.

But now she’s a healthy person pursuing her career in engineering and I am a proud boyfriend.

America Warns China To Obey As US Debt Auction GOES BAD

What’s a modern convenience that we take for granted?

I woke up in a haze in a hospital bed.

My stomach had ruptured due to an ulcer, causing my stomach to spill acid on an artery near the lining of my stomach.

I was lying in a hospital bed post surgery in the intensive care unit.

This would be the beginning of a full week-long stay.

First, I was happy to be alive. I could have died.

I had IVs in my arm keeping fluids going into my body. My nurse came in.

I asked when I’d be able to eat.

She said, “Doctor’s call. It will probably be a couple of days.” (So my stomach wound could heal.)

A couple of days turned out to be just over 4 days without eating anything.

I can remember being so hungry that I literally was fantasizing about eating ice. I remember begging the nurse to have ice.

“Please let me chew on some ice…I’m so hungry…”

It was this nagging aching pain all the time.

Eventually, they let me eat some bland crackers and Jell-O. and it was the best food I’ve ever eaten in my life.

But to answer the question, I think that we take for granted our easy access to cheap food.

There was a time where we had to forage or kill to eat. And if those two missions failed, we simply starved to death.

When you experience true starvation, all of your other problems begin to rapidly shrink.

What is it like to be a poor student at a very rich university or high school?

I didn’t think I was a poor student until I arrived at USC for my MBA program. I had worked hard and saved up $150K, which was to last me exactly through the $100K in tuition for two years and $50K for basic living expenses. I had a 9 year old Lincoln and thought I was set. My naïveté lasted for about 10 minutes.

As soon as I pulled into the student parking lot, I could see all the late model cars, many of them luxury marks. This was the undergrad parking area. One blond undergrad roared her shiny white Cadillac Escalade down the ramp as I looked for a spot.

During our casual meeting time with fellow students, productively labeled as networking, I heard about the kind of massive homes in exclusive neighborhoods that were the norm. Many of my classmates had gotten new luxury cars just for school and had fancy upscale condos for partying during school. But, that was just stuff. What really blew my mind was their attitude about money on a daily basis.

Many would invariably go to night time parties two or even three times a week, all during some very intense course work. While I looked for ways to stick to my $25 daily food budget, they had no problem splurging a few hundred dollars a night each time they were out. At the same time, I knew they were taking out massive student loans to fund their gratuitous consumption, along with tuition and basic living expenses.

Their lack of concern about repaying an extra $50K just surprised the heck out of me. I wasn’t dead broke and could tag along, but I just didn’t see the benefit of such free spending. Eventually, I settled into a more middle-class normative life-style and was comfortable.

Then I saw how naive I truly was.

One of my classmates had gotten to attend the MBA program on a merit and needs-based scholarship. He didn’t have any money. While his tuition was waived, he still needed to pay for daily expenses.

Instead of a fancy high floor condo or even a modest downtown condo, he lived in one of the roughest neighborhoods just off campus. I lived nearby and can hear the police patrols and random gun fire where he lived. My place wasn’t much but at least it was secure. He lived on a couch in a shared room right in the middle of regular gang and drug activity. Running water wasn’t always available, but it was cheap, just a few hundred bucks a month.

Obviously, he didn’t have a car and relied on brisk walks to get anywhere. He didn’t have many friends as he couldn’t afford to go hang out with anyone. When we hung out, I made sure we didn’t need to spend any money.

He couldn’t even afford food, so he worked part time at university food service to make a few dollars and grab leftovers for meals. While others dined in fancy Beverly Hills and Hollywood hot spots, he was scraping pots for a bite. But, he never complained about the squandered money of our fellow students. He knew his values and was content on focusing on his goals.

He certainly kept me grounded as I felt like a spoiled brat using money so freely and buying myself a burrito whenever I felt hungry.

So, here I was moping ridiculously about my relative paucity; he showed what real determination and pride in the midst of deprivation looked like.

And, even at the MBA level, there’s a bias to spend money. My freespending classmates all got six-figure jobs right out of school from their “networking” efforts and were able to quickly pay off their huge student loans. Meanwhile, my poor friend is still struggling financially.

Cheating Wife Stories, Husband’s Cruel Revenge For Cheating

It doesn’t matter if she ” started to fall back in love with you “…SHE’S HAD ANOTHER MAN’S BABY !!! …that’s it…its over , no if and or buts it’s over…any man who’d accept that is NOT a man , he’d be a lil bitch , I don’t think I could have been with her the 9 months and not starting IMMEDIATE divorce proceedings could cost him child support…remember some sick states automatically declare a husband the ” father ” …even if you have medical proof and D.N.A proof…you must also have written statements by the mother and possible father…if mother can’t find other guy or he refuses to get involved you owe that affair baby 18 yrs of child support.. ( disgusting they’d punish a innocent man just to save a few percentages of tax rates for business and the rich…yet they have the harshest anti- abortion laws…total scum…but then again any man stupid enough to still marry in those states is criminally ignorant and brings it on himself…so no sympathy for those or this one or no law forced him to marry…he put himself into his predicament….so keep lining up to sign up for marriage…I get a kick out of your pain and suffering”

What are Taiwan’s chances if Mainland China goes to war with it?

Zero and here’s the fun bit.

Nobody says we have to accept their surrender either.

Also the precedent has been set! In Ukraine and Iraq.

Western powers have literally said you can’t surrender to aircraft or drones.

Do you think the China International Import Expo is successful in attracting foreign capital to China?

Attracting foreign capital to China?

According to CIIE organizers, this year’s expo has attracted a record 289 Global Fortune 500 companies and industry leaders, with over 3,400 exhibitors and 394,000 professional visitors registered for the event.

Now read carefully the name for the expo – it’s an IMPORT EXPO meaning the exhibitors are EXPORTERS from all over the world traveling to China to meet Chinese IMPORTERS to buy from them.

This is not about these people investing in China. This is about exhibitors interested to sell to the world’s largest consumer market.

What is the one text message that changed your life?

The number I got belonged to a Michael before.

I received a text addressed to him and asking him to call back the very next day after I activated it.

“Who’s this?”


“I think you have the wrong number,” I answered. “My mom’s half way across the planet.”


“Hope everything is okay with your son/daughter!”

“Thanks! All the best!”

The messages didn’t stop there.

Reminders to pick up his car from the mechanic’s, friends wanting to get beers over the weekend, or talking sports and venting about frustrating relationships.

A woman he used to see asking if they can reconnect.

And I diligently replied saying that it’s no longer his number.

Except the more I replied, the more I felt some inexplicable connection with Michael. As if every message I received made me understand him a bit better. Identify with him. Even root for him as he navigates through the challenges of life.

Then things went quiet and I thought he must have let everyone know about changing his number and I almost forgot about the whole thing.

Until I started getting a different kind of messages.

Prayers. Is-there-anything-I-can-do. Please-know-we’re-there-for-you.

We love you.

You’re in our thoughts.

And then it was spelled out in one message: “I heard your mom got diagnosed with cancer.”

The same mom who sent me my very first message on that phone.

I wrote back to one person saying that even though it’s not his number, I’m deeply sorry about the news and that I’m sending healing prayers.

He/she was so touched they said the kindness of a stranger brightened their day and restored a little bit of faith.

And I felt even closer to Michael.

Like we have something greater in common than just having shared a number. I’ve *been* through shit with him. I’ve thought about his problems and commitments.

And now his mom has cancer.

Michael, I don’t know you and we’ve never spoken, but I want you to know that I *am* there for you. That you *are* in my thoughts. That I *do* care.

That I love you and your mother and I hope you all get through this.

Why is China so desperate to compete with the US when the world knows it can’t?

Ali Moco, use your common sense.

China can do manufacturing and the U.S. cannot. China is the global supply chain hub. China is the one with the perrenial trade surplus with the U.S. Militarily, China has the world’s largest naval fleet while we can’t construct any new naval assets while those “active” assets spent more time in repair than out on duty.

So who is the one desperately trying to compete?


What was your strangest experience while visiting the U.S.?

Yesterday in the Charlotte, NC airport I decided to spend my last few dollars on a beer before my flight to Munich.

Before me in line stood a man well into his seventies. He ordered two red wines.

The server asked him for his ID and that of his equally aged wife who was sitting at a table with a cane propped between her knees.

He thought it was a joke. So did I.

It wasn’t. He had to walk back to the table and fetch his wife’s ID.

This was not only strange, it was the stupidest rule I’ve ever seen.

Sixty-year old me was next. And yes, I needed to prove I was twenty one.

Edit: I keep getting comments about how this is normal and the server is just doing their job. I understand and don’t hold it against the server, their management or even the legal system that makes them so careful.

All that said, the rest of the world finds it very strange (and a bit sad perhaps) when 80-year old people must be carded to prove they are 21.

How do I tell my parents that I know they put a camera in my room?

Take a small, clear bag and fill it with a certain white substance. Hide that bag somewhere in your room.

Every morning before you leave for school, and every afternoon when you get home, take out the bag of white substance, and cut a line.

Take a piece of paper, (like a dollar bill), roll it up, and pretend to snort the substance.

You don’t actually have to snort it. You can do this trick where you use the side of your hand to brush the substance off to the side.

Just make sure you do all of this in the camera’s sight line.

Repeat this process for as long as necessary.

Eventually, your parents will see you do this on camera and think you’re snorting cocaine.

They’ll go to your room, find your bag of “cocaine”, and pull it out.

But what they’ll find instead is a bag of flour or sugar, and a note from you that says, “I know you put a camera in my room.”

The thrill of spying on you will be gone, and hopefully they’ll remove the camera.

Either way, they’ll know you know what they’re up to.

5 Unexplained Moments Caught on Live TV That Were Never Solved

My neighbor picked all the peaches off my tree last year without my consent. I’ve never met them as every time I’ve tried, they’ve made themselves unavailable. How do I go about protecting my fruit this year without seeming passive-aggressive?

If you are 100% sure you know who did it, and the peaches were all inside the boundaries of your yard, you have several options – none passive.

  1. Coming from compassion – Offer to share some – not all – if they “need” some.
  2. Let “all” neighbors know you have plans for the fruit this year. Request everyone stay out of your yard unless invited.
  3. Put up a Beware of dog sign – even if you don’t have one.
  4. Put up No Tresspassing signs. Warn that anyone caught tresspassing is subject to being arrested.
  5. Get security cameras on your place – yard and front and side areas.

And if they get caught trying to do it again have an estimate for value of the crop and press charges for theft. If it’s over $500 it’s a felony in many or most states. Tresspassing and theft could mean jail time. Those peaches better be worth it to them.

Growing up we had grapes along our back fence. Three different neighbors over 25 years all asked first before taking the grapes poking through to their side. Every year my family told them to take any on their side of the fence.

Point is good neighbors “ask.”

Something is weird with your neighbors.

China’s Growing NAVAL POWER Can Destroy the USA in 30 Seconds

Technological advancement is a cornerstone of China’s naval dominance. From the development of cutting-edge submarines, such as the Type 095 and Type 096, to the deployment of advanced naval aviation capabilities, China has demonstrated an unyielding dedication to innovation. Its naval prowess is complemented by a formidable array of anti-ship missiles, naval defense systems, and electronic warfare capabilities, placing it at the forefront of maritime technology.

What is the most outrageous thing you have seen a diner do to get out of paying for their meal?

I was enjoying a meal of spaghetti with marinara sauce in a pleasant Italian restaurant. I noticed two women, around 40, eating at the other side of the small restaurant, conversing and eating heartily. When they had finished, the waitress came to take their plates, and asked if they wanted anything else. They said no, and she asked “If you are ready, I will bring your bill.” The ladies said, no, they would not pay because the food was very bad. They claimed the spaghetti was undercooked, the sauce was thin and salty, and the rolls were not fit to eat. Their coffee was much too strong, too. They were not rude or really loud, but were adamant they did not think they should pay for such bad food. The waitress said, “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have taken the food and gotten you a better meal. And besides, why did you eat it all and then tell me it was so bad?” The ladies realized the sense of the waitress’ words, accepted the bill, and paid.

Did you ever say something very simple that had a profound impact on someone in an unexpected manner?

Early during my intern year in San Francisco in 1973, I took over care of a comatose alcoholic patient. I discovered her electrolytes and metabolic tests were all out of wack.

I corrected them and she woke up.

The first thing she asked upon awakening was “Who’s taking care of my cats?”.

She was in a panic.

I called her contacts and got a neighbor to get her cats and care for them.

I then told my patient that if she kept drinking, the next time she ended up in the hospital she would surely die and there would be no one to look after her cats. They would die a terrible death of thirst and starvation.

I remember her looking at me with grave concern.

About a week later she was discharged and I didn’t see her again until very near the end of my internship. I saw her walking in the corridor of the hospital going for a clinic visit. She looked like a different person, well dressed and made up.

She told me that she hadn’t had another drink in almost a year because her cats depended on her.

It was one of the most rewarding moments in my long career and one of the rare times I succeeded in getting a hard core alcoholic to get and stay on the wagon.

Cheesecake Factory Cajun Jambalaya Pasta

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pasta jambalaya 4 1 of 1 1463×2048 1

Yield: 4 servings


  • 4 ounces butter
  • 2 teaspoons Cajun spice mix
  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into small pieces
  • 1 pound fresh linguini pasta
  • 1/2 cup clam juice
  • 2 ounces green bell peppers, cut into thin strips
  • 2 ounces red bell peppers, cut into thin strips
  • 2 ounces yellow bell peppers, cut into thin strips
  • 4 ounces red onions, cut into thin strips
  • 1/2 pound fresh medium shrimp, peeled, deveined, tails removed
  • 1/2 cup diced tomatoes


  1. Place the butter into a sauté pan. Allow the butter to melt slightly. Add the seasoning into the pan and stir together with the melted butter. Add the chicken into the pan and continue to cook until the chicken is about half done.
  2. While the chicken is cooking, carefully place the pasta into boiling water and cook until al dente.
  3. Pour the clam juice into the pan. Add the peppers and onions. Cook for another minute, making sure the vegetables are heated through and the chicken is almost done.
  4. Add the shrimp into the pan. Toss the ingredients together and continue to cook until the shrimp are almost done.
  5. Add the tomatoes into then pan. Continue to cook mixture until both the shrimp and chicken are thoroughly cook through.
  6. Place some pasta into each bowl. Spoon equal portions of the jambalaya mixture into each bowl over the pasta.

Invest in yourself

Do children of parents who were close to or over 40 when they were born wish they had younger parents?

My dad was 22 years older than my mom and in his mid-fifties when I was born. He retired while I was in elementary school which meant I essentially had two stay at home parents as my mom didn’t work. My dad never showed his age and was as active and involved as any of my friends dads but more so because he didn’t have work. When I was younger my dad would come to elementary school and eat lunch with me. He helped with boy scouts and came camping with me. He attended all sporting events and school activities. In the summer we would spend full days at museums or going on trips; he was a regular chaperone on school field trips. When my bus stop was far away he’d come pick me up every day.

I was always sadly hyper aware that he was older and losing him was a regular fear; I lucked out and had him with me until he almost hit 97 and I was 42; my mom passed 15 months before him. I just had my first child at 43 and have no idea how my dad managed 4 kids, with my brother and I just two years apart, and not complain or show any signs of age at all. I wouldn’t say I ever wished for younger parents as it is all I ever knew.

Do children of parents who were close to or over 40 when they were born wish they had younger parents?

My dad was 57 when I was born and my mom 43. My mom passed away 2 days after I was born. My dad was my world. He learned to cook to make me my favorite meals. I was a picky eater as a kid.

He woke me up each morning with fresh squeezed orange juice which I love until this day. As I got older, he would play tennis with me and taught me to play softball. He had played baseball in Cuba and he was a great hitter even in his sixties. I did everything with him.

When I was 5, he was on his way to pick me up at day care when he got into a terrible car accident where an ambulance was called to treat him. He was less than a a tenth of a mile from the day care, he told the ambulance workers he had to pick up his daughter before he could be taken to the hospital. He walked and picked me up with a head injury and took me to a neighbors house before being transported to the hospital. I will always remember this day.

When I was 10 he retired from work and started picking me up from the bus stop every day after school. He always had a snack ready for me and we sat and talked about our day.

At 15 he taught me to drive. He was patient and made sure I knew the rules of the road. For my 16th birthday, he took me to get my drivers license. A few days later he bought me a car. We were poor and I had no expectation of a car. He had put aside money to buy me a 3 year old Toyota Camry. He drove a 13 year old car.

A few months after my 16th birthday he was not feeling well and I thought it was a cold. He passed away 20 days later of a double pneumonia and acute leukemia. My world was shattered. I didn’t know how to pick up the pieces and keep going. To this day, I think about him every day.

Did I wish he was younger? No, I wouldn’t change him but I do wish I had more time with him.

Women are in the horns

What people are shining examples of the power of authenticity?

Joe Rogan.

He’s never run any commercials promoting his podcast. Never bought any billboards, any print ads. He never went on any late-night shows to promote his podcast.

I’ve always known about him from watching UFC’s, so I knew he had a podcast.

But eventually – he began popping up more and more on my YouTube suggestions. I figured – can this podcast really be any good? I know he’s a decent comedian and a great fight commentator.

Steadily – over years, he continued plugging away at his podcast, getting more and more guests.

Finally, I gave in – and I’m hooked – along with millions of other people.

The podcast is a blend of funny/smart and is just people having conversations. No acting, no-nonsense.

Just humble, intelligent conversations with a wide variety of people from all walks of life.

Joe now has one of the most popular podcasts in the world and he just did it by being his authentic self and enjoying conversations with people.

What is the best example of people who cheated death?

Mike Day.

He was a Navy SEAL serving in Afghanistan. During a mission in 2007, he went into a room first, leading his team. Unfortunately, it had insurgents in it, waiting with automatic weapons.

He was shot 27 times. While 11 rounds were blocked by his body armor, 16 rounds managed to hit him in the torso, arms and legs. He was also hit by a grenade which exploded and sent shrapnel through his body.

And then, he managed to kill three enemy fighters near him with a pistol and without killing any of the women and children in the room.

His recovery took two long years.

And he later became an advocate for wounded warriors and those living with PTSD—because he had it bad.

Sadly, he was haunted by the things he went through in war. This past March, he couldn’t bear it anymore and was found hanging in his room.

He cheated death narrowly for 16 years, but the demons were the ones Mike couldn’t escape. Rest in Peace warrior.

Toxic social media

Why does Russia refuse to give up on its only aircraft carrier?

The Admiral Kuznetsov was and actually still is the flagship of the Russian Navy.

Yes, she’s not seaworthy, but it doesn’t matter. This is really a matter of national pride. If the Russian Navy can’t keep their flagship in service, that does not look great.

As a side-note, the Kuznetsov was built at the Black Sea Shipyard in what is now Ukraine. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you’ll know why docking it in Ukraine is not exactly an option. Russia lacks any shipyards large and capable enough to properly service or build something this big, which is why they’re having so much trouble refitting the ship.

Do you feel Home Depot and Lowe’s are nothing but chain stores that bought out the little guy? Please note, my question does not imply I think so.

It may happen now and then but I have never heard of of a big box company buying out the little guy. They usually just open up a store and drive the little guy out of business – maybe. Read on. Sometimes a smaller chain will be bought out but seldom a single store.

Mom and pop hardware stores tended to do better than, say, grocery stores because of the expertise offered.

In 1976 I got a position in Rochester NH as a bank trust officer and we bought a beautiful cape cod with a center chimney built in 1853.

A neighbor chatted to me and asked me if I had experience with working on houses. Our previous home we had bought brand new so I had to confess that I had not. He told me I should expect this home to require endless work. He suggested to me that I should patronize Warburton’s Hardware just down the road from me. He said I would go in for a dollars worth of nails and come out with ten dollars worth of advice.

He was right on both counts and I took his advice.

Brownie Warburton retired and it was bought by the Boucher family and they are still there. It was a happy day for me when he invited me to call him Brownie. The locals were not usually that accepting of blow ins.

So the mom and pop hardware stores can compete.

Now just about anyone will be familiar with this logo

ACE Hardware

You might think that Ace is a chain but you would be wrong. Ace stores are individually owned or parts of small chains – a bit liked McDonald’s. The big difference is that Ace Corporation is owned by the store owners – it is a cooperative. Ace started up in 1924, long before big box hardware stores and they seem to be thriving. They do so in the same way that Brownie Warburton did: by providing service and expertise. Edit. I did not intend this to be an ad for Ace but it sure resonated with readers. Read the comments.

This is not to say that big box stores have no place; they clearly do but so do smaller, locally owned stores.

Be the best that YOU can be

What’s the most “life works in mysterious ways” experience you’ve ever had?

I’m a Christian and would change it to God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform “ as an old hymn says.

When I was younger, I was asked at the last minute to delay my holiday as someone else wanted to go to the Henley Regatta and we couldn’t both be away from work at the same time. I was furious!

When I arrived finally on holiday, this vision in a blue dress appeared. She also not only shouldn’t have been there that week, but shouldn’t have been there at all. She had been going to Switzerland earlier but developed appendicitis and couldn’t go and some weeks later was invited to join her sister and some friends and so we met.

We married a year later and remained together for 63 years until her death.

What’s the fastest you’ve wiped a smirk off of someone’s face?

I used to work for a large rehab company. I was a licensed occupational therapist. One year, we had a new girl start there, who was from Europe. She was also also a licensed therapist, but had two years of additional training. She was also on a work visa. At first she was friendly and agreeable, but soon began to show her true colors. She started making snide comments about people behind their backs, and then proceeded to say them to their faces. She told me that where she came from, I wouldn’t be considered a real therapist, because I had only studied for two years.

We had a few Rehab assistants that she proceeded to lord over, because she had a college degree and they did not. But they worked hard and did their jobs. One day she sat with us at lunch; myself, and two rehab assistants. She proceeded to make rude comments about certain ethnic groups in the company, claiming that they had chips on their shoulders. I told her that her remarks could be construed as racism, and that she had better knock it off. She scoffed, and went on making rude comments. When she left the room with a big smirk on her face, one of the aides told me that she had been making unflattering comments behind my back, too. I decided that she needed to be taught a lesson. I contacted our clinical director and reported her behavior, especially the racist comments.

An hour later, she came walking down the hall, smirk replaced by copious tears. She had been warned that if she continued with her behavior, she would be shipped right back to Europe.

Addicted to lifestyle

Plastic convertible

When I was five I walked by a toy store with my mother.

I looked in the window, and I saw a plastic model of a car. It was a yellow convertible.

And I well remember myself looking up to my mother, and telling her that she should buy it for me so that I could gift it to my father. I thought, and was absolutely convinced that my father would love the car.

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2023 11 11 18 51

I’m sure that both my mother and father thought that it was so cute. And today, I look back at that moment with fond memories. And to this day, whenever I see a model of a convertible, I think of this particular moment.


What would be your best advice for a young person who just started their career?

You are paid by how expensive you are to replace.

I graduated college with this misguided idea that a good degree and hard work would make me invincible. Everyone would hire me and I’d get a raise every year.

All it takes is a company downsizing or a manager that doesn’t like you. Our pay and job security are directly tied to how many other people are willing to do our job. This isn’t an opinion. It’s economics.

You either make yourself indispensable to a company. Or pick up skills and qualifications that make other companies want you more. Otherwise, plan on getting yanked around and low-balled.

As an extreme example, my friend skipped college and worked his way up to senior-level tech support with a camera company.

He spent the best years of his life there. Now, he’s older, his company has gone bankrupt, and he’s out of the job with minimally transferrable skills.

Remember that a business cannot feel emotion or empathy. It is a system, designed to learn, evolve, and make money. Don’t drink the Kool-aid and corporate ra-ra.

You are paid by how expensive you are to replace.

Cajun Shrimp Burgers

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2023 11 11 18 29


  • 1 pound steamed or boiled shrimp
  • 1/4 cup finely diced onions
  • 1/4 cup finely diced green bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoons chopped celery
  • 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 2 teaspoons Cajun seasoning
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 2/3 cup dry bread crumbs
  • 1 beaten egg
  • Flour
  • Extra-virgin olive oil


  1. Peel and devein shrimp and remove tails. Chop shrimp.
  2. Cook onions, bell pepper and celery in microwave until soft. Drain well.
  3. Combine chopped shrimp, vegetables, garlic, seasoning, mayonnaise, bread crumbs and egg.
  4. Form into patties, dredge in flour, and place on plate or tray. Freeze for about 20 minutes.
  5. Remove from freezer and dredge in flour again.
  6. Drizzle oil into a nonstick pan and fry shrimp burgers over medium-high heat until brown and crunchy on each side.
  7. Serve on buns or French bread.

Singaporean Woman Flips On Modern Woman For Bashing Her PASSPORT BROS

This Singaporean Woman is sick and tired of Modern Women feeling entitled. She said look up a Singaporean passport before you open your mouth.

Can Russia, China, and the West ever be on good terms?

Yes they can and they should. It makes sense that if the three strongest and most powerful nations find a way to accommodate each others interest and red line. When and if they do the rest of the world are free to move on with their lives and grow their respective economy. I really believed that these 3 powerful nations simply cannot make each other submissive and subservient to the other.

The U.S. tried hard and desperately over the past decade or so without any success at all. Take the U.S. and China trade war. After 5 years straight of tariffs, sanctions and demonisation, if anything China gets stronger and more independent. And the Chinese counter actions. Is hurting the US. And to be fair China prefers to not have this dispute as it slows down Chinese growth too.

The U.S. tried to pinned down Russia militarily and geopolitically too since Biden take office culminating with the Ukraine war. A good 18 months has gone by and Russia is as strong as ever and at best the war is a stalemate with both the U.S. and Russia becomes slightly less strong. But the only thing the U.S. who goaded Russia into this war achieved is to bring world GDP down a notch. What good is it?

China do not mind if the U.S. grow healthily at 3% due to its mature economy and as a result China grow 6% healthily and both nations and the rest of the world pay attention of improving competitiveness and development. I am hopeful that a new U.S. president will see the benefits of collaborating with China and Russia.

The U.S. threw their kitchen sink at China and Russia for the last 2 full years! Has China and Russia been destroyed? Be honest! Nothing substantial happened. And what ever little Russia and China got hurt and harm so does the U.S. at least in the same proportion if not a little more. So what good is it? All the huff, puff and rant for nothing.

Now imagine. All three nations go positive. The world will be healthier, more stable, more peaceful and prosper. That cannot be bad for the world. The U.S. needs a new approach and a new leader that don’t think in hubris but in finding collaboration for mutual good.

Man SHOCKS The Panel With This Fact

I have an employee that always clocks out 5 minutes early. They seem to have a good work ethic but I recently have been questioning it. What should I do as a manager?

Story time. My ex was an irreplaceable worker who needed to leave work 10 minutes early to catch a train that would get her home a good 45 minutes earlier compared to the train she’d get if she left exactly on time.
her manager insisted she stay until exactly 17:30. Note that she didn’t do anything worthwhile in that last 10 minutes. Her type of work meant that everything took longer. She also hated crowds, so she got the train to work an hour earlier than strictly necessary, meaning that most days she was 45 minutes early for work (she’d stop somewhere to buy a hot breakfast). Because of the type of conscientious worker she was, and also she was the head of a team of around 10–12 people, and she took pride in her work; she would start working more or less straight away. The boss knew all this, because she was always at work when he came in. He also knew that she was already working because of the dozen or so emails that she had already sent out (to clients, to coworkers with him CCdd, to him directly, etc). When she pointed all of this out to him, he said that “nobody is asking you to do that” and something about any colleague could walk up to her at 17:25 and ask a question or for a task to be done. If you ask me, it was all baloney and the dude was simply on a power trip! (Or maybe someone above him had archaic views and was being unreasonable)

so she gave in her notice and quit to start up on her own (basically to be a freelancer).
they couldn’t find anyone else to do the work, and for the first two years of her freelancing career she basically did her old job from home (no commute, working from home, and back in 2015, this was a massive perk, which was unheard of). Hell, the lack of commute alone saved her £3000 per year.

She got paid about 40% more to do the same work she always did, in about 1/2, maybe 2/3 of the time. It took them two years to train someone up to replace her (and stop needing her services as a freelancer).

Serves them right…

Welcome to America!

What is the greatest miracle you have personally witnessed in your life?

My Brother was in a car crash and went through the windscreen of the car he was a passenger in.. he managed to get his arms up to protect his face but didn’t manage to completely cover his eyes.. he was cut out of the car and flown by ambulance to Ninewells hospital in Dundee (Scotland) where he spent two years going through in total 35 operations on his eyes. Ninewells had the best Eye Specialists and Dept. in the Country.. After his final operation his Doctor sat down with us his family, and explained that they had tried everything to save his sight but that he would be 100% blind for the rest of his life and that he would need all our help to come to terms with it and to help him adjust to life as a blind man.. after 2 years they released him from Hospital into our care..

I had not prayed for many years. Had stopped going to Mass years before.. but that night I got on my knees and I prayed to God.. I begged him to restore my brothers eyesight and offered to lose mine in his place..

3 days later.. it was a beautiful sunny day and I took him for a walk.. guiding him with my arm.. someone he knew shouted hello from a distance and waved to us. My brother asked who it was and I said the guys name and said that he had waved. My Brother said “I know, I could make out the shadow of his arm in the grass”

I was gobsmacked but didn’t say anything to him about it.. When we got home I told Mum what had happened and She phoned his Doctor who brought my brother in for tests.. the Doctor confirmed his last prognosis.. that he was blind and there was no difference from the last time he was tested.. He sat Mum down and explained that it was his brain playing tricks on him and went into great detail on the damage that had been done and how it was impossible that it could be repaired either naturally or medically..

My brother now has 98% of his vision restored and wears contact lenses.. he actually has better sight than me..

God makes the impossible possible…!


Did you ever see karma hit someone who deserved it so befittingly that it was eerie?

This happened to my best friend. She had left her abusive husband and was living in her own apartment, when he learned where she was, and went ballistic on her. He assaulted her and threatened their one year old. Her new neighbors heard the disturbance and called the police. When the police got there, they asked for his information and he gave a false name. Unfortunately, they believed him. because when they called that name in, they found no record on him. They were about to leave when my friend overheard and gave the police officers her husband’s correct name. Turns out there was an outstanding warrant that she hadn’t known about, and they hauled his ass off to jail.

It gets better. During that time, she got a lawyer and pressed charges, and her neighbors testified in court. His mother and father, who were quite elderly and in poor health died within weeks of each other. Then, when he got out of prison, the city decided to put in a new road and offered his landlord money for the house that my friend’s husband was living in, so he got evicted. He spent the rest of that year couch surfing because nobody would let him stay with them, due to his bad temper.

What was your “I am surrounded by idiots” moment?

I was flying out of LA bound for Newark. My flight was leaving at 6am on a Wednesday. My work was finished on Tuesday, around 8pm. I went to a restaurant, had a great meal, dropped off the car and went to check in at around 11pm that Tuesday evening. My plan was to find a comfortable seat, take a short nap, and be ready for my early Wednesday flight.

At the security check point the person checking told me I could not go through because I was a day early for my flight and I’d have to come back the next day to check in. I tried to explain to him that the next day was in one hour and my flight was leaving in six hours. He did not get it and was adamant that I could not enter until the next day.

At that point I asked to see his supervisor. He eventually got the supervisor. When the supervisor listened to me and checked my ticket he told his guy, “Let him in. You need to learn how to tell time. See me later.”

The flight was uneventful.

$22,000 dollars

What would you do if I park my car in front of yours to block your exit for a few minutes?

I use to fix street lamps for a living. Once I was about to pull up to a lamp that needed to be fixed when someone pulled into the spot ahead of me. I got out of the truck and explained I was about to pull up to the lamp to fix it and would he please move his car. His response was, “I’m only going to be a few minutes, you can wait “ He then walked onto a store that was right there.

So I pulled up the truck along side his car, and was up in the bucket and started to fix the light. I was still up in the bucket fixing the lamp when he came out of the store and was angry to find my truck was blocking his being able to pull out. He called up to me demanding I move my truck so he could pull out. I shouted down to him, “I’m only going to be a few minutes, you can wait “ and then went back to fixing the light.

Have you ever had a work colleague who was disliked by most of the other staff, but you knew just how much integrity, honesty, and honour they really had?

Bert was a part of the furniture for many years. He slid silently into his cubicle before most people arrived. The sound of flipping pages and keypad strokes were the only signs of life from his corner.

He evaded unnecessary contact with his colleagues. In meetings and during unavoidable greetings he mumbled and focused his eyes anywhere but on the person talking to him.

Bert drank no coffee and ate a packed lunch at his desk. He evaporated promptly at 4.55 every evening, leaving only an immaculately ordered workspace devoid of any clues as to who he was as a person.

It was impossible to like Bert. His own discomfort with everyone else was awkward and off putting.

At the same time, the only thing to dislike about him was that he didn’t fit in with the rest. Bert’s unseen presence was a low-level annoyance, like a squeaky chair or the smell of an overheated copy machine.

Only two people understood how valuable Bert was. Bert’s boss had known it for years. I learned about his talents when we worked as a team to create technical catalogues. I handled text copy and Bert handled tables, graphs and technical drawings.

We mostly collaborated by e-mail. His PDF markups were always detailed and clear.

When we met in person, I honored his unspoken preference to avoid eye contact. This seemed to comfort him.

For three years we redesigned dozens of catalogs with only rare and minor errors discovered after printing.

I learned to truly appreciate Bert’s talent for finding the needles (errors) in the haystack (multi-hundred-page catalogs). He was quiet, unassuming and provided the company excellent value for his salary.

I eventually moved on, but Bert and others kept producing error-free work. Bert’s methodical proofreading approach guides me still.

When Bert’s boss retired, a new boss found him uncomfortable (like everyone else). He was let go and his job was outsourced to an agency.

One of the agency’s first jobs was updating an existing 800-page catalog. 50,000 copies were printed and some were shipped to customers.

It was only then that the typo was discovered. A technical term had been typed as a sexual one. It was an expensive mistake (mostly covered by the insurance company).

I still have no idea who Bert is as a person. But I know his work reeked of integrity, his written communications were more honest than most people can swallow, and that working together with him was an honor.

Being able to depend on a colleague is more important than liking them. Thanks for the life lesson Bert!

Wealth in perception

Why does America force democracy upon people who don’t want it?

The U.S. used democracy in 2 ways. To elevate the U.S. as the beacon of democracy in the free world, a self declared superlative about themselves by themselves. That no one believes but themselves. Even that is only some white Caucasian, Anglo Saxon, conservative and less travelled and less educated ones.

And to tag countries that refused to be submissive and subservient to them to be “not” democratic. So authoritarian and dictatorial or a host of slurs such as. Communism, Socialism, Regime, Rogue States etc. Simple pea brain people buys that slur over the years to feel good about themselves while looking down and demonising others they did not like after being indoctrinated against for close to a century.

But these are optics or cosmetics. Forcing “U.S. liberal Democracy” is much more sinister. If you are having a political system like the U.S. they can easily manipulate that nation’s political process and place their puppet to do the U.S. bidding for them. Such as align with them and against China or Russia or selling resources to the Yanks at dirt cheap prices! That is what happened to many decades in the Philippines.

US political system is all about popularity and no meritocracy at all. All you need in a poorer developing nation is money to bribed voters. And the U.S. has plenty of printed Green back to throw about. That is the reason they forced nations to failure through the unworkable and inefficient political processes. For the U.S. sake. Not the nation in question sake.

After spending billions it almost always don’t work after a while. Hence Vietnam U.S. still a proud successful socialist nation, Iraq is still a Muslim fundamentalist nation and Taliban Afghanistan became Taliban Afghanistan after tens of trillions spent. Sure Zalensky the U.S. puppet did poke Russia in the eye and see what the U.S. and Ukrainians get for their effort!

Magic Music for Cats – UNBELIEVABLE Results (Tested 2022)

You won’t believe the results of this expert-made calming music for cats! Designed to relax your cat no matter their state of anxiety, aggression stress or depression! Try it now to see why we’re the number 1 natural remedy on youtube!

Why do guys never go for an “innocent” girl?

First of all, many guys do go for an “innocent girl.” I’m not one of them, but there are countless guys who totally look for “innocence,” however variously that may be defined, in women.

Why don’t some guys go for an “innocent” girl?

Speaking only for myself, not for any other man: I don’t go for “innocent” women because I like women who know exactly what they like and how to get it. I strongly prefer women who aren’t meek and aren’t the least bit frightened, women who live their lives out loud, uninhibited and unashamed.


They’re better partners.

They’re more fun. They’re less timid and more adventurous. They understand themselves better. They sample life with gusto. They embrace life in its joy, unworried about what other people have to say. They live on their own terms, which means they are more likely to explore and embrace new things. They are, not to put too fine a point on it, more courageous and more enjoyable to spend time, or life, with.

What is your best parking spot revenge?

Ages ago I used to work at a place that had formerly been a large outlet mall. The company I worked for owned one quadrant of the building but there was plenty of parking available. One guy, Crumb E. Parker, had a very nice car and did not want it damaged but rather than park it far away from the building he parked it close by and took up three spots, almost like so but even more perpendicular to the spot.

Now had he done this in the East Jesus end of the lot where nobody else parked nobody would have cared but he had an early shift and parked as close to the building as he could This happened every day for a month and people were sick of seeing it. A couple of us got together and decided this aggression could not stand, man!

Since he did this right by the handicapped spots we made friends with the person that would park in the handicapped spot closest to his car and got them to swap spots with someone who worked a shift until midnight. Then we did the same with an early bird who would park on the other side of him. We had both cars parked so close to him he’d have needed to make an 87,423-point turn to be able to get out. We waited.

Shortly after Mr. Parker’s shift ended there are announcements and emails going out. Mr. Parker is wandering the halls of the office looking for whomever owned the cars that had him blocked in to move them. Nobody is owning up to it. A threat comes out to have towed the cars blocking him which was followed by a near-immediate retraction when someone pointed out that doing so but not towing the guy who parked like crap all the time could be seen as retaliation against a disabled person which would open up lawsuits. The guy ended up having to take a taxi home and back to work the next day and after that he would still park like crap but way out in the furthest parking spots where nobody cared and all was right with the world again.

304 Woman Got REJECTED For Being Promiscuous

What is the craziest thing you have seen a mechanic do at an auto mechanic shop?

Worked at Ford Dealership many years ago. I had 45 techs in seven different departments. Of all the people I had, only two were certified to work on the FORD GT’s.

I don’t recall the reason why the vehicle was in for service, but it was minor and didn’t require a test drive afterwards to verify that it was repaired.

I received the repair order and assigned the ticket/vehicle to one of my GT techs. As mentioned, it was simple repair and after the parts arrived, it only took him an hour so.

My GT tech finished the repair, closed out the ticket, sent me the paperwork (hard copy) then carefully backed the car out and drove it outside towards a special area that we kept all high dollar/high profile customer vehicles at.

I was inside my office at the time and watched the big garage doors open as he drove this wonderful-sounding, sexy vehicle outside.

I go to lunch and get back to my office an hour later.

I checked my email – “Come see me ASAP” it read. It was from my Boss.

This was highly unusual. I mean we sent emails back and forth all the time, but never with the subject matter “Come see me ASAP”.

Nonetheless I marched into my Boss’s office and he shut the door.

He looked at me and was pale as a ghost.

Mike crashed the GT,” he said.


I couldn’t believe it. Instead of parking this $250,000+ car like he was required to, Mike decided to take it for a spin around the block. Real quick.

He went around a corner too fast, lost control and took out a tree.


He was unhurt for the most part and walked away from it with just a bruise or two (he said).


GET INTO THE SYSTEM AND MAKE SURE HE DOESN’T DRAW ANOTHER VEHICLE!” my Boss told me. (he wasn’t much of a systems admin guy and needed me to do it). So I did.

To make a long story short, Mike the GT tech finished out another vehicle (a big truck) that he’d been doing an engine on. It took him a couple of days, but when he finished the ticket, he was fired. I’m sure he saw it coming.

The Dealership paid back the GT Owner what he’d paid for it. He wasn’t happy, of course, but what else ya gonna do?

Unwanted attention

What is something people need to understand?

Grit is the engine of success.

Not ability.
Not talent.
Not IQ.


This isn’t a matter of opinion. There’s research behind it. And what it concludes is unequivocal—

Innate aptitude just means you start out a few steps ahead.

Perseverance is where it’s at.

When I started out my writing was so crappy I wouldn’t share it here if you paid me.

My first gig paid $1.5/hour.

10,000 hours later, I support a family of 5 by working from home.

I got here because I showed up.

Every. Single. Day.

Ask my wife how many times I came to her on the verge of tears saying I wanted to quit because my writing was rejected.

But I stuck with it.

And with time, the rejections became approvals.

Never hearing from clients again became high-paying long-term retainers.

And the feelings of insecurity became a steadily growing sense of self-assurance.

Failure is staying down after you get knocked out.

Success is doing something as many times as it takes until you nail it.

What economic policies has China implemented that are successful?

I’m not a professional economist.

Judging from the economic events that will occur in 2023, I think one of China’s most successful economic policies is “foreign exchange control.”

China’s foreign exchange controls include the following measures:

1. Restrict foreign exchange circulation in China

Any enterprise or retailer in China is not allowed to accept foreign currency and must convert it into RMB before trading. I can’t buy anything in any store in China with US dollars or Singapore dollars.

2. Restrict foreign exchange from being freely convertible into RMB

Any foreigner who visits China needs to convert foreign currency into RMB. There are limits on the amount. For example, foreigners entering China can only exchange US$50,000 in cash each year. The foreign exchange received by Chinese companies operating abroad will also be subject to amount restrictions when they need to convert it into RMB.

Foreign companies also need approval to remit foreign currency into China for investment.

3. Restrict the conversion of RMB into foreign currencies

Any Chinese or foreigner leaving China must exchange RMB cash into foreign currency. Or if you want to remit RMB and convert it into foreign currency, you are also subject to the amount limit.

Not only that, if Chinese companies want to invest in other countries and want to convert RMB into foreign currencies, they also need approval.

Simply put, the conversion of RMB and foreign currencies is subject to limits and controls. This makes large sums of money not freely convertible at all.

China is the world’s largest trading country, and it is the largest trading partner of almost all countries in the world. Therefore, the foreign exchange control policy actually has many negative impacts on the Chinese economy, which brings troubles to cross-border transactions, troubles to Chinese companies operating abroad, and a lot of troubles to foreign companies investing in China.

Even so, China still insists on implementing foreign exchange control strategies.

As an employee of a Singapore investment company, perhaps because of my lack of knowledge, I have not been able to understand China’s approach in the past many years. Because this policy often gives me a headache at work and adds a lot of extra workload to our company. The Chinese want to expand trade so much, why do they impose artificial restrictions on currency flows?

I once believed that if China relaxed its foreign exchange controls, China’s imports and exports would see huge growth.

It wasn’t until 2023, after the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike, that I realized the reason why China did this: they took financial sovereignty into their own hands.

As we all know, in order to solve the country’s economic problems and curb inflation. In 2023, the Federal Reserve carried out continuous and substantial interest rate increases on the US dollar.

This operation has greatly increased the yield on U.S. dollar deposits, and funds all over the world want to transfer to the United States to obtain high interest rates. Many people even apply for loans in their own country and then transfer the loaned funds to the United States to enjoy the interest rate difference between the two places.

This caused funds from all over the world to begin to gather in the United States. Investors and wealthy people frantically converted their currencies into U.S. dollars and remitted them to the United States.

This resulted in a series of dire consequences for all other countries:

1. Due to the loss of large amounts of funds, investment in various fields in the country has been stopped.

2. The domestic currency was sold off in large quantities (converted into US dollars), causing the domestic currency to depreciate sharply, while the US dollar appreciated sharply.

3. Lack of investment and consumption (all the money is remitted to the United States) has caused the economy to decline, business is sluggish, and companies are gradually closing down.

4. As the U.S. dollar appreciates, American investors can purchase companies and minerals that are about to go bankrupt in their own countries at very low prices.

5. National wealth shrinks (the national currency depreciates), and people no longer trust the national currency and turn to buying U.S. dollars, causing the collapse of the national currency to intensify.

This consequence is like a domino, which is catastrophic for any country, meaning that the wealth created by this country for decades may be completely harvested by the United States.

In order to avoid this disastrous chain reaction, governments can only take one approach: follow the United States in raising interest rates. This can reduce the interest difference between the two countries and reduce capital outflows. You can take a look at the situation in your country in the past six months. Are banks already raising interest rates?

However, raising interest rates is not a panacea. It also has a serious negative impact, which reduces domestic investment willingness. After all, who wants to invest in business when you can earn a high income by depositing your money in the bank? At the same time, some companies that rely on loans, especially the financial industry and large-scale manufacturing industries, will see their capital costs continue to increase. When the chain breaks, businesses go bankrupt. For individuals, the interest pressure on student loans, credit cards, and mortgages will increase, and people’s lives will inevitably be affected.

Therefore, for most countries, not raising interest rates means allowing the United States to harvest their own wealth; raising interest rates means immediately harming the domestic economy and people;

No matter what you choose, you will get hurt. The rate hike is just the one that hurts less.

But in China, the situation is different.

Not only did the Chinese not follow the U.S. in raising interest rates like other countries, they actually kept cutting interest rates in the past few months.

Aren’t they afraid of massive capital outflows and sharp depreciation of the RMB, which will trigger an economic crisis?

Of course not, that’s why they implemented exchange controls.

Since the RMB and the U.S. dollar are not freely convertible, large-scale conversions are simply impossible.

Bank of China: What, you want to convert 50 million yuan into US dollars? what is your purpose? Transfer money to a U.S. bank? Sorry, this is not allowed.

Oh, you changed your story again and said you were going to the United States to do business. Well, please provide your business contract, investment agreement, and lawyer’s certificate!

Therefore, they are not worried about these problems at all, and the outflow of funds is limited to a controllable range. The United States simply cannot harvest China.

In the past few months, the yuan has indeed depreciated against the US dollar, but has appreciated against other major currencies around the world, which shows the effectiveness of China’s foreign exchange control capabilities.

With low interest rates, Chinese companies can obtain very cheap financial support from their banks, which makes them invincible in the global market. Taking the shipbuilding industry with the largest demand for funds as an example, the Chinese have taken 90% of the world’s shipbuilding orders in the third quarter. In the same period last year, their share was only 50%.

In the face of US dollar interest rate hikes and global currency depreciation, inflation has occurred in various countries, but China’s domestic inflation does not exist at all. They have even begun to worry about “deflation.” Many Chinese friends told me that domestic prices in China are actually lower than last year, and people can buy more goods with the same money.

What the world thinks of Americans…

As a police officer, what situation made it hard for you to keep a straight face?

I was assigned to Police Motorcycles for ten years. I was on a traffic stop one winter day writing a citation to a young man. While writing, the young man asked me if I knew Officer Stone. My heavy leather jacket covered my name plate, and as the only Officer Stone on the force, I found this an interesting question, since I had never seen him before. I responded, “Why yes, yes, I do.” I threw in “He’s really a great guy.” The young man agreed, telling me how they were good friends, and that Officer Stone was close with his family. “Officer Stone comes over to my house on most Sundays for dinner and my mama cooks for him”, the young man added. I said “Why that’s real nice of her.” As I handed the kid his citation to sign, I pulled back my jacket to reveal my name plate, and said “Tell your mama I’ll be over for dinner Sunday at 1:00”. The kid’s face froze, and after a few seconds, he simply responded “Yes Sir!”

How do you politely and respectfully keep women coworkers from hitting on you at work?

My career was spent as the Founder and CEO of a very large company. When a woman disrespected my marriage, politeness went out of the window. Ladies, trust me I’m not God’s gift to women, but I have been hit on! I was once told by a 22 year old (I was 40 something) that she could steal me away from my wife. My response was, “you’re fired”!

I’ve now been married to the most incredible woman in the world for 56 years. I still find reasons to fall in love with her each day.

What’s your recent happiest moment?

When I was 17 years old, I dropped out of high school to work full time. I never went in to get my GED (which is the equivalent of a high school diploma).

Since then, my parents (especially my mom) have been begging me to get my diploma.

I’ve put it off for years and years, much to their disappointment.

This fall, my friend finally coaxed me into taking the exams. He assured me that I could do it, he encouraged me, and he was a huge support.
I wouldn’t have done it if it weren’t for him.

November 30th, I passed my final exam and got my GED!

I printed it out, framed it, and wrapped it up for my parents for Christmas.

Unfortunately, I have no chill, so I went to my parents’ house last night to give them their Christmas present early.
My mom unwrapped it, read the diploma and…

Oh. My. God.

That reaction was worth every single minute of studying and exam taking.

I have never seen someone cry out of happiness at a present, but my mom did. My dad got teary eyed! Shit, the boyfriend said he even got blurred vision watching my parents’ reaction!

It was amazing.

My dad was smiling and clapping and my mom hugged me so hard I thought she was going to break a rib.

The dogs started barking because they were freaked out at the sudden mayhem.

At one point my dad yelled, “A ROUND OF WHISKEY IS IN ORDER!” and ran off to the kitchen to pour a round of shots.

It was hilarious.

Hands down, being able to make my parents that excited has been one of my happiest moments.

There’s nothing like making your parents proud.

(Oh, and P.S.: I passed with flying colors. I made those exams my bitch.)

Iran Gets Access To Chinese Satellite To Use For Missile Attack on Israel!

“The US must be isolated or sidelined for the benefits of all free nations of the world.”

What pushed you into retirement?

What pushed me —a United States Astronaut— into retirement? I’ll tell you exactly what pushed me.

I was summoned into the “corner office.” This is a hallowed place, reserved for the Chief of all astronauts. Seated in a chair in front of the boss’ desk, the discussion would eventually turn to me asking, “What are my chances of flying again?” The boss pulled out a long sheet of paper. A sheet known to wannabe fliers as the A/B line chart. It typically shows potential flight assignments well into the future and is used for NASA JSC management planning purposes. After fidgeting and mumbling for a few moments, I heard the words that would eventually push me into retirement. I heard the head of the astronaut office say —in part— “… I have better choices to fly in space than you,” and then, after a brief pause, the boss followed up by saying that I didn’t “… have the temperament for long-duration spaceflight.”

I was crushed beyond words. The career that I had worked so hard for, and had —after 15 application cycles— been selected to do, was being summarily ended. I left the office of the Chief Astronaut and cried … but not before I wrote down everything that was said.

I did not retire immediately. I hung on … performing as a lowly “management astronaut.” Stripped of most of the “fun” stuff (like flying in the T-38), I was expected to go to meetings. The only saving grace I had was that I was made an IA (instructor astronaut) for spacewalking. Something I was very good at, I apparently did have the temperament for teaching neophyte space walkers. Of course, I took that assignment very seriously.

In all honesty, I was hoping for a change. I tried to wait the boss out, hoping they would step down for a more promising assignment. They did exactly that, hoping —but failing— to be named as the first astronaut to spend a year in space. I would then enter the hallowed corner office once again, only this time I was sitting across from the new Chief… and the new deputy.

When I respectfully asked them for a chance to get back into the “active astronaut” and flight-eligible line, the boss gave me an emphatic “no.” Expecting exactly that response, I asked for a more responsible position in the office hierarchy, one that could challenge me more than meeting attendance and effectively utilize my 30 years of NASA experience (15 as an engineer, 15 as an astronaut). Again, the boss said “no.” The Deputy said nothing. I was being dressed down, by two people who would go on to fly again … just like the previous boss.

I was angry … very angry. So much so, that I was bringing that anger home and inflicting it upon my family. Obviously an unpalatable situation, it took the courage of my then 18-year old son to say, “… Dad, this has to stop.”

And stop it did … sort of. My family will tell you that I am still angry … and it’s something I must deal with every single day. I am working hard to lessen the anger, but it’s going to take some time.

I have now been retired for nearly 6 years. During that 6-year hiatus from government service, I have been writing. I write to share my stories with you and, more importantly, because it’s therapeutic. And it’s really a whole lot of fun! I also enjoy teaching part-time at Iowa State University, entertaining as a motivational speaker, and I consult with various organizations in a number of different capacities (listen for my voice sometime or take a Royal Caribbean cruise!).

Have you ever been in a situation where a vacation took a sudden turn for the worse?

My wife and I spent a month in Spain and were scheduled to fly home from Paris, France.

The day before we were to leave my wife tested positive for Covid.

I had to to make arrangements to stay longer at the Airbnb, the host was very kind and helpful.

I had to reschedule a number of appointments that were to take place after we were to return home.

All of this went smoothly but when I tried to get ahold of Air France, it took over six hours of trying before I was able to talk to a human. I was informed that they would not change our tickets because we had booked through America Express. It took about two minutes to get a human at American Express who was able to change our tickets for a flight four days later. We were issued new tickets, but when we were at the airport, Air France informed me that there was a $175 charge for the changed flight. I asked why as we already had new tickets and Air France did not do anything for the changed tickets. It was like I was talking to a brick wall. The Air France person could not (or would not) explain what the charge was for. He was rude and acted like I was being unreasonable, but all I wanted was an explanation as what the extra charge was for.


I finally paid the the fee but I will never fly on Air France again

Rwanda, a tiny country in the eastern central part of Africa Rwanda

  • When visiting Rwanda, don’t bring any plastic bags as they are prohibited in the country. When you try to bring them, they will be confiscated right at the airport. Same goes with throwing waste in the environment, our country is very clean, and throwing any waste would be a shame for you, and the authorities can punish you for that.
  • Don’t openly discuss ethnic issues. 22 years ago our country had seen one of the most atrocious tragedies in human history 1994 Genocide Rwandan genocide
  • you shouldn’t go around asking everyone what? where? how? who are you? The good way to learn this history is to try and visit some memorials which are rich in that history and it’s near the main city, Kigali and almost in every other city across the country.
  • Don’t try to take pictures of everything you see especially people even young kids in the street without first asking. Yes, our country is still under development, you might see poor neighborhood, young street kids or some funny things you can make out of those pictures – taking photos of those vulnerable people without their permission is a sensitive issue in our culture.
  • You shouldn’t be annoyed or irritated if someone didn’t make it on time. For many people being late “is just okay” one hour or 4 hours would still be okay 😉 so if you are meeting someone either for business or personal affairs just bear this in mind and be patient.
  1. Restaurant and other service businesses. You will be treated really well, in fact a special treatment will be given to you if you are a foreigner (Rwandans are very welcoming and we are naturally good to our neighbours), but don’t take advantage of it or think that they want something from you (i.e. don’t shout or raise your voice when you are not satisfied with the service, there is a good manner to bring the issue at hand).
  2. Rwanda is very safe and secure. Contrary to the popular belief or some perception of a country which has been in Genocide 22 years ago, you can move around anytime you want; even midnight. Don’t expect anyone to understand what you are talking about, even if you speak English or French, the majority of people only know one language; Kinyarwanda. Taxis, local traders, waiters, service providers, etc. they try hard to understand you but make sure when you are traveling to have a local guide with you (this will also help you pay less for everything, because you will not be overcharged cause you are a foreigner)
  3. Don’t bring cats or dogs to public places or smoke in public. This doesn’t mean Rwandans hate animals, it means they respect other people’s views almost on anything. There are also special places reserved for smokers.
  4. When you are a guest to someone’s home, don’t pay (or contribute) for the food or drinks offered unless asked to, this is rude or in some cases disrespectful.
  5. Don’t get annoyed if you are being called ‘muzungu’ everywhere. Literally muzungu means ‘a traveler’ but it is widely known as ‘white people’, even Asians are called ‘muzungu’ 😉 😉 Don’t think they are being racists or are they trying to insult you.

Welcome to Rwanda! The land of thousand hills.

Man Expose His Girlfriend After DNA Test Proves He’s Not The Father Of Their Son.

Cute vs fun matrix is classic.

As a car mechanic, what is the craziest discovery you have found on an automobile?

Probably not the strangest, but the only one I could prove.

An elderly gentleman came into the shop complaining of a brake squeak. I wrote up the work order and my guys pulled it into the shop. After several minutes passed, I heard an explosion of laughter coming from the break room.

It was kind of obnoxious, so I went to see what was up. A mouse had gotten stuck between the brake pad and the caliper. Sadly the mouse had passed away.

I then approached the customer to come see what was causing the squeak. The customer began to hysterically laugh. To the point where he dropped to one knee. I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance.

A tech released the mouse and the squeak was gone. Rest in peace Mr. Mouse. Thanks for the laugh.

Has a store ever accidentally given you something for free?

Back in day 70s when I got married, I registered for a lovely ironstone place setting from Mikasa. I got 10 and a half place setting for wedding gifts. I went to Macy’s in Indianapolis to buy the rest to make 12 place settings. About 18 months later, I got a box from Macy’s that contained another place setting plus some serving dishes. Upon speaking to the manager of the department, it turned out they were discontinuing the pattern and as I was the last person to buy any pieces, they sent the display pieces to me. I thought that was very nice of them. 50 years later I still have all the pieces and use them when I have company.

What are your thoughts on Singapore’s role as a tech hub and regional gateway for funding and talent in South-east Asia?

I think it’s a great idea. Singaporeans are very intelligent, and have excellent educational backgrounds. They also have the distinction of being Asian in ethnic identity but having the Western influence that Singapore is known for. They have the best of both worlds, and a unique ability to unite Eastern and Western worldviews in brokering investments for the tech industry.

Singapore is also known to be a haven for those with considerable wealth. They may be willing to invest in tech startups that have potential. Especially if that company is close to home and able to benefit Singapore’s economy.

Singapore is also a major trade hub. Second to Shanghai, they are the largest port for transporting in the world. It’s a prime location for new ventures. It’s proximity to other Southeast Asian countries, India, and China make it a good hub with access to millions of people. All in all, I have a favorable opinion.

This is why men needs to have more sex than women…

Have you ever had a neighbor call the police on you?

Yes. And when they arrived for the “noise complaint” I answered the door in my boxers with my 3 year old slung over my shoulder on one side and a long handled fish net containing a bat (as in a nocturnal flying mammal) on the other.

“Can I help you officer?”

“Is that a bat?!”

“Yes, excuse me for a moment.”

Handed off my kid to the rather confused officer, went about the necessaries of releasing the terrified bat from the net, set it down, and retrieved my kid.

“What can I do for you sir?”

“We had a noise complaint (it was two or three in the morning) but I’m guessing I understand. Have a good night sir.”

And then he left. Chuckling all the way back to his car.

What’s your all-time favorite life hack that has made your daily routine significantly easier?


Someone on Quora pointed out that Ireland is good at micro-efficiency. If you need to fill out a form, there will be a pen beside it. The security guy at the door can tell you which desk you need to go to, stuff like that.

So I apply this to my life. My bicycle is in the hall, with the lock, lights and reflectors all attached to it. I can grab it and go out the door, knowing I have everything I need. My bike bag contains a can of instant puncture repair and rain gear.

My keyring has only the keys I actually use, plus a small mirror for problems with contact lenses.

I only buy trousers with pockets with zips that will actually hold my phone and keys.

Every coat has a pair of reading glasses in the pocket.

Beside my passport, I keep a small plastic bag with a toothbrush, contact lens case and mini deodorant. If I have to, I can hit the airport with just those and I’ll manage.

I wash the muddy dog in the road outside the house, not the bathroom. She likes it better, the local kids help, and I don’t have massive cleaning up to do.

There is no one hack that does it all, it’s more about finding the most efficient way to get things done.

In business, has your boss ever tried to fire you, only to be fired by their boss instead?

I worked for a company in Texas for a number of years. After my immediate supervisor retired, a new person from outside the company was hired to take his position. This guy was a complete sleeze bucket, he was really shady. I was given instructions that I was morally unwilling to do. I was given the choice to do it or pack up and leave.

I typed up a letter of resignation effective the Friday of that week and immediately left to visit my job sites in Louisiana and East Texas. On Friday as I was headed back home I stopped at one of my last job sites. The superintendent of the site informed me the President of my company was trying to get in touch with me and the owner of his company told him that if I showed up and did not contact my President, he would be fired.

I called him and he said when my resignation was delivered to the Senior VP in charge of my division two of my coworkers also turned in their resignations. Between the three of us, it represented 20+ years with his company. He and the SVP went to talk to my former supervisor. He was terminated on the spot and the three of us were asked to reconsider our resignations.

Making a man wait is like…

What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

Well, this wasn’t actually a person. But it was the best case of ‘you just picked a fight with the wrong one’ I’ve ever seen.

I was at the park walking my dog with a friend and her dog.

Her dog was a rescue but from her brains, looks and behavior she was an Australian Shepherd. That particular day she was off in the distance chasing birds while my dog (also a rescue and at that point still quite timid) was hanging back with us.

Suddenly a pair of huge Great Danes appeared out of nowhere and decided to make a meal out of the Aussie. They started off far behind her but they were 5 times her size, so they closed on her quickly in a vee formation, with the Aussie at the point of the vee.

As my friend and I watched in horror, they gained on her until they were just inches from her, still closing in at an angle. We were sure she was a goner.

And then, just as they were about to grab her, she reversed on a dime and shot back through the narrow gap still left between them. The train wreck she left in her wake as the two clumsy oafs slammed into each other head first was awesome to behold.

We were still laughing when she reached us, trotting back with a grin just like the one in the picture on her face and her tail waving high.

How did you break out of the rat race?

Today, I got this tough email…

Dear Hector,

Today feels heavy. I got up when it was still dark, way before sunrise because I wanted to do some work before my main job. I’m super tired. Coffee is like the juice that keeps me going.

In a few more minutes, I’ll go to work. I’ll be there for a long time. It’s supposed to be from 9 to 5, but I always need to stay longer. My boss says that’s what I should do to be a good employee. But even though I work a lot, my piggy bank isn’t getting any fatter, and everything else, like food and rent, keeps costing more.

Did you have a similar experience when you were my age? To me, this makes no sense!

Very frequently, I feel scared because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop working. It bothers me when people suggest we should save for retirement. They make me feel like I can’t manage my finances wisely. This is ridiculous. Savings? Lol, when will it happen?

Meanwhile, everyone seems to be so happy on the Internet. They post pictures with big smiles and seem to be having fun, but I think most are just pretending. Most of my friends are also running this “race” to success. Yet, most of them are also super tired, although nobody wants to say it out loud.

When I get home, I work my side hustle. Why? Because I went to a good college, and now I owe money, a lot of it. So, I work all day long, even when I should be taking a break or hanging out with friends. It feels like I’m on a bike pedaling super hard, but I’m not moving.

I need your help, Hector. How can I make this stop? How can I escape this miserable lifestyle and start making real progress?

Sorry if this was a long email. I hope you have some words of wisdom to open my eyes. I’m hungry for progress. To the best of my knowledge, I’ve done everything I was supposed to do, yet I don’t have the results I expected.

This is a tough one… but this is what I answered:

My friend, reading your email hit me right in the gut. I’ve been there, and let me tell you, it’s a tough spot. But you’re not alone, and you’re not the first to feel this way.

The first thing to understand is that this non-stop hustle culture we live in isn’t sustainable. It’s not healthy. Sure, working hard is important, but there’s a point where you’ve got to step back and look at the bigger picture. Are you working smart? Or just hard?

Here’s my answer thinking as an entrepreneur. I’m not saying this is right, so take this with a grain of salt. This is how I would focus my attention:

  1. Health is the first step to wealth: Drop the caffeine and find a healthier way to stay sharp. If you burn out, you can’t make money. Period.
  2. Forget the 9 to 5 myth: If your current job demands long hours with little reward, it’s time to rethink your career strategy. Maybe your skills are more valuable elsewhere. Ever thought about that?
  3. Your net worth is not your self-worth: Stop comparing yourself to the fake TikTok life. Delete it! Focus on you.
  4. Make time for what matters: You’ve got friends you don’t see because everybody’s “too busy”? Cut the BS. Schedule it as a meeting that you have to attend. Work will always be there. Relationships won’t.
  5. Your side hustle: You’re working a lot and not moving forward? Maybe you’ve got a passion or skill you can monetize on the side. It could be anything. To me, your answer is found there.
  6. Learn to say “NO”: This one’s tough but necessary. Set boundaries. Your time’s the most valuable asset you’ve got.
  7. Get a game plan: Sit down and figure out where you want to be in 5, 10, 15 years. Then, work backward to make a roadmap on how to get there.
  8. Take a break: Burnout is real. Sometimes, you’ve got to take a step back to leap forward.
  9. Keep learning: You say you went to a nice college. Great. But learning never stops. There are a ton of free resources out there. Use them. Learn how to increase your expertise and generate extra income.

You don’t have it all figured out yet, and that’s okay. Most of us struggle with this.

Here’s the good news: It’s great that you’re asking questions. Stay open to change and find new opportunities. Keep searching for answers!

Most importantly, make sure you’re hustling in the right direction. The world has changed. It’s all about working smarter, not harder.

What am I missing?

Xi Jinping’s Global South Red Carpet: China’s WARNING to the Neocons

China has been rolling out the red carpet for Global South leaders maligned by the United States. This video explains why this is a stark warning to the neocons that they’re global order is FINISHED.

What are the reasons (historic or otherwise) that led to the belief that wealth is a zero sum game?

It’s the story of a mugger named Bob, who had a lot of money, but wasn’t incredibly happy.

Getting drunk and hiring prostitutes just wasn’t really hitting the spot anymore, he felt a little bit empty, he was having trouble sleeping at night, wondering if he was really doing the right thing, questioning the meaning of life itself.

When he spoke to people about it, many suggested changing his ways, no longer mugging people, and doing something else more productive instead.

Bob didn’t like that idea one bit!
It sounded like a lot of work, for one. And it implied he had been doing something wrong?!? How dare they suggest that he was anything less than perfect!?
Hearing that kind of stuff made him angry, not happy.

But then one day, Bob talked to one of the PR people working for the thieves’ guild, and it changed his life.

He sat there for hours, listening avidly. For the first time, he was hearing ideas that made sense to him, it was like music to his ears.

Bob the mugger learned that wealth is not a zero sum game.
His latent feelings of guilt evaporated as he learned that getting money from someone, was actually the same thing as providing that person with a service.
Wealth creation! Of course! That made sense!

He felt a bit like a courageous hero when all the risks he was taking were mentioned.

He had always suspected that if there were any issues caused by muggings, it was just because of over-regulation, and that it would all go much smoother if city guards would just stay out of it.

When he was told that he was an amazing person, superior to everyone else, and that people were just jealous of him, and that was why they didn’t like him… Oh boy! It stroked his ego in just the right way! It was exactly what he wanted to hear.

Bob the mugger walked away feeling GREAT!
No more doubts, no more guilt, and no need to change anything either!
He could go on mugging people, filled with confidence that he was making the world a better place, by caring only about himself.

And he went on to do great things!

He decided that it was time that he give back to the community, by providing some jobs for other muggers. And he didn’t stop there, he had a growth mindset, and built a huge mugging empire!

Bob the mugger became Bob the risk-taker, Bob the job provider, Bob the creator of wealth!

This unsung hero almost died asking himself that very same question:

Why does nobody understand me and my greatness? Why do they not understand that I’m creating jobs and wealth?!? Why do they keep talking about a zero sum game?!?

But then he remembered: They were probably all just jealous.
And he died at peace with himself, soothed by his comforting ideology.

What are some mental errors to avoid at all costs?

There’s a thing called the gambler’s fallacy that many of us fall for in so many situations.

The most simple example is if you are flipping a coin. You’ve landed on heads 10 times in a row. At that point, you might think that you have higher odds of landing on tails. Obviously, that’s not true — as it is always a 50/50 chance.

It happens during card games, sports betting, and all manner of games that we play. If you are playing cards and get five good hands in a row. It’s easy to start thinking, “You know, I’m actually kind of a good card player.”

Your ego gets involved and that’s when things get dangerous for your wallet.

Cajun Salmon Burgers with Lime Mayonnaise

On the table tonight: Cajun Salmon Burgers seasoned with McCormick® Perfect Pinch® Cajun Seasoning, panko, red bell pepper and onion. Top with Lime Mayonnaise for an extra-delicious Lenten (or any season) dinner.

2023 11 11 18 31
2023 11 11 18 31

Yield: 4 servings


Lime Mayonnaise

  • 1/4 cup reduced fat mayonnaise
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated lime peel
  • 1/2 teaspoon lime juice

Cajun Salmon Burgers

  • 3 (5 ounce) pouches boneless skinless salmon, drained
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1/3 cup panko bread crumbs
  • 1/4 cup reduced fat mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped green onions
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
  • 2 teaspoons McCormick® Perfect Pinch® Cajun Seasoning
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 4 hamburger rolls


Lime Mayonnaise

  1. Mix all ingredients in small bowl until well blended. Cover.
  2. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Cajun Salmon Burgers

  1. Mix salmon, egg, panko, mayonnaise, green onions, bell pepper and Seasoning in large bowl until well blended. Shape into 4 patties.
  2. Heat oil in large nonstick stick skillet on medium heat.
  3. Add salmon patties; cook 5 minutes per side or until lightly browned and cooked through.
  4. Serve salmon burgers on rolls with Lime Mayonnaise and desired toppings.


Serving Suggestion: Serve burgers with lettuce and tomato.

Should we be concerned that China’s probes into Foxconn’s facilities and land use could affect iPhone production capacity in China?

Quora Prompt Generator, who is the “we” you’re referring to?

Are you referring to the U.S. government? Why be concerned? Biden’s been bitching that Apple should do their manufacturing in the U.S. China is now telling Apple’s producers to stay home in Taiwan. This is a good time to remind Apple to come home.

Or are you referring to Apple stakeholders? You should be very worried. Foxconn and Wistron had to abandon India because they couldn’t transplant and replicate their China production to India and are trying to work their way back to China. Apple has no other country that can produce its premiun models and would be in deep kimchi if Foxconn can’t recoup to build back their capacity in China.

Or are you referring to Apple, the company? Yeah, they should be running scared because Tim Cook knows Apple has no Plan B to fall back on. Why do you think he’s been practically camping in in China these past months?

Or is this the “royal we”, the general public so to speak? This should be taken as a good sign. China is doing their due diligence – not allowing any “sacred cows”. Entities like Foxconn should be audited to ensure that they’re complying with all rules and regulations in order that there is a level playing field and market competition for all.

She Got UPSET After Knowing How Men Think!

Going to the farm

I once had a dog, a Siberian Husky. It was my sisters dog, but she never took care of it. Instead, I inherited that role. His name was “Frisky”, and was a “good boy”. But the rest of the family thought of him as a burden. Which was bad. He was a good dog.

One day, my father came to the back yard, and asked me to get him.

So I did.

He told me that he was going to take Frisky to a farm “where he could run about freely”. I believed him.

But, you know, what did I know? I was only 16 at the time.

Frisky looked up at me. Very skiddish.

I comforted him. And he seemed to be ok. He believed me. It’s gonna be fine, I told him.

My dad got him. Loaded him into the car.

And that was the last time I saw him.

Unwilling participant.

Yet my brothers and sisters, many decades later, berated me. Arguing how I couldn’t possibly realize what was going on. They knew. Why didn’t I?


I have remorse.


What is something you absolutely despise about your country?

Look at these statistics, let them sink in for a moment.


I have seen countless times:

  • An obese parent in front of me at the grocery store, with an obese child under the age of 10. Their grocery cart is full of pure junk food.
  • An obese person in a wheel chair ordering fast food.
  • People eating candy bars for breakfast on a daily basis.
  • Coworkers, who complain about their diabetes, with a bowl of candy by their monitor that they pick at all day.
  • I know of at least 3 people with diabetes who had their foot (or other limb) amputated because they couldn’t control their eating.
  • Children, under the age of 10, who weigh over 150 lbs (68 kg). These children are stretching their skin out and effectively ruining their bodies.

Our health education is pathetic. Our Physical Education and Gym programs are skeletal at this point.

Our country literally subsidizes food that makes people fat. We are essentially paying people to get fat.

It bothers me because people’s lack of discipline (or caring) ramps up healthcare costs that I have to pay for in tax dollars.

It bothers me because people don’t care about the way they look. They are willing to just let go.

But more than anything I am concerned for people’s well-being. You don’t always get second chances on heart attacks and strokes.

We are a prosperous country. But the scourge of prosperity is obesity.

I don’t despise obese people but I do despise it as a health epidemic in our country.

What is one mistake you made that you would like to warn others not to make?

My business was failing and I couldn’t understand why.

Things were NOT looking good since day one.

My mind was spinning out of control day and night trying to understand what was wrong.

In 2014 I found what seemed a great opportunity. I managed to negotiate an unusual deal with one of the best “warehouse” retailers in the USA. I had a signed agreement to purchase their overstocks… at unbelievable prices.

This was my math:

  • Regular price of the item: $100
    Warehouse discounted price of the retailer: $90
    I could get their items at 10% to 20% of their price.
    My price would be between $9 to $18!
  • Yes, that’s over 90% OFF the retail price!
  • Reselling these items, even at huge discounts to my customers could easily double or triple my money. It seemed like a priceless opportunity.

So I rented this HUGE warehouse:

I called it the Red Barn Outlet.

Located in a very busy street, with huge traffic count, we opened the doors to our customers.

We had great products and unbeatable prices, yet, we didn’t had the expected volume of sales.

I did marketing — and found little to no improvement.

I even hired amazing helpers:

Nothing helped…

To answer your question: What is one mistake you made that you would like to warn others not to make?

The laws of work have changed!

I learned this lesson in a very painful way.

  • Retail has changed.
  • Our Economy has changed.
  • The world has changed.
  • We have changed.

Today we have retail on our fingertips!

There’s an app for that!”

I was competing with a disrupted business model and as a small business owner, there’s NO way to win.

I was playing on the OLD Economy and as a consequence suffered a slow painful death because of disruption.

Today I teach people and businesses how to anticipate disruptive trends because I understand how painful it is.

This is my warning:

Hard work is not good enough anymore.”

Tactics win battles; strategy wins wars.

Texas Roasted Potatoes

Serve this side dish at your next cookout.

2023 11 04 10 29
2023 11 04 10 29

Yield: 8


  • 3 pounds red potatoes, quartered
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon granulated garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil


  1. Heat the oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Toss together all the ingredients in a large bowl.
  3. Place on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake for one hour (turning frequently) or until lightly browned.

Time-Slip Artifacts: Modern Objects in the Ancient World – Volume 1

I do love this show. Enjoy this fun show.

Is Hamas together with Hezbollah strong enough to beat Israel in a war?

Not a strictly conventional war

However they can ensure Israel never enjoys a minute peace.

They can ensure Israelis ultimately prefer to leave and migrate to other countries for a peaceful life

They can keep dying and keep replenishing their numbers and ensure money from sympathetic yet cowardly countries and their billionaires

It’s an effective strategy

Hezbollah attacks Israel, kills IDF Soldiers and occupied families

Israel bombs Lebanon blindly, kills mostly ordinary civilians

Hatred against Israel is reinforced

Arab Preachers will ensure hatred against Israel is maintained in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Syria

It keeps the Middle East divided and hostile and ensures it’s what the US wants

The only way to defeat Hezbollah and Hamas is the way Khalistan Or LTTE were defeated


The way to do that is to give the Palestinians what should have been given decades ago to them

Development, money, prosperity etc

Today 99% of the Palestinian Youth pick up a gun because they have no other option

Tomorrow with prosperity and development, only 60% will pick up a gun

Then 40%

Then 20%

Same happened with the LTTE

Same with the ETA in Spain

Same with the Uyghur Separatists

Same with the Chechen Militia

The Chinese saying “Full bellies quell revolution, empty bellies forment it”

Why this isn’t happening is because of Democracy

Israeli politicians know they won’t win 10 votes if they hand over the original territories of Palestine back to the Palestinians

US Politicians will lose control in an area where they are already losing control by the day

Neither side think Long term and decide to kick the ball down the road for the future politicians

It’s why most countries that won against terrorism/rebels were Autocracies Or Dominant Party Democracies – China, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka

Josep Borell, EU foreign policy chief, accuses China of treating Europe as a US puppet. How can this perception on the part of the Chinese be changed?

Until you grow balls! Until you tell the U.S. if you blow Nord Stream pipeline Germany will blow away Alaskan pipeline!

Until you tell off the U.S. when it becomes a jerk. Ask them to fxxk off and say over your dead body will you listen to them. Get rid of your current leaders ASAP. They behaves shamefully.

China don’t hear words. China sees action. And the see a wimp and a weak government push around by Uncle Sam. So why talk to EU?

What steps should be taken to update and close the loopholes in the current set of rules on exporting advanced computing chips to China?

There are two parties here.

The American seller, and the Chinese buyer.

Absent of government policy, is the American seller willing and motivated to sell to the Chinese?

Why yes. Absolutely.

The Chinese are one of their biggest and best customers, and have helped prop up the stock price for decades, because the Chinese are not only volume shoppers of value, but also the high-margin cutting edge. That’s a significant STREAM of revenue on the table.

The American seller will try every trick in the book to preserve their bottomline, from lobbying the Congress and the White House, to tailoring specific products for the Chinese to circumvent sanctions. The quick and dirty will be to ship product to a subsidiary market, for example Korea, Japan or Taiwan, and re-export the chips through a third party. As a country, China isn’t being sanctioned like Iran or Cuba, so this will appear like normal trade flow.

That’s the seller. But what about the buyer? China has plenty of friends. Is Nvidia going to say no to a million-piece GPU order from Qatar, just because it’s destined for data server/AI farms within a Chinese-run business park? What if the Saudis make another million-chip order and ships it along to Shenzhen because they have a stake in a Chinese subsidiary’s AI project? The possibilities are endless. Nvidia can’t very well demand geolocation tracking of their sold product, can they? Chips can’t be repaired anyway and can be easily transported by air, so warranty claims can be easily dealt with.

The fundamental issue is this.

Does America want to continue doing business with the Chinese, the world’s biggest single market?

If the answer is a firm no, we can talk ironclad rules.

But the half-hearted “this is national security dual use tech” approach manned by a tiny office within the Department of Commerce won’t work, not when they are trying to fix corporations with more money than God, able to buy the services of legal teams that run rings around legislation and policy.

Such is the nature of American capitalism.

Singaporean PM warns danger in seeing one-China question as ‘democracy vs autocracy’

Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Thursday warned of dangerous consequences in framing the one-China question through the narrative of “democracy versus autocracy.”

Lee gave the warning at the closing dialogue of the Asia Future Summit in Singapore.

Recognized by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 of 1971, there is but one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory, and the Government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is the sole legal government representing the whole of China.

Speaking during a Q&A session at the closing dialogue of the summit, Lee called for countries to make clear that they will not change this “very fundamental basis of the international understanding.”

“One China is the basis on which nearly every country in the world recognizes the PRC, and has informal, unofficial relations with Taiwan,” he said. “And I think that has to remain the fundamental basis on which the relationships are maintained and the status quo is justified.”

Lee continued by saying that to describe the question of one China as “a question of democracy versus autocracy” is “dangerous.”

The Asia Future Summit was jointly held by Singapore’s flagship media, The Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao and The Business Times, on Wednesday and Thursday.

Speakers across the world shared their views on geopolitical hot spots, economic issues, and social governance during the event.

Millions Of Men Finally Get The Cheat Code To The Dating Game

I personally want to thank every modern girl that hopped online to tell us how much they want to be railed by Chad and Tyrone and after they hit the wall, look for guys they ignored for a decade to suddenly want him only for his money and free validation, because now us guys who have red pilled know exactly what play they wanna try the moment we see them and tell them” not interested”. All is becoming right in the world.”

Do you think China’s subsidies for electric vehicles are “distorting” the car market of the European Union as claimed by European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen?

This claim or accusation about China subsidizing EV cars is just a loser’s speech.

We Chinese are already surprised about Chinese EV cars being sold in EU with twice of the prices than in China.

Meanwhile, Europeans (mostly Germans) are also surprised about VW EV cars being sold in China with half of the prices than in Germany.

Tesla cars made in China are also cheaper than anywhere else, because of China subsidizing Tesla?

If anything, China’s subsidy about EV cars is “after” the cars got purchased.

There is something in China called “car purchasing tax”, and it’s about 9% of what you pay to the dealer. EV and PHEV cars can enjoy deduction on purchasing tax.

Also, about 45% of gasoline price in China is all kinds of tax and fee. However, the government doesn’t charge car electricity for the same amount. The 45% includes road maintenance fee, which means that it’s now entirely afforded by gasoline and diesel vehicle owners.

Mercedes is still doing good in China, but not the EV part.

In August alone, Mercedes sold 70.8 thousand cars in China, and accumulated sale of over half million cars (527.7 thousand) from January to August in 2023.

However, for EV cars, like EQE, the sales numbers from Jan to Aug are: 289, 421, 730, 48, 1254, 613, 591, and 941.

Only 1 EQC was sold in August.

The 19th highest EV/PHEV sales brand in August is Arcfox, and it sold 1868.

Europeans were too arrogant to develop their EV technologies.

They spent very little in this field, and was convinced that their petrol and diesel cars would keep dominating the world.

It’s why they are left behind.

Plus, this time’s farce is proposed by France, rather than Germany.

Von der Leyen is being supportive to this because she’s an US dog, and would do anything to screw China.

Some Germans have waken up, put down their pride and chose to cooperate with Chinese.

Meanwhile in France, car manufacturers are dying. They need to find a way to stop Germans from getting stronger.

Just like many other topics in EU, this, according to my personal opinion, will not go anywhere.

They would not have a result within 2023, and they will keep arguing in 2024.

If not because of their low efficiency, they would not be in such an embarrassing situation at the first place.

What was the reason for the sudden attack on Israel by Hamas killing innocent people?



This was planned for a long time

It’s execution was FLAWLESS


Military Style than Militant Style

Multiple Incursions, Hostages, Point attacks – coordinated to precision after distracting them by rocket strikes

The vaunted Israeli intelligence was caught off guard completely.

That means a lot of Planning

So it isn’t SUDDEN at all


Many possibilities

First, the US possibly knew about the attack and turned a blind eye and didn’t warn the Israelis to divert attention from Ukraine and the disaster unfolding out there

It worked. Yesterday the whole coverage was on Palestine and Israel and not on Ukraine or even Chaiyina (China)

Second, Hamas backed by someone powerful, possibly Iran with Hezbollah waiting, decided to take advantage of a West that was completely swamped with Ukraine and an Israel that was desperately short of munitions (Israel gave 360,000 Shells to Ukraine, forced by USA) and decided to launch a strike and escalate things

An Escalation would allow the Russians, Chinese and the Global South to raise hypocrisy slogans against the West comparing Palestinians to Ukranians

If Israel does march into Gaza, the UN would become a battleground of anger and rage

Third, the US plans major war in the Middle East. They plan to launch Israel against Syria & Iran. It could be why China invited Assad and maybe tipped him off

It’s a delicate place today for the world

Especially India

If India support Israel as our friend Achal Gautam says in invading and destroying Gaza, that’s a billion Muslims who will hate India

Many Oil and Gas Producers and the biggest and richest vendors for key projects like Ports or Bridges

Plus most Muslims including the Azeris & Kazakhs and Turkmens and Kyrgyz people will flock to Russia, China and the CSTO

Hell even Turkey will rage against NATO

It would be the worst thing for Israel to blindly attack Gaza in an act of war

It would be fantastic news for Russia and China if Israel invades Gaza

Huawei releases a disruptive quantum chip, disrupting the global semiconductor industry!

This shouldn’t be a surprise as Huawei has been continuously innovating, researching and improving its technology. It has thousands of researchers and scientists continuously doing their best. This undoubtedly will make US/EU to try to surpress and annihilate it.

Should China and Russia send the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to help Palestine overthrow the apartheid regime?

In the past 1900 years, in my impression, the Arabs have not failed the Jews. The destruction of ancient Israel was not caused by the Arabs, but by the Romans. It would be unfair for Israelis to blame the Arabs for the destruction of ancient Israel. The persecution of Jews before and after WWII came from the Nazis in Europe, not the Arabs.

However, the Jews have really done things that are sorry to the Arabs in half a century.

Palestinian Arabs are human beings and should enjoy equal human rights … You can’t go bullying them like that…

As for whether it will become the sixth Middle East war…it is too early to tell. The scale of armed conflict is not that large. This was just a raid, not a full-scale attack. China and Russia will be diplomatically concerned, but will not intervene by force.

And a military raid was not the outcome the Arabs wanted.

All this proves only one thing:

As long as Israel does not abandon its own national exclusionary ideology based on Zionism, and as long as it continues to defend its current policies throughout the Palestinian areas, Israel will always be a country that lives in the shadow of fear, betrayal and repentance.

Iran, from West Asia, and Saudi Arabia, from the Arabian Peninsula, are both large among Muslim countries.

After Iran and Saudi Arabia reconcile, and the Muslim countries put aside their previous infighting, there will be a strong and unified Middle East.

We can understand that the Muslims in the Arab world are most eager for China to raise the anti-American flag due to the continuous aggression and plunder of the Western world, but the demise of the United States will not happen overnight, nor will it happen only militarily, but also economically, culturally, politically, etc., and there will be a slow process.

Maya Angelou always advise the African-American elite to read The prince of Machiavelli, because, she said, without a proper understanding of this book, you won’t understand the western elite. The Prince is their bedside book. it contains the main principle all imperialist applies: “If you want to control the people, separate the people and you can rule them. Divide them and you can conquer them.” Simply put, “divide and conquer.”

If 1.3 billion Muslims were united, it would be a huge force in the world.

Gone are the days when Israel relied on the US to dominate the Middle East. A declining Uncle Sam will not be able to bless Israel for long.

Therefore, the Israelis, if they are smart enough, must be mentally prepared to negotiate peace with the Palestinians and return to the 1967 Palestinian-Israeli borders, otherwise they will not be able to survive in the Arab state crevasse.

Sad Looking Cat Gets Adopted And Purrs For The First Time Ever | The Dodo

Watch this really sad shelter cat become a purring kitten with his new mom after finally getting adopted.

Can the Mate 60 chip developed by Huawei prove the failure of the US technology blockade against China? Can the United States finally succeed in preventing China’s technological upgrade?

Huawei has just unveiled its Mate 60 chip, a stunning feat of technological innovation that shows how the US has failed to stifle China’s rise in the global arena. The US has been waging a relentless campaign of sanctions and restrictions against Huawei and other Chinese firms, hoping to cut them off from the vital resources, software, and markets they need to thrive. But instead of crippling China’s technological ambitions, the US has only spurred them to become more self-reliant and creative.

The Mate 60 chip is the crown jewel of Huawei’s HiSilicon division, which makes chips for smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other gadgets. The chip is based on the most advanced process technology in the industry, the 5-nanometer node. It boasts a powerful octa-core CPU, a Mali-G78 GPU, a dual-core neural processing unit (NPU), and a 5G modem. The chip also supports features that enhance the user experience, such as multi-screen collaboration, smart charging, and more.

The Mate 60 chip is a remarkable achievement for Huawei, especially considering the US technology blockade. Since 2019, the US has put Huawei on its Entity List, which bans US companies from supplying it with software and hardware without a license. The US has also pressured its allies to exclude Huawei from their 5G networks, citing security concerns. As a result, Huawei has lost access to Google’s Android operating system, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chips, and other essential components and services.

But Huawei has not given up. It has poured resources into its own research and development to overcome the challenges. It has developed its own operating system, HarmonyOS, which can run on various devices and platforms. It has also increased its self-sufficiency in chip design and production, relying on its HiSilicon division and other partners. Moreover, it has expanded its global presence and cooperation, especially with countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

The Mate 60 chip is not only a breakthrough for Huawei, but also for China’s overall technological development. The chip represents China’s progress in mastering the core technologies of the semiconductor industry, which is crucial for its economic growth and national security. The chip also demonstrates China’s ability to innovate and compete in the global market, despite the US attempts to contain and isolate it. Furthermore, the chip reflects China’s vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, as it seeks to provide high-quality products and services to consumers around the world.

The Mate 60 chip developed by Huawei proves that the US technology blockade against China is doomed to fail. The US cannot stop China’s technological upgrade by imposing unilateral sanctions and restrictions. On the contrary, these actions have only motivated China to enhance its self-reliance and innovation capabilities. The US should realize that cooperation is better than confrontation in the field of science and technology, and that both countries can benefit from mutual learning and exchange.

What is the oddest weather you’ve experienced?

One afternoon in 1985 on a nice sunny day when I was working outside about half an hour North of Toronto I felt a sudden hot gust of wind, a very strong gust.

I turned around and looked at where the wind came from and I saw the sky, it was swirling all around, kind of like waves hitting a beach.

But that’s not what surprised me, it was the colour of the sky that I’ll never forget. It was green! The clouds were literally forest green, swirling around with dark gray clouds, in a fluid way that I had never seen before.

The clouds were also very close to the ground and were coming towards me fast.

I called out to my coworkers who hadn’t noticed yet and said we had better take shelter. They turned around and the colour drained from their faces, we looked at each other and ran across the field to the main building which was made of brick.

Not two minutes later day turned to night and it started pouring rain. All we did was look out the window at the raw violence of the storm until it passed less than half an hour later.

Little did we know at the time that just a few miles North of us a category F4 tornado had just devastated the city of Barrie.

It was totally unprecedented at the time, none of us believed our ears when we heard it on the radio.

Canada doesn’t have tornadoes, and certainly not category F4 tornadoes!

We were all in disbelief, that is until we got home and saw the destruction with our own eyes on television.

It was the only thing everyone talked about for over a month.

Foxconn has repeatedly requested to OEM for Huawei Mate60, but Huawei has sternly rejected it.

Huawei is now no.1 mobile phone manufacturer and it doesn’t need Qualcomm anymore to supply the chips. Qualcomm has betrayed Huawei by giving up Its relationship with Huawei and Huawei doesn’t need Qualcomm as an OEM anymore as its quality is below Huawei’s standard. Now that Huawei can mass produce the Kirin 9000s chips it certainly doesn’t need Qualcomm but domestic China’s OEM instead.

US Deploys at least nine B-2 Stealth Bombers to Europe

World Hal Turner

The United States on Friday allegedly deployed at least nine (9) — and reportedly “dozens”–  of B-2, nuclear-capable, Stealth Bombers to Europe on Friday.  Those aircraft are specifically designed for a nuclear first-strike.

Video posted publicly, reportedly shows the deployment as it took place:

<video not available>

This deployment came just one day after Russian President Vladimir Putin said publicly that if an enemy launches a nuclear attack upon Russia, “hundreds of our missiles will be in the air against ALL our enemies, in ALL directions — and there will be no survivors”

Surprise Attack Stuns Israel; WaPo: Ukraine Despair War Unwinnable; EU Granada Summit Shambles

Surprise Attack Stuns Israel; WaPo: Ukraine Despair War ‘Unwinnable’; EU Granada Summit ‘Shambles’; Huge Rus Missile Drone Strikes Topic 987

Palestine Is Striking Back

October 5 2023:

Over 800 Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa compound during Jewish Sukkot holiday

More than 800 Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem on Thursday morning under the protection of Israeli forces.

Rabbis, heads of settlement associations, and far-right university lecturers were among 832 people who forced their way into the religious site compound, a source in the Islamic Endowments Department in Jerusalem told The New Arab’s Arabic sister site Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Israeli forces imposed severe restrictions on Muslim worshippers entering Al-Aqsa and those under 60 were prevented from accessing the site.

It comes during the Jewish religious holiday of Sukkot, which started on 29 September and ends on Friday. The holiday has seen thousands of Israeli extremists storm the Al-Aqsa compound, with almost 1,500 entering the site on Monday.

Israeli extremists also continued on Thursday to hold provocative marches both inside Jerusalem’s Old City and outside its walls, attacking Palestinians and their property.

They also beat and spat at journalists in a market area near Al-Aqsa, where shops were forced to close for the sixth day in a row.

The Old City is home to Al-Aqsa as well as the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

The Al-Aqsa compound is the third holiest site in Islam and the most important Muslim place in Palestine.

October 7 2023:

Escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

This morning, the Islamic Jihad group announced the start of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, igniting another local war against Israel. They formally cited regular oppression and attempts on Al-Aqsa as reasons, where local Arab worshippers have been repressed repeatedly (in addition, there have been raids against the Islamic Jihad in Jenin over the past few weeks).

The operation began quite dramatically: a naval landing was carried out in the north of the Gaza Strip, and there are also reports of airborne landings – someone parachuted into rear cities.

After three hours of fighting, the group successfully captured a military base in the town of Kerem Shalom: there are enough images on social media of killed IDF servicemen and captured equipment (there are also photos of a burnt “Merkava” tank). This is a huge base on the border with Egypt. To put it mildly, the trophy is very valuable.

▪️As of now, fighting is still ongoing in Netiv HaAsara, Berri, and Sderot. Panic has gripped the population of bordering villages, with footage of people fleeing on foot. The Israel Defense Forces began retaliatory strikes only after 10 in the morning. The Israeli Ministry of Defense has stated outright that Hamas has gone to war with them, and at 10:30, the official start of the Iron Swords counter-terrorism operation was announced.

This is likely to escalate. It is impossible to predict when or how this will end.

Posted by b on October 7, 2023 at 9:05 UTC | Permalink

Israel-Hamas War Update. Israeli General captured by Hamas. 200 Israelis and 232 Palestinians killed

Hamas coming in on hang-glider parachutes was pretty awesome not going to lie.

According to research, China leads the world in 37 out of 44 technologies and the gap is widening. Do you believe that the world is safe with future technology in the hands of China?


A lot lot lot safer under the Chinese than the west.

What did the west did with technology for the last 400 years?

They use the technology to loot and plunder the entire world. Many of the loot are in the western museums today! Or worn on the crowns of western monarchs till today.

They use the technology to enslave Africans and coloured people to do menial task for the west. They snagged islands like collecting sea shells and corals. Hawaii, Guan, Falklands, Gibraltar and another hundreds of islands are still under the west.

They carry out genocides to steal continents such as the Americas and Australia. They abused, steal, raped and murder throughout the entire world. They colonised and destroyed the people living there and stole everything of value!

They continue virtual colonialism after physical colonisation is not possible through what they termed international rules based international order. They took control the entire worlds economy, and wealth. They continue to use the technology to threaten every nation and non Caucasian societies including Slavs and non European citizens.

And you question if China can be trusted with the technology? What kind of logic apart from racist rhetoric do you have?

Why did Hamas think attacking nuclear-armed and USA-allied Israel would be a good idea?


For years, the Arab states have been moving towards normalizing relations with Israel. Hamas counts upon the support of Arab states, both material and financial, to exist, since it has very limited means of its own.

Normalized Arab-Israeli relations would be the coup de grace for Hamas and the “Palestinian liberation” movement. Because a precondition of normalized relations with Israel would be ceasing support to Hamas.

Part of the reason why Arab states were warming up to Israel was that Arab leaders have been losing faith in the Palestinian forces for decades now and an improvement for the Palestinians was nowhere in sight.

Regardless of where you stand on this conflict, it’s hard to argue that Palestinian forces have had much in the way of success recently (or ever, for that matter), having lost land to Israel almost continously since Israel’s inception. The reasons for this are not surprising. Palestine isn’t really even a nation, at this point, it’s two paltry strips of impoverished land run by a corrupt elite and barely educated militants with no resources of their own. They are facing a prosperous, well-organized nation state with a highly competent military and the direct support of the world’s premier powers. It was never going to turn out well for them.

And I suppose the Arabs were tired of tying their money up in so clearly a lost cause. Oh sure, they still outwardly broadcast support for Palestine for religious reasons and internal appeasement (most Arab Muslims are extremely against any reproachment with Israel), but I suspect they have been planning a move away from being active stakeholders in the Israel-Palestine conflict for a while.

So why the attack from Hamas now? Well it’s an obvious attempt to sabotage the normalization of relations across the ME, which would have sounded the death knell for them. I cannot imagine the Hamas leadership were going to stand idle and let the war coffers they plunder empty out. So they attacked Israel, performing the attack in a way that would cause the most severe reaction from the Israelis. Massacring Jews, abducting Jews, the whole shabang. They were trying to force Israel into the largest possible retaliation against them (they might have succeeded), and thereby force the Arab powers into taking a stance against said Israeli retaliation. That’s my only explanation for this attack. Otherwise, the immediate tactical value of killing a few hundred Israeli civilians eludes me.

And it seems to have worked…for now.

Many of the Arab nations previously moving towards normalized relations with Israel have now performed a sudden U-turn, mostly for reasons of posturing (and possibly gaining leverage out of the situation). But I don’t think this will last long. Some of the Gulf states didn’t even openly side with Palestine this time, the UAE came out with this statement;

“The UAE calls for the exercise of maximum restraint and an immediate ceasefire to avoid serious repercussions,”

I imagine most of the Arab powers see that the writing is on the wall for Hamas. There is no possible way that having poked the Israeli bear, Hamas is going to be able to effectively resist any Israeli-counter operation. Afterall, the Israeli army is a world-class professional fighting force, and Hamas is a glorified militia at best, fighting on very little land, completely trapped and encircled. Or to be brief, they’re f*cked.

I suppose once the Arab countries can extract some personal benefit/concession out of the situation, they will perform another U-turn and go back to ditching Palestine. I can see Saudi Arabia’s shallow declaration of support for Hamas disappearing once the Saudi’s can get some sort of security deal with the US in exchange for re-normalizing relations with Israel.

Regardless, the long-term outlook for Hamas is poor. This was a desperate, flailing attempt to gain some short-term ground in “reuniting the Ummah” and gain an [im]moral victory against Israel.

But in time, I think, they will come to regret it.

HE’S BASED !! Oliver Anthony – Rich Mans Gold | REACTION

Thanks for a great video and reaction! I love the message, and you wound it up wonderfully! God bless you, and yours!

World should be prepared for sustained high inflation in US — Global Times

The outbreak of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has driven up oil prices again, while a potential oil crisis could risk putting the Fed’s inflation fight in jeopardy, adding uncertainties to the global economic recovery.

The US and Venezuela have progressed in talks that could provide sanctions relief to Caracas by allowing at least one additional foreign oil firm to take Venezuelan crude oil for debt repayment, Reuters reported on Monday, citing five anonymous sources.

The timing of the news seems delicate, as it comes at a time when oil prices keep rising on market fears of the Middle East conflict exacerbating supply tightness. On Monday, global benchmark Brent Crude rose 4.2 percent to $88.15 a barrel, while US benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) rose 4.3 percent to $86.38 per barrel.

Both Brent Crude and WTI remained around their Monday closing levels during Tuesday’s trading. The regained upward momentum contrasted with a drop of more than 8 percent in global oil prices over the previous week.

Apparently, the US releasing information through media outlets over potential sanctions relief on oil-exporting country Venezuela serves as a reminder to the market that even if the Israeli-Palestinian conflict brings uncertainty to crude oil supply in the Middle East, the US may be able to affect oil prices in other ways.

If the US does ease sanctions on Venezuelan crude oil, then an immediate effect would be an increase in supply to the world oil market and a fall in oil prices.

However, even though it is not clear how oil prices will unfold, US anxiety about high oil prices triggering high inflation is almost certain. At a time when the Fed’s monetary tightening policy has approached its limit, if the Israeli-Palestinian conflict leads to a sustained rebound in global crude prices, then it will certainly disrupt the interest rate hiking cycle of the Fed.

If the Fed continues to hike interest rates to curb inflation, the US economy will likely slip into a recession. A worse scenario for the Fed could be that the economy falls into a recession with the inflation rate still high.

While some may argue that since neither Palestine nor Israel is a major oil-producing country, the impact on the oil market is limited, and the conflict may not last long. Yet, market fears about the Middle East situation are not unfounded. There are no reliable indications of whether the conflict will end soon or lead to wider regional instability. If it escalates to involve more Middle East nations, it could threaten crude supply by the surrounding major oil-producing countries. The Middle East is home to some of the world’s biggest oil producers, including Iran and Saudi Arabia, as well as key transit routes such as the Strait of Hormuz, which is known as the world’s most important “oil chokepoint.”

The US will try its best to avoid the worst-case scenario. Diplomatic efforts may convince Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela to increase their oil production to relieve its inflation pressure. But it needs to be reminded that given the past oil crises in the Middle East that caused great volatility in the global crude market, the psychological impact of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the crude market shouldn’t be underestimated. As long as the conflict remains unresolved, the impact will remain.

Also, since the Biden administration has already released several batches of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for the purpose of reining in high inflation, the remaining stocks may not be as sufficient as they were during previous oil crises. It is disturbing to think how few tools the US has left to affect inflation.

Can the Fed’s monetary policy withstand the test of this round of oil market volatility? If the Fed changes the pace of rate hikes because of the Middle East situation, then the risk of a US recession will increase significantly.

At that point, even the world economic recovery will face greater difficulties. That will also create more challenges for the Chinese economy, especially in terms of the spillover effect of US rate hikes and China’s cooperation with the Middle East. In this sense, essential preparations are needed for the potential shocks.

King Abdullah II of Jordan Orders Humanitarian Aid to Gaza; IDF Says “no”

World Hal Turner

King Abdullah II of Jordan, in coordination with the Egyptian Government, has reportedly ordered the Delivery of Humanitarian Aid to the Gaza Strip through the Rafah Border Crossing.

However the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is continuing to state that any Supply Trucks that attempt to enter the Gaza Strip through Egypt will be Destroyed.

The government of Israel needs to remind it IDF that THEY do not make policy; the civilian government makes policy.   The government of Israel also needs to remind the IDF that THEY do not get to starve people to death, which, now that Israel has formally declared “War” would be a war crime.  A crime against Humanity.

Hal Turner Editorial Opinion: We all see and know the ferocious and horrifying situation that now exists in Israel with the ongoing war.  Israel absolutely, positively, has a right to defend itself and its people.   On this, there is no disagreement.  None.   At all.

Israel does NOT, however, get to throw out all the rules of war — or humanity — and starve 2.3 Million people to death in Gaza.  That’s not a tactic, that’s Genocide – and it is not allowed. Period. Full stop.

What were the worst two minutes of your life?

I was 20. I was going to college and working.

It was late one night after a summer rain. I came upon a light truck that had slid off the road and flipped.

I stopped and ran to the truck and found a 16 year old kid impaled on a fence post and bleeding out. He was dying and he knew it. He was crying, calling for his mother and saying I don’t want to die over and over.

I told him I was going for help and he said please don’t let me die alone. I stayed with that kid, held him as he died.

It really messed me up. The cops thought I was a victim too because I had his blood all over me.

The paramedics gave me a shot and took me to hospital. They told me that’s the only way I’d let him go. Maybe I thought if I’d hung onto him he’d be all right.

I’d never met the kid but I would have given my life if he could have lived.

They kept me in the hospital a few days. Cops and paramedics came to see me. We talked a lot. The first time you come across a scene like that is a horror. If you aren’t ready for it, it’ll mess you up. I went down the drain in a haze of booze and drugs.

I had a bad case of PTSD. Every time I closed my eyes, that kid was there. In his eyes was the plea don’t let me die and there was nothing I could do.

Six months later I was in rehab.

I worked with a shrink. For another six months. I haven’t had a drink or drug since.

The nightmares are rare now. I learned how fragile and precious life is and, how quickly that can change in a matter of seconds.

How did Amazon fail in China?

Thanks for the A2A.

Answer: The Chinese market and regulations were vastly different. Amazon’s business operations worldwide were essentially stripped downed clones of their American operations. In the early days (early 2000s), Amazon China either didn’t have the authority, or simply arrogance prevented them to adapt-and-improve to the local reality. By the time Amazon China wanted to adapt-and-improve in the early 2010s, it was already too late. AWS is a different case, thou.

Just give an example:

Amazon and eBay arrived on China’s e-commerce scene in its formative years in the early 2000s. Amazon and eBay started off with absolute dominance. However, in the early 2000s, e-commerce in China was tiny, especially outside B2B. One common obstacle was the lack of credit cards. Buyers had to submit payments via wire transfers from their nearest post offices. In case of a fraud, it was nearly impossible to recover the losses.

Then, Alibaba/Taobao, a minor player at the time, launched Alipay, an online payment escrow service. Very soon, Taobao wiped eBay out who also happened to be in online auction business.

Why did eBay or Amazon not preempt AliPal? After all, eBay owned PayPal.

There were a whole bunch of missed opportunities for Amazon China in the following years.

China is Decoupling From the US

Damn! This is great.

If there is one video that you MUST watch from start to finish, this is it!

Carl Zha talks to @TheRedPillDiariesOfficial about how the US attempt to decouple from China has actually led to China decoupling from the US which only results in more isolation of the West from the rest of the World. US money printing and financial sanctions also led to acceleration of de-dollarization in the rest of the world.

How did you get revenge on your boss?

I was the editor for a small daily newspaper in texas. I had four reporters and a photographer on my team.

Newspapers are notorious for not paying overtime, even though it is the law in most cases.

They forced the employees to work 50–60 hours a week and to turn in a 40-hour time card, so they got paid no overtime. The bad thing was, I was the one who had to tell them to work. The only option was to work without pay or get fired, and people needed a job so they stayed.

I secretly kept meticulous records. I had each employee fill out their real hours on a time card and give it to me. I took notes of every conversation.

I eventually got fired because a story that I didn’t know about didn’t get in the paper. Should not have been that big of a deal, but I was relieved.

My first order of business was to contact the labor board in the state. I gave them all the actual hours, and copies of the time cards the employees were forced to sign. Along with notes about conversations I had.

A few weeks later the paper was fined several thousand dollars, had to pay every employee, including me, backpay with overtime. The company fired my boss as well. That was a good piece of revenge

What are things men have to go through that women either do not understand or have empathy for?

Today, I took my dog to the dog park. It’s his favorite place in the world. I sat there and was watching him run around with the other dogs.

A young girl, maybe six years old, walked up to me. She said hi and asked if I wanted to see something.

I said “sure.” There were maybe six other adults there, so I knew I was somewhat protected by witnesses. She said she could “run as fast as a velociraptor.” It was really cute. She took off about 20 yards and ran back.

I said that was really cool and asked where she learned about velociraptors. She said “school.” I thought it was nice to hear a kid talk about something they learned in school.

I asked which school she goes to. But before she could answer, I stopped her. I interrupted “never mind. Don’t answer that.” I immediately got up and walked to another bench.

I don’t think most women could understand how nervous I was for that minute. I was terrified of being labeled, had she told her adult supervisor that I asked her that question.

I think any woman would feel perfectly comfortable having a conversation like that with a six year old boy. But no man is completely safe in a situation like that.

How do I respectfully and tactfully tell someone that I can’t split the bill at a restaurant when their portion is way more than mine?

I got caught once at a dinner out with people from work. I heard one check and thought we’ll we can do the math, and I ordered according to my means. I don’t drink alcohol, and watched evryone else had a pre-dinner cocktail, then several bottles of wine with dinner, plus they each ordered dessert. So I knew what I owed plus 20% of my own tab. But the lead of tne event, a little tipsy announces “let’s divide the check 11 ways”. I took a deep breath, and said but Mary Kate, I didn’t have any cocktails or wine, or dessert. I was surprised when a waiter stepped forward and supported that he kept jote that I had NOT had any of those extras. So therexwas silence and eye rolling, but I gave my amount including tip. Then they equally divided the rest. I saved myself 65.00. Tvwas awkward but I offered some folks rides home for free. I was never invited to another girls night out, but others did approach me at work quietly saying they didn’t drink more than one cocktail and felt stuck paying the big excess. So for the rest of my life I Che k before going out, how are we splitting the bill tonight? Then I can decline in advance. I’m not cheap, but careful with my money I work hard for, and when the money is to cover everyone else’s booze, no thanks.

UK Rail Thoughts

Expensive high speed railway farce of UK shows it isn’t a competitor to China

In the 19th century, Britain was the nation which invented the railway. The landmark invention of the steam engine, known as “Stephenson’s Rocket,” was a creation which revolutionized the world and became a pinnacle of building the modern, industrialized world, connecting nations and enabling trade like never before. It was through the genius of this innovation that Britain excelled against its competitors and established itself as a global empire, a scientific, technological and military giant which allowed it to dominate and subjugate countless countries, including China.

Yet, Britain today pales in comparison to its historical achievements, as it struggles to even muster the organization, funding and political will to build a second high speed railway. This project, known as High Speed 2 (HS2), has proven to be one of the most controversial, politically contested and expensive infrastructure projects in British history, with a report from Channel 4 stating its costs could spiral upward to 108 billion pounds ($131.6 billion). The railway was designed to connect Britain’s largest two cities, London and Birmingham, cutting transportation time to just an hour, but it was also envisioned to extend to other major cities including Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle and Edinburgh, connecting all the economic centres of the country.

That isn’t happening. As the costs of construction continue to grow, and as the date of completion continues to get pushed back, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has lost the political will to pursue it and decided to effectively scrap the northern link, instead proposing to shoehorn the trains onto existing lines.

There are several factors which have contributed to this scaling back, but all are the government’s fault. This includes disastrous policy choices including full-throttle escalation of the war in Ukraine, which the government has devoted billions to, and the subsequent onslaught of inflation and economic stagnation, mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also more subtly, the government’s decision to, at the behest of the US, pursue an antagonistic foreign policy toward China against its national interests.

How are China and HS2 linked? First of all, at the end of 2019, the Boris Johnson government proposed to the press that China Railway Corp be used as the contractor for HS2. This was the most effective, reliable and cheapest option available. Not only would the project have been completed far earlier, but it would have also been far less expensive. The following year, Britain reset its foreign policy on China at the influence of the US, and the whole thing went out the window. With that policy shift, Britain began effectively sabotaging its own infrastructure development to suit US preferences. The costs of Britain banning Huawei from its 5G network, to take just one example, have been astronomical.

China’s high speed railway record speaks for itself. Meanwhile, Britain is struggling to connect just two major cities just 117 miles (188 kilometres) apart, China has built a comprehensive high speed railway network within the scope of just 15 years, which as of 2022, spans 42,000 kilometres and is still growing. It is possible to travel across the entire country in just seven hours from Shenzhen to Beijing. In 25 years, Britain has only managed to complete one high speed network (HS1), which is in fact a transnational route which goes to France, the Netherlands and Belgium, making it a joint collaboration rather than a distinctly “British” achievement.

The fundamental reason behind Britain’s failure to move ahead with high speed railway is that its infrastructure is a series of privately owned, for-profit franchises, without any subsidies, which substantially drives up the costs and also limits investment in the infrastructure simultaneously. Even without considering the High Speed Rail, the quality of British railways is astonishingly poor and behind most of its European counterparts. This model has also been bad for the workers, which has led to routine industrial action and strikes throughout the year of 2022-23, making services unreliable. This contrasts sharply to China’s state-led model of development which is superior to the British railway system in every single way.

This makes the comparison ironic given that Britain sees China as a “competitor” and a “threat to its economic security.” Britain is a stagnating, declining country while China is the world’s second largest economy, and rather than learning from China’s development successes and courting Chinese investment, the UK has made the bizarre choice to “cut its nose off to spite its face” and antagonise Beijing to suit US interests.

But what have they got to show for it? The answer is a single high speed rail route spanning into the cost of more than 100 billion pounds which has taken decades to build and has to be scaled back from its original plans. This is the country which invented the railway, but now finds itself falling behind at an alarming rate. This means shunning Chinese companies was one of the most expensive and short-sighted decisions taken by politicians in recent years, among many other things.

Saudi Arabia Rejects US, Gives $70 Billion Order To China!

“I like watching the US suffer it’s like seeing a bully get punished, it’s amazing.”

What was the most British thing anyone ever said?

My wife and I were walking with our youngest over the old bridge between Lichfield Cathedral and the market place. A lovely spring day. I’m British, my wife isn’t.

A young man came dashing past the end of the bridge, a police officer in hot pursuit. They both vanished from view rapidly.

We stopped to read the information board about the historic bridge. A few minutes later, the suspect and the copper came walking back, a little out of breath. We overheard their conversation.

Copper: “Sorry for running after you like that, mate. But you were running away.”

Suspect: “Yeah, sorry about that, mate. I shouldn’t have run, but I didn’t want to get caught.”

My wife stood open-jawed. I didn’t quite see why it was so unusual. I mean, just because they’re trying to arrest you doesn’t mean police officers should be rude or unsympathetic. Just because they may have done something the law may forbid doesn’t mean someone has to be abusive.

We continued to eavesdrop.

Copper, leading suspect to a park bench, where they both sat down, “Are you ready to give me your name and address, or do you want a bit of a breather first?”

Suspect, “You don’t have a cigarette, do you?”

Copper, pulling a packet of fags from his breast pocket and handing it to the suspect, “Here you go.”

As he lit the man’s cigarette, the police van arrived. Copper: “Just finish your smoke and we’ll finish the details at the station.”

I told my wife there was a good chance the cop didnt smoke, but kept a handy packet to help put people at ease.

She’s told friends and family in several countries about that. It is, she says, absolutely the most British thing she’s witnessed: a cop apologising for arresting someone who apologised for trying to run away.

If this story has failed to entertain or amuse, all I can say is sorry. And what could be more British than that?

What are the biggest lessons you have learned in the corporate world?

Going Anonymous, because most of my colleagues are my followers and vice-versa.

I’m a male professional. I have had only 2+ years of experience in one of the fortune 500 companies.

Sharing my top 6 learning so far, being honest:)

1. To ensure that your peers, immediate supervisor, or your manager don’t take your effort and time for granted.

2. I have learnt to document, I mean, putting everything on emails, which is a must!! Trust, team work, and other fancy words come next. This is one of the most important lessons I have learnt, after many betrayals from my peers.

3. Don’t expect your supervisor or lead to talk for you, say for example: nominating you for awards or acknowledging your efforts in front of the team. Instead, if you really expect awards,remember you have tongue!

4. I have good relationship with many female co-workers. But, if something goes wrong, say for example an argument regarding work or something. If they want to take it further and make your life miserable, you’ll be the victim for sure, trust me.

5. Whenever I have had discussions with my manager, I have gotten very angry because of her bad review comments. FYI, I have not received any negating feedback from the stakeholders (Also, not any appreciation) . But, after each discussion, I have worked on my skills and added them to my resume. Remember, at last, only that matters is what is in it for you and am hoping to get a new job with a good hike.

6. Don’t show that you badly want to be in the job, although you have debts to pay, pretend to be confident. Otherwise, you’ll end up doing loads of work, which you are not supposed to do.

Rich Men North Of Richmond [ @TheMarineRapper Remix]

Nice remix.


World Hal Turner

During the intense fighting which broke out yesterday between HAMAS and Israel, astonishing things took place.  Despite the most advanced intelligence and surveillance systems in the world, Palestinians allegedly broke through into Israel — somehow un-noticed by all the surveillance gear.

One Israeli Border Guard told me “Our systems could see if a Bird was flying-in; yet authorities would have us believe they couldn’t see dozens of Palestinians on motorized para-gliders in the air?  It’s simply not possible.  They let this happen on purpose.”

Another Israeli told me “MOSSAD knows when these people, HAMAS, take a dump in the bathroom, yet we’re supposed to believe MOSSAD had no idea this gigantic operation was being planned?”

Israel has the best intelligence on its neighbors of any nation on earth. Israel has lots of “assets” embedded in these various “terrorist” organizations, as well as SIGINT (including U.S. satellite data) which allows Israel to always have a finger on the pulse of these organizations.

There is no way in hell that a coordinated, major attack involving about 1,000 Hamas fighters, sea-based/ land-based/ aerial attacks could have been planned, coordinated, and executed without Israeli intelligence getting wind of it. 0% chance.

Others had similar statements of anger and disbelief.  One IDF soldier who saw Palestinians use a Drone to destroy an Israeli Merkava Tank said “Where did the Palestinians get drones with armor-piercing explosives?  That technology is being used in the Ukraine-Russia conflict.  How did it suddenly appear here, in Israel?” 

Other IDF soldiers pointed to Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGM) being used against Israeli Security Forces.  He said “These are weapons being seen on the Ukraine battlefields, how did they get into the Gaza Strip?”

Then, in the midst of the fighting, this video came out: HAMAS thanking Ukraine for selling them weapons to be used against Israel:

The most raging questions had to do with alleged “electronic jamming” that was said to have taken place as the Palestinians with para-gliders flew across the border into Israel.  According to numerous sources on both sides, “electronic warfare” technology was allegedly used to jam Israeli radar and other surveillance gear.  Said one Israeli “Only the Russians have gear to carry out such effective jamming – how did the Palestinians get it?”

That seems to be the most burning question right now since videos are also out showing armed Palestinian fighters para-glding into a massive “RAVE” party inside Israel:

The answers all see to point to yesterday’s outbreak of violence as “payback” to Israel, from Russia, over Israel’s support of Ukraine, and over Israel’s supplying of weapons and technology to Azerbaijan, which used it against Armenia again over the past two weeks, to seize Nagorno-Karaback and send 100,000 Armenians fleeing for their lives.

If this conclusion about Russia is correct, then one might ask, how much farther all this fighting in Israel may go?  Will Israel still exist when this is over?  Maybe.  Maybe not.

One official with whom I spoke overnight told me “Israel is suffering from Desertification of its land; the ground water table is receding 25 meters a year and soon, there won’t be enough arable land to support the continued existence of Israel.  But . . . quite coincidentally . . . there is now rich, arable land, in the center of Europe, where half its population has either fled or been killed, that would suit a relocation of Israel:   Ukraine.   Maybe they’ll all move there.” 

Gee.  What a coincidence.

As for those asking “Why are the Palestinians so violent towards Israel?”  the answer has been on maps for years, right in front of everyone’s eyes.  Below is the reality from the time “Israel” was created in 1949, until today.   The White areas are “Israel” and the Green are “Palestinian.”  Look at what has happened to the Palestinians in their own land, since 1949:

The Palestinians have been systematically purged from their land, their homes, and their freedom.   THAT is the root of this hatred.  It’s not going away.

They never show you this map on the news. That’s because it provides the crucial context necessary to anyone wanting to understand the Israel/Palestine situation.

How do I become very successful in my early twenties?

A young man with mental health problems just walked into the coffee shop while I was writing on Quora.

He’s strong and looks normal, but he can’t stop talking to himself.

He’s talking continuously to himself, and every few steps he takes, he does a quick ‘Michael-Jackson-turn’ and then continues walking forward.

Witnessing this individual with no self control helped me not only to feel grateful but also helped give me the answer to this question.

I have written several times about my own mind-battles. I’ve always struggled with ADD and possibly dyslexia. The consequences of this “lack of brain control” made me a terrible student academically.

Failing classes at school killed my self-confidence. These struggles shaped my childhood.

So, where am I going with all of this?

There’s a hidden secret to success, but it demands an open mind to understand it and humility to implement it.

So, to answer your question, how can you become very successful in your early twenties?

I could answer this with a huge list of “best practices,” but as I’ve learned NONE of those work if you don’t first master yourself.

What do I mean?

Some examples:

  • Are YOU in control of yourself, or are your fears controlling you?
  • Are YOU in control of your life, or is your need to please other people controlling you?
  • Do you know your strengths and your weaknesses, or are you hiding and ignoring your weaknesses with distractions or numbing addictions?
  • Do you struggle with depression, anxieties or other emotional issues?

But hold on!

Remember what I said before?

There’s a hidden secret to success which demands an OPEN mind to understand, and HUMILITY to implement it.”

Open: Learn to listen!

Humility: Stop hiding and being defensive!

That’s the fastest road to success!

It wasn’t until I stopped running and hiding who I really was that change started to happen in my life. Over the years, I had developed the strength to fit into this competitive world, but I was fooling myself, not everyone else.

Maturing and accepting who I was, and starting to work on those strengths and weaknesses is when I started to grow to my fullest potential!

There’s still a long journey ahead…

Whether we recognize it or not, we’re all imperfect human beings. There’s NO person on earth who doesn’t struggle with some kind of mental/emotional issue.

Well, excuse me… except you!

If you are or feel “perfect,” go on and keep doing what you’re doing… good luck!

For those of us who have been humbled by the battlefield of life, this is your way to success:

Self-Awareness is your best friend!

Like a wild horse — you may be the fastest “horse” in the world, but if you are not ‘tamed’ you will NEVER win the race!

The Uncomfortable Study That Ended Affirmative Action | 𝘋𝘳. 𝘗𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘈𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘰 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸

Interesting stuff. I remember reading a few years ago about some other work this professor was involved in. It had to do with the etymological implications of contemporary media figures and their pseudonyms, and ended up concluding that Destiny was a woman’s name.

How would a 1950s-style American cheeseburger and fries stand up to todays? Were the milkshakes real back then?

My Father, Grandfather and Uncle were partners in a restaurant business in the 1950–70’s. This was before fast food existed. My grandfather had started teaching me how to cook when I was 4-5 years old. This is around 1960. When I was 10, I started going there on Sunday and did some bits of work. A year or two later I was working there evenings and weekends, peeling potatoes and making fries, food prep, waiting tables, washing dishes and floors.

I learned how to make milkshakes and all the desserts. Milkshakes were one scoop of ice cream, fill to the line in the metal cup with homogenized milk (no 2% in those days) and two squirts of syrup. The ice cream flavor and the syrup matched the flavor the customer ordered. We had Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla and that was typical of the selection in those days. The contents of the metal cup was usually larger than the glass that we served it in, so after we filled the glass, we took both the glass and the remaining in the metal cup to the customer’s table.

I also cooked and ate hamburgers regularly. My father ground the meat and he put some seasoning and egg into the mixture. When he was done, we manually made balls of meat, flattened them into hamburger size and put them in a stack, first a burger, then a small sheet of wax paper. I think the size was about 7 inches diameter and 1/4 inch thick. These would shrink when cooked to about 5 inches diameter and 1/2 inch thick. We put these stacks of burgers in the freezer. Each time someone ordered a burger, we would take one out and fry it up. The buns were simple buns like hamburger buns you’d buy at the grocers. I think the meat tasted much better than any fast food we have today. It tasted like a hamburger you’d buy in a good restaurant, you could taste the meat. The cheese was also real cheese, not the processed stuff you have today. It came with a slice of onion and tomato, 2 slices of real bacon was extra. Condiments were mustard, relish and ketchup.

Historically, what are some of the strangest and most absurd military plans that actually worked?

I think this has got to be the story of the Dutch minesweeper HNLMS Abraham Crijnssen. It was 1941, when the Japanese suddenly attacked Dutch East Indies, as well as other colonies in southeast Asia. The minesweeper found itself suddenly in danger of the sophisticated Japanese aircraft and patrolling ships.

The remaining Dutch Navy was ordered to link up with the Australian navy, but Abraham Crijnssen was stuck all alone in Indonesia, armed with a single 76mm gun turret and two 20mm auto cannons. It had no chance to fight off really anything. So the crew decided to camouflage the entire ship, as an island. They cut down a bunch of jungle foliage, and painted what they couldn’t cover as sand or rock.

They only sailed at night, because during the day, the water ripples would have been visible from the air. During the day they simply anchored close to shore appearing as a small island – one of many along the Indonesian shore.

She arrived in Australia in March 1942, without being detected by the Japanese.

Iran President warns Israel against warmongering

October 8, 2023 – 23:24

TEHRAN – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi warned the Israeli regime against making warmongering steps, saying that equations in the region have changed.

President Raisi also spoke over the phone with Esmail Haniyeh, the chief of Hamas political bureau, and Ziyad Nakhala, the secretary-general of the Islamic Jihad Movement.

The Iranian president also issued a message on the situation in Palestine. He welcomed the Palestinian operation against the Zionist regime of Israel, saying that the operation frightened and startled the world of oppression.

He said the Palestinians took the initiative and showed that the steely determination prevails over all kinds of weaponry.

The Iranian president underlined that the Islamic Republic of Iran invites all the world to observe the truth that the accumulation of oppression and injustice against the Palestinian people, the continuation of insults to the women and prisoners, and sacrilege to Al-Aqsa Mosque cannot last forever and will be met with resistance by nations.

“Undoubtedly, the Zionist regime and its supporters are responsible for endangering the security of the nations of the region and must be held accountable. The Islamic Republic defends the legitimate defense of the Palestinian nation,” he said, according to IRNA.

Raisi asserted, “The honor of the nations is not obtained in reconciliation with oppression; And it is impossible to normalize the captivity of the free nation of Palestine.”

President Raisi also asked the Muslim governments to join the Islamic Ummah in supporting the Palestinian nation honestly.

Underlining that belligerence is detrimental to the Zionists, Raisi warned, “The Zionist enemy should also know that the equation has changed; Warmongering is detrimental to the Zionists. The Palestinian nation is the winner of this field.”

Palestinian attack turned the collapse nightmare into certainty: General

A senior Iranian general has said that the Saturday attack by Palestinian resistance groups against Israel turned the nightmare of collapse of Israel into a reality for the leaders of the Israeli regime.

In a message about the Palestinian attack, General Mohammad Bagheri, the chief of joint staff of Iran’s armed forces, said, “Al-Aqsa Storm turned the nightmare of collapse of the Zionist regime into a certainty for the leaders of this regime, and proved that some desperate efforts like the normalization charade will not be able to slow down or postpone the process of the decline and collapse of the spider web.”

General Bagheri was referring the Palestinian attack, code-named Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, which caught the Israeli regime off guard.

The Iranian general described the operation as “hybrid and proud” that took down the false redoubtable image and power of the occupying regime of Israel.

“The Palestinian resistance fighters, in this surprise operation that they prepared from the air, sea and land against the positions of the Zionist army, brought to the fore brilliant scenes of the resistance and standing of a suffering and oppressed nation,” General Bagheri said in the message.

He added, “A nation that, after several decades of imposed oppression, now with the support of the young motivated generation relying on Islam and under the shadow of trust in the divine promise, has achieved such a power that it has astonished the analysts and military strategists of the world.”

He pointed out that at some point, the defenseless nation of Palestine used to defend themselves with stones, but today they reached a point where they are able to pull off complex hybrid operations using thousands of rockets and missiles to denigrate the Israeli missile defense system Iron Dome.

“These defense weapons, when combined with the spirit of martyrdom of motivated Palestinian youth, produce such a power that it brings the Zionist regime to a collapse like a devastating deluge,” the Iranian general said.
He said, “The stormy movement of the Al-Aqsa Storm is the product of the holy anger that the Zionist enemy has planted in the oppressed Palestinian nation and must now reap.”

General Bagheri congratulated the Palestinian resistance fighters on their “proud victory,” expressing hope that the Al-Aqsa Mosque will soon be liberated from Israeli captivity.

“It is a divine promise that oppression won’t last long and the will of the oppressed people of Palestine will defeat the oppressors,” he concluded.

Spontaneous” move.

Iran has said that the Palestinian operation against Israel is a “spontaneous” move.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani reacted to the current developments in occupied Palestine and the attack by the Palestinian resistance groups against the Zionist occupiers, saying Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was a spontaneous move by the resistance groups and the oppressed Palestinian people in defense of their inalienable and undeniable rights.

He added that the operation was the Palestinians’ natural reaction to the war-mongering, provocative and incendiary policies of the Zionists, especially the usurping regime’s extremist and adventurous prime minister, according to a statement by the Iranian foreign ministry.

Kanaani said the oppressed Palestinian people’s inalienable right to defend themselves, their land and their sanctities against occupation, aggression, daily violations and organized terror on part of the Zionist regime is a natural and legitimate right in line with all recognized international standards and the fundamental principles of international law.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman added that on the one hand, the continuation of the desecration of Islam’s holy sites and the first Qibla of Muslims by extremist and racist Zionists in recent months and weeks, and the persistence of the Zionist regime’s policy of killing, committing crimes and doing acts of aggression against the oppressed Palestinian people, especially women, children and Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails amid the silence and inaction of the international community and the fake human rights defenders have left the Palestinian nation and resistance no way but to resist and rely on their inherent strength in the face of the Zionists.

Kanani noted that the Islamic Republic of Iran reaffirms the inherent and legal right of Palestinians to defend themselves vis-à-vis the crimes of the usurpers of Palestine that have been going on for 75 years. He said Iran also holds the Zionist occupiers and its supporters responsible for the continuation and escalation of violence and atrocities against the Palestinians. He underlined that Iran calls on Muslim countries to support al-Aqsa Mosque and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

Small portion of Resistance Power

Ali Akbar Velayati, the secretary general of the global assembly of Islamic awakening, has reacted to the Palestinian operation against Israel, saying that the operation showed only small portion of the power accumulated by the Resistance Axis.

In a message to Esmail Haniyeh, the chief of Hamas political bureau, and Ziyad Nakhala, the secretary-general of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Velayati hailed the Palestinian operation against the military positions of the Israeli regime.

He said that the photos coming out of the operation showed a great conquest that startled and astonished the enemies and stratified Muslims all over the world, especially in the West Asia region.

“The era of domination and tyranny of the Zionist terrorist regime is over and what is happening today in the occupied territories is a small manifestation of the accumulated power and authority of the Islamic Resistance Front in Palestine,” Velayati said.

He added, “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, which is a response to the ongoing crimes of the Zionist regime in the occupied territories, will definitely fundamentally change the balance of power in the occupied Palestine and will put the Zionist regime in a more vulnerable position.”

He noted, “This victorious operation, which will definitely facilitate and accelerate the collapse of the Zionist regime, promises the impending destruction of the Zionist regime.”

Velayati also said that “this great and strategic victory is a serious warning” to all those who seek to normalize relations with Israel.

Iran FM speaks with Turkish counterpart

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian spoke with his Turkish counterpart, Hakan Fidan, about the situation in Palestine.

The reviewed the situation in Palestine and underlined the importance of respecting the rights of the Palestinian people.

In this call, Amir Abdollahian called the resistance movement spontaneous and the result of the continuous crimes of the Zionist regime against Palestine, according to a separate statement by the Iranian foreign ministry.

The Iranian foreign ministry emphasized the necessity of solidarity and cohesion of Islamic countries in supporting the Holy Quds and supporting the oppressed and resistant Palestinian nation.

New rules for war

A member of the Political Council of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement hailed the Palestinian forces’ recent military operation against Israel as a monumental milestone that has defined new regulations on the struggle with the Israeli enemy.

In an interview with Tasnim, Mahmoud Qamati paid tribute to the Hamas fighters for their bravery after launching the Al-Aqsa Storm operation against the Zionist regime outside the Gaza Strip.

“Today, we are witnessing a new chapter, a qualitative leap, a military upheaval, and a change in the war patterns and in the rules of military battle against the Zionist enemy,” he said.

Hailing the Palestinian resistance forces for “stabilizing their military power” by infiltrating into the Zionist settlements and the areas occupied by the Israeli regime, Qamati said the major development has marked a new, monumental and historical model in the history of confrontation with the Zionist enemy.

The Zionist regime’s army is neither capable of defense nor offense, is absent in the battlefield, and has practically fallen into a state of passiveness, the Hezbollah official stated, noting that the Zionist settlers are in panic because there is no army to take care of them.

Qamati also said the unprecedented surprise operation by the Palestinian forces has dealt a crushing blow not only to Israel, but also to the United States and the West, the staunch supporters of the Zionist regime.

Why don’t Chinese people use chopsticks made of steel? It would save lots of trees. Are there forks, knives, and spoons in China?

What’s this 1942?

Today less than 6% Chopsticks in China are made of wood and bamboo

Plastic Chopsticks are most commonly used and form around 53% of Chopsticks used in China

Stainless Steel Chopsticks come next. Around 24% of Chopsticks in China are Stainless Steel

Porcelain Chopsticks are typically used in Chinese Homes and upscale restaurants and form around 17% of the Chopsticks used in China

‘Others’ count for a mere 6% and that includes Wood, Bamboo, Jade and a variety of other materials

Another fun fact

Almost 70% Wooden Chopsticks made in China are EXPORTED

Guess who uses them?


Japanese use almost 37% wooden Chopsticks

Texas Tra$h

2023 11 04 10 32
2023 11 04 10 32

Yield: 9 cups


  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 teaspoons seasoned salt
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 cups Rice Chex
  • 2 cups Wheat Chex
  • 4 ounces shoestring potatoes
  • 2 cups pretzel sticks
  • 1 cup salted nuts


  1. Combine butter, Worcestershire sauce, salt and garlic powder. Blend well in skillet.
  2. Add remaining ingredients.
  3. Put into a baking dish.
  4. Bake at 250 degrees F for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Col Douglas Macgregor – “Their Army Is No More!…”

What major mistake did the Confederates make to lose the war?

The Union made a number of unforced errors that drastically prolonged the war and still won anyway. The Confederacy did surprisingly well and still lost anyway. That should tell you everything you need to know.

Seriously, no bullshit, the South had no path to victory from the start. An impoverished, agrarian nation with poor logistics declaring war on a far more industrialized, cohesive nation just starting to come into its own as an industrial power? Here’s your sign.

From the South’s perspective, the only winning move was not to play. The moment they commenced hostilities (and boy, the way they commenced hostilities was a barrel full of stupid), the end was preordained. They had this weird idea that Europe, who they believe could not survive without their textiles, would intervene on their behalf, and that’s a miscalculation you could write entire books about.

Turns out the English hated slavery more than they loved cheap cotton, much to the surprise of folks who basically made white supremacy into their equivalent of a state religion, and without a patron it wasn’t whether the South would lose, but when.

All of this should have been obvious. But like one of my high school teachers said, though he didn’t put it quite this succinctly: Slavery makes you lazy, and racism makes you stupid. (He contended that laziness and stupidity, directly traceable to the institution of chattel slavery, still persist in the South to this day.)

Americans get poorer as Washington throws cash at Ukraine and migrants

US families are undergoing a third-straight year of falling income, but politicians think taxpayer money is better spent elsewhere

As Uncle Sam continues to pump billions of dollars into Kiev’s flagging fight against Russia and provide tempting handouts to illegal migrants, why is the average American worker forced to live paycheck to paycheck?

Here’s a question that most people have considered at least once in their lives, and probably a lot recently: How much annual income would you need to feel financially secure? For the average American, the magic number comes out to be $233,000 a year, according to a survey by Bankrate.

To bring the ’99 percent’ back down to Earth, the US Census Bureau released some sobering data that dashed those elusive six-digit dreams. Inflation-adjusted median household income fell to $74,580 in 2022 – a 2.3% decline from the 2021 average of $76,330. This marks the third-straight annual decrease since the Covid-19 pandemic began in 2020, taking a wrecking ball to the heart of the economy.

The bad news doesn’t end there for US consumers, who are now struggling with the consequences of a foreign conflict in a distant land and a wide-open border. Those factors have prompted the cost of living to surge higher than it has in over four decades amid runaway inflation. In June 2022, the year-over-year inflation rate, as measured by the Consumer Price Index, hit a jaw-dropping 9.1%, the highest it’s been since the administration of former President Ronald Reagan.

A significant reason for the increase in inflation happened on March 3, 2022, when President Joe Biden signed an executive order to ban the import of Russian oil, liquefied natural gas, and coal to the US. This decision has had disastrous results for the local economy. Since Biden’s inauguration, the cost of gasoline alone had jumped at one point by 100% (as of September 27, the average price of regular gas was $3.832 per gallon, according to the AAA , while gas prices were an average of $2.3 per gallon when Biden entered office), forcing just about everything else to skyrocket, including the number of poor people.

The poverty rate in the US exploded last year, the first increase in 13 years, according to the Census Bureau. In 2022, the rate was 12.4%, up 4.6 percentage points from 2021, according to the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM), a method for tallying government welfare programs and tax credits designed to assist low-income families.

Meanwhile, the Expectations Index, determined by consumers’ short-term outlook for income, business, and labor market conditions, sunk to 73.7 in September. That follows a drop to 83.3 in August. The worrisome part is that an Expectations Index below 80 generally indicates an impending recession.

An economic tragedy is already quietly happening for millions of American consumers who are now living paycheck to paycheck precariously and who have been forced to use the payment method of last resort to make ends meet: the almighty credit card, with its exorbitant interest fees. On this score, the US economy has broken yet another record, although not in a way that could be considered something to cheer about.

US credit card debt rose by $45 billion to $1.03 trillion in the second quarter from the first quarter, a 4.6% quarterly increase,” The Street reported . “It’s the first time in US history that household credit card balances topped the $1 trillion mark as the number of credit card accounts expanded by 5.48 million to 578.35 million in the quarter.” When consumer debt suddenly equals the amount the US spends on its military-industrial complex, you know there’s a problem.

Clearly, the US has some serious domestic issues that need to be resolved, but instead, it would rather fund a totally senseless proxy war against a nuclear power halfway around the world.

Washington has given Ukraine close to $100 billion in aid, with more in the pipeline, since Moscow launched its military operation in February 2022. The cash, however, has not only been used to fund Ukraine’s military. Billions of dollars have subsidized participants of the Ukrainian economy, like farmers and small business owners, market players whose counterparts in the US desperately need help, too. A recent study conducted by the Council on Foreign Relations shows that more than $30 billion – around 40% of total US aid to Ukraine as of July 31 – has been financial or humanitarian assistance that is not directly connected to military support. Military funding comes out to around $50 billion.

As if that were not enough, the Biden administration continues to welcome illegal migrants at a price that is more than what is being spent fighting a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Yes, you read that right; the annual cost of providing care for the millions of illegal migrants entering the US is $150.7 billion, according to the Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (FAIR).

In August, US Border Patrol recorded 232,972 migrant encounters along the southwestern border, a jump from 183,494 in July. The number of crossings for September is predicted to be higher than the previous month.

So here we have two concurrent events – a disastrous military conflict in Ukraine and a leaky US border – that are sucking away precious funds from the American taxpayer. It’s important to note that the king’s ransom that is being handed over to support these deranged Democratic agendas will never be returned, not in our lifetime. Instead, it will just be added to the unsustainable US national debt load, which is currently at $33 trillion, according to the US Debt Clock . That is an astronomical sum of money that we or future generations will someday be forced to deal with, and probably sooner rather than later.

What American citizen could possibly believe that any of this government funding has been a good investment for the American people? Well, they’re representatives in Washington, DC, for one. In May, ‘conservative’ US Senator Lindsey Graham, during a meeting with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in Kiev, pronounced joyfully that “the Russians are dying” and aid to Ukraine is “the best money we’ve ever spent.” Aside from discounting the chances that such an “investment” could have towards unleashing World War III, Graham never thought for a second that such funds could have gone far at rebuilding America’s crumbling infrastructure, like that non-existent wall on the US-Mexico border. It would have been a wonderful work program for the US economy.

In short, it’s just another day in the discombobulated American empire, which, much like its ancient Roman precursor, could learn the lesson of overexpansion and overspending in the most brutal way imaginable – with its total and complete dissolution.

Israel long war. Saudi-US deal in jeopardy. Breaking BRICS+. $100B to Ukraine, one-and-done. U/1

MM talks about Domain

I had another interview. This was on a website that discusses soul, and astral travel, and all manner of similar items. If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the video. Enjoy!

I hope that you enjoy it.

I don’t think that I was at my best. But I did try anyways.

Here’s the post for today…

Very valid

What work secret did you accidentally find out that changed everything?


Oh, I’ve got a good one. After joining a new company, I rose quickly from trainee to project manager. However, my pay didn’t rise with my title or responsibility. I was also being forced to work overtime off the clock (illegally). I had a sit down meeting with my boss, and told him that I expected to be paid more given that I had far more responsibility. I was told that I’d need to gain experience in the new department and that they didn’t have money in the budget for raises. I knew this to be nonsense, because there was no way that the guy I replaced was making the pittance that I was. I also asked for a filing cabinet for my office. I was told that one had recently been vacated and to take anything I needed out of that office. I found the file cabinet, which was a rusty piece of shit. But, it’s what I had to work with. I didn’t know how valuable that filing cabinet would be.

I started cleaning out the crap that the last person had left in the filing cabinet. It was mostly a bunch of accounting stuff; invoices from receivables, things like that. At the very bottom of the filing cabinet was a stapled set of papers. On it were the names of the company’s employees with a number beside each one. I tried to figure out what the numbers meant. Office number? No, some of them were the same. That ruled out employee number too. In fact there were decimals. Wait, could it really be? No. Yes! This was a list of the hourly rate of every single employee in the building, from CEO to Janitor. Jackpot.

Now that I new how much everybody was making, I knew exactly what I was worth to them and what they could “afford”. But they had just turned me down for a raise. How was I going to leverage it? Well, by securing another position, which I did. I interviewed at another company, got another offer that was at least above what I was making in case things didn’t work out and put in my notice. About a week went by. Didn’t hear from them. Maybe they were broke and couldn’t afford to pay me any more. But sure enough, one afternoon I got called into the Vice President’s office. “Why are you leaving us?”. I told him that I thought my additional hours and responsibilities were worth more money and I was right, another company offered more money. “Can we at least make you an offer? We can move things around.”

They came back with a substantial raise, in fact more than the other company was offering by a fair amount. But I knew what every employee was making, from the newest project manager to the people I replaced. I was going all in. I told him I had to turn his offer down. Another day went by. I get called into the Vice President’s office again. “We like what you’re doing. We have increased our offer.” I said I would look at it. I waited two days before getting back to him, just a few days before starting my next job. I told him if he added another dollar an hour it was a deal. He said he’d see if the other board members would agree, and it was officially offered on paper that afternoon. It was a dollar more per hour than the people I had replaced, and a 50 percent increase in salary. Information is everything, and somebody left the wrong information at the bottom of a rusty filing cabinet.

“Oh, just one more thing. My filing cabinet is a piece of shit, I want a new one.”


I made sure it was empty when it got hauled out.

“War with Iran would be SUICIDE and the U.S. will lose” – Scott Ritter

Former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter lays out how a U.S. backed war against Iran would bring devastation to both the United States and Israel. Ritter says Israel would be destroyed if it tries to face off against Hezbollah and Hamas simultaneously.

What is China’s planned strategic nuclear arsenal?

Enough to flatten any nation or a few nations which dare to nuke China completely and comprehensively. Ensure that it can send its reciprocal strike with minutes of the enemy’s strike. China won’t be the first to you. But it must retaliate in kind with equal proportion.

Just so you know? How many Nuclear Arsenals? It for China to know and for their enemies to find out the hard way. 300–30’000 that is what China has. Don’t doubt China. A nation that last 5000 years will still be around after you care gone.

Texas Tavern Burgers

2023 10 28 12 33
2023 10 28 12 33

Yield: 10 servings.


  • 1 1/2 cups chopped onion, divided
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 can tomato soup
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons prepared mustard
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 pounds ground beef
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Combine and cook 1 cup onion and butter until onions are clear and tender.
  2. Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients except beef, salt and pepper.
  3. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Cook ground beef and remaining onion until brown. Add to mixture.
  5. Salt and pepper to season.
  6. Spread on toasted buns.

Why is it challenging for U.S. companies to cut ties with China despite potential risks?

It is simple.

The US needs deflation causing supplies to keep inflation down. If it cuts China supplies your inflation can balloon to between 25–50%.

The U.S. needs a market to sell most of its products. China a lone is bigger than the next 10 markets put together. It’s consumer market alone is roughly 30% of the world. But what is worst is 70% of world produce is made in China. If you add these China commands 50–60% of world market. Any U.S. companies deprived of this market literally goes bankrupt.

You should not even think of cutting out China let alone do it. Anything you do will hurt the U.S. 10 times what it will ever hurts or harm China. That explains why the U.S. trade war on China starting in 2018 is such a duff decision. From 2018–2021 the U.S. economy grew 5.5% in total while China’s economy over the same period grew 5 times faster at 26.5%! No question who won!

Now this Chip war has shown clear signs of bankrupting the entire host of US chip companies from designing to producing and developing. The U.S. expected China to collapse and it is supposed to take a generation or 25 years for China to catch up. It took 3 years! Now China will produce chips at a third of the U.S. cost! The whole nonsense of Chip ban may cost 10 trillion when it tally up the losses.

But a nation that lost in Korea, failed again in Vietnam and disastrous in Iraq and replaced Taliban with Taliban after wasting 5 trillion dollars in Afghanistan will never learn their lesson to be humble.

In technology it has failed miserably in trying to deprived China of GPS. China developed a higher resolution, accurate to a meter version that now is in use by 187 out of 195 nations. Next to ban China from entering the U.S. space station. The result is China now has the only functional state of the art technology Chinese Space Station.

What is the landmark deal Russia and China signed regarding grain and oil?

image 171
image 171

Moscow will sell to Beijing, 70 Million Tons of Grain over the next 12 years for an approximate value of 65% of thr market price of grain pegged to a maximum value of 2.5 Trillion Rubles


This means 36% of the World’s Grain will now be quoted and paid for in RMB

It was 4.7% in 2021

That’s a 720% rise in a mere 2 years

China gains huge food security plus currency domininon


Russia extended a 10 year deal to sell Oil at a 30% discount pegged to a maximum equivalent of 750 RMB a barrel

And the best news

The Malacca Blockade is worthless now

China can get 100% Energy from Russia & the Middle East plus Food Security and delivered through Safe routes

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main qimg ddf9554e9188c421e84cb51c26b83772 lq

The Duran: Germany is FINISHED

This is very interesting. Europe is going down with the United States.

Texas Breakfast Burritos

2023 10 19 08 45
2023 10 19 08 45


  • 12 flour tortillas, warmed
  • 1/2 pound bacon
  • 2 tomatoes, cubed
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 3 1/2 tablespoons salsa
  • 6 eggs


  1. Cook bacon until crisp.
  2. Using same pan with a little grease, cook onion.
  3. Crumble bacon coarsely and return to pan.
  4. Beat eggs; stir into pan. Cook until eggs are set.
  5. Fold in cubed tomatoes and salsa.
  6. Fill warm tortillas with egg mixture.

Grandma gives high-five to passport bros

China Aims to Use Particle Accelerators to Build Chips and Evade EUV Sanctions

By Anton Shilov

China’s semiconductor ambitions call to use particle accelerator.

According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP), China plans to use an innovative approach to manufacturing processors by harnessing particle accelerators, potentially positioning itself as a global leader in advanced chip manufacturing. SCMP says the method seeks to evade traditional lithography machine limitations and US sanctions on EUV technology, potentially reshaping the semiconductor industry landscape. 

The Chinese research team, led by Tsinghua University, is developing a unique laser source using particle accelerators. Their goal is to sidestep the constraints of conventional lithography machines, which are pivotal in microchip production. The proposed particle accelerator will be roughly the size of two basketball courts, between 100-150 meters in circumference, and will serve as a high-quality light source for chip fabrication. 

Professor Zhao Wu from Stanford University introduced the underlying technology, termed steady-state microbunching (SSMB). SSMB captures the energy emitted by charged particles during acceleration, transforming it into a continuous, pure EUV light source. Compared to the prevalent ASML EUV method, SSMB boasts superior power and efficiency, potentially reducing chip production costs.

“An SSMB-EUV light source has been designed at THU, with designed EUV power higher than 1kW, and some key technologies are nearly ready,” said team member Professor Pan Zhilong at a presentation at an academic workshop in January 2022.

This ambitious project contrasts with the strategies of companies like ASML, which focus on miniaturizing chip-making machines. Instead, China’s vision involves creating a giant factory that houses several lithography machines, all centered around a single accelerator. This design aims to enable competitive manufacturing processes (such as 2nm and beyond) that will be used to make high-performance chips without using traditional extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography scanners.

“As a completely new light source, the experimental verification of the technology has been implemented. But it is necessary to build a solid SSMB light source research device operating in the EUV band,” said project leader Professor Tang Chuanxiang from Tsinghua University.

“Then we can [use the device to] cultivate scientific and industrial users, and polish the SSMB technology.”

According to the report, Tsinghua University’s team has made significant strides in this domain; they have successfully trialed the technology and are now scouting locations for the project’s construction, the report claims. Their achievements could pave the way for China to bypass potential future sanctions and emerge as a semiconductor powerhouse.

However, the journey to realizing SSMB-based EUV lithography machines remains long and challenging. Professor Tang Chuanxiang heads the project and emphasizes the need for continuous innovation and collaboration across industries to develop a functional lithography system. 

“There is still a long way to go before our independent development of EUV lithography machines, but SSMB-based EUV light sources give us an alternative to the sanctioned technology,” said Tang. “It requires continuous technological innovation based on SSMB EUV light sources and cooperation with upstream and downstream industries to build a usable lithography system.”

China Will Take Revenge Against US Discriminatory Practices On Huawei This Way!

The​ question​ is, what kind of inquisitive mind thought​ it would​ be possible to stop the technological advancement of a country of 1.5 billion people​ that work diligently hand-in-hand to build and better their country​ that has over 1 billion people as citizens, and over half of that as Middle​ Class? US economic experts advising their government should​ re-educate themselves.

Does US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo seriously think that the US Congress can use legislative tools to stop Huawei from doing research innovation and launching new products?

It’s not just her. The entire US government is having delusions of grandeur. They think that all the US needs to do is pass a law and it will magically happen anywhere in the world. This is massively deluded behavior. Much like the insane Emperors of Rome.

Does US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo seriously think that the US Congress can use legislative tools to stop Huawei from doing research innovation and launching new products?

That was the playbook.

Huawei’s mobile devices consumer division was kneecapped and decapitated through sanction, suffering a 90% drop in shipped volume in the last 4 years.

That’s a 100–200b dollar swing in revenue, just for handsets. To put that in perspective, that’s equal to 1–2 Boeings at its 2018 peak.

The US was trying to kill Huawei, and bury the telecoms business by bleeding revenue off its high margin consumer division.

That’s way grander than “stop Huawei from doing research innovation”.

Huawei is still under sanction, and Bloomberg’s recent name and shame of Taiwanese companies helping Huawei/SMIC with foundry infrastructure is a thinly veiled attempt at threatening companies not to deal with Huawei, even though the contracts they have entered into do not fall under current sanction.

Gina is free to suggest sanction escalation and fix Huawei like America did to Russia and Russian oligarchs, but Beijing will retaliate this time. And there is ~1 trillion in annual S&P 500 revenue generated from the mainland to aim for. The Chinese don’t have a significant presence stateside.

Personally, I think the ship on Huawei has already sailed. I won’t be surprised if Huawei breaks 100m phones shipped annually in the next 18–24 months. I also won’t be surprised if Huawei introduces new WIFI and telecoms standards in the next 5 years that end up being adopted in Apple phones. Neither Apple nor Google are capable of driving hardware standards revolution.

I can’t think of any easy-to-implement/low cost cards that the Department of Commerce can still deal when it comes to Huawei.

Do you?

Has someone helped you selflessly while you were in some adverse situation?

When I was a child of 8, my mom died suddenly. Our next door neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Cardin, sat outside on their front porch every night and I went over and sat with them for endless hours. They were so kind. I thought they were old. They were in their sixties, I guess. I always felt welcomed. They served me iced tea. They played cards with me. When I turned 18 and my dad died, I moved in with an older sister. I don’t remember ever saying goodbye to them. Years passed, I married, divorced and remarried and moved to another town nearby. I always remembered their kindness. One day I was walking through a local cemetary and reading the tombstone inscriptions (which I love to do). There they were: Geraldine and Louis Cardin. I knelt down in gratitude. The next weekend was Mothers Day. I laid a bouquet of flowers at the grave of Mrs. Cardin and thanked her for her kindness and comfort. They never touched me, never hugged me. They just let me sit beside them while I talked to them and they talked to me. I cannot remember one conversation, only that I felt at peace in their company.

Carl Zha on Huawei, ‘Chinese Spies’ and Chinese economy on Redacted

What feature in your car did you not realize you had until someone else told you about it?

Years ago I bought a golf diesel car. It belonged to my girlfriends father. He had fallen asleep and clipped a pole. Damaged the passenger side.

I asked what he wanted for it and he insisted it was only worth $600 because that’s what the dealer said it was worth. I bought it and replaced the door and rear axle and had a little body work and paint and pin stripping done. Cost me $800. Now the car had 50K miles on it so just barely broken in for a diesel.

The first time I drove it at night the climate control section of the dash was black. I thought you know that should be illuminated.

So I got into the dash and found the plug to the climate control unplugged. Plugged it in and it worked fine. Actually it looked like the neon lights at a fair. Red, green, blue colors. So I’m over at my girlfriends and sitting in the car when her father came over and we’re talking and he looks into the car and is stunned to see the lights.

Owned the car for a couple of years and said he just carried a flashlight to see the controls. He had no idea it was supposed to be illuminated.

Egypt just dropped a BOMBSHELL in the Israel Hamas War

Much respect to Egyptian Gov. for not bowing to the US.

Why do Europeans hardly buy American cars?

I love American cars – I have owned Chevy El Camino, two Dodge Ram Vans and one Ford Econoline.

The thing is that American cars are designed for different ecosystem than European and Japanese. American cars have ridiculously over-powered and under-efficient engines, which are extremely reliable, but they are terrible gasoline guzzlers. I mean, the American cars drink petrol like an alcoholic cheap plonk.

Moreover, the American cars are large and they have been designed for straight roads and long distances. They are excellent in Scandinavia, but next to useless in Central Europe.

In Europe, petrol is an import ever since the USA destroyed all the surviving Fischer-Tropsch plants in Germany after the WWII so that Europe could never be self-sufficient on liquid fuels. It means petrol is expensive, and it is heavily taxed. Petrol prices are approximately the same per one litre than they are in the US per one Yank gallon. So this is an incentive to a) maximize the thermal efficiency of an Otto or Diesel engine and b) to get as frugal and economic car as possible.

Moreover, the distances are short (which means a lot of acceleration and deceleration) and the roads are old (some date all the way to the Roman era) and follow the contours of nature. Which means they can be awfully winding, especially at the Pyrenees, Alps and Scandian mountains. Thus the agility is favoured over speed or comfort.

European cities are old, the streets are narrow and they certainly aren’t going to be re-planned with automobiles on mind. Finding a parking lot can be a pain and many city streets may have centuries-old cobblestone instead of asphalt. American car aren’t exactly the optimal vehicles there.

BLOCKADE FAILED! Germany Halts Dismantling of Chinese 5G Equipment!

Recently, the launch of the Huawei Mate 60 and the resurgence of 5G technology in China, powered by the domestically produced Kirin 9000S, have demonstrated that Huawei has successfully overcome the long-standing blockade imposed by the United States.

Although some US lawmakers have made strong statements about increasing sanctions on Huawei, US Secretary of Commerce Raymond has already affirmed that chip supplies to China will continue. Additionally, ASML, a key supplier of lithography machines, has announced their commitment to providing equipment to China until the end of the year.

Furthermore, Germany has also changed its position. Despite the “red-green-light” coalition government’s emphasis on the “security risks” associated with Huawei’s 5G equipment and their efforts to suppress Huawei through legislation and orders to remove Huawei’s equipment, the German government has covertly allowed German telecommunications operators to use Huawei’s 5G components.

According to reports from Chinese media and Germany’s Die Welt newspaper, a German government official privately acknowledged that the new 5G network in Germany incorporates technologies from China and German operators still rely on security-critical components provided by Chinese suppliers, implying that the German government has effectively permitted the use of Huawei’s 5G technology.

Huawei operates globally in 170 countries, with 30 commercial 5G contracts and over 25,000 5G base stations deployed without any major security incidents. Moreover, Germany’s ban on Huawei’s 5G components lacks substantial evidence to prove security risks, indicating that Germany is attempting to find faults where none exist.

However, this ban has faced opposition, with individuals stating that Germany’s 5G network has developed a deep reliance on Chinese suppliers, making it challenging to remove this dependence in a short period of time.

Have you ever unintentionally stolen something?

I accidentally stole a car once.

A friend was flying in to LAX, and I was going to meet her there for lunch. Another friend insisted I borrow his Prius (this is important to the theft), saying that he didn’t want to have to rescue me if my car broke down. (Fair worry—my then car was really on its last legs!)

I stopped at a McD’s on my way out of town to get some coffee, and when I walked back out of the restaurant, I unlocked the car using the fob, hopped in, and left. I drove to the airport, but when I parked and went to get my book out of the back seat, my book had disappeared!

It turned out that I had gotten in the wrong Prius!

When I finally figured this out, I went immediately to the airport’s little “police station” (a trailer at the far end of the airport’s circuit) and confessed to my crime. Yes, the car I was in had been reported stolen, but they contacted the owner who kindly agreed to just let me bring it back, which I did after having lunch with my friend.

Both these Priuses had a keyless entry and ignition system, and the way the owner handled hers was the only reason this could have happened.

Her car was the same color as the one I was driving, and she was parked two stalls away from me in the crowded parking lot. When I came out, I headed to the wrong one, not even noticing that there was another Prius nearby. I unlocked my car remotely, opened the door and sat down.

Here’s the thing: she had locked her car with a physical key when she parked it, but had left the fob in the console, forgetting that the Prius won’t lock if it detects the fob inside the car. So her car was unlocked.

I started the car with the pushbutton instead of with the key, and it started since it knew the fob was inside the car, and voila—grand theft auto!

Is there any credible evidence that Ukraine’s 2014 revolution was due to a CIA coup?

Victoria Nuland, Asst. Sec. of State for Europe, phone call to US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, in which they discuss how they’re going to set up the new Ukrainian government in 2014.

The video link is provided below. Here’s your smoking gun right here.🔫

And isn’t it interesting that the only administration in which Nuland could NOT find a position was the Trump administration. I’m no fan of DT, but it’s an interesting fact nevertheless.

She was in on Clinton, Bush, Obama, and now Biden administrations — a 33 year “diplomatic” career —including a very high level and indeed dangerous position today (Oct 2023) as Asst. Sec of State. She was Dick Cheney’s Deputy National Security Adviser from 2003 to 2005.

Interestingly, Wikipedia makes no mention whatsoever that Vitali Klitschko was a Ukrainian presidential candidate in 2014, instead providing page after page of information about his boxing career.

On this one, we got real, real lucky.

High level covert operations are NEVER this easy to get evidence on.

What observation have you made about China which most others missed?

Foreign media tend to portray Chinese plans and projects as stemming from a small, tightly centralized regime in Beijing. Foreign press back in the 2000s (when they were still enamored with the ‘Chinese model’ of economic growth) were often quick to praise how the strong, centralized decision making of China and it’s technocratic bureaucracy were key to driving economic growth where the ‘decentralized and slow democratic’ decision making of the decadent rest was going to be their death knell.

One could say that this is more of a linguistic issue where press reports simply referring to Beijing or the CPC created the impression that it was literally just Beijing and the Central Committee of the CPC calling the shots. Thereby creating the assumption that in order to address any issue in China, one must fly to Beijing and meet with the top man there. Or perhaps its a throwback on how the press reported on the USSR by making references to the “Kremlin” every time policy decisions were taken, forgetting that the Soviet States of Hungary, Poland, Romania etc had their own governments with their own powers who also called some of the shots.

This is flawed to say the least.

The Chinese governmental structure endows its provincial governments with surprisingly vast powers to the extent that Provincial governments alone can pursue their own foreign investments and trade deals with only minimal oversight from the center as long as such deals adhere to the loose guidelines issued by the center.

The same goes for the gigantic State Owned Enterprises in China which are permitted to initiate and pursue their own economic activities under the loose framework of the central committee’s guidelines.

As other Chinese Quorans have pointed out, One would do well to remember that China can better be thought of as a continental level entity with it’s own mini nation states inside its borders.

When the BRI was initiated, the central committee simply set out the guidelines for the project, which you can read here:


President Xi Jinping’s keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the forum pointed out that our promotion of the “Belt and Road” construction will not repeat the old routine of geo-game, but will create a new model of cooperation and win-win; it will not form a destabilizing small group, but will build harmony. A coexisting family.

This fully demonstrates that the construction of the “Belt and Road” is an important exploration and practice for countries along the line to jointly build a community of human destiny.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has coordinated the two major domestic and international affairs, coordinated development and security, and carried out a great-state diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in a proactive manner, and put forward a series of new ideas and concepts. We advocate the establishment of a new type of international relations with cooperation and win-win as the core, and strive to build a community of human destiny.

President Xi Jinping said in a keynote speech at the 2017 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos in January this year that as long as we firmly establish the common sense of human destiny, work together and work together to help each other and overcome difficulties, we will certainly make the world a better place. Be beautiful and make people happier.

The concept of the community of human destiny highlights the inclusiveness of the new international order

The community of human destiny is based on the thinking of various new elements in the development of the world in the 21st century. In response to the philosophical and historical propositions of “where does man go?”, from the perspective of reforming and improving the international order, A vision for the evolution of global governance.

After the Second World War, the world as a whole maintained peace and development. Its main guarantee factors were the construction of the international order and the in-depth development of economic globalization.

However, with the increasing challenges in the process of economic globalization and the increasing diversification of international actors, the current international order cannot effectively cope with various problems, and the risks of security disorder and development imbalance are increasing. Global governance calls for reform and innovation.

source: 携手构建人类命运共同体(一带一路论坛)

The paper goes on to talk in general guidelines about Eurasian infrastructure and trade development in loose terms:

In 2013, Comrade Xi Jinping formally proposed the “Belt and Road Initiative”. China is focusing on the periphery as the primary direction, promoting the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, and providing important new public goods to the international community, especially the developing countries in Asia and Europe.

In August 2016, Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out at the symposium on promoting the construction of the “Belt and Road”: taking the “Belt and Road” construction as an opportunity to carry out cross-border interconnection, improve the level of trade and investment cooperation, and promote international cooperation in capacity and equipment manufacturing. It is to revitalize the world economy by increasing effective supply to generate new demand.

His keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit further emphasized that China will thoroughly implement the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, constantly adapt, grasp and lead the new normal of economic development and actively promote The supply-side structural reforms will achieve sustainable development, inject a strong impetus into the “Belt and Road” and bring new opportunities for world development.

In the context of the continued downturn in the world economy, China’s support for countries along the line to promote industrialization and modernization through the “Belt and Road” initiative to meet the urgent needs of countries to improve infrastructure levels will inevitably activate the growth potential of countries along the route, which will undoubtedly help stabilize the world economy. The situation and the promotion of global economic growth.

McKinsey, the US consulting firm, estimates that by 2050, the contribution rate of countries along the Belt and Road Initiative will be more than 80%.

To say that there are a thousand and ten thousand, China is going to build a development concept of practicing the community of human destiny through the “Belt and Road”, so that all parties can work together to fill the development of Asia, Europe, and the mainland, and create a common development and prosperity of all countries. New Era.


That is pretty much all the center does: establish the guidelines and groves for the project but leave it to other actors to decide how they carry them out.

Chinese provincial governments and their regional local elite have their own significant powers which they can use to resist parts of the agenda from the center which they don’t like (at least temporarily). I remember reading how one of the provincial governments stubbornly resisted Beijing’s calls to reduce pollution levels stemming from the province by pointing out how that would slow down economic activity in the province.

Similarly, when the CPEC project started, a Chinese SOE began development of Gwadar port and it’s special economic zone as part of the BRI initiative.

But right across from Gwadar, a Chinese provincial government began their own special economic zone in Oman, directly in competition with Gwadar!

Our Prime Minister Imran Khan would learn this lesson well when his incompetent team failed to brief him on how the Chinese political structure worked.

So when Imran Khan recently went to China on a state visit to Beijing to renegotiate some of the CPEC projects, he was met by bewildered officials in Beijing who pointed out that the central committee doesn’t exactly negotiate the deals for the BRI. SOEs and Provincial governments do. What exactly did Imran Khan want Beijing to do on an issue where Beijing wasn’t directly involved?

Most BRI contracts are not between governments but instead between Chinese companies and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to facilitate projects for the larger BRI initiative.

In that context, when the new government claims it will renegotiate contracts, as well as terms and conditions, it is forgetting to mention that it will have to do them with Chinese companies and SOEs, not with the Chinese government.

Secondly, because CPEC is an overland project, any arbitration that happens i.e. if the government were to try to renegotiate any contract in place, they will have to refer to the BRI court in Xi’an, which falls under Chinese law.

That means either the government must engage a law firm to represent it on each contract it wants to renegotiate or try to contest cases itself.

Worse still is the fact that the government has practically no idea what it wants to renegotiate in the first place.

That is the crux of the problem Pakistan faces: the state simply does not understand the conceptual basis of BRI or CPEC and, hence, cannot even define what it means.

Chinese companies raise that money in their own country from institutions like the Silk Road Fund, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Export Import Bank based on guarantees provided with regards to project completion through contracts signed by the Pakistani government.

Pakistan owes that money to Chinese financial institutions and not the government — let’s be crystal clear about that. The Chinese government will also not waive that borrowing away because it is project-based debt financing.

Was Imran’s visit to China a failure? Yes. Here’s why

The crux of the problem as far as Pakistan is concerned is that we have become so accustomed to reading about China through English print media or viewing the Chinese through a prism set by others, that we have no idea where policy decisions in China are stemming from. Or who exactly to talk to in the PRC.

So we default to our own logics: If we’re a strong man, authoritarian country we expect to take our problems to Xi to have them addressed. Or if we’re a country who sheds limelight constantly on the ongoings of their president, we tend to equate the other country’s president with the same power structure.

It would be useful for other nation states and companies besides Pakistan as well to perhaps narrow down on who exactly they are dealing with when they deal with China.

And perhaps do some linguistic adjustments so we move away from stuff like “China is building ports in the Arabian sea” – wait! Who is China? Xi himself ordered the ports built? Like specifically? Or do you mean a variety of different actors ranging from provincial governments to SOEs are pursuing their own economic activity under loose guidelines from the center rather than as part of some ominous grand design.

To be fair, maybe I’m being too harsh on Pakistani leadership. Certainly the military seems to know who to deal with in China, having negotiated independent contracts with the Xinjiang government, Chinese SOEs and so on.

There is also a tendency to get lost in the weeds when reading foreign press on China sense the idea of “large, centralized, authoritarian behemoth moving steadily in an organized manner towards American interests” sounds way more ominous and fearful than “oh hey, one of the Provincial governments in China is building a port in Burma to expand their provincial trade”.

The idea of an ominous, all power, omnipotent central leadership in Beijing calling all the shots sounds very enticing. Particularly for media centers operating out of nations that wish to portray China as the next big threat to their interests.

Its just not true. And we should probably learn that lesson well in our future dealings. Others would be well advised to do the same.

The point isn’t that the central government is powerless vis a vis localized power centers. Or that the central government is all powerful. But that the truth lies in a nuanced middle ground between both polar opposites. And there needs to be more specificity about who we are referring to in China when discussing policy decisions stemming from the PRC.

Happily, power in its operation

Often is given

More than it allows.

Out of its many empires, one empire,

Whether or not power knows,

Puts in its hands its one life’s simple portion.

  • Power, by Josephine Miles

Rehearsal by Josephine Miles | Power by Josephine Miles

Please dial the number of the department you wish to talk to”

Image source: Has democracy failed? A lesson from China –

Small correction:

“Just a small note – neither of this countries was ever part of the USSR – all of then was separate countries albeit dependent of the Soviets.

USSR republics was the “stans” countries (Turkmenistan, Tajikistan etc), Ukraine, Belorusia, The Baltics, Georgia and Armenia, but not Poland, Hungary or Romania.”

Angel V


Damn it man…this dude writes and cuts right to the bone. Wow.

What interesting thing did you read?

Meet Brian Mwenda, a Kenyan man who has been playing a high-stakes game of make-believe in Kenya’s legal system.

Stunningly, Mwenda is said to have argued and won not one or two, but 26 cases, pitting his wits against bona fide legal eagles and leaving courtrooms in awe. And he did all this without a law degree or any professional certification. He’s a fraud.

Now, authorities have finally caught up to him, and he’s facing a slew of charges for impersonating an Advocate of the Kenya High Court. But the man’s record is flawless, a clean sweep of victories.

It begs the question, should he be behind bars or standing at a podium accepting an award for extraordinary legal acumen?

Mr. Mwenda might just be a legal prodigy, an undiscovered gem in the world of law. Or Kenya seriously needs to reevaluate its legal education and certification processes.

After all, if a fake lawyer can outwit the pros, what does that say about the system?

If he was given the right to defend himself and he eventually won, it’d be his 27th triumph, an untainted record in a courtroom career founded on a lie.

If that happens, Brian Mwenda wouldn’t just be defying the laws of his land; he’d be defying reality itself, turning what should have been his downfall into yet another improbable victory.

Teachers Are Fed Up Of DUMB Gen Z Kids..

Wholly shit.

What do liberals not understand about Trump supporters?

There are a lot of things I do understand about Trump supporters.

Trump supporters are angry, tired, and frightened. They live in a world that’s passing them by. They keep hearing about how the economy is booming, but they’re struggling to make ends meet.

They see foreign students coming in on H1B visas to work at tech companies for what seems like ludicrous, unfathomable amounts of money, money they don’t see in a decade, and they’re wondering where their share of the pie is.

They hear people sneeringly talk about “flyover states” without seeming to know or care those are their states, their homes. The people they care about are mired in drug and alcohol addiction and struggling to pay the mortgage while Instagram 20somethings jet off to Maui and get sponsorship deals with companies that make bottled water.

They see liberals bending over backward to support gay men and lesbians and Black criminals and trans people and illegals, talking about treating everyone with compassion, and they’re like, what about me? Where’s the fucking compassion for me?

They bought into reassurances that if they were willing to work hard, they’d make it. They’d get ahead. Hard work and grit would be rewarded. Now the lumber mill’s closed and the mine’s closed and city folks keep going on about how coal mining is actually bad and wrong, and they’re like fuck you, we had a deal, I busted my ass and you took it all away.

They were told there was an order to things, a way things worked, and yeah they were never top dog on the heap, but at least they weren’t the bottom either, and now everything’s changed and men in makeup with long nails who’ve never done a days’ work in their lives are being put ahead of them? Are you kidding me?

I get it. I understand that. They were sold a bill of goods, and now the world has shattered around them and they’re stuck in podunk nowhere with no way to keep a roof over their head and the neighborhood they used to be proud of is trashed by meth dealers and everyone else is going on about how wonderful life is and what losers they are, and they’re pissed about that.

That’s not hard to understand at all.

What’s hard to understand is why they think a grifting self-described billionaire who lives in a penthouse, shits in a gold toilet, and wouldn’t ever in a million years allow any of them into any of his resorts is “one of them” and totally, like, gets them.

That’s the part that I don’t get.

Why the West FEAR China (China is UNLIKE Japan in the 90’s)

What is the reason that many products sold in stores (e.g. Macy’s, Target, Marshall’s) say “Made in China” on them when there is often negative news about China in the media?

America loves China’s consumer goods. As long as China was “the world’s production factory” the United States left China alone for the most part. There was the occasional “free Tibet” protest or Tiananmen Square protests, but nothing like what I see today.

What changed? China. China began to rapidly develop its infrastructure as well as its education sectors such as Science and Mathematics. They were obsessed with STEM learning before it was cool. Their military and space program excelled. They tackled poverty and literacy, created jobs and basically pulled themselves up by their bootstraps.

They no longer had to be the world’s factory. They still produce a massive amount of consumer goods, but as China develops toward first world status some of those factories relocated to Southeast Asia. Vietnam will likely earn persecuted country status by the time my grandchildren come of age. That’s if the U.S. is still influential in world affairs.

They hate China because China is no longer the sick man of Asia. China is strong and influential. The U.S. is terrified of losing their hegemony to China. They are an emerging world power that can offer developing countries a different path from what the United States traditionally offers. It’s all a part of a circle really. Nations rise and fall and have done so for millennia past. They will continue to do so for as long as Earth continues to exist. The U.S. will fall and China will rise. A hundred years from now and it will likely be another country’s turn.

What should Indonesia do to ensure the success of its first high-speed railway project?

If you are in Southeast Asia like me, you should have realized how happy and proud Indonesians are recently.

The media in Southeast Asia is full of reports about Indonesia’s high-speed rail.

In Indonesia, everyone from the president to civilians is happy for the opening of the high-speed rail. Even those against the media can only say irrelevant nonsense.

Indonesia’s high-speed rail has achieved initial success. This is the first high-speed rail in Southeast Asia. They are worthy of pride.

Our Malaysian neighbors have some nasty things to say in the media. But I know that they are actually very envious of Indonesians, and they also want a high-speed rail from Kuala Lumpur to Penang.

Currently, there are several high-speed rail projects in South Asia and Southeast Asia. Japan’s high-speed rail project in Vietnam is in a quagmire, and its high-speed rail in India has made no progress. Only China’s high-speed railways in Indonesia and Laos have been successful.

If Indonesia wants to maintain this success in subsequent projects, it only needs to maintain its original approach and trust the Chinese as always, and they will help Indonesia create miracles.

Evil Captain Kirk Wants to Hang Spock – 1967

A favorite scene.

Have there been any diplomatic incidents between the US and China since 2016, when the escalating trade tensions between the two countries began?

If there is, 99% of any incidents are man made. To be precise US lies, innuendos, concoctions, fabrications, made up haft truths or total garbage.

Take the weather balloons. Intentionally blown out of proportion. Pardon my punt. Imaging some hundred million Americans fixated over lies by the media and opportunistic politicians making hay on sunshine demonising and accusing the Chinese of spying a most ridiculous and frivolous claims but it sells media! Finally shooting it down with a hundred million jet at a million a pop on a float away balloon worth a thousand bucks!

So think about how ridiculous it is? In todays world where if China wants to it can zoom in from space at high resolutions on very square meter balloon China need to spy the US using a brightly coloured 2 school bus sized with a huge Chinese flag pasted moving at 5 miles an hour, visible by naked eyes m? It is laughable and shameful if you ask most of the world. But guess what some Americans think it is real! What a spun!

But Chinese people laugh their eyes wet thinking how silly you guys can get. Blinken your Secretary of State even postpone a state visit of utmost importance pretending to be affected by the balloon!

The tensions if any are all US made. A nation allowing fictions to exist and lies to demonised other nations cannot amount to much. But the US has no shame or pride. When General Mike Milley your joint forces chief announced officially that after days of disruption and chaos, up to a billion dollars, that it is what it is. A weather balloon! No more no less. Guess what! No apology, no one took responsibility, no one U.S. made to pay, no acknowledgement!

This is a nation that has carpet bombed nations, use agent Orange on villagers destroy thriving economies by mistakes and false flag operations. 3 million Vietnamese died and half a million U.S. agents dead or injured due a war started by lies in the Gulf of Tonkin!

So, sure one cannot expect much! But guess what they dare to call US exceptionalism and even worst Americans believed it!

In every revolution, there’s one man with a vision

“If change is inevitable, predictable, beneficial…doesn’t logic demand that you be a part of it?”

How do you think the rising US containment efforts on China and its allies in many hi-tech fields, including export controls on some key equipment, will affect China’s economy?

It won’t it will never and it will hurt and harm the U.S. several folds more that it can hurt and harm China.

It is no different from the U.S. picking a big rock and threaten China that if China do better than the U.S. you will throw the rock on your own foot!

China is a humongous market now. It is several times bigger than the U.S. and worst it produce 75% of everything needed by the world. If you stop selling to China which is say 40–60% of your market. You will go bankrupt. And if you think China cannot make it you better be super careful that the can’t and they will never be able to do! If you are wrong you will not only lose their need but you will also lose entire worlds need too.

Frankly the U.S. is a party not the only party to make most of the products. It simply cost the US too much to stop China. It is cheaper and more sustainable to work with China as an equal and finding a win win solution. The U.S. cannot forced China’s hand and will. China is too strong, too influential, too rich and too capable to fight you if you fight them.

So grow up.

Is it an offence to get around the sanctions imposed on Russia? If yes then which exactly activities are punishable and how?


If something is an Offence, then you need someone to determine what constitutes an Offence and thats called DESIGNATED AUTHORITY

So unless US is the Ruler of the World, how can it be an offence to get around Sanctions Imposed by Russia for economic reasons?

Lets say India needs 96 Million Tonnes of Crude this year – 71 Million Tonnes of Sulphur & 25 Million Tonnes of Sweet ]

We normally buy Spot from the Market and have no long term contracts like other Nations have.

Suppose tommorow we are offered Crude at 30% Cheaper Rate, Why cant we buy Crude from Russia if it means a savings of several billion dollars?????

Punishment would simply mean US Sanctioning the Country that dares Trade with Russia

It might work or It might fail

For instance say India which produces its own Food is Sanctioned , tomorrow if it comes to Energy Crisis and Massive Recession vs Freezing of our USD Assets – A Sane man would rather choose Asset Freezing and fight legally in the UN , rather than force an Energy Crisis and Massive Recession

Say China is Sanctioned. It would rather be sanctioned than compromise its National Integrity and Face by conceding to the US demands.

However a Country totally dependent on US would have to Kowtow or totally Dependent on Imports from Europe would Kowtow

In 1997 – 82.9% Nations depended on US and European Imports primarily (159 out of 188)

In 2007- 59.7% Nations depended on US and European Imports Primarily (119 out of 199)

In 2017 – 32% Nations depended on US and European Imports Primarily (66 out of 205)

In 2022 – 28% Nations depend on US and European Imports Primarily (58 out of 207)

So the Sanctions are becoming weaker and weaker because More Countries can survive primarily even despite US Sanctions. (US/EU also includes Canada , UK and EU and NATO nations)

Almost 101 Countries have changed their primary trading Partner from US / EU/ UK/ Australia/NZL/Canada in the last 25 Years alone. Most of them have moved to CHINA including the EU themselves.

Stupid Sanctions like those against Russia tend to cause more negative impacts to the US than positive Impacts

Russian teenage genius joins Huawei .sparking concerns in the United States.

China and Russia, march forward hand in hand to make our world more stable, prosperous and peaceful.

I’ve noticed that cops in Asia like in Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, and even China seem friendly and approachable, while the West seems to have issues like corruption and brutality. Why does Asia seem to have better relations with cops than the West?

Take Singapore.

There are NO ghettos in Singapore.





How many cities can make a simple claim like that?

In Singapore, there are few exclusive districts, and those are the remnants of colonial history. In a modern new town, the expensive private apartments are within a stone’s throw of 1,2,3 room public flats. The children go to the same schools, and the parents shop at the same supermarket.

This raising of baselines across the board prevents organized crime from festering, because the fertile ground of poverty and the disadvantaged is uprooted.

Singapore is low crime, and most people have a healthy respect for the law, and especially officers in uniform. My grandma won’t indoctrinate her grandchildren in 21st century Singapore to “beware of cops”, because it isn’t 60s Hong Kong anymore. The SPF is one of the cleanest and most efficient police outfits in the world.

As a reminder, beat cops are armed with guns, but officer-involved shootings are very rare. We can go years between shots being fired. How does the SPF reduce violent arrests, and the risk of injury to both suspect and officer?

Through displays of overwhelming force.

Not all guns blazing, but the deployment of teams of officers to handle on-the-ground situations. Like these:

This round-island ability to concentrate policing power allows the senior officer to control and manage the situation, particularly the safety of the innocent public, the suspect/s, and of course the officers themselves.

In other words, gentler policing SOP.

This is a luxury that not all police forces can boast. Singapore manages by keeping crime waves at bay with effective policing and stiff laws.

At the end of the day, it is the economic and social fabric that keep crime from festering. And Singapore’s remain healthy.

Note: This is what passes for policing elsewhere.

Nurse Dies Of Illness; Experiences Infinite Reality And Told Why We’re Here (NDE)

What is considered a bad duty station in the U.S. Army?

There is an island in the Aleutions just east of Attu called Shemya. The AirForce has a landing strip there. The Army used to run a listening post there as well. It was considered a hardship tour, so the duration was one year. However, being under CONUS jurisdiction meant that overseas and hazard pay were not offered, base only. As for social life, the joke ran “there’s a woman behind every tree on Shemya; but there are no trees.” A good wind could carry a person off the island if one is not careful. Guide ropes were installed over the winter months to ensure safe passage between the barracks, the workspace, or the messhall. Being in the high latitudes subjected one to auroras, and other geomagnetic storm effects. Stereo gear just didn’t last long up there. Its isolation put Shemya on the bottom of any iteneraries for the top brass, so their presence was rare, thankfully.

Due to its proximity to the international date line, you could see tomorrow on a clear day!

What is something a guest in your house did that made your jaw drop? How did you react?

I let a friend stay at our summer house all winter. All they had to do was pay the utilities. A flag went off in my head when she said “why do I have to pay for the utilizes?

we get back in May-the first thing we are greeted to (in order):

  1. oven is a disaster
  2. phone call they will turn off our electric for non payment
  3. her son (who wasn’t supposed to be in there) carved his name in our cocktail table
  4. deep gouge in the oak flooring
  5. my new water pik is gone
  7. Instead of cleaning out the fireplace she used the trap door which took us all day to clean out
  8. she left the place filthy.

I was so angry I wouldn’t answer her emails or phone calls.

She then dialed on someone else’s phone and I picked up-she asked why I wasn’t taking her calls. I told her everything especially our wine being gone.

Her reply was ““so you are going to RUIN our friendship over a few bottles of cheap wine?”


Don’t call me again and hung up. I hope she sees this post.


They are about to do something really stupid. ”

I’m selling my car through Craigslist. A potential buyer whom I’ve never met wants to buy the car and pay with a cashier’s check. They say they’ll mail me the check. The person hasn’t seen the car or driven it. Is it safe to accept a cashier’s check?

Scam scam scam.

Here’s how it works:

  1. A scammer sees a high-ticket item with resale value online.
  2. The scammer offers to buy it, sight unseen, with a cashier’s check, money order, or credit card.
  3. You deposit the check or money order, or run the card.
  4. The scammer has a mule, who may or may not know it’s a scam, pick up the item.
  5. The bank notifies you that the check/money order was a forgery or the card was stolen. They take the money out of your account.
  6. You try to go after the scammer to realize they used a fake address, a disposable cell phone or VoIP line, and a fake name—you have absolutely no way to find them. And the mule who picked up the item? If you can find that poor sucker, he tells you the scammer paid him money to pick up a bunch of items, but then the check the scammer paid him with turned out to be a fake.

Optional bonus round:

  1. The scammer sends you a cashier’s check or money order, but the amount is wrong. You agreed on a price of $2,500, the check is for $2,800.
  2. The scammer says “Oh, I’m so sorry, I made a mistake. Can you wire me the $300 I overpaid? Tell you what, it was my fault, just wire me $250, keep the extra $50 since I screwed up.”
  3. The bank tells you the check was a fake and takes the money out of your account. (This can sometimes take 6 or 8 weeks to happen, by the way.) Now you’re out the car, you’re out the money, and you’re out $250 that you wired to the scammer…
  4. …which, when you try to get the wire transfer back, you discover actually went to a recipient outside the US, and you are completely utterly 100% screwed. There is no way in hell you will ever see that money again.

Super playoff round:

  1. You get a message from an “insurance fraud investigator,” “funds recovery specialist,” “online fraud recovery agent,” or something along those lines. He tells you that your name came up as part of a fraud investigation and he can get your money back in return for a percentage.
  2. You negotiate some percentage, say 10% or 15%.
  3. He tells you to send him $150 to pay up-front expenses, fees, duties, “recovery tax,” or some other bullshit fee. He explains that the fee will come out of his percentage, so it’s all good.
  4. You send him the $150.
  5. You never hear back from him. It was the same scammer all along. Now he has your car, your money, the extra $250 you sent him, and he’s just taken you for another $150 on top of that.

Double Jeopardy round:

  1. You get an email or phone call from Interpol, or the FBI online crime task force, or US Boder and Customs, or whatever.
  2. They tell you that a car registered in your name was used to commit a crime and since you’re still the registered owner, you’re legally liable.
  3. They say that an arrest warrant has been issued in your name, and you will be arrested…
  4. …unless you agree to waive your right to a trial and just pay the fine.
  5. They tell you the fine will be $1,000, payable by money wire.
  6. You wire the money. It was the same scammer all along. Now he has your car, your money, the extra $250 you sent him, the $150 you sent him on top of that, and another $1,000.

Double Jeopardy round variant:

  1. You get an email or phone call from Interpol, or the FBI online crime task force, or US Boder and Customs, or whatever.
  2. They tell you that a car registered in your name was used to commit a crime or found abandoned, but either way it’s been impounded, and they’re calling you because you’re still the registered owner.
  3. They say that you will get your car back if you pay the impound fee. Maybe they even send you a photo of the car.
  4. They tell you the fee will be $150, payable by money wire.
  5. You wire the money. It was the same scammer all along. Now he has your car, your money, the extra $250 you sent him, the $150 you sent him on top of that, and another $150.

Yes, I’m dead serious, this actually happens, and people actually fall for it at every step along the way.

Which empire was more powerful: The Ming or Manchu (Qing) Empire?

In terms of absolute strength, the Qing Empire was more powerful than the Ming Empire

The Qing Empire had a much stronger army. The Qing Empire had twice the territory and four times the population of the Ming Empire.

During its most powerful period, the Ming Empire still faced threats from northern nomads. They built a whole new Great Wall to deal with this.

The Qing Empire completely dealt with the surrounding threats, and their military controlled almost the limit of geographical control.

From the perspective of global relative strength, the Ming Empire was stronger.

In the 15th century, the Ming Empire was the most powerful empire in the world.
At that time, the Byzantine Empire fell, England and France were in the Hundred Years War, and the Spanish Empire had just begun to expand.
Technically, economically, and in terms of strength, there was no power in the world that could rival the Ming Empire.

In the 18th century, the Qing Empire was not the most powerful empire in the world.
Although it has vast land and population, it has lagged behind in terms of social structure and technology. After Europe completed the Renaissance and circumnavigated the world, it began global colonization and the industrial revolution. In particular, the British Empire developed rapidly, and the strength of European countries surpassed the Qing Empire.

Apollo 20: The Secret Mission to the Moon to Salvage an Ancient Alien Spacecraft

This is fun. Not sure if true or not. Check this out.

It is fun to watch.

Egypt Claims It Warned Israel Of Upcoming Attack

Will this finally end Netanyahoo’s rein?

Egypt says Israel ignored warnings Hamas planned major offensiveYedioth Ahranoth – Oct 9 2023

Egypt warned Israel of a pending Hamas attack ten days before terrorists breached the border and took control of military bases, and communities, killing more than 700 and taking 150 captive including women and children.

“We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon, and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings,” the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the content of sensitive intelligence discussions with the media, told The Associated Press.

The Egyptian official said the Israelis were concentrated on the tension on the West Bank and did not consider the Gaza ruling terror group to be a threat despite repeated warningד

that the Egyptians though were not being taken seriously.

One would hope so. But the story will certainly be denied. And due to the war Bibi may still keep his seat.

Posted by b at 15:42 UTC | Comments (351)

What will be the global impact if the West sanctions China over Taiwan in a similar way they sanctioned Russia?

Since Ukraine fell into crisis, Tesla has recovered from a low of 700 dollars to close to 1,100, a rally of more than 50 percent.

Similarly, the first world’s stock markets have mostly chugged through like nothing has happened.

The turmoil in the commodity space though, tells a different story.

This is because the sanctions are designed not to hurt the first world financial markets too much. The first world control the world’s money flow.

Unfortunately, China is a totally different problem. Any meaningful sanction on the same wide-ranging scale as those being thrown at Russia will roil financial markets around the world.

For a start, Apple will lose 90+ percent of its production and 25 percent of sales if it withdraws from China just like it did in Russia.

When Apple goes, so does the rest of the market. The mother of all asset bubbles will burst, from stocks to real estate to crypto to bonds.

The yuan will devalue sharply, and the forex game of cards will go up in flames, especially the ntd, krw and jpy, which will have to devalue even more or risk oblivion.

A weird new world will be in flux, with assets in the first world devaluing sharply, but consumer goods skyrocketing along with unemployment.

All these point to massive social unrest within weeks or months of taking such a decision, which is difficult to walk back because market sentiment is not easily reversed once the trust evaporates.

No amount of money printing can save the day because China controls the real economy of goods and component production.

REPORT: Qatar to Cut Oil/Gas Supply if Israel Invades Gaza

World Hal Turner

Qatar is now threatening to cut their oil supply to the world if Israel invades Gaza.

Emir Sheikh Tamim ibn Hamad Al Thani of Qatar threatened to stop gas supplies to the world if the bombing of Gaza did not stop.

You can bet Saudi Arabia among others will be right behind.

Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

Thankfully, illegitimate President Joe Biden and his incompetent Regime, sold-off about two-thirds of the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve in an attempt to stabilize gasoline prices, which skyrocketed when they imposed Sanctions on Russia over Ukraine.

So if the Arabs DO cut-off oil supplies, the United States no longer has a massive 714 Million Barrel reserve from which to draw to keep the country going.

Some 80 million of you voted for this!   All you folks who thought Trump was mean (Orange Man BAD!) . . .  and voted for Biden . . . . YOU did this.

Ground beef is very cheap. So why are burgers then usually so expensive?

You’re correct, ground beef is fairly cheap and the cost of the ingredients that make up a burger is relatively low. The cost of all of the ingredients used to produce a restaurant’s hamburger might be a couple of bucks.

So why is my hamburger $15.00, you ask?

Restaurants have other costs, as well as the cost of food. The young lady who greeted you at the door, escorted you to your table and handed you a menu has to be paid. So does the young fellow who took your order, brought you a drink and delivered your burger. Someone had cook the burger, shred the lettuce, slice the onions and tomatoes and prepare the secret sauce that’s slathered on your bun and they get a paycheck. The plate, fork, knife and glass you used need to be washed, which means there’s someone doing that job as well and they need to be paid too. Finally, there’s the owner and his investors. They all demand a profit from the sale of your burger. If there’s no profit, there’s no point in being in business. So they tack a profit onto the price of your burger because they want to be paid too.

There’s also the rent that has to be paid on the building, the electricity and gas that were used to cook your food, light the dining room and power the AC that’s keeping you cool and comfy. A portion of those things are paid for via the sale of your burger. Sell enough burgers and the restaurant stays in business. Don’t sell enough, or sell them too cheaply and you close the doors.


Satellites Show Location of USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group Heading toward Israel

World Hal Turner

European Space Agency (ESA) imagery shows the USS Gerald R. Ford Aircraft Carrier and its Strike Group, moving south past the Island of Sardinia, enroute to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, closer to Israel.

Iges released by the ESA show the ship and its group:


Alongside the Ford—USA is sending the cruiser USS Normandy, destroyers USS Thomas Hudner, USS Ramage, USS Carney, USS Roosevelt.

The Ford and its Strike Group are being sent to “Make certain Iran does not escalate the ongoing hostilities in the region.”

When HAMAS, which is fighting Israel, got word the Carrier was on its way, they issued a statement saying the ship does not make them afraid.   One government official – I won’t say from which government — told me “It isn’t coming to scare them; it’s coming to kill them.”

That aside, there is real danger for that ship and its Strike Group, if a confrontation develops. You see, Hezbollah, in Lebanon, has, in its possession, a known quantity of twelve (possibly many more) P-800 “Oniks” anti-ship missiles, built by Russia.

The Oniks missile is either land-launched or air-launched.   It has a range of 120 to 300 km (75 to 186 mi; 65 to 162 nmi) depending on altitude (Yakhont export version). But Russia has also made a version for itself with a Range of 500 lm.

It flies very close to the surface of the water, with an operating altitude of 10 meters (32 ft) or higher.

But its real danger is its speed.  The missile travels at Mach 2.6, which means 3180 km/h which translates to 1998 mph  (884 Meters per second)  The human eye — in general — cannot even see this thing moving . . . it moves so fast.

The missile has already been used against Ukraine and Ukraine had a lot to say about these missiles:

The Oniks has proved to be a difficult threat for Ukrainian Air Defenses. Air Force Spokesperson Yurii Ihnat mentioned (to Wikipedia) that the flight profile of the missile is of particular concern; “Onyx missiles are designed to destroy watercraft, and ships, it flies at a speed of 3000 km per hour, that is, very fast,…On the march [cruising], it can rise high, and when entering the target, it can actually fly 10-15 meters above the water to destroy the ship.” He concluded that it was “impossible” to shoot them down with available anti-air means.

Which brings us back to the USS Gerald R. Ford and its Strike Group.

They will be in “the eastern Mediterranean.”  

One hopes they will remain far enough off shore to be out of range of these missiles.   But the farther offshore they must stay, the less flight time for their fighter jets without refueling.   So the Ship has to try to strike a balance between getting as close as possible so fighters can have good range, or putting themselves farther away for their own safety, which lowers fighter jet range.


Other US Navy Ships are even closer to the threat of these missiles.   The ships and 3,000 US Marines onboard, are in the Persian Gulf! 

Unless, of course, the USS Gerald R. Ford and several (or ALL) of the ships in its Strike Group, are being set-up to be sunk, to provide an excuse for the US to go to war.

No, such a thought isn’t far fetched, the US knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl harbor, and they let it happen on purpose.   

Who knows if the same, sick, mentality, is at play in the federal government today?  Another “Gulf of Tonkin” type situation, perhaps?

I guess we’ll see.

The Gerald R. Ford and its Strike Group should be in the eastern Mediterranean Sea later this week.  The other vessels are already in the Persian Gulf off Iran’s coastline.

Have you ever had a job where you did nothing for years and nobody found out?

I worked for a 150-person manufacturing and assembly plant. We made small engines and parts for aircraft.

I was the HR person.

While doing a payroll audit after we switched to a new system, I found this guy on payroll. He was supposed to mow the grounds and provide janitorial service.

Except we had a service do it all for over 8 years. So this guy was paid a not-so-bad hourly rate and just never showed up. For 8 years. We never could find him to tell him he was terminated.

A few months later, we found a small room in the upper mezzanine of the warehouse. We found a small color tv, a cot, a refrigerator and microwave, a desk and chair, a radio, and easy chair, clothes, etc.

From the things we found on the small desks in the room, we figured he had been living in the room rent-free and he went unnoticed for years.

We finally caught him sneaking in late one evening and escorted him off. He was actually pretty clever.

Brian Berletic: China is Ready for War as South Korea and Japan Join Alliance with US

Brian Berletic of The New Atlas discusses Biden’s latest escalation with China, this time in the form a new military alliance with South Korea and Japan.

China develops new record-breaking ‘Jiuzhang’ quantum computer prototype

Chinese scientists have developed a new quantum computer prototype known as “Jiuzhang 3.0” with 255 detected photons, pushing the boundaries of photonics quantum computing technology on a global scale.

Led by the renowned Chinese quantum physicist Pan Jianwei, the research team has successfully accomplished this quantum computing feat, achieving a speed that is 10 quadrillion times faster in solving Gaussian boson sampling (GBS) problems compared to the world’s existing fastest supercomputers.

Gaussian boson sampling, a quantum computation intractable for conventional computers, was employed in this study to provide a highly efficient way of demonstrating quantum computational speedup in solving some well-defined tasks.

The study was published online in the journal Physical Review Letters on Wednesday.

Lu Chaoyang, a member of the research team and professor at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), said that a series of innovations, including a newly developed superconducting nanowire single-photon detection scheme with fiber loop-based configuration, increased the number of detected photons for “Jiuzhang 3.0” to 255, greatly improving the complexity of photonics quantum computing.

“By demultiplexing photons into time bins through delays, we’ve achieved capabilities of pseudo photon number resolving,” Lu added.

According to the state-of-the-art exact classical simulation algorithm, “Jiuzhang 3.0” is a million times faster at solving GBS problems than its predecessor, “Jiuzhang 2.0.” Moreover, the most complex samples of GBS that “Jiuzhang 3.0” can calculate in just one microsecond would take the world’s fastest supercomputer, “Frontier,” more than 20 billion years to complete.

Quantum computing, a new computing paradigm, features extremely fast parallel computing capability.

It has the potential to achieve exponential speedup through specific quantum algorithms compared with classical computers in solving problems of great social and economic value.

Therefore, the development of quantum computers is one of the biggest challenges in the current scientific and technological frontier of the world.

In 2020, a USTC research team led by Pan, established a quantum computer prototype named “Jiuzhang”

with up to 76 photons detected, marking the first milestone China reached on the path to full-scale quantum computing – a quantum computational advantage, also known as “quantum supremacy,” which indicates an overwhelming quantum computational speedup.

In 2021, the team further developed the “Jiuzhang 2.0” with 113 detected photons and a 66-qubit programmable superconducting quantum computing system named “Zuchongzhi 2.1,” making China the only country to achieve a quantum computational advantage in two mainstream technical routes – one via photonics quantum computing technology and the other via superconducting quantum computing technology.

Girl Dies of Hypothermia; Shown Past Lives & Gets To Choose Her Future (NDE)

This young girl’s story is so authentic and original. Thank you!

What did someone do that made you think they were really smart?

I worked with an older geophysicist with a PhD from MIT. He did a lot of research for us. We needed to compare the force generated on a hill side, using 200 grams of dynamite, to the force felt on that hillside by an earthquake, that was rated at 5 on the Richter scale, a certain distance and depth away.

We hired a PhD physicist as a consultant, to write us an unbiased report.

After 3 days, he admitted to us, that he could not find a way to compare the two, unless we could give him a method that did the work for him. Very embarrassing.

We approached our MIT PhD, and asked him if he could work out an equivalency. He looked at us, stunned that we didn’t see how obvious it was. He tried to explain, but he was talking so fast, he lost us.

He then went to his white board, and broke the Richter scale down to its basics, then broke the dynamite down to its basics, in Joules, which is kg m squared per second squared.

Then derived a formula that tied them together.

He did this in less than two minutes, and only took that long, because that was as fast as he could write.

I was impressed, that he even remembered how to calculate the force used to measure the richter scale, without looking it up. But for him to solve in two minutes, what our high priced consultant, couldn’t solve in 3 days, says a lot about the difference in quality of PhDs.

He was the smartest functional man that I ever met. I knew smarter people ,but they couldn’t fit into society.

I know that once I was out of school for 10 years, I couldn’t work things out from basic principles, without researching it. Yet he could after 45 years.

What will it take for the U.S. to sanction China the same way that it has sanctioned the Russian economy and restricted Russia’s ability to issue sovereign debt? Has China become too powerful to sanction?

America CAN sanction China, but the cost of doing so won’t be low like doing the same to Russia.

America must pony up the cost, like Apple losing 90 percent of its manufacturing capacity, or Americans losing access to Tiktok or half of Walmart. Jp Morgan and Goldman Sachs will lose access to greater China. Many companies will lose their biggest market, including Volkswagen which sells half its production to the Chinese today.

Yes, 50 percent.

Apple sells more iphones in Greater China than it does back home.

Let that sink in.

Sanctioning China won’t land exclusively on chinese laps. It will hurt the first world too and directly affect the quality of life.

When it comes to China, even America must count the cost. China on the economic battlefield is what Russia on the military front means to the Americans.

Plenty of respect, that is.


U.S China Technology War Panics US as it Sanctions Middle East on AI!

I love China, from East Africa Kenya, and the whole of Africa stands with China”.

Why do so many people like China?

I was once part of a government delegation to Italy to partake in a conference being held by energy industries world wide. It was a pretty diverse event. There were speeches by energy experts on a variety of energy related topics. Panels that debated the future of the energy industry (the Nuclear Energy proponents vs Anti Nuclear energy lobby had some fiery debates!). We had some activities in which we would come up with our own amateurish proposals to resolve energy issues in the developing and developed world.

Perhaps the most time was dedicated to the exhibitions where different industries set up their booths which would offer company products and services to prospective clients.

The exhibitions weren’t really of much interest to us. The company employees knew Pakistan was “small fry” (back in 2007 we didn’t have much purchasing power or budget dedicated to energy related issues). So we Pakistanis were largely ignored by the American and European execs who were more interested in the big fish like Saudis, India, China, Brazil etc. We just mostly meandered about.

During one of our strolls, we passed the Chinese delegation. All serious, taking notes, being engaged by this stunning Italian woman from Shell i think who was explaining some kind of product to the head of the Chinese delegation.

We stood a bit to the side and listened in politely, when the head of the Chinese delegation caught our eye, offered a friendly smile and handshake and asked if we were waiting for them to finish up.

“Oh no no, please continue.”, we replied. “Just wanted to say hi, we’re from Pakistan”

The Chinese gentleman’s face lit up instantly. “Pakistan!” He shook my hand warmly “Our brother!” he exclaimed.

It was quite a moment. I remember every tiny detail from it even till today. The Italian lady’s surprise at how warmly we were being greeted. The other booth employees turning around to see what all the fuss was about. Their own looks of surprise at how the small fry, largely ignored Pakistani delegation was being treated so warmly by the most watched delegation of all, the Chinese.

It’s these small moments, these isolated incidents of human magic that people tend to miss out when they get confused over why China is so well liked by many of the developing world nations. Over the course of the conference, i interacted with other delegations from Africa, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and so on and they all had the same respect and positive impression for the Chinese delegation. Whether it was a delegate from Africa or Asia, no matter what their country’s size and importance, they were treated warmly and with mutual respect by the Chinese as if their country was the same as China in size, importance and power.

Several analysts and commentators want to see something empirical, some hard data that quantifies this respect, that explains scientifically why China is held in a high opinion by developing world countries. They look at investments and trade, look at China’s growing foreign worker and student populations, analyze the spread of Chinese media.

And of course, they do hold true on their own. You can see from this entire thread the vast variety of reasons why people like China (economic might, non-interference in other country’s affairs, an affinity for Chinese culture etc).

So take my answer as one part of the entire canvas of reasons being presented here when i say that a lot of developing nation people, be it government employees or just common folk everywhere, like China because the Chinese still consider themselves as one of us. Not imperial overlords or racial superiors or strict masters and so on. But comrades to the developing world, partners in our struggles and a developing country just like us who share in our troubles, concerns and visions for a mutually beneficial future.

I’m no China expert so i can’t explain where this comes from. Perhaps its still the old Communist ideology at play? Back during the cold war years, the USSR and Chinese communists partnered with a lot of the developing world back then as we struggled to overthrow the colonial and imperialist powers (as well as their local feudal, tribal and monarch proxies). I’ve met old Leftists in their senior years today who tell me about how they would go to the USSR and China back when Pakistan was a dirt poor country to get training, education and what not. Revolutionaries and Leftists from Pakistan, other Asian countries, Africa, Latin America etc would go to the USSR and China in cheap, patched up suits with tattered shoes and not a dime to their name and be greeted warmly by their comrades in Beijing and Moscow and given the top notch treatment. Nations that managed to overthrow their tyrants in a successful coup would send delegations to China and the USSR who would come back full of praises for the hospitality and camaraderie of the Chinese and USSR brother Leftists. Whereas the “Free World” would only choose to associate with our feudal lords, our Shahs, our Kings and our dictators and not step foot in a single street populated by the common man.

I don’t even have to wax poetic about the old days of the Cold war. In my own experience working side by side with my Chinese coworkers, this same feeling of partnership and camaraderie is on display as well. The Chinese who come to work with us, work side by side with us, in the same heat, the same muck, the same mosquito, freezing temperatures, rain and what not. The same hectic schedules and daily annoyances are shared by us equally. We also eat at the same table, play football in the evening with each other and exchange movies and TV shows in USBs with each other.

When i told all of this to my friend who works in the Gulf at an MNC he wouldn’t believe me. His experience with Gulf Arabs and the Western Expats there has been nothing like this. Even students and workers that i know who went to South Korea are a bit amazed when they hear this.

Outside of the work place it’s the same story. Western Expats in Pakistan tend to live in huge, well guarded, walled off compounds with these giant electric generators and might as well be living on another planet given how cut off they are from the rest of the populace. Meanwhile, just 2 days ago, i reversed my car past a Chinese couple getting on their motorcycle in a busy, crowded bazaar typical of any major Pakistani city.

The Chinese live, walk, breath, eat and work among us, on our streets, our cities, our home soil. They face the same problems we do whether its load shedding, low gas supply or slow internet. And when we see them share the realities of our lives, it creates this mutual bond and sense of respect between us. They could have chosen to live in their own huge compounds and indeed, the Pak government is trying to force the Chinese expats in Pakistan to live in compounds away from ordinary Pakistani citizens due to security concerns. But the Chinese refuse. They CHOOSE to live with us. Despite the dangers they face. And that makes all the difference in the world for us.

I had similar positive experiences with the Chinese in Egypt and the African delegations and Middle Eastern delegations were absolutely delighted with the Chinese, how willing to explore the local culture they were, how respectful they were of us and how they would engage with us in social activities and general chit chat everywhere, whether at work or leisure. In the meantime, we didn’t even see the European delegations to Egypt even once (separated for security again i guess).

And my own visit to China a long time ago was no less positive for me. Senior government, military and diplomatic officials would engage with us, discuss with us, seek our view point, offer their own. They would even share stories from their personal lives and listen attentively when we told our own. We were given a royal treatment, housed in comfortable hotels, provided medical assistance immediately if someone got sick, accompanying us to the hospital to make sure we were ok, guiding us in the city. Whether it was common citizens or senior officials, they treated us like equals with a lot of protocol.

Maybe I’ve lost a few folk at this point who have no idea what i’m talking about because they can’t relate. But as a Pakistani, our country is associated only with poverty, violence, terror and instability abroad. No one is impressed when we say we are from Pakistan. No one cares either. So much so that we have become accustomed to it, built our lives around it.

So when i was at that exhibition and the Chinese delegate warmly shook my hand, proclaimed my country a brother in front of the entire exhibition to the surprise of onlookers, when the citizen of a country touted as the next super power of the world gives respect to the citizen of a country that’s touted as a failed state in western publications, it creates an impact on our lives.

I know there are thousands of more like me. In 10, 20, 30 years we will be senior officers, politicians or executives in our own countries. And when we see a Chinese official ask us for a favor, a Chinese company bid us for a project maybe some of us will think back to when the Chinese gave us so much respect on so and so occasion. And we will favor the Chinese because of it. Don’t believe me? Just look at the bonhomie between the Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif who was so dazzled to hear that the Chinese were referring to rapidly implemented Pakistani Projects as “running at Punjab speed” as a compliment to his administrative skills, that he granted several projects to Chinese companies without bidding or on very favorable terms.

Based on how i saw the delegates from Africa, Middle East, Asia also be impressed at the humble, respectful and partner like attitude of the Chinese during their interactions with them, i have no doubt the same kind of positive image of China will be created in the minds of those delegates as well. And when they rise to senior positions, they will also hold the same positive image of China and favor her. All that influence and positive image built across the globe for no cost and without needing 12 Aircraft carriers.

There was once a time i thought that maybe our positive experience of China was because of us mostly experiencing China’s “Golden Generation”. By Golden Generation i mean a generation of people who are born when their country is poor and life is hard, enter young adult life when their country is rising rapidly and go into their senior years when their country is a global power. Kind of like the US’s golden generation. This Golden generation has all the power available to a citizen of a super power but at the same time the same humbleness and respectful nature of a modest power. A person from this generation could become king of the world and still rise to meet a person of more modest means.

I would resign myself to the fact that as younger Chinese came of age who had never seen the struggles of China when she was a poorer country with less power, and he grew up only knowing China as a great, powerful nation then perhaps the Chinese too would become more arrogant and assured of their greatness like the US has become. But my interaction with the Chinese youth of Quora has put to bed such fears as i find them as respectful to us, the people of the developing world, as i found their parents and older siblings etc.

I hope this answer didn’t sound too much like rambling or disappointing due to lack of quantifiable data and science. And i hope this answer isn’t interpreted as a diss of people from the West with whom i also have great experiences. But as someone who as worked in Data analysis so long, i can tell you, some things aren’t there in the data. Some things are in the mysterious, murky sphere we call the human aspect. And in that aspect, you’ll find that this mysterious pull and attraction China has on so many people in the developing world from Africa, Asia, Middle East is based on the smallest, but oldest of all things: Respect. Equality. Partnership. Camaraderie.

What is the strangest reaction of someone who has just been fired?

This happened to a friend of mine. He’s a PhD in Mathematics and was working for Silicon Valley firm writing mostly encryption algorithms, but some firmware stuff as well. Very very well paid — but not the most social person in the world. Being around people causes him anxiety. This isn’t a minor thing for him — it’s a real pathology.

Anyway, He’s a Los Angeles guy — and hated living so far north. His employer worked with him and let him work remotely 4 out of 5 days a week — he would just need to show up for “face” time once a week. Basically show up Sunday, sleep in the company flat, drive home Monday.

That was grinding him down after a year. His employer dropped that down to once a month. After six months, this was still too much and he decided to turn in his resignation on the next “face” day.

He drove up there, spent the night in the company flat, got up to go to the office with his “notice” papers and his boss calls him in.

They’re laying him off. This means, he keeps the stock options he’s earned (would have lost them if he quit), he gets 3 years of paid medical insurance and a 3 year severance package per his contract.

He sent me a pic of himself after he got the news. The biggest sh*t eating grin I’ve ever seen on him —ever — in front of his “beater” pick up truck. .

This was about 20 years ago.

Has anyone at your workplace ever been fired for something they said or did?

A very long time ago, when I was new to working in Corporate America, an employee was reprimanded for refusing to do an assigned task given by a new supervisor and then fired for insubordination.

Sheila had worked in the unit for most of her 7 years with the company. She was hardworking, never missing a day, and knew every aspect of the department’s purpose and work. She was ‘right there’ when any of us needed info or help, something that our supervisors were not always able to do.

She SHOULD have been the supervisor, but she had 3 strikes against her: she was still in school (no paper), she was female (most management positions were filled by males), and she was black (the company had a 7% minority hire, mostly in lower positions).

The new supervisor had worked with us for 6 months when he told Sheila that he wanted her to change a major procedure. When she asked why, he became belligerent and refused to discuss it.

Sheila knew (to summarize) that the new procedure would create a multi-level bottleneck in our area and would ultimately lessen efficiency within a third of the company.

When she attempted to explain this, the supervisor accused her of insubordination and threatened her with termination.

He then began a whisper campaign against her. In hindsight, it was based on racism and misogyny that others (especially in management) seemed happy to join.

Sheila did as she was told, and we all watched as our department’s efficiency rapidly fell and began to adversely affect other units.

When the problems couldn’t ‘work themselves out,’ the supervisor accused Sheila of sabotage.

Some of us went to Personnel (HR) in support of Sheila to no avail. Sheila produced the supervisor’s written instructions, but he continued to call her an incompetent, vindictive, ignorant saboteur and in private, added racist/misogynistic terms.

Sheila was fired based on that man’s accusations and in spite of her denials and proof.

Sheila landed a great position with a competitor within days. (She ultimately lured 4 of the department’s best to join her several months later.)

The supervisor crowed that she had been a spy all along, but as the effeciency still fell, management FINALLY saw that department disruption came from the ‘incompetent, vindictive, ignorant’ supervisor.

He was moved to a different position within the company with no reprimand.

This was my first exposure to how unfair and hateful some ‘management’ can be.

Who are some generals that had a high regard as battle strategist geniuses but actually aren’t?

Erwin Rommel is probably one of the most over rated so called geniuses. Rommel had a good sense of tactical employment of certain equipment particularly tanks, but he was greatly aided by the fact he mostly fought an outpost of Britain, rather than the full might of any of the allied armies, and his tactics were never tested by the Soviet armored branch, unlike most German generals.

Furthermore, he was operationally inept and strategically an imbecile. Rommel was the ultimate “i know better than you”, and circumvented the command chain to get his way. For example, he appealed directly to Hitler in order to launch the attack on Egypt, that totally failed and cost the Axis their foothold in Africa, and undermining the Wehrmacht plan made to occupy Malta and cut off the British navy.

At the strategic level Rommel never understood Germany’s actual position, and certainly did not contribute to it. He left this entire theater of command on June 5th despite the Germans knowing that an invasion of France was imminent. He had also previously spent massive resources on creating additional anti air borne defenses, none of which had an impact on the outcome of D-day.

Rommel was defeated in Africa, defeated in Italy and defeated in France, before he was a high level leader he was an insubordinate divisional commander who got lucky mostly. His ghost division was called such because no one knew where it was or what it was doing. That is not a good thing.

Despite all this, Rommel is often mentioned as one of the greatest generals in World War 2, but I really see no reason for this, when von Rundtstedt and even the self aggrandising Mannstein, clearly had far more success and skill than Rommel did.

Star Trek – Two Captain Kirks

Spock makes his way to the control room with a phaser…only to find two identical Captain Kirks (Whom Gods Destroy)

Who benefits from the ban on Huawei by Western nations?

Huawei and China. It force China to speed up dominating the industry and make all the money. It no longer need to share with the west and U.S. The U.S. has to pay and lose in trillions of dollars to build big white elephants, subsidise a dozen countries and the entire industry for decades to come!

Meanwhile it has to contend with poorer technology, higher inefficiency and humongous cost of connectivity! It loses competitive edge and allow its people to fall behind in technology!

But you know who else benefits. Your media and your politicians. The media sell hate and the profit. Your politicians show hates and the win votes!

So who benefits? China, the Chinese people, the global south, the U.S. media and the U.S. politicians.

Who lose? Americans. The U.S. taxpayers. Your U.S. companies, your U.S. dog nations, you U.S. slave vassals, your cronies nations! Too bad karma. You guys deserved it.

Are Humans the First Civilization? The Silurian Hypothesis

Another fun video.

What is the most ridiculous thing that happened to you in your career?

I had applied for a job with a company where my friend worked. She had sent me the posting even though I was extremely under qualified and the job was 400 miles away.

I applied, not thinking I actually had a chance. The posting was for a SysAdmin, and at this point in my career I had only worked in computer repair shops. I had some server experience and did some side work for a few clients, but I wasn’t a full SysAdmin by any stretch of the imagination. But what could it hurt to apply. The worst they could do is throw out my resume. So I was surprised when they called me for a phone interview.

I got through the HR interview no problem. I have a good work ethic and am generally a pleasant person, so it was a breeze. Next came the tech interview. The guy who was leaving called me and was immediately concerned about my complete lack of experience as a SysAdmin. We went through the technical interview and I figured that would be the end of it. He asked some pretty tough questions about things I had never done before. So I didn’t think I did that well.

Surprise! I got another call from HR. They wanted to interview me in person! Wow, was I shocked. I agreed and immediately started packing a bag for a road trip. I left early the next morning and drove the 400 miles in one day. I crashed on my friend’s couch and went in to work with her the next morning for my interview.

Again, I was interviewed by a technical person, this time a consultant. Again, he grilled me on a bunch of technology that I had never used before. I answered to the best of my ability, but more than once I had to admit that I didn’t know the answer. Again, I didn’t think I did very well. I basically got the “We’ll call you if we’re interested” response when I asked what the next steps were.

I chalked it up to just being a road trip. I spent the rest of the day exploring the city and taking in a few museums. I had a good time with some friends in the city and then headed home the next morning. This was a Wednesday.

The very next day, Thursday, my phone rang. “Hello, this is X from company Y. We were really impressed with you and would like to offer you the job.”

I almost dropped my phone I was so shocked. All I could do was stutter out a “Ok. I’d love to take it.”

Then the twist. “We absolutely need you to start on Monday. Is that going to be a problem? If you can’t we’re going to offer the job to a local candidate.”

I looked around at my house full of stuff that wasn’t packed and replied the only way I could. “Sure. Looks like I’m moving to Washington DC tomorrow.”

So I did. It took about a month of crashing on my friend’s couch before I found a place to stay and move all our stuff down there.

It was surreal to say the least. In one week, I went from being unemployed in Cleveland to getting a job in DC that I wasn’t qualified for and moving my entire life 400 miles away.


What is the nicest thing a stranger ever did for you?

Two months ago, I got a call that my home was on fire. I rushed home with my 4 year old, found my house uninhabitable and all of my pets deceased. While the fire marshal was finishing up paperwork, and I was covered in soot and tears, a man came up to me with condolences and placed $200 in my hand and said he’s sure I could use it. We had never met; I found out later that he lived in the neighborhood and just felt the need to help.

This man’s actions impacted me in a big way. Of course $200 wasn’t going to rebuild my house, but it did cover getting us pajamas, a change of clothes, toothbrushes, and other essentials that we needed immediately, as well as a hot meal, with some left to spare. Most importantly, it gave me one less thing to worry about at the moment.

Moving forward, I want to be more like that guy. Offering thoughts and prayers through Facebook when people go through tragedies is nice, but actually being present and offering assistance is what makes a difference. Thanks, stranger!

What are some interesting facts about the FBI?

Operation Abscam was the sting of the decade. In 1978, the FBI set up a fake company to snare New York gangsters selling stolen art. The company was called “Abdul Enterprise” hence the name Ab(dul)Scam, and owned by a fake Arab Sheik looking to invest in art.

They recovered two paintings worth 1 million dollars, and during the operation they were introduced to more criminals dealing in stolen stocks and bonds, which stopped 600 million dollars in fraudulent securities.

It was through this operation they were introduced to politicians willing to take bribes. The sting brought the FBI to Washington DC, where their criminal contacts introduced them to shady politicians willing to take bribes for the Sheiks business which was a fake Casino in Atlantic City.

These politicians wanted to arrange a meeting between the Sheik and a US congressman who could make happen any private legislation the Sheik wanted for the price of 50,000 dollars.

This led to the arrest of one senator, six congressmen, and more than a dozen corrupt officials.

The sting was surrounded in controversy because it raised many question regarding the FBI tactics being considered entrapment.

This infamous sting was the inspiration behind the movie American Hustle.

This Cat Was Left Behind When His Owner Moved Away | The Dodo

Oh my goodness!

What did someone say/do that made you close down your account and go to another bank?

Citibank. Went to the bank to deposit a ~$26k check into a checking account with many times that amount, then pay my credit card bill which had all the charges from a 15-day Disney vacation.

They deposited the check, but put a ‘hold’ on it, making only $100 of the balance available. Then they debited my checkbook, to pay the CC balance in full.

About a week later the statement arrived. The CC was paid in full, ~48 hours before it was due, but somehow managed to accrue >$100 in interest charges. — First time for that.

The checking account also generated about a dozen overdraft charges despite the balance never dropping below $100k! — It’s not like there was a six-figure minimum balance on that account.

And to top it off, every one of my $25k 7-day certificates of deposit forfeited their interest for the week that included that fiasco.

I went to the branch on the next business day. I waited patiently in the line for the teller. When I got to the window, I quietly explained that they had messed up. The teller *insisted* that they followed procedure. I asked for the manager to come out and explain their procedure in more detail.

I listened to 5+ minutes or doubletalk in stony silence. The manager finally saying he could reverse the charges & credit the interest “… this one time as a courtesy.” I allowed him to proceed and complete the tasks.

When I had the corrected receipts in my hand, and in my wallet, I said to him: “Now I want you to close all of my accounts.” There was indignity & quite anger in his face.

He asked me to step aside into his office. I politely declined saying that until you hand over my money, I’m still a customer. I waited 45 minutes in your line and I’m not giving up my spot so you can hide me away from the people who are still in line. I think they deserve to know how badly you treated me, and maybe some of them will get the idea to leave the bank too.

He tried to maneuver me away from the window. I refused to budge. He tried empty threats, even up to calling the police. I told him go ahead. I have witnesses. Then I said, he *SHOULD* call the police because I want my funds in *CASH*.

He then tried to explain how that much cash would generate a CTR, and I’d be investigated by the IRS. I said, that’s fine. I’m clean, you’re dirty. I welcome the sunlight.

Within an hour I walked out of the bank with a thick manilla envelope under my arm and was walked to my car by the armed security guard. I had informed the manager that my safety was *HIS* personal responsibility until I drove off the bank property. The reason was that because of his incompetence, several people in the lobby *KNEW* that I would be leaving the branch carrying substantial cash, and that the potential for me being robbed once I walked out the door was non-zero.

I left the parking lot and drove to the First Union branch nearer my house, asked for the branch manager, told him a short version of what had just transpired, and in less than 30 minutes walked out with a brand-new leather-bound checkbook, and started earning 0.25% more interest on my money.

I had been increasingly frustrated with Citibank in the months leading up to that fiasco. To be fair, it was their electronic banking that had lured me into doing business with them in the first place. Their systems integrated with Quicken better than any other I had used up to that point. BTW this all happened between September 1997 & August 1999. The Disney vacation was from the last day of school in June 1999 thru the 8th or 9th of July. It was a big deal for the kids when we pulled them from school early that day and they got to say to their classmates “I’m going to Disney!”

So, literally every time I visited the Citibank branch to conduct business, I walked out feeing like something was wrong. They always did things out of order from the way I presented them to the teller. It was mildly frustrating most of the time. Irritating on many occasions; and maddening when I’d make large deposits & purchase one or more of their $25k 7-day CDs. The $25k CDs were nice because although they were illiquid for the first 14 days after the 2-week hold the most I could forfeit was the interest on the last week — in theory. There were a number of occasions when they would deduct 8 or more days of interest, when I cashed more than one at a time. I’d get to the office, plug the amounts into Quicken and there would be a ‘discrepancy’. That necessitated another trip to the bank to get it corrected. Or a phone call and an up to 60 day wait.

The bank offered these products to attract deposits. They worked, but they inevitably tried to cheat me out of hundreds if not thousands of dollars in interest earned. But in all candor it was the $400plus in *OVERDRAFT* charges on a well-funded account that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Several years ago Costco ended their arrangement with American Express and switched to Citi. I wasn’t happy. But they gave me a new Blue card with my Costco photo on the back. I only used the card at Costco. And each February I’d await my ‘love check’ aka “My Costco Rewards Voucher”. It usually came by April.

About a year ago, I hadn’t been to Costco for a while and so the automatic $50 payments I made to avoid any possibility of a missed payment fee had accumulated. I had visited Costco on the 92nd day following my last bill and the charge was less than $150. But true to form, the bank had cut me an unrequested paper check on the 91st day (supposedly) recorded the charge on day 92, then hit me with a $35 late fee for not receiving another check before the close of the 3rd statement! Can you imagine?

That was the last time I used the Citi card for *ANYTHING* — except… Now, when I go to Costco, I show the Citi card to prove my membership, but I pay with my Chase. Then when I finish shopping, I stop at the lunch counter and buy a Costco signature Hotdog & Pepsi for $1.50 which comes to $1.61 with the tax. When I return home, I schedule a ebill-pay check to be sent to the bank 15 business days later.

And lastly, I disabled electronic statements, forcing them to send me a paper invoice for $1.61 each month. I did this when they failed to send me an email statement or notification then had the nerve to again charge me $35 after a minor error on my part that had left me with a $0.50 *CREDIT* balance which I was allowing to roll from month to month. That was until the bank decided that since the credit was less than $1.00 they were entitled to absorb it and not issue me a check. They also absorbed my then insignificant Rewards balance ~$5.00 as a co-consequence of the late fee assessed. That too earned them another phone call and cost them >90 minutes of agent time, and a replenishment of the rewards balance.

In 2022 my accrued rewards were $0.12 I don’t expect a voucher, but I will call them to inquire why it wasn’t sent. Come to think of it It’s May 16th. I think I’ll do it tomorrow morning.

Twenty plus years and I’m still mad at them.

“Citibank SUCKS!!!” and you can quote me on that.

As someone who supports China’s model of development and other areas where we need to learn from China, did you find anyone else close to your thoughts?

Rule no 1

We need to ACKNOWLEDGE China IS SUPERIOR in these areas

That’s Rule No 1

You have nutters who claim we have nothing to learn from China and if these people are the majority than India will be the perpetual loser like always

We built so many toilets, We built so many trains, IMF says we are No 1, ABC says we are No 2 etc etc

India is a country where mediocrity dominates

The Cream is in US or UK or Canada or Australia or Europe or Singapore or Malaysia

Achievers think differently

They always look at others strengths and decide to incorporate them and grow and develop

Mediocrities think differently

They bury their heads in the sand, and keep quoting random nonsense to feel good

India sadly belongs to the latter groups

Thus Rule No 1 is to say

Alright these are Chinas strengths, these are Chinas weaknesses

Let’s try to achieve Chinas strengths without going into Chinas weaknesses

The Basic Truth

China and India started together in 1982 and today China is six times larger

That is a truth that’s out there

That means China did something right or infinitely better than us

That means China has to be superior to us in many areas

That’s Logic

We have the same populace at the end of the day

We don’t have a single viable achievement where we have beaten China

Not one

So obviously China did something better

How many actually say this?

Say that – Wow!!! China is indeed better than us in so many aspects. Let’s learn from them.

My guess is very few

Most of us can’t accept this very basic thing

So this answer isn’t for an Indian sadly

Indians today aren’t built to assess others strengths and evaluate the same


The West: China Is Collapsing!

Great video! Some people choose to be so ignorant of China even when there are so many vlogs of those exploring the country.

This is worth viewing.

The Split In Israel And The War Of Al-Aqsa

What is the reason for the ‘Al-Aqsa Deluge’, as Hamas had named its terror operation against the Zionists?

On October 8 Alastair Crooke, one of most experienced Middle East hands, wrote in AlMahadeen:

“Israel” has shattered into two equally weighted factions holding to two irreconcilable visions of “Israel’s” future; two mutually opposing readings of history and of what it means to be Jewish.

The fissure could not be more complete. Except it is. One faction, which holds a majority in parliament, is broadly Mizrahi — a former underclass in Israeli society; and the other, largely well-to-do liberal Ashkenazi.

Mizrahi are mostly the original Middle Eastern Jews and often on the religious far right, Ashkenazi are mostly liberal European ones. The current Netanyahoo government is the first which includes far-right Mizrahi ministers.

Most Mizrahi follow the Sephardi religious rites. They want an religious state based on Jewish law.  They are as radial as ISIS.

The high court of Israel has 14 Ashkenazi judges and one Mizrahi one. It is one of the reasons why the Netanyahoo government wants the parliament to be able to vote down high court judgements. There have been large, U.S. sponsored ‘regime change’ protests in Israel against that move. The leaders of the military and security services, mostly Ashkenazi, have also opposed the government move against the court.

I therefore think that it is quite possible that there was intelligence pointing to the Hamas attack, but that it was not revealed to let Netanyahoo fall into a trap. We have however no evidence that there were reasonably precise intelligence warnings, or that they were held up.

There are already demands for Netanyahoo to go. If only for his long term sponsoring of Hamas as a counterweight to the more secular Fatah Palestinians. Should he no longer be prime minister the courts will take up the three bribe cases against him which are currently pending. He would likely end up in jail.

Another reason for Hamas’ success was the fact that three of the four infantry battalions, with 800 soldiers each, that usually guard the Gaza strip,  had been moved to the West Bank to protect right-wing Zionist settlers during a religious holiday. This allowed for Hamas’ easy breach of the fence.

Back to Alastair Crooke on the real motive of the Al-Aqsa flood:

Well, the Right in Netanyahu’s government has two long-standing commitments. One is to rebuild the (Jewish) Temple on ‘Temple Mount’ (Haram al-Shariff).

Just to be clear, that would entail demolishing Al-Aqsa.

The second overriding commitment is to the founding of “Israel”, on the “Land of Israel”. And again, to be clear, this (in their view) would entail clearing Palestinians from the West Bank. Indeed, the settlers have been cleansing Palestinians from swaths of the West Bank over the past year (notably between Ramallah and Jericho).

On Thursday morning (two days preceding Al-Aqsa Flood), more than 800 settlers stormed the Mosque Compound, under the full protection of Israeli forces. The drumbeat of such provocations is rising.

This is nothing new. The First Intifada was triggered by (then) PM Sharon making a provocative visit into the mosque. I was a part of Senator George Mitchell’s Presidential Committee investigating that incident. Even then, it was clear that Sharon intended the visit to fuel the fire of religious nationalism. At that time, the Temple Mount Movement was a minnow; today it has ministers in Cabinet and in key security positions — and has promised its followers to build the ‘Third Temple’.

So, the threat to Al-Aqsa has been building for two decades, and today is reaching an apex. And yet US and Israeli intelligence didn’t see resistance coming, and nor did they see the settler violence building in the West Bank?

What happened on Saturday was widely expected and clearly extensively planned.

There is by the way no archaeologic evidence, none, that a Jewish ‘Temple’ ever existed in Jerusalem. If it did, it was most likely not on the hill of Al-Aqsa but one of the six other ones.

Al-Aqsa is holy to all Muslims, Shia and Sunni alike. Its destruction would inevitably lead to war. The West is clearly underestimating what forces calls like this one can rise:

Khalid Aljabri, MDد

.خالد الجبري

@JabriMD – 11:52 UTC · Oct 13, 2023

Friday sermon from the Grand Mosque in Mecca prays for the “liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque” in Jerusalem.

This is significant for two reasons:
• Audience of 2 billion Muslims.
• Such sermons have been significantly censored under MBS. Today’s sermon was likely pre-approved.

Israel has used White Phosphorus on the people in Gaza, another war crime. Israel has given all people in north Gaza, 1.1 million human beings, 24 hours to move to south Gaza. That is impossible and will not happen. It is an attempt of ethnic cleansing.

Caitlin Johnstone @caitoz – 10:52 UTC · Oct 13, 2023

If there were two million Jewish people trapped by Christians in a giant open-air prison and placed under total siege, being told that half of them had 24 hours to relocate into the other half or be killed, nobody would have any confusion about what they were witnessing.

If Israel makes, as announced, a ground attack on Gaza, Hizbullah in Lebanon is likely to attack Israel. The U.S. has allegedly let Syria know (via France) that Damascus, and President Assad personally, would be attacked if that were to happen. This is a miscalculation. It is far from certain that Assad, or even Iran, has the means to hold Hizbullah back.

A U.S. attack on the government of Syria would bring Russia into the war. Iran would also respond which is exactly what some of the neocons want.

The war could easily escalate further from there.

Posted by b on October 13, 2023 at 15:46 UTC | Permalink

Wife Self-Deletes After Husband Discovers All 4 Kids Aren’t His

Paternity fraud should be a felony.

Do you think America is falling apart?

I live in a wealthy suburb on the outskirts of Silicon Valley in California; trees, flowers, birds, mostly nice neighbors of diverse backgrounds. On the surface, it seems a wonderful place to live, and in many respects, it is, however, if I look out my front window, I see this:

image 172
image 172

The electricity is distributed via overhead lines, due to an underinvestment in infrastructure: last month, I lost power for over 36 hours because it got a little windy (the world headquarters of Apple, Facebook, and Google are within a ten mile radius of my place). When I ride my bike to the local supermarket this evening, I will have to be careful not to slip on a large and growing patch of gravel on a road that hasn’t been repaired for many years: this, in one of the wealthiest parts of the wealthiest country in the world.

image 80
image 80

The above is a map of the SF Bay area, a densely populated part of California with an almost continuous ring of urban development. As you would expect, the traffic can be pretty bad, so you might expect that there would be a single circular light rail system linking the many cities around the bay; there is not: if I want to travel from my place to Fremont by rail alone, the quickest way with the most frequent service is via San Francisco. US infrastructure is truly abysmal.

Why is America in such poor shape, with its crumbling roads, crappy power distribution, and pitiful public transport systems? It is because Americans have been propagandized for decades into believing that “liberty” is the ultimate virtue, and this “liberty” is so valuable that it justifies the cost of living as a selfish asshole under a dysfunctional government. “Raise taxes to pay for public infrastructure?” “Jeez Louise; over my dead body! Taxation is theft, government is bad!” For much of the 20th century, America defined itself against the collectivist USSR, and the fatuous argument was made that since everything was under the control of the state in the USSR, the US government should do as little as possible, apart from outspending the evil Commies in national defense.

The infrastructure is just one symptom of America’s degradation: the streets of major cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles are filling up with homeless drug addicts, leaving the sidewalks littered with tents, needles, and human waste. Next to nothing is done for these people because it is seen as “their problem” that they are mentally ill, and lack access to mental health services and affordable housing. The irony is that there are so many of these people now that they have become everyone’s problem. Retailers in downtown SF are closing down their stores because the conditions in the streets are keeping paying customers away, whilst the cops barely regard shoplifting as a crime.

2023 10 19 08 53
2023 10 19 08 53

The only way this person lying on the ground can guarantee access to shelter and minimal medical care is to go to jail. Land of the free…

The US is run by an oligarchy of libertarian fantasists, who have spent so long sucking hallucinogenic bile from the withered teats of Ayn Rand that they have lost all contact with reality. The government is not entirely to blame for the current situation; a lot of the social problems are the result of the narcissistic counter culture that started in the 1960s, but now that these problems are getting worse, the question is, can the government continue to pretend that they don’t exist, or that there is somehow a “free market” solution to mass shootings, drug addiction, and homelessness?

Living in my little enclave, with its fragile electricity supply, and crumbling roads, it’s easy for my neighbors and I to think that things aren’t so bad, but in under an hour, I can travel to SF and see scenes exactly like the one in the last photo. Whilst people are constantly harping on about whether the Democrats or the Republicans are better or worse than each other, they are ignoring the fact that both parties have done nothing to seriously address the severe decay that is undeniably afflicting America’s social and physical fabric.

Edit: My apologies to those who may have wished to leave reasonable and informed comments; I got tired of being notified of comments that were rude and stupid, and there are already plenty of comments in the thread that disagree with my point of view.

Edit 2: There appears to be evidence that it was uninsulated overhead powerlines, such as the ones in my photo, which led to the fires in Maui, which killed hundreds of people.

Have you ever conned a car salesman who thought he was going to con you?

Not me, but my Uncle Bill sure did.

He himself was a salesman at our local Ford dealership back in the 1960’s. He was a good and honest man. Around 1967 he had several customers reject the deals he was making with them and instead buy cars from another dealership about an hour away, in Amarillo, thinking that they were getting a much better deal. However what was really happening was that other dealership was quoting them a lower initial purchase price but “making it up” with their financing interest rates. Several times, when they came back and talked with my uncle to tell him that they’d “beat his price”, he showed them how they were going to end up paying a lot more for their purchase than they would have with him once all the finance costs were considered, and they got angry about how they’d been tricked, but of course then it was too late.

So, one day he made a trip to Amarillo to that other dealership and posed as something of a ‘rube’ customer. He started trying to make a deal on a new 1967 Ford Mustang coupe, 289 V8, 3-speed manual. Ford called the color “Dusk Rose” but to look at it, it was obviously “Pepto Bismol pink”. He played the usual games with the salesman, going back and forth “to check with his manager” and all that. (As an aside here, if you’ve ever wondered if sales offices are bugged so that they can hear the private conversations that happen while they’re out of the room, you can stop wondering now. They are. What they’re actually doing when they go “talk to their manager” is running a credit check on you to find out if you’re “worth their time” and listening in. They like nothing more than to have a couple in their office and hear that one of them “is in love with” the car they’re considering. They know they’ve won at that point.)

Anyway, my uncle took advantage of all that back and forth, took advantage of what he knew was the actual dealer cost of the car, took advantage of the bug, “talked to himself” while the salesman was gone about how much he liked the car and hoped he could get a good price, and kept at it until the salesman offered to sell him the car at a price that my uncle knew was hundreds less than what the car had actually cost the dealer. The salesman wrote down the deal, and my Uncle Bill reached over and snagged the paper.

Salesman, as he reached into a desk drawer to get the finance agreement forms: “Mr. Garrett? How much would you like to pay down on this car today?”

Uncle Bill: “Oh, I’ll just pay the full price in cash. Right now. No trade in.”

Salesman, now flustered and getting angry: “But you kept haggling about price and wanting it lower!”

Uncle Bill: “I never said I couldn’t afford it, I just said I didn’t want to pay that much.”

The salesman, and the dealership, were so mad at him that they practically threw the keys at him and refused even to wash the car for him prior to delivery. Uncle Bill paid for it and drove it home.

Back then, in our small town, everyone knew “the pink Mustang” and thought it was funny/ugly. Turns out, that Dusk Rose color was very rare and only a very few of them were built (gee I wonder why?) – but documented originals are quite valuable now.

I miss him.

Leaked CIA Documents REVEALED China Has Powerful SPACE WEAPONS

The Chinese Space Program has often found itself at the centre of allegations and accusations, primarily originating from the United States. More recently, the international community was stirred by the disclosure of a classified document, which brought to light China’s formidable space capabilities, notably featuring a device that can be referred to as a ‘satellite hijacker’—an asset reportedly within China’s grasp. Today’s episode will cover a leaked CIA documents contents and a potential arms race in space.

What did you assume was exaggerated until you experienced it?

Grilled cheese and tomato soup.

Im an African American male, okay? I come from the DEPTHS of the hood. In the hood, we don’t eat this. In my culture, we don’t eat this.

Well when I graduated college, I moved to Austin Texas. I have a Caucasian wife, okay? She always talked about this. Her family talked about it and even random people. I was like ummm how good can this be because it sounds pretty gross.

One night, 8 years ago, we made it for dinner. And just know that 8 years later, im still dipping my grill cheese in tomato soup at least 4 times a month.

Happy addict.

What is the highest form of freedom?

My grandmother, who is now 96, marched out of Auschwitz in broad daylight after taking off her striped uniform and changing into normal clothes.

A Polish friend who worked in the camp as a secretary and wasn’t corrupted by the racist propaganda had risked her own life to bring her the outfit.

Out she walked, past guards with rifles, attack dogs, and hatred so intense it would make your skin crawl with fear.

Her parents, and almost all living relatives, weren’t as fortunate.

The rest of the war, she spent in hiding.

“At that time,” she explained to me during a recent visit, “we couldn’t set goals, let alone pursue them. We were deprived of our agency, of freedom.”

That’s why she always encouraged me to go as far as possible in life.

Because the highest form of freedom— the ability to actualize your dreams, to create a life of meaning, purpose, and wellbeing—is not something to be taken lightly.

Whatever you choose to do with yours, never forget that it’s a gift of the greatest magnitude.

Parents Took $120k Loan On My Name To Fund Spoiled Sister Studies & Claimed It’s My Responsibility

His family STOLE HIS money. They needed to pay it back.

Pro-Israel Propaganda Is Stupid

It is somewhat amazing how low the quality of western propaganda has become. Especially when it relates to hobbyhorses like Israel.

Here is NBCnews testing not only the stupidity of its viewers and readers but also demonstrating the fatuity of its ‘journalists’.

‘Top secret’ Hamas documents show that terrorists intentionally targeted elementary schools and a youth center

Documents exclusively obtained by NBC News show that Hamas created detailed plans to target elementary schools and a youth center in the Israeli kibbutz of Kfar Sa’ad, to “kill as many people as possible,” seize hostages and quickly move them into the Gaza Strip.

The attack plans, which are labeled “top secret” in Arabic, appear to be orders for two highly trained Hamas units to surround and infiltrate villages and target places where civilians, including children, gather. Israeli authorities are still determining the death toll in Kfar Sa’ad.

The documents were found on the bodies of Hamas terrorists by Israeli first responders and shared with NBC News. They include detailed maps and show that Hamas intended to kill or take hostage civilians and school children.

One page labeled “Top Secret” outlines a plan of attack for Kfar Sa’ad, saying “Combat unit 1” is directed to “contain the new Da’at school,” while “Combat unit 2” is to “collect hostages,” “search the Bnei Akiva youth center” and “search the old Da’at school.”

The attack happened in the early hours of October 7, a Saturday.

What do Zionist children do on a Sabbath, before dawn? Are they sitting in school? Do they visit a youth center?

If Hamas terrorists maneuvered around schools to kill children they came at the wrong time and the wrong day.

At least to me that does not seem to be the most plausible explanation for their carefully planned operation.

The Israeli army is going all in. The plan is to push all people in Gaza into the desert of Sinai:

“This is thought out… There is a huge expanse, almost endless space in the Sinai desert, just on the other side of Gaza. … The idea is for them to leave over for the open areas where we, and the international community, will prepare the infrastructure, ten cities, with food and water… just like for the refugees of Syria that fled the butchering of Asad…. There is a way to receive them all on the other side for temporary time on [sic.] Sinai… and Egypt will have to play ball.”

That is from an ex-deputy foreign minister of Israel. If he says “for temporary time” he likely means centuries.

There are clashes in the West Bank where Israel is trying to incite a third intifada. Some 43 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank over the last six days. Nine of them during the last 24 hours. There are also clashes and artillery exchanges along the boarder with Lebanon.

People who try to flee from north to south Gaza get bombed along the evacuation route.

The Times and The Sunday Times @thetimes – 12:41 UTC · Oct 14, 2023

A convoy of vehicles heading south after Israel ordered more than one million Palestinians to leave the north was struck at about 5pm yesterday

Israel also bombed the Jordanian field hospital in Gaza. Neither was unintentionally.

Israel can do that because western politicians and ‘journalists’ are covering its ass.

They live in the wrong quadrant.


Posted by b on October 14, 2023 at 13:39 UTC | Permalink

Girls Standing In The Middle of Tokyo to Sell Themselves.. Japan Has A Serious Developing Problem.

Why are so many young women in Japan recently “standing” in the middle of Tokyo? We find the answer to this question through the story of Yuka in this video, and the important message of takeaway in which this alarming phenomenon has for all of us, when visiting, or considering any social issues regarding Japan.

The Split In Israel And The War Of Al-Aqsa

What is the reason for the ‘Al-Aqsa Deluge’, as Hamas had named its terror operation against the Zionists?

On October 8 Alastair Crooke, one of most experienced Middle East hands, wrote in AlMahadeen:

“Israel” has shattered into two equally weighted factions holding to two irreconcilable visions of “Israel’s” future; two mutually opposing readings of history and of what it means to be Jewish.

The fissure could not be more complete. Except it is. One faction, which holds a majority in parliament, is broadly Mizrahi — a former underclass in Israeli society; and the other, largely well-to-do liberal Ashkenazi.

Mizrahi are mostly the original Middle Eastern Jews and often on the religious far right, Ashkenazi are mostly liberal European ones. The current Netanyahoo government is the first which includes far-right Mizrahi ministers.

Most Mizrahi follow the Sephardi religious rites. They want an religious state based on Jewish law.  They are as radial as ISIS.

The high court of Israel has 14 Ashkenazi judges and one Mizrahi one. It is one of the reasons why the Netanyahoo government wants the parliament to be able to vote down high court judgements. There have been large, U.S. sponsored ‘regime change’ protests in Israel against that move. The leaders of the military and security services, mostly Ashkenazi, have also opposed the government move against the court.

I therefore think that it is quite possible that there was intelligence pointing to the Hamas attack, but that it was not revealed to let Netanyahoo fall into a trap. We have however no evidence that there were reasonably precise intelligence warnings, or that they were held up.

There are already demands for Netanyahoo to go. If only for his long term sponsoring of Hamas as a counterweight to the more secular Fatah Palestinians. Should he no longer be prime minister the courts will take up the three bribe cases against him which are currently pending. He would likely end up in jail.

Another reason for Hamas’ success was the fact that three of the four infantry battalions, with 800 soldiers each, that usually guard the Gaza strip,  had been moved to the West Bank to protect right-wing Zionist settlers during a religious holiday. This allowed for Hamas’ easy breach of the fence.

Back to Alastair Crooke on the real motive of the Al-Aqsa flood:

Well, the Right in Netanyahu’s government has two long-standing commitments. One is to rebuild the (Jewish) Temple on ‘Temple Mount’ (Haram al-Shariff).

Just to be clear, that would entail demolishing Al-Aqsa.

The second overriding commitment is to the founding of “Israel”, on the “Land of Israel”. And again, to be clear, this (in their view) would entail clearing Palestinians from the West Bank. Indeed, the settlers have been cleansing Palestinians from swaths of the West Bank over the past year (notably between Ramallah and Jericho).

On Thursday morning (two days preceding Al-Aqsa Flood), more than 800 settlers stormed the Mosque Compound, under the full protection of Israeli forces. The drumbeat of such provocations is rising.

This is nothing new. The First Intifada was triggered by (then) PM Sharon making a provocative visit into the mosque. I was a part of Senator George Mitchell’s Presidential Committee investigating that incident. Even then, it was clear that Sharon intended the visit to fuel the fire of religious nationalism. At that time, the Temple Mount Movement was a minnow; today it has ministers in Cabinet and in key security positions — and has promised its followers to build the ‘Third Temple’.

So, the threat to Al-Aqsa has been building for two decades, and today is reaching an apex. And yet US and Israeli intelligence didn’t see resistance coming, and nor did they see the settler violence building in the West Bank?

What happened on Saturday was widely expected and clearly extensively planned.

There is by the way no archaeologic evidence, none, that a Jewish ‘Temple’ ever existed in Jerusalem. If it did, it was most likely not on the hill of Al-Aqsa but one of the six other ones.

Al-Aqsa is holy to all Muslims, Shia and Sunni alike. Its destruction would inevitably lead to war. The West is clearly underestimating what forces calls like this one can rise:

Khalid Aljabri, MDد

.خالد الجبري

@JabriMD – 11:52 UTC · Oct 13, 2023

Friday sermon from the Grand Mosque in Mecca prays for the “liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque” in Jerusalem.

This is significant for two reasons:
• Audience of 2 billion Muslims.
• Such sermons have been significantly censored under MBS. Today’s sermon was likely pre-approved.

Israel has used White Phosphorus on the people in Gaza, another war crime. Israel has given all people in north Gaza, 1.1 million human beings, 24 hours to move to south Gaza. That is impossible and will not happen. It is an attempt of ethnic cleansing.

Caitlin Johnstone @caitoz – 10:52 UTC · Oct 13, 2023

If there were two million Jewish people trapped by Christians in a giant open-air prison and placed under total siege, being told that half of them had 24 hours to relocate into the other half or be killed, nobody would have any confusion about what they were witnessing.

If Israel makes, as announced, a ground attack on Gaza, Hizbullah in Lebanon is likely to attack Israel. The U.S. has allegedly let Syria know (via France) that Damascus, and President Assad personally, would be attacked if that were to happen. This is a miscalculation. It is far from certain that Assad, or even Iran, has the means to hold Hizbullah back.

A U.S. attack on the government of Syria would bring Russia into the war. Iran would also respond which is exactly what some of the neocons want.

The war could easily escalate further from there.

Posted by b on October 13, 2023 at 15:46 UTC | Permalink



What would happen if a high-ranking admiral or general visited a military base without telling anyone first and did not like how things were being done there?

Originally Answered: What would happen if a high ranking Admiral or General visited a Military base without telling anyone first and didn’t like how things were being done there?

Admiral Rickover no-notice visited a nuclear boat in civilian clothing, was admitted, and began touring the boat. As he approached the reactor room a second class (E-5) stopped him from entering.

When the Admiral went to push past the man, he picked up a very large wrench and offered to split the Admiral’s head open.

Later 0, during a post-tour discussion, the Admiral asked the sailor if he recognized him (the Father of the Nuclear Navy) and if so, why the young sailor wouldn’t let the Admiral enter the reactor room.

The sailor said “Because, sir, you didn’t have the boat’s Reactor Room badge. No one comes into my reactor room without the proper pass, not even you.”

The next day the young man was spot promoted to E-6.

I was told this story by a roommate that was an MS1 (cook) on the boat at the time.

What is the main point of Confucius’ Analects?

The key sentences in the Analects are:子罕: 無意無必無固無我:Have no preconceptions, do not insist on a certain course of action, don’t be obstinate, keep your ego out of things. The other one is: 里仁:君子之於天下也無適也無莫也義之與比:There is nothing in the world you have to be for, there is nothing in the world you have to be against; the only standard is what is appropriate for the situation at hand.

These were balanced by 禮 cultural standards. You should maintain a balance between 智仁勇 thinking, feeling (kindness), and courage. In all matters, 中庸 keep a balance, don’t go off far ends, never become an extremist.

In a nutshell, that’s it. I could go on for days, but that gives you the key points.

A large group of Russian soldiers in the border area in 1939 are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a small hill

A large group of Russian soldiers in the border area in 1939 are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a small hill:

“One Finnish soldier is better than ten Russian”.

The Russian commander quickly orders 10 of his best men over the hill where a gun battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes, then silence.

The voice once again calls out: “One Finn is better than one hundred Russian.”

Furious, the Russian commander sends his next best 100 troops over the hill, and instantly a huge gunfight commences. After 10 minutes of battle, again Silence.

The calm Finnish voice calls out again: “One Finn is better than one thousand Russians!

The enraged Russian commander musters 1000 fighters and sends them to the other side of the hill.

Rifle fire, machine guns, grenades, rockets, and cannon fire ring out as a terrible battle is fought…

Then silence.

Eventually, one badly wounded Russian fighter crawls back over the hill and with his dying words tells his commander:

“Don’t send any more men… it’s a trap. There’s two of them!

What gives you peace of mind?

  1. Pay no attention to criticism or to authors of lies. They wouldn’t be doing it if you hadn’t created something to make them jealous.
  2. When people troll you, this means that you’re important. Pretend that you’re depressed, but smile inwardly because deep inside, you know that you’re somebody significant.
  3. Have a good reason to put a smile on your face. Even when you’re hungry or broke, that’s not a good reason to frown, for you never know when your help is arriving.
  4. Happiness can be faked. This is probably a good thing for your health because your subconscious mind can’t tell the difference.
  5. You can probably tell who your best friends are since they’ll not be easy to find. However, you can easily tell who your fake friends are since they’ll bring themselves to you.
  6. It’s important to connect with as many friends as possible, but the most important way to have inner peace is to connect with yourself.
  7. Whatever happens in your life, try to remain as calm as possible, despite all that’s going on around you.
  8. People who can control their emotions are stronger than fortresses. Most of the problems that take away our inner peace come from reacting to situations we shouldn’t react to.
  9. Don’t look for internal peace externally, where everybody is looking. To have peace, you have to look for someone who already has it. Unfortunately, most people don’t have inner peace, so you must change your focus to rely on your internal resources.
  10. Despite all the noise, there’s still a central place where you can find peace. The heart is a central place where you can find almost anything that needs to be found.
  11. You will never have peace watching the daily news, for it is the bad news that sells for TV stations and makes a slave to negative news. A person who watches much TV will always wake up with a headache, hangover, or depression.
  12. Happiness is the secret to inner peace. Avoid people or situations that deprive you of happiness.
  13. Nothing is as infectious as a good laughter, yet most people want to look depressed for no particular reason. Why don’t you lock yourself in a room and laugh even when there’s no particular reason to laugh?
  14. Whatever situation you find yourself in, there’s no good reason to lose hope. Hope is like advance payment on something valuable you’re eagerly awaiting.
  15. In most cases, you have innate peace inside of you, but other people come and take it away through discouragement, bad news, and idle talk because they don’t have peace in the first place and they don’t feel comfortable when you have it.
  16. When people tell you something negative, the best thing to do is to remain calm. Try to assess it, and if it doesn’t make sense ignore it. The worst thing you can do is to react to it, but the best thing you can do is to avoid negative people.
  17. Inner peace is more valuable than all the peace in the world, because when you have it, you can think more clearly and know how to react to situations and problems.
  18. The natural inclination for humans is to dominate and control others. Know that if you’re a person given to this instinct, you’re courting misery, unhappiness, and grief, for the same people you seek to control, will turn upon you and tear you apart, the moment they realize you’re also human.
  19. The number one killer for peace of mind is when you lose sleep as a result of another person “getting there” quicker than you. No two people are the same. No two people have the same abilities, and no two people think the same way. Don’t feel jealous because someone else is succeeding where you failed. Instead, be happy for them and your own success will arrive faster than you think.
  20. The number two killer for peace of mind is anger. Anger is like a tornado, destroying everything in it’s wake including you and your loved ones.
  21. Pay attention to what you eat. Neurochemicals in the brain that control mood, peace of mind, love, happiness, anger, and other factors, depend on the kind of food you eat, your particular environment, and the people you live with. Changing any or all of these factors, can greatly boost your inner peace that you didn’t believe existed.
  22. There’s a reason why people take a break. Although worrying your head off won’t solve any problem, you might find it reasonable to find a solitary place where you can spend time alone. Enjoying solitude, meditation, and prayer, especially where there’s a body of water like the sea, river, or lake, are great ways to get away from people and all the noise, mobile phones, internet, social media, and rejuvenate your life. Find time to connect with your soul, and understand better what’s ailing you.
  23. The phrase that “music heals your soul” can’t be more true. I’d say that making music your close companion is a great way to relax, whether you’re depressed or not. Music relaxes the mind and body, soothes the nerves, recovers your lost energy and focus, and immunizes you from the stresses of life.


Changes going on.

Which single soldier, not a General, has had the greatest effect on a battle in history?

A Turkish artilleryman lifts a 215 kilogram shell singlehanded for loading in a cannon. Corporal Seyit (Seyit Onbasi) is famous for having carried three 215 kg shells to an artillery gun during the Allied attempt to force the Dardanelles on 18 March 1915. Born in a village of Havran, he enlisted into the army in April 1909. After serving in the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 he was transferred to the forts defending the Mediterranean entrance to the Dardanelles. Following the heavy naval bombardment of the forts guarding the Narrows on March 18, 1915, the gun he was serving in the Mecidiye fort remained operational but its shell crane had been damaged. Seyit carried three 215 kg artillery shells up to the gun enabling it to continue firing on the attacking Allied fleet. One of the shells reputedly hit the British pre-dreadnought HMS Ocean, most probably contributing greatly to the repulse of the Allied naval assault.

After that Seyid was promoted to corporal and publicised as an iconic Turkish hero. He was discharged in 1918 and became a forester and later coal-miner. He took the surname Çabuk in 1934 with the passing of the Surname Law. He died of a lung disease in 1939. A statue of him carrying a shell was erected in 1992, just south of Kilitbahir Castle on the Gallipoli Peninsula.

Edit: There are some skeptics who think that this story might have been invented for propaganda reasons. First of all, the Ottomans were not as sophisticated as the Allies or the USA regrading propaganda strategies. When it comes to propaganda, misinformation and psychological tactics for manipulating the masses, the Western countries are way ahead of the Turks. Secondly, the only eye witnesses were the few soldiers operating the gun. Nevertheless, according to military records, the crane of the canon was broken and the rounds fired. The battleship Ocean was hit by a cannon shell exactly at a position where it was facing this particular fort. (The picture was shot after the war, to imitate the moment.)

“What’s happening In the Middle East is Shocking…”

What are the implications of China’s declining semiconductor imports?


Nothing else but Stockpiles

You see, when Trump imposed the Huawei Ban, China and Chinese entities were very concerned that they would be next

Thus they began stockpiling massive quantities of Chips & Semiconductor equipment

From 2020–2022 , China kept on buying Chips from the world though it’s demand thanks to the lockdown was down by almost 45%

That’s a huge chunk of chips purchased and equipment purchased between 2020–2022 when the total demand was far lesser both within China and outside China

Hence China has a Supply Glut of Chips & Semiconductor Equipment

This surplus has to be first utilized for China to begin placing orders again

Meanwhile China is also developing it’s own industry in Chips and Semiconductors

Thus the fall in imports is unlikely to be ever reversed

In all battles in history, which battle had the filthiest, dirtiest, and the harshest battlefield?

My vote goes to the battle of Passchendaele.

Imagine you’re the unlucky bastard who gets to be positioned behind the machine gun. While most of your brothers in arms have died long ago from climbing out of the trench, you remain shackled in place to provide them supporting fire, watching them each die in the process. What was once your childhood friend Richard presently sits motionless forty paces before you, in the middle of no mans land, tangled in a mess of barbed wire. The flies have largely left him alone by now.

At the same time, you get to fire endlessly at young men your age, of a different uniform, charging blindly towards you. You used to scream at the top of your lungs for them to turn back, to stop running forward. You stopped trying a few hundred kills back.

You’ve witnessed technological marvels unlike anything else you’ve ever seen before. Airplanes. Flamethrowers. Automobiles and tanks. And yet, just a few days ago, you saw your friends beat down an enemy using a primitive spike-covered club, like a caveman might.

Over the permanent ringing in your ears you gained from endless rounds fired and near misses of enemy grenades, you hear a corny, empty song of patriotism for the fourteenth time that day off of a distant gramophone. It’s words cruelly mock you anymore.

You’re covered in fine layers of semi-dried mud, thrown up in your face from a distant artillery hit. It’s the cleanest substance presently adorning your person. Your boots and wraps are wet from the blood, urine, and vomit. Some of it is your own. You can almost remember the last time you took a bath.

The cloth near your ankles has been shredded from the rats, who grow more brazen and hungry every day. The last one you saw was the size of an opossum, and took a nasty bite out of your left leg. Bartholomew, the man who helps feed bullets to your iron beast, stabbed it with his bayonet and tossed it in the pile: the sixteenth one he had killed that day alone.

Your nose has grown numb to the overwhelming odor. The winter season approaches, and everything’s become colder. All your aches and pains hurt more with the cold. Until now, things have been relatively dry, which means you have yet to drown in your own trench from the rainfall.

The sound of a shell impacting the ground crosses the land. The color of the air begins to turn a funny color again. You quietly put on your gas mask and hunch over your weapon. You first heard that this war would be over before Christmas. You then heard that this would be the war to end all wars. You now wonder if this war would ever end, or if it’d merely become the introductory section to the new era: the era of modern warfare.

Death cannot come soon enough for you.

What is wrong with Social Justice?

Well, to start with, nobody in the world actually wants social justice.

There. I said it.

Okay, lots of people sincerely believe they want social justice; the people who say they want it aren’t lying, exactly. It’s way more complicated than that, and a lot happens between “I’d like to live in a just world” and “I am going to work to make a just world happen.”

Buckle up, this answer is gonna get loooooong.

Let’s start here: The real world is complicated. Really, really complicated. You might think getting your scanner/printer to work with Windows is complicated, but that’s peanuts compared to socioeconomic and geopolitical reality.

And people, even smart people, handle complexity poorly.

Topical case in point: What’s happening in Israel and Gaza right now.

If you want to understand what’s happening, you need to know quite a lot of history from the 1940s on. There’s a lot of “there” there: the Israeli offer, turned down by the Arabic population; the reasons Egypt and Jordan closed their borders to the Palestinians; the history of Hamas, which is both a terrorist organization and also a government (and before that, the Muslim Brotherhood); the way Egypt has deliberately played the Gaza refugees as political pawns…it’s complicated and ugly and no side has totally clean hands, but even understanding where the balance lies requires a pretty thorough history lesson…

…and oh God that’s, like, sooooooo complicated, whyyyyyyy can’t someone just tell me who the good guys are and who the bad guys are?

That’s the thing: a lot of people want to treat actual, real-world political situations like football matches or WWF wrestling, with a clearly defined good guy and a clearly defined bad guy, so they know who they’re supposed to root for.

Even people who start out genuinely, sincerely interested in social justice can easily get bogged down.

That’s the heartbreaking thing about, you know, empathy and compassion. When you sincerely want to leave the world in better shape than you found it, you soon find yourself fighting an uphill battle. Injustice doesn’t exist because someone woke up one day and said “Hey! You know what? I think I’ll be a dick to other people today!”

Injustice exists because entrenched economic, social, and political systems with roots thousands of years deep have entrenched ways of doing things because the people atop those systems benefit from doing things that way.

Fighting against that is hard. It grinds you down. However energetic and idealistic you were when you started, it pulverizes you.

Nobody has infinite time. Nobody has infinite energy.

Which is fine, except that most people want to believe themselves to be one of the good guys, on the side of Truth and Righteousness and Justice, even when we don’t want to—or can’t!—do the work of getting there. It’s not enough to say “You know what? I’m not informed enough about this to have a reasonable opinion.” Oh, no, no, we want to take sides but we don’t want to invest the time or labor in making sure we pick the right side.

We just want to know who to blame.

Knowing who the bad guy is helps define us as the good guy. If we’re against the bad guy, that makes us good, right? Right?

So what do we do?

We develop heuristics. Cognitive shortcuts. Quick and dirty rules of thumb to simplify complex situations and help guide them toward the ‘right’ team to root for. These fast and easy heuristics, at least in theory, cut through all the tedious drek of having to learn all that history and become informed of the goals and grievances of all the players and untangle a knotty and nuanced tangle that’s been all balled up for decades.

But here’s the thing:

Heuristics are not subtle. They’re fast intuitive guidelines that substitute for actual understanding. They feel right, but that doesn’t mean they are right.

Those heuristics—“believe women,” “always side with the most historically oppressed,” whatever they are—gradually become rules, then social tribal markers, then symbols of moral purity. Heuristics become adopted by tribes as ways to tell the in-group from the out-group. If you see a hashtag like #believewomen, you can probably make a pretty good guess about the politics of the person who subscribes to it.

Before long, it actually becomes morally wrong not to obey the heuristics.

Enforcing moral purity becomes a way to feel powerful, to feel like you’re accomplishing something, in the face of the overwhelming hopelessness and despair that comes from fighting an entrenched system day after day and ending each day with nothing to show for it.

What it feels like to care about justice

Say your crusade is animal welfare, for example. You’ve fought for years and what do you have to show for it? There are even more factory farms now than when you started. Consumption of animals is up, not down.

But then let’s say Bob, your staunch and stalwart ally, your comrade in arms, reveals that he’s not a vegan…he thinks it’s okay to eat fish. And…and…and eggs. And he wears leather belts.

You can’t end factory farming, you can’t stop the senseless slaughter of animals…but hey, you can rally the troops against Bob, because he betrayed the cause! You can destroyed his reputation and cast him out! Look! Look! You accomplished something!

This is inevitably what happens in social justice circles. We end up here because:

  1. People want a morality simple enough to fit in a hashtag; and
  2. Any morality simple enough to fit in a hashtag cannot capture reality, and therefore is rather limited as a tool to change reality.

People tend to think of “social justice” as a left thing, but this process knows no political bounds. Those on the right do it just as often—they simply don’t call it “social justice.”

But the same things still apply: they have a way they want the world to be; changing the world requires tremendous amounts of effort and work; people don’t have limitless resources; they fall back on simple rules to tell them who the good guys and bad guys are; those eimple rules become tribal markers; before long, it becomes morally unacceptable even to question those simple rules.

We see the world not at it is but as we are. We invent narratives to describe the world, and to tell us who the good guys are, and who we should be in order to think of ourselves as good. Anyone who can co-opt those narratives can control the lines between Us and Them, the boundaries that define our tribes.

So here we are. We’re terrible at nuance, we don’t have tome to get informed, so we let the hashtag mentality do the work for us.

What are the main successful experiences of the Belt and Road Initiative in the past 10 years?

The UK colonized many nations to procure the raw materials to fuel it’s empire worldwide

They enjoyed 80% of the cream and barely gave 20% to the Colonized Nations, of which 15% was taken back vide Taxes and Protection and payment for British Troops

Chinas BRI is a modified version of the same thing UK used to do but a fairer economic sharing platform

China gets Raw materials worldwide through the BRI to fuel it’s mammoth economy and production machine

However instead of the unfair British division, China enjoys maybe 60% of the cream and ensures 40% to the BRI Nations of which maybe 20% is taken back vide Infrastructure projects, Power Projects etc

This while Britain gave only 5% of the Cream to the Colonies, China gives 20%

And while Britain paid most of the Cream to Corpulent Rajahs and Maharajahs, China spends a lot on building Schools and Roads and Bridges

Plus China also uses BRI Countries to outsource it’s low grade manufacturing

Hence BRI is essentially a ‘You help me fuel myself and i help you grow’ mode of economics

Here are some stats from Chinas forum in 2023:-

  • China sources 66% Rare Earths vide the BRI and controls the Production
  • China controls between 30–45% of the Tungsten, Nickel, Copper and Mercury vide the BRI
  • China sources Wheat, Soybeans, Pork, Beef and Eggs vide the BRI
  • China supplies Chemicals, Machinery, Low Cost Goods, Medium Cost Goods, Textiles and Semi finished goods vide the BRI to various nations. Almost 70% of the supply of these come from China including Paper & Ink
  • Chinas Energy needs from Enriched Uranium, Uranium Ore, Oil, Gas come vide the BRI at an average discount of 31% from World market prices. Thus outside of interest, China saves at least $ 70 Billion a year on market prices

Thus Chinas BRI is definitely not a Utopian Charity

It is a business arrangement where Chinese win big time with supplies, raw materials, chance to invest their money and prevent accumulation & gain soft power

Yet the BRI nations in return get money from sales of goods plus a lot of modernization at minimum cost (China averages $ 2.19 Million per Mile against $ 17 Million for the US)

Its the best deal for BRI nations today if they want to grow

Best example is Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam which have all seen a CAGR of around 12.2% a year with the BRI over the past 10 year

26 out of 50 African Nations show a CAGR of 6% or more with BRI

Why Is Another Young American Woman Arrested And Jailed In Dubai ? A Critical Review.

Stupid American… the “ugly American”.

What would be the focal point for a possible WWIII that encompasses the major world powers, as per Ray Dalio’s warning?

Right now, there are at least 4 potential trigger points. Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, North Korea, and China. Any of these could flare up because of an accident or false narrative. WW2 had the Japanese taking a risk by attacking Pearl Harbor, but that was being fought by China much earlier than that. Vietnam was the Gulf of Tonkin false narrative by the US accusing Vietnam of attacking its destroyer. We stayed for 10 years and lost. Iraq was the infamous WMD that proved a false narrative by the US. Afghanistan was the witch hunt for Ben Laden that took 10 years and we stayed for 10 more years only to leave ignominiously. Ukraine is the invasion of Ukraine by Russia because the west continued to move east with NATO. All had reasons for the start of a conflict that potentially could have become much wider, most because of a false narrative by the US, leading one to suspect the US wanted a conflict.

Texas Beef Brisket

2023 10 19 08 47
2023 10 19 08 47


  • 4 pounds beef brisket
  • 2 tablespoons chili powder
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon onion powder
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 teaspoons dry mustard
  • 1 bay leaf, crushed
  • 1 (10 ounce) can beef broth


  1. Make a dry rub by combining chili powder, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, sugar, dry mustard and crushed bay leaf.
  2. Season the raw brisket on both sides with the rub.
  3. Place in roasting pan and roast, uncovered, for one hour at 350 degrees F.
  4. Add the beef broth and enough water to make 1/2 inch liquid in roasting pan. Lower oven to 300 degrees F, cover pan tightly and continue cooking for 3 hours or until fork tender.
  5. Trim the fat and slice meat thinly across the grain.

What do the mainland Chinese think of the Palestine issue?

They see as a western nation hypocrisy. Screaming human rights but doing human wrongs. The see everything wrong about US and UK unilateral decisions. They decide to plant Jewish people in the middle if Arab land to do U.S. and western shit on Arabs and Muslim nations and the Palestinians must be happy about it.

The wonder why the people who truly own this land has to give it all up and agree to live as slaves and asylum seekers in their own lands. The Palestinians are the living in the world’s biggest open prison in a land they owned. Who the fxxk gives the US and UK to give something that don’t belong to them away!

The cannot understand why the west can be so foolish to think that Palestinian must be happy and contented in such a terrible outcome for them! Surely they ought to expect incidents like what happened if the Palestinians got a chance? Why do the west not expect that?

Blind? Foolish? Do they see Palestinian as sub humans? Like their African slaves? 4/5 of a human? Imagine instead of choosing Palestinian lands it choose Wales or Burgundy or Texas, will the people in these region accept their fate lying down? I doubt so.

I think they will do what Hitler does! Why do they think Palestinians must accept this fate!

Chinese people cannot understand why the west thinks it can get away with it. That is what the Chinese thinks! I think the Chinese is pragmatic and highly intelligent. They see an unworkable solution while the West thinks it can do what they wish!

Russia Signals The Unthinkable, U.S. Warns Iran, Oil Crisis Coming

Wing Dings

Wing Dings are a Texas specialty!

2023 10 28 12 37
2023 10 28 12 37


  • 1 cup beer
  • 1/4 cup unsulphured dark molasses
  • 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder
  • Juice of 1 medium lime
  • 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1/4 teaspoon aniseed, toasted and ground
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 dozen chicken wings


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Grease a large baking pan or dish.
  3. Combine everything except the wings in a large, heavy pan. Simmer them over medium heat 15 to 20 minutes, until they have reduced to a thick sauce.
  4. While the sauce simmers, prepare the chicken wings.
  5. With a butcher knife, remove the wing tips, then cut each wing in half at the joint.
  6. Add the wings to the sauce, and stir to coat them.
  7. Ladle the wings and the sauce into the baking dish.
  8. Bake for 25 minutes, then stir the wings in the sauce.
  9. Turn the heat up to 425 degrees F and bake an additional 10 minutes, or until the sauce glazes the wings.
  10. Serve the wings hot with Ranch dressing, if desired.

US-backed Terrorism Targets Vietnam & Myanmar in Wider War on China

  • Two terrorist attacks this month (June 2023) in Southeast Asia have been carried out by groups backed by the United States government and its allies for decades;
  • This includes a singer murdered in Myanmar and a series of armed attacks carried out on police stations in Vietnam killing 9 including several civilians;
  • British state media, the BBC, and US government-funded media platform Radio Free Asia have attempted to spin and even justify this terrorism as part of a much wider pattern promoting and defending terrorism as a means to counter China’s rise and punish nations working closely with China;
  • The opposition in Myanmar has openly been backed by the US and UK for decades – fighting to reinstall Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy back into power;
  • In Vietnam, the ethnic Montagnards had fought alongside US invaders in the Vietnam War, and since then have worked closely with the US through the National Endowment for Democracy toward separatism;
  • Much of this context is omitted from Western state-media accounts of the terrorism;
  • Both Myanmar and Vietnam’s current governments have close relations with China. Vietnam, while depicted in the Western media as “anti-China,” has worked with China to build infrastructure within its borders and access Chinese rail projects to bring their products all the way to Europe;

US Encircling of China Explained

The US claims that it is not seeking conflict with China – but a look at what the US is doing all along China’s peripheries reveals the US is already in a conflict with China and has been for decades.

The US pursues this conflict – admittedly – not out of national security concerns, but to preserve what it itself calls its “primacy” in the Indo-Pacific region.

China’s New Maglev, High Speed Rail, & What it Means for Belt & Road Partners

China has unveiled a 600kph maglev train that will eventually be used on lines connecting China’s major cities. It is part of the nation’s much larger high speed rail (HSR) network.

I discuss China’s HSR network, the foresight required to implement such an ambitious infrastructure drive, and how the West is trying to foil it both within China’s borders and beyond them as HSR lines begin moving outward as part of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Bully or Builder? China Finishes Vietnam’s First Metro Train

While the Western media attempts to convince the world China is “bullying” its neighbors in Asia, upon closer examination it is clear it is instead building projects with its neighbors.

This includes with Vietnam which does have a complicated relationship with Beijing – but has not let that get in the way of progress – including cooperation in building the country’s first metro train.

China’s Laos High-Speed Railway is Already Delivering

The Western media continues its attack on China depicting the nation as a global threat. However, what the West says about China and what China itself is doing are two entirely different stories.

The high-speed railway being built between Kunming, China and Bangkok, Thailand is a perfect example of how China is helping the rest of Asia rise with it. The only thing being threatened by China and Asia’s rise is the West’s unwarranted influence over the rest of the globe.

Inflection EP20: China Builds Up ASEAN, the US Bullies it…

While the Western media insists China is a threat to global peace and prosperity, an objective look at China’s role in ASEAN development versus US coercion, political sedition, and even proxy conflict reveals the true threat to both Asia and the rest of the world.

Inflection is a weekly show featuring Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic, discussing recent headlines and in-depth discussion of topics shaping the shift from West to East and unipolarism to multipolarism.

Inflection EP23: As China Rises, Southeast Asia Rises

The US is obsessed with containing the rise of China. But China is not rising on its own. With its rise, all of Asia is rising with it.

The notion of the globe’s center of power shifting from West to East is at the heart of Washington, Wall Street, London, and Brussel’s growing desperation and aggression toward China – the engine of Asia’s rise.

Inflection is a weekly show featuring Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic, discussing recent headlines and in-depth discussion of topics shaping the shift from West to East and unipolarism to multipolarism.

The US Just Did Something CRAZY!

Biblical collapse coming to the West.


“My parents were married for 55 years. One morning, my mom was going downstairs to make dad breakfast, she had a heart attack and fell. My father picked her up as best he could and almost dragged her into the truck. At full speed , without respecting traffic lights, he drove her to the hospital.

When he arrived, unfortunately she was no longer with us.

During the funeral, my father did not speak; his gaze was lost. He hardly cried.

That night, his children joined him. In an atmosphere of pain and nostalgia, we remembered beautiful anecdotes and he asked my brother, a theologian, to tell him where Mom would be at that moment. My brother began to talk about life after death, and guesses as to how and where she would be.

My father listened carefully. Suddenly he asked us to take him to the cemetery.

Dad!” we replied, “it’s 11 at night, we can’t go to the cemetery right now!”

He raised his voice, and with a glazed look he said:

“Don’t argue with me, please don’t argue with the man who just lost his wife of 55 years.”

There was a moment of respectful silence, we didn’t argue anymore. We went to the cemetery, we asked the night watchman for permission. With a flashlight we reached the tomb. My father caressed her, prayed and told his children, who watched the scene moved:

“It was 55 years… you know? No one can talk about true love if they have no idea what it’s like to share life with a woman.”

He paused and wiped his face. “She and I, we were together in that crisis. I changed jobs …” he continued. “We packed up when we sold the house and moved out of town. We shared the joy of seeing our children finish their careers, we mourned the departure of loved ones side by side, we prayed together in the waiting room of some hospitals, we support each other in pain, we hug each Christmas, and we forgive our mistakes… Children, now it’s gone, and I’m happy, do you know why?

Because she left before me. She didn’t have to go through the agony and pain of burying me, of being left alone after my departure. I will be the one to go through that, and I thank God. I love her so much that I wouldn’t have liked her to suffer…”

When my father finished speaking, my brothers and I had tears streaming down our faces. We hugged him, and he comforted us, “It’s okay, we can go home, it’s been a good day.”

That night I understood what true love is; It is far from romanticism, it does not have much to do with eroticism, or with sex, rather it is linked to work, to complement, to care and, above all, to the true love that two really committed people profess “.

Peace in your hearts.

You Won’t Believe What Ugandan Women Think About Black Americans

My African sisters looking beautiful and sounding intelligent. On another note, most human beings are unique so lumping a group of people into a stereotype isn’t always advantageous.

What was the strangest piece of evidence ever shown to a judge in a courtroom?

One day, Saskatchewan farmer Cecil George Harris was out in his field when his tractor got stuck. Unfortunately, while trying to extricate it, he got trapped beneath one of the tractor’s large wheels.

He wasn’t found for nine hours, by which time he was near death even though he was still conscious. He was taken to the hospital, but he died two days later.

The question was, how should his estate be handled. He had never gone to a lawyer to prepare a will.

But while lying there, trapped and knowing he was going to die, he had the foresight to scratch something into the fender of his tractor with his penknife.

In case I die in this mess I leave all to the wife, Cecil Geo. Harris.

The fender was entered into evidence in the probate court as a holograph (handwritten) will. It was approved for probate. The fender was stored for years in the county’s courthouse and instead of going to the archives it was sent to the University of Saskatchewan Law School for safekeeping, where it now appears.

What is one thing that I can learn from you today?

Treat someone who’s never been treated well as a genuine human.

This Spring I had a few moments in New York City, and a bit of spare cash. Nothing too large that’ll make a difference, but an amount that could buy a meal at Halal Guys.

I saw a man having his head in his palms, sunken with the weight of the world around him. What most people never ever have to experience is having a social net you thought existed fall below you, and then continue falling in life without having a single moment to grasp or gain your balance. Things like this can really screw with any mental problems that may never have existed, and also create anxiety that comes with the insecurity of the most basic human support.

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Out of respect, I didn’t take Jake’s photo, but he looked like this

“Hi sir, what’s your name?” I asked him. He replied Jake, and whether I had any spare change.

I told him, “How about this. Let me get you something nice to eat. You must be cold out here by yourself, right? Does that sound good to you?” One thing I remember was how a lot of homeless people never eat food given to them as they don’t know if someone tapered it or poisoned it, which is a real concern.

“Bless you, sir. That’ll be amazing, thank you.” He replied

We went to Halal Guys and I learned that he was in the military, but he fell upon some hard times. He used to work as a mechanic of sorts but lost it all in a divorce and “money mismanagement”. He didn’t have a family to really go back to so tried to find work in New York but couldn’t and ended up on the street. He told me he was planning to leave soon, and I kept on listening to what he was saying.

I think the look on his face as I got him chicken over rice was something that I rarely see in people, which is a form of gratitude you can never express unless someone lends you a hand as you fall through every social net.

I told him I had to catch a train, but he shook my hand and kept saying “God took you to me, sir. Bless you, bless you.”

Now, regardless of whether his story was true, it doesn’t really matter. I knew this man had to fight off his own demons.

There’s a word in Russian called umilinie (умиление) which roughly translates to “tenderness”. My professor once called the tenderness “melting of the heart”, and that’s what the other man felt at the moment.

I had given him one moment of peace as a human being, and that was all I cared about. When you treat someone well who usually doesn’t and give them some of your time, you’ll truly see someone’s heart melt from a moment of humanity.

Last Gasp of Western Hegemony

The US-NATO group are drowning in debt. The ability to wage war is limited by their debt. They have no military industrial capacity, just corruption. Russia and China are free of debt and have extreme advantage in any war.

Why is it so hard for China to make a fair trade deal with America?

As long as it is win win for China and for the U.S. China will sign a deal. But the U.S. cannot say you must buy what we like to sell you and you must sell everything we want at a dirt cheap prices and pay us in dollar!

The U.S. says your products cannot be spied on but we have a right to spy on each and every one of your phone!

The U.S. says when the U.S. introduce G1 to G4 you must trust us blindly but when China build G5 we must not only use your initiative but we will forced everyone else to stop using you too!

The U.S. says you must make all simple chip products and sell it to us as dirt cheap prices and we sell you cars and planes at astronomical prices and don’t you dare make these products!

To China this is wrong and unfair so it’s says go sell to one of your cronies. No thanks U.S.! China say over our dead body will we listen to you! China do what is good for China and the Chinese people. And it will always do so. If you don’t like it tough! Go bang your head against the wall!

What’s the most inaccurate thing your child has ever been taught in school?

The state of Virginia has a “Standards of Learning” end of grade testing, called SOL’s (yeah, that’s what I thought too).

Anyway, my nephew was taking the test (or a practice test that uses old questions) that asked what the Native Americans foraged for in the spring. The answer wasn’t there.

My sister happens to specialize in edible native plant of the Blue Ridge Mountains. My nephew not only knew what was growing in the spring in Virginia, but he could name them and find them in the wild.

His answer was counted wrong and the correct answer, according to the State of Virginia, was berries. My sister asked the school system to identify just one berry that ripens in Virginia in the spring. They couldn’t.

Edit: I was a CTE high school teacher for a little while (Career & Technical Education) and I certainly got things wrong. Everyone does. But I would share the correct answer, apologize if I felt it necessary, and if it was something graded, I would change the grade. I also rarely used a textbook with the exception of specific practice sessions.

As a CTE teacher, I had much more autonomy than math, science or English. They were strictly controlled. Our department was lucky but the state was slowly tightening down on our classes too.

The SOL test wasn’t graded by a teacher or even the school. It was strictly controlled by the state. Each question has to go through a review process and be approved and the grading isn’t subject to revision by the local school.

What is the general situation in China? Are majority of the Chinese people happy?

There are four things that can be regarded negative , as part of the feelings by the people of China

#1 Blaming the Lockdowns – Many Mainlanders especially in the Big 4 Cities blame the lockdowns, kind of like Indians blaming Demonetization. The impact of the Lockdowns was maybe 10% of the Impact of demonetization but China is such a rich and prosperous country now that the slightest slowdown annoys the hell out of the people

#2 Cautious to Invest – Gold & Jade Investments in China have piled up almost by 41% in the last 3 years by Individuals. That’s because Chinese Mainlanders are not having many areas of investment and it’s either Gold Or Banks. They don’t seem to trust the share market and the real estate market is in a glut. Thus China has almost $ 16-18 Trillion in Savings against $ 4.82 Trillion that the US has

Chinese Individuals thus need more Venture Capitalists and Technology Investments to invest their funds in

#3 Generation Gap – The Gen Z of China work smart rather than hard. The policies of Chinese companies still mirror those of the 2000s which focus on time rather than value of work. Rather than the TARGET ORIENTED approach, the approach is TIME ORIENTED meaning working 54 hours a week seems more important than meeting performance targets

The Gen Z feel that if they can work 35–40 hours a week and achieve the same targets , they can enjoy the remaining 14 hours a week

Huawei, Tencent, Alibaba, DJI, Baidu etc already changed their workstyles to make them flexible and based on Targets

Yet 60% of Chinese Employers still have the TIME ORIENTED mentality and pay on a PER HOUR basis

#4 Inability to understand Hostility of the West

Many Chinese are unable to understand why the West is hostile to them and why the sanctions.

This is because the CPC is too nice and doesn’t promote hate against the West in their propaganda

Luckily in this area the CPC has worked tirelessly to ensure alternate economic routes

If exports to the US fell for a Chinese company, Russian markets are a virtual monopoly for the Chinese now (Indians failed to capitalize this market in any way) plus newer markets in South America plus Middle East

Likewise if Investments from US have dried up, Germany and Russia have tripled their investments into China, making up potential deficits

Yet the key thing about China is the TRANSPARENCY in the Country

No lies, hidden from the public, the Positive Side l

  • Costs are very low, Rents, Food are at their lowest. Savings potential is at 43% , highest in the world against 7% in USA
  • Rapid Development
  • Excellent Education
  • Very good employment despite the slowdown without creating Government Jobs like India or SL
  • Rapid Technology development
  • Growing Soft Power of China and Tourist related power in Thailand and other places

So Chinese are extremely content though they wouldn’t mind some reforms which the CPC is likely to implement in the coming 6–24 months

Project: STARGATE. The CIA Mars and… Time Travel.

Lots of fun in this video!

What made your “jaw drop” during a job interview?

As a new PhD , I interviewed for an entry level academic position. The afternoon prior to the interview, I flew in to a large airport, rented a car as instructed, and drove nearly 200 km out to a university in a rural setting. The next morning, a gray, dreary day, I found my own breakfast and then went to the University, let’s call it University A, to find the interviewer. His first question was, “Are you sure you can tolerate living here?” Odd question, but I could imagine the location probably could have been a problem for some candidates like me, who got his degree at an urban university. I grew up in a place that looked and felt nearly identical, so I was on board. The rest of the morning went well.

For lunch four of the professors and I piled into an older car. The senior professor was in the front passenger seat. The younger two professors and I were in the back seat. Before we start moving, the senior professor turned around, looked me in the eye, and asked, “What do you think of Professor X at University B?” I knew Professor X well. He was a mentor of mine when I was a contract teaching hire at University C several years prior. Both Professor X and this senior professor were well known experts in our field. My Mama told me to always say something nice in such situations. So I made a single sentence that Professor X was a wonderful man to have the privilege of learning from. The senior professor said nothing more the rest of my two days of interviews. Though I did not realize it at the time, the interviews were over when I made that statement. I did not get the job.

I found out later that the senior professor considered Professor X to be his mortal enemy. They had started at this same University A as entry level professors many years prior. After gaining their tenure together, Professor X left for University B while the senior professor stayed. Both became prominent in the same field. But somewhere along the line, their relationship failed. I unwittingly stepped into the crossfire. I never asked Professor X about this, considering it to no longer be important. I also found out that the position was available because the senior professor was running off a young professor that he disliked. A year later at a conference, I met the candidate who won that position. He looked like he had a big dark cloud over his head.

Soon after this interview, I interviewed at another university much farther away. The people were bright and kind. The students were excellent and enthusiastic. The location was also a long way into a scenic rural setting with many gray, dreary days. By the time my flight arrived home back East, their job offer was waiting for me. I still work there, more than three decades later.

The man who lives with the 17 tiny kittens he rescued is experiencing an explosion of happiness.

What has President Biden done to bring the US one step to the situation of World War Three? A weak president leads to war. A strong president prevents the war before it starts.

WWIII will not happen, but the United States is essentially on the road to collapse. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which was a federal system, it was the turn of the United States, which was a federal system.

As far as the current world situation is concerned, the United States will certainly support Israel without a second thought. In fact, Hamas has already achieved its goal. What happens next:

  1. The EU is forced by the United States to support Israel as it supports Ukraine, but they forget that there are 50 million Muslims living in Europe.
  2. The national image that Israel had previously created for itself collapsed straight away.
  3. The Arab countries will further turn against the US and the West and de-dollarisation will further accelerate.
  4. Further shaking up the US petrodollar system
  5. Ukraine is being collectively ignored by the Western bloc, and the longer the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues, the better for Russia.
  6. The U.S. doesn’t have the time or the strength to compete with China

In short, the United States has lost so badly this time that there is no room for redemption.

If the only reason China is a threat to the West economically, why doesn’t the West, instead of building war machines to invade China, build up their own economy?

The US is broke, its strategic oil reserves are running on fumes, and it is out of ammo. Ditto for the EU, except the EU is already an economic basket case. The US seems to have this fixation that conflict creates a win for the US so it continues to fund its MIC with only window dressing for its infrastructure and economy.

What Ukraine has shown the US is that it is not invincible and that Russia is not only stronger than the US thought, but more adaptable to the changes in tactics and technology. Ukraine has been a black hole for US and EU wealth and it is no longer in a position to strongly support its domestic needs. The US keeps printing money and raising interest rates, a sure formula for the failure of the US economy.

But, your point is well taken, the US should have been doing that for the last 20 years or so and it would be in a better condition domestically, economically, geopolitically, and relations with other countries. At this point in time, the US is almost beyond repair.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Israel’s attacks in Gaza were beyond the level of self-defense. How do you see it?


Israel sucks at fighting terrorists

It hasn’t resolved anything in the last 40 years

The Idiots couldn’t negotiate with the PLO and later created the Hamas and ended up making the Hamas their enemies as well


Just like their masters the US

They keep killing Civilians and always the Terrorists never die

They change from one form to another

So it’s time Israel starts NEGOTIATIONS and uses the Arab Nations to use their leverage with the Hamas

I firmly believe if Israel agrees to the Two State Solution, the whole world including Russia, China, India and even Iran would cooperate in fighting against the Hamas

Even the Hezbollah believe in a Two State Solution now.

Were you aware that a Chinese fighter jet intercepted a Canadian surveillance plane taking part in a UN operation to enforce sanctions against North Korea?

2023 10 20 15 39
2023 10 20 15 39
  1. The red circle is China, the green circle is Canada 
  2. The red arrow is where the “interception” occurs. 
2023 10 20 15 3e9
2023 10 20 15 3e9
  1. The red circle is China, the blue circle is North Korea 
  2. The red arrow is where the “interception” occurs. 

The Canadians said they were in “international airspace,” but the Chinese said the plane was near the Diaoyu Islands and that this airspace was China’s airspace.

I don’t want to discuss which one of them is telling the truth.

At least I’m not a fool.

Canadian planes flew from 10,000 kilometers away between mainland China and Taiwan. They said they were to monitor North Korean cargo ships, not to provoke China.

Are Canadians smoking too much marijuana?

The Chinese Navy actually let them fly back intact. This is so merciful.

By the way, the Canadians say that their “Operation Neon” is to uphold the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

But the Chinese say they have never signed such a mandate in the Security Council.

We know that the authorization of the Security Council requires the signature of the five permanent members.

What Canada means is that they are carrying out an operation authorized by China.

Canadians are so stupid.

Why The American Dream Is Dead

Clearly stated. Really crystal clear.

If the assumption is correct that airplanes are more efficient than high-speed trains over long distance, why is China building so many railways as opposed to airports relatively speaking?

Simple. It’s all in the numbers.

A Chinese hsr train is formed from 8-16 carriages, capable of carrying 500-1,300 passengers. Up to 8 trains per hour serve the busiest routes at peak times, which can average 100 services per direction per day.

That’s 260,000 carrying capacity a day, both ways, or 95 million a year, for a single route.

An airport serving the route will have to handle more than 470 Boeing 777 flights a day.

That’s 1 takeoff or landing every 3 minutes, which is obviously untenable.

China has more than 160 cities with population more than 1 million. This number is expected to grow, with Chinese urbanization at 55-60 percent, quite some distance from the 80-85 percent typical of the developed world. The density of Chinese populations make high speed rail a viable proposition.

Airplanes are not more efficient than trains. However, they make more sense for longer trips, with the average air trip being 1,400 km. Hsr trips rarely extend beyond 800 km, and make the most economic sense below 500 km.

The Chinese hsr network is built to handle huge numbers, particularly over the Chinese new year holidays, the largest human migration known to man. China does not have enough planes to handle that kind of demand.

And yes, hsr trains run on electricity, a much greener option than avgas.

Man Dumps Bride Months Before Wedding After Learning She Participated In Group Activities For YEARS

Jesus H Christ

I would like to say a few things here.

  • Honesty is the foundation of a long-duration relationship
  • People, however, are permitted to have secrets. It is a human need.
  • When confronted with this situation, there are many ways to handle it. This man saw it as no-starter, unfortunately. I believe that the issues could have been worked out.
  • There is nothing wrong with alternative lifestyles, or what-have-you, but if you are married, you lose part of yourself and join with another. For good or bad.
  • Apparently everything was perfect with them, except for this one issue. Could the issue be resolved, or mitigated? I do not know.
  • For men, “respect” is the biggest and most important aspect of a relationship. Not sex. So I see this as a sequence of lies on the gals part because she showed him no respect.
  • Like I said, I would have done things differently, now as an older man. But when I was younger, maybe not…
  • All in all, the most disturbing thing about this video is NOT that she was having group orgies for the entire time they were living together and him being clueless. It is that she hid that part of her life from him, and told her rotating partners, that he was just fine with it. These lies are what broke up the relationship.

People! Accept who you are. Good and bad. Say things as they are and let the world howl. This goes for both the guy as well as the girl.

The girl, obviously was ready to settle down; get married, have kids and a stable family life. But that is not going to happen if she wanted to continue a free-wheeling 20’s single lifestyle. She wanted what she was clearly not ready for. Sigh.

What is the most savage revenge you’ve seen a renter get on a sleazy landlord?

I rented a caretaker apartment that was attached to a horse stable. The owners were an elderly couple who lived in a house behind the barn. The owners were fantastic people and I got along with them splendidly.

One day they advised me they were selling the property. A few weeks later after the property sold I met the new owners. I immediately did not get a good feeling about the owners. Within the 1st month I started noticing things in the apartment were not where I had placed on. I confronted the new owners who denied going into the apartment. One day, I left for work and did the old tape on the door trick. When I came home sure enough the tape was broken. I again confronted the owner who stated somebody else must have gone into the apartment. I also had some property in the barn that suddenly turned up missing. I asked the new owners about the property and they denied taking it. I ended up finding the missing property in one of their storage sheds hidden underneath some tarps.

I had been dating my girlfriend for several years and at that point we decided to move in together at her place. The caretaker apartment was rather old and the door locks used old style keys that you could not have duplicated at your local hardware store.

I immediately moved out and took the keys with me. I got a call from the owner demanding that I return the apartment key. I advised him I didn’t have the key and told him I left it on the kitchen counter. The owner started yelling that if I didn’t return the key he would sue me for theft and the cost of putting new locks on the doors. I chuckled and said that “Someone must have gone in and stolen the key off the counter. Maybe it’s the same person who stole my property that I found under the tarp in the storage shed.” There was silence and then the phone hung up. I never heard from him again.


Serious dog chomp

When my wife and I were homeless and living in a van. We were in Corpus Christi, Texas. And on Christmas day, we left the van and went for a walk. And we walked a few blocks in and out of the various storefronts and nearby suburbs.

Then, out of the blue, this old gentleman was leaving one house with his small dog in his arms. He had obviously just finished visiting family. It was Christmas day, after all.

That little dog, for some God-damn reason, jumped out of the old man’s arms, and made a “bee line” straight for my wife, and then went CHOMP on her leg. And that little bastard just hung there. Clenched on her calve. Son of a bitch!

Anyways, my wife is crying, the old man came out and started yelling at us. Blood was everywhere, and he wanted to call the police.

I told him, “go ahead”. The police will impound his dog, and maybe put him to sleep, and we will need to get rabies shots (the dog did not have a rabies tag).

He left and grumbled the entire time, cursing us the whole time.

And that is how I spend my first Christmas day with my first wife. Now you know.

I have multiple stories from this most impressionable time in my life, but I just wanted to share this one with youse guys.

Lessons? Oh, I don’t know.

Perhaps, “random acts of violence can occur when you are least prepared for them.”


This just in

The IDF is in trouble. They’re just kids doing their national service. They refuse to move. The bad ones use Palestinians for target practice but there are some good ones, including officers, who want nothing to do with genocide. The high command says they would need two years of training and re-equipping before even considering a Stalingrad attack on well-prepared Hamas fighters in bombed-out Gaza.

Bibi hoped this war would distract people, but it just made them mad. Last night Jerusalem saw its biggest demonstration ever (amazing drone shots) demanding his resignation.  

Hezbollah opened a new front last night by taking out a couple of IDF tanks. Considering that Hezbollah wiped them out in the last war, that’s got to be a morale-crusher.

And since those thousands of $600 Hamas missiles have exhausted Israel’s supply of $20,000 Iron Dome antimissiles, Iran is preparing a barrage of real missiles.

And the US is sending two carrier battle groups to the coast. But Iran needs only two Kinzhal missiles to destroy those carriers, which are defenseless against them, and which could force the carriers to stay outside the Kinzhal’s 1000km range. Which is outside their air wings’ range.

This is a heartbreaking, beautiful true story

Nicole and Brent Keryluke of Red Deer, in the Province of Alberta, decided to go for a motorcycle drive.

They had to be back within two hours, because both of their two young children had medical appointments, as they both suffer from hearing impairments and one needs speech therapy.

As they were turning a curve, a truck coming from the other direction veered into their lane and hit them head on.

They were killed immediately.

The driver of the car behind them said that Nicole had her arms wrapped around her husband, with her face in his back…and never saw it coming. And that Brent, before the moment of impact, instinctively put his arm behind him to hold his wife.

Brent’s parents, Ben and Marilyn, now had guardianship of three-year-old Liam and six-year-old Arielle, and especially because of the additional costs of the medical bills, they had to sell Brent’s classic 1973 Pontiac Parisienne, which he restored himself and hoped would one day be Liam’s on his eighteenth birthday.

They didn’t want to, but had to.

And they took it to EG Auctions to sell.

Watch the awesome video of what happened next: EG Auctions Charity Car

“They basically stopped the auction, let everybody know what was happening, where the money was going to go, and then we were shocked what happened after that,” said Ben.

  1. First, Rod McWilliams from Red Deer Motors bought the car for $29,000…and immediately gave the car back to be auctioned again!
  2. Then Danny Fayad, who had driven up from Edmonton, bought the car for $30,000….and immediately gave the car back to be auctioned again!
  • All the while, members of the community yelled out pledges to go over and beyond whatever it finally sold for.
  • One man yelled out, “2,000 over the price!”, another yelled out “$4,000 over”, and it happened again and again and again.
  • One woman, who wanted to remain anonymous, told a reporter that she came with $2,500 to see if she could “score a deal” on an older unrestored car that was coming up later in the auction, but pledged her money for the Keryluke family. “ I have two kids myself. I thought of them. What if? I have one car already.”

It was finally purchased for $20,000 to Bob Bevins from Bulldog Metals in the third and final round.

The reason he didn’t also give the car back to be sold again, was because after the auction was over, he went to the Keryluke family…and gave the car to them.

Maybe someday that young man will drive his father’s car,” he said.

Said Lyndsay, “People were overwhelmed with just the generosity of people of central Alberta and the support that this family has. It was incredible. People were cheering, I was crying. Our auctioneer Rod had a hard time getting through it because he was crying. He was emotional.

When the last buyer stepped forward and said ‘I want your family to have that car, so I’m giving it back to you,’ the audience erupted.

When our auctioneer Rod announced that, the place just went wild. There was a standing ovation, people were cheering, whistling. It was wonderful.”

After Parents Are Killed, Family Had To Auction Dads Classic Car. Spontaneous Beauty Followed.

Putin and Elon Musk just changed EVERYTHING according to the EU

Do children of parents who were close to or over 40 when they were born wish they had younger parents?

My dad was 58 and my mom was 38 when I was born.

Growing up everyone thought my dad was my grandpa. My dad had spent most of his younger years wanting to live and experience life.

He later told me, “I have spent my life searching and wanting to find what I was missing in life, little did I know it was having a family”.

My dad was wise beyond his years and was truly the best father a child could ask for.

At very young age I began to watch my dad age before me and become very sick.

Most of my teenage years he was in the hospital and when I was 17 years old he passed away.

Do I wish my dad had been younger ….yes and no.

Yes, I wish he was younger in the hopes that he may have still been alive. He missed so much of my life (grandkids, graduations, marriage and family).

No, because had he been younger he would not have been the person who raised me to be who I am today.

What made you forbid someone from ever entering your home again?

Yes my step daughter’s birth mother (or birth giver as she called her). My (now ex) husband had custody of his daughter. And I spent years trying to be civil to this lousy person.

She was always petty and nasty to me and to her daughter.

Daughter got cancer and asked if she could come live with me and my fella for treatment. She said she knew she would get the best care from us and that I could handle dealing with the doctors (because I had always worked in the medical field).

I just didn’t feel like dealing with her “Mama” and told her if she wanted to see her we would either drive her to see her (the next state over) or they could come up to our area and we would bring her to a restaurant to meet up.

My daughter (as that is really how I referred to her) was fine with that because she had little patience with her too. I really did not want to deal with this woman at all but I knew trying relay the medical information through my ex husband would be difficult as he did not really understand everything I was telling him so he could not really explain it to her.

So I agreed to talk to her and explain what was happening with daughter.

She had surgery and it turned out what they thought was an ovarian tumor turned out to be a tumor in her liver that could not be removed. I explained this to Mama and she went off on me about how I picked sh*tty doctors and how little I really cared..

I got pissed and hung up.

Later on I went on Facebook and posted a picture of my dogs and she commented b*tch. Every single thing I said or did got a similar response. When she wrote c*nt I had enough and blocked her completely.

“Mama” called daughter screaming that I blocked her (you see I wasn’t telling daughter what was happening as I felt she had enough to deal with).

So daughter asked me what was going on. I gave her a brief rundown on what was said.

Daughter called Mama back and said you deserved that and since you are choosing to be a jerk I am blocking you too.

The wonderful part of this is darling Mama wrote to daughter’s boyfriend to tell daughter that she would never speak to her again as long as she lives and she hoped she died soon.

This apparently was at about midnight and daughter passed at 1am.

Boyfriend furiously wrote her back and said well she’s dead I hope you’re happy now!!

Then blocked her too. (We had no idea she was so close to dying at that point, it really devastated us all.)

Mama spent the next few days being as mean and spiteful as she could possibly be to everyone else she could get in touch with.

I kept her blocked and am eternally grateful that I never let her visit so she had no idea where I lived (still live).

THIS Is Unthinkable – America Considers Crossing The Economic Red Line

In a shocking twist of events, America’s special envoy is discussing the possibilities of using Russia’s frozen reserves to rebuild Ukraine. While this might be an immediate win for the West, it opens up Pandora’s box to more de-dollarization risks and a complete breakdown of financial trust. Here’s what you must know & why the big winner will be physical gold.

Is it really so bad in China or is it the American propaganda which shows China in such bad shape because the USA fears of being replaced by China as the main world power?

Try imagining the U.S. sets a budget of 1.5 billion over 5 years or 300 million a year to dig up as much dirt it can find about China! I think no one, no nation on earth are so obnoxious and despicable as the U.S. I think Nazi Germany at their height don’t set a budget of this size to demonised the Jews between 1935–1944!

The U.S. did this after 3 generations since 1949, badmouthing China, slurring China, spread misinformation about China, fabricate lies on China and casting doubts and basically demonising China. If I were an American who has been screaming freedom if information, speech and human rights I will be so shameful of the US, I will emigrate!

To the rest of the world we are clear as hell. A nation needing to do so much shit cannot be any good and cannot have any confidence. You can fool your ignorant millions of people in the U.S. and their US dogs nations like Canada, UK, Australia and their slave nations like Japan and Germany but 7.5 out of 8 billion people on earth aren’t fooled at all.

China is not perfect but it is way way way better than the U.S. in behaviour any day. Any where. China is doing extremely well in spite of the shit that you dumped on them. It does not have any bad intention towards anyone including the U.S. but it learned that it cannot rely and trust the U.S. at all. You cannot blame them.

It will overtake the U.S. completely and comprehensively because it has 4 times your population and everyone works harder, are more discipline and learn more everyday and are highly intelligent, very driven and industrious than Americans. There is nothing you can do to stop them without hurting yourself.

For me it is better that the U.S. take note of this and stop wasting your money and effort. It’s better to use the billions to help your own people instead. The million people who are homeless, the millions who have no medical insurance and the millions that has college debts and the millions suffering from chronic inflation.

China will overtake the U.S. and it will dwarf the US in a couple of generations. It is a humongous market even now. Don’t deprived your business and your people to enjoy a better standard of living. Everything you do China can do better, faster and cheaper. Stop dreaming you can deprived them of you technology. You better worry if China reciprocate and bankrupt you in the process.

Tai Lopez: Why I left America for More Freedom

BYD holds 15 times more patents than Tesla

In the fast-evolving world of electric vehicles, two names stand out: BYD and Tesla. While Tesla has been a front-runner in the EV market, recent data reveals that BYD has been quietly securing its position as the patent king of EVs, with a staggering 13,000 applications in comparison to Tesla’s 863 over the past two decades.

BYD, a Chinese automotive giant, has been diligently working behind the scenes, focusing on protecting its battery technology. A whopping 50% of BYD’s patents are dedicated to batteries, allowing the company to develop in-house battery packs, a feat not many car manufacturers can boast. This strategic move has positioned BYD as a leader in the development and manufacture of lithium-ion batteries with iron phosphate cathodes, which are notably more affordable than the ternary lithium batteries utilizing nickel and cobalt from their Korean counterparts.

On the other side of the spectrum, Tesla, the American EV behemoth, has taken a different approach. With a mere 863 patents filed, one might raise an eyebrow at the disparity. However, Tesla’s strategy leans heavily on software development, utilizing a plethora of publicly available information. A significant portion of Tesla’s patents revolve around charging infrastructure and communication between EVs and drivers, showcasing their focus on enhancing user experience and connectivity.

Patent lawyer Hideto Kono notes that a company of Tesla’s stature would typically file for at least ten times as many patents. The lower number of patents from Tesla raises questions about their reliance on software and the risk of imitation by competitors. Unlike BYD, Tesla mitigates this risk by implementing new production technology exclusively within its factories.

While patents offer a layer of protection, they also come with a caveat. The details of the patents are made public, leaving room for potential imitation. This is particularly crucial for BYD, as their proprietary battery technologies can be dissected by simply disassembling the battery packs. The company’s heavy reliance on patents underscores the importance of safeguarding its innovations in a competitive market.

I tried to tell you, but you CHOSE to IGNORE!

This is called currency devaluation.

Burger and Fries Pot Pie

Beef and potatoes come together in this cheesy pot pie that’s baked to perfection – a savory dinner.

burger fries pot pie
burger fries pot pie

Prep: 20 min | Total Time: 45 min | Yield: 6 servings


  • 1 1/2 pounds lean (at least 80%) ground beef
  • 1 large onion, chopped (about 1 cup)
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained
  • 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 2 cups frozen crispy French-fried potatoes (from 20-ounce bag)


  1. Heat oven to 450 degrees F.
  2. In 12-inch nonstick skillet, cook beef and onion over medium-high heat about 8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until beef is thoroughly cooked; drain well.*
  3. Sprinkle flour over beef mixture. Cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
  4. Stir in tomatoes; heat to boiling. Remove from heat.
  5. In ungreased 1 1/2-quart casserole, spread beef mixture.
  6. Sprinkle with cheese.
  7. Arrange frozen potatoes evenly in single layer on top.
  8. Bake uncovered about 20 minutes or until potatoes are golden brown.
  9. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving.

* Be sure to drain the cooked ground beef really well. Any extra juices will make the pot pie too watery. When it’s too cold outside to grill those burgers, comfort food calls, and this pot pie will surely hit the spot! Serve this pot pie with ketchup, if desired.

What did a neighbor do to you that you will never forget?

My neighbour was a shell -shocked, disabled Vietnam Vet. He was on a plethora of medications. Hhe lived with his mother who had died about 2 weeks prior.

He had a old car body in front of a hill not far Huron the rural road. He regularly target practiced shooting at the car body. Sometimes he would “practice” for hours on end.

One day I’m driving past his house on the way to town. About a 1/2 mile down the road I see him sitting in a deep ditch beside the road. I had to drag him down the ditch until it was shallow enough to get him able to stand up. He was babbling word salad, obviously experiencing a psychotic break.

I drove him to the Veterans Hospital and helped this dear man up the elevator to the Psychiatric ward. The elevator opened and there was a a collective-inhale of the nurses at the station! The patient was in just his underwear and covered in mud shivering uncontrollably with a towel wrapped around his shoulders! Needless to say they were surprised!

He stayed hospitalised to 2 weeks and came home normal as anyone and apologised that he’d got his medication s mixed up, and thanked me for taking care of him.

He lived two more years and committed suicide.

He was a lovely person and I still think of him fondly.

Blessings on your journey.

Why I REALLY Left America

We left a long time ago and have never regretted our decision. The key sentence in this video is that “ they are in decline “. This really echoes the current situation.”

What are the signs of maturity in a male?

If you back up to 2009, I went on a few dates with a lady and moved to Houston, shortly to find out she was pregnant. She told me it wasn’t a trap, and I did not have to be a father if I didn’t want to or wasn’t ready. I considered it, believe me. But then, I moved back to Dallas.

About 3 months from my daughter being born, I suddenly became crazy about the thought of holding my little girl. You would often find me looking at baby clothes, stock piling diapers, building a crib, or prepping her room. When she was born, I was hooked on that baby. Unfortunately, her mother wasn’t faithful, so we didn’t end up being together. I wasn’t sad about not being with her mom, I was sad I wouldn’t be in the same home with my daughter.

Emma, my daughter was so young and couldn’t speak intelligibly. We are nearing 1 and a half, and now, when I would go to pick her up from her mom’s house, she would reek of cigarette smoke, she was crazy dirty.. And always covered in scratches and the occasional bruises. Her mom would talk about how it was all just from playing outside, but seeing as Emma would go into a screaming rage on her way back to her mom’s and claw at the car seats to not get out, I knew there was something wrong. My mom did, too.

This behavior reminded me of, well, me… I was abused when I was a child. I exhibited extreme anxiety at such a young age and my first memories of anything were of my father beating me and being afraid to go home. Emma was being abused…so, I started building a case, and Emma started staying with me most of the time and occasionally going to her mom’s.

Now Emma is about 3… I go to pick her up from her mom’s one day and the driveway is covered in broken glass from a broken side patio door, and their minivan is sitting sideways in the driveway. Something is wrong. I feel it in my heart and no one has answered the phone all day. I call the house phone and hear the phone ringing through the door. When the answering machine came on, I said “if no one picks up, I am breaking the door down.”

Her step dad answered… “Hey buddy. They went to my mom’s down the street while I clean up this mess, we had an accident.”

I drove to his mom’s house, knocked, and Emma’s mom answered the door. I had never seen a person beat so bad. She was still covered in dry blood and her face and body were bruised. Emma came running out to me saying she didn’t want to go back to the “bloody house.”

I told her mom to get her shit and they were both coming with me. I had been building a case but I never took it to court because to me, it was all over. I got them out of the monster’s house.

Well, now we are months into her mom staying with Emma and me when I start noticing a lot of things. Emma’s mom is abusive. She would get drunk to the point of falling down every night. Literally unable to stand on her own feet, she would drag Emma out to the patio to smoke her cigarettes, and she argued incessantly with her husband through phone and text. She would cuss at me and try to provoke me into fighting. This, of course, is when I noticed her mom was an abuser too. I thought I was rescuing someone when in reality, I invited an abuser, another monster into my home. I don’t fight. I just observed. I later found out they were both beating each other up. Right in front of Emma. They were locking her outside to fight, and she was spending most of her time locked in her room and hiding under her bed.

For many reasons, I eventually kicked her out and my mom took her in. For disgusting reasons, my mom kicked her out and she disappeared. We took care of this lady for the better part of a year when she just abandoned Emma. She then called me out of the blue after months of no contact and said she wanted Emma to “come home.”

She moved back in with and remarried the same man. When I mentioned her months of promises to never letting Emma back into that home or environment, she said “Emma can get over it.”

I pulled out my case file and filed a restraining order. Over the next year, I fought and won custody of my daughter. Her mother abandoned all of her visitation, and has officially been completely gone for over half of Emma’s life. The only memories Emma has of her mom are abuse, but she has been gone so long that she is never spoken of.

I get tickled when Emma and I go out on the weekends, because people will literally make multiple derivatives of the same comment about me being a weekend father. Like — “Ooh, Saturday night date with daddy?”

No, it is just us. It always has been. I have her the other nights as well. All of the week days, all of the holidays, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Emma is a healthy, happy, ambitious, and extremely intelligent child. Because she didn’t have to endure a life of abuse. I didn’t become a man until she was born, and it took me until my mid twenties to finally get over my abusive childhood. If it weren’t for my mom saving us from my dad, I wouldn’t be the man I am today, and I doubt I would be a responsible father. If it were not for my dad abusing me, I would not have picked up early on the signs that I needed to save my daughter, so I thank them both. I am strong enough to have lived through being beaten… strong enough to never let my child live through it.

Some people have made some good comments about what makes a manly man. But I will stick to this one:

Everyone has a neighborhood grocery store where they often see the same customers… or maybe you have a job where you have regulars visit often. If you see a man holding the hands of his kids, and it isn’t the weekend – he is a real father. If you see a guy like me, with pink and glitter french-tipped painted finger nails, and bows and ribbons stuck in my hair and beard, it is because I am a masculine man… mature enough to show my child how she should be treated and respected on this little fucked up planet we live on.

Is there anything we can do to stop the Israel army with high tech weapons from obliterating Gaza which still has 1.6 million innocent unarmed civilians in their homes? How is the world allowing this barbaric ethnic cleansing?


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image 155

Hamas delivered their greatest win and achieved something neither Egypt nor Syria could between 1948 to 2006

Israel made a fool of itself

First being attacked with full intelligence failure and then blindly bombing everything into oblivion and dictating lies like the beheading of 40 kids

Respect for Israel has crashed

Their vaunted Iron Dome lost to fifth grade rockets made from pipes

Their mossad, an organization I held huge respect for was so blind that Gaza imported enough materials under their nose citing that they needed to make BALL POINT PENS. Not once did anyone think why would the Palestinians need to make 500 Million Ball Pointpens?

What should Israel have done?

Quietly carried out Damage assessment

Reinforced their Army Positions

Made calls to Saudi and UAE and said “My New Friends. I must respond to this but I don’t want to kill Civilians. I am helpless. Use your influence to persuade the Civilians to move out of the Strip so that we can fight Hamas”

Made speeches saying “Hamas will be obliterated but Palestinians are victims, so I urge Palestinians to leave Gaza and abandon Hamas”

It would have been a master stroke

Then if the Hamas prevented Palestinians from leaving, THEY WOULD BE THE BAD GUYS and even Islamic nations would be forced to condem them

At the same time, Israel should have negotiated for their Hostages involving the Arab world

Forced Egypt, Saudi, UAE, China, Russia, India to demand that Hamas return the hostages unharmed

This way even if the hostages died – HAMAS WOULD BE THE VILLIANS , EVEN TO THE ENTIRE ARAB WORLD

Then maybe after 20 days, a sudden ground operation against Hamas after enough warnings citing the hostages

Then the bombings

Israel would say “Alas. I tried. Now we have no choice but war”

The whole of the Middle East would have no choice but to be neutral

It would be a glorious moment for Israel and the world would be forced to admit they had no choice

Instead, What did Israel do?

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image 154

Shrieking and Screaming like Hysteric Kids who have never fought any war, Calling for Death of Palestinians, Threatening to flatten all of Gaza

It was like something Hrithik Taletiya Or Raju or some of our Quora heroes would say than leaders of a major nation

Immediately running to the US showing the entire Arab World how the equation worked between Master & Dog than Two Allies

Not consulting any Arab Nation

Blindly starting bombing operations without a care in the world for Civilians

Giving warnings to evacuate 1.1 Million Civilians in 24 hours, something that forced even old friends like Jaishankar to take a harsh line

As a result

  • The Entire Arab World is sympathetic to Hamas and Palestinians
  • The Entire Arab World trust the US less and Israel even lesser
  • The Israelis have little confidence in their Country anymore. The Old Israel under Shamir Or Rabin or even Sharon would have FIRST GOT THE HOSTAGES BACK
  • Nethanyahu is proving to be a brainless Idiot
  • Yov Gallant is proving to be a bloodthirsty fool with little brains for strategy or tactics

Support for the Two State Solution has massively intensified

The Hamas has won

Israel cannot recover from this blow

They may obliterate Gaza but they will never be able to repair the damage they have done

Plus the US as well

And the West

The Middle East will never trust them again

Turkey will be wondering about it’s own future in the EU or NATO

Egypt would be wondering when to call Putin and ask for 20,000 Soldiers just in case

So nothing is needed

Israel is hanging itself

Just watch and smile if you feel they deserve it

Like my friend Arrête Les Macroni

If you feel they don’t, then hope to God, some sanity prevails and they undo at least 30% of the damage they are doing to themselves and the US in the middle East

How France and U.S Failed Africa Leading to Coup in Africa!

In Today’s Video: We are critically examining the actions and policies of the French government in Africa, pointing out contentious actions detrimental to the stability of African nations. Comparatively, we highlight China’s beneficial involvement.

What’s the fastest you’ve wiped a smirk off of someone’s face?

I was on my way to trade in my old car for a new truck at the same place I’d already purchased several vehicles over the years. I stopped at the local 7–11 convenience store to use the ATM to get the last part of the cash I needed toward my new truck. I turned the car motor off, dug out my ATM card and began to exit my car. This teenage boy in a shiny little coupe zipped his car in so close beside mine; I couldn’t exit my car.

The kid quickly jumped out of his car and started heading into the 7-11. I yelled at him, “Hey, you blocked me in, I can’t get out of my car, move it!” I could not believe it, but he actually thumbed his nose at me with one hand, flipped me the bird with his other hand, and just kept walking. What a disrespectful little shit!

The kid left me no choice. He needed to learn a bit of respect, so I slammed open my driver’s side car door into his new shiny car and shimmied my way out of my car. I left a lovely revenge dent in his passenger door and the kid absolutely deserved it. He had his head so far in the clouds, he never even saw it when he hurried out of the store, smirking at me and laughing.

I arrived a few minutes later at the car dealership with cash in hand to trade-in my car and get my fancy new Dodge Dakota. I was a bit surprised to see that same little teenager’s zippy coupe parked right beside the front door, (blocking once again) at the car dealership.

The first thing I saw through the window was the car salesperson I had worked many deals with, Tony Carson. He was standing there, inside the car dealership with the coupe kid; both had their arms flailing in the air like the conversation between them was getting a bit heated.

I walked in the entrance and the kid, whose back was turned to me, said, “Dad, the old lady blocked me in. Dad I didn’t do anything. Dad it wasn’t my fault.” Tony responded, “How could you be so irresponsible? Did you call the cops? Did you get her license number?” I vaguely recall thinking that this family sure loved expressing themselves with their hands.

When Tony saw me, he stopped the conversation and said, “Son, I have to see this woman.” Fibbing little ‘Sonny’ turned around with that same sarcastic smirk on his face. I bet he thought he had put one over on the old man… until he saw me. I’ve never seen blood drain from a face so fast. I swear he turned white and swayed so fast he had to hold onto the display car beside him.

I asked, “Hello Tony, this must be your son?” Tony introduced his son, Trevor, to me. I told Tony that I had just met Trevor at the 7-11 and it all fell apart for Trevor from there. I think Trevor got a lesson in respect and humility that day. I walked away that day with an even better deal on my brand new Dodge Dakota, even got free tinted windows and floor covers. I paid no cash down, and, best of all, Trevor is now back on his bicycle!

Worried Mother Cat Brought Her Sick Kitten To The Hospital. Then The Nurses Did Next The Unexpected!

It was a relatively quiet day at a hospital emergency room in Istanbul, Turkey. Going to an emergency room is never a happy experience and waiting in line is never fun. But sadly many parents have felt the fear of needing to take their children to the emergency room. But this emergency room would have a very different family come in for some help. The worried mother cat brought her sick kitten to the hospital. In most cases, animals aren’t welcome in medical institutions But you won’t believe what the nurses did next. Come with us to see this mind-blowing story.

Many economists are predicting a hard landing for the Chinese economy- do you think this is accurate or overstated?

Does china have high inflation?


How about record low lending rates?


Tightening financial conditions to control inflation?


Loss of market confidence, leading to a stampede in Chinese bonds a la UK gilts?


Participating directly or indirectly in the economically draining Ukraine-Russia conflict?


China has plenty of policy space to stimulate the economy, now that it is transiting from zero covid.

What is a “hard landing”? The worst year in the 4 decades since opening up has been 2020, as China reoriented the economy to fight covid.

Even then, it did not fall into recession, growing 2.2 percent for the year.

For 2021, it was 8.1 percent.

And based on President xi’s recent new year’s message, China grew 4.4 percent in 2022.

That’s 4.9 percent compounded growth over the past 3 years.

4.9 percent.

Are the Chinese expecting 2023 to be more challenging than 2022?

Externally, yes. The first world is heading into recession and the fallout from Ukraine will continue. American-led sanctions and anti-trade measures will only mushroom.

But domestically, things are looking up with the end of covid restrictions, especially services roaring back to life.

One particular bright spot: automobiles. China has quietly leapfrogged Japan in 2022 to become the no. 2 car exporter, behind only Germany. Domestically, the market share of both Japanese and German marques has shrunk from 25-30 percent to 15-20 percent each within a few short years.

2022 was a record year for the Chinese car market, with more than 27m vehicles sold, double the figure in 2010.

The catalyst?

The embrace of EVs.

Now you know what is driving the persistent chip shortage. Honda’s global production in particular has been decimated by almost 40 percent (1.9m cars) compared to 2019.

The Chinese will ask, what chip shortage?

The credit squeeze in the dollar denominated economy won’t stop China in 2023. Instead, the transition away from the dollar will continue, as China looks to domestic and Bri recirculation.

I expect China to comfortably beat 2022 in 2023.

She Abandons 35 Sick Kittens in the Woods, Then a Judge Gives Her a Taste of Her Own Medicine!

Michelle did the unthinkable when she abandoned thirty-five sick kittens in the woods, thinking it wouldn’t be traced back to her. She was wrong! She was subsequently charged to court, and what Judge Cocconetti sentenced her to will shock you! Watch: She Abandons 35 Sick Kittens in The Woods. Then a Judge Gives Her a Taste of Her Own Medicine!

If we keep aiding Ukraine, could Russia possibly use their nukes on us?

Indeed, they could, if our government controlled by MIC will not leave them alone.

Russia will use it only as the last resort if Russia’s existence is at stake. The problem is that we do not know when they will make such determination, because they see things very differently than US government.

Contrary to Narrative, Kremlin never expressed the desire to “annex Ukraine” or deprive it from its “independence” (lost in 2014 to USA). The Russians are merely returning their own lands gifted to then-brotherly Ukraine, together with their own people who asked them to do it many times, because they do not like to be murdered by the puppets of the vicious Russophobes in DC, with the ever-compliant Western press covering this up.

The most important principle of government is that, to rule, the rulers need the consent of the ruled. The consent of South and East Ukraine to be ruled by Kiev was withdrawn back in 2014. Since then, Kiev regime became a tyranny, and the people had the right to rebel against it and call Russia for help. Read American “Declaration of Independence”. It is a very useful document worth reading.

People who think that they have the right to draw borders in old Russian lands, subjugate their citizens, and carry out their ethnic cleansing, all these people, from the Russian point of view, are similar to dangerous animals that must be dealt with. They run the serious risk of being exterminated in a radiation wave. It takes 1–3 weeks to die from radiation sickness, constantly vomiting. Are you ready for that, just to satisfy your ambition?

Instead of lecturing the others in the countries you know nothing about, supporting one war after another and blaming the victims, how about looking in the mirror and realizing that the ugly mug is yours? Magpies can recognize themselves in the mirror. Can you? Are you self-aware? Or you are an automaton controlled by the government?

Keep in mind that many important figures in our government have completely lost their marbles and cannot be trusted with rational decisions. Joseph Biden is senile and can barely speak. The others call not to be afraid of a nuclear war (Tony Blinken), praise the great investment, as long as Russians are dying (Lindsey Graham), sworn to destroy any country they do not approve of, especially, Russia (V. Nuland and her hubby R. Kagan).

If you are self-aware, and you possess the gift of sentience, unlike these criminally-insane individuals, I propose to work for peace on your side and vote for Congressmen who promise to stop funding the slaughter of Ukrainians.

EDIT: For the bragging bullies who think they are safe. The 60 second flight of a “Zircon” from an Atlantic submarine to DC is very hard to stop. The decision-making centers, the orbital satellites and anti-missile defenses will be taken out first. So no, you are not safe, it is a delusion. Arrogance, aggression, and stupidity are poor replacement for rational thinking.

Supersonic age: China’s explosive engine drone capable for ‘unparalleled speeds’

China’s first drone to be powered by an engine that uses explosions to propel aircraft to unparalleled speeds has made a successful maiden flight at an undisclosed airfield in Gansu province… ‘It uses kerosene fuel and features rapid ignition, and could power an aircraft from zero-speed to several times the speed of sound’…

“The [Rotating Detonation Engine’s] explosion is much more efficient than turbojet and ramjet engines, giving RDEs the potential to revolutionize supersonic flight while consuming less fuel. And, unlike scramjet engines – which generally require speeds above Mach 4 to initiate – the RDE can start at zero and are easier to maintain.

Just When Υou Thought Things Couldn’t Get Wοrse.. This Starts Ηappening Everywhere

Scary what’s happening to the 🇺🇸 USA.

What is the most disturbing thing your ex did after you broke up with them?

Before we broke up, she insisted we move 1,000 miles away to be closer to her family.

I agreed, did all the packing and moving myself, paid for the truck, drove it there, unloaded all the boxes.

Then she wanted all new furniture, and made me apply for credit to buy it.

Shortly thereafter, things started to sour, and she stole my car and disappeared for a week, maxing out the credit cards and writing so many cheques the account was overdrawn.

When she came back, she claimed it was “self care” and threw a huge tantrum crying “I WANT TO BE ALONE!” stating she did not want me to live in the house anymore. So I moved out and we divorced amicably.

Several years later her mental health degraded to the point that she could no longer hold a job or even look after herself, so she moved into a room at her son’s house and his family feeds her and cleans up after her while she lies in bed watching videos on her iPad all day.

I’m not even angry. I actually feel bad for her. She was an awesome person once.

India’s Moon Mission FINALLY Found What NASA Was Hiding….

Have you fooled anyone? How did you fool him?

Many years ago, we are talking back in the 1980’s. I was in my early twenties. I was working as an office property manager in my hometown in North-West England. I have written about the same period elsewhere on Quora.

The office property was adjacent to some vacant land where twice a year, for a few days in May and a few days in November a traveling fair would arrive and set up camp. That fair brought hundreds of people and many cars. Our office car park was a prime position to park, go to the fair.

The problem was car thieves and people who stole things from cars got to know that too. So around 1983, maybe a year either side our office insurance premium went up massively because people parking on the land, having their cars broken into and stolen, sued the property owners.

My boss, was furious and had signs made that vehicles had no right to park without permission and offending vehicles would be clamped, with a removal fee added. The whole idea was unenforcable, it was a deterrent to stop parking and subsequent theft claims.

Well time came for the fair to come around again, and some people parked on the parking lot, and a couple of the cars were broken into.

My boss was pulling his hair out in frustration. People even parked right in front of the signs saying no parking. They just ignored them.

I promised on Friday afternoon to fix it on Saturday and Sunday. There would be no parking and no break-ins.

Being May, the Sun came up quite early, but I was pulling into the parking lot before 7am. I owned a nice red Opel Manta, a car that always got a second look. I went into the office and got the wheel clamp. Taking the wheel clamp down to the parking lot, I put it onto my own car. Which I had parked alongside the no parking notice.

Then I just sat.

Sitting in my car, reading, listening to the radio, just pottering about doing some paperwork. It was fun. Cars began to pull onto the parking lot.

Then the laughing drivers would do a quick U-turn and drive out.

Around 1pm a mini pulled onto the parking lot. I watched as the driver pulled into a parking bay and switched off his engine.

Something was clearly going to come of this!

I stepped out of my car. Scuttling over to the mini. The male driver looked at me.

“Have you come to help me?” I asked.

“What?” he asked.

“Oh so you don’t know? Well I wouldn’t park around here if I were you!”

At this point the man was extricating himself from his Mini. Bloody hell, he was big. Way over six foot six, built like a brick outhouse with a tiny bald head. A bloody pea on a mountain, I thought.

“What are you going to do to stop me?” He snarled.

I gulped. He’ll hit me for sure, was my instant thought. “I pointed to the sign, No Parking I”I thought it was a trick. “ Now pointing to the wheel clamp on my car. “I’ve been waiting three hours for them to come take that off. I hoped it was you!”

He looked at the car, the wheel clamp. His face broke into a broad grin.

“You’re f***ed” he laughed as he rolled himself up and closed his car door. Starting up his car backing out he gestured “Dick head” at me.

Yeah and you too pal I thought.

Then made my way over to my car again. I turned up the radio and got on with some more paperwork.

I repeated the same on Sunday with no other actual encounters.

The good news there were no cars stolen or broken into that week-end. Well not on our parking lot anyway.

Thanks for reading.

All the best.

Finnish Vocal Coach First Time Reaction: Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond

Pepe Escobar: Russia-China Partnership Defangs US Empire

China’s State Council has released a crucial white paper, titled A Global Community of Shared Future: China’s Proposals and Actions that should be read as a detailed, comprehensive road map for a peaceful, multipolar future.


That is if the hegemon – of course faithful to its configuration as War Inc. – does not drag the world into the abyss of a hybrid-turned-hot war with incandescent consequences.

In sync with the ever-evolving Russia-China strategic partnership, the white paper notes how “President Xi Jinping first raised the vision of a global community of shared future when addressing the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 2013.

”That was ten years ago, when the New Silk Roads – or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) – was launched: that became the overarching foreign policy concept of the Xi era. The Belt and Road Forum next month in Beijing will celebrate the 10th anniversary of BRI, and relaunch a series of BRI projects.

“Community of Shared Future” is a concept virtually ignored across the collective West – and in several cases lost in translation across the East.

The white paper’s ambition is to introduce “the theoretical base, practice and development of a global community of shared future.”

The five key points include building partnerships “in which countries treat each other as equals”; a fair and just security environment; “inclusive development”; inter-civilization exchanges; and “an ecosystem that puts Mother Nature and green development first,” as Xi detailed at the 2015 UN General Assembly.

The white paper forcefully debunks the “Thucydides Trap” fallacy: “There is no iron law that dictates that a rising power will inevitably seek hegemony. This assumption represents typical hegemonic thinking and is grounded in memories of catastrophic wars between hegemonic powers in the past.”

While criticizing the “zero-sum game” to which “certain countries” still cling to, China completely aligns with the Global South/global majority, as in “the common interests of all peoples around the world.

When the world thrives, China thrives, and vice versa.

”Well, that’s not exactly the “rules-based international order” in play.

It’s All About Harmony

When it comes to building a new system of international relations, China prioritizes “extensive consultation” among equals and “the principle of sovereign equality” that “runs through the UN Charter.”

History and realpolitik, though, dictate that some countries are more equal than others.

This white paper comes from the political leadership of a civilization-state.

Thus it naturally promotes the “increase of inter-civilization exchanges to promote harmony” while elegantly remarking how a “fine traditional culture epitomizes the essence of the Chinese civilization.”

Here we see a delicate blend of Taoism and Confucianism, where harmony – praised as “the core concept of Chinese culture” – is extrapolated to the concept of “harmony within diversity”: and that is exactly the basis for embracing cultural diversity.

In terms of promoting a dialogue of civilizations, these paragraphs are particularly relevant:

“The concept of a global community of shared future reflects the common interests of all civilizations – peace, development, unity, coexistence, and win-win cooperation. A Russian proverb holds, ‘Together we can weather the storm.’

“The Swiss-German writer Hermann Hesse proposed, ‘Serve not war and destruction, but peace and reconciliation.’

A German proverb reads, ‘An individual’s effort is addition; a team’s effort is multiplication.’ An African proverb states, ‘One single pillar is not sufficient to build a house.’

An Arabian proverb asserts, ‘If you want to walk fast, walk alone; if you want to walk far, walk together.’

“Mexican poet Alfonso Reyes wrote, ‘The only way to be profitably national is to be generously universal.’

An Indonesian proverb says, ‘Sugarcane and lemongrass grow in dense clumps.’

A Mongolian proverb concludes, ‘Neighbors are connected at heart and share a common destiny.’

All the above narratives manifest the profound cultural and intellectual essence of the world.”

BRI Caravan Rolls On

Chinese diplomacy has been very vocal on the need to develop a “new type of economic globalization” and engage in “peaceful development” and true multilateralism.

And that brings us inevitably to the BRI, which the white paper defines as “a vivid example of building a global community of shared future, and a global public good and cooperation platform provided by China to the world.”

Of course, for the hegemon and its collective West vassals, BRI is nothing but a massive debt trap mechanism unleashed by “autocrat China”.

The white paper notes, factually, how “more than three-quarters of countries in the world and over 30 international organizations” had joined the BRI, and refers to the sprawling, ever-expanding connectivity framework of six corridors, six routes, an array of ports, pipelines and cyberspace connectivity, among others via the New Eurasian Land Bridge, the China-Europe Railway Express (a “steel camel fleet”) and the New Land-Sea Trade Corridor crisscrossing Eurasia.

A serious problem may involve China’s Global Development Initiative, whose fundamental aim, according to Beijing, is “to accelerate the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

Well, this agenda has been designed by the self-described Davos elites and conceptualized way back in 1992 by Rockefeller protégé Maurice Strong.

Its inbuilt wet dream is to enforce the Great Reset – complete with a nonsensical zero-carbon green agenda.

Better Listen to Medvedev’s WarningThe hegemon is already preparing the next stages of its hybrid war against China – even as it remains buried deep down into a de facto proxy hot war against Russia in Ukraine.Russian strategic policy, in essence, completely aligns with the Chinese white paper, proposing a Greater Eurasian Partnership, a concerted drive towards multipolarity, and the primacy of the Global South/global majority in forging a new system of international relations.

But the Straussian neocon psychos in charge of the hegemon’s foreign policy keep raising the stakes.

So it’s no wonder that after the recent attack on the HQ of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, a new National Security Council report leads to an ominous warning by Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev:“NATO has turned into an openly fascist bloc similar to Hitler’s Axis, only bigger (…)

It looks like Russia is being left with little choice other than a direct conflict with NATO (…)

The result would be much heavier losses for humanity than in 1945.

“The Russian Ministry of Defense, meanwhile, has revealed that Ukraine has suffered a staggering 83,000 battlefield deaths since the start of the – failed – counteroffensive four months ago.

And Defense Minister Shoigu all but gave away the game in terms of the long-term strategy, when he said, “the consistent implementation of measures and activity plans until 2025 will allow us to achieve our goals.”

So the SMO will not be rounded up before 2025 – incidentally, much later than the next US presidential election.

After all, Moscow’s ultimate aim is de-NATOization.

Faced with a cosmic NATO humiliation on the battlefield, the Biden combo has no way out: even if it declared a unilateral ceasefire to re-weaponize Kiev’s forces for a new counteroffensive in the spring/summer of 2024, the war would keep rumbling on all the way to the presidential election.

There’s absolutely no way some sharp intellect in the Beltway would read the Chinese white paper and be “infected” by the concept of harmony.

Under the yoke of Straussian neocon psychos, there are zero prospects for a détente with Russia – not to mention Russia-China.

Both the Chinese and Russian leaderships know quite well how the Ray McGovern-defined MICIMATT (military-industrial-congressional-intelligence-media-academia-think tank complex) works.

The kinetic aspect of MICIMATT is all about protection of the global interests of big US banks, investment/hedge funds and multinational corporations.

It’s not a coincidence that MICIMATT monster Lockheed-Martin is mostly owned by Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street. NATO is essentially a mafia protection racket controlled by the US and the UK that has nothing to do with “defending” Europe from the “Russian threat.”

The actual MICIMATT and its NATO extension’s wet dream is to weaken and dismember Russia to control its immense natural resources.

War Against the New ‘Axis of Evil’NATO’s incoming graphic humiliation in Ukraine is now compounded with the inexorable rise of BRICS 11 – which embodies a lethal threat to the hegemon’s geoeconomics.

There’s next to nothing the MICIMATT can do about that short of nuclear war – except turbo-charging multiple instances of Hybrid War, color revolutions and assorted divide-and-rule schemes.

What’s at stake is no less than a complete implosion of neoliberalism.

The Russia-China strategic partnership of true sovereigns has been coordinating full-time.

Strategic patience is the norm.

The white paper reveals the magnanimous facet of the number one economy in the world by PPP: that’s China’s response to the infantile notion of “de-risking”.

China is “de-risking” geopolitically when it comes to not falling for serial provocations by the Hegemon, while Russia exercises Taoist-style control to not risk a kinetic war.

Still, what Medvedev just said carries the implication that the hegemon on desperation row could even be tempted to launch WWIII against, in fact, a new “axis of evil” of three BRICS nations – Russia, China and Iran.

Secretary of the [Russian] National Security Council Nikolai Patrushev could not have been more crystal clear:“In its attempts to maintain its dominance, the West itself destroyed the tools that worked better for it than the military machine.

These are freedom of movement of goods and services, transport and logistics corridors, a unified system of payments, global division of labor and value chains.

As a result, Westerners are shutting themselves off from the rest of the world at a rapid pace.”

If only they could join the community of shared future – hopefully on a later, non-nuclear, date.

China has captured all Oil US is DOOMED

The West is just stupid

So, the Canadian husband of a Chinese lady who belongs to a Chan Buddhist (Zen) temple and is a friend of mine helped me out today shopping since I am recovering from surgery on my wrist.

During the course of our hour or so together, my Canadian friend informed me of many ‘interesting’ things.

I’m posting this since he is a well informed person. I asked what sources of information he has, and he says he gets it from more than one source. He did mention the Wall Street Journal and China Daily, which he takes with a grain of salt.

He lived in China for several years where he met my Chinese friend, now his wife.

  • Xi Jin Ping is going to be gone soon, since he is very unpopular
  • He has gotten rid of most of his opposition.
  • Most Chinese are not happy with how things are going in China
  • Chinese long for the most recent past leader, Deng Xiao Ping. (I reminded him that DXP was leader about 40 years ago, and was not the one who was escorted out of the recent Party Congress)
  • China’s economy is in terrible shape, due to overbuilding and way too much debt.
  • Lots of people are getting out of China for political and economic reasons
  • The Belt and Road Initiative is a failure financially as well as diplomatically
  • Either Russia or China will stab the other in the back, since they have never been allies, but instead adversaries during their long history
  • Same goes for North Korea and Russia, since their cultures are different and incompatible
  • Russia has only been able to hold together in the face of a threat.
  • Russia’s army is in a disastrous state due to the ‘senseless, vanity’ war initiated by Putin
  • Both Russia’s and China’s economies are in bad shape
  • The Chinese Yuan has not bottomed out yet, it will be a few more months before that happens
  • Because of the war Russia initiated, it has lost all soft power around the world.
  • China likewise has no soft power status
  • Russia will split apart due to its internal conflicts

Unfortunately, I forgot to ask him about some vague rumors (wink, wink) I had heard about Nazis in Ukraine, and in Canada.

My guess is that he knows such rumors are groundless.

Fortunately, he just started a new job teaching here in Thailand, where he stresses the importance of developing critical thinking skills in students.

This is not satire. Acual conversation.


Cheese Packets

These little salami and cheese pies are the perfect picnic food to tuck into your cooler.

cheese packets
cheese packets

Yield: 6 servings


  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, divided
  • 1 package active dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon dried sage, crushed
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup warm water (115 degrees to 120 degrees F)
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • 1 1/2 cups (6 ounces) shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1/3 cup (about 1 ounce) freshly grated parmesan cheese
  • 6 ounces salami, chopped
  • 1 small tomato, peeled, seeded, and chopped
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon water


  1. In a large mixer bowl, combine 1 cup of the flour with the yeast, sage, and salt. Add the warm water and the oil. Beat with an electric mixer on low speed for 30 seconds. Beat on high speed for 3 minutes. Stir in as much of the remaining flour as you can. Turn out onto a floured surface.
  2. Knead in enough of the remaining flour to make a moderately stiff dough that is smooth and elastic (6 to 8 minutes total). Place the dough in a greased bowl; turn once. Cover and let rise in a warm place until the dough has doubled (45 to 55 minutes).
  3. Meanwhile, make the filling. In a small mixing bowl, combine the cheeses, salami and tomatoes. Toss until well-combined; set aside.
  4. Punch the dough down; divide into 6 pieces. Cover and let the dough rest for 20 minutes.
  5. Heat the oven to 375 degrees F.
  6. Roll each piece of dough into a 7-inch circle. Spoon 1/2 cup of the filling onto half of each circle.
  7. Combine the egg and water, and brush over the outer edges of the dough, to moisten. Fold the circle in half; use the tines of a fork to seal the edges. Place on a greased baking sheet. Prick the tops and brush with more of the egg mixture.
  8. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden.
  9. Remove from the baking sheet; cool on a wire rack.


To me the information you got from your Canadian friend is as biased as most western media, if not more.

I grew up in China and have been doing research in China, and I can tell you that Xi Jinping has been the most popular leader in China after Mao passed away.

Deng Xiaoping and others were popular among former landlords and other elements suppressed by Masome, but they are no more than five percent of the population, but for the workers and farmers, Xi represents the best things for them.

I live in the U.S. and last fall I traveled to 13 countries in Europe, Middle east, and Asia as a professor on the Semester at Sea, and last summer, I was in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China for about two months, I would argue that the economic situation everywhere was very bad, which I think it was a good thing.

There had been too much meaningless consumption and development. The world needs to slow down a little bit to give mother earth an opportunity to recover.

Economically China is struggling as well. But compared with any other places, China is doing much better.

Its people have enough to eat, have a roof over their heads. What else do a normal person need to be happy?

Half of the Chinese people are farmers who can grow everything they need to survive. They do not pay taxes to the state and local government.

If they know what is going on in other parts of the world, they should be the happiest people in the world.


Dog-Person Guy Begs His Wife To Adopt Shelter Cat | The Dodo Foster Diaries

Are Huawei phones now a real challenge to Apple’s iPhone?


Competition is always a challenge, right? More than competition, Huawei is a Cinderella story. Remember, it was ranked #1 before Donald Trump torpedoed it.

Now, let’s use a little logic. If Huawei is able to manufacture enough chips to supply the global market, how long do you think it will take Huawei to rocket back to #1? It will have a reputation as the best smartphone on the planet, bar none. It will also have a reputation as the comeback kid.

Do you suppose some people might buy one just to spite Donald Trump or America? That’s precisely why I bought mine.

The Western media never stopped crowing about Huawei’s dependence on Google. In fact, more intelligent people might buy a Huawei phone to escape Google. That was part of my motivation. Unfortunately, my phone runs on Google’s Android program. No problem, I’m going to upgrade to a new Huawei, now that it’s running on Harmony OS.

The iPhone may remain #1 in the U.S., but I predict it will fall to 2nd place (or worse) just about everywhere else.

One thing helping the iPhone is the Apple ecosystem. If you own a Mac, as I do, an iPhone might seem a logical peripheral. Unfortunately, the U.S. tech sector is rotten to the core. I like Apple far more than Microsoft, but I still don’t completely trust it. It also seems like it has become just a little buggier in recent years.

My dream is to someday migrate to a Chinese system, leaving all that U.S. crapware behind once and for all. Unfortunately, I use Adobe software extensively, and I don’t know how long it will be before Adobe software will be compatible with Harmony OS or some other Chinese operating system. However, it wouldn’t surprise me if it happens in the next few years.

Oops, I almost forgot to mention 5G and 6G. China is clearly in the lead here. I don’t know how much that will affect the average person, but it’s certainly a good selling point.

After being wowed by Apple for two decades, I never thought I’d abandon ship, but the Chinese can outperform and undersell Apple at the same time. As a U.S. citizen who’s getting tired of being screwed by the tech sector and my own government, I appreciate bargains, don’t you?

Will China Collapse? (ft. David Goldman)

In Today’s episode of “Moment of Truth,” Saurabh and Nick sit down with David Goldman, Deputy Editor of Asia Times and Washington Fellow at the Claremont Institute’s DC Center for the American Way of Life, to discuss everything China, including trade, growth and innovation, Taiwan, minerals, AI, hypersonic missiles, the 2008 crisis, China’s plan for a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution,’ the dollar as the reserve currency, and what the future holds for the geopolitical landscape.

Does the USA have any countermeasures against China rising up as an economic power in terms of politics, economics, etc.? Is there any plan to hold back their growth?

They thought they have!

4 times the US tried and each time it failed and each time they cost the US more and more. Will they try again. China just make sure every time it cost the U.S. exponentially more and guess what the U.S. are so full of it they will try again. So let them pay like a lord since the loved to behave as though the world will have to surrender to their will. It is fair.

So the first time they thought that the GPS or Global Positioning System could be shut down to whoever refuse to be submissive and subservient to them. It merely took a few years to have Russian and Chinese GPS which happen to be faster, higher resolution and better than that the U.S. GPS and in a decade 80% of the world has switch to the Chinese Beidou system! Many counties switch off the GPS and are now paying to the Chinese. Too bad.

Next the U.S. disgraceful Congress ban the Chinese on participating in their “international space center”. What did China do. In a few years China build an better, the faster and a more higher technology space Center and open it to the entire world! Today many countries are working with China to do human friendly experiments! The U.S. has decommissioned the U.S. space Center is due to it be expire it’s technology life span. And in just a few years. China’s space Center will be the only space Center for the next few decades.

You would think the Yanks learnt this lesson. But no! Next Donald Trump says let’s start a trade war on China. He actually say trade war with China is easy! But now 4 years after the war started China’s economy grew 26.5% and the U.S. grew 5.5%. Meanwhile the U.S. inflation grew to double digit while China grew 1.8%. Meanwhile the U.S. deficits and debts shot up the roof. The U.S. lost to the trade war terribly and it is still suffering very high inflation and a looming recession!

So losing three times straight for any one ought to teach them a lesson but not the U.S. The U.S. thought they can contained China on chip act. They banned China on high end Chips. This is by far the most costly and expensive if it failed. It will bankrupt all the U.S. chip companies and billion if not trillions will be lost. The U.S. thought China will need to take a generation before the U.S. could produce this high end chip. But China shocked and surprised the U.S. it took a mere 3 years.

At the moment the stock value of US chip firms deteriorated by the trillions and the loss of business to the U.S. firms are wiping off billions of profits. And the U.S. is learning the 4th very painful lesson. Will they learn, I very much doubt so. The US will need to learn more lesson before it give up. I suspect the US need to be totally bankrupt before it learn anything.

After all Korea did not teach The US, Vietnam did not teach the US. And Afghanistan and Iraq did not teach the US and Ukraine wont either.

Barack Obama Reveals Aliens Exist In Top-Secret Government Lab

For years, rumors have swirled, conspiracy theories have run rampant, and skeptics have dared to dream about the possibility of aliens existing in government labs. But now, in a mind-bending revelation that will send shockwaves through the very fabric of our reality. The forty fourth President of the United States, Barack Obama finally breaks his silence and unveils mind-boggling revelations about extraterrestrial involvement in the highest echelons of power.

What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

My employer changed the formula for how sales staff commission was calculated. Previously the formula was a certain percentage of the profit on the sale. The new formula was a smaller percentage of the total price of the sale.

That quarter the factories were busy, and sales volume reports were looking terrific. Travel requests were getting approved, and statements were issued to investors about gains in market share. The stock price climbed.

Suddenly two months into the quarter the mood changed. Those of us on the R&D side who were planning to attend a major conference were told to cancel. The supply cabinets would not be restocked. What had happened?

It turns out that the new incentive plan had a side-effect that should have been obvious. Rather than spending hours or days negotiating with customers toward a price that gave us a good profit, our sales staff were going into negotiations with opening bids at or even below cost! Sure, that meant a little lower commission than if they made the sale at the typical profit, but it meant that they were almost guaranteed to win the bid rather than risking losing the bid to our competitors (as happened half the time), so their net commissions increased! Sales volume increased, factory output and shipments increased, but profits plummeted!

They went back to the previous commission formula immediately.

Chicken, Broccoli and Mushroom Pie

Chicken and mushroom pie with bacon square FS
Chicken and mushroom pie with bacon square FS

Yield: 6 to 8 servings


Cheese Crust

  • 1 cup lightly packed shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted


  • 1 (6 ounce) boneless skinless chicken breast
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)
  • 1/4 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced (about 1 cup)
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • Pinch ground nutmeg
  • 2 cups chopped, cooked broccoli
  • 3 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1/4 cup freshly grated Romano cheese
  • 1 cup lightly packed shredded Swiss cheese (4 ounces)


  1. Cheese Crust: Using pastry blender, combine cheese, flour, salt, dry mustard and melted butter. Press dough evenly into bottom and up sides of a 10-inch pie plate.
  2. Filling: Sprinkle chicken breast lightly with salt and pepper.
  3. Bake in a 375 degrees oven for 25 minutes or until done.
  4. Allow to cool.
  5. Cut into cubes; set aside. (You should have about 1 1/4 cups cubed chicken.)
  6. Melt butter in a skillet. Over medium heat, sauté onion and mushrooms in butter for 2 to 3 minutes, or until tender.
  7. Stir in flour. Add cream, 1 teaspoon salt, nutmeg and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper. Simmer for 1 minute. (Mixture doesn’t thicken.)
  8. Add broccoli, eggs and chicken cubes; blend well.
  9. Stir in Romano cheese. Set aside.
  10. Line crust with shredded Swiss cheese.
  11. Pour broccoli-chicken mixture into cheese lined crust.
  12. Bake at 400 degrees F for 15 minutes.
  13. Reduce oven temperature to 375 degrees F; bake for 20 minutes or until set.

GAWNE – “Rich Men North of Richmond” Remix (One Take)

Nice remix.

Tits up in American Samoa

Today I want to relate the events leading to why my wife and I left American Samoa.

American Samoa is an American territory in the South Pacific. It is a very beautiful island, but is way off the shipping lanes, and is really difficult to get to, thus it is not really a tourist destination.

American Samoa
American Samoa

I had an opportunity to build a hospital there.

Anyways, the social and societal organization there is very, very different from what I, as an American, realized.

Here’s a short recap.

  • Families are in the wife’s name.
  • Ownership is by the wife, the men own nothing.
  • Each village has a “pecking order” of hierarchy, all woman led.
  • If the leading female in a village dies, the next ranking female takes over.

Now, my “Boss” was a man in the leading family in the local village. And he provided me an apartment to live in and a car.

Pago Pago harbour utulei south american samoa 1
Pago Pago harbour utulei south american samoa 1

Then one day, there was a death in the village and the leading woman died.

Immediately, the next week was a reshuffle of power, and ownership changed hands. My “boss” was no longer in control.

We lost our apartment, and our car, and had to find a place to live. And it sucked!

No answers, but my “boss” gave me a place for free. He told me where to go, and later on that day I went to see it.


It was a open-air cinder-block room beneath a backyard chicken-coop/garage. And seriously, I wouldn’t even consider to have my dogs live there. No windows. Just an open square. The “door” was a piece of plywood with a hasp. The “bed” was a ancient well-worn hospital bed. One electrical outlet, and a century old fan.

Mold everywhere.

Moist. Damp. Dirty. Filty.

Something like this…

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341D35D800000578 0 image a 72 1463138700608

I looked around. Said “nope”.

She started to go to the building. I sad NO!

My wife who was trailing me as I entered the hovel was confused. But I spun her around. There was no way in Hell would I subject her to the indignity that I had just been exposed to.

I just left from the site, hopped in the car. Told my wife “we are leaving”, and then made the necessary arrangements.

We were out of there within 24 hours.

Do not; never expect the same levels of social norms, respect or allowances that you have grown up with. You might end up with one Hell of a surprise.

This was a “close one”, for once trapped there, we might never had gotten the opportunity to leave.


How was the Chinese Communist Party able to control the army and ensure that it would not carry out any military coup?

Sanwan’s adaptation (1937), Mao’s purge of “three gulfs” after the Boxer uprising

After the failure of the Autumn Harvest Uprising, Mao Zedong led the remnants of the army to the south, retreating towards the Xiang-Gan border. After the clear transfer to the Jing-Gang Mountain area, the troops arrived at the village of Sanwan, Yong-Xin County, Jiangxi Province on 29th September, 1927, when the commanding group of the Front Committee at that time decided to integrate the remnants of the army.

At the time of integration, there were less than 1,000 troops left in the remnants of the army, and there was no CPC organisation at the grassroots level of the army, so the army’s culture was no different from that of the warlords’ troops, and the soldiers’ ideology was chaotic, and they did not have any absolute sense of affiliation to the CPC.

The contents of the integration included the following:

  • Dispatch some of those who did not want to stay in the army, reduce the army to one regiment and rename it as the First Regiment of the First Division of the First Army of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Revolutionary Army;
  • Establishing CPC party organisations in the troops, so that there were company branches (CPC party branches were built on the company), battalion and regiment party committees, and CPC party representatives above the company level;
  • To stipulate that officers and chiefs should not beat up soldiers, that officers and soldiers should be treated equally, and to establish soldiers’ committees to take part in the management of the unit and to assist in political and mass work. The troops were united under the leadership of the CPC Front Enemy Committee, of which Mao Zedong was the secretary, and a democratic system was carried out internally.

The Sanwan’s adaptation clarified the absolute leadership of the CPC over the army, and at the same time became a guarantee of the CPC’s armed seizure of power.

A PLA tradition: the democratic life meeting.

Within the PLA, officers and enlisted men are completely equal, and at company meetings, ordinary soldiers criticise their officers, who are mortified.

In the U.S. Army, it is unthinkable for the average soldier to criticise his commanding officer.

KMT army vs. CPC army in the Chinese Civil War:

1. The American-backed KMT army of Chiang Kai-shek was entirely a warlord army.

In the case of Chiang Kai-shek’s direct subordinate Hu Zongnan’s Seventh Corps, for example, some of the KMT officers mistreated and brutalised their soldiers to an appalling degree, as reflected by the regiment’s insurgent officers and soldiers:

  • its 430 regiment’s deputy battalion commander Chen × × when the machine company commander, soldier Liu Yanchun desertion was captured back, Chen × × Liu Yanchun hung up and beaten to death, the body was thrown into the field to feed the dogs, and then cut off the ears of the dead, hanging on the wall, and then gathered the company announced: “You see what this is? Whoever escapes again in the future will be dealt with in this way”.
  • its 351st regiment soldier Yue Quanfu disclosed: he was 16 years old, was captured by the head of the security force, the village with him at the same time to be captured as a soldier of 10 people. The 10 people, two were shot, one was beaten to death and fell off a cliff, and one was flayed alive by an officer because he didn’t ask for leave to relieve himself!
  • its 473rd regiment deputy battalion commander Wang × × pick up new recruits, met a few sick people can not walk, so they deceived them and said: “Who can not walk, say, I let you go home”. Four soldiers just turned their heads to go back, was called by Wang × ×, he let the four sick kneel on the edge of a cliff four or five feet high, copied a stick, a stick one, all beat them to the bottom of the ditch, then, long gone.
  • Its 158th Division officer Deng x x revealed that when he was a platoon leader, he once followed the mortar company commander to Sichuan to pick up new recruits, and saw with his own eyes that this company commander killed more than 20 recruits who deserted. Most of them were killed with guillotines, and others were killed by “splitting the bodies of five horses”. When one of the recruits ran away, he led men to the recruit’s house to catch him, and when he didn’t catch him, he set fire to the recruit’s house. Another time, when he failed to catch a deserter, he ordered four soldiers to carry the deserter’s family and put them on fire until they were burned to death.
  • Zhu x, chief of staff of his 55th Division, once ordered the commander of the company directly under him to “bury alive any soldier who makes a mistake”. This man once dug out a soldier’s heart on the spot during a punishment and hung two large bunches of them. Soldiers revealed that “he dug out the hearts of many soldiers”.
  • 349 regiment 2 battalion platoon commander Shi × × to sodomise a soldier, was rejected by the soldier, Shi × × even get a carrot to the soldier’s anus hard stuffing!
  • A division of a deputy division commander is a big sex maniac, his subordinates in the past only know that he often use his authority to force sodomy subordinates, who knows, through the denunciation of the revelation, by his sodomy of the subordinates was as many as 89 people, the anger of the uprising of the officers and soldiers have demanded that the deputy division commander’s crotch penis will be cut off!
  • According to statistics, of the 2,451 soldiers in the 144th Nationalist Division, 107 soldiers’ mothers were raped by their officers, 21 soldiers’ mothers were abused by their officers, and 185 soldiers’ mothers were forced to remarry; 57 soldiers’ wives were raped by their officers, 53 soldiers’ wives were abused by their officers, and 93 soldiers’ wives were forced to remarry; 159 soldiers’ sisters were raped and abused by their officers, and 175 soldiers’ sisters-in-law were raped and abused by their officers, and were forced to remarry; and a total of 850 soldiers’ mothers, sisters, and sisters-in-law were raped, abused, and forced to remarry by their officers.
  • Of the 2,451 soldiers in the division, 345 were hung up and beaten by officers, 289 were tied up and beaten by officers, 1,238 were clubbed by officers, 13 were stabbed with bayonets, 677 were beaten with rifle butts by officers, 1,362 were slapped by officers, 945 were beaten with belts by officers, 991 were kicked by officers, 53 were beaten to death, 20 were beaten to vomit blood, 22 were crippled, 1,298 were made to kneel, 535 were made to freeze, 1298 were made to dry in the sun, and 53 were made to faint. The number of people who were beaten to death by officers was 53, 20 were beaten by officers and spat out blood, 22 were beaten and crippled by officers, 1,298 were punished to kneel by officers, 535 were punished to freeze outside by officers, 128 were punished to be exposed to the sun, 1,302 were punished to starve by officers, one was punished to drink urine by an officer, one was punished to eat an officer’s sputum by an officer, 33 were shot and buried alive by officers, and one was shot and buried alive by an officer, but not dead. 33 people, 24 people buried alive by officers ……
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You tell me, how does such a warlord army get the support of its soldiers? How can such a warlord army gain the support of the Chinese people?

If this reactionary, inhumane Kuomintang army can win the Chinese Civil War, it will not be unless the days and nights are turned upside down and the Pacific Ocean dries up!

2. Mao’s army was an army of equal officers and soldiers.

First, on the way to catch up with the enemy. Mao Zedong asked CPC officers to grasp the ideological education of captured soldiers and new recruits.

For example: Mao Zedong knew that most of the captured Nationalist soldiers were from poor families, some of them were forced to be arrested by the Nationalists, some of them were here for money, and they had no idea why they were fighting the war. In response to this background of origin of the captured soldiers, CPC officers were required to provide one-on-one ideological education to recruits and captured soldiers.

CPC officers talked to the recruits and captive soldiers on foot and when they had the opportunity, talking about their family history and finally blaming it on the KMT, which was caused by the exploitation of the poor by the landlords and rich peasants they supported. If the KMT’s Chiang Kai-shek continued to exist, the poor would never be able to turn over a new leaf and would have to live in poverty for generations.

Every day, CPC officers had to report to the CPC Party Leader on the ideological work they had done with the masses, the reaction of the masses, and the ideological sentiments of the masses, before accepting the task for the next day’s work. The CPC party group leader then reports to the CPC party branch, and the CPC party branch then reports to the CPC party committee. The ideological situation of the fighters was firmly in the hands of the CPC Party leaders.

The thoughts of the captured soldiers were quickly transformed through the ideological education of the CPC officers.

Secondly, during the march of the army, the CPC officers set an example by carrying the luggage of the captured soldiers and new recruits. When resting at the end of the line, the CPC officers burned foot-washing water for the captives and recruits, and cooked food for the sick for those who were not in good health, so the CPC officers really treated the captives and recruits as their own brothers.

Thirdly, the captive soldiers also saw that the officers and soldiers in PLA were united, all of them had no salary, ate, wore and slept together without any special treatment, united with each other, and took care of each other as if they were brothers, like a big family.

Fourthly, in order to comfort the KMT captive soldiers and stabilise their minds, the CPC branch sent an official letter to the captive soldiers’ hometowns, stating that they had joined the PLA and that their hometowns should treat them as military families. This moved the captive soldiers and made them settle down; turning their guns to fight the KMT.

At the beginning of the Chinese Civil War, the KMT had 5 million soldiers and the CPC had 1 million; when the Chinese Civil War ended, the KMT was left with only 1 million soldiers, 4 million of whom surrendered to the CPC and joined the PLA.

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There is a detailed account of Mao’s army in “Red Star Over China” written by the American journalist Edgar Snow.Red star over China by Edgar Snow | Open LibraryRed Star Over China by Edgar Snow, unknown edition,

Xi walked into the dormitories of ordinary soldiers to see if their blankets were warm enough, and Xi ate a pot of rice with ordinary soldiers; has the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States ever done this? These are PLA traditions and have been so since Mao Zedong.

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Bisquick Cranberry-Apple Cobbler

2023 10 15 09 53
2023 10 15 09 53


  • 1/3 cup butter
  • 2 1/2 cups Bisquick or Biscuit Baking Mix
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 cup whole berry cranberry sauce
  • 1 cup chunky applesauce
  • 1 apple, cored and thinly sliced


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Heat butter in 9 x 13 inch pan in oven until melted.
  3. Mix Bisquick, sugar and milk with wire whisk until smooth.
  4. Pour Bisquick batter evenly into prepared pan.
  5. Mix cranberry sauce and applesauce. Spoon evenly over Bisquick batter.
  6. Place apple slices on sauce.
  7. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until golden brown.
  8. Serve warm with whipped cream or rum raisin or vanilla ice cream, if desired.

What work secret did you accidentally find out that changed everything?

My best friend/co-worker Larry was the IT guy in the training department for a large computer corporation where we both worked. I was a course designer/instructor. The company had been doing quarterly layoffs for almost two years. When it was your turn to be laid off, security watched you pack your personal items then escorted you off the property.

One night during a software update Larry discovered the next layoff list on the boss’s computer (she hadn’t even bothered to password-protect it, but her incompetence is good for another story). Both he and I were on the list. The date was a week away.

In the bookcase of my cubicle were copies of every technical manual and instructor’s guide I’d written for this company. They were my proof of ability. I would need them when I went on interviews and was asked “can you show me something you’ve done?” I spent the next week slowly replacing each binder with an empty one. By the time we were laid off, my entire collection of authored books was safely at home.

Bonus, Larry called the local news to expose how the company was using layoffs as a quick boost to their quarterly earnings numbers (fewer employee expenses improved the net bottom line). They’d often lay off the most critical employees right before end of quarter and then hire them back as “consultants” a few weeks later. We were both interviewed on the news the afternoon we were laid off. Screwed our chances for being rehired but I wouldn’t have gone back anyway.

Oh yeah, and the company? Failed a year later after an even bigger scandal surfaced. They had sales reps creating huge fake sales orders, then right before end of quarter all that equipment would be “shipped” to a large storage facility. They were caught with millions of dollars of fake earnings from falsified sales.

Passport Bros Meet Filipina In The Provinces

No need to be nervous in the small towns in the Philippines. Almost everywhere I go, the Filipino people are the nicest, friendliest people I have ever met. Moved here from So. Calif. in 2010, found my sweet wife here, the Philippines is HOME for me now.

Why do some people tell the victim to “just leave” the abuser without providing a plan to leave, money and emotional support? Doesn’t “just leave” contribute to her going back?

Back in 1999, my then husband began to threaten to harm our children. I set in motion actions with only one thought-to protect my children.

January: I filed a complaint at his precinct (he was a police officer). They took away his guns-he had 10 (he told me 3) and enough ammunition to fight a battle (they told his brother in law that). He filed a complaint with them, saying he threatened to kill us. They told him “we know, he’s a psycho cop. But he’s ok. He loves his kids.” They had zero clue what went on in our home. His brother in law called Child Protection because he saw the police were not taking this seriously. Child protection came, saw it was a clean house with food in the cabinets and he was polite and calm. They never spoke to me or the kids. He told me if I said anything he will make our children orphans. I filed for an order of protection to get him out-his buddies faxed inletters swearing he was a nice guy, loves his kids-she was the bad one. I got denied. He refused to give me money for groceries, mortgage, utilities.

February: I went to put the child on welfare and food stamps. Why are you staying there, they asked. Take your children and leave. I had two sons with asthma and they all had special needs. Why should WE leave? He was the menace-take him out!! So the welfare people called child protection on ME. That’s right-because I didn’t want to take my asthmatic and special needs children to a homeless shelter 3 trains away in the Bronx! My parents didn’t want anything to do with my problems. We went to their home for two days and they threw us. You married him and had his children-now live there. Child protection came to my home at 11:30 at night. They saw the children and me living in the basement. We had a clean home and food (I told them my parents bought them food sincevhe gave me no money). The next day I called my therapist in tears-they will take my children away from me! All because I won’t leave the house! I can’t understand it-we have no where to go or any money. Why should we leave? He’s the threat!! She calmed me down. She made calls all day. By the end of the day, they closed my case-she had the faxes on her desk because I trusted no one.

March: I told my parents there was no more choices. I was getting a lawyer and divorcing him. My parents were horrified. They couldn’t believe he was starving his children. I showed them my temporary support which was running out. Their grandchildren were getting food stamps because their father wasn’t buying them food. My father called our rabbi to talk to him while we stayed in their house. Two hours later, the rabbi came to my father’s house. “It’s a terrible thing to see people change from human into something monstrous. I tried to talk to him about a man’s responsibility to his family.” “Rabbi, he doesn’t like you since Fort Dover, when he was in the hospital for a week and you saw him only once for 5 minutes.” “He told me. He spat on me for it.” My father and I lowered our heads in embarrassment. “I never advocate for divorce unless there is nothing left. Benny, I’ve known you for many years. Get your daughter a good lawyer, she’s going to need one.” I started to cry and the Rabbi put a business card in my father’s hands-it was my lawyer to be. My father and I went the next day and hired him. I told him everything that happened. My lawyer gave me his phone number-call him after 911 in an emergency. And get the children on as much welfare and food stamps as you can. I had to hire 3 servers at $200 a piece to wait at each exit of his precinct to serve him with the order to appear in court. On that day, I went to social services and gave the title of my home as a guarantee so the city can put a lien on my house against any financial support we got from welfare and food stamps. The children and me were finger printed and got ID cards that day. I got formal letters stating we were in need and were getting food stamps and money. The date was March 10-My then husband’s birthday. I chose the date. I wanted everything to have his birthday on it -the court papers, the welfare papers. It was my last happy birthday to him.

April: when the Jewish community and our friends found out about the pending divorce, we were ostracized. I went to Jewish agencies for help. I had no money for Passover. I got a $25 food voucher from an agency that helped the poor and aged. I went to another place that gave me such bad smelling food my father was outraged. He made me take him and the food back. He screamed at them in Yiddish how shameful this was to a poor girl with children. The man shrugged and said “she’s your daughter, you take care of her.” My father said “if only I had back the charity money I gave to places like yours” He put the box on the floor at the man’s feet and he ordered it thrown away. I asked my brother for money, and he gave me $200. But he always reminded me I owed him the money and anytime he needed a favor, he reminded me of the money.

May and June: I finally got approved to work at the Department of Education as a substitute. I accepted any job I could get, no matter where it was or what it was. Getting my money was harder. Sometimes I got my check in the mail. Sometimes I had to go back to the school. Sometimes it was at a district office. I had to drive to the payroll center to make sure all my checks were processed. Meanwhile, the city demanded I worked for their workfare program. No one gets welfare for nothing. I tried again and again to explain how subs worked. I had to wait for them to call me. I told my counselor she can call 65 Court Street to confirm how they call subs. I was told “no problem, you can go there and clean their toilets and wash floors.” Didn’t you want me off welfare? I can get hired by the Dept of Ed if I keep accepting jobs. If I’m washing floors somewhere else I won’t get hired. My counselor took it to mean I was too good to wash floors (if I had no prospects of a job I would have done it gladly). I was thrown off welfare.

July-September: I had been going to court, but he kept putting it off. I couldn’t miss a single court date, but he could show up and say he’s not ready, no lawyer-he fires his lawyer right there in court once! I was getting worried because I needed to keep getting called in to work-30 straight days in any school and I could get hired. I had 20 days and they stopped calling me. It was frustrating as can be.

October: the bank sent over two big guys to serve us with foreclosure papers on the house. The first met my husband who threw him bodily off the premises. I agreed to sign off on the papers if I could get 48 hours to pack our things and leave before they came to lock up the house. They saw what a bad spot I was in and that the idiot didn’t tell me the house was being foreclosed because he didn’t pay the bill in months. They gave me the 48 hours. I called a friend who had s vacant apartment. He didn’t clean it yet. I’ll clean it. I need it in 48 hours. He was ok with it. I called a moving company that specialized in last minute moving-especially in domestic situations. They sent over big guys in case he cane by to interfere. I threw clothes and toys in bags and boxes. I grabbed whatever I could that day. My father and I cried-my marriage was dead. I never told my father-this wasn’t a parole from prison, where I got timevoff for good behavior. It was a pardon-I was freed because of a terrible mistake that shouldn’t have happened. The next day I called Sub Central with my new address and phone number. We were trying to find you! I had to move suddenly. We have a job for you-and it could be permanent. Can you go there tomorrow? I cried with joy. Thanks to God-we had a safe place and I got a chance for a permanent job. It was the School I’m still working at-18 years later. I hung up and my children and I all hugged each other. I moved to this apartment with no job and borrowed money for the first months rent. I didn’t have anything for security. Now, I had a place and a job to take care of my children.

November: Family court once again. The case had been moved to another judge who refused to delay the hearings. She asked him “what did you do to support your children?” “I’m having a problem with their mother-“ “that’s not what I asked you. Did you buy groceries? Pay the phone? Electricity? Gas? Mortgage?” All the answers were no. The judge turned to me. “What did you do to support your children? I turned over all my papers from welfare, food stamps, my pay stubs, and a joint bank book stuffed with grocery slips and utility payments. His lawyer turned pale. The judge went through everything very carefully. “So, your wife put your children on welfare and food stamps while you didn’t do a thing?” “She didn’t put the kids on welfare (chuckling).” The Judge has him look at the papers. Yes I did – and they were all dates on his birthday. “You put my children on welfare-on my birthday?” “Yes, the same day you were served to come to court.” The judge flipped back pages. “You mean to tell me that you have been screwing around all this time while you had no idea how your children were living? You’ve been putting this off from March to now?” She threw her hands on her table. “I’m done talking to you. Let me see your pay stubs.” She reviewed his stubs and was about to order support of $400 a month. I asked to see his stubs first. I pointed out to my lawyer 3 pension loans he took out which come out of his gross pay check, thus reducing the net check to look less. My attorney stood up and said “why should the children have to have their money reduced because of his pension loans? We request you add those amounts in.” The Judge looks over the stubs and screamed “you think you’re so smart huh. I had someone from Sanitation do this last week. Know what I did? I threw the book at him. Like I’m going to do to you.” She reworked the figures. $636 semi monthly-and give me a list of expenses you borrowed-moving, apartment, clothes-anything you had to borrow. He’s going to pay you back for 1999. Every penny!” My husband jumped up out of his chair and yelled “you can’t do that to me! We’re on the same team! All the judges love me.” “The other judges don’t know you-but don’t worry. I’ll make sure they do.” The bailiff had to stand behind him and keep his hands in idiot’s shoulders. My lawyer stood up “your honor, we realize this had been quite a shock to the defendant. We know how hard it is to support a sexy sport car instead of a family (he showed pictures of him in the car). How about if the defendant pays my client $50 semi monthly until his debt is paid?” The other lawyer said ”yes, please!” So the idiot wound up paying me $50 twice a month for two and a half years! These $50 checks were in addition to the child support the court ordered.

December: I was formally hired by my School to work there full time. I paid back my father the money I borrowed. I caught up on my rent and paid security. My children were removed from welfare and food stamps. I bought my children clothes for the first time in nearly two years. We had a real holiday as a family that we didn’t have for so long. And their father told them that I was a bad mother because I took them away from him. It would be years before they saw the truth. I also got back into my house that had been locked up. He set fire to our wedding pictures, most of my old photos from School, books, whatever he could throw in. There was a huge black circle in the middle of the living room. I grabbed more of the children’s things, whatever I could salvage-and his grandmother’s silver items. He left all of them in the China cabinet. I took the Jewish books he left, anything I could throw in a box or bag. He broke my dishes in the kitchen sink. I took a few pots and pans I found. I took all the children’s pictures I found still hanging up. Oddly enough-he never opened my nightstand. I had, shall we say, personal items that a lonely woman keeps in a nightstand drawer. I decided to throw them out instead of bringing them home. I don’t know why. I stopped at the doorway. I looked inside for a last time. This horrible nightmare was finally ending. I knew I had more-the foreclosure sale, the divorce. But this prison that I loved because I raised my children in it, that I cared for, was finally closed. I saw the mezuzah still on the door post. I took it off-my father bought that for us. I gave it back to him.

Yes I know-I wrote a novel. I did it with a time line and great detail for a reason. Any moron who says just leave without a plan or money or support is just that-a moron!!! It’s easy to say “just leave”. And go where?????? If parents turn you out, your family and friends shun you-where do you go? The only person who helped me was HIS sister and her husband. She kept my important documents safe and $300 of emergency money for me. It was her husband who filed the complaint back then saying he heard their father say we were better off dead-and because he was a cop, he would get a slap on the wrist. No one-NO ONE stood up for me. Even my parents told me openly they were ashamed of me. My father gave me money for the sake of his grandchildren. The next person who says just leave and has no plan or idea on how to accomplish that action should be slapped. Because they were never standing at that black pit as I did. Just leave. Why not just say “jump into that black hole?”

Im sorry for writing a long answer. As you see, nearly 20 years later, I can recall it in great detail. Thank you for reading all the way through. If my story can help just one person-then it was all worth it.

No one wanted this cat, so I adopted him.

This is very interesting.

I adopted a cat and realized everything I thought I knew about them was wrong. In this video, I’m sharing my whole journey from the first week to what I’ve learned, and how Bepo is doing now.”

What hilariously stupid thing did a Trump supporter say that made you think, “Wow! I completely underestimated your stupidity!”?

One of the many encounters I’ve had with a Trump supporter was the time a woman commented on a local news station’s Facebook post with a picture of what she claimed was the 1938 Time Magazine Man of the Year cover. It was clearly photoshopped and had Hitler in an heroic pose with a caption calling him a great leader. She gave her own opinion that Time was a liberal hate rag that supported Hitler.

I knew it was fake because I’ve seen the real cover. It’s hard to forget. It’s a macabre illustration of a tiny little Hitler sitting at the bench of a giant pipe organ. Above him is a wheel with several naked corpses hanging from it. The caption reads, “From the unholy organist, a hymn of hate.”

I replied to her with a link to the official Time website archive page showing the real cover and the story calling Hitler evil.

You may have already guessed this, but she used the laugh reaction to my comment, called me an idiot and then said there was no way to know my cover wasn’t fake and hers was real.

Again, it was a link to the actual Time archives. She could have also done 10 seconds of research on Google, but no. She was more willing to believe this random, poorly edited JPG she found on Facebook was real and that Time Magazine in 1939 praised Hitler and somehow got away with it.

Her husband joined the conversation and attempted to prove his wife was right by telling me I have a woman’s name.

This encounter really drove home for me that we are in a lot of trouble as a country because a lot of people are completely stupid and unwilling to believe facts. A month or two later COVID hit.

Americans React To “When Americans Realise The Entire World DOESN’T Revolve Around Them”

In this video, we react to moments shared on Tiktok when Americans realize the whole world doesn’t revolve around them. These are hilarious but also somewhat eye-opening.

What are the reasons why people can’t access foreign websites freely in China? Does the Chinese government always block some foreign websites for no reason?

Oh, there are always reasons.

For example, up to 2009, Facebook was fully accessible in China. Then in July that year, a group called ETIM (which the UN categorises as a terrorist group) used Facebook to organise and instigate a riot in China. 197 people died and more than 1,000 people were injured.

The Chinese government asked Facebook to cooperate by identifying the ETIM members who had used Facebook to instigate the riot. Facebook refused. So the Chinese government banned Facebook, saying that otherwise Facebook might be used to instigate violence and organise riots.

As the years passed, it became clear that the Chinese government was not wrong. I say this, because of events in other countries make this clear and obvious.

What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

Well, the fight was with me, and I sort of picked it. Just wait for it, you’ll understand as I go.

If I recall correctly it was 2018 and I was at a bus stop, there was a young girl, I would say about 13 years old. It was pretty late at night, I had just finished a routine commute from the city I trained in to the city I lived. I’m standing outside of the bus stop, gym bag over my shoulder while in the distance I saw a person kind of walking all over the sidewalk. Not unusual, there were a few bars around, I had even popped into one for a drink before waiting for the city bus home.

As the person got closer, my assumption was confirmed that they were in fact a bit drunk. Not a big deal, being drunk in public isn’t necessarily a crime unless you go overboard with it. So I ignore it. He comes up to the bus stop, stops for a second and then notices the girl. He starts banging on the glass, asking her questions and telling her to smile for him. I think to myself “Well, he’s an asshat”, and then asked some advice on my phone (facebook) of what to do. I got a few responses right away, mixed, but overwhelmingly saying I shouldn’t do anything.

Here is where it got dicey, instead of just being on the outside of the bus stop continuing his belligerent ways, he proceeds to walk to the entrance of the shelter and continues to tell her to smile and she should talk to him. I see the girl is visibly upset, and now it’s getting to a confinement issue. So I said to the guy to leave her alone, she’s too young and that’s you are making her uncomfortable. He turns around in a rage, swearing at me, telling me he used to race cars and she clearly wanted him. I repeated what I had said, he starts approaching me so I backed up a couple of steps, put my gym bag down and tried to descale it. He said he was going to smoke me. He starts trying to get in my face and I put my hand on his chest and asked him “what are you doing? I don’t want to fight but you have to leave her alone.”

Anyways, he tried to push through my hand and by that point I had enough. I grabbed the back of his neck, pivoted and shucked him to the ground. I didn’t follow up with anything because at that point it was done. He got up, realized he was outmatched and left her alone.

I looked over at her after to see if she was okay, and she mouthed thank you. So I asked her if she wanted me to sit with her on the bus so he wouldn’t try anything else.

It sounds like a lame “fight”, but I’m not going to let a young girl get sexually harassed and potentially assaulted by some drunk guy.

Getting to the point of picking a fight with the wrong person. At that point I had been training in mixed martial arts for 8 years, had 3 fights against opponents that were supposed to be way better than me, and was training 6 days a week. I wasn’t worried about what could have happened because at our gym we are more self defence oriented and I knew to keep an eye out for weapons.

Biden Beg China for Xi Jinping Visit to America For Talks!

Today’s geopolitical landscape is vibrant and ever-changing. In this video, we explore the tense dynamics between the United States, China, and their respective allies. Engage with us as we unravel the threads of trade conflicts, technological competitions, territorial disputes, and the subtle, strategic game of international influence in the 21st century. Biden Beg China for Xi Jinping Visit to America For Talks!

What was the biggest coincidence ever?

In the late 1990s my then-husband, also a firefighter, became ill from a chemical exposure in a fire. We had just built a vacation home in a tiny town (population 231) in the Colorado Rockies. He retired and chose to live there full time because he didn’t know how much longer he had. (Firefighters can retire earlier because of a typically shortened life span. He passed away a few years later.)

I wasn’t ready to retire so I stayed in Bay Area and continued working for my fire dept as well as a safety trainer for a large semiconductor company. Every two weeks I went to Colorado for a week to spend time with hubby.

While in the mountains I made friends with our nearest neighbors. They told me their brother was retiring soon from the Navy and planned a wedding at their house upon his return. We were invited.

About a week later I was in California teaching a safety class at the company. One of the new hires had just gotten out of the Navy and when I introduced myself as living in Colorado, he said his family lived there, too! In fact, the following month he would be having his wedding at his sister’s house in the mountains.

Yep! He was my neighbor’s brother! AND when I showed up to the wedding in a new dress I bought in California, his sister was wearing the exact same dress!

We remained friends for years.

How To Reduce Stress For Passport Bros | Floyd Gets A Filipina | Philippines Vlog

Honestly the Philippines has over 7000 Islands so not very hard to discover a place like this off the beaten path. Most of the named products are copies but still provide good quality for a lower price. Once you discover the lower cost of living you never want go back home.

Always have ways to relieve stress creating a peaceful mind. Try to find a way to keep yourself cool in a hotter climate that can also stress people out. If you are overweight the heat will help lose weight fast in the first few months.

This is the time to try maintaining a healthy body. Don’t fall in love with the first women you meet having plenty of options available. When meeting women make sure your intentions clear at the beginning never misleading them.

No matter where you live each person has their preferences that attracts them to others. Don’t stress over this since there are plenty of people you can vibe with.

Remember you are a guest in another country so show respect at all times. I agree Thailand suits younger men better who enjoy the night life.

A positive attitude is key to having a wonderful time. Remember you are responsible for your own happiness. I wish all who visit or move overseas to enjoy a happy life for less money.

Why does China spend so much money to host the Asian Games?

For soft power purposes.

Athletes come, bring their coaches, family and support staff. So 12000 athletes maybe bring 50,000 people

They get a look into China the real one not the Washington version.

We can see how western media isn’t even acknowledging it at all.

Look at the BBC link it’s right at the bottom.

Add on bloggers and private people traveling to have a look? There’s potentially half a million people who get to see what it’s REALLY like.

These people will return home. These people will hear the usual propaganda garbage spouted against China

These people might decide to push back, at which they have a great thing to say.

I’ve been there. I’ve seen China up front and close, yet YOU know more than I do?”

I often say this to westerners who claim to know everything about China despite never visiting, not understanding the language or being able to read our media. They literally have no response to it other than I know better than you because (racist) reasons.

US And TSMC In Pain, As China’s SMIC Becomes World’s Best Chip Manufacturing Company!

Congratulations China and SMIC. Many of us around the world have been waiting for this day. Both the US and TSMC had been arrogant and thought no one could shake them.

What work secret did you accidentally find out that changed everything?

This is how I learned how crooked employers can be, right at the start of my career. 1984, first job out of university. Five young women were hired by Sperry Corp. We were working on a contract for the State of Texas which involved a lot of traveling and overtime to install and look after a new computer system.

We had to fill out two timesheets, one for our employer (single copy) and one for the State of Texas (triplicate). We were told to put eight hours per day on the employer timesheet but our real work hours on the State’s timesheet, because we were not going to get overtime pay from our employer. So, 40 hours per week for Sperry, 50+ for the State usually, since we often started by leaving on Sunday night and didn’t get back until Friday night. Travel hours were considered work hours. It was no fun, especially since we weren’t allowed any vacation time the first year.

If you’ve ever worked in IT, you know you get stuck working weekends and holidays when fewer people mind if the system is down. Thus we were working on Thanksgiving weekend doing testing, along with some seasoned employees, all male. It was boring and we had lots of time to chat. One of them said “at least you are getting overtime for this”. We wryly laughed – “ha ha NO.” Two of them replied, “Well you should be, you’ve been here less than six months and they automatically classify you as non-exempt for six months when you are new.” Then some comments about the bosses probably not telling us this and figuring we wouldn’t complain because we were female.

We quickly realized we had one copy of the triplicate time sheets for each week we’d been working, because we kept part of the State’s timesheet. Of the four of us ladies remaining, two did not want to make a fuss about it, and two of us decided to confront the bosses. We added up our overtime and had a plan going in.

Our supervisor and his boss and his boss’s boss actually admitted they hadn’t paid us on purpose! Because “the project didn’t have the budget.” Really brazen and condescending attempt at deflecting us. I pointed out this was still illegal and I’d go to the EEOC if they didn’t make good on what they owed. We said we wanted a paid week off at Christmas and cash to make up for the overtime, which they gave us. Our two colleagues who were afraid to complain got nothing. My friend and I had a nice ski vacation together with the proceeds.

I immediately found another job and moved away within a few weeks. Later I got to be an agent of karma: I rose to a position in my company where I had influence on decisions around large contract awards. When Unisys (formerly Sperry Corp) was competing for our business, I made sure my fellow decision-makers knew about my story. It’s bad business to cheat your employees!

stone knives and bearskins

Given Huawei’s chip break thru with the Mate 60 pro, would it make any difference to the future outlook of American chip manufacturers if the US was to abandon the high tech sanctions against China?

The United States will not give up its high-tech sanctions against China.

Not only the United States, but also Japan, South Korea and even Taiwan Province of China are the same. As soon as there is an election season, all kinds of stupid anti-China remarks will come out one after another.

Normally, they create rumours and smear China every day to brainwash their own citizens:

How China steals their technology? How China has taken away their jobs? How China threatens their national security ? Even rumours of genocide are created, so in the eyes of most American rednecks, China is “unforgivable”.

  • You see, there is such an evil country in the world, and it is righteous for us to be tough on it!
  • If you give up high-tech sanctions, you are pro-China and treasonous!
  • Every chip sold to Huawei will become a bullet that hits us!

If you’ve watched too many Western-style elections, you’ll know that it’s the same as a TV talent show.

Whether it’s Trump or Biden, they shout “CHINA” from the podium like a tenor voice, and the voters under the podium feel like they’ve been stimulated by a egg-vibrators in their G-spot, and they instantly orgasm, their minds going blank.

Inflation, health care, and Gun violence and drug-infested are not important, they just want to hear more “CHINA”, and keep on having orgasms, and keep on being happy, and descent into madness.

After enjoying the orgasm calm down and think about it, in the past, the United States to the Soviet Union, to Japan is not also such sanctions? The United States has already achieved success, there are success stories, and as long as the United States increases the sanctions against Huawei, the United States will not fail, and they will keep reassuring themselves in this way.. 🤣

Their election is a race to see who is more anti-China, so the White House will continue to impose technology restrictions on Huawei.

In any case, Biden must take a tough stance to avoid being labelled a “pro-China traitor” by Trump.

Reaction To Jimmy Dore’s TRUTH At The United Nations

On Tuesday the United Nations Security Council welcomed a very surprising speaker — comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore! Jimmy explained about how the United States was behind the Nord Stream bombing and the western media all fell in line to push the lie that Russia or Ukraine or someone else was responsible. Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Jimmy’s UN appearance and Seymour Hersh’s startling revelation that the Nord Stream bombing wasn’t actually about the Ukraine War at all.

What’s something that you can teach me?

My mom was on welfare when I was ten years old. She had been taking a bus (public transportation) to school every day to become a dental technician. Her goal, which she worked towards and accomplished, was to get her family off of welfare.

On the day she was scheduled to graduate, her unemployed boyfriend was supposed to watch my brother and me. The plan was for him to pick us up and take us on a hunting trip with him and his friends. Not that we would have been allowed to shoot anything, but we were really excited.

He never showed up.

Mom called the neighbor and asked her to watch me and my brother, to which the neighbor agreed. I was really upset and disappointed that we weren’t going hunting.

As my mom was leaving for her graduation, I was crying and begging her to stay. She said she loved us and left.

When she got back, she asked me how my day was. I told her I hated her. That was it. That was all I said. “I hate you.”

I can only imagine the strength it took for her to hold back the tears as she got my brother and me ready to go for a walk.

Right outside the door, there was a brand-new bb gun sitting on the porch. We lived in Cherry Ridge Terrace which is located on a mountain in the woods of Barnesboro, Pennsylvania. There are tons of wooded trails around those parts.

She took my brother and me down a trail.

Located in almost every tree, shrub and plant, were empty aluminum cans. One by one, we switched off possession of the bb gun and shot cans out of those trees and shrubs the whole way down the trail.

It was so fun for us.

As it turned out, my mom had gotten a $50 graduation gift from her father and bought a bb gun before she came home from her graduation.

She walked that trail and put those cans all around before she came in the apartment, so she could take us hunting. And right before she did that, I told her that I hated her.

That was the last time I told my mom I hated her.

And when I saw this question, I called her and apologized for saying that I hated her, thirty years ago.

What I can teach you right now is something I learned ten minutes ago.

It is never too late to apologize for something.


What is the most satisfying passive-aggressive thing you have ever done to a really mean or rude person?

When I was 17, I went camping at a beach one day, and decided to make a sand throne, to relax in, except… it wasn’t made entirely of sand, because it would collapse the moment I sat on it. So, I gathered some large stones nearby, arranged them neatly to form a chair, and then covered it with sand to even out the gaps so that it would be comfortable to sit in.

After 2 hours of toiling under the hot sun, the job was done, and I sat in my throne with a great sense of fulfilment. After a while, I retreated back to my tent nearby to rest.

As I stared out of my tent to enjoy the view of the beach and admire my handiwork, a young boy, around 10 of age, went to my throne and walked around it, inspecting it curiously. For a moment, I thought he was going to sit on it. But then, a mischievous glint shone in his eye and he backed away from it a few steps. Then, he dashed and swung a mighty kick! And… collapsed, clasping his foot and crying for his mom.

I stayed in my tent, with tears in my eyes trying to hold back the laughter, thinking “Served you right! “. It wasn’t intentional, but making a “sand” structure with stones was definitely the most satisfying passive aggressive thing I did to a troll who goes around kicking sand structures.

Star Trek – I Have the Phaser, Captain

What do you, as a Marxist ideologue, actually do for the poor, except preaching revolution?

  1. I sponsor poor children in Thailand through an accredited international relief fund. I have been doing this for 15 years.
  2. I do pro-bono law work for the poor. I have saved single mothers from eviction, saved a person’s life, helped someone wrongly arrested and charged from going to jail and being away from his children, and others.
  3. I rebuild and repair computers and donate them to impoverished families.
  4. A socialist society would require less of me having to deal with evictions for poor mothers because the mother would be given her own place, free from that concern. There would not be the systemic injustices that cause so many legal problems for people. Most poor people would make a living wage so they wouldn’t be destitute. An equitable economic and legal system is far superior to charity. Until the beautiful day of communism, we all need to do what we can.

Is the Huawei Mate 60 Pro chip equal to the latest iPhone chip or even better?

In terms of raw flops for the CPU and GPU?


But in terms of aggregate function, it is arguably THE smartphone SOC of 2023.


Well, it is the first mobile device with Bluetooth 6.x that can deliver lossless high fidelity audio at lower power than the current industry standard, Bluetooth 5.x. Huawei calls it Nearlink, and it is 100% Huawei controlled.

It is also the first mobile device that can make satellite calls, courtesy of a sophisticated antennae design that, according to my friend who has done a partial teardown, is the most complex he has ever seen. There are 9 separate segments on the frame of the mate 60.

The WiFi 6 speed can hit several Gbps, while the 5G mobile connectivity has been demoed above 1Gbps. These are class-leading numbers, with the signal processing improved through AI.

Wired/wireless charging at 88/50W are way better than what Apple offers, as does the battery capacity.

There is also a large language AI model built into the OS, making Hongmeng stand out among the 3 mobile ecosystems. The AI also enables the nifty camera, which takes some of the best mobile photography in 2023.

There is nothing like the features enabled by the Kirin 9000s chipset, even if we combine the best features of the Android and iOS universe into a hypothetical superphone.

Is that better?

You decide.

Nvida Shocked! Huawei’s Secret Weapons: Ai Chip Ascend 310 Explained

Huawei is becoming the company Apple wants to be… building its own modern ecosystem for the internet of things and huawei car integration. Let’s see who gets there first.

What do the Americans want from China in the end? What is their end game? When will they leave China alone?

I thought about this for a long time , a very long time

Yes it’s true that the West led by the US has become unusually harsh towards China. In fact the US is destroying it’s entire reputation in front of the world through it’s actions against China & Russia

So why?

First let’s get rid of the obvious NONSENSE theories here

Theory 1:-

That US doesn’t want China to be a threat in the future and become a Rival

This is ridiculous. It’s also highly improbable. US doesn’t think long term at all. US thinks only short term, typically from Election to Election Or Boom to Recession to Boom

That the US is doing all this , to throttle Chinas Growth seems foolish to me because the US gains nothing at all

If the US simply and quietly did it’s work without any threat of sanctions, the USD would remain a global currency for a century perhaps

So US destroying it’s own reputation by the day, it’s reputation as a free country, as a country of laws, as a country of responsible media and as a country promoting free trade – just to ensure China doesn’t grow to be as big as the US is downright foolish

Theory 2:-

That US wants to protect it’s Companies from Patent infringement

Again Nonsense

That’s not how the US works

These Companies, they have for several decades run their own businesses and have never come crying to the US Government for help

That the US doesn’t want China to become technologically advanced and sell more smartphones and laptops is illogical

Theory 3:-

That the US are doing this for National Security

Again foolish. US have Nukes. China has Nukes. In any struggle between two nuclear powers, the power heading for defeat will try to balance the equation by using nuclear weaponry

This US will never fight China in a major war and vice versa

The US has no conflict with China and the Sphere of Influence for the US is in the Atlantic & Pacific not the South China Sea or Africa

And for gods sake if you tell me this is because US cares about the Taiwanese people, I would tell you the chances of Netanyahu being a Hamas agent is higher than that

Plus nobody uses 3 nm Chips for Missiles or Space

Theory 4:-

That US wants to break up China and destroy the CPC

Again nonsense.


China is an economic and trade ally and helps make $ 2.3 Trillion a year to the US Economy by value addition. Why destroy that with breaking up China and destroying Status Quo?

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Sure you do have a handful of faggots like Lindsey or De Santis who are demented enough to have this illogical ideology

Yet they represent maybe 3–4% of the US collective of Politics, Press & Big Businesses

Theory 5:-

Politics & Elections

Again doesn’t make sense

US voters vote on various issues and Anti Chinese Rhetoric isn’t one of them. Hell, both sides make Anti Chinese Rhetoric don’t they?

This brings me to the real reason in my opinion

The US NEEDS CHINA to do something very badly and is using all these measures as bargaining chips

  • Taiwan
  • Tech barriers
  • Tarriffs
  • Propaganda

The US wants something from China in return for which the US is ready to go back to removing all of the above

That’s the only logical explanation of why US keeps threatening China and it’s businesses

It hopes these businesses and people will put pressure on China to somehow do what the US expects

This also explains why China isn’t reacting at all to all these provocations but quietly making firm statements


The US Economy is a time bomb waiting to explode. When it does it will take the economy of the entire world with it.

It will cause huge blows to every nation including China

Yet it will also finish the US as a global power completely

Unless China steps in

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China can invest $ 770 Billion today without needing a signature or getting into debt

China has $ 18 Trillion in savings alone

A Huge Swathe of Chinese Investments into USA , especially PUBLIC MONEY belonging to the Chinese People will allow the US to either delay this time bomb from exploding immediately (7–12 years) to around 40 years

It’s why so many US higher ups are visiting China again and again

It’s why no top ranked Chinese is visiting the US

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The US keep telling China, it’s in their own interest to prevent the US from the great economic collapse

Otherwise China would be badly burnt

Yet China may feel that it’s best to let US collapse even at great personal loss. This may be why China is busy with alternative settlements and alternative currency routes

I somehow seriously doubt Xi Jingping wants to be the Global Hegemon

All his moves are to secure Fuel, Energy and Food and Independence from the Dollar

I thought this was because the US is insane enough to sanction China but maybe it’s because China wants to put distance between the US Economic time bomb & themselves and their clients

I believe it’s why US have enmeshed the EU into this quagmire and also the UK and Japan and S Korea

If US experiences this Economic Collapse, these nations would be gutted completely. Hence they sink or swim with the US. That’s why they too put pressure on China yet have some major visit to China almost every month

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This is my hypothesis

Nothing else makes sense

Politicians have their ideology

Media Channels have their ideology

Businessmen may have their own issues with China

But a full concerted effort to target China and that too announcing everything months in advance all the time , looks stupid and completely ineffective

It looks like the US is desperately putting hook after hook into China and saying “If I go down, you go down”

China still doesn’t believe that and feels that if the US goes down, and if China survives – it would be a better world altogether

I am firmly convinced the US is having an economic nuclear bomb within itself and needs China to prevent the collapse which will damage the Global Economy heavily

All these moves are completely Anti Chinese but intended as bargaining Chips

Nothing else makes sense to me.

Have you ever encountered a lawyer who was so good that you were lost for words?

Originally Answered: Have you ever encountered a lawyer who was so good that your jaw dropped?

I had been the victim of a road rage incident when I was in my 20s. Long story short, I was in a left-turn-only lane; the perp was in the right-turn-only lane, and she wanted to go left. I made my turn, without ever noticing her, as there weren’t very many cars on the road, and went into a restaurant to pick up my dad’s dinner. She followed me in, kicked the chair out from under me, and kicked the crap out of me while screaming, “Do you know who I am?” Luckily, one of the waiters got her license plate number.

I had eight broken ribs, a fractured cheekbone, and she had ruptured all of my stitches from my gallbladder surgery that I’d had two weeks prior. She tried to have me arrested for assault, saying that I threw her against her car. I’ll come back to that.

At my first court appearance, the prosecutor took me into a room and wanted me to drop the charges against this woman. I obviously refused. The prosecutor said, “You are 22, you work as a hairdresser, and you live with your parents. You are nothing. Marjorie (the perp) is a pillar of the community, and is the child psychologist for the county, so I’d think real hard over this (let’s not forget that I had been the victim here).”

I did point out that I had brought a witness (the waiter), as well as notarized affidavits from several people who were in the restaurant at the time, and CCTV footage from the restaurant, too. She refused to allow them to be admitted. Wasn’t she supposed to help me?

The judge wanted me to let the perp have my car fixed (she broke a window and keyed the door) by some unlicensed guy, whom she had treated when he was in school. I agreed to an estimate, but I was going to get my own estimate as well.

My sister used to work as a legal secretary, and she took me to one of her old bosses. We went over all of the evidence, and he agreed to come with me for the second court date.

So, at the next date, the prosecutor called me back to a private room, before going into the courtroom, again trying to force me to drop the charges, but still wanted me for assault. My lawyer, Mark, said, “So you say that my client threw Marjorie over the hood of her own car and held her against a wall with her right arm, correct?”

The prosecutor said, “That’s what Marjorie told me.”

Mark: “Marjorie, how tall are you?”

Marjorie: “5’10”

Mark: Chole, how tall are you?

Me: “5’3″

Mark: “Marjorie, you are a big woman, easily close to 200 pounds, while Chole weighs 92 pounds, so how could she throw you?

Prosecutor: “That’s not important.”

Mark: “I disagree. Marjorie, you said in your sworn statement that Chole held you up against the wall with her right arm. Are you certain that you want to say that?”

Marjorie: “That girl is a wild animal; who knows what those people are capable of?”

Mark: “Well, Chole had emergency surgery two weeks prior to the incident, on her right side, and still cannot lift that arm past shoulder level, no thanks to you. Also, she’s left-handed.” Checkmate.

Marjorie, at this point, jumped up and started screaming about how important she was and I was just white trash, when Mark stood up, looked down at her (he’s 6’9) and said, “Lady, you might have convinced this prosecutor that you’re somebody special, but I have, in my briefcase, a filing, ready to go to the state board, along with all the evidence from this case, as well as sworn observations about your general behavior from your fellow psychologists and some of your neighbors. You will never be able to work again once I’m through with you, so I suggest that you sit the f**k down and admit that you lied and that you beat this ‘white trash girl’ for no g*****n reason.” Then, he turned to the prosecutor and said, “How dare you assume that someone is guilty because they’re not from this s****y town? What does that prove, or are you just bored and lazy?”

Marjorie had to pay for all of the damage done to my car, as well as the ambulance service, medical costs relating to everything that she did to me, and the damage she did to the chair in the restaurant. All of my charges were dropped and expunged.

Mark usually handled divorce cases, but he had way too much fun that night!

Flash-forward a few years, when I was at a luncheon with my mom. We ran into a friend of hers, who is also a child psychologist for another district. My mom mentioned my case, and the woman said, “We’ve all been waiting for that b***h to get knocked down a few pegs for years! She’s a nightmare to deal with, but she did lose her job shortly after your case was resolved.” The district didn’t want to have to pay out a small fortune if and when this woman blew her top again, so they forced her into early retirement.

Eliminate Apple Android compatibility! Huawei’s independent operating system shocks the West!

“”In today’s episode, we dive into the latest developments in the Huawei vs. United States tech competition. Huawei has made a groundbreaking announcement – its HarmonyOS will no longer be compatible with Android. HarmonyOS 4.0 has sparked intense discussions, with industry experts suggesting it could challenge iOS and Android. Huawei’s move to disconnect HarmonyOS from Android is a strategic maneuver in the global tech arena, countering U.S. dominance. We explore the implications and Huawei’s plan to create opportunities for global tech enterprises.

Russia ditches US Dollar and Indian Rupee, accepts Only Local Currency and Yuan

Russia is still sitting on 40 billion dollars worth of trapped Indian Rupees.

BRICS member Russia is evading US sanctions by accepting local currencies as payment for exports and not the US dollar. Russia’s third-biggest oil producer, ‘Gazprom Neft announced that the company has completely stopped accepting the US dollar as payment.

The oil exporter has ditched the US dollar and switched to accepting local currencies for cross-border transactions. This is the first oil-producing firm to completely switch from the US dollar to local currencies in 2023.

The development comes on the heels of the de-dollarization efforts initiated by the BRICS alliance. Saudi Arabia also confirmed recently that it is open to accepting local currencies for oil trade across the world.

Alexander Dyukov, the CEO of Gazprom Neft, said that the company has completely moved away from the U.S. dollar. He added that the firm will not be accepting Euros, which will eventually put pressure on the countries of the European Union. “We have virtually moved away from payments in dollars and euros,” he said to Tass.

Dyukov revealed that the oil firm will accept the Chinese Yuan and the Russian Ruble as payment moving forward. “We mainly use Yuan and Rubles,” he said. A spokesperson said that the company has no issues accepting and withdrawing foreign currencies from across the world.

However, the CEO stressed that the company is not open to accepting the Indian Rupee as payment. “No. We don’t use Rupees,” he said without citing why the INR is left out as a payment option. If many other oil companies follow suit, the US dollar could be in jeopardy. The means to fund the dollar’s deficit will narrow, leading to economic turmoil in the US.

ASEAN Rejects US As Biden Tried Disrupting Summit And Made These Silly Requests!

im from the Philippines and i firmly believe that without U.S. hegemony, the world will be at peace.”

When have you fired someone on the spot?

Quite a few years ago I worked for a large insurance company. I had an office on the fifth floor. In that office I had a decorative ceramic eagle worth about $200 sitting on my bookcase. One Friday afternoon it was there when I went home for the weekend. When I returned on Monday it was gone!

I trotted down to Building Security and explained the issue. They smiled and said, “Give us an hour.” I said, “Why?” They said, “Very few people know about the hidden cameras in the elevators!”

An hour later they called me. They showed me a video of one of my employees carrying out my eagle at 11:00 PM on a Sunday night! They happily printed out a hard copy of a frame that showed the theft.

On Monday morning I called my thief into my office. I had a little fun. I told him how shocked I was that my eagle was missing. He said all the right things about how terrible this was!

“Who would do such a thing?” I inquired. He quickly threw two other employees under the bus. Then I laid the picture out of this SOB doing the deed!

“I guess I’m fired” he said! “You guessed right,” I said.

Footnote- My superiors were not satisfied with that. They called the police and had him charged & convicted for theft!

It FINALLY happened (mask off moment)…

Thanks, Canada, for confirming what Mr. Putin has been saying all along.

Why is Japan so safe?

“Remember, don’t talk to the hostesses, and don’t start a fight. Got it?” I asked my friends, making sure everyone also had a drink in hand.

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Girls holding signs, where sometimes a man may come in to “persuade” you to try it

“What happens if we lose you?” one of my friends asked.

“Look, you’re not carrying shrooms or weed. Don’t start a fight, and worst case they put you in a cell until you sober up. Then call me.” I grinned back. The Neon lights with the words “Kabuki-cho” illuminated behind me. Farther ahead, many girls with signs.

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Sorta like this now

They all nodded, some coming from downtown LA, some former military members, and some just like you, traveling Japan for the first time.

As a preamble, they wanted me to take them to the sketchiest part of Tokyo, which I find to be a contradiction.

After seeing a beer cans and some trash on the floor, I looked back at my group, shaking my head. “I’m so sorry guys. This area is not as clean as Japan, and it can get pretty bad.” Then I looked back up and winked at them.

The reason why it’s so safe is because of the culture.

People in Japan from a younger age are taught to think of the community first, and not themselves. There are pros and cons of this, which I’ll reserve for another post, but it starts from school as the students are expected to clean everything. If you do a bad job, you will be socially ostracized until you put in “your part”. Everywhere you go it’s pretty much handicap friendly, so if you have any disabilities people make sure you can go about your day.

The reason why it’s so safe is because there’s no incentive

It didn’t used to be this way. Japan has organized crime like any other country (Yakuza ring a bell?) but even they realized it wasn’t profitable to do violence so they pretty much resort to financial racketeering or money laundering and other “services”, but never violence.

The reason why it’s so safe is because of the police culture.

Japan has what some in the West would be almost a too trusting culture with the police. Kid is lost? Go to the local police station. Harassed? Local police station. Followed? Local police station. You get the idea.

You also don’t really have to worry about being injured going to the police. The police are liable if they do physically hurt you, so they have come up with ways to restain you without harming you.

The reason why it’s so safe is because the population is older and busy

If you look at Japan, the average age is almost 50. People don’t need to prove themselves when they’re older, and have it stable. Likewise, the younger generation are almost too busy with school, work, or other societal aspect that there’s almost no free time to do anything else. This obviously has major cons, but it does make it so that most people follow the rules and are rewarded on the “successful” pathway.

By age 40, you should be smart enough to realize this:

1. Stay silent. Not everything needs to be said.

2. Silence is better than unnecessary drama.

3. If you find someone smarter than you, work with them, don’t compete. Competition is a weakness.

4. The family you create is more important than the family you come from.

5. Your current job doesn’t care about you. They only pay you enough to kill your dreams.

6. Free yourself from society’s advice, most of them have no idea of what they’re doing.

7. It’s better to have 1 friend who’s;

• Happy for you

• Supports your win

• Encourages your dreams

Than a bunch of acquittance who are

• Lazy

• Self-centered

• Jealous of your success

8. You’ll be 10x happier if you forgive your parents and stop blaming them.

9. If you continue waiting for the “right time ”, you’ll waste your whole life and nothing will happen.

10. No one will ever come save you. Your life is 100% your responsibility.

11. Your inner circle should be more focused on money, success, and starting a family.

12. You don’t need 100 self-help books. All you need is actions and self-discipline.

What is normal in your country but weird in the rest of the world?

Iceland here.

  • If it’s 10degrees or hotter outside [50 degrees Fahrenheit, for Americans] we will go out in bikinis and sunbathe
  • Almost every family owns at least one summer cabin that is frequently visited
  • We say ‘good morning’ or ‘good evening’ to everyone we pass on the street, depending on the time of day
  • We will often have long discussions (*hem* arguments) of what type of snow is snowing at the moment
  • The first real day of summer was three days ago and almost everyone took a break from work to go and enjoy it (it was around 14 degrees or something)
  • It snows from August to June
  • All the houses are built like fortresses so they can withstand the frequent earthquakes
  • We await the next volcanic eruption with excitement
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(Eyjafjallajökull, 2010)

  • Most of us watch football religiously
  • Dried fish is a delicacy
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  • We loudly announce when we go to the toilet and ask if we have permission to do so
  • Going on dates is a formal and a rare experience, not standard at all
  • Blind dates is something that doesn’t happen
  • In swimming pools we wash without clothes with everyone else of the same gender, no stalls
  • We drink a lot of milk —it goes with everything
  • We leave our babies outside in their prams -of cafes, our homes, in the garden, in our unlocked cars
  • We love sauces; we probably have hundreds of different types, also ice cream shops normally have about six different sauces
  • We will have barbecues in any weather
  • We drink lots of alcohol: beer, wine, you name it
  • It’s never cold inside our houses, ever
  • We party until way after midnight —if you are camping and want to sleep, don’t camp next to Icelanders
  • Believing in elves and trolls is normal and we have tons of stories that we’ve been told about them since we were young
  • We have 13 Santa Clauses
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edit : some more for y’all + pics on the original answer

  • We have a Christmas Cat that, if you don’t get new clothes for christmas, will come and eat you (particularly children)
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  • The christmas cat is owned by a pair of trolls called Grýla and Leppalúði. they are the Santa Clauses’ parents, who are also trolls.
  • Grýla kidnaps, cooks and eats misbehaving children.
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  • We have a day dedicates to eating these delicious balls of air
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  • The water quality is 500% and so when we visit other countries we are dying because the water tastes so bad there
  • We are taught from a young age that we should never ever ever step on the moss and if you do then u deserve to burn in hell (ok maybe not but that’s the idea)
  • Everyone hates Justin Bieber for that music video he did. (+We had to close down the park a part of it was shot in because the tourists were tearing up the moss.)
  • In winter we all wear the thickest coats you’ll see while still trying to stay fashionable and we all look giant
  • Conjugation is a thing so a noun has 16 different variations of itself.
  • Tourism is the top industry of Iceland
  • Ice cream is enjoyed whenever; in a snow storm or on a rare hot day; doesn’t matter
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What is the most clever way you have seen someone respond to road rage?

I was proud of myself for this…you be the judge.

While waiting to turn left into a busy street, the person behind me grew impatient and honked. Not wanting to be the person to face death by oncoming traffic so he could hurry, I put my car into park and got out.

I pasted a look of quizzical concern on my face, and slowly walked to the back of my car. I inspected the back and could find nothing wrong, so I turned to the guy who honked and said, “What is it? Is one of my lights out? Is one of my tires flat?”

He shouted, “I just want you to go!”, but it was busy, so I pretended not to hear him, so I cupped my hand to my ear and walked towards him.

“I JUST WANT YOU TO GO!!!!” he shouted.

“Oh, well, I’m turning left, and it’s kind of busy, so I’m waiting for a break. I’ll go then. I thought you were honking because you saw something wrong with my car. Thanks!” I cheerily shared.

I went back to my car, put it in drive, and waited for a safe time to pull out.

Why People Are Moving to Mexico City

Under-reporting trend.

Why don’t American teachers break up school fights anymore?

I used to until I was sued and faced legal action against my credential that was filed by my principal. The principal also convinced the boy’s father to file a criminal complaint and tried to get me arrested. It cost over $150,000 in attorney’s fees to fight the administrative actions and criminal actions. I ended up prevailing and in the end, after spending another $100,000 in attorney’s fees, I recouped my fees by filing suit against the parent of the student and the school district.

The back story was this male student who suffers from schizophrenia and has other learning disabilities was assigned to my science class. I was never informed about his medical diagnosis. He was enrolled in the intensive intervention program at our school that was for students who had behavioral issues. These students were supposed to have an aide with them in the mainstream classroom or they were supposed to be in the II room doing their work. They had a behavioral intervention plan for each student.

I was not given this student’s BIP because his mother, a teacher in the district and at another site, did not want his medical diagnosis shared with his teachers. She also did not agree with it and refused to administer his medication at home. To be allowed at school, he had to take his meds. The year prior, he had beaten two students so severely, they were hospitalized for several weeks and one almost died. So his meds were administered at school. He did not take them on the weekends so on Mondays he was always exhibiting extreme behavior. It also turns out that at times the voices he heard told him the meds were poison so he would pretend to take them and then spit them out when the school nurse was not looking.

I knew he was supposed to have a BIP and I made several requests for it by email. I cced the requests to the vice-principal and the principal and never received a response. By state and federal law, I was supposed to be given the BIP and made aware of anything that could possibly endanger myself or my students. I was supposed to be informed that the previous year he went into a psychotic rage and nearly killed two students in his PE class and it took 4 PE teachers to pull him off of the student both times. It was after the second attack that he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and placed in the II program and assigned an aide to be with him at all times.

Well, his case carrier let him go to his classes without an aide because none of the aides would deal with him. He had assaulted all of the aides that were available and so they refused to work with him. He was confined to the II room for the first 5 periods of the day. She sent him to my class 6th period because it was her prep period and she wanted a break. Since no aide would work with him, she did not send an aide with him, so I had to deal with him on my own. Of course I had no idea about the schizophrenia or that his constant talking was due to his talking to the voices of his imaginary friends that were real to him and that were telling him what to do.

One day those friends told him to beat the crap out of a female student that was half his size because she had disrespected him because she was looking at him funny. Of course she was at the back of the room and he was at the front and she wanted nothing to do with him. Nobody wanted to even talk to this kid. So he got up and walked back to her, and pulled her out of her seat and started beating her. When I got to her, he had her on the floor and she was in the fetal position. He was kicking her head repeatedly. I grabbed him in a bear hug from behind and walked him to the door. He was continuing to kick and so he and I went down. I just continued dragging him to the door and pulled him out the room. I left him outside and returned to the room and shut the door behind me. He was locked out side.

I called the office to come and get him and to send for paramedics for the girl. He spent the next 30 minutes pounding on the door and windows with his bare fists. He actually shattered several windows to the classroom. It took administrators 10 minutes to get to my classroom. They spent 20 minutes asking him to calm down and walk with them to the office. He charged them several times and hit and kicked them but they would not use any physical force to restrain him. Even after he broke the windows with his fists and cut his hands, they refused to restrain him. I finally had enough and called the police. They came and took him down and cuffed him. My principal was upset. But the paramedics were able to stop his bleeding before he bled out. Then they were able to treat the student he had kicked in the head several times. She had a severe concussion and needed medical attention now, not 30 minutes from now.

Of course in this day and age of cell phones, a few of my students filmed this. As allowed by state law, I confiscated the cell phones because filming inside of a classroom is a violation of state law, and filming fights is a suspendible behavior. I handed the phones to the admin and wrote the appropriate referrals.

The district policy is the admin is supposed to review all photos and videos with a parent present, copy any thing taken in a classroom then delete those images from the phone. Those copies are then saved as evidence for the basis of the suspension and depending on the severity of the offense and the number of previous offenses the student gets from 1 to 5 days of suspension. The phones do not get handed back under any circumstances until the videos are erased.

Well, the principal just handed them back immediately. I still wrote the referrals. I documented everything.

The next day. I get called to the office. I find the SRO wanting to interview me. I respectfully declined. I invoked my right to have an attorney present before answering any questions. I have attorneys for relatives and friends. When a police officer asks you a question about a situation you were involved in, they are not your friend. Anything you say can be used against you. You do not say anything without an attorney. What the officer did not say that I learned later was the father had filed a criminal complaint against me. The principal had encouraged him to do so. The problem was, he did not have custody of his son nor did he have legal educational rights. In fact, there was a restraining order prohibiting him from being on school grounds or within 1,000 feet of his son. Mom did not want to file a criminal complaint because she knew what would happen, absolutely nothing. She was a teacher and knew what the education code was.

In CA, a teacher may intervene to protect the safety of a student. So if it is mutual combat, I could legally intervene to prevent both students from harming each other. I am not legally required to but I can if I feel I can do so. If I am injured, I am covered by workman’s comp for injuries sustained in performing my duties. The top duty of any teacher is to ensure student safety. That takes a higher priority over teaching students. I have broken up fights before and have been injured and they have always been covered. I do it because I am a teacher and student safety is first.

The principal then filed an administrative action against me for violating the rights of a special education student. I did not follow his behavioral intervention plan. Had this been successful, I would have lost my job and my credential. This was made worse by the fact that the video taken by a student was posted to social media. It then made the local news.

Of course the story was one sided. I could not provide my side of the story. Anything I said would violate the student’s privacy rights under state and federal law. So, I was the teacher that assaults students for no reason. Nothing was said about the student that was on the floor, in the fetal position, having her head repeatedly kicked. Nothing was said about her traumatic brain injuries or the induced coma she was in for two weeks or her overwhelming fear of returning to the same school this monster of a student was at so she ended up transferring to a private school. By the way, this student who was the aggressor was never suspended because his special education rights were violated. He did this to at least 6 other students after this incident over the next 2 years and the district ended up paying out several millions to the parents of his victims. They finally got rid of the student by moving the program off of my campus to another one. This allowed them to fire this inept teacher. At the new campus, this student is confined to his II room and not allowed into any general education room. That principal has made sure of it. He has signed one school security officer to be with the student at all times.

My union would help pay for the legal defense, but only if I prevailed. So I did what was best for me, I hired the best attorney in the field of Education Administrative law. She has earned several awards and has won many cases that went all the way to the CA Supreme Court. I mortgaged my house and paid the retainer. I then shut up and let her talk for me.

My district told my principal to back down, she would lose. Since this was a legal action, I got a copy of all emails and I got this email. My principal did not realize I got this email and her response was she was not going to because I hurt a student and she needed to make an example of me. Their response was they would not pay for her legal costs, she was on her own and she had to pay for all of her attorney fees. They would not provide an attorney for her. She decided she did not need one. She went it alone. If you are dealing with a legal issue, never, ever appear before a judge without a competent attorney. If your boss tells you to drop it and you insist on following through on the legal action, it is a sign you are going to lose.

After 3 months, she lost. Then I took all the documentation of where she went wrong and filed suit. Then she realized she screwed up big time because the district told her to get her own attorney. She refused to settle out of court and so her costs went up and she lost. The district also lost because I went after them because she was their employee. I also went dad for his defamation and libel and filing a false police report. Because of the deep pockets law, I won an enforceable judgement against the district and the principal.

Now, as a teacher, I really do not want to take money from the education of students. So, I negotiated with the district. Since I won against the original criminal and administrative complaints against me, my union will cover much of the attorney’s fees for that. I also had to hire a criminal defense attorney. His bill was only $10,000 because he only had to file some paperwork with the DA to get the DA to make a decision to either charge me or drop it. The DA decided that at worse I was guilty of an infraction, and since I was protecting another student and had a strong defense that I was protecting her from certain death or permanent harm, what I did was legal, he would never consider filing charges because the case would be too weak and I would never be convicted. The district negotiated with the principal to cover my administrative attorney’s fee not covered by the union. This meant they told her they would withhold the money from her paycheck to pay my attorney or the principal would no longer have a job.

Then, the principal would buy 10 years of credit into my retirement plan with the state. This would come from her paycheck rather than from the district so students do not suffer. If she did not agree, she would not longer be working for the district. This will allow me to retire early and leave the state and seek employment outside of CA where education has not become so bad that the schools are run by the lowest common denominator and the students who want to learn and get an education are being left behind and whose safety is in danger every day.

In exchange, I signed a contract that I will never intervene in a fight. I will call the office and report it to an administrator. Last year, I had 8 fights in my classroom. Administrators are trained to not run to fights. They are supposed to walk because it demonstrates a calm response. My classroom is at the back of campus and it takes a minimum of 5 minutes to walk from the front to my room. The average administrative response time from the time I call to inform them there is a fight in my room to them actually arriving is 15 minutes. During that time I am supposed to evacuate the classroom of all students who are not participating and who will follow my directions. I have to supervise those students outside. The defiant students stay inside. Since I have done my duty, I am good. The students inside can hurt and maim each other all they want and they do. After the administrators arrive, a few ambulances are required.

The result, last May a police officer attempted to do CPR on a student that collapsed at lunch time. Other nearby students assumed the officer was assaulting the student or arresting the student and started a riot. They threw trash cans at that officer and the other responding officers that arrived within two minutes. The 4 administrators that arrived and told the students to disperse were ignored. The administrators sounded a lock-down and the students ignored it. They continue to attack the officer attempting CPR. The student died.

That student had tapped a mixture of pentyl and THC and she stopped breathing. It took 20 minutes for the police to to control the students, including arresting 30 of them, clearing the area enough to get the paramedics to the girl. They could not perform CPR during that time. The officer that tried to do CPR was taken to the hospital with a concussion after having two garbage cans slammed over his head.

Students learned if they fight the adults back down.

If I see a fight or a student assaulting another, I walk the other way. I am legal safe if I just call the office. If I intervene, I can lose everything. I can be sued, I can lose my job, I can lose my life savings. If I do nothing but just call the office, I am protected from all legal consequences. The worst that can happen is I get called to answer the questions from a few attorneys. I spend a few days at the district office with pay while talking to attorneys. I did that two months ago.

It went something like this. Did you see the fight. Yes. What did you do? I called the office to report it. Who did you report it to? I reported it to the attendance secretary who answered the phone and she said she would call security. I then waited in my room because I feared for my safety. I watched the fight through my classroom window. It took security 15 minutes to arrive.

Why did you not break up the fight? I did not feel I had the physical strength to do so without incurring injury to myself and I have a written contract with the school district stating I will not break up fights but will only report them to the administration because it is their job to break them up. Here is a copy of that contract.

The district hated that I brought that up but it gave me 100% legal cover. It was proof I did exactly what I was directed to do by a superior so they were 100% on the hook for my actions.

The truth is, your students are not as safe at school as district administrators want you to think.

Banana Custard Cobblers

2023 10 15 09 54
2023 10 15 09 54

Yield: 8 servingsIngredients


1 cup granulated sugar1/2 cup cornstarch8 large egg yolks3 cups whole milk1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise6 tablespoons (34 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature1/4 cup dark rum


3/4 cup all-purpose flour1/2 cup almonds6 tablespoons (packed) golden brown sugar5 tablespoons chilled unsalted butter, cut into pieces3 bananas, thinly slicedInstructions

  • Whisk sugar, cornstarch and egg yolks in large bowl to blend.Bring milk and vanilla bean to boil in heavy large saucepan.Gradually whisk hot milk into egg yolk mixture; return mixture to saucepan. Whisk over medium-low heat until custard boils and thickens, about 3 minutes. Remove from heat.Whisk in butter and rum. Cool slightly.Discard vanilla bean. Cover with plastic and refrigerate until cold. (Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Keep refrigerated.)
  • Topping
  • Blend flour, almonds and brown sugar in processor to mix.
  • Add butter and process, using on/off turns, until coarse crumbs form. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Transfer to bowl; cover and chill.)Position rack in center of oven and preheat to 400 degrees F.Place eight 1 cup ramekins or custard cups on baking sheet.Divide custard equally among ramekins, using about cup for each.Top each dessert with about 8 banana slices.Spoon topping over banana slices, dividing equally.Bake cobblers until topping is golden brown, about 15 minutes.Remove from oven and cool slightly, about 15 minutes.Serve warm.
  • What was a big mistake in WW2?

    Originally Answered: What was big mistake in WW2?

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    This is the Lorenz cipher.

    Unlike its better known relative, the Enigma machine which was infamously deciphered by code-breakers at Bletchley Park throughout the war, the Lorenz cipher posed a much greater challenge. Utilising 12 wheels to scramble up the message being sent as opposed to the 3 or 4 rotors found in the Enigma machine, the Lorenz cipher was incredibly secure. As a result, unlike the Enigma that was used by the German standard armed forces, the Lorenz cipher was used only by high command with messages coming from Hitler himself. As a result, to crack the Lorenz cipher (or Tunny as it was code named by the British) would have the potential to change the course of the war.

    Not much headway had been made in breaking the Lorenz cipher through the war until a German operator made a catastrophic mistake on 30 August 1941. When a German receiving operator did not receive a message correctly, he asked the transmitter to resend the information and despite clear protocol against it, the two operators resent the message without changing their key settings (the settings that determine how the text is scrambled up). However since the message in question was 4000 characters long, the lazy German operator abbreviated several words, thus changing the length of the message. Since their key settings were both the same, the two messages had the same scrambling pattern of characters. Thus by comparing the locations where the message text changed, details of the way the rotors worked could be determined.

    These two messages were intercepted by the British who soon realised the importance of what they had discovered. This task of cracking Tunny was given to W T (Bill) Tutte who began to find repetitions in the cipher which allowed him to reverse engineer the Lorenz machine’s logical structure in what would be later described as “one of the greatest intellectual feats of World War II”. In order to support the painstaking decryption of German messages, the British Colossus was built in 1943 by Tommy Flowers, the first ever modern computer.

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    The Colossus Machine

    The impact of the decryption of Tunny was enormous. It gave the British intimate details of Hitler’s most secret communications which was most notably vital in D Day where the Allies were able to deceive the Germans that they were going to attack at Calais as opposed to Normandy and at the Battle of Kursk in 1943, Germany’s last ditch attempt to reverse their fortunes on the Eastern Front and one of the largest battles in history. Involving 3 million men, without foreknowledge of German planning provided by the British, the Soviets would have been badly prepared defensively and could have lost this crucial battle and as a result, the war would’ve been prolonged. In fact, historians estimate that the breaking of the Lorenz cipher shortened the war by two years and thus saved millions of lives all due to the careless mistake of two lazy German operators.

    However this pivotal event is not well known due to the Official Secrets Act keeping the nature of the code breakers working to break the Lorenz cipher secret until 1974 and some former staff even today still refuse to break their vow of secrecy, preferring to take their knowledge to the grave.

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    W T (Bill) Tutte, the man responsible for cracking the Lorenz Cipher

    Sweet cat is trying desperately to fit in, find a home

    Sawdust and hotdogs

    When I was a young boy, growing up in Bridgeport, CT, my father would take myself and my sister to the butcher to buy meat. He would always buy meats that a typical 1960’s era family would buy. This would include pork, beef, chicken, and many many roasts. I am sure that he bought some occasional steaks, as well as lots of pork chops.

    What I remember most from that time was the wood sawdust floors, and the fresh hotdogs that he would procure for us from the butcher there.

    Today… the “local butcher” is more than likely an employee at a supermarket chain, rather than an individual with a shingle and a business storefront.

    It’s a sad thing… you know, to lose something that seems all so common at one time.

    In those days, the meat were all wrapped in newspaper or butchers paper, today, it’s all prepackaged in cellophane and sterile.

    Appreciate what you have today. The mundane is soon to be replaced with something different. And as you get older, you will reminisce of the common day to day lifestyle that you had once taken for granted.


    2nm Chips

    2nm Chips: China to challenge ASML with a new technology better than EUV — Techovedas

    In the race for semiconductor chip manufacturing, China has embarked on a groundbreaking venture to revolutionize lithography technology by exploring novel avenues that could potentially disrupt the industry especially ASML.

    China is strategizing the establishment of an immense chip manufacturing facility propelled by a particle accelerator to challenge ASML. This technology could be a game-changer that outstrips US sanctions and make China a key player in the chip world. They’re actively pushing forward with the construction of a crucial particle accelerator to bring this cutting-edge technology to life.

    This initiative is focused on leveraging particle accelerators to create a cutting-edge laser source for lithography machines, a crucial component in microchip production. Unlike traditional approaches, the Chinese project aims to localize manufacturing and bolster high-volume, low-cost chip production by constructing a colossal factory housing multiple lithography machines around a single accelerator.

    This innovation could position China as a global leader in the industrial production of advanced chips, including coveted 2nm chips.

    One of the potential applications of our research is as a light source for future EUV lithography machines. I think this is why the international community is paying close attention,”

    Professor Tang Chuanxiang from Tsinghua University in a report on the university’s website.

    The SSMB Theory and its Potential:

    At the core of this technological breakthrough is the innovative Steady-State Microbunching (SSMB) theory, proposed by Professor Zhao Wu at Stanford University and his student Daniel Ratner in 2010. SSMB theory utilizes the energy released by charged particles during acceleration to act as a light source, resulting in a narrow bandwidth, small scattering angle, and continuous pure Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) light.

    ASML prioritizes downsizing chip manufacturing machines for international trade. In contrast, the Chinese initiative centers on domestic production. It aims to construct an extensive facility consolidating numerous lithography machines around a central accelerator. This advancement can fuel abundant and cost-effective chip production. It positions China as a leader in industrializing advanced chips, including 2nm and beyond.

    China tech Better than ASML EUV

    Compared to the existing ASML EUV technology, SSMB, china tech proves to be a superior light source. It offers higher average power and increased chip production while maintaining lower unit costs.

    ASML utilizes laser-induced plasma to generate an EUV source, involving the projection of strong laser pulses onto tin microdroplets. This impact crushes the droplets, producing EUV pulse light. Following intricate filtering and focusing processes, an EUV light source with an approximate power of 250W is generated.


    China’s ambitious project aims to create a new light source for lithography machines. It utilizes particle accelerators and SSMB theory. This endeavor could reshape the semiconductor industry significantly. China seeks to localize chip manufacturing and diminish reliance on foreign technologies. The focus is on becoming a leader in semiconductor fabrication, particularly in advanced chips like the 2nm chips. The success of the SSMB-EUV light source could revolutionize chip production. It has the potential to unlock new horizons for scientific research and technological innovation. The future of chip manufacturing may very well be illuminated by this groundbreaking Chinese initiative.

    Tri-Tip Stroganoff

    2023 10 12 12 37
    2023 10 12 12 37


    • 1/2 small onion, diced
    • 1/4 cup butter
    • 1 (1 pound) tri-tip steak
    • 7 fresh mushrooms
    • 2 cans cream of chicken soup
    • 1 pint sour cream
    • 1 package large egg noodles
    • Salt, pepper and garlic, to taste


    1. Melt butter. Add onions and garlic. Cook until onions are translucent.
    2. Add steak and salt and pepper. Brown steak.
    3. Add fresh mushrooms and cook well.
    4. Add 2 cans cream of chicken soup. Let boil. Add water to thin a little.
    5. Add sour cream last. Stir well and simmer for 10 minutes.
    6. Serve over hot egg noodles.

    Do you think American users’ data on TikTok could end up in the hands of the Chinese government?

    Yes. This is all very valuable data to the CCP. They really want to know how many funny cat videos you watch each week. Also, whether you really like Taylor Swift more than Beyonce. Some of you also watch many videos each week relating to your favourite sports, such as baseball, football and basketball, while others among you may be into cooking, gardening or the latest Internet memes.

    These are grave matters of national security that have a significant impact on geopolitics. Therefore the Chinese Communist Party would make it their top priority to get hold of such critical data.

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    main qimg 6d610c741bbca9a663c6f85ee4a5fed4

    Rufus Story

    “To the pharmacist and assistant who saved my son’s life today. Thank you, but that’s not enough…

    I wish I could explain what you mean to me. I wish I had the words to tell you what you did for my family.

    Today my son choked on a sucker outside your window. Today my son turned every color of the rainbow and went limp in my arms. Today you screamed instructions and told me what to do while you ran to me.

    You cared.

    Today while I was in shock you remembered my oldest son witnessing this and even asked if he was okay while I couldn’t. Today you walked me through every step that I froze on. Today you saved my son’s life without even thinking about it. You called 911 when I was speechless.

    Erin and Tami, I wish I could repay the favor but nothing I could do could equal what you did today. After this extreme incident, you went back to work helping people like you do every day, but today was different. Today time stood still for a moment, but you kept moving and kept helping without hesitation.

    I hope this reaches you. I hope you know how much I appreciate everything you have done.

    Because of you, he smiled on the way home. Because of you, I heard him giggle in his room just now. Because of you, I have time. Time to enjoy these moments.

    ‘Thank you’ seems like the smallest word on the planet. but has the most powerful meaning. You took just a few minutes out of your day to give me a lifetime more with my son and I will forever be grateful.

    Thank you.”

    If you could go back in time 10 years and give yourself advice, what would you say?

    So, 10 years, that would be 2013. I had just started my job as a producer at a big game company, working on a high-profile, very well-known title. By that time, I had a few years of production experience with various start-ups and large companies, mostly doing outsourcing work or working on smaller games. But I never directly involved in the production of an AAA title. That job was my big break into the actual, “legit” game production, the kind you’d see your name listed when the credit started rolling. I was full of aspirations and unrealistic expectations about what production (of an AAA box title video game) was like, as in, video game production was like a well-oiled machine. We all do our part, and magic happens. I was very ready to give it 120%. As for burnout, what burnout? If you love video games, you won’t get burned out because you’re working on something you love, right? Right?

    Oh, I have so many horror stories to tell the 2013 me. It didn’t even take long for me to get burned out. I worked for that company for 3 years and experienced burnout multiple times. The first couple of times, it wasn’t that bad. I barely felt it. It’s just a long period of exhaustion and numbness. I could usually recover, especially if there was a holiday break right after the release crunch. Then I couldn’t recover. I was in a perpetual state of numbness and exhaustion that impacted every aspect of my life, not just work.

    But it’s OK, I tell myself. I wanted this. This is what it takes to ship a game.

    I changed jobs and worked on a different game. I told myself it was OK. I was not doing it for the company or even the game. I was doing it for my team. They were like my family.

    The other day, I read one of my older answers about game production, and I said in that answer: you came for the title. You stay for the team. And I laughed at myself. Oh, silly, silly me. Your team ain’t your family, Feifei. “Found Family” is a literary trope, not a real thing you can actually go search in real life. To think, I actually told candidates that this company was like a big family when I did interviews, not knowing it was a gigantic red flag if you’re applying for a job. I was a walking red flag of burnout, and I didn’t have the self-awareness to see it in the mirror.

    I’m glad I got out of that fantasy back in 2020.

    So what advice would I give the 2013 me? Nothing.

    Because the 2013 me wouldn’t listen. I was stubborn and so full of myself. I knew what I wanted, and I was going to get it. Ain’t nobody gonna tell me no. I wouldn’t listen to anyone, even the 2023 me. 2013 me would tell the 2023 me that she can make a difference. She wouldn’t end up working a middle management corporate job that gets off work at 5 p.m. because that’s pathetic.

    Something in life you just have to learn the hard way. You have to learn from experience. You have to learn from having your dream and aspiration crushed by being exploited mercilessly and discarded.

    So, what do I say if I met my 2013 self?

    “You go, girl! You can do this!”

    Cambodia risks & dangers, friends death (Natalia Montoni) and No Joke Howard


    What is the best thing that has ever happened to you for being nice?

    I used to be a cake decorator.

    One evening my boyfriend and I were going dancing and I had forgotten something at work. So I dropped by dresses in a slinky black dress and high heeled shoes. When I walked in I noticed one of the staff showing a woman her cake, as I retrieved my item I had a view of her face. When they open the box her face just fell. I walked over and asked if there was a problem. Then I saw the cake, I hadn’t been the one who had decorated it but I had seen the order a few days earlier when it had come in. I knew what she was expecting and that wasn’t it. I could see she was about to cry. Before she got there, I asked, can you me give 15–20 minutes to fix this for you.

    She said yes!

    So I grabbed an apron. Went to the bathroom, put my hair up and washed my hands. Since it was an ice cream cake I was able to simply slice the top off, re ice it. While it froze I custom mixed the colors to correct her order. Then I decorated it while In the freezer. I threw in a couple of extra little things to make up for the problem. Boxed in and brought it out to her. She loved it. She went home.

    The next day there was a nice thank you card and a $100.00 dollar bill waiting for me when I got to work. A one hundred dollar tip in 1977 was pretty exciting.

    What did someone do in TSA/airport security that made you say “You gotta be kidding me”?

    This was July-ish of 2004 and I was flying in an official capacity, on military orders, so I had a lot of my kit with me. Anyone who has done this will tell you, your orders can give you a little extra weight allowance, but they will still be very clear on the number of bags you can check. Those of us in the military become very proficient at bag-Tetris in order to get everything we need into what limited carrying capacity we have. These skills are acquired over time, and you definitely don’t have them when you join.

    The rocket surgeons at the TSA decided that my kit bags just had to be dumped and looked through. It might have been related to the Pelican case I was checking with my weapon in it, but, as I said, I was flying on orders. There were several questions about what certain items were, and implications that they were contemplating removing them from my checked bags (which would have be a lot of fun with the items which were government property). I was growing impatient, as the ample amount of time I had before my flight was rapidly dwindling, and I am sure that it was starting to show.

    My guess is that a supervisor saw all of my kit on their tables and decided to swing by, because there he was, asking what was happening. I explained the situation, and he informed the TSA “agents” that a) they couldn’t confiscate any of my kit and b) they needed to stop giving me “special attention”. The minimum wage power trippers reluctantly obeyed and said “ok, you can pack it all back up.” ←that right there was the “you gotta be kidding me” moment.

    I replied that they dumped it, they needed to pack it. They responded very smugly that it wasn’t their job to repack my bags, and I’d either do it myself or they’d dispose of the items as abandoned. I was now pissed and getting ready to start in to my argument, but the supervisor beat me to it. “Sorry guys, but all of that stuff is in the secured area and we can’t let a passenger past the barrier. You’ll have to get it packed back up. *looks at my ticket* And his flight leaves in 45 minutes…you’ve got less than 10.”

    It was excellent fun to watch them try to repack my kit bags, looking like a monkey with a math problem, but I was getting honestly nervous about making my flight. They got it packed up in almost 20 minutes, and the supervisor made a radio call that priority bags were coming and to not button up the flight. He then gave me a golf cart escort through security and to my gate. Before he left me there, he stuck out his hand to shake mine, and introduced himself. Mr. Smith, Sergeant First Class, Retired.

    Why Is The UK So Miserable?

    Really good round-up man! Left UK for Thailand 9 months ago and loving it. Miss family and countryside but everyday life is just more enjoyable!

    What is the best thing that has ever happened to you for being nice?

    Several years ago, as my husband and I walked our dog to a nearby park, we’d pass a modest house with a boxer in the front yard. Our dog would stop to socialize with the boxer, and eventually we got to know its owner, a very nice, elderly Englishwoman who, it turned out, was a World War II war bride/widow.

    A few years on, our friend suffered a stroke. As she had no family (she was childless), my husband and I looked after her property, and visited her as often as possible in the hospital and in rehab. She finally came back home, and we would stop by often and make sure she was doing OK.

    After a year or so, weakened by her ordeal, she died, and my husband and I arranged for her funeral services. A few weeks later, we received a call from her lawyer, who asked me to go to her house and look for her will. I did, and found it in a lockbox in a closet.

    We knew she was a strong advocate for animals, so we assumed she had left her assets to appropriate charities. Turns out that initially she had, but after her first stroke, she had contacted her lawyer, changed her will, and left us everything. Her house, her bank account, *everything.* We were flabbergasted.

    To this day, I’m insanely grateful, but you know what? I wish she was still with us. She taught our autistic son how to tie his shoes, and every time I watch him do so, I think of her, and miss her.

    Two Weeks ago

    “Two weeks ago, my 90-year-old mother, Catherine Ritchie, was preparing herself for bed at around 9pm.

    After brushing her teeth and hair, she turned around to find her bed completely engulfed in flames.

    She made an attempt to extinguish the flames herself by throwing blankets and pillows on the fire.

    The smoke and heat were so overwhelming that she immediately got disoriented, gave up fighting the fire, and decided to flee.

    She pushed the emergency call button she wears on her necklace, called 911, and attempted to get out of her now engulfed bedroom.

    She walked into the closet several times thinking it was the door that leads to the hallway. It wasn’t. She couldn’t find her way out. She was stuck. Smoke everywhere.

    Across the street, 4 boys saw the smoke and reflection of flames. Not an adult in sight. 4 kids who took immediate action to save an elderly woman who they couldn’t guarantee was home and who 3 of them had never even met.

    One started breaking the glass on the front door. One called 911. One went to the back door and began kicking it in. One went to the neighbors for an ax and help.

    Within minutes, a door was kicked in by a 14-year-old child who found my mother in the hallway outside of her bedroom and picked her up in his arms.

    Kids who are told about all the things they aren’t old enough to do saved the life of the most precious and beloved woman we know.

    Courageous young men. Young men who risked their own lives, their own safety, perhaps their good standing with their parents who might have chosen for them to do otherwise, and they carried my mother out of her burning home into the street, where firetrucks and ambulances would soon arrive.

    Dylan Wick – 16 years old, Nick Byrd – 14 years old, Seth Byrd – 16 years old, and Wyatt Hall – 17 years old, thank you! Thank you for your selfless acts of heroism and courage.

    Thank you for not allowing this to be the tragic end to our mother’s amazing life.

    Thank you for staying with her, hugging her, and helping her feel less alone until we could get to her.

    Thank you for being the kind of young men who thought about another person above yourselves.

    Thank you for staying safe yourselves as well. Thank you to your parents who obviously raised you in such a way that lead to you making life saving and heroic decisions on behalf of someone else.

    Thank you for more than we know how to thank you for! We will forever be indebted to the time you bought for us and the example you set for us. God Bless each of you for being such a blessing to us.


    Michael Ritchie, Karen Ritchie Sontag, Pat Ritchie, Jimmy Ritchie, Kelly Ritchie, John Ritchie, Tim Ritchie, Tom Ritchie, Missy Ritchie Nicholas, Ryan Ritchie, and 42 very grateful grandchildren.”

    San Jose, California Has Some Major Soul Searching To Do

    San Jose, California. Population one million. Well, wait – there WERE a million people here a few years ago, but there have been a lot of people who have left.

    For the first time since 2013, San Jose’s population dropped below a million people.


    Well, there’s a LOT of people leaving California in general.

    Only Illinois saw more people move away.

    I mean look the highways. They’re empty. It’s so expensive here, for one. Real estate costs are outrageous, and taxes are going up all the time.

    The politics here are turning a lot of people off. It’s getting more dangerous, and there’s homeless people taking over parts of town.

    And people can work from home now.

    Why raise a family here, when you can settle down in a place that’s just…better?

    That’s not good for a place like the Silicon Valley, which has relied on talent to be HERE with their butts in seats. They’re gonna have to figure that out – cause word is out among tech workers who don’t need to be here anymore.

    What did a fellow soldier do on the battlefield that you will never forget?

    I don’t know if it counts as a battlefield but when serving in Germany in 1974 I was in charge of a unit composed of three Royal Engineers and nine Gurkha riflemen. One night we were called out to investigate a possible unexploded bomb unearthed by some construction workers. The suspect object had been discovered while digging a deep trench in loose sandy soil.

    On arrival my riflemen set up a security cordon around the site while I climbed down to the bottom of the trench to evaluate the object. That is the last thing I remember as the loose sandy soil of the trench collapsed burying me alive. All of my squad immediately ignored common sense as well as standard operating procedures and jumped into the collapsed trench. Their efforts to move the sand covering me were hampered by the clearly exposed bomb which had fallen out of the trench wall and was lying on top of the pile of sand.

    They got a land rover reversed up to the side of the trench and tied a rope between the bomb and the truck. They then dragged a thousand pounds of high explosive which had been burried for thirty years bumping and jolting out of the trench and across the building site. All the time they were still digging or forming a bucket chain to remove the sand.

    I cannot ever forget the risks those men took to save me. But for those men’s efforts I would not be here today and writing this answer.

    What’s the shadiest tactic you’ve witnessed HR use at your job?

    Going anonymous here for reasons that will be obvious soon.

    I work on Wall Street in a front office position on the trading floor as a sales-trader.

    You can already see this is probably not the “safest” environment.

    I used to work in a large bank. I was constantly sexually harassed. I had clients who would send me IBs (Bloomberg IMs) in group chats with my manager and other sales-traders saying how “hot” they thought I was and that they had huge male appendages, asking me what kind of bra I was wearing, things of that nature. I’ve sat next to men who watched porn all day at work on their iPhones. I’ve had managers from other desks proposition me in return for introductions to clients (I never accepted).

    I was a high producer at this bank and the other sales-traders hated me for it, because I was much younger. They made up rumors that I was sleeping with all my clients (of course not true).

    I worked my ass off. I worked 12-hour days every day and then on weekends. I was out meeting clients every week. My co-workers would roll into the office at 7 and leave at 4:15 on the dot.

    Now, of course, all of this is on the manager’s side.

    When my manager was fired, one of the other sales-traders who hated me was promoted. His first move was to get me fired. HR (this is where they stepped in) decided to put a negative mark on my U-5. A U-5, for those not in finance, is a form for registered employees. It follows you for life. It discusses why you were fired. Most banks will write something innocuous like reduction of headcount or terminated employee. The reason for a U-5 is more for if you’ve done something really bad. Stealing from clients, hiding trading losses, something like that. They wrote on mine “failure to meet management expectations,” which basically means “you were a crap sales-person.” It’s virtually impossible to get a job after this in sales. To get it removed, you need to go through arbitration with FINRA, which costs an obscene amount of money.

    My bank did this to many people for no reason, mostly to junior employees who wouldn’t be able to afford to pay for a lawyer. It’s a disgusting practice.

    Update: I wanted to let everyone know. I’m not really sure *why* they did this except out of revenge. HR probably went along with it because management wanted it. Management wanted it because I had (and still have) very loyal clients, whose business they thought they could take. I took my bank to arbitration and won. It took a long time and a lot of money that I’ll never get back. I did manage to get a job after, doing the same thing at a smaller firm. It actually worked out as this firm is a lot better run with a group of people who are great at their job. (I’m also making more money… go figure!) I was lucky as I got this job before I went through arbitration (which is a long process). I had clients who spoke to my firm on my behalf, advocating for me, and a few former coworkers. I was lucky in that sense.

    Update 2 (Dec/30/2016): Wow thanks for all the upvotes! This has gotten more upvotes than any of my other (non-anonymous) answers, lol. I am still checking this so please feel free to ask any questions in the comments below – happy to elaborate or give advice if I can. Thanks!

    Update 3 (Feb/28/2017): More than 6k upvotes – WOW! Thanks, everyone! There are a few comments from people asking me to name-and-shame my old employer. Trust me, I would love to do that! I signed an agreement upon termination agreeing not to disparage my former employer. This is a pretty disparaging note and I’m not looking to get sued. All I will say is that I worked at a bank in NYC. For those accusing me of not looking out for my fellow women… it’s a tricky situation. Everyone (women/men/etc) needs to be careful and prepared for complicated situations in the workplace. This is NOT limited to Wall Street. Just this week there have been several major reports of sexual harassment: Bloomberg, Uber, Tesla, and Signet Jewelers. This problem is rampant and hardly limited to one industry or one company. I hope we as a people get better at treating people with respect.

    What is the funniest joke you’ve been told that you still think about to this day?

    Scene – Army basic training camp, 1943 (WW2):

    Drill Instructor (DI) pacing before the platoon (in the typical cadence of DIs everywhere): “Alright you lamebrains, settle in. We have word of where you will be posted. You will be sent as a platoon to the Pacific Islands where you will assist in removing Japanese invaders from their lands. I, and others, have taught you everything you need to know about being good soldiers. Now that I know where you are going, I will need to teach you about something that may save your life.”

    “You need to learn about the Hairy Water Swamp Viper. “

    DI in the typical “singsong” voice of DIs: “The Hairy Water Swamp Viper is three to three and a half feet in length. An inch to an inch and a half in diameter. Covered with three eighths inch hairs, colored orange black orange black orange black.”

    “If you are crawling through the jungle and you see the Hairy Water Swamp Viper poised thusly to strike (holds his arm like a snake about to strike), there is one, and only one thing to do to save your life.”

    “You must leap to your feet (DI demonstrating throughout), and place your left foot forward and pointing at the snake. Place your right foot back and perpendicular to your left. Extend the left arm fully, palm parallel and facing the ground. Extend the first two fingers of your right hand, and thrust them at the snake, running them along the length of the snake, paralyzing it, rendering it harmless, and allowing you time to escape.”

    The DI straightens himself up and points to one of the platoon members.

    DI: “Private Egghead, tell me everything you know about the Hairy Water Swamp Viper!”

    Private Egghead leaps to his feet.

    Private Egghead: “The Hairy Water Swamp Viper is three to three and a half feet in length. An inch to an inch and a half in diameter. Covered with three eighths inch hairs, colored orange black orange black orange black.”

    “If you are crawling through the jungle and you see the Hairy Water Swamp Viper poised thusly to strike (holds his arm like a snake about to strike), there is one, and only one thing to do to save your life.”

    “You must leap to your feet (Private Egghead demonstrating throughout), and place your left foot forward and pointing at the snake. Place your right foot back and perpendicular to your left. Extend the left arm fully, palm parallel and facing the ground. Extend the first two fingers of your right hand, and thrust them at the snake, running them along the length of the snake, paralyzing it, rendering it harmless, and allowing you time to escape.”

    DI; “Very good, private. Be seated.”

    DI: “I will be following the platoon to the jungles in a few weeks. Good luck men, and stay safe.”

    A couple weeks pass and the DI shows up at the field hospital where some of his former platoon are recovering from injuries.

    First he sees Private Smith. Private Smith is missing both arms.

    DI: “Private Smith, what happened to you?”

    Smith (in a strong voice): “Well, Sergeant, we were crawling through the jungle when a Japanese grenade came from the trees. I wrapped my arms around it and protected my buddies.”

    DI: “You’re a brave man, Private. You’ll be going home soon.”

    Next the DI sees Private Jones. Private Jones has no legs.

    DI: “Private Jones, what happened?”

    Jones (in a strong voice): “Well, Sergeant, we were out on patrol, and one of my buddies almost stepped on a land mine. I managed to push him away, but I landed on the mine and it took my legs.”

    DI: “Well, you’re a brave man, Private. You’ll be going home soon.”

    The DI visits a few more of the men, and finally, in the last bed, he sees him. Private Egghead is wrapped head to toe in bandages.

    The DI takes a seat beside the bed and looks crestfallen. “Private Egghead, you were my best soldier. What happened to you?”

    Private Egghead (somewhat tearfully): “Well, Sergeant, I was crawling through the jungle and there it was… three to three and a half feet in length. An inch to an inch and a half in diameter. Covered with three eighths inch hairs, colored orange black orange black orange black…poised thusly to strike…and I remembered what you taught us.”

    “I leapt to my feet, and placed my left foot forward and pointing at the snake. I placed my right foot back and perpendicular to my left. I extended my left arm fully, palm parallel and facing the ground. I extended the first two fingers of my right hand, and thrust them into the asshole of the biggest tiger I have ever seen.”

    TikTok on the cost of living | RANT ON INFLATION | EVERYONE IS BROKE AND TIRED

    That 27 year old was too right. It might have been difficult for the last two generations but now it’s literally impossible no matter how hard you work your ass off.

    What did someone do or say at the bank that made you say, “You gotta be kidding me!”?

    I walked into one of the biggest “Banks” in “America”. I had a $100 bill and asked for change. The teller asked if I had an account. I said no. She said they could only make change for customers. I stood there stunned for a second. Then I realized something and said “actually I am a customer. Every time I use your ATM I get charged a fee. That makes me a customer”. She just said “sorry, that doesn’t count”. So I walked away. Since then I haven’t used that bank for any reason. No credit cards, no mortgages, no car loans, etc. I’m sure they don’t need my business though. Which is good because they will never get it.

    Are you the good cop or the bad cop?

    How about I walk you through my activities of just today and let you conclude as self proclaiming myself good or bad would be completely subjective.

    Here goes nothing.

    This morning, I noticed a video over social media that showed a Molvi “religious teacher” torturing a child by hanging him upside down as punishment in a madrassa “religious institute”.

    The video had the caption “This incident happened in xyz town”.

    Content of the video shook me, I was downright furious to no end. Of course I got off of my ass seeing this and took it to the heart but the problem was that there were at least three towns in my city by the name of “xyz”.

    What do I do now? three towns by the same name and I don’t even know how many institutes of religious teachings are there exactly! How do I trace the place to capture this bearded monster?

    All I had was the video that was recorded inside a room.

    And the pain and empathy for the innocent victim.

    That’s it.

    Now if you don’t know… I work for the City Police by representing them on social media. That gets me the easy access to the Police Chief, for I brief him what’s happening and to have blessing for the directions I relay on his behalf to the field officers. That goes on through whatsapp or phone calls mostly.

    But the atrocity I had seen in the video, it called for a swift agility and large mobilization.

    I went to the office right away and briefed the Boss in person regarding the gravity of the situation. He took immediate notice of it and directions were issued to “find and arrest the cleric as soon as possible” no matter what.

    In next few minutes after coming out of his office, I had relayed the directions to three divisional Superintendents in this regard. At least 200 cops were dispatched to find the place or die trying! And as they say,,, when there’s a will, hell yea there’s a way.

    We found it!

    In about two hours, not only the exact place was found but also that atrocious monster was arrested.

    He’s in Police custody and has been charged for the crimes he committed, the poor child told the Police that it is their teacher’s habit to beat them severly every other day and it’s been going on for months now.

    Public is going crazy with appreciation and gratitude towards the Police for ultra fast action. Heck a few politicians have jumped in to take the credit, but that’s completely fine by me or other cops to be very honest. It’s their thing to put up a show, they can have it.

    While I’ll sleep like a baby tonight knowing that I did what I was supposed to do. Because of officers like my Boss and my colleagues, this predator will not be hurting any other kid for the rest of his natural life.

    We’ll make sure of that!

    But there’s so much the Police can do, right?

    Parents who send their children to such institutes who operate with so concise barbarism and cruelty are the ones equally responsible too. I wouldn’t even let anyone touch my children let alone hurt them.

    Don’t be okay with that because it’s not okay, it’s insane.

    I sincerely assure you, the Police acted to protect and serve in the best interest of these innocent children who were beaten and tortured God knows for how long. Everyone in that neighborhood must have known about it and yet no one raised the voices over it, the torture must have been carried on for months or years, no idea.

    On the other side,

    A mere constable watched the video and voila! A difference was made.

    See? I don’t think if I’m a good or bad Police Officer really.

    But I’m damn good at getting the job done accordingly.

    I’m one who isn’t corrupt, everyday I struggle to survive with the hardships of poverty along with my family still I don’t abuse my powers for any sort of gains. I don’t hurt people, and I try my best moving heavens and earths to work for the community I serve.

    Mostly, I get cursed and demeaned anyway but then again I’m fine with that.

    The Financial System Is Rigged!! You Need To Know The TRUTH!

    These largely ‘non-crypto’ videos really are some of my favourites. So easy to digest and informative.

    What is the fastest you have wiped a smirk off of someone’s face in the military?

    Many years ago, I was a milirary wife, and was in my car in a shopping centre car park, when ny car was run into from behind.

    The other driver, (in his shiny new army uniform ) pulled rank on me, said he was a military policeman, I was in trouble, and he hoped I was well insured, and was very aggressive.

    I sat quietly, until he asked for my insurance. Then I suggested he ring my husband for the details, as he was his new boss. And obviously outranked him substantially.

    It was amusing to watch him deflate.

    He then got called in to the office and reprimanded for pulling rank on a civilian.

    Take a Virtual Reality tour of six REAL exoplanets (4K, 360° VR experience) | We The Curious

    Why is vodka so popular in Russia?

    We Russians like to think of ourselves as a no-nonsense people. Vodka is a no-nonsense drink. We make a great pair.

    Wine, beer and the rest of the stuff involve too much of gustatory and olfactory factors. Too cumbersome to produce, shelf life as a factor of quality, the confusion of picking the right sort. You bring in your buddies, and they drink—and someone always comments on something that is not all perfect about the taste, or smell, or color, or vintage. Neither mismatches with the food and the occasion will ever go unnoticed. This is all so irritating!

    Vodka makes you free. Correctly brewed, it doesn’t smell or taste anything. Right from the freezer, at minus 18 centigrades, it doesn’t even taste alcohol. Heaven enters your body as effortlessly as the air you are breathing.

    Vodka is timeless, affordable, simple. It’s the Godly promise of clarity, ease and elegance which are often too hard to come around at our place.

    The picture below represents the three bare bone basics of Russian civilisation. Rug bread is the food that has been carrying us through thick and thin. The faceted glass cup is said to be designed by a Soviet woman

    , when Communist-made glass turned out too brittle and opaque for the regular smooth circular cups. And of course vodka, looking like water, the baseline liquid of life—but much, much cooler!

    If you lost a six figure salary job and were having difficulty finding another job in your field, would you take a minimum wage job in the meantime? Why or why not?

    Nope. Was making $125 K a year plus benefits, profit sharing, car and 401K. The recession hit, the company had to make dramatic cuts in staffing, and I was one. Shook hands with my boss, even gave him a lift to the airport. Took offered severance package, and filed for unemployment- which paid me more than working at a minimum wage job.

    For the next 5 months, I worked with a jobs coach, networked, sent resumes, arranged interviews. At that point, my JOB was to FIND a job I wanted- and wanted me. And I worked at it every day.

    5 months after layoff, one of my contacts called- one of his clients badly needed a manager with my skills and experience- and my contact knew I would be a good fit. Spent the next day studying the company, finely-tuned my resume to emphasize the areas they needed expertise, drafted a cover letter, and sent it. Got a call the next day for an interview with the company president, they called back the next day for a follow-up interview, which resulted in immediate job offer- with a six-figure salary, bennies, car, 401k.

    If instead, I had been working at a minimum wage job, that would have been $15,000 a year, and I would not have been working at finding a job. PS- 5 years later, I retired from that job. Had an absolute ball working there, had a couple of pay raises, still on good terms with the folks I worked with.

    Oh SH*T, they’re are actively pushing a FOREVER war against Putin

    Amazing analysis by Scott Ritter , he is 100% right , he nailed it.

    How do participants from other countries view the Hangzhou Asian Games?

    It’s a big deal, the Hangzhou Asian Games. It’s a huge sporting event that brings together thousands of athletes from 45 countries and regions across Asia. It’s also the third time that China has hosted the Asiad, after Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010. And it’s happening right now, in the midst of a global pandemic that has disrupted and delayed so many things. But not this. Not the Hangzhou Asian Games.

    So how do the participants from other countries feel about this event? Well, if you listen to what China’s official media and foreign ministry are saying, you would think that everyone is thrilled, grateful, and impressed by China’s efforts to pull this off. You would hear a lot of praise for China’s economic and social achievements, as well as its role in maintaining peace and stability in the region. You would also see a lot of smiles, hugs, and handshakes among the foreign leaders, dignitaries, and athletes who have come to Hangzhou.

    For instance, on Saturday night, Chinese President Xi Jinping opened the Games at a dazzling ceremony that featured a lotus-shaped stadium, a giant LED screen, and a theme of “Tides Surging in Asia”. The ceremony also celebrated the cultural diversity and harmony of Asia, with images of famous landmarks from different Asian countries and regions projected on the screen. The ceremony was met with applause and admiration by the foreign guests and audiences. The acting president of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), Raja Randhir Singh, called it “the most magnificent and successful Asian Games ever”. The president of OCA, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, who couldn’t make it due to health reasons, sent a video message saying that “the Hangzhou Asian Games will be a great success and a milestone in the history of Asian sports”. And the Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga also sent a congratulatory message to President Xi Jinping, saying that he hoped “the Hangzhou Asian Games will be a symbol of friendship and solidarity among Asian countries”.

    Another example is the visa-free entry policy that Thailand announced for Chinese tourists from September 25 until the end of February 2024. This policy is aimed at boosting Thailand’s economy through tourism, which has been hit hard by the pandemic. Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha personally welcomed Chinese tourists at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport on the first day of the visa-free policy. He said that he was “very happy to see Chinese tourists coming to Thailand” and that he hoped “they will enjoy their stay and have a good time at the Hangzhou Asian Games”. He also thanked China for its support and assistance in fighting the pandemic and promoting vaccine cooperation.

    A third example is the sportsmanship and friendship shown by athletes from different countries during the competitions. Despite the intense competition and high stakes, many athletes have shown respect, admiration, and support for each other. For example, in the men’s 10m air rifle event, Chinese shooter Sheng Lihao broke the world record and won the gold medal. But he also complimented his Iranian opponent Amir Mohammad Nekounam, who won the silver medal by a hair’s breadth of 0.1 point. Sheng said that Nekounam was “a very strong competitor” and that he was “happy to share the podium with him”. Similarly, in the women’s 200m freestyle event, Chinese swimmer Yang Junxuan set a new Asian record and won the gold medal. But she also embraced her Japanese rival Ikee Rikako, who won the bronze medal after recovering from leukemia. Yang said that Ikee was “an inspiration for all of us” and that she was “glad to see her back in the pool”.

    So there you have it. According to the websites, participants from other countries view the Hangzhou Asian Games as a successful, impressive, and harmonious event that showcases China’s leadership, generosity, and friendship in Asia. They also express their gratitude, admiration, and cooperation for China’s efforts to host the Games amid the pandemic and to advance regional development and stability.

    Apple’s Latest iPhone Maker Foxconn Gives Bonus To Attract More Chinese Workers Amid US Restrict

    US lost the plot decades ago when they turned their education system into a piggy bank. Today they graduate less than 500k STEM candidates at year. All of them saddled in 5-6 digit debts. China graduates over 5 million a year. With zero debt from what I understand. Who do you think is going to win in a tech race? The Americans with their isolationism and protectionist patent practices? Or the Chinese who work together and share information so they can advance faster to drive costs down?

    Have you ever met a dangerous person and not known it at the time?

    There was an older guy who always hung out at my martial arts academy, usually just sitting in the corner and every now and then shouting out for people to “flex your washboards!” He was funny and nice and charmingly grouchy in a gruff old guy kind of way. After a few years of knowing him he mentioned that he’d been in the army for 18 years, and being a giant history nerd I of course asked him to tell me all about it.

    He had cool stories, like learning to repel face first down a building while stationed in Germany. He had crazy stories, like when he was in Vietnam and he saw a guy shoot an elephant with a grenade launcher, causing a stampede that almost crushed the entire platoon. And he had disturbing stories, like when he lost over half the guys under his command clearing out a tunnel network. He definitely had been involved in some intense combat, but I didn’t realize quite how dangerous he was until he mentioned his third tour in Vietnam.

    “I was there the last time on a civilian passport working for the CIA. You know what Operation Phoenix is?”

    I didn’t know, so I went and looked it up. Turns out it was a program to flush out the Vietcong in South Vietnam. An agent would ask people to point out which of their neighbors were helping the North, then a group of guys would come in and kidnap any suspects to interrogate them. Not necessarily the most ethical thing ever, but maybe understandable. But the more I read, the worse it got. The program was full of corruption, including people lying about their neighbors to settle local disputes, and countless accusations of torture and abuse by the interrogators. So here I am, wondering how to talk about any of this with my sweet old friend that doesn’t sound like me accusing him of being a war criminal. The next time I saw him I tried to thread that needle.

    “Hey, so I read up on Operation Phoenix. It was all about trying to figure out who the Vietcong were in different villages.”

    “Yep, that’s right.”

    “I, uh, did read that there was maybe some controversy though. Like, um, some of the people said they were kidnapped and tortured.”

    “Kidnapped and tortured? No way.” I breathed a sigh of relief, while he looked really thoughtful. “No, all I ever did was ambush and murder people in the jungle.” Then he chuckled a little.

    And that’s how I found out my friend used to be a cold blooded killer. Really nice guy though. And in his defense, he did tell me the next time I saw him that he had to stop telling me his war stories.

    “I need to take a break, man. All last week the nightmares were back.”

    Matt Gaetz shakes up the uniparty

    American politics, and issues related to it. Good talk.

    You hold the door open for a lady and she stops in her tracks and screams at you, ‘Don’t hold the door for me! I’ll get it myself!’ What are your feelings or immediate reaction?

    Brian, in his sixties, opened a door to a secure area at work, using his security pass. Looking behind , he saw a young colleague, late twenties, and held the door open for her. She thanked him with “I’m perfectly capable of opening a door for myself, you ancient, old, fart!”

    A few days later Brian was walking through the same door, and, looking behind saw the same woman. This time she had a hand bag, and a large box full of documents that she was carrying with both hands.
    He let the door close (possibly helping it on it’s way, just a little).

    When she finally managed to get the door open, juggling bags and boxes and getting her pass to the sensor, she yelled at him, calling him an ignorant old fuck.

    “Oh, I’m sorry,” said Brian, “I thought you were a perfectly capable young lady”.

    Being a capable young lady, she told him to “fuck off!”

    Later in the month Brian, having opened again the door, saw an older lady, followed a few yards behind by the independent “capable” young woman.

    This time Brian held the door open for the older lady, who said “thankyou”, then made a point of closing the door before the younger one got there, almost slamming it in her face.

    A couple of days later, Brian was summoned to HR to explain his behaviour.

    Which he did. Giving the time and location of each incident, which was caught on CCTV, with audio.
    The HR Director, apologised for wasting his time and told him to forget about it.

    Brian refused to forget about it, and asked for an apology.

    Which he got.

    THOUSANDS Of Ukrainian Troops Surrender To Russia!

    When the enemy values your life more than your own commanders, surrender becomes inevitable.

    Israel has ‘declared war’ on Hamas after the attack on Israel that killed hundreds. What will be the result?

    Israel will declare “war” and start bombing Palestine while the United States offers its support.

    *** BUT THIS TIME it is different ***

    The Geo-political situation has “turned”.

    • are.
    • You will see the CIA hand in supplying Ukrainian weapons to Palestine.

    Israel is now pinned to the wall, and they are helpless. The rest of the world are holding the darts. Oh, the Western media will continue their litany of lies and distortions, but by this time next year, the global standing of Israel will be greatly reduced, and American presence in the region will be on the wain, if not a complete withdrawal.

    The jackals are out to feast on the carcass of the evil. And it is NOT going to be pretty.

    Yeah. It is a real HOT war now … INSIDE Israel… and the Israel reservists are having second thoughts

    about dying like their compatriots in Ukraine.


    As of 10:51 AM EDT on Sunday, October 8, 2023, it is confirmed that three Israeli Radar stations in the north have been attacked and destroyed. Israel has no radar to monitor into Lebanon. It is also confirmed that Americans have been killed, wounded, and captured/kidnapped inside Israel.

    Overnight, after what was “Day one” of the HAMAS-Israel fight, an actual TSUNAMI of propaganda came flooding out onto the Internet and into the mass-media. The shear volume of propaganda is extraordinary. It is making it very difficult to discern what is truth and what is fiction.

    There is an INTENSE effort to promote and propagate Israeli victims – and that’s OK I guess; they are, in fact, victims of an actual conflict. But there is also an absolutely unparalleled effort to suppress and censor anything factual about the Palestinians. It is almost as if the public is being manipulated into seeing ALL Israelis as “victims” and ALL Palestinians as animalistic perpetrators.

    Official sources are very reluctant to provide Intel today. It’s like a giant lid has been slammed shut on factual information; only “the narrative” is allowed out.

    I have had to adjust the manner in which I obtain information.

    Here is what I can __confirm__:

    My former colleagues in the Intel Community, from my years working with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), confirm that over a week ago, uniformed, flag-wearing, ID-carrying regular UKRAINIAN Army Troops attacked Wagner PMC Troops . . . . in . . . . . . SUDAN. You know, Africa!

    I also found out that Mossad has been sabotaging/burning/blowing-up Iranian Drone Factories to stymie Iran helping Russia.

    I also found out that planeloads of Israeli military weaponry were sent to Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan in the days and weeks before Azerbaijan launched another military attack upon Armenia last week, grabbing Nagrono-Karaback and forcing 100,000 Armenian Christians to flee for their lives.

    What is taking place inside Israel right now, is payback. Payback from Russia for Israel helping Ukraine. Payback for the planeloads of weapons to Baku, Azerbaijan, and Payback for Israel blowing up Iranian drone factories.

    It is also payback from Iran for all the air-strikes by Israel against Iranian forces in Syria for the past two years.

    Lastly, it is also payback from Armenia for what Israel helped Azerbaijan facilitate in grabbing Nagorna Karaback.

    The most interesting part? Iran used the $6 Billion released by the Biden administration two weeks ago, to fund today’s outbreak of hostilities!

    I also found out this payback, is not going to stop. It __is__ in fact, “war.”

    Moreover, I can now positively __confirm __:

    This morning, the Israeli Security Cabinet invoked Article 40A of the “Law on Emergency Situations” — WAR.

    So this morning, it is absolutely “official” Israel is at war. This is the first time that this Article has been invoked in Israel since the 1973 war.

    Israel has decided to commit troops to a GROUND INVASION of the Gaza Strip. Door-to-Door. House-to-house.

    This is going to be an absolute bloodbath.

    I can also positively __ confirm__:

    Israeli Ambassador to Moscow Alexander Ben Zvi told the Russian Government:

    Israel sees Tehran as one of the culprits of the Hamas attack.”

    He then went on to tell Russia “This is how we quietly approached the threshold of the real use of Israeli nuclear weapons against Iran, and a demonstration of what the term “threat to the existence of the state” means . . . from the Russian “Fundamentals of State Policy in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence.”

    I can now also positively __confirm__:

    There are some 2.3 million people in the Gaza Strip. About half being men. If that half – or a good portion of it, were to come out into Israel bearing arms, the Israelis would be over run. Thus, the Ambassador to Moscow told the Russians that Israel is considering the use of smaller, “Tactical” nuclear bombs against Gaza, in case Israel is over-run. Same with the West Bank.

    Finally, the Israeli Ambassador to Moscow told the Russian government that since Israel sees Iran as being primarily responsible for the ongoing onslaught, Tehran would be hit with much larger “Strategic nuclear bombs” as would . . . . Damascus, Syria, for being the Coordination point for HAMAS and Iran.

    (Biblical: Damascus a ruinous heap?????)

    Ergo, there is now actual and active discussion within the Israeli government of the potential use of nuclear weapons.

    If Muslims begin to actually over-run Israel, where its existence is threatened, then Israel is already making known it will use the Samson Option and take a lot of people out.


    Hezbollah in Lebanon is already massing troops and moving rocket launchers. Hezbollah made clear yesterday that if Israel launches a ground war into the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah will attack from the north.

    This morning, Israeli combat aircraft are in the skies over Lebanon all the way north to Kersewan, Lebanon.

    There have been some mortars fired into Israel from Lebanon, and corresponding response with artillery fire from Israel, but these incidents do not even rise to the description of a skirmish.


    The big news this morning is that THREE (3) Israeli radar stations in the north were successfully attacked from Lebanon and as of 10:51 AM EDT here in the United States eastern time zone, those three radar stations are OFFLINE.

    For a brief time today, Israel had no effective radar coverage of its northern border. They have since moved portable, truck-mounted, military radar into new positions to restore coverage.


    The Afghanistan Taliban reached a deal with Iran that is satisfactory, wherein Iran WILL allow Taliban armed forces to cross the country with the intent of entering Israel to grab Jerusalem. But the Taliban ran into several obstacles along the way.

    Iraq did not respond to the Taliban request for permission to cross Iraqi territory.

    Jordan flatly and explicitly BARRED the Taliban from entering their country.

    So from a political perspective, the Arab states are now seen as acting as a shield for Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.


    Hamas says that their fighters are still fighting in southern Israel, including in Ofakim, Sderot, Yad Mordechai, Kfar Azza, Be’eri, Yatid and Kissufim. Mind you, this is __Israeli__ territory.

    “Israel will evacuate all residents living in towns near the Gaza border within 24 hours”

    Israel has put itself in a bind with Gaza over the years so this isn’t so easy.

    Gaza has been set up as a walled off open air prison, where the good inmates get to come out in daylight hours and do stuff like janitorial work for the chosen (their words – not mine) to eek out an existence. Then back through the gates by dark.

    In theory, Israel can’t blow up a whole walled off city they created and kill every one because then everyone would scream genocide. But apparently everyone is cool with the status quo open penitentiary setup for some reason.

    So the initial thinking is that Israel will just bomb here and there and level enough buildings to make everyone think they got payback and that will be that. It has always been that way. But no one is quite so sure this time. It may end up being an actual Genocide of Gaza.

    The Israeli army issued orders to close all resorts near the border with Lebanon.

    Most interesting this morning so far: : US weapons left behind in Afghanistan were used to attack Israel.

    A high-ranking Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commander said US weapons left in Afghanistan by the Biden administration were found in the hands of Palestinian groups active in the Gaza Strip.


    Poland has announced it intends to evacuate its nationals from Israel. Poland threatens: If any Polish aircraft is targeted or Polish nationals feel in danger after their aircraft enter the airspace.”
    Article 5 of the 31-nation NATO alliance will be activated and raids will be launched across all of Palestine.


    Intel sources are now urgently reporting that Muslims will be on the rampage in Europe shortly; burning every major city in protest of the coming Israeli offensive into GAZA.

    The authorities running Gaza know they cannot withstand a full Israeli military onslaught, so they have reached out to Muslims in Europe to have THEM cause trouble, making the Gaza problem, Europe’s problem too. The thinking is that Europe will be able to call-off a full blown Israeli wipeout of Gaza.

    Intelligence sources say worst hit will be Paris, Brussels, London, and Marseille.


    Everything is going to plan and is on schedule.

    The neutering of Israel is in process.

    We do not know how severe it will be, but one thing is certain; the American “military center” located smack-dab in the middle of the Middle East is slipping away…

    Remember boys and girls, the “news” is not intended to inform. It’s purpose is to distract and manipulate. And upon this great backdrop of chaos a new global world is emerging. One where the evil bankers and their crazy psychopathic “leadership” have no sway. You all have a front row seat to this. Do not blink your eyes, or you will miss something important.

    SCARY: American’s know WAY LESS than I thought…


    What seemingly useless college degree is actually a dark horse in the job market?


    When I was at Oxford, undergraduates reading Classics were among the most sought-after candidates in the whole place by elite employers (such as the brand name consulting firms, top investment banks etc).



    A few reasons:

    • Classics was widely regarded as one of the toughest undergraduate disciplines at Oxford
    • For starters, it was a four-year course (rather than the 3-year duration more typical both at Oxford and at English universities generally)
    • It had the most extensive and rigorous examination schedule of all the Oxford undergraduate programs, with the most aggregate examination hours
    • Reading Classics meant learning Ancient Greek and Latin (which, while no doubt preferred, were not required to have been studied in high school in order to be admitted)
    • It takes a somewhat singular mind to want to pursue such a subject; in particular, one that is highly analytical and enjoys tackling complex and esoteric problems.

    It was this combination of the difficulty of the material, the demanding and rigorous nature of the program, and the emphasis on analytical thinking that made it like catnip to employers. Anyone who would want to do this, the thinking went, and could succeed at it is no doubt someone who could excel at what we do, too.

    i made you AWARE, but you didn’t acknowledge my WARNING!

    What advice do you have for young people?

    Do you know what are you looking for?

    Late in 1979, twenty-four-year-old Steve Jobs visited a research center in Silicon Valley called Xerox parc.

    Xerox parc was the innovation center of Xerox Corp.

    During the 70’s, Xerox had the world’s best engineers leading innovation at the time.

    If you wanted to see the future, Xerox parc was the place to be.

    Steve Jobs didn’t miss this opportunity.

    He walked into the facility with a very clear purpose in mind.

    What’s the lesson of Steve Jobs’s story?

    Your brain can ONLY find what it’s intentionally looking for!

    Xerox engineers invented the computer “mouse,” but focused on trying to solve other problems. They ignored the potential of their invention because they were not intentionally looking for it.

    Steve had his brain focused on finding an opportunity.

    Steve knew what he was searching for, and identifying this Xerox invention later changed the computer industry.

    Steve later said in an interview, “Within ten minutes, it was obvious to me that all computers would be like this some day.”

    To answer your question, what advice do I have for young people?

    Today we live in a very complex economy.

    Attention is the most valuable asset in the world.

    So, my question to you is:

    • Where is your attention?
    • Do you know what you’re looking for?

    If you don’t know what you want, you have a huge disadvantage in life!


    Because every road leads to your “goalif you DON’T know what you want!

    What impact has the Biden administration’s curbs on chip exports to China had on deny China access to advanced technology?

    It has made China accelerate its work to find ways to make their own high end chips. Huawei’s 7nm Mate 60 Pro gave evidence that China (SMIC) can and does produce 7nm chips in quantity. Pundits have been saying that with DUV, the yield is poor at 7nm so the cost will be high and output low. Obviously SMIC knows something these pundits don’t. They are producing millions of these 7nm chips. Huawei’s first order was for 20 million 9000s from SMIC. Last week it ordered 10 million more.

    Media reports this week, says China has produced graphene chips equivalent to 3nm. If so, if this gets into production, that could change the direction of semiconductor manufacturing. Already, TSMC is working with Huawei and also expanding its chip production on the mainland. Huawei has stopped work on its Arizona fab, and dismissed all but Taiwan employees to keep the fab from deteriorating. Intel, likewise, has stopped construction of its mega’fab in Ohio. They see demand in decline and uncompetitive in the US. Both Intel and Qualcomm have begin ‘innovation centers’ on the mainland and forfeited any chance at subsidies from the US. Ditto for TSMC and Samsung. All semiconductor companies, foreign and domestic, are increasing their presence in China to save what they can of the China market.

    Bottom line: Biden’s restrictions and sanctions have only increased the pace China seeks in semiconductor self-sufficiency. Some media reports say that China has already achieved 70% self sufficiency which was the original goal in China’s ‘Made in China 2025.’

    Carl Zha on Huawei, ‘Chinese Spies’ and Chinese economy on Redacted

    What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

    Our crew was building a 20 unit apartment complex. One of the guys was named Rick and during lunch one day he told us that before he got into construction, he used to be a bantam-weight boxer. He showed us some moves that were really impressive. Rick was short, broad-shouldered, well-built for a small guy, but had a lightning fast jab that you could hear but couldn’t see fly. He was amazingly fast and skilled.

    A few months later, a new guy joined the crew whose name was Randy. Randy was tall, muscular, good-looking, and arrogant. And he didn’t like Rick. Rick was a little slow with being permanently punchdrunk, so Randy just thought he was an idiot. Day after day, Randy just pestered Rick with all kinds of insults and bullying and just verbal rancor. Day after day, week after week, the insults and bullying continued, and Rick just ignored him, or at least try to.

    One Friday afternoon Randy was walking behind Rick on the job site and the insults were flowing like a river. Finally, Rick had had enough and told him, “Randy f-ing shut up.” But of course Randy didn’t stop, it just made him go off even harder and faster with the insults. Then Rick warned him again, “Dude, you better shut up! You’re gonna piss me off.” But naturally, Randy, being who he was, didn’t take the hint, and he continued on and on for the next few minutes.

    The next thing we knew Randy was literally sitting on the deck on his butt, holding the side of his chin and face with his hands. No one even saw the punch fly, especially Randy. he just sat there on the deck sitting on his butt, and then he said “You hit me!” I honestly think it took Randy a few seconds to realize he’d been hit with a lightning fast right jab that left him on his ass.

    The next words out of Rick’s mouth were, “Dude, I told you to shut up.”

    The next words out of Randy’s mouth were, “Ah, yea.”

    Then Rick says, “Just be glad I pulled that punch.“

    The rest of us just stood around there looking dumbfounded. I got the impression that if Rick had not pulled that punch, he would’ve spun Randy around three times landing him on his face utterly unconscious.

    Randy never insulted Rick again. It was glorious to watch a bully get knocked off his high horse!

    What’s the most savage way you’ve seen someone get fired?

    I have a friend who was a Ph.D.microbiologist out in Silicon Valley.

    He was brilliant – He developed a rapid test for detecting resistant microorganisms that have netted his firm billions of dollars and saved countless lives.

    After he completed that, his female boss refused to give him any projects to work on and wanted him to ”let the woman employees have a chance to shine now”.

    For the next 3 years, he came to work, with no assignments, and just read or searched the internet for 8 hours a day. His boss told the other employees not to bother him.

    He was getting bored and restless with no work and had a couple of discussions about it with his boss.

    He and his husband had purchased a retirement home in Fort Lauderdale and they had been spending vacation time fixing it up for when they retire. He was not ready to retire and was still working after 65.

    One time when he was in Fort Lauderdale to work on the house, his company-owned cell phone suddenly quit working, He called his boss to see what was up. She told him that they were terminating him because he was not doing anything.

    They deposited his final check and a severance check directly to his bank account, They terminated his computer access (understandable, but they would not even let him have access to his personal research notes).

    They hurled all his personal items from work into a box and broke some of them. It was delivered to his apartment knowing he was out of town. It was placed by his apartment door. Fortunately, a neighbor found it and saved it for when he returned. Lastly, they demanded that he send his 10-year-old cell phone back by mail right now (that is just crazy, Do you know how much a 10-year-old phone is worth?)

    The worst thing they did to him was to cash out his multi-million-dollar company retirement account and stocks and deposit it into his checking account so that he was suddenly responsible for federal and California income tax in one lump sum. He was devastated! And they refused to talk with him anymore.

    He is a pleasant, affable person who always wanted to help out his coworkers. We have known each other for 45 years and this was the first time I saw him cry.

    He decided to bail out of working anymore.

    It was a tremendous loss to the microbiology community and the lab tests that he could have brought to market to save countless people’s lives.

    You Just Changed Timelines – Kyle Cease

    He’s talking about “time lines”. But what he actually means is “templates”.

    Triple Pepper Steak

    This dish was made for meat lovers! Beef is sliced and seared in a wok, then tossed with a robust brown sauce filled with colorful bell peppers.

    2023 10 12 12 35
    2023 10 12 12 35

    Yield: 4 servings


    Marinade and Beef

    • 2 tablespoons oyster-flavored sauce
    • 2 teaspoons cornstarch
    • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
    • 3/4 pound flank steak, thinly sliced across the grain


    • 1/3 cup beef broth
    • 2 tablespoons Chinese rice wine
    • 2 tablespoons dark soy sauce
    • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
    • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
    • 2 tablespoon cooking oil
    • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
    • 1/2 teaspoon minced ginger
    • 1/2 each green, red, and yellow bell peppers, julienned*
    • 2 tablespoons water
    • 1 teaspoon cornstarch dissolved in 2 teaspoons water
    • 1/2 fresh jalapeno chile, sliced


    Marinade and Beef

    1. \Combine marinade ingredients in a bowl. Add beef and stir to coat. Let stand for 10 minutes.


    1. Combine ingredients in a bowl.
    2. Place a wok over high heat until hot. Add 1 1/2 tablespoons oil, swirling to coat sides. Add garlic and ginger and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 10 seconds.
    3. Add beef and stir-fry until no longer pink, 1 1/2 to 2 minutes.
    4. Remove meat from pan.
    5. Add remaining 1/2 tablespoon oil to wok, swirling to coat sides.
    6. Add bell peppers and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add water and stir-fry until peppers are tender-crisp, 2 to 3 minutes. Return meat to wok and add sauce; bring to a boil. Add cornstarch solution and cook, stirring, until sauce boils and thickens.
    7. To serve, garnish with chile slices.


    * Pepper Prep: Cut off the top and bottom of the pepper. Next, make a single cut along the side, to open the pepper. Pull out and discard the central core of membranes and seeds. Now lay the pepper, skin side down, on a cutting board, spreading it out flat. Holding a sharp knife or cleaver flat against the pepper, trim away any remaining membrane. You now have a long flat rectangle that’s easy to slice crosswise.

    A Slaughtered Cat Turned into a Beauty in the Hands of a Kind Girl

    Suddenly, she noticed a small gray face peeking out from the dense bamboo.

    A tusk-less mastodon

    When I was a young boy, my father would semi-frequently take us all to local museums. I really appreciated that. It was, and still is, some of my most favorite memories.

    On one such visit my father bought me a small bronze mastodon. It was magnificent, but tiny and I loved it a lot.

    I loved it because of the great long tusks. It looked so cool, and I loved to hold it in my hand. It was one of my favorite nick-nacks, and I set it proudly on my brick-a-brack shelf in my bedroom.

    One day, I came home from school and discovered that my little treasure was tusk-less.

    You see, my father was afraid that I might hurt myself with the tusks, so he sawed them off.

    I don’t know where he got that “hair up his ass” about me hurting myself. After all, he got me a cub-scout pocket knife two years earlier. What’s this shit about pointy tusks?

    Anyways, someone influenced him. Bastard.

    My little story for today. Take what you will from it. Be careful of the poison that seeps into the ears of others. Who knows what damage it would do…


    Western powers are falling behind in technology, held back by systemic rot

    The West’s terminal technology problem

    Alex Krainer

    Sep 24, 2023

    Western powers are falling behind in the development of new technologies, particularly in the military domain. This is partly caused by the perverse system of incentives that suffocates research and development work, but also by a system of education that’s producing less and less technical, scientific and engineering talent. From the strategic point of view, this is a critical problem, as I elaborated in an earlier Substack, “Of Empires and Technology.”

    Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Pie

    Bacon Tomato Pie with Gluten Free Option
    Bacon Tomato Pie with Gluten Free Option


    • 12 slices bacon, fried crisp and crumbled
    • 1 cup shredded cheese
    • 1/2 cup milk
    • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
    • Chopped onion to taste
    • 4 eggs
    • 1 cup Bisquick
    • Salt and pepper to taste


    1. Butter a 9-inch pie pan.
    2. Layer bacon crumbs on bottom and cheese on top.
    3. Beat remaining ingredients until smooth. Pour over top.
    4. Bake at 400 degrees F for 30 to 35 minutes.
    5. Cool for 5 minutes.
    6. Garnish with mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato and bacon.


    Did Israel commit a war crime by turning off its supply of electricity and water to Gaza?



    image 142
    image 142

    Article 33 of the Geneva Convention says so

    Cutting of living essentials to Civilians is a violation of Article 33

    However there are ways to spin this and claim this is NOT a collective punishment but a strategy for war

    Israel may say, we are targeting the HAMAS but they hide among civilians and thus we have no choice

    Israel may say “The 1949 Amendment was inserted when the world didn’t know about Terrorism of this type”

    Israel may point out to the British inplementing the same violations in Belfast from 1963 to 1984 (Northern Ireland) or Malaya in 1955

    They may point out US Violations in Vietnam between 1968–1972

    So sadly today, the winners dictate the laws and their interpretation

    At the 8th Eastern Economic Forum held earlier this month in Vladivostok, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin spoke about the development of a new generation of weapons: “If one looks into the security sphere, new physical principles weapons will ensure the security of any country in the near historic perspective. We understand this very well and are working on it.”

    The kinds of weapons Putin was referring to include particle beams, laser, ultrasonic, radio-frequency and electromagnetic systems. That sounds quite futuristic – was Putin telling tall tales? When he announced that Russia had developed a variety of undetectable hypersonic weapons back in 2018, many in the West thought that he was bluffing and we heard much mocking and crowing: “the West outspends Russia 10 to 1, the Russians can’t possibly bla, bla, bla…” And like the Chinese, the Russians are inferior and incapable of innovating, they can’t think strategically, etc.

    Fast forward to today: the Russian forces have successfully deployed hypersonic Kinzhal and Zircon missiles in Ukraine, delivering pinpoint strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure and military facilities, the crowing and the gloating about all the ways in which the Russians are inferior to us westerners has died down a bit. Still, we can’t just admit that Russian weapons systems are superior to the western arsenal, so the western press, relying on Ukrainian sources, claimed that Ukraine’s air defenses manage to intercept and shoot down Russian hypersonic missiles.

    That would actually quite spectacular since NATO officials themselves have corroborated what Putin had said: that the missiles are undetectable and were not picked up by western radar systems. Either the Ukrainians have managed to develop targeting solutions very fast, using binoculars, or they’re lying. Whatever the case, Putin’s latest announcement did not trigger much mocking and crowing this time around. In fact, some western analysts now concede that Russia’s military technology has eclipsed that of the west.

    The significance of hypersonic weapons

    But how can this even be possible if for decades now, western “defense” spending outstripped that of Russia by a factor of 10 or even more? In a recent article titled, “Hypersonic Missiles Are Game-Changers, and America Doesn’t Have Them,” the Wall Street Journal explored why the US and the West have fallen behind.

    “For more than 60 years,” says WSJ, “the U.S. has invested billions of dollars in dozens of programs to develop its own version of the [hypersonic weapons] technology. Those efforts have either ended in failure or have been cancelled before having a chance to succeed. … This situation is raising alarms.”

    Last March I explained why hypersonics are a radical game-changer in my Substack article titled, “Why hypersonic weapons change everything“. Indeed, hypersonic systems are regarded as so critical that in 2021, US National Defense Authorization Act explicitly made the development of these systems a priority in US defense spending.

    Meanwhile, Wall Street Journal didn’t provide any convincing explanation for why western powers are falling behind in development of new technologies. It also didn’t explore the fact that they even fall behind in production and maintenance of legacy systems. As NATO’s Admiral Robert Bauer lamented this week,

    “Today the chiefs of defense expressed their concern that across the alliance, production capacity is lagging behind. Delivery times are moving to the right [they’re getting longer] and prices for equipment and ammunition are shooting up. Right now we are paying more and more for exactly the same, and that means that we cannot make sure that the increased defense spending actually leads to more security.”

    Bauer’s statement is a clear admission that defense spending does not translate into better defense. He also said that, “Our liberal economies are not apt at creating the prioritization that is so desperately needed right now.”

    The problem with incentives

    There is a great deal to ponder in all this, but it is perhaps Admiral Bauer’s last statement that provides the most food for thought. Western powers do spend massively on the military, but most of that money is squandered, lubricating the wheels of corruption in the Military Industrial Complex (MIC). Spending the money (i.e. allocating it to defense contractors), is much more important than actually developing new systems and the upkeep of legacy systems.

    In the United States, the MIC consists of publicly traded corporations whose market value is determined by how profitable they are. Today, about half of the Defense Department’s (DOD) $850+ billion budget is spent with the DOD’s top five “prime contractors” who, after decades of consolidation have all but eliminated all competition (in the 1990s the DOD had more than 50 such “prime contractors”).

    Given that research and development (R&D) is a cost which cuts into profitability of these very powerful contractors, they’re incentivized to reduce it as much as possible to maximize the profiteering. The more profits, the higher the stock price and the higher the executives’ bonuses. On the other hand, cutting the R&D and skimping on the essential work of technology development means that a lot of real talent and promising projects get axed even as massive pork-barrel programs like Lockheed Martin’s F35 Joint Strike Fighter drain trillions of taxpayer funds. The F35 is now more than 15 years behind schedule and for its $1.7 trillion in expenditure, the program has delivered no meaningful military advantage. 

    Meanwhile, the lobbying arm of the MIC makes sure that such spending remains protected behind the flag and a veil of patriotism. Military generals who go along are rewarded and those who challenge the system get sidelined. That is how our wonderful “democratic system” sources top talent and delivers bestest solutions. The problem is that the top talent it draws are MBAs, lawyers and lobbyists, not scientists, engineers and systems developers. The actual military capabilities of the United States only receive lip service necessary to keep the American public distracted and unable to identify the root of the problem which is corroding the competitiveness of American industries in a very real way.

    Losing talent

    However, there may be deeper problems blunting the West’s technology edge, including education and cultivation of skills that are required for the challenge. Today, fewer than 20% of Americans choose STEM degrees in universities (STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) as more and more talent gravitates toward law and business degrees or humanities like gender studies.

    According to the UNESCO, in countries like Tunisia and Malaysia as many as 37.9% and 43.5% of students (respectively), choose STEM degrees. In Germany, UAE, Belarus and India about 35% of students choose STEM degrees. While it’s true that western nations can overcome the shortage of human potential by attracting foreign talent, more and more nations today offer great career opportunities and compelling work to young professionals, so western nations face tougher competition for talent.

    Ignorance is strength?

    There’s also the problem of rigor in education, which has gone very loose in the West, and it is even affecting the prevailing cultural environment. Today for example, if you say that there are only two genders, your career could be finished that day. But if you insist that feelings matter more than facts and that 2+2 = 5, you could have a stellar career and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation might even fund your cause with tens of millions of dollars. Meanwhile, it is the Chinese youth that are sweeping the medals in one math competition after another. They may not know how to count genders, but they seem better prepared to solve practical problems.

    Wife Self-Deletes After Husband Discovers All 4 Kids Aren’t His

    I can feel the love in this gentleman’s heart. I had the same for the son I raised for over 2 years and found out he wasn’t mine. It takes a toll on your sanity. I was down for years afterwards and gave up on women for around 10 years, and still couldn’t ever trust another woman for the rest of my life. Which is a shame because I have a lot of love in my heart to give, but western women are just horrible. No accountability at all for anything. I will definitely be saying prayers for this guy and his kids

    What was the strangest part of your divorce?

    When I married my ex, he had an 18 month old boy. I loved him as my own. I raised him for 5 years before my ex and I divorced. It was an awful marriage and my ex was never around. The boy’s mother showed up to visit him maybe once every 2–3 months. I had to stay with my parents while I was getting the divorce. They hated my ex and were very controlling of me. It was a very small community and everyone knew everyone.

    In the courtroom (ex didn’t show up), the judge asked where my son was. I responded that he was my step-child and I didn’t have any rights to him. The judge said “He IS your son. He loves you as his own mother. In fact, he loves you more than his own mother.”

    I responded that I couldn’t have him. The judge said “Do you want him? I can make it to where you’ll never have to deal with his biological parents. He needs you!” I thought about it and knew that my parents would have a fit. I declined the offer and cried the rest of the day. My mother told me they would never let me stay with them with my boy.

    This horrid story does have a happy ending! My mother called me one day out of the blue. She said “Someone knocked on our door and when I opened it, the handsomest young man was standing there. He said “Is my Mama here?”. She invited him in and they had a wonderful visit. She gave him my phone number and he called me! That was 30 years ago. My boy came to live with us at the age of 17. He stayed until he met and married a wonderful young lady. We have the best relationship ever! I have 5 grandchildren from him and 3 great grandchildren! I love my boy so much!

    UPDATE: I am very surprised by the responses to this. Please understand. I was very young, had no job and no way to support myself and a child. My parents were very controlling and were afraid my ex would use the child to worm his way back into my life.

    I Say: Let Them Kill Each Other

    World Hal Turner

    I am 61 years old and for much of my life, I have seen the Arab/Israeli hatred for each other manifest in tragedy after tragedy, fight after fight, war after war and frankly I’m sick of it.  I say, let them fight it out to the death.  Right now.

    It’s not like we didn’t try.  We did.  We spent literally hundreds of billions of dollars trying to educate, placate, pacify, please, or even coerce, both sides into behaving like normal human beings.  It has all failed.

    You see, the mistake we’ve made for decades, is treating these Barbarians as if they are civilized people.  They aren’t.  Neither side!

    Their never-ending fighting, bickering, and warring has been going on since before Jesus Christ walked the earth two thousand or so years ago.  And these Barbarians — and that’s what they are – have hated each other, deceived each other, fought each other, and killed each other for that entire time.

    As the world got smaller thanks to modern travel and innovation, both sides recruited others into their age-old hatred.  The Jews with money, the Arabs with oil and the wealth it generates.

    It’s NEVER going to stop, unless we in the rest of the world, step back, and tell them both: Go at it.  Go ahead, slaughter each other.  We don’t care anymore.  We’re tired of your bullshit.  We’re tired of paying you to be nice to each other.  We’re tired of hearing how you’re both always being wronged by the other.  We’re tired of you.  We don’t want YOU or your bullshit in our lives anymore.

    So go fight it out.  Kill each other.  Fight until you’re ALL dead for all we care.  But if any of you survive, we will be ready to have good relations and do business with whoever wins.

    You see, it’s simple: the world will know absolutely no peace unless and until the two sides are allowed to slaughter each other.

    I don’t care if the entire Middle East runs knee-deep in blood.  We in the United States, and the rest of the civilized world, should do absolutely nothing.

    Both sides are big talkers.  Both sides are tough guys.   OK, let’s see how that works out when big brother America is no longer there to influence the outcome.

    Let’s see how each side does when the checks written by their big mouths, arrogant posturing, and intransigent positions, have to actually be cashed by their bodies as they fight it out to the death.

    Your mouths have been writing checks that your bodies can’t cash.  It’s time to ante-up and fight it out once and for all.

    Go ahead and slaughter each other.  The rest of us just don’t give a shit anymore.

    Oh, and if any Americans or Europeans are so incensed at the situation that THEY think WE should be involved, then THOSE PEOPLE in the US and in Europe should head on over to whichever side they support, and offer to fight along side them.

    Let them get killed to.  This way the rest of us can have peace.

    Shelter cat uses sweetest meow to get adopted

    He is so sweet.

    What incident has traumatized you for good?

    Sorry to go anonymous, but I never feel comfortable enough to reveal my name.

    I was about 7 years old and my sister was 5, we just came home from Halloween and were sitting on our carpet in our room, dividing our candies in equal parts (but mostly eating all of them).

    I remember my sister suddenly stopped talking, looked at me in the eyes without saying a word, with her eyes wide-open, pointing at her throat.

    She was suffocating and I started panicking. I was taught in school what to do so I put myself behind her and started pushing above her stomach, but as you can imagine I didn’t have much strength as a 7 years old.

    My mum, whom I had been desperately calling from the beginning, rushed in our bedroom and started taking my place in doing the “move” but nothing was working. I was sitting in our carpet, helpless and in full panic mode, watching my sister turn more and more blue as seconds went by. I really thought I would have seen her die in front of me and I couldn’t bear to look. I shouted “sorry, sorry, I will always love you” and closed myself in the toilet, crying and shouting as if the world was going to end.

    After maybe 2 minutes, but it could as well have been much less (Time always seems stretched in situations like these) I hear the bedroom go silent. I hear my mom stopping to try. And I hear… breathing. Heavy breathing.

    I’m scared that if I go in the bedroom I will see her dead, but I gather my courage and exit the bathroom.

    Turns out my mum had grabbed her by the feet in hope to let gravity do its work, as a last hope move… and it worked. She had inhaled a whole hard candy and it was stuck in her throat, slowly suffocating her.

    The candy was still on the carpet when I entered the room, and there was my sister, on the ground, slowly going back to a normal color.

    I hugged her so tight that she almost lost her breath again, but I was the happiest person in the whole world. That time I really thought I would have lost her.

    From that day on, I always check if she bites the candy as soon as she puts them in her mouth. When she lost her back childhood teeth, I would take her candy and break it into little pieces with my knife, and then give it to her. She sometimes got annoyed but she will never know the fear I felt that day.

    15 years later and I’m still as attached to my sister as I was that day. I still secretly check if she bites her candies. It truly traumatized me for good. I never want to lose her.

    WSJ Joins Neocons To Instigate War On Iran

    Updated below.

    The neo-conservatives want to blame Iran for the current war in Palestine/Gaza.

    They have for years tried to instigate war against it. Now they again see a chance. But its not a big one – yet.

    Yossi Melman is a very well connected Israeli author:

    Yossi Melman @yossi_melman – 5:33 UTC · Oct 9, 2023

    IDF spokeperson Brig-General Danny Hagari said that there is no indication of an Iranian involvement in the war in Gaza.

    Biden administration scrambles to deter wider Mideast conflictWashington Post – Oct 8 2023

    Asked whether Hamas may have acted in partnership with Iran to disrupt the effort to broker a Saudi deal, Blinken said “that could have been part of the motivation. Look, who opposes normalization? Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran.”

    But, he said, “we have not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack.”

    Fear not, say the neocons, we still have the Wall Street Journal to carry water for us:

    Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks (archived) – Wall Street Journal – Oct 8 2023

    DUBAI—Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday, according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed militant group.

    Officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had worked with Hamas since August to devise the air, land and sea incursions—the most significant breach of Israel’s borders since the 1973 Yom Kippur War—those people said.

    Details of the operation were refined during several meetings in Beirut attended by IRGC officers and representatives of four Iran-backed militant groups, including Hamas, which holds power in Gaza, and Hezbollah, a Shiite militant group and political faction in Lebanon, they said.

    WSJ authors in Dubai(!) have access to “senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah”?

    Both groups are notorious for their secrecy and their senior leadership is usually hidden away. Those facts alone are enough to debunk the report as nonsense. But the WSJ authors continue:

    “We don’t have any information at this time to corroborate this account,” said a U.S. official of the meetings.

    A European official and an adviser to the Syrian government, however, gave the same account of Iran’s involvement in the lead-up to the attack as the senior Hamas and Hezbollah members.

    Asked about the meetings, Mahmoud Mirdawi, a senior Hamas official, said the group planned the attacks on its own. “This is a Palestinian and Hamas decision,” he said.

    A spokesman for Iran’s mission to the United Nations said the Islamic Republic stood in support of Gaza’s actions but didn’t direct them.

    “The decisions made by the Palestinian resistance are fiercely autonomous and unwaveringly aligned with the legitimate interests of the Palestinian people,” the spokesman said. “We are not involved in Palestine’s response, as it is taken solely by Palestine itself.”

    Three direct rejections by official sources of the WSJ claims get countered with an anonymous ‘European official’ and a likewise anonymous ‘adviser to the Syrian government’.

    It is like the authors don’t even try to sound believable:

    A direct Iranian role would take Tehran’s long-running conflict with Israel out of the shadows, raising the risk of broader conflict in the Middle East. Senior Israeli security officials have pledged to strike at Iran’s leadership if Tehran is found responsible for killing Israelis.

    The IRGC’s broader plan is to create a multi-front threat that can strangle Israel from all sides—Hezbollah and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in the north and Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank, according to the senior Hamas and Hezbollah members and an Iranian official.

    Israel has blamed Iran, saying it is behind the attacks, if indirectly. ​​ “We know that there were meetings in Syria and in Lebanon with other leaders of the terror armies that surround Israel so obviously it’s easy to understand that they tried to coordinate. The proxies of Iran in our region, they tried to be coordinated as much as possible with Iran,” Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, said Sunday.

    There is however little evidence for the Israeli assertion:

    Leading the effort to wrangle Iran’s foreign proxies under a unified command has been Ismail Qaani, the leader of the IRGC’s international military arm, the Quds Force.

    Qaani launched coordination among several militias surrounding Israel in April during a meeting in Lebanon, The Wall Street Journal has reported, where Hamas began working more closely with other groups such as Hezbollah for the first time.

    Hamas and Hezbollah have cooperated for decades. During the war on Syria some Hamas members took the side of the ‘moderate rebels’. They taught them how to dig large tunnels, a technique they themselves had once learned from Hizbullah:

    Abu Musaab, a leader in Ahrar al-Sham, told the pro-uprising satellite television station Orient News that the Syrian militant group received tutorial videos from Gazans showing them how to repair collapsing tunnels.

    “The ground here became damp and began to fall on us…and some of our youth were trapped inside. So we spoke to those with expertise, our brothers in Gaza, may God reward their good deeds,” Abu Musaab was quoted as saying.

    “We consulted them regarding the problem and they advised us to bring in wood (plates), sending us video segment showing us how they do it and we replicated that,” Abu Musaab added.

    And in June 2013, the pro-Hezbollah al-Akhbar newspaper reported that “sources close to Hezbollah and the Syrian regime claim that Hamas had a role to play in the battles of Qusayr, [where tunnels] … had been dug using small Iranian devices that Hezbollah had transferred to Hamas.”

    “Some of the explosives, they added, were found to contain electronic chips that Hamas had acquired from Iran and Hezbollah,” the Lebanese paper said.

    After the war in Syria was decided in the governments favor, Hamas slowly found its way back into the resistance camp. Consultations between Hezbullah and Hamas have been constant since. Back to the WSJ:

    Representatives of these groups have met with Quds Force leaders at least biweekly in Lebanon since August to discuss this weekend’s attack on Israel and what happens next, they said. Qaani has attended some of those meetings along with Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah, Islamic Jihad leader al-Nakhalah, and Saleh al-Arouri, Hamas’s military chief, the militant-group members said.

    Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian attended at least two of the meetings, they said.

    This, however, is clearly no believable. Amir-Abdollahian is a professional diplomat, not a security official. While he has been deeply involved in political issues regarding Palestine he is unlikely to have been involved in any top-secret operational planning.

    Also biweekly meetings between Qaani, Nasrallah and other high ranking resistance leaders are unlikely to have ever happened. Each such meeting would be a security nightmare.

    The planning for the recent Hamas operation must have taken years not just the few month since August. While the WSJ lets it seem that there is operational coordination between the various resistance groups their real cooperation is on a way more strategic level.

    Each group in the resistance axis has its own plans and goals. That does not exclude strategic cooperation, but not on the detail level of fighting:

    Egypt, which is trying to mediate in the conflict, has warned Israeli officials that a ground invasion into Gaza would trigger a military response from Hezbollah, opening up a second battlefront, people familiar with the matter said. Israel and Hezbollah exchanged fire briefly on Sunday.

    The Iranian official said that if Iran were attacked, it would respond with missile strikes on Israel from Lebanon, Yemen and Iran, and send Iranian fighters into Israel from Syria to attack cities in the north and east of Israel.

    While there is no denying that Iran, Hezbullah, Hamas and others consult with each other on a high level, any deeper cooperation, training or assistance is unlikely to still exist. It is each on their own, but with a common big goal in mind.

    Update – 14:40 UTC

    Of interest:

    Andrew MacGregor Marshall @zenjournalist – 11:54 UTC · Oct 9, 2023

    The main reporter on this story, @summer_said, has a history of dishonesty and inventing stories. I fired her from Reuters in 2008 for this reason. I’m surprised that the @WSJ has hired her and is publishing her stories that are clearly bogus.

    Posted by b on October 9, 2023 at 11:20 UTC | Permalink

    The problem with going fast…

    Paradoxically, even technology itself may have contributed to the slowing of progress in the west through the ubiquity of software tools that make problem solving much easier than it used to be. I recently came across this little chart on social media. I must say, I felt the sting of its message personally.

    When I was in high school in Croatia, our training in mathematics and science was very extensive: we had 9 hours of math per week and 6 hours of physics in addition to chemistry, biology, information technologies, software programming and more. It was a lot of work – so much so that when I came to the United States and enrolled in AP (advanced placement) math as a high school senior, I found the program very easy and aced it without even trying very hard.

    By today however, I’m definitely at the “spreadsheet” stage of life: without Excel I think I’d be lost and I fear that my own conceptual thinking abilities and math problem solving skills have atrophied disconcertingly.

    In the west, where fast and efficient problem solving is prized over conceptual thinking and inventiveness, more and more scientists and engineers work in that last, “spreadsheet” phase, quickly working out solutions to problems, perhaps at the expense of more creative, conceptual “out of the box” thinking.

    The importance of pencil-and-paper work

    In places like Russia and China, that broad-based thinking and working with pencil and paper is still very much prized and their educational institutions continue to insist on it (or at least have done so in the recent past). Of course, it would be difficult to assess how creative Russian or Chinese engineers or software developers are compared to their western counterparts, but beyond leapfrogging the west in development of hypersonic weapons, I came across an interesting case that speaks to this gap. 

    Namely, in 2009 Goldman Sachs pressed charges for theft of intellectual property against one of their software developers, a Russian man named Sergey Aleynikov. In 2013, Michael Lewis wrote a fascinating story about that case in Vanity Fair in which he revealed that more than half of Goldman Sachs’ software developers were Russian – an extremely interesting bit of information, especially in view of the notorious rigor which Goldmans is known to apply in recruiting their quants and software engineers.

    Now, given that Russian software engineers don’t constitute half the population of the US, either Goldman Sachs liked to have a lot of Russians lurking around, or it could be that they found them better prepared to tackle tough problem solving. The latter possibility might also explain Russia’s ability to develop the Zircons, Kinzhals and Avantgard missiles as well as weapons based on new physical principles. Here’s how Aleynikov himself explained the difference between Russian and American education: 

    “In Russia, time on the computer was measured in minutes,” he says. “When you write a program, you are given a tiny time slot to make it work. Consequently we learned to write the code in a way that minimized the amount of debugging. And so you had to think about it a lot before you committed it to paper. . . . The ready availability of computer time creates this mode of working where you just have an idea and type it and maybe erase it 10 times. Good Russian programmers, they tend to have had that one experience at some time in the past: the experience of limited access to computer time.”

    Indeed, clicking “run,” then deleting and retyping code is no substitute for doing a lot of thinking, which is absolutely indispensable to building high quality, reliable solutions and genuinely useful innovations. 

    My own experience with ‘pencil-and-paper’ R&D

    My own experience in developing the I-System trading model confirmed its importance. In 1999, when my team and I built the model’s prototype, it turned out to be a maintenance nightmare and it was clear that I needed to hire serious software talent to turn the prototype into a reliable tool. For a few months in 1999 I worked with an American software engineer, David B., who had recently graduated from Stanford University. Although David was extremely bright, he was literally working in the debug mode almost nonstop.

    He was able to maintain the software and fix bugs as they crept up, but the code itself was growing into a patchwork of fixes and workarounds. I began to worry that sooner or later it would become unmaintainable and in 2000 I decided to hire an older engineer from Croatia, Boris Brec. Boris was old school and he insisted on extensive pencil-and-paper foundation work. He pretty much told me that he wouldn’t lift a finger until I had drafted the full set of specifications explaining exactly how the model worked, including schematic process-flow drawings of all the routines under the model’s hood.

    The process of upgrading the I-System from the prototype to its ‘industrial’ version was extraordinarily labor-intensive, costly, and it took four years to complete. That was the cost of quality, which included the tradeoff between diving headlong into trading and continuing with the fastidious development work, going over every algorithm with a fine tooth-comb and testing everything ad nauseum. I was only able to do this because I managed to wrest full control and ownership over the project from my superiors.

    Had the costs of project’s development impacted someone’s bonus, the firm’s profitability or market cap, it would have been axed and never lived to see its upgraded version. Fighting to keep the project alive and adequatly funded was a struggle at every turn. For me it is easy to see how frequently great and promising projects must die over money, missed deadlines and organizational politics.

    Quality solutions, breakthroughs require abundant time and resources

    The difference between I-System’s prototype and the upgrade was the change from nonstop maintenance patchwork with David to the flawlessly functioning, zero-maintenance machine put together by Boris. It was worth the four years and every euro spent on it: quality is the gift that keeps on giving, not only in having the system that functions as intended, glitch free for 20 years, but also in having the peace of mind, never fearing whether all the patchwork maintenance introduced new hidden bugs into the edifice.

    The experience has taught me that this kind of work MUST begin with pencil and paper, that it must be methodical, that it must be given adequate time and resources, and that if we want to achieve quality solutions we must be willing to bear the associated costs. Where the system of incentives generates pressures to cut corners, take shortcuts and rush out half-baked solutions, it will ultimately suffocate creative work and kill many quality solutions before they had the chance to prove their merit.

    Programs like supersonic weapons are only symptoms of self-inflicted systemic headwinds that are now slowing the advancements of science and technology in the Western world. A reform – nay, an overhaul of the system – will have to look at those perverse incentives as well as our educational and governance systems. This won’t be easy, especially as the western nations have deliberately seeded their political and academic structures with ideologues and zealots who are far too busy policing social justice, hate speech and gender equality to worry about the real future challenges faced by our societies.

    What is something weird you read or saw today?

    Was looking at one of my wife’s old cookbooks, for some reason and found the old lore and wisdom in the book fascinating. It’s hard to imagine people believed these things back then.

    Like these:

    ‘When frogs holler, rain will soon foller.’ That could help my weatherman who has no idea when it’s going to rain.

    ‘Anyone born when the mulberries are ripe have a good chance of being red-headed.’ That one has got to be true, right?

    Here’s an old insult. ‘His family is like potatoes. All that is good of them is underground!’

    ‘Corn is not ready to grind into meal until it is dry as an old maid’s kiss’ ouch.

    ‘We huckleberry gatherers don’t like to admit it, but what we call huckleberries are actually mountain blueberries.’ “I’m your huckleberry,” Doc Holliday.

    ‘To take the last piece of bread on a plate foretells rain.’

    If a piece of buttered bread drops on the floor butter side down, it will rain soon.’

    “We’re eatin’ the long corn now,” meant one was finally financially well off. No wonder it’s raining so much in my area. Happens to me all the time.

    ‘Corn must be knee high by the fourth of July.’

    ‘Onion skin very thin, mild winters coming in. Onion skin thick and tough, coming winter cold and rough.’

    I love this one. ‘When you are tired of life and all its busy scenes; just run to the garden and hide behind the beans.’ God I wish I had a garden sometimes!

    ‘Always bake a cake when the sun is going up or it will fall.’ The cake or the sun?

    ‘A cow with its tail to the west, weather the best. A cow with it’s tail to the east, makes weather the least. ’THATS what my weatherman needs, a cow. He’s always wrong.’

    ‘If a bat flies into your head, you’ll soon become bald.’ Now we know what happened to The Rock and John Travolta to name a few.

    Okay guys, here it is. A cure for baldness. ‘Consume the gall of a lizard, fresh mouse meat or mole’s blood.’

    ‘To prevent lockjaw, ‘If a needle is stuck in a foot, put fat meat next to the puncture then a penny over that.’ I’ll try that next time. The hell with a tetanus shot.

    To cure a blister, ‘Kiss a red headed fellow.’ I’ll bet a lot of red headed guys were hanging around women sweeping the floor.

    A good spring tonic? Anvil dust mixed with cream. Yum.

    To cure asthma. ‘Stick the dried skin of a mole to the chest with honey.’ Did people really do that back then?

    Mock cherry pie? Use cranberries and raisins.’ No one will tell the difference. Especially if they’ve never had cherry pie before. Then make them a sandwich of mock chicken.

    To prevent mumps. ‘take a chip of wood from a log, and rub it on your jaw and throat every day.’ And see how many girls you’ll meet. None maybe? “Watch out for Ned, he’s off his rocker. Keeps rubbing a hunk of wood on his jaw and throat!” “Eeeeuuuw” “Here he comes! RUN!”

    In the mid 1700s, women shaved their foreheads and eyebrows so they could press on mouse skin eyebrows. Girls, don’t you wish you lived back then. Save a lot of money on makeup.

    That’s all folks!

    Why do so many Chinese students study abroad? Are there schools colleges, science centers, institutes, and science universities in China? Does China have schools, colleges, and institutes?

    Hi, Jain Patel. Thanks for the very interesting question.

    No, China doesn’t have any school colleges, science centers, institutes, or science universities.

    We get a couple of years of primary school, but after that, we all have to go and get tracker microchips implanted at the base of our skulls and start working in the Factories.

    These Factories are run by our alien overlords.

    Here are some pictures I took on my way to work.

    These are the “Prime Sentinels” that guard the Factories.
    If you are late for work, you will get stomped on.

    image 143
    image 143
    image 144
    image 144
    image 145
    image 145

    The vast majority of us live in the mountains.

    We have to bore holes into the mountains, and we live in those holes.

    With a year’s salary, we get to buy a house/bedroom.
    I say house/bedroom because the house is literally just one room – your bedroom.
    That room is your house, and it’s also your bedroom.

    Here’s a picture I took of my house/bedroom.

    The view’s not too bad.
    Especially in the morning.

    image 146
    image 146

    Here’s a pic of my neighbors’ house/bedrooms.
    These guys live just below me:

    image 147
    image 147

    The pay for working in the factories isn’t that great.
    I get paid USD 0.01 a day.
    If I work overtime, I get paid USD 0.001 an hour.

    Thankfully, the soil in the mountains is pretty good and we can grow a lot of vegetables in our allocated community gardens.

    Here is the community garden allocated to the people who live on my side of the mountain.
    Everyone gets to take home a small piece of broccoli for dinner.

    Oh, and because we don’t have electricity in China, the three most common modes of travel are:

    (1) Horse:

    (2) Boat:

    image 148
    image 148

    (3) Sword (powered by qi):

    image 150
    image 150

    Some of the richer peeps own aero-cycles.
    These are tiny little bike/seating platforms powered by qi:

    image 149
    image 149

    Since there’s no electricity, we have to find creative ways to spend our weekends.

    Going to the local monastery to hone our martial skills is one option:

    image 152
    image 152

    As is hiking in the hinterlands:

    image 151
    image 151

    In the evenings, some of us enjoy playing mahjong at the local park.

    A long time ago, a race of giants used to live in the mountains.
    For some reason, they enjoyed cutting down the many giant trees that dotted China’s many mountain ranges.
    The tree stump you see below is just one of many giant tree stumps you’ll find up here in the mountains.

    It makes for a great mahjong table.

    image 153
    image 153

    Conclusion (a.k.a. TLDR):

    No, Jain Patel , China doesn’t have any school colleges, science centers, institutes, or science universities.

    Now you know the reason why!

    Officer’s wife says words to this effect: “You shall address me by my husband’s rank.” Isn’t this impersonation of a military officer? And what legal consequences would there be? I would assume UCMJ can’t apply to non-mil.

    As a United States Marine Corps Staff Sergeant, I went to work one fine morning, to discover a young lady laying down on the horn of her car at 0730 in the morning! Dressed like they were going to the beach?

    She had some of her Girlfriends with her.

    I approached her, and inquired what the problem was, and pointed out to her that she was blaring her car horn in front of an enlisted barracks FULL of people who worked 2nd Shift and the Graveyard Shift that needed their rest and sleep. Military Police, Watch Standards, Cooks, Bakers, Corpsmen (Medics) etc.

    She responded with, do you know who my Daddy is? Pointing towards the Blue Base vehicle sticker on thr lefthand , lower windshield. Sticker with THE STAR!

    (Meaning her Whoever Whatever was a Commissioned Officer) !

    And laid down on the car horn again!!!!

    I called the MP’s on her and reported her! And went to work (It was on a Sunday) Forgot, all about it.

    Next morning? (A Monday) I had the Commanding General of Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina walk into my office with his daughter apologizing to me!!! A Marine Staff Sergeant?

    Disabled cat was about to be euthanized. This woman took her home.

    Epic Games laid off over 800 of its employees on Thursday.

    The official number is 830, but the actual number could be well into 900 because of various legal considerations outside the US and Canada.

    And I’m one of those 16% unlucky bastards who got screwed over.

    I already signed my severance package, so I can’t say much about this other than this is such a shitshow. Layoffs are, unfortunately, very common in the video game industry, to the point that it’s almost expected. But the way Epic did it, it’s just so … anyway, Like I said, if I want my severance, I better shut the fuck up about it.

    I was in shock on Thursday when I got the news. It was so sudden. I got an email around 8 am in the morning (PST), and within half an hour, all my company access was shut down/removed. I get up early because I work East Coast hours. A lot of my West Coast colleagues don’t start their day until 10 a.m., and they arrive at the company with everything shut down and no longer have a job. I had to reach out to my co-workers via text because Slack is no longer accessible. I imagine, if I were working at the office, this would be the time when the security escort all of us out of the building.

    I guess when you have to cut 900 people, you have to be quick and brutal about it.

    900 people, that’s the size of a large company. Poof, gone.

    Thinking back, this is actually the first time since I started working in video games that I got laid off. For over a decade, I dodged every layoff from every company I was with until my luck finally ran out. You play the game company layoff Russian roulette, there’s always a bullet waiting for you sooner or later.

    All things considered, severance is generous. We have 60 days of pay from the WARN Act and then 4 months of severance. So, all together, I’m covered for 6 months until I need to dip into my savings.

    After the initial shock, anger, and fear, and frustration, and anxiety, I actually started to feel better about it. I went to bed that evening, realizing I didn’t need to get up at the crack of dawn every day from now on. My brain suddenly has some extra processing power because I don’t need to think about work-related stuff anymore. It’s funny. I found myself habitually thinking about the stuff I was doing before I got laid off, the Tableau project I was working on, the AirTable updates I needed to do… And I realized, wait, none of that matters anymore. When I was working, there is a portion of my brain never stopped thinking about work. It’d be like a program running in the background, taking up memory and CPU. Even if I’m on vacation or holiday, that program is always running. I can’t shut it down.

    Now, it’s gone. And I feel lighter with an odd sense of emptiness.

    I realized this is my opportunity to take a step back and think about what I want with my life. Do I even want to go back to the video game industry? Or do I want to try something new? I’m already 43. If I want to make a pivotal change in my life, this is perhaps the last time I still have the energy to do it.

    Maybe I could start a podcast! LOL.

    On the bright side, Epic might screw us over, but the people who are laid off and people who are still working for the company are so supportive. I’ve already joined several slack/discord spaces organized by Ex-Epic folks. We vent about the layoff, and we pull our resources to help with job searching and networking. I have multiple people reaching out to me with tips and potential job leads. Recruiters are already sending me emails hours after I put on the “Open to Work” sticker on LinkedIn. The general consensus on social media is overwhelmingly supportive of employees who recently lost their jobs. So all of these is really nice, makes me feel less isolated and shitty about this whole thing.

    And of course, there’s Baldur’s Gate 3. I just finished my first run as a Warlock. My Tav saved the World from the big bad. The game landed on a positive note, with Tav and Astarion going on their next adventure together, even though I couldn’t give every single companion their own happy ending.

    I immediately started my second run as Dark Urge oathbreaker Paladin Tav. I’m thinking about doing a “good ending” run again, with Tav trying to resist the Dark Urge.

    Maybe on my third run, I’ll do a total evil run with “Ascend” Astarion. Although I still want to try the Bard class. I heard so many good things about playing as Bard, with so many fun dialogue options.

    That’s already another 2 runs, meaning an additional 200–300 hours. And there’s Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty and, of course, Starfield. My schedule is full! LOL.

    Maybe 5 or 10 years from now, I’ll look at this period of time thinking, “While it sucked at the time, I’m glad I got laid off from Epic. Otherwise, I’ll never <insert awesome stuff here>.”

    Lavrov’s answer to Blinken’s Ukraine conflict freeze

    What made you forbid someone from ever entering your home again?

    When my oldest daughter was about 2 years old, a longtime and very dear friend stopped by for a visit. The friend referred to me as his second mom. Danny was a good good guy who made a lot of mistakes. I always treated him with love; and, I gave him advice when he asked for it. Outside of his asking, I only gave advice when he was doing something that could hurt him or someone else. After his visit, I was sitting in the living room when my daughter picked up a plastic bag. It’s contents were a white powder. It was cocaine. I was livid. I flushed it. Later, Danny called frantically and asked if I had found anything that he may have left. I told him about the bag and he admitted that it was his; he had accidentally dropped it. I told him that he was no longer welcome in my home. He was upset that I flushed it. Oh well, I didn’t care if he was mad. He didn’t understand why I was mad. You brought something into my home and lost it. My child picked it up. If I hadn’t seen it immediately, I’m sure that it would have been in her mouth. That’s what little children do. I have no doubt that this would have killed her had she consumed it. Danny did apologize later. But, I couldn’t allow someone that reckless into my home.

    I realize that flushing it might not have been a good solution. But it was the only way I could think of to get it out of my home ASAP.

    Waffle Potatoes. Holy shit this is good!

    So in case you didn’t know, hubby was a professional chef. He cooks for us M-F and I have started cooking on weekends (I do need to know how to care for myself). He teaches me things as we go. Tonight was a carb bomb that is so damn tasty! He said the only place you will ever see this in a restaurant is a staff meal because it’s used to teach technique (knife cuts). He remembered it last night and decided this was going to be dinner tonight.

    Ignore the smudge of mayo on the plate. There were 3 of these and I only thought about posting here when I was down to one.

    Basically, you take a potato, square it off and cut it into “steaks”. Then you use skewers to measure your cuts and make fine cuts on both sides to make it almost accordion-like. Boil them in an alkaline solution (water + baking soda), fry them until GBD (golden brown delicious), then top with stuff and put in oven to warm everything.

    Ours were topped with caramelized onions with bacon and shredded cheddar cheese. When he took them out of the oven and put them on the plates, he drizzled them with a seasoned mayo.

    I’m going into a happy, full food coma right now.

    EDIT: Since so many people asked, I’m putting the recipe below. There aren’t too many measurements because he doesn’t really measure, so it may take a bit of tweaking. I’ll describe everything best as I can. I do not write recipes well.

    • 3 large potatoes, like the kind you would use for a baked potato.
    • Skewers
    • Make your caramelized onions and any other toppings before even starting. We also used shredded cheddar cheese, so get that all done now. Here is how he did the mayo: 3parts mayo, 1 part sour cream, a dallop of dijon mustard, 2 garlic cloves smashed, salt, pepper, a dash of garlic and onion powder, and a spritz of lemon juice (not enough to squeeze a whole lemon half, just a few drops).
    • Start some water in a pot and add 2 TBSP of baking soda, NOT BAKING POWDER. Bring to a boil.
    • Square off your potatoes. Don’t worry about cutting the ends off. Cut the potatoes into “steaks”. I’d say they were about 1/2″ thick?
    • On your cutting board, place a potato steak and put a skewer on either side against the potato. DON’T SKEWER THE POTATO. The skewers are your cutting guides to make sure you don’t cut all the way through. (That was a super neat trick to me). Cut the potato diagonally along the entire length. Because I’m a visual learner, I did not understand this when he explained it to me, only when I saw it.
    • Flip the potato over and repeat on the other side cutting the opposite diagonal. Keep the potatoes in cold water while doing this so the ones you aren’t working on don’t dry out. When done, the potato should sort of be like an accordion. Don’t worry if you accidentally cut through a couple. If it’s just the end, take it off. If it’s through the middle, toss it.
    • Once all the potatoes are cut, put them in the now boiling water for about 8 minutes.
    • Line a baking sheet with foil and place a rack on top. We use a baking cooling rack.
    • Heat oven to 350F. Heat oil in a deep pan to 275F. We used a wok for the oil. You don’t need to fill the pan, but put enough in that it will cover the potato slices with a little more so they can move and not sit on the bottom.
    • When 8ish minutes have passed, pull you potatoes out of the boiling water and place them on the rack. It’s a convenient place to put them while you fry them in batches.
    • Fry the potatoes in batches in the oil once the oil is up to temp. Don’t over crowd the pan. You want to be able to flip them regularly. Fry until they look GBD (Golden Brown Delicious). Remove them back to the rack. Continue until all of them are fried.
    • Now put your toppings on, NOT THE MAYO. It doesn’t matter if the toppings are cold, that’s what the oven is for. He spread the caramelized onions pretty thick, like he was making a bruschetta. Sprinkle the cheese on top if you want cheese. (Who doesn’t want cheese?)
    • Put baking sheet in the oven and bake until the cheese is all melty and the toppings are warmed.
    • Place them on plates and drizzle with the mayo.
    • Make sure you have napkins and gobble that shit down.

    China’s PC system announced to be permanently free, PC version of HarmonyOS system will come soon!

    China has been building mass scale of manufacturing photonic chips factories now & will be ready to supply the world by year 2023. The photonic chips are 1,000 times better & faster than the 3-5nm chips manufactured by Taiwan & South Korea. Why?

    Here is the Thing


    China is the only Nation on Earth who can manufacture Photonic Chips Cost Effectively

    No other Nation on Earth Can

    US gave it up nearly 20 years ago

    You simply cannot run a sustainable Profit

    The Scale for which Profit is required is simply unsustainable

    The Demand would need to be So Tremendous to justify a scale which would involve ENTIRE CITIES dedicated to manufacture Photonic Chips.

    Its not the Technology. The Technology is available openly and readily.

    LIke Hypersonic Missiles

    The Technology was available in 2000 itself and was nothing new. The Theory was available. However manufacturing efficiently was not possible and US decided it was not worth it.

    China and Russia later managed to use their Manufacturing Dominance (China) and Raw Material Haven (Russia) to ensure they could make efficienct Hypersonics and ensure that they now have or plan to have a cost effective Arsenal.

    Likewise Photonic Chips Manufacture can be done by China at Effective Cost and on a Scale large enough to achieve sustainability for its own Internal Domestic Market.

    That is the Good News!!!!

    So All Good?

    2023 is simply impossible

    Developing the Basic Infrastructure for Indigenous Implementation of the Technology may take 5 Years and another 3 Years for achieving Commercial Dominance

    Thats 8 Years or 2030

    In the meanwhile China still has to keep targeting the 3nm or 5 nm Wafer Fabrications Indigenously and keep spending the massive Scale of Production

    So you see the Problem

    China could abandon the 3nm/5nm Manufacture Aim and move completely to Photonic Chips but that would mean a 8 Year Gap and after that – the Results could be screwed up or the Photonic Chips may not work as China expects to

    That means a Waste of 8 Years

    The Cost of which would be a Delay in Chinas AI plans, Robotics Plans, Upgrading Technology plans

    China could stay with the 5 nm/3 nm Manufacture Aim and achieve Indigenous Manufacture by say 2025–2027 and dominate AI and Robotics and move to the next phase of Technology

    That would be easier than developing and taking a risk on Photonic Chips

    Its the same as Abandoning the Option of Manufacturing of J-20s to make it as good as a F-22 Raptor , and instead seeking to manufacture the Avengers version of Aircraft

    Better to persevere and make aircraft like the F-22 in 4–5 years than totally abandon everything to hope to make Captain Americas Helicarriers

    Can China do Both?

    That would be the thing

    However it would need a Huge Load of Investment


    Huawei is in a perfect position to explore and work on Photonic Chips

    Huawei has the Technological Edge and the Exponential Leap into cutting edge Research


    SMIC Meanwhile can continue to explore and keep targeting the Indigenous Supply Chain dominance of Chips within the Chinese Economy

    Presently SMIC has achieved Commercial Production Capability of 14nm

    And that was fast

    So its a Lot of Hard Work and China shouldnt be like India

    This “Ready to supply the World by 2023 and 1000 Times better”- this is Indian Language

    Chinas language is always China Hopes to achieve indigenous control over its Chips and leave it there

    Its Possible and if China can manage it – It would be incredible

    Fingers Crossed!!!!

    Time Travel Possible? Evidence Says Yes | 9 Time Travelers caught on film

    Is time travel possible? According to physicists, yes. Time travel to the future is not only possible, it’s been scientifically proven.

    But what about traveling to the past? Well, that’s a little trickier. BUT, there does seem to be evidence that travelers from the future have visited us in the past; and may be among us right now.

    The human race has been fascinated with traveling through time ever since, well, ever since the human race understood what time was.

    But has time travel been achieved by future humans?

    And if so, did they leave us clues that they were here? We’ve scoured the internet for the best time travel stories we could find. You may know some of them. Some are hoaxes.

    A few have been debunked. But there are a couple of stories that defy explanation. Why are we so obsessed with time travel?

    Probably because we’re obsessed with time.

    Time rules our lives.

    Who doesn’t wish they could go back and talk to our younger selves, or meet our ancestors, or witness historical events.

    Time creates possibilities; but time also ends possibilities. It’s finite. When a moment is over. It’s over. There are no second chances.

    The expression “time is money” isn’t exactly true. Time is much more valuable than money.

    Wealth can be made; lost and made again.

    But time? Once we lose it, we can never get it back. Time is the most valuable thing you have.

    Spend it wisely.

    Beef Pies

    beef and venison pie large
    beef and venison pie large


    • 2 (8 ounce) packages refrigerated biscuits
    • 1 pound lean ground beef
    • 1 onion, chopped
    • 1/4 cup chopped green bell pepper
    • 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
    • 1/4 teaspoon oregano


    1. Separate biscuits; then pat each on floured surface to 5-inch circles.
    2. Lightly brown ground beef, onion and bell pepper in a skillet. Pour off fat.
    3. Add remaining ingredients to the skillet and stir.
    4. Place heaping portion of meat mixture on each biscuit circle. Fold in half and seal edges with a fork.
    5. Deep fry until golden brown in 2 inches of oil at 375 degrees F.
    6. Drain on paper towels.

    Yield: 10 pies

    My Wife & F**inist Daughters Turned Against Me & Took EVERYTHING…Now I’m Thriving & They’re Toast!

    Amazing story. Many mistakes. Modern America. (Sigh)

    US is the true ‘empire of lies’: China

    The US is the true “empire of lies”, the Chinese foreign ministry said on Saturday, lashing out at a US State Department report that accused China of ploughing billions of dollars annually into information manipulation efforts.

    China is manipulating global media through censorship, data harvesting and covert purchases of foreign news outlets, the US State Department said.

    Despite the unprecedented resources devoted to the campaign, Beijing had hit “major setbacks” when targeting democratic countries, due to local media and civil society push-back, according to the report, which was produced under a congressional mandate to detail state information manipulation.

    The report has disregarded facts, and is itself false information, the Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement.

    The agencies of the US State Department that produced the report “were the source of false information and the command post of ‘cognitive warfare’,” the Chinese ministry said.

    “Facts have repeatedly proven that the United States is the true ‘empire of lies’,” it added.

    The US report comes amid controversy over China’s attempts in recent years to increase the global footprint of its government-controlled media. Beijing is seeking to combat the negative images of China it feels are propagated by global media.

    Huawei chip disassembly report,18-core chip far exceeds its peers.TSMC Intel are starting to panic

    Huawei chip disassembly report, The 18-core chip far exceeds its peers. TSMC and Intel are starting to panic

    Huawei introduced the new 5G phone with a 7 nm chip semiconductor made in China. Are Taiwan, South Korea, and the USA doomed?

    Well, in the smartphone arena, there is really only one foreign brand left in China.

    Yes, Apple.

    LG is gone.

    HTC is gone.

    Samsung is irrelevant.

    Nokia, Motorola, Blackberry, Pixel, Sony and a host of has-beens or bit-players are all irrelevant.

    It’s Chinese brands, and Apple, with 3 ecosystems, Hongmeng, iOS and Android.

    No prizes for guessing how the balance will evolve, given the clear and present risk of disruptive sanctions forcing Google to pull Android licensing from other Chinese vendors.

    In Africa, Transsion outsells Samsung, and Chinese brands as a whole dominate market share. Transsion, based in Shenzhen, has a sizable global share of >10%. It is the hidden champion no one has heard of.

    The Chinese EV makers recently made waves in the Munich car show, with several media outlets trumpeting them as the “star of the show”. The Chinese overtook Japan as the No. 1 car exporting nation this year, and next year promises more growth.

    Fancy Toyota defending its position in a sunset industry? I thought it impossible but the speed of the Chinese transition and the scale plus depth of the EV supply chain they have built is putting lots of doubt in my mind. Not to mention the dearth in AI/ML/big data/UI and battery advances among Japanese automakers.

    It isn’t all doom and gloom.

    Let’s take a cursory look at Hyundai’s EV strategy. The Ioniq series is a clear step up from the typical Hyundai ICE offering, with premium materials, interiors, paintwork and fit and finish typically not found in the price segment. It is positioned as a bang for the buck premium series, almost luxury, but affordable.


    Because the Chinese are making the mass market EV impossible to compete on cost alone. Besides, volume production necessary for economies of scale are impossible without Chinese partners. Hyundai wisely decided to cede market space and move up the segment instead. Fewer but better, or like my friend puts it, becoming “German”. Hyundai is quietly positioning itself as the Korean BMW or Audi EV.

    The Japanese have been slower in response. I am increasingly pessimistic about their chances. What happened to Honda and Mazda’s mainland operations in the past few years portend seismic shifts ahead. EVs are not like ICE cars, because there are critical materials and technologies upstream that China controls.

    This time, the patent walls and enabling tools/tech favor China, too.

    What happens when the Koreans, Taiwanese, and Japanese can’t make a killing through export-driven demand for their mass market goods?

    They will have to move upmarket, selling less for hopefully, more, much like Sony’s repositioning and reorganization. Those that cannot adjust to the speed of the Chinese transition will be crushed.

    There we have it.

    The days of Samsung and Toyota hitting home runs from economy to premium is coming to an end. They will have to specialize and move upmarket, or bleed red competing with the Chinese.

    We’re in for interesting times.

    Very interesting times.

    This is the real trade war, with abiding consequences.

    Mirror Spock mind-melding McCoy

    The part of the 4th episode “Mirror Mirror” of TOS 2nd season.

    Why isn’t all of Finland a part of Russia?

    This oversight is easily fixable. Once NATO falls apart, and Finland faces the angry bear it poked and provoked for cheap thrills, its entire population will be shaken by the violent paroxysm of love to Russia and all things Russian.

    Just kidding! Relax. Russia does not need Finland. Russia created this pesky nation from the ass of Sweden, like Eve from Adam’s rib, and let them go long time ago. It had many opportunities to re-annex them. If it did not, it means it just does not want to, because it is much better the way it is. That Finnish state and many Finns in Quora forgot all the good between the two countries and sold out their soul to the overseas Russophobes is too bad.

    As an American of Russian background, I feel enraged that rabid Russophobes and neocolonialists possessing our government started the bloody conflict in Europe in 2014. When President Trump called Zelensky, in order to find out what is going on, he was impeached. Elections 2020 were rigged on an unprecedented scale, followed by the January 6th false-flag provocation timed to prevent Objections to be heard in Senate. The corrupt elite illegally holding power that belongs to We the People will not go without struggle.

    USA Terminates Project! China Takes Over $25 Billion Saudi Military Projects | USA is Disappointed!

    Big promises and high hopes

    In 2019 exactly ONE MONTH before CNY and the launch of the COVID-19 bioweapon I received a call.

    A Irish “company” wanted to interview me for a COO position.

    They would pay me 500,000 yuan per month!

    They were “supposedly” a billion dollar company and were interested in me.

    So, of course, I had a zoom meeting with the HR manager.

    But, there wasn’t an HR.

    Instead it was a contractor who interviewed me for the CEO directly.

    The CEO was “too busy” to chat with me himself.

    Don’t you know…

    As it was explained to me, the company was located in Shenzhen, made consumer products, billions of dollars in revenue, and wanted some basic questions about me, how I worked, and what I was doing.

    They wanted to know my background…


    • There are no consumer appliance companies with billions of dollar revenue in my particular specialty area. I worked at the largest int he world. Multi-million dollar companies, sure. Billions. Nope.
    • I did a check on the company. Doesn’t exist in Ireland, and nothing inside of SZ or China.
    • They had a slick webpage. Lots of computer renderings of a office building… that did not exist. A leader profile of a bunch of guys in their 30’s. No one over 40.
    • No one could tell me what specific type of product that they dealt with.
    • No return or follow up calls. E-mail address were dead ends.

    After the interview…. nothing.

    No follow back, no rejection, no next steps. Etc.

    I had three interns try to dig up information on the company. All failed. The company simply did not exist in any form, not even under a trade name.

    The “Five Eyes” conducted an interview of myself prior to the release of the Covid-19 bioweapon. They must have done it exactly one week prior to the release.

    They just wanted to know where I was, and what I was doing…

    …figured that I was inert, and nothing of concern…

    …and ignored me and let me be.

    Life is funny, don’t you know. Especially if you are ME.


    German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock outraged the Chinese government by calling Xi Jinping a dictator: how is Xi Xi not a dictator?

    That psychopath Baerbock is also a racist like Biden and Trump.

    Can a dictator be a leader of the Belt and Road trade alliance with 149 countries as partners?

    Can a dictator uplift the remaining 20 percent of his citizens out of poverty? China Xi JinPing uplifted all of its charges out of poverty as at 2021.

    Can a dictator allow it’s citizens to travel freely in and out of China?

    Can a dictator care so much for it’s people, that he managed to stomp out the Covid infection with the lowest death rate in his country?

    Psychopaths who tried to blameshift the Covid to China but got busted, now they are in shame.

    HardNox X Oliver Anthony – “RICH MEN NORTH OF RICHMOND” (HardNox Remix) [Official Music Video]

    This remix is raging!

    Are they pushing anti-American agenda in China as much as Americans push anti-Chinese agenda?

    No not at all.

    The U.S. don’t need any bad mouthing at all. It stands out clearly and vividly as a very barbaric nation that bullies most nations in planet earth. Everyone on earth knows there are only 3 types of allies the U.S. has. The US slave vassal states that has no choice of their own, their fellow despicable former colonial masters that needs to keep its loot sand plunder and perpetuate their crimes and small and weak nations that like to poke Russia in the eyes and then hide under the U.S. skirt.

    These facts are so obviously clear to the entire world even though the U.S. has the best propaganda machine that has a full time job of demonising nations the refused to be submissive and subservient to them. This the U.S. has carried out for a full century. Hence there are some portion of west that buys into these like gospel truths.

    China don’t need to do a thing to influence their people. Firstly the Chinese are highly influenced by Confucianism whose ethics and mantra include thinking for itself and seeking out the ultimate truths. The Chinese media has very few opinions. It doesn’t make judgements. They News are short precise to the point on facts, truth, accuracy and with proofs and evidence. Sort of it Chinese people refused to believed.

    Western media ignores facts and propel set narratives that demonise China. As a default mode. It is opinionated and opinion filled. Chinese people don’t buy any of these shit. In fact almost no one buys any of these shit apart from some portion of the U.S. cronies. These represent no more than 5% of the world’s population and a mere dozen nations or so mainly Caucasians and Anglo Saxons.

    I sincerely feels it don’t helped the U.S. and in fact hurt the U.S. image as most societies in the world don’t take kindly to lies innuendos and misinformation. It showed the weakness of the U.S. At best some nations fear the U.S. but almost no nation respects the U.S. I am here in QUORA to provide as much obvious truths mainly to them for their own good.

    You Won’t Believe what Anthony Blinken Said !!

    Anthony Blinken recently delivered a speech at John Hopkins University on the emerging new world order. I was astounded at some of the things he said. Here i give my thoughts and opinions

    Does China’s economy still have room to grow, or has it peaked?

    You know what’s a really big question that a lot of people are asking these days? It’s whether China’s economy has reached its peak or not. Whether China has run out of steam or still has some gas left in the tank. Whether China is facing a hard landing or a soft landing. Whether China is doomed to stagnate or destined to thrive.

    Well, let me tell you something. That question is based on a false premise. A false premise that assumes that China’s economy is somehow close to its limit or its ceiling. A false premise that ignores the facts and the evidence that show otherwise. A false premise that overlooks the potential and the opportunities that lie ahead for China.

    Because the truth is, China’s economy still has a lot of room to grow. A lot of room to grow and a lot of potential to unleash. And there are three main reasons why.

    The first reason is that China has a massive and dynamic domestic market. A domestic market that consists of 1.4 billion people, which is the largest population in the world. A domestic market that boasts a fast-growing middle class, which is projected to reach 780 million by 2025. A domestic market that is becoming more diverse and sophisticated, as consumers demand higher quality products and services, and more personalized and customized experiences.

    This means that China has a huge consumer base that can drive domestic demand and consumption, as well as innovation and entrepreneurship. This means that China has a huge market for new business models and sectors to emerge and flourish, such as e-commerce, digital entertainment, health care, education, green technology, and so on.

    The second reason is that China has a strong investment in infrastructure, technology, and human capital. An investment that builds and upgrades its physical infrastructure, such as roads, railways, airports, ports, power grids, and so on. An investment that develops and enhances its technological capabilities, especially in areas such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, quantum computing, 5G, and so on. An investment that improves and expands its human capital, by providing access to education, health care, social security, and so on.

    This means that China improves the connectivity and efficiency of its economy, as well as the living standards of its people. This means that China increases the productivity and competitiveness of its economy, as well as the innovation potential of its society. This means that China boosts the skills and well-being of its workforce, as well as the social stability and cohesion of its nation.

    The third reason is that China has an active participation in global trade and cooperation. A participation that makes it the world’s largest trader of goods and services, accounting for about 13% of global trade in 2020. A participation that makes it a major source and destination of foreign direct investment (FDI), attracting $163 billion of FDI inflows in 2020, and investing $133 billion of FDI outflows in 2020. A participation that makes it a key player in regional and multilateral economic initiatives, such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI), and so on.

    This means that China can access new markets and resources, share its development experience and best practices, and contribute to global economic growth and stability. This means that China can benefit from trade liberalization, infrastructure connectivity, policy coordination, and mutual benefit among participating countries and regions. This means that China can pursue win-win cooperation and multilateralism with its partners around the world.

    Now, this is not to say that China’s economy does not face any challenges or risks. It does. It faces challenges such as slowing down of population growth and aging of society; rising environmental costs and pressures; increasing income inequality and social discontent; intensifying trade frictions and geopolitical tensions; and so on.

    But these challenges are not insurmountable. They are not impossible to overcome. They require China to adopt appropriate policies and strategies to address them effectively and proactively. Policies and strategies such as accelerating economic restructuring and transformation; promoting green development and ecological civilization; enhancing social justice and welfare; pursuing win-win cooperation and multilateralism; and so on.

    These policies and strategies can help China overcome its difficulties and achieve high-quality development. Development that is balanced and comprehensive. Development that can benefit itself and the world.

    So, to answer your question: No, China’s economy has not peaked or is close to peaking. Yes, China’s economy still has room to grow or potential to unleash.

    And if you want to learn more about this topic or ask me any follow-up questions or comments, please feel free to do so on Quora.

    Thank you for your attention.

    What shocked you when you visited someone’s home?

    My sister’s friend interned for a company over the summer.

    Being a poor college student, she could not afford to rent furniture for the three months she spent living in the town of her internship.

    She had just a blanket, a pillow, and a suitcase of clothes in her flat. She also had a plate, a glass, a mug, a pan, and a cookie sheet.

    It was shocking to walk into her apartment, as a well-paid engineering intern, to see absolutely nothing but a blanket and a pillow in her apartment. It was empty.

    One day, she invited the neighbor kid over to make some cookies. He was about ten years old.

    He came into her apartment and made cookies with her and left back home after their stomachs were full.

    The very next day, my sister’s friend heard a knock on the door. She opened to see her neighbor kid and his dad standing in front of her with an armchair. The kid had told his dad that her apartment did not have single thing in it.

    They said, embarrassedly, “We’d like to donate this armchair to you.”

    They carried it in, and set it down in her room as the sole piece of furniture in her entire apartment, and never spoke of it again.

    She said she never appreciated an armchair more than that summer.

    7 NORMAL things in THAILAND (Not in your Country)


    What is the history of Spam (canned meat)? Was it ever used as a substitute for pork when it was rationed during World War II in Great Britain? If so, how did it taste compared to regular bacon/ham/pork shoulder?

    Spam came out in 1937, a product of Hormel Foods .The name Spam is said to have derived from Spiced Ham but that is not proven yet. It is made mostly with with pork shoulder, a cut not so much used at the time; a cheap cut of meat. Made of pork and ham, salt, sugar, potato starch water and good old sodium nitrate which I’m sure will be banned from foods in the future. The meat is ground up and the mixture is put into cans, vacuum sealed and cooked inside the can. After cooling, the cans are ready for sale. It is claimed by Hormel that 13 cans of SPAM are sold every second. I am one of those buyers.

    It was invented because they were looking for a way that meat could be preserved not having to be refrigerated but kept on a shelf in the home. It could be eaten right from the can, baked or fried and was an inexpensive meal especially toward the end of the depression.

    Later 100 million pounds of the stuff was consumed by Allied soldiers during WWII. Nikita Khrushchev stated that SPAM saved the Russian Army during the war. SPAM was sent to Great Britain from the US through the Land Lease plan and was used by many house wives the same as every where else. With the British and Canadian Armies it was tins of corn beef that they survived on. Spam was also eagerly devoured by the US military during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Along with C rations of course.

    I love both canned corned beef (from Brazil) and Spam and have tins of the stuff in the pantry. When I feel like some Spam, I will place one in the fridge for awhile, take it out then open the tin. I will either make a sandwich out of it or cut chunks and put them on a plate then slather relish and mustard over the Spam and gulp it down.

    Same with the corned beef. I either make a sandwich or again, cut chunks and put them on a plate and with a fork, dip the meat pieces in mustard and again, gulp them down along with a pickle and slice of bread. Delicious.

    Thank you Hormel and Brazil.

    Which US State consumes Spam the most? Hawaii.

    Is the Belt and Road Initiative losing steam?

    The ten-year-old Belt and Road Initiative is not a concrete-pouring binge, at least not anymore. China is encouraging private enterprises to take a more active role and participate in projects labeled as “small and beautiful.” Some attribute the shift to China’s economic headwind and take it as a sign that the BRI is losing steam. This argument lacks a basic understanding of the rationale behind the China-proposed development initiative. The shift indicates the BRI has run its natural course and entered a new phase.

    To expound it, one must go back to the central question: why did China put forward the BRI in the first place? Some clichés include: it is a geopolitical strategy designed to expand China’s sphere of influence; it is an ambition to counter the U.S-led global order; it is a series of investment projects to transfer domestic overcapacity and import raw materials; it is a charity program attached with political strings.

    None of these arguments is close to the real picture. In essence, the BRI aims to bring the global value chains to the digital era. It is a globalization proposal that seems ahead of its time. Consider the following scenarios: a New York City resident and a villager from a remote town on the African continent browse the same TikTok videos on their cellphones (yes, both of them own more than one cellphone). A Chinese car buyer can purchase the latest Tesla model entirely built in China and cheaper than American consumers. A young person can get a postgraduate diploma from a UK university via remote study and be employed by the local branch of a UK-headquartered multinational without the necessity to set foot on British soil. Globalization in the digital era is disrupting the hierarchy of traditional value chains and blurring the boundaries of producers and consumers. In a word, this round of globalization is reshaping how factors of production are being distributed and utilized.

    All this means the efforts to vitalize the newfound or hidden factors of production will be generously rewarded. It is common sense that most of these factors can only be found in developing economies. The promoters of the BRI are aware that the approach toward shared prosperity is to vitalize these factors of production and put them in the right places with a set of catalysts, such as transport and information connectivity, better education, poverty reduction, and empowerment of digital literacy.

    From the perspective of China, the sustainability of its economic prosperity lies in how long and to what extent its economy will intertwine with the global value chains. As an economy at the middle end of these chains, it will take long and arduous efforts to climb up the established ladder. At the same time, it is inevitable to move away from merely being the world factory. All this has left China with little choice but to explore new foreign partners through new non-disruptive arrangements to the existing system, from which it has benefited a lot since reform and opening up, particularly since its accession into the World Trade Organization in 2001. More importantly, these new arrangements must also bear enough potential to create new opportunities for the new partners. It does not work if these projects only benefit China. This is the primary rationale of the Belt and Road Initiative.

    Research shows that the private sector has proved to be more effective in creating and fine-tuning value chains compared with their government-led counterparts. Private companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, are the eventual driving force in this cause. In the beginning phase of the BRI, large and state-owned contractors took the lead in building basic infrastructure. Those projects helped to nurture political goodwill and energize local business partners. Thanks to them, private Chinese companies now feel more comfortable doing business in BRI countries.

    Now, a paradigm shift is taking place. The private sector is catching up quickly and encouraged to play a more prominent role. An increasing number of big projects have adopted the Build-Operate-Transfer models, which emphasize the participation of local partners and the sustainability of the projects. More market players now prefer indirect investment, which has also proved more efficient and sustainable in maintaining the value chains. Besides, the Chinese government encourages projects labeled as “small and beautiful,” which refers to the smaller projects directly connected with improving local livelihoods. New investment favorites include businesses in sectors such as new energy, healthcare, mobile communication, and e-commerce.

    The Belt and Road Initiative is entering a new phase, an intentional adjustment in line with its original missions, and it will provide more benefits to the private sector and local participants.

    China SHOCKED US Yet Again With $3 Billion 6th Generation Fighter Jet

    In the ever-evolving realm of aerial warfare, the stage is currently commanded by the formidable 5th gen stealth fighters like the mighty dragon Chengdu-J20 or the famed F-35 raptor. Eyes now remain fixed upon the emergence of 6th generation stealth fighters. Today’s episode will uncover China’s upcoming 6th generation stealth fighter jet that has shocked the entire world.

    What work secret did you accidentally find out that changed everything?

    When the recession hit in 2007–2009, the owner of the company I worked for made a grand speech about how tight things were and how he was doing his best to keep from laying anyone off, so everyone needed to work really hard and go the extra mile. This was one of those “be happy you have a job” speeches that meant raises and bonuses were going to be absolute shit, which might be justifiable if the company were in dire straits, but we weren’t. The recession went on and we kept growing, but management was all doom and gloom. At some point after the recession was over, somebody that had access to the CFO’s bonus spreadsheet printed it out and accidentally left it on the printer. Another employee found it and brought me a copy. The owner gave himself a $22M bonus that first year of the recession and the next few years were similar. I knew at that point they couldn’t be trusted.

    China being smart

    SMIC has placed significant orders for raw materials with its Taiwanese partners following shipments of Huawei’s HiSilicon Kirin 9000S system-on-chip for the Mate 60 smartphone in violation of U.S. sanctions, reports

    . Industry observers cited by the publication believe that the contract maker of chips anticipates stricter sanctions from the U.S. and is stockpiling the materials it needs. There could be other reasons, too.

    The buzz in the industry suggests that SMIC has recently approached its partners in Taiwan, placing substantial orders equivalent to around two years’ worth of materials supply. Some believe that this move is to ensure a steady supply for its 7nm chip production, hinting at the company’s forward-thinking approach.

    The larger question revolves around SMIC’s motivations for such significant stockpiling. Some think it could be a proactive measure against potential new restrictions from the U.S. Others feel it could be an effort to raise their inventory, anticipating a surge in client requirements.

    Huawei has high hopes for its Mate 60-series smartphones and expects to ship as many as 20 million units this year if supply remains intact. But these smartphones will keep shipping next year, and their sales will only increase. Furthermore, the company will likely introduce other smartphones based on its chips, significantly increasing its requirements for SoCs. As a result, it makes sense for SMIC to increase procurement of raw materials pure enough for its 7nm production.

    SMIC and other Chinese chipmakers are not novices when it comes to stockpiling. In anticipation of U.S. sanctions and restrictions, they have imported virtually all chip-making equipment from Europe, Japan, and the U.S. they could lay their hands on in recent months.

    The BEST Retirement Advice EVER From Retirees + MORE FUN!

    Things to know before retirement, top tips to plan your time to retire, things you must know before retirement. These ideas come from people who have actually done it. It’s what they recommend along with the ideas you need to know in your early retirement years. If you’re thinking about retiring soon, then you’re in for a real treat! In this video, we’ve gathered some of the best advice from retirees about their personal retirement. Aside from giving you some great advice, this video is also packed with helpful retirement stories and tips. If you’re ready to retire soon, then this is the video for you!

    Why do so many people defend China?

    People on the internet think I am a blind supporter of China. Some even think I am paid by Chinese propaganda department to write pro-China answers! (Hell! It would be great to get paid for narrating facts, but sigh … so far, no payment. Not even a job offer :p).

    For reasons unknown (and probably very biased) stating plain and simple historical and current facts offends a lot of people. Comparing the actions of countries offends people.

    Here are a few examples.

    Example 1. Hong Kong Riots

    Last year (in 2020) Quora was overflowing with certain people expressing their support for Hong Kong rioters, claiming they are fighting for “freedom” and that secession is a right of people.

    I wrote a couple of answers stating the plain fact that at least Indians should stop expressing their “deep concerns” for Hong Kong rioters, considering how India is handling the freedom movement in Jammu and Kashmir: no internet connectivity (since more than 8 months now) for the region, curfew almost daily, and lots of reports of rapes committed by the military. A lot of people were “offended” because of my comparison.

    I also compared Hong Kong rioters with American civil war. The northern states of USA refused to let the southern states break free of the union. If “freedom” is the right of people, northern states should have allowed the southern states to break free.

    Similarly, UK should have allowed Ireland to be free.

    Somehow, when India, USA and UK does it, it’s all justified and acceptable. But when China does it (and on top of that, China didn’t even use lethal force against those rioters), suddenly China is at fault! I don’t understand the logic here.

    Example 2. China’s Island Building In SCS

    I wrote that every nation has a right to defend itself and no nation has a (moral) right to display aggression and policing at other nation’s borders. This too, offended a lot of people. People mentioned “freedom of navigation” and whatnot. I pointed out that USA has not ratified UNCLOS and therefore has no right to implement it on others.

    There was a long debate about how USA and western powers have “freedom” to roam in their warships close to Chinese shores, but China has no right to install weapon systems on islands in South China Sea.

    Some US guy went on a long argument with me in that answer, claiming that although USA has not signed UNCLOS, it still has the right to implement it on others. The most remarkable thing is that he claimed he was not even being biased and was completely transparent and morally fair in his claim!

    Example 3. China – Australia Trade Dispute

    I wrote that a customer is not and should not be forced to purchase from any seller, therefore China is not forced to purchase ore and food products from Australia, considering that Australian government went on a smear campaign against China (proposing to find Covid-19 origin only in China) and banning Huwawei.

    Some people got offended, and claimed that China should be forced to buy from Australia, but Australia is “free” to not buy from China. Some people also claimed that China is “weaponizing trade” and that they must be “put to their place”.

    All I can say about it is that their logic is incomprehensible for me.

    Example 4. China – US Trade War

    I wrote in an answer that if US is so concerned about trade deficit, they have all the right to stop buying from China and shift their imports to some other country. Similarly, China has the right to stop buying from USA and start buying food products from South America.

    Similarly, I wrote that both countries have the right to place as many tariffs as they want, on their imports. Both are free in what they do within their borders.

    This offended a lot of people. They claimed that it is China’s “legal responsibility” to avoid placing tariffs on US goods but USA is “free” to place as many tariffs as they want on Chinese goods.

    Example 5. Chinese Loans And Investments In Africa

    Someone asked if Chinese loans and investments in Africa were attempts by China to colonize Africa. I posted some pictures of African colonialism and showed what colonialism really looks like.

    Some guys started arguing in the comments that China is “exploiting” Africa with their loans and whatnot. I simply stated that nobody is forcing African countries to get loans from China. They are free to get loans from IMF and World Bank if they want. If they are getting loans from China, they know the conditions. They are written clearly in front of them. If African countries and China, both agree on the terms and conditions, why is someone else trying to run around amok with arms flailing and crying foul?

    They claimed that Africans are “simple minded” (yes, they were indeed simple minded, or else they would not have been enslaved by the western powers for centuries) and do not “see through” the traps. I asked if their countries have better loan offers for African countries, they should present the offers. Somehow that further offended them and they quit in rage, claiming I work for China’s propaganda department.

    So. That’s my story of being “pro China”.

    What would happen if the US cancelled all Chinese-held bonds?


    In 2017, China created a new instrument called Debt backed Govt Guarantee to their Private Players and Corporates and SOEs to allow them to borrow money from US Banks and EU Banks

    I wondered back then why would they need to do that? Why would they gurantee the debt of their companies and what were they using to guarantee this debt?

    Turns out they are guaranteeing these Debts using US Treasury Bonds and US Corporate Bonds.

    Long story short, a huge chunk of US Treasuries are pledged by China against massive borrowings from European or American Banks

    So if US defaults on its Debt to China

    China laughs and defaults on its huge bank debts from US and Europe guaranteed against US Treasuries and Corporate Bonds

    So either US redeems these bonds fully or Banks in US and EU collapse and a bailout could cost 3.5 times more or around 2.1 Trillion Dollars

    More printing money, more debt, more. Inflation and a certain guarantee that nobody will buy US bonds anymore

    China maybe loses 15% or around $ 120–130 Billion

    So China would not be too unhappy if US tried such a move. It would be another nail in the US coffin


    Her expression is precious!

    Does US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo seriously think that the US Congress can use legislative tools to stop Huawei from doing research innovation and launching new products?

    That was the playbook.

    Huawei’s mobile devices consumer division was kneecapped and decapitated through sanction, suffering a 90% drop in shipped volume in the last 4 years.

    That’s a 100–200b dollar swing in revenue, just for handsets. To put that in perspective, that’s equal to 1–2 Boeings at its 2018 peak.

    The US was trying to kill Huawei, and bury the telecoms business by bleeding revenue off its high margin consumer division.

    That’s way grander than “stop Huawei from doing research innovation”.

    Huawei is still under sanction, and Bloomberg’s recent name and shame of Taiwanese companies helping Huawei/SMIC with foundry infrastructure is a thinly veiled attempt at threatening companies not to deal with Huawei, even though the contracts they have entered into do not fall under current sanction.

    Gina is free to suggest sanction escalation and fix Huawei like America did to Russia and Russian oligarchs, but Beijing will retaliate this time. And there is ~1 trillion in annual S&P 500 revenue generated from the mainland to aim for. The Chinese don’t have a significant presence stateside.

    Personally, I think the ship on Huawei has already sailed. I won’t be surprised if Huawei breaks 100m phones shipped annually in the next 18–24 months. I also won’t be surprised if Huawei introduces new WIFI and telecoms standards in the next 5 years that end up being adopted in Apple phones. Neither Apple nor Google are capable of driving hardware standards revolution.

    I can’t think of any easy-to-implement/low cost cards that the Department of Commerce can still deal when it comes to Huawei.

    Do you?

    Why does China need a 50 cent army to propagate their opinions? If they are so perfect and morally correct in their opinions wouldn’t their opinions propagate on their own merit?

    Do you even know that there is no such thing as “50 cents”party? This is a western media concoction and western media made up slur.

    You are right China do not care about polishing their opinion for few reasons. One, if you understand the Chinese people, the Confucianism characteristics in them do not wish to listen to or read chest beating about themselves. In fact the Chinese psyche prefers people to underestimating them. Hence they prefer to hide their strength.

    Two, Chinese government do not need to be popular at all. There political system is not a popularity contest like the west. They last thing they would do it’s to pay for compliments. They don’t need it. They don’t want to. And Chinese people are highly intelligent. They know the Chinese people cannot be easily fool.

    Chinese people are highly pragmatic and very honest about themselves about where they really are. Hence China calls 1850–1950 as the “century of humiliation” because that is what it is. They don’t sugar coat.

    Now let me explain the many positive writings in the social media about China and the Chinese people. I am very qualified to explain this not only because I am of Chinese origin but because I am guilty of writing positively about China.

    So why do I do it?

    I do it to counter the barrage of Anti China and Chinese haters writings by the westerners in the social media. Worst many who wrote these garbage are naively and ignorantly made to hate the Chinese people due primarily to the U.S. and western media and their government. I actually and honestly feel very sorry for them.

    I am a 66 years old Singaporean living in Malaysia who is sadly fully English educated. At my ripe old age, I thought I want to do my part to balance the view about China and the Chinese people. And since I write in English. It can reach to the westerners particularly the Anglo Saxon group. My target is to talk to those who hate China and or the Chinese people. You can call this voluntary global social service.

    I have never received a cent from China and Chinese authorities or from anyone ever! But there must be at least 10 thousands disgruntled western Caucasians who accuse me of being paid by CCP or that I am working for China. How I wish these 10 thousand haters give me a million each to shut up! Hahaha. I guarantee you I will. And I will glorify the West everyday for the rest of my life!

    I am joking. My mind is not for sale!

    Why are there many people like me? My guess is that we are here because we are forced into this by the lies, innuendos, fabrications, half truths, the lies, the misinformation, the demonisations about China and the Chinese people. Yes we stood up. And I am here in QUORA to call out racist, xenophobic, white supremacist, China and Chinese haters. I don’t hate them, nor do I want them hurt. I guaranteed you I don’t have a single hate bone inside me. But I want the truth out to you.

    Yes particularly you!

    I think there are many who speak well about Chinese because there are at least 7.5 billion who thinks well about China and the Chinese out of the world’s 8 billion population! If you think otherwise it is due to your western media reporting as though the world is thinking lie the very small proportion of mainly white, conservative, less read and less travelled older westerners is the world! It is not.

    These 7.5 billion have been quiet until your media and you went over board. Hence this nonsense about 50 cents army! It a figment of your imagination.

    China Did This After US Blacklisted Three Chinese Companies

    The United States is a country defined by extreme violence, where people are threatened by both violent crime and violent law enforcement, and their safety is far from being guaranteed. Prisons are overcrowded and have become a modern slavery establishment where forced labor and sexual exploitation are commonplace

    Worthless scrap of paper

    Prior to my “retirement” I had opened a number of bank accounts in China. I did this, at that time unknowing of my future, as a “good thing” to do, “just in case”.

    Talk about foresight! Eh?

    I had two bank accounts.

    I opened up an account at BOC in Shanghai and placed $40,000 in it. I deposited a cashier’s check in it, and used a “passbook savings account”. I was told that it would take three months to clear, and that I had to keep the receipt in the book to “lock” the exchange rate of 9.5 RMB to USD. This brought me (the potential of) 380,000 RMB. Ah. Enough to buy property in China.

    The other account was in Shenzhen and much smaller; being only $5000.


    BOOM! I am “retired” and stuck in Arkansas.

    My father needed to hire an attorney to get me out of the mess, and tried to extract the money from BOC. Good luck! No one could take it out except myself.

    He needed my thumb print.

    When he held the BOC passbook, he discarded the receipt. He thought it was a “worthless scrap of paper”.

    So, even though I couldn’t hire an attorney, and my bank was frozen, no one else could seize the money.

    Good going China!

    So I still have money in China; a life in China…and hope in China.

    Meanwhile, everything else was gone; stolen and discarded.

    All of this while my properties, and belongings were systematically looted, stolen and acquired by all the “friends” and “family” surrounding me.



    Now, eventually I get out of the USA. I am in China, and I use the $5000 to start a new! Fantastic, and I related this story to youse guys earlier.

    But of the $40,000 in Shanghai?

    Well, my well meaning father, discarded that little receipt in the passbook as unimportant. And when I opened up my bank account, I discovered that it only had 220,000 RMB in it. Not the 380,000 RMB I was expecting.


    That little “junk” slip of paper was my proof of a 9.5 conversion rate. Not the 5.5 conversion rate at the time of retrieval.

    I lost one FUCK of a lot of money in the process.

    The point in this little story is that …

    …”if you are handling other people’s affairs, keep everything. Do not discard even the most trivial item. You probably are understating its importance.”


    Are Huawei phones now a real challenge to Apple’s iPhone?

    Have you ever wondered why we don’t have too many commercial operating systems outside of Windows and MacOS?

    I don’t include Linux which is by no means a commercial operating system despite its many advantages

    Have you wondered why China and India are unable to make a PC Operating system despite so many skilled students and so much of a software base

    Its because a commercial OS needs to be compatible with your processor

    The Processor is INTEL Or AMD and they need to ensure your OS is compatible with their processor

    This was a huge argument in an ANTITRUST case against Microsoft that the plaintiffs lost

    Without that compatibility , you can never control an ecosystem or have an OS that controls the entire ecosystem

    You can have secondary systems that can never replace MS Windows or MacOS

    Tomorrow if India develops an OS on par with Windows, India will be throttled by Intel and AMD

    They will cite security concerns, backdoor etc and simply prevent the Indian OS from freely competing

    Thus India needs to develop a processor as well

    This processor better be on par with the Intel or AMD or people simply won’t buy the processor and thus by association, the Indian made operating system

    Say India develops a cutting edge web browser

    The same has to be integrated & compatible with your search engine for maximum efficiency

    Google and Bing both have maximum integrated compatibility with Chrome and IE, so your browser will not be able to host these search engines efficiently

    That’s goodbye to a good technology right there

    Thus you need a search engine of similar standard and a web browser of efficiency plus an Operating System plus your Hardware


    Rather US controls most of it

    Let’s say India develops an App that can beat Facebook

    Or an app that can beat Twitter

    Android and iOS can simply refuse to give a bundling agreement for that App citing security reasons or other reasons

    Tik Tok got a bundling deal with IoS and Android in 2014 for 25 years until 2039 along with WeChat and Alipay and other apps

    Telegram got a similar deal until 2033 (15 year deal)

    It’s why both Android and iOS cannot remove these apps from their playstores

    Today both Android and iOS no longer do bundling deals for long term periods, but only for 12 month periods and renew them (Since 1/1/2020)

    So Indian Twitter and Indian Facebook could be throttled simply by refusing to bundle them or integrate them into the Android or iOS ecosystem

    If indeed these apps became a threat to the US equivalents, India would become a major security threat in 20 minutes

    The Whole world accepted this dominance of the West and their complete control over the Information and Communications Ecosystems

    Including many Chinese companies

    Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo all happily kowtowed to the Western dominance and slogged hard to make 8% and hand over 92% to the west

    Thousands of excellent apps and games are unable to leave China because they can’t get bundling deals with Android and iOS outside the mainland


    He dared to envision his own ecosystem

    • The Chip – the Kirin designed entirely by Mainland China
    • The OS – The Harmony
    • The 5G Modem – To deliver highest speeds
    • The Networks – To ensure the lowest latents

    Once the Huawei ecosystem was in place, a flood of competition would be unleashed

    Chinese Apps would roar into the global market where they had been throttled before

    Baidu would finally compete with Google on a one on one platform and combat MSM propaganda in neutral nations

    Chinese Digital Payment systems would soar across and surge through the Global South

    They throttled Huawei

    They simply cut off the source of chips

    Huawei had the design but they couldn’t get the chips made because the world’s only makers TSMC and Samsung wouldnt due to sanctions

    The excuse was Huawei had business with the Govt of China. So did Oppo but Oppo was a meek obedient boy

    Then Huawei tried to get the chips made in SMIC

    They retaliated by cutting off access to EUV machines

    Yet Huawei managed to mass produce 5 nm Chips with the 7 nm process using very innovative stacking using DUVs

    Now Huawei has the Chip and the OS

    The US and the West couldn’t succeed in throttling Huawei

    Now the next step is probably to stop DUVs

    It’s why SMIC is stockpiling and also accelarating it’s own lithography progress

    So it’s not the phones

    It was never the phones

    Tomorrow if Huawei dropped their Chip idea, signed a 20 year deal with Qualcomm and dropped their OS idea and modem idea – US would lift the sanctions in 10 seconds

    It’s the ECOSYSTEM that Huawei brings with it that will finally break the US (Western) dominance and bring in a new player and country after virtually 30 years of control

    If Huawei triumphs, the world as we know it changes

    India could take inspiration and proceed on our own path to develop our own Ecosystem

    So could other players


    Is the Chinese government determined to have Chinese technology replacements available for all US technologies so China-made products can become completely technologically independent of the US?

    In the industries of yesterday, there will eventually come a time when China isn’t affected by American sanctions. That will happen within the next 10-20 years, as Chinese manufacturing go from the current 30+ percent to over 50 percent of global output, and the Chinese patent portfolio matures.

    Now, turn the coin on its head and ask yourself a simple question.

    What happens in a world where the Chinese option is the cutting edge?

    Tesla entered into partnership with panasonic just a decade or so ago to build its first gigafactory. Panasonic, a Japanese company, had the best and most mature battery tech then. Similarly, yuasa, another Japanese company, was chosen by Boeing for the 787.

    Today, the best batteries using novel chemistries and materials are Chinese, promising unbeatable energy densities at great prices. Many ev makers have entered into partnership with a variety of Chinese battery makers, and that includes Tesla. China will become the go-to for batteries in the coming decade, driven by economy of scale.

    Shocking change in just 10 years no?

    In nuclear fission, China has leadership in gen 3 reactors, with the indigenous hualong in mass production and a steady stream of projects in the works. More importantly, China has the world’s first and only gen 4 gas cooled demonstrator online and plugged into the grid, promising even greater safety and reliability.

    Expect commercial availability within the decade.

    Same story in photovoltaics. China is already the biggest maker of solar panels and related modules, with leading edge options. My friend in the industry says it’s practically impossible to make a project viable without Chinese panels, not without massive subsidies or tariff walls. That’s how good the Chinese are.

    The best hsr system is Chinese, despite China being 50 years late to the game. Better than the Germans and Japanese? Yes, because the installed length is already greater than the rest of the world combined, and serve a broader range of conditions and latitudes. The ride comfort and stability is second to none. Try it yourself if you don’t believe the claim.

    Make a guess how many containers Chinese ports handled last year.


    That’s 3, followed by 8 (eight) zeros.

    America just about crumbled with a modest 5–10 percent increase above the 50m they usually deal with, as a direct result of covid induced changes in lifestyle.

    Rates for China-US TEU went up more than 10x, an order of magnitude, at its peak. Ships were returned SANS empty containers, just to beat the logjam in American ports.

    Imagine first world American ports and infrastructure being unable to handle domestic demand, while China happily fulfilled GLOBAL demand with a future-proof, scalable automated port system.

    The Chinese are already leaders in digital payment, facial recognition, aspects of ai and big data, quantum computing, and many other technologies of the future. Some of the most exciting breakthroughs of tomorrow will happen in china, and revolutionize the world.

    Is the world prepared for that, especially served by a media that’s reluctant to report China in the slightest factual, and positive light?

    The first world may very well be caught unawares.

    Huawei 6G is coming, 100Gb per second transfer speed

    Good news that more and more Chinese researchers are leaving the States for China. It will help China.

    Have you, while repairing a computer, ever found anything that made your jaw drop?

    Back in 1996, I worked as a Field Technician for Lanier Business Systems in Houston, Texas. Specifically, I handled recording devices and systems, though on occasion I also handled copiers, printers, and fax machines. My territory was into the 610 loop and all overlapping zip codes. This included all the hospitals in the Houston Medical Center. Those that are technical people will figure out what is going on with this before I finish the explanation.

    So, for one of the hospitals, they had one of our dictation systems and one day, I get a call from the hospital administrator complaining that they haven’t had backups running on their system for six months. So, I head to the hospital, walk into the admin office, and begin working on the system. I go through the settings, and confirm it is setup to backup changes to the 3.5 in floppy drive. I checked the logs and confirmed the backups ran with no errors, or where there were errors is was able to resolve them and move on.

    I checked the disk, and it was blank. Completely blank, In fact, the disk wasn’t even formatted. Assuming that was the problem, I formatted the disk with Lanier’s proprietary encryption protocols, and confirmed I could copy data to the drive. I left the disk in the drive, and explained to the admin what I thought the problem was, and that I had fixed it.

    The next morning, she registered the same problem so I head back to the hospital, with a new disk drive. I pull the old drive install a new one, then proceed to run a few tests on the old drive with my testing equipment. Everything checks out, no problems on the drive, but I leave the new drive in just in case. Again, I explain to her what did, and felt fairly certain the problem was resolved.

    Next morning, I get another call. Same problem. At this point, I am scratching my head. I know the system is working, I was able to confirm the doctors are making recordings, i confirmed the backup are configured properly, so I talk to the admin and explain that I will come by this evening and confirm that the backups are running tonight.

    That evening, I head to the hospital and sit down at the monitor. She pulls the disk off the side of the system hands it so me and I insert it into the drive. ten minutes later the backup runs, I watch it, and after about fifteen minutes it completes with no errors. I sit down go through the logs, check the data on the disk. I confirm the backups are there, verify the data integrity. I even make certain that I can restore the data to the system. Everything looks great, I think the problem is solved. I hand the backup disk back to the administrator, and we talk for a few minutes. As, I am leaving, she puts the disk in a clip and slaps it onto the side of the system.

    I stop, and I stare at her for a moment, She looks at me, and asks what I’m waiting for. I look from her to the disk stuck to the side of the computer, back to her.

    I had spent three days troubleshooting this problem. I had confirmed that the equipment was completely in working order, and I knew for a fact that backups were running properly. I literally just confirmed that the backup was run, and the data was right there on the disk.

    Her actions had just made all those efforts pointless. She just erased everything off the disk and wasted all of my effort. Heck, she has been wasting her own efforts for six months and was getting frustrated because of what she just did.

    That clip is a magnetic refrigerator magnet. That magnet wiped the data from the magnetic disc in the floppy disk. She was the cause of all these problems, and has been doing it for six months. I had walked over, removed the disk and put it back in the drive. She looks at me confused. I pull up the floppy disk and it needs to be formatted. She asks me where the data went. I looked at her and handed her the refrigerator magnet.

    “Is it on here?”


    “Then where it is?”

    “Gone, you erased the disk.”

    She stares at me, dumbstruck, “What…what…what to you mean, I erased it. she mumbles curiously.

    I then explain to her that floppy disks are magnetic and are very sensitive to magnetic fields. That refrigerator magnet was strong enough when attached to metal object to erase the disk. She felt horrible.

    However, I spent the next several hours, backing up changes for six months of data onto a box of 3.5 inch floppy drives.

    I then explained proper disk storage, and told her to keep magnets away from the backups.

    After I was done, she was extremely appreciative, and apologetic.

    Additionally, I got 3 hours of overtime pay, and because the problem wasn’t caused by our equipment, which meant it wasn’t covered under contract. I made the company a nice profit. The base charges for such failures was $300 per hour, which easily covered my overtime pay.


    What is the likelihood Xi Jinping will never meet with President Biden during Biden’s term?

    I watched a recent speech by Biden in Asia. It was a press conference in Vietnam. Biden was so bad that while he was still talking, his own US press secretary cut him off halfway by muting his microphone, declaring abruptly that the conference was over; and turning on jazz music in the room so that Biden’s voice could not be heard anymore. This was damage control. The US press secretary did it, to stop Biden from continuing to ramble on spouting nonsense in front of a roomful of journalists and media crews.

    The poor man is senile. He is still President, of course. But surely he is no longer making the real decisions for the USA. He is just the front, the puppet on stage – the people in charge are the ones behind the curtains pulling on the strings.

    It’s pointless for Xi to meet Biden. Xi probably knows it already. Any meeting with Biden would just be for ceremonial purposes and publicity reasons. Nothing will actually come out of such a meeting, because Biden doesn’t make decisions anymore.

    Xi is a busy man and I wouldn’t be too surprised if he decides never to meet Biden again. There’s not much point in such a meeting.

    I ADOPTED A CAT (because i’m lonely)

    In Chinese tradition, the emperor is seen as a model for all citizens. Did Puyi ever become that model citizen?

    Puyi has been seen in history as a villain of sorts. He was the last vestige of the Qing dynasty, a living testament to imperialism. He was called effeminate by many and impotent by some. He was selfish, shallow, and childish in his early years. He was also rumored to be cruel to others for his pleasure.

    However, we must view him with nuance and remember the time period he was born into. He was groomed from birth to be ineffective by the women in his family who wanted to hold onto their power to rule through him as their proxy. He was born into a family where opulence and excess was considered normal and expected even. But it was also a time where the peasants were deeply unhappy with an ineffectual government and orchestrated a revolution that toppled his world as he knew it.

    He united with the Japanese which made him a traitor in the eyes of the Chinese; but Japan had promised him the opportunity to return to a throne and that was the only life he knew. His early wives would tell you he was self centered and downright nasty when he wanted to be.

    While he was not a good man in many ways, he was not irredeemable either. Mao allowed him to be the gardener of the Beijing Botanical Gardens. Puyi sought, with his last years, to redeem himself and to become a better man. He once said that the Puyi of his youth was the enemy to the Puyi of his latter years. He often wept when shown examples of his past damage to China. He was overwhelmed when shown the horrors of Unit 731 and cried that those atrocities had been done in his name. His transformation so complete that he became a man of humility. He was reported to have accidentally knocked an elderly woman over with his bicycle and visited her in the hospital every day until she was released.

    In the end he found love with his last wife, Li Shuxian, being “all he had in the world,” and she reported in an interview that his love for her was such that when she was sick he would sit by her bedside all night, seeing to her every need.” He had come to be a man who took pleasure in simple things and in his love for his wife. He had indeed become the model citizen and died at the age of 61 of kidney cancer. His widow had his ashes placed with nine other emperors that had come before him. In death he had been returned to his family.

    China shocks Europe by canceling ASML’s $580 billion lithography order!

    What’s it like to be one of the 55 ethnic minorities living in China?

    I am the Tujia nationality, and I belong to the eighth largest ethnic minority in China. We have 8 million people.

    1. Add points in the most important exam in China-the college entrance examination;(It used to be 20 points, but now it has been reduced to 5 points due to the improvement of educational facilities and standards.)

    2. To study for master’s and doctorate with a score lower than Han people, the tuition fee is exempt.

    3. Before the “one-child policy” was abolished, ethnic minorities (the ethnic minorities who joined the Communist Party of China are only allowed to have one child) can have 2 or more children, and the Han can only have one;

    4. Use and develop the spoken and written languages ​​of ethnic minorities. Most ethnic minorities only have languages ​​without a writing system. The GOV has developed a writing system for us;

    Orange-Chipotle Skirt Steaks

    orange chipotle skirt steaks
    orange chipotle skirt steaks

    Marinate: 6 hr to overnight | Yield: 4 to 6 servings



    • Juice of 1 medium orange
    • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    • 2 tablespoons adobo sauce (from chipotle peppers)
    • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
    • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper


    • 1 1/2 pounds beef skirt steak, cut into 4 to 6 inch pieces

    Tomatillo Salsa

    • 2 medium oranges, divided
    • 2 cups chopped tomatillos (4 to 5 small to medium)
    • 1/2 cup chopped red onion
    • 2 to 3 teaspoons minced chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
    • 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
    • 1/8 teaspoon salt



    1. Combine ingredients in a small bowl.


    1. Place beef steaks in food-safe plastic bag; turn steaks to coat. Close bag securely and marinate in refrigerator 6 hours or as long as overnight, turning occasionally.

    Tomatillo Salsa

    1. Grate 1/2 teaspoon peel from 1 orange. Cut this orange and half of remaining orange into segments. Chop segments into 1/2 inch pieces.
    2. Combine orange peel and segments, tomatillos, onion, chipotle peppers, cumin and salt in medium bowl; cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
    3. Cut remaining 1/2 orange into wedges; reserve for garnish.
    4. Remove steaks from marinade; discard marinade.
    5. Place steaks on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, uncovered, 10 to 13 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, covered, 8 to 12 minutes) for medium rare (145 degrees F) to medium (160 degrees F) doneness, turning occasionally.
    6. Carve steaks diagonally across the grain into thin slices; season with salt, as desired.
    7. Serve with tomatillo salsa. Garnish with reserved orange wedges.

    Oliver Anthony ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Intense Listening Sesh/Reaction – POWERFUL!

    What is the most touching act of kindness you have ever witnessed or experienced?

    I will try to make this brief. My husband and I are a “multicultural” pair; he was brought up in Scotland and I was brought up in Cleveland, Ohio. Some of the time during our marriage we have lived in Ohio, some of the time in Glasgow.

    Somewhere in the mid ’90s we decided to move again from Ohio back to Glasgow. I had three little children at that time — three girls, 7, 3, and 1. We had practically all our worldly possessions with us in 13 metal trunks and the usual baby paraphernalia. We flew from Florida to Glasgow, after flying from Ohio to Florida. The leg from Florida to Glasgow was a direct flight but lasted 10 hours. Needless to say we were very tired, stiff and sleep deprived.

    We saddled the family onto an airport bus to take us “home” after such an exhausting trip. After loading our 13 trunks into the hold of this huge bus our bus driver let everyone else off at the usual stop. Before letting our family deboard, he asked us, “Hey, where do you folks live?” We told him the exact location where our small house was located. He laughed and said, “Stay on the bus, I’ll take you to your door. No taxi I know of will fit all this stuff.”

    So that’s what this hero did. He pulled his massive 88-seater bus right into our cul-de-sac, right up to our door, and also helped unload the 13 trunks and our very tired family.

    It was an act of kindness I have never forgotten. Oh and I forgot to mention, it was 4am.

    What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

    I was working as the assistant accountant at a company and had to leave early one day as I was sick. My boss insisted on a doctor certificate to cover that half day so I managed to see my gp the next morning who gave me a certificate for 3 days off plus the half day. I objected but the doc said if you’re feeling better in a few days just go back to work.

    So 2 days later I’m feeling better and return to work. My boss was annoyed because instead of a few hours I’m now out 2 days so she says I need to go back to same dr to get a clearance to return to work.

    By this time it’s midmorning of the last day of the certificate. I’m fine. It’s the last week of month and we’re super busy and she wants me to drive 40 minutes each way to the dr to get a certificate and the chances of an appointment with the same dr is unlikely. And it’s going to cost me $80 for appointment.

    I had lots of sick leave accrued and it’s also November.

    I explained that we’d lose 1/2 to 3/4 of the day and I’d be out of pocket but nope she wanted me to go back to the dr.

    Previously no one had ever enforced a dr certificate if anyone came back early (unless it was workers comp). She told me that this was my “punishment” for leaving early when I was sick a few days before!

    When she said that, I made a decision. I said I wasn’t prepared to spend the money for the dr to reassess me for 1/2 day work. She said in that case you can’t work today.

    No problems I said. I’ll go do my Christmas shopping and I grabbed my handbag and sauntered out.

    I’m told her face just dropped and she bitched to the GM after I’d left and he laughed and told her she was the one who forced the issue.

    ”What Do You Have To Offer A Man?”

    I think this is THE fundamental question both men AND women should be asking… if you have a long list of demands, you better have a long list of qualities to offer.

    What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

    Employees will pay for personal calls on the company’s cell phone.

    This happened about 2003. The developer team took turns being “on-call” and carrying the company phone. Most of us had cell phones but we did not use them as much as we do now. My plan was expensive even though it was the minimum number of minutes, I think 60, per month. In any case, I rarely went over the number of minutes per month. The company phone, on the other hand, had an unlimited plan so there would be no overage charges. The business use of the phone required a lot of minutes.

    When it was my turn to carry the phone, I did not carry my personal cell phone at the same time. If I needed to make a call, I would just use the company phone. Most of us did the same thing. Cell phones were bulky and it did not cost the company anything extra. Also, we only made a few short calls on the work phone.

    Well our boss, the CTO, called a meeting and showed a new form for us to record our personal calls when we carried the company phone. He told us that it did not matter that the company’s unlimited plan made the calls free. It was the company’s phone and the company’s money. However, he appreciated that it was inconvenient to carry two phones so he was implementing a new policy that the person using the on-call phone for a personal call would log the call and reimburse the company the going rate. It was something like 20 cents per minute which was the normal per minute cost at the time. We were to use the form to pay the company for personal calls on the work phone.

    Most of us thought it was a little petty because the company’s plan was unlimited and a few short calls did not cost the company anything. However, we acknowledged it was a reasonable policy and we would just have to pay a little for convenience or carry two phones. Not really a big deal. Then I thought of something.

    I asked the boss, “Can we use the same form for the company to reimburse us for work calls on our personal phones?” He asked if we used our personal cells for work. “Of course, whoever is on-call often calls his colleagues for advice about a problem or how a system was configured. If we are not home, we take the call on our cell. As a matter of fact, twice this year I went over my monthly minutes and had to pay overage charges.” He replied that I would not pay extra if I was more careful to not go over my minutes. “Well, as you explained, it does not matter if I pay extra or not. It’s about keeping personal calls and work calls separate. So, can we use the same form or should we use a different form?” Without answering the question, he ended the meeting shortly thereafter.

    He never said anything more about the form, and the policy never went into effect.

    I admit that I did not like the guy because he viewed us as commodities instead of employees. The feeling was mutual and he fired me the next year. Oh well, I got a better job after that.

    China Tests New Laser Weapon That Destroys Planes In Seconds!

    Will China’s economic problems become a financial crisis for the rest of the world?


    It won’t

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    The Debt crisis in China isn’t a shock to the global economy

    Evergrande crisis happened in 2021 and it’s 2 years old and yet Evergrande hasn’t fallen

    The Debt crisis is two years old, maybe three years old now

    So even if the big names begin failing, the systemic shocks to Chinas Economy Or the Global Economy will be much milder than a sudden unexpected shock

    The difference between US and China, is that in US, the Institutions which are privately owned and have very little regulations, lie and cheat and bury the information deep and keeps allowing more and more trouble to accumulate

    Lehman Brothers crisis in 2008 is an example as is the 1929 depression or the recent Silicon Valley Bank failures

    They pretend nothing is wrong, they pretend everything is hunky dory, they even manipulate the system like they did in 2008 with Moodys and S&P


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    Like in 2008 when there was a downward swing in investment indices by a whopping 60% across 2 years

    People lost homes, savings everything and plunged into poverty

    China is entirely different

    China has lots of regulations and State has a huge control which means no pretension, no burying of information

    The Chinese in fact start openly publishing info from Day 1 about such problems

    Evergrande problems were published 30 days before their first default while the real estate debt crisis problems were openly revealed yuan for yuan almost 3 months before Evergrande (which is how the West knew about it in the first place)

    As a result the system gets a DULL SHOCK rather than a SUDDEN SHOCK AND COLLAPSE

    This Dull Shock is absorbed slowly into the economy of China and by the investors, then smaller shocks happen and they too get absorbed

    Thus Indices will fall maybe 6–8% in China , maybe 10% over 5–6 years and then stabilize and recover

    The Impact will probably be 10% of the 2008 Crisis at the most

    Lehman collapsed in 14 days, Lehman Bros when it collapses will do so after almost 825 days to 900 days

    Lot of time to absorb the shock

    Experts gauge China will absorb it’s debt crisis at a cost of around 1.2% a year in it’s economic growth for around 5 years and 0.7% a year for the next five

    That’s around 13.5 Trillion Yuan

    Worst case, that’s more than double of the estimated value of impact of the debt crisis (6 Trillion Yuan)

    Chinas past growth and surging development will keep China protected from the debt crisis and get China off safely and with a nice soft landing

    image 5
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    Another 5 years if Xi had buried this and kept up illusions and kept seeing debt rollovers and price rise rapidly

    China would have had 6–6.5% growth for the next 5 years or so but then the impact would have been maybe 30–35 Trillion after a decade or so

    An example of the astute leadership of China which cares about long term prospects

    Unlike a problem with democracies which bury all the problems hoping the next party will deal with them

    How much of everything is made in China now? If so, how did this happen, and why do they make things there instead of here in the USA?

    Ask you CEOs why they think they are entitled to earn 100 times more that Chinese CEOs? Ask your employees and your unions what the push their salary to 5 times that of China? Ask your employees why they expects 10 times their benefits compared to Chinese counterparts? Ask why they are willing to work 25% less hours compared to the Chinese workers? Ask why are your education system turning out lawyers and bull shit artiste instead of stem engineers?

    Ask your government why your infrastructure is dilapidated and why are there no trainings and retraining of workers sufficient to meet today’s manufacturing needs? Those question get you real answers and make the U.S. face realities?

    China did not put a gun on the heads on 330 million Americans to buy Chinese products! The 330 million Americans chosed value for money like everyone on earth. The U.S. government and the U.S. people made wrong choices. They choose wars and war mongering rather than helping their manufacturers and factories. The citizens chose those leaders! If the U.S. citizens were to turn around and kicked out any politicians that prioritise wars over work kick them out of office they can make the difference.

    There are so many Americans here in QUORA who champion wars and worship power but ask why China makes everything? You need to choose wisely. You go around telling everyone you have a freedom to chose and are so proud of that freedom but you blow it every 4 years for 250 years long.

    You chose leaders that don’t care about you and in fact destroy you!

    Do Cats Miss Us When We Leave the House?

    What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

    At my wife’s father’s wake, we told her uncle he wasn’t welcome.

    We had texted him and asked him not to show up early , as he wasn’t welcome but said that we would be leaving early so he could come later, but he came early anyway with his two sons and his screaming Harpy of a wife.

    We had rented the hall and paid for the food and bar.

    I stopped them at the door, expecting trouble. I asked him to leave and come back in a few hours when we would be gone.

    They tried to push past me and called my wife a c##t

    I reacted without thinking.

    I shattered his and his two sons noses with three strikes in about two seconds.

    They know I am a Wing Chun Gung Fu stylist who is also a 6′ 200 lb pro renovation contractor.

    They called the police.

    The police called them white trash and suggested they didn’t want to go in front of a judge considering their conduct.

    They backed down and left.

    One of the cops was Irish , he said he would buy me a whiskey right in front of the jack ass’s if he wasn’t on duty while they were holding their noses.

    P. S. I don’t advocate violence, but I have no regrets at this time.

    Love some, trust few, and do no great harm.

    Baby Wasn’t Able To Tell Parents About Cruel Sitter — But His Dog Could

    This is Vesna Vulović.

    She holds the Guinness World Record for the highest fall without a parachute and surviving. She is reported to have fallen 6.3 miles (33,330 ft; 10,160 m) from the sky when a briefcase bomb exploded onboard JAT Flight 367 and crashed into what was then Czechoslovakia in 1972.

    So, how exactly did she survive the fall? When the bomb exploded during mid-flight, almost all the passengers were sucked out of the airplane into subfreezing temperatures and fell to their deaths. Vulović was trapped inside the fuselage and pinned down by a food cart. She landed in a heavily wooded area with snow, which helped cushion her fall. Interestingly enough, Vulović’s low blood pressure allowed her to pass out quickly when the cabin depressurized and prevented her heart from bursting on impact. When applying to become a flight attendant, Vulović had concealed her low blood pressure from the medical examiners by drinking several cups of coffee.

    Vulović was the only survivor, and upon impact, had broken both her legs, parts of her vertebrae, and several ribs. She also fractured her skull and pelvis. After spending several days in a coma, Vulović awoke and asked for a cigarette. She had no recollection of the explosion or the crash. Her recuperation took a total of 16 months.

    BREAKING! China and U.S. headed for all out war, and Putin knows it

    What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

    “Any hotel expense over $XX must be approved by your Supervisor unless previously authorized (Daytona during Bike Week, going into hurricane devastated areas, or other known high cost areas, etc.)”.

    Sure, I’m on the road for 3–6 weeks at a time and only after working the planned for 8–10 hours a day (yes 50+work hours a week were the norm) would I be on the road to the next job which was often 100 or more miles away. Needless to say, there were many, Many nights where I arrived at a hotel at around midnight.

    Guess who went home at 5 PM back in the office? Yep, our supervisor. So, someone found his home phone number and we all began calling it when we arrived somewhere that wasn’t within the price range they expected.

    So they changed the rule to say “Don’t call your Supervisor, but you are responsible for finding a hotel within per diem limits”.

    Sure, but since it’s something you told me to do then I’m still at work. Do you Really think its worthwhile to pay me an extra hour’s pay just to save $10 for a night? Do you Really want me to add the two hours travel time to my pay-sheet because the only hotel in the price range was that far away?

    I just remembered another prime example backfiring: the company had a policy that if we screwed up a job then it was our responsibility to go back and fix it on our own time. (If we didn’t want to then we’d mysteriously find our services weren’t in such high demand for the next week or three). So, one fine Saturday morning after I’d finished installing the computer system for a well-known coffee chain, I got a phone call that said I had to travel 400 miles to Memphis and fix a problem with a printer that didn’t work. Obviously it not working must have been my fault. It didn’t help much to say that part of my checkout procedure was to get a number from a document the help desk printed to their new POS system’s laser printer.

    So, yeah, I’ll go back to Memphis on my own dime, BUT if it’s not my fault then I get paid. Traveled 6.5 hours to Memphis and walked into the coffee shop to hear the manager complain that his printer wasn’t working. I asked him what the help desk had him do. Turns out he didn’t call his help desk but just his contact at the company I worked for. I walked into the office, took a quick look and flipped the “ON” switch to the printer. Then I handed him the work order and told him he was going to be charged for 8 hours of travel to Memphis (400 miles at 50 MPH) 4 hours of overtime (our minimum charge and it was Saturday) and 8 hours of travel back to my house.

    “B-But it didn’t work, you installed it wrong!” Nope, here’s the printout and the confirmation number from your help desk printed to that computer saying everything worked. Your help desk would have asked you what lights were on the printer, IF you had called them first.

    A terrible day, so I spent the afternoon on Beale St. before heading home to pack up for the next Monday’s job in Charlotte or somewhere, who knows?

    Tucker Carlson ‘ You’ve No Idea What is Coming, start Preparing Now

    What classic car has the most available parts?

    When my daughter was 15 (2000) I asked her what kind of car she wanted. Her answer stunned me: an old VW Beetle. We decided rather than looking for a good one to buy we would buy a beat up old junker and restore it together. I acquired the catalogs from suppliers and was shocked at how cheap the parts were and could not find a single thing that was not available new. We stripped that old junker down, did the body work and painted it. Bought all new chrome and stainless steel trim, all new upholstery, head liner, carpet and replaced every piece of rubber on the car.

    When it came time to rebuild the engine I took a list of the parts I thought I would need to a local shop that specialized in VWs. He looked at the list and ask if I was planning on rebuilding the engine. When I said “yes” he responded that I was not going to do it, I was going to pay them to do it. I ask why? He said because this list of part is going to cost you 800 dollars and we will rebuild it for 875 dollars. Thinking it was a scam, I asked what if the crank is bad? His response was we are not going to use anything but the block, everything else is new including the heads . We picked up the engine and, as he said, it was 875 dollars.

    When she turned 16 I gave her driving lessons in her VW. She drove it through high school and well after college. she didn’t stop using it until she had her first child.

    Rather than let it sit we gave it to a friend who, 20 years after our rebuild, is still using it.

    Total cost of the junk car, parts, and materials, including the engine rebuild: $3,300. Never had a part that we couldn’t get within a couple of days (side note; for several years she claimed she could not drive an automatic [or any other car] because she only knew how to drive a VW.)

    Digging Dollar’s Grave! ASEAN Nations To Use Yuan As Their New Single Currency!

    Anti-China Rhetoric Is Off the Charts in Western Media 

    The mass hysteria reflects the biases inherent in the world’s most powerful media outlets. 

    By Chandran Nair

    February 21, 2023

    A key feature of mainstream Western media today is the relentless China-bashing. It is off the charts and tiring, often involving regurgitated trivia or fabricated stories with no evidence to support callous statements about the country, demonstrating a deep lack of understanding. But such stories continue to be churned out with no end in sight.

    Countering this in international media by offering more balanced views for a global audience is near impossible as censorship is rife. There almost seems to be a global compact to control the narrative, a propaganda war powered by today’s digital technology.

    Just try looking for a positive story on China any day of the week in any of the leading global media outlets. Apart from reports in January about the Lunar New Year, there will hardly be any, and these too are likely to have a negative spin. It would appear there is a confidential memo circulating within Western media groups that guides reporters and editors to ensure there cannot be any positive news arising from a country with 1.3 billion people.

    Typically, the negative stories adhere to three core ideas, which inform the unspoken guidelines within these press rooms when it comes to reporting on China.

    First is the belief that China is a threat to the world and that this belief must be relentlessly reinforced at every available opportunity. How and why China is a threat is never explored; such is the deep-rooted and almost religious nature of the belief. Sound arguments do not matter. The basic tenets of good journalism are ignored when it comes to a China story. There is no need to explain or give evidence of why China is a global threat.

    Left ignored is the plentiful evidence that shows China is not a global threat – even if one can point to mistakes and overreach in certain areas. China has not invaded any country in decades, or imposed sanctions that have devasted the lives of millions in poor countries, unlike the West, led by the United States.

    Second is that China must be linked to every possible global event that affects the West. This provides an opportunity for the West to bash China while simultaneously burnishing its own credentials as the supposed arbiters of what is right and wrong in international relations. From the pandemic to the Russia-Ukraine war to carbon emissions; from rising sea levels to the scramble for rare earths; from the building of infrastructure in Africa to the production of vaccines – there must be an angle to demonize the country and instill fear in Western nations (and beyond).

    Indeed, media outlets are reverting to the “yellow peril” of the late 1800s. There is no subtle and nuanced approach to instilling fear like this. It is full-on and very often blatantly racist – but it is now acceptable for one to be racist about the Chinese in Western media, despite the fact that Black-White relations are very carefully described.

    The third part of this phenomenon, which is surprisingly not challenged by liberal readers of mainstream media, is the sentiment that everything must be done – even illegal and unfair methods – to arrest the rise of China. Never mind the rights of hundreds of millions of Chinese to have a better life after a century of poverty and deprivation.

    Headline after headline that capture this sentiment have normalized the view that there is a need to curb the rise of China, and that this is a legitimate geopolitical objective. There is no explanation about why or if it is even morally acceptable. It has become a feature of Western commentary on China to say that its rise is a concern and a threat. With this assumption unassailably in place, the West has the right to galvanize – and even bully – its allies and ask the absurd question, “what should be done about China’s rise?” – as if China does not have the right to carve its own place in the new world.

    There is even a school of thought in the United States that it was America that magnanimously allowed China its first baby steps into the globalized economy, and that in hindsight the U.S. was too nice to China. This view betrays everything that is imperial about the West and why it is unable to come to terms with the legitimate rights of other nations to grow and become powers in their own right. The assumption is that the rise of others is a gift from the West, and accordingly they must never challenge its supremacy. The deeply entrenched view in the West from centuries of domination is that it will decide which nations will be permitted to be participants in the global economy according to its self-serving “rules-based order.”

    Indeed, Western media seem wholly tied to the hegemonic competition view of geopolitics, constantly referencing the “Thucydides Trap” and being stuck in the Western canon as if there are no other ways of looking at geopolitics and world order. This view assumes conflict is inevitable and helps to demonize China while justifying the hegemonic position of the West – and the United States in particular – as a globally stabilizing force.

    Needless to say, this is an extremely belligerent position to take, and not something media should be egging on. Whatever happened to promoting multilateralism? And why are people who speak to multilateralism side-lined as idealists or China apologists? This flies in the face of fair reporting.

    So, how to fix this?

    First, people in China and the non-Western world must realize that when it comes to the workings of the mainstream media we are in a new era – a propaganda war the likes of which the world has never seen before, powered by today’s digital technology. The media war is real, and tech-driven, and it is not a fight for eyeballs to deliver fair, honest, and educational news. It is almost everything else but that, especially when it comes to China or enemies of the West.

    On one side is sheer propaganda aimed at the preservation of Western power. Participants include the most well-known brands in the Western media world, which are household names across the world.

    The idea that Western media is run by fair-minded people who are independent, driven only by a desire to talk truth to power, is a mirage. It is a myth, and it is a bitter pill that needs to be swallowed. The idea that the Western journalist is a paragon of virtue also needs to be banished from the minds of consumers of media.

    That is the first stage in enabling one to step out of the propaganda mist we are engulfed in on a daily basis, so that one can examine different viewpoints as news is consumed. This is not easy, given the current dominance of Western media outlets and their apparently collective mission.

    The next step is to dismantle the dominance of Western media.

    This too will be a long, hard fight. Mainstream Western media are the most powerful in the world and for close to a century, Western media have had a stranglehold on the dissemination of international news and viewpoints across the world. Many had their origins in colonialism, the preservation of empire and later the spread of Western ideas about how the world should be run. These outlets are a powerful economic force and dislodging them will require investments.

    Across the world there is an opportunity to contribute to this effort, not necessarily by building large media companies but by investing in media companies that are committed to fair and objective analysis, so that local audiences in the first instance have choices and are not inundated by the propaganda of mainstream Western media. This too will not be an easy task and there are many hurdles to overcome, but this is not the space to dive into those details. Ultimately, it is all about readers becoming more aware of global issues by having more non-Western sources to rely on, so they are not victims of the current propaganda war. This is beginning to happen as more alternatives flourish.

    It is an urgent need in the West too so that the mass hysteria generated by mainstream media is prevented from creating fear and pitting Western societies against the rest of the world. Today the target is China; tomorrow India and then maybe Africa.

    Merkules – ”Rich Men North Of Richmond” Remix (Reaction)

    Young Boy Looks Out The Window And Sees Sister Bring Dragged Into The Woods

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    At some point or another in most of our lives, we will have an opportunity to be a hero. Some people will take that opportunity and run with it, and that includes Owen Burns.

    Owen was coming home from school in the afternoon when he heard screaming. It was his sister, and at first, he didn’t feel that it was anything serious.

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    image 10

    Eventually, he did turn and look out the window and what he saw on the outside was enough to make his blood run cold. It was a frightening issue but one that he decided to put out of his mind and do the right thing.

    Owen was getting ready to play Call of Duty on his PlayStation when his sister started screaming from the backyard. As any 13-year-old brother would do, he got irritated because he thought she was overreacting and just being annoying.

    When he looked out the bedroom window, however, he saw that his sister was being dragged away by a stranger. His sister was only eight years old and they were headed for the woods behind the house.

    Immediately, the teenage boy grabbed a slingshot and anything he could use as ammunition, including a rock and a marble. He took aim and got off a shot, hitting his sister’s abductor right between the eyes.

    He got off a second shot, hitting the man in the chest, and at that point, the man was swearing and cursing.

    This wasn’t something that was hidden from view, it happened in broad daylight at their home in Michigan. The mother, Maggie Burns, said that it is not common for kidnappings to occur in the neighborhood.

    Fortunately, the abductor was scared away and the 8-year-old girl was unharmed. They were able to capture the would-be kidnapper, a 17-year-old. They didn’t release his identity but they did say he would face charges as an adult.

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    image 9

    According to John Grimshaw, a Lieut. with the police force, Owen saved his sister’s life, or from something seriously bad happening to her. They called his actions extraordinary.

    He also said that the young man should be commended for what he did. He used a regular slingshot that was purchased for three dollars on sale. He did practice shooting on occasion at old orange juice cans, and that helped him to improve his aim.

    Owen said that he only had one thing on his mind when he saw someone trying to kidnap his sister. He was afraid that the kidnapper would either kill her or use her as a sex slave.

    He said that the abductor had come behind his sister and grabbed her just like you would see in the movies, putting his hand over her mouth and his arm around her waist. He was trying to get her into the woods.

    That is when Owen grabbed his slingshot and started shooting at him. When the kidnapper finally let his grip on the little girl go, she ran into the house crying and said that she had almost been killed.

    Owen was angry at that point and ran outside to curse at the kidnapper. He threw a baseball in his direction but it missed.

    At that point, he tried to shoot him again with a slingshot but the rubber band broke.

    They then called the mother who had been at a relative’s house to help as she was on her way from work. She ran home, called the police, and it all stems from hearing her kids on the phone. The only thing she heard was the word, kidnapper.

    They found the 17-year-old kidnapper hiding at a gas station nearby. He was indicted in the County Court on charges of kidnapping and attempted criminal assault. They will also charge him with misdemeanor assault and battery.

    The police said that: “He had obvious signs of an injury consistent with those that would have been sustained from the slingshot strikes to his head and chest.”

    The mother was skeptical at first that Owen had hit the kidnapper in the face and chest from 200 feet away. When the police confirmed the injuries, they even said that the goose egg on his head continued to get bigger while they were speaking with him.

    Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and I would say Owen and is as close to a superhero as you can get.

    Office of Naval Intelligence Leak: China Building Naval Ships 232 Times faster than USA – “Lift to Invade North America”

    Nation Hal Turner

    The United States office of Naval Intelligence suffered a leak of an intel briefing slide, showing China now has naval ship building capacity 232 times greater than the USA.  This capacity can be used to build enough ships to “lift” an army to invade North America – successfully.

    This amazingly oversized capacity to build naval vessels has caused some analysts to raise the alarm that the United States cannot even hope to catch-up . . . for years.

    Other analysts have a more dire view: China is building this enormous amount of “lift” to be able to field a 200 million man army to invade and conquer North America, which it needs for food production and for its gigantic and growing population.

    The seeds for this dire analysis began under the Trudeau government in Canada, when it signed a Treaty with the China Communist Party (CCP) in Beijing to allow Chinese Troops into Canada – to “protect Chinese investments.” The Treaty made it explicitly clear that local governments in Canada would not be notified and could not do anything about the presence of such troops.

    By using Canada as a beachhead, giving China a foothold on north American, China can now pre-position armor and troops along the US northern border until they reach such mass that an invasion of the US would be almost a fait accompli!

    US Military in Recruiting Shambles

    In the meantime, the armed forces of the United States are in a Recruiting shambles.  EVERY branch of US Armed Forces have been missing their recruiting goals for the all-volunteer force, and have been missing those goals for years.

    The troubles plaguing recruiting do not come from lack of available people but rather a whole host of issues with those people.  For instance, a very large portion of American young people are “morbidly obese” to such a degree, that the physical strength and stamina simply cannot be restored to make them fit for military service.

    Other potential recruits suffer from a  host of disqualifying psychiatric issues: Men who think they’re actually women trapped in the wrong body . . . . women who think they’re men . . . . candidates with a history of suicidal ideation and/or actual suicide attempts and more.

    Also plaguing the pool of potential recruits is the mental inability to think critically; to make judgements, and act on immediate information.

    As if all of this wasn’t bad enough, a sizeable portion of the potential recruits are so physically weak and effeminate, they simply cannot be brought to military strength.

    Drug use is also a major factor in disqualifying potential recruits.  Psychiatric drugs for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), addiction to Adderall, on top of others who are using illicit drugs like Cocaine, Heroin, or a

    plethora of other, exotic “designer drugs,” has disqualified very many potential recruits because withdrawal from such drugs can lead to long-term violent outbursts and unstable mental states.


    Adding fuel to the fire is the Defense Industry itself.  At present, the US Defense Industry is UNABLE to re-supply the most basic war-fighting products like Ammunition and artillery shells in sufficient quantities to re-stock what the US has already given away to Ukraine, never mind to fight an active war with a near-peer rival.

    Instead of hiring new employees to increase defense production, many defense contractors are having to LAY OFF workers because they simply cannot get the parts necessary to assemble replacement weaponry like Javelin Missiles!  American manufacturer’s “out-sourced” many jobs to overseas locations, and, in the case of China, that is now coming back to bit the US in its ass.

    For instance, China recently imposed economic Sanctions on Lockheed Martin and other American Defense Contractors, for supplying weapons to Taiwan. This means that Chinese manufacturers can no longer sell certain electronics to those companies; electronics  necessary to build and re-supply US military weapon systems!

    Not only is this affecting the US ability to continue providing weaponry to Ukraine, it is also affecting our ability to make weapons to defend . . . OURSELVES.  With the vast array and quantities of weaponry being “given” to Ukraine, it appears to some Defense Analysts that the US is being INTENTIONALLY DISARMED by its own federal government.


    Reverting back to the subject of ships for a moment, it became known this week that Danish shipping giant, MAERSK, is “backing away” from providing shipping services to the Department of Defense. 

    With most of US Ship-building gone from environmental regulations and Union Labor contract demands, the few shipbuilders the US still has, simply cannot meet the demand for new vessels or to timely repair existing vessels.

    The US has to rely on foreign shipbuilders for Hulls and for shipping services.

    MAERSK has not said why they are “backing away” from providing services to the Department of Defense, but they are, in fact, doing so.

    Are these companies being pressured by China or other foreign governments to cripple the US?   Are these companies being threatened with losing the ability to provide shipping services to foreign countries if they continue helping the US?  The answer to those questions is not known, but it __may__ be a possibility.

    Which brings up the issue of future US ship building and moving men and materiel.

    With China having 232 times the US ship building capacity, and with commercial ventures in the US unable to re-supply or even timely service existing ships, and now commercial entitities “backing away” from providing services to the US, it is starting to look as though we are being set up to be invaded and conquered.


    All of the above brings us to the US Southern Border.   There has been an over Nine-hundred percent (900%+) increase in young, fit, military-age, Chinese men crossing illegally into the US via the southern border.  This is confirmed by FOX NEWS.

    Why the sudden surge of Chinese men?   Some analysts think they are a fifth column; wolves in sheep’s clothing, entering our country at the behest of the China Communist Party to lay in wait for an order to attack the US from within.

    And the US federal Government is making it EASIER for people to enter the country illegally!   The Biden regime has ordered gates in former President Trump’s border wall . . . . to be welded open!  YEs, you read that correctly, the gates are being welded open so even US citizens, concerned about illegals entering the country, can’t simply close and lock the gates.


    The United States established the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) after the Arab Oil Embargo of the 1970’s.   The SPR can hold a little over seven-hundred-million barrels of oil in giant caverns in Louisiana and Texas.   Yet the Biden regime has ordered the SPR to sell-off much of that reserve to artificially reduce gasoline prices in the USA.

    As of today, more than two-thirds of that 700 million barrel SPR, have been sold off and are gone.  There are presently no plans (and no money) to refill it.

    If the US is invaded, and we cannot import foreign oil because we’re a war zone where ships cannot safely come and go, we won’t have more than a month or two of fuel with which to fight and defend our own land.


    This appears to be deliberate treachery on the part of the federal government, some of whom may simply have been bribed by China, or other countries, to sell-out our nation and prime us for invasion.

    This week, Congress beings Impeachment Hearings into President Joe Biden, who allegedly received potentially millions in bribes from China and elsewhere.  Congress has already revealed that Bank Wire Transfers to Hunter Biden, showing Joe Biden’s home address in Wilmington, Delaware as the recipient’s address, have been confirmed as having taken place.   At least $250,000 of such wire transfers are said to have come from Beijing.

    Also this week, Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was Indicted and Arraigned in federal court, after being caught with some $458,000 cash stuffed into envelopes hidden in clothing in a closet, and in a safe, in his Englewood Cliffs home, along with 81.5 ounces of gold bullion in bars, allegedly for making military deals with and for, Egypt.

    Menendez is charged with Bribery.

    If Menendez took Bribes from Egypt to sell out US weapons, one has to wonder if he also took money from China to sell us out?   Or if he also took money from other countries?

    One also has to wonder if any OTHER Senators or Congressmen took such Bribes?

    It appears the United States of America is suffering a level of treachery from within, that may actually cause our nation to cease to exist.

    China Exposes New G20 Summit Hypocrisy and lies

    You won’t believe what Biden just said after all the sanctions the US imposed on China. Biden gave a statement thinking that he is trying to create good relations with China after the G20 meeting with China’s Premier League Biden said we don’t want to contain China instead we want to make sure we have a relationship that is on the up and up squared away but don’t be misled by this statement before you know the actual truth According to Forbes, the US has imposed a list of sanctions on China, and its motive is simply to contain China, so when it comes to words, the US has a lot to say to impress you, but when it comes to actions, you won’t find anyone more brutal in the world than the US, so the question is why is there such a big difference between the US’s actions and its words, let’s find out in this video we will discuss the reality behind the US’s claims to not contain China We will also analyze the impact of Biden and Lee’s G20 summit on US-China relations. Watch the video until the conclusion to find out if the US is being honest this time or if this is just another tactic to attain ulterior aims.


    World Hal Turner

    One of the closest and most trusted Advisors to Russian President Vladimir Putin has formally told his boss that a “massive” use of nuclear weapons is necessary to actually “prevent” World War 3 and save humanity.  He urges the complete destruction of the United Kingdom as a warning to others to stop.

    Mediterranean Steak and Pasta
    with Tomato-Olive Sauce

    Whole-wheat pasta is served with beef Sirloin Tip Center Steaks and a tomato and olive sauce. This one will please the adults and the kids in your family.

    mediterranean steak pasta
    mediterranean steak pasta

    Yield: 4 servings


    • 8 ounces uncooked whole grain fettuccine
    • 4 beef Sirloin Tip Center Steaks, cut 3/4 inch thick (about 4 ounces each)
    • 1 (26 ounce) jar pasta sauce with olives*
    • 1 teaspoon dried oregano leaves, crushed
    • 1/4 cup finely shredded Italian cheese blend or mozzarella cheese
    • 2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley leaves


    1. Cook fettuccine according to package directions; drain and keep warm.
    2. Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Place beef steaks in skillet; cook for 11 to 13 minutes for medium rare (145 degrees F) doneness, turning occasionally. (Do not overcook.) Remove from skillet; keep warm.
    3. Combine pasta sauce and oregano in same skillet; heat until hot. Return steaks to skillet; turn to coat with sauce.
    4. Place steaks on fettuccine; spoon sauce over all.
    5. Sprinkle steaks with cheese, allowing cheese to melt. Sprinkle with parsley.


    * You may substitute 1 (26 ounce) jar pasta sauce with olives for 1 (26 ounce) pasta sauce plus 1/4 cup chopped olives.

    What advice do you have for people who have been called weird?

    I used to coach swimming in the early 2000’s. It probably won’t surprise you that my most challenging group was the middle school boys.

    But where a few of them were difficult, others were in need of help. They were “different”. Consequently, they were bullied frequently at school. They would come in upset about how their day had gone.

    I identified with them on so many levels as I’ve spent my entire life having people tell me, “You are one weird guy.”

    I would reassure them that they were simply misunderstood and that they were in good company: some of the greatest people who ever lived were treated as weirdos.

    Frederick Nietzsche, another mega genius, was in this camp at one point too. He was, by very definition, different than his peers. People tend to attack things they don’t understand.

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    image 12

    Throughout his life, he proposed many wild and brilliant ideas, faced his own share of critics, and endured his own moments of social isolation.

    One line he wrote, that I encourage any who feel misunderstood to remember:

    And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

    Humanity is filled with wild and shimmering variety. Those who see “different” and attack are afraid of their own authenticity.

    Don’t shy away from living your own truth.

    If you haven’t been told “You’re weird.” a few times along the way, you aren’t doing it right.

    My Alpine masterpiece

    When I was in seventh grade, my father bought me a hat for Christmas. It was some kind of furry alpine hat with flair and it even had a feather in the top. Man! Oh man! was I ridiculed by everyone in the class for wearing it. My other classmates all wore orange hunting caps, but I had my Alpine masterpiece…

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    2023 10 02 13 32

    I got to be the brunt of many a joke because of this hat.

    Anyways, one day, one of the loudest boys who made fun of my hat, took me aside and told me in private that he liked my hat and thought that it was really cool. Well… good for him. I appreciate it.

    If you are a parent, please take the time and give some thought to what your children might think of your fashion choices…


    What is the most outrageous “fee” you’ve ever been charged?

    I own the building in the picture, 6–8 Commerical Street, Castleford, West Yorkshire, England.

    (picture omitted)

    My financial advisory company occupies the two two floors. The electricity Supplier Opus Energy tried billing me for a standard charge to supply the non-existent number 10 Commercial Street, so I wrote to them as below –

    Dear Sirs

    Account Number ********** Invoice Number ***************

    Your bill (scan attached) has nothing to do with me.

    1. I own 6-8 Commercial Street, not number 10. There is no number 10. It does not exist.

    2. I have never signed a contract with you for any premises whatsoever.

    3. The meter to which this refers has a label attached to it saying ‘Dead’. You say that the bill is for my ‘connection to the network. I am not connected to the network via your company but via British Gas. I have 2 meters with British Gas, one for the 1st floor and 1 for the 2nd (top) floor. The baker and hairdresser on the ground floor have their own meters. I refuse point blank to pay you for a dead meter that supplies absolutely nothing.

    4. The reading on your meter – 94717kwh – is the same as it was on the day I bought the building, 1 March 2017.

    5. The ‘balance before this bill’ of £33.08 plus VAT should presumably be directed to the previous owners if anyone, though they did not own 10 Commercial Street either. If they were paying you in error then that is their problem. I do not intend to make the same mistake.

    In view of the above:

    1. Please cancel this invoice and ensure no more are sent. You are not supplying me with electricity; British Gas is.

    2. Please arrange for your engineers to safely remove your meter without affecting my supply or that of my tenants.

    3. I reserve the right to charge you £1 per day rent for the wall space your meter is taking up backdated to the date I acquired the property.

    This argument went on for two years! They eventually threatened to take me to court. I said “Okay, get on with it. I’ll see you in court.” At that point somebody with a brain in his head (their legal department I’m guessing) looked at it and dropped the demand. Case closed.

    Mexican Pepper Steak

    Mexican Style Pepper Steak superJumbo
    Mexican Style Pepper Steak superJumbo


    • 6 steaks
    • 1 cup red, ripe Anaheim chiles or 3 red bell peppers, seeded and sliced into thin strips
    • 2 tablespoons butter
    • 1 clove garlic, minced


    1. Choose your favorite steak.
    2. Grill the steaks al carbon and serve them topped with the chiles or bell peppers.
    3. To prepare the topping, heat butter in a skillet over medium heat.
    4. Add garlic and chiles or peppers and sauté them until they are soft.
    5. If you are using bell peppers, add black pepper, to taste.

    China permanently stops exporting two important minerals for manufacturing electronic chips

    In a significant development, China has made the decision to permanently cease the export of two crucial minerals essential for the production of electronic chips. This decision is expected to have far-reaching implications for the global electronics industry.

    The move comes as China aims to prioritize its domestic technology sector and strengthen its position in the global market. With the halt in the export of these minerals, manufacturers of electronic chips worldwide will face challenges in sourcing the necessary materials, potentially leading to supply chain disruptions and increased costs.

    As electronic chips are vital components in various devices, including smartphones, computers, and automotive electronics, this decision by China is likely to impact the availability and affordability of these products globally. It may also prompt countries and companies to explore alternative sources or develop new technologies to mitigate the impact.

    The implications of China’s decision on the electronics industry are significant, and stakeholders will need to adapt to this new landscape. Stay tuned for further updates on how this development unfolds and its potential ramifications for the global technology sector.

    What is the worst thing about the U.S. politics?

    I’m convinced we are going to see a politician die on TV — and not because of an assassination.

    Neither of our two likely presidential candidates can run up a flight of stairs without great risk. Even back in January 2021, the top three candidates (Trump, Biden, and Sanders) would have each been the oldest president ever at the start of their terms.

    Mitch McConnell’s eyes are rolling back like a ref is giving him a standing 8 count against Mike Tyson. His publicized medical report said there were no signs of any problem. But politicians decide if medical reports are released. For context, Trump’s doctor also said he was in “extraordinary” good health.

    I’ve also stopped buying into Biden’s speech impediment excuse. Watch a few of his younger speeches — there’s a huge difference. Notably, he was also one of the youngest senators in history at age 30. At the time, he said, “The seniority system has more drawbacks than merits”.

    God bless Biden for hanging in there but even as a left-leaning moderate, I can’t watch anymore. Per a NYT piece, even his aides are extremely nervous each day, worried he’ll fall or make another serious gaffe.

    Politicians have never been a bastion for youth —but a revival is in order. I watched the Republican debates and saw a number of bright candidates, who’d be a much better alternative to Trump. But we are boxed in as usual. Even my parents, who are die-hard conservatives, have lost their enthusiasm.

    It’s either a fascist narcissistic billionaire or a democrat who forgets which country he is in.

    What a mess.

    So what gives?

    Why is it so hard to find a fresh 40-something with bold, good ideas —and more cognitive shelf life?

    For starters, there’s an incentive problem. The US political system favors experience — but not experience in drafting policy or leading. It favors experience in building allies and raising money.

    You might wonder: Why doesn’t a wealthy donor support a younger politician? Because political donors aren’t altruistic. They want people with power, who can use that power to benefit them.

    We have abysmal representation for young voters— especially when it comes to issues like climate change. I see countless older politicians advocating for the use of coal when it’s one of the most dangerous sources of energy on a per KWH basis. We have embarrassing, recurring viral moments of politicians completely misunderstanding technology and social media.

    But incumbent politicians are devilishly difficult to dethrone, particularly after they’ve been in office for a few terms. They have name recognition and access to enormous campaign financing. They are on TV constantly, dropping zingers on their opponents. And —there are no term limits.

    There’s a reason you rarely see 80-year-olds running for their first term.

    The only means of entry seems to be through extreme partisanship, which is why you see so many young and over-the-top politicians.

    We are to blame

    Voters often prefer candidates who are closest to themselves in age. Moreover, we tend to vote for demographics that align with us, and voter turnout remains terrible for young people.

    It isn’t just politicians getting older. The average age of incoming S&P 500 CEOs has increased by 14 years over the previous decade. Two-thirds of the nation’s wealth is held by Americans 55 and older, despite them being less than one-third of the population.

    The age in Congress dropped slightly after the midterms, with an average age of 58. The average age in the Senate is 64. Meanwhile, the average American is only 38.

    We live in a technical age, with sophisticated and evolving artificial intelligence sweeping across every sector. Meanwhile, 72-year-old Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is still using a flip phone.

    Many of these leaders were born in the 1940s and were shaped by an era that has blinded them to massive problems at our doorstep. How can you care about climate change if you aren’t concerned about what 2050 looks like?

    Biden looks and seems much older than he did only a few years ago. Trump lost his marbles long before he hit his 70s.

    And age is causing problems in the actual procedures of governance. Senator Diane Feinstein (90) has well-documented health problems issues that have held up passing legislation.

    The lack of a filtration system

    There are no real physical demands of the job. This isn’t construction in equatorial heat. If you have a sound mind, and sometimes, even if you don’t, you can stay in office.

    Perhaps the job is too easy. Most of us have stressful work that involves tons of multitasking and recurring deadlines we lose sleep over. We look forward to retiring. If people are eager to leave office in a coffin, maybe we haven’t asked enough of them. CEOs rarely last work past decline as they do in politics. They are typically shown the door or leave when they hear the creak of it being opened.

    And is that how you’d want to be remembered as a politician? As a cantankerous curmudgeon who refuses to leave?

    Sure, there is an appeal to age and experience. Wisdom isn’t inherited. But only to an extent. We need younger blood in office now more than ever.

    And so to the people voting, on both sides of the aisle, and both sides of the hill, consider giving fresh voices a chance. Being president has morphed from being a popularity contest —to being a contest of which politician you hate the least. It doesn’t have to be this way.

    And more broadly, this is a reminder that just because things are done a certain way, doesn’t mean they should always be done that way. Keep an open mind and good heavens, exercise your right to vote.

    HOW I SEE THE USA AS A EUROPEAN (after 6 months)

    Cultural shocks? Differences between Europe and the USA? Regrets, struggles, positive surprises? In this video, I want to share with you some of my impressions of the United States after spending 6 months traveling the country. So, do you reckon I should come back?”

    US is Waging a Hybrid War on India.

    By S.L. Kanthan

    America loves wars. And it wages wars on enemies and allies alike.

    Recent events this year indicate that the US is waging a hybrid war on India. It started with a BBC documentary that recycled Hindu-Muslim conflicts from 20+ years ago; then, allegations against Indian billionaire Adani by an American company; followed by calls for better democracy by Soros; and now the latest bombshell accusations from Canada against the Indian government regarding the murder of Sikh separatists.

    By the way, the word “allies” is just a euphemism for vassals. Modern wars are hybrid in nature — they include hot wars, economic wars, tech wars, trade wars, propaganda wars, spy wars, political wars and so on. The US wages hybrid wars on its vassals to make sure that the vassals don’t collude or start making independent decisions. Thus, the US spies on its European allies, stages soft coups in allied countries, wrecks their economies when they get too strong, and even forces them into proxy wars. This is standard procedure, and India is now getting a taste of it. With Soros’ involvement, there might even be a color revolution.

    To counteract America’s hybrid war, India should re-embrace China! Yes, bring back Huawei 5G, TikTok, Alibaba etc., and the US will back off quickly. That’s smart, “Chanakya” geopolitics.

    In this article, we will discuss one of the powerful modern tools for regime change — use of NGOs by the US foreign policy establishment. Then we will discuss why India is under attack and how India can fight back to protect its sovereignty and focus on rapid growth.

    How the Attacks are Unfolding

    2023 started with a BBC documentary on Modi that rekindled the controversies about the Hindu-Muslim riots 20 years ago. (I thought the documentary was pretty good; and the Indian government should not have banned it). The US and its Western allies are like a geopolitical Godfather and his consigliere.

    The BBC documentary was not a coincidence as evidenced by the Hindenburg report that came a couple of days later in a one-two punch fashion. The allegations of fraud have eviscerated $100 billion of (corrupt?) Indian oligarch Gautam Adani’s wealth. He quickly fell from the 2nd wealthiest man to #25 in the Bloomberg Index


    Then came George Soros, the king of color revolutions, who linked these two incidents, attacked Modi, and called for a “democratic revival” in India. This was the final confirmation of America’s war on India.

    The latest attack is from Canada, a member of the Anglo-American Empire and Five Eyes. Don’t mistake me — it’s very likely that the Indian government in some level was involved in the shooting of the Sikh separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar. The media is now reporting that there are incriminating recordings of Indian diplomats in Canada. Not surprised at all.

    The whole thing was an entrapment. Just like how the US ambassador in Iraq told Saddam Hussein that if he invaded Kuwait, the US wouldn’t do anything.

    In India’s case, it’s likely that someone from the CIA (or even the Mossad) gave the green light for the assassination, while other groups collected the evidences.

    (Note that India’s intelligence group, R&AW — which is like the Indian CIA — has carried out such assassinations of Khalistan or Islamist terrorists in Pakistan before. However, to carry out such acts in a NATO/G7 country — killing a Canadian citizen in Canada — is quite brazen and probably a massive geopolitical blunder by India).

    What is America’s goal? Either regime change or forcing Modi government to change some of its domestic and foreign policies.

    Another sign of the escalating hostility is the sudden change in the tone of the Western media. Look what the influential journal Economist says


    🔹“India is invariably weaker than its leaders publicly proclaim”

    🔹“If the investigation confirms Indian involvement in this crime, it is time for a tougher line.”

    🔹“On its own turf, India has muzzled the press, cowed the courts and persecuted minorities”

    Understanding America’s Overt Regime-Change Ops

    A quick history lesson here is important. During the Cold War, the CIA blatantly assassinated many leaders of sovereign nations all over the world to “stop the spread of communism.” The real reason was, of course, to extend American hegemony globally and ensure cheap supplies of raw materials as well as open markets for American products.

    However, by the 1970s, a lot of allies started to complain, since murdering political leaders was a bit too much even for the co-conspirators and obedient puppets of imperialism. Thus, in the 1980s, the US polished its regime change operations and came up with the idea of revolutions through propaganda and soft power. This was the result of people like George Soros and a myriad of organizations like NED and NDI.

    Thus, the US shifted many of its operations from covert to overt. Rather than knife-and-dagger, try to overthrow leaders openly!

    In 1991, Allen Weinstein, the founder of NED, admitted

    that, “ A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”

    The goal was to spend billions of dollars in “NGOs” in developing countries, especially those that are resistant to American influence. In an Orwellian fashion, these “non-governmental” organizations are funded and directed by the US government! The term “NGO” just means that they are free from the governments of the countries where the NGOs are located.

    These NGOs create a vast array of groups including those that promote “journalism,” “free speech,” “women’s rights,” “environmentalism” etc. Plus, to give some legitimacy, they also include groups that allegedly help fight poverty or illiteracy. However, all their actions are focused on promoting pro-American sentiments and Western corporate interests. The leaders of these groups can make a lot of money and enjoy celebrity status. They can attend workshops in Europe, get to testify before the US Congress, write articles for the NY Times, appear on CNN etc. If they are really good, like that North Korean defector Yeonmi Park, they can make $10,000 a speech, making up absurd stories.

    You can see these US/EU-funded fake NGO groups now, in 2023, in Myanmar, Thailand, Belarus, Kazakhstan etc. For more than two decades, they were busy in Hong Kong, until they were completely dismantled by China two years ago. The separatist movement in the Xinjiang-Uyghur region is also fueled by the same people. Other places that were recent victims of US-led protests include Venezuela, Syria, Libya, Cuba and even the so-called Arab Spring.

    In Ukraine, they started in the early 1990s and lasted until 2014, when the Nazi-led and US-orchestrated Maidan Coup overthrew a democratically elected leader. Since then, the Ukrainian NGO groups have shifted their energy to 100% anti-Russian propaganda.

    George Soros, the General of Color Revolutions

    While the US government funds groups like NED and NDI to create chaos in not-so-subservient nations around the world, these groups still had direct links to the US government, which was embarrassing at times. Thus, the US deep state picked George Soros as its henchman or general. He was a Jewish immigrant from Hungary, had strong anti-Russian and anti-communist feelings, and was the perfect pick.

    And Soros has been extraordinarily successful. In an interview, he boasted

    , “After the fall of the Soviet Empire, I picked up the pieces and created the Soros Empire.”

    With Wall Street’s help, the CIA made him a billionaire. With insider information, Soros made his first billion by shorting the British Pound in 1992. Then, subsequently, he made more billions during the Asian financial crisis, Russian crisis, and Mexican crisis during the late 1990s. Get rich by destroying others!

    He started his grassroots movements in the late 1980s — first in Hungary, then expanded to Poland and even mainland China.

    Soros played a significant role in the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989. Soon after that, China banned him and his organizations. A couple of years ago, Putin finally banned Soros; and now even his native place Hungary is trying to ban him!

    Soros and his groups play the long game. For example, his “Open Society” group brags about how it has spent billions of dollars in Ukraine since the 1990s.

    A characteristic of his movement is the use of colors — like:

    • “Rose Revolution” in Georgia in 2003
    • “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine in 2004
    • “Tulip Revolution” in Kyrgyzstan in 2005

    In each of the above cases, when a pro-Russia leader won the election, Soros turned on his useful idiots and provocateurs, who started large protests. Then, the US/EU governments would cry crocodile tears about human rights, freedom, and democracy. US/UK media operating in those countries would carry out intense propaganda campaigns about corruption. Then the governments were forced to hold another election, in which the pro-US leader won by a small margin.

    The interesting and obvious phenomenon is that when a pro-US government is established, Soros quietly shuts down all his “grassroots” organizations. All those protesters and influencers quietly vanish in thin air. Thus, the people are left with the same corrupt system but with different or worse rulers.

    Take Ukraine, for example.

    • In 2004, Ukraine became slightly pro-US after the first color revolution;
    • In 2014, Ukraine became a total American puppet.

    What did the Ukrainian people gain? Nothing but poverty and destruction.

    In 2021, before the war started, the average pension in Ukraine was just $150 a month. Ukraine was still the poorest country in Europe. Worse, the Ukrainians got a comedian president, rule by the same oligarchy, Nazism, civil war, Russian invasion, millions of people turned into refugees, and utter destruction of the entire country.

    While the US has groups like the National Endowment of Democracy (NED), people like Soros are even more effective. Why? It gives US deep state “plausible deniability” — “Hey, he’s just an individual, not the US government.”

    For Soros, he enjoys immense power — to manipulate millions of people and overthrow governments. Of course, the new puppets installed in these countries will let Soros and his financial buddies in New York and London make enormous amount of money through various “reforms” such as privatization. So, for example, Soros’ hedge fund would be able to buy a natural gas field, a bank or an airline for pennies on the dollar. The investment money belongs to other oligarchs and financial institutions in the US/Europe, and Soros gets a juicy commission. This strategy of OPM — Other People’s Money — is more discrete and smarter than Soros himself becoming the owner of a new bank or an airline — then, even the average useful idiot of the color revolution will be able to connect the dots.

    For example, after the fall of the USSR, vampires like Soros descended upon Moscow, handpicked Russian oligarchs and politicians- based on their loyalty to US/EU, and looted hundreds of billions of dollars.

    What India Needs to Realize

    Indian leaders should understand the complexity of this network. Indian FM Jaishankar only attacked Soros personally, which gives the wrong impression. George Soros is part of the US/EU Deep State — a group of elites from the foreign policy establishment, Wall Street, military, spy agencies, and the media.

    Similarly, Canada is not a tiny country acting alone. Whatever Trudeau says or does is a reflection of the collective decisions made by the Five Eyes — US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Of course, the US is the boss.

    Also, in order to circumvent pesky constitutional limits, the Five Eyes do dirty work on each other’s countries. So, British agencies spy on certain Americans; and the CIA/NSA spy on diplomats in Canada, and so on.

    Canada is a key designated member of the Five Eyes to attract separatists from all over the world — Sikh separatists from India, Uyghur and Hong Kong separatists from China, Islamists from Syria and so on. These groups are geopolitical pawns for the Western countries to harass developing nations, rivals, or simply any country not being “cooperative” — a.k.a. obedient.

    Thus, it’s not just BBC or Hindenburg or Soros or Trudeau attacking India. The entire Western establishment is targeting India.

    And the attacks are not going to stop, unless the Modi government gives into the US demands. And what does the US want? I am not sure, but here are my guesses:

    • Stop buying weapons from Russia. Instead, buy US weapons.
    • Allow US military bases in India.
    • Stop helping the expansion of BRICS, especially with the addition of Saudi Arabia and Iran. (This threatens the petrodollar hegemony).
    • Be more anti-China. (Recently, the Indian government has been trying to downplay the tensions with China. When there were some border conflicts, it was the British media that leaked the news. Also, India-China trade has been booming. It looks like the Modi government realizes its mistake of over-hyping anti-China sentiments).
    • Allow privatization of India’s financial sector — let US giants buy shares in Indian banks, insurance companies, stock market exchange etc.

    America is a Brutal Empire

    Many Indians have no clue about the real nature of the U.S. partly because of immigration and partly because of the abysmal job of the Indian mainstream media. For example, how many Indians know that the U.S. blew up the Nord Stream pipeline? It’s pure terrorism, like a 9/11 on Germany, America’s “ally.”

    Most people also don’t know that the U.S. has armed and funded Al Qaeda since the fall of the Soviet Union — as seen in Chechnya, Kosovo etc. ISIS was also a U.S. creation in the proxy war against Syria. And the U.S. has been funding, recruiting and training Nazis in Ukraine for a decade; U.S. Pentagon also established bio-weapon labs in Ukraine and quickly ordered them to be destroyed when Russia invaded. There are many more such examples of atrocities committed by the USA.

    Whatever it takes to maintain the American primacy.

    Now, think for a moment what the U.S. would do to create more tensions between India and China. For example, could the U.S. have rigged the GPS system of Indian soldiers in Ladakh in 2020?

    India’s Solution: Strategic Ambiguity

    I have already written about India has been getting colonized by the US — India, the Crown Jewel of American Empire

    . The US elites must have concluded that they now have sufficient control over India that they could blatantly engineer a regime change.

    By the way, the U.S. has done this twice in Australia — once in 1975 when Australian Prime Minister Whitlam was removed from his office by the CIA

    . In Brazil, the NSA leaked an audio tape

    to remove President Dilma Rousseff, when she wasn’t acting like an obedient puppet.

    Consider that India’s 5G is all 100% foreign and from US and its close puppet allies. Plus, Indian leaders all probably use Gmail, Outlook etc., which are all spy tools for US deep state. Thus, all forms of communications — phone calls, text messages, emails — in India are under American surveillance.

    The spying on Indian diplomats in Canada should wake up Indians to one more gruesome fact: The US is also spying on key business and political elites in India through 5G, Google Pay, WhatsApp, e-commerce (Amazon & Flipkart), Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Amazon AWS cloud, undersea fiber optic cables and so on. Go back and read Edward Snowden’s revelations from a decade ago. Even hard drives and semiconductor chips have back-doors for the NSA to spy. Don’t be fooled by the Indian CEO faces in some US hi-tech companies.

    Finally, imagine if the US sanctions India. It will ruin the Indian economy. Imagine if Google Pay, Whatsapp, Amazon, Flipkart etc. get turned off at the snap of a finger! Thus, India becomes very vulnerable when it depends on US technology so much.

    The current American chutzpah in attacking India can only be explained by India’s distancing itself from China. Without any powerful ally other than the US, India is hapless. India must rectify this immediately with a shot across the bow: Seek detente with China! It will absolutely blow the American mind.

    Bring back TikTok and watch Facebook and Google cry! Bring back Alibaba or AliExpress and watch Amazon shake in its boots! Approve Huawei 5G for India’s networks and watch the CIA weep about how it can’t spy on Indian elites! Let China build some massive infrastructure projects in India — from clean coal power plants and solar farms to airports and highways. Create joint ventures with Chinese firms to create massive manufacturing ecosystems.

    India’s strategic ambiguity will get it better deals from China (including technology transfer in some areas) and force the U.S. to curtail its imperialist actions.

    If you’re worried about the border disputes, see my blog

    on some ideas on resolving them.


    India is at a critical inflection point. The next two decades will determine India’s 21st century. Thus, it’s a geopolitical imperative that India navigate this exigent period carefully and wisely. This is the time to focus on growth and prosperity, while making sovereign decisions. India’s focus and goal should be:

    • Maintaining Strategic ambiguity while balancing China and the West
    • Stopping any nefarious regime change operations… and
    • Resisting being a geopolitical pawn of the American Empire

    Huawei Stealing American Technology? Ha ha… We’re ‘Stealing’ America’s Technology of Tomorrow!

    The spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a statement emphasizing that Huawei, a Chinese company, is excellent but faces prejudice due to its Chinese origin.

    Meanwhile, in the United States, there is a department called the “China Task Force,” led by Mike Gallagher, which aims to tarnish China’s image and suppress Chinese technology companies.

    Even before the US government released an official report on Huawei’s Mate60 smartphone, which featured the Kirin 9000S chip developed domestically, Mike Gallagher called for a halt to all technology exports to Huawei and SMIC.

    He also accused Huawei of relying on US technology to produce the Kirin 9000S chip.

    These accusations from US politicians are not new and have been ongoing since May 2018, with claims of national security concerns and technology theft by Chinese companies like Huawei.

    In response to these allegations, Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, stated that if Huawei had stolen US technology, it would mean stealing technology that the US hasn’t even developed yet.

    He suggested that the US may be attempting to suppress Huawei because it is ahead in technological advancements.

    What countries will you never visit again?

    Egypt was a nightmare.

    It is an omen of what social collapse and government breakdown looks like. I’ve been to many countries, but unlike any of these places, there were no traffic rules properly enforced in Cairo. Some streets are absolute wrecks of apocalyptic chaos. Honking everywhere, shattering your ears. Swerving cars with cracked windows. Smog pouring out exhaust pipes. I saw a woman pulling a donkey and cart on a congested highway surrounded by cars. Many cars break down on roads.

    The pyramids were overrated and very difficult to appreciate due to the madness around them. This included all sorts of merchants or vehicle operators screaming at you or fighting each other. They are also fringed by what is essentially the slum construction site of Giza with donkey faeces and piles of litter everywhere. Many buildings look like they are crumbling and I heard they appear like this on purpose because painting them technically means they are complete and thus available for taxation. So the population has seemingly agreed to not paint their buildings.

    Much of Cairo is falling apart. The old city really is about to roll into a coffin. The sheer scale of people flowing down the small streets was extraordinary. At some points it was almost impossible to move without pushing through crowds. The dining options were not great either. Some places stunk of raw meat or looked unbelievably unsanitary. I saw a man sitting in a cafe looking nonplussed as he seemed to be covered in exhaust smog with his ears being obliterated by honking.

    Your instincts are screaming at you everywhere. The pictures online are nothing like experiencing it in reality. The best place is your hotel, away from the chaos. I’ve seen inside perhaps an average home and it seemed well organised and clean, but the outside world is unmitigated lunacy.

    The tourist industry is also probably the most aggressive in the world. Many of those working within it actively scam tourists as a major aspect of business dealings. This is ingrained in almost every aspect of it from tour guides to hotels. You cannot trust the prices they quote and they also demand tips quite hawkishly. Cafe owners will mislead you and taxi or tour drivers will take you to so-called museums which are gift shops where owners sit you down to try and sell you stuff. Even in Luxor, ticket sellers demanded tips.

    The tourist industry is also very dystopic and along Egypt’s east coast, it is basically an infinite line of resorts for many miles. All of them are heavily guarded by the military and police because one incident against a tourist bankrupts the industry for months or over a year. The military is necessary here, but seeing machine guns and road blocks everywhere puts you on high alert, being afraid that some crazy person is going to burst into the resort and rampage around or it could be one of the guards. Of course, this doesn’t happen and terrible events are very rare, but the thought remains.

    Finally the sun. It is so powerful and without sunglasses you will be squinting everywhere. The sun is very intense. This can’t be helped geographically, but with all the traffic congestion it makes the country exceptionally broiling.

    I hope the country can fix itself. There are good people who I encountered, but they are very far away from the tourist industry.

    Immigrants have started to Leave Canada in 2023 – WHY?

    True 100%. We decided to move out of Canada due to lack of access to health care and influence of gender ideology in schools.

    What did you say at a job interview that automatically landed you the job?

    It was not what I said but really what I did. I brought a pen.

    It may seem like a small thing, but I truly think it made a huge impact. When I went to my interview I was handed a packet of documents that outlined the responsibilities of the position I was hoping for. I immediately brought out a pen and as we went over each bullet point I made notes. For instance things that she hoped the hire would take on complete responsibility for, I put a star next to. If she mentioned a software or computer program the company used, especially if I was not familiar with it, I wrote it down to look up later. On things I wanted clarification on, I marked down the new information I was given. I was called in for a second interview.

    I brought my pen again, and I brought all that information from the packet. I had researched the program that was mentioned during the first interview. I referred to points made previously. At one point I even brought out a small notebook to jot another note down. I was called in for the final interview.

    Not going to lie, I did not need my pen here, nor did I get the opportunity to use it with the VP of HR who was conducting the last phase. She told me she wanted to hire me right then, and if it were not for assessment needed for my department it would be a done deal. I went outside and took my assessment. I did horrible. I am not the best at math, and I had not used fractional math for years so I am sure I got every question wrong. The rest of it I aced. Since math took up over half, I was sure I was out. I cried all the way home, even though they told me strait up it was not pass/fail so much ad they wanted to see where I needed training.

    I was called two days later and offered the job. I am sure it was because I came prepared with a pen and showed how serious I was taking things. Take a pen with you.

    A large-scale rally calling for the withdrawal of Yoon Seok-yeol weightlifting

    To retire Yoon Seok-yeol weightlifting, which works evil in the entire area of puppet The struggle of all walks of life is expanding day by day.

    On the 16th, Yoon Seok-yeol Station was retired from all areas, including Seoul The 3rd Pan-National Congress of the withdrawal of the Yoon Seok-yeol Regime was held.

    The rally participants said, ” I can’t live like this.”, “We gathered here to Change Resources and Information.

    November, we held the “People’s Gun Contest” and announced the withdrawal of the Yoon Seok-yeol regime. I’m going to have a total struggle for it.”I decided.

    Yoon Seok-yeol, chairman of the Democratic Ro-gun, is not only in Seoul, but also in all over the world.On this day, he said that he was raising the eccentricity of the regime’s departure. We have been informed of the situation of the rally that is taking place in the entire area of the puppet.

    He continued, ” If we don’t struggle together against the Yoon Seok-yeol regime, we don’t fight together.” We can only be forced to continue to work for a long time.”Once again the protest of the people who brought down the Park Geun-hye regime Let’s organize. We in this position will take the lead, and the people will step out together..”, “In November, the Yoon Seok-yeol regime with the people’s guns stopped your runaway.> , <There’s no place for you guys to live.>Let’s declare it unabashedly.”It was a great place to stay.

    On the other hand, the participants of the 3rd Pan-National Convention for the withdrawal of the Yoon Seok-yeol Regime on this day “Japan Radioactive Polluted Water Marine Dumping” held in Gwanghwamun, Seoul, Korea in the afternoon! Yoon Seok joined the 4th Pan-National Convention and condemned the defeat of the Yeomanry I raised my voice even more.

    In order to stop the runaway of the Yoon Seok-yeol regime, the speakers said, ” Everyone from all walks of life We must unite as one.”, “One day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day Of course, I ask you to be responsible for non-walnut Japan’s nuclear pollutant second world war. We must order the impeachment of Yoon Seok-yeol to the National Assembly in the name of the people..”He strongly insisted.

    “Only COWARDS fear World War 3!” Sean Penn on giving more money to Ukraine


    Minute Steak Parmesan

    2023 09 25 15 19
    2023 09 25 15 19


    • 5 minute steaks
    • 1 beaten egg
    • 1 tablespoon water
    • Dash of pepper
    • 1/4 cup soda cracker crumbs
    • 1 (8 ounce) can pizza sauce
    • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
    • 1/4 cup vegetable oil


    1. Dip steaks in combined egg, water and pepper. Coat with mixture of crumbs and half of the cheese.
    2. Brown in hot oil; drain on absorbent paper.
    3. Arrange in baking dish; cover with pizza sauce, and top with remaining cheese.
    4. Bake at 325 degrees F for about 20 minutes.

    What is the most amazing thing you overheard because people didn’t think you understood their language?

    I owned a carpet cleaning company

    We worked for a LOT of apartments. A lease renewal clean was done by the apartment complex once a year for the tenants lease renewal. The apartment community paid for the clean so it was free for the resident and we did not move furniture as part of the deal.

    Clean an apartment for a Spanish couple. SHE complained (in Spanish) the entire time that I was doing a horrible job and I needed to move everything. Me, the VERY white Gringo-American just kept cleaning and asking the husband, in English, if everything was alright. HE explained, in English it was fine and kept telling his wife, in Spanish, that it was fine amd to stop complaining. SlThis went on for the entire clean.

    Getting done, packed up and heading out, I looked at him and in English asked if they needed anything more. Nope was his reply.

    I turned to her amd in SPANISH said, “Thank you for the job, please open your windows a crack to help the carpets dry. It should take about 2–3 hours. Have a good day.”

    Her mouth fell and she said NOTHING.

    I walked away satisfied.

    I invited my husband’s family for Thanksgiving. No one ate my meal and it was really embarrassing. I later found out that my mother-in-law cooked a large meal and fed everyone before they arrived to my house. Should I say something? What should I do next year?

    My mother in law did something similar to me. She was a terrible cook and her two grown daughters asked if they could all come to our house for Mother’s Day one year. I knocked myself out fixing dinner for 14 people but ordered 2 pecan pies and a cake from an expensive bakery since I didn’t have time to make desserts too.

    Everyone arrived and complimented the table but my sister-in-law pulled me aside and told me their mother had insisted on taking them to a buffet at a restaurant an hour before the time I had set for our dinner.

    Only my husband and our kids ate. Everyone else pushed the food around embarrassedly. I was furious and finally couldn’t hold back. I looked at my mother in law and said I wished she hadn’t taken them out to eat when she knew I was cooking for them.

    Instead of apologizing she giggled and said “My bad.” I’ve never forgotten that smug look on that witch’s face.

    The next time anyone asked me to cook for a holiday I politely said no, we were having a small feast with just the four of us and I stuck with it.

    People who pull that kind of stunt are emotionally stunted and don’t deserve anything from us except contempt.

    USA on the Brink of Chaos: How Americans Are Living the End of the American Dream

    In case you were unaware about how things are going in the United States today.

    The in-laws

    There was a 1979 movie starring Peter Falk titled “The In-laws”, and for some strange reason I just remembered this movie. I tried to download the torrent, but it is taking forever. It is just a goofy and funny comedy, but for some reason… it came to mind.

    It is available free on the Internet DB. HERE.

    And still, I have downloaded the torrent from this site...

    Three Cheers For the Guacamole Act of 1917!!!

    The premise of this film is really simple: if two families are about to enjoy the union of their children in a marriage, is it not likely that the in-laws involved can come to depend and help each other out in times of need? Most of us would probably say no, or want to know the extent of the help. However, when Vincent J. Ricardo (Peter Falk) asks Dr. Sheldon Kornpett (Alan Arkin) to assist him in retrieving something from a safe in Ricardo’s office, Kornpett is willing (if somewhat suspiciously) to do it.

    The reason that Kornpett is suspicious is he is not quite certain what to make of Ricardo. They only met at Kornpett’s house the night before, for a dinner party introducing the families of the bride (Kornpett’s) and groom (Ricardo’s) to each other. Ricardo acted…well oddly. He told tales of his business travels in Central America, including how in one country babies are being carried off by huge bats that are protected by the Guacamole Act of 1917. Kornpett hears this with a blank face, although his eyes do bug out a little in disbelief. Later, when Ricardo gets testy with his son over a comment about the former not being home enough, Kornpett can’t believe the near rage that Ricardo demonstrates at the table. So his suspicions about his future in-law seem well based.

    Shortly, after being chased and nearly killed by two men who are after the items that Kornpett picked up, the suspicions seem confirmed. Ricardo explains to him, over pea soup in a restaurant, that he actually is not a successful salesman but a C.I.A. operative (a photo in Ricardo’s office confirms this: it is of President Kennedy, and the autograph refers to the Bay of Pigs Invasion). He is in the middle of a critically important mission in Latin America dealing with international finance and a conspiracy against the richest nations. Kornpett hears him out, and is upset to hear that there is more material that Ricardo hid in Kornpett’s home the night before. He wants no part of it, and leaves to go home – only to find the police there. He flees, and does evade capture – at the cost of having his car repainted in a way he never would have wanted it to look.

    Soon Kornpett is forced to join forces with Ricardo, and enters the deadly serious but (here) quite farcical world of international espionage and intrigue. At the end of the road is the ringleader of the conspiracy, General Garcia (Richard Libertini) who has a special little friend that makes Al Pacino’s little friend in SCARFACE lethal but sensible in comparison.

    THE IN-LAWS is funny. Arkin with his tight-ass repressive personality works well against the free-wheeling, anything goes Falk. Libertini appears only in the films last twenty minutes, but he does equally nicely as the ultimate in screw-ball dictators. Well supported by a cast including Nancy Dussault, Arlene Golonka, Penny Peyser, Michael Lembeck, and Ed Begley Jr. the film is just a laugh fest until the happy ending. As mentioned elsewhere in these comments Arkin and Falk should have made several films together. They have only done one other movie together since THE IN-LAWS. Pity.

    What’s the coldest thing a doctor has ever said to you?

    ‘If you lose this baby, you could always have another one’. The comment above was made by the doctor who my husband and I had a consultation with. I was roughly 10 weeks pregnant with our first child. I was in my mid 30’s while hubby was in his early 40’s.

    An elderly man in his fifties, he barely looked at us, ignored me, said hello to my husband, looked at my file fleetingly, a file with tests and scans which showed I had fibroids, looked directly at my husband and said to him, ‘She will be fine’. I was furious that this man was clearly sexist, ignoring me as if I was invisible. I responded by asking what that meant, what was the cause of the bleeding as he had not told us at this point about the fibroids. ‘You do not need to bother about it. That is why we are here’. This statement was addressed again to my husband who he was still looking at while still ignoring my presence.

    At this point, something in me snapped and I snapped at him, ‘Look at me and tell me what is causing this bleeding. It is my body and I need the details’. He then slowly turned to look at me as if seeing me for the first time and emotionlessly said, ‘you have fibroids. They are not massive and do not pose a danger to your baby’. ‘But I am bleeding. Is that not dangerous? ‘ I worriedly asked.

    That was when he looked at the file and without lifting his head, retorted ,Not really. However, if you lose this baby, you could always have another one ’. I almost cussed the insensitive idiot out but my husband who knew I was fuming at this point, got up and ushered me out of the office while the doctor was still talking about ante natal visits at their hospital. We had heard enough. I went on to another hospital where I met the amazing doctor who delivered my daughter without complications and went on to have a son after that.

    She is now a healthy, happy 10 year old who is pure joy and always a little mama to her 7 year old brother.

    London Broil

    London Broil is a favorite recipe from the Iowa Beef Industry Council.

    delish london broil horizontal 1546553273
    delish london broil horizontal 1546553273

    Yield: 4 servings


    • 1 (1 1/4 to 1 3/4 pound) beef flank steak
    • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
    • 1 clove garlic, crushed
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1/4 teaspoon pepper


    1. Combine vegetable oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper for marinade.
    2. Place steak in plastic bag and pour marinade over it.
    3. Close bag securely and refrigerate 4 to 6 hours or overnight, turning occasionally.
    4. Pour off and reserve marinade.
    5. Place steak on grill and broil at moderate temperature for 5 minutes.
    6. Turn, brush with marinade and broil 5 minutes or to desired doneness (rare or medium).
    7. To carve, slice diagonally across grain in thin strips.


    Learn something important.


    Here is the reason why ASML CEO said a few years ago that if ASML gave China the blueprint for the EUV machine China would not be able to make it.

    This is because all of the core technologies is NOT owned by ASML. ASML is the system integrator that was allowed by the US government to participate in the US government project to create an EUV light source.

    This project pulled together many US national labs including Lawrence Livermore Labs, Sandia Nation Lab, Brookhaven National Lab, Lawrence Berkely National Lab, IBM, Intel, AMD, etc. And it took over 10 years to create this laser light source.

    This was considered a national security project so Japanese companies like Nikon and Canon were not allowed to join.

    The difficulty of this light source and the engineering problems that had to be overcome was as difficult as the first atomic bomb.

    So I have to admit that I was wrong in my speculation about using a Rube Goldberg device to generate EUV. They didn’t have a choice. This was the best possible source at the time. It took literally the US, Germany, and some other nation’s best experts to create this light source.

    The other parts are relatively easy in comparison.

    The problem is that China has also created this light source and using another method so it isn’t so Rube Goldberg machine. Not that it was simple to make. But it is more reliable and you don’t have to worry about residue removal that will mess up your mirrors and the inside of the your machine which has to remain at clean room levels.

    Is China creating fear in many Americans because China’s success challenges the American belief that democracy is necessary for a successful market-driven economy and intellectual freedom is necessary for technological innovation?

    This is a very good question indeed.

    Thank you for asking.

    The Answer is yes. Yes indeed the U.S. and the west has been propagating that only western liberal democracy works. Nothing else. Either be a liberal democracy or die says the US. That is of course simply not true at all. And the real truth is simply that the West wanted to install liberal democracy so that the west can easily manipulate it and install a government that surrender its sovereignty to the west in order to manipulate and steal it’s resources to enrich the former colonials.

    Now that China proved beyond reasonable doubts and against all odds that it could grow phenomenally and economically dwarfed every other nation, this fear and worry the U.S. mightily. Failure to contain China means failure to perpetuate this lie!

    This is indeed worrisome for the west since they the west in general has essentially collapsed in a huge pile of debts. And law and order disintegrates through the western world. With high inflation and a looming recession with countless millions of homeless people living in the streets while their government finance and orchestrate wars. Based on printing money without basis and rampant money creation.

    China U.S. out innovating the U.S., it U.S. out thinking the U.S., out growing the U.S. and out influencing the U.S. growing even its military and wealth and out manipulating the U.S. government everywhere on earth. The U.S. wants to stop the truth from being revealed to the world.

    It’s Not Just You: American Jobs Didn’t Used To Be This Terrible

    My Dad’s Union IBEW is the reason we went from lower middle class to solid middle class in 10 years. Unions are one of the most important checks for capitalism.

    Why are Chinese people so satisfied with their government?

    Easy – shit gets done.

    Government promise something. Give it a few years and it happens.

    Some bigger projects like Mao wanting to borrow some water from the south took a bit longer.

    OTOH governments like the UK one I lived under… they promise shit, then they say haha you sucker you actually believed me? Fuck you!

    Gordon Brown’s QC literally said that election pledges and promises were not subject to legitimate expectation.

    Here? Here in Hong Kong? The government construction projects shaved 20 minutes off my commute.

    25 years ago they shaved an hour off the commute for the villagers by widening the dirt track that lead to my village and paving it. Then offering a bus franchise nearby so it was connected with the world.

    We literally see things happen.

    What is something weird that you enjoy doing?

    I observed something while traveling.

    Most people my age would either be listening to music, watching some TV show/movie in their smartphones/tablets. A very few would be reading a newspaper or book.

    I was one of them. I always had music on. I can’t read/watch anything because of motion sickness while traveling on road.

    The older generation- they do nothing. They don’t use phones, they don’t talk, don’t read, nothing. They just sit and look around.

    I wanted to try this and coincidentally my earphones broke down.

    Now it has been over six months. I travel in the metro for 3 hours everyday and do nothing, just look around. This has helped me so much. I observe people, their behaviours. I look around to see what’s actually happening.

    It may sound weird but there’s something weirdly enjoyable about it. It feels like living life the old school way. This has helped me reduce the screen time as well.

    I have even started recognising the regular commuters. I am sure they don’t recognise me.

    Unbreakable (2000) | *First Time Watching* | Movie Reaction | Asia and BJ

    Still one of the top 10 best comic films of all time. Its really the first one that showed what the comic genre could do when taken seriously.

    This is one of my top, and most favorite movies. It is so meaningful to me. Seriously people. I can relate to this movie. So very much!

    What did someone do that made you think they were really smart?

    When my daughter was about 9 or 10 years old, whenever she got a scolding from my wife, I would annoy her by doing a chicken dance and do so in a way that ONLY she sees it.

    “Mommy! Dad is making fun of me!” she would always complain.

    When my wife turned around, I would stop and act normal and go on with my stuff. This went on for a while till it became a game of HER trying to catch me in the act and prove it to her mother.

    She would learn to very quickly take out her mobile phone and try to snap a picture of me doing it. I would tease her by dancing until the moment the phone was almost pointing towards me, then I would stop and behave normally.

    “I will get you someday,” she said.

    “No, you won’t! I am too fast for you,” I replied.

    On a particular day, I again did the ridiculous chicken dance, she was rolling her eyes and her hands move slowly towards her phone. I continued dancing and mentally calculating how fast she could key in the pass-code and turn on the camera mode.

    Something didn’t feel right, her action was slower than usual, by the time she pointed the camera at me, I had stopped. But she started laughing loudly.

    “Guess what daddy? THIS isn’t my phone. I switched the phone cover with mum. MY PHONE is behind you, just above the cupboard, ON VIDEO TAKING MODE.”

    Ouch! A full two minutes of myself being ridiculous caught on video!

    NOT genius smart, NOT intellectual smart, perhaps a little STREET SMART!

    That was my last chicken dance.

    How is the Chinese government treating MPOX?

    The gay and bisexual men are not as common in China as they are in the West. It is difficult for MPOX to become an epidemic in China.

    From June 2 to June 30, 2023, 106 new confirmed cases of monkeypox were reported in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan), including 48 cases reported in Guangdong Province, 45 cases reported in Beijing City, 8 cases reported in Jiangsu Province, 2 cases reported in Hubei Province, 2 cases reported in Shandong Province, and 1 case reported in Zhejiang Province. There were no severe cases or deaths.

    The epidemic presents the following characteristics:

    • One is that the vast majority of cases are mainly transmitted through male homosexual sexual contact.
    • Secondly, the risk of transmission through other forms of contact is low, and the vast majority of close contacts, except for sexual contact, have not experienced infection.
    • The third is that most cases were found during medical treatment, while a few cases were found through follow-up screening of close contacts.
    • The fourth is that the vast majority of cases have typical clinical manifestations, mainly symptoms such as fever, herpes, and lymph node enlargement, with no severe or fatal cases.

    An American Reacts to Why America Sucks at Everything – THIS ONE HURT

    This is very good. Really.

    It is a MUCH watch. This is the real truth about the United States.

    I’m so glad you made this video because my conservative mom watched it and now she’s starting to wake up. I got screwed over by the “in network out of network” bullshit recently. My employer changed our healthcare coverage, and I had to find a new neurologist and start the “prior authorization “ process for a particular drug that I take all over again”

    Is this the end of Xi Jinping, now that he has lost FACE over Qin Gang?

    The sheer power of Xi Jingping is the fact that QG has been buried away and cut off in a matter of seconds and China and it’s foreign affairs moves without a single blip

    Thats power

    Had Xi been weak, a rival faction would have lobbied immediately within the CPC but the fact that China has simply chosen to forget QG and not talk about him shows the power of Xi Jingping

    China and CPC knows that today in the hostile atmosphere with the West — Only XJP is the right man to lead China

    • Hu JINTAO would have kowtowed in seconds
    • Li Keiqang would have kowtowed in maybe a month
    • Bo Xilai would have kowtowed in nanoseconds

    Xis power is at its peak now

    Had QG defected to US and been declared a mole for CIA then yes , Xi would have been finished politically

    Yet QG is in China and safe and under the Partys safe hands 😁


    Have you ever had a premonition that saved your life?

    My father-in-law did. He was moving some tools around in his garage and suddenly had a strong urge to move one of the cars, a Subaru, out into the driveway. He tried to ignore this feeling, because the car was not in his way and it seemed like a needless waste of time. But he couldn’t shake it, so he went and got his car keys and backed the car out of the garage.

    Just as he had done so and was getting out of the car, a speeding Tesla flashed past him a couple of feet away and crashed into the open garage, then burst into flames. If he’d stayed in the garage working, he would most likely have been killed.

    The resulting fire destroyed the entire garage and his other car. It was 9 months before he and his wife were able to move back into the house. But he was alive, and they still had their Subaru. There was no good explanation for the “little voice in his head” that told him he needed to get himself and his car out of the garage.

    By the way, the Tesla driver, who was pulled out of the burning car by a neighbor, was uninjured but was convicted of DUI and had to pay restitution and perform community service.

    He was suffering from pancreatic cancer at the time, but from that moment his desire to oversee the restoration of the house gave him a new determination in life. It was a very busy and stressful time, during which he and his wife lived in rental housing. At last they were able to move back into the house which had been perfectly restored to its original state, including a new garage of course, new roof, new heating & a/c, new paint and flooring, and every item inside the house had been removed, professionally cleaned, and replaced. It was beautiful. However, his condition declined rapidly after that and he passed away in August 2018, not quite a year after the fire.

    The US Plan to KILL Second Citizenship

    As a Venezuelan born in the 90s (post oil-golden era for that country), I know first hand what he means when he says it’s important to have options. I saw how my mother and her siblings were unable to get their second citizenship by descent from Trinidad and Tobago, once things got terribly bad in my country. My grandparents had both US residency and Caribbean citizenship, but because things were going so well in Venezuela in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, they didn’t work on securing and passing along those other options; and their children never thought things would get this bad. It only took less than 30 years to see things turn around for the worst.”

    America isn’t an ordinary country, it’s an idea, it’s the very embodiment of democracy, freedom and hope for the whole world, and now China threatens American democracy and freedom for all mankind. How will humanity unite to defeat Chinese autocracy?

    For many years now, the USA has been classified as a “flawed democracy”. Events such as the Capitol Hill riots – intended to disrupt the inauguration of your elected President – did not help. A significant proportion of Americans themselves believed that the last election was rigged and “stolen” from them. So how can the USA be said to be the “very embodiment of democracy”? This strikes me as an extremely grandiose and indefensible claim.

    As for freedom, the USA comprises 5% of the world population but holds about 20% of the world’s prisoners. With so many Americans literally locked up behind bars, how can the USA claim to be a “free” country? Furthermore your 13th amendment legalises the enslavement of prisoners – and the USA heavily exploits these slaves/prisoners in ways that your own civil liberty lawyers have described as an abuse of fundamental human rights. (Eg US prisoners can be forced into hazardous jobs – such as fighting wildfires – for as little as zero to fifty cents per hour of work). Errrr, seriously, you think that the US is the embodiment of freedom?

    What hope does the USA bring to the world? In the past 40 years, the USA has dropped more bombs, fired more missiles and killed more people in other countries, than any other country in the world. In the past 40 years, the USA has killed people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Grenada, Bosnia, Somalia and Uganda. Because of US sanctions, the world was afraid to send even vaccines, masks and ventilators to Iran during the covid–19 pandemic. This is how the US brings death and destruction to the world.

    Please stop watching your Hollywood movies where the USA is always the one to save the world from invasions by aliens from outer space. Open your eyes and look at the real world. At least look at your own country. Your people are dying from drug overdose at the highest rate in the world. Your people are getting shot to death at the highest rate among all developed countries. Your policemen are shooting citizens for minor offences. Your cities are littered with homeless people living in tents. Your national literacy rate is collapsing together with your average life expectancy. Medical bills are the biggest cause of personal bankruptcies in the USA; your infrastructure is crumbling and aged water pipes are leaking lead into the drinking water for your public schools. To lead your country, you are choosing between a criminal octagenarian and a senile otagenarian. Your income inequality is vast, with the top 1% controlling more wealth than the middle 60% – let’s not even discuss the sufferrings of your bottom 20%.

    The US is the embodiment of … HOPE, you say?! Hopelessness is more like it. The USA is no example for the world – unless we are talking of negative examples.

    What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

    Not so much a rule.

    I used to work for a major mail order company; as tech staff I could be sent out anywhere in the country, for which the company would pre-pay for accommodation and pay 40 pence per mile for fuel costs (which was tight-arsed of them, as other companies paid 65ppm).

    They also supposedly insured us for using our private cars this way.

    People who regularly went out for long trips had a company card to pay for hotels with.

    One day they decide they are cutting the fuel payment to 25ppm, and back-dating it SIX months, and also cancelling the company cards – people would have to pay with their own money and claim it back.

    This latter move caught a few out who were already out on trips – one guy was unable to pay his bill at a London conference centre, and the staff there were threatening to call the Police.

    We also discovered at the same time, that the company HADN’T been paying for the extra car insurance policy, so we were all using our cars effectively with no insurance.

    Next day, everyone parked 1/2 mile away and walked into work. “Sorry, can’t go on that job, no car” was the story from every member of the technical staff.

    Every senior manager was made to turn over his company car for us to drive around. Even the CEO’s chauffeured Bentley was pressed into service, but it still wasn’t enough; by the end of the first week the taxi bill was running into the high hundreds, and everyone was refusing overnight jobs on the basis they couldn’t afford to pay for the hotel.

    It took a MONTH for the suits to cave, and god only knows how much it cost them, in money, customer relations, and the lost goodwill of the tech staff.

    Why the American Dream is a Myth

    “It’s expensive to be poor” Just…. damn man!

    Mediterranean Steak and Pasta
    with Tomato-Olive Sauce

    Whole-wheat pasta is served with beef Sirloin Tip Center Steaks and a tomato and olive sauce. This one will please the adults and the kids in your family.

    2023 09 25 15 07
    2023 09 25 15 07

    Yield: 4 servings


    • 8 ounces uncooked whole grain fettuccine
    • 4 beef Sirloin Tip Center Steaks, cut 3/4 inch thick (about 4 ounces each)
    • 1 (26 ounce) jar pasta sauce with olives*
    • 1 teaspoon dried oregano leaves, crushed
    • 1/4 cup finely shredded Italian cheese blend or mozzarella cheese
    • 2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley leaves


    1. Cook fettuccine according to package directions; drain and keep warm.
    2. Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Place beef steaks in skillet; cook for 11 to 13 minutes for medium rare (145 degrees F) doneness, turning occasionally. (Do not overcook.) Remove from skillet; keep warm.
    3. Combine pasta sauce and oregano in same skillet; heat until hot. Return steaks to skillet; turn to coat with sauce.
    4. Place steaks on fettuccine; spoon sauce over all.
    5. Sprinkle steaks with cheese, allowing cheese to melt. Sprinkle with parsley.


    * You may substitute 1 (26 ounce) jar pasta sauce with olives for 1 (26 ounce) pasta sauce plus 1/4 cup chopped olives.

    US loses first round in attempts to curb China’s tech progress; change of course a better option

    US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said she was “upset” when China’s Huawei Technologies released a new phone with an advanced chip during her visit to the country last month but noted that the US has no evidence China can make these components “at scale,” Bloomberg reported. She also said the US is trying to use every single tool at its disposal to deny the Chinese the ability to advance their technology in ways that can hurt the US.

    Raimondo’s words are nothing new, but saying that China’s technological advancement “can hurt the US” is a stupid and ridiculous line of thinking. Many American elites refuse to accept that the Chinese have broken through the technological blockade. Radical lawmakers are calling for efforts to strangle Huawei and SMIC, which is not only hegemonic but also an evil way of thinking.

    Whether it is ASML, the Dutch manufacturer of lithography machines, or the American chip giants, they do not believe that decoupling can stop China’s progress in semiconductor technology. They believe that China can find alternative methods and its own technological path. However, a large number of American elites are non-technical and refuse to face reality, blindly believing that Huawei’s breakthrough is because the US export controls on technology to China are “still too loose.”

    It should be said that Huawei’s breakthrough has to a certain extent undermined the credibility of the US’ technological blockade against China and shattered the collective confidence of the West in this regard. Washington’s current investigation into the origin of Huawei’s chips and attempts to tighten the noose on the blockade against China will only isolate itself.

    Because Washington clearly lost the first round, it has to bet even bigger and risk losing the Chinese market for many Western semiconductor companies. Imagine the result of continuing technological restrictions if Huawei makes further breakthroughs – can ASML’s lithography machines still enjoy their current glory? Where will the US-controlled chip production factories find their next market? Just look at the panic faced by Japanese and German automotive giants today in the face of the rise of Chinese electric vehicles. If the current semiconductor leaders are cut off from the Chinese market, who can guarantee that their future situation will be better?

    Huawei’s Kirin 9000s is a breakthrough that it was forced to make by the US sanctions. If the US exerts even greater pressure, it will turn this breakthrough into a systemic breach, promoting a highly integrated and strong production chain in the Chinese semiconductor industry. Chips produced in China will also be much cheaper than those produced in the US.

    If the US semiconductor industry loses the Chinese market, it will not be as lucky as Google and Facebook. The latter have software advantages that some Chinese internet companies do not have, including the application ecosystem they established by being the first movers. However, semiconductors are hardware, and when Chinese companies like Huawei can provide a cheaper alternative, the situation will be completely different.

    A crucial crossroads has been reached. If the US forces China to achieve complete independence in the semiconductor industry, it will have no further cards to play in blocking China’s progress. Moreover, the technological landscape of the world will undergo a rewrite. China now possesses the capital, and we will continue to progress no matter what. It is now the US’ turn to make a choice: continue gambling or change course and resume cooperation?

    Expat’s THAI WIFE disappears and so did his fortune $$. Then it got WORSE!

    Gosh! This is horrible! You all must be careful.

    Broken Meter Dreams

    I have a salesman in the UK who used to live in the ‘States.

    Once, when he visited me here in China, he reflected on what he observed about the United States.

    He told me that the United States is a pendulum. (Well, he referred to it as a meter.) It swings from one extreme to the other over a decade, but the over all effect is that (in the long view) it seems that the pendulum seems to stay centered.


    Sort of like this…

    2023 10 14 07 40
    2023 10 14 07 40


    I view it quite differently, however, let’s give his observation some credit.

    Following his observation, to me, it seems that the pendulum swung so hard to one side that the meter broke, and the needle (pendulum) is stuck in the region of broken glass. The USA has entered totalitarian dictatorship of the most basic historical norms; serf and peasants toiling for the mega-wealthy.

    The needle is broke.

    The meter needs to be replaced.

    It simply cannot be repaired.

    2023 10 14 07 41
    2023 10 14 07 41

    It needs to be pulled out of the wall, and completely thrown in the trash, and a nice new digital one put in it’s place.

    That’s my opinion, folks. Yours might be different.


    Apple’s CEO Tim Cook on ‘low manufacturing wage’ in China:


    “The popular conception is that companies come to China because of low labor costs. I’m not sure what part of China they go to, but the China stopped being the low labor cost country years ago. That is not the reason to come to China from a supply point of view. The reason is because of the skill.”

    India is a low wage country – not China.

    Do you think it is likely that Taiwan will become Ukraine 2.0?

    I just searched around and found that no one pays attention to Ukraine anymore, neither the Western media, nor the Western governments, who have turned their attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    image 100
    image 100

    And the Russian army is in high morale and has now captured Avdiyevka, But nobody in the Western world cares about Ukraine anymore.

    Putin is right. The Yanks are treating Ukraine as an “expendable“.

    Ukraine needs help now, so the American people should donate money to Ukraine!

    Talk is cheap. Don’t just shout slogans in the media, support Ukraine with real action. Do you understand?

    Americans hope that Taiwan will become Ukraine 2.0, but Taiwanese people do not want to become toilet paper that Yanks throw away immediately after use.

    What Taiwanese want is for American soldiers to rush to the front and become cannon fodder. 😅 Stop the cheap’s talk, The Taiwanese are waiting for Americans to sacrifice their children for the cause of “Taiwan independence”.

    都是千年的狐狸,跟我玩什麼聊齋?毛子跟東北人一個性格,暴躁的熊,中國人沒有毛子那麼魯莽。對付美國佬中國人有1001種玩法。 🤣

    In response to the current world situation,Bulletproof vest manufacturers in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, China, have received a large number of orders, and workers are working overtime to catch up.

    image 70
    image 70

    DJI’s newly released drone-mounted LiDAR adds Arabic language and Hebrew language to the original Russian language.

    image 99
    image 99

    These are civilian items, not weapons, and it won’t explode.

    Whether it is the Russian-Ukrainian war or the Palestinian-Israeli war, the Chinese Government has always called on both sides to exercise restraint and engage in peaceful negotiations. Why is no one listening?

    The US once invaded Iraq, ignored the opposition of China, overthrew the Saddam regime, and supported a pro-American Iraq government.

    The US spent $3 trillion in subsequent Iraqi governance, which was borrowed from China. The US military did not make Iraq more peaceful, but created the monster ISIS.

    The Iraq government in Iraq later realized that the US military could not help Iraq’s reconstruction, US companies do not have the capacity for large-scale reconstruction, so it approached China for cooperation.

    Today, most of Iraq’s oil extraction rights are vested in China, far surpassing the US, Britain, and Russia.

    Later, the US Secretary of Defense mentioned in his speech that the US owed China a lot of money during the Iraq War, and all interests belonged to China. The US’ Iraq war was fought for China! This is an unexpected ending for the US government.

    Stupid Yanks! A state that has no history and knows only the use of barbaric violence can only perish.

    In addition, Saudi Arabia requires all ministerial officials to study the ancient Chinese classic “Zhan Guo Ce”.

    Don’t underestimate this book, it may change the future landscape of the Middle East.

    3 trillion US dollars, the Americans should pay off their debts to China quickly!

    44 days left in the US government shutdown!

    The economic growth rate of China in the second half of the year is estimated to be over 6%.

    Curried Okra with Tomatoes

    2023 10 14 07 55
    2023 10 14 07 55

    Yield: 4 to 8 servings


    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • 1 large sweet onion, chopped
    • 1 tablespoon garlic, chopped fine
    • 1 tablespoon curry powder
    • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
    • 1 (15 ounce) can diced tomatoes with green chiles
    • 1 (pint) container grape tomatoes, halved crosswise
    • 1 (16 ounce) bag frozen sliced okra
    • 3/4 cup vegetarian chicken-style broth
    • 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro (coriander) leaves
    • Salt, to taste


    1. In a medium saucepan, preheat the olive oil to medium-high. Sauté the onion in hot oil until transparent. Add the garlic, curry powder and coriander; continue to sauté for another minute or two.
    2. Stir in the canned and fresh tomatoes; bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium-low and cook gently until the sauce has thickened, stirring occasionally.
    3. Stir in the okra and chicken-style broth; return to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce heat to medium-low and cook gently for about 10 to 15 minutes, or just until the okra is tender.
    4. Just before serving, stir in the cilantro. Add salt to taste.
    5. Serve promptly for best color and freshest taste.

    Hip-Hop Fan REACTS To Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond

    Another great first reaction.

    What are some of the most awesome psychological facts?

    1. When a friendship is created in the period of 16 to 28 years of age, it is very likely that a strong and lasting bond will be created.

    2. Women generally prefer men with hoarse and deep voices since they see them as safer and less aggressive.

    3. The people who give the best advice are usually the ones who have the most problems.

    4. The smarter the person is, the faster he thinks and the more careless his handwriting is.

    5. Men are no more fun than women: They just make more jokes, regardless of whether people like their humor or not.

    6. Women have twice as many pain receptors in their bodies as men, but they have a much greater tolerance for pain.

    7. Doing things you’re afraid of will make you happier.

    8. The average amount that a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes.

    9. People who speak 2 languages can change their personalities unconsciously when they change from one language to another.

    10. Your brain is more creative when you are tired.

    11. Falling in love has a neurological effect similar to that of cocaine.

    12. People look more attractive when they talk about the things that really interest them.

    13. Shaking hands with someone you love can relieve physical pain, as well as stress and fear.

    14. When you remember a past event, you are actually remembering the last time you remembered it.

    15. You are not multitasking.

    16. People with low self-esteem tend to look for and want to humiliate others.

    17. Your most vivid memories are wrong.

    18. The brain treats rejection as physical pain.

    19. People are more honest when they are physically exhausted. That’s why people tend to confess their things during conversations at night.

    China Selling off huge amount of dollars as PAYBACK to US and DOLLAR Hegemony

    Why did your parents get married?

    My dad was a nerd. My mom a beauty queen.

    When they met my dad was studying for becoming a doctor. His main passions were video games and music. He’s always been kind of a genius academically. He is very reserved and does not talk a lot at first.

    My mom, on the other side, was a high school student. She was the president of the Students Council, a gymnast and a photo model. She was always surrounded by many friends, she liked parties and having fun. Despite being skilled, she wasn’t a top student, her sassy behavior didn’t help either.

    My dad was supposed to meet a girl for a date. The girl asked my mom to go with her just to check that everything would go smoothly and well. However, it was love at first sight between my parents. They dated for seven years, for a period of time they even lived in different cities, but their love never ceased. They married in 1994, one year later my older sister was born.

    So, my parents got married for love. They are so different from each other, yet so perfect. They complete one another.

    Mandarin learning boom in the Middle East

    Saudi Arabia is the latest country to mandate Chinese language education in schools as the region embraces closer ties with Beijing.

    While interest in learning Mandarin declines in the West, Middle Eastern children are attending classes in China’s official language as part of a geopolitical shift in the region.

    Last month, Saudi Arabia, the largest Arab country in the region, mandated Mandarin lessons in all public and private secondary schools, which are expected to extend classes to second-year pupils during this academic year. The extension of Mandarin education in Saudi secondary schools follows a 2019 agreement, struck during the Crown Prince’s visit to Beijing, to have Mandarin lessons at all levels of school.

    The long-standing US ally is looking to bolster its ties with China beyond the oil trade to technology, infrastructure, and even arms, in an economic diversification blueprint backed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Last month, Saudi Arabia, together with Iran and the UAE, were among six countries invited to join Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa in an expansion of the BRICS association of leading emerging economies.

    The United Arab Emirates – with a population of 9.3 million and the world’s seventh-largest oil reserves – was the first Gulf state to include Mandarin in its national education system. With Beijing’s help, the UAE started a Chinese language program in 100 schools in 2019 that expanded last year to 158 public schools, according to figures from the Chinese embassy in Abu Dhabi.

    In 2020, Egypt signed a memorandum of understanding with China to adopt Mandarin as an elective for a second foreign language subject at primary and secondary school levels. Later that year, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi endorsed a law adding Mandarin to the list of foreign languages that can be taught in middle and high schools across the country.

    WE’RE DOOMED! | MOATS with George Galloway Ep 278

    Have you met a person who you thought was ordinary but actually was from a powerful and wealthy family?

    In my late teens I worked as a school cook. It was a private boarding school mostly for military and diplomatic families, it gave the kids stability as the parents were posted all over the world. Part of the job was to supply lunch to the board of governors once per month. A guy came into the kitchen, said he was the chairman of the board of governors and asked if he could have more pudding. Lucky for him there was some left so I filled his bowl and off he went a happy chap. The following month he came back and every month I worked there he would come into the kitchen for more pudding. I started to call him Oliver as he was asking for more. He was particularly fond of the steamed jam rollypolly so always filled his bowl. He told me that he had told his cousin and her family about my puddings and how nice they were. His wife came in once to tell me not to give him so much as he was putting on weight!

    A few years later I was visiting my parents who lived next to the lifeboat shed and a new lifeboat was being presented and dedicated. I saw “Oliver” in the crowd and shouted him over. Asked what he was doing there, seems he was with the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) and he was there to present the new boat. Later my dad asked if I knew who I had been talking too. So I told him the above. Then dad told me that the man I knew as Oliver was a Duke and cousin to the queen!!

    Edit :

    It’s over forty years since these events I don’t follow royal circles and memory gets vague with time! I have been told that the man I knew as “Oliver” died sometime in the late eighties so have changed the answer in response to this sad news, he was a nice bloke.

    What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen someone do completely nonchalantly?

    It was a regular day at the bank. I was speaking to one of our high-net clients, AH. He needed help with his account and I was explaining some transactions to him. Suddenly we heard a loud retching followed by a thud.

    Both of us looked towards the source of the sound and saw a guy sprawled on the floor just inside the branch entrance. People rushed towards him. The branch wasn’t crowded, thankfully. There were just a few customers present at that time.

    As I neared the guy, I realised that he was a regular visitor… an office boy who used to come in almost daily to deposit cheques and for other mundane chores. I called out to our support staff and requested him to get water. The guy had fainted after vomiting, perhaps due to the extreme heat outside. While I gently tapped his shoulder and called out his name to wake him, one of my colleagues attempted to manoeuvre his way to figure out how to pick him up.

    AH, who had been observing us all along, coolly walked to the prone figure (without bothering about the messy floor), bent down and cradled the collapsed guy’s head. He gently raised him, supported his arms and helped him to the seating area. The guy, who was regained consciousness by then, looked at us numbly. While our staff handed him a glass of water, AH removed a pristine white handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to the guy to wipe his vomit stained face. After ascertaining that the guy didn’t need any more immediate help, AH excused himself and discreetly asked to be directed to our washroom where he could clean his hands.

    As I sat down with AH after some time, I couldn’t help but marvel at the complete ease with which he helped out a stranger in a situation that would make most people balk. His nonchalance towards the mess was at complete odds with his concern for another fellow being. And while others were either panicking or fumbling, he handled the matter with maturity and an ease that spoke volumes about him! When I gushed over his actions he shushed me down with a simple logic. ‘I would like to be helped should I ever face some issue like this. What I expect, I should be ready to offer as well.’

    AH didn’t remain a mere high-net client from that day on. He became a highly respected one too!

    Actions speak louder than words they say. In this case, they did more… they revealed and taught!

    Achieved Mass Production Achieved in 180 Days! China Breaks Foreign Monopoly in the Chip Industry!

    What is the biggest shock you’ve ever received in a courtroom?

    I was given full and sole conservatorship (read “custody”) of my daughters after my wife of 20 years walked out on us for someone else.

    About 3 years later, my ex managed to scrape together enough money to engage a lawyer to challenge the custody order. I was totally freaked out, tbh. I sold a car and borrowed a couple thousand dollars from my brother to get my own lawyer. I had gathered evidence and my daughters were prepared for private conferences with the judge. As they were only 11 and 14 at the time, you can imagine their stress and upset as well.

    When the day of the hearing rolled around, however, my ex’es lawyer turned out to be a dud. An exceptional dud, at that. He stood before the judge and basically argued for a change of custody based on the fact that my ex really, really wanted the order to be changed. The judge left the custody order intact.

    I can only assume that my ex was victimized by a predatory lawyer who made promises he could never keep. I had new ulcers and was 3000 dollars in the hole…but my kids stayed safe with me. It was the sheer ineptitude of the lawyer that amazed me. My lawyer just had to shake his head and laugh.

    What is your best life lesson advice?

    I’ve been broke and I’ve been rich.

    I’ve been depressed and I’ve been happy as hell.

    I’ve been alone, single, and heartbroken. And I’ve been in the most amazing intimate relationships imaginable.

    I’ve traveled the world, made friends, lost friends, and tried things I never thought I would.

    At the end of the day, I’ve realized that living a good life is a lot simpler than people try to make it out to be.

    And here are my 15 best tips for achieving it.

    1. Sleep 9 Hours a Night

    Plain and simple. You’ll feel better, look better, be more productive, be happier, and be less likely to suffer from obesity and chronic diseases.

    Sleep isn’t a weakness. It’s a necessity.

    Get 7.5–9 hours a night and I promise your life will change.

    2. Be Happy Now

    Happiness is a choice (even though we’d like to think otherwise).

    So stop trying to achieve happiness and just decide to be happy. You can make the most out of terrible situations and learn to find joy and gratitude in even your darkest times.

    Your life is better than 99% of the human beings who lived on this planet before you.

    So be happy now.

    3. Create Passive Income Asap

    It’s worth 10x working income and creates ultimate freedom in your life.

    If you can build a website, write a book, or launch a product that generates $5,000 a month semi-automatically, your life will change forever.

    4. Exercise Everyday

    There’s no reason to go a day without exercise. You don’t have to lift heavy everyday, but you must MOVE.

    You’ll be happier, stronger, smarter (literally), and more productive.

    It takes less than 30 minutes to get a good sweat on and it can add years to your life. No excuses.

    5. Prioritize Lifestyle > Money (But Money Also)

    Money is great. But living a life of freedom is better. Prioritize living a great life and embrace minimalism. Make money, sure. But don’t make money at the expense of living your life.

    6. Stop Eating Sugar

    It’s basically poison and has no nutritional value. A cookie here and there isn’t a big deal, but the less of this crap you eat, the better you’ll feel and the more effectively you’ll perform.

    7. Do The Things You Want to Do

    Life is too short to live for other people.

    So your parents want you to be a Doctor? So what! They don’t have to live your life or shoulder your regrets.

    Do what you want to do and remember that life is too damn short to follow other people’s dreams.

    8. Only Take Advice From People You’d Trade Lives With

    If someone doesn’t have the life that you want or at least a life that you’d want. Don’t take their advice.

    This includes me.

    If you want to be a billionaire mega investor and rule the world, don’t listen to a word I say.

    If you want to have a life of happiness, financial freedom, and lifestyle independence, I might have a thing or two to teach you.

    9. Travel More and Travel Longer

    You’ll never regret it. It will open your eyes to new ways of living, thinking, and being and will be the most transformative experience of your life.

    If you have the opportunity to travel somewhere new, always say “Yes.”

    10. Make Time to Think

    Don’t get so caught up in doing things that you forget to make time to think.

    Ponder deep questions, ask yourself what you really want out of life, figure out innovative solutions to your problems.

    Make time for deep thought and you’ll be amazed at how your life will change.

    11. Quit Complaining

    It doesn’t help you, it pisses off the people around you, and makes you less attractive.

    Remind me again why you think it’s a good thing to bitch about traffic all the time?

    12. Stop Lying

    To your friends, family, and most importantly… Yourself.

    Live in truth. Be authentic. Stop making crap up and pretending you’re ok to make other people happy.

    You can only change your life from a place of truth.

    Be honest about your reality, desires, and obstacles and you’ll find that the solutions come easier.

    13. Read as Much as You Can

    Never pass up an opportunity to expand your mind and broaden your horizons. Read about everything.

    Science, psychology, self help, business, history, biographies, fiction. You name it.

    The more you read, the more well rounded you’ll become and the better your life will be.

    14. Be Nice to Yourself

    You’re the only person you have to live with for the rest of your life. So try being nice to yourself.

    Watch the negative self talk. Believe in yourself. Treat yourself with love and respect.

    Before you do, say, or pursue anything, ask yourself, “If a close friend was in this situation, how would I respond or what would I encourage him/her to do?”

    15. Don’t be a Dick


    Life is too short to yell at the Verizon customer support agent over a payment dispute. The poor gal wasn’t the one who double charged your account, so don’t take it out on her.

    Life has a funny way of reprimanding mean people.

    So be nice to people and stop being a dick, m’kay?

    Hope this helps

    Stay Grounded,

    ALIEN WAR and The Horrors of Dulce Underground Base

    If autism has always been around but we hadn’t noticed, where are all the adults with autism? One in 55 children has autism. With numbers that high, why aren’t they researching autism causes? Do they already know the answer?

    It’s the 14th century. John the Blacksmith comes home from the forge to find his wife crying in the kitchen.

    “What ails ye, wife?” he asks.

    “Our son,” she wails. “He’s been taken, John!”

    John runs to the bed chamber, his stomach churning with fear. Young Luke… gone… he’d have the whole village up and searching within the hour, and damn the darkness. Except, when he opens the door, he finds the child standing in his cot, staring at the walls and singing nonsense to himself.

    “What nonsense is this, woman?” he shouts back to the kitchen. “He’s right here!”

    “It’s not him,” she sobs. “A mother knows. It’s not him!”

    John frowns. He’s heard the stories, of course, but he never believed they were actually true. He walks up to young Luke, calls his name. Luke looks up, then looks away. He doesn’t smile, just carries on singing the same tune over and over.

    John returns to the kitchen, and holds his wife as she cries.

    “I told you,” she said. “It was the faeries, John. They’ve taken our son, and left a changeling in his stead.”

    John nods. His grandmother’s stories were true. She’d said once that his own uncle had been taken by the faeries, that the child they’d left behind grew up… strange. He’d lived by himself in the woods for many a year; the village left him be, and he left them alone in turn. Granny had said the faeries would come back to the same family again. He’d brought this curse upon them.

    “What do we do, John?”

    He shook his head. “We have to raise him, wife, as though he were our own. Sometimes… they bring them back. Sometimes. But they won’t unless we raise theirs in return.”

    “And if they don’t?”

    He had no answer for that.

    A lot of autistic children seem normal in their early years – one reason why diagnosis is unreliable when they are very young. It’s been suggested before that the myth of the changeling – a faerie child swapped for an identical human one – could derive from those small children seeming “different” to their parents as they get older. It would be nice to think that they were still raised by their parents and found a place in society, even on the fringe of it – however, given the high rate of infant mortality back then, it’s entirely possible that a lot of them were abandoned or even killed.

    It’s also quite plausible that a lot of them were given to the Church. What better way to drive out any demons that may possess them? And a monastic life would probably suit many autistic people – minimal distractions, a set routine, limited social interaction…

    The point is, autism has been around as long as humans have. We just didn’t know what it was. Those who were high functioning enough to be part of the village were considered a bit weird but generally tolerated. Those who weren’t, if they survived, would be outsiders. And those that couldn’t function were entirely reliant on their families to survive – if those families were willing to help them.

    Brian Berletic: China DESTROYS US War Plans as Europe Rejects Taiwan Independence

    USA : Please help us to end the Ukraine War so that we can concentrate War in the island of Taiwan with you.

    China : You’re Nuts

    What is the smallest thing a person ever did for you that impacted your life?

    I was about eighteen, shy, thin, poor, and an artist. I was living in a factory town that did not appreciate anyone who didn’t fit in and I didn’t.

    I was raised to be a gentleman and to be nice to everyone. This is not a popular thing when you are young and it is often misunderstood.

    I was getting gas for my vehicle and I was dealing with rejection a few hours earlier from a girl that I really liked. She had just told me that I was too polite and nice.

    I paid for my gas and walked to the convenience store doorway. I was on the cusp of deciding to stop being polite and nice.

    I stepped out and noticed an older black man, who was likely in his eighties, dressed as if he was coming from church was coming up to the door. Without thinking, I held it open for him, nodded, and smiled.

    So much for my tough guy plan.

    He doffed his porkpie hat to me and said the words that changed my life. With a twinkle in his eyes, he said, “You sir, are a gentleman.”

    I beamed. Yes, he’s right. That is who I am, and as importantly, who I want to be.

    He probably never knew just how important his kind words were to the man that I would become.

    I remember him and the gas station, but don’t even remember the name or even face of the woman who had told me I was too nice.

    Life is grand when we treat everyone with kindness and care.

    Full Text: A Global Community of Shared Future: China’s Proposals and Actions

    2023-09-26 10:35

    This is it. The roadmap & Plan for the post-American-led global world order. This document, is lengthy, but is being followed by MOST OF THE WORLD outside the West. -MM

    Trump Latinos Charles J. Jones & Forgiato Blow – America Uncanceled

    This one is really great. A bit “red neck”, but I really like that people are trying to fight back from the insanity of Washington DC. But it’s gonna take more than singing…

    Don’t you know.

    Huawei announces new 5.5G standard

    The new announcements from Huawei just keep on coming:

    • Huawei announces new 5.5G wireless standard which is already implemented on the Huawei Mate 60 Pro family;
    • Tencent, owner of WeChat, announces full support for Huawei’s HarmonyOS. WeChat has more than 1B accounts in China alone

    Significantly, Huawei is going ahead with its new technology announcements without seeking approval through tech standards committees which are dominated by western tech companies.

    In 2024, many new chip fabs which were hiding will start going into production for chips over >5nm. These fabs will be coming online at the same time, and there will be a price war as they fight for sales.

    Qualcomm, based in San Diego, is a leading maker of wireless transceivers, and has announced the layoff of 1,200 personnel in December 2023.

    Leading American tech brands will be hit badly as Chinese makers eat into their business.

    China WARNS Neocons of Consequences as Biden, Blinken Sink to New Low

    This is pretty good. It’s all American optics.

    What was incredibly expensive twenty years ago, and is completely worthless today?

    In the 1980s my Dad bought a complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica, including the children’s version. My Dad passed away in 2002 and my Mom has held on to them. Last year she was cleaning house and she asked me if I wanted them for my kids. I told her that my kids would have no use for them. She tried giving it to a local orphanage in Nairobi (Kenya) and they, too, declined to take them. They did ask if we could donate a computer instead. So in 2023, encyclopedias are pretty much worthless even for orphanages in developing countries.

    Ground beef is very cheap. So why are burgers then usually so expensive?

    Because people are willing to pay a lot for a hamburger.

    This is a fundamental rule of economics a lot of folks don’t get. With the exception of some commodity goods, price of a good or service doesn’t depend on the cost of making it. You don’t set the price by taking the cost of production, adding some amount for profit, and then using that for the price.

    In technical terms, the input price is disconnected from the output price.

    You set the price as high as the market will bear. You do everything you can to drive the cost as low as possible. You keep everything in between.

    Suppose people will pay $15 for your burgers. Why would you set the price at $10? You’d have to be a moron to do that. If people will pay $15, you sell for $15.

    If the burger costs $8 to make and people will pay $15, you sell for $15.

    If the burger costs $6 to make and people will pay $15, you sell for $15.

    If the burger costs $2 to make and people will pay $15, you sell for $15.

    the real price of the American Dream for Black women & why I gave it up

    She is right.

    Would the US Navy be in the right if it shot down a foreign warplane that buzzes one of its aircraft carriers in international waters?

    There is a reason you don’t see other countries “buzz” the carriers. They will buzz destroyers and spy planes, but not the carriers. At least not too closely. Shadow? Sure, but from a fair distance.

    If you start interfering with something that expensive containing 5,000+ American lives, the stakes get much bigger much quicker. The carrier and its escorts will absolutely destroy anything they believe to be a threat to the carrier and its operations, even in peace time. Everyone knows this. We are talking about the crown jewels of the US military here, most of the USN is tasked almost exclusively with defending them at all costs.

    Carrier escorts will literally throw themselves in front of torpedoes in order to protect the carrier if they have to. In WWII, the Royal Navy was stunned to learn the US planned to do exactly that even with capital ships like battleships if necessary. I am not joking, even today there are protocols where escorts will criss-cross through the wake of the carriers to act as a physical shield against wake homing torpedoes.

    The point of “buzzing” isn’t to be an open threat though, its to harass and to voice a general displeasure at your presence.

    The problem with harassing a carrier is that the line between harassment and threat is very blurred due to the sheer value of the carrier in both people and treasure. What the CO of an American carrier views as a threat might be very different to what a Russian or Chinese fighter pilot may believe is simply harassment, especially when you have active flight operations on an already chaotic and dangerous floating airport.

    It is best to tread carefully near them for all involved. There are plenty of other lesser targets to annoy. You don’t want to get any closer than this for the most part:

    “Poor Men South of Portland” by Jon Reep

    It’s a massive play on words for a subject that needs attention.

    China appears to have embraced capitalism, but will it ever become a free and open democratic nation?

    Let me tell you China will 100% not allow the U.S. and the west to ever freely manipulate China, Chinese laws, Chinese systems and policies and Chinese rules and regulations in China.

    To China, they have a more effective and efficient democracy and democratic process that has stood the test of time. To the Chinese people and many others in the world we find the U.S. political systems highly ineffective and inefficient and unsustainable. Hence China will never ever adopt the western political system if that Is what you are asking.

    China will be as free as it makes sense. For example in China you are free to drink on the street. In the US you can be arrested for drinking on the street. But in China you cannot even carry or have possession of a knife linger that 15 cm in the Public. Weapons of any kind Is totally not allowed by anybody! To us it makes PERFECT sense!

    In the West and US you can shout obceneties and curse politicians. But Chinese people prefer cultured respectful dialogue.

    Burkina Faso Sacks Chief Of Staff After He Was Caught Selling Out His Country

    What happened when you returned someone’s lost wallet? Did they give you anything for returning it, and did they thank you personally (not through email)?

    I was tapping a parking meter with my credit card, and looked down, and saw, not a wallet. But the contents of a wallet. A credit card, a health insurance card, a rewards card, and a debit card.

    Since it was a busy pay station, it hadn’t been there for long. I picked it up, ran into my meeting, and looked at the cards. They had an unusual name, so I googled it, and found two people with that last name in the city, and a food critic article, about a new chef, starting a new restaurant, and he had the exact name. So I called the restaurant, and left a message, that I found something of his, and if he could tell me what he was missing, I would return it to him. There was no reply, so I phoned the person with a different initial and the same last name, and left a message, that if they knew the other guy, to have him call me.

    Nothing. The next day I left another message at the restaurant, and got no reply. The next day, I left a message saying I was going to drop it off at the police station, and he could do what he wanted, as I was done stressing over it.

    I figured, that had I called the restaurant within 5 minutes of the card being lost, and if he was close to where he lost it, he could have it back in ten minutes from the time he lost it, and not have to cancel his cards, so I was trying hard to get it to him, but afterwards, I figured he would have already cancelled the card.

    The next day he phones me and tells me that his wife lost the cards, and she only uses them maybe once a week, and never knew that they were missing.

    It was only when the police phoned him, that she checked. He figured I was a scammer, and didn’t return my call. He said he had words with his wife, because she had no idea that anything had happened in those three says. Both the credit card and debit card had tap, I probably could have bought $500 bucks a day worth of stuff, for a week, before his wife noticed.

    I never got an apology or a thank you, just an explanation.

    But despite that, I will continue returning lost wallets, because I once left $200 in a bank machine, and and a young lady chased me down, a half block to return it. So I know there are other good people out there.

    Declining US Empire vs Rising China

    These two guys are GREAT. Love watching them.

    A Global Community of Shared Future:

    China’s Proposals and Actions

    The State Council Information Office of

    the People’s Republic of China

    September 2023



    I. Humanity at a Crossroads

    II. An Answer to the Call of the Times and a Blueprint for the Future

    III. Deep Roots in History and Cultural Traditions

    IV. Direction and Path

    V. China’s Action and Contribution



    In the universe there is only one Earth, the shared home of humanity. Unfortunately, this planet on which we rely for our subsistence is facing immense and unprecedented crises, both known and unknown, both foreseeable and unforeseeable. Whether human civilization can survive these has become an existential issue that must be squarely faced. More and more people have come to the realization that rather than amassing material wealth, the most pressing task is to find a guiding beacon for the sustainable development of human civilization, because we all care about our future.

    Ten years ago President Xi Jinping propounded the idea of building a global community of shared future, answering a question raised by the world, by history, and by the times: “Where is humanity headed?” His proposal lights the path forward as the world fumbles for solutions, and represents China’s contribution to global efforts to protect our shared home and create a better future of prosperity for all.

    To build a global community of shared future, all peoples, all countries, and all individuals – our destinies being interconnected – must stand together in adversity and through thick and thin, navigating towards greater harmony on this planet that we call home. We should endeavor to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity, turning people’s longing for a better life into reality.

    The vision of a global community of shared future bears in mind the wellbeing of all humanity. It is based on both observation of the present and visionary planning for the future. It lays out goals, charts the path, and offers action plans to achieve them. It concerns the future of humanity and the destiny of every human being.

    President Xi Jinping first raised the vision of a global community of shared future when addressing the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 2013. Over the past decade it has been steadily enriched. He fleshed it out with a five-point proposal [The five points are: We should build partnerships in which countries treat each other as equals, engage in extensive consultation, and enhance mutual understanding. We should create a security environment featuring fairness, justice, joint efforts, and shared interests. We should promote open, innovative and inclusive development that benefits all. We should increase inter-civilization exchanges to promote harmony, inclusiveness, and respect for differences. We should build an ecosystem that puts Mother Nature and green development first.] in his speech at the General Debate of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly in 2015. He further proposed five goals for the world [The five goals are: We should build a world of lasting peace through dialogue and consultation. We should build a world of common security for all through joint efforts. We should build a world of common prosperity through win-win cooperation. We should build an open and inclusive world through exchanges and mutual learning. We should make our world clean and beautiful by pursuing green and low-carbon development.] in his speech at the United Nations Office in Geneva in 2017. This represents the steady increase in the depth and scope of the vision.

    The past decade has seen steady progress in implementing the vision. From bilateral to multilateral and from regional to global dimensions, ground-breaking results have been achieved on every front. The Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative have taken root and borne fruits, bringing prosperity and stability to the world and creating substantive benefits for the people.

    Over the past decade, the vision of a global community of shared future has gained broader support. More countries and people have come to the understanding that this vision serves the common interests of humanity, represents popular calls for peace, justice and progress, and can create the greatest synergy among all nations for building a better world. It is now widely recognized in the international community that the vision has nothing to do with self-interest and protectionism. Instead, by presenting China’s vision of the course of human development, it confronts the hegemonic thinking of certain countries that seek supremacy. It is therefore of great significance to promote solidarity and cooperation among all countries and create a better future for humanity.

    The Chinese government is publishing this white paper to introduce the theoretical base, practice and development of a global community of shared future. We hope it will improve understanding and expand consensus in the international community, and reinforce the global effort to realize this vision.

    I. Humanity at a Crossroads

    This is an era of promise, and an era of challenges. At yet another crossroads in history, we have to choose between unity and division, between opening up and closing off, between cooperation and confrontation. With the overall interests of humanity at stake, this choice tests the wisdom of all countries.

    1. Interdependence is the prevailing trend throughout history

    In its history, humanity has progressed from primitive society to the Agricultural Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and now the Information Revolution. While this process has seen a steep increase in productivity, one fundamental reality has remained unchanged: The Earth is our one and only home. All countries bear responsibility for the safety of this planet and the future of humanity. If the pursuit of power and profit escalates to vicious competition or even armed conflict, self-destruction will be the certain outcome.

    Throughout history, peace and development have been the primary aspirations of humanity. Having experienced the ravages of wars and conflicts, especially the two world wars, people around the globe have built a keener awareness of cherishing peace, expanding cooperation, and seeking common development. The idea that “we are all one human family” is gaining traction, and the desire for a global community grows stronger than ever.

    Globalization has improved the allocation of production factors worldwide, including capital, information, technology, labor and management. As if connecting scattered lakes and creeks into an uninterrupted expanse of water, it draws nations out of isolation and away from the obsolete model of self-reliance, merging their individual markets into a global one and combining their respective experiences into world history.

    As information technology advances with every passing day, most prominently in the fields of Internet, big data, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence, human exchanges have become deeper, broader, and more extensive than ever before, and countries are more interconnected and interdependent than at any point in the past. Globalization is not an option; it is the reality and the way of life. The global village is getting smaller – the longest distance between two places on earth has been reduced to a flight of no greater than 24 hours, and our planet is becoming flat – one tap on a mobile phone connects us to the other side of the world in a split second. This is an integrated world. Those who turn their back on it will have no place in it.

    Living on the same planet, all countries, adjacent or distant, large or small, developed or developing, are members of an emerging community of shared interests, responsibility, and destiny, whose wellbeing and security are interrelated. Only when appropriate attention is paid to the collective future of humanity is it possible that the wishes of every country, people and individual come true. Whatever we may encounter on our journey ahead, the only right choice is to work together for the benefit of all.

    2. Global challenges call for global response

    Our world is undergoing change on a scale unseen in a century. Various problems old and new and complex issues are converging with and compounding each other, posing unprecedented challenges for human society. Instability, uncertainty, and unpredictability are now the norm.

    The peace deficit is growing. Though human society has largely maintained peace since the end of World War II, threats to world peace continue to amass. War has returned to the Eurasian continent, tensions are rising, and a series of flashpoints are emerging. The shadow of the arms race lingers on, and the threat of nuclear war – the Sword of Damocles that hangs over humanity – remains. Our world is at risk of plunging into confrontation and even war.

    The development deficit is ballooning. The global economic recovery is sluggish, and unilateralism and protectionism are rampant. Some countries are turning to a “small yard, high fence” approach to wall themselves off; they are pushing for decoupling, severing and “derisking” supply chains. All this has caused setbacks to globalization. At the same time the Covid-19 pandemic has reversed global development, exacerbating the North-South gap, development fault lines, and the technology divide. The Human Development Index has declined for the first time in 30 years. The world’s poor population has increased by more than 100 million, and nearly 800 million people live in hunger.

    The security deficit is glaring. Due to more intense global strategic competition and a lack of mutual trust between major countries, the Cold War mindset has re-emerged, and calls for ideological confrontation have resurfaced. Some countries’ hegemonic, abusive, and aggressive actions against others, in the form of swindling, plundering, oppression, and the zero-sum game, are causing great harm. Non-traditional security challenges are on the rise, including terrorism, cyber-attacks, transnational crime, and biological threats.

    The governance deficit is more severe. The world is facing multiple governance crises. The energy crisis, food crisis, and debt crisis are intensifying. Global climate governance is urgently needed, and the transition to green, low-carbon development requires dedicated efforts over an extended period of time. The digital divide continues to expand, and sound governance of artificial intelligence is lacking. The Covid-19 pandemic is a mirror through which we have observed that the global governance system is falling further behind the times and keeps breaking down on issues requiring resolution. It has to be reformed and improved.

    In the face of global crises, the 190-plus countries in the world are all in the same big boat. Only big boats can withstand battering winds and crashing waves. No country, however strong it may be, can do everything on its own. We must engage in global cooperation. Only when all countries work together, only when we align individual interests with the interests of all, and only when we truly build a global community of shared future, can humanity tide through the crises confronting us and sail towards a better future.

    3. The new era calls for new ideas

    This is an era when the world is undergoing rapid changes almost every day. We can no longer interpret the reality we are living in or find satisfactory solutions to the conundrums we are facing by means of traditional approaches to international relations. It is increasingly obvious that the idea that “all strong countries will seek hegemony”, the obsession with superior strength, and the zero-sum mentality are in conflict with the needs of our times. Humanity is in great need of new ideas that generate positive developments and conform to positive historical trends.

    There is no iron law that dictates that a rising power will inevitably seek hegemony. This assumption represents typical hegemonic thinking and is grounded in memories of catastrophic wars between hegemonic powers in the past. China has never accepted that once a country becomes strong enough, it will invariably seek hegemony. China understands the lesson of history – that hegemony preludes decline. We pursue development and revitalization through our own efforts, rather than invasion or expansion. And everything we do is for the purpose of providing a better life for our people, all the while creating more development opportunities for the entire world, not in order to supersede or subjugate others.

    The strong preying on the weak is not a way for humans to coexist. If the law of the jungle is imposed on human society, and the idea that “might makes right” prevails, the principle of sovereign equality will be fundamentally undermined, and world peace and stability will be severely endangered. In the age of globalization, all countries are interdependent and interconnected. Therefore the law of the jungle and the winner-takes-all mindset will lead nowhere – inclusive development for the benefit of all is the right path forward. China has consistently championed equity and justice, and remains committed to friendly cooperation with other countries, on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, in order to advance democracy in international relations.

    The zero-sum game in which one wins by causing others to lose is doomed to fail. Nevertheless, certain countries still cling to this mindset, blindly pursuing absolute security and monopolistic advantages. This will do nothing for their development over the long run; it will simply create a major threat to world peace and prosperity. No country should hope for others to fail. Instead, it should work together with other countries for the success of all. China consistently aligns its development with global development, and aligns the interests of the Chinese people with the common interests of all peoples around the world. When the world thrives, China thrives, and vice versa.

    II. An Answer to the Call of the Times and

    a Blueprint for the Future

    Standing at a crossroads, humanity is faced with two opposing options. One is to revert to the Cold War mentality that deepens division and antagonism and stokes confrontation between blocs. The other is to act for the common wellbeing of humanity, strengthen solidarity and cooperation, advocate openness and win-win results, and promote equality and respect. The tug of war between these two options will shape the future of humanity and our planet in a profound way.

    To build a global community of shared future is to pursue openness, inclusiveness, mutual benefit, equity and justice. The goal is not to replace one system or civilization with another. Instead, it is about countries with different social systems, ideologies, histories, cultures and levels of development coming together to promote shared interests, shared rights, and shared responsibilities in global affairs. The vision of a global community of shared future stands on the right side of history and on the side of human progress. It introduces a new approach for international relations, provides new ideas for global governance, opens up new prospects for international exchanges, and draws a new blueprint for a better world.

    1. Introducing a new approach to international relations

    The current international order is facing a myriad of challenges. Some countries, holding to the notion of might makes right, willfully engage in bullying, plundering and zero-sum competition. The development gap is widening and the deficit in security is growing. The isolationist and exclusive practice of alliance-based confrontation runs counter to the trend towards multipolarity and the evolution of international relations in the post-Cold War era. Especially with the rise of a large number of emerging market and developing countries, the current international order is increasingly out of step with the changing times. “What kind of world we need and how to build such a world” has become a vital question with the future of humanity at stake.

    China’s answer to this question of the times is to build a global community of shared future. It means that with their futures closely interlocked, all nations and countries should stick together, share weal and woe, live together in harmony, and engage in mutually beneficial cooperation. The idea is based on a reasonable design for state-to-state relations. It reflects the general consensus and common expectations of the international community, and demonstrates China’s sense of duty as a responsible major country.

    In this global village, all human beings are one big family. With their interests intertwined and futures interlocked, countries are turning into a community of shared future. Such a vision rises above the exclusive rules of bloc politics, the notion of might makes right, and the “universal values” defined by a handful of Western countries. It conforms to the trend of the times, echoes the call for global cooperation, and contributes to a more just and equitable international order.

    2. Highlighting the new features of global governance

    The concept of a global community of shared future holds that all countries share a common future, and envisions a world characterized by openness and inclusiveness, equity and justice, harmonious coexistence, diversity and mutual learning, and unity and cooperation.

    – Openness and inclusiveness. Countries should not draw lines based on ideology, target specific countries, or gang up to form exclusive blocs. The ocean is vast because it admits all rivers. To build a global community of shared future, countries should advance democracy in international relations to make sure that the future of the world is determined by all, that international rules are written by all, that global affairs are governed by all, and that the fruits of development are shared by all.

    – Equity and justice. The world needs justice, not hegemonism. No country has the right to dominate global affairs, dictate the future of others, or monopolize development advantages. Countries should safeguard the international order based on international law, uphold the authority of the international rule of law, and ensure equal and unified application of international law. The practice of double standards or selective application of law should be rejected.

    – Harmonious coexistence. Countries should strive to achieve peaceful coexistence and common development by seeking common ground while reserving differences. Planet Earth is not an arena for wrestling between countries, but a stage for human coexistence. Despite their differences and diverse features, countries can develop together in harmony and unity, and it is precisely such diversity that gives strength to global development.

    – Diversity and mutual learning. Different histories, national conditions, ethnic groups, and customs have given birth to diverse civilizations. Diversity of human civilizations is a basic feature of our world. Mutual learning among civilizations provides important impetus to human progress. Countries should respect one another and jointly pursue common development through exchanges and mutual learning.

    – Unity and cooperation. Countries should act for the greater good. Pursuing development behind closed doors can only result in poverty. Viewed from a “country-first” perspective, the world is small and crowded, and locked in “fierce competition”; viewed from the perspective of a shared future, the world is vast, and full of opportunities for cooperation. No country can overcome global development challenges on its own. Cooperation among all countries is the only viable option.

    3. Opening up new prospects for international exchanges

    China has made a five-point proposal for building a global community of shared future in the areas of partnerships, security environment, development, inter-civilization exchanges, and ecosystem. This has opened up new prospects for international exchanges.

    We should build partnerships in which countries treat each other as equals, engage in extensive consultation, and enhance mutual understanding. The principle of sovereign equality runs through the UN Charter. All countries are equals. The big, the mighty and the wealthy should not bully the small, the weak and the poor. We should uphold multilateralism and reject unilateralism. We should replace the outdated mindset of winner takes all with a new vision of seeking win-win outcomes for all. We should forge global partnerships at both international and regional levels, and embrace a new approach to state-to-state relations, one founded on dialogue rather than confrontation and that seeks partnership rather than alliance. In handling their relations, major countries should follow the principles of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation. Big countries should treat small countries as equals and take the right approach to friendship and interests, pursuing both friendship and interests and putting friendship first.

    We should create a security environment featuring fairness, justice, joint efforts, and shared interests. In the age of economic globalization, the security of all countries is interlinked, and each has an impact on the others. No country can maintain absolute security on its own, and no country can achieve stability by destabilizing others. The law of the jungle leaves the weak at the mercy of the strong; it is not the way for countries to conduct their relations. Those who choose to oppress will invite harm to themselves, like lifting a rock only to drop it on their own feet. We should reject Cold War mentality in all its manifestation, and foster a new vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security.

    We should promote open, innovative and inclusive development that benefits all. Development is meaningful only when it is inclusive and sustainable. To achieve such development requires openness, mutual assistance and mutually beneficial relations. Long-term global development cannot be founded on one group of countries becoming increasingly prosperous while another group of countries remain chronically poor and backward. Development should be placed high on the international agenda, and efforts should be made to reduce inequality and imbalance in global development, leaving no country or individual behind.

    We should increase inter-civilization exchanges to promote harmony, inclusiveness, and respect for differences. There are more than 200 countries and regions, over 2,500 ethnic groups and a vast number of religions in our world. Such cultural diversity is what makes the world colorful. Diversity breeds exchanges, exchanges lead to integration, and integration brings progress. Only by upholding the equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness of civilizations, and working for mutual respect, experience sharing, and harmonious coexistence while preserving diversity, can the world maintain its diversity and thrive. We should respect all civilizations, treat each other as equals, and draw inspiration from each other to boost the creative development of human civilization.

    We should build an ecosystem that puts Mother Nature and green development first. Humanity may have the ability to utilize nature and even transform it, but it is still a part of nature. We should care for nature and not place ourselves above it. We should reconcile industrial development with nature, and pursue harmony between humanity and nature to achieve sustainable global development and all-round human development. We should respect nature, follow its ways, and protect it. We should firmly pursue green, low-carbon, circular and sustainable development.

    4. Outlining a new vision for building a better world

    China proposes to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, common security, and common prosperity. From “the five-point proposal” to “the five goals”, the concept of a global community of shared future has gained a broader historical perspective and deeper meaning, and set a clearer goal and drawn a clearer blueprint for the future of humanity.

    We should build a world of lasting peace through dialogue and consultation. It means beating the swords of war into the plowshares of peace. The stone wall at the entrance to the UNESCO headquarters carries the inscription of one single message: “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.” Throughout human history, obsession with power and hegemony has led to frequent wars and loss of lives. The lessons are painful and profound, and we need to remove the fuses of war from our minds. Big countries should treat the smaller ones as equals instead of seeking unilateral dominance or imposing their will on others. No country should open Pandora’s box by willfully provoking turmoil and armed conflict or undermining the international rule of law. Countries should respect each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, and respect the development path and social system chosen by other peoples.

    We should build a world of common security for all through joint efforts. It means turning absolute security for one into common security for all. There is no place in the world that enjoys absolute security, and a country cannot build its security on the turmoil of others. Threats to other countries can turn into a challenge to one’s own country. When neighbors are in trouble, instead of reinforcing one’s own fences, one should extend a helping hand. As challenges often take on global dimensions, it is all the more important for countries to cooperate in addressing them, turning pressure into motivation and crises into opportunities. Unilateral action or blind belief in the use of force cannot address the complex international security threats. The only solution lies in cooperative and common security. It is normal for countries to have differences, and they should be properly addressed through dialogue and consultation. As long as we show sincerity, goodwill and political wisdom, no conflict is too big to resolve and no ice is too thick to break.

    We should build a world of common prosperity through win-win cooperation. It means bidding farewell to the winner-takes-all mindset and sharing development achievements. In this day and age, the international community has evolved into a sophisticated and integrated apparatus, as the removal of any single part will cause serious problems to its overall operation. We must keep to the correct direction of economic globalization, and oppose any attempt to set up technological blockades, cause technological divides, or seek development decoupling. While we should make the pie of the global economy bigger, it is even more important to divide it well, so that development achievements can benefit people of all countries more equitably, and bring about true cooperation and win-win results.

    We should build an open and inclusive world through exchanges and mutual learning. It means bidding farewell to the mindset that one civilization is superior to another and starting to appreciate the strengths of other civilizations. Our world can fully accommodate the common growth and progress of all countries, and success for one country does not mean failure for another. There is no universally applicable development path. A development path that continuously benefits the people is the most viable one. Countries and nations should respect their differences and seek harmony without uniformity, and civilizations should draw strength from each other and make progress together. Exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations should be a driving force for human progress and a strong underpinning for world peace.

    We should make our world clean and beautiful by pursuing green and low-carbon development. It means bidding farewell to the destructive exploitation of resources and preserving and enjoying the lush mountains and lucid waters. Humanity coexists with nature. Any harm we inflict on nature will eventually come back to haunt us. We often take natural resources such as air, water, soil and blue sky for granted. But we could not survive without them. Industrialization has created a level of material wealth never seen before, but it has also inflicted irreparable damage on the environment. We must not exhaust all the resources passed on to us by previous generations and leave nothing to our children, or pursue development in a destructive way. Lush mountains and lucid waters are invaluable assets. We must follow the philosophy of harmony between humanity and nature and observance of the laws of nature and pursue a path of sustainable development, so that everyone is able to enjoy a starry sky, lush mountains and fragrant flowers.

    Building a global community of shared future is China’s proposed strategy for reforming and improving the international governance system. This does not mean that the international system should be dismantled or started afresh. Rather, it means promoting greater democracy in international relations and making global governance more just and equitable. This important vision reflects the broadest common aspiration of the peoples of all countries in pursuit of peace, development, and stability, and the broadest consensus among countries with different cultural backgrounds and at different stages of development. It transcends outdated mindsets such as zero-sum game, power politics, and Cold War confrontations. It has become the overall goal of China’s major-country diplomacy in the new era, and a great banner that leads the trend of the times and the direction of human progress.

    III. Deep Roots in History and

    Cultural Traditions

    The concept of a global community of shared future has deep roots in China’s profound cultural heritage and its unique experience of modernization. It carries forward the diplomatic traditions of the People’s Republic of China and draws on the outstanding achievements of all other civilizations. It manifests China’s time-honored historical traditions, distinct characteristics of the times, and a wealth of humanistic values.

    1. Inheriting the best of traditional Chinese culture

    China’s fine traditional culture epitomizes the essence of the Chinese civilization. It provides inspiring insights to help understand and shape the world and address current challenges, and contains elements of the vision of building a global community of shared future.

    Harmony is the core concept of Chinese culture, which values the primacy of harmony and harmony within diversity, pursues the ideal of harmony and solidarity towards common progress, and embraces cultural diversity and global harmony.

    The Chinese nation believes all nations together are one community, advocates fraternity among all peoples and peace for all countries, follows the principle of interstate relations that the strong do not bully the weak and the rich do not insult the poor, and pursues a world of fairness and justice for the common good.

    The Chinese nation champions universal benevolence, holding that the virtuous are never left to stand alone, endorsing good neighborliness with good faith and good will, and pursuing both friendship and interests while putting friendship first.

    The Chinese nation observes the rule that “to establish oneself, one must help others to establish themselves first; to succeed, one must help others to succeed first”, believing that helping others is helping oneself. It also upholds the principle that “do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself”, and never imposes its will upon other nations.

    The Chinese nation acts on the belief that humans are part of nature and follows the old adage: “Fish with a line but not with a net; when fowling, do not aim at a roosting bird.” It reveres the laws of the universe, loves nature, and pursues harmony between humanity and nature.

    2. Showcasing the global vision of the Communist Party of China

    Always championing a global vision is part of the valuable experience accumulated by the Communist Party of China (CPC) in its century-long history. Over the past one hundred years and more, the CPC has always sought happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation while pursuing progress for all of humanity and the common good of the world. It succeeded in leading the Chinese people onto a distinctively Chinese path to modernization and developing a new form of human advancement. These successes have laid a solid foundation for building a global community of shared future, charting the course and opening up broad prospects for this great endeavor.

    The CPC is committed to seeking progress for China while benefiting the wider world, bringing a good life to the Chinese people and also helping other peoples to prosper, and contributing more to humanity. The report to the 20th CPC National Congress in 2022 drew a great blueprint for rejuvenating the Chinese nation on all fronts by pioneering a uniquely Chinese path to modernization, and pointed out that striving to build a global community of shared future is one of the intrinsic requirements of Chinese modernization, affirming the close bond between the future of China and the future of all humanity.

    The CPC leads the Chinese people in blazing and expanding China’s path to modernization based on both China’s distinctive conditions and other countries’ common approaches. Chinese modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for a huge population, coordinated material and cultural-ethical advancement, harmony between humanity and nature, and peaceful development. All these features have provided useful experience for other developing countries and a more robust and sustainable option for jointly building a global community of shared future.

    3. Promoting the fine diplomatic traditions of New China

    Over the past 70 years and more, China has made notable progress, established fine traditions, and forged a tenacious character and unique strengths in developing foreign relations. The initiative of building a global community of shared future builds on the PRC’s diplomatic philosophies, strategic thinking and traditions, and opens up new horizons for major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.

    After the PRC was founded in 1949, China committed itself to an independent foreign policy of peace and put forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, the Three Worlds theory and other principles, policies and ideas. This allowed China to find its place, win respect, and expand its reach in the international community. After the launch of reform and opening up in 1978, China asserted that peace and development are the underlying trends of the times. It advocated multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations, promoted a harmonious world, and achieved significant progress in China’s diplomacy around the world.

    In the new era, championing peace, development, and win-win cooperation, China has advanced its major-country diplomacy on all fronts and formed a multifaceted, multilevel, and all-dimensional diplomatic strategy. China has initiated a range of visionary initiatives, including a global community of shared future, a new type of international relations, the common values of humanity, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative, and promoted a set of approaches to global governance, to friendship and interests, to security, to development, to cooperation, and to the eco-environment. All these carry distinctively Chinese features, style and ethos.

    4. Incorporating the outstanding achievements of other civilizations

    The concept of a global community of shared future incorporates the best of the cultures of enduring appeal and impact that have transcended time, space, and national borders in human history. It crystallizes the shared values of people from different regions, cultures, ethnic backgrounds and with different religious beliefs. It draws on the outstanding achievements of cultural integration between diverse civilizations. It embodies the common aspiration of all humanity.

    All civilizations around the world have manifestations of the concept of a global community of shared future. Ancient Greek philosophers conducted primary research on this concept based on city-states, believing that humanity as one community should act in concert to pursue common interests and thus must live in harmony. Ancient Indian literature records the motto of “Under Heaven – one family”. The African philosophy of Ubuntu holds that “I am because we are,” emphasizing interdependence of humanity.

    The concept of a global community of shared future reflects the common interests of all civilizations – peace, development, unity, coexistence, and win-win cooperation. A Russian proverb holds, “Together we can weather the storm.” The Swiss-German writer Hermann Hesse proposed, “Serve not war and destruction, but peace and reconciliation.” A German proverb reads, “An individual’s effort is addition; a team’s effort is multiplication.” An African proverb states, “One single pillar is not sufficient to build a house.” An Arabian proverb asserts, “If you want to walk fast, walk alone; if you want to walk far, walk together.” Mexican poet Alfonso Reyes wrote, “The only way to be profitably national is to be generously universal.” An Indonesian proverb says, “Sugarcane and lemongrass grow in dense clumps.” A Mongolian proverb concludes, “Neighbors are connected at heart and share a common destiny.” All the above narratives manifest the profound cultural and intellectual essence of the world.

    In building a global community of shared future, all countries should observe the widely acknowledged norms of international relations. Since the advent of modern times, a fair and equitable international order has been the long-standing goal of all humanity. From the principle of equity and sovereignty established by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, to international humanitarianism established by the Geneva Conventions in 1864, then to the four purposes and seven principles established by the Charter of the United Nations in 1945, and later to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence proposed at the Bandung Conference in 1955, these norms of international relations have evolved into widely recognized principles and become the essential foundations of a global community of shared future.

    IV. Direction and Path

    The vision of a global community of shared future is the outcome of China’s wisdom in handling contemporary international relations from the perspective of world peace and development – a Chinese plan for improving global governance, and a Chinese proposal to address various challenges in the 21st century. Vision guides action and direction determines the future. The international community should work together to turn the grand blueprint into a roadmap, and a beautiful vision into reality step by step.

    1. Pressing ahead with a new type of economic globalization

    Economic globalization is an irreversible trend of global economic development, and is in line with the desire for development and cooperation held by people of all countries. Economic globalization has greatly facilitated trade, investment, flows of people, and technological advances, making an important contribution to global economic development.

    However, problems and drawbacks also accumulated in the process, and there are attempts at retreating from it. The current model of economic globalization fails to reflect the demands or represent the interests of developing countries. The law of the jungle, zero-sum game, and the “win-or-lose”, “winner-takes-all” mindset have exacerbated the divide between the rich and poor, as evidenced by the widening gap between developed and developing countries, and that within developed countries. Some countries blame their problems in domestic governance on economic globalization or other countries, and resort to unilateral, protectionist, and bullying actions. This has damaged global industrial, value, supply and consumption chains, and caused turbulence and even conflict in the current international trade order.

    Promoting a new type of economic globalization is essential for building a global community of shared future. Countries need to pursue a policy of openness and explicitly oppose protectionism, the erection of fences and barriers, unilateral sanctions, and maximum-pressure tactics, so as to connect economies and jointly build an open world economy. Countries should strive to build a system of fair, reasonable, and transparent international economic and trade rules, press ahead with trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and promote further global economic openness, exchange, and integration in order to form an economic globalization that is open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all, so that people of all countries can share the fruits of economic globalization and world economic growth.

    Opening up should be a two-way journey, not a one-way street; one cannot demand the opening of other countries while closing its own doors. Some countries are seeking to decouple from and break chains with China, enclosing themselves in “small yards, high fences”, which will ultimately only backfire on themselves. Some people overstate the need to “reduce dependence” and “derisk”, which is essentially creating new risks. Risk prevention and cooperation are not mutually contradictory, whereas non-cooperation is the biggest risk and non-development is the biggest threat to security. Pursuing de-sinicization in the name of derisking and reducing dependence undermines opportunities, cooperation, stability, and development.

    The current revolution in science and technology marked by artificial intelligence will have a profound impact on the new round of economic globalization and social development. Relevant rules and standards should be established to support scientific and technological innovation and guard the red line of human security. The interests of all countries, especially developing ones, should be taken into account in a balanced manner, to ensure that technological innovation is placed under the rule of law and internationally recognized norms, and ensure that innovation is steered by and works for humanity, and is consistent with human values.

    2. Following a peaceful development path

    History tells us that for a country to develop and prosper, it must understand and follow the trend of global development; otherwise it will be abandoned by history. The trend now is the pursuit of peace, development, cooperation, and win-win results. The old path of colonialism and hegemonism leads to a dead end and those who follow it will pay a heavy price, whereas the path of peaceful development is the right one for the world to follow.

    The pursuit of peace, amity and harmony is deeply rooted in the cultural realm of the Chinese nation and runs in the blood of the Chinese people. For a long time in the past, China was one of the most powerful countries in the world, but it does not have any record of colonization or aggression against other countries. China’s adherence to the path of peaceful development is an extension of the millennia-old cultural tradition of the peace-loving Chinese nation.

    China always adheres to an independent foreign policy of peace and has always emphasized that the goal of China’s foreign policy is to maintain world peace and promote common development. China opposes all forms of hegemonism and power politics, and does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. It will never seek hegemony or engage in expansion. These principles are stated in China’s policies, incorporated in its systemic designs, and always adhered to in its practices.

    The world needs peace, just like a human being needs air and living things need sunshine. The path of peaceful development is beneficial to China and the world, and we cannot think of any reason not to stay on this path. China follows the path of peaceful development, and hopes that other countries will take this path as well. Only by working together to pursue peace, safeguard peace, and share peace can countries achieve their development goals and make greater contributions to the world. Only when everyone follows the path of peaceful development can countries coexist peacefully, and can there be hope for building a global community of shared future.

    3. Fostering a new type of international relations

    The new type of international relations is different in that it has created a new path for interactions between countries, opened up a new chapter of world history where different civilizations and countries with different systems coexist in peace and seek common development, and paved the way for building a global community of shared future.

    A new type of international relations should be built on the principles of mutual respect, equity and justice, and mutually beneficial cooperation. Mutual respect means treating people with sincerity and equality, and opposing power politics and bullying practices. In upholding equity and justice, countries must discard extreme materialism and overemphasis on competition, and ensure that all countries have equal rights and opportunities for development. Mutually beneficial cooperation means that countries should reject the maximization of self-interest, address the legitimate concerns of other countries while pursuing their own interests, and promote common development of all countries alongside their own development.

    The foundations for building a new type of international relations lie in broader and deeper global partnerships based on equality, openness, and cooperation. China adheres to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in pursuing friendship and cooperation with other countries. It works to reinforce coordination and positive interaction with other major countries in order to build major-country relations featuring peaceful coexistence, overall stability, and balanced development. Acting on the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness, and the policy of forging friendships and partnerships with its neighbors, China strives to increase friendly ties, mutual trust, and converging interests with its neighboring countries. Guided by the principles of sincerity, real results, amity, and good faith and with a commitment to the right approach to friendship and interests, China endeavors to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries and safeguard the common interests of the developing world.

    Major countries are key actors in building a new type of international relations. The international status of a country is measured by its openness of mind, breadth of vision, and sense of responsibility rather than its size, strength or power. Major countries should direct their primary efforts to the future of humanity and assume greater responsibility for world peace and development, rather than wielding their power to seek monopoly over international and regional affairs. Major countries should strengthen coordination and cooperation, respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, consider the perspectives of other parties and value mutual understanding, and treat smaller countries as equals. By building a global community of shared future, emerging countries and established powers can avoid falling into the Thucydides trap, find the right way to get along in mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, and build common ground and achieve common development for different civilizations and countries with different social systems.

    4. Practicing true multilateralism

    Building a global community of shared future requires practicing true multilateralism. Building cliques in the name of multilateralism is no more than bloc politics. Seeking supremacy in the name of multilateralism is still unilateral thinking. “Selective multilateralism” is practicing double standard. The world should be fair and free from domineering practices. China opposes all forms of unilateralism and the formation of camps and exclusive cliques targeting specific countries, and opposes actions that undermine the international order, create a new Cold War or stoke ideological confrontation in the name of the so-called rules-based order.

    China firmly upholds the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, as well as the authority and status of the United Nations. The various confrontations and injustices in today’s world do not arise because the purposes and principles of the UN Charter are outdated, but rather because these purposes and principles are not effectively followed. China maintains that for the world, there is only one system, which is the international system with the United Nations at its core, that there is only one order, which is the international order based on international law, and that there is only one set of rules, which is the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.

    China actively participates in and leads the reform of the global governance system. It follows the vision of global governance featuring extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefits, that is, global affairs must be discussed by all, governance systems built by all, and benefits of governance shared by all, so that every country is a participant, contributor, and beneficiary of world peace and development.

    5. Promoting the common values of humanity

    China advocates peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, the common values of humanity. With an open mind, China understands that different civilizations have different understandings of the nature of these values, and respects the efforts of people in different countries to explore their own development paths. It goes beyond the narrow historical limitations of the so-called universal values, and promotes the common values of humanity embedded in Chinese civilization. These are the values embodied in pursuing a global community of shared future.

    Peace and development are a common cause. A tree of peace cannot grow on barren land, nor can it bear the fruits of development amidst the flames of war. The fundamental solution to various global challenges lies in seeking peace and achieving development. Equity and justice are common ideals. No country should act as it pleases, or ride roughshod over others. Democracy and freedom are the common goals of humanity. There is no single model of democracy that is universally applicable, far less a superior one. Democracy is not Coca-Cola, tasting the same across the world as the syrup is produced in one single country. Democracy is not an ornament, but a solution to real problems. Attempts to monopolize the “patent” of democracy, arbitrarily define the “standards” of democracy, and fabricate a false narrative of “democracy versus authoritarianism” to provoke confrontation between political systems and ideologies are practices of fake democracy. Promoting the common values of humanity is not about canonizing the values of any particular country, but about seeking common ground while reserving differences, harmony without uniformity, and fully respecting the diversity of civilizations and the right of all countries to independently choose their social systems and development paths.

    The more advanced human society becomes, the more important it is to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. All countries should treat each other with respect and as equals, discard arrogance and prejudice, deepen understanding of the differences between its own civilization and others, and promote dialogue and harmonious coexistence between different civilizations. Every country should value its own civilization, appreciate others, and facilitate their common progress. We should keep our own civilizations dynamic and create conditions for other civilizations to flourish. Together we can make the garden of world civilizations colorful and vibrant. All countries should be open and inclusive, promote mutual learning, strive to remove all barriers to cultural exchanges, and seek nourishment from other civilizations to promote the common development of all civilizations. All countries should progress with the times, explore new ground in development, take in the best of the present age, and sustain the development of civilizations through innovation.

    V. China’s Action and Contribution

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Over the past decade, China has contributed its strength to building a global community of shared future with firm conviction and solid actions.

    1. Promoting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation

    The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a vivid example of building a global community of shared future, and a global public good and cooperation platform provided by China to the world. Since introducing the BRI ten years ago, based on extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefits, China has pursued open, green, clean, and high-standard cooperation to promote sustainable development and improve people’s lives, and advanced high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. It has laid the groundwork and set up the frameworks of BRI cooperation, delivering tangible results and achieving sustainable progress. Together, participants in the initiative have jointly advanced “hard connectivity”, “soft connectivity” and “people-to-people connectivity”, setting up an important platform that has enabled wide participation, built international consensus and pooled the strengths of all parties.

    Policy connectivity continues to deepen. By July 2023, more than three-quarters of countries in the world and over 30 international organizations had signed agreements on Belt and Road cooperation with China. China has successfully hosted the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in 2017 and the second in 2019, and will host the third this year, maximizing synergy for advancing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. Infrastructure connectivity continues to strengthen. A general connectivity framework consisting of six corridors, six routes, and multiple countries and ports is in place. The overall layout of land, sea, air and cyberspace connectivity continues to improve, centered on economic corridors such as the New Eurasian Land Bridge, supported by routes like the China-Europe Railway Express and the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and the information expressway, and underpinned by major railways, ports, and pipelines. Trade connectivity continues to increase. According to Belt and Road Economics, a report released by the World Bank, the BRI, when fully implemented, will increase intra-BRI trade by 4.1 percent. By 2030, the BRI will generate US$1.6 trillion in annual global revenues. Financial connectivity continues to expand. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund have been set up, providing financing support for hundreds of projects. People-to-people connectivity continues to strengthen. Roads, bridges and development belts that lead to a happier and better life are constantly emerging in participating countries, and solid progress is being achieved in Juncao, wells, hybrid rice and other small projects that work faster in improving people’s lives, giving local people of BRI countries a stronger sense of gain and fulfillment.

    The BRI originated in China, but the opportunities and achievements it creates belong to the whole world. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, since its launch ten years ago, has lent strong impetus to the economic and social development of Pakistan. The China-Laos Railway has realized the long-cherished wish of the Lao people to convert Laos from a landlocked country to a land-linked hub. The Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway has become the first railway in Southeast Asia to reach a speed of 350 kilometers an hour. The Mombasa-Nairobi Railway has added more than two percentage points to local economic growth. Malawi’s 600 wells built with Chinese assistance have become “wells of happiness” serving 150,000 local people. The China-Europe Railway Express serves as a “steel camel fleet” between China and Europe. Luban workshops help young people in Tajikistan and other countries acquire vocational skills. Cooperation in the fields of health, green development, digital economy, and innovation is thriving.

    The BRI is an initiative for economic cooperation, not for geopolitical or military alliances. It is an open and inclusive process that neither targets nor excludes any party. Rather than forming exclusionary cliques or a “China club”, it aims to help China and the rest of the world to seize opportunities and pursue common development. Rather than a private route for any one party, it is a broad path that can be joined by all interested countries to work together for shared benefits.

    The international community speaks highly of the BRI, praising it not simply as some random road or economic belt, but as an initiative to achieve common progress for humanity, an initiative that has opened up new paths for the common development of all countries. The BRI has facilitated the modernization drive of developing countries, leading the world into a new era of transcontinental cooperation.

    2. Implementing the three global initiatives

    It is widely recognized that peace and stability, material sufficiency, and cultural-ethical enrichment represent the basic goals of human society. Development serves as the material foundation for security and civilization, security acts as the fundamental prerequisite for development and civilization, and civilization provides the cultural-ethical support for development and security. The Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative proposed by China guide the advance of human society across these three dimensions. Resonating and complementing each other, they have evolved into a crucial cornerstone for building a global community of shared future, offering China’s solutions to major challenges pertaining to peace and development for humanity.

    – Through the Global Development Initiative, China has issued a resounding call for commitment to development and reinvigorated cooperation, and made its contribution to resolving challenges to development and advancing global development. The fundamental aim of the initiative is to accelerate the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Its core requirement is a people-centered approach, its foremost philosophy is united, equal, balanced, and inclusive global development partnerships, and its pivotal measure entails results-oriented actions to bolster stronger, greener, and healthier global development and jointly build a global community of development.

    China has hosted the High-level Dialogue on Global Development and presented 32 major measures to implement the initiative, such as creating the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund totaling US$4 billion, launching the China-FAO South-South Cooperation Trust Fund (Phase III), and strengthening support for the China-UN Peace and Development Fund. Over the past two years, the international community has extensively responded to the initiative and jointly tackled prominent issues including food security, poverty reduction, and energy security as the implementation mechanism steadily improves and practical cooperation delivers progress. The Global Development Promotion Center is running smoothly, and the library of the Global Development Initiative projects is expanding, with over 200 projects achieving good results. At the same time, China has issued the Global Development Report, and established the Global Knowledge Network for Development, contributing Chinese wisdom to the resolution of developmental challenges. Currently, more than 100 countries and international organizations have expressed support for the Global Development Initiative, with over 70 countries participating in the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative established at the UN.

    China is committed to propelling global development through its own development. It has thoroughly applied the new development philosophy, with a focus on promoting high-quality development to foster a new development paradigm. Modernization of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people will create a market rivaling the aggregated size of all developed countries. This will open up more opportunities for all countries and stakeholders to partake in China’s huge market. China has also pioneered major expos and fairs, exemplified by the China International Import Expo, China International Fair for Trade in Services, China Import and Export Fair, and China International Consumer Goods Expo. It has encouraged all countries and stakeholders to share the opportunities presented by China’s institutional opening up and steadily expanded institutional opening up with regard to rules, regulations, management, and standards. It has enforced the Foreign Investment Law and its supporting rules and regulations, implemented the new catalogue for encouraging foreign investment, continued to remove items from the negative list of market access for foreign investment, advanced high-quality development of pilot free trade zones, and accelerated the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port.

    China is committed to win-win cooperation and common development. As the largest developing country in the world and a member of the Global South, China has made every effort to aid other developing countries and help recipient countries expand their capacity for development. China is actively engaged in international exchanges and cooperation. It has cooperated with almost 20 international organizations, including the UN World Food Programme, the UN Development Programme, the UN Children’s Fund, the UN Refugee Agency, the World Health Organization, and the International Committee of the Red Cross, and executed over 130 projects in nearly 60 countries including Ethiopia, Pakistan, and Nigeria. “Small but beautiful”, these projects span fields such as poverty reduction, food security, Covid-19 response, and climate change, and have benefited more than 30 million individuals. China worked actively for the adoption of and has comprehensively acted on the Debt Service Suspension Initiative of the Group of Twenty (G20), contributing more than any other G20 member to its implementation. China has signed agreements or reached understandings on the suspension of debt repayments with 19 African countries, helping Africa alleviate debt pressure.

    China is committed to building an open world economy. It has become the main trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions, and signed 21 free trade agreements with 28 countries and regions. It has worked for high-quality implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, actively worked to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, and expanded its globally-oriented network of high-standard free trade areas. It has also promoted the internationalization of the Renminbi, and reinforced financial standards and its level of internationalization, thereby converging its interests closer with other countries.

    – Through the Global Security Initiative, China seeks to work with the international community in upholding the spirit of the UN Charter, and calls for adapting to the profound changes in the international landscape through solidarity, addressing traditional and non-traditional security risks and challenges with a win-win mindset, and creating a new path to security that features dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance, and win-win results over zero-sum game.

    In February 2023, China officially released The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper. The document further elaborates the core concepts and principles of the initiative, elucidates its key avenues for cooperation, and presents recommendations and ideas concerning its cooperation platforms and mechanisms. This has demonstrated China’s awareness of its duty to maintain world peace and its firm determination to safeguard global security. As an international public good, the Global Security Initiative serves the interests of and maintains peace for people throughout the world.

    China is a pillar in maintaining world peace. It is committed to handling disputes with relevant countries over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests through negotiation and consultation. It has settled land boundary issues peacefully with 12 of its 14 neighbors along its land borders through negotiation and consultation, and delimited the maritime boundary in the Beibu Bay with Vietnam. China has faithfully fulfilled its responsibilities and missions as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. It is the second largest contributor to the UN regular budget and peacekeeping assessment, and the largest contributor of peacekeeping troops among the permanent members of the Security Council. Over the past three decades and more, having sent more than 50,000 personnel to UN peacekeeping operations in over 20 countries and regions, China has become a key force in UN peacekeeping. China has dispatched more than 100 naval vessels in 45 taskforces to the Gulf of Aden and waters off the coast of Somalia to provide escort for over 7,000 Chinese and foreign ships.

    Facing constant flare-ups of hotspot issues, China has been committed to fulfilling its role as a responsible major country, pushing for the resolution of international and regional flashpoints, such as the Korean Peninsula, Palestine, the Iranian nuclear issue, Syria, and Afghanistan. On the Ukraine issue, China has actively promoted talks for peace, put forth four key principles, four things that the international community should do together and three observations, and released China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis. China has dispatched the Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs to engage in extensive interactions and exchanges with stakeholders on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

    Through the mediation of China, Saudi Arabia and Iran have achieved historic reconciliation, setting a fine example for countries in the region to resolve disputes and differences and achieve good neighborly relations through dialogue and consultation, and catalyzing a wave of reconciliation in the Middle East.

    China has actively cooperated with other parties in non-traditional security domains such as anti-terrorism, biosecurity, and food security. It has proposed the International Cooperation Initiative on Global Food Security within the framework of the G20, and pushed for the adoption of the Strategy on Food Security Cooperation of the BRICS Countries. It has also officially launched the China-Pacific Island Countries Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Cooperation Center, representing yet another robust action to help developing countries tackle non-traditional security challenges within the context of the Global Security Initiative.

    – Through the Global Civilization Initiative, China calls for jointly advocating respect for the diversity of civilizations, jointly advocating the common values of humanity, jointly advocating the importance of continuity and evolution of civilizations, and jointly advocating closer international people-to-people exchanges and cooperation. The Global Civilization Initiative makes a sincere call for the world to enhance inter-civilization exchanges and dialogue, and promote human progress with inclusiveness and mutual learning, inspiring the building of a global community of shared future.

    China has hosted gatherings including the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-level Meeting, the CPC and World Political Parties Summit, and the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations. It has engaged in extensive bilateral and multilateral activities for political party exchanges and cooperation, and promoted diverse forms of civil diplomacy, city diplomacy, and public diplomacy. China has continued to deepen cooperation with the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the UN World Tourism Organization. It now has 43 items inscribed on the intangible cultural heritage lists of UNESCO.

    China has celebrated over 30 large-scale cultural and tourist “years” (festivals), such as the China-Italy Year of Culture and Tourism, the China-Greece Year of Culture and Tourism, and the China-Spain Year of Culture and Tourism. It has promoted the steady development of 16 multilateral exchanges and cooperation mechanisms, such as the meeting of BRICS ministers of culture, as well as 25 bilateral cooperation mechanisms. It regularly hosts cultural activities at home, such as the Arabic Arts Festival and the Meet in Beijing International Arts Festival, and has held “Happy Spring Festival” celebrations outside China for more than 20 years in a row. It hosted approximately 2,000 events across over 130 countries in 2017, and has organized activities around the world under such brands as “Tea for Harmony” Yaji Cultural Salon. It has advanced cultural and tourism exchanges under the Belt and Road Initiative, carried out the Cultural Silk Road program, and established the Silk Road international theater, museum, art festival, library, and art museum alliances. It has also established approximately 3,000 pairs of sister cities or provinces with various countries, and launched the “Nihao! China” inbound tourism promotion program.

    The international community has spoken highly of these three global initiatives, acknowledging that they reflect China’s global vision and growing international influence and provide comprehensive solutions to the challenges confronting humanity. The Global Development Initiative is highly compatible with the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and resonates, in particular, with the aspirations of developing countries for greater development. The Global Security Initiative upholds the principle of common security, emphasizes comprehensive approaches, pursues sustainable security through cooperative efforts, and makes a valuable contribution to addressing international security challenges. The Global Civilization Initiative calls on all countries to respect the diversity of civilizations in the world, which is conducive to facilitating exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations.

    3. Working with more countries and regions

    China has proposed a range of regional and bilateral initiatives on building communities of shared future, and is working with stakeholders to build consensus and expand cooperation, thereby playing a constructive role in promoting regional peace and development.

    The China-Africa community of shared future was the first regional proposal. It values sincerity and equality, pursues both friendship and interests and puts friendship first, takes a people-oriented approach in pursuing practical and efficient cooperation, and follows an open and inclusive approach to cooperation. It has set a good example of China and African countries building a community of shared future. The China-Arab community of shared future, China-Latin America and the Caribbean community of shared future, and China-Pacific Island Countries community of shared future have all made swift and steady progress. They are vivid illustrations of solidarity, cooperation, and common progress among developing countries.

    The community of shared future among neighboring countries has taken firm root. As the China-ASEAN community of shared future continues to make advances, China-ASEAN cooperation has evolved into the most fruitful, dynamic, and substantive cooperation in East Asia. The two sides have seen a steady increase in mutual trust, engaged in frequent high-level exchanges, and established dialogue and cooperation mechanisms in nearly 50 domains and institutions. The community of shared future of Lancang-Mekong countries continues to make progress. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization community of shared future has yielded substantial outcomes. The building of the China-Central Asia community of shared future has made solid steps forward. The first China-Central Asia Summit was a success and a meeting mechanism at the heads-of-state level between China and Central Asian countries has been established. These efforts have contributed to enduring peace and shared prosperity in the region and the wider world.

    At the bilateral level, China is building communities of shared future with an increasing number of partners in different forms. China and countries including Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan, Mongolia, Cuba and South Africa have published action plans, released joint statements, or reached important agreements on building bilateral communities of shared future. China has also implemented the vision of building a global community of shared future on a bilateral level with all the five Central Asian countries. As this vision gains greater traction among the people, substantial outcomes have been delivered, significantly boosting local development and improving people’s lives.

    The global community of shared future is a dynamic, open, and inclusive system. However different countries may be in geographical location, history, culture, social system, size of economy, and development stage, alignment with the core idea of a global community of shared future enables them to seek common ground while shelving differences, achieve harmony in diversity, reinforce cooperation, and pursue win-win outcomes. China will work with more and more regions and countries to build a global community of shared future and contribute to the development of all countries and the progress of human civilization.

    4. Boosting international cooperation in all areas

    The vision of a global community of shared future addresses the deficits in peace, development, security, and governance facing the world today. As China’s unique contribution to solving global problems, it also offers solutions which have been translated into concrete actions in areas such as health, climate change, and cybersecurity.

    Confronted by the rampant Covid-19 pandemic, China proposed to build a community of health for all. It has stood in the frontline of international anti-pandemic cooperation, carrying out global emergency humanitarian relief and providing assistance and support to more than 150 countries and international organizations. China has advocated that vaccines must first and foremost be a global public good, and was among the first countries to make a commitment to supply Covid-19 vaccines as a global public good, to support waiving intellectual property rights on the vaccines, and to start joint production with other developing countries. It has also played a pioneering role in the equitable distribution of vaccines, contributing China’s strength to the global health cause through firm commitment and practical actions.

    To address disorder in cyberspace governance, China has proposed the concept of a community of shared future in cyberspace. It actively participates in UN cybersecurity processes and supports the UN in playing a core role in global cyberspace governance. China has hosted the World Internet Conference and established the World Internet Conference Organization as a platform for global internet sharing and governance.

    To advance the development of a set of rules for global digital governance, it has launched the Global Data Security Initiative, and released the China-LAS Cooperation Initiative on Data Security together with the League of Arab States and the Data Security Cooperation Initiative of China + Central Asia together with the five Central Asian countries. To ensure that rights and responsibilities are shared among all countries, it promotes the improvement of governance rules in the deep sea, polar regions, outer space, and other new frontiers. Efforts are made to ensure that in formulating new rules for governance in new frontiers, the interests and expectations of emerging market countries and developing countries are fully reflected.

    Concerning the fundamental issues in global nuclear security governance, China proposes to build a community of shared future on nuclear security. It firmly safeguards the international nuclear nonproliferation regime, promotes the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and upholds a rational, coordinated and balanced approach to nuclear security. In response to the increasing risk of nuclear conflict, China has pushed for the conclusion of a joint statement among the leaders of the five nuclear-weapon states, reaffirming that “a nuclear war cannot be won, and must never be fought”. China actively advocates the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons, and it is the only nuclear country that has publicly committed to no-first-use of nuclear weapons, and not using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states and nuclear-weapon-free zones.

    Faced with increasingly complex maritime issues, China has proposed to form a maritime community of shared future and has always been committed to peaceful resolution of territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests disputes through dialogue and consultation. China has signed and fully and effectively implemented the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea with ASEAN countries, and continues to advance consultations on the code of conduct in the South China Sea. China has proposed to jointly build a partnership on blue economy and strengthen maritime connectivity. It adheres to the path of pursuing joint development while setting aside disputes, and actively explores joint resource development with maritime neighbors at sea.

    Faced with the severe and growing global climate challenge, China has proposed important concepts such as building a community of life for humanity and nature and a community of all life on Earth. China actively promotes economic development and transformation, and undertakes to strive to achieve peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060. It has introduced a “1+N” policy system for carbon peaking and neutrality. China has built the world’s largest clean power generation network, contributed 25 percent of the world’s newly added green area since 2000, and enabled an annual economic growth rate of over 6 percent with an average annual energy consumption growth rate of 3 percent. It has the largest installed capacity of hydropower, wind power, and solar power in the world. It actively participates in global environmental governance, advocates the comprehensive and effective implementation by the international community of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, and adheres to the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”. China tries its best to help developing countries improve their ability to address climate change, and vigorously supports their green and low-carbon energy development. It has inked 46 South-South cooperation documents with 39 developing countries to address climate change, and trained approximately 2,300 officials and technical personnel in the field of climate change for more than 120 developing countries. Holding the presidency of the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), China made every effort to ensure the success of the meeting, taking the lead in funding the establishment of the Kunming Biodiversity Fund and contributing to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

    Whether dealing with the current crises or creating a better future together, all countries need to unite and cooperate. Faced with profound changes unseen in a century, China has proposed the building of a global community of shared future, calls on all countries to uphold the concept of a shared future, fully communicate and consult with each other, share governance responsibilities, and form broad consensus and take concerted actions to address global issues, so as to inject confidence and momentum into humanity’s drive towards a bright future.


    All good principles should adapt to changing times in order to remain relevant. A broad consensus of solidarity and cooperation has developed in the international community behind the proposal and the implementation of the concept of a global community of shared future to address the challenges facing humanity. Looking to the future, it is bound to shine as a pioneering thought with the power of truth that transcends time and space, opening up a beautiful prospect of common development, long-term stability, and sustained prosperity for human society. The future of humanity is bright, but it will not come without effort. Building a global community of shared future is both a salutary vision and a historical process that calls for generations of hard work.

    To realize this goal, confidence and determination are of foremost importance. The trend of our times for peace, development and win-win cooperation cannot be halted. Building a global community of shared future is the way forward for all the world’s peoples. However, it is not a goal to be accomplished overnight, and there will be no plain sailing. We need to make unremitting efforts and forge ahead with perseverance. We should never give up on our dreams because of harsh realities; we should never stop pursuing our ideals because they seem out of reach.

    To realize this goal, a broad mind and a global vision are central as we live in great times. In the face of common challenges, no person or country can remain isolated. The only response is to work together in harmony and unity. Only by strengthening coordination and cooperation, and ensuring that the interests of the people of every country will be kept in line with those of all others, can all countries move forward towards a global community of shared future.

    To realize this goal, a sense of responsibility and a will to act hold the key. The key to success is simple and boils down to action. Building a global community of shared future depends on the joint actions of all countries. All countries should take a sense of responsibility that treats the task as a bound duty, and take concrete actions instead of being bystanders. We should strengthen dialogue, build consensus, promote peace and development, improve governance, and carry out global actions, global responses, and global cooperation.

    Our journey ahead will be a lengthy and arduous one. But as long as we press ahead with perseverance, there will be much to expect. Successes and setbacks await us, but hopes abound. When all countries unite in pursuing the cause of common good, plan together, and act together day by day towards the right direction of building a global community of shared future, we can build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world of lasting peace, universal security and shared prosperity, and jointly create a better future for all of humanity.

    Cheese Scalloped Zucchini

    Italian Cheese Scalloped Zucchini
    Italian Cheese Scalloped Zucchini


    • 4 cups diced zucchini, cooked until tender (6 to 8 minutes)
    • 1 1/4 cups soda crackers, finely crushed
    • 3 large eggs, beaten
    • 1/3 cup melted margarine
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1 cup milk
    • 2 cups American cheese, shredded


    1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
    2. Mix all ingredients together.
    3. Pour into a buttered 2 quart casserole dish.
    4. Bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown.


    Recipe clipped from a newspaper

    What is the weirdest war tactic ever used/considered?

    image 101
    image 101

    This is a gay sailor sign to ward off Russian submarines.

    In 2013, Sweden submerged a Neon sign depicting a gay sailor in its waters to ward off Russian submarines from entering their waters. Below the sailor the neon sign reads;

    “Welcome to Sweden-gay since 1944.”

    Using sonar the sign omits the message “This way if you are gay” in Morse code.

    There have been no reports of Russian submarine sightings ever since.

    image 71
    image 71

    Israel has ordered 1.1 million people to move from the north of Gaza to the south within 24 hours, if they do not 1.1 million they will be killed. Why is this acceptable in the world today?


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    2023 10 14 07 31

    How Starbucks Surpassed by Luckin Coffee? | LKNCY ( China’s Largest Coffee Chain )

    Analysis of Luckin Coffee’s extraordinary comeback from its accounting scandal and how it subsequently surpassed Starbucks as China’s largest coffee chain.

    Comeback? Yeah. One year ago, all of the Western “news” were making fun of Luckin Coffee. Claiming that it was a sign of “China’s collapse”. LOL.

    Never happened.

    BTW, I tried this Baijiu version. Pretty tasty, I’ll tell you what.

    Welding a life together

    When I lived in Indiana USA, we (my wife and I) took a welding class for fun and enjoyment. This was a college course out of the local college, and we attended classes on Saturday morning. We really enjoyed the class, aside from learning how to weld.

    I had a blast, and my wife really thought it was fun.

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    2023 09 28 10 29

    Anyways, we were in a class of around 30 students, and we were the oldest students. The rest were kids in their 20’s. Maybe one or two almost our age.

    But there was one kid, a teenager, who came every Saturday, signed his name and left.

    In and then two minutes later… gone.

    He never stuck around.

    Never learned anything.

    Didn’t chat or talk with any of us and never even attempted to learn.

    He never actually learned anything. He didn’t get to enjoy any fun, and he certainly didn’t get anything out of it. I couldn’t figure out why he came, signed in and left.

    So I asked the instructor.

    He was arrested on possession and sales of illegal drugs. He was 18 years old. The judge cut him a deal instead of sending him off to prison for a few years. He would be free and not go to jail or prison, as long as he attended the welding class to learn a skill. If he did that, his record would be purged, and he would be a better person with a skill to rely upon.

    I think that the judge made the right decision, but failed to police the actions of the young kid. Now, that kid will “on paper” appear to have a skill, but in truth all that happened is that he is going to keep on doing what he has been doing, no hope off the treadmill, and he has no idea that he is on one to begin with.

    Next problem will be far worse, and then the recovery will be equally worse.

    Dumb smuck.

    Take advantage of every opportunity, never think that you are getting more for less by cutting corners. Life does not work that way.



    World Hal Turner

    Breaking: Russia has bombed NATO Infrastructure across Ukraine as an apparent message is sent  . . . loud and clear.

    Logistics Hubs, “Mercenary” (NATO, UK, and USA) barracks, quarters and Bases, Weapons and Depleted Uranium Ammunition Depots have all been set ablaze in a gigantic strike with more than 50 missiles.

    The __only__ purely Ukraine target was the Rivne thermal power station . . .  which was was completely destroyed.

    Carpetbagger Steak

    800full carpetbag steak
    800full carpetbag steak

    Yield: 4 servings


    • 1 cup fresh oysters, drained and chopped
    • 1/2 cup chopped fresh mushrooms
    • 2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley
    • 3 tablespoons melted butter
    • 4 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
    • 1 ounce crumbled bleu cheese
    • 1/4 cup sauterne or other dry white wine
    • 4 thick-sliced rib eye or filet steaks


    1. Sauté oysters, mushrooms and parsley in butter until mushrooms are tender; drain.
    2. Stir in bacon, cheese and sauterne; set aside.
    3. Make pocket in side of steak. Stuff pocket with oyster mixture; secure with wooden picks.
    4. Broil steaks about 6 inches from heat for 8 to 10 minutes on each side or until desired degree of doneness.
    5. Top steaks with any leftover stuffing.

    What are some things for 11-year-olds to do when bored?

    Originally Answered: What are some things for 11-year-olds to do when bored?

    Give a kid dinner, and he eats for a day. Teach a kid to make dinner, and THE PARENTS EAT UNTIL HE MOVES OUT.

    Before our 11-year old had even finished expressing his interest in cooking, we were handing him whisks and salted butter. Get started, kid!

    Kids curing their boredom by cooking? That is SO much better than building model rockets. Can you eat a model rocket? You cannot. And, half the time they wind up stuck in trees.

    But can I eat this pasta sauce that he made? Yes. Yes, I can.

    image 95
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    Wait, he wants to start a restaurant in the kitchen, so that mom & dad can sit at the table on a Sunday morning and be waited on? SOLD.

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    Sure, he forgot to put coffee on the menu, but the waiter was accommodating when we asked for it.

    Mom opted for the egg sandwich:

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    I went for the BLT because… bacon:

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    I’d give him 5-stars on Yelp, if he were on Yelp.

    After he suggested he wanted to try his hand at baking, I was immediately racing to the store to get him a 9″ springform pan. I had no idea what that even was until he mentioned it. It helps him make things like this:

    image 99
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    I’m all for it.

    After school yesterday, he decided he wanted to make a dessert. I told him to pick out a recipe. I had to make a special trip that evening to buy almond flour, but the payoff was I got to have his Olive Oil Cake:

    image 100
    image 100

    Will he stick with it? We’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, while there are plenty of things for an 11-year old to do when bored, this is one of my favorites.

    That, and stop-motion LEGO animation.

    Will the US be successful in crippling Huawei?

    Thanks for request.

    No. The US has had four years of trying to kill Huawei and it is not working.

    While Huawei has dropped to #6 position in global smartphone sales. It has created its own Operating System thereby avoiding android. Their OS is available for other phone manufacturers to use. The company has also designed its own chipset. Production of their own 14nm and 7nm 5G chips is said to begin this year.

    Meanwhile Huawei has been working on 6G which expectations for 2030.

    Huawei Q2 2023 revenue was up 4.8% y/o/y to $25 billion USD.

    What’s the most expensive item you’ve found at the thrift store?

    Not a thrift store, but a secondhand bookshop.

    I was looking for old mystery novels—the kind of 1950’s cheap pulp crap that never even hits a second printing. I didn’t find any, but I did find a couple of Agatha Christies, so I went to check out.

    The shop owner was unpacking a new box from somebody who’d gone “you can have the whole thing for five bucks, I just want it gone.” She’d set aside one book about the same size as an adult woman’s hand, a nasty little grubby thing that looked like it might have a bad case of mold. I was curious, so I asked about it.

    Her reply: “I don’t think I even have a place for it on the shelf. It’s going to sit forever.”

    I bought it for 50 cents and took it home.

    There was no title page, and neither my mom nor I recognized the work in it, so my mom—now also curious—bought a baby toothbrush and spent a lot of hours teasing the dirt off the cover with the barest amounts of water and a lot of paper towels. Just one word for a title: “Essays.” But now we knew what the cover looked like—not grunge black, but a pretty tan and green—so she started doing research.

    First edition of Emerson’s Essays, as confirmed by the cloth color on the cover and the lack of a title page.


    You think that’s the find of a lifetime. And for someone else in another bookshop, it is.

    But here’s the thing. There were TWO first editions of Emerson’s Essays. A binding error led to the release of a few hundred copies with about 20 pages missing, and a couple of others upside-down. These error copies were quickly destroyed, barring those that had already been purchased, and the current going price for such a copy was several hundred dollars, possibly as much as a thousand—as opposed to the $50 or so garnered for a “first” (corrected) edition.

    My mom and I read this on an appraiser’s website and stared at each other, barely daring to breathe. I asked if she’d looked. She said no. “You bought it, you look.”

    I picked it up and flipped to the page numbers indicated. Missing—but that wasn’t good enough. Pages can be removed. I had to confirm the other error, too.

    I flipped the pages—so, so carefully. I was shaking. I looked.

    I gasped so loudly you could have heard me three counties over, dropped the book, caught it, and set it down like it was made out of glass.

    And that’s the story of how I paid our mortgage AND electricity for a month for just fifty cents.

    VIKING tells the COLDEST truth about the female nature

    At 55 years old. I live on my own now for 6 years. Never will I allow myself to be treated poorly again. I relate to this man.”

    At every level, America is ready to explode.

    He is speaking TRUTH. It stings. And it is real. Agony.

    What is the rudest thing a child has ever said or done while you visited their home?

    My ex gf had a son around 10 years old at the time who is on the Autism spectrum. He was the sweetest, smartest little boy just didn’t have the best socializing skills. One day I stopped by their home to pick up my watch that I left there that morning. Me stopping by wasn’t part of the daily routine or planned ahead of time, and he was surprised when I got there. Every time I’d get to their house and he was home I would always talk to him first before even giving my gf a hug. So after saying hello and telling him why I was there I sat on the couch with him to chat while he was playing with play doh. While we were talking he was writing something in a flat piece of play doh. Then he handed it to me. It said “why don’t you leave?” I read and it thought I’d mess with him a little. I said out loud, “don’t leave!” I said ok, bud! I’ll stay all day!” He yells “No! It says why don’t you leave!?!”
    “oh ok, I said I didn’t see that part. Ok, I’ll leave I didn’t mean to bother you.” Mom jumps in while hearing this and tells him that was very rude and blah blah blah. I interrupted her and told him it’s all good!!! I always want you to tell me the truth about how you feel. You never have to hide your feelings because of me. So if you don’t want company when I’m here you just have to say so. You can always talk to me. I asked him if I could give him a hug before I left and he said yes. I gave him a hug and gf walked me out. She apologized over and over. It was all good. I know he has a hard time socializing so I wasn’t too upset.

    Did the low demand for chips from TSMC in China contribute to the decision to delay chip equipment deliveries?

    It all began when the US started playing dirty and Trump sanctioned Huawei

    Other players in China began to start stockpiling Chips and placed large orders with TSMC

    So TSMC sales boomed but in reality all that was happening was the mainland was buying more and more chips to stockpile

    Every smartphone maker feared a similar ban from the demented United States

    Today China has between 140% -170% of the 7 nm Chips it needs

    Global Demand has weakened which means these Chips can last until 2025 November

    Until then TSMC won’t get any more orders from China or will get minimal orders

    Who else buys 7 nm Chips?

    So TSMC will see a fall in sales for the next few quarters

    Meanwhile if the Chinese in these two years cost effectively crack the 7/5 DUV Stacking Chip process of Huawei and make the imported equivalent of 18 Billion ICs a year, then it’s likely Chinas TSMC imports will fall by as much as 70% from 2026 onwards

    So obviously they have slashed 40% of their orders from 40 to 24 EUV Lithography Machines

    Is China’s leader Xi Jinping right that the US has been “ganging up to form exclusive groups and packaging their own rules as international norms”?

    No need for Xi Xinping to say it, the world already know it and the world except for some dozen or so cronies and slave nation do not like it and the world will slowly but surely, step by step dismantle this so called International Rules Based Order.

    To the world every nation or group of nations cannot have a right to fxxk up any nation using arbitrary sanctions. And the world have acted. The unfair and unjust U.S. and European actions on Russia in war blamed on Russia although fully goaded and provoked by the U.S. and UK. Is the straw that break the camel’s back.

    International norm must be truly international not set by some white Caucasian Anglo nations. Especially when a nation like the U.S. and UK failed every test on a truly international norm. Plundering, looting, stealing, bombings, war mongering, unilateral sanctions, regime change, orchestrating coups, demonstrations, revolutions are not international norm. They are bullying, mafia behaviour. Coercion by force.

    The world has moved on from this western bullying.

    Confession of the Day

    Im m(23) and my girlfriend F(25) is an absolute sex addict. Anytime I come home from work She’s ready in bed for action.

    It is a very nice thing to come home to. However after our love session. She wants to do it again an hour later. I don’t mind that as well.

    But the problem is this is happens too much. Her and I have sex at least 6-7 times a day.

    There is never a day where I am simply just relaxing.

    And at the end of the day i feel like a squeezed dry toothpaste tube.

    I have no energy and she is always wanting more.

    She still orgasms during sex but its never enough.

    Im tired all the time and shes draining my energy and my balls.

    I dont know what to tell her because i dont want to hurt her feelings.

    Trump Family Travels To Maui in Secret Visit To Serve Fire Victims After Biden FLIPPED-OFF By Island

    CDC Admits ~120,000 Children “DIED SUDDENLY” after COVID-19 “Vaccine” Roll-out

    Nation Hal Turner

    On June 17, 2022, the FDA authorized emergency use of the mRNA Covid vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech to include use in children down to 6 months of age. Turns out, it KILLED a lot of them.

    Just over a year later, the report – which was quietly released by CDC and subsequently suppressed by the mainstream media – revealed that nearly half a million children and young adults have now died since the injections were approved for use on most children.

    Over 118,000 of those deaths are suspected to be DIRECTLY linked to the Covid vaccines’ side effects.

    Despite the staggering death toll revealed in the report, it has been met with deafening silence from the mainstream media.

    The latest data from the CDC has just been published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEC).

    The OEC is an intergovernmental organization with 38 member countries and it hosts a wealth of data on excess deaths, including data from the CDC that isn’t easily available to the American people.

    You can view the data for yourself HERE

    China Warn Europe: E.U IMPOSE New Tariff on Chinese Products

    China is not just making EUV machines, but also building EUV factories. The cost of the 1nm chips made by the EUV factory will be less than 10% of the price made by Taiwan China. Why?

    The thing about nm claims is that they turn out to be marketing.

    So you have to go with the economics of semiconductors. The first company that invests in top of the line semiconductors has to spend a ton of money on research and development that go nowhere. For example, there are two ways you can produce 7nm, one that works and one that doesn’t. Intel put all their money on a process that just doesn’t work, whereas TSMC put billions of dollars in two different processes, once of which worked, which means that you spent billions on a dead end.

    Because the leading companies have to recover the costs of dead ends, they will sell the best chips at a huge premium. Once you’ve figured out how to produce the chips the cost of the chip is low and you are just recovering R&D costs.

    This is why China can produce mature chips super chip. Once you know that you can produce chip X using process Y, then you just do it. It turns out that this is really symbotic because it means that Taiwan and South Korea can focus on R&D and then Mainland China focuses on mature chips. The thing about this is that most of the advanced chips end up in Mainland China where you have Santa’s elves put these together into consumer goods.

    The thing about Biden’s semiconductor policy is that there seems to be absolutely no strategic thinking behind them, and a lot of this has to do with US politics in which different groups want different things. The basic problem is that you have people that want to “starve”China from semiconductors, whereas most of the people that actually understand how semiconductors work haven’t bought in on decoupling.

    My personal opinion is that US policy will end up screwing over Taiwan, and by 2028 this is going to be so obvious that you will have a blue wave in 2028.

    Did you feel the earth move?

    On April 19, 2010, a Muslim cleric in Iran blamed earthquakes on women who dressed – immodestly.

    Jen McCreight was a student at Purdue University when she heard this. She didn’t like the idea of natural disasters being blamed on sinful women so decided to do something about it. She wrote a blog post entitled: “In the name of science, I offer my boobs”.

    What is the most accidentally slick thing you said to a girl?

    I was playing Galaga in the basement of the Student Union building at CUNY Queens College about 35 years ago. There was this gorgeous, Asian, punk girl who I was somewhat acquainted with who sat opposite me. We played for about 15 minutes and I said, “crap. I’m all out of quarters”.

    She said, “What do you want to do now?”

    I said, “Take you up to the roof and bang the hell out of you.”

    I had no idea how this just came out. I wasn’t thinking at all. I had removed the filter between my brain and mouth and it just happened.

    She said, “Ok, let’s go!”

    Team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences reveled major breakthroughs in rare earth mining

    The discoveries will help shorten mining time by about 70 percent, reduce the impurity content by 70 percent and increases the recovery rate of rare earths by about 30 percent.

    The findings were made by He Hongping’s team from the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. They presented the research results at a scientific evaluation meeting in Meizhou City, South China’s Guangdong Province.

    This new mining technology is mainly applied to the mining of weathered crust rare earth ores, a characteristic resource in China. It aims to solve the problems of present in-situ leaching technology in ecology, resource efficiency, and to promote efficient and green utilization of rare earth resources in China.

    Professor He’s team creatively developed a new way of using electric currents to extract rare earth elements (REEs), compared to traditional methods which uses ammonium chloride as leaching agents to extract REEs. The new technology is more environmental friendly as it avoids soil contamination caused by leaching agents, which responded to Chinese government’s demand for environmental protection and green and efficient mining.

    With a 5,000-ton earth-moving scale demonstration area, professor He’s team was able to test his findings on soil and achieved design outcomes on the ground. This key technology and its results have helped He’s team publish 11 high-level papers in journals such as Nature Sustainability, and to obtain 7 patents for inventions. Citing a report from Nature Sustainability, Anouk Borst, a geologist at KU Leuven called the strategy “A game changer, providing that it is feasible on a large scale.”

    Through years of efforts, China has formed a complete industrial chain around REEs. In 2022, China accounted for 63 percent of the world’s rare-earth mining, 85 percent of rare-earth processing, and 92 percent of rare-earth magnet production, according to Politico.

    The new rare-earth extraction technology could increase China’s advantage in rare-earth sectors by making the extraction process greener and more efficient. The strategy could help China keep its leading position in the global rare-earth industrial chain.

    If You Think The Last Few Years Were Difficult…

    Mark Twain once said that “If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.”

    This sense of unease. People of upset. There is a sense of anger and frustration.”

    China’s economy is having trouble because of a few temporary setbacks, but they can’t borrow money to cover them because they owe too much. Can this happen to the US? We also owe a lot; they’ve downgraded our rating.

    China’s total national debt to GDP is high, pushing 300%. Government wants to control it. It sees this as a serious impediment to sustainable growth. This is a critical part of the structural change in the country. Another critical part of the structural change is to drive consumer expenditure, such as to improve consumer confidence, such as through better access to healthcare, personal insurances, and pension and retirement plans. These structural changes underway have slowed growth, which could persist in the next 2–3 years.

    Overwhelmingly, the debt is owed by corporates, as part of business finance, and by local authorities, in pursuit of their development plan. The debt owed by the central government is very small, at 21% of GDP. The overwhelming amount of the debts are domestic debts in RMB. RMB is issued by PBOC, the legal tender in China. China has very little foreign debts. Its net international financial position is in surplus. Indeed, the single most important factor for the slow take-off to internationalize the RMB is that it has low international liquidity, due to China’s persistent current account surplus.

    China has no problem to borrow more money. (1) Central government has low debt at only 21% of GDP, (2) the overwhelming debts are owed by corporates and local authorities in RMB, (3) PBOC has full control over the RMB, and (4) China’s net international financial position is in surplus. Quite the opposite. China does not want the debt to rise in the country. The most visible of this is the 3 red lines regulations on the real estate sector.

    US government debt at about $33 trillion is pushing 130% of GDP (compared with 21% for China). It rose dramatically from $31.4 trillion when debt ceiling was raised in June, to $33 trillion at end-August. About 30% of US TBs are held by foreigners, the 3 largest are Japan, China, and UK. China has reduced its holdings from the high of over $1.1 trillion to less than $850 billion.

    US government is in chronic deficit, running at an annual rate of over $1 trillion, and rising. US government debt will rise in consonant. Rising issue of TBs will require an elevated interest rates regime to attract investors, which increasingly will be domestic investors as foreigners could shy away. Elevated interest rates have driven the government’s interest bill towards $1 trillion, growing faster and exceeding the defense budget.

    Rising US government borrowings and elevated interest rates could distort the financial markets. One consequence of the Fed’s interest hikes has been the loss of the market value of TBs. It has stressed the banking system, including the collapse of a few regional banks. Bloomberg estimated that as of May, the banking system was sitting on unrealized losses of $1.84 trillion on their holdings of TBs. The regional banks are the most stressed. They are the main lenders to commercial real estates. An estimate by Newmark Group, a brokerage, has it that $1.2 trillion of such debts are potentially troubled when refinancing is due, the combination of lower quantum from falling property prices and lower leverage, as well as, higher interest rates. Many property owners have defaulted and let the lenders take the properties rather than to put up more money.

    You are right that borrowing more money in the US may become more difficult.

    China Laughs at American Sanctions

    It seems that when the United States can’t compete fairly they revert to underhanded tactics. They can’t handle a peer competitor and that is exactly what China has become.

    The Chinese automotive manufacturing is the largest in the world as is most sections of manufacturing. China built their own space station and now 7nm Semiconductors built by SMIC. Huawei although sanctioned has come up with an amazing cell phone Mate 60 Pro that the Americans say can’t be possible.

    It seems sanctions no longer work against Chinese growing economy and the United States is getting nervous.

    If China does invade Taiwan and the USA, Japan, and Australia go to war to defend Taiwan, how many soldiers, warships, and combat vehicles would they lose? Who would really win?

    Taiwan is in China. The island of Taiwan is surrounded by Chinese warships and the American, Japanese and Australian fleets are unable to approach Taiwan.

    Biden did not tell the US citizens that he wanted to invade China, only “to defend Taiwan”.

    So, I ask, how does the US plan on doing that? with some sort of video game competition?

    I mean, in order to “defend Taiwan”, you have to have military troops pertorming military actions, aka combat inside of China – And that’s because Taiwan is in China.

    So currently America has soldiers in Taiwan, which is either illegal, or at the very least gray area because that’s part of China. And the government of China doesn’t approve of that and hasn’t allowed it. So that’s the current status.

    If US start performing miltary action, that’s an effort to militarily conquer at least China or push them back inside of China.

    That‘s called an invasion.

    Sorry, everybody, if you don’t agree with this definition, but that’s what it is.

    The 1.4 billion Chinese people have told the small hooligans led by the United States countless times that the Taiwan question is the bottom line of the Chinese people, and foreign forces are not allowed to get their hands on it.

    China can use all its forces to resist the invasion, and after this naval battle all the warships of China, the United States, Japan and Australia will be destroyed.

    Do you think that after the end of the naval war, it will stop here? No, it has not come to a stop yet.

    At the same time, China will fight back against its territory. Although all of China’s warships were sunk in the war with the United States, Japan and Australia, let us not forget that China has the largest number of civilian ships in the world, and Chinese soldiers will be present in those countries.

    No matter what era we are in, apart from the indiscriminate bombing in the early stage of the war, the later stage of the war will be a ground war.

    Does Australia have 50,000 soldiers combined? China can send 500,000 troops to Australia and take it over.

    Japan: China does not need to send troops to occupy, dropping a few atomic bombs would be enough. The four Japanese islands are so resource-poor that even if China occupied them, they would be a liability and would be better off being completely destroyed.As for the US, China wouldn’t send troops to occupy it either, but a huge army landing on US soil would be enough to make the US pay. China’s huge population could provide a steady stream of soldiers. You have to be prepared for America to become a battlefield.

    The United States is keen on Preemptive war. However, China has always adheres to the principles of defense, self-defense and post-strike response, and adopts active defense. It keeps to the stance that “we will not attack unless we are attacked, but we will surely counterattack if attacked”.

    post-strike response“,”we will surely counterattack if attacked” →→→ We have already told you what we will do!

    Don’t think that if China is bullied, it will swallow its anger and not take revenge. There are limits to tolerance. Modern China is no longer the China a hundred years ago.

    This is like a group of American hooligans always bullying a high-achieving Chinese student at school. Chinese students usually don’t give a damn about the provocations of American hooligans, but once they can’t stand it anymore and decide to fight back, the American hooligans will have to start paying a high price for their previous stupid provocations.

    Why is China building huge housing projects where the apartments are empty?

    New roads are being built, but no cars drive on them. Are Xi and CCP trying to bluff the world and say the economy is better than ever? Aren't the lies exposed by Chinese?

    This question has been asked for years, if not decades.

    The key problem is that, as a westerner, you have no idea how fast China has been developed.

    In the place where you live, things around you don’t change much even after one or two decades. The layout of streets, the buildings, even the stores don’t change much.

    They also don’t know the size and population of China. They just assume that China is more or less the same as where they live, maybe slightly bigger.


    Above link is about a man called Kevin and his family.

    He went to China from Belgium when he was 6 with his parents, to one of the poorest province, Guizhou, and lived there for 20 years. In this video, he talked about things when they went back to Belgium.

    He described the scene when he was chatting with his relatives about China. His relatives in Belgium thought that when Kevin said they need to go to another city to take a plane, they assume it is like 50 kilo or something, but the reality is 300KM. People in Belgium cannot imagine a country which is about the same size as Europe.

    Then they mentioned certain people think China is all city, and others think China is all village and nature.

    Then the camera guy asked them a question: “Don’t they go online?”, and this is how they react:

    2023 09 27 14 49
    2023 09 27 14 49

    “Yeah… but what could we do?”

    While the west enjoying their nice infrastructure, meanwhile in China:

    image 94
    image 94

    The country was developed in a speed which the world had never seen.

    image 93
    image 93

    Same thing happned in Shenzhen too.

    The urbanization ratio was very low in China, and began to grow up rapidly.

    In 1978, China had 17.92% urban resident, in 2022 it was 65.2%.

    In comparison: The US in 80%, Germany is 77.65%, the UK is 84.4%.

    If we set China’s standard with the lowest of the 3, Germany, then there is still 77.65–62.2=12.42% of Chinese people waiting to move into urban areas.

    That is 1400×12.42%=173.88 million people.

    image 28
    image 28

    This is a Japanese news in 2017 reporting about a subway station called Cao Jia Wan in Chongqing.

    I don’t fully understand the title, but I can read the Kanjis. It says somthing about looking like a ruin or military base.

    image 27
    image 27

    In 2020, a Japanese posting on Twitter about Cao Jia Wan station. It looked very differently already.

    It was not very crowed, because of the pandemic.

    image 26
    image 26

    In 2022, it looks like this.

    China doesn’t count on the invisible hand,

    image 92
    image 92

    not entirely at least.

    The government plans ahead, then lay down the infrastucture for people to move in.

    The actual move happens after most of the plan is finished: shopping, transportation, education, medical care, etc.

    It’s rarely that a western media could do a follow up about the “ghost town” they reported. Because in several years, there will be crowded.

    They will just make more ghost town news to make their audiences thinking that China is full of ghost town.

    Just think about this: If China’s GDP and other aspects are indeed faked as the western media say, then how come that white house considers China as its top rival?

    The US national debt reached $33 trillion for the first time

    The fiscal milestone comes as Congress is facing a new spending fight with a government shutdown loomingNYT.

    Since the “debt ceiling crisis”, the US has been adding $1 trillion to its debt every month. Over the past 5 years, the US debt has increased by a total of $11.5 trillion.

    This should be the real ‘war’ Americans should be fighting against. The ‘war’ of relentless money printing but not seeing any significant upgrades to Americans’ standard of living, where did the money go? why no accountability from the leaders who were elected into the office?

    Why I’m Raising My Children in CHINA – NOT the UK or US!

    What was the stupidest thing someone has called the police on you for?

    What was the stupidest thing someone has called the police on you for?

    I lived in a large apartment building, with lots of nosy neighbors.

    I was going to a work conference for a long weekend. My kids were teenagers, but I didn’t want to leave them alone. My (very able) mother was available, so I asked her to stay with them while I was gone. No big deal. (They watched out for her more than she did for them.)

    The very first night I was gone, the police showed up at my door. My daughter, (all six-foot-two of her) answered the door. The police were a little flummoxed (and shorter). They said they had a report that I had abandoned my kids. (Apparently, they were expecting little children.) My mother, who was very able-bodied, confronted the police. Let’s just say that my mother could teach a sailor how to curse, and she knew a version of the riot act that was applicable. The police didn’t come back.

    But the nosy neighbors certainly got an earful regarding their ill behavior. So did the manager of the apartment complex as there was a “police report” on me. He wrote a threatening letter to me. I filed a counter-complaint about harassment, and I wasn’t having it. Again, the riot act was applied.

    Children’s Protective Services were also called. And again, we had to have the confrontation. All of this drama because I was doing my job. My mistake was that I was seen carrying my suitcase to my car.

    I’ll never understand why some people are happily destructive requiring an overkill of drama, even if it’s not their own.

    Online Safety Bill becomes law – internet freedom destroyed

    As a patient, what is the dumbest thing a doctor has ever recommended that you do?

    I was 22 and had sudden, sharp pain low in my groin. It was so bad I couldn’t stand up straight and could barely walk. I made an emergency appointment with my OB/GYN. After a very brief and cursory exam he told me it was a “swollen ovary” and it would go away in TWO OR THREE MONTHS.

    I went home and told my then-husband what the doctor said. He insisted I get a second opinion. I made many calls. Most doctors didn’t “do” second opinions. I finally got one nurse who (in a bored voice) asked “What are your symptoms?” I explained and she said she’d talk to the doctor and call me back. This was at 11 am one workday. She called back and said he’d see me at 1. I went to his office straight from lunch.

    That doctor did an exam then turned to the nurse and said, “She’s the one.” I asked what he meant. He said that 1 in 1000 women claiming they had an emergency actually did, and I was that one. Then he asked, “What did you have for lunch?” I responded (a burger) and he frowned, then said, “You need surgery.” I tried to tell him I needed to go back to the office and close out some projects first. He said, “Oh, you’re not leaving here.”

    They put me in a wheelchair and rolled me 200 feet across the parking lot to the hospital. I was given time to make 2 phone calls — one to my husband (I had to leave a message with the office admin — this is long before the days of cell phones) and one to my parents (since I couldn’t reach my husband).

    Later, in the recovery room Dr. Horowitz explained. I had an ovarian torsion on my right side. That happens when an ovaries (and in my case also the fallopian tube) bent and twisted around the tissue they’re connected to. The torsion happened because there was a grapefruit-sized tumor on that ovary. It was benign, thankfully, but he said it was so close to bursting (and probably killing me) that he didn’t dare let me go home.

    My husband returned to the first doctor’s office and read him the riot act for “almost killing my wife”.

    Chicken Fried Steak

    The Best Chicken Fried Steak scaled 1
    The Best Chicken Fried Steak scaled 1

    Yield: 6 to 8 servings; 2 cups Cream Gravy


    • 1 (2 1/2 to 3 pound) round steak
    • 1 (5 ounce) can evaporated milk
    • 2 tablespoons green Tabasco sauce
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 2 cups all-purpose flour, divided
    • 2 teaspoons paprika
    • 3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
    • 1 teaspoon each salt and cracked pepper
    • Vegetable oil


    1. Trim steak and pound, if needed, to 1/2 inch thick; cut into 6 to 8 pieces.
    2. Combine milk, Tabasco sauce and salt in a bowl.
    3. Measure 1 cup of flour into a bowl.
    4. Combine remaining flour, paprika, garlic powder, salt and pepper in another bowl. Dip steak into flour, into milk mixture, and then into seasoned flour. Set aside until all meat is coated.
    5. Heat 1 or 2 inches of oil in a heavy fry pan. Fry meat until both sides are golden brown, about 2 minutes per side.
    6. Drain on paper towels. Serve with cream gravy, mashed potatoes and biscuits.
    7. Cream Gravy: Pour off all but 6 tablespoons of fat from fry pan; add 6 tablespoons flour into pan (use any leftover seasoned flour) and blend well. Gradually stir in 2 1/2 cups of milk. Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened.
    8. Season with salt and pepper.
    9. Cover steak with gravy when served.

    How many different nationalities and ethnicities exist in the borders of Modern Day China? We know the Chinese LOVE to portray themselves as one big happy culture and ethnicity and no differences, but how true is this?

    Hi, Krennick . Thanks for your very interesting question!

    In China, we only have 56 official ethnic groups.
    I’m sure this pales in comparison to the number of ethnic groups in Western countries, but it is what it is, and your question appears to be asking for a number, so ask and ye shall receive, bruv!

    Yes, 56.

    There you go!
    Done and dusted!

    I don’t have time to post pictures of all 56 ethnic groups, so instead, I’ll just post the traditional wedding attire of a few of those 56 ethnic groups.

    Because who doesn’t like looking at pretty wedding dresses, amirite? 😀

    So, without further ado, here we go!

    The traditional wedding attire for Han, Miao, Mongolian, and Hui:

    image 101
    image 101

    The traditional wedding attire for Zhuang, Qiang, Manchu, and Tibetan:

    image 103
    image 103

    The traditional wedding attire for Yi and Bai:

    image 102
    image 102

    There you go!
    10 out of the 56 should do for now, aye.

    As always, I’m happy to help with your questions, Krennick !
    I hope this has helped sate your curiosity!

    The Rock ANGRILY Oprah Winfrey True Role In Maui Wildfire

    In early August 2023, a series of devastating wildfires broke out in Hawaii, primarily on the island of Maui. These wind-driven wildfires led to extensive evacuations and widespread destruction, particularly in the town of Lahaina, Hawaii. As a result of these fires, at least 115 people lost their lives, and over 1,000 others were reported missing.

    A preacher

    A preacher was making his rounds to his parishioners on a bicycle when he came upon little Johnny trying to sell a lawn mower. “How much do you want for the mower?” asked the preacher.

    “I just want enough money to go out and buy me a bicycle,” said little Johnny.

    After a moment of consideration, the preacher asked, “Will you take my bike in trade for it?”

    Little Johnny said, “Mister, you’ve got yourself a deal.”

    The preacher took the mower and tried to start it. He pulled and pulled on the rope until he was dripping with sweat but the mower refuses to start.

    The preacher called little Johnny over and said, “I can’t get this mower to start.”

    Little Johnny said, “That’s because you have to cuss at it to get it started.”

    The preacher said, “I’m a man of the church and I can’t cuss. It’s been so long since I’ve been saved that I don’t even remember how to cuss.”

    Little Johnny looked at him happily and said, “Just keep pulling on that rope. It’ll come back to ya.”

    China’s cancellation of UK’s $240bn nuclear power plant order shocks Europe US!

    In this video, host Steffan explores China’s recent withdrawal from a £24 billion nuclear project in the UK. Nuclear technology’s global evolution and its applications in various sectors are discussed, highlighting China’s leadership in nuclear technology. The video delves into the reasons behind China’s withdrawal, touching on carbon neutrality goals, coal combustion phase-out, and the UK’s role in the project.

    Confession of the Day

    My husband(31M) has never gone beyond a kiss to me (28F) in the 4 years we’ve been married.

    My husband was my best friend: knew each other in 2014, and I wanted him to stay with me (he’s from England) with the hope everything would turn into more.

    First year of marriage, he had severe back problems and I understood.

    Second year was COVID and I understood then.

    Third year, we bought our house and I told him I wasn’t happy. He was overtly affectionate for a couple weeks and went back to the same routine.

    Now I’m coming up on 4 years and he went through my messages last Monday with some friends and came across me venting to a guy friend I had been semi-flirtatious with about our marriage and how I felt ugly and unloved.

    Now he tells me it’s because when he was 15/16 and was an apprentice, an older man took him out back and did things, which is why he has intimacy issues. Which, I completely understand how that is traumatic, as I was sexually assaulted when I was a young teen.

    But the past 4 years I’ve felt inadequate while catering to his life. Paying for green card paperwork, driving him everywhere as he has no license (he works nights, I wake up at 5:40am every morning tuesday thru saturday to pick him up), making his doctor appointments for him, handling all the loans and bills, and all big decisions that really should be joint decisions. All while feeling unloved and ugly.

    On Saturday he tried to initiate sex with me while drunk and it made me so mad and upset. That the only way he could fuck me is if he was intoxicated. And now I feel I am so mentally and emotionally clocked out that unless he pulls a miracle change, that I will leave him by the end of the year.

    I don’t know what to do going forward but I’m just so sad because he was my best friend and if it weren’t for this issue, I think we’d be fine. But I’m not equipped to be anyone’s therapist, and this was definitely something I should have been told, as he has kept hanging the possibility of children over my head, knowing I desperately want them.

    Before anyone says anything: I have initiated every single aspect of our relationship. I wanted him to do this one thing and made it clear to him. Never has he said anything. I’m just. Ugh.

    Saudi Arabia Rejects US Demand, Send $70 Billion in Project Orders To China

    What is something that your mother-in-law said that you’ll never forget?

    My husband and I have raised 4 kids to adults. When our youngest was an infant, we found out she had brain cancer. Talk about a stressful time for our family! My MIL was and is very close to us geographically, as well as one I consider a friend and ally. With 3 kids in school and a seriously ill baby, we leaned on her for emotional support and she was there! We tried to go on snowmobile trips with our kids, her and extended family. (The oncologists gave us suggestions on how and when we could safely take our youngest with us — we followed his advice and still maintained her drug regimen protocols.)

    One member who accompanied us all was one of my SILs. She didn’t have any kids at that time and was impatient to get on the trails the first morning. I got my three older kids ready and equipped with extra hats, gloves, snacks, drinks, helmets and snowsuits as well as any other cold-weather gear they would need. Next was my baby. Cleaning her Hickman Catheter (her drugs and all blood draws were done through it), making sure she had the blankets, toys, vanilla PediaSure (the ONLY thing she could hold down and that was the only flavor she would drink), making sure I had her anti-nausea and anti-seizure medications, as well as diapers and extra clothing she might need in case of accidents or nausea. Most of this was packed the night before, but I am in the habit of double checking (I HAVE forgotten her meds before).

    My SIL complained about my incompetence as a mother to our MIL. Our MIL looked her in the eye and asked her if she had ever had to mobilize an army of sleepy young children before dawn and take care of the needs of a baby with cancer that was well enough to go on this trip? My SIL said “NO!” Our MIL then said, “I have experience with 6 sleepy kids. All of them were healthy. It is not easy in the best of circumstances. I think she is doing an excellent job.” When our MIL finished what she was doing, she went and helped me. I am blessed to have her in my life!

    Why I’m Giving Up The “American Dream”

    It’s not a “dream”. It is a “myth”.

    This is pretty darn good.

    What is something in your culture that is looked down upon if you were to do it? (EX., not greeting your family at social events, unseasoned food, etc)

    I have a funny story about this.

    When my husband met my family for the first time we were all so nervous.

    As you may know, he’s American. Meaning he’s pretty clueless about some of our traditions and concepts.

    As he and my father were discussing important matters and the tension rising in the air… he did something he shouldn’t have…:-

    He crossed his legs, putting his calf on his knee!

    My inner self was going “no no no Mike please put that leg down!!!”

    My parents’ eyes went to the his feet. I could already see what they are going to say later.

    Anyhow, after we went home. My mother said “He really lacks respect. He talks aggressively and did you see how he put his leg up so rudely?!”

    I was like “ugh I saw that coming”.

    I had to take them a step back and tell them that he’s not an Arab and he doesn’t know that this is rude in our culture. They didn’t seem convinced.

    So yeah, if you’re in a serious setting with an Egyptian, don’t ever let the sole of your shoes/ feet be seen. Especially if it’s in front of someone older than you.

    Feet here symbolize humiliation.

    So for example some people here would view a woman rubbing her husband’s feet as a humiliating act.

    And a man giving his wife a foot rub is so rare and if it’s done then it’s in private.

    That’s why until this day I feel very guilty if I’m getting feet pedicures at salons. Similarly, if I’m sitting at home, spreading my legs on the couch, my father would yell at me to move my feet because they are facing him.

    My mother was astonished to know that my husband gives me foot rubs, and prayed for god to always make him so good and humble haha !

    The US commerce minister confessed that the US got no idea how, when & the scale about Huawei Mate 60 series. Isn’t it the evidence that the Huawei Mate series are the world most advanced, the most secured & only spy-proof smartphones in the world?

    The US commerce minister’s confession that the US does not know how, when, or the scale of Huawei Mate 60 series production could be seen as evidence that the Huawei Mate series are the world’s most advanced, most secure, and only spy-proof smartphones in the world. However, it is important to note that there is no definitive proof that this is the case.

    Huawei has been under intense US scrutiny for several years now, and the US has repeatedly accused Huawei of being a security risk. The US has also imposed a number of sanctions on Huawei, which have made it difficult for the company to do business with US companies.

    Despite these challenges, Huawei has continued to develop and produce advanced smartphones. The Huawei Mate series is one of Huawei’s most popular and critically acclaimed smartphone lines. The Mate series is known for its large screens, powerful processors, and impressive camera systems.

    The fact that the US does not know how Huawei is able to produce the Mate 60 series could be seen as a sign that Huawei is using advanced technologies that the US is not aware of. However, it is also possible that the US simply does not have access to the necessary information.

    Whether or not the Huawei Mate series are the world’s most advanced, most secure, and only spy-proof smartphones in the world is a matter of opinion. There is no definitive proof to support or refute this claim.

    It is important to note that the US has a vested interest in discrediting Huawei. The US is currently in a trade war with China, and Huawei is one of China’s most successful technology companies. By accusing Huawei of being a security risk, the US is trying to damage Huawei’s reputation and make it more difficult for the company to compete in the global market.

    Ultimately, it is up to each individual consumer to decide whether or not they believe that the Huawei Mate series are the world’s most advanced, most secure, and only spy-proof smartphones in the world.

    What’s the most offensive thing you’ve heard when someone assumed you didn’t understand their language?

    In my early 20s I lived in an apartment complex. My direct neighbor was an elderly Hispanic man. He always seemed so nice. He would speak to me in Spanish, which, at the time, I knew very little of (had taken 2 years mandatory class in high school). He would say this phrase and nod his head. I would always nod back, assuming we were somehow communicating pleasantries across a language barrier.

    5 months go by and a friend I had made in that town, who was a Latina, saw our interaction one day. She got SO mad at the man and started yelling at him in Spanish. I was mortified. I was raised to respect my elders and I thought she was being disrespectful. She grabs my arm and drags me into my house. She explained to me what the man had said to me, HAD been saying to me since the day I moved in was “do you want to see my big fat d$%k?” I was so shocked! Turns out, every time I was nodding to him, I WAS communicating with him 🤣🤣🤣.

    To this day, 20 something years later, my friend and I still get a laugh out of that story.

    I did decide to take some Spanish classes at college after that. I’m glad i did too! It has been a valuable asset to my work in the medical field. Probably would have never taken those classes if it wasn’t for senor pervy.

    A cat was found on the stairs of an apartment building. Two weeks later, his life completely changed

    Homeless in the land of plenty

    For a while, right before I was “recovered” by MAJ at China Lake Naval Weapons Systems, I found myself in California and making ends meet. I knew that I had to be in California, but where? And how to contact my “up-line handlers”?

    I hadn’t a clue.

    So I parked myself in various cities, and waited for their actions.

    Right before they “found me”, I was working as a breakfast cook at a restaurant called “Louse’s place” in the beautiful town of San Louis Obispo. This town, a college town, was nestled in a nice area, surrounded by mountains, and built upon a network of streams. It was, at that time, quite lovely.

    2023 09 26 11 42
    2023 09 26 11 42

    I wore a short sleeved shirt, a white apron, and a chef’s hat, and performed my cooking rituals in front of the customers. Basic stuff, really. Bacon and eggs, gourmet omelettes, and specialty sandwiches.

    I lived off the small salary, and the tips that I would get.

    SAM 2073
    SAM 2073

    I worked a 5am to 3 pm shift. And it wasn’t bad at all. I got a free lunch, and could take home leftover “blue plate specials”. And I did just that, as I would walk the distance to our broken down van, that was parked at the edge of a obscure parking lot until we could get enough money to get an apartment and leave.

    We would eat the food in the front seat. And just pretty much lived a transit lifestyle.

    img 8469 79312
    img 8469 79312

    This was in the 1980’s. I can only imagine how bad it must be today. Back then, We were a rare sight. Today, we would be just a ripple in a massive wave of homeless. Gosh! Can you even imagine?

    I have a lot of compassion of others (homeless in California) who suffer through this plight. It’s difficult, and hard. Housing, utilities and expenses are outrageous, and they do not have to be that way, it is just the super greedy that this created this impossible situation.

    If you ever get a moment, give some food to the homeless. Maybe they will accept, maybe not. But show some compassion.

    Won’t you?


    What were the results of Kim Jong Un’s visit to Russia?

    • North Korea will participate in a number of Far Eastern Projects and establish a Russia DPRK Labor Commission to engage upto 200,000 workers who will live in Far East for 10 years and could be Prospective migrants
    • DPRK and Russia will jointly modernize the Air Force of North Korea, Drones in North Korea and Air Defence of North Korea
    • DPRK and Russia will sign a Trade Pact
    • Putin has committed around 1 Trillion Rubles investment in North Korea

    China will play a key role but China will remain hidden behind the scenes because it’s not a Sanctioned state like DPRK and Russia

    They can’t sign an official agreement due to existing UN sanctions that Russia can’t break or violate

    Yet they can unofficially make a no limits friendship which they just did

    In exchange

    DPRK promises assistance to Russia against ROK (South Korea) and Japan as a strong piece on the Chessboard

    A Nuclear power with 50 Nukes minimum is a strong powerful deterrent

    Huawei issues denial

    That the governments of Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela have ordered their government officials to stop using Apple iPhones and switch to Mate 60 Pro for security reasons.

    Chicken Fried Steak with Mashed
    Potatoes and White Gravy

    2023 09 25 11 49
    2023 09 25 11 49


    • 6 cube steaks
    • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1 tablespoon pepper
    • 1 tablespoon chicken bouillon
    • 1 tablespoon chili powder
    • 3 tablespoons seasoned salt
    • 3/4 tablespoon celery salt
    • 1 tablespoon onion powder
    • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
    • 1 tablespoon oregano
    • 4 to 5 eggs


    1. Add the seasonings to the flour. Stir it all together.
    2. Crack the eggs in a separate dish and mix them together.
    3. Lay the steak in the flour and then dip it into the egg. Place it back in the flour.
    4. Repeat with the rest of the steaks.
    5. Lay the steak in hot oil. Let it cook for a couple of minutes at 350 degrees F.
    6. Repeat with the rest of the steaks.
    7. Plate the steak and serve with garlic mashed potatoes and gravy.

    If you were a super hero, what would your super powers be, and what would be your cause? Why?

    If I were a superhero, I want my superpower to be “involuntary empathy.” I have the power to make people feel what others are feeling. The process is simple: I mark a person as a “target,” and choose a “recipient,” and link them together. The selection can not be random. The recipient’s action must directly impact the target; otherwise, the connection will not work. Both the target and recipient maintain their independent thought and free will. They can go about doing their own thing. However, the recipient will experience the target’s emotions that directly result from the recipient’s action (and nothing else). The recipient can go kill the target if they are willing to experience death. On top of the obvious murder change, the recipient will suffer a mental breakdown and never recover. And if a person has multiple victims, the effect will compound.

    For example, if a man abuses his wife, he will experience the physical pain, fear, desperation, anxiety, and shame… that directly result from his abuse. But he doesn’t get to experience the love and joy his wife felt when she was with her family or playing with her children.

    I want to be able to walk up to a youth pastor who abuses children and make him experience the anguish, desperation, sense of isolation, shame, guilt, and self-loathing his victims felt while they were being molested. I want him to feel the pain that drove these poor kids to self-harm or even commit suicide. I want to make murderers feel the pain of the families of the victims. I want to make the billionaires feel the pain of their workers.

    I want those pearl-clutching “concerned moms” to feel the fear and anxiety and isolation of trans kids who just want to use the fucking bathroom.

    I want the shitty parents to feel the pain of the children they abuse.

    I want the racists to feel the fear and anger of minority people they bully and harass. I want the KKK members to feel the pain of their victims. I want them to feel every single minute when the victims are beaten and tortured.

    I want this pain and suffering to stay with these people for the rest of their lives. And the only way they can reduce their suffering is through genuine remorse and making actual amends.

    I want Jeff Bezos to feel the exhaustion of his delivery guys and distribution center workers, the discomfort that they had to hold their bladder, the shame of having to pee in a bottle, the fear of being sick and missing work, the anxiety of doing full-time work and not making a living wage. I want him to feel it every day, every night, every minute of his life on his fucking 500 million dollar yacht. He won’t be able to enjoy any luxuries in life until he changes his company policy.

    Of course, the recipient would experience positive feelings from the target as well if that’s the direct result of their actions. So if Jeff Bezos decided to pay his workers fair wages, give them sick leave, and some bonus, he would experience immense joy no 500 million dollar yachts would bring. If the billionaires want to experience incredible joy, they can donate to disaster relief and build schools for underprivileged children. I would be happy to connect them to the children they helped. I mean, actually helped, instead of using their charity organization as a tax haven.

    I feel that I could actually make the world a better place if I had this power.


    Today I am finally showing you around a mobile home park here in California. However, there is a caveat…Its quite expensive to own a mobile home here. However, I was able to speak with one of the residents and get you the details on what its like to live and own in a mobile home park.

    You cannot afford to live in the USA.

    Have you ever been on a date that was going so badly you walked out and left?

    I had ridden motorcycles, ATVs, dirt bikes, etc on & off since I was 5. I met a guy on line who was a biker and agreed to meet for a ride & lunch. At the time, I didn’t have a bike so I was to be his backseat “princess”.

    Before the ride, I questioned him a lot about riding, how long he had been riding, where all he had ridden to, what bikes he had owned, etc to make sure he was legit. I’m not putting my life at risk with a poser. He came off as legit.

    We meet, start the ride and I realize that I was in trouble….he was dangerous with his riding skills. Tailgating, splitting lanes when there was no need to, cursing out car drivers, braking too late, taking curves too fast…. basically he was dangerous. I admit to being scared shitless. He refused to stop to let me get off his bike until we got to the restaurant.

    Inside the restaurant, I went from being an emotional wreck to being all out “Irish-Redhead” pissed but presented a calm and exterior. After ordering, I excused myself to go to the ladies room. While in there I called for an Uber to pick me up in 1/2 hour. I rejoined him, ate my meal, including a stiff drink to calm the nerves and thanked him. Then I just went outside and got in my Uber to go home. Be damned if I was getting back on the lunatic’s bike. And of course, I blocked him.

    Why is Huawei’s new smartphone generating so much buzz?

    Huawei was once the world’s top smartphone vendor, shipping over 200m phones in 2018.

    Last year, under a de-facto embargo by the US, it shipped 28m, an eight-, almost nine-fold decrease from its peak.

    The volume has been cannibalized by Apple, Samsung, and other Chinese brands.

    Apple, in particular, now sell more iPhones in Greater China than stateside, all thanks to Huawei’s demise.

    That’s “national security” and “clean networks” for all you Apple fans.

    How bad were the curbs applied on Huawei? Phone assemblers froze assembly lines overnight and refused to fulfill their contractual obligations, components on order were canceled, Google withdrew Android licensing and design license agreements were ripped up.

    Huawei had no OS, a completely disrupted hardware supply chain, a deficient set of highly specialized software design tools and its CFO under house arrest in Canada.

    It would not have surprised anyone had Huawei announced its withdrawal from the consumer device space.

    Amazingly, Huawei the 5G telecoms champion sold off Honor, its sub-brand, and issued 4G phones under the Huawei brand, weathering a gut-wrenching revenue drop off a cliff. It conducted an internal review of the entire supply chain, from its core telecoms equipment business to consumer devices, and began the painful and expensive task of de-Americanization. Any component that had even the hint of American IP was marked for domestic substitution. The process was completed for its telecoms equipment earlier, but the device side lacked two pieces—a capable GPU for AI-assisted gestures, payments and the camera, and a 5G modem, which was protected behind Qualcomm’s giant patent wall.

    Huawei found hacks around EDA restrictions, and designed its own GPU. It also introduced novel transistor geometries to boost the performance of 7nm to the 5nm node. It rapidly upgraded its inhouse Hongmeng OS to 4.0, turning it into a polished platform with large language AI and IOT capability baked in. Its software ecosystem is coming along nicely, and the platform is well beyond the market share needed to ensure survival.

    To add icing on the cake, the flagship Huawei phone of 2023 can make satellite calls, showcasing its space comms tech maturity and the bandwidth/coverage of the Chinese commercial satellite network.

    In field tests conducted by a Hong Kong user, the Mate 60 Pro matched the iPhone 14’s 5G network speed, demonstrating Huawei’s 5G modem was a match for Qualcomm’s implementation. Not a bad milestone for a first effort, eh?

    Huawei had no need for GPS, Qualcomm’s 5G, LG’s OLED, Samsung’s storage, Micron’s memory, or even upstream chip design tools that were vulnerable to US sanction. In fact, even if we took the best in class features from Apple, Google and Samsung and put them into a hypothetical hybrid champion, the Mate 60 Pro can still stand shoulder to shoulder, because it has a couple of industry-first or performance leading features. It is truly worthy of a 2023 flagship designation, earned fair and square.

    Huawei did all these in less than 4 years, a remarkable turnaround despite becoming a corporation targeted for destruction by the US government, probably a historic first.

    Huawei is finding its mojo again on way firmer footing, and it will sell every Mate 60 pro the production lines can churn out this year.

    The NEW American Dream: GETTING OUT!

    We grew up during the 1970s and 80s in the Midwest back when the American Dream was still the goal and attainable for most people in the middle class. If you worked hard for a loyal employer (they were still loyal back then) or at your own business, you could expect to have a shot at freedom, prosperity, a house, a car, a better life for your kids, etc. Sadly, that is no longer the case for several reasons we discuss in this video. Now, the NEW American Dream is about something most people never thought they would do: Leaving the United States.

    Are economic sanctions really effective against countries like Russia and China?

    There is a Golden Rule for Sanctions:-

    (a) If you can produce your own food and supply your own food

    (b) If you have a Product that has tremendous Global Demand and its deficit would lead to significant losses

    (c) You are a net exporter

    Then You are immune from Most Sanctions on a Long term basis.

    Its why Iran and Iraq have also survived Sanctions.

    They have OIL.

    Thats Why Afghanistan is likely to be roasted under Sanctions. Because they dont have the above merits.

    How Will The Biden Administration Cope With Its Loss In Ukraine?

    While this piece will touch on the war in Ukraine it is more about the U.S., and the Biden administration, and how they will cope with their  defeat in their war on Russia. Please keep that in mind when commentating.

    Washington’s moment of recognizing the defeat in Ukraine, and its consequences, has yet to arrive.

    In his latest piece (archived) Seymour Hersh reports on the state of the war and of significant differences of opinion between the U.S. intelligence services:

    There are significant elements in the American intelligence community, relying on field reports and technical intelligence, who believe that the demoralized Ukraine army has given up on the possibility of overcoming the heavily mined three-tier Russian defense lines and taking the war to Crimea and the four oblasts seized and annexed by Russia. The reality is that Volodymyr Zelensky’s battered army no longer has any chance of a victory.

    The war continues, I have been told by an official with access to current intelligence, because Zelensky insists that it must. There is no discussion in his headquarters or in the Biden White House of a ceasefire and no interest in talks that could lead to an end to the slaughter. “It’s all lies,” the official said, speaking of the Ukrainian claims of incremental progress in the offensive that has suffered staggering losses, while gaining ground in a few scattered areas that the Ukrainian military measures in meters per week.

    The American intelligence official I spoke with spent the early years of his career working against Soviet aggression and spying has respect for Putin’s intellect but contempt for his decision to go to war with Ukraine and to initiate the death and destruction that war brings. But, as he told me, “The war is over. Russia has won. There is no Ukrainian offensive anymore, but the White House and the American media have to keep the lie going.

    “The truth is if the Ukrainian army is ordered to continue the offensive, the army would mutiny. The soldiers aren’t willing to die any more, but this doesn’t fit the B.S. that is being authored by the Biden White House.”

    The differences between the current CIA and the more neoconned Defense Intelligence Agency extend to their view on China:

    A byproduct of the Biden administration’s neocon hostility to Russia and China—exemplified by the remarks of Secretary of State Tony Blinken, who has repeatedly stated that he will not currently countenance a ceasefire in Ukraine—has been a significant split in the intelligence community. One casualty are the secret National Intelligence Estimates that have delineated the parameters of American foreign policy for decades. Some key offices in the CIA have refused, in many cases, to participate in the NIE process because of profound political disagreement with the administration’s aggressive foreign policy. One recent failure involved a planned NIE that dealt with the outcome of a Chinese attack on Taiwan.

    I have reported for many weeks on the longstanding disagreement between the CIA and other elements of the intelligence community on the prognosis of the current war in the Ukraine. CIA analysts have consistently been far more skeptical than their counterparts at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) on the prospect for a Ukraine success. The American media has ignored the dispute, but the London-headquartered Economist, whose well-informed reporters do not get bylines, has not.

    The DIA is still saying that the Ukrainian army has a chance, a small one though, to break through the Russian lines. The White House still seems to believe in that. The CIA knows that the Ukraine is done.

    Alastair Crooke, in a talk (vid) with Judge Napolitano, says that the moment of truth will only arrive in November.

    But what will happen when everyone recognizes and acknowledges, if silently, that the war on Russia has failed?

    Michael Brenner argues that the US Can’t Deal With Defeat:

    Ukraine, today, has suffered huge losses of even greater (proportional) magnitude [than the German Wehrmacht in the Battle of Kursk], without achieving any significant territorial gains, unable even to reach the first layer of the Surovikin Line. That will clear the road to the Dnieper and beyond for the 600,000 strong Russian army equipped with weaponry the equal of what the West has given Ukraine. Hence, Moscow is poised to exploit its decisive advantage to the point where it can dictate terms to Kiev, Washington, Brussels et al.

    The Biden administration has made no plans for such an eventuality, nor have its obedient European governments. Their divorce from reality will make this state of affairs all the more stunning — and galling. Bereft of ideas, they will flounder. How they will react is unknowable. We can say with certainty one thing: the collective West, and especially the U.S., will have suffered a grave defeat. Coping with that truth will become the main order of business.

    Here is a menu of options for handling it:

    Redefine what is meant by defeat, victory, failure, success, loss, gain. There is a new narrative that is scripted to stress these talking points: …

    This narrative already has been given an airing in speeches by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. Its target audience is the American public; nobody outside the Collective West buys it, though — whether Washington has registered that fact of diplomatic life or not.

    Retroactively Scale Back the Goals & Stakes

    Cultivate Amnesia

    Next: China

    It is likely that the administration will use all four options to make the pain and memory of defeat go away. Declare victory over Russia  because Russia was stopped at the border with Poland. Then forget about all the details and consequences and move towards war on China.

    That could end catastrophically.

    The focal shift from Russia in Europe to China in Asia is less a mechanism for coping with defeat than the pathological reaction of a country that, feeling a gnawing sense of diminishing prowess, can manage to do nothing more than try one final fling at proving to itself that it still has the right stuff — since living without that exalted sense of self is intolerable.

    The U.S. was fortunate, in the case of Vietnam, that the United States’ dominant position in the world outside of the Soviet Bloc and the PRC allowed it to maintain respect, status and influence.

    Things have now changed, though. The U.S. relative strength in all domains is weaker, strong centrifugal forces around the globe are producing a dispersion of power, will and outlook among other states. The BRICs phenomenon is the concrete embodiment of that reality.

    Hence, the prerogatives of the United States are narrowing, its ability to shape the global system in conformity with its ideas and interests are under mounting challenge, and premiums are being placed on diplomacy of an order that seems beyond its present aptitudes.

    The U.S. is confounded.

    Major offices in the CIA, according to Hersh, have recognized the danger of such plans. It may well be the reason why the CIA’s informal spokesmen, David Ignatius, and others wrote that Biden should step down.

    If he doesn’t the neoconservatives around him will have a great incentive to move on China as fast as possible. As Biden will have difficulties in winning next year’s election he needs some objective that can unify the country. A war that he can claim the U.S. will win is one. Some hostile naval exchanges with China will follow.

    (Please don’t use the comments of this thread for details from the war in Ukraine. The current thread for such is here.)

    Posted by b on September 21, 2023 at 17:05 UTC | Permalink


    On topic we are at a dangerous inflection point. Ironically it is the potential of war with China that is preventing WW3 from starting, in my view. Maerica doesn’t know how to accept loss and animals are at their most dangerous when cornered.

    Posted by: Doctor Eleven | Sep 21 2023 18:22 utc | 29

    What are the strengths and weaknesses of China’s foreign policy towards the United States?

    China’s foreign policy towards the U.S. is very simple indeed Allow the U.S. to commit suicide and give them a long rope to hang themselves since they choose ignorance, naïveté and hubris over knowing the real China.

    This policy is highly effective cost almost nothing and hurt the U.S. beyond recognition. And it is the US doing to themselves. Take the Chinese response to US thinking they could knee cap China on supposed technological superiority on semi conductor. Over China.

    China don’t wish to start a fight now wants to hurt snd harmed China but the US insisted. Hence China chose the precise response that will totally destroy the U.S. that cost China nothing and cost trillions upon trillions of losses in the U.S. chips industry.

    But this is not the first time nor will it be the last. The last nation to threaten is one that helped you enjoyed a 30 years inflation free economy. But the U.S. started a trade war against China for no reason except it is popular for politicians. Today the U.S. is paying for a high inflation and looming recession.

    Their policy as usual is sustainable, practical and pragmatic while the U.S. policy towards China hurts and harm the U.S. to no end. It is neither sustainable nor effective against China.

    China Slams And Issues A Massive Warning To Europe | Sparks Tensions Over EV Exports

    Just like their master, the E.U. resorts to tariffs to try to slow down the growth of Chinese EV’s in its market. In other words, when they can’t compete, they employ dirty tricks to get what they want. How can the E.U. go about the accusation of government subsidies when the same eletrict car costs nearly twice the one in the Chinese domestic market? The madness is beyond belief.”

    China can make life really bad for European car manufacturers if it wanted to.

    Who is probably the luckiest guy ever?

    This man survived the unthinkable on 9/11.

    Stanley Praimnath, was working on the 81st floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

    He was a vice president at Fuji Bank, a prestigious Japanese financial institution. He had a nice office with a view of the Statue of Liberty and the Hudson River.

    He had a good life, a loving family, and a strong Christian faith.

    But everything changed in an instant when he saw a plane flying straight toward his building.

    He later recalled:

    Depiction of the plane.

    “I saw this giant airplane coming towards me eye level, eye contact. I’m looking at the cockpit of the plane and I see the red markings on it and I realize it’s an American Airlines plane.” He instinctively ducked under his desk and prayed: “Lord, I can’t do this! You take over!”

    The plane crashed into the building between floors 77 and 85, just above Stanley’s office.

    The impact was so powerful that it tore a hole in the wall behind him and sucked out everything in his office except his desk, which shielded him from the flames and debris. He was trapped in a small space with no way out.

    Meanwhile, on the same floor, another man was looking for survivors. His name was Brian Clark,

    a Canadian executive at Euro Brokers, another financial firm.

    He had escaped from his office on the 84th floor, which was at the top of the impact zone, and was heading down Stairway A, the only one that wasn’t destroyed by the plane.

    On his way down, he heard a faint voice crying for help from behind a wall of rubble.

    He followed the sound and found Stanley’s hand waving through a hole. He shone his flashlight and saw Stanley’s eyes staring back at him.

    He grabbed his hand and pulled him over the wall.

    Stanley was overjoyed to see Brian. He kissed him and said:

    “I’m Stanley! We’ll be brothers for life!” Brian agreed and said: “Let’s go home.”

    The two men made their way down the stairs, dodging smoke and debris along the way. They reached the ground floor at 9:55 am, just five minutes before the South Tower collapsed.

    They ran out of the building and hugged each other in relief. They had just become two of only four survivors from above the south tower impact zone.

    Stanley later said that he owed his life to God and Brian. He said: “God sent an angel to save me.” Brian said:

    “I don’t know why I survived when so many others didn’t. I guess God had other plans for me.”

    After 9/11, Stanley became a Pentecostal pastor and a popular inspirational speaker with religious groups and churches. He also remained close friends with Brian, who he calls his brother for life.

    Chopped Steak Special

    Skillet Chopped Steak ExtraLarge1000 ID 1164090
    Skillet Chopped Steak ExtraLarge1000 ID 1164090


    • 1 1/2 pounds ground sirloin
    • 3 tablespoons grated or minced onion
    • 1 tablespoon minced chile pepper
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1 teaspoon spicy steak or Worcestershire sauce
    • 1/4 teaspoon green or red Tabasco sauce


    1. Combine all ingredients until well mixed.
    2. Shape into four fat oval patties.
    3. Pan broil in a heavy skillet.

    What are some examples of countries which went rapidly from rich to poor?


    In short answer, Cambodia used to be a prosperous country. After the end of the Indochina War (1945–1954), under the leadership of King Norodom Sihanouk (1922–2012), the economy of Cambodia rapidly went up for the next twenty years, with remarkable achievements. In 1960, the GPD per capita of Cambodia was US$ 111,34 and it was even higher than both North and South Vietnam at that time (with US$ 51 and US$ 105, respectively).

    During the 1960s, while Vietnam was stuck into a devastated war, the economy of Cambodia continued to develop rapidly. The capital of Phnom Penh was among the “pearls” of the oriental, where notable figures of the world such as French President Charles De Gaulle (1890–1970) and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (1929–1994) had their visits.


    The fate of Cambodia was sealed on 18 March 1970, after the coup d’état against King Norodom Sihanouk, which was sponsored by the United States. Since then, Cambodia was stuck into a bloody civil war during the next five years (1970–1975), with hundred thousand deaths.

    Unluckily, the end of the Cambodian Civil War in 1975 did not mark the beginning of the new peaceful era for Cambodian nation. On the contrary, it subsequently marked the beginning of the Maoist genocidal regime of Khmer Rouge, as one of the most brutal dictatorships in 20th century. “Comrade Pol Pot”, the supreme leader of Cambodia at that time once said:

    In the concrete revolutionary struggle of our country, we creatively and successfully applied Mao Tse-tung Thought.”

    (Peking Review (北京周報), Vol. 20, No. 41, 07 October 1977, p. 25)

    With Chinese Maoism in his mind together with strong military supports from People’s Republic of China, in just four years Pol Pot rapidly transformed his country into a massive “killing field”, where 2.0 to 3.0 millions of “counter-revolutionaries” or 1/3 of Cambodian population were exterminated! Historically, it was called the “Cambodian Genocide”, in which the whole country of Cambodia was returned to the “Year Zero” (Année Zéro). From a prosperous country during the 1960s, Cambodia became a constant famine-stricken and also one of the poorest countries in the world under the rule of Khmer Rouge regime.

    The whole economic structure of Cambodia was totally bankrupt to the root when Pol Pot decided not to use the paper money anymore! The city of Phnom Penh subsequently became a “ghost city”. There were no more French-style coffee shops, no more luxury cars, no more beautiful lights of neon at night, but only the so-called “people’s communes” located around the country, where people were forced to work until their last breath. These below pictures were about the city of Phnom Penh under the rule of Khmer Rouge.

    The “Cambodian Genocide” was finally ended on January 1979, when the Cambodian national uprising together with the Vietnamese offensive finally overthrown the rule of Pol Pot and his henchmen. During the next twenty years (1979–1999), together with the Vietnamese military assistance, the new government of Cambodia under the leadership of Hun Sen continued the fight against the remaining Khmer Rouge guerrillas until the death of Pol Pot in 1998 and the total disband of the Khmer Rouge faction in 1999.

    Since 1993, Norodom Sihanouk officially returned as a King of Cambodia. Meanwhile, all of the former leaders of Khmer Rouge regime were charged with their crimes against the humanity.

    Nowadays, although Cambodia is not a rich country, but the revival process is going on, the whole country of Cambodia is again going up rapidly from zero and obtains average GDP growth about 7.5% annually.

    How to LEAVE AMERICA FOR GOOD and escape the rat race in the United States

    If you’re thinking that America sucks and is going to hell recently, you’re not alone and lots of people are wondering how to set up an escape plan and get out of the USA permanently before it falls apart.

    Or, you might simply be thinking that it would be better to live in another country, regardless of how well the United States is doing, because you’re trying to escape the rat race that we’ve built.

    Whatever your motivations for wanting to leave the USA and travel the world full-time, this video will breakdown how to make money while traveling, different jobs available to foreigners, how to work online, how to find jobs in a foreign country, a few countries that I think are good first-time tryouts for anyone who is considering living the digital nomad life full-time, and much more.

    “Digital Nomad” is a very highly hyped occupation, but in actuality, it doesn’t really work out that great.

    How can we make peace between China and Taiwan?

    Tesla CEO Elon Musk has already answered this question.

    Taiwan is part of China.

    Since 1956, Mao Zedong proposed the “third cooperation between the KMT and the CPC” to complete the mission of peacefully reunifying Taiwan, and proposed the policy of “One Program, Four projects”, the predecessor of “One Country, Two Systems”.

    It is the hypocritical Yanks who have been blocking China’s efforts to unify Taiwan.

    The United States has always been the main culprit in dividing China. Without the overt and covert support of Washington, the DPP would not be able to gain power in Taiwan.

    We record everything the United States has done to China.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold.

    Why do service economies eventually become rent-seeking economies when growth slows down?

    When service economies slow down; they resort to financialization.

    This means that they create cash flow by creating debt instead of producing anything.

    This is what has happened to the US economy. Most Americans are deeply in debt, and spend a significant portion of their monthly income paying interest on their debt.

    It is NOT productivity.

    Debt is a necessary part of life, but it should only be spent as an investment for future productivity, not for paying off daily expenses.

    Frugal Living Is The Only Way To SURVIVE The Cost of Living Crisis


    Cats and fireflies

    When we lived in Indiana, we lived in a mobile home. We moved that home from park to park, and must have lived in perhaps eight different locations. Living in a trailer park is an experience in itself.

    I do not recommend it.

    Weekends are non-stop grass mowing and 200 families take turns on the hour mowing their grass from the crack of dawn to sunset. And let’s not talk about the poor quality of people that invariably inhabit SOME of the trailers.

    I have many stories of this period in my life, but today, I wish to relate one that is charming.

    It’s late July.

    The sun is setting, and the fireflies come out.

    You can still see them, but they turn on their mini lights and pop in and out of sight. And there, my wife and I are sitting outside on our chaise-lounges enjoying the evening when we notice our cats playing.

    They all try to catch the fireflies. The light attracts them, and then they go pounce up and catch the little bugs.

    I will tell youse guys that they all were having a blast, and we were truly enjoying watching them. Those little guys were just having a blast! It was the time of their little kitty-hood. Don’t you know.

    These little moments… we all have little moments… but they should be treasured, and appreciated. Who knows what little moments that you so absent mindlessly ignore though the day, only to one day twenty years from now, look back in wistful nostalgia.

    Like me.


    More Voices Call On Biden To Withdraw From The 2024 Race

    The Democrats have a Biden problem:

    I do not know who is supposed to manage Biden’s public relations but whoever that is is doing a bad job.

    The strategists for the Democratic Party and those concerned with winning elections should seriously think about replacing Biden with someone who is better at handling himself.

    It is going to get worse:

    Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday directed top congressional Republicans to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, reversing his previous stance that such an investigation should be initiated only with a vote of the House.

    In doing so, Mr. McCarthy leveled a series of accusations against Mr. Biden that he said amounted to a “picture of a culture of corruption” and warranted the House using its most potent investigative tool to try to make the case for removing the president.

    The impeachment proceedings, like those against Donald Trump, are mostly a public relation gimmick. But they are also likely to show that the Biden family business is as corrupt as they come.

    The British establishment, largely on the Democrats side, is clearly concerned.

    The Economist predicts that:

    Hunter Biden’s woes, and a new impeachment saga, will go on and on

    Yet although Mr Comer’s investigation is failing to prove the existence of what Donald Trump calls the “Biden crime family”, congressional inquiries will now multiply.

    Indeed, the younger Mr Biden’s legal problems are intensifying. On September 6th prosecutors serving under David Weiss, the special counsel investigating Hunter, announced that they expect an indictment by the end of the month. The president’s son is likely to be charged with not paying taxes and lying on a form when buying a gun at a time when he was addicted to crack cocaine. A plea deal that would have kept him out of jail on those charges fell apart in July. And other, more damaging charges—such as lobbying for a foreign government without registering—have not been ruled out.

    None of that implicates the president. Yet he may suffer for it nonetheless. According to a CNN poll, three-fifths of Americans think Mr Biden was involved in his son’s business. Pump out enough smoke and you might create fire.

    The CIA’s influence peddler and Washington Post columnist David Ignatius is the latest establishment voice to warn of a likely defeat of Biden should he decide to keep running:

    President Biden should not run again in 2024

    Like the Economist writers Ignatius is as friendly to Democrats as they come. The CIA and FBI had both intervened after the election of Donald Trump. They launched Russiagate, a series of fake stories, to hamper Trump’s ability to govern and to get Biden elected. That its senior management has commissioned Ignatius to call on Biden to give up can be understood as a warning.

    Ignatius names two points that put Biden’s reelection into jeopardy:

    Biden would carry two big liabilities into a 2024 campaign. He would be 82 when he began a second term. According to a recent Associated Press-NORC poll, 77 percent of the public, including 69 percent of Democrats, think he’s too old to be effective for four more years. Biden’s age isn’t just a Fox News trope; it’s been the subject of dinner-table conversations across America this summer.

    Because of their concerns about Biden’s age, voters would sensibly focus on his presumptive running mate, Harris. She is less popular than Biden, with a 39.5 percent approval rating, according to polling website FiveThirtyEight. Harris has many laudable qualities, but the simple fact is that she has failed to gain traction in the country or even within her own party.

    Biden at least should get rid of Harris who is a bit of a millstone to popularity:

    Biden could encourage a more open vice-presidential selection process that could produce a stronger running mate.

    Ignatius goes on to ask Biden to step down and to immediately announce that he will not be available for another round:

    Biden has never been good at saying no. He should have resisted the choice of Harris, who was a colleague of his beloved son Beau when they were both state attorneys general. He should have blocked then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, which has done considerable damage to the island’s security. He should have stopped his son Hunter from joining the board of a Ukrainian gas company and representing companies in China — and he certainly should have resisted Hunter’s attempts to impress clients by getting Dad on the phone.

    Biden has another chance to say no — to himself, this time — by withdrawing from the 2024 race. It might not be in character for Biden, but it would be a wise choice for the country.

    I doubt that Joe Biden, or the people around him, will follow that advice. They are too full of themselves to voluntarily make room for others. It will require more intervention, probably from former president Obama, to convince Biden to give up.

    Or someone could create some ‘medical emergency’. That should not be too difficult given Biden’s general condition and age.

    Anyway. If the Democrats want to keep the presidency, something needs to be done.

    Posted by b at 15:13 UTC | Comments (145)

    Famous Pennsylvania Dutch Sticky Cinnamon Buns

    Pennsylvania Dutch Sticky Cinnamon Buns
    Pennsylvania Dutch Sticky Cinnamon Buns


    • 1 package dry yeast
    • 1/4 cup warm water
    • 1 cup milk, scalded
    • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 3 1/4 cups sifted flour, divided
    • 3 tablespoons soft butter
    • 1/2 cup chopped raisins
    • 2 tablespoons currants
    • 2 tablespoons finely chopped citron
    • 1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
    • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 3 tablespoons brown sugar


    1. Soften yeast in warm water and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes.
    2. Add milk to sugar and salt. Mix and cool to lukewarm.
    3. Add 1 cup flour and mix until smooth. Stir in yeast. Add remaining flour mixing well. Knead dough on floured board until smooth. Put in greased bowl, grease top, cover with towel and let rise in warm room until double.
    4. Punch down dough, and roll into a rectangle about 1/4 inch thick. Brush with the softened butter and spread with mixture of raisins, currants, citron, the 1/4 cup brown sugar and cinnamon. Roll up like a jellyroll and cut into 1/4-inch thick slices. Lay the slices in a buttered 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan. Cover and let rise until doubled.
    5. Sprinkle top with the 3 tablespoons brown sugar.
    6. Bake at 375 degrees F for 20 to 25 minutes.

    Source: Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book

    What was the most unexpected knock you got on your door?

    I’m in my second week of at home suspension for striking a teacher. He locked me in a classroom and attempted to assault me when I wouldn’t consent to his advances on 14 year old me.

    The knock on the door was a deputy that served legal papers in our little town. The papers he served me was a summons to court for legal action pertaining to expenses incurred from point there after. I’m being sued by this teacher.

    My dad exploded, that jerk has bigger problems than money, just wait I don’t care if he’s in a courtroom. OMG I was saying daddy calm down a lot, I only call my dad “daddy” when I need him to calm down and focus on me so he doesn’t get into trouble or worse.

    The day of court arrived and there stands Mr Smug in his neck brace, bandaged nose, and black eye. I am holding my dad by both hands, telling him to look at me, please I don’t want you in jail dad.

    It doesn’t help that I’m shaking and I’m sure dad can feel it.

    Then the judge starts reading the case notes, Mr Smug is suing one Miss Key for medical expenses incurred during an altercation that resulted in a fractured nose, two chipped teeth, severe painful swelling in the groin, blurry vision, slight concussion, and upper neck pain.

    So young lady how do you plead?

    I asked the judge if I could present my papers (please don’t laugh we couldn’t afford a lawyer).

    He accepts my papers which are the affidavits from the custodian, vice principal and teacher (the witnesses that pulled me off of Mr Smug), the arresting deputy, and the school nurse that treated me before my dad arrived.

    His whole demeanor changed. WTH?!

    You mean to tell me that you are suing this girl because she kicked your but during an assault?

    His lawyer started trying to make an argument about me being malicious, and over bearing about defending myself.

    The judge told him to shut up, in what world does a 30 year old man believe he has a case against a 14 year old child that he is attempting to assault?

    Lawyer sets in with that is just allegations and hear-say, there’s no proof.

    I didn’t ask you lawyer I asked your client because as it stands this is the stupidest case I’ve ever heard of.

    In fact it’s so stupid that I’m dismissing it without prejudice, on grounds of incomprehension and competence.

    And might I extend my gratitude to you Mr Key for raising an able and resourceful young lady.

    After the accident, she was left on the side of the road, no one stopped the car to help her

    A severely injured cat was found on the road, accompanied by meowing kittens. A man called for help, unable to afford vet care. Promising assistance, we advised taking the cat to a nearby clinic. Despite financial constraints, we assured the man we’d cover the costs. We directed him to the nearest clinic known to us.

    Team members searched for kittens nearby and found three. Unfortunately, the cat couldn’t be saved due to delay, leaving us saddened. Confirming her as the mother, we arranged a burial.

    We decided to adopt the motherless kittens and raise them with another cat.

    The loss saddened us, but we hoped for a better life for the kittens.

    As many of you know, there is a lot of stray paws in Punjab and I try my best to take care of them. When I get off from my job, I go every day to feed these poor hungry cats. On weekends I get a lot of time to help these stray cats and kittens. I go for street feeding everyday. It gives me great pleasure to help these poor animals. I get internal peace. I want to share these moments with you.

    How is Huawei going to beat Apple globally?

    My opinion: 5G apps. Apple has yet to produce its own 5G transceiver. Today, it uses Qualcomm. Media reports think it will be 2025. By that time, Huawei will be promoting 5.5G heavily and experimenting with 6G. When Harmony OS can show the same number of apps, it has a good chance of surpassing Apple. In the current generation of mobile phones, Huawei can communicate via satellite, achieve data rates comparable to 6G, and come at a lower price point than Apple. Apple’s annual comfab on its mobile phones revealed nothing exciting, The biggest deal was Apple incorporating USB to charge because the EU forced them to. Everyone is speculating what will Huawei do with photonics, graphene, and quantum chips, the near term poses exciting possibilities.

    Have you ever had a neighbor who believed they had free reign of your property?

    I bought a home with 16 acres and a week after I moved in while staining the exterior a pickup came up the driveway and a man got out and informed me he would be hunting on my property that fall. I told him that no, no one would be hunting on my property and if I caught anyone doing so I would have them trespassed. He said the pervious owner said he could so he would be hunting. I couldn’t believe the audacity of this guy.

    I came down from the ladder and told him it did not matter what anyone had told him before, I now owned the place and he was not going to hunt on my property and was going to get back in his truck and get off of my property immediately. I also told him I had cameras up and I had better not catch him here again or I would take the steps that needed to be taken to ensure he would come to realize how serious I am that my private property was just that, private, and that the previous owner had warned me about him.

    I never caught him on any of the trail cameras I put up and never caught him on my property again, but I did catch him on camera leaving deer entrails next to my mailbox which was across the road a couple times during the following deer season, but after than nothing more. The foxes, coyotes, and buzzards took care of his mess in short order too.

    No one believe he will alive over the night but he beat all odds and thrive now!

    Save the kitty!

    What is the hardest thing you have ever done?

    I stopped pretending I wasn’t there.

    There are some really great answers, but I figure I’ll add mine. I’m going anonymous for my own, personal reasons.

    When I was a little kid I had a pretty decent life- upper middle class, two parents, live-in nanny, lots of pets. The works. The problem was, none of it was real. All the money was borrowed, and every piece of luxury was a facade to hide my parents’ crumbling lives.

    When I was six my mother got into a car accident. She wound up with nerve damage and went on some pretty heavy duty painkillers- we’ll come back to that. The more immediate effect was that this accident triggered a resurgence of repressed memories from her own childhood. She spent the next year or two in and out of psychiatric care. I don’t know how long, exactly; time is a little blurry.

    My most vivid memory of that year is laying awake in my bed, my door cracked, my mother on all fours in the hallway, dragging my father’s safe, and screaming “He’ll never get us again. He’ll never get us again.” This went on for a long time. I pretended I wasn’t there.

    When I was seven my father also got into a car accident. He walked away relatively unscathed, but used the accident as cause to start seeing a neurologist. He complained of headaches, which he had apparently always had. He also got a prescription for heavy painkillers. Within months, both my parents were taking enough Dilaudid to kill a horse. Even at seven years old, I could tell that they weren’t as sharp as the used to be.

    I have a sister who is much older than I am. Years later, she would confirm my suspicions, the ones that were just starting to form at this time: both my parents were long-time drug addicts, who had only temporarily gotten clean. I didn’t know what to do, so I pretended I wasn’t there.

    When I was eight my parents sent me to a private school. Not only were they addicted to narcotics, they were also addicted to the perception of wealth and social status. Sending me to private school furthered this. I didn’t fit in. My grades plummeted.

    When my first report cards came back, my father’s belt came out. I’d never been hit before, not more than spanked, anyway. I don’t remember the moment of contact of the belt, or the palms, or the fists. I only ever remember the swing. I only ever remember the feeling of the carpet against my cheeks, wet with tears. I never remember the moment of contact.

    Every time I would get beat by my father, my mother’s response would be the same. She would cry, rocking herself to comfort, a few feet away, but watching the whole thing. Sometimes, she would come up to me afterward and say, “Don’t you dare fuck this up for me.” It took a long time before I found out what that meant.

    I wonder if I never remember the moments i got hit because I was pretending I wasn’t there.

    When I was eleven my father had his major breakdown. We had moved to a new town, a cheaper house. We didn’t have as many cars, and luxuries were becoming fewer and fewer. The facade was crumbling, and the rot inside was starting to show. Both of my parents were high most of the time at that point. I guess part of it was to cope with the stress of their crumbling lives, and part of it was just their nature. It was a cycle, a spiral, and they were coming unhinged.

    My father was the first one to snap. One day I woke up to banging and screaming. My parents fought a lot, and I would usually pretend I wasn’t there. Something was different this time, though. I could tell. I went out of my room to see what was happening, and the next moment are a blur. I don’t know if, in the excitement, I failed to form memories for a minute, or if I’ve blocked something out entirely.

    What I do remember starts shortly after leaving my room. My mother and I are running down the stairs, each carrying as many guns as we can. My father was running close behind us, screaming, naked. He wanted to kill us. This I remember. He tried to get to his guns, but we got to them first. This I remember. I have never been so scared in my life. This I remember.

    He was an avid gun collector, despite a history of drug abuse and instability. For obvious reasons, I am an avid supporter of strict gun control legislation.

    Sometimes I think of the boulder scene from Indiana Jones. That’s exactly what it felt like, but instead of treasure, we were running away with guns. Instead of a boulder, it was a doped-up maniac who wanted to kill my mother and me.

    We ran outside, pulling things down behind us however we could without dropping the guns. We managed to get to my mother’s car and lock the guns inside. We knew it wouldn’t stop him, but it slowed him down. That’s all we needed. The cops showed up shortly after we got the guns in the car. He struggled, but at least half a dozen cars were there. He had no chance. That was the day I watched the cops take my father away.

    I don’t remember the next days very well. I tried to pretend I wasn’t there.

    When I was fourteen I went to visit my father. They were always supervised visits, so my mother was there as well. On the way out, she told me to wait in the car, and they stayed back in the entryway for a couple minutes. I started to hear raised voices, then saw my mother try to leave. I saw my father grab her by the arm, twist it behind her back, and pin her against the garage door.

    I didn’t know what to do, so I did what I wanted.

    I got out of the car, and ran over to the two of them. I yelled at my father. It was the first time I really yelled, instead of screaming. It was a terrifying noise. Every time I have to yell, I still think about that moment. I don’t yell much.

    He didn’t respond to the noise, so I did the next logical thing.

    I hit him.

    I hit him again.

    And again.

    And again.

    I pressed my forearm into his neck and made clear, in no uncertain terms, that he had better never hurt either of us again. I got into the car, and my mother and I left.

    That was the day I didn’t pretend I wasn’t there.

    When I was fifteen my mother started drinking. She had been clean for a few years, since my father got taken away, but it got really bad, really quickly. She had trouble holding down jobs, kept driving drunk and getting into car accidents. She broke a bunch of bones, lost a bunch of weight. She was killing herself.

    We had no money, no food. She could hold a job for maybe a week or two. Any cash she had went into cheap alcohol. I used to look for change on the street. When I had enough, I’d go to the gas station and get a gallon of kerosene for our furnace. That got harder when it started snowing. We went without heat a lot. I stayed over at friends’ places as much as possible. Their parents would let me eat family meals with them. Nobody asked questions. Nobody had to. By January of that year I was stealing money for food. I made a little extra cash by selling small amounts of drugs, but it wasn’t enough to make a living.

    In February, my mother got drunker than I’d ever seen her. She kept telling me she wished I was never born, that I was a mistake. She told me why she decided to have a child. My father was planning on a divorce. So she sabotaged the birth control. I was her tool. Now I understood why she was always so upset that I would fuck it all up for her.

    After a while, words weren’t enough. She picked up a knife, and tried to stab me in the neck. I was so shocked that I almost didn’t get out of the way in time, but she was very drunk, and I was 15 and spry. I grabbed her by the wrist, took the knife from her, and locked myself in the bathroom until I figured out what to do.

    I wanted to pretend I wasn’t there, but I couldn’t.

    Instead, I called the cops, and, for the second time in my life, I watched them take away one of my parents.

    I was alone, and I had no idea what to do.

    I called my father.

    When I was sixteen I was living with my father. He had cleaned up, sort of. He was at least functional. We lived with his girlfriend in a huge house in a rich neighborhood. He had found his way back into the glamour. My room was, quite literally, a large closet under the stairs. I read Harry Potter multiple times that year. It made me feel a little better.

    Things were generally okay between my father and I at that point. At least, I smoothed things along. He was pathological liar, and used every chance he had to manipulate people. That never changed. But… it was better than foster care, it was better than being homeless. We moved around a lot back then. I think six moves in two years. It made it hard to make friends, but I was biding my time. I knew I’d get through it.

    Then I was raped.

    Back then, I didn’t think men could be raped, at least not by women. It took a long time for me to call it what it was. In fact, it wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I could really say it. I was raped. Over, and over. The difficulty in calling it rape was that 1) I was so hung up on traditional gender roles at that age, and didn’t know better, and 2) that this happened inside of a relationship. I was in an abusive relationship, and I had no idea. I had no idea that it was wrong.

    I thought that I was what was wrong.

    Whenever it was happening, I would just close my eyes and pretend I wasn’t there.

    Then, one day, I snapped.

    When I was twenty I got so tired of pretending. I got so tired of acting like I wasn’t being hurt. I got so tired of letting people have power over me. So I stopped it all.

    One by one, ended every abusive relationship.

    I called my partner. I told her I never wanted to see her again. I still didn’t call what she did rape at that point, but I knew it was wrong. I knew I was done with it.

    I called my mother. I told her I never wanted to see her again. We had tried to repair our relationship after she tried to kill me, but it never really worked. She never could see that she did anything wrong. It was always about how it affected her life. She’s not my responsibility.

    I called my father. I told him I never wanted to see him again. Living with him for the two years I needed before I was eighteen was tolerable, but only because I would always pretend I wasn’t there. It was harder to leave him, because I don’t think he’s a bad person. I think he’s just profoundly narcissistic, unable to control himself, and incredibly dangerous to all those around him. In the two years I was living with him, he almost shot me again, but I talked him down. I knew, no matter what his intentions were, I would never be safe with him in my life.

    Out of all of these, I do miss my father. Or more accurately, I desperately miss the person he could have been.

    That was when I stopped pretending.

    I would never again pretend I wasn’t there, because now I really wasn’t.

    Leaving was the best, and hardest, thing I have ever done in my life. Beyond every single nightmare moment- leaving was the hardest.

    But I’m so glad I did.

    When I was twenty one I started my first semester of graduate school. Five and a half years later, and I’m doing really well. I’m in therapy, and have been for a few years. It really helps, but there’s so much left to work through. I have good friends, healthy relationships, and a satisfying life. I’m defending my doctoral dissertation in three weeks, and then starting a job that I’m really excited for. I managed to get my life on a really good track, and I’m immensely thankful.

    Leaving was so incredibly, incredibly hard, but it was so good for me.

    I don’t have to pretend I’m not there anymore.

    Now I’m here.


    You guys are great. I love your reactions… They seem real to me so if they’re not you’re doing a great job if they are you’re doing a great job. Oliver…. Mr. Christopher Anthony is a blessing to us all…. Unexpected…. Breath of fresh air… With divine timing. We all need more people like Oliver… Mr. Christopher Anthony. We are All just as great as he is…. He is a blessing because he created a spark worldwide . His message is for all …

    China now has alternative means to build 5G chips without EUV technology and TSMC as is shown by the Mate 60 launched some week ago. What is the US gonna try to do now to stop China’s growth?

    The Dutch sucked up to the U.S. and refuse to sell their EU.V machines to China. A fatal mistake. China did it with other technology that is cheaper, better and faster. Now the Dutch EUV machines will lose not only Chinese business but businesses across the world. It will go bankrupt in no time or at least until the U.S. stop paying billions of subsidies to them. And if and when the U.S. stop the Dutch company ought to sue the U.S. for trillions of dollars.

    What can the US do? If it is smart it change a president and forget containing China. But I suspect it is not smart enough. It will hurt the US to no end by killing US industry one by one.

    Opera Singer Reacts to Dio – The Last In Line

    Dio wasn’t just a once in a lifetime vocalist… He was a once in a century talent.

    BRICS: What Happens if Saudi Arabia Stops Accepting US Dollar for Oil?

    The BRICS alliance inducted six new countries into the bloc at the 15th summit in Johannesburg last month. Out of the six countries, five are oil-producing nations that export millions of barrels across the globe every year. The six countries joining BRICS are Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia, while Argentina is the only non-oil-producing country.

    There’s a high risk that Saudi Arabia and the UAE might start accepting local currencies for oil and ditch the U.S. dollar.

    The new mission of BRICS is to end reliance on the U.S. dollar and promote local currencies for global trade. Therefore, chances are high that Saudi Arabia might consider accepting local currencies as payment for oil to reduce its dependency on the U.S. dollar.

    BRICS is looking to control the oil markets, and inducting Saudi Arabia was the best choice. But what could happen to the U.S. dollar if Saudi Arabia accepts local currencies to settle oil and gas payments.

    First and foremost, the weakening of the U.S. dollar would begin if Saudi Arabia accepted local currencies for oil trade. If Saudi Arabia demands that other countries pay in local currencies only, then demand for the U.S. dollar would dip drastically. The move could lead to the dollar facing a depreciation in the international forex and currency markets. A weak dollar would make imported goods more expensive in the United States and potentially impact the overall U.S. economy.

    Secondly, other nations will begin to diversify their reserves and accumulate other currencies apart from the U.S. dollar. The development would increase demand for other local currencies and put them in direct competition with the dollar. Central Banks around the world will keep reserves of all currencies and commodities like gold, making the USD dip.

    BREAKING NEWS: Oprah Winfrey INVESTIGATED For Maui Fires!

    That woman needs to be investigated for much more egregious kind that involve the kiddies. There are some serious questions here. Something suggests some profit motives by the mega-wealthy.

    Have you ever found out your kid wasn’t yours by getting a paternity test? If so, what did you do and did you stay in the child’s life?

    I had a daughter. Her mother became pregnant and we moved into a house together. Six months later my daughter was born. Mom had four children from another marriage and made an effort to remind the older children she was their half-sibling. When she was two, the older siblings went from full time with us to half the time with their dad. When she was five, I started to notice mother’s subtle abuses through passive aggression and blame: having my daughter’s hair develop tangles and using a comb to brush, blaming the five-year-old for the tangled hair, and then chopping her hair off. This happened three times by the time she was five years old — and her mom was a hairdresser.

    I filed for divorce and custody was joint. My daughter looked a lot like me. So it was a shocker when paternity was challenged. Police knocked on my door and showed me a court order. Mom waited across the street with her ex-husband while a social worker had to pull my daughter away screaming and begging to stay. The social worker kept apologizing and let my daughter come running back when my daughter started to have an asthma attack. After about 20 minutes, a police sergeant came up to the front porch where I was with my daughter, who had started to calm down and her breathing was under control at this point. He just looked at me and said, “I’m sorry,” then walked back to the curb. He spoke to the other two officers, who got in their cars and left. Then he walked across the street and talked to my wife and her ex.

    After a few minutes he handcuffed her ex-husband, put him in his cruiser, and left. Mom walked across the street and stood at the curb. I told my daughter that everything was going to be all right, that I’d see her soon, that I loved her and I was so proud of her. I promised her I’d see her soon. Mom told her she’d see me the next week as she took her hand, then they drove off. I haven’t seen her since. I decided a long time ago I was not going to fight it. The divorce court changed the case to divorce without children and it was over.

    I haven’t heard anything and have no rights to inquire about how my daughter is doing. She is 8 now and likely can’t remember what I look like, and in a few more years she’ll barely remember me at all. Better for her that I fade away than to risk more traumatic incidents. I miss all of the kids, my daughter and her siblings. I was their father, and now I’m not.

    I don’t think I will ever stop hurting.

    First Time Hearing Oliver Anthony – “90 Some Chevy” Reaction | Asia and BJ

    This guy is just GOLDEN… every. single. song. He could cash out now and put to shame just about any country act out there. 100% pure talent and soul.

    What did your boss do or say to you that made you quit your job?

    Fresh out of the US Navy, I went to work for Burger King as an assistant manager for $140 a week. Six months later, BK raised the starting pay to $150 a week. I asked my boss to raise me to at least the same rate, but he said no, I had to wait for my annual review. I said: You’re going to hire somebody off the street with zero experience and pay them $10 a week more than me with six months of experience? He said yes. I said no. I went across the street to McDonald’s for $175 a week.

    Several years later, I was studying accounting to become a CPA and took a job in January with a small CPA firm for $4 an hour. At the end of tax season, Friday, April 15, he called me into the office and said he didn’t need me anymore, the busy time was over. I was shocked. The following Monday, I called him and said I had a wife and child to support, could he at least pay me two weeks severance pay? He said he would pay me one week. I started with another small CPA firm on Wednesday at $5 an hour. So I got a 25% raise AND I was paid 5 days for my 2 days without work.

    By the way, a classmate of mine went to work for Touche Ross, one of the Big Eight Accounting Firms, in July 1979. He scored Number One on the national CPA Exam, out of 42,000 participants. He asked for a raise, they said he had to wait for his annual review. He went across the street to Price Waterhouse with a big raise. Some employers are just STUPID !

    Is Huawei’s new Mate 60 Pro better than Apple’s new 15 Pro?

    Compete Fairly

    Only then will you know

    Give Huawei whatever it needs and then let it compete against the Iphone 15

    On one hand you throttle Huawei with every ban on earth and bullying everyone you know of and at the same time you preach about free trade to the whole world

    How can you have a fair assessment of which model is better?

    This was originally in my drafts because I expected the Iphone 15 to be vastly superior to the Mate 60 Pro

    Instead turns out the Mate 60 Pro held its own against the Iphone 15 which was deemed as “Non Innovative” by Western Experts

    As my friend Bill Chen says

    The Chinese managed to dig the tunnel without excavators

    And they managed a Tunnel almost as good as one made with the world’s best excavators

    Through sheer innovation and Industriousness

    Imagine the lengths they can achieve if they have even the slightest access to what they need

    Girl’s sports advocate STUMPS Biden’s woke education sec!

    Rep. Erin Houchin asks Biden Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona a line of questioning on girl’s and women’s sports that upsets him.

    Did China have no choice but to implement the One Child Policy? What would have happened if China’s population was allowed to grow unabated?

    Thanks for asking.

    In my humble opinion, I don’t think so. The population would have declined with the rapid pace of the urbanization and modernization, even if without this One Child Policy. Please come to think about it, Japan, Korea and ROC on Taiwan all witness the declining of the population growth, but without such a drastic social engineering imposing on the people.

    It’s quite natural that population would plummet with the transition from an agricultural society to an industrial and urban society. The modern mindsets and lifestyles, the improving health and education standards, the higher cost of having children and raising them up could contribute to the low expectancy among people to have more children.

    Chinese people are also people, who have human agencies and vitalities. Chinese people could and would adapt to these changes without having to undergo this basic state policy for few decades. As a matter of the fact, there was a county, Yicheng, which was once a pilot experimenting place, where the policy of two children in a family was implemented from 1985–2015, however, many folks from there didn’t choose to have more children.

    Harsh Reality

    Sad to watch, but it is pure truth.

    Why does The Art of War say to never put your enemy in a corner?

    Many answers here jump in and are quick to discredit Sun Tzu.

    Have you actually read the book, like, really read the whole book?

    It’s not a long book. It’s got 7,573 Chinese characters. In comparison, my graduation paper in Chinese University was 20,000 Characters.

    Why does the Art of War say to never put your enemy in a corner?

    “Really? Did Sun Tzu write that? Ha! How shallow and obviously wrong! What an overrated fraud!”


    Had you read it thoroughly, other than seeing this question on Quora and enters “triggered” mode and discredit Art of War, you’d realize why he said that.

    I cannot find the exact quote for “Never put your enemy in a corner”, because I have not read the English version, nor would I ever be interested to do that. But here is the Chinese version of, what I assume to be where the idea come from:


    Therefore, the art of war lies in: never face a high mountain, never retreat from a down hill, never follow an enemy army faking defeat, never attack an elite enemy army, never bite a shark-bait, never chase after a retreating enemy army, leave opening for a surrounded enemy army, never pressure a desperate enemy army. This is the art of war. The Art of War by Sun Tzu, Chapter Army Conflict

    Whoever says Sun Tzu is wrong because surrounding enemy happens all the time in reality, it’s a good strategy; or enemy can always surrender, etc., has evidently not read the book at all, or had interpreted it wrong.

    First of all, he never said, you shouldn’t surround an enemy force. He said, surround them, but never completely. Leave a small opening for them.

    If you have watched Game of Thrones: Battle of the Bastards, you’ll see why this makes sense. Althought it was fictional, I’m sure good medieval European strategists would have agreed with Sun Tzu, if they had read about it.

    If you surround an army completely, even the most cowards will forget about escape, unite and fight you with all they’ve got. But if there is a chance to get out, even the bravest will try to squeeze through that hole and flee.

    Would you rather fight a united army? Or a fleeing one? This is a no-brainer.

    Why should you never pressure a desperate enemy?

    First, what is a “desperate enemy”?

    Clearly, you could physically surround an enemy army. But if peaceful surrender is on the table, they are hardly “desperate”, or “cornered” as the question put it.

    And that is why most formal armies in the world would shout: “Lay down your arms and we guarantee your safety” when they had the enemy surrounded.

    Imagine if you shout: “Stop struggling! You have nowhere to go! Stay where you are and we will come to kill you all, piss in your skull, rape your women, and enslave your children!” instead. The surrounded will no doubt fight you to their last breath, and will rejoice for every bullet they managed to put inside one of you, even at the cost of ten of their lives.

    That is when you create a “desperate and cornered” enemy.

    Sun Tsu’s book does not only focus on winning a battle, it focuses on winning a war. In the book, you’ll find plenty of sentences like, avoid physical conflict if possible, do not fight unnecessary battles, etc. He is trying to make you understand how casualties are costly, and you must avoid it.

    This particular argument here is coherent with that idea. An absolutely “cornered” enemy will fight you and possibly injure and even kill your soldiers, no matter how onesidedly stronger your troops are. It will always lower your morale, and put a financial burden on your country. That doesn’t help you win a war.

    Is it really so wrong?

    Read this book before you comment on it, seriously, guys. You do realize there are Chinese speakers who can read English and prove you wrong with credible sources, right?

    The book Art of War is not outrageously long, or even obscure. Most of the language is quite simple and easy to understand.

    The U.S. has established a technical team to study the Huawei’s Kirin 9000S chip!

    The Chinese chip is too advanced for the Americans.”

    What is the strangest complaint you have received at your job?

    I have spent the bulk of my adult life working at car dealerships, so I have heard a ton of complaints, especially since I was the fix-it person at some of those dealerships.

    One day one of the salesmen came up to me to warn about what was walking up to the door.

    His customer had been calling his cell phone for days about how pissed off he was that he sold him a lemon. That was all the guy would say or text, never saying what the problem was.

    So he gets directed to me of course.

    He starts complaing that he just purchased his car a week and a half ago and that the other day an idiot light came on on the dashboard, he was close to home and the car stalled out as he got to his driveway so he slammed on the brakes and had to pay for a tow truck to tow it into his driveway.

    I asked him if the tow truck driver looked at anything in the car to see why it stalled and told me no, he only paid him to put it in the driveway and that we will be reimbursing him for that, the days of having a rental car, free repair for the issue and give him at least 1 year of free oil changes.

    I went onto computer and googled warning indicator lights for his vehicle and asked him to show me which light was on. He pointed at the indicator light of a gas pump. Yup folks, he ran out of gas.

    I asked him how many times he got gas in his car in the week and a half he had it, thinking maybe there was a leak. His honest to god answer was “Why should I have to put gas in my car, I just got it and only drive miles to and from work”

    It took just about everything in me not to bust out laughing in face, but then a woman who overheard everything said “and they think us women are stupid”, well that was where none of us could hold it in anymore and just about every employee and other customers busted out laughing.

    After finally calming down, I told him I’d be more than happy to have a runner go over to put some gas in the car so he can get to a station, however told him that he needed to pay for it.

    He was not happy and needless to say never came back for anything and left a bad review, but all who read the review commented on how it was his fault for being stupid and not getting gas.

    𝑰 𝑾𝒂𝒔 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑨𝒕 𝑰𝒕

    This is a MOST EXCELLENT scene.

    Which child actor handled their fame the worst?

    Bobby Driscoll was the original voice of Peter Pan and a successful child actor. He was one of the first people signed into a contract with Disney and starred in many successful films for both MGM and Disney.

    Known as Disney’s sweat heart, Bobby Driscoll was riding high on his fame. That was all to change once Boddy became a teenager and Disney dropped him.

    Up until he got the booth he was one of Disney’s favourite stars, with a salary 1,700 a week. That all changed once puberty set in and he developed a bad case of acne, forcing Disney to drop him

    When he was dropped from Disney, his parents placed him in an ordinary school, but the kids rejected him and started to bully him for his roles in movies. This had a big effect on him so he turned to drugs.

    Bobby’s career struggled to take off, and he could only land minor roles in TV series. His drug use got worse, and he was arrested in 1956. He had another run in with the law when he was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, and by 1962, he was unable to land any new roles.

    He moved to New York to try and land roles on Broadway, but that didn’t work out for him. He gave his last performance in a film called Dirt in 1965.

    Three years, later two kids playing in an abandoned Tenement block in New York stumbled upon the 31-year-old’s decaying body lying in a cot with two beer bottles next to him and religious pamphlets scattered around the cot.

    Since the body had no identification and police couldn’t identify him he was buried in an unmarked pauper grave. It wasn’t until a year later when Bobby’s mother was trying to get in contact with her son that she discovered that her he had died.

    His death wasn’t reported until 1971 when a reporter was researching the whereabouts of the young film star, and learned of his death. Although his name is on his father’s tombstone, his body remains in the pauper’s grave.

    Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee | Sitting Bull meets Colonel Miles

    Movie: Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007)

    He’s got a point. The Crow tribe hated Sitting Bull and his tribe – Lakota Sioux – for continuously raiding them and aggression towards them. They were actually devastated by the news of the fate of 7th Cavalry. When the Lakota Sioux gave up, the Crow were relieved that they could sleep soundly at night.

    How did China’s announcement regarding the banning of iPhones for government officials lead to a significant decrease in Apple’s valuation by $200 billion in just two days?

    One small announcement!!!!!!!!

    Banning a mere 800K phones at the most

    That simple decision took out $ 200 Billion Or 6% of Apples Market Price in four trading sessions

    Apple Execs have RUSHED to Beijing to reassure them that APPLE IS NOT RELOCATING ANYWHERE and proposes to expand operations in China

    Guess what?

    China said “No Need. Thanks”

    That is CHINA for you

    All these MSM Propaganda and all these “Economic Collapses”

    Yet if China announces a small ban, the reaction is worth a $ 200 Billion burn

    Sure Apple may recover but that panic and impact – THAT’S THE SIGN OF THE DRAGON AND IT’S MIGHT

    Now. Imagine China does a scorched earth and bans all SC companies

    China may lose 10 years

    US Companies will lose at least $ 1.7 Trillion plus a Tech domino that could hit US Banks and Institutions

    China is a patient nation but it’s patience is slowly wearing thin

    • Xi skipping G20
    • The Mate 60
    • The Iphone decision
    • The Decision to rescind Japanese Seafood Imports
    • The Decision to ban the Iphone for Government officials

    It is even likely Xi will allow Country Garden and Real Estate Companies to refuse to pay their debt and default on their bonds completely and keep doing business in China

    After all i doubt Country Garden sells homes in Cook County Chicago

    Heres another look at how STRONG CHINA IS

    Russian Girl First Time Hearing Judy Garland-Over The Rainbow!

    This is surprisingly fun.

    Have you ever experienced karma in real life?

    It was a sunny day. I was going to my class. Suddenly I saw a lot of people gathered at one place. I stopped my bike and saw a cow badly injured with her broken leg. She was trying hard to get up.

    I just couldn’t take it!

    I called a tempo and took the cow to the hospital.


    Doctor: it will take around 5000 rs to treat her(a big deal for a 17 year kid)

    Me: I will arrange the money you start her operation.

    I rushed to my home broke my piggybank and gave money to the doctor

    i just saw how calmly the cow was walking after treatment i smiled and got away

    after 6 days!

    I was going by the same road and suddenly I lost my balance and fell from my bike

    I felt like someone took me in hands and put me on road

    I got no injury!

    when I opened my eyes I had fallen on the road.

    I saw the same cow looking at me with the bandages still on her!

    I felt she saved me. I was on the 7th sky feeling the feel of karma!

    Sorry for the grammatical mistakes if any!

    so I made this tag line of my life!

    karma right

    future bright 😉

    What matters is how we achieve things Bedazzled

    Much evil that is generated in the world is because of the conviction that the end justifies the means.

    Do actors and actresses from food commercials eat the food they are advertising?

    I was in a commercial for Campbell’s Chunky Soup about 10 or 11 years ago. It was a massive advertising effort by Campbell’s and was constantly on TV. I was in a couple shots and one was the final shot where there was an extreme close-up of me taking a bite of the “soup”.

    When we were filming, there was a person that was “pre-loading” spoonfuls of soup for me to “eat”. They would take a few cans of the soup and disect all the contents and reassemble them in “perfect” spoonfuls. They would bring one up to me every take, and I had to pretend to enjoy it. I had to hold the bowl in an awkward angle, and the soup in the bowl was also carefully arranged.

    Little do the viewers know that there was a big, white, spit bucket 🪣, that I would chew, smile, look into the wildernerness….then spit it out.

    They had me do no less than 20 takes. Each spoonful was heaping and if I had eaten them, i would have destroyed probably 4 full cans of the soup.

    I was game to do anything pretty much for what they were paying me, and said that I would eat it, but they said not to do it. Fair enough.

    A Puzzlement

    My mother was “googly eyed” over this actor.

    What was your most shocking experience as a doctor?

    It was a cold night.

    I was on duty and this 55 year old lady was admitted in ICU. She had breast cancer spread to her lungs and was literally struggling for breath. I went to check on her, as her saturation was dropping. There was nothing much I could do. After asking the nurse to give her some medicines, I turned to leave.

    That was when I slipped and fell, as there was a little water on the floor, probably from a leaking iv fluid bottle. The lady, while struggling for her breath, asked me:

    ‘Son, are you all right?’

    You may call it touching rather than shocking. Whatever, it was indeed shocking to me that even gasping for the last breath can not stop a human being from caring for someone else.

    She passed away that night.

    From Dusk Till Dawn: The bar is full of vampires

    Just some vampire fun.

    How do I deal with my anger regarding a neighbor’s flood lights? I tried to reason with this person, who suggested I go “F” myself. I don’t want to involve the police. I’m trying to have good karma but we can’t sleep at night.

    I saw an answer for this when the person being ‘lit up’ got a parabolic or dish mirror and affixed it so the light was collected and shone back to the bedroom of the owner of the light. When they asked her to turn off the light, she was able to explain it was their light and they could turn it off.

    I just loved that answer!

    Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Butter

    Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Butter
    Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Butter


    • 3 quarts sweet cider
    • 8 pounds ripe, well-flavored apples
    • 2 1/2 cups brown sugar, firmly packed
    • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
    • 1 teaspoon allspice
    • 2 teaspoons cloves
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt


    1. Cook cider over high heat, uncovered, about 30 minutes or until it is reduced to half.
    2. Wash, quarter and core unpeeled apples. Add to cider, and cook over low heat until very tender. Stir frequently. Work apple mixture through a sieve, returning the puree to the kettle. Stir in sugar, all the spices, and salt. Cook over very low heat, stirring almost continuously, until mixture thickens.
    3. Pour into sterilized pint jars and seal securely.

    Makes 4 jars.

    My main beef

    My main “beef” with my parents was a simple one. At every opportunity for me to do something outside of the school narrative…

    “Study hard. Get a good job, and you will be set for life with a good pension.”

    …They pretty much sucked at helping me.

    I asked my mother; “How do I buy land”? And she looked at me for a moment and answered…

    “You just go and buy it.”

    Gosh, Mom. That was so helpful.


    At that time, there wasn’t any Google about. No internet. Only a small town library, and neither the teachers or anyone would help me out. No one could answer my questions.

    I’d ask my dad; “How do I buy stocks”?

    He would chuckled. Then thought about it, and he answered…

    “You just go and buy them.”

    Gosh dad. That was so helpful.


    And it wasn’t just that.

    I asked my dad, “How do I ask a girl out for a date”?

    And his answer was…

    “What, who’s the girl?”

    And I would say, “No one you know. So how do I do it”?

    And he would chuckle, and he said…

    “Oh, you just go up to her and ask her if she wanted to go out with you.”

    Wow! So very helpful.


    Do not make the same mistakes that my parents made. Take the time. Enunciate. Explain. Be empathic, and be kind and considerate.

    It will make a BIG difference.


    How China Destroyed US Sanctions and Changed Microchip Forever!

    The USA did not declare war on Huawei. They declared war on hundreds of thousands of motivated Chinese set to go starving on the streets, unless they pushed themselves…

    What many people don’t know is Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei only owns roughly 1% of the company, and the employees own 99% of the company, so imagine a body of hundreds of thousands of supercharged and super-talented people giving their all, not only for survival of their families but also with a vengeance to prove that they can’t be suppressed and will fight back.

    It is unknown how many generations of Huawei-made chips ahead of the US- made chips. But the performance, especially the downloading and uploading speed of Huawei Mate 60 Pro is one to two generations ahead of the US-made Apple 15. Why?

    Huawei is a networking equipment maker which makes mobile phones. This means it knows the backend first, and then how to connect the network to its Frontend devices, including mobile phones.

    Apple only focuses on Frontend consumer devices, and not connecting with backend devices because its focus is on the user experience.

    Apple relies on Qualcomm for its 5G transceiver; Huawei designs its own 5G transceiver.

    That is the difference.

    Newborn kitten cries when she sees her mother lying motionless on her left side full of thorns

    Newborn kitten cries when she sees her mother lying motionless on her left side full of thorns The mother cat and her cubs have an accident on a strange fruit full of thorns A mother cat crashes next to the fruit back.

    We have seen the mother cat and her two young children lying here. kittens just a few days old swaddled around their mother. and cried out of voice when he saw his mother in trouble.

    next to it is a fruit full of thorns. This cat family is pitiful.

    when I thought the fruit from the other corner fell on the mother cat. but luckily the other fruit is just next to the mother cat and the kittens.

    Maybe the mother cat was exhausted.

    We are walking in a tropical forest. There are a lot of dry leaves here. I came across a family of cats in distress here.

    The kittens were crying when they saw their mother lying motionless. The mother cat lies next to the thorny fruit weevil. I come closer to check and will help the cat family.

    The kittens are quite small. Luckily this thorny fruit didn’t hit the kitten. The mother cat is very weak. it needs immediate care. I will help this poor meod family.

    Sweet Potato Layer Cake

    This is a Southern classic.

    Loaded Sweet Potato Cake recipe slice on a plate
    Loaded Sweet Potato Cake recipe slice on a plate



    • 1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
    • 2 cups granulated sugar
    • 4 eggs, separated
    • 1 1/2 cups finely shredded uncooked sweet potato (about 1 medium)
    • 1/4 cup hot water
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 2 1/2 cups cake flour
    • 3 teaspoons baking powder
    • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt
    • 1 cup chopped pecans


    • 1/2 cup butter
    • 1 1/3 cups granulated sugar
    • 2 (5 ounce) cans evaporated milk
    • 4 egg yolks, beaten
    • 2 2/3 cups flaked coconut
    • 1 cup chopped pecans
    • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract


    1. Cake: In a mixing bowl, beat oil and sugar.
    2. Add egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
    3. Add sweet potato, water and vanilla extract; mix well.
    4. In a small mixing bowl, beat egg whites until stiff; fold into the sweet potato mixture.
    5. Combine flour, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt; add to potato mixture.
    6. Stir in pecans.
    7. Pour into three greased 9-inch round cake pans.
    8. Bake at 350 degrees F for 22 to 27 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted near the center comes out clean.
    9. Cool for 10 minutes before removing to wire racks.
    10. Frosting: Melt the butter in a saucepan; whisk in sugar, milk and egg yolks until smooth. Cook and stir over medium heat for 10 to 12 minutes or until thickened and bubbly.
    11. Remove from the heat; stir in the coconut, pecans and vanilla extract. Cool slightly.
    12. Place one cake layer on a serving plate; spread with a third of the frosting.
    13. Repeat layers.

    Did witnessing someone’s death change the way you were living your life?

    When I was in high school, in my senior year, I had a co-op job as an electronic tech, and worked for a small business. The business was on Rt 11, in a business district leading into Bloomsburg Pa.

    One afternoon, while at my bench, we heard a car accident occur outside our building. Apparently, a young man no older than me was speeding and decided to use the enter lane to pass people, and caught a young family getting read to turn off to the seasonal hamburger place next door to so (to the right when facing the highway)

    Tye family was ok, but a group of workers from the welding/fabrication shop next to us (on the left) ran out to the car and attempted to pull the young driver out.

    But he apparently had a broken neck… I will never forget seeing how his head moved, it just sort of flopped around on his shoulders. That was 43 years ago, and I still remember that part vividly.

    A day or two later his sister dropped by and asked us if we had seen a ring of his that was missing. We did walk around the accident scene but never found it.

    Because he broke his neck on his steering wheel, I started to wear my seatbelt while driving, long before there was a campaign to require it.

    What is an example of a dirty trick that a thief tried but backfired when they saw your dog?

    Don’t know if this was a thief or not, but a number of years ago there was a rise in fake “Utility Company Representatives” knocking on people’s doors. In many cases things went missing if these people were allowed into people’s homes (they worked in pairs).

    At the time we were living in a duplex. The first floor level was about 6–8 inches higher than the level of the front porch. We had a Siberian Husky/German Shepherd mix (both sides of his parentage were pure blood pedigrees), and he was the best burglar alarm even invented. 60–70 lbs of solid muscle, the face of a wolf, and the most disconcerting part, 1 blue eye and one brown eye. Our storm door had a solid panel that went about halfway up the door. High enough that you couldn’t see the dog if he approached the door. The top was screened.

    My wife answered the door and was faced with 2 “Utility Company Representatives” that were checking the water meters which were inside, down in the basement. Their trick was to gain entry, get the person who answered to accompany one down to the meter while the other one stayed in side the front door and “waited”, picking up anything they could find that might be valuable. Like wallets from purses. True to form, they wanted to come in and check the meter. My wife knows better and told them they couldn’t come in without some sort of ID. They started arguing that they had a legal right to inspect their hardware (they didn’t), and she kept telling them no and flicked the lock on the storm door.

    Our ever faithful guard dog had walked over to the door while they were trying to talk their way in. When their tone started changing he got interested and decided to see who was talking to the boss-lady like that. He popped up on his hind legs which put his face not too far from level with the people on the porch, who suddenly decided they no longer had to gain entry, and said ‘someone else will contact you later’ as they left for greener pastures.

    Best alarm system ever.

    EDIT… Punctuation repairs (Thanks Ed), and I thought you all might like to see this buddy of mine. We lost him to The Bridge from cancer 29 years ago now, and still miss him every day. Sadly, we didn’t do a lot of picture taking back then, so my choice of pictures is limited.

    He had the black and white Husky markings, and the longer snout and some brown from the Shepherd side. Check out his eyes, and imagine them staring at you through a screen door at eye level.

    China and technology

    The reason Trump thought that he could stop China from making DUV machines is because DUV machines encompass a lot of technologies.

    If China is unable to produce any of these technologies then the DUV machines China purchased from ASML would be completely useless in a year or so. The parts need to be replaced. No parts, no working machine.

    The light source breaks down all the time. The coating on the lenses only last for a few months. 1 year at most. All those machines that China bought from ASML for over $500 billion would become very expensive scrap metal.

    But China managed to develop these core technologies. And it required the entire Chinese scientific community to do so.

    But now that China has the core technologies, there is nothing the US can do to stop China from advancing. The US no longer controls Chinese chip industry.

    This video explains just how intricate chip production is and how much leading edge technology is required to make on of these machines work.

    The Sopranos || Get It Up

    This should get more views, it’s such a perfect clean edit

    How do I change someone’s political opinion from left wing to right wing?

    Start buying them lavish gifts, like expensive vacations at 5-star luxury resorts, free airline flights to exotic destinations, Rolexes, things like that. Then buy their mom’s house and let mom continue to live there for free. Then donate the money for their kid’s education at an expensive university.

    Okay, that’s an extreme case, but it works. Most famously, the first black mayors of Los Angeles and Detroit suspiciously became a lot more pro-business after they were elected than before, and that was just the result of freely given campaign contributions, invitations to nice dinners, and perks like the odd bottle of whisky that remain within the rules for gifts.

    Take a look at Krysten Sinema, who got elected mostly because she had a massive team of young volunteers who saw her as a progressive. After she got elected, she started getting massive donations from pharmaceutical companies and, all of a sudden, she’s shifted a lot further to the right.

    One of the reasons why this works is that running for office is incredibly expensive. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s first campaign cost $2 million, mostly spent on the Democratic primary. She was funded by a group who wanted someone more progressive, and now she’s elected to a safe Democratic seat, she will need less money going forward, but her $170,000 salary (seems a lot doesn’t it) still doesn’t pay for her New York rent, her Washington rent, and her student loans.

    One of the best tricks plays on vanity. The politician writes a book, which gets published, and “friends” buy enough copies to make it a best seller. This is really sleazy, but it happens all the time, and it is in no way illegal. There are allegations that Hilary Clinton’s success in the futures market was a set up where a benefactor essentially ate losses and just passed on the gains.

    This is why the rich are heavily into “charity”, showing how good they are by building college buildings and universities (with their name on them of course). It’s certainly cheaper than paying taxes for the same thing, that’s for sure. Andrew Carnegie started it with libraries, and is seen as a saint, but governments still had to maintain those (most are now over a century old, including one or two in my home town of Toronto) and the donors usually don’t pay for the upkeep.

    What is the strangest culture shock you experienced when visiting America?

    This woman is an Egyptian living in Kuwait. -MM

    I’ve already written about some shocking things I’ve come across in the states in another post, so I suppose this is part 2, but here we go:

    • Heard people going at it…you cannot imagine my shock as a person coming from a conservative area, one who hasn’t even seen her parents kissing, to witness such a thing. But while staying at a hotel, for the first time in my life, I heard two people going at it very loudly so that it was impossible to ignore them. I was so embarrassed and my husband was laughing at me for looking so shocked.
    • Serving water for free in restaurants. For a capitalist country like the states, I was surprised they didn’t benefit from this one thing that people will undoubtedly pay for. You certainly have to pay for water over here in restaurants.
    • Ice.. always. Continuing from the last point, water is always served with ice. Someone like me who can’t have very cold water had to specifically ask for it to be omitted.
    • Medical issues. I needed antibiotics during my visit because of an infection that I get frequently. Not having insurance as a simple visitor, we had to pay 400$ to see a doctor and get this simple prescription. Meanwhile back home, I got it for less than a dollar. So I swore to pack lots of meds next time I come over.
    • Vast spaces. Perhaps because I’ve been only to Buffalo, Niagara, and Oregon but there was always a ton of space between buildings. The markets were huge with vast parking lots. And the roads were very big for the most part.
    • Black people everywhere. In New York airport (JFK), almost all workers were black! That was a surprise because I always heard of the diversity in the states. But even later in Oregon, almost everyone was white.
    • Security at the airport. That one was quite funny. When you get scanned at the JFK airport, you have to stand in a certain cabin, face your right, raise your arms like a criminal, then they scan you. The woman worker shouted, “Put your arms up!” and I had no clue what she was talking about. She kept repeating then showed me the exact position and where to face. Then she said “Seems like you don’t travel often”. I wanted to say “Excuse me? I’ve been traveling since I was 4 but this doesn’t exist anywhere else I’ve been!”.
    • Coffee. That was no coffee. That was dirty water. Period. Lol. For real though, our definition of coffee in Egypt is Turkish coffee which is very heavy, dense, and intense in flavor.
    • Huge meals. Everyone said so before and yet I made the mistake of ordering an appetizer before the main dish, only to be surprised that the appetizer is so big that it’s a meal on its own. I felt so sad throwing half the food away as we were traveling and I couldn’t take it with me.
    • Reese’s everywhere. It was Reese’s heaven! All sort of sizes, shapes, and mixes. Like mixed with Cadbury, Oreos, and so on.
    • Credit card everywhere. I am not exaggerating when I tell you there hasn’t been a single place I’ve been to that doesn’t take credit.
    • Rich wildlife. Coming from a desert, it was so impressive to just casually come across deer and squirrels. And at some point, I saw a massive number of seals. I learned the hard way that they stink.
    • They use their attractions wisely. I’ve been to countries that don’t give enough attention to grand places that leave you in awe, meanwhile, the states try to give such attention to whatever place they feel people may like visiting. Whenever you go to an especially cool place, you’ll find stores near it selling stamps, mugs, and stickers with pictures of that attraction. I’ve seen that at Niagara Falls and the redwoods in California. Did I mention that I’d never seen such huge trees in my life?

    I loved the States quite a bit.

    US chip giant opens $4bn Singapore plant

    The world’s third-largest contract semiconductor maker, GlobalFoundries, on Tuesday opened a $4-billion manufacturing plant in Singapore as part of a global expansion to help ease an industry supply crunch.

    The new Singapore facility will produce an additional 450,000 wafers annually at full capacity by 2025 to 2026, general manager Tan Yew Kong told reporters, raising the city-state’s overall capacity to 1.5 million wafers each year.

    The chips, usually used in smartphones and other mobile devices, are also increasingly in demand by automakers, especially for electric vehicles, adding to the pressure to raise production.

    “The key megatrends of our industry — digitisation, connectivity, cloud computing — are all driving acceleration to a more connected and data-centric world,” GlobalFoundries president and chief executive Thomas Caulfield said at the launch.

    “It demonstrates how central and critical the industry is to the world economy and how pervasive semiconductors are in enabling and enhancing all aspects of human life.”

    Caulfield said that despite current economic headwinds, the company estimates the industry will double in the next decade.

    “The catalyst for this growth will be AI (artificial intelligence),” he said.

    The firm’s 23,000-square meter Singapore facility, which broke ground in 2021, will expand the global footprint of the company, which already has plants in the United States and Europe.

    Singapore’s chip output currently makes up 11% of the global semiconductor market.

    The global semiconductor market is predicted to experience a downturn of 10.3 percent this year but recover in 2024 and grow by 11.8%, according to estimates by the industry monitor World Semiconductor Trade Statistics.

    Do intelligent people realize that they are smarter than everyone else around them?

    Very often, the answer is no. Not only do intelligent people very often fail to realize how much smarter they are than everyone else, they also tend to overestimate other people’s intelligence even when they do. Let me tell you a little story.

    Once upon a time, I was at a bar with some friends. The bar had an outdoor area where you could stand around and drink beer. There was a guy who thought it would be funny to ride past the bar repeatedly on an extremely loud moped. At certain times, he would stop, rev the moped so loud that nobody could hear themselves think, and begin whooping loudly. This same guy had been at it all day, not just by the bar, but riding up and down the streets and residential neighborhoods, screaming and hollering and bothering everyone he could with his moped.

    I mentioned, casually, that I wouldn’t mind chucking my beer mug at his head if he were close enough. A friend of mine, whom we shall call Angus (not his real name), said, “Well, you should probably leave someone as unstable as that guy alone. He obviously has some serious emotional difficulties.”

    Angus is a smart dude, but he misread the guy on the moped. The issue is that the guy on the moped was probably not suffering from some deep emotional trauma that had made him so obstreperous. Rather, Moped Guy’s thought process was, most likely, no more complicated than this: “YEAH! YEAH! LOUD! LOUD MOTHERFUCKER! YEAH LOOK AT IT MAN! YEAH! LOUD!”

    The issue that Angus was having is that Angus, being an intelligent and empathetic individual, was trying to understand Moped Guy’s motivations and look at things from Moped Guy’s perspective. Angus was thinking to himself, “What would have to happen to me to get me to act that obnoxiously?” The thing is, intelligent people of high character, like Angus, are not moved to act like idiots unless they suffer something really bad, at which point a complicated emotional process leads to bad behavior. Angus’ miscalculation was that Moped Guy would have to have suffered some horrible trauma to act in the way he did. The big issue is that Angus did not account for Moped Guy’s stupidity, and forgot the simple fact that stupid people will act stupid without any suffering or instability. Dumb people just act dumb.

    I have suffered from this problem myself. For the longest time, I did not realize that so much of human behavior was posturing, and did not realize how to read people correctly. I thought that, when someone talked to me about their interests, they were merely stating facts and not trying to talk to me about themselves. The vast majority of humans are so subjective that most of their communication is about themselves and not about things or ideas or even other people. Intelligent people have problems grasping that.

    What is the worst thing that has happened because a patient lied to a doctor?

    My father, as I may have said before, is an ER doctor.

    One night, a case arrived to the hospital of a teen girl with what seemed like a regular fever. The team gave her the necessary meds and started running a few tests.

    Her mother had rushed to the hospital with her and looked particularly nervous. The doctor asked her some typical questions such as when her daughter showed signs and so on, but she would have vague half-assed answers.

    However, within a few hours, the girls fever was sky rocketing, and her blood pressure was getting very low, and for some reason she wasn’t responding to regular meds or fluids.

    The mother looked very nervous then she timidly approached a nurse and told her “actually, I forgot to tell you something. My daughter just went through a liposuction a couple of days ago. I don’t know if these two things are related”.

    Yet by the time this piece of information reached the doctors, the girl had already died. She was being treated for a regular fever until test results showed the real issue.

    Turns out that the mother took her daughter, who was not even chubby to begin with, to undergo a liposuction. Given that the girl was underage, a parent’s approval is a must. Her father was completely against it but the mother went ahead and sneaked it with the daughter anyway.

    And she was too scared of her husband knowing what she did so she didn’t want to let the secret out until she realized that the complications are more serious than she thought. But it was too late by then.

    Lessons of the day:

    1-Don’t put your child through unnecessary plastic surgery.

    2-And don’t hold back information from the doctor for God’s sake.

    Christopher Moltisanti – So Far (The Sopranos)

    The most tragic character in fiction, even with all his flaws he will always be one of the greatest characters in the history of television…

    Is the Chinese government and economy transparent enough to gauge how good (or bad) their economy is going?

    The Chinese government is a lot lot lot more transparent than the western government on the economy. It is simple Chinese government don’t need to be popular it need to be effective!

    The U.S. government need to and use their media to fool Americans and hoodwinked them so that Yanks will always be highly naive and ignorant. How do they do that? Western media are profit motivated so they are free to make money by writing what westerners like to hear. So they write or broadcast what westerners like to hear.

    After conniving you that China is at fault, China is your enemy, China is backward, China is evil, China steal your technology, China cheats, China take your jobs…..What do you like to hear? China fail and U.S. is great, it is exceptional, its economy is still wonderful. Your technology is unmatched. So you media cohort with your government to fool you and guess what that is what you want!

    Chinese government don’t face election and popularity contest every 2 years! You do! China says and report as it is and encourage or motivate its citizens that it needs to buck up and work harder. Hence all the superlatives such ad the U.S. is exceptional, Britain is Great, US is the mist innovative, Britain invents everything…

    China don’t do that. To us Empty vessels makes the most noise! Western media are simply lying media that spread half truths, fake news, misinformation, fabrications. Demonising others to distract your people from your impending collapse.

    What did you learn “the hard way”?

    I was studious, which resulted into me getting a scholarship in college. One of my friends asked me for some money (2500/-). He was my good friend, not best, and I was completely aware of his gambling and drinking habits.

    I wanted to say “No”, because I knew the importance of money at that moment of my life. I was aware of the fact that he will never return it, but I still lent him the money, which was obviously never returned.

    It was my first breakup and I was leading a miserable life. There was this girl who was my junior and she started taking interest in me.

    I was uncomfortable, but she was pretty. I wasn’t ready for a relationship and she kept pushing me. Again, I wanted to say “No”, but it could have hurt her feelings.

    Unwillingly, I said Yes. And that relationship survived for a month only.

    Don’t judge me, I was an immature teenager back then.

    There were many incidents in my life where I desperately wanted to say “No”, but ended up saying otherwise. And in return, I paid a huge price, not monetarily, but emotionally and mentally.

    But today, things have changed. I have changed for my own good. And I have learned the art of saying “No”. People call me rude, arrogant etc, but who cares about their opinion?

    This is my life, these are my struggles. They will only give their absurd opinion which is never required. Sometimes people think that saying “NO” is hard because your image will get maligned or it will hurt other people.

    My question is, what will you do with your false pride? Maybe momentarily you will hurt people by saying “No”, but in the long term it will save you from huge disappointment.

    This is what I learned the hard way: How to say “No” to the face when/where I am hesitant/uncomfortable.

    It comes with multiple benefits:

    • You don’t have to lie.
    • You don’t have to make excuses.
    • You don’t have to justify anything.

    I refused to please others at the expense of my emotional well being. Even if it is saying “No” to the people who are used to hearing “Yes”.

    Learn the art of saying “No”. Don’t lie, don’t make excuses, don’t over explain yourself. Just simply decline.

    The Sopranos || Easier

    Man, thanks for this awesome work! This gives me power every time I rewatch it to deal with tough shit in evercold Moscow. I’d love to see more motivating sopranos vids from ya!”

    What happened to your school bully?

    When I first started High School, I had a guy that rode the bus with me every day, and made my life a living hell. His name was David R-. He was 18 years old and still in the tenth grade. He was bigger than me, and cussed like a sailor. He was mean and vicious, and he absolutely scared me to death.

    I have vivid memories of him sitting behind me on the bus, slapping me in the back of the head as we rode home from school. It happened almost every day. This was 27 years ago and, back then, bullying was just a “common thing.” It was something you had to deal with. You had to learn to stand up for yourself and “be a man”. I would complain to the bus driver and the principal. Mr. Dave would get a good scolding, but he was right back at it the next day.

    Well, after six months of this B/S, I’d finally had enough. I just snapped one day. I turned around and dove over the seat, and started pounding on him. Everyone went crazy. The driver slammed on the brakes, and brought the bus to a stop.

    I was getting my tail kicked by this guy. He was bigger, faster and stronger, and the only thing I had on my side, was rage. We were up against the emergency exit, slugging it out, when, all of a sudden, the door just popped open, and we went tumbling into the street.

    When we hit the pavement, Mr. Dave had his arm twisted behind his back. He landed on it, and I heard it snap like a piece of kindling. He pushed me off of him, and got up with a bone jutting out of his wrist. He was screaming his head off, and blood was pouring onto the asphalt.

    Maybe I should have backed off at that point, but this guy had made my life hell for several months, and I wanted revenge. I twisted his broken arm behind his back, and took him down on the ground where I proceeded to beat the living daylights out of him. There were several cars that had stopped by this time, and it took two grown men to pull me off of him. It was the worst fight I’d ever had in my life, and it remains so to this day. My nose was busted and I had a black eye. Mr. Dave had a broken arm, a busted lip, two missing teeth, and a huge laceration across his forehead. They actually called an ambulance for him.

    Both of us were suspended. Dave’s mother contacted my dad a few days later, and threatened to sue us. She wanted us to pay for Dave’s medical bills. However, I had a bus full of people, who absolutely hated Dave, and all of them were telling the principal about my six months of hell, and insisting that Dave had started the fight.

    I was suspended for two weeks. I also got a month of detention, and couldn’t ride the bus for the rest of the year, but that was the end of my punishment. As far as I know, Dave never returned to school at all. I didn’t see him again for 15 years.

    Then, right around 2005, I moved from Mississippi back to my hometown in Georgia. One day as I was walking out of a convenience store, I spotted my old high school bully picking up aluminum cans along the side of the road.

    It totally shocked me, and I wasn’t absolutely sure that it was really him. After all, it had been 15 years. Still, I was PRETTY sure. So, I strolled over to the edge of the parking lot for a better look. Just as I walked up, he turned to stare at me, and I recognized him beyond a shadow of doubt. I’m not very good with names, but I rarely forget a face.

    He looked terrible. His hair was long. He hadn’t shaved in several days. His clothes were torn and ragged, and he smelled like a wet dog. He was very thin and dirty, and half of his teeth appeared to be missing. He also had an old duffle bag slung across his shoulder, and I got the distinct impression that he was homeless.

    “I’m sorry, you’re David R-, aren’t you?” I asked.

    His eyes brightened for a moment, and he looked at me long and hard before responding. “Yeah, who are you?”

    My first impulse was to tell him. I wanted to remind him of all those days that he had harassed the hell out of me, and then ask him if he remembered our little brawl and his trip to the hospital. Then I wanted to let him know how much money I had made the year before, and tell him all about the new job I had just started down in Atlanta. Instead, I just stood there, staring at him.

    “I think we might have gone to school together,” I replied.

    His eyes narrowed again, and he really studied my face. Still, I don’t think he had a clue who I was. Apparently, I had changed a lot in 15 years.

    “What’s your name?” He finally asked.

    I shook my head. “Not important”, I replied. I dug in my wallet, and pulled out a ten dollar bill. I held it out to him, and he took it. I said, “God bless”, and then slowly walked away.

    The only thing I felt for him, was pity.

    Global South won’t back Kiev as West demands

    A push-back against Western influence is reportedly prompting countries to reject the pro-Ukraen agenda. Zelensky during a UN General Assembly session.

    Western officials have overestimated the willingness of neutral nations to join anti-Russia policies in support of Ukraen, according to The Wall Street Journal.

    It’s clear that the West overall has been surprised by the pretty widespread reluctance by many of the countries in the so-called Global South… to come on board.

    “animosity toward the US and Europe” in some parts of the world and the desire of rising powers, such as Brazil and South Africa, to “assert their independence”, the article said.

    The WSJ detailed purported successes and failures of Western diplomacy to rally the support of neutral nations for what it called “a fair peace settlement for Ukraen” ahead of next week’s gathering of world leaders at the UN General Assembly.

    Loozensky has been internationally promoting his “peace formula” with Western backing. It includes Ukraen regaining control over all former territories, war reparations from Russia, and a tribunal for the Russian leadership. Moscow has dismissed the Zelensky plan as being detached from reality.

    What is the biggest scam an auto mechanic ever tried on you?

    My oldest son was driving a red Toyota 4×4 pick up . It was used but solid .

    He worked at an auto parts store and had done a pretty good job of fixing it up . One weekend he did a tune up . Plugs , rotor , cap, plugs etc .. about a week later while I was working , he called and said it had statrting running rough then died.

    At that point I had more money than time so we had it towed to a shop I had used before .

    Next day shop calls me to tell me it jumped time and the engine was a complete loss .

    Quoted me 2500 to rebuild .

    Only paid 1500 for the truck .

    I told them never mind and had it towed to the house .

    Finally I was off work a few day and decided to check it out . Pulled the timing belt cover and checked the orientation of the cams to the crankshaft . It was perfect ! So at their point I’m a bit confused . Pop the distributor cap and noticed the rotor was on the wrong cylinder .

    Come to find out my son forgot to put the holding screw back in the rotor and it had turned just a bit . This meant the timing was so far off it wouldn’t run .

    Put the screw back in, cranked it up and it ran like a champ !

    Drove it up to the shop and called out the boss .

    Showed him and explained what was found .

    His face turned 4 shades of red lol ! Come to find out the tech that looked at it got paid extra to do rebuilds and was condemning engines every chance he got !

    Needless to say the tech got fired .3 hours of my time and I saved 2500$ and my son got his truck back .

    Never went back .

    Did Huawei’s launch of the Kiriin 9000s chip for the Mate 60 Pro show that <5nm processes are not necessary for modern mobile phones, and how will this affect TSMC’s business?

    As an Ordinary user of a smartphone, can you really tell the difference between the 3nm and the 7nm Chips?

    You can’t

    The difference is more from an engineering point of view and a design point of view than a commercial point of view

    The Average customer doesn’t understand 3nm and 7nm.

    There is Zero difference from the POV of a retail customer who doesn’t understand Semiconductor Design Or Power Consumption Efficiency (99.9% of the world’s retail customers)

    Here are the top six parameters based on which people decide which Smartphones to buy :-

    • Price
    • Camera
    • Battery & Charging
    • Gaming
    • Color & Design
    • BRAND

    Do you see ‘Performance’ anywhere?


    Performance is impossible to gauge for a normal user

    You need advanced tools that tech blogger guys from YT have

    Sure you can see the difference between a 32 nm Laptop Chip and a 7 nm Smartphone Chip

    However it becomes tougher as you come closer and closer to each successive process

    Take the I7 vs Loongson 3AC6000

    Assuming Loongson had Windows integration

    An Average user could not distinguish the two apart unless by GPU performance or Memory superiority

    Yet a professional with tools can see that the Loongson is performing only at 50% the rate of the I7

    So the answer is YES

    My guess is the 3/2nm Chips are redundant for modern smartphones. They are too advanced and unnecessary for the average retail user

    Cost effective 7/5 nm Chips are the Uppermost limit for smartphones

    The Iphone 15 vs Mate 60 is the best example

    The greatest advantage of the Iphone 15 was the GPU of NVDIA according to retail users

    Mate60 won with the Camera, Gestures, Satellite Calling, 5G speeds etc

    Iphone won with the Graphics

    Nobody mentions the A17 Chip except as part of the textbook spec comparison table

    3/2 nm Chips will be pathbreaking for the NEXT GENERATION after the Smartphone like maybe Advanced AI systems etc

    TSMC will find the 3nm process overkill

    Yet if they keep at it, they may find it easier to progress to the next generation of communication technology

    Goodfellas | 𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑬 𝑮𝑼𝒀𝑺 | 𝙴𝙳𝙸𝚃

    Very nicely done.

    What was the most condescending comment someone made after seeing your new or newly renovated home?

    We have built a vacation home in a nearby province. Husband took on the contracting while maintaining his full-time police job – so proud of him!

    I did not announce this; I dislike the comparison games people play and do not want to be perceived as bragging.

    A good friend asked to see pictures at a reunion luncheon. As I flipped through pix on my phone, an acquaintance from long ago came up behind us.

    She peered over our shoulders and exclaimed, “When you married that low-ranked cop, I knew you’d end up this way! How far you’ve fallen! How can you live like THAT!!”

    The look on her face was not one of concern, but a sneer.

    She was looking at a picture of the shed where building materials had been kept (that has since been removed).


    *Note Some have asked about my response. I smiled, told her that it was the raw materials shed and went back to my conversation.

    Why didn’t I snap back, go for her throat, etc?

    Because that (and to embarrass me) is what she expected, what she wanted. She is in her element when someone defends herself or gets angry.

    But she has never been able to handle a calm, non-defensive response.

    Was enlisting in the military a mistake for you?

    No, it wasn’t.

    My time in the Marines didn’t go at all as I expected; in fact, I was disappointed with almost all of it. However, I am grateful for these very disappointments. It took me a long time to come this viewpoint, but I am finally able to see the experience in a more wholistic way. As a Christian, I see it through the lens of Romans 8:28:

    “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (ESV)

    When I was planning to go into the Marines, my father encouraged me as he always had. He thought I had sound judgment and that I had made a wise decision. It was a sickening shock for me to find out in the Marines that very few people, men or women, thought this way.

    I was generally despised as a woman Aircraft Maintenance Officer. Women hadn’t been allowed into this MOS for very long. I was about the sixth woman to choose it. People thought women couldn’t understand machinery or aircraft.

    I personally got ugly comments. One was a note passed to me in AMO school that read, “A woman is a life support system for a cunt.” I was very quiet back then and kept to myself a lot, but other Marines’ hatred for me was so great they went out of their way to humiliate me.

    At some point I found out I could not be assigned to a deploying squadron; no women Marines could deploy back then. So this fact meant I would not be assigned to any unit that actually had aircraft, unless it was to a training squadron. My dream of going to a deploying squadron and to a carrier ended.

    I was so miserable. I had no friends after a while. A woman captain I knew went to Germany, and a woman TBS classmate with whom I was also close had to take a medical discharge. I was lonely and frightened and made bad personal decisions as a result.

    But when I was at my lowest point, I reached out to God in desperation, and He answered. It was the beginning of our relationship which continues to this day. It was about that time my EAS rolled around, so I was then set free from the Marine Corps.

    In spite of the traumatic stuff and in addition to my now having God in my life, I did however benefit from my service.

    I was able to work for Sikorsky Aircraft as a technical writer. I wrote repair manuals for the SH-60B helicopter when it first came out. The job included testing the manuals out on the helicopter by doing an R and R (remove and replace) of all the parts on it, including the engines, blades, and rotor head.

    Being a Marine helped me get a job with the Texas Department of Public Safety as a security officer. Marines are highly respected in the Department, and there are a lot of them in it. To my surprise, many other members of the Department admired me for my Marine service and accepted me because of it. That had hardly ever happened before.

    A huge benefit was that my husband, a highly decorated combat Marine, chose me to be his wife. He said that when he learned I was a Marine, he knew I could understand him like no other woman could. We got married six weeks after we met.

    So my military service was a rough go, but it prepared me for the rough life I had ahead of me. But most importantly, God used it to bring me to Him and to my wonderful husband.

    How did the Vietnam War affect you and your family?

    At so many levels… I was a small child in the 60’s. I remember on the news there was a symbol- a silhouette of a soldier walking – with a number in it, and that number was the number of casualties there had been that day. My cousin was in the 101st Airborne- it would take forever to hear anything so we both were encouraged and afraid when they mentioned the 101st.

    Many people say the Gulf War was the first war played out on television. It wasn’t. It was Vietnam. I remember it so distinctly. It was terrifying. I asked my Dad what the war was for… he started to explain but in the end, he just said “There is never a good reason for war, and in the end, it won’t change anything anyway…” Looking back now, what did all that death and pain- on both sides- accomplish?

    The city I lived in had a Marine base. Many of the kids I played with had dads who were “in country”, or mothers and fathers who worked at the base. I saw many of them saying goodbye because their lives had suddenly changed, either because their dad would not be coming home, or that he had come home and was now facing extended time in rehab. I remember playing in the stadium right in front of the entrance to the housing area for the base… when we saw a black car with a driver, an officer… and a chaplain… all the kids would run home in terror. Someone was about to get some bad news.

    I was grateful that my Dad didn’t have to go to Vietnam. He was in the navy as the war started but I was a sick baby and he was discharged on compassionate grounds.

    I remembering wearing a bracelet with the name of an MIA soldier… he didn’t come home, well, his remains didn’t come home, until the late 1970’s, I folded up his bracelet and sent it up to his family.

    One of my dearest friends, “Sarge” Robert Hultgren, was a 2 tour vet- he campaigned tirelessly for the MIA and POW. “I can’t forget a single brother” he said. Sarge died several years, of Alzheimer’s Dementia. He forgot his daughter, his wife, his own name… but he thought he was in Vietnam. His PTSD pierced his soul so deeply it was too deep even for Dementia to wash away.

    Sarge used to put up a bamboo Christmas Tree in front of Boston’s City Hall each Christmas. Lest we forget.

    I remember standing on the front steps with my Mom when all the church bells and sirens from Fire Trucks and Civil Defense were sounding to say the war was over. But how could it be over? My friends were still waiting for their dads.

    That next year at Memorial Day, the 1st World War vets marched, all snappily dressed and although old were orderly and looked dignified. The same was true of the World War 2 vets, the Korean War vets… then came the Vietnam vets. The looked slouched, and where people had cheered for the other men, they yelled things at the Vietnam Vets… Baby killer. Rapist. Bastards. WHy didn’t you just die there….

    Some of the my friends were there watching their dads marching and they winced at the hatred. We had already seen it, protests at the gates of the base, “peace protesters” telling the small children there that their daddies were murderers and rapists. Who did they think they were to “peacefully” destroy these kids?

    Neighbours of my grandparents, the place where we spent every spare minute, were a military family. One day when visiting them, the news came on the TV and they turned it off. “We don’t listen to that when we are here… this is our escape” said the lovely Mrs Wittman. Her husband was a senior military officer. This was the reason:

    Lance Corporal Narvin O WIttman 26–9–1946 – 7–8–1967 Their son had died in Vietnam. When I went to see the “Wall”, I took a rubbing of his name. He didn’t even make it to 21.

    It was years before we learned our lesson. It is this deep wound of guilt that led to Americans thanking Vets for their service… never again would we forget that it’s not the soldier’s fault when he does what his country asks him to do. I hope.

    All those of my generation had the same experience… the pain and horror of Vietnam was all over the news, inescapable, imbedding itself in our psyche.

    Thanks for your service… as my generation joins those who pass away, I just pray we as a human race never forget. We inflicted pain on those young men- draftees- and their families. For what?

    The Sopranos || Lovely

    Breaking bad is my all-time favorite show.. But this show is… its a masterpiece. I remember the first time i finished it. Had a feeling i need to watch it again right away…. They don’t make them like they used to before. What a great time it was for entertainment back then.

    Southern Crusty Coconut Pie

    IMG 0070
    IMG 0070


    • 1/2 cup milk
    • 1 1/4 cups shredded coconut
    • 1/4 cup butter
    • 1 cup granulated sugar
    • 3 eggs
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1 (9-inch) unbaked pie shell


    1. Pour milk over coconut and set aside while creaming butter and sugar together.
    2. Add eggs to creamed mixture and beat well.
    3. Add milk, coconut and vanilla extract.
    4. Pour into an unbaked pie shell.
    5. Bake at 350 degrees F for about 30 minutes or until pie is golden brown and firm.

    Yield: 6 – 8 servings

    This recipe may be doubled to make two pies.

    Will China survive in a globalist world if they keep their average citizen closed off from the rest of the world?

    Chinese are not closed off from the world; more than 130M Chinese travel outside China annually, and they spend about US$250B annually on their travels, making them the single largest tourist group by nation, and the biggest spending one.

    Just because you disagree with Chinese government policies, do not say that Chinese are closed off from the rest of the world. It is you who are out of touch with what is really going on.

    Nice greasy and juicy hamburgers

    Here’s a fun fact, once you become a grannie in China, you get to wear a grannie “uniform”. These grannies all wear outlandish crazy floral patterned tops. And it seems to be the unofficial “uniform” of the grannie sect inside of China.

    2023 09 19 17 52
    2023 09 19 17 52

    I don’t know quite how it works, but seriously… all the grannies wear these God-awful floral tops; the busier, and more abrasive the better.

    Don’t you know.

    Let me tell you all the sad tale of my mistakes in cooking hamburgers.

    Grilled Hamburgers 2
    Grilled Hamburgers 2

    You see, as a teenager, my father was trying to lose weight, and at that time he believed that all the fat in hamburgers must be removed for it to be “healthy”. And so, whenever he cooked hamburgers, he would squeeze all the delicious juices out of the burger. Whether on the grill or in the pan. And the result would be a dry burger.

    I didn’t know any better. Being all of 12 or 13 at the time, and so I thought that this was the way that you cook hamburgers. You squeeze all the fat out.

    Stupid silly me.

    No wonder no one wanted me to cook the hamburgers at family get-togethers. I made dry and tasteless hamburgers.

    I feel so bad about it, and I wince when I remember that particular memory.


    Today, I leave all the precious juices inside the burger. Let it cook just that way. Don’t ever…ever…EVER squeeze out the juices! The juices are what you want in a fine greasy delicious burger.


    Go get yourself a nice burger. Make sure that it is tasty and delicious and do not skimp on the sides. Have a great meal and a great day!


    10 Sad realities of life you should know

    1. Almost everyone is bought and owned because someone controls what they want/need.
    2. You’re not other people’s priority; their priorities are to survive, then thrive.
    3. Even good people will close their eyes to get benefits at the expense of others.
    4. Lots of people have no principles, only desires that they’ll do whatever to achieve.
    5. Most people prefer being right over doing right. They put politics over common sense.
    6. Most people are stupid, and even intelligent people have moments of stupidity.
    7. People who signal their virtues are not virtuous; they are the opposite.
    8. You only need 3 control freaks to ruin a group of 30 good people.
    9. People don’t actually want to be equal. Those who claim they do seek safety or control.
    10. Otherwise reasonable people can become completely unreasonable inside a group.

    Southern Biscuit Pudding

    Southern Biscuit Pudding
    Southern Biscuit Pudding


    • 6 cold biscuits
    • 1 cup water
    • 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
    • 1/4 cup butter or margarine
    • 1 teaspoon nutmeg
    • 1/2 cup raisins
    • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
    • 1/2 cup evaporated milk


    1. Soak crumbled biscuits in hot water for a few minutes
    2. Add sugar, butter, nutmeg, raisins, beaten eggs, and milk, mixing after each addition.
    3. Pour into greased black cast iron pan.
    4. Bake in preheated 350 degrees F oven for about 30 to 40 minutes, or until browned.

    Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North of Richmond REACTION | HE DID IT AGAIN! ANOTHER AMAZING SONG!

    He’s not singing country music, he’s singing music to the whole country, to the whole world! North of Richmond, VA is Washington DC!

    Pay attention to the reactions. The United States is a “powder keg”.

    What is the most offensive thing you overheard someone sitting near you on a plane say?

    Being disabled and looking like I do there are two things I always get to overhear. Going through TSA my name comes up red flagged. Meaning check him completely.

    A customs agent told me “it’s due to your Military career and past knowledge.”

    What the hell does that mean? I’m in a wheelchair and have metal in my leg, shoulder, and back. I am a wand beep show. All hands pat downs in a wheelchair. You need two hips to stand, so I can’t stand. Any chance I am taking over the plane? Gunpowder tests on hands AND ARMS. OK so the Navy/CIA service made me an enemy of the state or something?

    I think it is BS and it’s profiling but my wife said “no it’s not.”

    Then you have people whispering when we get on first. “Bet they fake it to board first…”

    I tore into a woman I heard say that. I yelled so loud the airport got quiet. Does it look like I’m faking it? I tried to get out of wheelchair and fell. Hurt. But I felt better with that. Maybe she’ll get it some day.

    My wife wasn’t happy about my antics but I’m so tired of it. And she knows. On the plane though I overheard a mom telling their kid there is no difference between disabled people and us. Except a part of their body just doesn’t work like ours. She had me in tears. The best explanation of a disabled person I have ever heard explained. And plainly so a child could understand it. The kid kept asking me if I needed any help?


    With all these sanctions against Russia, I was expecting the value of the ruble to crash. Why is it stronger now than it was before the war?

    Thats mainly because The Ruble is not a very Publicly Traded Currency & Russia is a Net Exporter

    Putin did three strategic things:-

    • Firstly , he rose the interest rates to 20% Short term. That helped when a huge amount of rubles entered into the Banking system, reducing the Supply and subsequently making the Ruble more valuable.
    • Secondly, he had a rule where all Companies in Russia had to ensure 80% of all Foreign Payments were mandatorily in Russian Rubles. As a result – Companies within Russia had to buy Rubles from Russian Central Bank and this helped the Ruble gain traction and demand.
    • Thirdly, he announced that he would only take paymets for Gas in Rubles. Now while G7 governments keep talking nonsense as Politicians do, the Businessmen – ie:- The Refineries, The Gas Distributors etc had to assume the worst case scenario and be prepared and so they collectively purchased roughly 160 Billion Rubles over 4 days (Around Euro 1.53 Billion). If they really have to pay for Gas in Rubles – they will need around 1.5 Trillion Rubles but still…this Ruble purchase also took the Ruble rate up.

    In this way – the Ruble strengthened from 141 Rubles to a Dollar on 7th March 2022 to 93 Rubles to a Dollar on 28th March 2022.

    Meanwhile – Why exactly did the Ruble crash in value???

    Its not traded on any Exchange right? No Major Country carries Ruble reserves? Its not as if Rubles are sold in US or EU and they dumped the Rubles right?

    I believe this was because the West dumped their entire stock of Rubles

    Prior to 24th February – You had 900 Billion Rubles or around US$ 13 Billion with Foreign Countries in the form of Securities or actual Ruble Deposits.

    My guess is – the West dumped this entire $ 13 Billion or 900 Billion of Rubles with the intention of causing a major crash in the Ruble and create an economic turmoil in Russia.

    My guess was – Crash the value of the Ruble, Make Necessary Imports very expensive , mainly Drugs and Pharma and bring Putin to his knees.

    Sadly someone spoilt the party:-

    China has the largest Ruble Reserves outside of Russia ($ 55.1 Billion or around 1.5% of its foreign reserves). The West had hoped China would be panic driven to sell their Rubles as well which could have crashed the Ruble even further.

    Luckily China didn’t fall for the trap and instead kept their Rubles and even rose the price band between the Yuan and Ruble by 10% instead of 5% to prevent panic sales of Rubles.

    No Wonder the West is SO ANGRY WITH CHINA

    Its why i always say – A NON CONVERTIBLE CURRENCY is the Greatest Asset for a NET EXPORTER

    And another thing

    900 Billion Ruble dumping – caused a 13 day turmoil for the Ruble


    What are some things that have happened on your plane ride home that made it memorable? Why did those things stand out to you?

    I was flying home to Mom’s funeral. Had our 13 month old son with me. A young soldier took the aisle seat. We exchanged pleasantries and then I busied myself keeping N. occupied. Mealtime came and I noticed the young man talking to the flight attendant. Turns out he had told her to hold his meal and he offered to hold N. while I ate and then happily ate his own. When we landed he helped me with my carry-on luggage and wished me luck with the next leg of my trip. I’ve never forgotten that young soldier.

    Merkules – ”Rich Men North Of Richmond” Remix

    This is great.

    What psychological tricks and hacks are useful to know?

    1. If someone is trying to make you decide in a hurry, they are probably giving you a bad deal. Walk away.
    2. Sometimes pretending that you are naive gets you more information.
      1. Pretending is helpful many times.
    3. If you want to avoid office politics, say good things about coworkers behind their backs.
    4. Physical contact makes you more likely to say yes to a request.
    5. If you want to make someone feel uncomfortable, look at their forehead when you’re talking to them.
    6. When a group of people laugh, they tend to look at the person they like the most.
    7. Nervousness and excitement have the same body reaction, so if you’re nervous for a speech, instead convince yourself you’re excited. Its proven to give better speeches, too.
    8. Ask for something that seems small, but is related, to what you really want. Then, once they’ve agreed to the small thing, just work up with slightly larger requests until you achieve your goals.

    What screams “I’m educated, but not very bright”?

    I can reverse that. My father recounted the story of a massive brick chimney on the OSU campus. They wanted it down, so put it out for bids. The bids came in the thousands of dollars (a lot of money in the ‘50s), except one. An old guy with a beat-up pickup came by and bid $50. He chiseled out a number of the bricks, replacing them with wood blocks. When he’d replaced enough of them, he threw gasoline on it, lit it, and retreated. When the thing came down, he hauled away all of the brick (what he really wanted).

    What legal incident is most misunderstood?

    One of the great media injustices took place in 1994 — and it began a pattern of malignment that escalates to this day.

    The case was Liebeck v. McDonald’s. It’s one of the most widely recognized and highly misunderstood lawsuits in history. Most people know it as, “The greedy lady who spilled coffee on herself and wanted an easy payday.”

    It’s also the precursor to social media harassment campaigns — including a list of targets I hesitate to even mention — because I know people buy into the nonsense.

    Here’s what really happened.

    The lead-up to the legal showdown

    Stella Liebeck did indeed order coffee and spill it on herself. After pulling through the drive-through, she put the coffee between her legs, and the lid popped off. The coffee then spilled on her inner thighs and crotch region.

    What people often miss is that the coffee didn’t burn her — it completely scorched her body.

    McDonald’s was keeping the coffee far, far hotter than it needed to be, at temperatures that cause third-degree burns in an instant. Remember: Heat damage is also a proxy of exposure of duration — and there was little time to react (which was exacerbated by her old age).

    Liebeck spent more than a week in the hospital battling life-threatening infections.

    The media also conveniently ignore that there were more than 700 hot coffee complaints and lawsuits filed against McDonald’s in the lead-up to this case. More than $500,000 in payouts had been given to burn victims.

    But when the casual consumer scanned headlines and saw, “Woman Wins Millions After Mistakenly Spilling Coffee On Herself”, it turned McDonald’s into a martyr for lazy, greedy consumers — and the customer into an avatar of laziness and opportunism.

    It became so easy to conclude the woman was a fool for not knowing coffee was hot, and that she should have been more careful and taken responsibility for her mistakes.

    She’s lucky there was no Twitter back then.

    The court case was a hot mess too

    During my MBA program, we studied this case in corporate law class. I remember being so surprised at the number of contradictions to public perception within it.

    First, Liebeck never sued for millions.

    She asked for $20,000 just to cover her medical expenses (the costs her insurance didn’t cover). For six months, McDonald’s refused and instead offered her $800. Eventually, she hired a lawyer. His eyes went wide as he saw the facts of the case. That’s when their claim went way up.

    The jury was initially skeptical of Liebeck. They thought she was just another ambulance chaser.

    And then they saw the actual images of the burns

    Liebeck had permanent damage to her private areas. The images are hard to look at and I can’t even describe them without getting very graphic.

    Doctors performed several skin grafts. Liebeck’s physician testified in front of the jury that her burns were one of the worst he’d ever seen, as bad as people who’d been on fire.

    Conversely, McDonald’s defense lawyers were flamboyant and pompous. In one of the all-time great legal screw-ups, they responded to the fact that 700+ people had been burned by saying it was “little more than a rounding error”. Regardless of the company’s customer volume, it reflected a callous disregard for the harm they had — and were — causing.

    After the jury saw McDonald’s track record of burns, the arrogance of their lawyers, and their refusal to accept any blame, the tide turned.

    Even worse, Liebeck’s attorney cross-examined McDonald’s quality control manager and squeezed three painful confessions out of him:

    That their coffee was not served at a temperature safe for consumption.

    That consumers were not adequately warned of the burn risk.

    He also buried his foot in his mouth by saying he had more important matters to attend to than the burn injuries. He said they didn’t constitute a change in policy.

    Between these missteps and the facts of the case, the jury awarded Liebeck $640,000. However, the judge added punitive damages totaling $2.7 million, equal to two days of Mcdonald’s coffee sales.

    Punitive damages are a judge’s way of saying, “You messed this up so bad that I’m going to add extra damages just to send a stronger message to everyone watching this.”

    The aftermath

    Sadly, Liebeck never got the millions.

    She instead settled out of court for a half-million dollars. She spent the remaining 12 years of her life in poor health while her settlement only covered her medical care and a live-in nurse.

    She was never some dumb, greedy, careless woman who didn’t know that coffee was hot. The public’s misconception was a major disservice to someone who genuinely suffered.

    This should have been a PR nightmare for McDonald’s. Between the 700+ incidents and the pattern of lava-hot coffee, it was just a matter of time before this happened.

    McDonald’s was big enough to take the hit and was blessed with a rare media hall pass. Conservative political talk shows needed an anti-business case study to spin for election season.

    The public drew quick conclusions about this woman before even knowing the facts of the case. It highlights a continuing clouding of the truth — often about things that don’t even affect your personal life — yet damage someone else’s.

    In recent years, I’ve seen rampant campaigns to target and harass people on social media — Twitter especially — by people who don’t actually know what happened in some person’s divorce. I see Medal of Honor winners being targeted because of bogus campaigns about what happened on a mission — by people who have probably never been in combat.

    Taking sides is fun. It’s in our nature to enjoy combative feuds and pick a team. Just remember that we aren’t usually working with hard evidence or perfect information.

    It’s so easy to let your own experiences inform your opinion more than the facts.

    In short: stay empathetic. Know that even if someone made a mistake — you could easily have been them, looking out from their eyes, seeing all the people holding torches and shouting your name.

    What is the strangest failure you have ever seen on a car?

    I had an 86 Chrysler Laser.

    The first and only brand new car that I ever bought. About a month later I was driving down the highway doing about 60 mph and the engine shut down without warning. I managed to coast onto the shoulder and it would not start. I waited about 20 minutes and it fired right up! I took the car back to the dealership and they could not find any issues to get the problem to happen again. I picked the car up and while driving home the engine shut down again. S.O.A.B! So I had the car towed back to the dealership and they kept it for 2 days and still couldn’t find the problem. I went home and the next day it happened again. Shut down – wait 20 minutes – then start right up again. This went on for about a week and I was about to contact the dealer again to get this covered under the lemon law.

    Then a friend suggested that I replace the magnetic pickup. This is a sensor in the distributor that detects the rotation of the distributor shaft. If is faulty it can trick the computer into thinking there’s an engine failure and shutoff the engine.

    I bought the part, took off the distributor cap, pulled the magnetic pickup and there is was. Sticking on-end to the magnet was the tiniest sliver of metal no more than 1/16″ long! Probably left over from when the block was machined. I wiped the sliver off with my finger and put the original part back in and never had the problem again.

    Intel, Nvidia, and Qualcomm DISAGREE With Biden’s Export Control

    From a pro-USA source…

    In a complex tug-of-war between national security and economic interests, the United States is facing a conundrum in its semiconductor strategy. Discover why the CEOs of major American chip giants, Intel, Nvidia, and Qualcomm, are urging the Biden administration to rethink its stringent export controls on computer chips to China. These restrictions were initially imposed to curb China’s military modernization efforts, but their unintended consequences are starting to surface.

    Ukraine SitRep: Western Military Commentators Finally Accept The Obvious

    The Kuebler-Ross model of grief describes the human coping mechanism to deal with extremely difficult situations. It has five phases:

    • denial – “No, not me, it cannot be true”
    • anger – “Why me?”
    • bargaining – attempting to postpone death with “good behaviour”
    • depression – when reacting to their illness, and preparing for their death
    • acceptance – “The final rest before the long journey”

    With regard to the Ukrainian counter-offensive the last phase of the grief model has now been reached.

    While not all politician are yet there, the military and intelligence specialists, who are part of the western propaganda squads, have made their conclusions. From their mouth the truth is dripping to the media. While the headlines below may not express it, the content of those pieces, especially in the first four, is finally admitting the obvious. It didn’t work and the counter-offensive is done:

    Simplicius has taken several of the above pieces apart and finds that they finally admit that the issue is lost:

    Dire New Western Reports Call to Ditch NATO Tactics
    Plus a roundup of other grist from the Western propaganda mill

    Nothing of the above is new to Moon of Alabama readers. I may have helped to spare you the grief by not clinging to a the narrative but to the reality of the battlefield:

    This outcome of the counteroffensive against the hardened Russian defense lines was predictable (May 11!):

    In military books this is know as ‘echeloned defense’ with three lines of well prepared positions ten kilometer apart from each other. Each line consists of tank obstacles, mine belts, prepared anti-tank positions to monitor and counter potential breach attempts and well prepared artillery support from behind the next defense line.

    To crack such a nut without air support and without significant artillery advantage is nearly impossible.

    But the Ukrainians did even worse than I had thought. The delaying action by the Russian army stopped them before they even reached the first defense line.

    What may come next was predicted here on June 5, the day the counter-offensive was launched:

    I strongly suspect that the Russian military will let the Ukrainian attacks run their course to then launch its own larger scale attacks against weakened Ukrainian defenses.

    But to this day and while taking heavy losses the Ukrainian army is still running head first into a wall of Russian fire and concrete barriers. It may well keep going for another few weeks until the rain seasons sets in. That will lessen the chance of a renewed Russian attack. I have no idea yet of what might come instead of one.

    To cope with the situation and bad news the U.S. will now send in a new wonder-weapon, the ATAMCS missiles with a range of up to 300 kilometer (190 miles). They come in several variants but the U.S. army will only be willing to hand over its older ones and only a few. The missiles are GPS guided which is unlikely to work well as Russia has sufficient electronic warfare assets that will disturb those signals. Some of these missiles will just divert from their target. Some will be shot down by air defenses. Some will come through. The 230 kilogram warhead can create quite a mess if it hits a large headquarter.

    But keep in mind that the Russian forces are now regularly using FAB 500 glide bombs that come with nearly 500 kilogram of explosives.  The bigger FAB 1500 have been tested too and are ready to be deployed. The new ATAMCS missiles will thereby not change the balance of force.

    Former ambassador MK Bhadrakumar is sensing some diplomatic noise that might point to upcoming talks.

    Ice cracking sounds on frozen lake of US-Russia relations

    Talks may well follow but I would not expect any agreement. The Russian side will hold up its demands and the U.S. will still be unwilling to fulfill them. Not even a ceasefire will result from them.

    Posted by b on September 9, 2023 at 14:44 UTC | Permalink

    The road not taken: Dilemma in filling application forms for universities in China

    Dean of the School of Journalism and Information Communication at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) delivered a speech to the freshmen of the journalism major at the opening ceremony, in which he mentioned Zhang Xuefeng, a teacher who has recently become a hit on the Internet.

    After this year’s college entrance examination, Zhang, like many other teachers in high schools and colleges, provided candidates with suggestions on live broadcasting. But what made him stand out is that his suggestions to each candidate are very customized, with a very sharp and extremely realistic tongue.

    According to Zhang, one shouldn’t even think about finding a job at a big Internet company without a Diploma from Project 211 (a Chinese project of developing comprehensive universities and colleges, which, to some extent, symbolizes the quality of the universities and students).

    “I’m going to beat my son’s arse off if he wants to study journalism (in China),” he also said.

    As an online tutor who focuses on practical benefits, Zhang cares nothing less than helping students find satisfying jobs and living a stable life. His words, however, are very harsh in the ears of many who have already stepped into the university or even the society, because he talks down their past choices and future paths to nothing, and also reveals the cruel reality.

    In the dean’s speech, he said in response to Zhang’s view, “Going to university is not only about finding jobs. If it is that way, in today’s highly informationized society, even without going to university people can still achieve this goal.”

    Many people working on journalism refuted Zhang’s views before, thinking that he was too one-sided and shallow, and maliciously smeared the journalism major. At the same time, there are students of this major who agree with his views, and more are the parents of the candidates who regard his words as the Bible.

    As we can see, the biggest conflict that lies in front of the young generation is the conflict between a sure future and dream chasing.

    In East Asian countries, especially in China, voluntary application after the college entrance examination is regarded as an extremely important step in determining the direction of life, and everyone is afraid that their future will collapse if any mistake occurs.

    Students face not only the choice between majors, but also the dilemma of huge income differences, overflow in the talent market, and, probably, the only child supporting the whole family under the influence of the abolished one-child policy.

    From this point of view, Zhang is just starting from an ordinary student who has studied hard for many years, hoping to live a better life in line with his efforts. Scholars, nevertheless, talk the talk from the academic angle, which includes idealistic elements. In their eyes, Zhang is no more than a “cynic”. Life also has many turning points in store for you, all of which depend on both how hard you work and how lucky you are.

    Though experienced, Zhang can never ensure a student’s whole future life with his words. The final decision is still in their own hands.

    As far as I can see, the trial and error cost lies not only in whether you are in a well-established family, but also in how much you’d like to sacrifice the time, the pressure, and the fierce competition……every least expected incident may run over you and crush you down.

    It’s still ruthless to talk about dreams without mentioning their cost. However, a person who is willing to go through mature deliberation and take advice prudently, always deserves good results.

    Freezing Stray Cat Banged On The Door With His Paw, Begging For Help

    One evening a woman from Quebec City heard someone scratching at her front door. It turned out to be a cat, probably quite elderly, and it should be noted that the weather outside was already very cold. The woman did not think long and let the traveling cat into her house.

    Do they sell cats on wet markets in China?

    Hi, John McEnany. Thanks for your interesting question!

    I’m going to be tackling your question in three parts.

    Part One:

    Your question, as at September 10, 2023, at approximately 1308 hours (GMT +8), is:

    Do they sell cats on wet markets in China?”

    English might not be your first language, so you might have gotten your prepositions mixed up.

    “On” – we use this preposition when something (or someone) is touching the surface of something. For example: “Danny is dancing on the roof!” or “Milli has a tattoo of a spider on her right arm.”

    “In” – we use this preposition when something (or someone) is located inside of a defined space. It could be a flat space, like in a yard, or a three-dimensional space, like in a building or plane. For example, “Brett is studying in the library.” or “Can you put the potato in my bag, please?”

    The question should really read:

    Do they sell cats in wet markets in China?”

    Part Two:

    Now, to your question.

    I’ve been to more than a few wet markets in China (and the rest of East and Southeast Asia), but as of today, there hasn’t been a wet market that sells cats.

    If you’re looking to buy a cat in China, I would suggest going to a large pet store.

    The larger pet stores tend to have cats for sale.
    The smaller pet stores may only sell pet food and accessories.

    OR, you could go to a reputable cat breeder.

    If you’re one of those who are into “pure breeds”, a cat breeder might be your best bet.
    But the prices can be astronomical.

    For example, my cat-owning friend tells me that a Maine Coon can easily cost you 20,000 yuan (approximately $ 2700, USD).

    However, as someone who used to be the owner of three dogs (no, not all three at the same time), I would suggest that instead of buying a cat, you might want to go down to a local animal rescue and shelter to adopt a cat instead.

    Unfortunately, stray cats are still a common sight in many cities in China.

    But there are many animal rescue and shelter groups trying to change that.

    Last year, one of this groups opened “Cat Island” in Shanghai.

    This “Cat Island” is actually an artificial island with an area of about 800 square meters, located in Laogang town, Shanghai. According to the group, they intend to accommodate 200 to 300 stray cats in the future.

    The public can visit “Cat Island” to learn about how to control the stray cat and dog population as well as how to feed and take care of cats and dogs in general.

    You can also apply to “Cat Island” to adopt one of their stray cats.
    From what I’ve gleaned on Chinese social media, many cats that were initially sent to the island have already been adopted.

    If you live in Shanghai, you can try adopting from “Cat Island”.
    I’m sure they’d love to hear from you!

    Part Three:

    So, no, John McEnany.

    I’ve not come across a wet market selling cats yet.

    Like I said above, if you’re looking for a cat, it’s best if you go down to a local animal rescue & shelter and see about adopting a stray cat.

    I have come across stray cats that are loitering around wet markets, yes.

    But, no, you won’t find wet markets selling them.

    Wet markets tend to sell meat, seafood, produce, etc.

    They’re like supermarkets or grocery stores, but prices tend to be cheaper and many people believe that wet market stuff is fresher than what you would find in a supermarket/grocery store.

    Conclusion (a.k.a. TLDR)

    So, just a quick recap:

    If you want to buy a cat, you can do so at a large pet store or look for a breeder.
    However, I would suggest going down to your local animal rescue & shelter operation to adopt a stray cat instead – unfortunately, there are still a lot of stray cats in China and they all need warm homes and caring, loving fur-parents.

    Wet markets might not be able to satisfy your need for a cat, but they do sell stuff like vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood, and other food products, so if you’re looking for produce and stuff that’s cheaper than those sold at supermarkets and groceries, wet markets might be the place where you can get some really good deals.

    China SHOCKED Whole Industry: The New Twin-Tailed Scorpion Is Launched

    Wow, china’s unmanned two-tailed “Scorpion” drone has been launched with a capability of carrying many missiles. This UAV is a remarkable technology as the 3-engines drone is completely autonomous that can fly non stop for 35 hours using precision navigation system. It’s high aspect ratio and two vertical stabilizers guarantee its long range capability and excellent stability.

    China innovates technique for gallium-based semiconductors

    Researchers at the Zhejiang University in China have devised a new method that allows for easier and cost-effective production of gallium oxide, an alternative to silicon for semiconductors. The discovery assumes importance amidst the ban on gallium export to China.

    Silicon may be a significant component powering semiconductor-based applications. Still, the industry has evolved to use compounds such as gallium arsenide and indium phosphide in production processes over the years. Gallium oxide is the newest entrant in the arena.

    What is gallium oxide?

    Gallium oxide is a fourth-generation ultra-wide band gap semiconductor that can withstand a strong electric field and consumes little power. A band gap is the amount of energy needed to free electrons inside a semiconductor material, and an ultra-wide band gap allows the material to be used for high-voltage applications.

    Among other ultra-wide band gap materials, such as gallium nitride and silicon carbide, gallium oxide has many advantages. However, its production is much more challenging.

    Gallium oxide is the only material that can form single crystals at atmospheric pressure after solidification from a melt. This can drastically reduce fabrication costs, but the process needs large amounts of iridium to make a crucible for the melt.

    A four-inch crucible requires about 11 pounds (five kg) of iridium; since the price of iridium is three times that of gold, this increases production costs. It also raises concerns about intellectual property in China since Japan and the US have used the method.

    Chinese innovation amidst US ban

    Last year, researchers at the State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials at Zhejiang University made two-inch gallium oxide wafers. This year, they have improved their approach and made four-inch wafers.

    Their improved approach involved a casting method that uses up to 80 percent less iridium. This will help reduce production costs and make the process shorter and more manageable for mass production.

    The team has spun off a company that holds the patents for these improved methods and is currently working on using a temperature gradient to increase the size of the crystals produced.

    Due to their low energy consumption, gallium oxide semiconductors are ideal for use in communications, aerospace, radar, and electrified transportation like cars and trains.

    Last year, the US Commerce Department imposed an export ban on gallium oxide to China, citing concerns about national security since they can also be used for military purposes. The ban aimed to prevent China from gaining experience in next-generation semiconductors, where gallium oxide alone is expected to be a $1.5 billion opportunity by the end of the decade.

    Not only has China overcome the aims of the ban but, in a tit-for-tat response, imposed a ban on the export of gallium and germanium from August 1 this year.

    Inside Michael Imperioli’s History-Filled New York Home | Open Door | Architectural Digest

    Man oh man. I love his home!

    Are Huawei phones now a real challenge to Apple’s iPhone?


    Competition is always a challenge, right? More than competition, Huawei is a Cinderella story. Remember, it was ranked #1 before Donald Trump torpedoed it.

    Now, let’s use a little logic. If Huawei is able to manufacture enough chips to supply the global market, how long do you think it will take Huawei to rocket back to #1? It will have a reputation as the best smartphone on the planet, bar none. It will also have a reputation as the comeback kid.

    Do you suppose some people might buy one just to spite Donald Trump or America? That’s precisely why I bought mine.

    The Western media never stopped crowing about Huawei’s dependence on Google. In fact, more intelligent people might buy a Huawei phone to escape Google. That was part of my motivation. Unfortunately, my phone runs on Google’s Android program. No problem, I’m going to upgrade to a new Huawei, now that it’s running on Harmony OS.

    The iPhone may remain #1 in the U.S., but I predict it will fall to 2nd place (or worse) just about everywhere else.

    One thing helping the iPhone is the Apple ecosystem. If you own a Mac, as I do, an iPhone might seem a logical peripheral. Unfortunately, the U.S. tech sector is rotten to the core. I like Apple far more than Microsoft, but I still don’t completely trust it. It also seems like it has become just a little buggier in recent years.

    My dream is to someday migrate to a Chinese system, leaving all that U.S. crapware behind once and for all. Unfortunately, I use Adobe software extensively, and I don’t know how long it will be before Adobe software will be compatible with Harmony OS or some other Chinese operating system. However, it wouldn’t surprise me if it happens in the next few years.

    Oops, I almost forgot to mention 5G and 6G. China is clearly in the lead here. I don’t know how much that will affect the average person, but it’s certainly a good selling point.

    After being wowed by Apple for two decades, I never thought I’d abandon ship, but the Chinese can outperform and undersell Apple at the same time. As a U.S. citizen who’s getting tired of being screwed by the tech sector and my own government, I appreciate bargains, don’t you?

    The One and Only Authentic
    Southern Strawberry Shortcake


    Yield: 6 servings


    • 2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
    • 1 tablespoon baking powder
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt
    • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
    • 1 large egg, beaten
    • 2/3 cup Half-and-Half
    • Butter for spreading
    • 4 cups fresh, ripe strawberries, rinsed, hulled, sliced in half, and sugared, to taste
    • 1 cup heavy cream, whipped to stiff peaks


    1. Heat the oven to 450 degrees F.
    2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt and mix well. Add the butter and using a pastry cutter or two knives, cut the butter into the mixture until crumbly.
    3. In a small bowl, combine the egg and Half-and-Half and mix until well blended. Then add the flour mixture and stir until the mixture is thoroughly moist. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead very briefly. With your hands, pat out the dough to about a 1/2 inch thickness, then, using a floured 3 inch biscuit cutter, cut out six biscuits.
    4. Place the biscuits on an ungreased baking sheet and bake on the upper rack of the oven until slightly brown on top, about 10 minutes.
    5. While they’re still hot, split open the biscuits, spread lightly with butter, and arrange close together on a plate. Spoon berries and cream onto the biscuits and serve while still warm.


    Shots fired! Shots fired!

    Is the atomic explosion in Nolan’s film ‘Oppenheimer’ computer-generated?

    For the scene depicting the atomic detonation during the famous Trinity test in the New Mexico desert in July 1945, Christopher Nolan and his creative team did not rely on CGI. Instead, they recreated a real explosion using gasoline, propane, magnesium, and aluminum powder to enhance the blinding light and initial flash of the explosion.

    The explosion was filmed at 48 frames per second using 65mm IMAX cameras and Panavision Panaflex System 65 Studio cameras. Additional detailed shots were captured using 35mm cameras at 50 FPS. All elements were shot in a way that made them appear much larger than they were and then composited together in post-production to create ‘a colossal event made up of many small pieces.’ The final product was assembled by overlaying 100 shots and over 400 practical elements, all crafted by a team of more than 150 artists.

    This is one of the reasons why I absolutely admire Nolan and his films

    Africa SHOCKS the world: EXPOSING France Oppression in Africa!

    The game is over, Africa is waking up.

    All troops From the West, will leave Africa.

    Safety Glasses

    My father was an engineer. He was a metallurgical engineer. Which was a guy that tests the composition of steel. He made sure that it was pure and the alloying elements were in the right percentages. It was a very important job.

    You need this, you know.

    No one would buy a cake if pickles were substituted for eggs, and salt was substituted for sugar. Right?

    Anyways, being older than me, he had his old work clothes that I inherited, and throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s, I used his old safety glasses at work.


    They were God-awful! Horned rimmed, ugly. Like a scene from the movie “falling down”.

    2023 09 18 10 59
    2023 09 18 10 59


    The funny thing was that EVERYONE knew that those were MY glasses. Everyone wore contemporaneous safety glasses, and not those old things.

    So, sure as shit, if I misplaced my glasses, after an hour or so, I would find them on my desk at work. They would magically appear out of nowhere.

    Not only once.

    Not twice…

    But every single time! I couldn’t give them away.

    i even threw them into the trash bin…

    Sure as shit, they walked back to my desk. I’ll tell you what!

    What do you know?

    Life is funny sometimes.


    Thought considerations…

    2023 09 18 10 48
    2023 09 18 10 48

    War as desirable outcome

    The Army War College’s John Deni (Wall Street Journal, 12/22/21) urged the US to take “a hard-line stance in diplomatic discussions,” because “if Mr. Putin’s forces invade, Russia is likely to suffer long-term, serious and even debilitating strategic costs.”

    The fact that US officials pushed for a Ukrainian counteroffensive that all but expected would fail raises an important question: Why would they do this? Sending thousands of young people to be maimed and killed does nothing to advance Ukrainian territorial integrity, and actively hinders the war effort.

    The answer has been clear since before the war. Despite the high-minded rhetoric about support for democracy, this has never been the goal of pushing for war in Ukraine. Though it often goes unacknowledged in the US press, policymakers saw a war in Ukraine as a desirable outcome.

    One 2019 study from the RAND Corporation—a think tank with close ties to the Pentagon—suggested that an effective way to overextend and unbalance Russia would be to increase military support for Ukraine, arguing that this could lead to a Russian invasion.

    In December 2021, as Russian President Vladimir Putin began to mass troops at Ukraine’s border while demanding negotiations, John Deni of the Atlantic Council published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal (12/22/21) headlined “The Strategic Case for Risking War in Ukraine,” which laid out the US logic explicitly:

    Provoking a war would allow the US to impose sanctions and fight a proxy war that would grind Russia down. Additionally, the anti-Russian sentiment that resulted from a war would strengthen NATO’s resolve.

    All of this came to pass as Washington’s stance of non-negotiation successfully provoked a Russian invasion.

    Even as Ukraine and Russia sat at the negotiation table early in the war, the US made it clear that it wanted the war to continue and escalate.

    The US’s objective was, in the words of Raytheon boardmember–turned–Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, “to see Russia weakened.” Despite stated commitments to Ukrainian democracy, US policies have instead severely damaged it.”


    Again, any postings of Oliver Anthony is not about his music. It is about the reactions to his music. It appears that for many Americans, they have a voice. Finally.

    Todays reaction REALLY BROKE ME! Anthony’s “90 Some Chevy” really hit home for me!

    Since Huawei is also a network equipment maker, does that mean Huawei phones are likely to be superior for network communications such as satellite?

    It certainly gives Huawei advantages.

    Their phones are likely to work better with the network equipment than other phones on their network.

    But for satellites, they don’t make satellites but they do make network base station equipment. So they might have better knowledge than building to a spec on paper.

    You can see with Apple trying to build their own 5G modems and failing. Apple’s 5G modem won’t debut again until 2025. They need time and experts and a lot of testing to make sure that it is going to work in all situations instead of just in the lab. Which was what happened when their modems didn’t work right.

    So I would guess yes. But any company can hire experts who have experience to make sure that their equipment works well.

    Southern Karo Syrup Chicken

    2023 09 16 15 14
    2023 09 16 15 14


    • 1 broiler-fryer chicken
    • 2 tablespoons butter
    • 1/2 cup Karo corn syrup
    • 1/2 cup orange juice
    • 3 tablespoons lemon juice


    1. Cut up chicken.
    2. In skillet over medium heat, cook chicken in butter about 30 minutes or until tender. Drain off fat.
    3. Mix remaining ingredients and pour over chicken. Cook over medium heat, turning often, for 5 to 10 minutes or until glazed.

    What is the most messed up thing you have seen a nurse/doctor do to a patient?

    I didn’t ‘see’ a doctor do this… I was the doctor doing this to a father in a pediatrics emergency room.

    Many staff reported this as terrifying, horrifying and other descriptions. I went to many meetings following my actions. If I had to do it over again, with my experience and age, I would have chosen different actions that day and we are outside the statute of limitations for assault and battery.

    I’ve never written this one down, so here it goes:

    I was the on-call anesthesia provider at the hospital, a children’s hospital. I was moonlighting and doing routine things when I was called to the emergency room to consult. (Moonlighting is when a doctor does his regular job or a lesser medical job, for an hourly wage but usually not at his normal hospital or setting.)

    When I came out of the elevator they asked me if I was anesthesia?

    I nodded and I was led quickly to a trauma room. There was no trauma but a bunch of people in hazmat suits! They dressed me quickly. I apparently had no choice in the matter. I then was led to another room where a small five-year-old boy was having visible stress and very labored breathing. They were assisting him with oxygen, a bag and mask but his color was just, off. Blue, maybe a little green grey. I had never seen this color for a human before, at least not one alive.

    People were screaming at me through their suits. We could hardly hear one another. Unknown poison. Unknown toxin. They told me this patient’s brother is in the next room and fading fast, as well. They then ask me what drugs I want to give to intubate this child.

    • Holy oral board question from hell!!!! For those of you who are not inside the anesthesia world, the oral-board exams for an anesthesiologist are notoriously difficult. They boast a high failure rate for first-time takers because they are designed to scare the ever living crap out of you so you will be a perpetual student of anesthesiology for life. When you have three minutes to figure something out, you cannot hit the books or even ask “Watson.”

    “I don’t want to give him anything!” I thought and said simultaneously.

    I am a large male… so… I chose physically to intubate the child without any drugs. I managed not to break any teeth also… always a bonus in my job. I did reason they are baby teeth and if he lived he would be more grateful to be alive than to have all his baby teeth.

    I then proceeded in rapid succession to the 7-year-old’s room. He was bigger, stronger and was spasming much worse than his brother, especially his jaw. They could not open it. I thought about man-handling the intubation. Broken teeth, I could break his jaw, but, no, so I ending up choosing and using an older drug to completely paralyze the child to attempt to undo the spastic jaw. This choice of drug was not as fast as some of the modern drugs in the anesthesia arsenal. It was among the most stressful four minutes of my clinical career!

    “Please be right. Please be right. Please be right.” In my mind over and over again. I slid my hand to his wrist and felt for a pulse. It was there. Weak, fast, but there.

    His color was off, too. Similar to his brother. Our oximeter was not picking up a signal. I was terrified in that moment I had chosen incorrectly and would kill the child. Utterly terrified. Tube in, first time, done. The boys were moved to the ICU.

    Had to get out of the small room. Very hot. Hard to breathe myself. Am I poisoned? Did I get exposed?

    I threw up.

    I was soaked head to foot in sweat and ripped off the headdress.

    Yes, you read that correctly. I threw up and THEN I got the stupid headdress part of my isolation bunny suit ripped off. Cold air felt great!

    I heard screaming and commotion from the other room.

    I’m now pumped with adrenaline. Really pumped. In retrospect, I should probably have not gone to investigate, but I did. An older anesthesiologist would have likely gone back to his on-call duties or hit the call room and slept. I was young.

    Nope. Not me. What is happening?!?

    I marched in. My bunny suit flapping. The headdress still attached to the back of my neck pulling uncomfortably on the front zipper at my neck. I reached up with my hand and pulled it down away from my throat.

    Once in there, I see two police officers, a half a dozen nurses, a pediatric ER doc who was about 4′11″ in shoes and they are screaming at everyone to just stop it!

    I am a large male… so… I bellowed, “What the fuck is going on?” Yes, I am a good doctor. Yes, I am human.

    Everyone looked and the ER doc said looking at me in the eyes, “the father just drank the poison.”


    Toxicology? Still no hit on what the substance was from the poison center but they had said to someone it was likely not transmitted through touching or breathing.

    Good to know. It’s ‘not likely’ I’ve exposed myself to God knows what.

    I knew one of the nurses standing there, she was holding a nasogastric (NG) tube and the nurse next to her had a charcoal drink and a funnel.

    The NG tube goes from the nose to the stomach and allows the ‘forceful’ introduction of liquids such as charcoal to neutralize things, the poison in this case.

    The man, for all his abject fright and stupidity, blurted out at me, “None of them know what it is so I drank it to find out, use me to find out, use me!” He pleaded, tears streaming down his face. He was just being a parent. He was just being human. That’s when I saw the small fasciculations in his facial muscles. Fasciculations are involuntary small portions of muscle that ‘fire’ on their own without neural impulses. Have you ever had just one part of your muscle move, twitch and do it over and over again without you consciously controlling the movements? That is fasciculations and both boys had them all over their tiny bodies when I first saw them.

    “Nurse.” I said in my ‘Superman’ voice. When I was an intern, some of the staff, younger females mostly, nursing mostly, referred to me as Superman because I always got everywhere so fast in the hospitals and, oh yeah, I am a large male with dark kind of curly longer hair at the time. I used to get that one thick curl on the forehead naturally.

    She did not speak but began moving toward the father of the boys. The other nurse followed lock step behind her.

    “Fuck no! You’re not sticking that thing in me!” The man backed away reflexively animal like in speed and suddenness. He ran into the wall behind him. His back to the wall, literally.

    Not. My. Finest. Medical. Moment.

    I used a somewhat unorthodox medical maneuver. I hit, or struck, or punched with the my full force in the father’s face. I caught him with the hand I punched him with and pinned him up against the wall. He semi-slumped, in shock, I believe more than for the blow. Not too certain though.

    “Tube.” I reached out with my left hand but did not take my gaze off the man.

    I looked at his nose and the one side began bleeding. Well, there are two cops standing behind me. I sighed loudly, I may even snorted a bit. They can write my statement for me at this point. Definitely, battery, maybe assault and battery, and with many witnesses, great. I wonder what jail is really like?

    Blood is a lubricant. The NG tube slid down that bloody side quickly and completely. The man bucked hard at me. I let go of the tube and ‘pushed’ well, perhaps thrust with nearly full force upon his chest with both open hands and very physically slammed him the two inches back onto the wall.

    The nurse(s) got the tube and out of my peripheral vision I saw a funnel and charcoal pouring down the tube very quickly.

    The man made noises. I interpreted that as him having an Airway, he was obviously Breathing and clearly he was Circulating blood as he was semi-conscious. ABC’s checked off. He’ll live long enough to sue me probably.

    As the man made a fast grab for the NG tube, I was slammed into and from behind and on either side forcefully.

    The two cops grabbed either arm and held them back, pinned tightly on the wall.

    I love cops. Even when they pull me over and give me a speeding ticket. Even then.

    I let go and slowly slid back a bit. Maybe I was two feet from the man’s face.

    … and he threw up charcoal all over me. Along with the ‘poison’ so…

    I froze. Kept my eyes shut and my mouth shut. I was led a bit away and then someone poured water over my head several times. I cleaned off with a towel. Several towels, actually.

    The man was a farmer. He had left fertilizer of some sort, or perhaps it was a pesticide/fertilizer combo in a mixing jug, an old white plastic milk jug. Some years later, he poured diesel fuel into this same white jug. Years after that, the boys found the jug in the barn and it had brilliant blue crystals in it and some opaque grey liquid. Stunning, they looked like hard candy. The boys shook the crystals out and put them in their mouths.

    The reason I told you this story was that it was horrifying to watch. That word was used in reports describing my actions. ‘Terrible. Terror. Unprofessional. Shocking. Disturbing. Ugly. Dysfunctional. Chaotic.” All used in reports to describe the event.

    One of the nurses who knew me told me her heart just ‘throbbed’ at the whole surreal situation. Your wording in your question triggered the whole event for me.

    Doctors are people, they are human, they make mistakes. It was a mistake striking that man. I know that, now. I was afraid in the moment. My fear and anxiety got the best of me and the human animal part of me reacted, poorly.

    Some of you may say what I did is fine. Others will condemn any physical attack or action, especially from a doctor to a civilian in an ER setting.

    Everyone lived. They did finally identify the culprit. It was a semi-paralytic chemical. Onset of symptoms in minutes. Spasticity, followed by slow paralysis and then asphyxiation from breathing ceasing with one to two hours in an adult.

    What do you think?


    Dr. Christopher Yerington

    Columbus, Ohio

    Bio: Retired from clinical anesthesiology by a disability in 2010, Dr. Yerington has turned his love of teaching and service to others to his family, medical colleagues and community. He speaks and educates medical groups and residency programs about the importance of great disability insurance and having an income protection plan. Having attended law and business schools, Chris is a perpetual student, currently working on his financial certifications.

    Russia Uncovers US Plot to Eliminate Niger Coup Leaders

    You may not know what must be done but many people like me do. It’s time to start down the road towards ending all of the theft of Africa’s god given wealth. Nationalize all of Africa’s resources and perform all value adding operations in Africa, unless it truly messes up the environment to do so. Doing this will uplift the lives of the people and in the end make Africa the best place to live on earth.”

    What is the one in a million coincidence you have ever had?

    Not me, my mother. She is Cuban and when she was on her first year of teaching, she was teaching first grade and had a kid that was held back. The teachers called him a bad kid. He found it hard to sit down and pay attention, so he still could not read. My mother made him her “helper” and whenever there was free time she would sit alone with him to go over lessons. He passed first grade and actually did great!

    Later on, after the Castro regime took control, my mother left Cuba. She met my father, had children, and moved on with her life.

    Years later we were traveling in Florida and a man and his wife came up to her. It was the student! He said he recognized her right away because he never forgot her. He introduced her to his wife as the teacher that did not give up on him.

    She is my inspiration!

    Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond | Singer Reacts & Musician Analysis

    UK girl reacts. Very interesting.

    All over the West, the “people” are seeing just how bad and corrupt the American-style of “democracy” actually is. This is the moment in time when quiet people, in secret back rooms, start planning on how to hang people, and burn down their edifices of power.

    What was your “I am surrounded by idiots” moment?

    At a family gathering. It was a birthday party for one of my SIL’s kids. It was a nice day and we were all outside while the kids played with all of their friends and cousins, having a great time while we adults caught up and enjoyed the music and weather.

    Then we all hear the terrified scream of a small child. One of the kids ran up and said “Sean is hurt!” We all ran over and there he was with blood pouring from a gash on his head. He had stumbled while running and went head first into the fence and an exposed nail.

    Every single adult starts freaking out, running around and NOT HELPING this 4-year-old child who was screaming in fear and pain. WTF did they do when their own kids got hurt??!!

    Husband and I were surrounded by not only idiots but dithering, panicking, hand-flapping, weak stomached idiots.

    Husband and I picked him up and took him in to the bathroom and we were able to calm him down while we cleaned the approximately 1+″ wound and looked for non-existent bandages (really? in a house with four kids?!) and told him how brave he was and that he was going to get stitches but that it would only hurt a little bit, etc. and that sweet little boy just nodded and said “I’m brave.” We just wanted to adopt him on the spot.

    When we brought him out he would not let go of me so husband and I just held him and some paper towels to his wound until his grandmother picked him up to take him to urgent care. Then MIL and BILs start freaking out about all the blood on our clothes (yes, head wounds bleed like stuck pigs) and their biggest concern was that it wouldn’t come out in the wash. IDIOTS!

    The next time we saw Sean he showed us his scar and said “I was brave!” Yes he was and much more so than about 12 grown ass adults.

    Oh SH*T, America Moves To Counter China!

    The US has no (real) money and no railways to speak of…and yet they want to build and finance a new multicountry rail network 10,000 km away from home.

    How is the USA going to cough up the money?

    Five Russian “Doomsday Planes” in the air 0300 Russia time- Shut Off Transponders mid-flight

    Five Russian “Doomsday” aircraft are in the air over Russia or have landed after shutting off transponders near the Ural Mountains, including Aircraft PA-96024, ID RSD309, which is the Presidential plane.

    While no one can be sure who – if anyone – is actually on these government evacuation aircraft which took off out of Moscow, and having shut their transponders off, we cannot know the exact landing site, it is very disconcerting to see this type of military aircraft activity inside Russia at this ungodly hour.

    In particular, the Presidential aircraft shut its transponder off after crossing over the Ural Mountains.

    Did they then make a U-turn to land at Mount Yamantau?


    Mount Yamantau, along with Kosvinsky Mountain (600 km to the north), are claimed by the United States of being home to a large secret nuclear facility or bunker, or both. Large excavation projects have been observed by U.S. satellite imagery after the fall of the Soviet Union, as recently as the late 1990s during the government of Boris Yeltsin.

    During the Soviet era two military garrisons, Beloretsk-15 and Beloretsk-16, and possibly a third, Alkino-2, were built on the site. These garrisons were unified into the closed town of Mezhgorye (Russian: Межгорье) in 1995, and the garrisons are said to house 30,000 workers each, served by large rail lines.

    Repeated U.S. questions have yielded several different responses from the Russian government regarding Yamantau, including it is a mining site, a repository for Russian treasures, a food storage area, and a bunker for leaders in case of nuclear war.

    Responding to questions regarding Yamantau in 1996, Russia’s Defense Ministry stated: “The practice does not exist in the Defense Ministry of Russia of informing foreign mass media about facilities, whatever they are, that are under construction in the interests of strengthening the security of Russia.”

    In 1997, a United States Congressional finding, related to the country’s National Defense Authorization Act for 1998, stated that the Russian Federation kept up a “deception and denial policy” about the mountain complex after U.S. officials had given Cheyenne Mountain Complex tours to Russian diplomats, which the finding stated “… does not appear to be consistent with the lowering of strategic threats, openness, and cooperation that is the basis of the post-Cold War strategic partnership between the United States and Russia.”

    So why are these Russian military Government evacuation aircraft in the air over Russia at this strange hour? Why have they shut off their transponders mid-flight?


    On Sunday, Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Federation Council (Senate), made a post to his official Telegram account, calling it “a few words on the eve of [9/11].” In it, he derided the U.S. for what he called its “arrogance and disgusting narcissism” among Western nations and its “universal arrogance on any issue.” Near the end of the post, he also made the ominous prediction that the U.S. would suffer “another 11/09/2001-style attack, but with a nuclear or biological component,” without suggesting outright that Russia would be the nation to launch the attack.

    This sequence of events happened simultaneously when President of China Xi Peng addressed his military and told them to urgently get ready for conflict.

    The American public overwhelmingly thinks war is the only way to stop China. How is China going to respond to this eventuality?

    This “mindset” is a direct result of of the “organ of misinformation” funded intentionally to “drum up” anti-China sentiment. This effort is funded in the many billions of US dollars. And it is working.


    The question is (better worded) …

    With the American people ripe with rage against China and ready for war… how is China going to respond?”


    You haven’t noticed?

    • The value of the USD is approaching that of toilet paper.
    • The American economy is in tatters, and it is only going to get worse; much worse.
    • Geo-politically, the “friends” of the United States are slithering away and making arrangments in favor of China.
    • The American people; uneducated with lofty degrees, a work ethic that resembles a lazy hound-dog on a hot August day, legalized looting at every level, and a media of crazy disinformation are about to ignite a civil war.
    • Organized crime, mental illnesses, collapsing infrastructure, and crazy levels of inflation, all aggravated with massive drug abuse…

    And you (the questioner) somehow thinks that China is worried about the United States and what the American people think?

    It’s not even on “the radar screen”.

    The United States is in CHECK MATE.

    Everything that it does; any action it takes, any movement in any direction is a lose move for the nation.

    In the slight chance that the United States actually makes a military move against a united China-Russia-North Korean-Iran-BRICS+ axis, the result would be very bad.

    Bad as in nuclear bad.

    Do not go there.

    Accept your life and do the best you can for you and yours. Do not worry about things that you have no control over.

    I am optimistic about the future.

    I really am, but there are many in the West that will have to adjust to a much lower standard of living than they have become accustomed to.

    Merkules – ”Rich Men North Of Richmond” Remix (Veteran Reaction)

    Here I am doing a reaction to Merkules – ”Rich Men North Of Richmond” Remix. Thank you for taking the time to watch this and for helping me on my journey to 50k subscribers.


    Small Americans are getting a voice. This is the point in time when pitchforks and torches start to get lit.

    Was the public lied to about the Vietnam war?

    Yes. Big time.

    In fact Francis Ford Coppola deleted a key scene in the movie Apocalypse Now which explains in two minutes what the New York Times couldn’t explain in millions of words in their twelve years of biased reporting.

    The United States Office of Strategic Services- the OSS, the precursor to the CIA- invented the Viet Minh to fight the Japanese in wwii. The Viet Minh moved south after the first Indochina war against the French and became known as the Viet Cong. The fact was the U.S. was aware of Ho Chi Minh since he tried to get a meeting with Woodrow Wilson while he was president to elicit U.S. help in his opposition to French colonialism. When war broke out U.S. intelligence agents picked Ho to organize armed resistance against the Japanese and their Vichy French allies in Indochina.

    After the Japanese left Indochina in 1945 the British and the French decided that they wanted their respective empires back and instead of holding elections the next year to settle the political situation in Indochina the French battled Ho and General Vo Nguyen Giap for eight years until their ignominious defeat in May, 1954 at a remote valley named Dien Bien Phu.

    The United States, which had been bankrolling the French in their losing war at a cost of a million dollars a day continued the war against what was now communist North Vietnam. The United States began it’s war slowly by first setting up military advisory groups in Saigon. Commando missions were initiated from ships at sea to destroy coastal military objectives in the north and naval batteries were used to shell targets up to ten miles inland from the coast. In 1964 the U.S. started launching sorties from aircraft carriers in the Tonkin Gulf to destroy power plants and other targets of high value in the north. The U.S. landed a marine expeditionary brigade (MEB) on the coast of South Vietnam in March of 1965 to provide additional security around the U.S. air base at Da Nang. The marine landing was followed in the next two years by the largest military build up in history with an occupation force eventually totaling over half a million U.S. army troops.

    Coppola had to delete the scene at the French plantation because in 1979, four years after the war ended, the truth about the war in Vietnam and how the United States created the conflict and had at various times assisted, armed and bankrolled each side would have been just too much for the American public. Ironically characters in the movie telling the truth about the war in Vietnam would have removed any perceived veracity from Coppola’s film. It was far easier getting the American public to swallow lies about an imaginary ‘Gulf of Tonkin Incident’ or a fictional ‘Domino Theory’ or even that Vietnam was a ‘winnable’ war then it was to get the public to believe actual facts about a long running conflict.

    We Have Never Seen Anything Like This Before!

    These insane people have got to stop!

    What is something your neighbor did that you couldn’t believe?

    I was going through treatment for cancer back in 2005, and in addition to a surgery I was receiving radiation treatments. There are restrictions on people who receive internal radiation treatments (in my case, it was a large dose of radioactive Iodine 131) and then being sent home after taking the dosage. In the past, I had been kept in the hospital for the treatment in a special hospital room that was lined with lead panels, and the toilet sewer system was sent to a specific tank, where it was kept before being sent to the public sewage system.

    At any rate, after taking the treatment I was told to spend three days in isolation, and a few extra days staying away from small children and pregnant women. (It was a a different time, and perspectives on cancer treatments and radiation.)

    Anyway, I came home and met my pregnant neighbor near the front door to the building. I stepped away from her and told her I was going through radiation treatment and that I didn’t want to harm her or her baby. She smiled, went in, and a few minutes later I went to my apartment.

    About 2 hours later, I heard a knock at my door. It was around 5 o’clock in the afternoon, and I went to the door and asked who is it, but got no answer. I opened the door, and on a tray was a meal of beef tips and noodles, some home baked bread, a single flower in a vase, and a note. The note was from my pregnant neighbor, and she had written something like my mom had cancer and I wanted you to know that I am available to talk if you need anything.

    Nicest response I got from anyone who ever found out that I was a cancer patient.

    China STRIKES BACK at Neocons as Biden ‘Disappointed’ Xi Skips G20 w/ Carlos Martinez & Ken Hammond

    This conversation is so good, unbiased and informative.

    Southern Shrimp and Grits

    Southern Shrimp and Grits is a cheesy delight, and the bacon and green onions add a ton of flavor!

    2023 09 16 15 12
    2023 09 16 15 12

    Yield: 4 servings


    • 2 slices bacon, chopped
    • 3 cups water
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 3/4 cup instant grits
    • 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
    • 1 pound medium shrimp, peeled, deveined
    • 4 green onions, thinly sliced (about 1/3 cup)
    • 1 clove garlic, minced
    • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice


    1. Cook bacon in large skillet over medium-heat heat until crisp.
    2. Drain on paper towels; set aside.
    3. Bring water and salt to boil in medium saucepan.
    4. Slowly stir in grits. Reduce heat to medium-low; cover. Cook for 7 minutes or until thickened. Stir in cheese; set aside.
    5. Add shrimp, onions and garlic to skillet; cook and stir 3 minutes or until shrimp turn pink.
    6. Add bacon, parsley and lemon juice; mix well.
    7. Serve shrimp mixture over grits.
    8. Serve with a mixed green salad.

    The big nope

    You know guys. When you think about it, I mean spend some time and think, the most crazy stuff about “extraterrestrials” is that you adapt (as a human) they become normal to you.

    Maybe it is my “Frankenstein” programming, or just four decades or so of close proximity, but it’s not a big thing. Not at all. To me, they are like my pet cats, my pet dogs, my friend down the street. They are most certainly not a “shock” in any way shape or form.

    If anything, I just kind of wish that I would spend more physical time with them, somehow. But, you know, I know that is not gonna happen soon. Sigh.

    When I was attending university, there was a saying that all my classmates had (guys and girls). And this saying was “I’ll do (try) anything once.”

    I wonder how many of them caught Genital Herpies, HIV, or got addicted to cocaine, over the decades. Some of those “first things” can stay with you forever. Don’t you know.

    Now, I was NOT one of those people who repeated that mantra. I just nodded knowingly and agreed verbally, but internally disagreed.

    Of course, for many, I suppose that (at that time) they were thinking of sex, or drugs. But, to me, I thought that it was like playing Russian roulette. One of those “try once” events could be your last. Like “speeding down a highway way too fast”, or “jumping out of a plane skydiving for the first time”.

    To me, it’s all a big “NOPE”.

    Through, joining MAJestic was one decision that I will never truly regret.


    Why do American expats say that the USA is a shit-hole?

    Because it’s true! I am an American who permanently moved to central Brazil. It was the best decision I ever made.

    ● I built my new house in central Brazil and was able to pay it off in ONE year.

    ● My property taxes are $100 US dollars a year. No, that is not a misprint. $100 US dollars a year!

    ● My dental implants are less than half the cost of the same in the United States…with equal and often better results.

    ● My food isn’t loaded with hormones and chemicals and I even have space to grow my own organic vegetables. Within 2 months in Brazil I lost 40 pounds without much exercise….just eating better food (which is difficult in the US).

    ● Almost every day is sunny and breezy with low humidity.

    ● Racism is much less pronounced than in the US. People in Brazil actually help each other and are not afraid to talk to strangers.

    ● Doctors actually take the time to listen to you and don’t treat you like a “number”.

    ● Brazilians enjoy life and have “fun”. They don’t worship the “Almighty Dollar”….except for some who are very greedy. For the most part, people are more important than money.

    When Americans speak about “life” they speak about “life in the United States”. There are many ways “to live” and , for me, life in the US is NOT “truly living”. Americans don’t know what it means to truly live. In the end, materialism isn’t what brings true peace and satisfaction…….good relationships are.

    Tex-Mex Macaroni and Cheese

    2023 09 08 09 24
    2023 09 08 09 24


    • 1 pound ground pork sausage
    • 1 small onion, chopped
    • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
    • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
    • 2 cups milk
    • 1 (16 ounce) loaf Mexican pasteurized cheese
    • 1 (4 1/2 ounce) can chopped green chiles, drained
    • 16 ounces macaroni, cooked
    • 8 ounces shredded Southwestern cheese blend


    1. Cook sausage and onion in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until sausage crumbles and is no longer pink; drain.
    2. Add flour, cumin and milk, stirring constantly, until thickened.
    3. Add Mexican cheese and chiles, stirring until cheese is melted.
    4. Add macaroni.
    5. Spoon mixture into a lightly greased 9 x 13-inch baking dish.
    6. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes.
    7. Sprinkle with shredded cheese blend, and serve with salsa.

    Yield: 8 servings

    Why was China able to abolish the hereditary nobility and establish the absolute authority of the emperor and the dynasty around 200 BCE (when it was first unified), while Europe was never able to do so?

    It all starts with water.

    China has two very large and very powerful rivers, the Yellow River and the Yangzi River, both of which have their source in the Tibetan plateau. Harnessed the right way, these rivers are able to provide water irrigation to support a very large part of the world’s population. However, these rivers are unruly, and would often overflow their banks, and flood the surrounding plains which were fertile farmland. Many thousands, even millions of people would die in these floods.

    The challenge for any Chinese ruler was simple then: control the waters so that the people would have food to eat, and not rebel against their ruler. At the same time, prevent floods from wreaking widespread damage.

    This question goes so far back into Chinese history that one of the early, probably mythical rulers of Chinese history, Yu the Great

    , had to deal with the issue of controlling the rivers about 2200 BCE. Because he succeeded, he is venerated as one of China’s great emperors.

    Now, the challenge of controlling floods required a central government which was able to command huge resources in its ability to create and handle large engineering projects. Not only that, but there needed to be a large bureaucracy.

    Here is one example of a successful Chinese hydraulics civil engineering project: Paul Denlinger’s answer to What are the most significant high-impact civil engineering projects in the world?

    This is one of the reasons China has gravitated to a large central and authoritarian government. Big challenges normally need big governments and bureaucracies to solve them.

    At the same time, this meant that small local rulers and kings would have less power, because in comparison, they would only be able to handle comparatively smaller local projects.

    Because the farmers could only pay their taxes in grain, this required a complex national bureaucracy which could collect grain (farmers didn’t have money, and had no use for money most of the time), and store it in central locations so that in case of a grain shortage in one area, it could be shipped to another area where it was needed.

    When the water problem was solved, the Chinese then gravitated to small hi-intensity farming. This was highly efficient, and Chinese farmers were able to increase the yield of their crops. As the Chinese farmers fed their families, they had more children, and more sons.

    These farmers’ sons then formed the core of the army used to unify China the first time.

    This was why Qinshihuang was able to unify China the first time in 221 BCE.

    But one piece of the puzzle was still missing. In order to turn these men into soldiers, he needed to be able to quickly train them and standardize their weaponry. Furthermore, these weapons needed to be interchangeable on the battlefield.

    The weapon which the Qin dynasty standardized upon was the crossbow, and the piece of standard equipment it needed to make in very large numbers was the Chinese crossbows’ lock and trigger mechanism.

    Basically, the Qin dynasty took the Chinese bureaucracy and put it to use to master mass production and manage what was probably the world’s first national armory to produce standardized weapons to conquer all of China.

    You can read more about it here: Paul Denlinger’s answer to Why did the Qin dynasty last only 16 years following its unification of China?

    Because the conquest of all of China required huge national resources, the Qin unification made the nobility obsolete. The state controlled water distribution, food distribution, taxation, fielded a national army and large-scale weapons manufacture. The nobility was now irrelevant.

    If we turn to Europe during the Roman period, the Roman empire also had tremendous central state power. If we take a close look at how the Romans spent their engineering talent, we see roads, aqueducts, temples and coliseums. Compared to the Chinese, they did not have to deal with huge unruly rivers and floods, which probably also meant that the Romans were dealing with considerably smaller populations than Chinese rulers.

    If we turn to Europe during the feudal period, the rise of local barons in what is now England and Germany is precisely because they did not have national bureaucracies and armies. As a result, the barons had large estates, and would provide land to the serfs, and the serfs would have to turn over a significant portion of their harvest to the lord of the manor as their rent.

    When the King of England would go to war, he would have to turn to his barons for support, and they would be responsible for raising armies from their serfs. The most highly skilled fighters were knights, who would have to be paid by the barons, and had squires and other supporting company. All of their fighting equipment was custom-made, and was not made in a national armory. Moreover, they had to carry the costs of the production of their weapons.

    This meant that the local nobility, or the barons, had great power over the King of England, and if he could not rally the barons to support his cause, he would have his knees cut from under him.

    This is what happened with the Magna Carta.

    It was all about separation of powers, and this is what gave way to what would eventually come to be western democracy.

    In contrast, the Chinese emperors and dynasties never had this notion of separation of powers. To this day, this continues to be a foreign notion to Chinese rulers.

    To sum up, the Chinese rulers discovered in the second century BCE that with the right combination of water, food, population, weapons and bureaucracy, one emperor and one dynasty could rule all of China, becoming the Son of Heaven. His rule was direct, and he needed no nobility.

    This never happened in Europe, which is why the hereditary nobility survived.

    The Sopranos – Paulie vs Ralph

    Why does the USA Suck?

    As a low income American that worked multiple jobs that just covered rent, utilities and health insurance, I can assure you I was scraping the barrel of third world living conditions, my house was ruined, we had no hot water, no heat, and barely enough for food. It cost me $25,000 a year to survive, barely survive.

    For the same amount of money in the UK I have a home, all utilities paid, cable WiFi and landline, a cellphone, health care, transportation, a whole months shopping for groceries and money left over. I also get 15 free hours of child care for my children and 28 paid vacation days. I have never lived better in my life.

    Some wealthy person is going to say the US is easy, well for lower class people it’s a nightmare. I don’t have time to put the links but Google the following.

    51 percent of Americans earn less than $30,000 a year.

    Only 0.01% of minimum wage workers can afford a 2 bedroom apartment at fair market rent

    The average minimum wage worker needs 2.5 jobs to have a two bedroom apartment at fair market rent

    Low income Americans can’t afford 95% of colleges.

    Our healthcare, infant and mother mortality rankings.

    When you are poor you are left with nothing, there may be programs but they are extremely limited, hard to get, usually you are denied several times until you give up. As someone who just barely survived I got SNAP. I fed my family on over a hundred dollars a month, that does not last.I eventually had to get Medicaid when my job closed up, but nothing in the form of cash benefits.

    First, second and third world reside within the US, your income depends on what your reality is.

    What are the fundamental differences between Western and Russian tanks?

    Design philosophy. What some people are calling “flaws” were conscious decisions and tradeoffs made in the design process.

    To be honest, it’s only later in the Cold War where the two began to diverge significantly. Prior to that, both were in a pretty neck-to-neck, “my machine is the better version of yours” competition. I’ll emphasize more on the Soviet side:

    • Small turrets and low profile

    In World War 2, the Soviets noticed that plenty of the fatal hits their T-34 took were to the turret. The concluded that they need to minimize the turret to make it harder for NATO tanks to hit them. Similarly, keeping it small means the tanks would be harder to find and hit from great distances. At the same time, they also realized the 3-man turret works best, which means that the turret would have to accommodate the commander, gunner, and loader even though it means that each would have a very constricted working environment.

    The Western approach of keeping ammo on the turret, making it nearly as big as the hull, makes little sense from this point-of-view.

    • Autoloader and ammo inside the hull

    People love to jump on this like it’s a “gotcha” thing the past year or so, but this was also another conscious decision.

    Having an autoloader means that you eliminate the loader position, allowing the turret to be smaller. It also means that you can crew a tank with just 3 people instead of 4 (Western standard) or even 5 (World War 2). This has massive implications in an all-out World War scenario:

    Imagine you have 1,200 trained tankers. With the Soviet approach, you can man 400 tanks, but with the Western approach, you can only crew 300. 100 extra tanks is a formidable force, no matter how you look at it. World War 2 was a numbers game, where quantity can trump quality. Both sides were expecting World War 3 to be no different fundamentally.

    (Of course, with only 3 people servicing the tank, the workload is higher during repairs.)

    Keeping the ammo deep inside the hull is as old as tank design. Without blowout panels (on the turrets), this is the most sensible place to put ammo since it has the most armor protecting it. The other thing is, if something did enough damage to go through all that armor, the crew would probably be already dead anyway.

    In any case, even modern Western tanks have provisions to store ammo inside the hull. The main downside of keeping ammo in the turret is simply that you’re far more limited even with that huge turret and you’ll run out of ammo quicker.

    Contrary to what some people say, autoloaders can be installed with ammo-on-turret designs. See the French Leclerc.

    • Simple/“crude” technology

    It all goes back to World War 2, again. Soviet tanks were designed to be easily repairable in the field and manufactured in great numbers. Those were the main qualities of both the T-34 and the Sherman (even though the Sherman has a much better “finish quality” than the T-34). The Soviets also knew that they stuff they’d be mass-producing wouldn’t be very high quality, but they absolutely needed the numbers. That was how the older but more sophisticated T-64 was supplemented by the T-72.

    That said, the newest versions of both are about equal.

    • Light weight

    Bridges. That’s it. The Germans had issues trying to cross rivers because sometimes they found out that their tanks were too heavy to use certain bridges. The Soviets wouldn’t have any of that. Of course, the downside of keeping the tanks light is that you can’t put too much stuff on it (including armor).

    Ground pressure and mobility on soft/rough terrain is a bit more complicated than simple weight. After all, Pressure = Force (weight) / Area. All you really need to do is to make the tracks wide enough. But having lighter weight also helps.

    • Gun-launched missile

    This is to offset NATO’s superior optics and computers and also that generally, you want to be the first one to shoot. Even if the missile missed, the opponent would have to do something to defend themselves, making them more vulnerable to follow-up strikes.

    In any case, the Soviets absolutely love missiles given that they put it on just about anything that moves (the BMP series was ahead of its time, it’s not until late in the Cold War that NATO had anything comparable, with the M113 being the workhorse. The M113 APC versions do not have missiles and barring a few modifications, its armament is usually just machineguns).

    This Phone Just Destroyed US Sanctions… America Shocked!

    This is STUNNING! Jesus. H. Christ!

    Why do American expats think that the USA is a shit-hole?

    I haven’t spent that much time in the US, barely two years, but was also very happy to leave.

    My issue with American society:

    1. artificial culture with short lived relationships, therefore people are great at making first impression, but after that it gets quite shallow and interest based
    2. materialistic culture where people are quite obsessed with money. This isn’t America specific thing, but it is very strong in America, and rather on third country levels where it is rather understandable that people really need money, but not on more relaxed developed country level
    3. overconfident culture based on “American exceptionalism” can be too much for people who prefer to rely on data in their life, and are independent thinker
    4. Therefore, a lot of entitled people which is quite annoying since they have often no reason to be so entitled
    5. Those entitled people are often in debt, sick and not being able to afford appropriate treatment, education, not having money reserves, but underlying still acting like some movie stars and big patriots

    Fundamental problems:

    1. The society is overall in a bad shape. High suicide rate, high depression rate, high *insert random sickness and USA is probably quite high in rankings*. You see that in people, overworked, sick and depressed. Most live paycheck to paycheck.
    2. Crime rate is quite high for a rich country, actually the highest among rich countries. And it has some unique problems that are not being addressed like mass shootings.
    3. Combination of high violent crime rate, mental and economic issues and a lot of “confident” yet not good at problem solving people leads to constant tension in all areas of live. USA just feels tense and stressful.
    4. Healthcare and education are way more expensive than elsewhere, probably adds also to the tension.
    5. Overall, with all the fear and tension there are technically less freedoms.
    6. No specific perks of being in USA. All patriotism aside, there is nothing what you can’t get elsewhere (for guns obsessed ones, yes, guns too, USA isn’t really that special here)

    What are good hacks to live cheaply?

    In the US, if you’re shopping for food, find a store run by immigrants from India, the Middle East, Latin America, China or Vietnam. Probably almost every item you’re looking for, they’ve got the cheapest prices and best value in town.

    I live in the Twin Cities. I go miles out of my way to drive up to Northeast Minneapolis to shop at Holy Land (which specializes in Mediterranean, Balkan and Somali food) and Little India — the mother lode of spices in this town.

    Stores like these usually aren’t very “visually appealing.” It’s pretty low overhead. They’re not in very wealthy neighborhoods. They cater mostly to a working-class immigrant clientele. And that’s partly why they’re so cheap. (Many American yuppies actually go out of their way to pay more for products so they can show off and feel rich. That’s one reason why REI is so popular in the clothing line. They might be paying textile workers more — I don’t know — but a lot of consumers just feel like they’re getting a “better” product if they pay more. This is a huge American consumer mindset.)

    Spices that I’d have to pay $16 a pound for at my usual neighborhood market… Little India sells for a third of that price. And man, they’ve got spices. This is about half their spice aisle. Both sides of the aisle, all spice:

    I also love that they sell a 28-ounce bag of this stuff for a reasonable price. A pound and a half of the stuff:

    Honestly, I don’t know if all the products you find at these markets are optimo primo top quality. But if you’re poor (I’m poor), it’s good enough for you.

    When I wander into a Whole Paycheck/Whole Foods, the setting is spiffier, but that’s about it. I see just about nothing there I can’t find for a better price at an immigrant market, plus a lot of unique imported goods that I can’t find anywhere else at all. (I don’t know any standard grocery store in the Twin Cities that sells fava beans. No other stores sell Turkish coffee, also called Greek coffee, also called Bosnian coffee. And where I do buy Bosnian chocolate cookies or tangy Bulgarian yogurt — even though the brand I buy at Holy Land is made from California milk? Well, the Lebanese sell it.) I’m also happy to support an immigrant instead of a big company.

    I’ve lived most of my life in the Midwest. There’s a lot of immigrants in the Midwest. You can find these stores in probably every big US city. Even if you live out in the country, if you buy bulk, sometimes it’s cost-effective to do your shopping while you’re in a city. Lots of items like spice, oil, tea, coffee and obviously rice and beans — this stuff keeps for months if not years.

    What are the scariest social experiments?

    This is one of the experiments that, like the Milgram experiment, simply scares me.

    Because it shows why people allow themselves to be led en masse to their own downfall.

    Let’s take a look at this.

    Participants were alone in a room and had to fill out a questionnaire.

    Then, suddenly, smoke came out from under the door.

    What would you do now?

    Leave the room immediately and tell someone, okay?

    And that’s what 75% of the people tested did. And, on average, they did it after 2 minutes.

    Then, the subjects were exposed to the same situation, but with other people in the room.

    In this case, there were two actors and they pretended not to notice the smoke.

    And now only 10% of the test participants left the room, continued to fill out the questionnaire.

    Even when the smoke burned his eyes and rubbed them visibly .

    The experiment shows that people react slower (or not at all) in emergency situations when other people are passive.

    They seem to rely heavily on the reactions of others, even against their own instincts. If the group acts like everything is fine, then it has to be, right?

    That’s what always scares me, because I see it everywhere.

    But I know that others don’t react until they believe that at least most other people would react.

    This fact makes me desperate because it is being used to manipulate the masses . And I will never be able to do anything to convince them until everyone cares.

    It’s so scary!

    Germany just told Ukraine to F*CK off, along with 3 other E.U. countries | Redacted News

    We will not extradite people to die! That is what four countries have told Ukraine in response to the country’s request to send back those refugees they were so nice to last year. They need to throw them into battle to die, please.

    The Czech Republic has said that it will not do that and so has Austria, Hungary and Germany.

    Poland has reportedly already begun to comply.

    What are some difficult foods to give up when you move abroad?

    Speaking from personal experience; as an American living in China, I have found the following to be rather difficult to obtain. (Oh, anything can be obtained in China. The issue boils down to accessibility, cost, and quality.)

    Here’s a brief list;

    • Fresh bagels.
    • And creme cheese to put on them.
    • Thin crust pizza. (In China it is either impossible to get, or cooked to a cracker.)
    • Deep dish pizza.
    • Cheese-It crackers. (Does not exist in China.)
    • Goldfish crackers. (I found some once.)
    • Jar of pickles. (Doesn’t matter; dill, sweet butter chips, gerkins. Not available.)
    • Jar of relish. (Can be found if you look hard enough.)
    • Fresh and hot pretzels.
    • Jello. Not unheard of, just very rare.
    • Hard rolls. Forgetaboutit.
    • Hamburger (Known as “mince”). You have to make it yourself in a grinder.
    • Pre-made bread, or pizza dough.

    Of course, must Western foods are available in a restaurant. But these are limited to either fast food, or steaks. Forget about “blue plate specials” and things that you normally get in the ‘States.

    • Grits
    • Cheese omelette
    • Rye toast. (Rye anything…)
    • Eggs Benedict.
    • Milkshakes. (McDonald’s USED to carry them, but they fell from popularity. Presently, they are impossible to find.)
    • Pies. (any type; pumpkin, cherry, blueberry, sweet potato, it doesn’t matter. )
    • Turkey.

    The Sopranos – Like Everybody Else

    I’m Not Like Everybody Else (Live) – The Kinks.

    What is the best case of, “You just tried to scam the wrong person,” that you’ve witnessed?

    I can relate two instances.

    Back about 1980 I bought a raffle ticket (for only 50 cents) from a sorority in Little Rock, Arkansas. The prize was dinner for two at the 6 nicest restaurants in town. Eventually I got a call that I had won and would get my gift certificates soon. No tickets ever arrived. I contacted the sorority and they offered to refund my 50 cents! Unfortunately for the girls who sold me the ticket, I worked with a certain fraud division of the state government. I contacted the restaurants mentioned on the raffle ticket and discovered they knew nothing of the raffle. I then brought some serious heat down on the sorority, and they quickly delivered my prize. As they left my home, one of the girls said “We’ll never sell YOU another ticket.” As if.

    About a year later my car needed a tune up. The car needed new spark plug wires so I replaced them myself before going in for the tune-up. While I’m waiting for my car to be fixed the technician walks in and announces that I need new spark plug wires. Oh really? I asked to see the wires. They had been cut. I explained to the man that I had just put on that new set of wires not an hour ago, and the only way they got cut was by him cutting them himself. The result of that business’s interaction with the fraud folks? They found themselves closed down. There had been plenty of complaints about that business but now they had defrauded the wrong person for sure.

    China Wins the Deep Sea Mining Race, Becomes Precious Metals and Critical Minerals Rich Country

    Thanks for sharing this information, I love your podcasts,,, We don’t get this knowledge on mainstream media.”

    US inability to sell Iran’s seized oil angers congressmen

    The US congress representatives referred to reports that show that 800,000 barrels of Iran’s seized oil have been wandering off the coast of Texas since about 11 weeks ago, and American companies and parties are reluctant to unload their cargo for fear of alleged Iran’s possible retaliatory measures.

    The US seized the tanker in a sanctions enforcement operation, Reuters reported.

    The delay in discharging the cargo is also partly out of fear of repercussions from Iran. A senior commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’ navy said last month Iran would retaliate against any oil company unloading Iranian oil from a seized tanker.

    They continued that enforcement of petroleum sanctions will become irrelevant if American citizens and companies involved constantly live in fear of Iranian retaliation.

    They asked the administration for a briefing on the progress of the transfer of the seized oil from the Suez Rajan to US custody.

    After withdrawing from the JCPOA nuclear agreement in 2018, the US government has implemented all the suspended sanctions under this agreement against Iran. US has also required third countries and companies to implement its territorial sanctions against Iran.

    LOL at uncle shame…

    The Teen That Lit 91YO Man On Fire..

    That man lived a long hard life and this is how it ends, a teen’s selfish and senseless act. RIP wise old man.

    Was Adolf Hitler a talented person? It seems as though he failed at painting, military career, and politics.

    He was a talented…. speaker.

    After World War I, Hitler was broke and unemployed, and he made money by (1) being paid by the Army to speak to young people about the evils of Bolshevism and (2) spying for the Army at political gatherings.

    In July 1919 Hitler, on his second part time job, was sent to a meeting of what was then the German Worker’s Party, a nationalist, anti-Semitic, pro-capitalist reform group of about sixty people. During the meeting, Hitler, who had read up on politics, started talking and everyone there started thinking he would be a good spokesperson for the group.

    Now, Hitler was a bright involved student in elementary school (top of his class as a matter of fact) but his ultra-strict father and doting mother (Hitler was the family’s only son who survived infancy) turned him into the equivalent of an emo-kid when he got to high school, and he insisted he was going to be an artist, something that his civil servant father was opposed to, but his mother encouraged.

    Hitler’s father died when he was young and his mother actually gave Adolph the money she got from the Austrian State pension for a child benefit so he could move to Vienna to pursue his dream. However, when he was 18, the money stopped when the state stopped paying for him, and his father’s estate and death benefits still had to be used for the support of his mother and sisters.

    As such, Hitler became largely homeless, art school didn’t want him (he wasn’t particularly good at it) and he hadn’t finished high school, which was a prerequisite for architecture school. Let’s just say at that point he was like a teenager who discovers Ayn Rand and thinks he’s better than everyone thinks he is. What he read during this period of time started to shape his views on the economy and non-Germans.

    When World War I started Hitler actually fit into the army quite well, but after the war he fell for the “Big Lie” of the day, that the socialists had sabotaged the war effort (in fact, the previous government had collapsed under the weight of lack of supplies and money). The peace treaty in 1919 didn’t help as it required Germany to pay more money than existed on the entire planet at the time.

    When Hitler and his buddies, now re-named the National Socialist Party, tried to overthrow the government of Bavaria in 1923, he avoided the death penalty by appealing to the right-wing German Empire judges that he was only trying to save the country. He served less than a year in prison while he dictated a very bad polemic book, “My Struggle” (Mein Kampf) to a couple of his friends.

    Anyway, Hitler was banned from speaking so the Nazi’s were moribund, but then the ban was lifted just as the Great Depression began. Mainstream parties couldn’t cope, but both the Communists and the Nazis grew rapidly in popularity and Hitler positioned himself as a middle-left alternative to Communist Soviet-supported Bolshevism. As he gained electoral success, he paralyzed the government by having his legislative deputies vote against everything, and then argued that the problem was that there were too many political parties.

    Hitler never had a majority of deputies in the legislature (Reichstag) so despite numerous elections and legislative paralysis, the centrist and right parties managed to keep him at bay. Finally, in a panic, Hitler said he would be Chancellor if just two other Nazis were in the cabinet. They bought it, but the two Nazi ministers controlled the police and the army, which were quickly used against Hitler’s adversaries. When someone tried to burn down the Reichstag, he managed to convince it to give him emergency powers, which he used to arrest even more of his rivals. Eventually, when the only balancing force, President Hindenburg, passed away, Hitler just took his place. He had a mortal lock on everything, and most of that was his idea.

    What is the most badass thing your parent has ever done?

    California, 1949. My 16-year-old mother was called into the office of the very agitated high school principal who explained emphatically, “There are reports that you have been dating a Negro. We have an integrated school here now and the only way than can work is if the races do not ever mix. As a white girl I expect you to uphold that standard.” My mother stared that woman down without a word, then simply walked out of the office and nothing else was ever said about it. The reports were quite true, and three years later they were married. I was born the following year.

    Poor Kitten Showed No Sign of Life, and Her Mama kept Worrying for Him

    Help the kitties.

    What was the bravest thing you ever did in a job interview?

    My plebe (first year) at West Point, I asked my Tactical Officer (a TAC is the legal commander and supervisor of a cadet company) if I could give up my summer leave (1980) and serve at Nellis AFB. Even this was pretty bold for a plebe to ask a Captain. He said he would (might?) look into it. I mentioned it again during graduation week (just prior to leave) and he said it couldn’t be arranged.

    The following week, when I arrived home in Las Vegas, my Dad asked if I wanted to attend the 100th year birthday party at the American Legion for the oldest veteran in the state. (He had been a veteran of the Spanish American War). I said sure and attended in uniform.

    There were many veterans, active duty military, and dignitaries present, including the commanding brigadier general at Nellis. He recognized my uniform and that I was a newly minted “yearling” and asked how I was doing at the Academy? I said it was tough but that I was doing well. He asked what I had planned for summer leave? I replied, “Sir, I was hoping to work for you.” He was surprised and asked why? I said, “I thought it would be career broadening.” He said, “That sounds like a great idea. Why didn’t you do it?” I said, “My tactical officer said it wouldn’t be possible to arrange… with all the inter service bureaucracy” He replied, “Inter service bureaucracy? I’ll give Joe Franklin a call and we’ll have it set up by tomorrow afternoon.” Brigadier General Franklin was the Commandant of Cadets. Apparently, they were classmates.

    it was a great summer!

    Has a cop ever said something to you which was completely unexpected?

    I was speeding down a highway in the dark of night, around 10 or so, when I passed a state patrol car sitting in the median. I knew I was busted, so I took my foot off the gas, looked in the rearview mirror to see if he was coming after me (of course he was) and then looked down at my speedometer which read 75. Yikes! How fast had I been going?? Anyway, I pull over and get my stuff ready to hand to him. He pulls up behind me and gets out, and out, and out of his car. Big man, very tall and imposing. I was thinking oh crap. He comes to my window and asks me how I’m doing as I hand him my driver’s license. I tell him pretty good, just trying to get home to go to bed. He stops, leans (way) over and looks in the window at me. I recognize him as one of the regular customers at the convenience store where I work days. He says “what are you doing?? Go home. Slow down and drive safely!” And hands me back my driver’s license. I thanked him profusely and we both went on our way. No ticket, no nothing. Whew! Dodged a bullet there. It pays to be good to law enforcement. 😀

    Star Trek Enterprise – Unknown Space Capsule

    Please enjoy this segment. I did.

    Star Trek Enterprise “Future Tense”

    Why do American expats say that the USA is a shit-hole?

    Because it’s true. I moved to Spain in 2017.

    • My health improved dramatically thanks to high EU food-quality standards (and the 2000 additives and chemicals used in the US food industry that are banned or restricted in the EU).
    • My quality of life improved thanks to low crime rates and Spain’s emphasis on quality of life over work. Everyone is happier.
    • My cost of living went down a lot, especially my healthcare costs.
    • My doctors here actually listen to me and take time with me because they don’t have to rush through as many patients in a day due to the high costs of everything. Healthcare isn’t all about profits. It’s about… health. Imagine that!
    • Even the health of my pets improved.
    • Instead of Oklahoma and Louisiana being my “backyard” (I lived in Texas), France and Portugal are.

    You could not pay me to go back.

    The Rule of Thumb

    What are some facts about some famous video games?

    I’ve just got one.

    During the Cold War, lots of people expected the US and the Soviet Union to exchange nuclear missile strikes. They thought nuclear armageddon could arrive any day.

    So in the event of nuclear armageddon, what are some tips? One tip that was widely popularized, was the Rule of Thumb.

    The Rule of Thumb says if you extend your arm, and put your thumb over a nuclear mushroom cloud, you can tell if you’re in danger from radiation. If your thumb covers the entire cloud, you’re safe. If it doesn’t, you’re in danger and need to take cover.

    This tip wasn’t necessarily true, but luckily nuclear war never broke out and they never had to use it.

    But in the Fallout games, nuclear war did break out. And guess what extremely popular Fallout character is using the Rule of Thumb?

    The Government has Secret Listening Posts in Every Major City

    New York City has skyscrapers of all shapes and sizes. But why does this 500 foot tall, 29-story building have no windows, no lights and no markings at all?

    Because it’s a top-secret NSA spy station built to withstand nuclear war.

    Officially, this is an AT&T telecommunications building. But thanks to leaked documents, we now know that 33 Thomas Street is actually a top secret NSA mass surveillance hub.

    It’s code name is: TitanPointe.

    And right now, as we speak, TitanPointe is listening.

    The gray, granite tower is located at 33 Thomas Street in Lower Manhattan. Locals know the building as the “Long Lines Building” and it’s been a source of mystery for years.

    What jumps out is that the building has no windows and no exterior lighting.

    During the day, it fades into the background of the New York City skyline.

    And at night, it becomes an invisible shadow.

    Thanks to NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden, we now know that creating an invisible building wasn’t an accident. It was absolutely by design.

    33 Thomas Street operates under NSA codename TITANPOINTE.

    And Titanpointe is a core location used for a controversial, and possibly illegal, NSA-sponsored mass surveillance program.

    According to leaked documents, this program has targeted the communications of the UN, the World Bank, the IMF. It’s been used to spy on at least 38 countries, including US allies like France, Germany and Japan. It’s common knowledge that AT&T is very cooperative with the NSA.

    Using an AT&T cell phone? Eh, you might want to rethink that.

    Let’s find out why.

    Brutally True

    What accidentally rude things do Americans do while traveling even without realizing it?

    Black Zimbabwean on receiving end here. Many years ago, just after getting married, new hubby & I flew from Harare (capital city) to Kariba (small touristy town 45 minutes away by air) for our honeymoon.

    On arrival at the little airport, we head for the courtesy shuttle. A group of mostly middle aged (& all white) American tourists have already taken up most of the seats when we step onto the bus. Some look a little startled, and one woman pipes up, “You can’t get on this bus. This is OUR bus”.

    We politely explain that no, it isn’t ‘your’ bus, it is actually meant for anyone booked at the local hotel.

    She argues; there are a few supportive mutterings from her compatriots, until the driver chimes in, and with a huge smile, confirms what we’ve just told her.

    I suspect he’s encountered this before.

    A few minutes later we are on our way, & we soon strike up a conversation with our nearest neighbours (the natives are friendly here ). A woman in the next seat interrupts and says, in baffled tones, “Your English is really good”, and her male companion adds, almost accusingly: “You sound educated!”

    I don’t remember feeling offended, just mildly taken aback and amused at the level of unconscious presumptuousness.

    People are PISSED off

    What’s the most ridiculous adult tantrum you’ve witnessed that you couldn’t believe?

    My sweetie and I were in a BBQ restaurant in Cambridge, MA. The place was crowded with lots of people, including a family of 2 adults, 1 son, and an infant. The son was going from table to table flailing his arms, screaming in people’s faces, grabbing their food, knocking over their drinks, while their parents did absolutely nothing to control their child, who was ruining dinner for everybody else in the place.

    The layout of the restaurant meant that we would be the last table for him to torment. Sure enough, he arrived and began shrieking very, very loudly in our faces. My sweetie smiled at him, and made the exact same sound back at the kid. In an instant, the child stopped, smiled, and began a low and happy conversation with my guy. End of problem. It was the first and only time the kid smiled.

    What happened next was unbelievable. The wife/Mother came up to our table, and began to yell as loudly as she could that we were being horrible to her child, we should be thrown out of the restaurant, and never allowed back again.

    The next thing that happened was my sweetheart changing his demeanor 100%. In an instant, the gentle man playing with the kid was gone, to be replaced with a deadly serious person who quietly but forcefully said to the woman “Hey lady, f*** off!” Other customers actually applauded. As the husband/Father got control of his family, he came to apologize for his wife’s behavior, saying dealing with the kid was very hard on her.

    While I had all the sympathy in the world for the family, no child should be allowed to ruin the dining experience for 50 other people. If the child can’t be controlled, then take it outside. Period.

    This has to be a joke…

    What are telltale signs of an ambush?

    Ideally, there wouldn’t be any ‘telltale’ signs of an ambush, but in practice, this is as good as impossible.

    To successfully set up an ambush, there need to be a few elements in place and this can give the attacker away.

    Ambushes are executed from concealed positions, locations where you’re able to hide a number of soldiers very close to the troops that you want to ambush.

    The ambush has to take place on a road or path frequented by your enemy, most often at a certain time. An ambush is not a fishing expedition. If you don’t know that an enemy will pass by your ambush site, you are just wasting your time.

    If you attack vehicles, you need your enemy to slow down or stop. This can be achieved either by choosing a location where your enemy has to slow down (a sharp bend or uphill) or you place an obstacle on the road (a tree ‘fell’ down, a carcass, etc.).

    Very bad for your health, but not an ambush: a roadside bomb or IED (photo: US Army 25th Infantry Division soldiers during an “IED trainer course”).

    Often a mine (or Improvised Explosive Device, IED) is placed on the road. It has two functions, to stop the enemy’s vehicles and to give the signal for the attackers to open fire.

    To make things clear, an IED per se is not an ambush but a remote controlled mine. An ambush by definition is “a surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position.”

    [1] This can happen with the help of an IED, but the detonation of a road mine alone isn’t sufficient to qualify an attack as an ambush. In other words, you need soldiers attacking you.

    When you are on patrol, you’ll probably never see a direct sign that there is an ambush ahead of you, but bearing in mind how an ambush has to be set up to be successful you will have a good idea where it’s most likely going to happen and how to avoid it.

    • If you use the same road twice, the risk for you to be ambushed increases dramatically.
    • If you approach an area with buildings, bushes, or other covers near the roadside, be careful!
    • An obstacle on the road that forces you to slow down is an alarm sign.
    • Sharp bends, ravines, and hollow-ways are the classical spots for an attack.
    • Every activity “out of the usual” might point to a possible enemy attack. The absence of people or animals or a road that has been blocked and requires you to take a detour might point to an ambush.

    Experienced soldiers learn to read those signs and many others, often unconsciously. You acquire a ‘feeling’ when something ahead of you doesn’t look, sound, or smell right and you’ll be able to take countermeasures.

    The Sopranos || Easier

    Guy in there has a natural canopy.

    What is the nicest thing a stranger ever did for you?

    My birthday one year ago was really sucking. I decided to go buy myself a cake at the grocery store and get it decorated, because it was my birthday and I wanted something nice. When the guy at the counter asked who it was for (in retrospect he meant what name to put on it) and I said it was for me, he was incredulous that I had to buy my own birthday cake. I just kind of shrugged and went out to finish shopping for groceries. He said my cake would be need to be paid for at pick up.

    When I came back to pay for and pick up my cake, a different person was at the register and she said my cake had been paid for. It was also decorated a bit more than I thought it should have been. I have not seen that guy working there since and in my head I’ve called him the cake fairy.

    It was a good cake. I still cried eating it because the entire day sucked, but it was a good cake.

    The Sopranos Tribute “Don’t stop believing”

    Strange how you can miss people from a tv series like they were your family even though you know they are fictional characters. Even today I feel like a part of my life ended when the series stopped.”

    What was something that someone said or did that has changed you forever?

    My baby son was fast approaching his first birthday. I was working away from home in South Wales and had just completed a 3 month long project before returning to head office in Aberdeen. I received a phone call, at home, informing me of a problem in another location and requesting me to travel to Shotton steel works, in England, as soon as possible.

    My wife went ballistic. She informed me that I had only been home to enjoy my son growing up for 6 weeks of his first year of life. Not only that but I would miss my boy’s birthday. On reflection, she was correct.

    All that night I reviewed my life. I recalled my own childhood with my father being a fisherman. He was away at sea for 3 to 4 weeks at a time and only home for a couple of days before sailing off again. We never had time for any father/son activity. I loved my dad but he was a stranger to me. I simply didn’t know him well.

    The next day I scheduled a meeting with my managing director and informed him that I couldn’t continue to spend as much time away from home. His response was that I was the only person qualified for that job and nobody else could do it. That wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

    I tended my resignation and started looking for another job. I ended up working in the oil and gas sector. I was office based and got to help raise my kids. It was definitely the best decision I ever made.


    This is FLASH Traffic. North Korea has agreed to send three-hundred-thousand (300,000) to five-hundred thousand (500,000) troops to Russia to assist with its Special Military Operation in Ukraine, against NATO.

    The first deployment will be about 20,000 soldiers to assist with Logistics.

    North Korea will also deliver to Russia, the new KN-09 Multiple Launch Rocket System.

    This is the latest North Korean version of the KN-09, with two pods of SIX rockets each.

    Intelligence assessment of these new rocket launchers is as follows:

    Judging by the published photos, the military received MLRS, known under the Western designation KN-09 or KN-SS-X-9. Its caliber is 300 mm.

    The first version, which has eight missile tubes, was shown in 2015 at the parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

    It is believed that missiles with a warhead weighing up to 190 kg are capable of hitting targets at a distance of at least 220 km.Guidance is inertial, in preparation for use, the calculation uses data from navigation satellites, which provides a fairly accurate hit.

    In 2020, an upgraded version was introduced, in which the three-axle all-terrain vehicle was replaced with a four-axle platform with twelve tubes.


    • North Korea is supplying military materials, ammo, weapons systems, supplying military logistics, and manpower to Russia.
    • A 500,000 man military presence is large enough to; Completely take over the Ukraine war effort from Russia. Occupy and conquer Ukraine. Serve as a complete self-contained invasion force for NATO and Europe.
    • All reports indicate that Ukraine has been sufficiently weakened by the USA / NATO leadership decisions that it is a “404 nation”.
    • NATO, and the largest European nations inside of it are now in the process of De-industrializaiton, suffering energy shortages and high inflation. All of which is a very terrible mix were they to be invaded.
    • North Koreans have been taught, from cradle to grave, how dangerous the West is, and that the United States and it’s proxy nations need to be eliminated from the surface of the planet.
    • North Korean soldiers are “enraged” soldiers, and are a very dangerous and lethal force.
    • The decision to place a NATO office in Japan is viewed as a direct threat to North Korea.
    • The decision, last month, to have NATO war games next to North Korea, (to include Germany) is viewed as a direct threat to North Korea.


    • The NATO use of Ukraine as a “cat’s paw” has been a disaster.
    • The American neocon dream of a “Pacific NATO” has resulted in dangerous consequences.
    • Now, North Korea is basing an enormous invasion force at NATO’s door. This is exactly what the United States (and it’s proxies) have been doing to Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and the Global South.
    • The size of the force betrays it’s intent; the conquering and subjugation of Ukraine. Followed by a “dagger at the throat” of NATO.

    Did you tell your parents you’re an ex-Muslim? How did they handle it?

    Yes I told them.

    But parents aren’t dumb. Especially when the family is as religious as mine it’s easy to see when your child strays. It’s like having a gay kid who you can easily see his lack of interest in the opposite gender early on.

    However, if I were to pinpoint the start of them noticing, It would go back to the time I was in high school.

    I was curled on my bed sobbing like there’s no tomorrow. My mother came up to me and asked me why I was crying. I said that when I pray I sometimes wonder what if I’m talking to myself and no one’s actually listening to me. And I said that I hate myself for having such bad thoughts. She said “Salma it’s the devil playing with your mind. It’s okay all of us have thoughts like that sometimes”.

    But I wasn’t anyone. I was obsessive, still am. I had a form of OCD where I had to wash so many times before each prayer to make sure I’m clean. I always repeated my prayers over and over to make sure they are to God’s liking. And at the end of the day after all the washing and repeating I would go to bed crying and whispering “please god make it easier on me”. But he didn’t.

    My thoughts increased “what if god doesn’t even care about washing five times a day to meet him and pray?” “What if everything I believe in and take for granted is false?”. And naturally I was devastated and drowning in guilt and shame for even having in such thoughts.

    I talked to my mother about it and she was really scared and told my father. They took me to a therapist who’s from their very same religious circle. I told him about my obsessions and my thoughts. And he would try to convince me so strongly of the falseness of my thoughts and that they are all OCDish thoughts not what I truly think. And with my excessive washing and the like it was believable at the time. I was prescribed meds to get rid of my OCD. And my obsessive actions stopped. But my thoughts never did.

    The more time passed the more I doubted things. Then I went to pray while sobbing and said “help me ! I’m about to stray. Please don’t take my faith away. I don’t want to go to hell”. Yet by that point my blind faith and certainty of the rightness of my path had already vanished. Despite myself when I sat with religious people and heard them talk about Quran and Sunnah, I thought of everything they say with a critical eye and not the eyes of a believer who listens and obeys. And when I did that I noticed how much I roll my eyes at the silliness of what’s said.

    I was miserable. I lived for Islam and wanted to die for it. My whole life revolved around it. I was a teacher at a mosque, I knew the Quran by heart, and I prayed much more than the average Muslim. So I felt like the very core of my personality and life is being pulled away from my heart.

    In my last prayers, I was desperate. If you know the Islamic prayer, you know we place our foreheads on the floor. I would stick my head to the floor, holding to the rug around me like I’m holding to dear life. And from the very bottom of my heart I would whisper with a cracked voice “Help me. Help me. Help me.”. I would cry and sob and pray “please god take me. If you don’t now I’ll die as an infidel and spend an eternity in hell”.

    And that was it.

    The knots of faith were already fully untied after that. My mind went numb. And I finally allowed my brain and heart to be on the same page.

    My parents noticed it all. They especially noticed that I didn’t pray anymore. Which was anything but easy, for weeks everytime I skipped a prayer I felt utter shame and fear of hell. But then even that disappeared. My parents gave me advice constantly urging me to pray again. They would always tell me the benefits of prayers and all that.

    They urged me to visit a therapist again. And what’s a therapist going to do? Make me believe that god cares about washing before praying especially if I farted beforehand? (Yes this is a teaching). He’s going to convince me that God wants me to not listen to love songs or shake hands with male cousins?

    What was the point?? So I insisted on not going.

    The final straw, was after I met my husband. They discovered that we’re chatting. And yelled at me “you’re going to marry an infidel??” And they insisted that this marriage will never come to life.

    So I had to come out and say it bluntly.

    “I’m not a Muslim. And if I married a Muslim he’d be sinning anyway because he’s not allowed to marry a non-believer”. (Muslim men are allowed to marry Muslims, Christian’s or Jews which I was none).

    The silence resounded in the room. My father’s broken voice was the only thing that put an end to it “so you’re really not a Muslim anymore? That’s it?”. He looked devastated.

    I hated it all. Should I have just lied for life? Should I have hidden the truth sentencing myself for a life with misery and hypocrisy? But I didn’t take anything back. It was either now or never. Either I choose to break free and be true to myself or bury myself to suit their tastes. I loved them so much but I couldn’t make such a sacrifice.

    They were heart-broken for months. Until I broke down completely mentally and emotionally. The guilt and pressure were too much for me and I snapped. I was in so much heartache. I had to be put on a big dose of anti-depressant and an even bigger dose of mood-stabilizers.

    That’s when my parents softened up and came around. Finally my happiness meant something to them and they just gave in.

    My father was in denial for long though. Whenever the topic came up he would change it. And when I said something that indicates that I don’t care about Islamic teachings he would ask “why?” As if he doesn’t know the answer.

    However, after months, our relationship now is really good. I no longer lie, hide and sugar-coat. So they know me better. They still hope I go back on my decision but never pressure me to do it. And I love them for it.

    Dr. Phlox Confirms That the Pilot Was A Human Male

    Star Trek Enterprise Season 2 Episode 16 Future Tense

    Why do American expats think that the USA is a Shit-hole?

    I’ll start with the definite truth of my own life: Leaving the US was, without a doubt, the best decision I ever made.

    I have said this out loud and reflected upon it often. In short – it had to do with identity and personal happiness.

    I was always an energetic child and a hardworking student. Motivated by accomplishments; incredibly obedient; afraid of getting in trouble – a teacher’s pet type. I was generally nice to people around me; just wanted to do well and get on with my day.

    After elementary school, I started going to private school – for a better education and hopefully better access in life. During that time, my Black, middle class background became the center of the world. I still did well in school, but I wasn’t spoken to as if I did well or was capable. I was made to feel inadequate at every turn, even in the face of great accomplishments.

    As a teenager, this racial alienation was emphasized through social and dating dynamics. All teens have teen problems, but I wasn’t just a moody, insecure kid – I was a Black kid in a sea of White and there was nothing to be done about that. There was no amount of patience, kindness; weight loss; working out; grooming; hair perming – that would make me less Black. And you can’t talk about that to anyone; no one can relate; you’re unceremoniously accused of “bringing race into everything”. A very lonely reality.

    Throughout the entire secondary school process, my intelligence was always doubted and I was constantly insulted. My school offered Chinese – they tried to tell me I wouldn’t do well because it’s “a very difficult language”. Within a year, I had top marks. I once had a teacher tell me my writing was so bad I probably had a learning disability. (I’m about to finish my Masters with distinction in England, and I’ll be starting my PhD in the fall).

    By high school, I decided to spend a portion of my senior year in China. It was like night and day from my home school. Suddenly, I was smart again. Without a concerted effort of teachers telling me how stupid I was all the time, I was flourishing. I got straight A’s in AP Calculus – a course, among others, my home school wouldn’t let me take because it would be “too hard for me”. When it came to college lists – I was told I couldn’t get into any of the schools on my list; I shouldn’t aim higher than my State school. Mind, at 17 I was a varsity athlete; president of thespians; worked on a number of school plays; danced on the school team and studied Martha Graham independently; first chair clarinet; played alto sax in Jazz band; fairly skilled in drawing and painting; spoke Chinese and had a high honors GPA. So – what made me less than my peers?

    In China, it was the first time anyone (other than my parents) had ever told me I was pretty. Looking back, I was still quite young; so a lot of firsts would be happening around that time anyway – but it was definitely different than in America. In America, I was just ugly. People might not say that to my face – but it was reflected in certain ways.

    Beyond that, college was the same for socialization. I tried to be cute, preppy and peppy like my White friends – but I wasn’t. I was sad and defeated. And still had some discernible, inferior, human status.

    So again, in college, I went to China. And again, I was able to find normality, humanity and love.

    After I graduated college, I went back to China to work. I soon met my current partner and we’ve been together six years. We moved to England together last year so I could continue studying to change careers. I’ve done incredibly well and I’m just happy.

    In summary:

    I personally felt my intelligence and beauty were never appreciated in the US.

    I was suicidal sad; until I could no longer deny that I needed to live life a different way.

    My partner is Greek and it feels very freeing to not be a part of the radical, radicalized, American fervor. Also, biracial relations aren’t questioned in England the way they are in the US.

    Life doesn’t feel so heavy. My days are nice. I have a nice home. A nice partner. My efforts are recognized. I’m just, whole.

    What is the most dangerous object that you’ve seen on the road when driving?

    This happened about ten years ago.

    I was going to Providence, RI on a stretch of highway known as Route 295. It’s a wide highway but in a rural area and there are no lights on the road. It’s long and actually pretty boring. It was nighttime and I was racing down the highway in the middle lane when I thought I saw a glimpse of something dark. I only noticed it because it created a black patch of dark in the middle of the dark night which otherwise was studded by ambient light from other sources. I pulled into the fast lane and when I got to it, it was a shipping container, right there in the middle lane, just sitting there, with no lights. It had evidently fallen from a truck – but there was no truck to be seen. Apparently the driver didn’t even know he had lost it. It was just like this in the photo:

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    2023 09 08 09 12

    If I hadn’t been paying attention I would have plowed right into it as if it were a brick wall at 70 MPH.

    I immediately called the State Police who dispatched a cruiser. My brother is a state cop who told me that there were almost many accidents. They had to put a cruiser with lights flashing behind it until a truck could come and retrieve it. I was astonished at how nearly invisible it was. Without power from the truck or reflective panels, it was as if it weren’t even there. It would have been easy to crash right into it.

    Casino | “Meeting in the Desert Always Made Me Nervous”

    Ace (Robert De Niro) and Nicky (Joe Pesci) arrange to have a secret meeting in the desert outside of Las Vegas. As federal law enforcement closes in around them, the two find their friendship has reached its breaking point. They exchange insults and foul language in one of the finest acting moments in any Martin Scorsese’s film.

    Tex-Mex Hash

    Tex Mex Sweet Potato Hash 3
    Tex Mex Sweet Potato Hash 3


    • 1 pound ground beef
    • 1 green bell pepper, chopped
    • 1/2 cup rice, uncooked
    • 2 teaspoons salt
    • 3 onions, sliced
    • 1 can whole tomatoes
    • 1 teaspoon chili powder
    • Dash of pepper


    1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
    2. Pan fry ground beef until light brown in skillet. Drain fat.
    3. Add onions and bell peppers and cook until onion is tender.
    4. Stir in remaining ingredients and heat until warm.
    5. Pour into a casserole dish. Cover, and bake for 1 hour.

    Yield: 5 servings


    Email attacks and snowbound kitties

    As I write this, the latest typhoon is making landfall. In this case, it is typhoon Saola. ZH and GZ self-defense forces are on alert, and for the population it is “all hands on deck” in readiness. It is a “Super Typhoon” of level 17. Could be brutal. (Of course, by the time you all read this, the event will be long over.) We are braced, and all of our activities are in postponement mode.

    I found out why all the emails to never reached me.

    It seems that I was a victim of numerous “saturation attacks” where thousands of emails spam my inbox. The objective of these kinds of attacks is to render your email system inert and useless, as most email accounts have a limit on how many emails can exist.

    I have been trying to erase the emails. The 163 software only allow batches of 10 to 20 emails at a time (page by page). I have 73,652 pages of attack emails interspersed with an occasional email of value.

    I figure that it will take me half a year to clean out the mails if I devote about 20 minutes a day to erase the emails manually. I am thinking about contacting the 163 server for assistance, but my Chinese is shit in specialized situations such as this, and I am not VIP on this account. Ugh!

    Back in the 1990s my wife and I had some friends that we used to “hang out” with. We would drink beer and play video games or watch a movie or two. They also had a cat.

    It was one frigid Winter night in January while we were inside, and their cat was in heat. It was driving “Misty” our friend, bonkers. But outside was a howling blizzard, and the temperature was -20F, hardly healthy, and quite dangerous. But, I well remember, while the cat was standing at the door howling… she opened the door and let her out saying “go out and have fun, you slut”, and then slammed it shut.

    I don’t know what happened to the kitty. Knowing cats, it probably found some kind of shelter. But, still…

    For me, I greatly lament what happened. Why didn’t I stop her?

    Well, it happened too quickly. It occurred and was over long before I could react.

    And there, somewhere in the swirling snow, and darkness, the kitty went to follow her instincts. Right or wrong.

    We all have to be more aware of the things going on around us. More mindful. More careful and more compassionate.


    The results of the BRICS summit are great, isolation as a weapon of the USA has been defeated forever — Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

    2023 08 25 21 34
    2023 08 25 21 34

    “It is not BRICS that threatens the United States of America, it is the state of the USA, its liberal economy, the neoliberal model. I think that the expansion of BRICS will not be some kind of cold shower for the USA, Great Britain and the EU. I think it is too soft and too light a term. It will become a new reality for everyone, and it will be a demonstration of this new reality that they hide and do not show on American channels,” she said.


    2023 08 25 12 20
    2023 08 25 12 20

    What exactly changes when a country joins BRICS? Other than being invited to the meetings does BRICS membership have any advantages for countries which join?

    BRICS has very few advantages to countries that aren’t a direct threat to the WEST and are thus ignored by the WEST

    2023 09 01 18 49
    2023 09 01 18 49

    It’s why Indonesia wasn’t very keen to join BRICS

    It enjoys a relatively nice and non aligned foreign policy and isn’t a threat to any one and enjoys business with China and the West equally

    Thus no advantages in joining BRICS and a lot of disadvantages including joining a group consisting two nations bitterly opposed to US Hegemony

    2023 09 01 18 49e
    2023 09 01 18 49e

    Same reason why Nigeria is unlikely to join BRICS

    Nigeria is already a member of the BRI and has very good trade relationships with China but also has a good relationship with the West who doesn’t really care much about Nigeria because today it’s irrelevant

    So it’s joining BRICS is irrelevant

    2023 09 01 18 5f0
    2023 09 01 18 5f0

    Today the only nations that can have huge advantages in joining BRICS are those nations which are :-

    • Directly in the sight of the Western Nations and are at risk of being caught out by sudden cut off from access to the West and it’s financial systems like RUSSIA, SAUDI ARABIA, CHINA and IRAN
    • Have Non Democratic Stable Rule that is deemed as Dictatorship by the West who will meddle for subservience – Saudi Arabia, Iran, China etc
    • Have experienced the high handedness of the West and realize the safety in joining an Alliance that offers an alternate route to avoid chaos and disaster that could arise from a western retaliation – UAE, IRAN, SAUDI ARABIA, RUSSIA
    • Want to have a foot in two camps to avoid being completely dependent on either side – BRAZIL, INDIA
    • Have been so badly destroyed by the Western Financial System despite having lots of resources that they HAVE to join an alternate alliance for some stability and development – CUBA, VENEZUELA, ARGENTINA

    BRICS is a protection from the West in case the West decides to pull a Russia again

    Thus it’s not for 90% of the nations of the world

    Algeria, Myanmar, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Libya, Turkey are other countries who would have tremendous advantages

    This rises a question

    Does India have any advantages?


    A Foot in both camps

    India is a member of QUAD and SCO

    India is a member of BRICS and G20

    It offers options and high leverage

    However I don’t see a future for India in BRICS+ for very long

    It’s basically becoming a “Anti Western Group” and India and Brazil and South Africa will find fewer common ground items than China, Russia, Saudi and Iran

    Au Jus Beef and Noodles


    Yield: 6 servings


    • 2 pounds stew beef meat
    • 2 (7 ounce) cans sliced mushrooms, undrained
    • 2 cups beef broth
    • 1 (1 ounce) package dry au jus gravy mix
    • Worcestershire sauce to taste
    • Salt, pepper, garlic salt to taste
    • Hot cooked noodles


    1. Place stew meat in slow cooker.
    2. Add beef broth and mushrooms.
    3. Add seasonings to taste and sprinkle in au jus gravy mix to taste.
    4. Cover; cook on LOW for 7 to 8 hours.
    5. Serve over hot cooked noodles.


    Store any leftover gravy mix in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.

    What was it like to live in pre-1949 Shanghai?

    My mother lived and worked in Shanghai from 1945 – 1949. She kept a diary during the time she was there. You can read about it here: An interesting diary

    My mother came from a privileged family in late Qing and Republican China; she grew up in a famous hutong home in Beijing, and her father was the controller of the Peking – Hankow Railway when it was built, owned and managed by the French following the Boxer Rebellion. She went to missionary schools and spoke English from an early age.

    She lived and worked in Shanghai after the Allies, including the Republic of China (the People’s Republic did not yet exist) defeated Japan. She worked with the United Nations Refugee Relief Association (UNRRA) office in Shanghai.

    The thing to remember about Shanghai is that it was, until 1942, a foreign treaty port, which was organized into something called the Shanghai International Settlement. After 1942, the Unequal Treaties which made the treaty port system possible was abolished, and it became part of the Republic of China.

    The interesting thing about the Shanghai of that time is that a horse-racing track occupied the city center, which was called the 跑馬汀。If you go to Shanghai now, it is called People’s Square. The racetrack was abolished by the Communists after 1949.

    The two best-known universities in Shanghai were St. John’s for men, and St. Mary’s for women. These were founded by the British, and were Anglican.

    This may surprise you, but there actually were Chinese who had grown up and lived in Shanghai who were so westernized that they DID NOT SPEAK CHINESE, but only English. My mother had several cousins who were like this. They did not fare well under the Communists after 1949.

    I have not had the time to go through all of my mother’s diaries, but I read one entry where she mentioned going dancing one evening at a nightclub called Argentina.

    Sometimes I think about tracking down where that nightclub once stood.

    Reacting to Oliver Anthony – “Rich Men North of Richmond” | Wilson Brothers

    2023 08 25 12 25
    2023 08 25 12 25

    Why are Asians under the illusion that eating with chopsticks is difficult or even some kind of art form that’s hard to learn for foreigners?

    It’s not difficult to use chopsticks at all.
    And it certainly isn’t an art form.
    Using chopsticks is just the most efficient, most practical way for many Asians (not all Asians, of course) to consume our meals.

    My niece started using chopsticks when she was about 3 years old.
    She might not have held them the “proper” way, but as long as she could eat with them, it was all good.
    She was a 3-year-old kid – expectations were quite low.

    How hard can using chopsticks be if a 3-year-old can do it?
    Come on now.

    What is the example of nature being so cruel?

    There is a place called Jigokudani Hot Spring in Japan, where there is a kind of “Snow Monkey”. Every winter, snow and snow. It is very cold, and the temperature will drop to about 30 °C.

    Fortunately, there are many hot springs in that place. Hot springs can reach about 40 degrees, so the monkeys there learned how to soak in hot springs. The view of a group of monkeys leisurely taking a leisurely dip in the hot springs is very good to many people. Therefore, this place has gained fame as a special tourist destination.

    Some people may feel very warm looking at these photos, but they are like both sides of a coin. Tourists only see the warm side.

    In fact, not all monkeys can take hot springs. There is a strict hierarchy among monkeys. Only high-grade monkeys can take hot springs, and low-grade monkeys cannot take hot springs no matter how cold they are. They cannot tolerate the cold, but once in the water, they will be bitten and expelled by high-level monkeys, so they can only shiver in the air and snow.

    There is a temperature difference of about 70 degrees inside and outside the hot spring. Sometimes that’s the difference between life and death. Moreover, this system is “hereditary”. Low-grade monkey-producing monkeys are also not eligible to take hot springs. In other words, some monkeys naturally belong to the vulnerable group, which is unfair.


    Russia is not stupid, neither they will not forget. They will retaliate.

    What are the best examples of a good luck and a bad luck occurring simultaneously?

    Sotria Kritsornis was standing waiting for the bus to take her to school. The snow was coming down hard, and she was stood in the cold for an hour. As she stood waiting, a car pulled up beside her and rolled down his window. “I’ve come down Rainer Avenue, and that’s a long way, and there’s no bus in sight. Would you like a Ride?”

    22-year-old Sotria didn’t feel anything off with the man. He was polite and charming, and they were the same age. Everything seemed relaxed as the guy driving began talking about school. When she suddenly realised he was going in the wrong direction, the man’s demeanour changed.

    He suddenly began shouting at her, “Why did you take this ride? Why did you even think about getting in this car? You’re never going to make it to school.”

    Sotria knew there and then that her life was in extreme danger. She thought about jumping from the moving car, but when she went for the door handle, it was gone. She sat in the car terrified as he continued to scream at her. There was no doubt in her mind that she was in the presence of evil, and it was only a matter of when.

    Suddenly the man’s demeanour changed again, he almost seemed disappointed. Sotria had just gotten a haircut and was wearing a hat since it was snowing out. The man driving seemed distracted by her hat and suddenly asked her to take it off.

    She was reluctant and when she did take it off the man was surprised. She suddenly realised the man must have been watching her before she got the haircut. He continued to drive for about an hour, before stopping outside her school.

    He shoved her out of the car and onto the ground with some force before turning to Sotria and telling her she was lucky.

    About a year later, Sotria was at home watching telly. A news report flashed across the screen and her blood ran cold. A picture of a man and his “Volkswagen Bug” appeared on the telly. A man who went by the name Ted Bundy was being charged with multiple murders and it was to her shock she realised she almost became one of his victims.

    Why do Chinese people take photos before eating?

    Because unlike normal porn, you can share food porn with anyone, even your aunt.

    Food photos are among the most popular posts on Chinese social media.

    We can tell others about this or that dish – where you can find it, what it tastes like, whether it comes with an interesting backstory, we can recommend this or that food establishment to others, share recipes with others, be inspired so that we can try out some cool new tricks with our own cooking, etc.

    In my experience, few people dislike food porn.
    Those who do tend to view food more as “fuel” rather than something to enjoy and delight the senses.

    I’m more than happy to share food porn with others.

    Here is a picture of some 喜洲粑粑 (Xǐzhōu bābā).

    Xizhou is the name of a lakeside village just outside Dali’s old town in China’s Yunnan province.
    Baba is the local slang for bread.

    Baba is a type of thick, round, heavy bread that comes plain or with various fillings – and the fillings can be either sweet or savory.

    A savory filling could be pork mince + spring onion + spiced salt.
    A sweet filling could be brown sugar + rose petal jam + red bean.

    It is a popular street food and makes for great breakfast nosh.

    So, when people say stuff like “Oh, Chinese don’t eat bread you know!”, take that claim well salted.

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    2023 08 25 12 18
    2023 08 25 12 18

    What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

    I get a LOT of mileage out of this story.

    It happened in 2002.

    My friend Lisa was in her early 40s, and had congestive heart failure. She was a trooper despite her physical struggles. She grew up in a ‘tough’ city environment, and had the attitude to boot. She was typically a bit high strung, but on this afternoon she was the most mellow I had ever seen her.

    Her daughter was at my house playing with my daughter. Lisa came to pick her up after she had stopped at the drugstore to pick up her monthly supply of heart and related medications. Her meds filled a small paper bag. Mellow Lisa proceeded to tell me what went down at the drugstore 10 minutes earlier.

    Lisa legally parked her car in the handicapped spot just outside the store’s door. She joked with the pharmacists inside, telling them that if it weren’t for her they’d be out of a job (LOL). She left the store and proceeded, medicine bag in hand, to her car in the handicapped parking space.

    A woman was loitering in and out of the store most of the day. When Lisa left, she was hanging around not far from Lisa’s car. As Lisa went to unlock her car door, the woman jumped Lisa and attempted to steal her purse and medications.

    Lisa went ape-shit on her ass and flattened her. Lisa ended up sitting on top of the woman and smacking her in the face, much like little Ralphie did to Scut Farcus on ‘A Christmas Story’. She screamed at the woman while giving her the smackdown, “You think you can come here from the city and mug people? Well I’m from the city, too! You picked the WRONG BITCH to fuck with!”.

    Just then, a police officer showed up. He happened to be an acquaintance of Lisa’s. He kept saying, “Lisa get off her…I got this!!”. He finally pulled Lisa off the mugger and sent her on her way as he arrested the mugger.

    It was ten minutes later that Lisa showed up at my house, mellow as could be. I told her she should buy herself a punching bag for daily use since she felt so much better! She said, “Wow, I haven’t felt this relaxed in a LONG time!”.

    I was pretty impressed. A heart patient requiring a handicapped parking space takes out her would-be mugger! Gotta love it!

    Sadly, Lisa passed away in 2008 when her big old heart finally gave out. I never knew a more hilarious woman in my life.

    I miss you girl!

    BEATBOXER REACTS! I Oliver Anthony-Rich Men North of Richmond

    2023 08 25 12 27
    2023 08 25 12 27

    Nuclear submarine with intercontinental ballistic missiles, new aircraft carrier, destroyers and frigates – China to invest $1.4 trillion in military modernization with a focus on the navy


    Here’s What We Know

    The situation around Taiwan and the ongoing territorial disputes in the South China Sea are forcing the PRC to invest in defence capabilities. From 2024 to 2028, the authorities intend to spend a crazy $1.4 trillion to modernise the People’s Liberation Army. The average annual growth rate will be 6.6 per cent.

    The defence strategy emphasises the formation of a dominant navy. To achieve this, China plans to implement several forward-looking programmes. In particular, to acquire a fourth aircraft carrier, as well as destroyers of the Type 055 class and frigates of the Type 054A class.

    China also wants to commission a Type 096-class nuclear-powered submarine armed with ballistic missiles. The submarine will receive JL-3 intercontinental ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 9,000 kilometres, capable of carrying three nuclear warheads.

    US policy slowing down China’s economy w/ Jeffrey Sachs

    A very, very good discussion.

    What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?

    About 8 years ago, my dad, aged about 70 at the time, is driving my son aged about 4, and myself into a nearby town. We are driving through the outskirts, in a 40 zone and slowing down as we are about to enter a 30 zone. A hundred yards up ahead are about 6 ‘youths’…aged late teens, possibly up to 20 yrs, all messing about on mountain bikes…doing wheelies and doing skids into the middle of the road. Dad slows down and they move a little to one side, still farting about. One loses control and the bike shoots over and skids in front of my dad’s car, the rider coming off and sliding over the bonnet (hood) of the car, and up the windscreen before sliding off the other side.

    Dad hurtles out of the car, closely followed by me, expecting to see some mangled mess of a teen on the floor. Luckily he was fine, getting up, dusting himself off. We’d barely let out a breath of relief when he turns onto my dad – yelling abuse at him, calling him a ****ed up retard…old ****er etc etc. Then his mates drop their bikes to the floor and start advancing on my dad…’come on old man, ready to be ****ed up?’…

    Now my dad, back in his day was pretty good at karate….something he did weekly for about 15 years. He is also a very fit man – from that generation of wily, hands-on men who just get on and do things…..breaking up concrete with a pickaxe or sledgehammer – knocking down walls, building walls and so on. So these 6 or so youths start to circle in on dad, I step back a bit to lock the car doors…the first lad, the one who’d slid over dad’s bonnet makes a lunge for my dad, fist punching out towards his face. Dad grabs his wrist, yanks it down and before I could say a single word, has got this kid on his knees, on the road, arm bent back, hand folded back in a somewhat unnatural position. The kid is screaming…’let me go!! Get off!! You’re breaking my hand!!! Get off!!!’

    Still holding him by one hand, dad makes a small step towards the other boys….drops the kid’s hand and takes up a karate pose. The kids just turn tail and run…the other boy gets up and legs it after them. Dad just giggles in delight and with an almighty yell….hurtles down the road after them, yelling like a maniac. If the boys were running 5 seconds ago, now they are really running like Usain Bolt with an axe is chasing them, and I am doubled up laughing. Eventually, I pick up the boy’s bikes and lean them against a garden hedge and wait for dad to saunter back having run a hundred yards or so after them.

    We still laugh about it – I’m not sure what those boys thought they were going to do to my father, but they really didn’t see that coming. They definitely picked on the wrong person :)))

    Beef Burgundy

    beef bourguignon 3 1048x1572 1
    beef bourguignon 3 1048×1572 1


    • 2 slices bacon, chopped
    • 2 pounds sirloin tip or round steak, cut into 1 inch cubes
    • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt
    • 1/4 teaspoon marjoram
    • 1/4 teaspoon thyme
    • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
    • 1 clove garlic, minced
    • 1 beef bouillon cube, crushed
    • 1 cup Burgundy wine
    • 1/4 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced
    • 2 tablespoons cornstarch (optional)


    1. In large skillet, cook bacon several minutes. Remove bacon and set aside.
    2. Coat beef with flour and brown on all sides in bacon mixture.
    3. Combine steak, bacon drippings, cooked bacon, seasonings, bouillon, and Burgundy in slow cooker.
    4. Cover and cook on LOW for 6 to 8 hours or until meat is tender.
    5. Turn control to HIGH. Add mushrooms; cook on HIGH for 15 minutes.
    6. To thicken sauce, if desired, add cornstarch (dissolved in 2 tablespoons cold water) with mushrooms.

    I was fired by my employer today. They wouldn’t let me collect any personal belongings from my desk except my wallet, my keys and my own personal phone. Can they do this and if so how long are they allowed to keep my things?

    I had an employer try that crap with me once (kind of)—only I was given a heads up from a dear friend that I was being RIFed, so I had already cleared out my entire office. I had even locked myself out of a system I administered prior to my RIF meeting. When they were going through the separation checklist and told me I could only take with me what I had with me at the time, I said, “Okay, no problem.” When they asked me about scheduling a time to retrieve the rest of my stuff (I’d worked there almost 20 years, so there WAS a lot of stuff), I told them I didn’t have anything else to retrieve. They were shocked. When they had someone quickly verify that my office was indeed cleaned out, they started insisting that I review with them what I had already taken, reveal to them who tipped me off, etc. I simply handed them my pre-prepared ziplock with my ID, proximity badge, building keys, and wiped work iPhone, and left. They insisted that I walk out a particular door. I walked out the door closest to where I was parked that day (with them threatening me the whole time). They were LIVID and could barely see straight. My confidante still works there! It’s hilarious and extremely satisfying.

    Scott Ritter clip on what the Pentagon Generals told the White House.

    Stop the provocations with China. In any conflict with China, the USA will lose, and lose badly.

    Clip segment pre-set at the position in the long video.

    Why did Russia provide asylum to Edward Snowden? Are they going to use him against the US of A?

    2023 09 01 18 59
    2023 09 01 18 59

    Russia legally can’t extradite Snowden, because there is no bilateral extradition agreement between Russia and the USA. America doesn’t extradite our criminals either. Also, Snowden is not a criminal from the Russian legal point of view.

    Because his American passport was annulled, Russia was unable to send Snowden to any other country without some kind of special arrangement. So, the choice was between forcing Snowden to stay in the international airport in Moscow indefinitely, or providing him with asylum. After some deliberation, Putin chose the latter.

    Snowden actually wanted asylum in Hong Kong (China) or South America, but nobody was really willing to take him in. It made sense for Russia to show its ability to challenge America without getting bombed, but it was not an easy decision for Putin. Because Snowden wasn’t a Russian agent or asset, and Russia had no obligation to protect him. Also, Putin’s opinion about Snowden is rather low. He doesn’t condone his actions. And Snowden doesn’t like Putin either. He openly says that in his interviews.

    Russia can’t use Snowden because his access to secrets is long gone. We have IT experts of his caliber of our own, and nobody will trust him with access to our secrets and security networks. Really, he is a burden. But a relatively light one.

    Snowden doesn’t work with Russian security services because he wants to return to America at some point. This is technically possible, as long as he stays just a whistleblower and not a traitor. Because the CIA and its ilk have some access to Russian state secrets, they would know when and if he would start cooperating with the FSB and its ilk.

    What was the worst thing your parents ever did to you?

    This one is easy, sadly. My “mother” called CPS on me last year. Just because I wasn’t talking to her. My world was turned upside down with one phonecall.

    One day a sheriff came to my house. I was surprised because I’m not one to get into trouble or piss anyone off. He said he was there to check on mine and my children’s welfare. I was confused. He said my mother had called and said I hadn’t talked to her in over a year, my husband was abusive and holding me captive, and I was doing heroin and meth. I looked at him and said, “you’ve got to be kidding me!” He assured me it was for real. I told him I spoke to her about 2 months ago, there’s no ball and chain behind me, and I damn sure ain’t doing heroin or meth. He actually laughed. I told him she’s got issues and I don’t want nothing to do with her. He said, “well you look healthy, you’re not locked in a cellar, and your kids are at school where they should be so I’ll be on my way.” I thanked him for his time and off he went. I was steaming pissed that day. I wondered what is wrong with that woman. Now I really won’t talk to her.

    The next day, during the afternoon before the kids got home from school, there was a knock on the door. I open the door and there is a sheriff and social worker. Dumbfounded, I ask if I can help them. They tell me someone has made a report to CPS and they’re there to investigate. I was floored to say the least. So we sit down and the social worker begins to interrogate me. She then begins to list the allegations. She tells me I’m supposedly mentally ill, doing heroin and meth, being manipulated and abused by my husband, my children run around unsupervised, the kids aren’t adequately cared for, etc. I broke down and sobbed in disbelief. I asked who made this report and was told it was “anonymous”. I knew by the heroin and meth and husband abusing me bit exactly who it was. The show had just begun.

    Another sheriff arrives shortly after. They ask if they can search my home. I said “for what”, and was told if I didn’t consent they would take my kids away. Reluctantly, I said “fine I have nothing to hide.” As the sheriff’s are upstairs searching I’m still being interrogated downstairs by the social worker. My husband arrived and was very upset about the situation, naturally. He’s even more angry seeing me a mess in tears having to be asked appalling questions. Next thing you know, there’s a knock at the door. Lo and behold it’s another sheriff. He waltzes in and I ask what the hell he’s here for. The sheriff’s come downstairs with an empty box that my husband had under our bed from a gun he purchased. They asked where the gun was and he replied it was in the car. They asked to see it and he refused. He’s not a felon and it’s registered and completely legal. That seemed to piss them off but they had no grounds to take it or see it.

    So here we are. Sitting in the living room with the social worker and sheriff while another one is in the kitchen and one in the dining room. Why, I couldn’t even tell you. The sheriff had a brown paper bag and said there was some “evidence” in it. He pulled out some pill bottles. He asked me what they were for. I told him I suffer from depression and anxiety. I also take something for an opiate addiction. I’m in recovery and take a preventable medicine. Well, they thought they got me there. Mentally unstable and a drug addict. Perfect ammunition to use against me. They looked at me as though I was despicable. Scum. I could feel the judgement through my bones. The social worker asked my husband and I to accompany her to the kitchen.

    That’s when she pulls out the drug tests. She asked if we were willing to take a voluntary drug test. We said absolutely. He went first, then I went. There we were in our home with 3 sheriff’s and a CPS worker peeing in a cup to prove ourselves not to be drug addicts. I felt completely violated. The tests took a few minutes to come out but they were negative. Almost disappointed, she let us see them and told us they were clean. I felt validated, but still so angry. My kids come home from school and ask what’s going on. I didn’t even know what to say. I just told them to get a snack and go to their room and I’d be with them shortly. The social worker said we could wrap up for now, but she’d be in touch. I kindly led them out. My husband and I just looked at each other and didn’t even say a word. We were both too upset to even talk. Every aspect of our privacy and humanity had been stripped of us. Then we had to explain to the kids what was going on. After that we had to clean our home because when the sheriff’s went through our belongings they had just thrown things about and had no respect for our things.

    The next day the kids informed me after school that a social worker had come to visit them to ask them questions about mom and dad. They were scared and upset. I told them it would be okay. As long as they told the truth everything would be fine. We’ve got nothing to hide. The social worker paid me a few more visits. Each time I was cooperative and willing to do whatever was needed. Anything to get them to go away and stay away. Turns out my mother had called the principal at school asking him questions about my kids. “Were they stinky, dirty, did they look well fed”, things like that. Then someone who claimed to be an uncle called and did the same. The principal got so uncomfortable he called the social worker and told her he was being harassed and didn’t want to deal with it. She finally said without saying in certain words it was my mother who filed the report. She admitted that the situation was very unusual. She paid me a last visit to let me know that not one claim could be substantiated. She apologized for the intrusion. She told me the case was closed and she would report back to my mother that all is well.

    Only after having our house ripped apart, taking drug tests, having my children interrogated at school, calling my psychiatrist, pharmacy, family and friends were we deemed fit enough parents. I can’t begin to tell you what this situation has done to me. You’re probably wondering if I confronted my mother. I sent her a text message after all was said and done and asked her if she had any idea what she had done. I asked what she was thinking. I know what she did. To not only me, but her grandkids. Well, she had nothing to say about it. So I left it there. If she ever comes to her senses and wants to explain herself and apologize profusely I will give her a chance. But never will I go out of my way to have any kind of relations with her. As far as the kids, they want nothing to do with her. That is their choice. I told them they are free to talk to her and see her if they wish they should not suffer anymore. They said they would rather not. So be it.

    That is the cruelest thing a parent has done to me. I could give more stories believe me, but I think I’ve said enough for now.

    A customer had become family

    We have a tendency to get all caught up within our own “little worlds”. We don’t realize all the great stuff “out there”, and when we do, we discover just how much we have missed. And it’s horrible.

    In the Arkansas ADC prison, there was a guy who was doing some “20 some”big time” years for telecommunication fraud. He was a “sparky”; an engineer with a great talent for telecommunications and the hardware, and software behind it. But he was locked up after some fifteen years when I met him.

    We would go on, and on about how he had this great improvement on telephone land line modems, and how he could double the speed of the transmissions. Sheech!

    Fifteen years had passed. We were using satellite, wifi, and cable. No one would even bother touching modems tied to land-lines. But he was locked up for so long that he was; his knowledge was, obsolete. And he did not realize it.

    Being prison; the ADC, there was no way that he could subscribe to magazines, or periodicals to be caught up on the news. It was a purposeful isolation bubble. He was unaware.

    I tried to tell him, but he wouldn’t listen. Brilliant, and stupid at the same time.

    Don’t be like him.

    Get out. Experience life. Enjoy some fine food, touch the bark of a tree and pet a cat.

    I believe in you.

    We start today on a happy note. Please watch this video…

    Hungry Cat Went to a Store with a Leaf to Buy Fish, Then the Seller Did Something Unbelievable!

    What a great story.

    Joe knew a lot of the people that came to his fish store. Many of his customers were regulars who had been buying fish from his family for years. But when one customer started coming around more often he was surprised. A cat came into the shop and checked out what everyone was doing. Then he eventually came back and sat on the counter with a leaf in his mouth. It took a while but they figured out that he was trying to use the leaf to buy fish like he saw people using money. What the seller did next is unbelievable.

    What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

    Once upon a time, there was an auto repair shop. They had about six bays and a good average turnaround rate. They were doing pretty well. One day when the new manager was walking around, however, he noticed something shocking.

    There was a guy… reading a magazine! He wasn’t working on a car or helping customers. He was just sitting behind a counter, eating up profits with his hourly rate.

    He knew full well who this guy was. This was the “parts guy”. When the mechanics needed a part—an oil filter, a water pump, brake pads, etc.—they’d go to the parts counter and request it. The parts guy would retrieve it from the shelves and give it to them. If the part didn’t work out, they’d give it back to him and ask for a different one. If they didn’t have the requisite part, he’d order it. He’d also order commonly used parts when they started getting low. He kept the parts shelves nice and tidy.

    But here he was in the middle of the work day, just sitting there! How often was he just sitting there? The new manager determined to find out.

    So, over the course of the next week, the manager tracked how much time the parts guy “worked” and how much time he just spent sitting around, chomping away at profits. He determined that 80% of the time, the parts guy did no work! He just sat there, reading a magazine or other material. Profitless!

    So he fired the parts guy and told the mechanics that now they were in charge of getting their own parts. There was some moaning and groaning, but they complied. What else could they do?

    Over the next month, the manager noticed a frightening trend. Their average turnaround time went up, way up! A repair that normally took a few hours now took a few days. A simple oil change went from less than an hour to half a day. Hell, even doing a simple tire plug could take half a day! And they were—gasp—losing customers!

    He determined to find the root of the plummet in productivity.

    To make a long story short, it was the missing parts guy. When the mechanics got their own parts, they’d grab them off the shelf and try them in their repair. If they didn’t work out or they grabbed too many, they’d just put them back any which way. They didn’t always put them back in the right place, or in the right box.

    So that made it harder for them to even find the stuff they needed. Nothing was in order anymore. Plus, no one ever ordered anything, so they were always out of what they needed; they’d order it when they needed it, instead of beforehand. Then they had to wait for parts delivery to get them the stuff they needed, which could take half a day.

    So, instead of eating away at profits, the guy who only “worked” 20% of his time allowed the rest of the staff to be more productive. His absence actually killed profits by a wide margin. He was hired back.

    And they lived happily ever after.

    Is the biggest risk China faces ”the freezing” of their USD assets?


    China has now de-risked from the possibility of the freezing of their USD assets, including:

    • a significant portion of their trade is now in currencies other than USD. Trade with MANY countries are now in Chinese RMB or local currencies including trade with Argentina, Iran and Russia. This will continue to increase in the future.
    • A significant portion of China foreign reserves is now in Gold or other foreign reserves. China has been decreasing its USD foreign reserves and this in itself is causing significant issues for the United States
    • China has now completed an alternative to SWIFT with its own CIPS and this will allow it to continue trade with other countries
    • for critical products – like corn, wheat, oil, etc – China has diversified its supply chains. Therefore, it’s economy will not be disrupted by whatever the Americans does

    BIGGEST advantage is that China is an economic powerful house producing most things that the United States and the west needs. All it has to do is stop the exports of critical inputs, machineries and or finished products AND it will shut down the economy of those countries. Given this possibility, it is doubtful that the United States will freeze Chinese USD assets.

    Star Trek Next Generation – Withdraw Understood !

    My Goodness!

    Not MM-MM.

    This was me today.

    main qimg 9e6b9fcf6cfe8aa57d728dbc87c343a9
    main qimg 9e6b9fcf6cfe8aa57d728dbc87c343a9

    Exactly 12 hours ago, I had a moment I am still processing. This stretch of highway has been paved so badly that every Fireman, EMT, and police officer on the scene said, “This happens constantly in this spot.” A short summer downpour caused the road to become so slick, that turning a corner at 20–25 mph caused the vehicle to lose control. I tried to correct the turn and brake, which caused the back end of the vehicle to face 180 degrees in the opposite direction. Everything was in slow motion as I watched myself fall off the road. I can still see the disorienting view turn sideways as I felt the impact of hitting the ditch. The passenger glass blew out and I realized that my head was hanging upside down near leaves and dirt. I began to shake. I’m shaking now. I’m not a dedicated seat belt wearer, but today, without thinking, I had clicked on the seatbelt before I began my drive. I could feel the adrenaline surge as I realized the only reason I was alive and not thrown under the vehicle was because I had unconsciously made that decision.

    A lady and three teenagers had walked over to peer in through the drivers side window. She asked me, as I saw that her hands were shaking from the sight, if I was ok. And to my shock, I was. I broke down crying as the first thing I said was, “This seatbelt saved my life.” She reached her hand through the drivers window and held my hand, rubbing it for security as she called for assistance. I must have hung there for 20–30 minutes before the firefighters cut me out of the tightly locked seatbelt. But I am so thankful for the lady who had selflessly held the hand of a crying stranger until they arrived.

    I was able to climb out on my own. I was assessed by paramedics and allowed to tow the truck home. I don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring. We are a middle class family who is down one vehicle in an economy that has not been kind to us. But I can still hear the ladies voice as she said, “You can always get another vehicle, but you can’t get another life.” We will all expire at some time. There are no exceptions. I have been reminded of this today. But it’s not today.

    What are some of the most mind-blowing celebrity facts?

    2023 08 14 10 45r
    2023 08 14 10 45r

    Have you ever wondered what that bar on the backs of trucks is for? Called the Mansfield bar, it was made mandatory after a horrifying accident involving actress Jayne Mansfield.

    2023 08 14 10 45
    2023 08 14 10 45

    On June 29th 1967, Jayne, her driver, lawyer and three kids were driving from Mississippi to New Orleans. The road was dark and visibility was poor as the drove in the early hours of the morning, and was unable to see the large truck in front of them. The 1966 Buick crashed into the back of the truck, slicing off the top of the car.

    The three adults including Jayne died on impact, but luckily the kids in the back survived. One of those kids is well known “Law and Order” actress “Mariska Hargitay.”

    2023 08 14 10 46z
    2023 08 14 10 46z

    As a result of the accident, the national highway traffic safety administration ordered all semis to have the bars installed.

    Have you met a person who you thought was ordinary but actually was from a powerful and wealthy family?

    Years ago in the early 90s I had a job in customer service for a telephone company. We had a girl start that was from somewhere down south and she had moved up into the Midwest because her husband got a job in the cattle industry. His job wasn’t normally a traveling job, but his first 2 years he had to do a lot of it to learn about the different livestock auctions, plants, etc. Just normal new hire stuff learning the industry.

    She wanted to go home for a long holiday weekend, but her husband couldn’t go because of her work schedule, so she asked one of their mutual friends if he wanted to go with her. He also worked there with us. (Totally innocent, this isn’t a cheating story.) She was always funny, down to earth, well dressed but not anything expensive. Think Younkers clothes instead of KMart, but not high end designer stuff. She had a nice new car but it was a low end base model compact. Everyone loved her and her down home southern attitude.

    Forward to next week, they had returned. The friend she took let us in on her secret.

    Her family was LOADED. They got to the city they lived in, Nashville I think. Her parents compound was walled, had live security on duty including the gate guard you see in movies. Garage full of Italian sports cars. A Rolls Royce with a chauffeur. In the front hall there was a hand-written check framed and signed by Jimmy Hoffa for 1mil. Uncashed.

    Turns out her grandfather had invented something to do with reefer units and was in the trucking industry. All the trucks with their family name I saw on the road were hers, but I didn’t know because she was married and had taken her husband’s last name.

    She chose to live a normal life with her husband and struggle like any other young couple instead of living off of her family’s wealth. She was just a sweet normal girl.

    China’s Next Generation Laser Weapons To Destroy US in 2.5 seconds Shocked The World

    How did Americans get so fat?

    Back in the 70’s, there was a HUGE war in the food industry. It was fat vs. sugar, and in the end, sugar came out victorious. I mean, to fight fat, don’t eat fat, right? Makes sense!


    The science wasn’t complete and the sugar manufacturers raised a lot of capital to get their message out… I mean, of course, “to buy politicians”.

    ALL of the evils perpetrated on the American people for as long as there have been any is due to political money. You can make anything a social issue if you buy the right congresspeople.

    So sugar was in and fat was out. Bacon was bad, but “diet candy” was good. This was all bullshit because no matter the form it’s in (glucose, high fructose corn syrup, molasses, honey, etc…), it’s all carbohydrates. If you have an excess of carbs and you’re not burning those empty calories, guess where that ends up?

    Plain and simple, if you have too many calories and you’re not using them, they will turn to fat. Any developing nation out there will tell you that rice, potatoes, and bread is the easiest way to get calories. Sugar just packs these calories more densely, but we’re programmed for it to taste good, so we just suck it up.

    Meanwhile, poor bacon, ham, and fried chicken are out here going, “NOO! We’re made with fat and protein! You can get calories from us, too!”

    Even salad is having a tough time of it. Go grab any random, name brand dressing off the shelf. I’m willing to bet within the first 5 ingredients will be either sugar, or something that ends in “-ose” (which is also sugar). Fuck, even our bread is unable to be labelled as bread in other countries because of the sugar levels. Subway in Europe sells sandwiches on cake.

    There’s something called “essential fats”. There is no such thing as “essential carbohydrates”.

    Penn and Teller had a show a while back called “Bullshit” that debunked all sorts of things. One episode was about weight loss. They had a stagehand who had recently lost a ton of weight. They pulled him out from backstage and said, “Tell the audience how you lost all that weight.”

    Dude looks straight into the camera and says, “I stopped eating so fucking much.”

    “Not the first and not the last” China-Russia joint naval patrol near Alaska — Global Times

    2023 08 14 10 42
    2023 08 14 10 42

    China and Russia’s third joint naval patrol that allegedly reached international waters near Alaska last week has touched the nerves of US media, which hyped the voyage as “highly provocative,” ignoring the fact that the US constantly sends warships and warplanes to China’s doorsteps for close-in reconnaissance and military exercises under the so-called freedom of navigation.

    11 Chinese and Russian vessels approached the Aleutian Islands and have since left without entering US territorial waters, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Sunday, citing US officials.

    Four US destroyers and a P-8 maritime patrol aircraft shadowed the combined Chinese and Russian naval force, the report said.

    While the WSJ report quoted a US Northern Command spokesperson who said the patrol remained in international waters and was not considered a threat, it also quoted US experts as saying the voyage “is a historical first” and “highly provocative.”

    The US media reports came after China’s Ministry of National Defense

    announced on July 26 that China and Russia would soon launch their third joint naval patrol, which would see both sides’ warships sail into West and North Pacific waters following the Northern/Interaction-2023 joint exercises in the Sea of Japan.

    The operation is not targeted against any third party and is not related to any international or regional situation, the Chinese Defense Ministry said in a press release at the time.Two Type 052D guided missile destroyers, two Type 054A guided missile frigates and a Type 903 comprehensive replenishment ship of the Chinese Navy are included in the flotilla, while the Russian Navy is represented by vessels including large anti-submarine ships and corvettes, according to media reports.

    The Northern/Interaction-2023 joint exercises and the subsequent joint naval patrol fully reflect the level of the strategic mutual trust between the two countries and further enhanced the traditional friendship between the Chinese and Russian militaries, said Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, a spokesperson at China’s Defense Ministry, at a regular press conference on July 27.

    China is willing to continue to boost pragmatic communication and cooperation with all parties and contribute positive forces in safeguarding regional peace and stability as well as deal with all kinds of security threats, Tan said.

    Despite that China and Russia announced the joint patrol, US media are attempting to hype the “China and Russia threat” theory, Zhuo Hua, an international affairs expert at the School of International Relations and Diplomacy of Beijing Foreign Studies University, told the Global Times on Monday.

    The China-Russia joint patrol in international waters in the North and West Pacific marks a positive force that helps safeguard regional stability and security of strategic routes in the Asia-Pacific region at a time when the US is enhancing combat readiness, rallying allies and partners in the region to change defense policies and expand militaries, which escalated regional tensions, Zhuo said.

    ‘Not first, not last’

    2023 08 14 10 43vvv
    2023 08 14 10 43vvv

    This is not the “historical first” that a China-Russia joint naval patrol flotilla has reached waters off Alaska as US media has claimed, as a similar case took place during the second joint naval patrol between the two countries in September 2022.

    At that time, only a lone US Coast Guard cutter was on the scene, compared to the USS John S. McCain, the USS Benfold, the USS John Finn and the USS Chung-Hoon destroyers and a P-8 maritime patrol aircraft deployed this time, the WSJ said.

    The US media linked such an escalation in US reaction to the Ukraine crisis and the Taiwan question, but such speculation is purely groundless and is aimed at throwing mud at the normal military cooperation between China and Russia, analysts said, noting US’ hegemonic mindset and its double standard are the true reasons behind its anxiety.

    The international waters in the North Pacific including the Bering Sea are important because from here ships can access the Arctic, Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military expert, told the Global Times on Monday.

    With the global warming, the Arctic shipping routes could become key passages for civilian ships to carry out commercial activities, Fu said.

    While the joint patrols by China and Russia aim to safeguard the security of key strategic routes, the US wants to control the passages out of its hegemonic mindset, experts said.

    The US is nervous because the Bering Sea is close to Alaska, but the US should not forget that it frequently sends warships and warplanes to other countries’ doorsteps for so-called freedom of navigation operations, including to the South China Sea and the Taiwan Straits, sometimes alone and sometimes together with other countries’ forces, Fu said.

    While the China-Russia joint flotilla did not enter US territorial waters, US warships have in many occasions trespassed into Chinese territorial waters in the South China Sea.

    It is ironic that all US forces involved in shadowing the China-Russia joint flotilla have provoked China on Chinese doorsteps, observers said. The USS John S. McCain, the USS Benfold, the USS John Finn and the USS Chung-Hoon destroyers and a P-8 maritime patrol aircraft have all made transits in the Taiwan Straits in the past, while the USS John S. McCain, the USS Benfold and the USS Chung-Hoon have records of being expelled after trespassing into Chinese territorial waters in the South China Sea.

    It exposes the US’ double standard that only allows its military presence near other countries and not accepts other countries’ military presence near it, observers said, urging the US to reflect on itself.

    From a military perspective, the four US destroyers and a US patrol aircraft could only monitor the China-Russia joint flotilla of 11 warships, and were not capable of doing anything more than that, analysts said.

    “In the future, the Chinese Navy could conduct more far sea patrols like this, either alone or together with other countries. The Americans should get use to it,” Fu said.

    Before the China-Russia joint naval patrols, Chinese naval warships had already reached international waters near Alaska.

    Once such case was in August 2021, in which a four-ship Chinese naval flotilla led by a Type 055 10,000 ton-class large destroyer was reportedly spotted by the US Coast Guard in the US Exclusive Economic Zone, off the coast of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska


    In 2015, five PLA Navy ships transited expeditiously and continuously through the Aleutian Island chain in a manner consistent with international law, the US Naval Institute News reported at the time. It was an “innocent passage” within 12 nautical miles of the Aleutian Islands, the report said.

    Chinese experts said this kind of far sea exercise serves as a countermeasure and a signal against the US hegemonic actions of frequently making provocations near China in the name of freedom of navigation.

    the GIRLS REACT to *Alien (1979)* IT’S SO SCARY!! (First Time Watching) Horror Movies

    What are some unbelievable yet true stories and facts?

    2023 08 14 10 40
    2023 08 14 10 40

    On June 3rd 2022, 3-year-old Ryker Webb went missing from his home in Montana wearing just his onesie. The area was in the middle of the wilderness, inhabited by Mountain Lions, Bears and on the evening he went missing, there was a severe thunderstorm.

    His distraught parents feared the worse until they got the call that he had been found. He was discovered two days later on the Sunday, and 2.5 miles from his house.

    2023 08 14 10 41e
    2023 08 14 10 41e

    A couple heard whimpering from their shed and found Ryker wrapped in a lawnmower-bag to keep warm in the nearly freezing temperatures. When they first found him they said he was hungry and tired, but for his circumstances he was a pretty up-beat mood.

    When they questioned him he said that he went for a really long walk and got tired. It is believed he seen the shed and took shelter during the thunder storm and stayed there for 2 days worrying about ever seeing his parents again.

    Damn, my kids wouldn’t survive an hour.

    What are your thoughts about the American missionary who died in North Sentinel Island?

    I think trying to spread his religion was a lie.

    A little context:

    John Chau, 26-year-old American evangelical missionary.

    2023 08 13 18 28
    2023 08 13 18 28

    He was unalived* by an isolated tribe he was trying to convert to Christianity.

    The islanders are notorious for being hostile for outsiders to even visit, let alone throw Bibles at, yet John clearly wasn’t one to apply self-preservation.

    One of the very few photos taken of the natives of the tribe, 1970s.

    2023 08 13 18 2s9
    2023 08 13 18 2s9

    It is illegal under the Protection of Aboriginal Tribes regulations to visit without government permission – John did not obtain this. He seemingly had no respect for the law of the land.

    Two local fishermen would take him partway to the island and no further. They let him approach the island on a canoe by himself.

    For several days, he persistently made several attempts to communicate with the tribe from the safety of his canoe.

    He documented in his journal that they laughed at him, they stared at him, and yelled words he didn’t understand.

    On his second-last day a boy shot an arrow through his Bible. He didn’t take for the warning it obviously was.

    On his final day, he told the fishermen to leave without him.

    The next day they saw his body on the shore. Cautious attempts were made to retrieve his body but no one ever did.

    John was an adventurer.

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    2023 08 13 18 29a

    He was known among his friends for being a thrill-seeker. Throughout his youth he indulged in camping, hiking, et.c.

    My point being he went there for himself. Not just religion.

    There’s a reason why the government needs to give permission for outsiders to visit. There’s a reason why even the surrounding locals won’t set foot on that island.

    John ignored all the rules.

    He went there for himself, to fulfill his thrill-seeking, adventurist desires.

    He found the adventure he was looking for.

    What was the most racist thing you have experienced yourself?

    I moved to the U.S. 5 weeks later, COVID happened.

    All the dreams about off-roading trips, going to places, exploring America went out the window.

    Social distancing; lockdown. People went crazy buying hand soaps; toilet papers. There was a time even flour and yeast also shortage

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    One afternoon, I was at the grocery store, suddenly I felt something hit my back. I turned around. It was a woman threw a toilet paper bag at me. She yelled: “Go fucking back to your country! You Chinese fuckers! You brought that fucking virus here!”

    I picked the toilet paper bag, put it back on the shelf, then I told her: “First of all, I am not Chinese. Second, in case you don’t know, airlines are shutting down, it’s quite difficult to travel right now. Third, you should apologize to me, because I think what you did is on tape” – I pointed at the camera. She ran away.

    I’m not sure when I will be able to forget that memory.

    2023 08 14 10 31
    2023 08 14 10 31

    Have you ever walked into a room and seen something that made you go, “Nope,” and turn 180 degrees and walk away? What was it?

    Yes. As a Captain and Company Commander in the Army Reserves I was running an errand in the rural south with one of my high-ranking NCOs, a Sergeant First Class. We needed to stop for lunch, so I pulled up to the sort of small country diner at which I like to dine from time-to-time in the countryside.

    My Sgt was African-American. Let’s call him “SFC T.” We were wearing our camouflaged combat fatigues.

    SFC T said, “I don’t think we should stop here, sir. This is the local KKK hangout.” I chuckled and said, “Sgt T, this is the 1990’s, not the 1960’s. What are you talking about?” And he replied, “Sir, look at the sign. See how it says ‘Karla’s Kountry Kitchen?’ See how they spell it ‘Karla’ with a ‘K,’ ‘Kountry’ with a ‘K,’ ‘Kitchen’ with a ‘K?’ And see how the ‘K’s are painted different colors than the other letters? It’s the local KKK hangout.” I laughed and dismissed his concerns, saying lightheartedly, “Sgt T, you are totally full of shit. Now get out of the car, we are going in for lunch.”

    Understand, I was an officer who ALWAYS very strongly respected, listened to, and relied upon my NCOs. But this was not a military matter and, although I knew racism still existed, it simply was beyond my comprehension that overt, hostile, potentially violent KKK shit could still exist in the 1990’s. In our area? Right out in the open amongst everyone? With a sign above the door? It was as if someone was telling me the earth had two moons.

    I opened the door to the cafe and took about three big steps inside, with SFC T right behind me. The place was packed. Immediately, all conversation ceased. Stone cold silence. Simultaneously, every single head in the entire restaurant turned to stare at us. And although no movie soundtrack of impending doom started playing in the background, my mood immediately shifted, from happy-go-lucky Captain anticipating a great country meal with one of my best NCOs, to fight or flight mode anticipating danger and potential violence.

    I needed go no farther. I looked over my shoulder and said quietly, “Sgt T, let’s get the f__k out of here.” So we turned, walked straight back out out, and jumped in my car. I cranked it up and drive off at high speed.

    Of course, I felt absolutely terrible. Terrible for not believing SFC T or listening to his concerns. Terrible for placing us, and particularly him, in a potentially dangerous situation. Terrible for being so incredibly naive as to have no idea that such bullshit still existed.

    I apologized profusely to SFC T as we were driving away. Frankly, he seemed more amused than anything, watching my eyes open and the light bulb go on in my brain.

    The more I thought about it, however, the more I found it a very valuable experience. Because I witnessed first hand how two intelligent people, coming from two different backgrounds and, particularly, races, can view exactly the same situation but see two totally different realities. Or, more precisely, one complacent fiction and one harsh reality. And I’ve never forgotten it.

    So 30 years later, when I hear people dismiss BLM protests, or fail to see as victims black men who die at the hands of police in questionable circumstances, I think of SFC T and Karla’s Kountry Kitchen. And I marvel at how many people still need to open their eyes.

    REACTING to *Aliens (1986)* THE GREATEST SEQUEL?? (First Time Watching) Sci-fi Movies

    What are some mind-blowing facts that sound unreal but are actually true?

    Originally Answered: What are some mind-blowing facts that sound like ‘BS’, but are actually true?

    Liquor and wine are illegal in the U.S. unless they are radioactive. When tested, drinking alcohol is required to have at least 400 radioactive decays per minute for each 750 ml.

    Explanation: The United States government has decided that alcohol for consumption must be made from “natural” materials, such as grains, grapes, or fruit. That rules out alcohol made from petroleum. Such alcohol is chemically identical to natural alcohol and just as safe – there’s no difference in taste — so why this rule? The reasons have to do with history (keeping alcohol more expensive, a goal of the anti-alcohol lobby) and minimizing competition (a goal of the liquor lobby).

    How can you tell the difference between natural alcohol and alcohol made from petroleum? There’s no chemical difference. The United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, charged with enforcing the natural alcohol rule, has only one reliable test: check for radioactivity. Natural alcohol gets its carbon from plants; the plants got the carbon from atmospheric carbon dioxide. As explained on the previous pages, atmospheric carbon dioxide is radioactive because of the continued bombardment of cosmic rays – particles coming from space that collide with nitrogen molecules and turn it into C-14, radiocarbon. Only one atom in a trillion carbons in the atmosphere is radiocarbon, but that’s enough to be detectable. (One of the authors of this book, RM, invented the most sensitive way to detect C-14, called “Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.”)

    Petroleum was also made from atmospheric carbon, but it was buried hundreds of millions of years ago, isolated from the radioactive atmosphere. Radiocarbon has a half-life of about 5700 years, and after a hundred million years, there is nary an atom of C-14 left.

    True, bootleggers could get some C-14 and add it to illegal liquor. But that’s beyond the skill set of most of them.

    Have you ever watched a movie in an empty movie theater?

    Yeah, on May 30, 1989, although my mom was with me.

    It was my birthday. Ever since I was a kid, I had wanted to see Cats on Broadway, so my mom decided to take me for my 16th birthday. She picked me up from my dad’s house, we made the hour-long drive into Manhattan… and saw the big “SOLD OUT” sign outside the Winter Garden Theater. I was bitterly disappointed — sold out on a weekday??

    Mom said, well, let’s get lunch and go to the movies instead, and asked if there was anything in particular I wanted to see.

    Actually, yes, I told her. Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure.

    My mom was awesome. She didn’t even ask what it was about or anything. We went to the diner and got some burgers and milkshakes, then to a movie theater in Peekskill, New York.

    We were the only ones there, but we didn’t care. I loved it, and Mom loved it, too. My mother had this fantastic, loud, goofy laugh, and it echoed through the empty theater. I’m not sure which of us enjoyed Bill and Ted’s historical antics more, and by the time the credits rolled, I wasn’t so bummed that Cats had been sold out.

    That would be the last movie I’d ever see in the theater with my mom. She had 4th stage breast cancer, see, that had metastasized to the brain, and early the next year, they’d find her 3rd brain tumor. She died in November 1990, when she was 54 and I was 17.

    Thinking about that day makes me miss my mom something fierce, and especially that big, goofy Kay Truex laugh, echoing in a theater that we didn’t have to share with anyone else. I’m glad we were the only ones there, and that we spent that day in a crummy movie theater alone, rather than on Broadway with a crowd of people.

    It was just for us.

    Me and my mom on her 54th birthday, March 1990. I’m not sure it’s the last photo ever taken of us together, but it’s the last one I still have. Was she a historical babe or what?

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    Scott Ritter: China is Ready for WAR Over Taiwan as Blinken’s “Diplomacy” Fails

    2023 08 14 10 35
    2023 08 14 10 35

    Why does the Chinese government publicly say that its gold reserves are 2,000 tons when most people believe that it is actually more than 7,000 tons?

    China has lots of secrets

    China discloses very little

    As to Gold, I am certain China has more than 2300 Tonnes as Reserves

    Yet 7000 is ridiculous

    Nobody can acquire so much Gold without a market shock

    In 2015, a very reasonable analysis predicted that China’s actual reserves would amount to 98.8 Million Troy Ounces or 3073 Tonnes

    This was based on buy patterns of Gold by China’s private players increasing 219% between 2009–2015 while China revealed it’s reserves to grow only by 62%

    So many experts reliably predicted China’s Gold Reserves were actually close to 3073 Tonnes and not 1658 Tonnes as claimed by China

    From 2015–2023 based on buying patterns China purchased directly through the Central Bank around 661 tonnes

    Private players purchases remain confidential and Gold purchases in Yuan with Russia and UAE remain confidential

    Assuming 25% of the buying by private players compared to 2009–2015 and 15% of the quantity of gold from Russia and UAE in Yuan than they did in Dollars

    That’s around 398 Tonnes roughly

    Thus China’s estimated real reserves could be = 3073 + 661+ 398 = 4132 Tonnes

    So China may have around 4132 Tonnes of Gold in its reserves

    Likewise China’s real reserves may be between $ 4–4.6 Trillion

    Why is the US so worked up over a 28nm equipment from China when it can make even 3nm chips?


    That’s because this 28nm DUV Lithography machine is FULLY INDIGENOUS and has come to the commercial line in 3 Years and 10 months

    There are 15,800 components in this machine and everyone if them is MADE IN CHINA

    The Wafer layering is also Chinese

    The Final Tested 28nm Chip had a 94.1% yield which is only 1.7% lower than the 95.8% that a 28nm chip made with Western equipment delivers

    Even 7% was acceptable by the Chinese (88.8% Yield) so a 94.1% yield was OUTSTANDING

    The Chip is estimated to be priced at 4840 Yuan for a stack compared to 5410 Yuan for a stack of 28nm chips that use Western Equipment and are made in China

    That’s a 12.50% price cut

    Experts estimate that the same 28nm chips being made in Taiwan or Korea using Western equipment would cost 7200 Yuan or almost 50% higher than China’s price

    This Machine is now commercial which means by 2027 it will replace existing western DUV equipment completely and also have enhanced quality

    This means China have gained full Independence in their 28 nm Chips from any Western Control and technology

    Until now it was possible only for 90 nm Chips and above

    Thats not why the US is mad though

    This was something that was expected by the US the minute the same equipment passed protocol stage in 2018 May with a 59% Yield (Now 94.1%)

    It entered Commercial phase in 2019 December

    The US is mad because China can use these 28 nm Chips and stack them and get the equivalent of 14 nm and even 7 nm chips

    China has made massive strides in stacking

    It means China can now have fully Indigenous 14 nm Chips at 89% of the quality that the West delivers and Indigenous 7% Chips at 70.1% of the quality that the West delivers

    Now these stacked chips cannot be used commercially as their price would be too high (A 28 nm Chip stacked as a 14 nm would cost 91400 Yuan a stack against a mere 11260 Yuan that it would cost for a Western Equipment made 14 nm Chip in China and 16220 Yuan for a stack made in Taiwan)

    However they can be used in Defence applications and National Security related applications where China won’t mind the higher price in exchange for more flexibility

    Better to have 71% Quality home chips at 11 times the price for Defence Equipment than have none at all and have a 100% disadvantage with the West

    Thats why the US is hopping mad

    A Senator named Tom Cotton said this was all Bidens fault and he was too slow and gave too much time for China to catch up

    China still has a long way to go

    China is around 3/4 the way there

    It still needs the last 25% of the race against the toughest of circumstances

    9 things Australians are not being told about US military deal

    No, the astonishingly expensive tie-up between Australia and the US military deal is NOT about defense of the country, nor is it about bringing stability to Asia. The opposite is true, and Asians know it. The Australians stand to lose a great deal, not just in terms of money, but in the great relationships that they have built with the rest of Asia over many decades, and in the world’s understanding of the Australian character.

    THE TRUTH! Oliver Anthony Reaction – Rich Men North of Richmond

    2023 08 20 11 32
    2023 08 20 11 32

    Summer is a time for fun

    I remember growing up as a boy in Western Pennsylvania and walking though the woods. We had some virgin forests; these were deep and located in ravines. With massive old trees, land of endless moss and loom, and with the smells of rich and dark earth. It was dim, gloomy but so very much alive.

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    pexels photo 338936 1160×673 1

    We had timbered areas where the trees were cut down and soft off, and were now a wasteland with small plants and trees trying to reclaim the land. It was a lot like walking on Mars with an occasional “Christmas tree” here and there.

    We had light woods, and pine trees. Aspen forest which were fun to hike though, and areas what was nothing but undergrowth. We also had lands that were dense pine.


    We (us boys) would access these various areas, not by roads, but by the long forgotten railroad tracks of yore that wound in and out between the hills and took us to areas “well off the beaten path”. And there, often enough, we would find the remains of old highways and paved roads that were forgotten when newer and faster roads were built nearby.

    I imagine that boys and girls can still enjoy the natural aspects of life if they take the time to branch out and explore.

    cooking hot dogs over a campfire tim laman
    cooking hot dogs over a campfire tim laman

    Perhaps, if you have the time, make a day trip and see what lies just over that next hill. You might well be surprised.

    It doesn’t take much to have some fun.

    Buy a pack of hotdogs, some buns, and some disposable tubes of mustard, ketchup from a fast food joint. Bring a lighter.

    Woman chooses sausages in a vacuum package at the grocery store
    Woman chooses sausages in a vacuum package at the grocery store

    Beer is too heavy to carry, but a bottle of wine, or whiskey isn’t. Just take it easy and have a great time.


    Tomatoes and corn are ripe now, as are apple trees laden with fruit.

    What can emerging economies such as Thailand, Brazil, India, and Indonesia do today to help the US deter Chinese influence in Africa?

    Haha. Are you paranoid about China? If yes, you must be listening too much to western esp US propaganda.

    Brazil & India are a member of BRICS. Indonesia is applying to join BRICS.

    In total, about 44 countries are interested in BRICS with 20+ applying to join. Even France is asking to be an observer.

    All BRICS members & to-be-members have 1 thing in common: all suffered from US monetary & financial hegemony. All want dedollarisation & stay out of US SWIFT banking system.

    It is a global effort since Ukraine war to “beat” US monetary & financial hegemony.

    Now, you are asking these countries to “deter” Chinese influence in, say, Africa???

    I bet they all want Chinese has a bigger influence anywhere incl Africa. The bigger the influence is, the sooner they can beat US hegemony.

    Do you know 60% of Brazilians are poor? It is because US capitalists have sucked up Brazil’s natural resources. Brazil is the most zealous to beat US hegemony.

    Dont be paranoid about China. Dedollarization is not initiated by China. Just that China’s economy is stable & the world find confidence to use Chinese yuan to replace USD. That is all.

    Nothing to do with China. Everything to do with USA itself who shoot its own foot.

    Star Trek Next Generation – Earth Colony Turkana IV

    U.S. War Machine Is KILLING The U.S. Middle Class – RFK Jr.

    What can American politicians do to restore the middle class in this country? The first step, says Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is to stop warmongering all over the globe, spending countless billions on weaponry, building military bases and “flexing our muscle” in every corner of the planet. Jimmy talks to RFK Jr. about where the $800+ billion a year in “defense” spending could better be spent.

    2023 08 03 21 05
    2023 08 03 21 05

    I stood there dumbfounded…

    I lost my 35-year-old, soulmate husband unexpectedly on Memorial Day morning. I had gotten up to find him on the driveway of our home and had tried to revive him while waiting for EMS but it was too late. He had had a gran mal seizure and had what the medical examiner ruled a “Terminal Event” and was taken from me and his daughter that idolized him, that day. Needless to say, it was a horrible, traumatic day such that I wondered if I would ever be able to get out of bed again.

    After several months I had decided to try to return to work when I was met by a co-worker who hugged me and asked how I was and said she was so happy to see me. She then said to me “My family and I have been praying hard to you. We have been praying that you will get cancer really soon so you can be with him because we know how much you love him.” I stood there dumbfounded with the hideousness of that statement. She then handed me a CD she had made for me (that I only played years later out of curiosity) that was full of the most tragic and mournful music I ever heard. I made it through about two hours at work that day but then went home and did not return for several more months. What little bit of healing had been shattered by that comment. When I did finally return, I avoided her like the plague. She was just one of many wholly inappropriate comments made by those who I thought cared for me.

    People! Pleasssssssssse just give those new to loss, a hug and tell them you are sorry for their loss. Deem anything else inappropriate.

    EDIT: Thanks so much for all of the support. I really do appreciate it.

    This woman became famous at work for her strange replies to many things so I came to feel it wasn’t personal. Some examples: She stated it would have been much better if Elizabeth Smart had died instead of being found, because now she was “sullied and would never be wanted or accepted by people again.” She also came in one day telling everyone that her 14 year old daughter had “caught scabies” from holding hands with her boyfriend. The odd thing was she acted proud of it.

    Like my granddad used to say ”takes all kinds”.

    Sheet Pan Fish and Chips

    Please your palate with a Sheet Pan Fish and Chips recipe that’s full of flavor. This dish’s major perk is the convenience of a single pan for cooking (no frying required). And the great flavors of Old Bay® and McCormick® Tartar Sauce.

    fish and chips 4
    fish and chips 4

    Yield: 4 servings


    • 1/4 cup buttermilk
    • 5 teaspoons Old Bay® Seasoning, divided
    • 1 pound cod fillets, cut into 4 x 2 inch pieces
    • 2 large russet potatoes, cut into wedges (about 1 1/2 pounds)
    • 1 tablespoon oil
    • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
    • 1 egg
    • 1 cup cornflake crumbs
    • McCormick® Original Tartar Sauce for Seafood


    1. Heat oven to 450 degrees F.
    2. Mix buttermilk and 1 teaspoon of the Old Bay in large resealable plastic bag. Add fish; seal bag. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.
    3. Toss potatoes and oil in large bowl. Sprinkle with another 2 teaspoons of Old Bay; toss to coat evenly. Spread potatoes in single layer on foil-lined 15 x 10 x 1 inch baking pan sprayed with no stick cooking spray. Bake for 25 minutes, turning potatoes halfway through cooking. Remove pan from oven. Push potatoes to outside edge of pan. Set aside.
    4. Place flour in a shallow dish.
    5. Beat egg, another 1 teaspoon of Old Bay and 1 teaspoon water in a separate shallow dish.
    6. Mix cornflake crumbs and remaining 1 teaspoon Old Bay in another shallow dish.
    7. Remove fish from buttermilk mixture, allowing excess to drip off into bag.
    8. Coat fish in flour, shaking off excess flour. Dip into egg mixture, then press into cornflake mixture until evenly coated. Discard any remaining flour, egg and cornflake mixtures. Place fish on a wire rack in center of pan with the potatoes.
    9. Bake for 15 minutes or until fish is golden brown and flakes easily with a fork and potatoes are tender.
    10. Serve fish with potatoes and tartar sauce, if desired.

    Douglas Macgregor- Russian Counter-Offensive !

    What did you eat when nobody invited you for Thanksgiving dinner?

    When my oldest daughter was about a year and a half I called my father to ask if my house mate could join our large family for Thanksgiving dinner. You see I had no car and buses did not run in our area on holidays. My father said NO. He preferred I not bring a guest. I said, I don’t have a ride. He said he was sorry and that we would be missed. I was embarrassed and heartbroken as I relayed the news to my friend. Later he was invited to join friends at a party where children were not allowed.

    Long story short, we shared a baked potato and I didn’t eat dinner with my family for another 10 years. In those years I hosted dinner for friends and strangers I knew to be alone for the holidays. The pain and loneliness of that long ago day still lives with me. My daughter is now 42, my father is gone and I host gatherings where no one is ever turned away!

    Sanctions Are Working / Have Failed

    Susan found and sent these:

    Spectator, Aug 6, 2022 – Sanctions are working – whatever Putin says

    2023 08 04 08 02
    2023 08 04 08 02

      Spectator, May 13, 2023 – Why the economic war against Russia has failed

    2023 08 04 08 0e2
    2023 08 04 08 0e2

    Similar headlines or sentiments will be found in pretty much any other ‘western’ magazine that still has some integrity.

    The catastrophic consequences  of  sanctioning Russia without any realistic assessment of its, and one’s own economies should have led to a serious clean up of all state and international bureaucracies involved in it.

    Alas, we have yet to see that anyone who was involved has been punished for these horrendous mistakes.

    The very same people are now involved in finding ‘solutions’ for the mess their shortsightedness created.

    It is no wonder then that people will vote for anyone other than those in charge.

    Posted by b at 6:31 UTC | Comments (289)

    Gonzalo Lira MISSING After FLEEING To Ukraine Border

    May God protect Gonzalo.

    The doctor broke down in the delivery room.

    2023 08 05 11 46
    2023 08 05 11 46

    The doctor went on to share the woman’s story, explaining that she had spent 14 years trying to conceive, trying “tried all treatments including injections and artificial insemination” to fall pregnant.

    2023 08 05 11 47
    2023 08 05 11 47

    Finally, she fell pregnant, carrying her baby to term despite having “a large tumour”

    “When she was pregnant, this tumour began to melt and everything was fine,” he said.

    “During the time of delivery, the husband rushed to me and stayed for seven hours until we decided to cut her abdomen.

    “She carried her child in her arms and smiled and then departed.

    “The mother died and the child lived, her husband fainted at the news of her death.

    The doctor channeled his grief into a powerful message, which feels particularly poignant in the lead-up to Mother’s Day.

    “Please respect women because they are dying to bring you new life,” he said.

    “If you suffer the pain of childbirth for hours and spend long nights in raising your children, it is the greatest sacrifice.

    “If you do not talk to your mother for any reason, please go and contact them now.

    “Show your love for women and respect them.”

    What are American customs that seem weird to foreigners?

    In case my Chinese countrymen haven’t mentioned:

    Drinking ice water ALL THE TIME. ALLLLL THE TIME!!!!!

    Regardless of temperature or occasion, summer or winter, you ask for a cup of water, and most likely, they’ll give you a cup of ice with some water in it. I have to specifically ask for “no ice” every time I visit a restaurant. My Chinese stomach can’t take it. Like many Chinese people, I grew up drinking hot tea or lukewarm/room temperature boiled water (which we call 白开水, white boiled water). Ice water (especially in winter) is said to be bad for you. If you ask for water in Chinese restaurants (in China), 9 out 10 times, they’ll give you a cup of hot water right out of the boiler, and that 1 time you get lukewarm water.

    But I understand all the health talks are just groundless old wives’ tales. There’s no scientific study to support ice water is bad for your body. If I seem defensive, that’s because I’ve mentioned this once before on Quora, and a wave of angry Americans came to tell me I was wrong and ice water is perfectly fine.

    Ice water is perfectly fine, Americans. I’m not saying it’s bad. No need to get angry with me all over again.

    I’m just saying it’s a weird custom for the Chinese, and I personally prefer lukewarm water or hot tea.

    What are some of the differences between wealth and money?

    Money is: When you are a Doctor or Lawyer or what ever (Business owner) making $450,000 per year and with full benefits but needing to work full time and even overtime to maintain that (60 hours+). You enjoy access to a country club in Beverly Hills for a monthly fee — and you go golfing in the summer — and you go hunting in Canada on yearly vacation.

    You also own a big house in Beverly Hills but with a mortgage and a boat at the Marina Del Rey Docs, but it’s financed. Your kids go to private schools and with tutors if need be. You drive both a Benz and a Ferrari but you drive your own cars. The cars are financed. Your wife doesn’t work. You have a private chef that comes over and cooks your family meals.

    With a safe stacked with cash incase of a rainy day, you don’t worry so much if you have to call in to work sick or if you need to take off for a few days.

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    main qimg 369717d562b80ebe25a87d23b6773f42

    You have money to basically do what you want but to a degree. You own stocks and wondering if you have enough put away for early retirement or if you need to work ‘till 65 to be on the safe side. You worry about a stock market crash and wonder if that could affect your retirement.

    Wealth is: Owning 9 gas stations (inherited from your father). And your older brother has even more businesses than you do. Collectively, your family is like a financial empire (family wealth).

    You have private doctors that make house calls — what ever medical specialists you need. You don’t work a job. Your ‘job’ is only to look after your businesses. Not only are you set up for retirement but your children are also set up: financially stable, with their own retirement accounts. You prepare your children to run the family businesses when they come of age. You do not prepare them or encourage them to work a job. ‘You don’t work — you own.’

    You have what they call ‘generational wealth.’ Most of the financial assets you have are tied to a family trust. Having both accountants and lawyers on payroll, your most important lawyer charges $750 per hour for legal advice — and he’s totally worth it!

    You own a mansion in Beverly Hills, CA and another in the Hamptons, NY — no mortgage, all paid off. You employ a live in Butler and a live in Maid. And you have a chauffeur to drive you around while you ponder your next business venture — or while you just take a nap in the back seat.

    A trust says you have 25% ownership of that same country club in Beverly Hills and your siblings own the rest. Including the country club, the gas stations and maintaining both residences, you employ over 100+ workers; most are paid hourly rates.

    You have a safe — filled with gold!

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    You don’t have rainy days…

    You have basically the money to do what ever you want within reason.

    A nice portion of your wealth is sitting in the stock market but every time the market crashes you barely blink. From your dividend stocks alone you earn a healthy wage — $332,000 per year and that number seems to be gradually increasing more than inflation.

    You have free cash to buy more shares when the market corrects and prices come down, a trick you learned from your father.

    Tonight is the gala. You can donate money to your favorite political candidates.

    Africa Stands Up to US Cold War Bullying Against China & Russia, w/ Kambale Musavuli

    What would the average person look like competing against actual Olympians in the Olympics?

    This gave me second-hand embarrassment.

    On Tuesday (Aug 1st) during the women’s 100-meter race at the World University Games in China, the Somalian runner performed so badly it had to be a joke.

    Even when she stepped up to the mark you could tell she was not in tiptop shape like her fellow competitors.

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    On your marks

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    Get set


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    Questions were asked, and it came to light that she was not a trained athlete and was actually the niece of Somalia’s Athletics Federation Chairperson. It couldn’t possibly be nepotism, right? No way.

    I do love to see what happens when people who abuse their little powers in their own countries try that shit outside.

    The Chairperson’s face was plastered all over social media, called a national embarrassment and suspended.

    What would the average person look like competing against actual Olympians in the Olympics?

    They would look pathetic.

    It should be acceptable to let hacklers of every sport be thrown onto the field every now and then to see how easy it is.

    People underestimate the sheer hard work and sacrifice athletes put in, just because when they’re competing against each other in sporting events such as the Olympics it does not look that impressive. Throw in an average person and we’d appreciate the difference.

    What’s the homework that your child was given by the teacher that shocked you?

    When my son was in first grade, the teacher sent home a math sheet that included a problem that went something like: “If a pyramid has five balls at the base, then four, then three, etc., how many balls are there?”

    My son went to work figuring that the base would have 25 balls, (5 X 5), then 16 balls (4 X 4), then 9 (3 X 3), then 4 (2 X 2) and then 1 ball at the top. Total = 55.

    She marked it wrong.

    Evidently the “right” answer was 15 (5+4 +3+2+1).

    When I saw this I brought the paper back to her and asked why it was wrong.

    When I explained to her that my son had solved for it as a 3-dimensional pyramid, she went beet red and admitted that she hadn’t recognized what he had done.

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    Needless to say, he was eventually placed in a G&T (Gifted and Talented) program.

    What’s the homework that your child was given by the teacher that shocked you?

    Oh SH*T! Now Kenya is INVADING Haiti?

    The U.S. government will provide Kenya with the “resources” – presumably this means money, weapons and training – necessary to lead an invasion of Haiti, pending UNSC approval. Kenya will conduct an assessment mission to Haiti in the coming weeks. So, we’ve outsourced the invasion of Haiti. Why? Redacted correspondent Dan Cohen reports on this.

    What did someone do or say at the bank that made you say, “You gotta be kidding me!”?

    Back around 1995, I received and Bank Draft for an insurance settlement. I opened a separate account with the draft and added $1000 cash. I was told the draft would take 10–14 business days, after a month, 20 business days i was told it would take 10–14 business days. I explained it was already 20 business days. I was told I knew nothing about banking and I should just wait. I asked for $500 cash out of that account and was told that the funds were not available in that account. I tried to explain I had put in $1000 cash and was curious how long cash took to clear. She brushed me off.

    I then told her I wanted to close my other accounts at that bank. A small savings account for Christmas had about $800. My checking had a over $5000. My two company accounts had in excess of $100000. I told her I wanted all cash because i didn’t know anything about banking. I let her know I would be back at 3 PM the next day for all my money. I went back to work. By the time I got there I had messages from 5 different people at that branch and other branches. I waited until one called again, the branch manager BM. “What are you closing all your accounts?”

    “I am not closing all of them yet, just those 4.”

    BM. “Why? What happened?”

    Me. “I was told I didn’t know anything about banking. I deposited a bank draft a month ago and the funds are not yet available. Also the $1000 cash deposited at the same time is not available for withdrawal. And by the way, I called the bank the draft was on, it cleared 3 weeks ago. But hey, I don’t know anything about banking.”

    BM. “I don’t know who told you that, I will look into it. And we don’t have that much cash at this branch to give you. Aren’t you worried about getting robbed with that much cash?”

    Me. “Only if someone at the bank blabs about it. Besides I will be bringing my own security. And I gave you 24 hrs to get the cash in the branch.”

    BM. “Come in tomorrow and let’s talk about this.”

    Me. “I will be there at 3PM to pick up the cash. I have already have the accountant opening accounts for us. My family and our company have been there over 50 yrs. But I have never been so disappointed in the bank. I asked the teller, how long it took cash to be available and she ignored me. I asked her twice. That’s when I told her to start closing accounts.

    The next day the bank arranged a transfer of the funds to our new bank. I closed my personal accounts and refinanced the home loan I had with them.

    I may not know about banking, but I do know what customer service is.

    China’s DJI Refuses India’s 1.5 Billion Rupee Order, Leaving India in Disarray.

    About DJI drones we must remember that at the start of his economic sanctions against China, Trump had ordered the DOD to get rid of all the Chinese products in their arsenal and replace them with more costly US products. A year after there was a ton of complaints from the military personel that the more costly US made military drones were underperforming the DJI drones that they were replacing. That’s why the DJI drones have 75% of the world market. Their quality/price ratio are unbeatable for all of their product line.

    DJI is wise to refuse India’s order of 1.5 billion rupees. BYD too knew how India works and demanded full payment prior to delivery of the electrical buses. India has been criticizing China but now trying to fool Chinese companies to grab money. Manny American companies have suffered a huge loss of investments because of India’s ‘money grappling’ policy. Foxconn a.o. are running away from India and back to China as they have great difficulties in India. One should be aware of the risk in investing in India as it may outweigh the benefit.

    Why did France cut aid to Niger right after these poor people just endured a military coup? Starving a nation without warning in the middle of a crisis, isn’t that an act of terrorism?

    Russia is there to give them Wheat without them needing Dollars

    Russia will sell them Wheat for Barter

    Russia will give them weapons, trained troops and Wheat in exchange for Gold and Uranium

    Behind the scenes is of course China ready to finance the entire deals in their stockpiles of US Dollars

    Why would Niger need French or US Aid now ?

    That cutting off Aid isnt gonna work anymore sadly

    Hell No! U.S. considers a military DRAFT to build up failing forces

    Are you prepared to send your loved ones to war? Members of Congress along with retired military are pushing the idea of a military draft in The United States. One retired colonel is calling for a hybrid approach using both a volunteer force and drafted force. How about we stop our imperial aggression around the world?

    What were some unexpected/ funny ways criminals got caught?

    2023 08 03 21 28
    2023 08 03 21 28

    Hitman outsourced a murder to a hitman, who hired a hitman, who hired a hitman.

    Chinese police charge six, including 5 hitmen with intentional homicide, after all the men tried to outsource the killing to each other. The intricate, would-be job was first contracted by real estate developer Tan Youhui in October 2013, who wanted to kill a rival developer who sued his company over a dispute over a development.

    Tan paid Xi Guangan around $282,800 for the job. Guangan then took the money, and used half to hire another hitman, Mo Tianxiang, to do the job.

    Mo Tianxiang then hired another hitman Yang Kangsheng and gave him a photo of the target, promising half of the money that was promised to him on completion of the Job. Yang then offered the job to another hitman with the same promise.

    The last hitman then outsourced the Job to Ling Xiansi, for a measly $14,000. Ling, rather than pass the job on to someone else, ended up reaching out to the rival developer to tell him about the hit out for him. Ling and the developer ended up faking the murder, staging an image of the developer with his hands tied, which then circulated through the chain of hitmen back to Tan, the businessman who hired the first hitman. By this time the developer had already reported his attempted murder to police. Who were able to quickly arrest the suspects.

    All five hitmen were sentenced to between two to four years in prison in a court in the Guangxi region, while the developer who requested the hit, was sentenced to five years.

    Things You CAN Do in China (You CAN’T Do in America)

    If you’re thinking of visiting China but feel scared about what you can and can’t do, then this video is for you! In this video, we’ll share with you some of the things you CAN do in China that you CAN’T do in America. Most Americans watching this video will be shocked! China is the true land of the free! Chinese people have much more freedom than in the west. Come to China and see it with your own eyes! and see the truth my friends.

    2023 08 04 09 17
    2023 08 04 09 17

    I love this guy

    In 2006 a high school English teacher asked students to write a famous author and ask for advice. Kurt Vonnegut (1922 – 2007) was the only one to respond – and his response is magnificent:

    “Dear Xavier High School, and Ms. Lockwood, and Messrs Perin, McFeely, Batten, Maurer and Congiusta:

    I thank you for your friendly letters. You sure know how to cheer up a really old geezer (84) in his sunset years. I don’t make public appearances any more because I now resemble nothing so much as an iguana.

    What I had to say to you, moreover, would not take long, to wit: Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.

    Seriously! I mean starting right now, do art and do it for the rest of your lives. Draw a funny or nice picture of Ms. Lockwood, and give it to her. Dance home after school, and sing in the shower and on and on. Make a face in your mashed potatoes. Pretend you’re Count Dracula.

    Here’s an assignment for tonight, and I hope Ms. Lockwood will flunk you if you don’t do it: Write a six line poem, about anything, but rhymed. No fair tennis without a net. Make it as good as you possibly can. But don’t tell anybody what you’re doing. Don’t show it or recite it to anybody, not even your girlfriend or parents or whatever, or Ms. Lockwood. OK?

    Tear it up into teeny-weeny pieces, and discard them into widely separated trash receptacals. You will find that you have already been gloriously rewarded for your poem. You have experienced becoming, learned a lot more about what’s inside you, and you have made your soul grow.

    God bless you all!”

    Kurt Vonnegut

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    National fat shaming in Japan has led to them having a 3.6% obesity rate. Since ours in the US is 41.2% and climbing alarmingly, why don’t we adopt widespread fat shaming, since it clearly works great?

    That’s not why Japan has a low obesity rate. I’ve been to Japan; they are way too polite to be vicious to fat people (or anyone, really). They’re far more the passive-aggressive types.

    One thing Japan does have is a culture of walking everywhere. The streets are narrow, the cities are crowded, and nearly everyone takes buses and trains to get around, which means that they have to walk at the endpoints of every trip they take. The average Japanese person is walking six kilometers every day.

    2023 08 05 11 18
    2023 08 05 11 18

    Typical day: Walk to train station, get on train. Get off at your stop. Walk to work. Repeat in reverse later. You get quite a few steps in this way. This picture is pre-COVID, by the way; that’s how much they masked up even before the pandemic.

    Another thing Japan has is smaller portion sizes when you eat out. You’ll almost never have any leftovers. And you wouldn’t want them, anyway—will you haul them with you while you take the train home? You’d probably get discrete annoyed looks from the other passengers for stinking up the train car. You most likely walked into that restaurant, and you’ll be walking out, so lugging a box of food in your arms when you leave is kind of awkward. It’s the same with the sodas you buy from vending machines—a typical Japanese soda is 300–350 ml (10–12 oz), while the bottles from a U.S. soda machine are usually around 20 oz. Many machines will also sell you water, coffee, barley tea, or green tea, which won’t be very sweet. If you buy street food, you might be able to buy snacks from a few different places before it fills you up.

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    2023 08 05 11 1ds9

    A meal I ate at a hotel in Japan. I took this photo just before I ate it. It was excellent but not huge.

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    2023 08 05 11 1ddd

    Here’s another one from the same trip. I think this was a Chinese restaurant. This is a pretty typical portion when you eat out.

    There are some other things that probably help. Japanese employers are required to pay taxes to support the public health care system. A lot of obesity happens because people have sedentary jobs and work long hours, so the government decided to penalize companies that have too many overweight employees. Effectively, this means that companies with a lot of obese employees have to pay higher rates for their health insurance. Because companies hate giving away their money, they are motivated to find the cheapest, simplest way to keep employees thin. This might include mandatory calisthenics when you show up for work in the morning, removing unhealthy options from the company cafeteria, making their employees wear step monitors, or even just nagging them constantly. Maybe this is what the question means by “fat shaming.”

    To be clear, I don’t think Japan is better in every way, and there’s plenty about their society that America should not be copying. They have some health problems that are worse than the United States (e.g. stress, suicide, stomach cancer, smoking, depression, etc.). Still, they do a far better job than the U.S. at avoiding obesity, and it’s worth paying attention to what about their society is helping them to do that.

    It would be tough to get Americans to walk more, but city designs that make transit preferable to driving likely help. Perhaps there’s also a way to persuade our restaurants to (at least) offer smaller portion sizes for those who want them. I’m not sure how we’d “adopt widespread fat shaming,” though. I’m not sure Japan does it any more harshly than Americans do, and I don’t think it would help much.

    Smoked Sausage, Potatoes and Onion



    • 1 (16 ounce) package smoked sausage, sliced
    • 1 large onion, peeled and chopped
    • 5 large potatoes, peeled and chopped into 1/2-inch cubes
    • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • 2 teaspoons smoked paprika
    • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
    • 1 cup shredded white Cheddar cheese (optional)


    1. Heat the oven to 400 degrees F.
    2. Line a large baking tray with sides with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray.
    3. Put the sausage slices, onions and potatoes into a large bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, paprika and dried thyme. Toss together and pour onto the baking tray.
    4. Bake for 45 minutes to one hour, stirring halfway through, until the potatoes are golden brown and tender.
    5. If desired, scatter the cheese over the top and return to the oven for a few minutes to melt the cheese.

    **HE’S HAD ENOUGH! Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond | REACTION

    2023 08 20 10 50
    2023 08 20 10 50

    United States stories…

    100% those stairs the guy built are garbage, but 65k to build stairs in that location? What are they building them out of unobtanium ? Concrete and labor ain’t that expensive.

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    BATTLE OF THE WORLDS Remastered Classic Full Action-Sci-Fi Movie

    2023 08 03 21 01
    2023 08 03 21 01

    Enjoy this silly 1960 era science fiction charm.

    Globe is ready to ignite


    People! We are at peat transition. I have no idea how long this plateau will last but we are most certainly at peak.

    Consider Africa. Niger is kicking the colonial powers out, and they refuse, and so the rest of Africa bands together to throw the bums out. Three nations, under proxy control, plan to invade Niger. What happens? Grass roots military coups though the “puppet masters” out.

    Consider Oliver Anthony and how his music resonates.

    Consider what is going on in Ukraine right now. Not the narrative. But the actual happenings. Where the EU went to Putin and started to make demands, and he dismissed them. They are P-O-W-E-R-L-E-S-S.

    Consider the strange “fire” in Hawaii and the conspiracy theories behind it. And the fact that the entire area is now under wraps and fully blocked off doesn’t help the speculation. WTF is going on?

    Japan radiation from the power plant. The cheapest solution, my ass. This water can be purified. But it isn’t. Some one (read USA) wants a conflict and wants a lot of Asians to die.

    Look at San Francisco. First the orgy of riots. Then the store closures. Then the tenants move out. Followed by a ghost town. Now the “town counsel” has plans to bulldoze all the historic buildings down town and put up a gigantic football stadium surrounded by parking lots.

    The insanity is off the charts!

    Meanwhile China plugs on and on. Huawei P90 is coming out. 7nm chips. All Chinese made and manufactured. Full 5G capability, and the West loses out…

    Genocidal, Zionist Israhell has expunged all historic Arabic names in Palestine for a reason. 
    Algeria is removing French from all their street signs. 
    Russia and China are switching English signage to phonetic and Pinyin, respectively. 
    Words are powerful things. 

    Enough… today’s post…


    2023 08 15 14 36
    2023 08 15 14 36

    Police have revealed that devices like the one pictured above, designed to derail trains, have been found — and are being found — on railroad tracks all over the United States.

    Police warn that they could lead to train derailments and the death of passengers. The devices have been found all over the country, from the West Coast to the East.

    It now seems self-evident that America is literally under attack – from within.

    More details as they become available.

    UPDATE 7:53 AM EDT —

    Additional information has come in regarding the device shown above.   What is pictured is a standard railroad siding derailer. It is designed to derail a car with dangerous materials from going on the main line and becoming a run away (bomb).

    While it is good to hear this is a known safety device, this explanation does NOT address why police are reporting finding these devices on mainline tracks all over the USA.  This would seem to indicate people within the railroad industry, with ready access to such devices, have begun misusing them.

    More if I get it.

    What is an experience you had at a gas station you’ll never forget?

    Sitting out side talking to a friend of mine and all of a sudden a loud bang made me jump. Turned to see a van had run straight into this little car. I was able to catch the plate number. I ran inside asked for a pen and paper quickly and jotted it down. Cashier looked so confused. The woman whose car it was was at the counter finishing checking out. She went outside and came back in saying someone hit her car. I was able to give her the plate number and bought her a coke. Waiting with her till her husband and then the cops showed up. Her whole frame was bent couldnt open the driver side door. The cops were able to ID the guy very quickly and this wasn’t his first accident in the year. Not his second either. The husband was so grateful for how I treated his wife during the incident he insisted on giving me twenty bucks. That twenty went to into getting my Mother a Christmas present. Caught up with them a few months later. She thanked me again and his insurance ended up paying for a new car for them. He (the driver) had to pay his insurance back.

    Many Chinese economists, including Chinese scholars, acknowledge that China’s economy is getting worse and worse as of August 2023. Why do the Chinese on Quora insist that China’s economy doesn’t have any problems?

    Every Economy has problems

    China is one of the few who acknowledge their problems and correct them

    Others talk about China and bury their own problems

    • US and it’s monstrous $ 33 Trillion Debt as a Global reserve currency
    • The West and it’s record shrinking of Industrial Production
    • Record Inflation in the Western Nations of almost 6% with a near 11% increase in Food Prices
    • India’s unemployment of almost 9% against China’s 5.5% and India’s stock market being larger than China’s albeit a GDP barely being one sixth

    Thats the difference

    Its why China always wins in the end

    Take the top 35 economies in the world and guess how many have become better than their 2019 period



    Exactly Four

    Russia, Iran, Nigeria and Algeria

    31/35 Economies are doing worse than they did in 2019 and that too many after 3 years of everything

    China has come out of a 3 year lockdown barely 7 months ago and still grew against a very hostile situation presented to the it by the West

    So like always the basic question

    “Has a Chinese soldier killed your father or Has a Chinese boy cheated and dumped your sister?”

    No other reason why you blindly ignore reality and keep focusing only on China

    China Punishes U.S Military By Imposing Ban On Drone Export To The U.S And Europe!

    Yes. China is stepping up to the plate. You all want to fuck with China, China will fuck your right back.

    2023 08 12 17 49
    2023 08 12 17 49

    Why do so many people defend China?

    I am an American who resides in the United States.

    I defend China because of history. The United States, England, France, Japan and Europe colonized much of the planet between 1800 and 1960. China was a victim of this aggression.

    China continues to be a victim of American aggression. Since 1949, the United States has provided weapons and military support to the losing side in the Chinese Civil War, i.e. Taiwan. This is a continuation of 200 years of colonialism.

    The United States is aided and abetted in its WAR against China by the Western media. Like others posting here, I view the Western media as propaganda, created by persons in the United States who want to sell weapons at the expense of China, Russia and the Middle East.

    I believe that it is important to stand up for the truth, and to put an end to America’s endless wars for profit. The United States should not be a nation of endless war.

    The present leaders of the United States have tarnished the nation, and caused it to be condemned in the eyes of the world. This is a very dangerous situation, for the United States. America is dependent upon credit and imported goods from the rest of the world.

    I recognize that unchecked power in China could be a problem, when the United States is weakened due to its debt. However, the United States brought that problem upon itself, by closing two-thirds of its industrial base. The balance of power will correct itself.

    Hopefully, America’s leaders will wake up soon. Power is about to be taken from their hands.

    The Origins Of The Neocons And Their Lunatic World View

    Linda’s Easy Lasagna

    This is my favorite lasagna recipe because you do not cook the lasagna noodles first. I have always disliked cooking the lasagna noodles, so this is a great solution for me. This turns out perfect every time.

    2023 08 12 17 52
    2023 08 12 17 52

    Yield: 12 servings


    • 1 1/2 pounds ground beef or turkey or Italian sausage*
    • 1 jar spaghetti sauce or homemade sauce
    • 1 can tomato sauce
    • 1 tomato sauce can water
    • 2 pounds ricotta or cottage cheese, mixed with 4 eggs
    • 12 ounces lasagna noodles, UNCOOKED
    • 4 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
    • Grated Parmesan cheese
    • Garlic powder
    • Salt


    1. Brown meat. Drain.
    2. Add sauces and water.
    3. Spoon a small amount of sauce onto the bottom of a lasagna pan or a 13 x 9-inch baking dish.
    4. Place a layer of UNCOOKED noodles (overlapping slightly), one-third of the cottage cheese mixture, a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese and one-third of the shredded cheese.
    5. Pour about one-third of the sauce over the top.
    6. Repeat twice more. Cover with more cheese.
    7. Bake, covered and sealed with foil (DO NOT LET THE FOIL TOUCH THE CHEESE), at 350 degrees F for 1 hour.
    8. Uncover and bake 15 minutes longer to brown the top.
    9. Let stand for 15 minutes before cutting.


    * Remove Italian sausage from casings and crumble as it cooks.

    I usually make this with Italian sausage, but I have also used sliced cooked meatballs. It’s yummy whatever you decide to use! Of the two spaghetti sauce options, if you have time, go with the homemade sauce!

    You can also bake for 1 hour without the cheese on top, then put the cheese on top and bake 15 minutes longer uncovered.

    What is the most inappropriate thing you’ve ever witnessed from a co-worker?

    I’m a retired accountant.

    Friend, who works for a financial broker, calls me, says she needs a break from work. Could I come in and be a receptionist for a week so she can take a break? I would be on the payroll.

    OK. So, I do the week.

    Then she says that I’m doing great, can I stay the month? Hmmm, OK. The extra money is nice.

    At the end of the month. she says, “I am off on vacation for the next three months. Have fun.”

    I didn’t know this, but she does NOT tell the broker. It is only a two-person office, and the broker is a sweet guy who does not deserve to be dumped on like this.

    She never comes back.

    I worked there two years until he sold the company and retired.

    China’s cancellation of Germany’s $100 billion car order sends Europe into a panic!

    Dear America – You Are Delusional, and Failing at Everything You Undertake

    Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Russia sanctions –  “All of these harebrained schemes, hatched in Washington, have backfired grandly.” 

    “Those who have pushed for them are now reduced to just two face-saving maneuvers: blaming their political opponents; and blaming Russia. And these two maneuvers are set to backfire as well.”

    Back in the days when I was still trying to do the corporate thing, I regularly found myself in a bit of a tight spot simply by failing to keep my mouth shut.

    I seem to carry some sort of gene that makes me naturally irrepressible. I can keep my mouth shut for only so long before I have to blurt out what I really think, and in a corporate setting, where thinking isn’t really allowed, this causes no end of trouble. It didn’t matter that I often turned out to be right. It didn’t matter what I thought; it only mattered that I thought.

    American involvement in the middle-eastern project is now limited to Putin’s sporadic courtesy calls to Trump, to keep him updated.

    Of all the thoughts you aren’t allowed to think, perhaps the most offensive one is adequately expressed by a single short phrase: “That’s not gonna work.”

    Suppose there is a meeting to unveil a great new initiative, with PowerPoint presentations complete with fancy graphics, org charts, timelines, proposed budgets, yadda-yadda, and everything is going great until this curmudgeonly Russian opens his mouth and says “That’s not gonna work.”

    And when it is patiently explained to him (doing one’s best to hide one’s extreme irritation) that it absolutely has to work because Senior Management would like it to, that furthermore it is his job to make it work and that failure is not an option, he opens his mouth again and says “That’s not gonna work either.” And then it’s time to avoid acting flustered while ignoring him and to think up some face-saving excuse to adjourn the meeting early and regroup.

    I lasted for as long as I did in that world because once in a while I would instead say “Sure, that’ll work, let’s do it.” And then, sure enough, it did work, the company had a banner year or two, with lots of bonuses and atta-boy (and atta-girl) certificates handed out to those not at all responsible for any of it. Flushed with victory, they, in turn, would think up more harebrained schemes for me to rain on, and the cycle would repeat.

    It is probably one of the main saving graces of corporations that they do sometimes (mainly by mistake) allow some thought to leak through. The mistake in question is a staffing error in promoting those constitutionally incapable of keeping their mouths shut or shutting off their brains. Such errors create chinks in the monolithic phalanxes of corporate yes-men and yes-women.

    Trump is too old to be a reformer or a revolutionary. He is of an age when men are generally mostly concerned about the quantity and consistency of their stool and how it interacts with their enlarged prostates.

    The likelihood of such mistakes increases with the agony of defeat, which causes attrition among the ranks of qualified yes-sayers, creating holes that can only be plugged by promoting a few non-yes-sayers. However, this only seems to work in the smaller, hungrier corporations; the larger, better-fed ones seem to be able to avoid experiencing the agony of defeat for a very long time by moving the goal posts, outlawing any discussion of said defeat or other similar tactics. Eventually the entire organization goes over the cliff, but by then it is of no benefit to anyone to attempt to inform them of their folly.

    It is much the same with governments, except here the situation is even worse. While the smaller, hungrier governments, and those blessed with a fresh institutional memory of extreme pain, do not have the luxury of lying to themselves, the larger political agglomerations—the USSR, the EU, the USA—have the ability to keep themselves completely immunized against the truth for historically significant periods of time.

    The USSR clung to the fiction of great socialist progress even when it was clear to all that the cupboard was bare and there were rats gnawing through the rafters. The EU has been able to ignore the fact that its entire scheme is one of enriching Germany while impoverishing and depopulating eastern and southern Europe, neglecting the interests of the native populations throughout. And the amount of self-delusion that is still currently in effect in the USA makes it a rather large subject.

    Regardless of how great the lies are and how forcefully they are defended, a moment always comes when the phalanx of truth-blocking yes-men and yes-women stops marching, turns and runs. This event results in a tremendous loss of face and confidence for all involved.

    It is the crisis of confidence, more than anything else, that precipitates the going-off-a-cliff phenomenon that we could so readily observe in the collapse of the USSR in the early 1990s. I have a very strong hunch that similar cliff-diving exercises are coming up for the EU and the USA.

    But for the time being I am just another disembodied voice on the internet, watching from the sidelines and periodically saying the unfashionable thing, which is: “This isn’t gonna work.” However, I’ve said this a number of times over the years, on the record and more or less forcefully, and I feel vindicated most of the time.

    Internationally, for example:

    Carving the Ukraine away from Russia, having it join the EU and NATO and building a NATO naval base in Crimea “wasn’t gonna work.” The Ukraine is a part of Russia, the Ukrainians are Russian, and the Ukrainian ethnic identity is a Bolshevik concoction. Look for a reversion to norm in a decade or two.

    Destroying and partitioning Syria with the help of Wahhabi extremists and foreign mercenaries supported by the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel while Russia, Iran, Turkey and China stand idly by “wasn’t gonna work”; and so it hasn’t.

    Giving Afghanistan “freedom and democracy” and turning it into a stable pro-Western regime with the help of invading NATO troops “wasn’t gonna work,” and hasn’t. Western involvement in Afghanistan can go on, but the results it can achieve are limited to further enhancing the heroin trade.

    Destroying the Russian economy using sanctions “wasn’t gonna work,” and hasn’t. The sanctions have helped Russia regroup internally and achieve a great deal of self-sufficiency in energy production and other forms of technology, in food and in numerous other sectors.

    All of these harebrained schemes, hatched in Washington, have backfired grandly. Those who have pushed for them are now reduced to just two face-saving maneuvers: blaming their political opponents; and blaming Russia. And these two maneuvers are set to backfire as well.

    In the meantime, the world isn’t waiting for the US to shake itself out of its stupor.

    The fulcrum of American influence in the Middle East is Saudi Arabia and the petrodollar. In turn, Saudi Arabia rests on three pillars: the Saudi monarchy, Wahhabi Islam and the petrodollar. As I write this, the next king, Mohammed bin Salman, is busy hacking away at all three: robbing, imprisoning and torturing his fellow-princes, working to replace the Wahhabi clerics with moderate ones and embracing the petro-yuan instead of the now very tired petrodollar.

    Not that any of these three pillars were in good shape in any case: the defeat of ISIS in Syria was a defeat for the Saudi monarchy which supported it, for the Wahhabi clerics who inspired it and, consequently, for the petrodollar as well, because Saudi Arabia was until now its greatest defender.

    The new guarantors of peace in the region are Russia, Iran and Turkey, with China watching carefully in the wings. American involvement in the middle-eastern project is now limited to Putin’s sporadic courtesy calls to Trump, to keep him updated.

    And so here’s my latest prediction: Trump’s goal of “making America great” “isn’t gonna work” either.

    The country is so far gone that just taking the first step—of allowing the truth of its condition to leak through the media filters—will undermine public confidence to such an extent that a subsequent cliff-dive will become unavoidable. It’s a nice slogan as slogans go, but Trump is too old to be a reformer or a revolutionary. He is of an age when men are generally mostly concerned about the quantity and consistency of their stool and how it interacts with their enlarged prostates.

    Perhaps he will succeed in making America great… big piles of feces, but I wouldn’t expect much more than that.

    France, ECOWAS Armoured Vehicles Land In Nigerian Port As They Move To Invade Niger

    Worst Things You Can Say to Your Kids

    Stacey FeintuchUpdated: Jan. 25, 2023

    Why words hurt

    We’ve all said the wrong thing at times, leaving our kids feeling angry, hurt, or confused. Words can be eternally damaging, especially coming from parents who are supposed to be safe and supportive figures in their child’s lives. “Parents’ support and approval are essential for kids’ well-being,” says Jill Whitney, LMFT, who practices in Old Lyme, Connecticut and blogs about relationships. “The words you use can be constructive or destructive to kids’ developing sense of self. If they’re negative, they can negatively color our self-image for decades.” Find out the worst offenders and what to say instead.

    “Hurry up!”

    Your child may be slow as molasses getting dressed in the morning when you’re trying to head out the door to school and work. Pushing her to get a move on, though, will only make her more stressed. And while you may be making her feel guilty about running late, your screaming won’t motivate her to move any faster. Instead, look for calm ways to speed things up, like making getting out the door a game by racing to see who can get dressed first. “By making it into a ‘we event,’ you’ll teach your child the importance of collaboration,” says Paul Hokemeyer, PhD, a clinical and consulting psychotherapist and author of the forthcoming Fragile Power: Why Having Everything is Never Enough.

    “Leave me alone”

    Every parent needs a break at times. Yet, you shouldn’t be telling your kids that, otherwise, they’ll think that you’re brushing them off and that there’s no point in talking to you. “Kids like to be acknowledged and heard; in fact, it can help cut down on meltdowns and tantrums,” says Jennifer Trachtenberg, MD, a pediatrician, the creator of Pediatrician in Your Pocket, spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, and assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. “Answer in a way that is age-appropriate and give them specific tasks to do while they wait for you,” she says. You may instead say, “I have to finish one thing. I need you to play with your cars for just a few minutes. We can play outside as soon as I’m done.” “Just make sure you then follow through with whatever you promised you would do together afterward,” says Dr. Trachtenberg. Some compliments can actually be hurtful to kids, too.

    “Why can’t you be more like your brother or sister?”

    It’s natural to compare your kids, but you shouldn’t let your kids hear you doing it. When you ask kids why they’re not more like their sibling, it promotes unhealthy competition and kids may not feel like they’re good enough. You’re implying that you wish your child was someone else when you compare him to his sibling. Besides, the comparisons aren’t likely to change the behavior, says Dr. Trachtenberg. You’ll only be pressuring a child to do something he doesn’t want to do or isn’t ready for, undermining his self-esteem. Instead, encourage and inspire your child about what he can do and praise him when he does something good, such as, “Thanks for telling me you had to use the potty” or “Wow, you zipped your coat up all by yourself.” “Each child is an individual with his own strengths and weaknesses,” says Dr. Trachtenberg. “Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool to help shape other wanted behaviors. Remember to encourage and praise the child for the actions they succeed at instead of harping on what they can’t do.” Besides, you’ll want to stop sibling rivalry before it starts.

    “Practice makes perfect”

    “There is no such thing as perfect; being perfect isn’t a good goal as it doesn’t exist,” says Betsy Brown Braun, child development and behavior specialist, author of two best-selling parenting books, and founder of Parenting Pathways. “You’re sending the message that she didn’t train hard enough if she made a mistake.” Instead, acknowledge how frustrating and hard practicing can be and give some examples of things she practiced and did improve. “I like to give the example of babies learning to walk. They try and try, fall down, and try and practice, over and over,” she says. “Then they become good walkers, just like you did.” Explain that doing something repeatedly teaches you how to do it, says Brown Braun. “Nobody can do something well unless she has done it a lot,” she says. “Some things take a lot of work; some take less.”

    “Let me help”

    It’s natural to want to give your child a hand as he is finishing a puzzle or building a tower; after all, you don’t want to see your child struggle. But if you jump in too soon, you can undermine his independence. “Allow your child to complete a project to build his self-esteem and core competence,” says Fran Walfish, PsyD (aka Dr. Fran), a child, couple, and family psychotherapist in private practice in Beverly Hills and author of The Self-Aware Parent: Resolving Conflict and Building a Better Bond with Your Child. “Each disappointment is a golden opportunity for your child to develop frustration and build coping skills to deal with life’s inevitable daily ups and downs.” Constantly helping prevents him from getting the satisfaction of learning to do it for himself and teaches him to always look to others for answers. Instead, wait for him to ask for help first. Then, ask him questions to help him solve the problem. “Should the big piece go here? Why? Try it yourself.” Is your child faking illness to stay home? Here are some of the most common reasons why kids hate school.

    “I’m on a diet”

    If you’re watching your weight, keep it to yourself; talking this way about physical appearance can lead to your child developing an unhealthy body image. If they see you’re struggling with how you look, they may feel that they need to look a certain way, too. “Obsessing about your weight or appearance isn’t delivering a good message,” says Elizabeth Berger, MD, a child psychiatrist and author of Raising Kids with Character. “Children need to feel that their parents are in control of their own lives.” Instead, say “I’m eating healthy because I like how it makes me feel.” Promoting positive body image like this is one of the tiny ways you can encourage your kids every day.

    “Don’t cry”

    When you tell a child she’s fine as she’s bawling over a scraped knee, you’re invalidating and discounting her feelings. Kids will think they have to brush off their emotions and that can lead to more explosive outbursts. Dr. Walfish suggests you say instead, “You got hurt and scared. It’s okay to say ‘Ouch! That hurts!’ Mommy sees you’re scared and hurt, and I’m right here with you.” Or give her a hug, acknowledging and verbalizing her feelings. “That was a scary fall.” That can help give her the words to express herself. “This is what I call empathic narration,” says Dr. Walfish. “This style of compassionate attunement to your child’s feelings will help her feel seen, acknowledged, validated, and accepted—flaws and all. The attuning narration also teaches your child to be a kind and empathic person to others.”

    “I could do that when I was your age”

    Kids all develop at different rates. So expecting your son to ride a two-wheeler by age seven as you did will only make him feel like he disappointed you. “Parents are under a lot of pressure to make sure that their children meet a long list of expectations, and some of this anxiety tends to be passed on to children,” says Dr. Berger. Still, you as a parent should appreciate your child’s efforts, regardless of what they are. “A calm attitude towards ‘success’ helps children get over their own sense of shame when they haven’t met their own—and social—expectations,” says Dr. Berger. Dr. Berger says you can say, “Wow, I can see you’re making a lot of progress; keep it up!” or “Don’t worry—you’ll get there.”

    “Because I said so”

    When you’re in a rush, it can be easy to fall back on this clichéd parenting phrase, but avoid this empty phrase in favor of one that’s more thought out. “As parents, one of our most challenging tasks is to convince our children to do something they don’t want to do,” says Janie Feldman, PsyD, a licensed psychologist in New Jersey. You can say something like, “I know you want to play outside today. But you have to finish your homework first. How about we play outside after?” Dr. Feldman says you can offer an incentive to promote interest in completing the task. “It would be a great help to the family if you raked the leaves. If you rake them for us, you’ll earn ___.” It’s not guaranteed they’ll help, but they may be more interested. “In our society, we do work for incentives such as our salaries, vacation time, and other benefits,” says Dr. Feldman. “Offering an incentive can not only motivate our children but also socialize them to recognize the value of their efforts.” Beyond your children, find out more things you really shouldn’t be saying to the people in your life.

    “I do everything for you”

    You may feel like you do everything for them—cooking, cleaning, and chauffeuring them. But you know this isn’t true. “Do what you do for your kids with an open, generous heart or don’t do it,” says Eileen Kennedy-Moore, PhD, a psychologist based in Princeton, New Jersey and author of Kid Confidence: Help Your Child Make Friends, Build Resilience, and Develop Real Self-Esteem. “Don’t expect that you’ll be repaid with effusive gratitude or even good behavior,” she says. She says you can help teach your child gratitude and good manners by mirroring them yourself with your spouse, family, friends, and others. Say something like “What a delicious dinner! Thank you so much, Daddy!” “Your kids will probably pipe in with their thanks,” she says. Or point out someone’s efforts made on their behalf, along the lines of, “Grandma went to three stores to find the yellow paint you need. Remember to thank her when you see her tonight.”

    “It’s not that big of a deal”

    It may not be a big deal to you that your daughter wasn’t invited to Mary’s party, but it’s a big deal to her. Telling her you disagree with her invalidates how she’s feeling, making her ashamed or embarrassed. “When our kids are upset, we want to reach for empathy,” says Kennedy-Moore. She says that a useful formula is: “You’re feeling ___ because __.” “It bothers you when___.” “It’s hard for you when ___.” “You wish___.” “Don’t interpret or judge, just describe the feelings you see,” she says. “We adults tend to want to skip the feelings and go straight to the solution. But when kids don’t feel heard, they tend to get louder. Wrapping kids’ feelings up in words makes them seem more understandable and more manageable.” When your child feels heard and understood, it will do wonders. Beware of these other things parents say that ruin kids’ trust, too.

    “You’re a liar”

    Even if your child did take money from your wallet, that tone will only make him feel like he’s being personally attacked. Find out why he lied instead of being accusatory; then start an open dialogue about why it’s not okay to lie. Edward Kulich, MD, is a pediatrician who provides house calls in the New York area with his practice KidsHousecalls. He says you can say something like “Hey bud, I just wanted to let you know that I’m always here for you if you need anything or if you have a problem. I noticed some money is missing from my wallet. I’m not mad but I think we need to talk about this.”

    “Be careful”

    These words can have the opposite effect, making your child more likely to fall as she’s attempting the monkey bars. You’re distracting her from what she’s doing, so she’s losing focus. Instead, quietly spot her in case she falls. Dr. Kulich says you can say something like “You got this.” He says if your child is more hesitant, you can say, “I saw you do this yesterday. I know you can do it.” These compliments your kids really need to hear also help to build self-esteem and foster a loving relationship between the two of you.

    US Forces Combat in Niger is a Nightmare

    Talk WITH People, Not AT Them

    Talk WITH not AT Header 2
    Talk WITH not AT Header 2

    One of the insidious things about trying to judge our own social skills, is that if an interaction went well for us, then we assume the other person thought it went well too. While you’ve probably never consciously thought about it, if you had a good time talking to someone, you think they felt the same. But this just isn’t the case. It’s very possible for you to walk away from an interaction feeling grand, while the other person walks away feeling annoyed, bored, or burdened.  

    What usually happens in these lopsided engagements is that you talked a lot about yourself and your interests, an act which is enjoyable and makes humans happy. We like to talk about ourselves! But, the other person didn’t get to talk much about him or herself, and thus left the conversation without a corresponding level of elevation.  

    While dominating a conversation simply by talking a lot is almost guaranteed to be a charm-killer, the worst kind of one-sided interaction is when you talk at someone, rather than with them.

    Talking At Vs. Talking With

    Valerie White and (former AoM podcast guest) Ann Demarais, doctors of psychology and authors of First Impressions, define the “talking at” dynamic as “forcing others to react rather than interact.” It manifests itself when one party takes on the role of teller/entertainer, and the other is forced into the role of audience.

    While being part of an audience can be enjoyable when that is what one is expecting and desiring (e.g., watching a movie), people do not expect to be an audience member during face-to-face social interactions. Feeling like a spectator in this context is dull and irritating, because the role is so passive. A conversation is a cooperative, almost artistic endeavor — much like symphonic music — in which each person gets satisfaction from engaging, contributing, creating. They don’t want to watch and clap.

    Demarais and White describe 4 common forms that “talking at” takes, each of which can be flipped in a way that gets you “talking with” your social partner:


    When you’re in lecturing mode, you’re imparting facts in a very one-sided way. You want to tell someone something, but you’re not expecting or eliciting a real response. They’re the passive audience for your knowledge dump. Lecturing feels great for the lecturer — you’re amped up on the status you get from feeling in the know, and sharing information you hold as uniquely yours. But your listener is likely to see you as boring and self-important.

    How to share knowledge with your social partner. Talk about subjects in which you and your partner are mutually interested, and watch for signs that they’re engaged — “Uh-huhs,” nodding, saying things like “That’s interesting.” In the absence of such cues, stop your monologue. And even when they are manifested, pause intermittently to see if the other person wants to respond, or add something, or has a question. If they don’t interject anything, you should probably wrap it up and change the subject.

    Additionally, how you introduce a subject matters, as Demarias and White explain:

    “A hallmark of a lecture is the speaker’s implicit ownership of the information.

    When you present something as your own, you may intend to appear smart but actually may appear bombastic and egotistical. On the other hand, when you mention where you learned your information—as in ‘I read an editorial in the paper that said…’—or the genesis of your idea—as in ‘I saw something on TV, and then thought…’—you show an open mind and a more modest assessment of your own intellectual value.”

    When you say, “I heard/read X the other day,” people don’t feel like you’ve already fixed your opinion about it, but rather that you’re opening up a dialogue on the subject, making them more likely to offer their own thoughts and engage with you.


    The great paradox of stories is that they can be both the most compelling and the most boring form of communication. A good story can entertain, engage, and build connection. But as Demarias and White observe, stories can easily go wrong when they’re “long, detailed, and about people your conversational partner doesn’t know.”

    How to share stories with your social partner. Bad storytelling is an easy trap to fall into, because the characters and plots in our anecdotes seem so interesting and salient to us. We know our friends, and children, and boss — they loom large in our own lives, and we can vividly picture their facial expressions and have all the context to understand why their behavior is so adorable/comical/outrageous. It’s subconsciously difficult to realize that other people, who lack this context, won’t find these people and places equally compelling.

    But they don’t. The difference can be likened to the way you’re interested in a story about your favorite NBA player, but have no interest in news about a professional Chinese athlete you’ve never heard of. Unless a story connects to universal aspects of the human experience (training for a race; dealing with an incompetent boss; getting in an accident) or intersects in some way with the other person’s life, it’s going to be Dullsville.

    Even if a story does include those elements (touches on shared human experience; connects with the other person’s life), you should still keep it short and to the point. Dole out the story in small chunks, watching to see if the other person shows interest and asks things like, “What did you decide to do?” or “How did he respond to that?” before continuing the tale.

    When a story of any kind goes on too long, you turn your social partner into an audience member who passively spectates instead of actively engages.


    Sermonizing occurs when you’re trying to persuade someone to your point of view. The subject matter is usually something around morality, religion, or politics, and while this kind of conversational mode can be okay in the company of long-time friends and family who enjoy spirited debate and verbal jousting, it’s a turn-off for new acquaintances who don’t know you well enough to put your opinions into context and to realize there’s more to you than a zeal for some particular issue. They’re likely to get defensive or disgusted or just plain annoyed.

    How to have a weighty discussion with your social partner. You don’t have to rigidly follow the old adage about avoiding talk of politics, religion, and money, even with new people, as long as you follow a few guidelines we’ve offered here, the gist of which is to strive to have adiscussion rather than an argumentA wise writer put the distinction this way:

    “in discussion you are searching for the truth, and in argument you want to prove that you are right. In discussion, therefore, you are anxious to know your neighbor’s views, and you listen to him. In argument, you don’t care anything about his opinions, you want him to hear yours.”

    When you’re aiming a sermon at someone, Demarias and White note, “The implicit message is ‘you’re wrong and I’m right.’” When you’re having a discussion with them, in contrast, you seek to understand how they’ve arrived at their convictions, where your positions differ, and the common ground you share.

    Telling Jokes

    A great sense of humor is one of the most charming of qualities. But too much humor reaches a tipping point where it stops adding to the collective “music” of the conversation and becomes a one-sided performance, turning the speaker into an entertainer and the listener into an audience. Instead of getting to interact, the latter is forced to simply react to the constant stream of quips and witticisms — a role for which they soon grow bored.

    How to share humor with your social partner. Jokes serve better as the seasoning of a conversation, rather than its main dish. Instead of interspersing everything you say with a quip, just pepper them in here and there between sustained stretches of neutral talking and showing sincere interest in the other person.

    When it comes to being socially adept, Demarias and White note that “how you talk about topics matters more than what you actually talk about. You can make a fascinating ethical issue boring if you simply lecture someone about it. On the other hand, you can turn your model airplane hobby into a stimulating conversational topic if you talk about it in a fun and engaging manner.”

    To avoid your conversations turning into one-sided monologues where you simply talk at people, toss out subjects of reciprocal interest and see what people bite on; like volleyball players, hit the ball back and forth over the net. Show that you’re curious, open-minded, and interested in other people’s experiences and perspectives. Interact rather than making the other person solely react to what you say and do; create a little theater/dialogue/symposium/comedy together, rather than having them watch you from the gallery.

    Create something special with the people you meet.

    China’s Dumping Dollars For Gold & They Won’t Stop!

    China just ramped up their gold purchases, buying for a 9th straight month! As the world gets de-globalized, we are seeing an acceleration of de-dollarization towards alternative stores of value like gold. Even JP Morgan is calling for record gold prices in 18 months. Here’s what you must know about this historic monetary shift.

    The More Options You Have, The Happier You Are

    Over the years, I’ve experienced a direct correlation between the number of options I have in life and my happiness.

    The more options I have for my career, the better work I can do. The more options I have for spending my free time, the less I cling to people and activities.

    In short, if I can choose what to do with my time at any given moment, I’m happy. It doesn’t necessarily matter what I do. What matters is that I have a choice. 

    The importance of this concept is one of the most important lessons I’ve learned about happiness in the modern age. 

    I recently read Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart by Gordon Livingston, who was a seasoned psychiatrist. In that book, he talked about why it’s so important to have options:

    “Mental health is a function of choice. The more choices we are able to exercise, the happier we are likely to be. Those who are most unwell or discouraged suffer from a sense that their choices have been limited, sometimes by external circumstances or illness, most often by the many ways we restrict ourselves.”

    Fewer options restrict us. That gives us a sense of dread. We feel like there’s not much we can do in life. And that makes us unhappy. But you can turn that around by creating options for yourself. 

    The paradox of risk

    The most important thing about career options is that there’s a paradoxical relationship between risk and reward we need to understand first. Before I came to terms with this, I never had many options.

    Here’s the issue. As humans, we’re naturally risk-averse. We fear loss more than we desire a potential gain. That force usually keeps us where we are. That’s why most people remain in the same job or industry until they get fired or retire.

    The paradox is that most people assume it’s risky to change. But in reality, the reverse is true. The more stagnant you are, the more you’re at risk of loss.

    When I pursued a career as a full-time writer, I had to take risks. I left my well-paying corporate job in London, left the city, moved back in with my parents, and took a step back from our family business.

    I went from earning about $80K a year to almost nothing. My blog and online courses generated about $5,000 of income in the first year. The risk is wasting your time and the loss of your salary when you make a move like that.

    Livingston recognized the importance of getting comfortable with risk as well. He said the following about the relationship between options and risk:

    “The primary variable in this regard is tolerance of risk. If we take counsel of our fears, particularly our fear of change, it is hard to choose a life that makes us happy. Is it anxiety or lack of imagination that restricts us?”

    This is hard to accept. Unless you get comfortable with your fear of change, you will not have a happy life that consists of many options. 

    Remember that no matter how dire your circumstances are, you’re never out of options. You can always do something. This is the most important belief in human hope and progress. As long as we’re alive, we have a choice. 

    How I create career options

    Let’s look at how you can create more career options. Since your work takes up the majority of your time, it’s important to get this straight. When you have options and happiness in your career, you automatically become a better person.

    How many of your personal problems are related to work? How often do you allow the stress of work to change your mood? And how often does your mood create problems at home?

    To say that your career is important is an understatement. Work is not just something you do on set hours. It’s the single biggest factor that determines what your life looks like on a macro level.

    So how do you make sure you have a good career? Not by having a great job. This might sound weird to you if you’ve been raised thinking every person needs to have one job.

    That’s an old model that no longer works. We don’t need jobs. We need skills that we can apply to multiple jobs and industries.

    Here’s how I approach that. I always prioritize learning over short-term goals like money, bonuses, status, or any other benefits that I can get in my career. 

    The more universal skills I have, the more opportunities I have. For example, if you’re good at persuasion, you can work as a copywriter, account executive, stockbroker, recruiter, or work at a retail store. 

    If you know how to code, you can work at any company that develops software, in any industry.

    Another thing I focus on is building good relationships with experienced people. I’m not a fan of networking with hundreds of people or forming “mastermind” groups with people who are not top-performers. On a social level, it’s wonderful, but professionally, you won’t learn much. 

    If you do want to network, at least connect with people who are more established in life and don’t have much to prove anymore. Professionals like that can point you in the right direction if you don’t know what to do. They can help you to see options you didn’t see before.

    Be willing to pay the price or move on

    I was once talking about this concept of career options with someone in their twenties. The person said they also wanted to be in a similar position as I am today. 

    And I said, “Look, I’ve given up a lot of things when I was your age to be where I am today. I sacrificed relationships and leisure. But I don’t see it as bad because I’ve always been happy to pay that price for happiness. And I still am.”

    And the person said, “I don’t think I can do that.” 

    That’s the end of it. “Then you should accept your life the way it is and that you’re always at the disposal of other people,” I said. If some people are not willing to pay the price, they should just accept whatever is and not complain about being unhappy.

    The truth is there are always options. We just can’t expect that they come for free. Everything in life has a price. If you’re willing to pay, you won’t get disappointed.

    Why is the US doing such a bad job countering China’s rise?

    Oh Simple

    Every Nation has a certain threshold beyond which it’s rise can’t be contained

    The Threshold is Economic and Political and Military based

    I believe that China could have easily been contained or throttled in 2010 or even 2012

    Luckily the 2008 Crisis helped China and gave it 6 years or so beyond which throttling it became tougher and tougher


    Economically China is a giant not just because of the $ 19 Trillion GDP but because of an Industrial Output that exceeds US,UK and Europe combined

    Militarily they can sustain a war for almost 4 years without cracks in their economy. They have enough food and energy independently for that.

    Hence attacking China would result in worse weakening of the West especially by US

    So all US can do is OPTICS or PR

    Make it look like it’s containing China

    Use their media to exaggerate every one of Chinas failures by 1000 and suppress all of Chinas achievements by either not publishing it or using the narrative “BUT AT WHAT COST”

    Riling up neighbors of China

    Essentially acting like a Pimp Bully instead of a Direct Head on Face to Face talk with China

    And Why?

    Why is the West so alarmed with China’s Rise?

    Because they feel China will invade and conquer the US?


    Because they feel China will become the numero uno hegemon

    Nonsense. The US hegemony is too well entrenched to be removed in a year or two. It will take 30 years minimum. Well after the current leadership has been dead and buried

    Because China would become wealthier?

    Naah. Luxembourg and Singapore are wealthier than US and US doesn’t give a damn

    It’s because China isn’t a democracy and it’s proof that a One Party Meritocracy System can do better than a Democracy if the vision and policies work to that effect

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    That breaks the so called “Democracy is God model” that the West has been floating for nearly 100 years

    That’s why the West is so terrified of China’s rise

    The First and Only Photos From Titan, Saturn’s Largest Moon – What Did We See?

    Oh. This video is REALLY cool!

    Why are Just Stop Oil waging war on motorists?

    This is the best selling vehicle in the United States

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    The Ford F Series. Currently, the F-150 is the production model.

    Not the best selling “truck”. The best selling “vehicle”.

    In Canuck speak, it uses anywhere from 11–15 liters of fuel per 100km travelled. By contrast, a Honda Civic uses about 7.1–8 liters of fuel to travel the same distance.

    Vehicles like this are rarely used to haul cargo or for towing. They’re mostly used the same way other vehicles are used – commuting and errands. If cycling were safe in the United States, which it mostly isn’t, about 50% of trips taken by an F-150 could be done by bike.

    It’s not even a good pickup truck. It has a pitiful amount of cargo room.

    Vehicles like this make it difficult for people to travel by any other mode of transit that doesn’t use petroleum, like walking and biking. Heck, this behemoth even makes it impossible to get around in vehicles like the Civic which could do 99% of the trips this thing can because in a collision between this and a Civic the Civic owner is probably in for a bad experience.

    It it safe? For the occupants, yes. For anyone not in it, no. You can’t see a 5 foot tall child standing directly in front of it for one thing.

    America Tells Saudi Arabia To Keep Using Dollars – You Won’t Believe This!

    The U.S. is pushing back against BRICS and China with a deal for Saudi Arabia. However, the terms will include the continued usage of the US dollar in oil sales. Will MBS take the bait and is this a win for America? Here’s what you must know!

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    Linda’s Pepper Steak

    I’ve been making this delicious pepper steak for about 50 years.

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    Cook: 25 min | Yield: 4 servings


    • 1 pound round or flank steak
    • Kosher or sea salt and pepper to taste
    • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
    • 1 medium onion, chopped
    • 1 green bell pepper, diced large
    • 1 red or orange bell pepper, diced large
    • 3 beef bouillon cubes, dissolved in 1 cup hot water
    • 1 can diced tomatoes
    • 1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch
    • 2 teaspoons soy sauce
    • 1/4 cup water


    1. Cut the steak into thin slices (this is easier to do if the meat is semi-frozen).
    2. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
    3. In a large skillet heat the oil.
    4. Add the steak and onion and cook until meat is browned on all sides.
    5. Add the bell peppers and bouillon water. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
    6. Add the tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes.
    7. Mix the cornstarch, soy sauce and water and stir into meat mixture. Cook, stirring, until the mixture has thickened.
    8. Serve with hot fluffy rice or noodles.

    It’s Never About The US President, It’s About The US Empire – Caitlin Johnstone

    We talk about US presidents all the time — Obama did this, Trump did that, blah blah blah. But really it’s never the president doing those things, it’s the empire. The president is just the face of the operation, the name they put on the door that they change every few years to create the illusion that the US government is responsive to the will of the electorate.

    Really if you look solely at the raw data of the US power structure around the world (where the weapons are going, where the resources are going, where the money is and isn’t going, where the diplomats are and aren’t going, etc), you can’t tell from year to year when the White House is changing hands. You can’t tell from that raw data what political party the current president belongs to or what platform he campaigned on, and you can’t tell when he’s replaced by someone from the other party with another platform. The raw data of the empire keeps moving in basically the same way without any meaningful interruption.

    So it’s not really true to say “Obama did this” or “Trump did that”; really they’re just the face that happened to be on the operation when it was time to kill Gaddafi or begin the Pivot to Asia or sanction Venezuela or start arming Ukraine or whatever. They’re not leaders leading the US government in various directions based on what they think the best policies are, they’re empire managers who are responding to whatever the needs of the empire happen to be each day — using whatever justifications or partisan leverage they can muster in that moment.

    And Americans don’t get to vote on any of that stuff. They don’t get to vote on what will have to be done to facilitate the needs of a globe-spanning empire, or if there should be a globe-spanning empire at all. The behavior of the empire is never on the ballot. The only things that are ever on the ballot are issues which stand no possibility of ever interfering in the operation of the empire, like whether the president will appoint Supreme Court justices who oppose abortion or support gun control. And the voting populace is continually kept at a 50/50 split on as many of those issues as possible to keep both sides tugging on the rope with all their might so they don’t look up and notice that the real large-scale behavior of their government is completely unaffected by the small back and forth gains and losses of the tug-o-war game.

    Really the only reason to talk about US presidents in terms of “Obama did this” and “Trump did that” is to highlight this point. To highlight the fact that Obama continued and expanded all the most malignant policies of his predecessor, and that Trump continued and expanded all the most malignant policies of his. To disrupt all the dopey partisan narratives about things getting better under Biden or worse under Trump or that Obama was a progressive or Trump was a peacemaker.

    By pointing out the horrible things that happened under each administration, regardless of party affiliation or platform, the illusion that Americans are controlling the behavior of their government using their votes can be worn away. You can in this sense use the illusion to fight the illusion — use people’s intense interest in presidents and electoral politics to draw them into the insight that it’s all a performance designed to keep the eyes of the masses away from the inner workings of the machine.

    And then the possibility for real change opens up. The longer Americans are convinced that they can vote their way out of problems they never voted their way into in the first place, the longer they can be dissuaded from using the power of their numbers to force real material changes by real material means.

    EPIC FAIL: Why Most US Weapons Systems Are Worse than Russia’s

    Two reasons: complexity, and too much money

    Lately we have seen some good analysis on the limits and vulnerabilities of the American military in light of events in the former Ukraine and especially Russia’s demonstrated competence in Syria.  

    So we have the “what” of the issue, but how about the “why”?  

    As a U.S. Army veteran and a longtime resident of the Beltway—including four-and-a-half years living on Crystal Drive in Arlington, Virginia, which has probably the densest concentration of “defense” contractors anywhere in America—I think I understand what is fundamentally wrong with the U.S. military-industrial complex (MIC.)

    First and foremost, the MIC has long been incapable of producing durable, efficient, versatile weapons.  

    We don’t even have to look to the F-35 on this one.  

    (America’s latest fighter which has turned into a spectacular technical failure and massive  ($1.5 trillion!) expense  – see our super-popular article about how this plane stacks up against the Russian competition- edit)   

    Just consider the most basic item, the M-16. 

    The M-16 Assault Rifle

    My field experience with this piece of junk is that it runs into problems in the presence of even a small amount of sand. When enough sand gets in to the chamber and mixes with the lube oil on the bolt assembly, the grit thus formed results in up to every second round misloading.

    God forbid you should brush an oiled open breach against the side of your foxhole—you are out of commission.  In the absence of air or artillery support or sheer overwhelming numbers on your side, you are dead meat against anyone with a gun that functions in a sandy environment.  And why?  Because, as I was told in boot camp (whether it’s true or not), this thing is perfectly built to have zero fault tolerance.  

    Supposedly, just about every metal component in the M-16 is cast and/or machined to perfection rather than stamped.  Contrast this with Russian or Chinese weapons that are said to be built like can openers to spray lead under any conditions.  In other words, the M-16 is so sophisticated that it doesn’t work well.

    It is now acknowledged that the M-16 with its 5.56mm rounds is insufficiently lethal beyond a couple of hundred meters, making it unsuited to long-distance firefights over open terrain (again those deserts, or perhaps shootouts between mountain ridges.)

    The M-1 Abrams tank

    Another great example – this can be a real dog.  The engine is a gas turbine, like with an aircraft, except that it is being driven around in deserts and even sandstorms, making it extremely finicky and high-maintenance.  (Would you fly your Boeing into a sandstorm?)  Of course, the Abrams was designed to fight in Germany where sand is not an issue.  But during the Iraq adventure, sand so tore up the turbine fans (or whatever) that over 1000 of these million-dollar “power packs” had to be removed and sent up for depot-level maintenance or refurbishment stateside.  

    Yes, that’s right—these things cannot even be fixed in the field.  All you can do is pull them out with a crane and ship them back to the civilians at enormous expense.  At the height of the Iraq adventure, around 2007, the maintenance backlog was so bad that even the national media got wind of it.  

    Of course, when you have the world’s reserve currency, you can afford all that and more—the entire world is paying for your wars.  

    But the waste and inefficiency are a fact.

    The Basic Problem :  Excessive Complexity

    I think the problem here is that American war planners and logisticians prefer originality, complexity, and/or expense-for-the-hell-of-it over versatility and ease of use and maintenance.  This is no surprise given America’s wealth and the longtime generous funding of its armed forces.  After all, every military reflects its own society. 

    Unfortunately for Uncle Sam, what he gets is equipment that may work very well in one environment but not another.

    But so much for American equipment per se.  Let’s talk about Crystal Drive (a neighborhood in suburban Washington where many defense contractors have offices – edit.) —or more broadly, the MIC.

    The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is failing on a massive scale

    It is clear now that the MIC cannot build anything for less than 200 percent of its original planned budget (and that’s being extremely conservative.)  Nor can anything it cranks out nowadays meet performance or survivability expectations.  Besides the never-ending supersonic train wreck known as the F-35, we have other boondoggle failures such as the Littoral Combat Ship, which by all accounts is less capable and more vulnerable than the 20 to 30 year-old vessels it was supposed to replace.

    Or, going back a few years, we see the Army’s “Commanche” helicopter, an intended replacement for the Apache, which blew through $6.9 billion—in 1983-2004 dollars, probably over $10 billion today—before the entire program was scrapped.  That’s right, over $10 billion for nothing—not one Commanche was ever delivered for permanent use to an Army operational unit!  

    Where did that money go, if they didn’t actually manufacture anything besides a few prototypes?  Did they spend $10 billion on PowerPoint presentations?  

    My brain cannot even wrap around this.  Can you imagine what Russia or China could do for $10 billion?  

    However, even that pales before the Army’s cancelled Future Combat Systems program, which burned through an estimated (no one knows exactly) $20 billion from 2003 to somewhere between 2012 and 2014 (depending on what termination milestone you go by), with almost nothing to show beyond a few prototypes, a lot of concept art, and a 29-pound toy robot made by iRobot of “Roomba” vacuum cleaner fame.  In fact, I can’t think of one big new U.S. weapons system that has succeeded in the last 25 years, other than perhaps the Stryker armored car (though some have argued that point, and I just don’t know enough about it.)

    As pointed out by many other observers, part of the blame lies with our political system, where MIC corporations buy politicians and then receive favors in the form of contracts, whether or not the contracts make any sense. However, I think this is not the only problem, nor even necessarily the biggest.  

    Fundamentally what I think we have is systemic over-complexity resulting in nothing getting done, or done well anyway.

    US intelligence agencies have the same problem

    This is akin to the deep systemic crisis in Uncle Sam’s intelligence agencies, where from 9/11 to the Arab Spring to Crimea to the ISIS conquest of Mosul to Russia in Syria, the word is always “we didn’t expect…”  In this case, we have numerous agencies—some of them with overlapping functions—that are drowning in paperwork and garbage data (or too much data) and are almost totally useless.  

    As some readers will remember, it got so bad that in April 2014 the State Department released a photo collage aiming to prove that (among other things) a bearded Chechen battalion commander going by the name Hamza, who appeared in Russian TV footage of the 2008 Olympic War, was none other than the bearded, overweight Slaviansk militiaman going by the call-sign “Babai”—in other words, Russian special forces have invaded the Donbass.  (The New York Times ran with this and was then oh-so-vaguely and gently reproached by its own ombudsman.)  

    Shouldn’t this awful joke have been prevented by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is supposed to promote info-sharing among agencies and centrally vet all claims and conclusions—especially those being trumpeted on the State Department’s website or at its briefings?  Apparently not!

    Bureaucratic bloat

    On the other hand, what the U.S. lack-of-intelligence complex is very good at—besides hiring way too many buxom, flirty young things straight out of college and with no language skills or any experience at all (DIA and NGA, you know your ex-military managers like to beautify their offices)—is providing employment for tens of thousands of its own staff as well as tens of thousands of grotesquely-overpaid contractors, including those who build and run billion-dollar eavesdropping centers that have proven incapable of picking up anything useful, perhaps because when you try to listen to everything, you end up hearing nothing. 

    The lesson here is that the more offices and agencies, the more managers and political appointees who will seek to justify and expand their turf and budgets by shoveling out as much money on as many contracts as possible, as quickly as possible, in many cases even paying contractors to do little more than just sit around (sometimes at home) waiting for the next contract.  (I have seen this many times in Washington.)  

    Then you get so big that people simply trip over each other and the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.

    The US MIC worked great 50 years ago because less money and people were involved

    So I think this is what’s going on not only in the intelligence apparatus, but in the MIC as a whole.  We have hundreds of thousands of staff and contractors as well as military officers assigned to liaise with them, all kinds of project managers and “six-sigma black belts” and other buzzwords, juggling millions of PowerPoints across the river from Washington and throughout the country, and they can’t field a helicopter after spending $10 billion on it. 

    Really?  How did this great country ever defeat the Japanese Empire?

    Go to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington; you will see the most amazing things—e.g. generators designed to operate on the surface of the Moon, drawing electricity from the heat of plutonium decay—that were developed when there was no Crystal Drive, no Tysons Corner, etc.  

    Then go to the museum’s extension near Dulles airport and check out the SR-71 “Blackbird”, the fastest and highest-flying airplane ever built (this was about 50 years ago.)  

    How did they do it?  

    Although there were more men in uniform back then, the MIC itself (or should I say the Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Homeland-Insecurity-Complex (MIIHIC)) – had but a fraction of today’s civilian workforce.  Luckily, most of those paper-pushing “systems integrators” and PowerPoint rangers did not exist.  Blueprints were drafted with pencil and paper.  

    Today, Uncle Sam can’t even build a heavy rocket engine, not to mention a good helmet or ejection seat for his F-35.

    No hope for change going forward

    So it seems that as a technical civilization we are degenerating.  

    Sure, there are constant advancements in microelectronics (a.k.a. integrated circuits) and the programs they allow, but in terms of heavy engineering—of which the MIIHIC and other government initiatives like the space program were at the forefront since WWII—it seems that the U.S. is tapped out.  

    And you know what?  Throwing more money at it is just going to make it worse. 

    The organizations with their budgets and their perfectly reasonable-sounding arguments for ever-greater budgets will grow, their workforces will grow, the contracting sector will grow, more shiny office buildings will go up, but the result will be an ever-increasingly-negative marginal return.  

    John McCain and all the other broken records in and out of the Pentagon will say we still don’t have enough funds to counter a pointless Russian invasion of parasitic, inconsequential Lithuania (currently headed by a longtime communist) or any other 1990s-era speculative wargame training scenario that somehow carried over into the public consciousness and morphed into the Greatest Threat to World Peace.

    Of course, as long as the U.S. has the money to send gazillion-dollar armies and armadas against illiterate natives armed with sharp sticks and coconuts, this may not visibly threaten its hegemony.  Almost any problem or mistake can be papered over with money, for a long time anyway.  

    But eventually, even if the money spigot does not constrict, we will get to the point where the military really can’t be used as anything more than a façade or a gunboat road-show, hoping no one calls the bluff, because the stuff just doesn’t work like it’s supposed to, or else is too vulnerable (witness the evacuation of the U.S. aircraft carrier from the Persian Gulf after Uncle Sam found out that Russia has cruise missiles with a range of at least 1500km, or the ridiculous sail-around of China’s little islands which had the sense to infringe only very slightly and briefly on that country’s imaginary territorial waters), or the natives can devise their own countermeasures. 

    In fact, I would say we are at that point already.  Not to mention, the U.S. Army and the Department of Veterans Affairs are still so tapped-out after Iraq and Afghanistan that another major ground operation is unthinkable.  (At this point, Washington is more likely to launch nukes at somebody than risk another ground war.)

    So you can anticipate a lot of hand-wringing and a lot more money being thrown into the breach.  That’s simply what the machine does; there is no chance to reform it, nor will the Hegemony dissipate willingly (although lately it’s done a good job of dissipating unwillingly.)  

    But all that money may as well be flushed down the can. 

    The threshold has been reached and it’s all downhill from here.

    Pluto Really Is a Weird Place! These Are the Strangest Things Found on Its Icy Surface

    Successful Kids and 10 Habits of the Parents Who Raise Them

    Jenn MorsonUpdated: Apr. 12, 2023

    Raising successful kids

    We’re always checking out other people’s parenting skills in an effort to raise successful kids. Should we make their bedtime earlier? Should we insist on piano lessons? We rounded up the parenting moves that do seem to spur kids on to greatness.

    Give children chores

    When children are made to complete chores, they are shaping a work ethic from early on. Not only does this give them a chance to contribute to family life, but it also demonstrates that they play an integral role in the successful day-to-day functioning of their family. Chores for kids also teach them valuable skills that will be necessary when they head off to college and start their adult lives.

    Set high expectations

    Parents of successful kids set high expectations for their children as well as themselves. More often than not, it encourages children to rise to the occasion. If college is the expectation, students will work toward that goal more readily than if a parent doesn’t bother mentioning it. What’s more, parents help their children succeed by modeling high expectations of themselves and demonstrating how to work hard to meet goals. It’s important to make sure that your expectations of your kids are realistic, however—they shouldn’t be led to believe they have to qualify for the olympics, graduate as valedictorian, or even keep their rooms clean 24/7—as the pressure to meet overly lofty goals can cause anxiety and ultimately backfire.

    Get yourself educated

    Statistically speaking, parents who have completed high school or college are more likely to have children who do the same. Parents who have not achieved higher levels of education might consider pursuing these educational goals in order to provide a good example for their children. As a bonus, studies show that higher education lowers blood pressure.

    Show them the good life

    If you want your child to follow in your footsteps—getting a steady job, making a nice home, and having a family—it’s helpful to make it look appealing. That doesn’t mean never ever complaining or hiding the truth about real life from your children, but there’s something to be said for modeling a life that motivates your children to want to achieve success. If they see your hard work is paying off, and that it seems meaningful, they will be more inclined to invest in their own futures. Avoid these things that parents say that ruin their kids’ trust.

    Make friends with numbers early

    Teaching math at an earlier age is not only an indicator of later success in mathematics but also in reading. Preschool now places a stronger emphasis on math skills in order to prepare students for the rigorous math expectations of elementary school and beyond. Giving your child a leg up on these skills will set them up for later success. We did an algorithm to ensure that these math jokes will make you smile (just kidding).

    Make time for bonding

    Children who have a secure foundation with their parents are more successful than those who do not, regardless of socio-economic status. That doesn’t mean you have to take them to Disney World or to the movies every week, but you’d do well to read a book together at bedtime, share meals whenever possible, and generally make yourself available when they need you. By nurturing a strong bond with your children from birth, you’ll help them feel grounded and secure—and secure children are more likely to become successful adults.

    Teach troubleshooting

    Parents of successful children give their kids the tools they need to solve problems, whether it means asking them how they think a word is spelled before dictating the answer, or prompting them to suggest solutions when problems arise. These moves help children develop the habit of trying to solve problems themselves, which leads to feelings of competence and confidence—invaluable skills for navigating adult life. These quotes about parenting are sure to make you laugh.

    Accept and recognize their feelings

    Emotions are tough for a lot of people, especially kids. So it can be particularly helpful to teach kids how to recognize and verbalize their emotions. When children are young, attach names to their feelings, so they can speak about them intelligently. You might say, “I see that you’re feeling very frustrated,” or “I know it must be disappointing to have to miss your friend’s party.” Giving children the space to explore their emotions and helping them process those emotions will contribute to their becoming successful adults. Don’t miss the signs you’re raising an emotionally intelligent child.

    Try to chill out a little

    Stressed out parents make for stressed out children. Learn to manage your own stress levels in order to provide a stress-free home for your children. Stress is contagious—don’t pass it on.

    Read to them

    Reading to your child, even in infancy, demonstrates how communication works and elevates their verbal skills as they enter formal schooling. What’s more, reading with your child helps them build empathy and decision-making skills. Build up your reading this with 25 of the best children’s books ever written.

    The Niger Crisis and the Global Threat of War

    August 14, 2023

    By Thomas SCRIPPS

    The impoverished West African state of Niger is the latest flashpoint in the struggle by the imperialist powers for a redivision of the world. The issues involved in the NATO-Russia war in Ukraine—a fight for territory, strategic resources and regime-change—are erupting all over the globe, in China and Taiwan, and now in the Sahel region of Africa.

    Though stalled for the moment, what would be a devastating war led by the most powerful country in the region, Nigeria, to oust the coup leaders in Niger and reinstate President Mohamed Bazoum is under active preparation. At a summit of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in the Nigerian capital Abuja Thursday, leaders agreed to activate a standby military force and threatened that “no option had been taken off the table.”’

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    They agreed a new round of sanctions on Niger, which has been plunged into blackouts by electricity cut-offs and seen food prices rise 60 percent amid a blockade and the freezing of assets and trade.

    A conflict would draw in the entire region. Senegal, Benin and the Ivory Coast have already pledged to send troops to aid Nigeria. Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea have declared for the military coup leaders in Niger.

    Behind the proposed ECOWAS action stand the imperialist powers, who are intent on blocking Russia and China from further penetrating a continent whose strategic significance is growing rapidly. The long-term decline of France’s economic position in its former West African colonies—culminating in the last three years in a dramatic collapse of its military presence in Mali, Burkina Faso and now perhaps Niger—has thrown open the Sahel region to intense geopolitical competition.

    Bazoum was considered an important Western ally. The US and the European powers have responded to the coup against him by cutting aid to Niger supposedly provided on “humanitarian” grounds—on which it relies for 40 percent of its annual government budget. They are determined to secure their interests whatever the cost.

    Speaking Tuesday after “difficult” talks with the coup leaders, US Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland—veteran of the US-backed 2014 coup in Ukraine—threatened, “We’ll be watching the situation, but we understand our legal responsibilities and I explained those very clearly to the guys who were responsible for this and that it is not our desire to go there, but they may push us to that point.”

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    Caution over a proposed military intervention by ECOWAS has centred on concerns that such action has not been properly prepared and would spark mass opposition throughout the region. A misjudged war could explode the social powder keg in Nigeria, where the US and Britain are heavily invested politically and economically.

    A great deal is at stake. The United States currently has 1,500 soldiers of its 6,500-strong declared African deployment stationed in Niger across two bases—one of which is the regional hub for drone missions. France has 1,100 troops in the country, Italy 300 and Germany around 100.

    Niger is a major uranium producer, providing a quarter of Europe’s supply. It is due to start exporting oil and plays a central role in policing migration out of Africa to Europe. It has become a frontline state in a battle for economic and military pre-eminence in West Africa and across the whole continent.

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    Africa is home to an estimated 30 percent of the world’s mineral wealth, including 90 percent of its chromium and platinum—crucial to the green energy transition. Another such mineral is cobalt, of which 70 percent of the world’s supply is produced in the Democratic Republic of Congo. By the end of the century, Africa could also account for a fifth of the world’s lithium supply.

    The continent also produces 65 percent of the world’s diamonds and is home to 40 percent of its gold reserves, 12 percent of its oil and 8 percent of its natural gas, while Morocco alone is home to 75 percent of the world’s phosphate rock, crucial for fertiliser.

    In terms of markets, Africa’s consumer expenditure is on track to grow from $1.4 trillion in 2015 to $2.5 trillion in 2030.

    The US and Europe are concerned not to let Niger be another loss to the claims made by China and Russia on these riches and opportunities.

    Russia’s Wagner group (headed by Yevgeny Prigozhin) is operating in Mali, to Niger’s immediate West, Libya, to its North East, the Central African Republic (CAR) and Sudan—providing armed forces for their governments in conflicts with local rebel groups. In the CAR and Sudan, Wagner also runs private gold and diamond mines.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin inaugurated a Russia-Africa summit in 2019 promising to help push back against “an array of Western countries [that] are resorting to pressure, intimidation and blackmail of sovereign African governments.” The second, far less well attended, summit held under conditions of anti-Russian sanctions and the war in Ukraine, took place last month, where a special effort was made to court Burkina Faso’s “interim leader” Colonel Ibrahim Traoré.

    Russia has sought to leverage its relatively meagre resources to gain allies and the occasional lucrative venture, but China is throwing enormous economic weight behind securing control of Africa’s resources markets. It has controlling stakes in large swathes of the continent’s mining industry—including the bulk of uranium mines in Niger, plus its oil industry—forming part of a total FDI (foreign direct investment) stock of $43.4 billion in 2020, a 100-fold increase in 17 years.

    China is Africa’s largest bilateral lender, loaning $153 billion in the two decades to 2019, and its second largest trade partner after the European Union, bigger than any other single country.

    Both Russia and China are also major arms suppliers to sub-Saharan Africa, accounting for 26 and 18 percent of sales respectively in the last five years, above third-place France at 8 percent, and the US at 5 percent.

    In 2019, US Africa Command (AFRICOM) launched a five-year plan to “deter” what it called “Chinese and Russian malign action.” Former head of AFRICOM, Marine Corps Gen. Thomas Waldhauser, told Congress that year that both were after “access and influence to our detriment,” and that, within the decade, China could gain the capability to inhibit US military access and operations. The policy has remained unchanged since Trump’s Republicans were replaced by the Democrats under Biden.

    Colin P. Clarke, former RAND analyst and current director of research at the global intelligence and security consultancy The Soufan Group, bluntly explained to Newsweek the implications of the Nigerien situation.

    “This could take on the dimensions of a regional proxy war, with Western countries supporting ECOWAS and Russia supporting Niger—and Burkina Faso and Mali, if they joined in—with muscle from the Wagner Group.

    “What’s happening in the Sahel is not a sideshow to great power competition, it is great power competition. The events unfolding are not doing so in a vacuum. The US, France, China, and Russia each have their own vested interests in Sahelian countries.”

    Workers and the rural poor in Niger and West Africa are confronted with the catastrophe warned of by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) at its 1991 Berlin Conference of Workers against Imperialist War and Colonialism, held in response to the Gulf War.

    The manifesto announcing that conference explained: “This ongoing and de facto partition of Iraq signals the start of a new division of the world by the imperialists. The colonies of yesterday are again to be subjugated. The conquests and annexations which, according to the opportunist apologists of imperialism, belonged to a bygone era are once again on the order of the day.”

    Based on Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution, the statement warned that the struggle “against imperialist oppression cannot be waged successfully as long as the working class remains under the political domination of any wing of the national bourgeoisie.” It is inseparable from a fight against national ruling classes which have overseen the continued gruelling exploitation of the African masses, kept in power by militaries trained and funded by the imperialists.

    Niger must above all serve as a warning to the working class all over the world of the urgent need to oppose the predatory war aims of the imperialist powers. As the ICFI and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality insisted in calling for the building of a worldwide movement against the NATO-Russia war:

    The war in Ukraine is not an episode that will soon be resolved and followed by a return to “normalcy.” It is the beginning of a violent eruption of a global crisis that can be resolved only in one of two ways. The capitalist solution leads to nuclear war, though the word “solution” can hardly be rationally applied to what would amount to planetary suicide. Thus, the only viable response, from the standpoint of securing the future of mankind, is the world socialist revolution.

    If the Taiwanese people join China by their own free will, what would happen?

    USA will not allow it to happen. Why do you think all 3 Taiwan candidates needs to appear in US for an interview. They will be questioned on this issue and make their pledges this will not happen.

    Scott Ritter Scrubbed From Youtube

    Declan Hayes

    August 14, 2023

    Scott Ritter will survive. But over 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers have not survived the carnage that is a direct result of YouTube’s censorship of omission and commission.

    The best place to begin a discussion of b scrubbing Scott Ritter from its public arena is with former English football international Matt Le Tissier, whose footprint can be still found all over social media.

    In his interviews, Le Tissier comes across as a nice, well-balanced guy, who exudes the abundance of confidence which he himself admits made him such a formidable spot kicker for Southampton FC, which he loyally served for an impressive 16 years, despite getting much better offers from Spurs and other big clubs.

    Retiring from football, Le Tissier became a successful pundit before being blackballed over his views, which he continues to express in the most moderate of terms, on censorship and overall state repression. Even more to our point, Le Tissier said that, as a pundit, he described the action from the point of view of a spectator and not as a manager or, in his case, a lethal forward, and that he left the complex strategic analysis and accompanying diagrams to others. In other words, even as a pundit, Le Tissier was a team player, who could see the overall picture and the best role he could play there.

    The point here is that, whether we are looking at football or at NATO’s Ukrainian war, we should try eliciting views from many informed quarters, those like Ritter, with a modicum of relevant experience, included.

    Although NATO would agree with that, they insist that military pundits must only express the views of Team NATO and no one else, as all else is mis-information, Putin propaganda and so on. Because Ritter not only differs from NATO’s narrative but actually admits to sometimes working in consort with informed Russians, NATO must have him gagged, for what possible benefit could there be for NATO in giving a Russian, any Russian, a fair hearing? As someone who wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to Ritter’s punditry or, for that matter, that of Le Tissier, that is still fundamentally wrong and, in the case of Ritter, dangerous.

    It is dangerous because listening to echo chambers on Ukraine or any other war zone is not only dangerous but potentially lethal as well. This can now be seen in the case of Ukraine where, following the collapse of the much-vaunted Ukrainian Army that Ritter, Douglas Macgregor and other informed pundits long ago consistently predicted, MI6 agent Zelensky, a term I borrow from Ritter’s prior excellent work, is now pretending to clean up Ukraine’s rampant corruption, which Ritter repeatedly previously drew attention to.

    Not only has NATO lied to us about every aspect of their Ukrainian war, just like they have lied to us about every single other of the countless wars they have waged since their inception but they want to muffle and ban every authoritative voice that might present us with a contrary view.

    This is not to say that all views are equally valid and legitimate. They are not. Le Tissier was a pundit because he was an excellent and articulate player and Ritter, as he constantly reminds us, was a senior officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, which I would put on a par with Hitler’s Wehrmacht, many of whose generals, such as Erich von Manstein, provided valuable post-War insights and more of whom, such as Franz Halder, who served as Chief of Staff of Nazi Germany’s High Command from 1938 to 1942, was subsequently showered with medals and awards of appreciation by President John F Kennedy for perpetuating the myth of the “righteous war the clean Wehrmacht” fought against the Red Army’s Soviet Homeland, whose civilians remain NATO’s primary military target to this very day.

    NATO has, of course, countless other targets, many of whom are like Gonzalo Lira, where Ritter has singularly missed the mark. Lira is, or rather was, our man on the spot, just as Nazi Party member John Rabe was our much better informed man on the spot during Japan’s Rape of Nanking for which NATO relentlessly pilloried investigative journalist Iris Chang until she suicided.

    Scott Ritter, like Matt Le Tissier before him, is strong and resourceful. He will survive. But over 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers have not survived the carnage that is a direct result of the censorship of omission and commission YouTube and other NATO mis-information portals have spewed out. Though each of those soldiers had a story to tell, many of them, who could not afford to bribe their way to safety, came from the poorest strata of society, from mountainside hovels without even a window, never mind any semblance of what we might regard as the barest comforts of life. Instead of letting them be, Zelensky’s thugs kidnapped them and threw them into the meat grinder where they died unlamented, except by those who loved them and depended on them for their subsistence.

    When we take Ukraine’s dead, wounded, orphaned, widowed, trafficked and abandoned into account, Zelensky and his YouTube and other NATO censors must have destroyed the lives of well over 4 million Ukrainians and that is without even looking at the Russian side of the lines.

    But, because Lira and even Ritter may be our current men on the spot, historians in future years will probably thank them, just as the more honest amongst them previously thanked Rabe, for giving posterity the first draft of why so many millions of lives had to be blighted so low life porno actor Zelensky could accumulate his portfolio of mansions to house his impressive stable of mistresses.

    Ritter and Lira, like Rabe before them, might well be just very minor footnotes to all this carnage. But the main authors of this carnage, criminals like Victoria Nuland and John Bolton, are not. Their self-serving threats against the International Criminal Court notwithstanding, all NATO curs like them have very serious questions to answer, the sort of charges Frank, Frick, Jodl, Kallenbrunner, Keitel, Ribbentrop, Rosenberg and Streicher all swung for in Nuremberg.

    These NATO curs have repeatedly said that rough justice is for others, for those like their former Iraqi ally Saddam Hussein whom they lynched in 2006, or Gadaffi, whom they sodomised and murdered in 2011. But then there is also Stepan Bandera, who met his Maker in 1959 to settle, in part, vendettas these NATO gangsters continue to this day. And, though Ritter, Lipp, Lira and Assange are immaterial to settling such scores, until they are settled, there can be no justice and no peace because justice demands that NATO’s war criminals pay with their lives for their crimes and, as even the blind can see, as long as Nuland, Bolton and the rest of NATO’s swamp creatures remain uncaged, there definitely can be no peace.

    15 Months On Mars: Ingenuity Finds Eerie Spacecraft Wreckage

    WTF? Cool.

    Through the Western lens

    Through the Western lens means 3 things:

    1. Ideological bigotry — liberal democracy is superior; China’s political system is evil, autocratic, repressive.
    2. Western projection — Western colonialism has dominated the world for the last 500 years; therefore, China will also try to dominate the world similarly, either militarily or economically.
    3. Fear of losing hegemony — China threatens the global hegemony of USA, UK and EU. China must be stopped.

    Viewing China through this lens yields:

    1. Anti-China propaganda to smear China’s reputation, turn world opinion against China and hopefully cause the world to decouple from China.
    2. Economic and tech sanctions against China, depriving China of 5G market, semiconductors, FDI.
    3. Military intimidation — naval exercises in Taiwan Strait, adding more military bases, selling arms to Taiwan.

    The Western lens is blind to 3 facts:

    1. China has fought no wars in over 40 years, since 1979, making China the most peaceful world power to have ever existed.
    2. Outside of USA, UK and EU, the rest of the world holds a favorable view of China. The University of Cambridge published a study in October 2022 called, “A World Divided: Russia, China and the West.” It surveyed 137 countries representing 97% of the world’s population to uncover the favorability of Russia and China to these countries. It found that 70% of the world, excluding the Western countries, had a favorable view of China. Only 23% of Western countries thought well of China.
    3. Evil, autocratic, repressive China has the most trusted and satisfactory government in the world. According to the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer, 89% of Chinese trust their government compared to 56% for France, 51% for Canada, 47% for Germany, 46% for Italy, 42% for USA, 37% for UK, 36% for Spain, and 33% for Japan.

    A November 2019 Ipsos survey shows that 94 percent of Chinese believe their country is on the right track.

    According to the Global Happiness 2023 survey from Ipsos, China is the happiest country in the world at 91% compared to 76% for USA, 74% for Canada and France, and 70% for UK.

    According to Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School in 2020, 95.5% of Chinese are satisfied with their government.

    A 2019 UC San Diego study shows a high level of satisfaction among the Chinese across a range of aspects up to 95 percent.

    According to Latana’s Democracy Perception Index 2023, China is the 6th most democratic nation on earth, well ahead of Germany, Spain, Canada, Italy, UK, USA, France, and Japan.

    Use Google search to verify all of the above. Don’t take my word for it.

    Western democracy is a failed model. US democracy has degenerated into a plutocracy. UK democracy is a mess. Indian democracy is a mess.

    We have bozo leaders like Biden, Trump, Trudeau, Johnson, Truss, Sunak, Scholz, Modi, Zelensky, etc.

    Western democracy allowed millions of people to die needlessly from the pandemic.

    Western democracy allowed UK and EU to f*ck up their economies thanks to Russian sanctions.

    USA is in very sad shape because of a totally incompetent government…

    • $32 trillion national debt
    • crumbling infrastructure
    • homelessness
    • unaffordable health care
    • rampant gun violence
    • mass incarceration
    • fentanyl crisis
    • increasing poverty

    The list is endless.

    India can’t get a handle on ethnic strife and human rights issues. It has poor education and poor infrastructure. China’s economy is 5.2 times larger by nominal GDP and 2.5 times larger by purchasing power parity when, by rights, India’s economy should be roughly on par with China’s. Thank India’s democracy for this.

    The West is a waking up…

    The US obsession with China is 100% a “they hate us cuz they ain’t us” situation.

    Forty years ago, the Chinese were living in rice fields. Now, they’re all super rich and living in cities that look like the Mars Base from Total Recall.

    Last time I was there, I was so shocked by the affluence of the general population that I literally made this face:

    2023 08 14 11 52
    2023 08 14 11 52

    They had to give me tea to relax.

    But seriously, I’m thinking of making a trip to China and making a documentary proving that it is a much better country.

    A Chinese friend invited me. He’s not even really rich, and he was like “yeah – you can stay at my place. You can sleep on the couch. It’s not a problem – I have 200 couches.”

    A Litany of Lies

    by Arch Bungle
    Lifted from an off-topic comment.

    Being a catalogue of the lies I have imbibed through by means of torturous exposure to Anglo-American Newspapers and the rumor mills of Continental Europe.

    See the examples below:

    1. The Russian MIC cannot manufacture semiconductors. All their semiconductors are obtained via the black market from western sources. Or Iran. Or China. Or North Korea (all of whom are themselves under sanctions!).
    2. The Russian microchip industry doesn’t exist (But the Russians can build things with black market American chips that even the Japanese can’t build)
    3. The Russian microchip industry has collapsed (How something that doesn’t exist “collapses” I am not sure, but there you are)
    4. Putin is a Dictator. He micromanages every single aspect of Russian Society up to the frontline battles (The Surovikhin Line should actually be renamed the “Putin Line”. But russian military bloggers and even military staff are criticising him on a daily basis without apparent consequence, and outspoken media figures are allowed to hurl an endless stream of criticism against Putin and his conduct of the war).
    5. Putin is Russia and “Russia is Putin” (And that one aging bureaucrat alone is enough to terrify the West )
    6. Russia / Putin is Isolated from the global community (Because everyone knows the “International Community” consists of white folks plus some honorary members like the Japs and South Koreans (whose membership may soon be up anyway))
    7. The Russian economy is insignificant and smaller than Italy/Texas/France/etc. (it’s only the biggest economy in Europe by PPP, and nobody cares about PPP)
    8. The Soviet Union was an Empire and Russia is seeking to restore it’s imperialism
    9. Putin is a “Thug” and a “Murderer” (Because he bombed all those Afghan weddings, blockaded the starving people of Yemen and stated publicly that 500 000 Iraqi children were a worthy sacrifice to Mammon)
    10. Russian military operations are at a disadvantage at night due to inferior night vision (The AFU on the other hand has access to the best NATO night vision technology)
    11. Russia is starving the world by withdrawing from the grain deal
    12. The Oil Price Cap, defying all laws of economic gravity, has been surprisingly effective in strangling Russian oil revenues
    13. Russia is running out of artillery/drones/tanks/men Russia is salvaging microchips from dishwashers
    14. Putin is dying from Alzheimers/Parkinsons/Cancer
    15. Russia is stealing millions of Ukrainian children and abducting them to Russian territory
    16. Putin eats brains cooked by Prigozine
    17. Prigozine was Putin’s Chef (literally)
    18. Russian army is demoralised and bordering on mutiny
    19. Putin’s inner circle is plotting a coup against him (It’s going as slow as the SMO because they also believe in the slow grinding approach)
    20. [Counter-Narrative character assassination] Putin was responsible for the Moscow Apartment Bombings
    21. Russian army is incompetent and poorly trained
    22. Russian satellite coverage of the battlespace is poor, so poor large swathes of Ukraine are completely invisible to them
    23. Russian army has poor targeting precision. So bad that even a large CEP and a salvo won’t help
    24. Russia is deliberately targeting civilians
    25. Ukraine is not targeting civilians (deliberately)
    26. Putin is preparing to colonise Africa (The Africans will be given a choice of Russia, China, The EU or the US for their new colonial masters)
    27. The Wagner group is involved somehow in the coup in Niger
    28. Russia has been making extensive use of cluster munitions since the start of the SMO (Extensive evidence of this to be found in Bucha, Mariupol and Kherson)
    29. Ukraine has an artillery advantage over Russia (July/June 2023)
    30. NATO tactics are superior to Russian battlefield tactics (Specifically the training provided by the Brits, those eternal masters of battlefield tactics going back to the charge of the light brigade)
    31. Putin has a poor grasp of strategy (As compared to Biden, Sunak, Boris Johnson, Olaf Scholtz, Jens Stotenberg, Milley, Von der Leyen and Borell who are strategic geniuses)
    32. The Sanctions Are Working (Just like they worked against Iran, Cuba, North Korea, the Houthi, China, Vietnam …)
    33. The HIMARS Missile system will be a “game changer” (It’s impossible to shoot down a hi mars round, and not a single Himars system has been destroyed)
    34. American drones will be a “game changer” (especially the little spy ones)
    35. The AFU has “semi-encircled” the Russian forces in Bakhmut/Artyomsk
    36. Byraktar will be a game-changer (Because somehow the Turks managed to evolve from kebab makers to advanced drone manufacture. Who do they think they are, Iranians?)
    37. F16s will turn the tide of the battle in Ukraines favour
    38. X wonder weapon will “turn the tide against Russia” (I thought the tide was already in Ukraine’s favour from the start?)
    39. X general/commander has been fired/sacked/discipled
    40. X and Y generals have a personal rivalry that is affecting Russian battlefield performance
    41. The Russian army is dependent on decrepit Soviet-era equipment (e.g old Soviet Hypersonic missiles)
    42. There’s nothing special about Ukraine’s neo-nazi problem since neo-nazism is a worldwide problem.
    43. There are no weapons bio-labs in Ukraine operated by the Pentagon
    44. The weapons labs operated in Ukraine by the pentagon are not a threat to Russia
    45. Russia Attacked Ukraine Unprovoked (The bombing of civilians in donbas was no reason to go in guns blazing. R2P is the divine right of Europeans only)
    46. NATO made no commitment (written or otherwise) to not advance on Russia’s borders (Gorbacheff was drunk and hallucinating at the time)
    47. The SMO has nothing to do with the NATO advancement in Eastern Europe
    48. The SMO has nothing to do with the 8-year killings of ethnic russians in donbas
    49. Cluster munitions are acceptable in Ukraine’s case since they’re in dire straits
    50. The Russians invaded Ukraine in 2014 (“Little Green Men”)
    51. Russian tanks are inferior to American tanks (Even Shermans.)Russian tanks are inferior to German tanks (Even WW2 tiger tanks)
    52. Russian tanks are inferior to French tanks (Especially in reverse)
    53. The Russian army is the second most powerful one in the world (Second most powerful in Ukraine, which means the AFU is the most powerful army in the world)
    54. Putin is a Crypto-Jew (Because there are some photos of a Putin-looking dude wearing a weird cap)
    55. Ukraine cannot be a NAZI state because it’s president is Jewish
    56. [Counter-Narrative Character Assassination] Alexander Mercouris is a convicted criminal
    57. [Counter-Narrative Character Assassination] Scott Ritter is a convicted paedophile
    58. “X” pro-russian commentator has never been right (non of his predictions has come true)
    59. “Y” pro-Russian commentator is a convicted x,y,z (character assassinations)
    60. The sanctions will work if we only apply enough rounds of sanctions!
    61. The Russian economy is in tatters!
    62. Putin is losing the political support of his people: Protests breaking out all over Russia with a possible cooler revolution brewing
    63. The Ukrainian Counteroffensive (June/July/August 2023) is/was/will be successful
    64. Russia is firing S300 missiles into Poland (over Ukrainian airspace)
    65. The Russo Ukraine war started in 2022
    66. The Russian Army is using Human Wave attacks (wagner’s HR department must be the most efficient on planet earth – a revolution in HR affairs for sure)
    67. The Russian Army is targeting civilians (And yet the Russians have poor targeting ability?)
    68. The Russian army is using cluster munitions since the start of the war (with not a single mention in the media until the US decided to suggest using them?)
    69. Putin wants to expand the Russian empire into Europe (including such useless basket cases like the Greeks, Italians, French and Spaniards and those malevolent psychopaths the Germans)
    70. Ukrainian Grain is key to solving world hunger (But the EU frequently rejects the grain due to toxins?)
    71. ‘International Law’ says x , y , z about the SMO (the same international law that has no enforcer or single legislative body acknowledged internationally)
    72. NATO is a defensive organisation (Except when it comes to brown people in non-european countries, or yugoslavs, who may be bombed with wild abandon)
    73. NATO is limited to the “North Atlantic” (Libya is a north atlantic country of course, everybody knows THAT)
    74. NATO has greater military power than Russia (An organisation made up mostly of countries who got their asses kicked by the Wehrmacht or paid Russia to do their fighting for them are now suddenly the most powerful military force on earth)
    75. Putin is in league with the Russian Oligarchs and therefore targeting the Oligarchs harms Putin (which explains why they’re fleeing Russia for London)
    76. Ukrainian attacks on civilian infrastructure are justified (but Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure are not. All Ukrainian attacks on civilians are unintentional, including the couple killed on Kerch bridge orphaning their daughter)
    77. The Russian Tank Autoloader is inferior to the manually loaded western tank loader (Because a meat-bag on captagon can outperform automation in any era)
    78. The Ukrainian offensive is stalling because NATO is drip-feeding weapons to the regime’ (But still Ukraine is winning!).
    79. Current hostilities between the AFU and the RF are “stalemated” (Even in Kupyansk)
    80. Current hostilities between the AFU and the RF are “stalled” (but Ukraine is making ‘incremental gains’, but Russia is not making ‘incremental gains’)
    81. The Tochka missile attack on the Kramatorsk train station was perpetrated by Russians using an old Soviet missile from Ukrainian stocks.
    82. The Russian people are collectively responsible for Putin’s war on Ukraine (So they need re-education and De-Russification)
    83. The Ukrainian Industry is continuing as normal despite the war. It’s glorious industrial machine pumps out tanks, shells, missiles, semiconductors, fuel and grain at impressive levels, supplying The World and their own army with important commodities (Motorsich is running fine producing tanks for the AFU, jet engines for the Ukrainian Airforce, the neon/argon production facilities have not been captured by Russia, oil reserve facilities are untouched).
    84. Life in Ukrainian cities is continuing as normal despite the war. All is well. Pool parties and street celebrations are commonplace. (Millions of Ukrainians have not fled for Europe, it was merely the tourist high season, hospitals are not filled with the casualties of war, funeral hearses in their thousands are not seen in the streets, WW2 cemeteries are not seeing a capacity problem …)
    85. If the west only gets rid of Putin Russia will collapse and the West will be victorious. (This short, balding, 70-year old bureaucrat is the only one standing between Victoria Nuland and “World Domination”).
    86. The use of nuclear weapons by Russia will end the war and the world will be at peace thereafter (or some variation thereof).
    87. Ukraine should be grateful to the West for supplying the Ukrainian Army (But the West owes Ukraine nothing for fighting their wars for them?)
    88. General Gerasimov was killed on the battlefield.
    89. Putin is dead and what we’re seeing is one of his many body doubles (The body double is somehow as worthy of hatred as the original and as capable of running Russia as the OG Putin (anybody watched Foundation Series lately?))
    90. Russia is the last bastion of the “white, straight, christian male” and is fighting this war in the name of White Christendom (not the chechen muslim, tengrist buryat, buddhist tuvan, shamanist Yakhut … no they’re all just immigrant labour shipped in for their “white” masters)
    91. The Ukrainians should never have surrendered their USSR nuclear weapons (the ones they never had control of to begin with)
    92. If you were against the invasion of Iraq by the USA you should be equally against the invasion of Ukraine by Russia (During which Vasiliy Nebenziya stood up in the UNSC waving a vodka bottle filled with Novichok as evidence the Ukraine was using chemical weapons against “it’s own people”)
    93. The Ukrainian Counteroffensive (June/July/August 2023) is/was/will be successful
    94. The USA is able to fund the Ukraine war on Russia indefinitely (because “infinite money printer capacity” = “infinite manufacturing capacity” and all this manufacturing capacity can be restored to the US in the space of a few months, just like 9 women can birth a single baby in 1 month if working in parallel)
    95. The Ukrainians are winning because they’ve taken back 50% of the territory Russia took from them in a fraction of the time Russia took to take it (at the cost of more than 50% of the Ukrainian army, and just not the part Russia truly cares about. The other 50% of the land will cost another 50% of the AFU probably)
    96. The Wagner Coup’ (Because a 10 minute speech by Putin is enough to stop a coup right in the tracks)
    97. the Wagner Mutiny (Because somewhere there was a ship involved)
    98. The Wagner Protest (Minus the protest placards)
    99. The Wagner Insurrection (Because a couple of clowns barreling down the road with some stolen artillery can take on the entire Red Army)
    100. The Wagner Invasion of Poland (Because “why not”?)
    101. The Russian people would rise up and overthrow the Putin regime if they could only just receive CNN, BBC, MSNBC (Because they’re all nostalgic for a repeat of the 1990s)
    102. The West has unparalleled media freedom (as long as you don’t watch RT, Sputnik, Iranian Opress-TV, Al-Manar because those are obvious propaganda, because we think so)
    103. Putin intends to invade Moldova (skipping on right past Lvov because “Stretch goals: we can do better!”).
    104. Putin is “weaponising” hunger by forcing the West to impose grain sanctions on Russia (“I made you hit me in the face to hurt your hand”).
    105. The Wagner ‘insurrection’ left Putin weakened politically (So weak he had to deliver an entire 10 minute speech including pauses to shut the whole thing down completely).
    106. US Patriot missiles in Kiev shot down Russia’s hypersonic Khinzal missiles without sustaining significant damage.
    107. Ukrainian Air Defences are capable of shooting down Khinzal hypersonic missiles (but by their own admission cannot defend against Onyx, probably because Onyx beats Dagger in trading card games)

    Posted by b on August 14, 2023 at 17:45 UTC | Permalink

    To add a handful more on top of my mind…

    108. Journalist Julian Assange raped women and it’s only normal this journalist is locked up in high security prison Belmarch rotting away with psychopaths and murderers
    109. The West is not a party to the Ukraine conflict
    110. Putin/FSB bombed Nord Streams, Kerch, Kashovka dam in a 5D chess move
    111. Putin/FSB murdered Darya Dugina/Vladlen Tatarsky in a 6D chess move
    112. Russia would never use nukes against the West so there’s absolutely no risk in ever escalating the war
    113. Russia would only use nukes against Ukraine, never the Western war participant so never mind upping the ante
    114. The Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 case was carried out by Russians and directing the flight route over the most active war zone of that time as well as lowering the flight altitude from the usual 10 km to 8 km is just imagination
    115. To let the war finally end, more weapons payed for by Western tax payers are necessary… war is peace
    116. RT, Sputnik News and so many more information streams need censoring to protect our freedom… ignorance is bliss
    117. Europe is now totally free of Russian hydro carbons
    118. …

    Posted by: xor | Aug 14 2023 19:21 utc | 14

    Europe is FINISHED as NATO Bleeds Dry in Ukraine w/ Brian Berletic

    Vladimir Zelensky, Russian Hero


    2023 08 15 14 44
    2023 08 15 14 44

    During his tenure as president of (what remains of) the Ukraine, Zelensky has wrecked the Ukraine, but has achieved many great things… for Russia. Here are his main achievements in no particular order:

    • By being elected with the promise of ending hostilities, then immediately proceeding to escalate the conflict in the east, he thoroughly compromised what was left of Ukrainian democracy. He further demolished the Ukraine’s civic realm by banning all public media except for one government channel, banning all opposition and all Russian news sources and, in effect, establishing a totalitarian dictatorship.

    • By relentlessly shelling the civilians in the now Russian Donetsk and Lugansk regions, then, in the spring of 2022, threatening them with a genocidal assault, he provided Russia with an ironclad reason to start the Special Military Operation: to save civilian lives. By so doing, he helped to expand Russian territory by four very valuable provinces (Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson) and set the stage for the eventual addition of, among others, Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov, and Kiev regions.

    • He squandered $150 billion in foreign aid (much of it by the simple expedient of stealing it), expended a huge amount of military equipment and ammunition with nothing to show for it, and killed off 350 thousand Ukrainian soldiers (many of them Nazi war criminals), with possibly twice as many wounded.

    • He shrunk his country’s population by almost half, some of it moving to Russia, becoming Russian citizens and integrating productively into the Russian population while rest went to the European Union, becoming a major burden for the welfare budgets of EU countries.

    • By ordering Ukrainian troops to shell schools, kindergartens, hospitals and apartment buildings in universally recognized Russian regions such as Belgorod and by launching drone attacks directly on the Kremlin, he declared his government to be a terrorist organization, foreclosing any possibility of forcing Russia to negotiate a peace that would not be entirely on its own terms.

    • He demonstrated the superiority of Russian weapons and military technique over NATO’s, most recently with Russia’s destruction of one of the Patriot missile batteries provided by the US. Almost every bit of equipment the West has been able to provide to the Ukrainians has been shown to be inferior to its Russian counterpart.

    • He gave the Russian army ample opportunities to perfect their techniques for defeating NATO forces, venturing into new areas of drone warfare and battlefield surveillance from geostationary satellites. This will no doubt be very useful both in opposing NATO and in boosting future weapons sales to non-Western nations that wish to be free from Western oppression and meddling.

    • He sold some of the weapons he received from the US to Mexican drug cartels, leaving US officials with no other choice than closing their eyes and pretending that this did not happen. Perhaps they will also be forced to look the other way as these cartels make use of these weapons to take over more and more of US cities and towns.

    • He played host to many high-ranking Western officials, whom, on their to visit to Kiev, he presented with lavish presents such as suitcases of foreign aid money he had laundered, which these officials then brought home in diplomatic baggage, thus collecting blackmail material on all of them.

    • He set an example for other Russian Jews whose bad luck had caused them to end up in the Ukraine rather than in Russia by resettling his parents in a posh neighborhood in Israel. But he kept his wife by his side, where she did a good job demoralizing the Ukrainian population by squandering more money on a single European shopping spree than most Ukrainians see in several lifetimes, all paid for by the US taxpayer. She also worked hard to gaslight Western officials by making them accept at face value and repeat ridiculous tales, such as the one about Russian troops being issued viagra, for them to better rape Ukrainian women.

    • Zelensky is sometimes incautious; for instance, he got caught appointing operatives from Russia’s Federal Security Service (former KGB) to sensitive posts within the Ukrainian defense establishment, although it is unclear whether what’s left of the Ukrainian judiciary will be capable of prosecuting him.

    • One of his greatest achievements was in placing the US and NATO in a zugzwang. This is a chess term for a situation in which a player has a choice of several moves, all of which lead to defeat. The US and NATO can either continue supporting the Ukraine, or they can stop supporting the Ukraine; in either case, they will lose.

    • Perhaps his greatest achievement of all was in helping Russia turn away from its hostile neighbors in the West and toward friendly countries in Asia, Middle East, Africa and Latin America, cutting its economic, financial and cultural ties to the West and freeing itself from Western influences. His unwavering support for Ukrainian Nazis, whose emblems, insignia and slogans are styled after Nazi Germany and whose heroes are Nazi collaborators, coupled with the lavish support they received from the West, whose leaders chose to turn a blind eye toward their fascist proclivities, cemented in view of the Russians the view of the West as their existential enemy: a fascist, racist entity determined to destroy Russia but too weak and cowardly to do the job themselves.

    All of this begs a question: Whom does Vladimir Zelensky serve?


    Why does the whole world dislike Chinese?

    Only 15% of the world’s population dislikes China; they make up the G7. They dislike China because it is a threat to what they think is their monopoly on global influence.

    They call themselves “the world” because western-owned media has global influence.

    The other 85% of the world either likes China or doesn’t care.

    Putin: NO WAR In AFRICA

    2023 08 15 20 09
    2023 08 15 20 09

    How would Italians react if a Chinese made dog pizza and sold it?

    Hi, SJ-Z . Thanks for your very interesting question!

    I guess Italians would be super surprised at just how much the Chinese spoil their pets.

    Recently, 网易天成 (NetEase Tian Cheng), a subsidiary of 网易 (NetEase, the Chinese internet technology company) that specializes in medium-to-high-end pet food, partnered with 必胜客(Pizza Hut) to come up with a “Chinese-made dog pizza” that is safe to be consumed by dogs (and cats!).

    The dog pizza is the brown disk thingy in the picture below:

    This is what the “Chinese-made dog pizza” looks like in promotional material:

    In the close up below, you can see that on the top of the pizza box, written in Chinese:


    This translates to:

    Pet Snack
    Freeze Dried Raw Bone Meat Premium Pizza

    2023 08 15 20 15zzz
    2023 08 15 20 15zzz

    To be honest, to me, it doesn’t look at all appetizing.

    But then again, it’s made for dogs and cats.

    Maybe dogs and cats don’t take visual aesthetics into account when it comes to their choice of nosh:

    2023 08 15 20 15x
    2023 08 15 20 15x

    This pizza is part of 网易天成 & PizzaHut‘s “人宠同吃” (Pets eat together with us) promotional marketing campaign.

    Basically, you buy a package deal at Pizza Hut that includes:

    – a set meal for the humans
    – the “Chinese-made dog pizza”
    – Pet items/plushies

    2023 08 15 20 16bv
    2023 08 15 20 16bv

    More marketing collateral from the campaign:

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    So, SJ-Z , at the end of the day, I guess it’s whether the dogs (and the cats) are actually going to eat this “Chinese-made dog pizza”.

    I mean… you know how fussy some dogs and cats can be with their food…

    I checked out Chinese social media platforms, and it appears that there are dogs (and cats) out there who will consume a “Chinese-made dog pizza”.

    I guess, while it may look unappetizing to me, it’s tasty enough for them:

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    main qimg fe3e47a7039cc4c448fca817c0181767


    Which incident did you consider to be an absurd hoax but later found out to be crazily true?

    Many, many years ago I received a letter in the post. It was a recorded delivery and I had to sign for it to confirm delivery. I was intrigued and opened it immediately. It was a summons to appear in our local small claims court. I was being sued for £6,000. There were no details about the charges or any explanation of what the case was about other than the name and address of the complainant. I was mystified as I didn’t recognise the name. Lets call him Mr Smith.

    In the three weeks before the stated date I convinced myself that one of my sons was playing an involved joke on me. I quizzed them all mercilessly but nobody would admit to knowing anything about it. As the date drew closer I determined to go to court just to find out which of my boys was the perpetrator of this rather involved joke.

    Court day arrived and I went into the court building and presented my summons to an attendant, still expecting to be told it was a forgery. I was wrong. I was politely directed to a small waiting room and told my case would be called in 10 minutes. I was stunned.

    When I was escorted into the courtroom the Sheriff (a lay judge in Scotland) asked me if I had a legal representative. I explained how I thought that the summons was a joke and I had no lawyer. He said that I could ask for a deferment to get legal advice if I choose but he didn’t think that was necessary. I sat down still stunned and confused but by now rather scared.

    The Sheriff now asked the other side to outline their case. I listened in stunned amazement as the story unfolded.

    Apparently some 6 months previously I had sold Mr Smith a tenpin bowling ball and drilled the ball to suit his hand. I had explained to him the need to keep the ball clean of lane oil on a regular basis. Mr Smith had taken me at my word and had left his bowling ball soaking in a bathtub of hot soapy water overnight. Feeling that the finger and thumb holes were wet when he fished the ball out of the bath in the morning he had decided to dry out the ball. Fifteen or twenty minutes in the microwave should dry it out nicely.

    Some time later the ball had exploded. The force of the explosion was enough to destroy the microwave and send the door of the microwave flying upward with enough energy to punch through the ceiling and the floor of the room above his kitchen. Unfortunately the room above his kitchen was his neighbours bathroom. The microwave door not only punched through the floor but punched through the actual bath. Really unfortunately the poor woman was taking a bath at the time.

    She was suing Mr Smith for the damage to her bathroom from the flying microwave door as well as the water damage to her carpets from the bath full of water. She wasn’t suing for the shock of a microwave door suddenly puncturing her bath although it must have been a terrific shock.

    Mr Smith was suing me for the same amount on the basis that I had sold him a bowling ball without specifically telling him not to put it in the microwave.

    By this stage several people in the gallery were laughing and the sheriff was definitely smiling. I was still worried but feeling considerably less scared. We all sat politely until Mr Smith’s lawyer had finished. The Sheriff then drew himself very straight and without a trace of a smile said that he was here to apply the law of the land and not to educate idiots. Case dismissed.

    What happened that made you walk out of the courtroom and think, “That did not just happen”?

    So there I was, sitting in traffic court to plead for a reduced fine and or a payment arrangement. The courtroom was packed, it would appear there were many traffic law criminals in the small town I was appearing in.

    So I sit and wait my turn.

    And wait…

    and wait…

    After most of the morning had passed, there were only 15–20 of us left. The judge however stopped calling cases. He was busily doing his after-court paperwork for a good ten minutes. Finally, he looks back out to the courtroom and asks “Why are you all still here?”

    The response from more than one of us was we had tickets and were here for our day in court. The judge looked quite unhappy as he side-barred with his clerk. When the conversation was over he looked out at us and said “It would appear my office was not prepared for you all to come today. Since the city cannot see fit to be ready for your legally required court date I am dismissing every one of your cases. Please give your name to the clerk as you exit. Also please accept my apologies for the City’s inability to do its job.”

    I am of course paraphrasing, it was long ago, but that is the gist of what happened. As we all filed out we were entertained by the Judge’s not-so-discrete chewing out of his staff.

    BRICS prepares to destroy the USD

    What is coming next is double barrelled

    We begin today with a discussion on what the United States actually is.

    It is a bully, and a liar, that is based on a system of deception; a shadow play of puppets. All supported by the largest propaganda system in history. And all of it; MM included has (up until very recently) believed it all lock, stock and barrel.

    So it is fitting to begin with today’s brilliant podcast by Neil Oliver.

    Who knows what will come next for the West…


    In April 1972, when a “data package” sank into the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. Navy dispatched the Trieste II Deep Sea Vehicle I (DSV-1), its most advanced deep sea submersible at the time, to recover the item. In reality, it was “part of a film capsule from an American photoreconnaissance [spy] satellite codenamed HEXAGON.”

    According to the Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room, a malfunction was responsible for the incident. A parachute was supposed to deploy once the film capsule, or “bucket,” having reentered the atmosphere, was over the primary reentry zone near the Hawaiian Islands. Instead, the parachute broke off, and the bucket fell into the ocean, sinking on impact to a depth of about 16,400 feet (5,000 meters).


    I think people are getting upset because he’s waking people up and they don’t want to be woken. It’s time guys. We can’t keep living like this and accepting it. It’s happening around the world and we need to make a change.

    IMF Just Shocked The World And The U.S With This Move!

    2023 08 23 14 43
    2023 08 23 14 43

    How can a country like China catch up with the United States on chip production?

    China is not interested to catch up!

    It wants to overtake and dominate the Chip industry within a decade and it will. No perhaps, not may be, not hopefully. It will. Meanwhile it will take over the low and medium end market for chips in 3–5 years and totally bankrupt the U.S. and its cronies chip outfit.

    Let me give you 2 perfect example of never ever doubting and never try to cut China out act by the U.S.

    One, The U.S. the congress in the most childish and hubris behaviour, decided to bar China and Chinese on its U.S. space station in the 90’s. In that in one single racist act it motivated China to build its own space station and it did within 15 years.

    And today the Chinese space station is a fully functional and well developed space station that is better, build faster and using far less resources. It uses better and more advance technologies and it is open for the entire world including the US for the betterment of humanity. For me shame on the US. The US coincidentally will retire the US space station within 5 years leaving the Chinese Space Station as the only one for the coming decade.

    Two, The GPS. The US threaten the US that it can and will cut out nation that refuse to be submissive and subservient to the US in not too many words. That statement and threat itself motivated China enough to developed its own GPS within a decade of the US threat. Today the Chinese Beidou has way higher resolution, and accuracy up to a meter compared to the GPS functional up to only 10 meter! Today 150 out of 195 nations use Beidou. Instead or with the GPS. All within a decade.

    Marked my word. Within a decade the US will lose so much in Chip business, market share and profits that it will forever regret the nonsense and ludicrous Chip policy under President Biden. To me China was willing to share a loaf of bread with the US but it is the US that wants to deprived China. So China should say fine, they will dominate. The entire Chip industry. In a decade. I will bet every cent I have on China winning.

    What is the best revenge you got on a superior in your workplace?

    2023 08 23 14 52
    2023 08 23 14 52

    I had a boss who was a narcissistic D-bag. Everyone knew it.

    I finally had enough after yet another useless meeting set up just to stoke his ego. At that point somebody decided to jack him up a bit.

    Somebody hung around his office until they saw him leave for a meeting with the company president. They knew it would take a while and he would leave his precious laptop open on his desk.

    No they didn’t hack into it or delete any files. They did one better.

    They had a firecracker set aside for this specific opportunity.

    Somebody cut the firecracker open and sprinkled a bit of gunpowder lightly on his vowel keys and between the keys on his keyboard. They then lightly wiped it clean to hide the evidence.

    I heard that the next time he took a flight he was flagged by TSA screening. Something about explosives in his laptop.

    He missed his flight and had to replace his laptop.

    I have always wondered who that “somebody” might have been. Certainly not me writing on an open forum like Quora.


    He’s so authentic with angst, pain, confusion and he’s fed up like soooo many of us!!

    Brisket in Coffee-Barbecue Sauce


    Yield: 10 to 12 servings


    • 3/4 cup vegetable oil
    • 1 large Spanish onion, minced
    • 5 cloves garlic, minced
    • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
    • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
    • 7 tablespoons light brown sugar
    • 5 cups brewed coffee
    • 1/2 cup cider vinegar
    • 1 (28 ounce) can peeled, chopped tomatoes
    • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
    • 1 (4 pound) brisket


    1. In a medium pot, heat 1/4 cup of the oil over medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring, until soft and golden brown, about 7 minutes.
    2. Add the garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Stir in the red pepper. Add the tomato paste and cook, stirring frequently, about 1 minute. Stir in the brown sugar. Pour in the coffee, vinegar, and tomatoes; bring to a boil; and then lower to a simmer. Simmer for 10 minutes. Set aside to cool.
    3. Working in small batches, transfer the tomato-coffee mixture to a blender and puree. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.
    4. Heat the oven to 275 degrees F.
    5. Season the brisket with salt and pepper. In a Dutch oven with a tight-fitting lid, heat the remaining 1/2 cup oil. Brown the brisket on both sides. Drain off the oil, leaving the brisket in the Dutch oven. Turn the brisket so that the fat side is facing up and then coat it with the pureed tomato-coffee mixture. Cover the Dutch oven and place it in the oven. Bake for 3 hours, basting frequently.
    6. Remove the lid and bake uncovered until the brisket is glazed and very tender, about an hour and a half more.
    7. Remove the brisket and set it aside to rest for 10 minutes, covered with foil, before slicing thinly across the grain.

    Compilation of the #1 Song in America!!! Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond

    This is an outstanding compilation.

    2023 08 21 08 14
    2023 08 21 08 14

    I can criticize anyone in India and I can’t in China. Is this argument tenable?

    Why not test it out?

    Post a harsh criticism against a political leader, any leader not just Modi

    Compare him to some clownish character or demand that he step down

    Under your real name

    I am a very ordinary lawyer, yet I promise that unless you are an MP, MLA, Civil Servant, Minister or Wealthy Industrialist/Businessman, Military Man or Senior Cop :-

    I can get a simple complaint with some influence filed through a specific lawyer and you will be arrested and you will be humiliated in front of your family and workplace

    I guarantee it

    All I need is a friendly cop and once he knows you are an ordinary commoner – he will happily file an FIR

    He then writes to the passport office and you don’t get a passport

    He can place you on the blacklist through a friendly SP Or State Home Secretary and you can’t get a US Visa or Schengen Visa or Singapore Visa for life

    You would spend the next 6 months to 3 years in horror before a High Court quashes the case

    I will come and look sheepish and say I got emotional while giving the PCR and the judge will admonish me and fine me ₹10K

    You would have spent ₹3–6 Lakhs, maybe more

    And I am an ordinary enrolled lawyer who doesn’t even actively practice

    Imagine a powerful practising lawyer or a powerful cop if you antagonize one

    Imagine if this is done in Begusarai Or some random place in Kerala

    Imagine working in Infosys and two cops arrive and haul you out in front of your friends and drag you into a waiting jeep

    Their response if questioned will be

    We got a complaint we followed it up

    So a simple malicious connected official can destroy your life if you are a commoner even if you earn ₹20 or ₹30 LPA

    Your company will drop you like a hot potato


    No Malicious officer or lawyer can try anything like this

    The law is black and white

    Evidence is specific and very strictly specific

    So even if a case is registered, it will be dismissed in seconds if it doesn’t violate the laws

    The official or lawyer would be roasted

    So you understand?

    In India the Law reads fairer

    The System is utterly and totally loaded against the innocent average man

    In China the Law is harsher

    Yet the System protects the innocent average man

    So the next time someone on Quora says he can post criticism freely in India

    Ask him to do it under his own name and ask him if he is willing to test the fairness of the Indian system against a malicious prosecutor or entity

    In China – the Law is very fair

    It’s very harsh yes but very fair

    No malicious person except high ranking CPC officials can come after you or spoil your life with lies

    Evidence counts for a lot

    1:45 / 14:42

    ‘We’ve all been watching the longest-running show of modern times. But it might soon be all over’

    Neil Oliver: We’ve all been watching the longest-running show of modern times. But soon the show might soon be over, as more and more of the audience, especially in the cheap seats, are becoming restless, aware of how uncomfortable their seats are.

    Why is the US doing such a bad job countering China’s rise?

    The US spends way too much time and effort looking out into the world, not nearly as much looking in the mirror at what the US has become.

    The result: hard outside, rotten core

    No longer able to keep running the marathon while the tank is on ‘E’.

    Americans are far more focused on countering the other major political party in America whenever we are looking in.

    We want our team—our little tribe—to be victorious.

    Countering China’s rise?

    We failed at rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan…after more than 10 years and how many billions upon billions dollars spent? thousands of lives lost?

    Americans are so disconnected from reality that even that experience hasn’t shaken us from our delusions of grandeur.

    What will? who knows—maybe the next great Recession will offer a bitter dose of reality.

    But even then perhaps we will still go on believing in our triumphalism, with all our rags, evictions, foreclosures, abandoned properties, and pink slips

    America today is more divided than I have ever seen it.

    Individuals and companies and our own government are swimming in an ocean of debt with—until recently—out of control inflation.

    Countering China’s rise?

    Maybe we should check the plumbing and wiring in our own house first?

    This is why this hit a nerve… Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond (Reaction)

    “everything has been tainted”…

    “It’s all fake”…

    Is Japan a depressed nation?

    I have a cousin who was passioned by Japan since a very early age. He subsequently studied Japanese culture and language at university, and then decided he had to go after his big dream — live in Japan and become a part of Japanese culture.

    But my cousin was used to living in The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and France — the Western Burgundian world in a nutshell. And that also translated into the fact that he loved to enjoy life, far above enjoying work, and succeeding in it.

    In fact: he even enjoyed to be unemployed when it suited him back in those Western days.

    In the big city in Japan though, that kind of non-philosophy did not work out.

    Although he was embraced in the very beginning, his way of “interpreting life” was spit out and on by his Japanese company, because he simply could not follow the exuberant pace by which Japanese people were living — are rather: working.

    And after a while, he was excluded from the city society as an outcast.

    In the old Western world he came from, he would have been helped, but now he was considered as a lost case, as if he was diseased, and no one would touch him — afraid to be infected.

    In the end — in the most embarrassing episode of my cousin’s life — his dad and younger brother travelled to Japan, and got him out of there. By then, he was living in an almost depraved way in an apartment the size of a closet.

    He suffered from a major depression when back, and had to leave his Japanese dream for good.

    Because now he understood, that he didn’t understand.

    Neocons CRUMBLE as China DESTROYS the US-led Unipolar Order

    2023 08 21 08 48
    2023 08 21 08 48

    What are some problems only poor people would understand?

    Fear of the mail.

    I remember I once opened the mail box and saw
    the electricity bill and the first thing I noticed was the paper was a different color.

    Not the envelope, the bill. And poor people know what the means…notice of disconnect.

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    As I held the bill in my hand, I could feel my anxiety ramping up as I frantically searched my mind and counted backwards to the last time I paid. I could swear I just paid it.

    But it’s a bill, we always feel like we just paid it! Because we did! Right?! Then there’s the fear of checking your account to find, not only do you have no money, but less than no money. Your account is negative and you haven’t paid that particular bill in months.

    It wasn’t purposeful. You just spaced it.

    I sit the bill on the bar and pace back and forth, for hours before I finally get the nerve to open it.

    Then I snatch it up and rip it open like a present. Very unlike my normal polite, trimming of one end and shaking the letter out.

    And I was right!! The bill is red! Not just red numbers on a white page. A red sheet of paper! I just about have heart palpitations.

    I unfold it through half squinted eyes and read.. “Happy Holidays to you and yours! From our team and we would like to Thank You for being a valued customer for all these years.”

    After years of abuse, poverty, homelessness and then stability. Christmas Greetings can send me spiraling at the hint of a different color inside the envelope.

    Poverty traumatizes on so many different levels.


    2023 08 23 15 38
    2023 08 23 15 38

    British Guy Reacts to Oliver Anthony “Rich Men North Of Richmond” REACTION!

    2023 08 21 08 43
    2023 08 21 08 43

    Who do you think is, or was, the unluckiest person on Earth (fictional or non-fictional)?

    2023 08 21 08 53a
    2023 08 21 08 53a

    Adolphe Sax had earned the nickname “Little Sax the Ghost” due to the abnormal amount of accidents he was in. Even his mother believed he wasn’t meant to live, and all she foresaw was a tragic end to his life.

    2023 08 21 08 53
    2023 08 21 08 53

    He was plagued by an unusual amount of misfortune from a very early age. At just three years old, he drank a mixture of white lead, copper oxide, and arsenic, believing it to be milk. A few months later, he fell down three flights of concrete stairs and hit his head on a stone below, both times he was lucky to walk away.

    Then he swallowed a very sharp needle that he was able to pass without puncturing any vital parts. As he got a bit older, he fell onto a red hot stove and suffered third-degree burns down one side of his body.

    When he was ten, he fell into a river and barely escaped drowning. When a container of gunpowder exploded in his father’s workshop, he was blown across the room.

    On several occasions, he nearly died from accidental poisoning and asphyxiation due to sleeping in a room where varnished furniture was drying.

    His last known brush with death happened when a tile fell from a roof, hitting him in the head and causing him to fall into a coma.

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    Despite all this misfortune, Adolphe went on to invent some notable musical instruments, the most famous being the Saxophone.

    HE’S SPEAKING TO US! Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond

    2023 08 21 08 46
    2023 08 21 08 46

    Mustard Glazed Brisket

    Starts on the stove top, finishes in the oven for tender Mustard Glazed Brisket every time.

    2023 08 21 09 00
    2023 08 21 09 00

    Yield: 6 servings


    • 1 (3 to 4 pound) boneless beef brisket
    • 2 cloves garlic, peeled
    • 1 large onion, sliced
    • 2 stalks celery
    • 8 black peppercorns
    • 4 whole allspice
    • 1 bay leaf
    • 3/4 cup brown sugar
    • 3 tablespoons prepared mustard


    1. Place brisket, garlic, onion, celery, peppercorns, allspice and bay leaf in a large soup pot. Cover with water. Simmer covered 3 to 3 1/2 hours until tender, adding water as necessary.
    2. Remove brisket and place in a roasting pan with 1/2 cup of the cooking liquid.
    3. Combine brown sugar and prepared mustard. Salt and pepper brisket and spread with the mustard glaze.
    4. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes at 350 degrees F until glaze bubbles and is browned.

    Pegasus spyware

    According to declassified documents, Alejandro Encinas, Mexico’s Undersecretary for Human Rights, advised President Lopez Obrador that Pegasus spyware had been found on Encinas’s own cellphone and those of two others in his office. Encinas had been investigating the mysterious “disappearances of hundreds of people,” a New York Times article explains, which occurred during the “Dirty War” that the Mexican military conducted in the 1960s and 1970s against a left-wing insurgency.

    Initially, U.S. officials considered the Mexican crackdown to be understandable, Kate Doyle reports in her 2003 article “Human Rights and the Dirty War in Mexico.” And the U.S. assured Mexico that it “had no intention of pressing [Mexican President Luis] Echeverría about it.”

    However, this stance changed in 1978, when U.S. President Jimmy Carter ordered the White House to conduct a sweeping review of U.S.-Mexican relations and learned that “the White Brigade and other security force elements… sometimes ignored [both] the human rights of [terrorist] suspects and Mexican judicial procedures,” torturing and executing such individuals, with the results that “200-300 persons [had disappeared] over the last decade.”

    Only now, three decades later, is Mexico beginning to come to grips with the fact that the government was responsible for “torturing and murdering its own people.”

    Chris Webby – North Of Richmond (Remix)

    What Makes Certain Wine Unbelievably Expensive?

    The price gap is supply and demand, for certain prestigious brands.

    So first of all, wine comes from grapes; and grape quality is dependent on many factors. Weather of course, but also soil, water, light, heat, and grower skill/decisions. AND of course, the actual grape vine.

    Old vines produce less fruit – thus, smaller production, BUT generally more concentrated and intense. Younger vines produce more fruit, but you have to prune them – the amount of pruning affects the concentration and quality of the juice you get. If your options are ‘n’ cases of wine at $60/case (wholesale) or ‘n/3’ cases at $120, you’re probably going to prune sparingly to get as much juice and wine as possible, without creating garbage. On the other hand, if you can make truly great wine and have a name for yourself, then the options are ‘n/3’ cases at $1000, or ‘n’ cases at $1000 – for a year or two, and then the price per case drops down to $100 because nobody trusts you anymore.

    Then you factor in the slope of your land and composition of the soil (acidity, water retention or runoff), the light, the use of pesticides, mulch, etc..

    So now you have some amount of good-quality grapes. How do you make wine? Do you make wine that’s going to mature over 10-50 years, or wine that’s going to be drinkable about the time it hits the market, late next year (like about 90% of the wine sold)? The former leads to more expensive wine, and is harder to sell – BUT if done well, can establish you over time as a top-notch winemaker. Or drive you into bankruptcy even sooner.

    So this pretty much determines the pricing for most wines between $8 and $80. Above that, things get…complicated.

    If you’re in Bordeaux for instance, your vinyard is likely ranked by the government. Your wine has to meet certain standards of quality and composition, and much of it is historical. There are, for instance, only five first-growth houses, and only one of them was not defined as such in 1855. (Chateau Mouton-Rothschild, which got promoted in 1973). If you’re one off those, or one of a limited few others who have a similar cachet, you can pretty much name your price. The thing is, most of their wine is sold on futures at auction, so basically it’s “as much as someone is willing to pay.”


    2023 08 24 06 30
    2023 08 24 06 30

    My icy cold Razzmatazz

    We continue…

    The voting in the USA was rigged. No doubt about it.'
    And not only at the last election, it has most likely gone on for two or three elections before that.
    There is only one cure. Paper votes, hand counting and representatives for all interested parties as observers.
    And it would be nice if you had a working judicial system as well.
    I cannot see how this is not going to end in bloodshed.
    It is just a matter of time, before people revolt.
    In a way I'm surprised it has not already happened.
    Posted by: g wiltek | Aug 15 2023 16:07 utc | 4

    When I was in training for my MAJ role at NAS China Lake, I had my first experiences with world-line travel. It wasn’t until later that I start to notice that my journeys would “stick”. I would find myself on a new world-line with new things, and old things that never existed.

    One of the things that I miss is the breakfasts with beans. In this present world-line it is with potatoes. Of course, to youse guys, it’s always been that way.

    One of the things that seem to be forever changed for me is the soft-drink Razzmatazz. It never existed on this world line. But back in the day, prior to me joining the Navy, it was THE soda that you all would drink. And while there were coke and Pepsi drinks, I always loved my icy-cold Razzmatazz.

    My favorite was a malted cherry soda that they made. It had a kind of cherry-butterscotch like feel to it. There was also a birch beer & vanilla, and a malted root beer. Sigh. But none of it exists on this world-line.

    All’s the pity.

    Today… have some fun.

    France Reportedly Thinks That The US Backstabbed It During Nuland’s Trip To Niger

    By Andrew Korybko

    AUG 15, 2023

    2023 08 17 11 03
    2023 08 17 11 03

    France fears that the interim military-led government is willing to explore a deal whereby they’ll agree to keep Russia/Wagner at bay and retain the US’ bases in their country in exchange for Washington ensuring that ECOWAS doesn’t invade like it threatened to do. In that event, the full fury of the Nigerien people would be directed against France, which could either go it alone in trying to forcibly reverse last month’s coup in vain or chalk up the strategic loss and withdraw.

    Le Figaro cited an unnamed diplomatic source over the weekend who alleged that the US backstabbed France during Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s trip to Niger. The piece is paywalled but was summarized here

    . France reportedly fears that the US might tacitly recognize Niger’s interim military-led government in exchange for being allowed to retain its bases. Should that happen, then the US would proactively replace France’s security role in the Sahel before Russia/Wagner has a chance to.

    This concern is predicated on rational calculations. From the US’ strategic perspective, the anti-French sentiment that’s sweeping the Sahel will inevitably result in ousting that country’s military from this part of Africa, which could lead to a security void that would likely be filled by Russia/Wagner. Even if France resorts to force for clinging to its last regional bastion in Niger, whether directly and/or via Nigerian-led

    ECOWAS, then it’ll only exacerbate the hatred that locals feel for their former colonizer.

    A swift victory is doomed to be pyrrhic since another round of anti-French unrest would follow sooner or later to complete the decolonization process that the prior one couldn’t, while the outbreak of a larger regional war risks Russia accelerating its envisaged replacement of France’s security role in the Sahel. Both outcomes are contrary to America’s long-term interests, though some policymakers might find their potential short-term benefits to be alluring.

    It’s in this context that Nuland visited the Nigerien capital last week to “push for a negotiated solution” according to what she informed the press during a special briefing after her meetings there. Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin reacted to this development by boasting that “the US has recognized a government that it did not recognize yesterday just to avoid meeting the Wagner PMC in the country.” While some might have dismissed his remarks as trolling, they actually convey a stark truth.

    Nuland’s trip was likely driven by her government’s desire to determine post-coup Niger’s intended relations with Russia/Wagner. She made contradictory statements about this during her briefing that were analyzed here , but the point is that this was probably the real reason behind her visit. If she assessed that no clear commitment had yet been made to solicit that group’s services, then it would be possible to make progress on the vague “negotiated solution” that she claimed to have in mind.

    Judging by Le Figaro’s report, France fears that the interim military-led government is willing to explore a deal whereby they’ll agree to keep Russia/Wagner at bay and retain the US’ bases in their country in exchange for Washington ensuring that ECOWAS doesn’t invade like it threatened to do. In that event, the full fury of the Nigerien people would be directed against France, which could either go it alone in trying to forcibly reverse last month’s coup in vain or chalk up the strategic loss and withdraw.

    The US already backstabbed France a few years back by stealing its nuclear submarine deal with Australia via the surprise unveiling of AUKUS so the precedent exists for it to backstab that country again in the Sahel by stealing its “sphere of influence” there through these means. In this particular case, American policymakers might have concluded that France’s military ouster from the region is inevitable so it’s better to proactively replace it with their own forces than risk Russia/Wagner filling the void.

    To that end, it makes sense to opportunistically exploit the latest events in pursuit of a pragmatic deal with Niger’s interim military-led government despite being at France’s expense. There’s no guarantee that it’ll succeed, but it’s strategicallysound from the perspective of the US’ New Cold War interests in Africa. America could present itself as a peacemaker that averted the wider war that France wanted to spark all while stopping the spread of Russian military-strategic influence on the EU’s Sahelian doorstep.

    The aforesaid reframing of Nuland’s trip in light of Le Figaro’s report compellingly explains France’s alleged fears of her country’s real intentions in wanting to diplomatically resolve the West African Crisis. The ulterior motive behind its latest “push for a negotiated solution” is to proactively replace France’s security role in the Sahel before Russia/Wagner has a chance to. In this way, the US could mitigate the strategic damage from the Nigerien Coup and arguably benefit from it to an extent.

    the GIRLS REACT to *Terminator (1984)* THIS IS TERRIFYING!! (First Time Watching) Sci-fi Movies

    Is America a Second Rank Power?

    Blame deindustrialization.

    Godfree Roberts Aug 16

    Since the Second World War most Britons have unquestioningly accepted the premise that Britain should continue to rank as a first order world Power while, on the other, insisting that living standards should continue rising and social services be protected from taxes to finance foreign policy commitments. The question is not whether Britain can continue to think and behave as a Great Power, but whether it can afford to. – F. S. Northedge, 1970.

    The good news is that there will be no war.

    The rather sad news is that America can’t afford one.

    1980s neoconservative policies – downsize government and privatize everything – have left the US a second-tier power, uncompetitive economically, industrially, scientifically and even militarily, as this STEM ranking suggests:

    2023 08 16 20 04
    2023 08 16 20 04

    Why we fail

    There are at least seven reasons why the US failed in Ukraine. Says Correlli Barnett, “The power of a nation-state by no means consists only in its armed forces, but also in its economic and technological resources; in the dexterity, foresight and resolution with which its foreign policy is conducted; in the efficiency of its social and political organization. It consists most of all in the nation itself: the people; their skills, energy, ambition, discipline, initiative; their beliefs, myths and illusions. And it consists, further, in the way all these factors are related to one another. Moreover, national power has to be considered not only in itself, in its absolute extent, but relative to the state’s foreign or imperial obligations; it has to be considered relative to the power of other states”. Let’s break that down.

    The Power of Other States

    1. Armed forces. No serious military scholar imagines the US Army could challenge the Russian Army in Europe, nor the PLA in Asia – after being humiliated in Korea in 1951. Next year the PLAN will have 400 new warships armed with hypersonic missiles – which the US Navy’s 293 older boats neither possess nor can defend against.
    2. Economic and technological resources. Russia’s economy is the world’s fourth largest, its military sector is 800% more productive than America’s, its military technology is a generation ahead, and its generalship is the world’s best. China’s productive economy is 300% bigger and leads the US in almost all sciences and technologies.
    3. The dexterity, foresight and resolution with which its foreign policy is conducted. Ninety percent of the world’s people do business and sympathize with Russia or China, and their leaders are rock stars wherever they go. Ten percent of the world’s people support America, whose leader is pitied, even insulted to his face.
    4. The efficiency of its social and political organization. 80% of Russians support their government’s policies and 96% of Chinese support theirs. Barely 34% of Americans trust their government or support its policies.
    5. Skills, energy, ambition, discipline, initiative, beliefs, myths and illusions of the people. China’s and Russia’s recoveries reflect their people’s resilience, skills, energy, ambition, discipline, initiative and collective self-belief. The US has yet to recover from the GFC, struggles to staff a chip fab, and hasn’t given its workers a raise since 1974.
    6. Foreign or imperial obligations. Ukraine, on the heels of the Afghanistan imbroglio, suggests that the US is incapable of sustaining its obligations towards its allies. Its withdrawal from the Iran nuclear pact suggests that it is incapable of making agreements.
    7. National power relative to the power of other states. If America wants to match Russia or China militarily, Washington must double real defense spending through 2034 just to match the 2023 capabilities of either, not both, of them.

    America is overextended abroad, overinflated at home and its State competence is deteriorating in almost every way – from governance to justice to military to infant mortality – while it ignores its decline.

    Next Stop: Failed State?

    A failed state’s institutions are feeble and flawed. Often, the executive barely functions while the legislature, judiciary, bureaucracy, and armed forces have lost their capacity and professional independence. A failed state suffers from crumbling infrastructure, faltering utility supplies, educational and health facilities, and deteriorating human-development indicators like infant mortality and literacy. Failed states create an environment of flourishing corruption and negative growth rates, where honest economic activity cannot flourish. Encyclopedia Britannica.

    Even before Covid, there were more hungry children, drug addicts, suicides and executions, illiterate, incarcerated, poor, homeless people in America than in China. How long can post-Covid America, riven by factionalism and distrust, weakened by disease, and dying younger each year, compete with dozens of initiatives like this?

    The only real barrier to China’s bid to capture Eurasia’s vast Middle Space was the US occupation of Afghanistan. The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline, TAPI, joining Central Asia’s gas fields to South Asia, was announced in 2018 but progress through the critical Afghan sector was slowed by the war. Since then, the scheme has been revived, opening the way for Chinese investment that could complete its capture of Central Asia. Alfred McCoy

    10 Reasons I LOVE China (in 10 minutes)…

    Is it true that China’s economy is 60% smaller than it is actually reporting?


    Did you know this was exactly the same stuff published in the Soviet papers and East German papers and Czech papers and Polish papers in the 1970s?

    That the US Economy was exaggerated and 60% smaller that it really was

    main qimg 663ac1209b28add3bd7458db8a8939e5
    main qimg 663ac1209b28add3bd7458db8a8939e5

    Man , this is bad

    Back then in the 1960s to 1990s, Americans won by Competition, Ability and Achievement

    Back then the Soviets claimed victories in paper by publishing lies, lies and more lies and used brute force and twisting of data to claim a superior system (US)was collapsing all the time

    Today the opposite is happening

    US and the West are Soviet Russia and East Germany today

    They hate competition, They hate tolerance in any area other than Transgenders and Homosexuals, They are losing ability by the millisecond

    They claim victories by publishing lie after lie, most of which are bizzare and illogical and use the same brute force to claim a superior system is collapsing.

    Meanwhile China is becoming exactly what the US was in the 1960s – 1990s

    Critically truthful, Exploring Solutions openly, Admitting Problems openly, Keeping Victories as subtle as possible, Fostering Competition in every sphere, Tolerant of every race and religion provided they identify as Chinese first, Focus on Ability and Merit only.

    Russia too is following the same road now

    The Democracies are collapsing due to their fatal flaws

    The Meritocracies and carefully planned one party systems are flourishing

    So this Chinas Economy is 60% smaller is basically History going around in Propaganda and Lies

    A Testament to the theory that eventually all Democracies decline into a Mediocracy

    You Won’t Believe What China Have Done | American CEO’s Protest !

    A tiny microchip smaller than a fingernail is at the heart of a high-stakes technology war between superpowers.

    Advanced semiconductors form the brains powering everything from AI to hypersonic missiles.

    Now a global battle is unfolding between the US and China over who controls the future of these foundational chips.

    With national dominance at stake, the US has imposed sweeping sanctions to blockade China from cutting-edge semiconductor designs and manufacturing.

    But China is marshaling its vast resources to achieve self-reliance and circumvent restrictions.

    The race is on to shape mastery over the electronics underpinning 21st century innovation.

    Join us as we uncover the events, technologies, companies, and strategies fueling this multifront semiconductor conflict.

    2023 08 16 10 05
    2023 08 16 10 05

    The trajectory of global scientific progress and economic power hangs in the balance.

    Are there any other countries taking action against China for their treatment of Uyghurs?

    I’m from Indonesia, a country with the largest Muslim population in the world.

    When the Uyghur topic arised a few years ago, it was also a trending topic here.

    Many people started to curse China because of this issue.

    But Indonesia is a neutral & non block country, which means we’re friends with many countries, including China, even North Korea.

    Indonesia, as well as many other Muslim countries has been sending alot of Imams (priests), delegations, and even students to China, including Xinjiang regularly.

    Guess what? None of Muslim countries condemn China on their acts, because later we realize that it’s only propaganda made by Western countries to weaken China & to create destabilization.

    As for me myself, I’ve visited Xinjiang 2 times before the Covid pandemic, I know that there were terrorist attacks in Xinjiang, which the members were mostly from Uyghur ethnic.

    The terror movement is called the East Turkestan (Islamic) Movement. It’s backed up by Al Qaeda & Taliban.

    The United Nations on their website also listed the Movements as a terrorist Movement, also they list most of the attacks on their website too.

    The US already know this issue, and they also bombed Uyghurs, who ran to Afghanistan after Chinese Central Government took control of Anti-Terror acts (because the local government failed to control them and the situation became worse)

    Note: This is an American news media, not Chinese media.

    So the US also bombed Uyghurs, but later accusing China for their treatments against the Uyghur, don’t you think that it’s hypocrisy?

    Nowadays Taliban is close to China, and they promised not to help Uyghur militants anymore, they even sending back the militants who ran and hide in Afghanistan.

    I can read a little bit of Mandarin, I use some Chinese social media and make friends with Uyghurs, so I know what happened and what’s happening from the Uyghur themselves.

    They said that those terrorists use Turkestan name because they want support from Turkic countries nearby, while those terrorists also killed their own Uyghurs who don’t wanna support them, as well as Uzbek, Kazakh & other Turkic people, also Tajik Muslim, Hui Muslim & Han people in China

    And they use “Islamic” name, obviously for supports from Islamic countries.

    On the early morning of Wednesday, 30 July 2014, an Uyghur Imam, named Juma Tahir, the imam of China’s largest mosque, (Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar), was stabbed to death by three young male Uyghur terrorists because he was strongly against the terrorists.

    Alot of Western Media covered this, but it seems that they forget it easily (or intentionally).

    These videos are the example of Muslim Scholars visiting Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region recently, there are Indonesian Scholars too in that event

    Beside of those videos, there are still alot of informal visits from Islamic Scholars & imams to China.

    In fact, tour to Xinjiang is available in Indonesia and it’s always fully booked, as I work at the one of the biggest Tour & Travel agency in Indonesia.

    Latest Xinjiang Muslim Festival in Indonesia, featuring tribes in Xinjiang especially the Uyghurs, and Indonesian ustadz (Islamic preacher), leaders, government, etc

    From 19 July – 10 August 2023 to celebrate the Islamic New Year, this is the re-stream from 2 August:

    As for now, there are some people who are still condemning China in Indonesia, but most of them are either from extremist groups (we call them kadrun), or just ignorant & uneducated people. Which later we found to have links (directly or indirectly) to the US’ Anti Chinese founding

    U.S Boeing Near Suspension in China as Tensions Between US China Escalate!

    2023 08 16 20 50
    2023 08 16 20 50

    The TSMC Arizona project is one of the biggest FDI deals in United States history with Taiwan investing over $40 billion. It’s all part of the $52 billion dollar CHIPS Act to bring Taiwan’s flagship company to the US, but there are a plethora of problems amounting the question the entire legitimacy of this project. In today’s video we examine the top 5 biggest problems TSMC is currently facing and if this project will be a success.

    Beef Chili Cheese Fries

    2023 08 16 10 25
    2023 08 16 10 25

    Yield: 6 to 8 servings


    • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    • 2 cups chopped yellow onions
    • Salt and cayenne to taste
    • 2 pounds ground beef
    • 1 tablespoon chili powder
    • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
    • Crushed red pepper to taste
    • 2 teaspoons dried oregano leaves
    • 2 tablespoons chopped garlic
    • 3 cups peeled, seeded, and chopped fresh or canned tomatoes
    • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
    • 3 cups beefsteak or beef broth
    • 2 tablespoons Masa Harina
    • Vegetable oil for deep frying
    • 2 large Idaho potatoes, peeled and cut into shoestrings, rinsed in cool water and patted dry
    • 1/2 pound grated Cheddar cheese
    • 1/2 pound grated Monterey Jack cheese
    • 1 cup sour cream
    • 1/2 cup sliced pickled jalapenos


    1. Heat the vegetable oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add the onions, season with salt and cayenne, and cook, stirring, until they begin to wilt, about 2 minutes.
    2. Add the beef, chili powder, cumin, crushed red pepper and oregano. Season with salt and cayenne, and cook until all the pink in the meat disappears, 5 to 6 minutes.
    3. Add the garlic, tomatoes, tomato paste and 2 1/2 cups beef stock; bring to boil, and reduce the heat to medium-low. Simmer, uncovered, until the meat is tender, about 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Skim off any fat that rises to the surface.
    4. Combine the Masa Harina with the remaining 1/2 cup stock and mix to blend. Slowly add to the pot, stirring to blend. The mixture will thicken. Cook for 30 minutes, then season again with salt and cayenne. It should be thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
    5. In a heavy, deep pot or an electric fryer, heat 4 inches of vegetable oil to 360 degrees F. Fry the shoestring potatoes in batches until golden brown, 3 to 4 minutes per batch. Drain on paper towels, then season with salt and cayenne.
    6. Heat the oven to 400 degrees F.
    7. Cover the bottom of a large, glass rectangular baking pan with the shoestring potatoes.
    8. Combine the Cheddar and jack cheeses. Sprinkle the cheese over the fries.
    9. Bake just until the cheese melts, 3 to 4 minutes.
    10. Remove the pan from the oven and spoon the chili over the top of the fries.
    11. Garnish with the sour cream and jalapenos.
    12. Serve immediately.

    “U.S. bullying ends now!” – Putin issues stunning military plan

    Yeah. Give nuclear weapons to Iran, Mexico, and a host of other nations that are sick and tired of the USA.

    Ukraine’s Grifter Wars Through Gonzalo Lira’s Eyes

    Former Glasgow MP George Galloway said it best about Gonzalo Lira, whose re-arrest by Zelensky’s Gestapo was announced by American transsexual grifter Sarah Ashton Cirillo, who is now a staff sergeant in Zelensky’s Wehrmacht even though, as we previously pointed out, Sgt Sarah has not yet completed basic military training.

    In wishing Lira well, no matter what Lira’s motives were for staying in Zelensky’s Fourth Reich, Galloway spoke for most of us, who don’t take our marching orders from a transgender American who left his wife and children back in Yankee land to play act at being a girly spokesperson for the homophobic Ukrainian Wehrmacht.

    In acknowledging Lira’s chequered history, Galloway said that was not a massive problem for him or for his listeners, who were more interested in Lira’s bird’s eye view on the conflict, rather than on tips on how to pick up hot Ukrainian chicks or, indeed, chicks with dicks like Sgt Sarah. Galloway, with his excellent command of the English language, also doubted that Lira “inflicted strategic damage on Zelensky’s regime”, thereby implicitly agreeing with my earlier analysis that Lira should have got a kick up the transom and be booted across the Hungarian border.

    Leaving aside that Sergeant Sarah was a Federal informant, an agent provocateur, a gambler, a sexual deviant, a complete sociopath, and a terminal narcissist who pals around with terrorists, I, amongst others, have seen this D grade Hollywood plot play out a hundred times before.

    Ukraine has an unhealthy sprinkling of such grifters on both sides of the lines. Former USMC officer Scott Ritter, who previously defended Lira, now believes Lira is a liar and SBU asset as does Eva Bartlett for the same reasons she objected to the family of Syrian President Assad bringing competition for her begging bowl to Damascus.

    Brian Berletic, who posts informative videos under the New Atlas name, believes Lira is more fool than knave and, like Galloway, he admits he found Lira’s input helpful in his own analysis. To counter Berletic, there are a stream of twitter threads like these “exposing Lira” and all ‘kinds of “Putin shills,” some of whom, like Bartlett, Galloway was reduced to calling “flat earth fucks” because of their grifting, much of which, such as lying they were in Syria when they were not and stealing over $1 million of Iranian aid for Syria I have witnessed firsthand.

    To get a feel for some of the whack jobs MI6 and the CIA support in Kiev, consider this MintPress article which reports on Cormac Smith, MI6’s hired Irish field hand who tells us that ““Russians are fucking animals” and that the Russkies have committed genocide by admitting that they forcibly transferred “700,000 Ukrainian children” to Russkie land, a figure Smith obviously plucked from Sgt Sarah’s more than ample ass.

    MintPress goes on to discuss some of the usual suspects, such as MI6 asset Michael Weiss, the Henry Jackson Society, The Interpreter, the Atlantic Council, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Bellingcat, the 77th Brigade, MI6 contractors Torchlight, and NATO fixer Chris Donnelly, all of whom are grifting in Ukraine.

    To me, all of those grifters are just noise. I go back to first principles, to the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and South Tyrone where the British fought a successful 40-year intelligence campaign against the Provisional IRA. As part of their war effort, MI5 bankrolled supposed former PIRA member Vincent McKenna’s Families Against Intimidation and Terror (FAIT),who gave the IRA a series of very black eyes until grifter McKenna was jailed for raping his own daughter.

    When I asked two members of the IRA’s Army Council, their governing body, why did MI5 hire such a boomerang, they replied that MI5 were so hell bent on beating the IRA that they turned a blind eye to everything, child rape included. Using that and similar examples as my compass, it is, to me, beyond doubt that MI6 and the CIA have exotic and unhinged operatives working behind the lines in Syria, Ukraine and everywhere else; however, I doubt Lira is one of them. Rather, I believe he is one of those well-meaning fools I have come across who have paid either with their lives or by serving very long prison sentences for their folly in the killing fields of Ireland and Syria.

    The problem is that it can be hard to differentiate the wheat from the chaff, the fool from the knave. Jamal Daoud, a Jordanian living in Australia, complains here about an alleged former Hindu extremist terrorist, planning to bump him off. But they, in turn, reported Daoud to Syrian Military Intelligence for bringing Jonathan Spyer, an Israeli spy, into Syria. Because of all that, I bought Spyer’s book, which is published by Routledge, which more or less specialises in academic vanity publishing. Chapter 14, Undercover in Damascus, the relevant chapter of the book, is as forgettable as bland bread and served no benefit to Israel or its allies.

    And then we have the Sydney based Anglican priest, who is on an Israeli naughty list because of his long-standing friendship with nuclear missile whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu Barrett tried to manipulate for one of her $40,000 scams and whose face another “street artist” scammer plastered on murals all over Sydney when the priest was already in very hot water with his archbishop for bringing the church into disrepute with his activism. The end result of their “humanitarian intervention” was that the priest became homeless.

    That is not to say Israel does not want their legions of little helpers in Syria. It does and I have blocked some of them and observed some others of them up close. But they, like Lira and his critics, are not the main game and they are hardly even a sideshow. As Syria’s best secret service agents joined the colours, it was often the dross that stayed behind to mop up the bribes, often in cahoots with the grifters.

    When I told two former senior members of the IRA, whose brothers were murdered by the SAS that Assad had, despite Bartlett’s keening, invited Major General John Holmes, the former commanding officer of the SAS to Damascus, one of them thought it a good idea as, to him, bridges have to be built and the other thought it a bad idea as, to him, the only good SAS officer is a dead SAS officer.

    Schooled by such experiences, my own prognosis is quite simple and to the point. The main vectors in the Ukrainian shemozzle are the Armed Forces of Russia and their military allies on the one hand, and NATO and their lemmings on the other. All else is tinsel.

    Allied and perhaps even integral to the Russian Armed Forces are a number of spokespeople, the best known of whom are Russian President Putin, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Russian Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zakharova, all of whom tend to tell it as it is, not as Tinseltown’ transexuals would like it to be. Opposed to those spokespeople are Hollywood circus clowns like Zelensky and Sgt Sarah, as well as a bunch of supporting clowns in Washington, London, Paris and Brussels.

    The Syrian situation is slightly different as Syrian civil society and, indeed, Syrian military intelligence, have left far too many holes for domestic and foreign grifters to exploit. I have met many of these grifters and, not to put too fine a point on it but far better people were found in the back roads of Fermanagh and South Tyrone with bin bags over their heads and bullets through their brains.

    Lira, as my previous article described him, is simply a middle-aged Chilean Ukraine will try to trade at a premium, just like they have done with previous civilians they kidnapped. Though Lira is only an irrelevant sideshow, I wish him and his family the best.

    That said, this Ukrainian war will end with a resounding Russian victory that is already resonating across Africa and throughout Asia, from Syria in its West to China in its East. Cold comfort for Lira if he gets an OBE (one behind the ear) but, whether he lives or dies, his torture at the hands of Zelensky and transexual nut job Sergeant Sarah is one more score that has to be settled, one more vendetta that must, if necessary, be avenged in blood by the Russian Armed Forces.

    Tucker Carlson EXPOSES Ukraine Biolab SHOCKING Details

    The United States does this…

    2023 08 16 07 21
    2023 08 16 07 21

    How Will Trump’s Fourth Indictment – And RFK Jr. – Influence The Election Season?

    Another month brings another indictment of Donald Trump:

    ATLANTA — Former president Donald Trump and 18 others were criminally charged in Georgia in connection with efforts to overturn Joe Biden’s 2020 victory in the state, according to an indictment made public late Monday night.

    Trump was charged with 13 counts, including violating the state’s racketeering act, soliciting a public officer to violate their oath, conspiring to impersonate a public officer, conspiring to commit forgery in the first degree and conspiring to file false documents.

    With so much alleged conspiring should we call all these indictments a conspiracy theory?

    This indictment is again too wide and borders on, like the others against Trump, criminalizing the retelling of rumors and free speech.

    Just consider this part:

    COUNT 29 of 41

    And the Grand Jurors aforesaid, in the name and behalf of the citizens of Georgia, do charge and accuse DONALD JOHN TRUMP with the offense of FALSE STATEMENTS AND WRITINGS, O.C.G.A. § 16-10-20, for the said accused, in the County of Fulton and State of Georgia, on or about the 2nd day of January 2021, knowingly, willfully, and unlawfully made at least one of the following false statements and representations to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs, and Georgia Secretary of State General Counsel Ryan Germany:

    1. That anywhere from 250,000 to 300,000 ballots were dropped mysteriously into the rolls in the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia;
    2. That thousands of people attempted to vote in the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia and were told they could not because a ballot had already been cast in their name;
    3. That 4,502 people voted in the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia who were not on the voter registration list;
    4. That 904 people voted in the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia who were registered at an address that was a post ofiice box;
    5. That Ruby Freeman was a professional vote scammer and a known political operative;
    6. That Ruby Freeman, her daughter, and others were responsible for fraudulently awarding at least 18,000 ballots to Joseph R. Biden at State Farm Arena in the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia;
    7. That close to 5,000 dead people voted in the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia;
    8. That 139% of people voted in the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Detroit;
    9. That 200,000 more votes were recorded than the number of people who voted in the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Pennsylvania;
    10. That thousands of dead people voted in the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Michigan;
    11. That Ruby Freeman stuffed the ballot boxes;
    12. That hundreds of thousands of ballots had been “dumped” into Fulton County and another county adjacent to Fulton County in the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia;
    13. That he won the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia by 400,000 votes;

    said statements being within the jurisdiction of the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, departments and agencies of state government, contrary to the laws of said State, the good order, peace and dignity thereof;

    Even the Washington Post write-up finds that a bit too excessive:

    The indictment takes an expansive view of the behaviors it alleges were acts “in furtherance of the conspiracy” — including, as an example, at least a dozen instances of Trump’s tweets alleging fraud and other claims. Such details from the indictment quickly drew criticism as potential violations of the defendants’ free speech protections.

    Trials over these indictments, if any, will likely start only next year and will take quite a long time. Any judgment in them will be appealed.

    All this will mean little for voters who mostly have made up their minds:

    Yet most Americans made up their minds about Mr. Trump long before prosecutors like Fani T. Willis or Jack Smith weighed in, polls have shown. He is, depending on the perspective, a serial lawbreaker finally being brought to justice or a victim of persecution by partisans intent on keeping him out of office. The Georgia indictment, powerful as it is in its language, has been priced into the market, as the Wall Street types would put it.

    “The accumulated indictments are kind of a white noise for voters,” said Sarah Longwell, a Republican political consultant who has organized opposition to Mr. Trump and conducts weekly focus groups with voters. “They can’t tell the difference between Georgia and Jack Smith because it all blurs together in one long news cycle of Trump’s-in-trouble.”

    I believe, like Trump, that the indictment will help him. First in the primary and then in the general election:

    Speaking to supporters in Alabama a couple of days after his last arraignment, [Trump] claimed he was looking forward to the next one. “We need one more indictment to close out this election,” he boasted.

    That is bravado — the sort of bring-it-on bluster that electrifies a Trump rally.

    Contrast that with the case and against the Bidens which will be laid out by a special prosecutor to the same public. As I wrote when the last bits about the Bidens-Burisma saga came to light:

    On the one side we have a case which shows the deep corruption of ‘the big guy’ and his family who are supported by the deep state they control.

    On the other side we have the underdog who thought he was doing the right thing but is now indicted by the deep state for, at that time, saying so.

    The media will shine the light on both cases. Each time they will mention Trump it will, independent of what they write about him, be positive for him by making the case of the lone guy who gets unfairly prosecuted by the deep state.

    Each time the Biden case will be mentioned it will remind the public of Biden’s corrupt dealings.

    Proceed through that for sixteen month and the outcome is assured.

    Now add to that the possible quirks of the Democratic primary. RFK junior has entered that race:

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has raised eyebrows as the first right-sympathetic populist to run as a Democrat since William Jennings Bryan. Launching with twenty paid staff and functioning now with seventy, Kennedy’s campaign has latched on to several issues important to mainstream Republicans—Covid tyranny, censorship, government surveillance—as well as to the dissident right: public health threats posed by chemicals in food and water, ending forever wars. The difference is the right frames these issues as matters of social cohesion and public order, while Kennedy uses the language of democracy and freedom.

    In the currant fashion RJK Jr. is not really a Democrat:

    When discussing the issues that animate him most—the environment, censorship, state and corporate collusion—he brightens. His hopeless intellectual humility and his hesitation to emphasize the most divisive ideological commitments of his own party while regularly taking up the language of his partisan opponents are setting up a general election that could divide populist voters almost entirely on the basis of aesthetics.

    During the primaries the Democratic Party mafia will do their best to eliminate him even when he is unlikely to be a real danger to Joe Biden’s candidacy.

    Should Trump then consider to run for president with RFK Jr. as his future vice-president he could form a quasi bi-partisan populist ticket that might well attract a larger majority.

    Posted by b on August 15, 2023 at 15:47 UTC | Permalink

    Taiwan is in BIG TROUBLE as China Vows Retaliation for DPP Visit to US

    China has rebuked the U.S. for its latest escalations on Taiwan, from a growing economic war to the DPP’s latest visit to the United States. Here’s what we know thus far about the potential consequences.

    The Perpetual Wars You Aren’t Supposed to Notice

    By William J. ASTORE

    In his message to the troops prior to the July 4th weekend, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin offered high praise indeed. “We have the greatest fighting force in human history,” he tweeted, connecting that claim to the U.S. having patriots of all colors, creeds, and backgrounds “who bravely volunteer to defend our country and our values.”

    As a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel from a working-class background who volunteered to serve more than four decades ago, who am I to argue with Austin? Shouldn’t I just bask in the glow of his praise for today’s troops, reflecting on my own honorable service near the end of what now must be thought of as the First Cold War?

    Yet I confess to having doubts. I’ve heard it all before. The hype. The hyperbole. I still remember how, soon after the 9/11 attacks, President George W. Bush boasted that this country had “the greatest force for human liberation the world has ever known.” I also remember how, in a pep talk given to U.S. troops in Afghanistan in 2010, President Barack Obama declared them “the finest fighting force that the world has ever known.” And yet, 15 years ago at TomDispatch, I was already wondering when Americans had first become so proud of, and insistent upon, declaring our military the world’s absolute best, a force beyond compare, and what that meant for a republic that once had viewed large standing armies and constant warfare as anathemas to freedom.

    In retrospect, the answer is all too straightforward: we need something to boast about, don’t we? In the once-upon-a-time “exceptional nation,” what else is there to praise to the skies or consider our pride and joy these days except our heroes? After all, this country can no longer boast of having anything like the world’s best educational outcomes, or healthcare system, or the most advanced and safest infrastructure, or the best democratic politics, so we better damn well be able to boast about having “the greatest fighting force” ever.

    Leaving that boast aside, Americans could certainly brag about one thing this country has beyond compare: the most expensive military around and possibly ever. No country even comes close to our commitment of funds to wars, weapons (including nuclear ones at the Department of Energy), and global dominance. Indeed, the Pentagon’s budget for “defense” in 2023 exceeds that of the next 10 countries (mostly allies!) combined.

    And from all of this, it seems to me, two questions arise: Are we truly getting what we pay so dearly for — the bestest, finest, most exceptional military ever? And even if we are, should a self-proclaimed democracy really want such a thing?

    The answer to both those questions is, of course, no. After all, America hasn’t won a war in a convincing fashion since 1945. If this country keeps losing wars routinely and often enough catastrophically, as it has in places like Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, how can we honestly say that we possess the world’s greatest fighting force? And if we nevertheless persist in such a boast, doesn’t that echo the rhetoric of militaristic empires of the past? (Remember when we used to think that only unhinged dictators like Adolf Hitler boasted of having peerless warriors in a megalomaniacal pursuit of global domination?)

    Actually, I do believe the United States has the most exceptional military, just not in the way its boosters and cheerleaders like Austin, Bush, and Obama claimed. How is the U.S. military truly “exceptional”? Let me count the ways.

    The Pentagon as a Budgetary Black Hole

    In so many ways, the U.S. military is indeed exceptional. Let’s begin with its budget. At this very moment, Congress is debating a colossal “defense” budget of $886 billion for FY2024 (and all the debate is about issues that have little to do with the military). That defense spending bill, you may recall, was “only” $740 billion when President Joe Biden took office three years ago. In 2021, Biden withdrew U.S. forces from the disastrous war in Afghanistan, theoretically saving the taxpayer nearly $50 billion a year. Yet, in place of any sort of peace dividend, American taxpayers simply got an even higher bill as the Pentagon budget continued to soar.

    Recall that, in his four years in office, Donald Trump increased military spending by 20%. Biden is now poised to achieve a similar 20% increase in just three years in office. And that increase largely doesn’t even include the cost of supporting Ukraine in its war with Russia — so far, somewhere between $120 billion and $200 billion and still rising.

    Colossal budgets for weapons and war enjoy broad bipartisan support in Washington. It’s almost as if there were a military-industrial-congressional complex at work here! Where, in fact, did I ever hear a president warning us about that? Oh, perhaps I’m thinking of a certain farewell address by Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1961.

    In all seriousness, there’s now a huge pentagonal-shaped black hole on the Potomac that’s devouring more than half of the federal discretionary budget annually. Even when Congress and the Pentagon allegedly try to enforce fiscal discipline, if not austerity elsewhere, the crushing gravitational pull of that hole just continues to suck in more money. Bet on that continuing as the Pentagon issues ever more warnings about a new cold war with China and Russia.

    Given its money-sucking nature, perhaps you won’t be surprised to learn that the Pentagon is remarkably exceptional when it comes to failing fiscal audits — five of them in a row (the fifth failure being a “teachable moment,” according to its chief financial officer) — as its budget only continued to soar. Whether you’re talking about lost wars or failed audits, the Pentagon is eternally rewarded for its failures. Try running a “Mom and Pop” store on that basis and see how long you last.

    Speaking of all those failed wars, perhaps you won’t be surprised to learn that they haven’t come cheaply. According to the Costs of War Project at Brown University, roughly 937,000 people have died since 9/11/2001 thanks to direct violence in this country’s “Global War on Terror” in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and elsewhere. (And the deaths of another 3.6 to 3.7 million people may be indirectly attributable to those same post-9/11 conflicts.) The financial cost to the American taxpayer has been roughly $8 trillion and rising even as the U.S. military continues its counterterror preparations and activities in 85 countries.

    No other nation in the world sees its military as (to borrow from a short-lived Navy slogan) “a global force for good.” No other nation divides the whole world into military commands like AFRICOM for Africa and CENTCOM for the Middle East and parts of Central and South Asia, headed up by four-star generals and admirals. No other nation has a network of 750 foreign bases scattered across the globe. No other nation strives for full-spectrum dominance through “all-domain operations,” meaning not only the control of traditional “domains” of combat — the land, sea, and air — but also of space and cyberspace. While other countries are focused mainly on national defense (or regional aggressions of one sort or another), the U.S. military strives for total global and spatial dominance. Truly exceptional!

    Strangely, in this never-ending, unbounded pursuit of dominance, results simply don’t matter. The Afghan War? Bungled, botched, and lost. The Iraq War? Built on lies and lost. Libya? We came, we saw, Libya’s leader (and so many innocents) died. Yet no one at the Pentagon was punished for any of those failures. In fact, to this day, it remains an accountability-free zone, exempt from meaningful oversight. If you’re a “modern major general,” why not pursue wars when you know you’ll never be punished for losing them?

    Indeed, the few “exceptions” within the military-industrial-congressional complex who stood up for accountability, people of principle like Daniel Hale, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden, were imprisoned or exiled. In fact, the U.S. government has even conspired to imprison a foreign publisher and transparency activist, Julian Assange, who published the truth about the American war on terror, by using a World War I-era espionage clause that only applies to American citizens.

    And the record is even grimmer than that. In our post-9/11 years at war, as President Barack Obama admitted, “We tortured some folks” — and the only person punished for that was another whistleblower, John Kiriakou, who did his best to bring those war crimes to our attention.

    And speaking of war crimes, isn’t it “exceptional” that the U.S. military plans to spend upwards of $2 trillion in the coming decades on a new generation of genocidal nuclear weapons? Those include new stealth bombers and new intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) for the Air Force, as well as new nuclear-missile-firing submarines for the Navy. Worse yet, the U.S. continues to reserve the right to use nuclear weapons first, presumably in the name of protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And of course, despite the countries — nine! — that now possess nukes, the U.S. remains the only one to have used them in wartime, in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Finally, it turns out that the military is even immune from Supreme Court decisions! When SCOTUS recently overturned affirmative action for college admission, it carved out an exception for the military academies. Schools like West Point and Annapolis can still consider the race of their applicants, presumably to promote unit cohesion through proportional representation of minorities within the officer ranks, but our society at large apparently does not require racial equity for its cohesion.

    A Most Exceptional Military Makes Its Wars and Their Ugliness Disappear

    Here’s one of my favorite lines from the movie The Usual Suspects: “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist.” The greatest trick the U.S. military ever pulled was essentially convincing us that its wars never existed. As Norman Solomon notes in his revealing book, War Made Invisible, the military-industrial-congressional complex has excelled at camouflaging the atrocious realities of war, rendering them almost entirely invisible to the American people. Call it the new American isolationism, only this time we’re isolated from the harrowing and horrific costs of war itself.

    America is a nation perpetually at war, yet most of us live our lives with little or no perception of this. There is no longer a military draft. There are no war bond drives. You aren’t asked to make direct and personal sacrifices. You aren’t even asked to pay attention, let alone pay (except for those nearly trillion-dollar-a-year budgets and interest payments on a ballooning national debt, of course). You certainly aren’t asked for your permission for this country to fight its wars, as the Constitution demands. As President George W. Bush suggested after the 9/11 attacks, go visit Disneyworld! Enjoy life! Let America’s “best and brightest” handle the brutality, the degradation, and the ugliness of war, bright minds like former Vice President Dick (“So?”) Cheney and former Secretary of Defense Donald (“I don’t do quagmires”) Rumsfeld.

    Did you hear something about the U.S. military being in Syria? In Somalia? Did you hear about the U.S. military supporting the Saudis in a brutal war of repression in Yemen? Did you notice how this country’s military interventions around the world kill, wound, and displace so many people of color, so much so that observers speak of the systemic racism of America’s wars? Is it truly progress that a more diverse military in terms of “color, creed, and background,” to use Secretary of Defense Austin’s words, has killed and is killing so many non-white peoples around the globe?

    Praising the all-female-crewed flyover at the last Super Bowl or painting rainbow flags of inclusivity (or even blue and yellow flags for Ukraine) on cluster munitions won’t soften the blows or quiet the screams. As one reader of my blog Bracing Views so aptly put it: “The diversity the war parties [Democrats and Republicans] will not tolerate is diversity of thought.”

    Of course, the U.S. military isn’t solely to blame here. Senior officers will claim their duty is not to make policy at all but to salute smartly as the president and Congress order them about. The reality, however, is different. The military is, in fact, at the core of America’s shadow government with enormous influence over policymaking. It’s not merely an instrument of power; it is power — and exceptionally powerful at that. And that form of power simply isn’t conducive to liberty and freedom, whether inside America’s borders or beyond them.

    Wait! What am I saying? Stop thinking about all that! America is, after all, the exceptional nation and its military, a band of freedom fighters. In Iraq, where war and sanctions killed untold numbers of Iraqi children in the 1990s, the sacrifice was “worth it,” as former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright once reassured Americans on 60 Minutes.

    Even when government actions kill children, lots of children, it’s for the greater good. If this troubles you, go to Disney and take your kids with you. You don’t like Disney? Then, hark back to that old marching song of World War I and “pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag, and smile, smile, smile.” Remember, America’s troops are freedom-delivering heroes and your job is to smile and support them without question.

    Have I made my point? I hope so. And yes, the U.S. military is indeed exceptional and being so, being #1 (or claiming you are anyway) means never having to say you’re sorry, no matter how many innocents you kill or maim, how many lives you disrupt and destroy, how many lies you tell.

    I must admit, though, that, despite the endless celebration of our military’s exceptionalism and “greatness,” a fragment of scripture from my Catholic upbringing haunts me still: Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.

    Why I’m Raising My Children in CHINA – NOT The UK.

    2023 08 16 10 09
    2023 08 16 10 09

    What I Wish My Dad Taught Me When I Was Little, According To 11 Me

    It’s impossible to teach everything. But it’s helpful to know what untaught lessons might be felt the most.

    by Matt Christensen

    Aug. 10, 2023

    A father’s influence on their sons is profound. As young men, we look first to our fathers to help lay the foundation for our own future growth and development. In an ideal world, they show us what to do, and what not to do. They help us distinguish between right and wrong. They encourage our strengths and nurture our struggles to prepare us for the future.

    But, as well all know, fathers aren’t perfect. Sometimes opportunities to teach life lessons, impart simple skills, or prepare for hard-to-swallow truths get lost in the chaos of life. It happens. And it’s easy to look back with longing and regret at those moments. No, the point here is to not dwell on mistakes. Rather, it is to learn about what you might want to prioritize. We asked a dozen men what they wish their dads taught them when they were still kids. Whether learning how to problem solve, develop confidence, or rock and roll, they all had something to say. Here’s what they told us.

    1. How To Be Present

    “I grew up in a relatively low-income family with my mother on disability and my father always working hard to put food on the table and clothes on our backs. At one time my family had to file for bankruptcy because of debt. But my father still managed a way to get us what we needed.

    My dad was a hard worker and taught me the meaning of hard work and perseverance.

    But the one thing I wish I had learned sooner from my father was the importance of experiencing life, moments, and relationships over working for the dollar. Make your living doing what you do, but be present and don’t live life stuck in the past or even the future. Learn from past mistakes, but be in the present and cherish experiences and family because time is the one thing you can’t get back.” – Adrian, 31, Missouri

    2. How To Know My Worth

    “My father never taught me to be confident in myself. Instead, he forced me, as a little boy, to be timid, weak, and feel inferior to others, especially my peers. He was abusive and manipulative, and as a result, I would doubt whether any actions or decisions I took were the right ones.

    Later on, colleagues would insult, hurt, and bully me, and I didn’t have the strength to defend myself.

    I did learn lessons from my upbringing, though. The one that stands out in my mind all the time is that I must cherish and value my own children. I should never mistreat them or allow anybody to make them feel inferior. I’m traumatized by what my father did, and I wish he would’ve taught me differently. But what I have learned are essential lessons that I will never forget for the rest of my life.” – Phillip, 37, Colorado

    3. How To Play Guitar

    “My father was a musician, and I thought that was the coolest thing ever. I begged him to teach me how to play the guitar like him, but I wasn’t very good, and he wasn’t very patient. He got frustrated easily and nudged me toward other interests.

    As a father myself, I certainly understand frustration. But I also know how wonderful it feels when your kids finally learn how to do something new.

    I did eventually learn to play guitar. I’m still not good, but I’m better than I was when I was younger. My dad passed away before I had any skills worthy of sharing, and I always wonder what it would’ve been like if he were my teacher and we actually got to rock out together at least once.” – Jim, 45, New York

    I begged him to teach me how to play the guitar like him, but I wasn’t very good, and he wasn’t very patient. He got frustrated easily and nudged me toward other interests.

    4. How To Fix Things

    “My dad was one of those guys who was very mechanically inclined. He had a blue collar trade for a career, worked on cars in his spare time, and fixed anything and everything that needed fixing around the house.

    I’m not wired the way he was, unfortunately. Fixing broken things and working on cars is not a skill of mine. If I could go back in time to being a kid again, I would have asked my dad to take time to bring me in on some of his repair jobs.

    To give me a shot at turning the wrench, so to speak. Not only would it have given me much needed knowledge, but it also would have given me much needed confidence when working with my hands, which happens a lot as a dad.” – Scott, 36, North Carolina

    5. How To Set Goals

    “When I was younger, I wish my dad had taught me about setting realistic goals. It’s a really important skill that could have helped me grow and become better. It would have made me more disciplined, determined, and adaptable from a young age.

    Breaking big goals into smaller tasks can make a big difference in how kids deal with challenges.

    If I knew this earlier, I would have been more motivated and faced difficulties with more confidence. Also, understanding the importance of setting timelines would have made me feel more urgent to get things done and not procrastinate. If my dad had taught me to celebrate even the small achievements, I would’ve felt better about myself and been more encouraged.” – Erik, 40, Texas

    6. How To Care

    “I wish my dad had taught me how to develop emotional intelligence. My dad wasn’t very present during my childhood. He was a traveling jeweler and usually out for two to three weeks, then back home for one or two.

    He didn’t show me how to play sports, read, or any of the ‘normal’ stuff.

    But the biggest thing he never showed me was how to care for the people I love.

    I didn’t need him to be constantly checking up on me, but to be involved in how I felt, what I thought, or even what actually interested me outside of buying me whatever game I wanted. I now know this was something that he just didn’t know how to do, which is why I’ve made it a priority.

    My kids will know that I’m interested in what they like, how they think, and the people they are going to become. And my wife will know I support her in whatever she does. Ultimately, their happiness and emotional health are priorities for me as a husband and father.” – Joshua, 33, Arizona

    7. How To Connect With People

    “Being a dad to two cool boys, 9 and 11, often makes me think a lot about what my own dad taught me growing up. One big thing I wish he’d shown me is how to connect with people.

    I’m an introvert and striking up a conversation with someone new feels like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded.

    It’s tough, and I see the same thing in one of my boys. I realized a few years back that I had a small group of friends and didn’t stay in touch as much as I should. This hit me hard and got me thinking about the importance of connecting and building relationships.

    I’m learning to get better at this, and I’m taking my boys on the journey with me. I want them to understand that making friends and keeping them close is just as important as acing a test or scoring a goal. It’s something I’m still figuring out, but hey, that’s part of being a dad, right? We learn, and we teach.” – John, 31, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    My dad was very much a ‘Let me do it’ kind of guy. He wanted to fix the problem, whether it was a broken appliance or hurt feelings, rather than explore it.

    8. How To Let Certain Things Roll Off Me

    “I wish my father had known about and been able to teach me about the mind, and not letting what others say and do get to me so much. Sometimes the things other people say and do make us change how we do something or what we think about something, which has interfered with my life quite a bit.

    Had I have been taught how to manage those types of thoughts, I’m sure some of life’s worst moments wouldn’t have weighed upon me so heavily, for so long, and I would have been able to move on from them sooner.” – Michael, 40, Michigan

    9. How To Problem Solve

    “Getting older has made me learn to appreciate the ability to understand how and why things work. I’ve taught myself a lot by taking things apart and putting them back together, and I realize now that I’ve been conditioning my problem-solving abilities.

    My dad was very much a ‘Let me do it’ kind of guy.

    He wanted to fix the problem, whether it was a broken appliance or hurt feelings, rather than explore it. Or help us learn about it. I appreciate what he was trying to do, but I think it hindered my ability to think for myself and really figure things out while I was growing up.” – Trevor, 40, Pennsylvania

    10. How To Nurture My Inner Child

    “I wish my father had taught me that most adults, even parents, still feel like kids themselves deep down inside. That the feeling of not being ready for adulthood never really goes away, and most grown-ups are still trying to learn how to do stuff the right way.

    Since becoming a dad myself, I’ve realized that the feelings I have, like not always knowing the right answers, or trying my best but still making mistakes with my kids, must have been there for my dad, too.

    I’ve realized that they must have occasionally felt like a child with adult responsibilities sometimes, just like I do. I also think that lesson would have helped me be a bit more calm and understanding with other people throughout my life.

    When I stop and think of other adults as basically kids on the inside, with the same insecurities and fears that I have, it’s a lot easier for me to have patience and compassion for them.” – Phil, 45, Ohio

    11. How To Manage Money

    “I wish my dad had taught me about stocks and investing when I was young. He rarely talked about money or his work as a director at a large financial institution. His passing in December 2001 left a void in my life and financial knowledge.

    As I grew older, my interest in finance intensified, and I felt unprepared to manage money.

    I took it upon myself to learn about investing through self-education and seeking advice from others. Now, as a father, I understand the importance of sharing knowledge with my boy. I aim to be open and communicative about finances, empowering him to make informed decisions.

    Though my journey to financial knowledge was self-driven, I hope to create an environment for my son where he feels supported and encouraged to learn about finance and investing, just as I wish I had been in my youth.” – Patrick, 45, Korea

    How China Space Program Is BIGGER, BETTER & ADVANCED Than NASA

    Armed with aggressive timelines, strategic investments, and an insatiable appetite for innovation, China’s space endeavors have propelled it into the forefront of the race to space. The nations remarkable successes, like landing rovers on the hidden part of the moon and building a growing space station, have caught the world’s attention and clearly show that China wants to be a leader in space exploration, challenging the long reign of the US. In today’s episode, we will cover how China space program is better than NASA in several aspects.

    What are some facts that a disturbingly large percentage of Americans are ignorant about?

    main qimg 7ec1f7e510b6fd17916a7ad87fed682c lq 1
    main qimg 7ec1f7e510b6fd17916a7ad87fed682c lq 1

    Black Wall Street in Tulsa Oklahoma, was one of the richest black community in all of America. Then in 1921, a group of white supremacists attacked the community with the help from the National Guard.

    Known today as the Black Wall Street massacre, where 35 square blocks were decimated. The community was home to 10,000 African American residents. It was a thriving community, with brick and wood frame houses, and a bustling place of commerce, with shops, night clubs and theatres. It was a vibrant place, and full of promise which is why it became known as Americas Black Wallstreet.

    main qimg 58a0b6d6fed3b7d3edbe103263712d38
    main qimg 58a0b6d6fed3b7d3edbe103263712d38

    Thousands of homes and businesses were destroyed wiping out years of generational wealth. Hundreds had been killed and buried in mass graves as a heavily armed gang of looters and arsonists destroyed everything in there wake. One of the factors in the destruction of the community was resentment over the financial prosperity of the black community.

    What are the world’s weirdest court cases?

    2023 08 16 21 46
    2023 08 16 21 46

    In Charlotte, North Carolina, a Lawyer bought a really expensive box of Cigars and then insured them against fire. Within a month he had smoked all 24 of these rather fine Cigars, without even paying his first premium payment on the insurance policy.

    The Lawyer then filed a claim against the insurance company. In the claim the Lawyer claimed the Cigars were lost in a series of small fires.

    2023 08 16 21 4gg7
    2023 08 16 21 4gg7

    The insurance company out-right refused to pay, stating the obvious reasons for not paying out the insurance claim, and that the man has consumed the Cigars in the normal way. The Lawyer filed a lawsuit against the insurance company and won.

    The Judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous, but the judge stated that the lawyer had a policy from the insurance company, which it had warranted that the Cigars were insurable and guaranteed that they would insure them against fire, without defining what was considered to acceptable fire.

    Instead of having to go through a lengthy legal battle and costly appeals process they accepted the Judges ruling and paid the lawyer 15,000 dollars for the smoked Cigars.

    After the Lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of arson.

    The Matrix (1999) | First Time Watching | Movie Reaction | Asia and BJ

    Would a Russia and China alliance be an unstoppable force? With Russia’s oil and natural gas resources and China’s large economy and sheer population and both countries military power, arsenals and nukes

    2023 08 16 21 49
    2023 08 16 21 49


    The Russo – Sino combination would produce an Economic Giant with :-

    • Combined Real GDP of almost $ 25 Trillion
    • Combined Food Per Capita of 575 Kg per Year (400 Kg per year being minimum desirable)
    • Combined Gold Reserves of 5000 Tonnes officially and around 6500 Tonnes unofficially
    • Around 4 Million Soldiers including Reservists
    • Capable of outproducing NATO at 17:1 in Ammo, 9:1 in Missiles, 6:1 in Ships and 6:1 in Choppers and Tanks
    • Oil and Gas Reserves

    However this isn’t just adding numbers

    China isn’t ready to split the world into camps

    China wants a multipolar world and wants both the East and West

    No matter what the West does, China is not burning bridges with the West because China still gets a lot of stuff from the West

    My guess is China will wait and if Taiwan becomes a major issue then China may finally formally cut off the West and form a major alliance with Russia

    Russia is ready even today

    It’s tired and sick of the West

    Putin and Shoigu are moderates but Medvedev, Lavrov, Surovikin, Prighozin are all extremists and tough hawks who want the West beaten and crushed

    So it all depends on Taiwan

    That would be the red line for China

    If US supports Taiwanese Independence, China will formally get into a United Nuclear Alliance (If anyone nukes China, Russia nukes him back and vice versa) and a United Military Alliance (Anyone attacks Russia or it’s friends and China supplies everything including soldiers )

    US politician Robert Kennedy Jr. has confirmed the existence of American biological laboratories in Ukraine which are used to produce banned biological weapons.

    Tuesday, 15 August 2023 2:40 PM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 15 August 2023 9:37 PM ]

    US politician Robert Kennedy Jr. (File photo by AFP)US politician Robert Kennedy Jr. has confirmed the existence of American biological laboratories in Ukraine which are used to produce banned biological weapons.

    "We have bio-labs in Ukraine because we are developing bioweapons," the Democratic Party presidential candidate told former Fox News host Tucker Carlson in a video interview posted on the X social network (formerly known as Twitter) on Tuesday. "Those bioweapons are using all kinds of new synthetic biology and CRISPR (an acronym for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats in DNA) technology and genetic engineering techniques that were not available to a previous generation," the US politician, also known by his initials RFK Jr., said in the interview. "When the Patriot Act reopened the biolabs arms race in 2001, the Pentagon began putting a lot of money into bioweapons," Kennedy Jr. added. "But they were nervous at that time because if you violate the Geneva Convention, it’s a hanging offense," he explained. "So they were nervous about actually going full force into bioweapons development. So they transferred the authority for biosecurity to one agency in the HHS [the US Department of Health and Human Services]," the politician added. "But now, when you do bioweapons development, every bioweapon, it needs vaccine so you develop them side by side because in 100 percent of the cases when you deploy a bioweapon, there’s blowback. Your side also gets sick," he concluded. The Russian Defense Ministry revealed the existence of US military biolabs in Ukraine working on producing bioweapons as early as February 2022. In mid-April, a Russian parliamentary commission presented its final report on the investigations into the activities of the US-run bio-labs in Ukraine. The report concluded that the Pentagon’s military biological program had grown large in scale, being implemented under the guise of anti-terrorist projects and activities that were permitted by the Biological Weapons Convention. The parliamentary commission also pointed out that the activities of all the US-controlled laboratories involved Pentagon experts. However, the results of their work were confidential and government agencies in the host countries only had access to secondary research results. Russian Ambassador to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, revealed that the secret US labs in Ukraine were producing biological warfare. As a result of the illegal activities that were being carried out at US bio-labs in Ukraine, Russia last year asked the United Nations Security Council to establish a commission to investigate the reports that Washington and Kiev were in violation of the Convention prohibiting the use of biological weapons. In the meantime, Moscow believes that the US bio-labs in Ukraine are only a fraction of a global network of 300 similar facilities. However, the US government has now denied the existence of such military bio-labs. Instead, the US government has admitted to what it calls US-funded biological research facilities. Earlier this year, Russia said it had obtained documents in Lisichansk, in the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic (LPR), that revealed the US military-funded labs in Ukraine had been creating biological weapons components and testing them on the population of the country. "Russian troops have secured over 20,000 documents, reference and analytical materials, and interviewed eyewitnesses and participants in American military-biological programs" since the start of the war in February last year, said the commander of Russia's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov. The general said that the documents "confirm... the focus of the Pentagon on creating biological weapons components and testing them on the population of Ukraine and other states along [Russia's] borders."

    What are the lessons people most often learn too late in life?

    I am 67 years old. These are among the best things I have ever learned:

    1. You spend your first 20 years worrying what people think about you. You spend your next 20 years swearing that you don’t care what people think about you. You spend the next 20 years realizing that they aren’t thinking about you. A liberation!
    2. Any day on this side of the dirt is a good day. Some people didn’t make the cut last night. I was hit by a speeding taxi as I was walking to a bus stop. I spent a month in rehab with two broken legs, a brain injury, multiple back injuries and other fractures. The night before I was hit, a young, married couple was also hit. They both died. Practice gratitude.
    3. A woman I know spends most of her time thinking about how much she hates her thighs. She can give you a detailed report on what is wrong with them. She forgets all the places those legs have taken her, all the miles they have walked for her. It doesn’t occur to her that when she gets up in the middle of the night to pee, those very thighs walk her to the toilet. Spend more time appreciating what you’ve got— a heart that beats, a way to pick up your cup of coffee, the eyes that see that cup and know what color it is. Blessings abound.
    4. There are two kinds of people in this world – those who believe there is enough to go around, and those who don’t. Here is an example: If Margo is leaning up against the car kissing her boyfriend, and I think how nice that must feel, do I try to steal Margo’s boyfriend or do I go out and get my own boyfriend? I go out and get myself a boyfriend. I don’t need to steal Margo’s. I know that there is enough to go around.
    5. An old Native American woman was asked why she was always so happy. She said that she has two wolves in her heart and they are both hungry— one wolf is angry and evil, the other wolf is filled with love, and that’s the only one she feeds.

    India Just BURIED The Dollar, Saudi Arabia Is Next

    Yes. It is happening.

    A truth

    funny memes 4
    funny memes 4

    Can you give some examples of revenge being served cold and sweet?

    About 30 years ago, I lived in an apartment complex where the owner paid the heat, hot water and cooking gas. The owner was one of the cheapest people I knew and she refused to fix anything or hire a decent Super. Btw, she had paid off the complex 15 years prior so she was making good $$$ off the complex

    The boiler breaks and she has an old, used one, that she found in the newspapers, installed during the summer. By state law she was required to provide heat by November 15th. By the 23rd, it is brutal cold and we still didn’t have heat. I called her up to find out what is going on. Her response was that she was out of $$$ and for me to buy some electric heaters. Btw, that meant my expenses would up, since tenants paid for their electricity.

    I go to town hall, met with the appropriate officials, let them know what is going and file a complaint. I also let them know that there was a large elderly group of tenants in the complex.

    The official calls her, tells her that she is in violation and that she needs to get the heat on ASAP. She tells him off and refuses saying that she knows people. (She didn’t) He tells her that he will fine her $1000/day for each unit or $48,000 a day starting with that day. She tells him that he can’t do that and called him some choice names. What she didn’t realize that the town’s lawyer heard the entire phone call.

    The next day she was delivered a notarized invoice for $48,000 along with a legal document stating that this daily fine will continue until the heat goes on. Now she is in a panic since she now owes the town $48,000.

    But the best part of the revenge is that this happened on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Do now she had to scramble to find someone who could get the system working which she eventually did. But he charged her double claiming that it was interfering with him going away for the holiday.

    One last thing, the town official told her if she tried to harass me for reporting her, the town would go after her and would pay my legal bills if I had to sue her

    Couldn’t Be Easier Brisket

    2023 08 16 10 23
    2023 08 16 10 23

    Prep: 5 min | Bake: 2 to 3 hr | Yield: 6 servings


    • 3-4 pounds boneless beef brisket
    • 1 bottle chili sauce
    • 1 can Coca-Cola
    • 1 envelope dry onion soup mix


    1. Heat oven to 300 degrees F.
    2. Combine chili sauce, Coca-Cola and soup mix.
    3. Place brisket in a foil-lined baking pan*. Pour sauce mixture over brisket and cover with another sheet of foil sealing edges.
    4. Bake at 300 degrees F for 3 to 3 1/2 hours until tender.
    5. Carve brisket against the grain and serve the pan juices as a sauce.


    * or use a cooking bag for really easy clean-up.

    Now CHINA Missile Force Can Destroy US Asia Pacific Command in Just 7 minutes

    This audacious assertion unveils a stark reminder that in the realm of modern warfare, the boundaries of possibility are continually pushed, leaving the world to grapple with the implications of China’s missile might and its potential to reshape the geopolitical landscape in a matter of minutes. Today’s episode will cover China’s missile force power.

    Which Chinese fashion is still not adopted in Western countries?


    During my years in Australia, the States, Germany, and Ireland, I have seen Western women wearing the occasional qipao.

    But never hanfu.

    I guess because hanfu can be cumbersome and is generally impractical for modern urban city life.

    And maybe because most people in Western countries don’t even know it exists.

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    MUST WATCH: Oliver Anthony “Rich Men North Of Richmond” Review

    The Cheyenne Social Club (1970)

    Today’s treat. Full movie with James Stewart. Please enjoy!

    Out of the blue, the grizzled farmhand, John O'Hanlan, receives an unexpected letter from an unknown solicitor in the far-off town of Cheyenne, Wyoming, informing him that he is the proud owner of the Cheyenne Social Club, now that his estranged brother, D.J., has passed away. Intrigued and eager to trade in the dusty landscapes of 1867 Texas for an easy life as a businessman, without delay, John sets out on a long trip with his best friend, Harley Sullivan, to create a better future for himself. But somehow, John's newest and only acquisition has both a good and a bad reputation. Either way, the establishment's inexperienced manager now holds the fates of its loyal staff in his hands: a beautiful sextet of dedicated, and above all, famous female employees. However, is John cut out to run this type of business?

    It is HAPPENING.

    About the image above: The Quora "profile" of a troll that attacked one of my posts. 
    Notice that he used a revolving profile set up back in 2013. Never used before. No activity at all.
    He's a human. Not a bot, and spent a considerable amount of time attacking me personally, my comments, and China. 
    Ne is gone now. 
    If you post anything on Social Media, you must be serious about troll, and bot removal.

    We are “in the change”.

    It is HAPPENING.

    Over the next few weeks I will include many reaction videos regarding the various songs by Oliver Anthony. I am placing them here because they are such a MAJOR catalyst to the change that is starting to ignite. Listen to what the people have to say.

    He has a number of songs, but Americans have gotten a voice.


    It is going to get far, far, FAR worse economically for Americans in the upcoming years. You see, the world is dropping the USD, and with each drop, American USD inflation rises.

    At some point it will go into hyper-inflation.

    And REAL change is going to be forced upon the reluctant American government. Brace yourself, no matter where you live.

    DC says its “little bads” , with a possibility of “middle bads”. But… it is going to be a bumpy ride. Strap yourselves in. You all will come out of the storm clouds intact, but everything will be changed.

    Meanwhile, the USA government is going full-on clown show…

    The USA government clamps down HARD on “independent reporting”

    2023 08 24 09 57
    2023 08 24 09 57

    Independent Women CRAWLS Back To Men For Help After Being Fooled Into Feminism

    2023 08 19 16 45
    2023 08 19 16 45

    Coca-Cola Glazed Kielbasa

    Coca Cola Kielbasa
    Coca Cola Kielbasa

    Yield: 4 servings


    • 1-2 tablespoons olive oil
    • 1 red onion, thinly sliced
    • 1 green bell pepper, thinly sliced
    • 2 rosemary sprigs
    • 1/3 cup honey
    • 1 tablespoon yellow mustard seed
    • 2 pounds Polish kielbasa sausage
    • 1 (12 ounce) can Coca-Cola Classic
    • Rosemary sprigs for garnish


    1. In a 5 1/2 quart Dutch oven over medium-high heat, heat the oil until hot. Add the onions, green bell pepper and two rosemary sprigs. Lower the heat to medium and cook until the onions are nearly translucent, about 3-5 minutes.
    2. Stir in honey, mustard seed, and sausage. Pour the Coca-Cola over the sausage and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook, uncovered, until the liquid is absorbed and glazes the sausage. This will take about 30 to 40 minutes. Stir frequently to prevent the sausage from sticking.
    3. Remove the rosemary sprigs from the Dutch oven and transfer the sausage slices to serving platter. Garnish with fresh rosemary sprigs.


    Variation: Substitute red wine or dark beer for the Coca-Cola Classic; chorizo or andouille sausage for the kielbasa.

    What is the most insane conversation you have ever heard while eavesdropping?

    I would like to answer for a friend who is not on Quora. She overheard a conversation, and solved a crime.

    She found a lost wallet with a couple hundred dollars in cash, as well as credit cards and ID. She also found the owner’s address in a nearby town to mail the wallet back.

    We worked together in a company that had a mailroom, so she packed up the wallet, with everything intact, and explained the situation to Sal the mailroom guy, asking him to send it out with the days mail.

    A week later, my friend was sitting in the bleachers at her daughters baseball game in that same neighboring town. The woman behind her was telling a friend how she had lost her wallet, and this nice guy Sal had found it. Although the all money was gone, she was happy to pay him the $25 he asked as a finders fee.

    Incensed, my friend spun around and asked- “Excuse me are you Mrs. X?”

    When she said she was, my friend told her the real story. My friend found the wallet, and packed it with all the contents intact. Sal, the mailroom guy, opened the package, took the cash, then called the woman and asked for $25 to bring her the wallet.

    What are the odds of a crime being discovered by eavesdropping?

    The wallet owner didn’t want him to be fired, so Monday morning my friend called Sal into her office. She told him that he had until noon that day to come up with the stolen cash as well as his $25 “finders fee”. He did, and my friend returned it to the wallet owner.

    My friend did inform Sal’s supervisor, so he could keep a closer eye on him, and sure enough, within a month he was caught doing something else shady and was fired.

    Another good reason not to steal, you never know who is listening.

    Does Australia Want To Be A U.S Pawn In Aggression Against China

    Yuppur. Australia is run by actual idiots.

    What do we NOT know about ants?

    Surprisingly, we don’t know exactly how they copulate. They do this in flight, at several hundred feet altitude. Scientists can’t exactly go up there in some sort of light aircraft, fly around looking for ants on the nuptial flight, say “Oh there’s one!,” and fly up close to film them. It

    seems almost unimaginable to study much insect behavior in high-altitude flight.

    All we know is that winged virgin females and drones (alates) take flight—easy to observe at an ant colony—and within a couple of hours, they fall to ground, easy to collect if you know where and how. A fire ant specialist who was on my doctoral committee collected just-mated queen fire ants from city parking lots on weekends when the stores were closed. Myrmecologists (ant scientists) can examine these females and find sperm in them, so they know they mated on the nuptial flight. After falling, the queens shed their wings, searchfor suitable ground, and the few successful ones excavate the first burrow to lay their first few eggs. The males that fall from the nuptial flight simply die.

    But no one has ever observed the actual mating.

    Song Starts Global Movement; People WORLDWIDE “Get” What The Man Sings About . . .

    World Hal Turner 18 August 2023

    Rich Men North of Richmond large
    Rich Men North of Richmond large
    Song Starts Global Movement; People WORLDWIDE "Get" What The Man Sings About . . .

    As you read this, today is Friday, August 18, 2023.  Two nights ago, on my worldwide TALK Radio show, I played a new song by Oliver Anthony called “Rich Men North of Richmond” and reported to my global audience that this song has struck a chord with common, everyday, working people throughout America.  The next day, the song topped Apple Music Charts for GLOBAL distribution.

    I take no credit at all for the song reaching the top of the GLOBAL chart, but I certainly hope and pray that I helped.

    This song speaks to the real life, everyday struggle that you, and me, and every other common, working-class person, lives.  It speaks to the reason for such struggle: The rich men north of Richmond (Virginia) – that is to say, Washington, DC.

    The song has real global appeal and a user on Twitter, now called “X,” edited together a video of Podcasters around the world, all listening to the song together, online.  Some of them actually had tears in their eyes.

    I think it’s because they finally came to realize, we are ALL hit by the situations created by these “Rich Men north of Richmond.”  NONE of us is immune.  It is a struggle for ALL of us common folk.  THe song brings to the forefront the realization that ALL these troubles, all the strife, all the fighting, all the division – pitting groups against each other – is ALL being done by the “Rich men north of Richmond.”

    Below is that video of the Podcasters worldwide, of all ages, races, shapes, and sizes, listening to the song.  Watch the reactions.  It is soooooooo powerful.   In those reactions, there are real tears from folk who KNOW how hard it is nowadays just to live.  In their faces there is almost relief that THEY are not alone in this struggle; the realization that all of us are being affected, badly.   And moreover, we are ALL so very tired of this bullshit.  

    Pepe Escobar: BRICS Summit DESTROYS Neocons as New Currency and Expansion Top Agenda

    Pepe Escobar gives his assessment of the BRICS Summit and the prospects of an alternative financial system and expanded membership coming out of the historic meeting beginning August 22nd in South Africa.

    I’ll just leave this here.

    Communism is evil.


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    What is the strangest reaction of someone who has just been fired?

    I got fired at 10pm one night.

    I woke up early(well, that’s not true, I didn’t really sleep at all… lets say I got up) and met my replacement at the office at 630 the next morning to update him on several projects that i was working on at the time, including a $12k grant for technology for the department.

    After getting him up to speed, I packed all of my personal effects and left before anyone else showed up at 8am.

    By 9am I was at the workforce center signing up for my unemployment. By 11am I had applied for my first job. By 1pm I had my last paycheck from the city. By 2pm I was on the road to my PREVIOUS employer’s office to work on some consultation work for them.

    In four months I got the job I am in now.

    And overall… I am happier here than I can imagine I would have ever been there.

    I let that agency and the ill-advised city council to struggle with their issues as I made the place I am a great place to serve while ensuring good service to everyone.

    U.K on the RUN : China Takes Over as U.K exit Zambia Mines!

    This is a real thing going on right now.

    South Korea To Run “NUCLEAR ATTACK” Evacuation Drill August 23

    World Hal Turner 18 August 2023

    The entire country of South Korea will stage a NUCLEAR ATTACK EVACUATION DRILL on August 23.  Fifty-one Million (51,000,000) citizens are REQUIRED to participate to practice evacuating to shelters or underground safe spaces during the 20-minute exercise.

    The drill, scheduled for 2:00 PM on Wednesday, August 23, will see many drivers required to pull over to the side of roads and the exits to subway stations closed with commuters required to remain inside, a statement from the South Korean Interior Ministry said.

    “We expect to strengthen the response capacity of the nation through a practical drill reflecting the aspects of provocations of North Korea,” Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said in a news release this week.

    The release said the 20-minute drill is part of a larger exercise to test the South Korean government’s response to potential threats including “advanced nuclear missile threats, cyber attacks, drone terrors, etc.”

    The prime minister also called on South Koreans to take the drills seriously, something that hasn’t always been the case.

    The Interior Ministry said 17,000 shelters would be open nationwide, and locations are searchable in popular Korean online apps.

    The South Korean prime minister said the civil defense drill would be held in conjunction with large-scale US-South Korea military exercises that have drawn sharp criticism from Pyongyang in the past.

    It will also come less than a week after South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol travels to the United States for a trilateral meeting with US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, where “the continued threat posed by” North Korea will be on the agenda, according to a White House statement.

    Hal Turner Opinion

    HMMMMM. Having a nuclear evacuation “drill” of 51 Million people into 17,000 shelters at THE SAME TIME as a large-scale US-South Korea military “exercise???????????”

    Gee, it occurs to me that maybe that military “exercise” isn’t an “exercise” at all.  What if they first-strike North Korea?

    With 51 Million South Koreans already inside Shelters, and US-South Korean Troops already on-station and fully armed – seems to me it would be a perfect opportunity for the US to first-strike North Korea.

    What better conditions would exist than the ones described above?

    Young Women Are Furious They Were Fooled Into Feminism

    This is surprisingly good. Go traditional marriage. All will be good.

    2023 08 19 16 36
    2023 08 19 16 36

    What was a Christmas bonus you got from your company that made you speechless?

    My first real job was working as a Marketing Assistant for a Fortune 500 corporation (that you all have at least one of their products in your house).

    The holiday bonus for everyone below a Director was to be invited to the cafeteria, in groups, to hear the “company” choir sing 3 Xmas songs and to have 3 cookies. And then you were rushed back to your desk/office…

    This is the reality…

    Meanwhile, in Washington DC.

    2023 08 20 10 33
    2023 08 20 10 33

    Neither Biden Nor Trump Americans Will Choose This Pro China President in New Election

    This could very well happen. But most of the viewers of the video have doubts. You can see their disbelief in the comment section.

    Have you ever had such a close call it makes your skin shiver everytime you think about it? If so, what happened?

    Yes, and I think about it often. After Hurricane Ike in September 2008 in Texas, none of us in the neighborhood had electricity of course. Our electric pole near our house was pulled backwards and we were told that when the power company came to fix their issues and reconnect, that it would need to be standing upright. I asked my grown nephew and brother in law to help us pull it straight. We couldn’t while the wires were attached, so they said we had to cut them. Scary thought, but we didn’t have power right? The voltage tester said we didn’t also.

    I got the cutters and my nephew reached up and cut through the thick wires. At that moment, my sister drove up and said “Hey, the power is back!” She lives across the street. We were stunned. Somehow my nephew was still standing. It turned out that our wire was disconnected from the pole at the street as well, but we didn’t know that. And what if it hadn’t been?

    What are the biggest mistakes you can make as you age?

    2023 08 21 19 07
    2023 08 21 19 07

    I have a good answer. I hope it is helpful to you. So, the question is, what’s the biggest oopsie-daisy as we age?

    Sitting on the couch and consuming crappy food like it’s your full-time job! An inactive lifestyle might seem cozy, but it’s a shortcut to health troubles. As the years pile on, a couple of surprise health hiccups can make getting active even harder. Next thing you know, you’re at risk for slips, trips, and yikes – even broken bones. All this can fast-track us to losing our mojo and independence. So, trade that remote for some walking shoes, and let’s keep the fun in our golden years!

    Oh, I have even a piece of better advice; walk every day and lift some weights! It is the key to having decent health while aging. It is no guarantee to increase your lifespan, but as I have experienced the journey, it will create a decent life quality as we get older.

    What is the biggest scam an auto mechanic ever tried on you?

    Took our VW Rabbit to a VW dealer for warranty work, When picking up the car I was told that it wouldn’t start and that the fuel injectors were replaced ($400). I refused to pay as this work was not authorized. Dealership said they had a mechanics lien on the car and would not release it without payment. I said I had a spare key and would leave. The dealer called the police. When the cops arrived, I asked the dealer to give me the old parts. He said that the trash had already been picked up. I then asked the dealer to show me (and the police) where the new injectors were under the hood (they should be clean, right?) After a few minutes the dealer emerged from under the hood with a puzzled look on his face. I then told the Cops that the car had a carburetor and not fuel injectors. I went home. The VW dealer went out of business some time later. It pays to know a little bit about your car!

    First Time Hearing Oliver Anthony – “Rich Men North of Richmond”

    2023 08 20 10 30
    2023 08 20 10 30

    How do people get rich?

    You have to think at scale, then act on it.

    A friend of mine is an automotive engineer – I don’t mean a mechanic, I mean a straight up engineer who fabricates his own parts, designs suspension systems, builds vehicles that stretch their length using hydraulics, steer with all four wheels, can lift a container full of products, that sort of thing. Really smart dude. If I ever decide to build a replica of the Tumbler Batmobile from The Dark Knight, he’s the guy I would have do it.

    So what does he do with this knowledge? He opened a shop and builds custom trucks and mods race cars for people.

    It’s a good business. He enjoys it and pays his bills on time. But he will never be rich from it.

    There are only so many hours in a day, and the market price of his final product has a ceiling. If you’re doing individual builds like that, your income is tied to the clock. He only makes money when he is doing something with his hands. If he’s sick or injured or takes a day off, he doesn’t get paid.

    Now, he’s made some really cool stuff along the way – things that could be sold separately and installed by someone else. Some of the things he’s made for customers in the offroad and racing applications could easily be produced and sold to distributors and retailers in the aftermarket auto space, even the little things like joints and brackets. Any of you Jeep/Classic/Muscle/Corvette guys out there know how many parts and accessory catalogs you get in the mail. It’s a $41 billion industry.

    But he hasn’t done it, because he doesn’t think at scale. He only thinks in terms of labor and hours, and doing the job the customer is paying him to do.

    Even something simple like a roll cage, he’s building them by hand every time. Every time a customer wants a cage, he takes detailed measurements, cuts and bends the pieces, welds it all together, and sends them on their way. It takes hours and hours of labor. If he would write down the measurements and cut ten of each piece at the same time, he could build ten cages on the ground in about the same time it takes him to build one on the vehicle, then sell the other nine as a ready-to-install product through all of those catalogs and websites – who will then put it in front of millions of subscribers. He could be making ten times the revenue for the same amount of work – and even that would still be pretty small-time, but at least it would be a step toward mass production.

    I’ve tried to steer him in that direction. And his response, every time, is “Yeah, I know, I’d like to get to that point eventually, but right now I’ve got 10 more customer projects I have to finish.” He’s been saying that for the last five years.

    If you want to make millions of dollars, you have to think at scale and not be bound by the limitations of your time and labor. Your product has to be working for you, not you working for your product.

    Oliver Anthony – I Want To Go Home| REACTION *TEARS*

    Everyone feels this.

    Microwave Pepperoni

    2023 08 24 10 13
    2023 08 24 10 13

    Makes 4 (8 ounce) rolls.


    • 2 pounds ground beef
    • 1 cup water
    • 2 tablespoons meat cure
    • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
    • 2 tablespoons paprika
    • 1 teaspoon oregano leaves, crushed
    • 1 teaspoon onion salt
    • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
    • 1 teaspoon fennel seed
    • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
    • 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
    • 1/4 teaspoon Liquid Smoke
    • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper


    1. Combine all ingredients in large bowl; mix well. Divide mixture into 4 equal portions. Shape each portion into a roll, approximately 8 inches long and 2 inches in diameter. Wrap in plastic wrap; refrigerate 24 hours.
    2. Remove plastic wrap. Place rolls on microwave roasting or bacon rack. Cover with wax paper. Microwave on 30 percent power for 1 hour, turning rolls over and rearranging every 15 minutes. If necessary, continue to cook until rolls have reached an internal temperature of 160 degrees F.
    3. Drain on paper towels. Cool. Wrap lightly with plastic wrap. Refrigerate up to two weeks; freeze for longer storage.
    4. Use as you would regular pepperoni in your favorite Italian dishes and snacks.

    Saudi found dumping US treasury bonds

    Saudi Arabia Just BROKE The Dollar – Record Treasury Dump.

    2023 08 24 09 50
    2023 08 24 09 50

    Saudi Arabia has dumped their holdings of US treasuries to a 6-year low. Even as a global recession nears, Saudi Arabia is diversifying away from dollar assets into risky investments like stocks. This underscores a big economic and geopolitical shift away from Washington and the world reserve currency.

    The latest blow to the United States actually comes from Saudi Arabia no they aren’t pricing oil in the Chinese Yuan or the real yet but they are dumping a ton of their U.S treasury Holdings and this is a big deal.

    America is starting to lose control of the petrol dollar and this is confirmed with Saudi Arabia’s move away from U.S treasury Bonds in a big update Saudi power of U.S treasuries at six-year low in shift to risk the kingdom sold three billion dollars of U.S debt in June as they move towards riskier assets and here’s the crazy thing this has been happening for years right under our noses.

    From 2016 to 2020 the Saudis were piling on U.S debt they were taking their oil revenues and buying treasury bonds until it picked out at 184 billion dollars but now they have reverse Direction they have sold 76 billion or 41% of their entire Holdings over the last three years that’s even more aggressive than China and it’s all about the timing this comes on the heels of a De-dollarization wave across the global South.

    2023 08 24 09 51
    2023 08 24 09 51

    Saudi Arabia is losing faith in U.S debt and this is bad for the United States both in the short term and the long term. America is already borrowing a ton of money today racking up an incredible amount of debt in Q3 alone America borrowed one trillion dollars and is facing a fiscal crisis where they have no choice but to keep issuing bonds.

    Will Saudi Arabia keep dumping the U.S treasuries and more importantly will they be joining the bricks very soon? Things are getting really interesting as we move towards the BRICS Summit this week.

    BRICS Expansion Projected To Reduce 90% Of USD Oil Sale Settlements

    BRICS could shift the global power dynamics in their favor by controlling the majority of the world’s oil and gas trade. The bloc is keen on expansion by allowing Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates into the group. The inclusion of Saudi Arabia and the UAE into BRICS could have a paradigm shift in the oil economy, as it could force other countries to drift away from the USD. Therefore, the first step of the de-dollarization process could begin with oil and gas sales.

    A handful of oil-producing Middle Eastern countries have expressed their interest in joining the bloc. Apart from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, and Algeria are looking to join the BRICS. The five Arab nations represented 60% of the world’s oil reserves, and induction into BRICS could spell doom for the U.S. dollar.

    If the BRICS alliance inducts all five oil-producing countries, it could control 90% of the world’s oil supply. This could lead to 90% of the oil and gas trade being settled in local currencies and not the USD. The international markets could subsequently shift away from the U.S. dollar and usher in a new era of global finance.

    Accepting local currencies for oil and not the USD could fast-track the de-dollarization process. Countries in Asia, Africa, and South America are most likely to accept paying in native currencies rather than the USD. If BRICS controls crude oil, the U.S. economy could face hardships as the means to fund its deficit narrows. In conclusion, the upcoming BRICS summit holds the key to the U.S. dollar’s prospects.

    Doom doom Dolla..

    Saudi Arabia mulls French fighter jet purchase amid strained relations with US after cut in oil production

    Saudi Arabia is reportedly considering a large number of French-made Dassault Rafale fighter jets.

    Such a purchase would be a break from Saudi Arabia’s long history of buying US and British jets.

    This suggests Riyadh doesn’t think its traditional partners will be as reliable in the future.

    Saudi Arabia has spent decades building an enormous air force composed exclusively of advanced US and British fighter jets. But Riyadh’s reported interest in potentially purchasing a large number of French jets may be a sign it doesn’t think its longtime patrons are as reliable as before.

    In December, France’s La Tribune financial newspaper, citing unnamed sources, reported that Saudi Arabia was considering acquiring 100 to 200 Dassault Rafale fighters. The report came amid developments suggesting that the US and other nations might not provide military equipment to Riyadh in the future.

    After Riyadh cut oil production in October, US lawmakers proposed legislation freezing all American arms sales to the kingdom, which could have grounded most of the Saudi air force and would further fray already strained US-Saudi relations.

    In July, Germany announced it would not allow additional Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets to be delivered to Saudi Arabia. The Saudi air force has 72 Eurofighters, second only to the number of US-made F-15s it has.

    Buying more Typhoons would be “the sensible move” since the Saudis have the infrastructure to train pilots and operate that jet, “but a German block prevents that,” said Sébastien Roblin, a widely published military-aviation journalist.

    Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is “not currently inclined to throw Washington any free bones by ordering F-15EXs,” and despite an “about-face” by President Joe Biden, Roblin said, the Saudis know that future jet sales “could be disrupted by domestic political revulsion for Riyadh’s actions domestically or the war in Yemen.”

    As bin Salman pursues a detente with his main rival, Iran, and improves relations with China, opposition to such sales may only increase.

    Uncle shame got shunned this time!

    She’s Right: The Male Loneliness Epidemic REACTION

    2023 08 21 12 35
    2023 08 21 12 35

    It is happening now

    This is perhaps one of my most important Geo-political posts. Much bigger things than Ukraine is going on RIGHT NOW. Much, much, bigger.

    • Africa is unifying.
    • The Third-world is rising up against the West.
    • Russia is supporting the Africans.
    • The United States is playing the same old games

    Guys, Africa is the sole remaining supply of energy supply to Europe. The USA blew up Nordstrom 1 & 2, fully expecting to get gas from Africa. Now Africa says NO!

    So Europe is looking to go BLACK.

    Europe (via France) is up for a fight, ha! Take on Africa, China and Russia? The situation is very dicey.

    Key areas are [1], [2] , [3] and [4].

    The first point…

    [1] Africa just SHOCKED the world with this and Putin is watching

    Oh MY GOD. The shit is really hitting the fan.

    You all must watch this. It is happening right now.

    Everywhere I go I see “Help Wanted” signs. None of these jobs pay minimum wage anymore and yet they go unfilled. What’s happening?

    Minimum wage in my state is $12 an hour. Which is multiplied to make $24,960 for full time. To “rich” to disqualify taxes.

    With that, I have to live frugally to an impossible extreme. After taxes, no benefits I might bring home $13,000 at best.

    Now I’m including federal state, local, gas, food, registration, safety inspections etc etc. all the things to stay legal and manage to work in a rural place where transportation is 100% required and not supplied by public methods. If you fail to meet these requirements, Law Enforcement is likely to levy more taxes. (Poor tax)

    So less then $1100 a month. I’m single. My rent is $650 for a 1 bedroom. Now I have $450. Somehow I’m buying food to last…(which I almost entirely make myself.)

    What if my already paid for clunker breaks down. what if I get injured, can’t afford the “benefits package” offered.

    I’m not even going to break down $15 an hour. I CANT work for less then $20 and figure it out. The job market and employers don’t get it. “No one wants to work anymore” is what I hear. I have a job paying $16. Umm sorry.

    I do better these day, worked hard to get there. My sense of compassion hasn’t left from those hard days, however. I live in a rural area with a lower cost of living, but…

    main qimg fd13fde68fbc746d048421319221ef14
    main qimg fd13fde68fbc746d048421319221ef14

    For comparison purposes…

    In China, a bottle of ketchup costs 10 yuan. (Roughly $1.40).

    Keanu Reeves REFUSED To Sell His Soul To Hollywood

    This video calmed me, and erased some earlier strife that I experienced today.

    2023 08 11 09 27
    2023 08 11 09 27
    2023 08 11 09 23
    2023 08 11 09 23

    What is the best unethical “life pro tip” that everyone should know?

    2023 08 12 09 23
    2023 08 12 09 23

    In 2013, a US company was running a routine security check and noticed that someone had been constantly logging into their system from China. Straight away, the company believed it was hackers and hired Verizon to root out the problem and secure their systems.

    It didn’t take them long to realise it wasn’t hackers, it was actually a US employee of the company who would only be referred to as Bob.

    The quiet and unassuming programmer was outsourcing his job to someone in China. Bob hired a programming firm in China to do the work for him and paid them one-fifth of his 6 figure salary.

    Over the years, Bob earned the reputation as one of the best developers in the whole building and received outstanding performance reviews for his well-written code.

    As they delved deeper into their investigation, they discovered that Bob had a very relaxed workday. Work at 9 am, where he surfed Reddit watching cat videos. Lunch at 11.30 am, and then at 1 pm, he would browse eBay. From 2.30 to 4.30 pm, he was browsing Facebook and LinkedIn. Finally, sending an email to update management before leaving.

    What is the craziest thing you have ever said or done at an interview and still gotten the job?

    Originally Answered: What's the craziest thing you ever said at a job interview and still got the job?

    The interviewer, a very senior technical guy, asked me, “So, do you have any questions for me?”

    I thought about it for a moment and said, “What’s the worst thing about working here?”

    He thought about it for a minute, then got up and closed his door, and told me. For like half an hour, in painful detail, getting more agitated as he went. Then he was done, and sent me on my way saying I’d hear back soon.

    The next day I got called back in. Seems that after he talked to me, he went and resigned, and the HR rep asked what happened in our interview.

    After I told them, in detail, I expected to hear nothing further since I would have been reporting to him. Instead, the CTO came in to talk to me, and asked if I would be interested in coming aboard to help him fix all the things that seemed to be wrong with the organization (and solve some cool technical problems as well).

    So I did.

    Life Lessons

    1. Nobody cares about you, your plans, your goals, or your little dramas. So stop pretending they do, or getting upset when they don’t.
    2. When it comes to reaching your goals, discipline is more important than motivation. If you don’t have discipline, you’ll never stick to anything.
    3. You are the only person capable of changing your life; no one can do that for you. The easiest way to change yourself is to change the things you do each day.
    4. The biggest threat to your progression in life isn’t something or someone around you; it’s you.
    5. The key to a successful life lies not in what you know, but in what you do with what you know.
    6. Failure is just a stepping stone on the road to success.
    7. You can’t change the past, but you can still fuck up your future if you repeat it.
    8. Success is not about what you accomplish, it’s about who you become in the process.
    9. Your comfort zone is a barren place. Nothing ever grows there.
    10. Anything in life worth achieving will not be easy to get. If it were, everyone would get what they wanted. Most people give up on their goals when things become too difficult. Don’t be like most people.

    What is the significance of China’s currency, the yuan, plummeting to a near 15-year low?

    I have been hearing that China is doing dollar-yuan swaps with countries like Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Brazil, etc.

    These countries are having difficulty getting dollars to pay back loans because the US Fed has set higher interest rates, drawing US dollars from overseas back to the US. China wants to cut back on its dollar holdings. So China is offering these countries’ central banks US dollars to pay back the dollar-denominated loans. These countries would pay off their dollar loans, and then pay back China in Chinese yuan.

    My guess is that in order to get rid of US treasury holdings, China is offering favorable yuan exchange rates to these borrowing countries.

    Locking in low exchange rates also helps China because it promotes Chinese exports because they appear to be cheap. Since China is the manufacturing nation to the world, it is very important that Chinese exports be as competitive as possible, especially while the west is trying to set up China-free supply chains outside China.

    China has seen the results of the terrible mistake the US made by de-industrializing and letting the dollar rise in parity against other countries’ currencies, hurting US exports, and is likely determined to avoid that mistake.

    ASML Not Needed World Shocked as China Makes Domestic 28nm DUV Lithography Machines!

    Nothing can stand in China’s way when it comes to technology like it or not!..

    2023 08 08 09 28
    2023 08 08 09 28

    Best Macaroni and Cheese

    This is the tastiest, easiest and fastest macaroni and cheese you will ever eat. DO not skimp on the Colby cheese. Use as much as you can afford.

    2023 08 08 14 38
    2023 08 08 14 38


    • Macaroni (as much as needed)
    • Colby cheese (lots)


    1. While the macaroni is cooking in salted water, dice the Colby cheese up rather small.
    2. As soon as the macaroni is cooked; drain it well. Keep it, covered, in the same pot in which it was cooked.
    3. Add the diced Colby cheese and stir it in. Cover immediately and let it sit for about five minutes so that the cheese melts.

    Pilots Report SWARM-LIKE Objects In Military Zones Amid UAP MOMENT

    The Hill is a USA Washington Insider publication. Never the less, watch the intro and discard the rest if you want. Point is that swarm drones are fling in and around American bases inside of the USA.

    China urges U.S. to stop utilizing South China Sea issue to sow discord

    Source: Xinhua

    Editor: huaxia

    2023-08-07 22:56:30

    BEIJING, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) — China on Monday urged the United States to stop utilizing the South China Sea issue to sow confusion and discord, respect China’s territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea, and respect regional countries’ efforts to uphold peace and stability in this region.

    A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson made the remarks in response to a U.S. State Department statement criticizing China for obstructing Philippine vessels that sought to deliver new troops and supplies to a grounded military vessel at Ren’ai Jiao and firing water cannons.

    The U.S. statement says such actions are “inconsistent with international law” and “threatening regional peace and stability” and calls upon China to abide by the South China Sea arbitration award issued in 2016. The statement indicates U.S. support for “the Philippines’ lawful maritime operations” and says an armed attack on the Philippines’ Coast Guard would “invoke U.S. mutual defense commitments under the U.S.- Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty.”

    The State Department’s statement, in disregard of the facts, attacked China’s legitimate and lawful actions at sea aimed at safeguarding its rights and enforcing the law, and the statement also voiced support for the Philippines’ unlawful and provocative behavior, the spokesperson said.

    “China firmly opposes the statement,” the spokesperson said.

    For some time, the United States has been inciting and supporting the Philippines’ attempts to overhaul and reinforce its military vessel that was deliberately grounded on Ren’ai Jiao. The U.S. even sent over military aircraft and vessels to assist and support the Philippines, and repeatedly sought to threaten China by citing the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty. The U.S. has been brazenly bolstering Philippines as it infringes upon China’s sovereignty, but those moves will not succeed, the spokesperson said.

    The spokesperson said Ren’ai Jiao has always been part of China’s Nansha Qundao and the historical context of the issue of Ren’ai Jiao is very clear.

    In 1999, the Philippines sent a military vessel and deliberately ran it aground at Ren’ai Jiao, attempting to change the status quo of Ren’ai Jiao illegally. China immediately made serious démarches to the Philippines, demanding the removal of the vessel. The Philippines promised several times to tow it away, but has yet to act. Not only that, the Philippines sought to overhaul and reinforce the military vessel in order to permanently occupy Ren’ai Jiao, the spokesperson said.

    On Aug. 5, in disregard of China’s repeated dissuasion and warning, the Philippines sent two vessels that intruded into the adjacent waters of Ren’ai Jiao and tried to deliver the construction materials for overhauling and reinforcing the grounded military vessel. Such actions violated China’s sovereignty and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC). The China Coast Guard (CCG) vessels stopped them in accordance with law and warned them off through appropriate law enforcement measures. Their maneuvers were professional, restrained and beyond reproach, the spokesperson said.

    The South China Sea arbitration was a pure political drama staged in the name of the law with the U.S. pulling strings behind the scenes. The so-called award contravenes international laws, including UNCLOS, and is illegal, null and void. The U.S.’ attempt to make an issue of the illegal award will not affect China’s firm resolve to safeguard its territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and interests in accordance with the law, the spokesperson said.

    Col Macgregor: War With China Is A STUPID IDEA

    2023 08 08 09 37
    2023 08 08 09 37

    The (Relative) Failure of the US Elites

    Roger BoydAug 8

    There has been much written about the failure of the US elites, with three recent thoughtful cases being that of Aurelian and Charles Hugh Smith and Harold Robertson.

    While all three make excellent contributions to the discussion they make some incorrect assumptions and miss important contextual drivers.

    All of them seem to assume that at some point in US history the nation was led by a highly competent leadership, rather than by a relatively weak leadership which again and again had its wars fought for it, fought relative weaklings, or had its main opponents commit fratricide while luxuriating in a vast continent full of resources far away from its main enemies.

    To put it bluntly, the US elite has never really been tested against a peer competitor.

    Let’s start with a little history.

    From the founding of the British colonies in North America to the independence struggle the colonists relied on the British Army, and British military leadership, to do its fighting.

    Only when the British army had thoroughly vanquished the French in Eastern North America could some of the colonists start dreaming of a safe independence.

    The War of Independence would not have been won without the extensive support from France (money, arms, men and the containment of the British fleet), a lack of coordination between the British armies, and a Britain that was engaged in a world war with France at the time; later, the US proved incapable of subduing Canada.

    In the next century, the US battled a much weaker Mexico and Spain to take vast swathes of territory, purchased the middle of the country from the much-weakened French, and ethnically cleansed the Amerindian population.

    Its elite also made fortunes from Opium in a China subjugated by the European powers and Japan.

    All this while its heartland was safe from threat, with vast deposits of every mineral possible – including coal, oil and then natural gas.

    At the end of the century it jumped on the decline of the Spanish colonies to grab The Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam and dominate Cuba.

    Also, by the end of the century it was an economic powerhouse with a thoroughly dominant capitalist bourgeoisie. It would be surprising if it hadn’t been.

    Then its main competitors committed fratricide over a three-decade period. For most of World War 1 the US sat back and made huge profits from supplying the war. By the time it did enter the war, the main protagonists were absolutely exhausted, and it was at the margin that the sheer number of US troops coming to the front tilted the balance.

    The actual performance of the US military was awful, committing all of the failings that the other belligerents had at the beginning of the war; with massive casualty rates the outcome.

    But the Germans knew that more and more would be coming, no matter how many they killed, and the German home front was in absolute collapse.

    The compulsory licensing of all German patents provided a massive scientific and technical windfall to the US in the post-war period.

    For more than two years, the US sat out WW2 while again making money out of supplying the conflict. When it did enter its contribution was nowhere near what is celebrated.

    Its Pacific campaign was one of limited numbers of soldiers fighting other limited numbers of Japanese for one island after another, while the vast US industry turned to war production.

    The Chinese were fighting the vast majority of the Japanese army, which they had been doing since 1935.

    Late in 1945, as the two nuclear bombs (developed with extensive help from foreign scientists) were being dropped on Japan, the Soviet army showed how to carry out large scale operations by utterly destroying the Japanese armies in Manchuria and Sakhalin within weeks.

    They were poised to invade Japan proper, and a case can very much be made that this was the reason for the Japanese surrender not the nuclear bombs, even the US establishment journal Foreign Policy published a paper taking this position in 2013. In Europe, it was the Soviets who destroyed the Axis armies and the most probable outcome without the Normandy landings would have been Soviet dominance of the whole of Europe.

    The forces landing at Normandy fought a force significantly made up of divisions resting from their mauling on the Eastern Front, while having overwhelming air and artillery superiority.

    As Big Serge puts it so well, the US “recipe for victory was simple: dispense of a superior volume of sustained firepower. Or, as George Patton would have put it: ‘Shoot the bastards.’”

    With the end of WW2, the US experienced its first unipolar moment, as the Axis powers and Japan were destroyed and occupied, most of the European continent, Russia and China utterly devastated and Britain utterly bankrupt.

    A financial system favouring the US was set up, and the US once again stole much of German scientific ingenuity though the Operation Paperclip that provided scientists central to the development of such projects as the moon landings. The “father” of the H-bomb was also a Hungarian Jew who had fled to the US from Nazi Germany before the war.

    The US was good at covert operations but failed at “shooting the bastards” in Korea and then in Vietnam.

    At the same time, its industry flourished until the Europeans and Japanese recovered enough to become real competitors; after which many leading manufacturing sectors had to be rescued by subsidies and tariffs (e.g. the car and computer memory industries).

    So, then the game changed to a reliance on the reserve-currency status of the US dollar, the offshoring of US manufacturing, and the movement of elite extraction from the US Empire to the home country itself.

    Anyone thinking that the US military was full of brilliant leaders should consider the laughable invasion of the tiny island of Grenada in 1983 against no opposition, where nineteen US military personnel died and others were wounded as shown below (starts at 27 minutes).

    Another would be the blowing up of the US barracks in Beirut also in 1983, which killed 241 US military personnel.

    The collapse of the Soviet Union, which had much more to do with the decay of its institutions and the demolition-style policies of Gorbachev than any US pressures, removed the US strategic competitor; handing over Eastern Europe on a platter.

    Together with the opening of China and the end of the Indian License Raj, it provided the second US unipolar moment. An overwhelming win without a fight.

    It is from this period, with the extensive neoliberal policies carried out by the Clinton administrations, that we can point to pure hubris among the US elite.

    In addition, these massive new market opportunities covered up the failings of the US elite in building a strong domestic base to support their global empire.

    At the same time, two underlying trends were eating away at that base. After WW2, the US state and the US foundations (Ford, Rockefeller etc.) worked hard at supporting the development of a non-communist critical theory, which became a non-materialist post-modernist critical theory.

    This really took off in the academy in the 1970s, and then from the 1990s in gender theory (e.g. Judith Butler). This theory “world war” has been documented by Gabriel Rockhill, here and here, and while removing class as a central precept of critical theory (as planned) also spread throughout academy and undermined the modernist assumptions upon which it was based.

    At the same time, US universities and corporations utilized H1B visas to keep the remuneration for scientists down through an influx of foreign nationals (and also IT offshoring), reducing any incentives for US students to enter scientific programs. Instead, programs in law, business and the social sciences in general rapidly grew and the escalating cost of a university education produced a customer (as against student) mentality in the student body which was supported by a growing administrative bureaucracy.

    Once again, the US benefitted from the output of foreign schools and universities to bolster their research and development activities. At the same time, the native population was continuously denuded of these skills as they focused on the social sciences, the professions, and business.

    This was the time of the fad of the “Virtual Corporation”, where everything except finance, sales & marketing, design, and legal could be outsourced, and extra profits could be made through financial subsidiaries (e.g. G.E. Capital). Business groups could be treated like a portfolio of stocks, with laggards pruned brutally, “cash cows” milked, and money thrown at growth areas, and continuous mergers and acquisitions done to hone the portfolio.

    No need for experts in production, IT, logistics etc., that could all be outsourced and offshored. Generic CEOs could run any corporation, epitomized by Jack Welch and the many GE spin-off executives that helped break corporations such as GE and Boeing.

    Welch’s massive expansion of GE’s finance arm (GE Capital) proved utterly disastrous during the GFC. “Greed Is Good” was the motif of the US executive, epitomized by the corporate raider played by Michael Douglas in the movie Wall Street, as he pumped his stock options with stock buybacks and paid himself exorbitant amounts.

    Wealth extraction not wealth creation, handing over industrial leadership to a China who was much more focused on national renewal and far more proficient at playing the hand they had.

    The US sleep-walked through two disastrous occupations (both after campaigns against extremely weak opponents) which swallowed vast amounts of money and resulted in the growth of Iranian power in the case of Iraq, and an unceremonious exit in the case of Afghanistan.

    Something started to change near the end of the first decade of the new century, as the US economy crashed in the GFC, Russia started to re-establish its sovereignty and strength (and won the proxy war against Georgia), and China emerged as a massive industrialized nation.

    Since then the US economy has been on the life support of QE and near-zero interest rates, and the US elites have been struggling to deal with the new geopolitical reality.

    After the success of the Occupy Wall Street protests, that focused on class struggle, the “woke” thermostat was turned up to boiling by the elite-controlled media, the elite-controlled state and the elite-controlled corporations; the classic divide and conquer tactics that had always worked in the past, this time on the basis of “identity”.

    But this let rip the toxic post-materialist, post-modernist brew throughout a society where so many were damaged by nearly four decades of neoliberalism, stripped of their identities as well-paid competent workers with futures, or even stripped of the hope of that for the younger generations.

    Desperately competing with any weapons available for the few remaining “good” jobs.

    The wealthy may have been always “not like you”, but as Charles Hugh-Smith notes, decades of financialized asset inflation have separated the asset holders by a yawning chasm from the not so lucky.

    With interest rates now rising back to more normal pre-2000 levels and the US dollar slowly losing its reserve status, much of that wealth may prove to be a mirage while the massive debts racked up against that wealth will not.

    It’s the courtier class that stand to lose the most from the end of the financial bubble, and even billionaires can lose everything when they are leveraged. With the bubble will go many, many of the “bullshit” courtier jobs that currently pay so much as they extract rather than create wealth.

    Robertson points to a change from a “systemic selection for competence” to a “systemic selection for the ideologically compliant” through diversity politics.

    He misses the fact that the political-economic base of the US elite has changed, and that they see many of the “competent” jobs as no longer necessary in a world centered around financial and symbol manipulation.

    They believe that “competence” can be simply outsourced and anyway they will be long gone before any consequences are felt.

    When he goes on about “diversity” hiring, he makes invisible the legions of mediocre rich kids and kids of faculty that get into the elite schools every year.

    He also makes invisible the Nigerian-Americans who are one of the richest and most successful ethnic groups in the US, and the Asians-Americans disgustingly discriminated against in US universities, and the Indian-Americans who are also extremely successful.

    The issue is not “diversity” hiring, it is a general selection bias for the skills required in a “virtual” corporation where specific knowledge is seen as old fashioned, a trend that has been going on for decades.

    Aurelien focuses on the Professional Managerial Class (PMC), but does not understand that these are just the courtiers to the really powerful – the owners. Of course, the owners won’t want competent financial crimes prosecutors when so much wealth today is based upon financial crimes.

    A Professor of Human Rights is very useful in creating excuses to invade or regime change another country so that its wealth and ongoing income can be extracted by the US ownership class.

    The real “diversity” problem stems from the post-Occupy Wall Street identity politics mayhem that has now invaded so many institutions.

    Deep down the US elite has now ruled nearly effortlessly for so long it cannot comprehend of a real competitor, as Russia will be soon be “rubble” and China will “inevitably” collapse.

    So, no problem with letting loose an extremely disruptive identity politics as long as the ownership class keep owning. The owners are slowly waking up to the fact that Russia and China (and Iran) are not following the script, and therefore we may see a rapid reversal of the worst aspects of identity politics.

    The departments whose name is an anagram for DIE may be doing just that over the next few years. As Aurelien has noted though, there are now legions of PMCs who have happily failed upwards as their failures have served the owners (messed up foreign nations can be very profitable for example), but they are not so useful when the homeland needs to be rebuilt and allies strengthened.

    They are the troops of the last war of the US on easy street, but now the street has gotten rough and a much tougher breed are required. But they are generally not available, and any that are may want to go back to their own nations given the increasing racism and state-aggression toward Asians.

    The US has been lying about the size of its economy in greater and greater ways since at least the 1990s. Costs (financial system fees) are counted as value added when they are pure rentier taxes, inflation is manipulated downwards, and rent imputed on owner-occupied houses, among many other tricks.

    US official GDP also counts value added that is produced in other nations as created in the US, when US corporations such as Apple can capture that for themselves through the control of global value chains backed up by intellectual property, financial and legal control, and state help in the destruction of competitors when required (i.e. the Huawei handset business).

    What happens when that disappears, and those nations get to keep that value added? What will be left to fund the US military and stability at home? I tend to agree with Simplicius that actual US GDP, and therefore GDP per capita, is about half of what the US states it is.

    If Australia is called the “lucky country”, perhaps the US should be called the “really lucky country”. Its elites have never had to deal with a real competitive threat and have never had to fight a direct war against a peer competitor. The “best army in the world” is really only as good as its ability to overwhelm the opposition with “shoot them” power.

    It won’t have that against the Russians, the Chinese and even the Iranians.

    Without it, it will be seen to be a shadow of its well-groomed reputation. At home, the US really only had a period of economic dominance in the post-WW2 period which quickly faded as other countries rebuilt their economies.

    The US elite may have become significantly worse in the past few decades, but they were never the best.

    It’s easy to appear to be brilliant when you have a gun in your pocket and your opponent has a plastic fork.

    The US elite have never needed to be brilliant because they have been so lucky; that time is now gone.

    The Russian, Chinese and Iranian elites have certainly not been lucky, and therefore their competence level is far, far higher.

    There has been much written about the failure of the US elites, with three recent thoughtful cases being that of Aurelian and Charles Hugh Smith and Harold Robertson. While all three make excellent contributions to the discussion they make some incorrect assumptions and miss important contextual drivers.

    All of them seem to assume that at some point in US history the nation was led by a highly competent leadership, rather than by a relatively weak leadership which again and again had its wars fought for it, fought relative weaklings, or had its main opponents commit fratricide while luxuriating in a vast continent full of resources far away from its main enemies.

    To put it bluntly, the US elite has never really been tested against a peer competitor. Let’s start with a little history.

    From the founding of the British colonies in North America to the independence struggle the colonists relied on the British Army, and British military leadership, to do its fighting. Only when the British army had thoroughly vanquished the French in Eastern North America could some of the colonists start dreaming of a safe independence.

    The War of Independence would not have been won without the extensive support from France (money, arms, men and the containment of the British fleet), a lack of coordination between the British armies, and a Britain that was engaged in a world war with France at the time; later, the US proved incapable of subduing Canada.

    In the next century, the US battled a much weaker Mexico and Spain to take vast swathes of territory, purchased the middle of the country from the much-weakened French, and ethnically cleansed the Amerindian population.

    Its elite also made fortunes from Opium in a China subjugated by the European powers and Japan.

    All this while its heartland was safe from threat, with vast deposits of every mineral possible – including coal, oil and then natural gas.

    At the end of the century it jumped on the decline of the Spanish colonies to grab The Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam and dominate Cuba.

    Also, by the end of the century it was an economic powerhouse with a thoroughly dominant capitalist bourgeoisie. It would be surprising if it hadn’t been.

    Then its main competitors committed fratricide over a three-decade period. For most of World War 1 the US sat back and made huge profits from supplying the war. By the time it did enter the war, the main protagonists were absolutely exhausted, and it was at the margin that the sheer number of US troops coming to the front tilted the balance.

    The actual performance of the US military was awful, committing all of the failings that the other belligerents had at the beginning of the war; with massive casualty rates the outcome.

    But the Germans knew that more and more would be coming, no matter how many they killed, and the German home front was in absolute collapse.

    The compulsory licensing of all German patents provided a massive scientific and technical windfall to the US in the post-war period.

    For more than two years, the US sat out WW2 while again making money out of supplying the conflict. When it did enter its contribution was nowhere near what is celebrated. Its Pacific campaign was one of limited numbers of soldiers fighting other limited numbers of Japanese for one island after another, while the vast US industry turned to war production.

    The Chinese were fighting the vast majority of the Japanese army, which they had been doing since 1935. Late in 1945, as the two nuclear bombs (developed with extensive help from foreign scientists) were being dropped on Japan, the Soviet army showed how to carry out large scale operations by utterly destroying the Japanese armies in Manchuria and Sakhalin within weeks.

    They were poised to invade Japan proper, and a case can very much be made that this was the reason for the Japanese surrender not the nuclear bombs, even the US establishment journal Foreign Policy published a paper taking this position in 2013. In Europe, it was the Soviets who destroyed the Axis armies and the most probable outcome without the Normandy landings would have been Soviet dominance of the whole of Europe.

    The forces landing at Normandy fought a force significantly made up of divisions resting from their mauling on the Eastern Front, while having overwhelming air and artillery superiority.

    As Big Serge puts it so well, the US “recipe for victory was simple: dispense of a superior volume of sustained firepower. Or, as George Patton would have put it: ‘Shoot the bastards.’”

    With the end of WW2, the US experienced its first unipolar moment, as the Axis powers and Japan were destroyed and occupied, most of the European continent, Russia and China utterly devastated and Britain utterly bankrupt.

    A financial system favouring the US was set up, and the US once again stole much of German scientific ingenuity though the Operation Paperclip that provided scientists central to the development of such projects as the moon landings. The “father” of the H-bomb was also a Hungarian Jew who had fled to the US from Nazi Germany before the war. The US was good at covert operations but failed at “shooting the bastards” in Korea and then in Vietnam.

    At the same time, its industry flourished until the Europeans and Japanese recovered enough to become real competitors; after which many leading manufacturing sectors had to be rescued by subsidies and tariffs (e.g. the car and computer memory industries).

    So, then the game changed to a reliance on the reserve-currency status of the US dollar, the offshoring of US manufacturing, and the movement of elite extraction from the US Empire to the home country itself.

    Anyone thinking that the US military was full of brilliant leaders should consider the laughable invasion of the tiny island of Grenada in 1983 against no opposition, where nineteen US military personnel died and others were wounded as shown below (starts at 27 minutes). Another would be the blowing up of the US barracks in Beirut also in 1983, which killed 241 US military personnel.

    The collapse of the Soviet Union, which had much more to do with the decay of its institutions and the demolition-style policies of Gorbachev than any US pressures, removed the US strategic competitor; handing over Eastern Europe on a platter. Together with the opening of China and the end of the Indian License Raj, it provided the second US unipolar moment. An overwhelming win without a fight. It is from this period, with the extensive neoliberal policies carried out by the Clinton administrations, that we can point to pure hubris among the US elite. In addition, these massive new market opportunities covered up the failings of the US elite in building a strong domestic base to support their global empire.

    At the same time, two underlying trends were eating away at that base. After WW2, the US state and the US foundations (Ford, Rockefeller etc.) worked hard at supporting the development of a non-communist critical theory, which became a non-materialist post-modernist critical theory.

    This really took off in the academy in the 1970s, and then from the 1990s in gender theory (e.g. Judith Butler). This theory “world war” has been documented by Gabriel Rockhill, here and here, and while removing class as a central precept of critical theory (as planned) also spread throughout academy and undermined the modernist assumptions upon which it was based.

    At the same time, US universities and corporations utilized H1B visas to keep the remuneration for scientists down through an influx of foreign nationals (and also IT offshoring), reducing any incentives for US students to enter scientific programs. Instead, programs in law, business and the social sciences in general rapidly grew and the escalating cost of a university education produced a customer (as against student) mentality in the student body which was supported by a growing administrative bureaucracy.

    Once again, the US benefitted from the output of foreign schools and universities to bolster their research and development activities. At the same time, the native population was continuously denuded of these skills as they focused on the social sciences, the professions, and business.

    This was the time of the fad of the “Virtual Corporation”, where everything except finance, sales & marketing, design, and legal could be outsourced, and extra profits could be made through financial subsidiaries (e.g. G.E. Capital). Business groups could be treated like a portfolio of stocks, with laggards pruned brutally, “cash cows” milked, and money thrown at growth areas, and continuous mergers and acquisitions done to hone the portfolio.

    No need for experts in production, IT, logistics etc., that could all be outsourced and offshored. Generic CEOs could run any corporation, epitomized by Jack Welch and the many GE spin-off executives that helped break corporations such as GE and Boeing.

    Welch’s massive expansion of GE’s finance arm (GE Capital) proved utterly disastrous during the GFC. “Greed Is Good” was the motif of the US executive, epitomized by the corporate raider played by Michael Douglas in the movie Wall Street, as he pumped his stock options with stock buybacks and paid himself exorbitant amounts.

    Wealth extraction not wealth creation, handing over industrial leadership to a China who was much more focused on national renewal and far more proficient at playing the hand they had.

    The US sleep-walked through two disastrous occupations (both after campaigns against extremely weak opponents) which swallowed vast amounts of money and resulted in the growth of Iranian power in the case of Iraq, and an unceremonious exit in the case of Afghanistan.

    Something started to change near the end of the first decade of the new century, as the US economy crashed in the GFC, Russia started to re-establish its sovereignty and strength (and won the proxy war against Georgia), and China emerged as a massive industrialized nation.

    Since then the US economy has been on the life support of QE and near-zero interest rates, and the US elites have been struggling to deal with the new geopolitical reality.

    After the success of the Occupy Wall Street protests, that focused on class struggle, the “woke” thermostat was turned up to boiling by the elite-controlled media, the elite-controlled state and the elite-controlled corporations; the classic divide and conquer tactics that had always worked in the past, this time on the basis of “identity”.

    But this let rip the toxic post-materialist, post-modernist brew throughout a society where so many were damaged by nearly four decades of neoliberalism, stripped of their identities as well-paid competent workers with futures, or even stripped of the hope of that for the younger generations.

    Desperately competing with any weapons available for the few remaining “good” jobs.

    The wealthy may have been always “not like you”, but as Charles Hugh-Smith notes, decades of financialized asset inflation have separated the asset holders by a yawning chasm from the not so lucky.

    With interest rates now rising back to more normal pre-2000 levels and the US dollar slowly losing its reserve status, much of that wealth may prove to be a mirage while the massive debts racked up against that wealth will not.

    It’s the courtier class that stand to lose the most from the end of the financial bubble, and even billionaires can lose everything when they are leveraged. With the bubble will go many, many of the “bullshit” courtier jobs that currently pay so much as they extract rather than create wealth.

    Robertson points to a change from a “systemic selection for competence” to a “systemic selection for the ideologically compliant” through diversity politics.

    He misses the fact that the political-economic base of the US elite has changed, and that they see many of the “competent” jobs as no longer necessary in a world centered around financial and symbol manipulation.

    They believe that “competence” can be simply outsourced and anyway they will be long gone before any consequences are felt.

    When he goes on about “diversity” hiring, he makes invisible the legions of mediocre rich kids and kids of faculty that get into the elite schools every year.

    He also makes invisible the Nigerian-Americans who are one of the richest and most successful ethnic groups in the US, and the Asians-Americans disgustingly discriminated against in US universities, and the Indian-Americans who are also extremely successful.

    The issue is not “diversity” hiring, it is a general selection bias for the skills required in a “virtual” corporation where specific knowledge is seen as old fashioned, a trend that has been going on for decades.

    Aurelien focuses on the Professional Managerial Class (PMC), but does not understand that these are just the courtiers to the really powerful – the owners. Of course, the owners won’t want competent financial crimes prosecutors when so much wealth today is based upon financial crimes.

    A Professor of Human Rights is very useful in creating excuses to invade or regime change another country so that its wealth and ongoing income can be extracted by the US ownership class.

    The real “diversity” problem stems from the post-Occupy Wall Street identity politics mayhem that has now invaded so many institutions.

    Deep down the US elite has now ruled nearly effortlessly for so long it cannot comprehend of a real competitor, as Russia will be soon be “rubble” and China will “inevitably” collapse.

    So, no problem with letting loose an extremely disruptive identity politics as long as the ownership class keep owning. The owners are slowly waking up to the fact that Russia and China (and Iran) are not following the script, and therefore we may see a rapid reversal of the worst aspects of identity politics.

    The departments whose name is an anagram for DIE may be doing just that over the next few years. As Aurelien has noted though, there are now legions of PMCs who have happily failed upwards as their failures have served the owners (messed up foreign nations can be very profitable for example), but they are not so useful when the homeland needs to be rebuilt and allies strengthened.

    They are the troops of the last war of the US on easy street, but now the street has gotten rough and a much tougher breed are required. But they are generally not available, and any that are may want to go back to their own nations given the increasing racism and state-aggression toward Asians.

    The US has been lying about the size of its economy in greater and greater ways since at least the 1990s. Costs (financial system fees) are counted as value added when they are pure rentier taxes, inflation is manipulated downwards, and rent imputed on owner-occupied houses, among many other tricks.

    US official GDP also counts value added that is produced in other nations as created in the US, when US corporations such as Apple can capture that for themselves through the control of global value chains backed up by intellectual property, financial and legal control, and state help in the destruction of competitors when required (i.e. the Huawei handset business).

    What happens when that disappears, and those nations get to keep that value added? What will be left to fund the US military and stability at home? I tend to agree with Simplicius that actual US GDP, and therefore GDP per capita, is about half of what the US states it is.

    If Australia is called the “lucky country”, perhaps the US should be called the “really lucky country”. Its elites have never had to deal with a real competitive threat and have never had to fight a direct war against a peer competitor. The “best army in the world” is really only as good as its ability to overwhelm the opposition with “shoot them” power.

    It won’t have that against the Russians, the Chinese and even the Iranians.

    Without it, it will be seen to be a shadow of its well-groomed reputation. At home, the US really only had a period of economic dominance in the post-WW2 period which quickly faded as other countries rebuilt their economies.

    The US elite may have become significantly worse in the past few decades, but they were never the best.

    It’s easy to appear to be brilliant when you have a gun in your pocket and your opponent has a plastic fork.

    The US elite have never needed to be brilliant because they have been so lucky; that time is now gone.

    The Russian, Chinese and Iranian elites have certainly not been lucky, and therefore their competence level is far, far higher.

    The Astonishing REINCARNATION CASE of Patrick Christenson

    Children usually remember a past life experience when they’re between the ages of two and seven, then as they get older, the memories begin to fade or the children lose interest where they become less interested in the past and are more involved in the present. About 70% of reincarnation stories involve violent or unnatural deaths and most of the lives that the children described took place about 500 km away from their current location.

    Why does China have nearly all the rare earth elements that are needed for modern electronics manufacturing?

    It doesn’t

    China has two huge advantages :—

    • Cost
    • Scale

    China has so much manufacturing that China is able to extract rare earths from their Industrial waste by products from the Nuclear or Aluminium or Steel Industry at a fraction of the cost that it would take say Canada or US to extract the same from a fully developed Industrial procedure

    China can produce Gallium at roughly 6% the cost that it would take the Canada to produce the same

    That is 17 times cheaper

    Likewise China extracts so much rare earth metals and has such a huge scale of processing and refining that it can deliver finished rare earths at 25% the price that it would take the nearest competitor to achieve

    That’s China’s advantage

    Not having Rare Earths

    Many Nations have as much or more Rare Earth Raw Materials or Ores than China does

    Using these technologies, China now has unique technology in making Rare Earth components that no other nation has due to PROHIBITIVE COST

    Example we imported Rare Earth filament sheets for 260,000 Yuan in ISRO from China

    Had this been processed and made in US and imported from there at 0% tariff the cost would have been 1.76 Million Yuan

    So commercially China has a huge cost advantage that even 40% tariffs cannot stop or mitigate

    And they also have the cost effective technologies that no one else has or even tried to develop knowing that the cost would be simply prohibitive

    Deadly Chinese Fighter Jets Which Can Fly Before 2030

    What are the lessons people most often learn too late in life?

    I am 67 years old. These are among the best things I have ever learned:

    1. You spend your first 20 years worrying what people think about you. You spend your next 20 years swearing that you don’t care what people think about you. You spend the next 20 years realizing that they aren’t thinking about you. A liberation!
    2. Any day on this side of the dirt is a good day. Some people didn’t make the cut last night. I was hit by a speeding taxi as I was walking to a bus stop. I spent a month in rehab with two broken legs, a brain injury, multiple back injuries and other fractures. The night before I was hit, a young, married couple was also hit. They both died. Practice gratitude.
    3. A woman I know spends most of her time thinking about how much she hates her thighs. She can give you a detailed report on what is wrong with them. She forgets all the places those legs have taken her, all the miles they have walked for her. It doesn’t occur to her that when she gets up in the middle of the night to pee, those very thighs walk her to the toilet. Spend more time appreciating what you’ve got— a heart that beats, a way to pick up your cup of coffee, the eyes that see that cup and know what color it is. Blessings abound.
    4. There are two kinds of people in this world – those who believe there is enough to go around, and those who don’t. Here is an example: If Margo is leaning up against the car kissing her boyfriend, and I think how nice that must feel, do I try to steal Margo’s boyfriend or do I go out and get my own boyfriend? I go out and get myself a boyfriend. I don’t need to steal Margo’s. I know that there is enough to go around.
    5. An old Native American woman was asked why she was always so happy. She said that she has two wolves in her heart and they are both hungry— one wolf is angry and evil, the other wolf is filled with love, and that’s the only one she feeds.

    This Is Why We Ran Away to China!

    2023 08 08 12 04
    2023 08 08 12 04


    Published: August 10, 2023 |

    Article HERE

    Encountering an online robot, or bot, is as frequent as discovering a pair of shoes in your closet.

    This occurrence is intrinsic to the internet, yet users have reached a crucial juncture: A growing multitude of individuals are losing their capacity to differentiate between bots and humans.

    This is a circumstance that developers have cautioned about for an extended period, and its rationale is easily comprehensible.

    A recent study has determined that bot-generated content now constitutes 47 percent of all internet traffic, marking an uptick of over 5 percent from 2021 to 2022. Concurrently, human activity on the internet has recently hit its lowest point in an eight-year span.

    Combined with advancements in AI-driven human-like interactions, nearly one-third of internet users are no longer able to ascertain if they’re engaging with a human being.

    Senior US China Diplomats Meet to Decide How Biden Should Apologize!

    WTF? Yes. I want to know more.

    2023 08 08 14 32
    2023 08 08 14 32

    What are some unknown facts about Vladimir Putin?

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    The owner of the Patriots has five of his Super Bowl rings, and Putin has the sixth one, and you won’t believe how he got it. In 2005, the owner of the American Football team the Patriots, Robert Kraft was in Russia visiting a friend Sandy Weill who was president of the Citi Group. They were attending a press conference with heads of state in Russia, and at the time Kraft’s team the Patriots, had just beaten the Eagles at Super Bowl 39, and he was showing off the Super Bowl Ring he had just received. That’s when someone had the bright Idea to show Putin.

    main qimg 427d0291e151f74ad1f4e9bd5a367218
    main qimg 427d0291e151f74ad1f4e9bd5a367218

    Putin admired the ring, before he put it on his finger. He loved how it looked on his hand and joked about how he could kill someone with a ring like this and proceeded to put the ring in his pocket.

    2023 08 10 19 36
    2023 08 10 19 36

    Kraft held out his hand expecting to get his ring back, but three body guards surrounded Putin and he left. To avoid international conflict the White House urged Kraft to say that the ring was a gift. Although, he didn’t want to give away the 4.9 carat diamond ring, he goes on to say

    “Its a great story I get to tell my friends and I can’t believe my ring is in the Kremlin.”

    Officials from the Kremlin responded and said if Kraft wants his ring back so badly we will send him one like it as a Gift from Putin.

    Putin isn’t a Fool – The Mother of all Miscalculations | Dmitry Orlov

    Man oh man, this is a really excellent interview. Wow.

    Beef Turnovers (Empanadas)

    You can use the discos or make your own turnover pastry. I’ve done both, and they’re equally as good.

    OIP googly
    OIP googly


    • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
    • 1/2 pound ground beef
    • 1/2 medium yellow onion, finely chopped
    • 1/4 cup tomato sauce
    • 6 stuffed green olives, finely chopped
    • 2 tablespoons sofrito
    • 1 packet sazon with coriander and annato
    • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
    • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
    • Ground black pepper, to taste
    • 1 (14 ounce) package Goya discos (yellow or white), thawed*
    • Vegetable oil, for frying


    1. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add ground beef and cook until browned, breaking up meat with a wooden spoon, about 10 minutes.
    2. Add onions and cook until soft, about 5 minutes more.
    3. Stir in tomato sauce, olives, sofrito, garlic, oregano and black pepper. Lower heat to medium-low and simmer until mixture thickens, about 15 minutes.
    4. On a lightly floured work surface, using a rolling pin, roll out discos until 1/2-inch larger in diameter. Spoon about 1 tablespoon meat mixture into middle, fold in half to form a half moon; moisten edges with water and pinch to seal closed, or seal with a fork.
    5. Fill a deep saucepan with oil to a depth of 2 1/2 inches. Heat oil over medium-high heat until hot but not smoking (350 degrees F on deep-fry thermometer).
    6. Cook turnovers in batches until crisp and golden brown, flipping once, 4 – 6 minutes.
    7. Transfer to paper towels to drain.


    * Flattened dough for turnover pastries all rolled out and ready to fill – in the Mexican refrigerated section. Make sure you buy the larger ones.

    As far as sazon, you can really use whichever flavor you like. Goya now makes a salt-free version of their seasoning. Or, if you don’t want to use sazon for any reason, just use a good seasoning salt, to taste.

    Life in China vs. Life in the USA

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    Can the USA compete on renewable power and electricity generation if the USA is at 15% and China has just passed 50%?

    The lack of renewable energy in the US is not a lack of ability, but a lack of will.

    The US is a post-industrial nation. Sure, a few holdouts of heavy manufacturing exist, but for the most part there aren’t any high-density factory regions in the US. Nations at this point in the industrial chain are most likely to wean off hydrocarbons, but the US is an anomaly. It puts more and more eggs in the hydrocarbon basket.

    The reason is there are too many entrenched interests. People want to take the path of least resistance, and the US is no exception.

    Moving to solar, wind, hydro, or nuclear requires the US to get its entrenched hydrocarbon industries to keep up with the times. But of course they don’t want to. It’s far easier to just sit on your behind, open your mouth, and have everything spoon-fed to you. And because the US refuses to actually have a government with power, the result can be seen even by a blind man – power flowed from the public to the private. When you give Exxon-Mobil power, do you really think you’re going to be able to move away from hydrocarbons?

    And that’s how things are. The US will continue with its “but it’s not economic!” excuses, even though anybody who’s studied a cursory amount of history knows no nation ever developed by doing things that are profitable. Want to know why the Qing Dynasty couldn’t industrialize? Just look at the US today.

    This is SUPER GOOD.

    Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter reacts to the Biden’s failed diplomacy with China and points to the ongoing threat of US interference in Taiwan as a major point of tension between the two countries.

    2023 08 11 09 20
    2023 08 11 09 20

    What is the dirtiest fine print you’ve seen in a contract?

    Some years ago I was involved in a traffic accident. The insurance carrier for the car which hit me tried to ignore the whole thing, until I filed suit against the owner of the car.

    Insurance settled, and then a few weeks later, I got a call from a secretary at a law office which was working for the insurance company.

    She asked me if I was satisfied with the outcome, and I replied that I was.

    She then told me that to close out the file, they would like me to sign a document stating that the case was closed. I said, “sure, no problem”.

    She sent me the documents, which I read carefully.

    Then I threw them in the trash.

    In the fine print, the documents stated that I accept full responsibility for the accident, and that I would repay the insurance company plus reimburse insurance company for all the other payments they’d made for the accident, AND I’d pay this attorney’s fees!

    All this was very thoroughly hidden in lots of pages of gibberish.

    I have learned to NEVER sign anything that I haven’t studied in detail.

    [2] Another dispute in the SCS – here’s what’s really happening

    As typical for the United States, it is trying to ignite a war (where people die) so that it can obtain “opportunity” to loot, steal and gain control.

    In this case, fools (prodded, imbecilic fools, greedy, or drug addicted) are typing to claim this “island” as their own territory. As Philippine citizens, they hope that the resultant Geo-political disputes ignite a conflict where they will be the personal victors. They do not expect to be killed in the process, but rather either [1] forcefully removed, or [2] allowed to stay and claim ownership of the island. Thus making each one multi-millionaires as they lobby China for “rights”.

    Stoking this issue is the United States.

    What is that all about?

    Come one, a group of young men, took a derelict ship and rammed it into a Chinese island, beaching it. And now the United States is using this situation to ignite a war between China and the Philippines.

    2023 08 12 16 08cc
    2023 08 12 16 08cc

    Complicating this matter is the fact that this ancient pile of rust and shit used to be a commissioned military vessel.

    2023 08 12 16 07x
    2023 08 12 16 07x

    And the United States WANTS to claim that it is still in active duty. Thus, any Chinese activity concerning it will be a “military conflict”.

    2023 08 12 16 05 1
    2023 08 12 16 05 1

    Like I have said; the USA is “chomping at the bit for a war”.

    This is how The Guardian reports on this matter…

    An international row is growing between the Philippines, the US and China over a rusting ship that has been turned into a crucial military outpost in the South China Sea.

    Tensions have intensified under the current Philippine president, Ferdinand Marcos Jr, with the country increasingly accusing China of aggression and pursuing closer ties with the US, with which it has a mutual defence treaty.

    On Saturday, China provoked condemnation from the Philippines, the US, the EU, France, Japan and Australia after its coastguard directed water cannon at a Philippine coastguard vessel. The Philippines was trying to deliver food, water, fuel and other supplies to its troops stationed in the grounded ship, the BRP Sierra Madre, on Second Thomas Shoal in the Spratly Islands.

    On Tuesday, the US defence secretary, Lloyd Austin, underlined the “ironclad nature of the US-Philippines alliance” in a call with his counterpart, the Philippine secretary of national defence, Gilberto Teodoro Jr.

    Austin reaffirmed that the treaty between the two countries – under which the US would defend the Philippines if its public vessels and forces were subjected to an armed attack – extended to those of the coastguard in the South China Sea.

    And there you have it.

    A pre-packaged provocation is hot, ripe and ready to ignite.

    I say DO IT. Sink that festering bucket of rust.

    Show the world that the USA is a toothless, loud-mouth bully.

    China bans Mongolia from using Chinese ports to export rare earth minerals to US

    Uh oh! It’s playing “hard ball”.

    How did the Jews have such a formidable military so quickly just a couple years after arriving in the Middle East they have to have had help?

    2023 08 12 17 10
    2023 08 12 17 10

    I am not sure you are familiar with this device. It is an automatic soda siphon, known as the Sipholux. It was very popular in Israel in the 1950’s and 1960’s. It uses disposable co2 canisters which are simply broken open in a way that injects the co2 into the water.

    How it is related to your question? Okay so this is how:

    When the British left Palestine in 1948, they left behind them lots of military equipment, from military clothes and tents, to army vehicles and even some fighter airplanes. Not wanting to leave this equipment in combat ready state, the tried to cripple it in all kind of ways, and then sold it as scrap.

    The young Israeli army was putting in much effort and creativity into putting as much as possible of this equipment to use, in any way they could, which sometimes brought to pretty amazing stories.

    One of them is about 20 Auster Autocrat airplanes that the British left behind them. The airplanes were disassembled and with most of their fabric made body cover and major parts of their engines and other mechanisms missing. The young Israeli air force aquired them, hoping that maybe they can build 2 or 3 operational airplanes from all the pieces. The work was done secretly in the former underground Templar wine storing chamber in Sarona. Eventually the Israeli engineers got 18 airplanes to go back to fly. An operation that took enormous amount of innovation and resourcefulness.

    In one of the airplanes, the mechanism that starts the engine by rotating the plane’s propeller by hand, was missing. There was no way to rebuild it, but one especially brilliant engineer figured out that all they have to do is to compress the air in the pistons to make the engine start. So he made a device that allowed to “fire” compressed air into the pistons from bullet shell like canisters. The same canisters were used later in the Sipholux.

    So how did Israel had such a formidable army right ftom the start? It did not. It had a bunch of extremely brave and creative people, and more importantly, there was something it didn’t have: any other choice.

    [3] Niger CLOSES AIRSPACE Amid Invasion Threat

    American military power… European Energy… and the future of BRICS+ is “on the line”…

    Many Chinese economists, including Chinese scholars, acknowledge that China’s economy is getting worse and worse as of August 2023. Why do the Chinese on Quora insist that China’s economy doesn’t have any problems?

    2023 08 10 20 07
    2023 08 10 20 07

    The 2023 growth rate of several indicators such as exports and industrial profits has slowed down, and economic activity has weakened. Looking at the world, geopolitical tensions are intensifying, global inflation is running high, and the central banks of the United States and Europe continue to tighten monetary policies, …, etc. The International Monetary Fund predicts that the global economic growth rate will hover around 3% in the next five years, which is at a low level in nearly 30 years. In May 2023, due to factors such as the rapid increase in the base of the same period last year, the growth rate of the exports from China turned from positive to negative year-on-year, and downward pressure on external demand emerged.

    The industrial upgrading and industrial chain integration in China have been absolutely fruitful. Our world today is reshaping the industrial chain, redundant production, and capacity backup. What can expand aggregate demand in history is actually related to technological progress. The expansion of demand for new energy vehicles is brought about by technological progress. New energy vehicles are indeed easier to drive and smarter than petrol ICE cars.

    In an unsafe anti-globalization world, whether it is for security, for the possibility of war, for market expansion, or for long-term prosperity, technological progress is required. In a globalized world, there may be more. The demand in the anti-globalization world may be more autonomy, and the development of technology may also be linked to security. Logically, China must persist in long-term transformation, but the key is how to avoid all the short-term major risks before reaching long-term success.

    Inflation is too low because China is still actively destocking. China is still very motivated to leverage technological progress. The end of the active destocking in the manufacturing industry, the natural recovery of the service industry and the slow recovery of the consumption scene can still be counted on. The employment pressure of 10 million college students every year is always there, and the number of workers required for industrial upgrading has decreased. In the future, the development of the service industry must be required to absorb employment.

    Actually, China’s economy in 2023 is not too bad.

    Needless to say, China had always been getting worse and worse since 1949 according to the foreign media.

    China has been predicted to collapse since May 20, 1988, when the high-tech industries in China have started to be developed.

    China focused on exponential economic growth potential through ideas and how to add and export value out of automobile ideas. China succeeded to graduate in creating economic value out of a domestic flow of knowledge and ideas.

    Industrial upgrading and technological progress are definitely the road that China must take in the modernization, but this road is definitely not smooth. How to deal with bumps is something that the market and the government need to think about and set a model for. The government has to formulate monetary policy based on the long-term economic growth trend line and favor industrial policy and credit policy for high-tech industries. It is estimated that China’s monetary policy, fiscal policy and credit policy will be the basis for many years to come. Monetary policy also plays a role in preventing financial turmoil.

    Markets may still be too pessimistic about the economy in China. China’s economy is in the stage of development from quantitative change to qualitative change. People should not only focus on changes in quantity and speed, but also on qualitative changes. China’s economy continues to transform and upgrade in response to pressure. Although the current market demand is insufficient and the internal driving force needs to be strengthened, these pressures and challenges will not change the long-term positive trend of China’s economy.

    Some college students and older low-skilled workers have difficulty finding employment, and some industries and enterprises face a shortage of high-skilled and compound innovative talents. Vigorously developing advanced manufacturing clusters and national strategic emerging industry clusters, promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the cultivation and growth of emerging industries will effectively enhance the role of economic growth in driving employment.

    From a rational perspective, a lower level of inflation leaves more room for macro policies to stabilize growth, employment, and prices. The decline in prices at this stage is staged and temporary, and its impact should not be exaggerated. Deflation mainly refers to the continuous negative growth of prices, the money supply also has a downward trend, and is usually accompanied by economic recession.

    The overall supply and demand of the economy in China is basically balanced. The monetary conditions are reasonable and moderate. The expectations of residents are stable. There is no basis for long-term deflation or inflation.

    China’s real estate industry will not pose systemic risks, but there is indeed an imbalance between supply and demand at present, and structural reforms must be carried out in the long run. Preventing and defusing risks is an eternal theme in the financial industry.

    Only by coordinating development and security can people ensure the stability and long-term development of China’s economy.

    What’s been the most mind-blowing example of incompetence ever displayed by one of your coworkers?

    Originally Answered: What’s been the most mind blowing example of incompetence ever displayed by one of your coworkers?

    Here’s a good one. Not exactly “incompetence” but just a failure to grasp a simple concept.

    The warehouse I worked in stored a whole variety of weird and wonderful things that were in bags, boxes and steel drums of varying sizes. The way our warehouse worked was that the computer would allocate the oldest stock first (obviously) and then the lowest numbered location first if there was more than one pallet of a particular item. Easy enough.

    Here’s a pallet of 40 by 25kg bags. 5 bags on a layer x 8 layers… That’s 1000kg… a tonne.

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    99% of our customers would order one or multiples of full one tonne pallets. Easy. Grab fork-lift, go to pallet, grab pallet, place on the wagon or in a line ready for loading.

    Occasionally a customer would only want half a pallet, or even just a few bags which obviously meant some manual labour but it was easy enough.

    We may end up with a pallet with, say, 35 bags on it instead of 40.

    The next order would come along and it would be for 40 bags… a full pallet.

    The first pallet that the computer wants to allocate is… yes you guessed it… that pallet with 35 on. The computer would instruct us to pick 35 bags from that location and 5 bags from the next location along which had 40 bags in it.

    OMG what do we do? It’s so complicated I can’t cope! The drama! The physical exertion!

    Actually all we used to do was grab the next full pallet of 40 bags, then relocate the pallet with 35 on to where the pallet with 40 used to be. Easy. No physical work required. It was quicker. The computer’s stock figures are correct and we could only do it if the batch numbers and every detail were the same. Easy-peasy.

    Then one day the foreman, Mike, spotted Terry and I doing what we called a “swapsie”.

    He’d ambled over for a chat about last night’s football because his beloved Wolves FC had won a game.

    Mike – Hi lads. Good result last night for the old gold and black eh.

    Me – Yes very good Mike. You’ll be as good as the mighty Albion one day.

    Mike – Pah!

    Terry appeared out the aisle on his fork-lift with a full pallet.

    Mike – What order is this?

    Terry – It’s a swapsie for Megachem.

    Mike – A swapsie? What’s that?

    Me – They want a full pallet of 40 bags but the computer allocates 35 from one pallet and 5 bags off the next one. We do a swapsie as we call it.

    Terry – Yeah we do them all the time.

    Mike – I don’t like the sound of that.

    Me – The sound of what Mike?

    Mike – You guys swapping stock all over the place. You should pick stock from where it’s allocated, not just to make your life easier.

    Terry – The way we do it means just two movements with the fork-lift instead of manually moving bags by hand. It’s easier and quicker.

    Mike – What is the “swapsie” bit then? Sounds like you’ve swapped some stock around to me. Come on lads, I’m not thick.

    Me – We take a full pallet of 40. Then move the pallet of 35 to where the 40 used to be. That’s the swapsie bit. The system shows that zero is left where the 35 used to be and 35 where the 40 used to be. Go and look and you’ll see that’s what is left.

    Mike went to look and examined Terry’s paperwork. He scratched his head a few times. If only Terry hadn’t used the word “swapsie” we wouldn’t even be in this pickle, but it was a word we used so often it was normal.

    Mike – I don’t like this at all lads. Something is wrong here.

    Paul the supervisor appeared at this point.

    Paul – Come on lads. Hurry up with that Megachem order for fuck’s sake.

    Mike – Ah Paul. I don’t like what’s been going on here. This “swapsie” nonsense that John and Terry have been telling me about sounds like a swizz to me. Fiddling the stock figures is not acceptable.

    Paul knew exactly what a swapsie was.

    Paul – A swapsie is perfectly fine Mike. We’ve been doing them for years.

    Mike didn’t want to know and wouldn’t listen to Paul’s explanation. He said we had to stop doing swapsies. Paul tried in vain to explain the mathematics of it. We even put the pallets back where they were before we started and ran through the whole swapsie process again, but he simply couldn’t grasp what went on at all.

    He banned us from doing swapsies and pinned a notice to the board to that effect.

    We all continued to do swapsies and totally ignored him.

    == added on 13/7/2021 ==

    I’ve added this image and further explanation to illustrate better what we did. I don’t think I was crystal clear enough.

    Obviously in a real warehouse there are hundreds of locations and many different products but hopefully this will help eliminate any confusion.

    The computer system would instruct us to pick 40 bags of Batch A for a customer. It would pick the lowest numbered locations first. In this example it has instructed us to pick 5 bags from location 2 and 35 bags from location 3 which has 40 bags in it. Doing a “swapsie” meant that we picked the full pallet (40 bags) from location 3 then relocated the 5 bags from location 2 to location 3.

    Therefore we picked 40 bags for the customer, there was nothing left in location 2, and 5 bags left in location 3 which is exactly what the computer system would show.

    We would and could only do this operation if every detail regarding the product was identical. We wouldn’t throw a few bags of Batch B into the mix for example.

    Therefore no physical work was required, only fork lift movements. We didn’t do this because we were lazy. We did it because it’s quicker, easier and less stress on your back if you were doing many of these movements in a day

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    Good move. These are brave African leaders and this is a noble cause.

    What is the most epic way you have seen a coworker resign or quit?

    Myself, not a coworker. In 1997 I was an assistant manager at a Taco Bell. The gerneral manager spent his days oogling the teen girls and not doing his job. On my day off, at around 8pm he called me said he had something come up and needed to leave, and can I cover him? Sure, I like money, I’ll work. I get there to find out he had already left, and dismissed another employee for the shift as well. That left me, a great guy named John, and a teen cashier who couldn’t stay long. We closed at 10pm. There were already mounds of unwashed dishes, filthy floors, stuff to put away ect ect… at 950 pm, a high school football team came in, about 15 of them. They ordered, ate in, trashed the lobby, left around 1030 pm. My cashier had to leave, he was young, there were work rules ect… So now its just me and John, with EASILY 4 to 5 hours more work ahead of us cleaning and getting that place ready for the next day. Our shift was supposed to be over at 11pm. This wasnt the first time it had happened. I said screw it. Told John we were leaving, didn’t clean anything, and left it all for the manager that screwed me over to fix the next day. They were supposed to open at 6am, they opened closer to lunch time. That was with 4 staff it took them that long to clean up and prepare.

    The Slime People (1963) PYSCHOTRONIC

    Full movie. Perfect for a lazy Saturday Summer afternoon. Get some iced tea, and light snacks…

    Quirky and fun, fun, fun!

    2023 08 08 14 36
    2023 08 08 14 36

    We are deep in the SHIT now

    Yes it is.

    If you sit up and look around, you might notice some trends. However, the balkanization of social media has insulated you and isolated you all from the big picture. Things are going on. Lots of things.

    Strange things.

    Noteworthy things.

    More than just a few, and all across the board. All types of things. All shit.

    Lets take the time to look at a few of them…


    2023 08 04 21 16
    2023 08 04 21 16

    What are some places in China that are off the beaten path and offer travelers an authentic experience?

    All of China is authentic.

    Unless you have a Chinese-speaking guide, I do not recommend that you go off the beaten path. China is so big and has so much diversity that you will be overwhelmed just on a first trip.

    If you like it enough following your first trip, you can then think about what you would like to see in more detail and spend more time doing.

    BTW, “authentic” is a patronizing term many westerners like to use. Suggest avoid using it.

    This Town Did The Impossible

    What happens if you totally transform a town? This suburb was dominated by modernist urbanism and was transformed by introducing traditional, mixed use urban fabric, beautiful architecture inspired by its local traditions, a lot of green and a more balanced housing supply. In this video you’ll hear everything about Le Plessis-Robinson, a town in the suburbs of Paris, and how it was completely transformed – and I’ll give 7 lessons of how this town did it.

    What screams “I’m educated, but not very bright”?

    This happened to my wife. She told me of the question soon after it happened.

    In 2004 I married my wife who is an American. I am British, and following our marriage she moved to England to live with me.

    My wife is a qualified science teacher and while in England she taught science in a local secondary school, that is about the equivalent of high school in the United Sates.

    In 2006, we moved to her home state of California, and during the Summer break of that year my wife applied to several school districts for a science teacher post.

    The usual form for a school teacher interview was the principal of the school, a department senior member of staff and maybe one or two other members of staff, possibly including a person from the school district.

    At one interview, a rather large school district, one member of the interview panel was the school district supervisor. She had a doctorate in education.

    In the interview my wife was asked about her experience in the classroom and as that portion of the interview came to her teaching experience came to teaching overseas, in England. The district superintendent, interupted with a question and state ment that floored my wife. Remember the questioner has a doctorate in education.

    “So you recently taught in England. I am not familiar with the England school district. Where exactly is England in California?

    Smart person to get a doctorate. Stupid to show no idea of History, Geography, or a hundred other basic subjects hopefully taught in schools.

    My wife actually was offered the job, but another school district offered first, so she didn’t go to the interviwers district.

    What animals do lions get along with?

    2023 08 04 09 38
    2023 08 04 09 38

    Here’s a story about how three of the most dangerous animals on the planet became brothers. When a drug dealer in Atlanta got busted, police found a Lion, Tiger, and a Bear, huddled together in the corner of a damp, dirty basement belonging to the dealer.

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    The three young cubs were severely neglected and covered in Parasites. The Lion cub had a wound on its nose from rubbing up against the cage, and the Bear cub had a laceration from his harness, which had to be surgically removed.

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    The three animals where brought to a sanctuary. They were separated at first, but wouldn’t stop crying until they were reunited. From then on, Baloo the Black Bear, Leo the Lion and Shere Khan were inseparable and recovered together at the Noah’s Ark rescue centre in Georgia.

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    Baloo the Bear was the confident leader of the group. Shere Khan was the mischievous one, who’s favourite thing to do was play pranks on his brothers by sneaking up behind them before playfully attacking them, he was also the most affectionate, always seeking out the warmth of his brothers. Leo the Lion was described as the quiet introvert of the group and also the glue the kept everyone from killing each other.

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    Even though these animals would do everything to kill each other in the wild, they did everything together in life and at night slept together piled on top of each other. Even though Lion’s live in prides, tigers and bears are solitary animals, meaning this friendship broke every rule in nature.

    The Keepers affectionally called them BLT, “Bear, Lion, Tiger. Bonded by trauma, the three lived as best friends for 15 years, when tragically in 2016 Leo the Lion passed away after doctors found several inoperable tumours on his liver. Since Leo was 15 doctors decided to put him out of his misery, but before they did, they left Baloo and Shere Khan to say their goodbyes.

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    To the keepers surprise the Bear and Tiger were seen comforting the sick Lion, almost as if they knew. After Leo passed the sanctuary honoured him with a Lion statue that the Baloo and Shere Khan would rub against and groom the same way they would do if he was alive.

    Then is 2018 Shere Khan fell ill, and just like before Baloo comforted his sick brother in his finale days. Shere Khan was 17 when he died and Baloo was there to see him buried. Baloo is still alive and kicking and a picture of the Baloo was posted recently on their Facebook page.

    Its sad, but thanks to the people that rescued them, they were given a second chance at life.

    New Zealand Stunned the US and Refused to Join AUKUS!

    Banana Cream Cheese Bread

    This is my “go-to” banana bread recipe. It’s wonderfully moist, tender and flavorful.

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    cream cheese banana bread resize 7

    Prep: 10 min | Cook: 1 hr 10 min | Yield: 1 regular loaf


    • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened
    • 1 cup granulated sugar
    • 1/4 cup butter
    • 1 cup mashed bananas
    • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    • 2 eggs
    • 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1 cup chopped nuts


    1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan.
    2. Combine softened cream cheese, sugar and butter, blending well.
    3. Blend in bananas, vanilla extract and eggs.
    4. Combine dry and add to banana mixture, mixing just until moistened.
    5. Fold in nuts.
    6. Pour into prepared pan. Bake for 1 hour and 10 minutes.
    7. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pan.


    What the FUCK is going on in the West today? Damn!

    A joke

    An American, an Indian, and a Russian got in Hell and plead to the Devil that they don’t belong here. The Devil, bored, makes them an offer: “I will strike you 3 times with my whip, and if you survive, I’ll let you go. You can use anything you want as a shield”.

    The American goes first. He builds a high-tech shield from depleted uranium and composites, and hides behind it. The Devil strikes once – the shield cracks; twice – the shield falls apart; thrice – the American is no more.

    Next goes the Indian. He puts himself in some advanced Yoga position and goes into deep hibernation. The Devil strikes once – nothing; twice – the Indian shivers a bit; thrice – the Indian grunts, but lives. The Devil is amazed and tells him he’s free to go. The Indian asks “May I stay and watch? In all jokes the Russians somehow come out on top. I want to see how he will do it this time”. The Devil nods and turns to the Russian: “So, what will you use as a shield?”

    The Russian: “The Indian, of course”.

    What Makes Buildings Beautiful (And Why Beauty Does Matter)

    2023 07 15 11 44
    2023 07 15 11 44

    The Revolution That Is Changing Architecture

    2023 07 15 11 4qr6
    2023 07 15 11 4qr6

    What is the most ridiculous thing you have done for money?

    Occupied Space

    They didn’t call it that, of course. They called it “guarding the tour bus.”

    Back when I worked security at a concert venue, they sometimes asked me to come in for the early shift. Most concerts began at 7pm. We usually reported at 3:30pm, just before the gates opened to concertgoers at 4pm.

    But, usually, the tour bus drives straight from concert to concert, through the night, and arrives hours earlier than necessary. I sometimes “guarded the bus” during the day. It was pointless because the parking lot itself was guarded, most of the performers were “adult contemporary” or “nostalgia” acts that didn’t get obsessed fans, and the really big names had their own security with them anyway. Plus, half of the time the driver was the only person on the bus in the day. The performer was off doing a radio show or seeing friends or sleeping in a hotel.

    For insurance reasons, the concert venue had to have one of their in-house security guards by the tour bus for as long as the tour bus was there. So I’d arrive at 9 or 10am, and sit by the bus. At least they let me read, but even that got boring after awhile. This was before smartphones, and they wouldn’t let me listen to music while I was there. So I just sat and contemplated nature. To be honest, it was boring back then, but it sounds relaxing to me now. Several hours just to sit in the shade next to a bus and not talk to anyone, and I get paid? Sign me up!

    New Handmade Lagoon Tables Made From Resin And Cut Travertine Marble

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    Can’t wait to leave everything behind and go on your dream vacation? Before we offer you quick time travel tips let’s consider if maybe there is a way to bring that dream destination to your living room instead?

    h/t: boredpanda, demilked, hypebeast

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    Designer Alexander Chapelin has created these stunning tables made out of marble, resin and wood. He’s combined the materials to emulate a topographical image of an imagined ocean. Multiple layers create a translucent effect with hues of dark blue, aquamarine and more.

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    Chapelin explains how it’s done: “The Lagoon model is a coffee table sculpted in a Travertine piece of marble. We sculpt a drop to show the slopes of the lagoon. We then add the resin step by step in order to recreate the volume of the ocean in the table.“

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    As the tables are hand-crafted, no two are the same: “I’ve always respected the difference between people, their personalities and characters and I believe this should reflect in the interior design of their own homes. Therefore, no two people own the same table of my creation,” says Alexandre.


    The Train Cemetery in Russia

    During the Cold War, the Soviet Union was always prepared for the worst. In case of any disruptions to the electric grid, hundreds of old steam-engine trains were strategically parked on old tracks as a contingency plan. The central Perm region of Russia became home to a unique sight – a train cemetery filled with dozens of steam locomotives from the 20th century, dating as far back as 1936 and as recent as 1956.

    Over the years, around 140 locomotives were stored there, but as technology advanced, steam engines were gradually replaced by electric power, rendering these reserve trains obsolete. As maintenance on the locomotives ceased, they fell into disrepair, succumbing to rust and overgrown vegetation.

    But in recent times, some of the abandoned trains have found new life. Chinese owners have purchased and removed some of the trains, while others have been restored and transformed into exhibits at various museums and memorials. These locomotives, once a vital part of Russia’s transportation infrastructure during the Cold War, now serve as a testament to a bygone era.

    The train cemetery in Russia is a reminder of the importance of preparedness and the ingenuity of human beings in times of crisis. It is a unique site that captures the imagination and offers a glimpse into a different time and place.

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    Star Trek Next Generation – Tactical Analysis Not Good

    Focaccia (Italian Garlic-Cheese Bread)

    The first time I ever tasted “Roman bread” was at Monti’s la Casa Vieja in Tempe, Arizona. I vowed to find a good recipe and tweak it to my liking, and this is the result.

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    cheesy garlic bread 3


    • 1 package dry yeast
    • 1 cup warm water
    • 2 teaspoons granulated sugar
    • 3/4 teaspoon kosher or sea salt
    • 1/4 cup olive oil
    • 2 2/3 to 3 cups all-purpose flour
    • 4 garlic cloves, minced
    • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
    • Fresh or dried rosemary leaves
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    cheesy garlic bread 2


    1. Dissolve yeast in water. Let stand until bubbly. Stir in sugar, salt and olive oil. Add 2 cups flour and eat until elastic. Stir in 2/3 cup more flour. Knead for 10 to 15 minutes.
    2. Put into a greased bowl. Turn over to coat well. Cover and let rise for 1 hour.
    3. Heat 1/4 cup oil. Add garlic and cook until soft and yellow. Set aside.
    4. Punch dough down and knead briefly. Roll with a rolling pin and stretch to fit a greased 15 x 10-inch jellyroll pan (with sides). Pierce dough with the end of a wooden spoon at 1-inch intervals. Drizzle garlic and oil all over. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and rosemary. Let rise, covered, for 10 to 15 minutes.
    5. Bake at 400 degrees F for 15 to 18 minutes.
    focaccia cheesy garlic bread
    focaccia cheesy garlic bread


    Alternate Toppings

    Rosemary: Just before baking, dimple the top of the dough and drizzle with 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil, sprinkle on 1 teaspoon sea salt or kosher salt and a sprinkling of fresh or dried rosemary leaves.

    Provencale: After the dough is stretched into the pan, stir together 1 can plum tomatoes (drained and chopped) and 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil. Spread the mixture over the dough. Cover with a towel and let rise until puffy, about 45 minutes.

    Dimple the dough again and top with 2 thinly sliced garlic cloves, 1 can sliced black olives, 4 teaspoons dried oregano, 2 tablespoons olive oil and 1 teaspoon sea salt or kosher salt.

    every store is CLOSED on market st San Francisco

    When whales take their final breath, where do they end up?

    Naturally, at the bottom of the ocean.

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    When a whale dies, its carcass descends to the seabed, often deeper than 1,000 meters. Here, a phenomenon unfolds that perfectly illustrates the circularity of natural ecosystems. The whale becomes a feast for numerous diverse organisms, sustaining them for decades.

    This phenomenon occurs when the whale settles in the deep layers of the bathyal zone (200 – 2,000 meters) or the abyssal zone (2,000 – 6,000 meters).

    In shallower waters, scavengers quickly consume the carcass.

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    The “whale fall” was first observed in the 1970s, following the advancement of deep-sea exploration technologies. This event has been studied and observed in both the Pacific and Atlantic ocean floors, as well as in inland seas like the Baltic and the Mediterranean. When the carcass reaches the bottom, it creates a unique environment that establishes its own ecosystem capable of supporting distinctive fauna.

    For decades, various organisms feast upon the carcass.

    Among them are giant isopods, lobsters of the Galatea genus, polychaete worms, small shrimp, myssinoids, crabs, sea cucumbers, and certain types of sharks.


    “Charley, a new retiree-greeter at Wal-Mart, just couldn’t seem to get to work on time. Every day he was 5, 10, 15 minutes late. But he was a good worker, really tidy, clean-shaven, sharp-minded and a real credit to the company and obviously demonstrating their “Older Person Friendly” policies.

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    2023 07 15 13 04

    One day the boss called him into the office for a talk. “Charley, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic, you do a bang-up job when you finally get here; but your being

    late so often is quite bothersome.”

    “Yes, I know boss, and I am working on it.”

    “Well good, you are a team player. That’s what I like to hear”.

    “Yes sir, I understand your concern and I will try harder”.

    Seeming puzzled, the manager went on to comment, “I know you’re retired from the Armed Forces. What did they say to you there if you showed up in the morning late so often?”

    The old man looked down at the floor, then smiled. He chuckled quietly, then said with a grin, “They usually saluted and said,

    Good morning, Admiral, can I get your coffee, sir”?

    Can U.S. Cities Build Narrow European Streets?

    2023 07 15 12 03
    2023 07 15 12 03

    What is the nicest thing you have done to a person?

    I worked as a bank teller for several years. It was in a busy branch right in the main street of bustling Sydney, Australia.

    Sadly a common problem was people coming in to cancel their bank-cards and credit cards because they had lost their wallet or had it stolen.

    These people couldn’t be given new cards on the spot as they also had no ID as that was also in the lost wallet.

    Most of them told me they didn’t even have enough cash on them for a bus-fare or taxi ride. I would then lend them an average of twenty dollars but sometimes more if they needed a taxi. All of my co-workers thought I was insane.

    However over the years, EVERY SINGLE PERSON that I’d helped made a special trip to come and re-pay me.

    I never regretted it in any way!

    What do Chinese people think of the one-party state system?

    That is like asking Americans what they think of the US system of government.

    If it is the only system they have known all their lives, what is there to think about it?

    Are they going to choose another system just because “it sounds good”?

    Chinese are not that stupid.

    Woman See Passport Bros At Colombia Airport & She Can’t Believe It

    2023 07 15 11 55
    2023 07 15 11 55

    What ended the hippie era?

    The short answer is that the hippies won.

    It’s hard for people to remember just how constrained and conformist 1950s America was. All white collar men had to wear a suit and tie to work. Women’s clothing was demure and they were expected to be “ladylike.” It was both legal and the norm to exclude blacks and Jews from living in “white” neighborhoods. Segregation was the law of the land in many states.

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    The Ray Conniff Singers

    The hippies demanded an end to that. They brought about a new freedom in dress, hairstyles, music, and social and political thought. They got a reputation for being scruffy and long-haired, but that was only in comparison to what had gone before. In fact, they look a lot like people the same age now:

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    ​​Kids near Woodstock, 1969

    The hippie era achieved many of its aims, and young people began to have other concerns that needed to be met in a different way.

    Here are a few critical dates:

    • Date of the Civil Rights Act: July 2, 1964
    • Free Speech Movement at University of California at Berkeley campus, which ended in students being given the right to political activity (yes, really!): 1964-65 academic year
    • Year of the Fair Housing Act, prohibiting race discrimination in the sale or rental of a dwelling: 1968
    • Founding of the Environmental Protection Agency: December 2, 1970
    • Year of the Clean Air Act: 1963, major expansion 1970
    • Ratification date of 26th Amendment, lowering the voting age to 18: July 1, 1971
    • Year of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (major expansion): 1972
    • Title IX of the Education Amendments, ending sex discrimination in education: June 23, 1972
    • Date of Roe v. Wade decision permitting abortion: January 22, 1973
    • Date of the end of US draft: Jan. 27, 1973
    • Capture of Saigon and effective end of the Vietnam War: April 1975

    Hippies alone did not achieve these things. But they were the most numerous and vocal activists in favor of them, much inspired by Martin Luther King and Gandhi. 1965 to 1975 was the critical period, and as I said, they achieved most of their aims. If you can live with your partner without being married, or wear a T-shirt and jeans to work, thank the hippies.

    Judging by the snide tone of many other answers to this question, a lot of Quora readers have only learned about the free love, drugs, and other social experiments the hippies tried. Most of these were abandoned as they got older because they weren’t really compatible with raising a family. But the hippie movement was first and foremost a political movement to free American (and European too) society from suffocating conformity and legally-enforced racism and sexism, and in that, it succeeded very well.

    Honey-Garlic Yeast Rolls

    honey dinner rolls 2 min 1
    honey dinner rolls 2 min 1

    Yield: 13 rolls


    • 2 to 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
    • 1 (1/4 ounce) envelope quick-rise yeast
    • 1/2 teaspoon kosher or sea salt
    • 3/4 cup warm water (120 to 130 degrees F)
    • 2 tablespoons plus 4 teaspoons butter, melted, divided
    • 3/4 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
    • 2 teaspoons honey
    • 1/8 teaspoon garlic salt


    1. In a large bowl, combine 1 1/2 cups flour, sugar, yeast and salt. Add water and 2 tablespoons butter; beat on medium speed for 3 minutes or until smooth.
    2. Stir in cheese and enough remaining flour to form a soft dough.
    3. Turn onto a lightly floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 4 to 6 minutes. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes.
    4. Divide into 13 pieces. Shape each into a ball. Place in a greased 9-inch round baking pan. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 30 minutes.
    5. Heat oven to 375 degrees F.
    6. Bake rolls for 11 to 14 minutes or until lightly browned.
    7. Combine honey, garlic salt and remaining butter; brush over rolls. Remove from pan to wire rack.

    What was the best revenge you’ve ever gotten?

    The best revenge I’ve ever gotten?

    This is easy (but hard to talk about). Back when I was married, I hadn’t earned my degree yet. I worked two or three jobs to pay the bills and put the woman who became my exwife through college. The week after I wrote the last tuition check, she called my boss multiple times throughout to week and cussed him. By that Friday, he’d had enough and let me go. I’d already left my second job to spend more time with the family because I didn’t need the extra money anymore. When I got home from work (I didn’t drive at the time), our pastor was there but the wife wasn’t. She was kicking me out.

    I had no job, no money (she cleaned out the bank account and opened a different one) and no place to go. I was literally homeless. I was also angry and depressed.

    Now for the revenge:

    I busted my tail to get an apartment and saved up lots of money and started taking classes at the local community college. Then I went on to earn a BS in Mathematics. From there, I earned an MS in Computer Science. I’m now making 6 digits and I just bought a house.

    Last I heard, my exwife had left her job as a teacher (I don’t know if it was voluntary or involuntary) and is living in a popup camper in her father’s backyard.

    My revenge is being the best me that I can while she thought that she didn’t need me anymore.

    The Balloon Goes Up – How Far Will The Nato Allies Go To Fight Their Losing War in The Ukraine — How Much More Will They Risk Losing of Their Post-1945 Territorial Gains?

    By John Helmer, the longest continuously serving foreign correspondent in Russia, and the only western journalist to direct his own bureau independent of single national or commercial ties. Helmer has also been a professor of political science, and an advisor to government heads in Greece, the United States, and Asia. He is the first and only member of a US presidential administration (Jimmy Carter) to establish himself in Russia. Originally published at Dances with Bears

    When the Ukrainian and NATO forces have lost their war in eastern Ukraine by Christmas, what will happen to the rump of western Ukraine?

    The Russian warning, issued last Friday at the Security Council by President Vladimir Putin, is that the Russian Army will defend western Ukraine, known as Galicia, from any attempt at intervention by Polish forces under either a NATO “peacekeeping” formula, or a bilateral defence arrangement between the Kiev regime and Warsaw to slip Galicia under NATO Article Five protection.

    Putin’s warning was concrete, explicit, geographically limited. It applied to the current western borders of the Ukraine, the eastern border of Poland, and the Polish-Belarus border. “I would also like to remind you what Poland’s aggressive policy led to. It led to the national tragedy of 1939, when Poland’s Western allies threw it to the German wolf, the German military machine. Poland actually lost its independence and statehood, which were only restored thanks in a large measure to the Soviet Union. It was also thanks to the Soviet Union and thanks to Stalin’s position that Poland acquired substantial territory in the west, German territory. It is a fact that Poland’s western lands are a gift from Stalin. Have our Warsaw friends forgotten this? We will remind them.”

    The Warsaw friends weren’t the only audience Putin intended. His warning is also addressed to the Berlin friends, the Baltic friends, the Paris, Brussels, and Budapest friends, and of course, the Washington friends. In December 2021, they were offered the terms of mutual security and non-aggression in Europe in treaties for the US and NATO tabled by the Russian Foreign Ministry. They were dismissed in diplomatic negotiations lasting less than a month .

    By Christmas of this year, as Putin has just pointed out, the Ukrainian army and the NATO forces will have expended their capacities to continue the fight. “The whole world sees that the vaunted Western, supposedly invulnerable, military equipment is on fire”, he added. What can happen next is “an extremely dangerous game, and the authors of such plans should think about the consequences.”

    This is a warning that if the Poles move east, the Germans will be motivated to move east as well, in order to recover the Prussian territories Germany lost in its defeat and capitulation at the end of World War II. Hungary too will be motivated to change its northeastern border in order to rescue the ethnic Hungarian population of Transcarpathia in southwest Ukraine.

    In short, Putin was announcing that “Stalin’s gift”, as he called it, was the stability of the post-1945 territorial settlement. Now, in defeating NATO’s attempt to destroy the Russians east of Kiev, the Russians are warning afresh that if NATO attempts to change its defence lines west of Kiev, the Russian army will dictate an entirely new territorial settlement in which NATO will be an even bigger loser of military capacity and territorial extension than the non-aggression treaties of December 17, 2021, offered.

    The 1990 promise of not one inch eastward for NATO is reversing by one thousand kilometres westward.

    Chris Cook asks the questions. Listen to the discussion To visualise the geography in the discussion, here is a map of the post-World War II territorial settlement between Germany and Poland.

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    is a newly published Russian analysis of how the Putin warning should be interpreted, both historically and strategically, between the Dnieper and the Oder-Niesse lines.

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    “The Revival of Russian identity and Polonization: Russia agrees to the partition of Ukraine” by Albert Akopyan -- source:

    Since October 2022, Gorilla Radio has been banned from broadcasting by Radio CFUV 101.9 FM in Victoria, British Columbia. The Gorilla Radio transcripts are published on the blog. For Chris Cook’s broadcast archive, click to open.

    French monetary colonialism.

    To get their independence, France forced 14 African countries into a treaty where they must put: 65% of their foreign currency reserves into the French Treasury & another 20% to “repay” France debts.

    2023 08 04 15 17
    2023 08 04 15 17

    Niger uses the CFA franc. The central bank (BCEAO) that issues this colonial currency has been obliged until the end of 2019 to deposit half of its foreign exchange reserves with the French Treasury.

    In 2019, according to Banque de France figures, Niger’s net foreign assets totaled €977.6 million (641.3 billion CFA francs). Half of this sum amounts to € 488.8 million. These € 488.8 M represent a transfer of resources from Niger to the French Treasury (mandatory deposit of at least 50% of official foreign exchange reserves). To recap, in 2019, Niger transferred at least €488.8 M to the French government, which “granted” it € 119.27 million in “aid” (including loans)!

    Even more ignominious is the fact that France has assassinated 22 African Presidents since 1963. During the last 50 years, 67 coups happened in 26 countries of Africa. 16 of those countries are french ex-colonies, which means 61% of the coups happened in Francophone Africa.

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    Moreover, France has the prerogative to buy all the natural resources found in the land of its ex-colonies in Africa. Even while issuing government contracts, French companies have to be considered first. In Côte d’Ivoire, French companies are controlling major utilities – water, electricity, telephone, transport, ports and major banks. Similarly in commerce, construction, and agriculture.

    The 16 ports being controlled by French Billionaire, Vincent Bollore.

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    The “Defence Agreements” along with the Colonial Pact signed by the African countries allows France to deploy troops and intervene military whenever they deem necessary. There are permanent French bases in former colonies of Africa.

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    Why We Should Revive Traditional Architecture & Urbanism

    In this video, we explore the often-misunderstood concept of traditional architecture and urbanism, and its relevance in today’s fast-paced society. Discover how tradition is not just about mimicking the past because of nostalgic feelings, but rather an adaptive process that incorporates local conditions and innovations for a harmonious end result. Can we still build like we used to, before the era of modernism? To find the answer, we’ll delve into remarkable examples such as Cayalá, Poundbury, Brandevoort, Le Plessis Robinson, Heulebrug, and more. Join us on this architectural journey, and you might just find a renewed appreciation for tradition and its place in our modern world.

    China is importing a large amount of natural gas from Russia and selling it to the EU at a higher price. How do you view China’s behavior?

    They are buying at 4100 Yuan per BCF of Piped Gas and selling LNG at equivalent rate of 11830 Yuan per BCF of Piped Gas

    Thats 200% Profit flat

    India is doing the same with Petrol (Gasoline). Buying from Russia at 452 Yuan per Barrel and selling to EU at the equivalent of 725 Yuan per Barrel (In Euros)

    The EU politicians have lost their head. In their stupidity to be politically correct, they are paying 2–4 times more for Energy

    Why Shouldnt India and china enjoy the stupidity?

    Why was Ronald McDonald removed from all McDonald’s commercials? Is it really because of the movie “IT” and people’s fear of clowns?

    Ronald’s disappearance over the last 9 years largely appears to be a change in McDonald’s marketing.

    In its early days, one of the points McDonald’s wanted to sell was that it was a family friendly place. The vast majority of franchise locations were stand-alone buildings with plentiful parking and not a “hang-out” for teenagers. It was a place you went with your family to buy a meal for everyone on a budget. Ronald and the rest of the McDonaldland characters were made to appeal to that demographic – make it a place that kids would ask their parents to take them to that would be special. Kids activities, up to and including playgrounds, were common.

    But in 2014, McDonald’s was taking a look at shifting demographics and didn’t like what they saw. Parents increasingly saw McDonald’s as a bad place to take children due to the food quality. They were still selling a lot of burgers of course, but more and more, their customers were people like office workers who would come to their food court locations.

    As such, McDonald’s figured its image had to “grow up”. Sure, you could bring the family if you wanted, but with an aging demographic it started to change its offerings to be more appealing to adults, particularly seniors (free coffee anyone?). Speaking of coffee, they made it way better and added more things that went with coffee, so McDonald’s wasn’t just for “meals” but for snacks as well. They started taking a look at what other restaurants offered and started offering competing products (like chicken sandwiches that weren’t pre-formed patties). They did abandon the fact they had to be “healthy” (that always was a loser for them) but although you can still get a happy meal, the majority of the menu is meant to appeal to adults.

    And Ronald didn’t fit into that plan. McDonald’s ads now feature busy fathers picking up a large meal at the drive thru, or a couple coming in for a quick bite. They know that no-one will mistake McDonald’s for an “adults only” establishment, but they want to create a welcoming presence for adults to draw them away from other chains who are largely selling themselves the same way.

    Jean Hilliard

    In 1980, a woman named Jean Hilliard in rural north western Minnesota, was involved in a car accident which resulted in car failure in sub-zero temperatures. She walked to a friend’s house 2 miles away and collapsed 15 feet outside of the door. Temperatures dropped to −22 °F (−30 °C) and she was found “frozen stiff” at 7 a.m. after six hours in the cold. She was transported to Fosston Hospital where doctors said her skin was too hard to pierce with a hypodermic needle and her body temperature was too low to register on a thermometer. Her face was ashen and her eyes were solid with no response to light. Her pulse was slowed to approximately 12 beats per minute.

    She was wrapped in an electric blanket.

    The miraculous thing that happened was, 49 days after she was admitted, she was discharged from the hospital with no permanent damage to the brain or body besides frostbite.

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    Some people might be wondering how this was possible, but scientists explained this : There’s at least one possible scientific explanation.

    In the article “Is Human Hibernation Possible,” published in 2008 by the Annual Review of Medicine , Dr. Cheng Chi Lee of the University of Texas’ Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology notes that

    “Some mammals can enter a severe hypothermic state during hibernation in which metabolic activity is extremely low, and yet full viability is restored when the animal arouses from such a state.”

    In a search for therapeutic uses of induced-hypothermia, Dr. Lee found a “natural biomolecule,” 5′ AMP, that “allows rapid initiation of hypometabolism in mammals” and that

    “may eventually result in clinical applications where hypothermia has been shown to have tremendous lifesaving potential, such as trauma, heart attacks, strokes, and many major surgeries.”

    It is possible that Hilliard froze so quickly that her body skipped the phase where lasting tissue damage could be done and her body entered a hypometabolic state that allowed her basic life functions to continue until she was successfully thawed out.

    What makes Japan different?

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    There was a Gorilla at a Japanese Zoo that was allegedly so attractive that he caused an increase in female visitors. His name was Shabani, but everyone agreed and they were quite passionate about the fact he looked liked the Gorilla version of George Clooney and it was enough for women to crowd his encloser.

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    Apparently women got so worked up that they freaked out the 400lb primate, to the point the Zoo had to put up signs telling people to stop. Some articles were written about him were they referred to him as Shabani the Metrosexual Gorilla.

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    2023 08 04 16 57

    I can’t confirmed this next part, but apparently some women got so excited that they threw their underwear into the enclosure.


    2023 08 04 21 13
    2023 08 04 21 13

    The Black Knight and some video out of China

    In this article / post we will chat a little bit about extraterrestrials, and mysteries. Mainly by posting a few videos up, and some associated articles. The idea behind this post is to show some of what it “out there” in internet land, and to state that they tangentially touch on things that I have so painfully explained. Often they are just blind people in the dark trying to figure things out through disinformation…

    So enjoy the videos and the articles. Do not get too caught up.

    Now, at the end of the article is the “The Black Knight” mystery spacecraft. And the “reports” all take a few NASA images and “run with them”.

    Totally oblivious to the fact that China is in space, has a huge space presence, and has also been filming and videoing these various objects.

    Yes. China has been very active in filming UFOs and other strange things.

    And I will be putting some of this stuff on MM in the future.

    At the very end of this article / post, is my Chinese video taken of what The Black Knight” seemingly is. I am convinced that you all will find it very interesting.

    Not available on any American or English Speaking websites, eh?

    Imagine that.

    Just the same old regurgitated bullshit, endlessly discussed, and theories bantered about, but with no new information of value.

    Except here on MM.

    Have fun guys…

    First a daily dose of geo-political, and some other stuff…

    Who has been the strangest world leader of the last five decades?

    Definitely this guy.

    2023 07 09 08 49
    2023 07 09 08 49

    His name is Duterte and he is the current president of the Philippines.

    (A little background about the Philippines – The country of Philippines can be called ‘Mexico of Asia’. It is plagued by drug dealers. It is almost a normal occurrence in the Philippines for drug lords to kidnap citizens for ransom. Watch drugs in Philippines-2014 documentary Al Jezeera)

    It is a normal custom for the president of the Philippines to issue Christmas greetings message to the citizens, every year. Duterte got elected in 2016. Following is his 2016 Christmas greetings message.

    “I’m only human. So let me say ‘Merry Christmas’ to all the thieves, drug lords, drug pushers, corrupt and whoever made the life hard for Filipinos (People of Philippines). By the way, if you don’t cease and still continue your brutality, this will be your last Merry Christmas’

    And this man ain’t kidding.

    Within a few months of this message, two mayors who were caught in corruption were killed during the operation. 3600 drug lords were killed during the operation and 1.3 million drug addicts surrendered.

    More than 1 million drug addicts surrender to gov’t

    Duterte told his cops, ‘Go and hunt them. If possible arrest them. If he/she attacks you, just shoot him first.’

    And all this happened in just 6 months after the message. In an interview with CNN, Duterte quoted, “We Filipinos are poor and our kids are our wealth. When we get old, we depend on our kids to pay for our medicine and even for burial. Drug lords and users, I warn you ‘Do not destroy the lives of young Filipinos with drugs. If you do so, I will surely kill you’.

    The self-proclaimed moral consciences of the world (Read West) condemn Duterte for his ‘War on drugs’. President Obama condemned Duterte and Duterte had this following thing to say…

    ‘You bomb Syria and you kill thousands of innocent civilians, yet you have guts to call me? You bomb schools and hospitals and kill hundreds of innocent kids. You went to Iraq with an excuse of ‘Weapon of mass destruction’ and slaughtered thousands of innocent civilians, yet you found nothing. In your country, policeman shoots a handcuffed Black man for he is simply a Black. At least in my country, I shoot criminals. So Obama, _______ yourself

    And by the way, Duterte’s approval rating as of 2019 is 87%

    Duterte trust, approval ratings unchanged after Recto Bank incident

    Personally I don’t like him using ‘Colorful’ languages in public, cause he is seen as an inspiration by many young people, so it is good if he stops using those words, but this man really introduces a new unconventional political style.

    Note; For those commenting, ‘Duterte jokes about rape’ and other bunch of crazy stuff you better come up with video evidence. After Duterte refused to be the American puppet, Western media has been spreading this propaganda and sadly many fell for it. Any comment accusing Duterte with out video proof will be deleted.


    Why has China been cracking down on private enterprises like Ant Group?

    A Message had to be delivered

    China is not USA or India or Russia. Try any tricks and we will castrate you

    Ant Group has been playing with capitalism hard and fast

    First is their following the US mode of creating monopolies and throttling smaller entities. Jack Ma had this bad habit of identifying any potential business and shackling it under Alibaba . Later suppliers and vendors were squeezed because Alibaba and Ant controlled their markets

    Second is their brazen credit lending without actual substance or collateral. They would lend a lot of money belonging to banks with minimal compliance and without a tenth of the assets and collateral.

    Third is their valuation models and their repeated ability to keep using investments to float value. The sort of thing Byjus does in India.

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    2023 07 08 18 59

    China and the CPC in 2019 began to realize that if companies like Ant group were allowed to do things so rampantly ,China would be floating and bloating with paper values in a matter of years (Like India will be by 2025)

    So they began squeezing on all the players including Ant Group

    • First they ended credit lending without a minimum 40% asset backing.
    • Next they ended the monopoly by providing a 120 day period to all suppliers and vendors to counter with their own price bid
    • Next they ensured that bloated valuations would have no role in China by linking valuation to technology development and profits

    The Fine of $994 Million is just the culmination of all the excesses that Any Group has enjoyed all these years

    China simply says “No Illusions and No fast bucks. You want to grow, grow the right way and benefit society and yourself. Develop Technology along the way”

    The message is for all other Tech Companies and other companies in China

    2023 07 08 19 01
    2023 07 08 19 01

    Had this been 2017, Ant could have scoffed and shrugged and left China and gone to US or UK

    Sadly this is 2023

    Chinese Entities have no other way to go but into the Chinese economy and market which gives them more than two thirds of their revenues

    So it’s a message at the end of the day

    Do things right and we are always with you. Try to fool people and line your pockets at the expense of the Chinese people and we will destroy you

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    2023 07 08 19 0z1

    Jack Ma for instance made the cardinal mistake of becoming too capitalist and putting his pocket above that of the people through ruthless monopolies and blind valuations

    So he has been neutralized and the message has been very strong indeed

    It’s why no other Tech CEO since 2020 violated the Tech Laws set in place by the Chinese Government

    Always the message with the Chinese

    They always deliver a message through such actions

    The Moon Revealed: It’s a Hollow Spaceship, so who built it and why?

    Ah, sort of.

    But don’t get too caught up. I wrote about this earlier. Fun view, though. Enjoy.

    “Today while at the gas station I overheard a lady in her late 20’s telling 2 other men to leave her alone

    so I decided to walk over to them and I asked her ” how was the meeting today darlin? ” she looked at me and said ” it was good, I’ll tell you more about it when we get home in a few “. I replied with ” wonderful I’ll pick up your favorite for dinner”.

    The two guys left in a hurry and she told me ” you have no idea how much that meant to me …. thank you.” I said “you’re very welcome ma’am …. you can never be too careful. “

    I made sure the guys left before I walked back to my car and as I was walking back all I could do was think ” I hope a man does that for my future daughter one day”.”

    ~ Cody Bret

    City School Pizza

    2023 07 09 08 5fa6
    2023 07 09 08 5fa6

    Yield: 24 servings


    French-Style Pizza Crust

    • 2 packages dry or cake yeast
    • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
    • 3 1/2 cups lukewarm water
    • 9 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1 tablespoon salt


    • 1 pound ground beef
    • 1 tablespoon instant minced onion
    • 1 (8 ounce) can tomatoes, drained and chopped
    • 1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
    • 3/4 cup water
    • 3/4 teaspoon oregano
    • Salt
    • 3/4 teaspoon dried sweet basil
    • 3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
    • 3/4 pound ground or chopped luncheon meat
    • 1 1/2 cups grated Parmesan cheese


    French-Style Pizza Crust

    1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in water.
    2. Add flour and salt. Knead until smooth.
    3. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk.
    4. Cut into 2portions. Let rest 15 minutes.
    5. Pat or roll to even thickness in 2 (15 1/2 x 10 1/2-inch) jellyroll pans. Set aside.


    1. Brown ground beef and onion in a large skillet.
    2. Add tomatoes, tomato paste, water, oregano, salt to taste, basil, garlic powder and luncheon meat. Sauté until mixture comes to a boil. Simmer for a few minutes.
    3. Spread sauce on prepared French-Style Pizza Crust in pans. Sprinkle each crust with cheese.
    4. Bake at 400 degrees F for 30 to 35 minutes or until cheese layer is bubbly and browned.

    Is corruption the only reason some countries in South Asia are stranded in “developing” status?

    Do you think Corruption doesnt exist in China or Singapore or South Korea?

    Of course it does. Corruption exists everywhere and wherever there is position of power.

    It is when Corruption and Development become Mutually Exclusive that trouble starts.

    Lets take the Chinese and Singaporean Example:-

    The “Golden Rule” of Deng Xiaopeng (Later emanated by Lee Kuan Yew) was that Corruption is inevitable.

    So Deng developed his golden rule.

    The Rule was called the “Bridge on the Village River” rule – where Deng would instruct his ministers

    I want a Bridge on the Village River. It should be strong and it should be durable for 20 years and should not break or develop any problems or issues. I estimate the budget to be 100000 Yuan (Purely arbitary number) so i will sanction 120000 Yuan – so that 20000 Yuan can be used for miscellaneous purposes. I dont care how this money is going to be spend or who gets what portion. I will turn a blind eye to it BUT if the bridge collapses due to shoddy construction – i will personally crush any and all persons who were responsible for it.

    That is the BOVR rule followed by China or Korea or Singapore.

    End Results are all that matter. This way – the Nation gets the best product and the Nation develops and moves forward. People get enriched but Chinese or SIngaporeans regard this as a sort of Service Charge rather than Corruption or Bribes or Graft.

    2023 07 09 08 15
    2023 07 09 08 15

    The Hong Kong police consisted of Chinese Nationals upto the rank of Sergeant and Britishers from the ranks of Inspector and above.

    Every Chinese National would get at least 100% of his salary amount from Graft (Bribes) from Nightclub owners, Businessmen etc etc.

    The Result – Hong Kong was almost completely crime free. The Triads did not touch common man. Not a single pistol could be brought into HK without consequences.

    A Contractor who can get a superb building made within budget – takes a 10000 yuan commission will not be penalized until the building collapses in which case he is finished as are the party officials who chose him in the first place.

    In Singapore – to ensure corruption does not exist – Lee Kuan Yew established measures like Huge Salaries to Ministers and Bonuses to Officials. A $ 100 Million contract into Singapore – would mean a bonus of $ 200000 for the Officials at the concerned ministry. With such incentives – why would anyone turn to corruption????

    Check out the Chinese Ministers – Each one wears a $ 12000 – $25000 Suit – tailored in London or New York or by Expats living in Shanghai. They have Rolls or Bentleys and the big ministries have exclusive helicopters.

    They earn between 70% to 450% higher than the Median Base Pay for College Graduates.


    A. Corruption Exists in China or Korea – but the Corruption is regarded as a Service Charge as long as the End Result is not harmful to the public or is not defective or of poor quality – NOBODY CARES. Imagine a Agent who is able to bring a 100 Helicopter Deal to China – he takes a kickback of $ 1 Million. As long as the Helicopters are top notch – nobody in China will care.

    B. These countries pay commissions, incentives and higher salaries (Like Singapore) to ensure that Corruption is kept out or at least minimized completely. Imagine you get $ 10 Million a year as Minister – would you be stupid enough to accept or coordinate a bribe?

    Gifts like Rolex Watches, Works of Art, Jewelry are commonplace and wont generate a huge public controversy.

    Now lets see India and Pakistan and Bangladesh

    Thats where the Hypocrisy starts

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    Our Leaders pretend to be simple people. They Wear Khadi in the peak of summer, the Gandhian Caps, They balk at gifts which exceed over Rs. 5000/- and our Newspapers go on and on about a Chief Minister who accepted a $ 10000 Watch (Siddaramaiah) as a gift and he has to prove that he gifted the watch to a museum.

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    Yet 60% of the Politicians Ministers all have assets exceeding Rs. 50 Crores with allegations of exceeding Rs. 1000 or even Rs. 5000 Crores.

    The Simplicity is a Deception on the People of India (Some people like Lal Bahadur Shastri were born simple but most of them are deceiving the people).

    Poor Christian Michel gets thrown in Jail for bribery whereas the people on both sides are scot free.

    CBI pursue a small time Havildar who took Rs. 1000/- bribe on Diwali

    And we claim to be Tough on Corruption

    And in our case – since unlike China or Singapore or South Korea – Our Leadership is Illiterate or Semi Literate in most cases – the Corruption affects our Quality very badly

    Roads that get Potholes with 2 days of rain , Bridges that Collapse regularly, Structures that are rarely steady and would not receive certification by the blindest Quality Engineer anywhere outside India or Pakistan or Sri Lanka or Bangladesh, Poor Quality Manufactured goods etc.

    The Gandhian Mentality is solely responsible for why our Leaders pretend to be simple yet why they become richer and richer while the country gets zero or near zero quality products or infrastructure.

    Had we been China – we would have offered a 1.5% flat commission to the Officers who got us the Rafale Deal. This would have eliminated corruption since the bribe money would have come in the form of incentives and service charges.

    Had we been Singapore or Korea – we would have ensured that Christian Michel would be regarded as nothing more than a Commission Agent and we would not have even glanced in his direction considering his “Payments” as nothing more than “Service Fees”

    Instead our System is a Gigantic Hypocrisy – as is the case of Pakistan or Bangladesh or Sri Lanka.

    Pretence, Pretence, Pretence

    Punish the small fry and ignore the huge sharks and whales

    Ensure that corruption has a direct and total impact on the quality of products

    Ensure that Rhea Chakraborty is sent to jail with the whole nation clapping and cheering while Ministers who ordered Bridges to collapse or Contractors responsible for building roads which kill due to potholes – end up getting more contracts.

    That is why – while the Asian Countries like China or SIngapore grow – India is doomed. It is the system that is corrupted completely and totally.

    JRE: What Scientists Just Discovered At The Grand Canyon TERRIFIES The Whole World

    Just a reminder that the “powers that be” control what you know and what you do not know.

    This is a fun video.

    However, why would Egyptians be in Arizona, or New Mexico without any Egyptian communities on the coasts for their ships to travel to? A lack of infrastructure is troubling.

    So do not get too caught up.

    The “missing pieces” might be trivial or alarming, but they are still MISSING.

    What are the reasons behind China being the dominant producer of gallium and germanium?

    Profitable Extraction!!!!!

    China has the reserves and the procedure to extract the elements profitability and purify them profitably

    China is able to deliver a processed product at lowest cost ($ 2400/PTK) and make a 17% Profit

    It’s estimated the US can deliver the processed product at lowest cost of $ 8900/PTK and make a 35% Loss which needs subsidy

    Thus instead of $ 2400/PTK with 17% profit , the raw material and base material now costs $ 8900/PTK and the US Govt or Taxpayer has to pay $ 3080/PTK as subsidy

    That’s $2400 vs $11980

    Unless US manages to import slaves again and manufacture the machinery on its own — US can’t lower costs

    Because GUESS WHAT?


    You have a Lithium mine?

    Without China, you can’t extract a nano gram of Lithium because the machinery is theirs and they control the market

    Plus Environment is a big big thing here

    The Green party will hate any processing foundry or extraction mine for Gallium or Germanium or Lithium in US due to pollution that is almost guaranteed


    Start making extraction machinery in India and Vietnam and ship them to US along with 100,000 migrant workers

    And maybe in 20 years , US can take up around 30–40% of the market share of Gallium or Germanium

    It’s a headache but US are idiots and that’s exactly what those stubborn fools will do

    “Stay single until someone actually complements your life in such a way that makes it better to not be single” What do you consider someone complementing your life to be?

    I got divorced 12 years ago. After that, I stayed single for almost 7 years. Well, 1. I was too busy, and 2. I was hurt.

    After that, I decided to start dating again. Man, it was so difficult. I had a few first dates, and either they escaped from me or I escaped from them.

    Then I saw him.

    The way he smiled was like this:

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    You know what I mean? The smile that makes you want to smile. The smile that makes you feel all the stresses you are carrying get lighter a little bit. I knew I wanted to be around him.

    He asked me out, I told him I was busy and didn’t have much time. He said then we could date the busy way: he showed up at my lunchtime to have a sandwich that I prepared; sometimes just a small walk before bedtime late at night. He understood my priorities and supported me.

    Sometimes, I got a text from him saying, “I know you have an important meeting today, try not to kill anybody.” Sometimes, I “escaped” from the office to go to a coffee shop with him next to me. We both worked on our laptops, didn’t talk to each other the whole time; we just enjoyed the feeling we were together.

    I smile more and live fuller with him in it. I truly feel that the pain I had in me, turned into the memory, it’s not hurt anymore. Is he complementing my life? I think so. Because he healed me.

    12 ALIEN CRAFT In US Custody, Per Intel

    From “The Hill” which is a MAJOR political organization in Washington DC.

    OK. Whoop! Whoop!

    Now what?

    Stupid Jackasses. At the end of the day, nothing will change. The reality of what is going on is far too dangerous to expose.

    Why do liberals think that sexually explicit books should be available in school libraries?

    I remember this quote, I think from Neil Gaiman, about fairy tales and stories. It goes something like this. Fairy tales didn’t tell children there were dragons. We already knew dragons existed. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be defeated.

    Books don’t tell children sex or violence or gay people exist in the world. They already know. Books tell them how to deal with these complicated things. Books and stories allow them to explore uncomfortable ideas and situations in a safe environment. It helps them process their emotions.

    My family didn’t believe in “age-appropriate” books. As long as I could read it, every book on the bookshelves was open for grabs. The community library right next to our house did not have special library cards for children. Everyone has the same type of cards and has access to the same collections of books. I was reading The Decameron in middle school. In case you didn’t know, it’s a collection of stories, including some pretty graphic sex scenes and gore.

    You know what my grandma did? We talked.

    I remember telling her about this story I read from Decameron, about this priest and bread and oven. It’s a sex joke. It took me quite some time to figure it out, and I talked to my grandma about it. We all laughed, not because of the sex innuendo but rather because of the hypocrisy of the whole situation. And that’s the whole point of the story, the hypocrisy of the catholic priests during the 14th century. I got that in middle school. Children aren’t stupid. They understand things if you take the time and help them figure it out.

    I talked to her about the books I read, the parts I don’t understand, and/or make me uncomfortable. Whatever dysfunctions my family had, we could always get together and talk about books.

    That’s what being a parent is about.

    I always suspect parents who want to ban books don’t really want to “protect” their children, but rather, they don’t want to or don’t know how to have difficult conversations with their children about the books they read. Either they themselves do not read books and don’t understand how to discuss literature and narrative. They don’t know how to apply lessons learned in books to real life. They don’t understand the importance of stories. Or they simply don’t give a shit. They would rather put off these conversations and wait until the kids are old enough and have them figure it out themselves.

    There’s no such thing as a dangerous book. Ideas do not “corrupt” children. Not if they have good parents to talk to. When children are “corrupted” by the internet or social media, or books, it’s not because the materials are dangerous. It is because they are isolated, they’re confused, and there are no adults in their lives they can rely on to guide them.

    Banning books is never about “protecting children.” It is always about shitty parents who couldn’t be bothered to be proper parents.

    I started to get conservative comments that defended the book ban, and I got a common theme from these comments that they seemed to believe that there are books in school libraries or public libraries that contain graphic depictions of extreme pornographic/fetish content.

    One comment talks about how they don’t want their children to learn about sex fetishes that involve human feces from books in school libraries. Another comment says they don’t want their children to learn about blow jobs from books containing young boys giving each other blow jobs, other comments talk about “government teaching my son how to give a hand job.”

    … like… I’m so confused. Like… have you been to a library?! What kind of books do you think they have?!

    Seriously people, stop watching Fox News, and go visit a public library.

    Also, I got this gem today.

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    What is proof for you that karma exists?

    The suicide bomber who died alone.

    In 2016, Abdullahi Abdisalam Borleh was a suicide bomber with a laptop full of explosives who boarded a plane from Somalia, Daallo Airlines.

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    He had embarked as a disabled person and claimed to be on a trip for a medical check-up.

    Twenty minutes after takeoff from Mogadishu, Somalia at an altitude of 14,000 feet, an explosion occurred inside the aircraft. There were 74 passengers and 7 crew members on board.

    The explosion created this opening.

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    He was the only one to be sucked into the opening.

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    His intention was to kill all the passengers of the plane but according to fate, he had to be the only one to die.

    The plane’s controls were not affected by the explosion, allowing the pilot to return the plane to Mogadishu safely.

    Karma sometimes works… as if by magic.

    The evidence we are living in a Simulation is everywhere. All you have to do is look.

    No problem with this.

    What do engineers no longer think about today?

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    To the little things that make life easier for people.

    The designer of the castle of this medieval door probably liked to drink a little too much.

    And when it got late, it was pitch black.

    So it was a great thing if the design made it a little easier to find the keyhole to finally get some well-deserved sleep.

    This designer was a real humanitarian.

    Why do Indians have so many problems against a Sino-Indian trade alliance?

    As on date China doesn’t see value in a Sino Indian Trade Alliance

    China isn’t like US or UK , a nation that makes decisions in a hurry

    China is evaluating India and has decided that as on date India is not valuable enough for China to seriously offer a trade alliance and make some serious concessions

    China is more impressed with Vietnam which follows China’s own building strong bases, building a workforce and then slowly layering to the top

    China isn’t impressed with India’s hotch potch ‘Cant manufacture a Ball point pen fully but sure let’s build 2 nm chips’ method

    Today India’s entire manufacturing is because of the fact that Indian government says unless you manufacture in India, we won’t buy your product (or assemble)

    That was never the Chinese model

    The Chinese were always about “Manufacture in China, we will give you land and labor and you give us jobs and development”

    So as on date this Make in India is a gimmick meant for elections and to impress gullible people into making them think India is heading to becoming a superpower

    China knows too well the real state of India manufacturing

    The real state of regressive taxation

    The horrible political system

    The atrocious labor laws

    The greedy and inefficient manufacturing environment

    China knows India hasn’t made 0.0001% effort to improve any of them

    So China knows all this Indian manufacturing is just a gimmick like everything else for headlines and some random numbers

    Simple example is Vietnam makes 11% of all Smartphones on earth and India makes around 17%

    Yet scale and size wise India is around 6.65 times the trade scale of Vietnam

    India needs to be making around 77% of its smartphones by now to be equivalent to Vietnam in manufacturing

    Plus India assembles smartphones on a 69:31 basis

    Vietnam does so on a 38:62 basis

    It shows how much superior Vietnam is to India

    And if Vietnam is like M.Sc first year then China is like five years post Doctorate

    So frankly China isn’t impressed much with India

    Sure it will make noise here and there but there is no serious view of India managing anything remotely significant in the next few years without serious reforms and serious changes in national policy towards manufacturing

    The Day India is serious about manufacturing and we see laws changing and tax laws changing and separate jurisdictions and liberal policies and judicial reforms

    Then China definitely will make offers to India including potential concessions on Arunachal or Ladakh

    Until then it’s not worth it

    A Sino Indian Trade Alliance with Today’s India in exchange for giving up claims on Ladakh or Arunachal is a bad bad deal for China

    Today’s India is 90% Talk and 10% Actual Progress

    When it’s 60% Talk and 40% Actual Progress, China will handle the issue differently

    What are some examples of scientists who had brilliant ideas and became millionaires? 😶‍🌫️💡

    One recent example is a 34-year-old Japanese mathematics professor who decided to host his lectures on… Pornhub.

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    His earnings of €250,000 per year stem from the fact that even though many may not be interested in the subject, they are nonetheless curious about his presence and attempt to watch the video, generating views.

    What is your biggest “only in China” moment?


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    A Buddhist monk seeking religious advice from a Taoist.

    If it’s hard to understand how unusual this is, imagine a Catholic priest seeking religious teachings from an Islamic cleric or vise versa.

    Chinese religions (Buddhism was localized after settled in China) are very tolerant to each other. It’s pretty hard for Chinese to understand why there could be centuries of hatred and violence just because of different beliefs.

    Michio Kaku JUST LEAKED China’s SHOCKING Discovery On The Moon!

    This is a fun and interesting video.

    Keep in mind a date of 11,000 – 13,000 years ago. Notice that this date disagrees with my own beliefs, but please pay attention to their argument. Have a good time. Enjoy.

    Cafeteria Cole Slaw

    2023 07 09 08 56
    2023 07 09 08 56


    • 1 head cabbage, chopped fine
    • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
    • 2 or 3 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing


    1. Mix all ingredients well until cabbage is completely coated.
    2. Salt and pepper to taste.

    China plans to perform a crewed lunar landing before 2030. What do you think of this goal?

    China is 99% possible to keep its words.

    2023 07 09 08 52
    2023 07 09 08 52

    This is a photo of 2 newspapers in 2004.

    Let one is about China’s moon project. China Lunar Exploration Project was announced in Feb 2004, and it was already in implementation stage. China was planning to have a moon orbiting satellite within 3 years, a soft-landing on the moon in 6 years, and have moon dirt sample taken back by a robot before 2020.

    By the end of 2020, in December, Chang-e 5 returned with 1731 gram of moon dirt. China barely kept its words, due to delays caused by rocket making.

    On the right, it was moon projects announced by the US, Russia, Japan, and India.

    The US was going to land on the moon again in 2015, and establish an international moon base no later than 2020.

    Russia was going to have a test launch of its latest moon landing ship.

    India was going to launch its first unmanned moon ship Chandrayaan-1 in 2008.

    Japan was going to eastablish its moon base in 2025, and send robots there.

    Chinese newspaper reported moon projects from 5 countries in 2004.

    So far, only China managed to keep on schedule.

    So when China says that it’s people will land on the moon before 2030, it’s highly possible that it knows exactly where it is now, and how fast its moon project will go.

    If universal healthcare is actually cheaper than our current system and covers everybody. Why not just do it?

    I’m a retired US citizen who moved to Uruguay in 2015 after spending my entire working career in “Corporate America”.

    It’s entertaining to read discussions about the possibility of implementing Universal Healthcare in the United States.

    It will NEVER happen. It’s 1000% impossible. The reason? Health insurance companies.

    The concept of Universal Healthcare does not involve insurance companies. There is no need for a bloated middleman.

    There are 563,366 Health & Medical Insurance Employees in the US, costing approximately $50 billion annually.

    These companies would have to be closed, freeing up all this cash for actual medical care, instead of bloat.

    The main problems with the US Healthcare system are listed below. None of these problems exist with Universal Healthcare.

    a. Greedy Health insurance companies run by highly-paid executives.

    b. High-paid pharmaceutical & insurance company lobbyists.

    c. Greedy congressmen who take millions of dollars in bribes annually.

    d. Expensive TV commercials pushing expensive drugs.

    e. Doctors who earn outrageous salaries to pay for outrageously expensive college educations with insane education loans.

    f. Outrageous malpractice lawsuit settlements, requiring doctors to carry outrageous liability insurance.

    g. People with no medical knowledge make decisions about whether a patient can have a medical procedure, overruling the attending physician.

    Now, with the outsourcing of call centers, people with no medical knowledge in Jamaica, India, and Pakistan make those decisions.

    Here are some typical costs in Uruguay:

    Office visit: US $8.00

    ER visit: US $ 10.00

    House call: US $12.00.

    Electrolyte blood analysis: US $7.11.

    Cerebral CT Scan: US $23.29

    If you call an ambulance, it arrives with a full-fledged MD, not an EMT.

    Before I turned 70 years of age, I paid around US $55 per month for health coverage.

    Now I pay around US $70 per month. For that, I get totally free hospital stays and all costs are free, including hospital stay, surgery, medications, doctor care, and nursing care. When you check out, regardless of what was done or how long you were hospitalized, you pay nothing.

    The monthly cost for my cancer medication is around US $2.50. The same medication in the US is around $500.00.

    Here are the main reasons everything is so cheap:

    No claims to file

    No EOB

    No Deductible

    No Out-of-Pocket

    No Coinsurance

    No Allowed amount

    No Benefit period

    No Preauthorization

    Why does communist China feel entitled to export cheap products to foreign countries and destroy their local manufacturing industries?

    China just takes purchase orders and supplies, be it from a rich country or a poor one. You should rather ask this question to those countries, why they go to China to get cheaper things.

    However, the point of “destroy” is interesting, indeed. Chinese cheap products have destroyed industries in the higher-income countries like Europe and America. And those developed countries deliberately did this to save cost, but eventually ended up at the cost of their own citizens’ unemployement. Surely they had a vision, though probably a wrong one. But they would know it better.

    But China’s “cheap” products helped the poor countries a lot, particularly those who did not yet have industries. For example let’s talk about Bangladesh where the vast majority people are poor. They could not afford to buy Europe/Japan/America-made products even they were in a dire need. But they can manage to get the similar peoducts from China at their afforable price. Thus, life has become much easier and even safer when they got this products-support from China.

    Take few essential products for example:

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    This mosquito killer racket helped save millions of lives from life-threatening Malaria and Dengue fever in Bangladesh.

    energy-saving bulbs:

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    These bulbs from China lit up millions of households in Bangladesh where electricity cost is rocket-high.

    Then this:

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    Thousands of commuters have benefitted from this cheap motorbike in Bangladesh where public transports are rare and nightmare.

    Now, let’s talk about the other, even life-changing benefits gotten from these imported products. Bangladeshis acquired the technical knowhows, bought cheap machineries and raw materials back from China and now have started making them in their own country. Means, now they have established their own industries, providing employment to their own people and altogether contributing to the national economy. And gradually this country is climbing the ladder of self-industrialization. I think such transformation is taking place in many other poor countries as well.

    2023 07 09 08 39
    2023 07 09 08 39

    Bangladesh recently started making its own motorbikes

    Then, how are you going to blame China? Or thanking China, instead?

    Sunman-Dearborn School Chili

    This very popular Sunman-Dearborn School Chili was always served with cornbread and butter on the side.

    2023 07 09 08 58
    2023 07 09 08 58


    • 1 pound ground beef
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
    • 2/3 cup ketchup
    • 1/2 cup tomato paste (6 ounces)
    • 4 ounces spaghetti, broken into thirds
    • 3 tablespoons onion
    • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
    • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
    • 2/3 cup tomato sauce (8 ounce can)
    • 2/3 cup pinto beans (15 ounce can)


    1. Brown ground beef and onion. Drain off extra fat.
    2. Add remaining ingredients, except spaghetti. Add one quart water. Bring chili to boil. Add spaghetti.
    3. Serve when spaghetti is soft.

    How can greed harm someone?

    50 Cent gave her son’s mother $500,000 a year (about $40,000 a month) as child support, and she said it wasn’t enough.

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    So, she turned to the family court to ask for an increase in maintenance. To his disappointment, the court said 50 cents would have to reduce the amount to just $6,700 a month.

    Most of the money given before the court decision was used to maintain a lifestyle for the mother and not for the maintenance of the child.

    Why are rural towns in America dying?

    Let’s say you grew up in Lander, Wyoming — a decent-sized town at about 7,500 people.

    Unless you’re Catholic, there are no colleges in your town. So when you graduate high school, you can either:

    • Go into a trade
    • Get a minimum-wage job
    • Move to another town

    In this case, you want to go to college so you move.

    Fortunately, Wyoming has about 6 community colleges to choose from. You choose the second-largest town in Wyoming at 55,000 people, Casper. You do your two years and when you’re done, you realize you’ll need a Bachelor’s to further your career.

    Now you have 4 options:

    • Give up on your degree and move back home
    • Move to Laramie to attend the University of Wyoming — the state’s only 4-year public institution
    • Stay in Casper and finish through the UW/CC program
    • Move to another state

    As many kids find, the program you want isn’t even offered at UW (or what they do offer is really, really poor).

    If you give up on your degree, you won’t have many job prospects, so you relocate again to Colorado where you can choose from ~14 4-year schools — actually, those are just the public ones. There are ~14 more private 4-year schools you could attend, too.

    After graduating, you have a bunch of new job connections down in Colorado. You look online and see jobs in Boulder, Denver, Fort Collins, Colorado Springs, and elsewhere — so you can live virtually anywhere in the state you want. And, most of those cities are near smaller towns, so you can feel like you’re back home while reaping the benefits of city living.

    Or, you can go back to Lander — population, 7,500 — which is a 4-hour drive to the nearest cities (both Fort Collins and Salt Lake City).

    So your options are:

    • Stay in Colorado, where you have tons of work options
    • Move back to Lander, where the few local businesses might have job openings that might be in your industry, and you have no option to commute to larger cities if opportunities open up

    You stay in Colorado. Because that’s where the work is.

    This is what a lot of kids who grew up in rural Wyoming end up doing. They move for school — often to Laramie, which is right on the WY/CO border — then when they need to find a job they migrate where the work is: cities.

    Brain drain is a huge problem and it’s one Wyoming, in some ways, is trying to combat. You can go to college for free at any community college and get cheap tuition at UW if you’re a Wyoming resident. They very, very actively promote the community colleges and UW to Wyoming high schoolers, hoping that if they go to college here, they’ll stay after they graduate.

    But a lot of people are still flocking out of the state for college because of the opportunities. Because Wyoming has no major cities, the opportunities you get in cities are inaccessible to Wyoming residents.

    It’s why I left. Why my whole family left. Because we like having job options, and going to concerts, and eating new foods (have you ever had Ethiopian? WOW). And while Wyoming is wonderful in many ways… it doesn’t have that.

    One reason rural life is dying is that people want to do things. They want options.

    And you don’t get that in rural areas.

    Ancient Craft Watching us From Orbit | The Black Knight Satellite

    This is fun.

    Spending a little bit more time on this that what I normally do with these kinds of you-tube videos. It is important and holds some clues.

    Keep in mind of a date of 11,000 years ago.


    by Duncan Lunan   (Analog, 1998;  revised August 2013).

    In January 1974 Analog published my article ‘Space Probe from Epsilon Boötis?’1, which caused such a stir that I’m still asked about it every time I appear in the magazine.   It was based on the mystery of long-delayed radio ‘echoes’  (LDEs), first reported in the 1920s.

    Actually, the ‘echoes’ were much too powerful to be simple reflections of signals from Earth.   Experimenters studying round-the-world propagation of radio waves found their outgoing pulses were being returned to them with a delay of three sec­onds, as if they were being amplified and returned by something at the distance of the Moon – but definitely not the Moon it­self.   In later experiments the delay times began to vary up­wards from three seconds, in increasingly complicated sequen­ces, but with no variation in intensity – still indicating a single source amplifying and returning the pulses.

    Prof. Ron Bracewell of Stan­ford suggested in 1960 that the ‘echoes’ might have been re­broad­cast by an unmanned probe from another civilis­ation, trying to attract our attention, and in 1972 I worked out a ‘trans­lat­ion’ of the 1920’s echo patterns.    The variations of delay times appeared random;  but Prof. Brace­well himself had suggested the first signal from such a probe might be a star map, and the stars are spaced at random in the sky.   I tried plotting the delay times against the order in which the echoes were received  (fig. 1(A)), and at only the second attempt I found what looked like a star map – in which it appeared that the probe had come from the double star Epsi­lon Boötis, in the constell­ation Boötes, the Herdsman  (fig. 1(B)).   Arc­turus, the brightest star in the constell­ation, seemed to be out of place in the map;  but on checking, was shown at its place about 13,000 years ago.

    Other parts of the supposed message seemed to give the scale of their planetary system, orbiting Epsilon Boötis A, and seemed at first to make sense.   Epsilon Boötis A is an orange giant star, and the translation indicated that the probe makers had evolved on its second planet, emigrating later to the sixth when their sun began to expand.   But there was a problem:  the com­panion star  (Epsi­lon B)  was bright blue, ap­par­ently a short-lived sun of spectral type A2.   It emerged that the dis­tance given for the star in most refer­ence books was too low, and at the true distance of 203 light-years, Epsilon B really was an A2 star and the orange giant Epsilon A had been an AO, like Sir­ius – too massive and with too high a radiation output to sustain habit­able planets, too short-lived for life to have evolved there.   At the same time, more accurate 1920s records were located, and most of the ‘star map’ trans­lations were ruled out – not the ‘Epsilon Boötis’ one, but it too had to be treated as suspect.   I with­drew the entire translation,2 but now it seems I may have gone too far.

    Dropping it didn’t rule out the space probe sug­gest­ed by Prof. Bracewell  (though he himself has abandoned the idea).3   James Strong suggested that the probe could be located in either the ‘Lagrange 4’ or ‘L5’ point, also called ‘Trojan’ or ‘Equi­lateral’ points, equi­distant from the Earth and Moon.4   The dates and times of the 1920s LDEs showed that the L5 point was at least one source of the effect.5   Anthony Lawton of the British Int­er­planetary Society suggested that in ideal conditions the Trojan points could form tempor­ary, stable iono­spheres of their own which would generate LDE’s;6  it was reported that I accepted that, but scientists I consulted re­plied that such clouds would be dis­rupted by currents in the Earth’s mag­neto­sphere, or at other times of the month by the Solar Wind, the constant outflow of charged particles from the Sun.   In any case, as the Lagrange points have no gravitat­ional fields of their own, a cloud of charged particles would be sca­t­tered by their mutual electro­static repulsion – unless there was a powerful magnetic or electrostatic field to hold them in place.   If this was prod­uced by a space­craft, I sug­gested, Lawton might have hit upon the method by which the Brace­well probe generated LDE’s – by accident!

    Many books and articles said that Lawton conducted an act­ive radio search for LDEs, but in reality he stopped after get­ting an initial ‘reply’, on the grounds that further trans­missions “would constitute a biassed experiment”.   Opti­cal searches of the Lagrange points failed to find anything as large as the Skylab space station, or, in a later search, as large as the Pioneer 10 space probe.7   Meanwhile, however, Epsilon Boötis just would not lie down.

    There are several real or suggested Zodiacal star maps, laid out on the ground, which centre on Boötes.   That’s just because the constellation lies near the pole of the Ecliptic, perpendicular to the Earth’s orbital plane around the sun, so any Zodiacal map will be centred near it.   But also, we are in Boötes as viewed from Tau Ceti, one of the nearest stars like our Sun, and at relativistic speeds, Epsilon Boötis would be a prime navigational reference on the journey here.8   And there was an even stranger develop­ment.

    After my book “Man and the Stars” came out,9 I was con­tacted by Alan Evans, who was then a British Army Captain.   He liked the analysis I’d made of Erich von Daniken’s claims, where I concluded that Earth had not been visited more than four times, at most.   Alan sug­ges­ted we jointly attempt some­thing still more systematic:  if the Earth had ever been visited, our aim would be to find proof.   He stressed that his was purely a personal interest, which had to remain confid­ential, but as he’s since left the Army that no longer applies.

    We tightened up my approach into four categories of poss­ible evidence.   Category A would be our objective, an artifact of unquestionably extraterrestrial origin.   Category B would be optical or electromagnetic anomalies pinpointing such an object  (like the Tycho monolith in 2001);  Category D would be the ‘von Daniken material’ of legends, drawings etc. which were no use except in suggesting areas to search for other types of evidence.   But Alan pressed me to include a new category, C, which would be anomalous astronomical alignments in man-made structures – anomalous because they revealed knowledge which the builders should not have had.   For example, on high-reso­lution photographs of Stonehenge, he had identified markings which seemed to indicate galactic alignments.

    I wasn’t impressed at first.   I had studied megalithic astro­nomy under a leading expert, Prof. Archie Roy, and seen nothing unusual;  there was no correlation even with Category D;  and when I did the calculations, the markings Alan had found didn’t seem to be galactic.   At the time when he put this to me, circa 1975, it was supposed that Stone­henge I was built in 1800 BC, near the end of the Stone Age in Britain  (not many people realise that Stonehenge was one of the last megaliths), with Stonehenge III, the inner circle, still later in the Bronze Age.   Soon afterwards, however, Archie Roy himself published an article from which we learned that the radio­carbon dating scale had been revised, pushing Stonehenge I back from 1800 BC to 2700 BC.   Further revision made it c.2840 BC, and that radically changed the whole position.

    Archaeoastronomy at Stonehenge.

    Fig. 2A shows the celestial sphere as viewed by an observer in the northern hemisphere.   The altitude of the pole above the northern horizon is equal to the observer’s latitude, and the heavenly bodies circle around it, parallel to the equator, with the daily rotation of the Earth.   The altitude of a body above the horizon, and its azimuth measured along the horizon from the north point, change constantly as the Earth turns.   Apart from the circumpolar stars, which are too near the pole to rise and set, everything else rises in the east and sets in the west at a position which is determined by the declination of the object, measured from the equator  (Fig. 2B).   Where the dec­lination equals the observer’s latitude, the star passes over­head once a day.

    Horizon positional astronomy was all the Stonehenge build­ers could do  (Fig. 3).   Stonehenge I incorporated the ditch, bank, Avenue, Heelstone and Station Stones;  what most people think of as ‘Stonehenge’ are the great sarsen archways of the inner circle, Stonehenge III, erected in the early Bronze Age.   It’s universally agreed that the Stonehenge Avenue and the later structure both mark the midsummer sunrise.   But few arch­aeologists agree with Gerald S. Hawkins that the ‘Station Stones’ of Stonehenge I mark the extreme positions of the Moon’s 18.6 year cycle;10  and still fewer with Prof. Alexander Thom, that the megalith builders had a soph­isticated programme of lunar observatories, spread over the British Isles.11   Person­ally, I’m convinced;  I’ve even built a modern megalith, under the auspices of Glasgow Parks Dept., to compare its per­formance with the prehistoric sites, and demonstrated that high precision could have been achieved by naked-eye observations.12

    When it comes to star alignments, the position is more complex.   Because the Earth’s equatorial plane doesn’t coin­cide with the Ecliptic, nor with the orbit of the Moon, the com­bined pulls of the Sun and Moon on Earth’s equatorial bulge cause the Earth’s axis to ‘wobble’ around the Ecliptic Pole with a period of 26,000 years  (Fig. 4).   13,000 years ago the north pole star was Vega in Lyra, and 5,000 years ago it was Thuban in Draco, at the time of Stonehenge I.   The pull makes the equator move around the Ecliptic, constantly changing the position of the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes  (Precession of the Equinoxes).   As a result a star’s declination is const­antly changing – like­wise its Right Ascension, which is mea­sured from the Vernal Equinox along the equator, in the same direction as the Sun’s motion on the Ecliptic shown by the arrows in Fig. 2(B).

    Astronomers can partly get round the problem of coordinate change by giving star positions in Ecliptic Latitude, which remains constant, and Ecliptic Longitude, which changes smooth­ly with time.   But for coordinates which are fixed over human time-spans, even the spans of civilisations, we have to use Galactic Latitude and Lon­g­itude, whose zero point is the Galactic Centre and whose pole lies on the perpendicular to the plane of the Milky Way  (Fig. 5).

    On the high-resolution photographs of Stonehenge Alan Evans pointed out a curious horseshoe-shaped marking on the north­west, cutting the bank and overlying Station Stone 93  (Fig. 3).   It’s not on official plans and may not be sig­nif­icant:  the photos were taken in 1966, eight years after one of the fallen trilithon archways was re-erected, and the ‘horse­shoe’ coincides at least in part with the tracks of the heavy mach­inery used then.   We have located a smaller version of it in a prewar aerial photo, but it’s still historically suspect.   Still earlier photos, taken by balloon, show a similar but different pattern.10   But the relationship the horseshoe pointed out to us was real enough.

    As Fig. 3 shows, the orientation of the horseshoe is to the rising point of the Galactic Centre, and of the Galactic Equator’s intersection with the Ecliptic, c.2840 BC.   Even more extraordinarily, it turns out that the declination of the North Galactic Pole was then equal to the latitude of Stone­henge.   Consequently, when the Galactic Centre was on the horizon, the Galactic Pole was in the zenith and the Galactic Equator coincided with the horizon  (Fig. 6).

    It would be remarkable if that was a coincidence, but if it’s not coincidence, it’s an extraordinary finding.   The Galactic Centre is 27,000 light-years from us and hidden behind dense clouds of absorbing dust in the inner regions of the Milky Way, so its location cannot be pinpointed visually, only with a radiotelescope.   Until you know exactly where the Centre is, you can’t determine the true plane of the Galactic Equator and the true positions of the Galactic Poles.   At the Moscow General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in 1958, new values for the positions of the poles and the Centre were officially adopted, based on the distribution of neutral hydrogen in the inner Milky Way and study of the radio source Sagittarius A.   Prev­ious optical studies had suggested the Centre was in Scorpius, so it was a big change.   Maps using the old galactic coordin­ates were still on sale as late as 1963, with addenda giving corrections to the new system.13    Yet apparently the builders of Stonehenge knew exactly where the Galactic Centre was, or took their cue from something or somebody or who did.

    In this context, why are galactic coordinates so import­ant?   Imagine a spacecraft travelling be­tween the stars.   Its attitude sensing platform might be orien­ted to its home world – its own Right Ascension and dec­lination – or its home planetary system, its own Ecliptic co­ord­inates.   But neither will be relevant when it enters our Solar System:  the only coordinate system common to its system and ours is the galactic one.   In any manoeuvres or landings it made here, you would expect it to navigate in galactic co­ord­inates;  and if it chose a landing site on the declination of the galactic pole, then once a day the azimuth and altitude of any star, measured from the rising point of the Galactic Centre, would correspond to its galactic coordinates, like B’s in Fig.6.   If the spacecraft’s attitude-sensing platform was fixed, built into its structure, it would still be correctly lined up with the sky once a day.

    So if the horseshoe marking is modern, its ‘prehistoric’ align­ment might be a curious coincidence.   What looks more likely, on Fig. 3, is that there was something in the centre of Stone­henge I, which was gone by the building of Stone­henge II and III.   In fact, after Stonehenge I was built, around 2700 BC the site was abandoned for over 200 years while the same neolithic people built the much larger complex of Avebury and Silbury Hill, due north of Stonehenge itself.14

    What would annoy archaeologists, who don’t even admit most ‘con­ventional’ archaeoastronomy, is the suggestion that the Stonehenge orientation is galactic at all.   I looked for an optical marker, something which would have let the builders create Stonehenge without knowing about galactic coordinates or even without a spacecraft necessarily being there.   And I found one, but it didn’t exactly make the alignments less con­tro­versial.   The star which had the same declination as the North Galactic Pole in 2840 BC, equal to the latitude of Stone­henge, was Epsilon Boötis itself.

    It was so hard to believe, when I’d abandoned the Epsilon Boötis ‘translation’ of the radio patterns, that I arranged to see for myself, twice in the planetarium of the Jewel & Esk College in Musselburgh, then all over again at the much larger one in Armagh.   It feels extraordinary to see such findings, worked out with long pages of calculations, simulated on the planet­arium ‘sky’ overhead.   With the date set for 2840 BC, at the Stonehenge latitude, the Milky Way really does line up with the horizon once a day and Epsilon Boötis really does go through the zenith as well, earlier each day.

    The Ecliptic and the Pyramids.

    But Alan Evans has a strong intuitive grasp of spatial re­lat­ion­ships, and he had found another which he wanted me to verify.   Projected north, the alignment of Station Stones 94-91, and 93-92, meets the Arctic Circle at a tangent  (Fig. 7).   As the Earth turns, when the Ecliptic Pole comes overhead at that tan­gential point, those stones mark the Ecliptic Meridian passing through Stonehenge.   And when that line is projected south, it meets the equator due south of the Egyptian ‘Memphite Necropolis’, containing the great pyramids of Giza.   Putting it another way, the Ecliptic merid­ian through Stone­henge meets the prime meridian of Giza at the equator.   And Alan realised this created another extraordinary relation­ship:  at midsummer sunrise at Stone­henge, the one alignment there which even the sceptics recog­nise, the Vernal Equinox was on the prime meridian at Giza.

    That one can’t be verified optically in a planetarium with the same certainty, because the tilt of the Earth’s axis to the equator is not constant, varying between 22 and 24 degrees.15   In 2840 BC it was near maximum, and has since declined by over half a degree.   None of the planetaria we’ve used could allow for that, but the relationship is extremely close, even today.  I had my calculations confirmed by Paul Benson, then curator of Airdrie Observatory;  and more recently Alan had it all done from scratch by Peter Tyler, (of the Posi­tional Services Dept. of GECO-PRAKLA, Oslo, a leading internat­ional seismic survey company), who confirmed that around 2700 BC the alignment was close.   In his calculations the margin of error was less than one-fifth of a degree;  my own put it even closer.

    The oldest feat­ures of all at Stonehenge lie over the brow of the hill, northwest from the circle.  The ‘Car Park Post Holes’ held huge vertical tree trunks or totem poles, and radio­carbon dating has them as old as 8000 BC.16   Even that was a mystery:  it was believed that the first mesolithic settlers reached Britain long after the Ice Age, around 6000 BC,17  but now we know that people returned to Britain as soon as the glaciers retreated.    It’s possible that the weathering on the Bluestones of Stone­henge II, which were brought from the Prescelly Mountains in Wales, makes them older and perhaps once erected elsewhere;  that could have been any time after they were first exposed to the atmosphere around 12,000 BC.18   The ice sheets never covered Stonehenge and Pres­celly, even at their greatest extent in 20,000 BC.15

    As Alan Evans pointed out, the Ecliptic Meridian passes through the line of Post Holes,19 on the line of stones 92-93  (fig. 3).   If there really was a space­craft, and its attitude sensing plat­form was relating our ecliptic and celestial co-ordinates to the gal­actic ones, then if galac­tic alignments determined the latitude of the touchdown site on Salisbury Plain, then the ecliptic ones show an intent­ion to go to Egypt afterwards, which determined the longitude and brought it down at the future site of Stone­henge I – which raises the interest­ing speculation, were the Posts still standing at that time, as if to mark the landing place?   Below, we’ll see some reason to think that might have been their intended purpose, at least.

    The next question is, are any of the Stonehenge galactic align­ments repeated at the Old Kingdom Egyptian pyramids?   The Step Pyramid at Saq­qara, whose longitude is one-tenth of a degree east of Giza’s, was the first stone build­ing in the world, created around 2650 BC by the architect Imhotep for the pharaoh Djoser (Fig. 9).  Imho­tep changed the design several times during con­struct­ion, and some arch­aeologists suggest that he filled in the steps with rubble and faced them with lime­stone, to give the illusion of a true pyr­a­mid.27   (The next two, intended to be true pyramids, were par­tial failures before the Great Pyramid’s builders got it right.)

    And if the Step Pyramid was originally faced in that way, then as nearly as we can measure it, a perpendicular line up the north face met the prime meridian at the declination of the southern intercept between the galactic equator and the eclip­tic, marked I2 in Fig. 3 – one of the same alignments we’d found at Stonehenge.   But, extraordinary as all this was, we were still a long way from our goal;  we knew what we wanted to do next, but it was beyond our financial means.   So we with­held public­ation, until April 1996, when a whole new situation developed.

    The Pyramids and the Sphinx.

    Archaeoastronomers are in some ways remarkably conservative.   Their own ideas about science in ancient society are rejected by many astronomers and most archaeologists;  in consequence, they refuse to entertain any more controversial notions, such as a previously unknown civilisation on Earth, or extraterrest­rial visitors.   I suggested to the 1996 Edinburgh Internat­ional Science Festival that we organise a seminar on ‘Heresies in Archaeoastronomy’, examining the ideas that were too contro­versial even for archaeoastronomers to consider.   Prof. Archie Roy gallantly agreed to introduce it, and not surprisingly it drew a capacity audience.   Naturally, Alan Evans was there to present his paper on the Ecliptic meridian.20

    Another participant was Robert Bauval, whose book “The Orion Mystery”21 suggested that the three giant pyramids of Giza not only incorporated star alignments in their so-called ‘air-shafts’  (Fig. 8), but represented the stars of Orion’s Belt mapped on to the landscape.   When Alan Evans checked their findings, he found that the same shaft which marked the meridian transit of Alnitak, the left-hand star of Orion’s Belt, also marked the transit of the Galactic Centre.   So of the two galactic alignments marked at Stonehenge, one was incorporated into the Step Pyramid and the other into the Great one.

    Robert had now collaborated with Graham Hancock on a new book, “Keeper of Genesis”, based on the possibly great age of the Sphinx.   The apparent evid­ence of water erosion sug­gests that the Sphinx and its flanking temples were built as long ago as 10,500 BC, when Egypt last had a wet climate towards the end of the Ice Age.22    The Vernal Equinox was then in the constellation Leo, and Robert and Graham suggest that the Sphinx was built to face its counterpart in the sky.   Furthermore, the orientation of the Belt stars to the Milky Way cor­responds to the Pyramids’ in rel­a­tion to the Nile – not when they themselves were built, but when the Sphinx was carved out 8000 years before.

    In 10,500 BC, as far as we know, the Nile delta was inhab­ited only by hunter-gatherers, wholly lacking the techno­logy to carve out the Sphinx and build the temples in 200-ton blocks.   In a previous book Graham Hancock tried to get round this by sug­gest­ing a world-spanning civilisation, unknown to us, which lasted over 8000 years and was based on the coast of Antarc­tica.23   It used to be thought that the Antarctic coast was ice-free during the Ice Age in the northern hemisphere;  how­ever, that idea had been attacked by the early 1980’s15 and more recent Antarctic surveys continue to stack up evidence against it.   And it’s very hard to believe that such a world-spanning, long-lasting civilisation would leave so little evidence behind.

    Graham couldn’t attend the Edinburgh seminar, but he and Robert were both in Glasgow three weeks later and I was able to arrange a continuation, in which we went to the planet­arium at the College of Nautical Studies.  First I showed them what Alan Evans and I had discovered, and when they saw the galactic align­ment at Stonehenge I, Robert Bauval made an extraordinary remark, which I’ll come back to in a moment.

    Then, holding the date c.2700 BC, we shifted to the lati­tude of Giza, and verified Robert’s calculations for “The Orion Myst­ery”.   It had never occurred to him to do so in this way, and he was as moved as I had been at seeing the lay­out of the ancient skies for himself – especially since everything he had calculated was confirmed.   So too were the “Keeper” calculat­ions for 10,500 BC, Leo, Orion and the Sphinx, when we moved the setting back to that date.   When the Sun rose below Leo at the Vernal Equinox in 10,500 BC, Orion was on the meridian, and the orientation of the Belt stars to the Milky Way matched that of the Giza pyramids to the Nile 8,000 years later.   Whatever its significance, that claim is true:  we saw it with our own eyes, re-enacted.

    But when I showed the galactic orientation of Stonehenge I, and explained what it might mean in terms of an ET landing, Rob­ert’s show-stopping remark was, “It’s the same at Giza in 10,500 BC, we just didn’t know what it meant.”   Now the time had come to verify that.   Once again, if it was true at all, it would be true once a day, every day, at that latitude and date.   So, just by let­ting the stars wheel on, we verified it at once.   At Giza, in 10,500 BC, due to the effect of pre­cession, the same gal­actic relationship existed as at Stone­henge c.2840.   Once a day, the sky took up the same Fig. 6 configuration, with the galactic pole in the zenith and the plane of the Milky Way coinciding with the horizon.   We saw it for ourselves:  like a galactic ‘compass rose’ at each location, but separated by eight millennia in time.

    But in that case, what was happening then at Stonehenge?

    We kept the date at 10,500 BC, and the custodian took the plan­et­arium ‘back up’ to the latitude of Stonehenge.   Having no idea what to look for, once again we just let the stars wheel freely around, through a normal day.   And Epsilon Boötis went through the zenith!   It was doing that daily in 10,500 BC, when the galactic alignments were in force at Giza, and the effect of precession on it, over the next 8000 years, was to bring it back to the Stonehenge zenith, as an optical marker for the same galactic alignments at Stonehenge itself when Stone­henge I was created.   Unless it’s all coincidence, it can only mean that the events of 2840-2500 BC represented a return to both sites.   And the first, 10,500 BC date goes along with the ‘approx­imately 13,000 years ago’ given by Arcturus’s posi­tion in that first map of my 1973 ‘trans­lation’, fig. 1(A).   If that map meant any­thing, it would have to be as a time marker, not a navigational reference as I thought.

    It still isn’t Category A evidence, the artefact of indis­put­ably extra­terrestrial origin, nor the Category B anomaly that leads us to it.   In this context, Category C might stand for ‘circum­stantial’.   But I can’t believe that all those circumstances are coincid­ental;  these multiple high-tech astronomical alignments are, in my opinion, the best evid­ence for Past Contact ever put forward.   The syn­er­gistic com­bination of our research with Bauval and Hancock’s has con­vinced me that we’re on the track of something big.

    It left two questions to answer:

    1.  What about the Green Children?

    In the September 1996 Analog I suggested Past Contact in 12th century England.  Is there a connection?   There’s one I pointed out in that article.   The latter half of the 12th cen­t­ury AD featured the most violent solar activity since the Bronze Age, indicated by aurorae, car­bon-14 ratios, tree-rings etc.24   And that previous peak was a triple one, between 2700 and 1800 BC, covering the building of Avebury, the Pyramids, Stone­henge II and Stonehenge III.   It may be coin­cid­ence;  but it’s interesting that it was the case in both hist­orical per­iods which I’d consider candidates for Contact events.

    Even more remarkably, however, Alan Evans discovered that during the crucial years of the 12th century, between the Second Crusade and the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin, Jerusalem too had the same galactic alignment as Stonehenge I and Giza in 10,500 BC.   At that point, the three enquiries – in the three very different areas of ancient positional astronomy, mediaeval history and the 1920s radio echoes – are actually three aspects of the same enquiry.   It’s still circumstantial, all of it, but it looks as if it may add up to something very significant.

    2.  So what about the Space Probe?

    Optical searches of the Lagrange points in the late 1970s found nothing.   But in April 1995 Dr. Duncan Steel drew atten­tion to the dis­covery, at Kitt Peak in Arizona, of a most unusual ast­eroid de­s­ig­nated 1991 VG.   In December 1991 it passed Earth at a distance of only 485,000 miles.  Its diameter was est­im­ated at 9-19 metres, as­sum­ing that it was made of one of the more common ast­eroidal rocks.  However, observ­ations at clos­est approach suggested “strong, rapid bright­ness variations which can be interpreted as trans­ient specular reflections from the surfaces of a rotating spacecraft”.25

    During the space age 1991 VG would have passed only twice be­fore, in February-March 1975 and in mid-1958 – possibly 1959, if the 1975 approach altered the orbit.   Nothing that big was launched in 1958-59, nor in 1975;  the European Helios 1 was launched in December 1974, but its carrier’s upper stage did not escape from the Earth into orbit round the Sun.   Per­haps, instead, 1991 VG was orbiting Earth then, until it was ‘dis­cov­ered’ and moved away before any­thing more ser­ious happened.

    But when it comes backin 2017, let’s hope that a major attempt is made to look at it.   The solar-sailing ‘Comet-chaser’ Gordon Ross and I sug­gested here would be ideal,26 but it can be done by conventional means:  NEAR, the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous, is to orbit the asteroid Eros shortly, and Europe’s Rosetta probe is to do the same with a short-per­iod comet after 2000;  NASA’s Deep Space 4 will reach Comet Tempel in 2006, and a Japanese probe will reach asteroid Nereus the same year.   1991 VG should be next on the list.


    1.  Duncan Lunan, ‘Space Probe from Epsilon Boötis?’, Analog XCII, 5, 66-84, January 1974.

    2.  – , ‘Long-Delayed Echoes and the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis’, Journal of the Society of Electronic and Radio Technicians, 10, 8, 180-182, September 1976.

    3.  Ronald N. Bracewell, ‘Manifestations of Advanced Civilis­ations’, in John Billingham, ed., “Life in the Universe”, MIT Press, 1981.

    4.  James Strong, “Flight to the Stars”, Temple Press, 1965.

    5.  George Sassoon, ‘A Correlation of Long-Delay Radio Echoes and the Moon’s Orbit’, Spaceflight, 16, 7, 258-265, July 1974.

    6.  Anthony T. Lawton, Sydney J. Newton, ‘Long Delayed Echoes:  the Search for a Solution’, Spaceflight 16, 5, 181-187, May 1974.

    7.  Robert A. Freitas, Jr., Francisco Valdes, ‘A Search for Natural or Artific­ial Objects Located at the Earth-Moon Libration Points’, Icarus 42, 442-447  (1980);  ‘A Search for Objects near the Earth-Moon Lagrangian Points’, Icarus 53, 453-457  (1983).

    8.  James R. Wertz, ‘Interstellar Navigation’, Spaceflight, 14, 206-216, June 1972.

    9.  Duncan Lunan, “Man and the Stars”, Souvenir Press 1974;  US editions “Interstellar Contact”, Henry Regnery Co., 1975, “The Mysterious Signals from Outer Space”, Bantam, 1977.

    10.  Gerald S. Hawkins, “Stonehenge Decoded”, Souvenir Press, 1966.

    11.  A.Thom, “Megalithic Sites in Britain”, Oxford University Press, 1967;  “Megalithic Lunar Observatories”, OUP, 1971;  (with A.S. Thom), “Megalithic Remains in Britain and Brittany”, OUP, 1978.

    12.  Duncan Lunan, ‘Solar Events at Sighthill’, Griffith Observer, 50, 6, 2-11, 20, June 1986.

    13.  J. Gall Inglis, Arthur P. Norton, “Star Atlas”, 14th edition, Gall & Inglis, 1959.

    14.  Dates for the various construction phases at Stonehenge remain in some dispute;  Aubrey Burl, “Prehistoric Avebury”, Yale University Press, 1979, puts the earliest construction around 2800 BC, as do the Thoms  (ref.19), with no further work until c.2150 BC.   Some recent reports compress the building into one continuous process;  yet there seems to be clear evidence for an interruption, during which the Stonehenge I ditch silted up, although its discoverer put the event strangely far back, dating it at 3100 BC, well before the starting dates given elsewhere.   (Christopher Chippendale, ‘Life around Stonehenge’, New Scientist, 101, 1404, 12-17, 5 April 1984).

    15.  Fred Hoyle, “Ice”, Hutchinson, 1981.

    16.  Sean O’Neill, ‘Totem Poles Give Pointer to Siting of Stonehenge’, The Daily Telegraph, 28 June 1996.

    17.  Robert Dawson Scott, ‘Silent Power from a Time of the Ancients’, The Daily Telegraph, 10th January 1997.

    18.  Nigel Hawkes, ‘Stonehenge Dating Dispels Icesheet Theory’, The Times, 5 December 1994.

    19.  A. Thom, A.S. Thom and A. Thom, ‘Stonehenge’, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 5, 13, 71-90  (June 1974).

    20.  A.C. Evans, ‘The Three Dimensional Grid’, paper presented at ‘Heresies in Archaeoastronomy’, Edinburgh International Science Festival, 16th April 1995.

    21.  Robert Bauval & Adrian Gilbert, “The Orion Mystery”, Heinemann, 1994.

    22.  Robert Bauval & Graham Hancock, “Keeper of Genesis”, Heinemann, 1996.

    23.  Graham Hancock, “Fingerprints of the Gods”, Heinemann, 1995.

    24.  John A. Eddy, ‘The Case of the Missing Sunspots’, Scien­tific American, 236, 5, 80-88 & 92, May 1977;  ‘The Maunder Minimum’, Science, 192, 4245, 1189-1202  (18th June, 1976.)

    25.  Duncan Steel, ‘SETA and 1991 VG’, The Observatory, April 1995;  ‘Of Asteroids and Aliens’, The Skeptic, 15, 1, 9-10  (1995).

    26.  Duncan Lunan, ‘Keep Watching the Skies!’, Analog, CXIV, 12, 70-84, October 1994.

    27.  I.E.S. Edwards, “The Pyramids of Egypt”, Penguin, 1947.

    2023 07 08 17 43
    2023 07 08 17 43
    2023 07 08 17 44e
    2023 07 08 17 44e

    Do you believe that love avoids problems?

    In 2016, Kanye West had a $52 million debt and everyone turned their backs on him. His wife Kim created a game called Kimoji that generated 80 million dollars, with this transferred 52 million to her common account cleaning up her husband’s debts.

    main qimg a957d3fd690e549d4e82b2aa397ac943 pjlq
    main qimg a957d3fd690e549d4e82b2aa397ac943 pjlq

    Today Kanye, thanks to the sales of his Yeezy product line, has a fortune of more than almost 2 billion dollars.

    A man also needs an intelligent and strong woman who will stand by his side, regardless of the situation at the time. What would Kanye be without his wife’s support?

    Raw Feed of the Dark Knight from China

    This is RAW feed from a Chinese satellite used for land surveying. The image is NOT captured by camera. Only the background is captured by the camera. Instead, the “collision avoidance radar” captured the 3D object in the foreground and rendered it in this clip. Thus you have a rendered 3D object overlay over the satellite camera background.

    The clip is a Chinese commentator discussing the object and its features.

    It is part of a much larger video clip which also includes other anomalous objects captured by an array of Chinese satellites.

    The Black Night is the conventional name for this object that is believed to be an extraterrestrial vehicle in orbit around the earth for the last 11,000 years.

    There are clearer photographs of this object in great detail, but they only show one singular side. This clip is unique as the entire shape is rendered and we can observe how it travels in orbit around the earth, though without the photographic clarity that the NASA photo has.

    Update on Gonzalo Lira and other USA insanity

    For those of you who are new to MM, please take note.

    We provide information, and actual intel not found anywhere else here

    But, we immerse it in a deep salty mix of random (but fun) posts, videos, and food. It is very effective in stopping the “troll bots”, and other internet denizens that everyone assumes are organic, but are actually government-instigated interrupter agents.

    Though, I do get an occasional stray bullet or two.


    We do have an above average count of visitors. Many are cloaked, or disguised. Nothing like the millions that Drudge pulls in, or the thousands that MoA gets, but about on par with Remus’s old Woodpile Report (back in the day).

    This is an intentionally suppressed and avoided website; it’s not hidden, just “in the grey”. No one (who is smart) “touches it”. It’s “electric” if you know what I mean.

    Very few reference it. Ron’s UNZ (with respectful disclaimers), CGTN (with special caveats), and a cross-linked network of bloggers.

    So, enjoy.

    Lots and lots of odd, unusual, cool and interesting stuff on MM.

    The important bits are accumulative. Over time, you see the REAL picture, free of the distortion lens. And that makes it atomic.

    You’ll find some stuff here that will go against the main steam “news” and the alternative “news”, but it’s real. Plow through the haystack to find the needle that lies within.

    It will take time. So be patient.

    We start with this…

    Green Acres – Hot Water Soup

    A classic.

    Punishing Sanctions

    Xi to Biden:

    Do you really want to hamper our chip producing companies?


    China curbs critical metal exports in retaliation for Western restrictions on chip industry

    China on Monday ordered export restrictions on two technology-critical elements in retaliation for new Western sanctions on its semiconductor industry.

    The restrictions, which take effect on August 1, will apply to gallium and germanium metals and several of their compounds, which are key materials for making semiconductors and other electronics.

    The Ministry of Commerce said in a statement that the export controls on gallium- and germanium-related items were necessary “to safeguard national security and interests”.

    Exporters in China will need to apply for permission from the ministry, with information about the end users and how the materials will be used.

    Gallium and germanium are used in lots of electronic components. AESA (active electronically scanned array) radars used on modern warships and fighter airplanes can not be made without those metals. China produces some 95% of those available on the global market.

    It will take one or two years until the currently available stocks outside of China are diminished. But it takes much longer to open up new mining and processing facilities for replacement of the Chinese production. The processes used therein are quite dirty. A not-in-my-backyard attitude will make any setup of new facilities difficult to pursue.

    The situation will soon become similar to the titanium market where Russia is the biggest global supplier but has restricted access for certain customers.

    This is just one of many cards China (and Russia) can play in their anti-sanction games.

    The U.S. is reaching the limits of its sanction power.

    Posted by b at 7:21 UTC | Comments (143)

    Can China develop its own chip industry?


    Its happening much faster than you think.

    Over 2022 and 2023 China has intentionally cancelled in excess of USD 100 billion worth of Chips from the U.S.

    You see the majority of the chip business like every businesses is highly skewed toward the lower end higher cut throat business with the higher end more profitable being a minute proportion of total business.

    Just like 1000–3000 cc automobiles totalling 99.9% of the world’s car market and 4–6000 cc representing 0.1% of the business.

    That is where the U.S. chip strategy of the U.S. gets into serious problems. The U.S. thought naively and simplistically that China will suffer if it bans China from buying the high end chips. True China over a 3–5 years range may encounter some inconvenience but in the 5–10 years range China will have developed an alternatives which is faster, better, smaller and cheaper and wrecked the U.S. business all together.

    Meanwhile the U.S. is being totally haunted by China cancelling orders of the 99.9% business. Chip companies at that level is imploding and losing a ton of sales. Most companies have collapsed and depending on tax payers subsidies. If you understand today’s technology and production. There are say 100 parts of materials and parts of the chips. China actually is responsible for a good 60–70% of these and say 5% comes from the U.S. China simply replace all the U.S. parts.

    Some by Chinese technologies and others by US competitors. Not only has the U.S. lost the entire bread and butter chip business it is now suffering severe shortages in most US industry.

    The harm China’s counter action is destroying the U.S. industry while China has a short term pain and long term gain for the higher end chips. Once again the short sighted nature and the hubris of the U.S. government is laughable. Those who really understand the business equate the U.S. action like shooting both its own foot to scratch China’s shine.

    By replacing the 99.9% market chips US parts, China could reduce its cost and improves its profit. And with this it focus R&D fully on the 0.1% business to replace the U.S. within 5–10 years.

    Why are the “unsafe” and “unprofessional” incidents mentioned by US officials recently all happened near China’s airspace and territorial waters, rather than near those of other countries?

    The United States today has been so diseased, and so damaged, that it resembles a drug addict with dementia shuffling along a street and throwing insults at the normal people walking on the sidewalks.

    Experienced people, know that it is important to avoid this madman.

    You walk on the other side of the street. You hope that someday, some compassionate person will imprison this ranting lunatic and put them in a place with care and proper treatment. But it is beyond your control. There is nothing you (personally) can do. You accept the madman at face value; useless. A poison inside society, and one that needs to be quarantined.

    However, for now, all you can do is ignore his actions.

    Gilligan’s Island – The Lie Detector

    The “good ol’ days”.

    BRI introduces key tenets of Chinese philosophy to wider world

    By Martin Jacques Published: Jun 18, 2023 07:57 PM A view of the construction of Peljesac Bridge in Komarna, Croatia on July 28, 2021.Photo:

    VCGEditor’s Note:

    This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping. Through the lens of foreign pundits, we take a look at 10 years of the BRI – how it achieves win-win cooperation between China and countries along the Belt and Road and how it increases people’s sense of fulfillment in these countries.

    “China became a powerful voice on behalf of the developing countries, not just by word but crucially by deed,” wrote Martin Jacques, a visiting professor at the Institute of Modern International Relations at Tsinghua University and a senior fellow at the China Institute, Fudan University. 

    This is the first article of the series.

    When the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was first proposed 10 years ago, as well as much anticipation, there was considerable puzzlement. “What is it?” was a widely asked question. And quite reasonably so. Because it was like nothing we had seen before. This was not a plan with fixed dates. There was nothing concrete. There were no boundaries. There was no end date. In every sense it was open-ended. It was an idea, a concept. It was a totally new and original way of thinking about a project. Furthermore, it was on the hugest of scales, encompassing the great majority of the world’s population. 

    We have never seen anything like this before. The nearest was America’s Marshall Aid plan between 1947 and 1952, but that was puny in comparison. Its inspiration, if anywhere, lay in China’s own past and such extraordinary feats as the Great Wall and the Grand Canal.

    The point of departure for the idea of BRI was a reflection on China’s own economic transformation. What lessons might be drawn from this for the developing world? What could the developing countries learn from it? At the heart of China’s transformation was state-led, large-scale investment in infrastructure. If it worked for China, then why not for others? Most of the Eurasian land mass, together with Africa and Latin America, suffered from a disabling shortage of infrastructure. BRI would seek to change that. China would be the hub of the project. It would consist of a multitude of bilateral agreements between China and the developing countries, with China providing the funding, typically in the form of loans. The response has been enormous with 151 countries now participating in BRI.

    If many scratched their heads in puzzlement about BRI when it was first announced, this has long ceased to be the case. Everyone now knows in varying degrees what it is about. In 10 short years, it has become part of the global geo-economic firmament, no less than the IMF and the World Bank. Let’s remind ourselves where China was in 2013 when it was first launched. The country was in the process during which the overriding priority had been China’s own economic development; it was quiescent on the global stage, seeking to keep a low profile, a rule-taker not a rule-maker, famous for its extraordinary economic growth rate but not for its international initiatives, which it sought to avoid. Little did we know at the time, but the launch of BRI was to signal a huge shift in China’s relationship with the world. It marked the moment of China’s coming out. And it was to prove remarkably successful. It is not an exaggeration to argue that over the decade of its existence it has changed the world. 

    In what ways?

    First, BRI promoted the question of development to a position of fundamental centrality on the global stage. The West had always paid little more than lip-service to the developing world, which it looked down upon and treated in an exploitative, paternalistic, and authoritarian manner. BRI offered a new kind of solution for the developing countries. And in the process the developing world came to occupy an increasingly important position on the global stage. 

    Second, BRI forged a new kind of relationship between China and the developing world. China came to be seen as the champion of the developing countries. It became a powerful voice on behalf of the developing countries, not just by word but crucially by deed. 

    Third, BRI paved the way for a new kind of global alignment and, as a result, a new kind of global politics. The relationship between China and the developing world is not based on a shared view of politics or ideology, nor military alliances, but on the most important issue facing the great majority of the world’s population, that of development. This is entirely different from the West’s approach. BRI has been the agency and stage for this shift, which we see expressed in many different ways. One example is the very independent attitude of the Global South towards the Ukraine war. BRI has heralded the rise of geo-economics as a new force in geo-politics.

    Fourth, BRI has introduced, for the first time, key tenets of Chinese philosophy to the wider world. For over two centuries the language and concepts of international relations and politics have been exclusively Western. That era is now well and truly over. With BRI has come new ways of conceptualising: the ability to think in truly global terms because development is quintessentially a global issue; a very different idea of time, with timescales hugely longer – far from being limited to a few years, or at most a decade as in the Western mind, in the case of BRI we must think in terms of half a century, or even without any time limits at all, such is the challenge of development. Then, of course, we have the idea of win-win relationships rather than zero-sum thinking. Then there is China’s concept of a human community with a shared future, with BRI its living embodiment, that encourages us to think beyond the narrow constraints of the nation-state. BRI is like a crash course in Chinese philosophy. 

    Fifth, BRI is an entirely new kind of international institution. The international system has been dominated by US-style institutions, like the IMF and the World Bank, whose distinctive characteristic is that they represent and speak on behalf of a small minority of humanity. BRI, in contrast, is a new kind of international institution that seeks to represent 85 percent of the world who live in the developing world. In other words, it offers a glimpse of a very different kind of international system in which the interests of the majority rather than the minority predominate.

    BRI comprises the great majority of the world’s nations. They are drawn from across Eurasia – including Central Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and parts of Europe – together with Africa and Latin America. China’s non-financial outbound direct investment to countries along the Belt and Road since 2013 had exceeded $140 billion by the end of June, 2022. It is important to see BRI as a dynamic institution, one that is constantly moving and changing as the world itself changes. In the initial phase, the main emphasis was on very large-scale infrastructural projects, but alongside these, SMEs, environmental and climatic needs, digital technology, and green projects have been acquiring growing significance. An obvious example of how BRI can ebb and flow depending on the wider environment was the pandemic which inevitably led to a period of significantly reduced Chinese investment. Or take a very different example. The Ukraine war has necessitated a new emphasis on maritime routes. For the time being some of the rail routes have been affected – most obviously in Ukraine.

    What then, finally, of the Western response.

    The US initially dismissed BRI as irrelevant. But, as a growing number of countries signed up for BRI, it became impossible to ignore, so the US then shifted its emphasis and sought to undermine it, accusing China of debt diplomacy.

    The contrary, in fact, was the case.

    China has gone to great lengths to help countries avoid getting into deep debt. What could China gain from seeing countries becoming debt-ridden: it would defeat the whole object of BRI.

    With the overwhelming success of BRI, the West has finally come to recognize that it needs to offer an alternative to BRI. But there is little or no sign that the West, be it the US or EU, or the two combined, has the commitment, the resources, or the political conviction to come up with a viable alternative.

    It would require a huge shift in the West’s attitude towards the developing world, one which is patently not forthcoming. After 10 years, the West has nothing to offer. BRI is the only show in town. And what an extraordinary show it has been.

    Why are you glad that you are not living in America?

    My wife and I moved from Texas to Scotland earlier this year. 3 weeks ago we had our first child.

    Why am I glad we’re not living in America?

    • Total medical and dental bills for the birth of our child came out to £0 (that’s $0 when the current exchange rate is applied). The Scottish government even sent us a large baby box with starter supplies and toys, also at no cost to us.
    • I’m not worried about my daughter being a victim of gun violence here. I grew up 20 minutes from Thousand Oaks in California where there was yet another mass shooting just yesterday. That doesn’t happen here.
    • I’m not worried about my daughter ever being homeless or not being offered any social resources that she may need to achieve a basic standard of health and life.
    • Even with Brexit in the cards, I’m not at all worried about the UK becoming a dictatorship. The US could seemingly go either way at this point in time and that scares me.
    • I’m glad that people here don’t seem to have the keeping up with the Joneses mentality like they do in the US. Here people don’t flaunt wealth, it’s something to be a bit embarrassed about. And that leads to more realistic goals and general focus on what matters in life.

    Scotland seems much more to me like the land of the free than where I’m from.

    Why, you ask? Basically, I’m tired of getting the occasional troll or angry comment from someone (typically American but not always) who has taken great offense to my answer because they love America and clearly I must not.

    For one, the question answered here doesn’t ask me what I miss from America or what I think America does better than other countries. Hint to those trolls – the answer to that is not “everything”. No country does everything the best and anyone who thinks that is deluding themselves.

    Secondly, I’ve laid out some fairly clear facts around areas where America falters. There’s no need to continue debating them in the comments. We’re having another example of this right now, sadly, with the mass shooting in New Zealand. Obviously a terrible event, like any mass shooting of any group of people. But at least New Zealand has the wherewithal to take immediate action and start changing their gun laws. They should be praised for this. Contrary to America – where there are now more mass shootings than there are days in a year – and yet sits staunchly on it’s hands and does NOTHING.

    Times change. Civilized people evolve. Help yourselves by helping everyone.

    Sweet Child O’ Mine by Guns N’ Roses- Reimagined on the Traditional Chinese Guzheng | Moyun

    Washington kidnaps allies to squeeze China on chips

    U.S.-China fight spreads to the chip factory

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    The US is reportedly considering new curbs to hobble China’s semiconductor progress by utilizing long-arm jurisdiction, abusing export rules and coercing allies into further restricting sales of critical high-end chipmaking tools that are key for China’s technological rise.

    The latest move underscores the US’ desperation in stepping up efforts to hold back China’s technological ascent after a years-long crackdown did not appear to have much effect, observers noted, while warning that a wider involvement of key firms such as ASML in the industry may deal a further blow to the already fragile global industrial chain.

    On Friday, the Dutch government announced a ministerial order restricting exports of certain advanced semiconductor equipment, and though the Netherlands claimed the measures were “country-neutral,” it’s widely believed to have come under accelerated pressure from the US, targeting specific countries like China.

    Moreover, the US is expected to go one step further on the Netherlands’ move and use its long reach to withhold even more Dutch equipment from specific Chinese fabs this summer, according to a Reuters report on Friday, which described the measures as “one-two punch” to China’s chipmakers.

    This is an intensified siege on China’s semiconductor industry, indicating that the US is now extending its crackdown from advanced process chips to mature ones above 14 nanometers, Ma Jihua, founder of Beijing DARUI Management Consulting Co, told the Global Times on Friday.

    At a routine press conference held by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday, spokesperson Mao Ning voiced China’s firm opposition to the US’ reported action, which “overstretches the national security concept and abuses export controls.”

    “The US, under various pretexts, is attempting to cajole or coerce other countries into joining its technological blockade against China, and is intervening in normal economic and trade exchanges between companies through administrative means. This behavior seriously undermines market rules and the international economic and trade order, and disrupts the stability of the global industrial and supply chain, which is not in the interests of any party,” Mao said.

    China will pay close attention to the relevant developments and resolutely safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.

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    Now that China successfully built her own space station, will China ever approach the US and her allies to partner on anything? Or will China just go it alone from now onwards?

    The United States unilaterally refuses to cooperate with China in the field of space. In 1998, the US Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999, which stated that “the United States should not export to the People’s Republic of China missile equipment or technology that would improve the missile or space launch capabilities of the People’s Republic of China.” The Wolf Amendment

    , enacted in 2011, further explicitly prohibits any form of exchange and cooperation between NASA and any government agency or enterprise in China.

    Despite the long-standing technology blockade imposed by the United States, China’s aerospace industry has persisted in independent innovation, overcoming difficulties, and achieving a series of great accomplishments. At the end of last year, China’s space station was fully constructed, becoming the second operational space station in the world, in addition to the International Space Station. The Chinese space station is open to all United Nations member states, and currently, 17 countries including Germany, Italy, France, Spain, and Japan have had their scientific experiments selected, while the United States is unable to participate due to the restrictions of the Wolf Amendment.

    China’s aerospace industry has always attached great importance to international exchanges and cooperation. Satellites manufactured in China have been exported to countries such as Nigeria, Venezuela, Pakistan, and Belarus, providing convenient satellite services to the world. At the same time, with the continuous improvement of China’s Beidou Navigation System, China has opened up relevant satellite data to the international community, providing support for global resource survey and monitoring, environmental monitoring and assessment, and Earth science research. In 2017, the European Space Agency even sent two astronauts to participate in the astronaut sea survival training organized by China.

    Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, who participated in the training, carried out a mission on the International Space Station in October last year. When the International Space Station flew over China, she took a series of photos and quoted a famous line from the ancient Chinese text “Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion”.

    Why don’t Chinese know how to resist? Why is China’s work intensity so tight, but the wages are low? Do they not have unions, or are they all scabs?

    You are comparing apples to oranges.

    To be specific, the working environment and pay schedules are completely different from that of the United States; the self-proclaimed “leader” in freedom and democracy.

    I have worked in both the United States and China. And I will use my personal, first-hand, experience to answer this question for you.

    In this example, we will consider a fictional “white collar” office worker working in a factory. One factory is in the United States, and the other is in China. In general, the base pay for such an office worker is on the lower-tier of the bell-shaped payment graph for both the United States and China. Or, to put it another way, they are equal in social-economic opportunity.


    Base pay

    • Minus 5% income tax
    • Plus one month vacation.
    • Plus paid medical.
    • Plus free housing
    • Plus free breakfast, lunch, dinners
    • Plus one month off at CNY
    • Plus 3 weeks of assorted holidays
    • Plus free daycare for children.
    • Plus free transportation into town.
    • Plus company sponsored activities every two months
    • Plus yearly bonus equaling roughly one month of salary at CNY
    • Plus discount coupons and awards for movies, and dinners, and KTV trips at neighboring establishments.

    Because of this, our fictional Chinese “white collar” worker can save up a significant portion of his / her salary, being from 60% to 95%, for vacations, travel, buying a home, or other projects on their agenda. The Chinese worker, at the end of the year, can opt to stay and continue to save their earnings, or switch to another company, or take their savings and spend it.

    United States

    Base Pay

    • Minus 33% income tax
    • Minus 8% + (8% hidden) Social Security Tax
    • Minus 3–6% state tax
    • Minus City Tax
    • Minus misc taxes
    • Minus health care deduction(s)
    • Vacation is 1 week for the first year, and 2 weeks up to 10 years of work experience.
    • Days off are metered, and require a medical excuse for permission.
    • 7 days of holidays (some of with are “paid”)

    Because of this, the fictional American “White Collar” worker lives “paycheck to paycheck”, and any family emergency or lay-off would devastate them. They clutch onto the position in the vain and hopeless attempt that “someday” things will change. But they will not. The only way out of this “rat race” is to leave the farm altogether and go somewhere else. Perhaps a place that has better working conditions.

    Like Botswana.

    And that is why Chinese workers are (in general) satisfied with their careers, their jobs, and their standard of life, while their American counterparts are popping pills to suppress stress, anxiety and depression, and hold off foreclosures, and divorce.

    So to answer why the Chinese don’t have Unions, it’s really very simple. The entire nation of China is one big enormous Union. For that is what a Union is; a social organization formed and run by the workers.

    Why is China organizing riots in France?

    In a Zoo in England:—

    Two kids were arguing furiously near a Crocodile pit

    One Kid slipped and fell into the Pit and the Crocodile began to move from the ground where it was resting and move towards the flailing kid

    A Chinese tourist rushed and jumped into the Pit and swam desperately and managed to escape just as the Crocodile was inches away from dragging the kid below

    The Kid was rescued

    The Next Day the most popular question by Quora Prompt Generator :—


    BBC Headlines :—


    CNN Headlines :—


    That’s why

    Because everything is blamed on China today

    It’s ridiculous of course but that’s how low the Western Media have sunk

    Macron is FINISHED! France collapsing!

    Does China always say that it is a peaceful country and doesn’t want any conflicts? Why are they the most assertive country in recent years?

    In the last four decades, America has fought wars

    in Lebanon (1982–1984), Grenada (1983), Libya (1986), Iran (1987–1988), Panama (1989–1990), Iraq (1990–1991), Bosnia (1992–1995), Somalia (1992–1995, 2007-present), Haiti (1994–1995), Yugoslavia (1998–1999), Afghanistan (2001–2021), Yemen (2002-present), Iraq (2003–2011, 2014–2021), Libya (2011), Syria (2014-present), Libya (2015–2019).

    China, on the other hand, has fought no wars at all.

    China is assertive about protecting its rights and territory. What, you think the Chinese should knuckle under Western imperialists like they did from 1839 to 1949 (the so-called “century of humiliation”)?

    China should protect its interests. China should defend its territories in Taiwan and South China Sea. China should push back on US attempts to smear China’s reputation with lies about genocide, forced labor, etc.

    China should voice its disapproval at US military provocations such as conducting naval exercises off the coast of China, and building more military bases in Philippines, and creating military pacts with Australia and Japan.

    China should object to US delegations visiting Taipei and violating the One China principle, and to selling arms to Taiwan in direct contravention of the Three Communiqués.

    Any nation that isn’t assertive will be stepped on. But being assertive is not the same thing as being aggressive.

    Arctic Monkeys – Do I Wanna Know? (Official Video)

    ASML says decoupling chip supply chain is practically impossible

    2023 07 03 12 07
    2023 07 03 12 07

    Decoupling the global semiconductor supply chain would be “extremely difficult and expensive” if not impossible, a senior executive at ASML, the world’s most valuable chip equipment maker.

    Christophe Fouquet, ASML’s executive vice-president and chief business officer, said in an exclusive interview that any single country would struggle to build its own fully self-reliant chip industry.

    “We do not believe in ASML that decoupling is possible. We believe this will be extremely difficult and extremely expensive,” Fouquet told Nikkei at the company’s headquarters in Veldhoven in the Netherlands. “It’s a matter of time until people realise that the only way to be successful in semiconductors is through co-operation.

    “The idea that we could go back to a little dark corner and do it all alone is most probably a very challenging concept,” Fouquet said.

    His remarks came as large economies including the US, Japan, the EU, India and China rush to onshore vital semiconductor production in hopes of achieving self-reliance in chips.

    The secret to ASML’s success, according to him, is its longtime collaboration with critical global suppliers such as Zeiss and Cymer and the support from its top chipmaking customers Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and Intel.

    ASML is the world’s exclusive maker of cutting-edge chip equipment known as extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography machines, enabling production of advanced semiconductors below the 7-nanometre level. In chipmaking, the smaller the nanometre size, the more advanced and powerful the chips. The mobile chip in the premium iPhone 14 Pro and Nvidia’s graphic processors are built with 4nm tech, in which ASML’s machines play an indispensable role.

    Zeiss of Germany is ASML’s only supplier of precision mirror systems, one of the most critical optical parts for the EUV machine, while San Diego-based Cymer, which ASML acquired in 2013, is the sole provider of the EUV light source.

    None of ASML’s smaller peers — Nikon and Canon of Japan and China’s Shanghai Micro Electronics Equipment — can yet match the European supplier’s capabilities in cutting-edge lithography. The US has no domestic makers of chip lithography equipment.

    “We prefer to use the very best suppliers [globally] . . . This is a lot more effective. It allows us to move a lot faster,” Fouquet said. “The big difference [in strategy] is Canon and Nikon were trying to do a lot of things by themselves.”

    While it is open to cross-border collaborations, however, ASML believes that for some of the most sophisticated components it is best to have only one supplier.

    “The investment in Zeiss to get EUV optics is huge. If you make it in two to three places, the cost doesn’t work out any more . . . When it comes to unique technology, we develop partnerships with our suppliers,” Fouquet said. “When it comes to less advanced technology, then we will look at multiple suppliers.”

    The bulk of ASML’s production, meanwhile, is done in one place, its headquarters, and Fouquet said it would probably keep the majority — about 80 per cent to 90 per cent — of its production and integration there until at least 2026.

    “It’s very important for us to keep R&D and manufacturing together,” the senior executive said. The Netherlands-based company had more than 14,000 R&D employees and a total of 37,643 employees globally as of the end of 2022.

    ASML’s headquarters is the tallest building in Veldhoven, an agricultural town in the southern Netherlands, and is about two hours by train from Amsterdam. Surrounded by corn and wheat fields, the building overlooks a vast wind farm at the border with Belgium.

    Construction is under way to expand clean-room spaces that will eventually manufacture ASML’s next-generation chipmaking machines, which will use “high-numerical aperture extreme ultraviolet” lithography. The high-NA EUV machines will be essential for Intel, TSMC and Samsung in their race to introduce the most cutting-edge chips after 2025.

    Hoàng Thùy Linh – Duyên Âm (Love of Ghost) | Official Music Video

    Americans who have spent significant time away/lived abroad, what type of culture shock did you have returning to the US?

    For me, the “culture shock” is mostly triggered by our pathetic state of infrastructure and lack of good public transportation.

    This is New York:

    2023 07 04 06 57
    2023 07 04 06 57

    This is Shanghai:

    2023 07 04 06 5ggg7
    2023 07 04 06 5ggg7

    As much as I love New York, every time I land in the JFK airport, I feel that I am in some third-world country.

    The airport screams “1950’s” – old, ugly, inefficient, broken down.

    The contrast with Beijing and Shanghai airports is truly “shocking”.

    The New York City subway, once the crown-jewel of the American cosmopolitanism, is now dirty, smelly, dark, disorganized. In the summer, it is hotter than hell inside the stations, in the winter colder than Siberia.

    New York is actually the lucky one compared to the rest of the US – at least they have a public transportation system that works and is somewhat compatible with human life.

    A Left- Handed Lead | Columbo

    Why is the confidence level in the US the lowest in the G7?

    Among many causes, the leading one is Biden’s narcissistic buffoonery and stumbling and falling (not only figuratively) along the way starting from the embarrassing Afghanistan retreat fiasco.

    His Summit for Democracy flopped twice.

    The money pumped into Ukraine is mostly embezzled.

    EU economy is in the ICU thanks to the price-gauging of US LNG and blowing up Nord Stream Pipelines.

    He affronted China gratuitously, even calling Xi a dictator. Now he is bowing to China’s new ambassador hoping to get Yellen a chance to go borrow some more money. Stubborn inflation still refuses to budge after high interest rate has wiped out a few US banks while Trains keep derailing and bridges are collapsing.

    Olaf Scholz is much closer to China than France is, but he ordered (allegedly) color revolution on Macron instead, because the latter showed the balls to praise China and wants to join the BRICS.

    Biden gave that disastrous Dylan Mulvaney a photo op in the WH and pissed off Nike and Budweiser loyal customers and almost all straight people. He apparently hangs his hope on fantasized wokeism, just like he does with Summit for Democracy, his one-and-only trick.

    And he still hasn’t found his way out of the garage while making it a hobby to shoot himself in the foot, he wants 4 more years to f*ck up more. Maybe he’s got an Ace up his sleeve. Who knows. I frankly can’t think of anything he has done right so far.

    How would you stop people from walking across your lawn?

    Don’t have lawns. Instead, change your lawn to various plants native to your area.

    Do you know lawns were designed as a tool of community conformity?

    So lawns became popular first in medieval Europe. Originally as a defense structure, make sure areas in front of your gate were flat and open, so you can see whoever came to visit. Later, lawns became a symbol of wealth and prosperity, particularly because of how expensive it was to maintain large areas of lawn.

    When nuclear families and Levittown became a thing, the government realized they had an opportunity to regulate families and promote the so-called “American dream.” If you want a government founding house, you need to follow the rules.

    Lawns are expensive and labor-intensive to maintain. The government designed the community in such a way that you spend your weekends caring for your front yard and paying a ridiculous amount of money to water it.

    2023 07 03 13 37
    2023 07 03 13 37

    Ditch the government conformity and grow your front yard with plants native to your area.

    2023 07 03 13 38
    2023 07 03 13 38

    Nobody will run through your cactus garden.

    Unveiling the Intricate Connections and Enduring Strength in Bethany Krull’s Porcelain and Mixed Media Sculptures


    Intertwining the intricate tapestry of humanity, fellow animals, and the vast natural realm, Bethany Krull breathes life into porcelain and mixed media sculptures.

    Her art unravels the enigmatic bonds and unyielding strength exhibited by fragile beings. Within her creations, we witness the relentless growth emerging from decay, where the dance of life and death intertwines with resounding harmony. In the face of the ongoing Holocene or sixth extinction, Krull’s masterpieces serve as poignant reminders that each passing moment demands both mourning and celebration, for they are indivisible companions on this ever-evolving journey.

    More: Bethany Krull

    Chinese semiconductor manufacturers expect to raise over $8 billion

    Chinese semiconductor manufacturers expect to raise over $8 billion from stock market listings so far this year, looking to expand output capacity to bounce back from a market downturn and U.S. export curbs.

    2023 07 03 12 08
    2023 07 03 12 08

    Hong Kong-listed Hua Hong Semiconductor received approval in early June for a dual listing on Shanghai’s tech-oriented STAR market, where it aims to raise 18 billion yuan ($2.5 billion).

    Hua Hong plans to build a $6.7 billion factory in the city of Wuxi, slated to start up in 2025. The state-owned China Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund, also known as the “Big Fund,” is investing in the project.

    With production facilities in Shanghai and Wuxi, Hua Hong is China’s second-largest contract chipmaker behind Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. At an exhibit at the Semicon China trade fair, which kicked off Thursday, the company touts itself as a “world-leading foundry.”

    Hua Hong and other Chinese chipmakers’ listings come as the U.S. is reportedly considering expanding restrictions it imposed in October on advanced semiconductors for artificial intelligence applications. The move would cover models from companies like Nvidia that fall outside the current bans.

    Wei Shaojun, a professor at Tsinghua University who is involved in semiconductor policy, argued at the opening of the trade fair that China should respond by accelerating efforts to build its own supply chain.

    Even if more Nvidia chips are added to the ban, that would not be entirely bad news for China, as it would spur further growth in the country’s semiconductor industry, he said.

    2023 07 03 12 09
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    In fact, big Chinese chipmakers have been expanding production capacity, focusing on so-called mature-node technology outside the cutting edge to avoid U.S. sanctions. China’s semiconductor market shrank about 5% last year, but sales of domestically made chips grew 14%.

    Aggressive expansion requires funding. As of mid-June, 13 semiconductor companies have listed on yuan-denominated exchanges this year, raising 42.2 billion yuan, a quarter of the total for all IPOs over this period, according to China Central Television. Adding Hua Hong’s planned listing brings the total to roughly 60 billion yuan.

    Semiconductor Manufacturing Electronics carried out the biggest float so far this year, raising nearly 10 billion yuan on the STAR market. The foundry is backed by SMIC along with government-linked funds. Many of the upper managers came from SMIC.

    SMEC will spend at least 20 billion yuan over the next two or three years building new facilities that will produce power semiconductors that fall outside of U.S. restrictions.

    The number of chip companies planning stock market debuts still lags behind the 40-plus IPOs seen last year. However, this does not tell the full story, according to an industry analyst.

    “The Chinese government is encouraging the construction of semiconductor plants with tax incentives and money through investment funds,” said the analyst. “They’re quickly expanding capacity by procuring equipment ahead of tougher U.S. restrictions.”

    SMIC is currently having difficulty bringing in equipment from overseas.

    “We need to make the supply chain more resilient,” Han Di, senior vice president of SMIC, said Thursday at Semicon China.

    Despite the U.S.-led pressure, global chip companies plan to continue investing in China. The country is the world’s largest market, commanding a roughly 30% share.

    “In terms of sustainable growth, we can’t ignore China,” said an executive at a non-Chinese semiconductor company.

    Top executives from Qualcomm, Intel and ASML have visited China this year. Although Chinese regulators have banned operators of key infrastructure from purchasing from Micron Technology due to a failed security review, Micron announced it is committed to investing roughly $600 million in a chip packaging facility in Xi’an, China.

    Teen Opera Singer Reacts To Rainbow – Stargazer

    Tex-Mex Macaroni and Cheese

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    • 1 pound ground pork sausage
    • 1 small onion, chopped
    • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
    • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
    • 2 cups milk
    • 1 (16 ounce) loaf Mexican pasteurized cheese
    • 1 (4 1/2 ounce) can chopped green chiles, drained
    • 16 ounces macaroni, cooked
    • 8 ounces shredded Southwestern cheese blend


    1. Cook sausage and onion in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until sausage crumbles and is no longer pink; drain.
    2. Add flour, cumin and milk, stirring constantly, until thickened.
    3. Add Mexican cheese and chiles, stirring until cheese is melted.
    4. Add macaroni.
    5. Spoon mixture into a lightly greased 9 x 13-inch baking dish.
    6. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes.
    7. Sprinkle with shredded cheese blend, and serve with salsa.

    Couple React To Robin Trower- Too Rolling Stoned

    $572 billion Added to US Debt in Two Weeks, Total Debt Now Exceeds China, Japan, Germany and UK’s Combined GDP

    Over half a trillion more dollars have been dumped into the US government’s debt spiral in the last two weeks alone.

    According to the latest numbers from FiscalData, as of June 15th, the US national debt was $32 trillion, a $571 billion rise from June 1st’s recording of $31.46 trillion.

    Total US debt is now larger than the total gross domestic product of China, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom combined, and amounts to $244,000 per American household.

    At current interest rates, the US is now paying over $2 billion a day in interest payments, and even if every American household contributed $1,000 a month to pay off the debt, it would take 20 years to pay off.

    While the US’ debt issue has received increased attention from both analysts and regular Americans, most experts still expect the problem to intensify over the next decade.

    Nigel Green, CEO of global financial advisory firm deVere Group, recently predicted that America’s debt was much more likely to reach the $50 trillion level than to shrink to more reasonable numbers.

    “What’s the negative for Americans in particular? Well, the debt is continuing to increase. In other words, right now we’re at $31 trillion. It takes 8% to payback-adjust their debt of the taxes.

    And you would say, ‘Well it’s only that percentage.’ Well, you can argue that, yes. But if it continues to increase and there is a downturn at some stage, then of course America is going to struggle to pay its debts.

    I ask myself the question: it’s $31 trillion right now, is it more likely to go to $50 trillion or $25 (trillion)?

    Ultimately, (the) reality is it’s more likely to go to $50 trillion than it is to go up to $25 trillion. So we’ve got this continuing situation. It’s not a bust right now but (at) some stage in the future, America has to repay its debt.”

    Ray Dalio, the creator of the largest hedge fund in the world, Bridgewater Associates, also recently declared the the US was entering what he referred to as a “very classic late big-cycle debt crisis.”

    “There’s a lot of debt. It has to be bought. It has to have a high enough interest rate.

    If we continue down this path, in terms of what’s likely over the next five and 10 years, then you would reach a point that that balancing act becomes very difficult.”

    Scarnfeld – Scarface as Seinfeld

    Latecomer to semiconductors party, China is catching up faster.

    2023 07 03 12 03
    2023 07 03 12 03

    A group of Chinese scientists has published (PDF) a paper titled “Pushing the Limits of Machine Design: Automated CPU Design with AI.” The paper details the researchers’ work in designing a new industrial-scale RISC-V CPU in under 5 hours. It is claimed this AI-automated feat was about 1000x faster than a human team could have finished a comparable CPU design. However, some may poke fun at the resulting AI-designed CPU performing approximately on par with an i486.

    The goal of the Chinese research team was to answer the question of whether machines can design chips like humans. Earlier AI-crafted designs have been relatively small or limited in scope, reckons the team. Thus, to test the boundaries of AI design, the researchers thought they would try and get an AI to automatically design a RISC-V CPU.

    Projects like this typically start with a period of machine learning. Training consisted of observing a series of CPU inputs and outputs. The scientists generated a Binary Speculation Diagram (BSD) from this I/O and leveraged principles of Monte Carlo-based expansion and Boolean functions to hone the accuracy and efficiency of the AI-based CPU design. Thus the CPU design was formed “from only external input-output observations instead of formal program code,” explains the scientists. It also boasted an impressive 99.99% accuracy.

    Using the above-outlined process, an automated AI design of a CPU was created. The taped-out RISC-V32IA instruction set CPU was fabricated at 65nm and could run at up to 300 MHz. Running the Linux (kernel 5.15) operating system and SPEC CINT 2000 on the AI-generated CPU validated its functionality. In Drystone benchmarks, the AI-generated CPU performed on par with an i486. Interestingly, it appears to be a little bit faster than an Acorn Archimedes A3010 in the same test.­

    Though some might be unimpressed by the performance of the AI-generated CPU, the scientists also seem quite proud that their generated BSD “discovered the von Neumann architecture from scratch.”

    The building a new RISC-V CPU from scratch using AI isn’t just of academic interest, or of potential use for making new CPUs from the ground up. According to the researchers, AI could be used to significantly reduce the design and optimization cycles in the existing semiconductor industry. Moreover, in their conclusion, the scientists even ponder whether this research might be taken further to form the foundation of a self-evolving machine.

    Latecomer to semiconductors party, China is catching up faster.

    How to make TOTORO Diorama with clay

    Why do many people (including the Americans who left the US) say that living in the US is hard and that leaving the country was the best choice they ever made?

    I’ll start with the definite truth of my own life: Leaving the US was, without a doubt, the best decision I ever made.

    I have said this out loud and reflected upon it often. In short – it had to do with identity and personal happiness.

    I was always an energetic child and a hardworking student. Motivated by accomplishments; incredibly obedient; afraid of getting in trouble – a teacher’s pet type. I was generally nice to people around me; just wanted to do well and get on with my day.

    After elementary school, I started going to private school – for a better education and hopefully better access in life. During that time, my Black, middle class background became the center of the world. I still did well in school, but I wasn’t spoken to as if I did well or was capable. I was made to feel inadequate at every turn, even in the face of great accomplishments.

    As a teenager, this racial alienation was emphasized through social and dating dynamics. All teens have teen problems, but I wasn’t just a moody, insecure kid – I was a Black kid in a sea of White and there was nothing to be done about that. There was no amount of patience, kindness; weight loss; working out; grooming; hair perming – that would make me less Black. And you can’t talk about that to anyone; no one can relate; you’re unceremoniously accused of “bringing race into everything”. A very lonely reality.

    Throughout the entire secondary school process, my intelligence was always doubted and I was constantly insulted. My school offered Chinese – they tried to tell me I wouldn’t do well because it’s “a very difficult language”. Within a year, I had top marks. I once had a teacher tell me my writing was so bad I probably had a learning disability. (I’m about to finish my Masters with distinction in England, and I’ll be starting my PhD in the fall).

    By high school, I decided to spend a portion of my senior year in China. It was like night and day from my home school. Suddenly, I was smart again. Without a concerted effort of teachers telling me how stupid I was all the time, I was flourishing. I got straight A’s in AP Calculus – a course, among others, my home school wouldn’t let me take because it would be “too hard for me”. When it came to college lists – I was told I couldn’t get into any of the schools on my list; I shouldn’t aim higher than my State school. Mind, at 17 I was a varsity athlete; president of thespians; worked on a number of school plays; danced on the school team and studied Martha Graham independently; first chair clarinet; played alto sax in Jazz band; fairly skilled in drawing and painting; spoke Chinese and had a high honors GPA. So – what made me less than my peers?

    In China, it was the first time anyone (other than my parents) had ever told me I was pretty. Looking back, I was still quite young; so a lot of firsts would be happening around that time anyway – but it was definitely different than in America. In America, I was just ugly. People might not say that to my face – but it was reflected in certain ways.

    Beyond that, college was the same for socialization. I tried to be cute, preppy and peppy like my White friends – but I wasn’t. I was sad and defeated. And still had some discernible, inferior, human status.

    So again, in college, I went to China. And again, I was able to find normality, humanity and love.

    After I graduated college, I went back to China to work. I soon met my current partner and we’ve been together six years. We moved to England together last year so I could continue studying to change careers. I’ve done incredibly well and I’m just happy.

    In summary:

    I personally felt my intelligence and beauty were never appreciated in the US.

    I was suicidally sad; until I could no longer deny that I needed to live life a different way.

    My partner is Greek and it feels very freeing to not be a part of the radical, racialized, American fervor. Also, biracial relations aren’t questioned in England the way they are in the US.

    Life doesn’t feel so heavy. My days are nice. I have a nice home. A nice partner. My efforts are recognized. I’m just, whole.

    Ukraine Jailing American Journalist WITH U.S. PERMISSION!

    This is all about Gonzalo Lira.


    Oh and this inconvenient little thing.

    2023 07 04 09 40
    2023 07 04 09 40

    What things do you encounter only in China?

    In China, Pizza Hut had a salad bar policy of only allowing one trip. So Chinese people became very creative and created salad stacking or salad towers to get around this rule. Salad stacking led to Pizza Hut removing self-service salad carts from all of its restaurants in China. This policy introduced in 2009 ended salad towers from being made by customers. Here are some pictures so that you can be amazed by the ingenious art form.

    main qimg e7b8413a527217d72de201fe565a1f02 lq
    main qimg e7b8413a527217d72de201fe565a1f02 lq

    It cost 28 renminbi ($4.57) for full access to Pizza Hut’s salad bar, but customers would only receive one trip to the salad bar.

    This picture takes food hacks to the next level.

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    main qimg 2ee8e0d62d8801f5ee1b2fde5891455b lq

    Baby carrots and cucumber slices help make the foundation of the salad stacker.

    main qimg 328582d9e60ac16d2d9b982d616a0760 lq
    main qimg 328582d9e60ac16d2d9b982d616a0760 lq

    The diagram below will teach you how to make a salad tower.

    main qimg bb2661256e44018d013052c6d73ceaca lq
    main qimg bb2661256e44018d013052c6d73ceaca lq

    Sources: Capital Bites: Pizza Hut Topples Salad Towers

    Remembering the salad towers of Pizza Hut China | Investvine

    The Three Stooges – Slowly I Turned


    2023 07 04 09 45
    2023 07 04 09 45

    From HERE

    Was The Titanic Sunk On Purpose?

    Europe must choose: back US tech war on China or support win-win solutions for all — SCMP

    The European Commission made an announcement on June 15 that was widely reported as a ban on Chinese telecommunications firms Huawei and ZTE. Rather, the communication endorsed the actions by some member states to restrict or completely exclude the two firms as being consistent with the European Union “toolbox” on 5G security – a set of guidelines designed to be interpreted and implemented by member states.

    Some EU countries have followed the United States in treating Chinese telecommunications companies as security risks while others have not, which suggests political factors could be at play. Despite talk of “de-risking” in current EU circles, the growing trend is for language framing China as a security threat, rather like the US debate. Yet Europe is not the US and could benefit from de-escalating the US-China tech war.

    China-EU relations have taken twists and turns over the years, but economic interests have usually driven a pragmatic approach when it comes to trade and investment. Some European countries and their consumers have embraced Chinese technology.

    The US, on the other hand, in recent years has embarked on a campaign of wide-ranging sanctions and trade barriers to constrain China’s technology industry, notably banning Huawei, sanctioning supercomputer centres and blocking advanced semiconductors from reaching Chinese industrial customers. The US has long dominated global technology industries but now has a rival in setting the norms and rules for the technological revolution under way.

    From 2017 onwards, beginning with the Trump administration, China has been identified as a key security threat and strategic competitor, with Huawei in particular singled out. Some political circles in the EU are now echoing the US position.

    Without any evidence – at least on the public record – that Huawei is any greater risk than other firms, the claims of security risks or state influence cannot be disproved. The national security focus of the debate about Huawei risks taking our eye off the ball of where future cybersecurity threats may actually arise, and risks can arise anywhere.

    Telecommunications systems have long been known to be at risk of hacking. Espionage or other threats to cybersecurity do not only come from China but from a wide variety of states, as well as from non-state actors such as terrorist groups, criminal gangs and even individual cyberhackers.

    In some sectors, China plays a major role in setting global standards, such as in high-speed rail infrastructure and autonomous vehicles. However, there is no agreed-upon global set of rules in relation to new digital communications technologies, with progress frozen by the intensification of US-China competition. In the absence of shared rules, norms and institutional enforcement, technologies are being rolled out ahead of our ability to govern their use in the interests of society.

    While politicians talk about security threats, telecommunications industry players are focused on developing the infrastructure, equipment and services for the coming convergence of high-speed communications, artificial intelligence and cloud computing that will transform industries and daily lives in the decade ahead.

    Huawei is among the global leaders in these fields. If its innovations can be harnessed and securely governed in Europe, together with innovation by European firms, digital connectivity promises to be a major contributor to not only economic efficiencies but also in achieving the European Green Deal, with digitalisation reducing the environmental footprints of industries and consumers alike.

    Europe has a choice.

    On the one hand, it can join with the US in its tech war on China, risking splitting the world into two techno-nationalist domains weaponised against each other. In such a scenario, the US will still dominate its sphere of influence but at some stage could be overtaken by China. On the other hand, Europe could work to find rational and pragmatic solutions to the security problems posed by new technologies, taking politics out of the debate.

    If Europe can help to build a cybersecurity system that is supplier-blind and operates on best practices which can be implemented by other states around the world, it could play a role in de-escalating the US-China conflict and consequently ensure a more secure future in a globalised tech domain. If consumers can both benefit from accessing Chinese and US technology and have their cybersecurity protected, Europeans can have the best of both worlds.

    Tex-Mex Roasted Chicken

    e6f81b15 fc8e 4a34 88f0 26b6bf334432
    e6f81b15 fc8e 4a34 88f0 26b6bf334432


    • 1 teaspoon ground cumin (comino)
    • 1 teaspoon chili powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon basil
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt
    • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
    • 1 (3 pound) broiler, skinned
    • 2 cups coarsely chopped zucchini
    • 1 1/4 cups unpeeled, seeded and coarsely chopped tomatoes


    1. Combine first 6 ingredients; stir well and set aside.
    2. Remove neck and giblets from chicken and discard. Rinse chicken and pat dry. Rub outside of chicken with spice mixture. Place chicken, breast side down in a deep 3-quart casserole. Cover with wax paper and microwave on HIGH for 8 to 9 minutes.
    3. Turn chicken breast side up and microwave, covered with wax paper, on HIGH for 8 to 9 minutes.
    4. Remove chicken to a serving platter. Reserve drippings in casserole. Let chicken stand covered for 15 minutes.
    5. Add vegetables to drippings, tossing to coat. Microwave on HIGH for 3 to 4 minutes or until crisp-tender, stirring halfway through cooking.
    6. Arrange vegetables around chicken.

    Yield: 5 servings

    Moving Back to the USA

    I have moved “back” to the USA multiple times. I remember my immediate reactions, though I can’t necessarily say they were the “biggest” shocks.

    Return from France, as a student: Why are all these college students saying “I’m a wild and crazy guy?” It turns out that while I was studying outside the USA, a new show called Saturday Night Live became popular. Never heard of it. Also, why does everyone comment on how I hold my silverware?

    Return from France again, seven years later, as a professional: Why is cheese so crappy in the USA? Why is bread so crappy in the USA? Why is coffee so crappy in the USA? (This was before those items became at least a wee bit more artisanal in the USA). Why are my friends irked when they ask where I bought that pretty sweater and I answer “Paris?” Hell, I was living there. Do you know how much it would have cost me to travel to the USA so I could buy a sweater in the USA and answer “Costco” or “Walmart?” I’m not being a snob, I’m just answering your question. I lived in Paris so I shopped in Paris. DUH! And, Americans sure are loud. I am too loud, too. But what a massive, gorgeous country to fly over. When did the American West get so vast?!!! This will be a recurring theme – get a window seat! Look down and fall in love all over again with the USA. Never tire of that. Never. Hate those people who have a window seat and just pull down the window shade and sleep during the day. See the Mid-West farms! See the Rockies! See the Sierras!

    Return from Colombia, South America: Where are all the submachine guns? None in the US airport. How scary, no protection from guerrillas, sicarios and narcos. For that matter, where are my bodyguards? Also, how odd to see windows without bars on them. And hey, I MISS AJIACO!!!!! Also, when will folks – and coffee shops – in the USA learn to spell Colombia? It’s not Columbia! And, Americans sure are ugly and poorly dressed. I am ugly and poorly dressed, too.

    Return from Ecuador, South America (the coast, not the mountains): Dang, it’s cold in the USA. And dark. And when will folks in the USA stop writing “Equador?” But, thank you for driving well in the USA. How nice to have lanes on the road and drivers who respect them. Americans sure are sweet. I hope I never hear the name Abdula Bucaram again or have to see his stupid Hitler mustache. But really, do American grocery stores need to offer us 10 brands of ketchup/catsup, 15 brands of cat food and an entire aisle of toilet paper choices? It’s so exhausting to go shopping here. Too many choices. Ridiculous abundance.

    Return from Germany: Why is cheese so crappy in the USA? Why is bread so crappy in the USA? Why is coffee so crappy in the USA? I thought we were going to get better about this in the USA, but NO. And, folks, Starbucks sucks. It is NOT good coffee, it tastes like shit. Delude yourself and pretend you are cool drinking it, but it is junk. Also, what’s with the slow drivers? Move to the right, you turd turtle! I’m flashing my lights, let me pass. Don’t go 50 mph in the fast lane on the freeway. Also, Monica Lewinsky seems kinda cute….I’d only ever seen a print picture of her in the news, never a moving TV news shot. Yeah, she’s cuter than [my future boss] Hillary.

    Return from Colombia, South America, again: Finally, most Colombian coffee bean labels are spelled correctly. Still feeling odd to walk around in the USA feeling safe without political assassinations here and there. Oh, whoops, 9/11/2001 happens on my second day back on the job in the USA. I spoke too soon. Silent skies for a week over Washington, punctuated only by the regular swoosh of US Air Force fighter jets circling the city. America feels on edge. I involuntarily start crying as I pass the Pentagon 2x day. Please send me from District of Columbia back to Colombia.

    Teen Opera Singer Reacts To Dio – Last In Line

    Shock returning to the USA

    I wouldn’t call it a “life shock”, but there was a situation that made a lasting impression, for sure.

    Back in early 2014, the day I arrived to the U.S, my team’s coach took me for grocery shopping to Walmart. It was a love at the first sight. For an active consumer like me, Walmart seemed like some sort of heaven. I still miss it, sometimes.

    So, I bought some food, also some fresh fruits & veggies. Came to the dorm and put everything onto the book shelves, since there was no refrigerator.

    Since candy & junk food seemed much more appealing at the time, I did put those on lower shelves. Fruits & veggies on higher shelves, some so high, it was out of my sight.

    2 weeks later, an awful realization came to me. There are fruits & veggies on the higher shelves and I haven’t touched them in 2 weeks. They should be dead rotten and must smell awful. Oh NO! (I also hate wasting food)

    So I reach to those shelves expecting an awful rotten smelly mess…and what do I see? FRESH fruits & veggies that HAVEN’T CHANGED A BIT! In 2 weeks.

    It felt incredibly weird. Being raised on fruits and veg from farmer’s markets, these never last more than a couple days, a week max- in wildest fantasies.

    So, for my peace of mind & sanity I decided not to give too much thought about what is done to those poor veggies for them to stay “FRESH” for so long.

    My Neighbor Totoro | Multi-Audio Clip: Totoro and the Catbus

    Why did China announce export controls on gallium and germanium?

    Gallium itself is not a semiconductor, but a series of gallium-based compounds formed with arsenic, nitrogen, selenium, tellurium, phosphorus, antimony and the other metals and non-metals are high-quality and important semiconductor materials for the development of microelectronic devices and optoelectronic devices. It can even be said that gallium leads the development direction of semiconductor materials and is the navigator of the electronic information age.

    A series of compounds prepared based on gallium metal, such as semiconductor materials, optical electronic materials, special alloys, organic metal materials and new functional materials, are important foundations for high-tech fields such as communications, military industry, aerospace, new energy, and medicine. one of the materials.

    The second-generation semiconductor material gallium arsenide, as an example, is widely used in radar, satellite communication, optical fiber communication and other fields.

    Germanium resources in the world are relatively poor, but germanium is a strategic optical information material that can be used for solar germanium cells on satellites. Germanium is also gaining more and more attention in healthcare applications.

    The application fields of germanium mainly include infrared optics, optical fiber, electronics and solar energy, polymerization catalysts, etc. At first, germanium was mainly used in the military field in infrared optics, but in the past few years, there has been a demand for thermal imaging equipment using germanium lenses in the civilian field Increase. In addition, the addition of germanium to fiber optic materials can improve communication performance, and the addition of germanium-containing silicon compounds to solar panel production can improve energy differentials in solar panel production.

    Gallium and germanium are both RARE elements, a key resource to support the technological innovation and move of China towards the commanding heights of the economy.

    ‘All I know is that Gonzalo was detained on May 1’ says Father

    Will China be the next economic giant?

    In the History of the World – Only Two Nations have ever dominated an entire Supply Chain at some point of time

    A. United Kingdom

    B. United States of America

    Both these Nations at their times – the 1850–1920 (UK) and 1934–2000 (USA) dominated the Global Supply Chains and Technology and Markets

    Its why they were Economic Behemoths

    Of course later – the Capitalism caught up with them and forced outsourcing which made other nations richer and reduced the Technological gap and Economic Gap with rival nations.


    China has one weakness.


    UK had unlimited Energy in its Coal Seams , US has unlimited Energy in Oil/Gas and Fossils and Nuclear Fuel

    China despite its rapid discovery of resources is growing too fast for Energy Independence.

    Otherwise China has everything else

    • Super Powerful Domestic Market
    • Global Supply Chain
    • Indigeous Hub Culture
    • Huge Population and Talent Pool
    • Loads and Loads of Trade Money

    So China have to solve for their Energy

    If they can crack Alternate Energy and end dependence on Foreign Fossils – They are guaranteed to become the Next Economic Giant.

    This of course is a tough ask

    Option 2 is Russo – Sino Alliance

    2023 07 03 21 15
    2023 07 03 21 15

    The Triple Axis World Order?


    If these Three Sides can continue their Good Relationships into a Firm and Strong Bond – They can collectively Dominate the World in the next 20 years

    If China and the US go to war, how vulnerable is the Chinese food supply?

    As of this date (June 2023) China is over 95% self-sufficient in food. The target goal of (near) 100% self-sufficiency in food seems to be on track to be reached by 2025.

    This has not been an accident.

    The Chinese government has recognized the vulnerability of its food supplies and have embarked on a very aggressive program of self-sufficiency. Not only in the numbers and quantities of food produced, but stability in distribution, farming techniques and sustainability, as well as development of high-yield harvests.

    Were the United States foolishly attempts to engage in a “hot war” with China, the food supplies will remain stable, as systems are already in place to assure that no war-time interruptions could impact it.

    I know that this does against the American narrative that “China would collapse” if “America did XXXXX”. But you all have to realize that any time a Western publication comes up with an idea to somehow “collapse” China, the Chinese takes this affirmation seriously and treats it as a threat. As a threat vector, systems have been put in place for EVERY SINGLE THREAT made in Western publications so that they will never materialize.


    The Chinese watch FOX “news” and “Alex Jones”.

    The United States, under the leadership of John Bolton (reporting to President Trump) tried to create a famine in China in 2017–2018. It failed. But a study of the actions that China took is very illustrative.

    • Aggressive screening for imported pests and plagues.
    • Chinese (for profit) operatives running the virus-spraying drones for the NED became very patriotic and gave full information to the PLA. As well as the drones, and the virus handling protocols.
    • Rural and farm crews performed search-and-destroy missions to root out “novel and new” crop-specific viruses. With complete and total destruction of any infected crops.

    But this is old news.

    Were this to happen again, not only would China be ready, but the retaliation would be something quite horrible.

    Today, China is unassailable.

    Any attempt to harm it would be like trying to punch a swimming pool. Your hand goes into the water, and no damage is done.

    It’s best that those who are so enamored with war, refocus their intentions towards peace and a “soft landing” for the ongoing collapse of the United States. A “soft landing” is not a bad thing. In fact, its a very good thing, and there will be a sharp increase in the standard of living, and the overall quality of life for most Americans.

    But to get there, some fundamental changes NEED to occur inside the United States. Changes that the current “leadership” is unwilling to do.

    “SPIDER BABY” Classic, Rare, Dark Comedy, Bizarre scary Cult film 1967 Colorized

    We end with this.

    This is one heck of a cool, weird, strange movie that is absolutely precious.

    How did I ever get through 1967 and not see this. I feel like I have been missing something of great importance. It’s just so…

    You’ve got to watch it. Take the time. You will not regret it.

    This is the FULL MOVIE for your viewing pleasure.

    This film has a 100% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes! Is that even possible?
    Watch it in HD. 
    Very absurd but terrific curiosity from 1967. 
    The film is apparently a cult film. 
    I had never seen it before, so it was kind of a revelation. 
    I tinted it and colorized it for fun. It looked good in B@W but I think it's better this way for the modern age. 
    Stanley Kubrick eat your heart out. 
    The full title is "Spider Baby or the Maddest Story Ever Told." and is pretty crazy. 
    Sick humor., even slapstick. 
    It is too scary for children and might gross out some adults, but ultimately just a comedy and a parody of horror movies. 
    Starring Lon Cheney Jr and a bevy of fantastic actors and actresses mostly unknowns. 
    Cinematography, direction, writing and acting is excellent for a film with a 68 thousand dollar budget. 
    The movie really is a masterpiece of ridiculousness. 
    Tell your friends to see it. 
    Not really about cannibalism as an alternate title had suggested, so not that gross just quirky and deeply hilarious. 
    Reminds me a little of Rocky Horror Picture Show, Devo the rock band or Todd Browning's, "Freaks" 
    How I missed seeing this in 1968 is a mystery. 
    The film is Public Domain, so I took liberties with the tinting. I tried not to get carried away on the tinting. The tinting is my work, nothing else added.

    I can play dirty, but you can’t, it’s in the rule book

    “I can play dirty, but you can't, it's in the rule book”
    -From HERE. United States administrator when asked why China cannot adopt the same policies that the United States routinely uses.

    You know, I like Ron Unz. His site “UNZ” often has stuff; opinion and news that you will not find anywhere else. But Lordy! Is it full of racism! It drives me insane, and it’s really bothersome. I get it, you know. I understand the why. But I really don’t want to read about Jews this, and blacks that! Please.

    I HATE it!

    When The Garden of the Saker was up, I enjoyed it as well. But the comments were so filled with racism and hate that I just stopped reading them. Then Andre quit. He left the stage, and the Saker is no longer.


    Life moves on…

    Call me a wimp, if you will. But I want to live a sheltered life. One free of racism, and harsh opinions about broad brush-strokes about someones culture, society, color of skin, or tattoos. I don’t want to read that junk.

    It gives me a headache. Ugh!

    Especially if it is a ‘Bot, a mindless 11-year old, or a government paid troll. The United States is too fucked up right now.


    Now… on to bigger and better things. You all know that I have been trying to hunt down this mysterious movie about a girl who starts work at a software campus, only to discover that she is a computer program. I’m still looking. Haven’t found it yet.

    Here’s my list so far.


    1954 — Tobor the Great — This science fiction film tells the story of a young boy, his grandfather, and his best friend — who just so happens to be a robot — as they work together to stay safe from the group of communist agents on their tail. Starring Charles Drake and Karin Booth.

    1956 — 1984 — In a dystopian world, society is closely monitored by Big Brother, an omnipotent force for government surveillance. One man breaks the rules by falling in love and must pay a heavy price. Based on the novel by George Orwell.

    1965 — Alphaville — A secret agent goes to the futuristic city of Alphaville to find a missing person and eventually stop the ruling dictator, professor von Braun, and his sentient computer system, Alpha 60.

    1967 — Billion Dollar Brain — In this espionage thriller, Michael Caine stars as Harry Palmer, a former secret agent who unexpectedly becomes involved with a frenzied Texas oil baron (Ed Begley) working to eradicate Communism with a supercomputer.

    1968 —  2001: A Space Odyssey — A group of astronauts is sent on a mysterious mission alongside the AI supercomputer H.A.L. 9000. What follows is an intense battle between man and machine, resulting in a mystifying journey through space and time.

    1968 — Hot Millions — Peter Ustinov plays an embezzler who bypasses a mainframe computer’s security system to pay invoices from his fictitious companies.

    1969 — The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes — Dexter Reilly (Kurt Russell) fixes a computer during an electrical storm and gets shocked. The computer’s brain has fused with his, and he’s a genius.

    1969 — The Italian Job — A robber (Michael Caine) recently released from prison gets help from a group of Britain’s most infamous computer hackers to steal gold bullion from underneath the noses of the Italian police and mafia. One of the film’s most famous scenes is a massive traffic jam caused by hacking the city’s traffic control computer.

    1970 — Colossus: The Forbin Project — Massive computer systems from the U.S. — “Colossus” — and Russia — “Guardian” — connect to each other. Nuclear war is threatened.

    1971 — Paper Man — Five bored college students take advantage of a computer glitch and create a fictitious person, but the prank backfires.

    1971 — THX 1138 — Set in a futuristic, state-controlled environment, this film follows a man and a woman, named THX 1138 and LUH 3417, respectively, as they instill a revolution upon their strictly-governed and closely-watched society.

    1973 — Westworld — For one thousand dollars a day, guests of a futuristic theme park can visit recreations of different time periods and experience their wildest fantasies with lifelike androids. Pals Blane (James Brolin) and Martin (Richard Benjamin) have chosen to visit Westworld and walk the lawless streets of the American frontier. Their fantasies turn to terror, however, when a duel with a robotic gunslinger (Yul Brynner) goes terribly wrong.

    1974 — The Conversation — Gene Hackman plays a surveillance expert using high-tech equipment (back in the day) to spy on a couple he fears may be in danger. Nominated for three Oscars.

    1975 — Three Days of the Condor — CIA codebreaker Robert Redford tries to figure out why his own agency wants him dead.

    1977 — Demon Seed — This science fiction horror film tells the story of Proteus IV, a sentient supercomputer made from artificial intelligence, who goes to incredible and dangerous lengths to attempt to become human.

    1982 — Tron — One of the earliest hacking films. A computer engineer learns an executive at his company has been stealing his work and is launched into the world of virtual reality.

    1983 — Brainstorm — Researchers Michael Brace (Christopher Walken) and Lillian Reynolds (Louise Fletcher) develop a system that allows the recording and playback of a person’s thoughts onto videotape. The project spins out of control when the technology is used to explore intense sexual and near-death experiences.

    1983 — Superman III — Richard Pryor plays Gus Gorman, a hacker who is caught skimming from his company’s payroll through a program he developed and is then blackmailed to help turn Superman evil.

    1983 — WarGames — High school student (Matthew Broderick) hacks into a military supercomputer in this classic and activates the U.S. nuclear arsenal, at a time when most people didn’t know what hacking was.

    1984 — Cloak and Dagger — When 11-year-old Davey sees the murder of an FBI agent, the dying man hands him an Atari video game cartridge with military secrets. With Dabney Coleman.

    1984 — Electric Dreams — Set in San Francisco, this science fiction romantic comedy is about a love triangle between an architect, a cellist, and a personal computer.

    1984 — Hide and Seek — A young computer enthusiast develops a kind of artificial intelligence program named “Gregory P1.” To ensure its survival, the computer contacts other computers and begins to fight the humans. It also hooks into the mainframe computer of a nuclear power plant.

    1985 — Brazil — When Sam Lowry (Jonathan Pryce) gets involved in a case of mistaken identity, he’s labeled as an enemy of the state by the powerful, technology-dependent bureaucracy controlling his society. On a quest to rectify the wrong, Sam meets the woman of his dreams, but, unbeknownst to him, she may be a terrorist.

    1985 — Hackers: Wizards of the Electronic Age — This documentary about the hacker community includes footage of interviews with some of the programmers that created the PC revolution, including Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple. Filmed at a hacker conference held in Sausalito, Calif.

    1985 — Max Headroom — This science fiction drama tells the origin story of its eponymous character, Max Headroom, an artificially intelligent, computer-generated television host. This film was later repurposed to serve as the pilot for a British series of the same name.

    1985 — Prime Risk — Computer-savvy lovers scam Automated Teller Machines and plot to sink the Federal Reserve.

    1985 — Real Genius — Two teenagers working on a laser project at a prestigious engineering college begin to question the true purpose of their work when the government steps in with intentions to use their project as a military-grade weapon. Starring Val Kilmer and Gabriel Jarret.

    1985 — Weird Science — Teenagers Gary and Wyatt design their ideal woman on a computer, and a freak electrical accident brings her to life in the form of the lovely, superhuman Lisa.

    1986 — Ferris Bueller’s Day Off — A high school student (Matthew Broderick) who wants the day off breaks into his school’s computer system and changes grades and attendance records.

    1987 — Bellman and True — Computer expert Hiller (Bernard Hill) finds himself unemployed and is bribed into stealing confidential computer information for a group of bank robbers. He gets the job done but makes the mistake of thinking he’s seen the last of the criminals; little does Hiller know they’ve tracked him and his son to London.

    1987 — Terminal Entry — Picking up where War Games left off, this film tells the story of a group of high school students who unknowingly hack into the network of a dangerous terrorist organization under the impression they’re simply playing a game — but the acts of terror caused by their actions are no joke.

    1988 — Defense Play — After her father is mysteriously killed while working on a project for the U.S. Air Force, Karen (Susan Ursitti) joins forces with Scott (David Oliver), and together, the two computer-savvy students open their own investigation into the murder.

    1990 — Circuitry Man — In a dystopian society, narcotics come in the form of a microchip, heavily sought after by Earth’s remaining inhabitants — two of whom are a bio-android and a female bodyguard who, after stealing said microchips, find themselves being tracked by a dangerous criminal.

    1990 — Demolition Man — The year is 2032 in San Angeles, a utopian city created by the citizens of Southern California. When a violent criminal breaks out and threatens the societal peace, John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone) is awoken from 36 years spent cryogenically frozen in ice to capture the fugitive, but he becomes distracted when forced to adapt to the future society made up of voice-controlled devices, autonomous connected cars, and more.

    1990 — Hardware — Starring Dylan McDermott, this film — set in a post-apocalyptic America — follows a former soldier who unknowingly gifts his girlfriend spare parts from a self-rebuilding, murderous cyborg.

    1990 — The KGB, The Computer and Me — In 1986, Clifford Stoll, an astronomer turned computer scientist, began working on a computer system at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. At the time, two accounting programs were responsible for charging people for machine use. When Stoll discovered a 75-cent discrepancy in the normally flawless programs, he began to investigate and eventually uncovered an undocumented user named “Hunter.” As he dug deeper, he realized that Hunter had hacked into the system and installed new programs. His investigation eventually led him and U.S. intelligence to the realization that Hunter was a computer programmer who worked for the KGB.

    1991 — Terminator 2: Judgment Day — A cyborg protects Sarah Connor’s teenage son John from another cyborg intent on killing him.

    1992 — The Lawnmower Man —Resembling “Frankenstein,” this science fiction horror film tells the story of a scientist (Pierce Brosnan) and his experiment: a once-simple man (Jeff Fahey) who, through the power of mind-enhancing medication and computer-simulated training sessions, becomes a genius. But it isn’t long before this experiment spirals out of control.

    1992 — Single White Female — A woman (played by Bridget Fonda) advertises for a roommate. She soon discovers that her new roommate is a hacker (Jennifer Jason Leigh) intent on stealing her identity.

    1992 — Sneakers — A Hacker (Robert Redford) leads a team of experts who test the security of San Francisco companies. They discover a black box that can crack any encryption, posing a huge threat if it lands in the wrong hands… including rogue NSA agents.

    1993 — American Cyborg: Steel Warrior — When a fleet of murderous cyborgs threatens the remaining life on Earth after a nuclear war, two of the last humans join forces to save the future of their race. A nail-biting battle ensues.

    1993 — Frauds — An insurance investigator (Phil Collins) uses games and gimmicks to manipulate the lives of others, including a couple who make an unusual insurance claim. He approves the claim but makes bizarre demands as ransom.

    1993 — Ghost in the Machine — A computer-powered MRI machine extracts a serial murderer’s soul, and becomes a deadly technological weapon.

    1993 — Jurassic Park — Seinfeld’s nemesis “Newman” (Dennis Nery) plays an IT guy who hacks his way into a coup that involves him stealing dinosaur DNA to sell to the highest bidder.

    1993 — Knights — Set in a futuristic world devastated by war, this science fiction thriller tells the story of Gabriel (Kris Kristofferson), a cyborg, and Nea (Kathy Long), a young girl, who — despite being an unlikely duo — team up against their planet’s dominant, blood-thirsty army of cyborgs to save the human race.

    1994 — Disclosure — Starring Demi Moore and Michael Douglas, this thriller balances both the virtual and physical worlds, telling the story of a senior executive at a technology company who’s on track for a big promotion — that is, until his fate falls into the hands of his ex-girlfriend, who is determined to revive their relationship … with or without consent.  

    1994 — Plughead Rewired: Circuitry Man II — The sequel to 1990’s Circuitry Man follows a female FBI agent and an android named Danner as they track down Plughead — a notorious criminal known for making and selling microchips that promise an extended life to those who take them.

    1995 — Ghost in the Shell — In this animated Japanese sci-fi epic, a cyborg policewoman and her partner hunt a cybercriminal called the Puppet Master, who hacks into the brains of cyborgs to get information and use it to commit crimes.  (Scarlett Johansson stars in a 2017 live-action remake.)

    1995 — GoldenEye — James Bond tries to stop a Russian crime syndicate from using a stolen space-based weapons program and falls into the clutches of an evil genius who plans to rule Earth from cyberspace.

    1995 — Hackers —A teenage hacker is back on the scene seven years after being banned from computers for writing a virus that caused the biggest stock exchange crash in history. He and his friends must prove that a sinister superhacker is framing them for a plot to embezzle funds from a large oil company with a computer worm. With Angelina Jolie.

    1995 — Johnny Mnemonic — A computer chip implanted in his brain allows a human data trafficker (Keanu Reeves) to securely store and transport data too sensitive for regular computer networks. When he gets a valuable package that exceeds the chip’s storage capacity, the mnemonic courier must deliver the data within 24 hours or die. Assassins are intent on helping him do just that.

    1995 — Judge Dredd — Judge Dredd (Sylvester Stallone) is sent to a penal colony for a murder he didn’t commit. On his way there, he gets an unexpected sidekick when he reunites with Herman “Fergee” Ferguson (Rob Schneider), a hacker he previously busted for destruction of property.

    1995 — The Net — A computer programmer (Sandra Bullock) who lives a reclusive life is looking forward to time off when she becomes aware of a conspiracy. Her vacation turns into a nightmare when someone tries to kill her and her identity is stolen. She must prove who she is while trying to figure out why someone wants her dead.

    1995 — Under Siege 2: Dark Territory — Steven Seagal returns as ex-Navy SEAL Casey Ryback in this sequel to Under Siege, which finds Ryback and his niece Sarah (Katherine Heigl) on a train headed from Denver to Los Angeles. When the train is hijacked by a psychotic computer genius and his fellow terrorist, who need it for their plot to take control of a top-secret satellite, Ryback enlists the help of a train porter (Morris Chestnut) to foil their plan.

    1996 — Independence Day — In an epic fight against an alien race, computer expert David Levinson (Jeff Goldblum) achieves a crucial win when he hacks into the fleet of spaceships coming toward Earth, infecting them with a virus and putting a stop to the looming alien invasion.

    1996 — Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace — On a mission for world domination, Jobe (Matt Frewer), a virtual reality-based consciousness, is determined to hack into all the world’s computers, but his plans are thwarted by Peter (Austin O’Brien) and Benjamin (Patrick Bergin), whose unfaltering passion to save the world — and cyberspace — inspires an all-out war.

    1996 — Omega Doom — In a world dominated by violent cyborgs, there is little-to-no hope for what’s left of humanity … that is, until one such cyborg — Omega Doom — is struck in the head, causing his wires to short and recircut, leading to a newfound interest in defeating his own kind.

    1997 — Masterminds — The new security chief at a prestigious private school plans to even a score by kidnapping several of the wealthy students and holding them for ransom. A teenage computer hacker, expelled from the school for pulling pranks, thwarts his plans.

    1998 — 23 — After an orphan invests some of his inheritance in a home computer, he begins discussing conspiracy theories inspired by a novel on bulletin boards. He’s soon hacking military and government computers with a friend. Based on a true story.

    1998 — Enemy of the State — A lawyer (Will Smith) isn’t aware that a videotape in his possession proves a congressman was murdered for opposing surveillance legislation. When he becomes the target of a corrupt NSA official and his life begins to fall apart, he enlists the help of an ex-intelligence operative (Gene Hackman).

    1998 — Mercury Rising (Code Mercury) — A renegade FBI agent (Bruce Willis) must protect a 9-year-old autistic boy who has cracked encrypted government code that was supposed to be unbreakable.

    1998 — Pi — Is there a mathematical key that can unlock the universal patterns in nature? If found, can that key predict anything — even the stock market? A brilliant, obsessed, and paranoid mathematician who barricades himself in a room filled with computer equipment intends to find that key, but might go mad while doing so.

    1998 — Webmaster — In this Danish sci-fi thriller, a powerful crime leader hires a hacker to monitor the security of his computer operations. When someone else hacks into the database, the webmaster must go to extremes to find him, or die within 35 hours.

    1999 — Entrapment — An undercover art investigator (Catherine Zeta-Jones) is intent on tracking down and capturing a renowned thief (Sean Connery). They end up attempting a heist together.

    1999 — eXistenZ — Computer programmer Allegra Geller’s (Jennifer Jason Leigh) latest creation, the hyper-realistic virtual reality game eXistenZ, takes a dangerous turn when a crazed assassin becomes intent on destroying it. With help from Ted Pikul (Jude Law), Allegra sets out to save the game, and her life.

    1999 — The Matrix — In a dystopian future, humanity is unknowingly trapped inside the Matrix, a simulated reality created by intelligent machines to distract humans while they use their bodies as an energy source. A computer programmer / hacker known as Neo (Keanu Reeves) discovers the truth and joins forces with other rebels to free humankind.

    1999 — Office Space —They’re supposed to be part of one big happy family, but three computer programmers hate their jobs and their boss. They concoct a scheme to embezzle small amounts of money from the high-tech company that employs them, but a mistake results in a bigger theft than planned. With Jennifer Anniston.

    1999 — NetForce — In the year 2005, NetForce, a division of the FBI, is tasked with protecting the Net from terrorism. A loophole in a browser allows someone to gain control of the Internet and all the information it holds. Now the commander of NetForce must stop him, as he also tracks down a killer.

    1999 — Pirates of Silicon Valley — This biographical drama about the development of the personal computer and the rivalry between Apple Computer and Microsoft spans the years 1971 – 1997. Noah Wyle portrays Steve Jobs and Anthony Michael Hall stars as Bill Gates.

    1999 — The Thirteenth Floor — This science-fiction neo-noir film begins in 1999 in Los Angeles when the inventor of a newly completed virtual reality simulation of the city in 1937 is murdered. A computer scientist he has mentored (played by Craig Bierko) becomes the primary suspect and begins to doubt his own innocence because of the evidence against him. He eventually enters the simulation to unravel the truth and realizes nothing is as it seems.

    2000 — Takedown — Also known as “Track Down,” the controversial movie version of the manhunt for legendary hacker Kevin Mitnick is based on the book by Tsutomu Shimomura, “Takedown: The Pursuit and Capture of Kevin Mitnick, America’s Most Wanted Computer Outlaw – By The Man Who Did It.”

    2001 — A.I. Artificial Intelligence —  In this Pinocchio-esque tale, David (Haley Joel Osment) — a sentient, artificially-created robot — wishes to become a real boy, longing for a stronger connection with his human mother.

    2001 — Antitrust — When a college graduate (Ryan Phillippe) gets a job writing software at a multi-billion dollar computer company, he has no idea that the founder (Tim Robbins) and new mentor is hiding dark secrets. Is there anyone he can trust?

    2001 — The Code — This documentary covers the first decade of GNU/Linux and features some of the most influential people of the free software (FOSS) movement.

    2001 — Freedom Downtime — This documentary covers the plight of convicted computer hacker Kevin Mitnick, from the standpoint that Miramax misrepresented him in the film “Takedown.” It includes the story of several computer enthusiasts who confront Miramax reps about their discontent with aspects of the script, including the film’s ending.

    2001 — Revolution OS — The history of GNU, Linux, and the open source and free software movements is traced in this documentary. It features several interviews with prominent hackers and entrepreneurs.

    2001 — The Score — An aging safecracker (Robert De Niro) plans to retire, but his fence (Marlon Brando) talks him into one final score, stealing one of Canada’s natural treasures hidden in the basement of a Customs House. He joins forces with another thief (Edward Norton) who hires someone to hack into the Custom House’s security system, but things go wrong.

    2001 — Secret History of Hacking — The focus of this documentary is phreaking, computer hacking, and social engineering occurring from the 1970s through the 1990s. John Draper, Steve Wozniak, and Kevin Mitnick are prominently featured.

    2001 — Swordfish — A spy named Gabriel (John Travolta) plots to steal a large fortune. He enlists Ginger (Halle Berry) to persuade Stanley (Hugh Jackman), who spent two years in prison for hacking an FBI program, to help. But what is Gabriel really up to, and who or what is really behind the plot?

    2002 — Catch Me if You CanFrank Abagnale is one of the world’s most respected authorities on forgery, embezzlement, and secure documents. His riveting story provided the inspiration for Steven Spielberg’s film starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Abagnale and Tom Hanks as the FBI agent fast on his heels.

    2002 — Cypher — Morgan Sullivan (Jeremy Northam) is an accountant turned corporate spy working for a global computer corporation.  When a mysterious woman suggests his job isn’t what it seems, Morgan ascends into a complicated world of brainwashing, where he struggles to maintain his true identity.

    2002 — Half the Rent — Otherwise known as Halbe Miete, this film follows a computer hacker (Stephan Kampwirth) who, after the sudden death of his girlfriend, breaks into — and camps out at — other people’s apartments when they’re not home. But when what started as a temporary solution to homelessness becomes a dangerous obsession, will the risk outweigh the reward?

    2002 — Minority Report — It’s 2054 and a specialized Pre-Crime police department in D.C. stops crimes before they are committed based on information from Pre-Cogs, three psychic beings who channel their visions into a computer. When they accuse the unit chief (Tom Cruise) of a future murder, he becomes a fugitive, hunted by his own department.

    2002 — Storm Watch — A champion player of virtual reality games must suddenly race against time to stop a criminal mastermind who has stolen his identify from destroying the world with a weather satellite. Also known as “Code Hunter.”

    2002 — Terminal Error — A former employee of a major software company gets even with the president by planting a computer virus on an MP3 and giving it to his son. His plan is to crash the computer terminals, but the virus has a mind of its own and begins to take out large portions of the city. Father and son must create their own virus to stop the chaos.

    2003 — Code 46 — In a dystopian world, citizens are forbidden to travel outside their cities without special permits from the totalitarian government. When forged permits start to circulate, William Gold (Tim Robbins) is tasked with investigating, finding, and taking down the individual responsible, though he never expects to fall in love with her.

    2003 — The Core — After several bizarre incidents across the globe, a geophysicist and scientists determine that the planet’s molten core has stopped rotating and that the magnetic field will collapse within a year. They devise a plan to bore down to the core and set off nuclear explosions to restart the rotation and enlist a hacker to scour the internet and eliminate all traces of the pending disaster to prevent worldwide panic.

    2003 — Foolproof — Kevin (Ryan Reynolds) is part of a friend group with an odd hobby: they plan heists, yet never carry them out despite being perfectly able to do so. But when their plans fall into the wrong hands, the friends are thrust into the criminal world as they’re forced to carry out a jewelry warehouse heist that was never supposed to see the light of day.

    2003 — In the Realm of the Hackers — This documentary reveals how and why two Australian teenager computer hackers, Electron and Phoenix, stole a restructured computer security list in the late 1980s and used it to break into some of the world’s most classified and secure computer systems.

    2003 — The Italian Job — After a thief (Edward Norton) turns on his partners and gets away with the gold they’ve stolen in a heist, his former team seeks revenge.

    2003 — The Matrix Reloaded — With the help of Neo (Keanu Reeves), Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), and other freedom fighters, more and more humans have been freed from the Matrix and brought to Zion. But 250,000 machines are digging towards the stronghold and will reach them in 72 hours, so they must prepare for war.

    2003 — Paycheck — Michael Jennings (Ben Affleck) makes good money working on top-secret projects and then agreeing to have his memory erased, until a payment of $92 million for a three-year assignment is canceled. With his life in danger, he must get help from a scientist (Uma Thurman) he doesn’t remember dating to figure out the importance of seemingly random items.

    2004 — One Point O — Simon (Jeremy Sisto), a young, paranoid computer programmer, finds himself on the receiving end of a series of mysteriously empty packages. Little does he know these deliveries are only the tip of a reality-bending iceberg that will change his life forever.

    2004 — Paranoia 1.0 — A computer programmer receives mysterious empty packages inside his apartment and tries to find out who’s sending them, why, and who he can trust. Also known as “One Point O.”

    2005 — V for Vendetta — In a dystopian future, a tyrannical British government imposes a strict curfew following the outbreak of a virus. An anarchist in a smiling Guy Fawkes mask seeks revenge with the help of a young woman and hacks into the television network to urge others to revolt against tyranny.

    2006 — Deja Vu — Doug Carlin (Denzel Washington) is an ATF agent working to capture the terrorist responsible for a ferry bombing that killed hundreds. Using an advanced form of surveillance technology, Doug travels back in time, on a mission to prevent the crime, but his newfound obsession with one of the victims puts everything at risk.

    2006 — The Departed — Boston police officer Billy (Leonardo DiCaprio) goes undercover to infiltrate — and take down — the dangerous Irish gang tearing up his city, led by Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson). Becoming consumed by his secret life, Billy loses sight of his mission, though everything comes back into perspective when a career criminal infiltrates and begins threatening the police department.

    2006 — Firewall — When his family is taken hostage, a security specialist (Harrison Ford) who designs theft-proof computer systems for financial institutions must break into his own system and steal millions of dollars to pay off their ransom.

    2006 — Hacking Democracy — This documentary investigates allegations of election fraud during the 2004 U.S. presidential election. It follows Bev Harris, the founder of Black Box Voting, a nonprofit consumer-protection group, and other citizen activists who set out to uncover flaws in the voting system.

    2006 — In Ascolto — Also known as The Listening, this film takes inspiration from the mass surveillance operations of the National Security Agency (NSA), chronicling the experience of a spy (Michael Parks) working undercover to get on the inside of a counter-listening station in the Italian Alps.

    2006 — Man of the Year — A satirical political talk show host (Robin Williams) runs for president and gets elected with the help of fans who begin a grassroots campaign. It’s later revealed that his presidency was the result of a computerized voting machine malfunction.

    2006 — The Net 2.0 — A young computer systems analyst arrives in Istanbul to start a new job, but finds out her identity has been stolen. She must catch who did it to get her life back.

    2006 — Pulse — In this remake of a Japanese horror film, a student is shocked when her boyfriend, a computer hacker, commits suicide. Then she and her friends receive online messages from him, asking for help. Another computer hacker must help her stop a supernatural plague traveling through the network.

    2006 — A Scanner Darkly — This computer-animated adaptation of Philip K Dick’s 1977 sci-fi novel is set in the near-future. The U.S.’s war on drugs, particularly a hyper-addictive substance called D (for Death), prompts the enforcement of a police state that uses numberless surveillance scanners.

    2007 — Bourne Ultimatum — Operative Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) teams up with an investigative reporter to find the people who betrayed him, while a ruthless CIA official and his team continue to track him down in the hopes of assassinating him before he gets his memory back.

    2007 — Breach – This docudrama is based on the events leading up to the capture of FBI Agent Robert Hanssen, convicted of selling secrets to the Soviet Union. A low-level surveillance expert gets promoted and assigned to work with Hanssen, unaware that he is to find proof that he is a traitor.

    2007 — Every Step You Take — This documentary is an in-depth look at modern-day Britain and its Orwell-esque levels of government surveillance. It explores the pros and cons of CCTV, highlighted by commentary from notable experts in the field.

    2007 — Live Free or Die Hard — As the nation prepares to celebrate Independence Day, a disgruntled government security agent launches an attack on America’s computer infrastructure. Veteran cop John McClane (Bruce Willis) and a young hacker must help the F.B.I.’s cyber division take him down.

    2008 — 21 — Six Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) students hack their way to success — and millions of dollars — in Las Vegas casinos by counting cards until casino enforcer Cole Williams (Laurence Fishburne) thwarts their plans. Based on a true story.

    2008 — Download: The True Story of the Internet — Told through personal accounts from the founders of Yahoo, eBay, Google, Amazon, and many others, this documentary tells the story of how the internet became what it is today.

    2008 — Eagle Eye — Two strangers, Jerry and Rachel, come together after receiving mysterious calls from a woman they never met. She threatens their lives and family to push them into a series of dangerous situations, controlling their actions using cellphones and other technology.

    2008 — Hackers are People Too — Hackers created this documentary to portray their community and break down negative stereotypes. It describes what hacking is, how hackers think, and discusses women in the field.

    2008 — Untraceable — Agent Jennifer Marsh (Diane Lane) of the Cyber Crimes Division of the FBI in Portland tries to track down a psychopathic hacker killing people online in live streaming video. As his site gets more hits, victims die faster.

    2008 — WarGames: The Dead Code 2008 — Is an American teen hacker playing a terrorist-attack simulator game online a real terrorist intent on destroying the United States? That’s what Homeland Security believes and they set out to apprehend him.

    2009 — Echelon Conspiracy — When tech whiz Max Peterson (Shane West) gets sent a mysterious cell phone in the mail, he’s unsure of where it came from or what it is — until it starts sending instructions on how to win at the local casino. But it isn’t long before Max’s newfound luck puts him at the center of a dangerous government conspiracy dealing with the world’s security cameras. Will he make it out alive?

    2009 — Eyeborgs — In the aftermath of a major terrorist attack, government surveillance in the U.S. is taken to the next level via robotic cameras called “Eyeborgs,” which track and monitor all citizens for suspicious behavior. But when photographic evidence from the Eyeborgs doesn’t line up with the facts in an ongoing murder investigation, a federal agent starts to wonder, who’s really controlling these cameras and what do they want?

    2009 — Gamer — Controlled by a teenage gamer’s remote device, death-row inmate Kable must battle fellow prisoners every week in a violent online game. Can he survive enough sessions to gain his freedom, free his wife from avatar slavery, and take down the game’s inventor?

    2009 — The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo — A journalist searches for the killer of a woman who has been dead for forty years, with the help of a young female hacker. When they unravel dark family secrets, they must protect themselves. This Swedish language film was remade in English in 2011.

    2009 — Hackers Wanted — This unreleased American documentary originally named “Can You Hack It?” follows the adventures of Adrian Lamo, a famous hacker, and explores the origins of hacking and nature of hackers.

    2009 — Shadow Government — What impact does the technological landscape have on our daily lives? This documentary, led by Grant Jeffrey, explores exactly how much of our lives are being digitized and observed in the modern era.

    2009 — Transcendent Man — The subject of this documentary from filmmaker Robert Barry Ptolemy is Ray Kurzweil, inventor, futurist and author, and his predictions about the future of technology, presented in his 2005 book, The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. Ptolemy follows Kurzweil on his world speaking tour, where he discusses his thoughts on the technological singularity, a proposed advancement that will occur sometime in the 21st century due to progress in artificial intelligence, genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics.

    2009 — We Live in Public — Directed by Ondi Timoner, this documentary profiles Josh Harris, “the greatest Internet pioneer you’ve never heard of.” An early entrepreneur, Harris founded, an early streaming content service. In 1999, he began an experiment called “Quiet,” in which 100 men and women agreed to give up their privacy to live together under constant video surveillance, so their lives could be streamed online.

    2010 — Inception — A thief (Leonardo DiCaprio) who can enter people’s dreams and steal their secrets begins using his gift for corporate espionage. Can he also plant an idea into someone’s mind? The film won four Oscars.

    2010 — The Social Network — Jesse Eisenberg portrays Harvard student and computer genius Mark Zuckerberg in this drama about the creation of a social networking site that would become Facebook.

    2010 — Tron Legacy — In this revamped Tron continuation, Sam (Garrett Hedlund) searches in and out of the computer world for his father, Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), a brilliant computer programmer.

    2011 — Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol — When mega-spy Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) is blamed for a terrorist attack on the Kremlin, he and others from his agency, the Impossible Missions Force (IMF), must prove their innocence.

    2011 — StuxNet: Cyberwar — First discovered in 2010, the StuxNet computer worm marked the beginning of a new era in cybercrime, attacking — and causing substantial damage to — an Iranian nuclear program. This documentary explores the malware’s origins alongside its contributions to the advancement of cyber warfare technology.

    2012 — Code 2600 — This documentary explores the rise of the Information Technology Age through the eyes of the people who helped build it and the events that shaped it.

    2012 — Genius on Hold — The downfall of Walter L. Shaw, a telecommunications genius who became destitute, and his disillusioned son, who became a notorious jewel thief, are the subjects of this documentary.

    2012 — Owned & Operated —  Using the lens of the internet, this documentary proves just how much we matter … as consumers, that is. Society today practically lives for privileged individuals — celebrities and politicians, among others — unknowingly adhering to their wicked ways of gaining control, but there is an awakening on the horizon, and it’s going to change everything.

    2012 – Panopticon – Living in the digital age, do we really have privacy? This documentary examines how much our daily lives are controlled and watched by omnipresent surveillance, which — as technology advances — has only become harder to avoid.

    2012 — Reboot — A young female hacker can’t remember a traumatic event that leaves her with an iPhone glued to her hand. The phone’s timer is counting down to zero and fellow hackers must help her solve the puzzle.

    2012 — Shadows of Liberty — Should we trust the media? This documentary examines the five big for-profit conglomerates that control 90 percent of U.S.-based media, raising questions of who to believe in today’s political, economical, and social world.

    2012 — Skyfall — James Bond (Daniel Craig) must prove he still has what it takes as he tracks down the source of a cyber-terror attack at M16 headquarters and goes up against a genius hacker.

    2012 — Tracked Down — Directed by Paul Moreira, this documentary explains how governments around the world monitor their citizens through advanced electronic warfare equipment — equipment that has fallen into the hands of repressive dictatorial regimes in Libya, Syria and Bahrain. Moreira reveals how the technology can be traded in stealth and traces these deals to their source.

    2012 — Underground: The Julian Assange Story — This Australian film follows the early career of the WikiLeaks founder, from his start as a teenage computer hacker in Melbourne.

    2012 — We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists — Filmmaker Brian Knappenberger documents the hacking group Anonymous, including interviews from group members.

    2013 — The Assange Agenda: Surveillance, Democracy and You — At what point does government surveillance put democracy at risk? According to Julian Assange — founder of Wikileaks — we’re already there. This documentary explores what may lay ahead for today’s digital world if we don’t gain control over the various agencies spying on us.

    2013 — Big Data: The Shell Investigation — In the digital age, a journalist’s sources are endless — when consulting big data, that is. This documentary showcases how a team of journalists used easily accessible channels, such as LinkedIn and Wikipedia, to piece together the truth about Royal Dutch Shell’s two-billion-dollar debt to the Iranian government.

    2013 — The Bling Ring — Nicki (Emma Watson) and her fame-obsessed group of friends will do anything to make a name for themselves in Hollywood, including breaking into — and robbing — the homes of elite celebrities, which, if not for the internet, would never have been possible.

    2013 — DEFCON: The Documentary — The world’s largest hacking conference, DEFCON, has long since had a strict no-camera policy … until now. This documentary follows the four days of DEFCON’s 20th-anniversary event, highlighted by commentary from attendees and staff.

    2013 — Disconnect — Three intersecting stories center around the impact of the Internet on people’s lives. The characters include a victim of cyberbullying, a lawyer who communicates constantly through his cell phone but can’t find time to connect with his family, and a couple whose secrets are exposed online.

    2013 — DSKNECTD — Do electronic devices bring people together or pull them apart? This documentary examines how human interaction has changed in light of the rise of technologies such as cell phones, social media, and the internet.

    2013 — 

    2013 — The Fifth Estate — Based on real events, the film begins as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Daniel Domscheit-Berg join forces as underground watchdogs and create a platform for whistleblowers to leak covert data to expose government secrets and corporate crimes.

    2013 — Goodbye World — More than one million cellphones simultaneously receive a two-word message, followed by the collapse of the power grid and widespread panic. A group of people who find shelter in a cabin soon find out what it’s like to live in a post-apocalyptic world.

    2013 — Google and the World Brain —   The Google Books Library Project is certainly ambitious, but is it feasible? This documentary examines Google’s plan to open the world’s largest virtual library, as well as the many issues that may stem from it, such as copyright infringement and lack of online privacy.

    2013 — Her — In this futuristic story, a lonely writer ( Joaquin Phoenix ) develops an unlikely relationship with an operating system designed to meet his every need.

    2013 — Identity Thief — When a woman (Melissa McCarthy) steals the identity of Sandy Patterson (Jason Bateman), a financial firm account executive, and wrecks his credit rating, he sets out to confront her.

    2013 — In Google We Trust — Who’s keeping tabs on your data? This revealing documentary gives viewers an inside look into how — and why — our digital interactions are tracked and recorded. If you’re worried about the consequences, watch this now.

    2013 — Mickey Virus — In this Bollywood hacker comedy, Delhi Police must seek the help of a lazy hacker to solve a case.

    2013 — Terms and Conditions May Apply — This documentary exposes how much the Internet and cellphone usage allows corporations and governments to learn about people.

    2013 — TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away from Keyboard —This Swedish documentary film, directed and produced by Simon Klose, focuses on the lives of the three founders of The Pirate Bay — Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij, and Gottfrid Svartholm — and the Pirate Bay trial.

    2013 — The Value of Your Personal Data — Produced by the acclaimed VPRO series, this documentary discusses the companies that collect your personal data, who buys it from them, how it is used, and who owns it. It also gives advice on how you can gain back control of it and stop being targeted and manipulated.

    2013 — War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State — This documentary by Robert Greenwald highlights four cases — Michael DeKort, Thomas Drake, Franz Gayl and Thomas Tamm — where American government employees and contractors exposed fraud and abuse through the media at the risk of their personal and professional lives.

    2014 — Algorithm — A computer hacker who specializes in breaking into secure systems, including the telephone company and people’s personal accounts, hacks a government contractor and discovers a mysterious computer program, thrusting him into a revolution.

    2014 — The Bureau of Digital Sabotage — What is privacy? This documentary argues it is nonexistent in today’s digital age, delving into our new reality and its most crucial issues by asking citizens to stand up when mass surveillance crosses the line.

    2014 — Citizenfour — This documentary by Laura Poitras about whistleblower Edward Snowden and the NSA spying scandal includes interviews of Snowden in Hong Kong in 2013 and features work by journalist Glenn Greenwald.

    2014 — Digital Amnesia — An in-depth investigation into the shelf life of digital data and the vulnerable nature in which we store information today, featuring commentary from organizations such as Internet Archive and The Archive Team.

    2014 — Ex Machina — A young programmer wins a competition that makes him the human component in a groundbreaking experiment where he must evaluate the capabilities and consciousness of Ava, a breathtaking A.I.

    2014 — The Hackers Wars — This documentary discusses hacktivism in the United States, including the government’s surveillance and persecution of hackers and journalists.

    2014 — The Human Face of Big Data — This documentary, directed by Sandy Smolan and narrated by Joel McHale, initially focuses on Big Data’s positive aspects, such as how the massive gathering and analyzing of data in real-time through a multitude of digital devices allows us to address some of humanity’s biggest challenges and improve lives globally. It also highlights how the accessibility of this data comes at a steep price.

    2014 — The Imitation Game — M16, the newly created British intelligence agency, recruits mathematician Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) and his team to crack the Germany’s Enigma code during World War II. Nominated for 8 Oscars.

    2014 — Inside The Dark Web — Internet surveillance takes center stage in this documentary that details the pros and cons of the World Wide Web. With all types of surveillance taking place globally — government, commercial, and more — what does the future look like for those living in the digital age?

    2014 — The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz — Filmmaker Brian Knappenberger explores the life and work of Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz, a programming prodigy and information activist who committed suicide at the age of 26.

    2014 — Killswitch — In a world where we rely so heavily on the internet, what happens if it comes under attack? This award-winning documentary centers on the threat of internet censorship and what we risk losing if we don’t fight back, such as free speech, democracy, and innovation.

    2014 — Men, Women and Children — What does it mean to be a parent in the age of social media? This film follows multiple families, each with their own relationships to the internet, as they overcome various challenges, including eating disorders and video game culture.

    2014 — Open Windows — A blogger finds out he’s won a dinner with an actress he devotes his website to and is disappointed when she cancels. When he gets a chance to spy on her every move with his laptop, his life gets crazy.

    2014 — The Signal — Nic, who is a student at MIT, is on a road trip with two companions when an annoying computer hacker distracts them. They track him to an abandoned shack. After strange occurrences, Nik wakes up wounded and disoriented, wondering what has happened to his friends, and who are these people in space suits?

    2014 — Transcendence — Dr. Will Caster, renowned artificial intelligence researcher, is on a controversial quest to create a fully sentient machine, but are the dangerous consequences that follow worth it? This science-fiction thriller stars Johnny Depp, Rebecca Hall, Morgan Freeman, and Paul Bettany, among others.

    2014 — Unfriended — a mysterious, supernatural force haunts a group of online chat room friends using the account of their dead friend.

    2014 — Who Am I — A subversive hacker group intent on gaining global fame invites a young German computer whiz to join them.

    2015 — Big Data: Unlocking Success — Experts from Berkeley Research Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Microsoft look into the use of data science and its allied fields in this documentary, noting several real-life examples, including events at Johns Hopkins University and MGM Resorts International.

    2015 — Blackhat — Convicted hacker Nicholas Hathaway (Chris Hemsworth) joins a team of American and Chinese technical experts to track down a Balkan cyberterrorist operating in Southeast Asia.

    2015 — Cyberbully — In this made-for-TV movie, A British teenage girl (Emily Osment) retreats from family and friends when a computer hacker forces her to do his bidding, threatening to leak compromising photos of her if she doesn’t do what he asks.

    2015 — Cybertopia: Dreams of Silicon Valley — A technological revolution is looming in Silicon Valley. This documentary explores the future of digitized reality, as well as how daily life has already changed as a result of the dedicated individuals residing in California’s tech headquarters.

    2015 — Debug — Six young hackers assigned to fix the computer system on a vessel drifting in deep space become prey to an artificial intelligence source intent on becoming human.

    2015 — Deep Web — Filmmaker Alex Winter interviews the people behind the Deep Web and bitcoin and follows the arrest and trial of Ross Ulbricht (“Dread Pirate Roberts”), founder of online black market Silk Road.

    2015 — Democracy: Im Rausch der Daten — From Swiss director David Bernet, this documentary tells the story of how politicians in the EU are working to protect society from the dangers of Big Data and mass surveillance.

    2015 — Digitale Dissidenten — What price do whistleblowers pay? Interviews with David Ellsberg, Edward Snowden, William Binney, Thomas Drake, Annie Machon, and Julian Assange shed light on the cost of having a conscience in the dark world of government surveillance.

    2015 — Furious 7 —Mr. Nobody (Kurt Russell), a government operative, enlists Dominic Toretto to find a hacker who has created God’s Eye, a device that can hack any technology that uses a camera. In return, they can use the device to find and stop Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham), who is seeking revenge against Toretto and his crew for his comatose brother.

    2015 — A Good American — This documentary film tells the story of Bill Binney, former technical director of the NSA, a group of exceptional code-breakers, and a program called ThinThread, which, if not dumped three weeks prior to 9/11, would’ve been able to stop the terrorist attacks that took almost 3,000 lives.

    2015 — Hacker’s Game — A cyber-detective working for a human rights organization and a hacking expert with shady connections meet on a rooftop and bond over a game of virtual chess. Will their romance survive deception?

    2015 — Jobs vs. Gates: The Hippie and The Nerd — This documentary tells the story of two of the biggest men in tech, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and the spectacular rivalry between them. Despite landing on two different sides of the battle between Mac and PC, Jobs and Gates’ mutual respect for one another endured the test of time.

    2015 — Mapping the Future — Are our lives predictable? If you take the internet’s overflowing amount of data into consideration, the answer is yes. This documentary explores how the abundance of data gathered on the internet in recent years led to a mathematical algorithm for human life.

    2015 — Terminal F/Chasing Edward Snowden — This documentary discusses what motivated Edward Snowden, an NSA analyst-turned whistleblower, to leak classified information about global surveillance programs used by the American government, leading him to flee to Hong Kong and later to Russia to evade authorities.

    2015 — The Throwaways — Drew (Sam Huntington) is an infamous hacker who is captured by the CIA for a slew of cybercrimes. However, his impending jail sentence is renounced after the CIA gives him an alternate option — work for them. Sam agrees, but on one condition: he gets to build his own team.

    2015 — War for the Web — Directed by J. C. Cameron Brueckner, this documentary demystifies the physical infrastructure of the internet and explores the issues of ownership and competition in the broadband marketplace, privacy, and security.

    2016 — Anonymous — A young Ukrainian immigrant turns to hacking and identity theft to support his parents, with help from a friend who is a black-market dealer. Petty crimes soon escalate. The film is also known as “Hacker.”

    2016 — Backlight: Cyberjihad — Can social media become a weapon? This documentary examines jihadism and its online presence, which, without any hindrance, has only grown larger over the past fifteen years.

    2016 — Cyber War — Hackers pose a universal threat; how can we defend ourselves? This documentary explores how governments are building up protection against the ever-growing number of digital threats, including by recruiting those with the brains to wage cyberwar and espionage when necessary.

    2016 — Data Center: The True Cost of the Internet — Every day, 247 billion emails are sent through the web. Have you ever wondered what powers them? This eye-opening, high-tech documentary takes viewers inside the digital warehouses that run the internet, otherwise known as data centers.

    2016 — Down the Deep, Dark Web — Venture down the internet’s rabbit hole into the secretive world of the dark web, guided by crypto-anarchists, cypherpunks, and hackers. This documentary will make you question everything you thought you knew about the darknet.

    2016 — Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee — Complex antivirus pioneer John McAfee made millions before leaving the U.S. to live in a compound in the jungle in Belize. This Showtime documentary, which he calls fiction, portrays his life in Belize and 2012 departure after a neighbor was murdered.

    2016 — The Haystack — Due to sophisticated hacking techniques and the terrorist organizations that often use them, the British Parliament began reviewing the Investigatory Powers Bill, legislation that would provide more leniency in the interception of private email and phone communications. Prior to the bill passing in 2016, this documentary examined how effective it would be, if it was necessary, and what citizens would have to give up once the bill was implemented.

    2016 — I.T. — Aviation tycoon Mike Regan (Pierce Brosnan) hires an I.T. consultant on a temporary basis to do some work at his house and is so impressed he gives him a full-time job. He’s fired when he oversteps boundaries and seeks revenge against the businessman and his family.

    2016 — Jason Bourne — Former CIA agent Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) is drawn out of hiding to uncover more about his past while fighting cyberterrorism.

    2016 — Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World — Filmmaker Werner Herzog examines the Internet and how it affects human interaction and modern society.

    2016 — National Bird — A chilling documentary in which three military veterans blow the whistle on the secret U.S. drone war, highlighting America’s modern warfare program through the harrowing experiences of those involved.

    2016 — Nerve — Friends pressure a high school senior to join the popular online game Nerve. She becomes caught up in the thrill of the adrenaline-fueled competition, partnered with a mysterious stranger, but the game takes a sinister turn.

    2016 — Offline is the New Luxury — Since the dawn of the internet, humanity has slowly but surely become increasingly dependent on various smart devices — phones, tablets, and laptops alike. This documentary asks one poignant question: what would the world be without them?

    2016 — Rise of the Trolls — Is being anonymous a blessing or a curse? In this documentary, filmmakers Jonathan Baltrusaitis and Paul Kemp explore the unnerving truths surrounding internet anonymity, dark instincts, and freedom in cyberspace.

    2016 — Risk — Laura Poitras spent six years making this documentary about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who gave her the opportunity to closely film him but later tried to censor the film.

    2016 — Silicon Cowboys — This documentary tells the true story of how three unsuspecting friends became computing pioneers by dreaming up the Compaq Computer — a portable PC that would directly impact the future of computing and consequently shape the world we live in today.

    2016 — Snowden — Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as Edward J. Snowden in Oliver Stone’s biopic of the former National Security Agency contractor who becomes disillusioned with the intelligence community and leaks classified information, becoming a fugitive from law and a hero to many.

    2016 — State of Surveillance — In this documentary film, Edward Snowden — infamously known for leaking classified information from the National Security Agency — invites viewers into the disturbing world of government surveillance. A must-see for anyone who feels like they’re being watched.

    2016 — Stingray — This documentary enlightens viewers to just how advanced surveillance technology has become, highlighting the Stingray, which, despite going by many different names, has certified itself as one of the most powerful surveillance devices of all time, though many see it as an invasion of privacy.

    2016 — What Makes You Click — Described as both a fascinating psychological study and a gripping cautionary tale, this documentary from the VPRO Backlight series discusses how companies adapt their websites and apps to get consumers to stay on them longer and spend more money.

    2016 — Zero Days — Alex Gibney’s documentary focuses on Stuxnet, or “Operation Olympic Games,” a malicious computer worm developed by the United States and Israel to sabotage a key part of Iran’s nuclear program.

    2017 — AlphaGo — Can an AI challenger defeat a legendary master in the game of Go? The battle between man and machine takes center stage in this documentary film chronicling Lee Sedol’s nail-biting match against AlphaGo, a computer program devised by Deep Mind Technologies to master the 3,000-year-old game.

    2017 — The Circle — Mae (Emma Watson) lands a dream job at a technology and social media company called the Circle. She is soon handpicked by the founder (Tom Hanks) to participate in an experiment that takes transparency to a new level.

    2017 — The Crash — The government enlists a team of white-collar criminals to thwart a cyberattack that threatens to bankrupt the United States.

    2017 — Facebook: Cracking the Code — What does Facebook know about you? This documentary digs deep into the security issues that social media giant Facebook doesn’t want you to know, including how they track browsing data, promote targeted ads, and spread false information.

    2017 — The Fate of the Furious — A cyberterrorist known as Cipher (Charlize Theron) coerces Dom (Vin Diesel) into working for her, hacks and takes control of cars, and reaps havoc.

    2017 — Ghost in the Shell — Major (Scarlett Johansson) is saved from a terrible crash and cyber-enhanced as a soldier to stop the world’s most dangerous criminals. She soon discovers that her life was actually stolen and determines to recover her past, find out who did this to her, and stop them before they do it to others.

    2017 — Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web — This documentary tells the story of Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom, a super-hacker, entrepreneur and notorious Internet pirate accused of money laundering, racketeering, and copyright infringement.

    2017 — Meeting Snowden — Edward Snowden, former CIA and NSA collaborator, has become infamous for initiating one of the most controversial mass surveillance scandals of all time. But who is he really? In this documentary, Lawrence Lassig and Birgitta Jónsdóttir sit down with the whistleblower to discuss the future of democracy, among other things.

    2017 — Nothing to Hide — Do we really have nothing to hide? This documentary takes an in-depth look into government surveillance today and why the public seems to have unanimously accepted the loss of their right to online privacy.

    2017 — Silk Road: Drugs, Death, and the Dark Web — In 2011, Ross Ulbricht launched the anonymous darknet website, Silk Road. This documentary explores everything the black market site had to offer, as well as the events leading up to — and following — Ulbricht’s inevitable arrest.

    2017 — Stare Into The Lights My Pretties — Many of us live behind a screen, but at what cost? This documentary examines why so many people are addicted to their screens, all the while exploring the impact this collective mindset may have on our future.

    2017 — Thoughtcrime — Directed by Bernd Riemann, this documentary compares the disturbing similarities between the disclosures made by former CIA employee Edward Snowden in 2013 and the world created by George Orwell in the dystopian science fiction film 1984, where independent thinking was censored and holding thoughts opposing those in power was considered a criminal act.

    2017 — Weapons of Mass Surveillance — Directed by Elizabeth C. Jones, this documentary explores the dangerous alliance of Western surveillance technology and Middle Eastern governments who use that technology to monitor their citizens. It discusses how high-tech cyber-surveillance enables governments to record, archive, and analyze communications.

    2018 — Anon — In a world where everyone’s lives are transparent, traceable, and recorded by the authorities, causing crime to almost cease, a detective (Clive Owen) tries to solve a series of murders that may involve a mysterious hacker (Amanda Seyfried).

    2018 — Assassination Nation — After an anonymous hacker leaks the private information of the people of Salem, suspicion falls on four teenage girls who are targeted by the community.

    2018 — Black Code — Told through accounts from exiled Brazilian activists, Syrian citizens, and Tibetan monks, this documentary explores how governments across the world are exploiting the internet to gain control over their people.

    2018 — Cam — Alice (Madeline Brewer) is an exotic webcam performer whose life is turned upside down when her channel — and livelihood — are stolen by a scarily accurate look-alike. Determined to get her identity back, Alice sets out to unmask, and ultimately take down, the mysterious hacker.

    2018 — The Cleaners — Nothing stays on the internet forever. The web’s self-cleaning nature dominates this documentary led by field experts, enlightening viewers to the process of content removal, alongside asking one poignant question: who decides what should, and should not, be seen?

    2018 — The Creepy Line — Google and Facebook take center stage in this documentary that depicts how the social media platforms have perfected various manipulation tactics, all in the name of gaining access to the public’s personal and private information. Told through first-hand accounts, scientific experiments, and an in-depth analysis.

    2018 — The Defenders — Produced by Cybereason, this documentary invites viewers inside the world of cybercrime, analyzing four of the most well-known cyberattacks throughout history — highlighted by commentary from those working to protect our institutions from the ever-changing cyber threat landscape.

    2018 — Digital Addicts — How much do screens affect children’s brain development? This documentary follows a group of kids growing up in the digital age, highlighting the harmful, hyper-addictive nature of social media platforms, mobile phones, and more.

    2018 — Do You Trust This Computer? — Is a smarter machine always a better machine? This documentary digs deep into the dangers of artificial intelligence, highlighted by commentary from some of the field’s most respected individuals, including Elon Musk.

    2018 — Edward Snowden: Whistleblower or Spy? — In 2013, Edward Snowden infamously leaked highly classified information from the NSA. Five years later, this documentary looks back at the sensational time through interviews with participants and witnesses, including some who are speaking out for the first time.

    2018 — The Feeling of Being Watched — This documentary is the result of journalist Assia Bendaoui’s investigation into rumors that the FBI has monitored her quiet, predominantly Arab-American neighborhood near Chicago since the 1990s. Her research exposed one of the FBI’s largest counter-terrorism investigations before 9/11.

    2018 — General Magic  — This is the story of one of tech’s most influential and least memorable companies. Featuring commentary from members of the original Macintosh team alongside the creators of eBay, iPod, iPhone, and Android, this documentary explores how General Magic created the first handheld personal communicator, aka smartphone, and what happened after.

    2018 — The Girl in the Spider’s Web — Computer hacker Lisbeth Salander (who is also an avenging angel for abused women) and journalist Mikael Blomkvist find themselves caught in a web of spies, cybercriminals and corrupt government officials.

    2018 — Hacked — After losing his job to a state-of-the-art supercomputer, a disgruntled computer technician decides to test his replacement. In the meantime, a group of hackers infiltrates the building to steal the new technology.

    2018 — Inside Facebook: Secrets of a Social Network — Which is more important: money or morality? This eye-opening documentary takes viewers inside Facebook’s moderating hub, demonstrating how the social media company regulates harmful content, such as child abuse and hate speech — although the results prove to be more concerning than comforting.

    2018 — Inside the Russian Info War Machine — How does Russia undermine democratic governments, alter world events, and manipulate public opinion? In this documentary, acclaimed journalist Paul Moreira breaks down the Russian information war machine, including its hidden weapon: the trolls and hackers pushing Russia’s agenda across cyberspace.

    2018 — Irumbu Thirai — A cat and mouse game for the digital age. After losing millions of dollars to a group of cybercriminals, a soldier sets out on a quest to get back everything he lost. Will his efforts be enough?

    2018 — Johnny English Strikes Again — After a cyberattack reveals the identity of all of Britain’s active undercover agents, MI7 agent Johnny English must come out of retirement to find the mastermind hacker.

    2018 — King of Crime — Marcus King (Mark Wingett) was a well-known crime lord on the streets … that is, until he brought his illegal empire to cyberspace. When Islamic extremists threaten everything he’s built, the newly cemented king of British cybercrime will do everything in his power to maintain his status.

    2018 — Ocean’s 8 — On a mission to pull off an impossible heist at New York’s renowned Met Gala, hacker 9Ball (Rihanna) launches a spear-phishing campaign against an employee at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, gaining access to the museum’s security camera system and giving her all-female crew the insight they need to successfully steal one of the most valuable jewelry pieces in the world.

    2018 — Peripheral — This horror film follows a successful young writer — Bobbi Johnson (Hannah Arterton) — who, after experiencing writer’s block while writing her second novel, employs an artificially intelligent software to finish her work. Little does Bobbi know, she’s about to uncover a dangerous conspiracy of social control.

    2018 — Searching — A man becomes desperate when his 16-year-old daughter disappears and a police investigation is futile. Hoping to find clues, he searches her laptop, scours photos and videos, and begins contacting her friends.

    2018 — Unfriended: Dark Web — After a teen finds a mysterious laptop, he invites several friends to play a game online. The night turns deadly when they become the target of cyber-terrorism.

    2019 — BD2K: Big Data to Knowledge — Told through the stories of two patients battling disease in the information age, this documentary film explores how big data has changed the way medicine is practiced, as well as its effect on doctor-patient relationships.

    2019 — Cyber Crime — In this documentary, 10 leading cybercrime experts discuss how billions of dollars a year are stolen or lost as a result of cybercrime, destroying businesses and lives.

    2019 — Dataland — Living in a world that’s practically run by AI, it’s hard to think we’ve only just scratched the surface of what the technology is capable of — but it’s true. This documentary explores what the world’s top data scientists are working on behind closed doors.

    2019 — The Great Hack — This documentary examines the Cambridge Analytica scandal through the roles of several people affected by it.

    2019 — HAK_MTL — Tech companies claim to protect our privacy, but is it true? In this eye-opening documentary, a group of Canadian hackers launch an investigation into the internet and how it continues to track, store, and share users’ data, despite assurances that it doesn’t.

    2019 — Hero or Villain? The Prosecution of Julian Assange — Depending on who you’re talking to, the name Julian Assange will provoke one of two feelings: fury or awe. This documentary, led by the ABC Four Corners Team, chronicles an investigation into the founder of Wikileaks, featuring commentary from some of the individuals who knew him best.

    2019 — Kee — Siddharth (Jiiva) and Shivam (Govind Padmasoorya) share an affinity for hacking, but that’s all they have in common. When the two unexpectedly cross paths, a fight between hacking for good and evil breaks out — and the consequences are fatal.

    2019 — Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI — How do we interact with AI? The technology has cemented itself as one of the foundations of our digital age, but has yet to reach its full potential. This documentary examines what the future of artificial intelligence will look like and the many possibilities ahead of us.

    2019 — Official Secrets —  Katharine Gun made headlines in 2003 after blowing the whistle on an illegal NSA spy operation. This drama film, starring Kiera Knightly and Matt Smith, chronicles the scandal, as well as the ensuing legal battles that uncovered top-secret manipulation tactics used by the highest levels of government in both the U.S. and the UK.

    2019 — Password — A police officer hunts for a cybercriminal who is destroying people’s lives by hacking their passwords.

    2019  — The Secrets of Silicon Valley — Directed by James Corbett, this documentary looks at the long and detailed history of Silicon Valley, located in the San Francisco Bay area, including how it was founded in the aftermath of World War II, the technology companies located there that have shaped the world through innovation, the ties between different companies and the government, and according to Corbett, the shadowy underworld hiding beneath the surface and why Big Tech means big trouble.

    2019 — Third Eye Spies — Directed by Lance Mungia, this documentary reveals how an experiment in psychic abilities at Stanford Research Institute led to the CIA’s study of psychic abilities for more than 20 years for use in their top-secret spy program. Parapsychologists Russell Targ and Dean Radin are interviewed, along with dozens of others, regarding recently declassified information.

    2019 — Unfriends — In this Bollywood thriller, Veer, who has an idea for a startup, receives a Facebook friend request from Vijay, who becomes his investor. While on a long celebration drive, they meet a girl named Mauli. When Vijay rapes her and intends to kill her, Veer comes to her rescue and helps her escape. When she is later subjected to abuse on the internet, Veer seeks justice for her.

    2019 — WannaCry: The Marcus Hutchins Story — Marcus Hutchins, a British computer researcher, became an “accidental hero” when he discovered a kill switch in May 2017 that stopped the spread of WannaCry, hours after the ransomware affected thousands of systems across the world. Three months later, the FBI arrested him because of his involvement in a banking trojan. This documentary, directed by Hugo Berkeley, is his firsthand story.

    2019 — Who You Think I Am — A 50-year-old divorced teacher (Juliette Binoche) uses a photo of a young, pretty blonde to create a fake Facebook profile of a 24-year-old woman after being ghosted by her 20-something lover.

    2019 — You Can’t Watch This — This independent documentary by George Llewelyn-John discusses freedom of speech and the online world. It highlights stories of five individuals who lose their access to social media and how that censorship affects them.

    2020 — Archive — Roboticist George Almore (Theo James) is working to create a true human-equivalent AI, but when his focus turns to reuniting with his dead wife, Julie (Stacy Martin), he finds himself reaping Dr. Frankenstein-worthy consequences.

    2020 — The Big Reset 2.0 — Every day, AI grows more functional, intelligent, and capable of completing even the most complicated tasks, but at what point does it become too much? In this documentary produced by Germany’s international broadcaster, Deutsche Welle (DW), experts discuss the field’s ongoing battle between risk and reward.

    2020 — Childhood 2.0 — What does it mean to be a child in the highly vulnerable digital age? Online predators, cyberbullying, and mental health take center stage in this documentary that delves into the real-life issues plaguing kids and parents today.

    2020 — CyberlanteAfter getting a job at an isolated hotel run by a cruel bully, Matt (Gavin Gordon) finds himself at the center of a battle between hacking for good and evil.

    2020 — Enemies of the State —  This American documentary film follows Matt DeHart, targeted by the U.S. government for having confidential documents alleging misconduct by the CIA.

    2020 — Interference: Democracy at Risk — In 2016, many new threats against our democracy came to light, such as misinformation campaigns and voter fraud, all of which wouldn’t be possible if not for the advanced, digital age we live in. This documentary urges viewers to make sure it never happens again.

    2020 — The Internet of Everything — This documentary discusses how the internet now invades every aspect of our lives, through things beyond computers and phones — such as garbage cans, refrigerators and city infrastructures. It also talks about the problems the Internet has created and asks the question: will the future be a surveillance nightmare or an eco-utopia. Who will determine the outcome?

    2020 — Julian Assange: Revolution Now — Overnight, Julian Assange went from coder to convict. This documentary tells the story of the founder of Wikileaks and how his mission to entrust the public with some of the most private information made him an enemy of the United States government.

    2020 — Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections — Produced by HBO, this documentary examines the rising number of tech vulnerabilities in the American electoral system, featuring an eye-opening demonstration of how secure electronic voting machines are by hackers at DEFCON, the world’s largest hacking conference.

    2020 — KnowBe4: The Making Of A Unicorn — A Cybersecurity Story. How CEO Stu Sjouwerman built a culture of fun and a company worth $1 billion. With Chief Hacking Officer Kevin Mitnick. 23-minute documentary produced by Cybercrime Magazine.

    2020 — No Safe Spaces — What does freedom of speech look like in the age of social media? In this documentary, comedian Adam Corrolla and talk show host Dennis Prager travel across America to explore what the future holds for the First Amendment.

    2020 — Out Of Dark — Ever wondered what it’s like to be a spy? This eye-opening documentary invites cameras on a mission with a real-world intelligence operative,  giving viewers an in-depth look into the top-secret world of foreign and domestic surveillance.

    2020 — Password — A Saw-esque thriller in which an IT employee awakens to find himself tied to a chair, surrounded by a dead body and a laptop. Discovering he’s been kidnapped, the employee must find a way out, but will the financial imbalance of India post-globalization get in his way?

    2020 — Screen Generation — Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z … and then what? Following the generation dubbed the “Digital Natives,” this documentary ponders what’s in store for the children that grew up behind a screen. Researchers in the U.S. and Europe were interviewed.

    2020 — The Social Dilemma — This documentary explores the dangerous human impact of social networking.

    2020 — Tenet — In this action thriller directed by Christopher Nolen, an organization called Tenet recruits an unnamed CIA operative known as The Protagonist (John David Washington) for a mission involving “time inversion” to counter a future threat and stop World War III.

    2020 — We Need to Talk About A.I. — Director Leanne Pooley takes a close look at the future of artificial intelligence and the impact it will have on the world, including how computers will have the capacity to design and program themselves as they continue to evolve.

    2021 — Chakra — Military officer Chandru (Vishal Krishna) is one of fifty people who are robbed on Independence Day. After he discovers his most prized possession was stolen, Chandru joins forces with a police officer to hunt down the dangerous cybercriminal responsible.

    2021 — Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains, And The Future Of The Internet — Filmmaker Torsten Hoffmannn’s eye-opening look into the world of cryptocurrency and the controversy surrounding it, featuring commentary from some of the industry’s major players.

    2021 — Dark Web: Cicada 3301 — After visiting the dark web, Connor (Jack Kesy), a gifted hacker, is invited to join the mysterious secret society Cicada 3301. He accepts and soon finds himself embroiled in an intense, high-stakes race against the NSA. Based on real-life events.

    2021 —Dark Web: Fighting Cybercrime — The fight against cybercrime takes center stage in this documentary highlighting the security industry and its ceaseless determination to defend against the growing number of digital threats.

    2021 — Dear Hacker — What happens when your webcam goes rogue? The directorial debut of French filmmaker Alice Lenay, this documentary is a must-watch for anyone who’s ever wondered about the inner workings of a webcam.

    2021 — MY.DOOM: Earth’s Deadliest [Computer] Virus  — First seen in 2004, MyDoom is universally acknowledged as the worst computer virus of all time, having caused over $38 billion in losses. This documentary explores MyDoom’s origins and chaotic run, all the while making an argument for just how essential white hat hackers really are.

    2021 — Hacker Fairies — A short drama that follows two white hat hackers on a mission to retrieve stolen photos of several women. Not long into the search, one of the women asks to learn more about hacking. Can she be trusted? 

    2021 — Hacker: Trust No One When Danny cofounds a new cryptocurrency, he thinks it will make him rich. When he gets caught hacking, though, he and his girlfriend end up on a hit list instead.

    2021 — Love Hard — A columnist, who writes about her bad dating experiences, thinks she has met her perfect match on a dating app. When she flies across country to surprise him for Christmas, she learns she’s been catfished.

    2021 — The Perfect Weapon — Based on a best-selling book by New York Times national security correspondent David E. Sanger, this documentary explores the rise of cyber conflict as the primary way nations now compete with and sabotage one another. ‌Directed by John Maggio, it features interviews with top military, intelligence, and political officials on the frontlines of cyberterrorism.

    2021 — Silk Road — Directed by Tiller Russell, this is the story of the anonymous dark web market launched by Ross Ulbricht in early 2011. Ulbricht was jailed for life after an FBI operation shut down Silk Road.

    2021 — The Mitchells vs The Machines — Starring Maya Rudolph, Danny McBride, Eric Andre, and more, this animated film follows the Mitchell family, who stumble into an unprecedented robot apocalypse and find themselves fighting to save the future of humanity.

    2021 — The Spy in Your Phone — The positive side of smartphones is that they keep us connected, entertain us, store data, and so much more. This documentary highlights the dangers, including privacy issues, how messaging and social media sites store our data and use it, how individuals and organizations can target us through spyware, and the concern about government mass surveillance. It also discusses what you can do to protect your data.

    2021 — Twenty Hacker — Hex is a hacker who runs Better World, a “white hacker” club. When he discovers that black hackers have ruined his father’s company, he enlists his club members to take them down, resulting in an inevitable showdown.

    2021 — WANNACRY: Earth’s Deadliest [Computer] Virus — This documentary examines how a computer virus that began as a small crypto worm in 2017 ended up infecting thousands of computers as ransomware. It describes the complex process that allowed it to be distributed in several ways and delves into a parallel story.

    2022 — Glimpse — This surveillance-footage thriller follows three individuals, who are up for the same job, as their lives slowly spiral out of control. Starring an ensemble cast including Michael Emerson, Raúl Esparza, and David Alan Basche.

    2022 — Hacker: Trust No One — This drama film tells the story of a hacker who finds himself and his girlfriend on a hit list after getting mixed up in the shady world of cryptocurrency.

    2022 — Hot Seat — Mel Gibson stars in this riveting tale about an IT expert and former hacker, Friar (Kevin Dillon), who finds himself in the middle of a potentially explosive cyber robbery. Forced to choose between stealing digital funds or having his daughter abducted, Friar is left to determine what matters most while simultaneously working to get out of the hot seat.

    2022 — Keedam — Main character Radhika Balan is a cybersecurity expert who believes in using technology to benefit others, but after falling victim to a cyberstalking incident and losing any semblance of privacy, she’s left with no choice but to take matters into her own hands.

    2022 — Kimi — Starring Zoe Kravitz and Rita Wilson, this thriller chronicles the events that take place after an agoraphobic tech worker discovers evidence of a violent crime, which ultimately leads to her greatest challenge yet — leaving the house.

    2022 — Stalked Within — This thriller follows Gary, a home security operator, who begins to spy on a single mother using his company’s technology equipment. It’s only a matter of time before his obsession turns deadly.

    2022 — The Takeover — When an ethical hacker is framed for murder, she must track down those who are blackmailing her, stop them, and clear her name. Starring Holly Mae Brood, Geza Weisz, and Frank Lammers.

    2023 — @ — A techno-thriller starring Rachel David as an ethical hacker, this film revolves around the dark web and the horrors that lurk within it. Audiences will become acquainted with the many crimes that take place, such as drug peddling, and the cyberattacks that come to fruition in the deep net.

    2023 — M3GAN — Artificially intelligent doll M3GAN is a technological wonder, designed to befriend children and support parents. However, it’s only a matter of time until M3GAN becomes sentient and decides to take on a life of her own, leaving those around her to reap the extraordinary consequences.

    2023 — Reality — This drama tells the story of Reality Winner, the former American intelligence specialist who was given the longest prison sentence for the unauthorized release of government information to the media about Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections via an email operation. Sydney Sweeney stars in the titular role.

    So far no hits. I recon that the movie should be somewhere in the early 1990’s to 2005 time frame. Low budget, but a seriously important movie. Perhaps it was a spin off of movies of the Matrix genre… Which would place it around 1999. Or maybe right before it, 1995. And the movie Matrix completely overshadowed it.

    Still looking.


    US hegemony uses 800 military bases and 11 aircraft carriers to force the world to follow US economics, trade and finance rules for USA benefits. Anyone refusing is sanctioned, or if weak violently attacked using human rights excuses. That is coercive diplomacy.

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    US hegemony in last 70yrs means endless wars, endless arms sales and endless Tbills and usd printing. It is not sustainable now USA printed usd31trillion and deficits are still adding Tbills. Does the world want to continue wars and deaths for US profits? Most of the world says no.

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    The 1950s in SHOCKINGLY BEAUTIFUL Colorized Photos

    Things Worth Experiencing At Least Once In Your Life, According To People Online

    In the everyday rush and routine, we probably don’t find time to think about what we want to do in this life and what really would make us happy. It may be for our whole life or it can also be something that will make us the happiest people alive for a day. There are particular locations, feelings, purchases or activities that we dream about. I may be wrong but many of us probably have our bucket lists made. Some of us have written it down and are actually saving money for our dreams, some of us have written it in our notes and from time to time check it out to see if maybe we managed to complete some of the things. But some of us just have it in our head and create something on the spot if this topic comes up.

    • Reading a book so good you can’t fall asleep without reading a new chapter, and to feel slightly sad when you finish it.
    • Walking in the snowy woods at night.
    • What it’s like to work a busy shift at a restaurant – can be any role, waiting tables, bussing, cooking, hosting. Everyone should have one evening where you are trying to serve and cater to dozens of people at once. You should know how it feels to bring someone the wrong dish or spill a glass on someone. You should know how it feels to work hard af and get no tip, get told to take something back like it’s your fault, all the normal things that happen during a busy shift.
    • Seeing an ocean in person, from a beach.
    • Contentment and security. Not necessarily full happiness, but satisfaction in your own life, and safety within it.
    • I have two. One is seeing a starry night sky, no clouds, no light pollution, just a beautiful night sky. Or better yet, the northern lights. Second is seeing the view from a mountain peak. People always talk about how ugly the world is, but I think these two things really remind you of how beautiful earth is too.
    • A good nights sleep.
    • Being in love with someone who loves you back
    • The sound of it snowing. I laid on the ground, in the snow at night in the Alaskan wilderness, in December, it’s so peaceful.
    • Even if it’s only for a short period of time: full financial independence, while being single. You can pay your own bills, you have your own place, and you have full freedom over your free time. Whether it’s staying in and binge watching Netflix, or going out and sitting amongst strangers. Your time is your own. No kids. No spouse or significant other. I find this is when you really get to know and understand yourself.
    • A loving and supportive group of humans.
    • Having real friends
    • going on a forest and smelling rain
    • Everyone should experience the joys of traveling to a foreign land at least once in their lifetime, even if it’s just to realize how much they love their own toilet. Imagine discovering new cultures, cuisines, and the thrill of trying to communicate with locals using just charades and a phrasebook. Trust me, it’s a life-changing experience that’ll give you a new appreciation for your home and a killer accent to boot.
    • Moving away from your hometown, even if it is for a year
    • A hug, simple but important
    • The energy of a concert.
    • Being well and absolutely disconnected. No phones, no GPS. I last had that experience in the early 90s. Being somewhere with someone you trust and the two of you are the only people who know where you are and what you are doing.
    • Working a minimum or entry level job as a first job especially when young.
      It really makes you appreciate money and interactions with people because it sucked and you got so little of anything even less some respect. Hell you even get to treat the people that work those jobs nicer because you were them once.
    • Another culture. And I don’t mean as a tourist where you have all the comforts of home. To fully absorb and immerse yourself in the lives of that culture. To eat their foods, drink their drinks, and do as they do.

    1970s Things Found In Every Home

    Claims that the Belt and Road initiative “could create a new epidemic” are a bizarre new line of attack on Beijing’s efforts in the country

    By Timur Fomenko, a political analyst

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    A young man rides atop a load of cluster bomb casings and bomb scrap that his family is taking to a scrap market in town, Xieng Khouang, Laos, 2005. © Jerry Redfern/LightRocket via Getty Images

    Laos – a landlocked communist state in Southeast Asia, wedged between China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar – has the potential to be a nexus of sorts for the entire region. However, its cooperation with Beijing has come under fire from the West.

    The impoverished nation holds the unenviable distinction of “the most bombed country in history” after the US dropped over 2 million tons of bombs on it during the Vietnam War. Laos is still weathering the consequences, including deaths from unexploded munitions. Faced with numerous challenges, it has leaned on its giant northern neighbor for assistance.

    In recent years, Laos has benefited considerably from China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). In late 2021, the China-Laos railway was built, a high-speed system connecting the country’s capital to Beijing. This has been a gamechanger for its foreign trade and exports. Сurrently, a new superhighway is also being built across the country. Last week, however, an article from Reuters

    attracted widespread disdain on social media as it sought to frame China’s development in the country as risking a “new pandemic.” It was titled ‘China, birthplace of the covid pandemic, is laying tracks for another global health crisis.’

    The article argued that Laos is home to a bat population that carries “novel coronaviruses,” the same source which allegedly gave rise to Covid-19. By building a highway through the country’s tropical forests, the argument goes, humans will be brought into closer contact with bats, thus destroying their environment and risking a new pandemic. This textbook example of an over-the-top ‘China bad’ story exaggerates and fixates on the speculated negative consequences of Beijing’s activities, never providing the full picture. It is never touched on, for example, how up to 50 people a year in Laos continue to die from undetonated US bombs dropped on the country during the Vietnam war.

    Western media at large have it in for China’s relationship with Laos, with outlets denouncing Chinese investments as a “debt trap ” and accusing Laos of being a “vassal state.” Why is it met with such backlash? First of all, Laos is arguably the single most pro-Chinese state in Southeast Asia, the region which the US is aggressively targeting as part of its Indo-Pacific strategy. Despite being communist, Washington sees Vietnam as a potential military and economic counterweight to Beijing due to its maritime periphery; however, Laos is a landlocked state which reduces US geopolitical leverage in countering China. Laos is also fearful of neighboring Vietnam and sees Beijing as a guarantor in securing its own independence.

    This, combined with America’s bloody history in the country, and the fact it is a communist state, makes Laos a very comfortable neighbor for China, which also stands as its biggest economic guarantor. Chinese-backed infrastructure is helping the landlocked and impoverished country to gain easier access to ports and markets. Furthermore, by making it a nexus of the region, China is also integrating itself with Thailand and allowing its goods to flow to more Southeast Asian ports. This becomes an obstacle to the US vision of hegemony over the region, which involves completely dominating China’s maritime periphery in a way that checks its ability to project power and shape global commerce.

    As a result, the Western corporate media are encouraged to vilify the BRI, including specifically its impact in Laos. Those doubting that there is a concerted effort to do this need only look at the America COMPETES Act of 2022, which allocates $500 million to media outlets to ostensibly “combat Chinese disinformation” for overseas audiences. Among other things, it specifically targets the BRI, effectively incentivizing negative coverage of the Chinese infrastructure project. The US hates the BRI, because it creates connections in Eurasia and therefore changes the strategic landscape away from the maritime routes dominated by America.

    The Reuters story in particular draws upon the tried-and-trusted practice of scapegoating China for the Covid-19 pandemic to fearmonger about its road development in Laos. But one must question whether the US ever acknowledged what it did to Laos? Did it apologize for dropping 270 million

    cluster bombs on it? An estimated 80 million of those did not explode, and while the US has invested in clean-up efforts, the 50,000 lives these bombs have claimed since the end of the war clearly show this is not enough.

    Now, China is not only boosting the Laotian economy with its railroad construction, but also helping clear the deadly consequences of American militarism. Meanwhile, the West keeps promising alternatives to the BRI, with a new name cropping up virtually every year, but talk is cheap and these promises have yet to bear fruit. It’s easy to take the moral high ground on an issue when you aren’t the one who has to bear the consequences. It’s fair to say, if there is a new Cold War, Laos won’t be siding with the West.

    Why does the USA attack China so much?

    This one chart explains it all.

    2023 05 24 06 58
    2023 05 24 06 58

    “Yes, the CIA and FBI WILL rig the 2024 election”

    China’s first domestically designed aircraft carrier having EMALS gets launched

    The Fujian, the largest aircraft carrier ever built by China, is a crucial part of the Chinese navy. China is making rapid progress in developing advanced aircraft carriers that are on par with those of the US.

    It is worth noting that China has chosen to name its new aircraft carrier after Fujian, a province located just across a narrow strait from Taiwan.

    The 80,000 metric ton CNS Fujian is 50% larger than China’s current in-service carriers, putting the People’s Liberation Army Navy in the same class as supercarriers like the US Nimitz-class ships, which weigh 100,000 tons.

    Unlike China’s other two carriers, the Liaoning and the Shandong, which are based on outdated Soviet technology and utilize a ski-jump launching system, the Fujian is equipped with an advanced electromagnetic aircraft launch system, similar to that used on the US’s newest carrier, the USS Gerald Ford. This new system will enable China to launch a greater variety of aircraft more quickly and with more ammunition onboard.

    After approximately 18 months of trials, China’s largest warship CNS Fujian is expected to become operational by October 2024.

    The Fujian and a fourth carrier, which is also under construction, are larger and able to carry more aircraft than the two existing vessels. The South China Morning Post reported in March last year that the fourth carrier might be nuclear-powered.

    G7 leaders in Japan declare, China number one enemy

    $200 Was Too High For Me But My Mom Insisted On Buying This

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    645b4220aa252 WacpqAi 700

    Amarjeet Sada, The 8 YO Serial Killer…

    Chicago-Style Sausage and Peppers

    Yield: 8 servings

    2023 05 22 18 29
    2023 05 22 18 29


    • 2 tablespoons corn oil
    • 1 large red onion, thinly sliced
    • 2 large yellow bell peppers, cored, seeded and thinly sliced
    • 2 large red bell peppers, cored, seeded and thinly sliced
    • 1/4 cup Jack Daniels Sour Mash Whiskey
    • 1/4 cup dark brown sugar, packed
    • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • 8 spicy Italian sausages (4 ounces each), not hot dogs!
    • 8 good quality hot dog buns
    • 2 tablespoons reserved sausage grease or soft butter


    1. Heat corn oil in large skillet and sauté the onions and peppers until tender and beginning to brown, about 10 minutes over medium heat.
    2. Add the bourbon and stir quickly until absorbed.
    3. Add the brown sugar and stir until the sugar melts.
    4. Season with thyme, salt and pepper. (Can be refrigerated for one week. Let come to room temperature before serving.)
    5. Char-grill the sausages until slightly blackened and cooked through.
    6. Brush the hot dog buns with a little sausage grease or butter and toast on the grill or under the broiler.
    7. Nestle a sausage in a bun and top with about 2 tablespoons of peppers and onions.

    Yup. The test case was a couple weeks ago.

    American soldier crashed a car. He was arrested by Japanese cops. The US government demanded he be released immediately and actual threats were made by the US government to the Japanese government.

    The Japanese government rolled over.

    That’s the big test of if your country is a US bitch or not.

    Korea had THIS

    Yangju highway incident - Wikipedia
    Killing, 2 Korean girls, US army vehicle Coordinates : 37°51′28″N 126°56′56″E  /  37.857722°N 126.948972°E  / 37.857722; 126.948972  ( Location of the Yangju highway incident ) The Yangju highway incident , also known as the Yangju training accident or Highway 56 Accident , occurred on June 13, 2002, in Yangju , Gyeonggi-do, South Korea . 
    A United States Army armored vehicle-launched bridge , returning to base in Uijeongbu on a public road after training maneuvers in the countryside, struck and killed two 14-year-old South Korean schoolgirls, Shin Hyo-sun ( Korean : 신효순) and Shim Mi-seon ( Korean : 심미선). 
    The American soldiers involved were found not guilty of negligent homicide in the court martial , further inflaming anti-American sentiment in South Korea and sparking a series of candlelight vigil protests in protest of their deaths. 
    The memory of the two schoolgirls is commemorated annually in South Korea

    The UK had THIS

    Death of Harry Dunn - Wikipedia
    Fatal road traffic collision resulting in UK/US diplomatic controversy Coordinates : 51°59′49″N 1°11′45″W  /  51.9969593°N 1.1959241°W  / 51.9969593; -1.1959241 
    Death of Harry Dunn Date 27 August 2019 Time 20:25 BST Location B4031 road near RAF Croughton Cause Road traffic collision Deaths Harry Dunn Burial 17 September 2019 
    Inquiries Northamptonshire Police Convicted Anne Sacoolas Charges Causing death by careless driving (convicted) Causing death by dangerous driving (acquitted) 
    Harry Dunn was a 19-year-old British man who died following a road traffic collision on 27 August 2019. 
    He was riding his motorcycle near Croughton, Northamptonshire , United Kingdom, near the exit to RAF Croughton , when a car travelling in the opposite direction and on the wrong side of the road collided with him. 
    The car was driven by Anne Sacoolas, who is a former US spy and wife of CIA employee Jonathan Sacoolas, stationed at the time at USAF listening station RAF Croughton. 
    Sacoolas admitted that she had been driving the car on the wrong side of the road , and the police said that, based on CCTV footage, they believed that to be true. 
    Dunn was pronounced dead at the Major Trauma Centre of John Radcliffe Hospital , Oxford. The collision caused diplomatic tension between UK and US officials. 
    Sacoolas fled the UK soon after the incident and claimed diplomatic immunity with US support.

    Italy had THIS

    1998 Cavalese cable car crash - Wikipedia
    US Navy aircraft struck ski lift, Italy The Cavalese cable car crash , also known as the Cermis massacre ( Italian : Strage del Cermis ), occurred on February 3, 1998, near the Italian town of Cavalese , a ski resort in the Dolomites some 40 kilometres (25 mi) northeast of Trento . 
    Twenty people were killed when a United States Marine Corps EA-6B Prowler aircraft, flying too low and against regulations, in order for the pilots to "have fun" and "take videos of the scenery", cut a cable supporting a cable car of an aerial lift . 
    The pilot, Captain Richard J. Ashby, and his navigator , Captain Joseph Schweitzer, were put on trial in the United States and found not guilty of involuntary manslaughter and negligent homicide .

    If Americans can come and wantonly commit crimes and get almost no punishment then you’re essentially an occupied country.

    For Japan. THIS.

    Why is China’s economy continuing to grow to the point it is the largest or second largest economy in the world based on which method used to compare economies.

    China has been able to harness a number of factors over several decades that has benefited its people economically. The Chinese government has taken great effort to improve the lives of its people. Its goal is to create a moderately prosperous society for its huge population. With a country of 1.4 billion people moderately prosperous equates to a large economy.

    China has devoted a lot of effort to educate its people. In 1950 the literacy rate was 20%, but today it is over 97%. Eduction is highly important to the government. This has led China to produce the most STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) graduates yearly, which drives innovation.

    2023 05 22 18 50
    2023 05 22 18 50

    Chinese culture is one of business and that means trade is an important part business activity. Now days China trades with almost every country globally. It is the primary trade partner with many.

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    With China’s huge manufacturing sector needed to produce goods for it huge population benefits from economies of scale. This in turn drives down manufacturing costs making goods cheaper in China and for export.

    Developed economies for the most part are service economies not manufacturing ones, hence their need to import goods.

    2023 05 22 18 51
    2023 05 22 18 51

    China’s ability to produce a wide variety of goods from simple utensils to automobiles and high speed trains means it can produce much of what other countries need but cannot produce.

    All the above and more is why China’s economy continues to grow at a faster rate compared to the developed countries of the West.

    1970’s Rmic Hand Chair

    Thrift store find.

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    Kenyan President Ruto Says African Leaders Won’t Be Summoned Like Kids By The West No Longer

    Ukrainian Artist Dinara Kasko Continues To Push The Boundaries Of Pastry Design

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    Here are the incredible edibles of pastry chef Dinara Kasko. The culinary artist from Ukraine has amassed a huge online following for her innovative cake designs and moulds. Although Dinara graduated from Kharkov University Architecture School, she found her true passion was pastry. However, she now uses her background in architectural design to create her incredible cakes as she uses the 3D-modelling program, 3DSMAX, to create silicone cake moulds.

    More: Instagram, Shop h/t: twistedsifter

    dinarakasko 41614189 861744723949514 5990201141601036649 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 41391858 160508341542774 2235192387253299797 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 41324106 483875635427462 8244750592175350411 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 40998570 527878407684987 2203689512561675051 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 40527828 182137562683559 7771011558694223350 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 40130902 897982783727241 1534858838783851366 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 39325447 822674894745944 5624021363556614144 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 38817756 226834861307241 6010283633800118272 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 38758152 223370175018951 4754677595813969920 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 38618432 2159951087623608 2479376902201016320 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 38431279 1049952548488589 1242157451705319424 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 37930832 2092981207443359 8458182475875614720 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 37719115 461748637672841 3298468693587001344 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 37219535 1139442422879889 4187861707969789952 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 37123355 498770223878587 4588682225129619456 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 37046974 1113847855422026 6421143662784151552 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 37006114 291523351416108 1451648647685996544 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 36991283 175126146692154 4468434200382406656 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 36981775 523168418101156 134943822286159872 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 36858249 259595097926360 5939026827824594944 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 36751418 223708181801981 1172602827168546816 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 36734210 434855686995557 763599757359710208 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 36698358 217829555723286 3475720001028096000 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 36160658 1581276925328803 2367888729541967872 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 36148118 1988891081421575 1635678470082134016 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 36044514 214788319176144 1562719370998710272 n 650x650
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    dinarakasko 35515149 228660027928389 4379804479327830016 n 650x650
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    No, because both have nukes. The US has been doing everything to stop China’s rise. Lying and accusing China on human rights, genocide, and whatever sins they can think of to discredit China. The US now summons her vassals to go to war with China to weaken China’s economy and military, similar to UR conflict.

    Only BABY BOOMERS will REMEMBER these things

    “Garden Decor” For Sale On Fb Marketplace

    645b403106763 s25p8if49hva1 700
    645b403106763 s25p8if49hva1 700



    Things No Longer Found at Gas Stations

    Did I Just Find A Serial Killer?

    645b3feab2a20 rspiyltzhkta1 700
    645b3feab2a20 rspiyltzhkta1 700

    Chicago Hot Dogs

    Never leave the celery salt off the Chicago Dogs! They won’t be the same. I guarantee it.

    chicago hot dogs
    chicago hot dogs


    • All-beef hot dogs
    • Green sweet bell pepper, diced
    • Yellow onions, diced
    • Mustard
    • Sweet pickle relish
    • Dill pickle chips
    • Cucumbers, sliced thin
    • Iceberg lettuce, shredded
    • Tomatoes, diced
    • Hot peppers (pepperoncini)
    • Celery salt


    1. Steam hot dogs and put condiments on table. NEVER USE KETCHUP! Celery salt is a MUST!
    2. Serve on poppy seed buns, if they are available.

    Kenya President Gets Standing Ovation in Pan-African Parliament for Epic Speech

    2023 05 24 11 21
    2023 05 24 11 21

    2023 05 24 11 22
    2023 05 24 11 22

    No Eyedea What It Is, From Goodwill

    645b552224d55 boe4rfeamiia1 700
    645b552224d55 boe4rfeamiia1 700

    Scam may be overstating it, but they will seize your money without warning or explanation and you should avoid using them as much as possible, especially if you are a business.

    I would strongly advise anyone, especially a seller, to avoid using Paypal. Like many, I was in the camp of “They’re the most established payment service on the web and I’ve never had a problem with them.” Until I did, and I’ve learned of the massive amount of unethical behavior they get away with.

    In my case, the situation’s not too severe, but it’s still frustrating. I coached a client overseas in Europe. He wanted to pay with Paypal. Not having a better suggestion, I thought sure, why not? I coached, he sent the funds over, all set, right?

    Paypal put a hold on the funds for a few days to make sure things were in good order. Shortly thereafter, they suspended my account. I got the following email:

    2023 05 24 14 58
    2023 05 24 14 58

    Mind you, I have literally only done a single transaction on this account, the one I just did. I had no warning there was a problem with my account and my client is in good standing with Paypal. I did not receive any explanation.

    On the site, my account now has a banner that looks like this:

    2023 05 24 14 59
    2023 05 24 14 59

    I can no longer transfer money, unlink my bank account, remove my personal information, or anything. Paypal has indefinitely seized my money.

    If I attempt to refund my client, they tell me the attempt fails due to technical reasons.

    Paypal offered no explanation for the freeze. They claimed the funds would be released after a review that ended on May 15th, 2023, and I got this email:

    2023 05 24 15 01
    2023 05 24 15 01

    I consequently reported them to the Better Business Bureau. Paypal actually responded on this, claiming that my account used an “anonymizing service” (I assume referring to the fact I use a VPN for all of my Internet activity) and that I share limited access with another account (I have no idea what this means). These were the only explanations given for why they seized my funds.

    2023 05 24 15 02
    2023 05 24 15 02

    I will reiterate that I never received any warning or notification that my account had any issues prior to the transaction. It was only after the transaction, when Paypal had possession of my money, that they notified me they would be keeping it for themselves.

    If they genuinely believed I was a security risk, they should have prevented my transaction in the first place, or immediately refunded my client’s payment. It’s like if I tried to ship a package with UPS, and UPS just said “we think you might be a drug dealer so we’re just going to keep your package for ourselves.”

    As of now, I have requested only that they refund my client. Even if they have an issue with me, I don’t see how they can justify refusing a refund. At this time I have not received a response and my client has not been refunded.

    So I know you might be thinking, because I was thinking – “Howie it clearly must be just something with you. You did something wrong to justify this treatment.” I am far from alone.

    They faced a class action lawsuit for this behavior in 2022

    . They seized $172,000 from one plaintiff, $42,000 from another, and $26,984 from a third. Very similar situation – frozen account, no explanation, get a subpoena if you want to find out why.

    If you’d like a plethora of horror stories, just visit the ecommerce subreddit


    Read any of the reviews on trustpilot

    , consumeraffairs

    , or wherever else. Obviously there is a tendency to leave negative reviews rather than positive to go in appreciating that, but you’ll find many, many users who’ll tell you this same story.

    Whether you think I’m just a crazy one-off case or not, I strongly encourage you take measures to protect yourself so you do not become a victim as well. I’d offer the following suggestions.

    • If you can avoid using Paypal, do so.
    • If you must use Paypal, keep as little balance in your account as possible, as it can be seized at any time.
    • If you can associate Paypal with a deposit-only account, do so. They shouldn’t be able to withdraw from your linked bank account without your consent, but there are some user horror stories where that has happened.
    • Be aware that Paypal owns Venmo as well.

    There are numerous alternatives to Paypal, several of which even charge lower fees, including Stripe, Wise, Square, Google, and more. All have better reputations and at the very least I can tell you none of them have taken my money for themselves.

    Good luck. I hope this post helps you avoid being a victim.

    Everything You Remember And Miss About…SEARS

    41 Countries Ready To Accept BRICS Currency

    The list of countries interested to join the BRICS alliance and accept the new currency for global trade is growing. 
    China and Russia are lobbying other developing countries in joining the international efforts to dethrone the U.S. dollar. 
    Developing countries in Asia and Africa are looking to replace the U.S. dollar with their native currencies or a new tender. 
    The development is causing a roadblock to the dollar’s prospects and challenging its status as the world reserve currency...
    Article HERE

    Not possible.

    China is an outlier in most aspects of economy and it is impossible for India to catch up in foreseeable future because –

    1. Current differential between the two countries is too large
    2. Factors that enable future growth (education, innovation, industrialization) are not firing on all cylinders either

    Listed below are the data points from few indicators to illustrate the situation –

    Trade & Industrialization:

    • Total exports (2016): India – $260 billion, China – $2.1 trillion
      • apparel: India – $18 billion, China – $175 billion
      • footwear: India – $2.5 billion, China – $51 billion
      • electrical and electronics – India – $8 billion, China – $782 billion
    • Number of large companies in Fortune 500 (2017): India has 7, China has 109

    Infrastructure & Facilities:

    • High Speed Rails:
      • India – first HSR project (Mumbai-Ahmedabad) started in 2017, to be functional by 2022 covering 500 km
      • China – already has 25,000 km of HSR network, transporting double the volume of passengers than airlines
    • Metro Trains:
      • India – 8 cities with total track length of 370 km
      • China – 39 cities with total track length of 3,600 km (Beijing metro alone is 600 km)
    • Airports: India has 346, China has 507 (2013 data)
    • World’s Top 1000 hospitals: India has 9, China has 84


    • Foreign Tourist arrivals: India – 10 million,
    • China – 60 millionTourism revenue:
    • India – $27 billion,
    • China – $114 billion

    Education & Innovation:

    • World’s Top 500 universities: India has 8, China has 21
      Adult Literacy: India 74% (2011 data), expected to hit mid-80’s by next census (2021), China – 99% (2010)
    • Number of Patents and Trademarks: both India and China are in world’s Top 10 (2016 data)
      Patents filed by India – 45k, China – 1.3 million
      • Trademarks listed by India – 313k, China – 3.7 million

    Rising Income levels:

    • 75% of world’s new billionaires are coming from India and China:
      • Since 2010, India is adding one new billionaire every 33 days
        China is adding one new billionaire every 5 days
      • India has world’s third highest number of billionaires and China has world’s largest:

        Number of billionaires in India – 131, China – 819
    • Expanding Middle Class:
      • India – 600 million people, based on the criteria of spending ($2 to $10 per day)
        Only 24 million people, if based on the criteria of wealth ($13k)
      • China – 500 million by 2022, based on the criteria of earning ($9k to 34k)
      • GDP Per Capita: India – $1.7k, China – $8.1k
    • Overall Economy:
    • Forex reserves: India – $400 billion, China – $3 trillion
    • GDP (nominal): India – $2.5 trillion, China – $11 trillion
    • Trend

    2023 05 24 11 39
    2023 05 24 11 39

    Key Take-Aways and Summary:

    • China’s exports of only electricals and electronics ($782 billion) are three times of India’s total exports ($260 billion)
    • Length of metro in China’s one city (Beijing – 600 km) is more than total length of all metros in India (370 km)
    • China’s forex reserves ($3 trillion) are more than India’s total GDP ($2.5 trillion)
    • China’s middle class is not only larger, but also richer than India’s middle class – making it a more attractive investment destination
    • India’s growth story is real, but China’s growth story is much bigger. On most economic indicators, India has been performing good, but China has been performing a lot better
    • Before 2020, India is estimated to overtake UK and France to become world’s fifth largest economy

    2023 05 24 11 40
    2023 05 24 11 40

    • By 2030, India is expected to overtake Germany and Japan to become world’s third largest economy. But even then ($6 trillion +), it would be less than one-third the size of China’s economy ($20 trillion +)

    2023 05 24 11 4r1
    2023 05 24 11 4r1

    If interested, please refer to my other write-ups on India – China topics:

    Shashank Goyal’s answer to Why has China developed so much faster than India?

    Shashank Goyal’s answer to Why did China invade India in 1962?

    Sylvester Stallone Prop Found In A Thrift Store

    645b40887af3c k6fmm1gh0aj91 700
    645b40887af3c k6fmm1gh0aj91 700

    United States puts its “cross hairs” on Africa

    A country that is well known for best at controlling internet trolls and media is exaggerating a non-existent event in Africa, namely “China is launching a social movement to persecute black people”. In fact, from 2023 until May 24, 2023, I have not seen any hot topics or frontpage news related to black people in China on any social media platform.

    By the way, in China, the vast majority of people have never seen murder in their lifetime. It is foolish to use the lie of ‘encouraging murder’ to describe China. Because even if this kind of encouragement exists, no one will respond. Chinese people do not know how to murder, unlike the country that creates this lie.

    2023 05 24 11 37
    2023 05 24 11 37

    CLOSED Fast Food Restaurants from the past

    Beijing summons Japanese envoy over ‘anti-China’ G7 summit

    China’s Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong has summoned the Japanese ambassador to register protests over “hype around China-related issues” at the Group of Seven (G7) summit over the weekend, the foreign ministry said in a statement.
    The heads of the world’s richest countries who met in the Japanese city of Hiroshima expressed serious concerns about rising tensions in the East China Sea and the South China Sea as well as voicing concerns about the human rights situations in China, including in Tibet and Xinjiang.

    Article HERE

    Huawei is preparing a number of new chipsets to launch later this year and Kirin A2 is one of them. The company is testing this chip for quite a time and it’s ready for production.

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    main qimg 683730442cd8736a4555cdee8051d838

    Huawei will launch the Kirin A2 chipset by this year. If everything goes right, the company could choose Q3 or Q4 for the release.

    Also, Kirin A2 is ready for the trial stage and it has mass production capacity.

    This is due to the past decision that Huawei took at the very last moment before launch events. Yet, the exact details are unknown. On this matter, Huawei has not revealed any details about Kirin A2 or related returns. But we’ll have to wait, as there are several months left in the making.

    Kirin A2 for smartphones?

    Nope, Kirin A-series was officially announced for wearable devices such as earphones, smartwatches, and others. The current breakthrough in Huawei’s chipset production capability remains low-key.

    Therefore, the company may take this route to start producing self-developed wearables semiconductors. These types of chips don’t require advanced process technology. Hence, it’s very likely that Kirin A2 will be used for wearable gadgets.

    Kirin A1:

    Kirin A1 was the world’s first Bluetooth 5.1 and Bluetooth Low Energy 5.1 wearable chip. The A1 is developed by Huawei’s chipset designing division, HiSilicon, and printed by Taiwan’s TSMC.

    Kirin A1 is designed for wireless earphones, headbands, neckbands, smart speakers, smart eyewear, and smartwatches. Huawei Watch GT 2 series is the first smartwatch to equip this SoC and it’s still running wild in terms of performance and battery.

    After the US sanctions in 2019, Huawei had to stop making new HiSilicon chips. And with the recent achievement in automation tech, Huawei could print its own chipset.

    Stores We Loved That No Longer Exist!

    What is the purpose of the US-Papua New Guinea defense agreement pact?

    Leaked draft of the US-Papua New Guinea defense pact exposes the granting of legal immunity to US personnel and contractors, allowing unrestricted movement of US aircraft, vehicles, and vessels, and exempting US staff from migration requirements.

    It is evident that this pact serves the US’s geopolitical interests rather than offering genuine humanitarian aid. The motive aligns with the US’s broader Indo-Pacific strategy.

    However, what PNG truly needs is effective action to address the climate crisis and achieve economic growth. Unfortunately, the US is unlikely to prioritize these crucial concerns. Instead, it treats PNG and other South Pacific nations as mere pawns in its larger geopolitical game.

    This behavior reflects the US’s historical tendency to come and go in the region as it pleases, without consistent commitment or genuine regard for local priorities.

    Pictures from the past

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    chorley park was the fourth government house constructed in the early 20th century in toronto the bi tumb 660
    chorley park was the fourth government house constructed in the early 20th century in toronto the bi tumb 660

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    pieces of old architecture that are now lost 640 01

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    pieces of old architecture that are now lost 640 02

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    pieces of old architecture that are now lost 640 09

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    pieces of old architecture that are now lost 640 11

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    pieces of old architecture that are now lost 640 18

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    pieces of old architecture that are now lost 640 20

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    pieces of old architecture that are now lost 640 32

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    pieces of old architecture that are now lost 640 33

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    pieces of old architecture that are now lost 640 high 03

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    pieces of old architecture that are now lost 640 high 14

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    pieces of old architecture that are now lost 640 high 29

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    Get a SIM

    It’s a prepaid sim card. The Airports have many counters. Simply present your passport and visa and get a pre paid SIM card.

    That gets you around 20GB Data that should be enough for a few days

    Connection takes only seconds. The minute you insert the sim, the phone works and you can make the calls

    Now most loaded apps won’t work

    Next Money

    You can easily download WeChat and Alipay but Alipay is better

    However there is a problem for Indians


    You can register Alipay for foreigners and enter your card details and load Rs. 25000/— per day (CNY 2000)

    You get your OTP in some cases and that OTP cannot be read by your phone unless you have roaming

    In my case, a friend from SBI Shanghai loaded money into my Alipay from his account

    So best option is to preload Alipay from India itself except that it’s banned

    So what to do?

    Don’t worry

    Enterprising Chinese at the Airport will gladly take your cash dollars (No Rupee) and load money into your Alipay

    They even have counters for foreigners

    Next VPN

    Install Nord VPN and buy the Pro version

    However be prepared for a few days to not have proper Twitter or Instagram or Facebook response

    Unless you have WiFi router, Mobile Data usually doesn’t use VPN that efficiently

    Finally get a prescription if you are carrying medicines please

    Do Volunteer for the Face Scan. That way when you reach your hotel and they simply scan your face, and your details jump out and you don’t need a passport at all wherever you go within Shanghai (Only in Shanghai)

    I had this happen to me.

    My family and I were at home one evening, when all the sudden someone started frantically pounding on my front door. My wife opened the door to the neighbor lady who was crying hysterically. She invited her in, and she told us her husband was in a rage, and had put his hands on her.

    About that time, the husband came charging through my front door, and began verbally assaulting his wife with profanity at the top of his lungs. In MY living room.

    Before I had a chance to address the situation, my older daughter told him to tone it down, at which point he responded with “shut the F!#K up, B#!CH”.

    The words barely left his lips before those lips were introduced to my fist.

    Turns out he had no interest in fighting another man.

    Once he found his feet, he was out my front door faster than he barged in. I’m sure most of the folks reading this will be disgusted with my actions. I Don’t care.

    What does matter to me, is the opinion of that man’s wife.

    Years later, she thanked me, saying he never put his hands on her again.

    Not because he didn’t want to, but because he was afraid she would run to my house!

    Fine by me.

    Classic TV Commercials from the ’60s and ’70s



    It’s now complete madness onslaught! WTF!

    We are going heavy on videos today.


    I got a comment from Ron that said…

    "To long winded, I find myself scolling fast and deleting"

    Short attention span. Likes bright colors.

    We’ve all been there.

    In our youth.

    Today, we open with this video from REDACTED…

    It’s a slow-motion train wreck. The kind where you are sitting there and watch yourself get disemboweled in slow-mo.




    Sorry about the middle of the segment commercial, but someone has to pay his bills. Aside from that it’s a great video.

    Russia and China ganging up against the USA at the UN…

    The USA bombed Russian Energy pipeline. That is an act of war.

    If you are not convinced, then check this out here…

    It’s called “information warfare”.

    China will have no choice but to engage with the US in a hostile way, this is like a final warning to the US that China will NO longer put up with all its obnoxious and rogue behaviour anymore, also make it clear China firmly stands against US/Western imperialist hegemony.

    Now, let’s look at some things that you’ll never read about in Western “news”…

    AH, but the United States has it’s own submarines, don’t you know, and they are “stealthy”.

    That’s the narrative, but sure as shit, China has decloaked them. Now they run into mountains, and need an entire fleet to pick up a scrap F-22 from the ocean floor. Don’t you know.

    I have a video… somewhere… showing one of these Chinese boomers launching all of it’s missiles in under 30 seconds. This is amazing. I have NEVER seen or heard of a US submarine doing this.


    It’s not just submarines…

    Something you never hear about.

    Which is pretty cool. And how would it be used? Well…

    Check this out…

    Every country is welcome to the moon vase that China is going to build, except one specific country.

    But that’s not all.

    Then there’s Mars.

    Something you never hear about.


    Which nation is looking towards the future? And which country is just playing the same old 19th century squabbling over resources?

    Ok, so what is going on inside of the United States?

    Fiasco! OMG!

    Remember…meanwhile in China.

    Something you never hear about.

    Jeff Drew and his witty and sarcastic artwork

    We are here.

    Most can agree the majority of our World Citizens are as unsettled with the present American Administration as are the majority of Americans. This "UNCOOL" Administration comes across as Judgmental, Undisciplined, and Disrespectful. They seem to deny themselves any attempt to "understand" other points of view which in short time will result in others just giving up on them.

    The pivot point will happen this year or the next. Not quite sure of the timing. It could be short, brief and quick, or could be a long drawn out nastiness. I do not know.

    Don’t believe what you read in Western media when it comes to China

    From HERE

    Frank Sade Bilaupaine*

    How many times have you picked up a newspaper or social media platform and read something on a topic you’re familiar with and realized that you’re reading something which isn’t true? Annoyingly, it happens to us all.

    When the news reports something we know is untrue and then reports on something we don’t know about, why do we believe that must be true? Well, it’s a real thing and Michael Crichton, the famous doctor, writer, scientist movie maker among many other things, gave it a name – the Gell-Mann Effect.

    I’ve said it before and will no doubt say it again, when I arrived in China, I had a very different perspective on what I was seeing to what I thought I knew about China. It really didn’t take me long to understand much of it was wrong; probably about 24 hours.

    What I was seeing in real life didn’t matter at that time because my media consumption was telling me China was slowing, China was collapsing, China was a bad place to be and it must have been true because even the BBC, CNN and other western media platforms said so. But… China didn’t collapse when they said it would.

    As my years of living in China extended then, I started to notice things: China said it would build a bridge to Hong Kong, they said they would put 15 high speed train stations into the city where I lived, they said they would build a new university and another hospital in downtown and I’ve seen many governments promise to do things like this; but then China actually went and did them all.

    In the UK, back in 2013, I read about a high-speed rail link that will be completed by 2045 and, if it ever finishes, it will be a total of 530 kilometers. Most of it is still being planned and much of it is still unapproved by Parliament – it might be finished in 2045… We shall see!

    China, while in the process of a reported collapse, has put 4,100 km of new railway lines into operation across China in 2022, including 2,082 km of high-speed tracks.
    Australia’s Western Sydney was promised a new Airport in 1946, yet the work finally started in 2022 and it’s scheduled to be completed in 2026. China opens an average of eight new airports a year, while reportedly collapsing.

    Why is my news telling me one thing, when my ears and eyes are showing me something completely different?

    I also noticed that the standard of living has improved. When I first went o Wuhan city in central China in 2012, almost not many had a car, now almost everyone does. Corruption, pollution, and crime are almost non-existent. Education, health, and the economy have all improved and yet, everything I read in the news from the likes of BBC, CNN and others about China says the opposite.

    I witnessed how life in China has improved, it was clear that people in the West were being misinformed about this one topic that I actually know about. But I still wanted to believe the rest of the things I read were true – that was the Gell-Mann Effect.

    I started to question the things I don’t know about. Why are Australians sure that China is a threat when China has never uttered a threatening word against Australia?
    Why do people think China is waging a trade war on Australia when Australia was the country that had almost 100 items of trade from China blocked before anything happened with Barley, coal, lobsters and wine? Go look it up, it’s true.

    What’s going on in Ukraine and why can’t I easily find information from both sides of this conflict?

    Why did the US invade Iraq when there were no weapons of mass destruction there but that was their reason for doing so?

    It’s simple, we’re being misinformed about almost everything we’re reading, hearing and watching in Western media platforms. From time to time, we know we’re being misinformed but we continue to believe it when we don’t know. That’s the Gell-Mann Effect in action. We want to believe something is true when we want it to be so.

    If you want to believe China will collapse soon and you want to believe China is a threat you can read that every single day in your media but think about the logic of that. How can a country that’s been in decline for dozens of years build all that infrastructure. How is a country that has never invaded or attacked another in your lifetime be a threat? Think about this: who is telling you these things?

    Remember the expression: “if you don’t read the papers you’re uninformed, if you do, you’re misinformed” and we’re all told it was said by Mark Twain, well, once again, we’re misinformed even about that – there’s no record Mark Twain ever said it but there is a similar quote from Thomas Jefferson who, in an 1807 letter said “nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper” and went on to say that “the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them.”

    So, this is not new, consider who owns or controls your media. If you believe your government and you believe your news then that’s great for you. But please, read wisely, be critical and don’t believe everything you read – I can’t say for certain about much else, but I can absolutely and certainly say, most of the things you’re reading about China is wrong and not true.

    This 75 Year Old Grandpa Visits An Animal Shelter Every Day And Naps With Cats

    terry lauerman cat nap 2
    terry lauerman cat nap 2


    Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary/Facebook

    A 75-year-old man visits a local animal shelter every day so he can enjoy “brushing cats” while often falling asleep on the job and napping with the felines.

    Terry Lauerman decided one day to introduce himself to a local Green Bay-area animal sanctuary, telling the folks at Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary Inc. that he likes to brush cats.

    According to Elizabeth Feldhausen, the founder of Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary, “He just walked in and started brushing,” noting that he never asked to be a volunteer. “So eventually we told him he was an official volunteer and had him fill out our volunteer form.”

    The shelter, which opened in 2016, rescues cats with disabilities that would be at risk of euthanasia at other facilities.


    Feldhausen said Lauerman visits the cage-free sanctuary daily and stays for about three hours. After he grooms a cat for a bit, he typically dozes off. “He sleeps for about an hour, then he’ll wake up and switch cats.”

    Feldhausen adds: “he is able to get cats that normally don’t like to be touched to jump up on his lap and want to be held and brushed,” she said. “He knows all of their names and all of their personalities.”

    terry lauerman cat nap 333
    terry lauerman cat nap 333


    Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary/Facebook

    ‘The Cat Grandpa’ has had a lifelong love for felines.

    “I’ve always liked cats and I always had cats when I was kid, and I loved them,” he told the newspaper. “In many ways, I see my old cats in these cats here.”

    The group decided to dedicate a Facebook post to him, which has since gone viral.

    “We are so lucky to have a human like Terry,” the shelter wrote, alongside a few photos of Lauerman cat napping with felines. “Terry just came along one day and introduced himself. He said he’d like to brush cats. Eventually, it became everyday. He brushes all of the cats, and can tell you about all of their likes and dislikes. He also accidentally falls asleep most days. We don’t mind – Cats need this! Terry is a wonderful volunteer.”

    terry lauerman cat nap 4
    terry lauerman cat nap 4


    Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary/Facebook

    Confessions Of A Prison Corrections Officer

    What are some of the worst things you’ve seen in prison?

    I remember coming onto shift one night and I look over to the eight and on the top tier the inmate had a razor stuck in the foreskin of his penis and finally got it out and cut his sack open and handed his testicales when I finally came up there to relieve the other officer.

    What’s the weirdest thing you have found up an Inmate’s butt?

    A galaxy note 8. Took him 3 hours to get it out.

    How did they get it out?

    Medical staff was down there with him getting it out and it was HANDED/RETRIEVED to the Sergeant for evidence and a report

    Is prison rape as common as most people think?

    Not really. ALOT of them lie about because we treat it with such seriousness and gets another inmate into trouble and into confinement immediatley.

    Wouldn’t a prisoner have to be insane to lie about being raped considering the stigma it carries?

    They all know it’s a game so really no stigma.

    People think it’s a sure thing that child abusers will get taken out once they get to prison. Is that true?

    They will most likely get beaten up but rarely killed.

    How would the other inmates find out what that person is in for?

    When they make phone calls they ask someone on the outside to look it up since it’s all public info especially since they’re a predator.

    Aren’t the calls monitored to keep this from happening?

    Yeah but they aren’t intercepted at that point in time. Someone reviews that later at night and that’s how they find out about anything dumb they might be trying to do.

    How do the sex offenders behave in prison?

    In my experience, S.O. inmates behave relatively well for the most part. Usually quiet and playing table games with other S.O. inmates.

    Do upstanding/peaceful inmates receive a special treatment?

    Kinda in a way yeah. Like me for instance if a inmate is really respectful and genuine about it if he asks me to charge his tablet during the day (they are only supposed to be charged at night) I might do it if I get a chance. I do it to show the other inmates that I can work with them if they are respectful.

    Inmates get tablets now? Is there an internet connection too?

    Yeah and no it’s based off a kiosk system they hook it up to if they want anything new on it.

    What do they do with the tablets? DO they load games and ebooks onto them or something?

    Exactly what you said and music

    In the podcast ‘Ear Hustle‘ , they talk about racial segregation as just default. The exception, if I remember correctly, being the inmates who play the game DND. Are there programs or efforts to encourage racial integration, or is it just a matter of course?

    Really just a matter of course. Now when I say that they are plenty of inmates that don’t care about racial segregation. But whenever it comes to a fight or brawl they will side with their race 99% of the time.

    How much incoming mail gets read?

    Everything. Multiple times.

    What’s the most heartbreaking experience you’ve had?

    Having a good friend of mine kill himself because his wife that worked at the same prison was having sexual relations with a couple of inmates.

    How was the wife treated? What was her reaction?

    She went to jail for a little while and didn’t seem to care.

    Do officers get into it with the inmates?

    Oh yeah. Shouting matches for the most part.

    Worst physical altercation you’ve seen between an officer (maybe yourself) and an inmate?

    An inmate beat the dog shit out of an officer out of nowhere cuz he was high on k2. And no the officer is not an asshole.

    Have you ever met someone you genuinely believed to be innocent/wrongfully convicted?

    Yeah. An inmate is in prison for life because some POS raped his 5 year old daughter and he killed them. He is a very stand up person.

    How is the food they give the inmates, do you get the leftovers?

    It’s not that bad for the most part. And no I bring my own stuff.

    Does your facility sell the whole shabang chips? Have you tried them?

    Yeah they do and no I haven’t but the inmates sat they are really good.

    How is it as a career? Pay, benefits, environment, rewards, etc?

    Depends on the jurisdiction, but overall, likely not bad. State COs start out at like 55k a year, with various ways to bump it up (location pay, hazard pay, and a shitload of overtime available). My state also does this thing where when you retire after 25 years, they take the beat 3 of your last 5 years, average them out, and that’s your annual pension for the rest of your life. And since most COs are in their early 20s when they get hired, they end up with a 70-90k pension for life by 50 years old. State insurance and shit is also pretty good, here.

    Environment… well, it’s a prison.

    What education is usually required?

    High school where I’m at.

    What is something that you think the general public does not know or understand about your job, or prison in general?

    It’s not as bad or dramatic as people make it. As long as you’re fair and consistent and don’t let them walk over you then you will be fine. Inmates respect the staff that have time in.

    What do you think of the US’s way of treating prisoners as well as the standards of the “corrections facility” you are working at?

    I think it is very soft. They have 20 channel tv, tablets, endless hours of recreations, all kinds of commissary items. Don’t really seem like punishment. They are just segregated from the world. The standards on paper are great but in reality half the people don’t even follow it.

    Isn’t rehabilitation something you want other than punishment?

    Of course but ALOT and I mean ALOT of them don’t take advantage of it and it makes me a little biased (which I am admitting) on the subject . But I have seen plenty of inmates get their GED and have the prison give them the tools to succeed and come back 1 year or less under a different or same charge.

    If you were given a blank check to reform the prison system what changes would you make and why?

    Officers more pay. And more programs and better education for inmates to explore their interests so that when they get out they have all the tools ready to not come back. And better working facilities. We have 4 maintenance civilians that fix something broken all day everyday.


    Serve this whole-wheat bread from the Gujarat region of India as you would pita bread. It’s good for dipping, and tastes great all by itself.

    2023 02 19 18 19
    2023 02 19 18 19


    • 2 cups whole-wheat flour
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    • 1/4 cup milk
    • 1/2 cup water


    1. Combine the flour, salt, oil, milk, and half the water in a bowl. Mix using a wooden spoon or fingers. Add more water, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) at a time until the dough forms a ball. Knead the dough with lightly oiled hands for 10 minutes. The dough should be fairly firm.
    2. Allow the dough to rest, covered with a dish cloth, for 15 minutes.
    3. Divide the dough into 4 to 6 pieces. Roll each piece into a round 1/4 inch thick.
    4. Heat a flat griddle or large skillet over moderate heat. Cook the dough, one piece at a time, pressing it down occasionally with a spatula, until cooked and lightly browned on the bottom. Turn the dough and repeat. The dough may balloon slightly during cooking.
    5. Repeat with remaining pieces of dough.

    Meet Jeff Drew, the Award-Winning Illustrator Behind America’s Witty and Sarcastic Artwork


    Jeff Drew, an Albuquerque-based illustrator, has gained national recognition for his exceptional and sharp-witted artwork. He has created cover illustrations for various publications across America, showcasing his stunning visual style.

    More: Jeff Drew, Instagram, Shop

    00a03f86309555529f927305 rw 1200
    00a03f86309555529f927305 rw 1200

    Drawing inspiration from 1950s advertising graphics, Jeff produces contemporary illustrations that pack a punch. In addition to his illustration work, he creates event posters, album covers, and product labels for various clients.

    0e6ccd7a a190 4cc3 88d1 a19f20082cdc rw 1200
    0e6ccd7a a190 4cc3 88d1 a19f20082cdc rw 1200

    Through his illustrations, Jeff continuously pushes the boundaries while entertaining audiences with his sarcastic sense of humor. His unique and outstanding artwork is a testament to his talent and creativity, and we can’t wait to see what he comes up with next.

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    bfe014d9 4c50 4dcd 8c45 5a58625e14e8 rw 1200
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    Russia, on Sunday, began large-scale exercises of its strategic nuclear forces, on the eve of Biden’s visit to Europe.

    The exercises include large-scale maneuvers for its strategic nuclear forces.

    Meanwhile, the White House has told Zelenskyy to prepare for a major Russian offensive now!

    There are “no plans” for President Biden to enter Ukraine during his upcoming trip to Poland, NSC spokesman John Kirby said Sunday.  HOWEVER . . . .

    Biden will address the citizens of Russia and Putin, during his visit to Poland on February 21 according to John Kirby

    As of today, Russia has 5977 nuclear warheads; the most in the world. They also have the most advanced nuclear missile technology in the world.

    NATO has said if they see activity of Russian nuclear forces that could possibly be preparation to launch a nuclear attack, NATO will attack Russian nuclear forces ( with conventional weapons), it was said.


    Russia President Vladimir Putin is testing his hypersonic “SARMAT” missile and officials in remote districts in eastern Russia have been warned to be ready for a test launch between February 15 and 25

    The giant 208-ton hypersonic missile is capable of carrying FIFTEEN individual nuclear warheads including Russia’s new Hypersonic “Glide” Vehicles which cannot be stopped by any missile defense presently on earth.

    Unusual Flights

    As this story is written at 8:36 PM eastern US time Sunday night, there are unusual flights circling over Poland of RC-135W Rivet Joint (electronic surveillance), and Boeing E-3B Sentry (Airborne early warning and control) aircraft accompanied by KC-135T Stratotanker for refueling.

    It’s unusual because they very rarely fly at night over Europe, almost never.

    I can also report a nuclear armed submarine has been placed on the ‘highest level’ of combat readiness and that strategic bombers have been moved to a base in Tambov, Russia.


    In a normal, rational, world, these Nuclear exercises would send a clear message. But in OUR world, this message will likely be laughed off by Biden. He doesn’t seem to care.

    In fact, I think Biden wouldn’t understand a nuke being dropped on his head. In my view, he’s so addled by Dementia, he’s barely conscious.

    At this point, I don’t think anything can halt what is coming.

    It is not about occupation it is about survival for Russia, NATO has made it clear they intend on crushing them and dividing it up into regions and exploit their natural resources.

    Russia is telling them to back the fuck up.

    We are closer to WWIII today than we’ve ever been. This time, if nations continue down this road, there will be full blown world war.

    Are we ready for that? Rationing? The threat of invasion? Bombings? Military policing? Internment camps? Bread lines? Hunger? Famine? Mass depopulation?

    We can barely keep the supply chain going post-Covid. A world war?

    Our government needs to let this Ukraine thing go.  They, however, will not.

    The one thing that bothers me about Biden’s trip to Poland . . . .  what if it turns into an “Arch Duke Ferdinand” moment?

    What if the US “Deep State” plans to kill Biden while he’s in Poland, and blame Russia?

    Kamala Harris becomes President, and off to war we all go.

    This week is likely to be historic.  I hope you are all prepared as best you can be with emergency food, water, medicine, communications gear, etc.


    Bhindi Dopeaza

    2023 02 19 18 20
    2023 02 19 18 20


    • 1 pound okra
    • 2 medium onions, chopped
    • 1/4 teaspoon garlic paste or powder
    • 1/4 teaspoon coriander paste or powder
    • 1/8 teaspoon cumin
    • 3 large tomatoes
    • 2 tablespoons oil
    • 1/2 cup chopped cilantro


    1. Cut the tip and the very bottom from the okra just to clean it, but do not slice.
    2. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat.
    3. Add onion and cook for 3 minutes.
    4. Add all ingredients except okra, tomato and cilantro. Cook for 3 minutes.
    5. Add okra, then cook for 6 to 8 minutes.
    6. Garnish with tomato and cilantro.
    7. Serve with rice, naan or pita bread.

    12 People Reveal What’s It Like To Be Related To A ‘Karen’


    (art: @yunacunn)

    1. My mom is a Karen whose name is actually Karen. Simply put, I haven’t seen her in over a year because I couldn’t take it anymore. Living with her was just an exhausting nightmare.

    Karen’s world revolves around Karen. Nobody else’s issues matter. If you tell her that you had a bad day, she’ll give you 20 reasons why her day was worse. You worked 60 hours this week? Well, when she was your age, she would work 80. You’re in the hospital after having major surgery? She has a pinched nerve in her arm, which is somehow worse. Your boyfriend cheated on you? She couldn’t even begin to tell you about all the heartbreak she’s experienced in her life.

    She complains left and right about anything and everything. If you’re taking a week break after just getting back from college, she’ll ask why you haven’t gotten a job yet and claim you’re lazy. If you’re out to eat at a restaurant the food is always too cold or too burnt or too salty. You can only ever go to the places SHE wants to go to, because everything else is crap. My entire graduation dinner she complained about how cold the food was.

    She THRIVES in getting attention and constantly seeks it, but she has very few ACTUAL friends. Facebook is her lifeblood and she’s always looking to start something on there. She’s the queen of sharing uninformed, misguided, conservative propaganda, which always starts fights in her comments. Also, if a tragedy happens in the family (like the passing of my teenage cousin), she’ll make a big scene on Facebook and expect condolences from anyone and everyone, and makes note of the people who don’t give her what she wants.

    Don’t even get me started on the blatant racism. I’ve heard everything from, “watch out for black people on the subway. They’ll try to take your purse” to “It should be illegal for those Muslims to cover their faces. You should be able to see someone’s face.” One of my best friends is black and she once told me, “He’s one of the good ones. They should all be like him.”

    2. Was married to a male Karen. Everything, and I mean everything, could set him off.

    We were at a local taproom and his iPhone automatically connected to the Wifi. Keep in mind, he had full bars on our cell service. The WiFi was being wonky and wasn’t working. The manager, super nice guy, comes over and asks how we are doing, while he washes some glasses in the dish pit on the other side of the bar. The following conversation ensues, keep in mind, my husband is super irritated at this made up problem because our cell service is working just fine and he can literally just turn off the WiFi:

    Husband: Your WiFi is fucking trash.

    Manager: I’m sorry. We recently upgraded our internet, and Cox is sending us a new modem. It’s supposed to be here this week.

    Husband: If you say you have WiFi, you should make sure it actually works.

    Manager: I know. I’m sorry. I’d be happy to restart the modem to see if that helps.

    Husband then ignores him and continues to talk under his breath about a made up issue.

    This was my life for almost five years. The sense of entitlement was frustrating enough in public, but more so at home. I had apologized to more servers, retail workers, neighbors, and random people in public for him in five years than the rest of my life outside of him.

    You know what, now that I’m talking about it, maybe he’s not so much a male Karen. He’s more like a piece of shit.

    3. My sister is a Karen. Everyone feels so sorry for her husband. Everything is his fault. He is treated like a slave. She only addresses him by yelling. She constantly insults him. We have no idea why he hasn’t divorced her or flipped out and attacked her. We have all told her to cool it and her response is that he’s just so stupid. I could go on and on but my sister really is a horrible person.

    4. My sister AND sister in law are both Karen’s. I will show up to restaurants 15 min early to warn them. I tell them if it’s not done to their liking they WILL hear about it and they will make your shift hell. I’m just there as a warning.

    I used to work in restaurants and those people made life hell. I do what I can to help. Generally my drinks are better and we get a free appetizer as soon as those two tornados walk in all hell breaks loose. Not enough ice, table is too cold, it’s too loud, etc. I also tip really big because I DON’T want to be associated with the two tornados.

    I live overseas so I only see them 2 weeks out of the year. So it’s manageable. I only put up with their attitude because they could take my nieces and nephews away from me. I pick my battles. I need my nieces and nephews to know I’m always here for them and they can talk to me about anything. I can’t risk our relationship being tampered with, especially since I only see them 2 weeks a year.

    5. Not married to a Karen, but married someone with a Karen for a sister. Sister in law is the freaking worst. I hate more than anything going out to dinner with her, listening to her order food and talk to the servers. Holidays are also terrible, she sends out long lists of expected gifts list. She celebrates every holiday and birthday specifically for presents even when it not appropriate.

    Funny thing is one time I was away from the dinner table when the bill came and SIL waited for me to return to pay the bill by actually handing it to me. She didn’t give it to her sibling/my SO or pay her half, but expressly handed it to me to pay.

    6. My moms a Karen. Literally overreacts to everything. Whenever something doesn’t go her way- you guessed: gotta speak to the manager or whoever is in charge. Sometimes really embarrassing to go out in public with her because she’ll just yell at the service workers for the smallest of things. Also she has a bob cut.

    7. 4 years of a toxic relationship though. I broke up with her on Monday, again. We’re kinda fucked financially because of this lockdown so we are just feeling things out for a month before we decide forsure. This cycle is on repeat.

    I constantly have to cut her off and speak over her because of the way she treats people. Waiters, sales assistants, gym staff, neighbours , landlords, randoms we meet in bars etc.

    Note: we were both waiters at the beginning of our relationship so she has worked in the industry, but still lacks empathy. She blames the waiter if something is out of stock etc.

    My second major issue. We are both English second language teachers. She teaches kindergarten, while I teach highschool. Now that we are working from home I hear how she speaks to her students and it’s really opened up another aspect of her personality that I don’t like. She will berate a student for not understanding instead of evaluating her ability to explain. Shitting on 3 year olds in their second language doesn’t fly with me.

    A lot of her behaviour stems from a self defence mechanism due to insecurity, but that’s not an excuse. She doesn’t realise how mean she is to people, including myself.

    I’m a people pleaser that would rather sacrifice my own comfort than someone else’s. She expects me to be an asshole to people because I’m a biggish guy with tattoos, I don’t exactly look soft. It’s toxic as hell, please help.

    8. Not married to one but my mom is absolutely one. I spend most of my time with her in public apologizing to people after she’s walked away. The one and only time it comes in handy is when I’ve bought cars and had her come in during the price negotiation phase – she’s knocked off thousands purely due to how unpleasant she is and how much people want her to just get the hell out of the door.

    9. My ex wife is a Karen, in every sense but name. It was always so embarrassing. She was incapable of treating anyone like a human for the most trivial of occurrences. It was hell for me, as a person that’s pretty forgiving and don’t seek out confrontation. So in a 1 word description it was Hell. Lol

    10. Engaged to one, she was raised as a princess by here military raised father. However she’s super down to earth but god forbid you work in the service industry and mess something up. She worked at IHOP during college so it humbled her compared to her family. She just writes reviews now (good or bad) and emails corporate to complain. If something is wrong with my food she refuses me to sit there and eat it. Which I hate but I have gotten her better about it (I believe). So maybe she is just a recovering Karen at this point.

    11. I’m not married to a Karen but someone in my family decided to make a Karen family and let me just say.. it is freaking hell! I do not go to any social event if said Karen will be there (keeps the peace in my family tbh) nor do I go alone with Karen. She is a nightmare to everyone in her path, from car guards to cashiers, even her friends… No one can be better than her or smarter than her and she’s just freaking exhausting man. The worst part is… Her kids are becoming just like her

    12. My mum is a bit of a Karen, and we’re pretty much no contact now so that should tell you everything you need to know. Whenever we’d go out to eat it’s always too cold, they don’t have the brand of sparkling water she likes, they’ve put ice in her drink when she didn’t want it, she always has to make some kind of modification to her order etc. the list goes on.

    It got to the point where if we were out shopping and she said she needed to return something I’d just go somewhere else because I couldn’t stand watching her be rude and argue with the staff.

    My parents are divorced and I live with my dad now instead. Part of the reason I barely see my mum is because I’d have to meet her in public (go for a coffee or something) and I just can’t deal with the way she behaves in these places so I don’t go.

    Lots of exciting military stuff out of China, plus the usual array of nut-job bullshit from the United States

    Today’s post is dedicated to the NOV22 Zhuhai airshow.

    It’s pretty darn “ground breaking”.

    I hope you all get something out of this.

    China’s “J-20” Stealth Fighter Jet: I’ve Never Seen American Planes Do These Things!

    At an air show in China Saturday, the Chinese Air Force displayed their J-20 Stealth Fighter Jet capabilities.   I’ve never seen an American fighter Jet be able to do some of these maneuvers!  Utterly amazing.  Video below . . .

    They would be shocked to see this comparison.

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    main qimg 5f90d4342bcf0c479ad1e5542e75b214 pjlq

    What are the economic consequences of authoritarian rule in China?

    The consequence is:

    The fastest improvement of living standard in human history.

    In 1949, Chinese GDP per capita was around 45 dollars. That number grew to 12500 dollars in 2021, an almost 280 times growth.

    What does that translate into people’s lives? In 1949, life expectancy was 35 years in China. Slavery and drug addiction was rampant. Famine was always around the corner. Many people living in the countryside shared one pair of pants amongst the whole family. There was no public medical system to speak of. 85% of the population was illiterate.

    70 years later, in just one life time, China grew to become one of the greatest world power of our time. People no longer worry about starvation but obesity, and are rich enough to send their children to universities in other countries, or take vacations overseas, while watching the country’s rovers roll on the moon and Mars.

    In the province of Taiwan, authoritarian rule also worked wonders. The Taiwanese military dictatorship built the island’s economy and single-handed created companies like TSMC that we all respect today.

    TD550 unmanned helicopter

    2022 11 14 15 16
    2022 11 14 15 16

    I went to a club in new york and a guy at the bar offered to buy me a drink. I politely declined.

    He insisted again, and I knew it was a scam to get me to hang out with him. before I could order my drink for myself he buys both of us a round, which was, you know, “the nice thing to do”.

    I immediately got weird vibes from him and didn’t think I owed him anything for the beer and shot.

    I made up an excuse to get away from him.

    I didn’t want to leave the club because I spent a hefty cover so I got my friend to come save me. my friend was 30 mins away so this guy kept following me around the club calling me a b***h for not being interested in his little game.

    I told the bouncers and they didn’t really care about the situation and just brushed it off.

    I was so furious with this guy I stuck my finger down my throat and threw up all over him and said, “here’s your drink back, now leave me the f**k alone”. byyyeeeee ya f****n nerd.

    This video showed us that the airplane can fly and turn. WOW MIND = BLOWN.

    Don’t do this…

    A random guy held my crutches for me as I walked down some stairs at uni. He seemed nice and joked about how he once broke a foot, it’ll get better, etc etc. We get to the bottom and he asks if we could get some coffee. I thank him, but tell him I’m seeing someone so he just drops my crutches on the floor and walks away

    creepy nice guy stories 5 635a969e47bd1 700
    creepy nice guy stories 5 635a969e47bd1 700

    WJ-700 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

    2022 11 14 15 18
    2022 11 14 15 18

    The Fremont Troll—Seattle, Washington

    In so many old folktales and fairytales, we hear of mysterious, troublesome, or mischievous trolls who live under bridges. Often asking for a toll or price for passage, they cause a nuisance and, in some cases, can be quite frightening and creepy.

    Well, luckily, they’re a work of fiction. That is unless you’re wandering through underpasses in the Fremont area of Seattle. Here you’ll find a huge stone troll holding up the underpass on their broad shoulders. If you’re not expecting it or are walking in bad lighting, it’s a creepy and surprising sight to behold.

    The result of a local art competition in 1989 to revamp the area that had become an unsafe and dirty place, the Fremont Troll towers 18 feet (5.5 meters) and even has a shining metal eye that glints in the light. It’s not uncommon to see a horde of tourists standing around and even climbing up onto the troll’s shoulders for the perfect photo op. Keep an eye out for the Volkswagen Beetle that’s been crunched up in the troll’s hand…

    J20s is the world first twin seats Stealth fighter that can command 3 or more loyal wing man drones to help attack its enemy in the sky. Something the F22, F35 cannot do.

    I constantly forgot to breath while watching it making those magnificent moves, very impressive.

    I certainly have seen U.S. fighter jets be able to vertically “hover” with their nose pointed straight up, but I have never seen the reversal of direction in flight that these Chinese jets perform.  It shocked me as to the skill of the pilots, AND as to the maneuverability of the jets.

    I kept waiting to see one of them just fall out of the sky with the maneuvers they were doing, but that didn’t happen.

    US will build small modular nuclear reactor in Ukraine

    WTF? I mean is President Biden pushing buttons, or what? -MM

    Oddporium—Arden, Delaware

    Sometimes you just want to wander around somewhere downright weird with a friend or loved one, pointing out old dolls, vintage medical equipment, or pig remains in a jar, cringing back and laughing. Whether you get grossed out easily or have a dark sense of humor when it comes to curios, consider checking out the Oddiporium on your next trip through Arden, Delaware.

    If you’re traveling through in the evening, the Oddporium also screens horror films in the outdoor portion of the venue. Especially if you’re checking out the place around Halloween, you can expect plenty of spooky goings on. The perfect creepy combo: nighttime horror films and weird paranormal things in jars![HERE]

    Don’t Poke The Panda!

    Maybe we’ve been out-classed by China?????

    Maybe we shouldn’t be picking a fight with them over Taiwan?

    Maybe we’re not as good as we think we are?

    Saudi Arabia Reiterates Commitment To China, Regardless Of U.S. Concerns

    2 November 2022, 10:00
    From HERE
    Apparently confirming the view of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) that the U.S. is now regarded as just another one of its partners in a new global order that would see Beijing and its allies share the leadership position with Washington, Saudi Arabia last week reiterated its commitment to China as its “most reliable partner and supplier of crude oil,” along with broader assurances of its ongoing support in several other areas. 
    That MbS seemingly now sees the U.S. as a partner just for its security considerations, with no meaningful quid pro quo on Saudi Arabia’s part, whilst regarding China as its key partner economically and Russia as its key partner in energy matters, should not surprise the U.S.
    Back in March last year it was made clear enough at the annual China Development Forum hosted in Beijing, when Aramco chief executive officer, Amin Nasser said: “Ensuring the continuing security of China’s energy needs remains our highest priority - not just for the next five years but for the next 50 and beyond.” 
    And yet, the U.S. is surprised by the apparent finalization of the transition of Saudi Arabia away from Washington and towards China, which effectively marks the end of the 1945 core agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia that defined their relationship up until extremely recently. This transition has

    Satellites discovered two “dark ships” near Nord Stream before the explosions

    "I was in shanghai in 2017 and my accommodation was in the Marriott hotel overlooking a big re-development . So when I left in March of that year , only the foundations were laid . I came back to shanghai in July of the same year and was astounded to see 5 tower blocks were built up to the 17th floors . Eventually it was completed in a record time of 18 months . So I can see why America was not chosen .The world trade center was destroyed in September 2001 and the replacement one world trade Center officially opened in November 2014 . Taking 9 times longer to build than the Chinese".

    Traditional vaccines like Sinovac may prevent severe disease in Covid-19 patients: Study

    Duh! -MM

    SINGAPORE – Though often considered inferior due to their induction of a lower antibody response compared with their mRNA counterparts, inactivated virus vaccines can play a role in preventing the development of severe Covid-19, a recent study has found.

    This could mean that a combination of the two vaccine types may offer better protection against the coronavirus, researchers said, noting each had its own advantages.

    The study by the Duke-NUS Medical School found that inactivated virus vaccines such as Sinopharm and Sinovac, which were used extensively in Asia, and mRNA vaccines – which include Pfizer-BioNTech’s Comirnaty and Moderna’s Spikevax – trigger different T-cell responses in fighting the coronavirus.

    Inactivated vaccines – an older technology used in the polio and influenza vaccines, among others – are made up of dead viruses, unlike mRNA vaccines, which use just parts of the virus’ genetic material to stimulate an immune response.

    While mRNA vaccines induce T-cells – a type of white blood cell – targeting the spike protein of the coronavirus, inactivated vaccines elicit a broader immune response against different proteins on the virus.

    This means that while inactivated vaccines might not be as good at preventing Covid-19 infection, they can play a role in preventing the development of severe disease, said the study’s senior co-author Anthony Tanoto Tan, a senior research fellow with the Duke-NUS’ Emerging Infectious Diseases programme.

    Earlier studies had shown that mRNA vaccines help patients produce a far greater number of antibodies, compared with their inactivated virus counterparts. However, newer variants have proved to be more adept at evading the antibody response, Dr Tan said.

    Read the rest HERE

    Damn china looking good.


    Some people who *think* they know it all, are claiming these are Remote Control model jets.   They are not.

    The audio alone proves they are actual fighter jets, with actual jet engines – you can HEAR them for cryin out loud!  Full-throated jet engines!

    This story is accurate. The jets are real, although I am now told they are J-16’s and not J-20’s.

    Anyone who tells you otherwise does not know what they’re talking about.

    Very advanced level weapons.

    Many missed the point. This video is a catalog for weapons FOR SALE by Norinco. What PLA uses are going to be even more advanced.

    All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy

    Despite their temperament, Vikings took time out to play and make merry. They would often celebrate achievements by throwing parties. These parties they threw depended on the rank and wealth of the person or people hosting. The parties created not only an opportunity to make merry but also a “pissing contest” to display wealth and stature.

    The wealthier a Viking or a group of Vikings were, the bigger the party would be and the longer they could hold it down. As archeological evidence suggests, Vikings were robust men and women. Considering their body size and way of living, one can easily conclude they could eat and drink a lot. Hosting a Viking party, therefore, was a noteworthy achievement. An achievement that earned the host a distinguished position in the community.

    Did you know that Vikings found skiing amusing as well? They did, in fact, find it fascinating. One would be forgiven for assuming they did not have what it took to ski back in the day, considering how advanced the equipment we use today is. Archeological evidence points to the fact that they had wooden boards that they used to ski. They used to ski for fun when hunting and as a way of general movement.

    Trainloads of Armor and other NATO Military Gear in Poland, Moving Toward Kaliningrad

    Video has emerged of trainloads of NATO armor and other military gear moving through Poland, toward the Russia enclave of Kaliningrad.

    The video, below, shows one of the trains moving through Gdynia, Poland:

    The scalable map below shows Gdynia, Poland in relation to Kaliningrad:

    2022 11 14 15 10
    2022 11 14 15 10

    Each day, NATO moves more and more military gear either toward Russia or Ukraine, and toward the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad.  It doesn’t stop.

    Today, the Russian Ministry of Defense ORDERED manufacturers to DOUBLE the production of hypersonic missiles.

    It won’t stop unless or until citizens in NATO countries, get their governments back under control — and fast — or else World War 3 is on the menu.

    Funny Failed Test Answers

    So it’s exam day, you’ve forgotten to study, and you’re staring blankly at the test in front of you wondering how on earth you’re going to pass. What are you going to do? Well, you’re going to fail, that’s what. But that doesn’t mean you can’t fail in style! Take a look at this collection of funny exam answers to see how to do just that!

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    Looks like a sexy gun. From what I’ve heard, it’s a righteous beast and even Americans are drooling and wish they had this gun. All China’s newest equipment is making USA jealous. Like type 055 destroyer which they decided to copy with their next gen destroyer.

    American Soldiers Found in Kherson – Video!

    Duh! American soldiers fighting Russian soldiers directly. -MM

    Many have been asking “What is happening in Kherson and why is Russia pulling out?” It’s complicated. One thing is now certain: Americans have entered Kherson.

    This is no longer Ukraine versus Russia. This now appears to be Russia VS NATO…Ukraine is just the battlefield.

    The video below comes from inside Kherson. Note the flag on the backpack first aid kit and note the language being spoken:

    According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, they have had to bring their troops back to across the Dnieper River for several reasons:

    1) Bridges are mostly out on the Kherson City side of the river which makes it logistically very hard to bring ammunition and supplies to those troops, AND;

    2) American HIMARS Rockets have been so horrifically precise, the Russian Army cannot set up Ammunition Dumps because HIMARS takes them out.

    So they cannot bring large amounts of ammo (just yet) and they cannot store large amounts of ammo (for now) and that makes their forces incredibly vulnerable.

    Therefore, the Russians say they took their troops out of one side of Kherson, had them cross the river to the other side, where the logistics problems will not exist and will not endanger the lives of Russian forces.

    Kherson city is now Russia.   Russia will not give up that territory permanently, they say.  But a strategic fallback was necessary.

    Now, as seen in the video above, we see Americans in Kherson.

    If Russia can show that American soldiers have invaded Russia territory, that makes American territory subject to Russian attack.   It’s that simple.

    Gentle Paintings of Girls by Huaishen J

    We know nothing about Huaishen J’s gender or any other orientation. All we know is that Huaishen J lives in the United States and paints fantastically gentle and charming young ladies. And that’s all we need.

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    Great video. You should add Beidou was born out of necessity. In 1990s, US used / blocked GPS to disable a Chinese ship in an incident. And China joined Europe’s Galileo program but was blocked repeatedly. Beidou was born after China realized Europe’s true intension (and wasted time and money on Galileo.


    From HERE

    The sudden collapse of crypto exchange “FTX” and its Bankruptcy filing today, has revealed that FTX presently suffers from $10-$50 BILLION in liabilities with almost ZERO assets . . . and among those liabilities, are “investments” made by . . . . UKRAINE . . . .

    At this early hour, it __appears__ that tens-of-billions in American “Military Aid” to Ukraine, which was allegedly to be used to fight Russia, was cash that Ukraine DID NOT use to fight Russia, but instead invested into FTX!

    And, as you might guess from the Bankruptcy filing . . . . it now seems that all the money . . . is gone.

    Yes, you read that correctly: Instead of using US Military Aid to fight Russia, Ukraine “invested” part or all of it, into FTX, and right now, it looks like all the money is gone.

    Democrat Donations

    Also at this early hour, it now also __appears__ that the Chief of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, was the #2 donor to the Democrats. He was only outspent by Soros himself!

    It __seems__ Ukraine was receiving money from the US, Ukraine sent it to FTX, and FTX sent it to Democrats, who originally voted to send it to Ukraine.  At this hour, it __appears__ to some observers, to be pure, criminal, money-laundering, and a criminal conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws.

    It now seems to closely-watching observers that the kid (Bankman-Fried) burned his own company — and his own ass — just to make sure the Dems won the mid-term elections, and seems to have done it by pulling the rug out from all those that had funds there in FTX.

    So the collapse of FTX is now linked not only to Ukraine, but also to US Democrat politicians who got money from Sam Bankman-Fried, to campaign for the just-ended elections!

    Here.  Learn:

    From wiki
    Sam Bankman-Fried was born in 1992 on the campus of Stanford University into a family of academics. Born and raised to an upper-middle-class Jewish family in California, he is the son of Barbara Fried and Joseph Bankman, both professors at Stanford Law School.[2] His aunt Linda P. Fried is the current dean of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.[15] His brother, Gabe Bankman-Fried, is a former Wall Street trader[16] and the director of the non-profit Guarding Against Pandemics.

    Sam Bankman-Fried was the second-largest individual donor to Democratic causes in 2021–2022 election cycle with total donations of $39.8 million, only behind George Soros.[59][60][61] Of this, $27 million was given to Protect our Future PAC, bankrolled by Bankman-Fried.[62]

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    And the funniest bit of all? Who is handling the bankruptcy??? None other than Jon J Ray III who just happened to be in charge of the liquidation of….. ENRON!

    Then too, there’s this:


    The US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission are looking into whether mishandled customer funds. Bankman-Fried is also being investigated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission for potential violations of securities rules.


    UPDATE 11:34 AM EST –

    Sam Bankman-Fried used the money to bankroll DEMOCRATS!

    $10,000,000 PROTECT OUR FUTURE PAC 4/14/2022
    $9,000,000 PROTECT OUR FUTURE PAC 2/4/2022
    $6,000,000 HOUSE MAJORITY PAC 4/4/2022
    $5,000,000 FF PAC 10/7/2020
    $4,000,000 PROTECT OUR FUTURE PAC 6/13/2022
    $4,000,000 PROTECT OUR FUTURE PAC 3/15/2022
    $2,000,000 GMI PAC, INC. 1/18/2022
    $1,000,000 AMERICA UNITED 4/18/2022
    $500,000 SMP 5/19/2022
    $350,000 VOTE TRIPLING PAC 9/24/2020
    $300,000 OPPORTUNITY FOR TOMORROW 4/22/2022
    $300,000 AMERICA UNITED 6/13/2022
    $250,000 SMP 8/2/2021
    $250,000 SMP 8/16/2021
    $250,000 DMFI PAC 5/25/2022
    $109,500 DCCC 6/22/2022
    $105,000 ALABAMA CONSERVATIVES FUND 6/10/2022
    $104,000 DCCC 6/22/2022
    $50,000 BIDEN VICTORY FUND 10/23/2020
    $50,000 HEARTLAND RESURGENCE 9/23/2022
    $36,500 DCCC 6/22/2022
    $36,500 NRCC 7/22/2022
    $30,000 DSCC 3/21/2022
    $30,000 DSCC 3/31/2022
    $22,000 ACTIVATE AMERICA 9/1/2021
    $20,800 STABENOW VICTORY FUND 1/13/2022
    $20,800 MAGGIE HASSAN VICTORY FUND 7/29/2021
    $10,800 GILLIBRAND VICTORY FUND 6/20/2022
    $8,500 NRCC 7/22/2022
    $6,500 DSCC 3/31/2022
    $5,800 RICHARD BURR COMMITTEE; THE 8/2/2021
    $5,800 BILL CASSIDY FOR US SENATE 8/2/2021
    $5,800 JEFFRIES FOR CONGRESS 7/24/2021
    $5,800 COLLINS FOR SENATOR 10/2/2021
    $5,800 BOOZMAN FOR ARKANSAS 1/21/2022
    $5,800 CITIZENS FOR BOYLE 5/9/2022
    $5,800 HOEVEN FOR SENATE 6/13/2022
    $5,800 HOEVEN FOR SENATE 6/13/2022
    $5,000 LIMITLESS HORIZONS 10/17/2022
    $5,000 GRANITE VALUES PAC 7/31/2021
    $5,000 SUMMITT PAC 9/28/2022
    $5,000 GREAT LAKES PAC 2/9/2022
    $5,000 HEARTLAND VALUES PAC 2/8/2022
    $5,000 JERSEY VALUES PAC 1/24/2022
    $5,000 THE NEXT 50 PAC 3/31/2022
    $5,000 BFB PAC 5/9/2022
    $5,000 OFF THE SIDELINES PAC 6/20/2022
    $5,000 SERVING OUR COUNTRY (SOC) PAC 9/28/2022
    $4,000 ACROSS THE AISLE PAC 10/19/2022
    $2,900 MANCHIN FOR WEST VIRGINIA 7/24/2021
    $2,900 MANCHIN FOR WEST VIRGINIA 7/24/2021
    $2,900 JASMINE FOR US 3/31/2022
    $2,900 CONOLE FOR CONGRESS 3/31/2022
    $2,900 TINA SMITH FOR MINNESOTA 3/30/2022
    $2,900 TINA SMITH FOR MINNESOTA 3/30/2022
    $2,900 COLLINS FOR SENATOR 8/3/2021
    $2,900 COLLINS FOR SENATOR 9/2/2021
    $2,900 BILL CASSIDY FOR US SENATE 8/2/2021
    $2,900 JEFFRIES FOR CONGRESS 7/26/2021
    $2,900 PETE AGUILAR FOR CONGRESS 7/24/2021
    $2,900 PETE AGUILAR FOR CONGRESS 7/24/2021
    $2,900 COLLINS FOR SENATOR 9/2/2021
    $2,900 COLLINS FOR SENATOR 8/2/2021
    $2,900 SHONTEL BROWN FOR CONGRESS 3/31/2022
    $2,900 QUARTEY FOR CONGRESS 4/27/2022
    $2,900 ALEX PADILLA FOR SENATE 7/24/2021
    $2,900 ALEX PADILLA FOR SENATE 7/24/2021
    $2,900 PEOPLE FOR PATTY MURRAY 7/24/2021
    $2,900 PEOPLE FOR PATTY MURRAY 7/24/2021
    $2,900 ROBERT GARCIA FOR CONGRESS 3/31/2022
    $2,900 CORY BOOKER FOR SENATE 10/18/2021
    $2,900 FOUSHEE FOR CONGRESS 3/31/2022
    $2,900 GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE 6/20/2022
    $2,900 GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE 6/20/2022
    $2,900 GALLEGO FOR ARIZONA 3/31/2022
    $2,900 GALLEGO FOR ARIZONA 3/31/2022
    $2,900 STABENOW FOR US SENATE 2/11/2022
    $2,900 STABENOW FOR US SENATE 2/11/2022
    $2,900 JIM COSTA FOR CONGRESS 7/11/2022
    $2,900 HALEY STEVENS FOR CONGRESS 3/31/2022
    $2,900 FRIENDS OF LUCY MCBATH 3/31/2022
    $2,900 TORRES FOR CONGRESS 3/31/2022
    $2,900 WELCH FOR VERMONT 3/31/2022
    $2,900 MAGGIE FOR NH 7/31/2021
    $2,900 MAGGIE FOR NH 7/31/2021
    $2,900 MENENDEZ FOR CONGRESS 4/27/2022
    $2,900 CARRICK FLYNN FOR OREGON 3/31/2022
    $2,900 BOOZMAN FOR ARKANSAS 1/21/2022
    $2,900 CITIZENS FOR BOYLE 5/9/2022
    $2,900 MAX ROSE FOR CONGRESS 3/31/2022
    $2,900 JOSH HARDER FOR CONGRESS 9/28/2022
    $2,900 NIKKI FOR CONGRESS 3/31/2022
    $2,900 LOU CORREA FOR CONGRESS 9/28/2022
    $2,900 CHUY GARCIA FOR CONGRESS 6/10/2022
    $2,900 HOEVEN FOR SENATE 7/1/2022
    $2,900 SALUD CARBAJAL FOR CONGRESS 10/19/2022
    $2,900 BECCA BALINT FOR VERMONT 6/10/2022
    $2,900 LISA MURKOWSKI FOR US SENATE 8/2/2021
    $2,900 LISA MURKOWSKI FOR US SENATE 8/2/2021
    $2,900 ANGIE CRAIG FOR CONGRESS 7/2/2022
    $2,900 GILLEN FOR CONGRESS 4/27/2022
    $2,800 BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT 10/23/2020
    $2,800 CORY BOOKER FOR SENATE 10/18/2021
    $2,500 CHC BOLD PAC 3/31/2022
    $1,000 BENNET FOR COLORADO 10/27/2010
    $1,000 ACROSS THE AISLE PAC 7/18/2022
    $780 ARIZONA DEMOCRATIC PARTY 10/23/2020
    $780 OHIO DEMOCRATIC PARTY 10/23/2020
    $780 TEXAS DEMOCRATIC PARTY 10/23/2020


    This doesn’t include “donations” by two other principles from FTX, the total is almost $80 million dollars, THIS CYCLE.

    Imagine knowing your crypto money was stolen to pay for liberals to import illegals from 3rd world countries that are there to replace you!

    Tom Brady is rumored to have lost $650,000,000.

    UPDATE 6:45 PM EST —

    Want to know how high this corruption goes?   Look who attended an FTX Event in the Bahamas, THIS PAST APRIL (2022):

    Bill Clinton and former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, seen in the photo below, sitting on-stage with Sam Bankman-Fried!!!!!

    FTX Event April 2022 Bahamas BillClinton TonyBlair
    FTX Event April 2022 Bahamas BillClinton TonyBlair

    Not only are the two former officials at the event, the event marquis clearly says “This Session is OFF THE RECORD.”  Here. Look:

    FTX Event April 2022 Bahamas BillClinton TonyBlair OFF THE RECORD
    FTX Event April 2022 Bahamas BillClinton TonyBlair OFF THE RECORD

    Now, aside from the obvious millions of dollars in campaign donations shown above, the much bigger question is: How much cash ended-up in Politicians PRIVATE Crypto Accounts ??????     Many observers believe “Billions” got siphoned-off the Ukraine “Aid” and other “Foreign Aid.

    Kittencal’s Perfect Prime Rib Roast Beef

    “NOTE…THE INTERNAL TEMPERATURE NOT THE TIME IS YOUR BEST GUARANTEE FOR DONENESS so for a perfectly cooked prime rib roast invest in a meat thermometer and you will never go wrong with this recipe!

    — if desired you may omit the au jus and just serve the roast, I prefer to make the au jus especially if I am serving this at a holiday table

    — Use nothing else but only fresh garlic, a little salt and lots of fresh ground black pepper for this or you could use 1 teaspoon garlic salt, using any other spices will take away the flavor, nothing else is needed

    — Cooking on very high heat then reducing the temperature will seal in all the meat juices to produce the most tender and flavorful prime rib, this actually is the method that a lot of the higher end restaurants use to make there prime rib and is the method I always use when I make prime rib roast at my home

    — The cooking time stated on the recipe is for a 3-4 pound prime rib, you can use this method for a larger prime rib and increase the cooking time please see bottom of directions

    — For a perfectly cooked prime rib roast a meat thermometer inserted in the roast should read about 140 degrees for medium-rare doneness, it is advised not to cook prime rib more that medium-rare

    —– Using more that the specified amount of salt will draw out the juices from the roast, you could add a little more but it is best to salt the meat after it is cooked, using a minimum amount of salt will insure a juicy tender prime rib roast, 1 teaspoon or less of salt will be fine, remember to remove your roast from the fridge about 2 hours before cooking

    2022 11 14 17 19
    2022 11 14 17 19


    • 3 -4 lbs center-cut prime rib roast, nicely marbled, and trimmed, but leave a layer of fat on top of roast for flavor
    • 8 fresh large garlic cloves, sliced in half (or use many as desired)
    • fresh ground black pepper (use lots!)
    • 12 teaspoon white salt (can use up to 1 teaspoon salt) or 1/2 teaspoon seasoning salt (can use up to 1 teaspoon salt)
    • 12 cup dry white wine
    • 2 cups beef stock (or use a good quality beef broth)


    • Using a knife, poke small holes all over uncooked roast, and insert a half of a clove of fresh garlic in the hole (as many holes and as much garlic as desired).
    • Cover roast, and refrigerate overnight.
    • The next day, remove the roast from fridge and uncover; let sit out at room temperature for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours (this is an important step to relax the meat fibers, it will make for a more tender juicy roast, the length of counter-time will depend on the size of your roast).
    • Set oven to 450°F and allow the oven to preheat for a minimum of 15 minutes.
    • Season the roast with only a small amount of salt but lots of fresh ground black pepper pepper (that’s all nothing else but a little salt and fresh ground black pepper, using any other spices will take away the flavor from the prime rib!).
    • Place the roast fat-side up on a rack in a shallow-sided pan, then insert a meat thermometer in the middle of the roast but not touching any rib bones.
    • Roast uncovered at 450°F for 20 minutes (a few more minutes won’t hurt at 450°F).
    • After 20 minutes of high heat cooking reduce heat to 350°F and continue to roast for 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes OR until the meat thermometer reads 130°F for rare doneness OR 140°F for medium-rare doneness, that is the way a prime rib really should be served, check your roast after 1 hour cooking time.
    • *NOTE* It is strongly advised to remove the roast slightly before desired degree of doneness is achieved as the roast will continue to rise in temperature several degrees after removing from the oven.
    • Remove meat to a carving board.
    • Cover loosely with foil and allow let rest (DO NOT CUT INTO ROAST for at least 20 or more minutes or all juices in the meat will flow out).
    • While the roast is resting prepare the au jus; place the roasting pan on top of the stove over high heat.
    • Add in the wine; cook for 8-10 minutes, stirring and scraping any brown bits.
    • Add in the beef stock; cook and reduce the juice by half (this might take about 20 minutes).
    • Add salt and pepper to taste.
    • Slice roast (just before serving!) and drizzle with some of the juice.
    • *NOTE* if desired you can cover the roast loosely with foil the first hour and then uncover and cook for the remaining time.
    • ——————————————–.
    • APPROXIMATE COOKING TIMES for the prime rib cooked at 350°F after the 20 minute cooking time at 450°F.
    • Rare; cook 12-13 minutes per pound or to 130°F.
    • Medium-rare; cook 14-16 minutes per pound or to 140°F (I would not recommend cooking a prime rib any more than medium-rare).
    • Since every oven cooks differently cooking times are only approximate.
    • SUGGESTED SERVING PORTIONS PER PERSON —-for a generous serving of prime rib roast you should figure on 2 people per rib, that means if you plan to serve 6 people you should be able to do so with 3 ribs/ eight people with 4 ribs/ do not bother with less than 3 ribs anything less than that is not a roast but rather a steak and would be better treated as such.

    The aerobatic flight show conducted by four J20s yesterday was absolutely exhilarating even in relatively imperfect weather conditions. People on site were so obsessed with it that most still kept their eyes fixed on J20s after their landings, talking about their shows and nobody realized that a J16 has already taken off and performed several amazing maneuvers.

    TSMC 7nm process capacity utilization falling rapidly

    Monica Chen, Hsinchu; Eifeh Strom, DIGITIMES Asia
    From HERE
    This report coincides with an earlier report that China has already begun to mass produce the 7nm chipset. 
    Biden policy NOW helps to hand over the world biggest chip market exclusively to Chinese chip makers. 
    The end result is all other chip makers will lost economic of scale, and become noncompetitive. 

    Capacity utilization rates for TSMC’s 7nm process platform and its process variants N6, N7 have fallen below 50%, according to industry sources.

    Many IC design customers are cutting orders and delaying pull-ins of TSMC’s 7nm process. Companies that have had the biggest impact include MediaTek, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Qualcomm, Apple, and Intel, as well as Chinese companies like Unisoc, which have been restricted by bans. TSMC has not responded to market rumors.

    Despite the market downturn, TSMC recently expressed confidence. However, TSMC’s utilization rates for its 7nm and 6nm processes have fallen and are not expected to return to previous levels until the first half of 2023, according to sources.

    The largest application for 7nm and 6nm is smartphones, PCs, servers, and other high-performance computing (HPC). High inventory levels in the mobile phone and PC supply chains, combining with performance pressures, have led to order adjustments, even at the risk of affecting long-term relationships with TSMC.

    Qualcomm and MediaTek have both warned about the seriousness of smartphone inventory levels and have taken conservative views of the near future.

    MediaTek has high levels of entry-level and mid-range smartphones, and has been more affected by the weak market. It expects fourth-quarter performance to fall by 20% sequentially. Sources pointed out that MediaTek is one of the largest players in this wave of foundry order cuts.

    Sources revealed that the utilization rate for the 7nm family at Fab 15B in Taichung is lower than expected. It has reportedly dropped below 50% and is expected to worsen in the first quarter of 2023. Plans for Fab 22 in Kaohsiung have been shelved indefinitely, according to sources. TSMC is expected to revisit the plans depending on future production capacity requirements.

    Construction progress of Fab 12 P8 in the Hsinchu Science Park is also unknown, sources said.

    According to sources, Intel was previously expected to expand its outsourcing strategy with a large order using TSMC’s 7nm process, but reduced its order as a result of weak market conditions and lower-than-expected PC and server shipments. Intel’s Arc A series of GPUs are built using TSMC’s 6nm process node, while its Xe-HPC architecture Ponte Vecchio uses the 7nm process node.

    Despite the continuous launch of new products, pull-in momentum is weak, sources said. TSMC’s top 10 customers have all made order adjustments, including the return of new orders from Nvidia for 7nm A100 chips and 4nm H100 chips, as well as adjustments and pull-in delays for the RTX 40 series. Intel has also made significant changes to its 4nm and 3nm orders.

    Regardless, TSMC remains the leader in advanced processes. Order visibility for 5nm and below is still relatively high. Not only does AMD’s newest Zen 4 architecture Genoa server and RDNA 3 architecture GPU use TSMC’s 5nm process, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 uses the 4nm process.

    Starting in 2023, TSMC will take a large order for Apple’s latest Mac series, which has an annual shipment scale of 20 million units, sources said. Orders for iPhones and iPads will be stable.

    Sources noted that once inventory has been cleared, global IC design customers including Broadcom, Marvell, and MediaTek will expand their orders with TSMC.

    DHS Censorship Agency Strange First Mission: Banning Speech That Casts Doubt On Election

    Very long. Bored me to no end, but important for Americans to read. -MM

    Unfortunately, this country is headed for a horrible outcome. No self-governing society can suffer the strain to civil society that comes from loss of regime credibility.  This overt and actual illegal censorship, in violation of the First Amendment, must be brought to a halt.  How that takes place, really doesn’t matter anymore.

    The US Department of Homeland Security is actively engaged in the deprivation of American’s constitutionally protected free speech rights.  They are using our own tax money to strip away our rights.  The full report, done by the Foundation for Freedom Online, appears below:
    DHS Censorship Agency Strange First Mission: Banning Speech That Casts Doubt On Election
    • Network throttled millions of posts ahead of 2020 election, blocked “emerging narratives” from reaching “virality threshold.”
    • Censors boast on video of getting tech companies to ban entire categories of election speech under threat of “huge regulatory pressure.”
    • Months before the 2020 election, censors systematically targeted all speech categories that could challenge a future “red mirage, blue shift” election scenario.
    Last week, The Intercept published a set of leaks that drew broad interest in perhaps the most under-covered scandal inside the US government today: the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) quiet move to establish, for the first time in US history, an explicitly inward-facing domestic censorship bureau.What The Intercept glimpsed, however, is just the tip of a much larger iceberg.The size, scale and speed of DHS’s censorship operation are vastly larger have been reported. Based on our investigation, below are seven bottom-line figures summarizing the scope of censorship carried out by DHS speech control partners, as compiled from their own reports and videos:

      • 22 Million tweets labeled “misinformation” on Twitter;
      • 859 Million tweets collected in databases for “misinformation” analysis;
      • 15 tech platforms monitored for “misinformation” often in real-time;
      • <1 hour average response time between government partners and tech platforms;
      • Dozens of “misinformation narratives” targeted for platform-wide throttling; and
      • Hundreds of millions of individual Facebook posts, YouTube videos, TikToks, and tweets impacted, due to “misinformation” Terms of Service policy changes that DHS partners openly plotted and bragged tech companies would never have done without DHS partner insistence and “huge regulatory pressure” from government.

    The citations above are from just the DHS censorship network’s impact on the 2020 election cycle alone. That was two years ago, when the narrative management machine referenced by The Intercept was first getting formed. Even the above figures, however, just scratch the surface of the full story.

    While The Intercept rightly noted that DHS’s “truth cops“ now take on a range of other topics – such as Covid-19 and geopolitical opinions – it all started from, and grew out of, DHS’s speech control infrastructure set up to censor speech about elections.

    That started with the 2020 election. But it continues, importantly, with the 2022 midterm elections, which are ongoing this week.

    At Foundation for Freedom Online, for more than six months, we have been publishing and sharing research findings about a wide span of shocking components to DHS’s speech control operations. Our investigation has spurred multiple members of Congress to vow aggressive probes into DHS’s “government censorship by proxy.”

    The whole story, however, has not all been published in one place. In this report, we seek to provide a comprehensive history and network map of DHS’s public-private censorship network, as told through a deep dive into its first mission — the censorship of the 2020 election.

    Along the way, we will highlight the network’s role in censoring the ongoing 2022 midterm elections.

    In the final section of this report, we will cover a particularly disturbing aspect of this story — DHS’s pre-censorship of speech that could “cast doubt” on a so-called “red mirage, blue shift” election scenario, months in advance of such an exact sequence playing out.

    Background History & Cast Of Characters

    In this background section, we will present a history and overview of the key players participating in DHS’s extended censorship network, with special attention to its formation in the run-up to the 2020 election.

    This story has two main institutional sides: the government within DHS and the non-governmental side consisting of a web of like-minded private sector and civil society partners. Together, this network forms the DHS public-private censorship network that is the subject of this report.

    The Government Side: Chris Krebs’s CISA

    The key coordinating hub for the government side is an “obscure government agency” named CISA, which is tucked within DHS, and was created by act of Congress in November 2018, nominally to defend America against cybersecurity threats from hostile foreign actors (e.g., Russian hackers).

    CISA’s longform name, the “Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency” has none of the Orwellian overtones of the “Disinformation Governance Board”. CISA took great pains to cloak itself as just a simple, security-focused cybersecurity directorate. CISA’s founding director, Chris Krebs, was fond of telling audiences that CISA was just “The agency that cares so much about security, it’s in our name twice”.

    CISA’s mission was supposed to be cyber security. Not cyber censorship.

    But a funny thing happened on the way to the 2020 election.

    First, on January 6, 2017, outgoing Obama Administration DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson designated “election infrastructure” as being “critical infrastructure” under the purview of DHS protection.

    This designation, born out of unsubstantiated claims that Russia had just stolen, hacked or otherwise materially interfered with the 2016 election, tasked DHS with protecting election-related structure, such as polling places, voting machines and computer systems.

    CISA’s Internet censorship power grew out of interpreting “critical infrastructure” beyond its hard physical meaning to apply to meta-physical concepts. By 2019, “foreign disinformation” on social media was increasingly framed as a “cyber threat” to election infrastructure.

    Through this framing mechanism, CISA’s “cybersecurity” authority morphed into a “cybercensorship” authority. However, this move was initially limited to CISA only targeting “foreign disinformation”, through DHS’s Countering Foreign Influence Task Force.

    But when the 2016 election-era “Russian interference” Special Prosecutor’s probe ended in July 2019 with former FBI Director Robert Mueller’s failure to find “collusion” between then-President Trump and outside Russians, DHS and CISA began to change their tunes.

    The entire “countering Russian disinformation on social media” apparatus that had been constructed before July 2019 to censor, throttle and identify “foreign disinformation” was quietly, but entirely, pivoted to focus inward on “domestic disinformation.”

    This “Foreign-To-Domestic Disinformation Switcheroo” on censorship was never widely conveyed beyond DHS doors out to the American people. It was plotted on DHS’s own livestreams and internal documents. DHS insiders’ collective justification, without uttering a peep about the switch’s revolutionary implications, was that “domestic disinformation” was now a greater “cyber threat to elections” than falsehoods flowing from foreign interference.

    This meant that, henceforth, any US citizen posting what DHS considered “misinformation” online was suddenly conducting a cyber attack against US critical infrastructure. That was the legal framework under which DHS – and CISA particularly – drew their jurisdiction.

    To illustrate this, we’ve put together a supercut of DHS censorship network partners switching from a “foreign” to a “domestic” predicate for censorship between the 2016 election and the 2020 election:

    o CISA’s self-invented censorship powers against “foreign disinformation” went from being pointed outward against supposed Russian bot accounts to being pointed inwards at tens of millions of US citizens simply talking lawfully about their own elections.

    The main character in the CISA side of this story is its then-director in 2020, Chris Krebs. After the 2020 election, CISA’s leadership baton was handed to current head Jen Easterly, covered below.

    Since this is a story about government censorship and abuse of power, Chris Krebs’s public statements on censorship issues provide insight into the founding intent of the government censorship operation that first grew out of Krebs setting it up. Here are eight data points useful to bear in mind:

      • Krebs, who administered the federal side of the 2020 election after DHS effectively nationalized election infrastructure on January 6, 2017, said that every lawyer who represented conservative clients on claims concerning 2020 election irregularities should be permanently disbarred and banned from legal practice for life.
      • Krebs said that the sitting President in 2020, Donald Trump, was a national security threat because he espoused domestic “disinformation.”
      • Krebs has repeatedly said on record that “misinformation” is the single biggest threat to election security. Note that Kreb’s role in government was not supposed to be as arbiter of truth; he was supposed to be a cybersecurity expert from Microsoft. Yet US domestic citizen opinions on social media became, in Kreb’s estimate, the top “cyber” security threat facing the US, replacing foreign hacking and malware.

    After leaving CISA, both of Krebs’s two new jobs in January 2021 were outgrowths of the very CISA censorship network Krebs established with outside partners while in government.

    First, shortly before President Biden’s inauguration, Krebs started a private consulting firm with former Facebook executive Alex Stamos, simply called “Krebs Stamos Group.”


    Stamos, covered extensively below, was perhaps the top figure overseeing the entire private sector side of the public-private censorship enterprise that Krebs and Stamos jointly built to censor populist political voices during the 2020 election.

    It was Stamos who, according to his own group’s report, pitched the idea in July 2020 for DHS to even create a government censorship apparatus in the first place. Although, as we will cover, there is reason to believe such plans between Krebs and Stamos may have started considerably earlier than that reported date.

    We will cover this Krebs-Stamos government-academia censorship relationship further below.

    Krebs’s other role right after leaving CISA was becoming chair of the Aspen Institute’s “Commission on Information Disorder,” to galvanize a stronger “ whole-of-society” approach to censoring rumors and misinformation on the Internet.

    Thus, Krebs – the original government censor – transitioned seamlessly through the revolving door of industry, into lucrative partnerships with private sector censorship professionals and prestigious civil society groups whose stated goal is decreasing the freedom of US citizen speech on the Internet.

    Today, Krebs’s seat at the head of CISA is now occupied by Jen Easterly, a former military intelligence official who was deputy director of the National Security Agency (NSA) for counterterrorism. She appears to be taking her military intelligence experience squashing foreign terrorists from Tehran and using it to squash American populists on Twitter.

    In October 2021, Easterly and Krebs held a 30-minute taped discussion for CISA’s “Cybersecurity Summit 2021: Continuity of Excellence” summit, in which they mutually agreed that Krebs’s construction of a “counter-misinformation” conglomerate with the private sector was among the top structures to preserve and expand at DHS going forward.

    Easterly’s inheritance of Krebs’s censorship machine appears to be corroborated in the ongoing State Attorney General “big tech collusion” lawsuit versus the Biden Administration. There, the court recently ruled that Easterly can be deposed because of her “first-hand knowledge” of the censorship “nerve center” run out of CISA, her seeking “greater censorship… done by federal pressure on social media platforms”, and her reported statements that CISA’s “most critical infrastructure is a cognitive infrastructure.”

    Before discussing the private sector side, it should be noted that the government apparatus at DHS is now larger and scattered beyond just CISA. As we have previously reported.

    Let’s now move on to the private sector side of the equation. To whom did Chris Krebs and CISA outsource the task of mass social media censorship of the 2020 election? Who runs the private sector side and how is it all structured?

    The Election Integrity Partnership

    The main institutional character on the private sector side we will focus on in this story is a “counter-disinformation” collective called the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP). EIP is made up of four of the most powerful and politically well-connected social media monitoring and mass-reporting groups in the world. Their respective directors were all early industry pioneers in the rise of the censorship industry after the 2016 election.

    The four entities comprising EIP are two universities, an influential foreign policy think tank, and a private social media analytics firm. They are, respectively:

      • Stanford Internet Observatory;
      • Washington University’s (UW) Center for an Informed Public;
      • The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensics Research Lab; and


      • Graphika.

    One common thread connecting these four entities is that each of their directors were involved in aggressively alleging (unsubstantiated) claims from January 2017 through early 2020 that Russian interference had helped Donald Trump win the 2016 election by using inauthentic bots and troll accounts on social media.

    Each of the four entities comprising EIP is also deeply connected to the US military and foreign policy establishment. These four institutions further came into the 2020 election cycle with deep pre-existing connections to the major social media companies’ content moderation teams, having worked together on censorship issues since the field first began developing in 2017.

    It is very helpful to understand EIP’s network and operations in depth, because it was through EIP that DHS built the infrastructure for its current role as government coordinator of takedowns and throttling of US citizen speech online.

    Just to make this all perfectly clear up front, below is EIP leader Alex Stamos explaining the whole DHS-EIP partnership was set up to outsource censorship through EIP, “to try to fill the gap of the things that the government could not do themselves” because the government “lacked both kinda the funding and the legal authorizations”:

    Massive article with much more HERE

    China’s military hardware is incredibly impressive. It will be well received.Well done China.


    As Saturday normalcy returns, it’s a time for cleanups and rub downs

    Gosh it’s a crazy time. The Drudge report is pure garbage. It’s all non-stop American war-propaganda. Check this out…


    Reading about Putin having brain cancer, and that he’s going to be jailed and replaced any day (now) gets old real fast. As does the endless stories of brave Ukrainian fighters and how they expertly use American HIMARS rocket launchers with only weeks training and how they have the Russians running scared. Ugh! Please spare me the endless bullshit.

    It’s nauseating.


    I’d rather watch traffic lights turning red and green.

    Don’t ya know…

    Pay attention. The United States is at war. It’s engaging EVERYONE. And the entire domestic spiel is all about war.

    Everyone is just flabbergasted in WHAT THE FUCK IS THE USA DOING?


    Just now? Nope. It’s all there.


    Ok, so the Chinese holiday is ending. As is the unusual heat wave. No longer is Zhuhai an oppressively humid 34C (93F) but it is now a very dry 25C (78F or so). And so it’s pretty nice out.

    I still have three days remaining on my “strikes” on you-tube because I provided “misinformation on coronavirus” in variance with “local law enforcement”. Uh hum. Sure.

    I can just see the local Chinese baoan talking with the purple haired chicks about my videos on getting swabs. LOL!

    Anyways, the value of the dollar keeps on raising against the yuan. This is a good thing. Not bad. Especially for me personally.

    Value of the yuan against he dollar. And exchange rates summary of the last year.

    What do you think about the Chinese government killing and imprisoning CIA spies in China?

    The answers…



    Well, the public opinion is running really anti-USA on this American forum…














    OK. Enough of that.

    Moving on…

    Russian nuclear war

    Scott Ritter, who knows a bit about nuclear deterrence, has explained Russia’s nuclear doctrine:

    NATO and Ukraine both believe that the Russian forces, even after receiving the 300,000 mobilized troops, will not be able to defeat Ukraine. This inability to achieve the desired objectives, they believe, will compel Russia to resort to the use of tactical nuclear weapons on Ukrainian targets in order to break the will to resist on the part of the Zelensky government.
    The reality, however, is that Russian nuclear doctrine does not allow for such a scenario. Indeed, there are only two conditions where Russian nuclear doctrine permits the employment of nuclear weapons.
    No 1. “[I]n response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies,” the 2020 Russian Nuclear Posture document states, or
    No 2. “in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy.”
    U.S. nuclear posture, however, does allow it.

    All the war mongering talk and reports about Russia’s alleged threat of nuclear weapon use in Ukraine is totally unfounded. That ‘western’ media suddenly engage in it shows that it is part of a well directed propaganda campaign.

    A upcoming false flag event?

    One must ask what this propaganda campaign about a non existing threat is really about. Could it be in preparation of a false flag incident in which a U.S or British nuclear device is used in Ukraine to then blame it on Russia as the pretext of an all out military engagement in Ukraine?

    Setting off a tactical nuclear weapon as a pretext for a direct US and Polish military incursion into Western Ukraine - perhaps to preserve a Ukrainian rump state there, in the event that Kiev looks likely to fall somewhere down the line in the conflict.
    False flags and/or WMDs are after all the indisputable standard US MO and playbook for pretexts for military action from the Spanish American War, to Vietnam, to Iraq, to Syria.
    The Pentagon has been openly and proudly developing and deploying what they call “more usable” battlefield nuclear weapons, specifically for use against Russia and China.
    And the US is the only country in history to have used nuclear weapons in war on another state, on entire Japanese cities full of people, actually.
    Or – possibly could this be dog whistle signaling to the Zelenskiy regime or NeoNazi forces in Ukraine about just how to generate the extremis conditions to allow the US to jump directly into the conflict, much like how the US did the same with jihadist forces and chemical  weapons “red lines” in Syria.

    With Zelenski becoming increasingly unhinged the ‘west’ should be careful what it wishes for.

    China says a few words…

    China’s Global Times is editorializing about the US losing a nuclear war, and using nuclear weapons in space.

    Note to the US – a nuclear war can be won by rivals

    ... there is no justification for responding to a non-kinetic EMP attack with the killing of millions in a kinetic nuclear counterstrike based only on unverified suspicion.
    Nuclear war can be won, and Russia and other US competitors are well prepared to emerge as victors. 
    Some advice for the US is don't allow a parochial political agendas or allies to manipulate its decisions.

    From HERE

    Nuclear weapons in space might not kill on earth but it would make space unusable for generations to come. Point made HERE

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested that Russia is prepared to employ nuclear weapons in defense of its sovereignty. The US dismissed the warning as a bluff and threatened Russia by stating the use of such weapons would be met with unspecified “devastating” consequences.

    The US retains faith in the doctrine of mutual assured destruction(MAD). MAD contributed to its Cold War victory, and it is assumed to still be effective today.

    Under an umbrella of US MAD deterrence, Ukraine assumes it can now crush Russian aims with modern US conventional weapons and take back what it claims to be its own.

    An emboldened Taiwan island could conceivably take a lesson from Ukraine and declare its independence from China.

    However, even after Russia was lectured by the US, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, emphasized that Russia is not bluffing.

    Considering the likelihood that the Biden Administration was misinformed, the sincerity of Russian leaders should be given the benefit of a doubt.

    After the Cold War the US cashed in what it called a peace dividend. Funds were diverted from strategic capabilities as the probability of nuclear war seemed negligible.

    Instead, the US appointed itself the task of world policeman, enforcing its foreign policy ideals with conventional general purpose and special operations expeditionary forces.

    Sensing strategic neglect, in 2004 Congress became concerned for the unique threat posed by nuclear weapons-generated high altitude electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

    Experts contended that an EMP would cause nationwide electrical grid anomalies, cascading systems failures, and ultimately unravel the fabric of American society. Even non-state and rogue state actors could defeat the US with only a small number of EMP weapons.

    Nevertheless, other funding priorities took precedence. US’ civilian and military systems remain vulnerable to EMP nearly two decades later due to Washington’s continued faith in MAD.

    However, Russia and others remain skeptical of the new US-led world order.

    Nuclear conflict was not only possible, but perhaps more likely.

    Nuclear powers are repelled by memories of the US nuclear bombings in Japan that incinerated two cities and well over one hundred thousand people. Rational nations know that all humanity would suffer planetary devastation and a horrible aftermath in a kinetic nuclear war, and these aspects of MAD still serve as deterrence.

    The assumed reliability of MAD has animated the US-supported Ukrainian leadership to disregard Russia’s perspectives.

    With similar confidence in the US nuclear umbrella Secessionists on the Taiwan island pursue secession in disregard of China’s sovereignty.

    Some may seek to minimize the risks of any nuclear weapons employment because all nations will suffer equally, reinforcing MAD deterrence. But the electrical infrastructure designs of Russia and others have spared no expense in applying Cold War civil defense lessons.

    Command economies, long range planning, hardened grids, and stability of centralized leadership further aid their societies in surviving any potential EMP attack.

    Given their histories and traditions, those cultures are probably more adept at continued functionality in the absence of amenities and infrastructure than the US.

    Others will cite a nuclear adversary’s inescapable accountability for an attack through the positive attribution of a weapon’s launch or delivery.

    A perpetrator will be immediately identified and targeted with a devastating counterstrike.

    Positive attribution is crucial, but far from guaranteed.

    At least 15 nations can access low earth orbit, and many have access to geosynchronous orbit. The real nature of every object launched cannot be known with certainty. Nuclear weapons can also be concealed in and called down from the clutter of the super-synchronous graveyard orbit for surprise use.

    At best, positive attribution would take time, during which the EMP-debilitated US comes apart at the seams.

    And there is no justification for responding to a non-kinetic EMP attack with the killing of millions in a kinetic nuclear counterstrike based only on unverified suspicion.

    Nuclear war can be won, and Russia and other US competitors are well prepared to emerge as victors.

    Some advice for the US is don’t allow a parochial political agendas or allies to manipulate its decisions.

    Knowing that nuclear war can be won, the US should listen to, acknowledge and respect the core priorities Russia and China to de-escalate tensions in negotiations before it is too late.

    The Sopranos – Badass Furio Giunta

    Hardly Anyone In Washington Seems To Care About The Future At This Point


    Our politicians in Washington are literally destroying our future.  But do you see anyone out in the streets protesting their calamitous policies?  By now, you have probably heard that the U.S. national debt has hit 31 trillion dollars.  To be more precise, as I write this article the U.S. national debt is currently sitting at $31,142,591,307,260.01.  It is the largest single debt in the history of the world, and given enough time it would completely destroy our economy all by itself.  Unfortunately, hardly anyone in Washington seems to care about our rapidly exploding debt at this point.

    In the old days, the Republicans would at least put on a show for us.  They would huff and puff about the national debt but then give the Democrats virtually all of the spending that they wanted anyway.

    But now they have figured out that such a charade is no longer necessary, because most of their constituents just don’t care.

    So most of our politicians no longer even pretend to care about fiscal responsibility.  In recent years they have been on the biggest borrowing and spending binge in our entire history, and there are no indications that they ever plan to stop.

    They borrow and spend trillions upon trillions of dollars, and they expect you, your children, and your grandchildren to pay it back.

    Of course that will never happen.

    We are never going to pay back the 31.1 trillion dollars that we have borrowed.

    Instead, we are just going to push the accelerator all the way to the floor until we finally go off a cliff.

    During the month of August alone, the U.S. government ran a $219.6 billion budget deficit

    Some things never change — such as the federal government spending more money than it has month after month after month.
    August was no different. The US government ran a massive $219.6 billion budget deficit last month, according to the latest Monthly Treasury Statement. That nudged out July as the second-largest monthly deficit in fiscal 2022.

    Sadly, I didn’t hear of anyone in Washington giving a major speech when that happened, because the national debt is not even considered to be an important national issue today.

    But our entire standard of living depends on the value of the U.S. dollar.  Having the default reserve currency of the world has been such a massive advantage for the United States, and now we are frittering it away.

    The rest of the world can see what we are doing.

    We are transforming our currency into toilet paper, and it is just a matter of time before it completely collapses.

    Today, our politicians are stealing more than 200 million dollars from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day.

    Just think about that.

    The old geezers in Washington know that they are near the end of the road.

    So they know that they will never have to pay any of this money back.

    But they get to spend it on whatever they want.

    Of course it was inevitable that all of this borrowing and spending would eventually create rampant inflation, and now we are facing the worst inflation crisis in our history.

    Yes, even worse than the Jimmy Carter era of the 1970s.

    The Federal Reserve is rapidly hiking interest rates in a desperate attempt to get inflation under control, but that is causing all sorts of problems.

    For one thing, the interest payments on our national debt will soon exceed a trillion dollars a year

    According to the Congressional Budget Office, this is exactly what will happen. It projects interest payments will triple from nearly $400 billion in fiscal 2022 to $1.2 trillion in 2032. And it’s worse than that. The CBO made this estimate in May. Interest rates are already higher than those used in its analysis.

    Unfortunately, I don’t think that the current system will survive until 2032.

    Previous generations handed us the keys to the reserve currency of the world and the greatest economic machine that the planet had ever witnessed.

    Sadly, we took those precious gifts and completely destroyed them.

    As a society, we have lost all regard for long-term consequences.

    Let me give you another example.  Joe Biden just announced that he will be releasing more oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

    “At the president’s direction, the Department of Energy will deliver another 10 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the market next month as part of the historic 180-million-barrel release the President ordered back in March. And the President will continue to direct SPR releases as necessary,” she said.

    What an incredibly foolish thing to do.

    It is only supposed to be used in the event of a national emergency, and what Biden has decided to do is absolutely unprecedented.

    The fact that things are not looking good for his party in November is not an “emergency”, and Senator Tom Cotton is not amused

    Whoa, say critics, including Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.).
    “Well, it’s called the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. It’s not the political petroleum reserve,” Cotton told Fox News’s Laura Ingraham Wednesday night.

    We are going to need that oil someday.

    But thanks to Biden, most of it will already be gone.

    If we found ourselves in the middle of a major war, the worldwide flow of energy supplies would suddenly be greatly restricted.  That is the sort of emergency scenario that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was designed for.

    Sadly, thanks to the warmongers in the Biden administration we may soon find ourselves fighting wars with Russia, China, North Korea and Iran simultaneously.

    Most Americans have no idea what is going on behind the scenes.  Things with North Korea are getting really, really tense, and a major war in the Middle East could erupt at any time.

    World War 3 has already started, but thankfully we haven’t gotten to the part where billions of people die just yet.

    Unfortunately, our current crop of leaders couldn’t care less about the long-term future of humanity.

    So they continue to pursue policies that are incredibly self-destructive, and we are all going to pay a very great price for their foolishness.

    November Surprise?

    Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

    Welcome to the season of chaos, sponsored by the Party of Chaos, America’s Democratic Party, owner and operator of the shadowy “Joe Biden” regime, dedicated to wrecking what’s left of the country — and the rest of Western Civ with it. Do you think I exaggerate? Consider for a moment that your personal ruin — the loss of your freedoms, your livelihoods, and your posterity — is at stake behind the more general demolition of our society.

    We are barreling into an election that will determine the composition of Congress. There is much chatter about whether this election will be allowed to happen. Signs and portents point to a grievous loss of power for the Party of Chaos. Power is all they care about — certainly not the public interest or the common good — and a particular sort of power: the power to coerce, persecute, and punish.

    It is obvious in everything they do, from the FBI swat-team home invasions of select opponents and the gross mistreatment of the January 6 defendants, to the craven censoring of public speech, to the imposition of medical tyranny and the deadly fraud of Covid shots, to the degenerate insults of their race-and-gender hustles, to their assault on the value of our money, to their sabotage of the oil-and-gas industries, to their treasonous abandonment of border control, to the deliberate perversion of policing and public order, to their promulgation of a faithless and unnecessary war, sharply against our national interests, in faraway Ukraine.

    Adults understand that politics is a crooked business, but through the whole of US history until now filters existed in the public arena that allowed for enough sorting out of truth from untruth to enable the formation of a reality-based consensus — which, in turn, allowed daily life to operate coherently. The Party of Chaos has thrown the kill-switch on that crucial function by corrupting the news business and subverting the new social media. The result is a public culture of pervasive and immersive lying, and a stupendous institutional failure of the courts to correct any of that behavior.

    Case-in-point: the John Durham Special Counsel Investigation on the origin of the RussiaGate fraud. It now apparently terminates in the prosecution of the tiniest minnow (Igor Danchenko) in that vast inland sea of corruption. Some of the figures who carried out the perfidious seditions of RussiaGate are still employed in the Department of Justice and the FBI, and to this day are active in the continued cover-up of the crimes committed to overthrow President Trump, notably: Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and others.

    Mr. Durham is supposedly among the highest officers of the federal courts charged with enforcing a very particular region of criminality. His staff must be marinated in evidence of the RussiaGate misdeeds — reams of which have been independently documented in the public record, ranging from (just for example) the nefarious activities of figures like Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ higher-up Bruce Ohr, working as go-between with Christopher Steele and the FBI, to the spectacular failures of Judge James Boasberg and his FISA court, not to mention the well-known machinations of Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, Rob Rosenstein, Dana Boente, James Baker, Andrew Weissmann, Jeannie Rhee, Aaron Zebley, Brandon Van Grack, Robert Mueller, and other top officials who worked sedulously against the public interest. All these remain apparently off-the-hook for their sketchy activities.

    How did that happen? If the Party of Chaos loses control of its Congressional majority, Mr. Durham may have to answer that question. And until he does, American justice will remain a deeply broken institution that citizens can’t trust. In that light, how is our country any better than the most overt petty despotisms around the world? How does it deserve the citizens’ respect or even compliance?

    The stakes in the midterm elections are huge for the Party of Chaos, and its worker bees may be capable of any duplicity to throw it off the rails. In my soon-to-drop next podcast, blogger Tom Luongo (of Gold, Goats, and Guns) introduces a surprising twist: the election takes place, he says, but the Party of Chaos finds a way to delay the announcement of the results via procedural shenanigans that go on for weeks after November 8, leaving the country in a state of anxious limbo. What an idea! Such a strategy would wreck the last shred of public trust in elections without having to cancel, postpone, or overtly overthrow the process. It would also invite just the sort of public protest that the Party of Chaos can spin into another insurrection narrative.

    I’m strangely confident that there is a hidden column of people that love this country who will not allow this final insulting scam to succeed. Its appearance among us will shock and amaze the multitudes. The rule of the Woke Jacobin maniacs will end. And even though we’ll have to live through the wreckage they brought about, we’ll move about this strange new landscape of hardship in the light of reality-made-visible, seeing clearly what has happened and knowing what we must do to revive our country.

    Pat Buchanan on Suicide of a Superpower

    Oh yes! I emigrated to Australia and my buddy, Kaiser von Floppenschnorren, emigrated with me. However, whilst I was exempted from undergoing quarantine, Kaiser had to endure a full 30 days of it.

    Let me tell you, when we went to get him released from the Big House, he was as pissed as could be! He shouted at me for the entire trip home and once there, proceeded to shout at me for another half-hour or so until he decided it was time to eat.

    My wife took this photo as, like me, she’s had cats all her life, and had never seen such an angry kitty as Kaiser was on that day! He just sat there and shouted!!


    Yes, actually I didn’t buy it. I got it for free……. It wasn’t a car, But an RV…. Yes an actual RV. It was a 2002, 26 foot class A RV. It was in perfect condition.

    Just didn’t run.

    Inside was perfect. The RV only had 16000 miles on it. Generator only has 30 hrs on It. The RV was practically new.

    The guy that owned it didn’t want it anymore.

    He was paying storage to park it. He said he didn’t want to pay storage anymore for an RV that didn’t work. I guess it wouldn’t start one day.

    He took it to a shop and they told him the engine was blown and he needed a new one. The cost would have been around $8,000.


    So he just parked it.

    So this guy who I didn’t know came to my work wanting to dispose of the RV. I said I would take it. I got the RV to my Mechanic.

    He looked at it and replaced a $70 part on the fuel system…. RV started right up!!!!!

    Ran perfect.

    Took it to a smog shop and it passed in a few min. I couldn’t believe it.

    I got an $25000 (today’s value, new was over $100k) RV for free!!!! Best RV ever. I have driven that thing all up and down California. Amazing. What a find….


    Reports of Mid-Air MISSILE INTERCEPT over Silver City, Yukon



    There are reports that today, Thursday, October 6, 2022, there was a mid-air intercept of an incoming missile, over the Yukon Territory of Canada.

    Locals in Silver City, Yukon claim that about 8:30 AM local time:

    " . . .  2 objects collided mid air high altitude. 
    The first object looked like it came from the north and the second object came from the west. 
    There was a notable boom that shook the windows in the shack I was working in. 
    The one coming from the north wasn't moving that fast but the one from the west was hauling ass.
    There's no mention on the news about a plane crash or anything but there's been a bunch of military helicopters most of the day in the area."

    If a Russian vessel in the Arctic, fired a missile at the US, the trajectory could send it over that part of the Yukon Territory, “from the north.”

    If US Missile Defenses in Alaska tracked it, they could have fired a missile interceptor, “from the west.”

    Sounds like bullshit to me. -MM

    One Crazy Summer – Godzilla

    Roasted Tomato Soup

    “Recently had an extra pint of cherry tomatoes on hand and was in search of comfort food. Devised this soup in a pinch and thought it was worth sharing. Mine was a quick soup for one but the recipe has been scaled up and uses the more economical Roma tomato. If you have lots of cherry or grape tomatoes — they have a sweetness that pairs beautifully with the vinegar — use them or do a mix with the roma tomatoes. If you are making this Kosher, skip the cheese or be sure to use vegetable broth.”




    • Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.
    • Wash and cut tomatoes, placing in a shallow baking dish cut side down.
    • Add onion pieces, garlic, oregano and basil to the pan.
    • Drizzle vegetables with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
    • Season with salt and pepper.
    • Bake for 45 minutes.
    • Place roasted vegetables in food processor bowl or blender and begin puree. Slowly add broth or water until soup has desired consistency. Continue blending until smooth.
    • An immersion blender also works very well. (If you warm the broth first, the soup will be hot without reheating.).
    • Serve garnished with cheese if desired.

    Rufus Story

    Sitting in McDonald’s carpark waiting for an appointment, a gentleman who I later found out was named Tony, approached my car window.

    He asked if I knew about the state of my tyres.

    I explained that I knew I needed new ones but at the moment simply couldn’t afford it.

    He asked me if I would follow him to Bridgestone Pimpama across the road to see what they could do for me.

    This complete stranger, Tony explained he couldn’t live with himself if he walked away from the situation knowing they were about to blow at anytime.

    Tony didn’t expect anything in return, just asking that one day when I’m in the position where I’m able to help someone that I pay it forward.

    535 dollars, a lot of tears on my behalf, a few hugs, three brand new tyres, a wheel alignment and the offer to fuel up my car.

    Then he left.

    No last name, no contact number.

    Just Tony the gentle giant with his two beautiful sons teaching them a life lesson.

    Tony if this ever reaches you, thank you!

    Thank you for your utterly selfless act, your kind words, for restoring my faith in humanity.

    From the bottom of my heart thank you!

    Also a big thankyou to Bridgestone tyres Pimpama for fitting me in on a fully booked out day and for the great service, you guys are champs!


    Credit – Tegan Langley

    Madonna in Desperately Seeking Susan #2 (1985)

    My biggest regret EVER, is not doing it sooner. For so many years, I didn’t like cats…all for dumb reasons. This is my best friend in the world, the Captain. I like to think we both changed each others lives for the better.


    Saudi Arabia Cuts Oil Prices for Europe but Hikes Them for the US Again

    Saudi Arabia is raising oil prices for US buyers, following a similar move a month ago.
    Meanwhile, state-run Saudi Aramco lowered prices in Europe and left them largely unchanged for the Asian market.
    The price moves come after OPEC+ slashed production quotas, which the White House said aligns the oil group with Russia.

    Article HERE

    Oh SH*T, something big is happening to our food supply thanks to the WEF

    Quick Creamy Broccoli Soup

    “Adapted from This is a fantastic low-fat soup recipe that tastes very creamy. It is also fast and easy-a really great healthy soup for the broccoli lover!! I used my immersion blender to make it even creamier.”



    • 3 cups frozen chopped broccoli (or fresh broccoli florets)
    • 1 onion, cut into quarters
    • 1 -2 clove garlic, peeled
    • 1 12 – 2 cups chicken broth or 1 1/2-2 cups water (or combination of the two)
    • 14 teaspoon salt
    • 1 cup milk
    • 2 tablespoons flour
    • 12 – 1 teaspoon basil
    • 12 teaspoon parsley
    • 1 dash vinegar


    • In a large pot, combine broccoli, onion, garlic, broth (I used vegetable broth) or water, and salt.
    • Cover pot, bring to a boil, and then simmer for about 15 minutes, or until everything starts getting soft.
    • Use a ladle to transfer 2/3 of the soup into a blender.
    • Blend the soup until smooth. (I just used my immersion blender until I was happy with the texture.)
    • Pour back into saucepan and turn on heat to medium setting.
    • In a small bowl, combine milk with flour and whisk together until smooth.
    • Pour mixture into soup and stir.
    • Add basil and parsley and stir until soup begins to thicken.
    • Add vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste.

    Desperately Seeking Susan (7/12) Movie CLIP – Into the Groove (1985) HD

    U.S. Now Provoking North Korea Missile Launches

    Poor kitty

    This cat tried to come into my house at the end of June of this year while we were in the middle of a heat wave in WA.

    It’s like she was saying, “I’m sick of being ignored! Someone has to help me!”

    This is the cat after 3 months of living inside and being out of the elements.

    I discovered the cat was very old, she has been declawed, so there was no way for her to catch any food for herself.

    The cat was horribly dehydrated, had 104 temperature, she was skin and bones and yet she was so sweet and loving!

    She also was microchipped but I never heard back from the original owners.

    I took the cat to the vet immediately where she had x-rays, the vet said she has severe arthritis in her back.

    Poor kitty could barely walk!

    So this is quite a success story, I named her Ladybug and she is so much happier now!

    You can tell she feels like someone’s pet again.

    She loves to cuddle and gives back so much love, she didn’t deserve to be abandoned and left for dead.


    Chinese Movie ‘Home Coming’ Becomes National Day Box Office Hit China’s latest patriotic blockbuster ‘Home Coming’ focuses on Chinese diplomats as the saviours of overseas Chinese in times of trouble.

    The movie is said to be based on real events but it is set in the fictional Numia Republic (努米亚共和国). 
    According to Chinese state media outlet, Home Coming is inspired by an evacuation event in Libya in 2011, when the Chinese embassy reportedly evacuated more than 30,000 Chinese nationals in a time frame of 12 days. 
    At the time, Chinese official media called it “the largest such operation China had mounted abroad since the Nationalists fled in 1949” and Chinese nationals were evacuated from the war-torn Libya via land, sea, and air (Zerba 2015, 107). 
    On Weibo, there are many reviewers giving Home Coming a five-star rating, with some saying the movie moved them to tears. 
    “I needed four tissues,” one movie-goer said, while another person complained that they forgot to bring any tissues to dry their tears. 
    In light of the movie’s premiere, photos of people crying while watching the film also circulated online.

    Article HERE

    HD】南征北戰NZBZ – 《生來倔强》巡迴演唱會_生來倔強 (Live)

    Because on some level, it is the truth.

    I’ve lived in Australia for 20 years, longer than I have had in China, and have seen lives on both sides.

    I have this Aussie female friend, young, blonde, pretty and just getting to her late 20’s. A white collar, not high ups but she gets by well enough. She makes what, 80K AUD a year? That’s median up level for a average worker in Sydney. She drives a BMW M4, goes to professional race tracks every few weeks for fun. She’s not married, but in a stable relationship, boyfriend is also a white collar, makes less money than her but not by much. No mortgages because by god who can afford in Sydney anymore these days, so they rent. Every year she takes her 4 weeks annual leaves to Fiji or Europe or Hawaii or wherever she fancies, since she still wants to see the world before deciding to settle down. No plan for babies yet, god, that’s a huge responsibility isn’t it? Her parents sold their family home and moved to a regional city a few years back, to a nice picturesque little town near a lake, she visits them often. She has a sister, who apparently lives in another city but they are quite close. The plan is should the parents’ health fails, they would move into a nursing home close to home, with assisted living.

    This is what many young Aussie’s life, you take away the names you can almost slot in any guy/gal you know in there and you wouldn’t call it out of place.

    My wife has this Chinese female friend. Same age, just as pretty. She lives in China, has a stable job but highly stressful since she has KPIs to reach every month. She makes 5000 yuan a month, a respectable amount for a young Chinese professional, but still there’s not much left after paying off the monthly bills. She doesn’t have a car, and changes bus three times every morning to work. She got married last year, and the baby is on the way so she’s very stressed about the job and the finances. Husband is a hard worker, works three jobs, one regular during the week and two other jobs on the weekend. He’s a heavy smoker, to which I’m not surprised, on account of all the work he does on the side. They bought an apartment in a Tier 2 city last year before they got married, with their own savings, but I’m sure the parents contributed a fair amount as well. Parents on both sides got their own place, so at least they got that going for them. But her mother’s health is failing and she’s constantly worried about that. Oh the woes of being the only child ! They don’t entertain much because by gosh who has time. They prefer having hotpots with friends on a Friday evening in the alleyways behind their apartment building.

    This is a typical young Chinese’s life. Same deal, put your friend’s name there you probably can’t tell who’s who.

    Now you tell me which side of the two lives is easier?

    China is getting there, but the price is paid via blood and sweat of this generation. The Aussies have already paid theirs. You don’t get to see it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. What the Chinese are doing today is making sure their kids can live a somewhat easier life in their future.

    Gravitas: China reveals new nuclear submarine ahead of Congress