We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
The rewriting of history is a hallmark of tyranny.
And today, just like what happened in China during the Cultural Revolution, “modern” and “progressive” busybodies are active in changing society to embrace their own idea of perfection. And much of that involves erasing history, and rewriting it to fit their ideas of perfection. What ever they might be.
Here is a great story of one such event. Here, a “busybody” is successfully rewriting history to pave the way for more aggressive progressive changes in her realm of control.
Crazies inhabit both sides of the political spectrum. Both are dangerous to the stability that us “normals” need to conduct our lives in peace.
‘Pet Shop Karen’ Calls 911 After Being Told to Put On Her Mask – Towleroad
This past April 22, 2020, was the 131st anniversary of the land run that opened the central part of today’s State of Oklahoma to homesteading by non-Indian settlers. These were lands owned by the U. S. Government and not assigned to any organized territory nor to any Indian nation or reservation. It was the first time and one of a handful of times that land was allocated based on who could get there the quickest. Tent cities with populations in the thousands sprung up in a matter of hours after the guns were fired to start the run. The land runs, particularly the first land run in 1889, constitute an aspect of Oklahoma’s history unmatched by any other state, and, as far as I’m aware, any other region of the world.
For many years, April 22 was marked at elementary schools across Oklahoma by land run reenactments. Kids would come to school dressed in cowboy hats and denim overalls or bonnets and gingham dresses, would line up at the edge of the football field, some pulling Radio Flyers made up as covered wagons. At noon, they would rush across the sideline to drive a stake in the ground, claim a homestead, and eat a picnic lunch.
But this fun, child-friendly introduction to Oklahoma’s unique history is threatened by a handful of busybody killjoys who distort the real story of how the 1889 Land Run territory came to be available for settlement and by the school officials who cave into their demands. I’ve done some digging into the treaties and agreements leading up to the 1889 run, and what strikes me is that the U. S. Government bent over backwards to give the tribes that previously held the land a fair deal.
When I was a third-grader, our land-run reenactment was the culmination of a few weeks of focus on Oklahoma history. We learned to square dance. We studied the map of tribal lands before statehood. We learned about the Trail of Tears. On land-run day, teachers led a re-enactment of the one-room school house, complete with dunce cap. One of the covered wagons, belonging to a young Chip McElroy, was motorized, thanks to the assistance of his dad, Art McElroy, then head of McElroy Manufacturing. KOTV covered the re-enactment that year, and the closing credits of that night’s newscast crawled over footage of one of my classmates relieving himself, pioneer style, against a tree.
All of my own children have participated in land-run re-enactments — at “The Barn” at 109th & Louisville, on Augustine Christian Academy’s grailball field, and at Harn Homestead in Oklahoma City, where Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb signed the homestead claims. It’s a fun event that provides a memorable hook on which to hang a beginning understanding of our state’s unusual origins.
As far as I have been able to find, Adams-Cornell offered no evidence for her claims. The first instinct of a typically risk-averse school bureaucrat, when confronted with a claim of oppression by someone who ticks several intersectional boxes, would be to capitulate immediately, without asking for evidence. To resist in even the mildest terms would bring protests and bad publicity, but immediate compliance would bring praise for virtue-signaling.
There is no question that American Indian nations suffered great oppression and hardship at the hands of the U. S. Government, particularly in the passage and enforcement of the Indian Removal Act of 1830. But the guilt that attaches to the actions of Andrew Jackson or, say, gold-hungry north Georgia settlers, doesn’t necessarily attach to the ’89ers who staked claims on the Unassigned Lands. We need to look at the documentation and understand exactly how these lands came to be unassigned.
Indian territory: compiled under the direction of the Hon. John H. Oberly, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, by C.A. Maxwell, 1889. Click on the map to view a high-resolution version on the Library of Congress website. The map shows various tribal assignments and cessions, using colored numbers and outlines and a numbered legend in the upper right corner. Significant treaty dates are noted on the map.
The Unassigned Lands were part of the lands purchased from the Creek and Seminole Nations under the 1866 treaties following the Civil War. The two nations had signed treaties with the Confederacy at the start of the war, in violation of their treaties with the U. S. government. Despite official Creek and Seminole support for the rebellion, the Federal government didn’t simply claim their lands as spoils of war. Instead, the U. S. paid the two nations for their western, unoccupied lands, ($975,168 to the Creek Nation, $15,673,385.66 in 2019 dollars; $325,362 to the Seminole Nation, $5,229,283.55 in 2019 dollars, less $100,000 to the Creek Nation for a new reservation), and then settled several Plains tribes on the land, including Pottawatomie, Iowa, Kickapoo, Sac and Fox, Cheyenne, and Arapaho. Some of the funds were earmarked for paying reparations to Creek and Seminole citizens who remained loyal to the Union during the war and suffered losses as a result.
When the U. S. wanted to open the Unassigned Lands — lands that had not been reallocated to other Native peoples — for non-Native settlement, they had to get permission from the Creek and Seminole Nations, because the 1866 treaty only allowed for other Native tribes and freedmen to be assigned reservations within the ceded land. In 1885, Congress authorized new negotiations to remove the deed restriction on the land:
Most of the enthusiastic home seekers did not then know of that clause in the treaty of 1866--whereby the surplus lands of both the Creeks and Seminoles were ceded back to they United States for the purpose of "locating other friendly tribes of Indians and freedmen." While no other Indians or freed Negroes were to be located on the land, yet the government claimed that while the cloud was on the title, no white citizen would be permitted to make settlement.
By an Act of March 3, 1885 [48th Congress, Session 2, Chapter 341, Section 8], a commission was appointed to negotiate a new deal with these two tribes whereby the clause as to the "friendly Indians and Freedmen" would be stricken from the treaty of 1866 and the unassigned lands would be, without question, public domain and opened to homestead settlement. The negotiations were concluded and the price agreed upon before the country was opened.
("Colonel Crocker and the Boomer Movement, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 13, No. 3 (September 1935), p. 275 [21], hyperlink added)
(And who had the land before the Creeks and Seminoles? Nearly all of present-day Oklahoma was part of the land ceded by the 1825 treaty with the Great Osage and Little Osage Nations. The Osage tribes, with a population of about 4,000 in 1807, had villages in western Missouri and a colony along the Grand River that was founded circa 1796 under the leadership of Chief Clermont (namesake of Claremore) and with the encouragement of fur trader Pierre Chouteau.
With the 1825 treaty, they ceded all their claims for a 50-by-150 mile reservation in southern Kansas. A small number of mixed-blood Osage were granted homesteads along the Grand River. The specific territory that became the Unassigned Lands might have been used as hunting grounds — Washington Irving’s party came across Pawnee and Osage hunters and warriors in the region — but don’t appear to have been settled by any tribe.)
At noon on April 22, 1889, guns were fired and settlers began streaming across the border into a region known as the Unassigned Lands, trying to stake a claim on one of the best quarter-sections for homesteading or a good lot in the new townsites along the Santa Fe railroad, like Guthrie, Edmond, Oklahoma City, Moore, and Norman. They were beaten to some of the best land by “Sooners,” who were in the territory illegally, having stolen across the border ahead of the gun, and by federal officials and railroad workers, who were in the territory legally but were legally barred from competing for lots and homesteads. Collectively, these settlers became known as the Eighty-Niners — the original settlers who were renowned for their grit and determination to survive the harsh conditions on the prairie.
A year later, in 1890, Congress and President Benjamin Harrison would approve the Organic Act for Oklahoma Territory, establishing Oklahoma Territory as a non-contiguous collection of the Unassigned Lands, the Public Land Strip (better known as No Man’s Land and the Panhandle), and the tribal lands that had been assigned after the end of the Civil War (e.g. Pawnee, Tonkawa, Sac and Fox, Pottawatomie). This excluded the portion of the Cherokee Outlet that had yet to be assigned to another tribe or opened for settlement, and the area that the act would, for the first time, officially designate as Indian Territory: the lands of the Five Civilized Tribes, and the tribal lands overseen by the Quapaw Agency near present-day Miami.
The Cherokee Outlet lands would be added to Oklahoma Territory at a later date. The territorial capitol would be at Guthrie, and the territorial government would be elected by the residents of the former Unassigned Lands and No Man’s Land. Greer County, the land between the north and south forks of the Red River, was also excluded from Oklahoma Territory until the boundary dispute between the State of Texas and the Federal Government could be settled by the courts.
The Organic Act makes references to agreements made with the Muscogee (or Creek) Nation, ratified by Congress on March 1, 1889, and with the Seminole Nation, ratified by Congress on March 16, 1889. The western lands that the two nations had ceded to the United States in the post-Civil War treaties of 1866 could only be occupied by peaceful Indian tribes. In order to open the lands to non-Indian settlement, the government had to negotiate an additional treaty with the Creeks and the Seminoles, which included a significant amount of money.
Pursuant to the 1889 agreement, the US made an immediate payment to the Muscogee Creek Nation $280,857.10, and held an additional $2,000,000 in a trust account at 5% annual interest, to be paid to the tribe semi-annually — $50,000 every six months, in addition to the government’s existing financial obligations under earlier treaties. That’s an immediate payment of $7,760,264.84 in 2019 dollars, and a semi-annual payment of $1,381,532.61. An 1890 tribal census counted 14,800 Creeks. These interest rates were set at 5% at a time when the economy was deflating — prices declined by 3.16% in 1889. In the 18 years between 1889 and statehood in 1907, prices rose only by 2.17%
The Seminoles received $412,942.20 immediately, and an additional $1,500,000 in a trust account at 5% annual interest — $37,500 every six months. In 2019 dollars, that’s $11,409,862.30 immediately and $1,036,149.46 every six months. The 1890 census counted 2,427 Seminoles.
Critics may argue with the amount of money that was paid, or the way in which it was paid. It’s fair to say that the Creeks and Seminoles were not in a strong negotiating position after the Civil War or in 1889, but, nevertheless, the U. S. Government didn’t simply say, like Darth Vader, “I am altering the deal; pray I don’t alter it any further.” If the U. S. Government had simply forced its will without compensation — claiming the land as spoils of war and later modifying its deed restrictions — who would have stopped it? Instead, whether from moral convictions or from concern for its reputation for treaty fidelity in the wider world, the U. S. Government negotiated and paid for the changes it sought.
The result was an unoccupied region of two million acres to which the U. S. Government had clear legal and moral title, ready for settlement by Americans who were desperate for land to farm.
NOTE: I started writing this in April of 2019, hoping to finish in time for that year’s anniversary of the 1889 Land run, but it has been sitting in draft since that time. I had in mind to delve deeper into some details, but at this point, I simply want to publish what I have, as I find I keep referring to the information in online discussions.
It is so easy for us to politicize everything. The progressives are bad, and the traditional conservatives are good, and all that “rot”. But the fact is that most people are just trying to live life in the best way that they know how, and in America today there are no “speed brakes on the roller coaster”. No one is reining in the crazies.
Busybodies are crazies. They are people with serious mental illnesses and they tend to be unemployed because they simply are unable to function within society. They are on BOTH sides of the political spectrum.
Progressive crazies tend to be SJW types.
Conservative crazies tend to be neocons.
This is just another story of a busybody, and just because no one is reporting on their lunacy, doesn’t mean that it isn’t going on. It is, and it’s “off the rails” out of control. As this simple article illustrates.
In this case, what’s their disconnect? WTF? Don’t they have better things to do with their time?
Apparently not.
And in our modern contemporaneous life please recognize that the “news” does not report events. They try to manipulate. And much of what is going on all around you is indeed all sorts of social re-engineering by dangerously crazy and malevolent individuals.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
This is a compilation of the many, many things that American Democrats (often radical totalitarian communists wearing the mantle of “progressive liberals”) want to ban. This is a running tabulated list that originated from an earlier post about busybodies. There, I argued that Social Justice Warriors (SJW) was just another name for a busybody.
This is a set aside list tabulated by request. It supersedes the extensive list on an earlier post about busybodies. Remember, boys and girls, all bans are a restriction on freedom. Go ahead and shake your head in disbelief. These people are friggin’ lunatics.
The first known democrats. Yup. They sure as heck wanted to ban fire. You know… for the children.
Ban hotdogs in public schools (All processed meat is bad, don’t ya know…)
Ban hotdogs in children’s hospitals (Hum. It seems like there is a trend here…)
Ban hotdogs and all meat from public schools (Oh no. It’s the vegetarian arm of the DNC!)
Ban the betel nut (No shit! Have you ever tried it? Good golly, it was banned because they couldn’t find advantages in it. Not because it was dangerous!)
Ban Christians from public office (Ok, this is a Bernie Sanders ban, and he is a “progressive Independent”, not a “Democrat”. That what is in a name? After all, he did run as a Democrat primary candidate.)
Ban the Sale of Spells (Witchcraft Magic should be free, don’t ya know.)
Ban riding bicycles on Iowa roads that are used to move food from farm to distribution points (Organized by the Citizens for Safety Coalition of Iowa (CFSC)… sounds like a George Soros organization. Eh?)
Ban men masturbating (as an act against an unborn child)
Hey, is it just me, but has anyone else noticed a trend here?
Busybodies do not realize who and what they are. They justify their behaviors by being righteous and just. They think that they are making the world a better place, and the threat they are contributing to society. When the fact is that that are doing none of these things. Instead their ego has taken over and deluded themselves to cover up the fact that they are just horrible, horrible people.
Busybodies always have a reason, a justification or a need to fulfill. When they are children, it is to show just who is better, stronger or more powerful. If they are smart, they become a “know-it-all”. If they aren’t, they become a bully. It is almost always associated with some emotional issue.
Today, as adults the motivations are not so clear and obvious. I personally think that it is more related to them coveting a new mansion or two, myself. Their excuses are pretty much predictable. “It’s for the children.”, or “It’s to put an end to racism.”, or it’s to “make the country safer”, or “it’s to end the divide between one group of the other”. Ugh! Nah. It’s all just bullshit excuses.
I am not the only one who noticed this.
“In fact, you probably did five illegal things before breakfast without having a clue about it, which you'll find out about the moment some liberal decides you have to be put in your place and looks for a way to do it. Liberals control what you eat, what clothes you wear, what TV you watch, what kind of car you drive, what size soda you can drink, and even what toilet or light bulb you can use in your house. Complain about it and you're accused of wanting to end restaurant inspections and safety standards that prevent cars from exploding.”-John Hawkins
Even my father, who was a life-long staunch Democrat, questioned the actions of these radical progressives. Now that he is dead and buried, I am sure that he will still be voting Democrat, even though, his heart is no longer in it.
The truth is plain as the nose on your face. They have no interests for anyone else except themselves. Someone gives them some money, and they use their power and influence to do their donor a favor (or two or three… for a price.) They come up with all kinds of reasons and excuses, but come on… please. It is obvious that they are just busybodies that have found a way to get rich being a stingy busybody. What a racket!
This is a funny meme that I found on the Internet. You know, it wouldn’t be so funny, if it wasn’t true. I think the reason why memes are so popular is that they inject humor into everyday situations that make us look at a given issue in a new light.
What they cannot ban, they try to tax. There are so many examples of this.
Sound familiar? Yup, this is the democrat party today. They do need to be reigned in. We cannot allow mentally deranged people to control our society.
This list supersedes the original list. All additional updates on Democrats banning things will be placed here on this simplified and direct list.
A story I've told many times:
A few years ago at a neighborhood gathering, I overheard a neighbor listing all the things she would ban (long list), and she would also force businesses to pay fair wages, and she would force rich people to pay more taxes, and on and on.
I moved up to the group and said, "Maybe people don't want that. There might be a lot of unintended consequences."
She spun around and saw me. "You!" she said. "You're a Republican! You people just want to control everything!"
I said, "I'm a Conservative. I just want to be left alone. You, on the other hand, seem to have a VERY long list of things you want to control."
She hasn't spoken to me since.
- ClearCase_guy
Take Aways
The Democrats in America really believe that they are better than everyone else. They want to force people to act and behave in the manners that they approve of. This is for selfish reasons ONLY. Oh, yes, they use excuses. Such as “for the children”, to “make America better and safer”, and for “Global Warming”. However, it’s all just excuses. They really do not care.
They just want to exercise POWER over others.
In lieu of that, they wish to personally profit from the changes that they implement. They are extraordinarily evil people. Don’t ya know.
This girl has just encountered a Democrat utopia. It is a place where everything is nice and tidy just like the rulers want. You, however, are just a lowly serf for the oligarchy. Sorry. I know it is heartbreaking knowing your position in life.
The Democrats’ electoral strategy is very simple and straightforward:
Identify an injustice or slight that has been perpetrated on a specific victim group
Blame that injustice or slight on Republican policies
Propose a free government handout program that will alleviate their hardship
Show how the funding for that handout will come from raising taxes on white conservative “rich people” who don’t deserve their ill-gotten financial fortunes anyway.
Ban things as necessary to consolidate power.
The moral of the story: the sole reason we now suffer these ever-more-outrageous encroachments on our rights, our liberty, and our very lives from such obnoxious idiots is that, for far too long, they’ve been allowed to get away with it unscathed—the most important and telling word in the above headline is, after all, “SURPRISED.” I just bet they were, and why wouldn’t they be? They’ve never had any of their own shit splashed back on them, by anybody. Not in many, many a year, they haven’t. Our indulgence has only unleashed their demonic insanity.
Plus, being Leftists, they simply cannot stop themselves from using each unanswered infringement as a springboard for the next—an eternal escalation which is written into Progtard DNA the world over. They cannot and will not be content until every dissenting voice is silenced, every dissenting opinion suppressed, and every dissident cowed, controlled, crushed. Maybe not even then, in truth.
All of which means that until we start seeing a lot more Lefty heads smashed with metal poles, strangled activists, and Leftists in high-speed car chases fleeing for their lives in leg-wetting terror, what we’re going to keep seeing instead is more and worse nonsense from them. None of us are happy about this sorry state of affairs, nor should we be.
Being non-Leftists, all any of us Normals really want is to simply be left alone. But this is the corner they’ve forced us into just the same, and we’re never, ever going to be allowed out of it. That corner is going to get smaller and smaller, drawing in on us all with every successive Leftard win, until there’s no ground left for us to stand on at all. If we want out, we’re going to have to fight our way out.
So be it, then. Those stout Spanish farmers, Argie cowboys, and Aussie BBQers have shown us the way. It’s a pretty safe bet that the next larcenous “protest” held by pushy vegan “activists” will be a lot sparser attendance-wise; I expect the female Limey contingent in particular will find themselves with something a lot more pressing to do on that date next go-round. The farmers’, cowboys’, and BBQ fans’ sterling example ought to be followed to the letter hereabouts, lest we soon find ourselves in a much worse fix than we already are—with a much longer, harder, and more desperate fight to get out of it on our hands.
-Cold Fury
The Original Post
This post was spawned off an earlier post about busybodies. You can read that very long and lengthy post here…
"Did you really think we want those laws observed? We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against...
We're after power and we mean it...
There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals.
Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.
Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone?
But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt.
Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."
Dr. Ferris from Atlas Shrugged
Democrats want to Ban (or Control) Everything
You know, how can I possibly write anything without offending someone? I really do not know if it is possible? Yet the truth is the truth.
Today it is a Democrat that wants to ban motorcycles (of all things).
What is their friggin’ problem?
Well, there is [1] a part of me that wants to believe that they are well intentioned, but think that everyone else is stupid. That belief is one where they believe that they are better, smarter, and greater than everyone else. (Sound like an SJW? Hum?)
Then, [2] there is a part of me that believes the truth; that there is a money angle involved. Some business, or foreign nation, comes to the representative and pitches a new law or two. In exchange for the promotion of that law, the represent can get a huge sum of money. This sum of money might be public (like a campaign slush fund) or private (as in a brown bag full of cash). As time move on, I am more and more convinced that the reasoning is the latter.
Hey, I grew up in Pennsylvania, and the potholes in the roads are STILL not fixed. You think that it is a minor oversight? Why do you suppose that is the case? Do you think that graft doesn’t exist?
"I believe a self-righteous liberal with a cause is more dangerous than a Hell's Angel with an attitude. "
-Ted Nugent
China and America Comparisons
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
Normally, I don’t post about politics. Not that much, actually. But this is a special event. But, you know, NEOCON Senator John McCain is dead.
Well, he is finally dead. I never thought that it would finally come to pass. I mean, we have walking anachronisms still staggering about, swilling on chardonnay and having their hands in all kinds of crimes. From outright treason to censorship activities, and arming radical fanatic progressives.
Post on John McCain funeral.
I’m still waiting on George Soros, Nancy Pulaski, and the other ilk to move on to the next stage of their lives, but it just never seems to happen. They just seem to live on, and on, and on… It gets tiring…
John McCain is an American Senator (Republican) for the state of Arizona. Of course, if the reader goes to Wikipedia they will find some information regarding this “great” Senator. There might be some good and some bad mixed together.
Now we have “important” past Presidents that are going to give glowing praise on just how wonderful this person was.
In political circles, he is known as a “RINO” (a Republican In Name Only) who professes to be conservative, but is devoted to a non-conservative (progressive and liberal) agenda. His political leanings are not what was at stake here, nor was that put him on this list. Rather it was his preoccupation with war.
He is what is known as a “NEOCON”, which has come to be associated with a love of war, regardless of the cost and the effect that it would have on the American people.
Geopolitics Alert has compiled a partial list of all the nations that John McCain wanted to attack and engage war with. It’s a pretty lengthy list.
Afghanistan and Iraq
Obviously, every US Senator (besides California’s Barbara Lee) voted to give President George W. Bush the power to invade Afghanistan following the events of September 11th. However, McCain wasn’t happy with just moving to invade Afghanistan. No, he had other targets on his mind as early as the day after the towers fell.
Despite McCain’s claim in 2014 that “the Iraq war probably wouldn’t have happened” if he had won the 2000 Republican primary and the general election, this assertion seems ridiculous. On September 12th, 2001, McCain appeared on MSNBC presenting an extensive list of countries he felt were providing a “safe harbor” to groups like al Qaeda. This list, of course, included Iraq and several other nations that appear later on this list.
Another country on that 2001 list (of course) was Syria. Now, the Bush regime may have never gotten a chance to continue toppling Mideast countries (thanks to the failure in Iraq and the exposure of that war being sold on lies). But McCain seemingly never lost sight of his hatred for Bashar Al-Assad.
Shortly after the Arab Spring “broke out” in Syria, McCain – and his constant partner in war crimes Sen. Lindsey Graham – quickly found communication channels with the “Syrian opposition.” Just a few short months after the US endorsed protests in Syria (even having their ambassador attend), McCain and Graham began calling for arms to start flowing to the Free Syrian Army and other “rebel” groups.
McCain’s plans for Syria never quite worked the way he wanted, but he probably should’ve known they would never yield a positive result. If McCain didn’t want to look at Iraq to prove that point, he had another more recent example he could’ve used: the NATO intervention in Libya.
It was less than a year before McCain wanted to arm Syrian takfiris that he had supported with the bombing and no-fly zones in Libya. McCain even wanted tougher actions against the country. Which has now become an anarchic Wild West that’s home to all sorts of horrors from the Islamic State to a new slave trade.
West and Central Africa
McCain is also a champion of the “war on terror” in other parts of Africa. While McCain hasn’t directly supported terrorists in some countries in Africa, he still has called for more US intervention across the continent.
This list includes countries dealing with Islamic insurgencies, such as Mali. McCain has also called for plans like “deploying Special Forces” to rescue girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria and intervention in Sudan, where McCain and his wife have invested money for some time.
Another country on the list of hated nations initially put forth by Bush undersecretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz, and also another longtime target of McCain is, of course, Iran.
Although McCain has always said “he prays” there will never be a war with Iran, the man incessantly calls for it and even jokes about bombing the country when he feels the mood is right. The truth of the matter is, McCain’s positions towards Iran are so hostile that even flagship neoconservative institutions like the Cato Institute think he is too hawkish.
Bosnia and Kosovo
But McCain isn’t satisfied with just backing Salafi jihadists in the traditional Middle East and North African theaters. He’s also backed violent radicals across the fringes of Europe. This trend actually started in the mid-1990’s when McCain was a vocal supporter of then-president Bill Clinton’s war in Bosnia.
Many Muslims traveling to Bosnia joining the mujahideen there have since joined groups like IS in recent years. And IS flags can occasionally be seen in the Sunni areas of Bosnia now. McCain was still backing potential Takfiri movements, recently accusing Russia of interfering in local affairs, and calling for more US intervention in the country.
McCain made similar decisions when he advocated US intervention in Kosovo in the late 90’s. In the Kosovo conflict, McCain backed the Kosovo Liberation Army: a genocidal jihadist organization with ties to Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that McCain only supports jihadists in Eastern Europe! He also backs the overt Nazis acting as death squads for Kiev in the ongoing Ukrainian conflict.
This, of course, started in 2014, but McCain has continued to pledge support for Kiev’s crimes in the Donbass region to this day. This is all par for the course in McCain’s larger theme of challenging Russia– the country he believes controls the separatists in eastern Ukraine.
The story of McCain’s hatred of Russia spans back to the Cold War. We won’t get into McCain’s fear of communism that’s evolved into just general Russophobia. But we will say he didn’t have many excuses to focus on making threats towards Moscow for a good 15-20 year stretch.
This changed in 2008, with the war in South Ossetia between Georgia and Russia. During this conflict, McCain was the loudest voice saying the US “should immediately call a meeting of the North Atlantic Council to assess Georgia’s security and review measures NATO can take to contribute to stabilizing this very dangerous situation.”
This same situation repeated in Ukraine in 2014 but McCain’s worst comments came this year. As soon as the US Intelligence Community’s accused Russia of interference in the 2016 US elections– and without any evidence– McCain was first to say the event was an “act of war.”
North Korea
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DRPK/North Korea) was also an early target of McCain’s making his September 12th wish list. More recently though, the restyled “Trump opponent” McCain was all-in on the new regime’s saber rattling. Calling on Trump to strike the nuclear-armed country.
China is kind of in its own class with McCain, who’s made strange, vague threats towards the country in the past. Such as “the Arab spring is coming to China,” whatever that means. China may be a target on the periphery for McCain, but he does still encourage antagonizing the country to this day. Calling for things like more “freedom of navigation drills” and other naval exercises in the South China Sea.
So, in summation, next time someone asks why you don’t care about John McCain’s clock running out, show them this article. McCain has encouraged the spread of death worldwide. The day he leaves Congress will be a victory for the human race.
I suppose that we should all now feel sorry that he is gone. Right? He was a “great” Senator. Um, I suppose so if you think killing people is a noble cause. He treated people like dust balls found under an old bed. He didn’t care about others. No. Not really.
There is NOTHING good about war. Nothing.
When Donald Trump said that he was going to put Americans first, it was John McCain that jumped up and shouted back “Not, on my watch!”. He then went and did every single thing in his power to obstruct, impune and disparage the President. A President, mind you, that was part of his very own political party.
McCain was an obstructionist of the highest order.
He was also a liar. He would stomp about and make all kinds of promises to his conservative base, and turn around and not do a damn thing when he was back in Washington, D.C.. He was a real, bonified evil snake.
The reader might be aware that such a desire for war is a sickness of sorts. When I was a little boy, I enjoyed war movies and monster movies where Tokyo is destroyed by a huge reptile run amok. However, the desire for war, and glory, falls to the floor as one matures and realizes the importance of creating and improving one’s life. It no longer lies in ruin and destruction.
Perhaps the huge brain tumor in the skull of John McCain might account (somewhat) for his predilection for inserting the United States in conflict around the globe. I do not know for sure. What I do know is that it is individuals like him that tend to destabilize the world, and through their actions, lower the standard of living for all Americans.
“If Johnny McC wants to contribute to Society in his dying days, he should erect a Headstone in the form a Urinal. I, for one desire to piss on this Bastards grave and would prefer an appropriate point of aim. Adios, you Clueless, Miserable, Warmongering Fuck.” -Vatican_cameo
In any event, thanks to him, by the time he died the USA was actively engaged in seven wars all over the globe. Not one of which had any direct impact on the lives of middle class Americans. He was also active in trying to get in war with both Russia and China. He didn’t care which. He just wanted war!
John McCain legacy
Take Aways
America has squandered it’s wealth, and been involved in long drawn out wars in far away places.
These wars never benefited any Americans.
Leading the charge for war was RINO John McCain.
John McCain acted like Hitler on steroids. He wanted to have a war with everyone.
Now that he is dead, the world is a slightly safer place.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
This post is a little rant that I composed after President Obama announced that he would redirect NASA funds towards Muslim “outreach”. I dusted it off, and updated it, and placed it herein as a launch board to my discussion on the realities of space exploration in the age of the “fourth turning”.
"When I became the Nasa administrator, he (Mr Obama) charged me with three things. One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; (secondly) he wanted me to expand our international relationships;
and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering."
-Head of NASA, Charles Bolden.
That’s pretty bad.
NASA went from exploring space, and expanding our understanding of the universe, to becoming a political tool. It became a tool that would [1] pipe money to teacher’s unions, [2] be used to funnel money into the UN, and three [3] funnel money into Muslim nations.
But that wasn’t what I was so worked up about. What got me so riled up was the reaction that my various friends had to the announcement. In their minds, there was no benefit for humans in the exploration of space.
No benefit.
They parroted the public narrative that NASA is the sole and only mechanism for the exploration of space. They parroted the narrative that humans are only intelligent life in our universe, and that if there were anything of value in “outer space” that the government would truthfully announce it to the population…
I dusted this rant off, and posted it herein with revisions. Presented with the introductory comments and for reader enjoyment.
“If the US does not stop their imperialist campaign to destroy our economy and keeps mingling in our affairs with China, we will be forced to reveal the truth about their secret moon program,…
… These classified documents will expose the campaign of delusion and lies the US government has played on behalf of the American people and the rest of the world for the past 60 years,”
-The supreme leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kim Jong-un
Let’s look at this question for a minute…
All during the decade of the 1960’s America was geared toward space exploration. Every magazine, every article, every book was written about space exploration. Those of us whom lived through this period remember it well. Most of the television programs revolved around space exploration, and how one needs to study hard to become a scientist.
While NASA was busy trying to go to the moon, the rest of us were watching movies about exploring space. This included the television show Fireball XL-5.
As a much older and experienced man, I see now how this was manipulation on a grand scale. Through the media, through the magazines, through the movies, through the television, and through the educational system, Americans were programmed to study, excel and advance towards space exploration and conquest.
Everything was directed and focused to this end. Everything.
Don’t believe me? Then, go through the archives of Scientific American, National geographic, Life magazine, Mechanics Illustrated, Science Illustrated and other period literature of that time period.
The first American in space. Here is a photo on the deck of the aircraft carrier that retrieved him.
Yes. You need to do some research. You need to scan the old magazines and the articles and advertisements in their pages. You need to dust off old National Geographic and Life magazines. You need to go through old Boy’s Life magazines and go through all the magazines that were popular during the 1960’s.
Do your research.
Not on the Internet, that is a blackboard that is constantly being erased and rewritten. No. Instead, go into the old used book stores and read the actual paper tomes that lie there… forgotten and covered in dust.
Since the early 1970’s United States manned space exploration beyond the upper atmosphere abruptly ended. It came to a complete stop. The programs were shut down. Everything ended. Engineers were laid off. Blueprints were archived or discarded. Equipment was sold and auctioned off. Program managers were reassigned, and all manned space exploration beyond low-orbit ended. It all stopped. No one planned further manned space adventures and all the funding went towards more pressing concerns at that time; roads, bridges and infrastructure.
Apollo ran from 1961 to 1972, and was supported by the two-man Gemini program which ran concurrently with it from 1962 to 1966. Gemini missions developed some of the space travel techniques that were necessary for the success of the Apollo missions. Apollo used Saturn family rockets as launch vehicles. Apollo / Saturn vehicles were also used for an Apollo Applications Program which consisted of three Skylab space station missions in 1973–74.
Except that it didn’t go there. It did not end there.
Americans went to the moon. We had three additional spacecraft ready, completed with complete crews all ready to launch. However, all was put on hold. The crews disbanded. The rockets disassembled and scrapped. Why?
What happened?
The money just disappeared. It vanished! Poof! Gone! No bridge construction was funded. No new parks were created. No large-scale public works, dams, and projects occurred. Go ahead. Do your research. 1974 through 1977. Where were all the social public projects? You know, the ones that supposedly got all the funding that was transferred out from NASA?
The money didn’t go there. It went secretive. The funding went black.
Not only did America mothball and disassemble it’s space infrastructure, but the media support for space exploration evaporated. The number of television shows regarding spacemen and their adventures dropped to near zero. (Replaced by social situation comedies like Julia, and Three’s Company, and the Mod Squad.) Everything suddenly came to an end. It all ended.
Billions of dollars in investment… gone.
Thousands of very talented engineers, designers, and scientists laid off and unemployed.
Already completed spacecraft… discarded and scrapped out.
Large facilities, buildings, roads, bridges, and related infrastructure abandoned.
It is equivalent to a family spending their hard-earned money on a new swimming pool. Then completing the pool, filling it with water. Giving everyone swimming lessons. Then just when the first person decides to take a dive off the diving board… they drain the water. They padlock the gates, and tell all the neighbors that they no longer have a desire to swim.
If you were a neighbor, wouldn’t you think it was just a little strange, if not outright suspicious?
The countryside is strewn with all kinds of ruins and debris representative of when the United States was interested in publicly exploring space. Since then, many programs went deep black, and the population was dumbed down to an understanding that there was absolutely no benefit in space. That we needed to concentrate on the needs on this planet. The narrative was a change in focus. It went from explore the wondrous world around us to focus on the social issues of our neighbors.
What was the real story? What really happened?
If Facebook suddenly closed its doors and went off line, wouldn’t it be natural to ask why? What if it was Google, or Microsoft? NASA’s space exploration program in the early 1970’s was just that enormous, huge and well known.
Yet no one questioned the government’s excuses. At least no one that was provided a media voice. Indeed, the media suppressed all stories that questioned what was going on. In fact, if memory serves me right, they actually made fun of the laid off engineers who now, broken and unemployed couldn’t find work.
At that time it was easy to control the people. The government controlled most of the popular media. They could manipulate the population quite easily and readily.
When America was a first-class nation, we were involved in exploration of the universe for all of mankind. The direction towards scientific exploration with manned bases and outposts on other programs ended at the end of the Nixon Presidency. The final nails in the coffin were nailed shut by President Jimmy Carter.
Now consider what has happened in the last fifty years.
How have we, as a species, advanced in the last half of a century? Sure, we have computers, social media, and fast food. However, how have we grown as a species? Have we improved our habitat? Have we expanded outwards to new and interesting directions?
The only thing that the United States can show is trillions of dollars in a series of endless wars and conflicts, the need to tax Americans more and more, and a severely dumbed down population.
The Chinese plastics model company has made a model of the last time that man has set foot on another planet (officially). Their model of Apollo 17 is a sad reminder of how American politics can alter the future course of a nation.
What really happened?
Do you really believe that really happened?
That one minute we were on the verge of colonizing another planet, then suddenly everyone started to realize that we had no business in space at all. That suddenly manned space exploration must end. Money must be saved. Robots must be used.
That out of the blue we stopped everything.
It all came to a screeching halt. The rocket-ships, already made and ready for launch at their rocket pads, had to be torn down and sold for scrap. You actually believe that?
Some spectacular adventures on the moon, I would say. This was the last visit that Americans officially took to the moon, way back in 1972. That was a long, long time ago.
Do you believe that there was no further interest in space exploration at all? Are you trying to convince me that what the media tells us, and what the public budgets say is all true. That the ONLY benefit of manned space exploration is for propaganda and public relations purposes to further a geo-political agenda? That the programs were too expensive to maintain for mere political purposes. (That is the official line right now. Don’t believe me? Goggle it!) Moreover, you actually believe that?
The costs for just one aircraft carrier exceed $12.9 billion dollars. (USS Gerald R. Ford, first in its class of warships, cost $13 billion with a total program cost of and additional $37.3 billion. Total cost is around $50 billion.) The budget for NASA at the time of building this carrier (2005) was $15 billion. This was around one third the cost of just one aircraft carrier.
Consider comparative costs. The argument for having a base on the moon is that NASA's budget would double. Indeed, to maintain a manned presence on the moon would be a mere fraction of the cost of one of our many, many, many aircraft carriers.
The reader should consider the costs of other programs to put things into perspective. The argument that there is no money to fund manned lunar exploration is nonsense.
The USA as of 2016 had 12 aircraft carrier battle groups. (10 in use, 2 in reserve, and three in construction. As of 2016. This does not include the smaller, and more numerous, helicopter carriers.) Each one over $50 billion dollars in real costs plus operational costs for the battle group. Not to mention all the aircraft, manpower and supplies. The numbers do not add up. The accounting does not match the official pronouncements out of Washington, D.C...
The need to maintain a strong military is not the issue. The issue is whether we can sustain a military empire at the expense of scientific exploration. We need to really question the official narrative.
The last man to officially walk on the moon. Apollo 17 way back in 1972.
As now, as the veil is falling from the swamp that exists in Washington, D.C., we can truly see the massive crime, fraud and corruption that festers there.
Here is the official narrative that we have come to be convinced of…
“The levels of federal spending which NASA had received before 1966 had become untenable to a public which had become financially wary, particularly as they experienced a major oil crisis in 1973, which shifted the nation’s priorities."
-Andrew Liptak excerpt from “The Real Story Of Apollo 17... And Why We Never Went Back To The Moon”
Not true. Here is just another example of the rewriting of history. The Apollo space program was amazingly popular at the time. Read the newspapers from that time period. The termination of the program came as a shock to most Americans.
The reader should recognize that there was absolutely NO homegrown swelling of anti-space movements during the 1970’s. There were no campaigns against manned space exploration. The congressional offices were not flooded with letter campaigns demanding it be shut down.
The decision to abate the space exploration efforts were driven top down.
"Spending in space was something that could be done, but with far more fiscal constraints than ever before, limiting NASA to research and scientific missions in the coming years. Such programs included the development of the Skylab program in 1973, and the Space Shuttle program, as well as a number of robotic probes and satellites.”
-Andrew Liptak excerpt from “The Real Story Of Apollo 17... And Why We Never Went Back To The Moon”
Parroting the official Democrat party platform, no doubt. That, space exploration should be limited to near-earth observation for climate change, a focus on robotic missions, and termination of all manned exploration. This was done in favor of greatly expanded social programs and “blue ribbon” investigative panels.
Think people.
If this fellow is correct then, if fiscal realities are really the cause, then why did President Obama GIVE AWAY $7 billion to South Africa without any benefit to America? Wouldn’t he have saved it to help Americans? After all, it is our money. Seven billion dollars is one half of the entire NASA budget. Then he…
Come on! This has had nothing to do with “fiscal realities”. Rather it has to do with something else. Do not piss on my leg and tell me it is raining.
Pallets of $100 bills were flown to Iran in unmarked planes and given freely to them by President Obama. This was done without approval by Congress or the Senate, and without any signed agreement with Iran.
The Official Narrative
Do you really think that the United States [1] finds no military advantage in space; either strategic or tactical?
All one need do is read the military literature on strategy. Here’s a typical example;
“…what you can create is something like an air defense bubble; and one of the lessons the Chinese have taken away from the wars of the past twenty years – Desert Shield, Desert Storm, the Balkans, Afghanistan – is that air superiority is essential to winning modern wars.”.
You also need to understand our technical limitations... For instance, aside from launching an ICBM or SLBM, as these rockets do travel through low earth orbit to reach their assigned targets.
Do you really and honestly believe that the government [2] finds no technical or manufacturing advantage in space? Really is that what you believe? Do you honestly tell me [3] that the military sees absolutely no advantage in interplanetary capable transports.
The last mission (officially) to the moon was a long, long time ago in 1972. Here, Apollo 17 worked hard to justify their existence and NASA, all the time their fate was sealed by an uncaring political machine.
Do you believe that the military sees no advantage in [4] weapon delivery systems and [5] high technology outside the gravity well? Do you think that the military did not [6] employ everything in their ability to study the moon, and understand any mysterious objects discovered there?
The mysteries of the moon.
So many mysteries.
"At the same time the last (public) manned Lunar Mission was leaving the Moon, a man named Ingo Swann was having a secret meeting with a group of scientists at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California. He had written to the researchers with a proposal to study a new discipline called Parapsychology.
Ingo Swann was a successful person capable in the field of remote viewing. He remote viewed locations on the moon for some researchers during the 1960’s. Ingo is the person at the end of the table on the right.
Swann successfully demonstrated his own abilities at locating objects at a distance and describing them with uncanny accuracy -- a talent we now know as Remote Viewing. As the research continued they discovered an unusual phenomenon that remains a mystery -- the ability of Remote Viewers to "see" a location when supplied their geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). The ability is remarkable even when the viewer has no knowledge of navigation or familiarity with the location. Ingo Swann seemed to be very good at this and was utilized by the CIA to describe certain secret locations inside the Soviet Union.In his book, Penetration, Ingo Swann described how he was asked by the government to remote view some coordinates on the Moon in 1975.After Swann had attained his mental state, the assistant Axel was told to say the word, "Moon", followed by the coordinates and he would then describe what he saw. After mentally "landing" on the Moon, at a precise coordinate, Ingo described a pattern he saw in the sand. What they actually look like are like rows of largish tractor tread marks. But I don't understand how this could be, so they must be something I don't understand. They are just marks of some kind. Strange, though. He was then directed to the next set of coordinates... but something seemed wrong.I'm sorry, Axel, I seem to have gotten back to Earth here... Well, there are ... some ... I have no idea. But whatever it was it couldn't be on the Moon. After a coffee break of about fifteen minutes, Ingo and Alex got back to the task of remote viewing the Moon. Alex gave the coordinates and Igor began to describe what he saw.Well I am in a place which is sort of down, like a crater I suppose. There is this strange green haze, like a light of some kind. Beyond that, all around is dark though. I am wondering where the light is coming from ..."Ingo suddenly jolted and wanted to stop. Alex asked him, "What else?"Well, you won't like this, I guess. I see, or at least I think I see, well... some actual lights. They are giving off a green light... I see two rows of them... yes, sort of like lights at football arenas, high up, banks of them.Up on towers of some kind... Well, Axel, I can't be on the Moon. I guess I have to apologize, I seem to be getting somewhere here on Earth. After being reassured that his viewing was indeed on the Moon, Ingo considered that he was being asked to remote view a Russian base of some kind and that they had established an outpost on the Moon ahead of America. He was asked to continue and given the coordinates again.There is a noise of some kind, like a thumping. I can see one of the light towers better now. Hey, it seems built of some very narrow struts of some kind, thin like pencils. Like some sort of pre-fab stuff right out of Buckminster Fuller's stuff. Let's see... hey, there are some of those tractor-tread marks everywhere. If I guess these are about a foot wide, well then, let's see, if I compute as correctly as I can, well... Well, tall -- about or let's say over a hundred feet. But?... Well, I got a glimpse of the crater's edge. On it I think I saw a very large tower, very high that is. Big, really big! Well if I compare it to something I am familiar with in New York, about as high as the Secretariat building at the United Nations -- which has thirty-nine floors in it.Ingo was then told that what he saw was real but that it was neither made by the Russians nor the United States. Without saying who made these structures, Ingo understood. Shocked, he asked for a break for the day before resuming the session the next morning.Again he was given coordinates and was asked to make sketches of what he saw. He described a mining operation with domes and tubes, bridges, nets and what looked like houses. In one house he saw a kind of people. I saw some kind of people busy at work on something I could not figure out. The place was dark. The air was filled with fine dust, and there was some kind of illumination -- like a dark lime-green fog or mist. The thing about them was that they either were human or looked exactly like us -- but they were all males, as I could well see since they were all butt-ass naked. I had absolutely no idea why. They seemed to be digging into a hillside or a cliff.They must have some way of creating a good environment, warm and with air in it. But why would they be going around naked? Ingo then had a strong feeling of fear. He wanted to run away. One of the humanoids he was viewing had looked in his direction, as if he had sensed that he was being watched. I think they have spotted me, Axel. They were pointing at me I think. How could they do that... unless... they have some kind of high psychic perceptions, too? At this point, Axel told Ingo to stop the session, saying that he didn't want to put him at any risk. Obviously, whoever these beings were, they were not friendly. This is why we have not been back to the Moon.
So, what is it? Choose one. [A] That we have discovered extraterrestrials on the moon, or [B] that we discovered that there was no benefit in exploring space? What is the answer?
Is it “A” or “B”?
Are you trying to tell me that our concerns are only related to what is defined by the borders of our country and it has nothing to do with spaceflight? (Especially with what we know about the CIA, NSA and other agencies of the American military state seem to be directed at both international and domestic objects of interest.) Do you really believe that?
One of the problems with such absolute secrecy that is maintained in government black-budget programs is that everything is questioned, and real purposes are often doubted. I myself, often find myself questioning the motives of the United States government.
Here is an example of what happens when there are so many secret programs that one can’t tell what is valid and what is not.
In an anonymous email, the whistle-blower claimed that 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko wasn’t a comet at all but something from which NASA started receiving signals 20 years earlier.
NASA scientists had noted that the comet seemed to be performing the impossible feat of changing trajectory in space by itself. The ESA scientific mission was merely a smoke screen for a military reconnaissance mission by American and European governments to find out what was going on.
Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko photographed on 5AUG14.
The email explained the whistle-blower’s logic:
“Do not think for ONE MOMENT that a space agency would suddenly decide to spend billions of dollars to build and send a spacecraft on a 12-year journey to simply take some close-up images of a randomly picked out comet floating in space.”
Consider the numerous examples. For instance, in 1962, Secretary of Defense Robert Mcnamara authorized Project 112 (Project SHAD) involving years-long testing of chemical and biological weapons on unsuspecting civilians and American military personnel.
This was done in secret without consulting or informing President Kennedy.
Until 1998 the DoD (Department of Defense) denied the existence of Project-SHAD therefore test subjects who survived were unable to claim disability payments for health issues suffered as a result of the project.
Today, the project remains classified.
Do you really believe that for almost 50 years since we walked on the moon, that the government and the military had concluded that space exploration has no advantage at all? This is either from either a military, tactical, or political standpoint?
Next Generation Spacecraft Design
Can you really expect me to believe that the development of space technology is so slow that it takes 20 years to develop a replacement for Apollo? A spacecraft that started from absolute zero to putting men on the moon within nine years.
On January 14, 2004, U.S. President George W. Bush announced the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) as part of the Vision for Space Exploration.
The CEV was partly a reaction to the Space Shuttle Columbia accident. The CEV effectively replaced the conceptual Orbital Space Plane (OSP), which was proposed after the cancellation of the Lockheed Martin X-33 program to produce a replacement for the space shuttle.
This CEV eventually evolved through redirection of NASA under President Obama (on October 11, 2010, the Constellation program was cancelled by President Obama) and the crewed vehicle became the Orion MPCV.
The ORION MPCV was formally announced by NASA on May 24, 2011. The first mission to carry astronauts is not expected to take place until 2023 at the earliest. With functional missions to begin from one to three years later. 19 + 1 = 20 years.
The replacement is called the Orion. It is a four man crewed spaceship that is an identical clone to the three man Apollo spacecraft that was developed from scratch in less than nine years over 40 years ago.
Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) is a planned, beyond-low Earth orbit (LEO) manned spacecraft that is being built by Lockheed Martin for NASA, and Airbus Defense and Space for the European Space Agency for crewed missions to the Moon, asteroids and Mars.
It is planned to be launched by the Space Launch System. Each Orion spacecraft is projected to carry a crew of 0–6 astronauts, though the expected crew manifest is to be limited to four; that is one person larger than the Apollo space craft.
Keep in mind that the Apollo spacecraft was designed nearly 50 years ago using very primitive technology and manufacturing processes. No CAD systems were used, nor hand held calculators, let alone computers. It was done using slide rules and drafting tables. They didn’t even have copying machines back then.
The slide rule was a device that was used before hand held calculators became available. The first calculators started to be available when I was in tenth grade.
Not everyone feels positive about NASA’s human spaceflight program during Obama’s presidency, but there are very few who offer unqualified praise for the president.
The truth is that he just never really showed much interest in space.
While Obama did propose bold changes early on to NASA, seeking to more closely align the agency’s goals to severely reduced funding levels, the Democrat controlled Congress objected and the president retreated almost immediately. He did not fight it. Instead, he focused in what Congress demanded, an expansion of social programs and an increase in taxes.
He chose to invest his limited political capital in other areas, effectively ceding most power over NASA’s human spaceflight programs to a Congress largely driven by parochial interests. And when an agency needs a unified purpose and the means to achieve it, this is rarely a formula for success.
Slow NPD
Why is the development of space technology so slow?
We went from sliderules & crude computers to handheld iPads with full media capability in less than 30 years. But we couldn’t do that for oxygen regeneration systems, transport systems or communication as well? Do you honestly believe that?
No matter how you look at things, and what you might believe, the following is undeniably true.
In the early 1970’s there were sudden [1] substantial and profound changes in the direction of space technology as perceived by the public. [2] All manned space exploration efforts came to a complete stop, with only [3] small public relations projects observed. (Apollo-Soyuz and the NASA Skylab.)
Is there any question concerning this first three points? Do you, the reader disagree with them? (Pause. Think about it. Think really hard.)
Jimmy Carter would address the American people from the White House in these televised productions called “fire side chats”. He would discuss the need for Americans to adjust to the new reality. Where the costs would increase for things, but that they must pay more money in taxes. He treated the American people like ignorant children.
The Black Project Explosion
Now, not well reported on was another truth.
Because at that same time, there was an [4] explosion of black-project funding. (This is undeniably true.) The black-projects were such that there were [5] no detailed congressional oversight, and no true and real accounting processes in place.
It should be painfully obvious to anyone who looks at these curious facts objectively that indeed something must have happened at that time. The truth be known; it is obvious. With the closure of all public space exploration efforts, came an explosion of black-budget efforts of unknown scope and value.
But what happened?
Certainly if something big had occurred there would be people who would be talking about it. There would be some evidence of something strange or unusual. But we just can’t seem to find any evidence.
No magazine articles were written about this. No true and real disclosures except for a mere handful were exposed. Not a peep came from anywhere. For decades the public was lulled to sleep. The public no longer focused on the sciences and technology but in more trivial matters; matters that the media can control.
When America left the moon, we turned our backs on Space.
NASA was redirected by President Carter to conduct some low earth orbit activities. He continued to finance the Space-Lab, but at a “life support” level, and killed it the very first chance he got. The Space-Lab fell to the ground after the orbit decayed and Carter payed Australia for the bother to clean up the debris left scattered all over the Australian desert.
The short-lived Skylab habitat that was killed by then President Jimmy Carter (D). It was permitted to crash into the remote Australian desert.
We focused on “Earth Shoes”, social justice, empowering women, and a reality that had television commercials singing “We are the World”. Space exploration was of no great importance. We needed to enact clean air legislation, clean water legislation, and healthy food legislation. We needed legislation, and lot’s of it! STAT!
Advertisement from the tail end of the 1970’s. It was a different time with different hopes, dreams and values. Of course, today you wouldn’t see this advertisement. You would have something totally different…
All of which would be managed by the federal government. Yessur! They will just tax the people more to support these great ideals. Universities were given generous grants and funding to prove “global cooling”. Then they were given more money to prove “global warming”. All the time, the most popular singers in the nation were paid to sing their hearts out “for the world”.
It was a non-stop liberal love-fest. All paid for by YOUR tax dollars.
We are the world – a globalist dream of sunny days, rainbows and unicorns. If only the people of America would give all their money to all the poor people in the rest of the world, everyone would be equal. Oh, how wonderful. Let’s focus on that! Everyone got in on the gig. Even Pepsi which had some notable commercials. Yuppur, we would scare away global cooling and the world will be a better place.
Instead of looking outward, we started to look at the world where we lived. At that time, the government told us that they could fix everything. All we needed to do was hand over all our money and let them do all the work.
We could trust them, don’t you know.
With the continuous prodding of the media, we did so. Taxes were raised on working class. Unable to save, they started using credit. When the industries failed, so did many families as well. The result, was an economic decline of enormous proportions.
From the ashes of that ruin arose President Ronald Reagan.
Ronald Reagan was an avid outdoorsman who believed in individual liberty and self-initiative. He believed in the United States and for the potential for individual greatness. Could this program be his own individual brain-child?
But, through all this turmoil and change, one fact remains. We left space. We shut down all of our ambitious space exploration efforts. We shut everything down. Doors were closed, then padlocked, and abandoned completely.
We laid off the scientists and engineers.
In the process the “best and the brightest” that took humans to the moon lost their jobs and their careers. They were forced to work as “bag boys” in grocery chains, or flipping burgers in fast food restaurants. many lost their families as well. Their skills were used and discarded. Their contributions forgotten.
Scene from the movie Falling Down. The film stars Michael Douglas in the lead role of William Foster, also known as D-Fens, a divorced and unemployed former defense engineer. The film centers on Foster as he treks on foot across the city of Los Angeles, trying to reach the house of his estranged ex-wife in time for his daughter’s birthday party. Along the way, a series of encounters, both trivial and provocative, cause him to react with increasing violence and make sardonic observations on life, poverty, the economy, and commercialism.
There are no statues for these heroes that made the moon missions possible. There are no television documentaries regarding them. All is quiet.
Yet, we do give Al Gore millions of dollars and a prize for a Powerpoint presentation on “Global Warming” . Or was it “Global Cooling”? The excuse for taking our money away has swung back and forth so many times, I just can’t keep up with the narrative.
Frozen statue of liberty. There’s only one thing that we can do to stop the coming disaster… pay more taxes! That is the answer and that is the solution. We must do it to save the children.
Obama received millions, and a prize for…being a negro while being a President. No friggin’ shit. And the crew of idiots who gave him that award not only regretted it, but lost their jobs in the process. What a bunch of globalist activists…
Obama was granted the Nobel Peace prize within months of being elected. It surprised everyone, including himself. As he didn’t do anything yet to deserve it. Of course the committee later back-tracked on the reward and claimed that they were flush with the excitement of having a globalist socialist in office, and were drunk at the time they made the decision. They tried to “quietly” ask for it back, but they never got it back, nor the money that they gave Obama. Later on, they were fired and left the committee in shame.
In our world-line, the fox runs the hen-house. The fox is interested in eating the hens, and has no interest in anything other than that. Space be damned. There are no hens there!
The NASA Space Exploration Today
Here is a comparison on the 1960’s era Apollo module, and the Obama announced 2020’s era Orion spacecraft designs. We are told that there are substantial changes to the design. Most notably Wifi access, touch screens, and video cams. Other than that, it is almost identical. It is amazing how technology can advance in fifty years, isn’t it?
The Orion spacecraft is an identical design to that of the Apollo spacecraft. It is slightly larger and uses the latest state-of-the-art technology, but the basic major components are unchanged. It is still launched using a rocket with a gantry; it is not reusable, it still uses the same kinds of maneuvering thrusters, and the same kind of life support systems.
This is the replacement for the Space Shuttle; a reusable space plane that could be used to ferry things into orbit. It was replaced with this; a throw-away expensive one-shot clone of a nearly 50 year old design.
Why was the space shuttle retired without a (reusable) replacement, and why is this costly inefficient design the most advanced system that NASA can come up with? Why?
For those of you readers who do not agree with me; consider this argument. Is the United States government actually being truthful? Is the dialog and narrative from the President, and the rest of the political appointees truthful? Do you actually trust the United States government?
When President Obama opens his mouth and tells you that unemployment is in the lowest levels in a century, and that Americans have never seen such prosperity, that you believe him?
Do you really believe that those who are now running things have your best interests at heart? Do you really believe that the space program and NASA is real and used for the betterment of United States technology? Or is it just a colorful “smoke screen” designed to give the illusion of space exploration, when the actual programs (the hidden and secret programs) are much more robust and well-funded. Do you really believe that the United States government would never lie to the American people? Hah? That the United States government would ever lie to Congress or the American people?
“I have documents showing that the CIA invented the whole thing (Global Warming).. Global Warming was invented to both scare people, and divert their attention from other human-made dangers like nuclear weapons.
The CIA gave millions of dollars to any scientist who would confirm the theory, so many unscrupulous scientists did what they were told in order to get the money.
Now, there is so much fake data to confirm that Global Warming “exists”, that they actually convinced everyone that it was real.”
- Edward Snowden
I will tell you why this is the case. I will tell you why everything is so quiet; why it is so dark and silent. I will explain to you why there is an elephant in your living room, and why no one recognizes what it is doing there. I will tell you, but you won’t like the answer.
What happened
NASA equipment lies abandoned and rotting throughout the United States. When the decision was made to switch from manned space to robotic earth observation, many facilities were no longer needed, and so they were abandoned, sold off as scrap or junked.
What happened should be obvious to the reader now. Sometime during the late 1960’s and into the middle of the 1970’s there was a change in direction regarding space exploration. The public aspect of space travel was converted to a much scaled down federal program. While the non-public aspect of space travel went deep black.
“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.”
-Maximilien Robespierre
When the “dust settled”, President Jimmy Carter left the White House, and President Ronald Reagan took office. He immediately increased funding for BOTH the “white” (the public) efforts in space exploration and the “black” efforts in space exploration.
The “white” projects are well known. They include the “Freedom Space Station”, which was later scaled down and internationalized by Democrat President Bill Clinton. As well as the Space Shuttle program. (Later killed off by George Bush.). Not to mention, space-based laser research, the MX missile program, and next-generation spacecraft such as the X-30 NASP.
The space station Freedom was intended to be an American only habitat that would serve as a stepping stone to the moon. Other vehicles would then shuttle between it and the base on the moon. It was thus, intended to be much larger than what the ISS is today. All that this was killed by Democrat President Bill Clinton who re-purposed the station for near earth observation and monitoring.
The National Aerospace Plane, the X-30. It was an idea of then President Ronald Reagan, and was continuously mocked and ridiculed by the mainstream media as the “Orient Express”. It was wildly successful. It was so successful that it went “black”.
Consider that in 1960, a report entitled “Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs” was prepared for NASA by the Brookings Research Institute.
The report contained a section entitled “Implications Of A Discovery Of Extraterrestrial Life” which was a 190-page report resulting from a one-year study which concluded that public knowledge of life on other planets could potentially cause the collapse of our civilization or, at least, cause profound changes.
Perhaps this, and other reasons, contributed towards stuffing all manned flight and technology research regarding extraterrestrials into the deep black.
The “black” programs are NOT well known. They are either completed, in process, or are being redeveloped into other efforts. I am not authorized, nor qualified to comment on them. Except to say that C.A.R.E.T. is a pretty good example of the work that was going on.
Of course… you all do realize that it was just a (wink, wink) internet hoax? Don’t ya know. Nothing to see here. Heh, heh.
PACL personal anti-gravity device that was being investigated and reverse engineered in 1984. Of course, this has already been debunked by all the MAJOR organizations with thousands of hours of thoughtful insight into how this could not possibly be a real disclosure. Don’t you know…
All programs that deal with extraterrestrials fall under the MAJestic jurisdictional umbrella. These are black programs, with all technologies that require “hands on” work regulated to deep-black carve outs.
In the case of the Dragonfly Drones, ‘they’ (agencies unknown and those protecting the truth of the drone presence here on Earth) went to a whole heap of trouble in their discrediting efforts. This involved creating and releasing multiple hoaxed CGI drone videos which were extremely unconvincing. They went to the trouble of setting up websites to try and convince a now intrigued public that the drones were just a marketing stunt or an outright hoax. ‘They’ also heavily utilised the services of bought and paid for trolls whose job it was to create confusion by interlacing the story with more falsehoods and layers of misdirection.These trolls have been, and still are, embedded deep within the UFO subculture. They operate within forums, blogs, social media as well as the traditional print media, radio and television. They conduct counter-intelligence efforts using every available avenue. These targeted and sustained campaigns to obfuscate the truth have been going on for a long long time and no doubt some of the perpetrators of spin have created a veil of respectability within their own sphere of influence such that they would never be accused of perpetrating disinformation.
Some Insight
According to recent polling data, also suspect, the vast majority (over 80%) of Americans believes that the United States knows about extraterrestrials but is refusing to tell the American people about what they know.
Let’s go back to the middle 1960’s. Say around the time of the 1964 New York World’s Fair. At this time, the Beatles singing group was very popular. We were in Vietnam trying to “save it from communism”, and “It’s a small world after all” was a big hit all over America. We were looking at the world as a small place that needed unity through the United Nations. We were looking towards moving off this planet and establishing colonies on other worlds, with the moon as a first step.
Postcard for the 1964 New York World’s Fair. The theme for the fair was global unity and togetherness. This all took place while the entire United Sates was trying hard to race to the moon.
Now, suppose, just suppose, that [1] some type of contact was made between one or two key extraterrestrial species operating within our sphere of influence. Further suppose, that [2] over time, a relationship developed in which they laid out some very basic ground rules;
Earth is permitted to be occupied by humans.
Space is the realm of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
This did not happen overnight. In fact, the initial relationship that was established in the 1960's had been cultivated after over a decade of contact in various forms.An organization, that was set up back in the late 1940's, became the only point of contact with these extraterrestrial creatures. This organization, otherwise known as MAJestic, had been very active during the 1950's. They had used reverse-engineered radar systems obtained from Operation "Paperclip" to de-cloak and disable the operational parameters of extraterrestrial vehicles.The wreckage and crew were then acquired and studied. Eventually culminating in negotiations and understandings between MAJestic and one of the key extraterrestrial species.
In this relationship, all space flight is monitored, and eventually controlled by MAJestic. That is out of necessity, as MAJestic is the organization that liaises with our extraterrestrial friends.
More Complications
Of course things are never that simple.
The more we got to know our new-found extraterrestrial friends, the more we learned. What we discovered was not what we really wanted to hear.
There were many, many extraterrestrial species all around us.
Our world, wasn’t really “ours”, it was “theirs”.
Our planet is a “sentience nursery”; a protectorate, a special preserve.
We are not the first species to evolve in this nursery, nor will we be the last.
Those extraterrestrials that monitor and police this nursery have been doing so for many, many, many years.
Those extraterrestrials are far more scientifically advanced than we could even hope to understand.
As such, certain deals and arrangements were worked out. The details of which can be found elsewhere and are considered contentious anyways. For now, let’s just keep everything really simple.
An agreement was reached.
We would support the policing and monitoring of this planet by working with the species assigned to this task.
This species is well known in conspiracy circles. They are known as “the greys”, or “the Pleiadians”, though they are neither grey nor from that particular solar system.
In exchange they would allow us to reverse engineer certain technologies.
Thus we have a system whereas humans participate in assisting of the biological monitoring of this planet. This might help explain such things as “abductions”, “cattle mutilation”, and similar events. And we have a situation whereas carve-outs operate within MAJestic in regards to technology and advanced sciences.
Even more complications
But, you know, things are not ever so simple. To begin with…
There are more than one species that is involved in this planet. While the “greys” might be involved in monitoring and policing this sentience nursery, other species have other purposes here. In fact, if I may be so bold, there is an arrangement where the “greys” work under the supervision or “understanding” of a much more powerful, and older species.
This older species is quite different in appearance. It is an invertebrate species. It also perceives our reality quite differently than we humans do.
While the “greys” police and monitor this reality…
This other species is involved in the construction of the reality that we inhabit.
They can move in and out of our reality as easily as we go up and down stairs.
They can also move in and out of other realities, such as “Heaven” at will.
Which of course is why I am involved in this disclosure in the first place. And, is why, my role was so important, but impossible for most humans to understand. (Sigh.)
Summary & Conclusions
Black Programs
There are elements within the United States that are active in reverse engineering technologies given to us by our extraterrestrial benefactors. There are also elements involved in sentience evolution of humans. All elements and members fall under MAJestic purview. These people, and the organization operate as carve-outs and are not part of the United States government.
Extracted from the fourth quarter report by an individual. C.A.R.E.T – Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology. The project was operated out of what was made to look like a normal Silicon Valley computer / tech office building, but inside, teams of scientists protected by intense security were attempting to reverse-engineer and understand the non-human technology – a process known as ‘extraction’.
White Programs
The United States government, instead, has it’s own space exploration program known as NASA. Currently, they are trying to duplicate 1960’s technology that was given up in the 1970’s. Since then, NASA has been re-purposed for robotic earth monitoring, and Muslim outreach. If current projections hold up, NASA might be able to have a clone of the Apollo spacecraft called Orion. This might happen in a little over a decade.
The big talk while Obama was President was to use the Orion spacecraft to go next to a chunk of rock in space the size of a dishwasher. Then move it to earth orbit where it can be studied. Woo woo!
The plan established by President Obama is to capture a rock the size of a dishwasher and then haul to to earth orbit where “scientists” can study it. Maybe he was thinking of making a music video to glamorize this rock -collection effort. Maybe having someone like Jay-Z rap about big rocks and such…
Take Aways
All American led space exploration came to an end in the 1970’s.
This was the result of direct contact with an extraterrestrial species.
From that moment on, all “actual” space exploration efforts went deep-black.
NASA was cut down in size to keep public perception intact.
Today, we have two space programs. They are a very active black program, and a token white (public) program.
MAJestic is the organization that handles all issues regarding extraterrestrials.
Q: Why is the black side of space exploration kept secret?
A: It is kept secret for numerous reasons.
If it was out in the open and public, the United States government would try to gain control of it. That is unacceptable as the government would twist it and distort it into something different and dangerous. You see what Obama did to NASA, imagine if he had the power of teleportation, dimensional switching, MWI, invisibility, and space travel…
Other reasons include the fundamental need to keep humans ignorant of our situation and our place in the universe AT THIS TIME. Sentience growth is something that humans need to work out independently of any extraterrestrial intervention of knowledge. This is an extraterrestrial requirement.
The reverse engineering of technology is a national security issue, and there are many nations who would do whatever was possible to obtain access to some of the technologies that are locked within the confines and understanding of MAJestic.
Q: Why are you so critical of the Orion spacecraft?
A: The old-fashioned rocket ship design of the 1960’s was long ago determined to be unfeasible for active exploration of space. Instead other systems were devised, of which the Space Shuttle was but one. These solutions all worked towards the idea of making space affordable to humans. Orion does in the exact opposite direction. It is a disposable vehicle that is so expensive that it is often a unique and custom device for single-purpose use.
Q: Will man ever go to other planets other than the moon?
A: What gives you the idea that we haven’t yet? What gives you the idea that we don’t have other methods of transport aside from spacecraft? What gives you these assumptions?
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, 'What is real?' Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. “
-Philip K. Dick
Not strictly limited to politics, Snopes.com is a website that supposedly attempts to debunk and invalidate urban legends, Internet rumors and other stories of uncertain origin. Today, they are the voice of the statist globalist oligarchy.
Of course, others mostly rich country-club Democrats, think otherwise. They point out the mission statement at the website. It is officially an “independent entity” privately owned by its operators.
Snopes is a long established website which emerged from the alt.folklore.urban newsgroup and was originally a reference site about urban legends. In recent years it has become a staunch defender of the official narratives, to the extent that it has been referred to as "the go-to website for CIA propaganda".
Not for profit?
The owners, Barbara and David Mikkelson, have both publicly stated that they receive no funding in any form. Curious. Most curious. This is really, really interesting. You know, it sure is curious that someone who has no income, no funding, and no sources of income can live in an upscale mansion. Not only that, but do so in one of the most expensive sections of California, travel the world extensively, and drive around in some very, very expensive cars
Ah, but that’s ok. You know.
Whether you are hob-nobbling with Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein, Race baiter (the Reverend) Jessie Jackson, or international arch villain George Soros, we all know that you are never influenced by their money. (Wink, wink.)
“Just used Snopes to check the following: Hillary Clinton farts pixie dust which cures gay children of cancer. Turns out it's true!”
-Comment byZero Point
Full of Lies and Half-truths
This group has been caught in more than a few outright lies, disinformation and distortions of truthful and actual events. This is true whether it is a study on whether Donald Trump sits on a solid gold toilet when he takes a dump, or how the Palestinians funded their network of attack-tunnels.
As far as UFO’s and other extraordinary events are concerned, they are firstly, a mouthpiece of the status quo. Do not expect them to understand quantum physics, chemistry or anything too cerebral. Their interest lies in the dissemination of popular trite responses to extraordinary events. They do in a way that finds its greatest appeal to an audience of a dumbed-down populace of limited education.
It’s got what plants crave. Idiotcracity is a 2006 American science fiction comedy film. The film tells the story of two people who take part in a top-secret military human hibernation experiment, only to awaken 500 years later in a dystopian society where anti-intellectualism and commercialism have run rampant, and which is devoid of intellectual curiosity, social responsibility, and coherent notions of justice and human rights.
They are promoted by Google
They must certainly have a great relationship with Google. I say this as they tend to be ranked in the top five websites whenever a relevant search is conducted. Do you, the reader, have any idea how difficult it is to obtain a decent ranking on Google? It’s not for the faint of heart, for certain.
If this does not SCREAM collusion, then nothing will.
See elsewhere for the hacked evidence by Julian Assange in 2016 showing this connection to be true and real.
While I have not been able to find an obvious tie between this organization and the United States government myself, the disconnect between their sustaining income and actual work outlay is quite large.
Where do they get their funding? And how are they able to devote the time to do all the work that they do? What do they live on? How can they devote 80 hours a week to this “hobby” of theirs? Are they independently wealthy? Are they “blue bloods”? Do they invest in cryptocurrency? What is their secret?
There is an obvious void that is unexplainable at this time.
Ties to the DNC Political Party
Circumstantial evidence definitely seems to indicate ties with the DNC political party.
Yup, the political machine known as the Democrat National Party is quite busy with all kinds of efforts in progress. Whether it is social re-engineering, towards getting the Untied States into a global thermonuclear Armageddon, or trying to import illiterate waifs from South America, this organization is quite the busy work-horse.
This couple is responsible for fact checking everything from the radar profiles on UFO’s to whether or not Bill Clinton’s cat was fed well while in the White House. They are experts in everything apparently. You know what? I really like their cat. Though, I think that he eats a little bit too much, the poor thing.
Enter Metallicman
You get on the internet and you start chatting with someone. They disagree with you. You disagree with them. You state what you know and offer facts. They pull out a "fact check" from Snopes.com and all discussions cease.
How absolutely convenient. All on-line discussions that have a conservative, traditional or Christian point of view are automatically discounted as 'FALSE".
In August 2016, there were a number of DNC staffers who died under suspicious circumstances. After a major DNC email leak that Wikileaks insisted that came from inside the DNC, three individuals associated with the email system were found dead.
Rumors persisted that these killings were intentional and were the result of the staffers leaking the emails to the press. Of course, if that was the case, then the management of the DNC had something to do with it. But, not to fret, the DNC insisted that the murders were random. They assured everyone that they were not associated with the DNC in any way.
DNC staffer Seth Rich was mysteriously murdered in the streets of Washington, D.C., on July 10. Although it is being investigated as a robbery, his wallet, credit cards and watch were not taken.
The 27-year old was shot in the back on July 10 at 4:15 a.m. near his affluent neighborhood, while he was reportedly walking home from his girlfriend’s apartment. Police still have no suspects, witnesses or motive. His mother told the local NBC station that there were bruises on his face, knees and hands, apparently from trying to fend off his attackers.
Some are speculating that Hillary Clinton is behind the murder, because Rich could have been the DNC staffer responsible for leaking the 20,000 damaging DNC emails to Wikileaks.
The allegation is that powerful Sanders allies convinced Rich to leak the data. He had previously worked on the U.S. Senate campaign for Nebraska businessman Scott Kleeb, who lost his election. The Clinton Global Initiative provided funds for a clean energy business started by Kleeb, which had come under investigation after losing $300,000 in 2010 and another $300,000 in 2011 despite the subsidies.
Rich was also previously employed at a data firm that had worked with the Clintons. After news of possible corruption emerged between the Clinton Global Initiative and Kleeb, supposedly that led to Sanders’ cronies pressuring Rich to leak what was going on, so it is very possible he could have had access to the DNC’s emails.
Julian Assange of Wikileaks said on TV that it wasn’t Russian hackers who intercepted the emails, as the Hillary Clinton campaign has alleged; instead, any one of a number of staffers within the DNC could have leaked them
As the rumors started to fly, Snopes took center-stage.
They immediately squashed all rumors. They publicly and officially labeled the suspicion over Shawn Lucas, John Ashe, and Seth Rich’s deaths as “FALSE”. This was a great relief to the DNC and everyone else associated with the Democrat party.
Soon, all the main-stream media parroted the Snopes pronouncement. The investigations were “proven” to be concluded and just random occurrences. They loudly and repeatedly stated that the investigations were over and the DNC was vindicated.
Which was really strange as all investigations were on-going at the time. The investigators would even begin to suggest any conclusions.
The former President of the United Nations General Assembly, John Ashe, mysteriously passed away on June 22. This was a few days before he was scheduled to begin pretrial meetings involving shady financial dealings regarding a former Clinton crony.
Local police officers said he died from dropping a barbell on his throat while working out, but the UN oddly first claimed he died of a heart attack.
The 61-year-old was supposed to testify against Chinese real estate developer Ng Lap Seng, who was implicated in the “Chinagate” scandal for funneling money to the DNC for Bill Clinton through Arkansas restaurant owner Charlie Trie.
Ashe was arrested last year for allegedly taking over $3 million in bribes from Chinese businessmen, including over half a million from Ng Lap Se, in exchange for building a United Nations conference center in Macau.
Dominican attorney Henry Shillingford questioned his death, “It is strange for Antigua’s most senior diplomat to be implicated and die under such troubling circumstances.”
The New York Post’s Page Six ran a skeptical article questioning the circumstances. A source told the paper, “During the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. It would have been very embarrassing. His death was conveniently timed.”
So, with all this controversy, Snopes automatically labeled the rumor “False”. This is strange, since how did Snopes know that it is false? The police haven’t even completed any of their investigations yet! And, if you were to ask the police themselves, they would say that they have no public conclusions to provide.
Political Ties
Mikkelson has previously publicly stated that Snopes does not take any political positions whatsoever. Well, that was a lie.
His current wife, has a history of participation in liberal politics. The Daily Mail reports that Young ran for the U.S. Congress in Hawaii on the Libertarian ticket in 2004, during which time she distributed cards that read “Re-Defeat Bush” and condoms with the words “Don’t Get Screwed Again” printed on the wrapping.
Elyssa Young is also know as Erin O’Bryn and maintains a website advertising her services as an escort with photographs of her over the years. She was pretty successful over the years, and has run for political office.
On her campaign website, she outright stated, “Let’s face it, I am an unlikely candidate. I fully admit that I am a courtesan.” Ultimately, her campaign was unsuccessful, and she lost to Democratic incumbent Neil Abercrombie.
Propaganda for the Oligarchy
Snopes certainly seems to be the mouth-piece of the people in power.
As I have mentioned numerous times in the past and in my various posts. Question everything and everyone. Most especially question those who have quick and easy answers for everything. For nothing is black and white. The world is a complex place, with situations that can astound when investigated.
Nothing has an easy answer.
In the case with Snopes, when there is a mountain of dead bodies piling up, and the status-quo media is saying “there is nothing here, move along now”, there is an obvious disconnect between observed reality and the preferred governmental narrative.
Victor Thorn, who wrote four books exposing the Clintons, reportedly killed himself with a gun on his 54th birthday, August 1, while on top of a mountain near his Pennsylvania home.
The books he wrote were Hillary (And Bill): The Sex Volume, Hillary (And Bill): The Drugs Volume, and Hillary (And Bill): The Murder Volume, and his latest which was published in February, Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn't Be in the White House.
According to the Inqisitr, Thorn had appeared multiple times on The Russell Scott Show and told the host,
“Russell, if I’m ever found dead, it was murder. I would never kill myself.”Joe Montano, an aide to Hillary’s running mate Tim Kaine, died of a heart attack on July 25. He had worked for the DNC and was only 47.
A man named Larry Nichols claimed on the Pete Santilli Show that he was hired as a hitman for the Clintons, and killed several people years ago.
What is comes down to is this: how many other politicians have you heard of who have had so many mysterious deaths associated with them? You don’t hear of a Bush body count. You don’t hear of an Obama body count.
You never hear of a Jimmy Carter body count, a Ronald Reagan body count, a JFK body count. So what gives?
Snopes, the left-leaning internet myth debunker, labels the Clinton body count as false. However, the main site that hosts a list of the Clinton body count reports that is admittedly constantly under attack by computer hackers on the behest of Hillary Clinton. I guess that that curious (and inconvenient) fact never made it into the Snopes calculus.
Soap Opera Management
Before we proceed too much further, please take into account that people - good and bad - live life. They get into situations. They get into troubles. They have personal problems.
This is certainly the case for the CEO of Snopes.
The fighting and the arguments and accusations thrown against him by his ex-wife should not be taken at face value. Rather they should be considered as a side of a very complex man embroiled in a difficult relationship...
The CEO of Snopes.com has been accused, in divorce proceedings, of appropriating company funds which he allegedly spent on expensive holidays and prostitutes.
The Daily Mail reports that the CEO of Snopes, David Mikkelson, has been embroiled in a vicious legal battle with his former wife. She was more than just his wife, she was the co-founder of Snopes; Barbara Mikkelson.
I am sorry for both of them. The more that I read about them, and the lives that they have led, the more they seem to be meant for each other. I really hate it when people end up going in different directions. It’s really very sad.
It is important for all of us to make peace with ourselves and with those around us. However, it is just simply not right to deceive others for the sake of personal wealth and prosperity.
The couple divorced sometime around 2014, but legal proceedings have continued between the couple. Honestly, both of them must be living a hellish existence dealing with this. Maybe, on a hot and steamy night, one would wake up and yell to the ceiling, “can’t this ever end?”
Barbara has claimed that her former husband embezzled money from the company. Court documents obtained by the Daily Mail state that Barbara accused David of “raiding the corporate business Bardav bank account for his personal use and attorney fees.”
Barbara also claims that David embezzled $98,000 over four years, which “he expended upon himself and the prostitutes he hired.” (Wow. Now, that’s a lot of prostitutes.)
Barbara claims that David spent $10,000 from their business accounts between April and June of 2016 to fund an expensive 24-day holiday for him and his “girlfriend.”
In a court filing from June, Barbara claims that David has “been depleting the corporate account by spending monies from it on his personal expenses,” and that David’s access to account debit cards and check books must immediately be revoked “right away before there are no funds left in the corporate account.”
Well, all sorts of dirty laundry comes out in the wash. You can’t fault the guy for wanting a divorce from a woman that he once loved so tenderly. Now they are apart. So what if he is lonely and wants to go out with other women? You know, if he is lonely, why not pay for some fun with other women? Will ya, give this guy a break? Huh?
I do feel sorry for both of them. This divorce has wrecked their lives, their source of income, and the website that they both put together. Sad. So, sad.
Software giants assisting Snopes
It was announced that Snopes would be helping Facebook to determine and label “fake news” with the help of ABC News and Politifact. Lordy!
Enormous Salary
George Soros was an early contributor to Snopes, and has provided financial backing to the organization for years.
A key point of contention during the divorce proceedings was David’s salary.
David demanded that his salary be increased from $240,000 a year to $360,000, a sum that David agreed he would settle for, but believed was below “industry standards.” He argued that he should be making up to $720,000 a year.
“As I said, based on industry standards and our revenues, my salary should be about 2x to 3x what it is now,I’ll settle for $360K with the understanding that it’s to be retroactive to the start of the year.”
- David wrote in an email to Barbara in April of 2016.
Barbara disputed David’s request, stating that it was “not even in the galaxy of reasonable.”
That all being said, where in the heck does this money come from?
Prostitute Employer
The fact-checking website that more recently set its sights on determining if “fake news” was indeed fake has found itself in a financial collapse after it was discovered that the owner and his new wife were living an outlandish lifestyle. There are also reports of embezzling and hiring prostitutes on the company’s dime according to a new report by the Daily Mail and a lawsuit filed by shareholders of the website.
According to the Daily Mail, David has remarried since his divorce from Barbara in 2014. I for one, am happy that he found love. Maybe his first wife didn’t understand him, but now that he found another, I am sure that she will be able to mend his hurting heart and put the pieces back together.
His current wife, Elyssa Young, works as an administrative worker at Snopes.
The key of contention is that she previously had a lengthy career as an escort. She was a pretty good one apparently, and also worked as a adult film star working under the name Erin O’Bryn. Good for her.
Escort advertisement for Snopes investigator and wife of the founder.
Reviews for Young’s “services” have been left on her personal escort website as recently as 2015. Young’s websites and Twitter account describe her as “a mature and experienced courtesan, idealist, activist & dreamer.” Her website further states, “Here’s the donation I request for my time, companionship, and entertainment” with “non-negotiable” rates of $1,200 for her minimum four hours and $5,000 for 24 hours.
$1,200 for a “short time”.
$5,000 for a “long time”.
You know guys, she’s a bit on the expensive side. So either she is way overpriced, or she is extremely good at what she does.
Elyssa Young was a model for adult magazines in the 1990s, and appears to have continued posing for photographs until recently. She is now an administrative worker at Snopes.com and travels with her husband David Mikkelson, its co-founder
Questionable Processes
The rapid acceptance of the point of view of the oligarchy is a point of contention. It tends to force the use of the website to justify their actions.
Speaking to the Daily Mail, David Mikkelson stated that Snopes did not have a “standardized procedure” for fact-checking “since the nature of this material can vary widely.”
He also stated that the process “involves multiple stages of editorial oversight, so no output is the result of a single person’s discretion.”
When asked about the requirements for becoming an employee at Snopes, Mikkelson stated, “Accordingly, our editorial staff is drawn from diverse backgrounds; some of them have degrees and/or professional experience in journalism, and some of them don’t.”
Preoccupation with Sex
Also according to the Daily Mail, another one of Snopes’ lead fact-checkers has a history of sex blogging. Yes, they definitely fit the r-strategist behavior snugly.
You know, it’s fine to have hobbies. I happen to like sandwiches, drinking, singing and dancing. Others like to play with sex toys. Heck, what ever makes your boat float, what ever… It’s all good. How can we make such judgement on a person. Maybe she is a really good fact checker who likes to play with herself. What’s wrong with that?
Writing under the pseudonym Vice Vixen, Snopes fact-checker Kim LaCapria regularly wrote about sex and fetish gear on her own blog, which was described as a lifestyle blog “with a specific focus on naughtiness, sin, carnal pursuits, and general hedonism and bonne vivante-ery.”
One of the debunkers on Snopes is also an escort, who loves to play with sex toys and enjoys sex to it’s fullest. I cannot fault that. Anyone who doesn’t like sex has a real problem with their identity. That being said, is she qualified to discuss pulsed radar emissions from high speed transitory vehicles? I say do what you love.
LaCapria’s blog often featured reviews of sex toys.
One particular review reads, “If you are doing something to your fella, and you apply this to the base of his cash-and-prizes while you carry on, he will scream and perhaps cry.”
On another blog, LaCapria once described what she did on her day off, writing that she “played scrabble, smoked pot, and posted to Snopes.” She then added, “That’s what I did on my day ‘on,’ too.”
Tied to Nefarious Organizations used to Manipulate Public Opinion
From the article titled “Snopes.com CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption” found HERE, are the following curious statements;
Evidence obtained by police has revealed that Snopes.com, which markets itself as "the definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation," has a history of accepting money and favors from left-leaning and pro-Islamic political groups and individuals for helping them to advance their cause by rigging public discourse with selective fact-finding and deliberate manipulation of public opinion.
Arrest of the CEO
From the previously mentioned article…
Late Monday morning, Brian Williston, a Snopes.com editor, who also doubles as the accountant, found himself at a flea market on the outskirts of Los Angeles.
As he was browsing the different tables and tents looking for antiques, an old mechanical piano began playing Dixie's Land, a song that was adopted as a de facto anthem of the Confederacy during the American Civil War and is now considered offensive by some due to its link to the iconography and ideology of the Old South.The tune sparked an outrage in Williston, who began yelling and cursing those who "would like to bring back slavery and racial separation," and ordering the vendors to "turn off that racist music."
When no one nearby claimed to know how to turn off the one-hundred-year-old machine, Williston became violent.
He started grabbing various antique objects from the vendors' tables and throwing them at the antique piano in an attempt to silence the music. A bystander, later identified as William Barksdale, working as a courier for the L.A. Messenger Service, attempted to calm Williston down, saying that "someone is just trying to see if that the piano still works" and "it's only a song, don't shoot the pianist," but that only prompted the infuriated editor to redirect his rage to the messenger.
Williston, who is white, began to choke Barksdale, who is black, while screaming "Shut up! Shut up!" as the mechanical piano continued to play Dixie's Land in the background.
Well, that did not go well. However the police was able to find out who this nut case was.
After some of the shoppers intervened and pried Williston's hands off the courier's throat, the Snopes.com editor fled the scene of the incident. LAPD quickly identified Williston by the personal check he left with one of the vendors, which contained his full name and address. While inside his home, Williston ignored commands to open the door, causing police to use forced entry in order to detain him.
Discovery of Bribes and Payoffs
American media is just propaganda. Nothing that you see is real and truthful. It is all distorted lies and partial-truths.
So the police forced their way into his home and began searching it.
The arresting officer caught Williston slipping some papers under a Persian rug, which prompted the police to remove the rug and examine the documents underneath it.
One of them turned out to be a handwritten ledger,.
The ledger contained the names of well-known individuals and organizations who have been paying Snopes.com to debunk stories. Particularly, stories that cast them in a bad light, while also validating damaging half-truths and rumors about their political opponents.
Apparently, having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases.
Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars (according to sources).
So the guy has become millions of dollars richer because he controls a popular “fact checking” website, and he provides “facts” that fit the narrative of those who pay him to change history and write the “truth”.
The Scandal
Especially scandalous is the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations.
They began with with payments to Snopes.com to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting.
Eventually, they evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a fake media narrative.
It is a narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.
So, the “powers that be” control what the “truth” is.
Who are these people?
Democrat Senator saying during Congressional hearings that the Bill of Rights does not apply to citizens. Rather it is a document that protects the government from citizens who would abuse the privileges that the government provides to them. The “funny thing” about this is that this quote is now restricted on Internet search engines. Yeah. No friggin’ shit. Type it in Bing or Google. I dare you. Image is a screen shot with closed caption.
Who are these people? Well, from the previously mentioned article;
The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website's clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority. None of the specifics or individual names are being revealed while the investigation is still ongoing, but a police source has indicated that "the shock waves will rock the world of the media and the political establishment." Several watchdog groups have already condemned Snopes.com as a corrupt organization with zero credibility and urged their readers to disregard any political debunking from this tainted source.
To underline a key statement, let me repeat it.
Several watchdog groups have already condemned Snopes.com as a corrupt organization with zero credibility and urged their readers to disregard any political debunking from this tainted source.
Snopes.com as a corrupt organization with zero credibility.
The Future
The future for Snopes does not look too healthy. After the Hillary Clinton election loss in 2016, their primary funding source (the “slush fund” via the non-profit Clinton Foundation) dried up.
“…one of Snopes’ leading fact-checkers is a former sex-and-fetish blogger who described her routine as smoking pot and posting to Snopes.com. Kim LaCapria is disclosed to be a former sex-blogger who called herself “Vice Vixen.” Her blog had “a specific focus on naughtiness, sin, carnal pursuits, and general hedonism and bonne vivante-ery.” LaCapria’s day-off activities she said on another blog were: “played scrabble, smoked pot, and posted to Snopes.'”
Scam after scam
I am sure that it would be very interesting to see who donated to this guy. I’ll bet that it would include a lot of dictators and tyrants, as well as a few evil over lords and malcontents in the DNC.
After Snopes.com founder and owner David P. Mikkelson started a crowd-funding website to raise money for the companies’ apparent financial troubles, having raised more than $600k within 24 hours, it is being reported that David was spotted purchasing a brand new $300k+ Ferrari at a California Fiat dealership.
Mikkelson resorted to a crowd-funding site where thousands of kind users decided to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to the dying Snopes, seemingly saving Mikkelson and Snopes for the time being, however, reports of Mikkelson purchasing a brand new $300,000 Ferrari are raising some questions. “I thought we were saving him” says Gary Upton, a Snopes donor, “Even though David is a mess, I love Snopes, It’s very helpful when they debunk crazy stories i come across from sites like Celebtricity and Huzlers. But i didn’t think he would finesse us and buy himself a Ferrari, oh well”, finished Gary.
Is this report true? Or, is it false? I just don’t know. What I do know is that other fact checkers have checked out the goings-on with Snopes. They have found some outrageous activities…
The comments found on line make for interesting and amusing reading. Here are just some of the comments found on Zero Hedge.
SlowBro ThaBigPerm Jul 24, 2017 5:07 PM
I got an email just last week saying that Snopes had turned the corner and apologized for slanting so heavily to the left. Should check Snopes on that one.
2000 SlowBro Jul 24, 2017 5:14 PM
It's a fact-checking garbage dump. I asked them to correct their claims about Target's Bathroom Boycott affecting their business after Target admitted it did affect their business (I was a peeved shareholder). No response. Here's their drivel:
And proof that it did impact their business:
I knew it was impacting the sales, and the first announcement (IMO) of them acknowledging it was when the CEO started trying to cover his behind by saying he never approved the memo. Anyways, I ditched the stock pretty quickly once I realized their strategy was to stand tall and hope it blew over. Eventually, that strategy "worked" in the sense that people don't seem to still be talking about it...
But their shares are still down 34%! Stupidity running that company just like most others. So, I'm happy to see this lying, scumbag of a site begging on the street corners.
johngaltfla WTFRLY Jul 24, 2017 4:39 PM
LOLOLOLOLOL! Bunch of Marxist propagandists got their ass busted!!!!
JLee2027 Peterman333 Jul 24, 2017 4:10 PM
New wife Elyssa Young is employed by the website as an administrator . She has worked as an escort and porn actress and despite claims website is non-political ran as a Libertarian for Congress on a 'Dump Bush' platform . Its main 'fact checker' is Kimberly LaCapria, whose blog 'ViceVixen' says she is in touch with her 'domme side' and has posted on Snopes.com while smoking pot.
meditate_vigorously Peterman333 Jul 24, 2017 5:00 PM
A lot of dark money found its way to them during the campaign. Millions most likely from (((donors))) of Clinton and/or her Super PACs. That obviously dried up after Trump won. Too bad they blew it all on hookers, blow, and cats.
knukles Pernicious Gold Phallusy Jul 24, 2017 4:43 PM
Huh? I read somewhere credible long ago that Snopes was originally funded by guess who? George Soros No surprise, is it?
The reader need not take my opinion on this, they can investigate on their own. There are more than a few article concerning the outright fraud of this organization. The videos are quite enjoyable. Here are some links;
In the mid-1990’s, about the time of the Bill Clinton Presidency, there was a period of panic in the newsrooms all across the United States. The dominance of the big three television networks was coming to an end. There was a rise in “independent” news that was making itself known on the internet.
People like Rush Limbaugh were gaining listeners. The sales of newspapers, and other types of paper-media was on a downward vector. The alternative media were able to quickly refute the statements made by the well-known and powerful media outlets. The main-stream media seemed incapable of dealing with this shift in power.
Their first attempt failed. They tried to ban Rush Limbaugh and other Conservative media off the air, as well as ban them from print. That failed. Then they tried to limit speech on the internet, it wasn’t successful at that time.
A solution presented itself…
Organizations would be set up that would support the “official” news, and disparage the contrary views found on the internet. These organizations would be known as “fact check” experts. As a result, “Fact checking” websites began to appear that supported the narrative of big-mainstream media and the oligarchies that run America. They all surfaced about the same time, and many were funded by the same people.
I cannot say for sure why they were created. What I do know is that over time political influences, often with very large coffers full of money have tried to influence the narrative in these “fact checking” organizations. Whether or not they were successful to the various websites is up to the reader to determine. However, we do know, that in the case of Snopes, they were quite successful in doing so.
The progressive liberal management was paid handsomely to “fact check” news with a liberal bias.
We found out the extent of their ties to the various political organizations through various events. Notably…
A nasty divorce.
The discovery of a second set of secret and hidden payment ledgers.
The personal escapades of numerous prostitutes in the employment at Snopes.
You know, it’s easy to get on someone’s case when they are down. But, you know, they did a bad thing and for a while they were riding high. They were flush with money and no one was the wiser. Hey had their hands in the pockets of some pretty powerful people. So how can you blame them?
Now, they have to pick up the pieces from a scam that collapsed. Let’s hope that they learn from this. I don’t know about you, the reader, but there are some really good lessons here…
Even though you have opinions, please try to frame them as your opinions. Restrain from calling them out as facts.
Playing with dirty money will eventually make what you do, tainted.
Don’t pretend to be something that you are not.
Your past does not really matter; what matters is what you do in the present.
Take Aways
Snopes should never be considered a source to “fact check” anything.
Snopes has demonstratively lost all credibility in the “fact checking” industry.
It is reasonable to assume that ALL “fact checking” organizations are compromised to some extent.
Today, “fact checking” organizations are used to add credibility to a mainstream news media that is no longer credible.
Q: Is David Mikkelson a bad person?
A: No. He is a man who saw and opportunity and provided a service to help people sort out the good from the bad when the internet was first getting started. Together with his first wife, he started a “fact checking” organization from scratch. Sure he bent some rules to get it up and running. So what? Most companies start that way, either intentionally or (more often than not) unintentionally.
Then, with the website in place, people started to come to him. They offered him money, cash, presents, fun, trips, and the opportunity to meet interesting people. Like any man, he took advantage of the benefits of his role and position. He is a human man. Be honest, if some one gave you a duffel bag of hard currency and some attractive girls to “convince” you to do something, else they would go to your competitor, what would you do? Throw the opportunity away? Say no to the money? Tell the girls to leave, and ply their trade elsewhere?
is that what you would really do?
Ok, so he got caught. It’s not like he needed to be caught. It was pretty obvious the liberal bent of the site, and the near perfect record of siding with the global oligarchy in just about every issue. The only problem is that seemingly all of the big software and media companies followed their pronouncements. That has made it rather difficult to get information out from the gutter.
Now he has the opportunity to set things right. What he does from this moment on will determine his legacy. Making this decision is a personal thing. Some people might try to continue and move forward, while others might want to reverse direction. Everyone is different. It’s all up to him.
Q: Is Barbara Mikkelson a bad person?
A: No. She is a woman with a bright and colorful past who managed to find a rich and wealthy man with direct ties to the global wealthy. Good for her. Now she lives a life in love with the man of her dreams. I believe that she loves him. They share a cat together. I wish her the best.
I just cannot find fault with her. Though, I really do wish that their cat would lose some weight. I fear that it will not live a long and healthy life if it is overweight. Maybe they could put it on a good healthy diet, and get it some specially designed cat food.
You know, life is never set. You can change your life. It’s never too late. It never is. Take that kitty out and let it chase some birds. Put it on a strict but tasty diet. Play with it more. Get a weasel in the house and have the cat chase after it.
Yeah. Let the cat out and let it prowl the neighborhood. Let it climb trees, attack the wildlife and generally raise some heck. It will be able to lose weight in no time. Just let it loose.
Q: Is Kim LaCapria a bad person?
A: No of course not. To be honest, I think that she should concentrate on the things that she loves rather than to concentrate on boring things like politics, and urban legends. If you do what you love, the time will fly by. If you do what you love, you will put your heart and feelings into everything that you do.
I think that her love of sex toys is a passion that is being wasted. It’s like a fisherman working in a canning factory. Every day he makes cans of fish, yet all the time he is dreaming of fishing. He is dreaming of the day when he can get his pole and go out to the water.
Why write about boring political figures and what they said? When you could easily describe the joys of various toys and how you feel about them. I believe that she would be happier doing things that she loves, with people she loves to be around. In a way, working for a paycheck when your heart is elsewhere is sad. You know, it doesn’t have to be that way. It really doesn’t.
You know, when I read the various articles, I ended up with the impression that the staff at Snopes were paid to do a job, AND paid to provide other services. Well, no one stated that explicitly. But, you know, you do have to keep in mind that this is California and they do things differently than the rest of the world does. It’s a cultural thing, don’t you know.
In any event, be who you are. Do what you love. Everything else will fall into place. Stop pretending for other people. Be true to yourself.
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
Here is a short, yet interesting, tale that I would like to report on. It’s kind of cute and helps us to think about our life and the lives of others. I’d like to use it as a springboard to discuss the importance of British Common Law. As well as why American Law needs a reset.
It seems that everyone recognizes that China is a big market, as it is. It is a HUGE market. As such, many understand that China has a lot of potential for new ventures, opportunities, and expansion. If you are young, full of energy and willing to work your butt off, China might be your ticket to success. As a result, there are many people who are trying their best to “break through” into the Chinese market.
I wish to relate one such story. It is a story about people trying to break into the Chinese market… a “gold rush” as it were. Only, they were doing so with an American mind-set. Not a Chinese mind-set.
There are a lot of lessons that can be derived from this story. You can look at it as “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”,. Or, you can consider it as to “Being an Ugly American, applies to millennial’s just as it does to other generations.”
Let’s have a look at this story…
In this instance, a group of young millennial’s (located in California) got this great idea and decided to move forward with it. They figured that since so many non-Chinese (Americans) want to find work in China, that they could set up a Job-Portal that caters to these individuals. They would use the most common Chinese social media platforms. They would market to expats, or potential expats. And they would become match-makers for existing Chinese companies.
In return, they would obtain placement fees if the person was placed in the company.
What could possibly go wrong?
As we start on this subject, we need to underscore some key points. The first point is that China does not allow American applications, Websites, social media or search engines that are tied directly to the American NSA. They think that it is dangerous for Chinese citizens to have their data harvested by the American government.
The companies that harvest data are banned in China. This includes Facebook. It also includes Goggle and all it’s branches. It also includes numerous other software organizations.
As a result, China has it’s own software and APP sphere of influence.
One of the most popular applications for cellphones in China is WeChat. It is sort of a cross between Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. Except that you can use it as cash to pay and buy all sorts of things. It’s an absolute necessity, if you live in China.
WeChat is just an application. But, if you pay attention, you can learn from the stories that surround it.
Anyone can join, and it is a global organization.
One day, a group of software-coding millennial’s out of California wrote up a “group” within WeChat. It is sort of a “presence” or a “website” that resides within the WeChat operational sphere.
The group that they set up was called “Job Tube”.
Within that “group” they established 170 sub-groups that people could become part of. Each group was ascribable. Thus, for instance, if you wanted to find out jobs that were looking to hire Thermal Engineers in China, you could subscribe to the “Engineer” sub-group of “Job Tube”. If you wanted to find a job that would consist of ESL English teacher, you would subscribe to that sub-group.
It’s a pretty slick idea, and the group is still active. Though, I really don’t know how successful it actually is.
An Event
They have been doing this for a number of years. I really don’t know when they got started. I think that I first noticed them back in 2015. They had some articles that I would read when I took the subway. The articles often were about China written from a millennial American perspective.
Sometime around 2016, the “Job Tube” group started pulling advertisements and offering apologies.
They actually had a few articles describing this situation and why they were doing it. So it became easy to see why they were so conflicted and what was going on.
It turned out that Chinese job advertisements weren’t “diverse” enough.
They had all kinds of “illegal” and just plain “wrong” requirements in them. In fact, I am quite sure that the young millennial’s were quite horrified by the advertisements. The advertisements would specify an acceptable age range. They would ask only for women, or only for men. They would post things about appearance, weight, and other things, that were (in a millennial’s eyes) totally “unfair”.
Such as this…
Wanted Non-Chinese English Teacher in Beijing
Must be female, between the ages of 21 and 28. Must be attractive. CV's and resumes without a photo will not be considered. Weight must be under 40 Kg.
Primary candidates should come from The United States, the UK, Canada or Australia / NZ. Other nations will not be considered.
Must have a four year BA, or BS. Must have a TSOL or ESL certificate. Must have a verifiable two year history of teaching English as a foreign language.
Applicants must not be too Asian or Chinese appearing.
The ideal candidate would have brown, red or blonde hair. The ideal eye color would be blue or green. Interviews will be over Skype and candidates will be judged during the interview.
Black or brown people will not be considered. Muslims who wear a veil will not be considered. As there is a work policy that all female employees must wear their hair in a prescribed manner.
Absolutely no tattoos. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Notice how different this would be from an American Job advertisement?
In America, much of what is asked would be illegal. For instance, you cannot ask about a person’s age, race, appearance, ethnicity, or gender. In order to promote “diversity” in the workplace, and to prevent discrimination, laws have be put in place.
But this isn’t America. This is Asia. Specifically, China.
Many places in Asia will ban you from going into public places if you have a tattoo. This includes parks, pools, and restaurants. Companies expect their employees to be fine upstanding individuals and will not accept an worker who does not conform to society norms.
America has all sorts of “diversity initiatives” formally ensconced in the law. While they might not be considered to be a diversity initiative, they function as one. It is a world and a situation that anyone and everyone can quality for work or a role independent of their qualifications.
For instance, you cannot hire based on age. You cannot hire based on gender. You cannot discriminate by skin color, or religion. That is American law.
Obviously, the Chinese companies want to recruit attractive female teachers as the school with the prettiest teachers tend to be those that are most successful in recruiting students. Obviously they want to play on the Chinese stereotypes for American “perfect” teachers. For in China, face is everything. How you act, behave, and dress is all considered important.
Typical Chinese teacher. There are rules of behavior and how teachers act, dress and behave are all scripted.
Now, when the young millennial’s started to notice this, they were shocked. How dare anyone flaunt American law; the social order of perfection!
The way that America does things is the law that EVERYONE MUST follow. Anything other than that must be suppressed, corrected and (if necessary) doxed. If it does not conform to American law, it must change. Period.
Throughout Asia there are constraints placed on appearance and behavior. While some things are free, other things are seriously restricted. Thus, a trip to China, or Japan might seem like the world is turned upside down. Here anyone can smoke and drink, even five year olds, but don’t you dare have a tattoo on your skin.
So, of course, like any good enraged social justice warrior, they contacted the companies and let loose. They told them a “thing or two” about what is right and what is illegal. That showed the Chinese companies…
Don’t ya know!
The Chinese Companies Respond
First off, as the reader has probably guessed, Chinese companies are in China. And, in case you are unaware of it, China has a different set of laws and regulations than what is present in America.
They really do.
Of course, it’s hard to understand, given what constitutes an education in America today. So, let me make this clear. Each nation is sovereign. They have their own laws, and ways of doing things. Often the ways are different than how they are done in the united states.
Chinese law is ancient. It was not derived or developed by English Common Law, like American law. It was developed over centuries.
In China, foreigners who come to China to work must be pre-qualified. They must be pre-qualified as a “foreign expert” that will not take work away from a capable Chinese worker. To identify if they are indeed a “foreign expert”, they must fill out a long and lengthy application form.
Any questions on that “foreign expert” application form can be placed on a job requirements list for a specific position.
This includes;
Hair and Eye color
The young millennial’s were under the impression that an American expat would be under the same kinds of “protections” from discrimination while working in China. Of course, they were wrong.
Americans are “outsiders” in China. You can only work and live in China under certain conditions.
Employment in China is tied to the Z-visa. Everything on the visa application is subject to advertisements for jobs within China.
What they couldn’t get their heads around was the fact that different nations have different laws, society’s and ways of doing things.
American was founded from British Common Law. Now, it is well known that this includes such things as contracts and business relationships, it also includes such things as what a law is, and what breaking a law represents. For instance, under British Common Law you cannot ban a substance simply because you might choose to use it, and someone else thinks that it is bad for you.
Power comes when a person can limit what someone else can do.
Under British Common Law, if property is not stolen, if no-one is harmed, if there isn’t a victim, then you cannot base a law on it.
Ah. British Common Law. I just wish that America followed it.
Somehow, we started to diverge from Common Law when we started to regulate and write laws that limited what people could do. In short, if there is no victim, then there can be no law. Writing laws without victims is what tyrants do. They assert their power. Especially over those whom they do not like.
We have moved a long… long way away from the fundamentals of British Common law. That is sad, and alarming.
Which means that I have diverged yet again, darn it!
You cannot make a law telling people how to act, dress, behave, or regulate what they eat, sleep or whether or not they need to buy insurance. If there is no victim, then there can be no law.
If there is no victim, then there can be no law.
OK. Now think about it.
That means no laws against smoking that demon weed; marijuana. That means that the police cannot seize your computer or arrest you for anything on it. That means that they cannot stop you (in your car) for any potential crime. They just cannot. No victim means no crime can be committed.
Life in the United States would revert back to the utopia that it was set up as…
Now, China does not follow American law, nor British Common Law, which is often a point of contention with British expats. Instead they follow 5,000 years of legal precedent. They have learned over the years, which system and which laws are the the most effective. In the Chinese mind, the smallest number of laws benefit the greatest number of people.
The laws must be simple, easy to understand and clear.
When you add complexity to the legal system, you increase costs exponentially.
Additionally, they have learned that laws should not be used as a bludgeon to force societal conformity, but rather used as a guideline to maintain social harmony. This difference; “social harmony” vs. “societal conformity” is the core difference between Chinese and American law.
This difference; “social harmony” vs. “societal conformity” is the core difference between Chinese and American law.
I guess that the millennial’s in California never got the memo.
What Happened
It’s simple, really. The “Job Tube” can simply not post employment ads that they do not like. They can discriminate. Imagine that!
That’s what they were told.
If they don’t like a given ad, they have the freedom NOT to post it. They have decided to take that solution for their sensibilities. Therefore they now only post advertisements that do not have any limitations or requirements that might be offensive. The end result was a massive and substantial decrease in the number of advertisements that they posted for the Chinese market.
So, a few months later after the “corrections” and revised content direction, the group took a severe hit. When previously, there might have been a few hundred job postings in a certain category, it dropped substantially. Today, many of the categories hold zero job postings, while others only have a few.
Instead of maybe three hundred positions related to engineering, they now only advertise one.
The point being is a simple one.
If you are in Rome, you should act as a Roman and follow Roman law. You shouldn’t be “the ugly American” and try to force they way you believe things should be done on others. It just won’t work.
Examples abound. Like when you have Muslims trying to force their beliefs on Americans, like [1] a ban on pork, [2] women wearing full veils, [3] polygamy, and [4] child sex. The minority trying to push and force their views is often looked upon with disdain. As they should.
How does this lady make you feel?
Muslim proudly flaunts their first amendment right of religion in America. Of course, ultimately, when they have the numbers to dominate a specific geographical region, they will go about and force their beliefs on those that surround them.
I don’t know about you, but I have a difficult time thinking of “her” as anything except a character. She’s a “thing”, simply because there is nothing culturally that I can relate to. I cannot see a smile, or any emotions in her face. That makes it difficult to see a person wearing these kinds of clothes as anything other than a piece of furniture or wall covering.
That is why, historically, women would wear traditional costumes and makeup that would accentuate their beauty. You can see their facial expression and can be exposed to their feelings, desires and needs. With her body language covered up, she becomes less than human.
Though, some people, want it this way…
The Muslim men like the way things are. They like having multiple wives, and keeping them subservient. They like the idea of child brides, and sex with children. They don’t like bacon. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true. It’s all together another culture entirely.
Back to China
Whether or not diversity mandates are important isn’t really the issue here. Not really.
Certainly, I would like the world to be nice and clean and wonderful; a world where I can apply for a job and not tell them my age… but they will find out. After all, they can guess my age by looking at when I obtained my university degree. I guess it would be nice that they don’t see what I look like… they might have some kind of aversion to old white men with beards. But, you know… they will find out eventually once an interview is set up
So really… What’s the point of all these rules and regulations? Who are they actually protecting, and is it effective?
Laws are laws, and the wealthy and the rich flaunt them all the time.
I remember working in Boston and only being paid once a month. Meanwhile the law in Massachusetts specifically stated that employees are to be paid no longer than a two-week interval. I went to my boss, and HR and complained. They told me that they did not care. The law did not apply to them.
However, one thing came out of it. They fired me one month later.
The company didn't change.
I went to the labor relations office in Boston and they confirmed that I was right, and that I was let go without cause. They confirmed my suspicions. But you know what? Nothing came of it. All the millions of dollars that funded that particular department and agency was just all window-dressing. If it worked, it wasn't for me. I benefited someone else. Who, I don't know. But someone other than myself benefited.
So, what’s the point in all these laws if they are not being followed?
Maybe the point is that instead of laws that force societal change, the laws should be structured to maintain societal harmony. The Chinese way. Eh?
How about a BETTER solution…
Or maybe, just maybe, we need to undo the decades upon decades of tweaks to American law that favors the powerful. Maybe we need to have a “fire sale” and reset everything. Maybe we need to reset everything to the basics; A Constitution. A Bill of Rights. A Republic.
And throw out everything else.
Perhaps there needs to be a good hard and long look at the laws in the United States today. I would like to see a return back to pure British Common Law. I would like to see a return to laws that…
Do not regulate behavior.
Require a defined victim, or aggrieved party.
Require a judicial system that enforces existing laws and does not interpret them to fit a political or social narrative.
Q: What is wrong with America today? A: There are many things wrong. I suggest the consideration that the problem is not the Constitution. Instead it is that the American Constitution has been distorted. It has been distorted to become something other than what it was set up as. I suggest that we need to go back to following fundamental British Common law, and revoke all the changes to the laws that creates crimes out of nothing. I suggest that we stop making crimes based on behavior, and instead reset so that crimes have an easily identified victim.
Q: What does China have to do with American Law? A: Nothing. Instead, it is uneducated millennial’s who erroneously think that the corrupted and burdensome modern American law should be enforced globally without review or consideration. Imagine the horror the would would experience if everyone (in the world) had to follow the insanity of American’s Social Justice legislated laws.
Q: Why is Pauly Shore in this post? A: He is an ideal. He represents freedom from conformity. While China (and Asia) does many things right, they demand and expect social conformity to maintain harmony.
I argue that harmony can be made to reassert itself again in America… done the American way. Not the Chinese way. However, that will not happen until we go back to following the fundamentals of British Common Law.
This is the
real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British
tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This
is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Hey! Just for fun, I went on Google and typed the words “Democrat ban”. Why are democrat busybodies so active in banning things? It came back with millions upon millions of entries. I did it on Bing, Duckduckgo, and a few others. In every instance, the results were astounding. Heck! Why are busybodies permitted to go on like they do? What do these busybodies expect to accomplish by to taking people’s money away and banning things? What is their malfunction?
Now, to be fair, the Republicans are also out to ban things. It is just not so frantic, crazed, and so active at it as the Democrats are. If the internet is to be believed, Democrats are over one hundred times more likely to ban things than a Republican is. Nevertheless, that means nothing. Not really. Both political parties are run by crazed busybodies. Ah, that is why I like Libertarians and Libertines. They just want to be left alone and don’t give a darn what anyone else wants to do about their own life.
The beliefs of other people really shouldn’t matter to anyone, if we are in the kind of society that America was initially set up as. However, that is promised really not our present reality. The United States does not operate at all as if it was intended; as a guaranteer of freedom and liberty.
Rather it has been run as an empire run by the wealthiest people in the world (many who are not Americans) who have set up serfdom where they successfully milk the American citizenry for financial gain.
American are Controlled
In order to keep the “rank and file” Americans in line, they have setup a system of fears, rules and laws. Each and every single one is an encroachment of individual liberties and freedom.
To put this in perspective, you (the reader) must understand what “freedom” is. It’s not taught in school. It’s hardly ever discussed in a political speech (except by a handful of notable exceptions). What is freedom? Freedom is the ability to do what you want without impediment.
You want to eat sunny-side-up eggs? If you can eat them, then that is freedom. If you cannot, such as in certain places in New Jersey, that is not freedom. It doesn’t matter what the reasoning is for banning something. (A person can come up will all kinds of reasons to justify any action.) Fundamentally, when you take an ability away, you limit freedom.
When you cannot do something, you do not have that freedom. It is gone. It is obliterated.
The Impossible Dream
Ah, the incredulous internet millennial responds; “So you are telling me that I can kill someone else and that is freedom?” My response is very simple. If you can do SOMETHING, without any barriers by society and government, then you have freedom.
Now, let’s not get silly.
No one should have the ability to infringe on other people’s freedom. Killing a person would do that. Therefore, you do not have the freedom to remove other people’s freedom.
Which is, if you think about it, the primary purpose of society and governments instituted by men (“people” for you progressives out there, as well as Microsoft word affectionados). It’s all in the fundamentals.
What about the Constitution?
What has become of the freedom and liberty that was promised to us in the Constitution? This is both the State Constitution as well as the Federal Constitution. The government should be the guaranteer of liberty and freedom, not the arbitrators of it.
The government is not your parent, or some autocratic leader who hands out gifts to favored individuals (a nod to former President Barrack Obama).
As intended, the United States should let people be people. Then, while people are doing what people do, stand back and let them live life unencumbered.
That is not the way it is.
Busybodies Run our World
The fact is that America is filled with “busybodies”. They are everywhere. From the five year old bossing their classmates around to the coworker from Hell. All they way up the scale to organized (and funded) Democrat busybodies and beyond. They occupy almost every single position in society, and tend to pester and aggravate everyone else.
Unfortunately, in the United States, they have become organized into huge busybody collectives. Which go by such names a BLM, Antifa, and “deep state“.
As such, they are a royal “pain in the neck”. They demand to tell us how to live our lives. They want to do so many many miles away from us. Those that are already established with a rich support network, such as billionaire George Soros, live in wealthy enclaves. They use surrogates to perform their street-level activities.
George Soros was an early contributor to Snopes, and has provided financial backing to the organization for years.
Indeed, it can be summed up quite simply. They want to take your money to fund their lavish lifestyles while they pronounce edicts to limit what you can do.
They call themselves many names. They justify their actions in many ways. However, the sad and factual truth is that they are nothing less than busybodies. Oh, excuse me, busybodies with great PR (if you have been paying even a smidgeon of attention to American media today).
Today, I want to discuss one of the biggest organized groups of busybodies in the United States today; the Democrat party. (We will also spend some time discussing some aligned offshoots such as the BLM, SJW, and Antifa movements.)
In particular, I would like to take the opportunity to concentrate on their love for bossing people around, meddling into other people’s business, and generally destroying freedoms every single chance they get. They are amok. They are like a spoiled child that is throwing food all over a room. They are like a rabid dog, all out of control.
Let’s take a look at their busybody activities…
America is Complicated
There are many articles about Democrats in the United States today. You simply cannot watch any news without some democrat, or a democrat aligned organization, trying to redefine things, stripping freedoms away, or generally trying to take your money.
I’ve got to tell you all, it’s out of control.
They have become more than just a simple nuisance. They have become the enemy of freedom. Oh, they have their excuses! Moreover, what excuses they have become! My gosh, you’ve got to have an IQ of a snail to actually believe some of the excuses.
“It’s for the children.” That’s a famous line from former President Bill Clinton. He used it quite often.
“It’s to stop racism.” Poof out of thin air, sometime around 2009 EVERYTHING in the United States became racist. It’s a manufactured narrative. I have other writings on this curious sequence of events. Stay tuned.
“It’s for your own good.” Ah, the “take your medicine and shut up defense”. This is used by dictators all over the world. Ah, the list can go on and on…
There are so many things that are going on in the United States today, that it is just impossible to enumerate every single one of them. I am not going to bother. If you are offended by this, then go away. America today is what it has evolved into. This is neither right or wrong. It just is the way things are.
Some people say that American has gone to “Hell in a hand basket”, while other says it’s just fine as it is. They say America is an exceptional place; a worthy place. It is a place of greatness. Both narratives have their followers. I can actually see both points of view. As such, I would argue that it is both and neither of those two extremes. What America is today is complicated.
America is complicated because we have permitted that crazy busybody down the street to tell us what we can and cannot do.
America was never structured that way. Our founders assumed that their children would recognize a “spoiled brat”, a thief, a crazy person, a misfit, a megalomaniac, a radical, and a busybody. They believed that our children (us) would have the “Brass Balls” to deal with the insolent before they got out of hand and created some “real” damage.
“There is such a large difference in the experience of generations growing up in the post WWII era and those growing up today that it is almost impossible for most youngsters of today to understand and accept as truth a grandfather’s tales of “the way it was”.That 1950’s style childhood freedom might still exist to some extent in small towns and for kids raised on farms but it isn’t even a believable tale for most kids of today.Kids today who aren’t permitted to walk to the corner store or a few blocks to school cannot comprehend what it was like for children their age to walk back and forth to schools a mile or more away or walk a paper route of several miles every day.It wasn’t unusual to see a couple of young boys walking down the street carrying their rifles to go shoot some squirrels in the woods or plink at rats at the local open dump.Today they send kids home from school for making the letter “L” with their thumb and forefinger.”-14 posted on 2/3/2018, 6:55:18 PM by Vlad The Inhaler (The only trannie I want to see is a Muncie 4 Speed M-22 Rock Crusher)
You might not like what I am saying because it is so blunt. However it is very true.
Look at the people in who are demanding changes to the society. They want multiple genders. They demand equality by punishing non-conformance. These people would have been locked up behind bars just a few years ago. They would be considered a danger to themselves, as well as a general danger to the public good. All of them have obvious mental disorders and you would need a DSM handbook to classify many of them.
Listen to what they are saying. Listen to what they are demanding. These are Busybodies of the lowest order. I do not care about their reasons, their excuses, or their justifications. Do not give me any excuses. They are busybodies. Period.
American Rent-a-Busybody
Just who are these “busy bodies” that want to control your and my life? Who are they really? What makes them get up out of bed and come all the way over to your town? What makes them want to interrupt YOUR coffee and donut? Why do they block the road while you are off trying to make it to work? Why?
Often times they don’t live locally.
They do not live “down the street”. Instead they are often in another state often geographically far removed from where we live. They are typically bused in to the protest location, taught how to protest, fed, provided with signs and “battle gear” and instructed in strategies to utilize. They are “rent a radical”, they are “paid protesters”. They are pawns in a huge game of chess. They are the cat’s paw used by the people who really control all of us.
The Internet has made it easy to recruit protesters for hire. You just put an ad in the paper or blog ,and people flock to you. Now of course, the Soros-backed Snopes will disagree saying that this is all just a hoax or a misunderstanding. In fact, almost all the media is now parroting the “grass-roots” organic creation of these protests, but it’s all a lie. People have come out admitting that they were paid, showing bank statements and agreements that they signed, and legal action has even started against protest organizers who failed to pay the protesters that they had actually hired.
Busybodies are bused in to where you live. They are paid to influence YOUR life. They are paid to disrupt your life and are permitted to break laws without consequence. Their media support arm protects them every step of the way. They work hand in hand to achieve combined objectives.
Meanwhile, they and those who support them, promptly surround their property with fences and guards, if it wasn’t already in a gated community, that is. Then, safe and secure, they dictate their poison and spew their hate. Why are they so fixated in what we do? What is their problem? What is their malfunction? What compels them to think that they know better than I do?
Why it is Out of Control
They ARE out of control, and the society of Americans inside America isn’t doing anything to stop them. There just aren’t any controls. There aren’t any brakes on their behaviors. There are no punishments when they commit crimes, and there aren’t any consequences when they hurt or damage others, property or lives.
The argument is that, “…well, it’s their freedom of speech”.
The truth is that Americans are enduring a constructed reality. It is a reality and a situation that was put in place by powerful and rich oligarchs with a set defined objective. That these individuals pay off people and police to look the other way, that they pay off the media to report on things selectively, that they pay off the protesters. All this money and all these funds come directly for you; the tax payer. It is recycled out of your pocket to manipulate you.
It is designed to change the society that you and I live in.
26th of 48 laws of powerKeep your hands clean
You must seem a paragon of civility and efficiency, your hands are never soiled by mistakes and nasty deeds. Maintain such a spotless appearance by using others as scapegoats and cat’s-paws to disguise your involvement.
This has happened before. It has happened in other nations. It always is successful in it’s short-term goals. However, the long-term changes are often a surprise to the oligarchs which manufacture this construct.
The results of all this will be a surprise.
Let’s look at another time, and learn from it. Let’s look at the consequences of the aftermath of the American Civil War. For that was one horrific and bloody war. It split the United States into pieces and brother fought brother, and there were many a crippled and emotionally damaged person afterwards.
Let’s look what happens when a mentally deranged busybody rises to a position of power, and what happens when the checks and balances of society fail to stop their madness.
Let’s look at a typical busybody and what motivates them. As there are many, in different sizes and shapes. Some are just loners who hide behind the curtains in their homes and make “anonymous” complaints against others. Some are more brazen, and show up in public surrounded by a mini-mob or supporters. Others, take a even more active role they go into politics.
For now, let’s take a look at what happens when a busybody gets power. Let’s look at prohibitionist Carry A. Nation. After all, she, nearly singlehandedly, “improved” America by banning alcohol.
Prohibitionist Carry A. Nation
Here, a “busy body”, with obvious emotional issues managed to galvanize a nation against drinking alcohol. There are many articles about her and the chain of events that she set in motion. I will assume that the reader understands that for about a decade (1920 to 1933 in the United States) it was against the law to make, drink or sell alcohol.
This is the woman who started this event.
Let’s look at who she was and what her motivations were. For obviously, in her mind, she knew what was best for everyone else. She was better. She was superior. She was smarter. She was more spiritual. She was above everyone else.
Sounds like some people in government today, eh? Any other public person comes to mind? How does someone embrace such a mental illness and get away with it?
The answer is very simple. We let them.
Progressive busybody Prohibitionist (and crazy woman) Carry Nation was permitted to convince Americans of the importance of absence from having fun. Prohibitionist Carry A. Nation.(Image Source.)
She had a Failed Marriage
Why? My goodness, why did she go about trying to change America? Why did she believe that banning social gatherings and taking away drinking would benefit America. How did she think it would improve America? Why did she insist in fundamentally changing America?
Well, for starters, she had a mental illness.
Yup, she really most certainly did. Now, historians have blamed her failed marriage for the sickness. However, I have other ideas. You have to realize that mental illness is never caused by one lone single event. It is caused by a collect of events that contribute to a fixed mental state over time. Yes. She had a failed marriage, but her sickness ran much deeper than that.
She lost her slaves, and her family plantation. She lost her family, and her loved ones. She lost her status in society. She lost her social network, and everything that mattered to her. Then, at an early age married a heavy drinker. I am sure that there were other contributors, things that were never written about at that time in history…
Carry Nation went quite mad after her family lost everything during the American civil war. It must have been a great shock to her system. Her world turned upside down. One minute she is a sweet Southern Belle who is part of a wealthy slave-owning family on an enormous plantation, and then after losing everything she is a single commoner living far, far away in another area with strangers.
She had a sad life. She has my sympathy. It’s tough sometimes, especially when you are alone and no one knows your hurt.
However, rather than focusing on her contribution to the failure, she went outward. She blamed others, and other situations. It is sort of like Hillary Clinton trying to blame everyone else for her 2016 Presidential failure. It doesn’t work. It never works. (Oh, her followers might disagree. You know, Hitler, Stalin, and Vlad the Impaler had followers too.)
When things go wrong you need to see what happened, you identify what you could have changed and what was beyond your control. Then you make adjustments and better your life. At least that is what “normal” people do.
We need to Confront our Demons
You cannot grow as a person unless you confront your failures. That is how humans learn. That is how we grow.
This is a woman who came from the hills of Kentucky. She was a spoiled, pampered girl who grew up in a large slave-holding family. We know that her family was quite “well to do” and that they owned a large farm with a lot of slaves, according to the State Historical Society of Missouri. She was probably attended to by her own house slave as was common at the time.
Yup, she was used to giving orders and lording over other people.
When she was 21, after the Civil War, her family lost their farm. They lost the main house, all the outbuildings, and all of their farm equipment. They lost their house slaves. They lost their field hands and all of their field slaves. They lost everything except their lives.
So they bundled everything into their lone remaining carriage and abandoned the ruins of their home. They left everything they knew and all that they loved.
They then chose to relocate to Missouri, where she married Charles Gloyd. He was a young doctor who had served in the Union Army. However, he had his own demons, as he was an alcoholic who couldn’t hold down a job or support her.
Shortly after her marriage, she became pregnant. (As was quite common at the time. First time sex and nine months later she pops out a baby.) She left her husband and went back to her parents. Her daughter Charlien, named after Gloyd, was born in September, and her husband Gloyd died just a few months later.
Carry Nation became a busybody as a means of adapting to her madness. She could not handle just how radically her life changed, and so she lashed out. Being used to wealth and attention, the change to being a poor “nobody” was a real shock to her.
So here is a pampered Southern Belle whose life was turned upside down by the American Civil War. Her parents fled the ravages of their plantation and started life anew. She was a young woman then, and fell in love with a doctor. He was young, full of “piss and vinegar”, and had his own issues. She gave birth to a child and her husband died.
All in all, it sounds like she had an awful life.
Although she rebuilt her life, becoming a teacher and eventually remarrying to a lawyer named David Nation, the memory of her first dysfunctional marriage influenced Nation. Though, I would bet that it was just a focus for many issues that haunted her life. Nothing in this world is the result of one singular issue. That is a “black and white” narrative. Everything is a combination of many factors. It is often complex.
You know the world can be a tough and a difficult place. Sometimes those who have to endure it are scarred for life; they are scarred in ways that others cannot see. They hurt deeply and tragically. They carry this hurt around with them deep down inside.
If she were alive today, my guess is that she would be overweight, shaved away one side of her hair, and dyed the remaining hair a bright color. She would also have many tattoos and piercings. The costumes change, the looks change, but the people stay the same.
It is the socially acceptable look of an angry woman bound down by the chains of her past.
She was a Religious Zealot
“The reign of tears is over. The slums will soon be only a memory. We will turn our prisons into factories and jails into storehouses.”- Billy Sunday
As she got older, Nation began having “visions” and became increasingly religious. (For those of you who are unaware, there is a series of mental illnesses that describe this condition.) Yah, she was a sick person for certain.
Having “visions”, eh?
Her husband also became a preacher, the historical society writes. They moved to Kansas, she found other women who also had demons to slay. She found an audience who would listen to her. She found listeners. She found followers. In them, she found strength. With these followers, she organized a local chapter of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union.
Carry Nation wasn’t the only person who had suffered. Others had lost husbands, siblings, and family during the American civil war. Many had lost their homes, and with that all of their slaves. She was able to unite many angry and frustrated people who were dealing with the aftermath of a horrible war. They became busybodies and their answer to control was through the banning and control of the actions of others.
The union, founded in 1874, had the singular goal of banning alcohol. Of course they had a reason. They said that it was because of the suffering it caused to families. They specifically organized to protect the women and children whose male relations drank to excess. Oh yes, you read that right…
They did it for the children.
It was a Different Time
27th of 48 laws of powerPlay on people’s need to believe to create a cult-like following
People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something. Become the focal point of such desire by offering them a cause, a new faith to follow. Keep your words vague but full of promise; emphasize enthusiasm over rationality and clear thinking. Give your new disciples rituals to perform, ask them to make sacrifices on your behalf. In the absence of organized religion and grand causes, your new belief system will bring you untold power.
Now that was a different time. At that time, women lacked many legal rights that we take for granted today. They had to depend on male breadwinners for some or all of the family income. If the primary breadwinner was an alcoholic (and perhaps violent) it was a really big deal.
Unfortunately, the anti-alcohol crusade quickly came to also encompass other perceived sources of social “impurity”. They expanded to ban such things as smoking and sexual promiscuity. (Lord knows that no male in his right mind would want to date an angry woman who would not let him drink. My guess is that she and her followers probably didn’t get enough loving. This does not necessarily mean sexual activity, but compassion and understanding. Without this physical need fulfilled, they lashed out in anger over it.)
They took to politics.
Their union proposed to cure these vices through empowering women to vote. Then with the power to vote they could leverage a huge voting bloc. With this power they could revise the laws so that they would benefit women and woman’s causes. They could move the nation away from being a nation ruled by men to a nation ruled by women! (Though they most certainly promoted it as a nation ruled by both men and women.)
Ah yes. The world domination theme.
Sound familiar, or maybe you saw this in a Hollywood movie. Or maybe you have been watching Washington, D.C. politics. You become a political power and ENFORCE your desires on your fellow citizens through the blunt force of law.
Back in the 1960s and 1970s everyone considered evil people to be very rich, powerful, in control of many things, and obsessed with world domination. Does this sound like anyone in modern politics today? Hum?
The Bolder the Better!
28th of 48 laws of powerEnter action with boldness
If you are unsure of a course of action, do not attempt it. Your doubts and hesitations will infect your execution. Timidity is dangerous, better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity. Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid.
As a leader, Carry Nation, took a more direct-action approach to the prohibition crusade than many of her followers who surrounded her. Noting all her supporters, she became emboldened. She felt that she was above the law.
She believed that through her divine understanding that she could do what she wanted.
So, in 1900, she grabbed a hatchet and barged right into a bar and started to swing it about wildly. She started to smash things, including tables, chairs, bottles, and the men who were quietly minding their own business alone in the bar. This particular episode in the bar at the Carey Hotel in Wichita, Kansas made her famous. She was arrested, but…
“Nation, who was released shortly after the incident, became famous for carrying a hatchet and wrecking saloons,” -History.com.
She discovered something important. The news media will promote you for free. All you need to do is be outlandish, and do outrageous things. You need to be a train wreck. Like Charlie Sheen, she was the train wreck of her day.
She made Money by Promoting Prohibition.
Carry Nation knew that she had to have rituals and brands that she could take and popularize. For starters, she had her unusual name (which is also spelled “Carrie” in some accounts) trademarked in Kansas.
This was a very unusual thing to do. It simultaneously illustrates both her genius and her madness. Nation, who was almost six feet tall, used her commanding presence (at that time, most people were typically short in stature) to promote her movement and her desires. She also moved outside of Kansas, where the sale of alcohol was already technically illegal, and brought her vision (along with her trademark hatchet) to other places.
“Her behavior provoked a tremendous uproar and sent her to jail repeatedly for disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. Later, fines were paid by the sale of pewter hatchet pins, Nation wielded her voice as effectively as her hatchet, eloquently speaking her mind and inspiring others on numerous occasions. Even sworn enemies acknowledged her success with compelling enforcement of prohibition laws and spreading her message.”
Nation and her husband divorced in 1901. I am sure that it was for good reason. Divorce was very rare at that time. So to grant a divorce there had to be a really good reason. After the divorce she went on a number of speaking tours throughout the rest of her life. It’s an easy way of making money.
Barrack Obama, and both the Clinton’s do this today. It’s an excellent way to collect huge sums of money for little physical exertion. (The truth be told that there wasn’t really anything new that she could say. People went to the rallies to give her money . That was the mechanism, and they might get the opportunity to meet her in person as a result of it.)
I am not judging, just saying.
Her efforts enabled her to buy a small farm in Arkansas. We know that she intended to turn it into a prohibition school to teach her followers how to be an obnoxious busybody and fight for the “good cause”. Luckily, she died in January 1911. Her train wreck of a life was finally over. However, her followers persisted. She started a trend that soon grew into a tidal wave of support.
Around a decade later, the Eighteenth Amendment was passed.
Consequences of her Insanity
In the United States, everyone associated with alcohol became a criminal. That represented a huge swath of the nation. In fact, I dare say, that all Americans at that time in one way or the other were breaking the (various) laws set up to create an American utopia.
This was, of course, a utopia driven by and manufactured by people with serious personality flaws. These were flaws so egregious that they were strongly suggestive of mental illness. Here are some of just a few of the other problems that resulted when we permitted her insanity to influence us;
Racism became common under prohibition. Yeah. You “cure” one societal ill, and you make others much, much worse.
Organized Crime Flourished. Only organized crime represented the needs of the American people. The police became the “bad guys”. The government became the “club” of the ultra-rich and they became more and more dissimilar to the “rank and file” Americans each and every day.
Decline in amusement and entertainment industries. Prohibition’s supporters were initially surprised by what did not come to pass during the implementation of their utopia. When the law went into effect, they expected sales of clothing and household goods to skyrocket. They figured that with men no longer going to bars and spending money on booze, that they would spend it on clothing and furniture for the children. That did not happen. Other people hopping on to the prohibition’s “band wagon” were surprised as well. Real estate developers and property owners expected rents to rise as saloons closed and neighborhoods improved. Chewing gum, grape juice, and soft drink companies all expected growth. Theater producers expected new crowds as Americans looked for new ways to entertain themselves without alcohol. None of it came to pass. Instead, the unintended consequences proved to be a decline in amusement and entertainment industries across the board. Restaurants failed, as they could no longer make a profit without legal liquor sales. Theater revenues declined rather than increase, and few of the other economic benefits that had been predicted came to pass.
Prohibition Criminalized Everyday People. Until that time, most people thought of the police as always “on their side”. The police were people who helped you out when you need it. By making everyone a potential criminal, the entire dynamic of the United States changed. Now, as it still is in many places, it’s “us” versus “them”.
It forced the expansion of the Income Tax. On the whole, the initial economic effects of Prohibition were largely negative. Apparently, the only people who prospered during this time were those “running the show”; the followers of Carry nation and their ilk. The closing of breweries, distilleries and saloons led to the elimination of thousands of jobs, and in turn thousands more jobs were eliminated for barrel makers, truckers, waiters, and other related trades. It completely wrecked an entire industry, and all the other industries that supported it. The unintended economic consequences of Prohibition didn’t stop there. One of the most profound effects of Prohibition was on government tax revenues. Before Prohibition, many states relied heavily on excise taxes in liquor sales to fund their budgets. In New York, almost 75% of the state’s revenue was derived from liquor taxes. With Prohibition in effect, that revenue was immediately lost. At the national level, Prohibition cost the federal government a total of $11 billion in lost tax revenue, while costing over $300 million to enforce. Prohibition lasted from 1920 until 1933. The most lasting consequence was that many states and the federal government would come to rely on income tax revenue to fund their budgets going forward. The federal income tax, and well as many State taxes expanded during this time. If you are unhappy doing your taxes come April, you should start screaming that the crazy bitch who forced them into your life, not the taxman.
Corruption of public officials. Prohibition led to the growth of widespread corruption of public officials by organized crime. This enabled gangsters to conduct their illegal operations. The extent of the corruption was a national scandal. There were other effects as well. Prior to Prohibition, most people didn’t give firearms a second thought. However, during Prohibition, organized crime started to arm themselves with military grade weapons. They began to be equipped with Tommy guns, and BARs.
Extension of US Naval territorial waters.The U.S. government began to push for an extension of the area of the ocean over which governments have jurisdiction, from 3 miles to 12, which would make it much more difficult, time-consuming, and dangerous to run liquor in from the larger ships. The U.S. eventually succeeded in pushing its national borders outward, expanding national sovereignty over oceans, another unexpected consequence of our anti-alcohol policies.
The Rise Of Cocaine And Heroin. Cocaine was taken by people in the United States long before Prohibition came into effect, but it experienced a spike in popularity in the 1920s, particularly among the jazz scene of the time. Whether or not this was due to Prohibition or pure coincidence is unclear. However Prohibition was probably a major contributor.
Court System breakdown. One of the main reasons that Prohibition ultimately failed was the pressure it placed on law enforcement, the courts, and prisons. By the time it became apparent that people would not simply abstain from alcohol as largely expected, US law enforcement was at its breaking point, the court systems were backing up, and the prisons were getting full. You can thank this full-on crazy bitch for making the Prison a household word in America.
Well, let’s look at the checklist for this famous busybody.
She had a failed life.
Unable to reconcile it, she turned outward.
She became a religious fanatic, and set up a profitable business around her religious message.
Using the money she made and her huge following, she was able to pressure the government to do her bidding.
They prohibited alcohol.
In the process they hurt America and it, to this day, has not recovered. Indeed, the rest is history.
About fuckin’ time. (Image Source.) Prohibition finally ended after ten long, long years of living under the rules set up by busybody Carry nation. Today, it has been over one hundred years since the 16th amendment (Income Tax) was passed. You would think that Americans would do something about it by now. You would think. Her efforts to ban things, like all busybodies, are just like the Democrats today.
How they get away with all this
It does not matter what their “cause” is. It does not matter who they are, where they are, who they influence or what manner that they go about wreaking havoc. They get away with it when good men stand aside and do nothing.
When laws are not enforced.
When repeat offenders are not monitored.
When the mentally ill are permitted to organize.
When an issue / cause get’s promoted in the media.
When they are funded, and those funding their behaviors face no consequences.
Such is the case today in the United States. While crazy lunatic Carry Nation disrupted the lives of Americans for a couple of decades, it is the SWJ movement that is really out of control.
Social Justice Warriors (SJW)
Here is a real “pain in the ass” group of “busy bodies”. They are called “Social Justice Warriors”. Or, SWJ for short. They are busybodies on steroids. Not only that but they are funded by powerful financial interests, and allowed to fester in incubators such as university campuses.
Need I remind everyone that this was the exact same breeding ground for the 1989 pro-democracy movement in China. What happened to those SWJ’s? Anyone?
Anyone remember what happened to them? Anyone?
Tanks were called in to a very large public rally and they were all machine gunned down. Those not at the rally were hunted down, rounded up and put into hard-labor camps. Many are still there. Working in the mines, eating lard and fish heads, and having their organs harvested.
American SWJ; following in the footsteps of their China SWJ brethren…
They are pretty active now at the time that this article was being written. It might be due to the water, or maybe global warming. Whatever the reason, they are really a problem. Here, it is not one person, but an organized onslaught created with a sole purpose and objective in mind; a Social Utopia run and managed by “Busy Bodies”.
They want a utopia where they can sit up on a throne and tell everyone else HOW to live their life. They want to control other peoples speech, actions, activities, interests, dress, thoughts and religion. They want to control their thoughts. They want to control their actions. They want to control their appearance. They want to control everything.
Obviously they do not believe in America, freedom nor liberty. Obviously.
I have looked up and down the internet for a half decent description of what an SJW is. Everyone that I could find seemed to concentrate on one or two characteristics of the group. However, nothing really came close to defining exactly what a SWJ was. For most people, apparently, SJW fit whatever you wanted it to be. This wasn’t helpful.
That is like saying a busybody is a person who is busy with their body.
However, I have eventually found a very good description. A very good, detailed, description of what a SJW is can be found reprinted from “What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?” written by Roosh on 6OCT14. It’s pretty good;
Social justice warriors believe in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly white men.They are the internet activist arm of Western progressivism that acts as a vigilante group to ensure compliance and homogeny of far left thought.The true definition of SJW is up for debate, but most generally it has become a catch-all term that describes feminists and liberals who actively try to solve the perceived social injustices of modern society by organizing in online communities to disseminate propaganda, censor speech, and punish individuals by getting them terminated from their employment.They have also been successful at positioning themselves in the upper echelons of universities, media organizations, and tech companies.
I do have to agree with this.
There are people who have come up with different definitions for what a Social Justice Warrior is. Their explanations vary from the point of the view of the author.
To some, they are heroes and heroines. They will make the world right, and everyone will be happy with rainbows, and unicorns prancing about in fields of bright green clover. Men will turn into hermaphrodites. Everyone would be the same, and all would think and act exactly like the leadership; ah, the leadership of a mentally unstable person.
32nd of 48 laws of powerPlay to people’s fantasies
The truth is often avoided because it is ugly and unpleasant. Never appeal to truth and reality unless you are prepared for the anger that comes for disenchantment. Life is so harsh and distressing that people who can manufacture romance or conjure up fantasy are like oases in the desert, everyone flocks to them. There is great power in tapping into the fantasies of the masses.
Personally,I think those people need to read a little more history. Especially the Cultural Revolution in China in 1966, and Pol Pot in Cambodia. If you play with fire, you can and will get burned. Thank God, Americans still have their firearms!
Then there are those, like myself, who find them a potentially dangerous nuisance.
SWJ in China
Luckily for me, I live in China. There aren’t any SJWs out here. Not any longer.
Now you know, they began to make a little noise a few years back. Do you remember the “Tiananmen democracy protests“? (Yeah, let’s force China to become a democracy! Woo Woo!) Well, that didn’t go down very well. The government tried to negotiate with them, but they wouldn’t have anything to do with it. They wanted all or nothing.
The time was around 1987 to 1989. (It had been fomenting underground for a year or two.) Now the Chinese government well-learned the lessons of the Cultural Revolution. (Yet, another SWJ effort, only this time being lead out of Beijing itself.) Now that event happened around two decades earlier. It was still FRESH in the minds of everyone. They remembered it as an AWFUL time.
That is because it actually WAS an awful time.
It was a terrible mistake that almost threw China into the dark ages. It resulted in the deaths of millions of people and just about destroyed the Chinese heritage. During that event, the SWJ’s were permitted to run amok. As a result they devastated the nation. They destroyed so many good things about China and almost ruined the nation to a point where it could NEVER recover.
The Chinese government quickly summed up the situation.
These SWJ’s had no intention on working together for change. They wanted things their way on their terms. They wanted to repeat the Cultural Revolution, only this time it was THEIR turn. And they would do it right. They wouldn’t make the same mistakes. (Oh, where have we heard that before?)
The SWJ’s felt that they had global public opinion on their side. They believed that if they could control the media, that they could control the Chinese government. As a result they started to work hand-in-hand with CNN and other western media outlets. CNN told them, instructed them, what to do and how to act. They started to attend specially constructed and staged photo-opportunities.
Well, CNN and their sister organizations weren’t doing the SWJ’s any favors. Over a short period of time, it became clear that powerful forces OUTSIDE of China wanted the SWJ movement to succeed.
Thus the Chinese government knew that they had to take action and move quickly. Like it or not, they moved internal military forces in and took control of the situation promptly. The radical SWJ’s were all rounded up and collected. Public punishments were necessary for stability and to maintain social harmony. They were all thrown in prison back in the early-1990’s during the Tiananmen event.
Do not fall for the pro-democracy propaganda from the fake-news media in America. America is not, and never was, a democracy. These people were NOT peaceful protesters who wanted liberty and freedom. They were something else. They were radical SWJ who wanted and demanded a “seat at the table” so that they could set up a “new” government with THEM in charge.
Yeah. Do not fall for the Western propaganda.
Their behavior is not tolerated here, nor is the behavior of ANY busybody. You try to act as a SJW here, and you will be put away and organ harvested while you do hard labor. The same goes for BLM, AntiFa, and the myriad of similar organizations. China and the Chinese people have zero tolerance for this nonsense.
In China, organ harvesting is a way to recoup the costs necessary to deal with busybodies. It costs money and takes time to deal with SWJ disruptions. There are lost wages, inefficiencies in labor, and all kinds of economic problems as a result. They only proper way to deal with these individuals is to have them pay for the costs that they incur. As most are unskilled, or at best under-skilled, the only way to recoup the costs they incur is through organ harvesting. That is the most efficient and humane way of recouping losses that they generated.
Yes. You read that correct. Do NOT fall for the media propaganda, and it is propaganda. Those involved with the Tiananman event were anti-society busybodies who wanted to turn the nation on it’s head, and take over and make China into a Utopia with them in charge of it. CNN and the leadership only made it appear that they wanted a democracy. They wanted full tyrannical control using democracy as the means to obtain it.
Anyways, today China has ZERO tolerance for busybodies.
It doesn’t matter what their intentions are. It doesn’t matter how wonderful their idea of Utopia is. It doesn’t matter how many think-tanks, blue-ribbon panels, or studies that they arm themselves with. It doesn’t matter if you have contracts with CNN, Facebook, Google or any other large global software organization. It doesn’t matter if you have talked to the King of Social Upheaval, Barrack Obama the First. The Chinese don’t give a rat’s ass. If you are a busybody in China you will be segregated from society, punished, and if necessary, killed.
If you see an SWJ on the street, or they call you at work, or try to harass you in any way it’s easy to take care of. Just dial 119. Bye bye SJW, say hello to a country that DOESN’T MESS AROUND.
China does not mess around. If you try to be a busybody, and you try to start messing with society, the government will arrest you. They will convict you. They will punish you. And, they will harvest your organs. Which is why you will not see any SWJ, BLM, Antifa or George Soros minions in China. (Or in Japan, or in Korea, or in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia or even Thailand or Burma.) They are never allowed to fester and rot the fabric of society. Do you think that this chick will go protest on the street, harass a government official, burn a police car, topple a statue, or act as an on-line troll after she leaves confinement? What do you think? It’s gonna be hard to do without her liver.
Not only that, but they will seek you out if you live in another nation. If you even try to fuck around with the Chinese social structure, you will be sought out. One person, or one hundred businesses, it doesn’t matter. They will come FOR YOU. You will be hunted down. You will be carted back to China, and you WILL suffer the consequences.
There is no where to hide if you mess around with the Chinese. They will find you. They will get you (legal or not), and they will bring you to China for swift justice. These folk thought that they were safe in the EU. It doesn’t matter, you cannot hide from the Chinese.
Ah, you’ve got to love China. This is a nation that knows what it’s priorities are and does not mess around.
Humans are not equal
Hey! Here’s a newsflash: no one is equal. We are all different. We look different. We act different. We have different strengths, and desires. The only time when we should be treated equal is in regards to proportion exercises. Other than that, fuhgeddaboudit.
And, while I am at it, don’t lecture me on my “white privilege”.
I sure as heck didn’t have any. My life was HARD. When I was fourteen I was hauling coal under the friggin’ ground and then loading them into railroad hoppers at the crack of dawn. We rode busted hoppers down inclines with faulty brakes. We rode the underground train to blast sites and stood by while we blew out coal shutes. What were you doing?
When I got older, I stood under hot molten steel while it was being poured into molds that I had to hold upright with metal poles. We inhaled toxic gasses, and were allowed a ten minute break to grab some fresh air and a smoke before we had to go back and stand under that blazing cauldron. What were you doing?
After work I had to go to school, and all the time I was being picked on because my family were Polock Catholics. Yeah, I was called names. So fucking what? Yeah, I was crappy playing basketball, and I was the last one picked on school teams. So fucking what? What the fuck have you been doing with your worthless life? How have you been contributing to your family? To your friends? To your society?
Life is hard. Get over it.
I most especially don’t want to be lectured by a fat, obese chick that hasn’t taken a bath in a week, thinks tattoos on the face are beautiful, has nose plugs the size of quarters, and is unemployed. I do not appreciate being yelled at while you try to shove your fat obese body up to me. Do not think that I will not punch you back in the face when you do so.
Just leave me alone.
There are those of us who have ABILITIES, far in excess of what people expect. We are nice. We are kind. We look nice enough to pet. However, we can be very dangerous. Do not mess with the tiger.
Back to Roosh and his discussion of SWJ
Roosh goes on and breaks down some significant characteristics of SJW “warriors”. He has done quite a good job on this. (Warning, if you are under the age of ten, you might get “triggered”. I suggest you either leave, or take a Valium.)
Remember, boys and girls, the quotes are from Roosh and are HIS own opinions. They are not my quotes or statements. So if you are triggered or angry then you will need to take a stress pill and relax.
This all might be too stressful for you. I would advise you to take a stress pill and relax. What is written herein are my opinions. They do not have to be part of your reality.
Roosh goes on, in his very opinionated way, about SJW’s and the value that they place on the view of other people. Ok. It’s his opinions. But all busybodies, no matter where you live, hold this same belief…
Being a SJW is a badge that says “I am a busybody, and I am in your face about it! I am better than you. Bow to me. Because I am the silver clad knight protecting and righting the wrongs of the past!”
Using a “privilege” hierarchy, SJW’s calculate the worth of a human being based on perceived injustices or wrongs that group has suffered since the time of ancestral man, using selective and narrow interpretations of history.SJW’s elevate groups that they believe have received the least amount of “privilege” in the past, and then use internet activism in the form of mobs and community purges to target those who are determined to have greater amounts of privilege. The idea of privilege is so essential to SJW ideology that a common debate tactic they use is to say “check your privilege,” which roughly translates to, “you must immediately halt or change your speech because your ancestors may or may not have done bad things to women or minority races.”For example, if a notable white American male makes a joke about a lesbian black woman who practices Islam, SJW’s will coordinate using a combination of blogs, Youtube, and social networking to dox him (publish his personal information, including where he works). They will then pressure the man’s company by flooding it with calls and messages with the goal to remove his source of income while engaging in a mass reporting campaign to get his online accounts suspended.Their ultimate goal is to silence all speech that they don’t like and which they find offensive while also punishing the speech offender by removing his source of income. As they grow in power, the acceptable range of speech that would trigger an SJW witch hunt is becoming more narrow, and those who are high up on the privilege hierarchy (white men) have to speak through a careful filter if they don’t want to be subject to an SJW attack.
Roosh has a point. It is very difficult to argue against this. Numerous examples of this are everywhere. And yes, by selectively targeting people based on their exercise of American free speech, they actually are being selective in how they treat, attack and judge people.
They can make up the criteria on the spot out of thin air. They do not need to follow any guidelines except how the accuser SWJ feels.
Of course, none of this would actually be an issue, if the governments enforced the law, monitored radicals, and imprisoned people trying to upset social harmony. Luckily there are still nations that have concern for their citizens.
China does not mess around. If you think that you can can hide in Taiwan and try to disrupt the harmony of some one who lives in China, you are sorely mistaken. The Chinese will come for you. They will get you. They will give you a trial and a fair sentencing. You will then learn what real justice is. You don’t mess around with a country that takes SWJ activity seriously.
If you are a SWJ in Taiwan, you are not safe. The Chinese will come and get you. As they have many, many times previously.
Consensus is Better than Objectivity
It is the end of the individual. It is the end of private and personal opinion. It is the end of free speech. Everything that a person must do or say must be approved by the group collective. These busybodies use popular opinion while they have strength in numbers to push their agenda, whatever it is at the moment. In earlier times this was called “rule by mob”, or simply shortened to “mob rule”.
SWJ use groups of people to form mobs to influence others. They browbeat others. They attack, attack, attack and make life pretty miserable if you do not bow before them. They are the kings. They are the Gods that YOU must OBEY.
SJW’s do not believe in objectivity. Instead, speech and ideas must be viewed relatively depending on the source and its intended audience. The feeling of the statement must also be taken into account, which can be affected by current news, cultural moods, and pop trends.For example let’s consider the statement “Asian people are nerds.” If a famous white man uttered this phrase on Twitter after a major Japanese earthquake, a punitive SJW witch hunt may be triggered, but if a popular gay black female Youtuber said the exact same statement, no action would be taken.The reason is because the black woman is low in the SJW privilege hierarchy and therefore has a greater range of free speech that she could give before triggering a witch hunt.The white man, who is at the top of the privilege hierarchy, has no leeway to make a joke about any race since he is not in a protected SJW class. He would be decried as racist and a bigot, in spite of the fact that a statement like “Asian people are nerds” has low ambiguity regardless of the race or status of the person who said it.The lack of such objectivity in SJWism is by design. It’s borrowed from Cultural Marxist thought, which argues that objectivity and the idea of right or wrong is less important than consensus. The reason is that consensus can be easily accomplished by controlling the narrative—cultural facts, ideas, and memes that are possessed by a specific population.
There are serious roots that are tied closely with Marxist thoughts and beliefs. It is the method that enabled the decline of many societies to the enrichment of a mere handful of people.
SWJ is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.
Obviously, the leadership in the SJW movement believe that they too, one day, will profit and benefit from the direction that the movement takes on. Indeed…
If one can manufacture consensus by controlling this narrative through domination of the media or by swiftly eliminating speech which goes against what “should” be believed, specific beliefs can be held even if they go against proven scientific thought or basic rationale. SJW tactics evolved by necessity to keep their ideology alive in a modern climate where science—even 100-year-old science—contradicts the bulk of their ideas.For example, a basic tenet of SJW thought is that there is no difference between men and women besides their physical bodies, that evolution stopped at the neck for human beings and gave both sexes an identical brain. Human biology can not sustain this notion, so when a person tries to state that men and women are different to a large audience, the SJW does one of three things:(1) Attempts to censor the speech through mob action(2) Calls the person a misogynist who hates women to inoculate the general population from considering the accurate information presented(3) Destroys the livelihood of the person by contacting his employer so that he is less able to exercise his free speech
Now, none of this should be a surprise to anyone. These are well known and well documented techniques. They are using techniques that have been proven to work in the past. They are using them with modern communication techniques, support and funding from very wealthy individuals and with a support network that includes selected government officials and a compliant media operation.
You’ll often encounter SJW debate tactics trying to use consensus to persuade you: “How can you think X when so many people think Y?”
As you may already know, consensus is a poor judge of facts or morality. Consensus used to believe that the earth was flat and that the sun revolved around the Earth. Sadly, many great men were imprisoned or executed for going against consensus on beliefs that we know are true today.
Consensus in America also supported the institution of slavery, which of course didn’t make it right. And not long ago consensus believed in segregation between whites and blacks, even in the north where slavery was not practiced. Consensus has been shown to be a dangerous method to validate ideas or behavior.Observers will note that information control is a huge component of SJW ideology. They have no other choice—their ideas do not hold water to basic science and logic so SJW’s evolved mechanisms where they must control and censor speech which goes against their beliefs.
By controlling what arguments or ideas people are exposed to, they have a greater chance of convincing others through manipulation and outright bullying of their world view to create the consensus they need to affect societal change. Some individuals buy into their cause because opposing viewpoints were hidden from them, often labeled as “hate speech.”
I have to tell the reader, I wouldn’t be able to devote such a large amount of time dissecting the way or techniques busybodies employ. For me, it is just enough to know that busybodies exist and how to avoid them.
All this talk about group think and group consensus is something right out of a George Orwell novel. All of it. It is like America has become some kind of crazy dystopian novel. However, the craziness is confined to the United States and similar nations.
Here in China, the SWJ’s are kept at bay. They know better than to try to disrupt the harmony of the Chinese society. In fact, if I were so bold, they are particularly sensitive to SWJ activity. The moment that there is any evidence of an SWJ trying to mess around in China, the entire weight of the Chinese legal system (and military) is mobilized. They go after SWJ’s no matter where they are. Even if they are hiding in South America or Mexico.
No use trying to be anonymous in the Americas. China will find you and come and get you. In the past, neither the United States, Canada, Mexico stopped the Chinese efforts to capture SWJ fugitives.
There is no where to hide. Even the vaulted United States will stand aside while the Chinese come and get a listed Chinese enemy. In fact, in the United States, federal agencies will even assist in the effort. See that guy on the left wearing the sunglasses. The Chinese never act alone. They always get assistance.
The messenger is Most Important
SWJ believe that they are important. They are the messengers of truth; the guardians of what is good and right.
There are many elements of this that are indicative of mental illness. Indeed anyone who runs entirely on emotion, with little in the way of mental reasoning are traditionally thrown into a mental hospital as they are unable to exist in any semblance of normalcy. Intellect alone can be dangerous. Emotion alone can be dangerous. Wisdom is a careful blending of both.
Unfortunately, an inability to proportion out intellect and emotion is a mental illness. Roosh continues…
A big chunk of their activism depends on subjective feeling and perceived value of the parties involved. Before an SJW can make a decision on what is right or wrong, she must first know the race, gender, and sexuality of the involved participants so that she can decide whether or not to be outraged. A statement or idea in isolation is not enough for them to come to a conclusion on the acceptability of a statement. For example, consider the following statement:“Abortion should not be used as a method of birth control.”An SJW could not definitively respond to this statement unless they knew who uttered it. If I—a Caucasian man—published this statement on a popular site like CNN, the outrage would be immense. Most comments would accuse me of hating women and wanting to control their bodies. A petition would be started to prevent me from ever writing on CNN again. On the other hand, if a popular feminist like Jessica Valenti said this statement in the same publication, the response would be more balanced. She would receive some criticism but even support from individuals who would try to destroy my life had I said the exact same thing.A person who believes in the scientific method would not be swayed by the messenger. They would analyze the statement and attempt to either verify it or not based on logic. SJW’s avoid such objective behavior.
Emotion fuels the actions of SWJ. Emotion. This is the same energy-cell that fuels crazy people. It is the exact same source of power that got all of Hitler’s followers killed. It was the source that resulted in the deaths of millions in Russia, in China, and in Cuba.
SWJ is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.
Only China and Russia recognizes the dangers of SWJ’s. Americans are fat, lazy and stupid. They do not stand up for their nation, their culture, and their history. As a result, they are at the risk of losing it all to some wacked SWJ nut-cases embolden, financed and powered by the enemies of the United States.
I am reminded of a science fiction story by Ray Bradbury, where an alien race wants to invade the Earth. They don’t know how to do it because humans are so strong and powerful. So they find out a method. They decide to use the children, and in using them, they take over the world.
SWJ’s attack america by using our laws and our fears against us.
Groups are More Equal than Others
In many ways, SJWs are modern day “Brown Shirts”. For those who don’t know, the Brown Shirts were an organization called The Sturmabteilung. They were a paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party. In fact, it was the Brown Shirts that helped Hitler rise to power in Germany. (Then he had the leadership all killed during the “night of the long knives”. Ah, yes. Know your history.)
Know your history.
The Sturmabteilung or SA men were often called Brown shirts because of the color of their uniforms which were similar to Benito Mussolini’s Blackshirts. Oh, they had their glory days. I think it lasted for under two decades. Then they were all killed. That’s life. Know your history, especially if you are trying to duplicate it.
SJW’s make a big show of wanting “equality,” but as the Animal Farm quote goes: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”They absolutely do not believe that a man deserves the same treatment that should be given to a woman of his same race.When they say “equality,” what they really mean is to apply special benefits to protected groups in order to create equality based on their subjective perception and feeling. They even go so far as to claim that women and non-whites can not possibly be racist against white men.If a black woman calls a white man a cracker, honky, redneck, hick, or peckerwood, she’s correcting historical wrongs and injustices, not being a racist individual.Since they have no objective measure or guide of equality, it is only achieved when they feel it has been achieved, but then that would destroy the very reason for their existence, meaning that their war on inequality is similar to the war on drugs or terrorism.It’s a perpetual war that will never be won in their minds because there will always be the creation of a new group needing privilege and equality. If you substitute the word “power” whenever they use “equality,” you’ll come to a more accurate descriptor of what motivates their activism.If you want to do a simple test that hurts an SJW’s argument that she is about equality, ask her the following: “Do you believe a black woman is equal to a white woman?”They will squirm mightily and may look to the left and right at their SJW friends to know what they think first before giving you a muddled answer that is inconsistent with their other stated beliefs.
You know, it’s going to get really interesting to see what happens to all these SJW individuals in the next ten years of so. If they become more powerful, then there will be a very nasty surprise for the SJW leadership. If they fade into the black, then the cultural impact will adversely affect the industries that support this behavior. It will be most certainly curious.
Of course, the Chinese here will not care if you are hiding out in a suburb of liberal San Francisco or off on one of the islands of the Philippines. They will go and come after you. There is zero tolerance for disruption of social order.
The Chinese will go anywhere to get criminals. SWJ and their ilk are considered to be criminals. If you try to hide behind the internet, a telephone, a black mask, or a darkened car, they will consider you a threat. They will come for you and it will not matter where you live.
People must be Labeled
The tools of all tyrants.; depersonalize, demonize, and attack. However, you know what? We are all sick and tired of being labeled.
Every. Single. One. Of. Us.
Now, we wear it as a badge of honor. President Donald Trump’s former adviser, Steve Bannon, told French far-right nationalists accused of racism to “wear it as a badge of honor.” Name calling, like swearing loses its’ effectiveness through overuse. Don’t ya know…
If censorship is not an option, SJW’s attempt to destroy the reputation of the speech offender by labeling him a racist, misogynist, creep, bigot, xenophobe, homophobe, or transphobe.This is one of their most reliable tactics to prime the general public against listening to individuals they don’t like because of the negative weight that such terms still carry. I personally have been called every label under the sun and a site I operate, Return Of Kings, was denounced in mainstream blogs sympathetic to SJW’s and then put on blacklists.While labels are still effective today, SJW’s are diluting the power of them through overuse.If the majority of men are decided to be “misogynist,” the general public will become desensitized to hearing it. We are already seeing signs of this whereby SJW’s have to escalate the labels to outright crimes. A tactic I have been seeing lately is accusing men of “sexual harassment,” which is often when a man did nothing more than factually criticize a woman or flirt with her.
Progressive art to make radicalism and change trendy. Listen to me, there is nothing sexy about getting blown up by a grenade.
Even worse, SJW’s have started labeling men as rapists based on anonymous internet allegations, even when the supposed victims never reported the crime to police.It doesn’t matter that a conviction is not present via due process of law, and “rapist” labels persist against men even when authorities refuse to file charges.This eradicates the presumption of innocence whereby an individual is innocent until proven guilty, a basic right used since Roman times and included in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.It’s possible that we may reach a point where all men are presumed to have raped a woman, and when a men says something improper, this label will be used against him to limit his speech.
It’s already happened.
A Busybody is Always Right
There is no doubt about this. Read campusreform if you want a hundred or so examples.
There is no open debate with SJW types. It’s the same with other busybodies of the past like Carry Nation. She was right and there was no argument with her. You’d better watch out, or she’d pull a hatchet out on you.
One of the foremost characteristics of a busybody is that there do not like to debate, discuss or talk about things. They just end up yelling and screaming rehearsed and memorized mantras at the top of their lungs. Really, it is like a five year old child who can’t have a lollypop.
Another feature of the SJW is their total unwillingness to engage in a civilized one-on-one debate instead of mob action through what they call “campaigns” or “pressure groups.”Unable to take criticism or consider factual evidence, a lone SJW will respond to having her arguments defeated by playing the victim card (“Stop attacking me!”, “Stop triggering me!”, “Stop shaming me!”) or engaging in one of numerous argumentative fallacies.These tactics are used to buy time before fading back into the power and safety of her large mob group.SJW’s avoid engaging in debate because they do not have the logical tools that an objective discussion requires.If your beliefs are held together by subjectivity, feelings, and the perceived worth of an individual based on an imaginary scale of privilege, it would be impossible for you to debate someone else who uses facts.The lack of educational rigor in SJW communities means they are more comfortable re-blogging content on Tumblr or sharing funny images than sifting through scientific data to find proof of what they claim.On university campuses, it’s common for SJW’s to obstruct speakers they can not defeat with facts.To some observers, this behavior may resemble a child putting his fingers in his ears and yelling as loud as he can. They have no choice but to silence someone else’s speech because their own speech can not properly counter arguments that go against their world view. They simply don’t have the intellectual rigor to do so.
All the reader need do is watch videos of SJW in public. There are many examples of this.
SWJ is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.
No Morality
A life without morals is a life living as a wild animal.
Which is one of the benefits that I had living in a Catholic “God fearing” household. We were taught morals, and rules of behavior. We learned what right and wrong was. Not today. Now the SJW can say that anything they don’t like is wrong. Likewise, anything that they actually like is right. It is all arbitrary.
Thanks to the subjectiveness of their ideology, SJW’s lack morality or virtue. The reason this is a feature and not a bug to the SJW is because accumulated knowledge, morals, and wisdom of the past was developed and promoted by white men, who are seen as the harbingers or pain and doom to the classes that they want to protect.Even if Aristotle, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Thomas Aquinas, or Henry David Thoreau had valuable wisdom that continues to help how millions of people live today, the information derived from their work must be completely discarded since they were white men.Since white men were at the forefront of advancing humanity for the past several centuries, especially after the decline of the Egyptian, Persian, Mongol, and Ottoman empires, this precludes the bulk of moral guidance that we can use to determine right and wrong.SJW’s invent their own moral code but it is often based on what they are upset about in the present moment. It does not serve as a guide for more than a month or two, suggesting that their book of code would have to be written in pencil.The biggest exception I’ve found to their discrimination against white men is Steve Jobs, inventor of the iPhone, a gadget that SJW’s prefer to use. The irony of this is that SJW’s are against “greedy” capitalism in favor of socialism or communism, but iPhones are made with low-cost labor in Asia where some workers have committed suicide in the very factories the phones are produced because of horrid working conditions. SJW’s are capable of applying blind spots to their most cherished ideals so that their consumer lifestyle is not inconvenienced.SJW’s don’t believe in god, have no belief in the heterosexual nuclear family as the principal unit of human organization, and have no sense of local community as opposed to ones that exist solely on the internet.Instead of reading historical texts for guidance, they read Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, and Reddit.A significant amount of them gets their information from image-based memes that they share enthusiastically on Imgur and Facebook.They are pagans who worship women, minorities, homosexuals, and other non-capitalistic or non-Catholic features of humanity. Since their belief system is based on trends and feelings, an SJW will display rapidly shifting thought from one month to the next depending on what is “hot” or not in SJW discussion forums.As of late, homosexuality—an alternative lifestyle at best and the disseminator of HIV at worst—seems to be the centerpiece of their activism, especially as the homosexual marriage issue has become suddenly more urgent in America in the past five years.Some predict that the bulk of their activism will now move onto transsexuality, and one must wonder how the movement will handle so many fringe groups that are angling for least privileged status.
They don’t read. They don’t know history. They are enraptured in the present and enraptured with the artificial world as spoon-fed to them by the propagandized media.
Busybodies are Mentally ill
Evidence does seem to point to the idea that busybodies are mentally ill to one degree or another. We know that Carry Nation was traumatized when she lost her personal slaves, and then had to move to a small house many miles away. We know that she married a man who did not treat her like she expected to be treated…
Which leads me to ask, what does a pampered Southern Belle who lost all of her personal slaves expect to be treated in the post-Civil War reconstruction period?
Ah, life was not as she expected it to be. And this caused some very interesting actions by her. Of which some were combative and argumentative. These are sure fire signs of mental illness. Roosh says it quite clearly…
Many SJW’s readily admit to serious mental illness and being bullied or mocked as a kid.They have gone on to be bullies themselves on the internet, a platform where physical strength, courage, or defined identity is not needed to be an effective activist.Even though they are confused about how to live their own lives thanks to the lack of values they possess, and many deal with suicide, cutting, or other mental issues that prevent them from reading certain articles without a “trigger warning” to act as a disclaimer to reality, they have no problem telling society how to live.It’s unclear why they respond to their life problems in such a manner instead of seeking professional help or reading self-help, but we can speculate that they seek to control others to compensate for the lack of control they have in their own lives.SJWism is a form of treatment to their problems because they can focus on the perceived problems of other people instead of their own.A common problem SJW’s have is confusion about their own sexual identity or outright biological sex.Most of them find out about SJWism when they are in their teen years and not yet absolutely certain of their sexual preference. Once exposed to SJW writing that presents the theory that two sexes don’t exist, proven biology is wrong, and that you are free to place yourself on a kaleidoscope of gender including multiple kinds of homosexuality and transsexuality, the newly SJW activist mixes and matches her sexual identity to seek approval within her new group.
Mental illness struck SWJ’s early in their life. They never had the opportunity to grow up properly. They are like a stunted plant that will never bear good fruit.
SJW’s have invented new sexes and sexual preferences, the most popular of which being pansexual, the definition of which can vary depending on which SJW you ask but which comes close to bisexuality.Other inventions include polysexuality, genderqueer, pangender, skoliosexual, and the most curious one of all which assumes a new mammalian life form that science has yet to describe—trigender.While many of their members are plain vanilla heterosexual, they despise any sexuality or behavior that comes from the straight male.A male is someone exhibiting offensive privilege when he rates a girl on her attractiveness, exhibits a preference for thin women, or flirts with a woman he wants to have sex with, but when a woman does the same things, she is making an empowered display of her sexuality and must therefore be encouraged.The male sex drive is considered dangerous and oppressive to women but the female sex drive is wonderful, natural, and deserving of firm praise.It’s worth noting that some in the SJW community believe that all penis-in-vagina sex is rape, even when the sex is consensual.Masculinity exhibited by men is dangerous and criminal, but masculine behaviors in women (cutting their hair short, becoming burly in body size, cursing, sexually pursuing other women) are promoted. Again, this highlights the subjectivity and inequality of SJW thought.
Oh Roosh is quite blunt. However, can you really argue with his points? Have you been paying attention to the cultural collapse in the United States? Busybodies don’t get that way by living in a nice and healthy environment. They get that way after being hurt and emotionally damaged while their self-image is still under formation.
SWJ is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.
How did they become a powerful force?
Today they are a powerful force. Their rise came about during the Obama administration, and the organization and implementation of their belief structures is most certainly curious. I suppose that there are many others who have documented this rise. It is certainly interesting. Indeed, how does any busybody become a powerful force?
Obvious it is NEVER a “grass roots” organization. It needs direction from a skilled community organizer, and funding from a group of large wealthy donors. It needs objectives and a long term strategy. These truths are obvious.
In America today, someone and something is instigating the overthrow of the core American values to replace it with a dictatorship disguised as a social utopia.
We can only speculate why an ideology that is so removed from science and Western values has established roots in America. One theory is that their ideology is soma for confused people who have been disappointed in life or have failed in achieving their goals.It’s easy for these sub-performers to flock to an ideology that says, “You failed because you were held down by the white patriarchy, who still maintains invincible privilege and is robbing you of your daily bread and happiness.”
Sounds like “The Wave” experiment, doesn’t it? Yeah, I wouldn’t be too surprised.
Obviously, it’s a much easier job to blame others or play the victim card than to solve the individual problems of your life.Hard work is not as valued in today’s society as in the past, so when you give someone a choice between expending effort on one hand to complaining and mob bullying on the other, it’s not hard to see how many (as in millions of people) pick the latter option. It’s also more satisfying to their egos from a power standpoint.That leads to the question of why straight white males become a part of the SJW movement, since it would be similar to a Jewish person joining the Nazis. Most of these men are shy with low confidence and low muscle mass. They have social anxiety issues and simply want to be part of a co-ed group that increases their access to women. It turns out that white men are carrying the water of SJW’s who would denounce them in a second all for the hopes of getting sex.The male sex drive is so strong that a man is willing to throw his entire race and sex under the bus in order to possibly fornicate with a woman.Even though men are usually the targets of SJW’s, it is not uncommon for them to turn on their own. For example, if a white woman, a protected group in SJW ideology, offends a transsexual, who is more protected on the privilege scale, SJW’s may attack the white woman, even if they may have defended her previously (this happened with Laci Green, a protected feminist who once used the word “tranny” and was threatened with death by transsexual SJW’s). Since SJW’ism is so subjective, at whim to constantly shifting winds, an SJW who is on the right side of SJW thought today may find themselves on the wrong side tomorrow.
Now Roosh has a tendency to be rather blunt. I think that there is an element of this in all males, and indeed we all go a little nuts when we fall in love with a lovely lady. However, this point and belief of his might be a little more extreme than I wish to sign on to.
My point is that a nation must protect it’s own people. America is not doing so. It permits these crazy people to go disrupt the social fabric of the nation. Many Americans bash China, most especially Conservatives do. They shouldn’t. China is doing things right. When someone tries to attack the nation, they go after them.
Suspects involved in telecom fraud walk off a plane after being repatriated from overseas, at an airport in Beijing, China, November 10, 2015. China Daily/File Photo via REUTERS
What do SJW’s want to achieve?
For most of them, they don’t know.
They are lashing out at everything and everyone. The more evil amongst them have conspired and have put forth plans and goals. (With a significant profit motive, of course.) I don’t know what their goals are. Roosh has some ideas, however…
Their goal is power and domination over the Western cultural narrative to manufacture a consensus that is aligned with their extreme far-left ideology.Since their ideas are so far removed from science, logic, and rationale, this requires a complete control of information to disseminate their immoral world view along with the complete silencing of those who contradict them.It is not clear what their end game is when it comes to the white men who they believe are a bane to planet Earth, but it’s not a stretch to predict violence in the future assuming their mobs grow in size, anger, and power, which would put them close to being classified as terrorists according to the FBI.Currently their main strategies are bullying, spreading propaganda, and censoring opponents.A growing way they have been accomplishing this goals is by installing SJW activists in prominent institution and communities.Many are now active moderators on popular forums, leaders in campus groups, tenured professors, or popular bloggers and entertainers who have huge audiences they spread SJW propaganda to.Some SJW’s, like Zoe Quinn, simply achieved prominent status by having heterosexual sex with men who have access to information that they want to modulate.Since most feminists, progressives, and liberals are sympathetic to the SJW cause, it’s easy to see how they have reached a stunning amount of influence in America to spread their message.
SJWs are a threat to Western values
They, like their historical counterparts, are a danger to society. In their angry march toward radical change, they will destroy things that have endured for centuries.
SJW’s utilize censorship, discriminate against white men, and disagree with basic human rights concerning due process that has existed in the Western legal canon for centuries.They are against free speech as granted by the US Constitution and don’t believe that all men are created equal.They disregard science and wrongly apply labels, accusations, and criminal allegations to those who dare cross their path.They have determined that some groups should be elevated to receive more benefits and speech rights than others, and have been successful in silencing the speech of those whom they disagree with through their internet witch mobs.They continue to infect every group, platform, and community that they come into contact with.Their goal is not to add value or to create, but to control the flow of ideas and thereby thought. Their values are opposed to Western values.
SJW ideas have reached a critical mass in America. University students are indoctrinated with progressive thought that is becoming aligned with SJWism, and even students in grade school are becoming exposed to SJW ideas through feminist-friendly teachers who read the same sites as SJW’s.
Infowars covers this subject extensively. The SWJ’s are all out of control, spouting nonsense, and are being indoctrinated into clone-robots to spout nonsense in equal measure while being groomed to become debt-slaves for life. Pretty soon those pretty gals will be putting out for half a bowl of pea soup unless they are careful. (Image source.)
My fear is that their efforts at censorship and cultural domination will become more onerous as they cement positions in prominent media companies, Silicon Valley, universities, and even in politics. If your belief system is against that of SJW’s, it would be prudent to take measures to protect yourself from their witch hunts, because there is no sign that they will be weakening in power anytime soon.
The comic artist Ben Garrison has summarized how “the powers that be” and other aligned agents use the periodic SJW movements for their own purposes. Nicely done, Ben. Nicely done.
They are a nasty group of individuals who have found a way to exert power over others. Here’s some examples;
Students Sign Petition To Ban “Offensive” Valentine’s Day.
“Amid a brave new world of sexual consent forms and rage over the "patriarchy," Formula 1 and its FAI ruling body has decided to ban the use of promotional models, known as "grid girls," from its events because they don't "resonate with [the] brand values [of F1] and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms."
Whose societal norms? Has anyone checked out a college campus lately?”
“LAFAYETTE, Colo. - A Boulder Valley School District teacher now faces child abuse and assault charges for allegedly forcing a child to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance earlier this month, CBS Denver reports. Lafayette police say Karen Smith, a physical education teacher at Angevine Middle School, grabbed a boy by his jacket, lifted him to his feet and took him out of class on February 1. Police were called.”
…and shuts down anything where a Caucasian person would get a lead role. It’s a war on gender, tradition, and white people. It’s Mr. Mao ‘s cultural revolution all over again. Just like the armies during the Chinese “Cultural Revolution”, political SJW agents are all out busy rewriting the English language. It is getting pretty darn ridiculous.
It’s hard to pin a leader for the SJW movement. It is pretty obvious that it serves only the ruling elite. Though I suppose it could be a number of activist feminists. I suppose that you could lay partial claim that Hillary Clinton is one such leader. She’s something else. Did you know that Hillary Clinton says that Climate Change is sexist?
“It's unclear what responsibilities men will shoulder after the climate catastrophe has arrived in the future envisioned by Clinton.“I would say that particularly for women, you’re absolutely right, they will bear the brunt of looking for the food, looking for the firewood, looking for the place to migrate to when all of the grass is finally gone as the desertification moves south and you have to keep moving your livestock for your crops are no longer growing, they’re burning up in the intense heat that we’re now seeing reported across North Africa, into the Middle East, and into India.”“So yes, women once again, will be the primary…primarily burdened with the problems of climate change."-Hillary Clinton
Clinton made these remarks during a speech at Georgetown University. Oh, she didn’t stop there, she also griped about how endemic misogyny was responsible for her embarrassing loss to President Donald Trump. Which is (to anyone with a brain bigger than a toads) a continuing practice of never accepting responsibly for her failures. You know, I can see her frustration. She believed that she had successfully rigged the election. Of course she was going to win. She held all the cards.
The pandering is pretty bad. Uh huh.
“The Ruling Elites loves political correctness, for it serves the Elite so well. What is political correctness? Political correctness is the public pressure to conform to "progressive" speech acts by uttering the expected code words and phrases in public.Note that no actual action is required. This is why the Ruling Elite loves political correctness: conformity is so cheap. All a functionary of the Ruling Elite need do is utter the code words ("hope and change," "we honor diversity," "thank you for your service," etc.) and they get a free pass to continue their pillaging.”- Charles Hugh Smithvia OfTwoMinds blog
A Modern Busybody
With this in mind, let me present a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) who is hell-bent on enforcing his version of perfection on an unsuspecting public. Let him be an illustration of the kind of people who possess the destructive behaviors that hurt society. In their minds they want to “improve” the world, but in all reality, they are just worthless and useless. Do not be like this jackass.
Ah, not all SWJ’s are college students protesting with signs, and putting black masks on their faces. Many hold respectable and responsible positions of power. They campaigned for those positions. They were elected or appointed for those positions, and once in place, they try to make the world a better place based on THEIR ideas of perfection.
Did you know that there is a terrible battle within the state of Wisconsin? It is over how laws are enforced over the quiet people of the Amish religion.
Up to now, they’ve successfully dodged Uncle Sam (the United States government) as they are exempted on religious grounds from a great many “manditory” state and federal laws. These laws include such things as the presence and use of seat belts and child safety seats in all motor vehicles.
Their horse-drawn buggies lack motors, of course, as well as seatbelts and child seats. They don’t have air bags or back-up cameras or tire pressure monitors, either. The Amish don’t believe such things are necessary and therefore do without. They also believe it’s their decision, their business and as such, they just want to go about their business, leave others alone and be left alone in turn. After all, they’re not harming anyone else. And if they harm themselves, the Amish take care of themselves.
It seems reasonable enough.
But not by everyone. Indeed, there are those who can’t stand FREEDOM and independence.
Let me introduce a SWJ by the name of Bill Winch. (He should win the “Asshole of the Year” award.) He is a member of the Wisconsin Rapids Board of Supervisors. He is a perfectionist. He is a busybody. He uses whatever power he can wield to implement his vision of perfection. In regards to the Amish, who live NEAR (not IN) his community, he believe that he can tell them how to live their lives. He does not think the Amish ought to be exempted from anything . Anything, including other laws requiring driver’s licenses and mandatory insurance.
He has proposed a new law precisely to that effect.
Amish buggy and horses riding peacefully in the rural back roads of America. They will not be able to much longer, if the SWJ busybody assholes have any say in the matter. (Image source.)
Winch goes further. The buggies of the Amish should also be fitted with automotive safety glass, windshield and side glass. It does not matter what it costs the Amish and how impractical it is to install such things in a horse-drawn buggy. In his mind, there should be rear view mirrors that must be electrically heated (so they don’t fog up). Speaking of fog, of course the buggies must have fog lamps, and a backup alarm.
After all, no one wants to get crushed by a horse drawn buggy backing up! The list goes on and on. Why not include anti-lock brakes, GPS tracking, and mandatory safety seats for young children?
For their safety. Of course.
Their horse-drawn buggies should also be required to have headlights and turn signals. The argument goes; just like everyone else’s car. If this requires expense, so be it. And new buggies manufactured after a certain date surely ought to be required to have at least driver and front seat passenger air bags and comply with some sort of government crash test regime.
I can see it now; a test in a government testing facility where a horse races towards a brickwall. Slams into it, and the flight of the “crash test dummies” is recorded in slow motion.
Think of it. It’s necessary! Lord only knows the danger that might befall the passenger of a horse-drawn buggy were he to go speeding and run his team of horses into a cinderblock wall! Safety glass, airbags, seatbelts, child-restraining devices, electronic auto-locking buggy doors, all needs to be included in all horse-drawn buggies. Of course, they will have to be tested, and inspected yearly… at a cost. You know the drill…
…to pay various fees to the government. For the children… don’t you know?
Additionally, Amish teenagers must not be allowed to “operate” a buggy until they have attained a certain government prescribed age, and then only when accompanied by an adult, and never accompanied by other teens, unsupervised. There will need to be a special type of license. One that you get after you can prove that you can operate a standard automobile.
Logically according to this SJW busybody, as a matter of principle, either all of us and not just the Amish should be left in peace to go about our business or no one should be left in peace. It’s all or nothing.
Why should the claim of the Amish that seatbelts and insurance and all the rest are against their Rights, be any different than what other claim? Why should it be different than a Libertarian who sees no need for the government to tell him how to sit in his car? Or the Christian who refuses to bake a cake, simply because they don’t want to?
Why should the government dictate anything… anything at all unless it is specifically specified within the Constitution?
So, here we are. Either, [1] Winch is absolutely correct. Or [2] he is a consistent authoritarian control freak. You know, like those elected to Washington. (After all, how could you explain 30, 40, and 50 year’s terms of office for multi-millionaires in the Senate? You can’t, unless you classify them as control freaks that love power.)
BTW. As an aside. The argument is that you have to have an amendment to limit the terms for someone to serve in the Senate or in Congress. I propose something simpler. Any public official who has diminished faculties due to age, or in possession of a age-related illness (such as dementia) shall be removed from office. Simple, huh?
The Amish, no matter how pious, are not immune to the forces of nature.
If an Amish buggy driver wrecks his buggy, he might be injured just like anyone else. And if he is not buckled up , if his buggy lacks shatterproof automotive safety glass , his injuries could be more severe than would otherwise have been the case. Undeniable facts of physics.
There are those that believe that it is role of government to tell people how to live their lives. They believe that the government’s role is as a parent that oversees lesser people.
Amish road accident. Would any kind of modern safety equipment have prevented this accident? How would the lives of the Amish and those around them be improved? What is the benefits and cost benefits?
So why should the Amish, but not the rest of us, get a break?
Why should they get to live a simple, unencumbered, exempted life? What makes them so very special? Why are they free? Why are they free of not just government busybodyism but also the financial pressure of having to constantly earn money in order to pay for all that busybodyism?
The Amish man can farm his land. He can raise his crops. He doesn’t have to worry about coming up with thousands of dollars every year to pay for mandatory this and tax that. He deoesn’t have to worry about Social Security and Obamacare taxes. Or air bags and seat belts and back-up cameras and shatterproof safety glass. He has no dealings with the DMV.
This makes him a very free man.
Which is very unfair to the rest of us. It is an outrage! No one should be free in the United States. We all must follow the rules set forth by our leadership. The Amish are, indeed, throwbacks
If the rest of us can’t be free, well neither should the Amish..
It’s not just because of their buggies and beards. They are living fossils of a species almost extinct: The Free Man. They’re not interested in your goods and don’t want to control your life. If you’re interested in their lifestyle, you’re free to emulate it and even to become Amish, if that is your desire. In return, the Amish only ask that you leave them free to be Amish. Let them live their lives their way.
But that is too much to ask for busybodies like Bill Winch.
Democrat Busybodies
Well, I do hope that [1] I have managed to express my belief that there are busybodies in this world. I hope that [2] my explanation as to how they became busybodies, and [3] why they are still busily being busybodies makes some degree of sense. I also provided [4] contemporaneous examples of busybodies who are all trying to enforce their version of “who knows what” on an asleep public. I have [5] quoted from Roosh, who tends to be much more radical than myself. Yet, he has made some good points, even if it makes some people uncomfortable. (That’s how you grow don’t you know.)
Now, I want to take a moment to get to the heart of this matter and address why this post was written in the first place.
Being a busybody can be enormously profitable.
Which of course is why American Democrats are all, without ANY exception, involved in being a busybody. They can make money! In fact, by latching on the right cause, they can become enormously wealthy! All they need to do is find someone willing to pay them cash in exchange for them for implementing unpopular laws.
You can boss people around AND get paid for it at the same time! Imagine that!
Democrats want to Ban (or Control) Everything
You know, how can I possibly write anything without offending someone? I really do not know if it is possible? Yet the truth is the truth.
Today it is a Democrat that wants to ban motorcycles (of all things).
What is their friggin’ problem?
Well, there is [1] a part of me that wants to believe that they are well intentioned, but think that everyone else is stupid. That belief is one where they believe that they are better, smarter, and greater than everyone else. (Sound like an SJW? Hum?)
Then, [2] there is a part of me that believes the truth; that there is a money angle involved. Some business, or foreign nation, comes to the representative and pitches a new law or two. In exchange for the promotion of that law, the represent can get a huge sum of money. This sum of money might be public (like a campaign slush fund) or private (as in a brown bag full of cash). As time move on, I am more and more convinced that the reasoning is the latter.
Hey, I grew up in Pennsylvania, and the potholes in the roads are STILL not fixed. You think that it is a minor oversight? Why do you suppose that is the case? Do you think that graft doesn’t exist?
"I believe a self-righteous liberal with a cause is more dangerous than a Hell's Angel with an attitude. "
-Ted Nugent
Anyways here just some of the things that Democrats want to ban. This list includes individuals who are registered as Democrats, as opposed to official policy positions of the DNC. I know it’s an incomplete list, but I don’t have all day, and the point is pretty much being made anyways. Each attempt by Democrats to ban something has a link for verification efforts. I am not making any of this stuff up.
Ban hotdogs in public schools (All processed meat is bad, don’t ya know…)
Ban hotdogs in children’s hospitals (Hum. It seems like there is a trend here…)
Ban hotdogs and all meat from public schools (Oh no. It’s the vegetarian arm of the DNC!)
Ban the betel nut (No shit! Have you ever tried it? Good golly, it was banned because they couldn’t find advantages in it. Not because it was dangerous!)
Ban Christians from public office (Ok, this is a Bernie Sanders ban, and he is a “progressive Independent”, not a “Democrat”. That what is in a name? After all, he did run as a Democrat primary candidate.)
Ban riding bicycles on Iowa roads that are used to move food from farm to distribution points (Organized by the Citizens for Safety Coalition of Iowa (CFSC)… sounds like a George Soros organization. Eh?)
Ban men masturbating (as an act against an unborn child)
Hey, is it just me, but has anyone else noticed a trend here?
Busybodies do not realize who and what they are. They justify their behaviors by being righteous and just. They think that they are making the world a better place, and threat they are contributing to society. When the fact is that that are doing none of these things. Instead their ego has taken over and deluded themselves to cover up the fact that they are just horrible, horrible people.
Busybodies always have a reason, a justification or a need to fulfill. When they are children, it is to show just who is better, stronger or more powerful. If they are smart, they become a “know-it-all”. If they aren’t, they become a bully. It is almost always associated with some emotional issue.
Today, as adults the motivations are not so clear and obvious. I personally think that it is more related to them coveting a new mansion or two, myself. Their excuses are pretty much predictable. “It’s for the children.”, or “It’s to put an end to racism.”, or it’s to “make the country safer”, or “it’s to end the divide between one group of the other”. Ugh! Nah. It’s all just bullshit excuses.
I am not the only one who noticed this.
“In fact, you probably did five illegal things before breakfast without having a clue about it, which you'll find out about the moment some liberal decides you have to be put in your place and looks for a way to do it. Liberals control what you eat, what clothes you wear, what TV you watch, what kind of car you drive, what size soda you can drink, and even what toilet or light bulb you can use in your house. Complain about it and you're accused of wanting to end restaurant inspections and safety standards that prevent cars from exploding.”-John Hawkins
Even my father, who was a life-long staunch Democrat, questioned the actions of these radical progressives. Now that he is dead and buried, I am sure that he will still be voting Democrat, even though, his heart is no longer in it.
The truth is plain as the nose on your face. They have no interests for anyone else except themselves. Someone gives them some money, and they use their power and influence to do their donor a favor (or two or three… for a price.) They come up with all kinds of reasons and excuses, but come on… please. It is obvious that they are just busybodies that have found a way to get rich being a stingy busybody. What a racket!
Both Republicans and Democrats are Busybodies
For the sake of fairness, here are some links to things that Republicans want to ban. After all, we should look at the entire picture. Both are busybodies. There is something about about politics that attract busybodies. It is just that Democrats are more active at it. Republicans just act like fat cats in their mansions and collect the money from “donors”. Heh heh…
Republicans want to…
Ban abortions (I think that by now all Americans are aware of this. After all, the United States media is pretty fixated on this one issue, that and guns.)
As such, the reader can see that individuals on both “side of the isle” are busybodies. While all the news coverage might give one the idea that Republicans are out to ban everything, and Democrats are opposed to the efforts that is just an illusion. The media has flooded the networks and internet with huge quantities of articles on the same tired subject.
For instance, there might be one hundred thousand articles on Republicans wanting to ban abortions, but only two articles on Democrats trying to ban pickles. It’s all just an illusion.
The truth is that both people are busybodies.
The political party that one ascribes to is just a formality. They just choose the one that has the greatest chance of them getting power. If they think it will be under the “Democrat Flag” then they become Democrats. (Like most politicians in New York City, for example.) If they think that they will have a better chance as a Republican, they become one, yet they will still vote like a Democrat. Good examples of this are John McCain, and Arlen Specter.
As far as being a busybody is concerned, those with a “D” after their name are much more aggressive at it. Those with an “R” after their name have to deal with an enormous media that will make an issue of everything that they do. Combined, this gives everyone a slanted coverage of who these people are and what they are doing.
Obviously, the media is not doing their Constitutional responsibility. But, that is an article for another time…
Obviously, those elected to office isn’t taking their responsibilities seriously either…
Taxing what you can’t ban
When I was compiling this list of things that Democrats want to ban, I can across a smaller, but significant list of things they want to tax. It is almost like “if you cannot ban it, then tax it.” then, if they cannot tax it outright… “rename the tax as a use fee” or some thing similar. It’s almost like Bizzaro World…
Taxing tap water
NEW JERSEY (FOX5NY) - Never short on ideas for things to tax, lawmakers in New Jersey are considering a tax on tap water.
The proposal is being floated by State Sen. Bob Smith D-Middlesex, who is trying to say it's not actually a tax but a 'user fee'.
"It is a user fee based on volume," Smith told Fox 5's Chasing New Jersey.
What you can do?
Hey, I am always open for new links to things that people are trying to ban. Please collect them and post them here. I will add them to the list.
Many of the things that we deal with now, are the result of an effort by a busybody to ban things. If you the reader have a link to an article regarding this, please post them here. I am really interested in collecting them.
You know, you do not want to mess about with critters who are not afraid to fight. They do not yell, and enjoin in non-combative arguments, they just go lethal from stage one. So while everyone just seems to be tolerating this nonsense, please kindly be advised that the fuse is almost run out and the explosion will get ugly.
For instance, which government official got Jarts banned? Or how about the genius that put those stupid “child protective caps” on pill bottles? Which official insisted in making analog broadcasting of video television illegal, and forcing digital on us? Who’s great idea was it to make sure that shirts and shoes needed to be worn inside a restaurant?
Heck, you go to another country, and they have none of these bans. Yet, life goes on and people are happy, productive and living life. What is Americas’ malfunction?
Busybodies. Always trying to improve our world. Taking one freedom away at a time.
What is the point of all this?
Busybodies are everywhere.
Crazy / evil people use other people (often young) as tools to further their agendas.
They organize them, finance them, and provide support in terms of media propaganda, and use of aligned confederates.
The agenda is usually towards major changes in society or governance.
The general population is typically slow to react to this type of attack.
When there is eventually a response, the result is typically contentious and disturbing.
We know all of this because it has happened in the past. In fact it has happened over and over in the past. The playbook has not changed, even though certain elements of conflict has advanced technologically.
As such, in China…
China experienced a SWJ event around 1966. This was known as the “Cultural Revolution”. The communist leadership used the movement to control unrest and strengthen it’s power base.
The movement was a disaster, and almost destroyed the nation.
A second movement began in 1997. It was also led by SWJ leadership. It was known as “The Pro-Democracy Movement”.
It was supported and partially financed for powerful non-Chinese forces. They wanted to change the government and leadership of China.
The Chinese government suppressed this activity, and hunted down all the leadership and their followers.
Surviving remnants of the “Pro-Democracy moment”, set up cells within traditional Chinese organizations. Thus the SWJ take over of the “Falun Gong” began.
China suppressed this movement and all elements of it.
Today, China has zero tolerance for any SWJ activity.
Meanwhile in the United States…
Active “Progressive Democratic” / “Socialist” elements have taken over the American political party known as Democrats.
They have infiltrated all levels of society and have virtually full control of most American media outlets, court systems, congress and many support organizations. They operate as a “Deep State”.
They have organized into “movements”. These movements are all SWJ but each has their own objective. They include (unorganized) SWJ, BLM (Black Lives Matter), AntiFa (a socialist organization that advertises itself as anti-Nazi), as well as smaller splinter groups.
There is apparently no action being taken to suppress the activities of thes organizations.
Will we ever get rid of busybodies? Nope. I find it unlikely. However, I do like the Chinese method of controlling busybodies. They put them down humanely. (Three years of organ harvesting, then death. The family is then billed for the cost.) The Chinese society is too large, and too complex to have such interruptions and disruptions. They have well learned from their last mistake when they permitted Chinese SJW’s to run reckless and rampant. It was ugly. As such, it will never be permitted to reoccur.
One can only hope that soon the United States will recognize the kind of threat that busybodies represent before it gets out of hand.
Take Aways
Busybodies are everywhere (except in China).
Historically, busybodies cause great damage to the societies that they influence.
Busybodies are either mentally ill, or are using the venue for selfish purposes.
Busybodies hate being called that name. They prefer to be called something like “Hero of the people”.
In the United States today, busybodies have organized into two major and aligned groups; the Democrats and the SJW. Other groups include the BLM, Antifa and any organization with the word “democratic” in it.
Being a busybody can be profitable, as long as the people are unaware of your intentions.
In general, busybodies can become very wealthy at the expense of the destruction of society.
Busybodies are not tolerated in China.
Q: What freedoms do busybodies restrict? A: All of them. There are no limits to the restrictions that a busybody can try to limit.
Q: Is America free? A: America was initially designed to be a place where everyone was free. Over the years, that freedom permitted busybodies to behave badly. In so doing, they started to infringe on the freedoms of others. As a result, over the years, many freedoms have been taken away or severely limited. Today, America is a place where freedom barely limps along.
Q: How does banning something limit freedom? A: It works like this;
• Freedom is an ability to do what you want. • A restriction is an inability to do something that you want. • A ban takes a freedom and turns it into a restriction.
Q: Why do Democrats, and SJW people want to restrict freedoms? A: They justify their actions in many ways. However, if you tear away all their excuses it boils down to either [1] ignorance though propagandized education, [2] mental illness, or [3] greed.
The person who banned sand on playgrounds did not have a loved one get hurt on sand. The person who banned candles did not have their home damaged by a candle fire. The person who wants to ban motorcycles, doesn’t ride one. The person wanting to force the Amish to put anti-lock brakes on their horse drawn carriages is neither Amish, nor interacts with any of them.
They often have OTHER REASONS for their actions.
Q: What does SWJ’s have to do with MAJestic? A: Nothing. It has nothing to do with MAJestic. Our extraterrestrial benefactors couldn’t care less about how we run our lives. Their primary concern is the battle over sentience dominance. The ultimate result of this nursery is to have one primary sentience for humans so that we can evolve into an approved archetype. Until that happens, we will remain segregated in this nursery.
Q:Why all this talk about China and Busybodies? A: In the United States, the media and the Internet is all “lit up” over the SWJ phenomenon. Yet, it is all either cheering on the SWJ’s or reporting with prejudice. No one is discussing what to do about these people, the forces behind all the terror, and what laws or rules would be best served to control those trying to turn society on its’ head. No one seemingly know what to.
Yet, China had this experience in the past. The first time was 1966, and the people and the government stood by and let it run it’s course and the nation almost collapsed as a result. Then, in 1989 it reoccurred again. This time, China knew what to do and took steps to suppress all the chaos.
America, and the American citizens are different from the Chinese. Yet in many ways we are very similar. Rather that sitting alone in our own propaganda-filled “fake news” echo chamber, Americans should look at China and copy their very effective techniques. As I stated previously, China does not mess around.
Prisoners in China. No easy life for those whom violate the laws in China. Perhaps there are things that the United States can learn from China. China is many things, but you cannot say that it is not trying to take care of it’s own people. The Chinese monitor and police society to make life better for it’s citizens.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
Articles & Links
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Double-checking the people who were banning the items required some effort. It turns out that most articles did not state the political alignments of the people who were involved with the ban. Therefore, I would need to go find out the actual individuals involved, if the articles did not specify them, and then research what their political policy alignments were. Obviously, this took a long time. This particular article was first drafted in 2013 and resided in an “active” folder for years until I repurposed the information towards a blog post.
Updated 11APR18.
Internet ready 21APR18.
Edited per request 22APR18.
SEO check 6MAY18
Edited by request 8MAY18.
Added additional bans, all from Democrats unfortunately. 7JUL18.
Added link on Chinese AI to recognize anyone in the world. 10JUL18.
Here I would like to place some opinions on liberty and freedom that I have about China. There is a great deal of politically motivated inaccuracies regarding China in the United States. For if, you think that China is a full-on totalitarian communist regime, and America is a freedom-loving Republic you will be wrong on both counts. Names have no bearing on realities. Here I would like to opine on this subject.
"Before coming to China, I had this idea that China was rigid which in some ways it is, but in reality it is brutally chaotic because there are no rules it is the pure rule of the jungle with unconstrained might imposing their will and all others ignoring laws to behave as they see fit with no sense of morality or respect for right."
-Balding's World
The reasons behind this are many, and I won’t go through the lengthy list. That is for others to parse and explore. From my point of view, I wish to discuss the opinions that I have formed about China since I have left the United States.
Now, please note that most of these opinions are comparative. That is to say that I cannot help but compare my life in the United States with the life that I lived while in China. I must admit that this is an emotional subject with me, and therefore, the reader will encounter strong emotive opinions on this matter…
Travel as a Necessary Part of Growing
“Americans should travel internationally, especially in Asia. When they return to the States they will see what a police state it has turned into.”-roddy6667 Jan 8, 2018 3:19 AM
Yeah. It becomes obvious.
I apologize in advance for any radical or offensive opinion that I hold regarding this subject. The reader is cautioned that my opinions are all a product of my unique experiences, and should be viewed as such. All that I am doing is a comparative study of what I have experienced. This is not a formal study by someone sitting in front of a computer in a university. This is not some kind of research paper that was pulled together using tabulated data from “Think Tanks”. This is not a rehash of the conventional narrative that “everyone knows”. This is something much different.
This is what I have experienced.
First of all, because of my experiences overseas. I spent twenty years on the outer reaches of empire and understand very well the nature of empire. The mask of empire was ripped off and I watched the empire function in Latin America, in Africa, in the Middle East. And so the lies we tell ourselves about ourselves were exposed. You can't go through that experience and come back to the United States and accept the myth of American exceptionalism and of American virtue, which you know full well do not exist.
- Chris Hedges: Princeton or Harvard Are Schools that Have Always Existed to Train the Ruling Elites to Manage the System of Corporate Capitalism
I love the USA
Now this is also not a “bash the old USA” post. I love America. After all, I gave up a large portion of who I am just to join MAJestic. Yeah, I gave away something to contribute to the good of America. I am a believer. I am a true and real believer. I always was. I still am. So hear me out.
What I put together here are my opinions. It is based on my experiences and observations. It is visceral. While I speak about what I know and what I have experienced, let it be known that I am not alone in my opinions. These have been verified and validated by others who have actually studied the economic data. (If you actually need that kind of data stream.) Read, “Is The United States Still The Best Country In The World? Think Again” . So, I ask the reader to chill out, have a beer and listen to what I have to say. This is not going to be what you all expect.
This is about Myself
This is all about MY growth.
Yes, in this case it is all about me. It is about my growth as a person. It is about how I have come to grips of the shock that one feels when they leave the United States, and move to China. Ugh. Not just China, mind you; communist China. A communist nation, of all places!
I wanna be a Naval Aviator...
I wanna fly that F-14...
I wanna fly with the canopy open...
So I can hear those commies scream...
-Cadence that I learned while at AOCS
How we live our life, and what we make of it is of absolute concern to us.
Crappy Jobs and Crappy Bosses
Have you ever worked at a crappy job? You know the type; the boss is a jerk. You are always being tripped up, cheated on, swindled, and shortchanged. Your coworkers were idiots, and the weather, food, and environment sucked. It was like a scene from the movie “Joe versus the Volcano.” Have you ever been in this situation?
In America, bosses can be real jerks at times. For some reason, I seemed to experience the lions share of them. Whether it was picking up a chair and having it thrown at you, to mandatory blood drives on your weekends, to having to work Christmas eve and Christmas day, bosses who abuse their positions are prevalent everywhere.Have you ever worked for a boss that you just hated? (Image Source.)
I think many of us have been there.
Now, do you remember the shock and emotions when you finally left that awful job? Do you remember the relief? Do you remember somehow feeling that you were sore all over the day after? (It was because you were so stressed that your body became so tense.) Do you remember your nervousness, yet the relief that you were no longer working there?
The Feeling of “Release”
Well, my move to China was something like that.
It wasn’t that the United States was bad. It wasn’t that China was so great. It was that there were so many things about my life in America that I just took for granted. That I no longer paid attention to them. I thought that everyone in the world lived this kind of life. I was used to the bars on my cage. I was comfortable with the chains around my ankles. I thought that the cleanliness of the handcuffs was a sign of being a good citizen…
This included such things as always looking down at my speedometer when I noticed a police car.
This included watching what I would say so that someone wouldn’t be offended. This included making sure that I would stock up on beer before Sunday, because the stores couldn’t sell on that day. This included having to show two forms of ID to cash my paycheck. This included being careful not to have HR get angry over what is on my desk at work. This included such things as undressing when you took a plane, and having to pee in a cup at a new job.
They were all little things. These were things that I just adapted to. They were things that I took for granted. Much like Pavlov’s dog.
When they were no longer part of my life, it was as if a big cloud was lifted off of my shoulders. It is precisely that moment of enlightenment that is significant. It is precisely that feeling, and those emotions, relative to my move that I would like to discuss.
It is only through my travel that I became aware of this.
I wonder how many people, not just Americans but those in other countries, have come to the conclusion that the United States today is a less free and less aware society than the societies in the dystopian novels of the 20th century or in movies such as The Matrix and V for Vendetta.
Just as people in the dystopian novels had no idea of their real situation, few Americans do either.
-Paul Craig Roberts
We all NEED to Grow
For us to grow and advance in both the physical and spiritual aspects of our beings, we need to adapt to the changing circumstances that surround us. We need to adapt to the environment as we find it. We need to do this with acceptance, and without trying to alter or change the environment; for it is only us who will be able to change. We can only change ourselves, not the environment around us.
In my case, I left the United States, and I moved to China.
As such, I needed to adapt to the Chinese way of doing things. Which was, in many ways, very different from what I have come to expect. This shock to my system, and what I have learned from it was eye opening. As such, I wish to write about some of the things that I have learned. Though, I will have to tell you (the reader) that many of what I will relate will not make any sense, and you will probably not believe me anyways.
“Most people do not believe traveller’s tales.”-Glory Road
Differences are always good
What a boring place the world would be if all we could eat was salt-free oatmeal, and warm water. Even for you oatmeal lovers out there, it would be boring. Day in and day out. The same old… same old. Lucky for us, it isn’t that way. We can choose to eat ice cream, pizza, pork chops, bacon, and French fries. What a wonderful situation!
It is wonderful to have choices. Yet, many times we do not realize that we have choices. We are stuck in our groove of conformity. We always get a McDonalds burger, or a Starbucks coffee. We don’t think of alternatives. I argue that we should. For that is how we grow. Picture is of a Philly Cheese sandwich.
If we wanted to, we could eat chicken fried steak with sunny-side-up eggs. We can eat butterscotch milkshakes and brownies. We can eat thick pan, double-stuffed pizza and wash it down with a pitcher of icy cold Budweiser. We can eat bagels and cream cheese and a wash it down with a nice hot cup of coffee with real cream. My goodness! Isn’t it great to be able to have choices?
That means, boys and girls, having choices is a good thing.
You can live in Boston if you want bagels and coffee from Duncan Donuts, or live in California if you want taquitos and coffee. You can live in Florida if you want nice sunny skies, or you can live in Wisconsin if you like ice fishing. Choices are good. Having different choices in different places are good.
That’s pretty important.
That is why it is so great to live in Europe. A two or three hour ride will take you to a different part of Europe with different customs, languages and lifestyle. Well, it used to. That is until the progressive started to run Brussels and dictate conformity throughout the EU. Anyways, I digress…
Different things are really great.
It doesn’t matter what it is. Not really. Different types of food are nice. Like, for instance, getting a cup of coffee at the Café du monde in New Orleans as opposed to walking into a Starbucks franchise. Or having different pets. Having a few dogs around the house to liven it up, and having a few cats to mellow things out and keep everyone in line, is a good thing. Or maybe having different cars. Like having a beat-up pickup to go mudslinging, or a cheap car to commute to work back and forth, or having a nice big Lincoln to go out to the lounge in the big city.
Different is good. It is really, really good.
We need to Broaden our Experiences
Now, I contend that the greater your experiences are with different things, the broader your personality becomes.
For instance, I never had any Mexican (or Tex-Mex) food until after I graduated from university. Yet, when I had my first taco and burrito, I became hooked. How I could, I possibly live in a world without refried beans, melted cheese, and tacos? Since then, this type of food expanded my experiences. It made me a better person. And, perhaps, a little thicker around the middle.
It doesn’t mean that all that I ate before (my discovery of Mexican food) was bad, it is just that I found another food that I like just as well as (stuffed) pork chops, pizza and double tomato hamburgers. It was equal.
Later, when I experienced “real” Southern cooking and had my first “real” BBQ in Mississippi, I added yet another food to my list of favorites. Shortly after that, I added deep-fried catfish, pickled tomatoes, and hushpuppies. Some of the things that I was exposed to completely replaced the old “standbys”. For instance, once I had “real” Southern mint iced tea, I never bought a regular “iced tea” from a fast food restaurant ever again.
My experiences expanded me.
That is a good thing. We have to keep on constantly pushing, striving and working on growth. Instead of just ordering the same $5 pepperoni pizza from Domino’s pizza, mix it up a little and try a Greek gyro with salad and French fries. Instead of a number #2 meal out of Burger King, order their new “signature” special and try it out for a change. Instead of drinking a Coke out of the 7-11, go a little nuts and drink a Dr. Pepper. Let your “hair down”, live a little bit.
Not all hamburgers are the same. Fast food is NOT about a basic McDonalds hamburger. It can be anything. There are choices out there you know. You have choices. You can decide what YOU want to eat. Your choices are not limited to either [1] a cheeseburger, [2] a big mac, or [3] a quarter pounder.
Step outside your comfort zone. The world is filled with all kinds of things that are are quite different from what you have grown accustomed to. Different is good. Listen to me, different is GOOD.
It’s not only about food either. It’s about everything.
This includes different types of personalities, different fashions, different styles of buildings, different weather, different ways of doing things. Each one has their good and bad aspects. There is no “best” way to do anything. You can select and you can choose.
Don’t fall for the busybody narrative that there is only ONE best way to do things (their way). You are your own person. You can make your decisions and you own choices.
"I certainly had no idea about sex until I was 52 and living in Asia. But I didn’t understand what I was missing either, so can sympathize with a lot of the white guys living in their home towns. I don’t even bother telling my pals back home about sex out here, they just claim I’m lying, or at best think I’m lying."
We need to Push and Strive
You have to push to learn and improve your life.
Unless you push, strive and experience, you will become fat and lazy. We have to constantly push ourselves to be better people. To do this we need to strive. Strive to be good men. Strive to be good fathers. Strive to be great employees. Strive to do what is the best. Strive to learn.
"Of course the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you--if you don't play, you can't win."-Robert Heinlein
In most cases this will not happen if all you do is sit on your lazy-boy and play video games all day. You need to break out of what you know and enter the realm of what you don’t know. You need to go “outside” and experience other ways of doing things, and other ways of thinking. This might mean that the way pizza is made in Chicago tastes better to you, than the way pizza is made in New York City. Or not. Maybe you end up liking both types of pizza. (Like I do.)
But there will be one take-away from your comparative experience. That is, at least you will know the difference between a pizza in Chicago and one in New York. That knowledge is a good thing.
With that in mind, there are no absolutes here. China is NOT the best, but then again America is not the best either. Both nations have their own ways of doing things. Just like the EU does. For me, and after all this is my own comparisons, I find that some things that America does is fantastic, and other things that China does are fantastic as well.
That is how we grow.
We experience life. We make decisions, pass judgments, and move forward.
Different places have different ways of doing things. That is neither good or bad. It all depends on what you are used to. In Boston, you could not pump your gasoline yourself. I found that a shock. Then, after a while, I came to appreciate that law. We learn, we experience things and we grow.
If all you know is only one place, you will be convinced that it is the best place in the world. That is because that is all that you know. You have nothing to compare it against. You are stuck with whatever your environment lays out for you. You will repeat everything that everyone around you says. You won’t need to push yourself and think. You will just parrot it, and believe (mindlessly) that everyone will agree with you. Because you will surround yourself with people who will mirror you and echo what you say.
"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire." — Robert A. Heinlein
Liberty & Freedom in China?
When I first started to work in Mainland China, I came across the following advice:
“If you have visited China for one month, you can write a book. If you have visited China for a year, you can write a chapter. If you have been in China for 10 years, you can only write a sentence with nine words. The sentence is- China is a big country with a long history.”
China is an awfully big place.
It is not only different from the United States in many ways, but it has regional differences as well. There are places of just amazing beauty, as are places of pure desolation that look like a scene from some dystopian novel. China has amazing mountain ranges, huge pristine beaches, and islands that rival Hawaii. China has a network of super-fast bullet trains, a major highway grid, and all sorts of airports and ferries. It is just like the United States in infrastructure, but much much larger.
The Chinese People
In general, the Chinese people are really nice. They all tend to really like Americans. You know, on a personal level, Americans and Chinese have a lot of things in common. We really do. We have far more things in common than say a person from the Middle East has.
The Chinese like to party and have a great time. They love sports, and go nuts over basketball. They love their families, friends and outdoor sports. They love to eat, and drink, and play with pretty girls. They believe in hard work. They believe in doing your best, striving and learning. They think that the family is the most important aspect of their lives. They respect older generations and honor them. They love new technology and like to play electronic games and communicate on social media. They love their cars.
They think that Americans have their act together, though they are not too sure about the American government. They think that America is a great nation, and they would like to visit it, but they really don’t want to live there.
They don’t think that they can be themselves in the United States.
Why Not?
“My name is Angus, originally from England, I have now been in China almost 6 years, working as a teacher.
Why did I choose China? Simple, life is better in China as a foreigner than it was in England as a businessman, constantly having to deal with our corrupt government.
Life is what we make of it in China. I don't know about you but I find I have more freedom here in China than I had in England.
Admittedly the standard of living is lower as is the income. But on the upside there is no pressure except the pressure I put on myself to do my job professionally.
I have been to many countries and worked in some. For me Cuba and China are the best places, I would never eat Chinese food in England because it is awful. But Chinese food in China is a wonderful culinary adventure. Everyday I try something I have never had before, sometimes I enjoy it, other times I don't.
Learning to cook real Chinese food is relatively easy and great fun. If you ask you will find some of your Chinese friends are very happy to show you, they love sharing their culture with us.
The only real problem I had had to face in China are the bad employers who ignore the contract and agreements and feel they can impose their will on all their employees. Because there are so many illegals working in China Employers have been able to do as they please with their foreign workers. I have actually taken legal action against one such employer and won. If you are legal and have problems with your employer you will find the Arbitration service is wonderful. If your illegal you haven't got any protections and it is your own fault.”
Which is sort of why this post is written in the first place. Why don’t the Chinese people (that I know) want to become Americans? Oh sure, everyone wanted to immigrate back in the 1990’s, but in case you haven’t been paying attention to current events, that was over three decades ago. China has changed a lot since then. Back then, there was a President Reagan, a President Bush and a President Clinton. It was a different time. Since then we have had a totally different crop of presidents, with a completely different set of values. President Bush II, and President Obama had changed the United States to “improve it”. But, I dare say, the changes end up in taking something away from the American citizens, and giving it instead to the rich elite.
Many Chinese fear that if they move to the United States that they will lose their freedom.
This is not a debatable subject.
It is a truth. For instance, in China, no one, not even the government can seize your bank account. In China, right or wrong, the only person who can take money out of a bank account is the person with your thumbprint. That is it. No legal retainers, documents, negotiations, or changes to the law will alter this fact. Which is why, in nations such as Saudi Arabia, that the government might hold you “captive” under house-arrest, until you agree to hand over your money. If you don’t want to part with it, they cannot get it. Period.
In many parts in the rest of the world, banks guard YOUR money. It’s not the property of the government. Not so in the United States. Americans think that the all-powerful American government can do just about anything it wants with you. Examples of Americans are made all the time, to help reinforce this narrative.
At least China believes in 4th Amendment Protections
For all the bad things that you can say about these nations, you have to at least give them credit that they follow the American 4th Amendment, and allow individuals to keep their personal affairs and money private.
Look at the actions that the EU took against Facebook.
Look at the actions that China took against Facebook, Google and their aligned Silicon-valley oligarchs. Do you believe the American-media generated narrative that it is to limit the “freedom” of the Chinese people? Or, are you willing to see the truth that the Chinese respect the privacy of their citizens more than the United States does?
Ouch! The truth hurts.
In America, the opposite is true. Just about anyone can seize your assets. It starts at the IRS, and branches out to everyone else. There is no fourth amendment, and no one even considers it, ever.
Many of my Chinese friends tell frightening stories of other Chinese who have moved to America and had ended up losing entire bank accounts, getting their houses repossessed, and having all sorts of problems. Once they became a citizen they risk losing everything. Don’t be under the impression that the Chinese are unaware of this. They know about it quite well, and it is disturbing to them. They look to me imploringly; “how can the government possibly freeze your property?” they ask. “It is YOUR property.” They state.
They consider this ability; the government to take something of yours, to be a loss of freedom.
America is Different than China
Yet, in America it is not considered a loss at all. It is considered the price that you must accept to “live in the greatest nation on the earth”. America has the “Bill of Rights” that are always protected. No one will ever try to take away the freedom to speak, or your guns, or your ability to worship as you wish. Not in America! So, many Americans just can’t understand why any Chinese would feel this way. It’s just the price you must pay if you want to be an American.
Which, of course, leads me to think about things.
So, in comparison with my Chinese friends, I have discovered that I have more freedom in China than what I had in the United States. Here in China, the IRS won’t come smashing my door down at three in the morning with an armored vehicle. Here in China, the FDA will not shut down my business because of some complaint. Here, the DHS will not freeze my papers and subject me to household detention for undisclosed reasons. The FDA will not require me to have a doctor write me a prescription. The FCC will not limit my bandwidth on my cell phone. The NSA will not be monitoring, recording, and indexing all my computer activity. The CIA won’t be trying to blackmail me with some attractive prostitute. The FBI won’t be monitoring my email, or smashing down the offices of my attorney.
Anti-Chinese Propiganda
Now, I caution the reader not to buy-into the propaganda that the Chinese government can do anything it wants. The Chinese, if there is one thing that they do actually do, it is follow and obey rules. They don’t bend them like they do in the United States. They simply do not have the same kind of militarized domestic police forces like what is maintained in the United States. They just do not.
There is an answer. Though, most Americans will not believe it.
The Reason WHY the Chinese don’t Suffer through the many ILLs that Americans endure
Well, fundamentally it is because those people who are trying to change things (for the better or worse) are known as “Busybodies” (爱 管 闲事). And in China, “busybodies” in China are put to death. (Actually, organ harvested for three years and then put to death.) While in America they are embraced and allowed to dictate policy. (Heck, we even elected one to two terms as President, Barrack Obama.) China is a land where it is against the law to be a busybody.
It is so very refreshing.
China has zero tolerance for busybodies. While in America busybodies are celebrated as “Justice Warriors” who are “improving” the world through regulation, laws and banning things outright. China experimented with that popular trend in the 1960’s and 1970’s and the entire nation suffered as a result. Today, they don’t mess around. If you are a SWJ, BLM, Antifa, Soros minion, or even just a vocal Democrat, you are pretty much rounded up and killed. In China, busybodies are killed after organ harvesting. (Image source.)
You see, what I refer to as a “busybody” is some person who wants to change how another person lives their life. They come up with all kinds of reasons and excuses. The most famous is “it’s for the children”, but there are many others. For instance, to make the parks safer, or to make tomatoes easier to ship, or to increase the size of an ear of corn, or to protect children while riding in cars, or to prevent children from getting familiar with guns. There are laws to make children eat healthier, rules to make walking on stairs safer, and guidelines to guarantee that no ones’ feelings are getting hurt. So many reasons. Each time there is a restriction on a liberty, it is done and fabricated by a busybody.
Busybodies are the scourge of the decade.
In China, there are no busybodies. The only way that someone can have the authority to dictate policy is through the government only. In China that means the Chinese Communist Party. Individual members are not permitted to do it. There must be total and complete agreement on the changes and restrictions. Then once something is proposed, studies are conducted and the merits discussed and evaluated.
In America, the MEDIA promotes Progressive Social Justice
The problem in America is that busybodies are promoted by the mainstream media. They are praised. They are applauded. They are noticed, and the loudest and most ignorant get the greatest airtime. If they cannot find a report of a busybody doing something they quickly make one up.
CNN is notorious for this. They are always crafting reports about busybodies doing one thing or the other. But of course, they don’t call them busybodies. They call them something else. Like “proud gay parent”, or “hero of the student movement”, “community organizers”, “a concerned citizen”, “survivor of a school shooting”, “community activist” or “an unnamed official”.
CNN staging a fake protest. In this case they reported that a huge groundswell of Muslims were protesting Islamic terror. Those individuals weren’t even’t actual Muslims. They were actors. Jeeze! Not one single Muslim went on on the air to protest terror. That is the truth, but CNN felt that it would be better to convince people otherwise. Why?
The media promotes busybodies through propagandized fear and manipulation.
Before the reader “has a cow”, let it be understood that what I am discussing is day-to-day freedom and liberty. This is the freedom and lifestyle that you experience every day. This is how you live your life in doing your normal activities. These are the simple things in life. These things include working; eating, spending time with your family, travel, saving money, and spending money. These are the comparatives. These are the measurables and the deliverables that one can use to actually determine how free they are. As well as comparatively determine their overall standard of living compared to the rest of the world.
In America, citizens are controlled by fear and regulation. The media plays a major role. Today the media is aligning to software giants to forge major alliances to alter the fundamental makeup and structure of society so that the richest 1% may rule unopposed. In China, this is not permitted. There is only one government, they do not take kindly to usurpers.
The American media is wholly devoted to division and fear. (Image Source.)
For me, liberty and freedom concerns what I eat, and how I eat it. It concerns how much money I get to keep after I work a good long day of work, and how afraid I am (or not) when I go outside. Remember, boys and girls, a life lived in fear is a life not lived.
Someone Rigged the Game
When I was younger, maybe 10 or 11, I remember playing a game of Monopoly with a friend. We had spent all day out at the “boney dumps” (slang for strip-mined wasteland) and were shooting off some of the .22 that we had bought earlier. The day went well, aside from a pair of dead mice that we found stuck in a bottle, and we had gone to a friend’s house. His father was out running a dragline and so we had the kitchen to ourselves. We pulled out the Monopoly game and started playing.
I was never a Monopoly expert, but I was doing well. At least I thought I was. I owned some major property (Park Place and Boardwalk), and a red plastic hotel. I was pretty well convinced that I was ultimately going to win the game, but I was still losing. No matter how profitable my real-estate dealings were, and no matter what my luck was in the cards that I drew, I was still losing.
It took me a while, but eventually I realized that my friend, who was acting as the bank, was cheating. What he would do was to secretly move money from the bank over to his own pile. It took a few turns, but, once I figured this out, I quit the game.
Dude, why play a game when it’s impossible to win?
In a nutshell, that’s what’s happening to us in today’s America. Throughout your entire childhood, you were told about the American Dream, and how if you worked hard and did the right things, you could build a good life for yourself. But you know, something went wrong: Either someone’s cheating, or they changed the rules without telling you.
That is, I am very sorry to say, is exactly what happened.
They changed the rules on you. The game has changed and it is no longer in your favor. The busybodies have taken over and rigged the game in their favor. No matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you try. No matter whatever you do, you will never be able to get ahead. You will never be able to save money. You will never be able to live the kind of lifestyle that your parents had.
It is Sad
Yeah. It is sad.
I know it is sad. The generations before us actually did have a real shot at achieving their dreams. Yet, you know, over time, so many people cheated. They looked for shortcuts to achieving their own dreams. In the process they ended up changing the game. They rigged the game. They rigged it in their favor. And now… now that it is your time to play, they’ve made it almost impossible for you to win.
Now, of course, this is not something that is told to the American people. Instead Americans are told that they are the best; that they are exceptional. All Americans know how fantastic and exceptional that the United States is. All Americans know that every other place in the world is a shithole. All Americans know this. They have seen “Save the Children” commercials, and CNN news articles on the oppressive smog in Beijing. MSNBC likes to talk about the protests in Hong Kong, and the protests in Tibet.
In fact, this is what Americans are told about China;
“This is all nonsense! Everyone knows that there is no freedom in China. You cannot protest. You cannot have LGBT bathrooms, same-sex marriage, and firearms. There are no open borders, and no refugees are ever allowed in unless carefully vetted. Heck, they expect immigrants to actually learn Chinese. Imagine that! Completely crazy!You can’t do anything worth anything in China!The people live in squalor and ride bicycles everywhere. Only the very rich have a great life and their lives are so different from that of the average person. It is beyond anyone’s comprehension that you would live in a place where factory workers routinely jump off the roofs of the factories because they can’t take the pace of work. It is a place where people are begging to leave.I know. I read the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Guardian, CNN, and Salon. I even double check it with Snopes. They tell me all that I need to know. They are the guardians of the truth.”
And here is an example of what people do when they say something along the lines of “look, you really got to stop talking shit about China, and visit it.” Here, a caller to the Rush Limbaugh show says this, and while Rush admitted that he never visited China; he just ignored the points being made. Instead, he listed a litany of the same-old American propaganda. Do not be like El Rush Bo.
Go and see it yourself, with your OWN eyes.
“Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.”-Rose Luxemburg
Go to China YOURSELF. See it YOURSELF.
Don’t make judgments based on what other people tell you. Their realities are not yours. They just aren’t. El Rush Bo was complaining about Tibet, and “President for Life”, and saying that Obama liked the Chinese infrastructure. So fucking what? Really. So what?
Go through Chinese airport boarding procedures, and then go through American TSA.
Go through Chinese customs, and then go through American customs.
Fly on an aging old decrepit American airline with fat ugly women stewardesses, and then fly on a state-of-the-art new Chinese airline with attractive young waitresses.
Make your own comparisons. Don’t take my word for it.
Do not take my word for it.
With that well established as the conventional narrative, everything that is written here is going to ruffle some tail feathers. There are going to be those who have never stepped out of the USA parroting the contemporaneous narrative. Yeah, it’s gonna be something like “America is exceptional, and there is no other country like it. So, I refuse to listen to anything else. So there!”
On top of that, you will have a handful of those who have taken a five-day trip to one of the factory zones in China supporting it. For instance, you might have an engineer who traveled to Dongguan say that “I’ve been there, it’s a slimy hell-hole”. Yeah, and I can say that about Baltimore and Detroit as well. Every nation has factory areas, and they all typically stink. What the Hell do you think an industrial area is supposed to look like? Have you ever been to Torona, California or Petrolia, Pennsylvania? Just like every nation also has areas of beauty as well.
According to the American media, China is a dirty smog-filled third world cesspool. When the exact opposite is true. But don’t take my word for it. GO SEE IT FOR YOURSELF.
Shanghai is a very beautiful city. (Image Source.)
But this post is not about convincing anyone of anything. It is only my opinions based on my own unique experiences. So don’t believe me.
Go to China yourself and see it from your own eyes.
You Decide, Do not Listen to Me
Just because I have these opinions does not mean that you will agree with me. In fact, I have a friend from NYC. He’s been in China for at least five years. He likes it. He is always cavorting with Russian models in Shenzhen, China and is always going to clubs and having such a great time. His long dreadlocks, olive skin, and huge smile are always appealing. But, he does not agree with me. In his mind there is only one, and one only, place to live. That is New York City, baby. Nothing else even comes close.
So, these are my opinions, and I do believe that you (the reader) will have your own. This is an important point, as I was raised as a “flag waving” American citizen. I was an American who believed in the promise and, most importantly, the practice of freedom and liberty. However, over the years, with the encroachments of various laws and legislative actions, those freedoms have whittled away to nothing.
Busybodies Run the USA Today
It began oh so “innocently”.
Firstly, they took away our “freedom to save money” by passing the 16th amendment. Yup. So, now “oh yeah” you can save money. But first, you have to give 15-30% of what you make to the federal government. Then you have to pay your state tax (0-8%). Then you have to pay your mandatory social security and Medicaid taxes (8%+8%), then you have to pay your mandatory Obamacare taxes (>0, obviously). Whatever is left over you can save (although it too is also subject to tax).
Then, secondly, they took away our ability to travel freely. Now you need a driver license to get about. (If you want to drive, but now you also need it to board a train, or get on the bus. Thank you DHS.) Along with that are all kinds of restrictions that you need to follow to keep that “privilege”. You can’t drink, smoke or text in the car. You must wear a specially approved restraining device, and your children must have a specially constructed and approved safety seat.
The list goes on and on.
Oh, sure we take the removal of our freedoms as “given”. It is the price that we pay for “living in the best nation on the planet”. It doesn’t matter if you need to get a license to paint your own living room or if you can lose everything and share a prison cell with a mass murderer because you picked a plant in your backyard and smoked it…
“The US Constitution does not give the federal government any authority to criminalize marijuana. Thus, the question of whether marijuana is legal is one of the many issues reserved to the states under the Tenth Amendment. If the Constitution gives Congress the power to ban marijuana, then why was it necessary to amend the Constitution to give Congress the power to ban alcohol?”-Ron Paul
Freedom used to mean something. People used to proudly say that they were “free” in the United States. They really, and honestly, used to say this. I am not kidding in the least. People said it and really believed it.
Ah, how quaint.
Freedom Used to be Important
The transformation will be absolutely complete when they take away guns. Then, only the rulers will have weapons. Oh, what a dangerous time that will be. (Have you ever wondered why people in the Democrat party are so absolutely focused in disarming the population? Well you should.) Then, once the people are disarmed, then the “real” changes can take place.
Know your history. This is what really happens when a particular group comes to power and their enemies are disarmed. It is never pretty.
The REAL changes.
Oh, this will be a dangerous time to be an American, I’ll tell you what. I shouldn’t need to tell you what will happen then. It will just be a repeat of what has always happened once people are disarmed in a nation that is an oligarchy.
If you have been paying attention, you the reader, should know all the arguments. “(That) one’s individual freedom is not nearly as important as the needs of the defenseless children.” Anyways, the point is that the United States government is dismantling our rights one by one and offering nothing in return except empty promises.
American RIGHTS are being dismantled one by one, and NOT ONE PERSON is defending them.
Americans are treated as Cattle
To keep us in line they promote all kinds of fears, distractions and divisions. A person listening to the American news today would be petrified to leave the United States, as the outside world must be horrific! (Which of course, explains the reaction that my father had when I told him that I was going to move to China.)
Americans lie to each other about what America is and what other nations are. If you really want to be serious about the reality of our life, then you need to accept the reality of what America was intended to be. America today, is not at all what it was intended to be…
“The word Republic has all but disappeared from our political lexicon. It has erroneously been replaced by Democracy. The Founders must be turning over in their graves. They had nothing but contempt for democracy. They sought to, and did, create a constitutional republic, but not before doing their homework. Unlike today's politicians, talking heads, and academics, the Founders had an acute, in-depth, and nuanced understanding of history and political systems. Prior to the 1787 constitutional convention, James Madison undertook a comprehensive study of every known republic in recorded history to ensure that the Founders didn't repeat their mistakes. The Founders as a group were also well studied in democracies. They knew that every democracy in recorded history disintegrated in a pyre of chaos, tyranny, and mob violence. The word democracy does not appear in any of the Founding documents: the Declaration, the Articles of Confederation, nor the Constitution. For good reason: the Founders had no intention of creating a democracy. They wanted to fashion a mixed republic of constitutionally infused checks and balances which incorporated elements monarchy, aristocracy, and popular consent. Monarchy would manifest itself in the Office of President, aristocracy the senate, and popular consent, the House of Representatives. The checks and balances are both vertical and horizontal. The division of the government into the executive, legislative, and judicial constitutes one form of checks and balances. The "division of labor" among the federal, state, and local levels of government constitutes the other. This division of labor was made law in Article 1, Section 8, and the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution. The Founders drew much of their inspiration and thought from Baron Montesquieu's "Spirit of the Laws." Montesquieu (1689-1755), a Frenchman, was a political philosopher and man of letters. He is one of the central figures of the Enlightenment. Published in 1748, the Spirit of the Laws is a comparative study of three types of government: republic, monarchy, and despotism. Montesquieu held that government powers should be separated and balanced to guarantee individual rights and freedom. It is considered one of the most influential political studies of all time. The Founders would agree, and some 40 years later, would incorporate much of Montesquieu's masterpiece in the founding of our Republic. I'll bet very few Americans can cite the differences between a republic and a democracy, or care for that matter. But even high-level politicians and prime-time political commentators continue to refer to "our democracy" rather than "our republic." Spread the good word---we don't live in a democracy; it's a republic, thank you.”-Artful Dilettante
So now, today most Americans now have strangely warped ideas about life and life in other nations. This is a direct result of the onslaught barrage of propaganda out of the United States media and the oligarchy that controls them. This can be irritating, because most Americans believe the lies because that is all they know. Those of us who live outside of the echo bubble framed by the American media machine know differently. And, over time, the gap between our reality and the American narrative keeps getting wider and wider.
“Around mid-November 2017, Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a shocking report detailing China’s gay conversion problem.Powerful first-hand accounts expose how state-owned hospitals are using electric shock machines and medication to convert gays back to some form of 'normalcy'. The practice is an open secret in China, where a majority of gays are forced by their families into hospitals, because the culture labels it as a curable-disease. Even the World Psychiatric Association has come out denouncing the practice as “unethical, unscientific and harmful”.”
What in the Lord’s name are they friggin’ talking about? Theres nothing even similar to this, in any way, in China. There just isn’t!
Yet, who is “Human Rights Watch”? Who is publishing this nonsense? Well, you’ve guessed it… None other than George Soros, who worked with President Obama to create a contentious relationship with China. Want to read about the activity in this area, then check it out.
Yeah, it’s all exposed. However, the United States Mainstream media are all controlled by Soros, so you won’t see any reports there. Have to admit the absolute BULLSHIT from the Soros minions is getting pretty darn deep. You need some pretty tall boots to slug through all of it. Ya! You bet! Here, you can read more fear generating anti-China Soros propaganda here.
Don’t believe me? Then fact-check it using a Soros-based Fact-Checking internet site like Snopes…
George Soros was an early contributor to Snopes, and has provided financial backing to the organization for years.
Why all this Propaganda?
Why is every single instance when you turn on any media it is always about how great the United States is? It’s not that I don’t think the United States is great, it is that you don’t give any other nations any credit. It is as if the entire rest of the world is nothing but scenes from a “Save the Children” commercial. Gawd, you’d think that the rest of the world walks around barefoot, sorts through trash, lives in windowless houses, and prostitutes’ children. It’s really a very lopsided view of the world.
On the top of the list is China. China is always maligned.
Don’t believe me, eh?
Ok. Here, try this. (I am serious. Please stop reading and do this “sanity check”.)
Do a picture / image search for “dogs in china”. One is a United States search engine; Bing. The other is a Chinese search engine; Baidu. Now look at the difference in the photos found. Big difference indeed. If you search using American search engines, and American web sites you will get the idea that the Chinese hates dogs. You would get the idea that they eat them and treat them brutally.
The photo results when using an American search engine (Bing) for the term “Dogs in China”. Pretty terrible. Eh? The Chinese must really HATE dogs. Don’t you think?
When the real truth is that the Chinese love dogs like their very own children. They dress them up in clothes, including socks and shoes. (Even my dog Shao Pi has sock, shoes, a coat, underwear, sunglasses, a cap and his very own backpack.) They have hairstyles and perms that they give the dogs. They groom them in pet salons, and offer them high-end doggie hotel accommodations, complete with dog-friendly television shows. It is a completely stark mind-blowing difference.
Yet, you know you would think that the US media would WANT to show this bizzare behavior to the American public. It is, afterall, newsworthy. But they don’t. Anything that shows China in a positive light is suppressed.
The photo results when you use a Chinese search engine (Baidu) for the search term “Dogs in China”. You know, the Chinese really love their dogs and treat them as children.
Here are two videos to make this point. Both are from an APP that is very common in China. (It is called IesDouYin,(Not a very English-Friendly name, I am afraid.) you can get it HERE. It is a kind of You-Tube in a Twitter kind-of format. It’s pretty cool and super popular in China. Heck, if you really want to get a taste of what China is actually like, then watch the videos.)
You know, part of the reason for this anger directed at China is because of Walmart.
Yup, good old Walmart. They, through their greed, was the engine that introduced shabby products to the American middle class. I know, I was in the appliance industry in the late 1980’s when Walmart was dictating terms to all the manufacturers. They wanted cheap at all costs. Yet, Walmart maintained a baseline margin of 30%.
So here we were, a factory dealing with a 3% profit margin over costs, and here was the retailer demanding a plump 30% profit margin. If we couldn’t hit their sales prices, we were out of the game. The American companies couldn’t compete. Oh, Sears tried. Oh others tried. But the only way that we could still be able to sell our products was to have them made in China. And that, my dear boys and girls, is why I first started to come to China in the first place.
Walmart sent me.
So, anyways, the cheap stuff got made in China and shipped to the USA. Meanwhile the high quality stuff was also made in China by shipped elsewhere. It was shipped to England, Japan, Russia, France, and Germany. So an American might think that they are buying some really high quality stuff out of Japan, when in reality they are still buying stuff made in China, just redirected via Japan.
Yah. It’s a global world we live in today.
Global Manufacture
Yet, for all the supposedly “junk” that China makes, Americans sure as heck like to buy it. Hey! You know that iPhone you use; made in China. How about that nice Japanese car; made in China. What about that expensive German camera; made in China. What about that high-end gaming computer; made in China. What about the HDTV in your living room; yup, made in China as well. How about that Porsche or Mercedes Benz; both made in China. Just because Walmart sells junk does not mean that junk is all that China makes. It isn’t.
In fact, America is NOT the only buyer of Chinese products. China sells to the world. So while a lot of products leave China and arrive on American shores, it is only around 11% of all Chinese exports. So, for all of you who like to believe the unicorn dream that tariffs on Chinese products would harm China, you are in for a rude awakening. It’s not going to happen.
China exports products all over the world. They manufacture everything. Their quality varies from poor to exceptional. Just because the only exposure to Chinese products is Walmart does not mean that that is all that they make. It isn’t.
Nice Pie-chart of where China exports to. (Image Source.)
It’s just that the average American cannot afford anything decent any longer. They shop at Walmart and the Dollar Store to purchase “affordable” products. Which is really the super cheap junk, now mostly made outside of China.
Made and Sold in the USA
Now, here is the most important part of this post, so please pay attention. Which is now my pitch for “Made in the USA”. Listen up. Look everyone, good products can be made just about anywhere. But if you want something made that is high quality, and is reliable, and is worth your good hard money to buy… don’t go to Walmart. Go to your local hardware store, and buy American.
It is not that China only makes junk, it is that Americans allow mercenary business practices to set the pace for American product quality. This needs to end. Your first stop; buy American. Your second stop; buy local. Go to businesses that employ the people in your local area.
So turn off the propaganda. China makes good products, but they are out of the price range of most Americans. Stop buying junk. Stop shopping at cheap stores. Buy only a few things, and what you buy… make it of the highest quality. If you really want to make a difference, buy American.
Turn off the propaganda. So the argument is always the same;
"Well, maybe China makes all the products, but they are just junk. And, of course, well maybe Japan has all the cool gadgets, but who really needs them. Let’s not forget the argument that China is Communist, not a wonderful and safe “Democracy” like the United States is."
America is a great place, and full of wonderful people. It is just that America has allowed truly bad people; truly evil and corrupt people to run the government. They in turn have permitted busybodies to meddle. They were allowed to meddle in everything. Now the USA looks like a playroom where toddlers had a food fight in it.
This is true, and you the reader knows this.
American Laws and Rules
Oh, the reasons and intentions were always, supposedly for the best of intentions. Seat belt laws requiring (forcing) us to wear seatbelts while in a moving vehicle is to protect the vehicle occupants. Anti-smoking legislation is supposedly to prevent lung cancer in the population. Forcing people to purchase ACA insurance is to help those who cannot afford medical insurance. The banning of wood-stoves is to prevent homes from catching fire and to preserve trees. The list goes on and on.
However, the truth is that the reasons why laws were written is often not the real purpose and reason why they were put in place.
Their overall accumulative effects were anything else. And thus, when a person steps out of the United States, for the first time, and is exposed to another way of life… Well, the absence of freedom that Americans have becomes overwhelmingly obvious. It really becomes clear. It is just beyond obvious. It is frightening. It is mind-boggling. It is amazing. How in the world can a person be free in Communist China, and why do I, a real “red blooded” American, feel this way?
I am not the only person who has noticed this.
Americans are like the boiling frog. How do you cook a frog? You put it in cool water and then slowly turn up the heat. By the time the frog notices that something is wrong, it is too late.
“Americans should travel internationally, especially in Asia. When they return to the States they will see what a police state it has turned into.”-roddy6667 Jan 8, 2018 3:19 AM
Yeah. It becomes obvious.
Landing in China
Beautiful Shenzhen. Ever hear of it? You should, as it is easily four times the size of New York city and is the “Silicon Valley” of China.
When I landed in China, the first thing I noted was that people were living their lives in a way that was alien to what I had become accustomed to. They smoked in restaurants! They drank beer in the street! They slept wherever they felt like it – and no one even took notice. No, this was not some third-world banana republic where swarthy brown-skinned natives walked barefoot and wore cone shaped hats. No. They were as modern and erudite as modern Tokyo, and lived their lives as they saw fit.
The government did not tell them what to do and how to do it. No, the Chinese government DID NOT tell their people how to live. They were not controlled by the wealthy; those in power, and the corporate army. They, themselves, decided.
“Liberty, the right to be left alone, is at the top of the Constitution’s hierarchy.”-Bruce Fein
Only the most ignorant or uninformed American still believes that the USA is “free”. Oh, at one time, Americans were free, but that time was over 200 years ago. The freedom eroded over time and now it is all just an empty promise. It is all but empty air.
Here is something found on the DNC server by Wikileaks. Apparently all of the donors to DNC 2016 Presidential Candidate recognize that the USA is neither a Republic or a Democracy;
From: "Sandler, Jim" <james@sandlerfoundation.org<mailto:james@sandlerfoundation.org>>
Date: August 24, 2014 at 5:43:34 AM EDT
To: "Sandler, Herbert" <hms@sandlerfoundation.org<mailto:hms@sandlerfoundation.org>>
Subject: Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer an Actual Democracy
I guess it takes a study to point out the obvious.http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/princeton-experts-say-us-no-longer-democracy
Sent from my iPad
While those who control the government understand this fact quite well. Most Americans don’t understand. They don’t see it. That is precisely because they don’t understand what they see. They have nothing to compare things against. They don’t leave the country and compare their life with that in other nations.
Yet, as an American who leaves the USA… oh, what a shock it truly is!
To Learn you need to Compare
Yes, I am aware that many people are still trying to desperately enter the United States. For them, the image that Hollywood portrays is seductive. The proclamations made by our political leaders during political posturing is seductive, and the “cult” of “American greatness” is alluring. “Free healthcare”, “Free housing”, “Free education”, and a high standard of living without having to go to work or labor for it. What a seduction! A nation where every single thing is FREE!
Free stuff. You never have to work, and everything is just given to you. What a wonderful place. You don’t even need to learn English. Just come in and register for all your free stuff.
America is a place where everything is FREE!
America is a place where everything is FREE!
You Get What You Pay For
But the truth is, the reality of what awaits them in America compared to what they left is not as great a disparity as one would believe. While the American standard of living has declined, the standard of living in other nations has increased. Today the difference is not that striking. When they arrive, their life is not at all what it is portrayed in the media.
For many Americans when they leave the protected shores of America (Canada and Mexico do not count. As they are more or less American-protectorates.) they go into shock and surprise. How can this be? Your mind recoils in horror, and as time presses, you become more and more understanding. All of this increases every day until, well, until one day it all comes together. And, in a blazing flash of light, you see the real hard and stark truth.
“You learned the dry-mouthed, fear-purged purging ecstasy of battle and you fought that summer and that fall for all the poor in the world against all tyranny, for all the things you believed in and for the new world you had been educated into.”-For whom the bell tollsby Earnest Hemingway
You see that many things are simply, out and out, wrong with the United States. There are things wrong with what it is supposed to be, and what it actually is. In fact, it is a complete cluster-fuck, and it is so bad that there has to be a logical reason behind it. How did the USA get into such a terrible mess, and why has it deviated so far away from the core fundamental principles on which it was founded. When you look and study it, you see how terribly wrong everything is… you see the evil… you see the greed… you see the threats and danger… and you just explode!
Hong Kong is a very western Chinese city. It is very modern and very crowded. I like it, but I can only take it in small doses as they use Western pricing and it tends to be too expensive for my tastes.
I spent a considerable amount of time in China. I did this (of course) as an American expat. And China is, possibly, the antithesis of the United States. Yet, it is refreshingly free. How can this be?
I, like all Americans, have been taught that China holds the world’s most repressive government. That the people in China are poor, starving, and in need of American help. We are told that they eat fish-heads, and rice; not because they like it, but because that is all that the government will let them eat. Americans are constantly reminded of every single anti-government protest in China, whether it is about Tibet, or the Hong Kong Democracy movement. They are constantly alerted to every downturn in the Chinese economy. They are constantly told every bit of bad news that hits the American news wires. But those events, even though they do exist, are not reflective of the true reality of what China is.
The actual reality of life in China is really, really different than what we Americans are told. Why? Why is reality so different from what we are told?
Well, for starters…
China is Communist in Name Only
“The balls on this guy! You looted Haiti like a peg-legged pirate. You, your crooked wife, and your cheesy slush fund “foundation” worked in concert to turn it into the shithole it has become. #BagmanBill#ClintonFoundation#Haitihttps://t.co/kPRxesS72C”A comment on former President Bill Clinton’s statement - James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) January 13, 2018
Most Americans consider “mainland” China to be communist. After all, the communist party runs the nation, right? So it is communist. Right. It is all “cut and dry”.
No. That is not the case at all.
When America was founded, we believed in liberty and freedom. You could make your own whiskey and sell it to whomever you wanted. You could ride on the roads and not have to pay for a permit to do so. The nation pretty much did not get involved in all the wars in Europe at the time. American was for its people.
Presidents, Senators and Representatives made decisions based upon the needs of the American people. It was not based upon the needs of wealthy foreign agents. Well, is this the case today? No it is not. America has changed.
“Our leaders engaged in nation building abroad while they failed to build up and replenish our nation at home. They undercut and short-changed our men and women in uniform with inadequate resources, unstable funding, and unclear missions. They failed to insist that our often very wealthy allies pay their fair share for defense.They neglected a nuclear menace in North Korea, made a disastrously weak and incomprehensibly bad deal with Iran, and allowed terrorists such as ISIS to gain control of vast parts of territory all across the Middle East. They put American energy under lock and key. They surrendered our sovereignty to foreign bureaucrats in far-away and distant capitals. And over the profound objections of the American people, our politicians left our borders wide open.Our leaders drifted from American principles. They lost sight of America’s destiny, and they lost their belief in American greatness. As a result, our citizens lost something as well. The people lost confidence in their government and eventually even lost confidence in their future.”-President Donald Trump(R) on 18 December 2017
The same is true with China. China has changed as well.
Mr. Deng
争先恐后 (zhēng xiān kǒng hòu) is an expression that describes modern Chinese society after Deng Xiaoping’s economic reforms – everyone is “struggling to get ahead” because they are “afraid they will be left behind”.
Contrary to what everyone thinks, the modern architect of China is not Mr. Mao, but a Mr. Deng. He is the reason why China is such a dominant power in the world stage today. “What?” You, the reader, might say, “How can this be?”. Yet it is true.
Trump is the reverse. He's not a conservative either, but a Dengist, as in China's Chairman Deng Xiaoping (one of the most positive figures in the twentieth century for almost single-handedly overcoming Maoism), who abjured ideology and famously said "I don't care if a cat is black or white as long as it catches mice."
-Why the left is having a nervous breakdown
The story is an interesting and important one…
Back in the 1980’s when China was getting “back on its feet” after the turmoil of the 1960’s and 1970’s (with armies of young progressive SJW), there were all kinds of power struggles going on in Beijing. It was an interesting time for certain. To boil it down and distill it into its most basic form, let’s just simply say this. (Here comes the simplified overview that describes everything. I suggest the reader actually study the history to get a true overview of the situation at hand.)
There were two groups within the communist party at that time.
One group [1] was a “progressive” wing. They wanted central government, central management, and Beijing running everything along the principles of classical communism. Their plan was almost exactly like the DNC plan under President Obama. One central government in control of EVERYTHING. This group was led by Mr. Mao and his followers.
The other group [2] was a “free market” wing. They wanted Beijing to establish a structure from which everyone would work under. But, when they operated under this structure they would implement “free market” activities. People would be “free” to do what they could to make money. The government would step back and not interfere. This group and effort was led by Mr. Deng.
This “free market” wing eventually became dominant. This is because it was so darn successful.
Free market economies will perform much better than socialist models on all levels. (Don’t believe me? Compare the nation of Venezuela (socialist paradise) with China (free market economy).) Today, China is a “American Conservative Free Market” “wet dream”. It is the reason why China is leading the world on so many levels. China runs the nation like an American Conservative would.
We can all thank Mr. Deng for this.
The Chinese utilize American Conservative “free market” policies for economic growth. They do not follow any socialist or communist models in this regard.
Free market policies are utilized in Chinese business practice. (Image Source.)
Life in “Communist” China
“When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.”— Thomas Jefferson
The USA media bashes China. They claim that China is terrible, repressive, and that people have no freedom there. They point to the Tiananmen incident, the pro-separation protests for Tibet, and western media crackdowns as evidence of that. They makeup statements and reports, some of which I can actually verify and double check the validly on, (after all, I am right here) that are absolutely made-up bullshit. The media is just propagandizing, and the content that they provide is just full of nonsense.
China is filled with beautiful cites that are enormous by American standards. Most are at least the size of Chicago, All of them are modern and large. China has embarked on “life style” initiatives which place an emphasis on improving the livability of a city over economic growth. So, as a result, the visitor will be, and always is, amazed at the large number of parks and the constant attention given to trees, shrubs and flowers. This city is Chongqing.The Chinese city of ChongQing. (Image Source.)
Modern China
Day to Day Freedom
Actually, in America, most people do not engage in protests on Wall Street every day. Most people do not write anti-government propaganda every day. Most people live quiet lives where they go from work to their families. That is what is the most important. That is also what is most important to me. It is the ability to live one’s life how you see fit. It is to be able to just live without anyone telling you otherwise. And, what matters to me is living this simple life in Freedom and in Liberty. Their political influence is typically restricted to voting efforts in an election and an occasional letter to their congressional representative.
"In the state of nature, liberty consists of being free from any superior power on Earth. People are not under the will or lawmaking authority of others but have only the law of nature for their rule.”- John Locke
Perhaps that is why I wax so vociferously on this subject. When one experiences the absence of something so precious, one cannot help but get emotionally connected to its meaning and it’s significance.
All Americans must carry identification on them at all times. These “papers” consist of driver’s license, or residency card, social security card, passport (if they have one) or Insurance cards and registrations. This is not true in other nations, where a person can go for months at a time with no one asking them for identification. Some links;
People; we are all the same. All over the world we are the same. We all want to go about our business, and not worry about the police pulling you over when you drive. (And, you and I both know how true this is in the United States.)
American Facts of Life
This is a fact of life in the United States. When an American drives and they see a police car, they wonder, is he going to pull me over for some infraction. The American driver looks at his speedometer to make sure that he is going slower than the posted speed limit. This is a uniquely American phenomena. You NEVER experience this in other countries. The police just leave you alone. (Except for countries like North Korea, Iran, and Pakistan.)
Wearing a seat belt is mandatory in the United States today if you ride in a vehicle. If you are caught without wearing one your risk a fine, or even jail time depending on where you are arrested. This is only in the United States. Other nations might also have laws of this nature, but they are rarely enforced, and often ignored.
We want to work at a job, and get 100% of our earnings paid to us. We do not want some invisible person, or agency, removing money from our pay out before we see it (Impossible in the United States.). This basically means that we can order a hamburger and not worry about whether or not we should have a slice of cheese on it. (Can we afford the extra 25 cents today, we wonder?) We want to live our lives without anyone telling us that we have to wear a seat belt, buy insurance, or show our ID to buy beer. (In fact, today in America even the failure to have an ID on your person can get you thrown in jail.)
One of the highlights of President Obama’s administration was “providing” “FREE” healthcare to Americans who did not have it. How this was implemented was that he made a law requiring all Americans to buy healthcare. Those that could not would pay a stiff fine. Today, if you do not have mandatory medical insurance you must pay the fine and it is enforced by the most feared federal agency in the United States; the dreaded IRS.
The IRS is used to police Americans. While the US Constitution FORBIDS use of the military on American soil, President Obama equipped them with state of the art military grade weapons and authorized their use against Americans without trial or Habeas Corpus.
Not only that, but President Obama gave the IRS military weapons, tanks, and a complete SWAT team. All to be used against tax evasion. But, only American citizens pay taxes, so that means that all these military weapons are being used domestically against Americans.
The Internal Revenue Service had in its weapons inventory 4,487 guns and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition as of late 2017, according to a report published this month by the Government Accountability Office.
Included in this arsenal, according to the GAO, were 15 “fully automatic firearms” and 56,000 rounds of ammunition for those fully automatic firearms.
The same report–“Federal Law Enforcement: Purchases and Inventory Controls of Firearms, Ammuntion, and Tactical Equipment”–says that the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services had 194 fully automatic firearms and 386,952 rounds of ammunition for those fully automatic firearms.
We just want to be left alone. (I ask the reader; for you personally, is this not true? Or do you welcome having the nosey neighbor two blocks down the street telling you want to do about your front yard?) To be left alone and to live your life as you see fit; that is the forgotten key component of liberty.
“Human life is one long struggle for Freedom. People struggle individually for Freedom from different personal things in their lives. You have your personal struggles and I have mine. But there is a struggle for Freedom that is paramount in importance to our personal ones. It is the one Freedom which binds us all together. It is Freedom from the bondage of another individual or the bondage of a big overbearing, regulating government. It is the Freedom of living the way you desire to live in happiness, and the Freedom to pursue that happiness. If we find ourselves without this Freedom, none other matters. Death would be better than suffering the consequences of the loss of this Liberty. That’s why Patrick Henry muttered those profound words, “Give me Liberty or give me death.””-John Porter
In an effort to “improve” the United States; to make it safer, more secure, and “better”, we have stolen from our most basic of principles; that of Freedom and Liberty.
Other People have Other Ideas
You know, my ideas about China and the United States are my own. Maybe you (the reader) might think differently. Maybe you will love it absolutely (like some of my friends), or hate it terribly (as I have read on the internet). So, get yourself a passport, and see for yourself.
Never take my word for anything. The reader must come to their own conclusions. Get a passport, and go to China. Visit Xiamen, visit Shenzhen, visit Tianjin, and visit Shanghai. Just go and come to your own conclusions.
All in all, different nations do things differently. The people in different countries think, act, and dress differently. I think it is best to appreciate the differences and relish in them, rather than try to change others to your own ideal.
I enjoy the differences.
So now, though all that I have experienced, I tell the reader that there are changes going on globally. There are shifts in power, and changes in dominance globally. These things will continue to play out over time. One can argue that I am wrong, but it will happen. How it eventually affects the reader will lie upon their thoughts that react to the persistent and eventual changes.
A map of the Chinese city of Wuhan. Ah, look at all that water. It is indeed a very beautiful place.
Chinese city of Wuhan. Look at all that water! Look at all the parks! (Image Source.)
“I'm Chinese American, and honestly, this video reflects SO MUCH on my initial views of china when I first went as a tourist back in 2010 (all of my family moved to America, so my mom and i had little connections left in China). To be honest, I actually found China to be quite liberating from all the political mess in America. Most citizens don't care about international "politics" per say, but rather care about events. Like you said, they care less about the well-being of individuality, and more as a collective local community (for example, the richer gated communities in Beijing will support one another), much like the poorer communities there. People are also more open to understanding other views within reasonable bounds (except for bigots of course), as they want to hear/learn more about foreign ideas + experiences. Anyways, i really thank you for posting this video. I appreciate it :)”-ronzalpha
Musings on Liberty and Freedom
“Americans must stop convincing themselves that nothing is wrong and that the United States is still number one in the world…. The first myth to be dispelled: we are no longer the world’s largest economy when adjustments are made for purchasing power parity. On the basis of purchasing power (and not by converting everything into dollars), China overtook the United States at the end of 2014. At the end of 2014, China accounted for 16.48% of the world's purchasing-power adjusted GDP (or $17.632 trillion), and the US made up 16.28% (or $17.416 trillion) (Bird, 2014). The United States will continue to shrink if changes are not made.”-“Is The United States Still The Best Country In The World? Think Again” by Hershey H. Friedman at the Brooklyn College - Department of Business Management, and Sarah Hertz at the State University of New York (SUNY), Empire State College. June 24, 2015.
Most of my current belief circles around the principles of FREEDOM, LIBERTY, and being HAPPY, and WORKING towards PROSPERITY. These are all things that everyone in the world aspires to. And these things have become into sharp focus as I travel about outside the confines of the United States. That is simply because other nations are not as controlled, manipulated, and policed as the American people are.
This is how the American government works;
First they break your legs.
Then they sell you a wheelchair to “help you” at ten times the price.
They then tax that wheelchair.
They then regulate your use of that wheelchair.
Finally, they assures you that without their help (the government) that you would not be able to get around at all.
When you die, they tax your children for inheriting your wheelchair.
Forget what you, the reader thinks, about which is the best government. It really doesn’t matter as much as the behavior those whom occupy leadership positions within that government. In fact, if I were to be so bold, a kind and caring despot in a dictatorship is far preferable to that of a democracy where the leaders are all selfish, evil crooks.
It’s true when you really think about it.
It is the people who control the operation of the government, rather than the government type itself that influences the lifestyle of the people. Now, one would think that a democracy would be ideal. (Which is the non-stop drumbeat in America for the last four decades.) That way, we could (by majority rule – rule by herd), select who will run the government. But, my dear reader, please take note…
“The ability to choose one’s masters, is not freedom.”-Unknown
Stuck where we were Born
The reader should recognize that governments have formed over periods of time involving years, decades, and even centuries. We cannot select which government we were born into. What we can select, to some degree, is where we can migrate towards to achieve happiness.
Our selection of such a place to live is an important one. While there are many who desire to stay in their birth nation and change it to fit their desires, others decide to move towards nations where they can be free and happy. For some, happiness means safety and protection. (Such is the desire of many American women, and children.), while others happiness means freedom to just be yourself. (Which is my desire, and which is shared with other men typically.)
Ah… you DO know that men and women ARE different.
While we might have different sentience’s and different cultures, we are all human. As such, regardless of the language, we all can understand each other. That is, as long as we remain insulated from manipulation by others.
I see this every day. I see it in all people. Whether the person comes from China, or whether they are visitors from other nations who do business in China. We are all the same in regards to the basic traditional roles. Whether you come from Dubai, Cuba, France, England, Australia, or Iran it is a basic truth. Most people want to be left alone, and they want to make their own decisions at their own pace, and not answer to anyone. One of the most shocking, eye-opening experiences that I have had since I moved to China is how much freer the Chinese people are compared to Americans. This has greatly shocked me.
“Where you find the laws most numerous, there you will find also the greatest injustice.” -Arcesilaus (315-241 BC)
But, is being “freer” actually “better”?
Trust in the Government
My father, a life-long Democrat really didn’t trust the government at all. However, he felt that America was the best because our government (at least) listened to its people. We had “representatives” and ‘Senators” that would do what we asked. That that was, as he explained to me, one of the reasons why America was so great.
He would tell me that we were lucky that we didn’t live in some African “hell-hole” run by a dictator that forced people to do things. He explained to me that everything in the United States is voluntary. Even taxes were voluntary. He even pulled out a 1040 form that clearly said so on the top page. He explained to me that the only things that the government made us do were for our own best interests. For instance, like Social Security, seatbelt laws, prohibition on buying liquor on Sundays (this was Pennsylvania), and “no-fault” auto insurance. Only a dictator would force someone to buy something, or make them do something that they didn’t want to.
Only a tinhorn, dictator out of an African “hell-hole” would impose his views on Americans…
My Immediate Impressions
China is a huge place with a very long history. Naturally, you would expect countless number of good things and bad things. In fact, if one was to list all the positives, you could easily make a book thicker than the bible. However since there is so much anti-China propaganda about the present-day China, it may be worthwhile concentrating on only those positives relating to the present-day China, so as to counter some of the negative publicity. There are many positives in today’s China. However, the Western media has made it impossible for anyone to list these one by one without attracting serious condemnations from all directions. Not only is China portrayed as an evil, but incredibly even some of the positives in China are also turned into negatives by the media! Just consider the following examples (positives that were turned into negatives by the Western media): The West says China mistreats and suppresses its minorities... But China is the only country I know of that under its rule, the minority’s health, literacy rate, education level, and life expectancy have all improved dramatically. (In the case of Tibetans, even the wealth of the average person has also improved dramatically) The West says China carries out cultural genocide... But China is the only country I know of that under its rule, (1) the minority’s language is formally recognized, and all government documents that concern them would be printed in their languages, and all education is carried out in their languages. (2) All important minority festivals are formally recognized, AND public holidays are granted to celebrate those festivals. (3) All minorities are encouraged to wear their traditional costumes. AND government grants are provided to ensure these traditions are preserved. The West says China doesn’t share its wealth with others... But China is the only country I know of that, as soon as it has shrugged off poverty itself, it has immediately turned itself into a major foreign aids provider. The West says China is a hostile ambitious country... But China is the only major world power I know of that has settled land disputes by giving away large chunks of land in return for peace. The West says China was militarizing space... But China was actually one of the first 2 countries in the world to lead a campaign against militarizing space back in the 1980’s at a time when the West was supporting America’s militarization of space. (By the way, the anti-satellite missile was not a space weapon. It was designed to fight against space weapons) The West says China is the biggest carbon emitter... But China is actually one of the smallest carbon emitters per capita (and per capita is the ONLY realistic measure). And in any case, it is the demand, rather than the production that drives the carbon emission. So even if you close down all factories in China, carbon emission will not be lower because another poor developing country will have to be brought in to produce them. The demand is actually driven from the West.”-A comment found on Yahoo Answers
Since I moved to China, I have never had to show my identification, I have never been stopped for a body check, or gave my cell phone to the authorities to scan. I never had to have a urine drug test, or a background check, or a financial report. I never showed my driver’s license for anything.
When I order a beer, they simply just give it to me. (The last time I was in the United States, I ordered a beer in a Tex-Mex restaurant in Pennsylvania. Despite the fact that I had graying hair, and dressed like an older gentleman, the waitress insisted that I be carded. She said it was store policy. Why? Because in the USA, a restaurant can lose their liquor license for the slightest offense. No one wants to take the risk.)
That is freedom in America today.
When I want to smoke, I pull out a cigarette and smoke right there on the spot. (Try doing that in your work office in the USA, or in a restaurant, or even in your own car or truck.) In China, it is just A-Okay to smoke at your desk.
Sanity check: Check out your freedom…
Light up a cigar at your desk at work.
Ah, you laugh! Don’t be silly. “I’d get fired.” You say. And I respond. “Thank you; you just proved my point.”
A place that allows you to smoke at your desk is FREER than a place that does not.
If I want to walk into a restaurant without a shirt on, or shoes, no one will stop me or say anything to me. Not only is this impossible to do in the USA, but there are often signs specifically stating so. In fact, one of the first things I noted, on a return visit to the USA, was the presence of these signs. Disgusting and disturbing. The second thing I noticed was that you had to PAY for Internet access.
What decade is the USA in? Jeeze!
If I want to bring my dog into the restaurant with me, no one says anything. (Actually, the waitress staff is often playing with the dog, taking selfies, and rubbing his nose. Oh, he’s a real chick-magnet.) No one cares. No one looks at me with disgust, or tells me to step outside. It just never happens; never.
Sanity Check; Check out your freedom...
Bring your dog into a restaurant.
Set him on the chair, and place an order. Can you do it without being asked to leave, or having the police called on you?
A place where you can eat with your pet is FREER than one where you cannot.
Let me elaborate this point again. No fat American woman arches her back, sticks out her chin and says “Excuse me!” with disapproval. No policeman looks you up and down in any way. (They are too busy chatting with the pretty girls, or playing on their iPhones.)
Americans LOST our Freedoms – We just don’t realize it
No company demands that I fill out a W-2 form, sign up for a urine or background check, puts down a long list of dress codes, demands that I have a cell phone so that they can have 24 hour access to me when they want. I have never been asked (with negative consequences if you don’t comply) to “donate” blood, participate in fund drives, or donate my time to some special event during my “off hours”. These things are all unheard of outside of the United States.
I thought that the USA was the freest nation on the earth. Yet it is the ONLY nation that drug tests it’s employees. This people, is NOT freedom. No matter what the excuse. The United States led the work in industrial production. It had the best workers in the world. What happened to flip everything upside down?
In the USA, everyone drug tests their employees. (Image Source.)
Meanwhile in China…
In China, you are NOT compelled to buy or purchase anything or be forced to pay fees or fines otherwise. Of course, under President Obama you MUST purchase government health insurance, and pay into it monthly. Additionally, if you fail to buy insurance, you will be penalized financially.
You do not have to report your earnings every year to the government.
That’s correct. This requirement is absent from most other nations. Other people, elsewhere in the world NEVER have to report anything to their government. They don’t spend any time doing so. They don’t hire anyone to help them in the reporting effort. They don’t try to do the reporting themselves by purchasing “taxation software”. They don’t even buy stamps to mail a letter to the government. They are FREE to live their lives and not tell the government anything. WOW!
Imagine that!
You do not have to fill out forms to the federal government if you want to move large sums of money out of a bank. If you want $25,000 from your bank, you just show your thumbprint and get it. It is that simple. There are no forms to fill out. There are no questions. It is that simple.
(Just remember to bring a big bag or suitcase. The largest denomination in China is a 100 RMB note.)
It’s not just banks, but it is everything as well. You do not have to ask permission to cut down a tree in your yard, haul things with your car, dig a well, add a room to your house, or fly a flag. So many restrictions of freedom in America are simply not present outside the American borders.
Sanity Check; Check out your freedom...
Buy a beer in the afternoon.
Open it up and drink some.
Then go to a mall or in and out of various stores holding the opened bottle in your hand.
A place that allows you to consume adult beverages at will, is FREER than a place that doesn’t.
I most especially like the concept that if you buy a house it is yours. No government can tax it for any reason. When you die, no government can take it and give a portion to your children. No government can take it and tear it down to preserve the habitat of the endangered tiger-boob-dodo-fly. Finally, no government can require that you submit bank and real estate appraisals as part of your annual income. The concept that what you earn is yours! It’s wonderful! But, yet so un-American.
Anywho, I blog about this all the time(American bashing). I hate their laws, legal system and almost everything about America. I was raise and lived my entire life in NYC but has since moved back to my place of birth in the Caribbean.
One will only know how bullshit America is when they actually visit other places on the globe.
Americans segregate themselves to just America, and they’re unable to see true freedom.
Here in the Caribbean(and almost the entire globe),I can walk around with 100 cans of beers and drink them unconcealed all I want to, and I don’t have to worry about BS tickets.
Kids can go into liquor stores and buy alcohol, cigarettes, etc. Not that they use them, but let’s say I as a father cannot make it to buy some booze, I can just send my 10 year old son to do that.
The list goes on and on. America falsely prides itself on freedom, but it has no freedoms compared to almost every nation on the glob.
It’s like a guy bragging about having a huge dick, then when his pants come down, his 2 inches is exposed. That is America,hypocrisy to the 10th.degree. And one will only know that America has ZERO freedoms only when they begin to travel internationally.
In America, what you “own” is actually owned by the Government. You are just a tenant. You pay the government rent. You don’t really own anything. You just have a name on a paper that permits you to live in a certain location as long as you pay your fees and taxes on time to the proper authorities.
Young milennials protesting the system. Their answer? Socialism. Take away guns. Free money, free healthcare, free iPhones and free coffee. Ye Gods, boy are we in for a ride!
The most appropriate protest sign ever. (Image Source.)
Chinese Taxes
“It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it's just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president. And the same thing applies to governors, and U.S. Senators and congress members. So, now we've just seen a subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect, and sometimes get, favors for themselves after the election is over. ... At the present time the incumbents, Democrats and Republicans, look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves. Somebody that is already in Congress has a great deal more to sell."-Former president Jimmy Carter (D).
Most Chinese enjoy a flat 3% – 10% tax on income with no other taxes, what so ever. In China, there is no 16% SS tax (8%+8%), no unemployment tax, excise taxes (except for cars), state taxes, federal taxes, local taxes, school taxes, inheritance taxes, taxes on gasoline, soda, beer, cigarettes, housing taxes.
They are very upfront and pragmatic about taxes. It is a (for practical purposes) flat tax (Officially it is not. It is graduated. However, for the vast bulk of Chinese people who work it actually is a flat tax. That is what matters, yes? How MOST of the citizens experience life in their country. You pay your share. There are no complicated rules that favor the wealthy, or a “protected” group of people. It is a minimal tax scheme that enables the people to subsidize their governmental programs and projects. This freedom from taxation has enabled the Chinese citizen to save money. This very freedom, in turn, enables them to invest into their own businesses and futures.
But, that being said let’s look it up oficially. While most Chinese (95%) pay a flat tax, the weathliest (5%) pay more in taxes. Yes…
Officially and Actually…
It is actually a graduated taxation scheme. (Brownie point for the Progressives in the audience.) However there is a difference between what is supposed to work, and what actually works in application. Thus, for all practical purposes, the vast bulk of people pay the 3% to 10% tax rate.
This means that for 95% of Chinese people pay this rate. At higher income levels, it becomes graduated and thus more complicated. Thus “officially” it is a graduated tax scheme, but for 95% of the population it is a flat tax scheme. I am trying to keep things honest with the reader. One can always delve in the nuances of a given situation, but often times ignoring the true impact as to who is affected.
This kind of camouflage is used to confuse the true nature of American issues. The News Media might spend the bulk of their airtime discussing political affairs that affect only the richest 0.1% of Americans, thus giving the impression that what they discuss affects everyone. Yet they quickly gloss over issues that affect the majority of people by using minimizing language.
“Tax cuts for the rich!”, the Progressive talking heads scream. “Oh, that is so unfair”, the observer shakes their head in disgust. Yet, whether it affects THEM is not really an issue, is it? What affects YOU is the real issue.
If the change or plan will not affect you, then why get so hot and bothered about it? (“ Oh, but you don’t understand, if they are helped, it will hurt ME!” OK. I’ll bite. How will it hurt you? How?)
In other words, to use American political lingo; the individual Chinese have a flat tax on their income for the vast majority of people in the nation. If your income is somewhere for the top 5 or higher it becomes graduated. You end up paying more because you make more. There are no complicated exceptions or deductions. They have no other taxation schemes. It’s a pretty straightforward system.
Super-Rich Chinese Want to Move to America
While most Chinese are happy to stay in China, there is a movement of the “Super-Rich” that want to leave China. These are not “just” millionaires, these are the enormously wealthy Chinese. China taxes them harshly. While in America, the Super-rich end up protected from excessive taxation.
That is also why many super-rich Chinese want to move to America and Canada; The tax schemes in the Americas benefit the super-rich. They do not like being singled out to pay much more than the rest of the nation.
China Tax Rates 2014; The tax on an individual's income is progressive. An individual's income is taxed progressively at 3% - 45%. The corporate tax rate for domestic and foreign companies is 25%. Small companies pay 20% corporate tax in certain cases. Hi-tech companies pay 15% corporate tax.
American on the other hand, not only have to pay a multitude of taxes, under different schemes and names, but if they reside overseas, must pay double taxes; firstly to the nation where they reside, and of course all the taxes to the US government.
“ ...in 2014, the IRS mandated all U.S. taxpayers with offshore accounts totaling more than $10,000 had until June 30 to file a new Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Form 114 or else be subject to a penalty of as much as 50% of their assets.The fact is most foreign banks do not want deposits from U.S. citizens. This is increasingly the case in traditional destinations, such as Switzerland and the United Kingdom, because of increased aggressiveness from the IRS and the Department of Justice (DOJ). Foreign banks are only willing to devote so much time and energy to courting American clients, and very few have the type of compliance department that can handle complex U.S. regulations and heightened scrutiny.”- The Tax Implications of Opening a Foreign Bank Account
Additionally, it should be noted, that many companies institute “creative” work-arounds so that the Chinese worker pays a very small amount of tax. This varies from having two incomes (a taxed income, and an “under the table” income) to permitting the salary to be broken up into different parts and put in other people’s names (obviously you must trust them). Therefore, what you might read on the Internet in regards to Chinese taxes is very misleading. If you are someone reading about Chinese taxation from some “official” think-tank or agency on the Internet, you can pretty much accept the fact that it is a fantasy and does not reflect reality at all.
Again, most of what you see and read in the United States is fake news.
Hemingway in China. Ah, now that is a colorful man. Eh?
In China you can save money. You do pay taxes, but it is a straightforward amount that everyone in your tax bracket pays, and there are no exceptions at all. You do not have to report your income, and no IRS will ever audit you. All of this, the ease and simplicity of it all, is far easier on the shoulders. There is no stress involved at all.
How can this “flat tax” be implemented in China? Well, the answer is simple. China is run as a “Communist nation with Chinese influence”. Or, in other words, as an American Conservative entity. They implement “flat tax” solutions, and a “free market” business environment.
“An analysis of government data released this week from the Pew Research Center reveals that in 2015, for the first time in more than 40 years, middle-income households stopped being the economic majority in America.”-Liz Dwyerquoted from Takepart.com December 11, 2015 7:26 PM
You are never free working for someone else. This is true regardless where you live or work. Once you are employed, you give up some of your freedoms in exchange for money. You lose various freedoms. They tell you what hours you work, and what you wear, and how you behave. They decide how long you can work for, and whether you are meeting their requirements for you. Your value is only what you can give them. You are never valued for your real and true actual worth. Instead your value becomes equal to the cost to replace you.
For purposes of understanding, perhaps we need to review just what work is. Work; what is it actually? What does the word “work” mean to a typical American who is “working” in the United States? What does it actually mean?
Over the years, Americans have forgotten what work is and have blurred the lines of distinction between the various forms of work and labor. Americans call themselves workers with a degree of freedom, but in reality, this is not actually the case. Many times, Americans are simply subsisting and are involved and engaged in other labors under the name of work, but which is truly something else altogether.
Let’s take a brief look at this interesting situation
“I don’t think the issue of income mobility receives the attention it deserves. It is a foundational element for a well-functioning democratic society and provides evidence about the ability of an economy to provide opportunities for its citizens. While income mobility in the United States has been relatively unchanged, it remains well below several other nations. According to Stanford economist Raj Chetty, the probability of moving from the bottom quintile to the top quintile is 7.5 percent in the United States, as compared to 11.7 percent in Denmark and 13.5 percent in Canada—two countries with relatively high levels of intergenerational mobility. So effectively the chance of achieving the American Dream is not the highest for children born in America.”-Bill Dudley, President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
When someone withholds some of the money that you earned from you, you are not free. You are tethered. You are indentured. You cannot sever the work relationship without experiencing some kind of loss. (In the USA, because money is withheld, it is a financial loss.)
Thus, to efficiently labor to your contractual obligations, you must either accept the loss of financial income or labor in the hope of getting the loss recovered. Thus, one must work for the duration of your contract, and only at the termination of your agreement can one be free. (Although, most Americans do not work to work-contract agreements. They work at the behest of the company that can fire them, or terminate their employment at any time, for any reason. Most of the states in the USA are “right-to-work” states, and can hire and fire with impunity.)
Former Senator Tom Coburn had some very harsh words for Congress;
“Some of you may have read it (A report on the economic realities of Americans), some of you may not have, but it tells me where we are today in our country, And having been in 21 states the last year, and 15 already this year, and what I’m hearing, I’m hearing what Tocqueville described back in the late 1700s.”
Coburn cited Tocqueville observations that centralized power of
“small, complicated rules, minute and uniform” leads to the “will of man … not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided.”… “Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd,”
Many Americans do work in this role. In fact, I would say almost every American works under some form or variance of being indentured. When part of your pay is withheld from you, you are indentured to the person who holds that pay. This could be from your employer or the government or both, not to mention the costs incurred by attending a university.
As Americans, we have grown accustomed to having taxes withdrawn from our paycheck. We understand the need. Part of it is to maintain the roads, and post office. Part is to help the poor people. Part of it is a savings program for our retirement (Social Security). However, all of this is a lie. These are simply just excuses.
None of the money ever goes to precisely those reasons.
You know, in my High School Civics class we were told that Congress, and not the President controlled how money was spent. I was also told that the government collects that money to help us Americans. Now it is the other way around. Isn’t it?
Anyways, how did any of this help Americans? I don’t know about the reader, but NONE of this many helped me or my family, or my extended family, or any of my friends in ANY way.
Not one single cent of the billions of dollars gifted to South Africa benefits me, my family or my extended family. It does not benefit my home state. It does not benefit my military. It does not help R&D to make America strong, and it does not provide America geo-political advantage.
It did not. He just gave it away…”because”. Within that one paragraph (above) is hundreds of billions of dollars that could be used to rebuild Detroit, fix the problems in California, lower the tax burden of many Americans, and refurbish our collapsing infrastructure. Yet it wasn’t used that way. It went elsewhere for other purposes.
Imagine you are 10 years old. You go mow the lawn of a neighbor for $10 dollars. When you finish, he pays you six dollars. He explains that he will “set aside” the $4 that he took, and he promises you that he will help your family get things done in the future. Maybe he will watch out the window to protect your sister. Maybe he can talk to your dad’s boss. He promises that if he sees a good deal or a store coupon, that he will cut it out and give it to you!
He promises to keep all these promises and more, all as long as you keep on mowing his grass. The moment you stop, all bets are off, and he will terminate the agreement. In any event, you will never see the $4 that he withheld from you.
That is exactly how the USA is set up today.
"I have never, ever borrowed a penny. So I have zero credit record. No loans, no mortgage, nothing. Ever. When I had no money, I rented. I have an allergy to borrowing and a scorn for people who are in debt, and I don’t hide it. I follow the Romans’ attitude that debtors are not free people."-Nassim Taleb
You are indentured. The promised value of the $4 taken from you will go to zero if you break the work – labor agreement. You have two choices, agree or lose the promised value of the money so withheld. Withholding tax is, in its purest form, a form of indentured labor.
During World War II, Congress introduced payroll withholding and quarterly tax payments with the vote of the Current Tax Payment Act of 1943. The U.S. Department of Treasury describes tax withholding;
“This greatly eased the collection of the tax for both the taxpayer and the Bureau of Internal Revenue. However, it also greatly reduced the taxpayer's awareness of the amount of tax being collected, i.e. it reduced the transparency of the tax, which made it easier to raise taxes in the future.”
I’ll bet! Up until this was passed, ONLY indentured workers had money withheld from their pay. When this legislation was passed it turned all Americans into indentured slaves.
Most Americans have money withheld out of their pay via a mechanism known as the W-4 and W-2 forms. These documents removes money from the employees pay and gives it to other entities for a variety of purposes. Make no mistake. When a worker has ANY money withheld from their pay, they are working under an indentured labor contract. This is how a person can determine if they are indentured or not.
Indentured workers have money withheld from their pay.
Americans tend to believe that it is fine and all right to work under this situation. They reason that it is because the Federal and the State government allow this, and the monies go to pay their taxes and other good deeds. This can be roads, mail services, police and other visible and obvious purposes. However, the fact is, dear fellow Americans, that not all countries do this. It happens in the United States all right. It is not normal. It is not moral. It is not right, nor is it just. (Remember that America had roads, a military that fought wars, the post office and street lights all functioning perfectly, before the passage of the Income Tax law. We DID NOT need the law to fund roads and bridges; the common dismissive argument currently used by statists…)
While Americans might argue that they are not working off a “boat passage” to enter a foreign country, therefore, they are not indentured, they are deluding themselves. The withholding of any money from one’s pay for whatever reason is a form of indentured servitude. The worker is NOT paid what THEY earn. The money is withheld from them and they become chained to the promise of its return or legalized justification for its withdrawal. So, yes, unlike being indentured to pay for boat passage, Americans are indentured as citizens.
If you want to be a USA citizen, you MUST become indentured.
This reminds me of the movie (and the book) “Dune” by Frank Herbert. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, head of House Harkonnen tells a new recruit that everyone must get implanted with a “kill switch” that will kill them at will. If you wanted to be a part of House Harkonnen, you had to be ready to give up your life. To be a citizen in the United States you must become indentured FOREVER to those who run the nation.
My dear reader, when someone takes the money you earn, and decides to use it in ways that you might not agree with, then you are indentured. You must work as a serf, for a fraction of your value while others determine what to do with your earnings.
“The Founding Fathers never intended a nation where citizens would pay nearly half of everything they earn to the government.” - Ron Paul
When the money you earn goes directly into food, housing, and weekly debts and necessities without anything left to save, you are not free. You are a serf. It is, at the very core, a system of enforced serfdom. You make enough to live on, but if you cannot work, you become a liability. That is what a serf is. That is the mechanism of serfdom. You make just enough to live, but [1] not enough to save or [2] substantially improve your standard of living.
A measure of serfdom is a measure of one’s ability to save their earnings.
If one cannot (realistically) save money, but they are employed (and are able to work), they are a serf.
A measure of how many American people are participating in a program of serfdom, measure the welfare and social service roles. This is an accurate appraisal of just which Americans are not able to exist without government intervention. (You cannot actually get welfare or food stamps if you have savings. Thus, this true measure can be used in this calculus.)
They (Those on these government programs.) cannot save, and they do not have enough money to eat, live and stay healthy. Any work that they have must be supplemented by the government. It is not a measure of the success of these programs to provide assistance, but rather a measure of just how many Americans live a life of servitude as a serf.
Last time I checked, in 2014, over 60% of Americans qualified for this category (Obama administration 2016).
Serfs are workers who are unable to save money.
It is indeed a sad state of affairs. I am not the only one waking up to this situation. Below is a quote from Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,
“We foolishly thought we were “middle class” until we realized we were nothing but debt-serfs.”
Finally, and very interestingly…
Additionally, and of great curiosity, is the fact that medieval peasants had far more vacation days than the average American today. The peasant, although often toiling in fields with back-breaking labor, would only work about 150 days of the year, according to a report from Juliet B. Schor, an author and professor of sociology at Boston College. Peasants generally received anywhere from eight weeks to a half-year off. At the time, the Church considered frequent and mandatory holidays the key to keeping a working population from revolting.
“That house you live in, the car you drive, the small (or not so small) acreage of land that has been passed down through your family or that you scrimped and saved to acquire, whatever money you manage to keep in your bank account after the government and its cronies have taken their first and second and third cut...none of it is safe from the government’s greedy grasp.
At no point do you ever have any real ownership in anything other than the clothes on your back.
Everything else can be seized by the government under one pretext or another (civil asset forfeiture, unpaid taxes, eminent domain, public interest, etc.).
The American Dream has been reduced to a lease arrangement in which we are granted the privilege of endlessly paying out the nose for assets that are only ours so long as it suits the government’s purposes.
And when it doesn’t suit the government’s purposes? Watch out.
This is not a government that respects the rights of its citizenry or the law. Rather, this is a government that sells its citizens to the highest bidder and speaks to them in a language of force.
-Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute
So why do we often consider working conditions now better than ever before?
In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act into effect. The law initially limited working hours to 44 per week, which dropped to 40 by 1940. The passage of the act however, was not revolutionary. It was reactionary. Worker’s revolts and union strikes in the early 20th century had aimed to restore a standard of life that was taken away by the Industrial Revolution. Before the invention of the lightbulb and the growth of factories, workers enjoyed a fairly leisurely and balanced lifestyle.
Before electricity, workers were limited to how much they could work by the rising and setting of the sun. Then, workers were limited by the amount of hours they could spend in the office. In today’s digital culture, workers can meet deadlines and check in from around the world, no matter what time. In 1930, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that by 2030, Americans would enjoy such great lifestyles that we would all enjoy more leisure than work time—which, at this point in history, seems very unlikely to happen.
I am not the only person who feels this way. There are many others, on both sides of the political spectrum. It is a problem. For more links on this subject;
“Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to governors, and U.S. senators and congress members.”– Former President Jimmy Carter
When you are told how to do your work, when to do it, how to dress when you do it, what to say and how to say it, you are not free. You are a slave to whatever that person promises to give you. A company might justify their policies, and the worker might agree to obeying the policies out of necessity, but the fact remains that they agree to participate in various elements of slavery in exchange for financial benefit.
Slavery is labor for another person, with very little in the way of compensation. It differs from serfdom in that serfs can often choose their clothing, and set aside small amounts of money and time for their own purposes. Slaves do not have this option. Their activities, free time, clothing and food are all regulated.
For those of you who don’t think that slavery is the norm in an American corporate environment, then consider my experience. Delco Electronics told me that I was FORBIDDEN to drink beer on my weekends and holidays. Guardian Glass told me that I had to have my telephone on and free from use whenever I was at home, and if I went elsewhere for lunch, that it had to be no further than 5 miles away from the factory. Poulan Weedeater told me that they didn’t want me eating fish for lunch. GM insisted that I sell or give away my car and buy an American made car. You are never free if someone can tell you how to live your life outside of work hours.
Slavery is labor for another person, with little compensation.
Under this most simplified definition, we can see that the distinction between slavery, serfdom, and indentured service are all practiced in the United States to various degrees. The lines of distinction has been blurred over the years, and there is a great deal of confusion as to what these names actually mean. But functionally, and most accurately, most Americans fall into the three categories. Very few labor under their own terms and manage to do so successfully. (Perhaps the top 0.01% does so. However, theirs is an exclusive club, and entry into it is most formidable.)
“ Clinton was, however, generous enough to allow inmates from Arkansas prisons to work as unpaid servants in the Governor’s Mansion. In It Takes a Village, Hillary Clinton writes that the residence was staffed with “African-American men in their thirties,” since “using prison labor at the governor’s mansion was a longstanding tradition, which kept down costs.” It is unclear just how longstanding the tradition of having chained black laborers brought to work as maids and gardeners had been. But one has no doubt that as the white residents of a mansion staffed with unpaid blacks, the Clintons were continuing a certain historic Southern practice.Hillary Clinton did note, however, that she and Bill were sure not to show undue lenience to the sla…servants, writing that “[w]e enforced rules strictly and sent back to prison any inmate who broke a rule.” ”-Current Affairs, 06JUN17 “The Clintons Had Slaves”
Americans have forgotten that there was a time when most families had their own businesses and labored under rules that they (themselves) controlled. They wore the clothes that they chose and worked in an environment of their own choosing. In so doing, if they wanted to toil at their labors all day, they did so. If they wanted to smoke while they worked, take a noon nap, or drink while they were discussing business they did so. We have forgotten this reality, but it is never the less quite true. This should not be a shocking concept.
Smith's Neofeudalism Principle #1: If the citizenry cannot replace a dysfunctional government and/or limit the power of the financial Aristocracy at the ballot box, the nation is a democracy in name only.
As recently as three decades ago this was the norm. Watch old movies, or even not so old movies. Look at them. Watch the 1980’s blockbuster movie “Ghostbusters”. So what? Well, watch it. But, watch it with a critical eye towards the movie-viewers reaction to depictions of home and work life. Notice how the characters are [1] always smoking at work, [2] drinking beer during work, and yet work still got done. This wasn’t such a shocking thing to the movie audiences during the 1980’s. It was common place, and thus, no one was shocked.
Let me tell the reader; drinking during lunch hours was common at one time. That ended during the 1990’s, but it used to be very common. But today, after the slow creeping political correctness of government control over workplace behaviors, it has become shocking. Watch movies from 3, 4 or even six decades ago. Look how the work place is depicted. Compare that to your work place today. Who has freedom of behavior? Do you? Really?
“Perhaps the lack of quality journalism is related to the way the average urban Kiwi appears scared of speaking out – crazy in a country where there is freedom to speak your mind and it was the #1 thing we learned at school – to say what you truly believe, come what may. We Kiwis always stood up for what we believed in. Not today! There are whispers and mutterings in private, but people just don't speak out like they once did. As someone who refuses to shut up, I'm seen as a renegade and a danger to the status quo. No doubt I am seen as a threat. My feeling is that it all comes back to the fact that so many are mortgaged to the hilt and are petrified of speaking out and saying something that may cause them to lose their job, which in turn could mean they have no money, cannot pay their mortgage, lose their house and then their family and they are on the road to ruin. The strong, confident type has been replaced by meek weaklings afraid to open their mouth. A few times people have told me to ease up when I say what I think, but without a day job, a mortgage or a wife, I have nothing to lose. I'm still getting used to how things are today in modern New Zealand, but that hasn't stopped me from saying what I think. I just have to accept that even people who may agree are scared to say anything. That has taken some adjusting to.”-Stickman
Few Americans can say this today.
What is Freedom?
Prior to the Presidency of Bill Clinton (D), Americans were free to live life on THEIR terms. If they wanted to smoke, they would smoke. If they wanted to drink, they would drink. If they wanted to eat sunny-side-up eggs, they did so. If they wanted to drink a large size soda they did so. If they wanted to ride in their car without a seatbelt, they did so. The busybodies at the end of the room would just sit there and fume.
Prior to President Bill Clinton (D) smoking was an accepted part of American life. (Image Source.)
Over the years Americans have forgotten what the differences are between [1] working for someone else, [2] laboring as a free man, and [3] working as a slave or an indentured servant. The terms, and the laws have become so blurred that right now, most Americans still consider themselves free when they themselves do not exist in a state of freedom.
If you are employed and must fill out a W-2, you are indentured.
If you have less than six months of savings in the bank, you are also a serf.
If you have difficultly changing the above two situations around, you are a slave.
Freedom is the ability to do what you want, when you want, and how you want without anyone telling you otherwise. Liberty is the ability to be free without government intervention.
Both the United States and China employ workers. But there is a significant difference in how they are employed. In China, the workers know that working for someone else is a temporary income solution. They do so to save money, and then start their own businesses later on. But that is different by a wide margin compared to the United States. In the United States one works towards a career. A career, mind you, is a lifetime of servitude by working for someone else. Americans today, work and labor, for the well-being of others. They exchange their time and efforts for money.
Thus, the Chinese are constantly starting new businesses. This can be a small restaurant, or a factory that makes buttons. In every case a group of classmates and friends would band together and form a company. They would share in its formation and share in its problems. That is why China seems to be advancing so quickly in comparison to the United States. The people work and strive for their own goals and purposes, and only work for others temporarily.
Americans go to college to become an indentured worker.
True and Real Freedom
“Well, 'They Live' was a primal scream against Reaganism of the '80s. And the '80s never went away. They're still with us. That's what makes 'They Live' look so fresh - it's a document of greed and insanity. It's about life in the United States then and now. If anything, things have gotten worse.”-John Carpenter
True freedom lies in establishing your own rules and finances.
True freedom is independence from the influences and restrictions placed on you by others. The best way to do this is through your own business. The Chinese know this, and that is why they are beating the heck out of the USA for new business start-ups. They save their money, and then with friends, they create their own businesses. In the USA, we have been taught that success lies in getting the necessary skills to work for someone else…
The movie Idiocracity really described the President Obama (D) America. Like it or not, the election of Donald Trump was a big middle finger to the anti-American political parties of both the Republicans and Democrats.
In 2016 Barrack Obama was the President of the USA. (Image Source.)
China has had centuries of errors, mistakes, corruption, wars, dictatorships and servitude. China has had a most tumultuous history. They know, by now, what is truly important. Survival of the family is their top and primary consideration. They don’t place their faith in government. They do not. They absolutely do not.
They place faith in their own abilities. They invest time and effort in education. They save their money. They obtain skills; network with friends and family, and create alliances. China is a nation of nerds. They work and study hard, and do so while saving money. At a critical point, they setup a company and then aggressively pursue the obtainment of a new market niche.
“Based on a comparison to multiple developed countries around the world, the U.S personal savings rate of 4.8% as of September 2015…”
In the USA, it is “every man for himself”. Many Americans consider themselves “independent” lone wolves. They believe that their success (if these is any) was due to them and themselves alone. They do not attribute it to luck, their social connections, or their partners. Many, who do not ascribe to this belief think otherwise. They believe that their work brought them to their current “successful life”. It is this belief structure, with a so-called benevolent government keeping everyone in line, which America aspires to.
Americans like to consider themselves “lone wolves” that join a pack of others with similiar interests to accomplish goals. They do not view themselves as part of a larger community with shared values and objectives.
Americans like to consider themselves as wolves working alone or in a pack. (Image Source.)
How, really think about it, just how can an American compete globally? You can’t. Instead you work as an indentured slave. Yes, how many Americans own (fully paid for) their house, car, furniture, their education? Really, how many? How many have enough savings to maintain their current lifestyle for six months without working? Not very many, I am afraid. Especially for a middle-class white American under a Democrat president. (Offended? Yeah, the truth stings, doesn’t it?)
"The liberals and the leftwing are mainly concerned with inventing new rights in the Constitution for 'victim groups' as defined by Identity Politics. These new rights, of course, cancel out rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights that was incorporated into the Constitution as Amendments. For example, the right of a preferred minority not to be offended cancels out the freedom of speech. While the government has destroyed habeas corpus and due process, the leftwing has destroyed freedom of expression. Together they have given us a police state."-Paul Craig Roberts
True freedom is the ability to say what you feel without censorship. It seems odd that I can experience this in China. However it is true. The only kind of censorship that the Chinese government makes is those whom are critical about the government. Otherwise they simply just leave you alone.
The PC chains that shackled Americans under the Obama Presidency is pleasantly absent in China. It’s wondrous.
“Who are these people? Where do they get off assuming the right to sit in judgment of everybody else? You know, why does everybody have to justify what they say, do, or think to these people? I resent this whole notion that there’s a bunch of speech police and propriety police out there.”-Rush Limbaughon 21 December 2017
The Necessary Evils
“Congress [in implementing the Sixteenth Amendment] went beyond merely enacting an income tax law and repealed Article IV of the Bill of Rights, by empowering the tax collector to do the very things from which that article says we were to be secure. It opened up our homes, our papers and our effects to the prying eyes of government agents and set the stage for searches of our books and vaults and for inquiries into our private affairs whenever the tax men might decide, even though there might not be any justification beyond mere cynical suspicion.”“The income tax is bad because it has robbed you and me of the guarantee of privacy and the respect for our property that were given to us in Article IV of the Bill of Rights. This invasion is absolute and complete as far as the amount of tax that can be assessed is concerned. Please remember that under the Sixteenth Amendment, Congress can take 100% of our income anytime it wants to. As a matter of fact, right now it is imposing a tax as high as 91%. This is downright confiscation and cannot be defended on any other grounds.”“The income tax is bad because it was conceived in class hatred, is an instrument of vengeance and plays right into the hands of the communists. It employs the vicious communist principle of taking from each according to his accumulation of the fruits of his labor and giving to others according to their needs, regardless of whether those needs are the result of indolence or lack of pride, self-respect, personal dignity or other attributes of men.”“The income tax is fulfilling the Marxist prophecy that the surest way to destroy a capitalist society is by steeply graduated taxes on income and heavy levies upon the estates of people when they die.”-T. Coleman Andrews(He served as commissioner of IRS for nearly 3 years during the early 1950s. This was his statement made directly after his resignation.)
The ignorant might argue that taxes are needed to create roads, to finance the police and fire departments, and to provide social services for the common good. This is partially true. Actually, they are useful to create roads and infrastructure. They are not needed to do so. (Or else how can you explain the huge growth of American infrastructure prior to 1913?) The issue is really how much is needed? Roads? The USA collects enough taxes to pave the entire world (including the oceans) over, each day and still have money left over!
Up until 1913, Americans kept 100% of their personal earnings. Despite this, America still had schools, colleges, roads, railroads, streets, subways, the Army, the Navy, and Marine Corps (who managed to win 8 wars and fight one (the war of 1812) to a draw. Yet now, after the passage of the 16th amendment, the entire financial structure of the United States is in shambles. The value of the dollar has plummeted. American can no longer save, no one truly owns real-estate, or property, and the government controls everything.
In the United States, the government owns you.
It is true. They permit you to rent such things as a house or transportation, as long as you pay your dues, obey their rules and act as they see fit. Americans are not happy with this arrangement, but at least for now, they are starting to wake up and snap back a little bit.
“What you don't understand, leftist Bernie/Hillary/Obama person, is that you are endlessly prying your way into our personal lives – and we don't like it. We've had enough of your activist invasion into our interior private lives. We don't like your ideas imposed on us, your stupid bright ideas, the damn reckless Obamacare scars you've left on our wrists, the lethal cuts Hillary's forced single payer will impose. We don't like your overall cockiness. Your intrusiveness. Your victim cult crybaby legislation. Your nauseating me-first European socialist entitlement demands for more free stuff, from college to health care to pregnancy and sick leave to free child care. You represent everything that quantum physics warned us about: a dangerous black hole, an event horizon, an endless wind tunnel, a vortex of infantile and unworkable demands that someone else has to pay for because your undeveloped character cannot accept a world where effort is involved.You are a moral perversion, a virus to the individual who just wants to be left alone – but you won't leave us alone. You want to continue to extract from us and others who make a nickel more than you, because you are an amoral basket case.”-Andrew Solomonvia AmericanThinker.com
So, here is a warning and a lesson to everyone who is confused about what freedom and liberty are. There is NOTHING in this world that is free. There is always a price to pay. Sometimes we don’t mind to pay. Sometimes, we are forced to pay because we inherited a mess left over from our predecessors. No matter. We now have to deal with the situation as it is presented.
Nothing is ever free. You will eventually need to pay a price.
Nothing is ever free. There is always a price. Beware of the “free things” from the United States government. There will be a very steep price to pay for them.
Beware of free things from the government. (Image Source.)
The Federal Reserve
“The Gini coefficient (or index) is the most commonly used measure of income inequality. It ranges from 0 (a state of perfect equality) to 1 (where all wealth is held by one person, or a state of perfect inequality). Countries with the most serious problems of income inequality are Chile (Gini = .501), Mexico (.466), Turkey (.411), United States (.38), and Israel (.376).”-Quote from “Is The United States Still The Best Country In The World? Think Again” by Hershey H. Friedmanat the Brooklyn College - Department of Business Management, and Sarah Hertz at the State University of New York (SUNY), Empire State College. June 24, 2015.
The Federal Reserve was created, along with the “Income Tax” during the imposition of the 16th amendment under suspicious circumstances during 1913. The Federal Reserve is a group of wealthy bankers who are not Americans and who have bled America dry for over a hundred years. They own us. They own everything. In fact, Americans don’t have any money, and it is just an illusion when one puts money in an American bank account.
“…the IRS may seize a person's bank assets if it discovers a pattern of frequent transactions under $10,000. Banks are required to report cash transactions over $10,000 and it's a crime if one tries to avoid that reporting by purposefully keeping all transactions below that amount.”-CNN Money
Up until the 16th Amendment, Americans saved, the dollar was stable, and the average man and family worked and were able to own what they bought. They could and would save money; invest in business; and pay for college without taking out loans from banks. They did not need to obtain loans. They did not need to borrow money to go to college. They did not need to obtain a loan to obtain transportation. They paid in cash. That all changed with the passage of that 16thamendment.
“...Numbers don’t lie. From 1790 to 1913, when the federal government existed without a Federal Reserve to print money and lend to the government whatever it wanted, the value of the dollar rose by 8 %.
From 1913 to 2011, in the 98 years we have had a Federal Reserve, the value of the dollar has decreased by 93%."-Judge Andrew Napolitano
The decline of the USD since the Federal Reserve was established. Today the value of a dollar (2018) is less than one cent compared to what it used to be.
Decrease in the value of the USD since the adoption of the Federal Reserve.
Today, the value of a United State dollar, comparatively to that of a pre-1913 dollar is less than 0.03% in value. Less than 0.03%! Where did all the value, worth and substance of the American economy go? It had to go somewhere. Where?
"Anyone who claims to stand for free markets, free trade, and limited government but who attempts to defend the existence or importance of the Federal Reserve or central banking is a liar. Either you support free markets and freedom of pricing or you support central bank price-fixing and creeping socialism. There is no third way or middle road — socialism and the free market are mutually incompatible. A little bit of socialism in the form of price-fixing is like a little bit of gangrene, if left unchecked it will eventually infect and kill the whole." - Paul-Martin Fossvia The Mises Institute
Now the United States has a situation where people, indeed even Senators, believe that American citizens should not be trusted with money. Instead the citizens should work and toil and give it all (every last bit of it) to the all-power central government. Then the government, in its benevolence, would hand out money to the people on an “as needed” basis. Those in government would then decide whom needed it and who did not. Here is a tweet from one of the top Democrat Senators; Nancy Pelosi basically repeating what was just explained;
Democrat Senator Nancy Pelosi believe that Americans are not entitled to the money they earn. She believes that it is the property of the government, and use of the money is only granted to elected officials.
Democrat Senator Nancy Pelosi believes that Americans are not entitled to the money they earn. Wow! 5,000 “likes”. Want to bet that most of the “likes” are from software bots? (Image Source.)
International Taxation
“It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it's just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president. And the same thing applies to governors, and U.S. Senators and congress members. So, now we've just seen a subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect, and sometimes get, favors for themselves after the election is over. ... At the present time the incumbents, Democrats and Republicans, look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves. Somebody that is already in Congress has a great deal more to sell."-Jimmy Carter. On July 28, 2015, Thom Hartmann interviewed former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, and, at the very end of his show (as if this massive question were merely an afterthought), asked him his opinion of the 2010 Citizens United decision and the 2014 McCutcheon decision, both decisions by the five Republican judges on the U.S. Supreme Court. These two historic decisions enable unlimited secret money (including foreign money) now to pour into U.S. political and judicial campaigns. This was his response.
Oh, the USA has taxes! My God, does the USA have taxes (including taxes on water). There are so many taxes and they under so many different names, and administered by so many different organizations that it is difficult to quantify just how much taxes Americans pay.
America taxes everything.
If there isn’t a tax on it, sure enough, some idiot (typically a Democrat) will propose that it be taxed. From purchases, property to tips, and even death. Americans are the only people in the world that have to report their income to the government no matter where they live.
Even if they haven’t lived in the USA for decades; even if they have a foreign employer, bank, house, life and pay foreign taxes, the United States wants it’s cut. Americans must tell the government what they have and what they are doing with it. Which pretty much says it all. You as a citizen own nothing. You are the property of the all-mighty American government.
Of course, it was a group of democrats that came up with this law, though it was passed by members of both parties. It’s called the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act is intended to ensure that the Internal Revenue Service obtains information on accounts held abroad by U.S. taxpayers at foreign financial institutions.Under the law, U.S. taxpayers are required to file if they held one or more foreign accounts totaling more than $10,000 over the course of a year.
To a school child, or a student, the idea of taxes doesn’t seem too bad. (After all, they know nothing of taxes. They don’t pay any. It isn’t until after most children exit college that they experience the full burdensome oppressive weight of taxation.) To them it an illusion or it is a kind of abstract idea. Certainly something that seems remote and not important.
Here's how I teach my children about taxes; I buy them an ice cream cone. I tell them that they have to pay taxes on it. I ask them if they want American or Chinese taxes. Then I eat the taxed amount.
But they are important. Americans pay between 65% and 80% of their income on taxes in one form or the other. Do not fall into the trap that the only tax is the Federal Tax.
It is most certainly NOT. Like the Atlantic Magazine or Liberal think Tanks would want you to believe. That is not REALITY.
“In 1913, the average personal income was $621. Only 2 percent of the population was liable for the [income] tax between 1913 and 1915. Eighty percent of the returns were filed by people involved in business; 17 percent were in the professions, 3.3 percent in agriculture, and 0.5 percent were laborers. Businessmen reported 85 percent of the income and paid almost 90 percent of the revenues.Given the level of incomes in those days, it was a tax aimed strictly at the richest people in the country. If the system were in place today, a single person making less than about $65,000* would pay no tax. A couple earning less than $86,000* would pay nothing. Incomes up to $430,000* would be in the 1 percent bracket. Someone would have to make $11 million* before paying the top 7 percent rate. In [2013] dollars, the exemptions of 1913 would be worth $65,000* for single people and $86,000* for married couples.”— Sheldon Richman
You only notice … truly notice how high you are being taxed, when you compare your income to that of a comparable worker in another country.
That is precisely why I am waxing on so aggressively on this issue.
It is not a Republican vs. Democrat issue. It is an American issue. Other nations, (and) in this case China, are not shackled or handicapped by excessive taxation. And because of this, their people can live and aspire towards great things.
"An increasing number of Americans appear to believe that having a U.S. passport or long-term residency isn't worth the hassle and cost of complying with U.S. tax laws," -Andrew Mitchel, an international lawyer who analyzes IRS data, told the Wall Street Journal.
Why can other people, in other nations save more? How can they travel, every year, to a different country? Why do they get a paid 4 or 6 weeks off every year? Why is their medical insurance so cheap? How can they afford a house, a summer house, as well as a house for their parents? Why can’t Americans do this?
This is not mere speculation. All of my Chinese, Australian, Russian and Brazilian friends travel globally every year. They all save money. They all eat well. They all have medical insurance and send their children to private schools, and they all earn far less than their American counterparts do. How? (Moreover, don’t chicken out with the propagandized answer that they only eat fish heads and rice, ride bicycles, and live in houses the size of refrigerator cartons. That is not the truth.)
The Chinese travel.
Every year most Chinese travel on group tours at least two times. I have friends that do far more often, like perhaps six times a year. I have one, Sara, who travels globally around one nation every three weeks. She’s young too. She’s only 24 years old.
The Chinese have money to spend on travel. (They also get from four to eight weeks off a year. Eat that, corporate America.) So they use the opportunity to do so. The Chinese believe that travel is a form of education and thus they support it enthusiastically. However, how many Americans travel internationally? Not many, I am afraid since less than 30% of Americans have a passport.
Comparatively, I would hazard a guess that 80% of Chinese travel internationally.
You cannot travel if you don’t have the money to do so. You can’t save money if a hefty portion of your salary goes into taxes. You just simply cannot.
"Enter 6 percent of the smaller of line 40 or the value of your Archer MSAs on December 31, 2015, including 2015 contributions made in 2016. Include this amount on Form 1040, line 58A or Form 1040NR, line 56B." -A Fine Mess
China has taxes. Of course they do. China collects excise taxes on vehicles. China taxes companies. The big difference is that they control where the taxes go. They allocate the resources carefully, and review the outlays to prevent fraud. Because they know that a lot of corruption takes place. But, they are doing things to keep it in check. Unlike the USA with a newborn baby owing the USA government $ 1.6 million just for being born on USA soil!
Real Freedom
“We have a tremendous lack of knowledge of (just) how far we have gotten away from the Constitution of the United States. Democrats and Republicans alike have taken us away from the original intent. You see, I believe in this document (just) as our founding fathers intended it (to be).”-Paul Broun
True freedom is messy, dirty and stinky. It is not neat and organized. The most organized and clean countries are Socialist like Norway, or communist like North Korea. In communist China, with all the baggage about being a single party run capitalist republic (it is really different than the communist state of the 1960’s under Mr. Mao), you get to experience true and real individual freedom.
True freedom is being able to go sit down in a restaurant with your dog, smoke a cigarette, order a beer at nine in the morning all without confrontation. (Commonplace in China, Iceland, and Thailand to name just a few places. Uncommon in repressive North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela.)
True freedom is working and keeping how much you make secret from the government, your neighbors, and the busybody down the street. (You don’t have to be Hillary Clinton to have this ability. It should not be reserved ONLY for the richest in the United States.)
True freedom is being able to go into a store and not worry that you are being observed by the police, recorded by the NSA, or monitored in any way.
True freedom is not having to submit to questions WHY you did such and such on some date, or why you have so much money in your wallet…
Freedom is FREE. Is that really too difficult to understand? In a free country, no one questions you. No one.
“Not all the rules are here to protect us.”— Neurons to Nirvana(via elote-princess)
No one asks “why”, or the follow up questions of “how”, “when”, “where”, or “with whom else”. In a free country you can live your life without reporting to anyone. In a free country, you can drive and not worry about a “sobriety checkpoint”, a “speed trap”, a “random drug test”, or any other violations of basic civil liberties. (For the non-Americans reading this, these are common phrases and names describing random American state and federal police checkpoints.)
I bring this up because Americans have forgotten what “freedom” actually is.
“I’m going to tell you what freedom is not. Freedom is not having burdens or responsibilities. It’s not having a job you must go to. It’s not having a girlfriend who is expecting you to call, or having a standing date with friends where your absence must be explained with an elaborate excuse. It is not having to give some type of prolonged notice to terminate a contract or job. It is not owning so many possessions that you need a storage unit. It is not having a wallet full of so many cards that your life turns upside down when you lose it.I’m reminded of my freedom when I’m on a bus to another city. All my possessions, my summer and winter clothes, my dress clothes and two extra pairs of shoes, are in the undercarriage riding along with me. No one knows where I am and no one cares. I’m going to a city I’ve never seen before as a complete stranger, with no obligations to see anything or visit anyone. I have no worries, no bills, and no tasks. I’m reclining on an old chair, but I might as well be floating above the street, with no string wrapped around my neck pulling me back to where I was. I could die on the autostrada, in between villages whose names I don’t know and which are not announced with pleasant signs, and it would take several days for anyone who knows me to find out. Or my bags could go missing and within a couple weeks I could easily have the contents replaced. This is freedom.I wouldn’t trade these bus rides, of having to answer to no one, for all the money in the world or for all the women in the world. I lay back, close my eyes, and let my thoughts and dreams go wherever they want, with no stress or anxiety disturbing them. There is no rush and there is no hurry. I am free. The whole world can demand something of me and I can laugh them off. My own government can take all my money from my bank accounts but they can’t find me on this bus.Maybe I will stay a while in my destination or maybe I won’t. Maybe I will invent a new identity with the locals I meet or maybe I’ll be me. Maybe I will get laid or maybe I will work. Maybe I will take a tram or maybe I will walk. I was not free when I lived beyond my means, when I depended on the income that the man would grace me with every two Fridays. But I started to spend less than my earnings, and over the course of years it has given me my freedom. The only person I have to answer to is myself. I can vanish tomorrow, and nothing will happen. If I never check my email, never answer my phone, if I just disappear—I’ll do just fine. If you can’t simply close your eyes, and say goodbye to the world, you are not free.”-Roosh
Americans today do not know what “freedom” is. Decades of social and cultural reengineering has “perfected” America. It is now a sterile wasteland where conformity reigns supreme. Smoking is banned or shunned. Drinking is limited to certain exclusionary areas, and then only within certain time periods. How you dress, act, behave, and even talk are regulated and even enforced by a PC crowd of “do-gooders”. This has become the norm.
The only ones happy in this environment are the rulers, and their enforcers. Oh, and the dumbed down ignorant masses that know nothing else (to compare against).
We have forgotten what “freedom” really is.
My generation was free to live their life as they wanted to. Nothing was to prevent Americans from being free to live life on THEIR own individual terms. Oh, how this has changed.
My Generation was free to live life just how we wanted to. (Image source.)
The Rewriting of American Culture
“Communism doesn’t work because people like to own stuff.”— Frank Zappa
The rewriting of American culture has been nearly complete. Most Americans don’t even know what Freedom is. They believe it is safety, toll booths, ATM machines, or sanitation. They say that they are so happy the “America is free”. “Look at how smoothly the red lights change, and how clean the Post Office is.” They point to ATM machines and Starbucks as indicators of America’s greatness.
They do so in complete ignorance that all these things are commonplace throughout the world. They are not endemic to America in the least. And in justification of this, they continue in their belief structure and blindly follow the rules without questioning them.
This is all crazy. It is poisonous.
Only a fucking idiot would say that this is good for a society. It isn’t. To say that it is alarming is to minimize the seriousness of the issue. It is almost as if America has stepped on a bullet-train towards North Korean style progressive Communism. To make matters worse, the mainstream media acts as a cheer-squad promoting it, with SWJ’s clobbering everyone on the head that stands in their way. With fat hippopotamus BLM ready to scream and disrupt anything and anyone with their huge lard filled asses and amazingly pitiful IQ.
“The state-corporate programs of the past 35 or so years have had devastating effects on the majority of the population, with stagnation, decline and sharply enhanced inequality being the most direct outcomes. This has created fear and has left people feeling isolated, helpless, victims of powerful forces they can neither understand or influence. The breakdown is not caused by economic laws. They are policies, a kind of class war initiated by the rich and powerful against the working population and the poor. This is what defines the neoliberalism period, not only in the US but in Europe and elsewhere. Trump is appealing to those who sense and experience the breakdown of American society -- to deep feelings of anger, fear, frustration, hopelessness, probably among sectors of the population that are seeing an increase in mortality, something unheard of apart from war.”
- Noam Chomsky
But, you know, everyone knows that America is exceptional because we have highways, fast food, ATM’s, and cell phones…
This is what exceptional America looks like today. Is it beautiful? Is it healthy? Is it free? Is it a sign of progress?
This is what America has become. Is it good? Is it bad? I do not know. What I do know is that the accumulative thoughts and behaviors of mass groups of people can affect the reality that we all experience.
Americans think that nothing is wrong with taking a [1] urine drug screening (for employment purposes), or [2] submitting to random traffic stops (to catch DWI violators, or illegal aliens, or terrorists). Americans gladly [3] undress in public building to enter them (Putting everything in their pockets in public view, taking off their shoes, and coats, and allowing to be “patted down”.). They [4] show their ID to write checks or use a credit card! (In the rest of the world, you just use your credit card with a secret pin number of finger print scan.) Show their ID… Think about how Orwellian this all is!
In China you never have to show your identification.
In fact, most Chinese people leave their identification cards at home. This is a fact. All Americans [5] MUST carry their ID with them. This includes two forms of picture ID. Typically a driver’s license and a social security card. (If you do not, and the police question you, they have the right, by law, to detain you for up to three days to “investigate” you and your behavior.)
“People feel tremendous cultural condescension directed at them, and that their values are being smirked at, laughed at by the political and media elite…”- GOP strategist Steve Schmidt.
Americans point to having the largest military in the world as a sign of greatness. Even though it is largely redundant, unnecessary given the current political situation, and wholly antiquated given the current threat matrices involved. (As I write this, there is yet another “global threat” that Americans must fund. This time it is the ISIS. What will be next after they are vanquished? Russia?)
They point to the great accomplishments of the past; that we had landed on the moon some 50 years ago, that many people still yearn to migrate to the USA (Many do, but not the kind that provides economic advantage for the nation.), and that we (supposedly) have the tallest buildings in the world.
Too many activities—a growing number—have quietly transformed from rights that we quietly exercise at will into privileges requiring state approval.
"As a general rule, until 1941, U.S. citizens were not required to have a passport for travel abroad," the National Archives report.
On a similar note, only about 5 percent of American workers needed licenses to do their jobs in the 1950s.
And, "In 1930, only 24 states required a license to drive a car and just 15 states had mandatory driver's exams. South Dakota was the last state to begin issuing licenses (without exams), in 1954," the History Channel tells us.
Those bureaucratic develMore and more of what we do depends on government permission".opments, all justified as improvements in safety and national security, put people increasingly under the thumbs of government officials and make us incredibly vulnerable to pressures and penalties that are entirely unrelated to our supposed transgressions. Get on the wrong side of a vindictive official or a mindless bureaucracy, and you're effectively subject to house arrest and an economic knee-capping.
Such government control over vast areas of our lives makes it very difficult to pretend that we're free. Free people don't fret that they may lose government permission to work and travel.
-Reason extracted from "More and more of what we do depends on government permission."
Only in America, will companies, banks, rentals, real estate, police, and government agencies process full background checks on everyone. (The reasoning is that it is quick, low cost and “easy” to do. But no-one dare mention that it flies directly in violation of the need for a person to maintain privacy and dignity in their life. This, at least, is still recognized in Europe.)
This only happens in the USA.
Only in the USA will you be questioned why you have a cigarette lighter, and where you work. You will be asked why you are traveling, and for how long you will be gone, as well as where you will stay there. That never happens in other countries. It never happens… well, maybe in North Korea… But, in Communist China, it never happens.
In the USA, most Americans must have a Social Security Card, a picture driver’s license, a bank debit card, and an ACA “Obamacare” insurance card. You can argue that it is needed. But, if so then why do people in the rest of the world not need to do this?
Why can they exit their house without an ID? Why can they go to a store and buy a beer without having to prove that they are of legal drinking age? Dudes, I hate to tell you this, but that is NOT freedom. Those are just links to the shackles around your legs, and the handcuffs around your wrists. These kinds of actions and activities are not sustainable in the long run.
In China, if I want a beer, I call up the local 7-11 downstairs and have them bring me up a case. It is hand carried to me. No one ever asks me for my ID. I can pay in cash or use Kangeroo or E(r)-Le-Ma. They are never questioned by the police why they are carrying beer (a regulated substance), and are never stopped for the violation of some law or obscure rule that just happens to be selectively enforced that day.
The Rat Pack enjoying a drink and smoke with friends. Real mean acting like real men. No excuses. They lived life on THEIR terms. They did not apologize for any of their behaviors EVER.
My generation could drink at will without concern. (Image Source.)
Remember that only 75 years ago, Americans did not need to carry any kind of identification at all. They did not need to, nor were compelled to; carry any kind of identification on them. It was only the military that had to carry identification. Civilians never had to.
“The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes.”-Aldous Huxley1931
We are now ruled by the velvet-gloved, technologically savvy, militarized iron fist of what Bertram Gross termed “friendly fascism” or fascism with a smile. Under fascism, the government (As the reader goes through this list, think about all the policies put in place by President Obama.):
Is managed by a powerful leader (even if he or she assumes office by way of the electoral process).
Assumes it is not restrained in its power (this is authoritarianism, which eventually evolves into totalitarianism).
Ostensibly operates under a capitalist system while being undergirded by an immense bureaucracy (now known as “the Washington swamp”).
Emits powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism through its politicians.
Has an obsession with national security (IRS, DHS, NSA, CIA, and DHS).
Constantly invoking terrifying internal and external enemies (ISS, terrorists, and now Russia!)
Establishes a domestic and invasive surveillance system and develops a paramilitary force that is not answerable to the citizenry.
The various agencies (federal, state, and local) develop an obsession with crime and punishment (this is over criminalization).
Becomes increasingly centralized while aligning closely with corporate powers to control all aspects of the country’s social, economic, military, and governmental structures.
Uses militarism as a center point of its economic and taxing structure.
Is increasingly imperialistic in order to maintain the military-industrial corporate forces.
Compare that to America today where, as economist Jeffrey Tucker rightly observes;
“Every industry is regulated. Every profession is classified and organized. Every good or service is taxed. Endless debt accumulation is preserved. Immense doesn’t begin to describe the bureaucracy. Military preparedness never stops, and war with some evil foreign foe, remains a daily prospect.”
Fascism thrives by hiding behind the entertainment spectacle that is partisan politics. As Tucker points out,;
“It’s incorrect to call fascism either right wing or left wing. It is both and neither… fascism does not seek to overthrow institutions like commercial establishments, family, religious centers, and civic traditions. It seeks to control them… it preserves most of what people hold dear but promises to improve economic, social, and cultural life through unifying their operations under government control.”
In this way, American-style fascism is deceptively appealing. It appears friendly.
The news media covers the entertainment and political trivia. The basic forms of government remain intact. The legislators remain in session. There are elections. Consent of the governed, however, no longer applies. Actual control has finally passed to the oligarchic elite controlling the government behind the scenes.
Yet the most crucial ingredient for fascism to succeed in America is that the majority of the people would have to agree that it’s not only expedient but necessary for the government to assume greater powers in order to keep them safe and secure, whether it’s by militarizing the police (Done), stripping them of basic constitutional rights (Done), criminalizing virtually every form of behavior (Done), or spying on their communications, movements and transactions (Done).
When you really drill down to what the various presidential candidates believe about the issues that will impact the future of our freedoms long-term—war, surveillance, civil liberties—you’ll find that most of them support the government’s position, which conveniently enough, profits the corporate sector.
This is not freedom.
It is despotism, and when the votes have all been counted, “we the people” will be the losers.
I know that this is offensive to all “red blooded” Americans. But there is validity in what I am opining upon. Do not get caught up in the gut revulsion and horrid nauseous throw-back response. Don’t go screaming back at what I have written with a blanket attitude of disgust. Think about my points. Perhaps I am mostly wrong. Perhaps my belief is colored by my experiences.
But listen to my points.
Get a passport and visit other countries and compare their lifestyle, household savings, to your own. Just do it yourselves. Compare by experiencing, not by reading government propaganda.
"You may know society is doomed when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you; [and] when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice." -Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged", 1957
Do not believe me. Do not take the statements that I am making at face value. Get a passport and see for yourself. You decide. Don’t listen to my opinions and accept them blindly. Go see for yourself.
Shanghai at night. Shanghai is but one of maybe a hundred other cities of similar size and beauty in China.
You, the reader, should get a passport and see the world. Then you come to your own conclusions. How come China has better roads, trains, bridges, infrastructure, internet, and phones than the USA does, and yet only collects a mere tiny fraction of taxes from the people? How can this be so?
Why, according to the American mainstream media, taxes are needed for roads and bridges…
Political Correctness
"The preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy." - Conclusions to a study titled "Testing Theories of American Politics," and it was published by Martin Gilensand Benjamin I. Pagein the journal Perspectives on Politics, issued by the American Political Science Association in September 2014.
One of the most dangerous things that is going on in the United States today is “Political Correctness”. This is the fear of speaking your thoughts and ideas for fear that it would offend someone. This is a recent phenomenon that began during the Clinton Presidency and grew up to dangerous proportions during the Obama Presidency. In fact, it is beyond Orwellian (“Right think” anyone?), but it is the direct opposition of the 1st Amendment to the United States constitution. It is currently thriving on college campuses all over the United States.
“First of all you have to ask yourself, why is there political correctness? The only answer is because you’re afraid to say what you honestly believe. Well, what a fucking shame that you can’t say what you believe in America. This place stood for that at one time.”-Kurt Russell
At America’s colleges and universities today, a movement is arising, (apparently) undirected and driven largely by students, to scrub campuses clean of words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense. This is a wholesale, large scale, invasion of political correctness that is being implemented in the United States.
And, what happens when PC runs rampant and everyone can get an education? What are the consequences? Consider;
“But the primary incentive for flight had to do with the caliber of students I was required to instruct. The quality of what we called the student "clientele" had deteriorated so dramatically over the years that the classroom struck me as a barn full of ruminants and the curriculum as a stack of winter ensilage. I knew I could not teach James Joyce's Ulysses or Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain since they were plainly beyond the capacity of our catechumens – mind you, all old enough to vote and be drafted. The level of interest in and attention to the subjects was about as flat as a fallen arch. The ability to write a coherent English sentence was practically nonexistent; ordinary grammar was a traumatic ordeal. In fact, many native English-speakers could not produce a lucid verbal analysis of a text, let alone carry on an intelligible conversation, and some were even unable to properly pronounce common English words.”- David Solwayon American Thinker.
This new climate is slowly being institutionalized, and is affecting what can be said in the classroom, even as a basis for discussion. During the 2014–15 school year, for instance, the deans and department chairs at the 10 University of California system schools were presented by administrators at faculty leader-training sessions with examples of micro-aggression’s. The list of offensive statements included: “America is the land of opportunity” and “I believe that only the most qualified person should get the job.”
I pause at this with incongruity. Boy, will these students be surprised when they leave the protected shores of the university and enter the “real” working world.
The press has typically described these developments as a resurgence of political correctness. That’s partly right, although there are important differences between what’s happening now and what happened in the 1980s and ’90s. That movement sought to restrict speech (specifically hate speech aimed at marginalized groups), but it also challenged the literary, philosophical, and historical canon, seeking to widen it by including more-diverse perspectives.
The current movement is largely about emotional well-being.
More than the last, it presumes an extraordinary fragility of the collegiate psyche, and therefore elevates the goal of protecting students from psychological harm. The ultimate aim, it seems, is to turn campuses into “safe spaces” where young adults are shielded from words and ideas that make some uncomfortable. And more than the last, this movement seeks to punish anyone who interferes with that aim, even accidentally. You might call this impulse vindictive protectiveness. It is creating a culture in which everyone must think twice before speaking up, lest they face charges of insensitivity, aggression, or worse.
Two terms have risen quickly from obscurity into common campus parlance. Micro-aggressions are small actions or word choices that seem on their face to have no malicious intent but that are thought of as a kind of violence nonetheless. For example, by some campus guidelines, it is a micro-aggression to ask an Asian American or Latino American “Where were you born?,” because this implies that he or she is not a real American. Trigger warnings are alerts that professors are expected to issue if something in a course might cause a strong emotional response. For example, some students have called for warnings that Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart describes racial violence. Or let’s not forget and omit that F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby portrays misogyny and physical abuse. After all, we need to be careful so that students who have been previously victimized by racism or domestic violence can choose to avoid these works. We don’t want to risk a “trigger” resulting in a recurrence of past trauma.
What nonsense!
“In his novel 1984, George Orwell imagined a future world where speech was greatly restricted.He called that the language that the totalitarian state in his novel created “Newspeak”, and it bears a striking resemblance to the political correctness that we see in America right now.According to Wikipedia, Newspeak is “a reduced language created by the totalitarian state as a tool to limit free thought, and concepts that pose a threat to the regime such as freedom, self-expression, individuality, peace, etc. Any form of thought alternative to the party’s construct is classified as ‘thought crime.’”-Infowars.com
Luckily “political correctness” is primarily an American phenomena. When you leave the shore of the United States people will tell you what they think about you, and they will not care one iota if your feelings are hurt in the process. The Chinese, or course, will always be polite…
…But they will not tolerate nonsense.
Today, America possesses under-currents of nonsense that affect and alter the ways that Americans interact with each other. Americans are polite and cautious, even timid. But that is not an effective communicative tool in the world of business and politics. As a result Americans find themselves, often, at the tail end of a business deal or operational situation.
If you want to know why the Chinese are so successful in business; and why the Wenzhou Chinese are so successful look at what they do that Americans don’t do. There is no such thing as political correctness with the Chinese.
Here’s a nice narrative concerning this experience;
True story; When I was in China, I would periodically employ young interns to perform basic tasks for us in exchange for work experience. Once, around Christmas time in 2016 I told my Marketing Manager to set up and send out some Christmas Cards to our current client base. To do so, she pulled in a couple of interns that were working for us at the time. They were from the New England area and attended a college in Rhode Island. They were, and maybe still are, completely politically correct.While they were doing this, a period of confusion ensued. Apparently, the young interns had a real problem with having Christmas Cards saying “Merry Christmas”. They thought it was racist, bigoted and was not inclusive of all people. I couldn’t take it anymore and I stepped in. (Not something that I normally do. I tend to delegate in a “hands off” manner. They reported to my Marketing Manager.)I interrupted the lively discussion and time stopped. No one questions the boss. I just stood there for a second, while they all stood there with jaws dropped. (The boss does not interrupt, and it is significant when I do get involved.) This is China, after all.I told them in no uncertain words that [1] at our company we celebrate Christmas and not a generic holiday. I [2] pointed out that all of our customers were in Christian dominant nations that [3] we were operating in a communist country, where they themselves celebrated Christmas. [4] In China you can buy Christmas trees, [5] buy Christmas decorations, and most [6] business offices were decorated with Christmas trees. Every Chinese [7] knew who Saint Nick was, and [8] everyone also said “Merry Christmas” to each other. [9] Moreover, they did this in English, no less!She gave in inaudible gasp.(Ok, maybe I am being dramatic. But she was taken back.) Yes, I told her. [10] The name “Jesus” is not a bad word. It is part of our culture. (Again, the dull look of incredulity in her eyes spoke volumes.) I then told them that political correctness creates an isolation bubble that is toxic, and if maintained in a business environment would cause exclusionary behaviors. Businesses cannot not afford that. As such, our company would not participate in such nonsense.Then I told them. “Deal with it. Make it happen . I want results in three hours.” I then went back into my office. Sufficiently rebuked, the staff generated Christmas Cards and completed their task.
I am a human, and it is my right to be a dick, if I select to do so. I am also their boss, and I am fully responsible for the well-being of the company and relations with our clients. If our clients were in predominantly Muslim nations, I would wish them happy Ramadan when the instance arose. However, it is pretty unlikely that that will never happen. All Muslim-majority nations are always in various stages of conflict and turmoil.
Dudes, you gotta know your history!
People are proud to be saying Merry Christmas again. I am proud to have led the charge against the assault of our cherished and beautiful phrase. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!— Donald J. Trump(@realDonaldTrump) December 25, 2017
The tweets were in response to an ongoing argument there is a “war” on Christmas, and that people are encouraged to say “Happy Holidays” instead of Merry Christmas. However, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released right after the 2017 Christmas season, more than 75% of Americans believe the issue was “made up for political purposes” rather than a real substantive issue.
America, at one time, stood for the ability to say whatever you wanted. Being able to “speak your piece” was one of the most cherished core beliefs of Americans. Americans could say whatever they wanted.
They could also worship whatever they wanted. They could do whatever they wanted. It all changed when egotistical “busy bodies” took the reins of power and “fundamentally changed” America into their image of perfection. Which is a place where people are afraid to talk. It is a place where people are afraid to worship. It is a place where people are afraid to be themselves.
“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008
Being afraid to say “Merry Christmas” is a horrible, horrible situation. I do not care if President Obama and his wife promised to erase American traditions, and replace them with progressive values. I think it sucks. I know what freedom is, and it is not what the Progressives want us to believe it is. A person who is free is never afraid.
A person who is FREE is never afraid.
Here’s a shout out for FREEDOM!
Here is a shout out for real freedom. There is nothing better than living life on your own terms, and doing so without guilt or regret. That is what true and real freedom and liberty is all about.
Here’s to the freedom to speak your mind without fear! (Image Source.)
The war on Christmas propaganda “machine” is in full engagement. From college and university campuses to the mainstream media, all are working to remove all vestiges of tradition from America. Heck, even disputing that this is going on gets you labeled as a the-filled racist. You can read about the attacks on this truth, here, here, here, here, and here. hey! If it wasn’t true, then why are the reactions so harsh?
I’ve found, throughout my life, that the harshest responses to a statement or an argument are those that are driven by emotion. Further, an emotional response is always associated with a personal belief or conviction. Obviously there is something here for the interns to act so oddly about a traditional holiday, and for the American media to go so bat-shit loony over it.
The mainstream media is particularly busy. Their stories get progressively more ridiculous each season. Here’s one from of the main players in mainstream media CBS, and their article titled “‘Christmas Tree Syndrome’: Doctors Issue Health Warning For Real Tree Owners”. Ah, the comments are precious! (Update 6MAY18 all the comments have been taken down. Ha! I guess that the couldn’t take what people actually thought about the story, the news media and the reporter.)
Americans watch the news that is completely filtered, and the information that is presented to Americans are always false. Americans are constantly being manipulated for one reason of the other. So, I completely urge Americans to look at their life and China in a new light. Here is an interesting video regarding this;
“…can be found in John Quincy Adams's "Jubilee" Address;oveliberty2, delivered, by invitation of the New York Historical Society, in New York City in April 1839. That Jubilee Address magnificently explained the reasons for the Framers' choice of republic over that of a democracy.If you want to have handy for constitutionally-illiterate Progressives who may call this a "democracy," then you want to read that Address.Today, in 2018, when confronted with a decision between individual freedom and slavery, otherwise known as liberty and tyranny, Americans who prefer freedom must be armed with ideas and principles which are "self-evident" and plain. Otherwise, they cannot fend off the onslaught of the "counterfeit ideas" of Progressive ideologues.When America's Founders and Framers of their Constitution wanted to convince ordinary farmers and citizens of the merits of a written "People's" Constitution to limit the powers of those to whom they entrust the powers of government, they published and circulated 85 essays, known as THE FEDERALIST.”-loveliberty2comment
So, to answer the question; is America better than China, I will have to disappoint.
I do not know.
I really do not know. In my life, and in my circumstance, I think that it is better in certain ways certainly. But I don’t really know if it is actually better overall.
Most Americans that I know of are quite happy to pay their taxes every April. They kind of brag about how easy it is. All they do is buy some tax software, or hire a person and it gets done. They also tell me that it doesn’t matter to them about smoking and drinking because that part of their life is long behind them. They tell me that they don’t really care if they need to carry their papers with them everywhere they go. They just leave it in the wallet, and forget about it. They think that I am just being a little bit foolish and silly.
They tell me that taking a urine test before starting work at a company is just a little thing of no consequence. You do it once and then forget about it. The same can be said about TSA screening at airports, and all the different kinds of roadblocks and police stops. I am told that it is necessary to be able to live in a “free” country. I am told that we need taxes to pave our roads. I am told that we need all this surveillance to keep us all “free”. I am told that without the FDA that everyone would die from the unregulation of medicines and food.
I am told that all that talk about banning guns is just talk, that nothing will ever come of it. I am told that things are far better today than they were a century ago; with child labor, race riots, and white privilege. I hear that everything is far more convenient today, with the internet, home computers and cell phones. This convenience has ended up making America the greatest nation on the earth. You just have to pay a small and trivial price for that freedom. It’s just a tiny amount, automatically deducted conveniently, from your paycheck. All these other things like rules and regulations about rainwater restrictions, woodstove banning, and banning of lead are needed because we now live in the 21st century. They are all obsolete just like the pocket watch, and the superfluous pocket watch in a pair of bluejeans.
It’s a big thing to me, but maybe I’m just making a mountain out of a molehill. Maybe…
There are many things that I do miss about the States. I do miss eating a hotdog and having an ice-cold beer out of a keg at an afternoon baseball game. I do miss cruising around in my GTO and listening to BTO, and partying with my friends. I do miss going out into the woods and finding a stream to get some nice “brook trout”. I miss hunting, especially bow hunting. I miss my Walter P99. I miss watching a football game with my friends on a Sunday, going swimming at the local club, or just going “mudslinging”. I miss diners, and a nice cup of coffee on a cold blistery winter day. I miss these things, and truthfully I haven’t been able to do any of them since I left. I miss that terribly.
I really do.
However, I have picked up other activities. I now eat out much more than I did before. I eat well, and have many Chinese friends. Beer is good, cheap and cold. The Chinese do know how to party, and it is glorious. We go to KTV’s and sing our hearts out. Maybe I could one day be a Country and Western singer…LOL! Late night BBQ is the norm, and you know, nothing beats roasted chicken on the grill. The cigars, whiskey, and people are all awesome. The girls are fantastic here, and they do know how to take care of us boys.
The girls in China a lovely. That includes all of the Han Chinese throughout Asia. They really know how to keep men happy.
So overall, I can’t say that China is better than the USA. I can only say that it is different. And, I suppose that different is good because that is how we grow.
Now that I have opined about my thoughts about freedom, Liberty and China, I’d like to summarize it all. Because there are many people who are just like the frog sitting in the nice warm water. They can see that the water is getting warm and uncomfortable, but they are afraid to leave it. Why? Well it is because being outside the water is really terrible. They know. They have been told this.
I love the United States, but the way the United States is today is not the freedom loving world that I grew up in. There are so many things that I love to do, that are now much harder to do. In fact, I would dare say that America today; more closely resembles the Communist regime in Bulgaria (in the early 1970’s).
The mere idea that I, of all people, need to explain this point is disturbing to me.
Now I live in China. China is really different. However, in many ways it resembles what America was in the 1970’s. You have many freedoms in China today that are way beyond the dreams of most Americans. These things that I like and enjoy are what appeal to me.
But, I am considered awfully strange.
The things that I like are not what appeals to most Americans. (Like most Americans thinking that Michelle Obama being one of the most attractive woman in America, or that we need higher taxes and more, more, MORE regulation.) So you can really say that I am out of step with most Americans. I am really, really odd.
I just want to be left alone with my beer, my dog and the family.
So, you all can pretty much ignore what I have to say. What makes YOU happy is all that matters in life. I am happy, and I have read that many people are very happy back in the States with Obama and all that. So, with that being said you need to move to where you are happy. You need to do what makes you happy where you are happy.
Take Aways
Well, what can we summarize about this rant?
China is not run in a traditionally Communist manner, it is run by Chinese “Free Market” Conservatives.
America is run like a socialist nation. It is similar to an African version of Bulgaria.
Comparatively there are more “day to day” freedoms in China than in the USA.
Freedom means that you do not need to ASK to do something.
The reader can light up a cigar at their desk at work to test how free they are.
Most Americans think that Michelle Obama represents true female beauty.
BBQ chicken tastes really good with an ice cold beer.
Liberty is the freedom to be yourself even with there is someone who is offended.
Liberty is the ability to live the life as YOU see fit, even when there are others who are offended. That is a freedom of self. America and France used to be all about liberty. Now it is about something else.
Q: Is China free? A: The popular narrative is that it isn’t. The way this is determined is whether or not they have democracy and popular elections. Yet, the United States is not a Democracy either. It is set up as a Constitutional Republic that has become an oligarchy.
Progressive liberals, in the United States, argue that China is not following the true Marxist ideals, and needs to be “improved”. They offer incentives to push China in directions that they find favor with. These incentives range from trade advantage to financial rewards.
American Conservatives argue that China is communist and must change it’s government to be more democratic. They offer the threat of war, and trade restrictions to force China to become more like a member of the American geopolitical sphere of influence.
Q: Is America free? A: The popular narrative is that it is. The way that this is determined is if there are popular elections, and the elected officials actively represent the people who elected them. However, studies have shown that this has not been the case for many years.
三人成虎(sān rén chéng hǔ), or “three people can turn into a tiger,” warns that a repeated rumor can become fact, or at least believed by the public at large.
America is an oligarchy. It is run for the wealthy elite globally. These are the 1%.Those who are not wealthy fall into three catagories. They are either serfs, indentured, or fully enslaved. They represent the vast bulk of Americans. They represent 90% of Americans. The remaining 9% are the monied elite who work as pawns in support of the oligarchy.
For the vast bulk of Americans, America is NOT free. There are restrictions on just about everything a person does. Their money is siphoned away in thousands of little ways. The Bill of Rights is not protected, and functionally, Americans have no rights at all.
Q: What is better China or America? A: America, to me was the best in the 1970’s. We had earth-shoes, bell-bottoms, the Eagles, cars that had power, and cheap beer. Then, after the Clinton, and Obama years, it went straight downhill. Over the years, the busybodies have been allowed to gain power, and tell other people how to live their lives. None of the elected officials defends the Bill of Rights, and as a result, many Americans have functionally lost their rights.
During this period of time, China has been moving away from the tyrannical socialist policies of Mr. Mao. Instead, China has embraced Republican-style “free market” policies, and the result is that many people in China are living a pretty nice life. Today, China is a pretty nice place to live.
Compared to the United States, Chinese have more savings, own their own homes, own their own cars, and own their own furniture. Americans don’t; they rent. The Chinese do not mortgage away their child’s education for a questionable future. American’s do. Many places in China are constantly under improvement with parks, and public works constantly under construction. When was the last time that the reader seen a new park being constructed? A set of new trees aligning the roads, or a town that pays workers to plant flowers, bushes and shrubs? The only new construction in America is related to wealthy people, and banks.
The only new construction in America is related to wealthy people, and banks.
You know. There is a saying in China that us expats use. It goes something like this; “You know, there is rich, there is RICH, and then there is CHINA RICH.” The point being that even the (so called) “rich” people in the United States have no idea of the power, lifestyle and way of life that the wealthy people in China has.
And it is attainable. It really is. All this being said…
However,… I am a just simple man. I think that freedom is a place where I can take my dog, drink a beer and smoke a cigarette all without being hassled.
In period France you were free. You could go to a public restaurant and drink and smoke with your dog and no one would bother you. Too bad that this is ILLEGAL in America today.
I can do that anywhere in China; including the high-end restaurants. You simply cannot do that in the USA. Don’t believe me? Try it yourself. That is the sanity check for freedom. The sanity check is this;
Go to a restaurant.
Take your dog and put him on the chair next to you.
Order a cold beer, and drink it.
Take out and smoke a cigarette.
A measure of your freedom is the reaction of others to how you live your life. A measure of your freedom is the reaction of others to how you live your life. Yes, let me say it one more time; A measure of your freedom is the reaction by others on how you live your life.
It is not about the political structure. It is not about the rich people. It is not about the fashionable people and the toys they play with. It is about you, and how YOU can live your life and do so with your preferred lifestyle. It is that simple.
It is a fundamental difference in viewpoint. In America, anyone and everyone can tell everyone else what they cannot do. That is called “freedom of expression”. (Which is strange in that no one is permitted to tell people what they CAN do. That is forbidden.) At least this is what America has evolved into. It has evolved to a point where you cannot do anything without offending someone. In China, there are a very strict and exacting set of rules that everyone must follow. Failure to follow the rules will result in punishment. The only people who can make the rules is the government. If you try to make your own rules, you will be treated as a busybody and punished.
America used to be set up like this. Now, in the United States, the laws are considered “guidelines” instead of rules. These are guidelines that are subject to change at will. After all, you have the 9th Circuit Court reinterpreting laws to fit what ever progressive agenda is on the table.
China won’t have any of that. A rule is a rule. A law is a law. There is no room for negotiation. If you break a law, you will suffer the consequences. Which, can be very harsh.
In China busybodies are executed after a period of mandatory organ harvesting. The family is then billed the cost of the bullet. In this picture you can clearly see the pistol being raised to end this particular problem. This gal was a drug activist. You do know that drugs are against the law in China. If you want to change the law you go through the proper channels, you don’t take matters on in your own hands. That’s a big no no.