Remote Viewing of the Tunnel of Light


This is a video that I have referred to in a Patrion post that I made yesterday 30AUG22.

It involves the remote viewing of the “Tunnel of Light” that one observes upon death.

I advise that we use the KISS principle in everything; (Keep It Simple, Stupid), otherwise known as let’s just focus on full understanding of the core elements, and not get too sidetracked.

For instance…

A car.

It takes you from A to B.It can be cheap or expensive, based on HOW it transports you.It requires energy to operate.


You need it to survive.It can taste good or bad depending on your culture and habits.Digestion of it is a human requirement.

So, here, the Remote Viewers were all over the place, and offer some good stuff. But it will need to be sorted (into “boxes”), parsed and put into context.

From DM

"This is very, very similar to my experiences. This is THE best video i have watched so far on the traps. This is legit. "

Very interesting. I am trying to process this video. I really don’t know what to think, but I will query the Domain Commander for some answers later on. -MM

Video Access

Psychic Project On The Matrix. The Unveiling Of The Soul-Loosh Harvesting System (


You-Tube version…

Crappy ass attempt, but a faster and easier video to watch than from Bitchute.

I have Patreon videos on this subject…

I am generating a series of videos where I chat with the Domain Commander about this remote viewing exercise.

They are very interesting, I’ll tell you what.

I am currently posting them on my Patreon.

But do not worry. You all will get to check them out in time.

Glimpses of contemporaneous Vietnam. Oh, it is so very different from what you would expect

Here, I continue on my “bender” on taking a look at other nations in our world. In each case, so far, I have shown the reality to be something different from what you would ever read about in the Western (especially the American) press. I have looked at China, Russia, Thailand, Cambodia, the middle East, and now, Vietnam.

Vietnam is a very interesting place full of great beauty, beautiful women, delicious food, and an easy going happy-go-lucky lifestyle.

Enter Donald Trump and his neocon war-mongers

Vietnam continued their easy and laid back lifestyle since the tumultuous 1960’s when America decided to churn up and rape the countryside for freedom™ and democracy™. And it continued that way through the decades, up until Donald Trump took office and started his “War on China”.

He demanded that American companies leave China or face all sorts of consequences. In American “language” this means that “border-line legal” actions might (and probably would) be directed at the company. Such as suspicious hard-line tax audits, and review of OSHA and EPA policies and factory operation shut-downs during the “investigations” as well as mysterious fires in the warehouses, random union uprisings and personal tax audits and random arrests of key corporate executives.

Many, but not all, American companies started to relocate a number of their operations out of China. The vast bulk did not return to America, however. Instead, they went to Mexico and Vietnam.

About Factories

When America switched from manufacturing inside of America to outsourcing to China, they did NOT teach the Chinese how to make factories or build products. Instead, they went to existing factories, handed over the blueprints, and quality specifications, moved their tooling and equipment, and said “make this for us”. And that is pretty much (as harsh as it sounds) what actually happened.

Now, in the thirty to forty years that America has been devoid of solid manufacturing skill, the American companies that manufactured inside of China were in a bind. Just how do you move your factory, when you don’t own it?

Do you start from scratch? Hire new engineers? Try to reverse engineer your systems to fit a Mexican or Vietnamese work force? What do you do?

Well, I can’t say that this is what happened to all of the factories, but I can tell you that a sizable number took this action…

…the Chinese factories that supplied the American companies, set up divisions inside of Vietnam.

Thus, the Donald Trump trade war, as far as bringing manufacturing capability back to the United States failed. Instead, all that happened is the existing Chinese factories continued to supply the American companies. The only difference is that they did so out of Vietnam.

Vietnam Changed.

Of course, all of this movement of Chinese factories into Vietnam, and with it, the Chinese support structures, have made great changes to Vietnam. While it is still a sluggish and rather backward nation, it is growing and expanding. And this has created a rather unique mix of older traditional Vietnam, with modern Chinese industry and support structures. Very few American influences are present. As America is rather a nation of bankers, accountants, lawyers, and diversity experts. Very few have an kind of impact on Vietnamese society.

Here we are going to look at some videos out of Vietnam taken these last two months. It’s a quite interesting mix of color and tradition.

The Videos

Let’s go through these videos.

I suggest you watch them in order to get the full diverse effect. And I hope hope that you enjoy them and get “something out of them”. This group has around 85 (give or take) videos. So to prevent you from getting carpal tunnel syndrome (yikes!) clicking on each individual video, I have clustered the videos into small zip files that you click on, download and then browse through at your leisure.

Group A

  • Cooking some kind of purple Vietnamese food.
  • Foreigner in Vietnam trying to pick up a local butterfly girl.
  • Young love having some fun.
  • Lunch in a Chinese factory located in Vietnam.
  • Dressing up to go out on a date.
  • You ride scooters to get anywhere.
  • Making supper.
  • Loved ones going off to do their mandatory military service.
  • Some girls getting down at a local gathering.
  • Another foreigner trying to pick up some butterfly girls.
  • Night life in one of the bigger cities.
  • Two girls on the way to work (my guess is a massage or restaurant).
  • Bar Life.
  • Home made turbo-generators for local village power needs.
Group A

You can download this entire archive HERE.

Group B

  • Single 20-something girl in her one-room apartment.
  • Hair stylist.
  • Wedding party.
  • Bride’s Maids showing their disdain for the bride for leaving them behind.
  • Pretty Vietnam girl in a tea house.
  • Pretty Vietnam farm girl in the field.
  • Some 20-something’s “hanging out”.
  • Pretty factory girl on the factory campus.
  • Drunk factory girl in her shared dorm room.
  • Classmates cheering up a sad girl.
  • Before a wedding.
  • Prep-cook.
  • Lunch with beer and pigeon eggs.
  • Vietnam government taking guidance from China and fighting COVID.
Group B

You can download this entire archive HERE.

Group C

  • What small-town Vietnam is actually like.
  • A typical highway between towns.
  • Pretty girl doing a Tictok.
  • Wedding tradition.
  • Wedding reception activity.
  • Girls of the night looking for customers.
  • Picnic Vietnamese style.
  • Female Vietnamese kick-boxer.
  • Haircut and a shave.
  • Happy birthday.
  • Handing out money to those wearing masks.
  • Chilled girl stopping by the side to put on a warmer top.
  • One of the many wedding rituals.
  • Butterfly Girl on the prowl in the night-life section.
Group C

You can download this entire archive HERE.

Group D

  • Foreigner interacting with some “ladies of the night”.
  • Not quite sure what is going on.
  • Laundry on the porch.
  • Young love at the factory.
  • A beautiful Vietnamese girl.
  • Leaving his house as he has to go off to work now.
  • Lining up for vaccinations.
  • Household savings.
  • Nothing is sexier than a woman cooking.
  • Working the farm.
  • Washing hair outside.
  • Traditional outfit.
  • [Video messes up on MS systems about 50% of the time.]
  • Traditional family.
Group D

You can download this entire archive HERE.

Group E

  • Butterfly girls (prostitutes) lined up for some customers.
  • making waffles for breakfast.
  • City night ride.
  • China giving away free “dead virus” (traditional) vaccines in Vietnam.
  • Pretty girl 1.
  • Pretty girl 2.
  • A factory lunch.
  • A friend had a little too much to drink.
  • Off to the honeymoon.
  • Night life.
  • A girl of the night.
  • Making products for American consumers in a Chinese factory in Vietnam.
  • Farting at loved ones.
  • I am not too sure what is going on here.
Group E

You can download this entire archive HERE.

Group F

  • Foreigner picking up a butterfly girl.
  • Another butterfly girl scores BIG.
  • Pretty girl in traditional attire.
  • OMG! What a sexy video!!!!!
  • Night time going out to be with friends.
  • Confrontation or something…?
  • It’s hot! HOT!
  • Healthy dinner.
  • China is assisting Vietnam in the construction of hospitals.
  • KTV fun. I wish I was there.
  • Later on at the KTV things are getting a little crazy.
  • You have to wear pants over your miniskirt while riding a scooter.
  • Wedding exchanges.
  • Friends partying.
  • A bit of fun at a Chinese factory inside of Vietnam making products for Americans.
Group F

You can download this entire archive HERE.

On a topical note…

As the Biden administration consolidates its foreign policy, it has predictably turned its attention towards Southeast Asia in a bid to “counter China”.

Just last week, Mid-August 2021, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin visited Vietnam, the Philippines, and Singapore in a bid to increase military ties between Washington and the region.

Means… allow American military bases there, American war ships to sail there, and the placement of American offensive missile systems there.

Right on China’s “doorstep”.

Imagine that!

Now, Kamala Harris is also set to visit two of these countries (Vietnam and Singapore), where the reported main message will be ‘America is Back!’ – a sentiment which will no doubt go down a storm in Hanoi.

You know like swallowing bile that rise up in your throat.

The vice president’s aim with this trip is to “call out” China over its maritime claims in the South China Sea.They can’t do it personally face-to-face with China. They will no longer play “that game”. So like cowards, they are trying to undermine all the relationships of all the nations that border on China.

They come with suitcases (no cross that out) pallets, (no cross that out) Shipping containers full of freshly minted US dollars.

Freshly minted.

Hot off the (over worked) printing presses.

For, you know, the leadership to do what ever they want with the nice crisp “green backs”.

This comes amid America’s attempts to militarize the region.

They’ve been really busy, don’t you know.

The anti-China QUAD; those vassal states of the UK and Japan who will be compelled to “die on their swords” at the push of a button from the American Pentagon. To Australia who has only become a vassal state for reasons not so obvious. In my mind, a treasonous Morrison government with many, many skeletons in his closet is willing to sacrifice his people for Washington DC.

As well as continuously sailing aircraft carriers through the sensitive waters in a bid to project American power.

It comes as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attends the ASEAN-China ministerial meeting, where he has warned against “external interference” by “extraterritorial powers” in the region.

No prizes here for guessing who he was talking about…

The US says that it’s “back” to Southeast Asian countries.

It’s just bullshit.

The reality is this: apart from all the militaristic “sabre rattling” and pushing a non-stop hate China narrative while convincing everyone (with a pulse) to oppose China, the United States actually doesn’t have a strategy for the region.

But Beijing does.

In many ways, the legacy of recent US policies in this area of the world has been self-defeating.

The “political space” (the room to maneuver and work around is) that Biden has to turn it around is really quite limited.

In other words, it’s essentially still Trump’s ‘America First’ sentiment.

And that is quite telling as the biggest gaping hole in America’s strategy towards Southeast Asian countries is failing to offer them anything in return.

There are no, absolutely zero, economic incentives to oppose China. All they have to offer is personal riches for the rulers. As well as promises to offer them “green cards” and citizenship if the whole plan goes “tits up”.

China, need I remind you, which is right next door to these nations.

On this front, America has isolated itself.

In so many ways too.

Most notably by withdrawing from the mega trade deal which Obama fashioned as an anti-China initiative known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Now rebranded CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) amongst local partners.

On the level of US domestic politics, this is toxic because the consensus is that free trade is bad, especially if it detracts from jobs at home.

Therefore, Biden faces protectionist pressure not to re-join it, thus it has not come back on the Biden agenda.

China, on the other hand, has comprehensively doubled down on its economic ties with the surrounding region and entrenched its presence. Most notably through joining the ASEAN-led Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, which it quickly ratified.

This creates an obvious problem for America.

China is increasingly integrating itself with the region on an economic level.

In which local parties (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, etc.) welcome with open arms gleefully.

But, you know, the United States is not happy with in the least.

China has, in addition, begun to move away from the US dollar in its business with these countries. This includes a local currency trade agreement with Indonesia and the setting up of an RMB bank in the Philippines, amongst other things.

No longer is trade being conducted in the “almighty” US Dollar. It’s local currency to the e-yuan. And as time moves forward, more and more nations are following this lead.

The US doesn’t have an answer to any of this.

Recently, it was reported that Washington wanted to try and propose a ‘digital trade deal’ among the economies of the Asia-Pacific. This “digital trade deal”  is intended to lock China out of trade with any nations that sign that agreement. This is by regulation.

A favorite technique, mind you, well established and mature to crush nations that do not “toe the line” with American Geo-political policy.

This is intended to be done by setting strict rules and regulations on the ‘digital economy’ of the region.

Diplomatic sources dismissed it as a complete non-starter.


Because it’s absolutely untenable for these countries to lock China out, and it’s not hard to see why.

Yesterday (Mid-August 2021) Huawei announced it would be investing $100 million into over 1,000 software start-ups throughout Southeast Asia. And that’s just one of the many initiatives in bringing manufacturing, development, growth and prosperity to all the nations that surround China.

With a high degree of integration and economic benefits, it is impossible for the US to now shape the region’s initiative while keeping China excluded.

There’s nothing left.

This leaves the military.

And this is where China is increasingly powerful, but the US remains competitive and relevant.

Many countries in the region accept the presence of the United States and its allies militarily, because it gives them strategic space to prevent them from being completely dominated by China.

For a small city state like Singapore, this inclination makes obvious sense, but this is not so much ‘siding’ with America as it is a geopolitical balancing act between both powers.

Walking the “tight rope”; the “fine line” of neutrality.

Here lies the problem: America wants countries to align with it against China in a binary way, but the nations themselves want neutrality.

And ASEAN (The association of South East Asian nations) as an institution officially seeks such.

Singapore’s prime minister stated several days ago that it seeks balance between both powers, and did not want to become torn between them.

Seeks balance.

Seeks neutrality.

Seeks a uni-polar world.

Some of these states of course are formally allied with America, such as the Philippines. Yet, you know, for all intents and purposes they utilize a strategy of ‘hedging’ between both sides.

And for certain, they do not seek confrontation with Beijing.

If Washington pushes too hard on anti-China initiatives, these countries become uncomfortable, and this may have the ‘opposite’ result.

Recognizing what the US is doing, China is now pre-empting it by making diplomatic breakthroughs and concessions on the ‘South China Sea code of conduct’ – a proposal that has been in gridlock for decades.

This aims to ease tensions, and brands the US a ‘troublemaker’.


Again, Washington doesn’t have the ability to conduct close diplomacy with these countries as a neighbor, only as a ‘visitor’.

America is an outsider.

China is local.

China is right there.

All in all, geography works against America. China is the neighbor of Southeast Asia, not the US.

Beijing is the largest economy in the region and is irreversibly integrated in terms of trade, technology, and finance.

America is not.

Yet, the US foreign policy strategy seems to pursue the bizarre premise that they can somehow dominate this region…

… push back China…

…and match its growing power…

… despite the fact they physically cannot, simply because they are not based there.

This means that whilst these countries are not necessarily rejecting an American presence, they are never going to adopt any serious anti-China policies or the militarization of the region that Biden hopes for.

Would you start a fight with your much bigger next-door neighbor?

Biden has no economic incentives to offer either.

China is, in many ways, continuing to lead and shape the regional agenda through its own initiatives, and as its own military presence in this area also grows, it has plenty of options to counter US posturing.

And the United States is impotent in the region, no matter what the American media says to the contrary.


Most of the world is still being influenced by the American media in one form or the other. And on subjects that everyone seems to have adjusted to what ever narrative that the American government made, the belief is that what ever Washington DC says is the truth. Nope. It is not.

Vietnam is many things, but an American proxy nation, whether military, commercial or economic, is simply not true.

This article broaches the true and actual state of affairs, and I do hope that it was interesting and meaningful at the same time. I have tried to present a diverse collection of videos showing the great breadth and width of the colorful Vietnamese society, and I hope that I put it in a positive light.

I have many friends how go to Vietnam, as it’s not too far from where I live, and they pretty much confirm what I have listed here. I hope that you all can see that it has a bright future ahead, and some deep and wonderful culture and traditions. I sincerely hope that they hold on to them and not allow them to disappear.

And when the pandemic ends, perhaps a nice visit to Vietnam would be a wonderful trip, and I am sure that you would make some wonderful, maybe even lifelong friends. And isn’t that what we all want out of life?

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Happiness Index here…

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Someone Else is on The Moon by George Leonard (Full text in PDF)

The following is the full text of the late 1970’s paperback book titled “Someone else is on the moon”, by George Leonard. It is provided here for free in PDF format.

Few people noticed the secret codewords used by our astronauts to describe the moon. Until now, few knew about the strange moving lights they reported.

George H. Leonard, former NASA scientist, fought through the official veil of secrecy and studied thousands of NASA photographs, spoke candidly with dozens of NASA officials, and listened to hours and hours of astronauts' tapes.

Here, Leonard presents the stunning and inescapable evidence discovered during his in-depth investigation:

-Immense mechanical rigs, some over a mile long, working the lunar surface.

-Strange geometric ground markings and symbols.

-Lunar constructions several times higher than anything built on Earth.

-Vehicles, tracks, towers, pipes, conduits, and conveyor belts running in and across moon craters.

Somebody else is indeed on the Moon, and engaged in activities on a massive scale. Our space agencies, and many of the world's top scientists, have known for years that there is intelligent life on the moon.

"An extremely convincing case the moon has life on it - an intelligent race that probably moved in from outside the solar system..." -UFO Report

"Leonard's photos are truly mind-boggling..." -Publisher's Weekly

This is an interesting book. I can tell you that. I believe that I read it back when I was in College. Not that I was assigned books to read, like the rest of my friends. My courses were all heavy mathematics and physics. So to unwind, I would read all sorts of paper-books. And this was one such book.

It’s a great fun read, and he’s a searcher who has stumbled across some uncomfortable truths got got him ridiculed. Well, so what?

To download the book click on the link below…

I am going to put this article in my Type-1 Greys sub index because I really don’t know where else to put it.

To can visit that Index here…

Type-1 Grey


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The Mad Scientists of Mammoth Falls

I am more than a bit “burnt out” on all the Geo-political bullshit. When I read an article about “containing China”, and how “America is roaring back” I just exit the browser tab. I’ve have enough. I am “toast”.

America is so full-on crazy right now, and they treat us “citizens” as slaves, and dumbed down nincompoops. It’s just an insult to see what constitutes “news” these days.

Instead, what I want to do do is relive a simpler time when I was a boy. And for me, that meant chilling out with my dog, and my cat in my tree house. It meant riding all over town and going on “hikes” and all-day-long “bike rides” and exploring old abandoned bridges, trestles, tunnels, and long abandoned rural homes. It meant lazying around eating home-made sandwiches, and sprawling out upon the couch as I read one of my hundreds of boyhood paperback books.

Rural Pennsylvania.

And one of the books that I loved then, and still love today, is the “Mad Scientist’s Club” series of short stories.

I still remember the book fair as one of the highlights of my elementary school year. For a half hour or so the teacher would take us down the long hall to the multipurpose room.  I lived in rural Western Pennsylvania, and my school was too small to have a separate gym. Though it did have a basement cafeteria and a  library on the nearby High School. There, in the gym where table after table had been set up with stacks of books arranged by interest and age level.

I loved books as a kid and I always looked forward to the event.

As a boy, I used to hang out in the tree house with my cat and read. But other times my friends would come up and we would read comic books together, and do other things that kids are forbidden to do.

Some of the books I purchased there would shape my reading habits for the rest of my life. I still remember taking the two dollars my mom gave me for the fair and investing it in Chariots of the Gods. It was astounding to me, and I found it impossible to put down.

Since then I have collected a small mountain of paperbacks. With science fiction and history being my favorites. I also had some war literature, some “how to” books, and Marmaduke comics paperbacks.

Another book fair introduced me to yet another author: Bertrand R. Brinley.

Few of you will recognize his name, though some will fondly remember series he authored: The Mad Scientists’ Club (referred to as MSC among fans).

His initial work consisted of two volumes of short stories and a novel. A second novel written by Brinley but not really published until after his death completes the set. In my opinion his stories rank as one of the best young people’s reading series ever created.

I mean…

…the BEST.

Dinky Poore didn't really mean to start the story about the huge sea monster in Strawberry Lake. He was only telling a fib because he had to have an excuse for getting home late for supper. So he told his folks he'd been running around the lake trying to get a closer look at a huge, snakelike thing he'd seen in the water, and the first thing he knew he was too far from home to get back in time.

His mother and father greeted the tale with some skepticism. But Dinky's two sisters were more impressionable, and that's how the story really got out. They kept pestering him for so many details about the monster that he had to invent a fantastic tale to satisfy them. 

That's one of the troubles with a lie. You've got to keep adding to it to make it believable to people.

It didn't take long for the story to get around town, and pretty soon Dinky Poore was a celebrity in Mammoth Falls. He even had his picture in the paper, together with an "artists conception" of the thing he'd seen. It was gruesome-looking -- something like a dinosaur, but with a scaly, saw-toothed back like a dragon. Dinky was never short on imagination, and he was able to give the artist plenty of details.

It was the artists' sketch in the newspaper that got Henry Mulligan all excited. Henry is First Vice President and also Chief of Research for the Mad Scientists' Club and is noted for his brainstorms. Neither Henry nor anyone else in the club actually believed Dinky had seen a real monster, but we were all willing to play along with the gag -- especially when Henry suggested that we could build a monster just like the one shown in the newspaper ...

Bertrand R. Brinley

Bertrand Brinley was born in Hudson, New York, in 1917. As a child he moved with his family from place to place, eventually living in West Newbury, Massachusetts as a teenager where he graduated from the local high school.

West Newbury, Massachusetts. Small town America.

He worked at Lockheed Aircraft Corporation in California as a systems analyst during the early years of World War II and joined the army in 1944. His tour with the army allowed him to see much of the world.

He left the army for a short time, then reentered it during the Korean War.

Much of his work with the army involved public relations and in the late 50’s, right after the Sputnik launch, he was put in charge of a program to instruct amateur rocketeers in safety.

This lead to his first book published in 1960, Rocket Manual for Amateurs.

1960, Rocket Manual for Amateurs.

This book taught young boys, and maybe High School teenagers, how to make their own rockets from scratch. Not just the shape; nose cones, and fins, but also how to make solid rocket propellant motors, firing systems, and parachute escape and retrieval devices.


You would never see that today.

This is ancient history – even to me – but the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in 1957 sent the United States into a crisis.

The successful orbiting of a satellite by America’s rival after the failure of several of our own rockets created the impression of a scientific gap between the two countries.

In 1958 the U.S. would orbit its own satellite, Vanguard, but by then the idea that America was behind the USSR in science and technology was firmly planted in the public’s mind.

To close this supposed “gap,” money was poured into education for the next decade or so. Not just funding for schools, and extra courses, but real STEM courses for everyone.

Everyone, all over America, were training to be engineers, designers, and scientists.

The introduction of new curriculum – such as the so-called New Math designed to promote engineering and science-was common. While it is doubtful that New Math really turned ten-year-olds into rocket engineers, it is indisputable that these events had Americans thinking about science and technology.

Elementary textbooks for fourth through six grade doesn’t resemble anything being taught in America today.

It was in this atmosphere that Brinley conceived his stories.

In 1961 the first of Brinley’s tales was published in Boy’s Life. Boy’s Life was, and remains, the official magazine of the Boy Scouts.

Boy’s Life magazine.

The story, The Strange Sea Monster of Strawberry Lake, told of a group of small-town teenagers whose genius for technology gets them both into and out of trouble when they build a fake sea serpent.

The story of the club was continued in two more stories that year in Boy’s Life. In 1965 the first seven of the short stories were gathered into book form and published under the title The Mad Scientists Club. It was a paperback copy of this I came across and purchased at a book fair several years later.

The crew in their tree-house. Plotting and scheming.

To say that I liked this book would be quite an understatement.

I read the seven tales contained in it over and over again.

Each, while involving the same characters and setting, were very different and engaging.

My personal favorite is The Secret of the Old Cannon, where the club probes the mystery of what is in the breech of a giant civil war cannon in the local park.

Mammoth Falls

A strange sea monster appears on the lake...a fortune is unearthed from an old cannon ...a valuable dinosaur egg is stolen. 

Watch out as the Mad Scientists turn Mammoth Falls upside down! 

Take seven, lively, "normal" boys -- one an inventive genius -- give them a clubhouse for cooking up ideas, an electronics lab above the town hardware store, and a good supply of Army surplus equipment, and you, dear reader, have a boyhood dream come true and a situation that bears watching. 

In the hands of an author whose own work involved technological pioneering, the proceedings are well worth undivided attention, as the boys explore every conceivable possibility for high and happy adventure in the neighborhood of Mammoth Falls. 

To the unutterable confusion of the local dignitaries -- and the unalloyed delight of Bertrand Brinley's fans -- the young heroes not only outwit their insidious rival, Harmon Muldoon, but emerge as town heroes.

The stories were told in first person by character Charlie Finckledinck (who didn’t have a last name until the first novel came out) but clearly the club’s most prominent member was the bespeckled teenager Henry Mulligan.

Henry, the group’s resident science genius, was just as likely to come up with some outlandish prank as a legitimate experiment or invention.

Other MSC members included Jeff Crocker, the president (by virtue of the club meeting in his father’s barn), Homer Snodgrass and Mortimer Dalrymple (experts in electronics and radio).

The club membership was rounded out by Freddy Mulldoon and Dinky Poore, the group’s Mutt and Jeff pair.

A couple of points about the characters: Freddy Muldoon was originally called Fatso Brown, and his cousin, the notorious Harmon Muldoon, Skinny Brown, in The Strange Sea Monster of Strawberry Lake. My father changed the names in the version that was published in Boys' Life and subsequently in The Mad Scientists' Club. Charlie Finckledinck, the narrator, did not have a last name until The Big Kerplop!

-The Mad Scientists Club

The adults of the mythical town of Mammoth Falls where the stories were set found themselves forever involved in some scheme or prank the club had thought up.

These, for example, took the forms of a fake monster in the local lake, an electronically-haunted house at the city limits and a mad balloonist in the town square.

When the boys weren’t giving Mayor Scragg, Police Chief Putney or Constable Billy Dahr problems, they often found themselves at odds with a rival gang formed by Harmon Mulldoon who had been a MSC member but had been thrown out for activity unbecoming of a scientist.

It always amazed me how the characters in the books were so clearly and finely drawn. Unfortunately Bertrand Brinley is no longer with us, but his son, Sheridan Brinley, explained how his father had come up with the characters.

Like many authors, Bertrand Brinley’s own personality found its ways into the people he created. “Henry is my father through and through,” said Sheridan. “A guy who thinks before he speaks, has an unusual perspective on things, has a vivid imagination, secretly feeds the dog at the table, is late to dinner because he is thinking about something, etc., etc.”

“Dinky Poore, I have always thought, was in part me, as I was small and skinny as a child and a bit of a whiner,” said Sheridan. “The Poore name is a family name in Westbury, Massachusetts, which is the source of a number of the names and places in the stories. For example, Billy Dahr is based on the constable in West Newbury in the ’30s. He was a bumbling sort of cop, as is Dahr.”

At least some of the events in the stories were inspired by real incidents that would have appeared in the news at the time. The accidental loss of a nuclear device off the coast of Spain in 1966 surely provided inspiration for the first novel, The Big Kerplop!, where an atomic bomb splashes into Mammoth Fall’s Strawberry Lake.

The Air Force’s Project Blue Book, which investigated UFO sightings, may have also been material for Brinley’s imagination to chew on. “The Unidentified Flying Man of Mammoth Falls was, I think, a parody of the Air Force program spending taxpayers’ dollars to trace down UFO sightings,” muses Sheridan.

“What a great joke: create a flying mannequin that makes fools of the town elders and police and scrambles the planes from the nearby Air Force base. Some of the same stuff is in The Flying Sorcerer.

Engineers and Scientists

I’ve heard a lot of stories over the years about how the original Star Trek TV show in the 60’s influenced people to become scientists and engineers, and as a longtime Treker myself, I believe it is true.

However, I think there may quite a few people who made their career choices based on Brinley’s work. A gentleman named Mark Maxham runs a MSC tribute site and has collected some quotes from anonymous fans including this one:

I have had at least 5 copies of the Mad Scientist's Club over the years. I just gave away my only duplicate set. [...] They too were my favorites when I was younger. I am now a spacecraft flight engineer (worked with NASA controlling the Magellan Spacecraft to Venus) thanks in part to those books. 

I suspect that this sentiment is widespread. There aren’t as many MSC fans around as Trekers, but those that exist seem to cherish their memories of the stories just as much as episodes of that seminal TV series.

I even suspect that my own choice of career as an Aerospace engineer hearkens back to Brinley’s tales of crazed boys tinkering around with electronics, rockets, and machinery. Sure there were many other influences. But only Brinley translated that love for gadgetry and messing around with machines that I so very love today.

Like all my books, I eventually lost my old tattered book. My best guess is that it lies at the bottom of some landfill in San Luis Obispo  California.

By the way, do you know what I could use right now?

I could use a thin-crust cheese pizza with a goodly amount of salt on it. Maybe with a icy Coke. Not a beer. My doctor is telling me that my beer-drinking days are over. Beer is a “cold” food. I can only drink “warm” foods; like red wine and 53% alcohol. Sigh.

Anyways. For some reason, when I would plop myself and read these books, it was always with either sandwiches or pizza. I guess that I am just that kind of a silly guy. Eh?

What I liked about the thin crust pizza was that you could fold it up, and eat it like a gooey taco. I would plop myself down on this big sprawling 1940’s chair inherited from my grandparents, or our La-Z-boy and chill out. Smunching on a pizza, book about other kids like you, a nice breeze though the window, and a television or radio playing softly in the other room was what my boyhood was like.

Anyways, I had two books. They actually had a second volume that I had bought. It was titled The New Adventures of the Mad Scientists’ Club. I thought that it was even better than the first!

Unfortunately a novel entitled The Big Kerplop! Came out that I was unaware of, and so I never had the opportunity to read it.

Trying to get all these books has been a herculean task over the years. Not only due to the lack of availability, but also to the fact that I am in China. And obscure books in English are not readily available.

Unfortunately all of them had been out of print for many years and were almost impossible to find. This was bad news as I desperately wanted to get a hold of them for both myself and all the kids.

Purple House Press Reprints

Sheridan Brinley had been trying to get his father’s works republished for a number of years without success.

No publisher wanted to risk the money necessary to run off several thousand copies of the books no matter how ardent the small fan base might be.

Fortunately, Brinley came in contact with Purple House Press (PHP), a new publisher formed by a woman named Jill Morgan. Morgan had been locating and collecting out-of-print children books and had come to realize the cost of these original volumes were being driven through the roof.

Parents who wanted to share their favorite children’s books with their own kids were priced out of the market.This is that profit-greed based society that I always lament about. People in America do not care about society. They care about themselves; as a nation driven by psychopathic personalities, those of us with a different value system are often left out in the cold.

Morgan started contacting authors and their heirs and arranging for these works to be reprinted in small volumes. The company now has thirty-two books in its catalog including the original Mad Scientists’ Club, The New Adventures of the Mad Scientists’ Club and The Big Kerplop!

In fact for MSC fans there was perhaps an unexpected bonus from this alliance with PHP. Bertrand Brinley had written a second MSC novel, but it had never been published in the United States. After some editing, The Big Chunk of Ice – the story of the Mad Scientists entangled in a mystery in Austria – became available for readers for what was probably the first time.

I truly believe that one of the secrets of getting your kids to be great readers is not just to read to them, but to read to them stories you yourself are in love with.

The kind of excitement you radiate can’t be faked and kids pick up on it. That is one of the reasons why I am so happy to see efforts like Purple House Press succeed.

As a Rufus I’ve had the opportunity to not only share MSC stories with my kids, but my nieces and nephews as well.

From a technical point of view the stories show some signs of age – the radios, model rockets and remote controls the MSC kids used aren’t exactly cutting edge technology anymore (one can only wonder what trouble Henry and friends could get into using computers, the Internet and various wireless devices), but the stories are still great and worth sharing with a new generation.

Author’s Legacy

Bertrand Brinley died in 1994, but not without having left a significant mark in a lot of people’s lives.

I still can’t see more than two hot air balloons together without thinking of The Great Gas Bag Race.

I was ecstatic a few decades ago when I visited Fort McHenry in Baltimore and found they had a 15-inch Rodman cannon (the same one featured in The Secret of the Old Cannon).

I stood there pondering, could Homer Snodgrass really have wiggled his way down that barrel to find out what was inside?

In a way I like to think of this website, The Museum of UnNatural Mystery, as partly a tribute to Brinley’s work. I’m sure his stories inspired my interest in weird science.

I’d like to think that the halls of the museum are a place where the spirits of Henry Mulligan and Jeff Crocker, embodied into the children of today, can still find some adventure, or at least some mischief, to get into that would vex Mayor Scragg and the citizens of Mammoth Falls.

The Mad Scientist’s Club Series

The Mad Scientists’ Club – Seven Short Stories

– The Strange Sea Monster of Strawberry Lake – The club decides to shake up the town with a fake lake monster, but things go frather than they ever envisioned.

– The Big Egg – The kids find a dinosaur egg and it hatches, or does it?

– The Secret of the Old Cannon – What is hidden in an old civil war cannon up on Memorial Point?

-The Unidentified Flying Man of Mammoth Falls – A mad ballooner upsets the town’s Founder’s Day celebration.

– The Great Gas Bag Race – The club enters a balloon in the annual race and find themselves up against their old rival, Harmon Mulldoon.

– The Voice in the Chimney – The old house on Blueberry Hill is haunted, or is it just peoples’ imagination?

– Night Rescue – The club tries to rescue a downed jet pilot.

The New Adventures of the Mad Scientists’ Club – Five Short Stories

– The Telltale Transmitter – The club goes up against bank robbers.

– The Cool Cavern – The kids try to rescue Harmon’s gang from a cave in.

– Big Chief Rainmaker – The club tries to bring an end to a devastating drought.

– The Flying Sorcerer – A UFO seems to be visiting Mammoth Falls.

– The Great Confrontation – Harmon Mulldoon’s rival gang goes too far.

The Big Kerplop!A full length novel that tells the story of the formation of the club during a scare when an atomic bomb is lost in Strawberry Lake.

The Big Chunk of IceA full length novel that tells the story of the club as it goes on a scientific expedition to Austria and gets entangled in the mystery of a lost diamond.

Do you want more?

You can go through the index page and explore. A lot of gems there. Have fun.

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Using Grabovoi “cheat codes” as a prayer and affirmation technique

I want to continue discussing the use of thought to control your life.

As many long duration MM members can attest to, all you need to do to navigate on your reality template is to think and vocalize what you want. And if you write about, and think about, and talk about… bad things… then you will have that in your life. While if you think about good things, they instead will enter your life.

A “prayer” is a method of intentionally thinking certain thoughts, in a certain manner, to manifest certain things to occur in YOUR life.

There are many ways to run and conduct prayers. I have covered just a mere fraction of the ways in prior articles. It’s actually really based on the understanding that what you believe and what you think actually manifests. And for prayers, well, it’s actually only a way (or a method) that you can use to help you focus and direct your thoughts.

Good right?

Well, not so fast.

But this can cause all sorts of problems, when bad or malevolent people concoct systems of mechanisms based on prayer intention for personal gain, profit or fame. Whether it is a woman dressed up in Haitian garb on television in the late 1990’s telling you to call 1-800-know your life, or a white robed televangelist that you too can guarantee a set on the Heaven-express for only small weekly payments of $9.98.  Or the Magick Dawn teaching you to control your life by the practice of Aleister Crowley’s magick.

And we are going to talk about this right here and right now.

You see, in Russia, many young folk are following Tiktok videos and describing their experiences with “magic numbers”. And then telling about how their wishes and desires manifested.

Does it work?

Sure. Fundamentally.

If you believe anything, and you think anything, it will manifest.

Is this technique bad, dangerous or harmful?

Well that depends.

Grabovoi numbers

Found HERE. All credit to the author, and note that it was edited to fit this venue.
A rich husband, a slim figure, clear skin or good grades at school can be obtained with the help of special cheat codes. All you have to do is to write them on your hand and send a request into space, according to English-speaking bloggers on TikTok. In actual fact, the codes are part of the teachings of a Russian sect leader who served two years in prison.

On the smartphone screen in front of me is an image of a light-colored wall with plants and in the foreground are rows of numbers with headings such as ‘Beauty’, ‘Love’, ‘Health’, ‘Ideal Figure’ and so on. There are hundreds of both positive and negative opinions in the comments. I choose the most common heading – ‘Money’ – which has the greatest amount of number sequences under it. As I am diligently copying them, using a pen to inscribe them on my left wrist, my mom enters the room. 

“What are you doing?” she asks suspiciously.

“I’m writing out some cheat codes for money,” 

I reply, as if I do it every day.

“Then write them down in a column going up to your elbow and leave them there for as long as possible before washing them off - at least that way it might work,” 

she says ironically and leaves the room to do other things.

The number sequences in the video are so-called cheat codes or “Grabovoi numbers”, which, according to Russian and foreign bloggers, must be written down in order to produce the desired outcomes.

On English-language TikTok, videos with codes and instructions on how to use them, accompanied by the appropriate hashtags, have gathered over one hundred million views. And, in the comments, representatives of Generation Z share the results of their use of the codes, with many positive comments among them.

Where do the codes come from, who publishes them and why?

Cheat codes for well-defined abs & YouTube subscribers and their ‘side effects’

Russian and foreign bloggers started actively making videos about these “cheat codes” in the spring of 2021.

The instructions in all the videos look the same – you need to choose the required number sequence, write it down on a piece of paper or directly on your wrist and also trace the same number sequence in the air with your finger – this increases the chances of “your request reaching space”. It is best to leave the number sequence on your wrist for up to three days. And then, all you have to do is wait for your wish to come true.

Apart from classic blessings, such as health, happiness, money or love, you can use the code to ask the “Universe” for almost any whim – bloggers publish codes for good grades at school, for a slim figure with well-defined abs, for popularity on YouTube, clear skin without acne, a rich husband and so on.

Russian-speaking TikTokers are more malicious – in addition to “positive” codes, they share number sequences for poisoning, high fever, coma and cardiac arrest.

Eighteen-year-old aspiring artist Viktor Alekseyev says that his code for money worked, even though he himself thinks it was pure coincidence.

“I wrote the code for money on my hand for a laugh. Until then, my art was not selling very well, but before the code I had submitted my drawings to a special organization that sells artists’ work and they started selling much better. It must have been autosuggestion or coincidence,” 

Viktor says.

Senior school student Olesya says that a code helped her to become a star pupil in class.

“I did everything according to the instructions and, the next day, I started getting excellent grades. To be honest, I was doing well even before then. It’s just that before the code, I was getting 4s [Bs], but now, like magic, I’m getting 5s [As],” 

…she opined.


Another schoolgirl from Moscow, Anna, says she wrote down a code for success in her school work and, the next day, her Russian language teacher cancelled a lesson. Anna attributes this to the code, since Russian was the class for which she had not had time to do her homework.

Many users complain that the codes just don’t work and some even experience “side effects”.

“I wrote down a code for luck and almost straight away I started to feel bad, I got a headache, then I erased it and felt better. I don’t believe in the codes, but who knows what the hell it was,” 

…says schoolgirl Alina Batchayeva.

In addition, some users say that using the codes is dangerous – according to some TikTokers, the codes are connected to black magic, since the wishes vested in the codes are fulfilled by the Devil, who takes away your soul in return.

Numbers for health and bringing back the dead for money

The invention of cheat codes is attributed to the psychic healer Grigori Grabovoi.

Born in Soviet Uzbekistan, upon finishing school, Grigori studied mechanics at Tashkent State University and then worked for the Uzbek civil aviation authority. There, he was already passing himself off as a psychic and taking money for investigations into the “extrasensory” repair of airplanes.

In 1996, he obtained a paramedical qualification in Moscow.

At that time, Grabovoi announced that he could raise people from the dead and set up a sect called, ‘The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi’ and a foundation. He gave talks at the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, appeared on television and was a member of various public organizations and, additionally, referred to himself as Christ. 

In 1999, Grigori published his book titled ‘Restoration of the Human Organism Through Concentration on Numbers’, in which he proposed the use of numbers to heal physical and mental ailments.

In his view, all illnesses and maladies should be regarded as energy with a specific frequency that can be expressed in numbers and these numbers can be enlisted to eliminate illnesses and everyday problems.

After the terrorist act at the school in Beslan on September. 1, 2004, which resulted in 334 deaths, Grabovoi proposed to the mothers of the dead children that he would bring them back from the dead for 39,000 rubles (approx. $1,400 according to the 2004 exchange rate).

The outraged residents of Beslan reported Grigori to the law enforcement bodies, but it was only four years later, in 2008, that he was sentenced to 11 years for fraud.

Two years later, in 2010, Grabovoi was granted early conditional release.

Grigori moved abroad and continued to expand his sect outside Russia – his books were translated into several languages, and a ‘Grigori Grabovoi Education Center’ was opened in Serbia.

He also started selling instruments for stopping the ageing process for 9,700 euros a piece and, in early 2020, he released two more codes – for treating Coronavirus.

‘Grabovoi trainers’ and revenue from viewers

Many foreign and Russian TikTokers, who make videos about the Grabovoi codes, also offer their own paid services on their accounts – from personal growth training sessions to sales of trinkets and T-shirts.

For instance, blogger Lindsey Rummel sells T-shirts with monkey designs and a range of nutritional supplements to maintain the functioning of the gut, brain and heart. Candice Nikeia, whose account on TikTok is fully dedicated to the Grabovoi codes, conducts private lessons in positive autosuggestion.

I sent questions to 20 Russian-language and English-language bloggers who publish Grabovoi codes. Out of these, only the Russian-speaking blogger Lady Di replied, demanding a fee of $200 for an interview.

When I refused, she blocked me on Instagram.

Many bloggers follow the fashionable trend of publishing videos about the codes for free for the sake of views and likes on social media, but, at the same time, some of those on TikTok publish clips, in order to make money out of teenagers and poorly-educated adult users, according to clinical psychiatrist and hypnotherapist Andrei Efremov.

“People who believe in the codes uncritically accept what they are told. <...> They see the positive example of someone, they see a lot of comments and they blindly follow the instructions. What is more, such people themselves are going to be on the look-out for situations that will demonstrate that the ritual works and will attribute all positive events to the codes. This is how autosuggestion works. The followers of Grabovoi themselves - probably also swindlers - will seek out such people on TikTok and make money off of them, while the latter will lose their savings and possibly even their apartments,” 

…Efremov says.

In my case, I did not manage to accept uncritically what I was told – possibly that is why, at the time of writing, the cheat code for money hasn’t worked yet.

And thus the article ends.

The codes

In his books, Grigori offers a very large list of codes to the readers. Thus, they can choose those that best match their needs and finally put them into practice. However, it is not necessary to read all the books to get into action.

Here, is a list containing the main codes.

  1. Grabovoi Code for Self-healing of the body – 9187948181;
  2. Grabovoi Code for Love – 888 412 1289018;
  3. Grabovoi Code for Weight loss and health – 1891014;
  4. Grabovoi Code for Fight against alcoholism – 14843292;
  5. Grabovoi Code for Peace – 1001105010;
  6. Grabovoi Code for Depression – 519 514 319891;
  7. Grabovoi Code for Self esteem – 4818951749814;
  8. Grabovoi Code for Unemployment – 318514517618;
  9. Grabovoi Code for Rejuvenate – 2145432;
  10. Grabovoi Code for Protection – 9187756981818;
  11. Grabovoi Code for Universal harmonization – 14854232190;
  12. Grabovoi Code for Environmental sustainability – 97318541218;
  13. Grabovoi Code for Determination – 498518498;
  14. Grabovoi Code for Chemical dependency – 5333353;
  15. Grabovoi Code for Nicotine addiction – 1414551;
  16. Grabovoi Code for Determination and focus for learning – 212585212;
  17. Grabovoi Code for Entrepreneurship – 71974131981;
  18. Grabovoi Code for Understanding – 39119488061.

It is unknown how he came up with these number codes. My guess is that he used a random number generator.


What ever you believe will manifest. And perhaps one of the reasons why the United States is falling apart right now is simply because such a large number of people believe that it will happen.

Along this vein, I argue that generational turnings as described by Strauss and Howe is generated in defined waves of thought, and what makes things so contentious right now during this wave is that the government has been trying o manipulate thought for it’s own purposes. Yikes!

It doesn’t matter if you believe in a charismatic leader, drawings and symbols, vocalized prayers, or a mindless string of numbers. Your belief is what actuates the manifestation of thought. Not the physical elements that you use to focus your thoughts upon.

With this being said, I offer a way to understanding how this mechanism actually works.

And yes, bad people can profit from it. And others can fear it. But you can utilize it to achieve your desires.

I suggest just focusing on the end objectives in a positive and good way. I recommend that you vocalize and write them down, and follow the actualization of them properly. And if you do so, there is no question in my mind, that they will manifest.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my index about prayer and affirmation campaigns.

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The biggest mistakes that people make when trying to conduct an affirmation prayer campaign

You know, there are many people out there in MM land that are running their own affirmation / prayer campaigns. And many are very enthusiastic about it. They give me reports on what is going on; what is working and what is falling apart.

And then when they are this close…

… they change their affirmations and it all comes falling apart.

What is going on, they ask me. Why is everything getting so close to happening and then it all seems to fall apart?

And I am going to talk about this particular issue right now.

Rule Number One

Do not change your affirmations.

You can tweak them. You can become more specific or broader. You can make them more colorful. You have change how your read them out. You can change the number of them, and their order.


Do not stop them.

It is only until the affirmation is realized that you can stop. And then, only if you are 100% confident that the changes are permanent enough so that they will not dissipate as time goes one.

For instance…

I have an affirmation that goes like this…

I live in a beautiful area, that is calm, friendly, has fantastic colors and is very relaxed.

Now, I live in Zhuhai. It is indeed, calm, friendly. It has fantastic colors and is very relaxed.

But I still have it inside my prayer affirmations. Why? Well, this is simply because I do not want this to change. I am making sure that my life stays this way and is not displaced by future affirmations campaigns. So I keep it “active” in my affirmation campaigns.

That way, no matter what new campaigns I launch, this fundamental aspect of my life does not change.

Now consider this affirmation that I had last year…

My XXXX no longer YYYY and thus ZZZZ.

(Obviously this is a very personal affirmation. So I’m not going to throw out the details.) Anyways it materialized. In fact, it even surprised me! I was expecting a less than 10% chance of it actually occurring but, it really did.

I actually looked at XXXX and was amazed that what I saw. Even I was surprised, that exactly what I navigated to; a very unlikely world-line, actually materialized.

Now this is a one-shot deal. Once it’s done, it’s done. The affirmation is complete and I can cross it off from the list. It is over.

So that is what I did. It is now greyed out on my spreadsheet.

So rule one is this;

You continue your affirmation campaign using the previous campaign as a baseline. You then cross out or grey out those things that have either occurred or are no longer of interest to you, and you leave the ones that you are still striving for. 

As well as leaving in the affirmations that has materialized, but that you do not want to disappear away.

Rule Number Two.

When you see things start to manifest, do not ASSUME that your goals are being realized.

They could be false positives, or any number of things.

Do not take the cake out of the oven until it is fully baked. The inside might still be doughy, and the cake might completely collapse when you take it out of the oven. If the recipe calls for 350 degrees for two hours, then you follow that recipe exactly. You do not say… “it looks like it is done” in the first one half hour of baking. Do you?

You sit down. You make yourself a cup of tea. You turn on a show and you wait it out. You know that when the oven goes “ding” that the cake is baked and you can take it out of the oven.

But… nooooooo!

Many people just can’t wait to take the cake out early. Most especially young cooks who don’t have the patience to let the things bake properly.

Let’s suppose you have an affirmation that looks something like this…

I have a long passionate relationship with a rugged mountain man, who has a cabin in the woods, likes poetry, drives a truck, and knows how to knit.

Then, one day you realize that this man who you are just starting to get to know (not yet dating, even) is a (sort of) “mountain man”, he does have a cabin in the woods. He does have a truck.

And so you assume that your affirmation has materialized.


It has not.

Well, for starters, you don’t have a relationship with him (yet), and you don’t know if he knits, and your certainly do not have a “passionate” relationship either. All you see is a POTENTIAL, and that can mean absolutely nothing.

As we used to say in the United States, “do not count your chickens until they are hatched.”


Definition of count one's chickens ( before they hatch ) -usually used in negative statements to mean that someone should not depend on something hoped for until he or she knows for certain that it will happen

People who count their chickens before they are hatched act very wisely because chickens run about so absurdly that it’s impossible to count them accurately. ― Oscar Wilde.

Never count your chickens before they’re hatched.

-Do not count your chickens before they are hatched

If you do in an affirmation campaign, you could easily terminate something that is going ahead according to plan, but your impatience will ruin the entire sequence of events. Some things need time to cook.

So rule two is this…

It isn't over until the fat woman sings.

You keep on doing the affirmations, and running your campaigns until every single aspect of your desires come true. Do not assume that you are close to realizing them. Do not assume that they will manifest "any day now".

If you order a pizza to eat in a restaurant, you cannot tell others that "you ate pizza in the restaurant" until AFTER [1] you were served the pizza, [2] ate the pizza to [3] your satisfaction, [4] paid for the pizza, and then [5] left the establishment.

Rule Number Three

Do not concentrate on the material aspects of your affirmations. Concentrate on the ultimate end goals.

  • Instead of an affirmation campaign for a Dior gown, how about concentrating on a gown that fits you perfectly, is comfortable, and that looks stunning on you.
  • Instead of a campaign that asks for one thousand dollars in your wallet. Ask about having a wallet that always has enough cash for you to live life in the way you see fit.
  • Instead of asking for the ability to win at every sports game you play, how about asking for you to play games where you are always comfortable and satisfied with the game and the outcome.

Rule three is…

Always concentrate on the end result.

Often this is the emotions that you anticipate you will have if your goals are achieved. Focus always on the end game, not on the details.

Does it matter what color your beloved pet is? All that matters is that you and your beloved pet are happy together.

Rule number four

Nothing works until you have a “pause” in your affirmation campaign.

I have repeatedly stated this over and over, and yet… still… people are running long prayer campaigns without a break. People(!) you do not wind up a toy continuously without letting the spring unwind. What is the purpose of obtaining six PhD degrees if you cannot apply your knowledge? Why work at a job that you hate, if they are not going to pay you?

Do not overwind the spring.

A campaign requires two sections. The first section is the verbal affirmation phase, and the second section is an equal period of letting the affirmations run their program.

Rule four is…

Conduct your campaign, and then stop all affirmations for an equal amount of time.

Actually, the rest period can be shorter, but that is another subject for advanced students. In general, keep to the basics and do not deviate from it.

Rule Five

Everything is interconnected.

You cannot isolate a certain action in an affirmation campaign and expect it to manifest alone. There will always be other things that will move and happen associated with your affirmation.

Suppose that you have a tree in your front yard. And for reasons that I don’t understand, you will to get rid of that tree. So you cut it down. The good news is that you no longer need to rake the leaves in the fall, and mow around the tree trunk. Yay! But the bad news is that your Summer electricity bill has doubled, as the sun is not hitting the side of your house directly, and is no longer being blocked by the leaves on the tree.

Your goal was realized, but other things occurred that might not be to your liking.

I argue that you should try to be as helpful and positive as possible in your affirmation campaigns. Remember that if you try to change something, get rid of something, alter something, that those changes will come with associated other events. Some of which might be welcome. Some not so much, and others might end up being a complete surprise.

Do not not place contradicting affirmations in your prayer campaign.

Rule five is…

Affirmations do not work in isolation. They work together with other intentions. And what ever intentions you had in your past, and will have in your future will be tied and influenced by the affirmations you make now.

Therefore, always strive to place good, happy and benevolent affirmations in your campaigns, least undesirable situations manifest.

Rule Six

There is no such thing as time.

Time is a construct to help us sort out things as they occur. It is the observed movement of your consciousness through the MWI. That’s all.

What you prayed for when you were seven years old has just as much power as what your affirmation campaign has right now. As well as what you will be praying for in the future.

To maximize the strength of your affirmations you need to be specific regarding them, but general on the outcome manifestation.

Long time readers will confirm that the more “unique” and “special” the affirmation is, the quicker it apparently seems to manifest. While other long-time, long-duration desires just seem to “hang there” and move really slowly.

This rule…

There is no such thing as time. In order to prevent negative past prayer campaigns, or future campaigns from influencing your current campaign, you must do either one of two things.

[1] Add an affirmation that prevents the influences of other prior or future affirmations.

[2] Make sure that your campaigns are broad scoped and will not have any negative consequences associated with them.

Oh, by the way, I use this affirmation in my campaigns…

These intention prayers supersede any and all previous ones that would conflict with the ones listed here.

And this one…

Any previous actions, statements or affirmations that I have made in my past, that will have a contrary effect on my current affirmation prayer campaign, are ignored and does not influence my current affirmation campaign.

Some thoughts…

Sometimes we are our worst enemy. We try to take control over a system that is working.

It’s like a drunk guy in the back seat of a car, who insists on driving the car. The rest of the passengers know that he will probably drive off the road and wreck the car, but he’s too big and powerful to subdue.

Follow the script. Do not deviate, and accept things as they manifest. Do not try to take control. Never try to take control. Just let the events unravel and manifest.

And NEVER, never, ever take the pizza out of the oven before the dough is properly cooked, the cheese is melted, and the meat is well cooked. No matter how good it smells, and no matter how delicious it looks, do NOT take it out until the timer goes off!

Do not remove the pizza from the oven until the cooking is finished.


I have a couple of videos that I would like to throw out to the MM audience. I took it earlier this week. It just shows a few minutes of my life.

Now, you realize that I did not say in my verbal affirmations “I will live in JiDa, Zhuhai, China and have a great life“. I said; “I live good healthy life in a beautiful, calm and relaxed place.” 

When I left the United States, I landed in Erie, Pennsylvania after prison. It was also calm and pleasant. It was in late August into September, and a rather nice time of the year. I could have stated “Yeah, it has materialized.

But no. It really didn’t.

Erie is a beautiful town, and great if you are affluent.

Erie looked and appeared to be beautiful. But for me it was not “calm and pleasant”. For me it was a scene of constant and perpetual stress. Try living in the USA as a “sex offender”. That was not “calm and relaxed”. It is a forever stress that you learn to deal with. Miss one reporting date, get one traffic violation, get snagged on laws that were constantly changing, and your life is toast.

And due to the local Pennsylvania laws, I wouldn’t be living in the “nice section”. I would either live far away in the woods outside of town, or in the “bad section”. I would have to live on the East Side of Erie.

The East Side of Erie, Pennsylvania. Home of ethnic youth gangs, shootings, prostitution, drugs, and weekly shootings. It is the lower class section of town.

But I did not accept Erie as the result of my affirmation prayers.

You see, an affirmation prayer campaign is a very personal thing. What is beautiful and stress free for me might mean something else to a different person. And for me, I really wanted a nice, calm and beautiful place to live in.

Not one in a urban ghetto where I was constantly on the alert.

Indeed, I didn’t take the pizza out of the oven until it was cooked.

It took me to Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Pago Pago, TangXia in Dongguang, and finally to where I live now in Zhuhai.

The first movie is all about the pace of life during lunchtime in China. You can see it HERE. 101MB.

The second movie is about the importance society places on the living environment, but it still is 180MB, and I talk about trees and parks. If you all think that trees aren’t important, maybe you might find this a tad boring. But I do want you all to see what my verbal affirmations manifested for me. You can see this video HERE. 180MB. Notice how calm and peaceful everything is.

The point here is that what makes a person realize their dream is something personal. You cannot use television, movies or stories to illustrate it. You must use what you find most desirable in your life and emphasize that as a core requirement of your goals. And you should NEVER abort the process early when you think you see “light at the end of the tunnel”. You stick to your plans, and continue walking the walk.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my index about prayer and affirmation campaigns.

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What it is like to live in a truly free society. No it’s not the USA, and no it’s not China either.

It’s actually Albania.

Life is better in a third world “shit hole” than in the fabled land of the free and home of the brave… 


I argue that America has become a totalitarian, oligarchy-run, military empire, that pretends to be a “democracy”.

Meanwhile, China has become a traditionalist, merit-driven, single-party, socialist republic.

Both nations have their benefits and liabilities. But the bottom line is always a simple one. How “free” do the people feel who live inside these nations?

Let’s look at the often overlooked nation of Albania, and see what kinds of “freedoms” that they enjoy.

Where it is located…

What it’s geography is like…

Physical map of Albania, shaded relief outside.

Here's a reprint of an article from UNZ, it's titled "The Freest and Most Open Country". It's written by  • April 28, 2021. All credit to the author, and please note that it was formatted to fit this venue.

The Freest and Most Open Country

People don’t have to pay extortionate taxes, or interest rates, to cater for their basic needs such as housing, farmland ownership, education or health. People earn little, but their relative purchasing power is higher and their lives certainly more secure and pleasant than ours in the West. 


Girl walking past a billboard in Albania.

Is Albania, believe it or not, for here, you can walk around, sit inside cafes, bars or restaurants, worship at a packed church or mosque, and travel by crowded buses between cities, etc.

Though you’re supposed to wear a mask in public, most folks do so with their nose sticking out, because it’s hard to breathe otherwise, and unhealthy, too. That’s good enough for the easy-going cops.

All these people can enter Albania without a visa, vaccine passport or even a negative Covid test, and stay up to a year: European Union citizens, North Americans, most South and Central Americans, Turks, Kuwaitis, Israelis, Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, South Koreans, Malaysians, Singaporeans, Australians and New Zealanders, plus a few more.

After decades of Communist isolation, Albanians are happy to reclaim their Western heritage. A bookcase is painted on a downtown high-rise. Among the authors featured are Homer, Aeschylus, Cervantes, Dante, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekov, Twains, Dickens, Balzac, Hugo, Flaubert, Kafka and the Brothers Grim. Albanian giants such as Kadare, Agolli, Fishta, Arapi and Poradeci are also honored. Unlike elsewhere, the Western canon is not assailed or canceled, but upheld and extolled.

Sidewalk book vendors are common, so Albanians are obviously reading, and not just junk either. I’ve seen volumes by Camus, Dostoevsky, Orwell and Hitler, etc. Albanian minds can still stay open.

Old man’s bar in Albania.

In an old man’s bar with plenty of character, there are five wine bottles with labels showing a portrait of Mussolini, JFK, Lenin, Hitler or Stalin. Sharing the same shelf are skull and penis shaped liquor containers, and a laughing buddha.

In a more Jew-screwed nation, this goofy display would undoubtedly trigger complaints, protests and maybe even a riot that burns up half the street, if not much of downtown. Luckily, I’m in Albania.

There’s a Frederic Chopin monument here. Born in Poland, Chopin spent nearly all of his adulthood in France, and had nothing to do with Albania. As an important cultural figure, however, and not just in the West, but globally, why shouldn’t Chopin be celebrated in Tirana?

Those who reject even the best of their heritage are lobotomizing themselves. Go for it!

In my building, I’m friendly with a man roughly my age. Introducing himself, he said, “Just remember me as the guy with the hat,” and sure enough, he always wears the same baseball cap.

Like many Albanians, he has emigrated, but returned after only a few years in Greece. Vaguely dreaming of America, he entered the immigration lottery, and actually won, but by then, he has changed his mind.

“I have a cousin in Illinois,” he said. “He told me Albania is better.”

“I agree,” I laughed.

“Really? I should tell people you said that.”

“In every American city, there are homeless people all over. If you go to San Francisco, for example, you’ll see homeless people all around City Hall, right in the center! Many of them have gone crazy. Many are on drugs. They shit in the streets!”


“There are almost no homeless in Tirana.”

“We have family. We take care of each other.”

“There are beggars here, but not too many.”

“Most of them are Gypsies.”

“Is your cousin in Chicago?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe just Illinois. Every year, he comes to Albania and stays for six months. He wants to retire here.”

“Does he have children?”

“Three. Two boys, one girl. They are big.”

“Have they been back here?”

“No, they work, all the time. They have good jobs, but they can’t get married,” he chuckled.

Near us, there were half a dozen boys playing. Hearing English, they decided to join in, but their vocabulary was limited to just “hello!” and “hi!”

Walking down a side street, I heard “hello” repeatedly, but there was no one in front or behind me. Perplexed, I finally looked up to see two small boys inside a sixth-floor window. “Hello! Hello!” I returned their greetings, waves and smiles.

My North Macedonian friend, Alex, has a peculiar habit. As we wandered through the back streets of rarely visited towns like Veles and Shtip, little kids would sometimes get very excited to see me, so Alex had to answer their questions. When they asked Alex where he was from, however, he’d also say, “Америка!”

“Why did you say that?” I asked.

“It’s more exciting for them! If I told them I was North Macedonian, they’d think, Who cares? Now, they can go home and brag about seeing two Americans today!”

Inside a Chinese restaurant in Albania.

Though Albania is wide open, there are very few tourists here. In 2 ½ months, I’ve only seen eight Orientals on the streets, plus two Chinese cooks inside restaurants. I’ve chanced upon American English maybe ten times, but Italian just twice. Once, I ran into a group of Turks. I’ve never gone this long without seeing a single black.

It has been raining too much, but with more reliable sunshine, visitors will come. Ali, a taxi driver, certainly hopes so.

Impulsively one morning, I paid Ali $24 to take me to Durres, 24 miles away. It’s a pretty good deal, and Ali could surely use my business. Too often, I see him just standing around near the Swiss Embassy, his usual spot. This also gave us a chance to chatter.

Like the man with the hat, Ali has also gone abroad. He spent six years in Australia.

“Wow! How did you get a visa for that?”

“I paid,” meaning to the right people.

After sweating his ass off at various menial jobs, and saving almost nothing, Ali returned to Tirana, his hometown.

Here, Ali got a job driving trucks, then buses, before becoming a cabbie 15 years ago. Until the Covid mess, everything was going fine.

Ali also got married then, so his son is almost 14, and his daughter, 10. He showed me their photos.

“Nice kids! Are they good students?”

“No,” Ali laughed.

As his name indicates, Ali is Muslim, but only nominally.

“It’s Ramadan,” I noted, “but all the restaurants are busy. Nobody is fasting!”

“Some people are. My kids are fasting. I’m not.”

“They’re better Muslims than you are!”

Ali just shrugged.

After the collapse of Communism in 1991, thousands of Albanian boat people fled to Italy from Durres. This ugly, chaotic exodus lasted until the end of that decade.

Now, Durres is a very pleasant city with an elegant seaside promenade. Before Covid, ferries departed often for Bari, Ancona and even Trieste (where James Joyce spent nearly a decade). Soon, buses will resume their daily routes to Athens.

Normal family life in Albania with children on swing-sets, and normal shops in the background.

Basking in sea breeze-tempered sunshine, I watched parents pushing strollers, a stern boy bouncing a ball and three tots on swings. Busking, a beer bellied, middle-aged man tooted his clarinet. A stand briskly sold “Petulla te Gjyshi” [“Grandpa’s Fried Dough”].

As you’re tucked into your novel nightmare, Albanians have quite impressively exited theirs. How bad was it?

An escapee risked being shot or jailed for years, and if he manages to get out, a family member would be arrested instead. For trying to flee, poet Uran Kostreci was locked up for two decades.

Just getting into Albania was very difficult. Defining the border as “a checkpoint against foreign ideology,” Enver Hoxha declared that “The People’s Republic of Albania is closed to enemies, spies, hippie tourists and other vagabonds.”

First of, Albania was not a republic, much less a “people’s republic,” and there’s no ideology more foreign to Albania than Jewish Marxism, in any permutation. A fanatical us-against-them mindset is the Jewish core. A dictator, Hoxha ruled Albania for 40 years, until his death.

Of the hundreds of Hoxha statues that once dotted this poor land, only one remains that’s not damaged. A ten-foot bronze, it lies in the basement of the former museum in Labinot, a Communist stronghold.

In 1975, the Albanian government posted this guideline:

  1. The border authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not allow the entrance into the People’s Republic of Albania of all those foreigners who, with their appearance go against the norms of the socialist aesthetics, such as men with long hair like women, with exaggerated sideburns, with irregular beards and with inappropriate clothing, and women with mini and maxi skirts.
  2. Persons with extravagant clothing and irregular appearance […] may enter into the People’s Republic of Albania only if they choose to be adjusted (to cut their hair, to dress normally) […]

To facilitate such adjustments, a barbershop and a store with socialist-approved clothing were available at Albanian borders.

Even eight years ago, Albania was still a wreck, apparently, at least according to an unsolicited account I just received.

Reading about me being sick in Tirana, a reader emailed to say that he had come here in 2013, to be somewhere “as ugly as [he] felt”!

An American living in France, he had spent a year in “herpes hell,” which he had gotten from “an attractive empty vessel who worked in the Paris fashion scene.”

Bald, loveless, with “a ruined penis” and nearly broke, he thought about killing himself, then “had a better idea”:

I would identify the most miserable country on Earth and I would go there. Anything but suicide. I wanted to be somewhere as ugly as I felt. I wanted to see bleak, closed, hard faces. I wanted to see mute wifebeaters and battered women caked in whore makeup. So I went to Albania. I wandered around Tirana with sores on my dick for a few days, considering suicide. One day I found this weird field next to the train station, just a big garbage-strewn negative space at the heart of the city. There were fetid ponds, plastic bags everywhere, and little paths through the half-dead grass. An old Balkan crone squatted next to one of the paths with a few carrots and onions spread out on a scarf in front of her. Men in tracksuits with brutal pimp faces came and went. I went to the center of the field, squatted down, and dug through the trash a little. I found a broken teacup, an old domino, and a playing card. It was Christmas Day. I felt like I was at the negative center of the universe. Here I was, at ground zero of our ruined Jew world with pus coming out of sores on my dick surrounded by the most ugly and corrupted goyim on Earth, the despised and despicable Albanian race. 

That’s some beautiful writing about an ugly situation. Today’s Tirana, though, is nothing like that.

Albanian kiosk.

Though many of the buildings are drab, each Tirana street is lively with cafes, bars, restaurants and shops, and the people are very pleasant, mellow and lovely.

Most are slim and not misshapen. Children are well behaved and not agitated. Young men don’t sneer or bluster. Many women are confidently beautiful. The old are dignified.

Though Albania is one of Europe’s poorest countries, with an extremely high emigration rate, its social fabric is more intact than in more advanced nations. Its great men are justly revered. It’s also freer and more open, and as safe as any, with no mugging or riot around any corner.

Unlike in Philadelphia, I don’t wake up each morning to news of another murder or two. There were 499 in the City of Brotherly Love in 2020!

The United States will never catch up to Albania.

This is most interesting. Albania always seemed like a pit of drabness, repression, and despair during the Cold War. Not that I actually read anything about it, of course. Now here it is quite relaxed about life while the US slips ever deeper into unreason, minority hatred of whites, wars that are beyond stupid, open borders, multicultural delusion, corrupt courts, a lunatic legislature, contemptible corporate whores, a rotten FBI, a worthless press, malevolent central bank, Jewish control, feminist malevolence, and leftist thuggery. Did I leave anything out? 



It is difficult for Americans to understand, and grasp this fact, but most of the world outside the United States is MUCH freer.

This is a fair and philosophical point, which contains a much large-ranging truth:

– Traditional societies favour the collective and protect the weakest among them but at the expense of some of the individuals’ freedoms. This is why there are less junkies and homeless in the streets of poorer countries, as they remain within the family fold, but individuals sometimes feel suffocated by social pressure.

– Modern Western societies, especially with the ascent of Anglo-Saxon “liberal” values, purport to favour the individual and individual freedoms. This should normally give great opportunities to the brightest and smartest to achieve and accomplish their professional and economic potential, at the expense of the less gifted who are let down. This is how it was supposed to work anyway, and maybe it did work like that up to the 80’s or 90’s.

But since globalisation took off, the individualist dream hyped in the West has remained just a dream. No matter how hard one works, it is obvious that the middle classes are disappearing to the benefit of an ever-more powerful plutocracy.

So Western working people are actually only getting the anxiety and precarity, without the economic security, the worst of two worlds. I can very well understand why the Albanians described by Mr Dinh have returned to Albania after initially emigrating to the West.


Americans have 24-7 narratives about “American Exceptionalism” rammed into their mushy brains for decades. So much so that they believe it. And then, coupled with the non-stop fear-mongering about the rest of the world being a very dark and gloomy place, it’s  no wonder that Americans hide inside their homes and huddle in front of the flickering blue monitors for their entertainment.

Freedom is not a nice road, a fancy mall, a impressive government building, or being able to own guns. It’s nothing of the sort.

A large proportion of Americans today, think freedom is the right shop at Walmart, eat at Burger King and to get a quick Covid shot. How things have changed 

-Joe Paluka

Freedom is the ability to live your life, as you see fit, without interference by anyone for any reason.


  • Never having to report any income, or financial information to the government.
  • Never having to ask your government for permission to do something.
  • Being allowed to eat, smoke, ingest anything your want to your own body.
  • Never worrying about the police.
  • Being able to redress your grievances with the government locally and get results in a timely manner.

Not Freedom

  • Asking permission to buy bullets, and then once granted, having to pay taxes on them, and enter onto a watch list.
  • Being forced to buy something simply because you are a citizen.
  • Having your ability to leave the nation prevented and subject to a tax audit.
  • Your taxes are used for other things that do not directly impact your quality of life.

When I say that my life in China is far freer than what it was in the United States, it’s not hyperbole. It’s truth. It’s on a very personal, and direct, visceral level.

And I have experiences that back this up. So it’s non-debatable.

People, if you are miserable with your life…

…instead of blaming yourselves, maybe you need to start looking at where you are living and what you put up with. Most Americans will discover an exceptional amount of personal freedom the moment they step outside the monstrous United States Military Empire.

And that’s a fact Jack.

The best case in point would be in New York City. 

Take the NYPD’s stop and frisk policy, for instance. Aside from the fact that the policy has proven to be vehemently racist, what kind of free society allows their police officers to search people without just cause?

Imagine casually walking home from work only to have a police officer stop you, ask for ID, question you and frisk you. All you’re guilty of is walking home. How is this any different than the Gestapo asking you to see your papers?

-The rise of the American Police State

You all won’t see that anywhere else in the world.

Only in America.

America is more and more like a contagious disease. It would be fine if the US contained their toxic culture and influence to their own border and left the rest of the world alone. But no… They want to make the whole world like them. Enough. 


Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Escape! Index here…



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The Sentinel by Arthur C. Clarke (Full Text)

This is the science fiction short story that eventually was made into the famous movie 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) It’s a great read, and as much as I loved the movie, in many ways this short story was actually better. I hope that you all will enjoy it as much as I have.


Arthur C. Clarke

1951 Avon Periodicals Inc.

The next time you see the full moon high in the south, look carefully at its right-hand edge and let your eye travel upward along the curve of the disk. Round about two o’clock you will notice a small, dark oval: anyone with normal eyesight can find it quite easily. It is the great walled plain,

one of the finest on the Moon, known as the Mare Crisium-the Sea of Crises. Three hundred miles in diameter, and almost completely surrounded by a ring of magnificent mountains, it had never been explored until we entered it in the late summer of 1996.

Our expedition was a large one. We had two heavy freighters which had flown our supplies and equipment from the main lunar base in the Mare Serenitatis, five hundred miles away. There were also three small rockets which were intended for short-range transport over regions which our surface vehicles couldn’t cross. Luckily, most of the Mare Crisiurn is very flat. There are none of the great crevasses so common and so dangerous elsewhere, and very few craters or mountains of any size. As far as we could tell, our powerful caterpillar tractors would have no difficulty in taking us wherever we wished to go.

I was geologist-or selenologist, if you want to be pedantic in charge of. the group exploring the southern region of the Mare. We had crossed a hundred miles of it in a week, skirting the foothills of the mountains along the shore of what was once the ancient sea, some thousand million years before. When life was beginning on Earth, it was already dying here. The waters were retreating down the flanks of those stupendous cliff s, retreating into the empty heart of the Moon. Over the land which we were crossing, the tideless ocean had once been half a mile deep, and now the only trace of moisture was the hoarfrost one could sometimes find in caves which the searing sunlight never penetrated.

We had begun our journey early in the slow lunar dawn, and still had almost a week of Earth-time before nightfall. Half a dozen times a day we would leave our vehicle and go outside in the spacesuits to hunt for interesting minerals, or to place markers for the guidance of future travelers. It was an uneventful routine. There is nothing hazardous or even particularly exciting about lunar exploration. We could live comfortably for a month in our pressurized tractors, and if we ran into trouble we could always radio for help and sit tight until one of the spaceships came to our rescue.

I said just now that there was nothing exciting about lunar exploration, but of course that isn’t true. One could never grow tired of those incredible mountains, so much more rugged than the gentle hills of Earth. We never knew, as we rounded the capes and promontories of that vanished sea, what new splendors would be revealed to us. The whole southern curve of the Mare Crisiurn is a vast delta where a score of rivers once found their way into the ocean, fed perhaps by the torrential rains that must have lashed the mountains in the brief volcanic age when the Moon was young.

Each of these ancient valleys was an invitation, challenging us to climb into the unknown uplands beyond. But we had a hundred miles still to cover, and could only look longingly at the heights which others must scale.

We kept Earth-time aboard the tractor, and precisely at 22.00 hours the final radio message would be sent out to Base and we would close down for the day. Outside, the rocks would still be burning beneath the almost vertical sun, but to us it was night until we awoke again eight hours later. Then one of us would prepare breakfast, there would be a great buzzing of electric razors, and someone would switch on the short-wave radio from Earth. Indeed, when the smell of frying sausages began to fill the cabin, it was sometimes hard to believe that we were not back on our own world – everything was so normal and homely, apart from the feeling of decreased weight and the unnatural slowness with which objects fell.

It was my turn to prepare breakfast in the corner of the main cabin that served as a galley. I can remember that moment quite vividly after all these years, for the radio had just played one of my favorite melodies, the old Welsh air, “David of the White, Rock.”

Our driver was already outside in his space-suit, inspecting our caterpillar treads. My assistant, Louis Garnett, was up forward in the control position, making some belated entries in yesterday’s log.

As I stood by the frying pan waiting, like any terrestrial housewife, for the sausages to brown, I let my gaze wander idly over the mountain walls which covered the whole of the southern horizon, marching out of sight to east and west below the curve of the Moon. They seemed only a mile or two from the tractor, but I knew that the nearest was twenty miles away. On the Moon, of course, there is no loss of detail with distance-none of that almost imperceptible haziness which softens and sometimes transfigures all far-off things on Earth.

Those mountains were ten thousand feet high, and they climbed steeply out of the plain as if ages ago some subterranean eruption had smashed them skyward through the molten crust. The base of even the nearest was hidden from sight by the steeply curving surface of the plain, for the Moon is a very little world, and from where I was standing the horizon was only two miles away.

I lifted my eyes toward the peaks which no man had ever climbed, the peaks which, before the coming of terrestrial life, had watched the retreating oceans sink sullenly into their graves, taking with them the hope and the morning promise of a world. The sunlight was beating against those ramparts with a glare that hurt the eyes, yet only a little way above them the stars were shining steadily in a sky blacker than a winter midnight on Earth.

I was turning away when my eye caught a metallic glitter high on the ridge of a great promontory thrusting out into the sea thirty miles to the west. It was a dimensionless point of light, as if a star had been clawed from the sky by one of those cruel peaks, and I imagined that some smooth rock surface was catching the sunlight and heliographing it straight into my eyes. Such things were not uncommon. When the Moon is in her second quarter, observers on Earth can sometimes see the great ranges in the Oceanus Procellarum burning with a blue-white iridescence as the sunlight flashes from their slopes and leaps again from world to world. But I was curious to know what kind of rock could be shining so brightly up there, and I climbed into the observation turret and swung our four inch telescope round to the west.

I could see just enough to tantalize me. Clear and sharp in the field of vision, the mountain peaks seemed only half a mile away, but whatever was catching the sunlight was still too small to be resolved. Yet it seemed to have an elusive symmetry, and the summit upon which it rested was curiously flat. I stared for a long time at that glittering enigma, straining my eyes into space, until presently a smell of burning from the galley told me that our breakfast sausages had made their quarter-million mile journey in vain. .

All that morning we argued our way across the Mare Crisium while the western mountains reared higher in the sky. Even when we were out prospecting in the space-suits, the discussion would continue over the radio. It was absolutely certain, my companions argued, that there had never been any form of intelligent life on the Moon. The only living things that had ever existed there were a few primitive plants and their slightly less degenerate ancestors. I knew that as well as anyone, but there are times when a scientist must not be afraid to make a fool of himself.

“Listen,” I said at last, “I’m going up there, if only for my own peace of mind. That mountain’s less than twelve thousand feet high -that’s only two thousand under Earth gravity-and I can make the trip in twenty hours at the outside. I’ve always wanted to go up into those hills, anyway, and this gives me an excellent excuse.”

“If you don’t break your neck,” said Garnett, “you’ll be the laughing-stock of the expedition when we get back to Base. That mountain will probably be called Wilson’s Folly from now on.”

“I won’t break my neck,” I said firmly. “Who was the first man to climb Pico and Helicon?” “But weren’t you rather younger in those days?” asked Louis gently.

“That,” I said with great dignity, “is as good a reason as any for going.”

We went to bed early that night, after driving the tractor to within half a mile of the promontory. Garnett was coming with me in the morning; he was a good climber, and had often been with me on such exploits before. Our driver was only too glad to be left in charge of the machine.

At first sight, those cliffs seemed completely unscalable, but to anyone with a good head for heights, climbing is easy on a world where all weights are only a sixth of their normal value. The real danger in lunar mountaineering lies in overconfidence; a six-hundred-foot drop on the Moon can kill you just as thoroughly as a. hundred-foot fall on Earth.

We made our first halt on a wide ledge about four thousand feet above the plain. Climbing had not been very difficult, but my limbs were stiff with the unaccustomed effort, and I was glad of the rest. We could still see the tractor as a tiny metal insect far down at the foot of the cliff, and we reported our progress to the driver before starting on the next ascent.

Inside our suits it was comfortably cool, for the refrigeration units were fighting the fierce sun and carrying away the body-heat of our exertions. We seldom spoke to each other, except to pass climbing instructions and to discuss our best plan of ascent. I do not know what Garnett was thinking, probably that this was the craziest goose-chase he had ever embarked upon. I more than half agreed with him, but the joy of climbing, the knowledge that no man had ever gone this way before and the exhilaration of the steadily widening landscape gave me all the reward I needed.

I don’t think I was particularly excited when I saw in front of us the wall of rock I had first inspected through the telescope from thirty miles away. It would level off about fifty feet above our heads, and there on the plateau would be the thing that had lured me over these barren wastes. It was, almost certainly, nothing more than a boulder splintered ages ago by a falling meteor, and with its cleavage planes still fresh and bright in this incorruptible, unchanging silence.

There were no hand-holds on the rock face, and we had to use a grapnel. My tired arms seemed to gain new strength as I swung the three-pronged metal anchor round my head and sent it sailing Lip toward the stars. The first time it broke loose and came falling slowly back when we pulled the rope. On the third attempt, the prongs gripped firmly and our combined weights could not shift it.

Garnett looked at me anxiously. I could tell that he wanted to go first, but I smiled back at him through the glass of my helmet and shook my head. Slowly, taking my time, I began the final ascent.

Even with my space-suit, I weighed only forty pounds here, so I pulled myself up hand over hand without bothering to use my feet. At the rim I paused and waved to my companion, then I scrambled over the edge and stood upright, staring ahead of me.

You must understand that until this very moment I had been almost completely convinced that there could be nothing strange or unusual for me to find here. Almost, but not quite; it was that haunting doubt that had driven me forward. Well, it was a doubt no longer, but the haunting had scarcely begun.

I was standing on a plateau perhaps a hundred feet across. It had once been smooth-too smooth to be natural-but falling meteors had pitted and scored its surface through immeasurable eons. It had been leveled to support a glittering, roughly pyramidal structure, twice as high as a man, that was set in the rock like a gigantic, many-faceted jewel.

Probably no emotion at all filled my mind in those first few seconds. Then I felt a great lifting of my heart, and a strange, inexpressible joy. For I loved the Moon, and now I knew that the creeping moss of Aristarchus and Eratosthenes was not the only life she had brought forth in her youth. The old, discredited dream of the first explorers was true. There had, after all, been a lunar civilization- and I was the first to find it. That I had come perhaps a hundred million years too late did not distress me; it was enough to have come at all.

My mind was beginning to function normally, to analyze and to ask questions. Was this a building, a shrine-or something for which my language had no name? If a building, then why was it erected in so uniquely inaccessible a spot? I wondered if it might be a temple, and I could picture the adepts of some strange priesthood calling on their gods to preserve them as the life of the Moon ebbed with the dying oceans, and calling on their gods in vain.

I took a dozen steps forward to examine the thing more closely, but some sense of caution kept me from going too near. I knew a little of archaeology, and tried to guess the cultural level of the civilization that must have smoothed this mountain and raised the glittering mirror surfaces that still dazzled my eyes.

The Egyptians could have done it, I thought, if their workmen had possessed whatever strange materials these far more ancient architects had used. Because of the thing’s smallness, it did not occur to me that I might be looking at the handiwork of a race more advanced than my own. The idea that the Moon had possessed intelligence at all was still almost too tremendous to grasp, and my pride would not let me take the final, humiliating plunge.

And then I noticed something that set the scalp crawling at the back of my neck-something so trivial and so innocent that many would never have noticed it at all. I have said that the plateau was scarred by meteors; it was also coated inches-deep with the cosmic dust that is always filtering down upon the surface of any world where there are no winds to disturb it. Yet the dust and the meteor scratches ended quite abruptly in a wide circle enclosing the little pyramid, as though an invisible wall was protecting it from the ravages of time and the slow but ceaseless bombardment from space.

There was someone shouting in my earphones, and I realized that Garnett had been calling me for some time. I walked unsteadily to the edge of the cliff and signaled him to join me, not trusting myself to speak. Then I went back toward that circle in the dust. I picked up a fragment of splintered rock and tossed it gently toward the shining enigma. If the pebble had vanished at that invisible barrier I should not have been surprised, but it seemed to hit a smooth, hemispherical surface and slide gently to the ground.

I knew then that I was looking at nothing that could be matched in the antiquity of my own race. This was not a building, but a machine, protecting itself with forces that had challenged Eternity. Those forces, whatever they might be, were still operating, and perhaps I had already come too close. I thought of all the radiations man had trapped and tamed in the past century. For all I knew, I might be as irrevocably doomed as if I had stepped into the deadly, silent aura of an unshielded atomic pile.

I remember turning then toward Garnett, who bad joined me and was now standing motionless at my side. He seemed quite oblivious to me, so I did not disturb him but walked to the edge of the cliff in an effort to marshal my thoughts. There below me lay the Mare Crisium-Sea of Crises, indeed-strange and weird to most men, but reassuringly familiar to me. I lifted my eyes toward the crescent Earth, lying in her cradle of stars, and I wondered what her clouds had covered when these unknown builders had finished their work. Was it the steaming jungle of the Carboniferous, the bleak shoreline over which the first amphibians must crawl to conquer the land-or, earlier still, the long loneliness before the coming of life?

Do not ask me why I did not guess the truth sooner-the truth, that seems so obvious now. In the first excitement of my discovery, I had assumed without question that this crystalline apparition had been built by some race belonging to the Moon’s remote past, but suddenly, and with overwhelming force, the belief came to me that it was as alien to the Moon as I myself.

In twenty years we had found no trace of life but a few degenerate plants. No lunar civilization, whatever its doom, could have left but a single token of its existence.

I looked at the shining pyramid again, and the more remote it seemed from anything that had to do with the Moon. And suddenly I felt myself shaking with a foolish, hysterical laughter, brought on by excitement and overexertion: for I had imagined that the little pyramid was speaking to me and was saying: “Sorry, I’m a stranger here myself.”

It has taken us twenty years to crack that invisible shield and to reach the machine inside those crystal walls. What we could not understand, we broke at last with the savage might of atomic power and now I have seen the fragments of the lovely, glittering thing I found up there on the mountain.

They are meaningless. The mechanisms-if indeed they are mechanisms-of the pyramid belong to a technology that lies far beyond our horizon, perhaps to the technology of para-physical forces.

The mystery haunts us all the more now that the other planets have been reached and we know that only Earth has ever been the home of intelligent life in our Universe. Nor could any lost civilization  of our own world have built that machine, for the thickness of the meteoric dust on the plateau has enabled us to measure its age. It was set there upon its mountain before life had emerged from the seas of Earth.

When our world was half its present age, something from the stars swept through the Solar System, left this token of its passage, and went again upon its way. Until we destroyed it, that machine was still fulfilling the purpose of its builders; and as to that purpose, here is my guess.

Nearly a hundred thousand million stars are turning in the circle of the Milky Way, and long ago other races on the worlds of other suns must have scaled and passed the heights that we have reached. Think of such civilizations, far back in time against the fading afterglow of Creation, masters of a universe so young that life as yet had come only to a handful of worlds. Theirs would have been a loneliness we cannot imagine, the loneliness of gods looking out across infinity and finding none to share their thoughts.

They must have searched the star-clusters as we have searched the planets. Everywhere there would be worlds, but they would be empty or peopled with crawling, mindless things. Such was our own Earth, the smoke of the great volcanoes still staining the skies, when that first ship of the peoples of the dawn came sliding in from the abyss beyond Pluto. It passed the frozen outer worlds, knowing that life could play no part in their destinies. It came to rest among the inner planets, warming themselves around the fire of the Sun and waiting for their stories to begin.

Those wanderers must have looked on Earth, circling safely in the narrow zone between fire and ice, and must have guessed that it was the favorite of the Sun’s children. Here, in the distant future, would be intelligence; but there were countless stars before -them still, and they might never come this way again.

So they left a sentinel, one of millions they have scattered throughout the Universe, watching over all worlds with the promise of life. It was a beacon that down the ages has been patiently signaling the fact that no one had discovered it.

Perhaps you understand now why that crystal pyramid was set upon the Moon instead of on the Earth. Its builders were not concerned with races still struggling up from savagery. They would be interested in our civilization only if we proved our fitness to survive -by crossing space and so escaping from the Earth, our cradle. That is the challenge that all intelligent races must meet, sooner or later. It is a double challenge, for it depends in turn upon the conquest of atomic energy and the last choice between life and death.

Once we had passed that crisis, it was only a matter of time before we found the pyramid and forced it open. Now its signals have ceased, and those whose duty it is will be turning their minds upon Earth. Perhaps they wish to help our infant civilization. But they must be very, very old, and the old are often insanely jealous of the young.

I can never look now at the Milky Way without wondering from which of those banked clouds of stars the emissaries are coming. If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off the fire-alarm and have nothing to do but to wait.

I do not think we will have to wait for long.

The End

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Mars is Heaven! by Ray Bradbury (Full text)

Here is a nice story to get your mind off of whatever it might be on right now. Please relax, fix yourself a nice coffee, tea, or beer… get into your most comfortable chair, and relax.


by Ray Bradbury

The ship came down from space. It came from the stars and the black velocities, and the shining movements, and the silent gulfs of space. It was a new ship; it had fire in its body and men in its metal cells, and it moved with a clean silence, fiery and warm. In it were seventeen men, including a captain.

The crowd at the Ohio field had shouted and waved their hands up into the sunlight, and the rocket bad bloomed out great flowers of beat and cobs and run away into space on the third voyage to Mars!

Now it was decelerating with metal efficiency in the upper Martian atmospheres. It was still a thing of beauty and strength. It had moved in the midnight waters of space like a pale sea leviathan; it had passed the ancient moon and thrown itself onward into one nothingness following another. The men within it had been battered,, thrown about, sickened, made well again, each in his turn. One man had died, but now the remaining sixteen, with their eyes clear in their heads and their faces pressed to the thick glass ports, watched Mars swing up under them.

“Mars! Mars! Good old Mars, here we are!” cried Navigator Lustig.
“Good old Mars!” said Samuel Hinkston, archaeologist.
“Well,” said Captain John Black.

The ship landed softly. on a lawn of green grass. Outside, upon the lawn, stood an iron deer. Further up the lawn, a tall brown Victorian house sat in the quiet sunlight, all covered with scrolls and rococo, its windows made of blue and pink and yellow and green colored glass. Upon the porch were hairy geraniums and an old swing which was hooked into the porch ceiling and which now swung back and forth, back and forth, in a little breeze.

At the top of the house was a cupola with diamond, leaded-glass windows, and a dunce-cap roof! Through the front window you could see an ancient piano with yellow keys and a piece of music titled Beautiful Ohio sitting on the music rest.

Around the rocket in four directions spread the little town, green and motionless in the Martian spring, There were white houses and red brick ones, and tall elm trees blowing in the wind, and tall maples and horse chestnuts. And church steeples with golden bells silent in them.

The men in the rocket looked out and saw this. Then they looked at one another and then they looked out again. They held on~ to each other’s elbows, suddenly unable to breathe, it seemed. Their faces grew pale and they blinked constantly, running from glass port to glass port of the ship.

“I’ll be damned,” whispered Lustig, rubbing his face with his numb fingers, his eyes wet. “Ill be thinned, damned, damned.’~

“It can~t be, it just can’t be,” said Samuel Hinkston.
“Lord,” said Captain John Black.
There was a call from the chemist. “Sir, the atmosphere is fine for
breathing, sir.” –

Black turned slowly. “Are you sure?’
“No doubt of it, sir.”
“Then we’ll go. out,” said Lustig.
“Lord, yes,” said Samuel Hinkston.
“Hold on,” said Captain John Black. “Just a moment, Nobody gave any orders.”
“But, sir-.-”
“Sir, nothing. How do we know what this is?”

“We know what it is, sir,” said the chemist. “It’s a small town with good air in it, sir.”
“And it’s a small town the like of Earth towns,” said Samuel Hinkston,
the archaeologist. “Incredible. it~ can’t be, but it is.”
Captain John Black looked at him, idly. “Do you think that the civilizations of two planets can progress at the same rate and evolve in the same way, Hinkston?”

“I wouldn’t have thought so, sir.”
Captain Black stood by the port. “Look out there. The geraniums. A specialized plant. That specific variety has only been known on Earth for fifty years. Think of the thousands of years of time it takes to evolve plants. Then tell me if it is logical that the Martians should have: one, leaded glass windows; two, cupolas; three, porch swings; four, an instrument that looks like, a . piano and probably is a piano; and, five, if you look closely, . if a Martian composer would have published a piece of music titled, strangely enough, Beautiful Ohio. All of which means that we have an Ohio River here on Marst”

“It is quite strange, sir.”
“Strange, hell, it’s absolutely impossible, and I suspect the whole bloody shooting setup. Something’s wrong here, and I’m not leaving the ship until I know what it is.”

“Oh, sir,” said Lustig.
“Dam it,” said Samuel Hinkston. “Sir, I want to investigate this at first hand. It may be that there are similar patterns of thought, movement, civilization on every planet in our system. We may be on the threshold of the great psychological and metaphysical discovery In our time, sir, don’t you think?”

“I’m willing to wait a moment,” said Captain. John Black. – “It may be, sir, that we are looking upon a phenomenon that, for the first time, would absolutely prove the existence of a God, sir.”
“There are many people who are of good faith without such proof, Mr. Hinkston.”

“I’m one myself, sir. But certainly a thing like this, out there,” said Hinkston, “could not occur without divine intervention, sir. It fills me with such terror and elation I’ don’t know whether to laugh or cry, sir.”
“Do neither,. then, until we know what we’re up against.”

“Up against, sir?” inquired Lustig. “I see that we’re up against nothing.

It’s a good quiet, green town, much like the one I was born in, and I like the looks of It.”
“When were you born, Lustig?” –
– “In- 1910, sfr.”
“That makes you fifty years old, now, doesn’t it?”
“This being 1960, yes, sir.”
– “And you, Hinkston?”
“1920, sir. In Illinois. And this looks swell to me, sir.”

“This couldn’t be Heaven,” said the captain, ironically. “Though, I must admit, it looks peaceful and cool, and pretty much like Green Bluff, where I was born, in 1915.”
lie looked at the chemist. “The air’s all right, is it?”
“Yes, sir.”
‘Well, then, tell you what we’ll do. Lustig, you and Ilinkston and I will fetch ourselves out to look this town over. The other 14 men will stay aboard ship. If’ anything untoward happens, lift ‘the Ship ‘and get the hell out, do you bear what I say, Craner?”

“Yes, sir. The hell out we’ll go, sir. Leaving you?”,
“A loss of three men’s better than a whole ship. If something bad happens get back to Earth and warn the next Rocket, that’s Lingle’s Rocket, I think, which will be completed and ready to take off some time around next Christmas, what he has to meet up with. If there’s something hostile about Mars we certainly want the next expedition to be well armed.”

“So are we, sir. We’ve got a regular arsenal with us.”
“Tell the ‘men to stand by the guns, then, as. Lustig and Hinkston and I go out,”
“Right, sir.”
“Come along, Lustig, Hinkston.”
The three men walked together, down through the levels of the ship.

It was a beautiful spring day. A robin sat on a blossoming apple tree and sang continuously. Showers of petal snow sifted down when the wind touched the apple tree, and the blossom smell drifted upon the air. Somewhere in the town, somebody was playing the piano and the music came and went, came and went, softly, drowsily. The song was Beautiful Dreamer. Somewhere else, a phonograph, scratchy and faded, was hissing out a record of Roamin’ In The Gloamin,’ sung by Harry Lapder.

The three men stood outside the ship. The port closed behind them. At every window, a face pressed, looking out. The large metal guns pointed this way and that, ready.
Now the phonograph record being played was:

“Oh give me a June night
The moonlight and you—”

Lustig began to tremble. Samuel Hinkston did likewise.
Hinkston’s voice was so feeble and uneven that the captain had to ask him to repeat what he had said. “I said, sir, that I think I have solved this, all of this, sir!”
“And what is the solution, Hinkston?”

The soft wind blew. The sky was serene and quiet and somewhere a stream of water ran through the cool caverns and tree-shadings of a ravine.

Somewhere a horse and wagon trotted and rolled by, bumping.

“Sir, it must be, it has to be, this is the only solution!
Rocket travel began to Mars in the years before the first’ World War, sir!” S
The captain stared at his archaeologist. “No!”

“But, yes, sir! You must admit, look at all of this! How else explain it, the houses, the lawns, the iron deer, the flowers, the pianos, the music!”

“Hinkston, Hinkston, oh,” and the captain put his hand to his face, shaking his head, his hand shaking no , his lips blue.

“Sir, listen to me.” Hinkston took his elbow persuasively and looked up into the captain’s face, pleading. “Say that there -were some people in the year 1905, perhaps, who hated wars and wanted to get away from Earth and they got together, some scientists, in secret, and built a rocket and came out here to Mars.”

“No, no, Hinkston.”
“Why not? The world was a different place in 1905, they could have kept
-it a secret much more easily.”

“But the work, Hinkston, the work of building a complex thing like a rocket, oh, no, no.” The captain looked at his shoes, looked -at his hands, looked at the houses, and then at Hinkston.

“And they caine up here, and haturally the houses they built were similar to Earth houses because they
brought the cultural -~architecture with them, and here it is!”

“And they’ve lived here all these years?” said the captain.
“In peace and quiet, sir, yes. Maybe they made a few trips, to bring enough people here for one small town, and then stopped, for fear of being discovered. That’s why the town seems so old-fashioned. I don’t see a thing,
myself, that is older than the year 1927, do you?”

“No, frankly, I don’t, Hinkston.”
“These are our people, sir. This is an American city; it’s definitely not
“That—that’s right, too, Hinkston.”
“Or maybe, just maybe, sir, rocket travel is older than we think. Perhaps it started in some part of the world hundreds of years ago, was discovered and kept secret by a small number of men, and they came to Mars, with only occasional visits to Earth over the centuries.”

“You make it sound almost reasonable.”
“it is, sir. It has to be. We have the proof here before us, all we have ‘to do now, is find some people and verify it!”

“You’re right- there, of course. We can’t just stand here and talk. Did’ you bring your gun?”
“Yes, but we won’t need it.”
“We’ll see about it. Come along, we’ll ring that doorbell and see if anyone is home.”

Their boots were deadened of all sound in the thick green grass. It smelled from a fresh mowing. In spite of himself, Captain John Black felt a great peace come over him. It had been thirty years since he had  een in a small’ town, and the buzzing of spring bees on the air lulled and quieted him, and the fresh look of things was a balm to the soul.

Hollow echoes sounded from under the boards as they walked across the porch and stood before the screen door. Inside, they could see a bead curtain hung across the hall entry, and a crystal chandelier and a Maxfleld Parrish painting framed on one wall over a comfortable Morris, Chair. The house smelled old, and of the attic, and infinitely comfortable. You could hear the tinkle of ice rattling in a lemonade pitcher~ In a distant kitchen, because of the day, someone was preparing a soft, lemon drieL – –

Captain’ John Black rang the bell.
Footsteps, dainty and thin, came along the hail and a kind-faced lady of some forty years, dressed in the sort of dress you might expect in the year 1909, peered out at them.
“Can I help you?” she asked.
“Beg your pardon,” said Captain Black, uncertainly.
“But we’re looking for, that is, could you help us, I mean.” He stopped. She looked out at him with dark wondering eyes.
“If you’re selling something,” she said, “I’m much too busy and I haven’t time.” She turned to go.

“No, wail,” he cried bewilderingly. “What town is this?”
She looked him up and down as if he were crazy.
“What do you mean, what town is it? How could you be in a town and not know what town it was?”
The captain looked as if he wanted to go sit under a shady apple tree. “I beg your pardon,” he said, “But we’re strangers here. We’re from Earth, and we want to know how this town got here and you’ got here.”

“Are you census takers?” she asked.
“No,” be said. –
“What do you want then?” she demanded.
“Well,” said the captain.
“Well?” she asked. -‘
“How long has this town been here?” he wondered.
“It was built in 1868,” she snapped at them. “Is this a game?”
“No, not a game,” cried the captain. “Oh, God,” – be said. “Look here.
We’re from Earth”
“From where?” she said.

‘Prom Earth!” he said. –
“Where’s that?” she said.
“From Earth,” he cried. ‘ –
“Out of the ground, do you mean?”
“No, from the planet Earth!” he almost shouted.
“Here,” she insisted, “come out on the porch and I’ll show you.” , –
“No,” she said, “I won’t come out there, you are all evidently quite mad
from the sun.”

Lustig and Hinkston stood behind the captain. Hinkston now spoke up.

“Mrs.,” he said. ‘We came in a flying ship across space, among the stars. We came from the third planet from the sun, Earth, to tb-is planet, which is Mars.

Now do you understand, Mrs.?”
“Mad from the sun,” she said, taking hold of the door. “Go away now, before I call my husband who’s upstairs taking a nap, and he’ll beat you all with his fists.”
“But—” said Hinkston. “This is Mars, is it not?”

“This,” explained the woman, as if she were addressing a child, “is Green Lake, Wisconsin, on the continent of America, surrounded by the Pacific and ~Atlantic Oceans, on a place called the world, or sometimes, the Earth. Go away now. Good-bye!”
She slammed the door. –

-The three men stood before the door with their hands up in the air toward it, as if pleading with her to open it once more.

They looked at one another.
– “Let’s knock the door down,” said Lustig.
“We can’t,” sighed the captain.
“Why not?”

“She didn’t do anything bad, did she? We’re the strangers here. This is private property. Good God, Hinkstonl” He went and sat down on the porchstep.
“What, sir?”

Did it ever strike you, that maybe we got ourselves, somehow, some way, fouled up. And, by accident, came back and landed on Earth!”

“Oh, sir, oh, sir, oh oh, sir.” And Hinkston sat down numbly and thought about it.
Lustig stood up in the sunlight. “How could we have done that?”
“I don’t know, just let me think.”

}Iinkston said, “But we checked every mile of the way, and we saw Mars and our chronometers said so many miles ‘gone, and we went past the moon and out into space and here we are, on Mars. I’m sure we’re on Mars, ‘ sir.” Lustig said, “But, suppose that, by accident, in space, in time, or something, we landed on a planet in space, in another time.

Suppose this is Earth, thirty or fifty years ago? Maybe we got lost in the dimensions, do you think?”

“Oh, go away, Lustig.” -‘
“Are the men in the ship keeping an eye on us, Hink..

ston?” , –
“At their guns, sir.”

Lustig went to the door, rang the bell. When the door opened again, he asked, ‘What year is this?’ –
“1926, of, course!” cried the woman, furiously, and slammed the door again. “Did you bear that?” Lustig ran back to them, wildly, “She said 1926! We – have gone back in time. This is Earth!”

Lustig sat down and the three men let the wonder and terror of the thought afflict them. Their hands stirred fitfully on their knees. The wind blew, nodding the locks of hair on their heads.

The captain stood up, brushing off his pants. “I never thought it would be like this. It scares the hell out of me. How ‘can a thing like this happen?”

“Will anybody in the whole town believe us?” wondered Hinkston.
“Are we playing around with something dangerous? Time, I mean. Shouldn’t we just take off and go home?”
“No. We’ll try another house.”

They walked three houses down to a little white cottage under an oak tree. “I like to be as logical as I can’ get,” said the captain, He nodded at the town. “How does this sound to you, Hinkston? Suppose, as you- said  originally, that rocket travel occurred years ago. And when the Earth people had lived here a number of years they began to get homesick for Earth. First a mild neurosis about it, then a full-fledged psychosis. Then, threatened insanity. What would you do, as a psychiatrist, if fated with such a problem?”
– –
Hinkston thought. “Well, I think I’d re-arrange the civilization on Mars so it resembled Earth more and more each day. If there was any way of reproducing every plant, every road and every lake, and even an ocean, I would do so. Then I would, by some vast crowd hypnosis, theoretically anyway, convince  veryone in a town this size that this really was Earth, not Mars at all.”

“Good enough, Hinkston. I think we’re on the right track now. That woman in that house back there, just’ minks she’s living on Earth. It protects ‘her sanity. She and all the others in this town are the patients of the greatest experiment in migration and hypnosis you will ever lay your eyes on in your life.” –

“That’s it, sir!” cried Lustig.
“Well,” the captain sighed. “Now we’re getting some- – where. I feel better. It all sounds a bit more logical now. This talk about time and going back and forth and traveling in time turns my stomach upside
down. But, this way—”- He actually smiled for the first time in a month. “Well. It looks as if we’ll be fairly welcome here.”

“Or, will we, sir?” said Lustig. “After all, like the Pilgrims, these people came here to escape Earth. Maybe they won’t be too happy to see us, sir Maybe they’ll try to drive us ~out or kill us?”

‘We have superior weapons if that should happen. Anyway, all we can do is try. This next house now. Up we go.”

But they had hardly crossed the lawn when Lustig stopped and looked off across the town, down the quiet, dreaming afternoon street. “Sir,” he said.

“What is it, Lustig?” asked the captain.

“Oh, sir, sir, what I see, what I do see now before me, oh, oh—” said Lustig, and he began to cry. His fingers came up, twisting and trembling, and his face was all wonder and joy and incredulity. He sounded as if any moment he might go quite insane with happiness. He looked down the street and he began to run, stumbling awkwardly, falling, picking himself up, and running on. “Oh, God, God, thank you, God! Thank you!”

– “Don’t let him get away!” The captain broke into a run.
Now Lustig was running at full speed, shouting. He turned into a yard half way down the little shady side street and leaped up upon the porch of a large green house with an iron rooster on the roof

He was beating upon the door, shouting and hollering and crying when Hinkston and the captain ran up and stood in the yard, The door opened. Lustig yanked the screen wide and in a high wail of discovery and happiness, cried out, “Grandma! Grandpa!” –

Two old people stood in the doorway, their faces light. lug up.
“Albert!” Their voices piped and they rushed out to embrace and pat him on the back and move around him, “Albert, oh, Albert, it’s been so many years! How you’ve grown, boy, how big you ate, boy, oh,  lbert boy, how are you!”

“Grandma, Grandpa!” sobbed Albert Lustig. “Good to see you! You look fine, fine! Oh, fine.” He held them, turned them, kissed them, hugged them, cried on them, held them out again, blinked at the little old people.- The, sun was in the sky, the wind blew, the grass was green, the screen door stood

“Come in, lad, come in, there’s lemonade for you,fresh, lots of- it!”

“Grandma, Grandpa, good to see you! I’ve got- friends down here!

Here!” Lustig turned and waved wildly at the captain and Hinkston, who, all during the adventure on the porch, had stood in’ the shade of a tree, holding onto each other. “Captain, captain, come up, come up, I want you to meet my grandfolks!”

“Howdy,” said the folks. “Any- friend of Albert’s is ours, too! Don’t stand there with your mouths open Come on!”

In the living room of the old house it was cool and a grandfather clock ticked high and long and bronzed in one corner. There were soft pillows on large couches and walls filled with books and a rug cut in a thick rose pattern and antimacassars pinned to furniture, and lemonade in the hand, sweating, and cool on the thirsty tongue. “Here’s to our health.” Grandma tipped her glass to her porcelain teeth. – –

“How long you been here, Grandma?” said Lustig.
“A good many years,” she said, tartly. “Ever since we died.”
“Ever since you what?” asked Captain John Black, putting his drink down. – –
“Oh, yes,” Lustig looked at his captain. “They’ve been dead thirty years.”

“And you sit there, calmly!” cried the captain.
“Tush,” said the old woman, and winked glitteringly – at John Black. “Who are we to question what happens?

Here we are. What’s life, anyways? Who does what for why and where? All we know is here we are, alive again, and no questions -asked. A second chance.”
She toddled over and held out her -thin wrist to Captain John Black.
“Feel” He felt.~ “Solid, ain’t I?” she ask~ed. He nodded.
“You hear my voice, don’t you?” she inquired. Yes, he did. “Well, then,” she said in triumph, “why go around questioning?”
“Well,” said the captain, “it’s simply that we never thought we’d find a
thing like this on Mars.”

“And now you’ve found it. I dare say there’s lots on every planet that’ll show you God’s infinite ways.”
is this Heaven?” asked Hinkston.
“Nonsense, no. It’s a world and we get a second chance. Nobody told us why. But then nobody told us why we were on Earth, either. That other Earth, I mean. The one you came from. How do we know there wasn’t another before that one?”

“A good question,” said the captain.
The captain stood up and slapped his hand on his leg in an off-hand fashion. “We’ve got to be going. It’s been nice. Thank you for the drinks.”

He stopped. He turned and looked toward the door, startled. ‘ –
Far away, in the sunlight, there was a sound of voices, a crowd, a shouting and a great hello.

“What’s that?” asked Hinkston.
“We’ll soon find out!” And Captain John Black was out the front door abruptly, jolting across the green lawn and into the street of the Martian town.

He stood looking at the ship. The ports were open and his crew were streaming out, waving their hands. A crowd of people had gathered and in and through and among these people the members of the crew were running, talking, laughing, shaking hands. People did little dances. People swarmed. The rocket lay – empty and abandoned.

A brass band exploded in the sunlight, flinging off a gay tune from upraised tubas and trumpets. There was a bang of drums and a shrill of fifes. Little girls with golden hair jumped up and down. Little boys shouted, “Hoorayl” And fat men passed around ten-cent cigars. The mayor of the town made a speech. Then, each member of the crew with a mother on one -arm, a father or sister on the other, was spirited off down the street, into little cottages or big mansions and doors slammed shut.

The wind rose in the clear spring sky and all was silent. The brass band had banged off around a corner leaving the rocket to shine and dazzle alone in the sunlight.

“Abandoned!” cried the captain. “Abandoned the ship, they did! I’ll have their skins; by God! They had orders!”
“Sir,” said Lustig. “Don’t be too -hard on them. Those were all old relatives and friends.”

“That’s no excuse!” – –
“Think how they felt, captain, seeing familiar faces outside the ship!” –
“I would have obeyed orders! I would have~!’ The captain’s mouth
remained open.

Striding along the sidewalk – under the Martian sun, tall, smiling, eyes blue, face tan, came a young man of some twenty-six years. –
“John!” the man cried, and broke into a run.
“What?” said Captain .John Black. He swayed. –

“John, you old beggar, you!”
The man ran up and gripped his hand and slapped him
on the back. –
“It’s you,” said John Black.
“Of course, who’d you think it was!” –
“Edward!” The captain appealed now to Lustig and Hinkston, holding the stranger’s hand. “This is my brother – Edward. Ed, meet my men, Lustig, Hinkston My brother!” – – –
They tugged at each other’s hands and arms and then finally embraced.

“Ed!” “John, you old bum, you!” “You!re locking fine, Ed, but, Ed, what .is this? You haven’t ,changed over the years. You died, I remember, when you were twenty-six, and 1 was nineteen, oh God,
so many years ago, and here you are, and, Lord, what goes on, what goes on?”

Edward Black gave him a brotherly knock on the chin.
“Mom’s waiting,” he said.
“And Dad, too.”
– “And Dad?” The- captain almost fell to earth as if hit upon the chest with a mighty weapon. He walked stiffly and awkwardly, out of coordination. He stuttered and whispered and talked only one or two  ords at a time.

“Mom alive? Dad? Where?”
“At the old house on Oak Knoll Avenue.” –
“The old house.” The captain stared in delighted amazement. “Did you hear that, Lustig, Hinkston?”
~‘I know it’s hard for you to believe.”

“But alive. Real.”
“Don’t I feel real?” The strong arm, the firm grip, the white smile. The light, curling hair.
Hinkaton was gone. He had seen his own house down the street and was running for it. Lustig was grinning.

“Now you understand, sir, what happened to everybody on the ship. They couldn’t help themselves.”
“Yes. Yes,” said the captain, eyes shut. “Yes.” He put out his hand.
“When I open my eyes, you’ll be gone.” He opened his eyes. “You’re still here.
God, Edward, you look fine!” – – –
“Come along, lunch is waiting for you. I told Mom.” Lustig said, “Sir, Ui
be with my grandfolks if you want me.” –

“What? Oh, fine, Lustig. Later, then.”
Edward grabbed his arm and marched him. “You need support.” –
“I do. My knees, all funny. My stomach, loose. God.”

“There’s the house. Remember it?” –
“Remember it? Hell! I bet I can beat you to the front porch!” –

They ran. The wind roared over Captain John Black’s ears. The earth roared -under his feet. He saw the golden figure of Edward Black pull ahead of him in the amazing dream of reality. He saw the house rush- forward, the door open, the screen swing back. “Beat you!” cried Edward, – bounding up the steps. “I’m an old man,” panted the captain, “and you’re still young. But, then, you always beat me, I remember!”

In the doorway, Mom, pink, and plump and bright. And behind her, pepper grey, Dad, with his pipe in his hand.

“Mom, Dad!”
He ran up -the steps like a child, to meet them.

It was a fine long afternoon. They finished lunch and they sat in the living room and he told them all about his rocket and his being captain and they nodded and smiled upon him and Mother was just the same, and Dad bit the end off a cigar and lighted it in his old fashion. Mom brought in some iced tea in the middle of the afternoon. Then, there was a big turkey dinner at night and time flowing oil. When the drumsticks were sucked clean and lay brittle upon the plates, the captain leaned back in his chair and exhaled his deep contentment. Dad poured him a small glass of dry sherry. It was seven thirty in the evening. Night was in all the trees and coloring the sky, and the lamps were halos of dim light in the gentle house. From all the other houses down the streets came sounds of music; pianos playing, laughter.

Mom put a record on the victrola and she and Captain John Black bad a – dance. She was wearing the same perfume he remembered from the summer when she and Dad had been killed in the train accident. She was very real in his arms as they danced lightly to the music. –

“I’ll wake in the morning,” said the captain. “And I’ll be in my rocket in space, and this will be gone.”
“No, no, don’t think that,” she cried, softly, pleadingly~ “We’re here.
Don’t question. God is good to- us. Let’s be happy.”

The record ended with a – hissing.
“You’re tired, son,” said Dad. He waved his pipe. “You and Ed go on
upstairs. Your old bedroom is waiting for you.” . – –
“The old one?”
“The brass bed and all,” laughed Edward.
“But I should report my men in.”
“Why?” Mother was logical
“Why? Well, I don’t know. No reason, I guess. No,. none at all. What’s the difference?” He shook his head.

“I’m not being very logical these days,” –
“Good night, son.” She kissed his cheek. “‘Night, Mom.”
“Sleep tight, son.” Dad shook his hand.
“Same to you, Pop.” – “It’s good to have you home.”

“It’s good to be home.”
He left the land of cigar smoke and perfume and books and gentle light and ascended the stairs, talking, talking with Edward. Edward pushed a door open and there was the yellow brass bed and the old semaphore banners from college days and a -very musty raccoon coat which he petted with strange, muted affection. “It’s too much,” he said faintly. “Like -being in a thunder- shower without an umbrella. Fm soaked to the skin with emotion. I’m numb. I’m tired.” –

“A night’s sleep between cool clean sheets for you, my bucko.” Edward slapped wide the snowy linens and flounced the pillows. Then he put up a window and let the night blooming jasmine float in. There was moonlight and the sound of distant dancing and whispering.

“So this is Mars,” said the captain undressing.
“So this is Mars.” Edward undressed in idle, leisurely moves, drawing his shirt off over his head, revealing golden shoulders and the good muscular neck. –

– The lights were out, they were into bed, side by side, as in the days, how many decades ago? The captain lolled and was nourished by the night wind pushing the lace curtains out upon the dark room air. Among the trees, upon a lawn, someone had cranked up a portable phonograph and now it was
playing softly, “I’ll be loving you, always,- with a love that’s true, always.”

The thought of Anna came to his mind. “Is Anna here?”
His brother, lying straight out in the moonlight from the window,waited and then said, “Yes. She’s out of town. But she’ll be here in the morning.” –
The captain shut his eyes. “I want to see Anna very much?’ –
The room was square and quiet except for their breathing. “Good night, Ed.”
A pause. “Good night, John.”

He lay peacefully, letting his thoughts float. For the — first time the stress of the day was -moved aside, all of the excitement was calmed. He could think logically now. It had all been emotion. The bands playing, the sight – of familiar faces, the sick pounding of your heart. But—

now… –

How? He thought. How was all this made? And why? For what purpose?

Out of the goodness of some kind God? Was God, then, really that fine and thoughtful of his children? -How and why and what for? –

He thought of the various theories advanced in the first heat of the afternoon by Hinkston and Lustig. He let all kinds of new theories drop in lazy pebbles down through his mind, as through a dark water, now, turning, throwing out dull flashes of white light. Mars. Earth. Mom. Dad Edward. Mars. Martians.
Who had – lived here a thousand years ago on Mars? Martians? Or had this always been like this? Martians. He repeated the word quietly, inwardly. –

He laughed out loud, – almost. He had the ridiculous theory, all of a sudden. It gave him a kind of chilled feeling. It was really nothing to think of, of course. Highly. improbable. Silly. Forget it. Ridiculous.

But, he thought, Just suppose. Just suppose now, that there were Martians living on Mars and they saw our ship coming and -saw us inside our ship and hated – us. Suppose, now, just for the hell of it, that they wanted to destroy us, as invaders, as unwanted ones, and – they wanted to do it in a very clever way, so that we would be taken- off guard. Well, what would the best weapon be that a Martian could use against Earthmen with atom weapons? –

The answer was interesting. Telepathy, hypnosis, memory and imagination. –
Suppose all these houses weren’t real at all, – this bed not real, but only figments of my own imagination, given substance by telepathy and hypnosis by the Martians.

Suppose these houses are really some other shape, a Martian shape, but, -by playing on my desires and wants, these Martians have made this seem like my old home town, my old house, to lull me out of my suspicions?

What better way to fool a man, by his own emotions.

And suppose those two people in the next room, asleep, are not my mother and- father at all. But two Martians, incredibly brilliant, with –the ability to keep me under this dreaming hypnosis all of the time?

And that brass band, today? What a clever plan it would be. First, fool Lustig, then fool Hinkston, then gather a crowd around -the rocket ship and wave. And- all the men in the ship, seeing mothers, aunts, uncles, sweethearts dead ten, twenty years ago, naturally, disregarding orders, would rush- out and abandon the ship. What more natural?- What more unsuspecting? What more simple? A man doesn’t ask too many questions when his mother is suddenly brought back to life; he’s much too happy. And – the brass band played and everybody was taken off to private homes. And here we all are, tonight, in various houses, in various beds, with no weapons to protect us, and the rocket lies in the moonlight, empty. And wouldn’t it be horrible and terrifying to discover that all of this was part of some -great clever plan by the Martians to divide and conquer us, and kill us. Some time during the night, perhaps, my brother here on this bed, wifi change form, melt, shift, and become a one eyed, green and yellow-toothed Martian. It would be very simple for him just – to -turn over in bed and put a- knife into my heart. And in all those other houses down the street a dozen other brothers or fathers suddenly melting away and taking out knives and doing things to the unsuspecting, sleeping men of Earth. –

His hands were shaking under the covers. His body was cold, -Suddenly it was not a theory. Suddenly he was very afraid. He lifted- himself in bed and listened. The night was very quiet. The music had stopped. The wind had died.

His brother (?) lay sleeping beside him.

Very carefully he lifted the sheets, rolled them back. He slipped from bed and was walking softly across the room when his brother’s voice said, “Where are you going?”

“What?” –
His brother’s voice was quite cold. “I said, where do you think you’re going?”
“For a drink of water.”
“But you’re not thirsty.”
“Yes, yes, I am.” –
“No, you’re not.” –
Captain John Black broke and ran across the room.
He screamed. He screamed twice. – He never reached- the door.

In the morning, the brass band played a mournful dirge. From every house in the street came little solemn processions bearing long boxes and along the sun-filled street, weeping and changing, came the grandmas and grandfathers and mothers and sisters and brothers, walking -to the churchyard, where there were open holes – dug freshly and new- tombstones installed. Seventeen – holes in all, and seventeen tombstones. Three of the tombstones said, CAPTAIN JOHN BLACK, ALBERT LUSTIG, and SAMUEL HINKSTON. – – –

The mayor made a little sad speech, his face sometimes looking like the
mayor, sometimes looking like something else. — – – –

Mother and Father Black were there, with Brother Edward, and they ‘cried, their faces melting now – from a familiar face into something else. – –

Grandpa and Grandma Lustig were there, weeping~ their faces. Also shifting- like wax, – shivering as a- thing does in waves of heat on a summer day. – –

The coffins were lowered. Somebody murmured –about “the unexpected and sudden deaths of seventeen fine men during the night—”. – – – –

Earth was shoveled in on the coffin tops. –

After the funeral the brass band slammed and banged into town and the crowd stood around and waved and shouted as the rocket was torn to pieces and strewn about and blown up. – –

The End

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Rescue Party by Arthur C. Clarke (Full Text)

This is a nice rainy-day read. It’s a classic science fiction story about a “rescue party” that encounters the remains of a civilization. It’s a nice read, and will keep your mind occupied. It is reprinted in full, with no registration, need to provide your credit card (oh, to check to see if you are human; LOL) or CAPTCHA bullshit. If English is not your native language, you can translate it using the buttons on the side. Enjoy.

Rescue Party

by Arthur C. Clarke

Preface by Eric Flint

I'm certain this wasn't the first science fiction story I ever read, because I still remember those vividly. Three novels, all read when I was twelve years old and living in the small town of Shaver Lake (pop. 500) in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California: Robert Heinlein's Citizen of the Galaxy, Tom Godwin's The Survivors and Andre Norton's Star Rangers.

I must have started reading Arthur C. Clarke soon thereafter, though. The two stories that introduced me to him as I remember, anyway were this one and "Jupiter V," and those two stories fixed Clarke permanently as one of the central triad in my own personal pantheon of SF's great writers. (The other two being Robert Heinlein and Andre Norton.)

We chose this one, rather than "Jupiter V," at my request. I wanted this one because, of all the stories ever written in science fiction, this is the one which first demonstrated to me that science fiction could be inspirational as well as fascinating. So I thought at the age of twelve or possibly thirteen. More than four decades have now gone by, and I haven't changed my mind at all.

Who was to blame? For three days Alveron’s thoughts had come back to that question, and still he had found no answer. A creature of a less civilized or a less sensitive race would never have let it torture his mind, and would have satisfied himself with the assurance that no one could be responsible for the working of fate. But Alveron and his kind had been lords of the Universe since the dawn of history, since that far distant age when the Time Barrier had been folded round the cosmos by the unknown powers that lay beyond the Beginning. To them had been given all knowledge and with infinite knowledge went infinite responsibility. If there were mistakes and errors in the administration of the galaxy, the fault lay on the heads of Alveron and his people. And this was no mere mistake: it was one of the greatest tragedies in history.

The crew still knew nothing. Even Rugon, his closest friend and the ship’s deputy captain, had been told only part of the truth. But now the doomed worlds lay less than a billion miles ahead. In a few hours, they would be landing on the third planet.

Once again Alveron read the message from Base; then, with a flick of a tentacle that no human eye could have followed, he pressed the “General Attention” button. Throughout the mile-long cylinder that was the Galactic Survey Ship S9000, creatures of many races laid down their work to listen to the words of their captain.

“I know you have all been wondering,” began Alveron, “why we were ordered to abandon our survey and to proceed at such an acceleration to this region of space. Some of you may realize what this acceleration means. Our ship is on its last voyage: the generators have already been running for sixty hours at Ultimate Overload. We will be very lucky if we return to Base under our own power.

“We are approaching a sun which is about to become a Nova. Detonation will occur in seven hours, with an uncertainty of one hour, leaving us a maximum of only four hours for exploration. There are ten planets in the system about to be destroyed and there is a civilization on the third. That fact was discovered only a few days ago. It is our tragic mission to contact that doomed race and if possible to save some of its members. I know that there is little we can do in so short a time with this single ship. No other machine can possibly reach the system before detonation occurs.”

There was a long pause during which there could have been no sound or movement in the whole of the mighty ship as it sped silently toward the worlds ahead. Alveron knew what his companions were thinking and he tried to answer their unspoken question.

“You will wonder how such a disaster, the greatest of which we have any record, has been allowed to occur. On one point I can reassure you. The fault does not lie with the Survey.

“As you know, with our present fleet of under twelve thousand ships, it is possible to re-examine each of the eight thousand million solar systems in the Galaxy at intervals of about a million years. Most worlds change very little in so short a time as that.

“Less than four hundred thousand years ago, the survey ship S5060 examined the planets of the system we are approaching. It found intelligence on none of them, though the third planet was teeming with animal life and two other worlds had once been inhabited. The usual report was submitted and the system is due for its next examination in six hundred thousand years.

“It now appears that in the incredibly short period since the last survey, intelligent life has appeared in the system. The first intimation of this occurred when unknown radio signals were detected on the planet Kulath in the system X29.35, Y34.76, Z27.93. Bearings were taken on them; they were coming from the system ahead.

“Kulath is two hundred light-years from here, so those radio waves had been on their way for two centuries. Thus for at least that period of time a civilization has existed on one of these worlds a civilization that can generate electromagnetic waves and all that that implies.

“An immediate telescopic examination of the system was made and it was then found that the sun was in the unstable pre-nova stage. Detonation might occur at any moment, and indeed might have done so while the light waves were on their way to Kulath.

“There was a slight delay while the supervelocity scanners on Kulath II were focused on to the system. They showed that the explosion had not yet occurred but was only a few hours away. If Kulath had been a fraction of a light-year further from this sun, we should never have known of its civilization until it had ceased to exist.

“The Administrator of Kulath contacted the Sector Base immediately, and I was ordered to proceed to the system at once. Our object is to save what members we can of the doomed race, if indeed there are any left. But we have assumed that a civilization possessing radio could have protected itself against any rise of temperature that may have already occurred.

“This ship and the two tenders will each explore a section of the planet. Commander Torkalee will take Number One, Commander Orostron Number Two. They will have just under four hours in which to explore this world. At the end of that time, they must be back in the ship. It will be leaving then, with or without them. I will give the two commanders detailed instructions in the control room immediately.

“That is all. We enter atmosphere in two hours.” * * *

On the world once known as Earth the fires were dying out: there was nothing left to burn. The great forests that had swept across the planet like a tidal wave with the passing of the cities were now no more than glowing charcoal and the smoke of their funeral pyres still stained the sky. But the last hours were still to come, for the surface rocks had not yet begun to flow. The continents were dimly visible through the haze, but their outlines meant nothing to the watchers in the approaching ship. The charts they possessed were out of date by a dozen Ice Ages and more deluges than one.

The S9000 had driven past Jupiter and seen at once that no life could exist in those half-gaseous oceans of compressed hydrocarbons, now erupting furiously under the sun’s abnormal heat. Mars and the outer planets they had missed, and Alveron realized that the worlds nearer the sun than Earth would be already melting. It was more than likely, he thought sadly, that the tragedy of this unknown race was already finished. Deep in his heart, he thought it might be better so. The ship could only have carried a few hundred survivors, and the problem of selection had been haunting his mind.

Rugon, Chief of Communications and Deputy Captain, came into the control room. For the last hour he had been striving to detect radiation from Earth, but in vain.

“We’re too late,” he announced gloomily. “I’ve monitored the whole spectrum and the ether’s dead except for our own stations and some two-hundred-year-old programs from Kulath. Nothing in this system is radiating any more.”

He moved toward the giant vision screen with a graceful flowing motion that no mere biped could ever hope to imitate. Alveron said nothing; he had been expecting this news.

One entire wall of the control room was taken up by the screen, a great black rectangle that gave an impression of almost infinite depth. Three of Rugon’s slender control tentacles, useless for heavy work but incredibly swift at all manipulation, flickered over the selector dials and the screen lit up with a thousand points of light. The star field flowed swiftly past as Rugon adjusted the controls, bringing the projector to bear upon the sun itself.

No man of Earth would have recognized the monstrous shape that filled the screen. The sun’s light was white no longer: great violet-blue clouds covered half its surface and from them long streamers of flame were erupting into space. At one point an enormous prominence had reared itself out of the photosphere, far out even into the flickering veils of the corona. It was as though a tree of fire had taken root in the surface of the sun a tree that stood half a million miles high and whose branches were rivers of flame sweeping through space at hundreds of miles a second.

“I suppose,” said Rugon presently, “that you are quite satisfied about the astronomers’ calculations. After all “

“Oh, we’re perfectly safe,” said Alveron confidently. “I’ve spoken to Kulath Observatory and they have been making some additional checks through our own instruments. That uncertainty of an hour includes a private safety margin which they won’t tell me in case I feel tempted to stay any longer.”

He glanced at the instrument board.

“The pilot should have brought us to the atmosphere now. Switch the screen back to the planet, please. Ah, there they go!”

There was a sudden tremor underfoot and a raucous clanging of alarms, instantly stilled. Across the vision screen two slim projectiles dived toward the looming mass of Earth. For a few miles they traveled together, then they separated, one vanishing abruptly as it entered the shadow of the planet.

Slowly the huge mother ship, with its thousand times greater mass, descended after them into the raging storms that already were tearing down the deserted cities of Man. * * *

It was night in the hemisphere over which Orostron drove his tiny command. Like Torkalee, his mission was to photograph and record, and to report progress to the mother ship. The little scout had no room for specimens or passengers. If contact was made with the inhabitants of this world, the S9000 would come at once. There would be no time for parleying. If there was any trouble the rescue would be by force and the explanations could come later.

The ruined land beneath was bathed with an eerie, flickering light, for a great auroral display was raging over half the world. But the image on the vision screen was independent of external light, and it showed clearly a waste of barren rock that seemed never to have known any form of life. Presumably this desert land must come to an end somewhere. Orostron increased his speed to the highest value he dared risk in so dense an atmosphere.

The machine fled on through the storm, and presently the desert of rock began to climb toward the sky. A great mountain range lay ahead, its peaks lost in the smoke-laden clouds. Orostron directed the scanners toward the horizon, and on the vision screen the line of mountains seemed suddenly very close and menacing. He started to climb rapidly. It was difficult to imagine a more unpromising land in which to find civilization and he wondered if it would be wise to change course. He decided against it. Five minutes later, he had his reward.

Miles below lay a decapitated mountain, the whole of its summit sheared away by some tremendous feat of engineering. Rising out of the rock and straddling the artificial plateau was an intricate structure of metal girders, supporting masses of machinery. Orostron brought his ship to a halt and spiraled down toward the mountain.

The slight Doppler blur had now vanished, and the picture on the screen was clear-cut. The latticework was supporting some scores of great metal mirrors, pointing skyward at an angle of forty-five degrees to the horizontal. They were slightly concave, and each had some complicated mechanism at its focus. There seemed something impressive and purposeful about the great array; every mirror was aimed at precisely the same spot in the sky or beyond.

Orostron turned to his colleagues.

“It looks like some kind of observatory to me,” he said. “Have you ever seen anything like it before?”

Klarten, a multitentacled, tripedal creature from a globular cluster at the edge of the Milky Way, had a different theory.

“That’s communication equipment. Those reflectors are for focusing electromagnetic beams. I’ve seen the same kind of installation on a hundred worlds before. It may even be the station that Kulath picked up though that’s rather unlikely, for the beams would be very narrow from mirrors that size.”

“That would explain why Rugon could detect no radiation before we landed,” added Hansur II, one of the twin beings from the planet Thargon.

Orostron did not agree at all.

“If that is a radio station, it must be built for interplanetary communication. Look at the way the mirrors are pointed. I don’t believe that a race which has only had radio for two centuries can have crossed space. It took my people six thousand years to do it.”

“We managed it in three,” said Hansur II mildly, speaking a few seconds ahead of his twin. Before the inevitable argument could develop, Klarten began to wave his tentacles with excitement. While the others had been talking, he had started the automatic monitor.

“Here it is! Listen!”

He threw a switch, and the little room was filled with a raucous whining sound, continually changing in pitch but nevertheless retaining certain characteristics that were difficult to define.

The four explorers listened intently for a minute; then Orostron said, “Surely that can’t be any form of speech! No creature could produce sounds as quickly as that!”

Hansur I had come to the same conclusion. “That’s a television program. Don’t you think so, Klarten?”

The other agreed.

“Yes, and each of those mirrors seems to be radiating a different program. I wonder where they’re going? If I’m correct, one of the other planets in the system must lie along those beams. We can soon check that.”

Orostron called the S9000 and reported the discovery. Both Rugon and Alveron were greatly excited, and made a quick check of the astronomical records.

The result was surprising and disappointing. None of the other nine planets lay anywhere near the line of transmission. The great mirrors appeared to be pointing blindly into space.

There seemed only one conclusion to be drawn, and Klarten was the first to voice it.

“They had interplanetary communication,” he said. “But the station must be deserted now, and the transmitters no longer controlled. They haven’t been switched off, and are just pointing where they were left.”

“Well, we’ll soon find out,” said Orostron. “I’m going to land.”

He brought the machine slowly down to the level of the great metal mirrors, and past them until it came to rest on the mountain rock. A hundred yards away, a white stone building crouched beneath the maze of steel girders. It was windowless, but there were several doors in the wall facing them.

Orostron watched his companions climb into their protective suits and wished he could follow. But someone had to stay in the machine to keep in touch with the mother ship. Those were Alveron’s instructions, and they were very wise. One never knew what would happen on a world that was being explored for the first time, especially under conditions such as these.

Very cautiously, the three explorers stepped out of the airlock and adjusted the antigravity field of their suits. Then, each with the mode of locomotion peculiar to his race, the little party went toward the building, the Hansur twins leading and Klarten following close behind. His gravity control was apparently giving trouble, for he suddenly fell to the ground, rather to the amusement of his colleagues. Orostron saw them pause for a moment at the nearest door then it opened slowly and they disappeared from sight.

So Orostron waited, with what patience he could, while the storm rose around him and the light of the aurora grew even brighter in the sky. At the agreed times he called the mother ship and received brief acknowledgments from Rugon. He wondered how Torkalee was faring, halfway round the planet, but he could not contact him through the crash and thunder of solar interference.

It did not take Klarten and the Hansurs long to discover that their theories were largely correct. The building was a radio station, and it was utterly deserted. It consisted of one tremendous room with a few small offices leading from it. In the main chamber, row after row of electrical equipment stretched into the distance; lights flickered and winked on hundreds of control panels, and a dull glow came from the elements in a great avenue of vacuum tubes.

But Klarten was not impressed. The first radio sets his race had built were now fossilized in strata a thousand million years old. Man, who had possessed electrical machines for only a few centuries, could not compete with those who had known them for half the lifetime of the Earth.

Nevertheless, the party kept their recorders running as they explored the building. There was still one problem to be solved. The deserted station was broadcasting programs, but where were they coming from? The central switchboard had been quickly located. It was designed to handle scores of programs simultaneously, but the source of those programs was lost in a maze of cables that vanished underground. Back in the S9000, Rugon was trying to analyze the broadcasts and perhaps his researches would reveal their origin. It was impossible to trace cables that might lead across continents.

The party wasted little time at the deserted station. There was nothing they could learn from it, and they were seeking life rather than scientific information. A few minutes later the little ship rose swiftly from the plateau and headed toward the plains that must lie beyond the mountains. Less than three hours were still left to them.

As the array of enigmatic mirrors dropped out of sight, Orostron was struck by a sudden thought. Was it imagination, or had they all moved through a small angle while he had been waiting, as if they were still compensating for the rotation of the Earth? He could not be sure, and he dismissed the matter as unimportant. It would only mean that the directing mechanism was still working, after a fashion.

They discovered the city fifteen minutes later. It was a great, sprawling metropolis, built around a river that had disappeared leaving an ugly scar winding its way among the great buildings and beneath bridges that looked very incongruous now.

Even from the air, the city looked deserted. But only two and a half hours were left there was no time for further exploration. Orostron made his decision, and landed near the largest structure he could see. It seemed reasonable to suppose that some creatures would have sought shelter in the strongest buildings, where they would be safe until the very end.

The deepest caves in the heart of the planet itself would give no protection when the final cataclysm came. Even if this race had reached the outer planets, its doom would only be delayed by the few hours it would take for the ravening wavefronts to cross the Solar System.

Orostron could not know that the city had been deserted not for a few days or weeks, but for over a century. For the culture of cities, which had outlasted so many civilizations had been doomed at last when the helicopter brought universal transportation. Within a few generations the great masses of mankind, knowing that they could reach any part of the globe in a matter of hours, had gone back to the fields and forests for which they had always longed. The new civilization had machines and resources of which earlier ages had never dreamed, but it was essentially rural and no longer bound to the steel and concrete warrens that had dominated the centuries before. Such cities as still remained were specialized centers of research, administration or entertainment; the others had been allowed to decay, where it was too much trouble to destroy them. The dozen or so greatest of all cities, and the ancient university towns, had scarcely changed and would have lasted for many generations to come. But the cities that had been founded on steam and iron and surface transportation had passed with the industries that had nourished them.

And so while Orostron waited in the tender, his colleagues raced through endless empty corridors and deserted halls, taking -innumerable photographs but learning nothing of the creatures who had used these buildings. There were libraries, meeting places, council rooms, thousands of offices all were empty and deep with dust. If they had not seen the radio station on its mountain eyrie, the explorers could well have believed that this world had known no life for centuries.

Through the long minutes of waiting, Orostron tried to imagine where this race could have vanished. Perhaps they had killed themselves knowing that escape was impossible; perhaps they had built great shelters in the bowels of the planet, and even now were cowering in their millions beneath his feet, waiting for the end. He began to fear that he would never know.

It was almost a relief when at last he had to give the order for the return. Soon he would know if Torkalee’s party had been more fortunate. And he was anxious to get back to the mother ship, for as the minutes passed the suspense had become more and more acute. There had always been the thought in his mind: What if the astronomers of Kulath have made a mistake? He would begin to feel happy when the walls of the S9000 were around him. He would be happier still when they were out in space and this ominous sun was shrinking far astern.

As soon as his colleagues had entered the airlock, Orostron hurled his tiny machine into the sky and set the controls to home on the S9000. Then he turned to his friends.

“Well, what have you found?” he asked.

Klarten produced a large roll of canvas and spread it out on the floor.

“This is what they were like,” he said quietly. “Bipeds, with only two arms. They seem to have managed well, in spite of that handicap. Only two eyes as well, unless there are others in the back. We were lucky to find this; it’s about the only thing they left behind.”

The ancient oil painting stared stonily back at the three creatures regarding it so intently. By the irony of fate, its complete worthlessness had saved it from oblivion. When the city had been evacuated, no one had bothered to move Alderman John Richards, 1909-1974. For a century and a half he had been gathering dust while far away from the old cities the new civilization had been rising to heights no earlier culture had ever known.

“That was almost all we found,” said Klarten. “The city must have been deserted for years. I’m afraid our expedition has been a failure. If there are any living beings on this world, they’ve hidden themselves too well for us to find them.”

His commander was forced to agree.

“It was an almost impossible task,” he said. “If we’d had weeks instead of hours we might have succeeded. For all we know, they may even have built shelters under the sea. No one seems to have thought of that.”

He glanced quickly at the indicators and corrected the course.

“We’ll be there in five minutes. Alveron seems to be moving rather quickly. I wonder if Torkalee has found anything.”

The S9000 was hanging a few miles above the seaboard of a blazing continent when Orostron homed upon it. The danger line was thirty minutes away and there was no time to lose. Skillfully, he maneuvered the little ship into its launching tube and the party stepped out of the airlock.

There was a small crowd waiting for them. That was to be expected, but Orostron could see at once that something more than curiosity had brought his friends here. Even before a word was spoken, he knew that something was wrong.

“Torkalee hasn’t returned. He’s lost his party and we’re going to the rescue. Come along to the control room at once.” * * *

From the beginning, Torkalee had been luckier than Orostron. He had followed the zone of twilight, keeping away from the intolerable glare of the sun, until he came to the shores of an inland sea. It was a very recent sea, one of the latest of Man’s works, for the land it covered had been desert less than a century before. In a few hours it would be desert again, for the water was boiling and clouds of steam were rising to the skies. But they could not veil the loveliness of the great white city that overlooked the tideless sea.

Flying machines were still parked neatly round the square in which Torkalee landed. They were disappointingly primitive, though beautifully finished, and depended on rotating airfoils for support. Nowhere was there any sign of life, but the place gave the impression that its inhabitants were not very far away. Lights were still shining from some of the windows.

Torkalee’s three companions lost no time in leaving the machine. Leader of the party, by seniority of rank and race was T’sinadree, who like Alveron himself had been born on one of the ancient planets of the Central Suns. Next came Alarkane, from a race which was one of the youngest in the Universe and took a perverse pride in the fact. Last came one of the strange beings from the system of Palador. It was nameless, like all its kind, for it possessed no identity of its own, being merely a mobile but still dependent cell in the consciousness of its race. Though it and its fellows had long been scattered over the galaxy in the exploration of countless worlds, some unknown link still bound them together as inexorably as the living cells in a human body.

When a creature of Palador spoke, the pronoun it used was always “We.” There was not, nor could there ever be, any first person singular in the language of Palador.

The great doors of the splendid building baffled the explorers, though any human child would have known their secret. T’sinadree wasted no time on them but called Torkalee on his personal transmitter. Then the three hurried aside while their commander maneuvered his machine into the best position. There was a brief burst of intolerable flame; the massive steelwork flickered once at the edge of the visible spectrum and was gone. The stones were still glowing when the eager party hurried into the building, the beams of their light projectors fanning before them.

The torches were not needed. Before them lay a great hall, glowing with light from lines of tubes along the ceiling. On either side, the hall opened out into long corridors, while straight ahead a massive stairway swept majestically toward the upper floors.

For a moment T’sinadree hesitated. Then, since one way was as good as another, he led his companions down the first corridor.

The feeling that life was near had now become very strong. At any moment, it seemed, they might be confronted by the creatures of this world. If they showed hostility and they could scarcely be blamed if they did the paralyzers would be used at once.

The tension was very great as the party entered the first room, and only relaxed when they saw that it held nothing but machines row after row of them, now stilled and silent. Lining the enormous room were thousands of metal filing cabinets, forming a continuous wall as far as the eye could reach. And that was all; there was no furniture, nothing but the cabinets and the mysterious machines.

Alarkane, always the quickest of the three, was already examining the cabinets. Each held many thousand sheets of tough, thin material, perforated with innumerable holes and slots. The Paladorian appropriated one of the cards and Alarkane recorded the scene together with some close-ups of the machines. Then they left. The great room, which had been one of the marvels of the world, meant nothing to them. No living eye would ever again see that wonderful battery of almost human Hollerith analyzers and the five thousand million punched cards holding all that could be recorded on each man, woman and child on the planet.

It was clear that this building had been used very recently. With growing excitement, the explorers hurried on to the next room. This they found to be an enormous library, for millions of books lay all around them on miles and miles of shelving. Here, though the explorers could not know it, were the records of all the laws that Man had ever passed, and all the speeches that had ever been made in his council chambers.

T’sinadree was deciding his plan of action, when Alarkane drew his attention to one of the racks a hundred yards away. It was half empty, unlike all the others. Around it books lay in a tumbled heap on the floor, as if knocked down by someone in frantic haste. The signs were unmistakable. Not long ago, other creatures had been this way. Faint wheel marks were clearly visible on the floor to the acute sense of Alarkane, though the others could see nothing. Alarkane could even detect footprints, but knowing nothing of the creatures that had formed them he could not say which way they led.

The sense of nearness was stronger than ever now, but it was nearness in time, not in space. Alarkane voiced the thoughts of the party.

“Those books must have been valuable, and someone has come to rescue them rather as an afterthought, I should say. That means there must be a place of refuge, possibly not very far away. Perhaps we may be able to find some other clues that will lead us to it.”

T’sinadree agreed; the Paladorian wasn’t enthusiastic.

“That may be so,” it said, “but the refuge may be anywhere on the planet, and we have just two hours left. Let us waste no more time if we hope to rescue these people.”

The party hurried forward once more, pausing only to collect a few books that might be useful to the scientists at Base though it was doubtful if they could ever be translated. They soon found that the great building was composed largely of small rooms, all showing signs of recent occupation. Most of them were in a neat and tidy condition, but one or two were very much the reverse. The explorers were particularly puzzled by one room clearly an office of some kind that appeared to have been completely wrecked. The floor was littered with papers, the furniture had been smashed, and smoke was pouring through the broken windows from the fires outside.

T’sinadree was rather alarmed.

“Surely no dangerous animal could have got into a place like this!” he exclaimed, fingering his paralyzer nervously.

Alarkane did not answer. He began to make that annoying sound which his race called “laughter.” It was several minutes before he would explain what had amused him.

“I don’t think any animal has done it,” he said. “In fact, the explanation is very simple. Suppose you had been working all your life in this room, dealing with endless papers, year after year. And suddenly, you are told that you will never see it again, that your work is finished, and that you can leave it forever. More than that no one will come after you. Everything is finished. How would you make your exit, T’sinadree?”

The other thought for a moment.

“Well, I suppose I’d just tidy things up and leave. That’s what seems to have happened in all the other rooms.”

Alarkane laughed again.

“I’m quite sure you would. But some individuals have a different psychology. I think I should have liked the creature that used this room.”

He did not explain himself further, and his two colleagues puzzled over his words for quite a while before they gave it up.

It came as something of a shock when Torkalee gave the order to return. They had gathered a great deal of information, but had found no clue that might lead them to the missing inhabitants of this world. That problem was as baffling as ever, and now it seemed that it would never be solved. There were only forty minutes left before the S9000 would be departing.

They were halfway back to the tender when they saw the semicircular passage leading down into the depths of the building. Its architectural style was quite different from that used elsewhere, and the gently sloping floor was an irresistible attraction to creatures whose many legs had grown weary of the marble staircases which only bipeds could have built in such profusion. T’sinadree had been the worst sufferer, for he normally employed twelve legs and could use twenty when he was in a hurry, though no one had ever seen him perform this feat.

The party stopped dead and looked down the passageway with a single thought. A tunnel, leading down into the depths of Earth! At its end, they might yet find the people of this world and rescue some of them from their fate. For there was still time to call the mother ship if the need arose.

T’sinadree signaled to his commander and Torkalee brought the little machine immediately overhead. There might not be time for the party to retrace its footsteps through the maze of passages, so meticulously recorded in the Paladorian mind that there was no possibility of going astray. If speed was necessary, Torkalee could blast his way through the dozen floors above their head. In any case, it should not take long to find what lay at the end of the passage.

It took only thirty seconds. The tunnel ended quite abruptly in a very curious cylindrical room with magnificently padded seats along the walls. There was no way out save that by which they had come and it was several seconds before the purpose of the chamber dawned on Alarkane’s mind. It was a pity, he thought, that they would never have time to use this. The thought was suddenly interrupted by a cry from T’sinadree. Alarkane wheeled around, and saw that the entrance had closed silently behind them.

Even in that first moment of panic, Alarkane found himself thinking with some admiration: Whoever they were, they knew how to build automatic machinery!

The Paladorian was the first to speak. It waved one of its tentacles toward the seats.

“We think it would be best to be seated,” it said. The multiplex mind of Palador had already analyzed the situation and knew what was coming.

They did not have long to wait before a low-pitched hum came from a grill overhead, and for the very last time in history a human, even if lifeless, voice was heard on Earth. The words were meaningless, though the trapped explorers could guess their message clearly enough.

“Choose your stations, please, and be seated.”

Simultaneously, a wall panel at one end of the compartment glowed with light. On it was a simple map, consisting of a series of a dozen circles connected by a line. Each of the circles had writing alongside it, and beside the writing were two buttons of different colors.

Alarkane looked questioningly at his leader.

“Don’t touch them,” said T’sinadree. “If we leave the controls alone, the doors may open again.”

He was wrong. The engineers who had designed the automatic subway had assumed that anyone who entered it would naturally wish to go somewhere. If they selected no intermediate station, their destination could only be the end of the line.

There was another pause while the relays and thyratrons waited for their orders. In those thirty seconds, if they had known what to do, the party could have opened the doors and left the subway. But they did not know, and the machines geared to a human psychology acted for them.

The surge of acceleration was not very great; the lavish upholstery was a luxury, not a necessity. Only an almost imperceptible vibration told of the speed at which they were traveling through the bowels of the earth, on a journey the duration of which they could not even guess. And in thirty minutes, the S9000 would be leaving the Solar System.

There was a long silence in the speeding machine. T’sinadree and Alarkane were thinking rapidly. So was the Paladorian, though in a different fashion. The conception of personal death was meaningless to it, for the destruction of a single unit meant no more to the group mind than the loss of a nail-paring to a man. But it could, though with great difficulty, appreciate the plight of individual intelligences such as Alarkane and T’sinadree, and it was anxious to help them if it could.

Alarkane had managed to contact Torkalee with his personal transmitter, though the signal was very weak and seemed to be fading quickly. Rapidly he explained the situation, and almost at once the signals became clearer. Torkalee was following the path of the machine, flying above the ground under which they were speeding to their unknown destination. That was the first indication they had of the fact that they were traveling at nearly a thousand miles an hour, and very soon after that Torkalee was able to give the still more disturbing news that they were rapidly approaching the sea. While they were beneath the land, there was a hope, though a slender one, that they might stop the machine and escape. But under the ocean not all the brains and the machinery in the great mother ship could save them. No one could have devised a more perfect trap.

T’sinadree had been examining the wall map with great attention. Its meaning was obvious, and along the line connecting the circles a tiny spot of light was crawling. It was already halfway to the first of the stations marked.

“I’m going to press one of those buttons,” said T’sinadree at last. “It won’t do any harm, and we may learn something.”

“I agree. Which will you try first?”

“There are only two kinds, and it won’t matter if we try the wrong one first. I suppose one is to start the machine and the other is to stop it.”

Alarkane was not very hopeful.

“It started without any button pressing,” he said. “I think it’s completely automatic and we can’t control it from here at all.”

T’sinadree could not agree.

“These buttons are clearly associated with the stations, and there’s no point in having them unless you can use them to stop yourself. The only question is, which is the right one?”

His analysis was perfectly correct. The machine could be stopped at any intermediate station. They had only been on their way ten minutes, and if they could leave now, no harm would have been done. It was just bad luck that T’sinadree’s first choice was the wrong button.

The little light on the map crawled slowly through the illuminated circle without checking its speed. And at the same time Torkalee called from the ship overhead.

“You have just passed underneath a city and are heading out to sea. There cannot be another stop for nearly a thousand miles.” * * *

Alveron had given up all hope of finding life on this world. The S9000 had roamed over half the planet, never staying long in one place, descending ever and again in an effort to attract attention. There had been no response; Earth seemed utterly dead. If any of its inhabitants were still alive, thought Alveron, they must have hidden themselves in its depths where no help could reach them, though their doom would be nonetheless certain.

Rugon brought news of the disaster. The great ship ceased its fruitless searching and fled back through the storm to the ocean above which Torkalee’s little tender was still following the track of the buried machine.

The scene was truly terrifying. Not since the days when Earth was born had there been such seas as this. Mountains of water were racing before the storm which had now reached velocities of many hundred miles an hour. Even at this distance from the mainland the air was full of flying debris trees, fragments of houses, sheets of metal, anything that had not been anchored to the ground. No airborne machine could have lived for a moment in such a gale. And ever and again even the roar of the wind was drowned as the vast water-mountains met head-on with a crash that seemed to shake the sky.

Fortunately, there had been no serious earthquakes yet. Far beneath the bed of the ocean, the wonderful piece of engineering which had been the World President’s private vacuum-subway was still working perfectly, unaffected by the tumult and destruction above. It would continue to work until the last minute of the Earth’s existence, which, if the astronomers were right, was not much more than fifteen minutes away though precisely how much more Alveron would have given a great deal to know. It would be nearly an hour before the trapped party could reach land and even the slightest hope of rescue.

Alveron’s instructions had been precise, though even without them he would never have dreamed of taking any risks with the great machine that had been entrusted to his care. Had he been human, the decision to abandon the trapped members of his crew would have been desperately hard to make. But he came of a race far more sensitive than Man, a race that so loved the things of the spirit that long ago, and with infinite reluctance, it had taken over control of the Universe since only thus could it be sure that justice was being done. Alveron would need all his superhuman gifts to carry him through the next few hours.

Meanwhile, a mile below the bed of the ocean Alarkane and T’sinadree were very busy indeed with their private communicators. Fifteen minutes is not a long time in which to wind up the affairs of a lifetime. It is indeed, scarcely long enough to dictate more than a few of those farewell messages which at such moments are so much more important than all other matters.

All the while the Paladorian had remained silent and motionless, saying not a word. The other two, resigned to their fate and engrossed in their personal affairs, had given it no thought. They were startled when suddenly it began to address them in its peculiarly passionless voice.

“We perceive that you are making certain arrangements concerning your anticipated destruction. That will probably be unnecessary. Captain Alveron hopes to rescue us if we can stop this machine when we reach land again.”

Both T’sinadree and Alarkane were too surprised to say anything for a moment. Then the latter gasped, “How do you know?”

It was a foolish question, for he remembered at once that there were several Paladorians if one could use the phrase in the S9000, and consequently their companion knew everything that was happening in the mother ship. So he did not wait for an answer but continued, “Alveron can’t do that! He daren’t take such a risk!”

“There will be no risk,” said the Paladorian. “We have told him what to do. It is really very simple.”

Alarkane and T’sinadree looked at their companion with something approaching awe, realizing now what must have happened. In moments of crisis, the single units comprising the Paladorian mind could link together in an organization no less close than that of any physical brain. At such moments they formed an intellect more powerful than any other in the Universe. All ordinary problems could be solved by a few hundred or thousand units. Very rarely, millions would be needed, and on two historic occasions the billions of cells of the entire Paladorian consciousness had been welded together to deal with emergencies that threatened the race. The mind of Palador was one of the greatest mental resources of the Universe; its full force was seldom required, but the knowledge that it was available was supremely comforting to other races. Alarkane wondered how many cells had coordinated to deal with this particular emergency. He also wondered how so trivial an incident had ever come to its attention.

To that question he was never to know the answer, though he might have guessed it had he known that the chillingly remote Paladorian mind possessed an almost human streak of vanity. Long ago, Alarkane had written a book trying to prove that eventually all intelligent races would sacrifice individual consciousness and that one day only group-minds would remain in the Universe. Palador, he had said, was the first of those ultimate intellects, and the vast, dispersed mind had not been displeased.

They had no time to ask any further questions before Alveron himself began to speak through their communicators.

“Alveron calling! We’re staying on this planet until the detonation waves reach it, so we may be able to rescue you. You’re heading toward a city on the coast which you’ll reach in forty minutes at your present speed. If you cannot stop yourselves then, we’re going to blast the tunnel behind and ahead of you to cut off your power. Then we’ll sink a shaft to get you out the chief engineer says he can do it in five minutes with the main projectors. So you should be safe within an hour, unless the sun blows up before.”

“And if that happens, you’ll be destroyed as well! You mustn’t take such a risk!”

“Don’t let that worry you; we’re perfectly safe. When the sun detonates, the explosion wave will take several minutes to rise to its maximum. But apart from that, we’re on the night side of the planet, behind an eight-thousand-mile screen of rock. When the first warning of the explosion comes, we will accelerate out of the Solar System, keeping in the shadow of the planet. Under our maximum drive, we will reach the velocity of light before leaving the cone of shadow, and the sun cannot harm us then.”

T’sinadree was still afraid to hope. Another objection came at once into his mind.

“Yes, but how will you get any warning, here on the night side of the planet?”

“Very easily,” replied Alveron. “This world has a moon which is now visible from this hemisphere. We have telescopes trained on it. If it shows any sudden increase in brilliance, our main drive goes on automatically and we’ll be thrown out of the system.”

The logic was flawless. Alveron, cautious as ever, was taking no chances. It would be many minutes before the eight-thousand-mile shield of rock and metal could be destroyed by the fires of the exploding sun. In that time, the S9000 could have reached the safety of the velocity of light.

Alarkane pressed the second button when they were still several miles from the coast. He did not expect anything to happen then, assuming that the machine could not stop between stations. It seemed too good to be true when, a few minutes later, the machine’s slight vibration died away and they came to a halt.

The doors slid silently apart. Even before they were fully open, the three had left the compartment. They were taking no more chances. Before them a long tunnel stretched into the distance, rising slowly out of sight. They were starting along it when suddenly Alveron’s voice called from the communicators.

“Stay where you are! We’re going to blast!”

The ground shuddered once, and far ahead there came the rumble of falling rock. Again the earth shook and a hundred yards ahead the passageway vanished abruptly. A tremendous vertical shaft had been cut clean through it.

The party hurried forward again until they came to the end of the corridor and stood waiting on its lip. The shaft in which it ended was a full thousand feet across and descended into the earth as far as the torches could throw their beams. Overhead, the storm clouds fled beneath a moon that no man would have recognized, so luridly brilliant was its disk. And, most glorious of all sights, the S9000 floated high above, the great projectors that had drilled this enormous pit still glowing cherry red.

A dark shape detached itself from the mother ship and dropped swiftly toward the ground. Torkalee was returning to collect his friends. A little later, Alveron greeted them in the control room. He waved to the great vision screen and said quietly, “See, we were barely in time.”

The continent below them was slowly settling beneath the mile-high waves that were attacking its coasts. The last that anyone was ever to see of Earth was a great plain, bathed with the silver light of the abnormally brilliant moon. Across its face the waters were pouring in a glittering flood toward a distant range of mountains. The sea had won its final victory, but its triumph would be short-lived for soon sea and land would be no more. Even as the silent party in the control room watched the destruction below, the infinitely greater catastrophe to which this was only the prelude came swiftly upon them.

It was as though dawn had broken suddenly over this moonlit landscape. But it was not dawn: it was only the moon, shining with the brilliance of a second sun. For perhaps thirty seconds that awesome, unnatural light burnt fiercely on the doomed land beneath. Then there came a sudden flashing of indicator lights across the control board. The main drive was on. For a second Alveron glanced at the indicators and checked their information. When he looked again at the screen, Earth was gone.

The magnificent, desperately overstrained generators quietly died when the S9000 was passing the orbit of Persephone. It did not matter, the sun could never harm them now, and although the ship was speeding helplessly out into the lonely night of interstellar space, it would only be a matter of days before rescue came.

There was irony in that. A day ago, they had been the rescuers, going to the aid of a race that now no longer existed. Not for the first time Alveron wondered about the world that had just perished. He tried, in vain, to picture it as it had been in its glory, the streets of its cities thronged with life. Primitive though its people had been, they might have offered much to the Universe. If only they could have made contact! Regret was useless; long before their coming, the people of this world must have buried themselves in its iron heart. And now they and their civilization would remain a mystery for the rest of time.

Alveron was glad when his thoughts were interrupted by Rugon’s entrance. The chief of communications had been very busy ever since the take-off, trying to analyze the programs radiated by the transmitter Orostron had discovered. The problem was not a difficult one, but it demanded the construction of special equipment, and that had taken time.

“Well, what have you found?” asked Alveron.

“Quite a lot,” replied his friend. “There’s something mysterious here, and I don’t understand it.

“It didn’t take long to find how the vision transmissions were built up, and we’ve been able to convert them to suit our own equipment. It seems that there were cameras all over the planet, surveying points of interest. Some of them were apparently in cities, on the tops of very high buildings. The cameras were rotating continuously to give panoramic views. In the programs we’ve recorded there are about twenty different scenes.

“In addition, there are a number of transmissions of a different kind, neither sound nor vision. They seem to be purely scientific possibly instrument readings or something of that sort. All these programs were going out simultaneously on different frequency bands.

“Now there must be a reason for all this. Orostron still thinks that the station simply wasn’t switched off when it was deserted. But these aren’t the sort of programs such a station would normally radiate at all. It was certainly used for interplanetary -relaying Klarten was quite right there. So these people must have crossed space, since none of the other planets had any life at the time of the last survey. Don’t you agree?”

Alveron was following intently.

“Yes, that seems reasonable enough. But it’s also certain that the beam was pointing to none of the other planets. I checked that myself.”

“I know,” said Rugon. “What I want to discover is why a giant interplanetary relay station is busily transmitting pictures of a world about to be destroyed pictures that would be of immense interest to scientists and astronomers. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to arrange all those panoramic cameras. I am convinced that those beams were going somewhere.”

Alveron started up.

“Do you imagine that there might be an outer planet that hasn’t been reported?” he asked. “If so, your theory’s certainly wrong. The beam wasn’t even pointing in the plane of the Solar System. And even if it were just look at this.”

He switched on the vision screen and adjusted the controls. Against the velvet curtain of space was hanging a blue-white sphere, apparently composed of many concentric shells of incandescent gas. Even though its immense distance made all movement invisible, it was clearly expanding at an enormous rate. At its center was a blinding point of light the white dwarf star that the sun had now become.

“You probably don’t realize just how big that sphere is,” said Alveron. “Look at this.”

He increased the magnification until only the center portion of the nova was visible. Close to its heart were two minute condensations, one on either side of the nucleus.

“Those are the two giant planets of the system. They have still managed to retain their existence after a fashion. And they were several hundred million miles from the sun. The nova is still expanding but it’s already twice the size of the Solar System.”

Rugon was silent for a moment.

“Perhaps you’re right,” he said, rather grudgingly. “You’ve disposed of my first theory. But you still haven’t satisfied me.”

He made several swift circuits of the room before speaking again. Alveron waited patiently. He knew the almost intuitive powers of his friend, who could often solve a problem when mere logic seemed insufficient.

Then, rather slowly, Rugon began to speak again.

“What do you think of this?” he said. “Suppose we’ve completely underestimated this people? Orostron did it once he thought they could never have crossed space, since they’d only known radio for two centuries. Hansur II told me that. Well, Orostron was quite wrong. Perhaps we’re all wrong. I’ve had a look at the material that Klarten brought back from the transmitter. He wasn’t impressed by what he found, but it’s a marvelous achievement for so short a time. There were devices in that station that belonged to civilizations thousands of years older. Alveron, can we follow that beam to see where it leads?”

Alveron said nothing for a full minute. He had been more than half expecting the question, but it was not an easy one to answer. The main generators had gone completely. There was no point in trying to repair them. But there was still power available, and while there was power, anything could be done in time. It would mean a lot of improvisation, and some difficult maneuvers, for the ship still had its enormous initial velocity. Yes, it could be done, and the activity would keep the crew from becoming further depressed, now that the reaction caused by the mission’s failure had started to set in. The news that the nearest heavy repair ship could not reach them for three weeks had also caused a slump in morale.

The engineers, as usual, made a tremendous fuss. Again as usual, they did the job in half the time they had dismissed as being absolutely impossible. Very slowly, over many hours, the great ship began to discard the speed its main drive had given it in as many minutes. In a tremendous curve, millions of miles in radius, the S9000 changed its course and the star fields shifted round it.

The maneuver took three days, but at the end of that time the ship was limping along a course parallel to the beam that had once come from Earth. They were heading out into emptiness, the blazing sphere that had been the sun dwindling slowly behind them. By the standards of interstellar flight, they were almost stationary.

For hours Rugon strained over his instruments, driving his detector beams far ahead into space. There were certainly no planets within many light-years; there was no doubt of that. From time to time Alveron came to see him and always he had to give the same reply: “Nothing to report.” About a fifth of the time Rugon’s intuition let him down badly; he began to wonder if this was such an occasion.

Not until a week later did the needles of the mass-detectors quiver feebly at the ends of their scales. But Rugon said nothing, not even to his captain. He waited until he was sure, and he went on waiting until even the short-range scanners began to react, and to build up the first faint pictures on the vision screen. Still he waited patiently until he could interpret the images. Then, when he knew that his wildest fancy was even less than the truth, he called his colleagues into the control room.

The picture on the vision screen was the familiar one of endless star fields, sun beyond sun to the very limits of the Universe. Near the center of the screen a distant nebula made a patch of haze that was difficult for the eye to grasp.

Rugon increased the magnification. The stars flowed out of the field; the little nebula expanded until it filled the screen and then it was a nebula no longer. A simultaneous gasp of amazement came from all the company at the sight that lay before them.

Lying across league after league of space, ranged in a vast three-dimensional array of rows and columns with the precision of a marching army, were thousands of tiny pencils of light. They were moving swiftly; the whole immense lattice holding its shape as a single unit. Even as Alveron and his comrades watched, the formation began to drift off the screen and Rugon had to recenter the controls.

After a long pause, Rugon started to speak.

“This is the race,” he said softly, “that has known radio for only two centuries the race that we believed had crept to die in the heart of its planet. I have examined those images under the highest possible magnification.

“That is the greatest fleet of which there has ever been a record. Each of those points of light represents a ship larger than our own. Of course, they are very primitive what you see on the screen are the jets of their rockets. Yes, they dared to use rockets to bridge interstellar space! You realize what that means. It would take them centuries to reach the nearest star. The whole race must have embarked on this journey in the hope that its descendants would complete it, generations later.

“To measure the extent of their accomplishment, think of the ages it took us to conquer space, and the longer ages still before we attempted to reach the stars. Even if we were threatened with annihilation, could we have done so much in so short a time? Remember, this is the youngest civilization in the Universe. Four hundred thousand years ago it did not even exist. What will it be a million years from now?”

An hour later, Orostron left the crippled mother ship to make contact with the great fleet ahead. As the little torpedo disappeared among the stars, Alveron turned to his friend and made a remark that Rugon was often to remember in the years ahead.

“I wonder what they’ll be like?” he mused. “Will they be nothing but wonderful engineers, with no art or philosophy? They’re going to have such a surprise when Orostron reaches them I expect it will be rather a blow to their pride. It’s funny how all isolated races think they’re the only people in the Universe. But they should be grateful to us; we’re going to save them a good many hundred years of travel.”

Alveron glanced at the Milky Way, lying like a veil of silver mist across the vision screen. He waved toward it with a sweep of a tentacle that embraced the whole circle of the galaxy, from the Central Planets to the lonely suns of the Rim.

“You know,” he said to Rugon, “I feel rather afraid of these people. Suppose they don’t like our little Federation?” He waved once more toward the star-clouds that lay massed across the screen, glowing with the light of their countless suns.

“Something tells me they’ll be very determined people,” he added. “We had better be polite to them. After all, we only outnumber them about a thousand million to one.”

Rugon laughed at his captain’s little joke.

Twenty years afterward, the remark didn’t seem funny.

The End

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The Gateway technique to isolate your consciousness for independent travel through space and time. An introduction.

This post serves as an introduction to “Hemi-Sync” or the “Gateway Process”. It is a system that permits the isolation of consciousness from the reality that it inhabits. There have been a flood of articles regarding this process because the CIA declassified it’s use when it was involved in “Remote Viewing” activities. Yet all of the theories, and articles put forth still come associated with the “baggage” of an imperfect understanding of the true and real nature of the universe. Here, we are going to present the techniques alongside the way the universe actually operates.

This post was originally posted on VICE. It was edited to fit this venue and all credit to the author. Note that my comments on the post are highlighted and italicized. Written by Thobey Campion on February 16, 2021, at 11:33pm. The original post is from VICE.

Dear MM reader; don't get too caught up on the CIA, and other things that seem outer-worldly and fantastical. Keep yourself grounded and keep in mind that we are consciousness that inhabits a body within a reality that is constantly changing through our thoughts.

How to Escape the Confines of Time and Space According to the CIA

In the 80s, the spy agency investigated the “Gateway Experience” technique to alter consciousness and ultimately escape spacetime.

Thobey Campion writes...

She turned to me the other morning and said, “You heard of The Gateway?” It didn’t register in the moment. She continued, “It’s blowing up on TikTok.”

Later on, she elaborated: it was not in fact the ill-fated 90s computer hardware company folks were freaking out about. No, they’ve gone further back in time, to find a true treasure of functional media. 

The intrigue revolves around a classified 1983 CIA report on a technique called the Gateway Experience. The “Gateway Experience” is a training system designed to focus brainwave output to control one’s consciousness.

As such it can ultimately be used to escape the restrictions of time and space.

The CIA was interested in all sorts of psychic research at the time. This included the theory and applications of remote viewing.

"Remote Viewing"  is when someone views real events with only the power of their mind. The documents have since been declassified and are available to view

This is a comprehensive excavation of The Gateway Process report.

The first section provides a timeline of the key historical developments that led to the CIA’s investigation and subsequent experimentations.

The second section is a review of The Gateway Process report. It opens with a wall of theoretical context, on the other side of which lies enough understanding to begin to grasp the principles underlying the Gateway Experience training.

The last section outlines the Gateway technique itself and the steps that go into achieving spacetime transcendence. 

The Timeline

1950s – Robert Monroe, a radio broadcasting executive, begins producing evidence that specific sound patterns have identifiable effects on human capabilities. These include alertness, sleepiness, and expanded states of consciousness.

1956 – Monroe forms an R&D division inside his radio program production corporation RAM Enterprises. The goal is to study sound’s effect on human consciousness. He was obsessed with “Sleep-Learning,” or hypnopedia, which exposes sleepers to sound recordings to boost memory of previously learned information.Advertisement

1958 – While experimenting with Sleep-Learning, Monroe discovers an unusual phenomenon. He describes it as sensations of paralysis and vibration accompanied by bright light. It allegedly happens nine times over the proceeding six weeks, and culminates in an out-of-body experience (OBE).

1962 – RAM Enterprises moves to Virginia, and renames itself Monroe Industries. It becomes active in radio station ownership, cable television, and later in the production and sale of audio cassettes. These cassettes contain applied learnings from the corporate research program, which is renamed The Monroe Institute.

1971 – Monroe publishes Journeys Out of the Body, a book that is credited with popularizing the term “out-of-body experience.”

Journeys Out of the Body, Books by Robert Monroe.
Journeys Out of the Body,


1972 – A classified report circulates in the U.S. military and intelligence communities. It claims that the Soviet Union is pouring money into research involving ESP and psychokinesis for espionage purposes.

1975 – Monroe registers the first of several patents concerning audio techniques designed to stimulate brain functions until the left and right hemispheres become synchronized. Monroe dubs the state “Hemi-Sync” (hemispheric synchronization), and claims it could be used to promote mental well-being or to trigger an altered state of consciousness.

1978 to 1984 – Army veteran Joseph McMoneagle contributes to 450 remote viewing missions under Project Stargate. He is known as “Remote View No. 1”. This is kind of a whole other story.

June 9th, 1983 – The CIA report “Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process” is produced. It provides a scientific framework for understanding and expanding human consciousness, out-of-body experiments, and other altered states of mind.

1989 – Remote viewer Angela Dellafiora Ford helps track down a former customs agent who has gone on the run. She pinpoints his location as “Lowell, Wyoming”. U.S. Customs apprehend him 100 miles west of a Wyoming town called Lovell.

2003 – The CIA approves declassification of the Gateway Process report.

2017 – The CIA declassifies 12 million pages of records revealing previously unknown details about the program, which would eventually become known as Project Stargate.

The Report

CIA screengrab.


The author of The Gateway Process report is Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. McDonnell, hereon referred to simply as Wayne. There isn’t a tremendous amount of information available on the man, nor any photographs.

In 1983, Wayne was tasked by the Commander of the U.S. Army Operational Group with figuring out how The Gateway Experience, astral projection and out-of-body experiences work.

Wayne partnered with a bunch of different folks to produce the report, most notably Itzhak Bentov, a very Googleable American-Israeli scientist who helped pioneer the biomedical engineering industry.

A scientific approach

From the outset of the report, Wayne states his intent to employ an objective scientific method in order to understand the Gateway process. The various scientific avenues he takes include:

  • A biomedical inquiry to understand the physical aspects of the process. 
  • Information on quantum mechanics to describe the nature and functioning of human consciousness.
  • Theoretical physics to explain the time-space dimension and means by which expanded human consciousness transcends it.
  • Classical physics to bring the whole phenomenon of out-of-body states into the language of physical science (and remove the stigma of an occult connotation). 

Methodological frames of reference

Before diving into the Gateway Experience, Wayne develops a frame of reference by dissecting three discrete consciousness-altering methodologies.

He’s basically saying, there’s no way you’re going to get through The Gateway without a solid grounding in the brain-altering techniques that came before it.

1) He begins with hypnosis.

The language is extremely dense, but the basic gist is as follows: 

..the left side of the brain screens incoming stimuli, categorizing, assessing and assigning meaning to everything through self-cognitive, verbal, and linear reasoning. 

The left hemisphere then dishes the carefully prepared data to the non-critical, holistic, pattern-oriented right hemisphere, which accepts everything without question. 

Hypnosis works by putting the left side to sleep, or at least distracting it long enough to allow incoming data directly, unchallenged entry to the right hemisphere. 

There, stimuli can reach the sensor and motor cortices of the right brain, which corresponds to points in the body. 

Suggestions then can send electrical signals from the brain to certain parts of the body. 

Directing these signals appropriately, according to the report, can elicit reactions ranging from left leg numbness to feelings of happiness. Same goes for increased powers of concentration.

2) Wayne continues with a snapshot of transcendental meditation.

He distinguishes it from hypnotism. 

Through concentration the subject draws energy up the spinal cord, resulting in acoustical waves that run through the cerebral ventricles, to the right hemisphere, where they stimulate the cerebral cortex, run along the homunculus and then to the body. 

The waves are the altered rhythm of heart sounds, which create sympathetic vibrations in the walls of the fluid-filled cavities of the brain’s ventricles. 

He observed that the symptoms begin in the left side of the body, confirming the right brain’s complicity. 

Bentov also states that the same effect might be achieved by prolonged exposure to 4 - 7 Hertz/second acoustical vibrations. 

He suggests standing by an air conditioning duct might also do the trick. (David Lynch and other celebrities are committed adherents to transcendental meditation today.)

3) Biofeedback, on the other hand, uses the left hemisphere to gain access to the right brain’s lower cerebral, motor, and sensory cortices.

Whereas hypnosis suppresses one side of the brain, and TM bypasses that side altogether, biofeedback teaches the left hemisphere to visualize the desired result, recognize the feelings associated with right hemisphere access, and ultimately achieve the result again. 

With repetition, the left brain can reliably key into the right brain, and strengthen the pathways so that it can be accessed during a conscious demand mode. 

A digital thermometer is subsequently placed on a target part of the body. 

When its temperature increases, objective affirmation is recognized and the state is reinforced. Achieving biofeedback can block pain, enhance feeling, and even suppress tumors, according to the report.  
E2-E4 records.

The Gateway mechanics

With that, Wayne takes a first stab at the Gateway process.

He classifies it as a “training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness.”

What distinguishes the Gateway process from hypnosis, TM, and biofeedback, is that it requires achieving  a state of consciousness in which the electrical brain patterns of both hemispheres are equal in amplitude and frequency.

This is called Hemi-Sync.


Lamentably, and perhaps conveniently, we cannot as humans achieve this state on our own.

The audio techniques developed by Bob Monroe and his Institute (which comprise a series of  tapes), claim to induce and sustain Hemi-Sync.

Here, the document shifts to the usage of quotes and other reports to describe the powers of Hemi-Sync. Wayne employs  the analogy of a lamp versus a laser.

Left to its own devices the human mind expends energy like a lamp, in a chaotic and incoherent way, achieving lots of diffusion but relatively little depth. 

Under Hemi-Sync though, the mind produces a “disciplined stream of light.” 

So, once the frequency and amplitude of the brain are rendered coherent it can then synchronize with the rarified energy levels of the universe. 

With this connection intact, the brain begins to receive symbols and display astonishing flashes of holistic intuition. 

The Hemi-Sync technique takes advantage of a Frequency Following Response (FFR).

It works like this: an external frequency emulating a recognized one will cause the brain to mimic it.

So if a subject hears a frequency at the Theta level, it will shift from its resting Beta level. To achieve these unnatural levels, Hemi-Sync puts a single frequency in the left ear and a contrasting frequency in the right.

The brain then experiences the Delta frequency, also known as the beat frequency.

It’s more familiarly referred to these days as binaural music.

With the FFR and beat frequency phenomena firmly in place, The Gateway Process introduces a series of frequencies at marginally audible, subliminal levels. With the left brain relaxed and the body in a virtual sleep state, the conditions are ideal to promote brainwave outputs of higher and higher amplitude and frequency.

Alongside subliminal suggestions from Bob Monroe (naturally), the subject can then alter their consciousness. 

Illustration of FFR.


The Gateway system only works when the audio, which is introduced through headphones, is accompanied by a physical quietude comparable to other forms of meditation.

This increases the subject’s internal resonance to the body’s sound frequencies, for example the heart.

This eliminates the “bifurcation echo”, in which the heartbeat moves up and down the body seven times a second.

By placing the body in a sleep-like state, The Gateway Tapes, like meditation, lessen the force and frequency of the heartbeat pushing blood into the aorta.

The result is a rhythmic sine wave that in turn amplifies the sound volume of the heart three times. This then amplifies the frequency of brainwave output. The film surrounding the brain—the dura—and fluid between that film and the skull, eventually begin to move up and down, by .0005 and .010 millimeters.

The body, based on its own micro-motions, then functions as a tuned vibrational system.

The report claims that the entire body eventually transfers energy at between 6.8 and 7.5 Hertz. This matches Earth’s own energy (7 – 7.5 Hertz). The resulting wavelengths are long. They are about 40,000 kilometers in length. Which curiously also happens to be the perimeter of the planet earth.

According to Bentov, the signal can move around the world’s electrostatic field in 1/7th of a second.

To recap, the Gateway Process goes like this:  

  • Induced state of calm 
  • Blood pressure lowers 
  • Circulatory system, skeleton and other organ systems begin to vibrate at 7 – 7.5 cycles per second 
  • Increased resonance is achieved 
  • The resulting sound waves matches the electrostatic field of the earth 

The body and earth and other similarly tuned minds become a single energy continuum. 

Image from Getty Images.

Image: kovacevicmiro via Getty Images

A psycho-quantum level deeper

Wayne then turns to the very nature of matter and energy.

More materially (or less if you will), solid matter in the strict construction of the term, he explains, doesn’t exist.

The atomic structure is composed of oscillating energy grids surrounded by other oscillating energy grids at tremendous speeds.

These oscillation rates vary—the nucleus of an atom vibrates at 10 to the power of 22, a molecule vibrates at 10 to the power of 9, a human cell vibrates at 10 to the power of 3. The point is that the entire universe is one complex system of energy fields. States of matter in this conception then are merely variations in the state of energy.

The result of all these moving energies, bouncing off of energy at rest, projects a 3D mode, a pattern, called a hologram, A.K.A our reality as we experience it.

This describes the individual world-line realities. Don't get too confused.

It’s best to think of it as a 3D photograph. There’s a whole rabbit hole to go down here. Suffice it to say, the hologram that is our experience is incredibly good at depicting and recording all the various energies bouncing around creating matter. So good, in fact, that we buy into it hook, line, and sinker, going so far as to call it our “life.”

Consciousness then can be envisaged as a 3D grid system superimposed over all energy patterns, Wayne writes…

Using mathematics, each plane of the grid system can then reduce the data to a 2D form. Our binary (go/no go) minds can then process the data and compare it to other historical data saved in our memory. Our reality is then formed by comparisons. The right hemisphere of the brain acts as the primary matrix or receptor for this holographic input. The left hemisphere then compares it to other data, reducing it to its 2D form.

In keeping with our species’ commitment to exceptionalism, as far as we know humans are uniquely capable of achieving this level of consciousness. Simply, humans not only know, but we know that we know. This bestows upon us the ability to duplicate aspects of our own hologram, project them out, perceive that projection, run it through a comparison with our own memory of the hologram, measure the differences using 3D geometry, then run it through our binary system to yield verbal cognition of the self.

CIA screen grab.

Screengrab: CIA

Metallicman comment

This is very similar to the way that the consciousness moves in and out of different world-lines. It moves in a sine wave. One instance it is in a world-line, and the next it is between world-lines in the non-physical reality. We move in this similar way.

The click-out phase

Wayne then shows his cards as a true punisher, issuing, “Up to this point our discussion of the Gateway process has been relatively simple and easy to follow. Now the fun begins.”

Shots fired, Wayne.

What he’s preparing the commander reading this heady report for is the reveal—how we can use the Gateway to transcend the dimension of spacetime.

Time is a measurement of energy or force in motion; it is a measurement of change.

This is really important.

For energy to be classified as in motion, it must be confined within a vibratory pattern that can contain its motion, keeping it still. Energy not contained like this is boundary-less, and moves without limit or dimension, to infinity. This disqualifies boundary-less energy from the dimension of time because it has no rate of change.

Energy in infinity, also called “the absolute state,” is completely at rest because nothing is accelerating or decelerating it—again, no change. It therefore does not contribute to our hologram, our physical experience.

We cannot perceive it.

Now back to frequencies.

Wave oscillation occurs because a wave is bouncing between two rigid points of rest. It’s like a game of electromagnetic hot potato (the potato being the wave and the participants’ hands being the boundaries of the wave).

Without these limits, there would be no oscillation. When a wave hits one of those points of rest, just for a very brief instant, it “clicks out” of spacetime and joins infinity.

For this to occur, the speed of the oscillation has to drop below 10 the power of -33 centimeters per second. For a moment, the wave enters into a new world.

The potato simply disappears into a dimension we cannot perceive.

Theoretically speaking, if the human consciousness wave pattern reaches a high enough frequency, the “click-outs” can reach continuity.

Put another way, if the frequency of human consciousness can dip below 10 to the power of 33 centimeters per second but above a state of total rest, it can transcend spacetime.

The Gateway experience and associated Hemi-Sync technique is designed for humans to achieve this state and establish a coherent pattern of perception in the newly realized dimensions.

Image: Spectral-Design via Getty Images

Passport to the hologram

In theory, we can achieve the above at any time.

The entire process though is helped along if we can separate the consciousness from our body. It’s like an existential running head start where the click-out of a consciousness already separated from its body starts much closer to, and has more time to dialogue with, other dimensions.

This is where things get a little slippery; hold on as best you can.

The universe is in on the whole hologram thing, too, Wayne writes. This super hologram is called a “torus” because it takes the shape of a fuck-off massive self-contained spiral.

Give yourself a moment to let the above motion sink in…

This pattern of the universe conspicuously mirrors the patterns of electrons around the nucleus of an atom. Galaxies north of our own are moving away from us faster than the galaxies to the south; galaxies to the east and west of us are more distant. The energy that produced the matter that makes up the universe we presently enjoy, will turn back in on itself eventually. Its trajectory is ovoid, also known as the cosmic egg. As it curls back on itself it enters a black hole, goes through a densely packed energy nucleus then gets spat out the other side of a white hole and begins the process again. Springtime in the cosmos, baby!

Screen grab from the CIA.

Screengrab: CIA

The entire universe hologram—the torus—represents all the phases of time: the past, present, and future.

The takeaway is that human consciousness brought to a sufficiently altered (focused) state could obtain information about the past, present, and future, since they all live in the universal hologram simultaneously.

Wayne reasons that our all-reaching consciousness eventually participates in an all-knowing infinite continuum.

Long after we depart the space-time dimension and the hologram each one of us perceives is snuffed out, our consciousness continues. Reassuring in a way.

And that is the context in which the Gateway Experience sits.

The Technique

The following is an outline of the key steps to reach focus levels necessary to defy the spacetime dimension. This is an involved and lengthy process best attempted in controlled settings.

If you’re in a rush, you can apparently listen to enough Monroe Institute Gateway Tapes in 7 days to get there.

The Energy Conversion Box: The Gateway Process begins by teaching the subject to isolate any extraneous concerns using a visualization process called “the energy conversion box.”

Resonant Humming: The individual is introduced to resonant humming. Through the utterance of a protracted single tone, alongside a chorus on the tapes, the mind and body achieve a state of resonance.

The Gateway Affirmation: The participant is exposed to something close to a mantra called The Gateway Affirmation  . They must repeat to themselves variations of, “I am merely a physical body and deeply desire to expand my consciousness.”

Hemi-Sync: The individual is finally exposed to the Hemi-Sync sound frequencies, and encouraged to develop a relationship with the feelings that emerge.

Additional Noise: Physical relaxation techniques are practiced while the Hemi-Sync frequencies are expanded to include “pink and white” noise. This puts the body in a state of virtual sleep, while calming the left hemisphere and raising the attentiveness of the right hemisphere.Advertisement

The Energy Balloon: The individual is then encouraged to visualize the creation of an “energy balloon” beginning at the top of the head, extending down in all directions to the feet then back up again. There are a few reasons for this, the main one being that this balloon will provide protection against conscious entities possessing lower energy levels that he or she may encounter when in the out-of-body state.

Focus 12: The practitioner can consistently achieve sufficient expanded awareness to begin interacting with dimensions beyond their physical reality. To achieve this state requires conscious efforts and more “pink and white noise” from the sound stream.

Tools: Once Focus 12 is achieved, the subject can then employ a series of tools to obtain feedback from alternative dimensions.

Problem Solving: The individual identifies fundamental problems, fills their expanded awareness with them, and then projects them out into the universe. These can include personal difficulties, as well as technical or practical problems.

Patterning: Consciousness is used to achieve desired objectives in the physical, emotional, or intellectual sphere.

Color Breathing: A healing technique that revitalizes the body’s energy flows by imagining colors in a particularly vivid manner.

Energy Bar Tool: This technique involves imagining a small intensely pulsating dot of light that the participant charges up. He or she then uses the sparkling, vibrating cylinder of energy (formerly known as the dot) to channel forces from the universe to heal and revitalize the body.

Remote Viewing: A follow-on technique of the Energy Bar Tool where the dot is turned into a whirling vortex through which the individual sends their imagination in search of illuminating insights.

Living Body Map: A more organized use of the energy bar in which streams of different colors flow from the dot on to correspondingly-colored bodily systems.

Seven days of training have now occurred. Approximately 5 percent of participants get to this next level, according to the report.

Focus 15 – Travel Into the Past: Additional sound on the Hemi-Sync tapes includes more of the same, plus some subliminal suggestions to further expand the consciousness. The instructions are highly symbolic: time is a huge wheel, in which different spokes give access to the participant’s past.

Focus 21 – The Future: This is the last and most advanced state. Like Focus 15, this is a movement out of spacetime into the future.

Out-of-Body Movement: Only one tape of the many is devoted to out-of-body movement. This tape is devoted to facilitating out-of-body state when the participant’s brain wave patterns and energy levels reach harmony with the surrounding electromagnetic environment. According to Bob Monroe, the participant has to be exposed to Beta signals of around 2877.3 cycles per second.


Wayne expresses concern about the fidelity of information brought back from out-of-body states using the Gateway technique. Practical applications are of particular concern because of the potential for “information distortion.” 

The Monroe Institute also ran into a bunch of issues in which they had individuals travel from the West to the East Coast of the U.S. to read a series of numbers off of a computer screen. They never got them exactly right. Wayne chalks this up to the trouble of differentiating between physical entities and extra-time-space dimensions when in the out-of-body state.

Wayne swings back to support mode though, lending credence to the physics foundation of the report. He cites multiple belief systems that have established identical findings. These include the Tibetan Shoug, the Hindu heaven of Indra, the Hebrew mystical philosophy, and the Christian concept of the Trinity.  Here he seems more interested in hammering home the  theoretical underpinnings that make The Gateway Experience possible, rather than  the practical possibilities promised by The Gateway Tapes.

Possibly with his CIA top brass audience in mind, Wayne then gives an A-type nod to The Gateway Experience for providing a faster, more efficient, less subservient, energy-saving route to expanded consciousness. This finishes with a series of recommendations to the CIA for how to exploit Gateway’s potential for national defense purposes.

The missing page

One curious feature of The Gateway Report is that it seems to be missing page 25. It’s a real cliffhanger too. The bottom of page 24 reads “And, the eternal thought or concept of self which results from this self-consciousness serves the,” The report picks back up on page 26 and 3 sections later as if Wayne hadn’t just revealed the very secret of existence. 

The gap has not gone unnoticed. There’s a petition requesting its release. Multiple Freedom of Information Act requests have demanded the same. In all cases, the CIA has said they never had the page to begin with. Here’s a 2019 response from Mark Lilly, the CIA’s Information and Privacy Coordinator, to one Bailey Stoner regarding these records: 

One theory goes that that rascal Wayne M.-fricking-McDonnell left the page out on purpose. The theory contends that it was a litmus test—if anyone truly defies time-space dimensions, they’ll certainly be able to locate page 25.

Quick notes

This is an introductory post to this subject. I will include better, more “meaty” posts subsequent to this. I will also include the Hemi-Sync audio tracks that the MM reader can experiment with.

Do you want more?

This post starts it’s own sub-Index. Within this index will be (or are) a collection of audio files (in either MP3 or FLAC formats) for your personal use, adventures and exploration. Free.

I have more posts like this in my World-Line Travel Index

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BlueNarwhal comments on Remote Viewing, intention, world-lines, and the MWI on Metallicman

You guys realize that MM is not as popular or as well-promoted as such “big names” as Politico, MSN, Time, Newsweek, Rush Limbaugh, Drudge report or any other American media outlets. It’s that way for a reason. Well, maybe a couple of reasons, eh? But that doesn’t mean that we don’t have a readership. We do. And we have some pretty impressive readers with some pretty impressive credentials that follow us from time to time and throw out their “two cents”.

One such influencer is BlueNarwhal.

This fellow has an interesting point of view concerning some of the MM writings and I would like to expose the rest of the readership to his words and thoughts. Who knows, maybe he’ll end up being a contributor?

What is Remote viewing

I haven’t covered any Remote Viewing activity in terms of the MWI, simply because I am not an expert in it. All I have done is read a few books on it, and maybe practiced a time or two. But that’s just about it.

According to the “mainstream internet” / “mainstream media” it’s pseudoscience.

Remote Viewing
Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly "sensing" with the mind. Remote viewing experiments have historically been criticized for lack of proper controls and repeatability. There is no scientific evidence that remote viewing exists, and the topic of remote viewing is generally regarded as pseudoscience.


But I can tell you that this “pseudoscience” is well funded by the United States and Russian governments. It is used by Bankers, and in American Industry, and has a track record of success that shows a sizable and significant record of success.

Remote viewing is defined as the ability to acquire accurate information about a distant or non-local place, person or event without using your physical senses or any other obvious means. It’s associated with the idea of clairvoyance, seemingly being able to spontaneously know something without actually knowing how you got the information. It is also sometimes called “anomalous cognition” or “second sight.”

Many of us experience this from time to time as an intuitive flash of insight that turns out to be correct. Many well-known entrepreneurs and business people, like George Soros, Conrad Hilton, Thomas Alva Edison and Akio Morita, the co-founder of Sony, have attributed their business success to this ability. And we’ve all seen natural psychics perform seemingly amazing feats of mental skill on TV.

The difference between natural psychic receptivity and remote viewing is that the latter is a trained skill, a controlled process, that the average person can learn to do, to some degree or another.

The CIA uses Remote Viewing

Money and resources were given by the Central Intelligence Agency to Stanford Research Institute (SRI), located on the campus of Stanford University at the time, to test the possibility of remote viewing. The goal was to disprove that psychic functioning was real. No one wanted it to exist. It was the last thing that the military establishment wanted to worry about, especially if it was a new Soviet threat.

Physicists Russell Targ and Hal Putoff working at SRI were tasked with determining whether Extrasensory Perception (ESP) and related phenomena were real or not. Targ and Putoff set about to locate some natural psychics and test them. Their first subject was artist, psychic and scientist Ingo Swann of New York City who had demonstrated an ability to accurately “remote view” weather in various American cities. He had published some articles about ESP and also psychokinesis, the ability to mentally affect distant objects, when he worked with researcher Gertrude Schmeidler of City College, New York and the American Society for Psychical Research.

Ingo Swann - Consciousness Researcher | Ingo Swann

INGO SWANN (September 14, 1933 January 31, 2013) was internationally known as an advocate and researcher of the exceptional powers of the human mind, and as a leading figure in governmental and scientific projects to investigate and identify the scope of subtle human perceptions.

Working with Schmeidler, Swann had shown that he could affect the temperature of thermistors sealed in insulated thermos canisters twenty-five feet away from him.

A thermistor is a a sensor that measures temperature. Swann was able to raise the temperature of the region around the thermistor and cause the readings on the computer to change.

At a friend’s request, Swann sent his published findings to Putoff, who asked Swann to come to SRI and demonstrate his abilities. The first thing they had Swann do was to see if he could affect a super sensitive, electromagnetically shielded quark detector buried five feet underground in a cement floor.

Every time Putoff asked Swann to think about the detector (used to detect subatomic particles), the readings from the device would noticeably deviate from the baseline readings. Putoff was convinced that Swann had special abilities and so the program to test and develop remote viewing began.

At first they had Swann view objects in a box: this was a practice he was good at but quickly became bored with. Swann said to them: “I can view anything in the universe, this is a trivialization of my abilities.”

Remote Viewing physical locations by GPS coordinates

A few days later he came up with a new way to do remote viewing: viewing map coordinates.

Targ and Putoff went out and bought the biggest atlas they could find at the local book store. The would pull coordinates off of the map, and write them down on paper inside a sealed envelope. Then give the envelope to the remote viewer.

The Swann’s coordinate map viewing turned out to be a big success.

Of course, not everyone believed that is was truly possible. A critic at the Central Intelligence Agency suggested that maybe he had memorized the entire global map.


Swann went on to use randomly chosen numerical coordinates to view randomly selected events, people and structures around the planet. He performed equally well using this coordinate-based viewing system.

Swann coined to term “remote viewing” to describe the process though you can question whether the information is actually remote to the viewer or whether the process is entirely visual.

Some people are more sensitive to auditory, kinesthetic or other types of sensory information and few viewers actually “see” the target very clearly. Nonetheless, the name stuck and was sufficient to convince the intelligence agencies to fund the project.

Other viewers were also tasked to help Targ and Putoff understand remote viewing.

Pat Price

Pat Price, a former police commissioner from Burbank, CA also proved to be an excellent viewer. Price used his own system to view where he actually imagined that he was at the distant target site. His results were so good that the Central Intelligence Agency hired him to work for them directly.

Pat Price was one of the most skilled  of the U.S. government’s remote-viewers of the 1970s. He was someone  who regularly used his psychic abilities to spy on hostile nations for  various military and intelligence departments. There is very little  doubt that Price would have continued with his work had death not intervened  in a very strange (and even sinister) way. Price passed away on July  14, 1975. It was, however, the nature of his death that was so  disturbing of all. Just a few days before his untimely death, Price had a  number of covert rendezvous’ with a variety of agents of the National  Security Agency. Also, with personnel from the Office of Naval  Intelligence. The meetings were initiated to determine if Price would be  willing to undertake remote-viewing operations for both agencies. Price  was gung-ho for both projects. In no time at all, the operations began.

Just a few days after the meetings, Price flew out of Washington, D.C.  His destination: he first took a flight to Salt Lake City, and then onto  Sin City itself: Las Vegas. We may never know for sure if Price  suspected that his life was in danger. The fact is, however, that with  all of this top secret work being undertaken for U.S. intelligence,  Price became concerned about his safety to at least a certain degree. To  the extent that the purpose of the flight to have over some important,  sensitive documents to a friend; just in case anything were to happen to  him. It was in the afternoon of July 13 that Price checked into Vegas’  Stardust Hotel. All was going good. That is, until it wasn’t. As he  approached the desk to check-in, a man walked straight into Price.  It was a violent collision. He felt a shooting pain in his leg, as if  he had been hit with a needle. With hindsight, that may very well have  been what happened. In near-quick time, Price started to feel ill and  decided to lay down and take a nap. But, not before handed over those  precious documents.

A few hours later, and still not feeling so good, Price met with several friends for dinner. There was something on his mind. Not only did Price tell them about the collision in the lobby just a few hours earlier, but he also confided in them that while he was in Washington, D.C. just a little more than a day earlier, he had seen someone slip something in his coffee. Having seen this chilling, covert action occur, Price left the coffee well alone and exited the restaurant quickly. As for the evening at the Stardust Hotel, it wasn’t going to well. In fact, not at all. Price cut the dinner meeting short and went back to his room.

Around 5:00 a.m. the next day, Price woke up in significant  physical distress. His breathing was not right. He had severe cramps in  his back and stomach and he was sweating profusely. He called his  friend who had those important papers, who quickly raced to Price’s  room. A doctor was about to be called when Price began to convulse.  Then, he went into cardiac arrest. Despite the best efforts of  paramedics, who were quickly on the scene, and who managed to briefly  kick-start his heart, it was all to no avail. Price was soon dead.  It  is a fact that Price had heart disease. With that in mind, his death  could have been due to wholly natural causes and nothing else at all.  But, we cannot – and should not – forget the fact that Price had seen  someone surreptitiously slip something into his coffee, just a couple of  days earlier. Then there was the matter of the potentially suspicious  collision in the lobby of the Stardust Hotel in Vegas. To this day, the  death of Pat Price – almost certainly the work of an overseas, hostile  nation – is still discussed in hushed tones where the conspiratorial  lurk.

-Mysterious Universe

Joe McMoneagle

Back East, another natural viewer Joe McMoneagle, also known as “Remote Viewer No. 1,” worked directly with the U.S. Army and the Defense Intelligence Agency. He was also tested and found to have amazing abilities to describe and sketch distant locations. Upon retirement, McMoneagle was awarded a Legion of Merit award, in part, for his five years of remote viewing missions for the military and various government agencies.

Joseph McMoneagle is a former US Army soldier who played a leading role as a 'remote viewer' in the Star Gate psychic spying program run by American military and intelligence organizations until the 1990s. Since retiring from the military he has continued his activities in the private sector. He gives talks and public demonstrations, and has published several books.

-PSI Encyclopedia 

Swann’s 6-stage RV system

However, Swann was able to describe, with great precision, what he was doing with his mind and attention as he was viewing, an ability other viewers did not have. This allowed him to come up with a 6-stage system that could be taught to anyone, including you or me.

It became known as CRV: Coordinate (or Controlled) Remote Viewing.

Controlled Remote Viewing an introduction and explanation
Controlled Remote Viewing
The Six Stages of Controlled Remote Viewing CRV was first called “coordinate remote viewing” because it used geographic coordinates instead of outbounder “beacon” teams to focus the viewer on the target. Years later, Ingo Swann changed the term “coordinate” remote viewing to “controlled” remote viewing.

Swann’s CRV system is based on separating out signal from noise in your mind as you are viewing.

All the information is recorded during a session, but the viewer puts the noise in a different place on the paper than the signal. At the end of the session, you can separate them from one another.

The method became the basis of the remote viewing protocols that the U.S. army taught to several groups of viewers. The program lasted until 1995 when it was declassified; about $20 million was spent over the two decades.

Controlled Remote Viewing

a. Remote Viewing (RV): The name of a method of psychoenergetic perception. A term coined by SRI-International and defined as “the acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding, or time.” b. Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV): The process of remote viewing using geographic coordinates for cueing or prompting.

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR)

During this time, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR) at Princeton University, run by Bob Jahn and Brenda Dunn, also conducted twenty years of research into remote viewing and so-called “micro-psychokinesis” with experiments on the effect of human intention on Random Number Generators (RNGs).

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research

The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program, which flourished for nearly three decades under the aegis of Princeton University's School of Engineering and Applied Science, has completed its experimental agenda of studying the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes, and developing complementary theoretical models to …

They found that, looking at the cumulative results of hundreds of thousands of trials, that their subjects could influence about 2 or 3 events per 10,000 random coin flips seemingly moving the device away from true randomness in an inexplicable way.

The odds of these results being by chance were an astonishing 375 trillion to one.

The Technique – opening the aperture

When someone asks you to describe something, you normally proceed to name what you’re perceiving using nouns and symbols. Remote viewing is just the opposite. You begin by describing your perceptions without trying to identify anything about what they mean or what the larger picture is. You begin with basic gestalts: fundamental, general components of the target site like whether it’s manmade or living or natural. You then proceed to basic colors, smells, temperatures, shapes and sizes.

Only after you’ve been describing the target for a while can you proceed to more specific ideas and possibly names, nouns and more analytical types of information.

In this you way, Swan would say that you are opening the aperture of your perception, slowly and resisting the temptation to draw conclusions about what you are viewing.

Our minds are always attempting to draw conclusions from what we’ve perceiving at any given moment, but because you have no conscious, physical information to work from in RV, you’re almost always likely to be wrong if you do so. Which brings us to one of the great paradoxes of RV: the fainter the perception, the more likely it is to be accurate and the less likely you are to feel confident in that perception.

In other words, the more confident you are about your psychic perceptions during the session, the less likely those perceptions are to be correct! And the less confident you feel, the more likely it is that your perceptions are right on. How’s that for a paradox?

Good remote viewers learn to trust the feelings of uncertainty and ambiguity they get while doing a session.

Someone familiar with the military viewing program said that if a viewer finished a session and said with confidence “I nailed it!,” that viewer’s session would be thrown in the garbage. A good session is one in which the viewer has no idea what they’ve been doing or whether it’s accurate or not.

This is very different from the way our educational system, which stresses linear and rational thinking, trains us to deal with acquiring and processing information. And believe me, it takes some time to get used it.

Eventually, you see the benefits:

  • You learn to trust your intuition more and don’t necessarily need to rationalize everything before you take action.
  • You become more spontaneous which can often be a good thing if you’re used to over-thinking things in your life.

When the RV program was declassified, one of the two people asked to evaluate the program was statistician Jessica Utts, the head of the American Statistical Association at the time of this writing. She concluded:

“Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. 

Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC (another government sponsored think tank) have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud.”

And researcher Dean Radin, doing very complex meta-analyses using the results of many studies about psychic perception over many decades, came to the same conclusion.

Looking at the entire population, not just trained viewers, RV is a weak effect, about four to eight percent higher than expected if we were only using our physical senses to gather information: yet, it’s consistently there in everyone.

How Does Remote Viewing Work?

So RV is scientifically proven to work. But how? What’s going inside the viewer’s body and mind? How do they access far away information with such great accuracy? You can pick your favorite explanation but the truth is, no one knows for sure. But my feeling is shared with others in that it has something to do with resonance, vibration and frequency.

Right brain thinking tends to be free flowing, intuitive and descriptive while left brain thinking is more analytical, linear and symbolic. Good remote viewers learn to distinguish their own left and right-brain thinking. They’re good at discerning the difference between the two and can separate signal from noise. Remote viewing tends to be more more accessible to the right-brain type. If you have artistic tendencies, can play music and have an ear for sound, are creative, and / or who are very spiritual as opposed to religious you would probably excel in Remote Viewing.

Picking Up Signals Through Vibrational Resonance

Where does the information come from? Well, if you look around the space wherever you are at the moment, the air will seem empty: you can’t see the air with your eyes. But you also know that it’s filled with electromagnetic information from cell phone signals, radio waves, TV signals, etc. So empty space can be filled with information coming to you from distance. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

That information is coming to you through a type of vibrational resonance that fills space-time.

When you have a receiver that is tuned to the frequency of those signals, you’ll pick them up. All you need to do after that is to amplify the signal. Remote viewing doesn’t necessarily amplify the signal of what you’re viewing, but it does teach you how to reduce your own mental noise, your monkey mind.

What is the Farsight Institute

Since the CIA have been using this system for decades and has documented successes, the private industry has (often) decided to use the techniques, and skilled RV observers for their own purposes. And thus organizations have materialized that provide this service. The Farsight Institute is one such organization.

The Farsight Institute is a nonprofit research and educational organization that is dedicated to understanding the remote-viewing phenomenon itself through the process of scientific experimentation. 

It is our belief that a more complete understanding of the remote-viewing phenomenon will have collateral benefits to much of science and society. 

Due to how the remote-viewing phenomenon manifests in controlled experiments, the remote-viewing phenomenon appears to be based on quantum-processes. 

Much of the research done at The Farsight Institute blends theories of quantum mechanics with interpretations of experimental remote-viewing data. This has lead to new insights into the remote-viewing phenomenon as well as the nature of time and physical reality. 

For example, new research indicates that alternate futures actually do exist, and that the past exists simultaneously with the present. 

New research also suggests that information transfer across time does not require enormous energy consumption that would be associated with worm hole singularities. These questions are among the most profound addressed by science today.

-The FarSight Institute


With all that introductory information out of the way…

Some introductory stuff on BlueNarwhal.

Just a little bit. Here’s the (edited) text to MM from BlueNarwhal…

I have had an interesting history in studying in some rather great detail everything on JT especially the physics, and then again everything with the drone affair.

I am assuming that he is referring to JT gravity. And (of course) he is referring to CARET when he mentions the “drone affair“.

I spent maybe a half year developing some implications of theory about how the glyphs actually function and felt I was starting to translate.  

When he refers to the “glyphs” he is referring to the “language” used on the CARET drones. And while the language is similar to that of what I have been exposed to in the programming of my EBP, there are differences.

Some amazing breakthroughs have come from that disclosure all of which I realized for the most part I needed to keep quiet.  

I lived right where those sightings happened LoL.  

And then there’s my 20 years of work in Remote viewing being good friends with s few of the greats there - I focused a lot remote viewing future tech for clients.  Worked with Pru, and good friends with many of her team.  She shuttered her $8m per year RV commercial business (amazing stories in there) because TPTB ... 

TPTB = “The Powers That Be”.

...(they) started a heavy target hijacking and remote influence attempts on her team of 15 viewers she had hand picked from thousands she had trained.

And she is the subject of a major resources debunking after London Sunday  Times cover story! Websites like pruwatch! 

She was a large scale magnet physicist before that.  Courtney is a long time acquaintance too.  Just all really good folks in truth. I love them all. 

Luckily for me I have always been outside that fray. But that does not mean that it doesn’t go on. Most of the things that occur in our world and within our reality is unknown and completely transparent to the general population.

I would be in a <redacted> and eating at a restaurant there. And I would see other engineers and scientists come in during lunch break. They would have their name badges and I would casually over hear snippets. People talked and chatted about stuff using the arcane language of scientists, and defense contractors, and while others might not have a clue as to what they were discussing… but I would.

For all of us, it’s no “big deal”.

And of course, the mainstream media “news” would be about some “expert” proving that some photograph of a blurry UFO was a hoax. Yeah. It’s like that.

... anyway, again all of your words not only ring true but actually change the person reading it.

It has been so utterly refreshing, validating, delightful and yes heartwarming because I can sense the absolutely wonderful nature of who you are, in the spiritually lovely person so it is an honor to read your words indeed.  It’s like drinking clean fresh pure water, thank you!  

Yes. I blushed when I read this. But we all like validation.

Yah funny you are of course just an nice average human being like me - who has a few really special skills and is really just working to have a wonderful life! 

Yeah fate has decided you were ready to live up to some future legacy and be a anchor exemplar establishing certain influence factors of evolutionary value - and why not!? 

What I think I like best about your writing is you have maintained a true service to others template expression so yeah you are kinda special but I can say that because I simply know to ain’t goin to yer noggin - your just sweet family man and right on for that!!

Again, I love this validation.

Remote Viewing in the MWI

Ok here’s what I wrote yesterday reflecting on what you have said in the context of my communications about this w Courtney at farsight...

So BlueNarwhal was discussing the MWI as it pertains to Remote viewing with Courtney at the Farsight Institute.

Working hypothesis: 
Predictive remote viewer naturally quantum-couples or entangles their viewing range to be occur across multiple proximal world line probability trajectories in the multiverse.

I have no problems with this. In fact, this hypothesis is well stated and agrees with all my posts and articles in my Prayer / Intention Index. Here, however he is saying that the use of Remote Viewing is like a special “radar” that targets high-probability trajectories (vectors) in the MWI. Here we illustrate a remote viewing exercise of an observer of his/her future.

It is difficult to determine what the future will be. As everything is based up probabilities. So any kind of Remote Viewing activity will result in multiple targets depending on the situation and conditions imposed. In general, what we see is that Remote Viewing is like a “radar” that scans the world-line template surface for a region of highest probability (given the conditions specified). It looks something like this.
Outlier world line target coupling by RVers occurs simply due to the collateral quantum attractive influence that higher relative disruptive novelty factors exert on selected souls and consciousnesses.

e.g. a group of top viewers all view a disaster scenario that never happens in the world line from which the viewers viewed.  

Yet it clearly happened in some nearby world line of greater variance to our own.

This is a very interesting perspective. This is something that I have not paid attention to. It is the idea that nearby world lines might possess more “novelty” to the Remote Viewer. It could be more “attractive” and thus dominate the viewing “radar”.

Consider this…

The most attractive RV targets.
Within a remote viewing target, there is an area of most likely, or highest probability world-lines. We argue that there is a bias to the more interesting world-lines.
Some of these influences can be injected into remote viewing sessions. 

This is due to the idea that individual remote viewers couple with targets via universal quantum field or “soul intelligence”. 

This target coupling process can allow insertion of universal intent to bias the remote viewer to couple with a more novel world line but less likely or even unlikely the mutual world line viewers are viewing from.

This explanation suggests that bias of the observer (the Remote Viewer) influences his / her ability to target properly.

This bias, of course, isn’t just interest of a personal nature, but also includes pre-disposition “programming” by the soul prior to injection onto the Pre-Birth World-Line template. Which is, of course, tied into the universal quantum field.

Universal Intent Coupling

This seems to a form of universal intent coupling with (a) conscious individual.

Interesting wording.

I would agree with this appraisal. Only that I refer to it with the very clumsy name “Pre-Birth World-Line Template“. Or in other words, perhaps the desire or natural inclination of a consciousness to view certain types, kinds or relative magnitudes of world-line possibilities (within the RV target coordinates) is a primary characteristic of the Pre-Birth World-Line Template.

Not just in geography, but in the way that the body thinks, feels and behaves.

This seems to a form of universal intent coupling with (a) conscious individual.

Again, could the ability to Remote View a place, an action, a person at another time is due to the “intent coupling” with another individual at that target coordinate? Or, not even a different person. Perhaps the same person as the Remote Viewer observer. Just viewing their knowledge and understanding at another time or another place…

But what if…

…if the person, thought streams, or target environment is in error? Suppose that you, back in 1982 remote viewed 2020. What would you see?

  • A Real Estate mogul as President.
  • Many protests everywhere.
  • Some people wearing masks.
  • News discussing how bad China is.

How would it manifest to a Remote Viewer as an observer of the events?

  • Crowds cheering.
  • Sad people wearing masks.
  • Some general images of China.
  • Riot police.

What would you conclude?

This is a bias. A bias associated with the nature of the “intent coupling” activity.

The effect is to widen the multiple world line range of consideration aperture...

... to provide high value insight about probabilities on other world lines...

... about similar lurking but unmanifest novel high impact eventualities for the viewer world line. 

This is a very interesting observation.

I broke the sentence down into manageable bites for digestive autopsy, and to make fine MM points of interest.

Essentially, he is saying that the process of “intent coupling” with the thoughts, items, situation, or personalities at the target area opens up the target area, not narrows it down. And that the reason for this seems to be the bias associated with the mechanism used in “intent coupling”.

He says that this is a good thing. Because it provides us insight into the geography of the World-Line Template.

Differences in targeting with the same target objectives.
The differences in observed Remote Viewed targets as a function of two different observers who both share the same target objectives. Simplified for illustration purposes.
Could universal intent (being entangled for target coupling by remote viewers) be making individual intent see outcomes that might happen but likely won’t? 

I would argue, YES.

We live in a universe where our manifested world-lines are based on thoughts that hit most probable targets. Sure, my pizza could conceivable grow legs and do a tap-dance before it jumps into my mouth, but that result is highly unlikely.

Instead, the most probable outcome, if you plop a pizza in front of me, is that I would get a slice and eat it.

I do not know if the geography of world-lines outside of our most probable world-lines that lie on our life-line path has any relevance. The only issue and aspect to this (and the only exception) is how these other world-lines affect the “quantum shadows” of the people that surround us that their “parent” consciousnesses that inhabit them.

Which was, as best that I can vocalize, what my role was in regards to our benefactors point of view. As a “dimensional anchor” I was able to “lasso” adjacent world-line trajectories to avoid mass catastrophes that are a typical result of the mass manipulation of people through use of media.

Improving sensing ability

While working with universal intent sentient within the multiverse quantum super field...

... encompassing all our souls and individual quantum clouds, 

... there is no issue with requesting super sentience...

... to limit target viewing hits ...

... to only the higher probability outcomes for the present world line in which the viewers reside. 

Another interesting consideration. You can use intention / prayer communication, whether or not it is part of a campaign or not to communicate to your “higher self” …

… or as I believe, to program your brain to direct your probing thoughts and senses toward specific awareness profiles. And, in so doing, improve your targeting ability.

Using different awareness profiles
You can use different awareness profiles; either differing statements of targeting intent, or even different people to assist narrowing down the target coordinates.
Universal intent is certainly willing to limit targeting to single world line...

... or widen the reception aperture to proximal cluster of most probable but yet alternate world lines relative to an anchor referential consciousnesses.

It does seem that way.

Target Identification

Another different possibility is that remote viewing “picking up signals” of a proximal relative cluster of world lines...

... is likely only possible because remote viewers are evolving souls and consciousness themselves.  

And despite their proclivity for rationally limiting future probabilities viewing to the world line in which they reside, multiple world lines will be viewed. 

Picking up signals. Yes whatever is received by the remote viewer will be colored by the knowledge and experiences of the observer.

For instance, an observer who has never been to China would have a difficult time imagining China as it is today. With everyone paying using QR instead of paper money, where High Speed Travel is the norm and preferred over aircraft, where even the tiniest town has 40-story tall sky-scrapers. Where everyone wears masks even when it is not required. Where fifth graders can speak both English and Chinese while they study their calculus.

Shanghai, China.
Most Americans have absolutely no concept as to what China is today.


An American who is remote viewing modern China, say from the perspective of 1983, would be unable to comprehend that what he is seeing is actually China. And perhaps, maybe, would discard the images as perhaps representative of Japan or another date in a far-away future.

These are limitations that we have to deal with. You only know what you know. And thus remote viewing things that are beyond our own personal experience would be too alien to us to interpret properly.

The viewers themselves, as do human beings in general, possess individually, in groups and even globally possess the natural ability to shift/move/migrate to different world lines.  

The quantum wave field of the soul focuses consciousness on inhabiting a physical embodiment existing in nearby variant world lines that furthers soul growth.  
 This is in turn depends on their in-body own associated outside influences, their own resonant thoughts, feelings, core beliefs and choices that normally bias target coupling to that which holds the greatest growth value for the viewer alone, unless they alter the target description to anchor its viewing parameters to exclude world line coupling that is less likely for the anchoring set of consciousnesses.


If there are proximity world-lines, even outside that of the target area, that are more familiar to the observer, it would be a natural proclivity of the observer to migrate to those world-line influences that are easier to relate to (based on their personal experiences).

But change is part of growth. For our soul to grow and expand the consciousness it must experience the uncomfortable and novel world-lines, and if they lie on the path in our future they might be difficult to observe.

Certainly the Incas might have had a difficult time picturing the Spanish Galleons that lay at anchor off their beaches.

But what of this?

What of cross talk between different world-lines? What if wildly divergent world-lines reside in “close proximity” to your world-line template, and their novelty (no matter how strange) could alter your attention and sensing ability?

Woman in the red dress.
“The woman in the red dress” a scene from the Movie “The Matrix”. Our focus and our observation is drawn to that which appeals to us or that which we can clam is novel, of interest, or more interesting that the most probably reality that is within the target area.
On analyzing this particular scene in The Matrix, it becomes clear that the woman in red is a deliberate distraction, a simulated character who is a part of the Agent training program. While the woman appears harmless, she wears a vibrant shade of red in order to distract trainees, triggering what's known as the "red dress effect" - a phenomenon where women wearing red are perceived to be more attractive and open to sexual advances than those in plain colors.

The Matrix: What the Woman in the Red Dress Really Means

Let’s talk about world-line cross-talk

The result is remote viewing in any single timeline easily gets crosstalk from other multiverse proximal timelines.  

I argue that cross-talk is a natural, and a fundamental aspect of our reality.

Cross-talk illustration.

But how does the subtle influences manifest?

Let’s look at 2020. I argue that the entire world “missed a bullet”. That the President and his team of neocons were Hell-bent on attacking China in a “hot war”, and knowing China (& Russia) as I do, this would be a very brief and (to Americans) surprising nuclear exchange.

It was something like this…


I could write a ton-load of information on world-line cross-talk, and perhaps I will. But for now, keep things simple. There is no such thing as isolation. Either for consciousness or for world-lines. We are all connected and the purpose of our consciousness within this reality IS TO MAKE entangled associations.

Using this understanding to improve Remote Viewing capabilities and targeting

OK. Consider this…

If proven, this may predict targeting protocols with means...

... to bind multiverse RV target coupling range...

... to viewing only the most probable eventuality for the timeline...

... in which the remote viewer originates the session, 

... thereby filtering the quantum coupling multiverse range...

... to the most novel punctuated variations across a cluster of intersecting world lines. 

Using this knowledge and carefully improving the targeting protocols we should be able to not only [1] improve the targeting ability, but also we should be able to [2] begin to understand and even describe the near-by world-lines that will influence the ones that our trajectories will bypass.

Mapping the MWI.

There is a lot of work that needs to go into this exploration of the MWI, but I personally believe that it is worth it.

Some Ideas

There are all sorts of ways to accomplish this, once we recognize that our reality is the MWI, and not some kind of shared “universe” as it is conventionally taught.

For example, one may find some means to construct the RV target description to...

... effectively limit multi-timeline target coupling ... only the most large population probable common future for a selected anchor subjects....

... in the timeline as of the session or as of an identified target date.

By realizing the true and realistic nature of the MWI, we can greatly increase our ability to target future and past events along specific shared or specific world-line trajectories. As opposed to say…

…assuming that we all share the same universe and everything that is viewed is shared and experienced by everyone.

Other ideas…

However, taskers for remote viewers can design target descriptions to block receptive coupling to less than large selected sample group collective likelihoods.  

This couples the target range to a more commonly desired and likely world line so that predictive RV sessions entangle only relative to and biased from the selected baseline group of anchor parties.  

It effects a proximal world line variance clamping function to block entanglement with less likely outcomes for this present world line.  

Other ideas and comments…

World line entanglement blocking prevents viewer intermediaries drifting towards natural attraction of more novel world lines, 

...regardless of present world line probability momentum and mass habitation factors. 

It simply works to exclude less likely world line outcomes relative to an anchor reference group of persons or beings to thereby yield more likely valid predictive data for the present world line. 


Using MM for creative discussion and information transfer.

“Free talk” and brainstorming is a great way for everyone to learn from each other. For me, I don’t have that much knowledge about remote viewing, but I do understand the MWI as far as my role was codified. By working together, we can improve the techniques, the technologies, the results for all. And perhaps, just perhaps, save the earth and make it a better place for all of us to live within.

The Ukraine on our world-line and within our world-line template…

Post-Soviet countries look worse than ever. There are no drastic changes happening, so cityscapes are clogged with handmade balconies and other outbuildings, messy advertising, and ugly signs.


Imagine what would happen if we, as a species, worked together to address the haphazard trajectories that we live upon. Consider what our reality would start to look like. Consider what we can do, should do, and how we can begin.

The Ukraine on a different world-line template and upon a different vector direction.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Prayer / Intention Campaign Index here…

Intention Campaigns

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The mystery of the sunken Newfoundland armada.

One of my all time, favorite, websites is “Ancient Origins“. There, resides a repository of hundreds, if not thousands of articles, stories and editorials written by real experts in the fields of archaeology, sociology, anthropology, and the sciences. And their articles are interesting and fascinating, and I could read them for hours and hours, and hours.

During the reign of China’s Yongle Emperor in 1403, an imperial order was issued to begin the construction of a fleet of super-ships – vessels vastly bigger than anything ever seen before. Officially called Xiafan Guanjun (‘The Foreign Expeditionary Armada’), the behemoth boats would become better known as the Ming Empire’s treasure ships.

I’ve been wanting to reprint a few articles to MM, but haven’t had the time. I’ve chosen this beauty. And of course, It’ is reprinted exactly as found and all credit to the author. I only changed the formatting to fit this venue. This article can be found HERE, and I strongly urge the interested reader to bookmark this site and visit if often. It, like MM, has things that you will not find anywhere else, and that makes it precious.

Metallicaman Introduction

One of the things that really irks me is the statist belief that the entire American continent was populated by nomadic people from Asia that tromped over the Bering Straight on a “land bridge” and then head Southward to populate the Americas. There, they lived in peace and prosperity until the arrival of the Europeans.

And while that is certainly plausible, and does account for some dominant DNA persistence in the America’s, it is not the whole story.

The actual story is that the American continent has seen waves and waves of settlement. They came in various sizes and shapes over the years, and it was NEVER a wholly isolated and independent land-mass.

And every time I see evidence of this, whether a story here, or an article there, my “ears perk up” and I devour the article ravenously.

This is one of those articles.

And it is a great one, well researched, and of course, something that you won’t find anywhere else. If you want to know about how “Christopher Columbus discovered America” read CNN. But if you want to have some insight into the color, the passions and the life that colored the entire human existence, then by all means visit Ancient Origins. And is is just an amazing article…

Does Newfoundland Have the Oldest Intact Ancient Ships in the World?

31OCT20 by Ron Ryan

In relatively shallow ocean waters on the north east coast of Newfoundland Island there are the remains of several ships with the most unusual characteristics. It has been determined that these ships may be the oldest intact ships in the world. We constantly hear of discoveries of the remains of ancient ships and, maybe, because of that, assume that there must be oodles of ancient ships preserved the world over.

Such is not the case. In fact, the number of ships in the 200 – 400-year-old range, in any near-complete state of preservation, can be counted on one’s digits.

The Oldest Known real-ancient Ships

The oldest known real ancient ships are the Mary Rose (1509), a British warship that was sunk in action in 1545, and the Vasa (1628), a ship that did not make it out of Copenhagen harbor before rolling over.

It seems to be common knowledge in most historical circles now that the Chinese began a campaign, in the late  1300s, to build a large fleet and to attempt to exert its hegemony over the nations of south east Asia. A sub-objective of that initiative was to create a world map. There were so many ships in that enormous fleet that National Geographic Magazine called the great armada, “a massive shadow on the ocean that moved like a floating city that stretched across miles and miles of ocean.” (January 9, 2014). National Geographic also states that the Chinese emperor ordered the fleet to take to the ocean and “to sail to the ends of the earth.”

Indicative of their success, is evidence from recent scholarship that has determined that the Chinese had a world map

by 1430 AD, an achievement that could have resulted only from the Chinese fleets visiting virtually every point on earth, including Antarctica.

Kunyu Wanguo Quantu. Chinese world map, circa 1430. ( Public Domain )

Grand Admiral Zheng He’s Treasure Voyages

The Grand Admiral of this formidable armada was one Zheng He (variously spelled), a eunuch who was the favorite of the emperor, Zhu De, and who, although having the support and admiration of the palace eunuchs, had only the enmity of the mandarins who feared losing their power and influence. Apparently, around 1430, the mandarins had succeeded in convincing the sitting emperor to cease the “treasure voyages.”

The Treasure Fleet Sets Sail

Zheng He's most important role in his master's service was being the commander-in-chief of the new treasure fleet, which would serve as the emperor's principal envoy to the peoples of the Indian Ocean basin. The Yongle Emperor appointed him to head the massive fleet of 317 junks crewed by over 27,000 men that set out from Nanjing in the fall of 1405. At the age of 35, Zheng He had achieved the highest rank ever for a eunuch in Chinese history.

With a mandate to collect tribute and establish ties with rulers all around the Indian Ocean, Zheng He and his armada set forth for Calicut on India's western coast. It would be the first of seven total voyages of the treasure fleet, all commanded by Zheng He, between 1405 and 1432.

During his career as a naval commander, Zheng He negotiated trade pacts, fought pirates, installed puppet kings, and brought back tribute for the Yongle Emperor in the form of jewels, medicines, and exotic animals. He and his crew traveled and traded not only with the city-states of what are now Indonesia, Malaysia, Siam, and India, but also with the Arabian ports of modern-day Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

Although Zheng He was raised Muslim and visited the shrines of Islamic holy men in Fujian Province and elsewhere, he also venerated Tianfei, the Celestial Consort and protector of sailors. Tianfei had been a mortal woman living in the 900s who achieved enlightenment as a teenager. Gifted with foresight, she was able to warn her brother of an approaching storm at sea, saving his life.

Final Voyages
In 1424, the Yongle Emperor passed away. Zheng He had made six voyages in his name and brought back countless emissaries from foreign lands to bow before him, but the cost of these excursions weighed heavily on the Chinese treasury. In addition, the Mongols and other nomadic peoples were a constant military threat along China's northern and western borders.

The Yongle Emperor's cautious and scholarly elder son, Zhu Gaozhi, became the Hongxi Emperor. During his nine-month rule, Zhu Gaozhi ordered an end to all treasure fleet construction and repairs. A Confucianist, he believed that the voyages drained too much money from the country. He preferred to spend on fending off the Mongols and feeding people in famine-ravaged provinces instead.

When the Hongxi Emperor died less than a year into his reign in 1426, his 26-year-old son became the Xuande Emperor. A happy medium between his proud, mercurial grandfather and his cautious, scholarly father, the Xuande Emperor decided to send Zheng He and the treasure fleet out again.


In 1432, the 61-year-old Zheng He set out with his largest fleet ever for one final trip around the Indian Ocean, sailing all the way to Malindi on Kenya's east coast and stopping at trading ports along the way. On the return voyage, as the fleet sailed east from Calicut, Zheng He died. He was buried at sea, although legend says that the crew returned a braid of his hair and his shoes to Nanjing for burial.

-thought Co

It is not known who actually initiated the voyages. Although Emperor Zhu De gets the credit, the first of the ships were in the water in less than two years after Zhu De assumed the throne, an impossible miracle of construction attributed to the chief administrator, Zheng He, who was subsequently named the admiral of the enormous fleet.

Zheng He gloried in the strength and endurance capacities of his ships on the world’s oceans. Engraved on a tablet at Fujian is a quote attributed to the admiral :

“We have travelled more than 100,000 Li (Approximately 50 000 KM ) of immense water spaces and have witnessed in the ocean waves like mountains, while our sails, unfurled like clouds day and night, continued their course like a star, traversing those savage waves as if we were treading a city street…”
The Statue of Admiral Zheng He in Sam Poo Kong, Semarang city, Indonesia. ( diamirara /Adobe Stock)
The Statue of Admiral Zheng He in Sam Poo Kong, Semarang city, Indonesia. ( diamirara /Adobe Stock)

Although there is very little sound information about the Chinese effort at hegemony, over the forty or so years from  the late 1300s to about 1433, there seems little doubt that the Chinese treasure fleets did make seven or eight voyages from around 1401 to 1435. There is no definitive information to indicate exactly where ALL of the ships went.

It is not even known how many ships of each fleet arrived back in China or, indeed, when. Indeed, some people refer to the ships of these voyages as “Ghost Fleets” because the reliable information about them is so very sparse.

There seems to be little doubt that the Chinese constructed ships of such a size during the first quarter of the 15th Century, that they would not be rivalled for another 450 years.

Between 1405 and 1433, Ming China under the rule of Zhu Di, sent out enormous armadas of ships into the Indian Ocean commanded by the eunuch admiral Zheng He. The flagship and other largest treasure junks dwarfed European ships of that century; even Christopher Columbus's flagship, the "Santa Maria," was between 1/4 and 1/5 the size of Zheng He's.

Drastically changing the face of Indian Ocean trade and power, these fleets embarked on seven epic voyages under Zheng He's guidance, resulting in a rapid expansion of Ming China's control in the region, but also of their struggle to maintain it in years to come due to the financial burden of such endeavors.

Sizes According to Ming Chinese Measurements

All of the measurements in the remaining Ming Chinese records of the Treasure Fleet are in a unit called "zhang," which is made up of ten "chi" or "Chinese feet." Although the exact length of a zhang and chi has varied over time, the Ming chi was probably about 12.2 inches (31.1 centimeters) according to Edward Dreyer. For ease of comparison, the measurements below are given in English feet. One English foot is equivalent to 30.48 centimeters.

Incredibly, the largest ships in the fleet (called "baoshan," or "treasure ships") were likely between 440 and 538 feet long by 210 feet wide. The 4-decked baoshan had an estimated displacement of 20-30,000 tons, roughly 1/3 to 1/2 the displacement of modern American aircraft carriers. Each had nine masts on its deck, rigged with square sails that could be adjusted in series to maximize efficiency in different wind conditions.

The Yongle Emperor ordered the construction of an amazing 62 or 63 such ships for Zheng He's first voyage, in 1405. Extant records show that another 48 were ordered in 1408, plus 41 more in 1419, along with 185 smaller ships throughout that time.

Zheng He's Smaller Ships

Along with dozens of baoshan, each armada included hundreds of smaller ships. The eight-masted ships, called "machuan" or "horse ships," were about 2/3 the size of the baoshan measuring approximately 340 feet by 138 feet. As indicated by the name, the machuan carried horses along with timber for repairs and tribute goods.

Seven-masted "liangchuan" or grain ships carried rice and other food for the crew and soldiers in the fleet. Liangchuan was about 257 feet by 115 feet in size. The next ships in descending order of size were the "zuochuan," or troopships, at 220 by 84 feet with each transport ship having six masts.

Finally, the small, five-masted warships or "zhanchuan," each about 165 feet long, were designed to be maneuverable in battle. Though tiny compared with the baochuan, the zhanchuan were more than twice as long as Christopher Columbus's flagship, the Santa Maria.

The Treasure Fleet's Crew

Why did Zheng He need so many huge ships? One reason, of course, was "shock and awe." The sight of these enormous ships appearing on the horizon one by one must have been truly incredible for the people all along the Indian Ocean's rim and would have enhanced Ming China's prestige immeasurably.

The other reason was that Zheng He traveled with an estimated 27,000 to 28,000 sailors, marines, translators and other crew members. Along with their horses, rice, drinking water, and trade goods, that number of people required a staggering amount of room aboard the ship. In addition, they had to make space for the emissaries, tribute goods and wild animals that went back to China.

-Thought Co.

Our interest here will focus on the voyage of 1433 – 1435.

At least six voyages of the Chinese Treasure Fleet seem to have been conducted successfully, and there are some records for some of the ships. Admiral Zheng He was in charge of at least some of the voyages. Moreover, there is no record in China of what Admiral Zheng He was doing during the 1417 – 1419 voyage.

Indeed, after the sixth voyage, related history is even more fuzzy. The eunuchs and the mandarins were vying for power and for influence. The old emperor, Zhu De, died; the next one died; the third, Xuan De, had acceded to the “Dragon Throne” and was persuaded by the mandarins that further voyages would be to China’s detriment.

Detail of the Fra Mauro map relating the travels of a junk into the Atlantic Ocean in 1420. The ship also is illustrated above the text. ( Public Domain )
Detail of the Fra Mauro map relating the travels of a junk into the Atlantic Ocean in 1420. The ship also is illustrated above the text. ( Public Domain )

Moreover, it seems clear that the mandarins were fearful of Zheng He and wanted to get rid of this troublesome eunuch. Although Zheng He was a favorite of the first emperor, he was not favored by the second and third. However, the third emperor was reluctant to have Zheng He have a fatal “accident,” and the mandarins were afraid to dispatch Zheng He unless they had a clear understanding from the emperor.

The emperor realized that if Zheng He met with some accident, real or plotted, then the general finger would be pointed at the palace. Even if the emperor held “absolute power,” there were always war lords and other powerful officials ready – and willing – to exploit a judgment lapse. Not willing to risk the wrath of the Chinese people, the emperor appointed Zheng He to some menial administrative job, to get him out of the way. That did not satisfy the mandarins who were beginning to feel their power. They wanted Zheng He out of the picture, completely and permanently.

Besides, in the view of the palace mandarins, Zheng He, a renowned master of military tactics who had been instrumental in placing emperor Zhu De on the throne, was likely at precisely the right place and precisely the right time for him to nurture alliances with those who would be happy to have someone that they could manipulate on the throne. They were concerned at least as much about their heads as they were about their positions of power.

There is, however, no indication that Zheng He entertained any ambition in that direction. Indeed, although still a young man, about 60, apparently, he was ill.

The emperor was cautious. There were literally hundreds of ships out in the bay, riding at anchor. To the Chinese people these ships represented China’s pride. Why were the ships not gone on some important voyage? What is the use of ships, in port, at anchor, slowly rotting, and the reputation and power of the emperor slowly rotting along with them? The ships simply had to go, somewhere. The related optics were crucial!

What to do?

An ancient Chinese ship. ( Мария Тарасова /Adobe Stock)
An ancient Chinese ship. ( Мария Тарасова /Adobe Stock)

Go away and NEVER come back.

The emperor recalled Zheng He to Nanjing, the then-capital. What actually happened between the Great Admiral and the emperor is not known. However, it is easy to guess: The emperor told Zheng He to crew all of the ships, to fill the ships, at the emperor’s expense, with everything Zheng He could possibly think of: soldiers, horses, armaments, gunpowder, priests (Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu), specialists of every kind, doctors and other medical personnel, medicines, preserved foods, seeds, root stalks, surveyors, technologists, craftspeople, prostitutes, animals (a  veritable Noah’s Ark!), slaves, fine china, silks, and so on.

Then, the emperor had a private conference with Zheng He. The emperor said:

“You have everything you could possibly need. You have overseen everything yourself. You cannot blame me if you are missing something. Talk to your officers. Determine whether there is still something you need.”

Then, in a whisper so that none of the listeners could hear – and in the Emperor’s palace there were always listeners:

“Take the fleet. Go away. I don't care where you go. But, wherever you go, do NOT come back! NEVER come back! Do NOT let any of your officers or sailors come back. Nobody, except ....” and he explained the exception. “You have my best wishes. I never want to see you again! Be smart! Go!”

The carved and painted stern of the last ship had hardly disappeared over the horizon before the mandarins began collecting every last scrap of information that they could find about the fleets and about Zheng He.

Everything was burned, including ship logs, charts of the voyages, maps, architectural drawings of the various types of ships, ship models, tools, records of construction – in short, everything that they could get their hands on. Apparently, the world map was among the scraps of information that did survive, likely hidden by one of the eunuchs.

The fleet had gone for about a year.

Then, one day, a ship, much tattered, arrived back in the harbor. The captain  went directly to the emperor. There had been several enormous tempests on the far oceans. Every last ship had been lost, and the grand admiral, himself, the beloved Zheng He, had gone to the bottom with the first tempest near Ceylon. The second tempest had taken the remainder of the fleet near Indonesia.

Woodblock print representing Zheng He’s ships. ( Public Domain )
Woodblock print representing Zheng He’s ships. ( Public Domain )

The emperor then announced the sad news to a shocked and mournful nation. He ordered a tomb be built for the beloved Zheng He. In that tomb, they placed one of Zheng He’s robes, a pair of his slippers, and maybe a lock of the revered man’s hair.

What happened to Zheng He and the great fleet?

Nobody knows!

What is known is that not a single ship of that fleet, other that one messenger, ever made it back to China. Not a single marine officer, not a single craftsperson, prostitute, or sailor. NOTHING was ever heard from them again. Nothing!

For the most part, the myth of the death of Zheng He in India or Ceylon has been accepted in China as historical fact. There is little room in China for shades of grey, most things being black or white. Zheng He and the great fleet   become part of the official national lore. The other aspect of the story, the tempests that took all of the ships, except one, to the bottom of the ocean is, likewise, the official story, it was not to be disputed and not to be questioned, at the peril of one’s head!

Zheng He’s tomb. Nanjing, China. ( Public Domain )
Zheng He’s tomb. Nanjing, China. ( Public Domain )

What happened to the ancient ships?

About 600 years later, two decades ago, China began to resurrect the story of Admiral Zheng He because it was politically convenient to do so, at least according to the detractors of China’s sometimes awkward diplomacy. Besides, the story of Zheng He and the “peaceful” fleets was a source of pride for China, something they could point to as an example of China’s friendly international intentions.

One of Zheng He's ships.
One of Zheng He’s ships.

Artifacts of the great fleet of 600 years ago would be of inestimable value to Chinese propaganda. Therefore, China entered into agreements with Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Kenya to find some of the remains of the great fleet. There just had to be thousands – if not millions – of artifacts, just lying on the bottom of the ocean awaiting retrieval by a grateful nation.

China has spent hundreds of millions of dollars, utilizing the latest underwater technologies of the Chinese navy, in an effort to retrieve the millions of artifacts. Plans for museums in China and other displays worldwide were in the planning stages. China was on the cusp of an enormous diplomatic and publicity coup!

What did they find?

After a decade or so of searching in the waters around Sri Lanka and Indonesia, what did they find? Nothing!

No ships, no ship remnants, no artifacts, no fine china, no amphora of preserved olives, no skeletons of Chinese sailors. Nothing!


But somehow – without, just now, having a complete narrative to explain it – at some time before recorded history in  the annals of Newfoundland Island , the Chinese arrived. They called the island “Island like a Chinese garden” and mapped the whole north western area of the North Atlantic as far as into the Davis Strait and, indeed, according to Chinese sources, Hudson’s Bay. Indeed, the Matteo Ricci Map (Kunyu Universal Map) is a copy of a Chinese map (Kunyu Wanguo Quantu Map) that was completed by 1430, indicating that the voyages of the Chinese fleets from 1405 onward – or at some earlier time – were successful in “mapping the world” and that Zheng He would have had an almost complete map of the world by which to guide his last voyage, some of which – the north west North Atlantic seaboard – Zheng He, himself, had likely mapped during the 1417 – 1419 voyage.

Portion of Kunyu Wanguo Quantu map showing Newfoundland Island. The four ancient Chinese characters on the representation of Newfoundland Island read “Island like a Chinese Garden.’ (Public Domain )

Portion of Kunyu Wanguo Quantu map showing Newfoundland Island. The four ancient Chinese characters on the representation of Newfoundland Island read “Island like a Chinese Garden.’ (Public Domain )

The ancient Chinese ships in Newfoundland

At least two of these ships are on the ocean bottom in shallow water in a protected harbor on the rugged north east coast of Newfoundland Island. Other ships have been detected with sonic equipment, including one that appears to  be 200 meters (656.17 ft.) long. Moreover, phenomena that has been interpreted as a “graveyard” of ships have been detected in another area of deep, cold water.

The two ships in shallow water have been known about for 350 years or more, from the time of the first European fishermen who arrived in the area and established themselves in what became the dozen or so coastal fishing villages in that area. These ships cannot be European or American. No country, other than China, built ships of this size until well past the mid-1800s. These ships were there before about 1650.

Besides all of that, China has no record of any kind related to the structural aspects of their ships of the Treasure Fleets , no drawings, no models, no descriptions, no images. What China has are the remains of the dockyards that built the ships, some tools, and a rudder that is about 13 – 14 meters (42.65-45.93 ft.) long. Although some marine historians and others have drawn speculative designs of what the ships of the Treasure fleet might have looked like, these drawings do NOT correspond with the ships that have been found in Canadian waters.

Zheng He ship blueprint.
Surviving blueprints for these ships are rare.

The only known intact examples of the Chinese ships associated with the great fleet are resting on the ocean bottom at the north east coast of Newfoundland Island. Nowhere else in the world are there, presently known, unmistakable large ships that might be identified as the ships of the great Chinese Treasure Fleet.

Based on the balance of probabilities, one would be confident in declaring that these ships are from the great Chinese fleet of 1405 – 1435.

To conclude, it seems clear that in the inner ocean waters on the north east coast of Newfoundland Island are the oldest decked ships in existence, and at least some of them are substantially intact.

By Ronald Lloyd Ryan, DA., PhD.

Model of some of the great Zheng He ships

These were enormous ships, able to have small farms on the deck and cattle pens. They were enormous by all accounts. As such, and as impressive as we can imagine, various people have made, and market scale models of what we can make a hypothesis on what these ships were like.

This model is made from the original drawings of the ship. And it is a beauty.

History of the Zheng He Treasure Ship
The Chinese Treasure Ship was a large wooden ship in the fleet of Admiral Zheng He, during the early 15th century Ming Dynasty. He led 7 voyages.   There seems to be disagreement among scholars about the factual accuracy and correct interpretation of accounts of the treasure ship. Treasure ships were considered luxury ships rather than warships.

According to some records, Zheng He’s treasure ships were mammoth ships with 9 masts and 4 decks. Zheng He’s treasure ships could accommodate more than 500 passengers, as well as a massive amount of cargo.

Zheng He’s fleet consisted of 300 ships, including 62 treasure ships. Chinese records assert that Zheng He has traveled extensively, sailing as far as East Africa.

On the return of Zheng He’s last voyage, he found a new Emperor whose court was uninterested and even hostile toward the continuation of his naval adventures. Zheng He’s ships were decommissioned and sat in the harbor until they rotted away. Some scholars suggest that the Emperor ordered the treasure ships and records to be burned, although exact information on their fate is unknown.
A replica of Zheng He’s treasure ship was built in Nanking and was to be ready for sailing in 2013.

MM Thoughts

That was a great article, eh? You betya!

After reading the article, I went and conducted a preliminary Google search for “sunken Newfoundland ships” and came up with some interesting hits. Not really germane to this particular article (unfortunately), but really interesting never the less.

The only problem that I have with this great story is a singular question. “What happened to the Chinese that scuttled the ships in Newfoundland?”

Where are the ruins, or remains?


Let’s deep-dive” into this with yet another article from Ancient Origins, and one by the same author;

The Beothuck Key: Finding a Lost Chinese-Norse Civilization in Canada

Two mysteries – one Oriental, one Western – have attracted considerable attention recently both in academic and popular spheres: [1] the disappearance of the Seventh Chinese Treasure Fleet and [2] the disappearance of the people of Greenland. Until now, people have not considered that the two stories might be somehow connected.

Scale comparison.
Scale comparison.

Indeed, although very much in retrospect, there were numerous pieces of evidence readily available that pointed to the two narratives possibly being associated, even if the key element were missing. However unlikely and counter-intuitive, it appears that key is in the much-disputed continuing existence of the Beothuck People of Newfoundland Island – without them neither of the mysteries would have been resolved.

Origins of the Beothuck People

The journey of discovery began quite by accident, when a Beothuck person observed some unusual artifacts at museums in China that seemed to be the analogues of artifacts of the Beothuck People.

The resulting investigation led to all known information about the Beothuck people being sifted and evaluated, with the conclusion being that the Beothuck People had Chinese origin.

The Beothuk are the aboriginal people of the island of Newfoundland. They were Algonkian-speaking hunter-gatherers who probably numbered less than a thousand people at the time of European contact. The Beothuk are the descendants of a Recent Indian culture called the Little Passage Complex.


By the beginning of the 19th century, the Beothuk were reduced to a small refugee population living along the Exploits River system and attempting to subsist on the inadequate resources of the interior. Although a succession of Newfoundland governors had, since the middle of the 18th century, attempted to establish friendly contact with the Beothuk, it was probably too late to change a pattern which had existed for perhaps 250 years. Shanawdithit, the last known Beothuk, died in St. John's, Newfoundland in 1829.

-The Beothuk People
Beothuk, North American Indian tribe of hunters and gatherers that resided on the island of Newfoundland; their language, Beothukan, may be related to Algonquian, but some authorities believe it to have been an independent language. When discovered by John Cabot in 1497 the tribe probably numbered no more than 500 persons; in the succeeding centuries the Beothuk were decimated by Europeans and by Mi’kmaq (Micmac) hunters crossing from Nova Scotia. A few survivors may have escaped to Labrador to intermarry with the Innu (Montagnais).

Little is known of Beothuk culture. The people were apparently divided into small bands of a few related families, each band having its own leader. Their skill as canoeists was noted by many early writers; they speared seals with primitive harpoons and fished for salmon and shellfish. Equally at home in the woods, they tracked deer with bow and arrow. Birch bark was used to make cooking vessels and wigwams. They smeared red ochre on their skin, apparently for both religious reasons and protection against insects; this habit is thought to be the source of the European reference to Native Americans as “red” people.

-Beothuk | people | Britannica

The considerable skepticism about the Chinese voyages seemed to be primarily because the idea of massive Chinese ships, as suggested by Menzies and Hudson was thoroughly doubted. Unfortunately, one could not appeal to China because that country has retained no information as to the design of such massive ships – no models, no sketches, no descriptions.

Curious genetic and ancestral stories of the Beothuck People led to an informal survey that revealed mtDNA of Celtic, Norse, and other Scandinavian/Baltic origin, leading to speculation that all of the people were descendants of the Norse from the time of the Viking Sagas.

However, that speculation was disabused by research reports to the effect that (a) Newfoundland Island had had several waves of occupation, and (b) there is a genetic discontinuity between the maternal lineages of the various occupation groups.

Moreover, historical reports indicate that whoever was on the island were substantially, or completely, killed off by some blight or combination thereof (plague, typhus, smallpox) between 1402 and 1404, which meant that as of that later date the island was effectively empty.

If that were true, then it meant that the Norse ancestors of the contemporary Beothuck must have colonized at least part of the island sometime after 1404 AD.

Ties to the People of Greenland

That led to a consideration of the story of the disappearance of the people of Greenland in the early 15th Century. There is no record of the people of Greenland going east, as some experts have speculated.

According to Catholic Church records, there had been as many as 5000 people in Greenland circa 1409. That’s a lot of people to account for.

In a pastoral letter from the Holy See addressed to the Bishops of Skalholt and Holar in Iceland, dated September 20, 1448, concern was expressed that Greenland had been raided by a “Fleet of heathens” some 30 years previously, and that all of the people had been taken.

It is not immediately clear how the Pope acquired that information.

Related to that was another piece of information: tributes began to arrive at Rome sometime in the early-1400s, from “ Vinland.” Clearly, a vector of communication existed from the “far western lands’ to Rome.

Recent research suggests that there was no violent confrontation in Greenland.

Indeed, everything points to a peaceful, organized departure of the people. The conclusion was that the people of Greenland, all 5000 of them, along with their priests and other religious people (monks and nuns), peacefully departed their homes sometime after 1409 and before about 1420.

The Mystery of the Beothuck Language

The language of the Beothuck has been something of an enduring mystery.

William Cormack is the only person whose report we have who actually spoke with the Beothuck. Cormack said that the Beothuck language had all of the sounds of Scandinavian languages, maybe Swedish.

Additionally, J. T. Mullock , Roman Catholic Bishop of St. John’s, Newfoundland, said that many people thought that the Beothuck had “Northmen” ancestry.

Moreover, Dr. John Cooper of Dalhousie University concluded that the language was at least 25% Gaelic and Norse. There was not, necessarily, much difference between Norse and Gaelic because, as Wallace says,

“... the Norse were mixed with Celts and Picts through intermarriage and slavery.”

Because Newfoundland Island was empty of people, say from around 1404, and because the people of Greenland departed their homes around 1418, and because a large number of people from Newfoundland Island has Norse ancestry from the forests of the island, it seemed reasonable to conclude that the Beothuck people were the descendants of the “missing” Norse of Greenland.

The notion of a fleet of ships, as per the Pope’s letter, was, to say the least, intriguing.

More on Beothuck Ancestry

The investigation has now arrived at the point where two phenomena seem to be supported: The Beothuck people had Chinese ancestry and the Beothuck people had Norse ancestry.

The local people in that remote and isolated geography, although having a high degree of illiteracy, had a rich oral tradition. For many generations these people, the European ancestors of whom came to the area around the mid-1700s or earlier, told stories of enormous ships that had been on the nearby ocean bottom since before their arrival. As late as 1890, people could easily see one massive ship in a sheltered harbor of relatively shallow water, and the mast of that ship – enormous, much larger than anything that they had ever seen or could imagine – protruded from the ocean surface. Moreover, at that time, they could see “dishes” and “jugs” on the ocean bottom near the ship.

The subsequent generation (circa 1930) contained a story that two teen boys had attempted to measure the ship and, being creative with fishing cords, estimated that one ship was about 400 ft. (130 meters) long.

After several months of searching with Google Earth, during 2017, two almost identical ships were located, each being about 450 ft. (150 meters) in length. Since then, several other equally large ships, seemingly intact, have been found resting on the ocean bottom. The only ships that fit the circumstances are those of the Chinese of the early 1400s. No European or American ship of the dimensions of the ships that were found would be constructed until after the mid-1800s.

At that point it is possible to suggest, at least, that the enormous fleet that had taken the people from Greenland had been a Chinese fleet. If that fleet brought the people of Greenland to Newfoundland Island sometime around 1418, that would explain the Norse and Chinese ancestry of the Beothuck People.

The Voyage from China and Links to Zheng He

The available information supports the following scenario: after leaving port in southern China the fleet would split into several flotillas, each expediting their individual appointed tasks, more or less, and reassembling later. One voyage took place during 1417 – 1419. The flotilla that had been assigned the task of mapping the western North Atlantic area – whatever the Chinese called it – was under the command of Admiral Zheng He .

It crossed the North Atlantic, discovered Newfoundland Island (1417), and, maybe the next year (1418), returning from mapping Hudson’s Bay, chanced upon the Norse of Greenland, in a state of destitution and at the cusp of starvation. The Chinese “rescued” these desperate people and transported them to Newfoundland island, the mythical Vinland of the Norse people. Zheng He returned to China, but came back to Newfoundland in 1435.

The Matteo Ricci (1552 – 1610) map of 1605 has the lands of the north west Atlantic identifiably drawn. Someone spent time charting the north west Atlantic area, did the cartography, and returned to China, writing four Chinese characters on the land that would be identified as Newfoundland Island: “Island like a Chinese garden.” According to Lee, the Ricci map is a copy of a Chinese map and that the Chinese had a complete map of the world by 1430, a map that included the northwest Atlantic area.

Did Zheng He know where he was going? Was the initial map-making done by a previous Chinese fleet and before 1418? Did Zheng He’s admirals do the charting of the northern lands? Who would have named Newfoundland Island so glowingly?

Wherever he was, the Great Admiral seems to have boasted:

We have traversed more than 100,000 li of immense water spaces and have beheld in the ocean huge waves like mountains rising in the sky, and we have set eyes on barbarian regions far away hidden in a blue transparency of light vapors, while our sails, loftily unfurled like clouds day and night, continued their course. ..

That would have gotten him to Greenland and back in the 1417-1419 time frame of that voyage.

Signs of a Lost Settlement

As a confirmation exercise, Google earth was utilized to seek indicators of Norse and Chinese occupancy of Newfoundland Island. That investigation resulted in the identification of a ubiquitous pattern. It was determined that the pattern was communal housing – much as had been described by John Cabot in 1497 and Jacques Cartier in 1534.

These dwellings were as much as 164 ft. (50 meters) in diameter and contained 10 – 12 family cells around a central common area. These dwellings appeared to be one-story adaption of Hakka-Han TuLu in south east China of the time (which continues today), the area that was the origin of the Treasure Fleets. The basic Hakka housing pattern incorporated Norse features to accommodate winter conditions, those features that the Beothuck descendants had incorporated into their root-cellars, many of which still exist. (Incidentally, the Hakka Tulu figures in the recent movie, “Mulan.”)

Treks into the forest confirmed the speculations: patterns on the forest floor, now covered with trees, certainly still retained the discernible and recognizable communal Tulu pattern. A survey of the island with Google Earth Pro revealed literally thousands of these structures. An estimate related to the number of structures detected suggested dwellings of maybe as many as 300,000 people, an enormous number in comparison to the paltry several thousand that experts have been suggesting up to now.

Satellite imagery revealed structures that seemed to be defensive walls, and treks into the forest confirmed the existence of the artifacts, some of which were not completely occluded by vegetation overburden. One trek also resulted in the discovery of a carving of a three meter long hand, chiseled into a rock-face, with the letter “J” carved just above it, and a scepter carved along the wrist.

The next discoveries were towers and a wall, and, then, astonishingly, several Buddhist-type pyramids. About 12 miles (20 km) away, a set of buildings was discovered, including a three-tiered pagoda and an intact stone church, a basilica – a structure that is not in the history of Newfoundland and Labrador, and not in the history of the local Roman Catholic archdiocese.

The next astounding discovery was a set of massive bluff-carvings, the first found being a Chinese mythical dog, about 161 sq. ft. (15 sq. m.). The image is almost identical to that of a Chinese postage stamp for 2008 “The Year of the Dog.”

Above the dog carving, and about the same size, was the Monkey King, again from Chinese mythology. About a hundred carvings were found in all, ranging in size from 32 – 1640 ft. (10 – 500 meters) in length, the latter being a bird, 500 meters from beak to tail feathers, and about 656 ft. (200 meters) wingtip to wingtip.

The next mysterious phenomenon discovered was a boat, about 114 ft. (35 meters) long, that seems to have been under construction. Then, ten or so similar boats were discovered, all under construction, all in the forest well away from the coast.

A number of what were determined to be row boats, maybe water taxis, were located, still intact, preserved by the chemicals in the peat ponds where they have now lain for maybe as much as 400 years. Thus, it is possible to determine the design of these boats of so long ago. Why the boats were built in the location described is a mystery unto itself and has resulted in speculation that is tangential to this narrative.

Although some experts have written about the massive Chinese ships the fact is that the only existing more-or-less intact Chinese ships from the medieval Chinese period – and, indeed, any medieval period – and, thus, the only accurate information about these ships, there being next to nothing in China, are being preserved by the frigid ocean waters of north east Newfoundland Island. The next oldest existing ship from that period, worldwide, is the British warship, Mary Rose (Circa 1540), about 50% of which was recovered from her watery grave.

Compiling the Evidence in Newfoundland

Although Zheng He was erased from Chinese history shortly after 1433, he has been recently resurrected by China for, as some see it, a contemporary form of Chinese hegemony.

The accepted narrative, in China and south east Asia, of the demise of Zheng He and his enormous seventh fleet is that all succumbed to a typhoon somewhere near Sri Lanka or Malaysia. Virtually every country in south east Asia is seeking evidence that Zheng He and the remains of his seventh fleet is somewhere in their backyard. The Chinese government, believing their own myth, has recently spent hundreds of millions of dollars, with the help of the latest Chinese military technology, in the belief that they were destined to find the remains of their fleet. They have found nothing.

The research group on Newfoundland Island continues to make discovery after discovery that they associate with the Chinese-Norse civilization that began around 1420: fish weirs, harbor complexes, fish processing facilities, buildings (one with a discernible chimney), industrial structures (e.g., huge furnaces).

Moreover, now that considerable evidence and information has been compiled, it is possible to state that, on the balance of probabilities, the only people on the island as of 1450 were the Norse, the Chinese, and their progeny, who called themselves “BeiHanKe” but which was misunderstood as “Beothuck.”

The final conclusion is that the research group in that remote area has found the remains of a collapsed Chinese-Norse civilization of which the contemporary Beothuck are the remnants. Otherwise, they have stumbled on the remains of a collapsed civilization about which nothing else is known.

By Ronald Lloyd Ryan , PhD

Final Conclusions

There is strong reason to believe that Newfoundland was indeed settled by the Chinese. That they interacted, and perhaps forged alliances with local Indians and Vikings. Certainly there was a large city-sized community there in the land described as “Like a Chinese garden”.

No one know what happened to them, and how or why they died out, but it would most certainly make for some interesting reading. They seem to have merged with other migratory and ship-faring peoples, and weathered various periods of illness, natural disasters, and famine. Eventually, they packed up and left.

There is much that I would enjoy reading about these peoples. I look forward to further scholarly studies on this matter.

I firmly applaud Ronald Lloyd Ryan for his great work in this area, and I look forward to his many future discoveries. For this is an area of great interest to me personally.

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A cool proposal for a submarine to explore the seas of Titan (a moon around Saturn)

There are many proposals to explore Titan. Some of the most original ideas includes a spaceship that uses the atmosphere itself as fuel to fly about the planet. Others includes balloons and rovers, and other cool ideas. This idea is really noteworthy. It involves the use of a submarine to explore the seas of Titan.

But first…

What is Titan?

Titan is a moon of the outer gas giant Saturn. People know Saturn as the “planet with the rings”. It’s a pretty big moon. And it has an atmosphere, with continents and oceans.

Saturn’s largest moon Titan is an extraordinary and exceptional world. Among our solar system’s more than 150 known moons, Titan is the only one with a substantial atmosphere. And of all the places in the solar system, Titan is the only place besides Earth known to have liquids in the form of rivers, lakes and seas on its surface.

Titan is larger than the planet Mercury and is the second largest moon in our solar system. It is larger than our moon around the earth.

Jupiter’s moon Ganymede is just a little bit larger (by about 2 percent).

Titan’s atmosphere is made mostly of nitrogen, like Earth’s, but with a surface pressure 50 percent higher than Earth’s. Titan is the only moon in the solar system known to have a substantial atmosphere, which is mostly nitrogen like Earth’s.

Titan has clouds, rain, rivers, lakes and seas of liquid hydrocarbons like methane and ethane. The largest seas are hundreds of feet deep and hundreds of miles wide. Beneath Titan’s thick crust of water ice is more liquid—an ocean primarily of water rather than methane.

Titan is a large moon that orbits the ringed planet Saturn.

Titan’s subsurface water could be a place to harbor life as we know it, while its surface lakes and seas of liquid hydrocarbons could conceivably harbor life that uses different chemistry than we’re used to—that is, life as we don’t yet know it. But then again, Titan could just as well be a lifeless world.

Titan’s air is dense enough that you could walk around without a spacesuit. But you’d need an oxygen mask and protection from the bitter cold.


Titan has both continents, large land masses, oceans, and seas. While the atmosphere is different than that of the earth, and it is much colder, it is in many ways quite similar. It is an exciting place to visit and explore.

Here’s a map of one of the inland seas…

One of the seas of Titan that needs some exploring.

Indeed, there are so many interesting things in the topographical image above. You can see deep seas, rivers that feed into the seas, mountains, hills, and islands. It would be a great place to go to, and explore.

Maybe go to one of the isthmus’s and stand on the edge and look out and over the immense sea. It would be interesting. As Saturn is so close, the gravitational forces must be interesting and create some curious tidal movements. You would be able to watch them (with a time elapse camera) and it would be curious.

A nice isthmus to stand upon and watch the tidal movements.

A cool proposal to discover the undersea world of Titan by robotic submarine.

The following is a reprint of an article titled “Submarine could explore seas of huge Saturn moon Titan” written by Mike Wall on Reprinted with minor changes, and edited to fit this venue. All credit to the author.

The sub could be ready to launch in the 2030s, researchers said.

A submarine could explore alien seas just a few decades from now.

Researchers have been crafting a concept mission that would send a submarine to Saturn’s huge moon Titan, which sports lakes and seas of liquid hydrocarbons on its frigid surface.

Such a mission, if approved and funded by NASA, could be ready to launch in the 2030s, potentially paving the way for even more ambitious submarine exploration down the road, the concept’s developers said.

“We feel that the Titan submarine is kind of a first step before you go do a Europa or Enceladus” sub mission, Steven Oleson, of NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Ohio, said last month during a presentation with the agency’s Future In-Space Operations working group.

Europa and Enceladus — moons of Jupiter and Saturn, respectively — both harbor huge oceans of liquid water. But these two water bodies are buried under ice shells and would therefore be tougher to drop a sub into than Titan’s surface seas.

A weird and potentially habitable world

At 3,200 miles (5,150 kilometers) wide, Titan is the second-largest moon in the solar system. The only one bigger is Jupiter’s Ganymede, which has Titan beat by just 75 miles (120 km).

But size isn’t all that makes Titan special. For example, the giant moon is the only world beyond Earth known to host stable bodies of liquid on its surface — those seas and lakes of liquid methane and ethane, some of which are bigger than North America’s Great Lakes. 

This annotated view of Titan as seen from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft shows the largest hydrocarbon lakes on the Saturn moon, including the largest sea Kraken Mare. Titan’s lakes are named for mythological creatures. The images for this view, released on Dec. 23, 2013, were taken on Oct. 7.

In addition, Titan’s thick atmosphere likely hosts complex chemistry involving organic molecules, the carbon-containing building blocks of life as we know it. As a result, many astrobiologists view Titan as a promising potential abode for life, suggesting that native organisms could be swirling in the moon’s air or swimming in its lakes and seas.

Those swimmers would be very different from anything that exists here on Earth, given that they’d be making a living in liquid methane or ethane rather than water. Titan’s surface is far too cold for water to remain liquid, but scientists think the moon hosts a salty sea of the stuff deep underground, like Enceladus, Europa and a number of other solar system bodies.

It’s therefore possible that Titan hosts two completely different and separate ecosystems — a surface world of “strange life” that overlies a realm of more familiar (to us, anyway) water-reliant organisms.

Exploring the hydrocarbon seas?

Most of what we know about Titan we’ve learned from the $3.2 billion Cassini-Huygens mission, which studied Saturn and its many moons up close from 2004 through 2017. The bulk of this work was done by NASA’s Cassini Saturn orbiter, but significant contributions also came from the Huygens lander, a European Space Agency-Italian Space Agency probe that touched down on Titan in January 2005.

This false-color mosaic, made from infrared data collected by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, reveals the differences in the composition of surface materials around hydrocarbon lakes at Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. Image released Oct. 23, 2013.

NASA is working on a Titan spacecraft of its own — an eight-rotor drone called Dragonfly, which is scheduled to launch in 2026. If all goes according to plan, Dragonfly will land on Titan in 2034, then study the moon’s complex chemistry and potential habitability at a number of different locations.

A submarine could be the next step in Titan exploration. The agency has not selected the Titan sub idea as an official mission, but Oleson and his team did get two rounds of funding from the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program, which seeks to spur the development of potentially game-changing exploration ideas and technologies. Those two NIAC grants, worth $100,000 and $500,000, were awarded in 2014 and 2015, respectively.

The main goal of the NIAC work was to draw up a basic engineering blueprint of a potential Titan sub, Oleson said.

“Is it possible?” he said during the FISO presentation. “What kinds of technologies are needed? What’s unique about that environment?” 

The uniqueness is multilayered. For instance, though Titan is huge for a moon, it’s much smaller than Earth, sporting just 14% of our planet’s gravitational pull. That means a Titan sub wouldn’t experience nearly as much pressure on its hull as a sub would at the same depth on Earth.

And the Titan sub would be cruising through a different medium than the ones here on Earth do. But that’s not necessarily a negative, either. A submarine could push through liquid hydrocarbons fairly easily, Oleson said, and the stuff is transparent to radio signals, enabling communication with the craft even while it’s submerged.

Those communications could reach the sub directly from Earth or be relayed via a Titan orbiter, depending on the mission architecture. 

A standalone Titan submarine would need to be big — about 20 feet (6 meters) long, with a weight (on Earth) of 3,300 lbs. (1,500 kilograms) — to accommodate the requisite communications equipment, Oleson said. A sub with an orbiter companion, by contrast, could fit the same science instrumentation into a body just 6.5 feet (2 m) long, with a weight of about 1,100 lbs. (500 kg).

That science gear should include, at the bare minimum, a chemistry package that analyzes liquid samples, a surface imager, a depth sounder, a weather station and an instrument that measures the physical properties of the surrounding sea, Oleson and his team determined. Additional instruments could analyze seafloor samples and image the ocean bottom, among other tasks.

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft used a special spectral filter to peer through the hazy atmosphere of Saturn’s moon Titan and see its strange hydrocarbon lakes. The images for this view, released on Dec. 23, 2013, were taken on Oct. 7 and feature the leading face of Titan as seen in red, green and blue spectral filters combined to create a natural-color view.

The researchers also investigated the possibility of staying on the surface with a boat, which would probe the Titanic depths intermittently with small, instrument-laden devices called dropsondes. This would be a less risky option, but the reward would be lower as well, Oleson said.

“We’re losing out on science, just from the fact that we can’t submerge and do a lot of these tests,” he said of the boat idea.

A standalone submarine or a sub-orbiter duo would likely be flagship missions, Oleson said. Flagships are NASA’s most expensive and ambitious missions, with price tags generally in excess of $2 billion these days. Examples include Cassini-Huygens, the Mars rover Curiosity and the Mars 2020 rover Perseverance, which launched toward the Red Planet in late July.

NASA might be able to pull off a Titan boat mission via its New Frontiers program, Oleson said. New Frontiers missions, such as Dragonfly and the New Horizons Pluto probe, cost significantly less than flagships. Proposals for the latest round of New Frontiers funding, which resulted in Dragonfly’s June 2019 selection, had to abide by a cost cap of $850 million (not including launch or mission-operations costs).

All versions of a Titan sea explorer would be nuclear-powered, just like Cassini and Dragonfly. Saturn lies 10 times farther from the sun than Earth does, so sunlight is spread pretty thin on Titan. (And a solar-powered submarine would probably be a bad idea even here on Earth, given that such vehicles make a living plying dark depths.)

Launch in the 2030s?

Titan’s high northern latitudes host almost all of the moon’s lakes and seas, including the two most intriguing submarine-exploration targets, Kraken Mare and Ligeia Mare. 

Kraken Mare

Both of these bodies are enormous. Kraken Mare covers about 154,000 square miles (400,000 square km) and is at least 115 feet (35 m) deep. Ligeia Mare has an area of 50,000 square miles (130,000 square km) and a maximum depth of 560 feet (170 m).

Like Saturn, Titan has seasons that last around seven Earth years apiece. It would be best to explore Kraken or Ligeia during Titan’s northern summer, when a spacecraft could image shorelines in visible light and communicate directly with mission controllers on Earth, Oleson said. 

A 2045 arrival at Titan would therefore be a good choice, he said. If the mission included an orbiter for communications, arriving during the northern springtime, around 2040, is also an option, Oleson added.

You can enjoy a computerized “flyover” of the lake system HERE.

The journey to Saturn takes about seven years, so a Titan sub mission of any type would need to launch in the 2030s (unless we want to wait another three decades for the seasons to shift again). 

That timeline “would be fine with us — to be able to get this ready in the next decade to push there,” Oleson said.


If you all are still around by 2045, you might be able to view the undersea world of Titan via electronic media. I’ll almost be in my 90’s by then. Hopefully still kicking, and hopefully not in an old-folks home.

Still, it’s an exciting concept. I’ve always enjoyed adventure and this is the best of what we can do now with what is publicly available to us now.

There’s a lot of interesting things about Titan. Many things that are worthy of discussion, but I really cannot get too deep into those subjects. My lips are sealed. But, no worries, you can well imagine standing on one of those large isthmus’s and look out and watch the slow sluggish movement of the nearly calm seas.

Wouldn’t it be grand?

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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.


Mars has life. NASA has known about this since the 1970s, but the knowledge was suppressed intentionally.

Mars has life. It has both indigenous life, and non-indigenous life. The vast majority of the planet has naturally evolved microbial life that has survived in the harsh Martian environment. This fact was discovered by NASA in the 1970s and the administration intentionally suppressed this knowledge and discovery. The thing is, life evolves naturally and easily in this universe. Here we discuss this issue.

Ah. It's not just Mars even.There are more than a few places in our solar system that harbors life. Nothing that looks like us, mind you, but life never the less.

Yup, back in the 70’s, life outside the Earth was considered life-shattering, and religion-ending. So it was suppressed. Done so by mediocre people with the best of intentions in positions of power where they did not belong.

Now, things are changing, and people are speaking out.

Like the scientists and researchers who thumbed their noses at the FDA for banning BT-141, to the outrage that "experts" were permitted to change the tomato into a cardboard box. People are striking back at all these numbskulls in power.

For your consideration.

The following is a complete reprint of an article from Scientific American titled NASA scientist: We found evidence of life on Mars in 1970s, NASA covered it up.

This article is presented directed as published. All links and text are provided without alteration. I added headings to make it easier to follow and read. I also reduced all the bold formatting to make it easier to read. After all, high-lighting an entire text book turns the pages yellow, but fails to point out the significant passage summaries.

I urge all readers to click on the link as a kind acknowledgement to the fine folks at Scientific American for publishing this piece.

NASA scientist: We found evidence of life on Mars in 1970s, NASA covered it up.

Written and authored by Gilbert V. Levin
Scientific American
Thu, 10 Oct 2019 16:43 UTC

© CC0/Pixbay We humans can now peer back into the virtual origin of our universe. We have learned much about the laws of nature that control its seemingly infinite celestial bodies, their evolution, motions and possible fate. Yet, equally remarkable, we have no generally accepted information as to whether other life exists beyond us, or whether we are, as was Samuel Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner, “alone, alone, all, all alone, alone on a wide wide sea!” We have made only one exploration to solve that primal mystery. I was fortunate to have participated in that historic adventure as experimenter of the Labeled Release (LR) life detection experiment on NASA’s spectacular Viking mission to Mars in 1976.

On July 30, 1976, the LR returned its initial results from Mars.

Amazingly, they were positive. As the experiment progressed, a total of four positive results, supported by five varied controls, streamed down from the twin Viking spacecraft landed some 4,000 miles apart. The data curves signaled the detection of microbial respiration on the Red Planet. The curves from Mars were similar to those produced by LR tests of soils on Earth. It seemed we had answered that ultimate question.

When the Viking Molecular Analysis Experiment failed to detect organic matter, the essence of life, however, NASA concluded that the LR had found a substance mimicking life, but not life. Inexplicably, over the 43 years since Viking, none of NASA’s subsequent Mars landers has carried a life detection instrument to follow up on these exciting results. Instead the agency launched a series of missions to Mars to determine whether there was ever a habitat suitable for life and, if so, eventually to bring samples to Earth for biological examination.

Background & Testing Methodology

NASA maintains the search for alien life among its highest priorities. On February 13, 2019, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said we might find microbial life on Mars. Our nation has now committed to sending astronauts to Mars. Any life there might threaten them, and us upon their return. Thus, the issue of life on Mars is now front and center.

Life on Mars seemed a long shot. On the other hand, it would take a near miracle for Mars to be sterile. NASA scientist Chris McKay once said that Mars and Earth have been “swapping spit” for billions of years, meaning that, when either planet is hit by comets or large meteorites, some ejecta shoot into space. A tiny fraction of this material eventually lands on the other planet, perhaps infecting it with microbiological hitch-hikers. That some Earth microbial species could survive the Martian environment has been demonstrated in many laboratories. There are even reports of the survival of microorganisms exposed to naked space outside the International Space Station (ISS).

NASA’s reservation against a direct search for microorganisms ignores the simplicity of the task accomplished by Louis Pasteur in 1864. He allowed microbes to contaminate a hay-infusion broth, after which bubbles of their expired gas appeared. Prior to containing living microorganisms, no bubbles appeared. (Pasteur had earlier determined that heating, or pasteurizing, such a substance would kill the microbes.) This elegantly simple test, updated to substitute modern microbial nutrients with the hay-infusion products in Pasteur’s, is in daily use by health authorities around the world to examine potable water. Billions of people are thus protected against microbial pathogens.

This standard test, in essence, was the LR test on Mars, modified by the addition of several nutrients thought to broaden the prospects for success with alien organisms, and the tagging of the nutrients with radioactive carbon. These enhancements made the LR sensitive to the very low microbial populations postulated for Mars, should any be there, and reduced the time for detection of terrestrial microorganisms to about one hour. But on Mars, each LR experiment continued for seven days. A heat control, similar to Pasteur’s, was added to determine whether any response obtained was biological or chemical.

The Viking LR sought to detect and monitor ongoing metabolism, a very simple and fail-proof indicator of living microorganisms. Several thousand runs were made, both before and after Viking, with terrestrial soils and microbial cultures, both in the laboratory and in extreme natural environments. No false positive or false negative result was ever obtained. This strongly supports the reliability of the LR Mars data, even though their interpretation is debated.

In her recent book To Mars with Love, my LR co-experimenter Patricia Ann Straat provides much of the scientific detail of the Viking LR at lay level. Scientific papers published about the LR are available on my Web site.


In addition to the direct evidence for life on Mars obtained by the Viking LR, evidence supportive of, or consistent with, extant microbial life on Mars has been obtained by Viking, subsequent missions to Mars, and discoveries on Earth:

  • Surface water sufficient to sustain microorganisms was found on Mars by Viking, Pathfinder, Phoenix and Curiosity;
  • Ultraviolet (UV) activation of the Martian surface material did not, as initially proposed, cause the LR reaction: a sample taken from under a UV-shielding rock was as LR-active as surface samples;
  • Complex organics, have been reported on Mars by Curiosity’s scientists, possibly including kerogen, which could be of biological origin;
  • Phoenix and Curiosity found evidence that the ancient Martian environment may have been habitable.
  • The excess of carbon-13 over carbon-12 in the Martian atmosphere is indicative of biological activity, which prefers ingesting the latter;
  • The Martian atmosphere is in disequilibrium: its CO2 should long ago have been converted to CO by the sun’s UV light; thus the CO2 is being regenerated, possibly by microorganisms as on Earth;
  • Terrestrial microorganisms have survived in outer space outside the ISS;
  • Ejecta containing viable microbes have likely been arriving on Mars from Earth;
  • Methane has been measured in the Martian atmosphere; microbial methanogens could be the source;
  • The rapid disappearance of methane from the Martian atmosphere requires a sink, possibly supplied by methanotrophs that could co-exist with methanogens on the Martian surface;
  • Ghost-like moving lights, resembling will-O’-the-wisps on Earth that are formed by spontaneous ignition of methane, have been video-recorded on the Martian surface;
  • Formaldehyde and ammonia, each possibly indicative of biology, are claimed to be in the Martian atmosphere;
  • An independent complexity analysis of the positive LR signal identified it as biological;
  • Six-channel spectral analyses by Viking’s imaging system found terrestrial lichen and green patches on Mars rocks to have the identical color, saturation, hue and intensity;
  • A wormlike feature was in an image taken by Curiosity;
  • Large structures resembling terrestrial stromatolites (formed by microorganisms) were found by Curiosity; a statistical analysis of their complex features showed less than a 0.04 percent probability that the similarity was caused by chance alone;
  • No factor inimical to life has been found on Mars.


In summary, we have: positive results from a widely-used microbiological test; supportive responses from strong and varied controls; duplication of the LR results at each of the two Viking sites; replication of the experiment at the two sites; and the failure over 43 years of any experiment or theory to provide a definitive nonbiological explanation of the Viking LR results.

What is the evidence against the possibility of life on Mars? The astonishing fact is that there is none. Furthermore, laboratory studies have shown that some terrestrial microorganisms could survive and grow on Mars.

Continued Suppression, and Workarounds

NASA has already announced that its 2020 Mars lander will not contain a life-detection test. In keeping with well-established scientific protocol, I believe an effort should be made to put life detection experiments on the next Mars mission possible. I and my co-experimenter have formally and informally proposed that the LR experiment, amended with an ability to detect chiral metabolism, be sent to Mars to confirm the existence of life: non-biological chemical reactions do not distinguish between “left-handed” and “right-handed” organic molecules, but all living things do.

Moreover, the Chiral LR (CLR) could confirm and extend the Viking LR findings. It could determine whether any life detected were similar to ours, or whether there was a separate genesis. This would be a fundamental scientific discovery in its own right. A small, lightweight CLR has already been designed and its principle verified by tests. It could readily be turned into a flight instrument.

Meanwhile a panel of expert scientists should review all pertinent data of the Viking LR together with other and more recent evidence concerning life on Mars. Such an objective jury might conclude, as I did, that the Viking LR did find life. In any event, the study would likely produce important guidance for NASA’s pursuit of its holy grail.

Gilbert V. Levin is an engineer and inventor; he was the principal investigator Labeled Release experiment on NASA Viking missions to Mars in the 1970s. 

Other Links with the same conclusion

First, from National Geographic…

Apr 15, 2012 · A fresh look at NASA data suggests that a robotic mission uncovered microbial life on Mars —more than 30 years ago. In 1976 NASA sent two space probes, Vikings 1 and 2, to Mars to determine whether... 

- Life on Mars Found by NASA's Viking Mission? 


Life is common throughout the universe. In fact there is life on numerous bodies within our very own solar system. This should not be so shocking, but it is because it serves the interests in power to maintain the narrative that humans are alone and “special” on the earth.

It is not my interest if you, the reader, believes in life outside of the earth. It exists. Deal with it. If you have a difficult time coming to grips with this realization then I suggest that YOU SHOULD STOP PUTTING LIMITS ON GOD.

Give it up.

What mysteries and OOPARTS are…

Mysteries and OOPARTS are things that defy the commonly accepted view of the world. It’s really that simple.

  • If you believe that the Earth is flat, then you would have a very difficult time grappling with pictures of the Earth as a globe.
  • If you believe that all men are “pigs” and “enslave” women, and that traditionally run households are horrible for women, then you will have a difficult time with the way Attila the Hun treated women.
  • If you believe that the American Civil War was over slavery, then you would have a difficult time understanding the behavior of the Confederados.
  • If you believe that humans are the only intelligent life in the universe, then you will have a difficult time understanding a million year old computer.

Here are some mysteries and OOPARTS explained. In all cases the discussions are based on what I was exposed to. Most of which is considered to be fringe and “tin hat” stuff. Whatever. Enjoy.

The Mystery of the forgotten Madog Expedition that preceded the lost Madog expedition.  Several centuries before Columbus  sailed to the Americas, a Welsh prince named Madoc departed Wales to explore the oceans. He departed with ten ships and went West with a dream of discovering a new land.  He found it in Alabama. He and his crew ventured up steam into the heart of Georgia and Tennessee and built forts and established colonies there. This is their story.
The Fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The London Hammer
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
The Mystery of the Bronze Bell
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
Mongolian Women under Genghis Khan
The Confederados
Democracy Lessons
The mysterious flying contraptions.
The Oxia Palus Facility

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Some fun videos of Asia; to include China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan. (Part 9)

Now about the image in the post splash above. This is a scene from the most excellent movie “Unbreakable”. I really love this movie because it is about a man who needs to find his purpose in life. It turns out that he must be the super hero.

 Elijah Price: Why is it, do you think, that of all the professions in the world you chose protection?
 David Dunn: You are a very strange man. 

 Elijah Price: You could have been a tax accountant. You could have owned your own gym.  You could have opened a chain of restaurants. You could've done of ten  thousand things, but in the end, you chose to protect people. *You* made  that decision, and I find that very, very interesting.      
Unbreakable movie
With regards to the story, Mr. Shyamalan and his crew have constructed something so rich in visual texture while managing to keep the story subdued and character development full of deep-seated anticipation. Every plot point came perfectly without any extra connotations that usually creep into a story such as this (super heroes?). Without any melodrama both Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson give very authentic performances that help the film keep its “Any Town USA” and “Average Joe Six-pack” feel very much alive.

This is a brilliant movie, and it asks many of the very same questions that many men ask themselves when they hit their middle to late 30’s. You can call it the “male menopause” or something else, but what it is rather a reflection of life’s purpose.

 Joseph Dunn: I thought maybe because you're my dad... I thought I might be like you... I'm not like you... 

 David Dunn: You are like me. We can both get hurt. I'm just an ordinary man. 

 Joseph Dunn: No, you're not... Why do you keep saying that?      

No man is ordinary.

Moving on…

Hey! Look what I found in my e-mail today!

Ah. It’s not going away. I received this e-mail on 5AUG19.

Yup! It’s a social justice warrior that is so proud of her censorship efforts. She censors art. She makes the determination of what is good or bad art by way of political ideology. Imagine that.

Read her email to me…

SJW censorship

I am so very sure that Idi Amin, Heir Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao would be so proud of her censorship. But then again, this “virtue signalling” isn’t likely to do much aside from landing her a job in a liberal institution where, of course, she would have to endure the casting couch job interview. It’s the Marxist technique. (Just being historical, ya all.)

Of course, I am revolted by this.

Typical Marxist behavior.
Nazi book and art burning. They believed that you needed to purify thought and only have ideologically pure art and literature. Just like all Marxists.

So she judges art.


She JUDGES art.

Not good enough
It’s difficult to be an artist in the new progressive reality where the Marxist’s all control the levels of power, and the gateways for success. This is a work by conservative Dan F. Gerhartz. Not a progressive darling. Unfortunately his works will fade into obscurity while nonsensical works like oil stained Christian statues will be given priority in modern progressive metropolitan areas.

That is her profession and that is what she studies. However, she does not understand art. Instead she understands Marxist ideology. Nothing else.

In her mind, you are either a sunny and happy progressive, or you are a cockroach that needs to be exterminated. Don’t believe me? Reread her email above.

In her mind, you are either a good little communist, or you are nothing. You become vermin that must be eradicated from the planet.

These people are dangerous.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Rufus the good Samaritan

This little video takes place in China.

I named the fellow here Rufus. Why? Because that was the name of the man that helped Jesus carry the cross up the side of the mountain. Rufus.

Rufus. red, the son of Simon the Cyrenian ( Mark 15:21), whom the Roman  soldiers compelled to carry the cross on which our Lord was  crucified. Probably it is the same person who is again mentioned in  Romans 16:13 as a disciple at Rome, whose mother also was a Christian  held in esteem by the apostle. Mark mentions him along with his brother  Alexander as persons well known to his readers.

-Bible Dictionary

Of course, in today’s hyper politically correct internet, you won’t find any of this information if you look up the name of Rufus. Instead you will find something like this…

The meaning of the word Rufus as found on the Internet.
The meaning of the word Rufus as found on the Internet.

Detailed, supposedly factual, but devoid of useful content. Rufus is the name of the man that helped Jesus carry the cross. The English forms that were present in 1909 has exactly zero relevance in 2019.

You need to know and understand just how serious the rewriting of history is being colored by the tyranny of California software mega-corporations.

Here, let’s watch a micro-video about another Rufus in China. You go man. Rufus, you are my hero.

Cool Flooring

In China, the technology is mature that permits large scale moving videos of anything placed anywhere. You can see it on the sides of buildings, on ceilings, on walls and on the floors. Here’s a really great application of one such LED display showing moving waves and beach sand on a KTV or restaurant floor.

Now, something terribly sad…

This happened in Shenzhen. It shocks me to my core.

Map of Shenzhen, and Hong Kong.
Here is the map of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Shenzhen has 14 million citizens, and Hong Kong only has 8 million people. To put that into perspective, New York city has 6 million people. There is a constant flow of people in and out of HK though SZ. As many people who live and work in Hong Kong, actually have homes and residences inside Shenzhen.

A mother is walking her son home through a market. High above them, in one of the skyscrapers, a window pops out of the wall, and falls at least 20 floors below. That’s a long… long… long… fall.


One minute you are alive. The next minute you are dead.

One minute you are alive.

The next minute you are dead.

Do not take your life for granted. Enjoy every minute as if it is a full treasure. Cherish it. Enjoy it. Savor everything about your life.

Savor your life.
Do not take your life for granted. Enjoy every minute as if it is a full treasure. Cherish it. Enjoy it. Savor everything about your life.

Savor everything about your life.

Please don’t take things, and people for granted. They are special. When your dog wants to kiss you on the lips, give him a big hug and rub his tummy. When your kitty wants you to pick him up… come on do so. What’s the problem?

They just want some loving…from YOU.

Viking Kitty.
Viking kitty just wants to spend some time with you. What are you going to do? Watch CNN instead? Mow the lawn instead? Nah. People and creatures are important. They enrich our life. Treasure them.

Live life well…

Live. It. Well.


Life is too short not to enjoy some fine BBQ.
Life is too short not to enjoy some fine BBQ. Enjoy it with some friends. And don’t forget the icy cold beer to share with it. Life is far too short not to spend it with friends and loved ones.

Live life well. Live it like it is your last.

Live it like it will be your last.

Treasure the time now.

Smile at those loved ones around you.

Life is short. Live it well.
Life is short. Live it well.

Life is short. Often too short. Please, live it well.

Public Transport – Japan

Yeah. I guess the monorail is popular in Japan.

It seemed to me that I once saw a Simpson’s episode regarding the monorail. It depicted it as some kind of scam that investors used to fleece the tax-paying public with.

His evil plan.
His evil plan.
"Marge vs. the Monorail" is the twelfth episode in the fourth season of the American animated television series The Simpsons.  It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on January  14, 1993. The plot revolves around Springfield's impulse purchase of a  faulty monorail from a conman. The episode was written by Conan O'Brien and directed by Rich Moore. 


Anyways, in Japan they use monorails quite readily.

Pretty good rule of thumb: the best episodes usually show a flagrant  contempt for the town's citizens (a lot like South Park). In this case,  the use of a $3 million windfall a mass transit boondoggle rather than  much-needed street repairs. On the other hand, don't you wish town halls  can be settled so easily with Phil Hartman and a big musical number?  The jokes are hopelessly cynical (read: hysterical) and even Leonard  Nimoy gets in on the fun. The whole thing's a treat. 

Box Recognition Technology

Ah. I think it’s cool. I like this. I do not think that it is being used in the USA today though it is pretty commonly used all over China. I guess that the USA has some catching up to do.

I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of the videos in this post, please continue…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Summer in Asia

Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…

Summer Snapshots 1
Summer Snapshots 2
Summer Snapshots 3
Summer Snapshots 4
Snapshots Summer 5
Summer Snapshots 6
Summer Snapshot 7
Summer Snapshots 8
Summer Snapshots 9
Summer Snapshots 10
Summer Snapshots 11
Summer Snapshot 12

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Assorted Influencer Driven FAQ’s Regarding this MAJestic Disclosure (part 4)

This is part four of a multi-part post.

Why was egress from ADC Pine Bluff via MWI unsuccessful?

In the question earlier, the question was raised about my abilities, and how come I could not use my abilities to leave incarceration. It’s a great question, and here I try to answer it.

Why was this the case? 

My probes were specific and made for exactly my role. 

To be a dimensional anchor, that restricted my world-line travel to only the closest 1-2% (x2=4% at maximum) alternative world-lines. I did not have the ability to travel into more divergent world-lines. 

Apparently, all of the similar world-lines that I had “anchored” to led to this prison cell.  The reader should note, that when I did actually traverse the world line, I entered the same cell that I I had left on another world-line.

The cell was always locked as far as I could tell.

Time-Travel as an ADC egress methodology

Not everyone accepts my answer to this question. So they look at different angles, based on what I have disclosed about my abilities.

Couldn’t you simply do “apparent” time travel to get out of your situation?

As a “dimensional anchor”, I did not need the ability to perform “apparent” time travel, either forward or backward in time.  It was not a mission requirement.

Therefore, my probes never had this ability. 

The only time this was conducted, that I was aware of, was with the larger stationary dimensional portal. I do suppose that some software changes could have enabled this ability, but I have no idea what they would be. Nor how to operate it.


Ah. There is so much confusion. Really, EBP world-line egress via MWI manipulation is not at all as depicted in Hollywood movies.

Once you left your world-line and entered a new world-line you now shared a world-line with two of you. What did other people do when they saw two of you?

It did not happen that way.  I never traveled to a world-line where there was another person like myself. I think that most people are confused by the ignorance spewed out from Hollywood. We are consciousness.

We are a consciousness that occupies bodies within realities.

I believe that a reality is a construction that surrounds the physical person.  When you travel to a new world-line you occupy your role within that reality. However, your consciousness and memories are of a different reality. 

When you travel to a new world-line, your knowledge stays the same, and thus can at times, place the traveler in a disadvantaged state. (It HAS to be this way, else how can anyone learn new things via experience?)

Knowledge and memories are stored outside the non-physical reality that a consciousness occupies. When you switch realities (world-line slides), your memories associated with your consciousness stays intact. No matter how different your new reality is. 

So if you were to slide into a reality where everyone speaks French, but you only speak English, you will be in big trouble. 

Your physical body will be in French clothes, your scars and fingernails will reflect a French lifestyle, your girlfriend or wife (and mistress) will be French, but you will not be. Your memories will be in English, you will not know anything about the new reality that you now inhabit.

Which is one of the reasons why I have a very heavy dose of skepticism to "others" who might describe experiences similar to mine via the nature of their discussion.

So if you travel to a world-line where everyone else speaks Russian, then you will be disadvantaged and will certainly need to learn the new language to survive. This will occur even when your friends, family and wife will be unable to understand why you are speaking a different language.

If I conduct a slide to another world-line, and see a quantum shadow of myself there, it tells me one thing, and one thing only. I am not within my own reality. I am occupying a reality that belongs to someone else.

Take note.

I have NEVER seen myself (or a version of myself) in any of the world-lines that I have visited. I attribute this fact to the fundamental point that it is my consciousness that egresses via wave-state to different world-lines. Not the idea that a consciousness trapped in a particle-state walks via portal to another world-line where the environment is shared.

Thus, I have never completed particle-based consciousness migration and involved in apparent time-travel where I could meet an alternative myself.

Post ADC Pine Bluff autonomous MWI travel

Once you left prison, did you visit any other world-lines?

No, not really. (Aside from trying to get out of my cell.)

Unfortunately, my ability to access the core two probe’s control interface required  that the core one probes be engaged by the ELF handlers.  That ended about two days after I left the Pine Bluff Diagnostic facility. 

I well remember when the ELF field was shut off. It was like turning off an old-style vacuum tube television where the picture goes to a straight line, then this dot until it finally goes blank.

As before, I could always utilize the core two probes without the core one probes being activated, however without access to the probe two diagnostic screen, I was limited in my abilities. 

I am referring to the diagnostic screen, not the “manual mode” numerical display. 

Think of it being like a car.  With the core one probes on, I could move the transmission lever from drive, to reverse, to second gear, to park.  But with the core group one probes, off, I was stuck in what ever gear the car was in. 

If the car was in “park” I could not go anywhere.  If it was in “reverse”, I could only go backwards. It was like that. I only have (present tense) a very small and limited range of world-lines that I can now traverse, and they are all very… very similar to this one

Luckily for me, and for every other human on this planet, we can control our reality through the migration of adjacent world lines. I utilize this ability for my own purposes.

Just like YOU can as well. I have a post all about how to do this. It works.

Using Intention to make your life sparkle.

You need to control and manage your thoughts. Only think of good things, that way your destination reality will be good.

Extreme Travel Today

Ok, you can currently still perform world-line dimensional travel.  What differences can you determine were you to go to the most “far out” world-line at this time?

The (primary) difference is very small.  Maybe half of a percentage.  (As before, “manual mode” was fixed at a upper limit of 2%, which is -2% up to +2% , maybe a total of 4% if you think about it.

Now, it was set with a maximum (secondary) variance of 0.5% or -0.5% to +0.5%. Moving the numbers is like slogging though mud.) As such, I rarely travel or venture outside of where I am.  

I NEVER use the EBP (in manual mode), or anything associated with the ELF kit(s) to conduct any kind of dimensional travel. I never do. It is far, far too risky. Instead, I am quite happy as I am and the way my life is right now. I only "tweak" it somewhat by self-intention navigation.

However, to answer your question, the difference would be very slight and hard to determine.  My dog might need a bath in one world-line while he might be clean in the world-line where I just came from.  There might be a bag of plums on the kitchen table instead of a bag of apples.  (Or, far more likely four apples, instead of the five in the previous world line.) There might be a song that I like, that does not exist in the new world-line.  I might owe a bunch of taxes that I didn’t pay (yikes!).

World-line travel is just as risky as you can be aware.

The truth is that one of the problems that I have on the world-line that I currently occupy is missing a particular Ray Bradbury story from the “R is for Rocket” book.  It just was never written in this world-line.  Which is a shame as it would be a very inclusion (of a few choice passages) in this blog.

One of the things that I find to be uncomfortable is the limited range of food selections at fast food franchises on this world-line.

City Chicken on a stick
City Chicken on a stick a McDonald’s staple. It is actually pork cooked as “country fried” chicken is a staple on most other world-lines that I was involved in. In fact, it was just as popular as their fish sandwich. Now, around 1998 I did a world-line switch and suddenly discovered that this world-line never had “city chicken on a stick” at McDonald’s. But, for me, as someone who really enjoys this meal, I am greatly disappointed.

That is also a good example on the subtly of (slight variation) dimensional world-line travel.  The differences are slight.  They are not really noticeable until you live in the altered world-line for a spell and spend some time noticing the differences.

Examples include man-hole covers that are slightly smaller in a world-line, free refills of coffee on one world-line, and no refills on another, use of suspenders instead of belts on one world-line, or as in the current world-line that doesn’t have strawberry-coke soda. WTF, why?

In this world-line, there isn’t any strawberry coke.

Think about it, won’t you. Of all the things that are different. Like no baked beans with breakfast eggs and toast, a president that was a Reality-show television star, the lack of window awnings, and Venetian blinds, why in the world would strawberry coke be missing from this reality? It’s as bad as the lack of “city chicken on a stick” at McDonald’s, or no pizza cones at Burger King.

I mean… come on!

Pizza Cone
Pizza Cones are also something that isn’t that common on this world line. I well remember getting my first Pizza Cone at Burger King back around 2001. I also tired the cones out of KFC, but they weren’t as good as the ones from Burger King. I think that it was because they used more cheese and the sauce was tastier. However, on this current world-line no-one has ever heard of them inside the USA.

I mean I can adapt, but some of the differences just don’t make any sense what so ever.

EBP discussion

You only refer to the Core Kit #1 and #2 probes. Yet, you have three sets. Why don’t you ever talk about the set of implants installed by the extraterrestrials when you were “off world”?

I know nothing about how those devices work.

I can only report on what I know. I figure that the MAJestic installed probes are how MAJestic was able to keep tabs on me and monitor what was going on with my interface with the extraterrestrial devices. I think, though I could be very wrong, that the extraterrestrial devices is actually what is doing all the “heavy lifting” and the world-line travel. The core kit #2 probes enable me and MAJestic to monitor and record the resultant activity.

MWI exploration for fun and adventure

This is a very common question. Funny that I never really seriously considered doing this. Not in the least.

When you knew you had this ability, did you ever go off exploring the alternative world-lines for fun?

No.  That is reckless, and dangerous.  Further, it would be a violation of my responsibility, which is constantly monitored by my drone pilot and the <redacted>, and it is also limited by the hardwired configuration of the probes themselves. 

I am sorry to explain these realities to the reader, but a Naval Aviator does not break his flight path to buzz some cows for fun (Well, I take this back …it does happen.  But rarely.)  I, however, never did that. It just wasn’t responsible.

Here’s a fun article. “Is It A Bird? A Plane? No, It's A Giant Penis: Navy Apologizes For Pilot's Pornographic Sky-Writing”.  Found at:
Outrage over giant penis.
Outrage over the giant penis in the sky. The poor people are all over themselves in passing out and hyperventilating over this fun exercise in air-man-ship.

From the article:

“Residents of Okanogan County, Washington woke up to some rather unusual cloud formations this morning courtesy of a couple of artistic Navy pilots stationed in nearby Whidbey Island.  Not surprisingly, the giant sky penis, which was described as the "most monumental thing to happen in Omak" by one Twitter user, sparked a wave of hilarious social media responses.”
Shock and awe.
People where shocked, stunned, and amused all at the same time. Aren’t Americans silly? Really. Imagine that! A big penis.


“A local TV station in Okanogan, County, KREM-2, reached out to the Navy for a comment on the incident and promptly received the following apology which described the event was "absolutely unacceptable" and "of zero training value"...which we honestly find incredibly shocking as we've always lived under the apparently false illusion that if we were to ever find ourselves in a dogfight over the skies of Iraq that a carefully timed "penis maneuver" could be the difference between life and death.”
Giant Penis in the sky. Amazing.
Now, this is how a properly conceived penis should look. Isn’t mother nature wonderful? I certainly think so. She is offering inspiration to all the boys and girls out there all over the world. I wonder what nature is trying to tell us all.


“"An investigation into this flight will be conducted and if appropriate, the aviator(s) responsible will be held accountable," the statement said.

Meanwhile, this guy seems to have high hopes of sparking a Navy/Air Force pornographic sky writing competition…which seems like a truly genius plan, if we understand it correctly.

Air Force would have drawn boobs. I'm just sayin'.

— Drew (@MasterDroo) November 17, 2017

MWI switching

People ask me “what was it like”? Well that depends on the method used. Really there are two basic techniques particle-mode quanta, and wave-mode quanta. Most of my experience was with wave-mode quanta.

As far as I understand, both the dimensional portal, and the EBP operate using wave-mode quanta consciousness.

What is it like when you switched a world-line?

It is like nothing happened. Seriously, that is the way it is.  If it wasn’t for the <redacted> I wouldn’t even know that I have made a swap.

We humans make world-line switches all the time. We call it “the passage of time”. How do we know that we entered and passed through five world-lines (more or less) in the last second?

We don’t.

We take it all for granted.

Now, that is the way it is with the EBP. You cannot tell that things are being switched on you at all. The only way you can tell is when you start to notice differences.

For the “passage of time”, normal world-line changes it seems like nothing changes. That is because the world-lines are all adjacent. You don’t notice any changes except after large spells of the passage of many MWI changes.

The arrow of time. This is how it really works.
The “arrow of time” is the perception of our consciousness as it moves in and out of adjacent world-lines. It is our thoughts (and actions) that contribute to the destination that we often arrive at.

For EBP initiated changes, you “jump” away out from the adjacent world-line realities. Yet, the only way you can tell the differences is by observation over time. There just is not any indicator…

However, that is for automatic slides.

For manual slides, a “heads up” dialog will appear. The controls to navigate with this interface are a series of alpha-numeric letters/numbers that describe destination coordinates. It is a very crude method. But, you all have to understand that this technology was 1980’s era technology.

We can use a dimensional portal.
We can use a dimensional portal to move anywhere and arrive anywhere. This is anywhere in time and space, as well as within any world-line no matter how strange.

There is, however a much more detailed control. But it’s utility is limited because it is far too all-encompassing. It is a series of glyph and circular appearing symbols. It is the native controls used by the <redacted>.

Associated with this are various “files” and “routines” that I cannot make heads or tails out of. This includes a map or record of the MWI path that I have taken relative to adjacent world-lines. They looks like triangular mesh with minor color gradients and changes in texture density. I haven’t a clue as how to read them.

World-Line Selection

How do you select a particular world-line?

It is really very difficult to select a particular world-line. I can’t just determine that I want to visit a very “cat-friendly” world-line, or one where (Homer Simpson style) “donuts fall out of the sky”.

There really isn’t any mechanism that I know of that will allow me to do that.  I cannot “pick and choose” what the world-line would be like.

Episode: “Treehouse Horror V” Airdate: October 30, 1994. After tinkering with a toaster, Homer sends himself to an alternate dimension that, at first glance, seems like paradise. Patty and Selma are dead and the Simpsons are ridiculously rich. 

But wait! There’s a problem. In this reality, donuts don’t exist! D’OH!
Homer does manage to get back to his world, but ironically, just as he returns, donuts start falling from the sky (as if rain) in the alternate universe.

If I want to alter my current reality, for my own purposes, I will need to control my thoughts and navigate on my own. (Provided, of course, that the <redacted> allow me to do so. They have put some major restrictions on my personal abilities to do so. For instance, they <redacted>. So, that when I try to use intention and direction for self-navigation via consciousness migration, I discover that in my case, <redacted>, and the <redacted>.

Instead, from what I understand, there are groupings of realities that world-lines cluster towards.  These groupings are all fabricated by the collective soul consciousness, and provided for learning activities for the individual physical manifestations (by soul).

I can only travel to world-lines that are [1] “nearby” to my own in terms of entropy (this is “locked in” by the drone pilot), and [2] in accordance with my ability to learn and gain experiences.  This is a limitation of the technology that I utilized, the world-line travel ability of the drone pilot and the biological artifice, and my (apparent) “soul contract” with the <redacted>.

This is by agreement between the humans souls and the <redacted> souls.

As such there are a large number of world-lines that I can traverse (not infinite, but rather finite), but how different they are (their individual divergence) can only be determined by myself through a measure of “regional-factor variance” (this is a very difficult attribute to describe). In any event, the drone pilot helps me in this regard, for it seems to be able to detect the best and most beneficial world-lines to visit.

Now, how it appears to me is very personal and unique. It is how it would appear to anyone with EBP that are interfaced to the ELF probes during artifice transitions in either manual or automatic mode.

I can “feel” comfort or revision as delineated by a group of seven (7) factors or types.  These can be displayed alpha-numerically if I am in a manual slide mode. 

In all cases, if I were to select more than one or two factors that are in variance, then I would slide into progressively stranger world-lines. My “feelings” toward the selection of these (to me numerical factors) would determine the degree of comfort or distress upon slide arrival.

As such, there are seven adjustable (7) characteristics or factors that “point in the direction” or variance from my (present) world-line.

While I cannot identify HOW they will be different,  I have two gauges that I can use to determine my relative acceptance or revulsion to where the next traveled upon world-line would be like. This consists of my “feelings” (comfort or discomfort), and a numerical value (in manual slide mode). The [1] larger the numerical values (plus or minus) and [2] the way I “feel” will always be a measure of how different the new world-line would be.

Thus, the new world-line cannot be predicted in terms of physical attributes.

In can only be predicted in terms of relative comfort to the present world-line, where a measure of comfort is simply how greatly I would learn from my movement into the new world-line.  The more I will experience that is new and different, the more discomfort I would experience.

It has been my personal experience that large variances and deviance’s from present world-lines are exponentially uncomfortable and a lot of work.  They can be horrific and frightening. All this being stated, I did not intentionally direct any my world-line travel.  My drone pilot did all the “driving”.  I was just the “passenger”

Manual appearance

What does your “built-in” “heads-up display” show to you when you are in manual mode?

(In “manual mode”) It shows a series of seven alpha-numerical “numbers”.  The numbers are arranged horizontally in front of my eyes and are in focus no matter what my gaze is upon.

Each number is “soft” and “hardens” once I make a “slide” into another world-line.

Each number is a percentage of deviance (to three decimal places) for seven coordinates. It is a measure of deviance of my previous world-line to my present world-line. Each number has either a plus or a minus sign in front of it. Typically, the first four numbers were always “00.000” with no sign. The numbers would stay in my line of sight until I would “wish” them away.

There are times when the alphabet is used. This is either singularly, or in conjunction with numbers. The meaning of these variations are <redacted>. They hold a very special hint to the <redacted>. In operation, <redacted>.

For instance, during training, <redacted>.

On another occasion, when I was <redacted>, the opportunity came for me to <redacted>, so I <redacted>.

Manual Operation of the EBP

How did you (manually) change world-lines?

This is in regards to manual operation.

[1] I would “pull up” the “built-in” “heads-up display”. It would show the seven numbers of my current world-line.  Since I was present on that world-line, all the characters / numbers would be set at “00.000”.

[2] I could move a reticle that looked like a big circle over any of the numbers. 

[3] Once the reticle was over a set of numbers, I could change the numbers by “thinking up/down”. The numbers would move slowly.  I never could change the first four numbers and the last number. The only numbers that I could change were the fifth, and the sixth.  I never moved the numbers greater than a value of “02.000” because I was unable to. 

[4] Once I made my settings, I would “think slide”.  When this happened, the numbers would “harden” and I would “slide” into the new world-line.

[5] The numbers would stay “hard” until I would “wish” them away. It was that simple.

Strangest or Weirdest World-lines

What was the strangest or weirdest world-line that you have ever glimpsed?

Well, aside from this one?

This is a really fucked up world-line.

I mean, for goodness sakes, look around you. This world is weird. It is really absolutely a tad bit bat-shit crazy. You’ve got a President that is a reality television star, an educational system where grades have zero importance, you have plastic straws banned, and where enormous fat girls are proud of their rolls of fat, and jiggle their asses in front of everyone.

For Pete’s sake, you don’t eat beans with eggs, and ride bicycles with helmets and knee and elbow protectors. There are no families or at least one with a father and a mother that raises children. You have most Americans living in an “existence” of which they are completely and positively tethered to the government.

Large sodas are banned, but deep fried pork rinds aren’t. Michelle Obama was voted most attractive woman in the world numerous times, it’s against the law to collect rainwater, or use a fireplace in your house. Sexual deviants go to the White House and get rewards for “their contribution to society”, and a rising tide of angst is being directed at “white people” for their “privilege”.

How can it get much weirder?

I mean the next thing could be the outlawing of bags, the importance of treating pets as humans and giving them voting rights, and of course more taxes… you know… for the children.

Hey! Don't you all think that this is natural and not contrived? Really? You don't possibly believe that there might be some bat-shit crazy idiot behind "the curtain" moving the reality around in crazy-assed ways?

Ok. Well, the strangest ones were during training.

Now, prior to my training with the drone pilot, I pretty much had this ability to move about and traverse world-lines (at will) but that I had no control or understanding of it.  About the time when I was first being trained, my Mars-time drone role interacted with the drone pilot and we conducted some exercises together.  (This was at Ridgecrest, California during a weekend when I was not on the base.)

In one of those exercises, we were moving about a wide swath of world-lines with the drone pilot actually at the controls.  On Mars, and at the base, there were never any changes. 

However, my Earth reality changed substantially, and cycled through various realities.

The strangest was when the desert that surrounded us transformed into a lush green tropical forest. Everything was different, including my wife. The language was different, but I could not speak it. I think it was Spanish, but I never could tell the difference between Spanish and Portuguese. 

The big thing that I remember, it’s funny the things that you remember best, was what it was like riding a motorcycle with a sidecar attached.


Do you wish that you could have selected a different world-line to retire to?

I selected this one. 

I selected this one based on my “feelings” at the time, and the direction of the drone pilot.  He (I think) “locked in” my selection to only a handful of choices.  Then permits me autonomous alteration via intention MWI navigation for tweaking.

This world-line is my physical reward for my three decades of contribution.  It’s better than anything that I could have possibly imagined.

I live this world line. I am currently in the preferred world-line given the limits of my abilities.  I think that I am doing pretty well. 

I live on the beach in a tropical paradise, I make enough money, I am married to a stunning beautiful “stacked” Asian beauty. I live in a huge house (comparatively), with a huge porch, on the beach in a resort destination, with a huge roomy wine cellar (not that I use it). I have all the perks of being a boss in Asia. I eat quite well, and live a life that others would find hard to believe. 

Why would I want a different world-line?

Of course my life would not be considered to be anything really special according to what I see that United States has migrated towards. After all Michelle Obama is today considered to be the most attractive woman in the United States. So beauty is relative.

What I think is beautiful is not what most Americans think is beautiful. But then again, I am old-fashioned and not at all a progressive and neutral-gender beta-male.

Futurama considerations.

Do you think that the Dimensional Portal on the base was just like the “Parallel Universe Box” from the television show “Futurama”?

Yes. Though I must remind the reader that Hollywood takes the complex and simplifies it for public consumption.

In reality, dimensional travel is possible using existing (extraterrestrially amplified) technologies that work under set rules and behaviors.

I do not think that travel through the gate would be desirous if one went into wildly divergent destinations.  It would serve no practical purpose. However, please note that accidental transport to unplanned destinations could result in horrors beyond one’s comprehension.

The box.
The parallel dimensional box from the Futurama television series.

From the (fictional )television show; Futurama. “The Parallel Universe Box was an invention accidentally created by Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth. Within the box was a parallel universe, inside which were alternate colored versions of the Planet Express crew. The only differences between the universes are coin flips, which apparently have decided the majority of Planet Express’ decisions and the colors of people.

Also the sky is very colorful.”

Found here;

Image what could happen if accidentally, though a technical glitch, a person ended up in a 65% divergent world-line? Yikes!

The ultimate MWI destination

With the ability to change world-lines, you could enter “realities” where you could be rich, famous, powerful, where you could live your wildest fantasies. Why didn’t you?

This is one of the most common questions and perceptions that I hear. So it must be answered carefully.

Do you, the reader, really WANT to live your wildest fantasies? I don’t want fame. I don’t want extreme wealth (not really if you get down to it). The things that I really love are all attainable by me, if I put my mind to it.  Like a tomato sandwich, or a pet cat, I can get them easily if I wanted them (by paying a price).

  • I want to live in a beautiful area. I have it.
  • I want to have a stress-free life. I have it.
  • I want a happy and stable life. I have it. 
  • I want a sexy wonderful and amazing wife.  I have it. 
  • I want to have fun, eat well, be respected, and play. I have it.

MONEY: There are those who think that “just” if they made some more money they would be happier.  However, that has NOT been my experience. The times when I was happiest, aside from now being “retired” was when I was very poor. (We called that being “dirt” poor.)

Using Intention to make your life sparkle.

Please believe me, the attainment of money is not what you should concentrate on. It should be the attainment of happiness.

FAME. Fame is a childhood desire for attention and appreciation. Once you live life, you realize that fame is tied to ego. The smaller your ego, the more fame you desire. However, there is another side of fame, when it brings you money. Now, that is another issue, but fraught with complications. Beware.

They believe that if they were “just” famous they could sleep with anyone. Probably true, but with fame comes the problem of “thought imposition”, and that is a ugly reality that famous people have to deal with.  Most do not deal with it well.  I know that I would not be able to.  

Thoughts of others are terribly restrictive. 

They PREVENT growth and experience of the soul in the physical. The
people know of you, the more thoughts are directed towards you.  Each thought narrows your choice selection in your reality (your world-line) variances.  

In other words, once many people think and know of you, the number of world-lines that you can traverse sharply decreases.  

It’s an inertial set of chains.

Now, you DO KNOW, that there are other ways aside from fame that can open up some opportunities to meet a lot of different girls? You all don’t have to be a slime-ball with a casting couch.

SEX: I have a stunning wife and can all the sex I want at any time.  Additionally, if I wanted variety, that is quite available to me as a Boss in China.  My sexual needs are all, and always,  fulfilled. And, I might add, are with REAL beauties.  Not bargain-basement skanks, or Thailand short-time girls.

The two family types and how they work.

Besides, contrary to the impression that you might get in the United States media, most traditional men (such as myself) are naturally happy with a singular wife and family. We adopt the K-strategy. Not the r-strategy so promoted in the American mainstream media.

r/K selection theory

POWER: I have what ever power I desire. It’s not that much. I’m a boss and I have a lot of respect from my charges and my peers. I have a “following” of sorts, and that’s good enough for me.

What kind of power do you want? Be careful. For as you obtain power, you also obtain a lot of baggage and problems associated with it. Limit your desires to what makes you happy and no more. Be careful.

If you, the reader, really and actually had the ability to move to a world-line; one world-line that would provide you with your deepest desires, what would that world-line look like?

It would not be the same as mine. Maybe you would like something along the lines of this…

Do you really want power? Or, would you rather have the fun things that come with the respect that you earn through others? Think about that for a spell. Real power is not something that you see on Hollywood.

Mine pretty much looks like the preferences that I filled out on the handout way back when I was in the Navy sitting with all the beautiful women.

All in all, I think that I am doing pretty darn good.

No, it is not perfect. Yes, I could be making more money, and I have always wanted to have a Bentley, but you know what? I like being driven around. I no longer drive. Yes, I do like to cook, and I make a great pot of chili, but I am just as satisfied with the chili that my wife makes for me, and the dinner that she provides.


We all have to turn off that propaganda machine known as television, and the internet, and start appreciating what we have RIGHT NOW.

How about you go and buy yourself a bagel – nice and hot right out of the oven. Yum!


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...
How to tell -2
Top Secrets
Sales Pitch
Feducial Training
Probe Calibration - 1
Probe Calibration - 2
Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

Influencer Questions

Here are posts that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the mysteries of the lives that we live.

Interview with an Influencer.
More discussions with an influencer.
Using Intention to make your life sparkle.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

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  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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Really Strange China (Part 14)

Let’s continue on exploring China from the point of view of odd, strange and different from that of the “West”.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Chinese Malls

Chinese malls are everywhere, and they tend to be enormous. A mall is generally a sign of a healthy and functioning middle class. Before China kicked out the progressive liberal communists, there just weren’t any malls in China at all. Then, when Mr. Deng started to introduce Reaganomics (though under a Chinese-friendly name), the economy flourished, and malls started to pop up everywhere.

Here’s a typical mall. I think this one is in Hong Kong, if I am not mistaken.

Youngsters performing

I personally love this video. It shows some young drummers performing in front of an audience. It’s pretty cool.

Education for the children

In China, every spare moment that a child has seems to be packed into learning. This can be exhausting, and many children want to play some computer games to escape from “the grind”. You cannot blame them, can you?

Well, a number of Chinese parents figure that if you want to play a computer game, how about one where you can actually learn something. Thus, there is a market for business simulation games. This is a small, but growing niche, where you can become a farmer and eventually become a real estate tycoon. Or maybe try your luck moving a factory making widgets into a global enterprise. These simulations help that.

Here, a young elementary student can relax by running a farm and trying to make a profit…

RV Rental

In China you can buy, or rent recreational vehicles. You can do so just like it is done in the USA. Here’s what it looks like…

Chinese Roads

As I have alluded to previously, the Chinese don’t waste their time going up and down hills. They just build over them, and if there is a mountain in the way, they just plow straight through it. They do not mess around.

China is a nation with an enormous population.

Never forget that, eh? There was a reason why China instituted limits on the number of children that you can have. While they have removed this limitation, many Chinese has opted not to have too many children as they are unwilling to take on the increased tax burden.

And that is it. I hope that you enjoyed this posting of the strange and unusual life of China as compared to America.

Thank you for visiting. I hope that you enjoyed this post and maybe learned something new in the process. Have a wonderful rest of the day!

And, may your days and nights be filled with happiness.

Thank you.

If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Articles & Links

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What Visiting a Park in China is like (part 2)

This is the second page of an on-going post describing what Chinese parks are like. If you would like to start at the beginning, please go HERE. Otherwise enjoy…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

The Views are Beautiful

There is no question that the views are glorious. For beautiful is a word that just doesn’t cut it. I love the fresh air, the scent of the trees, and the cool breezes that caress my face. There is a certain romance with the way the forests are and the rocks and stone. I find it enthralling.

You might wonder why the stones have these traditional Chinese characters on them. Well, I have.

Well, it turns out that this is what the Chinese like to do. You know, like how Americans like to put a plastic pink flamingo (or an entire flock of them) in their front yard, or those plywood cutout of bent-over granny’s, or flying duck whimsy’s in their yards. Or those gnomes… Or those buried bathtubs with a statue of the Virgin Mary inside…

Or putting folding chairs in the parking spots on the streets of Pittsburgh…

Kitsch America
During the 1950’s and the 1960’s Americans would put these Pink Flamingos in their front lawns. It was considered a very trendy thing to do at the time. Now, it is looked upon as Kitsch.
Kitsch, also called cheesiness or tackiness, is art or other objects that, generally speaking, appeal to popular rather than "high art" tastes. Such objects are sometimes appreciated in a knowingly ironic or humorous way. The word was first applied to artwork that was a response to certain divisions of 19th-century art with aesthetics that favored what later art critics would consider to be exaggerated sentimentality and melodrama. Hence, 'kitsch art' is closely associated with 'sentimental art' .

Travel within the Park

Often you might need or opt to take a tram or light-rail train to some of the more remote areas in the parks. This can be an amazing experience.

Often you will ride in and out of the clouds. You will pass under and through trees and vine tangled gorges. You will watch light glimmer off of shattered stone surfaces, and witness rainbows form over enormous cascading waterfalls.


Being China, you will see all kinds of native flora and fauna that is unavailable in the rest of the world. Bird watchers end up experiencing some special treats.

The birds not only look different, but they make different sounds as well. Instead of hearing “cup of tea” from a grackle, you might hear some kind of prehistoric screech that seems like it belongs in a grade B horror flick.


Being a mountainous nation, the Chinese love to take advantage of the natural beauty and scenery. As such, they enjoy building recreational themed structures and venues on the tops of mountains and the sides of cliff faces.

It is pretty common to have these enormous swings that you can ride from one mountain top to the other, or glass floored bridges that you can walk in the clouds by…

There are often all kinds of fun things to do. There are many, many kinds of amusements. I personally like the hour-long water slides that go down the mountain. Awesome! It’s like you are riding some of those logs in the hills of Sacramento (Auburn), California back in the gold-rush days.

Remember them?

Wooden sluice
Here is a sluice from the gold rush days. The water would be diverted and used to help mine, process and separate the gold. In cases of timber logging, the sluices would not have such drastic bends and curves.

It’s sort of like this. And yes, you can experience this kind of ride all over China. It’s as common as bumper stickers on cars. It’s as common as having packages stolen off your porch once delivers them (or the UPS does). It’s as common as shoelaces on shoes.

It is sort of like this…

Riding down one of these things reminds me of a scene from the old television show Here Come the Brides.

There was a scene, in a long ago, half-remembered scene, where they rode down the sluice to get away (?) from some bad guys (?). All this kind of reminds me of that. I well remember wanting to ride one of those trees going down a sluice. Ah, it didn’t happen until over fifty years later. Eh?

The brides lived in an area much like a Chinese park.
Screen capture from the late 1960’s – early 1970’s American television show “Here comes the brides”.

There are all kinds of different versions of this. From little life-raft thingys to miniature go-carts, to mechanics roller beds . Here’s another version at a different park…

It kind of reminds me of sled-riding in the dead of Winter on snowy January nights in Western Pennsylvania. The logging roads in the woods would be blocked off from traffic, and the snow would be packed down by snowmobile. Then the cub-scouts would organize a “wiener roast” or “hot dog” party at the base (or often) at the summit of the hill.

Well, that’s enough micro-videos for this section. Let’s go to the next page of this post to see what other surprises that await us in the parks of China.

Now, let’s go to the next part of this post. (If I throw in too many micro-videos nothing appears and the post takes forever to load.) So to continue, please go follow this arrow…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Articles & Links

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What Visiting a Park in China is like (part 1)

Here we spend some time exploring China. In particular some of those outstanding mountains that are just about everywhere.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

China is a land of some amazing nature and spectacular views. You look at the brochures, and the commercials, and the videos and say “Man oh man, I just have to go there and visit that place!“.

Well, this is what it’s like…

It’s all about the climb.

Every single park in China seems to be located on the top of a mountain. To access it, you need to hike up these endless steps and climb up and up and up. It’s amazing!

You, the reader might think that I am joking, or maybe exaggerating. I am not. All of the parks involve climbing.

I have a theory about this.

I think that over the last 5000 years, as the Chinese population grew and nations came and went, the Chinese people rendered all the land, except for the most difficult to reach, for living and farming. Thus, today, in modern contemporaneous China, the parks are located in the most difficult to reach locations.

It doesn’t matter where you go in China. The parks all require strong legs and a willingness to climb.


Of course, when you go on hikes in China, you will often need to use the restroom. The Chinese will often accommodate this most basic of human needs, and will make a small and easy restroom where you can go to the bathroom in.

China tends to be warm, and thus you will need to keep well hydrated. As you climb, you will sweat. To replenish your precious bodily fluids, you will drink some bottle water, and continue on your way.

Chinese water prices
Chinese bottled water and prices. Note that in general, 6.3 yuan equals 1 USD.

Eventually, at some point, you will need to stop and take a leak. For many this will require a bathroom or toilet or urinal.

The only problem is that it is often located off to the side and you might need to hike a spell to get to it. It’s sort of like this…

Spectacular Views

The views that one can see once they climb these mountains are often spectacular. In China, for some crazy reason, most of the mountains seem to have nearly perpendicular sides. It’s like a towering cliff face. Yet, once you get to the summit and take a look around, the view can be breathtaking.

Like this…

For some reason all the parks in China seem to be perched up high at the very summit of the mountains. This can be everything from bathrooms to convenience stores. The Chinese do love to climb. It’s almost a national pastime.

Maybe sometime way back in their past they had an affinity for mountain goats. Ugh!

Climbing goats in trees.
Goats can climb trees and cliff faces. I never could get my “arms” around this concept. As they don’t possess hands, or thumbs to assist in gripping things.

By the way… have you all been as mystified as I have about goats? I mean, really what’s all this stuff about them climbing trees? You know, they don’t have hands capable of gripping or anything like that. Yet they can climb trees.

I boggles the mind, I’ll tell you what.

Now, let’s go to the next part of this post. (If I throw in too many micro-videos nothing appears and the post takes forever to load.) So to continue, please go follow this arrow…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site. I don’t make money off of it. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care.

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The Chinese Love of Off-Road Vehicle Adventures

In America we have RV’s, donut-wheeled motorized trikes, and dirt-bikes. We have jeeps and all sorts of pickups. Well, you know what? So does China. The Chinese love the sport of going “off road” and exploring China.

Here we are doing to have a brief review of this most awesome pastime. Just make sure that your trunk is filled with ice and a fine beverage of your choice. Myself, I prefer a nice icy-cold beer, but wine, VSOP, XO and whiskey are fine alternatives.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

The Chinese love to travel in groups

The Chinese love to travel in groups. They really do not like to travel alone. They view life as something that should be shared. And, I for one, can’t blame them.

Friendships are important and are important when you are involved in shared activities that everyone enjoys. Such things as travel, adventure and exploration are greatly prized by the Chinese. In fact, they form individual clubs and groups around these activities.

This is in many ways like what we in the United States used to do maybe three decades ago. That was before the federal government started to demand open membership in clubs and organizations. First it began with “men’s only” clubs being forced to accept woman, and now we have the Boy Scouts turning into the Queer trans-gendered scouts.

Sigh. America is a progressive utopia today.

Luckily, China doesn’t permit any of this kind of social engineering, so people are free to establish their own clubs and organizations totally independent fro the government. And, so they do…

Outfitting the camper(s)

Many of the Chinese take their four-wheel drive vehicles and outfit them as sleeping quarters. This is the same as what you would see in the United States with “campers” and other rigs of a similar nature. The only difference is that most of these outfitted vehicles are designed for off-road adventures on difficult terrain.

I have seen these vehicles decked out much the same way that the 1970’s van culture would do. They would have carpet inside the vehicles and on the ceilings just like we all used to put shag carpeting in the ceilings and dashboards of our vans and Camaros back in the late 1970’s.

Decked out van from the 1970's.
In the 1970’s it was fashionable, for a spell, to outfit the interiors of vans as portable party machines. Then at that time, we would cruse in the van, listening to music, and enjoying our beverages and smokes as we watched the world pass us all by. Many van interiors looked a little like this.

Inside you can find refrigerators (you know, for some frosty beer), as well as high-end stereo and television systems. Some are outfitted with independent air conditioning, power generators, and heaters. It all depends on the owners.

Being China, bathroom necessities are generally taken cared for behind trees or within ravines.

Rather than having one-way tinted or mirrored glass, most Chinese vehicles have insulated glass to keep the UV light out, and a network of curtains that can be closed for privacy when needed. These curtains are often thick and used to help keep the interior of the vehicle at a pleasant temperature.

Many of the vehicles have “pop top” arrangements that open up to a kind of built-in tent. Thus you can have a nice sleeping tent on the top of the vehicle, or one that would fold outwards from the back or side of the vehicle.

Mud Slingin’ on quad bikes

Just like in the American South East, the Chinese have a love for Mud Slingin’. Here, it is often done with quad bikes instead of pickups, the the overall idea is pretty much the same.

No, this is not about calling people names or “digging up dirt” on people.

This is the actual act of throwing mud around – often in a four-wheel-drive vehicle. You can see this kind of activity all over “fly over country” (i.e. outside of the urban centers) in the United States. It doesn’t matter if the soil is red, or if it is black. If there is dirt, and there is water, then you can have loads of fun slinging it around.


I well remember my first experiencing mud slingin’. It was in the boondocks somewhere between Rock Hill and York South Carolina. We were in this stand of tall pines (in the Carolina’s are there any other kinds of forests?) and a bunch of fellas with huge trucks, with these super massive wheels were tearing up this bog in the middle of a clearing.

Mus slingin in the USA.
This is what American style mud-slinging looks like. It’s a great way to spend the weekend, and hang out with your friends. It’s also a great and wonderful experience when you spend it with friends drinking beer and eating some delicious home-style hamburgers. Hey! Life is too short not to have a good time.

The soil, of course, was red, and so was the mud. As they drove in and out of the bog, the mud would spray over everything. It was a geyser of wet red mud that got into everything. I’ll tell you what. But who cares anyways.

We’d ride around and then of course get some beer from the various trucks. Everyone was really open to sharing some of their fine frosty libations (that’s beer for those of you from Rio Linda), and some fine eating. We later went to a fish fry and I got my first taste of hush puppies. Good eating ya all.

Anyways, the Chinese are the same. They like the same things… fish… beer… motor sports… slinging mud… singing songs. Though they probably never heard of Charlie Daniels, they would certainly be willing to belt out a contemporaneous Country and Western tune or two with me.

You know, like Sam Hunt.

Dirt-Biking up and down the woods

Well, the Chinese also have a real love for dirt-biking.

Here we can see some quad bikes having some fun on some stairs. Of course, they should really be wearing helmets, but they don’t need to. In China, there aren’t laws to protect us from ourselves. They don’t have all these rules to make our life better and safer.

Instead they expect us to take responsibility for ourselves. If we hurt ourselves, then we suffer the consequences, and pay for it out of our own pocket. It’s not the government’s business. It’s ours.

Full Dressers

Here’s a chick on a fully dressed Indian. Don’t ya just love it?

Some cities in China have banned motorcycles, and / or electric scooters. I know that Shenzhen has banned them because so many of the people using them have little regard for the rules of the road and traffic safety. (It’s kind of amazing. You have this super difficult written test and a series of driving tests that you must take, and still people drive like maniacs…)

Heck, it’s like a scene from Momas Family.

Momas Family
Mama’s Family is an American television sitcom starring Vicki Lawrence as Thelma Harper. The series is a spin-off of a recurring series of comedy sketches called “The Family” featured on The Carol Burnett Show and Carol Burnett & Company. The sketches led to the made-for-TV movie Eunice, and finally the television series.


So what the Shenzhen police did was just drive around in big box trucks and collect every parked motorcycle that they could find. They would drive over to the curb and just start loading them up. The Chinese do not mess around.

This, or course, ended up getting many people upset.


They shouldn’t have gotten upset. The police gave a six months notice that they would do this. But, you know, people being people just never thought that it would actually happen. So they started rounding up all kinds of motorized bicycles.

Anyways, big bikes are popular in China.

When the tariff issues are resolved between Trump and Xi Peng, (and they will most certainly get resolved) you can expect sales of Harley’s to really take off in China. The chicks really love those Harleys.

Caravans into the Hinderlands

Often the Chinese will organize into groups of like-minded folk and go on caravans.

Often they will arrange multi-week long trips and go out exploring the back-roads of China. Often they will communicate with each other by establishing a group video chat on We-chat. You just have the APP run on the dash and carry on with multiple conversations while you drive along.

Here’s another micro-video along these lines.

People, life is about living. If you are not out with your friends, doing the best to provide for your family, and eating well, then you are squandering it. You need to go forth and take the cup of life with both hands and gulp it down in big frosty foam-filled gulps.

Exploring Tibet

The region of Tibet is an enormous geographical area, comprising nearly 25% of all of China. It is mountainous with some absolutely amazing views. Many of my friends have outfitted their vehicles and explored this section of the country with all sorts of adventurous tales.


The Chinese love motor sports just like Americans do. They form clubs and groups and enjoy the pleasures of automobiles and adventure together with their friends. If you, have the same interests, I would suggest that you too go forth and enjoy yourself.

There’s a hill. Out there. Waiting for you.

What’s your excuse?

Links about China

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
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