We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
Well, this post is to be an elaboration on a few specific MM comments. The poster wanted some clarification on what is going on regarding [1] hotels (in China, obviously) and [2] “new friends” that you might make on your adventures inside of China, and I of course, was more than willing to help him out.
But before I begin, let me clarify a few things.
First Off, China has changed.
China is not the way it was ten years ago, or even later. The days of going to a salon with wall to wall girls that can give you some manly pleasures are few and far-between today. Even in the remote communities. It’s all kind of dying off.
So your experience from ten years ago or longer are actually (sad to say) not really going to be replicated. Those days are over.
I do not see them returning.
The same goes with the ladies that walk the streets, and hang out on the corners. You used to see them everywhere and on certain streets. You can still go to those streets, but things are much more discreet these days. You need to know what you are doing, and have a local friend to help you navigate the local geography.
It’s all about change.
And change is good. Well, in this case it’s good.
Part of the reasons behind these changes it are due to laws, part of it is due to society, and part of it is due to technology.
China has implemented some harsh laws regarding morality. The Chinese government wishes to maintain a traditional culture, and thus many venues related to vice are discouraged. Prostitution has always existed, and still exists, but it is no longer so blatant and open as it used to be.
Raw, Western style, quick flings are a dying breed. Instead, they have been replaced with talented and beautifulcourtesans. These are mighty women. Some youngish (in their 20's) and some older. All strong, capable and beautiful.
Not to mention... profit oriented.
China is very prosperous.
The Western "news" has been so God-Damn awful that no one outside of China realizes just how well off the Chinese are. They are not only far richer than their American equals, but they own multiple homes, have savings, and are generally far happier.
A walk through any Chinese parking lot will produce a vast number of Mercedes, BMW's, Porches, and high-end local vehicles. Not to mention the occasional Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Bentley.
What this means is that even the poorest Chinese person is doing quite well. The need to go prostitute yourself out of drug addiction, poverty or some kind of forced-slavery is no longer on the table. People who prostitute themselves in China do so for additional money, or to improve their lives. Not out of necessity.
QR code in the skies of Shenzhen. All done by laser-mounted and LED mounted drones flying via 5G and AI.
Sure there are dating APPs, and payment APPS and QR codes and all sorts of technology that makes business transactions very easy, and free.
Unlike the USA where every single thing you do comes with a fee, in China it's free. You want to transfer some money electronically, scan the QR. No cost. It's free. Try doing that in America. America is the land with a million tiny, tiny hands in your wallet taking very small bites out of everything that you do, so that at the end of the day your wallet is empty.
Not in China.
So it's much easier to network electronically, make your connections and associations and make some "new friends" in the process. Everyone has a smart phone, and unlike America where you need to pay a weeks salary for one, here in China they are cheap and easy to get. Everyone has them. Everyone uses them.
And if you want to make a few spare yuan on the side, it's ridiculously easy to meet new people, and make new friends.
China is far, far, FAR more advanced than anyone in the West has any idea about. All those electronics, and technologies that come from Germany, Japan, Switzerland and Korea are all developed and made inside of China.
That’s the reality.
And that is partially why the US government is so horrified about “China’s rise”. As if it just happened “over night”. It didn’t.
And don’t even get me started on the idea that America is going to invest 2 trillion dollars on infrastructure to catch up with China…
Catch up…
The second point…
I think that the world has become a very harsh place.
Some places like the Middle East, and America are very difficult places to live. People feel under all sorts of pressure and need a release. They want some fun, and some pleasure.
And while I like to talk about the sexual activity that may or may not be associated with this, I strongly believe that the companionship of some new friends, some good food, and great conversation is really … REALLY… very much in need today.
Seriously, the best conversationalists are women.
I am sorry guys. That’s a fact. And they can chat up a storm, and they are interesting to boot! Add to that the fact that they can read EQ and emote to you on a very deep and significant level. It’s calming to me, and seriously I need to relax before I am ready to perform any kind of sexual activity. I’m not a 16 year old boy. I need intellectual stimulation to relax.
The old days of being “ready to go” in a second and leap into bed are long, long gone. Those days are like a very distant memory to me.
Now from my point of view, as a older man, I need to have more stimulation aside from what you would just get sexually. I need to have some good food. Some great wine. And some great conversation with a woman that spends the time to look great and who is willing to chat up and have some fun with me. Other older men in the MM audience know what I am talking about.
For you’se other guys that don’t know, and don’t understand, you WILL find out.
Just popping a Viagra, or a Cialis just won’t cut it.
It’s no longer about getting “it up”, and “staying hard”. It’s also about wanting to have sex, being interested, and staying interested, and having the energy and stamina to engage in some physical romping.
Your little-MM won’t budge an inch unless you are relaxed and interested in your partner and what they have to say.
That’s just the way it is.
Believe me or not. I don’t care.
For me, you just aren’t gonna get that with a run-of-the-mill street walker. Instead, You get that (what you need) from friends, and from other people who are upwardly mobile looking to chat up with successful and interesting men.
Interesting men. People who can discuss things on a wide selection of topics, and who have some money to spend, and like to play around a little bit. And that’s … well… you all like MM don’t you?
Ok. Enough of that disclaimer.
I think you all know what I am trying to say. Stop thinking that everything is a black and white cartoon. It isn’t. the world is colorful, and the needs of humans are varied and complex. Our best experiences come from understanding and embracing this fact.
Drink some wine. Chat up on a subject that you love to talk about. Be a little goofy, or silly. Don’t be afraid to say things. Joke some, drink some and eat some delicious food. have a great time, and then… relaxed, and engaged, you can take your time alone with your new friends. At a nice, leisurely pace.
It’s a win – win.
The Comment
I think this comment was written on 19APR21.
Concerning “ding dong” girls.
IMO best to just go into the bar. My first experience was in a Zhuhai hotel. (Took ferry straight from Hong Kong airport). The bar folks will call somone to come talk to you if there is no one there.
However, found out the hard way that first Chinese trip that you need to be careful about the pebble trick (I believe that is what happened: someone put a stone in the door so it never fully closed and while showering someone came in and exchanged my real RMB with counterfeit RMB). First the taxi guy told me I had fake RMB (didn’t believe him since I had it exchanged in the bank the previous day) but accepted they were fake when I went for an incredible foot and back massage the next night.
Also, learned the scary way in Shanghai to never go to KTVs that are not connected to the hotels you are staying in, unless you are with a local.
If one had a “ding dong” girl (first time I heard the term), how does one pay them if currency is no longer exchanged? Or do you still need cash for stuff like that?
And this is my response, and note that I elaborated upon it substantially…
You pay the girls using QR scans via Ali-pay, WeChat, or in E-yuan.
The most common way to move money around to friends or make purchases within China is through QR code. Everyone has one, and depending on your situation, you might have a couple all directing to different backs or purposes that you have arranged beforehand. You can read about it HERE.
Sometimes you can use some paper currency. They are useful. No one is going to reject a couple of thousand RMB if you hand it to them.
But in general, you use e-pay. You just generate your personal QR to your bank account. It’s amazingly easy.
If she (or he) is reluctant to give you a QR to scan, you can easily pass the money to here electronically. (BTW, It’s never happened.) I know that there is a KTV club in Louhu, Shenzhen that has a nice troop of young attractive men (in white) that service the ladies. They have a QR code printed on a cloth that is sewn into their jacket. They just flop out the cloth QR and the lady (or guy) scans the code and everyone is good to go.
Male hosts tend to provide services to the ladies in fine, clean (and often white) attire.
It doesn’t sound very classy, but it is. It’s all in the presentation. You know, for a man who is providing services to a lady, the actions and the behaviors are all very scripted and precise. It’s not crude at all, but rather very refined, polite, and calming.
In general, the most common way of transferring money is through the exchange of wechat names, and then you can either do a direct transfer, or send a few red envelopes to her. As in the picture at the top of this article.
Sending a “red envelope” full of money to a friend is very easy using WeChat.
If that doesn’t work, then you can do a direct surface to surface transfer of cash.You use a direct transfer APP and put your two phones physically together and the transfer goes directly without using Wifi.
Finally, if she is associated with the hotel, you can tack her fees to your hotel bill, and the gal at the register will hand her cash or transfer via QR.
Most of the bars with the bar-girls available via ferry from HK to Shekou no longer exist. The entire area has been built up by overseas Chinese investors and is now one large sprawling mall with Western prices. Yikes!
As far as Zhuhai is concerned, the major hotels that were involved in the KTV girls pretty much were closed. The hotel in front of my home was busted in 2013 for having 600 KTV girls. It was a night of many sorrows, I can well imagine.
Vice raids on Chinese hotels that host KTV girls and boys occur all over China. Since 2013 the police has put a major clamp-down on these establishments and most have ended up operating in a stealth mode ever since.
Ding Dong girls are the girls on the colorful business cards that you see shoved under your hotel doors, or on the street. Usually if you see a trail of cards on the sidewalk, they are a trail of “bread crumbs” that you follow to a hotel lobby.
You can tell that “X” marks the spot with a bunch of cards lying on the cement in front of the lobby door.
So you look down, see all these business sized colorful cards with pictures of cute girls and then you look in the front lobby. There when you go in, you’ll see from three to seven girls all sitting around in the lobby looking bored and playing with their phones.
You can, of course, go up to them and chat.
But more commonly is that you turn on your wechat “scan for local members” and see if any of the girls near you are broadcasting.This feature will alert you to all the local people near you with a wechat on. Which should be a couple thousand. But if you only look at those that are the closest to you, you will be fine. You should be able to pick out the girls really easily.
For instance, if you are in a lobby, the girls will be from 1 to 10 meters away. So you look over the closest girls and try to associate the girl with the wechat picture. The smartest girls will put their picture so that you can recognize them directly.
Chances are, that they are available. so you find the gal that you want, and you connect, and send her a message. The wechat function allows you to chat and translate at the same time. So you just say hi. Ask the amount, and the desired services, and then you two can go up to the hotel and have some fun.
It’s super convenient.
Now the “shake” feature is something different. You can easily connect with someone. You both click on the shake feature , and then both phones will connect. It’s useful when you don’t have a local Wifi and you don’t want to use data. You just shake and broadcast.
I tend not to use it very much.
But it can get you to meet some interesting people…
About the “fun”
Well, I assume that most MM readers are adults, eh?
Fun means many things to many people. When I was a younger fellow, I would immediately get down to “business”. Get my rocks off and they see the lady out the door. But, you know, that’s a long, long time ago.
So you see guys, as you get older, your testosteronedropsdramatically, You just don’t have the interest in sex like you used to have when you are younger.
Now, the thing is that it’s not only the singular need to have enough blood pressure in the nether regions so you can pop up a nice erection, but rather it is the entire system.
It’s like a car that’s getting old…
Worn out car. This is what happens to hard-drivers when they get old.
When you get old, you are like a high-performance car that needs some really, really good tender loving and care.
You run out of gas…
…and out of oil,
…and out of windshield washer fluid,
…and out of brake fluid,
…and out of steering wheel fluid,
…and a loss of air pressure in the tires…
And along with that comes with the entire effort to “get it up” to engage in sexual activity.
Actually as bad as it sounds, it’s no big deal. We all (really) don’t care that much about it. The truth of the matter is that by the time you are in your mid-60’s you know how the world works and discover that your fears about relationships and sex are just nonsense.
And when you don’t have that testosterone screaming in your ear all day and night, you can take your time and savor what is in front of you. Things are not so urgent, and driven any longer.
You no longer gobble down a hamburger and wash it down with a coke. Instead, you take the time to find a nice local restaurant, and call a friend to join you. You pick out the meal carefully, and you savor the smells, the environment, and the companionship. You appreciate things more. You are no longer in such a frantic rush to “obtain”, or to “get” what ever it is that you are being driven towards.
As you get older, you start to savor what is placed before you. And you start enjoying life.
What is going on…
There are three primary components to a male sex rive & ability. They are…
Ability to have (and maintain) an erection. [Blood pressure]
Interest and desire
Ability to make the milky goodness and release.
Of course, this is never spoken about. The closest you ever come to this kind of discussion is on a Viagra commercial. But it’s a real issue and you all should be made aware of it.
Guys, because after all, we all encounter these situations. One way or the other, and…
Women, to understand what is going on with the men in your life, you need to best understand a little bit about their biology.
I really don’t want to have this entire article degrade into a biologically based topic, but I do want to though out some quick notes that people can nod in agreements with or go “pshaw! You dat crazy!”.
[1] Ability to have (and maintain) an erection. [Blood pressure]
This is easy, more or less, to take care of. There are medicines (today) such as viagra, levitra and cialis. that can take care of this issue. The thing is about this is that you must be careful with drinking alcohol when you mix drugs. And when you are older, and you are taking other medicines for heart issues, blood pressure issues, and other issues, mixing medicines can come with consequences.
The thing is, and it's an important thing, just being hard and strong means nothing unless your other two issues are taken cared for.
[2] Interest and desire
The ability to have interest and desire is also complex. Much of that comes from Testosterone. and men tend to lose it as they get older. Which can be a real problem. You can end up having a lot of sex, but can never release. It can be a little frustrating. Don't you know.
Now there are natural ways to increase your production of this very important hormone. Good healthy food, and moderate exercise will work wonders. You can also take one of the different kinds of testosterone medications that are available.
Heck! You can even get some of the testosterone injection tablets that they inject into cattle (to make them big) and suck on it for a few minutes to improve your dose. (They are little white pills that look like tip of a ball point pen, on shaped like a miniature barrel.) But like all medications, if you do that without compensation in other areas, you might cause other problems. Try to strive for balance.
[3] Ability to make the milky goodness and release.
And thus, with the two above systems working well, and you are interested and relaxed with your partner, you would be able to ejaculate. And this (of course) starts up and fires up those wonderful endorphins that make us all feel good and healthy.
And the more times you do this a day (with a partner) the younger you become. Not just in mental attitude, but also in physical health.
Which leads me to…
Never the less, having sex is a great way to get exercise, and we need exercise. If you don’t get your needed exercise you can be prone to illnesses, and those illnesses can actually kill you. So exercise is an important part of your daily regimen. So we engage in healthy pleasureful exercise every opportunity we get.
Did you know that men who have daily or sex often (during) a week tend to live, act, and look ten times younger? Its true!
So every opportunity I get, I try to engage in sex… you know… for health reasons. It’s important for me (personally) and for my family. It’s a need that all men must take regardless of your age.
Now if you don’t believe me, that’s fine too. But I am going to stick with my theories. Thank you very much.
The need for fun & companionship
All this being said, even if you have near-zero levels of testosterone, and a low interest in sex, you do want and need to have companionship. And if you are out and about, on the road, working like crazy, far away from home you do get lonely.
It might be nice eating in a restaurant a few times a week, but it gets really old, really fast if you are forced to do it every single day.
Business Road Warrior.
The life of a “road warrior” is not all that it is cracked up to be. And so when you are out with your friend and are out and about, it’s a real pleasure to have some close physical contact with an attractive member of the opposite sex who you want talk to and who is interesting.
And really…
Why be lonely when you could share it with other nice and interesting people. Not just women, of course, but men. And dogs. And cats. Is that fight, fight, fight for the “big money” worth taking away from some companionship, pleasures and fun?
I say NO!
Now, we’ve talked about all sorts of things, but let’s get down to talking about hotels. And Lordy, I have seen my fair share. I have been in every kind of hotel imaginable inside China. From five star castles to one star flop-houses, to rural three-star “business” hotels, to Bordello Hotels. I’ve been to them all.
It’s always an adventure.
They are not the clones of hotels that you see in the USA. Whether it is a Marriott, Hilton or Hotel-6. Each hotel inside of China has it’s own very unique and interesting branding. It’s all a real pleasure.
Like before, this all began with a comment…
In reply to congjing yu.
Your integrity shows by not trying to dispel reality.
The criticism of public washrooms must include a caveat about Hotel rooms and their showers.
Spent over a hundred days in China over 20+ trips to China in early 2010’s. Being SuperElite on Air Canada had me upgraded on almost ever flight to First Class while paying almost always under USD$1,000 return. So I am smart cheap and have experiences in Chinese hotels. And was fortunate to hit 6 of 7 continents before 50 and hope to step on 7th before I die.
Chinese hotels are the BOMB! Spacious and Clean and everyone with King-sized beds. Now there are filthy hotels I am sure, but I always paid between USD$50-USD$100/night. Each room would have cost more than USD$300 in Western Europe, USD$250 in NYC, and over USD$150 everywhere else in Canada and the U.S.
The Showers were the best in the World. All showers had room for 2 and many for 3. Rain showers with incredible shower heads were included in almost all rooms. Some had water jets from the sides. Funny things is that half were glass so you could see the rest of the room while showering (something I have never experienced outside China – maybe available in rest of southeast Asia, but I have not traveled there)! There was a shower curtain (shower privacy blind) on the side facing the room, so if you had a visitor in your room and didn’t want them to see you, you could pull down.
I suggest anyone wanting to see what I am raving about just watch a few of the many Chinese quarantine videos out there.
MM, question: You showed us your kit that you use to go on overnight stays. You included a toothbrush and toiletries. Have Chinese hotels gone the Rest of the World way and no longer provide these?
Every hotel room I was in had complimentary combs, tooth brushes, and plenty of everything else. Many even had complimentary condoms.
Great info on the hotels, I think that I am going to write an article on this subject int he future. Thanks for the alert!
Actually, I am so used to the Hotels inside of China that I have forgotten just how shoddy the ones in the United States are.
You are absolutely correct, and they all are nice. Or course, you were a foreigner so you probably stayed at the four and five star hotels, and of course they are the shit! I’ll tell you what, but you must know that I am used to sleeping all over the place in China, from five star hotels to one star hotels. So I have a pretty decent idea of what it is all about.
Most showers are glass. When I mean most, I mean 99.9999% are. I have NEVER seen a shower curtain in my life here. Most are very open, spacious and have these very nice shower heads. Most of the shower accessories are made in FoShan, and coincidentally, I happen to know most of the factory bosses for this particular line of products. And yeah… all over the world… they are all made in China.
Foshan is in the center of the Guangdong province. It is near the major city of Guangzhou.
As far as the kit goes, each hotel is different.
Most do have toiletries. They do, as well as complementary items for your use and a few free bottles of water, a tea kettle, and free tea. Also normal are disposable slippers, bathrobes, and condom access. Also normal is a gas mask (in a red box) in case there is a fire in the hotel.
Emergency fire-mask that can be found in all of the hotels inside of China.
What is not normal is ice. The only time where I have seen an ice machine is in the five star western hotels. Never in the local hotels.
Also a shaving kit tends to be hit or miss. I would say around 40% of the hotels don’t have them. Also missing is hand creme or lotion. This seems to be very common in the United States, but absolutely absent in China.
Now that all being said, on occasion, I have run into instances where there isn’t a toothbrush. It does happen, you know. So what I tend to do is pick up a spare brush or two and throw it in my kit just in case. I haven’t needed them for a while, but it’s better safe than sorry.
In the smaller cities, you can also get a lot of “ding dong” girl cars slid under your door. They tend to look good on the cards, but the real deal is rather hit or miss.
Ding Dong Cards
These are the cards that you find lying everywhere. They have a half-life and tend to expire, so if you find a fresh card around then you can probably pick it up if you want to meet someone new.
While I am at it…
Let’s take a look at some of the advertisements that you can find inside the men’s bathrooms all over China. The following is a stamp that I think ended up being stamped everywhere in China. They must have used a couple tankers of red ink to advertise all this…
Manly advertisements.
This is pretty much how it is inside of China.
If you are at a Western hotel that caters to travelers from the West the beds will be extra soft, they will have complementary coffee packets, some hand lotion, and English-fluent staff. The rest of China will, however, have harder beds. Complementary tea bags, and instructions in Chinese.
It’s all good.
A final note…
We are not machines.
And the illusions that the media, and that the “news” provide to us tend to be lies. The gals in the pictures that you see might be all that perfect, and alluring and wonderful, but you know what?
It’s when their real personality comes out that I really get interested in them. It’s when I see what they are like. It’s when I see that behind that nice perfect appearance that they have “heart”, passion, and uniqueness.
It’s the PERSONALITY that makes my jizzle sizzle!
Do you want more?
I have more posts along these lines in my China KTV Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
In this article we are going to look at some of the most common games that drunk adults play in China. It’s a fundamental part of Chinese culture. This is true whether you are in a bar, or a KTV, or just messing around eating BBQ outside at 4am. Playing with dice is a (seemingly) national pastime.
We are going to talk about two subjects primarily…
Drinking alcohol.
Playing games in the KTV.
I am covering it here as part of my business KTV section. You don’t need to go to a business KTV to play it. But knowing how to play the game is going to be really helpful to be able to control your drinking. Otherwise, you will be too drunk to do anything when it comes time to go to your hotel room.
You do NOT want that.
Oh, HELL no!
You need to control your alcohol intake, and part of being able to do that is to understand the drinking games that you will play with your companion.
So listen up.
Ok. So here you are….
You have had a very fulfilling meal. You impressed your hosts with your drinking ability, and you gave them great face by eating all sorts of delicious Chinese food. Now it is time to play. So, arrangements have been made, and your are driven into a non-descript building with a tiny-tiny sign that says KTV on it, and you depart the car in the basement. Your aide helps you into the elevator and you find yourself being led to the KTV room for the evenings festivities. You’ve already selected a companion and after you two clink glasses of beer together she picks up a big plastic cup with five dice inside of it. What now?
What now?
Here we are going to discuss some of the dice games that you can play. You only need to know one or two. Then just use that as a basic of getting drunk. Have fun, and don’t get too caught up on what you are doing. Just relax, and have fun.
It is part of the Chinese culture, especially among Chinese men, to drink beer or Baijiu when gathering with friends and family during hotpot dinner or KTV sessions. So be ready to 干杯gān bēi (drink up). It is part of Chinese culture to toast with people that are with you in order to make them feel that you consider them and care about them. If someone toasts with you ten times in ten minutes, just go with it and drink up ten times.
-6 Interesting facts about Chinese KTVs
The beauty of China‘s drinking games is that they cut down on the rules, leaving plenty of time for pure, unadulterated imbibing. Whether your preferred tipple is a beer or a cocktail, there’s a game to suit you.
In China, a very successful boss is someone who can drink very strong alcohol and hold his own and maintain “face” while the rest of the world watches on.
Realize that everything listed here is conducted with healthy quantities of alcohol. If you cannot or will not drink alcohol, I would advise you NOT to come to China.
Warning! Before going to China on business or for pleasure, make sure you understand the cultural implications of drinking, or not drinking, alcohol, or you will most likely suffer unwanted consequences. It’s not always lighthearted fun and games in China.
To boil down this complicated issue to one sentence: You can have friends, be rich and drink …. or don’t drink and be lonely and poor.
While that might seem overly exaggerated to some, anyone familiar with drinking culture in China can tell you that at best, this is a slightly black and white, yet mostly accurate, description.
-China Educational Tours
Understand China well; If you cannot drink alcohol, they will take your money, but you will have ZERO respect.
In China, the ability to drink hard alcohol in large quantities is a measure of your worth. If you cannot do it, you will be judged as something undesirable. It is better to try to handle the alcohol and throw it all out in the privacy of the bathroom than lose face to your peers of business associates. This is a Fair Warning.
A Quick Review
The dice games usually occur at a KTV after a full night of eating and drinking in a restrurant.
It should come as no surprise that China has more of a collective culture and less of an individualistic one. Therefore, in social situations, things are done more as a group and less as an individual. Drinking is done no differently.
You’ll be at a restaurant, sitting at a round table with white table cloth, and 10-20 other people. Depending on the occasion, there could be multiple tables (for weddings, it’s of course the entire room). Snacks and then food will be served, along with copious amounts of alcohol.
However, usually everyone drinks together, at certain times (not necessarily whenever they feel like it) and rarely alone. Someone next to you may say “quànjiǔ” which means “let’s drink together” and is a way for them to propose a toast. Or, the most senior host may propose a toast for the table before the junior host does the same.
Throughout the evening, there will be many, many, truly many toasts – both small toasts between you and the person next to you or on the other side of the table, and large toasts for the whole table.
If you cannot drink alcohol, don’t even bother coming to China…!
If it’s a wedding or other multi-table event, people will gradually begin to just walk from table to table toasting almost everyone they see.
Note: for anyone not familiar with the custom of “toasting”, it means that drinking alcohol with the toaster is pretty much obligatory.
The drinks are usually in small shot glasses (sometimes only half the size of a regular shot glass) and will be beer or red wine if you’re lucky, baijiu if you’re not.
Toasts are little more than the word “Ganbei”, although they can be longer. For those curious minds asking,
“Would it be ok for someone to toast me with Ganbei and instead of downing the drink all at once, I just take a sip (as they down theirs)?”
The answer – NO! Not really.
It is an action considered to be RUDE by the majority of people. No one is going to force you to shotgun your drink, but it leaves an awkward, slightly offended moment, as if someone goes to high-5, or fist-bump, another person and the other person just walks by. In the end though, it’s your choice.
If invited to an event – be it a business-type meeting, a wedding, a graduation, etc. – you will more than likely, be EXPECTED to drink.
And it IS expected.
And there will be pressure to do so (more pressure if you’re male, less pressure if you’re female).
Your glass will be filled (and refilled), and refilled yet again.
People will make toasts or raise their glass towards you, and … most importantly, it will be considered incredibly rude to refuse.
China does not give the same consideration to individual preference regarding drinking as is normally done in English-speaking countries (especially in Canada and the US). This is something that they have never of. It is something that is simply NOT done.
In other words, “No thanks, I’m good” is not usually considered acceptable and instead will likely be considered rude, insulting, and offensive.
To decline an offer of drinking is to insult your host.
To illustrate, imagine being invited to someone’s house for dinner and doing one of the following: 1) not eating or drinking anything, all while sitting at the table with a disgusted look; 2) going to someone’s house for dinner and telling the host their house is ugly, their furniture looks cheap, their decoration is in poor taste.
Refusing a drink in China is considered somewhere in between those two illustrations. It is a MAJOR Faux Pas.
Faux PasA faux pas is a socially awkward or tactless act, especially one that violates accepted social norms, standard customs, or the rules of etiquette. The expression faux pas comes from French, where it means "false step", "misstep". It has been used in English for over 300 years.
In China, you will discover that even tiny petite little girls will be able to drink very strong alcohol. If you cannot compete against them, how can you compete against hard steely company bosses? China is all about relationships and the competition building them.
Rejecting the drink is felt as a rejection of the person offering the drink. It is not seen to have anything to do with a person’s personal taste preference, comfort level, tolerance, or previous drinking habits. Thus, the unintentional insult that a western may convey when turning down alcohol, will spill over into, and harm, business and social relationships.
In between toasts, there will be lots of eating, joking, storytelling (probably all in Mandarin unless you’re in a bilingual, bicultural group), and some drinking games as the night progresses. All the while, people will be toasting one another faster than a swarm of bees hitting a flower parade.
Ten to fifty toasts per hour is a pretty reasonable expectation.
Once dinner is over, the party could continue into the wee hours of the morning at a KTV or massage parlor. If it’s a business dinner, and you want to sign a contract or close a deal, expect the night to go ‘til late. I’ve been out as late at 7am the next morning.
Check my other posts on this subject on how to control the timing and events.
Non-alcohol drinkers are viewed within China as losers, thief’s, untrustworthy, dangerous, sly, and a big problem. It’s sort of the way that the homeless in San Francisco are viewed as they shit on the sidewalk.
Some advice
The following is from an article titled “Ganbei – Chinese Drinking Culture” . Reproduced as found, minus the pictures. Edited to fit this venue, and all credit to the original author(s) and all credit to the website at the link listed. I would suggest you visit this most excellent site.
Toasting culture and rules
It’s bad enough if you refuse a drink, don’t insult your hosts more by messing up the toasting rules too.
1) Toasts are not usually long, draw-out affairs that take minutes to complete. These types of toasts are saved for more ceremonious occasions. Often, a “toast” simply means someone turns in your direction or physically approaches you, lifts their full (shot) glass and says the magic word, “Ganbei!”. That’s it. You’ve now been toasted (or, colloquially speaking, ‘ganbeied’) and you’re now expected to grab your full (shot) glass and drink. Don’t have a full glass? No worries. The person doing the ganbeiing will gladly fill it for you before proposing the ganbei.
2) Toasts are somewhat of a power move in China. The person giving the toast is seen to have the power and the person accepting the toast is somewhat acknowledging that power. Therefore, the most senior host at a banquet will usually offer the first toast — accidentally stealing this opportunity from them is very bad form indeed. This ‘power’ issue is more the case early on in the evening than later after everyone is sloshed, but never forget what toasting truly represents in China.
If you cannot handle your alcohol, don’t bother coming to China.
3) Stand and raise your glass for formal toasts when others at the table do so.
"干杯"(Gānbēi)is the drinking toast equivalent of “cheers” in English. However, beware of the fact that “干杯” literally translates to “dry glass.” You WILL be expected to finish your drink after the toast.
"我敬你一杯” (Wǒ jìng nǐ yībēi) is used to toast to a specific person. The person being toasted to is expected to at least take a sip of his/her drink.
A more generous way of making a toast to someone is “我干了,你随意” (Wǒ gànle, nǐ suíyì), which means “I will finish my glass, but you can drink at your leisure.”
4) In general, it’s a good rule to follow those around you, especially the elders at the table.
5) Avoid taking a drink alone. Only drink with the group. Never singularly – Western style. You should wait until a toast is given and then drink with the group. Or, wait until someone decides to toast you. Or, if you’re thirsty and really want the drink, try to find someone who you think is probably on, or below, your ‘social level’ (for example, a similar or lower rank in the company or of similar age in a social circle) and toast them.
6) You’ll want to avoid, at first ,toasting people significantly higher in rank, or older, than you as this can be seen as disrespectful (see #2). Unlike in the West, toasting the senior, important members of a group is not necessarily taken as a token of respect from the toaster to the toastee, but instead a slightly disrespectful gesture that implies you feel you are more important than he/she is. If you’re brand new to the group and you have no idea who anyone’s position is and you accidentally toast the boss at the beginning of the evening, it will usually be seen as humorous and you’ll get a pass for being a foreigner who didn’t know better. As the night wears on, it will become more acceptable to toast those of higher rank and age if you choose to do so.
Bosses, and Leaders can initiate toasts.
Friends and colleagues can toast to each other.
Avoid toasting upwards. You toast on your own stratified level, and only toast upwards when invited.
7) Use your right hand to hold your glass when toasting and drinking. You can place your left hand under the glass to show greater respect while someone is giving a toast if you would like. It’s a two-handed toast, and very respectful.
8) When you clink glasses together, always lower yours and clink the top of your glass a bit lower than the person(s) you are toasting – this shows respect. You won’t be thrown out on your keister for accidentally clinking your glass higher than theirs, but you’ll get bonus points for properly following the cultural norms.
When clinking glasses, the junior people should always hold their glass lower than those of senior folks. This not only applies to business situations, but also to family dinners (i.e. son-in-law will hold his glass lower than father-in-law).
If you are late to the party, you are expected to punish yourself by drinking. Most latecomers actually enjoy the “punishment,” as it allows them to catch up to the rest of the people at the party.
Whoever proposes a toast is always expected to finish his or her glass.
Lastly, it is considered extremely rude to refuse a drink after someone toasts you. The amount you drink after someone toasts you is tied to the amount of respect you are showing them. Of course, “drying your glass” is considered the utmost respect at the dinner table.
Getting down to business
In many western countries, people often do business sober, or mostly sober, and then get inebriated afterwards to celebrate.
China kind of does this in reverse.
Drinking, especially drinking to the point of getting drunk, is a way to establish trust between individuals or groups. Without it, most Chinese feel uncomfortable moving forward with people/a person who they don’t trust. It’s a big NO-NO when doing any kind of business, or having personal relationships inside of China.
So, a question many westerns have is, “When should I get down to business?” Well, don’t do it at the table. You do not do it there. And you don’t even start considering this issue until everyone is good and drunk and the boss (hosting the event) shows his opinion of you up-front. Usually that means buying you a girl or two, and going to a KTV.
Non-drinkers in China are shunned.
The Chinese drinking table is not the same as a London or NYC lunch booth.
Think of the table as merely the interview. You’re being sized up. You’re being evaluated on a wide range of different aspects. Mostly, people are just wondering can they trust you.
Although you may hint or lightly touch on business issues at the table, the drinking session is mostly to form a human bond for doing business later — perhaps even at the late-night karaoke joint across the street. So, just relax, enjoy yourself, focus on making strong social connections, and remember that here, business can wait. Furthermore, for obvious reasons, the drinking table is not the place to sign contracts or make critical decisions.
Status symbol – there’s no such thing as “the cheap stuff”
With alcohol being such a status and power symbol, it’s not easy to find inexpensive bottles of wine and hard liquor (unless you want Baijiu).
53% alcohol – the “good” stuff.
A lot of the consumption is at the higher end of the scale with some parties resembling a club table of big name NBA or Hip-Hop stars. Some wines are proudly displayed and consumed that run tens of thousands of dollars per bottle.
This only occurs of course in the richest of social circles, but if you’re lucky, you may get an exclusive invite to one of these gatherings which means that one glass of something you’re drinking may cost more than your entire trip, and the whole bottle could easily be worth more than your car.
Baijiu 白酒 (bái jiǔ) – Also called sorghum wine, Baijiu is the drink of choice for business dinners in China. This clear liquor is as intoxicating as tequila, with the added burning stench of rubbing alcohol. The most popular brand of Baijiu is Maotai, which can be as strong as 60% alcohol-by-volume (compared to an average vodka at 40% ABV.)
Red Wine 红酒 (hóng jiǔ) – Red wine has increased in popularity at Chinese dinner tables in recent years along with the rising interest in luxury goods. Popular choices include top French wines such as Lafit or Latour.
Beer – 啤酒 (pí jiǔ)Popular Chinese beer brands include Tsingtao and Harbin Beer, which are crisp, refreshing lagers that can cool the burning sensations from drinking Baijiu.
(Some speciality alcohols may be consumed on certain holidays, such as huangjiu during DuanWu Festival. Chinese minorities also often have their own unique fermentation processes for different wines and spirits.)
Specific Alcohols
The Chinese have their own phonetically-similar versions of most English-named drinks, so make sure you know your drink names or you may end up with something that you did not order!
Johnny Walker
Blue Hawaii
Black Russian
White Russian
Gin and tonic
Whiskey coke
Bloody Mary
Other tips
1) There are no spouses at formal business dinners. Business may eventually be conducted at some point in the night and those talks alone may be uninteresting to your spouse.
2) The party doesn’t always end at the restaurant. It often continues to other places that are, let’s say, not exactly appropriate for taking a spouse. Many westerns would be surprised at how much business gets done in a sauna or while laying on your stomach getting a massage – neither place, in China, would be the type of place where most people would want to take their spouses.
Actually, I would say that about 90% of the time the after dinner is at a "Business KTV" with Long-time and short-time girls. The remaining 10% is a mixture of venues that can include a massage or sauna (with long-time and short-time girls).
3) No Tipping. Tipping is not the norm in China and your host will probably cover the check, so no need to leave a tip or offer to “chip in.”
Everyone in China drinks alcohol. To reject the offer to drink alcohol is an insult to the person, their culture and to their way of life. DON’T DO IT!
Chui Niu, AKA Dice
A staple of bars and KTV joints across the country, Chui Niu, known to foreigners simply as Dice, is perhaps China’s favorite drinking game. Though the rules are simple, the results are dangerous, so make sure you know your limits when attempting this game.
Each player begins with a cup and five six-sided dice. When it is your turn, you shake your dice in the cup and look at the result surreptitiously. Then, you must say the total number of dice of a certain figure, for example “three threes,” that you believe are contained under the sum of everyone’s cups. This continues in a circle, with each subsequent player upping the ante – that is, you cannot guess twos after fives have already been spoken for. So you can say “two sixes” after someone has said “four fives,” but you cannot say “six twos” after someone has said “five fours.”
If you cannot drink alcohol in China, you will be considered a misfit and a loser.
The game is about pushing your luck and calling people out on their bullshit. When you think someone has said an impossible figure, you can shout “bu xing,” meaning “not possible,” and everyone must show their dice. If the player who said the number guessed less than or exactly the correct number, the person who shouted “bu xing” must drink.
If the guesser was above the correct number, however, he or she is the one who must drink.
So you played some dice, what’s next?
If invited to KTV, you’re pretty much expected to sing, regardless of your ability (or lack of). If someone in the room has the voice of an angel – or is borderline blackout drunk – you can expect them to take the standing mic at the front of the room and throw a few shapes while they’re immersed in the moment.
The audience typically claps and cheers no matter how good or painful the entertainment, and this tends to magnify as the evening wears on and alcohol consumption peaks.
No one gives a rat’s ass if you can sing or not. If you want to give and maintain face you MUST appear to be enjoying the entire evening.
As the average KTV room is ridiculously loud, chatting is practically impossible. Therefore, expect personal distance to go out of the window as mouth-to-ear conversation becomes the norm.
Chinese version of a successful businessman.
How to KTV
1) Drink some booze and grow a pair
2) Think of a song/ an artist
3) Select the English interface unless your zhōngwén is hěn lìhài
4) If it’s a song name you’re after, type the first letter of each word from the song title (e.g. ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ would be ‘d-l-b-i-a’). If it’s an artist or band, start typing their name and it should pop up
5) Select and queue the song
6) Choose to sing with either the original song playing, half-solo (faint lyrics) or solo
7) Put on a good show for your audience
Why are you in China if you are not going to embrace the culture and experience life?
Song Genres
The availability of English songs is reflected by the price and reputation of the KTV facility. Practically all KTVs stock some classic English hits, while upscale KTVs (such as 纯K) have plenty of modern tracks to choose from. Expect to see a plethora of English and American pop and rock songs from the likes of The Wanted, Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy, Coldplay, Jason Mraz, Black Eyed Peas and Lady Gaga.
Sing a song or two, then Genbei a round or two. Then back to your girl and pick up the plastic cup. You might want to play an American version of the dice…
The American Game with Five Dice
This is an American game, but seemingly adapts well to a Chinese KTV. The gals won’t understand what you are saying, but they will get the gist of the game and you all will have a rocking good time playing it.
I will honestly say that this is the most popular game in China that I have played and almost every gal understands how to play it.
To communicate that you want to play this game you simply take three dice. Show the four, the five, and the six in a lineup together. They almost always nod their heads in understanding.
American style five dice game.
Players take turns rolling all five dice.
Now it’s your turn.
What you are trying to do is get a 6-5-4 combination.
You are trying to get one (four) + one (five) + one (six)
You are permitted three tries.
If, after three tries, you just cannot get a “4 + 5 + 6”, then you must drink. And the game proceeds to the next person. Who then starts his / her turn.
But more often than not, you will be successful in getting this roll.
So, if all three appear on the first roll, the player’s “point” is the sum of the remaining two dice. Here’s some examples…
Die 1
Die 2
Die 3
Die 4
Die 5
Examples of play combinations
OK. So now, you have a score.
It’s the next person’s turn.
You compare the scores. The low score drinks.
So, how do you keep track of each other's score? You leave the score dice as they fell in place. Then you compare them. It's much easier that way.
But wait!
[1] You can try to get a better score by rolling again. You have up to three rolls, so theoretically, if you scored a 4+5+6 on the first roll, you can get as many as two other tries to better your score. But, you MUST take the score(s) from the earlier 4+5+6 rolls and include them in your latest score.
Die 1
Die 2
Die 3
Die 4
Die 5
Example of a play combination
[2] If a 6 or a 6 and a 5 appear on the first roll (but no 4), they are set aside. You can use them to get a better score on the next roll.
Die 1
Die 2
Die 3
Die 4
Die 5
An example of carry-over play.
It is entirely possible for a player to roll three times and get no point because the 6-5-4 was never made. The player with the highest point wins.
The preferred choice of alcohol (in China) is baijiu. Baijiu is high proof, and because drinking in China has been categorized as masculine, most men tend to drink it. Though there are times when they tend to drink beer or wine, nothing shows your masculinity like baijiu.
However, it’s not always about finishing your shot of baijiu before anyone else. There’s an etiquette to drinking when you find yourself sharing drinks with business associates, be mindful of how you behave.
When someone toasts, it is expected of you to finish your cup, or ganbei. When people do toast, be sure to clink your glass against everyone’s. If the person you’re toasting against is your superior, be sure to bring your glass lower than theirs when you clink glasses.
But beware, if you clink glasses, it means you want to go bottoms up! If you’re not sure how to work yourself into the Chinese drinking culture, just be sure to use both hands when offering, receiving, or drinking your beverage.
So, for the non-drinkers out there…
So you are reading this, and you say “Hey! I don’t drink alcohol, and I am a better person for it!” To which I reply “good for you!”. But don’t come to China.
That is like saying to an American,
"Hey! I like American and respect all Americans except... I hate pizza, hate hamburgers, and hotdogs. I do not like the American flag, and football, baseball, and cars. But aside from that, America is great. Just don't shoot off any fireworks, play rock music, and I despise country and western music. But yeah. I love America. Oh, and by the way, I hate cars! And your "news" sucks, and the idea that people love football is disgusting to me. I think all football fans belong in a mental hospital!But, yeah, America is great!"
If you are up to it, you might want to try, or be taught, some of the more popular dice games in China. I’m sure that the gals will be able to teach you. One of the most popular is Liar Dice.
Liar Dice – Chui Niu, 吹牛
Liar’s Dice is, as the name implies, is a game that encourages bluffing. Each player shakes a cup containing five dice. Without revealing their roll, each player in turn must call out their prediction for the total number of a certain face-value (such as 5 x 6s) for all the dice on the table, including their own. The next player must either up the bid or call the previous player a liar. The aim of the game is to avoid being called out on your bluff and losing, which inevitably leads to the downing whatever is in your glass. If you’ve never player before, don’t worry. It sounds way more complicated than it actually is.
Over time this game has gained a lot of popularity among the locals. It has stood the test of time as one of the best and most thrilling dice game that one can enjoy in China.
The rules are simple, two or more players seated at a table making bids and rolling the dice. Well, albeit you are wondering what the fun is in such a setting. Well, bluffing and wit are the primary attributes that you need to sit at this table. Bluffing and counter-bluffing are merely ways for the players to display courage and challenge each other to a duel of rolling the dice. If your opponents make a bid, you can raise the stakes even higher, or declare it to be a bluff.
There is a need for strategy and tact when playing the game.
When playing Liar dice, you have to be vigilant. It’s a good source for an adrenaline rush, not knowing what is coming your way keeps your senses heightened. At the end of it all, emerging as the winner is the best feeling anyone can have and you will quickly realize why the locals hold the game in such high regard.
It is not for the faint-hearted, but for the strong-spirited. That said when in China you cannot afford to sit out of a game of Liar dice. It is on such tables that you will make long lasting international friendships and get a glimpse of the fun side of China. In short popular dice games in China is a real glimpse into the Chinese culture.
Liar’s dice is by far the most popular dice game in almost all cultures. This game can be played with as many players as there are dice to go around and requires focus and strategy. Although the gambling aspect of this game can be stressful, it is also what makes it the most fun. (Warning: Do not begin playing this game without perfecting your poker face. The bluff is probably the only place where a language barrier comes in handy.)
Need: At Least 2 People, 5 die per person and 1 cup per person
Objective: You want to be the last person in the game with any amount of die in your cup.
Everyone sits in a circle in order to have as much privacy as possible
Each round consists of a dice shake up and a cup flip.
When you flip your cup only open it up enough for yourself to see what kind of hand you rolled at first.
The first person to speak is whoever lost the last game first or whoever just lost the last round.
The number one is a wildcard and can count as any number.
When the first person speaks, they use the dice they have to estimatehow many of a certain number there will be amongst all of the players dice.
For example the first player will start out by saying: There are eight threes amongst all of us (including the 1’s in their calculation, which would count as threes).
Then when it’s the next person’s turn they are allowed to do one of the following:
a. Call that person’s bluff
b. Up the ante by saying that they believe there are one or higher of that same number amongst all of them. For example: There are nine threes amongst all of us.
c. Up the ante by saying that they believe there are either the same amount or higher of a number that is higher than the original number being estimated about. For example: there are eight fours amongst all of us.
You cannot however, guess a lower amount of the original number or estimate a higher amount of a number lower than the original.
The estimations will carry on and increase in one number or another until eventually someone is forced to call someone’s bluff.
In the case of calling someone’s bluff, everyone must open their cups and put the dice that are relevant to the last guess on top of their upside down cup (so if the last call was eight fours, each player must put all their fours and ones on top of their upside down cup). If there are in fact less than what the player estimated of that certain number then they will lose a die. However, if they are equal to or more of the number (including ones) that the player estimated then the person calling the bluff would lose a die.
After someone loses a die a new round is begun and people must adjust their estimates based on the new odds with the lost die accounted for.
When one loses all of their die then they are out of the game.
The final two people in the game will battle it out until one of them is the only person left with any number of die in their cup.
To make this into a drinking game: Instead of making the person who guesses wrong lose a dice, have them take a drink. By playing this way the odds will remain the same but the more drinking that occurs will only lead to a snowball effect of bad guesses and more drinking.
Always account for the number of dice left in the game, do not make estimations based on the original number because odds dwindle fast.
Attempt to make a guess that is high enough to force one of your competitors to call another competitor’s bluff before it is your turn to guess again. The later you guess in a round the more likely you will be to fail.
Don’t forget about the ones!! They can be your best friend and worst enemy in any round. Make sure they are accounted for!
Beware of dice flippers!
This game is particularly easy in loud clubs as you can just use your hands to show “eight fours”. Learning how to count to ten with one hand in Chinese is important here, so learn the hand signals here.
What if you are too drunk to play?
In Chinese culture, people show great respect to elders and authorities, and it may also be applied to the Chinese drinking culture, just hold the glass lower than them when clinking glasses. What’s more, you’d better finish your glass.
Bad move. You shoul be drinking beer in the KTV. This is like water. It’s often under 5% alcohol, and you should be able to handle it. But if you are unable, try this game, after you belt out another song or two…
大话 (big talk, bluff, boast)
Alcohol, being the bedrock of Chinese society that it is, is a very important social tool. But this tool itself is not just limited to just a beverage and container. It’s the mind.
The rules of 大话 (big talk, bluff, boast) can sound fairly complicated, but once you have played a couple of times, it is fairly simple and intuitive.
Each player has 5 dice and one cup with which they use to shake and cover the dice. The object of the game is to carefully predict the total number of dice with one particular face value rolled without going over. Oh, and “1” is a wild card.
Players take turns calling, with each call needing to have a higher value than the previous one.
Calls are made in the form of two numbers, for example “five 2s”. The first number indicates the quantity, the second indicates the face value of the dice. For the first call of each game, the minimum the first number in the pair can be is the number of players plus one. To increase the value for the next call, you simply treat it the pair of numbers as one number. For example, “five 4s” would be bigger than “five 2s” but smaller than “six 3s”.
Take a game with two players. This means that the total number of dice in play will be 10. They both roll and take a look at their dice.
Player A has dice with face values of 1, 3, 3, 5, 6.
Player B has dice with face values of 2, 3, 5, 5, 5.
Player A starts the game by calling “three 3s”. This indicates that A estimates that there are at least three dice with a value of 3 on the table. A can complete this condition with just his own dice because 1s are wild.
Player B calls “three 5s”. B has to increase the value of the call, so to be safe B decides to call something that is certain to be correct—because B has three himself.
A calls “four 3s”.
B calls “four 5s”.
A calls “five 3s”.
B stops the game.
The winner is decided when one player no longer believes that the last call made is possible and actively stops the game. The players then show their dice and tally up the total. If the call is sufficient, then the one who made the last call is declared the winner. If the call is insufficient, the the one who ended the game is the winner.
In the above example, B would be the winner.
There are many variations that can be implemented. Adding more players means that the total number of dice in the game increases and with it the minimum call must be raised.
It is possible to call 1s. If this happens then 1s are no longer wild and they have the highest dice value (you can call them after 6s). This normally happens with the first call.
Some people may make a call followed by the word 斋 (zhāi). This also means that 1s are no longer wild. To put the wilds back into play, a player must increase the quantity of the next call (the first number) by two.
Hope that all made sense. If it didn’t then just try play a few times and you’ll master the strategy in no time.
Chinese concept of what a non-drinker is like.
Still too drunk?
How to survive from Chinese drinking frenzy? If you’re going to a Chinese meal, you can hardly get rid of drinking. By knowing some tips, you may enjoy the meal better.
Never be late. You will be “punished” for more glasses of wine if you’re the last one for the party.
Be aware that you may need a couple of hours until the end. Make sure you eat some food, and remember to take less Baijiu. If you really have to drink, you can choose beer instead.
Once you’re in, you’re in. If you don’t refuse at the beginning of the dinner, maybe you will be encouraged to drink more till the end. You can wisely pretend that you can’t drink and politely request a pot of tea, so that you could participate in the toasts and cheers.
Take it easy. Your Chinese friends won’t blame on you if you’re unable to drink, but you’d better let them know the fact at the very beginning. They care more about whether you enjoy the time with them.
Welcome to my world.
Try this next game… It’s so simple that it is ridiculous!
One and Six (Yi Liu, 一六)
Although Liar Dice is a favorite game, there are other alternatives you explore. With two cups, ten dice and at least two players it is possible to participate in a game of One And Six. Unlike Liar Dice, the game is more laid-back. There is no need for strategy as it is merely won by luck and skill.
With One And Six it is easy to chat and socialize at the same time. The truth is if you are one of those people who loves a more subtle environment, a night out playing One And Six might simply be what you need. There may not be any need for strategy, but like with any game the winner is always the person who had the best plan. The beauty of this game lies in its simplicity.
Introduction: One & Six is a dice game that involves absolutely no strategy and at least two people with five die each. This game is the most simple to play in social situations because not only does it involve zero focus but it also clearly decides a winner.
Need: At least 2 players, 2 Cups & 10 Die (5 per cup)
Objective: Be the first person without any dice in your cup.
Each round consists of a dice shake up and a cup flip.
When you flip your cup, flip it downwards and pry it open to reveal what numbers you rolled.
If you role a one, remove that die from your cup and put it out of bounds. That die has been lost from the game. Continue rolling with the remaining dice.
If you role a six, remove that die from your cup and give it to the person on your right.
If you role neither a six nor a one then wait to see what your opposition rolled and do nothing.
Continue shaking and flipping the remaining dice until one of you has no die left in your cup.
As a drinking game: Whoever runs out of dice last must drink for the number of seconds that there are dice left in their cup.
Strategy: None besides being Irish.
The Game with Three Dice
This game is played with three dice instead of five, and it is really simple. If you are really drunk, sick with simple.
The three dice game is called Cee-Lo. It is apparently derived from an ancient Chinese dice game. And it is well known in hip hop culture.
Any number can play but the game consists of a series of battles between two players.
Each player in the pair rolls all three dice until one of four recognized combinations appears. A 4-5-6 combination is the best combination.
A “trip” is all three dice the same and is the next best combination.
Next comes a pair with one die different. The different die becomes the “point.” The worst possible combination is 1-2-3, which always loses.
This is a game of gambling, and is a great way to lose money. Don’t gamble in a KTV, and keep focused on why you are there. But if you don’t want to heed my advice, then here are the rules…
This game is called sz’ ‘ng luk, ‘four, five, six’, commonly contracted to sing luk.
It is played with three dice…
The throws in it in the order of their rank are:
Any three alike, from three ‘sixes’ down, called wai5
‘Four, five, six’ called sing luk, or ch‘un fa6
Two alike, the odd die counting, from six down to ace, the last throw being called yat fat, ‘ace negative’
‘One, two, three’ called mò lung, ‘dancing dragon’ or shé tsai, ‘little snake’.
The first player is determined, on throwing around, to be the one who throws the highest number of red spots.
The first player throws until he makes one of the above mentioned casts.
If he throws sing luk (four, five, six); three alike; or two alike, six high, each of the players at once drink to him.
But if he throws mò lung or yat fat, he drinks instead.
If he throws two alike, five, four, three, or two high, the next player on his left throws.
If the latter makes a higher cast, the first player must drink to him, but if a lower cast, he must drink to the first player.
The third player throws in the same way, and the game is continued until the first player is out-thrown.
Another game similar to this is…
Kon mín yéung, ‘pursuing sheep’, is played with six dice.
It is typically a game played for small stakes, usually for something to eat, and is seldom resorted to by professional gamblers. In it the player throws until he gets three alike, when the sum of the spots on the other dice is counted. The throws in the order of their rank are:
Six 6’s called tái mín yéung, ‘large sheep’
Six 5’s, 4’s, 3’s, 2’s, or 1’s called mín yéung kung, ‘rams’
Three alike and 6, 6, 5 called mín yéung ná, the ‘ewe’
Three alike, and the other throws than the above. These are designated by the number representing the sum of the throws with the three odd dice.
The throws, táimín yéung and mín yéung kung, take all the stakes.
If mín yéung ná, or any other cast of three alike, is made, the next player throws until he gets three alike, when he pays if his throw is lower, or is paid if it is higher, as in sing luk.
The throw of three 4’s is called wong p‘ang fúi.
‘A boy and a girl were betrothed by their parents. The girl's father died, and the family having been reduced to poverty, her brother sold the girl to become a prostitute.
This she resented, and anxious to find her betrothed, whose face she well remembered, she caused it to be advertised that she would yield herself to the man who could throw three 4’s with the dice.
Many, attracted by her beauty, tried and failed, until her husband, Wong p‘ang fúi, who had obtained the rank of a senior wrangler at the provincial examination, presented himself.
For him she substituted loaded dice, with which he threw three 4’s whereupon she disclosed herself, and they were happily united.’
How to survive a Chinese drinking frenzy
The following is from a CNN article titled ” How to survive a Chinese drinking frenzy” By Trista Baldwin 22 February, 2012. Posted as found with very little editing. All credit to the original author.
If you thought shotgunning a beer in under five seconds back in uni was the pinnacle of drinking prowess, you’ve probably never been properly ganbei’d.
China’s version of “down the hatch” is a bit like the Power Hour, which involves repeated and prolonged shooting of small amounts of alcohol -- red wine if you’re lucky, baijiu if you’re not.
Though observed in all social circles, ganbei is particularly prominent in China’s formal banquet culture, where business suits and government officials rub elbows, talk business and get completely sloshed.
Shanghai-based food and wine critic Lawrence Lo and a few seasoned ganbei-ers, shared the secrets of this thoroughly intoxicating custom.
1. You’re in, or you’re out
While you’re not obliged to chug the night away, it is tacitly expected at a business banquet.
“There’s probably more pressure to drink than there is on your 21st birthday,” says a senior accountant who prefers the name Will Thomas. In his early 30s, Canadian Thomas attends regular company banquets with suppliers and other accountants in Shanghai.
If you are going to pass, “set your rule at the beginning,” advises Hong Kong-born Lawrence Lo, 39, who also runs LHY Etiquette Consultancy to gap the Chinese and Western drinking culture. “Because once you’re in, you’re in. There's no room for flip-flopping.”
Q: The question is -- how to get out?
A: Make an excuse
All is fair in love and ganbei, and a white lie might save everyone's face. The best excuses are religious or health reasons, though be prepared for jovial ridicule.
What’s the best get-out-of-jail-free card? Pregnancy.
Either being on medication to get your wife pregnant, or, for women, being or trying to get pregnant (though be prepared for questions six months down the line), will do the trick.
2. Women get a free pass
“One of the reasons I like China is that if you have the title and the position, you’re treated as an equal and get the same title respect,” says a British lady, who prefer to be addressed as Lucy Morgan. Morgan has lived and worked in China in both the government and private sectors for more than 30 years.
Ironically, while you’ll be invited to the banquets, you won’t be expected to drink. However, if you choose to partake, rule number one applies.
Q: What is Rule #1 - Props for the female ganbei
A: “Women get double points for ganbei’ing,” says Will Thomas.
Some men may offer to do a full ganbei while you do a quarter or half ganbei, but quite often you’ll be expected to keep pace with the crowd. For Morgan, it’s about proving that if you’re an equal, you’re an equal.
“I wasn’t going to be seen as the ‘little girlie’ back then or the ‘older woman’ now,” she says, referring to her experience 15 years ago when she out-ganbei’d the vice-mayor of Chengdu with 12 shots of baijiu.
Whoever draws the short straw gets to be the next ganbei rep.
3. Elect a representative
Believe it or not, “if you need to represent your company at a banquet, you can bring someone along and delegate them to drink for you,” says Lo.
Talk about authority.
In Morgan's experience, she has rarely seen a woman elect a drinking buddy (as women aren’t expected to drink anyway) -- it’s usually older or weak-livered businessmen.
Q: If you go this route your fellow diners may jeer, but it does serve a purpose.
A: Saving company face
Joining in the inebriated merriment is in many ways viewed as a sign of goodwill and hospitality on the part of the company or organization you represent. In fact, this is often a sneaky way to get your best hitter up to the plate.
“The elected drinker is usually someone you do not want to drink with, because they can drink a lot," says Thomas. "They will probably deny that they can drink -- it's a lie.”
We're betting Bill opted for red wine over baijiu when going head-to-head with former Chinese President Jiang Zemin.
4. Pace yourself
It’s a long ride once you’re on the ganbei train.
“At a banquet, there are usually eight to 10 courses, and there will be a ganbei with each,” says Lo.
In addition, the host will usually toast the group and the guest of honor.
The second most senior host will toast the second most senior guest, and so on and so forth. It’s also not uncommon for challenges to strike up between tables.
Q: So, how can you last the night without bringing the banquet back up?
A: Be sneaky
Over the course of 30 years, Morgan has picked up a trick or two. One way to lower the intensity is to downgrade your poison -- switch from baijiu to wine, or ganbei beer instead. Although the idea of shooting wine is less than palatable for many, it's the lesser of two evils.
While at informal occasions you can ganbei non-alcoholic beverages, Morgan says, it’s highly unusual at formal occasions. Beer is as non-alcoholic as it gets.
Another trick? “Pour a bit of water in your wine,” she suggests, “or switch to a half-ganbei -- banbei ganbei.”
And lastly, humor. “If you get people laughing, they won’t care how much you drink.”
5. Don’t bring the spouse
Chinese banquets are primarily business affairs -- spouses are seldom invited to join.
“You should always check first [before bringing a spouse along],” advises Lo.
There are several reasons for this, the most compelling being that deals may not get closed over the course of the banquet.
The KTV close
“It’s still a very macho culture,” explains Lo. “Sometimes business is done [or concluded] away from the dinner table at KTVs or massage parlors."
The retreat to more “nefarious” locales, as Morgan jokes, or playing liar dice with pretty young girls selected for the occasion, is not a scene that spouses can readily partake in (and may disapprove of).
But, as Thomas points out: “It depends on who you’re with. Often you just go to a genuine karaoke -- and more drinking.”
So you don’t want to drink…
Some advice on how for those who want to be “the Ugly American”
I do not recommend being a non-drinker in China, and it is impossible to conduct business or integrate into Chinese society without drinking. So forget about playing dice, once you insult your hosts by not drinking, you won’t ever be asked out again. And if you truly want to be the ostracized loner inside of China, then read these suggestions.
Chinese version of a successful businessman.
The following is from an article titled “Ganbei – Chinese Drinking Culture” . Reproduced as found, minus the pictures. Edited to fit this venue, and all credit to the original author(s) and all credit to the website at the link listed.
So, what can you do if you don’t like drinking and still want to do business or have friends in China? Don’t lose hope, there are a few things you can do to diminish the negative consequences and unintentional insult from not drinking.
1) Avoid at all costs – On a personal note, I’m no teetotaler, but drinking isn’t my favorite social activity. So, on one of the dozen occasions per year I have a drink, it’s rarely more than a beer or glass of wine, and I avoid hard liquor at all costs. After living for many years in China, it’s safe to say that avoiding a drinking bash wasn’t easy.
My solution to the issue was to simply avoid all occasions where I’d be pressured to drink.
Luckily, my job didn’t necessitate the infamous Chinese business dinners, so my career didn’t suffer from my abstinence, but my social life did.
If you don’t need to close contracts or don’t mind having fewer friends and missing out on weddings and other special celebrations, this is the best course of action. On the bright side, if you’re not a big drinker then once you make friends with other non-big drinkers, you’ll have friendships that are more likely to last and be enjoyable.
2) Be all in or all out, no middle – If you need successful business dinners for your job or want to experience all the fun of semi-formal and formal social dinners, then from the beginning, you need to decide to be all in or all out.
Don’t try the middle ground of, “Ok, I’ll just have one/a little.”
There is no such thing (generally) as “a little” in China and you’ll later find yourself in the unfortunate position of offending your host when you can’t drink anymore or are in the fast lane to drunk-as-a-skunk-ville.
The better option is to make up an excuse of why you can’t touch alcohol at all – no beer, wine, or liquor.
Excuses that are usually accepted are:
a) religious reasons (for example, “I’m not allowed to drink because of my religion”, which isn’t actually far fetched as Islam and some sects of Protestantism do ban alcohol consumption);
b) health reasons (for example, “I have an alcohol allergy that can kill me or make my stomach bleed”);
c) have a Chinese friend give a heartfelt, long explanation on your behalf (if you’re lucky enough to be friends with a well-respected member of the group, or the host him/herself, then they may be able to interject on your behalf and explain to the group your preference for not drinking).
d) I’m pregnant (think about this one carefully if you’ll be in the same company of people in the next 6-12 months).
Chinese version of a successful businessman.
Options that don’t work so well are:
a) I’m in AA/a recovering alcoholic – China does not have the same familiarity, knowledge, and acceptance regarding recovery programs as in the West and thus it may be taken as a lie. Even if you are in a program, it may not be the best excuse to give.
b) I have to work early/get up early – this usually doesn’t stop the pressure to drink and you’ll be faced with having to insult your host by flat-out refusing.
c) my spouse doesn’t like it/let me – the same as in B.
d) I’m not feeling well tonight – same as in B.
e) I drank too much last night – This would only encourage more pressure to throw ‘em back.
f) anything that mentions the police or driving – sorry, that just doesn’t cut it, and the police mention may get you a hearty laugh.
China is not a "police state like the USA is. The police just leave you alone, and the Chinese have no concept of "sobriety checks" or "sobriety roadblocks".
Whatever excuse you choose, make it ironclad and make sure to stick to it.
Keep in mind, even with an ironclad excuse, there may still be some obvious, lingering awkwardness. While your hosts/coworkers/friends may not have taken a full-throated offence to your rejection of their toasts, even the best sounding excuses will put a barrier between you and the rest. You may save some face and prevent the insult, but you’ll have done little to make friends or business partners.
3)Being a women kinda gets you a pass, just being a foreigner doesn’t – Women are not expected to drink as much as men, and they usually don’t get as much pressure to drink as men, especially in a purely business setting (the operative word here is “usually”, not “always”).
So, practically this means that women may be able to get away with more excuses than men and not still get an onslaught of pressure. Casual settings can span the gambit from less pressure than usual to actually more pressure as your date, or friends, try to get you to ‘loosen up a little’.
Chinese women are tigers in a kitten’s body.
Men, on the other hand, even foreign men, will still be pushed frequently to drink (unless you give one of those ironclad excuses listed in #2).
In fact, if you’re the sole foreigner at the table (or one of only a few), then you could easily be considered the de facto guest of honor and in such an honorable position, it’s an honor to get your glass filled – both for you and the person doing the filling.
The thought goes something like this: for the guest of honor, it’s “Look at me. I’m so popular, people can’t wait to fill my glass.”; and for the filler, it’s “Look at me.
This very important person is allowing me to fill their glass and then they’re drinking what I just gave them. I must be important if they’re accepting my gift because they wouldn’t accept this from just anyone.”
4) Pace yourself – if you decide to go for it and choose the “all in” option, make sure to pace yourself. These drinking affairs can easily go for +5 hours and occasionally turn into an all-night event (say 6pm to 6am).
Importantly, the drink of choice (as mentioned above) is the super strong, ultra fiery local spirit Baijiu.
It doesn’t take a Big Bang physicist to calculate how long you can last throwing back these puppies. Instead, you possibly can opt for something less strong – like beer or wine. While this may not always be an option, it’s usually acceptable and available (it’s a good idea to nonchalantly inquire about Baijiu alternatives before accepting an invitation.) It may feel awkward doing “shots” of wine, but it’s probably the lesser of two evils.
Another sneakier alternative is to water down your Baijiu shots. If you see other people doing this openly, then take it as the green light to follow suit. If you don’t, then you may have to break out your best James Bond skills.
Don't do this. I have NEVER seen this done. If you are caught doing it, your "face" will forever be ruined. You eaither act like a man and take it or decline. Don't be a coward and make matters worse by insulting your host.
5) Food is your friend – Reaching deep into the bag of college drinking tricks, food can be your best friend. Full stomachs make alcohol take longer to be absorbed into the bloodstream, especially carbs and fat.
So, in preparation for your drinking adventure, fill up as close to the drinking hour as possible, on breads, noodles, rice, fatty meats, and skins (like chicken skin). If possible, try to keep eating as long as you’re drinking.
There is always plenty of food available at these dinners, but there will be a lot of vegetable dishes and seafood which do little to slow absorption and you may not really like the other food options. So, stuffing your backpack with granola or nut bars that you sneak into the bathroom isn’t a bad idea either.
6) Keep it light, Humor is a good friend too – If you’ve started down the drinking road and need to get off the highway, even if you’ve only taken a few sips or a few shots and just don’t want to drink anymore, keep in mind that humor can be a powerful friend.
Depending on your crowd, you may be able to deflect some pressure (and some extra shots) by being able to make jokes at your expense. Comments like, “Oh, I’m such a baby. I just can’t drink like you guys. Hahaha.” or “I’m _____ (clumsy, loud, etc.) enough when I’m not drinking, so I really can’t get drunk tonight.”
This may not completely stop the toasts and shots, but (again, depending on the crowd) it may decrease them and give you a moment to get your bearings.
7) A pinch … ‘drinker’ (borrowing from a baseball reference) – This one is a real “Are you serious??” moment.
If this is a business dinner and if you have some amount of authority within your company, you can actually assign a drinking rep to drink for you.
You should read that again and maybe pause before continuing, but it’s not a joke.
It’s a custom followed in China, as higher-level company authorities who don’t wish to get wasted but don’t want to offend their host, will attend the dinner and bring along a drinking rep to do all the drinking for them – and they of course assign some of the highest-tolerance people on the planet.
This option doesn’t really work though outside of a business-like setting.
Chinese version of a successful businessman.
Suggestions for a Fun KTV Evening
In my opinion, KTV is a really fun way to spend some hours doing something that is what millions of locals enjoy doing, so you can consider it an authentic cultural experience. I have many hours of KTV and karaoke under my belt so here are my suggestions for having a fun time, especially if you’re in a big group of people you might not know well.
Pick songs that are up-tempo. Nothing drags a KTV evening down like slow songs.
Find the “cancel” or “next” button on the song machine. Many songs have refrains that go on for-ev-er. Feel free to hit “next” to go to the next song (unless it’s your boss singing).
Choose songs that are fun to sing as a group.
Take some time to practice your own signature KTV song in the shower so you can really impress your friends with “Beat It!”. Include some key dance moves.
...for those who enjoy drinking, you can be very successful and happy in China. You’ll get bonus points for following along with the group and for making such a good effort at keeping up. In fact, anyone who at least tries hard to accept toasts, especially Baijiu toasts, will get some credit for doing so even if they have to bow out early and stop accepting every toast from every person.
You’ll also have a front row seat to a side of Chinese culture few get to experience and may end up having the time of your life. Afterall, the Chinese haven’t continued this tradition for 1000s of years because it’s dull and boring. For the more reluctant, maybe you can think of this using the age-old Las Vegas adage - what goes on in China, stays in China.
For many adult travelers, a good ole Chinese drinking fest may be the perfect excuse to let loose and have some fun without your party antics necessarily ending up on someone’s Facebook feed (btw, Facebook is still banned in China).
For women, the bonus points multiply. A western woman who can keep up with everyone at the table, especially at a baijiu fest, and walk out on her own accord while many others are knocking glasses over and accidentally pulling tablecloths off, will usually win mad respect from literally everyone.
Also, these events don’t happen every weekend. As a visitor to China, you’ll be lucky to attend just one event like this. If you have to travel for extended periods on business or move to China on your own, these events may happen only once every couple of months.
-China Educational Tours
When I conduct business, I usually have business KTV’s and dinner events at least three to eight times a month when business is booming. During the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, hardly never. In fact, I only went out two time that entire year!!!!!
During the holiday, and of course, during Chinese New Year, for the three or four week long holiday, drinking and playing is just about every night.
Don’t forget…!
Let’s do a quick review.
Drinking in China is as common as eating a hamburger in America.
While in Western countries you simply clink and drink, in China there are a few more rules for drinking, whereby the most important rule is to give face. If you want to toast an important host or guest, be sure to take note of some basic guidelines:
• The first toast: If you are the guest, you shouldn’t initiate the very first toast as this is seen as impolite. It should always be made by the main host.
• To clink or not to clink: If the party is big and the table is wide, people usually prefer to clink glasses. But to show respect, make sure that the brink of your glass is lower than theirs. When the glasses clink, you’ll have to干杯 gānbēi, meaning literally ‘dry the cup’, or ‘bottoms up’. If your glasses don’t clink and only touch the other person’s cup with your fingers, you signal 随意 (suíyì), or ‘as you wish’, and you can drink whatever amount you want.
• Respectful toast: When you are offering to toast 敬酒 (jìngjiǔ), meaning respectful drink, you are putting yourself in an inferior position and so you might want to toast everyone who outranks you.
•Eat a lot:To avoid getting too drunk, the key is to eat. Usually there will be plenty of foods at a Chinese banquet, so there should be nothing to worry about. However keep in mind that with every course, there will of course be a ganbei with every guest!
China is a nation where even the religious monks drink alcohol, as do the children. Not to drink automatically labels you as a societal outcast.
I well remember when I met my wife’s grandmother. She was a short, short little frail ball of a woman. She smiled at me with little strands of grey hair sticking up on her head. She stood up to my lower chest in height (and I think that she was wearing high loafers). He poured me a full glass of 53% Baijiu in a tall tumbler. Then she poured herself the same size and raised it to me in a salute.
She then raised the glass to me, clinked my glass and said Ganbei so loud that the entire city could hear. You could feel the ground rumble at our feet. I was a little taken back that her voice was so breathtakingly loud.
And it was like time stopped.
You could hear a pin drop. All eyes were on me.
I could feel all 400 people watching my every move. Goose-pimples crawling up my arm, and I could feel my spine tingling. I glanced over at my wife, who was fully expecting me to “do the right thing”. And I looked about the room, and I could see such a wide range of emotions.
We both raised the glasses to our lips in unison, and together we emptied those two glasses. Then when emptied, she raised it up high and I did the same.
Everyone cheered.
Then I began going table to table…
… drinking the same amount to each of them…
…to all of the 24 tables in the room. Ugh!
This is not water. This is a full tumbler of 53% alcohol. Are you up to the challenge?
Drinking alcohol is a vital part of Chinese custom and culture. Those from northern China actually consider drinking and friendship the same thing because during business dinners for example, drinking can lead to friendship, sealing deals and developing better work relationships. Every shot of baijiu brings the business partners a little closer and so drinking is seen as a supplementary part of the working life.Drinking to cement relationships has a long history in china. Famous poets like 李白 (Lǐbái), have also praised alcohol multiple times in his poems, with one famous saying: 酒逢知己千杯少 (jiǔ féng zhī jǐ qiān bēi shǎo); “When one drinks with a friend, a thousand cups are not enough”. Of course, LiBai is talking about the 盅 (zhōng), which are the small cups traditionally used when drinking in China, but it emphasizes the importance of alcohol and relationships!
-Hutong school
A KTV, especially a business KTV is a very important institution within China. Most Westerners, and non-businessmen inside of China are unaware of the significance of this venue and the importance of maintaining face. Here we discuss some dice games so that the businessmen can play with the girl that he selected out of the line up.
Maintain your face, and give respect. Have fun and show it. You all will be just fine.
In China, “good guys” and “powerful businessmen” drink alcohol. Outcasts, social misfits, and losers do not.
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Heh, heh. Make no mistake, you will need to be prepared. And this post / article is my notes that I use to make sure that I am a well-prepared “boy scout” when I go off to one of these venues next time.
So, here is a handbook or a check list that I have made of what you should and should not do when going to a business KTV in China. This is also part story. It is a narrative of my latest excursion and the mistakes that I made there. Maybe an astute reader might learn a thing or two in the process.
If you all don’t know what all this is about, then I would suggest that you first read my series of posts on Business KTV’s in China and Asia. You can click on this link and go there directly.
Warning. This is adult stuff for adults. It can be offensive to people with softer personalities. Read at your own risk.
Ohhh. I am so sore.
It’s been three days now, and my body is still not up to par. I attribute it to massive quantities of fake Hennessy VSOP, and my age, and the over all stress of the long trip to and from the factory and the clubs. But next time, I will be better prepared. I’ll tell you what.
It’s day three, and I am still sore…
My arms feel like an elephant is squashing them.
My joints are all gritty and sandy.
My shoulders and neck are puffy and sore.
My stomach is slowly healing.
You know, I’m really pretty good with these kinds of adventures, but the last year (the year of the dog) 2020 was terrible. On all fronts, and in all areas, and the pandemic and the world-wide industrial / economic collapse was horrible for business, as well as for business trips to the KTV venues.
Seriously, I hadn’t gone to any of these venues for a long time. Maybe twelve months. And as such, I was not really ready for my lack of conditioning.
Blame the pandemic.
Yeah. I take full responsibly for my lack of preparation and conditioning.
It’s like body building, or sports. You have to maintain a certain degree of exercise and stamina. You need to practice and give your body warm-up exercises and exercises so that you will be fit for the game or the event. And that is so true about working, and business KTV’s.
But next time…
Next time…
I will be far better prepared. And while you all might think that I am an expert in these matters (well, I am), I also make mistakes and have issues. And you all need to prepare for what you will expect, and how you can handle them. Let’s talk about these things right now.
Your health
If you are younger, say under 40 years old, your health will not be that much of an issue. You can be wildly out of shape, but still be able to enjoy a business outing and KTV venue. The problem comes when you start getting older.
I am in my 60’s. You can say that I am 60-ish. Heh heh, and I am no longer that young 20-year old stud full of piss and vinegar. So, this article is written for us older folk. maybe 35 and up who actually go to these venues. (After all, and you need to keep in mind, that most men who go to these venues are over 35 years old.)
So, I am going to be blunt.
Long before you start going to any of these business venues, you will need to perform daily exercises. If you are not moderately healthy, then these venues and a dinner and drinking will absolutely wreck havoc on your body. As I well am experiencing now. You must be moderately healthy. Moderately.
Try to do daily exercise.
It doesn’t have to be anything overly strenuous, but it should be some sit-ups, some pushups or some arm curls. Alternatively try some walking, or bicycle riding. All very important. Don’t put if off. It’s not to work out hard, the purpose is to maintain a moderately healthy lifestyle. A “couch potato” will never be able to enjoy one of these venues.
On the good side is that older men who exercise will see results faster than when they were young. So instead of needing to do 100 pushups when I was in my early 20's, I now only need to do 20.
On the negative side, it's much harder to do those few pushups. Yikes!
In general, I do eat well, and I walk most every day. But still one bad batch of fake hard alcohol can put me down “surer than shit”. I’ll tell you what.
It’s not that the other bosses know that the alcohol is fake. They thought that they were honoring me by giving me Hennessy, but it was fake. I can tell. I do know my whiskey and my VSOP. They just didn’t know, and they would lose their “face” if I told them. So when offered such a drink, you need to be prepared.
And if offered, you need to drink it.
When offered alcohol
Now, I have covered this before, but I will revise it to these new “rules of engagement”.
Suggest that you drink White Wine. Or, bring your own alcohol with you.
53 degree white wine is powerful and potent stuff for certain. But it is real. REAL. The really expensive stuff is good, and will not give you any head or muscle aches. But it is really pricey. So knowing that everyone will intend to get drunk, make sure that you are drinking real, and genuine alcohol. Not some kind of locomotive degreaser mixed with flavorings to approximate an expensive Western beverage.
And all Chinese know the differences between “good” white wine and “cheap” shit.
I am not being facetious.
Hennessy cognac
They say that sales of Hennessy cognac in the whole world exceeds its production by 3-4 times. This means that only every 3-4 bottle Hennessy – original cognac, and the volume of counterfeit reaches 80%.
However, this information is not confirmed. But, most likely, not very far from the truth.
One of the leaders in the number of counterfeits of course, is the Hennessy XO cognac to distinguish a fake, you need to pay attention to the following signs:
1. Volume of 0.5 liters. Hennessy XO Cognac in 0.5l. is performed. Original cognac is bottled only in bottles of 0.35 and 0.7 liters.;
2. Sheath tube. Original plug and the shell made with special technology (including laser engraving and hologram Holosleeve), very snug to the glass bottle. Casing should be reminiscent of the inexpensive wines produced domestically.
A very large number of fake accounts for the lion’s share of Hennessy VSOP cognac counterfeit accounts, bottled in the form of a jar, 0.5 liter. Therefore, we recommend absolutely refuse to buy a bottle of Hennessy VSOP in this form and volume. Better buy regular round bottle.
If no reasonable alternatives not, and buy a bottle of brandy-flask is inevitable, then you should pay attention to the following (they are similar to symptoms for Hennessy XO):
1. Cap. It should not resemble the usual vodka. Hennessy cognac house a lot of attention to producing jams and their protection, discussed above.
2. Relief image of a hand with a halberd. It must be present in the upper part of the front side of the bottle.
-How to verify the authenticity of the alcohol (10 pictures)
The best time to suggest this is before the dinner. If your hosts don’t have any bottles on hand, you go out ad buy some real stuff from a supermarket.
So make sure that you do so way before anyone goes into their office storage closet and pulls out some XO, VSOP or Whiskey from one of the cases in their stash. Ask for either real white wine, or real red wine.
Other than that, you stick with beer.
In this instance, the factory paid 1000 RMB for this bottle of fake Hennessy at a restaurant in a small village town. Of course it was fake. By the time it was purchased, it was too late to say no. Ugh!
Have your aide specify either white wine, or red wine. No hard alcohol.
The red wine is usually hit or miss. It depends on the size of the company and a little bit about the owners experience with wine. In general, I would say that about 70% of the time that the red wine would be real. But it’s the remaining 30% of the time that you got to watch out for.
My preference is always for red wine. It’s healthier for you, and will help us older guys in the bedroom.
But white wine is a guarantee that the alcohol is genuine.
Some “white wine”, 53 degree pure power from my personal stash.
Make sure that you specify either red or white wine, and stay away from hard alcohol if you are going to have any romping and play in a business KTV.
Avoid Fake or potentially fake alcohol
It’s not just the terrible side effects, fake alcohol can really harm you. It can damage your body and trigger cancer. Do not fuck with it.
Drinking alcohol containing these chemicals can cause nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, drowsiness and dizziness. It can also lead to kidney or liver problems and even coma. Methanol, a substance which can be used in fake vodka, may cause permanent blindness.
-The dangers of fakealcohol | Drinkaware
Some notes on the girls
This last trip I was offered three or even more girls to have fun with. They really wanted me to have a good time, and well, the more the merrier, right?
I was not thinking (all that fucking fake alcohol) and declined. I just settled on one chick.
What was I thinking? I told them my usual “I’m a man, not a machine”, but in hindsight, I was wrong.
This particular factory always offers me multiple girls to play with. Why did I decline? I don’t know. Maybe it’s my prudish side.
The first group(s) of girls were short-time girls. We told them to go away as we were only interested in long-time girls. Here we see the manager talking to the girls.
Next time, I’ll ask for a basketball team sized entourage of chicks and see what happens. Maybe they will get a volume-discount from the manager. LOL.
Have your aide specify that if possible, you are fine with multiple long-time girls.
And that’s another thing.
Why the Hell didn’t I get the name card of the manager. I must always get her card. You know, for future referrals. Ugh!
Have your aide get the business card of the Girl’s manager for you.
All in all
Over all, this last business trip was the first one that I had in over twelve months due to the fucking coronavirus.
Only one in twelve months!
Keep in mind that these excursions used to be from one to three times a week.
I blame it solidly on the coronavirus, and the fucking asshole who unleashed it on CNY 2020, Donald Trump and his army of neocon assholes.
So, and a nice big FUCK YOU to Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo. I hope that you get a taste of the turmoil that you unleashed on the rest of the world.
In my view it is like America has had a massive case of diarrhea for the last forty years, and Donald Trump was the orifice that enabled it to spew forth. It’s just that he painted a big old bulls eye on me, my business, my family and my friends. FUCK HIM.
Let’s keep all that shit in the United States, ok? Let it rot and fester and get resolved THERE. Stop trying to release it upon the rest of the world. OK? Am I clear about this?
Anyways, I know that my strong opinions on Trump and his anti-China crusade is going to rankle the hides of my of my American readership. Sorry. But you were (for the last four years) just spectators.
You were spectators of the “news”. You read this article or that article, and you clapped with glee as he terrorized this other nation and that other nation. It was fun, because you weren’t affected. “Look at us! Woo Woo”
So what? You only had to pay 30% more for your appliances, and goods. No biggie! In your mind anything was fine just as long Donald Trump was “sticking it to” those hyper progressive Marxists. No more social-reengineering! That’s worth it, right?
America was a republic for less than 20 years, and then became a democracy. Democracies always become oligarchy-ruled military empires. The only way off this “merry-go-round” is either a complete collapse of the government or an evolution to some other kind of government structure. And, judging from the 2020 election, it seems that most American want Marxism. I think it’s stupid, and crazy, but who am I to say? Whatever floats your boat, eh?
Yeah. So, Trump, yeah, he built a wall. Didn’t he? And he put Hillary Clinton in prison. Right? That’s what he did, right? He got America back to working, and more restaurants and stores are open than ever before! He’s a genius!
Americans are now proud to be called Americans. Why; a whole two other nations in the entire world now accepts Americans! You can travel to West Gianna, and East Bumfuck without problem. All thanks to the reincarnation of Jesus Christ himself! And the great new realignments in the Geo-Political area that Mike Pompeo has mapped out.
Yeah. I get it.
I was like youse guys.
This God damn fucking clown painted a big red bullseye on China. Then this fucking jackass carpet bombed China with FUCKING seven (S-E-V-E-N) bio-weapons. First to destroy all the food, and then to destroy the Chinese people. All these honking big assed viral agents are so enormous that it takes weeks for them to dissipate under normal H-UV.
Then he steamed five carriers comprising three separate assault armadas to the South China Sea. Yeah, and you all laughed and clapped so happy that Donald was going to finally “teach China a lesson”. Woo Hoo! Weeeee!
Except it didn’t work out that way. Did it? Nope. The USA (and British) navies were thoroughly tromped by the Chinese, and the navies slithered back home. It was a MASSIVE DEFEAT. And I am going to write about it… soon. It’s a very interesting story. And one that you won’t read about anywhere else.
The USA got it’s ass handed to them. Bet ya didn’t read about it on FOX, CNN or MSN, did you?
You see, America is crude and judges by appearances only. And China presents a nice pleasant face while holding some very strong and powerful capabilities. It’s an often over looked aspect of China. One that only idiots and fools make.
Only fools misjudge by appearance.
Only an idiot would judge a person by it’s appearance. You need to see the entire picture in great detail. You do not make a cardboard cut-out, and throw darts at it. Thinking that there won’t be any repercussions. Oh there will be. And Trump has sent in motion some very long-term negatives for the people of the United States.
So. No. I’m not going to give him a pass. And neither is anyone else.
Anyways… Phew! I’ve got off the subject again.
All in all, I was prepared. More or less. The news about the trip and the resulting plans were given to me the day before the event. Normally this would be considered “short notice”, but I was ready. And super willing, let me tell you.
It is no accident that I was ready and willing to visit a factory and talk with colleagues. This is, and has been, an important part of my life. What is a restaurant without customers? What is a hospital without patients? What is a pet store without pets? Meeting and talking about product design, development and manufacture is my life. And it has been asleep ever since Donald Trump decided to unleash the pandemic upon the world.
So when the time came, I was up for it.
And it pretty much went well.
The drive to the factory
Most of the factories are far away from where I live and my offices. Typically they are at least a one hour drive, and this one was a four hour drive. We hit the road and drove out of the various third tier cities until we hit real countryside, and then it was just the winding band of the highway rolling in and out through tunnels and over these enormous bridges.
Driving to the factory.
Urination and smoke breaks were every hour or so. And we made good time. The rest areas were pretty much the same, though the pandemic had really put a “damper” on the travel plans of many a Chinese citizen, and so some of the normally open venues in the various plazas were shut down, with rolled corrugated doors locking things silent.
I would say about 20% of the stores and “fast food” establishments were shut down.
But the driving was nice. We drove through the green hills, under a nice blue sky with the mandatory or obligatory white cumulus clouds. It was fine, if long.
And it was great to see my friends and associates. They looked good. And it was great to sit down and drink tea, smoke some cigarettes with them, and generally deal with the matters at hand. On the work scene, it was great to get back to a factory, and the smells and the feeling of the environment really energized me.
After doing our business at the factory, we de-camped for the night’s festivities. Left left the car at the factory and then from that moment on, we were under the full hospitality of the factory and our fellow boss friends.
Of course, the factory was in the more rural areas, and so we drove for about twenty minutes to a larger town. You might refer to it as fifth-tier city. And there we sat down on the veranda while the table was being laid out, and the alcohol was being decanted.
First Mistake
From now on, I will always insist on either White Wine or Red Wine. No "hard alcohol". This was a fake VSOP, and they offered it as homage to me, but I know fake, and fake alcohol is very bad for one's health.
This is an issue that should have been brought up by my aide while at the factory. As they discussed the drinking libations in the office over tea. I need to step up my game, I'll tell you what.
We had some delicious food. As you all can well see. It was some local Guangzhou fare with (hairy) crab, shrimp, fish, turtle, shellfish, and more.
Endowed with criss-crossing waterways on the Pearl River Delta and a meandering coastline along the South China Sea, Guangdong Province is a paradise for seafood lovers. Archaeologists suggest that the history of Cantonese seafood diet can be traced back to as early as 10,000 years ago. Today, fresh seafood still plays a prominent role in Cantonese culinary culture.
Fresh fish. Steamed with light local seasoning.
Guangzhou is the capital city of Guangdong, which is famous in China and throughout the world as the home of Cantonese food, known here locally as Yuecai or 粤菜. Cantonese food is perhaps the most famous Chinese food around the world, mainly because the first and second wave Chinese immigrants came from the south of China; Guangdong, Fujian, and Hainan.
And it is a center of food. Well, we were in a small town of Gurandong, and the local regional tastes of the food were unique and special. Really special and very delicious.
Seafood in Cantonese cuisine is famous for its optimal preservation of authentic flavor and scintillating freshness. Steaming fish seasoned with light soy sauce, ginger and spring onions is one of the favorite dishes for Cantonese foodies. Only the freshest fish can be selected to cook in this fashion; otherwise, strong spices and juices are required to cover the repugnant odor. The time used to steam the fish also needs to be strictly controlled to ensure the perfect tenderness of the texture.
Fresh steamed river shrimp.
Guangzhou, near the sea, is rich in seafood, offering many delicious dishes. Reputable seafood dishes cover Salt and Pepper Shrimp, Salmon Sashimi, Steamed Scallops with Minced Garlic, Curry Crabs, Cheese Lobster, etc.
Deep-fried garlic with rice noodles is a widely accepted dressing for steamed shellfish such as scallops, oysters or prawns. Springy scallops or prawns are boiled and garnished with garlic and rice noodles. Cantonese people prefer the light and delicate dressing that brings out the natural sweetness of seafood.
Shellfish with garlic, ginger and peppers.
Historically, Cantonese foodies’ craving for seafood used to be largely constrained by poor storage conditions. But, you know, back in the 1980s, the seafood restaurants introduced fish tanks from which waiters would pull the still live animal, weigh it and send it to the chef to be cooked.
Today, such “cook-to-order” eateries are a popular and iconic practice in all Cantonese seafood restaurants.
Check out my hairy crab.
The hairy crab that I demolished. Delicious.
You know, all food aside, it was this decision to accept the fake alcohol that was the big mistake that affected the rest of the night.
Now, I was well prepared otherwise.
I had taken four capsules of the anti-alcohol herbal remedy twenty minutes before dinner, and then again about one and a half hours into the meal. The stuff works. You will feel the effects of the alcohol, but it won’t be all that bad.
Always take the JinBao medicine when engaged in these adventures.
The problem is that it doesn’t work with fake alcohol (locomotive degreaser). It only works with real potable alcohol.
Anti-alcohol absorption medicine. You take four capsules at least 20 minutes before drinking. It will greatly retard the absorption of the alcohol into your blood system.
Well, I did take the medicine and it did help somewhat.
But the problem was that this stuff was fake. You could take it the moment you took a sip. Hennessy is smooth. This was like drinking gravel. While it is possible that it was just locally distilled spirits with a name of a well-beloved Western alcohol on it, it is just equally possible that it has other “alterations” and substances included to make it more “delicious”.
How to distinguish a fake from Hennessey original
Cork - sits tightly and does not "go" from side to side with a slight effort. It has a company logo and brand name.
Bottle and container - no damage, scuffs, cracks and so on are allowed.
The original cognac is produced in a more pot-bellied bottle. In addition, the capacity has a large width in comparison with a fake.
Fake Hennessy has the color of weak tea with lemon. The original features a rich cognac color.
The absence of an excise stamp is the brightest sign of a Hennessey fake. If the excise stamp has blurry letters or text in a foreign language, then this is also the most obvious sign of non-original products.
The original cognac has excise stampin which in Russian (in the case of Russia) the volume of the container, the name of the beverage and the duration of exposure are indicated
The bottle of original cognac is engraved in the form of clusters and grape leaves.
The front side of the original bottle has a sticker, on the back side of which there is a Hennessy brand logo.
The bottom of the original bottle has a clear symmetrical pattern.
In Russia, you can not buy Hennessy cognac volume of 0.5 liters. If you see a container of such a volume, before you - fake products.
-How to detect real Hennessy from fake. Cognac "Hennessy …
What ever those other things were, they pretty much gutted out this ol’ body of mine.
Medicine bag
Every traveler to China for business needs to carry with them some medications. You might never need them, but if you are an “old fart” like myself, you probably will need to have them on hand.
Of course, you need to be able to slow down the absorption of alcohol into your system. If you are over 40, this is mandatory. Thus the picture above of the Jiu Bao.
And, being older, you will probably need some kind of antacid. I was prepared in this area as well. I carried two different types. Both are similar to the TUMS that you can buy in the United States. Antacid is very important. Whether it is just a ton load of good alcohol, or a few glasses of fake alcohol, or seafood, or spicy food, or the side effects of ED medication, you will need to have something to control your stomach upset. Here’s what I brought…
Antacids used during the next day on the trip back home.
Now you all shouldn’t misunderstand. The purpose of this business meeting and fun is to have and build a good and great relationship. This means that I must give the host the best face as possible. You do not, NOT, refuse anything.
In general, to avoid all these problems, you will need to really reduce your alcohol intake. Yet you must do so without losing face to the other bosses. The way to do this is to do something that I forgot to do. I needed to tell the other bosses that I have a “weak stomach” and that I couldn’t have anything spicy, or drink too much alcohol. And they would have honored me. I would tell them that I could drink jut a little bit, but if I drank too much, I might get really sick and then show them this bottle…
My excuse to lower the amount of alcohol that I drink.
Now, most people who have never been to China won’t understand, and teetotalers won’t get it. Just like Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo couldn’t “get it”. In China you are judged by how much you drink. If you do not drink, you are not trusted.
Which pretty much doomed Donald Trump’s meetings in China from day one.
So what I should have done was drink some, and then refrain from serious drinking. I could participate on a few “bottoms ups”. But no more than ten. And then just sip on some sudsy beers in the KTV.
Then shown them this bottle of medicine to that they wouldn’t lose face. (The medicine is for hard drinkers who are starting to get alcohol-related tears or problems int heir stomachs. It’s worked for me before, but it’s been so long since I’ve done this that I had forgot the most basic rules for an older man going to a KTV; seriously reduce your alcohol content.
After the dinner and off to the KTV
Now, I knew that this particular visit would include a KTV visit, and this KTV visit would include girls. Every other time it did, and I have had some remarkable times at these establishments with these folk.
So, right off the bat, on the day of the trip I took a Cialis in the morning.
It is advertised that the Cialis would take at least three hours before it could even be considered to work, so why so early? Let me tell you a little story…
Just like there is fake VSOP, there is fake Cialis. Mostly, the fake Cialis is a mixture of Viagra (Sildenafil). Now, this is NOT what we want. The purpose of the Cialis is to "lay forth a ground work foundation" where my old-man body starts to respond to sex like it was 40 years old. And Sildenafil doesn't do that. It is an ED that gives you an erection that lasts for about 40 minutes, and then it is gone.
So that is what happened to me once. I am ready to go, and am heading out to the countryside, away from a pharmacy, and I plopped in this drug only to find myself getting an erection 15 minutes later is the car on the way to the factory. And then absolutely NOTHING when I really needed it, later on in the night.
So by taking the Cialis early on in the morning, you can see if it is fake or not. If it is fake, then you can troop over to a pharmacy and get something else. But at least you will be ready.
And for me, yeah. It did kick in when I needed it, but the fake booze was too strong and far too fake.
Look, I’ve talked about the KTV before. Big room, singing and dancing and all that. This KTV was a big place with tons of girls, but a little tiny sign pointing to a parking garage. It was nice, and big and had all the trappings. Maybe not as nice as other venues that I have played in, but this one had a great an diverse selection of girls and the prices were really reasonable.
My aide talking with the factory boss at the KTV. When we just sit down and arrive.
The first group of girls being trooped out were short-time girls. And my aides made it clear that I wanted long-time girls for the night. So they trooped out and a new batch after batch, after batch came out. Our factory sponsor got a free girl to play with, I guess that she was new and “learning the ropes”. And I was told to pick out two or three girls, and I declined. (What was I thinking?) and I settled on the first girl, in the first line up. WTF?
A pretty lass, for certain, but I was not up to my game.
Next time will be different.
The long time girls trooped in in squads of eight or so, there must have been about twenty or so groups before we were satisfied.
And we played some dice, drank some beer, and then at 11:30 pm, my aide came and told me that it was “Cinderella time” and I and the chick were driven to our hotel for the night. This was not an accident. This is a SOP from now on. My aide stayed behind and got shitfaced drunk until 3am at the KTV with the other bosses and managers, while us top Bosses either went back home or went to the rooms with our gals.
Cinderella rules are in effect, and all arrangements must be pre-arranged.
Full time girls are multiple shots, but all I wanted to do was sleep. So we slept and got to play around at 7 in the morning the next day. And after she left for home, I started to compose some notes on what went right and what went wrong. And here they are…
What I did Right
Being myself, and having to wait for a long, long time for such an opportunity to be at a factory and to meet with other bosses was a great thing. And I made sure that I was ready. So I did many things right.
Brought and took the alcohol-reducing medicine. This helped a lot, but the medicine could not do anything about the fake booze. No matter what you take, the locomotive degreaser that you drink will mess up your body surer than shit.
I wore the appropriate clothing. I checked the weather reports for the regions we were going to. I dressed to fit my role and made sure that it was comfortable and appropriate for the venue.
I took Cialis in the morning. The only thing is that instead of three hours to work, it didn’t seem to do anything until 12 hours later. But it was “good” and “real” and it did it’s job. It’s just that I had to get a lot of the alcohol and locomotive degreaser out of my system first.
I brought Viagra and took it. But the timing was off. It did not start after 15 minutes. It is unknown why not. Maybe the fake alcohol. Instead, I couldn’t so anything. So we went to sleep. It took 3 hours to turn on. And we were both asleep, and by the time it finally did actually kick in, my chick didn’t want to have sex then. Now, I had taken the medicine at the right time, on the way to the hotel. But it did not actuate. In case anyone is aware, if you drink so heavily, and the Cialis is suppressed, a boost of Viagra will kick things in motion.
I brought extra condoms. Usually I rely on the girl to have the condoms. Don’t. If she runs out, then what? Always have some condoms on you. They are not expensive and you can select the size that you prefer. I didn’t need or use them in this instance, but I was a good boy-scout.
Left KTV early at 11:30pm. Me and the other boss went our own ways. This was pre-planned with my aide(s) and it makes life much simpler. In effect you box in the events of the day. You know when you will eat, party, and sleep. You have control over the timing, not your host.
Got a long-time girl, who was briefed in expectations. This was also pre-arranged. No short time girls. A long-time girl will spend the night and you will get the opportunity for multiple shots. You will also be able to rest. These meetings while there is a fun component to them are always stressful, as you can see by the medicines that I must take. What was she told? Multiple shots, all pre-paid, and not to bother me with tips or charges.
Brought antacid. Initially, I questioned myself, but figured better ready than sorry. And I was so very correct in bringing the medicine. I had terrible gas the next day, and my stomach was a gurgle all the next two days.
Brought stomach medicine to show as an excuse to control drinking. Yes I did, but I FORGOT to show it. WTF? So, even though I had it on me, with me, and ready to pull out my jacket pocket, I forgot all about it, and even when I saw them pull out the VSOP (which I knew was fake, from prior adventures) I still held back. Never again.
Brought a change of clothing. The days of an over-night business trip and returning home with the smoke-filled alcohol smelling clothing are over. I had brought a fresh change of comfortable clothing and it was really nice to put on the next day.
Selected a cheaper inexpensive hotel early on. I had previous adventures with this particular factory where the girls would select the hotel for us to stay at. Not us, and not the factory bosses. And the girls, well, they selected some really pricey ones, and the prices were so high, we suspected that they got a cut out of the rate. This time the factory boss selected the hotel based on our criteria and he handled all the details and got the room himself. So we did not need to deal with it.
What I did wrong
I did many things wrong, and they all detracted from my enjoyment, my health and my happiness. I tell you this that they will not be repeated. OMG! When I see a bottle of XO, VSOP or any other hard alcohol, the alarm bells should be ringing! “Do not touch that!”
I drank hard, fake alcohol. I should have shown the stomach medicine bottle and refrained from heavy drinking of hard, fake alcohol. I could, and should have drank only a sip. A sip as in a tea-spoon.
Moderation in smoking. I should have severely limited my cigarette intake. I needed to accept but only occasionally, and then only taken a few precious few puffs. Not more.
Tended to my ejaculation discipline. What is the point in getting a long-time girl if you cannot get multiple shots? Eh? My aide had specified 2 shot ejaculations. Before and after sleep. But I was not up for it. The fake alcohol tore me up. (And he was stunned that I did not take advantage of this opportunity.)
Brought a spare bottle of water. The two bottles in the hotel are never enough. After drinking you need water, and so you need to make sure that you bring an extra bottle with you to have on hand.
Brought some instant coffee. This is not a critical issue. But most hotels in China do not have coffee, or serve coffee, and if you get a breakfast (most of these kinds of establishments don’t offer that service) won’t have coffee. So you bring your own. I should of brought a few packets. Just keep them in my kit in case I needed them. It would have been nice.
Bring aspirin. What was I thinking? Always bring aspirin.
Bring / Use a cock-ring (even if it is homemade). A “cock ring” is a mechanical contrivance for older men, and for men with ED. Cock rings are rings that are worn around the base of the penis and sometimes the testicles to make erections harder, bigger, and longer-lasting. They come in different materials, from flexible silicone and rubber to leather and metal. A ring for ED works by slowing the blood flow back from the erect penis, allowing it to stay hard longer. It works best if you’re able to get a partial or full erection. The thing about this is that I have always considered this a sex toy, but now as an older man, I see it as a prosthetic to help me maintain an erection. Don’t be proud. If you need help in the bedroom, you need to get all the help you can. Make sure that the size fits you and make sure to wash the device afterwards.
Exercise (pushups, sit-ups and arm curls). For months prior to the trip, I had stopped exercising. When the time came for fun, I was out of the game. You need to make sure that you have a minimum level of physical exercise.
When offered multiple girls – accept. Uh. Duh! Do not let bad fake alcohol throw you for a loop. Keep with the plan. Be up to the task and make sure that you up your game.
Some final words
From a business point of view, the trip was a success. I had some gains, and I really enjoyed visiting the factory and meeting up with my friends and colleagues. It was really great. The food was outstanding, the friendships were strengthened, and I made some new friends in the process.
But, I made some mistakes. Mistakes that detracted from my enjoyment and pleasures, and possibly damaged my health. And I wasn’t the only one to notice this.
When I came home my wife was furious! “How stupid was I to let myself get so drunk that my weekend following the trip was so lame.? I should know better” And she was right. I do know better, and the Trump Pandemic interruption to my normal state of affairs is no excuse.
Don’t be like me.
Plan ahead.
Know what to expect.
Avoid fake and hard alcohol like your life depends on it.
Make sure your aide knows what arrangements to make.
Be healthy and maintain that health.
Remember that you have two tasks; conduct business, and maintain face.
And hopefully you’ll all have a great time in your future adventures in a business KTV.
I’ve got another one coming up. Let’s see if I can handle it better. We will see.
Do you want more?
I have more posts on this subject in my Business KTV Index here…
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Here, in this post, I am going to discuss the wonderful land of smiles; Thailand. It is an enchanting country. It is filled with happy, easy going people, cheap prices, lots of open fresh air, seas of beauty, mountains and hills, and lots and lots of great delicious food. I haven’t written about this place at all because the vast bulk of my time is spent within China. But this is a great place, as is the rest of South East Asia, and I have a few things to say about it.
Read this post. Then re-read this sentence. As far as a man is concerned, Thailand is really the land of the free.
“The Thais are proud to say their country has never been colonized and delighted to explain that translated in to English, Thailand means "land of the free". Many Thais genuinely believe their country is free and that regular citizens are afforded a level of freedom that doesn't exist outside the Kingdom's borders.
Given the way certain parts of Thailand's history are explained in the local education system, it's no surprise. But the way that some foreigners resident in Thailand also feel more free in Thailand than they do in Farangland (Oh, “farang”, or for those of you who hate that word, Caucasian) floors me.”- Thailand, Land of the Free
One of the places that I would live at, from time to time, was Thailand. It’s a truly amazing place, with beautiful beaches, excellent delicious food, warm welcoming climate, a decent infrastructure, and hordes of sexy willing women. What’s not to like?
“hhahahhha Pattaya! I ran into a few FAT and outraged American "chang nams"...chang(elephant) nam(water)
...chang nam is a hippo and polite word for American (women) wildebeast that seem to stray into Pattaya now and again. (The great white water buffalo.)
There were three American chang nams that ganged up on me, asking me all sorts of "triggered questions."When their mouths stopped flapping, I ran my fingers across my lips, then launched into international sign language dialogue. One of the girls said ".....oh shit, he's deaf---and THEY APOLOGIZED."My sign language is very good and I suggest all ZHers to at least learn a few phrases correctly in dealing with hostile, bat-shit crazy American women and their failed NGOs in Thailand and Cambodia. These American goody-two-shoes are the ones that demonize sex and then run around to the back room to boom Somchai.PS...To call someone "Somchai" in Tai and Kampuchea, really you are saying "John Doe." "Somchai" is better than saying "....where's Woody?"- buttmint (reply to) MaxThrust Aug 12, 2017 10:57 AM
I have visited Thailand with my Chinese wife numerous times. We have stayed at everything from fancy hotels to cute residential home-stays. We have frequented the bars and clubs and sampled the night life there, we have even had an adventure where a taxi driver drove us out into the middle of the jungle and left us there to rot at 4:30 am!
Thailand, since it is so close to China, is my 2nd home.
It’s a very cheap (from China) two hour flight and BOOM!, I am in a land where all the girls call me a “Handsome Man”.
"Hey! Handsome Man!"
Though, I have never sampled the female fun there, it’s enough to know that I could if I wanted to.
Personally, I find the girls there a little chubbier and shorter than my tastes allow. (You can see for yourself in the pictures and videos herein.) However, that’s just me.
My ideal woman is a curvy and robust Chinese gal, with a handsome face, and a smile that last forever. Long black hair is an extra five points. Brown eyes improves the look another five points, and having an oval face tacks on another ten points.
(The taller “girls” tend to be ladyboys… yikes!)
In any event, Thailand is a beautiful place with cheap prices, delicious food, and nature everywhere. It is paradise.
People come to visit and LIVE in Thailand for all sorts of reasons;
“There isn't one kind of person that comes to Thailand there are many. There's the sex starved older English gent that finds paradise in the Neon lights of Pattaya to the American couple who have figured out that they don't want to live there lives drowned in debt only to realize they've missed out on Living their lives. You'll find a lot of grumpy old men who are single and spend their time Farang bashing on Thai Visa and younger guys who party to the break of dawn every night. The English teacher who's looking for "world experience" I'm sure you've met all sorts of people in Thailand.”
-From here; http://www.livingthai.org/why-choose-to-live-in-thailand.html
And, for guys, often the reason is for sex…
“The problem with sex is that it’s a natural male instinct to fuck everything that moves, not just the hottest, but anything attractive – you’ll never stop looking, but you might stop chasing. God help you if you’re very good looking, getting ‘opportunities’ thrown at you wherever you live. You may never escape this vice – and it will cost you big time.”-BobbyT
Thailand is a different place for certain. Different is Good.
“Frustrated foreign residents are known to have the odd rant about life in Thailand at times, but sometimes we need to take a look at the big picture and consider that things are not as bad as they may seem. A mate who gets around Bangkok by motorbike tells me that whenever he parks his motorbike, he leaves his helmet resting on the handlebars, attached by a simple clip. This is something he would never do in his native Belgium for it would likely not be there when he returned but in 10 years of riding in Bangkok no-one has ever taken his helmet. Still, I have never seen his helmet and maybe the shocking pink color and the slogan I love ladyboys in Thai on the front has something to do with it?”-Stickman
“Never in my life did I imagine I would ever turn down a girlfriend of mine for sex until I got to Thailand;
...there’s just only so much I can handle. American women (and I’m sure British and Australian women are very similar) use sex more as a tool in a relationship, and they’re usually willing to sacrifice the enjoyment from sex just to prove a point. I don’t find this too often in Thailand and that’s a beautiful thing.”-LivingThai
I’ve been to Pattaya numerous times.
A famous Pattaya themed T-shirt, sold at many of the vendor’s stalls about town, sums up the divergent opinions about the place. “Good guys go to heaven, bad guys go to Pattaya”.
I can’t say the beach is all that great. But it has (had) an amazing street devoted to bars and night life. Both my wife and I felt like we had died and gone to heaven.
The first time we went there, we separated from the group (that we had been with) and went solo exploring this amazing area. Of course, you have the go-go girls, and the bar girls and all of that. However, what really struck me was the presence of old fat western guys who had plopped themselves down at a bar and who were nursing a beer.
You call that fun and exciting?
We bar hopped each and every time we visited that town.
First Impressions
My first experience was awesome. I must tell the reader that when you go into these bars, you will see (easily) 20 to 30 totally nude gals standing and dancing slowly in super high heels.
That has since changed, and as of 2016 they all seem to be wearing some kind of attire.
With a short old 70-year old grandmother walking around them with a meter long switch telling them to arch their backs, etc. The girls seemed fine. (They were) all thin and in their 20’s. A patron might come in and pick a girl and pay the girl and get a blow-job on the spot. (I’ve seen it done numerous times.)
You can even take the girls upstairs for a short-time (this is known as a “short time girl”). However, to be honest, you see 30 girls without a lick of clothing on it’s not really arousing.
Since then, the local government placed laws requiring the gals to wear clothing. I have mixed feelings about it.
It’s just a bunch of nude girls.
Old fat men (Bogan) nursing beers in Pattaya bar street.
Pattaya is known (outside of Thailand) for one place.
I think I can safely say that Patong Beach is now Bogan central for Thailand.
A Bogan is a bit of a derogatory term for a person who hails from the western suburbs of Sydney, West Auckland or the working class areas of Melbourne.
In Thailand they are normally identified as blokes, or sheilas, with minimal attire – a beer brand singlet, billabong shorts and flip flops – and whose main priorities in life are knocking back copious amounts of beer and watching their preferred style of footy.
Take a stroll down Soi Bangla in the early evening and the sports bars lining each side of the street will be packed with Bogans getting their fixes of beer and footy.
The thing is, though, if you hang around the place for long enough you’ll soon pick up on the idea there are Bogans from all over the world cruising the streets and crowding the shopping malls of Patong.
Aside from your bog standard Aussie and Kiwi Bogans, there are also English, Russian, German, Scandinavian, Indian and even Thai Bogans to be seen.
That being said, let me be the first to point out that the Pattaya Police Chief say’s that there is no such thing as prostitution in Pattaya. Apparently it doesn’t exist.
And it is true that sex can be obtained.
However, it is not as common and rampant as the British tabloids make it out to be. There’s only a precious few areas that you can get your “fix” for secual excitement. The rest of Pattaya is like the rest of Thailand, very conservative and very religious.
Pattaya City officials, local police units and administrative units of Chon Buri held a press conference on the new policy; Pattaya Happy Zone, which has been immediately implemented with the main purpose of keeping popular areas of Pattaya under control and crime-free.
The Happy Zone is being enforced in the infamous Walking Street in order to control all illegal activities to make sure that the holiday experience in Pattaya is hassle-free for everyone.
Pol Col Apichai Krobpetch, the Pattaya police superintendent, told the magazine “Spectrum” that Pattaya is not a hub for the sex trade.
He was upset about the British media’s stories, insisting they were fabricated.British newspapers The Sun, Mirror and the Daily Star recently ran articles describing Pattaya as “the world’s sex capital” and as a “modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah”, sparking anger among government officials, especially PM Prayut, who vowed to crack down on illegal businesses and prostitution in Pattaya, viewing them as a major embarrassment for Thailand.
“There is no such thing as prostitution in Pattaya,” says Col Apichai. “Where did they get the figure of 27,000 sex workers in Pattaya? Anyone can make up this information.
But sex and booze. Well, that’s something that I happen to enjoy.
And I am not afraid to admit it. Many a fine night has been spent with a female companion drinking wine, singing and dancing, and chatting and eating delicious food, and then having some great sex. It’s a wonderful way to pass the time, make new friends, and just relax.
Which brings me to the most awesome bar street.
(Drinking booze, rock music and sex everywhere.) When I went there with my wife, we were just floored over by the sheer size and awesomeness of it. It put New Orleans French Quarter to shame. It is amazing and awesome at the same time.
We first visited Pattaya during a Chinese organized tour for tasting all the food of Thailand.
The reader should realize that I am (what is called) “a foodie”.
A foodie is someone who has a deep interest in food. In addition to being interested in food itself, foodies are also interested in the back story: the history, production, science, and industry of food. As a general rule, foodies are amateurs, rather than professionals working in some aspect of the food industry, and many of them are self-taught.
-What is a Foodie?
We were not disappointed.
After one of the many, many dinners we were taken to the “bar street” for a look around. The tour guide would not let us go alone, so we had to sign a “safety waiver” and off we went. We’ve been in love with the place ever since.
It is not like what is portrayed in the American movie “Hangover II”, that is unless you are a drinker. Never the less it is an awesome place. I actually prefer it over New Orleans “French Quarter”, Reno, Los Vegas, Macao, and some of the more “interesting” places that I have explored.
Both myself and my wife think of it as an awesome place.
First meal I had in Pattaya was fresh crab and shellfish.
The servings are huge and the prices were cheaper than in China. This I’m super surprised about even looking at the western meals around Pattaya are much cheaper than China also. Must be something to do with the amount of competition here. One thing that is first noticeable about the food in Pattaya is it tastes way better than what you get in China. I don’t really know why. This is probably because it’s either Isaan food and central food and I’m in the right place for that.
Since I’m a big foody I fell in love with the place immediately. (Not to mention all the pretty girls calling me a “handsome man”!)
A fine Thai curry chicken dish.
Pattaya is a very small place, well it’s not exactly small but the truth is that really, it’s just not that big. Pattaya is more concentrated making it easier to get around. This is especially true in the center of all “the action”.
Traffic isn’t as bad as people say though there are way more of those little mini-bicycle-car-like things (hoons) here which is expected.
Most of the hoons are either motorbike taxis or tourists joyriding. I hate driving in Thailand but it’s a must if you want to cover more ground quickly and save money and hassles getting taxis.
A lot of people walk in Pattaya compared to Bangkok. Bangkok is a city. Pattaya is a small coastal town.
If you’re a first time visitor to Pattaya then get ready for a surprise. This is like nothing you’ll have ever experienced before. This has to be one of the greatest concentrations of night time venues anywhere in the world.
The famous walking street is the epicenter of the Pattaya’s party scene, stretching from Bali Hai pier in the south to beach road at the north. This neon lit street is closed to traffic from around 6pm until the early morning. This mile long strip of pure hedonism is a mecca for party goers from all over the world. Lined with a mix of Go Go bars, drinking bars, restaurants, world class nightclubs and live music venues anyone who visits Pattaya has to experience this party wonderland.
(Don’t be afraid of entering any of the bars, clubs or go go’s you won’t get bitten (unless you want). The workers are all super friendly and the bad old days of getting ripped off are long gone. So be brave, and go on in.)
Metallicman in a Northern Bangkok 7-11 during the “Water Festival” (Songkran). That white stuff on my face is some kind of talc mixed with water that they put on you after they soak you with water. I don’t understand it, but I’ll bet it has an interesting story behind it.
Water Festival
The reader can just simply forget about staying dry during the water festival. Little children, and not so little adults man each and every corner with plastic water guns, water machine guns, and water bazookas. The wife ended up staying in the room for three days afraid to go out and get soaked.
The Water Festival is the New Year’s celebrations that take place in east and South-east Asian countries such as China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar Taiwan and Thailand.
It is called the ‘Water Festival’ by Westerners because they notice people splashing or pouring water at one another as part of the cleansing ritual to welcome the New Year. Traditionally people gently sprinkled water on one another as a sign of respect, but as the new year falls during the hottest month in South East Asia, many people end up dousing strangers and passersby in vehicles in boisterous celebration.
The act of pouring water is also a show of blessings and good wishes. It is believed that on this Water Festival, everything old must be thrown away, or it will bring the owner bad luck.
Here’s what another expat has to say about this festival;
“Songkran in Pattaya is celebrated for 7 days from the 13th until 19th April. It's difficult to avoid getting wet.
No food carts or girls ordering food get attacked with high-powered water guns and buckets as the Thais respect food. The Thais also consider people walking the sois with their luggage on the way to check-in to hotels.
Even long after the sun has set, the Thais still playing with water don't target people who are dry and heading out for dinner.
You know where I'm going with this…
Of course, some young Thais on bikes riding the sois and drinking too much end up having fights. From my week-long Songkran experience here, having played with water and sat and observed, it's the dickhead Farangs with high-powered water guns hitting people in the face, attacking people with food, people going out dressed for a night out etc.
Even drunk bargirls manage to recognise and respect people who want to avoid water later in the evening. While writing this email in a dry area on sois 7 with 45 baht beers, I have witnessed 2 altercations between Westerners with high-powered guns attacking people who are dry. Only 28 more hours left of this craziness then off to track Everest. I'm confident Everest will be less to endure.“
Going for a visit
It’s not just about the sleazy side of Pattaya and thousands of people a night descend here to watch some great live music acts, eat fresh seafood over the water or watch one of the numerous street performers. Even organized tours of Chinese and Korean tourists regularly wander up and down the street to soak up the atmosphere. The smaller alleys are called “Soi”. Check out the map below.
As a man, I have to admit that Thailand has so much going for it.
The cost of living is very cheap. In fact, it is even cheaper than China. If you have enough money saved away (stashed from the clutches of your first or second wives) you can live quite comfortably. Further, it is beautiful. The weather is NOT SNOWY. The food is awesome, though you might need to learn the language or use a cute girl to translate to order. The beaches, mountains, and history are amazing…And, the girls… the girls are all cute, beautiful and AVAILABLE. What’s not to love?
Here’s just some informationt that I collected from my files. As Asia, both China and Thailand is in a constant state of flux, probably the best thing that you can do is chat with a local and get the best deals for your particular situation. Never the less, you can consider this guide as a helpful venue to get you started.
The wave hotel is by far the best combination of luxury, value, and location in Pattaya; this is where the smart ballers stay. The price is around 160 dollars a night, but when you see this place, you will feel like it is a bargain. The rooms are high class, and the location can’t be beat. They offer a nice sized pool and garden area, along with a par. They also have free wifi access. The staff here will treat you like royalty.
Hilton Hotel Pattaya
Located dead center of Walking street and on the beach… What more can you expect from the Hilton? They offer an amazing infinity pool and pool side bar “Shore Bar”, which offers stunning views. They also have many rooftop restaurants with incredible views as well. This is a great getaway no matter what kind of vacation you are having in Pattaya. Don’t forget, Central Pattaya Beach is located downstairs!
Dusit D2 Baraquda Pattaya Hotel
Dusit D2 Baraquda Pattaya Hotel is a little different from the first two 5 star hotels offered here, Dusit D2 Baraqude offers a nice fusion between Thai and Western architecture so you will get a little culture, it is also suited in an excellent location right on walking street and offers amazing views of the surrounding area and ocean.
Pattaya Marriott Resort and Spa
The Marriott name speaks for itself, especially here in Pattaya. The Marriott is one of only a few five star hotels located in Pattaya and it shines here as one of the best hotels. It offers an amazing swimming pool and outdoor lounge, fine dining inside, in an excellent location, and high-speed internet access in every room. The gardens here are also amazing. They also offer a breakfast buffet every morning for all guests until 10:30am… If you are not too hung over!!
Intimate Hotel by Tim Boutique Hotel
Intimate Hotel by Tim Boutique Hotel is easily my choice for a medium budget traveler. It offers free wifi, stunning views across the city, Jacuzzi tubs in some rooms, a great rooftop bar/restaurant. It also provides a small, but nice fitness center and a decent international buffet. From here, you are within walking distance to Pattaya Beach, and also some of the shopping malls in the city such as Central Festival Beach and Royal Garden Plaza.
The Scenery City Hotel
Traveling on a budget? The Scenery City Hotel is my favorite budget hotel in Pattaya. They offer very nice clean rooms with a balcony for under 1000 baht per night. Free wifi is offered in public areas (some rooms can grab access from the public areas if within reach). Located right in the center of Pattaya, the location can’t be beat. The rooms are extremely clean and held to a very high standard, the staff is also very friendly and informative. Basically, everything is within walking distance of here, including the beaches.
Areca Lodge Hotel
Another one of my favorite hotels in Pattaya on Walking Street is the Areca Lodge Hotel. This is one of the most popular hotels in Pattaya with good reason. The prices are borderline cheap/medium so it fits most people’s budgets. They offer free in room wifi, and the rooms are extremely clean. Areca offers two large pools with Jacuzzis and other amenities including a fitness center, sauna and on-site eateries, also all rooms have balconies.
Hard Rock Hotel
The Hard Rock Hotel name speaks for itself, not much explaining needed here. Geared for the active crowd who would rather have a fun time with activities rather than a quiet time. The rooms are all modern, hip, and cool with purple styling. Every room offers a sea view or city view, depending which side of the building you’re on. The pool is one of the best in Pattaya and they offer lots of activities in the pool/garden area. It also offers many restaurants, bars and lounges including the world’s popular signature Hard Rock Café.
Sooi-Tee Guest House
For those of you on a super budget, I highly recommend the Sooi-Tee Guest House. Rooms start around 500 or 600 baht a night and all offer free wifi. The location is perfect and each room has AirCon, which you won’t find in a lot of guest houses in this price range. The rooms are clean and offer a baloney. Staying at a place like this is is good because you get that nice homey feel and special attention from the staff.
View Talay 6 Pattaya Beach Condominium
View Talay 6 Pattaya Beach Condominium by Honey is one of the best medium priced hotels in Pattaya and also one of the most popular. Located on the beach, it offers great views of the ocean and city. There is a nice pool with a pool side bar and massage service on site. The location couldn’t be beat if you want to be on the beach AND close to Walking Street. This hotel also offers free wifi.
Bars and Nightclubs
There are many great nightclubs on the Pattaya walking street. Each has its own vibe and feel and most will be open until the sun comes up.
The clubs are extremely popular and are generally very busy every night of the week. Most don’t get going until after midnight. The clubs are a favorite of both younger tourist and locals. Here are some links to all the bars. (Up to date when I was last there, back in 2017.)
“Walking street really is one of a kind. Little could I have known, that all I had to do was jump on a plane and instantly be transformed into a ‘handsome man’ . It’s a blast. The vegas of the east. Minus gambling.”-学习如何水肺潜水 JANUARY 5, 2017 AT 7:01 AM
I would say that the number one advantage of visiting or living in Pattaya, is the “walking street” and the things that you can purchase there. As a man, I can see distinct advantages in living there.
“Last night we were in Gulliver's and one sight made me chuckle.A large group of Brits walked in and took up about three tables. The women were obese but their boyfriends (how the hell did they get guys) were trim. The group was approached by four waitresses and two beer promotion girls. The waitresses were pretty with slim figures and you can guess how good the promotion girls looked. Needless to say the guys were enthralled by the display and had trouble ordering, much to the displeasure of the blobs sat around them.I bet there were a few arguments back in the hotel rooms later. Welcome to Thailand, boys! I bet they are currently praying for their girlfriends to get food poisoning so they can go out unhindered and get some ‘cultural experiences’.”- Praying for food poisoning!
Buying a Car in Thailand
Yes, the initial purchase of a car in Thailand will probably cost more than it would in the United States. A small-engined Japanese sedan such as a Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic runs from 800,000 baht up to 1,000,000 plus for a fully loaded, top model. This is much more than you would pay in most Western countries. European or luxury cars can cost as much as 3 times what the exact same model would cost in the West.
Used Cars
The initial purchase price of a new (or second hand) car will also be greater than the West, but that is where the idea of car ownership in Thailand being expensive ends.
The good news is that cars devalue at a much, much slower rate in Thailand than they do elsewhere. Indeed, Hondas and Toyotas will command a high resale price due to their perceived reliability. You can pretty much expect vehicles from either of these manufacturers to devalue at not much more than 10% per year. A Honda Civic in good condition and with reasonable mileage that cost 800,000 in 2003 would go for around 400,000 baht now. A two-year old Toyota Vios that has travelled 30,000 km may sell for only 100,000 baht less than the exact same car brand new. If resale value is a concern choose carefully as not all cars from certain manufacturers maintain a great resale value.
Take note. European manufactured vehicles depreciate in value at a frightening high rate.
Pickup Trucks
If the price of a new car is beyond your budget, consider a pickup truck. Pickup trucks are subject to a different tax rate than sedans and as such are much cheaper. You can get a new pickup for as little as 500,000 baht or a fully featured model with a luxurious interior that gives it the feel of a well-speced sedan for around 700,000 baht. Pickup trucks sell very well in Thailand because they represent good value.
Other Costs
The cost of gasoline in Thailand is fairly low. Granted that it is a little bit more expensive than North America and about the same price as you would pay in Australia, but it is however much, much cheaper than what you’d pay in Europe.
Insurance is cheap and policies don’t seem to have an excess so if you have an accident you pay nothing (unless of course the police demands a donation!)
The cost of getting a vehicle serviced in Thailand is ridiculously low. For a small to medium sized Japanese vehicle you’re looking at around 1,000 baht per service at the franchised dealer. No, not a corner garage but a franchised dealer where they use the right oil, genuine parts and the workshop is so clean you could just about eat your rice off the floor.
Not that one should break the traffic laws, but fines for traffic infringements are ridiculously low. If you are miraculously issued with an official ticket, the odds are it will be in the range of 400 – 800 baht. Usually it won’t even cost that much however as the friendly police will invariably offer you a pay now discount.
This is just my introduction to Thailand, and as you might have guessed, I have a lot to say. So expect many more posts.
One of the things that I like about the world is how different other places are. As an American, I was programmed into believing that the “American way of life” was the best; that it was superior to all other forms of governance, and that so many people want to come to America to experience it.
Well, it’s not. Not by a long shot, and when you leave the “Exceptional American Experience” you realize just how much of your life that you have wasted pursuing that “American Dream”.
More to follow.
In the mean time appreciate what you have, and if you don’t have what you need to be happy, open up your horizons and go for it.
Nothing will put a smile on your face quicker than a “romp in the hay” with a beautiful and pretty girl after a day of quaffing beer and eating delicious food.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
People have asked me, shyly (of course) if I could tell them a few things about how sex works within China. Ai! It’s a big subject, for certain. But you know what? It isn’t all that different from sex anywhere else in the world. You have people who fall in love and have relationships and have sex as part of that relationship, and then you have people who do not. These people trade sex for money instead.
Since China has always been the subject of sensational lies so that others may profit, it’s difficult to find any reasonable and good information on the internet about these subjects short of going on a “monger” website.
Short for whoremonger, i.e., one who frequents whores and prostitutes.
-Urban Dictionary: monger
Most people who visit Metallicman aren’t really “mongers”. Most are just healthy normal folk with a pretty decent interest in the universe around them. And that means just about everything.
That’s a good thing.
This post is some old information that I had buried in one of my pages. Um. Pages are different than posts. And unless you are an expert in the layout of Metallicman, the chances of you finding some of my intentionally buried pages will be difficult. I resurrected this page, updated it with some information and am placing it here as a post. If you have never seen it before, then you are in for a treat. Enjoy.
I found this on Daspora-ChinaSmack. It describes how an American got involved in the KTV scene and got tangled up with prostitutes in China. It’s a good read, even though the spelling is atrocious …
Also please take note, again, that this was not written by myself. It is the opinions of that author as he relates his experiences in regards to KTV’s, girls who charge for sexual services and how it works.He is responding to a long chain of discussion in which people are talking about prostitution inside of Asia, and China in particular. Here we pic-up his comments after a few pages of nonsense by basement millennials, holier-than-thou women, ignorant teenagers, and a few genuine people looking for answers…
You guys actually have all the facts but kinda lose sight of reality..Ive been in china for years.. i have a regular blog but its a rated since i have a normal life i lead that is quite in the spotlight so to speak..but i actually want to write this down desperately..i have another life in the north of china.Its hard to explain, and sort of unbelievable, even for me at times, but i'm going to go out on a ledge here since i cant change a whole nations opinion, but i can at least share my experiences with you folk and hope that someone listens…Here it goes..
I'm basically like a pimp...
...a real nice pimp, and i work in the KTV and security industry when I'm not doing my day job..and I'm a foreigner.
It sounds so different than it actually is though…
First off…let me just correct some wrongs and wrong some writes..
[1] (The girls) They aren't forced into KTV...
[2] The money is certainly theirs, only some goes to the mommies, but the cash they get in their hands is theirs.
[3] Not all are what we call “chu tai de”, which means that go out, for sexs, The ones that do go out range from old and desperate with a pimp, or young and horny without a pimp and all the variations in between.
So remember..they are not all hookers...
...why would they be when there are saunas every other block with actual skilled sex workers?
What happened to me was that i started doing business with a guy that had a factory...
... but was actually a gangster...
... or not even a gangster, where I'm from, gangsters have guns and they are ruthless..
These guys are a bunch of semi successful middle aged men who have groups of young guys from anhui, henan, dongbei just buzzing around them with shaved heads gold chains and nike sneaks..
Photo is from a phone that was “found” by an interested person. On it were numerous photos of a mob boss and his crew. This is, we must assume, his crew. It is representative of the kind of people that this article talks about.
They get paid to protect them from...
I don't even know what...
...and they live in dorms like little goons working for the man, but hardly any of them can fight, and only if you have thirty of them with machetes to they actually become dangerous...
So this one guy I was doing business with is friends with a big KTV owner, another balding “gangsta”... who's got like fifty boys who all work security for the KTV...
... you'd be surprised about how much they get used...
So I became a relative lieutenant in the ranks of these boys, and the cheering and the free ciggies never stop flowing from the ranks upwards...
I happen to come from a quite violent upbringing and actually was a real little thug, petty shit though growing up in the ghettos of the states...
But unthinkable for some of these so called gees...
...so for me fitting in with this crowd was natural...
...although I myself have changed my ways, and I stopped to steal cheat or...
...well lets leave it at that.
So I gets hooked up with a KTV girl, my family is in the South of course, Chinese wife, kids, the lot..
Shes super young and she doesn't fuck for money...
She takes the 400 rmb a night and spends it pretty fast but takes care of her drunken father and grandparents...
...the mom is in sechuan somewhere and doesn't give a flying fuck...
So since i was being taken to KTV every night by the Chinese bosses for like eight months, I basically would help her get paid...
...and help her to book the room, which they get perks for...
...she was damn hot, and everyone wanted to bang her, but no one knew she was actually just 17, standing taller than I, at 5’10.
Chinese mob boss with some of his staff and some KTV girls in a KTV. It’s a pretty typical scene in China. Photos apparently came off a phone that used to belong to a “Chinese Mob Boss”.
She was totally in love with her current boyfriend that had gone to Japan, and was actually supporting him by working at KTV...
...but he was there...
...I was here...
...basically though we hit it off because in this city I, was a foreigner , but I was doing business, and getting taken out by gangsters and business people every night...
...so ...
...basically she only started to like me because I wasn't just an English teacher...
... aka I had money, and I had friends that could help her if she got into trouble...
To make a long story short, I got an apartment, with four rooms, went back to the South, came back , and four of her girlfriends were staying in the house...
...all known prozzies (prostitutes)...
...even one that I possibly have done, I could never be sure if it was actually her, at any rate she never caused any grief with the lil missus...
...little wife...xiao lao pou..the new mamasan in town.
Chinese triad gangster in a KTV with friends and some KTV hostesses. The drinks and the cigarettes flow easily.
Everyone in the city (in the game) started to hear that she was getting them business and shed get a cut...
...so in fact it was her who started the pimpstressing...
... but later when my big bro found out, he told me to be careful and gave me the numbers to a few boys that would come if anything went down and I kinda took over in the protection area...
...eventually things did go down ...
...when a guy didn't wanna pay and kept a girl in a hotel room...
...suffice to say the ending was not pretty...
...for him, and I started receiving extra income...
Going forward more, and back to the conversation at hand ...
...it's business...
...they all know what they are involved in and the cash is theirs to keep...
...the cut to the pimp is actually protection fee, and its not nearly as exorbitant as it is in the states...
its actually pretty legit...
...most the girls are all pulled from the hometowns and some go on to open clothes and make up shops...
...which my KTV girl eventually ended up doing...
The nasty part is there though...
...and there are clients that want the girls to do ice with them before sexs...
...huge cost though and usually there are boys nearby...
...but then again, there are girls who choose to do that since in one night you can make four nights money...
Its strange I know...
...and I don't know exactly how I got involved , but I did...
...then there's a whole world of DJ's! That actually make almost as much as the girl but they only clean up and pour drinks!
Those are great to date...
...also KTV's themselves range from nasty group-on sexs in the room to fucking 30000 rmb bottles of lafitte and all college educated girls...
...lafitte mixed with sprite...
You'd be surprised a lot of these places the girls go to school, work on and off...
...its up to them, they get multiple males all paying things for them, which in my opinion...
...more power to them...
...they are not all bimbos and hoes...
...that's were some of you are wrong...
...they are not all slaves...
...and the work can range from easy to difficult, sadly directly correlative with their appearances...
(At) some KTV's you can grab them anywhere you want and the mamasans scream at them to be more open...
...others, the boys will come in and beat the shit out of you if you touch the wrong girl...
...in this case my girl...
...its weird that people actually pay up and beyond a hundred USD just for the company but for their sake...
...that's their newfound cash culture...
...whether its right or not its too early to tell...
But then again look at our potato chip eating fatty couch surfing culture we have...
...that we basically got the same way. By being a developing nation that eventually has a bunch of people getting exactly what they want since they got the cash to spend...
You know the problem I see is that a lot of foreigners can't and will never be able to see the real truth...
One, because ...
...I'm talking a minimum expenditure of over ten thousand rmb a night at some of these places...
And two, because to actually know if shes smart or not, or if she knows what the hell shes doing...
... you have to be able to speak with her...
...and not conversational Chinese (either)...
Another photo of the mob boss inside yet another KTV. This is pretty typical for China.
I'm talking speaking in shanghainese for hours upon hours finding out what this person has up there...
...that's when you get the real picture...
...and sadly those foreigners are few and far between...
...I'm one of them, and funnily enough I never asked to be, but I have a nack for languages...
...and hustlin...
Just know that the KTV world is way more complex than it seems...
...and that with everything in life stereotypes exist for a reason, but there will always be exceptions to that rule..
...and in china...
...exceptions can be millions of girls who know exactly what they are doing and are taking advantage of rich men's horny tendencies and deserve a little more respect than most tend to give them...
I got a lot of respect for them gals.
Oh and I forgot to say...
...I didn't know she was 17 either ! Hahahahah
...I know I'm no saint...
...and rereading this I'm wondering why the fuck I just said all that to a bunch of you-all strangers...
...but thing is I think I got a pretty unique outlook round these parts...
...and I read diaspora and china smack all day..
... (the) thing is I never comment, because I got funny grammar due to a lack of formal education...
...and I'm always a bit scared of being misunderstood or laughed at ...
...never found something I really wanted to comment about until now...
Diaspora is funny though...
Because I feel like backwards diaspora...
I've been here so long all my foreigner friends tell me I've become Chinese...
...and I came here so young and stupid, that I basically grew up here...
...plus I'm not even fully American, so I don't feel American, that's for sure...
...and to top it all off I live fully Chinese...
...to the point where people think I'm Chinese?!
They all think im xinjiangy...
...its kind of weird...
...in the end ...
...Chinese culture seems to go over the heads of the Chinese so much that I would find it fucking hard for most foreigners or ABC's or whatever to fully get it after a year or two or even five living here...
Also its so layered...
...there's cultures for every class...
...for every province for every city! There's languages for fuck sake between cities...
...you can expect huge culture differences as well...
...china reminds me a lot of America actually..,
...just more open about there Americaness than even Americans...
...cheating lying backstabbing bribery violence prostitution drugs...
Its what America was built on...
...yet know that we've kind of cleaned up certain aspects of our western lives we are here to point piss and shit in the general direction of the big red brother yeah?
I don't know..its all fucked isn't it.
Do you want more?
I have more posts like this in my Business KTV index, here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Here we continue with our exploration of China by focusing our attention on the ladies there. For the longest time, I have devoted my time to the Trump Trade Wars, DIY dimensional portal construction, the art that all ended with the progressive movement in 1913, and science fiction stories. Yet, I felt that if you don’t take the time to “smell the roses”; meaning look at pretty girls and enjoy good food, you are truly losing out on what life can provide. Thus this post.
Again, just click on the picture to see the video. It should open up in a new separate tab. Depending on the internet traffic at your location it could be either slow or fast. Enjoy.
Do you want more?
I have more videos in my Attractive Chinese Girls Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Peanut-butter Spaghetti ( 花生酱面 )
This is a traditional dish. It is similar to spaghetti, except it uses rice noodles instead of wheat noodles, and the sauce is a mixture of peanut-butter and spices.
There are all kinds of recipes on the internet to add a kind of peanut-butter sauce for cheap Ramen noodles. But, boys and girls, that’s like saying a McDonald’s hamburger is equivalent to a real turkey dinner at Thanksgiving. Nope. Just posted Internet nonsense.
Here’s the baseline ingredients…
As the noodles cook, make the sesame peanut butter sauce. Just add some sesame oil, peanut butter, honey, soy sauce, rice vinegar, minced garlic, and grated ginger to a bowl. Give it a good whisk, until it is well combined. The peanut butter will break down and create a smooth, creamy sauce.
-The Wholesome Dish
This video shows how it is done.
This dish is called “peanut butter sauce – noodles”. And the Chinese characters for it are 花生酱面.
This is something that I am well experienced in. There are many first class, and first rate restaurants in Hong Kong. When dining upstairs you often have an absolutely amazing view of the city at night. In a like way, we can also say that there are amazing clubs, bars, and establishments that people can explore when venturing out in the late night Hong Kong air.
Thailand is known as the “Land of Smiles”. They are a great fun-loving and traditional people. They take care of themselves and are very religious. My experiences in Thailand have always been outstanding and first rate.
Here are some cute girls…
On a Serious Note…
I have been reading the nonsense out of the United States media and it is disturbing to me. You have BLM, Antifa, and Liberal progressive democrat socialists conducting violence, and openly calling for outright war, torture and death. Meanwhile, the Congress-critters accept bribes from the Saudi Oligarchy and demand that we fight Iran, or Russia. Or China. Jeeze!
It saddens me. It really does.
It doesn’t matter if it is a person, or a nation. When someone is openly advocating violence, for whatever reason, there is something seriously wrong. And, if the government allows this to persist, then the government is broken.
That is especially true for the United States.
Now, of course, China is not the United States. There are the “enormous” group of SJW (Social Justice Warriors) in Hong Kong that are demanding “democracy” for Hong Kong. Here’s a picture of ALL OF THEM. Look at the enormous protest!
They demand “democracy” or else! You know, like America has. Rah rah!
Social Justice Warriors in Hong Kong. They advocate hurting people, violence and other military means to enable LGBT freedoms, and “democracy”. They do not want a traditional nation. They want a progressive one. You know, like America. They look to America with all the SJW, the PC culture, and the gender neutrality as the new wave of the future. They even have supporters in the RINO’s in the American Congress.
These people are misfits. They openly advocate hurting people, burning buildings, and torturing people so that HK can have “democracy”. Identical to the BLM and Antifa crowd.
The American news media breathlessly parrot their demands.
They claim that this view is reflected in all of China and Asia, and that there should be a war that would free and “liberate” the Chinese people from under the dictatorial yoke of the oppressive Chinese government. Whoo woo!
These people do not want a Republican style of government; a representative one. They do not want to implement a fair and just government. They want a progressive mob rule run by a handful of wealthy oligarchs.
They are willing to do violence so that they can join the ranks of the oligarchy.
Not. Going. To. Happen.
People, you all should know this, you don’t make threats, and you don’t force violence. Because sooner or later YOU will get hurt.
As you get older, you have friends and loved ones who die. Sometimes of old age.
I rode in the car with my father. We talked about the local butcher, and the changes to the local park. We talked about the passing of his dog; Zeeny. We talked about the movie that he watched last night.
The next day, I got a phone call that he was dead.
People die. Sometimes by accident, and sometimes by violence. We all need to see that our place on this planet is to obtain good positive experiences with others.
One day you are having coffee and a donut with them. The next day, you get a phone call that they are dead.
One day you are in the office chatting away at their desk. You are just talking about life and things. The next day, the security guard is emptying out the desk as they had died last night.
One day you are chatting on the phone with them. The next day you find out that they died suddenly.
It’s called life and it hurts.
Turn off that propaganda box known as American mainstream news. Toss it away. Spend time with friends, family and loved ones. You might only get one chance. Today might just be it.
A coworker had spent the day at work talking about all the money that she inhered from her uncle when he died. We talked about her plans over coffee near the break room.
The next day she was dead of a drug overdose.
If you find yourself getting too caught up with some injustice that you read about on the news, then turn off your computer. The news is DESIGNED to evoke emotional reactions from you. It is all nonsense. TURN THAT FUCKER OFF.
Please listen to me. Please believe me. You do not want to confront this…
We are all people. We have a life. We have friends. We have a small community that we are all part of. It is important, and we all have a role within it.
I turned around. My little white kitten lay dead on the road. It looked like it was sleeping. But it was gone. Dead. Run over by the car that sped through the neighborhood.
Life is short. Make yours a good one.
That’s it for now. I do hope that you enjoyed this visit to Asia via the Internet. I hope that you had some fun, maybe learned a thing or two, or had some inspiration. Enjoy. Sure beats the CNN or The UK Guardian narrative, eh?
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Links about China
Here are
some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader,
might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.
China and America Comparisons
As an
American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United
States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is
the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the
British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal
press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what
China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Parks in China
The parks
in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very
mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Really Strange China
Here are
some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem
odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events,
while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
What is China like?
purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world,
outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they
might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank
And while
America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources,
and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has
done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and
you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
Here, we continue on our exploration of China from the comfort of our
own personal computer, personal laptop, or personal media device. This
is a multi-part post because too many videos will prevent the post from
loading, and also, I tend to get sidetracked on various issues.
Also, please keep in mind that the purpose of this post is to
illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on
with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is,
they are doing just fine thank you.
And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s
resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the
world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day
fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
This is why America is currently fighting so many wars.
This is the final ninth of a mighty mega-post.
As a quick reminder, to all the new comers here…
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Chinese monuments to THEIR history
Conservative traditional nations always have monuments to their history. They revere their past and teach the lore to their youth. They are never ashamed of it, but rather use it as examples of how to live your life in various ways where all the good attributes are passed on one generation to another.
We used to do this with such American heroes as Johnny Appleseed, Paul Bunyan, Davey Crockett, and George Washington. It’s sort about how the Marxist progressive liberal democrats in the United States worship Karl Marx, Che, and Barrack Obama.
Statues are erected to the heroes that have shaped the society that we live in. Those that want to change the society, and demolish the social order, desire to tear down those statues.
The Chinese SJW folk wanted to do just that. Luckily they were stopped in the 1970’s and today, China honors it’s collective past.
For those of you who are fixed in thinking that these are just” statues, you are missing the point. The point is a continuation of societal virtues for a continuation of the positive aspects of ones’ culture.
For instance, where would the Thanksgiving turkey be, if no one celebrated Thanksgiving? What if they called it “Eat a bird day”, like how the progressive liberal Marxists have done away with saying “Merry Christmas” at work in America. We treasure our past through stories, and history. We also eat our history, in great delicious bites…
Cultures and societies all over the world honor their past. They do this through holidays and celebrations that are set aside for the people to enjoy. Thanksgiving for instance is one such holiday that celebrates the “breaking of bread” with outsiders by the Puritans. We celebrate it by eating turkey with mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, baked candied yams, fresh oven baked bread, salads and other such tasty enjoyments.
Further, we have many variations of this holiday that has developed over the years. Such as having turkey sandwiches (hot and cold) all week long, and turkey soup, as well as the leftovers from the main event. Good eating, for certain. Life is too short, not to eat well.
Now, who wouldn’t want to eat some delicious turkey sandwiches? I for one, love to heat them up with gravy and eat hot turkey sandwiches. I like to use the normal “white bread’ for this, and then pour the hot turkey gravy all over the sandwich.
They be swanging…
Other nations, not having to worry about war and excessive taxation to support the wars, can spend their time on other things. This is often in the form of new and unique parks, buildings, public structures, and just plain fun things to do.
Riding a swing is pretty darn popular in China.
Life is about having fun. We are all so caught up in the news that is designed to frighten and manipulate. Don’t allow that. Think about good things, important things, delicious things.
Life is far too short.
This is a fine and delicious club sandwich. I really like it because it has bacon, turkey, ham and fresh delicious tomatoes. It is really good on toast, with a side of coleslaw and piping hot home fries with salt and a goodly amount of ketchup. Not to mention a great frosty beer.
Racing through the snow
Yeah. I know, I already talked about HSR, but I just cannot help myself.
Why worry about carbon emissions when everyone is using public transportation? What if it was cheap, clean, well maintained, and easy to access? Wouldn’t you prefer to use it for casual rides to the local store? Wouldn’t you prefer to use it to go to work?
I know that I do. It’s stress free (usually).
If only 10% of the population uses HSR and public transportation instead of driving, that means that there will be an extra 10% more of fuel availability. this will be reflected in cheaper gasoline prices. As such everything is affected that is impacted by gasoline costs… like food.
Po-Dunk China
And as I had stated earlier on, let’s keep this all in mind, shall we…
Also, please keep in mind that the purpose of this post is to
illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.
And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s
resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
In case I am not making myself clear on this issue. This little po-dunk Chinese town looks like it has nice infrastructure, good roads, is clean and has a happy vibrant population. This could be Detroit. This could be Los Angles, and this could be Baltimore. But No. No. Noooo. The money is for use else where.
That money is for far off wars where large amounts can be skimmed away without any kind of accountability. Who is left holding “the bag” for their greed? We are.
And, you can see how this manifests all over the United States.
Typical street scene in Los Angles. There are many beautiful cities in America. Consider Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Charlotte. These are our cities, and they DO need to be managed properly. They also need to have funds allocated to the people who live there. Not in wars in distant lands.
America. Wake up and look around. These are our cities. If the elected officials have failed we have two and only two options. They are;
Continue using the same methods and elect replacement officials. Hope that they will do a better job than their predecessors. (Don’t hold your breath.)
Scrap the system. “Nuke from orbit.” Start all over from scratch and appoint trained, and talented (real) experts to manage the city.
Look around people. Those whom are running the nation are frigging idiots. They do not have our best intentions in mind. They are evil, corrupt and have gamed the system against us. Either we go along with their game, or we start all over.
These sociopaths are not liberal or conservative. They are not Democrats or Republicans. They are not beholden to a country or community. They care not for their fellow man. They don’t care about future generations. They care about their own power, wealth and control over others. They have no conscience. They have no empathy. Right and wrong are meaningless in their unquenchable thirst for more. They will lie, steal and kill to achieve their goal of controlling everything and everyone in this world. This precisely describes virtually every politician in Washington DC, Wall Street banker, mega-corporation CEO, government agency head, MSM talking head, church leader, billionaire activist, and blood sucking advisor to the president.
-Us vs Them
You can easily see just how bad they have been when you compare the United States to other nations. Oh, it’s one thing when there were only three news stations and they controlled everything. Now they are trying to do that again through Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Don’t let them.
This is not acceptable…
this is Los Angles today. This is not acceptable, and the purists that believe that “one day” this situation will change and reverse itself are deluded.
Do you know what this looks like?
I’ll tell you. It looks like the rich oligarchy in control of the American government has declared war on the American people. That is what it looks like. In many ways, the liberal progressive cities in America look like war zones.
Was this in Vietnam, or Los Angeles? It’s hard to tell. I think maybe we need to complete scrap the system and start all over.
What is needed is to tear out the rich oligarchy that has completely destroyed America, extract them, and set in place preventative measures to guarantee that this sort of thing will never happen again. Sort of like this…
Bonus awards for employees
In China, bonuses are quite common. No, I’m not talking about the (tiny) fractional add-on bonus you get for this or that which are common in American factories. I am talking about the real deal… cold hard cash. Handed to you in person. No strings attached, and no taxes due.
Yah. You spend that money girls.
Yes, America has been put in a stranglehold by powerful interests. They do not care what happens to the country or the nation. All that they care about is their power. For them, it is not enough to live like Kings. They want to live like Mayan rulers. With the rest of the population treating them as Gods.
These sociopaths are not liberal or conservative. They are not Democrats or Republicans. They are not beholden to a country or community. They care not for their fellow man. They don’t care about future generations. They care about their own power, wealth and control over others. They have no conscience. They have no empathy. Right and wrong are meaningless in their unquenchable thirst for more. They will lie, steal and kill to achieve their goal of controlling everything and everyone in this world. This precisely describes virtually every politician in Washington DC, Wall Street banker, mega-corporation CEO, government agency head, MSM talking head, church leader, billionaire activist, and blood sucking advisor to the president.
-Us vs Them
This comes into sharp focus when you visit other cities elsewhere in the world.
How the factory owners live
In China, as a traditional nation, it is a land of merit. It is a meritocracy and great rewards await the successful person. Many of them are so far removed from what a typical American would be exposed to that I won’t even bother reporting on them.
That’s it for now.
Thank you for visiting. I hope that you enjoyed yourself, got a taste of what life is like in another nation, and maybe obtained a better or worse appreciation of your home nation.
I apologize for my various rants and raves, but it adds some color to the article. Like how you can add hot chili peppers to pizza. Too much and the pizza is inedible. Too little, and it is too bland. What we strive to do is to hit that “green zone”, the “just right” mixture of fact, opinion, humor, and rant.
BTW. I wish you all a great life, and happy travels. No matter who you are, or where you are. Go get yourself a nice cigar, and a tall pint of frosty beer, and maybe some delicious food. Treat yourself. Have a good time.
The time is ripe for a pizza, some beer and good times with your friends. Life is too short not to have beer and pizza. I’ll tell you what. Enjoy yourself, and don’t forget to make sure that the beer is ice cold, and the pizza is fresh out of the oven.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Links about China
China and America Comparisons
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is
the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the
British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal
press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Parks in China
The parks
in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very
mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Really Strange China
Here are
some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem
odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events,
while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
Here, we continue on our exploration of China from the comfort of our own personal computer, personal laptop, or personal media device. This is a multi-part post because too many videos will prevent the post from loading, and also, I tend to get sidetracked on various issues. But, please… please keep in mind that this post is all about directing America back to what it is supposed to be. Not what it has become.
“Nothing the Party says is true. Nothing the Party does is good. Even the war itself isn’t real. The Party wants you to believe we are at war so as to channel your aggression away from their rightful target: The Party. Big Brother is not real. He is pure fiction, created by the Party. The real rulers of the State are unknown, faceless manipulators who, because they are not known are able to wield power without let or hindrance. People of Oceania, you are being duped. The Party doesn’t serve the people — it serves itself. We are not at war with Eurasia. You are being made into obedient, stupid slaves of the Party. Open your eyes. See the evil that is happening to you. The Party drops bombs on its own citizens. It is the Party, not the Eurasians, who are our enemies. Rise up. Throw off the yoke. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, People of Oceania.” – Emmanuel Goldstein – 1984 Film
Also, please keep in mind that the purpose of this post is to
illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on
with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is,
they are doing just fine thank you.
And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s
resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the
world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day
fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
This is why America is currently fighting so many wars.
This is the eighth of a mighty mega-post.
As a quick reminder, to all the new comers here…
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Oasis in the dunes (video 41)
“Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here’s American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here are 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!”― Bill Hicks
While America has been manipulating its’ citizens, and financing wars everywhere. The rest of the world has been minding their own business, and living life to the fullest.
Hey! Here’s an oasis. Bet ya didn’t know that they had them in China, did ya? Have you ever wondered “why not?”
Getting the groom drunk (video 42)
America is a progressive liberal utopia that is only a few election votes from full realization. President Donald Trump may be out of office as early as 2020.
We’ve got a populace so dumbed down and indoctrinated with social justice gibberish by government schools that a large proportion actually believe socialism will lead to prosperity. Just like Venezuela and Cuba.
The reason young people are turning to socialism is because they aren’t actually experiencing free market capitalism.
We are trapped in a paradigm of crony capitalism or corporate fascist capitalism. The few at the top reap the vast majority of rigged benefits, while the average worker gets screwed. To keep Joe average compliant the oligarchy creates a box to put him in. The box is fear.
Fear of everything. Fear of other nations. Fear of what is outside the door. Fear of what you eat, or don’t eat.
Meanwhile the rest of the world moves forward.
Here is a small village in China. Traditional. They expect the groom to drink all that beer to “prove” that he is worthy enough to marry the bride. It’s a Chinese tradition. Note also all the aprons being worn by the housewives in the audience.
Traditional nations, even if the culture is different, are the same. China is a very traditional conservative culture and society.
In the United States, we have had the last one hundred years of cultural rewrites, and the last fifty of them has been all about enacting progressiveness in the Untied States. The Marxists have been wildly successful in their implementation of progressiveness in the United States. Just look at what we deal with on a daily basis…
In a traditional society, like what America once had, beer is considered a normal drink. There are no limitations on drinking it. There are no store hours when it can or cannot be purchased. There isn’t any need to obtain a license to sell it, and anyone can buy it without any age restrictions.
In a traditional society, especially one that is conservative, beer is drunk brazenly and with everything. It is a fun common beverage of choice at BBQ and family events.
Traditional societies do not accept the progressive dogma, and act as antibodies resisting it’s implementation.
Historical China
In traditional nations, history is revered. It is treasured, maintained, and taught in schools. In progressive societies, statues are town down, history is rewritten in such as way as to show disdain for the past.
China, as a traditional conservative nation takes care of it’s historical buildings.
Dancing upon arrival
Other nations, other cultures, and other societies have their own fads, fashions and quirks. While waving huge trashcan sized asses about is considered “feminine” in the United States, in China the fad is “dancing upon arrival”.
Here is what being “ladylike”, and “feminine” is like in the progressive United States today…
Well, all I can say is that other cultures and other societies do things quite differently. Here is the latest fad in China today…
Reenactments of History
Now, I love this next video. I really do.
The Chinese have seen empires come and go. You think that Europe had a complicated history? You have no idea. China is a long, long tale of empires that rise and fall with wars and conflict for over 5000 continuous years.
They are pretty tired of fighting and conflict.
Anyways, the way that they have ruled (in the past) was quite authoritarian. As such they maintained the pomp and circumstance to quite a degree. It’s really quite impressive, I’ll tell you what.
Sure beats what Obama gave us. Remember him riding a bicycle?
Anyways, here’s how Chinese traditionally ruled…
Riding through lilacs
When you are not throwing away your money on mindless and endless wars, you don’t need to tax the citizenry so much. Instead, they can be taxed less. Thus opening up opportunities for investments, business and growth. In China, under the low rates of taxation, people combine their money together and set up businesses. Here’s one made by a group of High School buddies.
They just pooled their money. Set up a water slide ride on the side of a hill and charge a small fee to use it. Easy, fun, and they are their own bosses.
Low taxation means individual success.
Petrified of heights
Here’s another example of a park built from some High School friends that pooled their money together and set up a park. Why does China have so many businesses? Answer; because they are not taxed to fun endless wars. That’s why.
OK. At numerous videos for this part, let’s go and move on to the
next part of this post which covers more videos and further commentary
about China.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Links about China
China and America Comparisons
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is
the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the
British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal
press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Parks in China
The parks
in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very
mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Really Strange China
Here are
some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem
odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events,
while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
I still would like to continue on the idea and concept of role-play dress and contemporaneous Chinese popular music. It’s a very interesting subject for me. I just don’t know why.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Maybe it’s because you can dress up any time, year round sort of like forever Halloween. Maybe it’s because I really like to look at pretty girls wearing dresses. Maybe it’s because I love to see people having fun and doing things that they like to do. Maybe it’s because I like to listen to music.
Here is a gal in what looks to be a museum, or other kind of public place.
And here is a local girl outside, what looks like, her home. Probably in some rural section of central China (judging from the costume). You will also notice the red signs on the doors. These are good-luck glyphs that are found everywhere in China. I have them on my doors at home and in my office as well.
The character behind her (on the door) is “fu”. It means good luck and fortune. It is sometimes turned upside down to mean that it “fills up” with money, luck and fortune.
Here we have another gal. This outfit does not look traditional in the least, but you know, this is China. You can just be yourself as long as you don’t try to push your beliefs on anyone else. She is either going to some event, or just having the time of herself going down the street. Please take note how the other passersby treat her.
And here is yet another just normal gal that is walking down the street in traditional garb. You got to love the look, and her smile. I think that it is awesome.
Oh and by the way, this idea of role-play and costume is not restricted and limited to Chinese cultural customs only. Other nations and citizens can participate as well. Here’s a bevy of folk from an Eastern Block nation (Romania, Bulgaria, Albania…I don’t know) hamming it up for China.
Now, of course, all of these videos are going to be impossible to load unless this post is broken up into smaller chew-sized portions. So to continue, please click here…
If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.
If you all don’t mind, I would like to explore further the connection of Chinese women “playing traditional dress-up” and dancing to popular music. There are so, so, SO many aspects to this phenomenon that I think it deserves some further investigation.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Oh, yeah… don’t forget this.
The above is just some girl dressing up and singing and dancing. So what?
Historical Reenactments
Well, what if you and your friends want to do historical reenactments? You know like how civil war reenactors reenact battles in America, or how people reenact Roman Legions in Europe, or how people reenact soldiers from World War I or II? It’s like that. Here we have a period reenactment. Pretty cool heh?
And, you know what? There are all sorts of opportunities to wear traditional clothing. Each region has their own history and culture; so every minority Chinese is protected by Chinese government law, which mandates rigid adherence to traditional customs, traditional ceremonies, and traditional holidays. It’s the law.
History and Culture is protected by law
There’s none of that “separation of church and state” here in China. History is considered sacred. As well as traditional, conservative, and family belief systems. They are protected and actively promoted through government funding.
Chinese minorities are protected as cultural jewels.
Here is a traditional holiday with one of the many Chinese minorities. I don’t know what they are doing, but obviously the gal in the front is the top queen leader of some sort.
That can be extended to all sorts of holidays that are all over China. It is a great opportunity for pretty girls to get all dressed up and have guys ooh and auhhh over them. Nice. That is what it is. Very, very nice.
Modern China is a mixture of old and new traditions.
Here’s some girls just palling it around in Beijing. You know, doing cute girl type things. Don’t ya just love it? I do. I’ll tell ya what.
I love that they can dress how they want to. I love the freedom that they have to play roles…role-play as it were, and do so in public without confrontation, or being told they cannot do, or say, or act in certain ways. I love how they are allowed and protected from being harmed.
Oh, by the way, if any fat gender-less-feminazi tries to interrupt their good times for “cultural appropriation”, or misuse of pronouns, I am sure that the police will arrest them sure as shit. The Chinese do not mess around when it comes to protecting the traditional Chinese way of life.
Here is another video of a girl in traditional garb and dress. She is dancing and is such a charmer, I’ll tell you what.
Ah. Look at all here fans. Isn’t she adorable?
Happy CNY you-all!
Oh yes, since this is 2019. Let me wish everyone a great a wonder CNY year of the Pig! Have a great one ya-all!
If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.
Moving forward, and continuing on with our study of the contemporaneous Chinese music scene, let’s have a look at some more micro-videos from TicToc. And again, for those of you who have just jumped into the middle of all this, please take note…
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Keep in Mind… China is Traditional
Moving forward from the last section. Please keep it in mind that in traditional cultures, people aspire to conform to their roles in the best way that they know how. The man works. The woman cares for the home and family.
In progressive societies, the roles become nonsensical, and the relationships complex and often discordant. They no longer place emphasis the best in a person, their work or their labors. They place emphasis in differences and shocking behavior for purposes of gathering attention at all costs.
In an environment that does not have proper roles and boundaries of behavior, it is up to the individual to define their own boundaries. Without guidance, or perhaps (better yet) guidance from popular culture, the boundaries become blurred and mistakes can be made. This environment lends itself toward one of many dangerous directions, both personally and socially.
In traditional societies the roles are established, and the expectations clear. The formula for personal and family success is well known and understood. It becomes the role of government to make sure that the roles are followed and protected.
It is very important to remember that the roles do not change in a traditional society. A man is the provider for the family, and the woman is the one that nurtures and manages the home.
And yes, while there has been “gender equality” throughout the world, it has manifested as a pale shadow for the women who have actually taken on male work roles. The women end up having a “career” devoid of a family life, devoid of children, and empty while they get older.
Here is another video from contemporary China.
Don’t fall for the progressive liberal lie.
In the United States, and the UK, at round 2012, various women started to write about their regrets in not getting married and building a family. In short order, they were shouted down by SJW and feminist activists. They pretty much went underground and the internet become flooded about articles on how happy women are not having children and being “independent” from men.
This is part of the r/K strategy, and it works if you are ugly, fat, lazy, crude or just a nasty person. For the vast bulk of people, this flies in the face of our biological urges.
Just crank up Google and see that the first 12 or so pages all are dominated by pro-career, anti-family articles. In a nation (the USA) where the vast bulk of people eventually get married, the respective proportion of internet articles opposing it, shows a very skewed and artificial narrative.
The truth is those who do not follow the traditional conservative path end up leading a very lonely and bare life, no matter what their job position is. They will get older with no one to care for them. Their holidays will be at home with their dogs and cats, alone. Their friends, all married, will not want to associate with them.
It’s a miserable path. Do not try to tell me otherwise.
Boys aspire to be men.
Here’s a nice raspy voiced song. I love it and can relate to it in an understanding that only my empty bottle of VSOP and table ashtray of cigarette butts can relate to. Listening to this song reminds me of all the times that I had to endure situations that were uncomfortable, unfair, unjust or just plain wrong.
Do you all think that these feelings and emotions are unique only to Americans? No. Of course not. They are human feelings, expressed by humans, and concern human relationships.
Ah. Sometimes you need a good long hot shower, don’t ya agree?
Chinese couple songs…
Let’s consider some of the very romantic music of popular conventional china. These songs are very lovely. I’m gonna highlight this one. It’s about a couple and their love, moving in together, and eventually she agrees to be his wife.
There are so, so many of these songs and they are all wonderful. You can go HERE for one of the many that I have selected.
What ever you decide to do. Enjoy.
The song continues, and the MV ends where she is in a wedding gown to be his tai tai (his wife). (See the characters in the lower right side of the screen. That’s tai tai = wife.)
The song is about their love and living together and how it could get better, and she decides that it is through them both getting married together.
There is one thing that I would like to point out, and I think that it is significant. If you watch Hollywood movies for symbology and subliminal messages (like a graffiti spray painted wall, and names on cans of soda) you will notice all kinds of symbology to NWO, global orders, satanic cults and the like. However, if you watch Chinese movies and videos the “visual Easter eggs” are fundamentally different.
If you read the messages on their shirts – both in English and in pinyin Chinese – the messages are quite different.
“Big Spoon / Little Spoon”, He has a Ying symbol tattoo, and she has a Yang symbol tattoo . (Tai Ji). He has a Jesus cross tattoo, and she has a black tee-shirt with a Jesus cross and the words “never let you down” on it. She has a shirt that says “I’d rather love.” He wears a white shirt with a black Jesus Cross that says “I’ll never let you down”. And so on…
A nice female singer…
Here is a nice contemporary female singer. I like the sound and the rhythm of her voice. This is one of the top songs of this quarter, and I am sure that it is destined to be one that will be sung in KTV’s long into the future.
This is a very typical Chinese song. It is soft, but strong. Many Chinese songs follow this format. I think that that is it’s appeal to me. Certainly the KTV venue might lead itself to be sung there by a lonely heart or two…
This lies in opposition to the formula that makes American songs popular. Which is why you might find Kenny G still being played in public spaces, while Carti B is ignored.
Oh, and for all youse guys that don’t know what (or who) Carti B is, here’s a GIF of her performing for her American audience. You can tell what her appeal is for her audience. By watching her performance, and listening to her songs, you can clearly see that she if the future face of American youth.
And… here is Superstar which I believe is an American song that has taken China by storm. many American songs can be found in China. Though, their success with the Chinese audio audience tends to be related to beat, and “overall feeling” of the music.
Anyways, back to the Chinese popular music… Here is the kinds of American music that the Chinese find enjoyable and alluring.
School Exercises in the Morning
As I have mentioned previously, many schools in China do the exercise to music. That way, the children learn dance routines at an early age, and get to exercise at the same time. It’s a win-win for everyone. So, if you ever have to wonder about how these kids all get to learn how to dance like they do, please keep in mind that they learned it at school.
Of course, there are no absolutes. There are schools that do not perform dance routines, as well as schools that only do dance routines for exercises. It depends where you live and the management of the school by the Headmaster.
Personally, I think that it is a great way to exercise. Let the kids have some fun. Let them blow off some high-energy “steam”. Let them push themselves and have a good time.
It’s like singing cadence when you are in the military. You concentrate on the cadence and your forget about how tired you are.
And, heck, here’s another girl in her house. She is dancing to one of the popular songs by JJ LIN ( 林俊傑 ) from about three years ago. You can see (listen) to the entire song on the Internet for free HERE. You can watch the MV video HERE.
[JJ Lin 林俊傑] 不潮不用花錢 [Bu Chao Bu Yong Hua Qian] [Not Trendy Not To Spend Money] (High-Fashion)
You go kiddo!
I would like to provide the lyrics to this song here. I also want to provide proper credit to tammiest@AsianFanatics . She did a fantastic job, don’t you all think? Check it all out. It must have taken her days to compile, edit and generate the code. Big thanks to tammiest@AsianFanatics.
林俊傑 JJ Lin JunJie – 不潮不用花錢 [Bu Chao Bu Yong Hua Qian] [Not Trendy Not To Spend Money] (High-Fashion) Special Guest Performance: BY2 (Certain Rap Parts) Album: 陸/Sixology Songwriter: 林俊傑 JJ Lin JunJie Lyricist: 林怡鳳 Lin YiFeng (Rap) Lyricist: 林俊傑 JJ Lin JunJie Pin Yin and Translation Credit: tammiest Do NOT post this translation elsewhere without proper credit to tammiest@AsianFanatics
Rap: Hey, Greedy, don’t fret What you see is what you get You name it, I have it What you see is what you get
左左 左左 偏左 就用左手 Zuo zuo Zuo zuo Pian zuo Jiu yong zuo shou Left left, Left left, Favor the left, Just use your left hand 生活 就不用 想太多 Sheng huo Jiu bu yong Xiang tai duo In life, You don’t need to Think too much 怦怦 怦怦 心動 張開眼睛 Peng peng Peng peng Xin dong Zhang kai yan jing Thump thump Thump thump My heartbeat I open up my eyes 就記得 當下的 強烈 Jiu ji de Dang xia de Qiang lie I remember the Intensity of That moment 有時靈光一閃而過 You shi ling guang yi shan er guo Sometimes, I get sudden flashes of brilliance 牛頓也吃蘋果 Niu dun ye chi ping guo Newton also ate apples 我的念頭不太囉唆 Wo de nian tou bu tai luo suo My idea isn’t too complicated 限時間能入座 Xian shi jian neng ru zuo Gotta hurry, sign-up is limited
Chorus: (1) 請你 Qing ni Please 不要到處叩叩 Bu yao dao chu kou kou Don’t go around knockin’ everywhere 潮流需要摳摳 Chao liu xu yao kou kou Trends need to be raised up 不小心就沒摳摳 Bu xiao xin jiu mei kou kou If you’re not careful, you won’t make any money 用力到處扣扣 Yong li dao chu kou kou Work hard to save everywhere 花掉所有摳摳 Hua diao suo you kou kou Spend all the money you’ve misered up 錢買不到絕活 Qian mai bu dao jue huo Money can’t buy you unrivaled skill
你說 聽說 聽說 你聽誰說 Ni shuo Ting shuo Ting shuo Ni ting shei shuo You say You’ve heard You’ve heard Who’d you hear say that? 跟著 亂走 鬧哄哄 Gen zhe Luan zou Nao hong hong Followin’ Goin’ along rashly Buzzin’ with excitement 通通 通通 普通 普通 Tong tong Tong tong Pu tong Pu tong It’s all It’s all Ordinary So ordinary 如果不懂 不要 隨便 拒絕 Ru guo bu dong Bu yao Sui bian Ju jue If you don’t get it, Don’t Reject it so Carelessly (2) 有時靈光一閃而過 You shi ling guang yi shan er guo Sometimes, I get sudden flashes of brilliance 牛頓也吃蘋果 Niu dun ye chi ping guo Newton also ate apples 我的念頭不太囉唆 Wo de nian tou bu tai luo suo My idea isn’t too complicated 限時間能入座 Xian shi jian neng ru zuo Gotta hurry, sign-up is limited
Chorus: 請你 Qing ni Please 不要到處叩叩 Bu yao dao chu kou kou Don’t go around knockin’ everywhere 潮流需要摳摳 Chao liu xu yao kou kou Trends need to be raised up 不小心就沒摳摳 Bu xiao xin jiu mei kou kou If you’re not careful, you won’t make any money 用力到處扣扣 Yong li dao chu kou kou Work hard to save everywhere 花掉所有摳摳 Hua diao suo you kou kou Spend all the money you’ve misered up 錢買不到絕活 Qian mai bu dao jue huo Money can’t buy you unrivaled skill
Rap: Little chick havin’ chips on my sofa Be@rbricks take a sh*t on my sofa (3) Smudge babies lyin’ on my sofa (4) Neighborhoods and Kiks singing ‘So-Fa’ (5, 6, 7)
Little chick havin’ chips on my sofa Be@rbricks take a sh*t on my sofa Smudge babies lyin’ on my sofa
Hey, Greedy, don’t fret What you see is what you get You name it, I have it What you see is what you get
Chorus: 請你 Qing ni Please 不要到處叩叩 Bu yao dao chu kou kou Don’t go around knockin’ everywhere 潮流需要摳摳 Chao liu xu yao kou kou Trends need to be raised up 不小心就沒摳摳 Bu xiao xin jiu mei kou kou If you’re not careful, you won’t make any money 用力到處扣扣 Yong li dao chu kou kou Work hard to save everywhere 花掉所有摳摳 Hua diao suo you kou kou Spend all the money you’ve misered up 錢買不到絕活 Qian mai bu dao jue huo Money can’t buy you unrivaled skill
Rap: Hey, Greedy, don’t fret What you see is what you get You name it, I have it What you see is what you get
Hey, Greedy, don’t fret What you see is what you get You name it, I have it What you see is what you get
* The title of this song is a bit confusing. 不潮不用花錢 Bu chao bu yong hua qian is actually more (textbook) accurately translated as “Don’t Need To Spend Money If You Don’t Follow the Fads.” However, a read-through of the lyrics yields a different interpretation, the one I ultimately decided on: “Not Trendy Not To Spend Money.” This interpretation, however, is actually best expressed (and by that, I mean grammatically and without confusion!) by taking out the 用 yong in the title, leaving one with just 不潮不花錢 bu chao bu hua qian.
However, the 用 yong was left IN the title because– go back and read the first word of each line of the chorus. Put them together and you get 不潮不用花錢 Bu chao bu yong hua qian, the title of the song!
(1) The lines of the chorus are not necessarily connected to each other in the usual sense; don’t force them together. Instead, they can be considered stand-alone lines of “wisdom.” (2) The line 如果不懂 不要 隨便 拒絕 Ru guo bu dong Bu yao Sui bian Ju jue can be “broken up” (in Chinese) and interpreted in two very distinct ways. I decided on “If you don’t get it, Don’t Reject it so Carelessly;” however, it is important to note that the line can very well also be translated as “If you don’t get it, Don’t be so Careless; Reject it.” As you can see, the meaning changes significantly; the interpretation I did NOT choose goes along with the TITLE I did not choose. It also puts a “break” between the last two “phrases.” Because JJ seems to slide right into the 拒絕 ju jue (instead of pausing), however, and because it goes along with the rest of the song– I chose the line above (3) Be@rbricks are collectible (and somewhat poseable) plastic bears (with a “Kubrick” influence) manufactured by MediCom Toy Incorporated. They are extremely popular in Asia and come in all types of sizes and designs. (4) I haven’t been able to find a 100% answer, but I think that Smudge Babies are a type of toy. (5) Neighborhood is a super-trendy, still growing fashion label in Japan; it grew out of the Harajuku district. (6) “Kiks” is slang for sneakers; it is most likely– in this song– meant as a “shorthand” for Kiks TYO, a super-trendy “sneaker freak” Japanese label. (7) “So-Fa” as in… the notes “So” and “Fa” of the musical scale.
Big thanks to tammiest@AsianFanatics. Now. Let’s move on to the next page of videos… with this final video on this page.
Now, of course, all of these videos are going to be impossible to load unless this post is broken up into smaller chew-sized portions. So to continue, please click here…
If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.
Moving forward… let’s look at the fifth part of this exploration into contemporaneous Chinese music.
Let’s start here at this micro-video holding numerous songs. You will note that each song has a specific dance routine to it. This dance routine is so well associated with the music and the particular song, that you can actually do some of the dance moves and a Chinese person would know exactly what song you are thinking of.
Some will even sing out it to you.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Songs with dance moves…
In this next video, please keep that in mind, and if you get the opportunity, try it out with a Chinese friend. See if they know the song that you are referring to when your fingers walk on your arm.
Or perhaps when you lean back and make a Tarzan yell.
Next on the list is a great number that is associated with love, romance, and marriage. You will find many micro-videos in the TikTok application using this song along with a marriage theme. Sort of like this…
Love and Romance songs.
The Chinese, just everyone else in the world fall in love, get married, have children and build up a life as a family. This is a fact that is celebrated in music. Romantic love songs, specially songs that celebrate getting married, having children, and growing old together seems so strange to contemporaneous American ears.
Image from a magazine advertisement dated to the 1960’s. During that period of time, America was still conservative, and traditional ideas of dating and family were valued as important. That differs substantially from today’s gender-neutral reality, and the idea that there is no “head” of the household. Where everyone is equal, but no-one really is.
For today, in the new progressive liberal America, the thrust is for free-wanton sex with everyone, everywhere. It is a ideal that says that there are no genders, and that all the past…cultures and history were all a big mistake.
China, and the Chinese are on the other side of the coin. They believe in traditional relationships, love and marriage.
This all seems so strange to us from the West. Most especially for Americans. But, it need not be that way. In China, friendships are considered very valuable, and they cultivate them. (Which is one of the reasons why the drinking culture is so evident.) When the students go to school, they share dorm rooms of four to eight people and they end up doing everything together.
Chinese Friendships
When they get older, and work, they have group exercises in the morning before their shifts. These group exercises are actually dance routines. The very same dance routines that you will see in the micro-videos. This is true whether they are exercising as part of their school, exercising for their work, or exercising with the guang-cheng-wu-da-ma (dancing grandmothers) in the mornings or at the end of the day.
Everyone in China dances / exercise / sings to music.
In America, we sort of handle this differently. We will sing alone in our pickup trucks or in our cars. Or, if we are with our close friends, we would sing together. Indeed, many a time during my High School years, I would sing “Blinded by the Light” by Manford Man, or “Mr. Tambourine Man” by the Byrds.
Americans prefer to sing in the privacy of their automobiles. They prefer to sing in the privacy of the showers. They like to sing in churches and around campfires. Singing is a great thing, let me tell youse guys.
We sill sing in the showers where no one can see us. We might try dancing in secret, where no one can find us. This is something that has developed over the years. I personally attribute it to the automobile sub-culture that developed in the 1940’s and 1950’s. This caused a movement of Americans towards new and different social settings. Settings, mind you, that were not as close and not a nuanced as before.
America; the land of the automobile. People in America began to spend more time outside of the home when the access to the car became easier. In my mind, this in turn lead towards to a destruction of the family unit. With the time spent in front of the television set, the time spent at work, and the time devoted to daily commutes, there was precious little time for father-son bonding.
America is a nation of the “lone wolf” loners, which needs to change. We all need each other. Being alone is a terrible lie. Don’t fall for it.
Anyways, with this in mind, please check out this video.
In China, there are all sorts of sub-cultures and trends moving (or sloshing) back and forth. One of which is the “historical modelling”. In China they don’t have any of this nonsense of “cultural appropriation”. Heck, if you try to even suggest it, the police will come and lock you up to see what your malfunction is.
Historical Role-Play
Historical Chinese clothing that can be purchased in China. The Chinese love to purchase historical-period clothing and do role-play in the city squares and parks. Here, we have a female dress.
In China, the gals like to dress up in traditional Chinese clothes and walk about town. They go to restaurants with their friends, and have a great time. There are so many different kinds and styles of clothing as well.
You, the reader, need to recognize that China has a long, long history of many, many nations. Over time all these nations fought and conducted wars back and forth. Today, the single nation that we know as China was once a series of mini-nations that grew and collapsed over many thousands of years.
Here is some historical garb for the male role-players int he Chinese community. Note that this particular outfit has long sleeves. In China, the sleeves would be short and then long, depending on who ruled the individual nation where the person lived.
China has a long, long, LONG history with many, many, MANY cultures, kingdoms, and dynasties. They have many Chinese minorities, all of which have their own various clothing, and histories. So, the gals enjoy taking the time and being girls “playing dress-up” in public. And, us guys..well, we LOVE it.
Here is something along the roaring 1920’s in Shanghai…
Now, my personal favorite is the more traditional (and older) period dress. I love how airy it is and how well it flows and moves with the women who wear it.
Here is a perfect example. I honestly love the outfit and the young lass wearing it.
Young Lass dancing wearing a traditional Chinese period costume. This is more common than you would expect.
And, here is another gal. You can see that there are many styles, and fashions available to the Chinese lass. Of course, all of us guys truly enjoy seeing the beautiful women wearing these beautiful clothing.
That’s all a very different change compared to what you have in the Untied States. I find the music in China to be upbeat, positive and often soothing… at least the ones promoted most in popular cultures.
Contemporaneous American Culture
In comparison, I find the music promoted in American culture looks a little like this. Don’t get me wrong, they are all smiling and people are laughing. Though it seems like everyone is laughing AT the fat chicks waving those Volkswagen-sized asses about.
I don’t know about youse guys. It looks to me like the girls would be very happy to have a train of guys having non-stop sex with them, but they don’t look at all like marriage material. They are far too coarse and crude.
But, there you have it. Coarse and crude are exactly “rabbit-style” behaviors according to the r/K theory, and that is exactly what the USA is today.
Heck! And what is even sadder, that the culture is influencing everyone. From adults to the kids, and the babies. I wouldn’t be surprised to see grandparents acting this way, given the saturation of it in the media…
… soon our dear pets will start acting that way as well.
Let’s move on to the next part of this post…
If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.
I well remember walking into a small family restaurant in Shenzhen. They were playing “Christian Rock”. I’ve got to tell you all, I was astounded. It just isn’t something that you hear every day. Not in the USA, and most certainly not in China, of all places.
So I asked the woman there why she was listening to Christian Rock. (My wife asked her, as my Chinese wasn’t anywhere near competent.) And she smiled, and told my wife that the music spoke to her.
The Christian Rock music spoke to her.
China is a very conservative nation that holds traditional Chinese values in the highest regard. In fact, that is one of the many things that astounded me about China. When they threw away the tenets of Communism back in the 1970’s, they embraced full-on conservative values.
Now, as such, the Chinese has a full affinity to American conservatives… Conservatives mind you, not the NeoCon’s who see every war as a money-making opportunity to line their pockets through the deaths of others. Hello? John McCain, Hillary Clinton, George Bush… anyone?
The Chinese people love American music.
I like to think that the reason is because there are some awesome talent in the Untied States. I think that people all over the world can recognize this talent, and America is most certainly the home of some of the best music in the world.
Anyways, the Chinese love American Country and Western music, and many a night has been spent with myself belting out some Conway Twitty, and George Jones. (Heck, in my mind the best Country and Western music came from the 1980’s, and the 1990’s.But, that’s just me. Heh heh.)
Tim McGraw. American country singer. When an American sings Country and Western songs in a Chinese KTV, the effect is profound. The Chinese have never experienced live Country and Western concerts, and so, to them, it is like being in a real honest-to-goodness live famous singer.
Here is an American Country and Western song that is HYPER popular in China. You all should see my rendition of it after a few bottles of whiskey. Heh heh.
(Oh, and by the way, the Chinese girls think that an American singing Country and Western, or Pop music is like a “God”, the way they look at you. You guys have no idea… None what so ever.)
Country & Western style music is popular.
The Chinese have their own versions of Country and Western music. However, unlike the West or in America, it is not stratified or segregated into different musical genres. The music, to me, sounds like it is all mixed together.
If you listen to a music station on the radio, like in a taxi, for instance, the music will all be mixed together. Suppose it is July. It is hot out, and the A/C is on in the car, and the radio is on. You can hear the songs, as well as the GPS navigate the route in Chinese.
The songs would include everything from long DJ smashed up-songs to American Christmas carols. Yep. That’s true, as any American expat can attest to. (Ah, I well remember the first time I heard Jingle Bells played during a hot August night by a house band in a bar.) The music would include everything from sappy Chinese love ballads, to Chinese disco, to traditional nursery rhymes and even American 1960’s War Protest songs (“Who’ll stop the rain?“)
And you can see the influence that Country and Western music has made on the Chinese music scene here. All you need to do is have an open mind and an ear for music. The American Country and Western musical influence is everywhere. From the cities to the rural countrysides.
And, I’m not just talking Taylor Swift here, guys…
Songs that are slower and easy to sing are the best. You know, the Chinese don’t care at all if you can hold a note, or sing on-key. What they care about is [1] if you are having a good time, [2] that you can put some kind of emotion into the songs when you are singing them, and [3] if you enjoy singing the songs.
Slow songs vs. Fast songs
Just be careful, or else you might end up singing some impossibly fast American songs that will be near impossible to sing. Don’t let that happen. I always keep a small list of my favorite songs that I can sing in KTV’s on me, in my wallet. You never know when you have the opportunity to play at a KTV, I’ll tell you what.
You can tell that these songs are all easily lent towards singing at a KTV while drunk…or sad. Heh heh. When you have an opportunity to sing with some Chinese friends, please heed my advice and take it. It’s a great way to make friends, and a fantastic waste of time, eating and drinking and smoking.
Life is meant to be lived.
Life is too short. Live it.
Morning, noon, and night, everything tastes better outdoors. This is a vintage advertisement, but the truth behind this simple ad still rings true. Seriously, I think we all should enjoy our life more. That means YOU.
Over time, you will see loved ones pass on, or go away. You will see friends come and go. You will see seasons pass, and unless you are careful, it all might just pass you by. Don’t allow that to happen. Live life well. Heck! Live it very well.
One of the things about China, well – Heck, all of Asia is how prevalent American music is. It can be found everywhere. It can be found on-line, played on the radio stations, and in the bars and clubs. It goes without saying that you can most certainly hear American music in China. Though the song types and style might be different. In China, an A-listed American song might actually be a C-listed airplay song in the USA.
Asian Advertisement.
Here’s an example of an advertisement for beer in Japan. Today, the video advertisements are really great to watch. Many times they like to use music to drive a point across. Check it out…
By the way, those little balls that she is eating are popular all over Asia. You can buy them all over China. They are fried octopus balls. The octopus tentacles are mixed with a kind of bread dough, and deep-fried and covered with this thin kind of shavings.
It’s pretty good. You all should try it. Oh, and you know… it goes great with beer. Especially icy cold beer.
If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.
Here we continue with our review of the “pop” music of China in 2019 with one of my personal favorites. You will note that this particular micro-video is from Cambodia.
Now, of course, all of Asia is influenced by China. That includes everything from Korea to Indonesia, and everything in-between. So you really shouldn’t be too surprised that other Asian nations are listening to Chinese pop music. Well, you shouldn’t be.
It’s the same way with America, don’t ya know. America influences Canada and Mexico the same way.
Anyways, here’s the first song of this particular post sub-classification. It’s one of my personal favorites.
You can go on the TikTok application and see all kinds of versions of this song sung by the pretty ladies of China. For those of you who don’t know about this application, here’s the skinny…
And, you know, here is one of my favorites…
Moving on…
Second Song – Дастан Оразбеков
This next song is also very popular. You can find it by searching for Mekepe – Дастан Оразбеков. Though, you wouldn’t know this if you are still using Goggle as your Internet Search Engine. You just cannot go anywhere without hearing it.
Yes, it is again another top hit from Russia. It’s not that Russia has better music than America does, it’s just that the Russian songs aren’t all about “popping slugs into bitches” and about waving large garbage-can sized asses around. They also tend to be more upbeat.
Overall, Upbeat music tends to trend toward Conservative and traditional values, while downbeat music trends toward progressive realities. It’s an easy comparison. Look at the music that was popular during the Ronald Reagan administration, and compare that to the music that was popular during the Barrack Obama administration.
I have come to this opinion through my limited range of experience. It’s my opinion, and ONLY my opinion. So, please, there is no need to send me an email debating this issue with exceptions. It’s a waste of both of our time.
Arguing about popular trends in musical tastes instead of listening to the music you like is a fruitless endeavor. It's sort of like complaining that the steak is not cooked well enough, instead of eating it.
After all, it can’t be 100% correct. How can you account for all those Country and Western “She broke my heart so I broke her jaw” style songs?
Anyways, here’s the Russian song as promoted on Chinese media. If you like it you can download the full song for free HERE. Again, please take note. Unlike the United States, most music is available free in the rest of the world for free.
In the United States you have to be careful, or else you can be arrested for using Torrents, or P2P networks, or listening to music and thus violating the royalty collection efforts of the mega-rich oligarchs out in California.
Anyways… here’s the song.
You can listen to the entire song for FREE over HERE.
Hazel – I Love Poland
Oh, and while we are at it. Here’s a song praising the Former Soviet Block member; Poland. Also hyper popular.
I love Poland - Poland? 我爱波兰 波兰吗 I love Poland - Why? 我爱波兰 为什么 I love Poland - I hadn't believe ya 我爱波兰 我不信 I love Poland - Poland? 我爱波兰 波兰吗 I love Poland - Why? 我爱波兰 为什么 I love Poland - Shut up! 我爱波兰 闭嘴
I love driving by my car 我就是爱开车瞎转悠 And the road its not so far 还好路也不远 Berlin, London, Moscow too 还有柏林 伦敦 莫斯科 It's my love I tell you true 我真的超爱这些地方 When I came to Poland 当我到了波兰 I saw my car was stolen 我的车就被偷了 It was my favourite truck 那可是我最喜欢的货车 I said f**king kurwa mać! 我说富强民主文明和谐自由平等公正法治
Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida 不想要水 我想喝水 Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina 老妈你大概疯了吧 Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida 不想要水 我想喝水 Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina 老妈你大概疯了吧
Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida 不想要水 我想喝水 Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina 老妈你大概疯了吧 Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida 不想要水 我想喝水 Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina 老妈你大概疯了吧
I love Poland - Poland? 我爱波兰 波兰吗 I love Poland - Why? 我爱波兰 为什么 I love Poland - I hadn't believe ya 我爱波兰 我不信 I love Poland - Poland? 我爱波兰 波兰吗 I love Poland - Why? 我爱波兰 为什么 I love Poland - Shut up! 我爱波兰 闭嘴
I love driving by my car 我就是爱开车瞎转悠 And the road its not so far 还好路也不远 Berlin, London, Moscow too 还有柏林 伦敦 莫斯科 It's my love I tell you true 我真的超爱这些地方 When I came to Poland 当我到了波兰 I saw my car was stolen 我的车就被偷了 It was my favourite truck 那可是我最喜欢的货车 I said f**king kurwa mać! 我说富强民主文明和谐自由平等公正法治
Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida 不想要水 我想喝水 Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina 老妈你大概疯了吧 Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida 不想要水 我想喝水 Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina 老妈你大概疯了吧
I love Poland(yo no quiero agua) 我爱波兰(不想要水) I love Poland(yo quiero bebida) 我爱波兰(我想喝水) I love Poland(mami tu eres loca) 我爱波兰(老妈你疯了) I love Poland - I don't believe ya(no te hagas la fina) 我爱波兰 我不信(别装模作样了) I love Poland(yo no quiero agua) 我爱波兰(不想要水) I love Poland(yo quiero bebida) 我爱波兰(我想喝水) I love Poland(mami tu eres loca) 我爱波兰(老妈你疯了) I love Poland(no te hagas la fina) 我爱波兰(别装模作样了)
I had really pretty car 我有辆超炫的车 (baby you have as so far 宝贝你到目前为止 Don't be shy, come with us 别害羞嘛 一起来啊 We will show you amouros) 我们会带你领略真正的爱情 Then I stay in Poland 然后我就留在了波兰 Have not car but I don't mind 我才不在乎有没有车 Chicks in Poland are so hot 因为波兰的小妞超正点 I love Poland kurwa mać! 我爱波兰 走好运
We will show you amorous 我们会带你领略真正的爱情 We will show you amorous 我们会带你领略真正的爱情 We will show you amorous 我们会带你领略真正的爱情 We will show you amorous 我们会带你领略真正的爱情 Oh, yes~ 噢耶
So cute.
Poland is also, like China and Russia, very traditional and conservative. they loath progressive liberalism and their behavior towards rampaging Muslim rapists, and trans-gender activists show this. I like Poland, and my father’s family came from Poland. I have to admit that they don’t have the same kinds of problems that nearby Sweden and Germany have.
The Conservative Debate
You know, I read a comment just yesterday. The fellow said that I am really overboard calling China “conservative”. He argued that China was Communist, and that MEANS Progressive Liberal. He was absolutely convinced that there was absolutely no way that China, or Russia or Poland for that matter, were conservative.
Heck, most Chinese themselves, consider themselves socially liberal. But their idea of liberalism is very, very different from what us Americans consider to be liberal. You need to understand that labels are just that; labels.
The problem, as I see it, is one of misunderstanding. Once a “label” is placed on something, our minds turn off and display a black and white cartoon 2D image of what we are told to associate with that image. We have to look beyond the American main-steam propaganda and look at what things are today. TODAY.
This is what I mean when I say that a given nation is “conservative”…
Anyone who reads the pronouncements out of Beijing for the last twenty years can plainly see that the nation of China is traditional, and orthodox. It’s not even borderline. China is hard-line traditionalist.
Now, to understand what this means, outside the cardboard cutout narrative, you need to see how the American oligarchy defines being Conservative. You turn to Wikipedia where they say this…
I would like to underline the phrase; “Conservatives seek to preserve a range of institutions… …with the aim of emphasizing social stability and continuity. ” Dudes, this describes China to a “T”.
Consider these progressive liberal protestors activists in China, and the Chinese government reaction to them…
Now compare that to the United States. When have the BLM activists, or the Antifa activists been arrested, if ever? When they tore down statues? When they harassed people at restaurants, or in theaters (Mr. Pence), or for refusing to bake a cake?
You would never find that kind of behavior in China. That is because China is conservative. While America is progressive liberal. It is, no matter, what you might want to believe otherwise. That is just the way it is. Sorry or hurrah! depending on your personal preferences.
Obviously, the various federal, state and local governments in the United States are certainly liberal. But are they progressive, as I have repeatedly stated? Well, you determine for yourself…
A conservative nation allows you to smoke cigarettes. A progressive liberal one bans them. A conservative nation erects statues and parks to honor past achievements and heroes. A progressive liberal nation tears the statues down. A conservative nation wants a school to teach basics and fundamentals such as being able to read, being able to count, and being able to budget. A progressive liberal school is one that teaches new ways of doing things (like “new math”), and new ways of thinking (diversity officers) and social organization.
People, the only thing that remains of Mr. Mao’s Communist Utopia in China is his picture on the currency. That’s about it. Decide for yourself, or not. Dudes, I put the food on the plate in front of you. You can eat it up or not. It’s not my problem.
Five Song Compilation
Here is a compilation of five songs that also receive a very large amount of airplay in China. This micro-video compresses them all into a very short introductory clip. I think that it is a great way to get a general feel for the place, the pace, and the tastes of the Chinese people today.
You will note how different these songs, and the music is from what is available in the Untied States today. For a comparative reference, consider what American pop music is today. Look at how welcoming and accepting of this behavior is to the audience. Oh my, they love her wagging her enormous ass about. In fact, there’s even a gal in the back doing the same thing. As well as to the right of the screen.
Look at the top two guys in the middle. What? They don’t seem to be enjoying the fine lady-like behavior of the huge assed negro women. I wonder why? Maybe they are gay, eh?
All American men love big asses…right? That’s the narrative from the main-stream media. Or at lest it has been that way ever since Barrack Obama discussed how he loved big asses on women.
Well, you know what they say… different strokes for different folks.
It’s not just one or two singers either. It’s just about all of them. Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if Taylor Swift starts behaving this way…you know, to usher in the new “progressive” America with gender-less behaviors, free-passes to Muslim sexual abuse, and climate change for all! Woo Woo!
Damn! It seems to me like they all have a very bad case of stomach flu. If they don’t do something about it, and quick, you might end up with diarrhea all over your computer monitor! Yikes!
But seriously, top-down driven mass media manipulation is changing American culture towards a new progressive reality. They implemented anti-smoking social change in the 1990’s and now smoking is almost an endangered species.
Ever since the progressive liberals have tried to make it impossible to smoke in America, cigarette use has fallen to near extinction in America. They are now currently trying the same SUCCESSFUL techniques to ban guns. Soon, they WILL all be banned.
This goes for many of the other types of forced social “progress”. So, by saturating American media with images of fat people, and making it popular to be fat, and obese, and to have huge rolls of jiggling fat, it becomes popular and accepted. When it becomes unpopular to act like a “gentleman” or a lady”, then the crudest behaviors become normal and accepted.
It trickles down to the American public, and everyone starts acting like this…
At five micro-videos, it’s time to move on. The band width hogs would take forever to load using the ISP defaults on most American servers. So, let’s avoid that. Now, on to the next page in this series of posts…
Now, of course, all of these videos are going to be impossible to load unless this post is broken up into smaller chew-sized portions. So to continue, please click here…
If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
This is part 1 of 17.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
One of the first things that the Interns ask me when they come to work for me, is “what is it like doing business in China”. To which I must answer, “it is really, really different.” Work is work, and business is business. That being said, in China there is a particular aspect that has a great deal of importance. This is [1] the concept called “face” or “mingzi”. The second most important aspect is [2] friendships, or Guangxi.
Mingzi is “face“. It is your overall appearance, and reputation.
Guangxi is “relationship“. It is your status as a friend, a business partner and overall value as a person.
While, the Chinese boss and businessman would be very happy to take your money and make a ” doohickey” for you. He won’t treat you very special, even if you promise him ten million dollars of business. You will be just another smuck from the West that he is dealing with. You are just a potential client. You have not yet “earned your stripes”.
The key to getting your product or service taken cared for, is to build up a relationship with the factory boss.
Heck, we all know this. In fact, in America we have been taught that businesses are based upon relationships. Yet, strange things is, with the current crops of MBA’s that are exiting universities, they seem to think that people are numbers in a ledger, and quite disposable.
This is true, whether or not the latest crop of millennials want to recognize that reality.
Efficiency experts sorting out who to fire and who to retain.
Not so in China.
While in the USA, you might get a visitor from another country, and say good-bye to him at the end of the day. The Chinese will expect to share a meal with you. They will expect a tour of the local surroundings, and some local cuisine. (As would most businessmen from other nations.) When in China, you will be given the “royal treatment”, as the opportunity that you offer the factory is considered valuable.
You would also be expected to smoke, and drink to excess. In China, powerful bosses all can eat, drink and party to excess. The ideal “big boss” in China is a cross between Tony Soprano and Attila the Hun. If you cannot meet their expectations, then any contract that you sign with them will be a weak one.
The ideal "big boss" in China is a cross between Tony Soprano and Attila the Hun. If you cannot meet their expectations, then any contract that you sign with them will be a weak one.
The value, and the relative importance of the “Boss” differs between that of Western companies and companies in the East. In China, the boss is all powerful and all important. His word is absolute.
Your goal is to facilitate a strong contract, and a solid working relationship. Anything less is a waste of your time.
Aside from the factory tour, and discussions over tea and cigarettes (I like to call it “death” by tea and cigarettes.), you will be given a chance to “freshen up” in your hotel room prior to the evening festivities. A driver will take you to your hotel, and you and your aide will be escorted to your room where you can rest (often from jet lag), check your emails, write a report (if you are in a big company), and chill out. I like to use this time to take a shower and a short 90 minute nap. But, that’s just me.
The bottom line is that you and your hosts know what will transpire in the next 12 hours or so…
Tea Ritual
Pre-drinking fun
Move to the party
Selection process
Chinese KTV
Night in the hotel
Return home
You can expect something like this…
And maybe, if you are lucky (or important enough) something like this…
Hotel Pickup
Usually, before the car comes and the girls pick you up (typically the aides and Marketing Manager is female), I tend to go down to the VinGo (a HK version of 7-11) in the lobby and pick up some anti-drunk medicine.
In fact, truth be told, you should always have [1] some aspirin or Tylenol, [2] stomach medicine, and [3] some ED medicine if you are over 30. The anti-drunk medicine is a vial of liquid that you drink during dinner, say about thirty minutes before you eat. It helps to neutralize the effects of alcohol in your body so that you won’t get too drunk too fast. It won’t take away from your enjoyment, but it will help you.
This also goes by the name of dihydromyricetin, or DHM .
After all, you can now expect a solid six to eight hours of hard drinking. (That’s pretty much the norm whether you go to a Chinese KTV or not.) So, you need to be prepared. After all, your body will be affected by the alcohol.
That is an entire night of HARD drinking of HARD alcohol.
This means that you will need to take some medicine beforehand. In China, of course, you don’t need prescriptions for most medicines. That’s only in America. The rest of the world expects people to be responsible with their own bodies.
You you can just get the ED medication at the counter. Just write the name on a slip of paper and the chick behind the counter will give it to you.
Viagra is around 125 RMB, or around $20/pill. But you can by the local generic version for 200 RMB for 20 pills, or 10 RMB/pill (around $1.25).
Cialis is the medicine of choice for us older gentleman. But you will need to pay for it in the full outrageous American price. Figure around 135 RMB/pill. Yikes!
The girls in China a lovely. That includes all of the Han Chinese throughout Asia. They really know how to keep men happy.
Of course, there are other options if you are capable and able. I think that the best option is PT-141, but it’s illegal in the United States. Chances are that you won’t have a refrigerator in your hotel room to store it in. Trust me, PT-141 is THE medication for all us older men. If you can obtain it.
Special Medicine for Drinking
There is medicine that can be used to control the rate of absorption of the alcohol that you drink. It is available freely in China, and of course you do not need a prescription for it. Here is a photo of the box and the medicine. The dosage is that you take four tablets one half hour before you start drinking.
Chinese drinking Medicine. The dosage is four tablets taken about one half an hour before you start drinking. Still, this being said, you still need to take control of the amount of booze that you drink.
Since the chances are that you will be in the Southern China section, make sure that you change your underwear. It is tropical, and you will need to take multiple showers and use ample deodorant.
Chances are that you will stay in your hotel, unless the factory boss has made other arrangements. Some of the better business KTV’s have rooms upstairs. In any event, make sure that your “wingman” or aide (male or female) fully understands that you will be the one who will give all the face.
As such… They must restrain their drinking. They must watch the belongings, and your passport. And, they must keep an eye out so that no problems befall you.
Typically, my aide is an employee. Depending on the situation, I’ve had one of my Chinese engineers (fluent in English) come with me, or my Marketing Manager (female Chinese-born Canadian) who would be with me. Now, you might think that the woman would be all hot and bothered about conducting this kind of business relationship (smoking, drinking, singing, dancing, and girls), but that hasn’t been the case at all. In fact, she welcomed it. Heck, you should have seen her the next morning all beaming and happy.
Now, everyone would get their own individual room. And we would all agree on a time to meet. Typically, one person (never myself) gathers everyone up to go down to the lobby and get into the car.
Caution about drinking
I used to drink with abandon. This is because I would drink every night, and so going out to the KTV or a bar was not a big thing to me. However, I do think that it is prudent for everyone to control their intake of alcohol. Here are some good suggestions on how to control your intake…
Eat first. When you consume alcohol it sits in your stomach while it waits to be processed. If you don’t have food in there, the alcohol will process faster and at one time. If you have food in your belly, the alcohol will enter your system more slowly and at a varied pace thus lessening the effects of alcohol immediately. (This is hard to manage, but if you are careful it is possible.) Eat a lot at dinner. What you do eat, make sure that it will be filling and absorb the alcohol… like rice. Eat a lot of rice.
Drink slowly. For the same reason that you want food in your stomach, drinking slowly will allow your body to process the alcohol over a period of time. Whereas, if you inundate your body with alcohol, it will be more difficult to process. (This is also difficult to manage, but do try your best.)
Choose your beverages carefully. If possible, choose alcohols with fewer congeners (substances that are also produced during the fermentation process), which are less likely to cause a hangover. Light-colored beers and white wine have fewer congeners than darker beers and harder liquors. Stay away from brandy, whisky, and red wine. (as if…) But, Clearer alcohols like Baijiu, vodka, gin, and white rum are good options.
Drink plenty of water. Drink water throughout the day before you start drinking alcohol and drink water in between alcoholic beverages. As one of the key causes of a hangover is dehydration, the more you do to combat it beforehand the better. If you have a hangover, be sure to drink plenty of water as well. Or, you might want to…
Drink sports drinks. In addition to water, these isotonic sports drinks can quickly replenish the fluids in your body, while adding carbohydrates needed for energy and electrolytes to your system.
Drink some orange juice. Vitamin C, specifically, helps replenish energy, which is vital when the lethargic power of a hangover kicks in. The fructose found in many types of juices will help replenish sugars in your body depleted in order to process the alcohol you’ve consumed.
Take Ibuprofen, naproxen, and other prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). These medications can help numb that pounding headache. Follow the instructions on the bottle.
Take a B6 supplement. B6 will help revitalize your body.
You will be offered cigarettes. If you want to give the boss face, you WILL smoke them. This is a way of “breaking the ice” and building friendships.
Smoke the Cigarettes offered to you.
Often they will offer you expensive cigarettes, or if you are an American, an imported American brand to show deference to you. Accept it, and smoke them showing your appreciation. Everything that you do is a way of giving “face” to those around you.
黄鹤楼 cigarettes. These are the most expensive cigarettes in China. You know that you are being given the “Royal Treatment” if you are offered these.
I would accept these cigarettes even though for many, many years, I never smoked. Thus, for the longest time, I never inhaled, I just smoked and let the smoke swirl in my mouth. You know, you do what you need to do.
In any event, they will offer you the most expensive cigarettes available to you. This is to give you face and show their respect for you.
Show them that you appreciate this gesture.
真龙 are the third most expensive cigarettes in China. Being offered these cigarettes is a sign of honor and respect.
You take the cigarette and allow an underling to light it for you. You should NEVER light it yourself. That is not your place in this environment. They might give you a menthol filter to use, if offered, take it. It’s kind of fun.
The cigarettes will more than likely be expensive and strong. When I refer to this ritual as “death by cigarettes and tea”, I am not kidding. Sometimes, I need to excuse myself to go to the bathroom to throw up. The nicotine is that strong.
Here are the most expensive brands of cigarettes in China…
Huang He Lou 1916 黄鹤楼1916 – RMB8500/carton
Liqun 利群 – RMB1900/carton
Zhenlong 真龙 – RMB1900/carton
Zuan Shi (or Diamond) 钻石 – RMB1800/carton
Dong Chong Xia Cao 冬虫夏草 – RMB1600/carton
Zi Qi Dong Lai (or New Century) 紫气东来 – RMB1400/carton
Xiong Mao (or Panda) 熊猫 -RMB1200/carton
Huaxicun 1961 华西村 – RMB1200/carton
Hao Rizi 好日子 – RMB1000/carton
Hongtashan 红塔山 – RMB500/carton
利群 are the second most expensive cigarettes in China. You can be offered these cigarettes as a sign of honor.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Page 16 of 17.
Opinions of Others
I tire of the propaganda about China. Yeah, I spent the time churning this post out. I took the time to do it. I paid the money to host it. Now you, the lucky reader, can read it. Woo woo.
I have gone on to other blogs and have read the comment sections where people have torn up a guy for relating his experiences. Most of the time, the comments are juvenile with such things as you might expect. “These girls are prostitutes.” And “I would never set foot into a KTV, the music sucks.”,and “They are abused poor waifs”. OK, whatever. It’s just propaganda about China.
I personally do not want to hear the opinions of someone who have never stepped out of the Untied States and is making judgments based upon their limited understandings of reality. They are just promoting propaganda about China. If all you can relate about is the inside of a Bo Jangles, and your idea of hard work is coding software then you have no business being here. This place is not for you.
You don’t belong here.
You all can all go eat your pork rings, drink your expensive Starbucks coffee, and service your 400 pound overweight pink-haired ambiguous-gender friend. You can believe in reptilians taking over the government, the next war the United States will have “for Democracy”, and get ready for the global warming that will melt the ice caps. Good for you. That is your reality.
This is mine.
You want to comment. Good. Remember that here, I am GOD. So remember who you are dealing with. Unless you are kind, and civil I won’t publish anything you say. So it might be best for you to swallow your bile and leave.
The world is filled with ignorant busybodies who want to make the world a perfect place in their own image. The problem is that their image is one that is forged thought the media. And, folks, the media in the United States is controlled by five people. That’s it. Five people control every fucking thing you read. So what you are actually doing is being a puppet for the wealthy who control you, control your thoughts and control your life.
So be it.
Call me all kinds of names. I know quite a bit more about our universe and our reality. So don’t get too hot and bothered with my thoughts, experiences and opinions. For as far as you know, I’m just bound for Hell.
Of course, you don’t have to accept what I have to report. You can just read propaganda from the news media. Here’s a good example, out of the UK (why am I not surprised?) about DongGuang. Read the article.
Inside Dongguan, China's Sin City
Some 10 per cent of Dongguan's population is said to be employed in the world's oldest profession. Tom Phillips reports from China's Sin City.
In the article, they said 10% of the city population was involved in prostitution. Wow. That’s a lot. A lot!
Let’s break that down…
Which means, that if the vast bulk of the prostitutes are female, then nearly 20% of the females in this city region are prostitutes. ( assuming a ratio of 50/50 of men and women.) If you further narrow down prostitution to be females between the ages of 14 and 40, then this article, were it to be believed, means that you would have a near 65% chance of any girl between the ages of 14 and 40, including married women as being full-on prostitutes.
You couldn’t walk down a street without seeing a prostitute in most of the ladies you walk by. You couldn’t have a coffee or tea without sharing a table with one. You couldn’t buy groceries without meeting one. You couldn’t ride a bus without seeing about half the bus as prostitutes.
Think people. Think.
God, what a slimy article, and what slimy photos. Did they even go there? Why did they pick the sleaziest section, with the sleaziest people? Anyways, they have a photo to “prove” sexual slavery of children takes place. Here it is… Look at the pitiful small babies sold into prostitution. Why, they are certainly elementary-school age!
This photo is given as proof that sexual slavery and child prostitution is “rampant” in the industrial capital of Dongguang. Look at these three children. Why they are missing their school classes and won’t be able to perform basic mathematics! How horrible! My Goodness!
Did they give locations, names, and facts?
Any statements that they made, are they backed up with hard information?
For an in-depth article, what details have they provided, such as demographics, industry, times, income data, social concerns, statements from the local police, statistics, and the like?
All of the hard information is all missing. It’s just one of a thousand fluff-pieces designed to change the mass consciousness of the reader toward certain assumptions.
Now for some comparisons. Maybe you don’t like what I wrote. Maybe you think that I am a deplorable ass hole. Maybe you want to clutch on to your most cherished fantasy…
Well then, which article (this [1] blog post, or [2] the UK newspaper article) was more
Informative to you personally?
Which one would better serve you to write a report, or
investigate further issues, or
spiked your interest towards different cultures and ways of life?
Which one gave you a better perception of the reality of what is going on?
Which article is more complete, fulfilling and worthwhile reading?
Which article gave you a more fuller and comprehensive picture?
Which article did you learn something new from?
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
Let’s talk a little about the Chinese kidnapped sex slave…
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Page 15 of 17.
Sometime around 2013 and 2014, China really started to crack down on these establishments. Entire cities in DongGuan were affected. Today they exist, but are very quiet.
Very quiet.
Today, they are more like American “speakeasy’s” of the 1920’s. It doesn’t really matter though. As long as the boss has the name and card of the manager for the girls, she can direct him to the appropriate KTV venue.
And, of course, there are always girls willing to pay to work at these establishments. For that is the only guaranteed sure-fire way for them to meet men who are wealthy, successful and who would make great fathers for their children.
While “Happy endings” for massages are legal, trading sex for money overtly is not. There are various “work-a-rounds”, as not once has sex been eliminated from the needs of the human condition.
A few years back, the business KTV’s were everywhere, public and out in the open. Today, they are found hidden.
They went “underground”.
Industry has adapted
Also, industry has matured somewhat. You will not find so many foreigners invited to Business KTV’s as they used to be. Most Business KTV’s tend to be reserved for Chinese businessmen, as America has gotten the reputation (in China) for being Puritanical concerning smoking, drinking, singing, dancing and sex.
It’s a justifiable reality. Most Americans don’t smoke. Few drink. Many haven’t had any fun, aside from mowing their grass, for three years or more. Women in America has grown to fit the r/K profile. They are huge and aggressive, with a chip on their shoulder, and men have devolved into metro sexual beta males.
This is pathetic. This boy needs to go on out and get serviced stat! If his wife doesn’t understand, then just leave her. Any wife that is that out of touch with the needs of her husband should be dumped as quickly as possible. Fact!
As a foreigner, you now need to explain that you would like to sing, and dance with pretty girls. Otherwise, the boss might provide you with Western-style hospitality. Which might be a cup of tea, a cookie and a handshake.
The Myth of the Poor Little Waifs
One of the most common things you hear about regarding sex in China is the “poor little waifs” that are sold into sexual prostitution at a young age.
Yeah, it’s true the narrative is so pervasive and well-known that it is taken for granted as a fact. But it is not. It was never a fact. All it is, is an elaboration of a series of British tabloid articles designed to lure readers towards stories of salacious sex. Yet, these articles took on “legs”; they took on a life of their own.
As a result, NGO’s would buy a visitor visa and come over to “investigate” the phenomenon. They would stay on the dime of their publishers, and then write up an “Exposé” on the poor little waifs. Of course, they won’t provide any names (ah, to “protect” the innocent, don’t you know.)
Because of this, we now have it well understood that prostitution and sexual slavery is rampant is common in China.
Now, most commonly, many people talk about the poor young girls sold into forced slavery and prostitution. They talk about the terrible stories, and how demeaning it is. They speak as an expert because they have read about these situations.
They know all about it, it seems. CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, and the Guardian has told them that this is the case. And, then, because of that they spout off, as if they are experts…
"Ever think that these girls are kidnapped and basically sex slaves that most of the money they are making isn’t going to mamma sans, that they are forced into situations where they are sexually abused and raped. Maybe some sit on the streets talking on the phone but that’s the lucky ones. Human trafficking is a huge problem in china. I think your article is really insensitive and quite sexist, not as bad as “women who wear revealing clothes deserved to be raped” but still misses the fact that they might be doing this against there will!"
Wow! Chinese kidnapped sex slave! How do you know all about this? Have you ever been to China? Do you even have a passport? How do you know that this is actually the case, or are you just regurgitating some bullshit that you read?
I would argue the latter, most certainly.
Oh, and they are not called “mamma sans” for Christ’s sake. They are called 女经理, or if you prefer lăobănniáng. What the fuck is “three horse horse”?
Chinese kidnapped sex slave!
I’m in China. I’ve been living here for a long, long time. I do happen to know many of these girls. I mean it. I fucking know them. I talk with them. I eat meals with them. I go to parks with them. I’ve even helped them pick out shoes to wear. They are not some poor abused and misused waif. There might be some, Oh, maybe 0.000000000000001% chance. However, it is the exception and NOT the rule.
Others, who also have been and lived in China, agree with me. They, like myself, take a dim view of these self-righteous ignorant know-it-all busybodies who spout this nonsense. It’s like they have diarrhea and tilt their huge asses towards you and spray away.
"Wallimo, only a very daft person couldn’t tell the difference between a self-interested gold digging KTV hostess and a sex slave.
Everyone is aware of the human rights dilemma in China in the sex trade in particular, but even if you visited the seediest parlors and saunas from Shanghai to Lhasa, you’d probably never come across even one sex slave.
In other words, they are vastly outnumbered by girls who are willing to enter the industry for personal gain, and what’s more, they are typically trafficked into different types of establishments, mostly catering to repeat customers.
We’ve heard that finger-wagging rhetoric so much that most of us just get annoyed when people spout off on those holier-than-thou guilt trips." From Disporia-ChinaSmack
Yeah. Those of us with REAL experiences are tired of the ignorant and their “holier than thou” attitude.
Imagine! Chinese kidnapped sex slave!
"We’ve heard that finger-wagging rhetoric so much that most of us just get annoyed when people spout off on those holier-than-thou guilt trips."
If all you read is from CNN, WaPo, and the Guardian you might be convinced that the world is going to be taken over by sex-dolls, and that sexual slavery runs rampant throughout the world.
Personally, I am so sick and tired of being lied to, manipulated, and having my emotions put through the wringer. It’s all nonsense used to control YOU.
Don’t fall for it.
Social Justice Warriors, how’s it working out for ya? You getting the needed changes in society to make it as attractive as you desire it to be?
That’s not the truth. None of it is. Not by a long shot.
Welcome Contributions
Parroting what you have been programmed to believe is far below your potential. If you’ve got something good to say and to contribute then I would welcome your contribution. Here are some areas to start off with…
What is the going rate for a short-time in Daliang?
How much does it cost to have the hair done and fingernails done at 5pm in Shenzhen, Louhu?
Where do the girls get the costumes? And who does the alterations?
What is the busiest time in the year for Business KTV’s?
When the girl agrees to a contract at a Business KTV, what is the duration?
What is the best day to work during the week?
Which days are the girls permitted to take off?
Can the KTV provide dorms and a minimum salary, or are there free-lance considerations?
What is the girls locker room like in a Business KTV?
Where a dorm is offered, what are the sleeping arrangements, and how are the meals prepared?
If you are unable to answer any of these FUNDAMENTAL and most basic questions, than you actually know jack-shit about this industry and culture. So do not lecture me on something that you read out of a UK tabloid, or an Op Ed from a liberal American media outlet.
A Very Good Story
I have posted, on this blog, the ramblings of a “pimp” for these girls who work the KTV scene. If you want to read about this some more, then please go HERE. Otherwise…
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Part 8 of 17.
About the Girls
Let’s talk about the KTV Hostesses.
The Chinese culture is not the same as American culture is. It is very traditional. Girls expect a traditional man, and they take on traditional roles. In their young years, from around 18 to around thirty, the girls will concentrate on building a career (if that is their preference) and attracting a mate. In today’s society, the female is expected to be married, take care of a family and have a baby.
It sounds so strange to us Americans.
For we have had decades of new progressive values rammed down our collective throats. We have been taught that men and woman (as well as just about all of the other 64 genders) have the same values and interests. We are taught that it is very sexist to be attracted to a pretty girl. We are taught that looking at an attractive girl is the same as raping her. We are taught that men don’t own women, and the highest complement that a woman can have is to be superior to a man in every way possible.
It’s no wonder that America is the way it is today.
Meanwhile the rest of the world has traditional values. Women are taught to be attractive. They want to be attractive. They want to be ladylike, and they yearn to become a mother with a family and a man that supports them. They learn how to budget for a family. They know how to cook, care for sick family members, and do what ever it takes to support the man to earn and make money. For in a traditional society, the man is the bread-winner. The wife tends to the home. She tends to the family, and she tends to her man.
In China, young women do what ever they can to increase their chances for finding “Mr. Right”. Though, in Chinese terms, this doesn’t really equate to heart-felt love. Instead it equates to finding a good strong “family man” who will work hard, support the family, and support her family. In a like way, Chinese men feel the same way. They want to become the strong man in charge of the family. They want to be able to provide for their family. They want to participate in the education and growth of their children.
One way of having fun, and meeting a good potential husband is to work in a KTV as a KTV Hostess.
KTV Hostesses
The ladies spend hours getting ready for work.
Prior to showing up at work, typically around four or five, the ladies will be at a hair salon. They will get their hair all fixed. They will have their nails done, and have a professional makeup artist apply the makeup. There is an entire sub-culture of salons that cater only to the KTV trade in this respect. Once all dressed up, they make their way to the KTV and clock in. There, they go to their lockers and see which dresses and outfits that they are assigned to wear for the day.
In Shenzhen, you can often see these gals in the salons in Louhu village getting ready for the night’s adventures.
Once everything gets settled, the lights might come on so that people can check their phones, and notice where the chargers are. As all girls have the latest in cell phone technology. All rooms are fully Wifi enabled. They will typically get out of their costumes and put on party clothes so that they can be more comfortable with the clients. Here, you can see that the girls have changed out of their formal costumes and are wearing their outside clothes. In this case, mostly short party dresses.
The girls typically share an apartment with another girl or two. If they have a string of men that support them, they might have their own apartment that is provided to them by a love-struck hopeful. It’s not really an issue, as typically the men only visit China once every three or four months. They can rearrange their busy schedule (and trust me, for some gals, it is really busy) and make time for their one man to visit China.
Girl Types
The girls are semi-predictable.
Chinese ladies are very beautiful when they are 22 years old. They know how to take care of themselves, and spend a lot of time to look well and dress properly.
The youngest girls at a Business KTV will be no younger than 21 years old typically. The younger girls, of course, use the money they earn for new clothes, phones, and fashion. They tend to make many blunders. They often lose their phones, get too drunk, and get tangled up with bad people. Somehow they always seem to brush it off adroitly. This means that they might end up trying some drugs, or having their money stolen, or get into a fight with another girl. The younger gals that I know are usually out of the business after one or two years. These girls tend to get pregnant really young, maybe 23 years old. In China having a baby under 28 is considered very young.
Girls in their middle 20’s, say 25 to 27, who have already been doing this for a few years have decided to earn money for their own purposes. They are fully ready to get married and channel all their money into looking good and snagging as many hopeful men as possible.
Here is a selection of “typical” 25 year old girls in China. Also just as beautiful as their younger counterparts. However, at this age, they are much more focuses and motivated in finding a good mate and establishing a good family.
The girls in their middle-20’s, if they have the beauty, they migrate to the cities and go to the very expensive KTV’s. Here they can make enormous amounts of money, as well as meet some very powerful people. Again, the end goal is to get married to a “good man” (by Chinese standards) and have a family by the time they are 28.
Those who are older than this, typically are focused on setting up their own business. For one reason or another, they no longer rely on the objective of having a man provide for their family and children. They believe that they can do it on their own. Their objective is thus different. It is to set up their own business, where they can control the finances, and establish a family. This could be anything from their own hair salon, fashion boutique, or food franchise. I have met a girl who owns a number of famous Western franchises in China. I don’t know about you guys, but it would take me a century to save up to buy a McDonald’s franchise on an engineering salary.
Here is a selection of some Chinese ladies that have reached thirty years of age. The Chinese female form certainly ages well. At this point in time of their life, they have decided to move forward on their life alone, and career, business and other pursuits take precedence over finding a mate.
Most of the managers of the girls fit this last profile.
The girls generally get ready for work around 3pm. They get dressed, have their nails and hair done. They show up for work around 5 to 7pm depending on the venue.
The business KTV’s are open up until 6am. Most others tend to close a little earlier.
If you are having fun at a business KTV, then you MUST watch the time. Otherwise, you will be terribly drunk and end up going back to your room around 3, or 4 in the morning.
Now, here is the rub. After a solid 9 to 12 hours of heavy drinking, you (unless you are under 25) will be too exhausted to provide any energy in your penis for sexual activity. And no, Viagra or Cialis will not be much help either. Even if you had the lift, all you will want to do is… sleep.
Use the Cinderella rule. You leave the KTV before 12 midnight. Pick a time somewhere between 11 and 12. No later.
Then, you will no be so exhausted, or sleepy and can be able to get your money’s worth of fun.
Further take note, that the girls all turn into pumpkins at 6 am. So if you are looking forward to some morning heat, remember that it will have to occur before 6am, because the girls will be out of there and on their way to their families.
So another reason to leave the KTV early (before the rest of the guys finish partying) that that if you leave at 3 am, you will only get three hours with that gal, and at that, you will spend most of the time sleeping.
Be advised and take note.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
This is part 2 of 17.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Tea Ritual
China has many different kinds of rituals for tea. By now, you would have experienced the business negotiations over a tea ritual that occurs at the factory in the office. This is a dinner tea ritual. Here, you use tea to wash the cups and plates.
For our purposes, I like to call this small event the “Chinese business tea ritual”.
Almost all restaurants in China have their dishes pre-sanitized and bubble wrapped for protection. This is very common, from the farthest point North to the extreme Southern end of China.
Granted, all the cups and plates are pre-sanitized. They are in these clear shrink-wrapped bubbles, that you need to break open to get the dishes out of. I typically use my chopsticks (quaizi) and punch a hole in the sealed plastic. Then tear it open with my hands. The idea is to get all the dishes out of the bubble wrap. Then, once they are out, you pour the scalding hot tea all over the dishes and utensils to clean them.
Once the dishes have been washed, you then pour the (now dirty) tea into a large clear bowl that is provided for exactly that purpose. The bowl will be passed around and then taken away by one of the waitress chicks.
And, that is about all there is to the “Chinese business tea ritual”.
Before the food starts to arrive, there will be the decision on what kind of alcohol that you will be drinking. Typically, beer is a drink for lunches. Evenings, especially for a night of hard drinking will have to get started off right. If given the choice, I vote for red wine.
The wine in poured into a large glass carafe. One person, typically an aide of the factory boss will take on this responsible, or at the very least will instruct the waitress to do so.
Everyone who has every been to China knows about Gan Bei. This is a fundamental part of Chinese culture, and if you are unaware of it, then you really have never visited China nor participated in the culture there.
“Red wine” is drunk not like wine is drunk in the West. It is quaffed down in glasses “bottom up style”. (Gan Bei!) Typically, you will need to drink to everyone at the table individually. Then multiple times with your host. You will also be expected to drink with your aides.
There are really three ways of drinking;
Full glass (reserved ONLY for the boss and to cheer an agreement.)
Half a glass (the most common) called “ye ban de ban”.
One fourth a glass (offered about mid way though the meal) called “ye ke”.
Drinking red wine permits you to be able to stand up straight after your meal and be able to walk to the KTV without having to be supported by your aides. This is pretty important to save “face”. Though if everyone is drinking VSOP, XO or that God-forsaken 53 degree “white wine”, you will all need to be carried out.
White Wine (BaiJiu)
In China today Baijiu is drunk almost exclusively at meals, as alcohol is a very important part of Chinese dining culture. Baijiu is served in shot sized glasses and used during toasts to show respect and build relationships.
When toasting, the Baijiu glass of is gripped with both hands, with either one hand on either side, or with one hand/finger on the bottom of the glass. After a Er Guo Tou (二锅头) is a cheap type of Baijiu available every-where-toast the Baijiu is usually consumed in one gulp.
Following a toast, the glass can be turned upside down or tilted forward to display that one has consumed the entire glass, and thus give face to your friend, partner or host.
The best white wine in China is Moutai. It is pure moonshine and comes in 53%. Ugh!
If you do decide to drink VSOP or XO, make sure that it is mixed with green tea, else you will get too drunk too quickly.
One should pay attention not to raise his/her glass higher than those of the respected elders; When two glasses clink, how high people hold their glasses shows hierarchy. When the host toasts you, keep his glass higher. These insights hold true at most dinners with hierarchy, such as corporate dinners with bosses, meals with clients and multi-generation family gatherings.
Personal Note.
Some younger factory bosses or owners will get excited and try to show you respect by trying to slam dunk Gan Bei. Do not fall for it. Aside from trying to make you unable to stand up, it will completely decimate your blood fluid pressure in your nether regions. Which really sucks, if offered full-on hospitality.
Always moderate your drinking. Afew Gan Bei's are fine. Just keep it under thirty in total. In general, the rule should be occasional drinking. Have your second (in command) drink for you.
In many places in China, especially northern China, the drunker a person becomes via being toasted with Baijiu (or other liquors and alcohols) the more Face has been conferred upon them. Therefore, it can be common for visitors to China to be entertained by well-meaning Chinese hosts who are intent on showing them as must respect as possible, by getting them as drunk as possible, on an completely unfamiliar and relatively strong liquor.
In the United States, the “diversity manager” would have a heart attack!
Be respectful (jìng jiǔ敬酒)
jìngjiǔ 敬酒 : “respectfully proposing a drink.” People will likely toast you to show their respect and hospitality. As a foreigner, you’re not expected to do likewise, but it will be much appreciated if you do. Once you’ve started, make sure you toast everyone who might outrank you. If the people are many and you’re worried your head might not take it well, you can tick them off in twos and threes; it’s perfectly acceptable.
When someone toasts you, you should immediately stop eating and drinking to accept and toast in response. All people sitting at the same table must stand up, upon the initiative of one of the guests, and toast in succession; Remember, one should never refuse to participate in a toast. If you turn down a drink, your Chinese counterpart may feel like he has lose his face.
If you’re the one offering the toast, you’re putting yourself in an inferior position, which means you have to be the more respectful one. Thus, it’s better if you stand up and empty your cup completely. The other person may remain seated and drink just a bit, but usually they will go out of their way to show you the same respect.
Important Note
As a Westerner, it is our default understanding to assume that this is just “drink”. That this is just “dinner”, or that this is just “socializing”. It is no such thing.
These are time honored rituals that have been cultivated in Chinese culture for centuries. You, as the person who participates in the rituals, are now being judged on your ability to “join the fold”, or (to use the common parlance) “join the tribe”.
Don’t fuck it up.
In The United States, there would be these networks of “good old boys” and they still exist, though they have gone underground. You will be judged in your ability to handle yourself. You will be judged in your ability to make decisions under drink (pressure) and you will be watched. It is sort of a friendly game…
However, failure might have some nasty consequences in your future relationships with the host. Oh, they’ll take your money, for certain. However, if you want the best attention, the best timing, the best care and concern, then you had best be able to give YOUR best during this period of time.
This is all about relationship building.
A Little Story
I was once asked to be interviewed by a Doctorate student at a UK university about Guangxi. Now, guangxi is the “business relationships” between individuals in China. As is the case with most intelligent students in the university, she had a tremendous amount of book knowledge, but zero personal on-hand experience to put everything in context.
So during the interview, she told me that the way that the Chinese do business is rather “old fashioned”, and “obsolete”. She commented on how possibly could China ever be able to compete against the world using these arcane methods?
Well, after a second or two of thought, I responded. First of all, I told her, China is and will continue to be the, the world’s leader in manufacturing. Perhaps they are doing something right, rather than something “obsolete” and “outdated”.
Second of all, I asked her what the “new and improved” method was to conduct business? She responded that you use the internet to research factories. You compile data on the strengths and weaknesses of each, and then use a comparison matrix to sort out the best factory to work with.
At which point I said… “Yeah that might work… might“.
In reality, the best price will come from a very large and high volume factory. It will be well poised to give new clients competitive pricing, established quality and have the work and industrial environment that you are looking for.
If your order is small, as (after all you are the new “kid on the block”). You will be put on the bottom of the priority list. Much larger, well established clients, will push your orders to the side. Oh yeah, you will eventually get your product, but they will often be late, and it will be you who will have to deal with the consequences to your supply chain.
Building relationships have a purpose.
It is better to have a tight and strong relationship with a small factory, than a nameless and faceless one with a huge factory. As we used to say in America,” it is better to be a big fish in a little pond, than a little fish in a big ocean.”
So, I say to her…
What is the importance of dating? Why don’t you just go immediate to sex when you see an attractive guy? Why do you go through the ritual of coffee, dinner, dance, some wine, a stroll or two and maybe a night cap? Why all the ritual? Why not go straight to the “big event”?
She said, to get the know the person. To prove that that person is worthy of your time, and to see if you are comfortable being with that person.
I responded. That is the same purpose of the Chinese dinner, drink and KTV. Exactly.
Oh Yeah…
While I am at it, if you decline anything…anything… it will affect their opinion of you. This is why many expats, in the business world, take up smoking, drinking and other vices. You cannot afford to lose face. Because nothing will cause a company to lose face more than sending a teetotaler to negotiate contract terms with a Chinese factory.
So, when you are offered a cigar, take it and smoke it. The same is true with cigarettes, (especially the high-test versions that they will give you you…ugh!) and of course… eat what they feed you, drink what they offer you.
If you don’t have the stomach or the constitution for this level of social interaction, then you should be in another line of work. Working with Chinese factories is not for you.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
This is part 3 of 17.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Let’s talk about the Chinese business dinner.
You will most likely NOT eat Western food. If they offer it to you, decline. You are in China. You want to make their face as big as possible. Suggest their local delicacy, or a restaurant that cooks the same kind of meals that their home town makes. Let the factory boss select the restaurant.
Keep in mind that Chinese food is really different. Far different from any kind of “Chinese food” that you might find in the United States, for instance.
Most Chinese people don’t even know what chop suey actually is. There is nothing even remotely resembling it in China.
Since Chinese food first began being served in the USA in the 19th century, it has had generations to evolve and suit US tastes, so much so that it’s completely disconnected to traditional dishes served in China, both now and then. What Americans eat in the USA, the stuff we call “Chinese food” is wildly different from anything that you can obtain in China.
You know, most Chinese people wouldn’t recognize a plate of sticky orange chicken if it was splattered in their face. Not only the dishes, but how they are prepared, and the dish and plate sizes are all very, very different from what you would find in the States. Not to mention the “fortune cookies”.
Now, typically, the driver will either take you back to the factory where you will meet the others for the dinner, or you will drive directly to the restaurant.
In almost all cases, there will be a private room reserved in the restaurant. This is a private dining room. It will typically have a nice bathroom, a set of sofa’s and comfortable chairs, a television, and a huge circular table.
Most private rooms in China look a little something like this. They consist of a large central table and comfortable furnishings.
You, as the boss will be led to the room, and offered the “boss seat”. This is a chair that faces the door. You sit down, and everyone else arranges themselves around the table. The seating arrangement is hierarchical, with the various ranks of the individuals placed strategically around the table. The driver of the car(s) will also attend the meal, though they will typically be silent and not participate into any of the discussions.
You will be offered some cigarettes, just like at the factory. As the boss it is your responsibly to accept the cigarettes, or else you will lose face. Oh, yeah, it’s not healthy and all that second-hand smoke nonsense. Well, if you are doing business in China, you will need to adopt local customs. You do not want to lose face. You accept the cigarette. You take a drag. You hold it in. Tilt you head back, and stare up at the ceiling and then exhale the smoke slowly.
You need to adapt to Chinese culture. Do not lose the face of the boss. Else they might serve you dog’s head or something equally disgusting as a way to just see how low you can go.
Don’t test them.
Out of politeness, you will be offered a menu and you can select what to eat. As I typically live in the Guangzhou region, I will choose Guangzhou style food. This is easy to do, as the menu consists of full-color glossy photos of delicious food. Guangzhou food is typically steamed lightly. It is very fresh and very tasty. Now, if you were in Hunan or Sichuan, the food would be very spicy and delicious. That’s a good thing too.
Anyways, as a general rule, you order two dishes more than the number of people at the table. So, if there were six people around the table, including yourself, you would order eight dishes. (Oh, yes, everyone shares the dishes. This is quite different from the West where everyone gets their own meal.)
Being in Guangzhou, you order one thing that walks (pig, beef, mutton), one thing that flies (chicken, duck, goose), and one thing that swims (fish or seafood like shrimp). If there is a near certainty that you will go to a business KTV and you might have an all-night companion, you should make sure to order a nice large plate of oysters. Just make sure that they are fresh. Otherwise, watch out!
In general, once the three main dishes are ordered, I usually like to order vegetables, tofu, and assorted other dishes such as braised pig fat, flat bread, and maybe jellyfish. Let the other (hosting) people make suggestions and nod your head in violent agreement with their selections.
The waitress, or room manager will ask what you want and take your order. You, with your aide, will select the pictures and work out the details. While the picture might say a thousand words, there is typically a discussion of lively banter on what kind of fish, how to cook it, what spices to use, etc. Let them work out the issues.
Then, some condiments will be placed on the table. These might include peanuts infused in vinegar and spices (a personal favorite), some long white bars, that are actually pickled carrots (I love the things.), and some chicken feet. Try them all. It’s all good.
The Food
I have another post that covers the many different types of food that is available in China. For China is THE place to eat, and eat well. Of course, the ill-informed, and the media-manipulated sheeple will retort that Chinese food is terrible that they “milk rats” and eat dogs and cats. But this is just simply manipulative propaganda to keep Americans living in ignorance and fear. They take something truly rare and unique and blow it all out of proportion.
Don’t be like the ill-informed ignorant masses. There’s no need to be. If Chinese food is so bad, then why do Chinese men live an average of 15 years longer than American men? Think people, think.
Eat, for goodness sakes! Enjoy the food. Savor it. And thank the host for their very fine taste in delicious wonderful food.
Spicy Food
Oh, and one more thing, “spicy” in Chinese is “Ma” and “La”. There are, in other words, two families of spicy dishes. Both of which are way… way… out of the league of Americans. Trust me, if you think that you can handle Chinese spicy food, then ask for “zhong la” (medium spicy). What ever you do, don’t ask for “da ma la”, else your ass will be burning for a week.
There are two regional culinary areas of spicy food. They are Hunan, and Sichuan. Hunan food is cooked with a ton of hot chili peppers. It is very delicious and super flavorful, but yao oh yao! Sichuan is also tasty. They use both the Ma pepper corn seeds and the chili peppers. So delicious, and so you need to be careful in how you eat and how much you eat.
Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.
The Table
Of course, as mentioned previously, you will have your own private eating room. It will have a television, some sofas, and a large (well adorned) central table. It will probably be covered in a fresh white table cloth. In the central will be a large glass circular rotating table (a lazy Susan) where the dishes will be placed. As customary in China, you might have a box of disposable tissues or a full-on linen napkin.
You, as the guest, would sit at the head of the table. You [1] would face the door with the table between you and the door. The host would be to your right [2]. Your aides would be to your left [3]. It would sort of look a little like this…
Typical formal seating arrangment for a circular table where the host would entertain a business client. The client [1] would sit with his aides [3], in such as way that the boss [2] can easily communicate with all of them.
There will be some differences in the way the food is eaten. It goes far beyond using “chopsticks” (quaizi) instead of a knife, fork and spoon. For starters, the meals are communal. They are shared meals. This differs from the West where every gets their own individual plate. Here are some of the major differences…
Chinese usually eat communally and share their dishes with others. Westerners usually enjoy individual servings.
Chinese cooks chop everything into bite size pieces, thus people don’t need knives to cut it, and just pick up their food with chopsticks. Westerners cook food in big pieces and serve it with knives and forks for cutting it up.
Chinese usually don’t remove bones, and just cut them and the meat into pieces. They cook fish whole. Westerners usually eat filleted fish, and meat with whole bones, or no bones. This took me a long time to get used to. Be careful when eating, and if you eat fish, try to eat fish out of the ocean. The bones are larger and easier to remove. River and pond fish have billions of tiny, tiny bones. My wife chews it all up and spits the bones out like a sub-machine gun. Me, I have a real difficult time.
Chinese always cook vegetables — frying, stewing, boiling, and steaming — sometimes with soy sauce, ginger, and garlic. Western salads, or just boiling vegetables in water, are virtually unknown in China. Even at home, when the wife makes me a salad, she cooks the lettuce for thirty seconds or so.
Ingredients: Chinese cuisine uses many ingredients rarely seen in Western cuisine, like winter melons and yams, tree fungi and lotus pods, frogs and dogs, feet, tongues, ears, and all manner of internal organs, etc.
Using spices: Chinese cooks like to add fresh/dried spices when cooking, like ginger, spring onion, mint, pepper, garlic, chilies, etc. Western cooks usually use processed spices like pepper powder, ketchup, etc.
Seasoning bottles: You usually won’t find any salt, pepper, tomato sauce, or mustard on the table in a Chinese restaurant. But if you have breakfast at a dumpling and steamed bun shop, you can enhance the flavor with soy sauce or vinegar from a bottle poured into a dipping dish.
Desserts: Sweet desserts are served after Western dinners, while Chinese have fresh fruit or tea for dessert. The most common is watermelon. I always love the end of the dinner watermelon. It’s almost always cut up in little pie-slice shapes.
Round tables vs. square tables: Chinese traditionally eat at round tables, particularly family meals, as it’s convenient to share dishes with others, especially with a lazy Suzy. Roundness symbolizes unity in China. Westerners eat at square tables, which is more convenient for individual meals, with long tables for bigger groups.
Cooking methods: Where Westerners limit themselves to boiling, frying, roasting, and baking usually, Chinese use more methods of cooking, like steaming, stewing, sautéing, braising, and quick-frying with a wok. Chinese usually use animal/peanut oil to fry food; Westerners use more butter, sunflower oil, and olive oil.
Some things I am so used to that I don’t even think about it. But the reader should note. Rice is served separately. Every person will get a bowl of rice. You eat your food over the rice and consume the rice with your bite-sized nuggets.
It is just fine and dandy to spit out bones, grizzle and other things you don’t like. You can use the plate (provided) or on the tablecloth next to the plate.
Oh Yes, before I forget… Smoking
It is very common to smoke all over China. It is rare to visit an establishment with a non-smoking sign. Usually, they will be Western restaurants such as Starbucks, McDonalds and KFC. It is VERY RUDE to tell anyone not to smoke. If you do so, you will be looked up with extreme disfavor.
If you don’t like how other people live their lives, then stay in your home nation. What ever you do, don’t be the “ugly American” and try to force your norms of behavior on others.
"Ugly American" is a pejorative term used to refer to perceptions of loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant, and ethnocentric behavior of American citizens mainly abroad, but also at home. Although the term is usually associated with or applied to travelers and tourists, it also applies to U.S. corporate businesses in the international arena.
If you are dining as part of a business trip, and you are offered a cigarette or cigar, how to accept will establish the pace at which you may or may not be accepted. To decline would be a terrible move. Oh, yeah. They will take your money for sure.
Just watch what happens when things don’t go well.
No one tips in China. You are not expected to. In fact, as the guest of honor, you will be treated with extra special care. Anything you need would be provided for you. All you need to do is ask.
The Chinese use toothpicks just like they used to be in the United States (before the Bill Clinton Presidency). You will find either a toothpick container on the table or some individually wrapped toothpicks for your use. Go ahead and use them. When using them you cover your mouth with one hand while you pick at your teeth. That is the Asian technique that is common throughout Asia.
As mentioned previously, you would be drinking hard alcohol during dinner. This would typically be “white wine”, “red wine” or Whiskey. If you drink Whiskey, XO, or VSOP it will (typically) be mixed with green tea with ice. Green tea is actually unsweetened green tea that is mass produced and dispensed in bottle much like soda is in the States.
By the time dinner is over, all of the hard booze will be gone. Thus, when you go to the KTV you will start a while new round of drinking. Often, this is simply beer or, maybe some more VSOP. You need to be able to control and monitor your drinking. Remember…
This is work. While that are pleasurable aspects to these fun games, it is serious business and you do need to have your wits about you.
Sometimes you might have the dinner in the same building as the business KTV. This will be a one-place-does-it-all environment. You would be welcomed on the first floor and maybe go to the third floor for dinner. Then to the KTV on the 6th floor and then to the hotel rooms on the 11 or 12th floors.
In this case, there might be groups of gals led into your dining room. Then they might wear their costumes and share a bottle of wine or two with you and your associates. This is a nice light time and lets you get into the spirit of the night. It would be along the lines of this…
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
This is part 4 of 17.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Respect and “Face”
Let’s talk about respect and face in China.
“To me, your “face” is your position and standing in the eyes of others, and it also has to do with the degree of respect you receive. Face can also be saved up over time and used to accomplish things later on. If you drove a fashionable or luxurious car to attend a friend’s party, then the majority of your friends would feel that you had face. Also, if you can achieve something through your personal contacts that others cannot through normal channels, you would also be thought to have face. You can gain face if you are praised by your boss, or if you accomplish a difficult task at work. However, if you greet others warmly at social events, but are met only with indifference, then you would lose face. Questioning someone’s ideas or opinion in a public setting would cause that person to lose face.”
– James Tan, Sales Manager, Shanghai
When a client relationship is established in China, the client more often than not receives more Face in the early stages of a relationship from the “seller.” Face must be given to the client to make him or her believe that the seller is worthy of their money and time.
Sometimes giving Face to a contact entails simply words and compliments, though sometimes gifts are required and invitations to dinners, entertainment, or other social events.
To the Chinese there is a natural order in society as well as business, and if one is unwilling or unable to show the proper amount of Face to those that feel they deserve it, then one will likely be judged to not have good character. This has the potential to wreck business deals and sour relationships, so with regard to the issue of Face most Chinese business people tread with care.
Food and Eating
Now, you will need to be a little buzzed when the food is set out. In China they eat everything. So if you are a bit squeamish, you had best be fortified with strong liquor. Fish are presented with all the bones, so you must be careful and eat around them. In the USA the cook guts the fish (fillets it), and throws away the head, tail, and fins. Not so in China. They love that stuff.
The Chinese eat everything. They love the differences in flavors and textures.
Chicken will have everything thrown into one pot. This will include the entire bird from heart to legs, and everything in between. The only thing missing would be the feathers. And you, you as the host will be given the chicken head on a plate.
It will look something a little on the lines of this…
Cooked chicken head. All ready to eat. Enjoy yourself. Show the boss some respect and pop this sucker in your mouth and suck on it. Just make sure you had some alcoholic beverage first.
For me, I really wow everyone buy sticking the head in my mouth and sucking on it for five or ten minutes, then I spit it out in a napkin.
I always get a round of drinks out of it.
Personally, I think it helps make me a little strong in the bedroom area, if you know what I mean. (Heh heh.) There must be some mineral, vitamin or protein that is in the fish head that is good for older men, me thinks. Almost as good oysters.
Try everything.
The single biggest cultural conflict I found was the Western rule that you should finish the food put in front of you with the Chinese rule that a guest should never be left with an empty plate or cup, and should always be urged to eat and drink. At first, I felt that I was in a contest to try to eat and drink everything they gave me, until I realized that it was acceptable for me to politely refuse to eat or drink more.
-What are the biggest cultural shocks when you visit China
The host will make sure that you bowl is filled. Unlike the United States, a full bowl is a sign that you are finished eating. In the States, we couldn’t leave the table until everything was cleaned off our plates. “Waste not, want not” is the saying I believe. Well, that doesn’t go down too well in China. I must have gained fifty pounds before I figured it out.
Make sure that food remains in your bowl.
Oh, yeah, in China it is totally fine to spit things out on your plate. So you eat some fish, you can spit the bones on the plate near you or on the table cloth. Same with the bones, grizzle, and chicken claws.
Finally, the Chinese do not use "fortune cookies". They haven't the foggiest idea what they are. Most think that it is disgusting to have written paper inside a cookie that you eat.
No matter what, you need to understand that while there is an element of playful fun involved, first and foremost this is a BUSINESS activity.
Often, you will start talking about contracts and business relationships when both you and the host are shitfaced. Often you will have a girl on each side of you making sure that you do not pass out, and are able to converse while the loud music is playing.
This is an important event, and the business aspects should not be drowned out by the fun, the sexy playful behavior or the alcohol. This is work, and the best leaders in China can DRINK. You, if you want to maintain any kind of decent face, will also be expected to.
What ever happens, you don’t want this. (see below’s video) Not for you, and not for your companions. Take heed.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
This is part 5 of 17.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
KTV Prep
Eventually, the bottles of wine will be empty. Everyone will be full.
The aide will gather the left over bottles. Any cigars you are smoking will be finished. The aide will call the KTV and make sure that the room is reserved. He will typically get up off from the table and call at the side of the room, or in the hallway. The boss might call the manager of the girls (they operate outside of the club), and make what ever arrangements that he has in mind.
The Manager of the Girls
The girls will, of course need a manager. Here, we talk about the KTV girls management. It is much like the management of any group of people in a business. You need to monitor the staff, identify your resources, and make sure that you are providing value-added benefits to the clients. Not to mention the obtainment of clients and keeping them.
Typically (but not always) the manager of the girls will be an attractive woman in her 30’s. Hard as nails, and no-nonsense. Most have raised up through the ranks to get where they are today. Think Sharon Stone in the movie Casino.
You build relationships with these managers. As such, you get to know them. They manage the girls and they provide promotions and arrangements as necessary.
Sometimes girls want to be with their friends. So they would only work with a client if their friend can participate. I’ve seen this with two girls, and three girl teams. The only thing about this is that you need to make sure that all of the girls are equally playful. No one wants to spend any time with a sour-puss that has some home or family issues. Or even worse, a gal who just stands there stamping her foot anxiously and demands that both girls leave. Yikes!
Sometimes the girl has had a bad run of luck, and hasn’t been selected all week. So the manager would promote the girl. Maybe offer a reduced price, or extra services, or extra-long time, or maybe cart Blanche on the activities involved in.
Sometimes the timing is really bad, as all the girls are at home during holidays, or a number of the most popular girls are sick. The manager would need to make this clear and work out arrangements that might make some of the more unpopular girls more attractive to the client.
Often, the girl might not want to be physical with you. That is fine. That is her choice. The manager will then find a girl that will want to. In general, I would rather be with a girl that is enthusiastic to be with me, than a girl I picked based on appearance. No matter what you might think, the truth is that there will always be some girls that would really want to be with you.
Management Fees
Now, the management fee for the girls is actually quite small. This is something that surprised me. In The United States, I was under the impression that all prostitutes had pimps and the pimp would take the vast bulk of the money the gals made. Not so in China.
Chinese girls for the most part are Han Chinese. This is the same race as the Koreans. In a like way, the Han Chinese and the Koreans are very similar. This picture is a mixture of both Korean and Chinese girls. Can you tell who is who?
The manager is paid by both the girls and the KTV. The payment amount is often quite small. Maybe a few hundred RMB a month (Maybe $30 / month).
They make their money in volume, and repeat customers. If you have a troop of one hundred girls, that’s a solid $3,000 USD per month on girls alone. That is un-taxed, and keep in mind that that is actually equivalent to maybe $20,000 / month. This is because the cost of living in China is much less than that in the Untied States.
The General Quality of KTV Hostesses
Of course, none of these girls are “bottom of the barrel” skanks. In China, the ability to make money is ranked highly in desirable traits, so the girls are all extraordinarily beautiful. These gals are all skilled in singing, dancing, being able to control alcohol intake, and having fun. They are the exceptional women of the region.
They tend to be along the lines of this. Long hair, beautiful face with stunning eyes, and sweet lips. They have a fine figure (nice ample chest) and a friendly and welcoming demeanor. They are pleasant, and kind, and sweet.
On a scale from 0-10, with a 5 being average, you would find that most girls at a Chinese Business KTV are in the 9 – 10 range. Which means, in every lineup you would find multiple girls that your would find personally attractive.
No, you won’t find any enormous back women with asses the size of trashcans jerking about. That is reserved for Obama’s America.
Chinese girls tend to be well proportioned. In general, they all have long or longish hair. Short hair can be seen but it is a rarity. Most have black or brown hair. Some girls dye their hair, but this is also unusual. All the girls, even the darker girls from the South will have light or lightish skin. It’s a sign of beauty in China.
Personally, I love the oval eyes. When one of these beauties look at me, I just melt into their eyes. Also, most Chinese have brown eyes. Their face tends to be oval. Much like this girl here…
They will be playful. They will be nice and polite. Some might be a little aloof, but you would be too, if you stood in 15 lineups before getting chosen.
Their skin is so smooth and soft. Many of the girls have experimented with dying their hair, and so you might find some girls with light highlights in their hair, and dark roots. It is normal for Chinese to have from brown to coal-black hair. You can tell their natural hair color by looking at their eyebrows.
Once, the girls have been introduced to the clients (as discussed later), final payment arrangements will have been established by the KTV and the manager. The money that exchanges hands goes into two batches. There is a direct “tip” that is given to the manager as a “thank you” for their services, and the transaction between the girl and the guy who selects her. In the case of the boss buying the girl, it is handled by his side. The girl gets 100% of that money.
Anyways, more about that later…
Whatever arrangements are made, eventually you will be led (oh yes, boy… you will be led) to the car and then to the KTV.
Typical Chinese KTV hostesses. They wear different outfits, and it is not unusual for them to change in and out of the different outfits all night depending on the client and the situation. I always like the “Gone with the Wind” look where the girls would dress up in these huge flowing dresses, and have their makeup all done up. It’s a real experience, let me tell you.
From that moment on, you will be given “Red Carpet” treatment. You have proven yourself. If you handled yourself well, you out drank the boss, out smoked the co-workers, and ate a chicken’s head and spit it out. You gave the boss great face. Now, it is his turn to repay the favor.
How he will give YOU face.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
Here we talk and discuss about a Chinese business KTV companion and their selection.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Part 7 of 17.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
The General Scheme
In general, you can select a person to have a good time with. If you are a guy, this would be a girl. If you are a girl, this would be a guy. This would be your Chinese business KTV companion for the evening’s events.
You pay them, maybe 300 RMB ($50) and they will play games with you, sing with you, dance with you, and talk with you. This is all over China. It’s common from Bars, to clubs, to hotels to KTV’s. It’s a great way to pass the time, and make some new friends.
They are rent-a-companions. It’s a common scheme throughout China and began a long, long time ago. You can obtain these companions at any bar, club, or KTV.
The basic setup is (for guys) a group of girls will work with the establishment and position themselves off to the side. In a large club, this might be near a side door, or near the stage. They are paid a small amount by the club to be available. When a new person enters the club, whether an individual or a group of people, the manager will welcome them. He / she will take their orders for drinks and set them down at a table or location. In a KTV, this would be a “good” room.
The manager would also ask if anyone would like a companion. If so, the price of the companion would be added to the bar tab or club bill. Then, they would wave the girls (or guys) over and you would select one or how many you want.
The girls tend to be young. This is from around 18 years to maybe 21 years old. The older girls either get married, get a different job, or graduate to the KTV scene. Being a youngish companion, the girls need to be watched by the manager. Or else they would just sit there and play with their cell phone. They would do this instead of playing with the patrons, getting them drunk and singing and dancing.
And this is how the basic setup works.
The difference is that at a Business KTV, the girls are (slightly) older, more mature, better dancers and singers, and much more beautiful. And..
And… they are also willing to spend more (ahem) quality time with you afterwards. They also tend to be more frisky. Heh heh.
All for a price, don’t you know…
Age of the girls
Where the companions at a bar, or club might be youngish girls in the 18 to 21 year range, the girls at a KTV tend to be older and more experienced.
The age of the girls differs from most other KTV and bar avenues. Inside a business KTV, the girls are expected to provide a service. That means, that they are forbidden to sit there and play on their cell phone once they are selected. That means that they must play with the client, and monitor his drink intake. It means that they must control the environment so that he has a good time and does not lose any face. Young girls are too inexperienced, or not mature enough for this level of responsibility.
The girls in a business KTV are typically between 22 and 29 years of age. I would guess that the highest percentage of them are around 23 to 25 years old.
The girls that you will encounter as Hostesses in a Business KTV in China will tend to be attractive, and stunning. These girls are really high quality, young and intelligent.
Girls at a KTV – The Lineup
The girls at a KTV will be presented to you in numerous ways.
Firstly, they might welcome you at the door when you come in. It is not at all unusual to go through a gauntlet of 400 to 700 girls when they are lined up this way. And, even more commonly, small groups of girls, from ten to thirty girls will be brought to your KTV room where you can select them from a lineup.
The girls will be trooped in, and the music will be turned down. The lights will be turned up so that it isn’t so dark, and the manager will introduce the girls to you and your associates.
The girls will all be wearing matching clothing. Or, if it is a big establishment a couple of different types of dresses. I used to wonder about this, but it’s all pretty simple. The girls go in and out of different costumes as part of their presentations to the various clients. Some are involved in other skits or activities such as selling cigars or working in one capacity or the other so they might be wearing a different uniform. Some girls will be pulled in off of an activity where they are scantily dressed. In that case, they might wear a white man’s shirt to cover themselves with.
Your job, at this stage, is to select a girl to be your hostess for the night.
Girl Selection
The most important thing, and the only thing that you have any degree of control over is the selection of the Hostess.
Pick the girl that strikes your fancy. If she is in the first line up, so be it. I typically get a girl by the time the third line up enters. I mean, goodness, if you cannot find an attractive girl when 60 attractive females are paraded in front of you, then you are useless.
You can ask the girls to turn around so you can see their backsides.
You can also ask which ones speak any English. Though, for the most part the KTV’s are loud and noisy. So we just use YouDou or WeChat to translate. In any event, you want a girl that you will have fun with. So, pick a girl that suits your fancy.
If you see a different girl that you like better, swap them out. The girl won’t care. Not really.
During the selection process the girls will typically all have a number pinned to their dress. This number is the number of the girl and is used for billing purposes.
There will also be variations in color. The color range is usually based on three stages; cheap, middle, and expensive. Maybe yellow, green and red for example. As an American, my tastes do not match those of a Chinese man. So, as a result, a cheap priced girl I might find fantastically alluring, while an expensive priced girl might be too thin or pale for my tastes. In any event, if the boss is paying your way. Price is no object.
The girl will remove the number shortly once she settles down with a client. Generally, she will continue to wear the introductory dress for the first hour or so, then she will leave to go to the locker room and change into her day to day clothes. High-end girls will typically change into a nice party dress, while more “regular” girls will change into street clothes. This might be a sweater and a pair of jeans or something similar.
In all cases, I personally find the girls to be much more alluring when they are wearing their “own” clothes. But, that’s just me.
Often, I have been given the opportunity to select two girls, and even three, to play with. Sometimes it is planned, and sometimes it just works out that way. You knew can know. Personally, I like having three girls play with me, fuss all over me, and have fun with. It’s just… well…
… you know, I am just a man. I am not a machine.
I am a man. I am not a machine.
Now, this is not the USA. You can play with the girls and you most certainly will. Throughout China, the girls are “hand’s on”. Which means something different than what the American idiom means. Instead, it means that you can pretty much explore their entire body with your drunk roaming hands. Now that pretty much remains the case whether or not you take them to the room upstairs with you.
All companions are this way. From the young girls in the bars and clubs to the girls in the KTV establishments.
However, please take note, that a slimy drunk slob is not someone that any of the Hostesses would want to spend any time in the room (or bed) with. So, as a rule, I for the most part remain a gentleman, and only initiate sexual contact when edged on by the other boss, or if presented with that opportunity by the girl herself.
KTV hostesses lining up at the start of a workday. Like all companies in China, there is a morning “tailgate” where the new of the day is presented and the workers are reviewed for appearance.
That being said, depending on the time, place, and the situations, sometimes the girls might elect to go semi-nude. They will take off their dress and be with you only wearing their panties. Unlike the United States, the rest of the world doesn’t have the same kind of taboos about woman’s’ breasts that Americans have. So if this is indeed the case, just enjoy and have a good time.
It will be a good time.
Sometimes the girls might come to you.
Depending on your role and the conditions, it just might be favorable for you to just stay in your hotel room, and call up for some girls to be your companions. That’s fine.
If that occurs, for what ever reason, it will look a little something like this… (Sorry for the quality of the video, I was having trouble extracting an embedded video in MS Word.) Check it out…
Selecting a companion in your hotel room.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Part 9 of 17.
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Of course everything at a KTV comes at a price. If you are being given hospitality, you won’t need to pay for anything. However, it is always a good thing to have an idea of what the costs will be like. The days of $50 USD for dinner and all-night sex are long over. KTV activity has a price tag associated with it. So let’s look at the KTV prices.
Here we discuss the pricing scheme; the “KTV prices”. Yah. It looks so easy when things are given and provided to you. However, in reality on this planet, everything comes at a price. Do not think that it is just “freebees”.
Never the less, you should understand that if you are given this kind of hospitality, you are expected to be “worth the investment”.
Keep in mind that $1 USD = 6.3 RMB. So, to get a handle on these prices, consider 100 RMB = $16. And a 1000 RMB = $160 dollars.
Renting the KTV room alone will vary from a few thousand RMB to 20,000 RMB and up. If the boss has a running VIP account, the rate might be lower, but offset by his repeat business. Location is everything. Two KTV’s in different areas can have wildly different pricing schemes.
Just having a pretty girl to be with you and play will vary from 300 RMB to 750 RMB for four hours. Guys are more expensive for the girls to play with.
Stripped down playfulness might cost you another 500 to 2000 RMB. All of the girls in the room will strip down to their panties, and play with you. Trust me, on this, don’t decline if offered.
Drinks are usually provided as part of a “meal plan” where beer and drinks are provided with snacks. This will cost from 500 RMB to 7000 RMB.
High end drinks like whiskey and XO, will be at a premium price. They will have package deals. For instance, a bottle of Johnny Walker Red with ten bottle of green tea for a “sale” price. Most drinks will be fake, or cheap whiskey in an expensive bottle.
The girl will run from 600 RMB to 5000 RMB for a “short time” with “one shot”. (One “shot” is one ejaculation.) Multiple shots and longer periods of time (longer than 40 minutes) can be negotiated. The standard “short time” is around 40 minutes. If the phone starts ringing off the hook after 20 minutes, you are not getting your money’s worth.
“Long time” girls will be double that. A “long time” is an overnight sleepover. This will typically allow for two shots. One before bed and one upon awakening. These girls will leave at 6am, so make sure that you don’t wait until the “crack of dawn” to take her to your room. To get the most “bang for the buck” leave before 11pm. That gives you seven hours of frolic fun.
Additionally, some girls might ask for further “tips” and prices. Make perfectly clear that all expenses have been taken cared of before you go to the room under what ever expectations you might have.
While the vast bulk of girls are in their mid-20's to thirties, be cautious. I have heard of, but never experienced, younger girls lying and working as KTV hostesses. These girls might be under 21, and I have heard that they can be as young as 14! Make absolutely clear that the chick that you are with is what you want, and that she is an adult. Her behavior, more than anything else, will tell you her age.
Anyways, it should be understood that the boss could easily spend 60,000 RMB for you to have fun with and provide you hospitality. This is $10,000 USD.
Do not take the hospitality lightly, and don’t insult his face in the process.
All KTV’s have a huge big-screen television that is hooked up to the KTV machine. It is a touch activated screen that you can pick a song out of. The songs are provided along with some kind of cheap video (if the actual MTV video is not available). Ask your English speaking aide to assist you.
The screen to select the KTV songs is a touch activated device. There are different systems in use. But, all use a basic search engine technique and basic controls. You can search by name of song, artist, album, year, gender, theme, emotion, and a host of other criteria. These devices have everything from children’s songs to songs suitable for grandparents.
Typically, I carry in my wallet a list of groups, singers and songs that I can program and search for in the KTV. Else, you would have a dickens of a time trying to think of a song to sing. The environment is noisy and the songs that the other people are all singing are Chinese. So you will have a real hard time thinking of a song.
Once you pick out a song, you can adjust the percentage of the vocals to sing along with. It can be anywhere from 100% (as in listening to the full song) where you just sing along, to 0%, where the only vocals are your own. Personally, I like around 60% that way it doesn’t sound so bad. No one really cares how well you can sing. They just want to see you release emotion. As that is the entire purpose of a KTV in the first place.
The reverb and sound can be adjusted with echo and other effects. I personally don’t like the effect. However, others do. You just go with the flow and use the presets unless someone else says differently.
There are decades of technology behind this. Today, you can connect to the KTV player and sing to songs on your smartphone. You can search the internet, if there aren’t any songs on the local hard drive. You can do all kinds of things. HERE is a link to one manufacturer that makes these devices.
Often people get up and start dancing. You know, the Chinese are often nerds, and so the girls and the guys will get us and shake their body to the music. Not me. I took five years of professional ballroom dancing lessons. I can dance.
Which surprises the heck out of the girls. Most of the girls don’t get much of a chance to dance with a real dancer. Instead, they are fun and just content to dance with each other and shake and gyrate…
It’s a happy and welcome surprise. These girls are trained and experienced Hostesses. they can follow my lead in dancing, and it is a real pleasure. We do the foxtrot, the merengue, the waltz, the two step and of course the Rumba and Tango. You know, for a guy like myself, just being able to dance, with a experienced and qualified partner is worth everything.
Yet, truthfully, there is absolutely nothing wrong with formal dancing, shaking and gyrating or some kind of line dance. You do what ever makes you feel wonderful. And since this is a KTV, just have fun. No one will make fun of you. It’s all about having fun.
Now, the ballroom dances are very popular in China. Often huge classes are held outdoors in the empty plazas in front of the malls and such. People dance and learn the movements on their own. But, to dance with a partner is just… magical.
I typically start out rather easy with a two-step or something basic. If they can follow well, then it eventually evolves into a tango. There, I like to get really dramatic, and the girls really get into it as well. It is truly amazing. There is something about booze, sex and dancing that brings out the raw emotion in us all.
Dancing the tango. It’s a dance of battle and wits. Once led properly, the woman can release and let herself go. She becomes the dance. The experience becomes magical.
But heck… It’s all about having fun. Whether you are at a KTV, or in a club or in a bar, enjoy life. Seriously, life is far too short to get all worked up and bothered about things that have no direct connection to our lives…read “so called news”.
Get out and enjoy yourself. If this housekeeper can enjoy herself, why not you? Eh?
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Page 10 of 17.
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Let’s look at KTV pretty boys.
Of course, as a man, I concentrate on all the pretty Chinese girls that work as hostesses at the KTV establishments. I do so because I am a man, and having a time with handsome men just isn’t my thing. I like to be with the pretty girls. I love their actions, their appearances and everything about them.
I am not at all shy to say this. For biologically, a healthy man, will always be interested in the female gender. Men who are not interested in women have a mental illness. Yes, I know that this is not politically correct, but heck, I know that science (and history) is on my side.
Here’s to beautiful girls…
But that is just me. You know.
I am “old fashioned”. I am not all hip to this new progressive multi-gender lifestyle and one where being queer is normal and expected. Nonsense. I never was interested in having same sex relations outside of friendships. I am quite satisfied just being with attractive girls.
That all being said, the Chinese recognize that women have needs and desires. And thus, it can be profitable to cater to them. Thus, there are many KTV’s that cater to the ladies, and of course, the men that also like men…
And for the girls…
There are KTV pretty boys.
Now, you shouldn’t be under the opinion that China is a sexist nation. It’s not. Everyone is equal here. Just like the male Bosses can go to a KTV and pick out an attractive girl to play with, a female boss can go to a KTV and pick out an attractive boy to play with.
For some reason, one that I am unsure of, the KTV boys that service the ladies all dress in white. Everything is white. They tend to be in their twenties to mid thirties. They, just like the ladies have their own network of clients and “favorites”. Often the wealthy female boss would buy expensive presents for the boys. For instance, a Ferrari, or a Lamborghini.
Yes… they are that wealthy.
The men who take on the Host role for the female bosses would all dress in white. They would look something like this. All would be thin, well groomed and attired.
The guys typically defoliate their entire body except for the head so that there isn’t any hair. None have facial hair. They are also impeccably attired and very very clean. They take classes in how to dance, talk and make interesting small talk. Once they are chosen by the female boss, they give her every attention.
There are those who have ended up doing drugs, but for the most part, they try to keep clean and sober. They will drink but really do everything they can so that they will not embarrass their client.
The number of guys to girls ratio is smaller. If the KTV would have maybe 600 girls, it might employ only ten or so guys. The need for guys, while present, is not as great as a demand that exists for the girls. Often the guys would be friends with the girls and there would be many dates and fun times together outside of work. Both hosts and hostesses know how to have a good time so the time together tends to be of high quality.
In many ways these guys are very typical of the male version of the female Hostesses of the KTV’s in China. A well-heeled female boss can expect to have her pick for a companion for the night.
Typically, but not always, the same manager for the girls would manage the boys.
The boys can make much more money than the ladies do. If they find a rich and maybe lonely female boss, they can easily earn a couple of million dollars a year. (Seriously!) The females that hire these men are typically 40 years old and up. Many are millionaires, and some are even billionaires.
The young men who do work in the KTV’s tend to be very popular. They have cultivated their skills, and do everything that they can to be a pleasing and suitable companion to wealthy Chinese clientele.
China does not discriminate between girls and guys. While most KTV’s maintain a contingent of girls, there are those that have a mixtures of girls and guys, and even some that are guys only. The men, typically in their twenties are all handsome, well groomed, (clean) and attractive. They (at least the ones I am familiar with) wear all white. (It’s a Shenzhen thing, I hear.) The situation and selection for them is the same. The only difference is that what a woman finds attractive in a rent-a-boy is different than what a guy finds of interest in a rent-a-girl.
They also tend to be rather torturous with the young men. I have heard stories of the women getting the guy so worked up and horny and not permitting him to ejaculate. And sit there, with their friends, enjoying him suffer. They would make sure that he would take the necessary medicine to get an erection and drive him insane with desire. Then watch him pine away in agony.
Male 女公关 line up at a Chinese Business KTV. This is pretty common in the venues that offer services for the ladies. Some establishments cater ONLY to the ladies, and they have all sorts of fun inside. Fun and adventures that I can only guess about.
I have heard stories of women burning parts of the boys skin with cigarettes and melting hot wax and pouring hot oil on parts of their bodies. Some can be rather cruel. I have no idea why this is so. Maybe they are tying to get back at the male gender for some reason or the other.
I understand that some KTV’s allow the boys to mix up their outfits somewhat. This is only hearsay. The KTV’s that I know of have a strict all-white dress code to prevent confusion. I have heard that some allow certain exceptions to the dress code so as to be on the cutting edge of fashion.
Certain KTV’s permit the boys to accessorize their uniform and costumes somewhat. As in China, the boys do not have the same kinds of freedoms that the girls have when it comes to the working environment and dress codes.
My former Marketing Manager thought that having an attractive man to tend to her every need was a good thing. She really enjoyed the company. I can confirm this two times, let me tell you…
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Post 12 of 17.
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Your Aide / Wingman
A very important part of your visit to a business KTV is to have an aide or wingman to look after you. They will make sure that you are registered into the room, and that your passport will not get lost or misplaced. They will keep an eye out for you and help you out of the KTV room when it is time to go.
If you are not careful, these girls will eat you alive.
Working Hours
The girls generally get ready for work around 3pm. They get dressed,
have their nails and hair done. They show up for work around 5 to 7pm
depending on the venue.
The business KTV’s are open up until 6am. Most others tend to close a little earlier.
If you are having fun at a business KTV, then you MUST watch the
time. Otherwise, you will be terribly drunk and end up going back to
your room around 3, or 4 in the morning.
Now, here is the rub. After a solid 9 to 12 hours of heavy drinking,
you (unless you are under 25) will be too exhausted to provide any
energy in your penis for sexual activity. And no, Viagra or Cialis will
not be much help either. Even if you had the lift, all you will want to
do is… sleep.
Use the Cinderella rule. You leave the KTV before 12 midnight. Pick a time somewhere between 11 and 12. No later.
Then, you will no be so exhausted, or sleepy and can be able to get your money’s worth of fun.
Further take note, that the girls all turn into pumpkins at 6 am. So
if you are looking forward to some morning heat, remember that it will
have to occur before 6am, because the girls will be out of there and on
their way to their families.
So another reason to leave the KTV early (before the rest of the guys
finish partying) that that if you leave at 3 am, you will only get
three hours with that gal, and at that, you will spend most of the time
Be advised and take note.
Going to the Room
They will help you and the girls into the elevator and you will ride it to your floor. It will be something like this video below. The girls will take the lead and show you where the room is and help you get settled. They will open the door with the card key and place the card in the activation slot.
All the hotels in China utilize electronic locks. This is either with a magnetic card or some similar mechanism. Households for the most part utilize keys (if they are rented) or thumbprints if they are owned. The newer houses also are staring to use face and retinal scan recognition technology.
It will be like this if there are two or more girls with you…
Otherwise, if you are just going with one girl. It might be a little like this..
Or, like last week when it was warmer out, it might be a little like this…
The girls will file into the room and my aides will collect my gear and keep it safe with him. I will retain my glasses and cell phone. Then we will call it a night.
My aides will then go off to their own individual rooms with their companions. And I will be left alone with the girls. The girls will typically find a outlet to plug and charge their cell phones with. They will check their WeChat, and confirm any last minute messages. Often they will have other guys (fans?) sending them messages that they need to respond to. I just let them take a few minutes to get settled.
Turning In
The girl or girls get settled in. If you are there with three girls, typically two will rest in the other bed and you will be with one girl. Then they will take turns with you. If we are all too drunk it is simply a matter of passing out for five or so hours. Otherwise, showers are used and everyone gets clean.
Don’t trust the bath towels. I don’t care if they are sanitized. You use them everywhere except down in the groin area. Trust me, you don’t want to get the clap or some other serious illness. Use a condom.
Brush your teeth.
Make sure that you take your eye glasses off, or they might get broke while you are romping and playing around.
If you really like the girl, get her WeChat, so that you can get together again in the future.
Sometimes, you just want to decompress for a bit before you engage in any kind of sexual activity. When this happens I like to see where they are from and so I ask all kinds of questions about their hometown and the food that they eat. Often we talk about life and dreams. I’ve had more than a few chats about bitcoin, setting up international trade, and tax/tariff laws in the United States. Honestly I was really impressed with one gal who had a dog grooming business and a massage parlor on the side. She had her act going on.
Some of the girls are quite wild and experienced, but I am just a rather boring old Joe. So we just keep things simple, which in a way is kind of a relief to the girls. Now, keep in mind, that if you are there with multiple girls make sure that they are all EQUALLY engaged, or else the one who has been neglected all night will want to leave – thus spoiling all the fun.
Sometimes the girl will leave behind a trinket or two for you to remember them by. That’s a nice thought, but I just throw them away. If I don’t have their WeChat contact information, I probably won’t ever see them again.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Page 14 of 17.
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The Next Day
Ah… the next day. Hangover…
The movie was fun, but it”s a different story when you actually live that life and experience those scenes. This is from the Movie “Hangover II”, which I personally think was the best in the entire series.
You wake up. Your mouth tastes like a soggy ash-tray. The sink is usually stained from purple colored vomit (wine and dinner debris), and the girls are ready to finish you up for the day. While the girls are waking up, you go to the bathroom. Brush your teeth, get ready, and then go back to bed.
There will always be the “eager beaver” who will want to be first on. So let it be. Just make sure that the other girls get some. At this point, I cannot stress hard enough the importance in controlling your alcohol tolerance and the necessity of being ready for the morning festivities. Reliance on little blue pills will not cut it alone.
Eventually you will all be finished and exhausted, no doubt.
Going everyone’s separate ways
Typically the girl(s) will finish up. They will take another shower and get their clothes on and leave. They will probably get your clothes for you. You will find them neatly folded and ready for you.
The girls will most likely open the shades and let some light in the room. They will check their messages and send out some status updates and then say good-bye and go out the door. It’s sort of like this…
Since chances are, your were pretty darn buzzed when you rode to the KTV, you had no idea where the hotel was or what it looked like (outside of the bright lights). With the window blinds drawn, you will be able to see what the community looks like in the full daylight. It might be a city, or a rural village. You can never tell until the morning.
Once they leave, you just lay there while your aides and managers wake up. They will tend to give you a call and then you will meet the boss again for breakfast.
I would advise Jiu; congee which is made from rice. It’s a kind of rice porridge out of pork or chicken. Put something warm in your stomach for goodness sakes.
My preferred meal after a long hard night of drinking and fun is to have some nice warm congee. Often, we will eat dumplings and doujung with this as well.
Then get ready for the trip back home…
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This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Page 18 of 18. This is the last page of the series.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
This was a compilation of information that is sorely lacking on the internet; information regarding “Business KTV operations” in China. It is a huge industry, it employs millions, there isn’t one single factory or business boss that hasn’t gone to one. Everyone knows about it. But…
But no one ever talks about it.
Those that try, are often shouted down by the ignorant and the legions of enraged SJW who want to make the world perfect with unicorns prancing under a rainbow hued sky. They shout back in anger and feigned disgust. So, what happens? People just live their lives, and keep quiet.
Well, now you know.
You know, knowledge is a good thing. Overall, I think that it is refreshing to hear the truth about things rather than live a lie painted by others. That’s how you grow, experience life, and make decisions upon.
We need to look at the “big picture”. We need to see how everything connects together. We need to see the reality of what is, before we try to change things to make something “better”, “improved”, or “wonderful”. Or else we will have to endure a childhood wearing bubble wrap…
Or a lifetime of eating plastic cardboard boxes…
Or, banning things because… you know… just because…
Now, while the Business KTV has a degree of prostitution, you should not be blinded by that sole aspect of it. The true and real purpose of a Business KTV is to reward high performing bosses and talent for contributions to the company.
Or, perhaps you think that Alibaba, and Huawei got to be so big by giving their high performers paperclips and cheap pens with logos?
Is a Business KTV good or bad?
Seriously, the thought that I would be rewarded with a fun night with other bosses really motivates me. That is far superior to the ball-point pen with a logo that said “Success is a way of life” that Magnavox gave me for saving the company five million dollars.
It is also superior to the coupon for a free coffee at Tim Hortons that Pollak gave me for designing, producing, and perfecting the E-ETRESS system.
I personally think that it is far superior to the corporate note pad with the company logo on it that I got out of Delco Electronics for perfecting a remotely programmable SIMM on the ECM modules.
When you work and toil in your corporate job, look at how they reward you.
What motivates you to work harder? Which is the better reward for skipping vacations, working overtime with no monetary benefit, and working weekends? Which is the better reward when you save the company a few million dollars?
I think that the Chinese system is superior.
Important Notes
Never refuse the offer for a dinner or KTV. While the boss might accept and agree to work with you, it will be done so reluctantly with a “clothespin on his nose”. As you have insulted him, his factory / business, and the Chinese culture.
Understand that the arrangements for a dinner, KTV room, and girls have already been arranged days ahead of time. To think or expect otherwise is an insult to the boss who places a great deal of time and effort into your meeting with him.
Going to a KTV does not guarantee any kind of sexual encounter. That is up to the participants and the environment. Remember, it is the girl that decides what will happen. You never make that decision, no matter how much you want to.
If you are unwilling to do business in China using Chinese industrial norms, then you should expect the consequences. Don’t, for the love of God, be the “Ugly American“.
"Ugly American" is a pejorative term used to refer to perceptions of loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant, and ethnocentric behavior of American citizens mainly abroad, but also at home. Although the term is usually associated with or applied to travelers and tourists, it also applies to U.S. corporate businesses in the international arena.
Take Aways
KTV’s are popular in China.
The business KTV’s cater to bosses. They have their own ways of doing things.
Both women and men can enjoy themselves at a Business KTV.
There is the potential for sexual pleasures at such a KTV, but it is not guaranteed.
Visiting such an establishment can be expensive, thus they are typically only reserved for special occasions and special business relationships.
Female hostesses work at a KTV for various reasons. The most common is to find a mate with a good job and a steady income. You go to where the best likelihood of finding what you are interested in, is.
Male Hosts work at a KTV for their own reasons. I do not know their reasons. It varies from person to person. I do not know what they are.
If you go to a Business KTV, take ED medication, and control your drinking.
The best way to impress a Chinese boss is to drink hard and eat a chicken’s head.
When having sex with a stranger use a condom.
Q: How can I find a Business KTV? A: Ask the factory boss in the town that you are doing business with. He will probably be able to point you in the general direction. Else, you can go into a Business Hotel and chat with the manager there and ask where any exciting girls and girl action might take place.
Q: Is a Business KTV the only type of prostitution available in China? A: No. Not by a long shot. In fact, it is a rather small subset of society that caters only to company leadership, management and bosses.
And, keep in mind, the potential of prostitution in a Business KTV is determined by the aggressiveness and the ambitions of the local girls / women in the community where the KTV is located. They determine the need, the rates, and the quality of care.
There are other venues such as escorts, and the like that a person can visit and use if all you want to do is to have sex with a girl. If all you want to do is to have sex, you can go to a salon, or pick up a street walker for maybe $25 to $50. It need not be expensive. You go, get the gal, pay the money and get yourself off. It’s far better than reliance on internet images and magazines.
Besides, these gals have families to support. Instead of giving some rich California software king your money to download an x-rated porn movie, give it to the girl’s so her children can eat dinner and her husband can get a new pair of work boots.
Q: What are the types of prostitution in China? A: There are many.
Mistress or Second wife (二奶, èrnăi): She gets a monthly salary in exchange for regular sexual favors. Even if she usually does not offer romance or family life, sometimes she lives with the customer and may wish to marry him.
Packaged girl (包婆, bāopó ): Similar to second wives but only work for limited time, as on business trips. These two upper tiers correspond to the ancient concubine, although the second wife and packaged girl are mostly kept secretly rather than in the household. Only rich men can afford them, therefore these girls are often considered to be linked to corruption.
Female companions (陪女, péinǚ): You can find them everywhere in China: restaurants, karaoke – the (in)famous KTV xiăojie, – bars and clubs. Often, in bars and most typical establishments, they usually stay in a corner playing with their cell phone and drinking some cocktails till a customer arrives. Many of these girls are employed to dance, sing, drink with the customers that pay for a table or, it the case of KTVs, for a room. Some of them will eventually leave with the customers. Business KTV’s is a subset of this class, where the best girls work.
Escorts. These girls are available either to your room, or at their house or at a mutually agreed hotel room. They advertise on the internet, and tend to be moderately expensive. A typical example is this link for Shenzhen massage. The girls are all attractive and speak English.
Escorts can make a good decent salary, and like all industries, rely on repeat customers. Most work hard at it for five to ten years and then retire after they either traveled the world, established a family, or started a business.
Ding dong girls (叮咚小姐, dīngdōng xiăojie): Literally like pressing a door bell “ding dong”. Typically, they go to a hotel that seems to have a lot of customers – single and lonely men. What they do is that they rent a room there and call the other rooms offering their services. They do this by sliding a card under your hotel room door. This is usually a “massage.” Of course. having a massage with a happy ending is legal in China. It used to be that they would knock on your door, or slide a card under your door to offer you some fun services. Now, it is quite possible for other more intimate participatory services can be offered for a reasonable fee. That is always negotiable. You can add to this category also the girls that look for customers on QQ (the Chinese MSN) or on the web in general.
Ding Dong Girls cards that were slid under my hotel door when I was staying in Shanghai. You can find these cards all over China.
Hairdressers and masseuses (发廊妹, fàlángmèi): Chinese hair salons and massage parlors are the place to go if you want to get a cheap “happy ending” (usually by masturbation or oral sex), especially the ones full of bored half-naked girls lighted up by pink lights you can find close to a train or subway station.
Typically the girls will be sitting around in the salon waiting for a customer to walk in. Truthfully, there are usually many many girls, often thirty to fifty that occupy one room. Great selection. Low prices and happy endings all around.
The fàlángmèi are often migrants from the countryside and perform contractual work under a proprietress (lăobănniáng) or a pimp (pítiáo) who provide them with housing, clothing and food, as well as a cell phone and monthly subscription. They do not make much more money than a worker, unless they receive tips from the customers.
Street girl (街女, jiēnǚ): The name explains everything. They solicit customers in the halls of the hotels, bars and other entertainment outlets. They may offer petting (shàngbànchăng, first half) or intercourse (xiàbànchăng, second half). Street prostitutes may be accompanied by a lăobănniáng or work on their own. They are those at greatest risk of being apprehended by the police. We also call them “chicken girls” which is the English translation of 街女.
Here is a group of ladies photographed so that their faces remain hidden. You can easily see that they are free of tattoos, piercings, rashes or pockmarks typical of drug abuse, of normal weight – not obese – and pretty normal girls.
Underclass girl (下工棚, xiàgōngpéng): They live in urban slums (such as they are), or the seedier and poorer neighborhoods in the fifth tier towns. They can typically be found at construction sites. They fill a social and sexual void, as the migrant workers usually have left their wives at home, and are paid with food.
Q: Is prostitution rampant in China? A: No. It might seem like that because If you were to compare percentages you would be surprised to find that prostitution, by percentage of the population, is actually very tiny. Remember, China has a huge population.
Like any other nation, prostitution will exist. However, China is a very conservative and traditional nation. Prostitution is not considered to be a good thing.
On the whole, if you want to see a prostitute, you should to go Thailand or the Philippines. Not China.
China is NOT a sex monger’s paradise. It is a paradise for hard workers, those who strive and achieve, and people who believe in working together for the common good. If you work hard, study hard and do your best, China will reward you. There are no easy routes in China.
In China, it is the person with their “nose to the grindstone” that becomes a success.
When I see articles saying that China accepts prostitution and that sexual sales and slavery of young children exists, I get mad. That is absolutely not the case. NOT AT ALL. I tell you this two times. China has been very hard on the prostitution industry and many things that are fine and dandy in the West is forbidden in China. Such as unedited R-rated movies, and such. China is a conservative, traditional nation.
Q: What is the best alcohol to drink at a KTV? A: For a business KTV, you will need to drink with the boss. After that event is finished, please heed my advice and chill out. You can drink all the beer you want. Alternatively you can drink severely watered down whiskey. Take it from me, you don’t want to wake up nude with three girls ready to have fun with you, and you are way too drunk (too much alcohol in your system) to “get it up”. Heed my advice.
Q: Are these girls clean? Do I need to wear a condom? A: Yes the girls are clean, and yes you do need to wear a condom. They work six days a week, most of the year. They typically have three to seven sexual adventures per week with who knows who. You do not want to catch any type of sexually transmitted sickness.
Also keep in mind that while the condom might be good, note that if you have a cut, a bruise, and a pinch from the zipper fly in your jeans, then don’t have sex. Illnesses can be transmitted through sweat and precious bodily fluids just as easily. When in doubt take care and be careful. If need be, cancel and reschedule until you are all healed up down there.
I advise NEVER to have any sexual romps with anyone if you have a cut or an open wound, no matter how tiny, and no matter where it is located. Do not take the chance.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Page 16C of 17.
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A younger Girl
Let’s talk about the stunning Chinese women. Now, here is a younger girl. While most of the gals will be in the middle to late 20’s there are those that are around 21 to 23 and these gals are just as cute, and just as fun loving as the older girls. They are just fun to be with and a gas to play with.
This girl looks like a firecracker, and I’ll bet that she is. What fun she would be with. Though, I do have to advise that it is unusual for the younger girls to be interesting to talk to, unless you want to talk fashion, APPs, trends and movies.
A Typical Girl
The next girl is also typical. You will note how fun and great all these girls are. Like all women they can have a serious side and a pensive side, but also a fun side. When I go to a KTV I want to have fun. I don’t want to get too serious, and I just want to have a good time.
I want to drink, play games, sing and dance. Girls like this next girl are typical and will absolutely be a great gal to play with.
The beautiful Chinese face
Here, in the next video, is another beautiful girl. Take a look at her awesome face. This face is pretty much the Chinese ideal. It is a heart shaped face with a pointy small chin. Notice the big brown eyes, and the happy lips and the proportions of the eyebrows and cheekbones.
What’s this all about?
Yes, I am talking about the kinds of Chinese girls that you would find in a business KTV. Yes, I am talking about what they look like, and the novelty of being able to pick a companion out to play with. But why is it important?
It is important to have fun. And having fun is the mechanism that runs the business KTV.
I love to watch the girls…
I love to watch beautiful girls. I especially love to watch them dance. I find it hypnotic. I can drink beer all day, and sing and dance and play games with these attractive beautifies and never quite. If I had my way, I would have dinner with them and just enjoy the time playing with my dog and laughing together.
Life is about living. If you are not enjoying life, then you are doing something terribly wrong.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Page 16A of 17.
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What are the girls like?
Every trip to the KTV is different. However, the Chinese business KTV girls tend to be attractive and high energy. Unlike the stereotypical image of Asians, most gals in China tend to be very curvy, sweet and very attractive. Sort of like these mini-videos can attest to.
Please wait for the mini-videos to load. They are worth the wait. If they are not loading, or taking too long, then reload your browser. They are worth the wait.
If you ever had a dream of having a Chinese girl friend, or dating one of those attractive K-Pop girls, well then come to China. All of the girls here are like that. They love to dance. They love to sing. They love to drink, and they love to have fun. What’s not to love?
What’s more, they are super intelligent. They are conservative (Chinese conservative) in values and are probably the smartest people that you will ever meet. Here is a video of a Chinese dance troupe. The point that I want to make is that this is exactly what the girls are like. They are lively, happy, thin and well built. This is the norm in China.
Of course, every girl is different.
There is no one-size-fits-all stereotypical Chinese girl. What I can say is that stereotypes that many idiots have in the United States about Asians are all seriously out of date and terribly incorrect. (You know, that they look like preadolescent children, that they don’t have breasts, and that their pussies are sideways. Ugh!)
Chinese girls… the real deal.
Most of the Chinese gals I know are something quite different. They are stunningly beautiful, and have a great set of legs and really nice tight asses. They are tend to be a bit on the bigger side on breasts. They also usually have long hair and really deep brown eyes. Here are some very typical Chinese girls…
This first girl, is typical in a tiny compact package sort of way. She is petite. She is short, but not tiny. She is curvy and has a great build. She has a great face and a wonderful smile. I mean, just look at her! Can’t this stunner just melt your heart? My goodness!!!!!
I remember seeing a girl like this in a line up at one KTV. She was at the tail end of a last group of girls. Now, let me explain. What often happens is, as the night goes on, certain girls aren’t selected. So what happens is that the business manger brings these (leftover, unselected) girls around to the various rooms and offer their services and companionship at a greatly reduced rate.
I suppose it’s like how you can by day-old fruit at a mark-down in a grocery store. Now, on the surface, the girl didn’t look all that spectacular. She was just an average girl wearing one of those glittery white costumes. She had these large round glasses, she was tiny and was ho-hum. But, let me tell you what, after she dressed into her day to day clothes, she was a stunner! She partied and had a great time with the guys and let me tell you what…
…many girls are like that.
You just cannot judge a book by it’s cover. In the lineup she looked small, with maybe a B-size cup, but when she changed, she was transformed into a stacked vixen. Woo baby!
Stacked Chinese girls
Now, speaking about stacked girls… I do happen to like Chinese girls with a nice rack. I am an American male. Um… that is, pre-Obama and the media push for enormous plump negro women. Now, I do like a healthy well-proportioned woman.
I like the proportions, and the womanliness that they portray. It’s a personal taste and I find that when I am viewing a lineup, I often look for girls that have a very curvy body instead of a thin model-like appearance.
Sort of like this girl…
Indeed, eh?
This next girl is what I would describe as very typical. Most KTV girls would have their hair much longer, but aside from that, the build is quite typical. Notice the skin color. Most Chinese, especially the Han Chinese have pale skin, big eyes and a really nice round face. This gal is typical, and seriously, don’t you just love her?
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Page 9A of 17.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Having Fun
The parties can get rather crazy. Yeah. Crazy KTV parties! However, mostly I would say that they are pretty stable affairs, with drinking, singling and playing games of dice. The most popular game is a game of five dice in a small red plastic cup. You shake the cup and the person who loses has to drink. There are various games that fit within this framework. All are similar and structured the same way; to get drunk.
When a boss goes to a Business KTV, he can let his hair down, relax and have a good time. He can eat, sing and enjoy the friendship of an attractive female companion. What is not to like?
Other games include burning a tissue holding the dice in a cup, number games, and of course singing. I cannot sing Chinese songs very well, so Duets are out of the question. But I can sing numerous Chinese songs which surprises the ladies. However, all in all, I like to sing American songs.
Here’s some more crazy KTV parties. Here’s a video showing what it’s like with the red cup and the five pair of dice game(s)…
The above video is pretty typical. The inside of the KTV is dark with various flashing lights, or club like ambience. The people are singing, dancing, shaking, smoking and playing games with dice in a cup. That is what all three of them are doing in the video above.
I think I mentioned this before, but if I didn’t, the cups are usually black or red plastic, and inside are five white dice. They tend to fly out of the cups and land on the floor and get lost. So you go ahead and grab some from an unused cup and keep on playing.
A little beer is definitely in order (and is usually cheap) so order some Tsing Tao and get to work. In the KTV, it is perfectly fine to start drinking beer. Though I am often entangled with some younger Chinese managers to drink beer until they pass out. I usually have none of that nonsense, and ask my companion to take over for me. I am a boss, I don’t need to prove that I can drink.
Certainly not using beer. It is like water to me.
Here is a nice selection of some of the most commonly found Chinese beers in China. Of course everyone knows about QingDao (the Tsing Tao Beer on the far left) beer. It’s a fine beer, don’t ya know.
If you don’t like singing the girls will often sing to you and sometimes they’re pretty good (they get lots of practice). There are various games. I like to play the games with dice, which is (of course) a drinking game. There are other games as well. For instance, one game involves covering a glass with tissue and taking turns burning the tissue to see who will cause a die on the paper to fall.
They also really like playing rock paper scissors. (The American version comes from China.)
The girls can either be in the KTV uniforms, with will be gowns of one sort or another, or in their street clothes. If the girls are contracted to spend most of their time semi-nude (nude, but wearing skimpy panties), they might be provided slinky silk bathrobes to wear.
My preferred American songs include groups such as Aerosmith, and country and western singers. Ah, many a night the ladies would have to endure me singing Oasis’s song “Wonderwall”, and “She ain’t Right”, by Lee Brice. Of course, you must have the girls belt out a tearful love song or two. This is mandatory, and make sure that you fuss over them. It is the closest way that any Chinese lady will express any emotion.
Remember, the KTV environment is a “safe space” where the individual is protected and permitted to let “it all out”. They can be crazy. They can be emotional. They can be and live the fantasy that they want.
At some point a guy or a gal is going to come in with a cart full of goodies… little snacks and stuff like that. It’s cheap by American standards so don’t worry. For us locals, well, we tend to think of it as expensive and pricey.
High end joints will have a cigarette girl wearing a crotch-high cute dress and a little bell-boy pill-box hat. They will have a wooden tray in front with all kinds of cigarettes and cigars (from Cuba no less). I always like to get a cigar, and (since this is China) no one would dare disrespect me (and lose face) by telling me not to smoke it.
Nude and Playful
Sometime during your evening you may also be offered a strip tease show by one or more girls. (Typically, all the girls would participate.) It costs extra, find out how much before you buy. For the longest time I refused these opportunities, as well as two-somes and group-fun. Now, I never refuse. You can keep all that Puritanism and shove it up where the sun don’t shine.
Ah. I just love the crazy KTV parties.
Now, of course, this is not at all like what you would expect in the United States. No girl will get at a pole and strip off her clothes to the music. And, no, you won’t be sitting there stupefied unable to do anything short of stuffing some dollars in her panties.
Nope. It’s quite different here in China.
Instead, the girls will just undress right there on the sofa next to you. They will be fully nude except for panties and high heels. There are pretty quick about it too. They just kind of slinky out of their dress and sit there smiling.
Then, they will expect you to cuddle with them. If you don’t take the initiative, they will. They will more than likely sit on your lap and lean back while you are allowed to let your hands roam where they most comfortably yearn to migrate.
It is expected for you to roam. So do it. Failure to do so would be an insult to your host.
Expect a bare minimum of 10-15 minutes of full contact fun. This will include lap dancing and other playful antics. Truthfully, once started, it actually tends to last all night. Hey! No problem.
It often is something like this.
The policy is “please touch” unlike the in the US where that will get your ass kicked by a steroid abusing meathead bouncer. However, in China it’s ok. And I like it that way. (This is true even if they still have their clothes on. You can roam all over their bodies as you desire. This is China for goodness sakes!)
Of course, you need not get too hot and bothered about all of this.
Many of the girls will grab your crotch and try to guess the size of your member in length, girth, width and stamina. For instance, you might be with one girl, and another girl will sit on your other side and start feeling your nether regions and adjusting things down there for you. (Personally, I think it is their way to judge how much they can make off you later on…LOL.)
The girls are talented. They really are. Most know all the K-Pop and C-Pop songs and dances and will dance right there with you. Whether or not they have their clothes on makes no difference, they are stunning and their actions will melt your heart.
It’s sorta like an appetizer for things later on, or (perhaps) used to entice you to pay up for a “long-time” girl. Anyways, it really doesn’t matter. In a business KTV the boss host will pay for everything. So agree to it.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in
China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted
but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO
flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down
into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and
you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
This is part 9B of 17.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
NSFW Parties
What are we? Children? All the term “NSFW” is designed “to protect the children”, yet at most of these venues there isn’t anyone under the age of 25. So, it’s all kind of silly trying to maintain NSFW standards designed to protect pre-adolescent children.
In America everything is so PC. There is even a term for hiding behavior in such a way that you might not lose your job. NSFW means Not Safe For Work. Heck, only in America or some selected European Socialist "Paradises" perhaps. Not in China.
So everybody is well fed, well drunk and you’ve had your fill of beer, karaoke, weird Chinese snacks and “hands on” strip shows – now what? It’s up to you… usually.
Sometimes, depending on the arrangement with the girls manager, the parties can get really fun, as these two videos can attest…
The girls will typically have a good time. I know that I certainly do.
Their enjoyment is directed by their manager, who works out what ever arrangement that is proper with the host boss. They will be edged on by the other girls who might inspire playful acts of a sexual nature and other curious events.
The basic idea is to get drunk. Lower your inhibitions and have a good time.
As these videos attest, being with a cute gal (both of you) getting drunk and playing around is a great reward for an ambitious boss.
KTV is a refuge. It is a controlled environment where a person can
become someone else and behave differently. In China, everyone wears a
mask. This is a face (mingzi) that defines their role and how they
conduct their business. For many bosses they only have two roles; Boss
and Family head. Each time, they must exist within that role.
They come home and the wife and the children expect the father to be a
traditional father. He will play with the children. He will help them
learn. He will support the wife and take care of things that she needs
help with. He will do this within the role and the face that he must
Then, he goes to work. He puts on the Boss face. Here there is
actions and behaviors that he is culturally restrained to follow. He
must maintain that appearance. He must always be calm and collected and
stern and in control.
The problem is…
There is never an opportunity for him to let loose and be himself.
Never. Never, that is until he goes to a KTV. There, once he is inside
the doors, he is in a world where he can be himself. It is a protected
world. The doors are closed and sealed. Guards protect the people
inside. Female entertainment is provided, and if the KTV is half decent,
the girls are vetted to make sure they do not prey on the clients.
a KTV environment, the boss gets to “let his hair down” which is a very
difficult thing to do in the Asian culture. In Western cultures
everyone is “doing their own thing”. Not so in Asia. Thus the need for a
release value where a hard working alpha male can have a release from
the stress of life.
He eats, drinks and is merry. Then he can go upstairs to the hotel
room and have a nice long happy ending with the girl that he had
selected. Else, she might ride home with him to a different hotel. All
of which is under the helpful and watchful eyes of his aides, the girls
and KTV managers, and the security guards that are stationed for
The KTV is a place for fun.
Now who doesn’t like to smoke, drink, sing and dance with pretty
girls? It’s a rare person indeed. When I grew up we used to have keg
parties in the woods and we always would sing, and carry on. We always
loved it when the girls would play with us and have fun. This is
There are all kinds of fun activities that take place. They vary from
singing and dancing to smoking cigars, and playing poker. One of the
most common things to do is play “rock, paper and scissors”. This is an
ancient Chinese drinking game. I guess that it was ported to the United
States during the great migration of Chinese right after the American
Civil War.
Here’s some chicks playing during dinner…
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Page 16B of 17.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
My “Ideal” girl
So many beautiful Chinese girls. This next girl is what I personally consider the “ideal”. She has a rocking body, a great disposition and beautiful face and hair. This is the kind of “girl next door” image that made the magazine “Playboy” so famous.
When ever I see a girl like this in a lineup, I snatch her up immediately. Gawd, I could just eat her up. The problem with this, however, is these girls at the KTV are very savvy and astute with enormous EQ’s. They will eat guys like me, and like you (the reader), for dinner. We have to be careful least we would be like puppy dogs following them about everywhere.
But really, look at her! She’s awesome!
What’s more is that she is not considered beautiful by Chinese standards. They like girls with a thinner build.
The Chinese men and ideas of beauty revolve around a fish shape. They like to see the girls wear the long flowing dress and see the nice fish shape of the ass and the legs. This girl is far too curvy for the basic Chinese tastes.
But me, on the other hand, …OMG… she is awesome!
A curvy girl
This next girl is also very nice, and also very attractive. You will note that she also has a curvy body. This is quite normal in China, and will not be all that obvious until she takes off her clothes. And there is a reason for this.
The Chinese business KTV girls in the KTV’s tend to dress to appeal to the Chinese men in the audience, and thus they would tend to minimize their bust size and try to slim down to more of a fish shape. Can you believe that? Seriously, that’s what they prefer to do.
So, you might not be aware about how stunning the girl might look without her costume on. Look at her. She’s most certainly a stunner.
An Attractive Chinese Girl
This next girl is what constitutes an attractive girl to the Chinese attractiveness criteria. In just about any book, she would be considered to be attractive. I most certainly find her attractive. Don’t you?
You would find that many of the Chinese business KTV girls in the KTV lineup would have the same overall look and demeanor. It’s a different look, but heck… I love all girls. Big, tall, short, thin, buxom, slender, smiling, and sad. I can’t control myself. I just want to sing a song with them, dance on the dance floor and share a fine meal.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
Here are (what I like to call) “snapshots” of the Chinese New Year celebrations in February 2019. The Chinese use a lunar calendar, and the New Year started on 5FEB19, and started the week-long celebration.
This celebration is profoundly different than anything experienced in the West. It is a time of family and friends. It is a time of crazed dancing, and orgy of food, and prolonged heavy drinking. It is also a time when you will see friendships renew, relationships expand, and families strengthen.
The cultural aspects of this event are (in large part) unknown in the West, but I find them fascinating. Everything from the “spontaneous dancing upon arrival”, grain alcohol guzzling, monkey parades, and the barbecued octopus tentacles dipped in hot spicy pepper sauce becomes commonplace during this time.
Here we look at a series of scenes from China. All of the scenes are in the form of micro-videos. All videos were taken within the week of 3FEB19 through 8FEB19 and represent a cross-section of typical China as observed by typical Chinese using their cellphones. The application used to record these videos is the TikTok APP.
While officially, the week vacation is a full week, many businesses and factories stay shut down for an entire month. They work reduced shifts leading up to, and after the official holiday. They also rely on reduced staffing during this period, as most Chinese travel great distances from their employer to go back home for the holidays.
Of course, the traffic is crazy and the crowds are massive. It is very difficult to get a plane seat, or a seat on the train as literally millions of people are moving here and there, to and from, leading up to the Chinese New Year holiday. As a result, many hop in their cars and drive for two or three days to make it back home.
Here’s a video of what it is like. Of course, there are often instances of heavy traffic, and other frustrations of driving long distances…
To save on the expense, they often share the ride with other similar people traveling in the general direction. For instance, this year, one of my product engineers drove home and shared a ride with a fellow from Guangzhou. He lived in a nearby town, and was a friend of a friend.
Impromptu and spontaneous dancing upon entry
Of course, it is always great to see loved ones. But, the Chinese do so with a new twist. many Chinese like to welcome each other with a dance. I kid you not, and when that happens, you are obligated to go ahead and dance with them.
Now, the reader should be aware that this is not a traditional thing to do. At least, I don’t think it is traditional. It seems to have cropped up literally “out of the blue” this year, and is all over the social media. Yeah. I know, it’s silly.
But then, on the other hand, it is certainly memorable…
I really do not know where this all got started from. It seems like everyone is able to take part in it. From little kids, to school boys and girls, to adults, to aunties to grandparents. It’s the darnedest thing, I’ll tell you what.
The rules are simple;
The originator of the dance is the person in the house.
They will play a song upon the arrival of friends or family.
They will then start dancing impromptu as soon as the door opens.
Those who enter and find the host dancing are obligated to dance with them as well.
The guests are not expected to remove their shoes when dancing.
If they are carrying something, they can put it down so that they can dance.
Yes, it is pretty crazy. Whether or not this fad will continue throughout the year, or will die this Chinese New Year is up to speculation. I guess that we will all just have to wait and see.
Partying with Friends
Of course, the entire week is filled with meals and parties. The Chinese really do love to party.
They drink (that grain alcohol), and wine… not to sip… but to quaff down in entire glass-fills. This is not only reserved for friends, but for co-workers, classmates, cousins, immediate family, extended family, and even the entire village (if you come from a smaller settlement).
I have videos and videos and videos of this. I have thousands of videos taken during the KTV, or adventures in the bars. I have videos at the BBQ pits that are everywhere, to the impromptu get togethers that seem to reflect what China is today.
Friends get together with friends. Girls go out with girls. Guys go out with guys. Brothers go out with brothers. Sisters go out with sisters. This is a time when everyone goes out to party with each other
Here are some general videos that seem to represent most of what is going on during this period of time.
Just some gals having fun with their friends. They could be co-workers or just friends. But, what does it matter, really? Life is too short to play the corporate “game’. Go out, go forth, and make friends. have a good time, and get drunk with your co-workers. Life is meant to be lived.
That’s some chicks in a bar. What about the guys? What if you are in the midst of building your life, and aren’t in a city bar? What can you do?
Heck you do what we used to do in Pennsylvania (and Florida, New York and California, and Michigan too). You get a keg of beer, and a bunch of food and have a BBQ outside, and crank the music up loud.
And yes, they have meals inside and outside. In fact, the Chinese love BBQ and many a great night can be spent drinking beer, chatting, dancing, and singing over BBQ…
Can you blame them?
You’ll also note that the Chinese will cook other things with the BBQ. Truthfully, the BBQ is anything cooked over flame. So, the Chinese will often cook such things as chicken, beef, pork, and mutton. In addition, they will cook such things as onions, lettuce, pepper (actually very good), toufu, and bread. They will cook things like fish, wrapped in aluminum foil, and even make up a batch of noodles.
The noodles are kind of rare, but, heck, if you want some spaghetti, well… go for it. All food is glorious. Don’t ya think?
Here’s a video of some guys at a KTV. What? They aren’t singing. Oh, I wonder why… Oh, look one of the guys just made a call and arranged for some pretty girls to join them for fun and frolic. Gosh, youse just got to love China!
Of course, everyone knows about the fireworks. We have fireworks in the United States. Ah… yeah, but the Chinese do it differently.
To them, the noise and the lights scare away evil spirits that retard growth, prosperity and wealth. The louder the fireworks, the noisier the fireworks, and the louder… the better. So when you see the fireworks in China, it is absolutely amazing. It completely dwarfs anything seen in the USA by a factory of a thousand.
Check this out. Isn’t it just amazing?
What is truly amazing is that these fireworks don’t last for 45 minutes or so. They last all night. They last for 12, and even 24 hours! Just like this. I well remember seeing the scene from my house in TangXia when the morning sun lifted and I could survey the city around me, that the fireworks and smoke still continued in all it’s crazy glory. It looks like the hills are all on fire. Seriously.
And good luck trying to get some sleep. LOL.
This is all over the world. Here is a very impressive display from a tiny, tiny village in the middle of the mountains. Pretty impressive eh? make the firework display in NYC look like a child’s toy.
To me, it all looks like a horrible weapons barrage that seems endless. What ever it might look like, I can tell you that any bad spirits would be too frightened by all the noise, the bright lights and explosions. For certain!
Family Meals
Many families eat outside in the restaurants, however many families have these huge spreads in the homes. Just like the United States, there are familial get together’s where all the kids get to play and the adults make the food, chat, play cards, and generally get shit-faced drunk.
Here is a typical middle-class family. Note that many families live in those large apartment buildings. The smaller homes are quite expensive and are worth many millions of dollars. The furniture is typical, as is the flooring and the walls. The Chinese do not like carpeting in the least. (It’s dirty.) They prefer white, gold and red colors, and while this household might look opulent to us Americans, know that it is pretty much typical for the middle class Chinese.
This video could have been taken anywhere in China. It could have been taken at my in-laws, or my friends house. It could have been taken in Shenzhen, Shanghai or Beijing. It’s very typical.
I actually pointed this out before to other Americans. They responded that that couldn’t possibly be the case. They argued that if this was true that we would see examples of Chinese houses in the American media…
Sure. Sure. Sure.
Hum. I guess they still believe in the Easter Bunny. You don’t argue with people who have closed minds and who’s reality was formed by the American media and their distortions, inaccuracies, and outright lies.
Here’s another typical Chinese house made up for the 2019 Chinese New Year holiday…
Of course, there are parades. Some have the famous dragon that can be seen in China-town in the States. But the Chinese parades tend to be quite different than the United States in ways difficult to describe…
Here we have a bunch of “monkey kings” dancing in the parade. This, in my mind, is pretty darn awesome, and you won’t find anything even approaching it in the States.
Some things are unique to China, and cannot be found anywhere else. Guys… different is good. You don’t want all the restaurants to look like McDonald’s. You don’t want all the coffee houses to look like Starbucks, and you don’t want every nation to have democrats like Ocasio-Cortez reforming everything to make it “better”.
Which is a great plus about China. They have declared war on SJW folk and take active steps to have them removed from society before they can tarnish and destroy time-honored traditions. Thank God for China and realizing that SJW moments harm the nation in numerous ways.
And here is another “parade” in a small village.
I really don’t have a word for what is going on here as this kind of thing is alien to the West. It certainly does not exist in America. It is where locals dress up like famous gods and heroes and go from house to house scaring away the bad spirits that might bring bad luck during the year.
Prayers to the Gods
One of the things that the Chinese do is light these mini candles that float up into the sky with the wishes and prayers of the sender. It’s actually a wonderful sight to behold, and many people take part in this ritual throughout the nation.
I read about this being tried in the United States. In fact, I read two stories about this, and the crazy reactions that resulted. The first story had the people doing this arrested for creating “UFO hoaxes”. The second story, also had people arrested, only this time it was because they did not have a permit to launch anything like this, and that it might disrupt the ability to fly.
Gosh darn it! Can’t Americans just be left alone?
Other Celebrations
Of course, the smaller communities in the rural areas would do what rural communities always did. They would host parties filled with song and dance (and free alcoholic beverages) for the towns people to enjoy. This was true in Europe and the United States, prior to all the new “progressive government” ushered in around 1913 or so…
If you don’t know what I am referring to, then I must humbly suggest that your knowledge of history is seriously in dire need of readjustment. I would suggest that you find some elderly people in your community and start talking with them. If you cannot, they find old issues of “The Good Old Days” magazine and read it.
All the progressive “improvements” such as banning alcohol, smoking, and making things “safer” did not exist until the 19th Amendment was passed. Those progressive assholes in the early 19th century really fucked everything up for the rest of us. They destroyed our Republic and gave us a Nanny-State. A land where everyone reports to “Big Momma”.
Sorry about that. I get sidetracked so easily.
Here we have some folk having fun, drink and song in a small village. Don’t they look like they are having fun? Don’t they look like they are having fun? Don’t they look like they are having a great time? Why can’t we have this in the Untied States?
Sorry, Dude… It’s because “of the children”…
And… in Tibet
For most Americans, we believe that Tibet is an annexed land that is under repression by the evil satanic communists. It must be set free!
Yah, maybe fifty years ago. Today, Tibet is wholly integrated into China. You could no more remove Tibet from China, as you could remove California, and Texas, and Nevada from the United States. Don’t believe me? Check out this map and see for yourself.
Here we can clearly see that the region of Tibet represents a significant portion of the landmass of China. It is bigger than both California and Texas combined together. yet, somehow, we Americans are told that we can “demand” China to offer autonomy to this region, in exchange for American “benefits”, what ever they might be.
Anyways, today, the population of Tibet is predominantly Han-Chinese. It’s pretty understandable, as the Chinese government gave incentives for the Chinese to relocate into Tibet. It’s sort of how the American democrats give free welfare to any illegal who enters the United States, as long as they will vote for democrats. Its the same thing.
Here we have a Chinese gal in Tibet celebrating the new year of the pig…
You’ll notice that many people talk with hoarse voices, as all the “white wine” pretty much tore holes in their throats. People gather their belongings, and start the trek back home. All the free drink, the free cigarettes, and all the food comes to an end. It’s a quiet calmness…
This was just a short and sweet posting of various videos taken in China during the CNY 2019 year of the pig. I know it’s not covered by the American media. The best that you can ever expect is a small blurb mentioning that new Chinese new year.
We interrupt our hate-fest against President Trump with some news from around the world. In China, they had a new year. Some fireworks were lit. Meanwhile Democrat XXXXXXX proposes some taxes to support the banning of YYYYYYY. It's for global warming, don't you know.
For most Americans, it is an interesting bit of trivia. Like how many buttons the average coat has, or the average size of a chicken egg. This is unfortunate, as the CNY holiday is much, much more than simply a “holiday”. It represents many things of significant value, and the fact that half the population of the world celebrates it should be reason for consideration.
I hope that I was able to present some new and interesting aspects of this holiday to the reader that is sorely lacking in the WELL (Super Well-Paid) “journalists” that work for the Washington Post, the New York Times, the LA Times and Salon… sigh. They are NOT doing their jobs.
Obviously one of two things must be true. Either [1] their job is no longer to inform, or [2] they are seriously incompetent, as are the complete editorial staff at the media headquarters.