Bronco Billy and the 25th law of power

When we were young, we were taught how to act, and told how to behave. The opinions of our peers decided what we would do, who we would date, and how successful our life could be. For those of us who never left our home town, these demands have become forged as the tightest shackles that bind us to the demands and needs of others.

However, once we leave that environment, we find ourselves in a new place with new friends and a new life. We are thus given and provided the opportunity to reconstruct our life. We are provided with the chance for us to define our life for ourselves. We can break forth through the limits placed on us by others.

Not only is this desirable, but it is often necessary. For true growth, and to be the most that you can be, comes from you defining how you will live, and under which terms that you will define your life.

The 25th Law of power

Law 25 
Re-Create Yourself 

Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions – your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.

The book “The 48 Laws of Power” is a classic work that defines methods and techniques by which a person may obtain power. Power can be defined many ways. It might be money, sex, relationships, ownership, control, or as pure military might.

The book goes into great detail on this subject, providing multiple examples that illustrate each technique.

48 Laws of Power
The 48 Laws of Power is a world famous book that describes numerous techniques for obtaining power. The power can be used for good or bad, it is up to the user.

One of the laws, or techniques, of power is the ability to recreate your life on your terms. This is law #25. Indeed, it is a powerful technique. For unless you have lived a charmed life, humans need to grow and expand beyond themselves. We are like a snake that sheds it’s skin, or a caterpillar who undergoes chrysalis to become a butterfly. We need to constantly strive, adapt and grow. For that is how we obtain experience.

For example motivational speaker Les Brown was classified as developmentally disabled. He was told that the best he could do was to become a janitor or a field laborer. Yet, he refused to believe that. With everyone of his classmates laughing at him, and most teachers shaking their head in sorry distain, we went ahead and forged a new life for himself.

He took on a new role; a better role as a motivational speaker.

Or consider, another radio talk show host; Rush Limbaugh. Always controversial, and bombastic, he was constantly hired and fired from jobs. No one wanted to touch him. We was considered a “wild card” and uncontrollable. Yet, by honing his abilities, and working on his strengths, he preserved and became a very famous and a very rich talk show host.

Often times, we need to move away from the thoughts, ideas, concepts of what other people think of us. Do you want to be treated as a successful businessman and not the class clown? Then you need to move away from your school mates. Do you want to be considered to be a brilliant scientist? Then you need to move away from people who call you a “book worm with no common sense”. Do you want to become a suave and sophisticated “ladies man”? Then, you need to remove yourself from the women who make fun of you and who don’t appreciate you qualities.

Now, you shouldn’t become confused. It is often more than just moving away geographically. You have to learn and hone the skills that you desire. If you want to become a “world renowned doctor”, you will need to study and cultivate your presence globally. If you want to be a “Ladies Man”, you will need to hone your relationship skills, and work on your presentation. If you want to live the life on your terms, you will have to work at it.

Have a Dream

We all need an objective. This is something that we can visualize and conceptualize. It is something that we can embrace as a target and an ideal that we can achieve.

"Bronco Billy McCoy: I've got a special message for you little pardners out there. I want you to finish your oatmeal at breakfast and do as your mom and pa tell you because they know best. Don't ever tell a lie and say your prayers at night before you go to bed. And as our friends south of the border say, 'Adios, amigos.' "

Have a Plan

Without a roadmap we are just lost in the wilderness. We need a plan to follow with a set goal to achieve. So set a goal. Describe the person who you want to be. Go into great detail. List what you want to be and what you don’t want to be.

Indian snake dance.
In the movie “Bronco Billy” all the members of his travelling fair were misfits. They were shoe salesmen, draft dodgers, and losers, who decided to step outside of their world and become something different. Here is a man who wanted to be an Indian chief.

You don’t need to use Microsoft Project to generate a plan, but you do need to take active steps. Get a notebook. It is cheap. Do not rely on your computer or cell phone to do this task. They are full of distractions. Go old school.

One cheap notebook. One pen (or pencil).

That notebook is your roadmap. Title it what ever you want, but in short it should be about one thing and one thing only; who you want to be.

Also note that it is going to be a journey. Right now you are NOT ready to be who you want to be. Some changes will be necessary. Indeed, you will need to change some things. Additionally, you will need to learn some things, and prepare some things as well. You will need to plan it out.

You can be who you want to be.
This rule applies to both men and women. It is not gender specific. In the movie “Bronco Billy”, a sad and unhappy, but filthy rich socialite ends up transforming her life into HER idea of what she wants.

For instance, using the “Ladies Man” example above, you will need to read books on how to seduce. You will need to subscribe to websites, forums and feeds with like minded people. You will need to establish goals and a training program. The training program will not only be about learning new things, but it will also be about unlearning old bad habits.

You will need to do daily positive affirmations. These are sentences that you repeat to yourself over and over to undo the programming that you have endured over the years. For instance;

  • I am calm, cool, and collected.
  • I am always happy, smart, know what to say.
  • I am lucky.
  • I dress right, my hair is perfect, and I know how to handle myself.

Positive affirmations need to be written down, and repeated daily. They work. Let them do their magic.

Work your plan

Once you map out your goal and how to get there; do it. In life, it is better to be 60% ready than wait forever to be 100% ready. You need to learn the basics and then plan on “faking it until you make it”. Close your eyes and make it happen.

Trust me, you won’t die.

"Bronco Billy McCoy: Now look! I don't take kindly to kids playin' hooky from school. I think every kid in America ought to go to school... at least up to the eighth grade. 

Young kid: We don't go to school today, Bronco Billy. It's Saturday! 

You will experience hurtles and problems. So what? That is life. For instance, let’s suppose your dream is to move to Bangkok, Thailand and become a go-go bar owner. It is obtainable, but it will be a lot of work. You might need to break your plan into smaller bite-sized bites and then work those pieces.

Let’s suppose your dream is to become a sheep rancher in New Zealand. It is possible, but you will need to know some basics about sheep herding, and you will need to work on the immigration paperwork.

Troubles for Bronco Billy and friends.
In the pursuit of our dreams there will be setbacks and troubles. However, they will never end your dream. It will just put it aside for a spell. Do not give up. Never give up. Never, and I do mean NEVER let ANYONE ever steal or take your dream away from you.

No matter what you do, you will need to have a plan that not only covers the physical changes that you need and want to bring about, but also covers the emotional and behavioral ones as well. But you know what? You can do it, because it is in YOUR nature.

You do not need a machine to make the world-line switch. You can do this on your own.

It gets easier over time…

"Lorraine Running Water: Do you understand what Bronco Billy and the wild west show are all about? You can be anything you want. All you have to do is go out and become it! "

The longer you work towards your dream, the easier it becomes. You always become what you think about. But actuating your thoughts with physical and tangible actions you will be able to achieve your dreams, and trust me you will be amazed how successful you will become.

Bronco Billy on stage.
You can achieve your dreams. You only need to have a plan. Keep it simple and direct and work it relentlessly. It is the one thing for you and you alone. Never let anyone steal it away from you.

When I was planning on moving to China, I studied Chinese. I had no one to practice with. I had no one to listen to. So I did it on my own, while the people around me snickered and made fun of me.  You will overcome the nay-Sayers and losers. You just follow your dream and stick with your plan.

Don’t let anyone steal that from under you.

Other Sources

In the movie “Bedazzled“, a man who is helplessly in love, signs away his soul for a change to spend life with the girl of his dreams. The devil gives him six opportunities to remake himself (all, of course, with a devilish twist). The point in the movie is that you can remake yourself to obtain objectives, but that there will be a tradeoff in the process.

I won’t go so far as to say that you cannot change because it will have undesirable effects. But, I will say that what ever the image that you want to become… make sure that it is an extension of WHO YOU ARE inside.

Only you can choose who you will be? Scenes are from the movie “Bedazzled”.


"Antoinette Lilly: Are you for real?
Bronco Billy McCoy: I'm who I want to be."

The movie “Bronco Billy” is a full embodiment of the lessons of Law #25 of the “48 Laws of Power”. All of the members within his little band of entertainers were redirecting their lives toward their dreams. While it is only a Hollywood movie, and received moderate praise by the “geniuses” in Hollywood, the lessons are important and valid.

It certainly deserves a second look. Especially today with the way things are in the world today.

Don’t give up.

You can recreate your own life in the form that you want it to be in. If you are tired and exhausted in living the life as it is today, you can exit it. You are not tied to anything. You really aren’t. You can bail.

  1. Set a goal.
  2. Make a Plan.
  3. Follow the Plan.
  4. Implement it.

Live your dream. Do not let anyone stop you.

Bronco Billy is living his dream.
Be like Bronco Billy. Live your dream. You don’t have to be a poor shoe salesman in New York city. You can recreate your life into something that appeals to you. Don’t be afraid. Follow your dream.


  • The 25th Law of the 48 Laws of Power suggests that we can create the life that we want to live. We should not accept the life that others want us to live.
  • This is attainable.
  • To achieve this dream, we need to set a goal, learn, and work towards that goal.
  • The movie “Bronco Billy” is all about the 25th Law of Power.
  • By watching the movie, you get a very good understanding of what the 25th Law of Power is and how it can be applied to your life.


Q: Is my dream achievable, even if it sounds crazy or unobtainable?
A: Yes. However, it does need to be realistic. You cannot dream about being a turtle. However, you can dream about being a caretaker for turtles in Bora Bora.

Q: My spouse thinks it is a waste of time to pursue any dreams. What do I do?
A: This is a common problem. You have a choice. You can either enlist your spouse to share in your dream, or you will be forced to follow the dream without them. In any event, if you are forbidden to live your dream… that is not a life, no matter how anyone else tries to rationalize it.


Q: How can I find the time to do all that I need to do to obtain my dream?
A: If you do not find the time, your dream will never materialize.

Q: Where can I find the movie “Bronco Billy”?
A: Try Netflix or any decent torrent site. Torrents are free, and most movies can be downloaded in a few days. Rare movies might take weeks.

Bronco Billy and Lilly.
Life is too short to be unhappy. It is like a bowl of cold chili. It is up to you to make it the best best life that is possible. You need to set your foot down and take command of your life. Make your dreams happen.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Composed, edited, SEO checked and released. 27JUN18.
  2. Corrections. 27JUN18.

How to tell if someone is in MAJestic (Part Two)

This is the second part of a series discussing how secrets are kept in the United States, and what MAJestic was all about in regards to that aspect of it. Note that since, MAJestic has been disbanded. It has evolved into other programs with other and different focus. I know nothing about what it is today, nor do I want to know.

Because MAJestic has been disbanded, information presented herein is thus out of date, obsolete, and is only of interest to students of history.

Two Part Post

This post comes in two separate articles, due to the relative size of it.

The MJ-12 Public Disclosure

This is a quick “executive summary” of the history behind the public disclosure of the MAJestic umbrella program.

This program is secret, it has always been secret, and it will always remain secret.  No matter what the Internet might make one believe, there will NEVER be any kind of “official” announcement or disclosure of the existence of this program.  Sorry, to break the reader’s heart.  It just is not going to happen.

The organization has become too large; too involved in various unconstitutional activities, too entangled with extraterrestrial agreements, and far too complicated to unravel.  It will never be officially recognized by anyone in the government.  There will NEVER be an official pronouncement regarding the existence of this program.

Does the reader actually believe that the government would risk military superiority by announcing that they have reverse engineered space vehicles? Does the reader actually think that the MAJestic leadership would admit that the “sex offender registry” was designed to retire former MAJestic operatives?  Does the reader actually believe that the United States government will admit that they have approved that extraterrestrials could abduct Americans? Not only abduct them but medically probe Americans ?  Of course not. It will NEVER happen.

"I talked to President Obama about extraterrestrials. He said he could neither confirm nor deny the existence of aliens, which means they're real."

- Jaden Smith 

Jaden Smith is the son of the famous actor Will Smith.  In May the 14-year-old joined his father, mom Jada Pinkett-Smith and sister Willow on a trip to the White House, which included a visit to the Situation Room with President Barack Obama.  During the visit he took advantage of the opportunity to ask the President about aliens. For the record, there is no FUCKING WAY that anyone like former President Obama knew anything about MAJestic except in a very, very trivial form.  That goes for Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and the rest of the service-for-self political cabal living the “high life” at the expense of the many. NO WAY.  I tell the reader this two times. Please believe me.

Its existence has been kept secret from the late 1940’s when it was first authorized by President Harry Truman.

Congress and the Senate have absolutely  no knowledge of this program; nor do they have any REAL oversight ability or budgetary control. At best some key Senators and Congressmen might be given limited briefings on this program from time to time at the discretion of the MJ-12 membership body.  This would be for purposes central to keeping the black projects secret. (There are very good reasons for this.)

This program would still be secret, and we members would still not have a name to refer to the top leadership in the organization if it wasn’t for a public disclosure of the program in 1984.

Public knowledge of MAJestic is through a public disclosure known as the “MJ Documents”.

Apparently, in December, 1984, Jaime Shandera, a Hollywood movie producer and UFO researcher, received an unusual package through the post. Inside was just one roll of undeveloped 35mm black and white film. There were no accompanying letter or return address, the only clue to where the package came from was by the postmark which was Albuquerque, New Mexico. Once developed, the film contained negatives of what appeared to be an eight page briefing paper, prepared on 18th November, 1952, for president-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower.

When a new President is elected, the existent staff prepares briefing papers and documents to explain to the new president what is going on in various areas of their charge.  This was a very old briefing paper that was prepared by the staff of the Truman administration and presented to the new incoming president Mr. Eisenhower.
  1. A warning on the first page read, ‘This is a TOP SECRET – EYES ONLY document containing compartmentalized information essential to the national security of the United States’.
  2. On page two was a list of 12 influential US scientists, military leaders and intelligence advisors.
  3. It was not until viewing page three that the subject of the papers became clear, “the recovery of a crashed flying saucer and alien bodies near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947”.
  4. The final page of the briefing paper was a memorandum, dated 24th September,1947, from President Harry Truman to his secretary of Defense, James Forrestal. In it, Truman instructs Forrestal to proceed with ‘Operation MAJestic-12’, but gives no hint at what that might be.

Alone, the Forrestal memo was meaningless. But when read next to the 1952 briefing paper, the story behind them became clear: in July 1947, a “flying disc-shaped aircraft” crashed landed in Roswell, New Mexico, and “extra-terrestrial biological entities” (EBEs) are recovered by the military. When President Truman is informed about the crash, he authorized Defense Secretary Forrestal to set up a committee to investigate and deal with the situation.

From the documents is a clear reference to MAJestic.

OPERATION MAJESTIC-12 is a TOP SECRET Research and Development / Intelligence operation responsible directly and only to the President of the United States. Operations of the project are carried out under control of the MAJestic-12 (Majic-12) Group which was established by special classified executive order of President Truman on 24 September, 1947, upon recommendation by Dr. Vannevar Bush and Secretary James Forrestal. (See Attachment "A".) Members of the MAJestic-12 Group were designated as follows: 

                      Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter

                     Dr. Vannevar Bush

                     Secy. James V. Forrestal

                     Gen. Nathan F. Twining

                     Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg

                     Dr. Detlev Bronk

                     Dr. Jerome Hunsaker

                     Mr. Sidney W. Souers

                     Mr. Gordon Gray

                     Dr. Donald Menzel

                     Gen. Robert M. Montague

                     Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner

The death of Secretary Forrestal on 22 May, 1949, created a vacancy which remained unfilled until 01 August, 1950, upon which date Gen. Walter B. Smith was designated as permanent replacement.

Background on the Program

There are all kinds of nonsense about this program on the Internet. However the key facts regarding it can be used to discern truth from fiction. Here is my take.

While the program was set up to address the “extraterrestrial issue” as equals, it eventually evolved over the years into a support organization for our extraterrestrial benefactors. As such, MAJestic was used to support the monitoring of this sentience nursery called Earth.

  • Members must have a “service to others” sentience.
  • Members are not political (except for Ronald Reagan who was involved at a time of military concern and thus HAD to me made aware of the organization).
  • Members all must have a technical background.

Any quote on the Internet that [1] lists political figures, [2] people of great fame or popularity, and [3] any individuals lacking in any of the technical sciences is to be considered to be nonsense, or disinformation at worst. For example…

“MJ-12 does exist and now has 36 members. He was reluctant to divulge names although confirmed that former American Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger and father of the hydrogen bomb, Edward Teller, are present members. MJ12 regularly meet at various secret locations including the Batelle Memorial Institute at Columbus, Ohio.”

-Dr. Wolf (Paraphrased statement, personally approved by him.)

From released documentation, it is pretty obvious that operation MAJestic-12 was established by special classified presidential order on September 24, 1947 at the recommendation of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal and Dr. Vannevar Bush, Chairman of the Joint Research and Development Board.

The goals of the group was to [1] exploit everything they could from recovered alien technology; [2] to reverse engineer what they could recover, and [3] keep foreign powers from the awareness that this was being done.

This is one of the reasons why I absolutely believe that it is impossible for the program be internationalized.  There are compartmentalization upon compartmentalization.  It is far too valuable a program to share with other groups or nations which might have members that might not integrate properly into the overall MAJestic mindset.

From day one this was an American program.

Subsequent treaties with extraterrestrials, reinforced this.  The local (extraterrestrial) federation wanted to deal with only one human organization rather than a myriad of nations.  The United States, then the strongest and most powerful and influential, was the logical choice for the Human-extraterrestrial relationship.

Ever since the start of the program, at the very beginning, ambitious, elite scientists such as Vannevar Bush, Albert Einstein, and Robert Oppenheimer, and career military people such as Hoyt Vandenberg, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Leslie Groves, and George Marshall, were called upon to understand the alien agenda, technology, and their implications.

Of course.

However, at that time, our understanding of the universe was very primitive. Our eyes were on the earth, and our concerns were with other people in other lands. We had no concept of space travel, extraterrestrials or anything even remotely similar to what we were encountering.

Man on the moon.
At the time, our concepts about space travel were primitive. We had not yet gone to the moon, or had even contemplated that thought. We were still flying planes with propellers, and just then trying to reverse engineer the German jet and rocket engines.

Einstein and Oppenheimer were called in to give their opinion, drafting a six-page paper titled “Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies”.

They provided prophetic insight into our modern nuclear strategies and satellites. They also expressed an agitated urgency that an agreement be reached with the President so that scientists could proceed to study the alien technology.

Unlike most projects and programs, this one was “pulled together” under a sense of urgency with little previous study.

The extraordinary recovery of fallen airborne objects in the state of New Mexico, July 4 – July 6, 1947, caused the Chief of Staff of the Army Air Force to conduct a most serious investigation.

It was at this time where the scientists of the Advanced Research branches of the military through Operation Paperclip began to corporate and coordinate their surreptitious radar experiments with the Army Air Force.  (Read elsewhere for my post on how the radar sites were used intentionally to uncloak and disable extraterrestrial vehicles.)  But at this early date coordination was hampered by confusion, interdepartmental rivalries and confused chain of command.  It wasn’t until months later that a formalized command structure was implemented and systems put in place to acquire, recover and analysis these mysterious extraterrestrial objects.

It took a while for the MJ-12, or MAJestic organization to get control of the situation.  It took years, not months, to fully coordinate various operational ground teams, train them, and put proper specialized systems in place.  But, eventually, for most practical purposes, the MAJestic umbrella was unfolded and the decade of the 1950’s witnessed an unprecedented series of de-cloaked and crashed extraterrestrial vehicles.

The phrase “the MAJestic umbrella was unfolded” means that the MAJestic program was implemented and eventually it became a stable and fully functional stand-alone organization.

They were everywhere, and it took some time for those at the forefront of the program to really understand what was truly transpiring in the United States and around the world.

The MAJestic program expanded over the decades.

Thus greatly fueled the UFO fad at the time with the enormous number of UFO and monster movies that were popular at that period in time.  News media, and pulp magazines were filled with stories (mostly fictional) regarding contacts, observations and experiences regarding these events.

The 1950’s

We were a nuclear power with egos to match.

In the 1950’s, Americans thought that they were the biggest and the best on the planet. We had defeated a group of Progressive Socialists; the German Nazi’s, and laid waste to most of the planet.  Economically the United States was at the top of the global tier, and we had sole control of nuclear weapons.  We thought and believed that we were the best.  It was our destiny.


What began by MJ-12 as a small simple research program in the late 1940’s expanded and ballooned into one of the largest scientific programs in the history of the world.  Within the MAJestic umbrella are many such smaller programs all focused in the re-engineering of advanced technologies; advanced propulsive methods, extraterrestrial life, and the general advancement of science.  The decade of the 1950’s came as a harsh slap on the face to Earth-centric politicians, and resulted in the first of numerous treaties with a small number of key extraterrestrial races.

MAJestic was known, at that time, as a “Top Secret” organization.

The core individuals at that time were (aside form the President) soldiers of military rank, or scientists.  At that time, and in decades since, all upper level  management in both the military and scientific circles have needed to wear a political mantle of respect in order to further their own personal agendas.  This should be rather clear to the reader.  The most successful scientists in the United States are those whom align themselves with the political winds that blow in Washington, D.C. . 

A good description of this process and what happens when a politically connected scientist and a non-politically connected scientist battles over funding can be observed in the movie titled “Contact”.

The 1960’s

An observed Nuclear explosion.
America lead the world in the 1960’s. Our economy was booming. Technology was growing, and we were the “leader of the free world”.

The 1960’s saw an embryonic human scientific base tying to expand its awareness and capabilities to match that of the various extraterrestrial races that we encountered.  However, over time, it became painfully obvious that their science was not only different from ours; it was thousands of years more advanced.

They had abilities that was even beyond our comprehension.

A serious reappraisal of humans and their relationship with extraterrestrials began to coalesce.  With that came the need to face the very harsh realities of our human existence.

This harsh reality was quite a shock to those in positions of power in the United States.  For they, actually believed that they were superior to their fellow human beings.  (As they still do.) They believed that they were “special”.  They had, somehow, convinced themselves that through popularity, fame, wealth, power or education, that they had “bested” their fellow humans and have become “king of the hill”, or “masters of the human condition”.  Their egos at the time reflected this reality.

The shock wave that reverberated through the closed meeting rooms were clear in that the human race is not only [1] monitored by advanced extraterrestrial races, but that it is [2] cultivated by them.  We were [3] created by them. As such, they know exactly how to control us. They know how our brains function and why.  They can cause our brains to shut down at will and cause a migration of our awareness or consciousness into other containers.

  1. The Earth is monitored by an extraterrestrial organization.
  2. The Earth is a carefully equipped nursery for the evolution of humans.
  3. Humans are cultivated so that our sentience can be established.
  4. Humans have been bred or created to what we are currently.

This knowledge forced increased secrecy regarding the programs.

MAJestic became even more secretive, and membership was severely limited and controlled.  Many early members were culled or put into areas or situations where disclosure was difficult if not impossible.

The following is reprinted.  It is an excellent article by William B. Stoecker and can be found reprinted here: Reprinted just in case the Internet link, page or archives disappear.  The reader is free to disregard the content if they desire.

“On 5/22/49 a man jumped, fell, or was thrown or pushed from a small window on the sixteenth floor of Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington, D.C. A cord from a bathrobe was tied around his neck as if he had planned to hang himself, but, strangely, if it had been tied to anything in the room it had come loose. The only thing to which it could have been attached was a radiator. Scuff marks were on the window sill, indicating possibly a struggle with one or more assailants, or, if it was suicide, a last moment change of heart and a failed attempt to save himself. The hospital, without bothering to investigate, immediately classed the death as suicide, and the County Coroner agreed without question and signed the death certificate. Bethesda Naval Hospital, you may recall, did the autopsy on JFK in 1963, an autopsy that has been questioned by many researchers, and which “proved” that JFK was shot from behind. (Later shown to be a government lie during the full disclosure of the remaining JFK papers.  Found here; )

The man who fell to his death was James Vincent Forrestal, America’s very first Secretary of Defense. He was born 2/15/1892, attended Princeton University but did not graduate, and trained as a naval aviator during WWI, but was never sent into combat. He worked as a bond salesman, and, early in WWII, was appointed Secretary of the Navy. Rather than remaining safe and comfortable in D.C., Forrestal toured the Pacific and witnessed several major battles, including Iwo Jima, where he left the relative safety of a ship and went ashore. He favored a negotiated settlement with Japan, which could have ended the war in early 1945 or even sooner, saving hundreds of thousands of lives and not involving the Soviets, who invaded Manchuria and Korea late in 1945, arming the Chinese communists and setting up a communist dictatorship in North Korea. 

Had Forrestal had his way, there would have been no Korean or Vietnam wars and America today would probably not be menaced by a hostile China. Forrestal was unable to convince Truman, who held out for unconditional surrender, although Forrestal finally convinced him to offer to let the Emperor remain (as a figurehead), which led Japan to accept the terms of the Potsdam Declaration and surrender. After the war, Forrestal became an outspoken anti-communist, and was a close friend of communist hunter Senator Joe McCarthy (the Venona intercepts have proven that McCarthy had been right all along about the “reds under the bed”).

Over time, Truman apparently began to lose confidence in him, for, while he resisted some of the service chiefs’ demands for ever-more military spending, he opposed Truman’s near complete disarmament of the U.S. This proved to be an intolerable strain for Forrestal, who began to show very real signs of a mental breakdown, and claimed that strange men were following him. 

He suggested that they might have been sent by Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington, with whom he had quarreled, or that Attorney General Tom Clark had ordered the FBI to follow him. Remember that, for all we know, people really were following him…as the saying goes, “just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.” 

Tom Clark, a liberal Democrat and father of radical leftist Ramsey Clark, had been involved in the initial stages of the internment of Japanese Americans, possibly the greatest U.S. civil rights crime of the twentieth century, orchestrated by “liberals.” Secret Service chief U.E. Baughman (not a psychiatrist) believed that Forrestal was psychotic, but then Baughman, as late as 1961, was still denying the existence of an organized crime syndicate in America. At the very least, this calls his judgment into question.

On 3/28/1949 Forrestal resigned as Secretary of Defense, almost certainly because Truman no longer wanted him in that position. Some 3,000 pages of his personal diaries were then taken to the Truman White House; to this day we do not know why, nor do we know what those diaries contained. After the resignation ceremony he had a conversation with Stuart Symington that left him badly shaken; to this day we do not know what, exactly, was discussed. 

His mental condition continued to deteriorate, and finally he was taken by his alleged friends Robert Lovett and Dr. William Menninger to Bethesda Naval Hospital where, despite being allegedly suicidal, he was placed on the sixteenth floor. Normally, anyone believed to be suicidal would be placed on the first floor so they could not jump to their death. Lovett, a naval aviator in WWI, was a banker from a wealthy family and a member of the sinister Skull and Bones secret society; many of America’s elite have been Bonesmen. Lovett was also a close associate of John McCloy, who was an “insider’s insider.” Dr. Menninger, founder of the Menninger Foundation and the Menninger Clinic, was an extreme liberal, opposed to punishment of criminals, whom he believed could be “treated,” but there is nothing in his background to suggest that he might be dishonorable or involved in the New World Order conspiracy (which is more than can be said for the sinister McCloy).

At the hospital, the staff refused to allow Forrestal to see his priest, Father Sheehy, despite his request to allow him to visit. For a long time they resisted his request to allow his brother to visit him, although he was permitted to see his sons. He was also visited by Dr. Menninger, by LBJ (the thoroughly corrupt “architect” of the pointless Vietnam War and the failed “Great Society”), and by Rear Admiral Sidney William Souers, who had been a banker most of his life before being given a commission in the Navy, despite a lack of military training or experience.

Finally, Forrestal’s brother decided to take him out of the hospital, but, before he could do so, the “suicide” happened. Then Forrestal’s priest came to the hospital where, he claimed, an enlisted Navy medical corpsman approached him in a packed room and told him that Forrestal’s death was not a suicide, before disappearing back into the crowd. There is no conceivable reason why either the priest or the corpsman would make up such a story, and the corpsman, rather than seeking publicity, seemed anxious to preserve his career…or his life. Years later, a Bethesda corpsman involved with the JFK autopsy died under mysterious circumstances.

In fact, there have been innumerable mysterious deaths in twentieth and twenty first century America…”suicides” and “accidents” and murders by “lone gunmen,” of whom there seem to be an inexhaustible supply. To name but a few, Lee Harvey Oswald was conveniently shot by Chicago mob affiliate Jack Ruby before he could be questioned at length. 

Karen Silkwood was run off the road and killed while carrying documents she alleged proved malfeasance at the Kerr-McGee nuclear plant; whatever the documents did or did not prove, there is little doubt that they existed…but they were missing from her car. Documents assembled by freelance investigative journalist Danny Casolaro also vanished, after his wrists were slashed multiple times…labeled a “suicide,” of course. He had been investigating what he called the “octopus,” and many of us conspiracy researchers refer to as the NWO elite or the Illuminati. 

White House counsel Vince Foster was shot with an unregistered handgun he was not known to have owned and there is a mass of evidence showing that his death was no suicide, despite the usual official verdict. Then there are the mysterious deaths of Treasury Secretary Ron Brown and the passengers and crew of his plane, and former White House intern Mary Mahoney and her co-workers. 

Recently, fairly high level bankers have been dying like flies all over the world. So yes, it is entirely possible that powerful people in the government and among the wealthy elite who seem to control it could have thrown James Forrestal to his death.

That leaves us with the question of motive. As I said long ago in my book, the one thing the elites fear is one of their own, privy to many secrets, turning on them and possibly revealing those secrets. And, as shown above, Forrestal was certainly an insider surrounded by other insiders, other high-ranking members of the establishment. But what secret, if any, did he threaten to reveal? Author and researcher Richard Dolan has suggested that the elites may have feared that Forrestal would make public all he knew about UFOs, and, indeed, it is likely that he knew a great deal. 

Researchers who believe in the existence of Majestic Twelve, or MJ-12 allege that Admiral Souers was a member. Remember, even if the whole MJ-12 story, the claim that a secret group of “wise men” was appointed by Truman to study UFOs is partly disinformation, there is no doubt that our lords and masters know much more than they are telling about the subject. And there probably was something at least resembling MJ-12, even if it involved more or less than twelve members, and some of the alleged members were indeed the sort of people likely to be appointed to such a group. Yet, although UFO secrecy may have been part of the reason for Forrestal’s murder (and it does look suspiciously like murder), it is likely that the main reason is something else entirely.

The policies of FDR and Truman made the Soviet Union a world power, and FDR’s appointees, like Robert Oppenheimer, a communist who recruited other communists who gave our nuclear secrets to Stalin, ensured a nuclear balance of terror, a Damoclean sword that still hangs over us. By refusing to negotiate with Japan, and then inviting the Soviets to enter the war in the East, Truman ensured the rise of the communists in China and Korea. By disarming the US too quickly and too completely, he left the world vulnerable to communist aggression. The FDR and Truman regimes were riddled with such Stalinists as Harry Hopkins and Alger Hiss; all of this was opposed by Forrestal, who knew far too much for his own good. There is good reason to suspect that WWI and WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and all of our more recent and seemingly endless wars, including the Cold War, were rigged from beginning to end. And the elites behind it all are still in power.”

The 1970’s

In the mid to late 1970’s MAJestic, members began to be implanted with memory control devices. These devices blocked access to selected memories.

With that came an expansion of the scope and breadth of the programs; all without public awareness or public knowledge.  The technology expanded even further and fathered many sub-programs.  Each sub-program under the MAJestic umbrella was isolated and specific to their mission at hand.  It is for this reason that my knowledge on some subjects is so wide, while at other times, severely limited in scope.

MAJestic was (for the first time) exposed to multi-dimensional travel and realities.

Swimming cat playing fetch.
When MAJestic was first exposed to the MWI they really didn’t know what to do or think about it. Their first reason was to use it as a “doorway” or “portal” to other geographic places. So portals were devised to transport people and things geographically to world-lines of very small deviances.

This resulted in studies and negotiations towards development and utilization of fixed dimensional doors (or ports). MAJestic began to change the overall focus of the organization into one that was elite and was necessary in support of our extraterrestrial benefactors mission parameters.

By the end of the decade, all of MAJestic was involved in SAP “carve outs” of one type of the other.

The 1980’s

Ronald Reagan expanded the program greatly.

Numerous efforts in reverse engineering of technology, new technological development programs, and space-based habitats came into being. This included a small facility on the Moon, which (I think) was later abandoned.

During the 1980’s certain individuals, such as myself became involved in world-line travel. The primary goals of MAJestic at this time was to continue technological development while providing a minimum of support towards human sentience development.

MAJestic gave me, and my peers, to our extraterrestrial benefactors in exchange for help in technology development.
  • The 1980’s saw increased and standardized use of fixed dimensional portals.
  • It also was when the Oxia Palus facility was starting to be occupied by humans.
  • MAJestic became a much more powerful organization and fully began to implement multi-dimensional activities under it’s umbrella.
  • Implementation of human biological monitoring of humans was supported and assisted by MAJestic.
  • Technological transfer from the various recovered and traded technology platforms began in earnest and with full support by the leadership.

In exchange for the transfer of technology, our benefactors (other extraterrestrial species) requested “ambassadors” and staff for special liaison “duties”. As such, MAJestic recruited these individuals, and I was one such person.

World-line travel.
In a reality where the MWI is accessible, and where world-line travel is a reality, the MAJestic leadership believed that the use of this technology was far too dangerous for humans to use. Members who were provided with this ability were given to the extraterrestrial benefactors for their purposes. Meanwhile, technology development in vehicular design and other aspects of technology continued in earnest.

The 1990’s

Abuse of technology.
When we were first provided with the technologies we started to use them improperly. We looked at technologies that would provide the United States military advantage. We viewed the technology as a treasure trove of great value, but the selection of technologies to research were those that would provide military advantage.

Cautious exploration of world-lines was attempted and curtailed by our extraterrestrial benefactors (temporarily).  Limited solar system exploration was permitted under specific limitations.

  • MAJestic became fully devoted to assisting in the management of this nursery for human sentience development.  As such, MAJestic began to work with the extraterrestrials in numerous efforts.
  • MAJestic outreach changed from technological development efforts to assistance efforts towards sentience development.

Re-engineered technologies developed in the 1970’s and 1980’s were permitted to bear “fruit” and resulted in American economic expansion. This included such things as radar shielding, reduced gravity flight, improvements in LED’s, fiber optics, improved materials such as Kevlar, and advances in the micro-miniaturization of electronics.

Misuse of technology.
Humans looked at the technology that our extraterrestrial benefactors supplied us and decided to pick and choose which ones were worthy of our time and study. We then learned and applied the technologies to areas that the MAJestic leadership felt were necessary. However, this methodology of picking and choosing lacked the significant depth and breadth of what was offered to us.

The 2000’s

As far as I am aware, there was a curtailing of the interactions with the extraterrestrial benefactors as their concerns were mitigated by various developments in the solar system.  To this end, my program was terminated, and my involvement ended.  I know nothing about what was going on after 2006.

My program today.
My program, as well as numerous other programs, have been terminated. Any information has been archived and all equipment has been mothballed. Members are all retired and put into monitoring programs a the state level.

I know that certain technological development programs continued, and that there is a small contingent that was still active at the Martian Oxia Palus facility. I do not know what became of the program once I was deactivated.

I do not know what is going on with MAJestic.  I finished my retirement sequence in 2011, so I really haven’t a clue as to what is going on now a days.

This is, as best I can explain, the MAJestic program in a nutshell.

The phrase “in a nutshell” is an American idiom that means to greatly simplify a subject and to distill it into its very essence.  In short; to make a complex subject simple and easy to understand without getting to involved in any of the details regarding it.

Disclosed Information

Only the top-most members in this organization have any idea of the vast scope of this program, and knowledge of subprograms.  This organization in compartmentalized.  Even those at the top level have no idea of the details that us agents have uncovered or avenues of scientific discovery that we have explored.

The program is so secret that even us members had no clue as to what we were doing and why.  Let alone an understanding of how our actions and results “fit” into a bigger picture.  The truth is that at no time did I ever receive a detailed briefing of my role and the actions that I would take.  Further, when Sebastian and myself were getting our “training” at China Lake NWS neither of us discussed “the program” or our roles in it.

Additionally, we had no desire to if we wanted.  We did not talk about our time in Florida, nor did we discuss how we both conveniently ended up at China Lake.  Heck, even when we met again, at the ADC Diagnostic facility at Pine Bluff, and we had an opportunity we rarely talked about our mission and events.

That is one of the reasons why I tend to be very leery of the Internet disclosures where some fellow claims to be involved in a “secret government program” and tells all kinds of information about it.  These individuals can be seen and found on the Internet, but the reality is something different.  Actual members, even at the highest levels know very little about the entire program.  Those who would best be considered, as “experts” know quite a bit about very little…

Which is why I know so much about soul configuration, world-line travel, dimensional anchoring, but very little about vehicular propulsion, extraterrestrial biology, and program overviews.

Because my experienced was severely limited, I can only offer a very retarded and culled overview of the program.  What I have picked up are but mere glimpses of possible disinformation that tends to abound on the Internet.  In the best interests of honesty and scientific discourse, I have organized what I believe the organization is involved in, and provide nuanced selections obtained from dubious sources (the Internet or books) for further investigations were the reader so inclined.


Apparently, numerous individuals has pointed to the term  MAJESTY as the umbrella organization’s proword.  Everything under MAJESTY is broken down into compartments and difficult to trace to a higher authority.

“Prowords are abbreviated, standardized ways of saying common things in communication. They facilitate communication because you don’t have to wonder what something meant, the prowords all have distinct meanings.”


I can honesty say that I have never used this term, and I most certainly fell under the umbrella of this program.  I have seen more than a few cases of documentation at the base facility that utilize various terms and prowords. However, I do not recall this word ever being used.

The reader can come to their OWN conclusions regarding this;

  • I was not “high enough up in the organization” where this term would be used.
  • Or, perhaps the idea that this is a proword is disinformation.
  • Or, that my memories of such a word usage has been blanked out of my memories.


MAJI stands for the MAJestic Agency for Joint Intelligence. It is the group associated with all documents labeled “TOP SECRET/MAJIC” that is responsible for all scientific study related to extraterrestrial life, and the efforts needed to contain that material.  All document control for MAJestic falls under their prevue.

Cover page.
This is a cover page from a MAJIC document. For reference only.


When the program was first established a group of twelve apostles were gathered around the President to address the extraterrestrial “issue”. A selected team of twelve experts in many different fields who evaluate information, technology, biology and other facets of the alien presence in order to better understand the phenomenon. Members are given information on a need to know basis only. Biologists, for example, are not given information regarding any other subject.

This is obsolete information.

The entire organization was reorganized under President Reagan in the 1980’s.  This reorganization greatly expanded the scope and mission of the organization.  As far as I know, the organization maintained an “executive” level “steering committee” of whose members included and maintained the inclusion of scientists and others of functional (as opposed to political) benefit.

I do personally believe that the entire Bill Clinton presidency was “shut out” of this organization for the simple reason that our extraterrestrial benefactors would not approve any of the political-hacks and ilk that came part of that administration. I was in the organization at the time when Bill Clinton was President. I would be extremely surprised if such a pronounced service-to-self individual would be allowed any MAJIC access. It is unknown (by this author) of involvement by any of the Bush administrations. 

However, it is pretty obvious that if our benefactors “locked out” the Clinton administration they would certainly continue this under an Obama administration. The modern-day manifestation of the Democrat party is of service-for-self sentience. In the mind of the extraterrestrial benefactors, “Pay-to-Play” activities are selfish attributes of a service-for-self creature.

Seriously, can the reader just IMAGINE what would happen if Hillary Clinton would have access to dimensional world-line travel?

Since the Ronald Reagan presidency, only the simplest W(U)-SAP overviews have been presented to the elected presidents. They probably have no idea at all that extraterrestrials exist.

To prevent confusion, the reader should note that MAJESTYTWELVE is not the same as MAJESTICTWELVE.  They are two separate programs and projects involving different parameters, membership and objectives.


This is the security classification for all things related to MAJI.  MAJIC is the highest security classification in the nation.

All implanted W(U)-SAP members of MAJestic fall under the MAJI control umbrella. For instance, my program designatior began with MAJ followed by a series of alphanumeric characters.  The same is true with other programs. As such, in all documents that I had the opportunity to read, the term of MAJIC was used.  I never recall seeing the term MAJESTY.  MAJ was always present in all the various program designations.

Possible Designation Change

Some “disclosures” refer to a renaming of the organization in the mid-1990’s.  I know nothing about this.  I was in the program during that time, and I was unaware of any designation changes.  In any event, there are individuals who claim that the designations have changed.

“The group has been called by many names. The most recent was was used in 1992 and was identified by the name JEHOVAH. At one time it was called ZODIAC and may have changed in 1995.”

-(Possible) hoax memo

Whether true or not, my cell never referred to these terms in any way or manner.  In fact, the first time I heard about these designations was by reading this memo.


This is the National Recon Organization that is based in Fort Carson, Colorado.  It is responsible for all space-based observation platforms, and intelligence.  As such, it is responsible for all extraterrestrial observations and activities. It is also responsible for the security of all MAJestic related projects.  Perhaps selected mission patches of what this organization is all about would best describe what this organization does…

What's to say about the NRO.
NRO mission patch.
NRO mission patch.
NRO mission patch. None of your fucking business.
NROL-39 Nothing is beyond our reach. Looks like a logo from Dr. No or some other 007 James Bond villain.
TENCAP special application. Interesting imigary, don’t you think. Eh?

Here is a quote from their website;

“The NRO is the U.S. Government agency in charge of designing, building, launching, and maintaining America’s intelligence satellites. Whether creating the latest innovations in satellite technology, contracting with the most cost-efficient industrial supplier, conducting rigorous launch schedules, or providing the highest-quality products to our customers, we never lose focus on who we are working to protect: our Nation and its citizens.

From our inception in 1961 to our declassification to the public in 1992, we have worked tirelessly to provide the best reconnaissance support possible to the Intelligence Community (IC) and Department of Defense (DoD). We are unwavering in our dedication to fulfilling our vision: Supra Et Ultra: Above and Beyond.”

MAJIC Secrecy

As stated numerous times previously, members of MAJestic or the MAJIC umbrella are rigorously selected and culled from the ranks.  Access to this program has to be earned and it is vetted, not only by the human aspects of the organization, but by our extraterrestrial friends as well.  “Service to self” inclined individuals are not permitted.  Neither are those with strong political leanings.  This has always been the case.  This was determined long; long before the chaos that developed internally by both Mr. Bill Clinton (D), and the outrageous political activism of Mr. Obama (D).  Consider…

“…And, while it could be argued that Snowden brought into question the procedures that the government uses to vet those who receive top secret clearance, it should be glaringly obvious that they didn’t learn their lessons, instead choosing to hand a security clearance out to someone you would expect to see at an Antifa rally:

Start with her name: “Reality Winner.”  Then let’s tick off the other boxes: lesbian bodybuilder, ardent Bernie Sanders supporter, a “Black Lives Matter” enthusiast who (though white herself) argues that “Being white is terrorism.” A woman whose social media posts include referring to the President of the United States as a “piece of shit” and the “Tangerine in chief,” who additionally declares that in a war between the US and Iran, she’ll side with Iran.

And still…STILL…she was given a top secret security clearance and access to classified materials. Which raises two very troubling questions: just what in blazing Hell does someone have to do to not get a security clearance, and how many other angry, ignorant, communist-leaning, anti-American social justice warriors are currently embedded in (and sabotaging) our intelligence agencies?!”

-Duane Norman

The point being is that our extraterrestrial friends know full well what might occur if snippets of restricted MAJistic information were to be released to the public out of context.

This would be most especially dangerous if it was released in a political context.  For political issues sway the herd mentality and behavioral vectors of the human population.  It would send the entire direction of the nursery “off the rails”.  This would not ever be permitted to occur.  Therefore, only vetted agents of the “benefactors” can possess the secrets that we agents of MAJestic have.

  • We are of one mind.
  • We are of one sentience.
  • We are the Shepard dogs, that corral the sheep.
  • Even this disclosure will not expose our existence.  It just acknowledges it.

Various Known / Public Projects

Everything under MAJestic is supposed to be secret, but leaks do occur.  Here are various sub-projects that have made themselves known to the general public.  The actual details and truthful summaries of these projects are probably wildly divergent from what is provided on the Internet.

Cover page.
This is the front cover page of the first set of MAJestic documents that was disclosed. Of course, “officially” this is all just a nonsense hoax. There are no other creatures in this universe and the humans are the best and smartest species in the universe.

Again, as stated previously, us “working level” agents rarely if ever referred to the program by another name.  All we knew was our alphanumerical designator. Names were provided on executive summaries and briefing documentation.  We would assume that these documents were prepaired for high level non-MAJestic leadership roles to facilitate black budget funding.  However, that is only an assumption on my part.

Any released information to the public, no matter how “well meaning” is subject to error and disinformation.  Thus, while I might want to discuss such efforts as PROJECT GRUDGE, PROJECT SIGN and the like, I am actually not qualified to do so.  I know nothing of those programs and those designations.  I do not recall seeing any of them at the base library, and as such, I think it would be best if I just tell the reader the truth and let the “chips fall as they may”.

Finally, the released information is (indeed, MUST be considered) to be but a very small segment of the many, many programs under the MAJestic umbrella.

Further research Avenues

The reader is welcome to investigate this subject independently.  Here are some links to various sources that the reader can use instead of going through the intentional maze set up in Google.

"What we have here is the evidence. We have scores of documents, hundreds of thousands of words, hundreds of pages, of which most are top secret code word. Not just photocopies, but originals with real inks, watermarks and testable paper. The vast majority has never been seen before. We present here the detailed documentation that seems to place the stamp of reality upon the recovery of crashed extraterrestrial vehicles by the United States from 1947–1954. This validates what most people already accept: there is extraterrestrial life and we are not alone. This presentation by Dr. Robert M. and Ryan S. Wood follows chronologically a paper evidence trail left by former Presidents, military and intelligence leaders of the time."

-Found on the website called “The MAJestic Documents”. 

One can also visit another website called “MAJestic”.  This site takes a look at the United States program called MAJestic and the top secret government documents associated with it.  It is presented in a way that tell the story of presidential and military action, authorization, and cover-up regarding UFOs and their alien occupants. It tells a detailed story of the crashed discs, alien bodies, presidential briefings, and superb secrecy surrounding it all. Special attention is paid to the forensic authentication issues of content, provenance, type, style and chronology. The story the documents tell leaves the reader with little doubt that the cover-up is real, shocking, and at times unethical.

Here are links to the actual leaked / disclosed documents…

  • The MAJestic Documents: Documents Dated Prior To 1948
  • The MAJestic Documents: Documents Dated 1948–1959
  • The MAJestic Documents: Documents Dated 1960–1969
  • The MAJestic Documents: Documents Dated 1970-present

There are other websites as well that host a wide selection of documentation related to various governmental programs.  The reader is invited to expand their research activities in these other areas as well. Archived at “The Black Vault”, you will find thousands among thousands of government documents, in their actual scanned form, ranging from a vast array of subjects.

These subjects span across many different “conspiracy” theories and other historical documentation such as the existence of UFO’s, Alien cover-ups, Nuclear and Biological Weapons, Space, World War II (the historical nature) and many more subjects that will keep you browsing for hours.

All documents contained here were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and are completely 100% genuine. Some documents contained within this archive are not seen anywhere else in the world, and came to the light of day because of the FOIA request made for specifically this archive.

The reader need be cautious, as there are intentional fakes interspersed in the documentation.

“Some of the documents released by Moore were changed from the original with the deliberate intent to mislead UFO researchers. I do not know who is responsible but I believe that the Government is behind the whole thing. The rest of the documents are deliberate frauds. I am releasing the truth which I have obtained from excellent sources within the intelligence community in order to set the record straight.”

I would strongly suggest the reader visit the following site, as they have made a concerted effort to cull the documentation trail to only the most authentic documents;

Milton William Cooper

"We now recognize that habitable zones are not just around stars, they can be around giant planets, too," 

-Jim Green, director of planetary science at NASA,  according to the LA Times 2/13/2016.

Mr. Milton William Cooper was a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander In Chief of the Pacific Fleet as a Petty Officer in the US Navy.  He was tasked to find out if the MAJestic, or MJ-12 organization actually existed.

Prior to this investigation, a number of political appointees were hearing or learning about unusual activities of some of the people who existed in their organizational structure.  They wanted to know if there was any truth to these rumors or suggestions.

He conducted his investigation in 1972.  This was nine years before I joined MAJestic.

The following information purports to give details of the MJ 12 papers, as well as explaining the many different code names given to Government Secret Projects.  It is an interesting read.  However, the reader is cautioned that it has some inaccuracies. It is also out of date as the investigation was conducted in 1972.    Judicious interpretation of the information is advised.

I Milton William Cooper, 1311 S. Highland #205, Fullerton, California, 92632, (714) 680-9537, do solemnly swear that the information contained in this file is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I swear that I saw this information in 1972 in the performance of my duties as a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander In Chief of the Pacific Fleet as a Petty Officer in the US Navy. I swear that I underwent hypnotic regression in order to make the information as accurate as possible.

I swear that I can and will take a lie detector test or any other test of any reputable persons choosing in order to confirm this information. I swear that I can and will undergo hypnotic regression conducted by any reputable and qualified Doctor of any reputable persons choosing in order to confirm this information. I will not, however submit to any test or hypnosis by anyone who is now or has ever been connected with the Government in any capacity for obvious reasons.

The following is brief listing of everything that I personally saw and know from 1972 and does not contain any input from any other source whatsoever.

MAJESTY was listed as the code word for the President of the United States for communications concerning this information. 

OPERATION MAJORITY is the name of the operation responsible for every aspect, project, and consequence of alien presence on earth. 

GRUDGE Contains 16 volumes of documented information collected from the beginning of the United States investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's) and Identified Alien Crafts (IAC). The project was funded by CIA confidential funds (non-appropriated) and money from the illicit drug trade. Participation in the illegal drug trade was justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of our society. The purpose of project GRUDGE was to collect all scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms. This orderly file of collected information has been used to advance the United States Space Program. 

My comment:

Not much is taught in government schools (for the obvious reason) about the Alien and Sedition Acts – or other such clear evidence of a disconnect between what we are told and what actually is.

  • For example, why should a free man have to worry about prosecution for “possessing” anything?
  • In what way does the mere fact of “possession” entail a harm caused to some other person?
  • How is it that a free man can be told – at gunpoint – what he may not put into his body? I refer, of course, to the lunacy that is the “war” on some (arbitrarily decided upon) “drugs.” Seriously.
  • I ask the reader to think.  Since WHEN did the “land of the free” become the land of “I TOLD you how to ACT”.

I do not know, but it was before my grandparents generation.  Certainly there was a great push for a more “modern” social(istic) society around 1913 or so…

MJ-12 is the name of the secret control group. President Eisenhower commissioned a secret society known as THE JASON SOCIETY (JASON SCHOLARS) to sift through all the facts, evidence, technology, lies and deception and find the truth of the alien question. The society was made up of 32 of the most prominent men in the country in 1972 and the top 12 members were designated MJ-12. MJ-12 has total control of everything. They are designated by the code J-1, J-2, J-3, etc all the way through the members of the Jason Society.  The director of the CIA was appointed J-1 and is the Director of MJ-12. MJ-12 is responsible only to the President. MJ-12 runs most of the worlds illegal drug trade. This was done to hide funding and thus keep the secret from the Congress and the people of the United States. It was justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of our society. The cost of funding the alien connected projects is higher than anything you can imagine.  MJ-12 assassinated President Kennedy when he informed them that he was going to tell the public all the facts of the alien presence. He was killed by the Secret Service agent driving his car and it is plainly visible in the film held from public view. A secret meeting place was constructed for MJ-12 in MARYLAND and it was described as only accessible by air. It contains full living, recreational, and other facilities for MJ-12 and the JASON SOCIETY. It is code named "THE COUNTRY CLUB". Only those with TOP SECRET/MAJIC clearance are allowed to go there. 

MAJI is the MAJORITY AGENCY FOR JOINT INTELLIGENCE. All information, disinformation, and intelligence is gathered and evaluated by this agency. This agency is responsible for all disinformation and operates in conjunction with the CIA, NSA, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. This is a very powerful organization and all alien projects are under its control. MAJI is responsible only to MJ-12. 

My Comment:

The USA is ruled by force, not law.  Consider the facts; there are governmental assassinations of US citizens. A highly militarized police with near-unlimited power to harass, intimidate, and brutalize with impunity. A paramilitary group known as the TSA who are involved in groping whereby in any other setting would be considered sexual harassment. Not to mention, overseas detention, torture and assassinations carried out against anyone, including American citizens, without due process … and without recourse if later cleared.

Do not get me started, there is warrantless GPS tracking by the FBI. The uncontrolled IRS targeting of religious groups is now commonplace. Indeed, today, some people now actually be charged with pre-crimes. There are checkpoints up to two hundred miles inland from all our borders (including the two oceans and Gulf of Mexico) in an area stunningly known as a “Constitution Free Zone”. There are “No Ride / No Fly lists” which are extrajudicial, secret, and form a guilty-until-proven innocent framework that subverts freedom instead of protecting it.

Oh, Big Brother is alive and well in the United States.  North Korea must be truly envious.  Consider a “See Something/Say Something program” which goes beyond the already high-tech surveillance apparatus of the NSA and turns each of us into an unpaid employee of the police state similar to what the East German Stasi did to their citizens.  America is a networked land of web cameras and surveillance proliferating like a wildfire.  Along with it is the insidious data mining, recording all your phone conversations, all your web searches, all your emails, and all without your consent.  Or, consider the “helpful” agencies, like the FDA.  An FDA, which has near-total food control and usually renders anything healthy as toxic, and all that is toxic as healthy, and does insane shit like jailing folks who buy raw milk.

Literally there are tens of thousands of regulations which literally invade every facet of society, whereby it has been said that almost all of us commit three felonies per day.  And every violation of these laws will be met with the full force and fury of the State which promises fines, penalties, forfeiture of properties, or imprisonment.

Does any of this even remotely resemble a representative democracy, or does it sound more like a dictatorship? Answer me.  Is America a land where people can live in freedom?

Project SIGMA is the project which first established communications with the aliens and is still responsible for communications.  

Project PLATO is the project responsible for Diplomatic relations with the aliens. This project secured a formal treaty (illegal under the Constitution) with the aliens. The terms were that the aliens would give us technology. In return we agreed to keep their presence on earth a secret, not to interfere in any way with their actions, and to allow them to abduct humans and animals. The aliens agreed to furnish MJ-12 with a list of abductees on a periodic basis.  

MAJIC is the security classification and clearance of all alien connected material, projects, and information. MAJIC means MAJI controlled.  

Project AQUARIUS is a project which compiled the history of alien presence and their interaction with Homo Sapiens upon this planet for the last 25,000 years and culminating with the Basque people who live in the mountainous country on the border of France and Spain and the Syrians.  

Project GARNET is the project responsible for control of all information and documents regarding this subject and accountability of the information and documents.  

Project PLUTO is a project to evaluate all UFO/IAC information pertaining to space technology.  

Project POUNCE is the project formed to recover all downed/crashed craft and aliens.  

Project REDLIGHT is the project to test fly recovered alien craft. It is conducted at AREA 51 (DREAMLAND) in Nevada. It was aided when the aliens gave us craft and helped us fly them. The initial project was somewhat successful in that we flew a recovered craft but it blew up in the air and the pilots were killed. The project was suspended at that time until the aliens agreed to help us.  

Project SNOWBIRD was established as a cover for Project REDLIGHT. Several flying saucer type craft were built using conventional technology. They were unveiled to the press and flown in front of the press. The purpose was to explain accidental sightings or disclosure of REDLIGHT as having been the SNOWBIRD craft. 

Please refer to Project 1794.

LUNA Base is the alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo Astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as MOTHERSHIPS exist there.  

NRO is the National Recon Organization based at Fort Carson, Colorado. It is responsible for security for all alien or alien craft connected projects.  

DELTA is the designation for the specific arm of the NRO which is especially trained and tasked with security of these projects.  

Project JOSHUA is a project to develop a low frequency pulsed sound generating weapon. It was said that this weapon would be effective against the alien craft and beam weapons.  

EXCALIBUR is a weapon to destroy the alien underground bases. It is to be a missile capable of penetrating 1000 meters of Tufa/hard packed soil such as that found in New Mexico with no operational damage. Missile apogee not to exceed 30,000 feet AGL and impact must not deviate in excess of 50 meters from designated target. The device will carry a 1 megaton nuclear warhead.  

ALIENS there were 4 types of aliens mentioned in the papers.  [1] A large nosed grey with whom we have the treaty, the [2] Grey (extraterrestrial) reported in abductee cases that works for the large nosed grey, [3] a blond human like type described as the NORDIC, (and) a red haired human like type called the ORANGE.  The home of the aliens were described as being a star in the Constellation of Orion, Barnards star, and Zeta Riticuli 1&2. I cannot remember even under hypnosis which alien belongs to which star.  

EBE is the name or designation given to the live alien captured at the 1947 Roswell crash. He died in captivity

KRLL(or KRLLL or CRLL or CRLLL) pronounced Crill or Krill was the hostage left with us at the first Holloman landing as a pledge that the aliens would carry out their part of the basic agreement reached during that meeting. KRLL gave us the foundation of the yellow book which was completed by the guests at a later date. KRLL became sick and was nursed by Dr. G. Mendoza who became the expert on alien biology and medicine. KRLL later died. His information was disseminated under the pseudonym O.H. Cril or Crill. 

GUESTS were aliens exchanged for humans who gave us the balance of the Yellow Book. At the time I saw the information there were only 3 left alive. They were called (ALF's) Alien Life Forms. 

RELIGION The aliens claim to have created Homo Sapiens through hybridization. The papers said that RH- blood was proof of this. They further claimed to have created all of our major religions. They showed a hologram of the crucifixion of Christ which the Government filmed. They claim that Jesus was created by them.  

ALIEN BASES exist in the four corners area of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada. Six bases were described in the 1972 papers, all on Indian reservations and all in the four corners area. The base near Dulce was one of them.  

MURDER The documents stated that many military and government personnel had been terminated (murdered without due process of law) when they had attempted to reveal the secret.  

CRAFT RECOVERIES The documents stated that many craft had been recovered. The early ones from Roswell, Aztec, Roswell again, Texas, Mexico, and other places.  

GENERAL DOOLITTLE made a prediction that one day we would have to reckon with the aliens and the document stated that it appeared that General Doolittle was correct.  

ABDUCTIONS were occurring long before 1972. The document stated that humans and animals were being abducted and or mutilated. Many vanished without a trace. They were taking sperm and ova samples, tissue, performed surgical operations, implanted a spherical device 40 to 80 microns in size near the optic nerve in the brain and all attempts to remove it resulted in the death of the patient. The document estimated that 1 in every 40 people had been implanted. This implant was said to give the aliens total control of that human. 

This is a standard device. All MAJestic members are implanted with this device.

CONTINGENCY PLAN should the information become public or should the aliens attempt a takeover. This plan called for a public announcement that a terrorist group had entered the United States with an Atomic weapon. It would be announced that the terrorists planned to detonate the weapon in a major city.  Martial Law would be declared and all persons with implants would be rounded up along with all dissidents and would be placed into concentration camps. The press, radio, and TV would be nationalized and controlled. Anyone attempting to resist would be arrested or killed.  

CONTINGENCY PLAN to contain or delay release of informationThis plan called for the use of MAJESTIC TWELVE as a disinformation ploy to delay and confuse the release of information should anyone get close to the truth. It was selected because of the similarity of spelling and the similarity to MJ-12. It was designed to confuse memory and to result in a fruitless search for material which did not exist. 

The source of the material was an ONI counter intelligence operation against MJ-12 in order for the Navy to find out the truth of what was really going on. The Navy (at that time or at least the Navy that I worked for) were not participants in any of this.  The different services and the government conduct this type of operation against each other all the time. The result of this operation was that the Navy cut themselves in for a piece of the action (technology) and control of some projects.

International Scope

Apparently, (some claim that) it is no longer a wholly American organization.  They have made the claim that in 1962, MJ-12 was taken over from U.S. Government control by the UN Security Council.  While I really doubt that this even remotely accurate, sources indicate that this occurred through a secret UN Security Council Resolution.  They state, in effect that it transformed MJ-12 into an international “autonomous” secret organization with members culled from different countries.  MJ-12’s present and ongoing mandate has been to manage “extraterrestrials”, the public’s awareness about them, and to control access to “alien” technology.

I do not believe this at all.  I believe that MAJestic was, and still is a wholly American organization.

Once the MJ-12 documents were exposed to the public, there was a whirlwind of activity.  On one hand, there was a “containment” effort by the NRO/ On the other hand were all kinds of fraudsters, and tricksters trying to use the medium to obtain their own objectives.

Now, the Internet and books, offer all kinds of nonsense regarding MAJestic. Some of which are (inadvertently) reproduced here in this manuscript.

MAJestic is a deep embedded organization that is organized as a “carve out”. Most of the members are American. Everyone within MAJestic operate as three-man cells. Only the highest levels of the organization know each other outside of a cell structure.

Technical research and reverse engineering efforts are conducted outside the organization as much as possible. Those individuals have a MAJ designation, but are not part of the organization. The actual organization membership is severely limited and culled regularly.

How to Tell

Here is the quick and dirty way to see if a person is actually who they say they are. Here is the definitive method for determining if they really were or are in MAJestic.

  1. All MAJestic members have a military background.
  2. All MAJestic members have an extraterrestrial device placed behind the optic center in the skull. It can be viewed in a MRI.
  3. All MAJestic members have at least Core Kit #1 embedded inside their brain. This consists of a minimum of three tiny BB sized probes or implants. They can be viewed in a MRI.
  4. All MAJestic members who have extraterrestrial-access has a science or technology degree of a minimum of four years.
  5. All MAJestic members who have MWI access have at least a Core Kit #2 probe kit which will consist of seven (x7) BB sized probes inside their skull. They can be viewed in a MRI.
  6. All MAJestic members are retired after 30 years of activity within the organization. They are retired under the Sex Offender registry so that they can be monitored.

Anyone who cannot verify these conditions should be considered of questionable validity.

Two Part Post

This post comes in two separate articles, due to the relative size of it.


  • MAJestic was a program that centralized the collection and all matters related to extraterrestrial issues on the Earth.
  • MAJestic no longer exists.
  • MAJestic has been re-tasked into something different, it now serves other purposes.
  • There is all kinds of information on the internet regarding MAJestic. Much of it is suspect.


Q: Is the United States evil for having secrets?
A: No. Absolutely not. MAJestic was established at a time when we had just finished a horrible, simply horrible war. The terrors of nuclear weapons were fresh on our minds, and suddenly we discovered that there were extraterrestrials moving freely in and out of our territories. We were naturally concerned and horrified. The President rightly and correctly set the organization up and got it running properly. It HAD to be kept a secret. Least public opinion would force the hand of the United States government and cause us to do something regrettable.

Q: What is the current status of MAJestic?
A: The organization has been disbanded. It has been replaced by another system. For the most part it lies outside of the United States government. All programs have either been shut down or evolved into something else entirely.

Q: Will the government ever disclose information about MAJestic?
A: No, the government will not. Nor will any active members either. This disclosure is all that you are ever going to get, and this disclosure is not for the “mainstream” reader. It is designed for a select and limited group of individuals only. The content, while I supposedly author it, is actually directed and controlled by our extraterrestrial benefactors.

Q: What is the profile of a person who this disclosure is directed towards?
A: Honestly, I don’t really know. Our extraterrestrial benefactors really think differently than we do.  Apparently humans minds process thoughts differently from each other. How it is processed results in variances in our realities. Certain individuals can process information in unique ways, and this information when read by these certain individuals will result in some positive outcomes. At least positive towards the objectives of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

Q: What happened to the MAJestic membership?
A: They were retired and put into state monitoring programs. All MAJestic members must be monitored. We all are connected to an extraterrestrial hive mind as we have probes inside of our bodies.

Q: What is going on with MAJestic now?
A: It is disbanded. There are various programs that operate as carve-outs and they are not part of the United States government. The great degree of secrecy is no longer necessary. Systems are now securely in place to control the American population and control the way they think and view matters that arise.

Q: How can you tell if a person was in MAJestic?
A: Have them get an MRI. They look like average people on the outside, but we all have devices inside our skulls.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

What I miss from my original World-Line.

Here is a really short post.

Here are some things that I miss from my original world-line before I got all tangled up in MAJestic. It is in no particular order. It is all meaningless to the reader anyways. Here’s just some quick notes.

If you want to lecture me on the belief that the MWI is unproven, please don’t waste your time. If you only knew 10% of what I experienced, you would think differently. Anyways, with all that in mind, so here goes…

  • Sentences had two spaces after the period. Here on this world-line all the sentences look all bunched together and cluttered. I was taught that there was two spaces after every period and one space after a comma. It might seem like a little thing, but it drives me absolutely bonkers!
  • Songs are somewhat different. For instance, the song by Queen “We are the Champions” ended with “…of the world”. However on this world-line it doesn’t end that way. Which makes it really difficult to reconcile my memories when I was at a kegger in my Senior Year, and I was singing the song with my buddies. For us, the highlight of the song was “Of the World”, and we would always sing it loudly and beat our chests with our fists. Ha. I guess this world-line is “attitude lite”.
  • Breakfast egg and toast meal served with pork and beans. Here on this world line it is served with potatoes. Friggin’ potatoes!
Real breakfast.
I was raised with full egg breakfasts with toast and pork and beans. Today all through the states breakfasts are served with hash browns. Even in Howard Johnson’s of all places!
  • Howard Johnson Automats. On this world line, you have McDonald’s and other similar fast food restaurants. These are the popular places to go to get food fast. Now, my original world-line actually had restaurants too, maybe even had a McDonald’s as well. The closest thing that I remember to a McDonald’s was a “Big Boy”. However, by far, the most common way of getting “fast food” was by using an automat. It was faster. We ate better and had a better selection of food to choose from.
On my original world-line, automats were the preferred way of eating “fast” lunches. It was preferred over a fast food burger. There were restaurants that served fast food, but they were no where as popular as they are on this world-line.
  • Brands are slightly different. For instance, I ate Jiffy peanut butter and used White-Out. Not  “Jif peanut butter” and “Wite-out”. Many other brands have minor changes to their appearance. Such as the cheese that I used to eat with my father. It came in a flat circular box and had maybe eight triangular sections of cheese, each individually wrapped. Back then, the cow on the logo had a nose ring, but in this world-line the nose ring is missing. Not a biggie, but can make you question your sanity if you didn’t know better. I guess the biggest change is that on my parent world-line we drank Moxie more than Coke and Pepsi. Today, I don’t even know if Moxie exists on this world-line.
  • Dates are different. Here, if you want to say the 24th of June, 2018 you would write it as 6-24-2018. However, on my original world-line we wrote it as 24-6-2018. Military dates are the same.
  • Geopolitical Landscape is Different. In my original world-line the United States administered Panama as a US territory. After I joined MAJestic, not only was it was a separate nation, but we actually fought a war there and gave the Panama Canal to the Chinese to administer!
  • Traffic Lights are now backwards. Here, in this world-line, the colors of the traffic lights are red, yellow, and green (top to bottom). However, the traffic lights were different as being green, yellow, red (top to bottom). Again, it’s a curious difference, and in the big picture, quite meaningless.
  • There were more sidewalks. For some reason, one that I cannot reconcile, it just seems that the United States is designed for people in cars. It isn’t designed for people to walk. Sure there are older communities in Boston and Chicago that have sidewalks, but many of the newer construction projects view sidewalks as an expensive afterthought. New homes have lawns without sidewalks. On my world-line this situation would never exist. Even small towns had sidewalks.
  • Fondue was much more popular. While I will admit that fondue was never a staple of the American diet, we did eat it often enough. I would say that we had it maybe once a month. On this world-line, apparently it is a once in a decade occurrence.
  • Cats had wings. I know that this sounds really strange, but there was a high percentage of cats with wings. Maybe one in five cats had this feature. It really wasn’t feathered wings, but rather a big flap of skin behind the forearms covered in hair. The cats would climb up in a tree and glide down to get their prey. Here, on this world-line it is not at all common. You see an occasional sighting and Wikipedia states that this is “hogwash”, that it is “just” matted hair.
Winged Cat
WINGED PUSS GETS IN A FLAP. This mischievous cat has obviously spent too much time chasing birds . Ha! he’s grown a pair of furry wings! The one-year-old tom sprouted two flaps on his back after being hassled by females during a spell of hot weather in the village of Luzhou, in China’s Sichuan Province. Animal experts say the harmless growths are down to gene mutation. (ZN/WN) Credit: (Mandatory): WENN
  • Tuna Fish Sandwiches are different. We used to have tuna fish sandwiches made of tuna, mayonnaise, and pineapple. Today it is typically made the same way only the pineapple has been replaced with celery. In a like way, potato salad also had pineapple in it. On this world-line pineapple doesn’t seem to be added to that many dishes, though it actually is added to pizza of all things!

There is nothing really earth-shattering in any of this. World-line travel and / or personal migration is a natural occurrence. We migrate our individual realities though our thoughts. We share the template from which our realities are derived from. World-line travel enables us to alter that template.

The larger the deviance from your fated reality, the greater the divergence in your soul’s quantum organization. It’s all planned towards optimization. It’s planned so that our individual souls can advance and better themselves.

So we’ve got to be careful.

Now, for the sentience objectives to be realized, we have to have a dimensional anchoring effect that sets us in a reality where potatoes are served with breakfasts instead of baked beans. I know that it doesn’t seem to make much sense. Well, here you are. Though. It’s the “butterfly effect” for certain.

There is a saying in China. “There are many different ways to go to Beijing.” Perhaps living on a world-line with pineapple on pizza will have the same objectives as a different world-line with different (other) changes. Maybe this world-line is the closest anchored line to achieve our mutually defined objectives.

Anyways, world-line travel is not about entering and leaving other realities for purposes of wonderment and adventure. It is about stability and optimizing the configuration of our soul. Else, we risk discordant alignments and all kind of nightmarish problems. Good thing we have our extraterrestrial benefactors looking out for us. Eh?

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

How to tell if someone is in MAJestic (Part One)

You know, if you are trying to find out the “truth” you, as an American, will naturally gravitate towards Google to provide answers. And behold! There are the answers! There is only ONE truth, it is the “official” truth, and interspersed within that truth are the most ridiculous claims. Here we have people pretending to be secret agents and whistle-blowers talking about reptilians and grand conspiracies involving such things as statues on Mars, and grand orbiting American space fleets.

Please, give me a friggin’ break.

The truth is that the United States government has a very sophisticated system in place regarding secrecy.  No longer are secrets handled by oaths, and promises. It is controlled by memory controlling implants and supported by a very wide censoring organization. This is OLD technology and has been in place since the 1960’s. Good golly!

No longer are they classified only as “confidential” and “top secret”.  For those are just general classification groupings.  Instead, they are classified as “access to information” programs.  Alternatively, in other words; Access Programs that are Special.  There are many levels and types of access programs, and this chapter deals with the subject in some level of detail. 

Top Secret Folder from the Television show the X-files
Here is a photo showing a fictional “Top Secret” folder from the American television series “The X Files”. I really like how it is stamped with the term “X-Files” on it. LOL.

This is a subject that must be covered, as the entire program, that I was a member of was part of this system.  Thus to understand my story, one must understand the system…

Two Part Post

This post comes in two separate articles, due to the relatively large size of it. You are here in the first part.


This is “Red Pill” type stuff. You do not need to read it to live your life in happiness. Go and eat a nice steak and enjoy it.


Special Access Programs (SAP)

(SAP programs are) “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress”.

-A 1997 US Senate report

The reader, like all typical Americans, know about “secret government programs”.  Indeed, the three-tier standard government security clearance levels are well known: confidential, secret and top secret. While at NAS China Lake we used that system, as does all contractors, by a color coded system.

DOD security clearances include: 

Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret SCI, Top Secret EBI, Top Secret Poly, Top Secret Full Scope, TS/EBI, TS/SBI, TS/SCI, SCI accesses, ISSA Lifestyle Poly, Top Secret SSBI, Top Secret CISP, Top Secret SAP, TS/SSBI, Top Secret SCI full scope polygraph, Top Secret STN TS/STN, DOE Q, DOE L, DOJ-NACI. 

Top Secret clearance is reported collectively as one category for our purposes.

However just having a clearance at one of these levels does not automatically give access to any information at that level. There must  be a demonstrable “need to know” in order to be briefed or read in on a given project, program, facility or intelligence product.   There are thousands of “Top Secret” programs.  Does a person in one “top secret” program have access to another “Top Secret” program?  No., of course not.  Each program is identified by a specific identifier and only those assigned to that identifier can access it.

This system seems to work pretty well. With the exception being the Clinton’s and their HUGE criminal enterprise.

The problem with this system is that there are people and organizations outside the program that might know of the existence of the program.  (Therefore, how can they be actually and ultimately “secret”?)

These people generally include the elected Congress and Senators who rotate in and out of government circles and are highly subject to compromise in various forms.

In fact, I urge the reader NEVER to trust an elected official.  They have already been compromised.  

Which is why the MAJestic organization DOES NOT include elected officials in the organization.  

There are exceptions, of course, but typically Democrats (and a significant number of Republicans) are routinely disbarred from ever joining MAJestic.

That knowledge by those people is dangerous in that it comprises the program at its most fundamental level.  Therefore this system is merely the “white” side of the security system.

“The public interest in disclosure is far outweighed by the sensitive nature of the materials and the obvious effect on national security their release may well entail.”

-Gerhart Gessell , Federal Judge,  when explaining why the government would not release any information regarding UFO’s.

Some background on this particular quote is in order…

In a period of time ranging somewhere between 1975 and 1979, Peter Gersten, a lawyer representing CAUS (the Citizens Against UFO Secrecy) sued the NSA. He did so after its refusal to release requested files via FOIA ( the Freedom Of Information Act). You know, under law, a FOIA must be obeyed.

In 1980, the chief of the Policy Office for the agency, Eugene Yeates, sent a document larger than 20 pages to Gerhart Gessell.

Gerhart Gessell was the Federal Judge who was overseeing this particular case, explaining why the files in question must remain classified. 

This is known as the Yeates Affidavit. 

But, this document; his explanation, was classified as well.  The judge was not authorized to read the actual content of the files, but the letter itself convinced him.

There has to be a system that controls “outside” knowledge of the secret programs from everyone else. Lest someone might discover the presence of such programs.  Therefore, there is a massive secret “black” system in place to control this aspect of secrecy.

The existence of which is known while the details (naturally) are deeply hidden.

For a publicly available overview see the Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy: 1997, chaired by Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senate Document 105-2. 

See also the report In Search of the Pentagon's billion dollar hidden budgets by Bill Sweetman, North American editor for the British publication Jane's Defense Weekly, from which much of the material has been condensed from.

This structure has been described (by some) as a “shadow military” existing in parallel with open or overtly classified programs. It is designed for programs considered to be too sensitive for normal classification measures.

MAJestic is considered too sensitive for normal classification measures.

These programs are called Special Access Programs (SAPs). They are protected by a security system of great complexity. Many of the SAPs are located outside the United States government. Instead they are located within (private) industry funded through special contracts.

Consider about how SAP’s are handled in upper level email chains. Here is an example that is from an article on what was found on the emails that were removed from the State Department by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton;

“The agents also found seven email chains on her servers that were select access privilege, or SAP. 

SAP emails cannot be received, opened or sent without knowing what they are, as a special alphanumeric code, one that changes continually, must be requested and employed in order to do so. 

SAP is so secret that the FBI agents investigating Clinton lacked access to the code.

Under arrangements called “carve-outs” such programs and funds become removed from the usual security and contract-oversight organizations.   We know, for example, that in 1997 there were at least 150 SAPs.

Levels of SAP

“The way things are supposed to work is that we’re supposed to know virtually everything about what [government officials] do: that’s why they’re called public servants.

They’re supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that’s why we’re called private individuals. 

This dynamic - the hallmark of a healthy and free society - has been radically reversed. 

Now, they know everything about what we do, and are constantly building systems to know more. 

Meanwhile, we know less and less about what they do, as they build walls of secrecy behind which they function. 

That’s the imbalance that needs to come to an end. 

No democracy (We are a Republic, not a Democracy, Glenn.) can be healthy and functional if the most consequential acts of those who wield political power are completely unknown to those to whom they are supposed to be accountable.”  

-Glenn Greenwald

There are also levels of SAP, the first being a division into acknowledged and unacknowledged SAPs.

This is not the arcane language of the cleared cognoscenti.  No, that is the domain of bureaucrats and politicians.  They have their own interesting language and nomenclature.  Perhaps the reader is aware of such arcane trivia; 

TOP SECRET, as the name implies, is the highest official classification level in the U.S. government, defined as information whose unauthorized release “could cause exceptionally grave damage to national security or foreign relations.”

SI refers to Special Intelligence, meaning it is information derived from intercepted communications. This is the business of the National Security Agency (NSA), America’s single biggest source of intelligence. They’re the guys who eavesdrop on phone calls, map who’s calling who, and comb through emails. 

SCI stands for Sensitive Compartmented Information. SI is a subset of what the intelligence community calls Sensitive Compartmented Information or SCI. These materials always require special handling and protection. 

SCIF is the place where SCI are kept. Indeed, SCI are to be kept in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility or SCIF, which is a special hardened room that is safe from both physical and electronic intrusion. 

TK refers to Talent Keyhole, which is an IC caveat indicating that the classified material was obtained via satellite. 

NOFORN, as the name implies, means that the materials can only be shown to Americans, not to foreigners. 

As an example; Information at the “TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN” level is considered exceptionally highly classified and must be handled with great care under penalty of serious consequences for mishandling. 

Every person who is cleared and “read on” for access to such information signs reams of paperwork and receives detailed training about how it is to be handled, no exceptions—and what the consequences will be if the rules are not followed.

All SAP’s can be classified into belonging into one type or the other.  These types are “acknowledged” and “unacknowledged”.

What the point here is whether it will EVER be admitted that this program exists.  An “acknowledged” program, can and might eventually be recognized as a program of importance to various people.

However, an “unacknowledged” program never will be recognized as existing at all.  It never; ever will be.  It will forever be kept secret and the members will keep the knowledge of it’s existence to their graves.

  • A “Black Program” is slang for a SAP. (SAP).
  • A “Deep Black Program” is slang for an unacknowledged SAP. (U-SAP).
  • A “Blank Stare” is what you get when you are trying to find information on any program that is more secret than a U-SAP. These programs are so secret that they are waived from all reporting and has no slang designation. (W(U)-SAP)

An unacknowledged SAP is so sensitive that its very existence is a “core secret.” Indeed, some unacknowledged SAPs are so sensitive to the extent that they are “waived” (a technical term) from the normal management and oversight protocols.  My program; the one that I was in was a “waived” unacknowledged Special Access Program. I tend to refer to this as a W(U)-SAP, but this is my own nomenclature.

If you deal with extraterrestrials, then you will be part of a SAP. The level of participation will necessitate your security classification. All MAJestic programs and sub-programs are U-SAP by default.

Appropriations Committee
The funding Appropriations committee that oversees the funding for Special Access Programs, SAP such as what falls under the MAJestic umbrella.

Indeed, even members of Congress on appropriations committees (the Senate and House committees that allocate budgets) and intelligence committees are not allowed to know anything about these programs.

In the case of a waived SAP, only eight (8) members of Congress (the chairs and ranking minority members of the four defense committees) are even notified that a given program has been waived (without being told anything about the nature of the program). Such a program is certainly a deep black program.

Talking about all this secrecy… I mean, is it really necessary? I thought that the point of our Republic was to have an open and free society, not one run by the wealthy over the public in secret. To keep things in perspective, let’s step back and consider some history.

All of this secrecy is the direct result of the election of Woodrow Wilson. Here, let’s step back and look at the bigger picture and how historical conditions set up situations for a president (Woodrow Wilson) to set in place conditions for the establishment of a dictatorship of the oligarchy (or plutocracy / aristocracy).

Let’s digress for a minute or two;

In the aftermath of World War I, President Woodrow Wilson set out to make the world “safe for democracy”. 

(This guy, by the way, was a "closet communist".)

Since then, U.S. Presidents have marched to the drumbeat of Wilsonian idealism. Indeed, most U.S. foreign policy is carried out under the pretext, and in some cases perhaps the genuine belief, that America is delivering democracy to the rest of the world.

Most people, including most Americans, would be surprised to learn that the word “democracy” does not appear in the Declaration of Independence (1776) or the Constitution of the United States of America (1789). 

They would also be shocked to learn the reason for the absence of the word democracy in the founding documents of the U.S.A.

Contrary to what propaganda has led the public to believe, America’s Founding Fathers were extremely skeptical and anxious about democracy. 

They were aware of the evils that accompany a tyranny of the majority. 

The Framers of the Constitution went to great lengths to ensure that the federal government was NOT based on the will of the majority and was not, therefore, democratic.

With this in mind, the Constitution divided the federal government into legislative, executive and judicial branches. 

Each branch was designed to check the power of the other branches. The Founders did not want to rely only on the voters to check government power. As a result, citizens were given very little power to select federal officials.

Further, neither the President, nor members of the judiciary, nor the Senate were elected by direct popular vote. Only the members of the House of Representatives were directly elected by popular vote. Even in this case, the franchise was quite restricted.

If the Framers of the Constitution did not embrace democracy, what did they adhere to? 

To a man, the Framers agreed that the purpose of government was to secure citizens in John Locke’s trilogy of the rights to life, liberty and property. The Framers wrote extensively and eloquently.

On property, for example, John Adams wrote;

“the moment the idea is admitted into society, that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”

The Founders’ actions often spoke even louder than their words. Alexander Hamilton, a distinguished lawyer, took on many famous cases out of principle. 

After the Revolutionary War, the state of New York enacted harsh measures against Loyalists and British subjects. 

These included the Confiscation Act (1779), the Citation Act (1782) and the Trespass Act (1783).

All involved the taking of property. 

In Hamilton’s view, these Acts illustrated the inherent difference between democracy and the law. Even though the Acts were widely popular, they flouted fundamental principles of property law. 

Hamilton carried his views into action and successfully defended — in the face of enormous public hostility — those who had property taken under these three New York state statutes.

The Constitution was designed to further the cause of liberty, NOT democracy.

To do that, the Constitution protected individuals’ rights from the government, as well as from their fellow citizens. 

To that end, the Constitution laid down clear, unequivocal and enforceable rules to protect individuals’ rights. 

In consequence, BOTH the government’s scope and scale were strictly limited. 

Economic liberty, which is a precondition for growth and prosperity, was enshrined in the Constitution.

After European settlement, America consisted of thirteen English colonies. They benefited from a rather light administration from London and salutary neglect. This contrasted with the French colonies, which were controlled from Paris, and the Spanish colonies, which had entire institutional superstructures imposed from Spain.

Everything did not go well in the American colonies, however. One major colonial problem centered on money. 

Officially, British silver coins were the coin of the realm in America. But there were problems. The Navigation Acts prohibited the export of silver coins from England. There was also a prohibition against any of the colonies establishing mints. 

As a result, there was an endemic shortage of silver coins in the colonies. To fill this large gap, bills of credit were issued and circulated freely during the first half of the eighteenth century.

This resulted in high inflation, which forced most of the colonies to abandon fixed exchange rates and a specific standard. Things finally deteriorated to such an extent that the British Board of Trade imposed the Currency Acts of 1751 and 1764. 

These acts prohibited the issuance and use of bills of credit not fully backed by specie. 

The prohibitions against paper money created an enormous source of resentment in the colonies. Coupled with the better-known Stamp Act of 1765, the prohibitions on bills of credit set the stage for the Declaration of Independence and the ensuing Revolutionary War.

The Revolutionary War added to America’s money problems. 

The best estimates place the cost of the Revolutionary War at about 15 to 20 percent of the colonies’ GNP. Roughly 85 percent of it was financed with fiat money. During the 1775-80 period, annual inflation was about 65 percent. Subsequently — and prior to the Constitutional Convention (1787) — the economic situation was one in which individual states increased taxes and regulations dramatically and money remained unstable. 

In addition, there was a great deal of political corruption and scandal. And to top it off, the economy was in a general slump which was punctuated by the crisis of 1787.

As a reaction to the overall political-economic situation, the Constitutional Convention convened in 1787 in Philadelphia. 

In due course, the Constitution was crafted and ratified in 1789. It is a short, clear, intelligible document. The Constitution’s preamble contains only 52 words which are followed by seven short articles and ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights (1791).

The original Constitution established the rule of law and limited government. 

It is noteworthy that about 20 percent of the Constitution itemizes things that the federal and state governments may not do, while only 10 percent of the Constitution is concerned with positive grants of power. 

In total, the legitimate powers granted by the Constitution were less than those that had existed. The bulk of the Constitution — about 70 percent — addresses the Framers’ conception of their main task: to bring the United States and its government under the rule of law.

The Constitution is primarily a structural and procedural document that itemizes who is to exercise power and how they are to exercise it. A great deal of stress is placed on the separation of powers and the checks and balances in the system. 

These were not a Cartesian construct or formula aimed at social engineering, but a shield to protect the people from the government. In short, the Constitution was designed to govern the government, not the people.

The Bill of Rights establishes the rights of the people against infringements by the State. 

The only thing that the citizens can demand from the State, under the Bill of Rights, is for a trial by a jury. 

The rest of the citizens’ rights are protections from the State. 

For roughly a century after the Constitution was ratified, private property, contracts and free internal trade within the United States were sacred. The scope and scale of the government remained very constrained. All this was very consistent with what was understood to be liberty.

A remark about the Framers and the public is in order. 

There were 55 Framers and 35 had attended college. The college entry standards in those days were very high and strict. At the age of 14 or 15, the normal college entry age, students were required to be fluent in both Latin and Greek and proficient in the Classics. They were skilled at the art of rhetoric and were keenly aware of the necessity of garnering public support for their constitutional project. For the Framers, policies needed to be developed from the bottom up.

At the time, Americans were literate and well informed, via pamphlets and manuscripts, about the political debates of the day. 

There were four times as many newspapers in the United States as there were in France, which was the center of continental thinking and debate on many constitutional and philosophic matters. 

The Federalist Papers were published in 1787 and 1788 in New York City’s Independent Journal, an ordinary newspaper. 

These important essays — written under pseudonyms by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay — were of very high quality and set the stage for the Constitutional Convention and the resulting product. 

In passing, it is worth mentioning that Hamilton organized this project, wrote most of the essays, and of all the Founding Fathers, performed most of the intellectual work for the least historical credit. 

That said, two notable economists have given Hamilton his due. 

Lionel Robbins thought the Federalist Papers were “the best book on political science and its broad practical aspects written in the last thousand years.” 

And if that were not enough, Milton Friedman wrote in 1973 that Federalist Paper 15, written by Hamilton, “contains a more cogent analysis of the European Common Market than any I have seen from the pen of a modern writer.”

After the Constitution was ratified and George Washington was elected President, the new federal government lacked credibility. 

Public finances hung like a threatening cloud over the government. Recall that paper money and debt were innovations of the colonial era, and that once the Revolutionary War began, Americans used these innovations to the maximum. 

As a result, the United States was born in a sea of debt. 

A majority of the public favored a debt default. Alexander Hamilton, acting as Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury, was firmly against default. As a matter of principle, he argued that the sanctity of contracts was the foundation of all morality. And as a practical matter, Hamilton argued that good government depended on its ability to fulfill its promises.

Hamilton won the argument and set about digging the country out of its financial debacle. 

Among other things, Hamilton was — what would today be called — a first-class financial engineer. He established a federal sinking fund to finance the Revolutionary War debt. He also engineered a large debt swap in which the debts of individual states were assumed by the newly created federal government. 

By August 1791, federal bonds sold above par in Europe, and by 1795, all foreign debts had been paid off. Hamilton’s solution for America’s debt problem provided the country with a credibility and confidence shock.

The state of economic affairs in the United States, roughly until World War I, was in the spirit of the Constitution. 

The economy flourished, with large increases in labor and capital inputs as well as strong productivity growth. There was, of course, one near fatal interruption during this period: the Civil War. 

The war consumed 15 to 20 percent of GNP, about the same proportion as during the Revolutionary War. 

War finance was somewhat similar in the Confederacy (the South) as it was during the Revolutionary War. About 60 percent of the financing for the southern effort was paper money. The North also resorted to fiat money financing, but at only a 13 percent rate. Consequently, there was an inflationary surge.

In addition to the major disruption caused by the Civil War, it is worth mentioning one major anomaly in the U.S. economy: lands owned by the federal, as well as state and local, governments.

Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, wanted to sell the public lands as fast as possible. 

This did not happen. In consequence, the government still owns a huge amount of real estate. Its surface area is about six times larger than the total area of France. This is a stateowned enterprise. As you might expect, it is also unproductive. Detailed studies of SOE lands indicate that they are only about 25-30 percent as productive as comparable private ones.

America’s SOE lands have been the center of repeated debates about the free market system in the United States. 

Indeed, the American Economic Association put itself at the center of one of these debates. One, possibly the major, motivation for establishing the American Economic Association was as a protest against laissez-faire attitudes in the United States. 

Not surprisingly, the May 1885 American Economic Review contains three papers justifying the retention of government-owned timberlands!

On the eve of World War I, government expenditures were less than 2 percent of GNP and 99 percent of the population paid no income tax. 

The income tax had just been introduced, but the top rate was only 7 percent and applied to incomes exceeding $500,000. The federal government had around 400,000 employees, less than 1 percent of the labor force. About 165,000 troops were on active duty. No federal regulations of capital or labor markets existed. Agricultural production and distribution were also unregulated.

There was no minimum wage rate and no social security. One area where there was a rather aggressive interference in the economy concerned the rates and tariffs that the railroads charged.

Antitrust was also strong.

The conflagration of World War I marks a violent break with the letter and spirit of the Constitution. Property rights were suspended on a large scale. There were wide-scale nationalizations of rail, telephone, telegraph and to a lesser degree ocean shipping. 

Over 100 manufacturing plants were nationalized. The government got involved in labor-management relations under the Adams Act in 1916. 

Conscription was instituted. The Espionage Act was passed in 1917. The Sedition Act of 1918 imposed penalties for anti-government expression, subverting the Bill of Rights. 

The novelist, Upton Sinclair was actually arrested for reading the Bill of Rights and Roger Baldwin, one of the founders of the American Civil Liberties Union, was arrested for reading the Constitution. 

President Woodrow Wilson accomplished all this under emergency powers granted to him by Congress in 1916.

Much of this anti-Constitutional apparatus was scrapped after World War I. However, residues remained and eventually resurfaced. 

It didn't take much. 

In fact, all it took were other national emergencies — the Great Depression, World War II, the Vietnam War, and so on. With each, laws were enacted, bureaus created and the budgets enlarged. 

In many cases, these changes turned out to be permanent. The result is that crises acted as a ratchet, shifting the trend line of government size and scope up to a higher level.

The most often stated cause of the Great Depression is the October 1929 stock market crash. Little is further from the truth. The Great Depression was caused by a massive government failure led by the Federal Reserve's rapid 25 percent contraction of the money supply.

The next government failure was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, which increased U.S. tariffs by more than 50 percent. Those failures were compounded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal legislation.

Leftists love to praise New Deal interventionist legislation. But FDR's very own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, saw the folly of the New Deal, writing:

"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. ... We have never made good on our promises. ... I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started ... and an enormous debt to boot!"

The bottom line is that the Federal Reserve Board, the Smoot-Hawley tariffs and Roosevelt's New Deal policies turned what would have been a two, three- or four-year sharp downturn into a 16-year affair.)

It comes as no surprise that governments spend more money and regulate more actively during crises — wars and economic bailouts are expensive and complicated. But a more active government also attracts opportunists, who perceive that a national emergency can serve as a useful pretext for achieving their own objectives.

The U.S. and other countries seem no more aware of this today than they were in the past. 

And yet history has provided many examples to illustrate how damaging it is. Take the Great Depression. At that time, the organized farm lobbies, having sought subsidies for decades, took advantage of the crisis to pass a sweeping rescue package, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, whose title declared it to be “an act to relieve the existing national economic emergency.”

Almost 80 years later, the farmers are still sucking money from the rest of society and agricultural policy has been enlarged to satisfy a variety of other interest groups, including conservationists, nutritionists and friends of the Third World. 

Then, during World War II, when government accounted for nearly half the U.S. GDP, virtually every interest group tried to tap into the vastly enlarged government budget. 

Even bureaus seemingly remote from the war effort, such as the Department of the Interior (which is in charge of government lands and natural resources), claimed to be performing “essential war work” and to be entitled to bigger budgets and more personnel.

Within the U.S. government, the war on terrorism has given cover to a multitude of parochial opportunists, whose proposals range from bailing out the airlines to nationalizing vaccine production. 

As a result, former President George W. Bush — a so-called conservative — ushered in a record-setting expansion of government. 

This trend continued with the left-of-center President Obama. And now, populist President Trump promises more of the same.

What lessons can we learn? 

First, “democracy” and “freedom” are not interchangeable words. 

Second, only the first century of the American experience represents a standard for freedom. Expanding democracy is a slogan which requires great caution. It can easily result in elected tyranny. 

Freedom is the concept. 

Our challenge is to persuade every citizen that benefits flow from freedom’s practical applications. Freedom might then flourish in very diverse and unexpected forms in different parts of the world.

Sorry, about the digression. But the United States would not have so many secret program and issues, if they FOLLOWED the Constitution, instead of using it as a method for personal wealth and power.


The number of people with access to multiple SAPs is deliberately very limited.  Most members of a SAP are involved in ONE and ONLY ONE Special Access Program (SAP). Such as myself, I was only involved in one W(U)-SAP.

Please reread that last paragraph.

This virtually assures that hardly anyone knows what is going on in another program.  Which is why my knowledge in all things extraterrestrial is so limited.

Black programs are often covered by white (normal classification system) or unclassified programs.  For instance, the U2 spy-plane was covered by a weather-research aircraft program.  The Roswell crash was also covered by a Weather balloon.  (Such was the mindset in the 1960’s.)

Such covering allows technology to be relatively openly developed until such time as it is ready for application to a black program. The overt cover program is then usually cancelled, having accomplished its purpose.

Indeed, this happened to the X-30 National Aerospace-plane project (NASP) in 1994.   To the media and the public, it appeared to be an unrealistically ambitious program that was eventually cancelled, but was in reality a cover project.

It was highly successful.

The National Aerospace Plane, the X-30. It was an idea of then President Ronald Reagan, and was continuously mocked and ridiculed by the mainstream media as the “Orient Express”. It was wildly successful. It was so successful that it went “black”.
The Rockwell X-30 was an advanced technology demonstrator project for the National Aero-Space Plane (NASP), part of a United States project to create a single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) spacecraft and passenger spaceliner. 

It was cancelled in the early 1990s before a prototype was completed, although much development work in advanced materials and aerospace design was completed. While a goal of a future NASP was a passenger liner capable of two-hour flights from Washington to Tokyo, the X-30 was planned for a crew of two and oriented towards testing.

That narrative and dialog was promoted by the military DARPA and their spokesmen, with the objective being to have the United States media parrot what they wanted everyone to think.  The truth was that the program was a success, and showed far more promise than they expected.

What we know now, decades later, is that this project went “deep black”.  Indeed, this is a project for what is almost certainly a black-world hypersonic aircraft according to defense analyst Sweetman. This may be the source of the phantom sonic boom phenomenon reported since the early 1990s.

Someone read in on an unacknowledged SAP would be required to deny even its existence. Yes, even a “no comment” would be a serious breach of security.

It can also happen that someone, such as a general or admiral, ostensibly responsible for certain types of programs or areas of technology would not be briefed on the existence of a program that should be within his jurisdiction.

If your name is not on the so-called “bigot list” for a program you will not be briefed, no matter what your rank or responsibility. Even the director of the CIA or the DIA would not ex officio and automatically be on all such lists.

The wall of denial in the deep black world can thus be maintained by both deception and deliberately designed lack of cognizance leading to apparently honest denial.

The reader should expect that the existence of the program that I was involved in to be denied.  

All W(U)-SAP programs are denied.  

They will never be made public, as many times to operate they violated core principles that the nation was founded upon.  By admitting the existence of a given program, the government thus admits that they operated outside their authority and went rogue.

In addition to passive security, active measures can also be deemed necessary.  These include [1] disinformation, and of course [2] implantation.

According to the report by Sweetman, two high level commissions have concluded that, among other things, black programs include “systematic efforts to confuse and misinform the public.” One disinformation ploy is to divulge both real and fabricated information of equal apparent credibility mixed together to someone or some group.

The fabricated information can then be used to discredit claims, individuals or organizations.

As we have discussed previously, a discrediting binder is attached with all MAJestic members to enable and instigate a formalized, exacting plan to complete discredit anything that they say or do.  Part of this discrediting protocol is retirement though the Sex Offender registry. (No one ever believes a sex offender.  They are shunned, and automatically discredited even before they open their mouth to speak.)

This is a highly effective way to keep a major secret: let the secret be revealed but mixed with sufficient disinformation to assure that the secret will not be believed by anyone who actually matters, for example the national media. The cost of such intense levels of security can be quite steep. It has been estimated that an intensively sensitive program may consume half or even more of its secret budget in security.

+ + +

The products of the intelligence community are termed Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). It is easier to keep a program hidden in a contractor facility than in a government facility.

Which is what happened to me.  I was not employed by the US Navy as a contractor at NAS China Lake.  Instead I was employed as a contractor at Comarco Weapon Support Division outside the gates to the Naval base at China Lake.

Carve Outs

“Careful consideration of the record as it is available to us leads us to conclude that further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced thereby.”

-1968 University of Colorado report to the Air Force.

Deeply buried programs in contractor facilities are called “carve outs” (referring to the budget).

For instance; a UFO crash retrieval or some classified continuation of Project Blue Book would likely exist as a deep black industrially-based SAP.   A program involving hardware would be considered technology rather than intelligence and most likely fall under the office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. (Ironically for such a program even someone having an intelligence “ticket” at the highest level would not be considered to have a need to know.)

All of this results in very effective isolation and virtually no one in a position of open civilian governmental authority being cognizant of this. Only the Special Access Program Oversight Committee, SAPOC, would be cognizant of such a program.

The reader should realize that the MAJestic umbrella consists of W(U)-SAP “carve outs” that operate as IRAD entities.  These entities are outside the government, but operate under their protection elements. They operate in the Military-Industrial theater, and are managed by former military with technical backgrounds.

Some notes;

[1] What is truly ironic is that the Hollywood actors that pretend to be members of a W(U)-SAP are paid millions of dollars, when the actual and real members are generally not paid at all.  Or if they are, the opportunies are paid in small amounts. Matt Damon played the role of a person in a Hollywood version of a W(U)-SAP and made millions of dollars in doing so.  However, I was the “real deal” and the most I made while in training was $9/hour.

[2] From 48 CFR 31.205-18; “Applied research means that effort which (1) normally follows basic research, but may not be severable from the related basic research, (2) attempts to determine and exploit the potential of scientific discoveries or improvements in technology, materials, processes, methods, devices, or techniques, and (3) attempts to advance the state of the art. Applied research does not include efforts whose principal aim is design, development, or test of specific items or services to be considered for sale; these efforts are within the definition of the term development, defined in this subsection.”

[3] The Information Assurance (IA) mission at the National Security Agency (NSA) serves a role unlike that of any other U.S. Government entity. National Security Directive (NSD) 42 authorizes NSA to secure National Security Systems, which includes systems that handle classified information or are otherwise critical to military or intelligence activities.

[4] IRAD entities are also known as an Independent Research and Development (IR&D) program.

And, for some perspective…

“I find it hard to imagine something as explosive as recovered alien technology remaining under wraps for decades. So while I have no reason to believe there is any recovered alien technology, I will say this: 

If it were me, and I were trying to bury it deep, I’d take it outside government oversight entirely and place it in a compartment as a new entity within an existing defense company and manage it as what we call an “IRAD” or “Independent Research and Development Activity.”

-Christopher Mellon


“Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited...

The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time... [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. 

No, we’re not alone.” 

 – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., NASA astronaut (6th man to walk on the moon)

I do not know of any fundamentally limiting factors in the potential longevity of a program. The extreme compartmentalization and limited oversight would tend to keep a program in existence, perhaps indefinitely.  Most programs that I know of seem to indicate a total lack of [1] program management audits, [2] performance measurables tied to longevity, and [3] sunset procedures.

Political leaders come and go, pandering to the masses for votes in the eyes of many within the military and intelligence communities, and as a result have varying degrees of respect and trust in that world.

Deep black programs can become quite independent of any given administration, and it would certainly be unrealistic to assume that a given president has been briefed on every SAP. A president does not automatically have a need to know.

Most importantly, Freedom of Information Act requests cannot penetrate unacknowledged special access programs. So, to the reader, all I can say is “good luck” in trying to get an FOA to penetrate MAJestic secrecy regarding extraterrestrials. Heck, in a reality where Senators are trying to ban every non-regulated medication, do you actually believe that they would allow public access to world-line dimensional travel?

Thus if the reader expects that “someday” a United States President will tell the truth of MAJestic and the knowledge of extraterrestrial life, they are seriously in error.  

It will never happen.  

Elected officials, with some notable exceptions, are never privy to this information.  They are, and properly so, considered to be compromised.  The best bet or likelihood of a disclosure would be from a Presidential candidate who has strong military and aerospace connections.  

Typically, that would imply a Republican elected official.  That is the truth and the facts, no matter how disgusting the concept might be to the reader.

On January 6, 2016, Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (D) announced she would “get to the bottom” of the mystery behind UFO’s.  CNN reported this as a humorous joke, but others took it seriously.  

Well, I personally wish her the best, but the truth is that she is exactly the kind of person who is banned from knowing anything about MAJestic.  

The reason is quite simple, her political philosophy is in direct opposition to the interests of the industrial leadership that is part of MAJestic. There can only be one set sentience in the organization, she does not possess this sentience, no matter how earnest she might appear.  

Further, she is not secure.  She has a wide ranging web of political and financial ties in which she is indebted to.  She is thus easily compromised. 

Those in MAJestic consider her (as well as most Republican political players as well) as a serious threat to the security of the organization. Look at what she did with non-MAJestic documentation! She vacuumed it up on her server at home and sold the information globally to the highest bidders for personal cash kick-backs.  

In MAJestic we all view our tasks at a level far above that of the petty squabbles between nations.  

Sure, we are often personally affected by the decisions and laws of the nations, but our role and purpose is of a much higher order.  A Presidential candidate such as Hillary Clinton would turn the great and grand effort into something far less; a temporary media circus, and eventually disassembly into components that could be sold off to the highest bidder for short-term political gain.  

No.  People and individuals such as herself are forever banned from the fountain of knowledge that is MAJestic.  She can promise the world to her loyal followers, but her ability to deliver substantive results is minuscule.

Would the President be Briefed on a W(U)-SAP?

“This thing has gotten so highly-classified…it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. 

I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.” 

Senator Barry Goldwater , Chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, discussing his attempts to find out exactly what the US government knows about UFO’s.

In 1976 presidential candidate Jimmie Carter promised the American people that he would open any government UFO files that might exist.   This is the same political promise that Hillary Clinton made in early 2016 regarding “Area 51”. The reader might also recall that while governor of Georgia, Carter had a UFO sighting and actually filed a report.

Then, after winning election to President, Carter met with CIA Director George H. W. Bush seeking a briefing on the topic.  There was no question that the new President wanted answers and the full extent of the United States involvement with extraterrestrials and/or “UFO’s.

"Mars Wars", offers an account of the rise and fall of George HW Bush’s Space Exploration Initiative. 

In 1989, on the 20th anniversary of the first Apollo Moon landing, Bush proposed to land humans on Mars by 2019. 

It’s complicated, but essentially this plan fell apart after a NASA study found it would cost as much as $540 billion to do so. 

The fallout from this effectively took talk of humans to Mars off the table for 15 years as NASA focused on low-Earth orbit, and then completely out of space thanks to the redirection of NASA toward Muslim outreach efforts by President Obama.

However, as the reader has probably guessed, Mr. Bush turned him down, claiming that neither [1] as President nor as [2] Commander-in-Chief did he have a “need to know.” Obviously this was a severe “let down” for the new President.

This seems rather harsh and blunt, because the common misconception is that the United States President is the highest authority in the land.  

However, that misconception is flawed and very, very wrong.  The President is the highest authority of only one of the three branches of government (the executive branch), and the highest authority of the military.  

Unless the program is tied to the executive branch, or the military, the President has no authority over it.

In extraterrestrial matters, our extraterrestrial partners select who has access to their programs.  Not us.  They specifically exclude certain individuals for specific reasons.  Elected officials who have not met the sentience requirements are routinely disbarred from participation in the programs.

The information regarding UFO’s, extraterrestrial species, treaties with them, their technology, and the social implications of communication with them are not, and never was, part of the administrative functions of the President of the United States.  

They would only become an issue with the President when it became a matter of National Security involving military personnel.  

This was the case during the formation of MAJestic with Truman, and when Ronald Reagan became involved in the program. 

In both cases there was a concern about military intervention using military forces. Other than that, relations with the core extraterrestrial species has been cordial and did not require presidential participation.

A few months passed. Once, firmly in office, Carter turned to NASA for information. It was his hope that the Space Agency would be able to help him in ways that the others were unable or unwilling to.  To this end he directed presidential science adviser Frank Press to ask NASA administrator Robert Frosch to “form a small panel of inquiry” to investigate the UFO situation.  (Ugh!  Yup, another one of those “Blue Ribbon Panels” to unearth secrets and investigate with solutions.)

This letter and other correspondence related to this may be found in "UFOs and NASA" (Journal of Scientific Exploration, pp. 93--142, 1988).

However, to the surprise of many in the UFO field, nothing at all came of this.

The story of “the great thud” was recounted by Richard C. Henry — then a young astrophysicist (now a prominent Johns Hopkins professor) working as a deputy to the director of what was the Astrophysics Division at NASA headquarters .  It was on his desk this “hot potato” request landed.

When asked about this request, and what actions the “Blue Ribbon Panel” took to resolve the questions asked by the President, Richard C. Henry couldn’t say. For five months, NASA went through some amusing twists and turns, recounted by Henry, before politely declining. The exploratory panel found out nothing.  They investigated nothing.  They wrote no summary’s, and provided no answers to the President at that time.

Other Opinions

There are some that deny this report.  Instead they state that the “Blue Ribbon Panel” did actually cough up (come up) with information.  That, somehow and in some way (not specified), that MAJestic “opened  up” it’s secrets to non-MAJestic members.  That they would risk the wrath of extraterrestrials, and violate their own sentience to inform President Jimmy Carter of some aspects of MAJestic and the MAJI SAP.

The mere idea that MAJestic would provide detailed information to an easily compromised human, who has NOT been authorized permission by our extraterrestrial benefactors is truly laughable.

Ba Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha…!

Discounting the NASA farce, and assuming that any possible UFO program would exist as a Special Access Program in the Department of Defense, on what legal basis would the President and Commander-in-Chief be denied access?  (Assuming that the ONLY basis would be a legal one.  It isn’t. The fun fact is, who knows about MAJestic and who participates in MAJestic is determined by the extraterrestrials themselves.  Not by any human elected official.)

That is somewhat in line with what has been reported by Dr. Wolf;

“Both Ronald Reagan and George Bush are very knowledgeable on the ET reality - especially Bush, being former head of the CIA. Bill Clinton was the least aware. He knows of Area 51 but not S4.”

"Clinton has 'Above Top Secret' and 'Need to Know' clearances but does not have the 'Umbra Ultra Top Secret Clearance' which gives access to upper level MJ12 secrets and 'Keystone Clearance' for information on ET research."

-Dr. Wolf (Paraphrased and approved by Dr. Wolf.)

The Legal Issues

“I recall instances when White House officials sought briefings on highly compartmented DoD programs and were flatly refused.  

Access to such programs is on a need to know basis. In general, nobody outside DOD, including the Secretary of State, is deemed to have a need to know. 

Officials like John Podesta and Secretary Clinton can easily serve for years in senior positions and be avid consumers of classified intelligence analysis but never obtain access to DOD’s compartmented programs, which mostly relate to new weapons systems. 

Information about such programs rarely leaks because it doesn’t circulate, unlike the constant stream of leaked information regarding classified intelligence activities.”

-Christopher Mellon

It is very likely that the UFO topic is actually classified by one or more laws duly enacted by Congress in the late 1940s concerning national security. Obviously, without any overt reference to UFOs of course,  and signed by President Truman.

Only a handful of members of Congress, if any at all, would have known that more than Cold War issues were involved in this far-reaching national security legislation.  Indeed, at the time of the enactment of the legislation, the USA was at a time of near panic over a Soviet nuclear threat.  Because of the critical nature of the world at that time, there are at various areas into which extraterrestrial subjects could have been placed. As such, they could remain hidden,so that a future President could not unilaterally release it (legally) or, in fact, maybe even know about it.

Consider some of these avenues.

One area is [1] the category of Restricted Data (RD).  This was established by the Atomic Energy Act in 1946 and pertains to Special Nuclear Material (SNM).  Another area where the extraterrestrial issue could lie hidden in plain sight is [2] (what has since evolved into) the Waived Special Access Program system set up under the authority of the National Security Council.  This is actually what my SAP fell under.  This traces back to the National Security Act signed by Truman in 1947 (interestingly only a couple of weeks after the Roswell episode). Very curious.  Don’t you think?

A highly-classified intelligence report, created just 16 days after the first two reported UFO crashes, (July 4-6, 1947 in New Mexico), has been released. 

It contains interesting details of who were in those spacecraft and what the military did about it. 

This Intelligence Assessment Summary was prepared by the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit of the Scientific and Technical Branch of the Army's Counterintelligence Directorate.

Originally classified SECRET, this report was then reclassified TOP SECRET, and then in 1960 the NSA Director reclassified it as ABOVE TOP SECRET - ULTRA, restricted to a "Need to Know" basis, and restricted to 'those authorized persons with MAJIC ACCESS 'HAY".' (MAJIC is the top security classification, reserved for extraterrestrial-related matters.)

The document further indicates that any lowering of this document's classification, or its declassification, would require an approved Presidential Executive Order, and also be approved by the 'U.S. MAJESTIC INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY' Group, (a secretive UFO management group often designated as MJ-12.)

A photocopy of this Intelligence Assessment document can be found HERE at: Interesting! Check it out.

That means that even if an incoming President asked someone who knew about the existence of such a program, that individual would be required by law to not only not tell the President.  Additionally the individual would also be required to actively mislead him, if necessary. (Such a policy is actually spelled out in controversial documents that researchers Ryan and Robert Wood obtained and traced back to CIA Director Allen Dulles in the 1950s. The source of these documents is unclear.) If a president today tried the same thing without the appropriate clearances (which he could not give to himself) he would likewise be told (legitimately) that there was nothing disclosable.

I ask the reader to think about this.

If there isn’t a military threat, there is no “need to know” under the USA military.  If the organizations that operate under this SAP are involved in reengineering or other types of technical issues, then ONLY people with a technical background would and could EVER be granted access to these secrets.  Such is the nature of MAJIC.

Which is one of the reasons why I have constantly stressed that only people with a technical background are in MAJestic.

If this hypothesis is correct, then extraterrestrial related information would be [1] “Born Secret” by the Atomic Energy Act, and [2] not releasable to anyone without at least an AEC “Q” clearance (and likely higher, R or above), plus [3] a legitimate need to use it in his/her job.

By law, all RD is “owned” by the AEC Commissioner at its inception.

The AEC clearance standards are somewhat different than executive branch standards (Often of low levels of restriction.  It seems anyone can become a member of the Executive Branch these days. LOL, but true.  Look at the “jokers” that Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama put in the White House!).

In order to grant a Q or higher clearance, the Commissioner must find that [4] the applicant is of “good moral character,” among other things. Thus, if the Commissioner didn’t like Richard Nixon’s burglary at the Watergate Hotel, or Bill Clinton’s dalliances, the Commissioner could withhold access to RD even on those grounds.

A new President who wants to know what the government knows about extraterrestrials and their UFOs would have to be persistent, clever, and informed before beginning the quest.  Obviously, as Clinton’s failed attempt via Associate Attorney General Webster Hubble attests.

Simply issuing a presidential executive order declassifying the topic might yield the mistaken conclusion that there is no such material. The first step would be to determine under exactly what legal jurisdiction the matter is classified.

This could best be accomplished by a small dedicated research team reporting directly and personally to the President with at least high enough clearances to be able to read all classified Presidential Decision Memoranda and the classified appendices to the Atomic Energy Act and the National Security Act.

There are those whom believe that (somehow) Hillary Clinton would be able to unmask “MAJestic” and find out the “truth” and tell everyone about the “extraterrestrial situation”.  That’s a pretty ignorant belief, as I ask the reader to point out one thing this individual EVER did where she could not profit from it personally.  Never the less the belief persists.  Go HERE.

The Extraterrestrial issues

Our relationship with known extraterrestrials is via their conveyance.  They control the technology egress.  They control our lives, and they control us.

They have reasons and purposes for operating here on the earth.

While I have discussed this issue in detail elsewhere, a certain reminder is in order.  Their sole concern is to help the human sentience establish itself into a quantum configuration that is galactically approved.

With that being stated, they control [1] how we interact with them and [2] what information is dished out to the human population in general.  [3] They control MAJestic, and they control [4] the membership of MAJestic.  It is important for them and the success of the program to do so.

Thus, from their point of view, it makes no difference what the person’s role or position is in the earth human society.  They do not care.  It does not matter if they are attractive, famous, rich, intelligent, powerful, or popularly elected.  They have a completely different set of criteria by which to make a determination of who will be involve in MAJestic and what their role would be.

Here is the truth.  If a newly elected President wants to know all about extraterrestrials and their role in the world of UFO’s and society, they will first have to meet the requirements of acceptability by the (Omitted by request) extraterrestrial species.  Their requirements are specific and unwavering.  No exceptions are permitted at all.  These participation requirements are;

  1. Must have a “Service to Others” sentience.
  2. Must have a fairly “clean” or “pure” quantum cloud envelope.
  3. Must be willing to give up a part of their soul towards the good of the human species.
  4. Must place the well being of the human race before any government or nation.
  5. Must not be part of the entrenched political machine where they would “owe” some favors that might compromise the good of the program.
  6. Must not be famous or well-known. (Group thoughts are terribly polluting to the quantum cloud.)
At the core of the Incommensurability Problem is the view that no intelligent species can understand reality without making certain methodological choices.

These choices may vary from civilization to civilization. 

If extraterrestrial species have different biology’s and live in considerably different environments than humans, they may well have different goals for their science and they could have radically different criteria for evaluating the success of their science. 

Their explanatory mechanisms, their predictive concerns, their modes of control over nature might all be very different, and their means of formulating models of reality might differ drastically from ours.

I must present an important consideration at this time.

Contrary to what people think, our actions and decisions that we make are not made on the physical.  They are made by our quantum souls, and as such are determined PRIOR to our manifestation of the physical form.

Pretending to be something you are not.
Most American Presidents are not qualified to become a member of MAJestic. The selection for membership comes from our extraterrestrial benefactors. Our fellow humans have no say in the matter.

In short, they are created and made prior to our incarnation as a human in this life.

Thus, the decision of whether or not to participate in the MAJestic program was made long before any political candidate or President “made” the decision to “investigate” the issue.

The quantum soul realm that humans inhabit is primarily a construct of the sentience of our extraterrestrial benefactors, or at least the base framework surrounding it has been.

In other worlds, our extraterrestrial benefactors oversee the realm of the human “heaven”.

Our Human Heaven is under the control of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

Typically, most Presidents are “Service to self” sentiences.  There have been exceptions. I like to believe that these exceptions include John F. Kennedy (D), Jimmy Carter (D),  and Ronald Reagan (R).  But, you know, I really don’t know for sure.

I do like to believe that Donald Trump (R) is also a “service to others” sentience, but since I am no longer “active” I really am not “plugged” into the key thought streams that hop the MWI. So I really have no idea what his sentience is, however his decision to forego a presidential salary, and transfer all business holdings currently in his name are most certainly service-for-others behavior.

When I was active, I considered Donald Trump as a very interesting, and wealthy successful businessman. I never thought of him as someone who would be interested in politics.  Obviously I was wrong.


The reader might doubt the policies of MAJestic.  They might question the reasoning behind why a given political personage would be forever barred from joining the organization.  They might argue that the President absolutely must be the most secure person to hold a secret.  This would simply be because of his position.

However, the arguments are completely and wholly inaccurate.

Consider the 2016 Presidential Candidate; Hillary Clinton.  Here is a famous “Service to self” candidate.  Well known, and much beloved by her followers.  Her political strengths are legendary.  Her connections and experience are outstanding.  Yet she would be denied membership in MAJestic, and forever barred from any MAJestic related information.  Why?

Hillary Clinton, of course, is the Deep State incarnate, which is the real reason so few citizens trust her. 

Every poor schnook getting shaken down for a $90,000 appendectomy bill looks at Hillary and knows exactly what she represents. 

Every 25-year-old jobless, couch-surfing millennial carrying fifty-grand in college debt sees the face of the Deep State in her self-satisfied demi-smile. 

Mainly, she has gulled the diversity pimps — because they are wards of the Deep State — and women, because it’s Mommy’s “turn” to direct the Deep State.

Well, aside from her sentience type (all MAJestic members are of one set sentience), the mere fact that she is a politician is reason for concern.  Politicians do not keep secrets.  They are unable to.  The mainstream population might think and believe that everyone in the White-house holds and keeps secrets, but that is not the truth; nor the reality.

As of early 2016, at least a dozen email accounts handled the “top secret” intelligence that was found on Hillary Clinton’s server and have been deemed too damaging for national security to release.

Officials said the accounts include not only Clinton’s but those of top aides – including Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines – as well as State Department Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and others.  Having access to multiple accounts is in itself illegal.

Secondly sources (not authorized to speak on the record) said the number of accounts involved could be as high as 30 and reflects how the intelligence was broadly shared, replied to, and copied to individuals using the unsecured server.

As of 2017, we were collectively shocked to discover that the number of “mishandled” secret documents was much, much higher than that.  This sort of rampant mishandling of classified material cannot be minimized.  This is actually a rather common practice, and well understood by the MAJestic leadership.

In July 2018, it was discovered that over 30,000 of those top secret SAP documents were instantly transferred to a foreign nation.

She was “cleared” by the FBI Director Comey due to political concerns.  However, our extraterrestrial benefactors would not be so understanding were they to judge her actions.

Political personages CANNOT keep secrets unless they believe in a higher order or purpose.  This is impossible for “service to self” sentience. Most, if not ALL, service to self sentience’s DO NOT BELIEVE in a higher purpose.  This is true no matter how much they pretend to believe in a God, or in Nature, or in an improved social order.  They only believe in one thing; THEMSELVES.

It is precisely because of this kind of behavior that certain classes of human sentience are forever disbarred from information access with MAJestic.

The MAJestic W(U)-SAP

Let’s discusses the organization that I was part of.  Granted, I was in a small sub-program that fell under the organization, what I did and how I did, it was all governed by the parent organization.

This organization goes by the name “MAJI”, and falls under the “MAJestic” umbrella. The organization is probably today very much removed from what it was originally set up and intended as.

Overall, it is a very close-knit and secretive organization.

Members at my level of involvement were all members of three-man cells, in addition to all of us being implanted.  That was just how secretive the organization was / is.  No one knows the entire extent of this organization.

Implants control memory access.

Other implants control us personally. These particular implants access a “thought or information stream” of our extraterrestrial benefactors. Once connected, you are always connected. Even when MAJestic retires you. Which is why I am here as “Metallicman”.

Other implants act as “keys” to enable or disable MWI access.

Superior culture meets a primitive culture.
When a more technology advanced culture meets a primitive culture, there is always a danger. The danger is that the advanced culture will absorb and displace the primitive culture. That is the exact case with our extraterrestrial benefactors, and part of the reason why MAJestic is so secret. But, you know, it is far more than that. Our extraterrestrial benefactors have full control over our reality. By granting us MWI abilities we can achieve their level of control, yet we are in no way ready for this yet. However, some readers actually are. Thus the reason why YOU are reading this.

Interesting photo this. It looks like it is from the “Golden Age of Travel”.  At that time, the world was still a big place, and many regions maintained their own culture, customs, dress, and history.  The more advanced cultures and nations provided outlets for exploration and adventure using the modern contrivances of that time.  During such adventures culture encounters were varied and meaningful.

The photo shown above is an actual picture of a westerner meeting local members of a community in Africa sometime in the 1930’s.  These kinds of meetings at that time were commonplace where one culture meets another.  The supposedly “superior” or “advanced” culture usurps the social morals and customs of the local environment, often with cataclysmic consequences.  Thus the creation of the term “the ugly American” (which was later made into a film).  Today, being more sensitive to the clash of cultures, we often control or meter out contact to the very few remaining isolated tribal communities on the globe.  Much like how MAJestic is metering out contact with extraterrestrials today.

September 24, 1947


Dear Secretary Forrestal,

As per our recent conversation on this matter, you are hereby authorized to proceed with all due speed and caution upon your undertaking.  Hereafter this matter shall be referred to only as Operation MAJestic Twelve.

It continues to by my feeling that any future considerations relative to the ultimate disposition of this matter should rest solely with the Office of the President, following appropriate discussions with yourself, Dr. Bush and the Director of Central Intelligence.

-Harry Truman

This blog post is only an overview. Those whom wish more details can find other books on the subject elsewhere.  In all cases, public knowledge is greatly retarded.  No one person knows the full extent of the organization.  No one person knows the full extent of the program  No one does.  This includes the highest levels of the organization itself.

The MJ-12 “MAJestic” Committee is tasked with the study and management of all extraterrestrial events and phenomenon.  This is an organization that does actually exist.  (To repeat; this is an actual organization that functions within the framework of the United States government.)  It is not a figment of some kind of “tin foil hat” conspiracy.

Conspiracies do exist. In the 1920 and 30s, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston, Seattle and countless other major American cities had sprawling electric streetcar rail systems.

That is, until General Motors, Standard Oil, Phillips Petroleum and Firestone bought up a controlling interest in National City Lines. 

Once the monopolizing companies owned the railways, they shut them down.

Thus, forcing Americans to buy cars or ride GM-manufactured buses, fueled with Standard Oil and Phillips Petroleum, and fitted with Firestone tires. 

This deliberate campaign to kill the electric-powered streetcars is known as "the General Motors conspiracy". 

The full story didn’t become public knowledge until a Harvard Law began investigating the conspiracy in the seventies and took it all the way to the Senate. 

During the hearings, which brought forward the proposal to restructure the automobile, truck, bus, and rail industries, General Motors was described as ‘a sovereign economic state’ and affirmed that the company played a major role in the displacement of rail and bus transportation by buses and trucks.

By the time the Justice Department caught wind of what was going on, National City Lines had already acquired and taken control of 46 transit network lines. 

In 1946, nine corporations were indicted in federal district court, accused of “conspiring to acquire control of a number of transit companies, forming a transportation monopoly” and “conspiring to monopolize sales of buses and supplies to companies owned by National City Lines”. 

Five corporations, including GM and the usual suspects, were convicted of conspiring to monopolize the sale of buses and related products to local transit companies controlled by NCL.

However, they were acquitted of conspiring to monopolize the ownership of these companies. 

General Motors was fined $5,000 and GM treasurer H.C. Grossman was fined $1.

(Hum... A whole dollar. I guess that money had better purchasing power back in the 1970's.)

The General Motors conspiracy is also frequently dismissed however, claiming the corporations’ did nothing that wasn’t already happening to a bankrupt system which was already being dismantled across the country. 

An in-depth Vox article on the subject (one of the vocal mouthpieces of the oligarchy) points out that

“while it’s true that National City continued ripping up lines and replacing them with buses — and that, long-term, GM benefited from the decline of mass transit — it’s very hard to argue that National City killed the streetcar on its own.”

Pure revisionist nonsense;

MAJestic is a real and actual organization.  It does exist.  While I know very little about its initial formation and earlier incarnations, I do know about the manifestation of what it had evolved into while I was involved in it.  This was from 1981 through to 2006.  (What it is today, and how it works today, is unknown by myself at this time.  I exited from the active participation in the organization in 2006, and exited from my “retirement” in 2011.)

From publicly disclosed information (that is contentious), apparently MJ-12 was first authorized in 1947 by President Truman.

This program was kept secret and entirely hidden from the public for many decades.  It wasn’t until a surreptitious public disclosure was made that others became aware of it.  (Released by request upon the death of one of the original MJ-12 members. Hotly and fiercely disparaged by NSA infiltrators and vocal statists.)

Again, one of the litmus tests of NSA “front” organization is whether they recognize the validity of the MJ-12 disclosure.  

If they have any doubt about its validity, then they are a front organization and not at all what they present themselves to be.  

Indeed, common sense dictates that an organization had to be created to adapt to the public outcry of all the unusual UFO sightings in the 1950’s.  

To pretend otherwise, and to rewrite history, are guaranteed examples of disinformation efforts.  

To make myself perfectly clear; any UFO organization that calls MJ-12 a hoax is a NSA or CIA disinformation organization.

Any organization that calls MJ-12 a hoax is a NSA or CIA related disinformation organization.

During my time in the program, no one knew about our organization or our involvement in it.  Thus, when it’s existence was disclosed, it sent shock waves through the UFO and conspiracy-minded community.  As a result, it forced an immediate debunking and disinformation campaign.

This continues to this day, with many (of the more popular and well known) conspiracy and UFO web sites and organizations touting the official government party line.

“…ongoing research indicates that many, possibly all, the so-called MJ-12 UFO documents were officially fabricated as instruments of U.S. covert psychological warfare . . .”

-International Space Sciences Organization (ISSO)

The reader can go to websites that completely disparage this disclosure.  They are numerous and full of all kinds of nonsense.  When the reader visits these sites, they need to pay close attention to the effort that went into disparaging the disclosure.  

Who has the time, resources and money to do so?  Look at all the effort on the website.  

Take a guess at the amount of time and effort that went into to compiling it.  Really, what do these people do to devote such time and effort towards disparaging a disclosure?  

Compare the observed effort to that of an “obvious” hoax.  Notice the difference.  

That is a hallmark signature of a well-organized NSA disinformation effort.  Go here and come to your own conclusions.

The reader should not be deceived, however, this program is real and quite active.  Though what form and designation it currently has contemporaneously is unknown to me at this time.  (My operation under this umbrella organization is limited to the times that I participated in the various programs.  I do not know what is currently going on in this organization.)  Some important considerations must be taken into account.

The information that I have is that for the most part, MAJestic has been disbanded and re-purposed into something different. It is mostly mothballed, and existing technical avenues have been adjusted into in-place carve outs. All of my contemporaries have been retired and put into various monitoring programs at the state level.

It is IMPORTANT to keep the vast majority of humans ignorant as to the true nature of our reality. That way they can grow through experiences within their individual realities.

There is, however, a very small segment of the population that would best obtain sentience growth were they to know of the actual reality. This small segment of the population is considered to be crucial to the advancement of mankind.

Therefore, you the reader, has a choice; a red pill or a blue pill to take. Choose. You may believe me or not. Your decision matters to only one person; YOU.


For those of you who have taken the “red pill”, here is a summary;

  • I was a member of MAJI (the Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence).
  • I prefer to refer to this organization as “MAJestic” because that was the terminology used at the time of my entry into the program.
  • While I was ultimately involved in the program, it was but a small part of the much larger umbrella program.
  • In no way, was I in a leadership or management position in the program.
  • I held a very specialized role within the program.
  • The umbrella organization operates “programs” and “projects” that are unaware of the overall parental control.
  • Officially, the United States government disavows all knowledge and involvement in this organization.  But it does exist.  I was a member of it.  This is why a W(U)-SAP has the “U”. All involvement is denied.

With that being understood, there are some other things that should be considered.


  • In my particular program, all direct and active members operate in 3 man cells.  No one person knows the full extent of the program. (With the sole exception of the MAJestic committee which consists of twelve individuals.)
  • Most members are not told anything other than what they immediately need to know to accomplish their tasks.
  • MAJestic was established to work with the various extraterrestrial species that humans would encounter for geopolitical concerns and to acquire advanced technology.
  • MAJestic has since evolved. Extraterrestrials work with MAJestic to assist in the policing and maintenance of the “human sentience nursery”.
  • All members in this organization are part of the W(U)-SAP security classification.

I know that this is too much information, moving forward too fast for the reader. To accept the reality of MAJestic, one must accept the harsh truth that you have been lied to, manipulated and bread to be a sheep to be fleeced and used by other humans of a “service for self” sentience. It’s a difficult reality to accept.

For most people, ignorance is the preferred direction to take. Real knowledge is meaningless unless you do something with it. via GIPHY

  • This program is often confusingly referred to as “MAJestic”, “MJ-12”, “MAJI”, “MAJIC” or as “MAJestic-12”.  The various names used all refer to specific areas of procedural interest, but are often used incorrectly though inadvertent ignorance.
  • It is tasked with the coordination of all things extraterrestrial around the world.  This includes all relationships, treaties, interaction, science exchanges, and re-engineering efforts.
  • It is wholly a United States organization, though it does have relationships with other nations. (This is through treaty with the famous and iconic “Type-I grey” (nomenclature is specific to this disclosure and is my own obviously) extraterrestrial species.  As far as I know, they will not have any agreements or make any deals with another nation other than the United States government. As far as I know.)
  • Only the top members of the organization referred to it using the MAJestic nomenclature.  Everyone else in the organization referred ONLY to their specific part within the organization.  Typically using slang or their alphanumerical designation when necessary. When I communicated to Sebastian (a member of my cell, and not his actual name) and the Commander after we left China Lake, we simply referred to the program as “the program”.  It was that simple.  Typically, we never referred to the program, we just “understood” what we were communicating.

Our reality is not what you think it is and what you have been taught. If we can only base our sciences on what we observe, then we cannot view the total reality. All we can measure and learn from is our own individual reality.

This is limiting.

Which is why there are statists, often “service for self” sentience’s that want to convince you that there isn’t a Heaven, or that you need not worry about your behavior because there is no such thing as Hell.

Hey! You do you really want to find out? Because I can tell you that in our MWI, Hell can actually manifest. Yes it can. So, hey! Mr. Pope sir… can you hear me? Hell can actually manifest.

Here it is, in all of it’s ugly glory. It is not what you, the reader, thought is it? Come on, be honest. via GIPHY

  • Some MAJestic projects involve the [1] biological aspects of extraterrestrials, while others were involved [2] in their technologies. I was involved in [3] a project that assisted in maintenance of the human nursery.  This involved MWI world-line anchoring. (I will cover an overview elsewhere.)
  • I would say that the overall major objective has been to assist our extraterrestrial benefactors. We have been given technology in exchange for this role.
  • MAJestic has made an agreement to assist certain extraterrestrials in the monitoring of this planet.
  • All members in the organization, from the very top to the lowest member are implanted with probes into their brains.  The minimum requirement is a Core Core Kit #1 set of probes. I know of NO member who was not implanted. If you fall under the MAJI umbrella, you are implanted.
  • The organization is quite large consisting of various “projects”.  Each project has a bland alpha-numeric designation.
The reader should take note. Warning; The Internet refers to various project names.  Such as “Project Sign”, and “Project Grudge”.  

I know nothing about these programs other than they appear to be SUMMARIES with a corresponding SUMMARY TITLE for the benefit of executive staff, and VIP review.  

Actual working-level agents NEVER use these project names.  You are just “participating in THE program”.
  • Individual members typically stay within one project for their entire stint within MAJestic.
  • The senior level or executive management in MAJestic is the only level with any idea of the scope and extent of the organization.  However, the details of the “projects” under their authority is limited to the various heads or project managers of the projects.  This is an extraterrestrial requirement.  Therefore, the top level management in MAJestic is oblivious to the details of the activities under their authority.  They only know a simplistic overview. No one person know everything about the organization. Not even the top head of the organization.
  • It is not a political organization.  Political members are typically considered to be security risks, with only the ones with the strongest religious or national values even considered to participate.
  • Every person that I know of who was directly associated in the program had a technical background. Those with non-technical background could be invited to participate, but they would be second tier.  To be direct contact individuals first tier individuals, one needed to possess a technical background.
  • Every person that I was aware of, in the organization, had [1] a minimum of a four-year college education in the sciences, and [2] a military background of some sort. There are very few and very rare exceptions.
  • Membership is carefully selected and culled.  Most, if not ALL, members come from the military community, either directly or indirectly.  All must be approved by our extraterrestrial allies. (Actually, the extraterrestrials select the candidates first, and then MAJestic recruits them.)

Perhaps the reader should give themselves a pause and consider what they have just read before moving on. It is a lot to take in.

Once you understand the MWI, you can utilize it within your own reality. Matrix via GIPHY

  • Members are in the organization for life.  Retirement typically involves memory lock-out and a lifetime of monitoring (such as the sex offender program).  Any risks to the security of the organization results in termination of the individual without debate.  There are no exceptions.
  • Members in possession of Core Kit #2 probes have to alter their “normal human” behaviors and lifestyle as it might interfere with their operational  missions. This behavioral “lock out” is maintained through various methods and is only released upon retirement.
  • Membership to the organization can only come from approval AND selection from our extraterrestrial allies.  At no time will a person be selected for membership without extraterrestrial approval and vetting.
  • All MAJestic members, are “service to others” sentience. There can only be a uniformity of sentience. This is apparently a fundamental and a core requirement of the governing (name withheld by request) extraterrestrial species.
  • Disclosure of MAJestic information, without prior approval by our extraterrestrial allies, will result in the death of the person disclosing the information.

And finally, and most significantly,

  • Most of what is published on the Internet regarding MAJestic is fabricated nonsense.


We, as agents of the program, have always referred to this program as the “ELF drone program” or the more simpler version “The Program”.  However, that is a misnomer.

This organization is one huge (multiple compartment) black-budget program that answers to the highest reaches of the American Political-Scientific-Industrial cabal.

Depending on who is President at the time, they may or may not be included in MAJestic membership.  Even if included, their access to the true scope of information and issues regarding MAJestic would be severely limited.

This is a huge organization.

During its separate existence, MJ-12 had access, as needed, to UN’s Central Security Service and its Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command and Special Operations Command for UFO-related matters. MJ-12 also had a very large operations fund derived from controlled sales of reverse engineered extraterrestrial technology.

All members of this organization, except those at the very top of the administration pyramid, are implanted.  (I believe, but I have no proof of this, nor validation of this belief.) They enter the program, usually via military channels, and are implanted and instructed that they are entering a “Special Access Program”, or SAP.

Depending on their particular involvement in the program thy might fall into various subsets of access and authority.  Those involving direct contact with extraterrestrial technologies and individuals are generally classified as an “Unacknowledged Special Access Program” designation, or U-SAP.  Those involved in much more serious and controversial projects, such as ourselves, answer only to the highest levels of administration and are given the “Waived & Unacknowledged Special Access Program” designation, or W(U)-SAP.

I, as a member of the “program”, was part of a W(U)-SAP program that sat under the MAJestic umbrella.  I was in it from 1981 until my retirement in 2006.  I was in the program for a total of 30 years.  During that time, I am convinced that it was an American program.  

Thus any of this nonsense of it being an international organization is simply horseshit. The idea that it was international is driven by non-members who believed in a globalist agenda. 

All of that is POLITICAL.

While I do not know what it is now, as of 2006 it was a wholly American organization. The reader might think what they will, but this is my very strong belief.

However, the reader must note that American organizations can and do employ non-Americans or immigrants for membership in such organizations.  However, as far as I know, the management and operation of this organization is wholly American in scope and control.  The idea that some other organization, like the EU, or a control structure out of Brussels is complete nonsense.

Two Part Post

This post comes in two separate articles, due to the relative size of it.


  • Our reality is not what we think it is.
  • Our reality is an artificial construct.
  • This construct was created by a group of extraterrestrials.
  • MAJestic is an organization that worked with this group of extraterrestrial benefactors.
  • The goal and purpose of our reality is to guide the evolution of mankind, and particularly sentience growth.
  • MAJestic has since been disbanded and re-purposed into something different. All members have since been “retired” and put into state monitoring programs.
  • The vast bulk of humans have no need to learn about MAJestic. It is not key to their personal growth. However, there is a small sub-group of humans that does need to know. This knowledge will “propel” them towards activities that will benefit their own individual growth and the growth of those around them.


Q: Is MAJestic aware of UFO’s?
A: Of course, but we don’t typically refer to them as “UFO” as we actually know what they actually are. We call them by their proper or known designation. Typically where possible they are recovered for study and reverse engineering efforts. In the mid-1980’s there was quite an extensive collection of vehicles and machinery stored and archived. Some of the storage locations would surprise the reader, as they are not typically placed in areas with signs saying “keep out”, or “restricted military installation”. Heh heh.

Q: What do you mean by “red pill”?
A: The “red pill” refers to a scene in the movie “The Matrix” where the hero is given a choice to either believe the public narrative, or accept the reality. The reality is represented as the “red pill”, and the narrative for the rest of humanity is represented by the “blue pill”.

Make a choice. via GIPHY

Q: What is the purpose of MAJestic?
A: It was the control and monitoring of all things extraterrestrial. It was set in place during the 1940’s by the President. It was established to address a perceived military threat when Nazi German radar units were being reverse engineered in the American desert after World War II. The units were able to de-cloak and destabilize the operation of selected extraterrestrial vehicles.

Over the years it has evolved (see part two). Treaties were signed where as the organization would assist the extraterrestrials that managed our solar system, in exchange for technology access and assistance. Individuals such as myself were given to the extraterrestrial benefactors as part of the exchange process.

  • MAJestic obtained and reverse engineered centuries advanced technology.
  • Our extraterrestrial benefactors utilized MAJestic members to support them in monitoring and manipulating our planet. This planet is referred to as a “sentience nursery”.

It has since been disbanded as a different system has since been put in place. I do not know what it is today.

Q: Will there ever be a public announcement of the reality of MAJestic?
A: No. Firstly because most elected officials, as well as appointed officials, are banned from membership, and secondly that the organization has since been disbanded and re-purposed.

Thirdly, and most importantly, MOST humans do not need to know the truth about our reality. They do not NEED to know about extraterrestrials, sentience unification and evolution, the reality of who our guardians and angels are, who maintains Heaven, and why, and finally the alteration and control of our MWI.

Q: What is the purpose of this disclosure?
A: It only benefits a very tiny proportion of the population. As such it will benefit only a small number of people and will help them personally. It will not result in any great changes to how the current manifestation of the organization will work, and it will not create any great changes in anything other than what would be experienced by a given individual.

This disclosure is written for a mere handful of individuals. That is all. Once these individuals have been introduced to the concepts laid bare, then this website / blog can be shut down. This task, and this particular function will have been accomplished.

Remember, it is only one person that can alter the course of the planet. They can be famous like Michael Jackson, and affect the cultural aspects of society. They can be unknown like Srinivasa Ramanujan and greatly advance our understanding of mathematics. Our extraterrestrial benefactors are only looking for a handful of people that would be influenced by this information. Their thoughts would influence others. The funny thing about this is that these people don’t yet realize how important they are. They don’t realize that their brain works specially and that their thoughts and actions can influence other thoughts in the quantum sphere.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

The Amazing Bremelanotide PT-141 (Vyleesi)

This post was updated 5JUL19, when I received word that the FDA approved Bremelanotide PT-141 under the name Vylessi. I updated this post, and subsequently added the name Vylessi to all mention of Bremelanotide PT-141, and added updated histories and commentaries at the end.

We have a tendency to think inside the box. We try to improve what we know. We try to work within the framework of what we have. We actually do need to think "outside the box"...

As a man gets older, your body changes. Your hair starts receding, and starts to fall out. You start to become bald. Your hair turns white. Your teeth start giving you problems, and you start to gain weight. Getting rid of that weight becomes problematic. No longer can exercise alone keep you trim and fit. You have to change your diet as well.

All men eventually start to have erectile disfunction (ED). Usually it seems to start in your early 40’s depending on your stress level, lifestyle, and general health. You can postpone it for a few years, but it will eventually strike. It will.

Typically, erectile disfunction more closely resembles a moderate soft erection. This is due to the blood pressure in the penis. As a man gets older, his ability to create solid rock-hard erections diminishes. Instead, when excited he produces short-lived soft and “spongy” erections, often cycling between a moderate “soft” erection and no erection at all.

This is what it is like to grow old.

Now, you can exercise. You can eat special foods, and you can have a stress-free life that can all significantly reduce these effects. For instance, leeks and eggs, bitter melon and oysters can certainly help the man in the bedroom. It will do wonders, as will a daily glass of red wine…

Enter Viagra


Who hasn’t heard of this “miracle” pill?

Viagra entered the world in the 1990’s and revitalized the world of the American male. No longer did older men need to live a sex-less life. All you need do is pop in a “little blue pill” and all your troubles are over.

Of course, there are some tradeoffs.

For one, you need to get a doctors’ prescription. America is just about the ONLY nation that has this bastardized restriction. Everyone can just get the medicine off the shelf just about anywhere. Secondly, you have to pay REAL money for it. In a world where the raw material of Viagra (sildenafil) costs $100 / kg, and where a single dosage of Viagra is 25mg, the price difference is astounding.

You can purchase the raw material for Viagra in China. This is Sildenafil. You have a MOQ, minimum order quantity to content with, which is often at least a gram. Price is around $0.000002 / pill.

It costs ten cents a gram for sildenafil, or ten cents for 1000mg. That’s ten cents for 40 pills. But Big American Pharmacies and their associated industries are charging an insane amount for this pill.

The cost for Viagra oral tablet 25 mg is around $447 for a supply of 6 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Prices are for cash paying customers only and are not valid with insurance plans.

It’s a good thing that I live in China, where I can get a bag of 100 generic pills for under $1.20.

Ah, but I digress…

"Abroad, getting Viagra is no problem as it is readily available over the counter in many countries. In countries I’ve been to, it sells for $1 a pill. Then, it’s party on. No such luck in the police state known as America. Got to have a doctor’s prescription, and it’s pricey. But, it’s worth it for the occasional twosome or threesome when there’s blow involved."

-If you are going to use Cocaine use Viagra

Enter Cialis

While it is certainly convenient, the problem with Viagra is that it tends to give you a headache, and does not mix well with alcohol. Which really sucks as most of us older folk prefer to drink and have fun, often leading up to a sexual romp or two.

And then came Cialis…


You take a Cialis pill on a Friday, and you are good to go up until next Tuesday. That’s four days, boys and girls. OK, well, three days of erection when you want it, and as long lasting as you need it. Four days it begins to sputter out. It’s erection on demand, and they are of high quality and long duration. Perfect for cuddling with that special person in your life. The real problem with this is that it takes around three hours to work, so it doesn’t lend itself to spontaneous sexual encounters.

It is ideal for a married man who wants to spend quality time with his wife.


Cialis is not licensed in China, so the only way you can get it at a pharmacy is to pay “full price”. Which is often 120 RMB/pill, or roughly $20/pill. That in itself pretty much sucks. Salaries in China are far below the salaries in the United States, so when you spend $20, it’s like spending enough to cover a weeks amount of food.

Chinese Pharmacy
Typical Chinese Pharmacy. The girl behind the counter will typically look up your medicine request on the computer and giver you the option of a local generic Chinese brand or a (cheap) cost version of a Western equivalent.

But then again, you can simply buy the (Tadalafil) powder here. Weigh it out. Mix it up yourself and use it.

I understand that a generic version is available in the UK, which would be a good alternative if you didn’t want to have a closet full of 500,000 Cialis pills lying around after your mix up your own batch. (BTW, India doesn’t really care about these licensed patents, and makes the pills anyways. Licensing and FDA be damned. So you can get great quality Cialis Generic out of India for maybe a fraction of the cost for what you would pay in the USA.)

It’s worth it, you know. You can spend quality time and focus on the time together instead of just one central activity.


Shelf Life

As an aside, it does have a shelf life. After I made up a couple of million pills, I had to throw away large garbage bags full of old pills. They had begun to age. As they got older, they started to develop side effects, such as stomach gas, indigestion, headaches, and vision irregularities. So don’t use any Cialis that is over three years old. When I threw them away, there must have been five large green-black bags of pills that were thrown into the dumpster. Such a waste. Such a waste.

Anyways, I would have say that Cialis is the preferred conventional medication for ED, hands down.


The Design Team

Ah, but now for some bad news. What is really sad about it is what happened to all the researchers and developers who invented this product. You want to guess? Come on, what do you think happened to them?



Key team leaders in the ICOS Corporation developed the drug. They conceived it, they developed it and worked on it. However, the FDA has all kinds of testing and qualification hurtles that needed to be overcome. There was no way that the medicine would be approved. They were told this, and they knew that they had to link up with an “insider” or two to get the product approved. So the ICOS Corporation teamed up with Eli Lilly and Company to help get the drug approved through the FDA.

Of course, Eli Lilly is a big company with a lot of pull. They were able to “pull some strings” and get the drug approved.

As soon as they were able, Eli Lilly and Company bought the ICOS Corporation. They did so in 2007. It didn’t come cheap. They bought it for $2.3 billion. As a result, Eli Lilly now owned Cialis. As soon as they acquired the company, they immediately closed the ICOS operations. Thus they ended the joint venture and fired most of ICOS’s approximately 500 employees. Five hundred employees fired. Five. Hundred. Employees. Good Golly!


Now you know [1] why the drug costs so much, and [2] why it sucks to work in corporate America.

Chinese pharmacy.
You can buy just about any medicine in the world at a Chinese pharmacy. You don’t need a prescription and the costs typically are much cheaper than in the United States. You just write what you are looking for on a slip of paper and give it to the girl behind the counter. No Chinese language skill is necessary.

Enter Levitra

This is an interesting little drug. It is a single dose drug like Viagra, but with a cost comparable to Cialis. It works a little bit differently than either of the two drugs already discussed. However, functionally it is like Viagra except it is made by a different company. You can consider it the Pepsi equivalent to Coke-cola.

I prefer it over Viagra simply because it interacts better with wine. I also like the (ahem) feeling I get when I use it. I feel (somewhat) better “packed” if you know what I mean.

What does it matter?

So now, men can take a pill and get an erection whenever they need it. Depending on where they live the access to this medication may be relatively easy (like in China) or restricted (like in America).

The thing is that life is not two dimensional.

It’s not ONLY about having a nice hard erection, it is about the mood, the feeling, and the emotions that you have when you are engaged in lovemaking. People, we are NOT animals. We have feelings and urges. Just getting hard and going through the motions is fine for a robot, but it is really weak compared to the real thing that you experienced when you were young.

For instance, consider the humble tomato. It was bred to look delicious, and ship safe. With taste being an afterthought. How we have thousands of tomatoes that look like plastic fruit and taste like cardboard. We have turned it into a two-dimensional shadow of what it was.

There are a host of things going on inside our brain when we are engaged in a sexual encounter. We express a litany of emotions, and feelings. We experience different sensations in our bodies. We connect and feel things that we share with our partners.

For both men and women, there are different aspects to a relationship that can be enhanced or (better yet) compensated for, instead just focusing on having an erection.


Maybe we should start to pay attention to these other aspects of our life. Maybe we should consider them as playing an important role in our life. Maybe we should consider the entire aspect of who we are and what we are doing.

Enter PT-141 (Bremelanotide) Vyleesi

Instead of being a PDE5 inhibitor like Viagra and Cialis, consider a melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH).  MSH induces lordosis in animal subjects. Or in other words, lordosis is a sign of physical preparation for copulation. It is a hormone that tells the body “get ready, we are going to have sex”.

It is a hormone that puts an animal in “heat”.

It is hardwired in our brains.  In animals such as dogs and cats, it tells the female to rise up their butts, and tells males to start thrusting. Now, as man has evolved this hormone has been repressed. We have replaced it with other cultural triggers. Or, in other words, what we visually see that has value has replaced this hormone. The natural lordosis behavior  has atrophied in humans.

Not so when you take this drug. This drug reactivates it.

PT-141 Bremelanotide is easily available outside of the United States. You can buy it in many English speaking countries such as Australia and the UK, as well as communist countries such as Communist China and Russia. However, Americans have been FORBIDDEN to have access to this medicine.

This drug was being developed by Palatin Technologies. It showed great promise as it works equally well on both the male and the female sexes. (Though who knows about the other 55 genders that somehow mysteriously popped into existence under the Obama administration.)

It’s not only that men can get a nice sold and hard erection. It is more than that. People who take this also feel differently. People who take it feel young and horny like a sex-crazed 16 year old.

There’s only one problem. The FDA decided to ban it.

The FDA refused to permit Americans to access this drug.

The FDA approval process.
Here is the FDA approval process. It’s pretty tight. In a way it is helpful , but in another way it is counter productive. You need a medicine that works, under specified conditions for 90% of the population. You can NEVER find something that works for 100% of the population. They could have released this medicine as approved with limitations on use, rather than directly banning it completely.

Yes, it was banned in the United States, much to the surprise to all the doctors, scientists, and research participants.

They were shocked, as they should be. This was not just a “so so” drug. The test results were ASTOUNDING, and yet…yet… it was banned.

So, in defiance, the staff who developed this amazing medicines put it ALL out on the internet. That’s right. All of the chemical formulations, all of the test plans, and all of the documentation was uploaded to the Internet.

Just like Keannu Reeves did in the movie “Chain Reaction”.

Chain Reaction starring Keannu Reeves
In the movie “Chain Reaction”, Keanu Reeves played a scientist that had the secret to limitless energy. However, dark powerful forces (namely the “swamp” and Big Business) wanted to stop him, and keep the information to themselves. What he ended up doing was to take all the information and upload it to the cloud so that everyone could have the information for free.

There, for everyone to see, is the amazing test results and the absolutely stunning levels of corruption at the FDA.

They put it all out there. Everything, including the formulation and sequencing information.

Scientists talk among each other. It’s a small world. Sure, maybe the well-paid FDA bureaucrats ($440,000 / year just to say NO!)  are oblivious to this fact, and only chat with each other in their mansions and country-clubs, but the real workers, developers and key inventors care about their work and research.

In short order, it became obvious that the FDA was a corrupt organization, and that America had banned this medication because it would compete against Viagra. It also became obvious that this medication was very special. Very… very special.

If Viagra could be compared to a French Fry, PT-141 Vyleesi was a full thanksgiving meal with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, salad, cranberry dressing, pumpkin pie and soft fresh buttered rolls. There is no comparison. None at all.

Not only that, but now the formula was available for everyone to replicate. As soon as it got out on the Internet, everyone was making it. People could buy it and try it and use it. Everyone, that is, except Americans.

So for the last two decades, this amazing drug has been used all over the world (outside of America) with amazing success, and absolutely ZERO fatalities. (So much for the so called, concerns about possible high blood pressure in a fringe section of the population.)

It has since become a legend. PT-141 Vyleesi is the stuff of dreams…

Pfaus showed me stunning testimonials from human test subjects. “On the five-point scale, I would rate the erection I had as a six,” said one of the 1,300 anonymous testers. 

"You get this humming feeling,” said another. “You’re ready to take your pants off and go.”

The drug worked equally well on women, who chronicled “an intense arousal” that lasted from six to 72 hours. “I was focused on sex,” said one of the women.


Yes, but what is even more interesting is that this works on both men AND women. So while you might have a raging hard-on, your wife can now feel the same as you at the same time. She can feel like she was a sex-starved girl in the throes of “puppy love”.

Ah! What an amazing age that we live in!

“A dose of PT-141 results, in most cases, in a stirring in the loins in as little as 15 minutes. Women, according to one set of results, feel ‘genital warmth, tingling and throbbing’, not to mention ‘a strong desire to have sex’.”

-Julian Dibbell at ScienceBase


User Stories

People can buy the PT-141 Vyleesi outside of the United States. And, they have been doing so for around two decades now.

The FDA has no jurisdiction off-shore, and people have taken advantage of this to try different kinds of medications for their own purposes.

You know, you don’t always have to listen to that busybody down the street to do things. So what if the FDA wants to FORCE you to pay outrageous prices for Viagra, and forbids you from using medications that you can get just about anywhere else on the planet.

Chinese Pharmacy.
Every nation has pharmacies. Here is one in China. However, you can go to a pharmacy in Mexico if you don’t want to fly to China. I am sure that it has many of the medications listed herein at a fraction of the cost of American versions.

You can hop on a plane and go to a nation that is freer, and get the medications yourself. I would suggest going to a nation that allows people more freedom than America allows.

“With PT-141 Vyleesi, you feel good, not only sexually aroused,” reported anonymous patient 007, a participant in a Phase 2 trial, “you feel younger and more energetic.” 

Said another patient: “It helped the libido. So you have the urge and the desire. . . . You get this humming feeling; you’re ready to take your pants off and go.” 

And another: “Twice me and my wife had sex twice in one night. I came in [to work] and I just raved about it: ‘Jesus, guys . . . 58 years old and you don’t do that.’ ” 

Tales of pharmaceutically induced sexual prowess among 58-year-olds are common enough in the age of the Little Blue Pill, but they don’t typically involve quite so urgent a repertoire of humming, throbbing, tingling, and double-dipping. 

Or as patient 128 put it: “My wife knows. She can tell the difference between Viagra and PT-141 Vyleesi .”


The stories about this drug are amazing. Consider this from TheIronDen;

My buddy said research the stuff and see what the dosing was supposed to be because me made a HUGE mistake and took to much. He took double what we took and I will tell you DAMN!!! DOSING is .10-.20cc NO MORE below is the story.

As many of you know I am a bouncer on the weekends well I was told take this 45 minutes before going to bed, I had read where this could take a few hours to take effect so at midnight we went to the car and took the preloaded insulin pins I brought with me. 

Well I felt nothing and the wife didn't either by 3:30 when we got home. I was pissed at her and she didn't know it so watched TV awhile then I slept on the couch, she came in the next morning and woke me up, we went in the room and talked a min, then it was on. 

We have never had sex 3 times in 4 hours and she has never orgasmed 3 times in 1 day, we were so tired from sex that we couldn't hardly move and wanted more but our bodies wouldn't let us. bremelanotide  Vyleesi is AMAZING, I even wanted it last night, she was in the mood but couldn't as she has other medical problems and the pain in her hip was too much.

What it does:

Men - makes you horny as hell and increases blood flow to the cock making it more sensitive.

Women - floods the vagina with blood making it WAY more sensitive and very aroused.

Of this from a woman who took it with her husband…

3 hours after injection bremelanotide (PT-141)  Vyleesi hit like gangbusters.* 

We were sitting in the lounge area of a restaurant when my nether regions made themselves known. Increased sensitivity to any movement I made in my seat i.e. shifting or leg crossing. 

This was coupled with increased sexual thoughts. 

It is difficult not to think in sexual terms when some body parts are demanding your attention! My husband had a difficult time getting up from his chair to even approach the restaurant table. Next time we will time the injections better LOL

There are many, many…. MANY opinions by users, that actually run counter to the decisions made by the FDA.

I have to wonder if the agencies such as the FBI, FCC, FDA and IRS are actually being made to benefit Americans. I just seems like they all have their own agendas and treat American citizens like toilet tissue. It really seems that way. It really, really does.


Heck, if the FDA was around when ice cream cones were first invented, I am sure that they would have banned them.

The same goes for such staples as Coke-cola, bananas (they will need to have a Blue Ribbon Panel study the “banana issue”), and chewing gum. Of course they would have banned chewing gum “for the children”.

Absolute power CORRUPTS absolutely.

When any agency causes more harm then benefit, it should have it’s doors shuttered and the workers discharged. Perhaps these “protected” governmental agencies should start to feel what industry has been like since the 1960’s for us “fly over” folk.

Women state that the sensation given from injecting bremelanotide (PT-141)  Vyleesi is like being in heat! 

One colleague in particular stated that she didn’t know what was going on…but she had wanted “it” all day long after dosing the night before.


History and Timeline

Here’s a quick timeline of events that begins with Palatin Technologies’ submission to the FDA in the United States.

August 30, 2007

Right off the bat, the FDA declined Palatin Technologies’ application for approval of Bremelanotide to treat erectile dysfunction. The reason was there were “concerns” of increased blood pressure in a small percentage of the test subjects. Especially in light that Viagra was approved and it too had test subjects that had increased blood pressure.


...the rejection of Bremelanotide by the FDA is especially puzzling, at least to a "lay person", when seeing posts online (including this one on the Yahoo finance message board for Palatin Technologies) claiming Palatin insiders have told them that only 2% of test subjects experienced a significant increase in blood pressure.


 "It was up to 30 for 2 percent (I spoke to Steven W aka investor relations). The avg was 3. Not a medical person but those few people that hit the 30 mark killed brem."

Click here to read about the FDA decision about Bremelanotide

There are all kinds of conspiracies as to why this drug was declined because one or two of the thousands of test subjects had slightly raised blood pressure, when other approvals (with higher percentages of problems identified by test subjects) were approved.

I, such as myself, have speculated that huge companies (like Pfizer for instance) may have strongly influenced the FDAs decision regarding approval of this relatively small company’s competitive product. If you don’t know what I am talking about, watch the movie “Tucker, a man and his dream“.

September 10, 2007

Palatin Technologies and King Pharmaceuticals end their collaboration. Palatin regains full rights to the Bremelanotide program.

September 11, 2007

Competitive Technologies announced they presented Palatin Technologies with a Notice of Termination of the PT-14 technology license agreement. For those not aware, CTT “discovered” the original compound that led to PT-141 (Brem’s initial designation) via the University of Arizona, and licensed Palatin to develop it in 1998.

This issue was resolved on January 22, 2008 with Palatin paying $800,000 to CTT and maintaining the rights to Bremelanotide.

September 28, 2007

Palatin Technologies announced positive results from an at-home Phase 2 trial evaluating bremelanotide for the treatment of female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD).

Post menopausal women "showed statistically significant improvements, compared to baseline and placebo, in desire and arousal success rates, and overall satisfaction at one and two months. In these patients, the FSFI domains of arousal, desire and orgasm were statistically significantly improved compared to placebo at one month. The arousal and orgasm domains were statistically significantly improved compared to placebo at one and two months."

Premenopausal women also "showed statistically significant improvements, compared to baseline, in desire and arousal success rates, and overall satisfaction at one and two months."

May 14, 2008

Palatin Technologies reported it was abandoning Bremelanotide as a sexual dysfunction drug. Instead they intend to resubmit it to the FDA as a treatment for shock due to blood loss.

They are beginning studies for a new compound called PL-6983.  This compound works like Bremelanotide but with significantly lower problems related to blood pressure issues. Read Palatin Technologies’ 2008 Objectives plan here.

Then something happened... In 2016, Donald Trump was elected and immediately put businessmen instead of political hacks in charge of the FDA. Three years later...

July 1, 2019

The FDA approved the drug! I am absolutely shocked! As well as pleased. Very, very pleased. Now Americans can finally get what we in the rest of the world has enjoyed for almost two decades now.

It can now be bought in the United States under prescription. It goes by the name Vyleesi. I’m sure that it will be much more expensive for Americans to buy, but it will now be available, and that is a big step towards freedom.

Vyleesi (bremelanotide) PT-141
Vyleesi (bremelanotide) PT-141



Here is a write up that has been circulating online over the last decade or so. As websites come and go, it behooves us to keep this information alive and available for all the poor sops in America who are FORBIDDEN from using this wonderful product;

What is Bremelanotide (PT-141)?

Bremelanotide (formerly PT-141) is the generic term for a new medication for use in treating sexual dysfunction in men (erectile dysfunction or impotence) as well as sexual dysfunction in women (sexual arousal disorder). It is a synthetic aphrodisiac. Unlike Viagra and other related medications, it does not act upon the vascular system, but directly increases sexual desire.

Originally, the peptide Melanotan II that bremelanotide was developed from was tested as a sunless tanning agent. In initial testing, Melanotan II did induce tanning but additionally caused sexual arousal and spontaneous erections as unexpected side effects in eight out of the ten original male volunteer test subjects. In clinical studies, bremelanotide has been shown to be effective in treating male sexual and erectile dysfunction as well as female sexual dysfunction. It is currently being tested by Palatin Technologies.

Bremelanotide is a cyclic hepta-peptide lactam analog of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) that activates the melanocortin receptors MC3-R and MC4-R in the central nervous system. It has the amino acid sequence Ac-Nle-cyclo[Asp-His-D-Phe-Arg-Trp-Lys]-OH or cyclo-[Nle4, Asp5, D-Phe7, Lys10]alpha-MSH-(4-10). PT-141 is a metabolite of Melanotan II that lacks the C-terminal amide function. Its molecular formula is C50H68N14O10 with a molecular weight of 1025.2.

Are these nasal? Oral, Injectable?

Currently the nasal and oral routes have not been made efficient. PT-141 is a sterile injectable made for sub-q injection, like insulin.

What's the dosing much do I take?

0.5mg-2mg is the range which people dose. Taking 2-4 hours before game time is ideal. The window of opportunity is very unique.

Say you had a dinner and movie arranged. Taking before dinner may be the best route, however during the climax of the movie may interfere with one of your own…read between the lines there

Is there any reconstituting involved?

Yes and bacteriostatic water is the recommended solvent here. 

To mix the vial with bact water, take one syringe (BD Ultrafine II 1cc or 1/3 cc are excellent and I recommend them) and grab your vial of bacteriostatic water. If using a 1 cc syringe (100 units), use the syringe to withdraw 1 full ml (1cc) and inject that into the vial of PT-141 through the rubber. 

Be sure to aim the needle towards the glass, so that it will trickle down and not harm the peptide. 

Swirl the vial to thoroughly mix and let the peptide dissolve. The key here is to be gentle. 

Say you had the vial of PT-141 stored in the freezer, move the vial of PT-141 to fridge for an overnight stay. Then you are ready the next day to reconstitute the same temperature refrigerated bact water with the PT-141 in the most efficient manner. (Just some tricks of the trade here.)

So now you have 100 units (1cc) of bacteriostatic water mixed with 10 mg of PT-141 in your vial ready to go. A 1mg dose would be 10 units or .1ml (.1cc). Make sense? Hope so.

How is it stored?

The lyophilized powder (freeze dried state) can be stored in the freezer or refrigerator. Once reconstituted (mixed with water) it will be good for a month in the refrigerator before it begins to degrade.

Does this help give erections or just put you in the mood?

With PT-141, you feel good, not only sexually aroused, as reported anonymous patient 007, a participant in a Phase 2 trial, you feel younger and more energetic.

The precise mechanisms by which PT-141 does its job remain unclear, but the rough idea is this: Where Viagra acts on the circulatory system, helping blood flow into the penis, PT-141 goes straight to the brain itself. And there it goes to work, switching on the same neural circuitry that lights up when a person actually, you know, wants to.

Basically this takes men back to middle school. You may find yourself in a similar situation as you were in 8th grade science class with the teacher bent over helping the student in front of you. It may be necessary to do a "tuck up" if at the office or especially at the public pool!


Enter PL-6983

This is an “improved” version of PT-141 that doesn’t have any of the “concerns” that the FDA has raised. Of course, no matter how successful the medication is, the FDA will probably ban it’s use anyways. Anyways, this medication is under development currently and the formula is secret. Maybe one day, we can find out more about this medication. However, for now, we will have to wait.

PL-6983 is a synthetic peptide and selective MC4 receptor agonist which is under development by Palatin Technologies for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction and erectile dysfunction. It was developed as a successor to/replacement of bremelanotide (PT-141) due to concerns of the side effect of increased blood pressure seen with the latter in clinical trials. Relative to bremelanotide, PL-6983 produces significantly lower increases in blood pressure in animal models.The drug has reportedly been in pre-clinical development for all medical indications since 2008. Palatin has stated that "We are focusing development efforts on bremelanotide for [female sexual dysfunction], but are continuing evaluation of PL-6983." The chemical structure of PL-6983 has yet to be made public.


You can read about it in detail HERE.

Enter Oxytocin

You do not need to take various medications to enhance your bodies’ desire for sexual intercourse. There are hormones that do this. For example, Oxytocin is a hormone that also acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain and known as the “love hormone” or “cuddle hormone”.


In humans, it is believed to be released during hugging, touching, and orgasm in both sexes. Oxytocin is also involved in social recognition and bonding, and may be involved in the formation of trust and generosity.

A researcher at the University of Zurich has stated that women are more susceptible to oxytocin than men, due to enhancing effects of estrogen, so women may show a stronger effect.


If you are an American it would be pretty difficult to obtain. You would have to have your doctor prescribe it for you, and at that, it is heavily regulated and very expensive. Or, you could do what everyone else on the globe does. They buy it from China.

Enter Flibanserin

Now, of course, women have different biology than males. Their urges, needs and desires can not often be switched on and off like a light-bulb. Consider Flibanserin. Here is a drug that showed some real promise in helping women reengage their sexual desire.

Addyi has been developed to help women with their sexual needs and desires. Personally I think it is a good thing. I have noticed that when both mean and women are getting their sexual and relationship needs fulfilled, they are often healthier and much happier.

It was developed by a small company called Boehringer Ingelheim, and they submitted it to the FDA for approval. Of course, the FDA halted all approvals, and the development of this product ended.

Well, some “back door” meetings were conducted. Some money changed hands. Then, suddenly the rights to the drug were then transferred to Sprout Pharmaceuticals. What do you know? Suddenly all the roadblocks fell and the FDA approved of the drug in August 2015.


Of course! Only certain companies are permitted to get products approved by the FDA. It’s a small closed club, don’t you know.  Hum. I wonder how much money exchanged hands at the FDA. I’ll bet that it was significant.

Heroes and attaractive people have followers.
Some people end up having followers or groupies. Anyone can be a follower. That can include newscasters. I am sure that this gal would do anything that this man asked.

The product was developed as BIMT-17. Current brand name is Addyi.

Flibanserin has been dubbed the “Female Viagra” and “the little pink pill”; however compared to Viagra, flibanserin has a distinctly different mechanism.

The proposed mechanism of action of flibanserin involves regulation of several brain chemicals that may affect sexual desire, although the exact mechanism is not known. Flibanserin is a post-synaptic 5HT1A receptor agonist and 5HT2A receptor antagonist, as noted in FDA briefing documents, and has action in the central nervous system. 

The manufacturer states that flibanserin corrects an imbalance of dopamine and norepinephrine (both responsible for sexual excitement), while decreasing levels of serotonin (responsible for sexual satiety / inhibition). 

Flibanserin is not a hormonal drug and does not affect blood flow like the class of drugs approved for men with erectile dysfunction.

Like all FDA approved medications, there are limitations.  The medication has to be taken daily and is costly, about US$800 per month with a prescription.

But no worries. You can buy the materials by the Kg in China, and only end up paying $0.0000002/dose. Of course, you would need to measure the dose out on a scale. So it is not as convenient.


If you want to save money, and not have to worry about self dosing, I would suggest this far cheaper alternative.

  1. Buy a round-trip ticket to China.
  2. Get a five-star hotel room.
  3. Go to a pharmacy, and pay $20 for a three month supply.
  4. Return home.

You won’t need a prescription in China. The Chinese government trusts their citizens to know how to take care of their own bodies.

Contrary to what the American Media says, the Chinese government trusts their people.

What about Kisspeptin

Kisspeptin is a naturally occurring hormone, so it’s present in all men and all women. And it’s mainly found in the brain, especially in the center of the brain in the area called the hypothalamus.


At the moment we know that it works to control other reproductive hormones like testosterone and estrogen using its actions in the hypothalamus. There are receptors for this hormone in the emotional areas of the brain.

In trials, 29 healthy young male volunteers were given an injection containing kisspeptin. They were then shown a variety of images while in an MRI scanner, including sexual and non-sexual romantic pictures of couples bonding. The same men were also administered a placebo during the two-stage controlled study.

Researchers analyzing the brain responses of the men found that after the injection of kisspeptin, when viewing sexual or romantic images of couples, there was increased activity in structures in the brain typically activated by sexual arousal and romance.

The researchers say the findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, show for the first time that the hormone that is vital in all of us to stimulate puberty can also alter the way that our brains behave.

Roll Call

So we have PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra and Cialis that enable the male to have erections. It doesn’t do anything in regards to feelings and emotions. All it does is enable men to perform biologically like they did when they were in their 20’s.

We have melanocyte stimulating hormones (MSH) that induces primeval lordosis in humans. This works on both men and women. The FDA forbids Americans to use this medicine, but it is being used around the world with great and stunning results. This is available in PT-141 and possibly (one day) in PL-6983.

We have normal human hormones such as Kisspeptin and Oxytocin that regulates feelings and emotions leading towards relationships and sexual activities.

Finally, we have “designer medicines” such as Flibanserin (Addyi). Which is a post-synaptic 5HT1A receptor agonist and 5HT2A receptor antagonist for female use.

The Future

The future for Americans is rather bleak, I am afraid.

The House of Representatives voted on Friday to create a new schedule of banned drugs under the Controlled Substances Act, called “Schedule A,” and to give Attorney General Jeff Sessions broad new powers to criminalize the manufacturing, importation, and sale of substances that are currently unregulated, but not illegal. 

The bill is now headed to the Senate, where co-sponsors Dianne Feinstein (D–Calif.) and Chuck Grassley (R–Iowa) will likely have little problem whipping votes.

-Michael Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog

Did you know that the natural betel nut is banned in the United States? Do you even know what it is? It is a nut from the betel tree, and people in South East Asia chew it, much like Americans chew birch bark and leaves. It’s not at all popular in the United States, but in Asian expat communities, they do chew this nut.

Well, the FDA banned it. Do you know why?

Was it because it was dangerous? Was it because of “the children”? Was it because it might cause addiction or develop into a desire for other vices? Nope. It was banned because they COULD NOT find anything wrong with it. So to be safe, they banned it until they could find a benefit in chewing it. You know, “better safe than sorry”.

What kind of backwards logic is this? That is America for you. There is absolutely no freedom. Now, if you want to chew a betel nut you need to go to a freer country that allows you this little pleasure.

You need to go to a country that has more freedoms than America allows. You know, like friggin’ communist China!!!!


As an American, all we know is what we are told. We think that there is only one medication available for men with ED issues. When in reality, there are a host of solutions. It is just that Americans are barred from trying any of these other solutions simply because…

Simply because…

You, know. Because…

But not to worry. These medications are easy to get outside of the United States. They do not need doctors prescriptions or any proof of age or other barriers that one often finds in the United States. You just go to a pharmacy, write the name of the drug on a piece of paper, and they sell it to you directly at the cash register.

As you get older, you start to realize that “someday, I will...” is actually right NOW. There no longer is a “someday“. All you have is the NOW, and nothing else. You have friends who have died, and you truly know how short life actually is. You don’t have the will to wait for “someday…“.

You don’t have the time, or the patience to wait until some well-fed bureaucrat in the American government grants you the right to do things with your own body. You say “piss on this“, and go do it yourself anyways.

Every day that you live could be the last.

That moment that you could spend with your wife, holding and snuggling, while the storm rages outside might be your last. Those bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. don’t care about you at all. They are not sitting at the table with you now. They have no idea what color your socks are, and do not know which side of the bed that you sleep on.

How dare they TELL YOU what to put in YOUR body!

Our rulers
Here are the people who operate the enormous bureaucracy in the United States. You know, the ones that say one things and do the other. John Brennan. James Clapper, and their ilk. You know what they think of YOU and your family, don’t you…?

Freedom actually means something. It is not just a meaningless slogan that you hear on the fourth of July. It means something, gosh darn it!

The freedom to live your life on your terms is what freedom is. And that is why I am in communist China of all places. At least here, I can take whatever medication I please. No over-paid Washington bureaucrat can do anything about it.

Hey! I’m not seeing an opioid crisis over here…

Oh, and by the way! I like well-cooked bacon as well, with sunny-side up eggs! I like “runny” yellows on my eggs. You don’t like it? You can go to hell.

This is MY time and I am living it on MY terms. I strongly recommend that you, the reader, do so as well. You go live YOUR life as YOU see fit.



  • PT-141 is a superior ED medication.
  • PT-141 is illegal in the United States, even though it’s qualification trials were acceptable. This is true even though this drug is available world-wide with no reported problems what so ever.
  • To pass approval in the FDA, there is apparently a need for graft, kick-backs and large American-based company partnerships. Nothing is ever approved on merit alone.
  • Americans do not need to suffer the extremely high costs of medications in the United States. They can get them outside of the USA at a fraction of the cost (airfare included).
  • ED medication is often used recreationally by young men who don’t need it. However, there is a real and serious need for men over 40 years old.
  • The roles of touching, cuddling, holding and passionate embraces are just as important than the sexual act alone.


Q: What is PT-141?
A:Bremelanotide (tentative brand name Rekynda; former developmental code name PT-141) is a peptide melanocortin receptor agonist which is under development by Palatin Technologies as a treatment for female sexual dysfunction. It works equally effectively on both male and female humans.

Q: Is it available in the United States?
A: No. The FDA has banned it.

Q: Why is PT-141 banned in the United States?
A: The official reason is because a small subgroup of patients using the medication experienced higher than normal levels of blood pressure. The actual reason is because this is a small non-American organization, and they did not have any connections with large American pharmacy organizations to pay for the vice and graft that the FDA expected.

Q: Is PT-141 safe?
A: Yes. Since the product went globally public since 2007, there has not been one fatality or hospitalization when using this medication. NOT ONE.

Q: Other medicines in other nations cheaper than in the USA?
A: Oh, my yes.

"$8 per vial in competing developed-world nations and $38,892 in the U.S. That says it all."

-Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog

5JUL19 Update

The FDA approved Bremelanotide PT-141 for sale under the trade name Vyleesi. Amazing!

And the “swamp creatures” in Washington DC are furious!

A Final Quote

Dr. Robert Pearl, writing in Forbes last September illustrated the greed exhibited by the industry. He used the CEO of Nostrum Laboratories to make his point. Nostrum recently raised the U.S. price of their antibiotic nitrofurantoin from $474.75 to $2,392. It was developed back in 1953 and should have gone off patent during the Nixon era.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Nirmal Mulye Nostrum chief executive, said “I think it is a moral requirement to…sell the product for the highest price.”

Mr Mulye compared pricing decisions to that of selling “a painting for half a billion dollars”. He was “in this business to make money”. Of course, all businesses are in business to make money. But, none enjoy the monopolistic protections granted to the pharmaceutical industry here in the United States.

Note: a three day supply of nitrofurantoin tablets in Alberta sells for $15 Canadian.

The American system has been allowed to metastasize into an unaffordable monster. Our political leaders have allowed it. It is long past time for Americans to demand that they change it. This is not a matter of right versus left. It is a matter of right versus wrong. It is simply wrong for our government to allow sick Americans to be held hostage to the predatory prices imposed by these government protected monopolies.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Composed 15JUN18.
  2. Final composition 20JUN18.
  3. SEO review 20JUN18.

Why an American Man should Leave America (If just for a bit…)

No, this is not a bash the United States post. This is a post about stepping out of your comfort zone and seeing what is “out there”. Here, I argue that travel, and adventure, are the best ways to make us appreciate America, what we have. As well, as to appreciate what we don’t have.

After all, if you live in the desert you begin to appreciate grass, trees and rain. You need to “shake things up” from time to time.

When one speaks three languages: they are trilingual.
When one speaks two languages: they are bilingual.
When one speaks only one language: they are American.

I’ve done my fair share of travelling, and I can say that no place is perfect. Some things are great here, and some things are better there. What is important is the exposure to those things. It helps us grow.

Have you ever wondered what would happen to the people of North Korea if they were exposed to what it is like outside of North Korea? Can you just imagine? They have never been to a McDonald’s restaurant. They have never seen a K-POP video. They don’t carry smart phones, and don’t know what a search engine is. Imagine what a shock to their system it would be.

They are stuck there in their own echo chamber, in their own bubble of reality.

Just like us Americans. We too are stuck in a echo chamber and our own bubble of reality. My golly, that should most certainly be obvious after the 2016 election of Donald Trump and how outrageous the news media has become afterwards. Everyone is living this fake world and this fictional understanding of life. Everyone. From the news-babes on CNN, to the CEO of Starbucks. Everyone is living in some kind of Bizzaro World.

The weekends in Egypt are not same with ours!
This also broke my common sense, I thought the weekends is Saturday and Sunday all over the world! But there're Friday and Saturday in Egypt!


Let’s chat a little bit about stepping outside of the United States as an American Man, for just a spell. Just for a little bit of time, not for long. Just for a little bit. Then return back. Then to think about how to improve our life inside the United States. For now, we have a new and fresh perspective of what it is like outside the United State’s borders…

Step out. Look around. Step back.

Remember, I am a MAN, so this article is from my, a male’s perspective. I am sure a woman would have a totally different viewpoint. 

Why a man should leave America

If you’re an American living in the United States, I’m sorry, but you probably aren’t using your nationality to its fullest potential. Sure, you get to honor the flag during baseball games, barbecue hotdogs on the 4th of July and express your loud political opinion. But ultimately, the best way to celebrate your Americanism is to leave the USA.

-The Privileged Life of an American Living in Asia

Since I have been outside of the USA, I have lived a freer, happier life.  While I have tried to tell and relate this fact to the reader, it is just incomprehensible to most Americans because many have not left the United States. What I relate to and describe is completely foreign. I wish it wasn’t this way, I really do. However, that is simply the truth.

I will have to be honest, it wasn’t until after I left America that I really began to appreciate it.

As well as get really angry as to what it has become.

Here's just a few of the things that I have come to miss...

The first day of hunting season. A big garden full of tomato plants, peppers and onions. Football on lazy Sunday afternoons. The local sports section in the newspaper with photos of friends, relatives, and their kids. Fishing brook trout. A compound bow. A Ruben sandwich with real coleslaw. Rummaging around in a auto junkyard and scrounging some spare parts.

Meeting some friends at the local bar, or club. Chatting about the latest movies. Depth-charges, and pickled eggs. Cleaning out the gutter, and raking leaves. (Yeah, really.) My riding lawnmower.

My tree stand and salt lick.

Chilling out with my uncle while jazz played on the stereo in his living room. Having a "Dagwood" sandwich. The editorial section of the Pittsburgh Press. Taking my motorcycle out for a spin on a nice sunny summer day. "Lighting up" next to a hopper while the Indian summer breeze blew some leaves about.

You take these things for granted. It is not until you live without them that you begin to miss them, and appreciate them.

Here is an interesting little vignette from an American who went to visit a coffee-shop in Amsterdam, and discovers that instead of selling coffee, it sold weed and magic mushrooms!

Yeah right, coffee shop that doesn’t serve coffee, but space cakes and magic mushrooms. 

So, I am from a country where you get skinned, shot at, and hanged for having this stuff. 

Of course, now I had the freedom to do that, and hence, I headed to a coffeeshop. As a noob, I had no idea how this works. There was a “consultant” to assist you, like a pharmacist!” No kidding , that was crazy! 

I remember the lady introducing all the products from space cakes and magic mushrooms to philosophical stones and recommend that a noob like me to try the mushrooms. So I asked, “How do you eat this?”

She replied, “ Just eat it like eating French fries.”
Me after an hour : Damn the French fries was good!

-What was the biggest culture shock you ever faced?

This posting is inspired by an article titled “10 Reasons Why Heterosexual Men Should Leave America” written on 16DEC13 written by RooshV. As good as it is, it is (perhaps) a little too dominated by sexual excursions and other opinions by that author. It’s kind of a “turn off”, don’t you know.

Again, and I must REPEAT, this is not an article that bashes America. It is my suggestion that travel to different places, and exposure to different things is beneficial.

We all NEED to Grow

For us to grow and advance in both the physical and spiritual aspects of our beings, we need to adapt to the changing circumstances that surround us.  We need to adapt to the environment as we find it.  We need to do this with acceptance, and without trying to alter or change the environment; for it is only us who will be able to change. We can only change ourselves, not the environment around us.

In my case, I left the United States, and I moved to China.

Before I left to Beijing for my weekend trip, my friends from Macau & Hong Kong told me how air quality is going to be bad, smog everywhere, take a mask, etc., but when I went to Beijing, I saw bluest sky I have seen and air quality was excellent. When I showed some of my photos, no one would believe, then I saw an article in New York Times how china could change the climate and air quality if they want to. 

Not sure if this is true but it was a very beautiful day

-What culture shocks did you experience when coming to China

Well I moved to China.

As such, I needed to adapt to the Chinese way of doing things. Which was, in many ways, very different from what I have come to expect. This shock to my system, and what I have learned from it was eye opening. As such, I wish to write about some of the things that I have learned. Though, I will have to tell you (the reader) that many of what I will relate will not make any sense, and you will probably not believe me anyways.

“Most people do not believe traveller’s tales.”

-Glory Road

Differences are always good

I was in Singapore this Feb 2017. Our tour guide proudly asked us in the bus to look outside and tell us what they notice or see different than our country - India. Everyone looked outside, few minutes passed by and people shouted “Traffic police?”. She said, “Yes! We have no traffic police. Everything is monitored on the CCTV cameras. One of the reasons there is so much obedience in public”.

What a boring place the world would be if all we could eat was salt-free oatmeal, and warm water. Even for you oatmeal lovers out there, it would be boring. Day in and day out. The same old… same old. Lucky for us, it isn’t that way. We can choose to eat ice cream, pizza, pork chops, bacon, and French fries. What a wonderful situation!

Philly Cheese sandwich.
It is wonderful to have choices. Yet, many times we do not realize that we have choices. We are stuck in our groove of conformity. We always get a McDonalds burger, or a Starbucks coffee. We don’t think of alternatives. I argue that we should. For that is how we grow. Picture is of a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich.

If we wanted to, we could eat chicken fried steak with sunny-side-up eggs. We can eat butterscotch milkshakes and brownies. We can eat thick pan, double-stuffed pizza and wash it down with a pitcher of icy cold Budweiser. We can eat bagels and cream cheese and a wash it down with a nice hot cup of coffee with real cream. My goodness! Isn’t it great to be able to have choices?

That means, boys and girls, having choices is a good thing.

You can live in Boston if you want bagels and coffee from Duncan Donuts, or live in California if you want taquitos and coffee. You can live in Florida if you want nice sunny skies, or you can live in Wisconsin if you like ice fishing. Choices are good. Having different choices in different places are good.

That’s pretty important.

That is why it is so great to live in Europe. A two or three hour ride will take you to a different part of Europe with different customs, languages and lifestyle. Well, it used to, anyways. That is until the progressive started to run Brussels and dictate conformity throughout the EU. Anyways, I digress…

Different things are really great.

Having different choices is food is a very good thing. You can have a taco if you are too tired of hotdogs, and hamburgers. I think that it is not just food, but drink as well. Instead of a icy coke, how about a nice frosty PBR or local beer? Different choices are a good thing.

It doesn’t matter what it is. Not really. Different types of food are nice. Like, for instance, getting a cup of coffee at the Café du monde in New Orleans as opposed to walking into a Starbucks franchise.

Not just about food and drink, mind you, but other things as well. How about having different pets. Having a few dogs around the house to liven it up, and having a few cats to mellow things out and keep everyone in line, is a good thing.

Or maybe having different cars. Like having a beat-up pickup to go mudslinging, or a cheap car to commute to work back and forth, or having a nice big Lincoln to go out to the lounge in the big city.

Different is good. It is really, really good.

Burger platter
You know, seemingly small things can make a big difference. Consider using a different kind of bread or cheese on your hamburger. You expand the taste and I dare say…improve it! Maybe a cooked sweet pepper, or some crumbly blue cheese, and olives. Hey, don’t just snort in incredulity, Try it.

We need to Broaden our Experiences

Now, I contend that the greater your experiences are with different things, the broader your personality becomes.

For instance, I never had any Mexican (or Tex-Mex) food until after I graduated from university. Yet, when I had my first taco and burrito, I became hooked. How I could, I possibly live in a world without refried beans, melted cheese, and tacos? Since then, this type of food expanded my experiences. It made me a better person. And, perhaps, a little thicker around the middle.

club sandwich
How about a fine club sandwich to put a nice big smile on your face. I really like to eat it with a side of coleslaw and some thick “Texas” fries, and a nice cup of “bottom-less” coffee (or sweet iced tea). Yum!

It doesn’t mean that all that I ate before (my discovery of Mexican food) was bad, it is just that I found another food that I like just as well as (stuffed) pork chops, pizza and double tomato hamburgers. It was equal.

Later, when I experienced “real” Southern cooking and had my first “real” BBQ in Mississippi, I added yet another food to my list of favorites. Shortly after that, I added deep-fried catfish, pickled tomatoes, and hushpuppies.  Some of the things that I was exposed to completely replaced the old “standbys”. For instance, once I had “real” Southern mint iced tea, I never bought a regular “iced tea” from a fast food restaurant ever again.

My experiences expanded me.

Muslims male could have more than one wife.
My Egyptian friends told me that the Muslims in Egypt could have four wives maximum, that's legal.

having experiences is good. That is a good thing. We have to keep on constantly pushing, striving and working on growth. Instead of just ordering the same $5 pepperoni pizza from Domino’s pizza, mix it up a little and try a Greek gyro with salad and French fries. Instead of a number #2 meal out of Burger King, order their new “signature” special and try it out for a change. Instead of drinking a Coke out of the 7-11, go a little nuts and drink a Dr. Pepper. Let your “hair down”, live a little bit.

Stop going to McDonalds and KFC all the time. Go to “Quaker Steak & Lube“, “Submarina“, “The Hat“, “Portillo’s Restaurants“, “Duchess“, “The Varsity“, “Honey Dew Donuts“, “Bojangles“, “Runza“, “Arctic Circle“, or “Blake’s Lotaburger“.

Please, believe me. You should try different things.

Not all hamburgers are the same. Fast food is NOT about a basic McDonalds hamburger. It can be anything. There are choices out there you know. You have choices. You can decide what YOU want to eat. Your choices are not limited to either [1] a cheeseburger, [2] a big mac, or [3] a quarter pounder.

Step outside your comfort zone. The world is filled with all kinds of things that are are quite different from what you have grown accustomed to. Different is good. Listen to me, different is GOOD.

It’s not only about food either. It’s about everything.

Party on Hangover II
Yeah, the Hollywood movie “Hangover II” was a fiction, but the life that it represents can be easily obtained. You just need to step out of your comfort zone and experience new things. Anyways, who wouldn’t mind hanging out with your best friends with a monkey in a “Rolling Stones” vest, drinking VSOP?

This includes different types of personalities, different fashions, different styles of buildings, different weather, different  ways of doing things. Each one has their good and bad aspects. There is no “best” way to do anything. You can select and you can choose.

They use almost every part of the animal in their food. It was a shock when I ordered Chicken in my hotpot, expecting just the meat and find that there is literally a chicken head, chicken feet etc. in my soup.

Don’t fall for the conventional narrative that there is only ONE best way to do things (the way everyone else does things). You are your own person. You can make your decisions and you own choices.

You, yes YOU, can decide.

"I certainly had no idea about sex until I was 52 and living in Asia. 

But I didn’t understand what I was missing either, so can sympathize with a lot of the white guys living in their home towns. 

I don’t even bother telling my pals back home about sex out here, they just claim I’m lying, or at best think I’m lying."


We need to Push and Strive

You have to push to learn and improve your life.

Unless you push, strive and experience, you will become fat and lazy. We have to constantly push ourselves to be better people. To do this we need to strive. Strive to be good men. Strive to be good fathers. Strive to be great employees. Strive to do what is the best. Strive to learn.

"Of course the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you--if you don't play, you can't win."

-Robert Heinlein

In most cases this will not happen if all you do is sit on your lazy-boy and play video games all day. You need to break out of what you know and enter the realm of what you don’t know. You need to go “outside” and experience other ways of doing things, and other ways of thinking. This might mean that the way pizza is made in Chicago tastes better to you, than the way pizza is made in New York City. Or not. Maybe you end up liking both types of pizza. (Like I do.)

A slice of pizza is delicious.
Pizza is just awesome, but you know what? There are different kinds of pizza, and different kinds of styles. I think that they are all awesome. Though, I not a big fan of oyster and mussels on a pizza, personally.

But there will be one take-away from your comparative experience. That is, at least you will know the difference between a pizza in Chicago and one in New York. That knowledge is a good thing.

Next time that you eat a slice of your favorite pizza, you will end up appreciating it even more.

Different Food can be found in Different Nations

I have to tell you that I have eaten some of the most amazing food, that I ever ate, in China. You know the Chinese-American food “General’s Tso’s Chicken”? Well, you should try the real authentic Chinese dish; Gongbaojiding.

Real Chinese food
According to Wikipedia; Kung Pao chicken is a Sichuan cuisine originated in the Sichuan Province of south-western China and includes Sichuan peppercorns. The dish is found throughout China, there are regional variations that are typically a little less spicy than the Sichuan serving.

I have to tell you that Thai food is amazingly delicious. I also love the noodle dishes from Vietnam. Singapore and Malaysia has some of the best and tasty dishes that I ever ate. Australia has some pretty awesome steaks, and my goodness, the cheese out of New Zealand is absolutely amazing.

Come on! If you haven’t had Guinness stout on tap, you haven’t lived.


And… Please understand, there are some amazing wines out of Chile and Australia. You owe it to yourself to try some, if just once. You should understand why many Australians are so relaxed about life, and why everyone says that Morocco is a cool place to visit. You need to go there and learn.

OK. Well, I would hope that I made my point.

The world is filled with all kinds of things. These things are both good and bad. You should not rely on some television or Internet “expert” to tell YOU which is good or bad. I argue that you should go out and sample them yourself.

So, please don’t get too upset. I personally think that YOU, the reader, should know what you want and what you like. You are the expert on YOUR life.

It's like the mainstream news media getting upset because we go to the internet for our news. We do not need the info-babe telling us what the President said. We can listen to his speech directly ourselves.

You are the expert of YOUR life. You can decide what you like and what you don’t like.

Why you should expose yourself to other ways of living…

You, the reader, should not get mad but I really think that YOU should be the one who decides what you like and what you don’t like. Not some “expert” who tells you what to eat, how to live, where to live and what to do.

"Once you go abroad it’s difficult to go back. 

My first extended experience living overseas opened my eyes in a variety of ways. People will always be people but I believe that culture is the single biggest influence on people. There is definitely something wrong with America in this respect. 

America may be a lot of good things.. productive, prosperous, and relatively free but the socialization of its citizens is much less advanced than other (much more economically poorer) countries I’ve been in. 

The way I look at it quality of life isn’t just all about money. It’s about what you can do with yourself in that society and how comfortable you feel around others. 

In America I was never truly “comfortable” but always felt tense or slightly agitated at the people around me. There’s definitely a hostility and tenseness to social interaction there that I don’t feel anywhere else. 

That’s a lot of negativity to deal with daily so it’s not surprising that out of all industrialized first world countries Americans generally have the least healthy lifestyles and shortest overall life spans.”


With this being made clear, let’s take a look at why an American man should step out of America from time to time and sample the customs elsewhere…

[1] It is not as bad as you fear

First of all, other nations are not as bad off as you have been led to believe.

Being in a echo chamber, with our only window outside of the USA is the news media, gives us a really warped idea of life. Particularly, life outside of the United States. If you believe the American news media, the world is a cold dark sooty place, with only the United States glowing in the light.


Let me be the first to correct this crazy perception. Nope! It is not that way at all. Those pesky Russkies are in so many ways like your typical middle class American. Those evil commie Chinese are like Americans from the 1950’s. Those Africans from Zambia and Kenya are more conservative than the most conservative Republican can ever be.

What you think is real, it all just a big friggin’ lie!

Hey guys, there just aren’t any high speed trains in the USA. We stopped making advances in rail technology when the American government took over control of the rail. via GIPHY

When I first stepped foot outside, I was stunned. Heck! They had toll booths, ATM machines, cell-phones, taxis, and universities. People wore the same clothes that I did. I could get sunny side up eggs and a great freshly brewed coffee just about anywhere. The girls were amazingly attractive, and the girls in Australia all had these lion manes for hair. It was stunning.

Good golly! The girls are friggin’ stunning. Korean, Chinese, Australian, Singaporean, Zambian… Zambian… oh, did I say Zambian? Stunning!

Korean girls via GIPHY

People had homes with yards, garages, sun-porches, dining rooms, and nice Western-style bathrooms.

Sure they did things differently, but it really wasn’t all that bad. It most certainly doesn’t look like a “Save the Children” commercial, or a Brazilian garbage dump. Other nations have weather girls, news programs, forensics television shows, and often many rights that are no longer available to Americans…

Especially, the freedom to keep your personal records private.

Yes, they have highways. They have their own local pop music. They play games on their smart phones, and they like to fish. Guys like to watch sports, and really get involved in it. Men do household chores and everyone really cares for their children.

Speaking of children. In fact, I was stunned that children in Thailand can buy and own firearms! I was under the impression that American was the ONLY nation that had the “second amendment”. Boy, oh boy was I wrong. I was terribly wrong.

Thailand Guns.
Any Thai citizen can buy a gun in Thailand. There are no age limitations, or a need for federal registration or background checks. Thailand residents are fully trusted by their citizens to own guns of all types, and calibers. Including full automatic weapons.

When the democrats are eventually successful in repealing the second amendment, American will obviously need to look to Thailand as the beacon of liberty and freedom.


People in other nations have pets, often treating them like children (for example like in China), and not breeding them as food like CNN likes to announce. And speaking about lies from the media, all these “bird flu” conflagrations are all nonsense. The various illnesses that are developed overseas will not kill you. It is all a manufactured reality to keep you in fear.

And, by the way, Christmas Trees will not kill you. No matter what the big media wants to convince you.

In short, and in summary, the rest of the earth outside of the United States is not what you think it is.

Travelling will make you take a good hard look at what you thought was reality. via GIPHY

[2] You will get to experience real FREEDOM

Another big thing is that you get to compare and contrast. You get to see what “freedom” actually and really is.

Once, you as an American, leave the United States you will finally get to feel what real freedom is like. This is a really big thing with me, as I feel very betrayed by our elected politicians. Today, for the vast bulk of Americans, we DO NOT KNOW what real freedom is.

"But the biggest culture shock of all was that it never felt like you were in a communist country at all"

-What culture shocks did you fell when you visited China?

In the USA we always talk about how “free” America is. We talk about it, we sing about it, we praise it, but we don’t live it. We have forgotten what real freedom is. We are just talk about it. It’s all talk, talk, talk.

Yadda… yadda…yadda.

I wonder how many people, not just Americans but those in other countries, have come to the conclusion that the United States today is a less free and less aware society than the societies in the dystopian novels of the 20th century or in movies such as The Matrix and V for Vendetta. 

Just as people in the dystopian novels had no idea of their real situation, few Americans do either. 

 -Paul Craig Roberts

It’s a truly sad situation, where we don’t realize how absolutely decimated our freedom has become. We think we are “free” when we have to report to the IRS. We believe that we are free when need to show a driver’s license to buy a beer. We are convinced that all is good, and our freedom is intact, when CNN announces that the President suspended habeas corpus. We pat ourselves on the back for exposing the crimes of the FBI. 

A truly free society wouldn’t NEED a FBI, let alone use it against the citizens.

Yah, we parrot what the News Media says. “We are FREE!” in the best nation on the planet forever!” Woo Woo.

“Americans should travel internationally, especially in Asia. When they return to the States they will see what a police state it has turned into.”

-roddy6667 Jan 8, 2018 3:19 AM

Yeah. It becomes obvious.

America has laws for just about everything, and high police budgets ensure you’re always watched by those in power.


This means everything. All behavior is policed, and it is so very easy to get arrested. In America you are always watching out for the police. We no longer even notice it. It has become an automatic reaction, like when you look down at your speedometer when you see a police car nearby. This all means you’re one party away from getting arrested and going to jail.

Foreign countries are different.

An absence of heavy police presence, combative women, nanny state laws, and surveillance cameras means that you can enjoy your time instead of worrying about getting arrested. Take some beers to beach or drink in the park with your group of friends. Drink a beer in the open or on a city bus. It’s not a problem.

Remember, boys and girls, true freedom is stinky and messy. The more organized and proper a nation is, the less free it is.

[3] You will begin to compare different nations to the USA objectively

You can compare the things that matter to you.

It doesn’t matter what the think-tank in Washington D.C. says about a particular nation. Or, what the Washington Post has to say about you not being taxed enough. You can decide for yourself.

Instead of parroting the narrative that the United States the best and greatest nation in the history of the universe, you will actually get a chance to decide for yourself.

You will see what the differences are from the USA to another nation. You can compare eating a breakfast in your home town against one in Indonesia. You will be able to compare dating a girl in Vietnam as opposed to one in your home town. You will be able to compare the costs of buying groceries in Australia as opposed to buying them in your home town.

You will be physically able to make your very own comparisons yourself.

North Korea
North Korea is very clean and sanitary. It has laws for just about everything. As a result the people obey the laws or suffer the consequences. Look at all the people living their lives in joyous abandon! Nope! It is a sterile but beautiful place.

In places where there just isn’t very much freedom, there is a tendency to be boxed in by rules and regulations. People are afraid to go out and live life. They hide for the most part. When they do go out, they are very well behaved and keep to themselves.

They don’t bother to direct any attention to themselves, least a police officer come over and arrest them. The trash cans are all clean, and there isn’t much in the way of litter. There are no beggars on the streets, and the buildings are all pristine and sanitary.

Kish island in Iran
Americans don’t get many opportunities to see what Iran is like. It is a big black news layout. All we know is that it is a theocracy, or a nation run by strict adherence to Islamic law. As a result it is a very organized and clean nation. But, it is not a free nation.

In places where there is freedom, people are permitted and allowed to experience life. But you know what? Freedom is not pristine and controlled. It is stinky, messy and chaotic. People go about and live their lives in crazy abandon.

Freedom is where you are permitted to live your life free of interference.

All the laws, and all the police, and all the regulations are considered a “price one must pay”. It is considered the price that you must accept to “live in the greatest nation on the earth”. America has the “Bill of Rights” that are always protected. No one will ever try to take away the freedom to speak, or your guns, or your ability to worship as you wish. Not in America!  It’s just the price you must pay if you want to be an American.

Which, of course, leads me to think about things.

Water market in Thailand. Here, people sell things on the water by boat. This would be regulated into oblivion in the United States. Why you wouldn’t be able to do anything because of “mah children!”via GIPHY

[4] Comparisons will be stark

Comparisons on FREEDOM between the USA and China

So, in comparison with my Chinese friends, I have discovered that I have more freedom in China than what I had in the United States.


No shit, Dick Tracy… Let me explain.

Here in China, the IRS won’t come smashing my door down at three in the morning with an armored vehicle. I don’t ever have to report my yearly income to them, and there are no help-lines to assist me in doing my taxes. You simply don’t need them. The Chinese never have to report anything to their government.

One of the first things that I noticed when I moved to China…

The sad truth of the matter is that we as a people have been too propagandized and naïve to admit how corrupt and vicious our government has become, irrespective of who resides in the oval office. 

Our current problems are deeply systemic and therefore cannot be solved by obsessing over the symptoms and switching out a president. 

We need to face reality before we can recover as a society, and to do this we must admit certain uncomfortable truths.

Most significantly, we need to come to terms with the dangers of allowing extremely secretive and all-powerful agencies to multiply and grow to the extent they have. 

When well-documented abuses from the NSA, CIA and FBI go on for decades with little to no accountability, what do you think’s going to happen?

Meanwhile, superficial pundits and hack politicians are out there telling us about how great the FBI is, yet historical facts point to the opposite conclusion. 

That this is an agency that’s always been more focused on protecting the status quo than protecting the people. 

Are we supposed to pretend that the FBI didn’t write a letter to Martin Luther King Jr. telling him to kill himself? Are we supposed to pretend COINTELPRO didn’t happen?

- Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog

One of the very first things that I noticed was that China has roads. Nice, really nice and beautiful roads. Roads with well-tended gardens on both sides filled with flowers and decorative trees.

We need taxes, we are told. You know, for roads and infrastructure...

They have high speed trains, and all sorts of infrastructure. Yet, surprisingly  the people don’t seem to be raped by taxes for every little thing. In fact the opposite is true. They have one tax. Only ONE single tax., and it is a small one.

You want a bottle of coke, it costs you 1 yuan. Not $2.98 with tax. You are never, and I mean NEVER, trying to figure out the overall costs of something you buy. A noodle lunch costs 15 yuan. A liter of gas is 4 yuan. A bag of betel nuts costs 10 yuan. Simple costs. Simple math. No hidden taxes at all.

American state police.
Here is Freedom – American style. People, listen up! America is a police state. It really and actually is. Once you leave the United States you actually see how much it has become a big nasty police state.

So China has roads, bridges, infrastructure, and it’s nicer and newer than what we have in the states. So, why do Americans pay so much in taxes, and get so little back in return?

Personally, I think that there is a significant amount of kick-backs, corruption and graft in the various American governments. There is also an enormous amount of waste. Why is the USA constantly at war? Why are taxes constantly going up and up and up, and the government is just giving the money away to everyone EXCEPT the American people?

Here in China, the FDA will not shut down my business because of some complaint. I can refuse service to anyone for any reason. I can take and buy any drug that I want. I can chew a betel nut and not feel afraid of the police. You can buy any drug ever made by man, at ridiculously low prices, and yet, the Chinese just don’t have an Opioid Addiction crisis. Why is that? Think about it. I do not need PERMISSION to put something else in my body, food, drug, or smoke. No permission is required.

Here, the DHS will not freeze my papers and subject me to household detention for undisclosed reasons. They won’t arrest my children for trying to sell lemonade in my front yard. They won’t run their armored personnel carriers and tanks on my rose bushes.

DHS vehicle
The Constitution clearly forbids stationing troops on American soil, as they could be used against American citizens. But it doesn’t matter. The government did it anyways. Only instead of calling it an army, they call it the DHS.

But, you know, it’s much more than that. It is everything…

So many things we take for granted. It’s almost like we view the cleanliness and design of our handcuffs as a sign of freedom.

The biggest culture shock I ever lived was in Texas. I was arrested, Starsky-and-Hutch style, and jailed, basically for excessive speed.

I was on a visit at Texas A&M University at College Station, when friends from Dallas (ca. 180 miles = 300 km north) invited me for the Easter weekend. On the I-45 motorway, I drove at 80-90 mph, so as to alleviate the boredom from the long and monotonous route. 

I was aware of the speed limit at 75 mph, but I felt safe as most drivers did the same, and some drove even faster.

As I was getting close to Dallas, I noticed a police car behind me, with its red lights on. Based on the way the police behave in most countries, I took this for a request to make way. So I pulled over to the right lane and slowed down a little; and I didn’t bother more about it. Then, I noticed the police were still there, but I didn’t understand what was going on. 

I guessed they were after somebody, but did not figure out it was me: on the one hand, I wasn’t driving faster than most people around; on the other hand, I never thought they would quietly stay behind me if they wanted me to stop — my generation wasn’t addicted to U.S. series. 

Our home-grown cops order drivers to stop, not by staying behind them, but by moving to their left and signalling with the right arm. I was beginning to find the situation weird, when another police car came to my left, and a policeman signalled me to stop. I immediately did.

Then the big show began. The policemen yelled at me to get out of the car and put my hands on it. One was pointing a gun at me. I complied; they frisked and handcuffed me. They asked me why I hadn’t stopped at once; I answered that I had not understood. 

At first they obviously didn’t believe me, but I explained that the practice is different in my country. They insisted that I had no valid driver’s licence, as I didn’t possess a Texan one. However, I showed them both my French licence and an International Driving Permit, which is recognised in Texas. I had purposely fetched it at my prefecture before leaving France.

I felt eerie, as though I had gone out of my body, and watched myself caught in a cheesy crime TV series. Without subtitles: my command of spoken English is sufficient for daily communication but, well, not perfect. Broad Texan shouted at machine-gun speed, with a twang as thick as guacamole, is a bit of a challenge for me.

Progressively, I figured out the situation. Those who had chased me first were from Ellis County, and the one who had signalled me to stop was from Dallas County. I had crossed a county line, so the Ellis policemen had to request the help of the Dallas police. 

I had made them look like fools before their colleagues, so they were quite upset. But my crossing the county line also qualified as “evading arrest”, and evading arrest in a motor vehicle is a felony in Texas law. The Ellis County policemen called their superiors; after a one-hour wait in their car, still handcuffed, I learned that I was going to be taken to jail. The cheesy HBO nightmare was going on.

So I was introduced to the Ellis County jail in Waxahachie, Texas. The inner child thought: “What a name! Sounds like the chant of the Indian warrior, after he has captured the white guy who ventured too far, and tied him to the torture post”. My adult self added: “They have killed and removed the Indians, but they have kept the tortures”.

The prison personnel seemed surprised to see someone jailed for an offence he did not knowingly commit. They even said the charges should be dropped, as I did not know the custom and had never been arrested before. But, anyway, the sheriff had ordered to jail me, so they had to accommodate me. 

The check-in formalities are surprising. For instance the disinfection shower: you undress, a guy comes with a big sprayer like those used in vineyards, and sprays the cold stinking disinfectant on you, first front, then rear. You put on a heavy brownish overall. 

If you ask for reading material, they give you a Bible, a special edition with a foreword saying that God forgives even the worst offenders. Why not? This was Good Friday, after all. I read all of St Matthew and half of St John during my stay.

It was time to proceed to the detention room. I was quite anxious, expecting to spend the night in a cell with a few hardened felons, and wondering how they would deal with me. Fortunately, petty offenders are kept in large dormitories of 40-odd beds, with a TV set, tables… and a jailer staying in all the time. No way to pick on anybody when 40 witnesses and an armed guard are present.

I won’t say it was a pleasant time, but it was interesting. There was the local drug pusher, locked up without bail until his judgment: he was accused of “destroying evidence”, because he was cleaning his weed pipe when he was arrested. 

There was the blockhead who had tried to steal the sheriff’s own bathtub. Everybody was baffled by my story; Hispanic people were surprised to see a blue-eyed and fair-haired guy so ignorant of Anglo-Saxon habits and culture.

People had a deck of cards, they asked if I would play with them. I tried to teach them belote; obviously it was too tricky… I was asked many interesting questions: Do you have McDonald’s in France? Do you have Twinkies? This one puzzled me: I didn’t know the stuff. 

They offered me one! Let me thank them: the “official” meal that came on the morning was the most disgusting of my whole life. 

As they had taken all my money from me, I only had the normal prison grub, while the inmates could buy crisps, sweets and cakes. The drug pusher — a smart guy, actually — explained to me that the whole prison system was geared toward extracting as much money as possible from the inmates. A shocking revelation.

There came the curfew; I had to find a bed. To my surprise, I realised that the dorm was neatly divided: the whites on the left, the blacks on the right. And the only place left was in the black section. 

Just below me was, say, the kingpin. During hours and hours, he kept talking to his visibly sycophantic neighbours, yelling “wawawawaw Nig**r… wawawawaw Bro”. I just could catch those two words. Once he turned to me and, switching to more standard English, ironically commented “This is a f**king professor at A&M…” before returning to his mumbo-jumbo. 

Was the irony directed at me, or at the system that had put me there? I didn’t get it. Frankly, I would rather have slept, but I found it ill-advised to complain about the loud neighbourhood.

The next morning, I was called to arraignment. Of course, I didn’t know the word; I drew a smile from the jailer by ingenuously asking: “who is Raymond?” A judge first lectured me in legal gobbledegook, I panicked as I just could catch one word now and then. He explained to me again in plain English: the case was not dropped, but I could be released if I paid a sum of money. 

The jailer who had accompanied me expressed again his surprise that the charges had not been dropped. I could call my friends from Dallas, they undertook the formalities for my release. Together we discovered the fantastic world of bail bond agencies, roamed the county to find the pound where my car had been taken (no one had told me about its whereabouts)… One of their neighbours gave me the business card of a lawyer.

I flew back to France as soon as I could, shivering with the fear that one could detain me. The judicial process ran its course. The grand jury did not dismiss the case, but finally my lawyer negotiated the re-qualification. The “evading arrest” charge was dropped. I was fined twice, once for excessive speed, once for “failure to give right of way”. The total cost of this fine little joke (bail deposit + car pound + lawyer fees + fines) was almost $10,000.

I never came back to the US. In the form that must be filled to obtain the “visa waiver” (actually, almost as complicated as the visa was), there is one question: 

“Have you ever been arrested or detained in the U.S.?” I can’t even think of that.

-What was the biggest culture shock you ever faced?

America is a de facto police state. It is not just the local town and state police, but it is the entire federal apparatus.

The FDA will not require me to have a doctor write me a prescription. Nor will they ban anything. Instead, I can simply go to a pharmacy and ask for a drug and they will give it to me, no questions asked. I do not NEED to have a doctor prescribe ED medication. I go to the pharmacy and tell the woman behind the counter what I want. She gives it to me at a fraction of the price available in the United States. I do not need to ask PERMISSION.

The FCC will not limit my bandwidth on my cell phone. They will not monitor or restrict what I can watch, write, say or listen to. They won’t limit it, and I don’t need to ask PERMISSION to change it.

The NSA will not be monitoring, recording, and indexing all my computer activity. Nobody will care. It’s true, and I say this as I am in mainland China, supposedly behind the “Great Firewall of China”. Yeah, more bullshit American propaganda. Dudes, what you think China is … is a big piece of bullshit propaganda.

The NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) won’t be proudly launching spy satellites over my house with logos that look like they came from the evil side of the a 007 James Bond movie.

NROL-39 Nothing is beyond our reach. Looks like a logo from Dr. No or some other 007 James Bond villain.

The CIA won’t be trying to spy on my though my household appliances. They won’t be trying to blackmail me with some attractive prostitute. Though, I kinda wish that they would try…

The FBI won’t be monitoring my email, or smashing down the offices of my attorney. Putting me on a “hit list” of politically connected people, or trying to frame me for some obscure crime or two. And while on on this subject, why do American police dress like SS Storm troopers? Why? Why is the FBI permitted to act and behave exactly like the dreaded Nazi Gestapo?

Evil Peter Strzok
Peter Strzok in his meeting with Congress. He pledged to have systems to prevent an elected President from taking office, and promised that those who voted for the President would not get their wishes fulfilled. Instead, he would take care of it, as he had backup plans.

However, here in China I am not subject to the American police state. The FBI has no jurisdiction here. I can live my life AS I SEE FIT, not as how the busybodies in government think it should be lived.

I can pick up a water cannon and enjoy the holidays without worry that I might upset someone.

Songkran water festival. Try doing this in the United States. You will probably be shot on the spot. None of the water guns have the red caps at the end, and Lord only knows what will happen if some busybody biddy gets wet! Yikes! via GIPHY

Now, to someone sitting in front of their computer in the United States, this is all very interesting, but doesn’t mean much. “So what?” you ask. We have the Second Amendment, and we have Habeas corpus.  Yes, we do. But, you know what? They are not enforced. Not a day goes by without them being infringed.

Habeas Corpus is meaningless if basic English Common Law is not observed.

Not one elected official is defending the Bill of Rights. Not on the federal level, and not on the state level.

Before the reader “has a cow”, let it be understood that what I am discussing is day-to-day freedom and liberty. This is the freedom and lifestyle that you experience every day.  This is how you live your life in doing your normal activities. These are the simple things in life.  These things include working; eating, spending time with your family, travel, saving money, and spending money.  These are the comparatives.  These are the measurables and the deliverables that one can use to actually determine how free they are.  As well as comparatively determine their overall standard of living compared to the rest of the world.

So instead of pretending to be a “blue ribbon panel”, or “think tank” sitting high up in an “ivory tower”, get off your high horse, and experience life with me.

Life is what YOU personally experience.

It is not what is described to you that you SHOULD experience. True freedom is being able to plant a garden in your front lawn. It is being able to build a geodesic dome on the roof of your house, and being able to make your own home-made moonshine in your basement…

…all without worry that the police will come smashing your door down and throwing you in prison for fifteen years.

Freedom is being able to live your life, to act and think, and do things to your own body without worry that someone else will be offended. True and real freedom is being able to sit down, order a super sized coke, and sunny-side up eggs in a restaurant in New Jersey with your dog sitting next to you on the sofa, and not worry about being arrested. You can do this in friggin’ communist China, but are forbidden to do so in the “land of the free”, the United States.

Dudes! This – is – NOT – freedom.

Once you leave the United States, you get a taste for REAL freedom.

Freedom in Thailand.
Freedom is the ability to live our lives as we want without interference. Liberty is the ability to practice freedom without restriction.

Freedom is never having to take a drug test for anyone, for any reason, at any time. Freedom is never having to fill out a transcription of all the money your earned, and ask for deductions to the all-powerful IRS. Freedom is the ability to withdraw all of your money from your bank when you want without consequence.

Caution: Wet Floor signs in clear view after someone mopped the tiled entrance of a hotel? Nope. 

Guard rails on steep trails, foot paths, or overhangs on cliffs? Not really. 

Red tape or warning signs around crumbling sidewalks or two foot wide uncovered man holes? Nada. 

We do admit seeing a Caution: Hard Hat Area sign where construction was being performed. Yeah, several times, actually.

At first we were startled to see such lack of warning signs in Thailand. How could people properly function in society without being spoon fed safety warnings?! But the longer we lived here, the more refreshing it was. One can argue that Thai citizens and foreigners are expected to open their eyes and take responsibility for their own actions.

And you know what? Using common sense works!

To this day, no one we know has gotten hurt by their own lack of awareness and tried suing the life blood from the company or property where the accident happened. Americans, take a hint!

-Tieland to Thailand

Freedom is the ability to light a cigarette at the dinner table in a restaurant. Freedom is not being politically correct. Freedom is doing unhealthy things to your own body. Freedom is home-schooling your children. Freedom is being able to build a tree-house on your property without a permit.

Freedom is having a ladder that doesn’t have any safety warnings on it. It means having a mattress that you are allowed to tear the tag off of. It is the ability to buy beer in a grocery store on Sunday. It is the ability to ride a bicycle without a helmet, safety gloves or arm protection. It is the ability to give your child a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in public without confrontation.

It is the ability to OWN a house, and never, ever…ever pay any kinds of taxes on it.

The mere fact that I have to describe this, and elaborate on it, in such detail is an indicator to how far down the culture and society of America has fallen.

So yeah, when you leave the United States you will be able to do things that are forbidden in the United States. You will feel free simply because you will no longer feel afraid to do the “wrong” thing.

China has freedom and liberty.
Here is a shout out for real freedom. There is nothing better than living life on your own terms, and doing so without guilt or regret. That is what true and real freedom and liberty is all about.

[5] You will experience less anxiety

In USA nothing is easy. Nothing is efficient. To pay rent, you have to use a check? I have never written a check at that time . The last time I got a check was maybe 5 years ago, from my Uncle. 

Getting an apartment takes so long as opposed to other countries I have lived in where it's just a handshake. That's it. 

I went to the post office yesterday, and I was waiting in line for maybe an hour—and there were only five people in front of me. 

I felt like I went from a Western country to a third-world country. People here with money have access to things, but the rest of the people are just trying to survive."

You will experience less anxiety.


To an American it seems like an insurmountable mountain that one must climb. You have to buy tickets, often expensive, smash through language barriers and deal with customs that you don’t understand. Plus, on top of that, you just don’t know anyone there. It seems impossible.

But it isn’t.

"I think generally, the biggest culture shock that people experience in the US is not between their country and the US but between what they thought the US would be and what it actually is. 

Books and movies about America make the place appear very free and exciting and happening and the people are so interesting and emotional. There is sex and fun and romance going on. 

When they arrive, the place looks very conservative and the people appear robotic and quiet. Sex is subdued and hard to come by. The people are not open at all, they look closed and mistrustful. 

Everybody is just working and looking tired and apathetic. 

Talking to strangers is taboo. There are thousands of little rules and laws and social mores that seem as dogmatic and strict as those in a Muslim society. And every time you are at risk of breaking yet another law and facing very dire consequences. That is the biggest culture shock of all." 


When I first moved to China, I didn’t understand that most people use WeChat and email, and social media to communicate. Packages are sent by TNT. ChinaPost worked, but was generally slow and being phased out. I needed to get up to speed with the new and different ways of doing things.

In America, I was always worried about the police. That was the case even though I was doing nothing wrong. I have been pulled over just so the cop can see my license. I have been observed just because. I have heard stories of how the police find out that you have money and just simply take it for themselves. That is NOT freedom.

In China, I am never fearful of the police. They tend to be very laid back. It’s almost a “Mayberry RFD” vibe. Yeah, going to China forced me to learn new things. Learning was uncomfortable.

Like how those electronic mail lockers worked, how to use DD, and how to use a squatter toilet without falling over myself.

For many years in the United States, I took anti-anxiety medication to control the work stress of life. I took Buspar and Trazadone and they certainly helped me, but you know what, I don’t need them in China.


I no longer have bosses throwing chairs in the conference room, HR that patrol the halls making sure that the “sterile desk policy” is being enforced, and gossipy coworkers. It is fairly rare to be laid-off without notice, the police won’t arrest you for jay-walking, and you don’t need to prove anything to any faceless government bureaucrat.

These common-place American things are unheard of in China.

The sustained constant beat of stressors on your life will no longer be present. You will start to feel free. That feeling is wonderful.


[6] You will be exposed to more traditional human beings

The world is filled with all kinds of people. However the childish notion that a large percentage of people are gay, lesbian, transgender or some other kind of hyphenated and abused minority is simply not true.

In the United States, this narrative is being shoved down our collective throats with impunity. But, it’s all a big lie. It is a manufactured construct for purposes of control.

It is a big lie.

As an American, I particularly HATE being lied to.

Most people outside the United States have real traditional values, and run their families in a very traditional manner. The man works, and he does what ever it takes to feed his family. The wife stays at home, she takes care of the family and provides a safe haven for the family. She is the anchor of the family unit.

The woman is measured by her appearance and how well her family is treated.  Even the poorest family will have a clean home, and the best meals that the family can provide will be given to the children.

"Thankfully, traditional beliefs are alive and well in many foreign countries, and homosexuals have to be more respectful of how they behave in public. 

Another benefit to more traditional societies is that women understand their role of appearing beautiful and submitting to strong men, something that is sorely missing in American culture.

Once you live in a country where women spend more time looking good for an afternoon walk than American women do when they go to the club with their grenade friends, it’s really hard to go back."


Heck, the girls I knew in Zambia were more traditional than white American conservative grandmothers. It surprised me. I was expecting something similar to the monolithic liberal African-American personality.

I was wrong.

They really know how to treat their men. Let me tell you!

My shirts were always folded “new package” style. Everything was pristine and spit shined. Clothes were crisp and creased perfectly.  Dinners were hand made with a balance between taste and what was good for me.

The lady of the house would not only prepare it, but would dress up for it!

It was like a formal dinner with a head of state. Dinners were laid out formally because I was the “man of the house”. I was provided with “my chair”, and absolutely NO ONE was permitted to sit in it, except me.

Folded shirt
Properly folded shirt. This is how all my shirts were washed, cleaned, starched, and ironed. This woman was from Lusaka, in Zambia and let me tell you that they are proper, conservative in values and very much know how to really their men properly.

It is a different feeling and experience to be given such a degree of respect.

To be respected by others. To be treated with respect, and to be held in high regard by others who were polite and proper makes a big difference in your life. Once you are treated with respect, you will never go to somewhere you are not.

Compare that to the huge “white water buffaloes” with attitude, that pass for American women today, and the contrast is stunning.

[7] You can be yourself without shame or fear of exile

I am sure that there will be those offended by my statement about “white water buffaloes” with attitude, but that is just what they are called out here.

There is nothing particularly right or wrong about that, it is exactly what it is. Fat obese chicks with poor manners, unkempt appearance, and foul aggressive manners. It’s horrible and disgusting. Here in Asia, these examples of the female form, are laughed at and snickered to behind their backs.

And guess, what else?

I can say it without shame or social exile. I just did.

Real freedom is to live life without fear. Not a fear of saying something politically incorrect. Not a fear of saying something that sounds hurtful. Not just fear from the IRS, or the latest swine flue from China, but fear of being yourself.

You can live your life on your terms.

Hey! You want to pull out a pocket knife and carve up an apple on the bus, go for it. No one will bat an eye. Hey! You want to take your dog with you while you take a dip in the hotel swimming pool? Good for you. Just go and do it. Hey you want to drink some XO on the porch and watch the pretty girls go by? Do it, as no one is going to take notice.

You can speak your mind, and say your piece.

That’s REAL freedom.

[8] You will pay less for healthier food and a better lifestyle

America has changed. Why does everyone that visits here from the USA seem to be obese? I mean it. Everyone is huge. They are enormous!

I personally think there are many reasons for this. Stress, medications, and GMO saturated high fatty foods, with sugar in just about everything has certainly contributed to this.

Westerners in Thailand.
Here is a bar street in Thailand. Can you spot the Westerners? Do they look healthy to you? What is going on, and why do you suppose they appear so different?

When I lived in the States, I was always rushing to make it in time for work. Sure, I might work late nights, but come in one minute late in the morning and you could lose your job. It was always rush – rush – rush. I’d grab a couple of donuts and coffee in the morning and eat a greasy fast food burger for lunch. Dinner was better, but not by very much.

All of this affected my metabolism.

When you leave the United States your life takes on a new pace. You eat differently. You have different friendships and different problems. In general, you do eat better. While you might get the impression that everyone outside of the United States is starving, that is not the case at all. They just eat substantially better than Americans do.

People walk more. It’s nicer to walk, and there are things to do.

When I was in the states, I drove everywhere. Nothing was nearby. If I wanted to walk somewhere it took hours, and I often found that there was a noticeable lack of sidewalks and pedestrian-friendly paths. America has devolved into a very toxic and unhealthy environment. You can see it if you go outside the echo chamber and see the world from my chair.

Most American cities are made for cars. Most foreign cities are made for people. Even poor South American cities have more efficient and extensive public transportation than America, as it was quite a shock to me to ride the Caracas metro system to find trains running more frequently than in Washington DC.

Food is fresher and cheaper and doesn’t contain a billion Franken-chemicals whose long-term effects on humans are not understood (many packages of food in Europe contain a ‘No GMO’ label as a selling point).


[9] You will be exposed to less corporate propaganda

All my life I have been exposed to advertisements and corporate jingles. You sit down to watch a show and you suddenly have an urge for a coke and lays potato chips. Why is that? Not in China. I never have those urges. But when I sit down and watch an American television show, I immediately get the urge.

I wonder why…

When you’re in a foreign country, the propaganda ends for one simple reason: you don’t understand the ads! They’re in a different language. You stop watching television, stop listening to radio, and instead download all of your entertainment without the ads, though you’ll still be consuming it on a much lesser scale than while living in the US.

The result is you stop feeling the urge to buy things just to get a dopamine rush as if you were a caged rat hitting a lever to get a cocaine pellet. You ease into a minimalist lifestyle where accumulating things no longer positively affects your mood. In fact, you start feeling guilty when you buy things, because now you understand that objects don’t bring lasting happiness.

That is the truth. I rarely have any desire to buy anything.


Instead, I have invested in lifestyle, peace of mind and comfort. Where before, I was a rat racing through my cubicle maze at work.

[10] You start to see the real world and your place in it

I know that what I have written will seem like complete bullshit to someone still plugged into the Matrix. If I were reading it from my house in the states, I would be skeptical. I probably would snort, and say “bullshit” while I clicked on something else on my browser.

Americans are the most manipulated people on the planet.

There is absolutely no friggin’ way that they are free. Dudes, having to ask permission to get YOUR money from YOUR bank is not freedom. Having to resort to (twice a decade) elections to get any kind of changes done, and then finding out, year after year that nothing changes…

Just how much control do you actually have on your life?

To continue believing we have a "representative" government of the people, by the people, & for the people is to continue believing in a grand deception. It's an illusion.

Our government has been incrementally supplanted by Progressive dissidents to form a dictatorship of arrogant, autocratic, ruling class elitists.

[11] Women and Relationships are Different

Although it's a really different culture than the states, I actually had an awesome experience in China. It definitely opens your eyes to a whole different side of the world. I met some really awesome people and it's very safe.

-What is the biggest culture shock you ever faced?

I pulled this title from RooshV. Sounds so chauvinistic, eh? Well, maybe so, maybe so. Yet it is TRUE.

Now, the reader should not misunderstand me. I do happen to like (and love) all women. In fact, my personal tastes in women’s body shapes run a pretty wide gambit. I love both small petite women, and large voluptuous women in equal measure. I really do. In fact, there are women who think that they are far too fat, that I would just die to be with. I find a kind sweet disposition is worth more than being 50 Kg overweight.

I am not at all kidding. I find that each have their various charms, and when coupled with a sweet and caring disposition, I tend to fall “heads over heels” over them.


But, getting back to my point…

Over the last twenty years, something has happened in the United States. Both men and women have gotten larger. But gosh golly, the women are really enormous. Most women in the United States have tended to get on the large size. This is obese, in case you are not reading my meaning correctly.

Personally, I really don’t like being with a woman that weighs more than I do. Seriously, it just doesn’t feel right. I think that both men and women should have the correct body weight for their height. I think that it is healthy.


Why women are like this in the United States, I think is due to the unhealthy and stressful lifestyle, the saturation of salt, sugars, fats and GMO’s in American food, and maybe the lack of tasteful and healthy alternatives. Then, after the Obama Administration, it seemed like everyone wanted to look like Michelle Obama. As she was considered to be the ideal beautiful woman, I am not at all kidding!

I personally do not think that Michelle Obama is that beautiful at all. At best, she is rather plain. Of course, I’m no great looker either. But, you know there are all kinds of people and we all come in all kinds of different packages.

American girls…



Like all women, American women can be quite beautiful if they maintain their appearance, but there still exists problems with their attitude that often comes from American culture.

In general, I have found that many foreign women simply have softer and pleasanter personalities: they are sweeter, kinder, more deferential, more interesting, and most importantly, more pleasing. The urban ghetto culture that has taken over the United States does not exist offshore. You don’t see “trailer trash”, “Jerry Springer types” or “Big-assed “Wal-Mart” shoppers offshore.

They are more demure instead of outwardly crass.

This greatly increases the enjoyment you get from male-female bonding. Dating only American women gives you a distorted view of how women are really like. When you date and spend time with women from other nations you get to experience the differences. Some of which are good, and some of which are shocking and a tad mercurial.


Why is this important? Well, I like to think that that a man should be a little taller than his wife. I think that he should be stronger and weigh more. But many of the women that seemingly come from the USA today are so much bigger than me. They are bigger and taller. It is disturbing.

Here is an Amish family. They eat well. No one is obese. The wife is a little shorter and lighter than her husband. I don’t know… it seems right. Doesn’t it?

Amish family
A typical Amish family. I think that they seem to be good folk. No one is fat. They seem to take care of themselves, and the family all seems to be balanced. It seems good and right to me.

I really don’t know of too many women who would rather be married to a man who was shorter than them. I’m sure there are a few, but it’s really not a preference. I have always been under the impression that many women liked “tall, dark and handsome” men.

Fat, chubby men, with bald heads and beer guts were not anything that a woman would find attractive or even interesting. But, you know, if the man is a “good man”, kind, and just, his faults can be overlooked.

So, what I am saying is that this goes both ways.

The Important Takeaways

So, what are the takeaways? Once an American man lives as an expat for a few years, and then returns back to the United States, what can be learned?

  • You can learn the limits of freedom and how to leverage the freedoms that are important to you personally.
  • You can see what is important to you.
  • You can better appreciate the things that you have missed.
  • You can appreciate the United States more, and work towards bringing it back to how and why it was created in the first place.
  • You can see how easily manipulated you have been, and take steps to prevent the continuation of that in the future.
  • You can work towards bringing things BACK to a more or less, “normal” reality. One that is free from all the progressive distortions and distractions of the last few decades.

You won’t find that many fat pink-haired femminazi’s in heart-land USA. They cluster in urban enclaves. That is their echo chamber. You won’t find drug abusing mental patients shitting in the middle of the street (San Francisco style) in small-town America. They would be kicked out the old fashioned way; Clint Eastwood style.

It’s time that we start putting our feet down and taking America BACK to what it used to stand for. We can start with one person, and one voice. We can start here, and now. Then two people, and then three.

If the FBI wants to emulate the Gestapo and pay criminals enormous salaries to maintain a jack-booted reality, we can disband the agency.

The DHS is a domestic Army in defiance of the Constitution. It can be disbanded.

If the FDA wants to ban everything, to a point where Americans need to exit the nation to get things forbidden to them, then it is certainly time to disband the FDA.

We have collectively told the government that we do not want to be spied on. Still the NSA exists. We can shut it down.

Any thoughts on the IRS…?


Q: Why is it important to travel?
A: You can learn new things and get exposed to different ways of doing things. When you are exposed, you can discover the aspects of life that you like, as well as the aspects that you do not like. You can pick and choose.

“I'm writing this from the West Coast of USA, in a very quiet, very peaceful duplex. I have returned to the US after 3+ years living in Bangkok. I'm still deciding what really happened out there. My decision to move to Thailand, back in 2010, was based on a lifelong dream of living out of the US for at least one year of my life. I had originally wanted to live in Europe, but during the time I was looking for the right place to land, European economics were in meltdown. So I started researching Asia. For work purposes I almost went to Singapore, but then decided Bangkok would be more fun.

I was right.

It wasn't just the sex. I never had trouble landing women in the States. I broke up with a very attractive Thai / Cambodian woman in the US before I left. She was fun, but a bit of a bitch at times. I know enough about women to understand that ratio changes the longer you're in a relationship. Married, she would have been a bitch that was a bit of fun at times. She wanted kids and I didn't. That was that. Before that I had two different 20-something girlfriends, great sex, lots of drama, not long-term but fun. I had learned stellar game skills and liked landing semi long-term relationships with pretty women. It was worth the pursuit, the hunt, the thrill of the conquest and of course, all the great sex. So I didn't go to Thailand for sex. I went to fulfill a lifetime goal of living out of my country for a year, and when I added up how I was supporting myself, what the costs of living were, and the fact that English teaching provided a safety net if things went wrong, Thailand just made sense.

I landed in Bangkok and fell in love with the place. I had lived most of my life in New York City, and spent time in Paris, Rome, London, LA, Berlin, Caracas and many other amazing places. But Bangkok blew my mind. The chaos, the sexiness, the otherness, and just how freaking different it was from the staid, plain US was like medicine. Even New York City – supposedly that wild town – is to me, a very processed and predictable place when compared to Bangkok. 

So I loved it. I traveled Thailand for a month and returned to Bangkok.

I set up shop pursuing my dreams. I got lucky with real hard work, landed my business contacts back West, and managed to live for more than three years in Thailand. I had a nice condo, pool on the roof, and money to play with. There were a few rough patches for sure, but also some nice straight-aways. Basically, it turned out to be what I was looking for: the adventure of a lifetime.

That adventure meant broadening my horizons. I loved learning the language. I was a Thai language class nerd. I made a few Thai friends and played badminton religiously. I put a damn good pool game together. I travelled all over, made expat friends, and had a blast. I even finally got a local job offer in my industry, which is really tough to do, and held that for a while, living the Bangkok executive life although admittedly not on the high end of that scale. Still, it was all really remarkable.

However, when a job offer came up with an old employer in the West, I took it. After more than three years, I was ready to leave. They flew me back, settled me here, and I plugged in. I actually landed on the fourth of July, if you can believe that. And I was thrilled to be back. I hadn't been back in the US for even a holiday the whole time I was in SE Asia. Any time I had to travel, I had gone all over Thailand, Laos or Cambodia. I love SE Asia, but my reasons for repatting were professional. The jobs are better in the US. I stayed with mine for five months. It was a contract. When I was offered a full time job, I turned it down in order to start another business I had been planning. And that's where I am now.

I loved being back in the States when I landed. I loved being back in familiar settings, and hearing familiar speech. I loved catching up with friends. I fully intended to plug back in here, and resume life where I had left it when I had jetted to Thailand. Thailand had been working against me in the half year before I left. I was getting fed up with the visa issues, and the outsider status. I became depressed at how hard it was to positively affect the business world there, or even the fate of the country. I like to think I can make a difference where I am. Of course, there are charities, and I did a bit of work with those. But ultimately, Thailand is for Thais. God bless them for that, is my attitude. 

In this One World homogenization that is happening, I have lots of respect for countries that retain national values and identities. Although I respect it, that doesn't mean I wasn't frustrated by it, and ultimately, living as a constant outsider was getting to me. 

I had also come to the conclusion that marrying a Thai, or even having a serious Thai girlfriend wasn't what I liked, due to the many reasons cited in other posts here. I dated “civilians” who weren't in the leisure industry, but found the culture gap too huge to leap. Plus the adjustment I had to make in terms of being 3rd on the totem pole (Family, Career, Boyfriend) never did it for me. After that decision, I partied too much. I was drinking and balling and more than a bit adrift before I left. That's why I was really happy to be back in the US. It was just time to go. My hand had been played. I felt very lucky to leave when and how I did.

But here's the problem.

After the glow of happy returns wore off, I have to be honest with the fact that I just don't like the US lifestyle. I came back to give the west a full on fair shake. I even saw it with new eyes. And there's much I really love about US that I had to be away from before I could appreciate it. It truly is a tremendous land of amazing professional opportunity, as well as a place where self development is encouraged and valued. 

Every system is crooked, but the corruption here is way toned down compared to SE Asia. The work place has some clowns, but is largely a meritocracy, where good workers are advanced, and losers get let go. People try hard. They want to make things better. The innovate. But what's really turning me off is how processed it all is.
How boring. 

It feels like this grey machine. A conveyor belt. Relationships feel flimsy. 

Everybody works...

Watches TV...

Works more... 

The amount of hostility towards men is repulsive, as it plays out in the workplace and in media. But the underground of MGTOW and Red Pill is filled with a tremendous amount of hostility as well.
I just really can't believe how unhappy and depressed most people in the west are. 

It's like there is this War on Love, destroying relationships between lovers, friends, and communities. There's not much neighborhood or local cohesion. 

I feel everybody keeps busy busy busy all the time, working buying and watching, working buying and watching, to avoid admitting how bleak and punishing the average life is here. I don't want to support it. I don't want to fit in and be part of it.

I have no regrets I left Thailand, and in terms of timing, when I was pulled back here was really a blessing. But I can't deny the fact that I feel a huge void in my life out here. 

I believe what I miss most is the excitement and adventure and just fantastic thrill – with all the tribulations that went with it – which living abroad in SE Asia provides. 

I just had more fun there. I felt more alive there. And what's also really difficult is that all of the experiences I had in Thailand aren't really welcome out here. 

Beyond the natural bias that women have of "men who go to Thailand", I'm just shocked that nobody really wants to know what life in another land is like. 

Maybe I'm a bad story teller. But maybe Americans are just living in their bubble. My countrymen have little frame of reference outside of their work and TV shows. It's heartbreaking, really. 

So much of the world, so much to see and hear about, and nobody wants to hear about it. I read a lot of columns on Stick that talk about how Thais don't really know much about the outside world. But in a way, the Americans don't either. So I'm left with this huge piece of living, and no place to process it. It's disheartening.

The place runs well. 

The trains are on time, as they say, but psychologically, I feel the West is a very hostile and weird place these days. Especially when it comes to men / women relationships. I am shocked at the deterioration in relationships that I have seen, in just the past ten years. It's just so aggressively mercenary. 

The romance has been drained from the punch. There's very little charm in the process. I found dating pretty pointless, but still fun and sweet enough in Thailand. Even it if leads nowhere beyond walking around a mall and having some sex, it was lighter and more pleasant. 

In America, dating is this grim operation to perform: shit tests, hoops, Social Market Value, and the flat-out rude bossiness that has become the modern American woman. Joyless. Probably that's what this entire post comes down to… that one word: Joyless. 

America is not a life. 

It's a job. The job is work. And work sucks.

Thais value fun. They like life light. Sanuk isn't just something in tour books. They have an art to daily living that has a pleasant ambience based on a healthy injection of “I don't give a damn”. All of us who have lived there have been on the maddening side of it. But from where I'm writing now, I see it now as a great way to resist the corporate take-over of every part of life.
Why the fxxk should we all have to work so hard? 

Who's getting rich off our sweat? Just this morning I read that a new crisis on American college campuses is that many American university students are killing themselves or crowding counselor's crisis centers. Shouldn't higher learning be a better experience? They are probably feeling total dread at what the American system has laid out for them: joyless toil. It's like we're all fighting as hard as we can to jam our way into jobs that shred us. 


Life shouldn't be so damn serious. Thais know that. I miss that. I miss them. I miss their land.

With luck I'll be back and honestly, probably bitching about lots of the things I just heralded in the previous paragraph. lol. Should fate decide otherwise, and slugging it out in the US is my path, I have my memories. They will remain a precious jewel for life. Either way, I am richer, wiser, and more the man I dreamed of being for having spent my time in LOS.

Enjoy it out there, gentlemen. Play smart and it's a brilliant part of the world to live life. Play dumb and it's still one hell of an adventure. My time there was a blend of both and I wouldn't trade it for anything. “ 

- “After 3+ Years in Thailand, Reflections From Home” by Rich Archer on the Stickman Blog. Reader submission. May 2015

Q: What do you talk about the USA so much?
A: I am an American. It is what I know, and it is the point of reference that I refer to.


"America is a country for doing business, not living life."


Q: Do you think American girls are bad?
A: No, not at all. I have dated many a wonderful girl (lady) in the United States. I think, for me, I prefer soft and calm tender moments together, rather than the brash clash of what seems to be popular today. This makes me feel like an old man; a fossil. I think that men and women are different. We are not equal. I think that June Cleaver on the 1960’s television show “Leave it to Beaver” was awesome. I think that Lisa Douglas on “Green Acres” was awesome! I believe that Elly Mae from “The Beverly Hillbillies” was just about the perfect girl. Like I said, I am really super old fashioned. American ladies today are different.

When you are exposed to women who are different than American girls are, you tend to be pleasantly surprised. Like I stated previously, differences are good. You can pick and choose the life that you prefer.

"She looked at her husband, he did like this: You may speak. 

And she spoke! 

And I was like, now that's pussy control for you! You know, because I'm used to American women saying: You don't own me." 

- Eddie Murhpy

Q: Is America free?
A: No, it is not. I contend that it used to be free, but today it more resembles a dictatorship. The only way that you can see this is to compare America outside, and then step back in and look around you.

The problem with saying this is that people immediately get defensive. “No it isn’t!” is the retort.

But the truth is that we are in an echo chamber. We cannot see how really bad it is until we step outside. Which is, I must remind everyone, the entire point of this exercise.

If I want to sit in a restaurant, with my dog, smoke a cigarette and drink a beer. It would NOT be against the law. The fact that it is, and the fact that I can do it almost everywhere else outside of the Untied States is a pure indicator of how REPRESSIVE the USA has become.

At least you could do that in Nazi Germany. Yes you could. Drink a beer with your dog, smoke a cigarette all inside a restaurant.

But you cannot do it in America.

When you can do something in Nazi Germany, that is forbidden in the USA, then you have a real problem. Come on, don’t you think that there is something wrong here?

Anywho, I blog about this all the time(American bashing). I hate their laws, legal system and almost everything about America. I was raise and lived my entire life in NYC but has since moved back to my place of birth in the Caribbean.

One will only know how bullshit America is when they actually visit other places on the globe. Americans segregate themselves to just America, and they’re unable to see true freedom.

Here in the Caribbean(and almost the entire globe),I can walk around with 100 cans of beers and drink them unconcealed all I want to, and I don’t have to worry about BS tickets.

Kids can go into liquor stores and buy alcohol, cigarettes, etc. Not that they use them, but let’s say I as a father cannot make it to buy some booze, I can just send my 10 year old son to do that.

The list goes on and on. America falsely prides itself on freedom, but it has no freedoms compared to almost every nation on the globe.

It’s like a guy bragging about having a huge dick, then when his pants come down, his 2 inches is exposed. That is America,hypocrisy to the And one will only know that America has ZERO freedoms only when they begin to travel internationally.


Q: Is the United States bad?
A: No, not at all. The United States is AWESOME. But, it is not what it was first intended to be. It has changed and today it is a real pale shadow of what it used to be.

It is a police state ruled by elite “insiders” all with political and banking connections. The American citizens work as serfs to service the needs and desire of their overseers.

“The expat rule is, you have found paradise and you don’t want to share it with anyone, especially those you believe to be unworthy.”

Q: Is it ok to retire overseas?
A: From a financial point of view it certainly seems like a good option. There are many places that are far cheaper to live than in “the land of the free”. For instance, you can go to “the land of smiles” or LOS. Which is Thailand, for instance. The problem is that the older you become the less you want to leave the things you know and love.

For instance, I fell in love and moved to China after I was retired out of MAJestic. It was a necessity for my own personal sanity. Yet, there are many tradeoffs that I now miss. For instance, it is impossible to get a “over easy” style egg. Bagels can be had, but I need to make a day long trip to get them. Talking with people who know who John Wayne was is also an impossibility, as is cruising around in a GTO with a trunk full of beer. Those things are now beyond my reach.

If you do retire overseas, you need to be careful where you go. For instance, the UK has gone full-on Orwell. And prices are going up everywhere. Some places have customs and manners that are strange to accept if you spent much of your life in the American echo-chamber. You need to research, and then visit the country that you plan to move to.

Q: Will you return to the United States?
A: Oh yes. My home might me in China, but my heart is in America.  As soon as I am able to save up enough money, then I will book a flight out there. I have been daydreaming of doing some brook trout fishing.

I’d buy one of those big donut tire motorized trikes and head down to the state game lands. I’d have a big red cooler filled with beer, probably Bud or Michelob, and just go riding and drinking all day long. It will be a good time, I’ll tell you what. Maybe go plinking with a .22 L. I just pick up some ammo at the 7-11 and get to it. Or, just eat my fill of some BBQ chicken and corn on the cob over a open fire in the backyard. It will be great. I just can’t wait to see the red embers float up into the night sky as I poke the fire.

Yeah, and another thing that I’d do is go to a restaurant and get a Monty Crisco sandwich. I’d eat it with fries and a bottomless cup of coffee, served in one of those “bang on the table” thick rimmed coffee cups. I’ll go in, and grab one of those spare newspapers that are resting on the counter and read the local news.

Maybe I’ll pull into one of the large parking lots at the mall. I’ll go inside and get an Orange Julus or a Sbarro and get a slice or two of pizza. Then go and pick up some gear at Sears or Target. Yeah. It’ll be a great time. Yessur!

Posted for Comments on Free Republic.

This article was posted on Free Republic on 17JUL18 for comments. You can read the comments HERE.

Other Articles by other people on this subject

Television Tax. If you live in Germany and you own a radio, a television or a computer, then you are obliged to pay the TV license fee (Rundfunkbeitrag) and you can't escape this!

Here are some decent articles written by others. We share the same idea that humans need to experience life and often that means stepping out of their comfort zone.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.


Mad scientist

Gorilla Cage in the basement


Work in the 1960's

School in the 1970s

Cat Heaven

Corporate life

Corporate life - part 2

Build up your life

Grow and play - 1

Grow and play - 2


Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older

Civil War



Bronco Billy

r/K selection theory

How they get away with it

Line in the sand

A second passport

Paper Airplanes


Taxiation without representation.

Links about China

Business KTV

Dance Craze

End of the Day Potato

Dog Shit

Dancing Grandmothers

When the SJW movement took control of China

Family Meal

Freedom & Liberty in China

Ben Ming Nian

Beware the Expat

Fake Wine

Fat China

China and America Comparisons


Playground Comparisons

The Last Straw

Diversity Initatives


Travel outside

10 Misconceptions about China

Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1

Pretty Girls 2

Pretty Girls 3

Pretty Girls 4

Pretty Girls 5

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Compiled and written 10JUN18.
  2. Completion 17JUN18.
  3. SEO review and posting 17JUN18.

Mandela Effect – A System of Soul Management

Here we talk a little about the “Mandela Effect”.

This is a name given to describe a situation where memories don’t match the reality that we inhabit.

Now, I could follow every other person on the Internet and write a blurb or two about how it is visualized, but I won’t. Instead, I will describe why it occurs and how it manifests. Here is the real deal, folks. You want to know what MAJestic knows, well listen up.


Firstly, memories do not reside within the physical brain. They reside in non-physical space.

Secondly, we all do NOT share a common reality. We share a common reality TEMPLATE. We occupy individual realities based upon that template.

Thirdly, since everyone has an individual reality, they can sometimes “bump” or influence other realities.

Fourthly, this influence manifests in many different ways. We will talk about [1] the Mandela Effect, where world-lines do not match apparent memories, and [2] Bleed Over Effects where adjacent non-physical realities can influence actions within your reality.

The Big Picture

In a universe with very advanced civilizations along with primitive ones (like ours), there begets a need to maintain order. Advanced civilizations know how fragile our universe actually is. As such they have created systems to assure stability within it.

They have created sentience archetypes and biological archetypes that are approved. These systems are designed to prevent discordant and chaotic events. Our universe constantly slides in and our of the various veils of the MWI, and by being able to control the sentience evolution, they are able to regulate how thoughts manifest.

Thoughts alter and modify our reality.

Our Nursery

Our species lives within a nursery of sorts. It is policed and controlled environment that permits our evolutionary growth and limits our contradictory behaviors and thoughts to influence the areas outside of the nursery. We are not a stable species. Which actually means that we have not yet evolved into a stable sentience and a stable archetype. We are transitory. Our biology and garbon configuration is evolving.

Therefore, the management  of our sentience nursery must monitor it and help police it to achieve the preferred evolutionary directives.

The reader might question the need for policing our sentience growth.  After all, they might wonder, certainly (there must be) other species who have grown and developed a sentience without outside interference.  Why develop one purposefully?  

Well, the answer is simple.  If the reader recalls, the emergence of sentience in our galaxy was not smooth, and resulted in various conflicts.

Call the conflicts what you may, but the end results of this was the establishment of sentience archetypes.  The cultivation of those archetypes is considered very important, and for us humans, it is the reason why we occupy the earth nursery…

A Formalized System

The reader should understand that, in this galaxy, there is a formalized system of managing sentience development.  In other words, there is a “federation” that polices the development of emerging species.  They help seed, cultivate, and “harvest” sentience’s.  This is a very good thing, and the human species is one such sentience that is being “cultivated”.

In subsequent articles we discuss this system. In our local geographic physical area there are five solar systems involved as a sentience nursery. Earth is not the only one.

Beautiful Jupiter
Everything fits together in complex patterns. Photo is of Jupiter. However, the reader must be made aware that the beauty of complex structures surrounds us. To us, it appears confusing and perplexing. However, it need not be.

In a universe where there are many different world-lines, and one where sentience archetypes must be developed, there begets a need to limit physical exposure.  For too much exposure to the MWI can retard or alter sentience development.  Thus, unlike many established sentience’s, transitional sentience’s (such as humans) need to have their ability to traverse the multi-worlds limited.

Purposeful Limitations

Humans cannot traverse the MWI as easily as other species can.  This is intentional.

All world-lines in the MWI are all connected.  They stand alone, but they are all connected through individual and group thoughts.  Therefore, if a person has a particularly strong event, or a series of events that influences others, then they can manifest into the realities of a given time line.  There is no such thing as coincidence.  There is not.  Everything fits together, even the most seemingly unconnected events that transcend time and space.

Everything fits together and influences each other.

Because it does, we can observe the influences as they pop in and out of our reality…

The Mandela Effect

"The Mandela effect" is what the internet is calling those curious instances in which many of us are certain we remember something a particular way, but it turns out we’re incorrect. The name of the theory comes from many people feeling certain they could remember Nelson Mandela dying while he was still in prison back in the ’80s. Contrary to what many thought, Mandela’s actual death was on Dec. 5, 2013, despite some people claiming to remember seeing clips of his funeral on TV.


We see and understand strange things that seemingly has no place in our fine and well-understood universe. But, maybe, just maybe… the universe is not what we think it is at all. Maybe it only looks that way.

Basic Introduction

To begin this discussion, let me direct the reader to the following You-Tube videos;

The Reader should not get too hot and bothered about these videos.  They are just attempts by people who are trying to understand the strange and unusual. Is everything a coincidence? What are these events?  A book written about a Barron Trump? A Mr. Trump talking about “Pizzagate” before it occurred? Who is Professor John Trump and what is his tie with Donald Trump?

To understand these questions, the reader must remember that our brains try to provide answers to perplexing mysteries by using our own personal experiences.

We think in terms of just HOW can this happen when we all know that scientists have “proved” how the universe works. We try to figure out things that just do not fit within that really nice and simple explanation of how the world works.

But, boys and girls, it can never fit into our nice and tidy belief that we all share the same reality. It simply cannot.

Wake up!

We do not share anything. It only appears that way. We all live in our very own realities and our realities change as our thoughts change. It is a universe of change, with the mere appearance of stability.

Consider an Unexplainable Coincidence

“It was the biggest, grandest vessel to ever sail the ocean. A luxury liner dubbed “unsinkable” when it set sail early one April across the North Atlantic — until it struck an iceberg off Newfoundland and sank to the ocean floor."

But this was not the Titanic; it was the Titan, a fictional ship that sank in the pages of Morgan Robertson’s 1898 novella Futility (later re-titled The Wreck of the Titan) — a book published more than a decade before the Titanic’s ill-fated 1912 voyage and almost a century before Kate and Leo embarked on theirs.”

Thoughts can create realities.

Yes. Nothing is coincidence. The realities that you and I experience are caused by thoughts. Not only of our thoughts, but the thoughts of other consciousnesses within nearby or adjacent realities.

Therefore, nothing is a coincidence.

Everything that can and will happen is already happening in the ever present “now”. We experience the events, or record the events as our own thoughts generate them.  Thus, what is imagination but an intuitive connection to our other selves (our quantum shadows) in other world-line realities?

Bleed-over events in the MWI
Here is how a bleed-over event works. Our reality is isolated within the MWI. We only have the illusion of interacting with each other. Instead we are actually interacting with the quantum “shadows” of other soul’s consciousnesses. This interaction can instigate bleed-over events.

In today’s world, we are still stuck in the Newtonian reality. No one really wants to embrace the quantum reality. “If I cannot physically prove it, it must not exist!” But, guys that belief is crazy.  Here is the way things are…

We live in a construct.

It is a physical reality that is governed by thoughts.

This is actually evidence of multiple world-lines via GIPHY

Welcome to my world. It is a world of the quantum reality where everything that looks hard and solid, is really just thought constructs. By understanding this, we can well understand that different consciousnesses have different thoughts.


Memory access.
Memories reside outside the physical reality. Thus, the consciousness can access them when they take on wave properties and migrate outside the physical body.

And if there are many thoughts floating about in the non-physical reality, that they can influence each other. They can add, subtract from, multiply and even divide other thoughts . All these actions would have physical manifestations.

Group thoughts manifest in strange ways.

To truly understand why we have such things as coincidences, and Mandela Effect, and Bleed-over events, you need to understand that our reality is our very own reality. We do not SHARE our realities. It only looks that way. Those people who are around us are mere quantum shadows of another reality.

We can start with the book “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket”  It is a novel that predicted the death of a real life person with the same name as its fictional character. Coincidence?

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

In 1838, Edgar Allan Poe wrote his only complete novel “The Narrative Of Arthur Gordon Pym Of Nantucket”. One of the characters, a mutineer named Richard Parker, became prey to monstrous cannibalism.

After all the mutineers are thrown overboard, Parker is the only one spared to help with the operation of the ship. The ship then capsizes and leaves the remaining crew members without adequate food. Parker suggests he and his three surviving crew-mates draw straws to sacrifice one among them, in order to save the rest. Following this suggestion, he draws the short straw and is eaten alive by his mates.

It’s a pretty good story. It was written in 1838.

Some 46 years later, in 1884, the 52-foot yacht Mignonette set off from Southampton, England for Australia. It sank. Four survivors including a 17-year-old cabin boy named Richard Parker escaped in a lifeboat. When their resources and food ran out, they were forced to drink their own urine and finally three of the men killed Parker and devoured him, much like his fictional counterpart.

The movie the Life of Pi via GIPHY

In 2001, author Yann Martel paid homage to both real and fictional Richard Parkers in the novel Life Of Pi. In Pi, Martel named a Bengal tiger – and survivor of a shipwreck – Richard Parker.

The point being that can this actually be coincidence?

I argue that there is a mechanism, a hidden mechanism, that causes things like this to manifest. I argue that these kinds of things manifest through the interaction of our non-physical realities when they interact with each other in the MWI.

Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan

The Titanic.
The sinking of the ship The Titanic was foretold by a novel. This is not the ONLY instance of this. Many things have been foretold, often in great detail, by novels.

In 1898, Morgan Robertson wrote Futility, Or The Wreck of the Titan. The book describes the journey of a fictitious ship called Titan which eventually collides with an iceberg and sinks. The fate of Titan closely mirrors the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912. The similarities between the RMS Titanic and Titan are numerous and include such things as…

• Both were triple screw (propellers)
• RMS Titanic measured “882 feet, displacing 53,000 long tons” and was deemed “nearly unsinkable.” The Titan was “800 feet, displacing 75,000 tons” and was also described as “unsinkable.”
• The Titanic carried only 16 lifeboats and 4 Engelhardt folding lifeboats while the Titan carried “as few as the law allowed” – i.e., 24 lifeboats.
• Moving too fast at 22½ knots, the Titanic struck an iceberg on the starboard side on the night of April 14,1912, in the North Atlantic, 400 nautical miles (740 km; 460 mi) away from Newfoundland. Moving at 25 knots, The Titan also struck an iceberg on the starboard side on an April night in the North Atlantic, 400 nautical miles (740 km; 460 mi) from Newfoundland.
• The Titanic sank and more than half of her 2200 passengers and crew died. The Titan also sank, and more than half of her 2500 passengers drowned.

Why, everyone knows that this can only just be a coincidence. But people, please listen up. There is NO SUCH THING as coincidence. We are all connected on the quantum level. If there is one thing that everyone should recognize is the importance of this interconnected relationship.

This is just my may of explaining how entanglement manifests within a person’s individual reality.

Harry Potter

Eight years before the first Harry Potter books were published, Jane Yolen published a book called Wizard’s Hall about young boy named Henry who gets recruited to a wizard’s school with teacher’s pictures that move about and a wicked wizard who used to teach there. Coincidence? The author certainly thinks so.

The 9-11 Attacks

Tom Clancy predicted the 9-11 attacks. In the U.S. government’s official accounting of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001 — The 9/11 Commission Report — the assembled collection of experts and officials took U.S. national security officials to task for what they described as an incredible lack of imagination. How, they asked, could no one have predicted that terrorists might ram airplanes into major buildings and cause untold destruction, especially when none other than Clancy predicted exactly such a scenario?

In Clancy’s 1994 novel Debt of Honor, Japan, led by a faction of hard-line nationalists and having acquired nuclear weapons, goes to war with the United States, aiming to re-establish the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Following Japan’s defeat at the hands of the United States — thanks, of course, in large part to the wiles of Clancy uber-hero Jack Ryan — the pilot of a Japan Air Lines 747 decides to fly his plane into the Capitol dome during a joint session of Congress, killing just about the entire American government.

With this in mind, the 9/11 Report mournfully notes that “neither the intelligence community nor aviation security experts analyzed systemic defenses within an aircraft or against terrorist-controlled aircraft, suicidal or otherwise.” As the report reveals, national security officials were reading Clancy and aware of his predictions but never took them particularly seriously:

"[The Clinton administration counter-terror official] Richard Clarke told us that he was concerned about the danger posed by aircraft in the context of protecting the Atlanta Olympics of 1996, the White House complex, and the 2001 G-8 summit in Genoa. But he attributed his awareness more to Tom Clancy novels than to warnings from the intelligence community."

It wasn’t only Tom Clancy, but also Michael Caine as well.

Sir Michael Caine has said he ‘predicted’ a terrorist plot to fly planes into a skyscraper before the 9/11 attacks happened. The actor revealed that he was writing a novel about a terrorist attack when he dreamt up the scenario, prior to the events that took place in New York in 2001. Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Front Row, Sir Michael said that he chose not to continue with his book after 9/11, which claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 people, took place.

“I had this plot where terrorists fly a plane into a London skyscraper. Then they did it in real life. I was stunned by that, so I stopped writing.”

It is not only the famous that predicted this event, but also comic book artists and authors.

Twin towers in ruin.
The Twin Towers lie in ruin. Why was it that so many people wrote stories and considered this kind of event, but never ever thought that it would actually manifest?

Multiple comic books have featured the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center damaged by evil villains, but none managed to get as close to reality as an issue of Uncanny X-Men from 1985. The Marvel series had recently introduced the character of Rachel Summers, a telepathic mutant sent back from the future. In this story, she’s battling the Hellfire Club in Manhattan while trying to deal with the differences between the Manhattan of her time and the present day. One of the biggest differences? The WTC is still there – in Rachel’s future, the towers had been completely destroyed. By a mutant terrorist attack.

Donald Trump

The Simpsons (an American cartoon) accurately predicted that Donald Trump would become president of the United States.

Donald Trump on the Simpsons.
The television show “The Simpsons” thought it was really funny to portray Donald Trump as president of the United States. Yet it came true. Is this just coincidence, or is there something more involved going on here?

Th Simpsons have accurately and uncannily predicted events through the lens of the humorous. It makes you wonder if God has a sense of humor, eh?

Please understand that there IS NO SUCH THING as coincidences. They only appear that way. This is because we are unable to see things are they really and actually are. We only perceive in three dimensions when we actually exist within an eleven dimensional reality.

You have to keep that in mind.

Everything is quanta in nature and behavior. As such, even the smallest thoughts can manifest as a reality. We, as consciousness can migrate in and out of the MWI. Our reality becomes what we think about, because what we think about is a creative process.

What we think about always becomes our reality.

Donald Trump as president.
What we think about becomes our reality. If we think about bad things all the time, they will manifest. If we think about good things they will manifest as well. Further complicating this issue, is the thoughts of mass groups of people. Thus the need for a “dimensional anchor” such as myself. Compare the Simpsons screen shot above with this photo. They got the color of the sign, the font on the name, the red band around it, the red tie, the flag lapel pin, the suit and just about everything else correct. How is this possible?

The building “The Shard” in London

The television show “The Simpsons” predicted more than just Donald Trump becoming President.  The predicted a building in London known as “The Shard”.  The “Lisa’s Wedding” episode from 1995 (season 6, episode 19) came with a lot of unexpected predictions. During Lisa’s trip to London, we see a skyscraper behind Tower Bridge that looks eerily similar to The Shard and that is even in the right location. Construction on the building started in 2009, 14 years later.

The Challenger Disaster

In this example a comic book predicted the Challenger Disaster.  This one’s a little strange because the prediction in question wasn’t published in its original form, but it’s still weird as hell.

In 1986, DC Comics hired superstar writer-artist John Byrne to revitalize Superman for the modern age in a miniseries called Man of Steel. The book’s mandate was to bring Supers’ power levels down to something reasonable and update his origin for the ’80s. You know, there is a need to make things more reasonable and explainable. Turn it into something that you can understand and relate to.

In the first issue, one of the hero’s biggest tests is rescuing a space shuttle that suffered an engine explosion right after launch. As he was finishing the pages, the space shuttle Challenger launched – and suffered an engine explosion, killing everybody aboard in NASA’s greatest tragedy ever.

Byrne quickly re-drew the pages, changing the shuttle to an experimental plane. That’s a pretty chilling way to learn you have precognitive powers.

The Death of Princess Di

This one’s another timing-related prediction, but by God it’s a weird one.

Most people know who Wonder Woman is, but fewer know her secret identity: Princess Diana of Themyscira. There was another famous princess named Diana, right? Remember her?

In 1997, an issue of Wonder Woman came out with a fake newspaper cover emblazoned with the headline “DIANA, PRINCESS OF THEMYSCIRA, STRUCK DOWN.” Inside, the titular Princess Di dies. Three days after the comic came out, the real-world Princess Di was involved in a car accident in Paris that claimed her life. Pretty creepy coincidence there.

Princess Di
People might believe that this is just another of a long series of coincidences. Maybe so, but I must inform everyone that thoughts create our realities, and since we occupy different realities, the non-physical realities cause cross-over events.

President Kennedy’s Assassination

President Kennedy’s Assassination via GIPHY

On the morning of 22 November 1963, Jackie Kennedy was unnerved by a full-page ad placed in the Dallas Morning News — not so much because it accused the president of being a Communist sympathizer but rather because it had a black border and resembled a death notice.

JFK tried to comfort her with the words: “We’re heading into nut country today. But, Jackie, if somebody wants to shoot me from a window with a rifle, nobody can stop it, so why worry about it?”

That Kennedy made such a comment about his own assassination on the day he was shot is coincidence enough, but that he so casually predicted the precise method of his death is nothing short of sinister.


Nothing is coincidence.

Since everything, not just in the physical, but in the spiritual as well are connected, then it makes complete sense that the orderly management of soul formation, configuration and (apparent) life be managed. That is exactly what is going on.

Thoughts create realities.
This is how it works. We do not share one reality, with everyone going about their own lives. No. Instead we all have our very own realities. We each live our own individual reality and those “people” that we interact with are quantum shadows of others who are off in their own realities. The thoughts generated by each of us, can influence our life through all sorts of ways. Remember, boys and girls, thoughts create realities.

To understand what is actually going on, we must recognize that what we think is reality is just not true. Each of us, our consciousness, occupies a physical body that is within a physical reality. None of us share the same reality… It only appears that way.

We share a universal template. Our thoughts and our soul carves out a reality within this template for us to obtain experiences from.

Our thoughts can create things to manifest. Such as the numerous examples already listed.

Our thoughts can create things to manifest via GIPHY

They can also alter our MWI world-line.

Since we are soul, with a physical body, then thoughts can influence our other soul manifested bodies.  This can be evidenced by ideas, or thoughts that might appear as ESP, or clairvoyance.  To those who believe in technology instead of ESP ability, this might appear as time or dimensional travel.

There is an event known as “bleed over” where thoughts from one world-line (time and space), influence or “bleed over” into other world-lines.

Let’s look at some “bleed over” events and how they manifested in our “reality”.

Bleed Over Events

In short, a “bleed over event” is when there are [1] numerous world-lines of a similar nature, and [2] clustering of thoughts manifest.  We discussed this clustering of thoughts elsewhere, and it is a serious concern.  Clustering of thoughts create situations whereas the thoughts “interfere” or “interrupt” the thought streams of a given quantum shadow in an aligned world-line.  The result of this is mass world-line collective behaviors.

These events where our brain tries to sort things out, such as “how did Donald Trump know of Pizzagate” is perplexing.  That is because the only ONLY thing that we can associate it with is “time travel”.  Since most people have no understanding of world-line travel and MWI, the concept of “bleed over events” is alien to them.

Here, this event involves many people in many world-lines. In these world-lines are other President Donald Trump dealing with this event.  The large number of these events, coupled with the strong thoughts associated with it, creates a cascading effect that causes “bleed over” to nearby (world-lines of small deviance) world-lines. Of course, Donald Trump “remembers” the events, his thoughts are shared with the thoughts of other Donald Trump’s  (quantum shadows) on other world-lines. The shear magnitude of the thought impact directly impinges upon his reality.

As a result it crashes into our reality as well.

Mandela Examples

We observe these “bleed-over” events and interpret them in different ways. Realists say, “oh it’s a simple misunderstanding”, or that “it’s a coincidence”. No one seemingly wants to accept the fact that thoughts can alter our realities. They can do this both forward and backward in time.

We want to explain things away so that they fit nicely into our own reality.

There are a lot of different theories for why the Mandela Effect exists. 

Many believe that it is a result of time travel. Possibly some person who will live thousands of years from now traveled back to our time and changed little things in the middle of our lifetime. 

Others think it may be due to the shifting of parallel universes. Perhaps we all once lived in a universe where things were slightly different and we still remember it that original way but are now in a reality where things are different. 

Some people have even gone as far to say that the ending of the world in 2012 didn't seem to happen because it was simply the end of our current universe and we all shifted into a new one. 

Psychologists credit the Mandela Effect to confabulation, the clinical term for memory defects. However, the fact that large numbers of people who have never met all have identical false memories continues to stump even the most educated psychologists. 


Well, maybe it’s because of misunderstandings. Or, maybe it’s because of time travel. Still others want to attribute it to a dark sinister organization of evil globalists.

The truth is that we see these things manifest simply because that is the nature of our universe.

Our universe is not what we think it is. It only looks that way.

These Mandela effects, and these bleed-over events are nothing more than the physical manifestation of thoughts, in many cases actual groupings and collections of thoughts.

We kind of slip or slide in and out of world-lines. Yet, folks, please understand what we think of as a world-line is actually something different. Instead of nice clean and defined reality, like a box of packaged everything, it is actually more like an amorphous jelly that we end up sliding into.

Oscar Meyer” isn’t spelled that way.

In truth the famous brand of hot dogs and lunch meats is Oscar Mayer.
The thing is that many people remember it as Meyer, with an “e.”

The Berenstein Bears

This is one of the most common examples of the Mandela effect. The Berenstein Bears is a popular children’s book and television show series that has been popular in the United States for many, many years.

Many people remember the series as the Berenstein Bears. Yet, it’s actually called the “Berenstain Bears”.

Now, if you go back and look at your old VHS tapes or books, it will say “Berenstain.” There is no record of it ever being called “Berenstein”. This Mandela Effect example is one of the most popular because so many people vividly remember it being “Berenstein.”

The show called Sex in the City.

The show is actually called Sex and the City, but many people insist they remember it being “in the” at some point. Why do so many people remember this? Indeed, people have even posted pictures of old memorabilia they have that supports their false memory.

The Flintstones

Here is a very good example of the sliding and changing of a world-line as the MWI is moved and motivated by thoughts.

This one has tended to shift in and out of reality, which has freaked me out throughout my research. 

Just under one week ago, the "Flintstones" was spelled without a "T" as the "Flinstones." Today I went to google it, and saw that it changed from "Flinstones" to "Flintstones" and was back to its original spelling. 

I might sound crazy saying that, but I'm not the only wannabe Mandela Effect expert that has kept up with it and noticed the constant shift. I am glad that the "t" is back because in my childhood I vividly remember it being spelled "Flintstones." 

Most remember their last name being “Flintstones,” which makes sense because flint is a type of rock and the family lives in the fictional town Bedrock, where everything is made of rock. 

However, if you went back and watched it last week, their last name was actually “Flinstone.” Today, it is once again "Flintstone." This example firmly backs up the theory of shifting parallel universes because it changes constantly. If you google "Flintstones Mandela Effect," you will see that many other people have also noticed it switching.

We Are the Champions” by Queen ends differently than many recall.

Many of those familiar with the song remember the final lyrics being “No time for losers, ’cause we are the champions…of the world!” Guess what? There is no “of the world!” The song just ends, and it’s driving people crazy because they feel 100% sure that they’ve heard otherwise in the past.

Mirror Mirror On the Wall

This quote from the Disney cartoon Snow White is probably one of the most famous of all time.

Ah, it isn’t “mirror mirror on the wall.”

In the movie, they say “magic mirror on the wall.” I even remember watching the movie after the song “mirror mirror” was released, and the movie clearly said “mirror mirror.” Why would there be so much merchandise that says “mirror mirror” and a spin off movie with that name if it never was “Mirror Mirror on the Wall”?

Life is like a box of chocolates.”

In the movie Forrest Gump, Forrest says, “My momma always said, life is like a box of chocolates.”

That is a famous line that everyone who has ever seen the movie would know.

Now go back and re-watch the movie, it doesn’t say that. Instead, it says “life was like a box of chocolates.” That doesn’t even sound right with the quote or in the context of the movie. I’ve never met somebody who remembers it saying “was.” If you go on google and type in the beginning of the quote and stop at “life,” the next suggested word is “is,” not “was.”

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.”

In the children’s show, “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” he always sings a song with the line “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.”

Everyone who watched this show as a child remembers it this way. Including myself, who would sing the song this way then I taught English to Chinese students.

Well, now the song says “It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood”. That doesn’t even sound right in the song and nobody remembers it this way that I know.

People think the Monopoly man has a monocle, but he doesn’t.

Perhaps we’re just confusing him with Mr. Peanut. Mr. Peanut is the character image for Planter’s Peanuts. He also wears a top hat and carries around a cane.

I am one of the many people who can’t seem to grasp how the Monopoly man is monocle-less, when we all distinctly know him to have one.

Interview with a Vampire

Most people remember it being called “Interview with a Vampire.”

Yet, you know, our apparent world-line slid. If you type in on google “interview with” the suggested ending is “a vampire.” Surprisingly, the movie is actually called “Interview with the Vampire.”

Looney Toons

The children’s cartoon, the “Looney Toons” was loved by many. I myself would be glued to the television set all during my childhood. I would watch Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, and the host of other characters entertain me.

The name, “Looney Toons” makes sense because “toons” is the ending of cartoons. The show is actually called “Looney Tunes.” Seriously. It’s not even a musical show!

The tip of Pikachu’s tail isn’t black.

People remember there being a black mark on Pikachu’s tail, but if you take a look at Pikachu now, you’ll see nothing there. How can so many people remember an aspect of this character’s appearance that doesn’t actually exist?

Curious George never had a tail.

A lot of people even claim to remember seeing him use his tail to swing from the trees. If you look up pictures of Curious George right now, you’ll see that he doesn’t have a tail, meaning either your memory made the whole thing up or you’ve, like, drifted into a parallel universe…

What do ya know.

Luke, I am your father.”

One of the most famous movie lines of all time is this one from one of the Star Wars sequels.

However, if you go back and watch Star Wars now, you’ll see that Darth Vader doesn’t even say this, he says “no, I am your father.”

This one is insanely obvious that it once, whether in another universe or in our same reality before it was changed, was “Luke, I am your father.” People who haven’t even seen Star Wars all know this famous line. It has been quoted more times than I could ever count and referenced so many times.

Hannibal Lecter never said “Hello, Clarice.

If you’ve seen The Silence of the Lambs, you know the most famous line is “Hello, Clarice.”

The only problem is, that never happened — and when Clarice first meets Hannibal Lecter, he simply says, “Good morning.” That’s it. How is a film’s most well-known line nonexistent? Nobody knows, and it’s eating away at people.

Jiffy peanut butter doesn’t exist.

It’s called Jif.

Now, even though people remember the popular brand of peanut butter being called “Jiffy” and having a campaign that told mothers they could fix their kids a snack “in a jiffy.” Jiffy has certainly been embedded in the minds of many, and it was even spotted in American Dad, during an episode in which the character is uncovering a conspiracy.


We discussed Mandela Effects, and other odd coincidences. Statists are trying to make everything fit into nice boxes to explain these events. They explain them away as coincidences, faulty memories, or by other conventional excuses. Anything and everything to make things fit into a conventional understanding.


It all makes perfect sense when you accept these events exactly as you know them to be, and embrace the idea that it is a quantum universe that we live in. Once you do so, then you realize that thoughts can alter our physical reality. As such group thoughts can cause shifting of our reality into multiple world-lines and as such, we can witness bleed-over effects and other curious changes.


  • Our universe does NOT work the way we think it does.
  • We all have our very own reality.
  • The realities “float” within a MWI of constantly changing world-lines.
  • We can control the apparent direction of time through thought.
  • Thoughts of different realities can influence each other.
  • These thoughts and their influences manifest as coincidences, bleed-over events, and Mandela events.


Q: Why is there a picture of a steak on this article?
A: In the movie “The Matrix” there is a scene where one character Cypher is eating a steak.


"You know.. I know this steak doesn't exist. I know when I put it in my mouth; the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy, and delicious. After nine years.. you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss." ―Cypher

The point being that you can go ahead and live in an illusion and have a great life, or you can embrace the reality and live miserably. I personally know that the universe works differently. You can actually have the best of both worlds. Thus the picture. In our universe, thoughts create your reality.

Q: What is the cause of the Mandela Effect?
A: Migration of “adjacent” world-lines and realities that influence the memories in your non-physical reality.

Q: What is the cause of Bleed-Over Events?
A: The influences of thoughts in nearby world-line realities.

Q: Can the past be changed?
A: Yes, it most certainly can. Read about the Intention Experiment.

Q: Are there other things aside from the Mandela Effect that than make their appearance in our reality?
A: Yes, there are many things that can manifest. These are typically dismissed as mistakes of observation, illusions, tricks, hoaxes, and superstition. Yet, they are actual real events that are dismissed by the ignorant who adhere to an incorrect understanding of the nature of the universe.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

The Alpha Centauri Solar System

Earth aside, we as humans will naturally begin our excursions outside of our sentience nursery by visiting the closest stellar neighbors. We will take a tour of the local neighborhood with our nearest stellar neighbor; the Alpha Centauri system.  This is an important solar system in many ways, and deserves close scrutiny.

The Alpha Centauri system is the closest solar system to our sun.  Viewed from the earth, Alpha Centauri (α Centauri) is the third brightest “star” in the (Southern hemisphere) night sky.  It appears (to the naked eye) as a single bright point of light; a single star.  But, it is not a single star at all, but rather a triple star system.  This trinary solar system consists of three stars and with them, three separate groups of solar systems.  In it two, more or less sun-like stars (A and B), orbit a central point in space.  A third star, which is a small red dwarf named Proxima Centauri, orbits the two inner stars.

Americans cannot view this star directly unless they live in the Southern hemisphere.

The stars of the Alpha Centauri solar system.
Here is a nice graphic representation of the relative VISIBLE (to the human eye) and observable size comparison of the three stars that comprise the Alpha Centauri solar system. Our own sun is shown for scalar comparison.

Trinary System

Most importantly for our purposes and considerations, each individual star has its own solar system.  Thus, the Alpha Centauri system is but a grouping of three entire and complete solar systems.  Each one with its own set of planets and moons.  Two of the solar systems are just like ours.  (Although truncated in size.) They are very similar to our own system up to the range of the outer gas giants.  Thus, it is (more or less) reasonable to expect a similar solar system structure to our very own.  These two stars are all about the same age, size, color and behavior to our sun.

This trinary system is located 1.34 parsecs or 4.37 light years from the Sun, making it (undisputedly) the closest star system to our Solar System. We are fortunate to have a trinary star system nearby.  We are also doubly fortunate to have one that has stable stars and behavior.

Alpha Centauri A & B

While the two inner stars are similar to our sun in age, size and color, the outer sun is cooler and smaller.  It is an often an ignored system because it is not as “interesting” as the inner twin stars.  This all changed with the discovery of a orbiting planet, of earth size, in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri in 2016.

Due to its small size, any habitable planet must orbit close to the star.  There is a risk of the planet being tidally locked with one side always facing the star, with the other side eternally cold.  In any event, habitable planets in this system would see a gigantic red sun in their sky.  It would appear much bigger than we can conceive, perhaps even dominating the vast sky above.  This is according to conventional belief.

Orbits of the two larger stars in the alpha centuari solar system.
Here is a topographical view of the the orbital plane of the two largest stars in the Alpha Centauri solar system.

Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B orbit a common center every 79.91 years. The distance between the stars varies from 35.6 astronomical units (5.3 billion kilometers) to 11.2 astronomical units (1.67 billion kilometers). The distances are roughly equivalent to those between the Sun and Pluto and between the Sun and Saturn. The angular separation between Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B varies from 2 to 22 arcseconds. The total mass of the binary star system is about 2 solar masses.

It is reasonable to expect some kind of life in any or all of these systems.  Either naturally evolving, or seeded by another race.  I do not know very much about life outside of our solar system, but what I do know that there is an extremely high probability that there is an extraterrestrial presence in this system.  In fact, almost all the stars (including the dim brown dwarfs) surrounding us has extraterrestrial life in one form or the other.

Estimated habitable zone about the two largest stars in the Alpha Centauri solar system.
Here is the estimated habitable zones around the two largest stars within the Alpha Centauri solar system as viewed from the earth .

Since this is a trinary star system, the quantum fields (The “spiritually” energized and entangled quantum fields in regards to biological ambulatory organisms with a degree of self-actuation.) involved are quite complex compared to a simple single star solar system like ours.

The non-physical reality is more complex than what we see in our solar system.

Those living and visiting this system have to be prepared for the complex nature of this quantum field.  (Compared to our solar system.) On one aspect, it is interesting, exciting and quite dynamic.  On the other hand, there are notable energy potentials that can wreck all kinds of havoc on earth-centric biological processes.  I feel sure that humans can visit the system, but the ability to stay there and thrive will most certainly require the creation of a new biological form that is adapted for the quantum vortexes that exist there (We are quantum being occupying a physical body in a physical universe, don’t you know.).

Both of these two major solar systems are stable.

The presence of the two stars have stewarded any errant planets and asteroids rendering the physical space clean.  This would be very similar to what the larger gas giant planets would do.  Even though I spent a considerable amount of time discussing Proxima Centauri, it is actually these two “inner” solar systems that host the best chance for habitable planets and extraterrestrial life.

Make no mistake, there are large “gas giant” type planets that orbit these stars, and they influence the smaller planets to various degrees. Also, from a physical and biological point of view, the trio of suns all have influences on the biological lives that occupy the planets there.  For instance, we know how our own solar system interacts with the biology of humans; sunspots, for instance.  Sunspot activity of our sun influences all kinds of weather and human behaviors.  Thus, imagine how the sunspot behaviors of three stars in close proximity might influence the lives present on those orbiting planets.

Proxima Centauri

Proxima Centauri is a tiny star that orbits the two larger inner stars.  It orbits at a greater distance away from the two inner stars.  So much so, that a diagram including all three is nearly impossible to show all their orbits together. That is because the orbit of Proxima Centauri is many times larger than the orbits of Proxima Centauri A and B.

Proxima Centauri orbit.
Here is the orbit of Proxima Centauri within the Alpha Centauri solar system. The orbit is sufficiently huge that the two inner stars and their orbits can only be illustrated as a mere dot in relative scale.

Red Dwarf Star

Proxima Centauri is what is known as a red dwarf star.  A red dwarf is a small and relatively cool star on the main sequence, either late K or M spectral type. Red dwarfs range in mass from a low of 0.075 solar masses to about 0.50 solar masses, and have a surface temperature of less than 4,000 K.  Red dwarfs are by far the most common type of star in the Milky Way, at least in the neighborhood of the Sun, but because of their low luminosity, individual red dwarfs cannot easily be observed. From Earth, not one is visible to the naked eye.  This is a red dwarf (Type M5 to M5.5, apparent magnitude 11.05), as are twenty of the next thirty nearest. According to some estimates, red dwarfs make up three-quarters of the stars in the Milky Way.

It has a large orbit that surrounds the two larger stars in the Alpha Centauri solar system.  All in all, it lies about 4.24 light-years from the Sun, inside the G-cloud, in the constellation of Centaurus.

Proxima Centauri is classified as a red dwarf is of spectral class M5.5.

In astronomy, stellar classification is the classification of stars based on their spectral characteristics. Light from the star is analyzed by splitting it with a prism or diffraction grating into a spectrum exhibiting the rainbow of colors interspersed with absorption lines.  

Most stars are currently classified under the Morgan–Keenan (MKK) system using the letters O, B, A, F, G, K, M, L, T and Y, a sequence from the hottest (O type) to the coolest (Y type). The types R and N are carbon-based stars, and the type S is zirconium-monoxide-based stars. 

Each letter class is then subdivided using a numeric digit with 0 being hottest and 9 being coolest (e.g. A8, A9, F0, F1 form a sequence from hotter to cooler).

It is further classified as a “late M-dwarf star”, meaning that at M5.5, it falls to the low-mass extreme of M-type stars. Its diameter is about one-seventh of that of the Sun. Proxima Centauri’s mass is about an eighth of the Sun’s, but its average density is about 40 times that of the Sun.


Its total luminosity over all wavelengths is 0.17% that of the Sun, although when observed in the wavelengths of visible light the eye is most sensitive to, it is only 0.0056% as luminous as the Sun. This means that if an astronaut were to orbit the star, he would have a very difficult time seeing it. It would appear as a very dim blood-red disc in the dark-dark sky.

Likewise, any planet orbiting a red dwarf would be dimly lit.  At least that is how it would appear from human eyes.  But, you know, human eyes were developed or evolved for the energetic G3 star that we call our sun.

Creatures that evolved on planets in orbit around dimmer stars see light differently than we do. They can often see in the IR range and view vision as something else altogether.

In the case of Proxima Centauri, more than 85% of its radiated power is at infrared wavelengths.  To our human eyes, it is difficult to see, and any habitable planet orbiting it would appear very dim, even being so close to the star.  However, were a race to have eyesight that could see in the infrared range, the light would be quite bright.  In fact, as bright as our own sun as viewed from a more distant point such as from Neptune.

Although it has a very low average luminosity, Proxima is a flare star that undergoes random dramatic increases in brightness because of magnetic activity. The star’s magnetic field is created by convection throughout the stellar body, and the resulting flare activity generates a total X-ray emission similar to that produced by (our) Sun.

Being a “flare star” is a reasonably common attribute associated with brown dwarf stars.  They tend to change in brightness over time.  Part of this might be due to sun spots of enormous size, flares that vary in intensity and size, variations in the stellar gravitational field that periodically readjusts, or to other issues too numerous to address here.  I personally like to believe that some “flare stars”, especially the regular and periodic ones, are misidentified as a flare star.  Instead they are simply a brown dwarf that has a nearby companion planet or body that causes the brightness to vary from time to time.

Flare Outbursts

According to the TV documentary “Alien Worlds”, Proxima Centauri’s flare outbursts could be problematic.

Solar flares are tremendous explosions on the surface of the Sun. In a matter of just a few minutes they heat material to many millions of degrees and release as much energy as a billion megatons of TNT. They occur near sunspots, usually along the dividing line (neutral line) between areas of oppositely directed magnetic fields.

Flares release energy in many forms – electro-magnetic (Gamma rays and X-rays), energetic particles (protons and electrons), and mass flows. Flares are characterized by their brightness in X-rays (X-Ray flux).

  • The biggest flares are X-Class flares.
  • M-Class flares have a tenth the energy.
  • C-Class flares have a tenth of the X-ray flux seen in M-Class flares.

Indeed, it could erode the atmosphere of any planet in its habitable zone, but the documentary’s scientists thought that this obstacle could be overcome. Gibor Basri of the University of California, Berkeley, even mentioned that “no one [has] found any showstoppers to habitability.”

" For example, one concern was that the torrents of charged particles from the star's flares could strip the atmosphere off any nearby planet. However, if the planet had a strong magnetic field, the field would deflect the particles from the atmosphere; even the slow rotation of a tidally locked dwarf planet that spins once for every time it orbits its star would be enough to generate a magnetic field, as long as part of the planet's interior remained molten.”

Other scientists, especially proponents of the “Rare Earth hypothesis”, disagree that red dwarfs can sustain life. (Of course they do.  They believe that there is only ONE earth-like planet in the universe!)  Their contention is that the tide-locked rotation may result in a relatively weak planetary magnetic moment, leading to strong atmospheric erosion by coronal mass ejections from Proxima Centauri.

These individuals strongly argue that the earth and the conditions for life on any planet similar to Earth is extremely rare, and that the chance of finding an Earth-like planet in our galaxy (of billions of solar systems) is impossibly unlikely.  Thus their belief structure has been coined as the “Rare Earth hypothesis”.

All this being stated; the truth is that Earth scientists do not know (at all) whether any habitable planets can exist around a red dwarf of this nature.  I do not know either.  I personally believe that the stellar nursery for evolving intelligence’s is around one or both of the two inner stars.

Discovered World around Proxima Centauri

In 25 August of  2016, an anonymous source from the ESO told German publication Der Spiegel the discovery is the closest habitable planet to Earth, orbits Proxima Centauri. The sources leaked news that the European Southern Observatory (ESO) had spotted an alien world orbiting Proxima Centauri. This was later confirmed by an Guardian article that stated that a planet was indeed found.

Habitable zone for Proxima Centauri.
Here is a graphic representation of the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri. While the star is very small, slightly larger than earth, the heat and light creates a habitable zone where the discovered planet Proxima Centauri b occupies.

Thought to be at least 1.3 times the mass of the Earth, the planet lies within the so-called “habitable zone” of the star Proxima Centauri, meaning that liquid water could potentially exist on the newly discovered world. Named Proxima b, the new planet has sparked a flurry of excitement among astrophysicists, with the tantalising possibility that it might be similar in crucial respects to Earth.

“There is a reasonable expectation that this planet might be able to host life, yes,”

-Guillem Anglada-Escudé, co-author of the research from Queen Mary, University of London.

Taking 11.2 days to travel around Proxima Centauri, the planet orbits at just 5% of the distance separating the Earth and the sun. But, researchers say, the planet is still within the habitable zone of its star because Proxima Centauri is a type of red dwarf known as an M dwarf – a smaller, cooler, dimmer type of star than our yellow dwarf sun.

Planetary Evolution of Proxima b

While Proxima b is today in the so-called “habitable zone” of its star, where surface oceans may exist, it has not always been the case. Its star has evolved differently from solar-type stars, and its brightness has decreased over time. Early in its history, the planet received a much greater flux of energy. The planet we see today has changed much during it’s evolution.

During the early “hot phase”, when the star was young and planets were newly formed, water was vaporized into a thick atmosphere exposed to high-energy radiation from its star. Proxima, like most red dwarfs, is very active and the planet is exposed to more X-ray and extreme-UV radiation than Earth. The combination of these two factors, vaporization of the water and strong exposure to high-energy radiation and particles, generates evaporation from the atmosphere to space and erosion of the water content.

What we need to do is characterize the radiation spectrum of the star in the range from X-rays to the UV in order to estimate the atmospheric losses over time.  That will enable us to determine whether the water reservoir and the atmosphere could survive this early “hot phase” of this planet’s formation. The current fate of Proxima b depends on the amount of water and gas the planet inherited during its formation, which was very different from that of the Earth. We do not know if b Proxima began its history with more or less water than Earth and the planet could still possess a thick atmosphere and oceans despite early atmospheric losses.

Possible climates of Proxima b

Scientists have exploring a broad variety of atmospheric compositions and water inventories possible under different scenarios for this planet. To achieve this theoretical exploration, the scientists used a 3D climate model similar to those used to study the Earth’s climate but especially developed for exoplanets and including all the relevant characteristics of the Proxima system.

At the short orbital distance of Proxima b, strong tidal forces exerted by the star allow only two possible rotations for the planet.

  1. In the first case the planet is synchronous, its rotation period is equal to its orbital period (11.2 days) and it always presents the same face to its star.
  2. In the second case the planet rotates 3 times every 2 orbits (3:2 spin-orbit resonance, like Mercury), a situation that can arise if the orbit is slightly eccentric (which is possible but not yet determined).

In all cases, Proxima b should not have seasons because tidal forces cancel the obliquity, bringing the equator on the planet’s orbital plane. Numerical simulations show that liquid water is possible for a wide range of atmospheric compositions. Depending on the rotation period and the amount of greenhouse gases, water may be present over the surface of the planet only in the sunniest regions: that is to say in the area facing permanently the star in the synchronous case and in a tropical belt in the asynchronous case.

Synchronous rotation model for Proxima b.
A numerical simulation of possible surface temperatures on Proxima b in the Alpha Centauri solar system.

In a simulation of surface temperature for synchronous rotation, without taking into account various weather or oceanic effects, we can see that one side of the planet would be cold with temperatures averaging around -30C. While the other side would be comfortably warm, with temperatures somewhere within the comfort limits for humans.

Asynchronous rotation model.
Asynchronous rotation model for Proxima b in the Alpha Centauri solar system. It is the same as above but for the case of the planet trapped in the 3:2 resonance (3 rotations of the planet for every revolution around the star).

In the asynchronous rotation model, we can visualize a cooler planet. It would be rather cold world-wide, with average temperatures that would prefer snow and ice, with enough variation to permit freezing and thawing activities.

Note that subsurface (underground) liquid water can also provide habitable conditions (similar to Jupiter’s moon Europa in the Solar System). However, such biosphere would not allow for remote detection from Earth. If liquid water is present at the surface, biological photosynthesis is possible and its affects the entire planetary environment so that it can potentially be observable from interstellar distances.

How water factors in the synchronous model for Proxima b.
Here is the synchronous rotation model for Proxima b depending on the availability of water. The earth is shown for comparison. We lie comfortably in the middle of the “blue zone”.

non synchronous rotation model based on water availability
Here is the non-synchronous rotation model of Proxima b adjusted for carbon dioxide content and water availability.

Seeing the planet

It is possible that soon, certain telescopes could see this planet.  In particular the 39-m ESO E-ELT whose construction just began in Chile. This large telescope will actually “see” the world by separating it from its star, something that is feasible today only for some newly formed gas giant planets. These observations will tell us whether Proxima b has water, an atmosphere and a habitable climate.

A tentative step to explore potential climate of Proxima b

Published in leading scientific journal, Astronomy & Astrophyics, on Tuesday, May 16th 2017, a group of scientists explored the potential climate of the planet, towards the longer term goal of revealing whether it has the potential to support life.

Using the state-of-the-art Met Office Unified Model, which has been successfully used to study the Earth’s climate for several decades, the team simulated the climate of Proxima b if it were to have a similar atmospheric composition to our own Earth. The team also explored a much simpler atmosphere, comprising of nitrogen with traces of carbon dioxide, as well as variations of the planets orbit. This allowed them to both compare with, and extend beyond, previous studies.

Crucially, the results of the simulations showed that Proxima b could have the potential to be habitable, and could exist in a remarkably stable climate regime. However, of course this comes with a statement that the study is preliminary and based on what little data we now have.  They argue, correctly I must add, that much more work must be done to truly understand whether this planet can support, or indeed does support life of some form.

Their paper can be referenced:

"Exploring the climate of Proxima B with the Met Office Unified Model" by Ian Boutle, Nathan Mayne, Benjamin Drummond, James Manners, Jayesh Goyal, Hugo lambert, David Acreman and Paul Earnshaw is published in Astronomy & Astrophyics. Found at

Dr Ian Boutle, lead author of the paper explained:

"Our research team looked at a number of different scenarios for the planet's likely orbital configuration using a set of simulations. As well as examining how the climate would behave if the planet was 'tidally-locked' (where one day is the same length as one year), we also looked at how an orbit similar to Mercury, which rotates three times on its axis for every two orbits around the sun (a 3:2 resonance), would affect the environment."

Dr James Manners, also an author on the paper added:

"One of the main features that distinguishes this planet from Earth is that the light from its star is mostly in the near infra-red. These frequencies of light interact much more strongly with water vapour and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which affects the climate that emerges in our model."

Using the Met Office software, the Unified Model, the team found that both the tidally-locked and 3:2 resonance configurations result in regions of the planet able to host liquid water. However, the 3:2 resonance example resulted in more substantial areas of the planet falling within this temperature range. Additionally, they found that the expectation of an eccentric orbit, could lead to a further increase in the “habitability” of this world.

Dr Nathan Mayne, scientific lead on exoplanet modelling at the University of Exeter and an author on the paper added:

"With the project we have at Exeter we are trying to not only understand the somewhat bewildering diversity of exoplanets being discovered, but also exploit this to hopefully improve our understanding of how our own climate has and will evolve."

A Hypothesized World around Proxima Centauri

The TV documentary “Alien Worlds” hypothesized that a life-sustaining planet could (possibly) exist in orbit around Proxima Centauri or other (similar)red dwarfs stars. The validity of this documentary is in question, but I present it for the reader to come to their own conclusions.

By calculation, such a planet would lie within the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, about 0.023–0.054 AU from the star, and would have an orbital period of 3.6–14 days .   Obviously, a planet orbiting within this zone will experience tidal locking to the star, so that Proxima Centauri moves little in the planet’s sky, and most of the surface experiences either day or night perpetually. However, we do not know how this effect would be mitigated through the presence of an atmosphere.  In fact, the presence of an atmosphere could serve to redistribute the energy from the star-lit side to the far side of the planet.

Possibility of Humanoid Habitability

There’s been lots of speculation about the little world known as Proxima Centauri b since astronomers announced its discovery.

With a minimum mass of 1.3 Earths, the exoplanet orbits its star at roughly one-tenth the distance that Mercury loops the Sun. Yet because Proxima Centauri is a red M dwarf (the runts of the stellar litter) this total lack of personal space puts the world in the star’s putative habitable zone, the region where, given an Earth-like atmosphere and rocky composition, there’s the right amount of incoming starlight to sustain liquid surface water.

The Basics

What qualifies an extrasolar planet as being earth-like and hence a possible haven for life? First, a planet must orbit in a star’s habitable zone. The habitable zone is the narrow region around a star in which the possibility of liquid water, thought essential for life, can exist. If a planet orbits its star closer than the habitable zone, the planet’s surface likely is too hot for liquid water to exist. If the planet orbits farther away, the planet’s surface probably will be too cold for liquid water. The distance of the habitable zone from a particular star depends upon the star’s temperature and brightness.

While being in the habitable zone is a necessary condition for life, it is not a sufficient condition. A planet also must have the proper kind of atmosphere. Planets that are too small lack gravity to hold on to much of an atmosphere. This is the situation of Mercury, Mars, and the earth’s moon. Without a significant atmosphere to provide pressure that can contain water, liquid water cannot exist. But if a planet is too large, its much greater gravity tends to hold onto the wrong kind of atmosphere. This is the situation of Jupiter and the other three Jupiter-like planets in the solar system. What constitutes a wrong atmosphere? There are several ways that an atmosphere can go awry.

Some gases are directly hostile to life. If they are in abundance, polyatomic gases can be harmful indirectly. Polyatomic gases have three or more atoms in their molecules. Polyatomic gases block infrared (IR) radiation. IR radiation sometimes is called heat radiation, because many objects cool by emitting IR radiation. For instance, at night the ground emits IR radiation to lose heat that it absorbed from the sun during the day. Polyatomic gases block IR radiation, preventing this cooling. This is similar to how a greenhouse holds in heat, so polyatomic gases sometimes are called greenhouse gases in this context. Water vapor is the most significant greenhouse gas in the earth’s atmosphere. That is why the temperature remains warm on humid nights, but the temperature can plunge during nights when the humidity is low. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is another greenhouse gas that can hold in heat. This is the basis for concern about global warming and climate change due to increased output of CO2 by human sources since the industrial revolution. The planet Venus has an atmosphere that is much denser than the earth’s atmosphere, and its atmosphere is dominated by CO2. This results in an extremely hot surface temperature on Venus. Clearly, a planet similar to Venus is hostile to life.

Contrast this to earth’s atmosphere that is dominated by diatomic gases, gases having two atoms per molecule. The major component (78%) of earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen (N2). This gas is inert, merely providing bulk to the atmosphere. Much of the remainder of the earth’s atmosphere (21%) is oxygen (O2), the substance that is essential for human and animal life. Greenhouse gases make up far less than 1% of the earth’s atmosphere. This small amount of greenhouse gases is ideal in that it holds in some, but not all, heat at night. This provides a modestly warm, but not hot, atmosphere. Astrobiologists, scientists who study the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe, recognize the ideal nature of the earth’s atmosphere. They reckon that the best hope for finding life elsewhere is on a planet with an atmosphere similar to earth’s atmosphere.

If a planet orbits in the habitable zone of a star, but is too small to have any significant atmosphere, it is deemed non-earth-like. On the other hand, if a planet orbiting in the habitable zone of a star is too massive, it almost certainly will have an atmosphere similar to Jupiter or perhaps even Venus, and it too is deemed non-earth-like.

How does the new exoplanet Proxima Centauri b stack up?

As previously mentioned, it orbits in Proxima Centauri’s habitable zone. However, the star Proxima Centauri is much smaller, less massive, and cooler than the sun. Hence, its habitable zone is much smaller than the sun’s habitable zone. Proxima Centauri b orbits just 1/20 the earth’s distance from the sun. Rather than orbiting once each 365 days as the earth does, Proxima Centauri b’s orbital period is a mere 11.2 days. The minimum mass of the planet is 1.3 times that of the earth. Since this is a minimum mass, the actual mass could be greater. This mass range almost assures that Proxima Centauri b has an atmosphere. If Proxima Centauri b’s mass is close to the minimum mass, then there is some chance that its atmosphere may have the properties similar to earth’s atmosphere, but this is not guaranteed.

But even if Proxima Centauri b has an atmosphere with composition similar to earth’s atmosphere, there are other problems. Orbiting so closely to its star, Proxima Centauri b is expected to experience tidal locking so that it rotates synchronously. That is, the planet probably orbits with one side facing Proxima Centauri. The side of the planet that always faces the star is probably far too hot for living things, while the side that is perpetually in darkness is likely too cold. Only in a ring near where the star is always up but not too high above the horizon could there be conditions suitable for life.

Depending on how planetary magnetic fields are generated, tidal locking might have dampened any nascent magnetic field that Proxima Centauri b had. This is significant, because red dwarfs like Proxima Centauri are prone to harmful radiation. The earth’s magnetic field protects the earth’s atmosphere from the flow of charged particles from the sun (the solar wind).

Without this protection, charged particles from the sun would eventually strip earth of its atmosphere. The amount of the solar wind is directly related to the strength of the sun’s magnetic field. For instance, flares and coronal mass ejections (both related to the sun’s magnetic field) greatly increase the solar wind. Presumably, a star’s wind is related to its magnetic field too. Proxima Centauri’s magnetic field is hundreds of times stronger than the sun’s magnetic field, suggesting that its stellar wind is far greater than the solar wind. Red dwarfs, such as Proxima Centauri b, are prone to flares and probably experience coronal mass ejections greater than the sun does.

Furthermore, being only 1/20 as far from its star, for a given level of stellar wind, Proxima Centauri b would experience 400 times as much damage as the earth does. Therefore, even with some protection of stripping by stellar wind from any magnetic field that it might have, Proxima Centauri b probably cannot protect its atmosphere.

So even if Proxima Centauri b initially had an atmosphere, it probably lost it. Without an atmosphere, life if not possible. Finally, the increased level of activity of the star Proxima Centauri and Proxima Centauri b’s close proximity to it likely causes the planet to experience far higher levels of ultraviolet and X-ray fluxes than the earth does. These radiations are harmful to life.

A Desert World- Edward Guinan (Villanova University) Opinion

Before they become full-fledged, hydrogen-fusing stars, the smallest red dwarfs spend a few hundred million years contracting. During this stage, they’re much brighter than they will be during their adult years, by roughly a factor of 50, said Edward Guinan (Villanova University) during a session on January 4th. Furthermore, young M stars shoot out gads of X-ray and ultraviolet radiation — roughly 100 times as much in X-ray and 10 to 20 times as much in UV as those dwarfs as old as the Sun.

Adding insult to injury, these young stars unleash dangerous flares, and if an orbiting world has a weak or nonexistent global magnetic field, the star’s winds could tear the atmosphere off the planet. “If you have a weak magnetic field, you’re done for,” Guinan said. “There’s really no way to survive.”

All these factors put together mean that, in Proxima Centauri’s earliest days, its habitable zone was farther out than it is now. If the exoplanet formed where it currently resides (in the modern habitable zone), then the world “underwent a living hell in its early 300 to 400 million years,” Guinan said.

For the past decade, Guinan and his team have been pursuing a project called Living with a Red Dwarf. They’re amassing data on all the small, cool M dwarfs within about 30 light-years of Earth, trying to understand their rotation rates, starspottiness, ages, and more. Given what they’ve learned from that work, Proxima Centauri b is most likely a desert world in their opinion.

A Venus-Like World – Victoria Meadows (University of Washington) Opinion

Victoria Meadows (University of Washington), who presented in the same session, has come to the same conclusion. She and her colleagues considered different potential atmospheres and ran simulations to determine how the exoplanet might look today, about 5 billion years after its formation. They determined that, if there were surface water, the incoming radiation likely would have evaporated most or all of it. And since water is made of oxygen and hydrogen, and hydrogen is more easily yanked from a planet’s gravitational grasp, the process could have built up a large, oxygen-rich atmosphere. A carbon dioxide–rich, Venus-like atmosphere is another possibility.

A Mercury-like World -University of Göttingen in Germany

Proxima b is also pretty darn close to its star. Where Earth is 93 million miles from the sun on average, Proxmia b and its star are just 4 million miles apart—5 percent as far. Because red dwarfs are so much cooler than our Sun, the planet can be this close without getting charred to a crisp.

Yet this proximity could cause two problems. First, Proxima b is likely to be tidally locked, meaning the same face of the planet always faces the star. It’s like the way the same side of the moon always faces the Earth. (However, a thick enough atmosphere could keep the world twirling.)

Tidally locked planets were once regarded as inhospitable to life — baked too hot on the star-facing side, and freezing cold on the dark side. But recent research suggests that such worlds may indeed be habitable; winds in their atmospheres could distribute heat, smoothing out temperature extremes.

Second, depending on how and when Proxima b was formed, early blasts of stellar radiation could have blown away much or most of Proxima b’s hypothetical atmosphere. That said,

"none of this excludes the possibility of an atmosphere and water, it all depends on the history of the stellar system," .

An Ocean World -Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory

The entire surface of Proxima b — the possibly Earth-like planet orbiting the closest star to the sun, Proxima Centauri — may be covered in a liquid ocean, according to a new study.

While there is still much to learn about the solar system’s newfound neighbor, previous research found that Proxima b has two key features in common with Earth: it orbits within the habitable zone of its star — meaning it could have the right surface temperature to allow for the presence of liquid water— and it has a mass 1.3 times that of Earth.

Using this information, a team led by researchers at the Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory in France, developed different models to help discover what the conditions might be like on the rocky exoplanet, according to a statement from NASA.

The new findings suggest Proxima b could have a large liquid ocean covering its entire surface and stretching 124 miles (200 kilometers) deep, as well as a thin gas atmosphere much like that found on Earth. These features favor the planet’s potential for supporting life, according to the statement.

Scientists have proposed different ideas about Proxima b’s composition and surface conditions, and the new models provide more information that could help inform those ideas, NASA officials said in the statement. Some of those ideas…

 "involve a completely dry planet, while others permit the presence of a significant amount of water in its composition,"

Using the planet’s known mass (1.3 times that of Earth), the authors of the research simulated different potential compositions for Proxima b and then estimated the radius of the planet for each of those scenarios. The study revealed that Proxima b could have a radius anywhere between 0.94 and 1.4 times that of Earth, according to the NASA statement.

For one of the potential composition models, the researchers found Proxima b may be an “ocean planet” similar to some of the icy moons around Jupiter and Saturn that harbor subsurface oceans. In this water-world scenario, the planet would have a radius of 5,543 miles (8,920 km), which is 1.4 times the radius of Earth. It would be composed of about 50 percent rock and 50 percent water. The pressure beneath this massive, deep ocean would be so strong that a layer of high-pressure ice would form, according to the NASA statement.

Another model developed in the study suggests Proxima b would have an internal composition similar to the planet Mercury, with a minimum radius of 3,722 miles (5,990 km), or 0.94 times the radius of the Earth. In this scenario, the planet would be incredibly dense, with a metal core accounting for 65 percent of the planet’s mass. The rest of the planet would be composed of a rocky silicate mantle, and liquid water oceans accounting for less than 0.05 percent of the planet’s mass (similar to that seen on Earth), according to the statement.

However, ultraviolet and X-rays from Proxima Centauri could leave the water on Proxima b prone to evaporation. To account for this, the researchers also calculated the radius of Proxima b with a completely dry composition.

"Future observations of Proxima Centauri will refine this study,"

Alternative viewpoints

Alternatively, Proxima Centauri b might indeed be habitable if it started out with a protective, hydrogen-rich envelope, or if it formed farther from the star — and thus farther from the deadly radiation — and then migrated to its current, close position. Forming farther out would also be good for its chances for water, because ices are more prevalent in the outer reaches of planet-forming disks: the little world might then have had a repository of ice that, when it scooted in closer to the M dwarf, melted into seas.

Assuming it’s rocky, that is: astronomers only have a minimum mass for the exoplanet. It could instead be like Uranus and Neptune.

Summary of Opinions

Well, it seems like everyone has an opinion of what planet Proxima b is like…

  • A Desert World– Edward Guinan (Villanova University) Opinion
  • A Venus-Like World – Victoria Meadows (University of Washington) Opinion
  • A Mercury-like World -University of Göttingen in Germany
  • An Ocean World -Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory

How about we just simply say that it could be just about anything because at this time, we simply don’t have enough information to make any reasonable guesses.

Reports of Extraterrestrial Life

You will often find all sorts of reports regarding life around the more commonly known stars.  This Alpha Centauri system is one of the most commonly bantered about names.  Most of which that is stated is complete nonsense.  Nothing that I remember, repeated anything that verified or confirmed any of the reports that you come across on the Internet.

But, then again, that doesn’t mean anything, either.

Herein, I provide some testimonials that I have gathered for your own personal investigations.  I neither support them, nor disparage them.  I place them here for the enjoyment of the reader.  It is not an exhaustive nor a complete listing.

Alex Collier

Alex Collier claims the Alpha Centaurians are one of the races visiting the Earth.  Though which star (which one of the three, I wonder?) their home world surrounds is never discussed.  This is a serious omission and indicates the true extent of the report.

Elizabeth Klarer

An interesting testimony supporting the presence of the Alpha Centaurians is Elizabeth Klarer.  She had high level responsibilities within the British military to monitor UFO reports. Apparently she was contacted by the Alpha Centaurians and eventually taken to Alpha Centauri for a few months to have a child fathered by the Alpha Centaurian, Akon. (!) That’s a pretty large responsibility!

“(The Alpha Centaurians) …are from the one civilization… of seven planets. But they are preparing other planets for human habitation in the system of Vega.  Vega is a young blue-white waxing star.”

-Elizabeth Klarer

Really? Vega. Oh my goodness!

Her testimony is quite interesting, but I do doubt every single word of it.  If the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri really wanted to emigrate to another planet, they would naturally choose one that was similar to their own environment, and closer to them.  Vega does not, in the least, fit this baseline criteria.  Anyways, what do I really know?  She might be telling the truth, though I really do doubt it.

Read more;

“The ship is created in space from pure light energy into substance, and it takes naturally the celestial form. They then bring her to the surface of the planet and construct the interior. But the whole skin of the ship is created in space in order that this atomic structure of the skin of the ship is conducive to energizing. That’s how you get the power and the different colors.”

-Elizabeth Klarer on how their spacecraft are manufactured.

Read more;

“They are human but taller, better looking, more considerate and gentle; not aggressive and violent. They dress and eat more simply and are still young at an age of 2000 years of Earth time. Their star is not so violent. Our sun is a variable and produces rather harsh radiation which affects the skin, ages one, and can be dangerous. They wear simpler and less clothing made out of silk. Silk is beautiful and comfortable next to the skin. Everything is free and you can pick out your own clothes at a silk farm. There is an abundance of everything. No money or barter system is necessary.”

-Elizabeth Klarer on what they look like and their society

Read more;

“It is similar in size to Earth, a little larger, covered with vast seas, and the lands are islands, not continents. Climate is beautiful, under control, and in fact, is really a utopia. They have everything they want. They are not only thousands of years ahead technologically from us, but are also spiritually very advanced.”

-Elizabeth Klarer on their “home” planet (yet she states elsewhere that they have seven planets that they occupy).

Read more;

“There are no politics, law, or the monetary system. Medicine is a scientific activity and not required for health since they are all in perfect health. Their way of thinking is quite different from what most people over here would understand. They are a loving, gentle and constructive people. Everyone industriously does their work which they like doing most. There is no need for law; there is no crime or police. Everyone is free and has a code of ethics. They constantly create beauty around them and in general there is complete harmony. Their homes are lovely. You can see from the inside out; the material is transparent one way. Regarding pets, they love their birds, in particular, and there is telepathic communication with them. Predatory animals are kept on a different planet.”

-Elizabeth Klarer on their society.

Sorry.  I do not believe any of this. But then, no one believes a word that I have to say either. Maybe she knows something that I don’t know. It’s very possible, don’t you know. However, while I am sure that she is a really nice lady, I will keep to myself and simply state that I don’t believe her.

Unknown woman under hypnosis in 1957

The alleged entity spoke through a woman being examined under hypnosis by a team of California psychologists. The entity claimed that he was an extraterrestrial being from a planet in the Alpha Centauri star system. The details of the entity’s self-description given during interview sessions lasting seven years — beginning form 1957 — were revealed in a book titled Hands: The True Account. A Hypnotic Subject Reports on Outer Space, published in 1976 by California psychologists Margaret Williams and Lee Gladden.

Hands claimed to be a huge extraterrestrial being with dome-shaped body and eight hands — hence the name “Hands.” He also revealed the existence of another alien race, the Cenos aliens, from a planet orbiting Proxima Centuari.

The Cenos aliens, according to Hands, were 8-8.5 feet tall humanoid beings with multiple hearts. They were five times stronger than normal humans, according to Hands. Cenos aliens have no need for sleep, suffer no diseases and have a life span of about 120 years. They have elongated skulls, big hands, and skins with huge pores. Alien folklore also describes them as spacefaring beings that wear grey spacesuits and helmets. They travel in spaceships that look like a “spinning tape recorder.”

This is interesting.

Al Bielek

An alleged former employee of the covert Montauk and Philadelphia projects, Al Bielek, discussed a number of extraterrestrials including the Alpha Centaurians.  Bielek’s testimony is perhaps one of the most bizarre and controversial cases in UFO research.

“There are shuttles regularly from this planet to Alpha Centauri 4 which by agreement is a safe haven for people wanted by the U.S. Government. There’s a treaty. It takes about 12 hours to get them. “

-Al Bielek

For the record, in comment to the quote above; there is no “Alpha Centauri 4”.  This is a trinary system.  The solar system consists of three individual solar systems.  As far as I know, there are no planets in orbit around all three stars at once.  (That would be one very large orbit!)  If there were, it would be in the surrounding oort cloud, and would be a very, very cold place.

On the other hand, perhaps this individual is telling the truth but is completely ignorant of the physics of space.  That too is a possibility.  But that being said, I highly doubt that he was ever a member of MAJestic.  We are all compartmentalized.  We get one posting; one specialty; one task.  I had one task. Now I’m doing this. Meh.  That was it.

Yet, this individual claims multiple tasking; “Montauk” and “Philadelphia project” (plus numerous other revelations…).  I just do not believe it.  Not at all.  Even if he was in a high level management position, he would not at all discuss the matters like he does.

That is simply because how you discuss events relative to MAJestic is government by your specialty.  A management level personage relates “high level” events in grand terms, with an omission toward specific details.  A lower level person can relate great details but without the framework of relevance and significance.

Nursery for evolving intelligence’s

This system is like our solar system in that it is also a [1] nursery for evolving intelligence’s.  It is also [2] under galactic federation jurisdiction and [3] under  supervision, with [4] assistance from another group of extraterrestrials.   The details on the extent of all of this participation is unknown.  This implies and mandates a stable habitable planet that could sustain such life forms.  Somehow I believe that some of the other evolving intelligence’s in our nearby region have visited us as part of their outward growth experiences.  But who they are and what they look like is beyond my experience.

For whatever reason, I have a “feeling” that the nursery contains life forms that are ahead of humans technologically.  I cannot explain WHY I have this feeling.  It is probably bullshit.


  • The Alpha Centauri solar system is a physically nearby system.
  • It consists of three stars that all fit the preferred profile for habitability for sentience creatures such as ourselves.
  • A planet has be “discovered” around Proxima Centauri. It has been named Proxima b.
  • Many people who are involved with “UFO’s” and “extraterrestrial contacts” claim some degree of association with this system.
  • This solar system is also considered to be a sentience nursery, much like our solar system is. As such, it implies native evolved sentient life of some sort.


Q: How many planets are around Alpha Centauri?
A: This is unknown. Generally, we consider planets to orbit a star, a planet or a point in space. We do know that one of the stars in the solar system, Proxima Centauri has a planet orbiting it. We are presently unaware of any other planets orbiting either Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B, Proxima Centauri, or the entire Alpha Centauri system as a whole. I am sure that this will change in time.

Q: What is Proxima Centauri b like?
A: No one knows. Scientists have looked at what we do know about this planet and have presented their theories and ideas. In short, there is no general consensus at this time. It could be anything from a super hot world like Venus, to a frozen and lifeless world like Mercury, to a habitable ocean world. Nobody knows.

Q: Have you ever been to Alpha Centauri?
A: Heavens no! As far as I know, I have never been outside of our solar system.

Q: What is a sentience nursery?
A: It is a protected and policed area that is set up to allow emerging intelligence’s to develop their sentience’s and technology. The ability to leave the nursery is very restricted, and it will not be permitted to occur until the bulk of the (targeted) intelligent life achieves a majority stake in some type of sentience. Once this happens, the species is earmarked for genetic reconstruction so that it can fit into a galactically approved soul archetype.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Beware the Expat!

First off, whether you are in Thailand or in any other Asian nation, beware of other expats…

“The biggest "rip offs" I've seen and encountered have been perpetrated by expats on other expats.

My best friend here is a 76-year-old Thai man and his family who have always shown me more generosity and kindness than I could ever possibly repay. 

On the dark side, one so-called expat "friend" actually had someone email me his fake obituary to avoid repaying loans I had made to him. I kid you not!”


I can certainly vouch for that. Ouch! In fact, I no longer meet other expats for a coffee or informal talk. It’s simply not worth my time of day. Most are pathetic. I am so sorry to say that, but gosh darn it, it is true. What I mean is that quality of what one would expect tends to be rather low.

Shenzhen, China via GIPHY

For instance, I just received a friend request on one of the expat forums. This guy is going to visit China for a week and wants to sit down with me and talk about tax and investment strategies with me over coffee. LOL. I wasn’t interested. In fact, I am never interested in giving my money to a stranger that I don’t know. (It’s pretty darn silly don’t you think? Giving money to someone you don’t know.) Anyways, I told him I didn’t have any money.

Which is true. I have arranged things such that I live a very clean and simple life. I have few needs, and eat and live simply. It really cuts my stress down. So I told him the truth. I have no money.


He responded “how can that be, how are you going to help the poor people?”.

Ugh! Since WHEN was my role helping poor people? Who assigned me that role? What gave him this idea that I had money in the first place? Because I am in China? Is that why? What planet is he on? He wants me to trust him, a total stranger, with my money.

He expects me to let him fly in, give him money, and let him fly away with it…

There are all kinds of expats in China. Not just China, but all throughout Asia as well. Everyone comes for their own reasons and purposes. While I am sure that many come only to face the harsh slap of reality, some do make it and thrive.

Yet, you know, I have met more than my fair share of young bright-eyed teachers, interns, and students on travel for the “experience”. Interspersed with this group are the grubby tattooed covered “carnies” who now go by the moniker of “backpacker”. Give me a break . They are just nomadic beggars without a home.

The older expats, for the most part are better.

They are typically trying to make a new life abroad, whether it is part of a retirement concept, or just out of raw need.  You know, I hate to say this, but they also tend to be a little desperate. It’s tough starting out on scratch in your 50’s or later. This is especially true as many are no longer hireable, regardless what the discrimination laws say. Many have lost everything as part of a divorce, or a business venture that went South. It is kind of sad.

The problem is that within this mix of desperate “good guys” are a significant number of experienced fraudsters . These are older men who have successfully defrauded others in the United States have moved on to “greener pastures” to ply their trade. With Asia being one of the preferred destinations.

I have fallen prey to “business partners” who would “work with me” on various “projects” to make money. These projects were all genuinely workable, it’s just that my “partners” had other reasons for the project. They didn’t REALLY want to set up a company. They wanted such things as a title and a business card to impress others. Some wanted a nice office building to impress others of their ability. Some wanted an endless supply of free samples of product so that they could network and market “the product”. No one wanted to put their own time, money or names up-front on the legal documentation. Lessons learned.

I’ve had more than my fair share of bad experiences, thank you.

Which is why this post is being written.

Beware the Expat

This post rambles on and on, but you know, the point needs to be made. You need to be careful. Expats tend to be a lonely bunch. As such, they are prone to fraud. They have a need for friendship and companionship; a need to belong. Yet many can never belong to their new adopted country. They are forever outsiders. Thus the need for expat friends.

There is a tendency to open up and bare ones soul to a fellow expat. Don’t. It’s not a wise thing to do.

Nevertheless, I will tell the reader this, I have NEVER told ANYONE (With the obvious exception of my wife, who really doesn’t care about my membership in MAJestic.) about my history or background. The Chinese only care about what you can offer them.

When they ask about who I am and what I do, I always down play it Chinese style. When asked, I respond…

“I work as a businessman. I am an engineer by trade, and I usually spend most of my time in factories. I am as exciting as a potato. OK. 
Enough about me, what about you…”

If you say, you are rich, and have a big house, nice car, etc… what is the benefit? Well, [1] If they believe you, then they will try to take from you. This is true for both expats, as well as locals. Alternatively, [2] if they do not believe you, then they think you are a loser and a braggart.

So, no matter what you do – you lose. There is no benefit in disclosure. None.


Which brings me back to the point that expats are vulnerable. They are forever outsiders. While they might have a girlfriend, or wife (with an extended family), they will always be an outsider. No matter how well the wife can speak English, watch American television shows, or enjoy a fine pizza, she will not be able to understand what it was like in America in the 1970’s. She just cannot.

Aside from the fact that she wasn’t alive then, the cultural difference is far too great. For instance, here in China, the day to day life is really different than what I ever experienced in the states.

Park in Shenzhen.
Here is a park in Louhu which is downtown Shenzhen, China. It is the home of the Chinese stock exchange (the “staircase” shaped building in the center), with the green (twin tower) DeWan building to the left, and my old place of employment to the center right. I guess you could call it a Chinese version of New York’s Central Park. It’s very nice.

Thus, expats tend to be a needy group. As such they tend to want to reach out to others. They can use all kinds of hooks or methods. One of the most common is to be a braggart. You claim some kind of “advantage” that makes you somewhat “more special” and thus “interesting”. But what are these things that make you interesting?

  • A personal friend of ex-President Bill Clinton, perhaps?
  • The gardener for Bill Gates, maybe?
  • Maybe you shared a jail cell with a noted celebrity like Johnny Depp?
  • Maybe you owned a Lamborghini or a nice porsche 911 (a common brag, don’t you know…)
  • Maybe you had a house on the beach and hired girls to service you?
  • Maybe you invented the Internet?

No one really is interested in hearing about how you grew tomatoes, built a deck for your pool, or bought a riding lawnmower.  It’s seemingly too mundane. Though, truth be told, I actually would be.

There are expats for one reason or the other say that they were a member in the CIA or some other secret American organization. There are all kinds of organizations in the United States government. Claiming to be CIA in a foreign land might end up getting you killed, such is their reputation. Why not the DHS, ICE, FBI, DOJ, IRS, FCC, FDA, or HUD?

Of course, they might have been. However, it is really rather doubtful. Once in federal service, always in federal service. Maybe you retired, but would you really go overseas after such a cushy three figure income on “Uncle Sam’s” payroll? Who really knows?

Or for the matter, who the heck really cares?

If you tell them that they are (were) part of a secret government program or agency, they will think that you are friggin’ nuts.

Probably, more than likely, think that you have low self-esteem for one reason or another, and need to create some kind of fiction to inflate your importance on the world scene. You are not going to [1] make any friends, [2] get any girls, or [3] make any money saying these things whether they are fiction or not. It is always best to keep quiet. Say nothing. Let people come to their own conclusions about you based about who you are at that very moment in time.

We all want to be remembered.

Walking street bar in Pattaya, Thailand.
Walking Street Pattaya Thailand. It is a wonderful place to have a good time. I fully recommend it. However, caution is always warranted.

I personally believe that it is a human need. Some people feel that the only way that they can be remembered is if they do something horrific, or if they kill themselves in a spectacular manner (death by chainsaw, how is this even possible?) In a way, I suppose, it’s true. However, it really isn’t necessary. Not really.

People will remember you for your kindness, your good deeds, and the impression you make on them. They will remember how YOU made THEM feel.

An Example

No matter where you live, you need to be good. You need to treat yourself well, dress well, eat well, and be generally good with everyone you meet.

I am not at all kidding. Be clean and well groomed. Be kind and reasonably generous. Be helpful. Talk about interesting things (It does not need to include the United States government either. Talk about food. It’s always a favorite subject.) Be wholly attentive of the people whom are surrounding you. You are never the center of the world. You are only a participant in the reality that was constructed for you.

So when you go overseas, and the world seems different. With different rules, laws and social norms. Be yourself. Be open and adapt. It can be painful, but if you are kind and decent, you will be ok.

Crossing the street in Thailand via GIPHY

People try to reinvent themselves in Asia, often making all sorts of mistakes. Usually the mistakes can turn south, or even become lethal. Here is an interesting article on this subject. It can be found HERE . Excerpts follow;

“The warm weather, low cost of living and ready availability of comely women are not the only reasons some head for South-East Asia. The region attracts misfits from developed countries who can start again. 

It can be a fresh start, a chance to bury your background and reinvent yourself. With more than a few expats in Thailand, things just don’t add up and I often find myself thinking, who do you think you are?

The biggest story of the year in Bangkok expat society broke a couple of weeks ago when three foreigners – initially thought to be two Americans and a Brit, but later shown to be all Americans – were arrested in a building in the Onut area after tip-offs that counterfeit passports were being produced. 

Police officers executing a search warrant probably expected to find material used for making dodgy documents. Instead, they discovered the dismembered body of a Caucasian in a freezer.”

It turns out that this blogger actually sent and received emails from two of these individuals. This is more to the point because he is a rather well-known blogger in the expat community rather than for any kind of particular friendship with them.

You can make all sorts of “friends” on the Internet. Yet, would you really want to spend time with them in person? Who knows? The Internet can be very deceptive and as such, it can lure people into a false sense of security where all kinds of frauds can be committed.

“Of the three arrested Americans, Jim Eger had sent me numerous lengthy emails several years ago. They didn’t strike me as suspicious at the time, but rereading them now with the benefit of hindsight and what has been reported about the case, they piqued my curiosity. 

And then there was the guy who was said to have been hastily cremated whose name I recognized immediately. He’d sent a lot of emails to me over the years and shared much about his complicated private life.”

Need I say more? You never know what you are dealing with, when you are an expat in a foreign land. No matter how much they smile, and how drunk they are, everyone carries a past. Some of the pasts are just mildly curious (like mine), while others are quite dark and dangerous.

While I would really like to talk about my tomato plants, my love for Lorraine swiss cheese, and how to find the best salted butter in China, other people might want to chat about “bitcoin” or running a business to get “filthy China rich”. Ugh! The world is filled with all sorts of people, and many Americans are still fixated in the obtainment of physical items at the expense of interpersonal relationships. It’s sad, you know. Really, really sad.

Anyways, he goes on about these “internet friends” who wrote emails to him…

“Rereading our initial email exchange, it strikes me that he was trying to create a favorable impression of himself as something of an old Asia hand. He was not shy to name-drop a well-known, long-term, respected foreign restaurateur who some rumors say is former CIA – and someone who Jim would obviously knew I was familiar with…

Another part of the email that didn’t ring any alarms bells at the time – but does today – was talk of his involvement with renewable energy. As every savvy Bangkok expat knows, renewable energy is the #1 industry the boiler room boys – past and present – love to say they’re involved with.

 Green, renewable and anything good for the environment, it immediately makes people think positive things, puts them at ease and helps to get them to lower their guard. Someone working with something good for the environment could not be up to no good, right? That’s not to say that Jim had connections to Bangkok’s notorious financial scammers – on the contrary, there is absolutely nothing to suggest he was. 

Like I say, in Bangkok expat society, when anyone talks about “renewable” or “green” energy, be careful!”

Warning signs all.

  • Ex-CIA.
  • Involved in “renewable energy”.
  • Wants to be your friend.
  • Maybe start to tell your personal and intimate details to help lower your guard…

Uh oh!

“Some things just didn’t sound right in his emails and his willingness to tell me rather too much about himself makes me wonder what he may have been up to…


The emails were very well written, clearly the words of someone well-educated who had his shit together, not another lost expat or hapless newbie sharing the same old bargirl done me wrong story. At the same time…

…the words read a little like they were rehearsed.”

About the Expat Experience

We all leave the United States for our own reasons. Sometimes it’s because of a divorce and a chance to start over. Sometimes it is for work. Sometimes it is for adventure, and sometimes it is for fun. Or, in my case, it was directed towards China out of necessity. Everyone has their own reasons.

Never assume that others are like you just because they “mirror” your understandings or experiences.

There is a need that we expats have. We need to spend some time with others who shared our same experiences. It is nice to talk and have a beer with someone who knows what it is like to get a “Sonic Burger”, or who knows what it is like to pay the toll on “the Pike”. It is refreshing to chill with a guy who is (in a way) like you.

But, you’ve got to be wary.

Thailand night street.
Cities in Asia have a lot of color and distractions. The sights, smells and distractions are all very alluring. However, an expat need always be careful and cautious.

I’ve seen manipulators and tricksters “mirror” other expats. They look, act and say what the other person wants to see. When you are sitting away from them, and watch the interplay of discourse you can most certainly see it in action. It is amazing and disturbing at the same time.

Both participants are unaware of what is transpiring. They both mirror each other, and the result is a mutual “love fest”. There is nothing wrong with that, mind you. What is wrong is when one person decides to manipulate their relationship to profit from it.

Indeed, there are many, many scams out there. Many people prey and play on expats.

There are also a myriad of scams too numerous to mention here. But one example, another American expat of retirement age was in a steady relationship with a Thai. Every weekend they’d go to her family for lunch. The whole family would be there including the woman’s nephew and her brother. 

After four years the expat was tipped off: the brother was the woman’s husband and the nephew their son. The whole family had been in on it and had been milking him for money the whole time.

Among the long-term circles in the expat ghettoes peppered around the region there are liars, misfits, mercenaries, opportunists, English teachers and missionaries. 

Some are here out of genuine love of the place. They’ve come here for everything that’s different, for what you don’t or can’t get at home. Many, after a few years, wouldn’t want to return home. They’ve been bitten by the bug and would find adjusting to life back home just too difficult.



It’s a Dangerous world – Some Expats go Feral

It’s true. You try to go native, and get tangled up with the locals and their lifestyle.  When you go to a new and different area, the differences can be alluring. However, they can be dangerous as well. You do have to be careful, least you fall into a trap, or a pit that you cannot climb out of.

Man dead in Thailand.
Unless you are careful, you could get sick and die. Death is a natural part of life, but unless we are trying to kill ourselves, I would think that it would be best if we just take life slowly and easily.

There are many misunderstandings. Most Americans are unaccustomed to the open and (often) free sex in Asia, and often misunderstand their role in the food chain. They think that Hollywood portrayals are accurate. As a result, you end up with “feral expats”.

Some describe a hierarchy of expats living in Southeast Asia. 

At the top there are the expat long-timers been there for years. In places like Cambodia this would be those who came with the UN right after the civil war years and never left, or left and then came back, having been “bitten by the bug”. 

Next came the professional expats living on Western salaries. 

Then in descending order come the TEFLers, those teaching English as a foreign language. 

Then there are the “Voluntourists” working for the myriad of NGOs and community groups. 

Following these are the Backpackers. 

Lastly, came the Sexpats followed by the Deadpats. These last two are a poor reflection on Westerners and probably confirms for many locals the negative image of foreigners.


Unless you are smart, and have your wits about you, it is easy to get sucked into a situation that you might have trouble untangling out of. Many cannot.

Suicides are common. This is especially true in South-East Asia. Usually these are expat males caught up in a financial wrangle with a local woman or her family. More than a few expats have been burned that way, some losing their life savings. Some wind up living on the streets in places like Pattaya. Others jump off of high rises, or drive headlong into a dump truck at high speed. In fact there are numerous websites devoted to this phenomenon.

But it is far more complicated than this. In places like Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, many expats adopt unhealthy lifestyles: too much alcohol, poor eating habits and a lack of exercise. If you want to have sex, you had best be up for the exercise. You need to start eating locally, and concentrate on more fresh fish, instead of those delicious (but greasy) cheeseburgers.

Chinese girls can be alluring. via GIPHY

It’s not just the drinking, but because medicines are not regulated as they are in the USA, they are very easy to obtain and abuse.

Pharmacies in Cambodia are usually clustered together. One starts up and others follow suit. Self-medication is the rule. There’s no such thing as a controlled substance, which leads to all sorts of shenanigans. Morphine and heroin are widely available and cheap. People with a predilection for substance abuse can wind up in all sorts of trouble. For weeks I had a morphine addict masquerading as an English teacher staying in my hotel.

So, the expat MUST be “on their toes”. They need to plan, be careful and be with the right friends. If they make a misstep they could lose everything including their very own life.

Expats are NOT Immune

It’s true, though many people think that somehow, as an American with an American Passport they can get special and favorable treatment. Not so, not at all.

The judiciary is rarely independent, and the police corrupt. Personally, I find there is a certain assumption amongst tourists and expats when travelling abroad, to many places, that they are somewhat immune with a foreign passport. The reality can be much different. As a foreigner you can be exceedingly vulnerable in many instances.

The expat needs to be aware of this. Once they move outside the United States they are ALWAYS a foreigner. It does not matter how modern the society is, such as China or Japan, or how backward it is.

The world is stratified. When you become an expat you voluntarily drop down a peg on the sociological structure in exchange for certain other benefits. These other benefits can be a lower standard of living, better environment, more interesting society, and nice climate.

Shanghai, China via GIPHY

Full Circle

Immediately off the plane in Asia you become immune to ads, because you won’t understand any of them! After around six months, the effects of long-time immersion in western propaganda will start to wear off. Ad jingles will stop playing in your head. Your favorite TV shows will lose importance. You will decide what to eat on your own.

The result is you stop feeling the urge to buy things just to get a dopamine rush as if you were a caged rat hitting a lever to get a cocaine pellet. You ease into a minimalist lifestyle where accumulating things no longer positively affects your mood. In fact, you start feeling guilty when you buy things, because now you understand that objects don’t bring lasting happiness.


And now here we are, back to “full circle”. Leaving the United States can be very dangerous. It is not the same as what the fear-mongering media would lead one to believe, but it is dangerous in other ways. Expats, especially the successful ones, have learned NOT to trust anyone. They have learned that that pretty girl that you are cavorting with, would leave you as soon as your money runs out, and that businessman welcoming you would shun you if he knew the full extent of your finances.

Be friendly, but wary.

For that is the true and real secret of survival outside of the United States.

Chinese rollercoasters are modern and awesome. via GIPHY


  • American Expats are a different kind of “creature” compared to a “normal” American.
  • When a person leaves the United States they can expect to change.
  • When an American expat meets fellow expats, he should be wary.
  • Life outside the United States is fraught with dangers.
  • Some expats, are not what they seem.
  • Different Asian countries are more dangerous than others.


Q: What is an expat?
A: An expat is anyone who lives in another country other than their birth nation. In my case, I refer to it as an American who is living outside of the United States.

Q: Can expats be trusted?
A: Like anyone else, there are both good and bad people. Some can be trusted and some cannot. When it comes to expats, there tends to be a higher percentage of bad expats than one would normally encounter in a civilized civilian population in your home nation.

Q: Why are you an expat?
A: Everyone should grow as they age. If you are growing, then situations will present themselves which will assist you in your growth. Often this means that you need to move to another nation. This is what happened with me personally.

Q: How can another expat hurt you?
A: Like all bad people, they could steal your money, your wife, your job, your career and your house. They can manipulate you to do things so that they would benefit.  You really need to be careful when dealing with people who understand your weaknesses.

Other posts about China


  1. Created 12JUN18.
  2. SEO and release to the Internet 12JUN18.




The Mystery of the Bronze Bell encased within a Block of Coal

The world around us is fascinating and very interesting. Many times we have discovered things that expand our horizons and our way of thinking. Each and every time that we see something that is new, strange or unusual we should pay attention to it. That is how we grow.

Only fools try to fit everything into a narrow prepackaged reality that explains everything away in a nice neat wrapper.

When we encounter “impossible” realities, we actually really need to pay attention to what we discover. For the knowledge of what we find, and the resulting theories can greatly expand and increase our knowledge of the world around us. We need to take a good hard look at OOPARTS and study them in detail.

With this in mind, let’s take some time to investigate a seemingly impossible item; a brass hand-bell found within a lump of coal some 300 million years old. Let’s look at it in some detail so that we can try to figure out a little bit more about our life and the history that surrounds us…


In 1944, world war II was not yet over. The Germans were taking a beating in Russia and the Japanese armies were still strong and fighting. Back home, people rationed their food, and saved up “for the war effort”. In a small town in West Virginia, a ten year old boy, named Newton Anderson dropped a lump of coal when he was getting it from his basement. (In those days, homes were heated by coal furnaces in the basements, and they were fed from a “coal chute” nearby.) The chunk of coal broke in half. To his surprise he found that it contained an object inside. The object was a diminutive sized hand-bell made out of bronze.

The mysterious bell with hand to show comparative sizes.
When the block of coal was cracked open, this bell fell out of it. Finding things in blocks of coal has a WELL KNOWN history in Western Virginia and Pennsylvania. I myself have even found things encased within blocks of coal, though they were mostly junk like pieces of rod, screws and nails. My old tipple supervisor had a collection of objects that resembled tiny oil lamps, metal “teakettle lids” and tiny cups.

Where Found

Minging community in West Virgina.
Here is a typical mining community in West Virginia. It should be well understood that working under the earth and mining coal is not something where casual contemporaneous junk can find their way into the ore that is mined.

The bituminous coal that was mined near his house in Upshur County West Virginia. The mine where it was obtained has been dated by geologists to be about 300 million years old.

Location of Upshur county in West Virginia.
The location of Upshur county in West Virginia. It is here, in the mountains of West Virginia that coal has been mined that possess “impossible” OOPART objects.


"...300 million years ago and was a funky time that saw relatives of club mosses grow to the size of trees while insects also reached comparatively gigantic proportions due to the higher-than-modern oxygen concentration."


We are forced to date this object from the coal that it was reported to come from. There just simply isn’t any other way to date this object. We must rely on the reported statements from the discoverer of the hand-bell.

Coal is formed by the compression and decay of plant life. Under heat and pressure, due to the typical weight of tons of earth, plant residue squeezes together and forms coal. Obviously, the bell was buried inside a huge pile of organic plant life and over the millions of years found itself encased inside a block of coal.

Coal fields exist all through West Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Coal fields of West Virgina.
The coal fields of West Virginia and Pennsylvania. It is a wide belt of land that contains coal of different sulfur content.

A study of the region clearly points to the coal being of “Pennsylvanian” geologic structure. This does not mean that the rock grew some legs and walked South from Pennsylvania. Rather it refers to the date when the primary geologic landforms were created.

Here is a map of the geology of West Virgina. Obviously, Upshur county is smack dab in the middle of Pennsylvanian geology.

Geology of West Virgina.
Here is a geologic map of West Virgina. Note that the vast bulk of the geology is described as “Pennsylvanian” in nature and origination.

Here is what Britannica has to say about this time period;

Pennsylvanian Subperiod, second major interval of the Carboniferous Period, lasting from 323.2 million to 298.9 million years ago. The Pennsylvanian is recognized as a time of significant advance and retreat by shallow seas. Many nonmarine areas near the Equator became coal swamps during the Pennsylvanian.

This was an interesting time for certain.

  • 323.2 to 298.9 million years ago.
  • The retreat of shallow seas enabled lush plant growth.
  • The geographic area was on the equator during this time.
  • Those areas above the water became the coal fields that we mine today.
  • This was a period of time long before dinosaurs, let alone humans.
  • There were some small lizards, but for the most part the dominant (land-based) lifeforms were insects.
The major forms of life at this time were the arthropods (insects). Due to the high levels of oxygen, arthropods were far larger than modern ones. Arthropleura, a giant millipede relative, was a common sight and the giant dragonfly Meganeura "flew the skies".


The Dominant Life

During this period of time, the world was warm, lush and semi-tropical. The plant life was simple, with ferns and other plants that looked like bamboo strands. The planet had a far higher percentage of oxygen in the air than what we have today. This larger quantity of oxygen permitted the creatures to grow to enormous size.

The reason all that oxygen was present, by the way, is the vast burial of organic material before it could be eaten by oxygen-respiring organisms. And while oxygen rose, atmospheric CO2 fell, eventually leading to glacial conditions. It was a massive carbon-cycle experiment that mirrored our current one but with carbon moving in the opposite direction, from the atmosphere into the ground, where it formed the coal we’re now burning into atmospheric CO2.

-Why was most of the Earth's coal made all at once?

Personally, I would be afraid to live in this kind of environment. Can you imagine the mosquitoes, or cockroaches? Heck, a dragonfly would be able to bite off a thumb-sized chunk of skin off your arm! Yikes!

Big horse fly.
The insects were huge during the Pennsylvanian era. They flew above and fed on other insects. M. permiana, would have deserved the name “dragon.” It was probably the largest insect that ever lived: its wingspan could exceed two feet (60cm), and its body grew to nearly 17 inches (40 cm). M. permiana’s immense size has led researchers to think that it may have fed on animals as large as frogs and squirrels in order to sustain itself. The seas were filled with all sorts or marine life, but the land life was limited to insects and very small reptiles.

All the insects grew to enormous size. In fact, some that we know of were larger than many mammals. As in all cases, there are probably instances where there were much, much larger insects that we are unaware of simply because it is difficult to reconstruct history from invertebrates. However, what we do know, is indeed quite frightening!

Large Pennsylvanian creature.
Some creatures grew to enormous sizes. Arthropleura lived from the Carboniferous to the early Permian period (throughout what is now North America and Scotland) around 300 million years ago. These insects fed on the other insects and plant life during the Pennsylvanian era. Scientists aren’t exactly sure of this creatures diet. But even the modern giant centipede, which only reaches about ten inches (25 cm) in length, can prey on birds, snakes, and bats. Imagine the kind of prey a eight-foot-long version could bring down. This is the era where the OOPART bronze bell was found in. How could large insects make such a casting? Impossible it seems; just impossible.

The World was Quite Different

This was a long time ago. The earth was covered with water, and the planet was blessed with an enormous amount of oxygen and hot tropical temperatures.

Map of the Carboniferous era
Here is an estimation of how the earth was mapped out during the Pennsylvanian period. The overriding era was the Carboniferous period. It was from the coal and rocks that we have since hauled out from their imprisoned underground lairs that we have arrived at this strange OOPART object that resembles a bronze hand-bell.

The planet was mostly covered by large shallow oceans. The temperature was hot, moist and tropical (in the area where the bell was discovered). This was a period where there were all kinds of interesting sea life, but most land based life were yet to evolve. There were plants, and there were insects. There were some small reptiles, and snails. However, mammals were nonexistent.

It was a time that looked quite different than today.

Ancient earth during the Pennsylvania period.
The world was covered in thick simple forests, and hot shallow seas and inlets. Insects were everywhere and they grew to enormous sizes.

So, what did the earth look like? Yes it was different, it was warmer and the plants were quite different. Well, for starters, it smelled different. The plants didn’t apparently get much of a chance to decay like they do today, so the huge forests tended to pile up into a landscape of mush. There wasn’t any kind of forest floor like we see today. Instead it would be a soft and very thick bed of debris that would pile on top of each other over years.

The forest floor more realistically resembled a thick brush pile of leaves and plants that more resembled bamboo and ferns more than anything else. Beneath this pile was a thick and black oozy moist pile of sludge that was nearly impossible to walk through. Above was a thick canopy of fern leaves that towered high up into the sky.

So the reader should understand that the wooded forests and green areas more likely resembled a bog more than anything else. Everything was thick, moist and dank. Here would be swampy lands on the floors of the huge forests that populated the landmasses.

bog and swamp
This is a photo of a Louisiana bog / swamp. While there are hard and soft woods in this picture, the fact is that a large portion of the lands that are now part of West Virgina and Pennsylvania looked much like this 300 million years ago when the area was on the equator. The only difference is that the trees were more like ferns and bamboo strands.

There would be sunrises, and sunsets, of course, but the appearance of them would vary by the different atmospheric composition. It might have been a little hazier on the horizon, but perhaps clearer when you looked upwards. It would have been a very, and I do mean, very different environment.

The layout of the earth.
The world would not only look and feel differently that what we know of, but it would have a totally different shape as well. The contents would have a far different shape and over all appearance. It would be completely different to us.

Thus the Mystery

How can a bell be manufactured, and used at a time when the dominant lifeform on Earth were insects?

Thus we have an OOPART. It is an object that cannot be explained using our current understanding of history, science or mankind.

We are then faced with confronting some uncomfortable possibilities, one or more of the following should be considered;

  • The way we date things is wrong.
  • Our understanding of history and evolution is wrong.
  • Our assumptions on mankind and technology are wrong.
  • The assumption that man is the only and first intelligent life on earth is wrong.
  • The idea that insects were the highest most advanced form of life during the Pennsylvanian era is wrong.

Perhaps there are other solutions. These other solutions make us question everything that we know, and think that we know.

  • Is time travel possible?
  • What about dimensional travel, and possible cross-dimensional migration?

Now, there are always theories that might mitigate some of these ugly confrontations somewhat. For instance, we might believe that extraterrestrials transported non-native intelligent life to populate the earth during the Pennsylvanian era. Or, perhaps, we have underestimated just how intelligent large sized insects could become.

Regardless as to what theories one presents, we must confront the fact that the world, as we expect it to be, is all together something else entirely.

Item Description

With that being stated, maybe the object itself might shed some light on the mystery.

The reader should notice the overall construction of this object. Note that the handle grip on the bell does not match that of a contemporaneous hand. Instead, it is much smaller.

If one were to assume that, the handle grip was to match that of the hand of the user, than that would support the contention of a diminutive sized humanoid. One that was probably not much larger than a meter tall. Thus, we make the first discovery.

The user(s) of the bell were of small size and had small sized hands.

Figurine on the bell handle - front view.
Figurine that is on the handle of the hand-bell. It is a casting of a crude carving with elements that have been sawed, hacked or filed in place.

The reader should also note the figure at the hilt of the bell. This figure is depicted having two arms clasped together, and two legs spread apart (on one knee like a protesting football player). Note that the figure has what appear to be wings. The figure is dressed in a robe like garment that flows all the way to the ankles and feet.

How can this be? As we know, at this time, the only creatures that had wings were insects. There were no birds yet. There were no feathers.

"The evolution of birds began in the Jurassic Period, with the earliest birds derived from a clade of theropoda dinosaurs named Paraves."


Since the Jurassic period didn’t get started until 200 million years ago, this strange figurine and bell was manufactured some 100 million years before the first appearance of birds with feathers. At this time, the ONLY creatures that had wings were insects. Thus, we make our second important discovery;

The figurine possibly depicts an intelligent insect. As there were no birds, no feathers, and no wings at the time the bell was manufactured.

Why would someone want to make a brass hand-bell with an insect figurine on the handle? Either the person who made the bell was an insect themselves, and thus created a likeness of their ilk, or they “worshipped” or “honored” a large insect-like creature. (Much the same way that the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Chinese would honor deities of other species.)

Casting Bronze

Let’s take a look at the bell from the point of view of someone manufacturing it.

Certainly, the bell shape is balanced. Obviously, the mold that the bell came from was derived from a (Lost Wax) investment casting technique that utilized a bell shape that was (possibly) formed on a pottery wheel. This is no mean feat, as it implies that not only was the bell cast, but also that it was cast from a mold that utilized pre-made components of a degree of complexity.

Now, we tend to use a Lost-wax casting to make bronze parts like this bell. There is no reason not to use this technique. Here, the process is such that the object (in this case a bell with a small statue at the handle grip) is cast out of wax. In industry, today, the modern process is called investment casting.

It is a truly ancient practice. Today, the process varies from foundry to foundry, but the steps which are usually used in casting small bronze sculptures in a modern bronze foundry are generally standardized.

Typically a model of the object (the bell in this case) was made in clay. I strongly suspect that it was turned on a pottery wheel, and then other aspects of it were added, such as clay balls to form the handle, and a small clay figurine to adorn the end of the bell with.

This clay is permitted to dry and harden. Typically it could be left in the sun, or placed within a kiln to make the object hard and solid.

Then, a mold is created.

Lost Wax casting process
Lost Wax casting process © 2013, McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved.

The mold is typically made by using a plaster that is wrapped around the hardened clay object. Once the plaster is permitted to dry, it is then carefully broken into halves, and the image of the cast bell (or object) is preserved intact. This plaster is now a “production mold” that can be used to create multiple objects. Of course, the material used to make this mold (such as plaster) can only be used a finite number of times.

Once a production mold is obtained, a wax is then cast from the mold.

For a hollow sculpture, a core is then cast into the void, and is retained in its proper location (after wax melting) by pins of the same metal used for casting.

One or more wax sprues are added to conduct the molten metal into the sculptures. These are nothing more than pathways for the liquid metal to pour into the mold with. These sprues typically directs the liquid metal from a pouring cup to the bottom of the cavity.

Typically, the mold is then filled from the bottom up in order to avoid splashing and turbulence. If you are not careful you will get imperfections that are the result of an uneven pour into the mold.

Lost Wax casting process.
The elements of the “Lost Wax” casting process. From left to right, an image is made out of clay and then the proper steps are followed to make it into the final cast part on the far right.

Additional sprues may be directed upward at intermediate positions, and various vents may also be added where gases could be trapped. (If you are not careful, it would look like tiny air ball or bubbles were in the casting.)

With this completed, the complete wax structure (and core, if previously added) is then invested in another kind of mold or shell, which is heated in a kiln until the wax runs out and all free moisture is removed. The investment is then soon filled with molten bronze. The removal of all wax and moisture prevents the liquid metal from being explosively ejected from the mold by steam and vapor.

Students of bronze casting will usually work in direct wax, where the model is made in wax, possibly formed over a core, or with a core cast in place, if the piece is to be hollow. If no mold is made and the casting process fails, the artwork will also be lost.

After the metal has cooled, the external ceramic/clay is chipped away, revealing an image of the wax form, including core pins, sprues, vents, and risers. All of these are removed with a saw and tool marks are polished away, and interior core material is removed to reduce the likelihood of interior corrosion. Incomplete voids created by gas pockets or investment inclusions are then corrected by welding and carving. Small defects where sprues and vents were attached are filed or ground down and polished.

In the case of the bell, it is obvious that this was done, as the cutting and filing marks are clearly visible on the “arms” of the figurine.

What this tells us is a interesting third point;

The bell was made by someone who had previously worked with bronze investment casting processes to some degree of proficiency.

Bell Clapper and Link

The bell clapper also indicates some rather interesting features as well. While the weighed ball is missing, the linkage is intact and indicates that a wire was NOT utilized to hold the ball in place. Instead, a specially designed link was used. That implies that wire, string or metal cords were not drawn and available at the time of manufacture. Instead, the link was formed by pouring the liquid metal into a long rectangular slot. Then allowed to cool, finally bent into the twisted shape shown.

Link inside the bronze OOPART bell.
The link that connects the clapper to the bell is quite interesting. It is a bent strip of bronze. This means that drawn wire was not available at the time of manufacture. This is quite telling.

The reader should note that the hook, which holds the link, is not in the center of the bell, but rather off to the side. The significance of this is unknown, but does seem to lend a degree of credence towards post molding assembly and the possibility of repair over long periods of utilization.

Considerations in Mold Fabrication

The reader should also take particular note to the overall construction of the figurine. While the bell, and handle were apparently molded from a clay mold, the figurine was not. It was apparently ground by file or abrasion into the shape that it was found in. No eyes were molded. No mouth was cast. Instead these facial features were filed off to the shape that it was found as.

Rear view of the figurine on the handle of the bronze bell.
This is the rear view of the figurine that is on the OOPART handle. Notice that the bird-like creature is kneeling on one foot, and it’s wings are extended.

Finally, while it is difficult to make out, the figurine wears a hat, or has it’s hair in a style at the top of it’s head. Further it’s face seems to possess facial features more resembling a beak or a pointy face rather than any kind of nose. These are curious features, and not without their own mysteries.

Material Composition

This strange and unique object stayed in the Anderson family for many years, until it was eventually purchased by another organization. The organization that purchased it was The Institute for Creation Research. They are an organization that searches for inquiry towards and support for creationism; the belief that humans are a product of the divine.

The Institute for Creation Research

Investigators for the organization had the bell submitted to the lab at the University of Oklahoma. There a nuclear activation analysis revealed that the bell contains an unusual mix of metals, different from any known modern alloy production (including copper, zinc, tin, arsenic, iodine, and selenium).

An unusual mixture tells us many things. Firstly, that this object was not made or cast from contemporaneous raw materials.

Secondly, that the object probably was cast from either a formula that had no known conventional human analog, or was cast by amateurs using whatever materials those they had on hand. (I tend to believe the second theory.) Given the construction, shape and appearance, it seems to be an early casting; one suggestive of a society in the early throes of metallurgy.


This object consists of three components. They are;

  • The bell
  • The link
  • The clapper

The bell was cast from a mold. The mold was made from a model that was turned on a lathe or formed on a pottery wheel. The details on the figurine on the handle was obtained by filing, clawing or other related abrasive activity.

The link was made out of a sheet of bronze. Long thin strips were cut out of the sheet. These strips were then bent into the necessary shape to form the link.

The clapper is missing. It is unknown what has happened to it.

Implications of Use & Purpose

Assuming that the dating methodology is correct, and that this object is exactly as it appears to be, what does that tell us? It tells us that intelligent, tool-forming humanoids, existed during the carboniferous period.

It tells us that they carved an image of what appears to be a winged bird with a beak onto a bell. Since we know that birds did not exist at the time of the manufacture of the bell, that the image is more likely that of a flying insect with a pointy shaped face.

Given the purpose and utility of a bell, one must assume that it is used to call, or signal for some purpose.

The construction techniques used implies an early metal working culture that was capable of pottery, molds, smelting, and blacksmithing. They possessed “bronze age” technology.

We believe that the creatures were of small stature, and given the time period, existing during the time of great lush forests and great diversification of life. (Compare the hand hilt on the bell. It is designed to fit a much smaller hand. Perhaps the hand of a person the size of a small juvenile female.)

One can easily imagine entire communities of individuals that (perhaps) farmed and were more agrarian in nature. There is really not much of need for hunter / gatherers to possess a bell make pottery, mine ores, smelt, or call groups of individuals together. Thus, one can imagine small communities connected by diminutive roads or trails in the dense lush forests. All of whom existed at this time in the area now known as West Virginia.

I posit that the remains of these communities; those which possessed metal fabrication technology, and whom farmed the land in the Carboniferous period now lie buried deep inside the earth. To discover them, one must dig down deep, deep inside the bowls of the earth.


These points must be made clear to the reader. During the Carboniferous period were numerous humanoid communities. None of them were Homo Saipan. We did not evolve until 300 million years later (give or take 25,000 years). These communities evolved over time and thus the archeological records would transcribe various technological levels to the communities. We, for example, might discover primitive hand tools, pre-industrial metal fabrications, and industrial technology all within a one million year stratum. Indeed, that is identically what future archeologists would see of humankind. That is what we view today when we unearth the ruins and remains from the Carboniferous period.

The figurine on the bell compared to an insect.
Could the OOPART brass hand-bell actually represent a large human-sized insect? If the bell is not a hoax, and it actually did come from a block of coal, then this can be the only conclusion possible. Either that, of course, or we need to throw out all of what know about history and the sciences. If so, and it does actually represent a large insect or creature that wears clothes, then what is the actual significance? Other than to deify a creature?

Resembles the Mantidae

The image as depicted on the bell handle resembles an insect that we commonly refer to as Mantises. Contemporaneously, they are distributed worldwide in temperate and tropical habitats. They have triangular heads with bulging eyes supported on flexible necks. Their elongated bodies may or may not have wings, but all Mantodea have forelegs that are greatly enlarged and adapted for catching and gripping prey; their upright posture, while remaining stationary with forearms folded, has led to the common name praying mantis.

A triangular head is quite evident on the creature that is depicted on the bell handle.

Triangular head of a Mantis.
The mantis has a very well defined triangular shaped head with eyes at the far two corners of the triangle, with the mouth at the third corner.

Of course, the question must be asked why would anyone want to depict a small insect; a mantis like creature, wearing a robe, with wings outstretched, and hands in prayer. Unless that creature is man-sized, much larger than what we see around us today.

The most common structural feature of the Mantis is the triangular head. Perhaps that is why they are classified as they are. Perhaps.

Could, for what ever reason, the bell handle represent a large Mantid or insect resembling a Mantis? If so, why would it be depicted praying with clasped arms, spread out wings, on a knee, and wearing a robe? Could this bell represent a time substantially different from what we know of today; one where the insects are the dominant species?

Mantis 3
Another Mantis showing the very distinctive triangular head, hands that seem to be in prayer, and crouched as if on a knee. Curious, and worthy of consideration.

Could this be a Hoax?

Yes it could. That is always a possibility. If it is, then we must accept the idea that a ten year old boy constructed his bell himself, and for whatever reason chose not to announce to his parents that he made the bell himself. Instead he wanted to create a hoax.


Making your own parts is a fantastic DIY project. Nothing lasts like metal or stone does. Why not make a small statue for your friends? Heck, you can get a Barbie doll, or another doll-body and use that as your base object.

I would suggest an introductory kit for starters. Go to “Create a Cast” and make your own.

I like this kit because you design the sculpture at home, and mail it to them using the postage provided for in the kit. They then use their foundry to make your work of art. Pretty cool, huh?

Now, once you made one of two castings, and maybe you want to start doing the entire process yourself by investing in a furnace and the like, you can do so. But remember, you need to start somewhere. Here is a great starting point.


  • A brass hand-bell was found within a block of coal.
  • The only way that any item can be encased within coal is if it was placed there while the coal was still soft and wet organic material.
  • This dates the object to 300 million years ago.
  • Humans did not exist until around 25,000 years ago, and historic humans, not until 6,000 years ago.
  • Thus this item is an OOPART. It is an intelligently produced object that predates mankind.


Q:  What is the OOPART bronze bell?
A: It is a hand-bell, made out of bronze, that was found within a block of coal in 1944. It is considered an OOPART because the manufacture of the bell predates mankind.

Q: What does the figurine tell us?
A: That the user of the bell placed some sort of significance on a winged (flying) creature that had a beak or triangular face, and possessed human-like attributes such as wearing clothing, kneeling, and clasping hands.

Q: Why is this important?
A: The acceptance of the age of this object strongly implies that a technological civilization existed on the earth 300 million years ago. This civilization might have had arms, legs, and other human attributes, but it was NOT human.

Q: If this bell was the product of an intelligent non-human race, 300 million years ago, then where are they now?
A: The human species has only been around for 25,000 years, and of that, only 6,000 years has been part of our recorded history. Proto-humans date back as far as 300,000 years. Thus we could argue that entire civilizations can come and go, replete with their proto-evolutionary forms at least three times (3x) every million years. If this is indeed the case, then we could theoretically have 300 x 3 = 900 separate intelligent non-human civilization develop independently on the earth long before we (as humans) ever gained sentience.

Q: Why are bells, especially hand-bells, made?
A: Typically, bells, especially hand-bells, are used to call and announce things. Secondary uses include religious gatherings and as musical instruments.

Q: Will we ever know the true story behind this OOPART object?
A: We probably will not ever know. However, that is just fine. Sometimes the purpose of an object is to create a mystery for us to follow and learn from. Personally, I would really welcome someone gifted with Psychometry to provide us some insight into this object.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Ben Ming Nian – The Twelve-Year Curse (本命年)

The Chinese have many beliefs. Often, we in the West, don’t understand their beliefs of traditions and dismiss them away as superstition. Yet, they really aren’t grounded in fantasy at all. They follow a belief or an understanding on how the universe works.

Let’s take a look at the Ben Ming Nian, or the twelve-year cycle of change…


The Chinese believe that every twelve years, a person has a year of change and readjustment. Often this period can bring about some significant stress and discomfort if the person is not aware of what is going on or understands why this period is important.

This means, obviously, that when a person hits the Ben Ming Nian, that their lives will start to experience some changes. This will occur when they are twelve years old, twenty four years old, thirty six years old, forty eight years old, sixty years old, seventy two years old, and eighty four years old. Those who survive their eighty four year old birthday can look forward to a Ben Ming Nian at ninety six, and one hundred and eight years of age.

Red bracelet.
The Chinese have various traditions and superstitions in support of minimizing the negative influences of the Ban Ming Nian. Here is a nice red bracelet.

A Time of Bad Luck?

It is easy to dismiss this time as a time of bad luck. However, that is not really accurate. It is a time when you have too much of what you naturally possess.

Think of it like this; imagine that you are like a pot of chilli. You have meat, sauce, salt, peppers and it is a good and decent pot of chilli.

Every year different ingredients are added to the pot. One year, you might have sweet yellow peppers added. Another year, you might have hamburger added. A different year, you might have onions added. However, every Ben Ming Nian, all of the normal ingredients are doubled!

According to the Chinese astrology, the zodiac year is a year of bad luck. Most Chinese people are afraid to spend their birth sign year. 

Why is it unlucky? It's said that the people during the Ben Ming Nian are easy to encounter Tai Sui who is the legendary God in charge of people's fortune. Their fortune usually fluctuates during the year. Many bad things such as illness, financial loss, extramarital affair etc. may happen to them. 

Some people think it's superstitious to believe this. 

In fact, it's not completely bad for people in the zodiac year. It varies greatly from individual to individual. Some people may have good fortune instead of bad luck. But in general, marriage, moving house, travel, starting business…are thought to be worthy of great attention during the year.

-Fortune in Ben Ming Nian

So, continuing on the chilli analogy, consider that on some Ben Ming Nian years, you have too much salt, while on others, you might have too much meat, or too many peppers. Now, too many peppers might make the chilli far too spicy to eat. Thus, it would be a very bad year for the pot of chilli.

Cute belt for the woman.
Jade and the color red are considered positive and happy influences that can be used to moderate a difficult year. Here is a nice belt for the attractive female.

Not every Ben Ming Nian is bad. Though the raw truth is that things can get choppy and dicey at times. You need to take care and be careful in what you do, say and behave.

In folklore, it is a very popular superstition that people's zodiac year of birth is really unlucky, so it is also called Threshold Years, which means a year with a lot of obstacles in life. Why is Ben Ming Nian considered ominous? It is said that starting from the Chinese New Year of one's year of birth, people will offend 'Tai Sui', a mysterious power or celestial body that could control people's fortune. Impacted by this power, people will suffer either exultation or misery during that year.

-Travel China Guide


In general, a person is advised to “lie low”. Don’t start anything new or over extend yourself. It is easy to get entangled in troubles and conflicts.

So the best thing that you can do is spend time in nature, don’t get too upset about anything. You need to realize that like it or not, when bad things occur, they are fated. It is beyond your control.

Ben Ming Nian sleepwear.
Red and pink under-garments are preferred during the tumultuous Ben Ming Nian year. Traditionally, red is the most common, but pink is now becoming popular with the youthful Chinese ladies.


Contemporaneously, it is believed that a person is surrounded by a non-physical reality. Within this non-physical are cyclic events and attributes that ebb and flow  depending on a host of causes and effects.

This non-physical reality differs from person to person. However, it consists of things that ebb and flow according to synchronized events that are triggered upon birth.

The Chinese have given these various components and their behaviors all sorts of names. They have created a series of “animal characteristics” such as dog, pig, and snake to describe a set of initial non-physical conditions. They have also created a series of names to describe how the non-physical components behave as a group. They go by such names as a “strong earth”, or a “weak wood”. It’s easy for the ignorant to make fun of this entire system. To them, it sounds a lot like a more detailed version of Western astrology.

The Ben Ming Nian is itself classified as a “star”. It is known as the “God of Age” Star (Tai Sui).

Tai Sui doesn't actually exist as a real star! (It roughly corresponds to Jupiter, which takes 11.86 years to orbit earth, and is probably where the idea for the star came from). It's an imaginary star that changes position exactly 30 degrees of direction each year, i.e. orbiting Earth every 12 years exactly.

-China Highlights

It all sounds just a little silly. Right?

Mapping your Situation

According to the Chinese, a person can “map” the non-physical reality influences that they were born with.

To do this, you need to identify the exact moment you were born (within a fifteen minute window). This will tell you the relative positions of the non-physical reality that surrounds you at birth. There are all sorts of people who can help you out in doing this. I would suggest that for casual interest, you go visit a free website and have the initial conditions mapped out for you.

Find Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

The above is a pretty decent on-line calculator that will set you in motion to follow your traits and attributes. I suggest you use it first.

If you, the reader, find it is useful then you can investigate other related Chinese studies such as Bazi (八字) and Fengshui. To do this, you will need a detailed study of the non-physical realities that surround you. You can go here, for a very detailed and free analysis;

Feng Shui analysis of your Bazi conditions


There are some things that really need to be considered before discounting this belief so readily.

  • There is a non-physical reality that surrounds the physical reality.
  • Within is non-physical reality are “things”.
  • These “things” move about in cyclic motion.
  • These “things” interact with other “things”.
  • By mapping out the movement of these “things” one can predict the ebb and flow of fortune.

For instance, consider the weather. It changes. One day it is sunny and then on another day it rains. For the football player, if it rains, it is an unlucky day. The poor guy can’t play his beloved football. Yet, for the farmer, it is a lucky or auspicious day. For his crops will grow.

There really isn’t any good or bad luck. Instead what you have is the perception of advantage or auspiciousness, as determined by the movement of the non-physical reality that surrounds us all.


  • The Chinese believe that there are non-physical influences that can affect the physical reality that surrounds a person.
  • These influences go by different names.
  • The influences are mapped by characteristics. These characteristics are given animal traits and names.
  • The influences operate within relationships that go by terms such as strong, weak, or neutral. They also have characteristics that are defined by elements such as water, wood, earth, fire, etc.
  • There are also specific influences that operate independently. They are called “stars”. Examples include inauspicious stars ‘Tai Sui’ (太岁), ‘Jian Feng’ (剑锋) and ‘Fu Shi’ (伏尸).
  • To ward off any negative influences in a Ben Ming Nian year, the Chinese like to wear red, and certain amulets and do positive things to keep from getting sucked down into negativity.


Q: What is the Ben Ming Nian?
A: It is the zodiac year of one’s birth. It repeats every twelve years. Thus when a person reaches the year where they would turn twelve, it would be their first Ben Ming Nian.

Q: Is the Ben Ming Nian unlucky?
A: It is a very popular superstition that people’s zodiac year of birth is really unlucky. Therefore, it is also called a Threshold Year, which means a year with a lot of obstacles in life. Why is Ben Ming Nian considered ominous? It is said that starting from the Chinese New Year of one’s year of birth, people will offend ‘Tai Sui’, a mysterious power or celestial body that could control people’s fortune. Impacted by this power, people will suffer either exultation or misery during that year.

Q: How can one protect themselves during a Ben Ming Nian?
A: To cope with the big rise and fall in one’s Ben Ming Nian, it is unwise to make moves in career and life. In the first place, they should avoid starting a new business or making a large-amount investment in case of any economic loss. Traveling far would also incur potential dangers. Moving house and getting married in one’s Ben Ming Nian are all considered ominous. It is quite necessary to keep themselves modest and in a low profile or else their relationships with people around would break up.

Q: Do you believe in the Ben Ming Nian?
A: Well, personally the worst year in my life just happened to fall on a Ben Ming Nian. My second worst year fell on a Ben Ming Nian as well. However, all of this might just be a coincidence. Being in China, I take their traditions seriously and follow them.

In many ways, I follow Carl Sagan, who dismissed astrology and superstition as unscientific ways of explaining the world.

But then I think of my mother’s last benmingnian, when cancer snuffed out her life before the end of the year. Or my father’s last benmingnian, when he went to the hospital for a life-threatening condition. Or even my own recent benmingnian, where I battled hardship after hardship, from losing my job to workplace abuse, over and over until the end. None of us wore our red.

It could be coincidence, as Carl Sagan and other scientists might say. But, then again, come my next benmingnian, a little red sure couldn’t hurt.

-The Chinese Zodiac Effect 

Q: How do practitioners know how to calculate the “threat analysis” for a Ben Ming Nian?
A: Dì Zhī (地支), or Earthly Branches, were the original terms used for the years. These branches are also assigned to the hours of the day, based on solar time. The animals were later added as mnemonics and categorized as either yīn (阴) or yáng (阳).

Ten Celestial Stems (天干—tiān gān) pair with the Earthly Branches for a 60-year calendrical cycle. Then add in an element. These cycle through, but each zodiac also has a fixed element. This fixed element is what determines which sign you’re compatible with.

Q: What are the twelve branches?
A: The Twelve Earthly Branches: zi (子), chǒu (丑), yín (寅), Mao (卯), chén (辰), sì (巳), wǔ (午), wèi (未), shēn (申), yǒu (酉), xū (戌), hài (亥).

Q: What are the ten celestial stems?
A: The Ten Celestial Stems: jiǎ (甲), yǐ (乙), bǐng (丙), ding (丁), wù (戊), jǐ (己), gēng (庚), xīn (辛), rén (壬), guǐ (癸).

Q: What are the five elements?
A: Five elements: water (水—shuǐ), wood (木—mù), fire (火—huǒ), earth (土—tǔ), metal (金—jīn).

Another Opinion

They say a man enters a new chapter in life every twelve years. Mine haven’t been that exact but it’s pretty damn close.

0-12. Childhood. Carefree. Annoying the shit out of your parents. Exploring and learning about your surroundings. Catching frogs and snakes. Skateboarding and riding bicycles. Scraping your knees and banging your forehead on the corner of coffee tables. You learn about stitches and chicken pocks.

12-24. Your nuts drop. You’re growing from a boy to a young man. You want to fuck all the cute girls in class and fight other boys at recess. The teen years are fun. You’re jacking off like a mad man and developing a drinking problem. You’re becoming a young adult. You learn about these green pieces of paper that can buy you nice things. You realize they can also get you women so you try to obtain some of these green pieces of paper for yourself. Hopefully you were raised right and become a productive member of society.

24-36. Young adult. During these years you strike out on your own, figuring out what you want to do in this world while making massive mistakes along the way. You’re optimistic while trying new things but most of them fail. You learn about depression. You contemplate the best way to kill yourself and decide on drop hanging. You pussy out and don’t do it. Instead you go out drinking. While completely hammered you have the brilliant idea that you will say FUCK THIS SHIT, quit your job, sell everything you own and move half way across the globe for a fresh start. Your family laughs and thinks you’re joking. You do it and don’t look back. You mature and become stronger during this process…

This is where I’m at right now. And I think it’s time for the next phase.

36-48. Mastery. Pick something you want to do in life and master it. I’ve tried a lot of things over the years. I’ve dabbled in various odd jobs and started businesses. I’ve chased the get rich quick schemes. I sold drugs, played sports and was even in a rock band. Always dabbling, never mastering. But now it’s time to really focus on something with 100% of my effort and MASTER it. Find my passion. My purpose in life. I’m an adult. No more excuses for juvenile behavior and limited thinking. Time to adopt new productive habits and embrace a healthy lifestyle. Time to evolve into the next stage of development as a man. Change my thought process and also how I spend my time.

The different stages of a man’s life

Metallicman’s last Ben Ming Nian…

Well, it was a choppy year for certain, but I managed to keep everything calm and under control. When issues cropped up, I deferred them. I calmed my self. And dealt with them in a way that was productive. I performed no reactionary actions.

Finally, after one year of this, things were calming down. One more day to go…

So on CNY eve, the day right before the next Chinese years and when I would exit my Ben Ming Nian, I was startled when I heard splashing sounds in my living room.

Guess what happened?

The sewer line was blocked up, and all 24 floors above me were dumping their shit and feces into my apartment. It was a shower of shit. It was pouring out of all the drains in the house and it was gurgling grey-water and feces all over. Little turds were floating in the living room, and toilet paper “ghosts” were wafting all over and sticking to my couches, my books, and everything.

This is on CNY eve, right?

That’s right! No one was around. I had to deal with it myself.

Long story short. …

My Ben Ming Nian literally shit on me and my family. 24 floors of waste resulted in two feet deep of shit. And I spent my CNY cleaning up the mess, shoveling shit and throwing away my furnishings and gear.


And the culprit?

Some jackass was flushing complete towels down the commodes. A big wad of six or seven of them ended up blocking the massive sewer pipe under the complex (One that was two feet in diameter). Jackass.

The Ben Ming Nian. Treat it with care.

Links about China


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The Mystery of the Baltic UFO

Consider “the Baltic UFO”. This is an “object” that was discovered by sonar in 2011. I have to tell you, this is quite an interesting object, and the story, itself, is also quite interesting. When the story broke in 2011, the Internet was “alive” with buzz concerning the discovery of an undersea “UFO”. The interest peaked throughout the year and then slowly died off into obscurity when it was announced that nothing unusual was found under the water…

Well, the true and real story is much more interesting and curious than what one can find today on the Internet. (Remember, the Internet is constantly being rewritten and history retold with every passing day. The reader should never forget that.)

Indeed, a crashed object was actually found, by sonar, in the Baltic sea on June 19, 2011. It is true, and what’s more, the object had a disc shaped form (60 meters in diameter). From the sonar images it looked identical to an (typical saucer shaped) extraterrestrial UFO. Thus, people began to assume that this object was a sunken crashed mystery UFO.

Map of the location of the Baltic Sea UFO.
Location map for the Baltic Sea Anomaly.

Further, a debris track and path was clearly visible on the sonar images.

The debris field and impact path were clearly visible on the sonar images released to the public, as well as on the first initially released pictures. But yet, today this is all forgotten. It is believed that nothing lies under the sea, and that only a small cluster of rocks were found.

What make this example of NSA cover-up so interesting is that it was completely unexpected by the NSA. Both Sonar and close up pictures were released to the Internet before a (United States government) task team could be sent to the site to acquire the wreckage. They clearly show a circular disc shaped, (aircraft sized) object, resting on the floor of the Baltic Sea. The images clearly depict a long debris field and associative carved-out track over 360 meters long.

This amazing discovery has been “hushed up” and “repainted” as just a normal ordinary rock of no unique interest to anyone. All of the initial photographs of the object have been deleted from the Internet. The only remaining photos that can be found are the topographical sonar images of relatively low quality. What happened to them? Why are they missing? How could this happen? Are all the photographs and sonar images wrong?

Crashed objects possess characteristics such as debris fields, crash and path marks of linear shape unless they hit a rebounding surface, (underseas) settlement fields that account for drift of submerged objects, and impact mounds. Since this object possessed all these characteristics, it is considered to be crashed.
Debris field of the Baltic UFO object.
Here is the original sonar scan of the “Baltic UFO object” as initially detected. It is an object, located underwater, which possesses a debris track and skid marks.


Baltic Sea UFO infographic.
Screenshot of an infographic when the Baltic UFO object discovery was first released.

Let’s just start at the beginning.

The Baltic Sea anomaly is a 60-metre (200 ft) circular formation on the floor of the Baltic Sea. It was discovered by Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åsberg and their Swedish “Ocean X” diving team in June 2011.

The team reported that the sonar has detected a 60 meter in diameter spherical object resting on the floor of the sea. Trailing behind it was a “track” or debris field that extended for 360 meters. In addition, there were “clumps” or groups of other associated objects in the debris track suggestive of a breakup of the rear of the spherical object.

The discovery was made on June 19, 2011 by the team during a dive in the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland while searching for an old shipwreck.

Here is the original sonar scan of the object resting on the sea floor under the Baltic sea. It clearly resembles a circular shaped structure.

Upon discovery the investigation team immediately dove underwater to photograph the object. (This was done before anything was posted on the Internet.)

What they found was not a strange rock formation, as subsequent reports have stated, but rather the presence of a [1] submerged spherical object suggestive of a “flying saucer”. It was [2] clearly circular and had a [3] curved shaped underside. There were [4] rectangular and box shaped areas that were [5] obviously removed or ejected from the rear or aft of the object upon descent. Furthermore there was the [6] presence of a “dome” or tear-drop shaped canopy on the top starboard side of the object.

They immediately released two photographs on the Internet.

The first [1] was the sonar scan of the object as it rested on the sea floor. It showed the object as well as the debris field and “skid” track that the object made when it “crashed”.

The second photograph [2] was of the object itself, as taken by the divers who went down to the object to study it. While one can occasionally find photos of the sonar scan on the Internet today, it is much more difficult to find the close-up photos of the object that was released, as they keep on getting deleted from the Internet servers (!).

In fact, I urge the reader to try to search for the original photographs on the Internet. Try it. They cannot be found.

See the attached picture below. It is a “screen-cut” of the (first) object photo along with the associated commentary of the frustrated person who kept on trying to repost to the Internet. Every time he posted the photo to the Internet, it would “mysteriously” get deleted.

Very first photo as posted on the Internet of the Baltic UFO.
This is the true initial photo that was placed on the Internet that raised all the consternation with the United States government. They immediately kept pulling it off the Internet. It became so problematic that UFO enthusiast commented on their inability to keep this photo on line. This picture is a screen capture of the original photo along with the UFO enthusiast’s commentary concerning it.

Now, just WHY would the photo be constantly deleted off the Internet? After all, there is no such thing as a UFO. Right?

It’s just a normal event that is misunderstood by the observer. Right?

Well, lucky for us, there are actually photos of the object that you can readily find. Why, my goodness, just look at the “approved” and released photos. Hum. Big change from the initial photo release.

Here is what we are expected to believe the object actually looks like;

Baltic UFO as currently seen today.
This picture clearly shows the site as it looks today. There just simply isn’t any kind of disk shaped object, whether it be rock or spacecraft there. All that remains at that site is a circular pile of rocks and debris of where a disc shaped object once lay. Where did it go? Who took it? Why did they take it? Why is the United States government so intent in keeping the story behind this object so secret?

History Rewritten

A comparison of the two photos above tells the entire story. The first picture to the left is the original photo of the object as first found. This photo was released to the Internet and disseminated quickly. But every time it was posted or re-posted, it would be deleted. This is the object that was discovered in the Baltic sea. Note that it is indeed spherical and appears to have a curved underside body that is apparently resting on the silt.

The photo next to it is the “official” post-NSA version of the wreckage. Obviously there isn’t any object there. All that remains is just an odd and simple rock formation. The formation looks like a ring of stones with a circular central area devoid of debris. The point is that the two photos are the same place. The second photo show the area with the apparent UFO-shaped object removed. All that a person can see is the circular debris field that surrounds where the object once lay.

Obviously someone came and removed the object because it is no longer there.


Through the control of the Internet, the government has rewritten history. They have make access to most of the original photos of the object impossible to procure. Thus the only things that can be found are what the government wants the population to believe. Their now official story is that the objects are but a simple natural rock formation of no significance in any way. Thus, through control of the Internet, media and history, people are now convinced that the Baltic UFO was just a misidentified rock formation.

In a like manner; the professional divers, the professional archeologists, the professional sonar operators and the professional photographers who were on the investigative team onboard the boat were all wrong. They made “honest” mistakes. They could not tell the difference between a scattered pile of rocks and a large saucer shaped object. They did not have the necessary skill to make accurate judgements as to what the object was.

The Actual Story

What happened is that, for reasons entirely unclear, the United States has taken it upon itself to hide all information related to extraterrestrial technology, or unexplainable events, even if it is outside the United States sphere of influence.

The pure truth , and the reason why this example is so special, is because the release of this information and information to the Internet was an unexpected surprise. The immediate reaction by the NSA was to procure ( and then investigate) the object, and rewrite the history surrounding its discovery. The information however, was already irreversibly released, still had to be suppressed. The (MAJestic) acquisition team went out to the site, and had numerous meetings with the owner of the ship and crew that discovered this anomaly. A combination of [1] substantial cash incentives along with [2] time-honed scare tactics was able to suppress any further release of information, and rewrite the discovery into a more conventional explanation.

Obviously a “weather balloon” or “swamp gas” explanation was not a suitable conventional explanation. Instead, the official explanation became one of an “unusual” pile of rocks.

Some interesting links…

Using a technique known as Infrared Spectroscopy,  a sample taken from the anomaly by one of the divers was brought back  and then subsequently sent for analysis to the Weizmann institute in  Israel. The results are very unexpected indeed. The results  indicate  that a piece which was from the circle anomaly is made of Limonite and Goethite. These materials are part of the  Iron oxides/hydroxide family – “that it is metal” and that “these materials would most likely to be found in a modern construction”. 


As it stands today, this object has been “officially” identified as an unusual geologic formation. Mysterious in the way the known geologic process might have caused it to be formed, but not at all associated with extraterrestrial aircraft of any type. All investigations and analysis of this object are through samples, and images provided by NSA front organizations. No purely independent investigations are involved with this object at this time.

“It’s not obviously an alien spacecraft. It’s not made of metal.”
- Peter Lindberg

Currently, one can search the Internet for information on this object. There one will find a great deal of analysis and discussions on the samples provided by the NSA. But not one of the discussions and the samples are the originals as obtained directly, and independently from the site itself. What is provided, instead, are the “approved” photos and samples as provided by “official” sources. The NSA writes the reports. The NSA controls and disseminates all the samples. The NSA rewrites and modifies the histories published on the Internet.

This is how the NSA and their MAJestic umbrella controls the dissemination of information that it wants suppressed.

It works. Today, the “Baltic Sea anomaly” refers to “interpretations of an indistinct sonar image“. It does not refer to actual photographs of a disc shaped object lying on the ocean floor.

Baltic Sea anomaly. (Redirected from Baltic Sea UFO) The Baltic Sea anomaly refers to interpretations of an indistinct sonar image taken by Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åsberg and their Swedish "Ocean X" diving team while treasure hunting on the floor of the northern Baltic Sea at the center of the Bothnian Sea in June 2011.



  • An object was discovered under the water in the Baltic sea.
  • The object had the shape of a conventionally understood “extraterrestrial source” UFO.
  • The discovers posted detailed photos and sonar scans of the object on the Internet.
  • The detailed photos were taken down, and it is nearly impossible to find them on the Internet today.
  • Someone removed the object from where it was found.
  • Once the object was removed, photos of the empty debris field was posted on the Internet.
  • Today, the Baltic UFO is considered a trivial misunderstanding of a discovery of some normal rocks on the sea floor.


Q: What is the Baltic UFO?
A: It is a large saucer shaped object that left a long crash skid mark and debris field. It was found under the Baltic sea in 2011.

Q: Is the object actually a UFO?
A: No. It is called a UFO simply because it resembles a saucer-shaped UFO.

Q: Who moved the object?
A: That is unknown. However, the person or organization that did so had the financial resources to do so, and the political pull to erase and rewrite history. It certainly seems to be the work of elements of the United States government. If so, then the hand of the NSA could possibly be at work. I cannot positively state that it was MAJestic. However, I am sure that some elements of MAJestic might have been aware of the effort.

Q: Why was the object moved?
A: There are two reasons. [1] To reverse engineer, study and record the object. [2] To keep all knowledge of extraterrestrial technology, and events secret from the general populace.

Q: What is the statist explanation of the Baltic UFO?
A: It’s just a normal pile of “everyday” rocks on the bottom of the seafloor.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...
How to tell -2
Top Secrets
Sales Pitch
Feducial Training
Probe Calibration - 1
Probe Calibration - 2
Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

When the SJW movement took control of China

Many Americans have no idea that the SJW phenomenon is cyclic. It happens in cycles in many countries. It is never a new event. It is a cyclic event with new faces, new technologies, but age old objectives. It is a time when the youth makes an attempt to wrest control of the government by the “power of the mob” and makes an attempt to erase the past and construct a “new” world upon the ashes of the past.

Today, we are in the midst of a critical time when elements of a SJW movement is trying to gain control of the American government with help from other various malevolent political energy centers. This has happened before. In the 1960’s, SJW were useful pawns of the Democrat party. While they didn’t really change the government as they had hoped, when they became older they reformed the government from the inside. It is because of the 1960’s movement that we have people like Hillary Clinton, Louis Learner, James Clapper, and Jessie Jackson in government today.

In China, a nation larger and more populated than the United States, there have been numerous SJW movements. This includes the falun gong movement, the Free Democracy Movement, and the Cultural Revolution. Most Americans are unaware of these movements. They are unaware of the impact that they have had on Chinese society, and why the Chinese strongly believe in the necessity of squelching each and every SJW effort, no matter how small or apparently harmless.

Let’s take a look at this issue, shall we…


BEIJING, May 17 (Xinhua) -- The Communist Party of China's (CPC) official newspaper has condemned the Cultural Revolution 50 years after it began, calling it "a mistake... that can not and will not be allowed to repeat itself."

China has learned its lessons from the decade of tumult between 1966 and 1976 and is now determined to avoid any social unrest that would disrupt national progress, according to the commentary in Tuesday's edition of the People's Daily.

"The Cultural Revolution was a major detour in the development path of the Party and the nation," it said.

Since introducing the reform and opening-up policy more than 30 years ago, "the nation has been growing stronger and stronger and people's living standards have been improved markedly," according to the commentary.

"The historical lessons from the the Cultural Revolution must be firmly kept in mind" in this context, it said.

"The Chinese people have never been so close to realizing the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation," it went on, urging the CPC and the public to "dispel all disturbances" to ensure the goal is achieved.

May 16 this year marked the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Cultural Revolution.

-Lessons of Cultural Revolution must be learned: People's Daily.

Ah, these are pretty strong words, especially when you know that it comes from the central government. The Chinese government “cannot and will not” permit any SJW activity in China. Not now, and not in any foreseeable future, if ever.

Man, you would think that United States would have such “big brass balls” and stand up to the SJW movement at home.


There are many, many books and opinions on what caused the “Cultural Revolution”, but one thing is certain; there was a growing dissatisfaction with the Chinese government and culture especially across the youth. In order to shore up his control and the control of the government, Chairman Mao leveraged the youth movement to achieve his political objectives. The problem was that he lost control of it. It took on a life of it’s own…

SWJ in America compared to China.
SWJ is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.

One of the hallmarks of any and all SJW movements is a distain for the past. They believe that the old must be destroyed and buried, so that a new order can manifest. In their youthful exuberance, they go about pillaging and purging the history and culture of society.

In China, one of the first things that they began to do was tear down monuments and statues. They viewed them as dangerous monuments to past folly and mistakes of the highest order. Even the names of the people and the heroes of the past needed to be purged and obliterated from all records.

Often, children would attend and there would always be someone singing or playing a musical instrument. All this clamor and excitement would bring hordes of on-lookers, some would clap and cheer, while most would look on helplessly. Eventually the SJW in their revolutionary zeal would start attacking the bystanders for their perceived lack of civil duty and attention to the destruction.

SWJ in China compared to those in America.
SWJ is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.

The SJW would worship their leadership. In their mind, their leaders can do no wrong. They are above the common man. They deserve special considerations and special attentions.

Consider, today, with all the Obama “worship” by the SJW…

During the cultural revolution, many of the SJW would carry a little red book, a statue, or a picture of Mr. Mao. We see that same kind of behavior with other cult personalities such as Obama.

Obama as a God.
In many parts of the United States, President Obama is worshiped like a God. It is silly, but those in power and in control of the government promote this.



There is a degree of reverence that SJW offer to their idols. In China, Mr. Mao became bigger than life. he could do no wrong. The militant SJW believed that they were acting on the behest of Mr. Mao and that everything that they did in his name was sanctioned.  Thus, over time, the wilder and crazier their actions became, the more out of control the movement became.

What started as just the destruction of a few statues and a handful of book burnings, now expanded into a complete full-on conflagration. Museums and libraries were raided, looted and precious and unique art works were destroyed.

SWJ in China compared to the United States.
SWJ is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.

It wasn’t just books and history that the SWJ went after. They went after individuals. They attacked successful businessmen, educators, and scientists. The sent millions to work in the poverty stricken rural fields, and set back the Chinese culture by centuries.

The would publicly shame and humiliate business owners. Often these people would have to endure torture and public scorn while wearing signs because they did not speak the “proper” politically correct phrases. At that time there were things that you could say and things that you could not.

Organizations started to set up offices to support these initiatives, and paid people to enforce the demands of the SJW armies.

SWJ in China is the same as SWJ in The United States.
SWJ is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.

Today in America, many universities are implementing these exact policies that China today regrets. They have hired politically correct “police” and staff to implement “diversity” efforts. When in reality, all they are doing is enabling a disastrous monster that will eventually consume the school.

Today in the United States, SWJ are typing to enforce “diversity initiatives” through purposed speech controls by targeting “white privilege”. They are successful in controlled environments such as liberal universities and liberal strongholds. However they cannot do it outside of those areas because Americans have firearms.

If they try to implement these initiatives in public in “fly over America”, they will probably be punished pretty aggressively.

China SWJ public shaming.
Top Party officials are denounced during an afternoon-long rally in Red Guard Square: Li Fanwu, (right), provincial Party secretary and governor of Heilongjiang, is criticized as a “careerist”. Harbin, 29 August 1966
Shame and torture of anyone opposing the SJW movement.
Anyone who did not agree with the SJW was denounced publicly. They were humiliated, and tortured. The youth ran the nation into the ground.
Shame of Chinese elders.
The older generations were attacked by the youth of China. The SJW were whipped into a frenzy of emotion. They attacked anything and everything. Nothing was safe.
Chinese traditions and people were shamed and tortured.
In every city, and in every town, armies of SJW marched up and down the streets. They destroyed everything they could lay their hands on. They attacked books, history, art, families and culture.
Public shaming by SJW.
Chinese SJW would capture anyone who they disagreed with. They would shame them in public and destroy their life and their families. The poor person would suffer at their hands while emotion laden demands would be forced on the poor sap that had to endure their insults and tortures.

The damage that the SJW youth wrecked upon China was enormous. It wasn’t the history, books and art that was destroyed. But it was the entire society. Factories were shuttered closed. Educational institutions were closed. An entire generation of angry and emotional teenagers ran the nation into the ground.

For the SJW youth, it was a great time. They got to go out and sing and march and feel important and empowered. It was a time when it was “hip” to be a SJW. They were the cultural icons of their generation.

Chinese SJW demanding change and a destruction of traditions.
FILE – In this file photo taken Aug. 10, 1966, a young woman identified only as Ms. Zhou calls out to embolden her fellow Red Guards in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square at the start of the 1966-76 Cultural Revolution. On May 16, 1966, the Communist Party’s Politburo produced a document announcing the start of what was formally known as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to pursue class warfare and enlist the population in mass political movements. Launched by leader Mao Zedong, it set off a decade of tumult to revive communist goals and enforce a radical egalitarianism. (AP Photo, File)
The cultural revolution was a time of SJW activity.
Young Chinese women during the “cultural revolution” waving the SJW icon of the time; the little red book of Mr. Mao.

There are many writings on this interesting time in China. The reader is encouraged to explore other thoughts and opinions on this time. The only point that I want to make is that the American SJW efforts of today is identical to the SJW movement in China during the late 1960’s.

The End

Mr. Mao lost control of the “Cultural Revolution”. Things were getting increasingly untenable, and the military had to be called upon to restore order. By the time that order was restored, the damage was already done. It would take decades to reverse all the ruin and destruction that the SJW movement created.

China SJW during the cultural revolution.
Mr. Mao lost control of the youthful SJW that he tried to manipulate. They began to destroy China, and tear apart the fabric of Chinese society. The military had to be called in to restore order.


Thirty years after the cultural revolution, another SWJ movement tried to wrestle control of China.  This movement was the “Pro-Democracy Movement”. It garnered great Western press. They held mass meetings and demonstrations in Tiananmen.  They made a miniature “statue of Liberty”, and the SJW would pose in front of the Western television networks like the BBC and CNN.

But, China knew that they could not ever allow a second “cultural revolution” to ever manifest.

They tried to reason with the SJW leadership. Yet, it was to no avail. The SWJ wanted everything and their list of demands was enormous. The government called in the military to frighten the SJW activists. But they wouldn’t budge. To them, it was some kind of a game. “Of course”, they thought, “The Chinese would NEVER use the military on their own people.”

Tank in Tiananmen.
A young SJW poses in front of a Chinese military tank while the Western Media films. The SJW realizes the importance of Western media support, but totally underestimated the actions of the Chinese government out of Beijing.

What they didn’t realize was that China was still suffering from the last SJW eruption. There was no way that another one would ever be permitted to come to fruition.

Use of Children

One of the most common techniques of government overthrow is to utilize children. It is in our inherent nature to protect our children. As such, we tend to protect them and ignore the damage that they are creating.

"Children across the country are deeply involved in an exciting game they call "Invasion". Their parents think of it as harmless fun until the invasion actually occurs."

-Wikipedia entry for "Zero Hour" from the collection of short stories known as the Illustrated Man, by Ray Bradbury.

This occurs time and time again.

Whether it is trying to overthrow the Chinese government, or enact gun control, ban alcohol or prevent a border wall from going up, children are the weapons of choice.

Consider the Ray Bradbury story “Zero Hour”. Here, an alien invasion force is unable to breach the strong military might of the United States. So, they come up with a different plan. They utilize American children to invade the United States…

Zero Hour Summary

Seven-year-old Mink Morris tells her mother that they're playing "invasion". All the children under ten join the game, while the rest of the street's residents go on with their normal lives. Mink directs activities. 

Mink tells her mother that Drill is waiting for her. Drill is one of the invaders, maybe not from Mars but from another planet. He's having trouble invading Earth, and thought of contacting children using the fourth dimension. Drill promised no more baths and that kids can stay up until 10:00 and watch two shows on Saturday. 

The older kids make fun of the game, and Mink says they'll kill those kids first. Drill promises to let the young kids rule the world. Mrs. Morris hears from a friend in Scranton, that children there are also playing invasion.

Mink says that zero hour is five o'clock. Mr. Morris...


Here are some interesting links in regards to the SJW situation;


  • SJW are everywhere in every nation.
  • There are periodic SJW eruptions that seem to occur every three decades or so.
  • The contemporaneous American SJW is just a rehash of the 1966 Chinese SJW event.
  • SJW are often used as pawns by interested political parties.
  • The Chinese “cultural revolution” was a SJW event that went terribly wrong.
  • In China, there is absolutely no tolerance for SJW.
Triggered SJW
Triggered Social Justice Warrior somewhere in the United States. Notice how they are acting like children, while the rest of the adults just sit by in incredulity.


Q: What was the “cultural revolution”?
A:  A group of Chinese SJW was manipulated by the government for political purposes. The government lost control of the movement. As a result the SJW movement almost destroyed China.

Q: This time the SJW is different, there are new people, and new causes that are more important. So the latest SJW movement is something completely new and different. Right?
A:Whatever you want to believe, is ok with me.

Q: How many people died during the cultural revolution?
A: Over 30 million people died. Thirty million! The disruption caused by the youth was so enormous that the entire nation suffered. To put this into perspective, New York City has four million people. The Chinese government has never forgotten this. Any new SJW effort will NEVER be permitted to reoccur.

Q: What is the “Cultural Revolution” referred to, or called in China?
A:The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (文化大革命).

Q: What started the “Cultural Revolution”?
A: Many historians believe that the entire SJW mobilization began after the release of a document out of Beijing titled “May 16 Notification”.

Links about China

Popular Music of China
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

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