The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 11

Here are some important “take aways” from this quick and dirty review of the popular music of China.

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A study of China is not served by looking up a Wikipedia entry. It is visceral.

One of the most common things that I encounter with Westerners is their propensity to look things up using California-based internet resources for their answers. Hello? Wikipedia, anyone? They say things like “it says here that xxxxx, and you are wrong because you said zzzzz”.

So silly. Yeah, in America, the Constitution clearly says the “Second Amendment Shall Not Be Infringed”. But, it’s been infringed upon since 1905. It also says that America is a Constitutional Republic, but if so, then why are Senators elected democratically? Laws are only as good as their enforcement.

In China, like in most nations, there is how things SHOULD work, and how things REALLY work. That is all you need to understand.

Chinese music reflects the hopes, dreams, and culture of China.

The Chinese people have just left a very, very, very long period of strife and difficulty. The once great nation was thrown into turmoil by a Communist takeover, followed by SJW craziness. It took a great deal of effort to climb out of all that mess, and the leader of that time was Mr. Deng.

Today, China is something completely different than what is assumed in the West. Both the American Liberals and the Conservatives have piled all sorts of negative propaganda towards China. This includes everything from ghost cities, milking rats, and Muslim incarceration to zombie killer hornets.

Meanwhile, all they want to do is live life in peace. Give them a break why don’t ya.

This is a traditional conservative Chinese wedding. It is NOT a progressive new liberal wedding by every meaning of the phrase. The Chinese are a conservative people and they tend to each other using traditions. You need to understand this fundamental aspect of China, otherwise you have zero understanding of who the Chinese people are or what they are capable of.

Chinese women are demure and ladylike.

There are all kinds of women in China. They come in all sizes and shapes. However, overall the net effect is a nation of very polite and traditional ladies that honor their families. These women; these ladies, are the face of China today.

And of course, this includes all of the Han Chinese.

Many Chinese Students exercise by dancing.

Many schools incorporate dancing as part of the morning exercise. While this is not fully universal, it is adopted by large numbers of schools and is very popular with both the students and their parents. Heck, even the grandparents get involved.

Traditional role-play and costuming is popular and considered culturally important.

In a traditional nation with strong conservative values, there is a significant emphasis placed on history and learning the lessons of history. This can be evident if you just open your eyes and look around.

This lass above, does she look and act more like your grandmother would, or like a modern “liberated” progressive woman? What does she look like? What actions does she seem to signify?

For comparison, here is what modern “liberated” American women look like. Here are some young lasses being themselves in public.

SJW women.
Modern “liberated” progressive liberal women in America. Here they are acting in the SJW role for feminist issues that they feel strongly about. There is a fundamental difference between traditional conservative women and progressive liberal women. Funny thing is that the definition of what constitutes what “liberal” means differs substantially from the American culture to the Chinese culture. Here, the group of student-activists at the University of Florida painted their pants in fake blood to simulate menstrual flow earlier this week in order to protest the lack of free menstrual products on the school’s campus.

And this is true even if the traditional attire is all “bastardized up” into some form that is historically unrecognizable.

To understand China, you need to understand that they are defending their Traditional Conservative way of life from Progressive Assault.

The Chinese know first hand how progressive liberal and socialist elements within society can destroy an entire nation. They have seen this happen time and time again, and after the 1966 “cultural revolution”, they vowed NEVER to permit it ever to happen again.

They stopped it when the progressive elements tried to implement the “pro-democracy movement” in the 1990’s, and then yet again, with the progressive “Faulin Gong” movement. Now, whenever anyone tries to implement any kind of social change, they are stopped. Often abruptly, and usually quite rigorously.

The  Left has shown itself to be dedicated to the destruction of Western  civilization itself.  We have not been faced with such an existential  threat since European armies threw the Turks back from Vienna in  1529.  

The fascists of the mid–2oth century, for all their loathsome policies, were not the kind of threat to the fabric of our society that we face now.  Bad as they were, they did not seek the destruction of Europeans as a people, or of European culture as a living, breathing thing.  Progressivism does.  What could be more worthy of, if you will forgive the word, "resistance"?

We conservatives have let this ideological cancer metastasize for far too long for its excision to be simple or painless.  For too long, we have been patient with outrages we should have fought to reverse.  We have let our opponents secede incrementally from us for decades.  We have been tolerant and patient.  

In our tolerance and patience, we have given up our civil society, our political representation, and our freedoms one by one.  

Our maladies won't be fixed by delicate adjustments now — half-heartedly performed by yet another generation of narcissistic government planners and invisible elitist bureaucrats.  Intellectuals like George Will and think-tanks like the Heritage Foundation have done us little good.  

Our condition demands a radical, unflinching surgery if we, as a nation, are to survive.  Either the cancer wins, and kills us all, or we defeat it — and we accept the scars.  Let us not pretend they would not be hideous scars.  And let us not pretend it would not be a deeply barbarous and bitter surgery.

-American Thinker

Today China is a single-political-party nation. They are self-professed “Communist with Chinese characteristics”, which in many ways deviates substantially from the well-known established communist model. As such, they are a new beast, a new animal, that the world doesn’t know what to do with, and by which all former assumptions are terribly and dangerously inadequate.

They are a single political party nation. Unlike the West, they do not believe in a democracy where everyone can vote. They do not think that everyone has the skill, and is deserving to have that responsibility. Instead, they believe in a government run as a meritocracy. They believe that those in government must serve the society, and that society is the Chinese society.

They honor a traditional-conservative Chinese society and will defend that society from all assaults. As the assaults are coming on China from all sides. Everything from Muslim extremism to progressive liberals who “only” want to protest “a little bit”. If they do not defend their lifestyle, their way of life, and their society, no one else will.

It is their responsibility, and they take it very seriously.

Make no mistake. China is a serious nation that does not play around. In their mind, the global stakes are far too serious, to handle lightly. They intend to give their best in the global arena, and they play to win. They view the rest of the world as a friendly-danger and that they must be ever vigilant. They cannot risk failure for it would be catastrophic.

They have seen what happened to the United States, and they do not want that ever to happen to China. They are ready to make sure that the crime, and decay of intense internal corruption will not sully the traditions, and cultural values of China.

And, at that we can now end this particular multi-part post. Best regards, and happy travels. That’s about it for now.

Thank you.

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Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
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Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
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Rural China
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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 10

I still would like to continue on the idea and concept of role-play dress and contemporaneous Chinese popular music. It’s a very interesting subject for me. I just don’t know why.

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Maybe it’s because you can dress up any time, year round sort of like forever Halloween. Maybe it’s because I really like to look at pretty girls wearing dresses. Maybe it’s because I love to see people having fun and doing things that they like to do. Maybe it’s because I like to listen to music.

Here is a gal in what looks to be a museum, or other kind of public place.

And here is a local girl outside, what looks like, her home. Probably in some rural section of central China (judging from the costume). You will also notice the red signs on the doors. These are good-luck glyphs that are found everywhere in China. I have them on my doors at home and in my office as well.

The character behind her (on the door) is “fu”. It means good luck and fortune. It is sometimes turned upside down to mean that it “fills up” with money, luck and fortune.

Here we have another gal. This outfit does not look traditional in the least, but you know, this is China. You can just be yourself as long as you don’t try to push your beliefs on anyone else. She is either going to some event, or just having the time of herself going down the street. Please take note how the other passersby treat her.

And here is yet another just normal gal that is walking down the street in traditional garb. You got to love the look, and her smile. I think that it is awesome.

Oh and by the way, this idea of role-play and costume is not restricted and limited to Chinese cultural customs only. Other nations and citizens can participate as well. Here’s a bevy of folk from an Eastern Block nation (Romania, Bulgaria, Albania…I don’t know) hamming it up for China.

Now, of course, all of these videos are going to be impossible to load unless this post is broken up into smaller chew-sized portions. So to continue, please click here…


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Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
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Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
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Rural China
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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 9

If you all don’t mind, I would like to explore further the connection of Chinese women “playing traditional dress-up” and dancing to popular music. There are so, so, SO many aspects to this phenomenon that I think it deserves some further investigation.

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Oh, yeah… don’t forget this.


The above is just some girl dressing up and singing and dancing. So what?

Historical Reenactments

Well, what if you and your friends want to do historical reenactments? You know like how civil war reenactors reenact battles in America, or how people reenact Roman Legions in Europe, or how people reenact soldiers from World War I or II? It’s like that. Here we have a period reenactment. Pretty cool heh?

And, you know what? There are all sorts of opportunities to wear traditional clothing. Each region has their own history and culture; so every minority Chinese is protected by Chinese government law, which mandates rigid adherence to traditional customs, traditional ceremonies, and traditional holidays. It’s the law.

History and Culture is protected by law

There’s none of that “separation of church and state” here in China. History is considered sacred. As well as traditional, conservative, and family belief systems. They are protected and actively promoted through government funding.

Chinese minorities are protected as cultural jewels.

Here is a traditional holiday with one of the many Chinese minorities. I don’t know what they are doing, but obviously the gal in the front is the top queen leader of some sort.

That can be extended to all sorts of holidays that are all over China. It is a great opportunity for pretty girls to get all dressed up and have guys ooh and auhhh over them. Nice. That is what it is. Very, very nice.

Modern China is a mixture of old and new traditions.

Here’s some girls just palling it around in Beijing. You know, doing cute girl type things. Don’t ya just love it? I do. I’ll tell ya what.

I love that they can dress how they want to. I love the freedom that they have to play roles…role-play as it were, and do so in public without confrontation, or being told they cannot do, or say, or act in certain ways. I love how they are allowed and protected from being harmed.

Oh, by the way, if any fat gender-less-feminazi tries to interrupt their good times for “cultural appropriation”, or misuse of pronouns, I am sure that the police will arrest them sure as shit. The Chinese do not mess around when it comes to protecting the traditional Chinese way of life.

Here is another video of a girl in traditional garb and dress. She is dancing and is such a charmer, I’ll tell you what.

Ah. Look at all here fans. Isn’t she adorable?

Happy CNY you-all!

Oh yes, since this is 2019. Let me wish everyone a great a wonder CNY year of the Pig! Have a great one ya-all!


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Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 8

Here we continue on our excursion, and here is the mandatory warning…

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Now, this little video will need some explanation. Notice how the gals are doing the “Doctor Evil” impression with the pinkie near the mouth? Well, this dance routine has taken China by storm, and it just seems like all the gals love dancing to it at the KTV’s. It ends up looking a little like this…

This dance routine is not really part of the song, at least formally it isn’t. The dance crazy that swept up in China happened independently of what was going on in Korea. So imagine what the Korean pop group must think that a music inspired dance craze is sweeping China, but not in Korea.

With this in mind, now you can watch this little video depicting a live performance of the group and what happens when the live camera gets activated…

Sorry about the cut-off of the advertisement at the end. The only reason why I did not cut that off was because I do not how to do it. Sorry.

And… of course… this is one of the top hits of 2018, and into 2019. It is a string of little used idioms that utilize very rare and unique characters. It just amazes me that people are able to sing to them as well as they can.

This is all quite different from what you would find in the USA. Popular music in the USA is dominated by negro urban music. Here is one of the dominant females in the American music scene; Nicki Minaj.

She represents the best of American music today. She has been profiled on such popular shows as the Ellen DeGeneres show, as well as the many, many magazine articles of her, her “music”, and her antics. Here’s another GIF of her…

I think in America, music has been replaced by big asses and crude mannerisms. This is absolutely reflected in the popular culture, the news media and social media. Meanwhile, all of this is quite alien to the Chinese who maintain a more traditional conservative culture.

Here is another Chinese girl singing yet another very popular Chinese song.


One thing that we haven’t talked about is C-pop and K-pop. In fact, it would be a very serious omission to leave this out. Both K-pop and C-pop are amazingly popular here in China.

Here is the famous AOA MV performing “Heart Attack”. It’s awesome. Don’t ya think? I love the choreography, and the back story in the video is really cute. Do don’t need to know any foreign language, just watch the video to see what is going on. So adorable about a girl who has this crush on a boy in her class. And how the new girl in the school befriends her and helps her out. Adorable.

AOA is a Korean pop group that has made waves all over China. They are quite talented, as are jut about all the performers out of Korea. Here they are performing “Like a Cat”…

Here is the 2018-2019 sensation Blackpink singing “As if it’s your last”. They are beyond popular here in China. In fact, you can often see everyone from elementary school kids, to young professionals to cleaning ladies dancing their routines. It is a mind-blowing phenomenon. I’ll tell you what.

I have to laugh when I check out the comments on K-POP, C-POP and J-POP on you-tube. It’s all about how the girls are “forced” to dance like this, and how overtly sexual it is, and how they don’t want to dance like this. Nonsense! I think all of California should be carted off to the loony-bin and stop flooding the comments from millennial ignorants.

In California, I guess, C-pop is considered “too sexy”, but this isn’t;

Here in Asia, looking cute, being thin, and being sexual is an everyday occurrence. Deal with it. As I have said before. You can take that progressive gender-neutral reality and shove it up where the sun don’t shine. Everyone likes to look at attractive, happy girls. People who don’t are mentally disturbed.

Here is Stellar – Marionette[舞蹈无删减版][1080P]. You can view it in the player below, or go here for the web page. If it doesn’t load, it’s because your ISP is blocking videos from China.

You all shouldn’t leave this page until you checked out the last video, I’ll tell ya what.


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End of the Day Potato
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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 7

Moving forward on to part seven of this post, lets continue our exploration of the world of contemporaneous Chinese music.

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Music and Soap Opera fusion…

I once had a friend that used to work as an English teacher in Shenzhen China. He was a tall attractive man around 25 years old, and all the ladies were ga-ga over him. Anyways, for a spell, he worked in Shanghai and while he was there he got a role as an extra in a Chinese movie.

This is a great way for expats to make some drinking money. You put on a costume, learn a few Chinese phrases and play a role in a movie. You get paid a few hundred RMB. Enough for a dinner and some beer. It’s fun.

Anyways, he played a European traveler to China. As such, there was this scene where he dressed in period finery and approached the king as some European prince. It was a short scene, maybe seven minutes tops, and he had the video of the scene in his cell phone.

I’ll tell ya, you would think that he was a major Hollywood actor the way everyone fawned over him. Seven minutes of fame, and a lifetime of honor. Crazy huh?

Now me, I’d like to play some kind of Mob Boss, or bumbling hero. But, that’s just me, and no one has ever asked me to do anything like that anyways. Yet, it’s a fun dream and it’s nice to muse about from time to time.

This micro-video mixes contemporary Chinese music with scenes from some of the many, many Chinese soap operas and movies. I like it very much.

Singing popular tunes

Next, we have a top song that is all over the Internet. Here we see the girl singing the song in the micro-video. Everyone likes to sing. Sometimes songs are sung in the KTV’s, bars, or cars, while other times we just lip-sync for the heck of it. Here we have a talented lass singing a song because…well, because it’s fun to sing.

Translated Chinese Verses…

In the next popular song, you can see the lyrics translated into English. Yes, the translations aren’t exact, as Chinese like English have idioms and meanings that go far beyond direct word-to-word translation.

Songs can express emotions.

And, here we have a girl singing one of my favorites. Even if you don’t know the translation, you can certainly make out the emotions, the feelings and the thrust of the music.

You see, the Chinese people love to sing. When they go to a KTV, they drink and eat, and there with their friends, sing their hearts out. It’s sort of like what we used to do in Pennsylvania and New York. This, people, is what you should be doing… Doing instead of mowing the lawn this weekend. Or, if that is too brazen… may I suggest fishing or even just grabbing a six pack and going for a ride in the country with your best friend. Life.

Life is meant to be lived.

Life is to be lived. What is this gal doing that you aren’t?

Life can be sad…

You know everyone likes music in China, and it seems like everyone loves to dance to it. Music can be happy, but it can also be sad as well…

Chinese Television

Hey! Here’s a few micro-videos related to contemporary Chinese television. I think that the plots are obvious.

Help from Strangers.

Hey! Guys and girls, listen up. All of us need a helpful nudge from a well-wishing stranger from time to time. Don’t be so alone and isolated. Reach out, and be good, kind and helpful. Won’t ya.

Now, of course, all of these videos are going to be impossible to load unless this post is broken up into smaller chew-sized portions. So to continue, please click here…


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Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
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Business KTV
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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 6

Moving forward, and continuing on with our study of the contemporaneous Chinese music scene, let’s have a look at some more micro-videos from TicToc. And again, for those of you who have just jumped into the middle of all this, please take note…

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Keep in Mind… China is Traditional

Moving forward from the last section. Please keep it in mind that in traditional cultures, people aspire to conform to their roles in the best way that they know how. The man works. The woman cares for the home and family.

In progressive societies, the roles become nonsensical, and the relationships complex and often discordant. They no longer place emphasis the best in a person, their work or their labors. They place emphasis in differences and shocking behavior for purposes of gathering attention at all costs.

Spiky hair
In an environment that does not have proper roles and boundaries of behavior, it is up to the individual to define their own boundaries. Without guidance, or perhaps (better yet) guidance from popular culture, the boundaries become blurred and mistakes can be made. This environment lends itself toward one of many dangerous directions, both personally and socially.

In traditional societies the roles are established, and the expectations clear. The formula for personal and family success is well known and understood. It becomes the role of government to make sure that the roles are followed and protected.

It is very important to remember that the roles do not change in a traditional society. A man is the provider for the family, and the woman is the one that nurtures and manages the home.

And yes, while there has been “gender equality” throughout the world, it has manifested as a pale shadow for the women who have actually taken on male work roles. The women end up having a “career” devoid of a family life, devoid of children, and empty while they get older.

Here is another video from contemporary China.

Don’t fall for the progressive liberal lie.

In the United States, and the UK, at round 2012, various women started to write about their regrets in not getting married and building a family. In short order, they were shouted down by SJW and feminist activists. They pretty much went underground and the internet become flooded about articles on how happy women are not having children and being “independent” from men.

This is part of the r/K strategy, and it works if you are ugly, fat, lazy, crude or just a nasty person. For the vast bulk of people, this flies in the face of our biological urges.

Just crank up Google and see that the first 12 or so pages all are dominated by pro-career, anti-family articles. In a nation (the USA) where the vast bulk of people eventually get married, the respective proportion of internet articles opposing it, shows a very skewed and artificial narrative.

It’s liberal progressive propaganda.

The truth is those who do not follow the traditional conservative path end up leading a very lonely and bare life, no matter what their job position is. They will get older with no one to care for them. Their holidays will be at home with their dogs and cats, alone. Their friends, all married, will not want to associate with them.

It’s a miserable path. Do not try to tell me otherwise.

Boys aspire to be men.

Here’s a nice raspy voiced song. I love it and can relate to it in an understanding that only my empty bottle of VSOP and table ashtray of cigarette butts can relate to. Listening to this song reminds me of all the times that I had to endure situations that were uncomfortable, unfair, unjust or just plain wrong.

Do you all think that these feelings and emotions are unique only to Americans? No. Of course not. They are human feelings, expressed by humans, and concern human relationships.

Ah. Sometimes you need a good long hot shower, don’t ya agree?

Chinese couple songs…

Let’s consider some of the very romantic music of popular conventional china. These songs are very lovely. I’m gonna highlight this one. It’s about a couple and their love, moving in together, and eventually she agrees to be his wife.

There are so, so many of these songs and they are all wonderful. You can go HERE for one of the many that I have selected.

What ever you decide to do. Enjoy.

The song continues, and the MV ends where she is in a wedding gown to be his tai tai (his wife). (See the characters in the lower right side of the screen. That’s tai tai = wife.)

The song is about their love and living together and how it could get better, and she decides that it is through them both getting married together.

There is one thing that I would like to point out, and I think that it is significant. If you watch Hollywood movies for symbology and subliminal messages (like a graffiti spray painted wall, and names on cans of soda) you will notice all kinds of symbology to NWO, global orders, satanic cults and the like. However, if you watch Chinese movies and videos the “visual Easter eggs” are fundamentally different.

If you read the messages on their shirts – both in English and in pinyin Chinese – the messages are quite different.

“Big Spoon / Little Spoon”, He has a Ying symbol tattoo, and she has a Yang symbol tattoo . (Tai Ji). He has a Jesus cross tattoo, and she has a black tee-shirt with a Jesus cross and the words “never let you down” on it. She has a shirt that says “I’d rather love.” He wears a white shirt with a black Jesus Cross that says “I’ll never let you down”. And so on…

A nice female singer…

Here is a nice contemporary female singer. I like the sound and the rhythm of her voice. This is one of the top songs of this quarter, and I am sure that it is destined to be one that will be sung in KTV’s long into the future.

This is a very typical Chinese song. It is soft, but strong. Many Chinese songs follow this format. I think that that is it’s appeal to me. Certainly the KTV venue might lead itself to be sung there by a lonely heart or two…

This lies in opposition to the formula that makes American songs popular. Which is why you might find Kenny G still being played in public spaces, while Carti B is ignored.

Oh, and for all youse guys that don’t know what (or who) Carti B is, here’s a GIF of her performing for her American audience. You can tell what her appeal is for her audience. By watching her performance, and listening to her songs, you can clearly see that she if the future face of American youth.


And… here is Superstar which I believe is an American song that has taken China by storm. many American songs can be found in China. Though, their success with the Chinese audio audience tends to be related to beat, and “overall feeling” of the music.

Anyways, back to the Chinese popular music… Here is the kinds of American music that the Chinese find enjoyable and alluring.

School Exercises in the Morning

As I have mentioned previously, many schools in China do the exercise to music. That way, the children learn dance routines at an early age, and get to exercise at the same time. It’s a win-win for everyone. So, if you ever have to wonder about how these kids all get to learn how to dance like they do, please keep in mind that they learned it at school.

Of course, there are no absolutes. There are schools that do not perform dance routines, as well as schools that only do dance routines for exercises. It depends where you live and the management of the school by the Headmaster.

Personally, I think that it is a great way to exercise. Let the kids have some fun. Let them blow off some high-energy “steam”. Let them push themselves and have a good time.

It’s like singing cadence when you are in the military. You concentrate on the cadence and your forget about how tired you are.

And, heck, here’s another girl in her house. She is dancing to one of the popular songs by JJ LIN ( 林俊傑 ) from about three years ago. You can see (listen) to the entire song on the Internet for free HERE. You can watch the MV video HERE.

[JJ Lin 林俊傑] 不潮不用花錢 [Bu Chao Bu Yong Hua Qian] [Not Trendy Not To Spend Money] (High-Fashion)

You go kiddo!

I would like to provide the lyrics to this song here. I also want to
provide proper credit to tammiest@AsianFanatics . She did a fantastic job, don’t you all think? Check it all out. It must have taken her days to compile, edit and generate the code. Big thanks to tammiest@AsianFanatics.

林俊傑 JJ Lin JunJie – 不潮不用花錢 [Bu Chao Bu Yong Hua Qian] [Not Trendy Not To Spend Money] (High-Fashion)
Special Guest Performance: BY2 (Certain Rap Parts)
Album: 陸/Sixology
Songwriter: 林俊傑 JJ Lin JunJie
Lyricist: 林怡鳳 Lin YiFeng
(Rap) Lyricist: 林俊傑 JJ Lin JunJie
Pin Yin and Translation Credit: tammiest
Do NOT post this translation elsewhere without proper credit to tammiest@AsianFanatics

Hey, Greedy, don’t fret
What you see is what you get
You name it, I have it
What you see is what you get

左左 左左 偏左 就用左手

Zuo zuo Zuo zuo Pian zuo Jiu yong zuo shou
Left left, Left left, Favor the left, Just use your left hand
生活 就不用 想太多
Sheng huo Jiu bu yong Xiang tai duo
In life, You don’t need to Think too much
怦怦 怦怦 心動 張開眼睛
Peng peng Peng peng Xin dong Zhang kai yan jing
Thump thump Thump thump My heartbeat I open up my eyes
就記得 當下的 強烈
Jiu ji de Dang xia de Qiang lie
I remember the Intensity of That moment
You shi ling guang yi shan er guo
Sometimes, I get sudden flashes of brilliance
Niu dun ye chi ping guo
Newton also ate apples
Wo de nian tou bu tai luo suo
My idea isn’t too complicated
Xian shi jian neng ru zuo
Gotta hurry, sign-up is limited

Chorus: (1)

Qing ni
Bu yao dao chu kou kou
Don’t go around knockin’ everywhere
Chao liu xu yao kou kou
Trends need to be raised up
Bu xiao xin jiu mei kou kou
If you’re not careful, you won’t make any money
Yong li dao chu kou kou
Work hard to save everywhere
Hua diao suo you kou kou
Spend all the money you’ve misered up
Qian mai bu dao jue huo
Money can’t buy you unrivaled skill

你說 聽說 聽說 你聽誰說
Ni shuo Ting shuo Ting shuo Ni ting shei shuo
You say You’ve heard You’ve heard Who’d you hear say that?
跟著 亂走 鬧哄哄
Gen zhe Luan zou Nao hong hong
Followin’ Goin’ along rashly Buzzin’ with excitement
通通 通通 普通 普通
Tong tong Tong tong Pu tong Pu tong
It’s all It’s all Ordinary So ordinary
如果不懂 不要 隨便 拒絕
Ru guo bu dong Bu yao Sui bian Ju jue
If you don’t get it, Don’t Reject it so Carelessly (2)
You shi ling guang yi shan er guo
Sometimes, I get sudden flashes of brilliance
Niu dun ye chi ping guo
Newton also ate apples
Wo de nian tou bu tai luo suo
My idea isn’t too complicated
Xian shi jian neng ru zuo
Gotta hurry, sign-up is limited


Qing ni
Bu yao dao chu kou kou
Don’t go around knockin’ everywhere
Chao liu xu yao kou kou
Trends need to be raised up
Bu xiao xin jiu mei kou kou
If you’re not careful, you won’t make any money
Yong li dao chu kou kou
Work hard to save everywhere
Hua diao suo you kou kou
Spend all the money you’ve misered up
Qian mai bu dao jue huo
Money can’t buy you unrivaled skill


Little chick havin’ chips on my sofa
Be@rbricks take a sh*t on my sofa (3)
Smudge babies lyin’ on my sofa (4)
Neighborhoods and Kiks singing ‘So-Fa’ (5, 6, 7)

Little chick havin’ chips on my sofa
Be@rbricks take a sh*t on my sofa
Smudge babies lyin’ on my sofa

Hey, Greedy, don’t fret
What you see is what you get
You name it, I have it
What you see is what you get

Qing ni
Bu yao dao chu kou kou
Don’t go around knockin’ everywhere
Chao liu xu yao kou kou
Trends need to be raised up
Bu xiao xin jiu mei kou kou
If you’re not careful, you won’t make any money
Yong li dao chu kou kou
Work hard to save everywhere
Hua diao suo you kou kou
Spend all the money you’ve misered up
Qian mai bu dao jue huo
Money can’t buy you unrivaled skill


Hey, Greedy, don’t fret
What you see is what you get
You name it, I have it
What you see is what you get

Hey, Greedy, don’t fret
What you see is what you get
You name it, I have it
What you see is what you get

* The title of this song is a bit confusing. 不潮不用花錢 Bu chao bu yong hua qian is actually more (textbook) accurately translated as “Don’t Need To Spend Money If You Don’t Follow the Fads.” However, a read-through of the lyrics yields a different interpretation, the one I ultimately decided on: “Not Trendy Not To Spend Money.” This interpretation, however, is actually best expressed (and by that, I mean grammatically and without confusion!) by taking out the 用 yong in the title, leaving one with just 不潮不花錢 bu chao bu hua qian. ^_^*

However, the 用 yong was left IN the title because– go back and read the first word of each line of the chorus. Put them together and you get 不潮不用花錢 Bu chao bu yong hua qian, the title of the song!

(1) The lines of the chorus are not necessarily connected to each other in the usual sense; don’t force them together. Instead, they can be considered stand-alone lines of “wisdom.” :)
(2) The line 如果不懂 不要 隨便 拒絕 Ru guo bu dong Bu yao Sui bian Ju jue can be “broken up” (in Chinese) and interpreted in two very distinct ways. I decided on “If you don’t get it, Don’t Reject it so Carelessly;” however, it is important to note that the line can very well also be translated as “If you don’t get it, Don’t be so Careless; Reject it.” As you can see, the meaning changes significantly; the interpretation I did NOT choose goes along with the TITLE I did not choose. It also puts a “break” between the last two “phrases.” Because JJ seems to slide right into the 拒絕 ju jue (instead of pausing), however, and because it goes along with the rest of the song– I chose the line above :)
(3) Be@rbricks are collectible (and somewhat poseable) plastic bears (with a “Kubrick” influence) manufactured by MediCom Toy Incorporated. They are extremely popular in Asia and come in all types of sizes and designs.
(4) I haven’t been able to find a 100% answer, but I think that Smudge Babies are a type of toy.
(5) Neighborhood is a super-trendy, still growing fashion label in Japan; it grew out of the Harajuku district.
(6) “Kiks” is slang for sneakers; it is most likely– in this song– meant as a “shorthand” for Kiks TYO, a super-trendy “sneaker freak” Japanese label.
(7) “So-Fa” as in… the notes “So” and “Fa” of the musical scale.

Big thanks to tammiest@AsianFanatics. Now. Let’s move on to the next page of videos… with this final video on this page.

Now, of course, all of these videos are going to be impossible to load unless this post is broken up into smaller chew-sized portions. So to continue, please click here…


If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 5F

Let’s continue with our exploration of the contemporary music of China and the cultural aspects of it. Let’s zoom by with these little notations…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

China is a serious nation run by a government of high-achievers.

To many people in the West, China is a mystery. You have American Neocons, and liberals all (more or less) repeating the American main-stream narrative about China. That can be anything from a positive trading partner, to a saber-rattling war-monger. It’s all about how the oligarchs want to manipulate the public.

However, real China is something else entirely. In fact, I would say that since [1] China has advanced technologically, economically and socially at break-neck speed, and [2] China was never understood by the West, [3] Western media is designed to manipulate not inform, that China is completely inadequately described in the West. It is not just and enigma, but it is wholly under-appreciated, and under-understood.

There are many things that I could go on, and on about. But one of the key points is that China is a meritocracy. China is a serious, serious nation that is run by the highest achievers in their respective fields.

It begins in kindergarten, and from there, the culling begins. People are immediately classed by ability, and you must develop both your EQ and IQ to succeed. Otherwise you WILL end up begging in the streets, or doing manual shit-labor. You must push and strive in China just to exist.

Those in leadership positions have gotten there through years in this kind of crucible. They are not like the Obama or Clinton governmental appointments. They got there by ability, and hard… hard work.

They are nothing to be trifled with.

Culture is important to the Chinese.

Here’s a great song by HK singer Jay Chou. It’s applied to this cute wedding where flower petals fall out from umbrellas instead of rice being thrown about. This is one of the various traditional rituals that are performed during weddings in China.

Jay is a very famous singer that has many many movie videos and roles within movies. Movies including “Now you see me 2”. He is famous for his love ballads and stories about the boy fights against all odds to be with the girl type themes. I am a real sap for these kinds of movies, stories and videos. I love this theme, where you the guy can come to the rescue the pretty girl, and protect her.

Here’s a pretty good MV about just this kind of theme. The name of the video (and song) is 红尘客栈 官方版 . (An ugly title, I am afraid.) If you can’t watch it using the free Chinese servers (often blocked or delayed in the USA), just copy and paste into You-Tube and watch it there.

You can view it HERE, or HERE, as well.

Screen capture - save the girl.
Jay Chou likes to sing about sappy Chinese ballads about rescuing the pretty girls. I really like this theme as it brings out the “protector” role in me; a role that all men have. Scene is a screen shot from the music video.

Or here… (If you see nothing, you can watch the video HERE, set up as a different tab so that you can view without interruption to this dialog.)

—Player Start—

—Player Conclude—

If you see nothing, you can watch the video HERE, set up as a different tab so that you can view without interruption to this dialog.

Now this role-play, and this theme isn’t just popular to me because I am a old-fuddy duddy traditional conservative. It is a theme that all traditionalists aspire to. When I have shown you the micro-videos of the girls playing role-play and dress up in traditional garb, it is this kind of music, and this kind of theme, and YES, this kind of relationship that they all are aspiring for.

Boy meets girls, they fall in love. Bad people try to come between them. He defends his family. This is the role that men and women have had for centuries. Scene is a screen shot from the music video.

The gals and the guys are looking for THE ONE.

Girls, come on! You know what I am talking about, eh? This transcends culture. It is biologically ingrained into our very being.

  • The Man goes forth. He works and fights. He protects his family and gives everything that he has, his hopes and his dreams and his money and earnings for his family. He fights for them and protects them.
  • The woman nurtures, supports and heals the man. She takes care of the home and the family. She is the anchor that he knows will be there for him.

In this traditional relationship, there is no room for a woman belittling her man. No. That is a progressive liberal lifestyle. In traditional conservative households the woman honors her husband and supports him and allows him to protect the family. It seems so strange to Americans today simply because America has been a progressive liberal nations for the last five decades or so.

The wife is seized.
In the world, the man must always defend his family, his love and his life from those on the outside. They will always try to take from him. They will try to steal his money, and they will attack his family, and they will covet his wife. A man must fight to protect his family. Chinese girls, being very traditional, understand this role. Scene is a screen shot from the video.

I would say that this single video, if you watch it, well explains modern Chinese musical culture, in terms and in ways that only the Chinese can understand, and which is often misinterpreted by the progressive-liberals in America and out in the West.

In China, and in other parts of the globe, everyone aspires to this lifestyle that Jay Chou sings about. Thus, you can see it manifest in different ways… including historical role-play.

What are the Chinese girls really like?

Here the theme behind this song is to show just “who you really are”, well maybe this micro-video says it all…

Maybe all the fun and games of the modern life can be swept aside when you study what the real feelings and emotions of the Chinese people are. For underneath everything you have a very conservative and traditional people.

Discos and Clubs are fun.

I lie to sing and play in the clubs. Here is a good idea what it is like…

Dancing and Exercise are considered nearly identical in outcome.

When I say that everyone in China dances, I am not using hyperbole. Dancing and exercise is a fundamental part of life in China, as well as in other conservative nations. Even the most fundamental Muslim nations have singing and dancing as part of their traditional rituals.

It is the progressive liberal reality… one geared towards a very bland “utopia” where no one likes to sing or dance. But, China is traditional and conservative.

Fads and fashion come and go, but most revolve around music.

The below is a hospital college. Like the rest of China, they have gotten all caught up in the latest songs, and fashion of the year.

What friends are for…

I love this. Dudes, you need to spend time with your friends. Go out, and spend $20 on some beer and pizza and just talk. You must go forth. Time is being wasted. Make your life count. Do it TODAY.

This is not hyperbole. You need to develop your friendships. You need to build up a strong network of friends. You need to just hang out with them. You need to live life. Yes… YOU do.

Even if that means buying a bag of Doritos and watching reruns of old Vincent Price movies on the computer monitor. You must do that, even if it means that you will need to drag your dog and your kids along. Go and bring a fishing pole why don’t ya? Don’t a a permit, well being your tackle box as an excuse to trade spinners.

Relationships don’t just happen, you need to create them.

One of the things that often happens in the United States is that we get so caught up at work, and unless we have an active church and spiritual life, our friendships eventually whither away and die. The Chinese do not let that happen. They try to cultivate their friendships every opportunity that they get.

This next video is from Vietnam. Heck the rest of the world is having fun, why not you? Are you too good to have fun? Are you better than everyone else. Or are you waiting for the USA government to declare war on some other nation so you can get a free trip over and “see the world” on Uncle Sam’s dollar? Eh?

What? Don’t want to go to Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, and the handful of others? I hear that the Neocons want a war in Venezuela. Hey! You do love to throw your tax dollars away don’t ya!

Not one single war, since World War II, ever made any difference in my personal life. It’s all about us “regular Joes” fighting and dying for the rich oligarchs.

Hey! Here’s Vietnam. Loving it. Chilling and having fun. What’s your fucking excuse?

Life is short. Have fun.

Why not? Are you afraid some troll will say bad things to you. Maybe disparage you in some way. Call you names. make fun of your labors, accuse you of stupid things.

Who gives a fuck about shut-ins? Live life. It’s your choice.

Oh, and the MV conclusion…

Oh yes, for those of you who didn’t watch the MV from Jay Chou mentioned above, please note that their relationship had both good and bad times. For life, is anything but peaches and creme. They had a family, but the bad guys came and the hero had to fight to save his family. He fought long and hard. He fought and he fought. But he was mortally wounded. He saved his family, but he died in the process.

Jay Chou ending
Sometimes, all that a man can give is not enough. What matters is that he protects his family; that he protects the children, the babies and the little kittens. It is his role as a man.

If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 5E

Continuing on this discussion, let’s look at the environment where the music is played; the venue.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

China is a nation of skyscrapers, huge public works and enormous constructions. Cities the size of New York City are considered to be “small” communities. When the Chinese live in the cities, they often live in the huge towers that dominate the skyline. Living in these structures can be just simply amazing.

With this understood, let’s have a look at what it is like.

Life in a Chinese Apartment…

For those of you who haven’t a clue, this chick is in an apartment located in Shanghai. You can see the towers in the distance and the Pearl Tower off to the left. This is pretty much what it looks like if you live in Shanghai, China. All the buildings are tall, and most of the views are spectacular.

The song that is played in the micro-video, is of course Chinese Pop, and I personally think that it fits the venue. Shanghai is a Westernized Chinese city. In my mind the way that you can tell if a city is Westernized is by the prevalence of Western restaurants, as well as a rather high cost of living to live there.

Speaking of Shanghai…

American hotdogs
American style hotdogs. You know what goes great with hotdogs? Yup, a good frosty and icy beer. Beer and hotdogs always goes great together.

Being Shanghai, you can get real American food there. For instance, you can get real American hotdogs. They look and taste like the real thing. The only thing is that they aren’t cooked properly. I like them cooked over an open flame outside in the campfire until they are blackened.

You can get all kinds of authentic, or near-authentic American food. Food, mind you, that is pretty difficult to obtain outside of the country. Do youse guys have any idea just how difficult it is to get a decent omelet in China? Well, it’s not easy, I’ll tell you what.

Store that makes American Hotdogs.
Here you can get American hotdogs and Holy Fries. Wouldn’t you want to have some Holy fries? I would. You go inside, and of course you can have a beer with the hotdogs. You do realize that you can by alcohol everywhere in China. You can have a beer with your Big Mac, or have one with your ice cream at Dairy Queen. It’s pretty cool.

Life in Guangzhou

Here in the next micro-video we can look at the view of a different girl. She is listening to Blackpink which has taken China by storm and is dancing on the deck of her apartment. The view is also pretty much typical. It’s not so urban, but awesome never the less.

This is what the South East portion of China pretty much looks like. If you are near the industrial areas, the sky is pretty much white, it turns blue from time to time, but those factories gotta keep churning.

It reminds me a lot of San Antonio, Texas.

You even can go to a Texas bar in Guangzhou. It is almost like the real thing. You can drink real American beer and whiskey there and listen to Country and Western music as well. It’s all pretty amazing. If you close your eyes, you can almost imagine that you are back home.

But, I’ve got to tell ya, their accents are just atrocious.

American themed bar.
Texas themed bar located in China. You can drink PBR, Coors and Bud there. They really should get some Slippery Rock,
Genesee Cream Ale , Iron City beer there, but that is just me.

Speaking of Texas…

You know what I haven’t had in a while? A Whataburger. That’s what. These are the most awesome hamburgers that I used to get when I lived in Texas. I don’t know what they did, but they had this special sauce that they would put on the burgers that made them particularly awesome.

Whataburger is an American privately held regional fast food restaurant chain, headquartered and based in San Antonio, Texas, that specializes in hamburgers.The company, founded by Harmon Dobson and Paul Burton, opened its first restaurant in Corpus Christi, Texas, in 1950.The chain is owned and operated by the Dobson family, along with 25 franchisees as of April 2012.

Anyways… I’m sorry about all this.

When I get to thinking of hamburgers and then I get to thinking about icy cold beer, and then singing and friends. It’s been a while since I was in Texas to to enjoy this, and while I do enjoy China, I do get home-sick from time to time. I guess, I’m gonna have to put my foot down and get back to the subject at hand.

Texas boots
I do miss my old boots when I lived in Texas. I would wear them everywhere, that and my hat. I had this awesome black hat. I sure do miss it.

This next girl is exercising in a gym. Like many of the gyms in the United States, they play music to exercise to. Physical fitness is important and a fundamental part of the Chinese culture. It is one of the reasons why the older Chinese tends to live longer than their American equivalents.

Exercising in China

Here, the gal is exercising in the gym and the song that is playing is pretty much typical. I can attest that this song is great to do pushups to and arm curls. Just watching her makes me want to do a set of reps, I’ll tell you what.

I have discussed how the Chinese government has provided venues for people to dance in public, and how they have addressed the rising issue with weight gain. I have discussed how they implemented dancing as part of the exercise routines in schools, well here is how they implement club and house music in exercise gyms….

And here’s another gal doing pushups. She is in a different gym. The thing about gyms in China is that they do not have air conditioning. The idea is to sweat out the bad water, and replenish yourself with good fresh water.


When I was in High School, the music that we listened to defined our life and our culture. At that time the top song was Peter Frampton’s “Do you feel like we do”. I guess to kids now a days, this song seems silly, but that was what it was like for us.

Car ash tray.
Do you all remember the ash trays in the sides of the cars that we all used to ride? Yup, we would cruse and drink beer and toke in the cars and it was quite glorious.

It was all a kind of relaxed haze. I’ll tell you what. It didn’t matter if you were hanging out with your buddies outside of a gas station, or cruising inside a van, getting high and listening to Boston’s “More than a Feeling”. That was what it was like.

That is true for the generation of kids today.

Maybe you all were into grunge back in the 1990’s and listening to Stone Temple Pilots and Plush, or Pearl Jam, Sound garden, and Nirvana. That music defined your life at the time.

Growing up in Middle School, we listened to Alice Cooper, Deep Purple and of course Led Zeppelin. We used to have these square dances that all the girls would come and get us boys to dance with them. I loved doing it. That continued for a spell until some religious fanatic got it terminated because of some obscure rule in the Bible or some such thing.

Square dancing
Square dancing in Middle and elementary school was a popular event all through the 1970’s. I enjoyed it.

Well, I am in China, and I am trying to give this kind of perception to what it is like being here, and how the Chinese people socialize. So, since Shanghai is a major first-tier city, and it is Western to boot, let’s use that as our frame of reference.

Let’s spend some time chatting about the city of Shanghai for a spell. There are many Americans who really don;t know anything about Shanghai they think that it must be a little like Detroit, or Cleveland. Yet, in reality, it is something else all together.

This is what Shanghai looks like from a window in a business building. The night skyline, most especially from a Shanghai hotel room is absolutely amazing. It really and honestly is.

This is what Shanghai looks like from the plaza in front of the hotels in the central section. this is the street-side view. You can pretty much recognize this as the norm for Shanghai.

The Mood of China

As I have mentioned that music is a reflection of the mood and pace of society at that period of time, let’s look at what the mood is in China. During The Jimmy Carter years, we were listening to “I Robot”, Kraftwerk, and Yes. During the Bill Clinton years, we were listening to STP, and Massive Attack. Here, these videos pretty much sums up what the feeling is in China today…



Chinese Crowd Control

Anyways, you have to hand it to China. They have some great crowd control methods. Don’t ya think?

Let’s move on to the next part of this post…


If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 5D

As we continue in our playful excursion into Chinese music and culture, please kindly take note of the following warning…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

China has a long history of strife and conflict. Not just in the last few decades, but for century after century, China has been embroiled in war and subterfuge.

B-24 bombing run.
The Chinese know and understand war, and they don’t want any part of it – if they can avoid it. The Western mainstream media propaganda machine about China “saber-rattling” is just yet another excuse to pull America into yet another war…

From the days of Genghis Khan to the Ming dynasty, all China has known has been one war after the other. Those that have survived the many purges, mass murders, wars, and devastation have become resourceful, sturdy and wary. They have evolved into the race of people that they are today.

They have come very far, and the last period of internal strife (when progressive liberal elements just about destroyed the nation and almost threw it back into the dark ages), they have vowed NEVER to risk it happening ever again.

They have licked their wounds and healed up. Now they are garnering their strength and they are a formidable nation to reckon with.

China is all about building upon the lessons of the past.

While everyone is in the Untied States rushing headlong towards destruction of the past to create a new progressive utopia, China is instead concentrating in the other direction. Instead, they are placing emphasis on their past and the lessons that they have learned.

The Chinese truly appreciate their past and their heritage. They are not ashamed of it. They do not teach their children about how they should be ashamed of it. They do not provide revisionist histories to indoctrinate the youth towards a progressive utopia. They do it differently.

Well… I think that I have beat this ol’ horse to death. Moving on…

The Chinese love K-Pop

Both the Koreans and the Chinese are of the Han race. As such, they look alike , think alike and act alike. The most popular music venue in Korea is Korean Pop, also known as K-pop for youse guys who have lived under a rock for the last twenty years.

The Chinese have embraced K-pop with the rest of Asia.

And here is a perfect example of why it is so popular. Many K-pop groups employ Chinese dancers and singers to supplement their Korean staff. It’s public knowledge, at least to those outside of the Untied States. For Americans, you need to deal with the processed pablum that the oligarchs decide can exact the maximum profit from you.

In China, everyone loves to sing. This includes girls, guys and animals. Music is an important part of the lives of everyone in China. The K-Pop and C-Pop concerts are interactive. It is not like you would expect in the West where everyone sits down and listens to the music. Instead it is participative.

In the last section I was complaining about the huge negro over-weight women shaking their enormous doughnut asses about. Well, you know all singers and dancers move their bodies about to one degree or the other. Here we see some chicks in a K-Pop group doing so. It;s not the same thing… not by a long shot.

But, you might ask… why is everyone participating? Why do people sing and dance? What is going on, and why is it going on?

Music is about emotions.

Here I just want to includes some songs that I personally enjoy. Here’s one of my favorite songs that I just love to sing in the KTV; “Wo de Bu Yi Yung”. I also like this video that shows how normal people, JUST LIKE YOU, can make the difference in the lives of others.

And here’s another version…

Here’s another upbeat song that goes great as a duo with a pretty Chinese girl. The micro-video is taken off a television show where they give aspiring young singers a chance at the “big time”.

And of course, I’m not the old American who loves to sing Chinese songs…Heh heh.

Let’s move on to the next part of this post…


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Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
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Business KTV
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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 5C

We continue in our musical explorations. Here we dive further down the “Rabbit hole” into Chinese music. Here, I have taken a little free-associative meandering about Chinese culture and the influences that have shaped Chinese music.

Hey! If you don’t like it, you can go to MSM, WaPo or Wikipedia. They are the (USA recognized) “leaders” of information dissemination today. We know this, as they are constantly congratulating themselves back and forth on all the American media outlets. LOL!

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

To understand China, you need to understand their history.

The Chinese and China has over 5000 years of continuously recorded history. This differs from the mere 200 years of the “American Experiment”. China has been a nation of many shapes, forms, and experiments.

Yes, they have had many nations, sub-nations and wars in their history. To understand China…especially contemporary China, you must recognize that they have EXPERIENCE. They are NOT the “new kid on the block“. They have “seen it all and done it all“, and they are not about to get all caught up in the latest experimental social fad that is percolating out in America, France or Sweden.

To understand China, you must accept the fact that they are a mature nation that appreciates their own history.

Check out this beauty. Not only is she singing the most popular song of 2018-2019, but she is doing so wearing traditional Chinese clothing. I particularly love how clean and fresh she looks. I love the outfit too.

The overall appearance is quite different from what you would find in the Untied States. In the United States today, THIS is what is considered beautiful, womanly, sexy and ladylike…

In comparison to the American vision, we see a nice stately lady, singing and being proud. I like how the waist rises up high, almost to her chest. I like the colors; red and white. It all seems so very happy and fresh. I love her hair, her smile, her eyes. Heck, I love everything about her.

Of course, I love her because she is cute, but I am talking about how she moves and the story that she sings. She is so typical Chinese. She is the “real deal”, and I would bet that she would make a fantastic friend and maybe… maybe even something more for the right man.

This, more ladylike demeanor, is part of the r/K survival strategy of species. Today, in progressive liberal America, the females have become large, aggressive, crude and sex machines. Where in a conservative, and traditional society it is quite the opposite. But, don’t take my word for it, just watch how Chinese female vocalists act while they are singing…

Yes, she’s quite different from her American counterpart. She is poised. She is refined, cute but strong. You can actually say that she acts like a lady. This is quite the contrast to the trashcan sized asses being waved in front of Americans every day.

China is like America was.
Modern China is very similar to the style and quality of life that American had before the great onslaught of progressive liberalism that swept through the nation starting around 1905. Today, most Americans have no idea what life would be like without the progressive chains, and locks wrapped around their paychecks, the regulation in their life, and the inherent behaviors that they have adjusted to… like Pavlov’s dog.

Yes, China is conservative. It is traditional and it is conservative, but it is NOT American-Christian conservative. It is Chinese-traditional conservative. It is similar to American conservatism, but not identical to it. It is similar.

Still not convinced?

Yes, American music is enjoyed in China, and yes the Chinese love the crazy antics of Lady Ga Ga and others of her ilk. And, yes, K-pop is very popular, but all in all, the Chinese are a traditional and formal conservative nation. The music and how it is presented, sung and enjoyed reflects this most basic fact.

Riding a train in America.
Today, China with it’s enormous network of high-speed bullet trains, factories providing labor, a traditional life with conservative values ENFORCED BY LAW would be very appealing to Americans of the last century.

If you could somehow take your great-great-great grandfather to modern contemporaneous America, and modern contemporaneous China, I would pretty much bet that he would feel more comfortable in China… even with the language difference… than anything that you have in America today.


How does this cultural thing manifest? You might ask. Well, if all of the American media is making heroes of people who sit out when the American anthem is played, and make heroines out of fat, ugly black women jerking their asses about like they have a severe case of hemorrhoids, the Chinese culture manifests in a more traditional and conservative way.

Traditional american women.
Back in the 1950’s and 1960’s, before the federal reserve totally eviscerated the dollar (it was still worth about $0.25), the wife could stay hold and take care of the family and children. Then, in the conservative society, there was a clear distinction of familial responsibilities. The woman would take care of the family, the house and the budget. The husband worked and provided the money for the family to life off of. That is the way it is in China today. In America, everyone needs to work, and it’s everyone out for themselves. It’s all my my my money,with no consideration to the needs of the family.

Here we can see how a typical Chinese girl emulates the Chinese female singers, and the Chinese music. She’s not shaking her ass in a way that looks like she is inviting others to hop on her back and ride her like a hippopotamus would. She’s not proud about being disgusting.

While there are Chinese girls getting a little wild and crazy to American pop music, you can see that they are much softer about it. I think that they aren’t so crude. they aren’t so nasty about it. They aren’t so proud about being overweight, ugly and foul.

American women at a party having cokes.
Traditional and conservative women are far more polite, demure and statuesque in their actions and behaviors. This is an advertisement from America dated to around 1960’s or so.

I have yet to watch a Chinese girl wave her ass about. Though, I have seen them shake their hips from time to time. Sort of like this…

I think that the Chinese women don’t need to be so crude. They are strong and powerful just sitting down and smiling. Here is a nice young girl. I think that she doesn’t need to show me her back side and wave her ass in my face. Do you?

This debate about shaking asses is all, in itself, rather silly. I am a man, and that means I enjoy looking at attractive women. It also means that I enjoy looking at attractive asses. You know the saying… “bigger isn’t necessarily better”, right?

Here we have a performance showing how to move your body to titillate. You don’t need to have a trashcan sized ass moving about like a rock crusher or road grader to emphasize it.

Now, all this social differences are manifest in other ways as well. For instance, the Chinese, being traditional and conservative, they have no qualms about celebrating Christmas. Yes…Christmas!

In China, holidays are considered an important way to maintain social stability.

This of course, includes Chinese traditional holidays, but it also includes other “adopted” holidays as well. In China, they are all quite happy to adopt American (and European) Christmas holidays, American Halloween, and even (to a far lesser extent) Christian Easter.

Holiday in China.
In China, holidays are considered to be important and even sacred. The entire family must get together, and share the holiday with friends and other loved ones.

In fact, I can honestly say that Christmas is celebrated more vigorously in China than it is in the United States. In the United States today, you can’t even say “Merry Christmas” at work. It’s become “Happy Holiday”, how very progressive. How very bland.

Here is how Christmas should be celebrated…

Through, that is really nothing when you compare it with how the CNY (Chinese New Year) is celebrated. My goodness! It’s a one month long orgy of food, drinking, singing, and sleeping. I am astounded by it every single year. My goodness gracious!

Holiday meal.
In China you won’t really be able to obtain turkey easily, but goose, duck, and chicken are easily obtained. Back, before progressive liberalism went mainstream, people used to dress up for formal holiday dinners in the United States. The wife of the house would set up the table formally using the best china and silverware. The food would be cooked and baked with love and consideration.

And with that, let’s move on…


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Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
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Business KTV
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Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 5B

Here, we step aside for a brief interlude and continue down the path exploring contemporaneous Chinese pop music and the culture promoting it.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

For starters. Music, I believe, is an emotional representation of the culture form whence it is derived from.

Music is a way to evoke emotion.

Take a second to look at the next video. What is going on here? What is the “back story”? Do you think that this is normal and typical, or is this some kind of staged event for a camera to post on the internet?

Do you think that she is “privileged” in such as way that negro students get a 1700 SAT point bonus at Harvard and Yale for “diversity”. What do you think that this chick would have to say about that?

Music is a medium that we can use to transmit our life; our feeling and our emotions to others.

America is what it is today simply because hard work is no longer considered valuable. The idea that you can get into college through bribes is out of a third world nation, it doesn’t belong in America. How did this all come about? What was the impetus for this terrible distortion of reality?

Since China is a traditional and a very conservative nation, it should be no surprise that history is not only honored, but appreciated. This is evident in the many history themed movies and soap operas that are quite prevalent in China today.

Chinese people are very comfortable with their history.

In America today, very few people know about Paul Bunyan. Few understand that Johnny Appleseed actually did exist. Today, American history is not taught in any way other than by disparagement. People in public schools are taught to hate the American history.

Not so in China.

China has really moved forward from the ashes of what Communism did. They have moved forward, and have worked very, very, very hard to be what they are today. Everyone has played a role in the enormous growth of China, and the music reflects this…

The Chinese people strive ever upwards, often suffering in silence. Their music reflects this.

A mere thirty years ago, many middle-class Chinese lived below the poverty level. They had plain and bare houses. Many, often had to share a communal outside commode and latrine / shower combination. Things have changed so radically.

Never before in history has a race of people, or a nation been so pulled up out of poverty.

The ignorant might want to credit Mr. Mao, but the true architect of the modern China is former American President Ronald Reagan. It was his policies, as implemented by traditionalist and arch-conservative Mr. Deng, that China was able to move out to the mess of thousands of years of wars and strife. Followed by the horrendous mistakes of the Communist government in the 1960’s and early 1970’s.

Mr. Deng

The Chinese people have suffered, and they do appreciate where they are today.

As such, they appreciate music, both local and international music and apply them to the life. You can see this in many ways. They enjoy music from Russia as well as America and often enjoy the American music in ways that us out West cannot understand.

The Chinese love many of the same things that Americans do.

Check out this European and Chinese boxing match. It kind of looks like something you might find in Chicago, Pittsburgh or New York.

China is a conservative, and not a progressive liberal nation. They do not tear down historical monuments for a new progressive utopia. Instead they honor the past, and create monuments to the great men and ladies of their past. They honor their history.

The Chinese honor their history.

The Chinese know their history, and they do appreciate it. They know about the struggles, the tricks, the lies, and the various abuses that have been heaped upon them…century after century. They will not forget their history.

They will learn from it.

The China that exists today is because the Chinese have learned from their history. This is a nation run as a meritocracy. They are a single-party government; the traditional-conservative Chinese party.

They have vowed never to forget, and when some progressive activist comes along, they immediately take actions to suppress them and remove them from society… that is, of course until they come to their senses. Then, and only then, can they be permitted back into society.

The Chinese people don’t insult their culture. They are proud of it. This differs quite substantially from what you see in America today. For instance, like the millionaires and the actors that dominate American culture today.

In fact, if I may be so bold, it is precisely the WAY that the (so called) conservatives, and traditionalists handled the matter of SJW public protests that indicates just how weak the conservative movement (hah! What a laugh.) is in the United States today.

You will notice that these fellas all still got paid. They were not penalized. They got away with it, and made millions in the process by all the media fawning news coverage that was thrown at them.

Today, the traditions and even the very founding of America is made fun of and a mockery of.

This continues a pace. Even in Congress, by our so-called representatives. They all despise you and I. They laugh at us. They hate us. Unless action is taken now… what do you think it will be like for folk like us when these people have majority rule?

Of course, this would NEVER happen in China.

China has zero tolerance for Social Justice Warriors, change, and especially change to their traditional conservative way of life. The Chinese do no mess around.

China is a serious nation, run by experts through merit.

Of course, it is reported differently in the United States press.

It is reported as the terrible Chinese rounding up those poor-helpless Muslims and putting them into these massive re-education camps. It is reported that the Chinese is attacking those poor feminist and gay activists and arresting them unjustly. It is reported as the evil Chinese just hate other “down trodden” folk and their (well-meaning, peaceful) alternative lifestyles.

The Chinese are the only people who will defend their traditional way of life.

They will NOT make the same mistakes that the American conservatives, and traditionalist have; to “turn the other cheek” and to “bend to the will of the minority. They will not have a Chinese version of George Bush, or Mitt Romney in position of power.

We  conservatives have let this ideological cancer metastasize for far too  long for its excision to be simple or painless.  For too long, we have  been patient with outrages we should have fought to reverse.  We have  let our opponents secede incrementally from us for decades.  We have  been tolerant and patient.  In our tolerance and patience, we have given  up our civil society, our political representation, and our freedoms  one by one.  

Our maladies won't be fixed by delicate adjustments now — half-heartedly performed by yet another generation of narcissistic government planners and invisible elitist bureaucrats.  

Intellectuals like George Will and think-tanks like the Heritage Foundation have done us little good.  Our condition demands a radical, unflinching surgery if we, as a nation, are to survive.  Either the cancer wins, and kills us all, or we defeat it — and we accept the scars.  Let us not pretend they would not be hideous scars.  And let us not pretend it would not be a deeply barbarous and bitter surgery.

-American Thinker

In the Chinese mind, they have ALWAYS been under assault. This period of time… right now… where they are emerging towards world-class greatness is destined to be a short interlude unless they seize the opportunity.

Otherwise, they will be overwhelmed and absorbed by whatever culture manifests in the West. They simply will not be able to tolerate that. Their history, their life, their traditions, and yes, their conservatism MUST survive.

They are willing to defend that tradition, and they do not mess around about it at all. Of all the nations in the world, China has declared war against progressive liberal social justice warriors and their ilk…

The will not allow them to chip away at the Chinese fabric of society. They will not allow it.

Let’s move on to the next part of this post…


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Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
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Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 5

Moving forward… let’s look at the fifth part of this exploration into contemporaneous Chinese music.

Let’s start here at this micro-video holding numerous songs. You will note that each song has a specific dance routine to it. This dance routine is so well associated with the music and the particular song, that you can actually do some of the dance moves and a Chinese person would know exactly what song you are thinking of.

Some will even sing out it to you.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Songs with dance moves…

In this next video, please keep that in mind, and if you get the opportunity, try it out with a Chinese friend. See if they know the song that you are referring to when your fingers walk on your arm.

Or perhaps when you lean back and make a Tarzan yell.

Next on the list is a great number that is associated with love, romance, and marriage. You will find many micro-videos in the TikTok application using this song along with a marriage theme. Sort of like this…

Love and Romance songs.

The Chinese, just everyone else in the world fall in love, get married, have children and build up a life as a family. This is a fact that is celebrated in music. Romantic love songs, specially songs that celebrate getting married, having children, and growing old together seems so strange to contemporaneous American ears.

Vintage ideas of dating.
Image from a magazine advertisement dated to the 1960’s. During that period of time, America was still conservative, and traditional ideas of dating and family were valued as important. That differs substantially from today’s gender-neutral reality, and the idea that there is no “head” of the household. Where everyone is equal, but no-one really is.

For today, in the new progressive liberal America, the thrust is for free-wanton sex with everyone, everywhere. It is a ideal that says that there are no genders, and that all the past…cultures and history were all a big mistake.

China, and the Chinese are on the other side of the coin. They believe in traditional relationships, love and marriage.

This all seems so strange to us from the West. Most especially for Americans. But, it need not be that way. In China, friendships are considered very valuable, and they cultivate them. (Which is one of the reasons why the drinking culture is so evident.) When the students go to school, they share dorm rooms of four to eight people and they end up doing everything together.

Chinese Friendships

When they get older, and work, they have group exercises in the morning before their shifts. These group exercises are actually dance routines. The very same dance routines that you will see in the micro-videos. This is true whether they are exercising as part of their school, exercising for their work, or exercising with the guang-cheng-wu-da-ma (dancing grandmothers) in the mornings or at the end of the day.

Everyone in China dances / exercise / sings to music.

In America, we sort of handle this differently. We will sing alone in our pickup trucks or in our cars. Or, if we are with our close friends, we would sing together. Indeed, many a time during my High School years, I would sing “Blinded by the Light” by Manford Man, or “Mr. Tambourine Man” by the Byrds.

Singing in the car.
Americans prefer to sing in the privacy of their automobiles. They prefer to sing in the privacy of the showers. They like to sing in churches and around campfires. Singing is a great thing, let me tell youse guys.

We sill sing in the showers where no one can see us. We might try dancing in secret, where no one can find us. This is something that has developed over the years. I personally attribute it to the automobile sub-culture that developed in the 1940’s and 1950’s. This caused a movement of Americans towards new and different social settings. Settings, mind you, that were not as close and not a nuanced as before.

American automobile.
America; the land of the automobile. People in America began to spend more time outside of the home when the access to the car became easier. In my mind, this in turn lead towards to a destruction of the family unit. With the time spent in front of the television set, the time spent at work, and the time devoted to daily commutes, there was precious little time for father-son bonding.

America is a nation of the “lone wolf” loners, which needs to change. We all need each other. Being alone is a terrible lie. Don’t fall for it.

Anyways, with this in mind, please check out this video.

In China, there are all sorts of sub-cultures and trends moving (or sloshing) back and forth. One of which is the “historical modelling”. In China they don’t have any of this nonsense of “cultural appropriation”. Heck, if you try to even suggest it, the police will come and lock you up to see what your malfunction is.

Historical Role-Play

Historical Chinese dress 1
Historical Chinese clothing that can be purchased in China. The Chinese love to purchase historical-period clothing and do role-play in the city squares and parks. Here, we have a female dress.

In China, the gals like to dress up in traditional Chinese clothes and walk about town. They go to restaurants with their friends, and have a great time. There are so many different kinds and styles of clothing as well.

You, the reader, need to recognize that China has a long, long history of many, many nations. Over time all these nations fought and conducted wars back and forth. Today, the single nation that we know as China was once a series of mini-nations that grew and collapsed over many thousands of years.

Historical Chinese dress 2
Here is some historical garb for the male role-players int he Chinese community. Note that this particular outfit has long sleeves. In China, the sleeves would be short and then long, depending on who ruled the individual nation where the person lived.

China has a long, long, LONG history with many, many, MANY cultures, kingdoms, and dynasties. They have many Chinese minorities, all of which have their own various clothing, and histories. So, the gals enjoy taking the time and being girls “playing dress-up” in public. And, us guys..well, we LOVE it.

Here is something along the roaring 1920’s in Shanghai…

Now, my personal favorite is the more traditional (and older) period dress. I love how airy it is and how well it flows and moves with the women who wear it.

Here is a perfect example. I honestly love the outfit and the young lass wearing it.

Young Lass dancing wearing a traditional Chinese period costume. This is more common than you would expect.

And, here is another gal. You can see that there are many styles, and fashions available to the Chinese lass. Of course, all of us guys truly enjoy seeing the beautiful women wearing these beautiful clothing.

That’s all a very different change compared to what you have in the Untied States. I find the music in China to be upbeat, positive and often soothing… at least the ones promoted most in popular cultures.

Contemporaneous American Culture

In comparison, I find the music promoted in American culture looks a little like this. Don’t get me wrong, they are all smiling and people are laughing. Though it seems like everyone is laughing AT the fat chicks waving those Volkswagen-sized asses about.

I don’t know about youse guys. It looks to me like the girls would be very happy to have a train of guys having non-stop sex with them, but they don’t look at all like marriage material. They are far too coarse and crude.

But, there you have it. Coarse and crude are exactly “rabbit-style” behaviors according to the r/K theory, and that is exactly what the USA is today.

Heck! And what is even sadder, that the culture is influencing everyone. From adults to the kids, and the babies. I wouldn’t be surprised to see grandparents acting this way, given the saturation of it in the media…

… soon our dear pets will start acting that way as well.

Let’s move on to the next part of this post…


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Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 4

I well remember walking into a small family restaurant in Shenzhen. They were playing “Christian Rock”. I’ve got to tell you all, I was astounded. It just isn’t something that you hear every day. Not in the USA, and most certainly not in China, of all places.

So I asked the woman there why she was listening to Christian Rock. (My wife asked her, as my Chinese wasn’t anywhere near competent.) And she smiled, and told my wife that the music spoke to her.

The Christian Rock music spoke to her.

China is a very conservative nation that holds traditional Chinese values in the highest regard. In fact, that is one of the many things that astounded me about China. When they threw away the tenets of Communism back in the 1970’s, they embraced full-on conservative values.

Now, as such, the Chinese has a full affinity to American conservatives… Conservatives mind you, not the NeoCon’s who see every war as a money-making opportunity to line their pockets through the deaths of others. Hello? John McCain, Hillary Clinton, George Bush… anyone?

The Chinese people love American music.

I like to think that the reason is because there are some awesome talent in the Untied States. I think that people all over the world can recognize this talent, and America is most certainly the home of some of the best music in the world.

Anyways, the Chinese love American Country and Western music, and many a night has been spent with myself belting out some Conway Twitty, and George Jones. (Heck, in my mind the best Country and Western music came from the 1980’s, and the 1990’s.But, that’s just me. Heh heh.)

Time McGraw.
Tim McGraw. American country singer. When an American sings Country and Western songs in a Chinese KTV, the effect is profound. The Chinese have never experienced live Country and Western concerts, and so, to them, it is like being in a real honest-to-goodness live famous singer.

Here is an American Country and Western song that is HYPER popular in China. You all should see my rendition of it after a few bottles of whiskey. Heh heh.

(Oh, and by the way, the Chinese girls think that an American singing Country and Western, or Pop music is like a “God”, the way they look at you. You guys have no idea… None what so ever.)

Country & Western style music is popular.

The Chinese have their own versions of Country and Western music. However, unlike the West or in America, it is not stratified or segregated into different musical genres. The music, to me, sounds like it is all mixed together.

If you listen to a music station on the radio, like in a taxi, for instance, the music will all be mixed together. Suppose it is July. It is hot out, and the A/C is on in the car, and the radio is on. You can hear the songs, as well as the GPS navigate the route in Chinese.

The songs would include everything from long DJ smashed up-songs to American Christmas carols. Yep. That’s true, as any American expat can attest to. (Ah, I well remember the first time I heard Jingle Bells played during a hot August night by a house band in a bar.) The music would include everything from sappy Chinese love ballads, to Chinese disco, to traditional nursery rhymes and even American 1960’s War Protest songs (“Who’ll stop the rain?“)

And you can see the influence that Country and Western music has made on the Chinese music scene here. All you need to do is have an open mind and an ear for music. The American Country and Western musical influence is everywhere. From the cities to the rural countrysides.

And, I’m not just talking Taylor Swift here, guys…

Songs that are slower and easy to sing are the best. You know, the Chinese don’t care at all if you can hold a note, or sing on-key. What they care about is [1] if you are having a good time, [2] that you can put some kind of emotion into the songs when you are singing them, and [3] if you enjoy singing the songs.

Slow songs vs. Fast songs

Just be careful, or else you might end up singing some impossibly fast American songs that will be near impossible to sing. Don’t let that happen. I always keep a small list of my favorite songs that I can sing in KTV’s on me, in my wallet. You never know when you have the opportunity to play at a KTV, I’ll tell you what.

You can tell that these songs are all easily lent towards singing at a KTV while drunk…or sad. Heh heh. When you have an opportunity to sing with some Chinese friends, please heed my advice and take it. It’s a great way to make friends, and a fantastic waste of time, eating and drinking and smoking.

Life is meant to be lived.

Life is too short. Live it.

Food tastes better outdoors.
Morning, noon, and night, everything tastes better outdoors. This is a vintage advertisement, but the truth behind this simple ad still rings true. Seriously, I think we all should enjoy our life more. That means YOU.

Over time, you will see loved ones pass on, or go away. You will see friends come and go. You will see seasons pass, and unless you are careful, it all might just pass you by. Don’t allow that to happen. Live life well. Heck! Live it very well.

One of the things about China, well – Heck, all of Asia is how prevalent American music is. It can be found everywhere. It can be found on-line, played on the radio stations, and in the bars and clubs. It goes without saying that you can most certainly hear American music in China. Though the song types and style might be different. In China, an A-listed American song might actually be a C-listed airplay song in the USA.

Asian Advertisement.

Here’s an example of an advertisement for beer in Japan. Today, the video advertisements are really great to watch. Many times they like to use music to drive a point across. Check it out…

By the way, those little balls that she is eating are popular all over Asia. You can buy them all over China. They are fried octopus balls. The octopus tentacles are mixed with a kind of bread dough, and deep-fried and covered with this thin kind of shavings.

It’s pretty good. You all should try it. Oh, and you know… it goes great with beer. Especially icy cold beer.


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Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
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Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
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Learning About China

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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 3B

I would like to take a little side excursion on our exploration of the Chinese music scene today to look at what makes certain types of music so popular to the Chinese people. Why do they like slow, sappy love ballads, say… instead of twerking urban jungle-rap. You know the type, where the girl gets on all fours, puts her ass high into the air and shakes it so that everyone can watch her rolling blobs of fat jiggle. Why aren’t the Chinese like that?

Let’s explore this issue somewhat. OK?

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

What is the most popular venue for music in China?

That is a very good question. But, first before we answer it, consider what the most popular venue for music in the USA. The most popular venue is music played on the radio or player in the automobile. That is the most common venue that Americans use to listen to their music.

Americans will hop in their automobiles and immediate start to listen to their music. This is true whether it is via the radio, CD, USB or satellite radio. Of course, the will also listen on the internet and in other venues. But the most common… for Americans… is in the privacy of their car.

Thus, that is where they might sing. That, and the shower…heh. Heh.

For the Chinese it is quite different. Most will listen to the music on their cell phone while they are riding the bus, the subway or the train to work. They will put the headphones on and listen. They won’t have the chance to sing along to the songs… that is… not until they go to the KTV.

When the Chinese go to the KTV, the go with friends, and there in the privacy of the room, can sing to their hearts content. No one will make fun, and no one will question them. It will all be fun.

And at the Club…

Or, of course, when they are at the club, as shown in this here micro-video…

Ah, you know what these videos remind me of? Yes. They remind me of beer. yes, that most glorious refreshment (especially when icy cold). As an American who was raised during a time when America was traditional and conservative, beer was the staple libation for all races and sexes.

Icy PBR.
There’s few things finer than drinking some beer with good friends, and pretty girls, and singing songs. I’ll tell you what, how does that sound…singing your favorite song while drinking a nice frosty cold one? Eh?

Glorious, glorious beer!

The Chinese are just like Americans. They love to sing. Anyways, guys… don’t tell me that there isn’t a song that you don’t sing to when you are in the car!

Heck, when I was younger, I used to sing Classic Rock, which then included Aerosmith, and of course Deep Purple. Later, I would sing Southern Rock with Charlie Daniels, and Neil Young. And then when I discovered Country and Western Music, I would sing every chance that I would get.

Beer is delicious and versitile.
Maybe you could have a loved one grab you a frosty beer and you two could share it in front of the television or computer. Now, wouldn’t that be nice. You know, beer is versatile. You don’t have to sing a song to enjoy it. You can eat some pork and beans, or a burnt-crisp hot dog with relish, or a fine hamburger and enjoy the fine taste of a frosty tall beer. I think that you deserve it. Don’t you?

If you are not drinking and singing, there is something serious missing from your life, I’ll tell you what.

Look guys. Look at the above video. That is my life. Being around pretty girls, drinking adult beverages, singing, dancing, and eating fine food. If you are not living life, then you are missing out. Life is far too short not to enjoy it. Life is short, live it well.

Life is short, Live it well.

Go out and be with friends, and what…? You don’t have any. Well, then make some. Life is about living. That is the purpose of life; to have experiences. Life is not sitting in front of a monitor all day, whether it is for work, or for your lonely personal enjoyments. Screw that!

You are missing out, dudes! What were you doing when this video (below) was taken? Was it important? Will you remember it on your death bed? Chances are no. You were doing something else. maybe reading the “news” on the computer. Maybe you were checking and clinking “likes” on Facebook. Maybe you were doing your taxes so that you won’t get audited. Maybe you were at work…

Life is too short. You need to enjoy it. Have a beer gosh darn it!

It's time for a beer.
People, it’s time for a beer and some fine tunes. It’s always time for a beer and some fine tunes. Most especially when you are sharing that time with a pretty girl, I’ll tell you what.

People, life is meant to be enjoyed. If you are not singing. If you are not dancing. If you are not eating well… if you are not with friends, children, pets, and loved ones, then you are truly missing out. Go out. Make your life wonderful.

Be like this…

Life is far too short to get all caught up and bothered by the machinations of the rich oligarchs that control what we read on the news media though our computers. Really… does it matter (if) there are tri-gender bathrooms in Portland, Or? Does it matter if yet another Democrat is trying to ban guns? Does it matter that yet another Muslim molested a six year old?

Yes, those things do matter, but not to you. Your life should be run personally and viscerally. There will always be bad people, stupid people, and rich oligarchs trying to influence you. Turn them off and shut the door. Life is far too short to get upset by their inherent craziness. have some fun why don’t ya.

And how about this…

I am so sorry if I am ramming my preference for singing, dancing and drinking with pretty ladies down everyone’s throat, but you DO NEED TO UNDERSTAND that that is a fundamental part of Chinese culture.

And yes, it takes place in the work offices as well, as can be illustrated by this Chinese laoban (boss)…

In my mind, the computer has been used as a tool to take over the minds of Americans. Now, it is just a tool, and nothing more, yet many of our youth have used it as a replacement for the more important aspects of our lives. That is horrible and it must stop. Use it as a tool, and then move on…

Life and beer.
Maybe music isn’t that important to you. Well, how about a ball game on a beautiful sunny day? How about it with a great hotdog and beer? How about it with your friends? You see, life should be fun and enjoyable. If it isn’t, then it is a miserable existence and one that needs to change.

Music is a pleasure that is an important and fundamental part of our lives. Let it be as it is, and enjoy it. Or, as can be shown by this group of employees during their daily morning exercise and sing-along (yeah, most Chinese companies do this).

Oh, and by the way…

Did you all notice anything about all the videos that you have seen so far? What about the ones that you will see..? See anything interesting? Yes, it’s mostly women.

But! But! But, how can this be? The Western news is all about how the Chinese have completely killed off most of the male off-spring during the implementation of the one-child policy. So if the Western narrative was correct, then almost all the videos that you would see in TicToc would be of guys about guys. But, that is not the case…what is going on? Eh?

Hey! Maybe I'm one of those Communist Propagandists trying to sway American Conservatives to the evil side, eh? Yuppur. Beer, pretty girls and singing is the sure fire way to convert virile American men to the ways of the beta-male trans-gender crowd. Yes. As we all know that is what Communists represent. Huh. Eh?

OK, sorry for the interlude. Ugh 7 videos. So to continue, please click here…


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Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
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Pretty Girls 5

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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 3

Moving on to part three, let’s continue our audio / visual exploration of the Music and culture of modern China.

This is part three… or, so. I’ve lost count. Heh, heh.

There is quite a wide selection of music to choose from in China, and many Chinese typically listen to all if it. This lies in opposition to what you would see in the West; where there is only one kind of “good” music, and everything else is shit.

What? You don’t believe me? Oh, maybe that is because I am older than you-all, and I well remember the disco-wars between “Classic Rock” and “Disco Fever”. But, then again, what did it really matter? We all eventually started to settle down to Kenny G and Chardonnay.

You can just ask Hilly Clinton how it all worked out. Eh?

The clintons
Hillary Clinton surprise. Yah, this couple pretty much ran the United States for around forty years. Both in public and behind the scenes. Yup, they made out pretty well. Some might say that they made out like bandits. But not me…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

I think that, for the Chinese, music is something that accompanies events and actions. Where, in the West (and in America), music is a way to charge up your feelings and emotions. It is thought of, and used, differently. Anyways, that’s what I think.

The First song…

That being said, let’s continue with this little number. This song has various versions. Some are fast and others are slow. All have male and female singers, which, of course, leads itself to perfect KTV songs. (You know boys love to sing songs with pretty girls.).

The DJ scene is very big in China. If you don’t have the Kougou or similar applications, you can access the tracks using the Internet. Here are some sites to get you started…

Rocking Chinese DJ in Spanish. Access via the link above.
Rocking Chinese DJ in Spanish. Access via the link above.

The Second Song…

And moving on we have this tried and true song. Personally, I don’t think that it is possible to visit China without hearing it. Look at the names. Yes, they are Western names. You might ask, “why are they singing in Chinese”?

Think about it a moment, will ya.

China is one of the triad of global leaders. Soon, that stage will be empty all except for China. People who are aware of trends have taken notice and are playing the “long game”. They have learned how to speak Chinese and are active in trying to network and profit with the “rising star” in the Far East.

The world is not what CNN, WaPo, and for that matter, FOX says it is. It is something entirely different, and it is up to you…yes, YOU to realize this and adjust your life accordingly, or to become a mindless programmed NPC drone. It is your choice.

CNN info babe attack Donald Trump
CNN is the propaganda arm of the DNC. The DNC, in turn is fully owned and organized and represents the needs of the global oligarchy. It is your choice to listen to them and be manipulated by their narrative. It is your choice, and good or bad, what ever consequences may manifest,YOU will be personally held responsible (at the “Pearly Gates) for how it affects your life and your family.

Anyways… moving on…

The Weather Girl Sings for us…

And here is a personal favorite. Doesn’t she look like a CNN info-babe, or a Weather-channel girl. You know, you give her an umbrella and take professional photos of her on a brilliant fresh Spring day in a park. She can just stand there with her hand out trying to see if a drop of rain will fall on it or not. Yeah. Something like that.

She’s nice and I personally really like the song.

Shared Experiences…

This next song is one that I have encountered many times at the KTV. Here we would have my various friends gather around and sing this song together. It’s about life, and friends and histories… especially shared histories. It reminds me so much of what it was like growing up in Western Pennsylvania and going to school in upstate New York. Friends are important.

Don’t let life convince you otherwise.

Life is far to short to get angry at the television set, or the news on the internet. Life is to be lived…Lived on your terms, and lived in the manner that YOU feel is best.

The Chinese Love of Singing…

Now, moving on to part 4… But first, I want to squeeze in this little number. It’s at the top of the charts these days, and while I have mentioned it before, it is always worth another micro-video. Eh?

Now, of course, all of these videos are going to be impossible to load unless this post is broken up into smaller chew-sized portions. So to continue, please click here…


If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

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The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 2

Here we continue with our review of the “pop” music of China in 2019 with one of my personal favorites. You will note that this particular micro-video is from Cambodia.

Now, of course, all of Asia is influenced by China. That includes everything from Korea to Indonesia, and everything in-between. So you really shouldn’t be too surprised that other Asian nations are listening to Chinese pop music. Well, you shouldn’t be.

It’s the same way with America, don’t ya know. America influences Canada and Mexico the same way.

Anyways, here’s the first song of this particular post sub-classification. It’s one of my personal favorites.

You can go on the TikTok application and see all kinds of versions of this song sung by the pretty ladies of China. For those of you who don’t know about this application, here’s the skinny…

tiktok application summary

And, you know, here is one of my favorites…

Moving on…

Second Song – Дастан Оразбеков

This next song is also very popular. You can find it by searching for Mekepe – Дастан Оразбеков. Though, you wouldn’t know this if you are still using Goggle as your Internet Search Engine. You just cannot go anywhere without hearing it.

Yes, it is again another top hit from Russia. It’s not that Russia has better music than America does, it’s just that the Russian songs aren’t all about “popping slugs into bitches” and about waving large garbage-can sized asses around. They also tend to be more upbeat.

American music.

Overall, Upbeat music tends to trend toward Conservative and traditional values, while downbeat music trends toward progressive realities. It’s an easy comparison. Look at the music that was popular during the Ronald Reagan administration, and compare that to the music that was popular during the Barrack Obama administration.

I have come to this opinion through my limited range of experience. It’s my opinion, and ONLY my opinion. So, please, there is no need to send me an email debating this issue with exceptions. It’s a waste of both of our time.

Arguing about popular trends in musical tastes instead of listening to the music you like is a fruitless endeavor. It's sort of like complaining that the steak is not cooked well enough, instead of eating it.

After all, it can’t be 100% correct. How can you account for all those Country and Western “She broke my heart so I broke her jaw” style songs?

Anyways, here’s the Russian song as promoted on Chinese media. If you like it you can download the full song for free HERE. Again, please take note. Unlike the United States, most music is available free in the rest of the world for free.

In the United States you have to be careful, or else you can be arrested for using Torrents, or P2P networks, or listening to music and thus violating the royalty collection efforts of the mega-rich oligarchs out in California.

Anyways… here’s the song.

You can listen to the entire song for FREE over HERE.

Hazel – I Love Poland

Oh, and while we are at it. Here’s a song praising the Former Soviet Block member; Poland. Also hyper popular.

Here’s the lyrics…

Hazel - I Love Poland

Hazel-I Love Poland(Tik Tok Remix)
Tik Tok
I Love Poland
作曲 : Hazel
作词 : Hazel

I love Poland - Poland?
我爱波兰 波兰吗
I love Poland - Why?
我爱波兰 为什么
I love Poland - I hadn't believe ya
我爱波兰 我不信
I love Poland - Poland?
我爱波兰 波兰吗
I love Poland - Why?
我爱波兰 为什么
I love Poland - Shut up!
我爱波兰 闭嘴

I love driving by my car
And the road its not so far
Berlin, London, Moscow too
还有柏林 伦敦 莫斯科
It's my love I tell you true
When I came to Poland
I saw my car was stolen
It was my favourite truck
I said f**king kurwa mać!

Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida
不想要水 我想喝水
Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina
Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida
不想要水 我想喝水
Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina

Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida
不想要水 我想喝水
Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina
Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida
不想要水 我想喝水
Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina

I love Poland - Poland?
我爱波兰 波兰吗
I love Poland - Why?
我爱波兰 为什么
I love Poland - I hadn't believe ya
我爱波兰 我不信
I love Poland - Poland?
我爱波兰 波兰吗
I love Poland - Why?
我爱波兰 为什么
I love Poland - Shut up!
我爱波兰 闭嘴

I love driving by my car
And the road its not so far
Berlin, London, Moscow too
还有柏林 伦敦 莫斯科
It's my love I tell you true
When I came to Poland
I saw my car was stolen
It was my favourite truck
I said f**king kurwa mać!

Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida
不想要水 我想喝水
Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina
Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida
不想要水 我想喝水
Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina

I love Poland(yo no quiero agua)
I love Poland(yo quiero bebida)
I love Poland(mami tu eres loca)
I love Poland - I don't believe ya(no te hagas la fina)
我爱波兰 我不信(别装模作样了)
I love Poland(yo no quiero agua)
I love Poland(yo quiero bebida)
I love Poland(mami tu eres loca)
I love Poland(no te hagas la fina)

I had really pretty car
(baby you have as so far
Don't be shy, come with us
别害羞嘛 一起来啊
We will show you amouros)
Then I stay in Poland
Have not car but I don't mind
Chicks in Poland are so hot
I love Poland kurwa mać!
我爱波兰 走好运

We will show you amorous
We will show you amorous
We will show you amorous
We will show you amorous
Oh, yes~

So cute.

Poland is also, like China and Russia, very traditional and conservative. they loath progressive liberalism and their behavior towards rampaging Muslim rapists, and trans-gender activists show this. I like Poland, and my father’s family came from Poland. I have to admit that they don’t have the same kinds of problems that nearby Sweden and Germany have.

The Conservative Debate

You know, I read a comment just yesterday. The fellow said that I am really overboard calling China “conservative”. He argued that China was Communist, and that MEANS Progressive Liberal. He was absolutely convinced that there was absolutely no way that China, or Russia or Poland for that matter, were conservative.

Heck, most Chinese themselves, consider themselves socially liberal. But their idea of liberalism is very, very different from what us Americans consider to be liberal. You need to understand that labels are just that; labels.

The problem, as I see it, is one of misunderstanding. Once a “label” is placed on something, our minds turn off and display a black and white cartoon 2D image of what we are told to associate with that image. We have to look beyond the American main-steam propaganda and look at what things are today. TODAY.

This is what I mean when I say that a given nation is “conservative”…

Anyone who reads the pronouncements out of Beijing for the last twenty years can plainly see that the nation of China is traditional, and orthodox. It’s not even borderline. China is hard-line traditionalist.

Now, to understand what this means, outside the cardboard cutout narrative, you need to see how the American oligarchy defines being Conservative. You turn to Wikipedia where they say this…

Conservatism via Wikipedia.

I would like to underline the phrase; “Conservatives seek to preserve a range of institutions… …with the aim of emphasizing social stability and continuity. ” Dudes, this describes China to a “T”.

Consider these progressive liberal protestors activists in China, and the Chinese government reaction to them…

Now compare that to the United States. When have the BLM activists, or the Antifa activists been arrested, if ever? When they tore down statues? When they harassed people at restaurants, or in theaters (Mr. Pence), or for refusing to bake a cake?

You would never find that kind of behavior in China. That is because China is conservative. While America is progressive liberal. It is, no matter, what you might want to believe otherwise. That is just the way it is. Sorry or hurrah! depending on your personal preferences.

America is a progressive liberal nation. This is what liberalism is.

Obviously, the various federal, state and local governments in the United States are certainly liberal. But are they progressive, as I have repeatedly stated? Well, you determine for yourself…

America is a progressive liberal nation.

A conservative nation allows you to smoke cigarettes. A progressive liberal one bans them. A conservative nation erects statues and parks to honor past achievements and heroes. A progressive liberal nation tears the statues down. A conservative nation wants a school to teach basics and fundamentals such as being able to read, being able to count, and being able to budget. A progressive liberal school is one that teaches new ways of doing things (like “new math”), and new ways of thinking (diversity officers) and social organization.

People, the only thing that remains of Mr. Mao’s Communist Utopia in China is his picture on the currency. That’s about it. Decide for yourself, or not. Dudes, I put the food on the plate in front of you. You can eat it up or not. It’s not my problem.

Five Song Compilation

Here is a compilation of five songs that also receive a very large amount of airplay in China. This micro-video compresses them all into a very short introductory clip. I think that it is a great way to get a general feel for the place, the pace, and the tastes of the Chinese people today.


You will note how different these songs, and the music is from what is available in the Untied States today. For a comparative reference, consider what American pop music is today. Look at how welcoming and accepting of this behavior is to the audience. Oh my, they love her wagging her enormous ass about. In fact, there’s even a gal in the back doing the same thing. As well as to the right of the screen.

Look at the top two guys in the middle. What? They don’t seem to be enjoying the fine lady-like behavior of the huge assed negro women. I wonder why? Maybe they are gay, eh?

All American men love big asses…right? That’s the narrative from the main-stream media. Or at lest it has been that way ever since Barrack Obama discussed how he loved big asses on women.

Well, you know what they say… different strokes for different folks.

It’s not just one or two singers either. It’s just about all of them. Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if Taylor Swift starts behaving this way…you know, to usher in the new “progressive” America with gender-less behaviors, free-passes to Muslim sexual abuse, and climate change for all! Woo Woo!

Damn! It seems to me like they all have a very bad case of stomach flu. If they don’t do something about it, and quick, you might end up with diarrhea all over your computer monitor! Yikes!

But seriously, top-down driven mass media manipulation is changing American culture towards a new progressive reality. They implemented anti-smoking social change in the 1990’s and now smoking is almost an endangered species.

Have a cigarette.
Ever since the progressive liberals have tried to make it impossible to smoke in America, cigarette use has fallen to near extinction in America. They are now currently trying the same SUCCESSFUL techniques to ban guns. Soon, they WILL all be banned.

This goes for many of the other types of forced social “progress”. So, by saturating American media with images of fat people, and making it popular to be fat, and obese, and to have huge rolls of jiggling fat, it becomes popular and accepted. When it becomes unpopular to act like a “gentleman” or a lady”, then the crudest behaviors become normal and accepted.

It trickles down to the American public, and everyone starts acting like this…

At five micro-videos, it’s time to move on. The band width hogs would take forever to load using the ISP defaults on most American servers. So, let’s avoid that. Now, on to the next page in this series of posts…

Now, of course, all of these videos are going to be impossible to load unless this post is broken up into smaller chew-sized portions. So to continue, please click here…


If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing.

Here we provide a mixture of the popular music now currently trending in China. Strangely, most Americans are unaware of music outside of the USA shores. It’s pretty amazing when you think about it, but there you have it. The Chinese have their own pop groups, their own rap groups, and their own version of Country & Western music. Additionally, music from Russia is amazingly popular, as well as selected Australian, and American music.

We are gonna talk about all of this. In fact, if I might be so bold, we are going to look at the music from the point of view of culture. Or, in other words, how the Chinese cultures influences the Chinese music scene and why it is similar or different from the American music scene. (As the case may be.)

Due to SEO rules and server limitations, this post is divided into multiple posts. (At least ten, but I lost track of my count. It’s a “bunch” of posts. heh heh.) Of course, we’re gonna need to do this in order to keep the bandwidth hogs to a minimum. There’s a ton-load of videos and audio embeds involved here.

The music is identified by group and song title, and you can hear and check out the music and videos as attached. Where possible, I have also provided direct links so that you the reader could investigate the groups, the songs or their compilations on your own. Just cut and paste into the browser.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Romanian translated Bulgarian Rap is popular in China

Let’s start with “Dependent” also known as Пристрастен (зависим). This is a Eastern European song that I (and many of my friends) thought was Russian. But, nope. It’s Eastern European.

Yah. It crashed it’s way into the hearts and minds of the Chinese. Russian pop music is very popular in China. You can hear it on the radio and the various music APPs. Further, the music can be heard all over China. From coffee and tea houses to Majong parlors.

You know… I just have to laugh at how politically correct the United States has become. When trying to research the background on this song, I found this link at the very top of the Google Search results…

Anyways, you just simply won’t be able to find any of this information (provided herein) by using Google as a search engine. In fact, most American based search engines will be rather useless in trying to find this kind of information.

You need to understand that American search engines are dedicated to searching American-interest subjects in English. The determination of what would of interest to an American is determined by computer algorithm, which is in turn, determined by an American software engineer. More often than not, a 20-something millennial, located in California.

Our future.
The future face of America. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represents how modern American millennials view the world and what they plan to do with it.

To find similar search results, you will need to use search engines that are not tied to Google. You need to go “deep diving” using non-USA based search engines. Or, at least, American search engines that aren’t so aggressive in American-centrist information searching.

Try Search Encrypt for better search results. Google was great back in the late 1990’s then they got in bed with the rich and powerful. Now they have other objectives, and you, my dear reader are the product for their enjoyment and profit.

Search Encrypt

Our first song; “Dependent”

Back to the music. Here is the top Russian Romanian song translated into Bulgarian for the Chinese audience. This is the first song on my list.


And here is the lyrics of it, in the off-hand chance you would like to sing along. Credit to the fine folks who collected the lyrics HERE.

Пристрастен (зависим)

Събуждам се, нов ден е.
Без теб съм в леглото.
Без никаква мисъл.
Живея, както си е.
Без теб съм наобратно
Не мога да се обърна. (пристрастен)
Липсва ми да изрека
твоето име сега.
Пристрастен, към дългите нощи безмълвни.
Пристрастен, към целувките ти огнени.
Пристрастен, и не зная как да се излекувам
Пристрастен, към теб...
Събуждам се, нов ден е.
Будилникът звънна
Нищо не се е променило.
Но ти, ти не идваш
Да ми кажеш че е свършило.
Да ти кажа, че ти простих.
Простих ти.
Пристрастен, към дългите нощи безмълвни.
Пристрастен, към целувките ти огнени.
Пристрастен, и не зная как да се излекувам
Пристрастен, към теб...
Пристрастен, към дългите нощи безмълвни.
Пристрастен, към целувките ти огнени.
Пристрастен, и не зная как да се излекувам
Пристрастен, към теб... (х2)

Ok. Yeah. I know you were expecting to listen and hear Chinese songs in Chinese. Well, just hold your horses, won’t ya. The Chinese love all kinds of music, and yes that includes American music. Which has a good and a bad side to it.

For instance, they never went through the two decades of Kenny G sax performances like us Americans have endured. Still, to this day, you can hear ol’ Kenny G belting it out in Chinese elevators, at Chinese Ice Cream parlors and along the many Chinese mall walkways. Ugh!

Kenny G playing music.
NEW YORK, NY – JANUARY 14: Saxophonist Kenny G performs at Hard Rock Cafe, Times Square on January 14, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/and credit to Getty Images)

Anyways, if you want to listen to the entire song, just cut and paste the title and paste into your Youku player. It will look a little like this. That is, of course, unless the procedure is not blocked by the software oligarchs in California…

Example 1
Youku example when searching for the Bulgarian song that is popular in China; Dependent.

Once you do this simple task, all the versions of the song will pop up. Awesome!

Cut and paste example
Screen capture of the cut and paste action of Dependent into the Youku player.

Chinese Music in China

Now, here’s some of the most popular music in China in 2019. Ya all, had best buckle up…

Let’s start with a tune brought to us by 苏潭潭. this is a fine song to sing in the KTV. Slow songs are great. I’ll tell you why. Personally, I like to sing Country and Western songs because they are slow and have a pace that I can sing to.

You know, if you are not careful, your Chinese friends will ask you to sing Beat It”, by Michael Jackson. Ugh! That has happened to me on more than one occasions. Yikes!

This song is well paced, and easy to sing along to. Perfect for the Chinese audience.

Well, moving on…

Now, you would be hard pressed to ride in a taxi, or DiDi without hearing this song. Let along go to a bar, club or eat at a restaurant. In fact, I heard this song today while I was eating my Whopper in Burger King. LOL!

This was brought to us by NCF-艾力.

Music Rotations

This song is very popular. And, it always SEEMS to be in some kind of music rotation with this other song. I happen to like it a lot.

Music Rotation

This other song is very Chinese(y). A cute girl sings in a cute way about difficult subjects and life. I guess that that has an appeal to many people through out Asia. Not only in China, but all over Asia.

Here, check out the song…

I do not know who makes up the song rotations. Perhaps a DJ can fill me in on this. I would imagine that there would be some kind of method and methodology involved. However, I have to assume that it would be profit based, and would be subject to the indicators of such measurables. Eh?

I remember one listening to El Rusbo (Rush Limbaugh for all your folks out there in Rio Linda) while he was talking about his early years in the radio business.

He had this story where his job was to listen to the radio rotations (the songs and how often they were played) at the various competitive radio stations. He said that he learned a lot about the business buy understanding why the songs were played at certain times and which ones were selected.

He left it at that. What I took from his story was that there is a science to the music rotation that is provided to the consuming public. Perhaps that too, is the reason why the songs are all in the same music rotation.

Here is another song that is easily on music rotation…

What you can find online…

I did a baidu search. There, I was able to find all sorts of fans singing popular Chinese songs. Ugh! So, so many. It’s a major hobby in China; singing and dancing. Like this chick (next). She is singing a selection of popular songs in China, and she’s not half bad. You go girrrl!

Do not freak out, this is a software player using flash. If you are having troubles or don’t want the hassle, just bypass this video…

Please take Note: If the embedded IQIY player is taking too long to load, one potential reason is that American USP’s have to go through the NSA. It’s for our “protection”, don’t ya know. Also, you have to accept the reality that IQIY directly competes with You-Tube and Netflix. As such, the player is a direct threat to the huge mega-monopolies in California. So Americans need to be “protected” both from the evils of the Internet, and dangerous non-American businesses out to make a buck.

In general, if you are dealing with American sites, in America, the process is rather quick. The USP’s send out the data in bursts that cycle in and out of the NSA approved servers faster than you can blink your eyelids. If however, you are using non-American websites, there will be a delay.

I used to be like most people. You might argue that is is due to transcontinental losses on the cables. However, but most cables have been replaced with fiber optics. And what that means today is that that particular excuse just doesn’t hold up “in court”…

Well, maybe it would in the 9th circus court.

Actually, and unfortunately, most of the lag is due to government “protections”. I like to think that is is the government’s way of keep my mail box free of spam. (BTW; if so, they are doing a pretty piss-poor job at it.) I like to think that the government is looking out for my best interests. You know, catching the “bad guys”, and saving the world for “democracy” (with a small “d”).

You all shouldn’t get too hot and bothered about this. The same is true with China. You do know that China is not connected to the internet, like the USA is? You do know this, right? China is one big…huge… enormous… intra-net. It’s an intranet. Thus, the Chinese government can control what access the citizens can have on internet content.


Just like America does. Only, um… they use other criteria than America does, for other reasons and other purposes.

The debate on what these other criteria are, and how they differ from the USA can (often) result in lively discussion. So for now, let’s just agree that both the USA and China polices the incoming internet traffic, and if anything is slow or difficult to load, you need to recognize that it is due to the nation (and their policies) where you live.

So just hold on. If it is still taking too long to load, you can skip the above mini-player and move to the next post. Lucky for youse guys, aside from the IQIY player, most of the embedded micro-videos are all on American servers. (Heh heh. I plan ahead.)

Now, I have one more micro-video that I want to include. There is a kitty-cat in it, and so I just cannot help myself. LOL. Who doesn’t like dogs, cats or pretty girls? Eh?

Now, of course, all of these videos are going to be impossible to load unless this post is broken up into smaller chew-sized portions. So to continue, please click here…


If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.