We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
This is one of my favorite chapters in this book. It tells you that you do not have to be that person that you grew up as. That who your elementary classmates thought your were, or who your parents think you are, have no bearing on who you actually are. For you can define that reality. You can forge a new identity; one that best fits who you are right now.
You can do this by physically moving to a new area and taking on a new identity, to simply creating an affirmation campaign and changing who you are directly, and let the rest of the world forge your new identity for you.
LAW 25
Do not accept the roles that society foists on you.
Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience.
Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you.
Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions—your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.
Julius Caesar made his first significant mark on Roman society in 65 B.C., when he assumed the post of aedile, the official in charge of grain distribution and public games.
He began his entrance into the public eye by organizing a series of carefully crafted and well-timed spectacles—wild-beast hunts, extravagant gladiator shows, theatrical contests.
On several occasions, he paid for these spectacles out of his own pocket.
To the common man, Julius Caesar became indelibly associated with these much-loved events.
As he slowly rose to attain the position of consul, his popularity among the masses served as the foundation of his power.
He had created an image of himself as a great public showman.
The man who intends to make his fortune in this ancient capital of the world [Rome] must be a chameleon susceptible of reflecting the colors of the atmosphere that surrounds him—a Proteus apt to assume every form, every shape.
He must be supple, flexible, insinuating, close, inscrutable, often base, sometimes sincere, sometimes perfidious, always concealing a part of his knowledge, indulging in but one tone of voice, patient, a perfect master of his own countenance, as cold as ice when any other man would be all fire;
...and if unfortunately he is not religious at heart—a very common occurrence for a soul possessing the above requisites-he must have religion in his mind, that is to say, on his face, on his lips, in his manners; he must suffer quietly, if he be an honest man, the necessity of knowing himself an arrant hypocrite.
The man whose soul would loathe such a life should leave Rome and seek his fortune elsewhere.
I do not know whether I am praising or excusing myself, but of all those qualities I possessed but one—namely, flexibility.
In 49 B.C., Rome was on the brink of a civil war between rival leaders, Caesar and Pompey.
At the height of the tension, Caesar, an addict of the stage, attended a theatrical performance, and afterward, lost in thought, he wandered in the darkness back to his camp at the Rubicon, the river that divides Italy from Gaul, where he had been campaigning.
To march his army back into Italy across the Rubicon would mean the beginning of a war with Pompey.
Before his staff Caesar argued both sides, forming the options like an actor on stage, a precursor of Hamlet.
Finally, to put his soliloquy to an end, he pointed to a seemingly innocent apparition at the edge of the river—a very tall soldier blasting a call on a trumpet, then going across a bridge over the Rubicon—and pronounced,
“Let us accept this as a sign from the Gods and follow where they beckon, in vengeance on our double-dealing enemies.
The die is cast.”
All of this he spoke portentously and dramatically, gesturing toward the river and looking his generals in the eye.
He knew that these generals were uncertain in their support, but his oratory overwhelmed them with a sense of the drama of the moment, and of the need to seize the time.
A more prosaic speech would never have had the same effect.
The generals rallied to his cause; Caesar and his army crossed the Rubicon and by the following year had vanquished Pompey, making Caesar dictator of Rome.
In warfare, Caesar always played the leading man with gusto.
He was as skilled a horseman as any of his soldiers, and took pride in outdoing them in feats of bravery and endurance.
He entered battle astride the strongest mount, so that his soldiers would see him in the thick of battle, urging them on, always positioning himself in the center, a godlike symbol of power and a model for them to follow.
Of all the armies in Rome, Caesar’s was the most devoted and loyal.
His soldiers, like the common people who had attended his entertainments, had come to identify with him and with his cause.
After the defeat of Pompey, the entertainments grew in scale. Nothing like them had ever been seen in Rome.
The chariot races became more spectacular, the gladiator fights more dramatic, as Caesar staged fights to the death among the Roman nobility. He organized enormous mock naval battles on an artificial lake. Plays were performed in every Roman ward.
A giant new theater was built that sloped dramatically down the Tarpeian Rock.
Crowds from all over the empire flocked to these events, the roads to Rome lined with visitors’ tents. And in 45 B.C., timing his entry into the city for maximum effect and surprise, Caesar brought Cleopatra back to Rome after his Egyptian campaign, and staged even more extravagant public spectacles.
These events were more than devices to divert the masses; they dramatically enhanced the public’s sense of Caesar’s character, and made him seem larger than life.
Caesar was the master of his public image, of which he was forever aware.
When he appeared before crowds he wore the most spectacular purple robes. He would be upstaged by no one.
He was notoriously vain about his appearance—it was said that one reason he enjoyed being honored by the Senate and people was that on these occasions he could wear a laurel wreath, hiding his baldness.
Caesar was a masterful orator.
He knew how to say a lot by saying a little, intuited the moment to end a speech for maximum effect. He never failed to incorporate a surprise into his public appearances—a startling announcement that would heighten their drama.
Immensely popular among the Roman people, Caesar was hated and feared by his rivals.
On the ides of March—March 15—in the year 44 B.C., a group of conspirators led by Brutus and Cassius surrounded him in the senate and stabbed him to death.
Even dying, however, he kept his sense of drama.
Drawing the top of his gown over his face, he let go of the cloth’s lower part so that it draped his legs, allowing him to die covered and decent. According to the Roman historian Suetonius, his final words to his old friend Brutus, who was about to deliver a second blow, were in Greek, and as if rehearsed for the end of a play: “You too, my child?”
The Roman theater was an event for the masses, attended by crowds unimaginable today.
Packed into enormous auditoriums, the audience would be amused by raucous comedy or moved by high tragedy. Theater seemed to contain the essence of life, in its concentrated, dramatic form.
Like a religious ritual, it had a powerful, instant appeal to the common man.
Julius Caesar was perhaps the first public figure to understand the vital link between power and theater.
This was because of his own obsessive interest in drama.
He sublimated this interest by making himself an actor and director on the world stage. He said his lines as if they had been scripted; he gestured and moved through a crowd with a constant sense of how he appeared to his audience.
He incorporated surprise into his repertoire, building drama into his speeches, staging into his public appearances.
His gestures were broad enough for the common man to grasp them instantly.
He became immensely popular.
Caesar set the ideal for all leaders and people of power. Like him, you must learn to enlarge your actions through dramatic techniques such as surprise, suspense, the creation of sympathy, and symbolic identification. Also like him, you must be constantly aware of your audience—of what will please them and what will bore them.
You must arrange to place yourself at the center, to command attention, and never to be upstaged at any cost.
In the year 1831, a young woman named Aurore Dupin Dudevant left her husband and family in the provinces and moved to Paris.
She wanted to be a writer; marriage, she felt, was worse than prison, for it left her neither the time nor the freedom to pursue her passion. In Paris she would establish her independence and make her living by writing.
Soon after Dudevant arrived in the capital, however, she had to confront certain harsh realities.
To have any degree of freedom in Paris you had to have money.
For a woman, money could only come through marriage or prostitution.
No woman had ever come close to making a living by writing. Women wrote as a hobby, supported by their husbands, or by an inheritance. In fact when Dudevant first showed her writing to an editor, he told her, “You should make babies, Madame, not literature.”
Clearly Dudevant had come to Paris to attempt the impossible.
In the end, though, she came up with a strategy to do what no woman had ever done—a strategy to re-create herself completely, forging a public image of her own making.
Women writers before her had been forced into a ready-made role, that of the second-rate artist who wrote mostly for other women. Dudevant decided that if she had to play a role, she would turn the game around: She would play the part of a man.
In 1832 a publisher accepted Dudevant’s first major novel, Indiana.
She had chosen to publish it under a pseudonym, “George Sand,” and all of Paris assumed this impressive new writer was male. Dudevant had sometimes worn men’s clothes before creating “George Sand” (she had always found men’s shirts and riding breeches more comfortable); now, as a public figure, she exaggerated the image.
She added long men’s coats, gray hats, heavy boots, and dandyish cravats to her wardrobe. She smoked cigars and in conversation expressed herself like a man, unafraid to dominate the conversation or to use a saucy word.
This strange “male/female” writer fascinated the public.
And unlike other women writers, Sand found herself accepted into the clique of male artists. She drank and smoked with them, even carried on affairs with the most famous artists of Europe—Musset, Liszt, Chopin. It was she who did the wooing, and also the abandoning—she moved on at her discretion.
Those who knew Sand well understood that her male persona protected her from the public’s prying eyes.
Out in the world, she enjoyed playing the part to the extreme; in private she remained herself. She also realized that the character of “George Sand” could grow stale or predictable, and to avoid this she would every now and then dramatically alter the character she had created; instead of conducting affairs with famous men, she would begin meddling in politics, leading demonstrations, inspiring student rebellions.
No one would dictate to her the limits of the character she had created. Long after she died, and after most people had stopped reading her novels, the larger-than-life theatricality of that character has continued to fascinate and inspire.
Throughout Sand’s public life, acquaintances and other artists who spent time in her company had the feeling they were in the presence of a man.
But in her journals and to her closest friends, such as Gustave Flaubert, she confessed that she had no desire to be a man, but was playing a part for public consumption.
What she really wanted was the power to determine her own character.
She refused the limits her society would have set on her.
She did not attain her power, however, by being herself; instead she created a persona that she could constantly adapt to her own desires, a persona that attracted attention and gave her presence.
Understand this: The world wants to assign you a role in life. And once you accept that role you are doomed. Your power is limited to the tiny amount allotted to the role you have selected or have been forced to assume.
An actor, on the other hand, plays many roles. Enjoy that protean power, and if it is beyond you, at least forge a new identity, one of your own making, one that has had no boundaries assigned to it by an envious and resentful world. This act of defiance is Promethean: It makes you responsible for your own creation.
Your new identity will protect you from the world precisely because it is not “you”; it is a costume you put on and take off. You need not take it personally. And your new identity sets you apart, gives you theatrical presence. Those in the back rows can see you and hear you. Those in the front rows marvel at your audacity.
Do not people talk in society of a man being a great actor? They do not mean by
that that he feels, but that he excels in simulating, though he feels nothing.-Denis Diderot, 1713-1784
The character you seem to have been born with is not necessarily who you are; beyond the characteristics you have inherited, your parents, your friends, and your peers have helped to shape your personality.
The Promethean task of the powerful is to take control of the process, to stop allowing others that ability to limit and mold them.
Remake yourself into a character of power.
Working on yourself like clay should be one of your greatest and most pleasurable life tasks. It makes you in essence an artist—an artist creating yourself.
In fact, the idea of self-creation comes from the world of art.
For thousands of years, only kings and the highest courtiers had the freedom to shape their public image and determine their own identity. Similarly, only kings and the wealthiest lords could contemplate their own image in art, and consciously alter it.
The rest of mankind played the limited role that society demanded of them, and had little self-consciousness.
A shift in this condition can be detected in Velázquez’s painting Las Meninas, made in 1656. The artist appears at the left of the canvas, standing before a painting that he is in the process of creating, but that has its back to us—we cannot see it.
Beside him stands a princess, her attendants, and one of the court dwarves, all watching him work. The people posing for the painting are not directly visible, but we can see them in tiny reflections in a mirror on the back wall—the king and queen of Spain, who must be sitting somewhere in the foreground, outside the picture.
The painting represents a dramatic change in the dynamics of power and the ability to determine one’s own position in society.
For Velázquez, the artist, is far more prominently positioned than the king and queen. In a sense he is more powerful than they are, since he is clearly the one controlling the image—their image.
Velázquez no longer saw himself as the slavish, dependent artist. He had remade himself into a man of power. And indeed the first people other than aristocrats to play openly with their image in Western society were artists and writers, and later on dandies and bohemians.
Today the concept of self-creation has slowly filtered down to the rest of society, and has become an ideal to aspire to. Like Velazquez, you must demand for yourself the power to determine your position in the painting, and to create your own image.
The first step in the process of self-creation is self-consciousness—being aware of yourself as an actor and taking control of your appearance and emotions.
As Diderot said, the bad actor is the one who is always sincere.
People who wear their hearts on their sleeves out in society are tiresome and embarrassing. Their sincerity notwithstanding, it is hard to take them seriously. Those who cry in public may temporarily elicit sympathy, but sympathy soon turns to scorn and irritation at their self obsessiveness—they are crying to get attention, we feel, and a malicious part of us wants to deny them the satisfaction.
Good actors control themselves better.
They can play sincere and heartfelt, can affect a tear and a compassionate look at will, but they don’t have to feel it. They externalize emotion in a form that others can understand.
Method acting is fatal in the real world.
No ruler or leader could possibly play the part if all of the emotions he showed had to be real. So learn self-control. Adopt the plasticity of the actor, who can mold his or her face to the emotion required.
The second step in the process of self-creation is a variation on the George Sand strategy: the creation of a memorable character, one that compels attention, that stands out above the other players on the stage.
This was the game Abraham Lincoln played.
The homespun, common country man, he knew, was a kind of president that America had never had but would delight in electing. Although many of these qualities came naturally to him, he played them up—the hat and clothes, the beard. (No president before him had worn a beard.) Lincoln was also the first president to use photographs to spread his image, helping to create the icon of the “homespun president.”
Good drama, however, needs more than an interesting appearance, or a single stand-out moment. Drama takes place over time—it is an unfolding event. Rhythm and timing are critical. One of the most important elements in the rhythm of drama is suspense. Houdini for instance, could sometimes complete his escape acts in seconds—but he drew them out to minutes, to make the audience sweat.
The key to keeping the audience on the edge of their seats is letting events unfold slowly, then speeding them up at the right moment, according to a pattern and tempo that you control.
Great rulers from Napoleon to Mao Tse-tung have used theatrical timing to surprise and divert their public.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt understood the importance of staging political events in a particular order and rhythm.
At the time of his 1932 presidential election, the United States was in the midst of a dire economic crisis. Banks were failing at an alarming rate. Shortly after winning the election, Roosevelt went into a kind of retreat. He said nothing about his plans or his cabinet appointments. He even refused to meet the sitting president, Herbert Hoover, to discuss the transition. By the time of Roosevelt’s inauguration the country was in a state of high anxiety.
In his inaugural address, Roosevelt shifted gears.
He made a powerful speech, making it clear that he intended to lead the country in a completely new direction, sweeping away the timid gestures of his predecessors.
From then on the pace of his speeches and public decisions—cabinet appointments, bold legislation—unfolded at an incredibly rapid rate.
The period after the inauguration became known as the “Hundred Days,” and its success in altering the country’s mood partly stemmed from Roosevelt’s clever pacing and use of dramatic contrast. He held his audience in suspense, then hit them with a series of bold gestures that seemed all the more momentous because they came from nowhere. You must learn to orchestrate events in a similar manner, never revealing all your cards at once, but unfolding them in a way that heightens their dramatic effect.
Besides covering a multitude of sins, good drama can also confuse and deceive your enemy.
During World War II, the German playwright Bertolt Brecht worked in Hollywood as a screenwriter. After the war he was called before the House Committee on Un-American Activities for his supposed Communist sympathies.
Other writers who had been called to testify planned to humiliate the committee members with an angry emotional stand. Brecht was wiser: He would play the committee like a violin, charming them while fooling them as well. He carefully rehearsed his responses, and brought along some props, notably a cigar on which he puffed away, knowing the head of the committee liked cigars.
And indeed he proceeded to beguile the committee with well-crafted responses that were ambiguous, funny, and double-edged. Instead of an angry, heartfelt tirade, he ran circles around them with a staged production, and they let him off scot-free.
Other dramatic effects for your repertoire include the beau geste, an action at a climactic moment that symbolizes your triumph or your boldness.
Caesar’s dramatic crossing of the Rubicon was a beau geste—a move that dazzled the soldiers and gave him heroic proportions. You must also appreciate the importance of stage entrances and exits.
When Cleopatra first met Caesar in Egypt, she arrived rolled up in a carpet, which she arranged to have unfurled at his feet. George Washington twice left power with flourish and fanfare (first as a general, then as a president who refused to sit for a third term), showing he knew how to make the moment count, dramatically and symbolically. Your own entrances and exits should be crafted and planned as carefully.
Remember that overacting can be counterproductive—it is another way of spending too much effort trying to attract attention.
The actor Richard Burton discovered early in his career that by standing totally still onstage, he drew attention to himself and away from the other actors.
It is less what you do that matters, clearly, than how you do it—your gracefulness and imposing stillness on the social stage count for more than overdoing your part and moving around too much.
Finally: Learn to play many roles, to be whatever the moment requires. Adapt your mask to the situation—be protean in the faces you wear. Bismarck played this game to perfection: To a liberal he was a liberal, to a hawk he was a hawk. He could not be grasped, and what cannot be grasped cannot be consumed.
Image: The Greek Sea-God Proteus. His power came from his ability to change shape at will, to be whatever the moment required. When Menelaus, brother of Agamemnon, tried to seize him, Proteus transformed himself into a lion, then a serpent, a panther, a boar, running water, and finally a leafy tree.
Authority: Know how to be all things to all men. A discreet Proteus—a scholar among scholars, a saint among saints. That is the art of winning over everyone, for like attracts like. Take note of temperaments and adapt yourself to that of each person you meet—follow the lead of the serious and jovial in turn, changing your mood discreetly.
-(Baltasar Gracián, 1601-1658)
There can really be no reversal to this critical law: Bad theater is bad theater.
Even appearing natural requires art—in other words, acting. Bad acting only creates embarrassment. Of course you should not be too dramatic—avoid the histrionic gesture. But that is simply bad theater anyway, since it violates centuries-old dramatic laws against overacting.
In essence there is no reversal to this law.
During a time of change, one of the most effective survival techniques is to reinvent yourself.
Watch you you carry yourself and conduct your affairs. Watch your dress and associations. Be aware of your mannerisms.
To quote a movie that I found amusing; “manners maketh man”.
Manners maketh man.
Do you you want more?
I have more posts along these lines in my Happiness Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
What happens when you are given a five minute notice before your company lays you off? Then they hand you a NDA, and expect you to sign it, or else they will prevent you from getting food stamps and support. What then?
What options do you have? Another stab at getting yet another American job, and America boss in an American corporate environment? Is that what your options are? As an American man, just what are your options?
There are times when you just feel a screaming need to “bug out”.
But, let me tell you something. The world is yours once you have lost everything. That includes nations, food, culture and girls. You can go anywhere and be anyone. This is especially true for an American man who faced a vindictive ex-wife, or had an encounter with any of the many, many American alphabet regulatory organizations such as the IRS, DHS, CIA, FBI, ICE, FDA etc.
People, there is an entire world out there. It is big, and filled with all sorts of interesting and colorful people.
I urge the reader to divest themselves from the notion that the United States offers the only decent living arrangements on the globe. There are other places. Many others.
Some are better and some are worst. It is up to the reader to consider all of the options that lie before them and make determinations and judgments biased upon their own individual situation, preferences, and desires. Not (to make them biased) on fear or lack of experience…
You do not have to endure a life that is defined by others…
The world is filled with interesting people, wonderful places, and really different ways of doing things. many of which are a pleasant surprise to Americans who have grown up thinking that the “American Way” is the only way to do things (as well as being the “best” way to do things).
Korea has a lot of very pretty girls. Personally, I prefer the lighter skin, the cute face and big eyes. I like the thin bodies and the long hair, not to mention the cute little behinds. And, let’s not even get started on the awesome food. OMG!
Multi-Part Series
There are so many nations and places to choose from. This post is part two of a multi-part post. My basic premise is that the world is a big place. Get out. Enjoy the differences. Savor them. Life is too short not to.
Written by a Man
Please note that this was written by a man. It is about things that might be of interest to a man. For similar posts written by women, I would suggest the Huffington Post, the Washington Post, or Salon.
Also note that this is a blog. It contains personal opinions. If you want to read something that is unbiased and doesn’t have opinions, try CNN.
Finally, many of the things that are commonplace in other nations are either banned, censored or illegal in the United States. This post does not censor for American sensibilities. As there are people all over the world that reads it. I just can’t sanitize it for Americans. That includes…
Buying beer on Sunday.
Doing drugs in Holland.
Prostitution chain-bordellos in Germany.
Public nudity in Iceland.
Smoking in public in China.
Being able to eat in restaurants barefoot in Cambodia.
Traditional gender roles in Brazil.
The giant penis festival in Japan.
Buying ED medicine without a prescription. (Common everywhere.)
If you are an American, and you are too sensitive to the realities outside of America, then I would suggest you leave. Exposure to REAL freedom is not something to be taken trivially. Real freedom is not having to ask permission to do something. Real freedom is not taxed, monitored or prohibited.
Real freedom is not taxed, monitored or prohibited.
Why not Brazil? It’s a land of amazing women, awesome beaches, and delicious food. It’s a big country with amazing beaches, fantastic forest, and adventuresome mountains. Awesome!
Map of Brazil. Brazil is a very large nation. Like the United States, they have their own issues involving a poor underclass, a wealthy upper class and a squeezed middle class.
I once had a project at a company that I worked for that had a joint venture with CEV and GM. The engineers from Brazil were pretty good guys and showed me around. It was quite the experience for me at the time. I never considered moving there though. Maybe the reader might have other ideas.
A nice article on what it is like for an American to move there can be found here.
Walking Down the Street: Brazil vs the USYou can see how Brazilians care more about the journey than the destination in the way that they walk down the street. They walk at a brisk pace, in a horizontal line so that everyone is at the same level, occasionally stopping to admire the scenery and talk with people that they pass by.
They are not in any apparent hurry to get to where they are going and are more concerned with having a good conversation with the people they are walking with.
Bahia is the part of Brazil where most of the slaves from Africa originally landed. So the afro culture is very visible there, alongside many of the other faces that Brazil has. While the politics of the United States maintains the narrative that the USA is racist and terrible, Brazil by far took the vast bulk of slaves from Africa.
In the US however, you will rarely see people walking since everybody drives.
If there are 5 people meeting up somewhere, they will likely take 5 cars.
In the rare case that you do see a group of people walking they will probably be marching in a straight line towards their destination at a pace that borders on running. They don’t make eye contact with anyone along the way because they are focused on getting to where they are going.Having Lunch: Brazil vs the USNow this imaginary group of stereotyped Brazilians have arrived at a restaurant where they will be eating lunch. They’re looking at least a 2 hour commitment and might even spend as much as 4 hours having lunch.
They are there to have good conversation with their lunch mates and will take their time eating their food. Even though they’ve got to get back to work after lunch they don’t show any signs that they are stressed out about that because they’re too busy enjoying the moment.
Bahia is generally just a place with a lot of color. Not just on peoples skin. The buildings, in the nature and in the varied music culture that you find in this very interesting state. Bahia is in many ways the image that many foreigners have of Brazil, with exotic looking people, lot’s of beaches and music everywhere. From a tourism perspective, it also has the greatest potential in all Brazil if you ask me. Bahia needs to have better air connections to the outside world, before the world starts flocking to the place. But i think this will happen in the future, as this is really a part of the world that has a lot to offer.
Our stereotypical group of Americans each took their own cars to get to the restaurant for lunch. Once they get there they are going to pull out their phones and get on Facebook to check in.
They quickly order their food because they are in a hurry to get back to work. They might not have even stopped working and will have their phone in their hand as they are eating to keep up with the barrage of emails that they received, or they will be catching up on the latest articles from Buzzfeed.
If someone wants to have conversation with their lunchmates they will have to compete with the cell phones for attention. Likely they will give up trying and will pull out their own cell phone so that they have something to do.Socializing in Brazil vs the USNow it’s after work and this group of Brazilian friends have decided to meet up somewhere to have a beer and continue the conversation from lunch. They’re there to have a good time and to enjoy each other’s company.
If someone invites another friend, s/he will be received with open arms by the group, because in Brazil friends of friends are your friends too.
If you’ve ever been to Brazil, you know they adore their pastel. You will find it at the feira (our farmer’s market), the pastelaria (shops that sell only pastel), beach kiosks and at bars. I have never met a Brazilian who doesn’t indulge in these bad boys every now and then. And they go great with either a glass of cold beer or with sweet caldo de cana (freshly pressed sugar cane juice). Sweet and savory filling options are abundant, the three of the most popular ones are: beef, creamy hearts of palm and cheese.
In the US, after work everyone goes home and does their own thing. Maybe they have some productive activity to do, but just as likely they are going to sit in front of the computer or go watch TV.
If they did manage to find some friends who weren’t doing something with, it wouldn’t be so easy to bring someone from outside that social circle along with them. They certainly wouldn’t be received as warmly and unconditionally as they would’ve in Brazil.
Brazil has some amazing beaches. The sky is blue and the water clear. The people are nice and friendly and the locals really want to have a great time and party.
However, it seems that it might be a dangerous place if you want to cross the street. Here is an interesting excerpt from a Brazilian blog in regards to driving in Brazil;
“Brazil does have a Traffic Code, and it is based on the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic. There are extensive Rules of the Road, including long sections on Defensive Driving and First Aid. In order to receive Brazilian drivers licenses Mark and I had to study these rules, then take a sophisticated computerized test, a difficult psychological written exam and an eye exam.
The Motor Vehicle Bureaus around the country perform rigorous annual vehicle inspections. There are radars and speed bumps everywhere, and heavy fines for scofflaws. It is not for lack of regulations, enforcement or will that Brazil has plunged so far down the traffic fatality slope, fatalities which last year alone totaled upwards of 40,000.So what is it?
Aggressive tailgating, reckless passing — on the right, on the left, into the oncoming lane — it just doesn't gibe with my sense of the Brazilian spirit of paz e amor. I was baffled until one white-knuckle ride into Rio, when it came to me in a flash. Futebol.
Traffic in Brazil can be a real nightmare. As can be shown by pictures such as this. If it was me, I’d try to get on a side road and get out and have a beer. Ugh!
The national sport, the national passion. They're all playing soccer. The drivers are forever cutting in front of each other to take any field advantage they can, they're passing with reckless abandon to get to the imaginary goal posts. One car scrapes against another? Just a rebound, the ball (or in this case the car) remains in play. Driving at breakneck speed on the shoulder? No worries, that's just an offside position, which is not an offense in itself.Mandatory traffic rules I learned in high school Drivers Ed are treated by many drivers here as optional.
Stop signs are just a suggestion, observed by only a few. A Yield sign is observed by no one. Emergency Vehicle Priority? That's just a challenge for a driver to maneuver behind the emergency vehicle and ride its coattails.
Here is the Trans-Amazon highway in Brazil. It’s a long highway that crosses the nation.
Pedestrian Priority? You're joking. And weren't we taught that to keep a safe distance from the car in front of you, you had to be able to see the car's back tires? Brazilian drivers tailgate close enough to smell the alcohol on the breath of the driver in front.I've lost count of the number of near accidents I've witnessed. But since they were only nearaccidents, since the drivers maneuvered and veered and avoided and stopped just short of the actual accidents, there is an argument that can be made that Brazilians are excellent drivers. I even see the logic there.
Apologists cite the poorly maintained roads, the bad or misleading traffic signs, and some blame the weather. Huh? The weather? But nobody is forced to put the pedal to the metal. That's cultural. After all, Brazil ranks second in the list of foreign-born winners of the Indy 500, and third on the Formula One list. They love speed. It's not for nothing that the soccer breakaway is one of the most exciting plays in the game.”
Prostitutes for Teenage Sons
"Don Cesar and his son Juan walk through the brothel — protection in hand — in search of a prostitute for Juan’s first time. The choice is made, Juan enters a room and not long after emerges from behind the tin door with a big smile on his face and followed by his presumed “first”."-Dad takes 16 year old son to a prostitute to have sex for the first time.
When I was in High School, we had a foreign exchange student from Brazil. He told us, and we were jaw-dropped amazed, that his father took him to a prostitute when he turned 16 years old. He explained that that was a duty of all fathers. To select a worthwhile prostitute for his son, so that he can become a “man”.
Look at this awesome beauty! Look at that amazing head of hair! Look at the tiny waist and hour-glass shape. Man! She must have all the guys chasing after her. Now pay attention. What an amazing smile. I’ll tell you what, the smile opens up my heart.
He explained that he thought it was a great thing. Later on, when I came home and sat at the dining table, I mentioned the conversation to my parents. Ugh. I did not expect the reaction. My father kind of chuckled and told me that it was probably just nonsense. Not my mother, though. My mother got all upset and started screaming. I was sent to the bedroom and instructed never to mention it ever again.
In hindsight, I should of finished my dinner before I mentioned it.
Anyways, many years later, when I met other people my age from Brazil, they all explained that to me. All of my friends and business associates lost their virginity between the ages of 14 and 16 years of age. Always to a prostitute, and always to one specifically selected by their father, or in one case, their uncle.
Aside from that event, it made it easier for the boys not to be so fearful of the girls. While I don’t think that any of them became “hound dogs” in High School, I can affirm that the Brazilian exchange student was not afraid at all to ask my classmates out for dates and fun. Meanwhile, I was very timid around girls.
In Brazil, it is very important that a boy grow into a strong man.
In Brazil, as well as throughout South America, the “ideal” Hispanic family is a patriarchy that includes a strong male figure as the head of the household:
“A stereotypical Latino male exudes the characteristics of strength, power and masculinity. Machismo, or a strong sense of masculine pride, encompasses this ideal. And in the family, these ideals are passed from father to son.”
"Losing one's virginity over here [El Salvador] is seen as a point where you become a man and you become more vivo.
'Vivo' means 'alive' in Spanish, obviously, but over here, it means something like 'astute' or 'not immature.' Once you lose your virginity, you're supposed to get smarter around girls. You are supposed to be less interested in kids' stuff."
The women of Brazil are all awesome. I really like their free and happy attitude about life. I love the food, and the environment. I most especially love that they are traditional and honor the family.
"Most Brazilian girls look like half-Middle Eastern and half-Western European, darker than Argentine girls but lighter than girls from other South American countries. Since Brazil is similar to the United States with its large immigrant influence, it’s harder to pin down their physical features as easily as the Argentine girl.If the average girl in a US club ranks a 5, and in an Argentina club she ranks a 7, in Brazil she’d be somewhere between a 6 and 7. This means the average Brazilian girl is bangable, but what separates Brazilian girls from the others is their vibe. If you are a guy and you look at a Brazilian girl, your mind jumps to sexual thoughts much faster than usual. Since it is not because she is more attractive, I think it’s a combination of body and body language. "-RooshV
Brazilian girls have a smile to die for and there is no guy alive that won’t fall for those smiles. See what I mean?
Rose from Sao Paulo, Brazil. What a smile. Oh, my Lord! And that hair! Come one, guys! Look at this beauty. Brazil has wonderful people who are decent, and make great friends and traditional family members.
"Blessed with lustrous hair, dark eyes and skin the color of honey Brazilian women are without doubt, are some of the most gorgeous in the world. And what’s more they are not conscious or embarrassed about the fact.
Here women are confident about their looks and bodies and if you like what you see, they will welcome your appreciation as well.
At the same time though, theirs is a very feminine beauty even if not demure. You may see them in bikinis and dresses with plunging necklines, but not so much in pantsuits and masculine shirts.
Indeed, women here are encouraged to spend a lot of their time on their looks-body, clothes and hair. Staying attractive is quite important in a culture that judges people by how they look."-National Steriotype
One thing that I like about Brazilian women is that they are really, really friendly and outgoing in nature. Truthfully, if a girl happens to spot you in a bar or café and you meet her standards, she will not hesitate to come up and ask you for your phone number or invite you to buy a drink for her. They are quite easy to strike up a conversation with. They are quite interesting and talkative, and before long you may even find yourself sharing a joke or a song with one of them.
Big Butts
I have talked to numerous men who found that the Brazilian women tended to have very nice big asses. Personally, that is not my thing, but they were all agape over it. They just couldn’t control themselves.
It turns out that having a big butt is a considered beautiful in Brazilian culture. Girls that are slim, and shapely, but who’s behinds are more or less “normal” aren’t considered so good looking. In fact, there are stories of young girls injecting all kinds of things into their behinds to make them bigger, including animal growth hormones. While Brazil does have plastic surgeons, their primary practice seems to be related to increasing the size of the butt more than anything else. Read about it HERE.
Who’d figure?
Some Brazilian gals on the beach. In Brazil, it is considered attractive, and even “womanly” to have a nice big plump ass. They actually go to plastic surgeons to get this done, and young girls have been known to inject steroids in their butt cheeks to make them get bigger. Not my thing, but different strokes for different folks, don’t ya know.
Luckily, not every Brazilian is like this. So those of us who find this a bit extreme can rest easy. We can hang out with girls with tiny behinds and help them feel beautiful. LOL.
Traditional Girls
Since the Brazilian culture is very traditional, Brazilian women like to be courted the traditional old-fashioned way. They look forward to be taken out to a fancy place and are happy if you wine and dine them in a stylish manner. They like to get all “dolled up”, and dress appropriately. Who doesn’t like that?
Like many other traditional societies, Brazilian culture has long laid down specific roles and duties for each gender. Women were mostly expected to keep house and raise children while men were the breadwinners in the family. This fact, is a critical one “in my book”. It is an important thing that matters to me immensely.
Family Culture
In many Latino families, the father is central to the nuclear family constellation as well as to the extended family network. It is his job to assume the responsibility for establishing extra-familial boundaries and maintaining these relationships. He is the head of the family and he must take on that role.
A strong father figure. From the movie “A walk in the clouds”. In Latin nations, especially in South America, it is the job of a father to raise his boy to become a man.
The importance of extended family marks a unique aspect of Latino families—that of familialism. In addition to providing a relatively strong attachment to the nuclear family, the strong familial orientation provides a sense of solidarity while concurrently reinforcing the notion that the family is more important than the individual
Let’s begin with a story about an experience I had while I was working at GM. This story illustrates that different places has different cultures, and failure to understand and adapt to that culture can have serious consequences. In this case, the story revolves around the public display of a lack of respect of a wife towards her husband. This took place, of course in Brazil, Sao Paulo, to be exact.
I once was involved in some business in Brazil. As such, I had to travel back and forth between the United States and Brazil. I was, at that time, working for Delco Electronics (It's who we are), which was (at that time) a division of General Motors. I was involved in a Car computer project (ECM) for CEV, which is a pretty big Automotive company within Brazil.
One day, all of the foreigners on staff were invited to a big banquet with other white-collar workers at CEV. We had some pretty important people from GM there. It was held in a big auditorium within a equally impressively large restaurant and hotel complex. Everyone sat at these very large round tables with a nice table layout on a large white tablecloth. Each couple (for the most part, everyone came as a couple) would sit in groups of two at the table. Thus, maybe five to 6 couples would sit at the table.
Another scene from the movie “A walk in the clouds”. The father is the head of the household and is the public face for the family.
At a given cue, all the ladies (the wives and girlfriends) got up and went to the buffet to get their man (husbands or boyfriends) dinner. They got up, went to the buffet, selected what their husbands would eat, and returned to the table. They would place the plate in front of their man with respect, and then go up and get their own food.
The men would accept the meal their wife chose for them, and began eating it. They would sit there and eat, while all the ladies were fussing about their food, and making sure that the man's plate was full.
A plethora of cultures have had an influence on Brazilian cuisine including Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, Moors, African and the Indigenous. The food in Brazil is awesome and fantastic. It is an amazing taste treat.
However, the local section manager, a man who came from Michigan, well his wife refused to go up. He kept on elbowing her. She refused. And everyone at the table noticed. In fact, people at the other tables were noticing as well. They started whispering and talking among themselves. But she was adamant.
She said things like "you're not my boss", "I'm not doing it, uh uh, absolutely not. No!", and "I don't care what other people think. Do it yourself.". She said loudly, and ended up having some people pause and stare, "You don't tell ME what to do!".
A wife refuses to honor her husband in a public Brazilian dinner in front of all the supervisory management staff. She destroyed her husbands role, job and standing.
Eventually, he got up and joined the rest of the ladies at the buffet counter. He was the only man to get up. He was the only man to carry a plate back to the table. He was alone in the big hall that maybe held a few hundred key employees of the company.
All of the key employees, the bosses and the supervisory staff, watched him do this. The President of CEV, the division managers, all the middle level managers, the supervisors, and all the engineers, and their secretaries all witnessed this. They all noticed and ate. Their local conversations at their tables became subdued and quieter.
Meanwhile, his American wife sat there smugly and proudly. They ate in silence. The wife, sitting proud and strong. Obviously she felt that she was the king of the entire event. Meanwhile, he sat there facing his plate and afraid to look up. This happened in front of everyone, while everyone else in the room kept glancing their way.
There were some speeches. Some gifts and door-prizes were exchanged.
The dinner ended. Everyone went home.
The food in Brazil is so delicious. Here is a nice creamy soup. It goes just great with wine or an ice cold beer. I’ll tell you what.
While the American couple hadn't a clue as to what was transpiring. The rest of the room did. For them, dinner is a traditional and formal affair. It was a time when the man of the house can show off his family to the rest of his peers and his community. It is an opportunity to put a great face forward. Sort of like this...
The next workday, on Monday, he noticed that his parking space was being used by someone else. (Unless you have worked in GM, you don't know how important this is.) He went into the lobby, and the guards wouldn't look at him, and just waved him in. This was a big change from what he accustomed to.
It continued. His secretary didn't come in. Then, started coming in very late. She would not do anything that he asked. No longer would she make him a morning coffee. No longer would she answer him, or even talk to him.
No one responded to his emails. His work was getting piled up. Nothing was getting done. After a month, it got so bad, and I was sent down to look into the matter, as I held an important role in the joint-venture project. Our Division manager wanted me to look into this issue as it looked like the entire multi-million dollar project might collapse. That's right, millions of dollars of corporate investment was at risk.
So I flew down.
I talked to XXXXX. I talked to his secretary. I talked to the CEV Division Manager. I talked to the rest of the staff.
At first no one would open up. Oh, sure they were friendly to me. They showed me deference. They treated me well. But when it came to the subject about what was going on, everyone shut up. Obviously something was wrong. But no one told me anything.
Denise is a typical Brazilian girl. Don’t you just love her hair? I mean, it is completely awesome. Do you think that she would tolerate a man; her husband, disrespecting her family? I don’t think so.
Eventually, to make a long story short, I went out and started drinking with the CEV workers. That's always a great way to break down barriers and get to the heart of the matter. Of course, GM never approves of drinking, but this was back in the late 1980's and I was in another country and immersed in another culture.
Over some beers, the first person who let me know what was going on was his secretary. She looked at me straight in the eyes. She put out her cigarette. And she said in her broken English, loudly with defiance and pure hate;
"Why? You ask. Why? Because he's a fucking wimp. He's not, NOT, N-O-T a Man. He's castrado!"
Then she spit on the floor. Now granted, most ladies don't go to bars, smoke and spit on the floor. But she had a few beers, and was really agitated.
Being a wimp is very unattractive for a man. This is especially true if you are in a Latino country.
She wasn't just angry. She wasn't just pissed. She had this kind of deep burning ember of a rage that amazed me when it came out. I thought she was going to tear my throat out. She spoke viciously. She spoke in a way that the words were spit out venomously.
It turned out that in Brazilian culture, the man must be the MAN of the house. It is a very traditional nation and has unspoken social rules. One of which is that the woman must look good for her man. She must do great things for their Man, and for her family.
In Brazil, the Man is the titular head of the family. He controls everything. He is the "face" of the family. He is what everyone sees. However, the wife has full control over what goes on inside the house. She is the driving force that strengthens the man.
The Man is the head of the family, and he must LEAD. If he cannot be a Man; if he cannot act like a Man, and if he cannot control the behavior of his wife and family, then he is a loser.
In Brazil, you do not want to associate with losers. Not in the least. It is like being a leper.
The point in this is that he wasn't just a wimp to his wife. He was a wimp to society. From the secretary's point of view, she went from being a high assistant to an international boss, to the slave of a beggar. No, to someone worse than a beggar. Her status in the company fell right off the cliff.
Not only that, but that was true of everyone who associated with him. It was as if he had a serious contagious illness. no one wanted anything to do with him. No one would even talk to him.
It was like he was a child predator who had aids.
Shortly after that, I returned back to Indiana and talked with the Division Manager at Delco. We had a long and interesting talk. To cut down on all the details, let it be understood that my boss sent him back to the States. His two year stint in Brazil was cut short.
He was only there for a total four months.
Now, this is important. The thing is, when he returned home, there was no role for him to fill. His old job and position was already filled. He was a high-priced expensive executive with no home. Yes, for a short while they put him on "overhead", but eventually he was told to leave. They gave him a severance package. And that was it.
Years later, I heard that he spent a few years unemployed. He could never go back to GM, and his experience was too specialized. Eventually he took up contract work at a much lower pay grade. I do not know what happened since then, except that I know that he had to give up his free car, and had to sell the house at a loss. I do know that he moved into a small apartment later on. And, well, that's about all I know about him and his situation.
He probably got a divorce. He should of, if he didn't.
What does this all mean?
A good wife can make a man into a strong leader. He can become important, successful and wealthy. His family would profit and benefit. His life, and the lives of all those around him would improve. A weak or poor wife would do the opposite. A bad woman can destroy the life of the man that she is with. This can be through destruction of his self-esteem (which needs to be maintained for career success) to improperly managing family finances, to everything in between.
Men, choose your wives carefully.
In my little story, a true one at that, Mr. XXXXXX ‘s wife not only destroyed his role (and great career opportunity) in Brazil, but also wiped out his stable career at GM. Unable to find work, he had to settle for a different kind of labor, one without a career, without any kind of advancement. I am sure that his piece-of-shit wife berated him the entire time. Telling him what a loser he was for his life, and not taking responsibility for all the destruction that she herself, wrecked.
People. This is real life. This is not a television show. This is not a movie. This is not all unicorns prancing under a progressive rainbow, where gay people, and LGBT folk are all living in united harmony. This is the real frigging’ deal.
It’s beautiful. The girls are stunning. The food is delicious. The weather is warm to hot, but it’s actually quite lovely once you get used to it.
The beach at Nipah Bay is hailed as one of the most beautiful beaches in Pangkor, and is frequented by foreigners and locals alike. There are uninhabited islands nearby such as Giam Island and Mentagor Island, surrounded by a rich diversity of corals and marine life. Snorkellers will find this beach a little haven.
“Kuala Lumpur has so much to offer. You can enjoy city life to the fullest - there are a massive amount of shopping malls here, a variety of restaurants and cuisines, and people from all over the world.
Along with the Petronas Twin Towers, Menara KL Tower is easily Malaysia’s most recognizable and popular landmark. Constructed in 1994, the tower stands at 421 metres and effortlessly trumps the Petronas Twin Towers with the highest and most spectacular view of the city. This gleaming tower’s spindle-like apex is visible from almost anywhere in Kuala Lumpur.
There are neighborhoods that offer their own unique character, adding a spice of life to the city that is rare to find.
I also love how you can get away from city life pretty easily with hikes in local mountains or drives to nearby ports and beaches.
What I love most is the diversity and acceptance - of people, of cultures, of religions, and of activities. The quality of life is amazing as the opportunities are endless in what you choose to spend your time doing.
There is a huge Muslim population in Malaysia. This is true in all the cites such as Kuala Lumpur.
Healthcare is insanely cheap in Kuala Lumpur….at least in comparison to the USA!
The doctors are all trained in Western cultures and are very knowledgeable. I’ve gone to general and specialty doctors out here as well as dentists, and am now about to have a baby out here, and feel insanely comfortable!”- Kimbra is an American expat who moved to Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia has a robust retirement visa, called the ‘Malaysia My Second Home’ program. Although it requires a sizeable deposit in a Malaysian bank, the visa is ten years and allows visa holders to purchase residential homes, as well as providing a national identity card. Any income received outside of Malaysia is not taxable.
Langkawi is a group of 104 beautiful islands located in Andaman Sea which is about 30 kilometers off the coast of northwestern Malaysia. The Langkawi island is dominated by forest-covered mountains, hills and natural vegetation. Langkawi receives heavy rain annually which is more than 2,400 mm. From December until February there is a dry season in Langkawi and September is the wettest month on Island. Only four of the all islands are inhabited with about 99,000 people living there.
While there is a large Muslim population in Malaysia, they are not radicalized like the Muslims in the Middle East, Russia or Western China. As such, you can drink, smoke, go to bars, and have a good time. Women can go out and not be afraid that pack of rabid Muslim Syrians wouldn’t attack them. It’s a very safe place.
A few years back some radical Muslims tried to blow up a bunch of folk, and the government cracked down with zero tolerance. Today, there is hardly a peep from the radical Muslims in this nation. They were exterminated by the government when they reared their ugly head.
Kuala Lumpur girls having a great time at a bar. We can choose our reality. We can build and create the life we want. It’s just a matter of assembling it and making it happen.
London does not represent England. London is an “International” city located within England. England itself, is something else entirely. Here, we discuss the areas outside of London, but within the UK.
Why not England? I had friends there, and they (no matter how friendly they are with the United States) always consider the USA to be the “backwater” insanely-political has-been. At the time, prior to the UK break from the EU, I considered it a stepping-stone to global advantage. However, I never pursued that avenue of thought. Here’s an interesting article about moving to England from the United States. It is titled “What is it like to move to England from the States?” and can be found here. Some excerpts;
“The old adage of "British food is great, if you like fish and chips, bangers and mashed or chicken tikka masala" is now a load of bollocks (bull$!@t). There are amazing restaurants to be found in London - some great restaurants and farmers markets (my favorite, bar none, is Borough Market). Once you learn to navigate the different supermarkets (Tesco, Sainburys, Waitrose, Asda, etc) and discover their online interfaces, you begin to appreciate the convenience. BUT, weekends are terrible when you consider that everything closes by five pm (1700) on Sundays.”
“One thing you will miss is water pressure. Sadly, the Victorian mains and the age of many homes were designed with limited water and poor pressure. Some people say they have "power showers" which are often essentially electronic devices designed to add some pressure at the expense of a loud and powerful noise. Who needs leaf blowers when a power shower will do.”
England can be quaint and colorful. Here is a small village known as Bibury in England.
“Everyone sits at their desk and bangs on their computer primarily, and depending on your role determines your clothing choices. Even in startups, sales is often suited and booted in sharp suits and thin trousers (not pants, as we say in America). Engineers or Developers are relatively shabby in t-shirt and trousers chic. And everyone else seems to dance to their own drum.You can usually tell a person profession from their dress: finance and insurance people are in the dark suits and the only hint of color is their tie and shoes, which will not make sense to American fashion. Seniority is often determined by who is wear their jackets in the office -- you can tell who the junior manager is by their newer clothing and jumpers (sweaters) over their collared shirts.”
England can be very beautiful. It has a great countryside, miles of beaches and a long history.
“Meeting others can happen as an American, since your accent provides no hint of geographic background that is within the English discerning. My favorite experience is saying hello to people in a locale I just joined and watch the turned heads and smiles that suddenly appear. Just remember not to be too loud and you will be well received.”In the article are comments from a reader. Her name is Dawn Rutherford Marchant, (or screen name) and had some very interesting comments that included;“It is hard. Just because people speak English, do not be deceived. It is an utterly alien place from America culturally, and I found (and still find) the adjustments frustrating and I sometimes still get furious by the difficulties.
England is full of history. There are houses that are centuries older than the oldest homes in the United States. The countryside is wonderful.
One of the biggest realities is the drop in the material standard of living. British wages are not as high as in the US and things are more expensive. Obviously, this impacts on lifestyle.Houses are very expensive and you will live in a house half the size you'd expect in the US, often attached to your neighbour and with a one car garage (if you are lucky). There are no basements, so you feel cramped and everything is cluttered -- I've never seen a walk-in closet to date. You will cram everything into a 'wardrobe' the size of your coat closet. “
It’s intangible, but you can’t beat it. Historically, pubs (or “public houses”, to give them their full, point-backing-up name) have been a place geared towards social interaction, with the booze acting as a lubricant. Bars sometimes seem to be there to get you hammered first and foremost, with social interaction being an occasional, accidental by-product. The average Brit teen is fine in his/her local pub around 16yrs old. At a bar/the US in general, even being 21 is no guarantee, unless you have an ID, a birth certificate, and a letter from the president saying it’s cool for you to drink Buttery Nipples.
“But there are pubs! Pubs are an Englishman's refuge and the place where you meet up with mates for a quick pint, as a routine part of 'friend maintenance.'
It’s extremely common for families, infant progeny included, to go out for a pub lunch on the weekend. When family & child go to bars for lunch, odds are that daddy will end up behind them at some point in his life. Plus there’s absolutely no tipping. COmpared to the USA, that automatically saves you 20% of the cost.
Our groceries are ordered on the internet and delivered to our front door -- as is typical for all supermarkets. We live on the 'High Street' in our village -- bakeries, cafes, barber, grocery store and bus stop are located there, and three pubs of course. The train station to London is an 8 minute walk.My daughter is 14 and has 11 subject areas: Latin, Greek, French, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Advanced Maths, History, English, English Lit and Music (theory, performance and composition). She anticipates fluency in French at 17. The education system is exam based, there is no GPA. She wants to study medicine and as med school begins freshman year, she has already begun pre-med coaching sessions at school.
England is an explorer’s dream. There are so many places to explore and discover. You can walk, hike, bike, and travel via car.
Brits get a lot more time off -- 5 weeks as a rule -- and travel is a priority. The cultural aspects of the country are fascinating - tiny it may seem, but it takes a lifetime to know this place, and with Europe, so close opportunities are expanded even further.A massive advantage of living here is the National Health Service. If an American could understand it, they would be amazed by its magnificence. “
This is so good…
“The Brits have extremely strict zoning restrictions and there are no 'strip malls' -- not anywhere. So you drive for an hour straight and won't see a petrol (gas) station or any commercial building sticking out like a sore thumb.
Here is the English pub called the White Lion. When a pub is called something hilarious/awesome (Dirty Dicks? The Hung Drawn and Quartered? Both real, both literally hundreds of years old), it’s not a cheap laugh, or a novelty, or a pun that gets old fast. Sorry, Amy’s Winehouse.
There is a deep love and care for the countryside that makes it compelling, and you can never tire of it. It is the work of a thousand years -- a landscape built by man, layer by layer. A masterpiece.”
As in all of these cases, I strongly advise the reader to read the original articles as there are many worthy things worth reading there. What I have placed here are only some excerpts. The comments are all pure gold.
Here’s a comment from one of the commenters that also lives in England from the USA;
“Beer. A pint of beer at a business lunch is totally acceptable.”
Moreover, that comment is worth Gold because it just says the world about what freedom, work and life is like once you leave the American Prison Gulag. (We never realize what our lives our missing until we step outside of our reality and start comparing with the realities of others.) No, it’s not as simple as being able to drink. That is trivial. It is the sum total of what you can and cannot do.
Are you, my dear reader really… actually free?
Are you the champion of your life? Do you keep all of the money you earn? Do you wear the clothes that you want 100% of the time, every single day, with the hair style that you prefer? (All American companies have a “dress code”.) Do you and can you take a day off to have fun? And, not have to ask ANYONE for permission? (Don’t lie to yourself. Think.)
Do you have a “boss”? Yes. Then you need permission.
Most Americans, unless you are Bill Gates, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton has a boss. They tell you how to behave and how to live your life.
Once you realize that, you begin to understand the NEED to start to get a little bit more control back into your life. Maybe you will still have a “boss”, but if you can start to reacquire the freedoms that your parents and grandparents enjoyed, then you will be on your way to happiness.
English can seem magical to an American. It is a great place for walking, hike and just travel.
Consider the drinking culture. Let’s compare.
When I was at Delco, the rule was that you could lose your job if the management found you to be hungover, drinking near or during the ten hour block of time associated with work, lunch and commute. They strongly policed this rule. It was “for our safety“, and “to become more competitive” were the excuses. However, if this was the case, then why did it ONLY apply to us “White Collar” workers and not the rank and file union staff?
In general, America has more of a bar scene than a pub culture. Particularly popular is the sports bar, where thousands of giant TV screens simultaneously broadcast billions of seemingly never-ending games. Such places are rowdy, loud and full of frat bros loaded on light beer.
British pubs are quiet, relaxing environments, and although there are pubs in America, they don’t serve the same function as they do in the U.K. This is because Brits occupy pubs in the same way Americans occupy coffee shops. Brits will happily go to a pub during the day (without fear of judgment) to work, read, take meetings or simply enjoy a drink.
"In every corner of every pub in every British town, you will find a fruit machine. This is not a vending machine from which punters may dispense fresh fruit for their consumption; rather it is a slot machine much like the ones found in Las Vegas and Atlantic City. Colloquially known as a “gambler,” the machine is a confusing clusterjam of flashing fruits and strange beeping that only the person with the lowest IQ in the pub can understand."
"As we all know, the legal drinking age in the U.K. is 18, which means there’s a much younger clientele frequenting British pubs than there are American bars. Add to this some British lackadaisical door security, and you’ve got kids who couldn’t get into an R-rated movie without an accompanying adult buying drinks, making the pub look more like a youth club than a fully licensed taproom.
In America, however, almost every bar will have a bouncer on the door who won’t let you in unless you have valid identification proving you’re 21 or over.
Even if you’re 63 and look terrible for your age, you’ll still be asked for ID.
Interestingly, in the U.K. it’s actually legal for someone as young as 16 to drink beer, cider or wine in a pub so long as it’s with a meal and they are accompanied by an adult over 18 who purchases the alcohol."-BBC America
In fact, the pubs in England are “Family Friendly”. Most British pubs are family-friendly and even have a playground out back for the kids. Usually there’s a separate area inside the pub marked “Family Room” where children are permitted. This ensures the little tykes don’t displease the kid-loathing adults drowning their sorrows at the bar. Meanwhile, I don’t recall ever having seen a child in a bar in the United States.
I look back at the USA in this regard and lament the loss of freedom that the British obviously retained.
Finally, I want to throw my “two cents” into the ring about drinking…
Japan is very beautiful. The government sees to it that the natural beauty of the countryside is maintained. I really wish that the USA would devote some money to preserving buildings and planting trees like the Japanese do, instead of giving it all away to third world countries like Obama has done.
Why not move to Japan? Indeed, Japan has always interested me. I think it began with the Ultraman televisions series that I watched as a boy. Maybe it was the pretty girls, the J-Pop music, or perhaps it was the cool gadgets that were always being invented there.
While everyone focuses on the absurd and crazy ways that the Japanese handle things, the fact and truth is that Japan is an exceptionally beautiful nation. It is intended to be that way. For instance, after World War II, most of the forests in Japan were all cut down for the war effort. Since then, the Japanese set forth to preserve which forests remain. This has resulted in amazingly beautiful woods, parks and natural areas.
Japan is very beautiful and people make it a point of pride to treasure it. They take pleasure in the colors, the arrangements, the scents and the atmosphere. The result is wonderment.
I visited, but never moved. Never the less, other Americans have moved and they have some interesting things to say about the Japanese culture.
“I'm guessing that one of the top reasons people want to move to Japan is because of how eye-poppingly insane everything here is. Japan is the patron saint of the Internet -- everything is either batshit crazy or adorable (or both), with the sole requirement of being impossible to explain in any conceivable context.Man, I'm about to destroy a lot of illusions.To start, let's talk a little about Japanese TV. You may have seen clips of some X-rated Japanese game show floating around the Internet wherein an audience full of young women eagerly compete for the privilege of having sex with some random guy on stage in front of hundreds of people (if not, you're probably searching for them right now). Here's the shocking truth behind those videos -- they are porn.”
“As in, they are professional pornographic videos dressed up to look like a game show, because ... you know, just because. Does porn need a reason?There's a Simpsons porn out there featuring people sweatily groping each other in jaundiced yellow body paint, for Christ's sake. Nobody is posting clips of that on the Internet and claiming it's the new season ... well actually, somebody probably is, but nobody would seriously believe that.”
Oh, don’t be so sure about that…
“The porno game show I'm referring to is called Kobe Surprise, and it is every bit an actual game show as Walt Disney's Pocahontas is a historical documentary. Just like those goofy "true life" pornos MILF Hunter or Bang Bus, nothing about it even approaches reality, yet all you apparently need to do is tell everyone it's from Japan and suddenly people think it comes on every night after Wheel of Fortune.Don't get me wrong -- there are some daffy game shows in Japan, and there is definitely erotic programming on late night TV, but the country isn't full of shamelessly sex-crazed lunatics who have stopped trying to measure the immensity of the shits they no longer give."So what about those infamous vending machines that sell used panties?" you might ask. Well, they do exist, but they were outlawed nearly 20 years ago. You can still find one from time to time, but they are illegal as fuck and usually hidden in sex stores or fetish clubs, and not in a bus station next to the Mr. Pibb machine.”
Another illusion shattered.
Japanese television series titled “Must Love Cats”. The Japanese love cats. It’s all about going cat crazy in Japan.
“I shook my head particularly hard when I read about the Japanese fundraiser that allowed people to squeeze some hot girl's breasts if they donated money to AIDS research, because every website that reported on it wrote about it like it happens every Tuesday in Japan. It doesn't. The event was hosted by a freaking porn channel -- that's like if Hugh Hefner held a topless car wash at the Playboy Mansion and the BBC told the rest of the world that there was one next to every McDonald's in America.But maybe you dream of living in Japan not because the porn flows like water (it doesn't, at least not any more so than in any other country where the Internet is a thing), but because of your love for anime, which is so popular and widely accepted among Japanese adults that you could enjoy your obsession in peace with the approval of your peers. Even though we've moved on from porn, don't put those tissues away just yet -- you may need them for the next paragraph.After all these years in Japan, I can honestly say that animation (major studio productions notwithstanding) is still mainly considered kids' stuff. There is shockingly little anime on television, and most of it is unapologetically meant for children. The only adults who really get into it (referred to as otaku) are usually perceived by the media as overweight, unwashed weirdos who are probably child molesters. Sound familiar? You're bound to spend just as much time hiding your Trigun DVDs from company here as you would anywhere else.”
What about the Stuff…
“To me, Japan isn’t even a country. Japan is its own planet... completely different than anywhere else in ways that are incomprehensible to most westerners.”
-Simon Black
There is no doubt that Japan has it’s fair share of unusual (and creative) stuff. This runs the spectrum from dental floss to unusual automobiles, and everything in between. In fact, entire books and movies can be written about this one aspect of this culture. (Which is yet another one of the reasons why I oppose the effort to make everyone and everything “equal” and the same. Such as what we see in the Obama administration, and in the EU from Brussels. Different is good. It is not bad.)
Japan has all kinds of crazy things. I particularly like this potato-bug styled cell-phone case. Can’t you just imagine using it to talk on the subway, or better yet putting it in your purse? Cool.
Japan is unique, and for me, I think it is just wonderful. They do things their way and on their terms. They just don’t care what others think. When President Obama wanted them to open up their borders to permit Muslim “refugees”, they politely declined. As they expected that any immigrants to their nation, [1] assimilate, [2] do not try to change anything, and [3] observe THEIR customs (not the other way around).
I truly wish that America would be this way. You see, I strongly believe that it is our differences that make us all great. Not our similarities.
How about some fine Japanese vegetables? Here we have some grown in molds and then hand painted. Cool idea. Now how about Donald Trump, or maybe pumpkins shaped like Hillary Clinton for Halloween?
That being said, the rigidity of the nation might be a little uncomfortable for many Americans. As it has become stylish to cover oneself with tattoos, and promote multi-sexual trans-gender confusion.
The Japanese are a very traditional society, and as such they are conservative. Which is something that I favor. They might be odd, and beyond a little strange, but they are certainly traditional.
Tattoos are generally not tolerated in Japan. They are associated with dangerous gangs and unsavory types. You are not permitted to publicly display them, and you are most certainly not permitted to enter public pools with them.
Japan is a traditional nation. They take pride in their culture and in their traditions. For instance, gender roles are fixed and stable.
Learn English with proper gender roles. Japan takes pride in it’s culture and in it’s traditions. They absolutely do not welcome change, and like most other Asian nations, have a very dim view of SJW Social Justice Warriors.
Japan has all kinds of interesting traditions and holidays. This is something that I have always found quite interesting. If you go to another nation, you want to experience their culture. That is, instead of hiding away in Starbucks of McDonalds. You really need to go out and live life to it’s fullest.
Only a selfie stick can pick up the vastness of this pink penis. Image is a snag capture from Tumblr including the text below it.
Working in Japan
From an article titled “The best and worst things about living in Japan” found here. The author sends some time discussing working in Japan.
“It's ridiculous that people show up 15 minutes early and stay 90 minutes late every day. It's expected that if you are sick, you use a vacation day rather than a sick day. And to be hire-able at your next job you need to show that you've used as few vacation days as possible.It's also not too rare for people to have to take weeks or months off of work due to "mental illness" but it's actually because they are so #$!% overworked and stressed out.Everyone pretty much realizes that the work-pace in Japan is rather arduous. What people don’t seem to realize is that the work culture in Japan goes hand-in-hand with the Japanese culture as a whole.When my grandma died, my supervisors expected that I would follow the same rules as everybody else. You get one or two days off work for grieving and travel to the funeral, any other time is to be vacation time. So I had to pull out my contract and remind them that they agreed to give me a week in such an event. So yeah, moral of the story: Japanese people are overworked and under social pressure not to relax.This all sounds pretty lousy to me. I mean, my job isn't very stressful at all, but I still really look forward to my days off and just having time to relax. I can't imagine living and working in Japan being so stressed out and then being discouraged to take time off. It sounds awful.”
The author of the article then goes on to compare the United States with Japan.
“Compared to American public transport at least, Japanese public transport is unbelievably awesome. In Europe and other countries, it's probably pretty good as well, but the Japanese have really got it down pat. Their subway and train systems are crazy convenient, accurate, and make getting around the country so much easier. Even their buses are awesome.When I was in Japan, I never felt like having a car would have made my life more convenient. Having such a integrated system of public transport made getting around very easy and simple and it's one of the things I miss most. Japan sure does love its trains though.”
From a different article titled “5 Things Nobody Tells You About Living in Japan” found here and here are some interesting statements made in the article;
“Everything Is Frightfully Low-Tech. Quick question: When was the last time you had to use a fax machine? "What is a fax machine?" is an entirely acceptable response.Well, you should try moving to Japan if you want to recapture the magic of the fax machine and other 1990s technology. I actually use one about twice a month to send out my work invoices, because many of the Japanese companies that employ me do not accept paperwork by email. The rare ones that do require that my Word/Excel files be compatible with their 1998 version of Microsoft Office, which is sort of like requiring your Avengers Blu-ray to play on a Betamax machine.My point is, on the surface Japan seems like the closest thing Earth currently has to a moon base, what with their stock exchange being entirely computerized and wireless Internet literally coming out of their vending machines.But the truth is, many things are still being done in painfully old-fashioned ways, a phrase which here means "by hand and on paper." Actually, having seen the amount of paper a typical Japanese office goes through, I feel safe in assuming that the entire country has declared a shadow war on both the information age and trees.How can this be? Well, Japan is still mainly in the hands of the older generation: Over a fourth of the population is over 60, and they're in no particular hurry to adopt new technology (particularly not Apple products, because as far as Japan is concerned, Steve Jobs can go fuck himself). Institutions like banks, the postal service and government offices still keep all of their records on paper, maintained and filed by superfluous personnel who could easily be replaced by an old Soviet computer (which incidentally is more or less what a friend of mine at a Yokohama municipal office was using at his workstation as recently as 2010).Many businesses still don't even accept credit cards. A Japanese airline can get you to any corner of the globe without a hassle, so long as you're paying in cash, even if the tickets come up to a few thousand dollars each (and I wish I wasn't speaking from experience). This is made even more difficult by the fact that I don't think I've ever seen a 24-hour ATM anywhere in Japan.That's right; most banks in Japan keep their ATMs indoors, which means that once the banks close (typically around 6 p.m.), so do the machines, utterly defeating their entire purpose for existing.
It's another extension of that technological resistance -- pretty much anywhere outside of Tokyo harbors a deep generational resentment for automation. They don't want the ATMs operational while there aren't any bank employees around to help in case something goes wrong (although outside of users being clubbed with a thermos and robbed, the list of possible mishaps is embarrassingly short).
You can always try an ATM at a convenience store (the number of which currently exceeds the national population), if you don't mind the variable transaction fees that seemingly change at random. And that's only if your ATM card will even work in machines outside of your bank, which it almost certainly won't. “
“The good news about health care in Japan is that your insurance is accepted pretty much anywhere. The bad news is that most hospitals keep shorter hours than a Blockbuster Video.
Generally speaking, Japanese hospitals are only open from about 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and are usually not open at all on the weekends.
So if you lop off a digit at a family barbecue, you basically have to wrap your stump in a Pikachu towel full of ice, wait for Monday to roll around and hope your severed finger doesn't get freezer burn.”
Here is yet another article about living in Japan. It is titled “What is it like living in Japan as a foreigner?” and it can be found here. Here are some tidbits;
“Unnecessarily long work hours. It's the norm in Japan that everyone needs to work long hours. Employees won't leave the office until the boss does. If it means surfing the internet, chatting with colleagues, or doing anything else other than work while waiting for your boss to leave then so be it. It's not really a big deal unless you want to go home as early as possible to spend time with the family.If you have a baby and need a stroller, what a hassle! Space is a premium in Japan so most places where you need to push your stroller are narrow: doors, corridors, spaces between tables and chairs in restaurants, etc. This causes inconveniences for you and others. And others don't seem to hide their annoyance at you. Forget about bringing your heavy duty stroller from abroad. To get around, you're going to need a light and compact Japanese model that you can fold and keep in your pocket (ok, I exaggerate).The subway system is excellent! Unless you have a stroller (or are in a wheel chair for that matter). Not all subway stations (in Nagoya) have elevators or even escalators. We lived next to such a station so whenever my wife wanted to go anywhere not walking distance she had to managing going up and down flights of stairs with a stroller, a baby, and a young child. Did she get any help? Did I mention that people in Nagoya aren't very friendly?Never mind about not being friendly. Many are downright rude. Imagine you get off the subway train and are now waiting for the elevator to take you up. What many will do, especially teenagers and young adults, is as soon as the elevator doors open they'll just cut in front of you from the sides and fill up the elevator with you still standing outside the elevator waiting to get in. And it's not because you're a foreigner. I've seen them do this to others with strollers and even to old people too.Too much cigarette smoke everywhere. Even in restaurants, the non-smoking section is usually just a small corner in the back. Yes, they make you walk through all the smoke to get to a not-very-isolated-from-smoke non-smoking section. Out in public, it can be a challenge if you want your kids to avoid secondhand smoke.”
And in common with China as well, you can enjoy this comment…
“You get a lot of attention. Let's just say men tend to date girls one or two rank above what they would date "back home" by virtue of being a foreigner. But it's not just there you'll receive attention, it's in general life. In the street, you'll be ignored like everyone else, but in a social situation, particularly with beer involved, people want to talk to you. They are curious. They come out of their shell and ask you lots of questions. It can be a lot of fun.”
“"Foreigner" is too broad of a term. Your experience in Japan will differ wildly depending on what caste of foreigner you are. Your caste is determined primarily by your ethnic/national background, but your economic standing and personal charisma will play a role as well.Here's the rough ranking, from most to least desirable:
White Western European or North American/Australian/NZ
White Eastern/Southern European, South American
Developed East Asian (Taiwan, SK, Singaporean, HKer etc)
Developing East Asian (mainland Chinese, Vietnamese)
Southeast Asian
Middle Eastern, South Asian (basically “brown people” to use the rough term)
It's also not a perfectly linear ranking of course, there are caveats to each caste. East Asians, especially ones from the Sinosphere, can be accepted almost as full Japanese after a while. This is especially true with Taiwanese. Among East Asians, Taiwanese are regarded particularly well. This is in contrast to whites, who while treated with more reverence, are almost never accepted as "Japanese". So they will always be considered outsiders.But by no means is it a bad deal to be Caucasian of any nationality in Japan. The position is so comically worshipped that there's literally comics written specifically to address the issue: Charisma Man”
And welcome to the rest of the world, outside of the Western cultural bubble, you see this…
“There are no discrimination laws. If you look at some job postings, you may see a listing for a flight attendant as "Light skinned attractive woman, less than 50kg, at least 167cm and between the ages of 22 and 30". Once she hits 30, she will either be transferred or let go. Schools that do home stays for students have difficulties because the Japanese family may only want a blonde, blue eyed female student that's not fat but legally the school can't accept such a request. Companies the same thing. You may see an foreign recruiting agency trying to get around things by putting a requirement of "no more than 10 years work experience", which is their roundabout way of saying the Japanese client requested someone under 30. “
And, in common with China and the rest of Asia is this statement;
“Education and job are highly regarded in Japan, and most of Asia. If you are well educated and have a great career, you will be treated well and respected even more so than in the US.”
Office Women
Nell provided some real “meat” in regards to details about what it was like to work in Japan as an American expat woman. Interesting reading indeed;
“Japan was my life dream until I really lived there.I chose Japanese language and culture as my major in university, I felt the sound of Japanese language was extremely attractive that every night I listened to my text book record as a¨lullaby¨ before sleeping.After graduating, when I got an offer from a company in Japan, I felt like I won a lottery. So I started my Japan living experience as a foreigner.The first shock was during the 3 days newbie training in Tokyo head office.I learned a word 相槌 (aiduchi) which basically means when somebody (especially a senior in the company) talking to you, no matter what he/she talks, no matter you agree with him/her or not, you must keep on nodding, saying そうですね (soudesune)、なるほど(naruhodo)、はい(hai)、ええ(ee)、勉強になりました(benkyo ni narimashita) etc with a perfect smile, to show your respect.
I understand and admire the social convention and manners like this, and actually it was a part of my "fancy elegant Japan" image, still when I had to do it nonstop for 8 hours, keep a polite sweet soft voice(which is not my usual, or, let me say, real voice), and keep those sincere "I admire you, senior" eyes...
It did drive me crazy.
Japanese office woman. There are all sorts of traditional unwritten laws in Asia. There is also a kind of “uniform” that business women wear.
The second shock was in the “welcome party”.
We newbies were the “main characters” who were supposed to give some special “show” as a tradition. I was lucky because I was both a female and a foreigner, so nobody asked me to do anything except for a short speech introducing myself.
But my “douki”(the coworker who attended the company same year, so my newbie coworker) was a Japanese guy. Senior coworkers in my apartment forced him to drink a whole bottle of Tabasco in that party in front of everybody. It was a situation he had no way to escape. He did. Then he vomited terribly.
I helped him cleaning and later we became friends- I realized why in Japan lots of “douki” coworkers have way better relationship with each other than with other coworkers- They kind of need a “union” to protect themselves from seniors in this strict “upper and lower relationship society”(縦社会 tatesyakai、上下関係 jyogekannkei).I said I was lucky to be a female that no male coworker in the company “bullied” me that much to feed me a bottle of Tabasco. But soon I felt maybe to be a female was not that lucky.In our office (and lots of traditional Japanese companies), there were 2 kinds of positions. “総合職 sougousyoku”(general position) and “一般職 ippansyoku”(common position).Former is the positions you can get promoted step by step, usually require higher education background; and latter is the positions basically you can never get promoted, usually ONLY for women who wouldn’t work for a long time, would quit job after get married or give a birth. (I have never seen any male in a “common position” in Japan. But if there is please correct me).
So in our office, all men were in “general position” and all women were in “common position” except me. I was the only female in a “general position”. At first I was kind of, a bit proud of myself. But soon I found it was a complicated situation.
Female workers in Japan have all sort of rules and regulations that they must follow. THis is true for mean as well. This often comes as a shock to American women as they are not used to such restrictions in dress, and behavior.
Every morning female coworkers make tea or coffee for the male coworkers who they were working with. But it’s hard to say it’s part of their work as assistants or it’s just kindness. Still I have never seen any male coworker making coffee for a female coworker or a male coworker.
I was a junior, I had a senior male coworker as my trainer. So I very much hesitated if I should make coffee for him. Finally I did, still I felt it’s something I HAD TO do otherwise I would look not nice and would be DIFFERENT with other girls which would make me a difficult situation in the office.Couples years later when I made some real Japanese friends, I tried to ask them why I always saw Japanese women pour tea, pass chopsticks and tissues when eating in restaurant for man, but seldom see men do such things for women?
They answered me honestly “Hmmm…we got used to it… and the tea made by women is more delicious.”I found some “benefits” to be a woman in Japan too. Though I needed to serve beer for male coworkers when eating in a restaurant like my other female coworkers do, girls usually pay less than guys when separating the bill. I guess it’s somehow a “balance” in this society.Another shock is overtime work. In the first year I lived in Japan, I never finished work before 9pm, the average was 10pm. Sometimes I finished work earlier, or had nothing to do. But I dare not go home, because my boss and seniors were still working.
It was too shame to let them know I was "free".
Later I got to know sometimes my boss and seniors do the same, they don't leave the office because it's too shame to let their staffs know they are "free". And of course, the overtime is basically no pay.”
Jinji ido
In Japan, however, at the end of the fiscal year in April, they have what’s called “jinji ido” (“moving people around”). Basically it’s musical chairs within the company, where the bosses shift some employees around from department to department. Were you working in human resources for four years? Congratulations, now you’re in sales! Weren’t popular as a secretary? Well now you’re working in finance.
No one is safe from the “jinji ido” – some number of bosses, fresh employees, and veterans are all shuffled around every year. On the one hand, this makes working for the same company your entire life not a completely soul-crushing prospect, since you always have the hope that you’ll be moved somewhere else next year if you don’t like your current boss or department, but on the other hand, it helps justify Japanese people feeling chained to their jobs.
Either way though, it was always fun watching the results of the yearly Japanese office Hunger Games.
An oppai club in Tokyo is similar to many bars around Asia, but with some twists. All over this part of the world it is very common for guys to go to bars or KTV’s and effectively pay for the attention of girls.
Here is a writeup from Guys Night Life on the Oppai clubs in Japan;
“We don’t necessarily mean sex, just to have a sexy girl sit with you while you enjoy your drink. That is how things work at the oppai clubs in Tokyo, but as we mentioned there is a twist. Calling these a strip club certainly wouldn’t be correct, because when you think of a strip club you think of sexy girls dancing naked on stage.
That doesn’t happen here.Instead what happens at the oppai clubs is you pay to have a few girls sit with you, usually it is 3 girls for a little under 15 minutes each. When they sit with you they pull their tops down, and your hands are free to play with them titties.
Keep calm and oppai shibotai.
Some girls may do some kissing (you have to brush your teeth when you enter lol) or will let you suck on their tits, but not all will. There are some set-in-stone rules at oppai clubs, and if you break them you will be asked to leave.First off your hands are only allowed to play with the boobs, you can’t go down between her legs. Sometimes the girls might do some light cock rubbing through your pants, but you can’t pull your dick out and aren’t going to have sex or get a blowjob here. The most famous oppai club in Tokyo is Pretty Getter which has multiple locations. Another one you can try is Ooedo, and there are others around town as well.How much does an oppai pub cost? It is roughly $60 to have the 3 girl rotation that lasts a little under 45 minutes. You will need to buy a drink as well.So, in one way they are a lot like strip clubs in the western world because you are going to go there to get horny and blue balled. However unlike in the western world you can head to a blowjob bar right after to alleviate that concern.”
Yeah. You can go and sit down with three girls and play with their breasts for 15 minutes or so. Kinky, but cool.
Japanese girls are very similar to all Asian ladies. I find Asian ladies very attractive in a very kind and sweet way. Here is an interesting quote on this subject;
“Coming from a culture where the women are taught to be big-mouthed, rude, and disrespectful, the American visitor to Japan will at once be pleasantly surprised by the poise, demeanor, and courtesy of the Japanese girl.
This to me is sexually attractive. It is nice to be treated with respect wherever you go. Even when your approach is rejected, it is done with such exquisite politeness that you feel nothing unpleasant at all.
I find that traditional Japanese clothing is very visually appealing and attractive. The Japanese women do actually wear traditional clothing. It is not a rarity.
As I’ve gotten older, I have come to value courtesy and politeness very highly, perhaps because it is so rare in Anglo-American women.
Obnoxiousness does not equal strength, as American women believe.
Boundaries exist, and everyone knows what they are. Japanese culture also teaches humility and self-sacrifice as positive virtues. This ethic is extolled in countless historical dramas, soap operas, and other cultural contexts. Japanese girls are genuinely humble and modest, for the most part; and this character trait I find very appealing.”-Quintus Curtius
Fast Food Insanity
Finally, let me just say that the Japanese has taken the “Fast Food” engine and allowed it to run amuck (off the rails). Here, in Japan, you can see the most extreme versions of American staples. Really, do the Japanese actually eat these creations? I actually wonder.
Japan really does seem to enjoy the extreme side of living. I mean, who can actually eat such creations? They look great, but one burger would be enough to feed you for a week, don’t you think?
Another thing that I really like about Japan is that they like the gender roles to be clear and enhanced. Girls and women should be demure, cute, pretty and attractive. For they are the bedrock of the society.
As such, even the workers in McDonalds are cute and adorable.
Japanese fast food workers. Aren’t these girls cute? I really like the girls in the fluffy dresses and the hair ribbons. It is so attractive. This is McDonalds in Japan. Bet you didn’t know that.
Mr Bernie Sanders opined about the benefits of living in Sweden (yet he never moved, I wonder why?) and because of that he wanted to transform the United States into some kind of socialist paradise modeled under Sweden.
His ideas sounded stimulating to say the least. The kind of stuff that people who have never held a job, worked for a boss, or paid taxes would believe.
Imagine that… a place where everyone is equal and all contributes to the common good and everyone is equal, happy and content. What’s not to like? (At least that is what his followers thought.)
Personally, I disagree with this philosophy. In fact, I strongly believe that it is our differences that make us strong. Not our similarities.
Sweden has many nice and tight coastal communities up and down the nation. Each one is quaint with their own sense of belonging. Here is an interesting article titled “I’m an American living in Sweden. Here’s why I came to embrace the higher taxes.” Written by Tom Heberlein on April 8, 2016. It can be found here.
“In Sweden, the four-page tax form comes in the mail already filled out. On a Saturday morning, Betty and I take our coffee to the couch and review the forms. Seeing they look reasonable, as they always do, we "sign" with a text from our phones. In 15 minutes we are done. We don't have to hire a tax consultant, and we avoid fights about whether a print cartridge bought at the drugstore is a business expense or not.”
“When the conservative government, favoring lower taxes, came to power in Sweden in 2006 one of its first steps was abolish the property tax and replace it with a fixed fee. The real estate fee for services is 7,112 SEK per house ($825 at current exchange rates). This is the same for everyone no matter what the assessed value of the dwelling. The fee is $12 a month for our co-op apartment in Stockholm. If we owned the same property in Madison, our taxes would be $18,000 a year.”
A hiking shelter. In other nations, such as Sweden, the government has invested in parks, hiking trails and shelters for the citizens to use and enjoy.
Sweden is a very good example of “looking outside of the box”. We, as Americans have become so accustomed to the “American way of life” (that is to say “the American way of doing things”) that it is actually impossible, and even shocking, to see that things are done differently elsewhere. It is, to us, inconceivable. However, that is a real problem. Given the size of the human population that there can NEVER be a “one size fits all” top down, centralized approach to social governance, no matter what the statists, and the progressive social democrats think. Humans need and desire independence. We need to find out what fits us and do things in a way that enables us to live our life in peace and harmony.For some, this might be along the lines of what the Swedes do. For others it might be more akin to what is practiced in North Korea. For others it might be similar to how one lives in France. Rather than look at the good, and at the bad in a foreign location, I propose that one conduct a full immersion in a different nation and decide themselves what is preferable to them.It is the same as what I have done in China, and what most long-term expats have done as well. Every place has both good and bad aspects. It is up to us to determine which aspects of our life is most signifigant to us, and then move to an area that best supports those ideals. For me, America today seems to only be beneficial for the uber-wealthy in the large urban mega-cities on the American coasts, and not really beneficial in the rest of the nation.
Fireplaces and snow. When Winter comes around you can bet that the Swedes keep warm and toasty in their wood-stove heated homes. When I lived in Wrentham, I had a wood stove and it kept the entire house (it was quite small) nice and toasty in the Winter.
In my mind, if you are able to be happy and satisfied in your labors and with your family, then the undesirable aspects of a place can be minimized in importance.
Some people, like my brother, love the mountains and they love the snow and the cooler weather. I cannot blame them. There is something absolutely awesome about coming home after a good hard day’s work and firing up the wood stove, and having a nice warm beverage.
I used to live in a cabin on Lake Pearl in Wrentham, Mass. The living room window overlooked the lake and it was surrounded with fresh pine trees. In the wintertime, the snow would fall, and I would watch the squirrels going up and down the tree trunks while the fire crackled in the wood heater.
Ah, good memories.
A cozy cabin would be wonderful on a nice cold snowy day. Don’t you think? You do not need much. Just a wood burning stove – banned in the United States (thank you president Obama) and a rack to sleep on.
In Sweden, everyone is beautiful.
Everyone. Sorry, no exceptions. In the back of your head, you’re thinking, Well, how beautiful can they be? And it turns out, really fucking beautiful. It’s weird. It’s almost like a new planet of hot people. According to Greg Poehler, a Swedish 5 is an American 12.
Greg Poehler is an actor who plays a celebrity accountant who relocates to Sweden. This actor moved to Sweden, from New York, in 2006. He has strong opinions about Sweden.
And nudity is no big deal. (Like in Germany, and Iceland and the rest of the civilized world.)
That’s why you’ll see it on the Swedish show “Welcome to Sweden” (The Swedish version of course, it is censored in America.). Nudity’s not a thing for them.
I mean, it is a thing, but it’s a thing that’s constantly around, Poehler said that his kids swim naked all summer and then have to deal with their own culture shock when they come to the U.S. and have to cover up.
Poehler believes the nudity is actually a good thing:
"Even at a young age, you can just see how accepting they are of nudity and their bodies."
Friendship is largely based around dinner parties.
It can be difficult to make friends in Sweden, because most Swedes already have a strong group of friends that they’ve known for years. Good luck scoring a dinner party invite. “The party scene there is all about dinner parties,” Poehler explained. “So your friend selection is actually limited by how many seats you have around your dinner table. And unless somebody dies or gets divorced or moves away, you have no chance of getting invited to that table.” It’s an ongoing struggle: “I’m still trying to work my way through the dinner party scene.”
"In general, the Swedish viewing habits are much like it was in the U.S. 40, 50 years ago, where people are kind of all watching the same thing," Poehler said. That helped Welcome to Sweden get such impressive ratings. "The top 10 shows tend to get that type of number." And the "Friday night death slot" as it's known in the U.S. is actually a good thing for Swedish shows: "Our show was on Friday nights, which here would be a terrible night, but there is like the biggest night."
Log Homes
Log cabins have been traditionally built in this part of the European continent. Countries like Norway, Finland, Sweden, Russia and other Baltic regions were the regions where the log cabins have been built for centuries. The growth of coniferous trees in this part of the world is the primary reason for building these structures.
The log cabin was “invented” in Northern Europe, and Sweden is perhaps the center of that trend. The idea of rustic homes bravely facing the harsh Winter weather came from Sweden.
The shape of these trees and the quality of wood obtained from them is ideal for the construction of log cabins. Migrants from the Scandinavian countries (especially from Sweden) who settled in America in the early part of the 17th Century are credited to have brought log cabins to Northern America.
Sweden, as far as the United States is concerned, is a land of high taxation. However, that might not be a bad thing. Yes, the taxes in Massachusetts were high. Yes, everything is against the law in Massachusetts. However, that does not take away from what I found most charming about it. (And to this day, I still miss my life in Massachusetts. I still consider it a wonderful place to live.)
One should NEVER make two-dimensional judgements about a region and a people until they first go out there and see it with their own eyes.
So, I say to everyone and most especially the readers herein, go to Sweden and make your own opinions. Don’t fall for the Bernie Sanders narrative that Sweden is “Heaven on Earth”, nor should you fall for the Alex Jones narrative that all taxes are evil. Find a middle-ground; a an area where you (personally) can find comfort. Then go move there and live your life.
Below is a summary of the Swedish tax system. I believe that I picked it up on Tumblr sometime during the 2015 – 2016 time period. I do not know who created this document, or whether of not it is accurate and reflective of the current taxiation system in Sweden today. It is presented for the amusement and consideration of the reader.
Income Tax in Sweden. Off hand, I would say that the taxes seem prohibitively high. However, that might be offset by other issues. The only way to find out is to actually go to Sweden and find out for yourself.
Now, there are others who offer an opposing view toward Sweden. Here are some interesting quotes worth consideration…
“Higher education may be free but students in Sweden often have to take out loans to cover living expenses including rent and food while studying. 85 percent of students in Sweden graduate with debt and these fresh graduates also suffer from a high debt-to-income ratio once they land jobs. Sustaining oneself while trying to establish a career can be tough. Rent in centers like Stockholm can be both expensive and hard to come by for most young professionals.”
“Sen. Sanders claimed that lessons on democratic socialism can be learned from the Nordics. However, Scandinavians were among those quick to correct Sen. Sanders saying that they aren’t socialist. They are technically market economies. Perhaps there’s this notion that a utopia is where citizens are provided everything and that everyone enjoys freedom and equality. For the most part, this seems to apply to Sweden since the government covers essential services and the people have an egalitarian outlook hence the reason they’re mistaken to be democratic socialists. Still, the reality is that people have to work hard, pay taxes, and deal with competition common in a market economy if they want to thrive in Sweden.”
Why not? I guess that I was inspired by the Phil Manzanera song “Big Day” and the lyrics about Peru.
Here is a nice woman from Peru. There are many beautiful women all over the world. Each one comes with their own traditions, society and ways of doing things. When we have become so accustomed to the American way of doing something, it is often a wonderful experience to find others who share our traditional view of the world.
This is one of those nations that no one really considers except to travel to (to look at ancient ruins). But that should be the exact criteria to give it a good long hard look. Certainly something “off the beaten track” is what would be most desirable for a typical American expat today.
Cheap food, housing, and standard of living would factor high in where ever an expat might want to move to. Not only that, but having a passport from Peru will not make you a target by Islamic radicals trying to purge the world of Americans…
Peru. Only in Peru. This is a very unassuming nation in South America. It is quite different from the United States and that makes it very interesting to me.
Here are some comments by an expat in Peru. They have a blog that can be found HERE.
Apparently, it is pretty terrifying.
“The roads [in Peru] are pretty unforgiving. I once made a trip, well, tried to, from Trujillo to Otusco. I eventually turned around... those cliffs really humbled me.
I have gone up and down the coast -- flat, no cliffs -- all the way to Tumbes at the Ecuadorian frontier with no problems. I could write a couple of chapters about the experiences with buses and cars in a hurry, passing on curves... single lanes on high passes... cliff collapses... buses passing you on curves drafting you first or meeting a bus head on coming at you lumbering and top-heavy around curves... YOU GOT NO PLACE TO GO.
WEIGHT IS THE DOMINATING PRINCIPLE. THEY PUSH, HONK AND INTIMIDATE EVERYWHERE BUT ON THE CLIFFS. Life and death. I have frequently seen three people on a motorcycle with a kid sandwiched in the middle - all no helmets.”
“The premiere Mall in Lima is Lacomar right on the ocean. It is an excellent mall, large and it could be in NY or any other major city and would be regarded as Excellent.Also you can ask but in Lima is a park in a City Busy area that is a sanctuary for Cats. I mean,, the cats know it and there are a billion cats that hang there.. It is really a special place and quite an interesting phenomena.”
"More than six years of experience says that Internet is certainly reliable in Peru for remote sales and more. Video performance is choppy regardless of provider. Latency is an issue with video specifically. It really depends on from where you are planning on connecting and using what kind of services. There are Internet cafes in most cities and some small towns.If you will be located in Lima and want a month to month wireless router service without phone hookup to support multiple devices in a home, then Olo can be recommended. But Olo has a delivery footprint and you need to check if your house is within that footprint. I have used that service for almost a year from San Juan de Lurigancho (Lima). I have also been a customer in the past of Nextel, Claro, Movistar, and Speedy.
Claro/Movistar have a wireless dongle that works for a single computer. We had technical and customer service problems with Movistar. I used Nextel wide band with success for years. Speedy is fast, cheap, but good depends on the wiring in your part of the city and how much construction is happening near you.If you are planning on setting up a high speed phone center in the provinces using existing services beyond Lima it is probably not going to happen, though I do know of a successful Skype-based salesman who did B2B appt setting daily and operated from Huanuco."
“Coastal Peru is really all desert. Where people live in urban areas with lots of houses it tends to be much greener but certainly never lush. It is dusty, but really I think all of Peru is dusty. I have never seen a screened window yet once you go outside an urban or city area unless you see farms and agriculture it is more desert like""Yes, coastal Peru is very much a desert. I found the scenery grows on you, especially next to the coast. I am most familiar with the Lima area (Miraflores) and the humidity is surprisingly high for a desert, but then I come from an area of very low humidity, Wyoming. I do seem to recall other places along the coast (e.g. Trujillo) seemed to be less humid,""Lima weather in the summer is fine, but it winter it is only gray. High humidity and lower temps... kind of uncomfortable. In Trujillo, the weather is always pleasant. In summer, when the skies are clear and blue, the humidity is high and just short of 100%, but it never rains. Rain is so unusual here that if you see drops it is a major downpour. Sometimes it is just misty and you can feel the lightest of drizzles... and even that is unusual. So, in the summer the humidity gets kinda uncomfortable. Generally summer is pleasant, but there is always a run of about 2-3 weeks where the humidity gets outtahand."
"It is possible that expats live in isolated clusters in several countries, but full disclosure, you should know that Peru has still active guerilla forces and that 17% of GDP is now from cocaine, according to National Geographic.Apparently, Columbian 'interests' have decided to 'outsource' a bit of production and distribution to nearby countries, so I do not know how this bodes of stability or personal safety in Peru, but these are factors to consider.""There is a particular area where Coca production prevails and there are some conflicts. Peru produces more cocoa than any other country in SA. That is production of raw material but not distribution of final product. Living in the area of Trujillo for a few years now I have had no visibility of any activities in that regard. It may go on in the background but who know. It does not affect daily living in any regard.In all of Peru there are places known for safety and places known for danger. I have frequented Lima and flagged down many, many taxis without ever a hitch. Crime is not rampant and it is best not to exaggerate. Traveling through many parts of Peru I have never been accosted by a robber or thief. Of course, it is good to be sensible and wise, but I do not see an overwhelming or ever present threat of danger."
If you have a nice, comfortable life, then savor it. Appreciate it. Enjoy it.
However, if you are like one of millions of American men who have reached their 40’s and discovered that events, problems, and unforeseen disasters have decimated their savings, belongings, relationships and careers, perhaps you need to look elsewhere. Maybe you need to take a good hard look at your life and the decisions that you made decades ago that set you on the path that you now tread.
I suggest that there are many other nations and cultures out there, outside of the United States. There are good and bad things about all of them. But, given your situation, perhaps one or two might be more suitable than the progressive liberal “paradise” that the United States is turning into.
I urge you, or anyone who is asking the deep question “is that all that there is?”, to look outside the box, and consider the unthinkable; leave the United States and become an expat.
Take Aways
When things go wrong we often feel trapped. We become lost and directionless.
Part of the problem, and the cause for the lack of direction, is that we have automatically limited our options. We have, over the years, placed restrictions and limits on ourselves.
I suggest opening up ourselves to the reality that there are no limitations except those that we place upon ourselves.
A glance at a handful of other nations clearly shows that there are other places with other options for a man lost in the wilderness.
Q: What if you cannot speak the language? A: Well, you learn another language. If you want to be in a certain place with a specific lifestyle, then you will do what ever it takes. Most of the time, this will include learning another language and adapting to a different culture. Trust me, if you really want, or better yet, need to move and start all over again, then you will do what ever is necessary.
Q: What if I have a job, a family, children, but I am unhappy? A: Then you need to find out what is making you unhappy.
Often it is things that have developed over a long period of time, that has taken a toll on us. Sometimes it is the little things, like having a wife that forbids you to drink cream with your coffee, or a work place that doesn’t allow you to smoke. Perhaps it is a constantly increasing tax burden with no appreciable increase in your standard of living. When your soul starts screaming at you, it’s time to listen. Something is wrong.
You, as the man of the house, must do something about it.
Q: I think that I am going through a “mid-life” crisis, but my wife thinks I’m bonkers, what do I do? A: Yell at your wife for discounting your emotions and your feelings. She should be better attuned to you, your feelings and your needs. Since she is disparaging you, then there is certainly something wrong; with her.
If you feel and think a certain way, then that has validity. No one, especially someone who is part of your family should ever disparage that.
You need to have a good sit down with your family and explain how you feel. It is not an issue about working out what to do, as it is a real need to state that your needs are not being met. That you are not being listened to, nor are your feelings being respected. You will be unable to continue in a life where these fundamentals are missing from your life.
Q: What criteria should be used to determine which nation to move to? A: Safety, ease of access, and personal finances. Where ever you go, you will need to be open to making new friends, adapting to a strange culture, and change your way of life. For some it is way to shocking. Here in China, we have a saying that Americans can’t last more than three months in China. Plan, and be careful.
In my mind, the most important things are [1] the pace of life… and, [2] how hard you have to work to just live in a most basic way.
Multi-Part Series
There are so many nations and places to choose from. This post is part two of a multi-part post. My basic premise is that the world is a big place. Get out. Enjoy the differences. Savor them. Life is too short not to.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
What happens when you are given a five minute notice before your company lays you off? Then they hand you a NDA, and expect you to sign it, or else they will prevent you from getting food stamps and support. What then?
What options do you have? Another stab at getting yet another American job, and America boss in an American corporate environment? Is that what your options are? As an American man, just what are your options?
There are times when you just feel a screaming need to “bug out”.
But, let me tell you something. The world is yours once you have lost everything. That includes nations, food, culture and girls. You can go anywhere and be anyone. This is especially true for an American man who faced a vindictive ex-wife, or had an encounter with any of the many, many American alphabet regulatory organizations such as the IRS, DHS, CIA, FBI, ICE, FDA etc.
People, there is an entire world out there. It is big, and filled with all sorts of interesting and colorful people.
I urge the reader to divest themselves from the notion that the United States offers the only decent living arrangements on the globe. There are other places. Many others.
Some are better and some are worst. It is up to the reader to consider all of the options that lie before them and make determinations and judgments biased upon their own individual situation, preferences, and desires. Not (to make them biased) on fear or lack of experience…
You do not have to endure a life that is defined by others…
The world is filled with interesting people, wonderful places, and really different ways of doing things. many of which are a pleasant surprise to Americans who have grown up thinking that the “American Way” is the only way to do things (as well as being the “best” way to do things).
The world is filled with fun and interesting people. The cultures and societies are different, and in many ways there are changes that lead to a more relaxed and fulfilled life. You just need to go out and explore and venture forth. Now, come on, don’t these two gals look like they would be a lot of fun to hang out with?
There are so many nations and places to choose from.
Written by a Man
Please note that this was written by a man. It is about things that might be of interest to a man. For similar posts written by women, I would suggest the Huffington Post, the Washington Post, or Salon.
Also note that this is a blog. It contains personal opinions. If you want to read something that is unbiased and doesn’t have opinions, try CNN. LOL.
Finally, many of the things that are commonplace in other nations are either banned, censored or illegal in the United States. This post does not censor for American sensibilities. As there are people all over the world that reads it. I just can’t sanitize it for Americans. That includes…
Buying beer on Sunday.
Doing drugs in Holland.
Prostitution chain-bordellos in Germany.
Public nudity in Iceland.
Smoking in public in China.
Being able to eat in restaurants barefoot in Cambodia.
Traditional gender roles in Brazil.
The giant penis festival in Japan.
Buying ED medicine without a prescription. (Common everywhere.)
If you are an American, and you are too sensitive to the realities outside of America, then I would suggest you leave. Exposure to freedom is not something to be taken trivially. Real freedom is not having to ask permission to do something. Real freedom is not taxed, monitored or prohibited.
Real freedom is not taxed, monitored or prohibited.
Multi-part Post
This post is part one of a multi-part post. My basic premise is that the world is a big place. Get out. Enjoy the differences. Savor them. Life is too short.
Let’s start by talking about a tiny mountain nation smack dab in the middle of Europe.
Ah Switzerland. Perhaps my number one ideal destination. However, not my number one practical destination.
For a relatively small, landlocked country, Switzerland contains an exceptional amount of natural beauty and cultural diversity—with four official languages and all the variety they represent. These 10 towns spread across the country demonstrate the best Switzerland has to offer in terms of spectacular mountain scenery, flower-lined nature paths, lakefront beauty, and picturesque historic centers.
Here’s an interesting article titled “Living in Switzerland ruined me for America and its lousy work culture” written by Chantal Panozzo on February 1, 2016. Found here.
“During my Swiss career, I was employed by various companies from 25 percent to 100 percent. When I worked 60 percent, for example, I worked three days a week. A job that is 50 percent could mean the employee works five mornings a week or, as I once did, two and a half days a week.
The freedom to choose the amount of work that was right for me at varying points of my life was wonderful and kept me engaged and happy.”
“At my former American job, I received 10 days of paid vacation per year, and each of those days came with a sizable portion of guilt if actually used.
But in Switzerland, my husband's company gave employees six weeks of vacation a year.
Most of the Swiss companies I worked for gave four — the legal minimum is four. Moreover, everything shut down between Christmas and New Year's, giving most employees like me another guaranteed week off.”
Wow, it sounds like a great place to work. You can work at your own pace, and attend to your family life. If you are too stressed, you can work out an arrangements where you work part time. If you have family issues, you can adjust things accordingly. If you need more money, you can work out an aggressive work schedule. This degree of corporate flexibility is a freedom that Americans do not possess.
Winter in the Swiss mountains…
Living in Switzerland would be awesome. You have the mountains, the seasons, the fresh air, and a more sensible pace of life. Spring is glorious and Fall is magical.
“About three years into my Swiss life, I lost my job. And I discovered that in Switzerland, being on unemployment meant you received 70 to 80 percent of your prior salary for 18 months.
The Swiss government also paid for me to take German classes, and when I wasn't looking for jobs, I could afford to write a book.”
“When I gave birth in Switzerland, I was encouraged to stay five days in the hospital. So I did. The $3,000 bill for the birth and hospital stay was paid in full by my Swiss insurance. As was the required midwife, who came to my apartment for five days after I came home from the hospital to check on both my health and my baby's.
Had I been in the US for my delivery, the cost would have been much higher — and the quality of care arguably lower. The average price for a vaginal birth in the US is $30,000 and includes an average of less than a two-day hospital stay.”
Switzerland isn’t just beautiful—it’s actually outrageously so. I guess it’s what I always expected. Switzerland, with its glacial lakes, the Alps and all the nature, it’s all very stunning. This kind of natural beauty in Switzerland is calming and cool. Despite the famous red color and cross of the Swiss flag, the only color that comes to mind for Switzerland is honestly and truly blue. The sky seems to be a constant shade of blue: bold and beautiful when the sun is out, and gloomy & grey under the clouds. The water, so fresh and readily available in the country, runs clear and reflects the blues in the sky. The glacial lakes shimmer. This country is blue. And it’s beautiful.
You know, working in Switzerland might be something to consider. And, of course, maybe having a child born in Switzerland wouldn’t be a bad idea. What do you think?
So many places to move to. Let’s talk about France.
Many people have said to me, “Oh Diane, you’re so lucky. You live in France…” And I stop them right there. Luck had nothing to do with it. I didn’t fall out of bed one day to find my suitcase packed, money in the bank, with a first class ticket on Magic Fairy Airlines, destination: France.
No. It never works like that.
My goal was to move to France and my choices leading up to that move got me here. This didn’t just happen to me while I idly stood by. I moved to France last year to be with Tom, but the first time I moved to France in 2009, Tom wasn’t even in the picture…
-Oui in France
Did you know that it is very easy to become a citizen of France? Yes it is. Look at all the uneducated Africans who now live there. However, I am not referring to that, I am referring to the French Foreign Legion. You serve, and you become a citizen. It’s a tough option, but a reasonable one for a younger man to consider.
It’s a great option if you burned your bridges in the United States, and want to start off new and fresh with a new identification, a new name, living in a new area. You just have to EARN it. That’s all.
France has so many beautiful lesser-known little towns that are worthy of a visit. Whether you’re in the mood for sleepy beach towns, colorful villages, or icy slopes, there is a perfect French town for you.
When I was back in high school and planning to go to the Air Force Academy to be a pilot for the Air Force, I took French classes. I took them for three years, as that was an Air Force Academy requirement at that time. I never really used it except for many years later when I visited Canada, Vietnam and Zambia.
Moreover, an interesting blog about living in France can be found here.
Like the other entries here, it offers some glimpse of alternative realities that aren’t even considered possible in the United States, like for instance a Wine High School…
“About this time a year ago, we had lived in France for only three weeks when an announcement on the city’s website regarding an event for that weekend caught our eye—Wine Fair! We knew that we had moved to the world’s largest grape-growing area but we didn’t realize that there was a high school devoted to the craft just a few minutes’ walk from the house. With the promise of 30 wines, 6 beers, and 2 ciders, we just had to go…for a taste, of course.
One of my favorite things to do is to drink wine whilst eating bread with cheese, olives and assorted goodies. Image that being an everyday event. OMG.
High schools in France give students the opportunity to decide if they want to pursue a university degree or prefer a more hands-on approach to a career be it industrial or laboratory science, health and social sciences, music or dance, or trades that require internships, to name a few.
The Lycée Charlemagne, located not far from where we used to live by the castle, specializes in agriculture, so if you want to become any kind of farmer, including a wine grower, this is the place to be.
Since Carcassonne is such a magnet for tourists, other high schools here offer specialization in hospitality and the restaurant industry.
In contrast, we saw a TV program about Le Mans, the French city north of us that is famous for the Grand Prix road race, and is the city of choice for young people who want to learn all about automobile and motorcycle mechanics.”
A wine High School. How about that!
I well remember us complaining in High School (that was back in the mid 1970’s) that our peers in France and Europe were given wine with their school lunches. Meanwhile the Democrats in the United States were insanely active in raising the drinking age up from 16 to 21. They insisted on raising the drinking age…“For the Children”. Ugh! It was so frustrating being treated such that we were somehow stupider and immature than our peers elsewhere in the globe.
That’s Democrats for ya. Always thinking that they know what’s best… for YOU.
Boys and girls were free to drink and smoke as they were growing up. This all changed when the Democrats took control of various state legislatures and enforced vice laws.
On the subarctic island, consumer prices were on average 56 percent higher than the rest of Europe in 2018, making Iceland the single most expensive country, ahead of Switzerland (52 percent), Norway (48 percent) and Denmark (38 percent), according to Eurostat data.
In order to avoid unpleasant surprises, Quint Johnson, had done "some research," before travelling to Iceland from the United States for a week's vacation with his family.
"But it's been a little bit of a shock," the 22-year-old student told AFP, having discovered the chilling rates for familiar items like a simple hamburger with fries and a beer.
A glance at the menu at an Icelandic restaurant will tell you that a plain cheese pizza will run you around 2,400 kronor -- almost 17 euros ($19) -- a glass of wine will be at least 10 euros and a pint of beer costs about 7 euros.
"That's a big price jump compared to what I'm used to," Johnson said.
According to the consumer price comparison site Numbeo, a dinner for two in an average restaurant ends with a bill of about 85 euros, a bottle of wine in a shop is priced at around 17 euros, and a dozen eggs cost up to five euros.
Not only that, but there are few countries in the world that can say they do not have any mosquitoes and Iceland is one of them!
Beautiful Iceland. Sure it is cold, but when the sun comes out it is glorious. Not to mention that the environment lends itself to cozy comfort.
The following are excerpts from Larissa Kyzer who lived in NYC before she moved to Iceland. Her comments can be found here.
“Forget lying about your birthday: if you’re one of those people who likes to fudge your age, be forewarned. Your Icelandic national ID, or kennitala, begins with the day, month, and year of your birthday, and you will be expected to recite it to everyone, everywhere, for pretty much everything. Get a library card, give your kennitala. Sign up for a cell phone plan, give your kennitala. Rent a video, give your kennitala. Unlike the American social security number, it is intended to be a very public number.”
“…always bring a towel! You’ll find that people go to the pools a lot--if only to chat in the hot pots (the geothermal jacuzzis that are at every pool)--and even though you can rent a towel (and a suit for that matter), you’ll save a fair amount of money in the long run if you bring your own. Plus, if you carry your swim things with you, you’ll be ready at a moment’s notice for a trip down the water slide, or a gossip session or football debate in the hot pots.”
The People
Icelanders are proud, somewhat stoic people. Look, they are a race of people that sought to make a living on a cold, barren island 1000+ years ago. Pride and stoicism were necessary personal attributes. You know a country prides itself on individuality when it doesn’t subscribe to having a McDonalds. It did once upon a time before the economic crash in 2008 but has no desire to see the chain again in spite of its economic recovery.
I really like the idea that the buildings are painted in bright colors and that the people try to make the most of the environment. It’s pretty darn cool, don’t you think?
Icelanders are not necessarily warm and emotive people. Get to know them though and you’ll have a loyal, lifelong friend.
Icelanders are educated and informed. The culture there expects education, many Icelanders have advanced degrees. They are up on politics and they tend to be very well-traveled. Lastly, Iceland is a very progressive political country. For example, Iceland may be the most gay-friendly country on earth.
Financial Stability
97% of Icelanders identify themselves as upper-middle class, lower-middle class, or working class. Thus, the financial equality found in this culture, allows for a more stable society to raise a kid. Additionally, higher education is essentially free, so the cost of raising a child is much cheaper in Iceland.
Scenic and beautiful, Reykjavik is a wonderful place. The people are great once you get to know them.
Iceland is a sub-Arctic country located out in the middle of the north Atlantic. What can I say, other than the weather is cold, grey and rainy quite a lot. You get long, cold and dark winters.
In the summer, you get long days – very long.
Basically, don’t expect good weather. But when it comes – Oh Lord when it comes – Iceland is glorious. When the sun does come out it is simply spectacular. The blue of the northern sky is luminous and magnifies the vibrancy of the surrounding landscape by a thousand-fold.
"In general, the pace of life was much slower than I was used to. Icelanders work hard and they play hard, to use an old cliche. Icelanders take long vacations, some up to 4 weeks in the summer!
As an American, this is unheard of. I submit to the average American, that if you had a 4 week vacation you wouldn’t (at first) know what to do with it. "
Pace of Life
"All of Iceland tends to start work at 9 and they stay till 5 or 6; City traffic follows this pattern without much deviation. Weekends are slower affairs. Men watch soccer.
People wake late - almost everyone. Typical citizens would go visit friends for coffee in the afternoon.
Coming from a country and large city where there was always a plethora of choice, Iceland was far more limited. For example, an Icelandic visitor to the United States will be overwhelmed by the choices in US supermarkets. She will say, ‘Why do you need 200 kinds of breakfast cereal?’"
Again, this is a little strange for me as an American. Most of the rest of the world just isn’t as hung up on the human body as Americans are. It’s not just Germany, you know. It’s friggin’ everywhere.
Icelanders are very comfortable with their bodies, almost too comfortable if you ask most Americans. But once you are in their country, you must obey their strict public pool etiquette; no matter how uncomfortable you may feel.
In addition to not allowing shoes in the locker room area, all men are expected to strip, and clean themselves in the public shower before heading out into the main pool area.
I’m assuming this is also true for women in the ladies locker room, but I’ll just have to take their word for it.Most public pools also have hot saunas, and the same behavior is expected regarding a post session wash. Icelander’s take these rules very seriously because they have natural geothermal swimming pools often heated by my mother nature.
Due to this unrelenting desire to keep their pools and locker rooms clean, they will have no problem bluntly telling you to strip.
Matt Eliason remembers his first time to the Laugardalur community pool in which he was scolded for not participating in the necessary public strip tease. However, the reader should relax that he has since adjusted to this uniquely “European” behavior and now show no shyness when following the public pool etiquette.
Walking out of a bar at 4am into daylight
It’s true, the geographical location of Iceland´s Nordic island situates itself in such a way that most summer days yield over 22 hours of sunlight. This presents an interesting dilemma when you are walking out of the club on a Saturday night (Sunday morning) and you take a step outside the dimly lit club into the broad daylight. A very interesting summary about the all-night party atmosphere, and the price of beer can be found HERE.
Lack of Big Restaurant Chains
With stores like Whole Foods, McDonald’s and Starbucks ingrained into the psyche of all Americans, being stripped of these cultural consistencies has an effect on your day-to-day life for good and for bad. What this means is that the convenience of going out at your own leisure and get a McBurger is just not going to happen. This is both a positive and a negative.Outside of Domino Pizza and a couple KFCs, Iceland’s economic environment encourages upscale classy restaurants, and forces out big box chains, due to the economics of importing cheap fast food. McDonald did have a brief spell in Iceland, but the business plan proved to be economical enviable.
Everyone speaks English.
While it’s always a good idea to learn a few words of the language where ever you travel everyone Brianna encountered spoke excellent English.(There was definitely a chuckle or two when she tried out her very limited Icelandic).
OK. That’s enough of the areas about and around Europe. Let’s take a spin to South America. Let’s look at Chile.
Chile? Why Chile of all places? You might ask.
Girls from Chile tend to be beautiful. Monica Godoy is a successful and one of richest actresses from Santiago, Chile. Monica was born in May, 1976. She has worked in more than 30 movies, some best being Sucupira (1996), Pepe Carvalho (2004), Hijos Del Monte (2008), 40 y Tantos (2010), El Laberinto de Alicia (2011), and Secretos en el Jardín (2013).
Mr Simon Black has a blog and organization where he urges people to obtain second passports, citizenship, savings accounts and banks. He urges people to be more international so that they can keep their options open when things spoil in one geographical region or another. In his blog he suggest Chile as a destination for American expats to migrate to.
Good advice this. As I can personally confirm.
The cities of Chile have a small town feel. The pace of life is slower and more relaxed. People enjoy life more, and spend more time with each other. They savor life.
While I do not agree with everything that he has to say, I do follow his suggestions on prudent preparation. I dare say that many of the Jews living in Poland in 1938 would have not died under the Hitler military machine were they to be prudent and alert.
From Simon, an interesting article about leaving the United States and moving to Chile can be found here.
“Yesterday on the drive back to Santiago from one of our blueberry farms, I stopped to visit some friends who lived in the area. About a year ago they bought some land in Chile’s incredibly fertile 7th region, which boasts a rare Mediterranean climate. It never gets too hot, and it never gets too cold. Plus, the rich, volcanic soil is packed with powerful nutrients.
As long as you’re in the right spot to ensure ample water security, the place is an agricultural paradise (our agriculture company owns two large farms in the region). There are literally four other places on the planet with this combination– southern California, South Australia, the Western Cape of South Africa, and parts of the Mediterranean itself.”
“Yet by comparison to those other places, land in Chile is remarkably cheap.
Our agriculture company purchased several thousand acres in this prime region back in 2015 for about $1,700 per acre. Similar property in California, especially given how much water we have, would easily sell for 10x to 20x that price.My friends bought several acres of land for themselves as a sort of homestead, and they’re now living in a gorgeous setting surrounded by mountains and multiple rivers with cool, crystal clear water and a steady supply of fish. They’re raising livestock and have a garden, plus I got them started with a gift of some baby trees which are already producing fruit in their first season.It feels like lifetimes away from when they were living in New York City.”
“My friends purchased the land outright (again, land is inexpensive). Then they paid about $55,000 to build their home. The house is quite nice– comfortably spacious with four bedrooms. And it’s all wired up with the latest gadgetry and home automation, with all sorts of sensors to control appliances and conduct routine tasks.
So they now have a roof over their heads and plenty of land to do whatever they want, and they own it all outright… they don’t owe a penny on any of it.”
“My friends had concerns. They were living in New York before and didn’t like the trends they saw in their home country. There was too much debt. Too much war. Too much money printing. Too many lies. Too much spying. Too much violence. Too much uncertainty.
They wanted to distance themselves from conditions that made them uncomfortable. So they made a very deliberate plan and took steps that led them to where they are today– living in their own paradise. And they couldn’t be happier.These guys aren’t hiding from the world. He’s still working in technology and she’s still producing art… exactly what they used to do.”
Unlike the United States, when you buy something like a house or a plot of land, you own it. That’s right. You do not have to pay taxes on “your” land or suffer it being seized. The smaller nation often has smaller regulations that you need be concerned about and taxes that are easily affordable.
Highway in Chile. Most of the world has nice highways. They have bridges, public transportation, railroads, toll-booths, and roadside rest areas.
Yes, other nations have highways, bridges and tollbooths. Often in far better shape than what is found in the United States.
As a boy, I would watch the news about the war in Vietnam. It seemed so remote and so “third world”. Which at the time, it actually was.
I, as a boy, enjoyed the fighting and the battles. I was totally unaware of the beauty, the people and the environment in Vietnam. Vietnam is very, very stunning.
Fast forward to today. Vietnam is a growing country that seems to possess all the attributes that seem to interest me. It has great food, beautiful women, long clean beaches, and totally isolated from the madness that the United States has become.
Here’s what an American expat who moved to Vietnam has to say about it;
“I’ve been living in Vietnam a while now, relatively speaking. Longer than I expected, in fact. When I tell anybody new to town how long I’ve been here for, they always raise their eyebrows and give me a suspicious look, just as I used to do when I first arrived.
I never planned to still be here (over 6 years and counting…), though I have some friends who’ve stayed much longer. The first year here felt very long indeed. I did what most single foreign men do when they arrive in Vietnam. I became a sort of ‘playboy’. I thought it was cool then, but now I’m ashamed of that behavior, although it was a difficult habit to break.”
There are all sorts of great bars all over Asia. Vietnam has some nice ones. You can get reasonably priced drinks and munchies and have fine companionship for the night.
“You only need one type of wardrobe in Vietnam, there is much less crime, it is cheaper (unless you shop at Vincom Center or something), scenic, and the cities have a frantic yet laid back atmosphere that I feel is unique to Asia, if not the world (and I’ve traveled most of it).Zooming around on a motorbike can be dangerous but I’ve seen more accidents in England than here and it gives a real sense of freedom. Ho Chi Minh City in particular has a ‘small town’ feel (even though it’s huge) which I love.
It’s like a friendly village but with millions of people you can bump into. My friend once likened hanging out here to being in prison (but in a good way), in that “nothing ever happens, but anything can happen!” I want to.
Halong bay in Vietnam. The world is filled with many beautiful places. We need only pull ourselves away from our computers and go forth and explore the world around us.
No we do not want everything the same… a world where there is a Starbucks on every corner,or the same progressive laws that America has. We should go forth and explore the world and relish in it’s differences.
Being an expat, it’s easier to make a good life for yourself in Vietnam. I have almost too many friends, a nice apartment, a good job (I’m a ‘traveling teacher’, rather than a ‘teaching traveler’), lots of hobbies and everything feels quite easy.
However, one thing I probably lack, and it’s a big thing, is a strong local connection. Even after all this time, I find the cultural divide quite exhausting to overcome, at least compared to other countries I’ve stayed in. I have very few Vietnamese friends and I am now living the lifestyle I used to frown upon, that of the ‘expat bubble’. Can I just blame my battle with the language for this?”
Vietnam has many beautiful ladies. They are a lot like the Chinese, only with a little darker tan and speaks a different language. I find them alluring.
Compared to Thailand, Vietnam is different. It is another animal altogether.
“For 95% of Westerners Thailand is probably a better choice, be it as a holiday destination or a new home. Downtown Saigon can be stressful, at times feeling like organized chaos where you're the only one who wasn't given the script. The never-ending stream of motorbikes makes something as simple as crossing the road a worry. People are less friendly, getting around can be a challenge and there's much less to see and do than Bangkok.But where downtown Bangkok feels like just another international city with a Starbucks on every corner, movies opening the same weekend as the States and more signs in English than Thai, Saigon still feels distinctly like Asia. Vietnam fills me with a sense of adventure.”
-Stickman Bangkok
Night can be really nice in Saigon, Vietnam. There is life and activity. There are things to do, places to be, drinks to drink and fun things to do with friends. Sure beats hanging out in front of the television while you wait for Friday to roll around.
As an expat, he hits upon something, that I think all us long-duration expats feel more or less…
“To be honest, one of the only things I truly dislike about life here is some of the expats! That might appear somewhat ironic, but the neo-colonial attitude of some foreigners here angers me, especially as many of them were clearly not ‘cool’ in any way before they came out here. Now suddenly they can be seen strutting about, taking advantage of local hospitality and often looking down on a culture that they don’t even try to understand.”
Ha Long Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and popular travel destination in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam. The name Hạ Long means “descending dragon”. Administratively, the bay belongs to Ha Long City, Cam Pha City, and is a part of Van Don District. The bay features thousands of limestone karsts and isles in various shapes and sizes. Ha Long Bay is a center of a larger zone which includes Bai Tu Long Bay to the northeast, and Cat Ba Island to the southwest.
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Here is a bar street on the beach in Sihanoukville in Cambodia. It is considered a nice place to visit because the sex is cheap, the beer is cold, and the weather is warm. I like it because of the history. All during the Vietnam war I wondered about this place and what it must have been like.
“Many men get starry-eyed over a goal, imagining how life would be so great upon achieving it, but fail to play out the movie to its completion. Unlike Hollywood, life goes on, and you come back down to a basal level of happiness, no matter how great your achievement was. This is very common with men who want to travel to shitholes to meet good women.Imagine you visit a rough second-tier city in Colombia or Ukraine and meet a girl who is hotter than any other girl you’ve made love to before. And then what? Are you going to move to her city permanently?
Are you going to bring her back to the West so she can get corrupted like the women you left behind? Are you going to move her to another location where any children you have won’t have the benefit of seeing extended family? Understand that as soon as you experience the upsides from achieving a goal, the downsides come pounding at your door so that the overall cost of a goal is balanced with its benefits.”-“And then What?” by Roosh
Cambodia has always been a place that I was interested in. That with Laos, I have mutually considered them mysterious and stimulating.
During the 1960’s and the 1970’s, I watched the news and followed the descent into darkness as Cambodia was taken over by progressive leftists who (in the interests of “equality”) went about torturing and killing everyone. Now, few Americans know the horrible saga. All that is left is a legacy of the “killing fields”. (Yet, the leftists in Berkley, California want to duplicate this in the United States of all places. WTF?)
The Cambodian Killing Fields (Khmer: វាលពិឃាត, Khmer pronunciation: [ʋiəl pikʰiət]) are a number of sites in Cambodia where collectively more than a million people were killed and buried by the Progressive Socialist Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979, immediately after the end of the Cambodian Civil War (1970–1975).
The tree where little children were killed by progressive leftists in Cambodia.
The mass killings are widely regarded as part of a broad state-sponsored genocide (the Cambodian genocide).
Analysis of 20,000 mass grave sites by the DC-Cam Mapping Program and Yale University indicate at least 1,386,734 victims of execution. Estimates of the total number of deaths resulting from Khmer Rouge policies, including disease and starvation, range from 1.7 to 2.5 million out of a 1975 population of roughly 8 million.
In 1979, Communist Vietnam invaded Democratic Kampuchea. They toppled the brutal progressive liberals that comprised the Khmer Rouge regime.
Now, Cambodia is reviving. I have numerous friends (mostly Chinese, with one or two from Eastern Europe) who have told me tales of how wonderful Cambodia is. It certainly sounds enticing.
One thing that attracts me about Cambodia is that it has not yet been sanitized by Starbucks, McDonalds and hoards of business investors turning it into an upscale mall. In China, Shekou used to be quaint with it’s own flavor, cheap booze and friendly locals. Now it is a very nice, but expensive mall that serves tourists. The locals just sort of avoid it. Sad.
Here is a nice write-up by a man about my age who lives in Thailand, and thought that it might be a good idea to visit Cambodia. He begins with his impressions of Cambodia taken in early 2001.
“Dusty roads with what can only be called contraptions on wheels.
Criss-crossing the city on the back of a motorbike after dark and seeing almost no traffic.
Ultra-slow, virtually unusable Internet connections.
Friendly, smiling children yelling “Hello”.
Arriving back at the hotel at night to find the doors had been padlocked shut from the inside and you had to rattle them to wake up a young Khmer sleeping on the other side who would unlock the door and let you in.
These are just some memories from my one and only visit to Phnom Penh, back in 2001.In the 10 years since I first visited the Cambodian capital it has changed markedly as I discovered on a recent trip.”
He then decides to return.
A group of cute and happy Cambodian girls. I really like the smiles and happiness that radiates from these gals. You know, we owe it to ourselves to surround ourselves with happiness and contentment.
Only this time it is ten years later. The year is 2011.
“Getting around Phnom Penh is easy. Tuktuks in the guise of a motorbike pulling a carriage, motorbike riders as well as a few taxis make up the choices. You can walk and a number of the sights are in the riverfront area, just remember to look the other way when crossing the road if you're used to Thailand.Someone seems to have told every tuktuk driver and motorcycle rider in town that foreigners don't like walking, for you simply cannot walk past one without being asked where you're going and if you'd like a ride.
The hassles are relentless, many times worse than any vendor hassles in Thailand.”
And he talks about the food…
National food in Cambodia is similar, and at the same time is completely different from the tradition of the neighboring countries. It is possible to claim that the Cambodians eat everything! The dishes of the food in Cambodia also feature many wild fruits and locally grown vegetables. Widely used and popular in the national food in Cambodia are pickled and fermented vegetables and fruits, which are collected for pickling at different stages of their growth, which give the final product a completely phenomenal taste.
“Thai food might be more varied and diverse, but Cambodian food uses certain ingredients you don't commonly see in Thailand.
Buffalo meat, for example, is found on many menus, and deep-fried tarantulas are sold alongside other creepy crawlies.
Much of what is available in the fresh markets fell into the mystery meat category. Amongst the more unusual things we tried was beef with wild ants – and giant-sized ants they were. A good source of protein I am told!
This is a scene of Battambang, Cambodia. It is a small community that has everything that you need, but not large enough to overwhelm you. It is certainly a small-town vibe about this place. It is calm. It is peaceful, and pleasant.
Revisiting places from that first trip a decade earlier, when the few popular bars were scattered around the city, the long-running Sharky just didn't do it for us. Similar in format to Bangkok's Woodstock, the American-themed bar and restaurant with a reputation for tasty Tex Mex food left us unimpressed.
Sunrise Tacos it isn't.Phnom Penh may not compare with Bangkok for high-end dining, but there is a huge number of mid-range eateries making it something of a foodie's dream. Many riverfront restaurants are chic without being pretentious.”
And the booze…
“Phnom Penh is an alcoholic's dream with ridiculously low prices. Stick with the perfectly drinkable local Angkor draft and you'll never have a hole in your wallet.
This is the colonial section of the capital city; Phnom Penh. Notice that even in this big enormous city there is a nice small-town vibe that lingers and presents itself.
A handle runs around $1.00 – $2.00 in restaurants, $1.50 – $1.75 in the hostess bars and in some bars and restaurants, happy hour prices can be had for less than a dollar, 60 cents in some outlets.
Pretty much everything, drink-wise, is considerably cheaper than Thailand. Cocktails in decent bars could be had for $3 or $4, $2 at happy hour. Beer Lao is widely available and cheap, and wine is considerably cheaper than in Thailand. And my pet hate, tax and service charges are nowhere to be seen!”
And (of course) the ladies of the “night” (but this is Asia, they work 24-7)…
“The vibe in the hostess bars is different to your typical Thailand bar. Upon entering, many of the girls scream "Hello" and once seated you'll find yourself surrounded by a half-dozen girls.
They will be keen to chat, but unlike their Thai sisters they almost never ask for a drink.
The lady drink hassles that mar the bar experience in Thailand are no issue in Phnom Penh. With that said, at what seemed to be an industry standard $3.00 for a lady drink – of which she gets $1.00 – it's hardly cost prohibitive. And if you do buy a lady a drink, she will never suggest you barfine her, and won't even hint about joining you at your hotel.
Club girls in a Cambodian KTV. The girls are friendly and happy to please. It is a great environment for those who like to have a great time.
Many bars have pool tables and the girls often suggest challenging you to a game of pool, and request a lady drink if they win. Don't expect to see a Cambodian winning the world pool championships any time soon!As far as the women in the Phnom Penh bars go, the prurient might say that the biggest difference between the Thais and the Cambodians is that there's no need for silicone bags in Cambodia. They tend to be dark-skinned, curvy and can have absolutely striking eyes. And yeah, they are busty.Personality and attitude-wise, they are rather different to the girls working bar in Thailand. The Cambodian girls are much less hardened, much less mercenary and general chit chat tends to be more relaxed. They are generally more playful than the Thais, but without any real flirting or sexual innuendo. Thai working girls these days tend to be more professional; pleasant on the outside but rock hard on the inside."
Here’s a couple in a bar in Cambodia.
Here is a typical man with a Cambodian girl in Cambodia. Most girls in Cambodia tend to be curvy with soft places where they belong. Many find them very attractive, and with dark eyes and great smiles they tend to be irresistible.
"The Cambodians might be more pleasant and the bars employ some pretty ladies, but in terms of looks at least, you don't see anything like you do in the likes of Rainbow 4 or Bacarra. What they may lose in the looks department they more than make up for personality-wise. There are few tattoos to be seen and while smoking is allowed in the bars in Cambodia, it is the customers who are puffing away. Very few Cambodian working girls smoke. Cambodian girls working in hostess bars make a point of saying that good girls don't smoke! In fact the girls in the bars don't even feel like bar-girls. Thai bar-girls with anything more than a month or two in the industry are for the most part, hard. Many of the Cambodian girls in the bars seemed quite sweet.”
What is Khmer Food? Khmer food takes influences from a variety of countries. Cambodia was a French colony for many years and also has many Chinese immigrants, so both French and Chinese foods are widely found. In the west of the country, the cuisine is, naturally, influenced by the food of neighboring Thailand while in the east the flavors of Vietnamese cuisine are more evident. Coastal towns such as Sihanoukville in the southwest are famous for their seafood, cooked in many styles, including Japanese and European. Common ingredients in Khmer cuisine are similar to those found in other Southeast Asian culinary traditions – rice and sticky rice, fish sauce, palm sugar, lime, garlic, chilies, coconut milk, lemon grass, galangal, kaffir lime and shallots.
“What it costs for a night of these ladies' company, I don't know. Broaching the subject brought awkward looks from girls who seemed reluctant to discuss it. I was quoted $40 by ladies aghast that such should even be discussed, and they were probably more aghast when they realized I was only asking for the purpose of understanding how things work, not because I had any intention of being a naughty boy!
Locals tell me that hostesses will happily spend the night for $20 – 30, which seems awfully cheap. Bar-fines run $10, and drop to $5 after midnight, in some bars.
Some of the friendly club girls in Cambodia. They do like to please. Look at those smiles. What’s not to like?
There's much debate whether young South-East Asian women are “forced” to work in the bar industry. It's an argument that really doesn't hold up in Thailand where even the least educated can get factory work, which with overtime will provide a livable income. A comfortable life perhaps not, but it's honest work that one can feel good about.Cambodia is altogether different.
Many of the girls in the bars seemed to have very limited options. One girl, a striking looker with an uncanny resemblance to an ex-girlfriend, really tugged on my heart strings as we struggled to communicate and tell me about her life. The oldest of 3 children, the 24-year old long-haired beauty couldn't read or write. She had never been to school and she had almost zero employment options. Her only real options were working on a farm, for which she would make the equivalent of about $60 a month. The salary alone from bar work was that much, and she would also get $1 for every drink bought for her, as well as whatever gifts customers rewarded her with in the morning.”
While Mr. Stickman’s comments were from the perspective of a visiting (horny male) expat from Thailand, it should not be discounted. Most expats (judging from my trivial search on the Internet) to Cambodia seem to fall into a handful of categories;
Backpacker / explorers. They just traipse around the world on a trivial level to collect experiences to “wow” others in an attempt to boost their already insignificant ego. I tend not to associate with them. In my mind they are not experiencing life in depth. They are collecting trivialities. To experience life, you have to do more than just have a low-budget vacation.
Do gooders. These are often part of NGO’s set up by others with ulterior motives. They stay for the duration of their contract and then leave. They come with preconceived notions. (Usually related to sex, politics or religion.) They then try to implement their ideals, often fail, and head home afterwards.
Bad Guys. Anyone who wants to exploit others for money, labor, sex or the like. You see an occasional news article about these individuals. I have encountered them… all too often. Which is why many long-duration expats do not associate with other expats often.
Teach English. It’s always a good stepping stone into another culture. It’s also a necessity for those of us who have lost everything.
It would seem to be a great opportunity for someone to set up a factory or an industry in the area, but you would absolutely need to partner up with a local to be successful. Getting to know a local for just that purpose takes planning and an investment in time. Just saying, but if you are young and have the drive and the stamina to make something happen, Cambodia might be right for you.
Think of the beer. Imagine drinking it while eating some Cambodian steaks with a pretty local gal…
Cambodia has some nice local beers. Always the beer is great when ice cold. There is something fine about a beer and a hamburger in a tropical paradise .
I arrived in China when it was in it’s growth phase, and it worked out for me. Maybe Cambodia might be right for someone younger.
Attend University
There are some interesting takes on this “thing” about Cambodia. Consider one enterprising student who decided to attend university in Cambodia. Why attend a university in Cambodia? Because you can and it looks interesting on your resume. Roy, an American expat, who is working his way towards a degree in political science at the University of Cambodia, tells his story;
“Attending university in Cambodia is an adventure and much more interesting than slogging through classes at a community college back home. Right now I’m finishing my second term at University of Cambodia.
I love it here; the people are great. While there are a few students here from other ASEAN countries, I’m currently the only Westerner enrolled. Students and teachers all seem initially surprised, but quickly get used to having a barang in class.
As a native English speaker, I get asked about pronunciations, definitions and grammar; it’s a bit like being a living dictionary. There are also opportunities where I try to explain the oddities of US politics.The question I hear most often from my classmates is, “Why are you going to school in Cambodia and why did you decide to attend this school?” I explain that I love the country and the people. My choosing UC is based on instruction in English, the very helpful staff in registration and, if I’m going to travel halfway around the world to go to school, I want to be able to put something on my resume that makes it perfectly clear that I attended a university in Cambodia.There are no “student visas” in Cambodia but as a student you can get a business/ordinary visa without a work permit.”
Dual Pricing
Dual pricing based on race is very common in Cambodia, from the bus companies who charge white faces more to the hospitals that have one rate for Khmers and another for foreigners. Even the government-owned airline has one fare for Cambodians and another, much higher fare for everyone else. This is frustrating on many levels, not least when it’s foreign-owned businesses that are perpetuating what is, fundamentally, a form of racism. When asked how they can justify dual pricing based on race, race-based pricing advocates scramble all over themselves to defend the practice.
Cambodian nationality is, for the most part, based on race (non-Vietnamese minority tribes are the exception). Any child of a Cambodian mother is granted Cambodian citizenship, regardless of where he or she is born. The child of non-Cambodians, though born and raised in Cambodia, is not granted Cambodian citizenship. Ethnically Vietnamese families who have lived in Cambodia for generations are, for all intents and purposes, stateless as far as the Cambodian government is concerned. So the argument that the dual-pricing system is not racist because it is based on nationality is flawed, because there is no attainable path to Cambodian citizenship for non-Cambodians (and I don’t call paying a $50,000 “facilitation fee” attainable).
Moreover, non-Cambodian Asians often benefit from the dual pricing plan, paying the local rate even when they don’t speak much Khmer and are citizens of Western countries. In practice, actual nationality seems unimportant; looking Khmer matters more. Khmer-Americans are also given the “local” price by many businesses, whether or not they have Cambodian passports.
“I am a simple man who has been living in Cambodia for about 7 yrs. I return to my country of employ for some months at a time as I have a small business there which needs a little personal love every now and then.I have been to about 60 different countries and have lived for 3 months or more in about 15 of them. Some, for 1-3 years. I would say that on a humble scale I am reasonably worldly. I am definitely an adventurer.I have experienced dual pricing in quite a few different countries. Here it can be quite strong, agreed.The Chris with a capital C, made some good comments. Let us all think about this word racism. It’s a shocker isn’t it? Have I had better experiences in some countries than others, yes. Do I like the culture of some countries more than others, yes. Do I dislike the ego and blatant disregard for other nations well being that particular countries seem to display, yes. Do I like the smooth sound of some languages and not the guttural sounds of others, yes. Are there many examples like this, yes. Does this make me racist, maybe it does.Does Cambodia invade other countries, like so many of the world powers, no. Does Cambodia produce a huge amount of mass marketed products that are killing humans, animals and the planet, no. Does Cambodia steal the oil of other nations, no.I guess we all have our good and bad points.I can hear some of you saying that Cambodia does not have the wealth or power to do such things. And yet many of our countries have the power and have completely abused it. Which is less excusable?Expats, hmmm! That’s an interesting topic. We come here with more money than the average Khmer, can make more than the average Khmer, and have to pay more than the average Khmer… and in our own selfish way, that is apparently unfair. Seems like a fair enough tax system to me. How many of you pay full tax on your local wage? Maybe using local Khmer as an excuse for not paying full tax isn’t fair because that is as much a part of their culture as dual pricing.All around the world I have seen people from richer, more dominating, more arrogant cultures demanding everything they can get their hands on from some poor local. We so often take all the good we can get and then quickly complain or blog about something we didn’t like. Suck it up Humans. Take the good with the bad.Simple question… If the way of life in your own country is so good, then why are you here? To all the service men and women who are posted abroad without choice, please excuse this question.I now have a loving Khmer wife and 2 beautiful Khmer daughters. My mother-in-law lives with us too. It is a complete family. I am very lucky.Yes it is true that sometimes I pay more. Sometimes my wife and her friends laugh at me because I get better prices at the local shops and markets than they can. I speak quite a lot of Khmer but am not 100% fluent. I get some discounts because I have a Khmer family and sometimes my Khmer daughters get in free and I have to pay. Most importantly, I find gentle, wise respect gets me the best price, and it feels the nicest for me and others too.3 people go to a movie. 1 loves it, 1 doesn’t really care and 1 hates it. Same movie, only the minds are different. Suffering and happiness comes from the mind. If you don’t like something try changing your mind.I suggest that when you are troubled with the local ways that you go and enjoy an ice cold 50c beer, a $2 meal, or go for a free meditation at your local wat.”-GreyEarth
A Narrative by Ian
Here is a pretty darn and comprehensive report by a fellow who went to Cambodia. This is not the PC scrubbed Internet fare that is edited for millennial sensibilities and the PC rules (written or unwritten). It is raw and fresh, just like I like my sashimi. It is titled “My Phnom Penh Trip Report or Phnom Penh for Newbies”. Written by Stick Reader Ian January 5th, 2015. Enjoy.
“I had that nervous energy you get when you do something for the first time. I'm 58. At my age I don't often get to do something new. I'm boarding a Bangkok Airways flight to Phnom Penh and I haven't been to Cambodia before.
I've heard it's similar to Thailand of years past. I took the 2nd half of December off work so I could see my Thai partner for Xmas; I came all the way from Farangland to see her only to be told (several months ago) that she would go to the temple and thus be busy in the first week. OK, Cambodia here I come and I'll see her in the 2nd week of my vacation.
Translation; The man has been living in Thailand with a girl. He is an expat from the West. (Maybe from the UK or Australia. Ian is not a common American name.) His girlfriend will spend a week at a Temple, and he will go to Cambodia to see what it is like. He will be comparing it to Thailand, initally, and to the West (slang; Farangland) ultimately.
Naturally she changed her mind sometime after I booked the Cambodia trip. I said that was no problem — I was going anyway. Then she asked if I was angry with her? No, I wasn't. My expectation in life is if you say you'll do something then you do it. She said she was busy; I said I was going to Cambodia and that's the way it would be. I think it's best to live by your principles.
Thailand girls have a reputation for being “wishy washy”.
The real attraction of Cambodia was the prospect of Snookyville (that's Sihanoukville but often referred to as Snookyville, which I will continue to use in this post because I like the name). I've heard it's like Pattaya 30 years ago.Imagine that; a Pattaya of the early 1990’s. Everything cheap and fresh.I'm old enough to remember that and I liked it; I wanted to experience it again and see the place for myself. But when I investigated I found it was too difficult to get there. To my surprise there was no transport from the airport to Snookyville (maybe by taxi, but not using an inexpensive means of transport) and with my itinerary it wasn't practical to get there on the same day. Ditto for the return trip. With only 5 nights in Cambodia and the need to spend 2 of them in Phnom Penh I decided Snookyville wouldn't be the focus of my trip; I'd try Phnom Penh and see how that went. Maybe I'd make a flying visit to Snookyville, but the focus would be Phnom Penh.
First lesson. Transportation access is not that easy.
I thought Cambodia would be about getting laid and not paying much for it. Without going into every detail I'm outlining some of the things I experienced. My primer for newbie visitors to Phnom Penh. My trip report.
Here is his trip report. He expected to go to Cambodia for a lot of low priced sex. Here is what he experienced.
I was worried about the visa on arrival process. I read about the dual currency economy. I knew I needed to bring US$ and while I don't have a problem with that I didn't think I understood how it would work. I figured this would be a cheap holiday so I budgeted $500 for the 5 days. (I budget that much for 1 day when I visit Bangkok, although I normally spend half of that on myself and give the other half to my partner. I'm Mr. Nice Guy; or maybe Mr. Dummy.)
Cambodian meal in Siem Reap. There is a mix of authentic Khmer cuisine, but also the local French influences and other international favorites. A couple of my own favorites include the stir fried beef loc lac and of course the french breads.
I needed $30 for the visa on arrival. I read I should have a visa photo with me when I arrive. I read it wasn't worth getting an e-visa, that it was just as easy to get the visa on arrival. That was bad advice. The visa on arrival process was frantic and disorganized; not exactly pushing and shoving but close to it. If I had an e-visa I could have simply gone to the Immigration queue and the arrival would have so much easier. Note that for next time. On the plane I met guys with similar plans to mine; one had been to Phnom Penh a few times before, the other was a newbie like me. Neither had an e-visa. The other newbie didn't have a photo and had to organize that in the arrival hall. I lost track of him in the Arrivals hall so I don't exactly know how things worked out for him. I saw him at the baggage carousel, so I know he survived. An e-visa would have cut 15 minutes and considerable stress out of the process.
If it were me, I’d pay the money. I would use an e-visa. You get what you pay for.
The taxi ride to the city was a microcosm of the visit. I read and was told (by the experienced traveler) that I should get a voucher for the ride that would cost $12. After looking around I managed to find the booth to get the voucher. But you don't pay for the voucher, you just hold on to it or maybe show it to the taxi driver. At the end of the journey you pay the guy $12. The voucher appeared to have no purpose except to reassure me of the price.True, I felt better knowing what the price would be and I could always push it in the face of the taxi driver if I felt I was being ripped off; but that didn’t happen. I paid the taxi driver $12 when we arrived at the hotel — he was happy and there was no argument about the price.And that's what the holiday was like. No stress; no fuss; prices are inexpensive so pay what is asked; obviously bargain where you can but everything seemed to be pretty well organized; if you didn't argue and accepted things as they were the whole process was low stress.I'm an experienced expat. I know when I visit other countries they're designed for their citizens not for me. It's up to me to experience their lifestyle and conditions. If I like it, that's great. If I don't, catalogue it and move on. No fuss, no furore.
Sounds like he understands the way of the world. Reader take notes.
Hotel and Getting Around
Thank you, Agoda. I selected what turned out to be a good hotel in the Riverside area that had a decent rate ($45 per night). They described themselves as a 3 star hotel which I thought was harsh; maybe not 4 stars but close to it. If you're new to Phnom Penh I recommend staying at Riverside. It's close to everything; it's easy to walk anywhere. There are lots of restaurants, pubs and bars close by. If you want to go somewhere that's too far to walk there are lots of tuktuks or motorcycle (motos) to use.In 6 days and 5 nights in Phnom Penh I must have said "no" 500 times to offers of transport. This is perhaps a downside of my visit; I can do that for a week without getting annoyed. If I was there for a month it would be different; although if I stayed for 3 months I'm sure I'd assimilate. Personally I like to walk. I get a better feel of the place, I'm in no rush and it was "winter" when I was there so it wasn't hot or unpleasant to be outside. (Around 25 – 27C every day with no rain.)
To put this in perspective, Southern China is nine months of 30 to 33C and very humid. (For you Americans in readership land, that is 90 to 95F and 90% humidity.) That temperature sounds absolutely wonderful.
Eating and Drinking
I have 30 years of experience visiting Thailand and think I know prices there quite well. I thought everything in Cambodia would be cheap and I was right & wrong. I was looking forward to eating on the streets and especially looking forward to eating good bread. I live in a country with poor quality bread and Thailand isn't exactly the patisserie capital of the world.
Street vendor selling bread in Cambodia. The bred is good and basic. It goes really good with butter and a nice strong local coffee.
I didn't like the look of the street food as much as I thought I would so I didn't eat much of it. There was bread everywhere but served with more fillings than I like. By "fillings" I mean pressed meats and a variety of vegetables. I didn't see as much plain bread as I expected and I had no ear for the Khmer language so had trouble asking for just a plain baguette. Even though I didn't like the fillings for the bread (served similarly to Vietnam rolls) I found they were good when I tried them. The baguettes were good quality, too, but I would have preferred to eat them plain.As I didn't eat much street food I was "forced" into restaurants. They were more expensive than I expected. In general I found the cafe and restaurant prices (in downtown PP) to be the same price as or even more expensive than food in the suburbs of Bangkok. But there was more variety in the Phnom Penh food than in Thailand; more western food options and the Cambodians use less spice. That wouldn't suit everyone but it happens to agree with me.
CAMBODIAN FRENCH BREAD WITH BEEF (NUM PANG ANG CHIA MUI SACH KO). Doesn’t this look great and delicious. I’ll bet that it goes great with an ice cold beer. I’ll tell you what.
Drinking was another matter. I can't remember being in a place where drinks were so cheap. In downtown PP, on Riverside which is a popular tourist and probably an upscale area for locals, it was easy to find happy hour with local draft beers for $0.75. Still on happy hour — bottles of local beer for $1; Beck's beer $1.25; Hoegaarden, Heineken, Guinness, Corona all $1.50; English cider (apple, pear or strawberry) $1.50; and every little hole in the wall bar and eatery has free wifi. As a visitor I didn't need or buy a local SIM card — free wifi everywhere worked well for me. Happy hour wasn't from 5-7 PM, it was generally all day and lasted until 8 PM, 9 PM or even 10 PM in some places.
Take note Americans. Even in Cambodia the Wifi is FREE.
Beer prices are very cheap. Hell, even in China, you can expect to pay a minimum of 30 RMB for a Hoegaarden ($5).
The drink prices were fairly consistent at pubs in that part of town. There are also hostess bars (this is why you're reading the article, right?). Surprisingly the drink prices weren't a lot different. A bottle of local beer in the bars was generally $1.00-$1.50; lady drinks were between $2.50-$3.50Hostess BarsMy research said the Cambodian ladies (in hostess bars) are less pushy than their Thai sisters and you could talk to them without being pressured into buying them a drink.That's true.You could ask them to come and sit with you. You could ask them to go away. You could buy them a drink. You could choose not to buy them a drink. Nothing seemed to be a problem. Having been around Thailand for a long time I don't feel it's right to string along the girls — they have to make a living — but they certainly didn't pressure me to buy drinks.When I bought them a drink it was me who offered and they happily accepted but I don't remember any lady asking me to buy a drink for her. If I didn't buy them a drink I'd leave a tip when I left and they were grateful. I think they get $1 for each lady drink so if I didn't buy them a drink I'd leave $2-$5 depending on how long I spent with them and everyone seemed happy. (I'm sure the bar wouldn't be thrilled but I'm not on earth to please everyone.)
Short Time… (Single shot sex, often under two hours.)
My research for the price of ladies' company was probably out of date. From going around I found the going price of ST (short time) was about $30 – $40 depending on the lady and the quality of the bar.
Long Time… (Overnight sex. Multiple shots.)
I only asked about LT (long time) with one lady who wanted $50. On night #1 I thought that was too much and declined. By night #2 I thought that was a dumb decision and went back to secure her services. She was happy to see me back and honor the previously quoted price. I suggested to her that she would have to be "enthusiastic" for that price; she said she would be and lived up to her part of the bargain. After 5 nights in Phnom Penh and being quoted $40 for ST by a few ladies I felt I was lucky to get my LT arrangement for $50; and stupid to pass it up on the first night. But, hey, that's why they call it a learning curve.
Cambodia is not Thailand.
Again my research said that hostess bars in Phnom Penh (and probably all of Cambodia) are not the same as Thailand. They don't have shows like Suzy Wong in Soi Cowboy, or Angelwitch in Nana Plaza; they don't have go-go dancers or coyotes; they don't feature skimpy outfits or near naked ladies to entertain you. You go into a bar; you choose a lady; you chat — the best you can with the language difficulties; you make a deal or you don't; you leave. As far as I could see that was about it.
That is how it works, don’t ya know…
The closest thing I found to a racy bar was a place called Cyrcee (pronounced seer-say). The description I got of this place was the ladies would give you a blow job before you could order your first drink. Well, that was an exaggeration. But it was a rocking little place if you like to be naughty.
You can find hamburgers all over the world. Here is a burger and fires in the Cambodian city of Siem Reap. Where’s the beer?
It's a normal hostess bar — no fish bowl or wannabe massage parlor. It had lots of ladies (about 20) with good variety. They weren't shy about what they offered or how it worked.There's a ST hotel across the road that costs $5 for the room; $10 for the bar fine and $30 for the lady.I am no longer a young man and as such there are limits to my powers (I wish I had the energy of yesteryear); yet the girl I chose managed to convince me to take her friend as well. The honest truth is I have tried this twice before in my life and each time was a disappointment. Instead of every man's fantasy of combined action both of my experiences were sequential with one girl doing her business and the other one a bystander; then the first one left and the second one had her turn.
Again, here is the truth. What you see on porn movies is all make-believe. This is pretty much how it goes down. My experiences have always been sequential affairs involving two, three, and once four girls.
These are not my best memories so I was reluctant to try it now. I raised the concern with these two ladies and they assured me they would work in tandem so I figured "at this price, even if it isn't good, I don't have that much to lose".Off I went with my two ladies and had a remarkably good time.I only wish I was 20 years younger but I'll cherish this as a good memory — the first time it's worked out for me like it does in the movies. If you want to go to Cyrcee I can't give an exact address but walk along 130 St heading west towards Central Market; you'll see the sign in the side street on the left just before the market; it's hard to find during the daytime (why would you want to go during the day?) but it's easy to see at night even though the sign is small.I just found out it's pretty easy to get Ceycee's address and a map if you Google it — let's leave it at that because the information is likely to be more current than anything I provide here.PP Street LayoutBefore going to Phnom Penh I was intimidated by the street numbering system and the advice on where to go. 136 Street; 130 Street; 148 Street; 51 Street…When you get there it's much easier to figure out. Even numbered streets go from east-west; odd numbers go north-south. Street numbers jump in large numbers; it's not a grid like Manhattan. Because of the irregular shape of the downtown area many streets start and end in a short distance. So when you're at Riverside you'll see the streets go 118, 130, 136, 144 & 148. You'll find all the street numbers somewhere in the city but they don't necessarily extend all the way across the city. It's the same for the odd numbered streets. It's much easier to get around when you learn this.ShoppingBelieve it or not I wasn't fully occupied with my "meet & greet" of the ladies. I like a bargain as much as the next person and think shopping in Thailand is great value. Phnom Penh was better. Clothes and shoes are inexpensive. Shops on the street and stalls in the Central Market had clothes for 50% to 66% less than Bangkok. Before going to Phnom Penh I bought a pair of trousers in a Bangkok Tesco Lotus for the bargain price of $15. After a few days in Phnom Penh I thought that was positively expensive. While I didn't research this extensively it seemed the prices in the roadside shops were relatively fixed and bargaining was the norm in the market.If you like a bargain you should visit the Central Market. They have lots of things — clothes, shoes, caps, hats, food — everything you could ask for. Many of the stalls had incredible inventory and selection of goods. The biggest challenge was choosing what to buy. And while I was happy with the prices I ran into some tourists who'd just spent a week in Siem Reap who complained the prices were double what they'd found there. So while I was happy they were turning up their noses saying everything was too expensive.Currency and How It WorksI said earlier I was intimidated by the idea of bringing and using US$. It really wasn't a big deal. Prices for tourists are quoted in US$. You pay and get change in dollars. The approximate exchange rate is US$1 = Riel 4,000. When change is less than $1 they give you Riel. You can pay in Riel if you want; in line with the easy going nature of the people everyone accepted the rate of $1 = 4,000. The actual rate was about 4,080 but not once did anyone say "No, you need to pay me 20,400" as opposed to 20,000 when something was $5. Considering it's a relatively poor country and almost everyone you meet would value the extra Riel 400 it's surprising that no one insisted on the extra few hundred. I've been in lots of countries where they want that extra 10c but in Cambodia everyone seemed relaxed about it.The one thing to be careful about is the quality of your US currency. I took money with me that I use in the US without a problem. But in Cambodia they're fussy. If a bill is ripped, torn, marked or too dirty they won't accept it. I had 2x $20 bills that no one would accept because one had a corner missing and the other had writing on it. No problem using them in the US but not acceptable in Cambodia. They are more forgiving of dirty $1 bills than 5s, 10s or 20s. I wouldn't recommend using 50s or 100s — they're too big for general use; it's better to stick to the smaller bills and use 20s as the highest denomination.Gratuitous Phnom Penh AdviceHere are some tips for Phnom Penh. 51 St around 172 St has a lot of pubs, clubs and bars. The Walkabout Hotel is full of freelancers, seemingly at any time of the day or night.
Here is a typical street scene in Battambang, Cambodia.
A place near there on 51 St called Zeppelin Cafe is a great place to go for a drink and listening to 70s guitar-based rock music. The owner, who appeared to be a Cambodian national with a ponytail, sits at the back of the bar with 2 turntables. He has an extensive collection of vinyl records (not a CD in sight) and plays what he wants to hear. He looks like a grumpy bugger and I doubt he takes requests — but it's a great place to sit down, have a drink and listen to some music you might have forgotten about. It's not a pickup joint and it's not the kind of place you can talk much — it is, after all, 70s rock featuring loud guitars.Just around the corner on 172 St is Pontoon, one of the most famous night places in Phnom Penh. It's a club or disco. Don’t go early. I went at 10:30 PM and it was dead. I heard later that it warms up around midnight. I was also told that it is "the" place to go in PP, has fabulous looking ladies (presumably freelancers) and lots of them. One of the challenges of advancing age is not having the staying power to roam the streets at 2 AM so I didn't get to find out; but people younger than me recommended it.On the corner of 51 St and 172 St is a place called Le Bon Cafe — a nice place to have a coffee, snack or light meal. It features both outdoor and indoor seating. The owners (or managers) speak perfect English so there is no risk of your order being misunderstood or the wrong item coming to your table. I dropped in during both the day and night; no matter what time I was there the owner / manager or perhaps a family member was there with perfect communications.Across at Riverside there are many cafes and pubs to choose from. The one I enjoyed most for a happy hour drink was on the corner of Sisowath Quay (the main river side road) and 110, 118 or 130 St; I didn't take note of the place's name and Google street view isn't helping me remember but the one at 110 St "looks" about right. Hint: it has this easily visible, non-illuminated Happy Hour sign at the front.You can't go far wrong with any place around there, but this corner pub / cafe had friendly staff, nice atmosphere and good prices. It was a place you can just sit down and watch the world go by.My hotel provided free breakfast which was quite OK. But I saw a place on Sisowath Quay called Camory Restaurant, near 110 St that offered breakfast for $3.95. They had a dozen choices for that price and I found I enjoyed it more than my hotel's free breakfast. Camory is also a hostel style guesthouse; they offer inexpensive accommodation and rooms with as many as 4 beds (presumably for a family or maybe for really good friends). If you stay there the breakfast is free.
Come on… How about the freelancers?
Going back to the ladies, another place known for freelancers is Sharky Bar on 130 St. I didn't find it interesting but I could have gone there at the wrong time — yet again. They have pool tables which seem to be popular. Note it costs Riel 1,000, all of 25c, for a game of pool. I read a ridiculous Internet post from some guy who complained he was aggressively confronted when he tried to leave without paying for 3 games of pool. He implied he was ready to fight the bouncers because he couldn't see the sign showing the price. It's amazing someone would be willing to go to hospital for a "principle" when all that's at stake is 75c. That's hard to understand.
I walked around Phnom Penh by myself at all hours of the day and night. I was on main roads, quiet streets and dark back alleys. I didn't feel uncomfortable or threatened once. It was fine even on a quiet, dark street at night when I walked past 3-4 Cambodian men talking together and thought to myself "this might not be good". They kept on talking to each other and barely paid attention to me. I didn't feel there was any threat or safety issue in Phnom Penh.SnookyvilleI wasn't going to miss out on Snookyville. The original idea of going to Cambodia was to lose myself in multiple orgies in Snookyville. If I couldn't do that I was at least going to see it. Just like being in Pattaya 30 years ago — it was something I had to do.
What a disappointment.Again my "research" suggested there are several parts of town. There's downtown, Victory Hill, Serendipity Beach and some other beach areas. The beach areas were described as backpacker havens. As I'm on the older side of the scale I figure that backpackers and places that cater to them really aren't my thing.Victory Hill appears to be famous for a place called the chicken farm — a place with lots of freelancers who are supposed to cost as little as $5 a time. That didn't appeal to me either. And it seems the authorities have closed it down so even if it appeals to you it's unlikely you'll get what you want any more. So I figured it was a choice between Victory Hill and downtown. I plumped for downtown and chose an inexpensive hotel. It was a bad choice. The place was dead. There was virtually nothing around and very little entertainment.I'd read of a place called Charlie Harper's Bar that was supposed to be a happening place. With a name like that and Charlie of Two and a Half Men being the ultimate mongerer I figured it had to be good. By nothing more than good luck it was diagonally opposite my hotel. I walked in at 7:30 PM and it was quiet. There were some expats having a drink; a few had what looked like steady girlfriends but there were no other ladies hanging around. I thought it was probably too early.Drinks were similar prices to Phnom Penh. I noticed a sign that said "Lady Drinks $2". Not bad. I asked the woman at the bar when the ladies turn up so I could buy them a drink. She looked at me with complete surprise and said they have 4 ladies at the bar, they were all there right now and I could buy any one of them a drink. But they can't be barfined because they actually work at the bar.
What’s the point of that??
I can have a drink for myself and buy a higher priced drink for a lady who can't sit and talk to me or join me later? Who would do that? Not me.I asked if there was anywhere around that offered female company; she accommodatingly pointed to the street corner and said "up there, go to Kangaroo bar". Consistent with my experience in Cambodia I have to say she was helpful.It turns out Kangaroo bar is actually called Kangaroo Kitchen (even though it's a guesthouse and a bar). They did have ladies there; I couldn't figure out if they were freelancers or there was a bar fine involved. Of the 8-10 ladies I saw there was only one I found appealing. I spoke to her for a while but decided against taking things further and went back to my hotel alone.
Ah. It happens.
I also read that you shouldn't walk around by yourself at night in Snookyville. Be in a group of 3 or more people. If you're by yourself then go around by moto. I guess I could have gone by moto to Victory Hill or the beach area to have a look.
But after exploring the underwhelming downtown area I wasn't motivated to try. It was probably my fault for not being more adventurous.Snookyville was underwhelming. Maybe I chose the wrong place to stay. Maybe Victory Hill would have been great. Maybe the beach areas were better and not targeted only at backpackers.
I'll never know.
I didn't enjoy my day / night there and I'm unlikely to go back.The positive things I'll say about Snookyville are that my hotel was clean, air-conditioned and cost $20 for the night. I can't complain about that.
One of the first shocks to Americans who travel abroad is how much newer, cleaner and better buses are. America has only given lip service to public transportation. The rest of the world takes it quite seriously.
The bus fare to get there from Phnom Penh was all of $7 for a 5½ hour ride. Strangely the bus company wouldn't / couldn't sell me a return ticket. I figured I was being set up for a rip off on the return journey. When I bought my ticket in Snookyville to go back to Phnom Penh it cost all of $5.50The real problem with Snookyville is the 5½ journey from Phnom Penh.
If I went from Bangkok to Pattaya and had a disappointing experience I could always try again — it's only 1½ hours away. But 5½ hours each way means dedicating a full day by the time you get to and from the bus station. I won't do it again because I don't want to spend a full 2 days with the possibility of being disappointed.How Was My Budget?6 days and 5 nights in Cambodia. A budget of $500; 2x $20 bills I couldn't use so I effectively had $460. How did I do? I booked hotels using Agoda so paid for them on a credit card and therefore outside of the cash budget.
I ate good but not extravagant food, sometimes on the street but mostly in cafes and restaurants.
I'm not a big drinker but went out every night and drank more than I normally would in a year. I bought some shirts and a pair of basketball style sneakers.
I had a road trip to Snookyville. I had one LT and several STs. Visa on arrival was $30; taxis to and from the airport cost $24; I even managed a meal at the airport Burger King before I left. And ended up with $6 change from my $460.
I can't complain and I will go back.Subsequent trips will never be the same as the first one but I enjoyed my visit. And I realize that while I'm old and have lots of experience in Thailand I can still look forward to that nervous excitement of visiting new places because I haven't yet been to Laos, Vietnam or Burma.Oh, happy days.”
Here is an interesting article about moving to Panama. I personally have some friends who have moved there. They love it there. They are not making a lot of money, but the trade-off in lifestyle more than offsets any other concern. For me, nah, I don’t think that I would want to move there. It is too close to the United States. I would like to keep an ocean between myself and the kooky politics of the USA.
Map of Panama. This is a small nation with plenty of beaches, mountains, and water. It is tropical and full of life and adventure. What is not to love?
Simply by looking at the map, one would assume that that would possess both beautiful tropical beaches, and amazing mountains. It just must be amazing!
To read the article go here. It is titled; “Panama is still the easiest place to obtain residency”.
“Expats here live very well. English is widely spoken, the medical services are excellent, a high standard of living is available at a reasonable cost, and the nightlife is fantastic—from top quality restaurants to more exotic adult adventures. Panama was one of the first countries in the world to establish a program specifically aimed attracting retirees.They promised special discounts and a number of attractive benefits to anyone who could demonstrate a certain level of retirement income. The program worked, and foreigners showed up en masse. (Although many retirees are still waiting for some of those promised special discounts…)”
“Over the next several years, the government established all sorts of immigration programs hoping to attract investors—from forestry to agriculture to finance. (With a whopping 52 ways to obtain residency, it’s clear the residency visa requirements in Panama are incredibly easy.)Then in 2012, they created an even easier way to become a resident: simply letting people in. They called it the Friendly Nations Visa. And it’s just about the easiest way in the world to obtain residency in any country.
Panama City Beach Florida cityscape at night; Shutterstock ID 103240559; Project/Title: AARP; Downloader: Melanie Marin
The list now includes over 40 countries, including the US, Australia, most European countries, Israel, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, South Africa, and several Latin American countries. Citizens of any of these countries can obtain residency in Panama extremely easily by merely demonstrating ‘economic activity’ in the country.”
By my historical roots, I can become a citizen of Poland. My grandparents on my father’s side emigrated from Poland to the United States. You see, Poland has rules enabling relatives of former citizens to repatriate.
Everyone that I have talked to have told me that Krakow, Poland is awesome. I get the impression of a European level college town with friendly people and fine excellent food. Public transportation is cheap as is the finer things in life.
It was something that I have considered, but ultimately chose not to do. Not because I didn’t think it was an awesome place to live, but at the time, the Obama administration was getting too cozy with the EU. (Later, I discovered that it was his love of Brussels, rather than his care or concern for Poland.) I did not want to live in an American “backwater”.
Here is an interesting article written by an American that moved to Poland. It is called “Why living in Poland is like living in Hollywood” and can be found here. Some excerpts;
“Polish people often imagine America as a country where everybody’s rich or at least richer than Poles and more sophisticated – take any TV show where an average family lives in a nice, spacious house and for 16-th birthday kids get their cars.
Now when I am back in Florida I like to take day trips with my wife and daughter. When we were driving through Clay County I told my Polish spouse that it’s pretty nice out there to which she replied :
”Oh Mark please don’t make me move here just to prove how much I love you”.
She said that not because the place is off the beach or it’s a country side, she said that because the place is far from civilization, houses are often mobile and if you don’t have a car there is no way to go anywhere.”
Łódź (Lodz) – capital of Central Poland. This city has a kind of old world feel as well as a kind of European version of London feel to it. Nice, exciting and charming.
“Poland was a socialist country so the country has a large social system built in. There are unemployment benefits and food stamps etc and housing. But this is nothing compared to going to grandma’s in the village and eating fresh food, even if unemployed.
It is a different reality.
You can live in Poland for nothing and people’s expectations are different. My wife was making 500 dollars a month, lived on potatoes, and still had a few dollars to take French lessons. No gadgets or cable TV but reality is different. She did not have a gym membership but walked everywhere and was in better shape than the excesses of the west.”
Gdansk old town – Warszawa. Charming, unique and awesome all words that I would use to describe this city and the people.
How about we start with some delicious Polish Hotdogs. Only they are made with fine Polish sausages. Cooked to perfection. Topped with all sorts of delicious toppings. Yum.
When you think about Polish food most people think of Pierogi. Pierogi are delicious, but there is much much more.
Bigos is a “Hunter’s Stew” that has rich flavoring from the meats and cabbage that are within the dish. Many cooks their Bigos stew for two days. Many Poles will use the largest pot available (can fit a large turkey) and let it simmer for around two days. During this time the house will have a delicious aroma. The color comes out a very dark brown almost black.
Another favorite dish in Poland is Paszteciki. My relatives have all made this. I just cannot remember a holiday when we weren’t eating these during the holidays. They are wonderful little snacks that you can just pop into your mouth as other items are cooking. Pass the Paszteciki!
Below are a few honorable mentions.
Golabki – Cabbage roll stuffed with meat and rice with a red sauce.
Kapuska – Made different ways depending on the season. The one I enjoy has tomatoes and grounded up giblets.
Potato Pancakes – Very good, but have to be careful because of the starch and cholesterol.
Apple Pancakes – I never had apple pancakes like my Mother-in-law makes them here. We are surrounded by apple orchards and have time to make a lot of different apple dishes.
Paczki – Polish Donut. Known for the rose filling. Who knew that roses not only smell great but taste delicious as a dessert.
Delicious polish food. My grandmother, and all my relative had perogries often. While not an everyday meal, it was common enough for me to miss when I left for university. These little puppies are cooked in butter with caramelized onions. Yum.
Shoes off when entering a home – Completely understandable. Your home is your clean sanctuary. You’ve been walking around all day in those shoes… Bathrooms… Office spaces… Dog poo? Take your shoes off and let your feet breath.
Women’s role / Man’s role – There is a clear line in what is expected of both sides. However, where some feminist may find it offensive, many women love it! Sure no problem the woman can clear the dishes off the table and clean and put them away, and the man can go outside and pick up the dog poo, mow the lawn, and vacuum the stairs.
Fast Meal – It is always a good idea to keep bread, cheese, or fruits and veggies on hand to whip up a fast meal for expected and unexpected guest. Along with the meal make sure you have plenty of tea and coffee to offer as well. Don’t be rude offer guest in your home refreshments.
Tipping – Tipping is very popular in the United States. For the most part you’re expected to tip your servers, carpet cleaners, maids, etc. as a show of appreciation for the service given. In Poland and Germany it isn’t normal. The amount on your receipt is what is expected. Giving a tip is appreciated but don’t feel that it is necessary.
Germany, home of beer and fine German sausages. It is a land with amazing forests, wonderful history, and a climate that is suitable to me. Cars can drive without speed limits, prostitution is legal, and I could spend the rest of my life visiting all the historical world war II historical sites.
It’s a beautiful land with seasons, fine food, and a population that is attentive to their role in society.
Germany is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Depending on where you go, you might find Roman ruins, medieval villages, sparkling new cities, or Baroque city centers. It’s just plain awesome.
Here is a nice article on some lessons that an American expat was exposed to as part of their new life in Germany. Some of them are amusing…
“Especially in the former East, freikörperkultur, or free body culture, is an important part of German identity. Decades of oppression lead to a particular appreciation for the experience of freedom and nudity without a direct relationship to sexuality.
This can sometimes be difficult for Americans to buy, particularly when your coworkers casually invite you to the office’s nude sauna or suggest a naked swim in a nearby lake. Adjusting to this culture without getting weird took some grit, finesse, and more than a few awkward encounters.”
Free body culture. Nudity with friends. I can see how it would take some time getting used to, but then again. Meh. So what?
Well, “Free Body Culture” is very, very taboo in the United States. You could easily be arrested and locked up for sexual deviance. Not only that, but you could easily be put on a Sex Offender registry because you didn’t want to wear pants and underwear. Yikes!
Americans would be arrested for things that people in other nations take for granted as normal behavior.
Germany has many charms. If you don’t mind the “free body culture”, there are many other things to like. Like for instance, the fine food, sausages and delicious beer. But it is more than that. It is…
“Moving to Germany meant an inexorable slowing of the pace of my life.
Particularly in Saxony, there are strict rules about when stores can remain open. Most businesses are closed in the evenings and all day on Sunday. Additionally, Germans benefit from frequent holidays and typically at least a month of paid vacation.
This gave me some anxiety at first, particularly when I forgot to leave work early enough to get groceries or didn’t have time to go to the bank.
Over time, however, I learned to both plan my days and to enjoy the break from chores rather than obsessing over lost time. After a few months, I was occasionally leaving work at 3pm to go watch the football game with friends instead of trying to cram a few more hours of work. I still got as much done as usual, but I felt much happier and less burned out.”
It sounds like a real welcome relief to me. I’ll tell you what.
Saarburg is most beautiful town in of the Trier-Saarburg district in the Rhineland-Palatinate state of Germany. It covers an area of 20.36 km2 (7.86 sq mi). Saarburg is a medieval-themed town located in Germany. Despite the small number of people (around 6500) the city is a peaceful and beautiful place to live. There you have all the necessary things for a nice and comfortable life. In Saarburg has all kinds of schools, good shopping, a strong health care to the St. Francis Hospital etc.Saarburg is the major and largest center in Trier-Luxembourg region. The main feature of the city is beautiful river Saar.
There’s also another blog written by Amanda Schaefer . She is an American expat living in Germany. Her comments can be found here.
“Be a good hausfrau. The sidewalk in front of your house is directly correlated to your social acceptance in the neighborhood. Shovel and salt it before 8am if it snows and make sure it's swept clean of minuscule dirt particles at all other times.
And wash your windows, too.
If you are American, people know it. I don't know how they know; they just do. You can stop wearing Nikes everywhere, throw your elastic-waisted pants in the garbage, and take off your baseball cap but they will still see you coming from a mile away. Inexplicably, after several months of living here you will also be able to distinguish other Americans in a crowded place before hearing them speak.
Water is served in tiny glass bottles with their own special designer cup, typically at room temperature. Don't ask for tap water unless you want to be forever shunned. The good news is that beer is usually either the same price or cheaper than a dainty little bottle of water. This results in guiltless day drinking.
And what about holidays?
Carnival is as exciting as you imagine! It's like Mardis Gras and Halloween on steroids. There are endless parades with intricate floats, everyone wears painstakingly-crafted costumes, and all of the candy thrown from the floats is washed down with beer-- lots and lots of beer.
There isn't a bad place to participate in the Carnival festivities. In fact, you can attend lots of different celebrations because there are so many villages and each has its own parade. Just be sure to use the right salutation: In and around Köln, it's, "Alaaf!" Almost everywhere else it's, "Helau!"”
OK. So it is traditional. Women must keep the home presentable for the neighbors. You have to be a good citizen and an acceptable resident. I am sure that that might ruffle up some pink hair on some militant American feminists out there.
Germany is interesting in other ways as well. Ways, that I am afraid will upset most sensibilities of your average American.
For instance, prostitution is legal and quite accepted in society. It is LEGAL. It is ACCEPTED. It is considered a societal need.
(Damn! Why did my dad decide to move to the USA when he could of just as easily stayed in Japan, or Germany?) So, if you are a man living in Germany, and need to have a little bit of sexual release, you just get up and go to one of the many thousands of establishments that cater to your manly needs.
Let’s talk about this for a while. After all prostitution in the United States get’s a bad rap. Of course, prostitution in the rest of the world doesn’t look anything like the sorry excuses found in the United States. It’s quite different. In Germany, it’s part of society, and everyone tends to visit them from time to time.
Visiting a Chain-Bordello, the FKK
Yes, in America we have chain fast-food restaurants like McDonalds, and KFC. We have chain restaurants like Red Lobster, and Denny’s. We have chain car-washes, car oil-changes, and chain laundry-mats. Well, Germany has chain-bordellos.
Yeah, I have a number 2 doggie-style with extra BJ, please.
This is one of those places that every guy really needs to see to believe before they die. To quote a blogger; “Having sex with prostitutes at FKK Oase in Frankfurt needs to be added to your bucket list right now.”
Many guys probably have no idea what an FKK is, so I will break that down first.
Not all FKK’s are created equal, but calling them a lavish brothel might be the best way to sum them up. I would say that this is certainly the best way to describe it. It is like going to a Roman villa filled with all sorts of beautiful nude girls who are willing to provide you with pleasures on demand. Yikes! Nero, never had it so good! These are places where guys go to live out their fantasies and be pampered in every way possible.
I wonder why I never heard about this before?
Hum, let me check. Oh, yes. Google blocks much of this information. Why am I not surprised? Americans must be protected against foreign ideas and thoughts that might crush the progressive narrative by the ruling oligarchs. Americans must be dumbed down to meet the lowest IQ, and the shabbiest behaviors so as not to offend anyone.
You know, something exactly like this…
Harrison Bergeron is a 1995 cable science fiction television movie film loosely adapted from Kurt Vonnegut’s 1961 short story of the same name. The film takes place in a dystopian future in which the US government mandates total egalitarianism in all things, by having most people (those with high intelligence) attach wearable mind “handicapping” devices to their heads and showing only mind numbing shows on TV.
Harrison Bergeron
The story centers on a high school student named Harrison Bergeron whose brilliance makes him a pariah. He is recruited by a secret organization whose purpose is to operate the functions of society that cannot be handled by the unintelligent.
While he thrives in this environment for a time and even falls in love with the girl who introduced him into the organization, he ultimately pays a personal price and comes to see the true social structure as unethical and immoral, and thus rebels, even if it means making a sacrifice.
In this reality, it is mandated that all people be equal in all things. To this end, the social norm of this society has become egalitarianism.
Citizens strive to be of equal wealth, intelligence, athletic prowess and social status to all around them. Through a process of selective breeding, mankind is perfecting the perfectly average human being.
What is not accomplished through arranged marriages is made up for through technological means, the most prominent of which are only showing mind numbing shows on TV, and a headband device worn by all citizens which modulates intelligence, dialing up or down a person's IQ in order to arrive at a 'perfect' 100.
Cover your eyes now. Because I am going to describe it for you in reader-land. This knowledge might be harmful to you. It’s probably classified as dangerous “Hate Speech” by the liberals. Knowledge is power. Soak it up. It’s ok.
Take off your stupidity headsets. It’s ok. Do it now.
Now let’s talk about what life is outside the artificial reality that the United States has become…
Contact and address of The FKK Oase FrankfurtAdress: Ober-Erlenbacher Straße 109 - 61381 Friedrichsdorf
Region: Hesse
Country: Germany
GPS: 50.242484, 8.675508
Phone: +49 6007 930551
Site web:FKK Oase
They can be called sauna clubs by some, you can get a massage, go for a swim, or have sex with any of the hundred hot women from around the world that work there. Pricing is different from place to place but generally you pay an entry fee and then pay for sex acts as you go.
As is typical in Germany, everyone walks around near naked or fully naked, including the guys. At some you can have public sex in full view of everyone else, others make you do the action in private rooms.
There are many different FKK establishments. All with different decor and pricing arrangements. For example, let’s talk about FKK Oase in Frankfurt. The following is from a website called a guys night life. Enjoy…
“FKK Oase is located a bit out of the way. You can ask a taxi to take you there or save some euros by taking the S5 train to the Friedrichsdorf station and then getting a taxi from there.When you arrive you pay a 69 euro entrance fee then go to the locker room to take a shower, lock up your clothes, and put on the robe. Guys wear a thin robe here, though some just walk around naked.
FKK in Germany. This is one of their promotional ads. They host nudity and sex for a fee at many scenic locations. Oh, for those of you readers who haven’t grown up past five years of age, cover your eyes because this chick isn’t wearing panties! Whoops! NSFW warning. Heh heh. (Nice Butt, eh?)
The girls generally are fully nude though some will wear sexy lingerie or extremely skimpy bikinis. There are multiple different areas to hang out here, one room has a stripper pole with couches.Then there is a small movie theater that they call the kino where porn is on display. There are many couches and a couple of beds in here, don’t be surprised to see guys getting blowjobs on the couches and live sex shows on the beds.If you want to be the one putting on the show just ask one of the girls around and she will likely be down. There is also a big backyard area with a pool and bar.There are many pool chairs, hammocks, cabanas, and another place for people to have sex on an elevated area. There is a mirror on the ceiling of it so people underneath can look up and watch.This is all done in a Roman theme with statues and the like. You can sit by yourself and take in the scene, move from one area to another, and pick a girl any time you want.”
Sounds pretty good doesn’t it? Here’s a photo of FKK with some of the girls there, showing their butts. LOL. (PS. If you are an American under the age of 21, you need to self censure. This might burn your retinas, and cause you to behave erratically.)
Promotional image from FKK. Photo credit to FKK. Love all the cute butts. Heh heh.
“As mentioned you pay a 69 euro cover when you enter and then from there everything is done between you and the girl. The standard price is 50 euros and that gets you a bbbj (blowjob with no condom) followed by covered sex.
69 euro = $79 USD
Certain things will cost extra and they won’t come cheap. For instance most girls will ask for an additional 50 euros to cum in their mouth, most won’t do anal sex but if they do you will have to pay a premium for it.
50 euro = $57.30 USD
Many of the girls will be fine with doing things anywhere in the facilities. You can head to the kino and get blown while watching a porn and then move to a bed and be the star of the show if you like. Just make sure to confirm with the girl that she is up for that before you begin.There is no pressure to take a girl, you have already paid the cover so if for some reason you don’t want to have sex that is fine. You also are free to have sex with as many girls as you want and can afford.Threesomes are definitely possible, but you shouldn’t expect too much interaction between the girls. Pretty much anything can be done here for a price.”
How about that?
A bordello treated like a buffet. Outstanding! What’s not to love?
“Looks can be subjective but ya they are pretty hot. They walk around naked all day so you are not going to see many that don’t have very good bodies.Many of the prostitutes are from Eastern Europe and the vast majority of them are white. Every once in awhile you might see an Asian, Latina, or black girl.As far as how many you don’t really need to worry as there will always be plenty to choose from. The girls have even been known to complain that they have too much competition there.During peak hours there might be as many as 150, and even at slow times there should be close to 50. Since they are all in good shape you will have no problems finding one that suits your needs.The sheer number of girls working here make it one of the best FKK’s in Germany. While this isn’t an extremely cheap way to monger it is definitely an experience that any guy would love to try. As many as 150 in shape naked girls around and you can get with any of them at any time."
“Newbie returns from FKK OASE FrankfurtHi All,Finally got to Frankfurt and my first taste of an FKK recently. Got there about 08:30pm and left at 12:30am on a Friday night and this is my take on the night from a newbie perspective.Getting there:As I was staying in Friedrichsdorf, which I believe is the nearest town and train station. I walked down to the Train station and been as nervous as hell I got into a taxi there and as soon as I sat into it the driver turned and said FKK OASE and I was on my way (Did not even have to tell him). I
ts about a five to 10 minute drive and the club is out in the middle of the countryside so not to worry if you find yourself driven along a narrow road with no houses etc on it..What to expect on entering:Once inside the door there is a small reception area and the lady took my money and also put one band on my left arm to say I had paid and another on my right with key to both my lockers (Clothes and Money locker). Was offered a towel only but asked and was also given a robe. Note at reception just five feet to your left through the door it the bar area and my first glance at the girls and boy was I impressed.The Club layout:Using the reception as a certain point. From reception you first need to go to the locker room / changing area. Just enter into the bar area, turn right through the next doorway and on forward down the stairs and into a large modern locker room and find the locker with the key number to match change and back up the stairs, bring your money to your second locker which are in the bar area to the right of the doorway that let from reception.
These lockers are only big enough for your wallet and the other lockers only your clothes so if you had a large bag you might be in trouble. Back at the doorway from reception to your left is a the bar on an L shape and beyond that is the main Room with a dancing poll in the centre and comfy sofas all around with some high chairs and tables.
Enough to seat 40 and to the far right of the room you'll find the KINO again 3 rows of comfy sofas facing onto the large screen showing porn and also on a couple of occasions seen full on BJ action during the night and was offered it a couple of times myself but been shy declined.
The bar / main room area would be the same size as a large pub in Dublin. Back to the door at the reception area and turn right though the doors for the locker area and instead of going down the stairs to your left are the rooms and to your right the Jacuzzi / sauna area which also has rooms to one side.
This basically has a large Jacuzzi maybe holds up to 10 and some deck chairs around it and the sauna rooms to the far right side with the pro massage lady in a room in the corner to the far left. These guys is a legit massage and one of the girls tells me she is quite good. 30 euro apparently. Beyond the the sauna rooms it the entrance to the outdoor area and as it was dark did not see much of this but looks like a large pool with deck chairs all around reports of it been great in the good weather I'm sure are true.The Girls:Now for the most important bit. After putting my wallet away and at this stage to be honest I had been a little blown away by the quality of the girls and I had only gone to and from the locker room yet. Back up at the bar I got a free Fanta then sat down in the main room.
As said many times before girls were all in high heels only a few with stockings. I'd estimate that there were about 50 girls in the club at 8:30 and this dwindled down to about 25 by 12:30. Seemed to be a slow night and this was confirmed by one of the girls.
Of the 50 at least 35 were an 8 or above, another 8 I'd rate as 7 and the others I did not find attractive. High odds indeed. Almost all the girls are slim, with small B / A cup boobs and appear quite tall in the heals and 80%+ Romanian and the majority in the 18 to 25 year old bracket. Of the girls I'll pick out the 2 I found most attractive.1: A blond that I immediately seem on entering the bar. But she left at 09:00 so did not speck to her. She has quite an incredible body, Jennifer Aniston is her prime. I just could not believe what I was seeing and had to stop and stare like an idiot just for a minute she was just that good.2: Julie 18 Year old Romanian, This girl it so sweet and innocent and a drop dead looker to match. 170cm tall teeny body, back hair. Got her in the room for an hour and was very pleased. She talked away and as near as a GFE as your going to get. She but a smile on my face when she said without any hesitation the she was to young for a drink as she might regret what she would do like any other teenager, but I could only see the contradiction given the circumstance with a very large smile.Oh Yes some girls will approach and will take no for an answer if you give it in a polite way and others will sit down or walk about expecting a wink or a node and the'll be over to you in a hurry. Some are sweet talking about where your from and what your doing in Frankfurt and more are full on whispering about the great BJ she'll give you in the KINO and the great fuck you'll have together. Its up to your own taste what you want really.Newbie lessons learned:1: When I go again and I will, I would go about 3pm, and leave at 10:30pm as to get the day and night shift together. After 10pm the crowd both girls and men dwindled abit and this took from the atmosphere I though.2: Once you see a girl you like and want approach quickly as she will get taken or leave as happened above with the blond.3: The space indoors in the club is not quite as large as I though from reports but it still quite big and if there was a large crowd I'm sure it would be very packed.4: You kind of phase out the other gents that are there and anyway everyone kind of minds their own business. And just in case your wondering. All ages / sizes and mostly singe gents with a few small groups. All respectful of the situation and no loud and rowdy types.Conclusion:The best way of describing it would be to close your eyes and picture going to the local pub / bar / disco where the 18 to 25 year old set go and pick out all the attractive girls and have them nude in only their heels and then replace the guys with men of all ages/looks sitting about in robes / towels and that's the nearest picture your going to get without actually been there.Will I go back YES YES YES and I plan to explore other FKK's as well.”
A listing of FKK clubs in Germany, can be found HERE. It’s a very extensive list, my God!
While America has been all caught up with prohibition of drinking alcohol on Sundays, and display of woman’s breasts when breastfeeding, the rest of the world moved on without these silly restrictions. Men can go work, at their leisure, then come home and relax. If the wife is too tired or busy for sex they can go out to a men’s club and get some release. Win – win.
In other nations, men are men, and women are women, and there is no such thing as anything else. I don’t care what the pseudo American intellectuals have to say about the 38 genders. They are only complaining because they were able to obtain funding via political organizations by keeping various narratives alive.
Finally, Let me end this discussion of what awaits you in Germany with this screen capture of a Twitter conversation. You see, in America the progressives are trying to make everyone equal, even though people are not equal at all. The differences are our strengths. Not our similarities.
But, you can’t explain that to the militant millennials.
Silly girl. So you want equality, eh? Image that THE YEAR IS 2081, and everybody is finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General. A science fiction story…yes. Trying to be implemented in the Untied States today by progressives in 2018…absolutely YES.
George, while his intelligence was way above normal, had a little mental handicap radio in his ear.
He was required by law to wear it at all times. It was tuned to a government transmitter. Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking unfair advantage of their brains.
Go read about this Science Fiction story (and movie) that has become the progressive dream, and is trying to be implemented today. Read HERE.
In short, we don’t want to treat everyone the same, because everyone is different. Some are smarter. Some are stronger. Some are taller. Some are hard-working. Some are lazy. Differences is what should be treasured. Not sameness.
Gaussian IQ spread of different nations. This graph tells us a lot about the differences between people in different nations.
Anyways, continuing on about Germany… Let’s talk taxes…
Germany is the economic powerhouse of Europe so for the ambitious I there's a lot of opportunity here. However taxes are high as fuck if you are comparing it to life in the US. I'm from NYC so I am used to paying high taxes but over here is another level. Sales tax of 19% is worked into prices of everything here. The only forgiving things here is that rent is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than in NYC and that's where you end up coming out ahead financially. -6 Years in Germany
We, as Americans, have a very retarded and corrupted view of the world outside the American borders. To us, it seems frightening and dark. We are constantly bombarded with “Save the Children” advertisements, and told that they need our money to support their infrastructure (isn’t that right, Barrack Obama?). The truth is something quite different.
In the movie “Forrest Gump”, there is a saying “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.” Well, that is true. But you know what? You can choose the box.
The initiation of sex and relationships vary from culture to culture. In Thailand, for example, the relationships tend to be different than that of the United States. This is true for most of Asia.
Men, I am speaking as a man, need to recognize that we are not chained to the life that we have created. When things become uncomfortable, or untenable, we can change our life. We make a plan, and then execute the plan. These are my thoughts on this matter.
Best Regards.
Take Aways
Depending on your own individual situation, leaving America might be an option worthy of consideration.
There are many nations to choose from. Some have higher taxes, but great food. Some have lower taxes, and pretty girls. Some have great history, art and culture, while others are just fun places to be.
You are getting older with each hour. Spend some time thinking about your life and what you want out of it. It might include going to another area that is different from the United States.
Q: What is the best nation to visit? A: I do not know. It depends on the individual. Their money, interests and experiences. For me, I found that I actually found that I enjoyed the Asian nations. The United States is nothing like I grew up in. It is something completely different today.
Were I to live in the Untied States today, my life style would be a pale shadow of what it is currently.
Q: Why do you only think about men, what about women? A: I think about women a lot. But I am not a woman. I can only relate my thoughts and experiences from my own point of view. That includes things that interest me as a man.
Truthfully, I am not interested in how a woman might think if she was in my shoes. In fact, it is impossible for a woman to be in my shoes. Woman do not have the ability to function as a node within my MAJestic role. It is physically IMPOSSIBLE for them. Call it sexist if you may. But that is the truth.
Part of growing up is throwing away our childhood fantasies and becoming an adult. You are placed within your reality, and it is up to you to make the best of it. You are either a success at it, or you fail. It’s pretty cut and dry.
Two Part Post
This post is part one of a multi-part post. My basic premise is that the world is a big place. Get out. Enjoy the differences. Savor them. Life is too short.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
Originally titled “The Frightening Possibility of a Global Genetically-Tailored Caste System”.
In today’s polarized American society, it is very easy to get lost and forget who we are. In today’s mass media it is easy to forget our role and our life when we are confronted with people with one million followers on twitter, and who have Facebook pages with thousands of followers. It is very difficult to judge ourselves when the mainstream media, the television, the Hollywood movies, and even our educational system tries to define who we are. I know this.
This is my push back.
This is my push back on the onslaught of nonsense that floods our airwaves, and seeps through the cracks of our being. This is my push back on who I am personally, and who many Americans are. This is my push back on what a man is. This is my push back as to what defines us. It is not what some rich oligarch thinks we are. We are something else entirely.
For the last sixty years, the American media, and their owners have created narratives that served to box us into divisive subcultures. They have tried to split us apart, tear us up, and force us to live in fear. This is not going to happen. Not on my watch.
Because you are a hero, even if you do not realize it yet.
Growing up, I was fed a steady diet of adventure magazines and pulp stories that described how heroes behave and what they encounter. Yes, I knew that they were stories, but deep down inside I did believe that I too would someday experience the same kind of highs and lows that my heroes endured.
Well that was true.
However, little did I know that the highs and lows occurred on American soil, and the monsters that I fought were nebulous, invisible and powerful. Far more powerful than I was ever aware possible. I was tasked to fight the worst kind of monster; the invisible kind.
Heroes are often surrounded by pretty girls. You know, when I grew up, my idea of what a hero was came from magazines and television. I came to believe that narrative. You know, be strong and courageous. Protect the weak, and keep on going on, even when the odds are against you. You must be a man and protect the weak and strive to be the best man that you can possibly be.
With this in mind, let’s take a look at what my expectations were. I, as part of a different generation than many of my readers had different views about life, and roles. These different views were generational, and were formed in my youth.
My reality then, was quite different from the reality we experience today.
What I expected
When I was young, I was sheltered from the realities of today’s world. Bad guys wore masks to keep their identities hidden. Good guys wore white, and helped children, old ladies, puppies and kittens.
Bad guys dressed in black. They wore masks to hide their identities. They were militant. The moved in groups, or mobs.
Good guys showed their faces. They wore white or nice hats. They never said anything bad about another person. They helped others. They protected others. They only fought when absolutely necessary.
At that time, I didn’t know what a gay person was, let alone a trans-gender person. I hadn’t a clue as to why the sadistic communist monster Che Guevara had such a large following. While Charles Manson was busy murdering people in California, and college campuses were protesting the Vietnam war, I was busy studying to go to college, and working part time to afford it.
When I wasn’t working or studying, I was reading. Perhaps my number one past-time was science fiction and men’s adventure stories. Of which, I can now clearly point out, shaped my personality and my character.
Men's adventure is a genre of magazine that was published in the United States from the 1940s until the early 1970s. Catering to a male audience, these magazines featured pin-up girls and lurid tales of adventure that typically featured wartime feats of daring, exotic travel or conflict with wild animals.
Though that window of the world, I learned about the importance of being a man, and how it benefited society. However, being a man (a “real” man) was not without it’s danger and perils. For the men that I studied were the men of the pulp magazines common at that time.
Men, all men, but especially the GREAT men, needed to have a purpose and a code of behavior.
Heroes needed to be well armed. The world was a dark and scary place. Often challenges would beset you and confront you. You needed to be ready for them. A man must keep calm and keep his wits about him. When the situation becomes dangerous he must be able to suppress his terror and face his fears. He must confront the dangers that he encounters.
There used to be magazines, scores of them, that described a “man’s” idea of adventure. These were stories that described a person, just like you and me, fighting against evil doers, powerful and nefarious men, and nature’s power.
Indeed, even facing off against a pack of ferocious rabid otters… yikes!
These stories would write about the thrill of battle with an unnaturally bellicose lobster. Indeed, now that would be troublesome. You do know that they do resent being eaten. Or, consider the trials of being “shot down” and floating in a life-raft under a hot relentless sun. Meanwhile hungry sharks circled your life-raft as the air slowly seeped out.
These stories might be about great prison escapes, or carefully planned, but poorly executed, night time raids against monocle wearing uniformed Nazi “super race” black clad storm trooper warriors…
These were “men’s stories” that held common themes designed for men, and their interests. They would satiate the dreams and desires of men who would need to “escape” from their mundane realities.
In the hidden depths of our imaginations, we could dream about rescuing somebody, say a beautiful woman in a low-cut dress who’s being attacked by a big-tusked boar. Or, working with exotic Oriental women with long fingernails, and deep mesmerizing eyes, while conspiring to blow up a concentration camp. Or, maybe being whisked away by a stunning French red-head and hidden inside her boudoir, while the Gestapo trundles through the wreckage downstairs.
Ah, these are things that really appealed to me. To be a hero. To rescue others who were unable (or unwilling) to fight for their life…
Adventure magazines
These were the magazines that described people like me, on adventures, to achieve their dreams. And, you know, by reading these stories, I too felt that I was destined to participate in similar adventures. Oh, I had no doubt that I might NOT end up fighting a crocodile with a knife bare-handed, though I did consider the perils of quick-sand a distinct possibility…
Adventure pulps filled just one niche in a rich print world. This world, a man’s world, celebrated soldiering & seduction, as well as courage & cleavage. It did so in many formats for many different sorts of readers.
The adventure pulps — Man’s Adventure, Men Today, Men in Conflict, Rugged Men, Man’s True Action, Real Adventure, Man’s Conquest, Man’s Epic, New Man, Man’s Life, Man’s Best, and maybe another 125 titles like these — addressed themselves to a certain kind of readership that seems to have become as extinct as the magazines. That niche is now empty and forgotten. Terribly, and horribly forgotten.
Yeah. It's forgotten. Except for a few collectors, it's as if the magazines and their readers never existed. Unlike numerous other pulp genres, many of which are still celebrated nostalgically and even anthologized for new readers, the adventure pulps, their stories, and their art have disappeared.
They are today as culturally invisible as the sobbing women's fiction periodicals of the 19th century. The only way you can find these magazines is in the moldy stacks of old, disused bookstores located in off-the-main-road small towns. And then, under piles of other books and magazines usually lining the bottom of forgotten cardboard boxes.
To many the one single aspect of these once-common magazines that modern critics (non-readers all) are likely to recall is their penchant for transforming war and political conflict into a “cheap sadism”. Yes, there are those who feel this way. They look at the covers and proclaim in their most vociferous SJW voice how sadistic it all is.
Well… maybe, to a point.
Many of their covers, year after year, were devoted to grinning Nazis, bespectacled Japanese officers, and cold North Koreans torturing, whipping, and dismembering chesty and chained American nurses. It’s sadism the fat obese woman SWJ’s proclaim.
But, come on now, it wasn’t only about war. What about the articles devoted to vicious attack trout?
A man needs to be prepared and ready to defend himself. Who knows what lurks in the muddy river waters once you break out of prison. Maybe trained attack trout. You certainly need to be careful.
These magazines were special and they helped shaped who I am today. (Though, I am sure some social justice warrior might have a major fainting spell over that acknowledgement.) Anything that kept Nazi cruelty current, such as the arrest and trial of Adolf Eichmann, was a boon to these magazines.
There we would hear stories of Schmeisser machine guns, Lugar pistols, and swastika emblazoned red armbands. We would be reminded of the acres of barb-wired fences and watchtowers with huge search lights that scanned the foggy darkness. We would be exposed to the horrible tortures and abuses of the innocent behind those walls, where only fierce German Shepard’s prowled.
Once in a while they’d borrow an image from the news, such as cigar-wielding Cuban Communists, and apply it to the genre. They’d stamp it in place in the stories like a jack-booted thug smashing and trampling on broken glass in the mud. Mostly, though, it was 20 years of the same theme repeated over and over.
The theme was usually pain; pain is where the pincers of angry lobsters meet the hot, flesh-searing ends of a burning communist cigars.
Pain. Where the red-hot pliers sitting in the hot ember coals meet the soft and subtle young flesh of the terrified Army nurse.
Pain. Where the tangled sinews of sweaty muscled young warriors tear into bloody tatters as they pass through glass-edged barbwire boundaries. Even the adventures in these “adventure” pulps are really about suffering. The villains never stand for ideas; they’re means of inflicting hurt.
For a break from all the fighting and pain, there were advertisements. Indeed, who can forget the advertisements for pills purported to stop bed wetting, acne cures, glasses that hypnotize women, scrotal hernia trusses, and mounted girls’ head trophies at only $2.98. There were advertisements on how to be a “He Man”, and a coupon on taking a test to determine whether or not you can draw.
These were the magazines that my generation read.
Other Magazines and Other Places
Sure there were those who would plunk down a buck and a quarter for a magazine on deer hunting (the local barbershop was filled with these magazines), or “Sports Illustrated” (I think it is still being published, no?), or maybe “Home Handyman”, “Mechanics Illustrated”, or a J.C.Whitney catalog chock full of car parts for us to customize our GTO, or Camaro.
Barber shops were great, and still are.
We would go sit in the chairs and let the old barber (typically a white haired old gent) give us a hair cut while we sat down, smoked a cigarette (or chewed a wad of skoal chewing tobacco) and discussed the last Friday night football (or basketball game). It was our little break from work, studies, or hassles with our wives or girlfriends.
It was a place for men. It was our place of refuge.
Men and Women
For the record, men are not women. Women are not men. Either you have an “X” chromosome or you have a “Y” chromosome. There aren’t any shades of grey in this matter. It’s not a social, political or intellectual issue. It is a genetic issue.
No matter how much you might want to believe otherwise, or how much the attractive television celebratory repeats the illusion. (let’s not get caught up in this side issue. If you are disturbed by my opinions, you can leave or read why I feel that way.) Follow these links if you are confused at why I have opinions on this matter…
Guys are not women. Males are boys first, then they “grow up” and become men. We have a generally well understood list of behaviors, and needs, though many progressives and women would like to dispute that. Turning us into “perfect” men for them… I man on the outside but with a woman’s mind and heart.
Well, life is not like that fantasy, and I grew up normally like the rest of the men of my generation. We aspired to be men, and we all expected to become the head of a household with a wife and a family of children to support. That was our destiny and our future. In the meantime, and “along the way”, we could live our dreams as chance and providence permitted.
Whether that meant that we would drag race cars, go out hunting on the weekends, sail boats in the harbors, go out drinking with “the boys”, or just work and tinker on that “old clunker” in the garage, we aspired for a life that most men of my generation longed for. We looked forward to becoming men. We looked forward to fulfilling that role in society.
Expectations of a Man
For me, I too expected to someday raise a family, but not until after I completed my education, and obtained meaningful employment. This, for me included my post-college education, my role in the United State’s Navy, and my purpose in life.
I was fully and wholly devoted to that goal. I had opportunities for girlfriends leading to pregnancy and marriage when I was in High School. I didn’t take them. I was not ready to get married. I was not ready for the kinds of things that my friends were. I had to put everything off.
In those days, if you got a girl pregnant, you married her. That was the way it was done. Abortions on demand was not publicly disclosed. A pregnancy of a girlfriend was a future-limiting event. That would have been a termination of my dream. I would be stuck working in the steel mills or back to the coal mines.
I could not afford that.
I had a dream. I knew what I wanted to become. However, I was hampered where I lived. The opportunities around me were limiting. I had to control my behaviors and focus on my goals. While I could have fun with the rest of my classmates, I had to be very careful to avoid entanglements that would lock me out of my dream. I had to be careful.
So I hung back. I put off all the fun and sexual escapades that my friends were engaged in. Oh sure, I drank and partied like the rest of my generation. But, I was very guarded about my dreams. I was single-mindedly focused on my dreams and goals.
In fact, in looking back, I really turned down some pretty amazing opportunities when I was younger. Today, I slap my forehead and yell “What the fuck was I thinking?”. You know, really, I could have bought condoms. (Though in those days they weren’t displayed in the open. You needed to ask the girl at the register for them. Living in a small town, might be a little problematic. It just goes to show you that I truly missed some worth while adventures in my youth.)
I guess, compared to many of my classmates, I “took the long way home”.
(A famous, in the United States, song “Take the long way home”, by the group “Supertramp”. Bing search in China as of 2017 could not find the reference. Sigh.) It's a new reality.
Heroes might need to battle animals big. Yes, a man must be ready to fight in the rivers, the lakes and in the oceans. Who knows what will attack your feet, or jump at you from the trees above. You must always keep on your toes and be ready. Having a nice revolver is also handy don’t you know.
Ah. I suppose it all sounds so silly to the “modern and urban” youth of today (in the Post-Obama reality.).
For today, we have new role models like Justin Berber, and transgender sports figures. Oh there are others, like octo-mom, and Hillary Clinton, why even I hear she is working on yet another book…
Yeah. You just go about acting rude and like a thug. Pay a bunch of people to follow you and praise you, and BOOM! You are the hottest thing to the father-less youth of today.
Significance and Importance
It wasn’t always that way.
Importance was never measured by popularity. It was measured by deeds and achievements. The idea that you need to be famous and popular to be a success is a recent development. It is a social narrative contrived by powerful people to manipulate huge groups of people.
As a young man, I did not desire fame or popularity. I wanted to accomplish significant deeds. I wanted to better the world. i wanted to help others and make the world a better place to live in. Even if all I did was make my immediate town a little cleaner.
I read about adventure. I read about heroes, and I wanted to be one. Even if it meant pulling myself out of quicksand by using a hanging vine. I wanted to be one, even if it meant that I might be in a fiery plane crash, and have to paddle up-river through dangerous piranha filled swamp. I wanted to be one, even if it meant that I would have to tunnel under barbed wire in the pouring rain to get there.
I wanted to be one.
Oh, you can sure bet that I liked the idea of being surrounded by scantily clad beautiful women. Especially hot busty vixens sporting a Tommy-gun, and wearing a pith helmet. Ah, you can certainly picture the image; brown booted leggy chick wearing khaki riding britches, and poplin blouse with an open collar (displaying some nice cleavage) and rolled up sleeves. She’s tough, and beautiful, and knows it. Yeah.
However, at that time, in my youth I did not fully appreciate the beauty of the female form to the same degree that I do today. My point of view about the world, women, war, conflict and nature were all very simplistic and rather “black and white”. Think Raquel Welch and Shirley Eaton.
Yet, the stories that I read fueled my interest in faraway places, and in doing great deeds for just purposes. Which, was key; the achievement of great deeds. Men should accomplish GREAT DEEDS. That’s what they are for.
Actually, men who perform great deeds is considered very “hot” by the majority of “real” women that we men encounter in daily life.
I read Doc Savage books relentlessly. The stories influenced me as I was growing up. The life and the ideals that the “Doc” strived for were those that I too adopted. The “Doc” was one of my boyhood heroes. I actually believed that I could be like him some day. I guess that it sounds so odd and strange today. However, that is what I believed in and how I felt.
Whether it was Doc Savage and his small band of above-average achievers, or a science fiction hero on a task of adventure and discovery, my vision of what a man should be was set in a fictional reality. I placed high standards, and even higher expectations on how my life would play out.
I really did.
In My Case…
Knowing the little that I knew, and understanding the limitations that were placed on me by where I lived (Coal and steel country in Western Pennsylvania.) I had very few options and fewer opportunities. My father tried to enlist some distant second or third cousins and great cousins to “knock down some doors” for me. I had one who was an Air Force General, but he didn’t give my dad the light of day. I wrote to all my Senators and Congressmen, and took all the tests to join the Air Force Academy.
That actually did work. One thing though. I tied for first place with another classmate. Only one of us could get selected. It wasn’t me. It was my (now new friend) Brian.
I was crushed, but not defeated. I knew that heroes always had setbacks. They had to persevere and come up with alternative plans to achieve their dreams and their goals. So, I redoubled my efforts. I switched to plan “B”.
You must never give up. You will encounter set backs. You will meet troubles and trials. Life in rarely a smooth straight line from point “A” to point “B”. You have to be flexible, and while the world turns about and changes, you need to adapt to it. Do not give up. Keep your focus.
I figured, and expected that by the study of Aerospace Engineering would open up doors for me. I figured that if I coupled it with studies in Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis on the thermodynamics of rocket engines would make me unique. I figured that these studies would “open up” doors (for me) in things related to space travel (and in my mind, adventure). Well, they did, didn’t they?
Yes they did.
I obtained a Naval Aviator role. Not an easy thing to come by.
EA-6B Intruder. The United States Navy has some very impressive flying machines. I was accepted and in training to fly these beasts. Nothing was going to take that from me.
With this career path, and with these experience, I was comfortably on my way to adventure. I was on the way to performing great deeds. I figured that I would make a significant mark on my life and the lives of others. I was on the way, and nothing was going to stop me. Nothing.
That is until one day, the Base Commander wanted to talk to me.
The End Goal Line Changed
So I entered MAJestic. So I had some experiences and some things about me were changed. I exited the United States Navy. I left the exciting world of Naval Aviation for a new reality; one where I would be an “average Joe” while part of MAJestic.
What a disappointment!
So, instead of being a Top Gun Naval Aviator, I instead joined a W(U)-SAP carve-out under the MAJestic umbrella. My role was to be average and typical. I was to become the “average Joe” and live life just like every other man.
I was to be average, and if I over-performed, my reality would be reset so that I was typical. If I under performed, my life would be reset so that I would be typical. I was to experience typical life in the 1980’s through the 2000 so that “others” could observe and adjust the reality accordingly.
It was nothing heroic. It was a role of constantly having Lucy steal the football away. It was a world were you were forever running on the the treadmill of life. No matter what opportunities would be presented to me, I would forevermore be denied them as I would no longer become typical. The movie “Office Space” became my perpetual reality.
In a society that values fame and popularity, those of us who perform great deeds are ridiculed. We are minimized. We are forgotten, and tossed aside. Like many homeless vets, and unemployed scientists, it seems that only the very wealthy, and politically connected are successful and rewarded.
The rest of us, no matter what we do, are treated as unimportant.
The Clinton’s ran the largest and most comprehensive criminal enterprise in the history of the world. When discovered, nothing was done as anyone who oppose them are killed. They own the media, and most fact-checking organizations. They have their tendrils in everything from universities to all levels of government. They are unstoppable. As such they are brazen in their criminality.
I faced the harsh slap of reality, as all men do.
I expected that being a Naval Aviator, flying the top most advanced aircraft available under the most dangerous conditions possible would give me the kinds of experiences that I would need to actually participate in the adventures that I read about.
I was doing everything that I could think of to get where my dreams lay. I was not a “wanna-be” dreamer, but I was a doer. I spent the money, did the work, worked the study, and pushed and pushed in every way that I knew how, to meet and achieve my dreams.
I was a man.
As are YOU the person who is reading this.
Ah, you also have to watch out for dangers small. Who knows when you will be over whelmed by a hoard of rabid lizards just wanting to chew on your thumb. yikes!
In my mind, the path to be an astronaut hero was very straightforward.
Study hard, and battle to be the top in your class. Apply to one of the government military academies or organizations, and learn to fly. Then, be the best pilot ever, and apply to fly in one of the new (or secretive… I had assumed) space organizations. In so doing, I would excel, find a place and a role in life, and would be rewarded for all my years of hard work and study.
When I was offered the role in MAJestic, it was (I believed) one of these most important steps that I had believed, read, and dreamed about.
I was there. I accepted the role. I was altered and entered and performed my tasks.
Ugh. But what I saw on television, what I saw out of Hollywood, and what I read about was not reality. It was a fiction. It did not exist. It was a narrative that I bought, lock stock and barrel. The truth and the reality was something all together different.
At that time, we were all rather simplistic. We were idealistic, and we actually believed the news. We believed that those we elected would represent us. We believed that our taxes would go towards fixing the roads, and that only the lowest of the low would dare accept a “handout” from the government in terms of welfare…
Boy oh boy, has times changed.
Hopes and Dreams
Today, well the reader knows what the world is today. I ask the reader this; what are your hopes and dreams? Have you ever wished (in your deepest dreams) to be like one of your movie heroes, or sports heroes?
What are your hidden desires? You cannot tell me that you do not have them. Are you so “politically correct” that you are afraid to admit your dreams and desires because someone might be offended? We all have dreams, for they are the inspiration that helps us to set and achieve our goals.
For me, I wanted to fly.
I wanted to strap myself to one of those huge monster of tubes, mechanical contrivances, and pure liquid ZOOM! And, just like that, go forth and explore the heavens. That is what I wanted, and that is what I expected after getting my university degrees, and being accepted into a very rare and coveted “pilot slot” in the United States Navy.
I wanted adventure. I wanted to be the man who did great deeds.
Heroes can get hurt. In fact, a real man and a real hero can get hurt and feel tremendous pain. It is the nature of being a man, and of course, being a hero.
Well, that’s all well and good, but how exactly does that have anything to do with being a hero? (For that is what all the Men’s Literature was all about…being a hero.)
The answer is simple. It doesn’t.
It was, rather, what I thought a hero was. A hero, in my mind, was someone who took chances and risks to make the world a better place. He did it for others.
It’s true. Others do agree with me about this point. People who become heroes tend to be concerned with the well-being of others. They do so, and most importantly do so, at a risk or ignorance of the dangers to themselves.
According to researchers, empathy and compassion for others are key variables that contribute to heroic behavior.
People who rush in to help others in the face of danger and adversity do so because they genuinely care about the safety and well-being of other people. A 2009 study found that people who have heroic tendencies also have a much higher degree of empathy.
People who engage in acts of heroism feel concern and care for the people around them and they are able to feel what those in need of help are feeling.
Obviously "service for self" sentience's can never become heroes.
So what? What does it matter?
It’s all about perceptions. When you are raised in a way that places emphasis on being a man, and doing great deeds, it becomes something that is expected of you. We, not just myself but everyone who was part of MAJestic, took our role seriously. No we did not end up fighting savages with bones in their noses, or being chased by rabid tusked elephants charging through the jungles, but we did have our little adventures.
It’s just that our adventures weren’t something that we expected.
There just wasn’t a set “bad guy”, or “evil empire” to fight. There just wasn’t any kind of uniforms that we could identify, or specific weapons that we could use to battle them. There wasn’t any goals or plans or targets for us to track our progress with.
We were in a compartmentalized secret program. For us, we were only told the bare minimum of what we needed to know so that we could accomplish our mission parameters, and those whom we would work with were treated the same as we were. We never knew the full extent of anything, and those whom “supervised” our program knew very little about what we did, and how we did it. They too, only knew the bare minimum of information so that they themselves could accomplish their own tasks.
How can I say this? Is is almost like our bodies were given to others to use for their purposes. They controlled the realities that we experienced. They defined them, and watched our reactions to them. They learned while we experienced. It was almost as bad as this…
Scene from a 1950’s era science fiction / horror movie. The person has no control of their reality once they enter the program. Others, with a vested interest, observe the reactions of the person and adjust the stimuli appropriately. That was pretty much my role. An extreme example, but a fairly accurate one.
It was as if we were just small fleas on the back of a rampaging elephant, located on a boat floating down stream through rapids, heading straight toward a huge waterfall. We only knew what we needed to know and no more. Otherwise, I dare say, that us fleas would have tried to jump off that pesky elephant the first chance we got.
However, we were well tended to when we got hurt. Heroes need to create and maintain their own support group and network of friends. They often operate alone and away from others. They need help, especially when there is a terrible scar or some significant broken bones.
We were tasked with something that involved our thoughts, and control of them. As such, how we reacted to events were constantly monitored and our environment was constantly adjusted. Our reality was constantly adjusted to fit a plan that was supported by our personality.
I do realize that this is a difficult concept to understand.
That is because most people do not recognize that thoughts have substance and the ability to alter and bend reality. So, here I am. Describing a complex organization that is built around a concept that most humans can't even accept as truth.
Let alone to accept that other species have built technologies around this sort of thing.
Let alone accepting that they have built up a civilization around these advanced concepts that has lasted and persisted for millions of years.
Yet, the invisible evil that we fought against had a structure.
The Invisible Evil
Yes, there was an enemy involved in all of this. It was us, or better yet, certain powerful individuals who longed for power and control and believed that they possessed the ability to obtain it. It’s just like the old James Bond movies with trans-national super-villains. It is exactly like that.
No, they didn’t go by the terms SPECTRE or THRUSH. Though, they did actually have their own names and their own objectives.
The true enemy, we fought daily. However, we never confronted this enemy. They always remained hidden and elusive. They were like a hydra. They operated in the open, and manipulated humans through complex techniques of overt manipulation and subterfuge.
Here is one of the major mouth pieces of the oligarchy; CNN, working the narrative protecting Clinton from action related to treason. They argue that vacuuming up 50,000 SAP documents, putting them on a private computer server that has a direct link to a foreign government (Pakistan) is a “nothing burger”.
They argue that this is normal and nothing was wrong. Even though several very severe and serious laws were violated.
When I joined the organization, I felt that I would have a role. I believed that the role was special and would involve my “special” skills and ability. I also believed that it would be heroic (in some way) in nature. I believed that I would be doing great things for the good of all (after all, is that not what was promised to me?).
While I did not know what it involved, I did EXPECT that it would involve space (outer space, beyond the earths atmosphere), risk, science (technologies of great advancement), secrets and an enemy that could be easily identified.
What happened was something else entirely. No, the reader should not get confused. What I expected did occur, it just did not occur like I expected it to.
What I expected did occur, it just did not occur like I expected it to.
Indeed, let’s go through the list;
Involve space (outer space, beyond the earths atmosphere). CHECK.
Involve aliens. (Well, yes, but not like I expected.) CHECK.
Science. Oh yes. CHECK. CHECK.
Top Secrets. CHECK.
Being surrounded by beautiful women. CHECK.
An enemy that could be easily identified. NOPE!
I have described my reality and my operations. For what ever it is worth. However, it was like nothing I expected, and for that reason, it is difficult for me to explain out to the reader. Yet, I must explain it to the reader for ultimate understanding.
It was nothing like I expected.
To this end, let’s take a guess at what the reader’s expectation of MAJestic operations might be… and, as an extension, what you might think being a hero is all about.
Reader Expectations
Here, let’s discuss what you (the reader) might expect a MAJestic agent to be involved in.
What do you think? Maybe something like this…
The image that I held in my mind concerning the program that I was entering was colored by the images and visions as portrayed by media and television at that time. I thought that I would be another Tom Corbett , or Napoleon Solo , or maybe even a secret agent like Mr. Derek Flint . In my mind it was a great and amazing opportunity that would open and bare the secrets and mysteries of the secret clandestine space programs that were veiled from the gaze of most Americans.
Do you believe that there is a group of managers sitting in Washington, D.C. that views and oversees all of the MAJestic operations? Do you think that some powerful United States Senators know and participate in MAJestic related activity? Perhaps you think that Barrack Obama presides over secret meetings in the basement of the White House surrounded by his generals…
If you hold any of these beliefs, then you are wrong.
Maybe the reader thinks that MAJestic is set up something like this. You know, with armed special guards wearing helmets and carrying side arms, with pretty women and executive officers that attend detailed planning meetings within secure underground lairs. Maybe that is your impression.
You are very, very, VERY wrong.
There simply isn’t any headquarters located in Washington, D.C. or on any military base on this world-line that controls the organization. There isn’t any kind of military style pay-grades, or chain of command outside of our individual cells. There are no uniforms, insignia, or flags that we all can unite to and bound us together in a form of mutual understanding.
There are no Earth bound huge complexes that MAJestic operates from. This is true for form, and for function. Anything large and stationary is off-world, and off world-line.
This is a movie still form the 1960’s era television show “The Time Tunnel”. During the 1960’s and into the 1970’s television was flooded with shows about the Cold War, Science, and Space Travel.
Sure there were other shows, such as shows about World War II, like “The Rat Patrol”, and “McHale’s Navy”, but these were the shows that I grew up with. They reflected my belief in what was possible given a science-backed government.
As a young boy, I would play with my chemistry set (now pretty much banned from sale, thanks Bill Clinton (D)). I would build electronics with my electronic kits (Also mostly banned or severely limited in scope –thank you Bill Clinton). I would also dream of one day being a Spaceman, or at least a Scientist wearing the white lab coat and the large Identification badge on my lapel.(All which actually occurred, but not at all like I envisioned it to be.)
Aside from the cryptic nomenclature that festooned various military documentation (all of which signified carved out W(U)-SAP activity), there simply wasn’t any United States government organized structure.
No one could point to an organizational chart, and say, “Here is where the MAJestic organization resides within the United States government.”. The entire organization is secret as no other government program could ever be.
It would be great to say that MAJestic was a huge organization, top secret, that fought huge and organized globalist trans-national interests. For in the most shallow of understandings it was. Yet, that was not it’s role. Frankly, whether the globalists dominate or the nationalists dominate makes no difference. MAJestic’s role is to make sure that during the transition that the sentience’s remain pure.
Maybe the reader thinks that MAJestic is a policy arm of one of the branches of government. Impossible, for numerous reasons. Maybe you think that it is run by the CIA, or the NSA, or the DHS. If you do, then you are wrong. None of those agencies are truly secret.
Real secrecy is treated very seriously.
It is treated very, very secret. There won’t be any political hack (Susan Rice) appointed to the organization, or very capable (political) individuals such as Hillary Clinton selling all the MAJestic secrets for a pittance.
We, every single one of us, are purposely vetted by inter-dimensional extraterrestrials and chosen for the roles by a criterion that is beyond the understanding of the vast bulk of humanity.
And, yes, I am writing my memoirs that discloses, but does not define, a mere handful of the secrets that I have been exposed to, this is all part of a much larger plan, and is already approved for our extraterrestrial friends, if not the MAJestic organization itself.
But, hey! You don’t have to believe me. It really doesn’t matter if I participated in MAJestic, wore a Santa Claus costume on Christmas, or hunted squirrels with a 22-250. It really doesn’t matter. Does it?
It does not.
This isn’t all about me. This is about YOU, the reader and an understanding that YOU are a hero and you don’t even realize it. I want to spend the time to give you the understanding on how being a hero works, and why YOU are a hero.
Heroes might need to be rescued from time to time. Oh, how embarrassing! But it happens. Things don’t always go according to plan. Things happen and plans can get shit canned in a nanosecond.
A Military Organization?
So, let’s jump back to my narrative, and talk a little about MAJestic. You know the super top secret United States carve-out that all the fact checkers, and authorities on the Internet says does not exist. Let’s talk about it here.
Do you, the reader, think that it is a military organization?
Maybe [1], you the reader thinks that the MAJestic organization is setup like a military organization in so far as there are military spacecraft, with advanced weapons, and advanced propulsive technologies. This would include such things as particle-beam cannons, infra-ray blasters, and advanced laser technologies. Maybe you would believe that they would all be organized like a kind of “space marines”, or “space-based patrol service”.
Truly when the Base Commander was discussing our joining MAJestic, I had envisioned some sort of top secret space-based force. I imagined that we would be tasked with guarding the world in some manner with special weapons, technologies and spaceships.
Nope. MAJestic is not organized like that at all. There are technologies that are quite advanced, the participants all have prior military backgrounds, and motivations, but the reality is nothing like this kind of imagery.
An Organization of Scientists?
Maybe [2] the reader might think that MAJestic is run by scientists. In this idea, the scientists would sit within their offices on college campuses, surrounded by books and piles of papers. Maybe they would have a backboard with all kinds of intense mathematical formulas scribbled on it. Here, the most brilliant men (and women) in the world would be the guardians of the mysteries of our extraterrestrial friends.
Erik Verlinde proposed entropic gravity as a solution to some of the vexing problems in understanding space-time relationships.
Have you been on college campuses lately? Look at the student population. We call them “snowflakes” because they are [1] emotionally immature, [2] education-deficient, and [3] totally lacking in reason. These pupils are what they are simply because of whom and what taught them.
The so called “brilliant geniuses” that occupy American universities are simply political hacks in possession of pieces of paper that awards them status without effort. No, I am afraid that the geniuses in our education system have NOTHING to do with MAJestic.
That is not to say that they are ALL bad. However, evil people have polluted the educational and research environment in favor of a statist narrative. This is terribly restrictive for scientific advancement.
An Organization of Spiritual Beings?
Maybe [3] the reader is under the impression that MAJestic is populated with individuals who have “pure” understandings. This is so that they could communicate with the “enlighten ones” and assist in bringing about a great spiritual awakening for the benefit of all humankind. Like for instance, oh dare I say it, those “new age” types (typically living in California) who channel the “knowledge of the star people” for the overall benefit of human-kind (person-kind)?
There are many who believe that non-physical entities can channel humans and that we can learn from them. While it is true that there are non-corporeal beings, they are forbidden to influence our sentience development. Any one who claims to be in contact with a non-corporeal entity should realize that their sentience cannot be modified by outside influences without approval. That is fundamental in how souls are constructed and in our makeup within the multi-dimensional MWI.
Oh, that’s a good one! Yuck! Why I am almost on the floor rolling about and laughing!
Well, again, it’s off the mark. Nope that is not what we did and the impressions are quite simplistic. However, of all the possible scenarios that the reader might presuppose, this concept comes closest to the true reality. Yes, it does. As much as I hate to admit it.
So… hey!
There are creatures far older than the human race. They have established technology and inherent capabilities far in advance than what us mere mortals possess. To us, they appear magical or even God-like. What’s more, they work with us humans, hand in hand with selected individuals within a set and defined structure. That is MAJestic.
That is MAJestic.
Heroes might have to fight for their very lives under impossible circumstances. Yes. You always need to be ready. You always need to be prepared.
The one thing that I can say is that the general population is just as clueless as I was when I first joined the organization. MAJestic is unlike anything that anyone can dare presuppose.
It is SEVERELY different.
While it was initially setup by humans to resolve special issues and perceived threats to the United States, it has since evolved into a very secretive organization that assists the management of this evolutionary nursery. MAJestic members exist for one purpose.
We assist, in a supportive role, the education of the human species and evolutionary sentience determination.
We do this though the MWI. We do this through dimensional slides. We do this through world-line manipulation.
There are many facets of MAJestic. Some are involved in pure reverse engineering. Some are involved in other aspects. The part that I was involved in had to do with THOUGHTS and how they affected our REALITY template.
Rather than “thought police”, we were more like “canaries in a coal mine” that were monitored by “others” for thought influences.
Whenever the influences became too discordant, we were pulled out of the world-line and entered a “readjusted” world-line.
Which pretty much sucked.
In the Star Trek plot “Mirror Mirror”, the crew gets thrown into a new world-line. MAJestic leverages MWI travel, carefully, to assist in the sentience development of mankind. It is a cautious effort and there are dangers. A wrong move, and the world-line construct can all be thrown into a new reality that is far removed from what we accept as “normal”.
I suppose that that is too boring for the reader to accept. I would imagine that the reader was expecting stories relating to top-secret spacecraft, stories of firefights against strange extraterrestrials, and stories of adventure on strange planets located in faraway places.
Nope. Sorry.
One world-line has chunky peanut-butter, and another never heard of the stuff. One world-line has BLT’s made out of bacon, lettuce and tomato, and another has BLT made out of baked spam, lettuce and tomato. One has girls that don’t wear pantyhose and another has pantyhose that comes in big plastic eggs. Hardly the stuff of excitement.
The world around you is just a stage from which your soul obtains experiences. This stage is a shared template. While we occupy our own reality within it, we share in the manifested thoughts of others. So…
As a reality that can be manipulated, those with the technology can change our reality to suit their needs. At this time the need is related to the growth and cultivation of mankind; us humans. The technology is power and in the wrong hands could be very dangerous.
Yet, if the reader spends some time to really think about it, the truth is far more interesting than any fictional narrative regarding exotic weapon technology and planetary adventures.
It really is.
The truth is that we live in a universe where we inhabit individual “realities”. We do not share one unified reality. As such, we as an individual, have ultimate control of our reality. With the right technology, and the proper training, we can alter this reality.
Call it what you might, I prefer to refer to it as dimensional transport or world-line switching.
Humans can change and alter their reality.
When you have the ability to control your reality, you are truly the master of your domain. Extraterrestrial technologies permit that, however there are structures in place to prevent misuse. Currently the systems have been put in place to help assist in sentience determination and selection. Think of this movie. Think about this character. Think about the power that he possessed. This is the kind of technology access that we had when dealing with the MWI.
Operations Overview
Way back in the first few posts of this series, within the text, I described what my mission parameters and objectives were. I will repeat them here.
The reader should well understand that I was tasked, along with a handful of other individuals, to conduct “dimensional anchoring” activities. Yada Yada Yada.
To accomplish this, we all were implanted with specialized probes, and then we were trained to use the probes to conduct our operations. We performed the operations independently.
It sounds crazy, eh?
Maybe we’re more like this guy from the movie “Happy Feet”, where he used his “attachment” to alien artifacts as an excuse to become a prophet. That’s me, eh? Some kind of prophet.
Is that me?
Happy Feet Prophet. Here, he uses his accidental integration with an alien artifact for personal profit. Because he cannot his mind cannot understand the real purpose and causes for this situation.
Maybe all that what I am writing about is all nonsense. Right? These other extraterrestrials are hanging around the earth out of idle curiosity, or maybe they want to take over the world “War of the Worlds” style.
The idea that they could be here, monitoring and altering the direction and evolutionary growth of mankind is crazy. Right?
The idea that thoughts can control and alter our reality is silly right?
That we live in a constantly moving reality and that both the past and the future can change relative to the immediate. Crazy!
It sounds so CRAZY! It's nothing like any "normal" person would think up. It's like something that was dreamed up by a crazy person, or an extraterrestrial.
Yes, doesn't it, now?
Well that’s the way it is. Like it or not.
In other words, we lived “normal” lives while the probes ran 24-7. All of the agents assigned in this role had technical backgrounds, similar sentience’s, and passed extraterrestrial vetting processes.
All MAJestic members are implanted with probes. Certain agents, such as myself and Sebastian are implanted with other “kits” that provide various skills and abilities. Most of which are related to memory access, MWI interfacing and dimensional egress.
Woo Woo! So, we are just a tool.
Others, yeas “others”, monitored us. They watched us, and monitored our thoughts and actions. Then they… THEY conducted world-line slides or MWI readjustments in such a way as to assist in the development of unified human sentience. What ever that might be.
Pretty boring stuff. I will admit.
It most certainly does not sound like any kind of heroic action or heroic role.
It is nothing, nothing at all as to what I was expecting. For, in my mind, I expected to train to dog fight in state-of-the-art aircraft. I was expecting to fly and do battle over exotic lands, and meet beautiful women and have adventures beyond my wildest dreams.
A hero might be involved in terrible crashes. Again, he would need help and assistance. He would risk his life and his health to carry out the missions.
Sentience Introduction
In general, the role was very simple. Once I was trained, I just assisted or facilitated the anchoring of large numbers of world-lines toward a certain convergence. We would move independent world-lines away from deviance’s that would result in discordant sentience evolution.
The key here is that our earth nursery was constructed, and is monitored, for the express purpose of establishing human sentience. We help in that.
Discordant sentience develops or occurs when actions do not match intent. It is a very important concept, and is discussed elsewhere. However, the reader should recognize it’s importance.
What you think about, and how those thoughts influence the physical reality, is in direct correlation with a person’s sentience.
What you think about, and how those thoughts influence the physical reality, is in direct correlation with a person’s sentience.
In our galaxy, discordant sentience’s are not permitted. They are considered very dangerous. There is a pretty elaborate history behind the reasoning why, but for now the reader should appreciate that a long, long time ago, when the universe was first populated, sentience’s were permitted to grow and expand. Some of the sentience’s hurt or “ate” other sentience’s. They damaged them beyond recovery.
I cannot impress strong enough, how absolutely important and FUNDAMENTAL that discordant sentience’s be suppressed and if necessary rendered extinct. Discordant sentience’s can create horrors beyond the human ideas of horror. I honestly CANNOT stress this strongly enough. A discordant species can render all sorts of distortions, not only in the physical reality, but in the Heavenly realms as well. They are DANGEROUS and must be suppressed.
Because of this, sentience growth is carefully monitored in our galaxy.
There are approved sentience’s and unapproved sentience’s. When a given species grows and advances, they are permitted to evolve into a set sentience. Usually, with some special prodding, the sentience is an “approved” sentience archetype. The humans (mankind) is growing within a sentience nursery of sorts. Our concern is that without proper and careful “pruning”, large groups of humans might develop discordant sentience’s.
Not only are discordant sentience’s not approved as they do not represent an a standard archetype, but they are terribly disruptive. In our case, as humans, when a given person demands someone else do something, and they benefit from it (even just in emotion), that is discordant.
Keeping things simple; if you want to help a old lady cross the street, and you do it. That is a “service to others” sentience.
If you want to get rich, without working for it, say by robbing the little old lady, that is a “service to self” sentience. I personally, do not like this sentience because it is very limiting, selfish and problematic to others. But that is just me.
If you act, behave, think and believe in agreement with another person to the extent that you have no internal censor, then you are a “service to another” sentience. You attack the little old lady simply because she does not serve the same person that you obey.
RUSH: You know why? Because you’re dealing with robots. You’re dealing with people that are not thinking. They have been propagandized. They’re incapable of thinking. It’s the whole point. They have been indoctrinated, propagandized. They can’t explain why they believe what they believe. All they can do is tell you that you’re a pig or you’re a racist or worse.
-Rush on the SJW crowd
However, if you want to help the old lady cross the street, but you don’t want to do it yourself. You order another person to help that old lady. That is a “discordant sentience“. You “think” you are actually helping the old lady, but what you are really doing is using another person to accomplish what you want. Thoughts do not match actions.
In this case, the object of this help derives no benefit from your thoughts, only from the end results of your actions. Yet, this reality, and this universe is controlled by the results of our thoughts.
Therefore, it MUST make particular sense that only “pure” intent can maintain world-line stability. Confusing thoughts, or misdirected intention are disruptive to the overall stability of world-lines.
Discordant Sentience’s ===> Service to Another Sentience
Examples of this abound.
For instance, [1] demanding that Congress tax the rich instead of trying to be rich yourself. [2] Claiming to help others by setting up a charity, but funneling the money for yourself. This seems like a “service to self” action, but it really isn’t. It’s a discordant sentience. It uses others under the guise of charity (helping others), but results in personal benefit.
A hero might need to escape from prison. When I was growing up, my boyhood heroes were all black and white. The enemy was visible and easily identified. The hero had a very simple and straightforward role. That is not ever the case in real life.
There are many kinds of sentience’s. We humans are most familiar with the common “service to self” and “service for others” sentience’s. However, there are a few other sentience’s that are developing on the earth at this time.
One is the “service to another” sentience. Not to be confused with “Service to others” sentience. I like to call this the “blind slavery” sentience. Here, a person is bound to do everything for another person, idea, or idol. Like bees who serve the queen bee.
This is the NPC meme that found it’s way out of the 4chan and into the internet blog-sphere.
It is an ultimate goal for many “service to self” sentience’s. They want to rule over “service to another” sentience’s who will perform for them willingly without debate or hesitation. We see this and are unaware of what is going on. However, if you keep your eyes open you can see the manifestation of this. It’s pretty frightening. It really is.
"Service to another" sentience's obey and follow the commands of "Service for Self" sentience's.
We are unique. We stand apart. We do not follow what everyone else does. We are unified as different. See how different we are! We post unique pictures to express our differences.
Sentience Selection and Sorting
In short, and perhaps the best way to describe our tasks was as a method of assuring proper sentience development. This was, needless to say, something unexpected and completely “off the radar” as far as we were considered.
Well, I figured, if I couldn’t fly high performance aircraft, maybe I would be involved in some kind of outer space related activity. OK. Well, if I wasn’t going to be floating about in outer space, maybe I would be involved in something even more impressive; maybe something like time travel.
Cool! Right?
I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be involved in world-line travel with the goal or corralling errant sentience’s and saving the world from discordant influences. Heck, I didn’t even know that humans had sentience’s, let alone consider them to be critically important.
Prior to entering MAJestic, I was unaware of…
The existence of real-for-goodness extraterrestrial species.
The idea that they have been working with Americans, and that there was an entire organization devoted to this relationship.
That this species is many millions of years old, and were around when proto-humans were still living in trees on the shores.
This species has a level of science that is many millions of years old, and involves souls, Heaven, and thoughts.
That this species can transport a person anywhere in the physical universe.
That this species can alter our physical reality by conducting world-line changes.
That there were galactic sentience archetypes.
That “pruning” of non-approved sentience’s was necessary for the stability of the physical universe.
A hero might be needed to save a beautiful girl. Often at the hands of evil Nazi villains.
That of course was the great rub.
What I expected was nothing like what I participated in. And, as the reader might be well on the way to realizing that their own opinions and thoughts about what I did, and what MAJestic does could very well be quite wrong and incorrect.
I was hoping that I could play the hero role and save a beautiful girl (or two). I was hoping that I could fly at dizzying speeds in state of the art, multi-million dollar rockets and aircraft. I was hoping that I could one day meet other non-earth creatures, have a talk with them, and get to understand them.
Well, my hope and dreams had no reflection on the reality that I experienced, though it did have an influence in how I interacted with the situations that came my way. And, oh yes, these situations did come my way. The “others” fully intended them to come my way, and for me to experience them. They wanted to see what I thought and reacted to the events.
Hollywood version of a dimensional portal. Nice special effects. I particularly like the water rippling effect. Add that to ancient stonework inside a top secret military complex… how cool is that ? Huh?
These situations were all adventures. They were, that is undeniable.
For I actually did meet extraterrestrials, and I did have conversations (of a sort) with them. I actually did leave the earth’s atmosphere, and I was actually involved in very advanced technology. Yes, everything that I was involved in was very secret and absolutely important…
Yet. Yet…
It wasn’t anything like I expected.
A hero might need to save many, many beautiful girls. A hero might need to encounter problems and troubles and strife. However, no matter what happens, and how terrified he is, he presses on and achieves his goals. He fights and fights and fights. Nothing can stop him from his objective. I love the art, though it is a mystery to me why all the girls nipples are covered. What’s their problem? Everyone likes boobies.
That is the point that I would like to make here. While we humans place a great deal of emphasis on working, making money, and fame with fortune, the truth is that those goals are trivial.
Yes they are.
They are no more important than a dog going outside and peeing on every bush, tree, and pole once they get out the door. It is no more important than a bird presenting itself for the best mating advantage. It is nothing more than a fish swimming up steam to spawn.
Humans are just animals with a brain that can conjure ideas, and hands that can create tools.
We have created a world and a reality where we personally believe that we are the dominant species on this planet. This has been taken to extremes by the ignorant among us, and extended to the solar system, the galaxy and even the universe. We reinforce that belief continuously and insist that we are correct in our ignorance.
And everything that we do that revolves around these trivial goals, are themselves trivial. Whether to “manage” a nation, command a large army, become famous in a new movie or music video, or to collect top secret documents and sell them to the highest bidder (Hillary Clinton style), they are all trivial pursuits.
Trivial goals include the pursuit of sex, wealth and power over others. While it is perfectly fine to have fun, acquire money and make new friends, an addiction to this environment can be problematic IF you are not experiencing life and events. I argue that the highs and lows as portrayed in the movie “The wolf of Wall Street” clearly illustrate that with every high must be an equivalent low so that the experiences a person obtains is balanced for the quantum rearrangement of a given soul garbon.
I can go on and on with examples.
Trivial goals include Ellen DeGeneres pandering a television show to women of similar thoughts and ideas. Trivial goals include Jack Nicholson in sleeping with the largest number of women possible, or that young dude at the bar last week who thought that he could drink me under the table with V.S.O.P. (It didn’t happen. LOL. I have built up a kind of immunity to the stuff.)
The real important elements of our lives revolve in our behaviors towards others. These actions, and NOT the thoughts alone, determine our sentience. And, dear reader, it is our sentience that is what is important to us during this period of growth and evolution.
Thoughts + Actions = Sentience
As far as I know, there is NOT ONE SINGLE BOOK or article that describes the idea or concept that sentience is important. No one, not one person, recognizes that sentience has different forms and shapes and manifests in different ways. Not one person has ever written that sentience evolves over time, yet we know it must be true. Surely, evolutionary theory predicts that the sentience of proto-humans must have been supremely different from that of modern man.
Certainly all these points should be obvious and crystal clear.
A hero might need to fight in the ocean. He might need to fight against other creatures that also have a formidable sentience. He needs to be aware and prepared. Our sentience is the core structure for thought generation.
For some species, sentience varies depending on the sex of the member in a given species.
(Note, that most species, but not all, have two sexes. Dogs can be male or female as are cats, horse, cows, crow, eagles, and whales. Other creatures, often non-mammal, such as worms, spiders, and various forms of bacteria have more interesting ways of creating offspring and procreating.)
These elements are encoded in the biological genetic makeup of a person and vary upon conditions that trigger sentience development. OF course that is a very complicated subject and is far too advanced (not only not germane to this discussion) for us to dwell too deeply in it at this time. For now, let’s just consider sentience maintenance and guidance to be a major role of MAJestic at this time.
So, with that in mind, the reader should be well equipped to understand that their expectations as to what that I can present to them in regard to MAJestic might be a little bit of a disappointment.
The present day incarnation of what MAJestic is, is well removed from what it was first established as. As a result those of us who actually participate in the organization are involved in tasks that are far, far removed from what we individually expected to materialize.
MAJestic Operations
While I just cannot speak for the entire organization, and my experiences are related to a very small sub-program within the larger scheme of things, I can make some broad sweeping statements about what MAJestic is today.
A hero might be confronted by dangers in the jungle. He must be careful. He must be aware and trained for every possible contingency. You can never tell what will happen in your future, which is why it is critical for you to be able to control your thoughts.
MAJestic is an organization, staffed by Americans, that assist the <redacted> in policing this sentience nursery. They perhaps prefer one type of sentience over another, but in reality, their function is to assist in the development of but ONE and ONE only sentience for the human species. (We can have multiple sentience’s, but that requires multiple physical states. Like Homo Sapiens, and Homo Erectus.) They work in conjunction with the multi-dimensional <redacted> to accomplish this task.
MAJestic is buried deep, deep down inside the United States government.
MAJestic is the ONLY organization in the United States that deals with extraterrestrials in any way.
MAJestic has numerous projects that are going on simultaneously at any given moment. While there are projects related to reverse engineering technology, species communications, and other subjects of a rather diverse nature, the bulk of contemporaneous activity is in support of nursery management.
I do not know, personally, of all the various projects. I can ONLY speak in confidence regarding my own very unique project. Other posts will cover that subject in greater detail.
My project was, as I need to repeat, was involved in “dimensional anchoring for world-line convergence”. It involved, as it’s core tool, dimensional world-line travel and switching. As such, I was an “operator”, known as a “commander” where I worked in conjunction with an extraterrestrial “pilot”. We were connected though a biological artifice.
I operated in this role for thirty years more or less. The measurables for this project were as determined by our extraterrestrial leadership. In no way was my actions, the success or failure, were determined by human MAJestic leadership.
MAJestic was the framework which gave me, or better yet “sold” me, to the <redacted> for them to use me as they determined. In exchange, MAJestic obtained technology that others within MAJestic could reverse engineer. So, in my case, I was not a “hero”, though I worked hard, studied hard, and tried, really hard to become one.
So, it makes me question whether or not my previous ideas and concepts of what a hero is was correct…
A hero might need to encounter beautiful ladies. So you do need to be ready. You must always stay true to your core belief and your motivations. We need to be true to ourselves.
As stated previously, one of the great frustrations of my role, was the inability to identify an enemy or prejudicial source of conflict.
The source or cause for the need to conduct “dimensional anchoring” is your typical human. However, it is the actual wealthiest “service to self” individuals that are the bulk drivers for the need to conduct these operations. These people do not understand that thoughts influence our reality is various ways. They only think in terms of physical action. They think in terms of money. They think in terms of manipulation of large masses of people.
They do not understand that this is not a pure influence. They are creating a “service for self” humanity that is grouped into two set kinds of sentience’s. One, the ruling class; consisting of “service for self” individuals and the “rabble”, the vast bulk of society that consists of “service for another” that serve them.
If they ARE aware of this situation, they want it to proceed to it’s conclusion.
George Soros is fixiated in manipulating the United States into his version of the NWO. He has poured billions of US dollars in Democrat coffers, funneled money to radicals and militants and is very active in funding and ordering the deep state activities.
I don’t like it. However, the <redacted> does not see this as a problem. They view it as a natural progression of species development.
Not everyone is involved in promoting the kinds of behaviors that create the need for dimensional stability. Therefore it is difficult for me to locate a culprit. They remain protected, secretive, and illusive.
Remember, the goal is to determine the ultimate sentience for the human species.
I was always under the impression that it was destined to be a “service to others” sentience. However, it looks like it could possibly migrate to a separation of the human species into two distinctly different species. One, the “superior” or ruling species as “Service for self”, and the subservient or farmed species, the “service for another”.
Here is the NPC meme that aptly describes the “Service for another” sentience…
A “Service for another” meme. Aptly called the NPC meme. If you, the reader are upset by this meme, then there is a very real possibility that it is a reflection of your sentience. No one likes to see the reflection of themselves in the behaviors of others. Be careful and be aware.
Each of the two human species would have the RNA recoded to fit a galactic approved sentience. One for the rulers, and one for the servants.
Later on in another post I list only a mere handful of some of the people, or kinds of people that have been involved in the tearing of the fabric of our reality. However, for now, let’s just keep it simple in that it is the very nature of the human condition that has created the need for my role.
The Possibility of Genetic Stratification
If humans decide, and it will be us as a whole that makes the decision, to settle into “Service for self” with “Service for another” sentience loyalties, then we can expect the <redacted> to reconfigure our genetic makeup to fit into approved archetypes.
This means that those humans who have the “Service for self” sentience would have one set of DNA / RNA. Those who would be “Service for another” would have a different set of DNA / RNA.
Those who would not fit into these two set sentience’s, would be allowed to die off. That would include all “discordant sentience’s”, and “Service for others” sentience’s. We would be allowed to die off. Which would be accomplished though action by those with approved sentience’s, and by other means such as a increase in infertility of non-approved sentience’s. It would be a culling effort.
The result would be a stratification of society. With different caste systems defined by genetic makeup.
You would have the very successful, and (of course) wealthy “Service for self” sentience’s…
Served by the the vast bulk of humanity, now “Service for Another” sentience. Those humans would represent the majority of humanity. They would consist of 95% of all humans, serving a small minority of 5%.
Initially, the two sentience’s would look alike. However, within a generation or two, physical changes would manifest. One caste would be heavier, smaller, squatter and would have a lower IQ. While the other would be healthier, live longer, be smarter and more agile.
There would be no desire to mix or have relations outside of your caste.
The Role of a Hero
While we might be confused with everything going on in the world today, the fact is that it is all trivial in terms of the bigger picture. Humans are in an arena that will determine what sentience will dominate.
The <redacted> does not care one way or the other.
While there is evident that another species, the <redacted> prefer the stratification of sentience’s, it is unclear what will eventually manifest.
Personally, since all MAJestic members are “Service for others” sentience, I tend to believe that this would be the preferred direction that human evolution must advance forward. However, that is my opinions only.
Why you, the reader, can be a hero
Our reality is the results of our thoughts, coupled with our actions.
As long as there are significant members of our society to act selfishly with impunity (service for self), and there are those that follow them blindly (service for another) the human species will continue to careen towards human social stratification.
The only way to combat this is to be heroic.
We must start thinking of doing good deeds for others (service to others). We must do so on a small scale. We must do so on an individual scale. We must start doing so now, and today.
Task List
The oligarchy is quite active in manifesting physical change for personal profit. They control the media, and in many ways, the governments. They think that they are only altering the physical reality towards their favor. Instead, what they are actually doing is creating all kinds of errant thoughts. Many of which result in discordant changes and alterations to reality.
This is what you can do.
Severely restrict your access to media.
Completely stop reading and listening to ALL forms of “establishment” news.
Enjoy life. Spend more time outside.
When you meet people; others, be kind to them.
Smile more.
If someone needs help, or if some animal needs help, help them. Don’t just drive by and ignore them.
Don’t be like this chick, and don’t listen to the mainstream media that says that this is fine. It isn’t that is, if you don’t want to become a farmed “service for another” modified sentience archetype. You might as well pack it in, you you act like her. I do not buy into the nonsense that she is just too upset to help a person bleeding on the street. Bull Fucking Shit! This gal does not to get involved. She has no compassion for others. She is the ultimate in “Service to self” sentience.
For us to ultimately define our futures, we must all begin to control our thoughts and our actions.
A Hero’s Tale
Friday morning, Chuck Hawley from Silverton, Oregon was on his way to work when he spotted something in the middle of the road. As he got closer, he realized that it was a kitten stuck in the lane.
A hero is true to their sentience. If you are a “service for others” sentience, then you will stop and help others. Only “service for self” people continue driving on and allow a creature to dies in terror.
“I was driving to work and saw cars in front of me passing over something in the road, and realized it was a kitten sitting upright shaking like a leaf,”
The tiny feline appeared to be stuck to the ground and couldn’t break free. Many cars drove around her, but no one stopped. Chuck knew that he had to do something quickly before it was too late. He put his hazard lights on, carefully stopped traffic and rushed to grab the kitten. That’s when he noticed that the kitty was covered in glue. That’s right. Some asshole dipped the kitten in glue and plopped it down in the middle of a busy highway.
“She was wet, freezing and literally glued to the road,”
Chuck gently removed the kitten off the pavement. Her paws were very tender and she was shivering from the cold. He put her in his arms to warm her and swiftly brought her back to his car.
After a much-needed bath and some food, the kitten felt much better. “We don’t know who put her there or how long she was there, but she was wet and cold and had leaves stuck to her,“
He took the kitten to the Silver Creek Animal Clinic, where they removed the rest of the glue and treated her paws with mineral oil. After a long ordeal, the tabby girl was on the mend. She clutched onto her rescuer and purred up a storm. On their way home, the 5-week-old kitten curled up in his lap and went right to sleep.
Chuck Hawley and the kitten that he saved from torture and death on a busy highway road. We all can be a hero like Chuck. We just need to be true to ourselves. He is a hero. I salute him.
You don’t need to wear riding britches, wear a pith helmet and holster a revolver to be a hero. You just need to take action when someone or something is in need. Help others.
I saw a video about ten days ago on fb, about five minutes long. Camera was still and directed at some kind of small critter cowered down in middle of the right lane. Traffic was moving toward (not away from) the camera. Cars passed around the critter - none of the vehicles passed over the critter.Then, a car stopped right at the critter. A man got out, went to the critter and talked to it! He then picked it up and put the thing in his car!....and drove off.I now wonder if this story is the first part of the story.
-posted on 10/21/2018, 9:16:04 PM by Karoo
Heroes are what we need right now. The stakes are pretty darn high. We either evolve as a species toward selfless behavior, or we evolve towards selfish behavior and the equivalent social genetic stratification.
A hero goes out and does what is necessary. He does it right then and there. He doesn’t walk past ignoring the problems, get gets out and faces them.
So, my point herein is this; are you the hero that the world needs?
John McClane: Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothin'. You get shot at. Pat on the back, blah blah blah. 'Attaboy.' You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. (I do this) because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so (I'm) doing it. That's what makes you that guy."
Be that guy.
Take Aways
Our human species is undergoing an evolutionary cycle.
This cycle will eventually determine what our dominant sentience will be.
Once determined, another species, the <redacted> along with support from <redacted> will assist in large scale genetic reprogramming of our species during the conception process.
There is a chance that the genetic reprogramming could result in a stratified human caste system.
If there was ever a time for heroes to get active in the world, now is that time.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
This is the full text of a very curious story (The April Witch) by Ray Bradbury. It is presented here under Article 22 of China’s Copyright Law. Enjoy.
The April Witch
By Ray Bradbury
Into the air, over the valleys, under the stars, above a river, a pond, a road, flew Cecy. Invisible as new spring winds, fresh as the breath of clover rising from twilight fields, she flew. She soared in doves as soft as white ermine, stopped in trees and lived in blossoms, showering away in petals when the breeze blew. She perched in a limegreen frog, cool as mint by a shining pool. She trotted in a brambly dog and barked to hear echoes from the sides of distant barns. She lived in new April grasses, in sweet clear liquids rising from the musky earth.
It's spring, thought Cecy. I'll be in every living thing in the world tonight.
Now she inhabited neat crickets on the tar-pool roads, now prickled in dew on an iron gate. Hers was an adapt-ably quick mind flowing unseen upon Illinois winds on this one evening of her life when she was just seventeen.
"I want to be in love," she said.
She had said it at supper. And her parents had widened their eyes and stiffened back in their chairs. "Patience," had been their advice. "Remember, you're remarkable. Our whole family is odd and remarkable. We can't mix or marry with ordinary folk. We'd lose our magical powers if we did. You wouldn't want to lose your ability to 'travel' by magic, would you? Then be careful. Be careful!"
But in her high bedroom, Cecy had touched perfume to her throat and stretched out, trembling and apprehensive, on her four-poster, as a moon the colour of milk rose over Illinois country, turning rivers to cream and roads to platinum.
"Yes," she sighed. "I'm one of an odd family. We sleep days and fly nights like black kites on the wind. If we want, we can sleep in moles through the winter, in the warm earth. I can live in anything at all - a pebble, a crocus, or a praying mantis. I can leave my plain, bony body behind and send my mind far out for adventure. Now!"
The wind whipped her away over fields and meadows.
She saw the warm spring lights of cottages and farms glowing with twilight colours.
If I can't be in love, myself, because I'm plain and odd, then I'll be in love through someone else, she thought...
Outside a farmhouse in the spring night a dark-haired girl, no more than nineteen, drew up water from a deep stone well. She was singing.
Cecy fell - a green leaf- into the well. She lay in the tender moss of the well, gazing up through dark coolness. Now she quickened in a fluttering, invisible amoeba. Now in a water droplet! At last, within a cold cup, she felt herself lifted to the girl's warm lips. There was a soft night sound of drinking.
Ceсy looked out from the girl's eyes.
She entered into the dark head and gazed from the shining eyes at the hands pulling the rough rope. She listened through the shell ears to this girl's world. She smelled a particular universe through these delicate nostrils, felt this special heart beating, beating. Felt this strange tongue move with singing.
Does she know I'm here? thought Cecy.
The girl gasped. She stared into the night meadows.
"Who's there?"
No answer.
"Only the wind," whispered Cecy.
"Only the wind." The girl laughed at herself, but shivered.
It was a good body, this girl's body. It held bones of finest slender ivory hidden and roundly fleshed. This brain was like a pink tea rose, hung in darkness, and there was cider-wine in this mouth. The lips lay firm on the white, white teeth and the brows arched neatly at the world, and the hair blew soft and fine on her milky neck. The pores knit small and close. The nose tilted at the moon and the cheeks glowed like small fires. The body drifted with feather-balances from one motion to another and seemed always singing to itself. Being in this body, this head, was like basking in a hearth fire, living in the purr of a sleeping cat, stirring in warm creek waters that flowed by night to the sea.
I'll like it here, thought Cecy.
"What?" asked the girl, as if she'd heard a voice.
"What's your name?" asked Cecy carefully.
"Ann Leary." The girl twitched. "Now why should I say that out loud?"
"Ann, Ann," whispered Cecy. "Ann, you're going to be in love."
As if to answer this, a great roar sprang from the road, a clatter and a ring of wheels on gravel. A tall man drove up in a rig, holding the reins high with his monstrous arms, his smile glowing across the yard.
"Is that you, Tom?"
"Who else?" Leaping from the rig, he tied the reins to the fence.
"I'm not speaking to you!" Ann whirled, the bucket in her hands slopping.
"No!" cried Cecy.
Ann froze. She looked at the hills and the first spring stars. She stared at the man named Tom. Cecy made her drop the bucket.
"Look what you've done!"
Tom ran up.
"Look what you made me do!"
He wiped her shoes with a kerchief, laughing.
"Get away!" She kicked at his hands, but he laughed again, and gazing down on him from miles away, Cecy saw the turn of his head, the size of his skull, the flare of his nose, the shine of his eye, the girth of his shoulder, and the hard strength of his hands doing this delicate thing with the handkerchief. Peering down from the secret attic of this lovely head, Cecy yanked a hidden copper ventriloquist's wire and the pretty mouth popped wide: "Thank you!"
"Oh, so you have manners?" The smell of leather on his hands, the smell of the horse rose from his clothes into the tender nostrils, and Cecy, far, far away over night meadows and flowered fields, stirred as with some dream in her bed.
"Not for you, no!" said Ann.
"Hush, speak gently," said Cecy. She moved Ann's fingers out toward Tom's head. Ann snatched them back.
"I've gone mad!"
"You have." He nodded, smiling but bewildered. "Were you going to touch me then?"
"I don't know. Oh, go away!" Her cheeks glowed with pink charcoals.
"Why don't you run? I'm not stopping you." Tom got up. "Have you changed your mind? Will you go to the dance with me tonight? It's special. Tell you why later."
"No," said Ann.
"Yes!" cried Cecy. "I've never danced. I want to dance. I've never worn a long gown, all rustly. I want that. I want to dance all night. I've never known what it's like to be in a woman, dancing; Father and Mother would never permit it. Dogs, cats, locusts, leaves, everything else in the world at one time or another I've known, but never a woman in the spring, never on a night like this. Oh, please - we must go to that dance!"
She spread her thought like the fingers of a hand within a new glove.
"Yes," said Ann Leary, "I'll go. I don't know why, but I'll go to the dance with you tonight, Tom."
"Now inside, quick!" cried Cecy. "You must wash, tell your folks, get your gown ready, out with the iron, into your room!"
"Mother," said Ann, "I've changed my mind!"
The rig was galloping off down the pike, the rooms of the farmhouse jumped to life, water was boiling for a bath, the coal stove was heating an iron to press the gown, the mother was rushing about with a fringe of hairpins in her mouth. "What's come over you, Ann? You don't like Tom!"
"That's true." Ann stopped amidst the great fever.
But it's spring! thought Cecy.
"It's spring," said Ann.
And it's a fine night for dancing, thought Cecy.
"... for dancing," murmured Ann, Leary.
Then she was in the tub and the soap creaming on her white seal shoulders, small nests of soap beneath her arms, and the flesh of her warm breasts moving in her hands and Cecy moving the mouth, making the smile, keeping the actions going. There must be no pause, no hesitation, or the entire pantomime might fall in ruins! Ann Leary must be kept moving, doing, acting, wash here, soap there, now out! Rub with a towel! Now perfume and powder!
"You!" Ann caught herself in the mirror, all whiteness and pinkness like lilies and carnations. "Who are you tonight?"
"I'm a girl seventeen." Cecy gazed from her violet eyes. "You can't see me. Do you know I'm here?"
Ann Leary shook her head. "I've rented my body to an April witch, for sure."
"Close, very close!" laughed Cecy. "Now, on with your dressing."
The luxury of feeling good clothes move over an ample body! And then the halloo outside.
"Ann, Tom's back!"
"Tell him to wait." Ann sat down suddenly. "Tell him I'm not going to that dance."
"What?" said her mother, in the door.
Cecy snapped back into attention. It had been a fatal relaxing, a fatal moment of leaving Ann's body for only an instant. She had heard the distant sound of horses' hoofs and the rig rambling through moonlit spring country. For a second she thought, I'll go find Tom and sit in his head and see what it's like to be in a man of twenty-two on a night like this. And so she had started quickly across a heather field, but now, like a bird to a cage, flew back and rustled and beat about in Ann Leary's head.
"Tell him to go away!"
"Ann!" Cecy settled down and spread her thoughts.
But Ann had the bit in her mouth now. "No, no, I hate him!"
I shouldn't have left - even for a moment. Cecy poured her mind into the hands of the young girl, into the heart, into the head, softly, softly. Stand up, she thought.
Ann stood.
Put on your coat!
Ann put on her coat.
Now, march!
No! thought Ann Leary.
"Ann," said her mother, "don't keep Tom waiting another minute. You get on out there now and no nonsense. What's come over you?"
"Nothing, Mother. Good night. We'll be home late."
Ann and Cecy ran together into the spring evening.
A room full of softly dancing pigeons ruffling their quiet, trailing feathers, a room full of peacocks, a room full of rainbow eyes and lights. And in the center of it, around, around, around, danced Ann Leary.
"Oh, it is a fine evening," said Cecy.
"Oh, it's a fine evening," said Ann.
"You're odd," said Tom.
The music whirled them in dimness, in rivers of song, they floated, they bobbed, they sank down, they arose for air, they gasped, they clutched each other like drowning people and whirled on again, in fan motions, in whispers and sighs, to "Beautiful Ohio."
Cecy hummed. Ann's lips parted and the music came out.
"Yes, I'm odd," said Cecy.
"You're not the same," said Tom.
"No, not tonight."
"You're not the Ann Leary I knew."
"No, not at all, at all," whispered Cecy, miles and miles away. "No, not at all," said the moved lips.
"I've the funniest feeling," said Tom.
"About what?"
"About you." He held her back and danced her and looked into her glowing face, watching for something. "Your eyes," he said, "I can't figure it."
"Do you see me?" asked Cecy.
"Part of you's here, Ann, and part of you's not." Tom turned her carefully, his face uneasy.
"Why did you come with me?"
"I didn't want to come," said Ann.
"Why, then?"
"Something made me."
"I don't know." Ann's voice was faintly hysterical.
"Now, now, hush, hush," whispered Cecy. "Hush, that's it. Around, around."
They whispered and rustled and rose and fell away in the dark room, with the music moving and turning them.
"But you did come to the dance," said Tom.
"I did," said Cecy.
"Here." And he danced her lightly out an open door and walked her quietly away from the hall and the music and the people.
They climbed up and sat together in the rig.
"Ann," he said, taking her hands, trembling. "Ann." But the way he said the name it was as if it wasn't her name. He kept glancing into her pale face, and now her eyes were open again. "I used to love you, you know that," he said.
"I know."
"But you've always been fickle and I didn't want to be hurt."
"It's just as well, we're very young," said Ann.
"No, I mean to say, I'm sorry," said Cecy.
"What do you mean?" Tom dropped her hands and stiffened.
The night was warm and the smell of the earth shimmered up all about them where they sat, and the fresh trees breathed one leaf against another in a shaking and rustling.
"I don't know," said Ann.
"Oh, but I know," said Cecy. "You're tall and you're the finest-looking man in all the world. This is a good evening; this is an evening I'll always remember, being with you." She put out the alien cold hand to find his reluctant hand again and bring it back, and warm it and hold it very tight.
"But," said Tom, blinking, "tonight you're here, you're there. One minute one way, the next minute another. I wanted to take you to the dance tonight for old times' sake. I meant nothing by it when I first asked you. And then, when we were standing at the well, I knew something had changed, really changed, about you. You were different. There was something new and soft, something..." He groped for a word. "I don't know, I can't say. The way you looked. Something about your voice. And I know I'm in love with you again."
"No," said Cecy. "With me, with we."
"And I'm afraid of being in love with you," he said. "You'll hurt me again."
"I might," said Ann.
No, no, I'd love you with all my heart! thought Cecy. Ann, say it to him, say it for me. Say you'd love him with all your heart.
Ann said nothing.
Tom moved quietly closer and put his hand up to hold her chin. "I'm going away. I've got a job a hundred miles from here. Will you miss me?"
"Yes," said Ann and Cecy.
"May I kiss you good-bye, then?"
"Yes," said Cecy before anyone else could speak.
He placed his lips to the strange mouth. He kissed the strange mouth and he was trembling.
Ann sat like a white statue.
"Ann!" said Cecy. "Move your arms, hold him!"
She sat like a carved wooden doll in the moonlight.
Again he kissed her lips.
"I do love you," whispered Cecy. "I'm here, it's me you saw in her eyes it's me, and I love you if she never will."
He moved away and seemed like a man who had run a long distance. He sat beside her. "I don't know what's happening. For a moment there..."
"Yes?" asked Cecy.
"For a moment I thought -" He put his hands to his eyes. "Never mind. Shall I take you home now?"
"Please," said Ann Leary.
He clucked to the horse, snapped the reins tiredly, and drove the rig away. They rode in the rustle and slap and motion of the moonlit rig in the still early, only eleven o'clock spring night, with the shining meadows and sweet fields of clover gliding by.
And Cecy, looking at the fields and meadows, thought, 'It would be worth it, it would be worth everything to be with him from this night on.' And she heard her parents' voices again, faintly, "Be careful. You wouldn't want to lose your magical powers, would you - married to a mere mortal? Be careful. You wouldn't want that."
Yes, yes, thought Cecy, even that I'd give up, here and now, if he would have me. I wouldn't need to roam the spring nights then, I wouldn't need to live in birds and dogs and cats and foxes, I'd need only to be with him. Only him. Only him.
The road passed under, whispering.
"Tom," said Ann at last.
"What?" He stared coldly at the road, the horse, the trees, the sky, the stars.
"If you're ever, in years to come, at any time, in Green Town, Illinois, a few miles from here, will you do me a favour?"
"Will you do me the favour of stopping and seeing a friend of mine?" Ann Leary said this haltingly, awkwardly.
"She's a good friend. I've told her of you. I'll give you her address. Just a moment." When the rig stopped at her farm she drew forth a pencil and paper from her small purse and wrote in the moonlight, pressing the paper to her knee. "There it is. Can you read it?"
He glanced at the paper and nodded bewilderedly.
"Cecy Elliott, 12 Willow Street, Green Town, Illinois," he said.
"Will you visit her someday?" asked Ann.
"Someday," he said.
"What has this to do with us?" he cried savagely. "What do I want with names and papers?" He crumpled the paper into a tight ball and shoved it in his coat.
"Oh, please promise!" begged Cecy.
"... promise..." said Ann.
"All right, all right, now let me be!" he shouted.
I'm tired, thought Cecy. I can't stay I have to go home. I'm weakening. I've only the power to stay a few hours out like this in the night, travelling, travelling. But before I go...
"... before I go," said Ann.
She kissed Tom on the lips.
"This is me kissing you," said Cecy.
Tom held her off and looked at Ann Leary and looked deep, deep inside. He said nothing, but his face began to relax slowly, very slowly, and the lines vanished away, and his mouth softened from its hardness, and he looked deep again into the moonlit face held here before him.
Then he put her off the rig and without so much as a good night was driving swiftly down the road.
Cecy let go.
Ann Leary, crying out, released from prison, it seemed, raced up the moonlit path to her house and slammed the door.
Cecy lingered for only a little while. In the eyes of a cricket she saw the spring night world. In the eyes of a frog she sat for a lonely moment by a pool. In the eyes of a night bird she looked down from a tall, moon-haunted elm and saw the light go out in two farmhouses, one here, one a mile away. She thought of herself and her family, and her strange power, and the fact that no one in the family could ever marry any one of the people in this vast world out here beyond the hills.
"Tom?" Her weakening mind flew in a night bird under the trees and over deep fields of wild mustard. "Have you still got the paper, Tom? Will you come by someday, some year, sometime, to see me? Will you know me then? Will you look in my face and remember then where it was you saw me last and know that you love me as I love you, with all my heart for all time?"
She paused in the cool night air, a million miles from towns and people, above farms and continents and rivers and hills. "Tom?" Softly.
Tom was asleep. It was deep night; his clothes were hung on chairs or folded neatly over the end of the bed. And in one silent, carefully upflung hand upon the white pillow, by his head, was a small piece of paper with writing on it. Slowly, slowly, a fraction of an inch at a time, his fingers closed down upon and held it tightly. And he did not even stir or notice when a blackbird, faintly, wondrously, beat softly for " moment against the clear moon crystals of the windowpane, then, fluttering quietly, stopped and flew away toward the east, over the sleeping earth.
This was a wonderful story. I hope that reprinting it here gave you, the reader, some pleasure in our crazy, mad and strange world.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
All over the internet you can see advice on what a woman looks for in a man, and what a man looks for in a woman. There are many such articles. Most are subjective and have cultural, regional and ethnic biases. Here is what I, as an American man looks for in a woman regardless as to what her race is, what culture she is from, and her age….
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When I was younger I didn’t really know what to look for in a woman. My ideas of beauty and relationships came from popular movies, television and the magazines of the time.
In fact, my uncles made fun of my first girlfriend because she was so very thin and petite. They told me “she’s too thin. Trust me, you want a girl with meat on her bones…“. I didn’t believe them then, but I can totally see the point that they were trying to make. Their wives (my aunties) were all hourglass-shaped with impressive chests.
My father told me once “Look at the girls mother to see what she will be like when she gets older”. Again, I had no clue what he was talking about. Now… well, let’s say that I fully understand the point that he was trying to make. No, it’s not a direct correlation, but there is a genetic component that cannot be ignored.
The List
Over the years I have learned and experienced various things. This has led me to come up with a few conclusions about relationships. Especially my own. When a man, such as myself, thinks about a woman we look at number of key features. These features are important. In fact they are critically important.
Domestic Concern
Self Confidence
Family Devotion
Shared Values
Of course, there are many other factors that we could include here. But, this is not intended to be an exhaustive study, or some kind of PC narrative. Let’s consider what I, myself, look for in women. This is my list. The things in it are absolutely critical. You take one item out from that list, and there will be no relationship. Period.
But, I’m not other people. So if you want to generate your own list and criteria for comparisons, go straight ahead. I’m not going to stop you. This is my list, and these are my comparisons…
[1] A Woman’s Appearance
A man looks for a woman that he is physically attracted to.
Is this a truth or what? I have read some websites on the internet, obviously from a woman’s perspective, and they don’t even list appearance as a criteria. Yet it is perhaps the most important, and the most common NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE. Girls in Zambia Africa will get all dressed up and perfect, as will women in Communist China.
All over the world, women have bodies that scream “look at me”.
Here is a traditional Zambian wedding. Look at how beautiful everyone is. Don’t you just love it? So amazing! Look at those smiles. Look at how they take care of their appearance and the happy attitude.
Appearance is the first thing that a man looks for in a woman. This might sound so trivial in today’s modern progressive narrative, but it is a biologically proven fact. So, if you still want to believe in fantasies, Peter Rabbit, the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus, you can leave.
Sorry, but it has to be said. The good news is, every man is attracted to a different type of woman and has his own personal tastes. Meaning, I am in no way suggesting a woman has to fit a certain image of ‘beauty’ in order to be considered ‘wife material.’
But, as is true for both men and women, there needs to be a physical attraction between two partners to kick off a relationship, which also plays an important part in holding it together.-The Good Man Project
We men want a woman who we are attracted to.
Attraction has to do with a combination of [1] physical shape, [2] physical appearance, [3] personal grooming, and [4] behavior.
I have seen women who have “rockin’” bodies, who dress like trailer-park trash, and were a total turn off. I have seen women who look good and yet sound like a foul-mouthed sailor when they speak. I have seen women who didn’t know how to walk in high heels and went clunk-clunk-clunk as they walked down the street. Yuck!
The character “Joy” in the television series “My Name is Earl” is a good example of a beautiful girl who is not attractive. I am sure that in person, as an actress, she is really nice. But the person who she plays is rude, brash, unmannered and uncouth. It is not attractive.
This might be surprising, but us guys really like to look at women. I really don’t know why.
It’s not a sexual thing. Oh, I suppose that some assholes like to make cat-calls and holler at the ladies, but for the most of us we are just content to watch the girls come and go. In fact, if the restaurant has a lot of women inside, I am drawn to eating there. It’s a male quirk I guess.
That being said, some things often minor things can really detract from a woman’s appearance. For instance, I have seen beautiful women, who walked and carry themselves well, wearing black high heel shoes with the red under-sole. Only to have a big white price tag sticker on the bottom.
Instead of watching her, and the way she walks, you end up focusing on that stupid price tag on the bottom of her shoe. Talk about distraction away from the image form!
Ladies please keep this in mind. Please take the labels off the clothes when you buy them. It’s terribly distracting. You see a beautiful woman walking down the road with nice dress, beautiful legs and all you can focus on is the white price tag on the bottom of the shoe. Ugh!
Remember, appearance is more than just physical shape. It is also about grooming and attitude. Here’s a Chinese girl dressed in a simple dress. She is clean and well-groomed. Her hair is clean. Her overall appearance is positive and nice. Who wouldn’t want to be with her?
I am not talking about it in a sexual way either. I am saying that she seems so nice. I would just love to take her to a coffee house and share a cheese cake with her. She would be nice to stroll along the boardwalk with. Wouldn’t you like to play in a casino with her? Come on!
In general, men and women are about the same in this regards. A woman wants a man that takes care of his appearance. She wants him to be well groomed, clean, and neat. She wants him to be tidy; to wear clean clothes and have good manners.
I think both men and women are the same in this regard.
Men are the same. We look for a woman that also takes care of their appearance. We like the women in our lives to be well-groomed, clean and tidy. Look at this beauty. Man! What a kind smile. She looks right at you and that mouth is so sweet. What is not to love?
Here is a beautiful American girl. Look at that smile. Look at that amazing body. What a stunner! I tell you what! She has a nice figure, and is clean and well attired. She isn’t wearing a lot of makeup or jewelry. Her attractiveness is her sweetness.
Now, let it be well known that there are a wide range of American female body styles that I personally find quite alluring. This includes tall leggy women, to short chubby cuties. I think that many would be amazed at the things that they do, act, dress, or look like that I find amazingly attractive.
So I am not going to bad-mouth any of the particularly awesome women that live in America. I tell you the truth, there are some American women that think that they aren’t that good looking, that I would die to be with. For instance…
When I lived in Boston, there was a 30-something woman who worked in a brick-a-brack store in Brookline.
She was very curvy, and maybe wore a size 18. She had shaved her hair really short, and wore really red lipstick. Not my type. Yet, I had such the hots for her. OMG! Every-time I tried to talk with her, I would get so flustered. She hadn't a clue how mesmerized I was for her.
It is sort of like how a woman who looks at my shoulders (and arms) and wonders how nice it would be to rest their head there and be held. I too look at women in this way. However, I think more in terms of having my head resting on their chest softly, and their fingers in my hair.
Men and women are more similar than we will admit to in public.
Look at this awesome beauty! Look at that amazing head of hair! Look at the tiny waist and hour-glass shape. Man! She must have all the guys chasing after her. Now pay attention. What an amazing smile. I’ll tell you what, the smile opens up my heart.
All this being said, I don’t like to be with a girl that is heavier than I am. It’s a personal preference. I also am not really attracted to a woman who is taller than I am either. I don’t know why, it just doesn’t do anything for me. We all have likes and dislikes. Mine are strong, please do not be offended;
I don’t like to be with a woman that is heavier than I am.
I am uncomfortable with a woman that is taller than I am.
I also am a little skiddish about polydactylism. It’s not that I am revolted if the girl has seven fingers on each hand, but I’m a little freaked out about it.
I feel like this is similar to a woman that doesn’t want a man that is shorter than she is. Or that doesn’t want a man with a bald spot on the top of his head. Or, maybe a man that has a big scraggly beard that is full of crumbs and such. Or, maybe a man that chews chewing tobacco.
Men and women, we all have our preferences.
[2] Having Sex
Honestly, you have to be a fucking moron not to realize that men want sex.
Heck, it’s more that just that. We need it. It is genetically programmed into males and become the focus of everything that we do. From what career we enter, to what cars we drive, to how much money we make. The driving force behind it all is getting sex. Smart women understand this.
Well, that is what we are genetically programmed for. Women are genetically programmed to have babies and to take care of them. This comment, found on Twitter, illustrates how silly some people can be about basic gender roles. It shows their ignorance. It shows that they will forever be destined to live alone or find a beta male to mate with. Sad. Sad. Sad.
Any man who says that he doesn’t need, like or want sex, is either lying or homosexual. It is never the truth because sexual needs, and preferences are genetically encoded by the male chromosome. If you do not understand this, study biology 101.
What? You think that the woman’s “biological clock” is imaginary? It’s a well-known fact of life that transcends society and national boundaries.
Men and males have the same thing. Except is is called “the need to reproduce”.
The Loony Tunes character “Pepe Le Pew” is based on the raw instincts that all males have. When we were children and watched the cartoons we knew instinctively what what going on. Yet today in the SJW saturated American culture, we are supposed to ignore the basic facts of life and accept a reality of non-genders. Nonsense!
This is how it works. Once we find an attractive woman that raises our interest, the very next thing we wonder about is having sex with her.
That is the way it is, and no SJW rewriting of culture is going to change the biology of males. In a way we are just like dogs and are led about by our “pecker” all the time. Smart women know this. Smarter women use it, and profit from it in numerous ways.
Different people have different things that get them aroused sexually. I like to believe that most men prefer the female body in it’s various forms and shapes. Sometimes they like, in my view, some rather strange manifestations in interest.
Online porn is not a multi-billion industry for nothing.
Prostitution still exists because men are men, no matter how hard society, religion and zealots try to stamp it out. Men are males with fundamental male interests and needs.
The sexual desires that men have vary from individual to individual. Some men really love oral sex, others are “meh”. Some men must have anal sex, while other go “yech!”. Every man is different.
That being said, sex is an individual experience. What might be fantastic for one fellow, might be terribly boring for another. That is why there are fetishes.
Some men like big boobs, others like big asses, and still others like big feet. Some men are mesmerized by a nice set of legs, while others like strange and unusual sexual positions. And yes, some men really like huge women, and others like small tiny ladies. Everyone is different.
Now, isn’t this the saddest expression that you have ever seen? A man NEEDS sex. If he is married, he expects sex from his wife, and when he decides to marry her, it was an expectation that he had. For her to be so ignorant of his needs, and so very selfish about their relationship shows that he needs to leave her ASAP.
It doesn’t JUST vary from person to person, but from culture to culture.
Oh, and by the way, women like sex just as much as men do. It’s just cultural in how it manifests. For example, here is a cartoon discussing relationships between and man and woman in Thailand. LOL.
The initiation of sex and relationships vary from culture to culture. In Thailand, for example, the relationships tend to be different than that of the United States. This is true for most of Asia.
[3] Domestic Care & Concern
Here is where I sound like an old foggy-head man. However, a woman who is control of her home, tends to be in control of her life.
A woman who is in control of her home is in control of her life.
When I see that she takes care of her clothes, makes sure that the house is well run, ordered and that she knows how to cook, I start to get really interested in her. You see, in my mind, a woman who is in control of her life, would also be able to take control of my life as well.
Men will give their LIFE, their MONEY, and their very BEING to a woman deserving of it.
I once went on a date with a woman. She was nice, and attractive. To get ready for the date, I of course was presentable and clean, and I made sure that the car was washed and detailed. I picked her up. I then opened the door for her and buckled her in. (This was America, I'd never do it in China.) And we went off.
During the drive she pulled out some chewing gum and was chewing it. You know, for a pleasant tasting mouth. But, you know, she did something disturbing to me. She threw the chewing gum wrapper on my nice newly cleaned floor...
Later, after dinner, she couldn't find her lipstick, and emptied her purse on the table, and had to sort through old scraps of paper, receipts and brick-a-bract. The date ended, and we went our separate ways.
We had fun, but I never wanted to be back with her again. You know, she probably doesn't understand why.
Men need a companion that they can turn to, rely upon, and have a family with. This means responsibility. We need a good strong willed woman without baggage and problems. Seriously, isn’t that what women look for also?
Now, of course, most modern and "liberated" women don't think like this in the Untied States. They are "independent". They can get and have their own careers, and live their own lives. Sure they can. And, be childless and unmarried into their 40's.
The cost of being a "liberated" American female is quite steep.
It is not reality.
It is an artificially constructed narrative to seduce people into certain set behaviors. If you want to see what works for couples, then look at how families are set up in Africa. Look at how families are run in Poland. Look at how families exist in China. Five thousand years of experience won’t lie.
The 1998 movie pleasantville depicted a sort of revisionist narrative of what might happen if a modern person were to step back into time and life life as it used to be in the 1960’s. Contrary to the popular narrative, there is nothing wrong with traditional marriage and a man giving everything to his wife. In return, the wife becomes domestic and cares for him, their children, their home and their finances. She makes sure that the man can work, be relaxed and strive to improve their life. That is the traditional method, and that is what many men search for.
A traditional life WORKS. Most men WANT a traditional long-term relationship. They will give everything for it.
I fear many men, especially those afraid "to make the leap" in marriage are not convinced or ready to allow a woman to take over part or all of his life.
For a man, this is a BIG commitment.
He is not only letting the woman into his life, but he is giving her access forever to all that he earns. He is allowing her to dictate and instruct him on behavior, dress, and recreation. If the man is truly in love, and if he believes that this woman can take on that domestic role; she will GET EVERYTHING he can offer.
A man who gives everything to his wife will never leave her. For she literally BECOMES everything to him. So, have you ever wondered why divorce was so rare prior to the 1970’s? Divorce became commonplace when traditional roles fell from popularity. So ladies, if you want a man that will be YOURS… forever and would never abandon you, then you should make a reappraisal of your value system. You won’t get it on a progressive ideology. You will ONLY get it with a Conservative Traditional ideology.
When a man gets married, he should be ready to share his life. This often means letting your wife take over portions of it so you no longer have to. A good, and strong, woman will be able to manage the home. If she can manage the home, she can help the man become a success.
We have a saying that goes something a little like this; “Behind every successful man is a strong woman.”
As I get older, I see how true this is. My friends who are all very successful, all have strong and well-organized wives. They all also have relinquished some things to the wife in exchange for her domestic support. This includes [1] all of the finances. [2] What he eats. [3] How he dresses. [4] His exercises, and [5] how they relate to family matters.
Oh, and please forget that nonsense Hollywood narrative of what a traditional conservative woman is. (Where a traditional woman wears Amish style hats, and lives a life right out of the “The Handmaids Tale”.) That is propaganda. Do you, yes YOU, personally know anyone that is really like this? You don’t. That’s my point. It is an artificial narrative. It’s all Bull Shit.
Today, a conservative wife might have a body covered in tattoos, ear and nose rings and purple hair. She will wear leggings, take selfies on the smart-phone, and have multiple university degrees. My Lord, it isn’t about appearances. It’s about what is inside.
That is true. It is about what is inside. It is the light that resides inside the woman’s body that that special man can see and can appreciate. yes it is. It is all about the energy that lies inside…
Chinese women, as well as African, Polish, Russian, and Indian women don’t sit around watching the boob-tube, or play games on the cell-phone all day long. They do what ever is necessary to make THEIR household a success.
The manage the fiances.
They budget the household.
They allocate resources to jointly improve their standard of living.
They make sure everyone is eating well and healthy.
They are a model for their community and familial relations.
They make sure that the husband has everything he needs.
They push and help the husband grow as a provider.
They instruct the husband on how to behave, and act.
They make sure that the husband is presentable and carries himself well.
While they do occasionally play games, take selfies and have fun, their primary role is as a family manager. Traditional women are like full-on lionesses.
Over the years, in America, this has become treated like some kind of joke on contemporary television, on collage campuses, and in female magazines. That is a real shame. Because when both the husband and the wife work together for their family anything is possible. I tell you the truth. This is a fact. All of my friends that are successful work hand-in-hand with their wives in this manner.
Their wives take care of them.
They (the wives) set the pace, they control the family fiances. They establish the diet. They determine where to live. They set the goals. They establish the direction. The man in turn, give his everything to his wife in the complete 100% loyal trust that she will get both of them where they both want to be. For if you really do this, anything is possible.
[4] Companionship
I always look for companionship when I see a woman who interests me. I wonder if they would they be fun and interesting to be with. I wonder if this woman would be THE woman who I can devote my time with.
I always look for companionship when I see a woman who interests me. I wonder if they would they be fun and interesting to be with. I wonder if we could talk about really deep and interesting subjects. I wonder if they would be willing to share in my hobbies. I look for companions.
This is true for most men.
Spend time, meaningful and precious time, with those you love. Make your time quality time. Buy an ice cream cone with your retired father. Take you mother out of a morning breakfast. Call up one of your friends and go to the beach or hike in a local park. Spend time together. Companionship.
Now, most women are confused with what this means. They search for romance. They could care less about companionship. This is sad, because romance comes from companionship.
Romance is spawned from companionship.
My wife and I took a trip to Thailand, and while on a drinking binge, the taxi driver drove us to the middle of no where and abandoned us there. We had to struggle and make our way back to the hotel. That bungle was an adventure, but my wife well remembers the rural village BBQ meal as the dawn broke through the clouds, and the orange light that shined on our toes in the sand. Romantic times are unplanned. They come from companionship.
Every man that I know (with cultural differences, of course) looks for a companion. We feel empty inside without a companion; a special friend that we can share our life with. This is so very important. Forget the James Dean Rebel narrative. All men need a special lady in his life. This lady is a person that he is very comfortable with and one that he wants to obtain experiences and adventures with.
The idea that men are worthless and useless, especially white traditional Americans, is a progressive narrative. It has been around since the late 1970’s, but has really picked up speed during the Bill Clinton years, and completely got out of hand during the Obama years. This narrative has been promoted in the American media and software for quite some time. Check out this screen capture;
This is a screen capture of a comment train taken on 16SEP18. Have your eyes open, you can easily see how true this is. Do not fall for the progressive narrative. It is a lie. Go ahead do a Google Image Search for “white women with white men”. Go ahead. The image result is completely out of touch with the racial demographics of the nations. It does not match. This disconnect strongly implicates a propagandized narrative.
[5] A Woman’s Personality
Another thing that guys look for in a woman is personality. We are attracted to kindness, softness, sweetness, and compassion.
This is such a true statement that I feel that I need to repeat it. We are attracted to kindness. We are attracted to softness. We are attracted to sweetness. We are attracted to compassion.
When I come across a particularly militant American woman, I am immediately repelled. Especially when that person wants to lecture me on “white privilege” or some kind of populist nonsense that other weaker men accept. Don’t be a ugly bullyish brute of a woman. It’s not becoming.
Become the ideal. Your life is within your hands.
Look at this pretty American girl. I have to admit that I have a thing for short frilly dresses. This is true whether they are black, or colorful. There is something really attractive about them. Man, she does look great in polka-dots. Wouldn’t you just love to go out on the town and have a cup of coffee and a cheese cake with this woman? I would buy her a grinder (subway sandwich) and a coke any day of the year!
To be honest, when I meet a woman and I get to know them, I am looking for companionship. I look for kindness. I look for care. I wonder how they treat animals, and the waitress. I watch how they behave around others, and what they think about things.
When I meet a new woman, I wonder if they would like to accompany me for dinner, dancing, and any of the hobbies that I love to partake in. Since I love wine, a non-drinker and myself might not fit together well. Since I love animals, when I am talking to a woman, I wonder if they would also be part of my life with dogs and cats. Since I love tomatoes, bacon, and gardens I wonder what their thoughts are on these subjects.
The personality that a woman has eventually dominates a man’s interest. In other words, while a man is firstly attracted to a woman’s look, and sexual appeal, it is her personality that will keep him by her side forever.
Never forget this. A kind personality will be the glue when the stresses of life become too unbearable.
[6] Self Confidence
One of the most important traits for both men and women is self-confidence. This is something that is hard to describe, but is fundamental to success in life.
The truth is that I am not at all handsome, but women are interested in spending time with me. When I ask them why, they tell me that it is for other reasons. They just chuckle, and smile. They say I’m being silly. Sometimes they push me on my chest and say “oh, you know why!“.
I chalk up the reasons to being positive, happy, interesting and having good self-confidence.
Because that is exactly what turns me on in a woman.
When I take a woman out, I want to be able to talk about things. I want to be able to talk about tomato plants, favorite foods, dogs and cats, and thoughts about life. I want to be with a person that isn’t so fucking sensitive that I am afraid of being who I am. I want to be accepted for me, and if you don’t like it, to Hell with you. The same goes double for women.
I would NEVER tell a woman that she shouldn’t eat dessert because she needed to count her calories. I would never order for a woman unless she specifically asks that I do so. I would never say anything hurtful to her in public, or in private. Any arguments that we might have would be honest, and intentionally scripted to avoid emotional out-lash. As such, I would not tolerate sitting down with a woman who wanted to lecture me on the injustices of the world. No one likes a scold. Really.
No one.
People with confidence typically try to help others. They don’t try to change anyone. This is because they are happy with who they are, and other people do not factor in their personalities. People with low self esteem are the opposite. They feel that they have to control everything around them.
Men and women want to be around people with high self confidence. They will be accepted by them as they are without question.
[7] Respect
I have dated American women who have berated me in public. I have seen them talk bad about me behind my back. I have seen them make jokes about me. I have seen them be rude to me to my face. I have seen them think it was fun making fun of me while I just sat there and took it.
That was years ago. Now I know better. Now I know my place in this world; good or bad, right or wrong. I just don’t tolerate that nonsense like I used to. No more.
Today, now; my tolerance for this nonsense is zero.
Let me explain. Let’s begin with a story about an experience I had while I was working at GM. This story illustrates that different places has different cultures, and failure to understand and adapt to that culture can have serious consequences.
In this case, the story revolves around the public display of a lack of respect of a wife towards her husband.
I once was involved in some business in Brazil. As such, I had to travel back and forth between the United States and Brazil. I was, at that time, working for Delco Electronics (It's who we are), which was (at that time) a division of General Motors. I was involved in a Car computer project (ECM) for CEV, which is a pretty big Automotive company within Brazil.
This event took place in Brazil.
One day, all of the foreigners on staff were invited to a big banquet with other white-collar workers at CEV. We had some pretty important people from GM there. It was held in a big auditorium within a equally impressively large restaurant and hotel complex. Everyone sat at these very large round tables with a nice table layout on a large white tablecloth. Each couple (for the most part, everyone came as a couple) would sit in groups of two at the table. Thus, maybe five to 6 couples would sit at the table.
At a given cue, all the ladies (the wives and girlfriends) got up and went to the buffet to get their man (husbands or boyfriends) dinner. They got up, went to the buffet, selected what their husbands would eat, and returned to the table. They would place the plate in front of their man with respect, and then go up and get their own food.
The men would accept the meal their wife chose for them, and began eating it. They would sit there and eat, while all the ladies were fussing about their food, and making sure that the man's plate was full. They, each one, was particularly careful in what they selected for their man's plate. Some wives selected mostly vegetables, while others made sure that the man had goodly portions of meat.
However, the local section manager, a man who came from Michigan, well his wife refused to go up. He kept on elbowing her. She refused. And everyone at the table noticed. In fact, people at the other tables were noticing as well. They started talking. But she was adamant.
She said things like "you're not my boss", "I'm not doing it, uh uh, absolutely not. No!", and "I don't care what other people think. Do it yourself.".
Eventually, he got up and joined the rest of the ladies at the buffet counter. He was the only man to get up. He was the only man to carry a plate back to the table. He was alone in the big hall that maybe held a few hundred key employees of the company.
All of the key employees, the bosses and the supervisory staff, watched him do this. The President of CEV, the division managers, all the middle level managers, the supervisors, and all the engineers, and their secretaries all witnessed this. They all noticed and ate. Their local conversations at their tables became subdued and quieter.
Meanwhile, his wife sat there smugly and proudly. They ate in silence. The wife, sitting proud and strong. He sat there facing his plate and afraid to look up. This happened in front of everyone, while everyone else in the room kept glancing their way.
The dinner ended. Everyone went home.
The next workday, on Monday, he noticed that his parking space was being used by someone else. (Unless you have worked in GM, you don't know how important this is.) He went into the lobby, and the guards wouldn't look at him, and just waved him in. This was a big change from what he accustomed to.
It continued. His secretary didn't come in. Then, started coming in very late. She would not do anything that he asked. No longer would she make him a morning coffee. No longer would she answer him, or even talk to him.
No one responded to his emails. His work was getting piled up. Nothing was getting done. After a month, it got so bad, and I was sent down to look into the matter, as I held an important role in the joint-venture project. Our Division manager wanted me to look into this issue as it looked like the entire multi-million dollar project might collapse. That's right, millions of dollars of corporate investment was at risk.
So I flew down.
I talked to XXXXX. I talked to his secretary. I talked to the CEV Division Manager. I talked to the rest of the staff.
At first no one would open up. Oh, sure they were friendly to me. They showed me deference. They treated me well. But when it came to the subject about what was going on, everyone shut up. Obviously something was wrong. But no one told me anything.
Eventually, to make a long story short, I went out and started drinking with the CEV workers. That's always a great way to break down barriers and get to the heart of the matter. Of course, GM never approves of drinking, but this was back in the late 1980's and I was in another country and immersed in another culture.
Over some beers, the first person who let me know what was going on was his secretary. She looked at me straight in the eyes. She put out her cigarette. And she said in her broken English, loudly with defiance and pure hate;
"Why? You ask. Why? Because he's a fucking wimp. He's not, NOT, N-O-T a Man. He's castrado!"
Then she spit on the floor. Now granted, most ladies don't go to bars, smoke and spit on the floor. But she had a few beers, and was really agitated.
She wasn't just angry. She wasn't just pissed. She had this kind of deep burning ember of a rage that amazed me when it came out. I thought she was going to tear my throat out. She spoke viciously. She spoke in a way that the words were spit out venomously.
It turned out that in Brazilian culture, the man must be the MAN of the house. It is a very traditional nation and has unspoken social rules. One of which is that the woman must look good for her man. She must do great things for their Man, and for her family.
In Brazil, the Man is the titular head of the family. He controls everything. He is the "face" of the family. He is what everyone sees. However, the wife has full control over what goes on inside the house. She is the driving force that strengthens the man.
The Man is the head of the family, and he must LEAD. If he cannot be a Man; if he cannot act like a Man, and if he cannot control the behavior of his wife and family, then he is a loser.
in Brazil, you do not want to associate with losers. Not in the least. It is like being a leper.
The point in this is that he wasn't just a wimp to his wife. He was a wimp to society. From the secretary's point of view, she went from being a high assistant to an international boss, to the slave of a beggar. No, to someone worse than a beggar. Her status in the company fell right off the cliff.
Not only that, but that was true of everyone who associated with him. It was as if he had a serious contagious illness. no one wanted anything to do with him. No one would even talk to him.
It was like he was a child predator who had aids.
Shortly after that, I returned back to Indiana and talked with the Division Manager at Delco. We had a long and interesting talk. To cut down on all the details, let it be understood that my boss sent him back to the States. His two year stint in Brazil was cut short.
He was only there for four months.
Now, this is important. The thing is, when he returned home, there was no role for him to fill. His old job and position was already filled. He was a high-priced expensive executive with no home. Yes, for a short while they put him on "overhead", but eventually he was told to leave. They gave him a severance package. And that was it.
Years later, I heard that he spent a few years unemployed. He could never go back to GM, and his experience was too specialized. Eventually he took up contract work at a much lower pay grade. I do not know what happened since then, except that I know that he had to give up his free car, and had to sell the house at a loss. I do know that he moved into a small apartment later on. And, well, that's about all I know about him and his situation.
What does this all mean?
A good wife can make a man into a strong leader. He can become important, successful and wealthy. His family would profit and benefit. His life, and the lives of all those around him would improve. A weak or poor wife would do the opposite. A bad woman can destroy the life of the man that she is with. This can be through destruction of his self-esteem (which needs to be maintained for career success) to improperly managing family finances, to everything in between.
Men, choose your wives carefully.
In my little story, a true one at that, Mr. XXXXXX ‘s wife not only destroyed his role (and great career opportunity) in Brazil, but also wiped out his stable career at GM. Unable to find work, he had to settle for a different kind of labor, one without a career, without any kind of advancement. I am sure that his piece-of-shit wife berated him the entire time. Telling him what a loser he was for his life, and not taking responsibility for all the destruction that she herself, wrecked.
People. This is real life. This is not a television show. This is not a movie. This is not all unicorns prancing under a progressive rainbow, where gay people, and LGBT folk are all living in united harmony. This is the real frigging’ deal.
Learn, from my experiences, or don’t.
There is a sizable percentage of Americans who believe that the progressive illusion can actually manifest. They spend their days glued to their electronic media to such a point that they are completely out of touch with reality. People, there is no such thing as unicorns, and rainbows will still have a cantankerous leprechaun guarding that big old pot of gold.
What does this mean?
Different societies have different roles for men and women. This is an important part of culture. When you come from one society where washing your ass with your left hand is acceptable, you might have trouble adapting to a society where you shake everyone’s left hand. Yikes!
Over the years, I have lived in numerous non-American societies where the man is treated very special. I had a girlfriend from Zambia, Africa who would prepare my dinner like I was the Head of State.
She would get dressed up after she cooked my meal, with makeup and attire, and feed me while I sat at the table like a King.
Here’s some fine Zambian food. This is Nshima and beef relish. Doesn’t it look absolutely great. Again, as I have stated before, in the rest of the world you are typically free to drink beer at dinner without having to show your age or an ID. You are also permitted to smoke without fear of arrest.
After making sure that I was well fed, she would clean up afterwards. While I sat there drinking my after dinner coffee.
Once you experience first-rate care, love and concern, you no longer tolerate anything less.
I had a girlfriend from Mexico that always made sure that I was well fed, and insisted that I am comfortable in “my” chair. In fact she guarded it so that no one else would be able to use it. She was there for me, how can I say this, on demand (if you catch my drift).
Once you experience first-rate care, love and concern, you no longer tolerate anything less.
My Chinese wife selects the food I eat, the clothes I wear, and the exercise I do. She wants me to be better than everyone else. She makes sure that I am up to it. She is strong like a tiger in this regard.
She treats me like a powerful mob boss. And, when I leave the house, I act that way in public.
Once you experience first-rate care, love and concern, you no longer tolerate anything less.
Yet, when I visit the United States, I see women acting just horrible. It is as if there is a war on males in the United States. It is disgusting.
To me, it is actually horrifying, as typically the women doing this look like big white water buffalo’s to me, acting like mean and horrible white-trash. They look like they belong on Jerry Springer, more than walking on the public street.
As someone who is used and accustomed to being treated well by extremely beautiful women, I do not tolerate being treated poorly. This is most especially true for any woman that is not up to par in my (personal) attractiveness scale.
Once you experience first-rate care, love and concern, you no longer tolerate anything less.
I am not alone in this. This goes for all Americans who have traveled outside the Untied States. So, in my world, and in my reality, you can either adapt or leave. There is no room for the lowest common denominator.
American women really need to “up their game”.
American men need to stay away from disrespect in all forms.
When both men and women are single, their interests are directed towards other things. The woman wants to be attractive, have fun, and maybe work on a career. A man, working on a career, have fun, and meet girls. Once both get married that all changes. They now have a family and together their family needs both of their attention.
This ability to focus on a family is not something that you learn about on a first date. It is something you discover over time and over numerous dates. The woman discovers just how comfortable the man would be letting her run things. The man discovers whether or not this girl is THE one who can build up a family for him.
It is not only about raising children, working on career goals, a devotion to the elders in the family and a shared sense of adventure. It is also about every aspect of a family. Just how willing is the woman to devote to building up a family, creating a home out of a house and just how important she places a family life in her scale of things.
Here is a transcription of a woman lamenting her decision to forego building a family and instead having a career. Read it and cry.
Every Wednesday, the second hour of my national radio show is the “Male/Female Hour.” A few weeks ago, a woman named Jennifer called in.
For reasons of space, I have somewhat shortened her comments. Every young woman should read them. This is precisely what she said:
“Dennis, I want to get right to it. I’m 50 years old with four college degrees. I was raised by a feminist mother with no father in the home. My mother told me get an education to the maximum level so that you can get out in the world, make a lot of money. And that’s the path I followed. I make adequate money. I don’t make a ton of money. But I do make enough to support my own household.
“I want to tell women in their 20s: Do not follow the path that I followed. You are leading yourself to a life of loneliness. All of your friends will be getting married and having children, and you’re working to compete in the world, and what you’re doing is competing with men.
"Men don’t like competitors. Men want a partner. It took me until my late 40s to realize this.
“And by the time you have your own household with all your own bills, you can’t get off that track, because now you’ve got to make the money to pay your bills. It’s hard to find a partner in your late 40s to date because you also start losing self-confidence about your looks, your body.
"It’s not the same as it was in your 20s.
"You try to do what you can to make your life fulfilling. I have cats and dogs. But it’s lonely when you see your friends having children, going on vacations, planning the lives of their children, and you don’t do anything at night but come home to your cats and dogs. I don’t want other women to do what I have done.”
I asked, “Was it hard for you to make this call?”
She responded: “It was. I want to be anonymous because I don’t want people that I know to really know my true feelings. Because you do act like ‘My career is everything. I love working.’ But it’s a lie on the inside for me. It’s unfortunate. I didn’t realize this until it’s too late. I don’t know if it’s too late. I would like to find somebody to go on vacation with.
“You have other concerns when you get older and you live alone. Who’s going to take you to your medical appointments? If something should happen to you, there’s no other income there to help you. These are things you don’t understand when you’re in your 20s because you don’t think you’ll ever get old and have health problems.
“I’m stuck now because I go to work every day. I smile like I love it, but it’s very painful to not plan a vacation with someone. It’s painful to not have a Thanksgiving dinner with someone. You sit home alone and you do nothing. I avoid my friends now that have children because I have nothing in common with them.
“Somebody asked me the other day, ‘Why did you stay single and never have kids?’ There’s answers: Because I was brainwashed by my mother into this. But it’s hard and it’s shameful to tell people, ‘I don’t know. I ran out of time.’
“There’s not a good answer for it except: ‘I was programmed to get into the workforce, compete with men, and make money.’ Supposedly, that would be a fulfilling life. But I was told that by a feminist mother who was divorced, who hated her husband—my father.
“She tried to steer me on what she thought was the right path, but feminism is a lie. That’s what I want women to know.
“I didn’t realize this until late in life. I want to tell women: Find someone in your 20s. That’s when you’re still very cute. That’s when you’re still amiable to working out problems with someone. It’s harder in your 50s, when you’ve lived alone, to compromise with someone, to have someone in your home and every little thing about them annoys you because you’re so used to being alone. It’s hard to undo that, so don’t do what I did. Find someone in your 20s.”
I said, “I’m thinking of transcribing your call and making it a column.”
“Do that, Dennis. I want to help whoever I can,” she said.
-From the Daily Signal.
A man looks for a partner. He searches for someone to make his life COMPLETE. He looks for a life partner. It is biologically programmed into him.
A devoted woman will do whatever it takes to make the family work.
Here’s two micro videos showing hard-working, but poorer girls, supporting their families and building their homes. For in China, the man MUST work, and the woman MUST take care of the family. Many times, that means building of finishing up a home while the man works far away.
A woman does what ever it takes. She is fearless. She is capable. Help her and empower her. You will receive blessings on your life beyond compare.
Let me explain these videos.
Many times a couple will get married in a poor village. The husband would have to accept a job in a far away city, while the wife stays home. Many times the wife would get the paychecks from the working husband and use that money to build their home. This is not at all uncommon.
She would take this money and budget it.
First thing on the agenda would be building and making a house. Sure she might get help from uncles and classmates. However, ultimately, much of the work would be up to her. So many of those houses in rural China were physically made by wives in support of their families.
People! This is what a traditional family looks like.
The man works and the woman stays home and takes care of the family. For young families, the man works like crazy in far away cities and sends the bulk of what he makes to his wife. He, in turn, lives either in small dorms or barracks or, alternatively inside very tiny apartments like this one…
This is how a young married Chinese man lives. He does what ever it takes to help his new wife build up their family. He will work long hours and every day. He will eat what his employer provides, and will sleep in the very smallest of spaces. He will do this for his wife. He will do this for his family. This is what a traditional man is.
All the money he makes goes to his wife.
Maybe he will only make a few hundred yuan ($30). All of it goes to his wife. The Chinese women that I know differ from the American women. A Chinese wife would rather have 100% of what her man makes – even if it is only $30, rather than a small portion, say 5% of what he makes. That’s true even if he makes a million dollars.
I don’t quite understand it. Really. Because the millionaire would give the wife more money than a mere $30. It doesn’t make sense economically nor financially. But, there you have it. That is the way it is.
Chinese traditional women demand 100% from their man.
American progressive women look to men as a resource.
Culturally, Chinese women are very different from American women.
It is not a scene out of progressive liberal propaganda out of the American urban enclave. These are not little waifs that huddle in fear, or scenes out of the Handmaid’s Tale. This is real life. This is how the rest of the world lives. Open up your eyes to the reality.
And for Pete’s sake, get your friggin’ nose out of the propaganda being spoon-fed to you by the American elite.
[9] Spirituality
Look for a spiritual woman. I always look for a woman who understands that the universe is bigger than we understand. I look for a woman who can feel the presence of God.
I am a Catholic, but I am not referring to a religious person. I am referring to a spiritual person. My first wife was a Baptist. My second (the one who retired me) was agnostic, but raised as a Catholic. My current wife is a Buddhist. Find a woman who is spiritual.
Check to see if she is really spiritual. Watch how she treats animals. Watch how he feels about tradition, families. Pay attention to the role that she has in her own family. Just how functional or dysfunctional it is. Pay attention.
[10] Shared Values
Finally, I look for a woman that has the same values as I do. We do not have to agree politically, but the fundamentals must be comparative. If I am going to give her 100% of all my money, I should be able to trust her that she won’t use it on coke, crack, and casino trips.
If I am going to devote my life to one singular woman, I expect her to do the same. If I am planning to have a family, I expect her to want a family as well. If I want to travel and have an adventurous life, then I would expect her to want it as well. Alternatively, if I want to have a quiet sedentary life in a rural cottage, I would expect her to want it as well.
Shared dreams, shared values, and shared life are fundamental to a couple’s success.
We, men and women, can be choosy in who we select to be our mate. It is important because your mate, the person you marry, will have the greatest influence in your quality of life. Therefore, we need to choose wisely.
This is true for both men and women.
I live in friggin’ communist China and the women here are extremely attractive, with long beautiful hair, mesmerizing eyes, tight butts and astounding chests, and are very traditional at home. They take care of their man and their family. When I am with these wonderful ladies they treat me like I am a VIP and I am treated like a God. I cannot stress how wonderful being treated special is. Most especially from an amazingly attractive woman. I mean, it is just amazing.
Conversely, many (but thankfully, not all) the women in “free” America look like they belong on the set of Jerry Springer. Are rude, crass, selfish and treat me like a piece of nothing. The differences between women in China is just astounding. I mean, what the heck happened?
An American woman who runs a business that she proudly calls “Trailer Trash”. I am sure that she is proud of it. How would you like to be married to this chick? How do you think she would treat you when you got home from work? Do you think that she knows how to cook? Would she make a good mother?
For me, and most men would agree, you pick the wife that is suitable for you. Let the rest of the world howl. All that matters is what you decide and the reality that you create.
You can get an ugly, fat, foul-mouthed woman who will constantly make fun of you.
You can be with an attractive, kind, caring and thoughtful woman. She takes care of herself, and will treat you like a king.
You can choose the lady that is most suitable for you. If you cannot find that woman in your town, go to a different town. If you cannot find her there, go else where. Eventually you will find that girl. I promise you.
Finally, here’s a little secret. If you are having trouble, do this. Go to church. Many of the most eligible women attending church. They are God-fearing, traditional women who would make fine, just real fine, wives.
Women in General
There are amazing women all over the world. That includes the United States. It is my belief that the vast bulk of American women are great and kind and wonderful. It is just that the bad ones are so very awful that it makes everyone look bad.
I now live in China. So what I am going to do is post some micro-videos of some attractive and sweet Chinese girls to help illustrate that there is no set “type” of lady that is perfect. Everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. Each one is different and each one has their very own personal charms.
Women come in all sizes and shapes. They come in all kinds of attitudes and personalities. I love every single one. Please, I urge you the reader not to get too hung up on the media narrative of what is attractive, instead find ladies that appeal to your own sensibilities. You might be surprised how refreshing and pleasant it is…
Here’s another gal. Sorry, but I am in China. So this is all that I have to work with. Here’s another Chinese girl. Isn’t she just adorable?
I am a big sucker for a nice smile and feigned shyness…
The point here is that attractiveness comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes. There is no set standard. If I were to specify some idea on what is attractive, I would have to say that it is the sum total of what a particular woman is. For each woman has their own charms that are displayed uniquely.
I, for one happen to like so many different kinds of women. I like different body types. I like different kinds of attitudes, and I enjoy a big healthy smile. Here is a nice Chinese gal with an impressive chest jumping around and having fun…
Each woman has their own personality. This personality can be seen how they move, and the their selection of the music that they play. Personality is one of the key aspects of attractiveness. Be kind. Be happy. Smile a lot. Let your inner being glow.
The point that I am making here is that there is no set formula on what makes a woman attractive to a man. The woman must be strong, be themselves, be kind. Sooner or later the man that fits her personality will come around. It could be you. So, be the best you can be, and look for a mate that is the best that she is. Together you will have a life that will be marvelous.
Take Aways
Men look for a mate that will best match his needs as a man, and who will be fitting for his future family.
Women who cannot fit within his expectations will need to find other men to be with.
These men, the ones that do not have traditional values, will tend to be short-term affairs or long-term relationships that will not conclude in a marriage. That is because the men’s absolute needs are not being met.
This post lists ten needs that a man has.
Q: What if men have different needs than what is listed here? A: That is fine. There are all kinds of people and all kinds of men. It is the difference that are important. Not what makes us all the same. Personally, I don’t like going into a Starbucks in NYC and then going into one in Shenzhen. They are all the same. I like to go to a local pizza establishment in NYC and eating a New York style pizza. I also like going into a family restaurant in Shenzhen and eating some delicious dumplings. It is the differences that are important.
Q: So don’t you think that you are full of Misogyny? Aren’t you just defending the Patriarchy? Aren’t you Cisgender? A: I don’t know. Maybe.
If so, what’s wrong with it? What is it YOUR business?
I don’t hate women. I love women. I love my wife. I love my mother and my sisters. I love my girlfriends, and their friends. Besides, what is wrong with a Patriarchy? Can you explain that?
Your assumptions are all terribly faulted, and you discuss them as if they are proven and have merit. They don’t.
Q: What does “check your privilege” mean? A: In 1998, American feminist and anti-racism activist Peggy McIntosh wrote an essay entitled “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.” In McIntosh’s sense, privilege is a set of special provisions that a person acquires — or doesn’t — because of their identity.
If you are a rich, white, heterosexual man, then you’ll have it easier through life than a working-class, lesbian, woman of color. The exhortation to check your privilege became popular on internet blogs dealing with social justice themes as a reminder that we are not all dealt the same hand in life.
What the real truth is that it is an insult, and veiled threat that says “you had it easy in life”. I personally find it extremely insulting. As the person saying this has absolutely no idea what I had to do to get where I am now.
Q: What does Heteronormative mean? A: Heteronormative was coined by the writer and academic Marina Warner in 1991. It means “a world view which regards gender roles as fixed to biological sex. It treats heterosexuality as the normal and preferred sexual orientation.” Which is pretty much an accepted norm globally.
However the intention is to use distorted group think to redefine the narrative and to use this word as an insult. I am a traditional man, and I think that women are attractive to me. This fact, apparently, makes me “heteronormative”.
No problem. So was George Washington. So was Jesus Christ. So was Gandhi. So was Jimmy Carter. So was Bill Clinton. So was Ronald Reagan. So were both my parents and all of my grandparents.
So, a non-heteronormative person is a societal abnormality.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are
some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you
might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up
in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
Posts about the Changes in America
America is
going through a period of change. Change is good… that is, after it
occurs. Often however, there are large periods of discomfort as the
period of adjustment takes place. Here are some posts that discuss this
More Posts about Life
I have
broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones
actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little
different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are
reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly
impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal
library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come
and enjoy a read or two as well.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
This is a walk down “memory lane” as I relate what it was like growing up as a young boy in the early 1970’s. I was in my early teenage years. I went to school, watched a lot of television, and played with my friends. Enjoy…
As strange as it seems, there is very little on the internet about what it was like growing up in the 1960’s and 1970’s. It’s almost as if it was scrubbed from existence. In it’s place we now have the Obama narrative of a racist nation and terrible injustices. That narrative has nothing to do with reality. It is a scripted lie intended to manipulate people into believing something that just isn’t true.
Here, in my own little way, I would like to relate some stories of what it was like for me growing up as a kid. For “shits and giggles” I have chosen the year of 1971. It was the last year that I had as a kid before I had to go out and work at 14 in the coal mines.
This narrative takes place in Western Pennsylvania. We lived in a small town about a two hour drive from Pittsburgh. It was a hilly and tree shaded world, with railroad spur lines that snaked in and out of the hills and crossed over viaducts and into tunnels. I well knew those lines as I would often walk along them with my friends on hikes and adventures.
The Allegheny mountains are very beautiful. I miss the beauty of them in the fall, and the joys of canoeing on the river and fishing in the streams.
Visiting my Aunties
Many weekends my parents would drive into Pittsburgh to visit my relatives. Both were from Pittsburgh, though from different areas. We would take turns visiting the families. In the morning we would visit my father’s family, and in the afternoon we would visit my mother’s family.
A evening scene from Polish Hill. Polish Hill is a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is a community that was founded by Polish immigrants that went to Pittsburgh to find work in the Steel Mills there.
Often times, there would be other relatives that would come and say hi. I would see my grandparent’s brothers and sisters, my great aunts and uncles, if you will. And I might be persuaded to go with them to their homes. For some reason, the homes always smelled like bacon and cabbage.
There was always a pot of coffee on the stove. If it was cold they would either reheat it or make a fresh pot. The coffee pot was a percolator design. The water would start to boil and would be forced up through a metal straw into a container that held coffee grounds. You could control how strong the coffee was by the amount of ground in the upper container and how long your brewed the coffee. There was this glass bubble on the top of the coffee pot that you could watch to tell if the coffee was ready or not.
This is a very common way of making coffee in the 1960’s and the 1970’s. Every family seemingly had a percolator. This particular picture is very similar to the one that we used at home.
They would almost invariably offer me a cup of coffee and a bowl of what ever is cooking on the stove. There was something always cooking. Sometimes it was spaghetti sauce, sometimes it was chili. Sometimes it was “pigs in a blanket” (pork wrapped up in cabbage). Sometimes it was chicken soup. I could always eat my fill when I visited my aunties.
Of course, every single relative had this painting of “the last supper” on the wall in the kitchen / dining room.
During my childhood every family had a painting of the Last Supper on their wall. My relatives all had it hanging in the kitchen, but many of my friends had it in the living rooms or the dining room instead.
Everyone also pretty much listened to the same radio station as well. Each kitchen had this little plastic radio (of vintage electronic tubes) that was perpetually tuned to the AM radio station KDKA. Popular Music would often be heard while we were visiting.
Pop Songs
While I was pretty much listening to Jefro Tull, Traffic and other rock groups, my relatives and classmates enjoyed the popular music of the time. In 1971 we were listening to the following. Notable songs are highlighted in BOLD.
Three Dog Night
Joy To The World
Rod Stewart
Maggie May / (Find A) Reason To Believe
Carole King
It’s Too Late / I Feel The Earth Move
One Bad Apple
Bee Gees
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
Indian Reservation
Donny Osmond
Go Away Little Girl
John Denver
Take Me Home, Country Roads
Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)
Knock Three Times
Janis Joplin
Me And Bobby McGee
Al Green
Tired Of Being Alone
Honey Cone
Want Ads
Undisputed Truth
Smiling Faces Sometimes
Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose
Treat Her Like A Lady
Rolling Stones
Brown Sugar
James Taylor
You’ve Got A Friend
Jean Knight
Mr. Big Stuff
Lee Michaels
Do You Know What I Mean
Joan Baez
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
Marvin Gaye
What’s Going On
Paul and Linda McCartney
Tom Jones
Bill Withers
Ain’t No Sunshine
Five Man Electrical Band
Tom Jones
She’s A Lady
Free Movement
I Found Someone Of My Own
Murray Head and The Trinidad Singers
Jesus Christ Superstar
Jerry Reed
Amos Moses
Grass Roots
Temptation Eyes
George Harrison
My Sweet Lord / Isn’t It A Pity
Donny Osmond
Sweet And Innocent
Put Your Hand In The Hand
Daddy Dewdrop
Chick-A-Boom (Don’t Ya Jes’ Love It)
For All We Know
Gordon Lightfoot
If You Could Read My Mind
Sammi Smith
Help Me Make It Through The Night
Rainy Days And Mondays
Gypsy, Tramps And Thieves
Jackson 5
Never Can Say Goodbye
Lynn Anderson
Rose Garden
Hamilton, Joe Frank and Reynolds
Don’t Pull Your Love
Ringo Starr
It Don’t Come Easy
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Mr. Bojangles
I Love You For All Seasons
Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get
Carly Simon
That’s The Way I’ve Always Heard It Should Be
Stevie Wonder
If You Really Love Me
Aretha Franklin
Spanish Harlem
Helen Reddy
I Don’t Know How To Love Him
Aretha Franklin
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Partridge Family
Doesn’t Somebody Want To Be Wanted
Tommy James
Draggin’ The Line
Ike and Tina Turner
Proud Mary
Beginnings / Color My World
Stay Awhile
Sweet City Woman
Me And You And A Dog Named Boo
Paul McCartney
Another Day / Oh Woman, Oh Why
Marvin Gaye
Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)
Brewer and Shipley
One Toke Over The Line
8th Day
She’s Not Just Another Woman
Freda Payne
Bring The Boys Home
Rare Earth
I Just Want To Celebrate
Delaney and Bonnie and Friends
Never Ending Song Of Love
Freddy Hart
Easy Loving
Three Dog Night
Honey Cone
Mac and Katie Kissoon
Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep
Andy Williams
Love Story (Where Do I Begin)
Cat Stevens
Wild World
Jerry Reed
When You’re Hot, You’re Hot
Beginning Of The End
Funky Nassau
Olivia Newton-John
If Not For You
King Floyd
Groove Me
Bobby Goldsboro
Watching Scotty Grow
Matthews’ Southern Comfort
Judy Collins
Amazing Grace
Dave Edmunds
I Hear You Knocking
Bee Gees
Lonely Days
Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling Again
Won’t Get Fooled Again
Denise Lasalle
Trapped By A Thing Called Love
Jackson 5
Mama’s Pearl
Partridge Family
I Woke Up In Love This Morning
Isaac Hayes
Theme From “Shaft”
Gladys Knight and The Pips
If I Were Your Woman
Neil Diamond
I Am..I Said
Paul Stookey
Wedding Song (There Is Love)
Wilson Pickett
Don’t Knock My Love, Pt. 1
Love Her Madly
Richie Havens
Here Comes The Sun
Wadsworth Mansion
Sweet Mary
Brenda and The Tabulations
Right On The Tip Of My Tongue
Fifth Dimension
One Less Bell To Answer
Riders On The Storm
Perry Como
It’s Impossible
The song “Maggie May” was played to death, and radio stations in central Indiana were still playing that song long into the 1990’s. Ugh!
Donny Osmond was terribly popular with my sister and all of her girl friends at the time. Her bedroom was covered in pictures of Donny, and she had her class room textbooks covered in “lunch paper” covers decorated with Donny Osmond related praises.
I first heard “The night they drove ol’ Dixie down” when I was riding with my dad in our car. He was involved in technical sales at the time. I would wait in the car and listen to the radio while reading the “Last Whole Earth Catalog“.
The Last Whole Earth Catalog was a cultural landmark in the 1970’s. Kevin Kelly, who was editor-in-chief at Whole Earth was looking at an old Whole Earth Catalog came to the realization that it was a 1970s version of a blog.
Tom Jones was very popular with my mother and the mothers of my friends. He had a kind of sex appeal that really appealed to them.
Jesus Christ Superstarhit my generation hard. I cannot express how big an impact this movie made at my church and at my school. It seemed like every family had the album. I went and saw the play and it was really moving.
I saw Jerry Reed sing “Amos Moses” on “Laugh In” or “Sonny and Cher” I don’t remember which. Both were shows that hosted a mixture of singing, dancing and comedy routines that were quite popular in the day.
The song “Gypsy, Tramps And Thieves” was a big hit by Cher. Most people have forgotten about her today. You hear some blurb on the news every now and then, but she was a big thing back in the day. She was super popular.
The song “Don’t Pull Your Love” was very popular and got a substantial amount of airtime. You probably couldn’t get by a day without hearing that song at least once. Other heavily air-played songs included “Mr. Bojangles“.
Everyone in my school watched the Partridge Family . This was a television show about a family that toured schools all over the country and sang at them. Well, they also had a number of hits, as well as a had a following of fans.
How can one talk about the 1960’s and 1970’s without mentioning the television show The Partridge Family?
The idea and concept of freedom to explore, of adventure and travel was very popular. The ideals of the 1960’s were fading away, and the 1970’s was a time where people wanted to just go forth and explore the world. The song “Me And You And A Dog Named Boo” was representative of this dream.
If there is one iconic song from that year (heck, for that decade), it is “One Toke Over The Line“. Everyone was listening to it, and everyone related to it. Even my mother who would make the “sigh” and gesture while saying “I guess I’m just one toke over the line…”.
This song “Never Ending Song Of Love” has fallen into obscurity. Yet it reflected the reality of the small town bars and the culture of friendship and love that was indicative of the era.
The song “Riders On The Storm” continued to be popular with me and my classmates long into our college years.
Next to my Father’s parents house was a barbershop. The shop was run by an old man, probably in his 90’s. He lived upstairs above the shop. The barbershop itself was a museum and probably hadn’t changed since the 1940’s.
A barbershop was a place and refuge for men to be men. We could talk about things that interested us , we could talk about sports, girls and life. All barbershops were smoker-friendly places where men could be themselves, free of political correctness and progressive rules.
My father would take me to the barber there and I would get a haircut. I really didn’t want to go because at that time, long hair was fashionable. I would go there and then pout the rest of the day. But, I’ll tell you what, those trips to the barbershop were some of the best memories that I have.
The barbershop was a “men’s only” establishment. On the tables were magazines about hunting, guns and adventure. On the walls were pictures of deer and ducks. There was a full length mirror on the wall that faced two very huge and ornate barber chairs. The barber wore an apron and wore his hair in a style that probably went obsolete in the 1950’s.
When we went to the barbershop we would read the men’s adventure magazines that would lie there, as well as the Playboy magazines that would be interspersed with the newspapers and the standing ashtrays.
The chairs were big and comfortable. He would often have friends hang out while he worked. They would sit there smoking cigarettes and watching him cut hair. A small radio would be on and often it would be tuned to a baseball or football game.
The place had it’s own kind of unique smell to it. It was a cross between aftershave and and old house. The barber lived alone as his wife passed on a decade earlier. He just ran the shop until he died. After he passed on, the place was boarded up and then demolished.
Hiking in the Woods
At that time in my life I spent a lot of time hiking in the woods. I would often ride my bike all over town and up and down the back roads and railroad spur lines. In the Spring the air would be fresh with the smells of lush forest canopy. In the Fall, it would be a time of warm “Indian Summers” with red and yellow leaves that would blow in the light breezes.
I lived in a small town in Pennsylvania. The hills all around us were wooded and access to them was via back roads and rail lines. As a boy, I would spend a lot of time walking on these tracks and exploring the world around me.
I rode a gold Schwinn “banana seat” bike with “high bars” and a “drag strip” (non-tread) rear tire. Every one of my friends owned a bicycle. My sister had one with a white plastic basket in the front. My bike had these long streamers of plastic that plugged into the handles. I eventually tore those things off. But I would put a card (from a deck of cards) and attach it to the bicycle with a wooden clothes pin. That way my bicycle would make some “cool” sounds when I rode fast. It had a huge red circular red reflector on the back, right under the white “banana seat”. Like the GTO I would later drive when I was in High School, the bicycle was an orange color.
We would all ride bicycles when we grew up. Which is different than kids today. Instead, today their parents drive them from event to event, instead of expecting them to get there on their own. A 1970s childhood. (Image Source)
My bike was a personal selection. When my father took me to a store to pick it out, I chose a really simple and rugged model. There were no front or rear brakes on the handlebars. To brake, you would just use the pedals. There also weren’t any gears. There was one gear only. It came with a rear view mirror, that soon broke off, and that was about it. My friends all had more complicated bicycles, and over the years, they were perpetually repairing their bikes and trying to fix them. For me, I never had that problem.
Television Shows
At that time the only television channels that we could watch were CBS, NBC, and ABC. We also had “channel 13” which was a government channel. All of our news, and our entertainment came from these three sources. Since we never had the kind of selection that we have today, we didn’t find anything wrong with it. It was normal for us.
Here is the complete television selection for Friday night viewing in 1971. It is pretty sparse isn’t it. This is where all American got their news and found out about the world around them.
As sparse as the selection was, we were perpetually glued to the television set. There was usually a movie a night. They were often a few years old, after being shown in the movie theaters. If the movie wasn’t shown in the theaters it would be called a “World Premiere Movie”.
Television was rather primitive.
While we did have a color television, we still needed to walk across the room to change the channel. Imagine that! Remote controls were not available until the mid-1970’s. On top of it were “rabbit ears” until we were able to subscribe to cable in the late 1970’s. My grandmother had her “rabbit ears” with aluminum foil wrapped around it. She said that it improved her reception. Maybe it did. I don’t know, her reception really sucked, so it must have been really, really terrible.
I would watch the news reluctantly. For me it was pretty boring.
However, I did follow the news about space. You couldn’t miss it. Everyone was talking about space, and the moon. That is all you heard about as a child of the 1960’s. The television shows also helped to maintain this theme.
As the news that played on the radio concerned our exploration of space and the Vietnam War. Of course I didn’t know what was going on. It was a takeover of the United States government by dark forces embedded deep inside the United States government. When JFK was shot, my father insisted that I watch the television. He kept telling me that this was the most important thing to happen to the United States since the Civil War. He was a lifelong Democrat and he had real concerns that there was more to the story than what the government was saying. Later, after he died and President Trump released the transcripts, it turned out that my father was right after all.
The “Deep State” murdered our President.
“This fucker, johnson should be dug up and pissed on, and torn apart. Every modern ill can be traced to him.”
On Sunday we watched Mutual of Omaha’s “Wild Kingdom”, and “The FBI” (Starring Efrem Zimbalist Jr) after the Walt Disney hour. If I wasn’t watching television, I was building plastic scale models, or experimenting on my Gilbert chemistry (and electrical) sets.
The A. C. Gilbert Company was an American toy company, once one of the largest toy companies in the world. It is best known for introducing the Erector Set to the marketplace. A chemistry set is an educational toy allowing the user (typically a teenager) to perform simple chemistry experiments.During the Bill Clinton presidency (D) all sales of chemistry, electronics, and mechanical kits were put under investigation as possible routes for “home grown” terroristic activities, and were subsequently suppressed, if not outright banned. Over the Bush years (R), they resurfaced and eked out a small living. However, by 2017 most hobby kit suppliers went out of business. Ramsey electronics, Heithkit electronics RIP.
At that time in my life, I like the rest of my classmates, watched shows like the Partridge Family and The Brady Bunch. These shows were about “us”. It was how we interacted with each other, and our families and our communities. This all began to change when the television media decided to change their programming towards minorities in urban areas. Television began a slow phase away from white families living in suburbia and began to concentrate on poor urban minorities.
The Brady Bunch. The Brady Bunch is an American sitcom created by Sherwood Schwartz that aired from September 26, 1969, to March 8, 1974, on ABC. The series revolves around a large blended family with six children. Considered one of the last of the old-style family sitcoms, the series aired for five seasons and, after its cancellation in 1974, went into syndication in September 1975. While the series was never a critical or ratings success during its original run, it has since become a popular staple in syndication, especially among children and teenaged viewers.
“The "rural purge" of American television networks (in particular CBS) was a series of cancellations in the early 1970s of still-popular rural-themed shows with demographically skewed audiences, the majority of which occurred at the end of the 1970–71 television season. In addition to rural themed shows, the purge also eliminated several high rating variety shows that had been on CBS since their beginning of television broadcasting. One of the earliest efforts at channel drift, CBS in particular saw a dramatic change in direction with the shift, moving away from shows with rural themes and toward ones with supposedly more appeal to urban audiences.”-Wikipedia
The shows we watched were funnier than what you see on television today. And, maybe, just maybe a little more innocent. “The Bob Newhart Show” was typical. The humor involved day to day situations and NEVER mentioned race (compare that to today), and had a real twisted surrealistic sense of humor. Consider “Mary Hartman. Mary Hartman”, or “Green Acres”. You can find out more here.
Iconic characters from the Bob Newhart show that was popular in the 1970s and 1980s. Hi! I am Larry, and this is my brother Darryl and my other brother Darryl. (Image Source.)
Ah, you’ve got to hear about the three yokel brothers in the (very surrealistic) 80’s “The Bob Newhart show”. I loved these guys. They might have been the highlight of the show. Heck, they could have had their own show (hint. Hint.)
“…discovering that a witch is buried in the basement of their Vermont inn. They want to find out who she was, but they also want her 300-year-old grave dug up and removed.
The silly-from-next-door tells him he knows some guys who`ll do anything for a buck.Next thing, three goofy-looking, backwoods brothers from the genetically weak side of Vermont show up. “Oh, Lord!” says Bob, getting a whiff. Larry--the only brother who ever talks--hands Bob their card.“We`ll do anything for a buck,” it says.”- Larry, Darryl And Darryl Are `Newhart` Hits
They were quite good hearted, and obviously lived a strange, strange life. Afterall, clubbed weasel was their idea of good eatin’. Larry’s totally deadpan delivery of some very bizarre lines was always a highlight of any Newhart episode. “We went to the bakery ’cause they were advertising ‘bear claws’, but it turned out to just be a come-on.”
Ah. Good times. Good times.
Movies and television portrayed westerns (with “white men” taming the wilderness), war adventures (mostly involving world war II fighting the evil Nazi army), space exploration (such as Lost in Space, Star Trek, Fireball XL-5, Thunderbirds are Go and Land of the Giants), and Spy Adventures (against the Soviet Union or against fictional organizations such as T.H.R.U.S.H.).
Scale Models
One of my favorite hobbies was the building of plastic models. These were often of ships, airplanes and military hardware. I made a few models of cars, but my favorites were of military tanks and figurines.
I had a desk in my bedroom. It was an old desk inherited from my father with four drawers. I used a fold-up “card table” chair to sit at it with. On it was a 1940’s style desk lamp that my parents must have pulled out of the garbage at some time. I had books on the desk, a “multiband” radio where I could listen to FM radio, and a pencil holder made out of a decorated metal coffee cup tin.
At that desk, I would assemble, build and paint my models. It was an enjoyable pursuit. The desk faced the window in the bedroom, and I would often have the windows open, but the shade drawn down about half way. The shades were in the old 1960’s style and were meant to last. They had this kind of “life preserver” style ring hanging on a string that you could pull down to raise or lower the shade.
I needed the fresh air, as the odor from the glue was toxic and would tend to get me all flustered when I used it. I remember once, that my sister was watching her television show and they were really pushing the Rigley Chewing Gum-gum-gum… Rigley chewing gum-gum-gum commercial. It must have been running every ten minutes. I was about going out of my mind with the combination of the toxic glue odor and the subliminal programming of the chewing gum. Ugh!
I would build the models and paint them. Then, I would carefully hang them from the ceiling. My room was filled with models of various sizes and shapes.
The airplanes I would hang from the ceiling with string. I would display my collection of tanks and military equipment on shelves alongside my collection of centuries-old bottles. (I was an avoid junk collector and was always on the lookout for discarded bottles that I would collect from ancient trash dumps in the nearby forests.)
I collected Tamiya 1/35 scale military hardware models. I had quite a collection of German vehicles and tanks. At that time, the Japanese model maker Tamiya made the best quality models. They had an innovative introduction process that added new model to the collection every few months.
This is a model of the German Tiger I tank. I had numerous models of this massive beast in various scales. I even had one so complete that the interior was all detailed.
Alas, when I graduated from university I discovered that my mother had thrown away all of my models. She didn’t want all the clutter in the house. I guess one person’s treasure is another person’s trash.
Science Fiction
I started reading Science Fiction avidly. With one of the first books being the “Mad Scientist Club”.
The Mad Scientist Club is a series of stories (and books) written in the 1960’s which fueled the imagination and adventures of us children in the 1970’s. (The son of the author has a website. You can visit the website HERE.) These stories inspired me. They inspired my dreams and led me down the path towards technical excellence.
The cover from the first book of “The Mad Scientists Club”. This is a classic book for all young children entering their early teens.
The boys in the stories used science to create all sorts of pandemonium and mayhem in their little town. They applied themselves to using science to make devices and gadgets. They played pranks. The books showed how a boy could engineer a device from techniques that they learned in school. They made balloons, talked on ham radios, devised electronics, and they did it all on their very own.
The beauty about all this was that they never asked for help or permission. They took the initiative and did it on their own. They applied themselves.
Indeed, these stories are special. But, don’t take it from me. Read what others have to say.
“This is the best kids book ever.… In a way it saddens me when I re-read it. I don't think our kids today have as much freedom as these did (or my generation). I remember staying out until dark, riding my bike EVERYWHERE, clubhouses on vacant lots...Or maybe it's responsibility. Kids today have freedom but little responsibility. I'm getting off my soapbox now. but this is a cool book and it will make your kids fall in love with science. I imagine the Mythbusters grew up like this- or maybe their dads did!! ”-Holly commentary on the book. Found at Goodreads.
I am afraid that Holly is correct. American children (and adults) don’t have as much freedom as we all used to. (It’s our fault, you know.) These books are for kids and inspires them to accomplish things through study and action. These books are not about getting a group together and finding a group consensus. It’s not about how to cautiously speak so as not to offend anyone. Nope. It is about getting things done and raising hell in the process.
It’s books like these that inspired many of us to study science and engineering. It certainly affected me. It also affected others. I am not the only one who studied about rockets and space…
“This was simply a great childhood book for any inquisitive kid who likes science, haunted houses, dinosaurs, flying machines, etc. I read this book in about seventh or eighth grade and actually a couple of times since. I believe this book helped me on my career to being a rocket scientist but it also gave me many ideas as I was growing up.Brinley managed to capture the perfect mid-west US town and the guys in the book were great caricatures of fun loving, science minded boys with a bit of good natured mischief up their sleeves. Then Brinley took this setting and boys and produced a series of wonderful stories capturing so many things that so many boys growing up find so intriguing.I bought a copy recently for a nephew and he was enraptured by it. The follow-ups while good never really reached the level of this first book but were fun in their own right. It will always hold a special memory of growing up back in the '60s.”-Robert commentary on the book. Found at Goodreads.
He’s right you know. The stories certainly inspired me.
I like to think that there is inspiration in stories where you find adventure, freedom and independence. These are things that are absolutely missing in the modern realm of politically correct stories. Which, by the way, is a very important point. By following a “Politically Correct” narrative, you retard the growthof young boys. To paraphrase Clint Eastwood, you turn men into pussies.
“We live in more of a pussy generation now, where everybody's become used to saying, "Well, how do we handle it psychologically?" In those days, you just punched the bully back and duked it out. Even if the guy was older and could push you around, at least you were respected for fighting back, and you'd be left alone from then on.”-Clint Eastwood
A parent has a responsibly to PREPARE their children to venture out and grow. They need to go forth and carve a life out of the wilderness. But that is not what is happening today. Instead we have children that never leave the nest. Young men, in the United States, live at home until they are in their 30’s. Instead of investing their time in building, workings, making, and creating, they are too busy looking at cat videos on the Internet while they post their latest latté on Facebook. Boys must be taught to aspire to be Men, not to be a woman’s version of a sensitive man.
No amount of tattoos, unique hair or beard, or cool urban clothing style is going to make you into a Man. It comes from within. Education alone won’t do it. Money and wealth won’t do it. Polite conversation won’t do it. It comes from inside. It comes from deep down inside. It comes from a place that says “you can, and must do what you need to do”. You don’t ask for permission, or consensus. You go out and carve your life out. Alone.
By clutching on to your children like over protective mothers, the children don’t grow up. Physically they might age, but the brain and the emotions are still that of a young child. How else can you explain the SWJ mentality that demands a protective overseer? Which is what they want, you know. They demand to be coddled and taken care of by a big parental government Bernie Sanders style. Because, that is all that they know. They don’t know how to be independent. We don’t teach that anymore.
These books break us out of that mold…
“A gem. Almost unknown; but one of the most hilarious and memorable laugh-out-loud books you could ask for. It's never mentioned by anyone; it's never recommended, placed on book lists or chosen by reading-groups. This just might be because it's a series of books, which represents a 'philosophy-of-parenting’, which has fallen out of favor. That's my suspicion, anyway.I mean, just think about it. These stories are about kids who are unmonitored; who are allowed to just go off on summer afternoons and hang out on their own; and do whatever they want.... because they are trusted by their folks. Today, this is the last thing parents want to hear. No one in today's control-freak, micro-managing America wants to imagine that children can be trusted like this.Books for very young children ('Little Prince' or 'Giving Tree') are in abundance on Goodreads. They're sweet and harmless. There's also a new genre called 'YA' ('young adult'). But guess what? They're all very sanitary, careful, cautious, and timid. Antiseptic. Content-supervised and Content-controlled. They always instruct youngsters on the 'correct' thing to do, the 'sensitive' thing to do, the 'courteous' thing to do...blah blah blah.'Mad Scientists' is different. Instead of caution, the author praises problem-solving, solidarity, daring, and initiative. It's a book written for kids illustrating how NOT to follow the rules. It’s a book, which shows that rules are made to be flouted.These stories are from a time when today's endless complexities and anxieties just weren't around. It’s a book that deals with kids just... having fun. I say, there need to be a LOT MORE books like this.The gang of boys in Brinley's tales are pre-teens; somewhere between 11 and 14. This is a strange interval in a boy's matriculation, when they need to figure out a lot of things about life (and it’s also a time when adults have the least relevant advice to offer). This is the space Brinley plays in: the theme of personal responsibility.Teens NEED to create a few genuine catastrophes in order to learn the weight of 'cause' vs 'effect'. 'Intention' vs 'outcome'. 'Actions' vs 'harm'. They need to learn the ins-and-outs of friendship and loyalty and paying-one's-dues.The 'Mad Scientists Club' (this is the name carved on their clubhouse door) demonstrate these themes grandly. These young scamps are precisely in that age where you learn how to make a mess and how you clean it up afterwards. By yourself!The crazy scenarios which afflict these affable 'troublemakers' reminds us--should remind everyone-- that this process can be fun. Making mistakes and learning from them. The best way --nay, the ONLY way--to shape character.Far cry from today, huh? Yeah. Today, we don't let kids have 'secret clubs', 'hideouts', codewords, or 'mysterious friends'. We don't let them play with equipment or tools. They must not 'wreck' anything of ours. They're certainly not allowed to 'gallivant all over creation' (love that phrase).Modern parents are rule-mongers and control freaks. When our kids want to play, we take them to 'Sesame Place' and we monitor their nutrition and we deck them in flashing sneakers and put them in helmets and on leashes. We place them in soccer, swim class, softball, karate, dance, gymnastics.The result? Modern kids have no idea what real 'freedom' means. We never give it to them. They turn out to be vegetables.But Brinley's kids show the other way it can be done. This boy's club makes their own fun. They don't 'ask for permission' to do stuff--they just do it! They embrace wildness, zaniness, and unpredictability. The outcome? Well, they aren't brought up on charges from the Department of Homeland Security, for the trouble they cause. That's for sure. This is a part of small town-Americana we've let slip away.Just one example: in one of the adventures undertaken by the Mad Scientists, they build their own hot-air balloon (using scraps from a local junkyard) and they enter it in the town's annual homemade hot-air balloon race. With no adult supervision at all. Once aloft, (!!) they engaged in an air-battle with their arch-foes and fire potato-cannons and slingshots back'n'forth in mid-air. Finally, they manage to send the enemy gang's balloon into the lake! Can you stand it? I can't friggin' stand it, can you?This book reminds us that children used to be perfectly capable of taking care of themselves if we let them...if we weren't all scared out of our wits by molesters and semi-automatic weapons and drugs and porn and stalkers and computers, we'd still remember the kind of America found in this hilarious read. It's to our shame that we can't.”-Feliks commentary on the book. Found at Goodreads.
Let me simply posit this; to all those men (not to intentionally exclude women, but I am a man addressing myself to other men) who have made something of their life. Maybe you are a barber, a motorcycle mechanic, a car salesman, or a cook, isn’t it true? To make it in this world, you need to stretch your neck out. You need to take risks, bend the rules a little. You need to apply yourself.
The cover to the book “The New Adventures of the Mad Scientist Club”. This is the sequel to the first book. It is also good, though personally, I really prefer the first book overall.
Those times when life got tough, did you go and get permission? Did you go and ask for consensus? Did you politely ask for others opinions, or did you just go out and do whatever it took to achieve your goals? Was it easy? Nope, I’ll wager that it was hard, or at least uncomfortable. You might have to make sacrifices. Right? Right???
Part of the need to accomplish these tasks were goals. These goals were like this golden orb that lay there, just out of reach that you needed to obtain. You would work towards those goals. You would keep those goals in mind while you fought and persevered. A goal might be a car. A goal might be the love of your life.
A man is nothing without a goal.
A goal might be something more honorable and important, like saving the world. As everyone can’t be an evil villain like George Soros. Or, a wealthy trillionaire like Bill Gates. Someone needs to wear the mask of a hero…
The Idols
My bedroom was decorated as any boy of my my age would have. It was festooned with models and collections of brick-a-bract and posters on the wall. I had a poster of Farah Faucett on my wall. She was smiling with this amazing smile, and her huge hair. We all had a crush on her. That as well as Loni Anderson and Rachael Welch . Look at her!
How can you not smile?
Farah Faucett was every 1970s boy’s dream. Just about everyone had a poster of her on our wall or doors in our bedrooms. Farah Faucett was every boys’ dream. (Image Source.)
I had numerous posters on my wall. One was the mandatory “black light” poster on velvet. (It glowed under UV light.) One was a picture of Richie Blackmore (Deep Purple) performing a guitar solo. (I had super imposed a F-14 on it for combined imagery. After all, space and high-performance aircraft and rock n’ roll was my dream.) One was a Roger Dean poster (anyone remember the group “Yes”?).
Raquel Welch was another popular actress that graced the bedrooms of many a boy during the 1960s and 1970s. (Image Source.)
I became a fan of Loni Anderson in her role in the television sitcom “WKRP in Cincinnati”. I think many of my friends did as well. We loved her and watching her on the show was always a highlight. That and the clueless manager who ran the office.
Loni Anderson played the role of the attractive secretary in the American sitcom “WKRP in Cincinnati”.
There were no cell phones; indeed most phones hung on the wall, and fully 50% of them had dials instead of push buttons. Our home had two phones. One was an old Bakelite black phone from the 1920’s hidden away in the basement. I loved the feeling of it. There was a weight to it that you just couldn’t get during the 1970’s. We also had a “main” phone in the kitchen. It had an extra-long cord. My sister was always “hogging it up”. So one year they bought her a phone for her room. She still spent most of her time on the phone, it’s just that she wasn’t talking in the kitchen all day.
Sunday mornings were very much the same during the 1960s and 1970s. This included the children in PJ’s, the coffee, and the pets. Sunday mornings were stereotypical.(Image Source.)
In the house we wore “house clothes” also known as PJ’s, with a robe. Mother would make sure that there was always a pot of coffee brewing, and us kids would always fight over who would get to read the comics section of the paper first. Of course, our dogs and cats merrily participated in the morning ritual. Picture above is not the ideal, it was the actual.
Global Cooling and the “Green Movement”
We were terrified of the global cooling. Thousands of experts were constantly informing us of the up coming global ice age that would turn Florida into a Siberian wasteland.
In our schools we would go on field trips to clean up the environment. We would go on “collection drives” to collect money for our environment, and we ended up with absolute bushels of money. (Don’t know where it all went, though…) We attended classes on the environment and school rallies to lecture us on the up-coming global cooling that would soon turn the world into a snow cone.
We were terrified!
Every cold day was a sign that the world was plunging into another great ice age. Magazines, the media, and the news all had stories about the coming cold period and the need to raise taxes to save our environment. Experts were paraded on television to teach us the need to raise taxes, and fund more research.
Here’s a selection of some covers from Time Magazine during the 1970’s. The big concern was about “global cooling” and ho that taxes had to be increased to fund studies so as to stop it.
The “Love Canal” fiasco acted as a terrible “kick start” to the “environmental movement”. Americans began to wake up that we had been really abusing our environment. As such, immediate action had to be taken. And thus the government took action in the only way that it knew how…
It set up the EPA, and…
Raised taxes.
Which was the entire purpose of the decade long propaganda push; To [1] increase the size and scope of the government, and [2] to raise more taxes to go to Washington D.C..
“What’s it mean, anyway? Do 97% of #Scientists agree that the climate is changing? Actually, everyone agrees with that – that the Earth’s climate changes over time is why we had an ice age. Well, we had an ice age a long time ago. We did not have one after the #Science people promised an ice age in the 1970s. But shhhh! We’re not supposed to mention that.
Want to know what the proposed solution for the ’70s ice age that never arrived was? Give the liberal elite more money and power. Overpopulation was another big crisis in the ’70s too. It never arrived either. The solution to that was to give the liberal elite more money and power. And when they were warning us about acid rain destroying us in the ’80s? The solution to that crisis was also to give the liberal elite more money and power. The ozone hole? Yep, more of our money and power to the liberal elite. Back in the 1990s, the Al Gores of the world were warning us that we had just 10 years left to save the Earth unless … wait for it … we gave the liberal elite more money and power.
Sense some themes?
Each of these crises all had two things in common. Thing One was that none of these doomsdays ever produced the promised doom. Thing Two was that each was a demand to give the liberal elite more money and power.”
One of the things that I have come to appreciate the most was the family meal that we had when I was growing up as a child. During my early childhood we would hold formal “sit down” meals in the Dining Room. Us children each had our own roles / chores in regards to this. On Sunday we would have the largest and most elaborate meals. Mealtime was the opportunity when we could all talk about our day, our hopes and dreams, and things that interested us.
At the time, I didn’t realize how important it was.
Then, during the 1970’s everything changed. Both of my parents had to work. (You can thank the American Federal Reserve for the decline in the value of the dollar that necessitated the breakup of our families.) A formal family meal was replaced with “help yourself” fix your own meals, out of a pot on the stove, or “make yourself a snack” out of the refrigerator. We would then scrounge something up, and eat it alone watching television.
Communication was via notes on the refrigerator.
Now that I am much older, I can see clearly the value of a family meal as well as a community meal. As such, I now dictatorially enforce an observance of this tradition within my own home.
Fishing with my Father
I will conclude with this little narrative of my experiences in 1971 talking about my father. He used to spend the time and take me and my siblings out to the river to fish. He had a couple of rods and a tackle box that he inherited from his (favorite) uncle. Using it, he taught me how to fish, and how to gut and clean the fish.
While it is a great memory of mine, the best part, and the part that remember most clearly is how he would drive out to the lake or stream, and we would then troop down to the area to fish. He was always on the lookout for isolated and secluded areas to fish in. He yearned for the “perfect spot”. One with deep water and plenty of overhanging limbs and trees that fish can hide in.
Oh, I would go fishing with my friends. They had an assortment of remote cabins, canoes and secret places that always provided us a great deal of pleasure. But, it was the times with my father that mattered the most to me. My friends were always up to something.
I once had a friend who placed plastic sheeting on his garage floor and dumped a dump truck full of soil on it. He, at age 13, had constructed a worm farm, and he somehow had this crazy idea that he would get “filthy rich” selling worms to the local bait and tackle shops. He did actually manage to sell some. I think he might have made $5 or so. Eventually, he gave up the idea and paid some one to haul the dirt away. His dream of instant millions went bust.
I never became an expert at fishing. I was, I guess you could say, an enthusiastic hobbyist. For me, the time with my father fishing were some of the best moments of my life, and moments that I will treasure until I too, will die.
This was just a little narrative that I wrote about what it was like for me in 1971. It’s a far cry from the United States today. The USA today saddens me. Every time I read the news, I get either depressed or angered. There’s not really too much that I can do about the slide into open civil strife that America is plunging towards, all that I can do is take care of myself and think good thoughts.
This includes what it was like growing up as a boy.
Take Aways
Global Cooling was a sham designed to trick Americans into permitting a larger government and giving away more of their money.
There were only four television channels that we American had access to in the early 1970’s.
The family meal is the most important part of having a family. It is important to nurture and cultivate relationships.
Television shows used to focus on American culture instead of bastardized urban minority culture.
My favorite memories of my father was when we were fishing together.
This is how we rolled. We were allowed to experience life in all it’s ugly and beautiful glory. Life is about living.
Posted On Free Republic
This article was posted on Free Republic in the chat section and collected a number of interesting comments. Many of which, I really do need to write about. Particularly what it was like for my sisters at that time, the cars that we drove, and the cultural things going on in society at that time. You can read the comments HERE.
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The MAJestic leadership controls all MAJestic members. However, the organization controls and authorize programs and sub-programs upon the limitations of our understandings.
When we first agreed to work with the <redacted>, we thought of it as a simple technology transfer exercise. However, over time, as we expanded our understandings of the numerous species that we worked with, we began to obtain glimmerings of what we were REALLY working with and involved in.
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There is a lot going on here in my narrative. In order to make sense out of what is going on, I am afraid that we will have to cover some ground and understanding regarding what our reality is.
This is because traveling through a dimensional portal is impossible in a Newtonian reality. It is absolutely, and positively impossible.
We are handicapped by our limited experiences, our knowledge, and our understandings. None of what we know allows for “dimensional doors”, no matter what you call them. That is, unless you make allowances for Magic…
Since most Americans have been “dumbed down” to a serf / peasant level (for reasons of political expediency), it would be very difficult for most to grasp the reality of what I describe. This includes what transpired during my first portal egress. (Not to mention, understanding autonomous MWI egress at will.)
Of course, I could simply launch into a statement of what is going on, and leave it at that. However, that is not in the best interests of this dialog. Our world is populated with people of all sorts of backgrounds, experiences, beliefs, and understandings. To best provide a real understanding of what is going on, some background information must be presented. It need not be complicated, but it does need to be presented.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at what a “dimension” is. For throughout my narrative I repeatedly use the term “dimensional travel”. Obviously what just transpired in the previous posts were perplexing. For me to simply state “oh, it was dimensional travel”, or “I entered a dimensional door”, or “my dimensional reality was altered” would be confusing and inappropriate at this time.
Maybe it would be best if I said that I exited from our reality and went elsewhere.
I exited our reality and went elsewhere.
The Real World
We, as humans, are unable to see the real world. We are unable.
Our physical senses are unable to see the way things really are. Our perception of time is wrong. Our ideas of distance are wrong. What we think about the universe, intelligence, and life are wrong. Our view of life is terribly faulted.
Our view of life is all incorrect.
What we do know, or at least think that we know, is not distributed throughout the population evenly. Terms used by certain people have completely different meanings to other people. This can be from simple English language terms, to scientific understandings. Many times complete and unified understandings are not obtainable.
Consider the word "niggerdly". It means miserly · parsimonious · close-fisted . Yet, there is a sizable proportion of the American population that would consider this to be a racist insult.
Dimensional travel is too complicated for most humans to understand. It is not what you would think, and can be very weird at times. As confusing the “real” world is, can you (the reader) accept how outrageously confusing it would be for a member of the general population?
This can be prevented if we define exactly what we are referring to “up front” in the beginning.
Thus, by using our brains, and by mastering the language of the universe we can begin to gain some basic understandings of it. With this understanding comes innovation and that perhaps someday soon, we will all be able to the see the universe as it really and actually is.
It’s a Quantum Reality
So what is our “reality”?
One theory is that consciousness is created on a quantum, sub-atomic scale through energy which is constantly contained in the universe. The theory is based on Einstein’s famous quote, when he said: “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”Dr David Hamilton said all consciousness is and always has been in the universe through quantum particles, and when you are born, it is channelled into a physical being.-The Express(Pretty crude understanding of our reality. Heh.)
This section discusses what it is in accordance with the latest theories. Mind you, I am not hip and up with the latest theories. I am a layman who follows this subject out of interest. I am more a hobbyist and a “dabbler” rather than an expert. I am (very much) like the railroad engineer who runs the big steam locomotive engines of the 1930’s who reads up in thermodynamics in his spare time.
Look at this beauty. Observe the lines, the enormity of the great complex mechanical monster. Look at how small the workers look around it. Look at the environment. Absorb what it must have been like, the smells, the muggy air, and the hustle and bustle of the people on the platform in the early morning air.
According to the “latest” theories, our universe is composed of small things known as “quanta”.
Quanta is (for our purposes) the smallest “combination” of shapes that form the building blocks” of our universe. Since our universe is our actual reality, quanta is what our reality is made up of. Our reality is one filled with quanta.
Quanta form shapes and patterns that our physical bodies can observe and measure. Thus they define our reality and they help shape our experiences.
Since I discuss the “world” of quanta so frequently, maybe it is time to discuss the realms of where quanta exist. I do not think that it is a sufficient explanation to give to the reader that “quanta are ubiquitous”; that it is everywhere. That is true, but (again) fails to convey true and real meaning. Instead, perhaps we should look at the properties of this fundamental quanta as it pertains to where it disappears to.
Relative to a person living in the physical world, quanta seems to move about. This behaves in strange ways. It reacts with other particles, often unseen, and pops in and out of observed space. What is it doing? Where is it going, and whence did it come from? These are the questions that I try to attempt to answer here.
Well, for starters; quanta is everywhere. Every atom is composed of groups of quanta called particles. So anything made up of atoms is, in turn made up of the “stuff” of atoms; quantum particles. But we cannot perceive it due to the limited nature of our (coarse) senses. It is too small; too tiny to see. We have to infer it’s presence by theory and conclusions through observation of experiments.
Smaller than Quanta
Additionally, the latest theories posit that quanta is made up of even smaller components. These go by different names and concepts. There are those that follow the belief that these smallest components of quanta are mere vibrating “strings”. Others go into various detailed tangents regarding branes and theories regarding it.
The Unseen
Our (scientific) experiments tell us many interesting things; things far to numerous to mention here. But one thing is clear. There is an “unseen” component to the world that we live in. We can see the physical world by our physical senses, but we cannot see the “other” world. Our physical senses are limited. They cannot perceive it. Thus, this lack of perception has caused us to call it the “unseen world”.
The Rice Experiment opened more than a few teenage eyes on how their words and intentions impact their environment. Hopefully, the lesson will translate into their homes and future workplaces. The middle school teens conducted the Rice Experiment. After cooking a pot of rice, they placed a scoop of rice into separate, identical jars and sealed the lids. On the outside of one jar, they wrote “LOVE” while on the other jar they wrote, “HATE.” For the next week, they talked to the jars filling the LOVE jar with kind, loving, compassionate intentions and thoughts. They told the HATE jar it was stupid, ugly, mean and nasty. Then, they watched the results. A year later, these same jars sit on the shelf of our teen room, telling the story of our intentions. The LOVE jar, filled with our divine, loving intentions, remains filled with white fluffy rice. The HATE jar started decomposing right away and quickly turned into a grey, slimy sludge. No kidding. So, how can this occur if there ISN’T an unseen component to our reality?
To “underline” what was just stated; our reality (and our universe) is broken up into two distinct realities. These two realities are “the seen” (by our physical senses, and by extension, our devices and mechanisms), and the “unseen”. The “unseen” elements of our reality are what we cannot sense, and what our devices and mechanisms (as of current contemporaneous science) can not sense.
The universe and our reality is broken down into two distinct parts. They are;
The seen. These are things that we can perceive either by ourselves or with equipment.
The unseen. These are things that we are unable to perceive or sense.
Ah… the frustration!
There are those whose limited mindset permits them from accepting anything that they cannot physically perceive. They do not believe in “X-rays” because they cannot see them. They do not believe in thoughts, memories or ideas. These things are not viewed directly, but rather have to be inferred from, and cause a great deal of consternation in regards to physical communication.
In a like way the concepts of spirits, heaven, and the “unseen” are ridiculed, not because they cannot be seen, but rather that the abstract concepts of them cannot be adequately conveyed to others of a mere physical understanding.
This is a problem, that I believe, stems from the “traditional” understanding of what “heaven” is.
The traditional understanding of what heaven is.
Viewed from this traditional understanding, the prism through which we can view the unseen becomes difficult to conceptualize. In fact, there are many who try to link the traditional so that it is in agreement with modern discoveries and (yes indeed) theories of our existence.
That’s a pretty pointless endeavor.
The Traditional Model
The traditional model handicaps us. Because in that model everything that exists can be seen and viewed by humans as long as they are alive. If you cannot see or perceive it, then it does not exist, and it is part of the “spiritual” realm. Which is, of course, a realm that you can only find out about when you die.
Forget Tradition!
To really understand what our universe is, and to understand what our reality is, one must FORGET the traditional models of what heaven and reality actually is. Throw it all away. Ignore it. It is wrong. It is terribly, and awfully incorrect. Throw it all away!
The only way our physical bodies can resolve the unseen is through the rigors of mathematics. Unless the two people understand the language of mathematics and the physical relationships involved, they will not be able to communicate to each other what they cannot see. This includes quanta and the realms where the quanta disappear.
Indeed, quanta are pervasive in both the physical and the “unseen” worlds. These “unseen worlds” are other elements of the universe that we, as humans, are unable to perceive. The so-called “unseen worlds” are higher energy states of quanta; the states where the vast bulk of quanta exist in. But though thought, as well as reasoning and deductive inference, we can understand the nature of the universe. And, at that we can best understand how things work regarding quanta and the physical world.
In other words, we can reason what the “unseen reality” actually is. We can use mathematics to map out our reasoning strategy.
To this end, let us look at the “other places” that our mathematical language and physical experiments point to.
The other “places”
Let’s consider what these other “places” are. What are they?
The interface between the “Mental” and the “Casual” plane?
Cat Heaven?
A Dimensional Construct?
Indeed, these “other places” go by many names.
Most mathematicians call these places “dimensions”, while spiritualists call these places by various names often referring to “levels of heaven”. To add confusion there are other terms often used in different contexts by different people. This adds a great deal of confusion between people of different communication ability; a scientist would have trouble discussing what heaven is compared to a spiritualist discussing what a dimension actually is. Yet both are actually trying to describe the same thing.
Imagine that!
Let us spend some time discussing the term “dimensions”. It is an often abused term with many such definitions and understandings. Well, I am not a linguist, but I will try to elaborate in what I personally consider to be a “dimension” and its relevance to our subject at hand. I do this in the interests of communication.
There are so many ideas and concepts of what a dimension is, and what a dimensional level is that it all becomes imprecise and useless. Because of this, we need a shared structure; and understanding. We can use mathematics.
Mathematics is the language used to describe what Heaven is
“In five years there will be a thousand Keedoozles throughout the U.S…”
-Clarence Saunders
Let’s begin with what we know of as “conventional science”. As stated earlier, our conventional scientific belief is that everything in the physical universe is made up of very tiny string like forms. This theory or belief is known as “Super-string theory”. This is all part of our scientific need to create or generate an overall guiding Theory of Everything (TOC).
String theory, with all of its difficulties, is by far the most promising route to one of the most long-lasting and ambitious goals of natural science: a complete understanding of the microscopic laws of nature. In particular, it is by far the most promising way to reconcile gravity and quantum mechanics, the most important unsolved problem in fundamental physics. At the moment, it’s a notably incomplete and frustrating theory, but not without genuinely astonishing successes to its credit.
The basic idea is incredibly simple: instead of imagining that elementary particles are really fundamentally pointlike, imagine that they are one-dimensional loops or line segments — strings. Now just take that idea and try to make it consistent with the rules of relativity and quantum mechanics. Once you set off down this road, you are are inevitably led to a remarkably rich structure: extra dimensions, gauge theories, supersymmetry, new extended objects, dualities, holography, and who knows what else...
Most impressively of all, you are led to gravity: one of the modes of a vibrating string corresponds to a massless spin-two particle, whose properties turn out to be that of a graviton. It’s really this feature that separates string theory from any other route to quantum gravity. In other approaches, you generally start with some way of representing curved spacetime and try to quantize it, soon getting more or less stuck. In string theory, you just say the word “strings,” and gravity leaps out at you whether you like it or not.
And, the Theory of Everything…
Since Einstein, physicists have been working on a theory of everything (TOE). Logic dictates that for a true TOE, the TOE must be able to propose from first principles, why conservation of mass-energy and conservation of momentum hold. If these theories cannot, they cannot be TOEs. Unfortunately all existing TOEs have these conservation laws as their starting axioms, and therefore, are not true TOEs. The importance of this requirement is that if we cannot explain why conservation of momentum is true, like Einstein did with LFT, how do we know how to apply this in developing interstellar propulsion engines?
These tiny strings form up into different shapes and configurations. These forms are called quanta. There are specific names for each form; each one pretty cool and interesting.
(Quantum Physics.) The quanta then compile together into groupings or particles.
(Particle Physics.) The particles then amass into even larger physical objects called atoms.
(Chemistry) Atoms are the building blocks of the physical world and they in turn can form into a great variety of elements.
(Mechanics.) These elements can be in different shapes such as solid, liquid or gas, and many other quasi states in-between.
We need not worry ourselves with the physical manifestation of quanta. That is the realm of chemists, and physicists. The realm of the quanta is the domain of quantum physicists; these are the people whom study this curious and interesting subject.
The Universal Language
The language that ties all the physicists and chemists, engineers and scientists together is known as mathematics. Quanta is effected by thought and the relationship between thought and the regions where quanta dwells is the domain of spiritualists and religion. Since everyone speaks a different language in regards to their core specialty, it is understandable that there would be confusion.
Additionally, there are other considerations…
The New Scientist article The Omega Man, by science writer Marcus Chown. As Chown puts it: "Chaitin has shown that there are an infinite number of mathematical facts but, for the most part, they are unrelated to each other and impossible to tie together with unifying theorems."
In other words, mathematically, there is no single, preferred set of fundamental truths.
The mathematics that describes our reality is just one archipelago of self consistent postulates and theorems in a limitless ocean with infinite islands bearing no relationship to ours.
Since physics is described by mathematics, this may imply that what we perceive with microscopes and telescopes and particle accelerators as ordinary physical reality is also but one tiny subset of an infinitely greater reality.
Alternate realities created by other consciousnesses could be equally real yet radically different from ours.
Heaven as a Dimension described by Mathematics
According to the mathematics involved, currently the best theory of our universe is called Super-string theory.
In it, is the very interesting proposal that the universe exists in 10 different dimensions simultaneously. While we like to think in terms of a three dimensional “physical world”, “time”, and a six dimensional “spiritual world”, it is actually much simpler than that. (See elsewhere about my discussions regarding a 10 vs. an 11 dimensional universe.)
There is some very interesting work regarding octonions by way of their deep connections to string theory, M-theory and supergravity. Read about it HERE.
Just because we cannot “see” or sense something with our physical senses does not mean that it does not exist. Indeed, when someone mentions “different dimensions”, we tend to think of things like parallel universes. Which are but alternate realities that exist parallel to our own, but where things work or happened differently than in our universe. (Within my writings I refer to this as “world-line travel” to alternative realities.)
Some similar terms…
Dimensional portal or door
MWI slide
“What if” world
Another “reality”
The mathematics behind this is all complex and way, way above my head. You know, guys, I was just a rider on the MWI. I did not design the equipment, install it or maintain it. I just used it. That being said, there are some interesting developments in regards to the science behind the MWI.
Consider the idea that algebra is not as fixed and a reliable tool as we would like to believe it is…
Much more bizarrely, the octonions are nonassociative, meaning (a × b) × c doesn’t equal a × (b × c). “Nonassociative things are strongly disliked by mathematicians,” said John Baez, a mathematical physicist at the University of California, Riverside, and a leading expert on the octonions.
“Because while it’s very easy to imagine noncommutative situations — putting on shoes then socks is different from socks then shoes — it’s very difficult to think of a nonassociative situation.”
If, instead of putting on socks then shoes, you first put your socks into your shoes, technically you should still then be able to put your feet into both and get the same result. “The parentheses feel artificial.”The octonions’ seemingly unphysical nonassociativity has crippled many physicists’ efforts to exploit them, but Baez explained that their peculiar math has also always been their chief allure.
-The Peculiar Math That Could Underlie the Laws of Nature
Illustrative Fictional Adventures
There have been many great science fiction stories on this theme; some of my favorites include “Job”, and “The cat that could walk through walls” both by Robert Heinlein. In any event, a person who could “travel” from one dimension into another might find themselves in a world where there is no letter “J”, or a world where dinosaurs still exist.
However, the reality of dimensions and how they play a role in the ordering of our Universe is really quite different from this popular characterization.
Job: A Comedy of Justice is a novel by Robert A. Heinlein published in 1984. The title is a reference to the biblical Book of Job and James Branch Cabell's book Jurgen, A Comedy of Justice. It won the Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel in 1985 and was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1984, and the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1985. The story examines religion through the eyes of Alex, a Christian political activist who is corrupted by Margrethe, a Danish Norse cruise ship hostess — and who loves every minute of it. Enduring a shipwreck, an earthquake, and a series of world-changes brought about by Loki (with Jehovah's permission), Alex and Marga work their way from Mexico back to Kansas as dishwasher and waitress.
Quantum theory has some strange implications, one of which is the existence of parallel universes.* If physical reality does bifurcate at every quantum event, creating an infinite number of alternative realities, what happens to consciousness? Does it split as well, implying that twin minds exist in parallel but isolated states? Or does consciousness continue on a single trajectory, thus maintaining the presumed uniqueness of the individual personality? Could consciousness migrate from one trajectory to another, inhabiting perhaps several alternative worlds, or bodies, in the course of its existence? And what are the moral responsibilities of a conscious mind which finds itself in radically different social environments? These questions are important, especially if you are Heinlein’s protagonist Alex, a priggish, religious fundamentalist and racist but who still possesses enough nineteenth century pluck and grit to confront cosmic uncertainty head on.
Whenever they manage to make some stake, an inconveniently timed change into a new alternate reality throws them off their stride (once, the money they earned is left behind in another reality; in another case, the paper money earned in a Mexico which is an empire is worthless in another Mexico which is a republic). These repeated misfortunes, clearly effected by some malevolent entity, make the hero identify with the Biblical Job.
The experience of being thrust from one version of reality to another is a
fact that a fundamentalist interpretation of scripture just doesn’t
cover. Not unless the Christian God is as playfully sadistic as he is
reportedly bloodthirsty. Perhaps the old Norse Loki, the pesky divine
practical joker, is actually behind such apparent irrationality. This is
the god of changing rules; just when you think you know the way the
world works from a moral perspective, Loki pulls the rug out.
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls is a science fiction novel by American writer Robert A. Heinlein, published in 1985. Like many of his later novels, it features Lazarus Long and Jubal Harshaw as supporting characters. Campbell and Novak are rescued by an organization known as the Time Corps under the leadership of Lazarus Long.
After giving Campbell a new leg to replace one lost in combat years before, the Time Corps attempt to recruit Campbell for a special mission. Accepting only on Gwen's account, Campbell agrees to assist a team to retrieve the decommissioned Mike, a sentient computer introduced in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.
Engaged in frequent time-travel, the Time Corps has been responsible for changing various events in the past, creating an alternate universe with every time-line they disrupt. Mike's assistance is needed in order to accurately predict the conditions and following events in each of the new universes created. Campbell's frequent would-be assassins are revealed to be members of contemporary agencies also engaged in time manipulation who, for unknown reasons, do not want to see Mike rescued by the Time Corps.
Let’s break it down into something very simple. Let’s have a look at what our “reality” actually is; To break it down, dimensions are simply the different facets of what we perceive to be reality.
That is it.
Dimensions as Degrees of Perception
We call what we observe facets of the dimensions that surround us. Indeed, we are immediately aware of the three dimensions that surround us on a daily basis – those that define the length, width, and depth of all objects in our universes (the x, y, and z axes, respectively). We see them because our senses can perceive them. (Ah, but are the dimensions actually there?)
Consider something called “shape dynamics.” Its supporters describe it as a new way of looking at gravity, although it could end up being quite a bit more than that. It appears to give a radical new picture of space and time. It could even alter our view of what’s “real” in the universe.
Einstein, who tackled gravity in his masterpiece, general relativity—a theory that’s just celebrated its 100th anniversary. Back in 1915, Einstein showed how gravity and geometry were linked, that what we imagine as the “force” of gravity can be thought of as a curvature in space and time. Ten years earlier, Einstein had shaken things up by showing that space and time are relative: What we measure with our clocks and yardsticks depends on the relative motion of us and the object being measured. But even though space and time are relative in Einstein’s theory, scale remains absolute. A mouse and elephant can roam the cosmos, but if the elephant is bigger somewhere, it’s bigger everywhere. The elephant is “really” bigger than the mouse.
In shape dynamics, though, size is relative, but the shape of objects becomes a real, objective quality. From the shape dynamics perspective, we’d say that we can only be sure that the elephant is bigger than the mouse if they’re right next to each other, and we’re there too, with our yardstick. Should either beast stray from our location, we can no longer be certain of their true sizes. Whenever they reunite, we can once again measure their relative sizes; that ratio won’t change—but again, we can only perform the measurement if we’re all next to one another. Shape, unlike size, doesn’t suffer from such uncertainty.
This suggests that “size” isn’t real in any absolute sense; it’s not an objective quantity. With shape dynamics, we’re taking this very simple idea and trying to push it as far as we can. And what we realized is that you can have relativity of scale and reproduce a theory of gravity which is equivalent to Einstein’s theory—but you have to abandon the notion of relative time.
Beyond these three visible dimensions, scientists believe that there may many more.
In fact, the theoretical framework of Super-string Theory posits that the universe exists in ten different dimensions. (There is still some argument about 10 vs. 11 dimensions.) These different aspects are what govern the universe, the fundamental forces of nature, and all the elementary particles contained within.
What I want to do is discuss these “invisible” dimensions in the context and framework of our subject at hand. They are invisible to us because our senses cannot perceive them.
Two Realities exist for Humans
So, to keep things simple and clear; there are but two realities experienced by humans. There is a “seen” dimension, and there is an “unseen” dimension. Our relationships between the “seen” and the “unseen” is governed by the limitations of our physical bodies as human with individualized soul constructs.
I have covered why this is the case in sufficient detail here;
I have covered this ψ-ontic / ψ-epistemic duality in THIS POST HERE. I break down that the reality that we exist in is a construct. This construct lies within a much more expansive universe. However, we cannot modify it because there is a threshold that consciousness cannot approach.
There are various solutions to this problem.
The Solutions
What way can we best understand how dimensions (and dimensional constructs) behave within our universe? We aren’t exactly sure, as we are still exploring this avenue of thought.
As such, we then can use that understanding to modify them and travel in and about them. Here are some ideas currently being bantered about…
The extra dimensions are compactified on a very small scale.
We may live on a 3-dimensional sub-manifold corresponding to a brane.
Loop Quantum Gravity. Maybe it’s made up of finite, quantized entities.
Asymptotic safety, might explain why dimensional observation is limited.
Causal Dynamical Triangulations suggests that space is discrete.
Entropic gravity, a model where gravity is not a fundamental force.
Let’s review them briefly, shall we…
1-Compactified as a Calabi-Yau manifold
The extra dimensions are compactified on a very small scale. If the extra dimensions are compactified, then the extra six dimensions must be in the form of a Calabi–Yau manifold. While imperceptible as far as our senses are concerned, they would have governed the formation of the universe from the very beginning.
Fine, but, why so physically small?
2-A 3-Dimensional sub-manifold as a brane
Our world may live on a 3-dimensional sub-manifold corresponding to a brane, on which all known particles besides gravity would be restricted (aka. brane theory).
3-Loop Quantum Gravity
Loop Quantum Gravity. LQG. Maybe space acts like a fabric, but perhaps it’s made up of finite, quantized entities. And perhaps it’s woven out of “loops,” which is where the theory gets it name from. Weave these loops together and you get a spin network, which represents a quantum state of the gravitational field. In this picture, not just the matter itself but space itself is quantized. Thus our dimensional experiences are limited by our perceptions of quantized space.
4-Asymptotic SafetyAsymptotic safety, might be a way to explain why dimensional observation is limited. Progress has been made, most notably by Christof Wetterich, who had two groundbreakingpapers in the 1990s. More recently, Wetterich used asymptotic safety to calculate a prediction for the mass of the Higgs boson before the LHC found it. He was absolutely correct!
5-Causal Dynamical Triangulations
Causal Dynamical Triangulations. This idea, CDT, is one of the newer theories that are being discussed. It was first developed in 2000 by Renate Loll and expanded on by others since. It’s similar to LQG in that space itself is discrete, but is primarily concerned with how that space itself evolves.
One interesting property of this idea is that time must be discrete as well! As an interesting feature, it gives us a 4-dimensional space-time (not even something put in a priori, but something that the theory gives us) at the present time, but at very, very high energies and small distances (like the Planck scale), it displays a 2-dimensional structure.
It’s based on a mathematical structure called a simplex, which is a multi-dimensional analogue of a triangle.
6-Emergent gravity
Emergent gravity. And finally, we come to what's probably the most speculative, recent of the quantum gravity possibilities. Emergent gravity only gained prominence in 2009, when Erik Verlinde proposed entropic gravity, a model where gravity was not a fundamental force, but rather emerged as a phenomenon linked to entropy.
In fact, the seeds of emergent gravity go back to the discoverer of the conditions for generating a matter-antimatter asymmetry, Andrei Sakharov, who proposed the concept back in 1967. This research is still in its infancy, but as far as developments in the last 5–10 years go, it’s hard to ask for more than this.
So let us begin with what we know about these perceptible and imperceptible realms. Or more accurately, what I know about reality and build up “backwards” to help the reader best understand how everything fits together.
Heaven as I Understand It
What everyone seems to think “Heaven” is, is the sum totality of what there is. It is all and everything. Including this blog post and you.
Heaven is also graduated. It possesses different regions and areas. Each region or area have different concentrations of quanta. They form different densities. Some of which are very dense with one type of quanta, and others are dense with other combinations of quanta. It is a complex “soup” or “stew” of quanta that pop in and out and move about all under the influence of other “influences” (I will discuss these later.).
Consider "Heaven" to be everything. It includes the physical universe and the unseen "Heavens" often referred to in religious writings. It is a place where everything is composed of the smallest building blocks or components possible - quanta.
Within this realm, are clumps and arrangements of quanta. The quanta naturally starts to entangle with other quanta. They form arrangements, and dance about in certain ways. Over time, they get larger and more complex. They form things. They precipitate into simpler, slower and coarser things such as physical rocks, dust and energy.
On many websites, and books, the concentration of the “Big Bang” theory always revolves around the formation of the physical universe. It rarely discusses the formation of the unseen universe, and the components of branes, strings, and quanta.
Eventually, some of the quanta form into constructions that obtain sentience. The groups of quanta with sentience are called "souls".
The souls realize that the way that they can grow and advance is to organize their quanta. There is only one problem. Quanta can only organize through entanglements. They need to entangle with other quanta.
The way entanglements work is through association, or better yet, experiences.
Our Bubble of Reality
So, in order to obtain these experience, the soul creates a bubble within Heaven.
It is an environment where the soul can obtain experiences. These “bubbles” are regions that can best be defined as a construction. They are constructed regions manufactured by a given soul to obtain experiences within. These regions are unique and custom for a given consciousness.
A soul exists within “Heaven”. It creates a “bubble” and places a physical body within this bubble. This body experiences the bubble as “reality”. That is what our reality actually is. In the picture above, we see a particular soul, soul A creates an construct. This is a bubble of reality. That reality consists of a physical person surrounded by a physical and a non-physical reality that is determined by the senses of the physical person so constructed.
A soul would connect to this bubble of reality via a “tube” or an interface. We call that interface as “consciousness”. Souls can have multiple consciousnesses but only one consciousness may occupy a given reality at a time.
A bubble of reality consists of four set “dimensions”. Three spacial dimensions and one of entropy; time.
The "passage of time" is simply our reality bubble changing by our thoughts. Additionally, other nearby bubbles also move about and change. They can influence our bubble as well.
The control over this bubble of reality is quite possible. That is because our reality changes with our thoughts. Each thought changes it.
Thoughts of the consciousness within the reality can alter the reality. Thoughts can make or break the experiences of the consciousness. As such the soul can learn from the consciousness and it’s decision making process. This is of course, through manipulation of the three dimensions plus the “dimension” of time.
Consciousness experience events within the reality. As such they generate thoughts. The thoughts alter and create the reality that the consciousness exists within. As such, the consciousness obtains experiences and learns from them.
A really basic diagram of the general organization of “Human” Heaven. Each individual soul constructs a “reality”. It them provides a conduit to the biological presence within that reality. This conduit is known as “consciousness”. Note that no two consciousnesses share the same reality. However, there can be influences in the non-physical reality aspects.
“Seen” dimensions typically are referred to as the physical world. While “unseen” dimensions are referred to as various levels or dimensions of Heaven.
But, what exactly is heaven?
Please refer to the image above. How “heaven” is organized. (above). This diagram if a simplistic version of what a human “heaven” looks like. Let’s suppose you (the reader) is sitting down in your house reading this manuscript. That figure is the icon of the blue person shown by (B). You exist within this “bubble” or reality also shown by (R1). This “reality” includes the chair you sit in, the television show that you are watching, and the coffee beside you.
Extending beyond your (physical) reality is your “extended” (non-physical) reality (R2) which consists of your thoughts, memories and everything associated with it (also known as the “quantum cloud”).
Your thoughts regarding what you are now reading are moving about in this (R2) reality. This area contains not only thought, but emotion and other generated “influences” (far too complex to discuss at this time).
However, you have a soul (A) that is part of who you are. This soul only partially occupies your reality. In fact, it spends the vast bulk of it’s time outside of your “reality”. You know it exists, but you are unaware of it’s “day to day” experiences, challenges and behaviors.
Your soul can create numerous “realities” with numerous “individuals” (of which YOU are but one of the people that your soul creates) occupying those realities. This can occur at different times and at different locations. However, for now, let’s keep it simple and suppose your soul has created only one “realty” (R1) and (R2) for one person (B), you the reader.
Now, let’s suppose that you are married to another person that is part of your life. (A pretty common situation.)
That person would be represented by (C) which is but a “quantum shadow” of another person. It is not the ACTUAL person. It only seems that way. (Though in your reality, that person is just as real as anything else in your reality.)
What you see is their world-line version of where they married you and share your reality. It is not an actual reality (from their point of view, but rather the world-line version of them). (Your quantum-shadow spouse is but one version of a near infinite number of world-line variations of that particular person.)
That person (D) is actually living within their own “reality “just like you are. They may or may not see a quantum shadow of you. It is all determined by their version of reality. This of course is determined by their soul (E).
What is of most interest here is how their thoughts affect your reality (R1 & R2). While we all have our own “bubble” or reality that we live and exist within, our reality is constantly in flux by the thoughts of others (G). We view these effects as the “passage of time”.
A really basic diagram of the general organization of “Human” Heaven. Each individual soul constructs a “reality”. It them provides a conduit to the biological presence within that reality. This conduit is known as “consciousness”. Note that no two consciousnesses share the same reality. However, there can be influences in the non-physical reality aspects.
The influence of the quantum-shadow of those nearest to us absolutely shape and mold the realities that we participate in. We can alter their influence by having “strong personalities”, or trying to isolate ourselves from others. However, the more we do so, the less likely we are to learn lessons and have experiences. It is the overlap of thought influences that create the experiences that we learn from.
Both your (A) soul and your spouse’s soul (E) exist within a heaven (F).
Your soul’s can work out different “realities” or “adventures” for both of you to share to obtain experiences.
A given consciousness with interact with the quantum shadows of other consciousnesses. Together they share experiences. The experiences can be good or bad, but they ultimately help align quanta so that a soul can grow and learn. Thus, it is very important that a given consciousness get the BEST experiences while it is part of a given reality.
The idea, of course, is to obtain experiences and configure the quantum clouds associated with the constructed realities that the soul utilizes. As soul grows and configures itself, it can “improve” and evolve. Hopefully towards an approved soul archetype and sentience.
In the movie “What dreams may come” a Hollywood version of what Heaven might look like is provided. It’s a nice image. However, Heaven can be anything or nothing depending on the thoughts of the soul. Our sentience creates the type of Heavenly realm that our soul inhabits. Which is WHY it is important for humans to have a single defined sentience; one that does not disrupt the sentience’s of other species. In other words, an approved sentience and physical archetype.
As it improves and grows, the vast bulk of it’s quantum configuration dwells at different energy states. Each different energy state has a different place in heaven (F). Two are indicated by (J) and (I).
To prevent confusion, I would suggest that the reader consider “reality” as the first three dimensions, plus “time” as the fourth dimension.
I would then suggest that the fifth dimension, as world-line swapping (alteration of the “reality” “bubble”). This is very easy to visualize by using the above-mentioned model. For to understand what is happening in this case, the “quantum shadows” within your reality are being rearranged.
Fifth-dimensional travel as world-line travel.
In “world-line” travel, all that is taking place is that the “quantum shadows” are being rearranged within one’s “bubble” of “reality”. This is fifth-dimensional travel. In the example above, Fifth-dimensional travel as world-line travel.
Quantum shadow (C) changes to fit the new revised “realty”. (It is now a yellow person instead of a red person.) We, as a participant within our reality look upon these changes as “world-line” travel.
From this point of view, it should be clear. That obtaining world-line dimensional travel is actually accessing our own soul and requesting it to alter our reality to fit our needs, while at the same time keeping the educational lessons that we are to obtain the same or better. This can be accomplished through certain techniques. In my case, we utilized a biological artifice to bend reality (within the confines of my experience structure).
So, in all actuality, there isn’t really any kind of “travel” at all. What is actually happening is the “reality” construct changes in accordance with the wants and needs of the soul.
If a given person, within a “reality” bubble wants to change his “world-line” he would be able to do so with the proper technology. However the changed “world-line” that manifests would be one that would either have the same and equal types of experiences for the soul, or that it would be one that would have more or “better” experiences.
There are even more interesting nuanced versions of “world-line” travel at the “higher” dimensional values. However, for our purposes, let’s keep it simple. I would then suggest anything above the fifth dimension as the realm of “heaven”.
Soul Summary
In summary, then the reader must recognize that the architect of our reality is our own soul. Our reality is a fabricated construct for the purposes of obtaining experiences, and learning so that the quanta (generated by thoughts) migrate into different forms. These different forms result in the shape of our soul. As such, different souls have different energy and positional states within heaven.
Souls in heaven. (With individual realities shown.).
Multiple Dimensions Visualized
The reader might find it helpful to imagine multiple dimensions though a video or short movie. These products exist on the Internet. Some of the better ones include the following.
Now, the reader should not be confused, I am not an expert on this. All that I am is a traveler who utilized the MWI for MAJestic purposes. This video helped me personally better understand what transpired through my experiences.
Imagining the Tenth Dimension – Rob Bryanton (Introductory.)
Well, there are those who completely disagree with this theory and the belief in multiple dimensions and world-line travel.
I believe in the MWI because I was part of MAJestic and I participated in it. So it was easy for me to believe. Others are not so easy to convince. Trust me, I went through some pretty convincing MWI slides let me tell you the reader. Do you want to read about my "training"? Go here...
Here’s another couple of videos…
TEDxBoulder – Thad Roberts – Visualizing Eleven Dimensions (Pretty darn good precisely as he covers the actual “reality” of what space actually is.)
Imagining 10 Dimensions – the Movie (It takes the first video and goes into multiple world-line theory. Worth the viewing time.)
The First, Second and Third Dimensions
Let us begin with a talk about the known and observed world; the physical.
This is the reality that we can perceive, and that we think all other biological creatures can also perceive. It is this realm that almost all the known science and engineering feats of the last century were built upon.
The first dimension, as already noted, is that which gives it length (aka. the x-axis). A good description of a one-dimensional object is a straight line, which exists only in terms of length and has no other discernible qualities. Pretty boring. Indeed. But, add to it a second dimension, the y-axis (or height), and you get an object that becomes a 2-dimensional shape (like a square). Now things get interesting. For we can have art, and pictures and blueprints. The third dimension adds breath and scope. It is the “z” axis of our observable universe. These three dimensions are what describe 3D space; or 3D movies, or 3D CAD software. It is nothing less than what we can experience with our senses.
How we thought it worked…
While this sounds so simple, in truth the mathematics of it can be quite formidable.
At the time when I was involved in MAJestic, we were “pretty sure” that the dimensions that we observed (the 3D world) were but a hologram. This idea, the universe as a hologram, was first proposed in the 1990’s by physicists Dr. Gerard ‘t Hooft and Dr. Leonard Susskind as a way to solve a fundamental inconsistency between quantum physics and general relativity.
At the time, research showed that the holographic principle held in theoretical worlds (The anti-de Sitter spaces.). But, the scientists were pretty baffled, because evidence suggesting that it holds under the conditions found in our own universe had been limited. The issue then was validation of the principles proposed in flat space-time.
At the time of this writing, easily over ten years since I left MAJestic active duty, physicists used two theories of flat space-time to calculate a physical measure known as “entanglement entropy.”
The term describes the amount of entanglement in a quantum system. This is where particles are linked and exert influence on each other across a distance; “entanglement”.
Thus, if quantum gravity in a flat space allows for a holographic description by a standard quantum theory, then there must by physical quantities, which can be calculated in both theories.
The reader need not get too hung up on terms and phrases. Terms can be confusing. This is most common when new terms and phases are introduced “rapid fire” with little utility or context to initiate familiarity. Entropy is just a way of measuring a characteristic or property of something. In this usage, it refers to just how many quanta are entangled.
Indeed, they found that the value of the entanglement entropy in both theories was the same, which means it is possible the holographic principle does actually apply to our universe and by extension, our universe could be holographic. If so, then it is bound by the controls established by the other dimensional levels; “Heaven”.
So, let’s look at what Heaven actually is. For the purposes herein, let us consider Heaven to be all the other dimensions described by mathematics outside of the first three dimensions. Further, let us be rather simple, and refer to all the dimensions of heaven either as “dimensions” or as “levels”.
These are my conventions only, and the reader is free to utilize their own as they desire.
The Fourth Dimension
While the third dimension involves depth (the z-axis), and gives all objects a sense of area and a cross-section. (The perfect example of this is a cube, which exists in three dimensions and has a length, width, depth, and hence volume.) Many people think that that is where dimensional space ends.
That is not true.
For indeed, beyond these three lie the seven dimensions which are not immediately apparent to us, but which can be still be perceived as having a direct effect on the universe and reality as we know it.
Many scientists believe that the fourth dimension is time, which governs the properties of all known matter at any given point. (I am one such person who does not associate or believe that “time” is a dimension.) Along with the three other dimensions, knowing an objects position in time is essential to plotting its position in the universe.
The other dimensions are where the deeper possibilities come into play, and explaining their interaction with the others is where things get particularly tricky for physicists.
Time is a tricky subject.
It should not exist mathematically, but it is perceived to exist by our physical bodies. Our extraterrestrial friends tell us that time is not what we think it is, and we should be very careful using this term correctly. They describe it as a non-critical aspect of the equations of reality that “cancels out” in utility.
The reader can consider this fourth dimension as “time” or as “volume”. What ever it is, it is a fundamental part of the reality that we experience.
For reasons of simplicity, let’s just consider the fourth dimension as something rather simple. The fourth dimension is a barrier that wraps up all the other dimensions together. (I know it’s a cop-out, but that is how I deal with it on a personal level.)
The Fifth Dimension
“You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch.”― Edgar D. Mitchell
According to Superstring Theory, the fifth and sixth dimensions are where the notion of possible “Heavenly” worlds arises.
If we could see on through to the fifth dimension, we would see a world “slightly” different from our own that would give us a means of measuring the similarity and differences between our world and other possible ones.
This is where all those great “what if”, and alternate reality science fiction stories come from. (But that is not really true, those are fanciful fictional adventures. The reality is similar but quite different in all functionality.)
The fifth and six dimensions are NOT where those of the “new age” movements would refer to this as the astral or other “planes” of existence. Those are the NON-PHYSICAL realms that are associated with the physical reality. The astral, casual, and other planes described in various Eastern religions are the “non seen” realms associated with our physical (seen) reality. They have three dimensions plus time / volume. They are NOT elements of the fifth, sixth, or higher “dimensions”.
In this fifth dimensional existence and energy state one can “travel” or become immersed into the concepts of “alternative worlds” quite easily. As it is a universe of probability and alternatives.
Fundamentally, at the fundamental or base level it is a place of higher energy quanta. (A first level or gateway towards variations of discrete quantum behavior. This is where they apparently appear to pop in and out of existence. But that is only from our particular view point.)
Paradise can be found here. All we need to do is get a strong hold on our feelings; our emotions, and our thoughts. If we cannot, we are like a sheet in the midst of a terrible hurricane.
The reader should recognize that this is the world of “alternate universes” such as described in the movie trilogy “back to the Future”, or in the books by Robert Heinlein, “The cat that could walk through walls”, “The number of the beast” and “Job”.
The Number of the Beast is a science fiction novel by American writer Robert A. Heinlein, published in 1980. The first (paperback) edition featured a cover and interior illustrations by Richard M. Powers.
Here four individuals travel in a modified air car named Gay Deceiver, which is equipped with the professor's "continua" device and armed by the Australian Defense Force.
The continua device was built by Professor Burroughs while he was formulating his theories on n-dimensional non-euclidean geometry.
The geometry of the novel's universe contains six dimensions; the three spatial dimensions known to the real world, and three time dimensions - t, the real world's temporal dimension, τ (tau), and т (teh).
The continua device can travel on all six axes. The continua device allows travel into various fictional universes, such as the Land of Oz, as well as through time.
Fifth Dimension Travel Limitations
The fifth dimension is only accessible by creatures with a “Service to others” sentience. (And their resulting soul configurations.) For us humans to access these dimensions we would need to utilize mechanisms as described earlier, or in my case, entangle with an extraterrestrial with a multi-dimensional soul configuration.
As far as I know, ONLY service-to-others sentience can access world-line travel using the techniques that I am aware of.
That is because “service-to-self” sentience’s spawn a different type of world-line. Yes, they can travel, but the nature of the worlds so created are too addictive to the traveler. They tend to be snared inside their own creations. They find it impossible to leave.
MAJestic Access to Fifth Dimensional Travel
The dimensional portal as described elsewhere was a fifth-dimension portal.
MAJestic utilizes this portal as a transport mechanism. It takes the individual to certain destinations. These destinations, while they are on different “world-lines”, are all very similar to the egress “world-line”. As such this method can be used for apparent geolocation travel, apparent time travel, and (of course) used to take the members and agents to safe and secure “world-lines” where MAJestic and extraterrestrial benefactors are located.
Who needs a rocket ship when you can just walk through a portal?
This type of portal egress can only function properly if the person is of a set defined sentience. That sentience is “Service for others”.
Were a service-to-self person were to pass through the portal, they would end up in an environment that would not match that by with the MAJestic organization had created. They would enter and disappear (relative to MAJestic leadership).
What the individual would experience would be anyone’s guess.
Dimensional travel can be perilous if one is not absolutely certain of their sentience and how their thoughts work. Improper programming could result in destination realities (world-lines) that differ substantially from one’s initial intention.
However, I would dare say that it would not fit the programming of the portal. To lie on the form. To lie to the commander, and to have an intention other than what the benefactors would provide would be quite lethal to the traveler. Not only to the physical body, but the soul consciousness as well.
I assume it would be lethal. Maybe it wouldn't. Maybe all that would happen is that they enter a reality that does not match what the gate was programmed for and does not align with their thoughts. Maybe they would enter a really messed up world-line. Some ideas of what they might end up in, for shits and giggles, could be...
A world-line that is perfection. A service-for-self person might find themselves on a world-line where they live a very satisfying and perfect life. One, so amazing and so tantalizing, that they would never desire to leave it. Maybe a little like the Ray Bradbury story "Here there be Tygers".
A world-line that is dominated by Service-to-self individuals. They might find themselves as a slave in a harem or a drone-worker under very primitive conditions. Here they would not be the "top dog boss", but rather on the other side of the spectrum. They might end up living a very terrible life with no way out of it.
They might damage their consciousness, or their soul. We exist within this reality for a purpose. To try to thwart our purpose could have dangerous consequences for the uninitiated. How about a terrible reincarnation cycle that might last centuries? Or perhaps, a long sequence of reincarnated lives as a cripple, a mental retard, or some other hardship. It could be horrible.
They might find themselves materializing as something other than a human.Maybe they egress as a monkey or a goat. Or maybe they egress to a world-line where they are invisible, or very, very sick.
They might find themselves in a world-line without hands or feet. Such as what was portrayed in the movie "The Butterfly Effect".
It is absolutely critical that when you surf the MWI and slide into other world-lines that you are honest with your intent. You cannot lie and act under deceptive concepts and expect your destination reality to be conserved. It doesn’t work that way. Which is one of the reasons why MAJestic members all have one sentience and not a mixture of other sentience’s.
The “Fifth Dimension” Summary
Is the realm of “what if” worlds or alternative World-lines.
With the proper technology, travel in the fifth dimension is possible. (World-Line travel.)
Certain soul archetypes naturally have this ability to travel within the fifth dimension.
The human mind can meditate and “touch” this reality, but will not experience it without soul permissions.
Our inherent “soul permissions” limit our travel to four dimensions obviously, however we can control fifth dimensional reality by mental discipline. In fact, we can control the migration of our reality by thought (fifth dimensional ability).
MAJestic uses fixed technology for fifth-dimensional travel. This is both geographic, temporal, and of course world-line variant.
The Sixth Dimension
Only creatures with minds tuned to higher dimensions can understand them.
“Who is more real? Homer or Ulysses? Shakespeare or Hamlet? Burroughs or Tarzan?”― Robert A. Heinlein, The Number of the Beast
As in many of his later works, Heinlein refers to the idea of solipsism, but in this book develops it into an idea he called “World as Myth”. This is the idea that universes are created by the act of imagining them. Which is pretty much the way it actually works. Thus in his later writings, all fictional worlds are in fact real and all real worlds are figments of fictional figures’ fancy. This is why Heinlein uses the Ouroboros symbology in later works like The Cat Who Walks Through Walls. This also plays into the ideology of “Thou Art God” from Heinlein’s earlier work Stranger In A Strange Land.
Different animals have different minds and different understandings.
In the sixth dimension, we would see a plane of all the possible worlds, where we could compare and position all the possible universes that start with the same initial conditions as this one (i.e. the Big Bang).
In this plane of all possible universes, everything is possible. The fictional worlds that you have read about and watched can be just as real as your today is.
Scene is from the movie “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow”. By effectively using dimensional travel, you can visit all kinds of alternative worlds. Some much like the one that you currently inhabit, and other wildly different.
Indeed, in theory, if you could master the fifth and sixth dimension, you could travel back in time or go to different futures. Thus lending support to the idea that time does not really exist, but is rather a mathematical construct that controls the entropic states of the lower three dimensions.
I have often wondered what it is about cats and Buddha…
Those in the “new age” movement might refer to this as the “higher” planes of existence.
Such as “casual”, the “mental”, and “spiritual” planes. (But actually, all of the spiritual names and concepts for this dimensional existence are but simplistic terms and definitions for a complex behavior of groups of arranged quanta.)
For our purposes, in regards to “Heaven”, these are “higher energy states” that are reachable given proper training and the right quantum makeup. Never the less they are nothing more than the “unseen” reality of our current “seen” physical reality. They are NOT elements of dimensions higher than the 4th dimension.
Access to dimensional states; the “higher” levels of Heaven is determined by one’s sentience.
“Service to others” sentience permits travel to higher states of heaven.
“Service to self” sentience” is very limiting and does not permit travel to these higher levels. Typically, a “Service to self” sentience is limited to this dimensional heaven and would be unable to advance further.
Some special soul configurations such as the <redacted> possess a unique sentience. I refer to this sentience as a “Stilted Service to self” sentience. It provides the illusion of higher order excursions, but does not actually grant this ability. It is all an illusion.
In the quantum world, the residences or “planes” or existence for the soul; “Heaven” exist in these dimensions. Most interactions with quanta and quantum level devices occur in this dimensional construct. (And it is an actual construct. These constructs are generated by the powers of group thought.)
Why do cats find Buddha so comfortable?
The “sixth dimension” Summary
Can be considered to be what many consider to be “Heaven”.
Is the realm of the various “levels” and planes of existence that humans recognize.
Is the realm of all possible world-lines, and all possible time-lines, and all possible layers of “heaven”.
This is an infinite number of alternate world-lines, time-lines, and Heavens.
Mastery of six dimensional travel is possible with certain soul configurations.
Some earth creatures have this ability, and we as humans are unaware of this fact.
Personally, I like to think that sixth dimensional travel in one where you can visit all the possible alternative world-lines AT ANY TIME along their time progression.
I don’t know how accurate this thought is, but it would be possible in that it would involve porting of Heavenly abilities. As such, the most amazing world-lines would be possible.
World-lines of the most extreme limits of possibility (and improbability) are possible in 6th dimensional travel. Consider this realm to be one where every movie ever conceived, including comics and cartoons, and book stories have a reality where they exist. Here, you craziest thoughts, dreams, and (of course) nightmares can and does exist.
Ah. Some creatures are capable of living within a sixth dimensional reality due to the nature of their souls. They live in peace even though their situation might be far from it. We as humans do not give this any concern, nor do we even consider it. Yet it is a reality.
The Seventh Dimension
Consider a universe that transcends physical laws (rules) and the template of our reality.
In this reality, there are “new” or “different” physical laws.
In the seventh dimension, you have access to the possible worlds that start with different initial conditions. Whereas in the fifth and sixth, the initial conditions were the same and subsequent actions were different, here, everything is different from the very beginning of time.
This is a scene from the movie titled “The Never ending story”. At this level of control the universe can become a very, very different place with different rules and different physical laws.
It is extremely difficult to visualize this kind of reality. Think of this as everything in the universe from the Big bang to every possible future; all of which is accessible by the observer at any given moment.
However, this need not be so strange. Elsewhere, I refer to this dimension from a more practical aspect; that of “shadow world-lines” spawned off of a soul’s primary (world-line).
The “seventh dimension”;
Is an infinite number of “six dimensional” states.
This includes all versions of reality that seem to violate known physical laws, the universe, and everything that we know and could possible conceive of. Up to the sixth dimension, all the physical laws of reality was established and fixed.
The human brain has been identified to work into the seventh dimensional space.
This includes other “Heavens”. In the seventh dimension one could travel between a “Human Heaven”, a “Canine Heaven”, a “Feline Heaven”, and a “<redacted> Heaven” etc.
This is a reality where intelligent pencils can give birth to erasers. This is a reality where water can talk to the person who drinks it. This is a reality where dreams transform into physical events.
In this dimension anything can happen. Anything.
The Eighth and Higher Dimensions
It only get’s stranger. (Is that even possible?)
The eighth dimension again gives us a plane of such possible universe histories, each of which begins with different initial conditions and branches out infinitely (hence why they are called infinities). This is infinitely larger than the seventh dimension. For every alternate world is possible here.
When you can control eight or more dimensional realities, everything can be changed and altered. You end up having the ability to mix and match realities to do your bidding. You become the master of your domain.
It is difficult for humans to conceive. For our purposes here, let’s just agree that humans are incapable of understanding these higher dimensions simply because our brain is only capable of seventh dimensional operation. Anything higher in order is beyond our comprehension.
+ + +
The creation of these world-line universes is a function of thought.
They are the direct and absolute consequence of thoughts and ideas, and thus the necessity of nurturing such thoughts are manifest. Indeed, instead of reciting the bland, we must awaken our imaginations.
Here is a movie screen shot from either “Our man flint”, or “In like flint”. These are both comedies from the 1960’s that were a parody of the ever popular 007 James Bond franchise. When you can control your life at the higher dimensions, you can control your reality to an unbelievable extent. Your life can be anything. From a sexy swinging playboy top-secret agent to anything your hearts desire. It’s all up to you. Your wildest fantasies can come alive within your reality.
Let me close with a quote pertaining to the destruction of a magnificent library so that a more contemporaneous and “modern” one can take it’s place. What a sad, sad loss;
“Yet when the doors closed forever … and wise heads declared that Old Main would never be missed, they were wrong. Because here we are, wishing we had somewhere like this to let our imaginations run wild.”-John Fleischman, author of Free & Public, along with commentary from Messy Nessy.
My personal role within MAJestic involved dimensional anchoring the various aspects of the MWI. I do not understand the technologies involved, I only know what I experienced. This is my best guess and understanding on how I believe the system works. I pulled this all out of my head, and I have no clue as to whether it is accurate or not. I only know that this is how I personally feel and believe everything works.
It is presented for the reader for your enjoyment and consideration.
Take Aways
To understand dimensional travel, you must first understand how the universe is set up.
Once, you understand that there are bubbles of reality, and each one is custom for use by a given consciousness, a person can alter their reality utilizing technology.
Soul will permit consciousness alteration of reality provided that it will result in the proper experiences and quantum entanglements.
Simple and slight modifications of the MWI happen every day. It is a world of intention and prayer.
More complex modifications require either [1] technology, or [2] “piggy backing” on to an entity with this ability.
There are various “levels” of dimensional travel, but functionally, I only know what I have personally experienced.
Q: If you had the ability to surf the MWI, as you said, why aren’t you living as a rich king in a palace or enormous mansion?
A: Prior to my retirement I did what I was instructed. I ended up in all kinds of different worlds. Some were so very disturbing. During my retirement at ADC Pine Bluff, I was able to retire to a world-line that would be deserving of my own personality. So, I ended up here.
It’s a little under a 5% deviance from my final MWI slide.
This is a pretty BIG deviance. Over the years, the MWI slides vacillated a few percentages over and around. Large deviance’s became rare. So, once the anchoring role was completed, I was permitted to have a deviation that was suitable for me personally.
World-line deviance variation over time.
Initially, I was really, really shocked when I entered this world-line.
This world-line is really nothing at all like the ones that I was working towards. This world line is shocking. The American government is so very corrupt, a negro non-American was elected president, NASA was being dismantled, taxes were about double of what I was used to paying and I was earning less, instead of the United States being in a singular war in Africa, we were involved in eight wars simultaneously, and American girls were terribly, terribly, terribly fat and ugly.
The average American woman now wears a size 20W. This is certainly celebrated in many American websites and posts as avoidance of “fat shaming”. Personally, I think it is disgusting and alarming.
That’s not all. There were no space planes, instead the space shuttle was shut down and we were using Russian spacecraft to get the space-station! It wasn’t even called “The Freedom Space station”, it was called the international space station. Industry was nearly completely off-shored, and most Americans “in the heartland” were unemployed, on opioids, and living off welfare.
Public drinking, smoking, and sleeping was not only banned, but against the law. However, marijuana was pretty much legal. Children were getting arresting for selling lemonade, football games had changed into negro hate-whitey race rallies, and most malls no longer existed. You need to wear a protective helmet and protection to ride a simple bicycle, and coffee cost $5 a cup!
The DHS is well armed with military grade vehicles, and armor. They are trained to fight on American soil. The Obama administration has been setting up the stages for an armed conflict of Americans against Americans.
To me, this world-line is a absolute fiasco. However, this world-line (by other previous enabled actions) permitted me to migrate to an area that better fit my own ideas of perfection. Honestly, America is completely and positively different from what I have been exposed to. Put yourself into my shoes. Imagine living life and lifestyle along the lines of what it was around 1975, and then find yourself suddenly thrown into modern America under President Obama.
It’s one heck of a big shock.
So when I arrived, I just had to get out. For the rest of my fellow Americans, they are just the frog sitting into the boiling water. However, for me, I was suddenly placed in the water alive while it was vigorously boiling. Yikes! This was not what I thought my final egress destination would be.
However, things fell into place. My final destination was not modern contemporaneous America as I assumed. My final destination was modern contemporaneous communist China.
So here I am in friggin’ communist China.
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Fools think that more money creates a wonderful life. There are many other aspects of life that define your own personal comfort within your world line. It includes where you live, what you do, your personal satisfaction, your spouse, your lifestyle, how your spouse looks, your pets, your hobbies, and the respect that you get from others.
Seriously, I don’t know about you, the reader, but I do not think that I would be happy in a place where I couldn’t drink beer in a restaurant with my dog and smoke a cigarette. This is a personal freedom that I am accustomed to enjoying. Then I suddenly find myself in an America where even this most basic of freedoms, no longer exists! Come on!
I ended up here where I can live my life in peace and happiness.
What is paradise to one person, could very well be a living Hell to another.
It’s all about trade offs. There is no way that I could retire to a world-line that had everything that I wanted without any trade offs. Remember, you do not learn to appreciate rain until you lived in the desert. That is absolutely true no matter where your MWI slides to. This reality must be one where my soul can organize quanta to my advantage.
All in all, I am pretty happy with my retirement. It’s far better than any of my contemporaries. No, I am not rich. Not in the least. But, I have a really nice and relaxing life. I am surrounded by happy, sunny and attractive people. I eat very well, and am happy. So, I think that my life is just fine, thank you.
My life is really, really different than the people that I left behind in the United States. I really like it.
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Q: How were you able to surf the MWI?
A: Initially, I used a fixed portal. This required the implantation of two “kits” of specialized probes in my skull, and special training.
This first portal egress took me to a <redacted> medical facility where a different set of probes were implanted. These other probes, the EBP, enabled me to be entangled in real-time with <redacted> that had a natural ability to surf the MWI.
Q: What if what you think is wrong?
A: It could be. I am often wrong and I have made a lot of mistakes in my past. For instance, I was swindled numerous times. I made some pretty terrible decisions, and once was audited by the IRS. Certainly, I am far from perfect.
If there is but one thing that you, the reader, can learn from this it is very simple. YOU are in control of YOUR reality. Your thoughts change your reality. So you must carefully card what you think about.
You have to be careful about you think about.
Honestly, if you need to, stop reading the news. If you get angry reading the news, then you must stop reading it. The mainstream media no longer REPORTS on NEWS. they are a propaganda device used to manipulate you. For you to live a great life, you need to stop being manipulated.
For you to live a great life, you need to stop being manipulated.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
This story was written right after World War II by Ray Bradbury, and presented here under Article 22 of China’s Copyright Law.
“Kaleidoscope” is a science fiction short story by Ray Bradbury. It describes the last few moments of a space ship crew that survives a terrible explosion in space.
Ray Bradbury is one of my personal heroes and his writings greatly influenced me in ways that I am only just now beginning to understand.
For years I had amassed a well worn, and dusty collection of Ray Bradbury paperbacks that I would pick up and read for pleasure and inspiration. Later, when I left the United States, and moved to China, I had to leave my treasured books behind. Sigh.
It is very difficult to come across Ray Bradbury books in China. When ever I find one, I certainly snatch it up. Cost is no object when it comes to these masterpieces. At one time, I must have had five books containing this story.
I have found this version of the story “Kaleidoscope” on the “Scary for Kids” website, and I have copied it here exactly as found. Credit to the wonderful people at the “Scary for Kids” website for posting it where a smuck like myself can read it within China. And, of course, credit to the great master; Ray Bradbury for providing this work of art for our inspiration and pleasure.
Full Text
Here is the full text of the masterpiece. I will let the reader read it and enjoy it themselves.
Kaleidoscope by Ray Bradbury
The first concussion cut the rocket up the side with a giant can opener. The men were thrown into space like a dozen wriggling silverfish. They were scattered into a dark sea; and the ship, in a million pieces, went on, a meteor swarm seeking a lost sun.
“Barkley, Barkley, where are you?”
The sound of voices calling like lost children on a cold night
“Woode, Woode!”
“Hollis, Hollis, this is Stone.”
“Stone, this is Hollis. Where are you?”
“I don’t know. How can I? Which way is up? I’m falling. Good God, I’m falling.”
They fell. They fell as pebbles fall down wells. They were scattered as jackstones are scattered from a gigantic throw. And now instead of men there were only voices-all kinds of voices, disembodied and impassioned, in varying degrees of terror and resignation.
“We’re going away from each other.”
This was true. Hollis, swinging head over heels, knew this was true. He knew it with a vague acceptance. They were parting to go their separate ways, and nothing could bring them back. They were wearing their sealed-tight space suits with the glass tubes over their pale faces, but they hadn’t had time to lock on their force units. With them they could be small lifeboats in space, saving themselves, saving others, collecting together, finding each other until they were an island of men with some plan. But without the force units snapped to their shoulders they were meteors, senseless, each going to a separate and irrevocable fate.
A period of perhaps ten minutes elapsed while the first terror died and a metallic calm took its place. Space began to weave its strange voices in and out, on a great dark loom, crossing, recrossing, making a final pattern.
“Stone to Hollis. How long can we talk by phone?”
“It depends on how fast you’re going your way and I’m going mine.”
“An hour, I make it.”
“That should do it,” said Hollis, abstracted and quiet.
“What happened?” said Hollis a minute later.
“The rocket blew up, that’s all. Rockets do blow up.”
“Which way are you going?”
“It looks like I’ll hit the moon.”
“It’s Earth for me. Back to old Mother Earth at ten thousand miles per hour. I’ll burn like a match.” Hollis thought of it with a queer abstraction of mind. He seemed to be removed from his body, watching it fall down and down through space, as objective as he had been in regard to the first falling snowflakes of a winter season long gone.
The others were silent, thinking of the destiny that had brought them to this, falling, falling, and nothing they could do to change it. Even the captain was quiet, for there was no command or plan he knew that could put things back together again.
“Oh, it’s a long way down. Oh, if s a long way down, a long, long, long way down,” said a voice. “I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, if s a long way down.”
“Who’s that?”
“I don’t know.”
“Stimson, I think. Stimson, is that you?”
“It’s a long, long way and I don’t like it. Oh, God, I don’t like it.”
“Stimson, this is Hollis. Stimson, you hear me?”
A pause while they fell separate from one another.
“Yes.” He replied at last.
“Stimson, take it easy; we’re all in the same fix.”
“I don’t want to be here. I want to be somewhere else.”
“There’s a chance we’ll be found.”
“I must be, I must be,” said Stimson. “I don’t believe this; I don’t believe any of this is happening.”
“It’ s a bad dream,” said someone.
“Shut up!” said Hollis.
“Come and make me,” said the voice. It was Applegate. He laughed easily, with a similar objectivity. “Come and shut me up.”
Hollis for the first time felt the impossibility of his position. A great anger filled him, for he wanted more than anything at this moment to be able to do something to Applegate. He had wanted for many years to do something and now it was too late. Applegate was only a telephonic voice.
Falling, falling, falling…
Now, as if they had discovered the horror, two of the men began to scream. In a nightmare Hollis saw one of them float by, very near, screaming and screaming.
“Stop it!” The man was almost at his fingertips, screaming insanely. He would never stop. He would go on screaming for a million miles, as long as he was in radio range, disturbing all of them, making it impossible for them to talk to one another.
Hollis reached out. It was best this way. He made the extra effort and touched the man. He grasped the man’s ankle and pulled himself up along the body until he reached the head. The man screamed and clawed frantically, like a drowning swimmer. The screaming filled the universe.
One way or the other, thought Hollis. The moon or Earth or meteors will kill him, so why not now?
He smashed the man’s glass mask with his iron fist. The screaming stopped. He pushed off from the body and let it spin away on its own course, falling.
Falling, falling down space Hollis and the rest of them went in the long, endless dropping and whirling of silence.
“Hollis, you still there?”
Hollis did not speak, but felt the rush of heat in his face.
“This is Applegate again.”
“All right, Applegate.”
“Let’s talk. We haven’t anything else to do.”
The captain cut in. “That’s enough of that. We’ve got to figure a way out of this.”
“Captain, why don’t you shut up?” said Applegate.
“You heard me, Captain. Don’t pull your rank on me, you’re ten thousand miles away by now, and let’s s not kid ourselves. As Stimson puts it, it’s a long way down.”
“See here, Applegate!”
“Can it. This is a mutiny of one. I haven’t a damn thing to lose. Your ship was a bad ship and you were a bad captain and I hope you break when you hit the Moon.”
“I’m ordering you to stop!”
“Go on, order me again.” Applegate smiled across ten thousand miles. The captain was silent. Applegate continued, “Where were we, Hollis? Oh yes, I remember. I hate you too. But you know that. You’ve known it for a long time.”
Hollis clenched his fists, helplessly.
“I want to tell you something,” said Applegate. “Make you happy. I was the one who blackballed you with the Rocket Company five years ago.”
A meteor flashed by. Hollis looked down and his left hand was gone. Blood spurted. Suddenly there was no air in his suit He had enough air in his lungs to move his right hand over and twist a knob at his left elbow, tightening the joint and sealing the leak. It had happened so quickly that he was not surprised. Nothing surprised him any more. The air in the suit came back to normal in an instant now that the leak was sealed. And the blood that had flowed so swiftly was pressured as he fastened the knob yet tighter, until it made a tourniquet.
All of this took place in a terrible silence on his part. And the other men chatted. That one man, Lespere, went on and on with his talk about his wife on Mars, his wife on Venus, his wife on Jupiter, his money, his wondrous times, his drunkenness, his gambling, his happiness. On and on, while they all fell. Lespere reminisced on the past, happy, while he fell to his death.
It was so very odd. Space, thousands of miles of space, and these voices vibrating in the center of it. No one visible at all, and only the radio waves quivering and trying to quicken other men into emotion.
“Are you angry, Hollis?”
“No.” And he was not. The abstraction has returned and he was a thing of dull concrete, forever falling nowhere.
“You wanted to get to the top all your life, Hollis. You always wondered what happened. I put the black mark on you just before I was tossed out myself.”
“That isn’t important,” said Hollis. And it was not. It was gone. When life is over it is like a flicker of bright film, an instant on the screen, all of its prejudices and passions condensed and illumined for an instant on space, and before you could cry out, “There was a happy day, there a bad one, there an evil face, there a good one,” the film burned to a cinder, the screen went dark.
From this outer edge of his life, looking back, there was only one remorse, and that was only that he wished to go on living. Did all dying people feel this way, as if they had never lived? Did life seem that short, indeed, over and done before you took a breath? Did it seem this abrupt and impossible to everyone, or only to himself, here, now, with a few hours left to him for thought and deliberation?
One of the other men, Lespere, was talking. “Well, I had me a good time: I had a wife on Mars, Venus, and Jupiter. Each of them had money and treated me swell. I got drunk and once I gambled away twenty thousand dollars.”
But you’re here now, thought Hollis. I didn’t have any of those things. When I was living I was jealous of you, Lespere; when I had another day ahead of me I envied you your women and your good times. Women frightened me and I went into space, always wanting them and jealous of you for having them, and money, and as much happiness as you could have in your own wild way. But now, falling here, with everything over, I’m not jealous of you any more, because if s over for you as it is for me, and right now if s like it never was. Hollis craned his face forward and shouted into the telephone. “If s all over, Lespere!”
“If s just as if it never was, Lespere!”
“Who’s that?” Lespere’s faltering voice.
“This is Hollis.”
He was being mean. He felt the meanness, the senseless meanness of dying. Applegate had hurt him; now he wanted to hurt another. Applegate and space had both wounded him.
“You’re out here, Lespere. If s all over. It’s just as if it had never happened, isn’t it?”
“When anything’s over, it’s just like it never happened. Where’s your life any better than mine, now? Now is what counts. Is it any better? Is it?”
“Yes, it’s better!”
“Because I got my thoughts, I remember!” cried Lespere, far away, indignant, holding his memories to his chest with both hands.
And he was right. With a feeling of cold water rushing through his head and body, Hollis knew he was right. There were differences between memories and dreams. He had only dreams of things he had wanted to do, while Lespere had memories of things done and accomplished. And this knowledge began to pull Hollis apart, with a slow, quivering precision.
“What good does it do you?” he cried to Lespere. “Now? When a thing’s over it’s not good any more. You’re no better off than I.”
“I’m resting easy,” said Lespere. “I’ve had my turn. I’m not getting mean at the end, like you.”
“Mean?” Hollis turned the word on his tongue. He had never been mean, as long as he could remember, in his life. He had never dared to be mean. He must have saved it all of these years for such a time as this. “Mean.” He rolled the word into the back of his mind. He felt tears start into his eyes and roll down his face. Someone must have heard his gasping voice.
‘Take it easy, Hollis.”
It was, of course, ridiculous. Only a minute before he had been giving advice to others, to Stimson; he had felt a braveness which he had thought to be the genuine thing, and now he knew that it had been nothing but shock and the objectivity possible in shock. Now he was trying to pack a lifetime of suppressed emotion into an interval of minutes.
“I know how you feel, Hollis,” said Lespere, now twenty thousand miles away, his voice fading. “I don’t take it personally.”
But aren’t we equal? he wondered. Lespere and I? Here, now? If a thing’s over, if s done, and what good is it? You die anyway. But he knew he was rationalizing, for it was like trying to tell the difference between a live man and a corpse. There was a spark in one, and not in the other – an aura, a mysterious element.
So it was with Lespere and himself; Lespere had lived a good full life, and it made him a different man now, and he, Hollis, had been as good as dead for many years. They came to death by separate paths and, in all likelihood, if there were lands of death, their kinds would be as different as night from day. The quality of death, like that of life, must be of an infinite variety, and if one has already died once, then what was there to look for in dying for good and all, as he was now?
It was a second later that he discovered his right foot was cut sheer away. It almost made him laugh. The air was gone from his suit again. He bent quickly, and there was blood, and the meteor had taken flesh and suit away to the ankle. Oh, death in space was most humorous. It cut you away, piece by piece, like a black and invisible butcher. He tightened the valve at the knee, his head whirling into pain, fighting to remain aware, and with the valve tightened, the blood retained, the air kept, he straightened op and went on falling, falling, for that was all there was left to do.
Hollis nodded sleepily, tired of waiting for death.
“This is Applegate again,” said the voice.
‘I’ve had time to think. I listened to you. This isn’t good. It makes us bad. This is a bad way to die. It brings all the bile out. You listening, Hollis?”
“I lied. A minute ago. I lied. I didn’t blackball you. I don’t know why I said that. Guess I wanted to hurt you. You seemed the one to hurt. We’ve always fought Guess I’m getting old fast and repenting fast I guess listening to you be mean made me ashamed. Whatever the reason, I want you to know I was an idiot too. There’s not an ounce of truth in what I said. To hell with you.”
Hollis felt his heart begin to work again. It seemed as if it hadn’t worked for five minutes, but now all of his limbs began to take color and warmth. The shock was over, and the successive shocks of anger and terror and loneliness were passing. He felt like a man emerging from a cold shower in the morning, ready for breakfast and a new day.
“Thanks, Applegate.”
“Don’t mention it. Up your nose, you bastard.”
“Hey,” said Stone.
“What?” Hollis called across space; for Stone, of all of them, was a good friend.
“I’ve got myself into a meteor swarm, some little asteroids.”
“I think it’s the Myrmidone cluster that goes out past Mars and in toward Earth once every five years. I’m right in the middle. If s like a big kaleidoscope. You get all kinds of colors and shapes and sizes. God, if s beautiful, all that metal.”
“I’m going with them,” said Stone. “They’re taking me off with them. I’ll be damned.” He laughed.
Hollis looked to see, but saw nothing. There were only the great diamonds and sapphires and emerald mists and velvet inks of space, with God’s voice mingling among the crystal fires. There was a kind of wonder and imagination in the thought of Stone going off in the meteor swarm, out past Mars for years and coming in toward Earth every five years, passing in and out of the planet’s ken for the next million centuries. Stone and the Myrmidone cluster eternal and unending, shifting and shaping like the kaleidoscope colors when you were a child and held the long tube to the sun and gave it a twirl.
“So long, Hollis.” Stone’s voice, very faint now. “So long.”
“Good luck,” shouted Hollis across thirty thousand miles.
“Don’t be funny,” said Stone, and was gone.
The stars closed in.
Now all the voices were fading, each on his own trajectory, some to Mars, others into farthest space. And Hollis himself… He looked down. He, of all the others, was going back to Earth alone.
“So long.”
“Take it easy.”
“So long, Hollis.” That was Applegate.
The many good-bys. The short farewells. And now the great loose brain was disintegrating. The components of the brain which had worked so beautifully and efficiently in the skull case of the rocket ship firing through space were dying one by one; the meaning of their life together was falling apart. And as a body dies when the brain ceases functioning, so the spirit of the ship and their long time together and what they meant to one another was dying. Applegate was now no more than a finger blown from the parent body, no longer to be despised and worked against. The brain was exploded, and the senseless, useless fragments of it were far scattered. The voices faded and now all of space was silent. Hollis was alone, falling.
They were all alone. Their voices had died like echoes of the words of God spoken and vibrating in the starred deep. There went the captain to the Moon; there Stone with the meteor swarm; there Stimson; there Applegate toward Pluto; there Smith and Turner and Underwood and all the rest, the shards of the kaleidoscope that had formed a thinking pattern for so long, hurled apart.
And I? thought Hollis. What can I do? Is there anything I can do now to make up for a terrible and empty life? If only I could do one good thing to make up for the meanness I collected all these years and didn’t even know was in me! But there’s no one here but myself, and how can you do good all alone? You can’t. Tomorrow night I’ll hit Earth s atmosphere.
I’ll burn, he thought, and be scattered in ashes all over the continental lands. I’ll be put to use. Just a little bit, but ashes are ashes and they’ll add to the land.
He fell swiftly, like a bullet, like a pebble, like an iron weight, objective, objective all of the time now, not sad or happy or anything, but only wishing he could do a good thing now that everything was gone, a good thing for just himself to know about.
When I hit the atmosphere, I’ll burn like a meteor.
“I wonder,” he said, “if anyone’ll see me?”
The small boy on the country road looked up and screamed. “Look, Mom, look! A falling star!”
The blazing white star fell down the sky of dusk in Illinois. “Make a wish,” said his mother. “Make a wish.”
I really enjoyed this story. It’s a little sad when we know that people have died in space and that space is really very unforgiving. If the reader enjoyed this story, then I would suggest reading “The cold equations”.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
This story was written right after World War II by Ray Bradbury, and presented here under Article 22 of China’s Copyright Law.
“The Rocket” is a Science fiction short story (initially published under the name “Outcast of the Stars”) by American writer Ray Bradbury. It is also included in The Illustrated Man, a collection of short stories by Ray Bradbury.
Ray Bradbury is one of my personal heroes and his writings greatly influenced me in ways that I am only just now beginning to understand.
When Ray started out, the field of science fiction lacked respectability, to say the least. It was the province of the pulps: magazines printed on cheap paper, with lurid covers designed to catch the attention of immature boys.
He was often dismissed, if not outright ridiculed, by mainstream writers, but quickly learned to ignore his critics. If they didn’t think rockets and dinosaurs were suitable subjects for literature, to hell with them.
Ray loved that stuff, along with Martians and witches and things that go bump in the night, so that’s what he wrote about. His unique imagination was harnessed within vivid, lyrical prose, and after the publication of The Martian Chronicles in 1950, the literary elite were forced to acknowledge a striking new talent.
As Ray’s stories became more widely published and read, they fueled the imaginations of millions of young people over several generations, many of whom went on to cite his influence as a major reason they became scientists and engineers.
His stories practically shouted that it wasn’t just okay to dream of rockets and space travel, it was wonderful, mythic, imperative—the highest accomplishment the human race could aspire to.
-The Space Review's tribute to Ray Bradbury
I will ride up into space, into the stars…someday.
“There was this fence where we pressed our faces and felt the wind turn warm and held to the fence and forgot who we were or where we came from but dreamed of who we might be and where we might go…”R is for Rocket
Ray Bradbury
For years I had amassed a well worn, and dusty collection of Ray Bradbury paperbacks that I would pick up and read for pleasure and inspiration. Later, when I left the United States, and moved to China, I had to leave my treasured books behind. Sigh.
A small collection of well worn, well read and well appreciated Ray Bradberry books. My collection looked a little something like this, only I think the books were a little more worn, and a little yellower.
It is very difficult to come across Ray Bradberry books in China. When ever I find one, I certainly snatch it up. Cost is no object when it comes to these masterpieces. At one time, I must have had five books containing this story.
I have found this version of the story “The Rocket” on the Ray Bradbury library portal in Russia, and I have copied it here exactly as found. Credit to the wonderful people at the Ray Bradbury Library for posting it where a smuck like myself can read it within China. And, of course, credit to the great master; Ray Bradbury for providing this work of art for our inspiration and pleasure.
Full Text
Here is the full text of the masterpiece. I will let the reader read it and enjoy it.
The Rocket by Ray Bradbury
Many nights Fiorello Bodoni would awaken to hear the rockets sighing in the dark sky. He would tiptoe from bed, certain that his kind wife was dreaming, to let himself out into the night air. For a few moments he would be free of the smells of old food in the small house by the river. For a silent moment he would let his heart soar alone into space, following the rockets.
Now, this very night, he stood half naked in the darkness, watching the fire fountains murmuring in the air. The rockets on their long wild way to Mars and Saturn and Venus!
"Well, well, Bodoni."
Bodoni started.
On a milk crate, by the silent river, sat an old man who also watched the rockets through the midnight hush.
"Oh, it's you, Bramante!"
"Do you come out every night, Bodoni?"
"Only for the air."
"So? I prefer the rockets myself," said old Bramante. "I was a boy when they started. Eighty years ago, and I've never been on one yet."
"I will ride up in one someday," said Bodoni.
"Fool!" cried Bramante. "You'll never go. This is a rich man's world." He shook his gray head, remembering. "When I was young they wrote it in fiery letters: THE WORLD OF THE FUTURE! Science, Comfort, and New Things for All! Ha! Eighty years. The Future becomes Now! Do we fly rockets'? No! We live in shacks like our ancestors before us."
"Perhaps my sons -" said Bodoni.
"No, nor their sons!" the old man shouted. "It's the rich who have dreams and rockets!"
Bodoni hesitated. "Old man, I've saved three thousand dollars. It took me six years to save it. For my business, to invest in machinery. But every night for a month now I've been awake. I hear the rockets. I think. And tonight I've made up my mind. One of us will fly to Mars!" His eyes were shining and dark.
"Idiot," snapped Bramante. "How will you choose? Who will go? If you go, your wife will hate you, for you will be just a bit nearer God, in spare. When you tell your amazing trip to her, over the years, won't bitterness gnaw at her?"
"No, no!"
"Yes! And your children? Will their lives be filled with the memory of Papa, who flew to Mars while they stayed here? What a senseless task you will set your boys. They will think of the rocket all their lives. They will lie awake. They will be sick with wanting it. Just as you are sick now. They will want to die if they cannot go. Don't set that goal, I warn you. Let them be content with being poor. Turn their eyes down to their hands and to your junk yard, not up to the stars."
"But -"
"Suppose your wife went? How would you feel, knowing she had seen and you had not? She would become holy. You would think of throwing her in the river. No, Bodoni, buy a new wrecking machine, which you need, and pull your dreams apart with it, and smash them to pieces."
The old man subsided, gazing at the river in which, drowned, images of rockets burned down the sky.
"Good night," said Bodoni.
"Sleep well," said the other.
When the toast jumped from its silver box, Bodoni almost screamed. The night had been sleepless. Among his nervous children, beside his mountainous wife, Bodoni had twisted and stared at nothing. Bramante was right. Better to invest the money. Why save it when only one of the family could ride the rocket, while the others remained to melt in frustration?
"Fiorello, eat your toast," said his wife, Maria.
"My throat is shriveled," said Bodoni.
The children rushed in, the three boys fighting over a toy rocket, the two girls carrying dolls which duplicated the inhabitants of Mars, Venus, and Neptune, green mannequins with three yellow eyes and twelve fingers.
"I saw the Venus rocket!" cried Paolo.
"It took off, whoosh!" hissed Antonello.
"Children!" shouted Bodoni, hands to his ears.
They stared at him. He seldom shouted.
Bodoni arose. "Listen, all of you," he said. "I have enough money to take one of us on the Mars rocket."
Everyone yelled.
"You understand?" he asked. "Only one of us. Who?"
"Me, me, me!" cried the children.
"You," said Maria.
"You," said Bodoni to her.
They all fell silent.
The children reconsidered. "Let Lorenzo go - he's oldest."
"Let Miriamne go - she's a girl!"
"Think what you would see," said Bodoni's wife to him. But her eyes were strange. Her voice shook. "The meteors, like fish. The universe. The Moon. Someone should go who could tell it well on returning. You have a way with words."
"Nonsense. So have you," he objected.
Everyone trembled.
"Here," said Bodoni unhappily. From a broom he broke straws of various lengths. "The short straw wins." He held out his tight fist. "Choose."
Solemnly each took his turn.
"Long straw."
"Long straw."
"Long straw."
The children finished. The room was quiet. Two straws remained. Bodoni felt his heart ache in him.
"Now," he whispered. "Maria."
She drew.
"The short straw," she said.
"Ah," sighed Lorenzo, half happy, half sad. "Mama goes to Mars."
Bodoni tried to smile. "Congratulations. I will buy your ticket today."
"Wait, Fiorello -"
"You can leave next week," he murmured.
She saw the sad eyes of her children upon her, with the smiles beneath their straight, large noses. She returned the straw slowly to her husband. "I cannot go to Mars."
"But why not?"
"I will be busy with another child."
She would not look at him. "It wouldn't do for me to travel in my condition."
He took her elbow. "Is this the truth?"
"Draw again. Start over."
"Why didn't you tell me before?" he said incredulously.
"I didn't remember."
"Maria, Maria," he whispered, patting her face. He turned to the children. "Draw again."
Paolo immediately drew the short straw.
"I go to Mars!" He danced wildly. "Thank you, Father!"
The other children edged away. "That's swell, Paolo."
Paolo stopped smiling to examine his parents and his brothers and sisters. "I can go, can't I?" he asked uncertainly.
"And you'll like me when I come back?"
"Of course."
Paolo studied the precious broomstraw on his trembling hand and shook his head. He threw it away. "I forgot. School starts. I can't go. Draw again."
But none would draw. A full sadness lay on them.
"None of us will go," said Lorenzo.
"That's best," said Maria.
"Bramante was right," said Bodoni.
With his breakfast curdled within him, Fiorello Bodoni worked in his junk yard, ripping metal, melting it, pouring out usable ingots. His equipment flaked apart; competition had kept him on the insane edge of poverty for twenty years. It was a very bad morning.
In the afternoon a man entered the junk yard and called up to Bodoni on his wrecking machine. "Hey, Bodoni, I got some metal for you!"
"What is it, Mr. Mathews?" asked Bodoni, listlessly.
"A rocket ship. What's wrong? Don't you want it?"
"Yes, yes!" He seized the man's arm, and stopped, bewildered.
"Of course," said Mathews, "it's only a mockup. You know. When they plan a rocket they build a full-scale model first, of aluminum. You might make a small profit boiling her down. Let you have her for two thousand -"
Bodoni dropped his hand. "I haven't the money."
"Sorry. Thought I'd help you. Last time we talked you said how everyone outbid you on junk. Thought I'd slip this to you on the q.t. Well -"
"I need new equipment. I saved money for that."
"I understand."
"If I bought your rocket, I wouldn't even be able to melt it down. My aluminum furnace broke down last week -"
"I couldn't possibly use the rocket if I bought it from you."
"I know."
Bodoni hunked and shut his eyes. He opened them and looked at Mr. Mathews. "But I am a great fool. I will take my money from the bank and give it to you."
"But if you can't melt the rocket down -"
"Deliver it," said Bodoni.
"All right, if you say so. Tonight?"
"Tonight," said Bodoni, "would be fine. Yes, I would like to have a rocket ship tonight."
There was a moon. The rocket was white and big in the junk yard. It held the whiteness of the moon and the blueness of the stars. Bodoni looked at it and loved all of it. He wanted to pet it and lie against it, pressing it with his cheek, telling it all the secret wants of his heart.
He stared up at it. "You are all mine," he said. "Even if you never move or spit fire, and just sit there and rust for fifty years, you are mine."
The rocket smelled of time and distance. It was like walking into a clock. It was finished with Swiss delicacy. One might wear it on one's watch fob. "I might even sleep here tonight," Bodoni whispered excitedly.
He sat in the pilot's seat.
He touched a lever.
He hummed in his shut mouth, his eyes closed.
The humming grew louder, louder, higher, higher, wilder, stranger, more exhilarating, trembling in him and leaning him forward and pulling him and the ship in a roaring silence and in a kind of metal screaming, while his fists flew over the controls, and his shut eyes quivered, and the sound grew and grew until it was a fire, a strength, a lifting and a pushing of power that threatened to tear him in half. He gasped. He hummed again and again, and did not stop, for it could not be stopped, it could only go on, his eyes tighter, his heart furious. "Taking off!" he screamed. The jolting concussion! The thunder! "The Moon!" he cried, eyes blind, tight. "The meteors!" The silent rush in volcanic light. "Mars. Oh, God, Mars! Mars!"
He fell back, exhausted and panting. His shaking hands came loose of the controls and his head tilted back wildly. He sat for a long time, breathing out and in, his heart slowing.
Slowly, slowly, he opened his eyes.
The junk yard was still there.
He sat motionless. He looked at the heaped piles of metal for a minute, his eyes never leaving them. Then, leaping up, he kicked the levers. "Take off, damn you!"
The ship was silent.
"I'll show you!" he cried.
Out in the night air, stumbling, he started the fierce motor of his terrible wrecking machine and advanced upon the rocket. He maneuvered the massive weights into the moonlit sky. He readied his trembling hands to plunge the weights, to smash, to rip apart this insolently false dream, this silly thing for which he had paid his money, which would not move, which would not do his bidding. "I'll teach you!" he shouted.
But his hand stayed.
The silver rocket lay in the light of the moon. And beyond the rocket stood the yellow lights of his home, a block away, burning warmly. He heard the family radio playing some distant music. He sat for half an hour considering the rocket and the house lights, and his eyes narrowed and grew wide. He stepped down from the wrecking machine and began to walk, and as he walked he began to laugh, and when he reached the back door of his house he took a deep breath and called, "Maria, Maria, start packing. We're going to Mars!"
"I can't believe it!"
"You will, you will."
The children balanced in the windy yard, under the glowing rocket, not touching it yet. They started to cry.
Maria looked at her husband. "What have you done?" she said. "Taken our money for this? It will never fly."
"It will fly," he said, looking at it.
"Rocket ships cost millions. Have you millions?"
"It will fly," he repeated steadily. "Now, go to the house, all of you. I have phone calls to make, work to do. Tomorrow we leave! Tell no one, understand? It is a secret."
The children edged off from the rocket, stumbling. He saw their small, feverish faces in the house windows, far away.
Maria had not moved. "You have ruined us," she said. "Our money used for this - this thing. When it should have been spent on equipment."
"You will see," he said.
Without a word she turned away.
"God help me," he whispered, and started to work.
Through the midnight hours trucks arrived, packages were delivered, and Bodoni, smiling, exhausted his bank account. With blowtorch and metal stripping he assaulted the rocket, added, took away, worked fiery magics and secret insults upon it. He bolted nine ancient automobile motors into the rocket's empty engine room. Then he welded the engine room shut, so none could see his hidden labor.
At dawn he entered the kitchen. "Maria," he said, "I'm ready for breakfast."
She would not speak to him.
At sunset he called to the children. "We're ready! Come on!" The house was silent.
"I've locked them in the closet," said Maria.
"What do you mean?" he demanded.
"You'll be killed in that rocket," she said. "What kind of rocket can you buy for two thousand dollars? A bad one!"
"Listen to me, Maria."
"It will blow up. Anyway, you are no pilot."
"Nevertheless, I can fly this ship. I have fixed it."
"You have gone mad," she said.
"Where is the key to the closet?"
"I have it here."
He put out his hand. "Give it to me."
She banded it to him. "You will kill them."
"No, no."
"Yes, you will. I feel it."
He stood before her. "You won't come along?"
"I'll stay here," she said.
"You will understand; you will see then," he said, and smiled. He unlocked the closet. "Come, children. Follow your father."
"Good-bye, good-bye, Mama!"
She stayed in the kitchen window, looking out at them, very straight and silent.
At the door of the rocket the father said, "Children, we will be gone a week. You must come back to school, and I to my business." He took each of their hands in turn. "Listen. This rocket is very old and will fly only one more journey. It will not fly again. This will be the one trip of your life. Keep your eyes wide."
"Yes, Papa."
"Listen, keep your ears clean. Smell the smells of a rocket. Feel. Remember. So when you return you will talk of it all the rest of your lives."
"Yes, Papa."
The ship was quiet as a stopped clock. The airlock hissed shut behind them. He strapped them all, like tiny mummies, into rubber hammocks. "Ready?" he called.
"Ready!" all replied.
"Take-off!" He jerked ten switches. The rocket thundered and leaped. The children danced in their hammocks, screaming.
"Here comes the Moon!"
The moon dreamed by. Meteors broke into fireworks. Time flowed away in a serpentine of gas. The children shouted. Released from their hammocks, hours later, they peered from the ports. "There's Earth!" "There's Mars!"
The rocket dropped pink petals of fire while the hour dials spun; the child eyes dropped shut. At last they hung like drunken moths in their cocoon hammocks.
"Good," whispered Bodoni, alone.
He tiptoed from the control room to stand for a long moment, fearful, at the airlock door.
He pressed a button. The airlock door swung wide. He stepped out. Into space? Into inky tides of meteor and gaseous torch? Into swift mileages and infinite dimensions?
No. Bodoni smiled.
All about the quivering rocket lay the junk yard. Rusting, unchanged, there stood the padlocked junk-yard gate, the little silent house by the river, the kitchen window lighted, and the river going down to the same sea. And in the center of the junk yard, manufacturing a magic dream, lay the quivering, purring rocket. Shaking and roaring, bouncing the netted children like flies in a web.
Maria stood in the kitchen window.
He waved to her and smiled.
He could not see if she waved or not. A small wave, perhaps. A small smile.
The sun was rising.
Bodoni withdrew hastily into the rocket. Silence. All still slept. He breathed easily. Tying himself into a hammock, he closed his eyes. To himself he prayed. Oh, let nothing happen to the illusion in the next six days. Let all of space come and go, and red Mars come up under our ship, and the moons of Mars, and let there be no flaws in the color film. Let there be three dimensions; let nothing go wrong with the hidden mirrors and screens that mold the fine illusion. Let time pass without crisis.
He awoke.
Red Mars floated near the rocket.
"Papa!" The children thrashed to be free.
Bodoni looked and saw red Mars and it was good and there was no flaw in it and he was very happy.
At sunset on the seventh day the rocket stopped shuddering.
"We are home," said Bodoni.
They walked across the junk yard from the open door of the rocket, their blood singing, their faces glowing.
"I have ham and eggs for all or you," said Maria, at the kitchen door.
"Mama, Mama, you should have come, to see it, to see Mars, Mama, and meteors, and everything!"
"Yes," she said.
At bedtime the children gathered before Bodoni. "We want to thank you, Papa."
"It was nothing."
"We will remember it for always, Papa. We will never forget."
Very late in the night Bodoni opened his eyes. He sensed that his wife was lying beside him, watching him. She did not move for a very long time, and then suddenly she kissed his cheeks and his forehead. "What's this?" he cried.
"You're the best father in the world," she whispered.
"Now I see," she said. "I understand."
She lay back and closed her eyes, holding his hand. "Is it a very lovely journey?" she asked.
"Yes," he said.
"Perhaps," she said, "perhaps, some night, you might take me on just a little trip, do you think?"
"Just a little one, perhaps," he said.
"Thank you," she said. "Good night."
"Good night," said Fiorello Bodoni.
Some Thoughts
Today, I get curious glances from the youth that often ask me “why did you want to go into space?”. To them, it is dull and uninteresting. It is the realm of satellites to measure global warming. To them, it is a racist and bigoted environment that favored “white people”. To them, is is a big void that holds nothing of interest.
But they are wrong.
The future of mankind lies in space.
This story, and others, amply the describe the strong yearning that I had for space exploration, science and solving the mysteries of the universe. I didn’t want “someday” to go into space. No. Every single fiber of my body screamed the need. I could live, sleep or do anything without thinking of space, and the huge rockets that would someday carry me there.
No. Today it is a different time with different role models. I grew up in a world where Ronald Reagan was president. Today, children grow up in a world where Barrack Obama is president.
The presidents change with the culture. While I grew up and graduated (and entered MAJestic) under President Reagan, the youth of today have different role models to follow. Instead they follow President Obama as a role model. Everyone wants to be a Social Justice Warrior and correct the illusions that seem to hurt everyone’s feelings.
So it should be no surprise that an anarchism like myself would be misunderstood.
This story fed my dreams when I was a young boy. Sometime in my early teens in the 1970’s I first read this story. I am sure that I read it in one complete sitting. Perhaps it was on my bed with my cat Sedwick, or chilling in my tree-house next to the kitchen. In any event, I completely loved the story, and every few years or so, I crack up the story and read it again.
Perhaps one day, my sons will ride off into space. Perhaps. One day.
This story meant a lot to me, and still does. I sincerely, hope that you, the reader, have derived as much pleasure from it as I have.
Take Aways
This story is about a father providing an experience for his children so that they can realize that it is possible to obtain their dreams.
No one wants to hear that something is impossible or beyond their ability.
Subsisting is not living.
Humans are creatures that must grow and advance.
Q: Did you study about Ray Bradbury in school?
A: No. Instead I took hard science courses, language classes including Latin, and mathematics. My goal and dream was to become a spaceman. I wanted to be a Rocket Jockey. I had friends in university that took classes in English and Literature that studied Bradbury. I could not. I had a very heavy class load.
So, for recreation, around 12:00 midnight or later, after I would finish up my homework, I would read short stories in bed for a spell so that I could decompress and fall asleep.
Q: What significance does this story hold?
A: It depends on who reads it. People take different meanings from different experiences. For instance, my sister thought Robert Heinlein was a pompous chauvinist. However, I liked to read his stories. My mother thought that while it was good that I was reading, I should have instead read the “classics” and become a more rounded person. While I did actually read many “classics”, it was the stories of science fiction and prose that influenced me substantially.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
This story was copyrighted in 1951 by Ray Bradbury, and presented here under Article 22 of China’s Copyright Law. Ray Bradbury is one of my personal heroes and his writings greatly influenced me in ways that I am only just now beginning to understand.
For years I had amassed a well worn, and dusty collection of Ray Bradbury paperbacks that I would pick up and read for pleasure and inspiration. Later, when I left the United States, and moved to China, I had to leave my treasured books behind. Sigh.
It is very difficult to come across Ray Bradbury books in China. When ever I find one, I certainly snatch it up. Cost is no object when it comes to these masterpieces. At one time, I must have had five books containing this story.
I have found this version of the story “Here There be Tygers” on The Mother Earth News, and I have copied it here exactly as found. Credit to the wonderful people at Mother Earth News for posting it where a smuck like myself can read it within China. And, of course, credit to the great master; Ray Bradbury for providing this work of art for our inspiration and pleasure.
Full Text
Here is the full text of the masterpiece. I will let the reader read it and enjoy it.
Here There Be Tygers by Ray Bradbury
"You have to beat a planet at its own game," said Chatterton." Get in and rip it up, kill its snakes, poison its animals, dam its rivers, sow its fields, depollinate its air, mine it, nail it down, hack away at it, and get the blazes out from under when you have what you want. Otherwise, a planet will fix you good. You can't trust planets. They're bound to be different, bound to be bad, bound to be out to get you, especially this far out, a billion miles from nowhere, so you get them first. Tear their skin off, I say. Drag out the minerals and run away before the nightmare world explodes in your face. That's the way to treat them."
The rocket ship sank down toward planet 7 of star system 84. They had traveled millions upon millions of miles; Earth was far away, her system and her sun forgotten, her system settled and investigated and profited on, and other systems rummaged through and milked and tidied tip, and now the rockets of these tiny men from an impossibly remote planet were probing out to far universes. In a few months, a few years, they could travel anywhere, for the speed of their rocket was the speed of a god, and now for the ten-thousandth time one of the rockets of the far-circling hunt was feathering down toward an alien world.
"No," said Captain Forester."I have too much respect for other worlds to treat them the way you want to, Chatterton. It's not my business to rape or ruin anyway, thank God. I'm glad I'm just a rocket man. You're the anthropologist-mineralogist. Go ahead, do your mining and ripping and scraping. I'll just watch. I'll just go around looking at this new world, whatever it is, however it seems. I like to look. All rocket men are lookers or they wouldn't be rocket men. You like to smell new airs, if you're a rocket man, and see new oceans and islands."
"Take your gun along," said Chatterton. "in my holster," said Forester.
They turned to the port together and saw the green world rising to meet their ship."I wonder what it thinks of us?" said Forester.
"It won't like me" said Chatterton "I'll see to it 'It' won't like me. And I don't care. you know, I'm out for the money. Land us over there, will you. Captain; that looks like rich country if I ever saw it."
It was the freshest green color they had seen since childhood.
Lakes lay like clear blue water droplets through the soft hills; there were no loud highways, signboards or cities. It's a sea of green golf links, thought Forester, which goes on forever. Putting greens, driving greens, you could walk ten thousand miles in any direction and never finish your game. A Sunday planet a croquet-lawn world, where,you could lie on your back, clover in your lips, eyes half shut, smiling at the sky, smelling the grass, drowse through an eternal Sabbath, rousing only on occasion to turn the Sunday paper or crack the red-striped wooden ball through the wicket.
"It ever a planet was a woman, this one is/"
"Woman on the outside, man on the inside," said Chatterton. "All hard underneath, all male iron, copper, uranium, black sod. Don't let the cosmetics fool you."
He walked to the bin where the Earth Drill waited. Its great screw-snout glittered bluely, ready to stab seventy feet deep and suck out corks of earth, deeper still with extensions into the heart of the planet Chatterton winked at it"We'll fix your planet, Forester, but good"
"Yes, I know you will," said Forester, quietly,
The rocket landed.
"It's too green, too peaceful," said Chatterton. "I don't like it" He turned to the captain. "We'll go out with our rifles."
"I give orders. If you don't mind"
"Yes, and my company pays our way with millions of dollars of machinery we must protect; quite an investment."
The air on the new planet 7 in star system 84 was good. The port swung wide. The men filed out into the greenhouse world.
The last man to emerge was Chatterton, gun in hand.
As Chatterton set foot to the green lawn, the earth trembled. The grass shook. The distant forest rumbled, The sky seemed to blink and darken imperceptibly, The men were watching Chatterton when it happened.
"An earthquake!"
Chatterton's face paled. Everyone laughed.
"It doesn't like you, Chatterton!"
The trembling died away at last.
"Well," said Captain Forester." It didn't quake for us, so It must be that it doesn't approve of your philosophy."
"Coincidence," Chatterton smiled weakly, "Come on now, on the double, I want the Drill out here in a half hour for a few samplings."
"Just a moment," Forester stopped laughing. "We've got to clear the area first, be certain there're no hostile people or animals, Besides, it isn't every year you hit a planet like this very nice; can you blame us if we want to have a look at it?"
"All right," Chatterton joined them, "Let's get it over with."
They left a guard at the ship and they walked away over fields and meadows, over small hills and into little valleys. Like a bunch of boys out hiking on the finest day of the best summer in the most beautiful year in history, walking in the croquet weather where, if you listened you could hear the whisper of the wooden ball across grass, the click through the wicket, the gentle undulations of voices, a sudden high drift of women's laughter from some ivy shaded porch, the tinkle of ice in the summer tea pitcher.
"Hey," said Driscoll, one of the younger crewmen, sniffing the air, "I brought a baseball and bat; we'll have a game later. What a diamond!"
The men laughed quietly in the baseball season, in the good quiet wind for tennis, in the weather for bicycling and picking wild grapes.
"How'd you like the job of mowing all this?" asked Driscoll.
The men stopped.
"I knew there was something wrong!" cried Chatterton, "This grass: it's freshly cut!
"Probably a species of dichondra: always short."
Chatterton spat on the green grass and rubbed it in with his boot, "I don't like it, I don't like it. If anything happened to us, no one on Earth would ever know. Silly policy: if a rocket fails to return, we never send a second rocket to check the reason why."
"Natural enough," explained Forester, "We can't waste time on a thousand hostile worlds, fighting futile wars. Each rocket represents years, money, lives. We can't afford to waste two rockets if one rocket proves a planet hostile. We go on to peaceful planets, like this one."
"I often wonder," said Driscoll, "What happened to all those lost expeditions on worlds we'll never try again."
Chatterton eyed the distant forest,"They were shot, stabbed, broiled for dinner, Even as we may be, any minute. It's time we got back to work, Captain!
They stood at the top to a little rise.
"Feel," said Driscoll, his hands and arms out loosely, "Remember how you used to run when you were it kid, and how the wind felt, Like feathers on your arms, You ran and thought any minute you'd fly, but you never quite did."
The men stood remembering, There was a smell of pollen and new rain drying upon a million grass blades.
Driscoll gave a little run. "Feel it, by God, the wind. You know, we never have really flown by ourselves. We have to sit inside tons of metal, away from flying, really. We've never flown like birds fly, to themselves, Wouldn't it be nice to, put your arms out like this —" He extended his arms, "And run." He ran ahead of them, laughing out his idiocy. "And fly!" he cried.
He flew.
Time passed on the silent gold wristwatches of the men standing below, They stared up. And from the sky came a high sound of almost unbelievable laughter.
"Tell him to come down now," whispered Chatterton. "He'll be killed."
Nobody heard. Their faces were raised away front Chatterton: they were stunned and smiling.
At last Driscoll landed at their feet.
"Did you see me?" "I flew!"
They had seen.
"Lets get down, oh, Lord. Lord." Driscoll slapped his knees, chuckling. "I'm a sparrow, I'm a hawk, God bless me. Go on all of you, try it!"
"It's the wind, it picked me up and flew me!" he said, a moment later, gasping, shivering with delight.
"Let's get out of here." Chatterton started turning, slowly in circles, watching the blue sky. "It's a trap, it wants us all to fly in the air. Then it'll drop its all at once and kill us. I'm going back to the ship."
"You'll wait for my order on that," said Forester,
The men were frowning, standing in the warm cool air, while the wind sighed about them. There was a kite sound in the air, a sound of eternal March.
"I asked the wind to fly me." said Driscoll. "And it did!"
Forester waved the others aside. "I'll chance it next. If I'm killed, back to the ship, all of you."
"I'm sorry. I can't allow this, you're the captain," said Chatterton. "We can't risk you." He took out his gun.
"I should have some sort of authority or force here. This game's gone on too long; I'm ordering us back to the ship."
"Holster your gun," said Forester, quietly.
"Stand still you idiot."
Chatterton blinked now at this man, now at that.
"Haven't you felt it'! This world's alive, it has a look to it, it's playing with us, biding its time."
"I'll be the judge of that," said Forester. "You're going back to the ship in a moment, under arrest, if you don't put up that gun."
"If you fools won't come with me, you can die out here. I'm going back, get my samples, and get out."
"Don't try to stop me!"
Chatterton started to run. Then suddenly, he gave a cry.
Everyone shouted and looked up. "There he goes," said Driscoll.
Chatterton was up in the sky.
Night had come on like the closing of a great but gentle eye. Chatterton sat stunned on the side of the hill. The other men sat around him, exhausted and laughing. He would not look at them, he would not look at the sky, he would only feel of the earth, and his arms and his legs and his body, tightening in on himself.
"Oh, wasn't it perfect!" said a man named Koestler.
They had all flown like orioles and eagles and sparrows, and they were all happy.
"Come out of it, Chatterton, it was fun, wasn't it?"' said Koestler.
"It's impossible." Chatterton shut his eyes, tight, tight. "There's only one way for it to do it; it's alive. The air's alive. Like a fist it picked me up. Any minute now, it can kill its all. It's alive."
"All right," said Koestler. "Say it's alive." "And a living thing must have purpose. Suppose the purpose of this world is to make us happy."
As if to add to this, Driscoll came flying up, canteens in each hand. "I found a creek, tested and found pure water, wait'll you try it!"
Forester took a canteen, nudged Chatterton with it, offering a drink. Chetterton shook his head and drew hastily away. He put his hands over his face. "It's the blood of this planet. Living blood. Drink that, put that inside and you put this world inside you to peer out your eyes and listen through your ears. No thanks!"
Forester shrugged and drank.
"Wine!" he said.
"It can't be!"
"It is! Smell it, taste it! A rare white wine!"
"French domestic." Driscoll sipped his.
"Poison," said Chatterton.
They passed the canteens around.
They had idled on through the gentle afternoon, not wanting to do anything to disturb the peace that lay all about them. They were like very young men in the presence of great beauty, of a fine and famous woman, afraid that by some word, some gesture, they might turn her face away, avert her loveliness and her kindly attentions. They had felt the earthquake that had greeted Chatterton, and they did not want earthquake. Let them enjoy this "Day After School Lets Out", this fishing weather. Let them sit under the shade trees or walk on the tender hills, but let them drill no drillings, test no testings, contaminate no contaminations.
They found a small stream which poured into a boiling water pool. Fish, swimming in the cold creek above, fell glittering into the hot spring and floated, minutes later, cooked, to the surface.
Chatterton reluctantly joined the others, eating.
"It'll poison us all. There's always a trick to things like this. I'm sleeping in the rocket tonight. You can sleep out if you want. To quote a map I saw in medieval history: 'Here there be tygers.' Some time tonight when you're sleeping, the tigers and cannibals will show up."
Forester shook his head. "I'll go along with you, this planet is alive. It's a race itself. But it needs us to show off to, to appreciate its beauty. What's the use of a stage full of miracles if there's no audience?"
But Chatterton was busy. He was bent over, being sick.
"I'm poisoned! Poisoned!"
They held his shoulders until the sickness passed. They gave him water. The others were feeling fine.
"Better eat nothing but ship's food from now on," advised Forester. "It'd be safer."
"We're starting work right now." Chatterton swayed, wiping his mouth. "We've wasted a whole day. I'll work alone if I have to. I'll show this infernal place!"
He staggered away toward the rocket.
"He doesn't know when he's well off," murmured Driscoll. "Can't we stop him, Captain?"
"He practically owns the expedition. We don't have to help him, there's a clause in our contract that guarantees refusal to work under dangerous conditions. So . . . do unto this 'Picnic Ground' as you would have it do unto you. No initial-cutting on the trees. Replace the turf on the greens. Clean up your banana peels after you."
Now, below, in the ship there was an immense humming. From the storage port rolled the great shining Drill. Chatterton followed it, calling directions to its robot radio. "This way, here!
"You fool."
"Now!" cried Chatterton.
The Drill plunged its long screw-bore into the green grass. Chatterton waved up at the other men. "Watch this!"
The sky trembled.
The Drill stood in the center of a little sea of grass. For a moment it plunged away, bringing up moist corks of sod which it spat unceremoniously into a shaking analysis bin.
Now the Drill gave a wrenched, metallic squeal like a monster interrupted at its feed. From the soil beneath it slow bluish liquids bubbled up.
Chatterton shouted, "Get back, you fool!"
The Drill lumbered in a prehistoric dance. It shrieked like a mighty train turning on a sharp curve, throwing out red sparks. It was sinking. The black slime gave under it in a dark convulsion.
With a coughing sigh, a series of pants and churnings, the Drill sank into a black scum like an elephant shot and dying, trumpeting, like a mammoth at the end of an age, vanishing limb by ponderous limb into the pit.
"Fool. Fool," said Forester under his breath, fascinated with the scene. "You know what that is, Driscoll? It's tar. The fool machine hit a tar pit!"
"Listen, listen!" cried Chatterton at the Drill, running about on the edge of the oily lake. "This way, over here!"
But like the old tyrants of the earth, the dinosaurs with their tubed and screaming necks, the Drill was plunging and thrashing in the one lake from where there was no returning to bask on the firm and understandable shore.
Chatterton turned to the other men far away. "Do something, someone!"
The Drill was gone.
The tar pit bubbled and gloated, sucking the hidden monster bones. The surface of the pool was silent. A huge bubble, the last, rose, expelled a scent of ancient petroleum, and fell apart.
The men came down and stood on the edge of the little black sea.
Chatterton stopped yelling.
After a long minute of staring into the silent tar pool, Chatterton turned and looked at the hills, blindly, at the green rolling lawns. The distant trees were growing fruit now and dropping it, softly, to the ground.
"I'll show it," he said quietly.
"Take it easy, Chatterton."
"I'll fix it," he said.
"Sit down, have a drink."
"I'll fix it good, I'll show it, it can't do this to me."
Chatterton started off back to the ship.
"Wait a minute now," said Forester.
Chatterton ran. "I know what to do, I know how to fix it!"
"Stop him!" said Forester. He ran, then remembered he could fly. "The A-Bomb's on the ship, if he should get to that . . . ."
The other men had thought of that and were in the air. A small grove of trees stood between the rocket and Chatterton as he ran on the ground, forgetting that he could fly, or afraid to fly, or not allowed to fly, yelling. The crew headed for the rocket to wait for him, the captain with them. They arrived, formed a line, and shut the rocket port. The last they saw of Chatterton he was plunging through the edge of the tiny forest.
The crew stood waiting.
". . . That fool, that crazy guy."
Chatterton didn't come out on the other side of the small woodland.
"He's turned back, waiting for us to relax our guard."
"Go bring him in," said Forester.
Two men flew off.
Now, softly, a great and gentle rain fell upon the green world.
"The final touch," said Driscoll. "We'd never have to build houses here. Notice it's not raining on us. It's raining all around, ahead, behind us. What a world!"
They stood dry in the middle of the blue, cool rain. The sun was setting. The moon, a large one the color of ice, rose over the freshened hills.
"There's only one more thing this world needs."
"Yes," said everyone, thoughtfully, slowly.
"We'll have to go looking," said Driscol. "It's logical, The wind flies us, the trees and streams feed us, everything is alive. Perhaps if we asked for companionship . . . ."
"I've thought a long time, today and other days," said Koestler. "We're all bachelors, been traveling for years, and tired of it. Wouldn't it be nice to settle down somewhere! Here, maybe. On Earth you sweat just to save enough to buy a house, pay taxes; the cities stink. Here, you won't even need a house, with this weather. If it gets monotonous you can ask for rain, clouds, snow, changes. You don't have to work here for anything."
"It'd be boring. We'd go crazy."
"No," Koestler said, smiling. "If life got too soft, all we'd have to do is repeat a few times what Chatterton said: 'Here there be tygers. Listen!'"
Far away, wasn't there the faintest roar of a giant cat, hidden in the twilight forests?
The men shivered.
"A versatile world," said Koestler dryly. "A woman who'll do anything to please her guests, as long as we're kind to her. Chatterton wasn't kind."
"Chatterton. What about him?"
As if to answer this, someone cried from a distance. The two men who had flown off to find Chatterton were waving at the edge of the woods.
Forester, Driscoll, and Koestler flew down alone.
"What's up?"
The men pointed into the forest."Thought you'd want to see this, Captain. It's eerie." One of the men indicated a pathway. "Look here, sir."
The marks of great claws stood on the path, fresh and clear.
"And over here." A few drops of blood. A heavy smell of some feline animal hung in the air.
"I don't think we'll ever find him, Captain."
Faintly, faintly, moving away, now gone in the breathing silence of twilight, came the roar of a tiger.
The men lay on the resilient grass by the rocket and the night was warm. "Reminds me of nights when I was a kid," said Driscoll. "My brother and I waited for the hottest night in July and then we slept on the Court House lawn, counting the stars, talking; it was a great night, the best night of my life." Then he added, "Not counting tonight, of course."
"I keep thinking about Chatterton," said Koestler.
"Don't," said Forester. "We'll sleep a few hours and take off. We can't chance staying here another day. I don't mean the danger that got Chatterton. No. I mean, if we stayed on we'd get to liking this world too much. We'd never want to leave."
A soft wind blew over them.
"I don't want to leave now." Driscoll put his hands behind his head, lying quietly. "And it doesn't want us to leave."
"If we go back to Earth and tell everyone what a lovely planet it is, what then, Captain?' They'll come smashing in here and ruin it."
"No," said Forester idly. "First, this planet wouldn't put up with a full-scale invasion. I don't know what it'd do, but it could probably think of some interesting things. Secondly, I like this planet too much; I respect it. We'll go back to Earth and lie about it. Say it's hostile. Which it would be to the average man, like Chatterton, jumping in here to hurt it. I guess we won't be lying after all."
"Funny thing," said Koestler. "I'm not afraid. Chatterton vanishes, is killed most horribly, perhaps, yet we lie here, no one runs, no one trembles. It's idiotic. Yet it's right. We trust it and it trusts us."
"Did you notice, after you drank just so much of the wine-water, you didn't want more? A world of moderation."
They lay listening to something like the great heart of this earth beating slowly and warmly under their bodies.
Forester thought, I'm thirsty.
A drop of rain splashed on his lips.
He laughed quietly.
I'm lonely, he thought.
Distantly he heard soft, high voices.
He turned his eyes in upon a vision. There was a group of hills from which flowed a clear river, and in the shallows of that river, sending up spray, their faces shimmering, were the beautiful women. They played like children on the shore. And it came to Forester to know about them and their life. They were nomads, roaming the face of this world as was their desire. There were no highways or cities, there were only hills and plains and winds to carry them like white feathers where they wished. As Forester shaped the questions, some invisible answerer whispered the answers. There were no men. These women, alone, produced their race. The men had vanished fifty thousand years ago. And where were these women now? A mile down from the green forest, a mile over on the wine stream by the six white stones, and a third mile to the large river. There, in the shallows, were the women who would make fine wives, and raise beautiful children.
Forester opened his eyes. The other men were sitting up.
"I had a dream."
They had all dreamed.
"A mile flown from the green forest a mile over on the wine stream . . . ."
". . . by the six white stones," said Koestler.
". . . and a third mile to the large river," said Driscoll, sitting there.
Nobody spoke again for at moment. They looked at the silver rocket standing there in the starlight
"Do we walk or fly, Captain?"
Forester said nothing.
Driscoll said, "Captain, let's stay. Let's never go back to Earth. They'll never come and investigate to see what happened to us; they'll think we were destroyed here. What do you say?"
Forester's face was perspiring. His tongue moved again and again on his lips. His hands twitched over his knees. The crew sat waiting.
"It'd be nice," said the captain.
"But . . ." Forester sighed. "We've got our job to do. People invested in our ship. We owe it to them to go back."
Forester got up. The men still sat on the ground, not listening to him.
"It's such a fine, nice, wonderful night," said Koestler.
They stared at the soft hills and the trees and the rivers running off to other horizons.
"Let's get aboard ship," said Forester, with difficulty.
"Captain . . . ."
"Get aboard," he said.
The rocket rose into the sky. Looking back, Forester saw every valley and every tiny lake.
"We should've stayed." said Koestler.
"Yes, I know."
"It's not too late, to turn back."
"I'm afraid it is." Forester made an adjustment on the port telescope. "Look now."
Koestler looked.
The face of the world was changed. Tiger, dinosaurs, mammoths appeared. Volcanoes erupted cyclones and hurricanes tore over the hills in a welter and fury of weather.
"Yes, she was a woman all right," said Forester. "Waiting for visitors for millions of years, preparing herself, making herself beautiful. She put on her best face for us. When Chatterton treated her badly, she warned him a few times, and then, when he tried to ruin her beauty, eliminated him. She wanted to be loved, like every woman, for herself, not for her wealth. So now, after she had offered us everything, we turn our backs. She's the woman scorned. She let us go, yes, but we can never come back. She'll be waiting for us with those . . ." He nodded to the tigers and the cyclones and the boiling seas.
"Captain," said Koestler
"It's a little late to tell you this. But just before we took off, I was in charge of the air lock. I let Driscoll slip away from the ship. He wanted to go. I couldn't refuse him. I'm responsible. He's back there now, on that planet."
They both turned to the viewing port.
After a long while, Forester said. "I'm glad. I'm glad one of us had enough sense to stay."
"But he's dead by now!
"No, that display down there is for us, perhaps a visual hallucination. Under all the tigers and lions and hurricanes, Driscoll is quite safe and alive, because he's her only audience now. Oh, she'll spoil him rotten. He'll lead a wonderful life. He will, while we're slugging it out up and down the system looking for but never finding a planet quite like this again. No. We won't try to go back and rescue Driscoll, I don't think 'she' would let us anyway. Full speed ahead, Koestler, make it full speed."
The rocket leaped forward into greater accelerations.
And just before the planet dwindled away in brightness and mist, Forester imagined that he could see Driscoll very clearly, walking away down from the green forest, whistling quietly, all of the fresh planet around him, a wine creek flowing for him, baked fish lolling in the hot springs, fruit ripening in the midnight trees, and distant forests and lakes waiting for him to happen by. Driscoll walked away across the endless green lawns near the white stones, beyond the forest, to the edge of the large bright river . . . .
Often we are given opportunities that will transform our life. But, out of ignorance, fear, or habit, we ignore the opportunity. It passes us by. Once gone, it is gone forever. We end up regretting our life. We look back with nostalgia for what could have been.
This is the story of mankind and how we have abused the world we live in. This is the story of me, and you, who have passed up wonderful companions, opportunities and adventures, for some trivial reason or the other. This is the story of the bane of our educational system that focuses on goals instead of appreciation of the moments we live.
Appreciate what you have. Be aware of opportunities and take them when they present themselves to you. For only YOU can control your life. This reality is YOURS. Please don’t squander it.
Take Aways
"Here There Be Tygers" is a short story by American writer Ray Bradbury, originally published in the anthology New Tales of Space and Time in 1951. It was later collected in Bradbury's short story collections R is for Rocket and The Golden Apples of the Sun. It deals with a rocket expedition sent to a planet to see whether or not its natural resources can be harvested for the human race. They discover a paradise which seems to provide for them whatever they desire even as they think of it. They ultimately decide to leave the planet and report that it is hostile and of no benefit to humans.
The Wikipedia entry above is a pale reflection of the content of the story.
Cliff Notes should never be used for short stories. Just read the stories yourself and come to your own conclusions.
I hope that this story was as enjoyable for you the reader as it was for myself.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
Up until the 1980’s, the “hazing” of new employees was a time-honored tradition. Here, the new employees would be given the crappiest jobs, told to do the hardest things, and treated horribly. This all seemed to disappear in the middle 1980’s. This article is dedicated to all those older workers who had to endure the “hazing” period and what it was like…
Today, little remains of the old days of Hazing. You can see it on College campuses and universities when people “rush” to join a sorority or a fraternity. That’s about it. The hazing during High School has pretty much been eliminated. With the only vestiges of it being the movie “Dazed and Confused“.
In the movie “Dazed and Confused”, High School Seniors were shown “hazing” middle school students who had graduated into High School.
People have forgotten that “hazing” was an important part of life. You went through it numerous times in your life, and one of the most harrowing was when you started work at a new job. Here, we look at this aspect of life. In it, I describe the hazing rituals that I experienced in Western Pennsylvania in the 1970’s.
Hazing in the Coal Mines
One of the first jobs that I had was in the coal mines when I was 14 years old. My father believed that the role of a man was to work, and to earn enough to provide for a family. That was what “being a man” was. Now, the law put limits on the hours and the conditions that I would work under. Never the less, I was introduced to work on the rock crusher at 14.
Here is a typical tipple in Pennsylvania. The trucks or trains would carry huge chunks of coal from the mine to the tipple. They would be dumped into a hopper that fed into a rock crusher. Then the broken coal would be scanned for debris and loaded into hoppers below. My first job was to stand over the rock crusher and make sure none of the coal would get hung up. I would have to crawl above the “jaws of death” and bash the rock with a hand sledge to break it up.
The job itself was pretty darn straight forward. I would stand above the rock crusher on metal slats. These were steel flat bars that formed a grid over the crusher. The goal was to stand on top of them, and not slip between them. They were spaced about a yard apart to left the huge chunks of coal to fall down below. I was given a large pole to help push the coal into place, and a hand sledge to break up the rocks.
Many a time I would slip on the slippery mud covered slats. I would fall down between the slats and have to climb my way back up to the top again as the coal would be moving towards the crushing death below. I would often lose my helmet as it was ultimately ground up into tiny busted up flakes of plastic.
Coal miners Rodney Blankenship (L), Roger Vanatter (C) and an unidentified colleague prepare for the start of their afternoon shift in the locker room of a coal mine near Gilbert, West Virginia May 22, 2014. Blankenship, 53, a coal miner for 30 years, said “You go in there, hope to have good productivity on your shift, and get out safely.” With coal production slowing due to stricter environmental controls, the availability of natural gas and a shift to surface mining, the state’s coal country has been hit hard with job losses and business closures. Picture taken May 22, 2014.
That was my normal job. Now, let’s talk about the hazing aspect of it…
Sure, I took a lot of gruff from the older workers. Most people that I worked with were in their 20’s and 30’s. The real older men were over their 40’s and tended to work at other roles in the company. I was doing the “grunt work” that pretty much didn’t pay well, and that no one wanted to do.
There were “independent” haulers that would drive their dump trucks to the mine and dump the ore into the hopper. These tended to be grizzly old truck drivers, and they all wanted to give me a hard time while I weighed out their load (they were paid by weight). They would love to call me names like “fucking-dumb pollack” and “pecker dick-boy” all the time berating me for “cheating” them out of a few pounds of ore. All nonsense. It was just a bunch of harassment that I would have to endure as they would pull in and I would need to weigh their loads. Other than that it was harmless.
I grew up in the hills of Western Pennsylvania. Like nearby West Virginia, the area was amazingly beautiful and wooded, with small communities of homes and mobile homes along winding roads that went in and out of the mountains.
However, nothing was like the shit storm that I dealt with by the older kids, only slightly senior to me. There, they would steal my helmet and throw it into the hopper and I would have to dive in and retrieve it. You know, if I lost the helmet it would be deducted out of my salary.
They would, for instance, take my lunch and hide it in the tipple somewhere. Or, lock me in the outhouse, or out of it and put ex-lax in my coffee cup.
My supervisor would make me crawl into the trash cans and scrub them out with a hose and a brush. He would also try to cheat me out of my salary. In those days we were paid in cash. Sometimes, instead of the $45 that I was due, I would find a $5 and some change inside the envelope.
Other tricks of the trade included flattening my tires so that I would have to drive real slow to the nearest gas station, rolling down my windows (in the car) so that the inside would be soaked in an afternoon rain, and putting grease on the handle of the hand sludge so that it would slip out of my hand when I used it. The worst was putting an empty can of oil on the hood. After a 16 hour day in full sunlight, the ring impression it made could never be buffed out.
Hazing in the Steel Mills
The steel mills were a little bit different than the mines. Once I turned 16 years old, I was able to work full time. This meant that I could get a “starter job” at one of the local steel mills. I was fortunate. Edgewater Steel needed someone to stand under the ladle and hold the ingot molds in place while the hot steel poured into it.
Of course, I was given protective suits and equipment to wear. We worked a tough shift, where we were provided a rest area where we could cool down. The temperature near the steel was brutal, and the radiation burned our skin.
The work was necessary. You had to use these long poles to hold the ingot molds in place. If you didn’t do a good job, one of the sides of the ingot mold could come loose and the liquid could flow out, covering you and killing you instantly. We would work two people per ingot. Typically, we might be able to come up with ten ingots of steel from each poured ladle.
The work was hot, tiring and very dangerous. Never the less, it didn’t stop the older folk from “hazing” us newbies.
Here is a scene from the movie “The Deer Hunter”. It was filmed not too far from where I grew up. This is pretty much a snapshot of my youth.
I suppose it was all in good fun, but at the time I thought that it was mean and cruel. Some of the tricks included shitting into the boots that we had to wear on the shop floor, taking carbon dust and spraying it on to our lunch (sandwiches), turning off the lights (at the breaker) when we were getting set up under the ladle. Dangerous stuff this. Though, on the other hand, no one ever got really hurt. That I know of.
Here we see molten steel being pours into small ingots. Where I worked, we poured them in huge tower-like molds. They were about two yards tall and perhaps two feet in diameter. We held them in place with large hooked rods. And, we stood there while the liquid molten steel was being poured into them.
Other tricks included stealing our time (punch) card, dropping pallets (off of a fork lift) from three feet up, making a terrible racket and startling everyone. I’ve had my car keys dipped in paint, my motorcycle helmet (outside) filled with urine, and my locker door removed.
This kind of hazing would continue for months until the guys “felt” that you had “earned your place” in the “pecking order” and could be left alone. There were modifiers of course. Say you had an older relative working there, or you were close friends with some of your buddies. All of this would modify how long the hazing treatment would last. Though, in my case, they always called me the “token pollack” at the company. That never ended.
Hazing in the Grocery Stores
For a while, I worked as a stock boy for a local grocery store. The kind of work was quite different. I wore a short sleeved white shirt, with a bow tie and a large apron that I tied around my waist. As different as it was, the hazing continued unabated. In fact, each time you started to work at a new place, you would have to go through the hazing procedure all over again.
Here is a typical bagging station. We all worked as “bag boys” that would put the groceries in paper bags, and then load them to the cars of the people who shopped at the store.
The hazing depended on the person who did it. The other “bag boys” would play tricks and “jokes” on the new-comer. The department managers would give you a hard time, often assigning the most terrible and awful jobs for you to do. The female cashiers would pester you mercilessly and do little things that would make your life harder than it should have been.
Hazing tricks included hand delivery of groceries to the wrong house. Having you do the hardest clean up jobs in the store; like honey, or olive oil. It would include such things as constant call-ups to bag groceries, and not being able to get your core tasks assigned, which always resulted in a bitch-out session with the floor manager.
Some of the tricks seemingly got out of hand. Like fire extinguisher soak downs as you started a long day of work. Or, scrub downs of the inside of a freezer, while it was still running. We would have to do things like move the two ton safe, scrub the floor under it and then move it back. Other tasks included parking lot cleanup in the pouring rain or snowing blizzard. It was all harmless and innocent hazing for the most part.
As a grocery bag boy, we would perform the relatively easy job of bagging groceries, and carrying them out to the car for the customers.
Of course, everything would eventually die down. This was especially true when there were new employees to bear the brunt of all the hazing. Thank goodness.
Hazing on the Drag Lines
A drag line is a huge machine that eats into the earth, and processes it into rubble from which ore is then extracted. They are common all over Pennsylvania. They tear into the hills and extract the precious coal and ores from the land.
A dragline excavator is a piece of heavy equipment used in civil engineering and surface mining. The much larger type which is built on site is commonly used in strip-mining operations to remove overburden above coal and more recently for oil sands mining. The largest heavy draglines are among the largest mobile land machines ever built.
For a while, I worked on a dragline. Being the new kid on the block, I of course, became the “go-fer”. Which means “hey, kid! go fer that…”.
My first “go-fer” task was to get a hook brace located at the top end of the dragline boom. So, yeah you guessed it, I had to climb all the way up to the end of the boom and retrieve the part. Only to find that I got the wrong part, and had to go back up a second time and get it again. Being the “new kid on the block” really did suck.
There are many parts involved in a dragline operation. Each one needed to be cared for and maintained. This is a task that is usually reserved for the new kids working the mining site.
Many times I lament “the good old days”, but not with this. I am happy to say “good riddance”.
Hazing in High School.
I really do not know why humans require any type of “hazing” activities. I am sure that there must be scientist or two who can explain the phenomenon. I, for one, would like to hear why we all seem to utilize hazing as a passage into adulthood. I know that it is used in Zambia, China and Japan. What’s the point?
"In my research I've found that group benefits that could quickly accrue for newcomers –– automatic benefits –– predict people's desire to haze," he said."This isn't the only variable that matters –– there's some effect of age and sex, for example –– but the effect of automatic benefits suggests that potential vectors of group exploitation alter people's treatment of newcomers in predictable ways," -Cimino
Today, I think that most of this type of hazing is now absent in the work environment today. I haven’t seen it. However, it is possible that it has taken on new form, and has manifested in other ways, like at Google, for instance…
Take Aways
Hazing was an important part of American culture up into the 1980’s.
Schools hazed the new students.
Workers in industry hazed the new employees.
Since the 1980’s and into the 1990’s people stopped hazing the new employees at work.
Younger workers today have no idea or concept that hazing was a rite of passage that they would need to deal with when they started a new job.
Q: Why isn’t hazing permitted in American industry any longer?
A: I really do not know. I think it is partly due to the rise of HR standardization of policy, the merging of government laws, and HR enforcement, and a rapid swinging volatile labor force. I would guess that any hazing today would be grounds for dismissal of an employee.
Q: Why you think that hazing was an important part of industry?
A: The work environment consists of a tiny microcosm of society. They structure themselves in a tribal manner and creature written and unwritten rules of behavior. New members to that society must prove their value prior to them obtaining membership in the group.
Q: Are there any formal policies against hazing?
A: Yes.
Posted on Free Republic on 10SEP18. The post can be found HERE. Some highlights…
I recall reading about how when Mario Lemieux was a rookie with the Pittsburgh Penguins in 1984, even he did not escape that bit of hazing as when he fell asleep on an airplane in the midst of a road trip, a teammate snuck up and covered his head in shaving cream. And also the well known tale of Bobby Orr in about 1966 being dragged into the dressing room shower, covered in liniment oil, and shaved from head to toe.
- OttawaFreeper
The retired Naval aviation guys I work with tell stories about sending the noobies for a bucket of “prop wash”. lol
20+ years ago my daughter was in an award winning marching band that had a time honored "hell night" for new members. That was until one newbie went psycho and has stayed that way. The band director, school, and boosters are likely still paying off the seven figure judgement.
- buckalfa
There's no hazing at all in the Navy these days. I remember making 3rd and then 2nd Class Petty Officer and getting my crows "tacked" on (getting punched in the arm). My arm was black and blue but I wasn't any worse for the wear. I was proud. Of course, there's always some asshole who takes it too far and someone winds up LLD with a broken arm after his arm was jumped on.
Around 2010 or so, about the same time as DADT was repealed, the Navy cracked down hard on hazing. It had long been officially banned but still tolerated. The Navy sent a message in the form of several publicized career ending NJPs that the days of hazing were over. When I made First Class, there were no punches to my arm. We got the message loud and clear.
Steam blanket. Prop wash. Key to the sea chest. Metric crescent wrench. Fetch a henway. And on and on and on......
There’s hazing, and then there’s hazing. When I stood my first messenger watch as a US Navy Seaman Apprentice, I was sent to a location on the ship to see a particular petty officer and obtain a container of red running light oil. That petty officer sent me to another location and another person, and so on for a number of contacts. Of course, there’s no such thing as running light oil...but the travels seeking it helped familiarize me with the ship’s layout and some of our senior petty officers.
Then there was the “Sea Bat” ploy. A number of sailors were gathered on the fantail around a cardboard box partly covered with a towel, and were peeking inside at it. A couple of others were doing some desultory sweeping nearby. One of my shipmates asked what was in the box and was told it was a Sea Bat. He bent over and lifted the towel to have a look, and one of the broom wielding swabbies swatted him on the rear as all the others yelled “SEA BAT”!
A new junior officer was the next victim; his swat was a bit less aggressive than the other received.
- JimRed
One of my first summer jobs was at an amusement park. The tradition there was to be sent to hunt for a bucket of steam. Some of them are still looking.
Then there was my first “real” job at a huge factory complex. I was taken to the remotest part of the place and left to find my own way back. Took all afternoon.
- Some Fat Guy in L.A.
Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
When the Chinese come and visit the United States, they are often spellbound in shock and amazement. They find that they LOVE, absolutely L-O-V-E the United States. I have many friends who have told me this. Another thing that they have told me is that it was not what they expected.
Here are some of the misconceptions that Chinese have of America…
1. Donald Trump is despised and is going to prison if not executed outright.
Well, this is what you would expect if all you watched was CNN and MSNBC.
In fact, most “Western media” that the Chinese see is the main-steam American media. While most Americans, not all, understand that the American media has a fatally liberal bias, the Chinese are unaware of this. Thus, the impression that they get is that the American media represents the hearts and minds of the American people.
A smiling Donald Trump eating KFC on one of his airplanes. Looks good. I sure could use some mashed potatoes, gravy and coleslaw as well.
As such, they are astounded that Donald Trump is able to get away with so much!
“1. Donald Trump is despised and is going to prison if not executed outright.”A few months ago I had a chance to talk with an engineering student from India who was visiting the US, and she had much the same impression. She asked me why the American people hadn’t risen up and removed Trump from office since he was so universally despised.
She was genuinely surprised when I told her that Trump was probably the most popular American president since Reagan and would surely be re-elected in 2020.I realized from this conversation how much the Mainstream media’s endless propaganda war on Trump is diminishing America’s prestige globally. People in other countries mistakenly think of America’s news media as being legitimate, and believe what they hear. (Even far-left Americans realize that most of CNN’s reporting is bullsh*t.)
We look like a third-rate banana Republic on the verge of collapse to the rest of the world. I doubt the current Supreme court confirmation hearings are helping matters.
- Junk Silver
They are amazed that he is not being hung from scaffolding or being lynched. They, thus believe that he must be a most capable politician and a supreme businessman; a man not to be trifled with. The reactions that I see from my fellow Chinese friends is a mixture of awe, admiration, and fear.
Just WHO is this man, they muse.
The Chinese believe the main-stream media and are impressed with President Trump for his ability to avoid hanging from a noose.
2. Everything is Free!
After nearly a decade of President Obama being televised giving away free things, most Chinese have the impression that that is what America represents. Free cars. Free cell-phones. Free citizenship. Free meals. Free housing. They do not realize that nothing is free, and ultimately someone must pay a price for it.
Obama has given away more money, more things, and more cash than any other president. The only problem is that it wasn’t his money to give away. It was yours.
Today, when I mention that America used to be the “Land of the Free”, they respond with “What, you no longer get free healthcare, free education, free cell-phones and free housing?” They think that the current President is changing America away from a “Free” nation and moving towards something more practical.
Somehow, and I really do not know how, they believe that the government has an endless supply of money to spend. As such, they think that it was quite magnanimous of President Obama to spend that money on the American people. Now, they are afraid that the money will be spent elsewhere, like on wars.
The way the American government works is a mystery to the Chinese. But, that is ok. It is a mystery to most Americans as well.
3. Americans are Rich.
It goes to think, don’t you agree, that if all Americans are driving nice cars and living in nice houses that Americans MUST be rich. What the Chinese do not realize is that in America everything is rented. Very few people pay in cash to buy a car or a house.
Most Chinese live in an apartment. The apartment is tiny by American standards, so when a Chinese person comes to America, they become amazed at the sizes of the homes, the cars and the portions of food. They think, indeed, America is a rich country full of rich people.
Oh, certainly there are those who are driving older cars that we paid off years ago. That there are those who paid off their thirty year mortgages ten years ago, however, they are a minority. Most Americans pay both a mortgage and a car payment, with a sizable number now paying school loans.
In China, most people pay in cash. They save like crazy, sort of like the Amish, and then spend the money where necessary. While credit is available to the citizens, most maintain a traditional attitude towards frugality and savings. Thus they think that Americans must be the same.
Which is why many Chinese believe that Americans are quite wealthy.
The Chinese believe Americans are very wealthy, because by Chinese standards, you need to be a millionaire to be able to live like an American does.
4. All Americans carry guns and are Armed.
Sometimes when a Chinese person visits America, they come back with all kinds of stories of their adventures. They take pictures, and often ask me what is the story behind the photos. As an American, I think nothing of the images, but then when I think about it, it becomes hilarious.
I chuckle at this one.
Nope, not at all true. But if all you watch is the American main-stream media, of course you would have this impression. From the “debates” on CNN, to the discussions on the Huffington Post, everyone talks about the free access to firearms. Of course, if that is all you have access to, the impression would be of an overly and unfairly armed American populace.
What many Chinese think how Americans have breakfast. It consists of “runny” eggs, buttered toasted bread, some bacon, a cup of coffee and a nice firearm.
This puzzles the Chinese to no end. “Why does Americans need so many guns?” they ask. “The police will protect you”. Well, in China the role of the police is quite sedentary. Most of China consists of hard-working nerds. The police are there to deal with an occasional victim or crime. However, they never police behavior. Not like in America.
Anyways, when asked, I tell them how I miss my P99 and S3. They always ask me about the big caliber Smith and Wesson handguns, and ask if I ever owned a Glock.
I have to disappoint them, but I do tell them that I really enjoyed my old AK-47 clone (that I bought in California before they were banned). And I would get started on a conversation about the joys of black-powder (think Dixie Gun Works) and compound bows. It’s a world that really interests them. I’ll tell you what.
Of course there are many Americans that are offended by this meme. I happen to believe that my breakfast is certainly a little different.
The Chinese are often surprised that Americans don't carry guns everywhere.
5. America is Full of Excitement and Happiness.
By watching shows such as “Friends” the Chinese have come to consider Americans as nice friend and family oriented folk; people who have come to believe that life should be lived to it’s fullest. It’s a nice illusion.
Something happened between 1975 and today. Americans have become less of what they once were. It’s kind of sad. We lost something.
Maybe it’s all the restrictions at the workplace, or the over-reliance on portable media for enjoyment. I don’t know why, but many Americans look forward to mowing the grass and playing on the computer instead of fishing with an ice cold six pack of beer and being with friends. I lament that.
Here is a typical American town. It’s peaceful and quiet. In contrast, all of China is noisy, with people doing all sorts of things with all kinds of flashy lights and signs.
Yet when they come to America, their first impression is quite different. “It is so, so, so very quiet” a friend told me. Businesses close before 9 pm, and residential streets seem abandoned like a post apocalyptic ghost-town.
The Chinese visitor often finds that America is a very quiet and peaceful place. It's a bit of a surprise.
6. Everyone is your Friend.
Just because someone smiles, does not mean that they like you and are your friend. In America, smiling is just a polite way of interaction with strangers. In China, however, smiles are something that is reserved for special people. People, mind you, who have earned their place in your heart.
This is a typical American street on a fine day. Note the proud American flag flying and the what must be a nice crisp day. If you walked into any of these stores, the people would greet you with a smile. To a foreigner, it seems odd, but really comfortable.
When a Chinese person visits the United States, they are overwhelmed at how friendly everyone seems. Everyone smiles, opens up the doors for you, stands out of the way and is helpful. That being said, they are shaken to the core when they try to get into a conversation and practice their English. Aside from a polite minor conversation, most Americans just want to be left alone.
To a Chinese person this is like a best friend turning their back on you.
In America, a smile does not mean someone is your friend. It just means that the person who smiles is polite. In China, people normally do NOT smile. If they do, you know that they are a friend. Smiles are reserved for people who have a place in your heart.
The Chinese are often very comfortable in the United States, but find that making "real" friends is often very difficult to do.
7. Everything is Fair and Just.
Well, isn’t that what America stands for?
Ah, yes. The rule of law. But hey, when there are two standards of law; one for the super rich, and one for the rest of us, it isn’t fair. In fact, it is more than that. It is not a rule of law. It is a rule by favoritism, and there isn’t any real laws.
The Chinese understand this instinctively.
However, they are surprised that it exists in America. As they have been taught, and under the impression, that America was immune from this kind of judicial corruption. As a Chinese friend once told me, a nation that has two sets of laws; one for the powerful and one for the rest of us, is not a nation of law. It is a dictatorship.
Lock her up by Ben Garrison at Grr Graphics. All credit to the artist. Hillary Clinton sure has managed to get away with a lot. This is a characteristic of a third world banana republic. It is not the characteristic of a functioning Republic.
The Chinese are often surprised that America works the same way as China often does. It's the "golden rule"; the one with all the gold makes all the rules.
8. The Government works for the People.
America was set up as a place where the government serves the people. This is part of American history. As such, it is taught that way. Even in China.
Now it does not work that way. Now, in America it is not taught that way in schools either. However, it is still taught that way in China.
A casual visitor to the United States thinks nothing of this. It is until they are pulled over by a police car for a minor infraction, stopped at a check point for “inspection”, or told to hand over their cell phone for scanning. These things are unheard of in China. And, thus, are a real big shock to a Chinese citizen.
In America the police have been weaponized into a military force. This can come as a shock to the Chinese who see the police as the “keepers of order and stability”. Not as a militarized force that is used to enforce laws.
Other shocks include;
Open container laws
Paying for internet access
Taxes on everything
Money that is always complicated ($9.98 instead of $10)
Huge portions of food
Lack of public transportation (or insufficiency of)
In China the police are used in much the same way as they are used in America. However there is a great divergence in philosophy behind their use. In China, the police are used to go after criminals who create victims. In the Untied States, the police are used to enforce behavior.
Chinese police arresting a criminal. The job of the Chinese police is to maintain the peace and harmony of an enormous society. Their most active role is to pursue and catch criminals who have hurt others and created victims. You can see some of the police cars in the background.
By the way, here is an unobstructed view of the police cars used in the arrest above. Pretty cool huh? Quite different from the military-grade hardware used by the American police…
This is a Chinese police car. The Chinese have all sorts of vehicles that are used to perform their duties. This varies from Segways, to cars and vans. In a pinch, the Chinese do have SWAT teams that are used very sparingly. They also often use these vehicles to patrol and interact with the people.
The Chinese are surprised that America has such a large police and military presence.
9. There is Crime Everywhere.
While the militarized police is a bit of a surprise, the fact that they exist are not. Everyone in China “knows” that America is a land full of crime and corruption.
They know this, of course, from Hollywood. It doesn’t matter if it is white-collar crime like “The Wolf of Wall-street”, or street gangs from any one of a thousand movies. The Chinese tend to believe that America is a dangerous place.
Thus their surprise that they don’t see any crime.
Most of America is very safe. America, is a great place to raise children, contrary to what Hollywood and the mainstream news might lend one to believe. Most of America looks something like this. The exceptions lie in heavy minority communities.
Or course, if they were to visit Chicago, Detroit or Baltimore, their opinion might be quite different. When the Chinese visit, they see how beautiful and clean America is. They see police patrolling in nice new squad cars, and Americans behaving in polite and ordered ways.
They tend to be a little surprised that America is much safer than what they have been led to believe.
10. Everyone Speaks English.
I always get a big laugh out of this. Yet, it is a common misconception.
No, I am not talking about people speaking Spanish in Texas or California. Rather I am talking about what happens when a Chinese person goes into a area where people speak a heavily accented English. Like, for instance Arkansas, Louisiana, or Mississippi.
Here’s a pretty good map of regional American English accents.
"My grandmother said things like, “over yonder,” “rightchere,” (right here), “likeyat,” (like that), and “haint” (spook). Any non-sleeping dog had a “wild hare up its ass,” and if Grandma was angry, she was “some kinda burnt up.” She was prone to redundant modal verbs (“I done told you before”) and a big fan of the circumfix “a-in”–such as an owl “ahootin’ and ahollerin’.” Similar to Barry Hannah and Singleton’s backwoods characters (consider Hannah’s use of “sumbitch” or “You’re all wore out from being nice,”
-Trying to write in a Southern Accent
My favorite story is when some Chinese stopped and asked for directions in Kentucky. The instructions went something like this…
“Yall done drive past wheer dat old tree used to be, hang a left. You’ll recon Auntie Suzie’s house dere. Cruze a few miles til you see the spot whare da town had dat fair last spring, and then swing a right. Be mindful now. There’s that old viaduct. You should be fixin’ to gander it around ten minutes or so later.”
I guess this is why I still say “Youse guys”, LOL. Americans do not speak “standard” English. We all have regional dialects. Some are easy to understand. Some are quite difficult.
The Chinese visitors are often surprised that many Americans speak differently than what they have been taught, and what is shown on television.
Other Posts
This is the second of two part post. You can visit the other post; ” The Top Ten Misconceptions Americans have about China”. It can be found HERE.
The Chinese, when they visit America, come back with tales of adventure and great stories that they tell to their friends. Their overall opinion and picture of America is a positive one. They tell glowing stories of how absolutely beautiful America is and how friendly Americans are.
They come back to China saying “America wasn’t at all what I expected. It was better.”
“America wasn’t at all what I expected. It was better.”
Take Aways
The Chinese believe the main-stream media and are impressed with President Trump for his ability to avoid hanging from a noose.
The way the American government works is a mystery to the Chinese. But, that is ok. It is a mystery to most Americans as well.
The Chinese believe Americans are very wealthy, because by Chinese standards, you need to be a millionaire to be able to live like an American does.
The Chinese are often surprised that Americans don’t carry guns everywhere.
The Chinese visitor often finds that America is a very quiet and peaceful place. It’s a bit of a surprise.
The Chinese are often very comfortable in the United States, but find that making “real” friends is often very difficult to do.
The Chinese are often surprised that America works the same way as China often does. It’s the “golden rule”; the one with all the gold makes all the rules.
The Chinese are surprised that America has such a large police and military presence.
They tend to be a little surprised that America is much safer than what they have been led to believe.
The Chinese visitors are often surprised that many Americans speak differently than what they have been taught, and what is shown on television.
Q: What do most Chinese think of America?
A: Most Chinese, that I know of, think favorably of America. The ones that have visited the big cities such as New York, and San Francisco absolutely love it. The ones that have toured America in cars, and have visited the United States rave about how great America is. Their biggest complaint is that their trip wasn’t long enough.
Q: What areas should a Chinese person visit?
A: There are so many places to choose from. But, were I to make a travel plan, I would suggest a trip to the deep south like New Iberia, LA and a visit to the French Quarter in New Orleans. I would suggest a trip to Savanna, GA. I would advise a visit to Boston in the middle of October when all the leaves change. I would suggest a visit to some civil war battlefields.
Q: What can I do to entertain some visitors from China?
A: I would suggest a BBQ with some ice cold beer. Cook chicken and hamburgers and American hot dogs. The Chinese LOVE American hot dogs. It would be a real treat for them. Take them out and shoot some guns. Go swimming and if you have a boat go out and ride about in it. Go fishing, they would absolutely love it. If you have a compound bow, let them try their skill shooting it.
Q: Would the Chinese eat my dog or cat?
A: Heavens! No! Most Chinese love animals, and both dogs and cats have a special place in the hearts of most Chinese. The problem is that if you introduce your dog or cat to them, they might end up spending all the time with them instead of with you. If you dog can play frizbe, then show the Chinese visitor how to throw it and everyone will have a great time.
Once you get older, you change. Change is a continuous process, indeed. But age permits one the benefit of reflection. For the person that I am now is not the boy that grew up in Western Pennsylvania. My interests are quite different, and I am quite sure that I would be shocked and surprised at what I have become, and how my life is today.
My life today is nothing like I expected it would be…
There are so many elements of this that it is difficult for me to adequately quantify.
I look back at my High School days and view many of the actions and activities that I participated in as very trivial. Yet at the same time, I see them all as necessary learning avenues to teach me about society and social interaction. I now see the importance in the creation of special events, and school get-togethers. While my interests were generational in scope, they still manifest today. They are just in different forms and shapes.
I look at the politics of today, and view them in terms of sentience selection. I do not view them in the “black and white” terms of my boyhood. This goes double for the American media narrative.
As such, I see that I have aged and matured.
My thoughts are no longer so pristine and “black and white”. My experiences have forged me into the person that I am today. You cannot take a person who spent their entire life in the black-negro ghettos of Chicago and expect them to walk into a directors meeting of a fortune 500 company.
Nor can you take a person who has lived their life uneducated, as a poor Muslim in the Sudan, and expect them to write the latest code and create a spectacular software program from it.
Your actions and thoughts create your destiny.
As such, I am not going to get up and become an NFL star, a blonde female social activist, or a wild playboy like Hugh Heffner. It just isn’t going to happen. Today I am the sum total of all my thoughts that I had during my entire life. I have created this world that I now live within.
Life is not a lottery that you win through the selection of a random number. The life you live is a consequence of your thoughts and your actions. Which means…
Our Life is up to Us to Configure
My life today is not at all what I thought it would be. For I thought and envisioned the kind of life that I saw on television and read in the Men’s Magazines that I read growing up. Instead, it was something else.
It became what I thought about.
Now that I am older, and I don’t have to deal with the corporate lifestyle, my life is slower. It is better. I can take my time and enjoy the finer things in life. I can smoke. I can drink. I can have massages. I can take naps. I can pursue my hobbies. I can eat the foods that I like.
What did I think about? What did I dwell upon?
Well, all through my younger years, and well into university, I dreamed and strove to be a “Rocket-man”. I wanted to be a “Spaceman”; an Astronaut. I named my toys after space and future television shows. I had “Cosmos” who was a stuffed dog. I had a Naval Flight Helmet (old style) that I was given and wore everywhere. I wanted that life…
I wanted to be with extraterrestrials.
I wanted to be friends with them.
I wanted to fly in the rocket-ships and visit their bases.
I wanted to enter into airlocks.
I wanted to be involved in great and important work that involved top secret equipment.
All of this happened, in one way or the other. Though none of it was how I pictured it to be.
Yeah. Welcome to the party. It’s hard core. That’s for damn sure.
There are readers that believe that they would behave differently than I have. Of course. We are all different. We all have different experiences and thoughts. I experienced my life because I had been working to it, and what I experienced was in direct proportion with my desire and goals. To this, I must say, to those who think that they would be different… Of course it would be different for you. You don’t have the same kinds of thoughts that I have.
What I experienced is a direct result of my thoughts.
These objectives also created downsides.
My Role was my Life
I joined MAJestic, but it was nothing like I thought it was. No, I did not strap myself into a rocket the size of the Empire States Building. No I did not go exploring the far off heavens. No, I was not rewarded with ticker-tape parades, buxom blonde beauty pageant winners, and given the key to the city. Nope. None of that happened.
Although, indeed, yes. I obtained what I wanted, deep down in my heart. It is just that it did not resemble anything like I thought it would. It was quite different.
I did actually meet extraterrestrials.
While not exactly “friends”, I was entangled intimately with some of them.
Though I never flew in a “Rocket-ship”, I did utilize the same transport technique that they used to visit their bases and facilities.
No, I never entered an “airlock”, however I did have many opportunities to egress from a Sally-Port.
I was involved in important “Top Secret” work, that absolutely did involve advanced equipment.
Yet, somehow it wasn’t like I actually pictured it. It did not resemble anything that I thought it would be like.
What happened
Instead, my entire life was (somehow) scrambled and put into a different “artifice” (for lack of an appropriate word). From that “artifice” I was expected to live as a normal, average man. But I wasn’t. There was no way I was average. Not in what I had done to achieve my role, but also in what I had become.
I had be “normal”.
I had to live an average life, and while living it, my thoughts and impressions were transcribed to “others” to manipulate the MWI that I inhabited. Of course, it involved the MWI, and the very fabric of our reality.
In the end, all I can say is that had a role. I was a snow leopard who was told to wear fleece and mingle with the rest of the sheep. I was a something that had a role that no one could see. I was apparently quite important, but I and my actions and significance were completely invisible to mankind.
I lived a typical American life.
It sucked. It really did.
I could not be special. I could NOT be special. By entering MAJestic I agreed to take on the role that was required of me. I had to participate in the kind of life that my fellow Americans were experiencing. I had to endure many layoffs and company restructurings, as my experiences HAD to be along the same line of the bulk of (American) humanity that I was representing.
What a friggin’ life. To volunteer for a role where you would be a kind of Charlie Brown constantly dealing with a horrible Lucy . All for what? To monitor the Mandelbrot migrations of a constantly evolving MWI slide? It sucked.
So yes, I was the sad sack, the Charlie Brown boy who had to endure Lucy pulling away the football, over and over again. I was the boy who picked up the golf balls at a driving range, only that I had a big bulls-eye painted on my chest. I HAD to experience the changes in American society, so that the MWI could experience the corrective slides.
That’s bad enough. In fact, it really sucked. But, that’s not all there is to it.
I Was Retired from MAJestic
I also had to endure the retirement sequence, and all the horrible aspects of it. Yeah, after thirty years of being the designated MAJesticliaison for a group of interested “signifigants”, I was retired.
Retired. I didn’t even get a friggin’ “thank you”.
But you know, it was not MAJestic that processed me. They only retired me. What they did, of course was have someone else do the “heavy lifting”. They went and utilized the state governments to take care of “my matter”. They set the State Government to process me and put me into a monitoring program.
The Constitution’s guarantee of a fair trial is disappearing.
“criminal defendants are being coerced to plead guilty,” cautions the nonpartisan National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
“There is no more heart wrenching task than explaining” to an innocent person that “they must seriously consider pleading guilty or risk the utter devastation of the remainder of their life.”
-New York Post
You know, the state did not know my background. The state did not care. They just treated me like all the others in the state monitoring programs. I got no special treatment. Reports were drafted. Paperwork was filled out. Things were “rubber stamped”. I went through the entire procedure. It all looked so fair and proper…
MAJestic only cared that I be retired and put into a monitoring program “just in case”. I mean after all, “why take the chance”? Who knows what the (potentially dangerous) extraterrestrials might have “up their sleeve”?
It really sucked.
In the 1960’s era televisions show titled “The Prisoner”, a secret agent is retired by placing him on an isolated island. America does not have any islands that they retire their MAJestic agents to. Instead they put them into monitoring programs. There are only two monitoring programs in the United States. Both are run by the states. One [1] is the parole system. The other is [2] the Sex Offender program. The parole system has a finite duration, and cannot be extended. The Sex Offender program is far more comprehensive and can be extended indefinitely.So I was retired from the organization. It hurt.
I am not going to pretty it all up. I was arrested, sentenced, promised a plea bargain, and then given a completely different sentence that we had agreed to. I was told by my attorney it was because “it was political“, whatever the heck that is supposed to mean.
So, I was retired by MAJestic.
Though as far as the rest of the country knew, MAJestic does not exist. There is no such things a extraterrestrials, and the American government does not have secrets, secret programs, or agents who participate in the programs. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, I was justly sentenced. I got my due. I was a terribly evil and bad man. I was a horrible person, one that needed to be isolated, secluded, avoided and made a pariah of.
I was a man who was “given his due”…
This was exactly what it was like for me. I did “Hard Time” in Arkansas. Photo is of ADC Cummins facility. Yup. We all did “Hard Time” in the hot and sweaty Arkansas sun. This was what was necessary to put me in a monitoring program that would track my actions, where I lived and what I would do. This is how MAJestic agents are retired. It is not pretty.
Now, there was a sort of freedom in being retired.
With the MAjestic set of probes disengaged, there was a kind of calmness and serenity that I hadn’t felt since I joined the program. Also, you adapt. It wasn’t a fun life, but then again, I felt like I was retired.
Of course only the MAJestic probes were retired. Not my extraterrestrial probes. They never shut off. They are always on. I am always connected to the MWI. Thus my situation that I find myself in today.
Retired from MAJestic.
Still part of the MWI, forever entangled with my “benefactors“.
Yet, in the end, it all worked out. What was promised to me materialized.
Yet, in the end, it all fell into place
Now, today as an older man, I see how everything fit into place. I no longer have to kiss up to others to achieve my goals. (This not only includes bosses at companies, but attractive women as well.)
This is wholly satisfactory to me.
This is whether or not I am trying to have a relationship or sex with another girl and need to alter my behaviors to attract her, or whether I need to fit some corporate model and image to obtain work elsewhere. Maybe it is from what I have learned through experience, or maybe it is because some of the baggage associated with MAJestic has been turned off. What ever…
I am my own man. I now do things on my own terms.
While it might not be popular to be a white male in America during the Obama Presidency, I no longer care. I am who I am, and I am not going to apologize for it. If you don’t like me, if you don’t like what I have done, if you don’t like what I wrote or how I wrote it, or if you are uncomfortable with my story… well that is fine.
I do not care.
I am a Man and I do not apologize for it
Gunny Highway is an ideal that has elements that all men should strive towards. Sometimes the fiction that we see can lead us into behavior ideals that we can adopt as our own.
Real men know exactly what I am writing about. It doesn’t matter if the reader is a male from Los Angles, Miami, or Memphis. All real men know exactly what I mean within the pages of this manuscript. A man is a man who is a Man.
I gave up political correctness when I became a man.
Prissy pussies apologize and carefully speak so as not to offend anyone. Real men say what they mean. They stand by their words, and are NOT afraid to speak their minds. Otherwise they aren’t men at all.
Even though biologically they might have a penis, and wear male clothes, they are actually a woman or boy pretending to impersonate a man. Being a man is something that goes beyond dress. Being a man is an attitude.
Never forget that.
I am a simple man. I like pretty dark-haired women and breakfast food.
Men and women are both attracted to “manly” men. In fact, to the surprise of the American media, soft-feminine progressive liberal women are incredibly attracted to strong conservative men. Don’t believe me, go HERE, HERE and HERE.
“I don't know why I am attracted to Conservative/ politically incorrect men. I am a total social justice warrior and proud of that, buy I am attracted to the opposite of that. Is anyone else attracted to their political opposite? I have a fantasy of getting dominated by an extremely anti sjw white man. I guess I want to have sex with people I hate/ people who hate me.
I am too. I think it takes a lot of confidence to hold a political stance that is so unpopular in our current political environment. It has a "bad boy" element to it. That's totally something that appeals to me, for better or for worse.”
It has nothing to do with politics, appearance, social-economic influences, money, power or position. It is all about attitude.
Attitude is uniquely tied to ego. That should be obvious. With that well understood, note how thoughts and ego are interrelated. Ego is tied to thoughts, and thoughts create our reality.
A woman (or a man for that matter) who “hitches up” to a strong willful man with a strong attitude will see REALITY BEND and WORLD-LINES converge to meet the shared needs of their partnership.
That is why.
I know all of this, and because I see this and understand it, I control the world around me. I am in control. I do not need to alter my behavior to please or appease anyone.
A real man does manly things and does not apologize for it. He is strong. He does what needs to be done without complaining. We goes after his dream without stopping. He tries, and works and then redoubles his efforts. He provides for his family.
Being a man does not mean to take on the 2016 stereotypical narrative promulgated by the American media. For that is a false narrative that has no basis in reality except to divide, ridicule and impugn. Rather, a man must maintain all his strengths with wisdom and concern for those around him.
Men are just as capable as women to nurture, support, and find friendships with others.
Men have emotions, feelings, strengths and weaknesses. Yet, if you follow the current American narrative, all men are a “joke” and totally unnecessary to raise children. In fact, according to many in America today, there needs to be steps taken to replace male dominance in the workplace.
This is often accomplished with “diversity experts”, who are more often than not, social justice minority lesbian women. Lord help the United States. It’s in for a tremendous upheaval.
Men are capable of compassion and understanding. We are capable of many things. However, do not cross us. A real man is not someone that you want to mess around with. We will give you our best, but if you are deserving, we will give you our worst.
A real man, of course, possesses an attitude, and is not afraid to show their strength when necessary. This can be in many forms, and is not limited to physical strength. Men have the ability to suppress, and control their emotions. Men can focus on one single thing to the exclusion of everything else. They can focus.
Women simply cannot. It is biological.
In short, let it be understood that men have abilities that are germane to their gender. Just like women also have abilities germane to their gender. Men can focus on things, plow through without the burden of emotion, and push against all odds. Women can nurture, have children, and raise a family. Both men and women have a role in our society.
Neither gender is better than the other. We are just different. That difference is wonderful.
When I came to China and started to live a more retiring life, I came to the understanding of how different my life was from what I expected. It occurred to me that my current life is the sum total of all the thoughts that I have ever had in the past.
This included such things as joining MAJestic, to what I ended up doing. It included such things as where I live and my lifestyle. It included everything about my life as I currently experience it.
As such, I have a message for the younger men out there…
Be good. Think good thoughts and do good deeds. Live your life on your terms. If you keep mindful and are focused they life that you desire in the deepest recesses of your heart will manifest for you. Just be in control of yourself. Be a man.
The life that have in your reality is created by YOU.
The only way out of a bad situation that you are in, is to change your thoughts immediately. Then have the discipline and the focus to work your way out.
My life is the accumulated thoughts of my entire life.
If you are good, you will end up with a good life.
It seems like things are beyond our control, but that is only an illusion.
Find inspiration in everything that you do. What inspires you might not inspire someone else. Inspiration is a very personal thing.
That being said, for me, I find that Silenus and Dionysus represents my love of life. For those of you who don’t know, in Greek mythology, Silenus (Greek: Seilenos) was a companion and tutor of the wine god Dionysus. You know, being the tutor for Dionysus is pretty cool. Eh?
He appeared together with satyrs and other creatures in the wine god’s entourage, resembling a satyr, although, he was considerably older. The character Silenus ended up as a very special genre of figure creatures known as sileni.
It kind of explains why I live the life as I do…
Yes. Well there is …..Dionysus cat!
Q: Do extraterrestrials exist?
A: Yes they most certainly do. It’s a pretty silly question, as we now know that we share this planet with many sentient animals, of which a number of them have complex brains and societies that we are just now beginning to understand. In the enormity of the universe it is absolutely crazy to hold on to the 1960’s era belief that we are the sole intelligence in the universe.
While there are many who consider humans to be the top of societal evolution, we shouldn’t neglect the fact that we share this world with dolphins. We have larger brains than us. They have a language that they speak. They are also quite intelligent. While many consider humans to go back 10,000 years, dolphins go back 48 millions of years.
Don’t you think that it is pretty arrogant of us to ignore the intelligence of dolphins that we share this planet with?
Q: How do you reconcile the bad times that you experienced?
A: I view them as lessons and experiences. I hope to learn from them, though it is sometimes a battle to keep positive and turn off the emotional connection to them. That being stated, it is also important to control the flow of news into your head. Most news, especially American news is designed to manipulate you. Do not let it. Manipulation takes the control of your life away from you.
Q: In what ways are the life you have now different from what you expected?
A: It is different in every conceivable way. From where I live, to what I eat. To who I know and how I am treated, to what I do for fun. To what my hobbies are to what I think is important.
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
One thing that I really like about the world is that everyone is different. I really like that. I like that ice cream comes in different flavors. I like that there are all kinds of trucks and cars to select from. I like that there are all kinds of girls, some small and tiny, and some big and voluptuous. I really like that.
This post is a tale of two different ways of solving a problem. The problem is obesity. With high-fat foods commonly available everywhere, there is a strong propensity to everyone to get fat and put on weight. What is a nation going to do about this? Allow their citizens to get fat, and die early?
In America, you make laws to control behavior. So the American solution to obesity is to ban things. Ban super-sized drinks. Ban high-calorie meals in schools. Ban pork in prisons. America is all about control. You tell the people what to do. You make laws to enforce your wishes, and you use the police to assure compliance.
In China, to provide solutions. If everyone is eating high-calorie foods, then you provide them outlets to burn those calories off. What China did, was provide public dance forums. Now, these forums have already existed in one form or the other for years now. What Beijing did was standardize them.
Let’s talk about this…
Over the last few decades, groups of grandmothers would gather in the open plazas and open areas and dance. They would pull out a “boom-box” and play music that they would dance to. This was all impromptu, and often you would have competing groups of dancers in the same square with a cacophonous sound that rattles doors, windows and teeth.
For years, these grandmothers would come out and dance. They would do it in the morning and in the evening. In fact, I even have a POST on how rude they often were. For some of them would push out rock-concert speakers and aim it at my house. Ugh!
“The line dancing craze has swept the nation over the past decade, with informal groups of primarily female retirees gathering at dusk and dawn to dance on any spare piece of pavement. Chinese media has estimated that up to 100 million people take part in the activities — known as “square dances,” for the public squares and plazas where many gatherings take place.The loosely associated groups often have a leader who hauls out a boombox blaring pop hits and folk classics. The women work through a handful of dance routines, with grizzled veterans usually taking up positions at the front and beginners tentatively following along in the back rows.”- Matt Sheehan
In 2016, Beijing put their collective foot down and established community guidelines that defined noise levels, music to play, and dances to do.
This was welcomed by the dancing grandmothers as a good thing. After a few months of fits and starts, the program was implemented throughout China.
Now it was a little different.
Now, you have a set selection of music to dance to. No longer is the music only fifty year old pop songs. The music is contemporary and upbeat. No longer do random grannies define the dance steps, but they follow defined dance routines set by trained physical therapists and trained professional dancers, designed for most people to exercise to.
Now you have paid organizers who are trained and authorized to lead the dances. Now, you have music that you can dance to, with defined dance steps. Now you have start and end times, and music noise levels that must be adhered to.
But… something happened.
Everyone Started to Dance
What began as a venue for grannies to exercise, soon became a venue where everyone can participate. There are contemporaneous pop songs that are played along traditional favorites. New songs are always added to the mix, and unpopular songs are dropped. The dances are all led by trained instructors (for the most part) and everyone can now participate…
Dance Instructor getting the crew dancing…
Something else started to happen as well. As soon as the instructors started to dance, they would bring their classes (for most of them owned dance schools) and their entire class would dance in public as well…
This action attracted many other things. Suddenly you now have high-school and college aged girls wanting to dance in the venues. After all, these dance venues are in the centers of all the civics areas. Some girls would be walking by the mall, and there is this big group of dancers, and they would put their gear down, and join them. It was all impromptu.
And, it’s not just pretty girls.
You have people of all ages and walks of life… And, yes also people who need to lose a few pounds or two. Now they find it easier to dance along with everyone else, and lose some pounds in the process. It’s a win-win. Beijing figured that if you provide people with options, fun options, they would take advantage of them. In this case, they were right.
Here’s a guy burning off some weight.
What this has done was merged pop culture and pop music with the Chinese dancing forum. It has created it’s own popular venue on it’s own merits. As a result, you can often see and meet attractive Chinese girls dancing and singing along in the public squares together.
Here’s a group of girls. I particularly like these girls. I watch them hypnotically mesmerized by their moves and jiggling bodies.
The dance steps are often simple, but the dancer can add their own flourishes to them. We have dancers that dance as couples and others that prefer the line-dance routines. Here is a group that does a nice spin-and-stomp move…
The dances are organized twice daily. In the morning it is generally from 7am to around 9am. In the evening, it usually starts around 6pm and often lasts to 10pm. If you ever go to a mall, or shopping center you will see these people dancing up a storm. It’s all free.
Typically, you find a space in the back and try your best to follow. Eventually, over time you will get it, and there will be many who will offer to help teach you the steps. This is a great way for a shy boy to meet some attractive girls. Let me tell you what…
In China, many stores and restaurants have their staff line up for a daily briefing, and company dance. It seems strange, but it is true. However, what if your company was right next to one of these plazas? After all, they are always at major shopping and city centers. What about having your staff do a morning dance before work? Wouldn’t that be nice?
And, that is exactly what happened…
They probably all work in front of the beef noodle restaurant that they are dancing in front of. Of course, the company would provide them with an exercise uniform, though the shoes would be their responsibility.
By providing this venue, the Chinese have taken advantage of it and are enjoying every moment of it. The result is that there are no laws to enforce. No behaviors that need to be policed. The people are having fun, and they are exercising and losing weight int he process. It seems to work quite well. Don’t you think?
Here are some girls dancing as a couple. It’s all a sort of free-style within a dance routine.
Here’s some “free style” improvisation. The girls shake their tushes, and the boys do their thrusts. Check it out. In China you can be yourself.
Watch the boy first, you will see him do a thrust, then move your eyes to the girls next to him. They will do a shake of their cute behinds. Ah, you’ve got to love it.
Obviously there are numerous songs that are played with numerous dance routines. I played this same singular song to make a point; all the videos are taken all over China. They were taken on different days, with different people, at different times. Some were at night. Some were in the morning.
The music is the same.
American media reports… or NOT
What amazes me is just how friggin’ out of touch the American media is about all of this. They haven’t a clue about any of this. You would figure that if their job was to report on the news, that something like this would be reported on. Nope.
Instead they are “reporting” on other things. They are not reporting on events. They are providing their opinions of things. They package the opinions of others, and what people think, on what they heard, from others who lie all for a concocted narrative who’s objective is to keep Americans living in fear. Ugh.
With that being said, here is a final micro-video of some dancers. Here they are dancing in a kind of moving forward and sideways motion that looks like a lot of fun. It really does look like fun.
I used to do some country & western line dancing (when I lived in Mississippi) that I had a ball with. This is the same kind of thing.
If you look closely, you can see the young man in the back who is trying to learn from the girls by copying their moves. Good going, son. You will eventually get it. Just concentrate on the foot work like you are doing. It’s all just a matter of time.
The world has an obesity problem. With the advent of fast food, the world has been getting fatter, heavier and unhealthy. This is most prevalent in West with American and Europeans leading the pack. In fact, it is such a problem, that America has written many laws to control the behavior of Americans…
Laws on what you can eat.
Laws on the sizes of food portions.
Taxes on food to discourage eating.
Limitations on the types of food that you can eat.
Restrictions on portion sizes in schools.
In order to enforce these laws, more laws were written, and additional police were hired to enforce these laws.
Meanwhile, in China, they took a different approach. While in American, laws are written to enforce behavior, in China laws are designed to prevent victims. They couldn’t write a law forcing all Chinese to act in certain ways. Their government is not set up like that. All that they could do is provide healthy alternatives to an existing Chinese lifestyle.
So what they did is make it possible for everyone to exercise. They tied pop-music and pop-dance to public square. Now, everyone can dance. You don’t have to. It’s not a law, but it is available to you if you want to take advantage of it.
I think that this is a superior solution to enforcing behavior from a central all-knowing, all-powerful American government.
Take Aways
Obesity is a world-wide problem.
Different nations have different approaches.
In America, behavior is enforced through laws.
In China, solutions are provided to the citizenry.
China has provided an avenue for easy access to fun exercise.
America writes laws and enforces compliance with armed police.
Q: Low long has this dancing venue been established? A: The grandmothers have been dancing for decades. In the last five years they have gotten unruly and out of hand. In an effort to regain control, the dance venue was standardized and now provides opportunities for people of all ages to dance. The dances are established with health in mind. The new format was implemented sometime in 2016.
Q: Why doesn’t America provide access to dance, instead of making laws? A: Power. Those elected and in the American government do not want to lose control of any of their power. They want to dictate behavior. They do not want solutions. They want power.
Q: What if you don’t want to dance? A: Then you don’t dance. It is not the duty of the Chinese government to force you to do things or to adopt new behaviors. It is their role to provide solutions. It is up to you, as a citizen, to take advantage of the opportunities or not. In China, citizens are free to live life on their terms. In America, you must obey the law and fit into the prescribed behaviors established by the government.
Q: What if I don’t know how to dance? A: No body know how to dance to the songs. They need to be instructed by the leader. Some learn fast, and some learn slow. If you watch the videos you will see old grandmothers shaking to the music even though they are not as lively as the other dancers. You just need to get up and TRY.
Links about China
Here are
some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader,
might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.
China and America Comparisons
As an
American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United
States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is
the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the
British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal
press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what
China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Parks in China
The parks
in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very
mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Really Strange China
Here are
some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem
odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events,
while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
What is China like?
purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world,
outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they
might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank
And while
America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources,
and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has
done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and
you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
Summer in Asia
Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…
Some Fun Videos
Here’s a collection of some fun videos taken all over Asia. While
there are many videos taken in China, we also have some taken in
Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea and Japan as well. It’s all in fun.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
If there were some kind of words of wisdom that I could impart to the reader, or if there was some advice that I could give the reader relative to my experiences and my knowledge, what would it be?
Let me think…
“The most powerful thing that we can be is ourselves. I love what Zachary was saying because that's us. We were always that little kid. We're still that little kid. Right — just aspiring to be something better. Aspiring to be important.”
-Dwayne, The Rock
First off…
Put your phone away. Turn that fucker off. When you come home and throw your keys into a basket, catchall, or other small container, toss your phone in with them. When it’s with you — and in your pocket — the mental clutter of an entire Internets worth of headlines and viral videos can be too much to resist.
No. This is not about the NSA spying on you. Though it does. No. This is not about Google tracking your location. Though it does. No. This is not about privacy or peace, though those are significant issues. No.
Having your phone always next to you is like having a stack of newspapers and magazines on the floor that you have yet to read. Only when you ditch the newspapers because you realize they’re literally old news will the mental space they’re crouching on be freed up.
It’s true. I used to collect all kinds of magazines. If I was too busy to read the articles, I would save the magazines for later. Over time, I never read the articles. No matter how interesting or well written they were. Instead, the stack just got larger and larger. It became a “to do” item on a growing list of “to do” items.
Remember, regardless of the content, if it is not PHYSICALLY part of YOUR life, it is not important to you directly. Those memes don’t call to you if your phone isn’t within reach…
Be who you are. Stop trying to please everyone else. Stop trying to listen to the “experts” who tell you what to eat, how to dress, when to sleep and who to be with. Stop trying to follow the rules that tell you what to say and how to behave. This is your life Darn it!
“Hold yourself to a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.”— Henry Ward Beecher
Quick Summary
This is your life. It’s yours.
This is your reality that you exist within. Everyone around you are but very lively and interesting “shadows”. While they might be part of your reality, they are not part of who you are. They are not you.
To really live your life, as GOD intended, you need to live it on YOUR terms.
What about you?
Throughout this blog, I spent a lot of time describing MY own personal experiences. But what does that matter to you; the reader?
How can it possibly matter? What is the significance of all of this? Where does what I have written here lead to? Will you make more money? Will your body be healthier, and your personality improve? Will you find that members of the opposite sex will be drawn to you?
I really do not know. Every person is different.
Everyone who reads this blog reacts differently to it. Some of the comments are completely cruel and uncalled for. Some are just nonsense, maybe generated by a computer algorithm. Others seem to be from a middle school student who cannot spell very well. Honestly, I don’t keep up with the latest texting slang and abbreviations. To me, it reads like gibberish.
I find that most readers only read the first three paragraphs or so and then skims down the the bottom of the page before exiting. Very few ever read the entire article. Those that do, are the ones who derive full benefit of the topic content.
Would you try to understand?
This blog is not what everyone expects.
It is not intended to be set up like a conventional blog, news article, editorial, disclosure or “whistle-blower” statement. There is a completely different purpose behind this blog. If you are here reading this, perhaps you do UNDERSTAND.
I do not expect, at all, to have a following like Robert Greene has with his book the 48 Laws of Power. I would be nice, but it really isn’t necessary. I do not require a following to get my message across. I only need one or two key people.
The 48 Laws of Power has sold over 1.2 million copies in the United States and has been translated into 24 languages. Fast Company called the book a "mega cult classic," and The Los Angeles Times noted that The 48 Laws of Power turned Greene into a "cult hero with the hip-hop set, Hollywood elite and prison inmates alike."
You have read this blog for reasons unknown. You slugged through it. You persevered. You have reached this point in time, where you now are saying “What the fuck?”. What have you gotten out of this?
Understanding? What kind of understanding is this all about?
Men need to be “awake”
We have to realize that we live in a world that is increasingly confused, uncertain, and paralyzed that is calling out for men of action.
We need to stop thinking and start acting.
Stop looking at the big red button and push it.
Stop planning and take a step forward.
Stop talking about grit and take a hit.
In short, the world needs men. I’m not sure if you’ll answer the call. I do know some will, though, and that’s all we need.
I cannot provide a “one size fits all” kind of manuscript. I cannot describe things for a woman (or for a woman’s point of view), as opposed to that of a man.
Personally, I think preserving a few small differences in the expectations of male/female behavior, simply as symbols of our differences, keeps things fun. Rules and traditions give life texture and meaning, as opposed to living life in an entirely blah postmodern wasteland. Sameness is boring. Differences create attraction.
That being pointed out, all I can do is explain what I know in the context of what I understand.
I tried to be inclusive, but people are far too diverse.
Let your profession be a labor of love. Do what makes you happy and what you are good at. Damn the rest of the world sitting on the sidelines eating popcorn. Take a leading role in your life. Instead of watching the movie, instead of talking about the movie, actually LIVE the movie.
We need a set and clear objective
Integration is the key word here. Each of us has to decide on the end game—is the goal to help people become more positive or a fully functioning, human being? The former is artificial and the latter is messy and nuanced. Choose to see the complexity of human beings, and we will be of greater service to helping ourselves and humanity.
Make a difference in the lives of the people around you. You can do it. Just smile more. Be kinder. Try to be helpful. Take time, and set time to be the best you that you can be.
Everything, and I do mean everything, is all about us and how we live within our reality. It is all about what we do with your life. It is what we do with our time, our friends and our purpose.
This is YOUR reality.
We need to integrate it. We need to integrate it with ourselves and be the person that we were intended to be.
You, the reader have read about my adventures, and perhaps wonder if you may also get this “kind” of opportunity in the future. I can tell the reader this; YES.
Yes. Eventually, depending on your conscious efforts toward sentience construction (in the physical embodiment) you will get this “kind” of opportunity.
The change in mindset will absolutely create a change in thoughts. This change in thinking will completely change your physical life; it will become more adventurous. However, the decision to live this life is a difficult one.
Indeed, the choice to live an adventurous lifestyle is not an easy one. It is very difficult to break free of the monotonous routine of daily life when you have been repeating it for years on end.
You can easily come up with a handful of excuses why you shouldn’t book that weekend whitewater rafting trip, travel to a foreign country, or make an appointment for your first SCUBA lesson. I can’t get off of work, I shouldn’t spend the money, who will watch the kids, etc. There is only one way to break the routine, and that is to just do it. Keep in mind the words of George Mallory, known for attempting the first ascent of Everest;
“What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. And joy is, after all, the end of life. We do not live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to live. That is what life means and what life is for.”
Of course it will happen, this is your reality and it is ruled by your thought. If the reader is confused, then please reread the post on reality. But, no, it will not be identical to what I experienced. It will (probably) NOT be in some sort of a top-secret government project. You probably won’t be part of MAJestic.
No, it will not be that obvious.
No, you will not realize what it is until AFTER you have participated in it. However, like it or not, YOU will have this opportunity. (Maybe not in this physical reincarnation, but it will happen to one of your incarnations. Every person goes through a sorting process to settle their sentience configuration vector.)
The easy way…
Finally, and for the record; No, you cannot pay money and buy a ticket or education that will enable this transformation. It will only occur when you are ready. This means emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually. Nothing that you can do physically, aside from altering of your thoughts, can enable this transformation.
As the saying goes; “You cannot buy your way into heaven.”
“When I envied a man’s spurs then they were indeed worth coveting.”― Zane Grey
Be a man that your parents would be proud of. Do great things. Be a man that others would emulate. Be good. Be special. Be what you were intended to be. Do it because of who you are. Do not do it our of fear of Hell, fear of the police, or fear of other concerns. Do it simply because it is who you are.
Stop placing your fate in someone else hands. It’s time to take control of your life. Instead of being the ship, be the captain that controls the ship.
Having a bunch of loose ends in your life is heavy psychological baggage. It’s like an orchestra where everyone’s playing a different piece. The music would be terrible. You have to step in as the conductor and get each instrument on the same page, all working together to create something beautiful.
Be the person in charge of your life.
You are no longer a student; a child. When we were a child our parents taught us. They guided us. When we were students, it was our teachers that guided us. When we got our first job, it was our supervisors that guided us. Later, where we got married, it was our spouse that guided us.
Stop that train of behavior.
You are an adult. Take charge of your life.
First Steps
Start by making a list of the things in your life that you’re not happy with. Pick one of the problems and come up with a concrete plan of action on how you’re going to tackle it.
Unhappy work, job or career.
Unhappy health or appearance.
Unhappy relationships or lack thereof.
Unhappy financial or health situation.
This simply means sitting down with a notebook and not getting back up again until you’ve figured out a solution, a few concrete steps you can take to solve the problem.
And then you follow-through with your plan with absolutely no excuses.
Now, if there’s really nothing you can do to change the situation, then come up with a way that you can change your reaction to what’s happening.
Change yourself.
Let the rest of the world adapt to the NEW you.
Don’t let other people dictate how you feel. Controlling your emotions and deciding how to feel on your own terms is one of the manliest and most satisfying accomplishments in life.
Second Steps
Once you successfully tackle one problem, your confidence in your problem-solving abilities will increase, your sense of being in control of your life will increase, your resiliency will be continually strengthened, and your confidence will be further enhanced. And the cycle will continue.
Your life is not fixed. It is malleable and it can be whatever you want it to be.
Be like Bronco Billy. Live your dream. You don’t have to be a poor shoe salesman in New York city. You can recreate your life into something that appeals to you. Don’t be afraid. Follow your dream.
Therefore, I can at least provide some basic guidelines (The larger theme here demands ignoring the popular narrative and thinking both independently and unconventionally.) to the reader towards their own personal growth and behavior, Let me take a moment to address these issues…
I strongly urge the reader to accept the sentience that they are inclined towards. Do not try to be what you are not. Your soul determined this physical incarnation. Utilize it. Learn from it.
There are positive and negative aspects in everything. Try to bring out the positive in everything that you do.
Be you. Most importantly; do not take what I have written as a behavioral guide. It was my life, but not your life. It was full of errors and mistakes. Therefore, I urge you to be you. Be who you are; just as you are.
Consider your strengths. Start basing your self-concept on your strengths, not on external things. This isn’t some banal self-esteem affirmation where everyone is special just “because”. Your strengths are the things that truly make you unique and give you something special to offer the world.
You are unique. Allow yourself to feel confident in what you have to offer people. We may never be superheroes in the comic book sense, but you should look at your strengths like your unique “superpowers” that you can use as a force of good in the world.
Do your best in everything. Be kind. Accept others exactly as they are, and don’t try to change or mold them. (Trying to change others is a “service to self” mentality, but more importantly it causes quantum entanglements. You might want to avoid that carefully.)
Accept your belief structure as a fundamental part of who you are and recognize that it is neither good, nor bad. But rather an extension of your very being and essence. That means both the spiritual and political aspects of your being.
To Impart Information
I hope what I wrote in this blog, somehow and at some level, benefited you in some way. It is not my intention to change the reader, but to impart information that I have accumulated over the years.
I wish to distill it into a format for the greatest bulk of the population to enjoy. What the reader and their friends do with the information can only be speculated upon, but I do indeed hope that the end result will be a positive one.
Be who you are and what you are destined to be.
“My prejudice was that the ideal man is a woman in a man’s body. And I learned, no, that’s really not. There are a lot of women out there who really want a manly man, and they want his stoicism,”-Vincent
A lesbian feminist disguised herself as a man for a period of time to see first hand the differences in gender. She wanted to make a case in favor of male privilege and the need for men to change their behavior and act more like women for a just and fairer world.
She was wrong and this amazing article describes her discoveries. Because of her experiences her views about men have changed forever.
“Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have, but they don’t have it better,they need our sympathy. They need our love, and maybe they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together.”
Ironically, Vincent said, it took experiencing life as a man for her to appreciate being a woman. “I really like being a woman. … I like it more now because I think it’s more of a privilege.”
Trying to change the actions and behaviors of others to suit your own ignorance or needs is a selfish action. It is a sure fire sign of “service to self” sentience, however, when the person learns the objective lessons in the folly, then one is well on the road to altering their sentience. Though it might prove painful.
You have Strengths
Embrace your strengths as the arsenal of tools you have to meet life’s challenges. Unlike external things, your strengths can go anywhere and help you in any situation.
Consider what you have…
Energy to start the day.
Resiliency to keep at it, time and time again.
The ability to forge ahead and never give up.
The ability to do your best, while the rest of the world laughs at you.
The ability to endure.
If shit happens… and it will…
If you get divorced, if you are let go from your job, or you are forced to move to a new place, it will be your strengths that will be hanging around your shoulders like a bandoleer.
It will be your skills, your abilities and your raw power of personality.
They are there, ready to be employed to build something new. For you are the Rambo of resiliency.
Humphry Bogart as Dobbs. He was a man who was down on his luck, cheated when we found work, and swindled upon so badly that no one would give him a dime for a cup of coffee.
Exercise your strengths. Use them. The exercise of your strengths are the path to true fulfillment, gratification, satisfaction, and happiness. Find ways to employ your strengths more often in your job, relationships, families, and faith.
The more fulfilled you feel, the stronger you’ll feel as a man, and the easier it will become to take risks and brush off setbacks.
For the Younger Fellas…
You’re only young once. This is the only time in your life where you don’t have any obligations– no mouths to feed, no mortgage to pay, no employees to look after.
You’re free.
Don’t waste your time and freedom indulging in endless leisure activities or posting pictures of your latest dessert on Instagram. This is the time to truly learn… to put your heart and soul into building the knowledge, skills, and character that can set you up for the rest of your life.
An end result
This blog is the end result (I believe) that former President Ronald Reagan intended way back in 1981. This is what he meant when I signed onto MAJestic. This is what he was talking about…
It was a little like this scene from the movie “Top Gun”, except that the office was much, much larger. The commander was not so casual. He was friendly, but businesslike.
Make your life something significant. Make it worthwhile. Make it a positive impact. Try your best, and be the best “you” that you can be. Do not model your life after someone else life. Do not model it after mine. Design your own.
Make yours matter. Make your life count.
Be a GREAT person. I don’t know if the reader has actually seen this episode, but Pam invites the entire office to her art show that she’s been gearing up for for a really long time. Nobody shows up except for Oscar and his partner (and they critique her work, calling her “lacking in courage” among other things, not realizing she is standing right behind them) and then Michael. However, Michael is the only one who tells her she is great just for putting herself out there, and the only one who places value on what she’s done. He points out all the little details she got right and notices absolutely every bit of hard work she put into it. He then treats Pam like the artist she is by not just paying her for her art, but displaying it where literally everyone can see it. It’s one of my favorite episodes.
Start today
Start today. Say out loud “This is NOT how my life will end.”
Begin with kindness. Start slow, and just be yourself.
“…he was an idealist who went after the attainable; a dreamer who was a man among strong men; a man who faced life with superb assurance and who could face death serenely imperturbable. These were my first impressions; which months of companionship only confirmed.”-W. B. Hargrave
Every day, in little tiny ways, just be the best you that you can be. Groom yourself well. Think before you speak. Smile. Sit straight. Radiate. Park your car straighter.
Oh, but you’ve heard it all before… haven’t you?
“Once you declare an idea or person to be your enemy, you give them a room in your mind. Within that room you insert their history, strategies, tactics, strengths, and weaknesses. You dedicate more of your waking hours to understanding how to defeat them. As time passes, items from that room start to leak out into your being, until you look in the mirror and realize that you are not that different from your enemy.”-You become what you fight by RooshV
However, this time, yes this time, listen.
Be a man
Concentrate on yourself, and being the best you that you can possibly be. Don’t worry about everyone else. Do your best. Do more than the “next guy”. Be the one who shows up on time. Make your word your bond. Look people in the eye when you speak with them.
Be a MAN god dammit!
Often it is not what we think we want or what we believe would make our lives meaningful that matter. It is the way and manner by which our adventures unfold through our thoughts and actions. Our soul directs the events that help mold our thoughts. Our thoughts create our realities that in turn result in our physical reactions. When offered a choice, one must be prepared to recognize that it was our thoughts and our soul that led us blindly to that nexus.
Present yourself in a businesslike fashion while on the job. Be kind to those around you. Be good to animals. Water a plant. Refrain from shooting off an angering post or e-mail. Stop reacting. Stop being manipulated by others. Visit your grandparents unexpectedly.
Have some class
Men get angry and resentful when they agree to something that compromises who they are, what they stand for. Men who have developed their “non-negotiable, and unalterable terms”, have no problem cooperating as long as they’re not asked to compromise what’s important, their non-negotiable, unalterable terms.
Be who you are, but work with others to achieve mutual benefit to all.
Your goal should be one of two outcomes in everything that you do. Either [1] put a smile on the face of someone, or [2] be neutral. By adding sun and happiness in the world you enrich the world around you. If you cannot enrich the world, then please be neutral. It will help you in the long run. Trust me. All those “trolls” on the internet, are now finding that their life outside of their computer personality has become shabbier, problematic and tarnished. It is our actions and thoughts that define our reality.
Help Others
Help others. We all have a calling in life. I believe it boils down to one thing: You are here on this planet to help other people. In fact, none of us can exist very long without help from others.
It is our higher calling.
This thought was brought home forcefully in a story that Garret Keizer recounts in his insightful book “Help: The Original Human Dilemma”.
Supposedly in hell the damned sit around a great pot, all hungry, because the spoons they hold are too long to bring the food to their mouths. In heaven, people are sitting around the same pot with the same long spoons, but everyone is full. Why? Because in heaven, people use their long spoons to feed one another. (Thus, my strong urge towards service to other sentience.)
Cultivate your relationships
Take your dad out for coffee. (That was my last memory of my father before he died. We went out for coffee and donuts.)
Buy your mother some flowers. (That will be a wonderful surprise! She would be so very surprised. You know that this is true. Do it. See what happens. It will just MAKE HER DAY. Do it, just “because”. I promise you that it would be a memory that she would treasure.)
Email an old friend and just say hi.
Be Attentive
Just act a little more attentively.
STOP multi-tasking. If you are going to eat, turn off the phone and eat, and talk with your companions. If you are going to play basketball, then play. If you are going to talk to someone on the phone, do not go watching television at the same time.
Multi-tasking is not at all appropriate for men. It is something that women do well, but not men.
Don’t believe me? Try carrying on a very serious conversation with your wife, while you are trying to watch a game on television. She will NOT accept your attempt at multi-tasking. She will demand your full attention.
Do good things
Do good things. Make your life matter. We are what we do every day. Make a difference.
Smile more often.
Slow down when you do things.
Turn off the news.
Take extra care being clean.
Eat better.
Spend time with your friends.
Try to say one nice thing to a person each day.
Do great works
Take what is presented herein and do positive great works with it. I implore you.
“Everything had its own little home, neat and tidy. The white linen handkerchief on the inside pocket. The little mints… A single key on a fob.”
-Nancy Sinatra on the contents of Frank Sinatra’s pockets
Begin with yourself
Begin with yourself. Be you, as unique as you can possibly be. Be comfortable with who you are and live yourself well. Then, once you are comfortable, improve the world that surrounds you.
Please pitch in and do your part to make the world a better place. Don’t rely on someone else to do the heavy lifting for you. As Martin Luther King noted,
“True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.”
In other words, don’t wait around for someone else to fix what ails you, your community or nation. Don’t make demands on other people to “do the heavy lifting”. If you want to feed the poor, don’t demand others pay higher taxes. You go out and you feed them yourself.
Don’t sit on your sofa and demand the government force others to help the needy. Get off your ass and help them yourself. You need to define your sentience. You need to say, loud and clear who you are and what you stand for. Stop being and living a life as a manipulated animal.
Growth is participatory. Or, as Gandhi urged: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
- Maya Angelou
You can be the ONE who makes a difference
Realize that one person can make a difference. That person can be YOU.
I wish that I would have lived up to the expectations of my parents, friends, and family. I wasn’t a hero. I never became rich, popular or successful. I was just an average man, and while my story was unique, I could have done so much more with my life than what I did.
"The best employee engagements programs fail if the CEO doesn't say good morning when he walks to his office."
I urge the reader to become great.
Become GREAT
Follow other great people as role models. Try to live up to their ideals. For me, I consider Bob Ross, or Fred Rogers as role models. Another is Les Brown. They lived life on their terms. Make a difference. Live your life on your own terms. Start NOW.
Bob Ross says, that the secret of doing anything is believing that you can do it. Anything that you believe you can do strong enough, you can do. Anything. As long as you believe.
Fred Rogers once said that there were three ways to ultimate success; The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind. In short, please be kind.
After I exited my retirement from MAJestic, I had a nice talk with my father.
He shook his head. “What went wrong”, he lamented. He pulled out a old black and white picture of me and him when I was one years old.
He was holding me up by my two arms. He looked so young, and so proud.
He looked at it and in a slow sad voice… “we had so much hope and promise for you…” and trailed off. (I kept that picture. It is now slowly rotting away in a Newark, N.J. warehouse somewhere. Forever lost.)
A plea for positive change
If we’re going to see any positive change for the human species on this little planet, then we must change our view of what it means to be human and regain a sense of what it means to love one another.
That will mean gaining the courage to stand up for the oppressed. This is true whether it is an American Indian being kicked out of a 7-11, or a white male student being shamed publicly in a university for “White Privilege”.
Take a stand.
In fact, it’s always been the caring individual, the ordinary person doing extraordinary things, who has made a difference in the world. Even Mahatma Gandhi, who eventually galvanized the whole of India, brought the British Empire to its knees, and secured freedom for his people, began as a solitary individual committed to the idea of nonviolent resistance to the British Empire.
You can be there. You can make a difference. You can be the light int he hallway. You can be the spark that adds brightness to a person’s day. You can be important and significant. You, yes you.
You don’t have to start big. Just take the time to care and show concern for those around you. This doesn’t just mean your friends and family. It means strangers as well.
“A while ago I met a guy on a flight. I was NOT having a good day myself but he started telling me how he had lost his job and he was on his way back from an interview. He then started to cry. He said that he really needs a job. They (him and his wife) also had a baby on the way.I listen to how passionate this guy was and how he wanted to get back to work. I asked him tons of questions and he answered them all. After we landed, and got off the plane, he laughed about how he felt like I was interviewing him.I looked at him with a smile and introduced myself as the Sr. Vice- President of Stores for a major retail company. He eyes widen as if he had seen a ghost because he was in retail as well.I hired him right there on the spot in the airport. I paid him more than he was making at his last job.Can I teach you three things? 1. As leaders, you should always look for great talent. 2. Always bring your best game to the table because you never know whom you are talking to. 3. You should never let the fact that you are having a bad day stop you from helping someone else have the best day of their life.
As leaders, the BEST thing that we can do is help people to believe in themselves again! As for me, I just want to leave people in a better place than I found them.”-John Moore
The Critters
Donna Douglas, as Elly May, plays with a chimpanzee dressed up in a little girl’s clothes, 1965. Photo taken from an episode of the tv show ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’. (Photo by CBS Photo Archive/Getty Images)
As I stated earlier, this is not limited to strangers, and people. It is not limited to family and friends. It is not limited to humans. Consider the neighborhood animals as well.
“Please don’t take your pets for granted.Even if you’re frustrated that your dog has been barking all day or your bird has been screaming for attention, remember you are all they have in this world. Give your fish that extra water change. Give your dog or cat that tummy rub they’ve been begging for. Chop up some fresh fruit as a treat for your rodents or reptiles.
Just spend some time with them. Be compassionate to your animals. They are living creatures that are alive simply because you wish them to be. They may only be a small part in your life, but to them, you are their everything.”-phalaenopfish on Tumblr
We can help the animals. It doesn’t take a lot of money or a lot of time. You just need to go forth and be who you are. You can do this. You really can.
My life is sun setting, it is up to YOU to carry the torch for me;
“Be the bright and shining star for all to see…”
When you see the light your life becomes illuminated. See the light and live life as you were intended to.
Finally, let me close with a very prophetic excerpt from one of my favorite authors.
“The rocket leaped forward into greater accelerations.And just before the planet dwindled away in brightness and mist, Forester imagined that he could see Driscoll very clearly, walking away down from the green forest, whistling quietly, all of the fresh planet around him, a wine creek flowing for him, baked fish lolling in the hot springs, fruit ripening in the midnight trees, and distant forests and lakes waiting for him to happen by.
Driscoll walked away across the endless green lawns near the white stones, beyond the forest, to the edge of the large bright river . . . .”-Ray Bradbury.Here There Be Tygers
Be Yourself
All our life we were told, taught, to conform. If we failed to do so we were punished. But that was only because it was easy on them, and hard on you. You need to unlearn their corruptions.
“When I first got to Hollywood — Hollywood, they didn't know what the hell to do with me. I mean, I was this half-black, half-Samoan and six foot four, 275-pound pro wrestler. You know; I was told at that time, 'Well, you got to be a certain way. You got to drop some weight. You've got to be somebody different. You got to stop working out. Stop doing the things that I love. You got to stop calling yourself The Rock.' What?!”
He continued: “And for years I actually bought into it because you think, 'Oh, that's what I'm supposed to do.' And I was miserable doing that. So I made a choice. And the choice was I wasn't going to conform to Hollywood, Hollywood was going to conform to me. So, Hollywood conformed to me and here I am with all of you getting the Generation Award. Holy s---,” Johnson said as the audience erupted.
In Johnson’s speech, the funnyman and producer explained the importance of self-love and remaining steadfast, being true to who we are as individuals.
-Dwayne The Rock
Being different is our STRENGTH.
It is a great and wonderful thing. We should treasure it, cultivate it, and own it.
Check out these videos of different people. See how absolutely wonderful and UNIQUE each one is.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Do not buy into that progressive liberal nonsense that you need to conform to society for the common good. Hogwash!
You need to be yourself, and be the absolutely best you that you can be. To Hell with the people who think otherwise.
Your VALUE to society is in your own uniqueness.
Take Aways
MAJestic operations taught me the importance of living your reality under your terms.
Often, we are living a programmed behavior established by others.
We will never be happy if we do not follow our own course; our own reality.
Fundamentally, it is something that we define alone, in accordance with our sentience.
Accept who you are.
Be the best YOU that you can be.
Spread the best of you around. Let others get a taste of the best you can offer.
Your reality will grow in size and be far more comfortable…
…when it is defined on your terms.
Q: Are you dying? A: No. Heck no. However, please kindly note, my existence is at the pleasure of others. When it is time to exit this reality, I wish to do so with some advisement under record. I don’t want to be a person which much to contribute who suddenly commits suicide with two bullets in the back of my head, or dies in a car crash, or has a cell phone explode near my ear. You never know.
I think we owe it to our friends and to our society, to contribute what we can NOW. Not wait until something happens. The “I will put it off until after the weekend” or some other nonsense. Forget that. Throw it out now. Do it now. Take care of your life NOW. You never know what will happen in your future. Live life NOW.
Q: Is there anything else? A: Of course there is. There is much to say and do. In fact, contrary to what the statists say, our universe and existence is far large, far more expansive and far more interesting than any of their trite solutions to scientific mysteries can define.
For all the geniuses that think they know everything, they have no idea about the building blocks of soul, and how they integrate into a consciousness. They have no idea about the makeup of the various heavens and how they interact with each other, and the mechanisms used. I will write about those things as soon as I get some of the more pressing issues out of the way.
Q: How do you feel about American politics? A: It saddens me. What ever you do, do not allow politics to define who you are. It is all manipulation one way or the other. Do not be manipulated. Define your reality on your own terms. Not on the terms defined by others.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
You know, many of us work for a living. As such, if you have a university degree, the chances are that you migrated to a corporate job in a corporate environment. You probably received a decent salary, a nice (if bland and sterile) working environment, and considered yourself well on the way towards corporate greatness in a solid career.
It’s a nice fantasy. It’s all a big lie.
Most Americans waste their lives working in this environment. They get up and go to work. They deal with traffic, an uncaring boss, and suffer through the various rules that HR implements. They endure mindless and mind-numbing meetings, answer a pile of round-and-round email trains, and fill out form after form.
That’s not a life worth living.
A life worth living is one with purpose, direction, participation and fulfillment. Within the now-popular “corporate model” we have the worst elements of 1920’s-style progressive social-engineering intermixed with 1980’s-austerity. It is a most horrible mixture. Couple that with modern surveillance technology, unified HR standards, and the sterile ideal, you have a nightmare.
Here are some thoughts on corporate life, particularly American corporate life, now that I moved on elsewhere. These thoughts are just general ramblings, and the reader should not get too offended by them. We are all different.
Those of you who own your own companies and who set them up can ignore this post. This is not written for you. This is written precisely for the people who have to work in the “corporate” environment. One that often springs up out of the model you created.
This is a Two-Part Post
This is the second of a two part post. To see the first part, please kindly go HERE.
The 360 Review
Sometime a decade or so ago, the reincarnation of Beelzebub came up with the idea of a HR technique known as a “360 Review“. This is a review of a employee where the employee is presented with all their good and bad together in a yearly review. It is based on the false premise that saying negative things about a person, to their face, will result in positive outcomes.
A Dilbert take on the 360 Review process.
Eventually this policy will fade away into obscurity. Companies that implement this policy tend to have short turnover cycles.
Trust me, no one wants to sit by while people tell them bad things about their life, their work, their dress, their behaviors, and aspects of their personality. In fact, a real MAN should get up, say that they will not tolerate such disrespect and leave.
Imagine sitting down and telling Clint Eastwood all of his bad faults and things that you don’t like about him…
I don’t think that either the actor Clint Eastwood, nor any of the characters that he played in his many movies, would stand for the verbal abuse of a 360 review. It is abuse. Do not think otherwise.
Thoughts affect our reality.
Now, the old saying “Sticks and stones might break my bones, but words will never hurt me“, is quite outdated. It is based on a Newtonian understanding of how the universe works. In the Newtonian reality, all that exists is what you observe. Things and objects follow predictable relationships with other physical things. There is nothing outside of the physical world. Well, surprise! The universe does not obey a Newtonian reality. It obeys a quantum reality.
That’s a wake up call for all you statists out there in internet-land.
In the quantum world, we now have a revised saying; “Sticks and stones will break my bones, and words will hurt me even more.”
Dr. Masaru conducted a very famous test on the power of thought. He placed written words on jars of rice in water. He then placed them all together in an isolated room. The only difference from any of the jars is the words written on the jars. He then, after a period of time, tested the water , froze it, and took photographs of the results. The jars with the negative and hurtful words created the worst shaped crystals, while those with the nicest words had the best shaped crystals. The only difference between the crystals are the thoughts associated with the words on the jars. Since humans are mostly composed of water, what do you think a critical work environment would do to the human body?
In the corporate world you have a false reality that you have to exist within. You obey it, and you take the uncomfortable all for a paycheck. It doesn’t have nor need to be that way. So don’t accept it.
Don’t accept it. Just do not.
If need be, imagine your favorite television character and put on that “face” and role. Because, for what ever it is worth, this kind of behavior done in China is considered the height of “face loss”. It just isn’t done here. So imagine your favorite character, and take on their persona when dealing with this kind of nonsense.
[21] The corporate world is a fantasy. It is a fake reality that is designed to subjugate the worker into behavioral norms that benefit the corporation. There is often no concern to the needs of the worker.
Responsibility with no Authority
Very often, in the corporate world, you will be held accountable for tasks that weren’t even your responsibility in the first place.
There are many different takes on this most common of attributes of a large corporate structure. Yet the basic fact remains, if you are given a responsibility, you need the authority to accomplish the task. It is a sign of poor management when you are given a responsibility with no authority.
In large corporations, you will be given tasks and responsibilities, and maybe a nice title. However, there will often be no authority with the new tasks. The end result will be a middle manager, or two, or three, that will hold up the entire process. One will be busy or on travel, or on vacation. You won’t be able to move forward on your tasks because this lone manager is “sitting on” the approval.
Yet, finally, once the approval is granted, you will be held responsible for the delay in the project and the task. Your supervision and your manager will not accept your excuses, even though they will be true and accurate.
[22] Any company that does not provide responsibility with individual authority is being managedpoorly. The inability to control a task you are assigned is a very stressful event. Stress is generated by things that are beyond our control.
One of the biggest and most significant lessons of working in a big corporation is that you exchange your time for money. You sacrifice your life; your time (your most valuable commodity), and yourself for a handful of paper. That paper is exchanged for baubles to enhance your lifestyle.
Over time, after working in this environment for a few years, we forget things. We start to assume that the purpose of the work that we endure is for the pleasures of collecting baubles.
That urgent need to get the latest iPhone when it first came out.
Upgrade your car with some niceties.
Purchase of that whimsy for your front yard.
Getting a better set of wrenches for the garage.
Buying that software game in the store, because it was on sale.
As nice as these things are, are they really important? I argue that they are not as significant as we tend to believe. America is a consumer-focused nation, and a sizable portion of our money goes into taxes, followed with things we rent (our house, our car – Yes “Rent”, you don’t own anything you are making payments on.), then what is left over is often gobbled up with the purchase of baubles.
It is important, for us to get off that treadmill.
Stop the accumulation of possessions. Only buy what you need. Downsize, and save what money you can. By doing this, we attain control over our options. Work and the salary that we derive from it is no longer so important. We have the ability to be flexible and start being in charge of our life, as opposed to a “slave to the company”.
You work hard for the money. You should put it to good use. Do not waste it on baubles such as the latest iPhone, or a new collar for your dog. Save up the money. Then use it for things that matter to you. Maybe a vacation in a far-away land, dinner with that girl that you have wanted to spend some time with, or maybe do more. You can use the money to save for a business that you want to get started. Don’t squander your assets. Put that money to good use.
Keep in mind that the more things that you possess fixes you into one physical location. It ties you down. Many of the things that you own loses their value quickly, and we tend to either put them in closets, garages or expensive storage units. They are things that no longer have any use to use. Quite the contrary, they force us with the need to earn more to replace them.
[23] The less you own, the more freedom you have. Do not fall into the trap of buying baubles to satiate a need that manifests from the corporate environment.
Do not confuse arrogance with confidence
One of the things that I have noticed in large corporations is that middle and upper management tended to have some very arrogant leaders.
Peter Stzrok, as senior level management of the FBI, is a smug arrogant son of a bitch. What a major asshole. He proudly said that no matter that Hillary lost the election, he would make sure that Donald Trump would get kicked out of the Presidency. Then he would make sure, as he had systems in place, that Hillary Clinton would take over one way or the other.
This is not always true, and indeed, many of the upper management in the smaller companies tended to be well-rounded, stable people with great ability.
However, the point remains that the long-duration corporate environment tends to create monsters. That’s the best way that I can say it. Over time, they rise up through the ranks, they play the political games, and become very astute at it. Over time, maybe they rise up higher and obtain some real genuine perks. I saw this at GM, and there were some amazingly arrogant assholes in leadership positions.
Confidence is what you obtain through successfully navigating through the stresses of life.
Arrogance is what happens when the ego confuses confidence with ability.
The problem arises in the manifestation of arrogance. The coworkers and subordinates all suffer. This can vary in how it manifests. For instance…
I worked at a glass company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where the managers would throw chairs, and pots of coffee at you if they were unhappy.
I worked in Shreveport, Louisiana where the management fired the housecleaning staff and brazenly told the white-collar engineering staff that from then on, our Saturdays belonged to the company. Our new job was to clean the offices on Saturday for eight hours for free.
I worked in San Louis Obispo, California where I was told that I shouldn’t go straight home after work. Instead that I was to “stick around” for an hour after I clocked-out to show “support” for the company.
I worked in Hattiesburg, Mississippi where My salary was cut in half, and replaced with a few cartons of old products that they couldn’t sell.
I worked outside of Chicago and I was ordered to change my phone number to something easier for them to remember.
I worked in Kokomo, Indiana and I was told that during the Christmas holiday that I was forbidden to drink any alcoholic beverages at home. If they found out, I would be fired.
I worked in Erie, Pennsylvania where I was ordered to change my personal signature to something that my boss found more to his liking.
I worked in Northern Indiana, at GM, and I was told that my car (a Mazda) was not welcome in the parking lot. So I was told that I should either buy a new car, or park away from the factory and walk to work.
The world might have people who are absolute assholes. There might be people who have poor social skills, and who want to rule the world… (Facebook, Google, or Twitter… anyone) and there are those who are just flush with their success. Remember that is not YOUR problem.
Martin Shkreli, a lightning rod for growing outrage over soaring prescription drug prices,, raised the price for his companies life-saving drug 4000%. He bought the company with money that he made on stocks. Then raised prices an enormous amount. He was arrested by the FBI after a federal investigation involving his former hedge fund and a pharmaceutical company he previously headed.
Eventually, arrogance is always part of a boomerang effect. The universe has a way of evening things out.
[24] Be humble no matter what your success is. Avoid having your ego take over, least you become an arrogant SOB.
Don’t confuse comfort with success
Another thing we tend to confuse is comfort and success.
After fighting hard to land a “decent” job, we are often relieved and happy that the stress is over. We will be able to make our bills, and put some food on the table. Our spouse will stop hounding us to “get a job”, and we can relax somewhat.
The stress of being unemployed is much greater than any stress at a job (with some notable exceptions, that I had the misfortune to be associated with).
Corporate life can be comfortable. It’s only when you start your own business that you realize quite how comfortable you were in that world. Sure, there was a level of stress, there were angry bosses, there were early starts and late finishes; but there was always a pay check.
Some people judge success in a way that can be measured. It is often associated with power, wealth and physical objects. This is the most common means of judging the success of a given person.
After a long, often too long, time looking for a job while unemployed, it is a major relief to be employed. Especially if you are working at a “good” company.
We have a tendency to relax somewhat.
As such, we go to work, day in and day out, and as we stay at the job we begin to associate our comfort at the job as a sign of our success. This is especially true if we have a raise or two in salary, and if we get along with the management. We think that we are comfortable and that comfort is a sure-fire sign of our success.
That is not true.
Not really. Indeed, that is ONLY true is your idea of success is working for someone else in comfort. Most people do not associate success with comfort. (Well, maybe those on Public Welfare might.) Different people define success differently. I, myself, will argue that success is the complete fulfillment of your purpose in this life.
Success if the fulfillment of your God-given purpose.
This can be difficult to ascertain. We weren’t born with an instruction manual. No one told us what our purpose in life was. Indeed, aside from the major religions who associate purpose with some kind of spiritual ideal or goal, most governments define success as total conformity with the laws of the nation where you reside.
What a messed up situation.
Other people judge success in other ways. Perhaps having an attractive wife, a caring and loving family, and being able to provide for them is a definition of success.
Now, the truth be told, you can find out what your spiritual purpose is. All you need to do is look deep inside of you and figure it out through contemplation, and prayer. You figure it out on your own. You might want to employ a hypnotist, or do some “past life regression” to help you in your quest. However, and whatever you believe, please understand that there is only one person who knows what your life purpose it.
That is you.
Is is not your boss at work. It is not your guidance counselor. It is not your psychologist or therapist. Is is not a major public personality on television. It is not someone on government and it is most certainly not your wife. There is only one person who knows what it is, and that is you.
Odds are that it has nothing to do with your work, or your job.
[25] Your success is defined by you, and you alone. It is not something that is associated with work, career, occupation, profession, salary or money in any way. The sooner that we realize this, the sooner we are able to realign the things that matter to us personally within our life.
You MUST have Passion for what you do
It doesn’t matter what industry that you are in. You could be making hooks for the fishing industry, or working at a golf course. What ever you do, you must have a passion for it.
For instance, consider those people who have started their own beer breweries, All of them, every one, have one big piece of advice they are constantly dishing out to would-be beer entrepreneurs. Don’t even think of doing it for the money. Only do it if you really, really want to brew beer for a living.
"All these folks have tales of spending their life savings on makeshift brewing equipment, traveling to a beer sampling event to find it had been canceled, having wayward distributors do nothing to sell their beer then asking for a rebate to pour it down the drain, sleeping on the floor of the brewery to brew overnight and many other confidence-bashing incidents."
It doesn’t matter if you are trying to run your own company, or if you are working in a corporate environment. You must have a passion for what you do. You absolutely must.
You need to do things that matter to your personally. Once we start doing and exchanging our time for objects, it becomes a downward slope into a dark abyss. Do not permit that to happen.
I know, I know, it’s hard getting excited pouring over test spreadsheets and checking the numbers for quality control. But, the truth remains. If you do not have a passion for what you are doing, then eventually you will fail.
I used to have a dog that liked to dig. Man, this dog was a digging machine. He would dig anything up anywhere. I once left him in my mother’s back yard for a weekend. I came back and found the entire yard littered with military-style “fox holes”. It was in his nature.
I tried to break him out of the habit. I kept him indoors, and took him out on the leash. I would let him sleep in the garage. I did everything that I could do, but the first opportunity that he could dig a hole, man he would go to town. He would dig and dig and dig.
My dog has a passion for digging holes.
Yet, here I was trying to stop him. I not only did not share his passion, but I actively tried to suppress it.
Has that ever happened to you? Was there something that you really had a passion for, and others didn’t care, or tried to suppress it? It sucked didn’t it? You bet. That’s life.
[26] Stay away from people, work, industry or anyone or anything that will suppress your passions. For a man without passion is a hollow, empty shadow of a man, indeed.
Time is more important than money
You can always make more money, but you can never make more time.
We waste time constantly. I am not talking about doing things that are unproductive. Because “productivity” is a relative thing. I am specifically talking about using time doing things that are useful and significant to you personally. Time wasters such as long and boring meetings waste your work time AND your personal time.
To some people, fishing is wasting time, as is watching soap operas. To other people, sitting on a porch carving a stick is a waste of time. Time and it’s use varies in importance from person to person. To some, sitting in a long and boring meeting is not a time waster because everything is together talking about work related issues. However, to me, I think it is a waste of time because I would rather be eating a nice sandwich and drinking an ice cold beer.
One of the most common mistakes people make is to look at the money that they make at a company and consider that the MOST important criteria in accepting a job there. They fail to take into account the time lost in commuting to and from the company. They forget to take into account the restrictions on vacation, and holiday time. They fail to take into account the requirements that place impositions on your private and personal time.
This is dangerous.
The most important thing that you have is your time. It is not the money you make. This is never clearer until when you get older. It is by far your most precious resource. And you start to realize how spending your time doing things for other people can actually be a waste.
One company in Pensacola, Florida required that you work every holiday. The pay would be at the normal rate, with no holiday pay.
One company in Waltham, Massachusetts insisted that everyone work on Christmas. The owners were not Christian, and thus felt that any workers can only take the holidays that they recognize in their religion. The result was that you had to work during the holidays at normal pay.
My commute, when I first moved to Fort Wayne Indiana, was three hours to and three hours from work. This was because a new GM factory had moved to the area and no housing was available for miles.
[27] The most valuable thing that you have is time. It is not explicitly money. Never exchange your time for something that does not have value. Value can mean relationships, people, hobbies or anything that matters to you.
All that little stuff is unimportant
We often have a tendency to get so caught up in the trivial. What someone said to us. A parking space that someone else took. A cup of coffee that was cold. A harsh email, or response to a post on the blog. It’s all just unimportant stuff. It’s all meaningless.
We need to take a good look at the world around us. Find meaning in what we do, find meaning in our friends and relationships. We need to connect with nature and see the world as it actually is, and not view it from the prism of a computer monitor.
Most delays and problems in a corporate environment are caused by people. That’s right, people are the weak chain in the schedule. Thus when an emergency comes up with an urgent to do list, it is usually the result of a failure of management. It is their problem, not yours.
One of the things wrong with many people in a corporate environment is the concept of “urgent” and “emergency”. A supervisor or manager sits on a report for three months and the project starts getting late. To correct his incompetence, he declares the situation an “emergency” and an “urgent” task that needs to be resolved.
HOUSTON, TX – AUGUST 30: A cat tries to find dry ground around an apartment complex after it was inundated with water following Hurricane Harvey on August 30, 2017 in Houston, Texas. Harvey, which made landfall north of Corpus Christi August 25, has dumped nearly 50 inches of rain in and around Houston. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)This cat has had enough! Sometimes you need to identify what is a problem and what isn’t. That is the way life is.
The only emergency that matters is if your child had a broken leg, or if you were suddenly being called to the IRS for a audit on your finances. Emergencies in a corporate environment are often artificial in origin. It is what is caused by piss-poor management. It is not caused by the workers who are jut trying to push their projects to completion.
[28] We need to categorize things in such a way that we only CARE and are influenced by things that actually matter. True and real emergencies are exceedingly rare in a corporate environment. Do not be fooled. One person’s emergency is their and only their problem. Often it’s just a name that is laid over the incompetence of others.
There is no guidebook on how to run your life
I know, I know. There are those that say to follow the Bible and everything will be clear. Others say, follow the United States Constitution and your life would be simple with liberty and freedom. Militant Muslims insist that the Koran has all the answers, while others have other ideas.
Here is a scene from the movie Bedazzled with the devil grants this man six wishes where he can have the life of his dreams. Of course, each reality that he accepts has a catch. So, do you think it might be nice to live the life of a Colombian drug lord, maybe?
When we go into a company they will provide us a handbook on how to act and behave and what rules the company has.
Combined, a man such as myself, will end up with numerous guides that he will try to follow. For me, in fact, I followed the United States Constitution, the Constitution and laws of the state where I lived, the Bible (most especially the New Testament), and the guidebook provided by the company where I worked.
However, I noticed that even though I followed and obeyed these most brilliant of documents, that my life somehow did not match the ideal as portrayed on the main-stream media.
I saw people like Bill Clinton becoming very rich and powerful, openly flaunting both the Bible and the Constitution, without consequence. I saw people getting promoted over me who were (seriously) not nearly as smart or brilliant, but who were promoted based on their relationships with others in the company. I saw absolutely mundane people “gaming the system” and getting away with it.
Another scene from the movie Bedazzled. What life do you want to live? Do you want to be a very popular and successful man living in a New York penthouse? If that is, indeed, your dream perhaps that can manifest. You just need to put your mind to it.
The point of this is that what happens to other people are NOT your concern. We need to stop comparing ourselves with others. We need to develop our interests in ourselves and our lives selfishly.
As such, there is no “manual” that will “be the ticket” to success. Since success is an individual phenomenon, there can be no manual. There can be no guidelines. There is nothing for us to follow. We have to carve our life out on our own.
[29] Our individual success is predicated on our ability to understand our personal needs and translate that into a recipe for living among other people. As such, there will be a long period of trial and error, with the risk of many a dead end. We cannot give up on this effort. Because it is precisely this journey that defines our purpose in this life. (Remember, our reality is created by our thoughts and our purpose is colored by the life lessons we learn.)
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If you recall, time is the most important possession that you have. It is not money or any other attributes. So here, consider the various ways that we trivialize this most important of attributes. Let’s talk about the great time wasters of televisions, the internet, and games.
Granted it is a rare company that permits the employees to watch television during work hours. However, just about everyone in America turns on the television set once they get home from walk. Or at least they did. Now, that might be displaced by the internet or some other type of social media device.
Since what you do immediately after work is tied to your labor, let’s talk about it here and now. Television is a mindless device that is used to replace life.
The truth be told, as a child of the 1960’s and 1970’s, I wasted so much of my life spending 6 hours each day watching TV. Following shows that I just “had” to see, in order to “relax”. Today, I regret almost every second of it. The whole world outside was passing me by.
Advertisements during the 1960’s promoted the idea of glamor and excitement within the privacy of your own home. There, in big rich color were the passions and adventures that we all strive for. Just purchase this magical device and all your dreams can come true.
In what way did the show “Laugh In” improve my life? How did the “Flintstones”, “Mayberry RFD”, “Dragnet”, “My Three Sons”, “Star Trek” and “General Hospital” improve my life?
I know, I know, TV was an important part of the 20st century. It was important in bringing communication and news to the masses. It was important. It really was. However, you know, now today it’s terribly wasteful.
Let’s all be truthful with each other. People get biased news through it. They do so from habit, even though much better alternatives are available.
People watch terrible TV shows, and I do mean horribly terrible, they watch nonsense to substitute for living life in a reality that does not favor them. While it, teaches them nothing, it sucks so many hours of their lives away that they are oblivious to the damage. Overall, the people who live their lives vicariously through these artificial media delude themselves into thinking that they don’t have time to pursue real passions in life.
Ah, is that Tiny Tim at the top of the heap for the 1960’s major comedy show “Laugh In”? Ah, so many hours were wasted in wasted in watching this mindless entertainment.
Let’s be honest, media such as the internet, computerized games and television encourage people to be antisocial. They cause people to hide away and cuddle with their media device. Whether it is a smart-phone, a television set, a radio or a computer, people now cuddle with the devices instead of with another person.
[30] Live life in the physical. Do not substitute the electronic for reality. What ever you see or experience in any kind of electronic media is designed to manipulate you. Do not fall for this manipulation.
Limit the use of the internet
Speaking of the television being the great time waster, let’s go next generation and talk about the ruinous internet.
Unlike TVs, the Internet is interactive and allows you to take part and become virtually social. It connects communities all over the world. It connects people together in a kind of fake reality. Here, people can pretend to be others, and carry on as if they are experts in things that they nothing about.
The Internet has evolved into a mechanism that anyone can communicate their feelings, ideas, and thoughts as long as they meet the requirements of those whom control it’s access. Over the years, it has become clear that everyone has an equal voice on the Internet. Yet, the pure truth is that in “real life” most people would not give the “time of day” to many of the people that comment on the internet. They are often not worthy of our time. Thus, the need for a “grey web” was a created. It is a “safe haven” for people to communicate and disseminate ideas and concepts free of disruption and contention.
Having said all this, we need to keep in mind that the internet is even a worse time waster than the television is.
Use the internet for function and purpose. If you decide to use it for pleasure, then do so judiciously. There are many things that are better to do in person than viewing them through the internet. May I suggest…
Play with your cat instead of watching cat-videos.
Go out with your friends and have a pizza together instead of sending pictures of pizza that you ate alone on Facebook.
Pay for a short-time girl and enjoy the moment in person, instead of looking at porn on the internet.
Things are always better in person. Always.
[31] The internet is more dangerous than television because it is interactive. Limit your use of it. When given a choice, opt for doing things in person instead of virtually. It is easy to become addicted to the internet as you can pretend to participate in life instead of actually doing so.
Americans view foreign cultures in a stereotypical manner
Most Americans do not deal with foreigners. Yet, increasingly, the world is a global marketplace. Sooner rather than later, many Americans will find that they are forced to deal with foreign entities, workers and staff as part of their business. I, myself was first exposed to working with Brazilians and Russians back in the late 1980’s, and all through the 1990’s I worked throughout Asia.
Subway in Guangzhou. It’s pretty typical. Most subways in China are state of the art, high-tech and modern.
The world outside of America has really grown in the last four decades. There was a rising middle class, and then a rising upper-middle class. Now, many of the nations in Asia all have a kind of familiarity to each other. They look futuristic and high-tech. Yet Americans are oblivious to this. We tend to think that just because our cities hardly changed that the rest of the world hardly changed either. That is not the case at all.
Shenzhen, China as viewed from the suburb of Futian. I particularly like the synchronized building lighting that is very popular in China.
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Yup, this light show is normal. It is an every-night event.
One of the things that I discovered was that Americans, and myself included, had a very two-dimensional view of non-Americans.
Perhaps it was the non-stop barrage of “Save the Children” commercials, or maybe it was the images of Brazilian children foraging for food in these enormous garbage dumps. Maybe it was the onslaught of the images of (so called) child prostitutes that seemed to be everywhere in the UK news, or maybe it was the dated library books that showed 1960’s era images of foreign nations.
In any event, the result has been that Americans have a terribly distorted idea of what the rest of the world looks like. Maybe we think it looks kind of like El Paso, or a poverty stricken section of Jamaica. In any event, it really isn’t that way at all.
Rural China. China has spent billions of dollars upgrading infrastructure and the environment. In America, the moneys that are “earmarked” towards infrastructure and repair are often wholly absorbed in crime and corruption in the forms of brides, siphoning of resources, and fraud. Not to mention, the enormous red tape and regulations that slow everything to a glacial pace. Not so in China. The money goes directly to the projects, with armed Corruption Police making sure that nothing gets siphoned away into some rich cat’s pockets.
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Things are quite cheap in rural China. The government has made every effort to preserve history and heritage. Unlike the United States where Civil War statues are being bulldozed for political correctness, the Chinese preserve their history.
Every country in the world is modernizing but this does not mean that they are westernizing or Americanizing. What makes them unique does not have to satisfy your “quaint” tourist-brochure view of them. Leave ignorant stereotypes aside and have an open mind about how modern life is like in that culture.
We need to realize that the world is filled with many people who are just like us. They might speak a different language, and have slightly different cultures, but fundamentally they want to work hard, raise a family and support it. They are really not very interested in the kind of world that is portrayed in the American mainstream news.
The Western city of Shanghai, China…
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Next time you read some news from CNN talking about some issue… question it.
Here’s an example;
"Leave Immediately" - CNN Records Chinese Warnings Aboard Naval Flight Near Artificial Islands
Found HERE.
If this news is to be believed, then CNN was [1] provided with a seat on a top secret monitoring aircraft. [2] That they booted an NFO or two, [3] somehow managed to get clearance not only to board the plane, [4] fly in the area in question, [5] listen in on the communication, [6] tape record the conversation, but also permitted to [7] publish the communication.
We are forced to believe that the Chinese Air Controllers spoke [8] American-style English [9] instead of Chinese, and did so in a [10] harsh tone.
All of this stretches the boundaries of credibility. Indeed, the comments on Zero Hedge just shows the disdain that people have for fake war-provocation nonsense from the main-steam American media…
The question has to be asked, why was CNN allowed on a US military aircraft in the first place?
- Keyser
Guangzhou, China. The heart of the Southern industrial region…
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[32] The world outside the United States is nothing like we have been led to believe. It benefits those in power to keep Americans dumb, manipulated and complaisant through fear. For us to be successful in our personal life, we need to see things personally, and experience them directly. We should treat all news, and anything that we do not personally experience with a healthy dose of skepticism.
Finally, next time some crappy-assed American news-media is trying to promote conflict or another war, tell them to fuck off. It doesn’t matter if it is Syria, Russia, China, or Iran. The world is not like it is portrayed by the American media. Not in the remotest.
Modern Hong Kong, China…
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In the United States, I would often be berated to work at break-neck speed to meet these near-impossible (in many cases actually impossible) deadlines. Heck, a boss would promise that we could make a (mold) tool out of P3 hardened steel in three weeks. Three weeks!. That’s a 36 week project if done properly, not including billing costs, delays in getting the material and structuring the work-force.
Many times, I felt like an overheated engine that just finished a marathon race with the engine pinging while it was cooling down. To survive I was prescribed anti-stress medication. The thing is, the human body is not designed to have Adrenalin coursing through your body for months at a time. The “fight or flight” mechanism is a short time event measured in minutes or a few hours. It is not designed for sustained use.
America is a land where you NEED medication just to exist.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from living in countries that are more “easy going” it’s that they are much better in their pace of life. Brazil, Thailand and Cambodia come to my mind readily. On the other side of the coin are nations like the United States. People and countries that do everything quicker also do it worse. Take it easy and go slowly.
Enjoy every bite of food. Savor it.
You need to savor the food that you eat. Eat the food in bites and taste every morsel. Make sure that you are able to concentrate on the food, and not mindlessly chow down while you are reading the news on the internet. Make sure that you wash the food down with a good and delicious beverage, like maybe a Southern style iced tea, or maybe a nice Corona with a lime wedge. Enjoy the food. Taste the food.
Be mindful. Spend time outside. When the sky is electric blue, and the trees are lush green, take it all in.
When you walk, do it at a purposely slow pace and take in your surroundings. Take your time. relax. Spend time with your loved ones, your friends, and the environment that surrounds you. When they speak to you, listen.
Bacon, especially cooked properly is something that should be enjoyed. I myself, like to eat it alone or as part of a fine sandwich. I would suggest a nice BLT (bacon, lettuce, and tomato) on toasted bread with sweet mayonnaise. Another suggestion is a club sandwich, a turkey club is good as well. Just make sure that you have french fries and cole-slaw with it. Oh, and by the way, make sure that you have properly cold beer to wash this all down. You can’t go wrong with this winning combination.
When you work, do it at YOUR pace. Not at a pace defined by someone else. If you generate a timeline, and they tear it up and cut it in half, make sure that they (and not you) are responsible for any delays. If you know that they will not take on this responsibility, then start looking for another job. For you might be good, but you are not God.
[33] Take your time in doing any task. Go at the speed and the pace that works best for you. If you find that your pace is not suitable by your management, go elsewhere. Life is too short to change your way of doing something to fit the desires of others.
You can’t please everyone
As you get older, you start to realize that there is no way that you can please everyone. In fact, the chances are that there will be very few people that you will be able to please. Everyone will have an opinion. Everyone will have an idea of what you can do to better yourself.
Yeah, everyone has an opinion on how to live your life. They will offer helpful suggestions, and try to teach you lessons,as long as they can profit from it. Don’t believe them. No one else is walking in your shoes. No one else knows what you know and your situation. You must follow your heart and ignore the rest.
If you make a mistake, they will loudly state that you were a fool and that they would have never be put in the situation that you were in. Yeah. Right. That is one of the most common things that is heard in prisons, that the inmates never thought that they would ever go to prison. They felt that they were smarter, better or wiser than others.
You are you. You have your own experiences, and your own way of doing things. Do things your way and let the rest howl in frustration.
[34] Do what you do for your own purposes. Never try to please anyone else. Do not change your opinion for anyone else either. Be yourself or be a pale shadow of someone else’s image.
Trying to be cool is useless
Trying to be cool is something that we should outgrow in school. It is a mechanism that we use to enter various social communities. In the 1940’s, a “cool” person would eat goldfish. In the 1960’s a “cool” person would drop acid. In the 1970’s a “cool” person would wear a “choke collar”. Today, being cool” means being a metro-sexual, promoting LGBT diversity and eating guacamole on your whole-wheat bagels.
In the corporate environment, being “cool” means that you have decided to be a sheep and not a leader. You decided that you would rather join some clique or club group rather than go your own way. It means that your ego is so fragile that you would rather give up something that is fundamentally part of you to belong to a society of like-minded individuals.
You follow the rules and obey the written and unwritten laws. You are an accepted part of the work community and that is in itself… “cool”.
When you get older, you start to see the folly in all this.
Now, there is a very interesting thing that happens when you are in a corporate environment. With your ego supplanted by the corporate ideal, you need to start to do little things that scream “I am a man, I am not a number!”.
You put special pictures on your desk in specially selected frames. You might start using a colored pen, or pencils. You might purchase a desk mat that identifies your working cubicle as “yours”. You might put a pillow on your chair, or do some other kind of small rebellious action that is small but personally significant.
Whether at work, or at home, be yourself. Do so whether it is “cool” or not. many companies have an unwritten dress code that you are supposed to conform to. A cool person would obey the dress code, but have some kind of rebellious streak that might set them apart. It would be their statement of individuality.
This might mean swapping out the white buttons on a long-sleeved white shirt for colored ones. It might mean wearing sneakers instead of oxfords at work. It might mean wearing a black tie, when everyone in your department is wearing a red one.
Corporate drones are not permitted the luxury of individuality. They are to fit their role and to operate within their narrowly defined work constraints.
If you feel the need to stand out, to act cool, then you should be made aware that something is wrong. Your ego is shouting at you that you no longer belong in the society that you are now a part of. You need to bail. You need to exit it quickly before events proceed beyond your ability to manage them.
[35] Being “cool” is something that adults grow out of. If you ever feel the need to rebel, then that need is a warning sign that you are in a situation where you do not belong. Listen to the alert. Take action.
Make mistakes – and make LOTS of them!
This brilliant work holds a special meaning to me. True and real art evokes the senses and evokes emotion. So when the progressive liberals talk about the “brilliance” of Picasso, I always ask them this simple question; “What emotions do you feel when you see his work?” If they pause in their response, they are just parroting a narrative of sheep that follows the “emperor with no clothes on”. Real art evokes emotion. Anything less than that is not art.
Mistakes are how we learn.
It is well understood that a person who has made no mistakes never made anything. For all the brilliant books and stories that Ray Bradberry wrote, he wrote many, many more that did not become so popular. For all the brilliant paintings that Daniel F. Gerhartz painted, he had painted many, many more lesser works (see the work above).
Everyone makes mistakes. However some mistakes are more serious than others. Never the less, we need to forge forward and do our best regardless of the nay-sayers.
[36] Make mistakes. Keep on moving forward, never back. Do not try to live a mistake-free life. Mistakes happen to those who live life.
Stop thinking so much
You know, we all really have got to stop over-thinking so much. We really do. We all know the story about the person trying to shoot an arrow. It’s [1] Ready, [2] Aim, and [3] Fire. Yet many people don’t follow this advice. They either go…
Ready…. Ready…. Ready…. Ready….
Ready… Aim…. Ready…. Aim….
I think the biggest problem that we need to overcome is the problem that we tend to over-think everything. We think this, and we think that. We wonder what others are thinking about us. We try to conduct an analysis of our particular situation. We think, and we think, and we think some more.
It tends to drive us crazy.
Stop. Just stop this nonsense. Do not over-think anything.
No Way
I personally believe that one of the causes of over-thinking things is when we spend time outside of nature. We are not getting enough fresh air. We are not walking about outside enough. We are not being near the beach, or hiking in the mountains enough. We need to reset ourselves.
We need to get out of the boxes that cause us to generate self-neuroses.
Because that is one of the aspects of over-thinking; neuroses.
[37] Stop thinking too much. To a task, and then forget it. Stop caring what other people think and what they do. Take care of yourself and spend more time outside in nature. It will help you get a handle and put some control over your thought process.
Dance and sing whenever possible
In the United States, it is culturally frowned upon to express yourself with the corporate environment. Everyone has a role within the extents of their job responsibilities. Once they leave the work environment, many can spend their free time involved in the things that matter to them. Often this is a mixture of television, the internet and household chores. Really, not too many Americans spend the time at the pub, brasserie, or KTV to dance and sing.
That is not true in other countries. In fact, it seems like everyone in Asia loves to dance and sing. Some of them are really, really good…
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Which is one thing that I really like about China. When I am out with the other bosses, we go out to the KTV and sing our hearts out, as well as dance the night away. Let me tell you, life is too short not to enjoy life. Stop doing what that old biddy down the street wants you to do.
Come on. Go out, get that cigar that you have been wanting to smoke. Go ahead, ask that girl out. Don’t be afraid and eat that deep-fried Monti Crisco sandwich. If you start to worry about everything, you are living a life in fear. Sing. dance. Drink the wine with both hands and then wipe your mouth with your sleeve.
Come on, if this fella can “beat it”, so can you…
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Don’t be afraid what other people think. You can dance. Heck if 95 year old men can dance to Michael Jackson, then so can you. Or maybe you disagree with me. Maybe you think that it is classy to obey those whom you work for, be afraid to show emotion, style or class.
You know, you don’t need to know how to dance to dance. In fact, you can just do jumping jacks, or hop around to the beat. Do sort of a electronic version of “The Grateful Dead” when you dance in public….
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I took professional dancing lessons, and for a period of time in my life, dancing was a very important part of my life. Still, whenever I get a chance I get up and start to dance. You know, you do not need to be able to dance well to be able to dance. You just follow the music.
Of course, one of the secrets about dance is precision. Really good dancers just have a very good control of some very simple and basic dance moves. They just move these basic moves in a very precise manner….
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Now, I cannot sing worth shit, but when there is a chance to sing some country and western music, get out of my way. I am going to sing my heart out. Seriously you all need to stop being so serious. Get a little crazy. have fun.
If you cannot sing, then fake it. Lip sync.
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[38] Who cares about what you do for a living, if you are not enjoying yourself? You must be living your life to it’s fullest. Otherwise you are not living. You are existing. Don’t do that.
Do not take anything for granted.
One of the things that you learn as you get older, is that you just cannot count on anything. You just don’t know when the rug will be pulled out from under you, and you will be stranded with your dick in your hand.
Please don’t take anything for granted.
Treasure every single moment you have. If you are in a corporate environment, then know that one day you will be replaced. maybe you are too expensive, maybe your customer decided to leave, maybe someone is bad mouthing you, maybe the company owner has a son-in-law that wants your job. You don’t know. Anything can happen. All that you can control is your thoughts and how you carry yourself.
Do you best. Know that things change. Do everything you can to enjoy the life that you have at that very minute, because life can change in a New York Minute. Don’t be caught off guard. It is a fact of life.
Over the years, the opportunities afforded to American citizens have been evaporating at an alarming rate. We should realize that the opportunities afforded our grandparents are no longer available to our children. We should not take it as a given that there will be opportunities in America for us. Things change, and the trends are alarming.
One day you will lose those that are closest to you. One day you might lose all your possessions, your bank account might end up empty. You might lose your health, become terribly scarred or paralyzed, or even worse. Don’t think it cannot happen to you. Anything is possible in this world. yes, and the bad things can happen just as readily as well as the good things.
[39] Don’t think that the situation that you are in will last forever. Things change. So do not take life for granted. Treasure every moment. Tell those you love how you feel about them. Say nothing bad or harsh, and appreciate the world around you.
Friends and Relationships are important
If there is one thing that I have learned over the years is the importance of a network of friends. If you lived the kind of life that I have, it’s hard to make friends when you have to move to another state every year or so. Eventually you give up and you all just keep to yourselves.
Cultivate your friendships. Enjoy life with them. Spend time together and make a special point to cherish your extended relationships. Scene is from the movie “Hangover II”.
Yet the truth is that you need friends and family. You help them when they need it, and they help you out when you need it. So one of the first priorities that you need to do is establish a network of friends where ever you live. Cultivate them. This network can be associated with church, a hobby, or just random strangers. However, what ever you do, cultivate them. Do not take them for granted. Appreciate them.
[41] You NEED friends. Make friends, cultivate them. Cultivate and stay in contact with your family. No matter what happens at your corporate job, your friends will still be there for you.
Remember what friends are for…
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As someone who spent most of his working life trapped with a corporate crucible, I wish to share my biases and thoughts in regards to the culture that has developed in corporate America. In short, it is important to be true to yourself and your purpose in life. If you are not careful, you will exchange your very being for some shiny baubles. So I would advise everyone to be careful.
Take Aways
The more hoops your jump through the get the job, the worse you will be treated.
Value does not equate with money.
You are only as valuable for what you can provide.
Companies operate above the law.
Meetings are a waste of time.
Everyone basically wants the same thing.
Don’t defer your happiness for the future.
You need game.
Efficiency is a lie.
Nobody cares.
Be practical.
There is no such thing as ‘Destiny”.
Desk Jobs will kill your creativity.
Avoid “Echo Chambers”.
Living a good life is the best way to convince people.
Nobody has the answer.
It’s fine to say “I’ve made a mistake”.
You are going to have to work hard.
More money will not solve all your problems.
Respect is earned.
The 360 Review is dangerous.
Responsibility should come with authority.
Possessions own you.
Do not confuse arrogance with confidence.
Don’t confuse comfort with success.
You must have passion.
Time is more important than money.
All that little stuff is unimportant.
There is no guidebook.
Television is a waste of time.
Limit the use of the internet.
Foreign nations are viewed stereotypically.
Take your time.
You cannot please everyone.
Trying to be cool is pointless.
Make mistakes.
Stop thinking so much.
Dance and sing when possible.
Do not take anything for granted.
Friends and family are important.
FAQ (For Parts 1&2)
Q: Do you think that all corporations are the same?
A: No. Not in the least. I think that there are many, many different types of companies, corporations and organizations. However, they all eventually develop their own types of individual social controls. When you work in the environments that surround these social controls you need to adapt. I suggest that the adaptation that we go though can be dangerous and limiting to our overriding purpose in life. Herein are my suggestions to assist in the survival of one’s purpose within the corporate structure.
Q: Why did you write this post in two parts?
A: I find that the trend on the internet has been to migrate posts and articles into two paragraph bite-sized chunks. People today have a short attention span. Yet my posts, by modern internet standards are enormous. Actually, this post could have been easily broken up into 40 blog posts were I to follow the culturally acceptable posting guidelines (and Googles SEO guidelines), but heck, I think higher of my readership than that. I broke it into two posts due to the size limitations on word-press (10,000 words max ). Other than that, the system crawls to a very slow pace.
Q: Were there other things that you could have added to this list?
A: Oh yes. Find love, for instance. Come in early for work, even if no one notices. Oh, and that oldie, but goodie, “Don’t piss off your boss“.
Q: Why are all your embedded videos from China?
A: I live in China, and that is what I have available to me.
You-Tube is an excellent resource, but since it is directly connected to the NSA servers (as is Google and Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblr) it is banned, (The Chinese government does not want the American government to have complete files on it’s citizens.) and I would need to use a VPN to access. That’s not a big problem, getting a VPN in China is an easy enough thing to do.
But, you know, there is a bigger selection of choices in China than in the United States. It’s not because China is better, it’s simply because China is much, much, much larger than the United States in population.
In the United States you go into the grocery store, and go into the potato chip aisle. There might be a thousand different bags, of which there are five basic types, another five odd-ball types, and three brands. In China you would have three thousand bags, 300 different types, and 500 brands. The selection in China is much larger given the size of the nation.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
You know, many of us work for a living. As such, if you have a university degree, the chances are that you migrated to a corporate job in a corporate environment. You probably received a decent salary, a nice (if bland and sterile) working environment, and considered yourself well on the way towards corporate greatness in a solid career.
It’s a nice fantasy. It’s all a big lie.
Most Americans waste their lives working in this environment. They get up and go to work. They deal with traffic, an uncaring boss, and suffer through the various rules that HR implements. They endure mindless and mind-numbing meetings, answer a pile of round-and-round email trains, and fill out form after form.
That’s not a life worth living.
A life worth living is one with purpose, direction, participation and fulfillment. Within the now-popular “corporate model” we have the worst elements of 1920’s-style progressive social-engineering intermixed with 1980’s-austerity. It is a most horrible mixture. Couple that with modern surveillance technology, unified HR standards, and the sterile ideal, you have a nightmare on your hands.
Here are some thoughts on corporate life, particularly American corporate life, now that I moved on elsewhere. These thoughts are just general ramblings, and the reader should not get too offended by them. We are all different.
Those of you who own your own companies and who set them up can ignore this post. This is not written for you. This is written precisely for the people who have to work in the “corporate” environment. One that often springs up out of the model you created.
This is a Two-Part Post
This is the first of a two part post. To see the second part, please kindly go HERE.
Anyways, for starters…
The more hoops you jump through to get the job, the worse you will be treated.
To start, I would like to make this astute observation. The companies that treated me the worst during the interview process, also treated me terribly at work as an employee.
Now, I am not talking about the inconvenience of waiting an hour in the lobby, or having to park at the end of a very large parking lot. No. I am talking about a structured interview process that treats you as a commodity instead of a person.
The hiring process in a corporate environment is oven a laborious affair. The candidate must perform and go through many test, hoops and interviews.
These were the companies that gave me ten face-to-face interviews; a marathon interview day, made me take written exams, and required a peer assessment. They all uniformly treated me poorly when they employed me. Do you really need to interview with ten people to be assessed properly? I mean it. Interviewing by committee can be terribly limiting.
The more you need to do to get hired, the worse you will be treated when hired.
I well remember one interview. I arrived at eight in the morning. After HR gave me some documents to fill out and sign, I was whisked off to go through my rounds of interviews. I had fifteen minutes to interview a person, followed by another one, and then another one, and then another one. That day I had been interviewed by ten people before lunch.
Then, I was given a break where I could eat a sandwich and a coke that they gave me, followed by a continuation of another six interviews, a timed test, and a presentation that I had to make in front of some committee. Then, finally, I was scheduled to meet the person who I was supposed to work for, only to find that he was out, and I would have to come back at a later date.
You are often treated as your perceived value is worth.
You should never equate that relief in finally passing battery after battery of tests to be the same as an appreciation of your value. It isn’t. Instead it is an indicator that the company is far too bureaucratic and too lacking in common decently to treat anyone like a human. We are not machines, pets, or clothing articles at Target. We are unique.
Smaller companies, or even large ones, with a single interview made by the lone person who makes the hiring decision will be the one that will treat you decently.
[1] If you must work for a company, make sure that you report to only one person. Be wary of hiring by committee. Be wary of any company that needs to test, evaluate, or investigate you.
Value does not equate with money.
We are often under the impression that if a company pays us a decent chunk of money, that they value us. This is false. Your value comes from what you can do towards the team that you work with. It does not come from a HR policy or budget analysis made by accounting.
Once we learn to separate value from money our life becomes simpler.
When we trade our time and skills for money, we place an “apparent” value on it. Our goal is to keep the value as high as possible over time.
I once had an employee who was stealing from the company. Over a two year period of time he stole a sizable chunk of money right from under our noses. He thought that stealing the money from the company made him richer. In the short term, perhaps it did…
But, do not look at it that way.
Instead of stealing money, he stole someone else’s value. His value did not increase by taking away the value of someone else. It only appeared to be the case.
Once we let him go, his value on the job market was severely handicapped. By trying to reduce the value of others, he ended up reducing his own value and worth.
For us to be happy, we need to separate out “money” and replace it with “value”. Is having a two hour commute with a $150,000/year salary as good as a five minute commute and a $75,000/year salary? Is being expected to be on call 24-7 as good as being able to take a half of day off to see your son play in the local game?
[2] Never, ever, make decisions only on money. The most valuable thing you possess is time. Do not squander it for pieces of paper. Do not confuse your value with a paycheck. They are not the same.
You are only valuable for what you can provide.
Speaking of value…
If you cannot provide a value for your role, then you are useless to the company. Why pay a boy to mow your lawn if you don’t have one? Why buy that great deal on dog food when you don’t have a dog? If you cannot help the company, then there is no need for you to be employed.
In the “old days” employees without an active project would be put on “overhead” to keep them employed until a new contract came through. In those days, it was considered important to keep “knowledge” workers around for the next big project. Not so today. If the work is over, then you are out the door.
This big march to remove employees once their direct usefulness is over was led by Kodak back in the 1980’s. They got rid of most of their knowledge workers and started to rely on cycles of employees that they would hire and fire to meet the market swings…
…perhaps that is why many people today are unaware of how big that company used to be.
To better appreciate the corporate work environment, we need to scale it down to a manageable size. Imagine that you would hire someone to fix your broken front door. Would you keep him employed once he finishes repairing the door? No, of course not.
Think of a guy that you want to fix your broken front door. You look in the classified and you find a guy to do it. You tell him what needs to be done. You watch him fix the door and then you pay him and he leaves. There is no need for him to stick around. Your door is fixed. Nothing else needs to be repaired.
Corporate life is like that too.
The truth is that today, in many a corporate environment, you would be sacked faster than a soggy Doritos chip if you couldn’t contribute to the company bottom line.
Nobody wants to eat a soggy Doritos chip. Though, I would if it was part of a taco salad. I would also eat them if they were in a nice bowl of chili. In fact, I think that I would eat them if I was drinking a frosty cold beer. Now that I think of it, I am not corporate, so of course I would eat Doritos chips. However, soggy Doritos would not go over well in the corporate environment.
You are only as valuable as long as you can produce something. In fact, the rarer of what you provide is, the more valuable you are. This is certainly more applicable for many other fields in life, personal relations, friendships and yes, girls as well.
Your value is tied to what you can produce.
[3] Remember, that our value is what we can produce or the benefit that we can provide to others. Never forget that. If we cause more problems than the benefits we give, then our relationship(s) will end. This is true with both companies and with relationships.
Companies often operate above the law
Many do, but not all.
Do you think that Facebook is playing by the laws? Do you think that Exxon, Kerr-McGee, and Google are? What about the biggest company in your city? How is it that corporations always seem to get away with things?
American corporations have become enormous entities often dwarfing small nations. They can align themselves with other corporations and work together for their combined mutual profit. Often times this is done in deference to the “little guy”.
This is true. Here are three examples;
Don’t follow the law. When I worked at (name deleted) in Boston, they paid me once a month. Yet the law stated otherwise. The law stated that they must pay bi-weekly. When I confronted the HR about this, they were not happy. They said that they would take it under consideration. They made the necessary arrangements and I was fired two weeks later. Naturally, I went to the State government in Boston to resolve the matter. They told me that I was correct, and the company did wrong by firing me. Yet no action was taken either way.
NDA’s are used to keep let-go employees complaisant. One of the things that White Collar professionals sign are NDA agreements. A NDA is a document that restricts the disclosure of confidential information. That is why it is called a Non-Disclosure Agreement. These agreements make it difficult to work at another company or find further work if the company decides to black list you. When it is time to be laid-off or let go, the company will use the NDA and tell you that if you sign it, and not contest their actions, that they will allow the State Government to give you unemployment benefits. This is a very common thing and every company from California to Massachusetts does this.
Patent transfer is a joke. Under the law, if you work on a patent, you get title to the patent, even if you do so under the roof of a company. To get around this, the companies make you sign a “transfer of patent rights” form. The transfer is not complete unless they give you a one dollar amount to show that there was a monetary transfer that took place. Truth be told, I have yet to ever see any individual financial compensation at all from any of my patents.
Now, the reader should not get confused. I am not particularly bad-mouthing any one company. However, we should all be made aware that organizations that have many employees, operate in the millions of dollars and who pay into the State Revenue banks, have capabilities that are larger than what any one of us has individually. We should be aware of this. We should accept this. As it is a fact of life.
[4] We all have a place on the food chain. It’s not fair. It operates within it’s own set of rules and laws, and is separate from us. We need perspective, and we need to keep that in mind.
Meetings typically are a waste of time
One truth is that meetings often are poorly planned and often poorly executed. Meetings between key players in a given project is very important and necessary. For business is based on people relationships and interactions. However, the weekly meetings, and odd-ball meetings that seem to include everyone are often a waste of time that adds to the inefficiency of a given organization.
Meetings should be kept at a minimum, and replaced with face-on-face individual communication.
It’s a typical scene and well known in corporate environments. Businessman speaking before inattentive colleagues at meeting.
In short, learn this. Meetings are a waste of time. Always. Nothing good has ever come out of them, really. Most people aren’t listening, and the ones talking are far away from reality.
[5] Get into the habit of talking to people one on one. Stop having meetings. Talk to people personally, face to face. When you do, give them every attention. Business relationships are based on people. They are not based on spreadsheets and reports.
Everyone everywhere basically wants the same thing
While we all come from different backgrounds and different interests, we are human with basic human needs. We want to be productive. We want to perform a good day’s labor. We want to be appreciated fro our contribution. We want to provide for our families. We want to have some down time to play.
The problem comes in when we go corporate. There, we fit into a role. We become a cog in a machine with other cogs. We all become the same color, the same size, and the same image. When we go corporate, we start to separate our work-life from our personal-life.
That is a great danger.
A nice PPT slide from IBM that captures the significance of this statement. By now, everyone pretty much realizes the importance of a life-work balance. The big problem is that is is difficult to integrate into a traditional corporate business environment.
For a truly happy man is one who can merge his industrious pursuits with that of his interests and family. We become whole. Work and labor is what we do. No one questions it. We work, and then we provide for our family. It is the traditional, time honored, family model that has held up for at least 10,000 years.
When we separate work and labor from family and happiness, we dilute what we can give. We give eight hours to the company. We give four hours to ourselves in prep for the company. The balance is split up between family and survival needs. This model is different from the traditional model.
We can’t give 100% of what we have. We end up in this grey area, this grey zone of not good enough.
The key to success in the corporate world is to be who you are totally. Do this whether you are in a corporate work environment, or if you are running your own company. Do not fall into the trap of segmenting yourself into various roles. In doing so , you dilute who you are.
[6] Do not dilute yourself. When we start separating ourselves into small specialized pieces, we dilute the whole. Don’t do that. Be true to who we are. Give and devote ourselves 100% of who we are.
Deferring your happiness to the future is a terrible idea
I have seen this time and again. In fact, even I have done this myself. I would accept a job “for now” to achieve some monetary gain or advantage, so that later I could… do something else.
When there is an important announcement at your company, does it look something a little like this? Well, if it does, then like it or not, you are in a corporate bubble. If you are not careful, you will have difficulty leaving it. Be careful.
Indeed, this is a terrible truth. Too many people assume that when they have that one thing they can work towards for years then “everything will be alright”. Indeed, there will come a time when you will take up a job just for the money and nothing else.
This is delusional. It is nonsense. It is bullshit.
I think this comes from our educational system. You go to Elementary School to strive to go to High School. You go through High School to go to College or University. You go through University to “Get a Good Job”.
There isn’t an alternative.
After some 14 to 16 years or more of this mind-set it becomes ingrained within your very being. By the time you hit your early productive years, you are firmly fixated in a goal-oriented life. This runs in direct opposition to an integrated life.
Unless you have no money, and no savings and you need money RIGHT THEN and NOW, don’t do it. We are not one-dimensional cardboard cutouts. Our life is colorful and dynamic with many, many aspects to it. We cannot take a part of it and set it aside while we nurture other aspects of our life. We just cannot.
When you finally get it, they’ll be something else missing in your life.
We need to think of ourselves as a unified whole. We need to think of balance and happiness. Instead of pulling a piece here and then working on it, and then pulling out a piece there and then working on it.
Really, that is crazy. I fundamentally believe that long-term pure happiness comes being content with what we have, live in the now, all while enjoying the progress and changes we are making.
There is more to life that going to the “next step”. You weren’t born to just pay bills and die. You are a purpose. You are a role. You were granted with who you are. Do not let and allow others to bleach it out from you. Be who you have been meant to be.
Instead of working for a decade to eventually get a vacation in Florida, how about packing up and moving there? Instead of saving and saving for a nice Lamborghini, how about getting a job in a Lamborghini store as a salesperson? Instead of wanting to go out and date that buxom blonde in the office, how about going up and asking her out for coffee?
[7] We need to change the mindset ingrained in us by the educational system. We all need to stop deferring our happiness.
You need game
If you really want to make it in the business world, whether it is a corporate environment, or your own “shoe-string” business, you will need “game”. You will need to “up your game”. You will need to push and strive to be better than your peers or anyone else.
Success does not favor the average or the bland, and mundane. Success favors the unique and exceptional.
Consider Barry White. Many people today haven’t heard of this man. Yet he was a true man, full of confidence, and “game”. Perhaps we all need to tear a page out of the Berry White playbook and emulate him.
We know this. We know that we need to fight to get a job at a company when there are a thousand applicants that we must fight against. We know that we need to be the best. However, what usually happens is that we stop once we have achieved our goal.
Yeah. That’s what happens. Usually, we just stop when we reach our goal. This is because a goal-oriented mindset is one with objectives.
Don’t let that be you.
We must keep on striving to be the best at whatever we do. We need to be the best and stay at it, even when our goals have been obtained. Instead of a goal, we should strive continuously. If we achieve various achievements, good for us. But, that won’t stop us. Instead we will keep on going on.
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By having and maintaining “game” we will obtain confidence in the process. Confidence is a powerful tool that can open many doors. Unsurprisingly, people in positions of power often have a great deal of confidence; this means that they can easily recognize when confidence is genuine and when it is posed.
This same advice applies to girls; you are far better off being genuinely confident, thus projecting a natural vibe of superiority that no faking can attain.
[8] Do your best. Smile. Be confident. Be you, and be the best YOU that you can achieve.
Efficiency is a lie
The more efficient you are at your work, the more you will be burdened with it. You work hard, your supervisor will give you more to do. When someone sees you taking a break, they will give you more work to fill in the “gap” in workload.
To many people, a lack of busy-work is a sign of inefficiency. To them, the cure for inefficiency is more work, more responsibilities, and more tasks.
Additionally, there will be others that will try their best to convince you that you are not doing your best, that you are not giving your best to the company, and that you could do better. Is it really the truth, or is it something that they say to get you to alter and change your behavior?
Dr. Masaru conducted a very famous test on the power of thought. He placed written words on jars of water. He then placed them all together in an isolated room. The only difference from any of the jars is the words written on the jars. He then, after a period of time, tested the water , froze it, and took photographs of the results. The jars with the negative and hurtful words created the worst shaped crystals, while those with the nicest words had the best shaped crystals. The only difference between the crystals are the thoughts associated with the words on the jars. Since humans are mostly composed of water, what do you think a critical work environment would do to the human body? What about the words “You are not good enough”?
Forget what others say. Remember that they are not with you 24-7, nor do they know your past and your day to day interactions. No one knows your life better than you do.
So, let’s break this down. Only one to two situations come into play;
They are right, and you are not giving your best.
They are wrong, and you are doing your best.
Depending on the situation, the following is what will happen in a corporate environment.
If you are not giving your best, you risk losing your job. Therefore, you need to up your game and improve. What this means is that you must improve, AND also look like you are improving. That is where corporate politics come into play. It can get uncomfortable.
If you are doing your best, then the perception is out of alignment with reality. You could risk losing your job. Even if you exceed your current known abilities, then you will still need to fight the political battles that will rage around you. In any event things will get uncomfortable.
Thus, this is a catch-22 and a no-win situation. Being in these situations are the bane of the corporate environment.
[9] When the world around you complains, forge on anyways. Listen to what others say under advisement. Remember that your “best” will change from day to day. No one aside from yourself will know what your peak efficiency is. So forge on…
Nobody Cares
I hate to break this to you, the reader. But you know what? Nobody cares about your individual progress in the corporate world. All that matters is what you contribute to the company.
Most of the smiles you get are fake. Most of the platitudes are empty ones.
We must realize that unless you are close to a person… close enough to get shit-faced drunk with them… when your guards are down… and there both of you have to trust each other…
Otherwise, it’s all a lie.
Which is why in China, business meetings are conducted in such a way that “face” is maintained and large quantities of heavy alcohol is consumed in enormous quantities. Business, real productive business, is conducted when the interpersonal barriers are down and weak. My father once told me a saying that his grandfather taught him’ “Never trust a teetotaler.”.
Shared strife… shared experiences… shared understandings… can break down walls and build long lasting friendships. When we try to go corporate, and when we try to be good, we lose the importance of rough-house bonding.
If you don’t have shared experiences, the chances are that you don’t have anything.
[10] We can only trust those whom we have shared events and deeply bonded with. Other than that, it’s all just a facade, a “white wash”, and nonsense.
Be practical.
People seem to have a strange concept of how luck works. I think maybe this is due to the local lottery and the news media announcing yet another multi-million dollar winner. We watch television shows where people are living in mansions, and driving around in expensive cars. Do you remember the television show “Miami Vice”? How can two cops get to drive around in all those expensive cars, live in all those mansions, and meet all those hot chicks?
People seem to think that somehow that their luck will come because “they deserve it”. They want to believe that one day things will eventually fall into place for them. In other words, you are “due” to win the lottery or you will get swept away by prince charming any day now. “You deserve it” (as if others don’t).
This is terrible misunderstanding of how the world actually works.
Do not wait around for luck to materialize. You must put things in place for things to happen. You MUST put things in PLACE for your dreams to manifest.
Don't misunderstand, there are cycles in this world that we live in and a reality that has aspects of auspiciousness, and unfavorable climates. Never the less, nothing is going to manifest unless we plan and do things about it.
Do you want the pretty girls to smile back when you open the door for them? Lose ten pounds, and practice making the happiest and biggest smile that you can think of. Dress well. Have a nice hair style. Be clean…
…opportunities will manifest.
Do you want to get a raise at work? Then play the political game, work harder than everyone else, and be friends with your boss. Start taking credit where credit is do, and come in earliest and leave late. Play the game…
…opportunities will manifest.
Instead of spending time dreaming a a fine sandwich and beer, maybe we should get up off the chair and go make it happen. It’s not that hard to do. However our level of comfort is what often prevents us from doing things.
Do you want to have a turkey sandwich and a ice cold beer while watching the sun set over an ocean, then you need to set yourself up so that materializes. We have the ability to physically manifest change in our life. Go to a store, buy the ingredients. Get some beer and put it in the freezer. Then make it all up and go out to the beach. Don’t put it off… Oh, and by the way, ask that pretty girl that you have been thinking of to join you. I’d bet she’d love it.
[11] Be the master of your life. Do not rely on fate to control your life.
There is no such thing as “Destiny”
In the corporate world, you are expected to accept things as they are presented to you, while in your private world you act within the terms that you have grown accustomed to. Both are lies.
We exist within this reality with the POWER to change it. Never forget that basic fact.
While it is nice to change and cycle through the MWI using external technology, it really isn't all that necessary on a personal level. We have the inherent ability to do so naturally.
We live within a preset and pre-programmed reality. We do not like to believe in fate, and destiny and other “superstitions”. Yet there is some truth to our existence. There is some purpose. There is a reason why YOU are reading this.
As such, we need to accept the fact that while things appear to be fated, pre-ordained, or just destined. That is not the case. We have the ability to make changes to our reality.
Is the life that you live within your company the life that you really thought that you would get after university? Is this the ideal? Do you live for the paychecks, or are the paychecks something that supports your lifestyle. If there is any discomfort in your life, then you do need to change it.
In short, the life you live is like a highway. You are placed in the middle of it, and cars come and go. You can obey the signs and follow the highway. That is the easy way to live your life. However, it is not destined.
I suggest that you do not ride the life that is laid before you. You can change it.
You can drive fast or slow. You can change lanes. You can ride on the curb. You can stop, and even go into reverse, if you wanted to. Heck, you can even go off road, for the “bumpy” experience.
So there is no such thing as destiny. There are only your thoughts and your desires. I suggest that you start following them…
The first step in changing things is to change our thoughts. The second step is to change our actions. The third step is to change our habits.
By making these changes we can change our life.
Your limitations are not set by who you know, where you were born, what genes you have, how much money you have, how old you are right now, what you did before or other things that you can claim are your stamp of failure for life. If you are determined enough, there can be opportunities in life that are totally achievable with minimal cash, regardless of who you are.
[12] We can control our reality to obtain advantage in our life.
Groundskeeper cottage. I found this wonderful image on tumblr. Image that you would work on a huge estate, and you would be provided with this cute little, tight home to live in. How cozy. So I wonder, what’s stopping you? Why not live in a house, or a place, at a job, with a family that you determine? Why do we always seem stuck with the life that those around us decide for us? Why is it? It doesn’t have to be that way.
Desk Jobs will kill your creativity
I’ll bet that you, the reader, were all full of ideas, spunk and optimism when you graduated from university. Weren’t you? Well, what happened? Where are they now? What killed them off?
Here is a still from the genius movie “Joe vs the volcano” starring Tom Hanks. It accurately portrayed the plight of many an office worker who toils in a terrible office work environment, and drinking coffee that is best described as “lumpy”. Not to mention those energy-saving piss-poor lights that serve to illuminate most of our productive hours.
Was it your friends? Your family? The grocer down the street? Your barber? Or, better yet, was it your workplace, and your boss? Has your boss or any of your supervisors ever given you any hope and cheering on for your dreams? Have they? For if they have, then you are a rare and lucky person, indeed.
There is nothing so absolutely mind-numbing than working in a sterile neutral-color cubicle under fluorescent artificial lighting that will sap the life and drain the energy out from you.
Any company that will not install natural lighting in a place that you will work for eight hours a day, just to save a few pennies, is not a company that cares about your well being. Humans are creatures that need, yes need, a healthy environment to work. It amazes me that they will ban smoking and install various dress codes, but they will refuse to install natural lighting for the employees.
Unless you are thriving in this now-standard working environment, you will need to seriously reconsider the career choices that you have made. Or, at least, reconsider your work place environment.
[13] Take seriously the environment that surrounds you. Know that it will affect your thoughts and actions. This influence is dangerous as it can influence your life for better or for worse.
Never change your originality for the sake of others. This is because no one can play your role better than you. So be yourself and be your best.
Avoid “Echo Chambers”
An “echo chamber” is a place, a group of friends, a work environment, a series of websites, a news media that all says the same thing. By staying within that “echo chamber” you get the FALSE impression that everyone around you thinks like you do.
That is false.
Even within an “echo chamber”, your mind will think and operate quite differently from those around you.
We all know examples of “Echo Chambers”.
The main-stream American press.
College universities.
HR polices in a corporate environment.
An NFL football team.
The BLM membership.
The Liberal Narrative
The Conservative Narrative
As much as I tend to believe strongly in traditional conservative values, I find that if you completely close your mind to only those outlets you get a distorted view of reality. I'm not bad-mouthing conservative values and principles. However, we need to understand that many times what we want to hear is repackaged to us as an echo chamber.
This hasn't been so obvious as when I moved to China.
I was expecting enormous crowds. Well, I saw that. I was expecting a kind of dingy world. Well, indeed there are some pretty ugly areas. I was expecting ancient and ruinous infrastructure, millions of blue clad workers riding bicycles, a police and military force everywhere, and hordes of poverty ridden poor from the countryside clamoring to be led into the mega-cities. NOT FUCKING TRUE.
It's not even remotely true.
I was expecting a scene from a "Save the Children" commercial, and instead what I experienced was a futuristic Tokyo.
Trust me. You need to get out of whatever echo chamber you are in now, and look around you. It's a new world, with new rules. Not just in the corporate world, but in life as well. Realize it. learn from it. Get out of the echo chamber. Go out and see for yourself.
You will discover that many of the people are just repeating what they have read and heard from others. Others who have been repeating what they, in turn, have read and heard. From others who are repeating what they have read and heard.
Modern China…
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We have to be careful… always. Today in our digital age, it is so easy to be led into a “echo chamber”. Those on university campuses today have a terribly distorted view of what America is like. heck, many of them cannot even name one Right listed in the Bill of Rights. They think that everyone outside of their city is a racist bigot. What amazing ignorance.
Do not fall into the “echo chamber” trap.
What happens is that when you meet someone with a very different belief system to yours, it’s better to get along than to try to “convert” them. This is as true for how the world works as it is for anything else. We tend to want to be part of the herd. We do not want to stand out, or be ostracized. We want to belong.
The social media in America is one huge “echo chamber” that is dominated with progressive liberal socialists. They have made it so that anything other than what they want to hear is withheld. They offer all kinds of excuses, usually the same tired old lame excuses… hate, deplorable, racist, bigot…etc. Yet, the fact is that this is exactly against what America stood and stands for… the freedom to say your peace. Don’t live in the echo chamber.
When someone is sure about something and has believed it for many many years, then you cannot convince them with a few cleverly picked words. We tend to call this person a “close minded” person. But, yet is it really that way? Maybe it’s us that is the close minded one. Indeed, maybe it’s important to acknowledge that maybe we are actually the wrong one in this case.
The world is much more fun with people of varying interests and beliefs.
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Spending time exclusively with people who agree with you on everything would never challenge you or allow you to learn so much more. We need challenge. We need exposure to different things. We need to be with others who are different, who are colorful, who have ability, and who are themselves.
The problem with the corporate environment is that conformity is policed. When you reach the boundaries of conformity and step outside them, you will be considered to be undesirable, and termination is only a short and brief paycheck away.
I once had a friend who lived in North Carolina. He told me that the key to happiness is to be unique on your own terms, but hide it from everyone else. You must conform, and not make waves, but in the privacy of your house and your life, you can live the life on your terms.
Now that I am older, I can see some benefit in his advice. Yet, I do not wholly convinced to agree with him. I say, instead, that a real man is himself no matter what and pretends for no one.
[14] Expose yourself to as many different things as possible. Go outside your “echo chamber”. Never take anything said by anyone at face value. Get multiple sources, and make sure they are isolated from each other. Beware of the corporate one-company is one-mind trap.
As an aside, it is well known that you do not want a person who has worked some twenty years in a singular role within a large company. They tend to be too inflexible and too rigid in their thinking process. I wonder why that is?
Living a good life is the best way possible to convince people
Have you ever spent time and time again, just arguing with people? They have their view, and you have yours. They don’t want to hear your view, for some reason. You do not want to hear theirs. You and they are both in a dead lock.
So what?
Enough with the words and enough with the arguing. Just live by example and soon you’ll have people on your side when they see your results. Over time they will come around. They will see your passion, and your earnest belief in who you are.
They will find that their assumptions about you, who you are, the life you live, and your values are not what they thought. They will come around. Don’t argue with them. Show them.
There is no longer a need to convince them of anything. You just be who you are and show them. Eventually they will see that you weren’t so crazy after all.
Now, in the corporate world, there is only one answer. That is the answer that your boss tells you it is. Nothing else matters. Which is, when you think about it, terribly limiting. In China there is a saying…
There are many ways to get to Beijing.
Which of course, means that you can eventually make it to your objective. You need to select the way that is the best one. For some, the quickest and most expensive, might be the best method. For others, the cheap and slow might be best. So, whether you fly, walk, hitch-hike, take a train, or ride a donkey, eventually you will make it to Beijing.
The problem with the corporate culture is that all these various answers and solutions can be withheld from you. Unless you are in the vaulted decision-making process to make these decisions, you will start to rely on the decisions of others. And, that my friends, is a great trap. Be careful.
[15] You need to start living your life on your terms. As such, your success will speak for itself. There will not be any question that you were doing something right. Though others might chalk it up to luck or fate, they will invariably be wrong.
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We have grown accustomed, through school, through society, through the news media, and through the legions of statists, that there is a “perfect” truth. That there is a perfect reality and singular solution. We mistakenly follow them through our 16 years of educational schooling. We are constantly searching for the ideal mate. We are constantly searching for the ideal job. We are constantly searching for the “secrets of the universe”.
It’s all a big lie.
There is no singular answer. No, let me be the first to crush this fantasy; the NWO, one global government is not going to be the solution to all the world’s ill’s. Nope. No way. No how. I know… just, listen I know. I mean I really, REALLY know.
There is no universal truth, at least nothing that we would recognize as such. There are, instead, relative truths that vary from observer to observer. This is quantum mechanics at it’s primeval level.
You have to get a grasp on the reality you live is yours and yours alone. It is not a shared reality. No matter how real that appears to you now.
Stop comparing yourself to others. They look richer. They seem happier. They appear to be smarter. They seem to have more fun. They seem to have all the luck. It’s all illusion. Almost everyone has problems and puts on a brave face in spite of it
Everyone is living their reality. They are living their life, and within that life are collapsed dreams, hardship, hurt, terror, worry, sadness and sacrifice. They all had it. Not only you. Never casually dismiss them as being more fortunate than you are. You do not know their story. So stop comparing yourself.
Which brings me around to the corporate environment. The business and corporate environment is one that that mandates appearance. Some companies permit you to put a picture or two on your desk. Some are even so bold as to allow you a potted plant and a different colored pen to use from time to time. Corporate workers are expected to be drones that work in a state of bland sameness.
We need to be careful of a set cultural, societal, or corporate environment. They expect followers to act as drones for the collective good. Often they will discard you when you are no longer useful, or even worse, they could demand that you do dangerous things for the good of the company. Be careful.
Over time, this attitude affects us. We start to believe it. We spend all day with our coworkers and believe that we are all the same. Then we go home and see the life as portrayed on the television, the internet and the movies. We yearn for that excitement and that closeness. But it’s a fiction. Everything outside of your personal experience is a fiction.
Nothing exists until you PERSONALLY experience it.
[16] There is no singular answer or solution. All there is is an “answer” for YOU and the reality that you live.
It is fine to say “I made a mistake”
We have grown up over the years to be ashamed of making mistakes. Our school would punish us for making mistakes. Our parents would punish us for making mistakes. Indeed, our spouses would punish us for making mistakes.
Hey! Here’s a news flash for you. You are an adult. You are not a child.
You are an adult. You are not a child.
Making mistakes is how we grow. You learn through mistakes. What do you think Hillary Clinton will do next time she wants to set up a hidden secretive computer server to suck up Top Secret emails to give to Pakistan? I’ll bet you that she would do things much differently. Next time, oh at the rate AG Sessions is going yeah there will be a next time, it will be more secretive, better guarded and better protected.
Lock her up by Ben Garrison at Grr Graphics. All credit to the artist. Hillary Clinton sure has managed to get away with a lot. This is a characteristic of a third world banana republic. It is not the characteristic of a functioning Republic.
A true and real person is not afraid to say that they made a mistake. You don’t even need to justify it. You don’t have to come up with reasons. All you need to say, is that you understand that you made a mistake and that you are putting systems in place to prevent that mistake from happening again.
If the other(s), whomever they are, do not accept that, then they can FUCK themselves. Seriously, in business or in your family, you must be a man. You set the standards that you live by. No one else does. Be a man, or be a child. There is no in between.
[17] Be honest with yourself, with those around you, and with your loved ones. You are no longer a child that has to lie and make up falsehoods to avoid confrontation.
At some point you are going to need to work very hard.
I have got to say, after years and years of working hard, finally I was eventually able to secure some senior level positions. Now, let it be told, that although having an senior position is a fantastic way to earn a living, it is really hard work.
Don’t buy into that Hollywood lie. You don’t get into management by drinking coffee at the local restaurant. You cannot automatically drive a Lamborghini by being a police officer, and you won’t become a billionaire by writing some code. The route to success is often paved with hard work.
And… sacrifice.
And… pain with misery.
I do not mean to scare the Dejesus out of anyone, but I really do want to make a point. You need to plan, and devote your time to doing and performing useful labors. Often you will not see any results. Or maybe what you are doing won’t pay for your rent and you will need to do something that you don’t like.
That’s just the way life is. That is the story of your reality.
[18] If you want something, you will need to put in the time to get it. You will have to think about it. You will need to imagine it, and you will need to do real physical work to cause it to manifest.
More money will NEVER solve your problems
Somehow, in America, many people believe that only if they had more money all their problems would go away…
Nope. It doesn’t work that way. Instead, more problems will materialize. Not only that, but the problems will balloon to a level that you are unaccustomed to. The size of the money you have is exponentially proportional to the problems associated with it.
Now, I am not advocating poverty. However, I have to say that many of the things… the baubles and the latest iPhone, and that nice car are not germane to your happiness. Personally, I have done a lot of thinking, and my fondest memories, the ones that I treasure the most, occurred when I really didn’t have much in the way of money.
In fact, what I had at that period in my life was TIME and COMPANIONSHIP.
Spend time, meaningful and precious time, with those you love. Make your time quality time. Buy an ice cream cone with your retired father. Take you mother out of a morning breakfast. Call up one of your friends and go to the beach or hike in a local park. Spend time together.
As long as you are not living in the street or going hungry, then you do not “need” more money. When you spend enough time with people who are actually living on next to nothing, but having a full life, then you will truly understand this. Everything that is wonderful about life doesn’t cost a penny, and the rest is way cheaper than you think it is.
[19] Think about the people that surround you. Think about spending time with them. Take your mind off the need to make money to purchase things. Concentrate on relationships and spending time with those you love. Remember, you can always make more money, but you can never make more time.
Respect is earned, not demanded.
Work is mostly a meritocracy.
Yes there are exceptions, and the higher up you get, the sillier and strange the effects manifest. However, in general, the more you work, the more skills you acquire. The more “war stories” you can elaborate on, and the more money that you can command.
Holding an executive position has levels of respect and even reverence that are intrinsic to it. I am often looked after and praised. But much like in the military you salute the rank and not the man. In the corporate world often time it is very much like this—people care about the position you hold instead of you.
Nothing is truer than in China. Where I am giving a “God Like” status as a vaulted Boss.
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Never the less, one false move and you could lose all that respect in a heart-beat. Status and respect, especially in China, is tied to the concept of “Face”. It’s a difficult concept to grasp, but it is an important one.
Face is very visible in the Chinese business environment and plays an important role in inter- and intra-company communication, business negotiations, and the development and maintenance of relationships.
In China, company hierarchy is much more important than in many Western countries. Not only are leaders and managers placed on a higher pedestal, but the distinction between different levels of management is much clearer and more important.
Many Chinese leaders and managers expect respect from their subordinates and in many cases expect to be obeyed without question, no matter the rationality or fairness behind a request.
Not obeying “the will” of a Chinese leader or manager does not give them the perceived necessary prestige they (and others) feel is deserved. Indeed, survival in a Chinese company depends on knowing one’s place, and Face plays a very important role in facilitating that function.
-China Culture Corner
[20] You need to earn your place at the table. You cannot demand it.
This is a Two-Part Post
This is the first of a two part post. To see the second part, please kindly go HERE.
Let us return back to my narrative. This post follows an earlier post where I had participated in a discussion on how Special Access Programs work, and the need to be implanted in order to access MWI realities and geographical transport egress…
This post describes a medical procedure that I went through. Enjoy.
This post discusses the insertion of specialized devices into the skulls of members of MAJestic. These devices have numerous purposes and abilities. You cannot be a member of MAJestic without these devices in your skull.
First, a quick review. Per the earlier lecture where we all stood and listened to the purpose behind the probes. Let’s keep in mind that the probes performed two very important functions. Firstly, [1] it is a “key” to permit implanted agents entry through a special “door” or portal, and [2] it controlled memory access.
So, to enter the program and be a member, we had to have probes implanted in our skulls. To prevent confusion, it must be understood that the program did not exist to install probes in people’s brains. But rather, the probe installation was a mandatory feature of membership in the particular program that we were now members of.
All members of our program needed to have probes installed. This fact was covered in the previous post. This post goes into greater detail as to how the probe insertion procedure was conducted and what was involved.
“The U.S. Government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contact or engaged any member of the human race … In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye.”-The Obama Administration (D)
Implantation Facility
There were three implementation stations at the facility. Each station consisted of a “off the shelf” industrial / office cubicle. Within it was an area that consisted of a chair next to a pile of various electromechanical devices, a curved (blank) screen, and a raised control booth.
The control booth was raised up approximately 18 inches above the floor (two steps), and the small slide windows looked down behind the chair where we sat down. There, each station had two techs. One in the booth and the other making the necessary adjustments to the equipment around us. The one in the booth was a petty officer, while the technician laboring at the station was a seaman. All three were under the supervision of a lieutenant who was not present for much of the procedure.
These stations were the exact stations that I had visited earlier with my class. The only difference was that the stations had other equipment arranged in place around the chairs. And, of course, there were far fewer people. Only I and my colleague were being implanted at that time. I was assigned the middle implantation station, and my colleague was assigned to the third station.
An Overview
The military has a large number of secret programs.
Access to them, and knowledge about them are controlled. These programs are called Special Access Programs, or SAP for short. Typically, the management of the DOD as well as the individual generals and leaders in the military understand the purposes and roles of these programs, though they may or may not know about the details.
In general, the SAP classification is far more secretive than “Top Secret” and has its own methodology and systems of governance. Perhaps once could best describe this methodology as a compartmentalization method for control of state secrets. (SAP)
Hollywood really likes to enhance the dramatics within a movie. Here, in the movie “Push” the government bureau head confronts a former agent with “special” abilities. It’s all so very confrontational. When in truth, everyone that I worked with were very professional, respectful and polite. The only people who were not came from the heavily politicized “deep state”, and whom held big titles, but minor roles in our reality.
In the military, especially in the R&D branches, are even more secretive programs. Programs so special, so exclusive, and so secretive that only a very limited number of people can ever have access to these programs. Indeed the knowledge of these programs is so exclusive that only the very highest levels of leadership know about them.
Often knowledge of these programs are limited to a mere one to three people! These programs are called “waived”. Which means that reporting of the existence of the program to the working level leadership is restricted and forbidden. Often the “knowledge” germane to these programs is limited to only an alphanumeric designation on the budget spreadsheet, and perhaps an executive summary as prepared by the program director. (W-SAP)
Additionally, some programs are so controversial that the military, and political American leadership, must disavow knowledge of the existence of the programs and membership. (Much like what is described in the television show “Mission Impossible”, or “The man from U.N.C.L.E.”.)
These kinds of programs are called “unacknowledged”, and are denoted by a “U” in front of the SAP. All programs related to extraterrestrial life are established as unacknowledged. These are the highest and most secretive programs that exist in the United States. (W(U)-SAP).
The Hollywood series about the Jason Bourne depicted a U-SAP. He was involved in a program with sufficient training and abilities.
To clarify for the slower readership in the audience, all of the fantastic adventure movies being churned out of Hollywood today would be classified as W(U)-SAP programs. That would include “Mission Impossible”, “007”, “X-Men”, “Jason Bourne”, to list a mere handful of the popular movies available to the American public today.
Everyone who enters any black-project program run by the military that is classified as an “Waived & Unacknowledged Special Access Program” (W(U)-SAP) will be implanted with a series of ELF probes. I know that if you are a member in MAJestic you are simultaneously a [1] member of a W(U)-SAP and are [2] implanted. This includes all sub-programs and sub-classifications of these programs. If you are a member of MAJestic you are implanted.
Special access programs (SAPs) in the federal government of the United States of America are security protocols that provides highly classified information with safeguards and access restrictions that exceed those for regular (collateral) classified information. It may be a type of black project. An unacknowledged SAP (or USAP) is made known only to authorized persons, including members of the appropriate committees of the United States Congress.
Of course, the strictest membership in the Waived Unacknowledged Special Access Program has even more serious controls W(U)-SAP, which necessitates (I assume) even more capable ELF probes and security measures. Such as ourselves. Implantation of probes is a serious matter and different types and families of probes are utilized. Even though I have mentioned this fact earlier, it is a very important point that the reader needs to understand. This fact needs to be well appreciated and embraced.
Probes are important.
Here is something so typically Hollywood. The show and movie Stargate SG-1 describes the use of a portal to go anywhere in the universe. The cast is all diverse with a alpha male, a beta male, a woman and a negro man. The truth is quite different from the portrayal in the movies.
This is the realm of the MAJIC proword.
MAJIC or as I refer to it as MAJestic, is so exclusive and secretive that even the President of the United States might not have access to it. Certainly the likes of Edward Snowden, or your local Representative or Senator will not have access to it. Typically, the ranking members of the organization DO KEEP SECRETS. (They won’t sell the secrets to the highest bidder, like Hillary Clinton did during her “pay me to play” scheme.)
MAJIC or as I refer to it as MAJestic, is so exclusive and secretive that even the President of the United States might not have access to it.
Once in the program, we never referred to the program at all. While we all knew that we were involved in something highly classified, we never vocalized it.
It was CRITICALLY secret. It was so secret that we never told anyone, or implied our existence to anyone, even among ourselves. We never wrote or read documents with “Top Secret” stamped on top of it. Our organization and participation was so highly sensitive that everything was committed to memory and face to face communication. We never wrote or used unsecured lines when communicating with each other.
The implication of this is that every UFO, or extraterrestrial-technology or contact “whistle blower” involved in these programs has an implant. That implant is used to track them and used to control their memories and actions.
People who identify themselves as exposing the dark and secret world of UFO’s and other black projects, if they are telling the truth and not spreading disinformation, have identifying probes inside their skull. This is easy to check with an MRI scan. Thus it is easy to validate and verify anyone who talks about UFO’s as an insider. Have them get an MRI scan, or if too costly, an X-ray.
Real and actual MAJestic members have these probes. I have them. They can be seen on both an X-ray and an MRI scan, though the MRI provides the best and clearest viewing resolution. How do I know? I went to two hospitals and had both x-rays and MRI scans taken to see them, as well to reassure myself that I am not crazy.
Sometimes you NEED to do this in a world filled with liars, frauds, and tricksters.
I would imagine that those whom have only a passing involvement in the programs, might be able to avoid implantation. As those who are performing a very low level of involvement. For instance this would include clerks, guards, janitors, maintenance men, and garbage collectors. But, it simply makes sense for everyone who plays an active and important role in these programs to be implanted.
Some Points
Erasure or simplification of a military history. It is best to get new member early in their military career; well before the individual has had time to develop a history with the service. In my case, as well as with Sebastian, our histories are mostly blank. However, the Base Commander, out of necessity, has a very strong and glorious military history that remains intact. Therefore the erasure or degradation of one’s military background depends on the level of secrecy and the overt “public” persona that the agent must possess.
Records evaporate over time. Given enough time, records become lost, erased or accidentally destroyed just simply due to the passage of time. It is always in the best interests of those in the program to let time erase the background information of the agents. Programs, companies and places tend to disappear. A company that might have existed for four years in 1973 will be very difficult to find information on. The people involved the photos of the place and all the documents associated with that company is long gone. The mass collection of data and unification in a central data bank is a recent phenomenon.
The reader just has to agree with me on this. It makes sense from every aspect of a secret organization. If the organization has the technology; then the organization would use the technology. I agree with the decision to do so. I think that the military was correct in implanting us. I say this two times.
The military was correct in implanting us.
I do not know if this ELF implantation procedure extends to non-black programs. Therefore, it is possible that individuals such as Mr. Snowden were not implanted. I know that it didn’t extend to the general rank and file in the military. At the time that I was implanted, its use was limited to participants in [1] specific black projects, [2] government officials posted overseas in embassies and consulates, and [3] selected special military operatives. I also know that there were many different kinds of implants, with different functions and features, as well as constantly evolving generations of implants. I would imagine that the implants of today would be quite powerful and versatile.
Implantation Schedule
Therefore, for the record and to keep things clear, all MAJestic members are implanted as either W-SAP members or the much more secretive W(U)-SAP membership. The technology is used in non-MAJestic programs but I do not know much about that aspect of utilization. All that I know is that some embassy officials and some military special force operatives have been implanted with this technology.
Not to get confused; being a member in a SAP program does NOT guarantee that they would be implanted. However, being a member of the MAJestic organization absolutely does guarantee implantation.
General Guidelines
People who possess ELF probes generally operate under great independence and autonomy. The military records of their participation are often discarded or replaced with other things. No one knows how many people were participants in the various levels of the SAP programs, but please understand that all of us were volunteers.
We all left our trained positions to enter this program, and the consequences associated with it.
Wouldn’t it be cool to be a secret agent like 007? Maybe so. But Hollywood is a fine fiction. There are bigger things in this world than issues and troubles between nations.
These consequences and attributes could and usually did include at least some of these characteristics; the [1] erasure of military history, [2] obscured background, [3] fake and false identities and all the associated [4] documents. Not to forget to mention, that all MAJestic members also had a [5] discrediting binder and a [6] planned retirement “opt out” strategy.
No one is ever implanted without their approval. And, most importantly, the ELF field effects cannot be experienced unless you have the implants.
Feeling ELF Radiation
Non-implanted individuals cannot “feel” the presence of the waves. (I would be under the effects of an ELF field, and those around me would be completely unaware of the presence of the field.)
Thus, the conclusion is simple, people who claim to be harassed by the ELF waves, are either actually truly implanted, or are delusional. There is no middle ground for discussion in this matter. I most strongly repeat this point to the reader. Absolutely no person can be harassed by ELF radiation unless they actually have probes implanted inside their brain.
A person who does NOT have the implants will be unable to tell if there is any kind of directed ELF wave aimed at them. They simply cannot tell. The body of a non-implanted person simply cannot feel the effects of an ELF wave.
If you are actually being “harassed” by ELF waves then you can conduct certain basic tests to verify that this is the case. I strongly urge the reader or anyone who feels that they are being harassed by ELF radiation to perform these basic tests.
Things to do if you Suspect you are being ELF Harrassed
Here are my thoughts on this matter. Keep in mind that unless you have the probes, the radio waves will go right through you like nothing. Never the less, if you think that the government is beaming radio waves into your head, then you can take these precautions.
I strongly suggest that the person, first of all [1], monitor the temperature of your body, especially your head and forehead. (There are color coded temperature-sensitive adhesive strips designed for infants that the reader can use for this exercise.) When the probes are activated by the ELF signal, they will generate heat. This heat will dissipate through the skull and forehead. You will see a noticeable increase in the temperature of the head shortly after the probes are turned on. This could be a five degree spike within a two minute interval.
There are numerous companies that make forehead thermometers. If you have probes engaged on, the temperature would be all the way in the red zone. It would be in the danger zone. Which is one reason why probe access is severely limited.
Secondly [2], monitor how you react to grounded and non-grounded metal. The ELF waves will generate a large and painful static discharge when you touch metal. If you are unable to generate a spark, you are unlikely to be under the effects of an ELF field. (Remember that it is easiest to generate a spark in a dry environment, however when under an ELF field, sparks are generated in the most humid of environments as well.)
ELF probes will generate static electricity when engaged. If you are unable to generate a spark, then you are unlikely to be under ELF radiation.
Thirdly [3], look at the ceiling with your eyes and look for cavitation shadows. These are harmonics that are generated in the visual cortex as a side effect of the probes reactions to the ELF field. You will see them. They will look like waves of dark shadows. If you have none of these effects, it is highly unlikely that you are under an ELF “harassment” field.
Cavitation effects made visible. The horn would produce radiation, and the radiation would bounce about and go through the various walls in a way that was visible to those with the probes installed.
Finally [4], if you really want to find out once and for sure if you actually have probes is to go to a hospital and find out. The probes are certainly observable on an MRI scan, and visible to a trained doctor via x-ray. ELF radiation has absolutely ZERO effects on a normal and healthy human.
ELF radiation will go through bodies. However, the probes are designed to interface with the ELF radiation is properly calibrated. These probes can be seen on an MRI scan. Let me tell you that the doctors will be pretty confused with what they will see. I just shrug my shoulders and tell them “It’s our little secret, eh?”
If you fail to validate these tests your issues or symptoms are due to something else entirely, and not an ELF field.
Again; ELF waves cannot be “felt” unless a person has probes or probe-like objects in their skull.
The presence of these probes in my skull is the only hard proof that what I am saying is the truth. Other than that, everything that I am saying is just devoid of physical proof. (Except for [1] (deleted), and the [2] fiducials in the walls of various government buildings. Or, additionally, the [3] odd coincidence that all the members of my MAJestic cell met at NAS NASC Pensacola Florida in 1981. As well, as when we met again at the NAS China Lake, California in 1986. And finally met yet again during retirement at ADC Pine Bluff, Arkansas in 2006. – quite the number of coincidences!)
What I know about the military use of these probes is limited. Even though I was implanted while in the military, I was not a military operative. Nor, was I trained in any covert art, or technique. I operated as a civilian, and reported to no one in the military chain of command. My position, role, and training fell completely outside of the conventional military sphere of control. This is wholly important.
Full disclosure; actually I did spend some time at a military training facility in Louisiana. So, yeah, I guess that I am a "swamp rat". Heh heh. But this had absolutely nothing to do with the program.
Instead I went there to better myself and for personal reasons.
I simply felt like going there, so I enrolled in the courses there and learned some basic combat techniques and other skills associated with War-craft. This had nothing to do with the Navy. This has nothing to do with the ELF program. This had nothing to do with my day to day life. I took the classes simply because I wanted to better myself. It is just coincidence that I ever attended such a program.
It's the same reason why I took professional dancing lessons, why I went and learned how to paint in the classic Flemish style, and why I tried my hand at learning how to make pizza sauce. Sometimes you get these "nudges" to do things that will benefit you in the future. So you follow the nudge and learn.
As a civilian, the government has made a complete reliance on the probe implants to secure my secrecy.
I didn’t take any oaths or make any promises of secrecy regarding this program as a civilian. It was expected that the government would wholly be able to control my mind, and thus as such could control my actions. That works fine only as long as the program locks are kept intact. (I will discuss this in greater detail later.)
“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.”-Nietzsche
Because of the compartmentalization of the mind and the repression of memories, many operatives have no active memories of implantation. Thus, they may think that they are crazy when they start to hear voices in their head, or begin to have unusual body reactions to outside stimuli.
They might start to believe that the television is beaming thoughts into their head, or think that the CIA is telling them to do things.
They might start to self-medicate themselves, or create an aluminum foil hat to block the ELF signal. (This is known as the famous “Tin Foil hat”.) But this is unfortunate, because everyone who was implanted was done so voluntarily.
People with mental illness often hear voices in their heads. They appear to come from nowhere and often command them to do things. In the case of implanted ELF agents, when we hear voices it is more than likely to sound like a meeting room where a group of people are sitting around a table and each taking turns speaking into a microphone. Each person would have a different voice, accent (sometimes), and way of speaking. All were trained to speak clearly and distinctly, with long pauses between sentences, and tone emphasis when necessary. It is a completely different kind of experience.
If you are really desperate, you do not need to create a tin-foil hat. A far better thing to do is sleep in a metal van or RV, but ground the chassis of the van to the ground (Connect a wire from the metal skin or walls, and run the wire to a spike that you stick in the ground.).
If you are really seriously concerned about broadcast radiation, you can make a Faraday cage. This will stop all radiation. To make one, you surround yourself with a metal walled box, and connect that box, by wire, to a stake into the ground. It’s that simple.
The entire vehicle becomes a Faraday cage. While ELF waves can go through anything, their effects are greatly diminished when one is grounded in such a way.
A tin foil hat is a hat made from one or more sheets of aluminum foil, or a piece of conventional headgear lined with foil. It is worn in the belief it shields the brain from threats such as electromagnetic fields, mind control, and mind reading.
The notion of wearing homemade headgear for protection has become a popular stereotype and byword for paranoia. It also is associated with persecutory delusions, and belief in conspiracy theories.
In the mainstream, these hats are worn by believers to prevent mind control by governments, spies, or paranormal beings, employing ESP or technologies such as microwave radiation.
Many Roles using this Technology
Some operatives have an active role in the program, while others were put on the shelf for the one day when they would be needed. All implanted individuals have unique skills and training associated with this. Everyone associated with these implants have had their memories repressed. So that it is very difficult to remember their true training and purposes.
That is one of the purposes of the probes.
I suppose that those who knew that I was involved in a government ELF program, but did not know what it was specifically would probably assume that this is what I was involved in.
After all, they did not see me do anything out of the ordinary. To everyone else I just lived a life as a white collar engineer. To them, it would make sense that I was implanted to operate at some other point in time; in some other kind of capacity. To most Americans this would mean to act as a clandestine fifth column member of some moderate purpose.
Yah, I suppose.
Misuse of ELF-implanted Agents
Sometimes, implanted agents become “zombies” for political purposes, and are used to create discord for political gain.
Such (abuse) of this technology is exemplified by the case of the Naval Yard Shooter in 2013.
On September 16, 2013, lone gunman Aaron Alexis fatally shot twelve people and injured three others in a mass shooting at the headquarters of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) inside the Washington Navy Yard in Southeast Washington, D.C. The attack, which took place in the Navy Yard's Building 197, began around 8:20 a.m. EDT and ended when Alexis was killed by police around 9:20 a.m. EDT.
In that case, it was used by Washington as an excuse for stricter gun control domestically. (A President Obama (D) initiative.) The idea, of course, is to create a horrendous mass-shooting event that would be well publicized. In so doing the United States media (4 of the 5 media magnates are wholly aligned with the Democrat party) would purposefully use the incident to support the political event du jour.
Paid government crisis actors would cry and wail in front of the television cameras to add drama to the event.
It’s a real thing. The DHS employs actors to show pain and distress during events. You can find all kinds of photographic evidence regarding this. You cannot find the Wilipedia entry for this on either Bing or Google. The reader can come to their own conclusions as to why the entry was deleted. But, do not worry. Here is the direct like to the link; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crisis_actor .
The entry relies heavily on the term “conspiracy theorists” with each paragraph mentioning it at least once. Funny are the omissions. Curious that they do not mention the “training manual” that was disclosed, nor any of the photographs of the actors at work at many different locations, nor the testimony of existing and prior crisis actors.
Hey, he sure can act, can’t he? He’s shedding a tear for the cameras. It’s all part of the final nail in the coffin of the United States. Hey, as soon as the guns are banned, the control over the American population would be guaranteed. G-U-A-R-A-N-T-E-E-D.
Outrage and scandal would flood the nation in a barrage of 24-7 network coverage and organized polls (With strong manipulation by the NSA, see elsewhere.) would demand the President do “something” to stop this horrendous tragedy from ever occurring again.
Of course, it is all a show (typically with a major government employee (or President) shedding a tear on camera – for the children, of course…).
Such drama!
Sometimes non-MAJestic personnel with the power and authority can order technologies and people to do things outside of their core competences. Often, especially with Democrat Presidents, they use ELF implanted individuals to turn on other people with weapons to further a political anti-gun initiative. This is very common and has been used by both Bill Clinton (D) and Barrack Obama (D) on numerous occasions.
It is a pre-planned song and dance for the uninitiated and easily deceived ignorant masses to be herded towards. Regardless of where the reader might feel concerning the political desire to restrict gun ownership, the fact is that this program was used to further this politically motivated cause. I totally disagree with this abuse of the program. But, I am quite aware of it.
I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.
- William S. Burroughs.
It seems like every President uses this program for various political purposes.
Some use it more than others. I do not think that it was ever intended to be a political tool at all. But human nature being what it is, it has evolved to this point. President Clinton (D) often used this program to create domestic incidents for political purposes.
I know of more than one occasion where he used an ELF operator to create discord. The intention, or course, was to make the event news-worthy enough to distract the media from a scandal at the time. On another occasion, he used operatives to hurt innocents with firearms, thus furthering an anti-gun initiative he was championing at the time. I use the term in the plural, because he was very liberal in the abuse of this resource.
First Abuse
His first abuse of this technology was in December 7, 1993. The event is known as the Long Island Railroad shooting. President Bill Clinton (D) was in his first year in office when five people were killed and 20 wounded by a gunman on the Long Island Railroad in New York. He immediately used the shooting to implement his gun control measures. (Hey, ever notice that during the first year of a President that there is always a well-publicized mass shooting.)
He immediately gave a speech where he said:
”The ban on assault weapons and the restrictions on semi-automatics are important because they’ll stop criminal gangs from being better armed than the police. And these restrictions would have prevented the gunman on the Long Island Railroad from having two 15-round clips of ammunition that enabled him to maim and kill so many people with such deadly speed.”
Yeah. Sure…
People who are implanted are not under-educated saps. They have been specifically culled from the ranks for whatever role they were assigned that required implantation, and while many of us cannot remember things that we were specifically configured to forget, we can still deduce what is going on with us. The NAVSEA “mass” shooting at a military base was the end result of President Obama’s (D) attempt to use an implanted agent to further an anti-gun initiative that he had in place at the time. What he did not count on was that the agent also knew what was going on and directed his presidential orders to kill people toward the ELF facility itself, and not to a school with children as he was ordered to do.
It was not only President Clinton (D) who was very liberal with this resource, but also President Obama (D) as well. Like President Clinton, President Obama immediately used the ELF resource to create a mass-shooting incident in his first year in office. (It seems that as soon as the new President knows that there are these kinds of fifth column agents in place and what they can be used for, that they immediately use them within months of their discovery. What a true travesty.) This was also an implanted ELF agent.
A good example of this occurred in July 20, 2012 at the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting. During the premiere of the movie “The Dark Knight Rises,” a gunman set off tear gas grenades and then shot into the audience with multiple weapons, killing 12 and wounding another 58 before he was apprehended by police outside the theater. President Obama (D), then campaigning for re-election in Florida, responded in to the shootings “instead” of a pre-planned campaign speech.
Nice photos, and great visuals. Keep the mindset that we need to government to keep us all safe from the “bad guys”. Yeah Right! Justin Konye (C) places candles with other mourners during a vigil for victims behind a theater where a gunman open fire at moviegoers in Aurora, Colorado July 20, 2012. REUTERS/ Jeremy Papasso (UNITED STATES – Tags: CRIME LAW) ORG XMIT: COL105
November 5, 2009 Fort Hood, Texas shooting. An Army major killed 13 and wounded 29 at the largest (by population) U.S. military base in the world during President Barack Obama’s first year in office.
Elected people shouldn’t be able to get control of mind-control, memory-control and MWI technology. Luckily, MAJestic has banned most Democrats from access. Their sentience does not match. While that is a good thing, the problem arises when the technology is shared outside of MAJestic, and bad-actors start to use it for their own purposes.
Democrats in office tend use implanted ELF agents for domestic political purposes. They generally use the agents immediately once they become aware of their existence. Usually within six months. Typically, it seems to further their domestic agenda to abolish all firearm ownership in the United States.
Nations ruled by a king or set of rulers can ONLY do so with a disarmed populace. Thus, for the Democrats to achieve their ultimate objectives, they NEED to have the people be disarmed. If the population REALLY knew what they are truly up to, they would be hunted down, and tortured before being killed. Those who want the disarming of the American people are the worst offenders and greatly desire the disarming of the American population.
I do not see this kind of abuse with Republicans simply because the Republican Party does not have the same political objectives as the democrats do. If they did, they would also abuse this program.
The founding fathers hated the idea of political parties. They envisioned a new kind of government in which ideas could be debated without the interference of power-hungry factions and corrupt alliances.
“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”
-John Adams in 1780.
It did not take long for his nightmare to come to pass. Political parties emerged almost immediately, and became not only the organizing force behind government, but also a primary way in which people defined themselves throughout much of the country. “Party passions were deeply ingrained in 19th-century American life,” said Richard McCormick, a political historian and the former president of Rutgers University. “They reflected your community, your ethnic associations, your economic associations. Men passed their party passions on to their sons.”
Abuse of these ELF agents by Republicans seem to be related to covert CIA, and DHS operations. Make no mistake of that.
Oh yes, the Republicans will make thing right! Oh my! Yes, the country’s in a mess, but that’s because of opposition-party meddling. If the party I favor could get a majority, they’d sort things out.
This seems to have been a popular belief for decades.
It’s believed by Democrats and Republicans alike. But, in 2001, the Republicans held both houses of Congress, plus the presidency, yet even then they failed to deliver on what they claimed were their party’s fundamental goals.
Between 2009 and 2011, the Democrats controlled all three, yet they, too, failed to deliver.
If the electorate were to step back and look at the history of who is in power vs. changes in policy, they’d find that the government’s central program of welfare/warfare continues unabated, regardless of who controls the Congress and White House.
The primary policies of the US are determined independently of who has been elected. As American writer Mark Twain stated correctly, “If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.”
I will not elaborate on this simply because what I know about this is very scant and difficult to believe. Never the less, I hold both parties uniformly in the lowest regard regarding the abuse of this technology.
Part of me wants to be moderate about this misuse. I want to believe that it is representative of isolated incidents only. I want to believe that is not the overall desire for the program to be misused for political purposes. I try to rationalize it, arguing that perhaps those in office really believe that it is in the best interests of the country that people be herded in such a manner. But, when I put all the pieces together, only one conclusion is evident; the program is being misused from time to time for political purposes.
The overwhelming evidence appears to be to support the contention that this program, or one related to it is abused from time to time. The overwhelming evidence is suggested of abuse by those in power for personal and political objectives. These objectives are absolutely not in alignment with the intended objectives of the program. Therefore, I cannot help but come to the conclusion that there is a political movement that is on the road towards a tyrannical dictatorship.
After all, in a democracy or a republican form of government, these techniques are not used.
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
-Lord Mahan
The people elect or determine who governs them openly with free discussion; not by manipulation and control by media.
I cannot help but think about this. Their use is clear evidence of a radicalized and subverted governmental body. It is one that is governed by an elitist class of people. These people utilize the media that they own, to convince people to support their increasingly Draconian policies.
Imagine that!
The President wants to ban guns, and then suddenly a crazed gunman, using the exact weapons that are being discussed, does exactly what the President warned us against. What timing! What amazing timing!
Such a coincidence!
Listen, it was absolutely no coincidence that mad, apparently crazy people, would shoot up schools, try to blow things up and utilize exactly the weapons and items that the administration wanted banned.
But, the reader needs to be warned that I am not privy to the inner workings of the elite whom govern the United States. Therefore, my thoughts on this matter are probably wildly speculative and marginally accurate. I urge the reader to keep that in mind; I could be just taking what I know and speculating on the coincidences in the political arena.
My point is that all tools can be used for both good and bad. The ELF program was and is a very special program that is involved in many types of activities, not only for sensational tragedies to be used as political expedients.
Drink the Orange Juice
After the lecture about the feducials, the Commander walked us over to the office area.
We passed through the (outer) office area and found ourselves in a large room with a row of cubicles to one side. This was the ELF implantation facility. The Commander walked us over to the row of implantation cubicles. There were three cubicles, and I was assigned to the middle one.
These were the same cubicles that I was evaluated in two weeks earlier. Except at that time, I was evaluated in the last one in the far corner. He introduced me to the crew who would be placing the implants in my skull and then left. The team consisted of two people. Both were seamen. Both acted like they had done this task many times before. They, like everyone on the base, had a name badge, but I do not remember the names at all.
After the Commander left, one of the seaman weighed me. We walked to a scale that was standing against the wall outside of the cubicles. I walked up onto the scale. He weighed me. Then he instructed me to sit on the chair outside the booths and went to get me a cup of orange juice. There was a windowed room at right angles to the array of implantation cubicles. Through the window I was able to watch him measure out a mixture of powder according to the chart on a clear plastic-sheeted document. He then took the powder off the table, and mixed it with some orange juice.
He then gave me the cup and watched me drink it. When I was finished he gave me a Dixie cup of water (from the water fountain on the wall) to wash down the juice. Then he told me to follow him to the middle implantation cubicle, and sit down.
The Implantation Booth
As explained previously, the implantation booth was an industrial grade cubicle with a raised control booth. A lone chair sat in the middle of the booth facing a curved white screen. The control booth had windows that overlooked the chair from the back. To enter the control booth door you needed to walk up two steps, as the booth was raised one or two feet off the ground. There were a number of mechanical devices and apparatus of mysterious purposes parked inside the cubicle. Most had a covering on them to protect them from dust.
Next to the entry way to the cubicle was a small table, and on it rested a number of items. This included some tubes of mysterious purpose, tubing, electrical powered dental drills and saws. A very small ball peen hammer, a selection of chisels, medical grade pliers, stainless steel picks and probes of strange appearance with files, and small jars with various liquids. There was a small pile of blue-green medical hand towels folded nicely, and a number of stainless steel implements all resting on a blueish-green cloth covered stainless steel tray. There was also a box of (blue) disposable medical gloves, and a few note books on the table as well.
The area looked a little like this. There was a table with certain tools on it, and enough room to work on me. Nearby were machines and devices covered in sheets and plastic coverings.
The floor had duct tape marking where the chair should be positioned, and was roomy enough to permit those working on the implantation procedure to move about freely and easily. It was well lit from the fluorescent lighting above in the ceiling. Aside from that, it was a rather plain and unadorned space. It was purely a functional space, designed from off the shelf componentry and intended for the sole purpose of implanting probes and sensors. The probably obtained the components from a Granger catalog or a McMaster-Carr catalog.
The Fitting
At that point I was told to sit down into the chair inside the implantation cubicle. It was a simple plain fiberglass chair made popular in the late 1970’s. This was the iconic mass produced chair that was standard in offices and waiting rooms around the world. He then handed me a warm, moist hand-cloth to wipe my face and head with. I was instructed to use to wash my face and head with it. I followed his instructions exactly. When I was done, I handed it back to him, and he threw it in a small laundry basket near the door.
Reaching over to the side table he picked up a large tube of gel. This must be the largest tube of gel that I have ever seen. It looking like a tube of toothpaste for a giant. Indeed, it was the largest tube of conductive jelly that I have ever seen in my life. It held perhaps 750 ml of opaque conductive jelly.
Silicone grease is waterproof grease made by combining silicone oil with a thickener. Most commonly, the silicone oil is polydimethylsiloxane and the thickener is amorphous fumed silica. Using this formulation, silicone grease is a translucent white viscous paste, with exact properties dependent on the type and proportion of the components. In this application, the grease was electrically conductive and helped to fill in any voids between the skullcap and my skull so that a proper electrical circuit could be achieved.
He squeezed a generous amount on to my head and lathered it on completely. Then, he obtained what looked like an old fashioned latex swimming cap (also known as a skull cap). It was a light orange color, and had an array of copper plated metal studs embedded in it. There must have been about one hundred studs all told. Next to each stud, in black ink, was an alpha numerical designation.
There were over a hundred wires that had to be painstakingly installed one by one into the skull cap. To the outside observer I looked like a spaghetti headed monster. The photo is representative only. In reality, I wore a skull cap where the wires fit into studs embedded in it.
But there was a problem. My head was too small. The cap was meant for a larger size head, and no matter how tightly they adjusted the chin band that held the cap in place, there was always a gap or space that indicated that it wasn’t fitting very well. I told them that it was just fine, and to proceed anyways. But they said no, and after about one half an hour of adjustments, they removed the cap and went to get a smaller one.
The seaman was gone for perhaps forty minutes when he returned with a smaller cap. This was identical to the fist cap, except that it was smaller and was a light green color. He said, “Ok, now this should work much better.” And put it on my head after applying more of that conductive jelly. He strapped the cap tightly around my chin, and then added “this is going to take a while…”, as he grabbed a long black cable that protruded from the control booth.
The cable was long and black, approximately one inch in diameter. One the end of it protruded a bundle of perhaps one hundred wires, all around 26 gauge in diameter. Some of the wires were red, others yellow, some blue, while some were striped. Attached to each wire was a small label or tiny flag with an alpha numerical designation on it.
He affixed the cable in place with a holder specifically designed to support the wire harness. Then he began the tedious and arduous process of matching each wire with a corresponding connector in inside the skull cap that was on my head. This was a long process, and easily took 45 minutes, if not longer. Eventually, he was able to complete his task. When he finished he went out for a drink of water at the water fountain outside, then returned.
Mapping the Brain
The first step was the mapping of my brain. Everyone’s brain is different. Not only physically, but how it operates as well. The way it is constructed is partly due to genetics, but also it is wired through life experiences. Therefore, everyone had to obtain a personal map of their brain.
Brain mapping is a set of neuroscience techniques predicated on the mapping of (biological) quantities or properties onto spatial representations of the (human or non-human) brain resulting in maps.
Brain Mapping is further defined as the study of the anatomy and function of the brain and spinal cord through the use of imaging (including intra-operative, Microscopic, Endoscopic and Multi-Modality imaging), Immunohistochemistry, Molecular & optogenetics, Stem cell and Cellular Biology, Engineering (material, electrical and biomedical), Neurophysiology and Nanotechnology.
Of specific interest is using structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), diffusion MRI (dMRI), magnetoencephalography (MEG), electroencephalography (EEG), positron emission tomography (PET), Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and other non-invasive scanning techniques to map anatomy, physiology, perfusion, function and phenotypes of the human brain.
The seaman went over to the side of the implantation cubicle and removed an opaque vinyl plastic cover from the donut shaped contraption that I had used earlier. (Please refer to a different post.) He wheeled it behind my chair, being careful not to dislodge any of the wires that he carefully affixed to my skull cap. He then lowered the metal donut carefully around my head, making absolutely certain that the wires were not dislodged in any way. He double checked the connections for all of the wires, as well as for the bulk cables that ran to the device. Once everything was in place he went into the control booth and told me to relax.
After a couple of minutes, the program began.
I couldn’t see anything because the dark grey colored donut was blocking my view. But that quickly changed. Initially, there was a flashing of lights like an extremely bright strobe that appeared. It flashed very quickly and then it was replaced with the same kind of electronic “snow” that I had experienced earlier (discussed elsewhere). This continued for a few minutes, and then suddenly the snow disappeared, and was replaced with a kind of pastel landscape.
A phosphene is a phenomenon characterized by the experience of seeing light without light actually entering the eye.
Phosphenes have also been created by intense, changing magnetic fields, such as with transcranial magnetic stimulation. These fields can be positioned on different parts of the head to stimulate cells in different parts of the visual system. They also can be induced by alternating currents that entrain neural oscillation as with trancranial alternating-current stimulation. In this case they appear in the peripheral visual field. This claim has been disputed; the alternative hypothesis is that current spread from the occipital electrode evokes phosphenes in the retina.
It is difficult to describe being able to see things, but having your actual eyes non-functional. What was going on was that the “circuit” from my eyes to my brain was interrupted. Instead of receiving electrical signals depicting the outside world from my eyes, I saw a computer generated image that was spliced into my optical nerves from the control booth. What I saw was artificial, contrived and strange to me. Remember that this was 1981, and computer monitors were just being sold. They were mostly black and green, and color monitors depicting pictures, images and landscapes was unheard of.
What I “saw” was an expansive pastel colored map.
The baseline colors seemed to be yellows, greens and reds. This undulating landscape had bright red edges and seemed to be composed of areas of high and low elevations. It almost looked like the topography of one’s brain, or that of some kind of artistic version of a gently rolling terrain. I was intensely interested in the outer edges of this landscape because the colors there were no longer pastel shade, but rather harsh right reds and oranges.
Training to Move Things with my Mind
I was taught how to explore this map with my mind. I could pan across it rather easily. First, they showed me a cross hair reticle. This appeared in the center of my vision. Then, they instructed me to “follow” the movement of the reticle as they moved it from the control booth. I was able to do this successfully. They had me move it left, right, and then to the top and to the bottom of the pastel landscape.
The picture describes what I “saw” with my visual cortex when the “calibration mode” of the ELF procedure was implemented. This drawing is illustrative only and is not the actual view of what I saw. As good as I am in pictorial representation, any drawing that I could create would be but a poor reflection of the actuality of what transpired before my eyes. It was a pastel rolling landscape of mostly greens, yellows and oranges. Along the “cracks” in the undulating “hills” were bright red crevasses that I found so curious. Image courtesy of the author.
The key was to be able to move the reticle over specific areas. Also, to know what the areas were, and how to find the key and important target locations on that pastel map. The most important exercise at this time was to locate the epiphysus cerebri on the map. This is a rather smallish endocrine gland located central to the brain. My task was to locate it, and then to be able to move the reticle crosshairs on over it. Once I proved that I could do this, they had me run through the exercise two or three times to demonstrate that I could repeatedly do this.
The pineal gland, also known as the pineal body, conarium or epiphysis cerebri, is a small endocrine gland in the human brain. The gland has been called the pineal eye or the third eye. René Descartes believed it to be the "principal seat of the soul".
Whenever I diverted my attention off the goal and task, they rebuked me. Truly, and honestly, I was very interested in the edges of the pastel map with the deep red and orange colors, but the exploration of that region would have to wait for some other time. So with a sigh, I repeated all the tasks that they gave to me, and completed my task assignments.
At the conclusion of this stage of the procedure, the field was shut off, and my eyes regained normal sight. I could see the inside of the large dark grey donut again.
In short order, the large donut around my head was removed. Followed by the removal of the equipment surrounding me.
They removed the wires from my skullcap, and then after securing the cable, removed the skull cap as well. I was given a towel to wipe my head with and another warm damp one to wash it a second time to be clean. After drying my head, I was given a couple of sips of water and I was able to get up and walk about for a few minutes before the next phase of the process began. I didn’t go very far. The water fountain was right next to the observation window where the orange juice was mix, and there wasn’t really anything to do outside of the cubicle.
It was just a plain ordinary office space.
Probe Implantation
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”― Wei Hui Zhou
Core to the program was the implantation of special devices inside our skulls. Depending on the individual and the mission, different devices were used. For me, I had 7 devices implanted inside my sensor motor area, and the parietal lobe. These seven probes consisted of two “kits”. One kit consisted of five probe sensors. The other kit consisted of three sensors. For me, this was done by medical specialists at the ELF labs inside the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute (NAMI) located at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida in early June of 1981.
I got a great laugh in 2016 when I read a CNN article that DARPA is “developing” technology that will “some day” permit soldiers to communicate directly with computers. Me thinks they are about 40 years behind the times! Read the article for a good laugh; http://edition.cnn.com/2016/03/07/politics/pentagon-developing-brain-implants-cyborgs/ .
I did not realize any of this until much later. At the time I was told that there would be seven probes or sensors placed. I was not told what their purposes were or how they worked. I was not told that they were parts of two different “kits”. All this information came much later after reading about them in (deleted). At this time, the information given to me was very scant. I was told the absolute bare minimum of what I needed to know.
I waited about while the techs ran errands outside. There wasn’t much to do, so I just sat down in the chair and waited. I took some more sips of water, and looked about. But I was pretty much alone in that section of the building. Even my colleague; Sebastian was nowhere to be found.
Got up and walked around outside. For a while, I sat in a chair that was located outside the implantation booths. (Hoping that I would meet up with Sebastian so that we could compare notes.) I then got up and went back into the booth and sat down in “my” chair.
After a half an hour wait, the techs brought in the probes to be implanted. There were seven of them in a small clear glass vial. I was permitted to look at them in the vial but was told not to touch the vial. The vial itself was about 3/4 inch long and about 1/16 to 1/32” in diameter.
Inside were seven small grey black spheres. Each one was about 45% the diameter of a standard BB. I was told that these were “more specialized than that which was given to embassy personnel”, and that they had even greater capabilities and abilities than any of the “other” kits.
I was also told that my probes were very special and very unique and had an amazing array of capabilities.
The core kit that I was included with contained five implantable probes, and a secondary kit of three additional probes. Illustration is representative only. I was provided with a small glass ampule and inside of it were the tiny probes. I could just barely make them out inside the ampule. They were so small that the edge of the glass distorted their apparent shape when viewed.
At this point, they sat me back in the chair and began to pull out a scaffolding kit that was tucked away in the corner of the cubicle.
It was on wheels, but designed so that it could be secured into bolted holes in the concrete floor. He moved the scaffolding to my chair and began to assemble it. The frame slid into an array of bolted holes in the concrete. It was assembled through an array of wing nuts, knurled knobs, and screwed levers.
The metal was business-like and cold, being composed of black anodized aluminum with gun metal finish steel rod components. Once completed the frame looked like a cage that surrounded me. It did not take a lot of time to assemble, because it was designed to be easy to setup.
A precise frame was used to mount a kind of gun that shot the pellets and probes into my brain.
At the top of the framework was a curious arrangement of posts that were designed to hold my head securely in place. This framework had attachment points that rested on my shoulders, bolted to the scaffolding nearby, and also bolted directly to my head.
The seaman adjusted the posts and the nuts so that my head would be firmly fixed inside the vise-like grip of the scaffold. It was true that I couldn’t move my head at all. So I just sat there immobile.
Even though my hair was abnormally short, the tech took out a disposable razor and shaving cream and shaved the top of my head. This didn’t take too long, and he quickly cleaned up the top of my head; mopping up the shaving debris with a small hand towel.
At that point while I sat in the chair, they washed my head yet again, and cleaned it up. This was done with soap and water. Again he dried it with his towel and tossed it aside. They used a massive Q-tip that looked like some kind of (midget sized) medieval torch to apply this reddish chemical to my skin. I think it was Iodine. Then, they gave me a local anesthetic. This was applied through injection at the top of my scalp. The tech took a few minutes to allow the anesthetic to work and then moved a number of tools and implements next to me.
For about 2 hours he cut and drilled a hole in my skull.
While it did not hurt, explicitly, due to the local anesthetic, I could feel the vibrations as they worked on my skull. I felt him cut a flap of skin away, then I felt them drill and chip away at my skull. They actually did chip. They used a hammer and a chisel to do so, though most of their work was with a small drill. It was similar to a Dremel tool. (While I do not know the size of the hole that they created, I assume that it must have been around 10 mm in diameter.) The drilling took a relatively long time; at least an hour. By the time he was done with all the drilling, and chipping and blowing away the bits and pieces (with an air hose), I was exhausted.
Once that was completed, the tech left to get another seaman to help him. I just sat there. There wasn’t much that I could do; being bolted to the frame such as I was.
The tech took his time drilling a hole in my head. He chipped away at it with a hammer and a pick. He used a dremel tool, and he sanded the edges nicely. What occurred was slightly different than what is portrayed in this photo. What actually happened was that my head was solidly affixed to a steady frame that would not move. I was not leaning back, but sat upright. There were no more than two people in the room at any one time.
About five minutes later they returned, and together they carried in this enormous mystery contraption into the cubicle area.
The tech absolutely needed another person to help carry it in. It was that large. It was about one and a half yards long and about one yard high. It was only about three inches thick though.
It looked like a big bronze protractor with a swivel mounted gun on it. The “gun” was a small cylindrical contraption that looked a little like an old fashioned telescope. (The kind that sailors used to carry aboard ships.)
Together, they lifted the device up to a metal frame scaffolding that was attached to the chair that I sat in, and bolted it tight so that I was unable to move at all. This entire procedure is known as Stereotactic surgery. The device used to perform this procedure, the big protractor and swivel gun, is called a Stereotaxy Frame.
I believe that the Stereotaxy Frame that was used to implant me was an Arc-Quadrant Systems: Probes are directed perpendicular to the tangent of an arc (which rotates about the vertical axis) and a quadrant (which rotates about the horizontal axis). The probe, directed to a depth equal to the radius of the sphere defined by the arc-quadrant, will always arrive at the center or focal point of that sphere.
The probes were injected into the hole in my skull using this method. Only one hole was required. The probes were shot into the hole using a different vector and different force.
At this point, the petty officer went to have an officer approve of the setup. He came back with the officer about five minutes later. The lieutenant looked over the setup and arrangement. He studied the headgear and adjusted the device so it would be exactly over the hole in my head, and so the cylindrical section was set up with the proper angle and alignment. Once he gave the approval and signed the clipboard, he left.
When they had everything set up, and I was just sitting there calmly strapped and bolted to this huge metal contraption the techs went outside for a break. That lasted perhaps ten minutes and when they arrived they brought me a glass of water (with a straw) to take a few sips from. They were, all in all, pretty decent folk; just doing a job that they had obviously done many, many times earlier.
(Though, from all indications, with a different type of set of probes. For Sebastian and my probes were “special” and “unique“, whatever the heck that meant.)
Using this device, they shot the probes into my skull. Each probe had a different force and trajectory, thus they were all located in different regions of my brain. Though, they all used the single entry hole in my skull. Before each firing of the probe into the skull they checked and then rechecked the coordinates, as well as having a second sailor verify that the gun was aimed correctly. It was important that the probes be fired exactly correctly to the exact coordinates.
When it was time for my first implantation, they told me to be alert and to not be afraid. They said that I would be startled. They warned me that I would feel a slight jolt and hear a loud bang and not to be afraid.
But the jolt and noise was so startling that I yelled out when the first one was shot into my skull. The seaman yelled at me, and I apologized, because it was after all very startling. (I really don’t even remember me yelling, but I do remember being rebuked for doing so.) After that, the other probes weren’t so bad, but still quite disconcerting.
The reader must recognize that this occurred in 1981. American technology at that time was primitive. A hole had to be drilled in our skull, and pellets had to be shot into our skull cavity.
Today things are quite different. On Feb. 8, 2016 the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced the first successful tests, on animal subjects, of a tiny sensor that travels through blood vessels, lodges in the brain and records neural activity. (That is that public announcement. The non-public use of this technology probably preceeds this date by one decade at least.) The so-called “stentrode,” a combination stent and electrode, is the size of a paperclip and flexible. The tiny, injectable machine(the invention of neurologist Tom Oxley and his team at the University of Melbourne in Australia) is intended to researchers solve one of the most vexing problems with the brain linkage to computers: how to insert a transmitter into the brain without also drilling a hole in the user’s head.
Based on existing stents that doctors use to clean blood vessels, the stentrode includes sensors and a tiny transmitter. Entering the bloodstream via a catheter, the stentrode swims in the bloodstream. Doctors monitor the stentrode on its journey through the circulatory system. When the device reaches the brain, the physicians command it to expand against the blood vessels’ walls and hold station. There it remains for potentially months at a time, recording and relaying the subtle electrical signals that flow from the brain to the rest of the body.
There were seven probes, and thus there were seven different angles and forces that the probes were shot with. The first one was the worst, but not by very much. By the time the third probe was shot, I was getting tired of the process and wanted it to end. Actually, I thought that there would be just five probes, but for me, there were seven probes that were implanted in my brain. It seemed to take a long time to inject them. Honestly after the fifth probe, I was really ready to call it quits. I was getting fatigued having these things shot into my brain, and even though it wasn’t painful, it was tiring. I just wanted the implantation process to end. Each time, the process of aiming the injector had to be precisely conducted. Eventually, I endured the remaining probes and the petty officer came and told me that it was over. (Finally!)
I never felt any pain at all during this process. The nerves that were part of the skin on my head were numbed by the local anesthetic, and there were no nerves inside my brain. So when the pellets where shot inside my skull I felt no pain, just the sound of the gun, and a momentary awareness of a jolt.
He and another seaman removed the gigantic projector from the frame and carried it away. Then he closed the flap of skin up, and washed my head with a wash towel and dried it properly. Finally, he applied a small Band-Aid to the top of my head over the hole. Then, he unbolted my head from the frame scaffolding, and rolled it away. I was able to get up to stretch my legs, but I still had to stick close to the implantation cubicle. So I went and got a squirt of water from the water fountain, and waited for them to return.
As strange as it might seem, from my point of view it was as if nothing had happened. I had just had brain surgery, and I was walking around like everything’s just normal. It amazes me when I think about it.
First Calibration
After a while they returned, and I sat down back into my seat. But this time things were different. There was no wired skull cap put on my head, nor was there the need for the metal donut. I sat in the chair peacefully, and they told me to look straight ahead. I knew what to expect. So I waited patiently in the chair.
Suddenly I saw a flashing of strobe lights and I lost control of my sight. This was immediately replaced with the pastel map that I had seen earlier. All this occurred without a wired skull cap or metal donut surrounding my head.
The significance of this event should not be underestimated. Without any external device or machine, the U.S. Navy was able to control what I was able to see with my eyes. They had tapped into my brain, and could impart images and communication routines that only I and they could observe. To an outsider, I just looked like a person sitting in a chair. But, in truth, I was observing and participating in a great deal of activity that no one but I could see.
What I “saw” was a reticle cross hair that was in the middle of the pastel map. They asked me to move it to the key feature area that I had practiced so many times earlier. Like the trials that I had conducted earlier, I successfully was able to move the cursor to the strange feature on the pastel map (which I now know is the pituitary gland, or hypophysis in the brain.).
I find it very curious, now, that I could visualize the pituitary gland as a small tunnel or hole like a bridge. But the visualization was really that of a bony structure called the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone.
It looked a little like the album art from Robin Trower and his Bridge of Sighs album.
To make sure that I could do this successfully, they would move the reticle to some other location on the map, and have me move it back to its rightful and proper location. Again, I had to do this a number of times to verify that I could do so repeatedly.
Once I was able to demonstrate that I could do this, the field was turned off. And I was permitted to walk about. Of course, my eyesight returned back to normal with the field off. Everyone left the area, and I found myself alone. Because I finished earlier than the other Aviation Officer, I waited outside the cubicles on some plain plastic chairs and I drank a cup of orange juice that one of the techs gave me. Shortly afterwards, my colleague was also finished, and thus we waited together wondering what was going to happen next.
It is highly likely that this cup of orange juice was laced with a series of chemicals and specific drugs, but I cannot confirm this.
Notes About the Probes
The size and complexity of the probes betrayed their origin.
In 1981 there was absolutely no possible way that complex electronics of any type could fit into tiny ball no bigger than an ants head. At that time, we were using calculators of increasing complexity, but most electronic devices that we know of today did not exist.
High technology in 1986 can be seen in the 1986 movie “Back to the Future”. The technology that was representative of the probes within our skulls betrayed a level of technology that was far greater than was was available for public consumption. The reader must recall, that I was implanted in 1981, a full half a decade before this movie was released.
Telephones were still connected to the walls with wires. Many still had rotary dials instead of push button keypads.
Tape recorders were huge and used actual magnetic tape. Video cameras were enormous and were the size of a small backpack. Computers were still mostly available as kits that you could build, or as large mainframe computers with printout readers instead of phosphorescent screens.
The computer language that I learned in college was called APL, though both FORTRAN and BASIC were just then being developed. All of this was indicative of an emerging electronics revolution, but in no way could it be considered mature enough to develop the (tiny) probes that were implanted into my skull.
I do not know of how these probes were developed, nor who worked on the systems, processes and procedures that revolved around them. The fact that there were “families” of different probes with differing capabilities implied that a great deal of research, development, and time and effort went into them.
Never the less, while it is possible that they were wholly independently developed by a cadre of scientists working on the control of the human mind. I now know that this was not the case. The actual and real truth is far more interesting. This is, that the root technology, and programming of the implanted probes, were all wholly synthesized from extraterrestrial technology.
Now, the reader must appreciate that I do not know the full story of the probes, nor their development.
I do not know when the work began on this aspect of technology, nor who authorized it. But, I do know something about the probes themselves. Something that even those who were in control of the entire probe implantation program did not know. This knowledge is an important part of why this information is being disclosed now.
Those individuals who lead the black-budget research into extraterrestrial technology were human, like you and I. They understood the potential danger of using extraterrestrial technologies, and were concerned that they might be used in a negative way. They never fully trusted their extraterrestrial allies, but somehow the thought never crossed their mind that the extraterrestrials that provided this technology to them might have other agendas that they might want to implement.
All American made computers and software today have “back-door” access enabling various American alphabet organizations to bypass security protocols, and passwords. In a similar way, the extraterrestrials who gave this technology to the United States government also have unrestricted access to the brains of those implanted. And, that my readers is exactly what happened.
The extraterrestrial species that helped provide this technology to MAJestic did so with the knowledge that they could access it at will. Thus, they could not only monitor the “feed” and activities of those so implanted, but they could also control their actions, memories and emotions.
Now, consider this frightening thought; If every person, in a leadership position, has these probes installed, and the extraterrestrials can access their brains, then the extraterrestrials can indeed control certain aspects of the United States government. It is pretty frightening when you think about this aspect of the technology used.
I do not know the exact precise interests and purposes surrounding the extraterrestrials who aided the United States government. But, I do know that they are not interested in ruling the world like we humans would assume they would be.
Their interests lie in a completely different direction. And it is a very complicated and involved discussion involving a host of issues relating to quantum clouds, race interaction over vast swaths of time, the accumulation of knowledge and experiences as well as the improvement of their own quantum environment.
Consider the operation of such devices. What do the extraterrestrials think about the operation of the devices? What do the human engineers and scientists think about how these devices operate?
There is a substantial disconnect between understandings on how the ELF triggered probes operate. Obviously we humans think one thing, though those whom designed the probes have another idea all together.
What the probes are, and how they work, are not what the United States scientists and technical experts think. Their understanding of the nature of the probes is simplistic and basic. They are functional, and elaborate, from a physical understanding. But the vast bulk of their capabilities are quantum in nature, and this understanding has eluded the scientists and researchers using them. These probes have a number of abilities and capabilities that far outstrip those that the researchers know about.
The ELF probes are quantum devices with a small physical manifestation.
When installed they modify the brain and its activity in a huge way. Not so much on the physical dimensional plane, but rather on the quantum spheres of influence. They increase the human (which is limited) quantum sphere into a greater, or more substantial one. This adds an amount of additional quantum appendages, or appliances to the human so implanted. This gives the implanted human a greater range of abilities.
One of the primary purposes of this improved quantum sphere is to make the human quantum cloud compatible with the quantum sphere of another extraterrestrial race. Thus adding the host human into a sort of quantum cloud collective. This runs counter to what the military thinks the system works. In their view the probes are merely an elaborate communication tool. They are incorrect.
Core kit two probes go even further and provide inter-dimensional autonomous access ability.
Those of us, implanted with the two probe kits and entangled with the drones, have a special understanding of the nature of the extraterrestrial allies that we worked with. It is a significant departure from what the implanted probes are supposed to be capable of. By entangling our souls through use of the two probe kits, we actually are able to share and experience a part of the extraterrestrial hive memory repository. From there, they can communicate to us directly without having the need to activate the ELF field. We can instantaneously understand what they might want us to do; what actions to take, and why it is important.
This is but a part of a larger effort that originates from our extraterrestrial allies and is not associated in any way with the United States government. In our world nothing is truly unexpected, but rather it all fits in with a larger plan. There are plans within plans, within plans.
Take Aways
The United States have technology that can control memories.
The United States has technology that can open special doors or portals.
This technology is placed inside the brain.
It is controlled by radiation, specifically extra-low frequency radiation, known as ELF.
MAJestic requires this technology for all members.
Other people, outside of MAJestic, are also implanted with similar technology.
People in politics can abuse agents so implanted with these devices to further their own objectives.
Q: What probes are you implanted with?
A: I have seven ELF probes. They come in two “kits”. One is a “basic” kit that controls memory access. The other is sort of key that permits MWI access. Additionally, I have a very special device that is wholly extraterrestrial in origin. It was installed by our extraterrestrial benefactors at one of their facilities. It gives me advantage.
Q: If the probes can control memory, how can you remember anything?
A: During my retirement, at ADC Pine Bluff, there was a mistake done when deactivating my probes. It reset to defaults, and I pulled up the source code and locked things to my own individual advantage.
Q: Have you ever wanted to shoot up anyone or any place?
A: No. Though I often have a strong desire to eat a nice pizza and drink a cold beer. I suppose that if someone had the ability access my now-mothballed probes, but reactivated control sequences, they might decide to mess with my head. They could give me urges to do things, or pester me until I go crazy in frustration. However, there are solutions to get around that, don’t you know.
I have two sets of MAJestic probes, and one set of very unique extraterrestrial probes. Urges generated out from MAJestic are easy to identify. They are “coarse” and “crude”. They are like being pestered by a horse-fly. Urges generated from my extraterrestrial benefactor (direct access) probes are far more subtle. I just do things immediately. No thoughts about them are possible. There is no debate, and no questioning. Which is why I am involved in this disclosure at this time.
Mostly, the urges I have are related to having fun, eating food, drinking wine, playing with my dog, watching cat videos and growing tomato plants. Mostly, I have these strong urges to eat fine American sandwiches. You just cannot get them here in China, for Pete’s sake. I think that people do not appreciate how wonderful food is. They just take it for granted.
Sandwiches are wonderful. I especially like an Italian grinder. Oh, and don’t forget the frosty cold beer that goes along with it.
Q: Have you ever thought about getting the probes removed?
A: Sometimes, but you know why bother. It would probably kill me. I have gotten so used to having them and their characteristics that the loss of them would make me fall into the default human reality. I really don’t know if I could revert to that again.
Truthfully, I am somewhere in-between. When I was deactivated in ADC Pine bluff, I lost my MWI autonomous ability, and the keys were “turned off”. But, one of the local “good old boy” guards went into the control booth after the “experts” from Washington left. He started playing with the controls. It was not a fun time, at all. Let me tell you.
Anyways, he did something that caused a reset.
Imagine that the boys from Washington, followed the directions and ran the shut down sequence. All was good. The probes were in a “standby, but do nothing” mode. The “Good old boy” when he started playing with the controls first [1] pulled me out of “standby” mode. Then, by moving the controls up and down and spinning the knobs, caused [2] some sort of sequence to activate. Suddenly, the [3] programming screen filled my line of sight.
It might have been thirty years, but I could still program the probes.
I [4] reset the defaults, and then locked out remote access. He played all he wanted to, and I just lay on my rack adjusting my controls with my mind. Eventually he gave up.
Here is an example of using a subroutine to institute a “fetch command”.
Now, is this fate, coincidence, or just the way things worked out? I do not know. What I do know is that MAJestic considers me retired and they cannot communicate with me normally through the probes. They have to follow secondary protocols. However, the extraterrestrial benefactors can still communicate to me. Though the way they do it is not the same as human speech and auditory senses. They kind of “will” their interests and desire.
So here we have it.
I’m retired, but not. I’m active, but not. I’m blogging but not making any kind of influence. I’m in a perpetual grey zone.
Do I want to get rid of the probes? Nope leave them in. They offer me MWI perception, though access to the slides are no longer possible.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
You can tell how much BS is in the American news media when they report as “experts” in China, yet fail to mention even the most basic trends. You go on CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, and the Huffington-Puffington Post and it’s all about Trump, and China tariffs. Article after article is reporting on the troubles about the tariffs. They report all kinds of nonsense. They report as if they are experts. Oh, the world is falling apart! Oh, China has fallen to it’s knees! Oh, my goodness!
Well it isn’t. The world is not falling apart. China is bowing down, and the people are not shuffling back into their state-mandated hovels.
China takes the tariff issue seriously, but they are not killing themselves in mass suicides over it. You do know that exports from China to the United States isn’t as large as Americans think. While the perception is that it is maybe 80% of everything they export, the truth is that it is much smaller than that. Exports to America from China is actually around 11% of all Chinese exports.
You’ve got to be an idiot to believe some of the nonsense that is written in the American mass media. The news that Americans read is all just packaged propaganda used to manipulate. That’s it.
Anyways, let’s talk about what is actually going on in China. Yes. The “real deal”. Don’t you know…
The Dance Craze
If you travel to China, and only spend one week in China, you would be made aware of certain trends and behaviors that are totally absent from the “experts” in the American main-steam media. You might be exposed to state of the art subway systems that look like they came out of a science fiction movie. You might ride in a high-speed train that looks like a rocketship. You might be amazed how everyone uses WeChat to pay for things.
For the last few months, China has been “on fire” with a dance craze that has swept the nation. Bet ya didn’t know that! Did you?
Girls all over China are dancing to this stupid Chinese pop song.
I think that they most especially like the part where he goes all “Tarzan”. and the girls duplicate it by leaning back and shaking their chests out.
Boys, girls, adults, children, and maybe even pet dogs can all dance to this stupid and silly song.
et, it has taken the nation by storm. Really! Who’d figure?
The Chinese youth are going crazy over this song. Who would figure. Eh?
If you cannot see the embedded player, then please go to this link to see a compilation of crazed Chinese fans dancing to this stupid song…
It’s sort of like how the “Gangham Style” video and song took over the United States, and late the world. Only instead of a fat Korean, we have pretty Chinese girls dancing to it…friggin’ everywhere.
Where to Watch
I first became aware of this craze by the 抖音短视频 website. You can get the APP online HERE. It consists of home made mini videos all to Chinese (and some Western) pop music. Imagine a twitter version of movies.
Here is a scene from the MV of the music video. It is pretty silly with a bunch of Chinese boys and girls dancing about and giving Tarzan yells.
The funny thing is this; if you just go to any mall in the city and give a Tarzan yell, you will be answered by girls and boys shaking their chests and yelling AH-ya-ya-ah….
Regarding the application, often the movies only last ten seconds or so. All in all, it is a great way to see what China is like, and what the people are like. You see it all. From bedrooms to state parks, to city-scapes to cute girls dancing.I got hooked watching dog and cat videos. You know the Chinese really love their pets.
Later, I became hooked on watching cute Chinese girls doing cute things. Sure beats fat negro American women shaking their enormously fat asses that passes for entertainment in America today.
Anyways, I find it a welcome respite form the non-stop barrage of bullshit narrative from the American mainstream media about China. I get on this APP and within a minute, I can see ten videos made by normal and average Chinese from all over China.
You look at the people. You look at their clothes. You look at the roads and infrastructure. You look at the backgrounds, and the people and what they are doing… It sure beats the nonsense out of silicon valley and Washington D.C.
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I have been having trouble posting the embedded player for the video. So All that I can post is fan videos. You can watch the video yourself. Here are various direct links;
One of the things that the American media likes to keep secret is how human the Chinese people are. In many, many ways, they are exactly like Americans. At least they really seem to relate to us. They think that the television show “Friends” is real, and they all yearn to become friends with Americans. They like to have fun. They love to fish, play basketball, and just have fun with each other eating and drinking.
The American deep (state) swamp wants to keep everything two dimensional. To them, they picture the world outside of the United States as a ugly dark and frightening place. They make cardboard cutouts of people outside. They make two-dimensional characters of them. It’s easier to control us, if our rulers (owners) keep us living in a dark fear.
But, you know, that’s really not the way it is.
The Chinese love to dance and have a good time. They are just like us. Only on a much grander scale…
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The Chinese are just like us. We are both human. We have needs and desires. We feel emotion; sadness and happiness. We fall in love, we raise families and take care of our elders. We work hard, and try to do our best. We like to have fun. Some of us can sing, and some cannot. We we accept everyone anyways. The Chinese are just like us…
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They like to pay with their children, and they love their pets. You all probably aren’t aware of that, with the Western oligarchy in full control of the American media. All the Western media ever talks about is how dogs are eaten in some rural villages in the back hills of remote China.
They play this narrative over and over and over and over. It’s all a manufactured lie.
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In fact some of the largest industries in China are those that cater to pets. In China the pets are treated like little humans. I really mean it. They have dog socks, dog underwear. They have dog sweaters, eyeglasses, back packs and special nutrition dog-food. It is not unusual to have a family spend more money on their dog than on their own children.
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China is the largest economy in the world. If the trade issues can be resolved between Donald Trump and Xi Ping, Americans and their counterparts in China can thrive and prosper.
I see a future where the Chinese and Americans both work diligently towards a mutual agreeable goal. Everyone works. Everyone profits. Americans goods are sold to China, and Chinese goods are sold to Americans. Only this time, instead of the corrupt oligarchy benefiting, it will be everyday Americans who benefit. Trust me, the Chinese want this.
I believe Donald Trump wants this. I believe his followers want this. There is only one problem. The deep state, and all their globalist minions; the American media, the corrupt DOJ and FBI, and the rich software billionaires don’t.
The Chinese middle class has been growing over the last four decades. It is not what Americans think at all. Much of that growth has been the direct result of piss-poor trade policies that benefit the wealthiest few in the Untied States.
That era has ended.
Now it is a time when Americans can market our fine (and superior) products to a willing and welcome Chinese market. What are we waiting for? Nothing, just until the oligarchs in the (swamp) Washington D.C. retires or steps out of the way.
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They will do EVERYTHING in their ability to stop it. They do not care, and if it take world war III to realize their dreams, they will cause it.
Don’t believe me? Just read their mouth-pieces; the New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN.
We are now at a threshold where Americans and Chinese can both profit handsomely by throwing all the evil oligarchs to the wayside. Instead of them getting a trillion dollar profit each year, now it’s time for each American to profit.
The money will flow in copus amounts. We just have to realize who is siphoning the money, and how much they are getting away with. China has a lot to offer Americans.
For instance, consider the synchronized night scapes in all the Chinese cities. You haven’t heard about that have you? Nope, the oligarchs don’t want you to be aware. Just manufacture a cardboard evil villain and demand higher taxes from Americans. It’s the same old playbook. But we Americans have transcended this narrative.
We know better.
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With China not only possessing the bulk of the world population, and the vast bulk of the world’s manufacturing, it is a true shame that American media treats it as some kind of two-dimensional fiction.
Most Americans are unaware of this. Somehow we think that things are still manufactured in Germany, that all those cars with British logos are still make in the UK, and that all the cameras and computers are made in South Korea and Japan.
Nope. They are all made in China.
Surprise! American propaganda leads to keep Americans ignorant and afraid. make no mistake. The purpose of the American main stream media is to keep Americans stupid, ignorant and living in fear. We are told that China is a poor third-world nation. It is one that is filled with barefoot and ignorant workers that reside in mud-hut villages all over China.
That’s the narrative.
It is a complete fabrication. It is nonsense. Sure the rural Chinese aren’t living in McMansions, but their homes aren’t mud huts either. Yes they have electricity, plumbing, indoor water (and water heaters) high-speed internet and paved roads.
In fact, I wish Pennsylvania would take a few lessons from China. They have seemed to get rid of their pothole problems. Pennsylvania is still forming yet another “Blue Ribbon” committee to look into the issue…
I personally believe that once we know the true reality, that we can decide what is best for us and our families. We do not need some “expert” in Washington D.C. telling us what we can do, some “expert” in silicon-valley censoring what we read, and some “expert” in New York city deciding what we can read and watch.
I believe that we can do this by ourselves and alone. The “manufactured reality” out of Washington D.C. and Silicon-Valley has become so outrageous and distorted that it in no way resembles anything even resembling the truth. We need to acknowledge this and embrace it.
For Pete’s Sake, if the “experts” on China are totally oblivious to something as common as a song and a dance that even five-year-olds know, than you should be aware of the disconnect. The disconnect is dangerous.
If we permit it to continue…people will die. Pay attention. Know who is trying to manipulate you and why. Question everything. Stop permitting those in power to take your money, repackage it into a fear-based narrative.
Move forward and think of everyone as your friends who want to work with you so they… and YOU… together can profit. Not some rich oligarch who already has amassed enough trillions of your your money. It’s time to put them to bed and move forward with our lives.
John McClain
Oh, and a special call out for one of the most evil people in Washington D.C. war monger extraordinaire John McClain. Hey guy, having a brain tumor the size of a baseball is no excuse to start World War III. I don’t give a damn what your fucked up rationalizations are. People are people. They are not some numbers that can be erased on a spreadsheet. They have feelings, life, relationships and family. What the Hell is the matter with you?
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Of course, you can go directly to the Chinese video websites and view the dance routines for yourself. There might even be one or two on you-tube. That is, once they get past the censorship army in silicon-valley. American progressive censorship is terrible. It really is… Yeah. Y
ou are not going to find any of this on the sterile American Politically-Correct scrubbed video websites. Hey dudes, maybe you need… NEED to look elsewhere for your video entertainment. There are many, many options.
Don’t accept the bland life that is provided to you. Maybe Alex Jones is banned on Facebook, and You-Tube. No problem. Go elsewhere…
At home, I subscribe to YouKu. I use it for my streaming music needs. If I want to hear a song I like, I do a lyric search and then have YouKu pull it up for me. Like all these sites, they are in Chinese, but you can pretty much navigate by trial and error.
Everything is free to watch. There are only a few embedded ads. There is a very high playback speed, and very little delay.
Toudou is the second most well-known video website in China. Toudou is where most Chinese people buy their online purchases. You can get everything from makeup to groceries here. The site features personal video sharing services, and also owns many other video channels like movies, dramas, music and so on.
This is the government very own video streaming service. It’s sort of a Chinese video version of NPR. It is owned by China Central Television (CCTV), CNTV is the official website of the national TV station. The site hosts many channels and its video channels include live TV, TV drama and documentary. Users can enjoy lots of exclusive video contents on the site.
Xunlei Kankan is a video-on-demand service. If you are trying to find American movies but are unable to because of paywalls, and money that you have to pay at Netflix, go here. they will be free. Oh, and did I say…free????
The site provides high-quality content including up-to-date Chinese dramas and lots of movies from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and the USA.
Sohu TV is owned by Sohu company, one of the biggest Internet portals in China. Everyone knows about Sohu. What? You didn’t? Well let me educate you.
The site provides countless video contents such as high quality movies, TV shows, self-produced dramas, variety shows, music TV and cartoons. You might well be surprised in the selection.
Hailed as China’s Hulu, Letv.com owns more than 100,000 episodes of TV series and more than 5,000 films. This is pretty much where my wife likes to go to watch her soap operas and the American series such as “Two Broke Girls” and “Sopranos”.
I used to have a VIP membership for QIYI. It only cost something like 198 RMB for a year ($25). As a VIP you get a very large selection of movies. Their American movie selection is pretty good. It’s sort of like Netflix in that regard, but instead of paying $5 for a movie, you pay $25 for unlimited movies for a year.
It is owned by Baidu, China’s largest search engine. The decision to offer a paid subscription is a direct result of negotiations with Hollywood. You must recall, Hollywood demanded that the Chinese government stop piracy of Western movies.
Thus, Iqiyi describes itself China’s first copyrighted video library covering various contents such as movie, TV drama, variety show, comic and documentary. Its HD & smooth video content is the best of all China’s video sites.
Here’s where you go if you want to see the latest American movies that are in the theaters, but don’t want to pay for them. It’s owned by Sina, a leading Internet media company serving China. The site provides various video content including latest video news, variety show, movie, drama and so on.
56.com screen shot
56.com is a leading video-sharing platform in China. Users can post and share their personal videos online. There are many cute videos of dogs and cats here. As well as cute girls sings and dancing. The site hosts more than 80 million online videos.
PPTV is a fantastic online TV provider offering both live streaming and video-on-demand services. Its channels include TV shows, film, drama, sports, news and entertainment and so on.
I must admit that I am not too familiar about this site. However the interface seems easy enough to use and get about with. It’s been in China for a while. Really. M1905.com was founded by China Movie Channel in 2004.
The site hosts more than 6,000 HD copyrighted movies and about 200,000 short videos. M1905 is the most complete and authoritative site about Chinese movies.
QQ video
I am currently a VIP member of this site. Cost is $25/year (198 RMB). Like all VIP services, you are allowed five members for that service. So we share the membership with friends and relatives. It has a pretty good selection of American movies. For instance, I watched “Hot Tub Time Machine” last week, but the sequel to that movie is not available.
QQ is the largest social media platform in China, and even dwarfs the enormous WeChat. This is the video section of that platform. To give you an idea of how enormous it is, think of Facebook, and then multiply it by one thousand.
QQ video is a channel of qq.com, which is the most popular instant messenger in China and has hundreds of million active users. With huge amount of active users, QQ video quickly and easily became one of the the most visited video sites in China.
I am not familiar with this website. However, my friends and coworkers really like it. Truthfully, 360kan is a Chinese version of Google / computer checkup application. Functionally, 360kan is actually a video resource navigation website.
Its main function is to list lots of TV and drama links, so users can choose the site with the best watching experiences.
Everyone knows about Baidu in China. Just like everyone knows of Google int he United States. Baidu is a Chinese version of Google, only it is much, much, much larger… and… it is not censored by rich progressive millennials in California.
If you want to find a movie in China, this is probably your fist stop. Like on Google, you click on the video link to see all the video related search results.
Baidu Video is one of the largest video sharing site in China. It is a channel of Baidu.com, China’s leading search engine. The site features its search function and users can always find their favorite video content on the site.
pps PPS provides lots of services such as video search, online video, games and downloads. Its computer client PPS Net TV hosts more than 210 thousand sets of channel programs. It is the most popular Net TV client in China.
Take Aways
The news in America is completely distorted.
So called “experts” on China, in the United States are unaware of the most basic of trends in China.
This disconnect in perception, reporting and reality is dangerous, as it can result in manipulation of mass groups of people and WAR!
The Chinese people admire and relate to Americans. It is a true shame that the American news media would like to disrupt the trade negotiations that Donald Trump is having with Xi Peng.
If Americans and Chinese can work TOGETHER, everyone would benefit profitably. The Chinese WANT to buy American made products. Let’s let them. We can work hard and they can respond.
Over the last few decades, American agreements favored the rich oligarchs at the expense of the American worker. Today, the American media narrative is one that pits national boundaries before cooperation.
Q: What is so special about the latest dance craze in China? A: Nothing, really. Fads and fashions come and go. The point of this post and article is just how out of touch the American media is that they are unaware of something that every single person in China knows about. Heck, you could fly in and just stand on a street corner, not talk to anyone and be aware of this. The disconnect is that enormous. China has their own movies, much larger than Hollywood. They have their own music, with followings that dwarf anything out of America. You can see one HERE. The point is that China is a Big, big market that WANTS American products. I argue that we should sell our products to China. We should forget the bullshit narrative promoted out of the American media and do it our way… the American way. Not the way of the wealthy oligarchy. Q: Why don’t you have embedded videos? A: I tried, but word press is changing it’s editor with something else. It’s a little buggy and won’t accept embedded code. Q: Why do you love China? A: China reminds me of American back around 1960. That was before the progressive liberals took control of EVERYTHING, and fucked everything up. Now everyone either want’s to go to war or turn into a communist. Jeeze, not even the Chinese want to be a “communist” nation. But sure as heck the millennial’s in the big American cites want that. Hey the bullshit ran deep. Now America is populated with morons. I can’t stop the shit. What I can do, however, is open the window a little so some fresh air of reality comes in. Life is not that bad, it only appears to be.
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This was posted on 5AUG18 on the website Free Republic. It did not go down very well.The thread was pulled. The reason being…
not even close to news. barely chat. quit abusing the BN sidebar
Well, Free Republic might have pulled this post, but it was the top post during August 2018 by a long-shot. I guess that FR is out of touch what is popular to the readership.
Links about China
China and America Comparisons
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is the
real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British
tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This
is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
I left the United States. I am now an expat. I strongly believe that I am happier where I am now. I am also healthier and in every way, far better off. By every measure, I am far better off.
I am often asked why I did it.
As most people inside the United States have no idea why I would leave “the land of the free”, and “the best nation on the earth”. They ask me why. They ask me what was my reason for leaving, and why (in God’s name) would I ever even considering leaving the United States for Communist China. As if, I am crazy and have completely lost my mind.
I didn’t just casually leave. I was pushed out. America chewed me up and spit me out. Broken and torn with only the clothes on my back I entered China. Starting from scratch, in my mid-fifties, I started from ground zero; from scratch and built up a life in a land that I couldn’t even speak the language.
I am thriving here.
But it wasn’t easy.
Facebook has long claimed that its mission is to develop social infrastructure and — *gag* — build community. That no longer passes the giggle test. What they really want to do is follow people around the Internet, collect and organize what they learn and sell that information to the highest bidder.
-NY Post
I am not going to go into all the many boring personal details, details that I don’t want to revisit, on why I left. Instead I will cover the most important parts. The final “straw” that “broke the camels back”, and spit me out to a far away land alone and penniless.
There are many things good about the United States, and many things that are wrong with it. If you, the reader, are unaware of this, then why bother reading this? Every place has both and good aspects.
Watching FBI agent Peter Strzok battle with Congress, my initial reaction was pure anger.
His repeated, arrogant insistence that he had done nothing wrong despite tons of evidence to the contrary convinced me he deserved immediate firing — if not the firing squad.
Gradually, though, anger gave way to amazement as Strzok grew increasingly combative and condescending. Given his predicament, the sneering and smirking were stupid, and yet he persisted.
Who is this jerk, I wondered, and how in the hell did he get to be a big shot at the FBI? And why are taxpayers still paying for the privilege of his malignant presence on the FBI payroll?
My answers can be summarized in four names: James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray. They are chief culprits in the death of public trust in the Department of Justice.
-Michael Goodwin
One of the reasons why I left was because the United Stated has turned into a third-world, banana republic, shithole. It’s true. By every measure it is a 1960’s style Bulgarian police state, with the corruption levels comparable to 1970’s Africa, only with the latest in high technology surveillance technology.
I no longer wanted to live in such a place.
There was no way that I could recover any sort of decent life within this kind of environment. I needed to go to a place where I could thrive and where my skills and abilities were appreciated. Through chance, as an engineer, I went to where the factories were. I went to China where factories sprouted like weeds, and where my talents were needed and respected.
Anyway, a person living in a third world shithole doesn’t realize that it is a shithole. They think it is fantastic. After all that is all that they know. To see just how far the United States has fallen, you really need to step outside of the United States and take a good hard look at your life.
You need to stand outside and peer in.
Here are the characteristics of a “Third World”, or “Banana Republic” nation. See how many of these characteristics define America today. Text extracted from Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog (alternative version on Zero Hedge HERE). Information editing for clarity an personal points. I strongly suggest the reader visit the OfTwoMinds blog for some excellent analysis.
Consider the points. They are all valid.
1. Most assets are concentrated with the elite. Ownership of stocks and other assets is highly concentrated in entrenched elites. Most save money though bank programs.
Americans barely save. Prior to the income tax amendment; 16th amendment, Americans gave 10% to their churches, and saved the rest. Now Americans can hardly scrape by. They need to obtain loans at high interest rates to accomplish or obtain anything.
The average household is disconnected from the stock market and other measures of wealth. Only a thin sliver of households own enough financial/speculative wealth to make an actual difference in their lives. Most barely have any savings.
2. The Infrastructure is poor and falling into disrepair. The infrastructure of the nation used by the many is poorly maintained and costly to operate. This occurs because entrenched elites plunder the funding to pad their payrolls, pensions and sweetheart/insider contracts.
Detroit is a classic example of what happens with wealthy insiders squander the monies needed for investment and infrastructure for their own personal use.
3. The elite have their own systems. The financial/political elites have exclusive access to parallel systems of transport, healthcare, education, etc. The elites avoid trains, subways, lenders, coach-class air transport, standard healthcare and the rest of the decaying, dysfunctional systems they own that extract wealth from the debt-serfs.
The wealthy do not use public transportation. They fly on private jets, and use drivers to cart them around from one mansion to another. They live within gated communities with their own enforcement arms and protection services.
They fly on private aircraft, have their own healthcare and legal services, use their privileges to get their offspring into elite universities and institutions. They have access to elite banking and lending services that are unavailable to their technocrat lackeys and enforcers.
4. Lavish funding for elitist structures. The elites fund lavish monuments to their own glory disguised as “civic or national pride.” These monuments take the form of stadiums, palatial art museums, immense government buildings, etc. Meanwhile the rest of the day-to-day infrastructure decays in various states of dysfunction.
Here is the new IRS Headquarters building in Maryland. It seems rather sinister with all the Masonic icons and symbiology. You can read about it all HERE.
5. There are only two classes in a stratified society. There are two classes that only interact in strictly controlled ways. They are [1] the wealthy, (who live in gated, guarded communities and who rule all the institutions, public and private,) and [2] the debt-serfs. The debt-serfs are divided into well-paid factotums, technocrat lackeys and enforcers who serve the interests of the entrenched elites.
From Chris Murphy 01634 686 515 Most nations of the world are populated by the haves and have nots but few can be seen so graphically than in Mexico. These shocking aerial photos starkly show up the economic divide in some parts of the nation. The gap between the wealthy and the poverty-stricken is very wide in Mexico, but that gap doesnt necessarily translate into physical distance, as this striking ad campaign by photographer Oscar Ruíz and Publicis Mexico boldly illustrates. The campaign, which goes by the name Erase the Differences, was put together to raise awareness, and includes four aerial photographs in all. Each photo shows how close beautiful housing developments are to poverty-stricken areas, and even though the images are not Photoshopped, you would swear that at least a couple of them were composites, but its claimed they are not, reports petapixel.com.The photographs do most of the talking, but in case the point isnt clear, each image is accompanied by a caption that reads: This image has not been modified. Its time to change that.
The debt-serfs are the rest of the populace who own virtually nothing and have zero power. The elites make a PR show of being a commoner only to burnish the absurd illusion that debt-serf votes actually matter. (They don’t.)
Monied elitist Al Gore making a show of being a commoner by holding an axe and wearing a nice red plaid shirt.
6. Cartels and monopolies extract the wealth of the nation for personal gain. Cartels and quasi-monopolies are parasitically extracting the wealth of the nation for their elite owners and managers.
"The forces of tyranny are winning. Our banking, financial, political, and media structures are wracked by corruption and controlled by a “few” insiders for the benefit of themselves and their cronies.
Smedley Butler said war was a racket, but every institution is now a racket, with a corrupt powerful cadre of evil men reaping riches at the expense of the many.
Their rackets are based upon nothing but lies and the continued blissful ignorance of the masses to their flagrant criminal activities."
-Zero Hedge
Rise in the cost of healthcare was exponentially above that of the rest of the economy. Yet, a broken leg is a broken leg. Why does it cost so much more to mend a broken leg today than it did ten years ago.
I think you get the point: every key institution or function is controlled by cartels or quasi-monopolies that serve the interests of the few via parasitic exploitation of the powerless.
7. The elite maintain control through repressive government. The elites use the extreme violence and repressive powers of the government to suppress, marginalize and/or destroy any dissent.
The DHS is well armed with military grade vehicles, and armor. They are trained to fight on American soil. The Obama administration has been setting up the stages for an armed conflict of Americans against Americans.
There are two systems of “law”: one for the elites ($10 million penalties for ripping off the public for $10 billion, no personal liability for outright fraud) and one for the unprotected-unprivileged.
Comic from Ben Garrison on the law and the outrageous crimes of Hillary Clinton and her immunity from the law.
Those who are not members of the elite are often handed “tenners” (10-year prison sentences) for minor drug infractions, renditions or assassinations (all “legal,” of course). There are institutional forces of violence. For instance, to bust down your door on the rumor you’ve got drugs, confiscate your car because we caught you with cash, so you must be a drug dealer, and so on, in sickening profusion.
"Those pulling the strings of our ever-degrading society share many of the same traits – superficially charming, pathologically deceitful, manipulative, accepting no responsibility for their actions, lacking empathy, absence of guilt, no humility, dishonest, treacherous, having a grandiose sense of self-worth, and prone to dangerous destructive risk taking.
These are the people who rise to power when citizens become lazy, disinterested, willfully ignorant, distracted by social media, dumbed down by government run education, and easily led to believe falsehoods peddled by a media doing the bidding of the psychopaths in power."
-Zero Hedge
8. Dysfunctional institutions utilize unlimited power to extract money. Dysfunctional institutions with unlimited power to extract money via junk fees, licensing fees, parking tickets, penalties, late fees, etc., all without recourse.
How’s this for a nice streamlined and efficient government? Nope. It is fraught with inefficiency, redundancy and fraud. There is no way that this can operate in a cost effective manner.
Mess with the extractive, parasitic bureaucracy and you’ll regret it: there’s no recourse other than another layer of well-paid self-serving functionaries that would make Kafka weep. All bureaucracy is a sign that the culture and society is in decline.
Here is the lifecycle of all systems. These systems can be biological, cultural, or social. The presence of a bureaucracy on the life cycle is a serious sign of decline of the culture.
9. A huge army of bureaucrats that siphon money from the system. The well-paid factotums, bureaucrats, technocrat lackeys and enforcers who fatten their own skims and pensions at the expense of the public. Meanwhile they slavishly serve the interests of the entrenched elites and embrace the delusion that they’re “wealthy” and “the system is working great.” These deluded servants of the elites will defend the dysfunctional system because it serves their interests to do so.
Here is a scene from the movie Brazil. Here a world is depicted that resembles the United States in many ways, which is probably why it has a cult following.
The more dysfunctional the institution, the greater their power, so they actively increase the dysfunction at every opportunity.
"Wall Street banking executives, rating agency executives, mortgage lenders, government apparatchiks, corrupt politicians, and captured central bankers wrecked the worldwide financial system in 2008, while conducting the largest control fraud heist in history.
They reaped the riches on the way up and when it inevitably blew up, crushed the life savings of the peasants and should have bankrupted the Wall Street perpetrator institutions, they shifted the losses to taxpayers.
Not one culprit of this earth-shattering fraud went to jail. The Deep State circled the wagons, protected themselves, and used their propaganda media to paint false narratives regarding the causes and perpetrators. Wall Street won. Main Street lost, again."
-Zero Hedge
The USA is definitively a 3rd World nation. Read the list above and then try to argue the USA is not a 3rd World nation. Try arguing against the facts displayed in this chart:
Income inequality from 1980 to 2014. Image from the New York Times. The chart clearly shows a complete reversal of the fortunes and demographics of American citizens in the last four decades.
I know it hurts, but the reality is painfully obvious: the USA is now a 3rd World nation.
The Realization
Living in a Third World nation is not really bad if that is all that you know. However, I was raised in an America that was not only a first-world nation, but was THE preemptive first-world nation hands down. I could see the changes. They we obvious. They were visceral.
Over the years the alarm bells in my head were getting louder and louder. I started to distract myself from them. I relished in the new technologies and software games that were being released. I dealt with my family and tended my tomatoes. Yet, the clamoring progressively got worse and worse…
The people who I talked to were, for the most part, unaware of any negative trends. To them, everything was just fine and rosy. It just seemed that I was absolutely alone in this appraisal. They told me not to get so upset with things. It will be fine, they reassured me.
Personal Issues and Retirement
After spending over 20 years in a corporate, I find that many of those are true.
The pay was excellent, the benefits were excellent, but...that’s where “excellent” ended. I often referred to that job has wearing “golden handcuffs”...hated the job, the commute, etc., but loved the pay.
When I got out of the military at the ripe old age of 22, my Dad wanted to set up a electrical business...there was a building boom on, and I probably could have retired at 45...but, being young and stupid, I thought I had better ideas about how to make a living.
Had I followed his suggestion, and manual work would have been a little harder, at first, but I could have worn jeans and a t-shirt instead of a coat and tie, have the time (and funds) to take nice vacations, and probably have a much nicer home and cars.
I guess we live and learn...albeit too late.
-FR Comment
There is a saying in China. It is called the twelve year curse; the Ben Ming Nian. The idea is that there are non-physical aspects of our reality that are influential on our physical life. These aspects are cyclic and change every twelve years. They occur when you are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and if you are fortunate to live beyond that, when you are 84.
The Ben Ming Nian is a difficult time as your are at a point of imbalance in your life. It is considered to be inauspicious or unlucky. People need to take great care of their actions and their emotions.
At the time of my 48th birthday, my Ben Ming Nian reached nuclear levels. My mother died, my beloved pets died, I had a divorce, I was embroiled in sibling disputes of the family property, all of my personal property was confiscated, my vehicles were seized or mysteriously destroyed, I lost my boat, I lost my swimming pool, my bank accounts were drained, and on top of all that, I was retired from MAJestic (with all of what that entails). It was a horrific time. Any one item is considered a significant stressor in the DSM handbook, I had about twenty things going on at the same time.
Like I said, there is no need to enumerate in detail any of these events. Just know that it was a rough time for me…
During this time, I suddenly came to the realization that I had nothing. I lost everything. All my education, experience, patents, friends, relationships, property, possessions and purpose were gone. They were all stolen, destroyed or withheld. Everyone played a role, with the largest roles taken by those closest to me, and the United States Government.
I came to the realization that all that I worked for was naught. I could have skipped school and went fishing all day, got married and stayed working in the coal mines, and I would have been better off. The entire life that I had lived was a lie.
I had blindly followed the promises that we provided to me. I ate them up “lock stock and barrel”.
I was a dupe. I was a fool. I was a smart ignoramus.
I could have been a lazy joe, just eating drinking, and fishing and I would have been far better off than who I had become.
But you know what…
That realization was freeing. I realized that since I no longer had anything holding me back, that I could do anything that I wanted. I was free to do anything, eat anything, be anything, go anywhere.
I had no ties holding me back. Few friends. No possessions aside from the clothes on my back and some personal papers. I moved to a new country to start a new life, with new friends and new experiences. I left the United States and I moved to communist China.
I moved to communist China, of all friggin’ places!
Communist China, contrary to what you might read, is not a third world shithole. Today, it is a modern nation, with more in common with Japan than (say) Mexico. The people are nice, smart, attractive, and hard working. They need talented people like myself.
So I moved there.
According to the American media, China is a dirty smog-filled third world cesspool. When the exact opposite is true. But don’t take my word for it. GO SEE IT FOR YOURSELF.
Sure beats bagging groceries at Cosco or collecting welfare benefits.
In Hindsight
Life is what you make of it.
Life is like a big sea. Sometimes it is calm and clear and serene. Sometimes it is choppy. Sometimes it is a typhoon.
Sometimes you ride the waves in joyous abandon, while at other times you hang on for dear life.
We can see the clouds on the horizon, and it is up to us to prepare for the storm that may, or may not, hit.
The life we live is only lived by one person; yourself. The life other people live, is only experienced by themselves. We might look at them and comment on it one way or the other. But when we do so, we are simply observers on a nice calm island watching other people ride out a storm holding on to dear life on a rickety old raft. We are often too judgemental, as we are living within our own bubble of reality; our own island of comfort.
"The first 45 minutes of Office Space is the most accurate documentary about American corporate life ever filmed."
-FR Comment
We haughtily raise up our head and pronounce, “that would NEVER happen to me. I am too smart. That person is a fool.”
Yah. In fact, ask any prison guard. One of the most common statements made by inmates is how they thought that they would never go to prison. “So, I was driving while drunk. I did it one thousand times before. It was just bad luck that I ran over that mother and infant.” Or, “I was only smoking weed, you know it’s legal in California.”
We cannot judge anyone. We just cannot as we are not experiencing their reality. We can only judge ourselves; our actions and our life.
For me, and my situation, it was best to start off new in a new life. I had grown accustomed to living in a first-world nation. It was what I knew. It was what I expected.
However, it was not what was happening.
http://www.geociti.es/CapitolHill/Senate/1120/article1.htmlI see that in this cutthroat society, based on a "greed is good" philosophy, unlimited profit seeking, selfishness, fraud and greediness for money dominates everywhere. Money is absolutely the bottom line for everything.
In America, the rich are truly rich and the poor are hopelessly poor. In my opinion, the United States today has the most advanced system of private tyranny. Private corporations have enormous power in this country and they take advantage of an apparently legal slave labor, terribly exploiting the working class people. Corporate bosses earn millions while workers struggle to survive without living wages.
From my point of view, the majority of jobs here today are still extremely exploitative. The U.S. minimum wage is ridiculous. Working for $5 an hour is slavery and nothing else. Therefore, poor people and homeless people make up a significant portion of the population in this country.
Millions of hard-working Americans live permanently at the edge of poverty. There is no doubt that economic injustice is the most important issue of today's America.
The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and all the people in the middle are just falling down.
I see that people in this society are secondary to corporate power and profits. Freedom for market dominates over freedom for people. In fact, at least 80 percent of Americans are simply robbed by this exploiting system.
I've noticed how American corporate propaganda always surely emphasizes that in European countries - "welfare states"- people have to pay a much higher taxes.
In fact, taxes in most of Western Europe, even in Scandinavia, are just slightly higher than an average 34 percent of income Americans pay. The main thing is what people receive in return for their taxes. In European social- democracies everybody has a "cradle-to-grave" comfortable feeling of security and care.
Question: What are citizens of this country getting for their tax dollars? Answer: Next to nothing! People's taxes support armament instead of basic human needs here.
America was devolving into a third-world tyrannical dictatorship which more resembled a 1960’s Bulgaria, with elements of a 1970’s banana republic, only with high-technology surveillance and police force. To make matters worse, a non-citizen was elected President. And, he was hell-bent into complete destruction of the United States.
His attitude was “what mine is mine, what yours is mine, and if you don’t like it, Fuck You!”.
So here we have elected this person to take control of the executive branch of the government. Suddenly he becomes a pop hero. He starts breaking all kinds of laws, and with the full backing of the American main-steam media he gets away with it. No one finds it odd, or strange.
He proceeds to initiate a race war. He enacts all kind of progressive initiatives, all in direct defiance of the Constitution, and yet no one does a single thing. The head of the DOJ, and NSA directly lie to Congress. They are discovered as lies, and they are permitted to get away with their lies. They now live in comfortable mansions, free of concern and consequences…
The new America takes root.
The third-world vision for America is embraced and implemented in places such as Baltimore, Detroit, and San Francisco. San Francisco is now literally a shit-hole with public defecation and ease of illegal drugs and illegal immigrants…
The worst elements of a third-world shit-hole is now embraced and has become mainstream. Fat obese black girls wagging their enormous asses has become not only normal but popular. Especially with them putting down men, fathers and good-honest labor. This is the new vision of America. It is the direct opposite of the America that I grew up in.
I know that I cannot change anything. The systems are in place. The powerful run everything and I am just one tiny person trying to find the exit out. They changed a Republic into a Democracy before I was born, and now it is following the natural progression…
The Democracy is now tying to become full-on Socialist. With Communism being the end game.
"According to Marxist doctrine, socialism is a stage of society between capitalism and communism where private ownership and control over property are eliminated."
-Walter Williams
Of course, through a Democracy, they have implemented Socialism. Socialism is being implemented today, in a prelude to full-fledged Communism.
All this, while the masses are led into the cattle cars…
I didn’t want to live in a third world nation. I wanted to live the kind of lifestyle that I grew up in. I knew the futility in fighting forces of many magnitudes larger than my abilities. So, I took a deep breath. I held my nose. I made a deep heart-felt prayer, and made a switch.
So I made a switch.
This is a story about what I did in my situation. This is a story of my reality and my life.
It is not about YOUR life.
You must live your life and make your decisions based upon what you know. You might not do what I have done because your life is quite different from mine. Good for you. I only urge you to take care of your life and your needs selfishly. For no one understands you better than you, yourself.
Do what is best for you, and to heck with everyone else.
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
Have you ever wondered why there is such a lack of commonality in political discourse today? In America, you are either a Trump-supporter or not. There is absolutely no bridge or commonality between the two groups. It is almost as if there is one type of person who is composed of fire, and the other type of person is composed of water. Why is this?
Well, there is a theory that precisely explains this dichotomy of behavior. This theory is called the “r/K Selection Theory in Evolutionary Ecology”, and it is based on the observed survival behaviors of creatures.
This post is primarily concerned with the application of the r/k Selection Theory as it is applied to mass mob psychology in the United States today.
Can you imagine an idea or a concept so shocking that it is banned from publication? Like, for instance, the idea that the earth orbited the sun, or that high voltages can alter gravity? Well, there is a theory that is actually banned from public distribution. This theory is banned on TED, Facebook and Yahoo’s advertising platforms, for being too effective at supporting conservative ideals. Yet, the theory itself really isn’t political at all.
It is a theory that simply states that a given species, over time, will evolve by developing their own survival strategies.
Turtles behave the way they do, because it is the best way for them to survive in this world. Bees behave the way that they do because it is the best way for them to survive in this world. Giraffes behave the way that they do because they too have developed the best way to survive int his world.
What is interesting is that people who have studied American politics have noted that various human groups or organizations have also adapted these same strategies. They have done so organically. It wasn’t planned, it has just evolved that way. As such, they are both awed and disgusted in how it is playing out.
This theory, when applied to political organizations and objectives, directly defines the behavior of the organization. It asserts that both Conservatism and Liberalism are a programmed psychology. It bases this fundamental and foundational premise on the behaviors of known population groups.
Liberalism, no matter what it’s current name is, is designed to exploit resource excess within our populations.
Conservatism, no matter what branch or ideology, is designed to benefit competitive groups that succeed in group competition.
The r/K Theory is a well established theory with a great pedigree. However, it is not applied to political belief structures. It is applied to species under the assumption that every member of the species falls into only one strategy.
This is a pretty BIG assumption.
As such, typically, it is assumed that humans are a K-strategy species. This is because we maintain a traditional family environment. Now, if this were true than any deviance from this would be an aberration. Wouldn’t it?
I argue that humans are not a fully developed species. Rather, we are a species in flux with significant membership in both survival strategies. In the United States we have two (apparently) equally divided segments of the population. One embracing the r-strategy and the other embracing the K-strategy.
In the “r/K Selection Theory in Evolutionary Ecology”, if you provide a population with free resources, those who will come to dominate the population will exhibit five basic traits. These traits are called an r-selected Reproductive Strategy. These traits are all designed to best exploit the free resource availability. In nature, the r-selected strategy is best seen in the rabbit, which lives in fields of grass it will never fully consume. The five traits are,
Competition and risk avoidance.
Low-investment single parenting.
Earlier age of sexualization of young.
No loyalty to in-group.
These traits are ultimately designed to maximize the numbers of offspring produced. Each of these offspring, though of lesser fitness, will be able to survive and reproduce freely themselves, due to the free resource availability.
In r/K Theory, there is also a strategy that is exactly opposite to the rabbit’s. This strategy emerges under conditions of resource scarcity. It is called the K-selected Reproductive Strategy.
There, where resources are scarce, competition for resources is everywhere. As a result, some individuals will die due to failure in competition. This produces the K-strategy, which is best seen in the wolf. This strategy also has five psychological traits. These traits are…
Mate monopolization/monogamy.
High-investment two-parent child-rearing.
Later age of sexualization of young.
High loyalty to in-group.
This psychology is designed to form highly fit and competitive groups that succeed in group competition. It does this while capturing and monopolizing the fittest mate possible. This is a way of making their offspring genetically fitter than those of competitors.
Here, the goal is NOT to simply consume as much as possible yourself and produce as many baby-making machines as you can, with little regard to their fitness. No.
Here, the goal is to help your group succeed in its competition for the scarce resources, and then produce offspring of as high a fitness as possible, so they may carry your genes forward by succeeding in competition themselves.
Application to American Politics
The premise of this theory is that all of politics is really a battle between the K-strategist wolves within our society against the r-strategist rabbits. The wolves are designed to battle in a world of scarce resources and fierce competition, and the rabbits, are designed to freely graze the bounty of a sudden resource glut and rapidly explode in numbers to exploit such a glut.
Without labeling which political party is which, can you the reader, guess which political party is which?
The r-strategist rabbits want free food and a life of ease and abundant free sex. They want as many of their ilk as possible to share in the abundance. They want to produce as many offspring as possible, as fast as possible, without regard to offspring quality.
That’s right. The r-strategy fits the American Democrat party that is populated with Socialists, Progressives, and Liberals. Truthfully, Marxists are r-strategy rabbits in that they expect boundless support from the wealthy and successful.
The K-strategist wolves want order and defined limits on behavior. They want traditional two-parent families, and meaningful education and training for their young. They are competitive and protective of family, sexually selective and monogamous, imbued with regard for two parent family life, desirous that offspring wait until mature to mate, and loyal to in-group are designed to produce highly fit and competitive offspring, designed to compete in an environment of resource scarcity.
As you might have guessed, the K-strategy fits the American Republican party that is populated with Conservatives, Libertarians, and Neocons.
The K-selected Wolf
Let’s look at the K-strategy in more detail.
Wolves are a quintessential K-strategist species. Wolves are competitive and protective, because they must fight for food to survive. They carefully select the fittest mate, and monopolize that fit mate, so that their offspring will be as genetically fit as possible, relative to peers.
Both the male and the female have the same understanding that they are monogamous and will both mutually support the family and raise their children to the be the best. They will strive to teach their children to be as competitive as possible. Their children, if successful, will become dominant and would the best likelihood of successful procreation with the best and most suitable member of the opposite sex.
Traditional Family Values…
As such, they embrace two-parent family values, as offspring are reared carefully in a loving and supportive pack/family environment. This is so they will have the best chance of succeeding themselves in their own competitions. These values have been honed and proven over many generations. They rely on the proven techniques that provide the best likelihood of success. They typically shun new and unproven ideas as they carry a great risk of catastrophic failure.
Traditional family meals are maintained as a means to maintain communication through the generations and to help instill important family values. The roles of both the father and the mother are maintained. The children learn how families work and the roles that they too will grow into.
Such things as family meals, family traditions, and traditional roles are all considered important. The man is expected to work, and the woman is expected to take care of the home and provide a nurturing environment for the children.
A traditional gender role found in the United States that views males as being responsible for the economic support and protection of the family. Housewife. A traditional gender role found in the United States that views females as responsible for child-rearing and domestic activities.
Competitive Schooling…
They do not allow offspring to mate until mature and proven in competition, so any immaturity will not lead to their offspring securing sub-par monogamous mates. The children are continuously educated and tested to make sure that they understand their roles and how to support and provide for the needs of the family.
The Chinese are very traditional and typically follow a K-strategy. School and education is very important to the Chinese, as well as all of the other Asian communities.
Schooling and education is treated as of great importance. The subjects studied have a practical purpose and is intended in creating a long lasting and stable source of income from which the family can utilize to thrive.
They train and develop loyalty to the team…
Team work is very important to the K-strategist. They train and learn how to cooperate and work together to the mutual benefit of all. Everyone is expected to perform a role, and to do it to the best of their ability.
Finally, they develop a strong pack-loyalty to maximize the chances of their pack’s competitive success, and by extension, their own. Males evolve to be courageous and strong as they set out to provision the family and absorb any risk, while females carefully nurture offspring back at the den.
Rabbits are quintessential r-strategists. Rabbits live in fields of grass they never fully exhaust.
Their goal is to produce as many offspring as quickly as possible. They flee from danger, because to fight for food that they can get elsewhere is an unnecessary risk.
Hugh Hefner is a typical r-strategy Liberal. CANNES, FRANCE: Playboy magazine president Hugh Hefner (C) poses with playmates 14 May 1999 on the steps of the Palais des Festivals before the screening of their movie “Entrapment” in selection for the 52nd Cannes Film Festival. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE) (Photo credit should read PASCAL GUYOT/AFP/Getty Images)
They mate promiscuously with any mate, because their goal is solely to reproduce, absent concerns for genetic quality – when resources are everywhere, even the most defective offspring can find food, mate, and pass genes forward.
While males are off mating as often as possible, females raise offspring alone, and quickly send them on their way to whelp a new litter.
Begin having sex at an earlier age…
The r-strategy depends on children becoming sexually active at an earlier age. Here they can become a parent earlier and then begin to produce babies every nine months if possible.
Offspring begin having sex early, to maximize numbers of their own offspring. They have sex early and produce children often. Often their preference is not to work, but rather to “be with their children”, when the fact is that often their is no father that is earning money enabling them to stay home.
Instead, they become wards of the state, living off the public trust.
Here is a single mother on welfare. She is surrounded by her eight children from numerous fathers. Not one of the fathers live with her, nor visit their children. She fully expects the government trough to feed, clothe and shelter her. She thrives in a nation that is dominated by a President or political system that is r-strategist dominant.
Loyalty to in-group is unknown to the rabbit, because there is no competition for resources, since resources are everywhere.
Men will become more feminine…
Men who are overly promiscuous do not need to concentrate on strength or skills. Instead they need to concentrate in abilities that permits them to attract as many females as possible. Thus, to a K-strategist wolf they appear odd, and even shameful. They do not act like a member of their species should act. They are a perverted distortion of the ideal.
Here is former President Obama on a bicycle. He is a prime example of a r-strategist rabbit who has fully embraced the strategies for survival. Note that other r-strategist media has fully endorsed this behavior as MANLY and very masculine. Which is obviously opposite of the viewpoint of the K-strategist wolves. You can read their PRAISE of the “ruggedly masculine” President Obama HERE. Some quotes…
In an editorial earlier this week the New York Times gushed over photographs of President Obama riding his bicycle at Martha’s Vineyard, at one point exclaiming the president was an example of “rugged masculinity gone wild!”
“If Obama rode his bike into my neighborhood I’d make him have sex with me in the street!”
After MSNBC’s Chris Matthews showed Obama’s bicycle photographs on his show Hardball, he trembled as he spoke to his guests. “I admit,” he snickered, “when I saw these pictures I felt a scorching-hot sensation shooting up my inner thigh and into my groin. And believe you me, my wife took advantage of that situation…if you know what I mean.”
The enthusiasm over the bicycle photographs stretches from media outlets coast to coast. The Boston Globe dubbed the photographs a “toxic elixir that soothes the aching heart” while the San Francisco Chronicle fawned, “If ever there was a time when America needed a macho, in-your-face, physical example of aggressiveness and old fashioned male moxie, that time is now and the man is Barack Obama.”
While the r-strategist rabbits might fawn and be enthralled with an impressive display of rabbit-like qualities, the K-strategist wolves take the opposite point of view. To them, this is perversion of the highest order.
Indeed, over time the r-strategist rabbits begin to adapt female behaviors and mimic the female gender. To make them stand out from the multitudes of like minded males, they create strategies to set themselves apart.
As such their strategies are those that appeal to the females of the species. They create other genders and dress, that on the surface appear silly, but who’s sole function is to fundamentally bring attention to them and their actions. They promote issues that appeal to the female gender, and downplay or even ridicule masculine traits.
Among r-strategists, males will tend to exhibit smaller, more feminine, less robust physical qualities. This is both to better facilitate fleeing and for showy displays of flash and beauty, to facilitate mate attraction, and mating.
While this is going on with the male gender, there are also changes with the female gender.
Females would tend to be bigger and more aggressive…
Whether it is rabbits or humans, those who follow the r-strategist end up compensating for their weaknesses. In a world where the male is feminine and abandons the children to engage in promiscuous behavior, the mother must compensate by becoming larger and more aggressive. This means that they will become larger, fatter, and more muscular. They will start producing more testosterone rather than progesterone and that will result in numerous changes to their body shapes and behaviors.
The changes in testosterone will make them more belligerent and aggressive. The reduction in progesterone would tend to make their biology rebalance itself towards a heavier and fatter (read “pear shape”) body.
The r-strategist females, by contrast will tend to grow big, assertive, and ill-tempered, to better occupy a more masculine family role, provisioning and protecting the offspring they raise alone.
Political Censorship
It’s funny how things work out. You try to restrict access to knowledge, people eventually want to find out what you want to keep hidden. I, myself, only really learned about the r/K strategy when it became a restricted subject content.
I personally, don’t know why.
Those who are trying to restrict dissemination of this theory are typically very liberal, or progressive-liberal in political philosophy. Yet, the strategy of the liberals fit the r-strategy exactly.
Heck, even ultra-liberal and Democrat donor, Hugh Hefner and his “Playboy” empire, used the rabbit as his symbol for his philosophy.
Here is a picture of Hugh Hefner with some of his r-strategist “bunnies”. He broke through the traditional United States K-strategist model by legitimizing r-strategist behaviors.
As of 2018, the American Democrats want…
Unlimited migration to the United States.
No limits on free access to food, shelter, medical services.
No limitations on birthing and abortions on demand.
Supportive of multiple genders and alternative lifestyles.
Supportive of sex at very young ages.
Here is Hugh Hefner and some of his r-strategist “bunnies” on the tarmac for a photo shoot. He actively promoted the hedonism of the r-strategist lifestyle and made millions of dollars in the process, as well as had a lot of fun in the process.
The more conservative members of the political spectrum are just being K-strategy wolves. They just want to be left alone, with their family. They want to live their life and not have their precious and limited resources siphoned off by multitudes of people who did not work for their labors.
The Problems and Source of Conflict
When the fields are filled with grass, and the rabbits can multiply at will, happiness reigns. The wolves tend to keep to themselves and all is good. However, problems invariably arise when the rapid population growth of the r-strategy rabbits depletes the food supply…
This results in a condition whereas the resources are scarce, and the wolves will have to use their superior survival techniques to exist. Of course, the r-strategist rabbits will complain and squeal. They will redouble their strategy. They will try to overwhelm the resources in an effort to control the K-strategy members.
No matter what the species or political division, all interactions between the two strategies; the r-strategy and the K-strategy ends up the same in the end. The r-strategy eventually consumes the resources as they are never infinite. The moment they start to deplete the resources, their numbers start to decrease while the K-strategists engage in corrective behaviors. Eventually there is a point of obvious conflict, and a gradual extinction of the r-strategist individuals.
They will try to increase their numbers rapidly. They will do everything to unleash the abundance of the land and make it possible to produce even more offspring.
The K-strategist wolves will, of course resent that their resources are being consumed by those who are undeserving. For they neither labored for the resources, or qualify for the resources through membership or participation.
Eventually, conflict arises.
There is always a very contentious and often bloody conflict. While the r-strategist rabbits will try to overwhelm the K-strategist wolves though sheer numbers and vocal screaming, the wolves will eventually win. That is because they have trained their entire lives to be superior. They have perfected techniques of warfare and conflict. While the r-strategist rabbits have been enjoying life and a bountiful harvest, the K-strategist wolves have been working, preparing and getting ready for conflict.
Know your history. This is what really happens when a particular group comes to power and their enemies are disarmed. It is never pretty.
This is a cycle that repeats itself over an over though the course of history. It is advisable that we listen to the lessons that can be learned here.
Another Opinion
This was drafted by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog. Rather than attribute the rise and fall of human civilization to the push and pull of r/K strategies, he suggests that it is the social construct that is at fault;
The dynamics of decadence are easy to understand: as affluence becomes the norm that is widely assumed to be permanent, shared purpose and sacrifice for the common good is replaced by self-absorbed decadence and an ethos of maximizing personal gain.
In his seminal essay The Fate of Empires, Sir John Glubb listed these core dynamics of imperial decline:
(a) A growing love of money as an end in itself.
(b) A lengthy period of wealth and ease, which makes people complacent. They lose their edge; they forget the traits (confidence, energy, hard work) that built their civilization.
(c) Selfishness and self-absorption.
(d) Loss of any sense of duty to the common good.
Glubb included the following in his list of the characteristics of decadence:
-- An increase in frivolity, hedonism, materialism and the worship of unproductive celebrity.
-- A loss of social cohesion.
-- The willingness of an increasing number to live at the expense of a bloated bureaucratic state.
Glubb’s list may at first glance be largely psychological--self-aggrandizement and a focus on hedonistic pursuits--but the dynamics of decadence have economic, political and social ramifications.
First and foremost, the aristocratic financial and political elites secured their position at the expense of social mobility by erecting barriers that protect them from competition and accountability. In effect, they eliminated the risk posed by change by rigging the system to their benefit.
To fund their extravagant lifestyles, they took more of the earnings of those below them, widening the inequality between the aristocracy and commoners to extremes. Historian Peter Turchin reports that where the patricians of the Roman Republic had 10 or 20 times the wealth of an average Roman citizen, by the late Empire the elites possessed up to 200,000 times the wealth of the average commoner.
The heavier burdens on the productive class and the decay of social mobility divested commoners of a financial stake in the system, and the concentration of political power in an oligarchy disenfranchised them of political influence.
When social mobility and shared purpose are lost, there is little motivation to contribute to a system that benefits the few at the expense of the many. People respond by reducing their productive participation and becoming dependents of the state, a phase captured by the phrase Bread and Circuses in the late Roman era, when a significant percentage of the Rome’s populace received free bread and access to costly entertainments in exchange for their political compliance.
Disenfranchised commoners with few prospects for advancement form a volatile political class; a small event can trigger a non-linear explosion that threatens the stability of a status quo that benefits the few at the expense of the many. To counter this threat, the elites bought the compliance and complicity of the masses with Bread and Circuses. As Glubb noted, the willingness to live off the state is a reflection of general decadence; if there is no other hedonistic pursuit within financial reach, then Bread and Circuses will do.
As the eventual collapse of decadent empires attests, Bread and Circuses are no substitute for social mobility, low barriers to accumulating capital and a political stake in the system. In the present era of decadence, Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the modern equivalent of Bread and Circuses. But buying off the disenfranchised doesn’t transform an unstable system into a stable system; it merely masks the instability for a time.
The core belief of decadent eras is that the status quo is so powerful and permanent that it can withstand the predations of the few and the Bread and Circuses lavished on the many.
This is of course a false confidence. Every status quo is a social construct that is inherently non-linear. The decline of productive sectors, the divestiture of commoners from ownership of productive assets and the political disenfranchisement of commoners hollow out the economy and the society.
These dynamics of decadence weaken the social and economic order, creating conditions that favor a loss of faith in the status quo and the failure of key institutions.
In the United States today is a build up between two survival techniques utilized by the human species.
Typically, the r-strategist survival technique, is a “service for self” strategy based upon living in an area of abundance. It permits a hedonistic lifestyle. Which in itself is great fun, as we humans are genetically programmed to procreate. However, it is only viable as long as the resources are not restricted.
Typically the K-strategist survival technique is a “service for others” strategy that permits procreation in a land of scarcity.
The r/K Theory is often censored from many American-based progressive software outlets.
Famous r-strategist members include Hugh Hefner, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama.
Famous K-strategist members include Erwin Rommel, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Judge Judith Sheindlin (Judge Judy), Donald Trump and Bruce Willis.
Q: What is better, r-strategy or K-strategy?
A: Neither or both. It depends on the environment. If there is an endless supply of resources, then the r-strategy is better. If the resources are scarce, or they fluctuate, then obviously the K-strategy is superior.
Q: Can American democrats be K-strategist wolves?
A: There was a time when the American democrat party was dominated by K-strategist individuals. For instance, when the democrat party founded the KKK, they were very family oriented and reacted to the changes in the political landscape by creating the militant KKK organization. Labels and species composition changes over time. Today, the American democrat party is dominated by r-strategist membership who is drawing the party towards radical r-strategist behaviors. Eventually it will either change, or be eliminated. Historically r-strategist behaviors do not possess longevity on this earth.
Q: What other creatures follow the r-strategy behaviors?
A: Aside from Democrats and rabbits, similar behaviors have been observed in mice, rats, mosquitoes and cockroaches.
Q: What other creatures follow the K-strategy behaviors?
A: Aside from wolves, similar behaviors can be found in many of the feline species such as domestic cats, lions, and snow leopards.
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
When we were young, we were taught how to act, and told how to behave. The opinions of our peers decided what we would do, who we would date, and how successful our life could be. For those of us who never left our home town, these demands have become forged as the tightest shackles that bind us to the demands and needs of others.
However, once we leave that environment, we find ourselves in a new place with new friends and a new life. We are thus given and provided the opportunity to reconstruct our life. We are provided with the chance for us to define our life for ourselves. We can break forth through the limits placed on us by others.
Not only is this desirable, but it is often necessary. For true growth, and to be the most that you can be, comes from you defining how you will live, and under which terms that you will define your life.
The 25th Law of power
Law 25Re-Create Yourself
Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions – your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.
The book “The 48 Laws of Power” is a classic work that defines methods and techniques by which a person may obtain power. Power can be defined many ways. It might be money, sex, relationships, ownership, control, or as pure military might.
The book goes into great detail on this subject, providing multiple examples that illustrate each technique.
The 48 Laws of Power is a world famous book that describes numerous techniques for obtaining power. The power can be used for good or bad, it is up to the user.
One of the laws, or techniques, of power is the ability to recreate your life on your terms. This is law #25. Indeed, it is a powerful technique. For unless you have lived a charmed life, humans need to grow and expand beyond themselves. We are like a snake that sheds it’s skin, or a caterpillar who undergoes chrysalis to become a butterfly. We need to constantly strive, adapt and grow. For that is how we obtain experience.
For example motivational speaker Les Brown was classified as developmentally disabled. He was told that the best he could do was to become a janitor or a field laborer. Yet, he refused to believe that. With everyone of his classmates laughing at him, and most teachers shaking their head in sorry distain, we went ahead and forged a new life for himself.
He took on a new role; a better role as a motivational speaker.
Or consider, another radio talk show host; Rush Limbaugh. Always controversial, and bombastic, he was constantly hired and fired from jobs. No one wanted to touch him. We was considered a “wild card” and uncontrollable. Yet, by honing his abilities, and working on his strengths, he preserved and became a very famous and a very rich talk show host.
Often times, we need to move away from the thoughts, ideas, concepts of what other people think of us. Do you want to be treated as a successful businessman and not the class clown? Then you need to move away from your school mates. Do you want to be considered to be a brilliant scientist? Then you need to move away from people who call you a “book worm with no common sense”. Do you want to become a suave and sophisticated “ladies man”? Then, you need to remove yourself from the women who make fun of you and who don’t appreciate you qualities.
Now, you shouldn’t become confused. It is often more than just moving away geographically. You have to learn and hone the skills that you desire. If you want to become a “world renowned doctor”, you will need to study and cultivate your presence globally. If you want to be a “Ladies Man”, you will need to hone your relationship skills, and work on your presentation. If you want to live the life on your terms, you will have to work at it.
Have a Dream
We all need an objective. This is something that we can visualize and conceptualize. It is something that we can embrace as a target and an ideal that we can achieve.
"Bronco Billy McCoy: I've got a special message for you little pardners out there. I want you to finish your oatmeal at breakfast and do as your mom and pa tell you because they know best. Don't ever tell a lie and say your prayers at night before you go to bed. And as our friends south of the border say, 'Adios, amigos.' "
Have a Plan
Without a roadmap we are just lost in the wilderness. We need a plan to follow with a set goal to achieve. So set a goal. Describe the person who you want to be. Go into great detail. List what you want to be and what you don’t want to be.
In the movie “Bronco Billy” all the members of his travelling fair were misfits. They were shoe salesmen, draft dodgers, and losers, who decided to step outside of their world and become something different. Here is a man who wanted to be an Indian chief.
You don’t need to use Microsoft Project to generate a plan, but you do need to take active steps. Get a notebook. It is cheap. Do not rely on your computer or cell phone to do this task. They are full of distractions. Go old school.
One cheap notebook. One pen (or pencil).
That notebook is your roadmap. Title it what ever you want, but in short it should be about one thing and one thing only; who you want to be.
Also note that it is going to be a journey. Right now you are NOT ready to be who you want to be. Some changes will be necessary. Indeed, you will need to change some things. Additionally, you will need to learn some things, and prepare some things as well. You will need to plan it out.
This rule applies to both men and women. It is not gender specific. In the movie “Bronco Billy”, a sad and unhappy, but filthy rich socialite ends up transforming her life into HER idea of what she wants.
For instance, using the “Ladies Man” example above, you will need to read books on how to seduce. You will need to subscribe to websites, forums and feeds with like minded people. You will need to establish goals and a training program. The training program will not only be about learning new things, but it will also be about unlearning old bad habits.
You will need to do daily positive affirmations. These are sentences that you repeat to yourself over and over to undo the programming that you have endured over the years. For instance;
I am calm, cool, and collected.
I am always happy, smart, know what to say.
I am lucky.
I dress right, my hair is perfect, and I know how to handle myself.
Positive affirmations need to be written down, and repeated daily. They work. Let them do their magic.
Work your plan
Once you map out your goal and how to get there; do it. In life, it is better to be 60% ready than wait forever to be 100% ready. You need to learn the basics and then plan on “faking it until you make it”. Close your eyes and make it happen.
Trust me, you won’t die.
"Bronco Billy McCoy: Now look! I don't take kindly to kids playin' hooky from school. I think every kid in America ought to go to school... at least up to the eighth grade.
Young kid: We don't go to school today, Bronco Billy. It's Saturday!
You will experience hurtles and problems. So what? That is life. For instance, let’s suppose your dream is to move to Bangkok, Thailand and become a go-go bar owner. It is obtainable, but it will be a lot of work. You might need to break your plan into smaller bite-sized bites and then work those pieces.
Let’s suppose your dream is to become a sheep rancher in New Zealand. It is possible, but you will need to know some basics about sheep herding, and you will need to work on the immigration paperwork.
In the pursuit of our dreams there will be setbacks and troubles. However, they will never end your dream. It will just put it aside for a spell. Do not give up. Never give up. Never, and I do mean NEVER let ANYONE ever steal or take your dream away from you.
No matter what you do, you will need to have a plan that not only covers the physical changes that you need and want to bring about, but also covers the emotional and behavioral ones as well. But you know what? You can do it, because it is in YOUR nature.
You do not need a machine to make the world-line switch. You can do this on your own.
It gets easier over time…
"Lorraine Running Water: Do you understand what Bronco Billy and the wild west show are all about? You can be anything you want. All you have to do is go out and become it! "
The longer you work towards your dream, the easier it becomes. You always become what you think about. But actuating your thoughts with physical and tangible actions you will be able to achieve your dreams, and trust me you will be amazed how successful you will become.
You can achieve your dreams. You only need to have a plan. Keep it simple and direct and work it relentlessly. It is the one thing for you and you alone. Never let anyone steal it away from you.
When I was planning on moving to China, I studied Chinese. I had no one to practice with. I had no one to listen to. So I did it on my own, while the people around me snickered and made fun of me. You will overcome the nay-Sayers and losers. You just follow your dream and stick with your plan.
Don’t let anyone steal that from under you.
Other Sources
In the movie “Bedazzled“, a man who is helplessly in love, signs away his soul for a change to spend life with the girl of his dreams. The devil gives him six opportunities to remake himself (all, of course, with a devilish twist). The point in the movie is that you can remake yourself to obtain objectives, but that there will be a tradeoff in the process.
I won’t go so far as to say that you cannot change because it will have undesirable effects. But, I will say that what ever the image that you want to become… make sure that it is an extension of WHO YOU ARE inside.
Only you can choose who you will be? Scenes are from the movie “Bedazzled”.
"Antoinette Lilly: Are you for real?
Bronco Billy McCoy: I'm who I want to be."
The movie “Bronco Billy” is a full embodiment of the lessons of Law #25 of the “48 Laws of Power”. All of the members within his little band of entertainers were redirecting their lives toward their dreams. While it is only a Hollywood movie, and received moderate praise by the “geniuses” in Hollywood, the lessons are important and valid.
It certainly deserves a second look. Especially today with the way things are in the world today.
Don’t give up.
You can recreate your own life in the form that you want it to be in. If you are tired and exhausted in living the life as it is today, you can exit it. You are not tied to anything. You really aren’t. You can bail.
Set a goal.
Make a Plan.
Follow the Plan.
Implement it.
Live your dream. Do not let anyone stop you.
Be like Bronco Billy. Live your dream. You don’t have to be a poor shoe salesman in New York city. You can recreate your life into something that appeals to you. Don’t be afraid. Follow your dream.
The 25th Law of the 48 Laws of Power suggests that we can create the life that we want to live. We should not accept the life that others want us to live.
This is attainable.
To achieve this dream, we need to set a goal, learn, and work towards that goal.
The movie “Bronco Billy” is all about the 25th Law of Power.
By watching the movie, you get a very good understanding of what the 25th Law of Power is and how it can be applied to your life.
Q: Is my dream achievable, even if it sounds crazy or unobtainable?
A: Yes. However, it does need to be realistic. You cannot dream about being a turtle. However, you can dream about being a caretaker for turtles in Bora Bora.
Q: My spouse thinks it is a waste of time to pursue any dreams. What do I do?
A: This is a common problem. You have a choice. You can either enlist your spouse to share in your dream, or you will be forced to follow the dream without them. In any event, if you are forbidden to live your dream… that is not a life, no matter how anyone else tries to rationalize it.
Q: How can I find the time to do all that I need to do to obtain my dream?
A: If you do not find the time, your dream will never materialize.
Q: Where can I find the movie “Bronco Billy”?
A: Try Netflix or any decent torrent site. Torrents are free, and most movies can be downloaded in a few days. Rare movies might take weeks.
Life is too short to be unhappy. It is like a bowl of cold chili. It is up to you to make it the best best life that is possible. You need to set your foot down and take command of your life. Make your dreams happen.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
What happens to our pets when they die? Do they go into a dark nothingness? Do they go to Paradise? Do cats go to Cat Heaven? Does the soul or spirit fly free? Are there others that help them? Will our loved ones be able to remember our times together? These are questions that all pet owners ask when their beloved pal dies. Here, I will try to answer these questions in the only way that I know how. Through my MAJestic entanglements.
I am a pet lover. I love my dogs and my cats. When I was young, we had birds, turtles, rabbits, and hamsters. Although, the truth is that I wasn’t really close to any of the smaller critters. I was only close to my dogs and cats. You know, when you get attached to your pets, you begin to bond in special ways. Dare I say it; spiritual ways.
And, when they pass on, well there are (sometimes) events that point to a life outside of the corporal…
When a loved one dies, there is a period of grief.
This is true whether or not it is a human person or a beloved pet. Since most people have no attachment with their spiritual selves, they think that the relationship ends upon death. They believe that we are just the physical and nothing more. Death is a mystery to these people. To them, you are either alive or gone. To them, once you are gone you are forever gone. To them, your grief is a normal psychological condition. It has no other importance at all.
They are very wrong.
Spirit is REAL
There is a very important spiritual component to our being. You can call it religion or quantum physics. These are just names. For the record, there is a soul. It is not only consciousness. We all have it. That includes me. It includes you, the reader.
Our companions on the road of life can take many forms. They don’t need to be humans. They can be dogs, cats, and even turtles. While they share our lives together with us, they influence our feelings, our emotions, and our life. When they pass on, we end up missing them terribly.
It also includes our pets. Yes. Contrary to what certain religions preach, all ambulatory entities possess souls. Though, their souls and their spiritual realities are quite different from ours. They do have spiritual elements to their lives. As such, we can see that they live on and even return back to us in another body!
I have some experiences that prove this.
What I have to posit herein is what I have personally experienced.
But, beware; it is presented in accordance with my own personal experiences. As such, those experiences necessarily gave me a VERY DIFFERENT point of view compared to everyone else. What I was involved is really, well, strange.
Anyways, that really doesn’t matter right now. What does matter is that I present some of the things that I have learned and experienced. The things are wide, diverse and unusual. I have learned about souls, Heaven, and the makeup of our reality.
I know a few things about human heaven, cat heaven, and even dog heaven. I hope others will benefit from it. If you don’t, well you can move on. There are other things out there for you.
Because of that, it will get many people angry.
What is REAL is often Hidden From Us
According to everyone, scientists, experts, government officials, religious leaders, and the mailman down the street, there is nothing but what we see. There are no spirits, no good and no bad. There are no morals. Our life is just what we see and nothing else. As such, there is nothing you the reader need to concern yourself with.
You just keep reading the government approved media. They will tell you all that you need to know. They will label what you are not to read as evil. Just obey. Keep paying your taxes.
The government will take care of you.
As such, if you listen to those people, there is only one reality and we are in the center of it. There are no souls, and no spirits. There is nothing except religions, and unless you follow Mohammed, all religions are bunk anyways. After all, that is what was crammed down our throats for the eight long years under Obama. (Ah, now everybody, don’t get your tail feathers all ruffled up. Obama wasn’t all that bad; it’s just that I never bought into his vision of what America was, and what it now should be.)
They are all wrong.
Don’t be a Fixed and Closed Mind
What I have to say will anger those who demand set nice and scientific answers and mathematical proofs. It will anger those who follow a set and formalized religion or two. It will anger those who disagree with me.
I am sorry, but this is what I know.
I have no desire to spend the time writing something that I don’t believe in. It would be a waste of my time, as well as a waste of your time to read it. It would benefit no one. Therefore, I only write what I know about and what I believe is true.
This particular subject is what I believe it is to be true.
Not a Rehash of Conventional Lore
This is a post for cat lovers who have lost someone that is near and dear to their heart.
Therefore, what is presented here is not a rehash of conventional religious lore. (Someone quotes a passage from the Bible and elaborates on it regarding a specific issue.) Neither is it a new look into the world of quantum physics. (We see this all the time on popular science publications. It’s just a rehash of well-established lore repackaged for commercial distribution.)
It is instead what I have learned though my MAJestic entanglement. (Not my actual mission events, but rather an understanding associated with it.) So, it’s going to sound pretty strange to most people.
To prevent the reader from getting too upset, I would suggest they stop reading and go no further. It will not be comfortable to those with fixed belief systems.
This is a post for cat lovers who have lost someone that is near and dear to their heart.
Now, after all that lengthy background information, let’s get to my illustrative stories.
My first story concerns a cat named “Phelie”. (I use cats because I only had cats during my entanglement. So can only draw my experiences from my relationships with them.) As such, let’s look at this experience of mine…
The story about my cat Phelie
At the time, I was living on the Indiana – Kentucky border along the Ohio River there. I was living with my first wife. We had a place in the valley along the river there. In fact, there was a highway right along the river, and our house was right there next to the highway. (Well, you had to drive down a gravel driveway to get to the road, but it’s really the same thing.)
We lived in a mobile home. (Doesn’t most people in Kentucky?) It wasn’t a “double wide”. It was a 14-foot wide by 60-foot long home built in the middle 1970’s. We lived in a trailer park, and it was really cheap. We only paid $40 a month for park space rent.
For those who are unawares, it was the middle of the summer. And, trust me, along the river in Kentucky was hot and super humid could be unbearable at times.
A Stormy Night
It was around 10:00 in the evening and there was a rainstorm out. This wasn’t just an average rainstorm. It was a torrential downpour. It was raining buckets.
I for one was very happy to be in. Outside the weather was horrible. Thunder and lightning was crashing all around us. It was one of those nights where you were completely glad that you were safe and warm inside.
We had finished eating dinner and the wife was sitting down watching television.
Then suddenly she arched her back. She stared straight ahead. Goose-bump pimples covered her entire arms.
Then she snapped out of it.
My Wife was Called Upon
She looked at me with this expression.
I really don’t know how to describe it. It was part fear, and part worry. Her eyes looked at me imploringly.
She told me. No, I take it back, she ordered me. We absolutely needed to go out. We needed to leave right then and there. We had to get cat food. We just HAD to. She kept saying that we needed to feed the cats. We needed to keep them warm and safe. We needed to help the cats.
I responded. I told her that our cats were fine. They were all around us resting. They were doing cat-typical behavior. They were all there with us “chilling out”.
A Call for Action
She got up off the couch and started running all over the house looking for her shoes. It was like she was electric. She was on fire and it was as if every alarm bell in her soul was going off!
She couldn’t find an umbrella, but she started to go out anyways. I stopped her. I told her that we had plenty of cat food. She didn’t care.
We had to leave THEN and NOW!
Well, we argued for a few minutes. Reluctantly I went and got the car keys and put on my shoes. I knew better than to argue with her. (As do all married men. Sooner or later, you learn that there are some things that you do not question, if you want to have a good and stable life.) If she put her mind to something, that was it!
Off to the Car
We ran out to the car in the rain. I am not going to lie, I was drenched. Just the fifteen second run to the car and everything I wore was soaked through and through. We shut the doors, and turned on the ignition. My wife was leading with me. “Hurry!” she said. I told her that “We’re going. We’re going”.
We pulled out in what must have been the rainstorm of the century. It was like something you would find in Southern Louisiana. It was so fierce. We drove down the gravel road, the windshield wipers furiously trying to keep the window clear. We drove down to the end of the gravel road to the highway.
As we went down the small rainy incline to the highway, the head beam lights fell onto the highway surface. And there, there right in front of us was a dead cat. Right in front of us it lay. Dead. Lifeless with rain pouring down.
A Dead Cat
The reader might not understand, but I am not going to let a dead cat lie right in front of my driveway. Even in the rain. I mean, it was right there. Smack dab in front of us. It blocked our route out.
So, in the rain, I exited the car and went to the cat. Yup. There was no question at all about it. It was dead. The side was crushed and it was absolutely dead. The little guy was off in Cat Heaven. It was still warm, but had been dead for a few minutes at least.
I picked it up.
The car headlights helped me see my way around that storm from Hell. I gingerly picked it up and carried it off to the far end of the road and set it down in some tall grass. Rigor mortis had not yet set in, and the dead cat hung limp in my arms.
I set it down softly and respectfully. “Poor little guy”, I thought.
The poor guy is off on his way to Cat Heaven.
In the Rain
I stood there for a moment, and then sighed and turned back to the car.
The headlights were shining on me in the rain. Mini rivers were forming on both sides of the highway from all the rain. I waited for a car to pass by, and then I splashed through the moving water and then headed back to the car. But…
Before I could open the door, I heard a faint meow. I stopped and listened again. Meow. This time it was still faint, but a little louder. I went to look for it. I just didn’t know where it was coming from.
And I found it.
A tiny kitten had somehow managed to make it to a low shrub at the side of the highway. It backed away from me. It was wet, and cold. It shivered terribly and its little cries were pathetic against the constant drumbeat of the rain.
A Tiny Kitten
It was a wet scrawny little thing.
I grabbed it by its tiny little neck. And, I dragged it out from under the pathetic little shrub. It fit within my wet hand, and I carefully carried it to the car. I handed it to my wife and she put it close to her chest and kept it warm.
Then I went out and looked to see if there were any others. I looked. But, I couldn’t find any.
When I got back into the car, my wife was calm. She was holding the little kitten close and said softly for me to go and see if I could get some milk or something at the store.
The little kitten was traumatized and in bad shape. So we drove to the local store and I bought a small can of condensed milk, and then we drove home.
We cleaned the little guy up.
It was a female grey-striped mainecoon with white mittens who was so young that it was still nursing. So we fed it out of an eyedropper. My wife held it all night. She was no longer hysterical and in worry. It was like a light switch was switched. Now, she was very, very calm. She lay in bed holding it. It was our fate.
Thank You
Now, here is the curious point.
That night, she told me that she felt like a giant mother cat was on top of her and kneading her chest with her paws. Left and right. Left and right. Left and right. Softly and purring.
This was pretty darn strange. What in the world? I have never heard of such a thing. A giant invisible cat? And what’s this smashing her chest? Crazy and strange stuff for certain!
So, I asked her “seriously”. She replied to me matter of factly,”absolutely”.
And, you know what? I believe her.
What happened
Friends have told me that it was just coincidence that we found the kitten at the same time as my wife’s urgent need to get cat food. They say that I am reading too much into this event. They say that I am crazy to believe in things that I cannot see.
I disagree.
Somehow, the mother cat found us. Maybe it was because we already had four cats. Or maybe it was because my wife was a very “sensitive” person. But I do believe that when the mother cat died, it must have been carrying the little kitten across the highway. And, then somehow it “connected” to my wife.
It didn’t connect to me.
Maybe it was because my wife was a female. Or, maybe it tried to connect to me, but I couldn’t sense anything.
Whatever, there was a connection. I actually saw how my wife reacted when the connection was made. I know that this kind of experience is subjective. To those who don’t believe in the reality of the soul, this story is fantastical. Yet it is completely and absolutely true.
As such, it can tell us many things…
What this can tell us
Look at this little story, and it is a true one. It really, really is. It happened exactly as I recalled it. There are a couple of things that we can learn from it.
The mother cat was dead, but it managed to communicate with my wife.
The mother cat was not yet in Cat Heaven when it died.
The communication was not physical. It was spiritual. My wife “felt” a panic. She felt a need to protect and feed the cats. She felt an urgency. She felt pure concern.
The information conveyed was specific. Get food. Feed the cat. Keep the kitten safe. Do it immediately. It is an emergency.
After the kitten was rescued, the mother cat said “thank you” and told my wife to feed the kitten.
All these things can provide us with some important insights…
The consciousness lives on after the physical body dies.
The consciousness cares for the loved ones and leaves messages when necessary.
If you are sensitive or “attuned” to something or a situation, you can be made aware of situations as they develop.
The rest of the story
The reader can rest assured that the kitten grew up to be a beautiful black and grey striped mainecoon. She was always on the small size, but she ended up being the boss of the household. She traveled everywhere we went, and lived a nice ripe old age of sixteen. She was a good cat. When she passed on, it was through old age.
Aside from the first moment we found her, we never had any other contact with the spirit cat.
I do understand the relationship that you can have with your beloved cat. I do understand. I know that it hurts when they are taken from you.
The Lesson about Texie
Here is another story about a cat. As I stated previously, my experiences concern cats.
While Phelie was my “wife’s cat” (if you know what I mean), this cat was “my cat”. He was my little buddy. Here is a story about an incident that I had with him. This story illustrates reincarnation of spirit and how a loved one will always return to their families.
Before we begin, however, we need to talk about an earlier cat; Samantha Panta.
My first cat after marriage
I used to have dogs (Siberian Huskies) and cats while I was growing up. Then during my college years, and my stint in the US Navy and my MAJestic training, I didn’t have any pets.
Eventually, a cat walked into my life.
It was a big fluffy orange and white mainecoon. We named him Samantha Panta, and he was our cat. He would go on walks (Yes, we would go on hikes for hours at a time, and he would walk with us.) with us and do everything with us. We developed a very good and close bond with him.
The Fields of Indiana
At that time, we lived in Indiana.
Now, for those of you who are unaware, Indiana is frightenly hot and humid in the summer and frozen and windy in the winter. Springs are glorious, but you have to endure two to three months of living among fields of mud as far as the eyes can see. Fall is also a very special time. What this means is that the winters are too short to invest in a wood burning stove, and the summers are too short to invest in an air conditioner.
For us, we used central kerosene heating in the winter and no air conditioning in the summer.
At that time, it was the late 1980’s. I was a youngish man in my late 20’s and we were trying hard to save and make a life for ourselves. In order to save, we cut corners. One of the ways that we did it was not to use an air conditioner.
Instead, when the weather got too hot, we would take rides in the car with the air conditioner on. We would ride the back-country roads of North Central Indiana, visiting cemeteries (the only free places to visit) and listening to music.
Of course, that was how we dealt with things at that time. I am sure that the reader is much more intelligent than we were then. So you probably never needed to handle things like we did. We were so silly.
Chillin’ Out in the Countryside
Anyways, often we would ride to a quiet spot and park there with the AC and the radio on. Again, in Indiana there are precious free spots to park and relax. It is all owned by someone. It is all farmland consisting of soybeans and corn as far as the eye can see.
If you wanted shade, you would need to find an isolated cemetery and park under one of the trees there. It sounds boring, but unless you lived there you have no idea how we were able to cope with the heat. Indiana could become like a terrible furnace in the Summer. That’s just the way it was.
Now, we would often listen to cassette tapes while we rode in the car. (This was before CD’s, USB’s and Satellite Radio.) We had a box of them.
Most radio stations in Indiana at that time had been bought up with media mega-corporations. As such, they toned down the music programming to a bland pop 40 or pop 100 on constant rotation. If you don’t mind listening to Rod Stewarts’ “Maggie May” every five or ten minutes or so, it was ok. For me, who preferred more alternative musical tastes, it drove me crazy. So we would order music out of music clubs and listen to the tapes in the car.
Some songs were so-so, but some were notable.
At that time, I happened to like “Tears for Fears”, “Corey Hart” and “Squeeze” among others. Some songs we would sing to, and others we would listen to and it would make us sad. Music in that little car of ours with our little cat was our “special time” together. We rode in a beat-up little white Mazda RX7. It was a two seater and big enough for all three of us. My cat would hang out in the back (on the middle hump) where the AC would blow on him.
A Special Moment
There was one special moment that I would like to do almost every day. I would put the cassette tape of “Baby Love” in the radio player. My little cat Samantha Panta would crawl up on my lap and I would sing to the cat. As I would sing, the cat would close his eyes half shut and purr. It was a loving moment. It was a moment that he and I shared.
(Of course, there were other songs. I used to sing “Fool for my Kitty!”, which was really the Foghat song “Fool for the city” with my own custom lyrics. LOL! I would sing it when I was in a very playful mood. Never the less, the most memorable and loving song was indeed the song “Baby Love”.)
(I didn’t only do this for my various cats. I also do this for my dogs as well. In fact, my dog Shao Pi loves to sing with me. He really does! He will just whimper and bark along with me, I am not at all kidding.)
My cat liked to play when I would make the bed. He could love to get under the sheets when I would make the bed. Such a guy!
Back to Heaven
Unfortunately, my little cat did not live long.
He contracted feline FLV. He started to die. I had no experience with a pet dying and I refused to “put him down”. I just did what I could trying to keep him alive. It took a full really long month for him to die. It was sad and painful. After three short years of life, he finally took one last breath and died. He left us and went to Cat Heaven.
We carried him across the frozen farm fields near our house on an icy January night. It was terribly cold. The ground was rock solid hard. I carried him to a wooded area and set his body under a fallen tree there. We said “good bye” and that was that.
Two Years Later
A couple of years passed.
One spring day, some guys drove up to the house in a convertible. They had a kitten with them, and they were told by someone that I liked cats, and I would take him in.
I was in the yard, and they asked me if I wanted a kitten. They handed the kitten to me. I looked at him. He was maybe two or three months old.
He was a tuxedo cat. This means that he was a black and white shorthair. He had one bad eye that had a full white cataract on it. However, he was very affectionate.
I told the guys that I certainly liked this little guy.
But, I said, I already had a bunch of cats. I just couldn’t take the little guy in. I was sorry, but I had no room. They drove off, and I went inside the house.
Well, he stayed around
Later on, I went out to empty the trash. There was the little kitten. Those stinkers! They left it at the house anyways. Ugh!
So, I took it in, and let me tell you, there was an immediate bonding between both of us. He was my little cat. We named him “Texie”. Why? I don’t know. It fit him. From then on, this cat and I were very close. Maybe you the reader have a close relationship with your dogs or cat, well it was like that. This guy and I were inseparable.
He was my little buddy.
Five Years Later
About five years after first getting Texie, we were living in Shreveport Louisiana. We had relocated from Indiana, to Kentucky, to Mississippi and finally to Shreveport, Louisiana.
I had been upsized, downsized, resized under corporate restructures, company buyouts, hostile takeovers, and just plain bad bosses. Being a design engineer during the 1980’s and the 1990’s was NOT a stable occupation.
I had a new position in Boston, Mass. So I had bought a class “A” motor-home with the hush money the company paid me.
Non-Disclosure Agreements
(For those of you that are unawares, many companies break the law routinely. To get around the laws, they make you sign to NDA’s and other documents that will allow you to get unemployment benefits, and even cash bonuses if you agree to not say anything.)
The company that I worked at in Shreveport gave me a lump sum of $10,000 to keep my mouth shut. This was in the early 1990’s, so the amount might be around $60,000 today. I took it, and used it to purchase a motor-home.
We were sorting through our things. Some things we were just throwing out. Other things we were putting into storage. While other things were going into the motor-home. I was in the motor-home putting stuff away. My little cat Texie was there with me.
Old Music
I had found a box of old cassette tapes that we had put in storage many years earlier. The tape on the box was yellow with age and a layer of dust was on it. Inside were the tapes that we used to listen to when we lived in Northern Indiana. I would say that I hadn’t seen those tapes in at least a few years.
So, of course, I put some of the tapes in and was listening to them.
A Cryout!
I well remember this event. I was in the back of the RV. I was there sorting stuff under one of the beds there. My cat Texie was on the sofa at the kitchen dining table. On the radio was playing a cassette from “Pebbles”. Then the song “Baby Love” came on. The first bars of the song began to play…
As soon as it came on, my little cat goes “MEOW!”
He leaped off the sofa as if it was electric. He ran to the driver’s seat, and got on it. Sitting there, with his two paws holding the rear of the seat, he shook his head and looked at me. “MEOW!” he yelled!
I got up, and asked “What’s up Texie? What do you want?”
He then got on his back on the seat and exposed his belly. He started to purr and coo.
So, I said “What? You want me to hold you?”
He just looked at me with loving eyes. So, I went and picked him up and sat down in the driver’s seat. Then a funny thing happened. He took on the exact same body language of my older cat Samantha Panta. He lay there in my lap. He purred and had the same half-closed eyes as my old cat. I started to sing to him the rest of the song.
His purring got much louder. MUCH louder. His eyes closed and we listened to the rest of the song together.
The Song Ended
When the song ended, he let out a calm sigh. Then he stood up on his rear legs and put both paws around my neck. He then rubbed his face all over mine and gave me a kiss. Then he got down and jumped off my lap. Then, like nothing happened, he walked down the RV kitchen area and exited through the side door.
I just sat there stupefied.
Our cats are always there for us. They do not leave us when they die. They still love us and love brings us all back together.
What this can tell us
Again, this little story is true. People can argue that it is just coincidence. However, I know different. This really happened. From this experience, I have drawn the following conclusions;
The consciousness from my old cat found its way into a new cat.
Consciousness can occupy different bodies yet retain access to all the memories.
It took some time before the new cat came into my life.
The appearance of the old cat and the new cat was very different.
The relationships between me and both cats were similar and very close.
I immediately “felt” a bond with the new cat.
From these conclusions, we can also identify some rules of spirit;
Cats can reincarnate.
If cats can, other creatures can as well.
Reincarnation reappearance occurs when a creature has a close bond with another.
The bond that can result in directed reincarnation can be either good or bad.
If the bond is good, then a good relationship can continue.
If the bond is bad, then a bad relationship will continue to fester until it is resolved.
So, I tell this to the reader; if you have lost a loved one don’t be sad. They will return to you. Or, barring that, you will return to them. It is your love for each other that acts like a big bright signpost that will attract you two back together.
The rest of the story
Texie lived on. He was doing well in Massachusetts. I had to go away for a two-day trip, and left him and two other cats alone at the house. When I returned, I found him there crying loudly. His neck was swollen terribly. His nose was white instead of pink. We took him to the vet first thing on Sunday morning.
The vet told us that his white blood count was zero and they had no idea how he could possibly be alive. They suggested we get blood transfusions, but no hospitals we contacted could help us. As such, we made the difficult decision to put him down. My wife and I held each other and he lay there in the valley between our two chests. We all gave him our goodbyes and we gave him as much love as we could. Then we handled him to the doctor.
Going to Cat Heaven
The doctor said that she had never seen such a loving cat, and really had a difficult time putting him to sleep. Finally it was done. He died and went up to Cat Heaven.
We went into the car. Sad and shocked. You know, we expected to heal him, not to have to put a dying cat down. As we sat there in the car, staring out at the lush greenery of the parking lot, we both suddenly felt a wash of love and care. It was like a pleasant warm towel of love around both of us, then it went away.
Best picture. Indeed.
Communication between Individuals
One thing that we need to understand is that we don’t just communicate by words. We use body language. We use intonations. We use special word combinations. We also use ways to communicate by “feelings”. Anyone who is married can attest to this. Your partner is not taking and is maybe in the other room. But, you feel that something is wrong. You don’t know what it is, but you know that something is not right.
These feelings should not be discounted.
One of the most important things we need to understand is that there is a [1] physical reality and a [2] non-physical reality.
A person who is sensitive can detect changes in the non-physical reality. For lack of better terms, the non-physical reality is the realm of quanta in various state of wave properties. While the physical reality is the realm of quanta in various states of particle behaviors.
Newtonian Physics = Only the physical exists.
Quantum Physics = The Physical exists alongside the non-Physical.
A sensitive person can detect changes in nearby wave behaviors relative to their personal relationships with others. This can be between people, and this can be between us and our pets…
Lesson from Smokey my “Little Toke”
I once had a grey cat named Smokey. I called him my “Little Toke”.
He was a great cat. He was a pretty lanky cat. He had two characteristics that were noteworthy. Firstly, he was this very nice grey color. His entire body was grey. He was a short hair, and his hair had a very nice sheen to it. The second thing about him was that he had fangs. These were not vampire fangs. These were saber tooth tiger style fangs. They lung down from his mouth in a nice proud manner.
When he got older, he had a paunch. That is to say, that he had this flap of fat that hung down from his belly. The thing that I remember the most about him was that he always tried to enunciate. I would ask him if he wanted to go out. He would always take the time to say, as clearly as he could; “I…want…out.” Really, it was so cute. However, it would be pouring rain outside and I would have to open the door and let him see for himself. “Not this time”, I’d have to say.
He was a great cat, and when I broke up with my first wife, he ended up being with her. Which was a good thing. She had moved to a house on her parent’s land in rural Pennsylvania. The cats that went with her had an entire forest to play in. When I would visit my ex-wife, I was always happy to see the cats. They had made a very good life for themselves there. They were always busy going about and doing cat stuff.
A Life Apart
Smokey was not “my cat”. He was a part of our cat family, but shared both my wife and myself as “his” humans.
He was a member of our cat household. When we broke up and he went off with my ex-wife, he would still say hello to me when I would visit. Initially, he found the move too shocking, and as such, he spent the first six months hiding in the bedroom closet under the clothes. However, soon enough he migrated outwards. Once he was able to get out and explore, he fell in love with the place.
I would come and visit, and there he would be crossing the cow pasture and heading straight toward me. He always wanted to say hi.
Our relationship was that we were “good friends”. Where Texie and I were “best buddies”, Smokie and I were just “good pals”. It was a relationship, and a good one. I would stop by and say “hi” to him. He would come up to me and rub my hand, and then go away. As if to say “I like you very much, but I’ve got things to do and places to be.”
An event after Shopping
I was living with a girlfriend at the time. I hadn’t seen Smokey in six months. Though I did call my ex-wife every month or so. She was doing well. My cats were also doing well. So I moved on with my life.
That’s life, you know. You grow and change. Sometimes those who are close to you grow and change in different ways, and in different directions than you do. There is nothing bad about that. That is life.
One day, I had just come back from shopping. I had a bag of groceries in the passenger side of the car, and I was driving home with it beside me. The radio was on, and I was near our house. As I got close, I suddenly “felt” a presence with me. I felt like a cat had just joined me in the car and was crawling onto my lap. In fact, it felt like it was going around and around trying to settle down into my lap.
It was very clear.
I Get a Visit
I turned off the radio. (I wanted to concentrate on my impressions and feelings.) I distinctly remember saying this out loud; “Now, who are you? Which cat are you? Hum?”
The feeling persisted during the balance of my trip to the house. Here there was this invisible cat that lay there on my lap. I didn’t know which one it was, but I knew it was one of “my” cats. It felt like one of my cats. He was dead, but his spirit was there with me. He had yet to go to Cat Heaven.
When I pulled into the driveway, I continued to stay in the car. I didn’t want the feeling to go away. I must have sat there for ten or fifteen minutes, until my girlfriend came out to yell at me. “What the heck are you doing? Aren’t you going to come in? What’s the matter with you?”
So reluctantly, I got up and exited the car. I didn’t feel the cat come with me. It just sort of disappeared, and I took the groceries into the house with me.
Two Weeks Later
Two weeks later, I got a frantic phone call from my ex-wife. She was worried about our cat Smokey. He hadn’t come back and he had been gone quite a long time. Two weeks for him was quite a long time. My ex-wife was quite worried and besides herself.
I told her, not to worry. “Smokey visited me. He’s dead. He is in Kitty Cat Heaven.”
She asked, “Are you sure? How do you know?” So, I explained.
What I Knew
She asked me what happened. (As if, I would know.)
Obviously, I didn’t know.
However, I had a distinct impression that he was attacked by a large animal, probably a dog. It was a quick death. He was caught off guard while in the woods near a tree and was surprised, as soon as he noticed the large black dog, it was all over. The impression that I had was quick and sudden surprise.
She said that couldn’t happen, her parent’s dogs were all beagles and they would never hurt her cats. I told her that I didn’t know who did it. I just had the distinct feeling that that is what happened.
Now, of course anything could have happened. I think that most cats die a death on the roads by automobiles. But, the impression, or the “feeling” that I had was that it was by a large dog in the woods near a tree. It was not on a road. I don’t know why I feel this way, but I do.
My ex-wife could not understand why he would visit me, and not her. I have no answer for that. Except to say that there are probably numerous reasons for it. My ex-wife, who was unusually sensitive, now needed to take medicine to keep a mental illness in check. Perhaps that medicine blocked her sensitivity to some degree.
Anyways, he never returned. Obviously, because his spirit came to me when he died and said goodbye.
Cats and kittens are very loving creatures.
What this can tell us
As with all events, we need to take a look at the situations and conditions. We can learn from them. Of course, the statists and those who don’t believe in anything other than what they see with their two eyes think that I am crazy.
That could never happen, they argue. You just cannot “feel” anything.
They argue this simply because THEY never could feel anything. Ever. After all, they argue, every human is the same. We are all equal, with equal experiences. We all have equal abilities, and equal knowledge. Since they haven’t experience what I did, I must be in error.
Hah! As if, they were equal to me. Or, better. Yeah. Right.
We all have different abilities. Sensitivity comes with age, training, attention and experience. Just because a person cannot drive a car, does not mean that no one can drive a car. Some people can drive, and others cannot.
Don’t say that no one can do something just because you yourself cannot.
Just because you don’t know how to fly, a plane does not mean that others can’t do so. Just because you don’t know how to read Chinese doesn’t mean that no one can read it just because you personally cannot. That is silly.
It is like that.
We are all different, and if you are open and sensitive, you can feel things associated with those who are closest to you. Many people can’t. But, some people can.
What we can Learn
This is what we can learn from this event;
We can sense spirits in quantum wave (non-physical) behaviors.
The spirits can be associated with us in various ways.
We might not know how important are associations are with others from their point of view.
You do not need physical proof to know something has occurred.
If a person is open and sensitive, they can see things that others (who rely on only the physical) cannot sense.
Finally, the most important point…
My dear friend Smokey had a consciousness that lived after his physical death.
He did not disappear into nothingness when his physical body died.
Lesson from Snowball
Finally, I will wrap up these stories with the littlest member of my once large cat family. This is a little kitten that I named “Snowball”.
Snowball was the runt of a litter of cats. A cat next door had a bunch of kittens and they managed to give all the kittens away. All, that is, except one. This one was the runt of the litter and no one wanted it. So, one day the neighbor came over and gave the kitten to us to take care of. They were just planning to throw it into the dumpster, and let it fend for itself. Yikes! I just couldn’t permit that.
About Snowball
Now, I have to tell the reader that I immediately took a shine to this little guy. He was really young and well… not really all there. He wasn’t as sharp as the other kittens for his age. He was like a kind of slow cat or maybe a little retarded. But he was a cutie and really adorable. He had this habit or crawling up my leg and my back and always sitting on my shoulder on my neck. In fact, that was his most common position.
I would come home from work and there he would be. He would crawl up onto me and set himself on my neck and not go anywhere else. He lived on my shoulder. My neck was his home. That was were he stayed. It did not matter what I was doing or involved in. If he was nearby, he would join me on my shoulder and hang around my neck.
His time with us was short. He was only with us a few months when he ended up dying. Luckily, it was so quick. It was painless. Before he knew what was going on he was up in Heaven.
How he died
One Saturday, I was in the yard, and the neighbor called me across the street. So I walked over to them. I crossed the street. Now, I didn’t realize it, but Snowball started to follow me. He was like a laser beam. When he had a target, he just went forward and paid no attention to the world around him.
So, here I am walking across the street. Suddenly I felt a “startle”. That is the best way that I can describe it. I spun around and looked at the road.
I turned around and a SUV was speeding though the 20MPH residential zone on some sort of emergency errand, and my beloved Snowball was lying on the road. I went over to Snowball. I said “Now why are you sleeping on the road?” And, then I realized the truth. He was just killed by the SUV. He was off on the way to Cat Heaven.
Of course, I was shocked and stunned.
Spinning and Spinning
The odd thing was that from that moment on… from the moment he died (the “startle”) and until late in the night, I felt him spinning around and around my neck. He was there. I could feel him. I could not see him. His body was dead but I felt him. He went around and around my neck.
The next morning, I woke up and I no longer felt him around my neck. I got washed up and showered and went to work. I will tell the reader, I was very distressed over this. It was really upsetting to me.
A Message from “Above”
A few days passed, but I was still not over the death of Snowball. I was so sad. It was difficult for me. I couldn’t bear life. I had no appetite. I was so darn sad.
It was such a thick sadness. It was thick.
Then one night I had a dream. It was a “special” dream. Now, the reader needs to understand that dreams come in packets. [1] Many dreams are just nonsense. They are just the brain relaxing and reacting to various daily events through imagination. Other dreams [2] hold learning purposefully. These dreams come in groups of threes. In other words, these dreams will have the same theme for three nights in a row. The only way that you can follow them is through recording your dreams. Yet, other dreams are [3] portals. They are windows that allow us to send and receive messages from others in the spirit worlds.
If we are aware, we can identify these “special” dreams and isolate them away from the normal dream clutter that typically occupies our nighttime adventures.
Anyways, I had a “special” dream that night.
A Special Dream
I dreamed that a “guardian”, “angel” or “representative of humans” took me to another Heaven. There he met another entity. This was also a “guardian”, but he was a “representative of felines”.
Together they both led me to this place.
I like to think of that place as cat Heaven. I refer to these entities as guardians, but others might refer to them as angels. They were intelligent (non-human) entities who helped take me to a special place.
Cat Heaven
It was a flat and rather boring place.
They led me to it, and there in the middle of this place was a shallow depression. It was like a low shallow bowl. Inside the depression were four kittens. Each in the shape of a kind of long oblong egg. They were all asleep.
I immediately recognized Snowflaker there. And in my dream, I cried out. At that moment, I completely understood what was going on. My cat was busy going onto his next reincarnation. He was safe and moving onward, and I too needed to move on.
Of course, when I tell this dream to others, I am laughed out of the room. In a way, it makes me feel bad. Can I not relate my experiences and dreams? Am I always to be laughed at and made fun of, before anyone can really take a good hard look at what is going on? Never the less, I consider this “special” dream significant. As such, I would like to lay out some key points for worthwhile consideration.
What this can tell us
Here is what I think that this can tell us;
There are other spirits that acts in ways to help us when we need it. We are not alone.
These spirits have roles.
There is a Cat Heaven. It is different than a Human Heaven.
To visit it we need permissions, or more accurately, assistance.
Cats, like humans, will move on in their lives to obtain experiences through reincarnation.
My friend Snowball moved on with his life.
Mind and Spirit
Without going through all kinds of scientific proofs, let me lay things out this way…
Our souls exist within Heaven. We, as people, exist on the earth. The earth is our “reality”. It is what surrounds us. Heaven is not the earth. They are two different places. They exist in two separate and different universes.
Our soul is always connected to us. The way that our soul connects to us is body through consciousness. Soul and consciousness is not the same thing. They are two different things altogether. You can think of consciousness as a temporary “set of self” that the soul uses while it utilizes your body. But I think that that description can be misleading. Consciousness is more like a tunnel that bores from “Heaven” to our physical “Reality”.
Consciousness is like a tunnel from the soul to our mind.
My idea of happiness.
Consciousness is like a Tunnel
Many people like to think of it as a nice long tube or hose that connects to your body from Heaven. I suppose that is as good as an explanation as any. Certainly, Mr. Monroe would agree with me on this point.
Now, the point of disclosure should be made clear. I have never seen this structure either with my physical eyes, my mental visualizations or spiritual perceptions. I just know that it exists. It is the way that soul connects through consciousness to reach the physical.
The soul connects to the body through consciousness. It bores through the physical and the non-physical realities in a kind of tunnel like appendage.
So far, the reader should be following me. It’s really not that difficult to visualize, is it?
How it works
But, there is a problem with this. Soul resides in a Heaven that is fundamentally different than the physical world that we inhabit. Heaven is not the same as our physical world. It just isn’t. Therefore, you just cannot make a simple pipe to connect the two.
Think of this analogy; think of Heaven as a place full of water, and the earth as a place full of electricity. A pipe would not work very well because all the water gushing through the pipe would damage all the electricity on the earth. There needs to be a mechanism along that pipe that converts the water into a form that the electricity on the earth can utilize.
Luckily, there is a mechanism.
It turns out that everything is made up with something called quanta. These are the smallest forms in the universe.
Fundamentally, they are like tiny little strings. They fit together and form particles. These particles then fit together that build up atoms. Atoms, if you might recall, fit together and build up to form things. Now quanta can take on different forms, shapes and energy levels. The problem is that the [1] energy levels and [2] forms of the quanta in [A] Heaven are different than [B] the forms of the quanta on the earth.
Souls are made up of quanta.
Everything in our universe is comprised of quanta. This is super small stuff that the building blocks of atoms are made up with. Quanta is so small that it can behave either as a very small and hard marble (called a particle), or like a wave which is like all other waves. Depending on the mode of behavior; particle or wave, the quanta has different abilities.
The Forms of Quanta
On the earth, all the quanta can be in two distinct forms.
They can be either [1] in the form of particles or [2] in the form of waves. They can be one or the other. They cannot be both at once. There are many, many discussions on this.
You can find out about wave particle dualityHERE. It’s an interesting subject, but we need not get too bogged down in it. The point is NOT that the quanta itself changes, rather the perception of it does. Sort of like this…
It is not that a quanta changes, it is how the observer views the quanta that makes the change. Our soul controls consciousness. Consciousness can be in different states depending upon the point of view of the person (the observer).
The soul, and sometimes the consciousness (with training), can alter the perception of self. Or, to phrase it better, it can decide to go from wave to particle forms. Or, go from particle to wave forms. It can decide what to do when it wants to.
Souls can change their quantum behaviors
Quanta and Consciousness
Now, with this in mind, we need to consider how the consciousness can exist within the physical reality. To occupy and operate the physical body, the consciousness needs to operate on the quantum level as its point of control. For after all that is what it is. As such, it takes on a “particle” aspect of behavior. It operates as a particle. This is a very important point.
Consciousness takes on particle behavior to control a physical body
If it is a particle, it can interact. It can move about, hit, absorb and mix with other physical items. So if the quantum particle wants to interact with the physical world, it takes on particle behavior. If it wants to leave the physical world, it takes on wave behavior. Then it can “fly”, “soar about”, and visit the other “heavenly worlds”.
So, let’s put this knowledge to use.
Within a Reality
A soul can exist within a given reality as a “consciousness”. In order to be able to occupy a body, and move about the world, it needs to take on particle behavior. That is the only way that consciousness, and by extension the soul, is able to occupy a physical body. Afterwards, when the body dies, the consciousness can change form and take on wave behavior. It can then fly away and go about the world and the heavens as needed.
Consciousness takes on wave behavior to leave the physical body.
With this in mind, we can thus identify some really interesting “unexplained” events such as spirits and the like.
Let’s consider a “spirit” (a ghost) that one can occasionally come in contact with. If you can see it, or it actually moves things around physically (such as knocking books off shelves and such), then the associated quanta is behaving like a particle. That is the only way that it can interact with the physical world.
If you “feel” the presence of a “spirit”, but you cannot see it, and there is no physical interaction, then it is taking on wave behaviors.
With this in mind, we can well imagine a spirit that might have a combination of both behaviors. Where part of it might behave like a particle and we can see it, like the head for instance. And, where there are other parts of it that might be able to go through walls and such like a wave.
But, I digress…
When something dies…
When a person, or an animal dies, the behavior of the quantum particles change. It goes from “particle behaviors” to “wave behaviors”.
The consciousness form changes.
However, it is still here. Just because the consciousness is no longer in a particle state, and the physical body is dead, the consciousness is still there. It is in a wave state.
It is in a wave state instead of a particle state. As such, it can move about within the physical realm without using a physical body. It can also move about in the non-physical realm that surrounds our physical body.
I must ask the reader to remember what Einstein said when asked if believed in Heaven. He said (and I am paraphrasing), “I do not know what happens when a person dies. I do not know what Heaven looks like, or what it is like. However, I do know one thing. In this universe, nothing is ever destroyed. It only changes shape.”
Nothing really dies, it just changes shape.
An Introduction to Soul types
Now all of this is interesting, but what does it mean to us? Hum. Let me introduce the reader to the idea and concept that souls are complex, and that they differ from species to species. It’s a pretty big leap for most people, but it shouldn’t be.
Souls are complex.
One of the problems with us humans is that all we know is all we know. The scientific method places theories based upon our observation. Yet we can only observe things from the point of view of a human. If we cannot observe it as a human, then we cannot observe it at all. Thus, everything that we know of in this world of ours comes from our knowledge as a human.
Now that was a really deep paragraph, but it is entirely true. We can only observe, interpret, and consider things that our mind allows us to. If we need to see things in the way that they really are, then we need help. (Which is partially why I was in MAJestic in the first place.)
Anyways, how we view things is always colored or modified by the environment that surrounds us.
Our reality is Influenced
Indeed, it is further altered by religious studies and the theories of others. As a result, we have a tendency to believe that humans are the greatest and the best intelligences in the universe. We think that the world, and the universe is ours for the taking. We believe that we are the dominant creatures, as defined by God in all eternity.
It is very egotistical, and terribly wrong.
All species have their own realities that they occupy and learn from. As such, with each reality, they have a corresponding spiritual reality as well. This, like ours, involves a sort of “Heaven” as well as a non-physical reality that surrounds their reality upon this life that we share together.
Souls are nothing but organized quanta that has obtained sentience.
We as humans have an “individual” soul configuration. Which means that we often feel alone because our soul acts independently from other humans. We are not connected. When our soul occupies this physical container; the body, we yearn to connect with others. There are many reasons for the development of the soul in this manner.
What I know
OK. I’m not going to regurgitate the Biblical lore, and some scientific mumbo-jumbo. I was in MAJestic. Here is what I know. If you don’t like it, you can leave.
What I know is based on my MAJestic entanglement.
Other species, those older, smarter and more experienced than us, have mapped out the science of souls. For them they understand multi-dimensional interactions over time. They know things that we don’t know. Meanwhile we are very primitive. My God, we still use the internal combustion engine for transport, and a chemical reaction in bullets for killing other creatures. How dare we consider ourselves advanced. (OK. I will get off my “high horse”.)
The human soul is an intermediary form.
Our Human Soul is an Intermediary Form
For now, let’s keep it simple and simply say that our soul is an “intermediary form”. We need to “improve it” through growth to hit a “stable archetype”, or approved form configuration. This is a very important point to understand. It is because of this that our memories of previous life incarnations are intentionally withheld from us so that we can develop and grow. This is not the case with other creatures.
In our galaxy, intermediary soul forms must grow in a “nursery”.
Yah, I know. It’s too much to grasp.
Now other animals have different soul configurations. As they should. Souls conform to a given physical shape and configuration. Both dogs and cats have a “hive” or shared soul. Their soul configuration is stable. It is not an intermediary form like we humans have.
As such, cats and dogs for instance are fully aware of their previous incarnations.
Memories are stored in the non-physical Reality
Since memories are stored outside of the physical reality, the access of it is possible in certain ways. For access of physical memories related to a specific physical body in a set reality, they can be accessed directly by the consciousness by using particle behaviors. For access of non-physical memories from previous incarnations, access is only possible through wave behaviors. As such, humans can’t remember previous incarnations. However, creatures with hive souls can access memories from previous incarnations. (As would explain the experience with my cat Texie.)
It is very much like it is portrayed in the movie “A Dog’s Purpose”. I strongly recommend the reader to go rent this movie on Netflix or download a torrent of it. In regards to this movie, I would like to “underline” a number of key points;
The dog remembered its’ previous incarnations.
The dog went through numerous reincarnations.
The dog was always attracted to those people, places and things that were meaningful to it.
When the dog reincarnated it would take on a different appearance, sometimes a different gender, and possibly different attachments.
All of these things are very true.
An Explanation of the Soul
What we refer to as “the soul” is actually nothing more than “consciousness”.
It is a self-understanding of being. This is a quantum state. There are those who believe that actual consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects in the microtubules in the cells of the physical body. This is known as the “Orchestrated Objective Reduction theory (Orch-OR)”. However, for this to be true, it implies that consciousness needs a physical body to exist, when it is the exact opposite that is occurring. The physical body is what precipitates at lower energy states from the thoughts and desires of a given soul form.
Not the other way around.
Heavenly Relationships with the Physical Reality
Actual consciousness, and thus soul, is a manifestation of quantum gravity effects independent of a physical body. In low energy states, the creation of a physical body occurs through precipitation of the energy state. In that environment, the quantum gravity effects due to the quantum particles attach themselves to the microtubules in the physical body. This then, is the actual description of what soul is. (If you were to use conventional nomenclature and contemporaneous descriptors.)
In conventional and colloquial speech, the soul is often referred to that part of the human body that is not physically observed. That is truly disingenuous, because the soul is actually the sum total of every experience of your consciousness, regardless of space or of time. It includes the physical self, and the spirit self. It also includes all thoughts and experiences that the person has. Since it is timeless, it also includes all events that the soul experienced. This includes events prior to birth, and events that occurred after death of the physical body. This also includes all previous reincarnations.
Experiences and how we react to them is what shapes our soul.
Experiences are the Mechanism by which Souls can Grow
Experiences are the reason for why we are on the world. Experiences are everything. Both the good and the bad experiences are what matters. Ultimately, it is what defines our sentience. As I will elaborate upon later, they will determine what shape construct our soul manifests in the physical. Experiences are nothing less than entangled quantum particles.
Experiences create entangled quantum particles.
These are particles that alter the formation and behavior of the quantum gravity effects. Thus, it is desirable to have a physical body of the lower density levels to constrain the microtubules in the cells. This is why the physical body exists, and why it is so important for a given soul or quantum entity to acquire experiences in the physical world. This helps to add shape and definition to the experiences that a soul or entity experiences.
Life is like a hallway with many rooms. The life once lived can be in a mansion with many rooms or in a one-room shack. It is the experiences you live that determine what you get out of life.
The experiences you have determine what you will get out of life.
Everything Has a Soul
Every physical item, animated, intelligent, or inanimate, has a soul. Dogs and cats have souls. True, they are different from human souls, but they still exist. Since there is no thing such as physical space, that is just a perception due to the limitations of our brain, we are all connected and our souls fit together like pieces in a complex multi-dimensional puzzle. All souls are different and they all connect together differently. But they do connect to each other. We are all interconnected.
On an ancient tombstone in England, there is this inscription:
“Heaven will Heaven never be
Unless my cats are there
to welcome me.”
Organized quantum “clumps”
I am quite sure that the reader did not expect to get into such a deep “rabbit hole”. You probably wanted a much easier (on the eyes) story. But to appreciate the story, you need to understand what is going on and why.
In Heaven, the Soul is not some kind of evenly distributed mass with quantum particles. Like a swarm of bees. Or like a pot of hot water with a lot of salt in it. Instead, the soul is lumpy. It has clusters or clumps of multi-dimensional quanta that interacts with other clumps and clusters.
The soul is a “lumpy” mass that resides in an area without physical form.
We need to understand that the quanta that comprises a soul (quantum cloud –individually associated) is composed of smaller clumps of organized quanta (clusters). Humans have ten (10) such major clumps (clusters).
These clumps are known as garbons. These clumps of quanta; these garbons, are discrete. They form building blocks, and many such building blocks are used in other soul shapes and archetypes.
Now other religions have identified aspects of being. They roughly associate with garbons, but they are NOT the same thing. The reader should not bet confused.
A garbon is a stable discrete cluster of organized quanta.
The forming of these “clumps” is though one basic process; accumulation of experience. The more experiences that a given entity has, the more quanta that are accumulated. How it is accumulated is determined by the [1] types of experiences that the entity has had, as well as [2] how they react to those experiences.
Souls are made up of clumps of quanta, called garbons.
The accumulation of experiences do not necessitate the formation of new garbons. But rather help establish the behavior of the garbons with respect to time (entropic change) and dimensional placement of the lower energy components (they tend to drift about MWI dimensionally).
Matrix lattice arrangements
How the clumps interact with other clumps is known as a “compound lattice” or a “matrix”. (Do not get confused with the movie of the same name. That is not the case here. The term was used in the mid-1980’s to describe these events well before the movie of the same name was released.)
There are attachment points, or more accurately, interactive exchanges between the “clumps”. Yes, these garbons work together in various ways.
In the human individual soul, there are 22 major interactive exchange lanes between the cluster groups and clumps. These attachment points transmit quantum-entangled information. They do so using different states. These states are also discrete.
The connection points within a lattice are interconnected with pathways known as swales. The arrangement and function of the swale varies considerably from specie to specie, but is an actual function of the net experience base of the total cluster as a whole. It varies over time. It varies in capability, and in configuration.
Swales connect garbons together to form a lattice (or matrix).
All souls, human or otherwise, consist of a lattice. The lattices all consist of garbons connected by swales.
The Tree of life (Kabbalah) is very similar to that of the garbon lattice or matrix of the human soul. However, it is not the same thing. Both are diagrammatic representations of how major components of who and what we are work together to form a human soul.
Terms & Calculations
Now I describe things herein is not necessarily the same as how quantum physicists or other scientists describe things. Thus, my simplistic description can easily be misunderstood. I want to avoid that.
For all practical purposes, the mathematics of souls are well understood. It is just that they are not applied in the same framework of understanding towards that of the soul. The reader must understand that aside from the nature of the discussion; a borderline theological rather than pure scientific discussion, I have greatly simplified the content and organization of souls.
The key to achieving this simplification is a principle called “locality.” Any given quantum particle only interacts with its nearest neighboring particles. Entangling each of many quantum particles with its neighbors produces a series of “nodes” in the network. Those nodes are the tensors, and entanglement links them together. All those interconnected nodes make up the network. A complex calculation thus becomes easier to visualize. Sometimes it even reduces to a much simpler counting problem.
(Which is exactly why we obtain “experiences” within this “reality” that has a physical dimensional component. Without that component, it would be very difficult to define “locality”.)
Indeed, as I have stated previously that there are many kinds of souls; there are also many different types of tensor networks, but among the most useful is the one known by the acronym MERA (multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz).
Multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) works is a rather straightforward manner; Imagine a one-dimensional line of particles. Replace the eight individual particles — designated A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H — with fundamental units of quantum information (qubits), and entangle them with their nearest neighbors to form links.
A entangles with B, C entangles with D, E entangles with F, and G entangles with H. This produces a higher level in the network. Now entangle AB with CD, and EF with GH, to get the next level in the network. Finally, ABCD entangles with EFGH to form the highest layer.
“In a way, we could say that one uses entanglement to build up the many-body wave function,”
-Román Orús, a physicist at Johannes Gutenberg University in Germany
The use of entanglement can build up and create different kinds of entanglement systems; and thus different kinds of nodes; orbs, lattice networks, swales and garbons. Overall, these networks demonstrate how a single geometric structure can emerge from complicated interactions between many objects. This emergent geometry can explain the mechanism by which a smooth, continuous space-time can emerge from discrete bits of quantum information.
And that, boys and girls, is how unorganized quanta becomes organized through experience.
Physical location of the soul
We, as humans, are so accustomed to treating the “soul” as something “else” that it is difficult for us to understand just where it resides. We tend to think that it is here, there, or everywhere. Alternatively, we might think that it resides in another dimension or universe. Yet, as strange as it might seem, these answers are both correct and very wrong.
The soul is a collection of many consciousness’s.
The consciousness is nothing less than the accumulation of thoughts, over many many reincarnations. Since thought has a physical manifestation as the multi-dimensional aspects of quanta, it can be considered to have a physical component.
Yes, it resides in multi-dimensional states, and (for our purposes) in the “universe” (speaking figuratively) of the physical and the “universe” of the spiritual. As stated previously, the Soul resides in a universe called “Heaven”, and the physical body resides in a universe called “The Physical Universe”. To confuse things, they are connected. So, as I stated, it resides in both and either.
Our physical body is a mere percentage of the entirety of our soul. The soul has a physical and spiritual aspect. In relative location with the physical body, the soul is part of every single cell. There is no specific point of residence of the soul.
Attachment Point
However, the soul matches certain physical locations or attachment points. These are well known as chakras. The history and the religious acceptance of their purposes are pretty well defined and pretty much accurate. However, the main control center, or the primary attachment point is located within a tiny gland within the brain. The exact same gland (This is the pineal gland, which is located in the epithalamus, near the center of the brain.) that my ELF probes (installed at NAS NASC Pensacola, Florida) accessed. (Yeah, more MAJestic nonsense. You can ignore this all, if you feel so inclined.)
The pineal gland is located within the brain, and it is the primary connection point of the consciousness in the physical reality to the soul.
Um. Remember boys and girls, I just didn’t pull all this information out of my ass. It came from somewhere. There’s a lot of fakers out there. If you want the real deal, then here it is. Surprise! It’s not what you thought it would be, is it?
The pineal gland is a pretty well-known source of control. It has been known for many years, and scientists and researchers are constantly trying to learn from this gland and its effects on the soul and on people who try to do physically related soul calming activities. For instance, a team of neurologists, directed by Dr. James Edward Monroe and Dr. Waheed Langhani, spent three years studying this gland. They studied thousands of scans obtained with a technology called Functional magnetic resonance Imaging (FMRI), which enables scientists to see images of changing blood flow in the brain associated with neural activity.
While studying the numerous FMRI scans, the researchers noticed that every time they asked a patient to pray or meditate, the brain activity suddenly concentrated around the epithalamus, more specifically in the pineal gland. After thorough testing and investigation, they were able to determine that the small endocrine gland was the center of all spiritual and religious thoughts and beliefs, within the brain, acting as the headquarters of spiritual activity that receives information and sends “orders” to the other structures of the brain. The exact functions of the pineal gland and the nature of the relationship between the “soul” and the body remains unclear, however, because the extremely intense level of brain activity and its concentration make the data harder to analyze.
“We first noticed that when the patients began to pray, their pineal gland became completely hyperactive. This seemed really unusual, since this gland was known to have a low and constant level of activity. We were finally able to determine that every time a patient prayed, meditated or even read a holy book, the brain activity was clearly centered on the pineal gland and the thalamus. There is so much activity at times, that it almost glows on our scanners, and it’s hard to see exactly what’s happening.”
-Dr. Monroe and Dr. Langhani
The reader should understand that this attachment point is a very important one, but not the only one. Removal of the gland will NOT detach a physical body from its soul component. This gland only functions as the control of the PHYSICAL ASPECTS of a given soul. To tear the physical body from that of a soul, all the chakras have to be immobilized.
Souls of other entities
Now, finally after all that boring basic stuff, we get to the heart of the matter…
The way that a soul is constructed depends on the quantum makeup of the species. Some souls are simple; such as tables and other inanimate objects. While others vary in complexity from that of plants, simple organisms, simple creatures all the way up to higher order mammals. But it doesn’t end there, as there are very complex entities in far greater and higher states than humans. (Consider of “angels” for example.) These other souls and quantum configurations can vary in shape and layout.
The layout, configuration and shape of a soul varies greatly.
The physical body represents less than 5% (in accumulated volume) of the quantum entity. The rest, hidden from view by humans, is both enormous and complex.
Contemporaneous human quantum physicists are just now recognizing that the quantum spirit exists; imagine what they would be able to understand given 200,000 years of study! (Like some of our extraterrestrial friends.) Many of the attributes and trending fields associated with the soul are so alien to the human existence that there are no words to describe them. For purposes of simplification, we assigned simple broad reaching nomenclature and symbolism to represent, what was to us, extremely sophisticated technological understanding of complex processes and states of existence.
To understand what a soul is, one must first understand that the concept of it runs counter to that of conventional Newtonian science. The physical laws and reasoning behind Newtonian science do not apply. Souls occupy the world of Quantum science.
Types of animated biological entities souls within Heaven
“All you really need to know for the moment is that the universe is a lot more complicated than you might think, even if you start from a position of thinking it's pretty damn complicated in the first place.”
― Douglas Adams
There are many kinds of souls.
In each type, the behaviors and interactions of the quantum particles interact with each other differently. It all depends on how the quanta interface with each other. This ability to interface with each other has similar analogs in the physical world.
For instance, fish live in the sea, and birds fly in the air.
The interface and occupation of various attributes are constrained by the limitations of the physical universe and the inherent thought (components) that manifest the environment that is created. The reader must realize that the ability to interface with similar event attributes eventually colors the construction of a given quanta cluster. How the cluster is constructed regulates whether it can be self-propagating.
Self-propagating soul clusters become animate in the physical world.
Individual Soul
Let’s start with what we know and understand. Let’s discuss the “individual soul” construct.
The human soul is an individual soul. That is to say that the relationships that we have with each other are not hardwired in the quantum connectivity between the core quantum arrangements in the basic unit of the soul. Each basic quantum soul stands alone and apart from others. It can communicate with them, and can share ideas, information, thoughts and experiences. But it cannot own or hold those elements of another soul. They can only be passed from each other through a secondary means.
Of course, as humans we communicate by writing, talking, body signals, behaviors, scents, and many other ways. There are a rare few who can communicate using PSI ability, but they are pretty rare. Depending on the previous religious experience, or education that one has, there might be some confusion in what is discussed here.
For our purposes, an “individual soul structure” is equivalent (in name only) to the “jiva-atma”. In the Upanisads it is explained that there are two types of souls which are technically known as jiva-atma and param-atma. Jiva-atma, or the individual soul, is the living entity and param-atma refers to the Supreme Lord who expands Himself as the Supersoul, who enters into the hearts of all living entities as well as all atoms.
Thus, ultimately we feel the universe as an individual. We feel alone, and not connected to others. We yearn to connect, and to become part of other peoples and communities. Yet, through our latent quantum ability, we can connect with others through various quantum techniques.
We are unique and separate individuals. But all of us possess the ability to reach out and touch the quantum bodies of other individuals. For we are all simply quantum vibrations in our most fundamental state.
Hive Soul
"How you behave toward cats here below determines your status in Heaven."
—Robert A. Heinlein
On the earth are other kinds of souls. Let’s look at a common soul archetype that humans interface with.
Both dogs and cats have Hive souls. This is a soul arrangement that permits the core quantum soul elements to be shared with other souls of the same species. It manifests, to us humans, as physical containers.
In this arrangement, a given dog or cat body might have one, two or even more than three personality clusters. A personality cluster is a set sub-cluster of quantum elements. They stand alone and are shared between other soul groups. For us humans, we can only conceive of but one personality cluster per physical body. And, thus we assume that all animals are like this. This is not true at all. Dogs and cats can share their personality clusters with each other. And thus, enable one dog soul for example, to inhabit or share the body of a different dog.
It only works interspecies. A cat cannot share its personality soul cluster with a dog and vice versa.
The discrete soul pattern or archetype for a feline is different than for a canine. Thus, they are unable to cross interact. However, both archetypes are of the same general form which is a hive soul cluster.
Fundamental to this is the concept of “Patterning”. Hive souls, and to some degree, matrix souls tend to fall into discrete patterns that surround the physical manifested body. Thus, this patterning has a benefit of permitting the inertial makeup of a soul to find its least potential entropy through interaction with a neighboring soul.
That is why you might see cats and dogs that copy movements. They will copy the movements of those that they are close to.
If you lay down a certain way, your dog or cat might do so as well. If you have two pets that are friends, you might notice that they tend to behave and position themselves in exactly the same way. This trait is known as patterning.
Cats have the ability to pattern behaviors of other creatures that they have an emotional bond with. This has to do with their garbon orientation within their soul structure.
Cats can do some amazing things with their hive soul. One of the most startling is that they can perform “switching” activities. They can occupy the physical body of another cat. Thus a given cat’s body might have the soul that the owner is used to, and an occasional “visitor” cat soul. This is amazing stuff, and not at all well known by the human race.
Heck, I might be the very first person to write about this.
In fact, an owner of a cat who died, and then gets a replacement cat would find that the former cat’s soul would come back and occupy the new cat’s body. Cats can migrate in and out of Heaven at will. Often times completely displacing the original cat who moved on to other locations and places. That is why the cat behaves, acts, and even “feels” different when it moves into a new household with new people.
Gravity Manipulation
Some hive souls can alter localized gravity. This is very strange, and it is not known how they do this. Cats are one of the species that have this ability. They can decrease their weight at times and under certain conditions. It enables them to “seemingly” defy gravity. This permits them to jump higher, and to leap farther than what would normally be considered normal.
Cat owners can attest that the cat might (at times) feel lighter then when they are held than at other times. This is a manifestation of this ability. (Come on, cat owners, you know that this is true. Speak up.)
Cats have the ability to manipulate gravity by making themselves lighter. This can benefit them in hunting, and attacking prey as this GIF clearly shows.
Cats can manipulate gravity. They can be lighter or heavier at will. (Image Source)
Dogs do not have this ability.
What can we learn from this?
I have provided my stories relative to my knowledge of souls and Heaven. As far as most conventions, my experiences and my stories are pure nonsense. They mean nothing.
Just like the Catholic Pope believes that there is no Hell. We all have our own points of view. For a given person, we could be correct, or we could be false. It doesn’t really matter. It is what you, deep down inside, believe. For me, I am sharing my beliefs. I know that many people will not agree with me.
That is fine too.
In my mind, they are significant. And, so I have shared them. If I can help just one person, just one, then this article was worth it. The world is full of people who will laugh at you, and will disparage you. It need not be this way, but that is the way it is.
The Loud and the Ignorant
I remember a story that I read on the Drudge Report back in 2014. A mother was alerted that her six year old boys were posting nonsense on the Internet degrading women, and just tearing up the chat rooms with all kinds of nonsense.
The mother found out about this, and made a public apology. I like to think that she tore the boys a new asshole.
Never the less, the point needs to be made, just because there are people who disparage your message, it does not mean that they are authorities or that they have the ability to be given any attention. Those that behave like children, might actually be nothing more than that.
That infantile response is typically made by someone with an infantile brain.
Indeed, prior to the internet, people could see just who they were talking to, and who was calling them out on their comments. If it was a person deserving respect, they were listened to. If they were not, they were ignored. We cannot replicate this environment on the internet, though I have tried to put some protections in this blog.
I have related what I know about souls, and placed it in context with my own personal experiences. They are my experiences, and they DID happen. You might not believe it, but it is the truth.
Further Readings about Heaven
I would suggest the following books for those who truly want to understand what happened in the stories that I have related;
When I am down, I like to go on walks in the woods. This isn’t always possible. If you are inside the house, and are sad here is a website or two that might put a smile on your face;
Here is my question to everyone who does not believe my experiences: “Did you buy groceries ten years ago? Seriously. That is my question for you. Now, please answer it. Did you buy groceries ten years ago. Yes or No?
Yes/No. Well, great. Fantastic.
Now prove it to me.
Because, like you, I demand cold hard facts. I need witnesses, proof, receipts, and Xeroxes from your ledger. Unless you can provide them to me, everything that you say is just nonsense. It’s just hearsay. As such, you could be making it all up. I don’t know because I wasn’t there. I didn’t see it. I have to take your word for it.
Does anyone have similar experiences?
I would hope that there are others out there who have had similar experiences. If so, I would really welcome you to take the time and share them with me in the comments section.
There are people out there who are hurting. They are hurting really, really terribly. They have just lost a loved one, and they think that they are alone and their little pal is gone forever and for good.
It’s not true. But that is how they feel.
Heaven is not as far away as it seems. Heaven does exist, and we all connect to it. I would really welcome anyone to place their stories here to share and to help others who visit this page for support. I just can’t possibly be the only person who has ever had these experiences. I just possibly can’t be.
Bible Thumpers
Oh, …and don’t just be a “hit and run” “Bible thumper”. If you want to use a Biblical passage to illustrate something, that is fine. We all welcome it. Just don’t lay down some passages and scurry off. It’s not really compassionate. It’s lazy. It’s pretending to be someone doing something, when in reality all you are doing is nothing. Let’s have some real stories and a point that you want to make. Then, please post the passages in context how they helped you personally.
Oh,… and while I am at it, I pretty much edit the comment section. When it comes to comments, I am GOD.
So if you want to devolve into racist rants, are offensive, talk about Jews, or try to tell me how I too can get rich on the internet, I will delete your posts. Remember, nothing gets posted UNTIL I read it and approve it. So don’t even try. OK?
I hope that I have made myself clear on this point.
Please believe me, you are not alone.
We are more than what we see. There is an entire world out there that we cannot feel. It extends outward to include our friends and family. When someone dies or leaves we are still connected. There are various ways that we can meet up again and connect. Please believe me, we will meet up with our little pals in the future.
I know. I mean to say, I REALLY know about this subject.
If there was ONE thing that I am absolutely convinced of, through my MAJestic entanglement, is this simple truth. We will always meet up with our loved ones when we perish. They will join us in Heaven.
I promise you this, that when you meet your beloved cat in the future it will be like this…
When we die, or one of our loved ones dies, whether it is a cat or a dog, we will meet again. There is no such thing as time, and everything in this universe is never destroyed. It only changes shape.
There will be many happy reunions in the spirit world. (Image Source)
Take Aways
Well, I really gave the reader a huge information dump didn’t I? You expected a nice light hearted or heartwarming story about how cats live in Heaven, and instead I gave you this; a dissertation on the soul and examples how it manifests.
Now, I don’t expect the reader to understand all of it. Or, maybe even a small part of it. What I do want to do here is to provide the reader with the most basic information so that they can live their lives fully, and not be emotionally distraught when a loved one dies.
So here are my “bottom line” lessons that I can give to the reader;
We all, every creature on the world, has a soul.
The soul resides in a Heaven.
The soul connects to the physical body through a mechanism called consciousness.
Memories are not stored in the physical body, they reside outside of it.
Movement of consciousness in and out of the body is a function of the quantum state.
There are two quantum states of importance; particle and wave.
The particle quantum state permits the body to be alive and ambulatory.
The wave quantum state permits out of the body travel.
Outside of the physical body is a very big world and universe.
Nothing ever dies. It only changes its’ quantum state.
And, finally,
When a loved one dies, they still exist. They actually DO remember you and your times together.
If your love and relationship was strong, they will return back to you.
You might not recognize them because they will appear physically different.
I truly hope that this post / article was able to put some hope in your troubled mind.
How about a Request For Help? I tire of busybodies and statists who poke fun at the ideas and theories of others. They offer no constructive dialog. Rather they just make fun, ridicule, and then scurry under a rock.
I use this forum as a way to disseminate some of the things that I learned though my thirty years of involvement in MAJestic. However, I am forbidden to posit my knowledge directly. I cannot tell the interested, the “secrets of the universe”. The best that I can do is share my opinions about things that interest me, and flavor it indirectly with my forbidden understandings.
To help put this in perspective, put yourself in my shoes…
Imagine that you are working at a company with a brutal NDR. You cannot divulge anything about what you are involved in for any reason.
Now, let’s suppose that for thirty years you were involved in training unicorns to dance with bigfoot. To help with your training, the Lock Ness Monster would gather “magical beans” that you would award the unicorns when they did a particularly impressive dance move; like the cha cha or a nice rendition of the samba.
Now, there is no way that you can talk about unicorns, bigfoot, or the Lock Ness Monster. But, the NDR doesn’t cover “magic beans”. So in the best interests of society, you might want to posit your thoughts about growing “magic beans” and how they might be of interest to imaginary creatures.
That is the situation that I find myself in.
So, if you, the reader, were so interested, I would welcome your stories. Tell me about your loved ones. Tell me about how you coped with their loss. Tell me about how the Bible helped you through your grief. Tell me about any dreams or spiritual experiences that you have had. Tell me about how you have coped. You are never alone in this. We are all here to help each other.
This is my callout, to you the reader, to assist all of us in solving these mysteries. After all, this is a far better use of the internet than for looking at Justin Bieber videos.
Q: Do cats go to Heaven? A: Yes absolutely. Now, you need to understand a few things first. Initially, they will hang around the physical world. They will fly about in the quantum wave form and explore all kinds of things. They will hang around for a little while, but soon they will be all over the neighborhood. Eventually, they will move on. They will migrate to the “Cat Heaven”.
It is a place that the quantum soul for the cat; it is their true and real home. They will then go here and stay a while. After a while they will decide to return back to the earth. If your relationship with them was strong they will return to you. This can be in numerous ways. Often it is through a shared body with another cat, or completely occupy the body of a new born kitten.
Q: What will happen to my pet when they die? A: Most cats don’t stay around the physical for long once they die. Once their quantum shape changes and they enter wave behavior they are free to go anywhere, and so they do. If they are particularly attached to you, they will hang around with you. But, even that will not last for longer than a day. Then they will go to more interesting and comfortable places; their version of Heaven. This is a “Cat Heaven”.
Q: My cat died, what can I do? A: Well, the first thing that you need to do is say “goodbye”. You need this. The cat does not. The cat knows how you feel. They really do. They also know that they cannot stay too long near you, as it would disrupt your life. So, often they will leave rather quickly.
They seldom hang on longer than a day. They tend to quickly find their way back to Heaven. Once you say your goodbyes, then you need to get rid of the dead cat’s body. You can bury it yourself, or give it to the vet for disposal. They will usually charge a small fee. You can also throw it in the trash. This sounds terrible, but the cat’s soul does not care about the body any longer. It has moved on.
Q: I miss my cat, it died, is it ok? A: Of course. We will always miss those whom we love and care for. The longer we are with them together, or the strength of the intensity of our love will determine the grief that we will feel when they leave for Heaven. It is always ok to feel a certain way. Do not allow anyone to tell you that what you feel is wrong, bad or misplaced. It is a very personal thing.
Q: Will I see my cat in Heaven? A: When you die, you will always be able to reunite with loved ones. You might not share the same species, but all of us are made up of quantum strings. Of course we can meet up. The difference, well it’s a minor technical point, is that we will have to cross some minor barriers to meet. However, the good news is that there are systems in place that will allow you to do just that. You will be able to meet again. I promise. There are bridges in Heaven between the Human Heaven and the Cat Heaven.
Q: Will I see my Cat again? A: If you had a good relationship, the answer will be yes. We always return through reincarnation towards our attachments. This can be good attachments if we are good people, and bad attachments if we are poor in our relationships. The returning cat will not look like your former cat. But after a while you will feel a special bond. Pay attention to your feelings. Close your eyes and do not be deceived by appearance.
Q: What is Cat Heaven like? A: I don’t know. If my one dream was an accurate portrayal of heaven, then I would have to say that to my soul it appeared empty and bland. My guess is that Heaven is what you make it. Within a Cat Heaven, it is probably filled with things that are of great interest to cats. Just like a Human Heaven is filled with things that are a great interest to humans.
Q: Is my Cat spirit ok? A: I am sure that he is just fine. We have to stop thinking that only what we see is all that there is. You cannot see radio waves. Does that mean that television and the internet does not exist? You cannot see feelings, does that mean that there is no such thing as love? You cannot see what is going on at the other side of the world. Does that mean that nothing is going on? Of course not.
Q: I had to put my pet asleep. Will it hate me? A: No. However, that being stated, the emotions that you feel regarding this is everything.
I have needed to put many loved pets down. It is never easy. It tears my heart to remember those times. Please know that their soul moves on and forward. Your love for each other still exists in other forms and other ways. The quanta never goes away. Those relationships that you have built up still exist. They will enable you two to reunite again in the future. It can be in Heaven or it can be on this earth in your reality.
Q: What you say does not agree with the Bible. Why not? A: The Bible is a great religious book. Inside of it are many truths. Unfortunately, there is a tendency for many to believe that what is inside of the Bible is all that there is, and anything outside of it is false. That is not the case.
My rebuttal to this statement (and question) is that a person needs to read all of the books of the Bible and derive their thoughts from the sum total. They should not limit their Biblical studies to only a few books of choice. That’s like going to a restaurant and saying you are only going to eat carrots. Well, there are a lot of good things about carrots, but other foods also have their merits as well. You end up really limiting yourself and your experiences.
Finally, my most important point is this. My God is a limitless God. It is capable of great love and great power. I find that when someone tries to use the Bible to say that “God would not let…”, or “God would never permit…” they are trying to put limits on God. I won’t have none of that.
God has no limits. In this universe, under this God EVERYTHING is possible. All you need is to accept and believe in faith.
Q: No one understands my relationship with my pet, what can I do? A: You do not need to explain yourself to anyone else. So do not even try. A relationship is only between two individuals. This is whether or not they are of the same species or not. It does not matter your gender or anything else. I have seen dogs and cats that have been lifelong friends, and then when one passes on, the other just pines away in lonely sadness. Of course they will be reunited. In this universe, nothing ever is destroyed. It only changes form. Thoughts are something. They are something. Feelings are something. How you feel, and what you think are important parts of who you are. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.
Q: I feel guilty that I wasn’t good enough for my friend, what can I do? A: We always feel this way when a loved on passes on. It is a rare person indeed, who feels that they have lived a long and complete life with those they loved. Do not worry about it. I am quite sure that your relationship was good enough given all the issues and situations involved.
Q: I didn’t bury my pet, is that bad? A: No that is fine. Their spirit could care less. They moved on. Burial is only for your emotional needs. Your pets do not need any such reassurances.
Q: Am I bad for moving on with my life? A: No. Not at all. We all need to grieve, and then put closure on an old life and move forward. We should never think of life as all that there is. It is much more than that and very complex. It has both the physical and the non-physical elements. As such, we absolutely need to move on, and our pets understand that.
Q: Will I see my pet again? A: Of course. There is always a good chance of seeing it in the physical, and there is a near certainty of seeing it in the Heavens. Though, to access meeting your pet cat in the Heavenly worlds will require assistance. Though when you are off in the spirit realms you will most certainly be able to make the necessary arrangements. It will not be hard at all. It will absolutely happen.
Q: How will I know if my pet will ever reincarnate near me? A: You will get “nudges”. These are feelings of a sort. Our physical reality is surrounded by a non-physical reality. Souls in the wave form can “play” with that reality. You would feel it as a “nudge” or a feeling to do something.
Maybe you might have this urge to go to a certain place.
Maybe you have a special attraction to a pet in the pet store. All I can say is this; listen to your feelings and nudges.
To repeat, if you have a “feeling” or a “nudge”, or encounter a situation (like a cat rescue) or something unusual… listen and take action.
Stop thinking. Start doing.
This kind of thing happens all the time.
HEREis a story about a boy who lost a cat that he loved, and so he volunteered at a cat shelter. Then one day, out of the blue a cat took a liking to him and they instantly bonded.
This is exactly how it happens.
“Austin fell in love with his new buddy and begged his mom to keep him, during the event. Gizzard who looked like the kitten version of Diddle (the older cat), lay on Austin the same way Diddle always used to do.”
Or HERE, where this couple goes to a shelter to get a cat after theirs died. They discover one of the cats won’t leave them alone and insists on going home with them.
Funny thing. This cat has the same name as their former cat.
Stephanie started recording that adorable moment where the kitty threw himself at his human friend, clutched onto him and snuggled up a storm. Once he noticed Stephanie, he climbed over to her shoulders, standing on his tippy toes, kneading and purring away.
“We asked what his name was and found out it was Oliver, just like our recently passed cat. It had to be fate! Our hearts melted and we knew we needed to add him to our family,”
Girl bursts into tears when she finds a kitten that “feels” and looks just like her former cat that passed away. The crying is happiness. Not sadness. . And HEREis the video when her mother bought the kitten and brought it home to her to have. .
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Q: Can I get another pet or cat when my pet died? A: Sure. That is fine. If you beloved cat wants to be with you, it will find a way to return to you. Either it would join with the new cat, or take over the body. Often it might just end up coming around, and now you might end up with two cats instead of one. You never know.
Your loved ones will return back to you. Opportunities will present themselves. Just relax and be of open heart.
Dreaming with my cat
This is from a fan. -MM
I used to dream with my cat, literally.
The first time it happened, he was sleeping next to me, as we did, I was using his little rump for a pillow, and he had pulled my hand close to his head, laying it on my hand.
We were both asleep.
I had a dream (or he did) that a bird flew by, diagonally, from the lower left to the upper right. As the bird flew by, he startled me awake by waking up, shooting his head up and looking in the direction of the bird that I had just dreamed flew by.
I’ve never been so close to a soul in my life.
I lost him, at the young age of only 11, just 3 and a half weeks ago. His name was Makana. It means ‘gift’ in Hawaiian.
He certainly was.
I’ll miss you forever.
Kitty dream time.
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Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
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