Strolling onto the battlefield of world war three

We continue our stroll though this very strange and surreal period of time. Here we cover various “buried” news items, and mix it up with various other subjects used to shake off the troll armies, the robo-‘bots, and the SJW shrills. It works.

We start with some delicious food…

Beef & Rice Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Just like your parents, and grandparents made. All completely awesome! It’s a fine taste of home. And it fills the house up with a most wonderful aroma.

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Beef & Rice Stuffed Cabbage Rolls.
2022 04 22 17 57
2022 04 22 17 57


  1. In batches, cook cabbage in boiling water 3-5 minutes or until crisp-tender. Drain; cool slightly. Trim the thick vein from the bottom of each cabbage leaf, making a V-shaped cut.
  2. In a large bowl, combine rice, onion, egg, milk, salt and pepper. Add beef; mix lightly but thoroughly. Place about 1/4 cup beef mixture on each cabbage leaf. Pull together cut edges of leaf to overlap; fold over filling. Fold in sides and roll up.
  3. Place 6 rolls in a 4- or 5-qt. slow cooker, seam side down. In a bowl, mix sauce ingredients; pour half of the sauce over cabbage rolls. Top with remaining rolls and sauce. Cook, covered, on low 6-8 hours or until a thermometer inserted in beef reads 160° and cabbage is tender.

Life as an American

If you are an American, you will understand this. However, if you are Chinese, where there are laws against this sort of thing, it NEVER happens, and so you will remain clueless…

2022 04 22 15 03 1
2022 04 22 15 03 1

China is almost ready with Fusion Energy

China has finished researching and developing more than 80 percent of the key technology in fusion energy, and is expected to use the fusion power in 30 to 50 years, a Chinese scientist told the Global Times in an exclusive interview.

China is constructing a new grand research facility for fusion technology, the Comprehensive Research Facility for Fusion Technology (CRAFT), which is expected to be completed by 2025. Based on the CRAFT and experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST), or the Chinese "artificial sun," we are planning to build a compact fusion energy experimental reactor to realize the burning of plasma and produce fusion energy, laying a solid foundation for future fusion reactor construction, Hu Jiansheng, deputy director of Institute of Plasma Physics at Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, told the Global Times.

After the compact experimental reactor, Hu said he hopes the construction of Chinese Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) could be started as soon as possible aiming at future fusion development and application.

"With all these years of development all over the world, the scientific feasibility of fusion power has been proved. So far China has finished more than 80 percent of the key technology research and development. If the construction of CFETR gets a 'green light,' it's expected that we could achieve the application of fusion energy in about 30 to 50 years," Hu said.

Yes, I know. The cat-callers will say “That’s what they’ve been saying about fusion for the last 50 years, that it will become available 30-50 years hence.” And while that’s true, there was never the experimental successes to back that prognosis; now there are. Just imagine the materials breakthroughs required that weren’t at all possible 10-30 years ago. And with CRAFT, their pace will increase.

With Russian, Chinese and South Korean scientists and engineers doing the primary work on the project, I know it will continue moving forward as the bankrupt and corrupt West can’t afford it nor does it have the technical expertise anymore.

Fusion Power Update

China DOES NOT play

Notice how everything is planned, and then China goes in with force. This is how the Chinese operates. There is no gradual build up of hostilities. They plan. Then they come in in FORCE…This is how it is done!

video 3MB

Night light from Hell

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Night light.

Wall Street

A nice vintage photo of Wall Street in New York City.

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Wall Street.

Know your axe heads


How China’s intersections work

I’ll bet that you never realized this, have you? video 8MB

CLAIM: U.S. Navy P-8 Spy Plane Provided Coordinates for Ukraine to Attack Russian Ship

World Hal Turner

Information is leaking out of the United Kingdom that the US Navy used its new marine surveillance aircraft to provide accurate targeting data to Ukrainian forces to sink the Russian Black Sea flag ship Moskva on April 13.

Ukraine claimed it fired two Neptune missiles at the Russian warship which was patrolling south of Odesa.

Russia initially claimed the vessel, which had more than 500 crew on board had blown up after a fire onboard.

Later, the Kremlin was forced to admit the vessel – named in honour of the Russian capital – had been taken out by hostile action.

According to information coming out through the British press, a US surveillance P-8 “Poseidon” aircraft, was tracking Moskva in the hours before it was attacked before supplying its location to the Ukrainian military.

The Boeing-made aircraft is based upon the Boeing 737-800 jet – which is widely used by airlines such as Ryanair.

However, instead of passengers, the Poseidon is packed with state-of-the-art surveillance equipment which can track surface vessels and submarines at ranges of more than 100 miles.

According to the claims in British media outlets, the P-8 took off from Italy and took up station on the Romanian Black Sea coast where it attempted to locate the position of the Russian Black Sea fleet.

The P-8 left US Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily on April 13, hours before the attack.

Before reaching the Black Sea coastline, the Poseidon turned off its trackers, so it could no longer be followed online.

The aircraft was ‘hidden’ for almost three hours before it returned to Flight Radar 24.

Aviation data analysis Amelia Smith says there were slightly more US aircraft covering the Black Sea coast on the day of the attack.

However, the US Navy refused to confirm if they assisted Ukraine with the attack by providing intelligence data.

A Defense source added: ‘In keeping with our support to NATO’s eastern flank, we have been conducting some limited air patrols off the coast of Romania. But we will not speak to the details of operational matters.’

A fine watch

I really do like this wrist watch.

awesome things 34
A fine watch.
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He felt like he was being boiled alive while Maya basked in the scorching water. It seems like women tend to have a higher threshold for pain.

Know your hand signals


Hallstatt, Austria

It certainly looks like a fine place to visit. Don’t you think?

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Hallstatt, Austria.

Chinese girl

video 4.1MB

Xi Peng’s important speech

Late yesterday, psychohistorian posted Xi’s speech at the Boao Forum as reported by Xinhua News to the week in review thread. Here’s Global Times recap and here’s the full transcript in English from cgtn. When I read what was posted last night, it was clear that much of the content was straight from the China/Russia 4 February Joint Declaration.

After a preamble dealing with the Covid pandemic, Xi digs into the interrelated issues of security, peace and development:

We need to work together to maintain peace and stability in the world. An ancient Chinese philosopher observed, "Stability brings a country prosperity while instability leads a country to poverty." Security is the precondition for development. We humanity are living in an indivisible security community. It has been proven time and again that the Cold War mentality would only wreck the global peace framework, that hegemonism and power politics would only endanger world peace and that bloc confrontation would only exacerbate security challenges in the 21st century. To promote security for all in the world, China would like to propose a Global Security Initiative as follows:

It is important that we stay committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and work together to maintain world peace and security; stay committed to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, uphold non-interference in internal affairs, and respect the independent choices of development paths and social systems made by people in different countries; stay committed to abiding by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, reject the Cold War mentality, oppose unilateralism, and say no to group politics and bloc confrontation; stay committed to taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously, uphold the principle of indivisible security, build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture, and oppose the pursuit of one's own security at the cost of others' security; stay committed to peacefully resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation, support all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of crises, reject double standards, and oppose the wanton use of unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction; stay committed to maintaining security in both traditional and non-traditional domains, and work together on regional disputes and global challenges such as terrorism, climate change, cybersecurity and biosecurity.

We need to work together to tackle global governance challenges. Countries around the world are like passengers aboard the same ship who share the same destiny. For the ship to navigate the storm and sail toward a bright future, all passengers must pull together. The thought of throwing anyone overboard is simply not acceptable. In this day and age, the international community has evolved so much that it has become a sophisticated and integrated apparatus. Acts to remove any single part will cause serious problems to its operation. When that happens, both the victims and the initiators of such acts will stand to lose. In today's world, unilateralism and excessive pursuit of self-interest are doomed to fail, so are the practices of decoupling, supply disruption and maximum pressure and the attempts to forge "small circles" or to stoke conflict and confrontation along ideological lines. Instead, we need to embrace a global governance philosophy that emphasizes extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, promotes the common values of humanity, and advocates exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations. We need to uphold true multilateralism and firmly safeguard the international system with the UN at its core and the international order underpinned by international law. It is particularly important for major countries to lead by example in honoring equality, cooperation, good faith and the rule of law and act in a way befitting their status.

The rest of the speech is tailored to his audience and speaks of China’s development and how China will contribute to humanity’s progress. It’s only seven more paragraphs after the above passage, so it’s not nearly as long as the Joint Declaration.

IMO, the speech is very timely and needed, and ought to soothe the Global South and Eurasia’s mind. Of course, the Outlaw US Empire and its NATO vassals won’t like it since they’re called out as the main problem facing humanity–which of course is 100% correct.

I didn’t give it emphasis, but do take note that China’s security proposal for the world is based on Russia’s security proposal for Europe. And that global governance must be based on the primacy of the equal sovereignty of all nations, which is the primary UN Charter principle and foundation for International Law.

Taco cheat sheet

Taco land.

Pretty Chinese girl

video 1MB


Funny, but true.

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What a find!

2022 04 22 21 22
2022 04 22 21 22

The border between Vietnam and China

Yes. This is exactly what the border looks like.

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Oh DARPA what have your wrought?

Escobar deviates from his geopolitical norm to write “Big Tech’s ‘Cancel Culture’ Love Affair”:

“Cancel culture is inbuilt in the techno-feudalist project: conform to the hegemonic narrative, or else. Journalism that does not conform must be taken down.”

He asks that it be made viral. Just this portion ought to be reason enough:

Every silicon fragment in the valley connects Facebook as a direct extension of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)’s LifeLog project, a Pentagon attempt to “build a database tracking a person’s entire existence.” Facebook launched its website exactly on the same day – Feb. 4, 2004 – that DARPA and the Pentagon shuttered LifeLog.

No explanation by DARPA was ever provided. The MIT’s David Karger, at the time, remarked, “I am sure that such research will continue to be funded under some other title. I can’t imagine DARPA ‘dropping out’ of such a key research area.”

Of course a smokin’ gun directly connecting Facebook to DARPA will never be allowed to surface. But occasionally some key players speak out, such as Douglas Gage, none other than LifeLog’s conceptualizer: “Facebook is the real face of pseudo-LifeLog at this point (…) We have ended up providing the same kind of detailed personal information to advertisers and data brokers and without arousing the kind of opposition that LifeLog provoked.”

So Facebook has absolutely nothing to do with journalism. Not to mention pontificating over a journalist’s work, or assuming it’s entitled to cancel him or her. Facebook is an “ecosystem” built to sell private data at a huge profit, offering a public service as a private enterprise, but most of all sharing the accumulated data of its billions of users with the U.S. national security state.

IMO it’s safe to assume Twitter has similar genetics. And of course, there’s more. I don’t plug VK as much as I might, but I’ve found it helpful in my pursuit. Telegram now seems essential as Twitter’s usefulness implodes. Fear of other nations doing the same as the Outlaw US Empire used as reasons to not drop Meta or Twitter are stupifidic.

Secrets of various ketchups

Make your own.

USA targeting of Moskva ship is Russia’s “Pearl Harbor”, retaliation is next

It has now been revealed that the US military ran the entire operation to sink the Moskva, including running the tracking of the ship via a P-8 Poseidon surveillance aircraft, which then handed off fire solutions to the Ukrainians who were all trained by the US military as well. Thus, the United States provided the weapons, the training, the tracking and the fire solution to sink the Moskva.

By sinking the Moskva, the US just handed Putin something akin to “Russia’s Pearl Harbor moment,” in which Putin can claim to his people that the USA initiated an attack on the Russian Navy, sinking one of their ships and killing hundreds of their people. This news has, of course, been paraded all across Russian media, driving domestic support for Putin even higher than before.

Just like with Pearl Harbor in the United States, the people of Russia are now demanding “payback” from the aggressors, whom they see as the United States. In effect, the USA just handed Putin the final piece of the puzzle that he needs to launch retaliatory nuclear strikes against the West.


Negative Waves Scenes from Kelly’s Heroes Movie

I remember watching this movie back in the 1960s. Now as a much older adult, it just is curiously charming. Check out these few minutes of colorful dialog.


A view from a BnB. Everything shown is local and under $10 combined.

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Meanwhile in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is electing new Chief of SAR on May 8, 2022 and there is only one candidate on the ballot. He is viewed as being pro-China. Sure enough his Twitter account was sanctioned right after he was nominated as a candidate.

The Empire acts in ways very petty these days. It reflects on the quality of their leadership.

Chinese-Australians and their influence

An excellent article that sums up the feelings of Chinese Australians, the China/Australia relationship and the current Australian elections. By Teow Loon Ti . (Teow Loon Ti was a researcher in aquaculture; and a teacher. Teow Loon Ti has a BSc.(Hon) in Zoology, an MA(Lit. & Comm.) and a PhD in Education. )

Full Article HERE

I noticed the many Asian and Chinese – Australian people at the massive anti Iraq war demonstrations in 2003. One really had to be there to appreciate the broad cross section of society represented and its size and scope. A member of parliament’s spouse told me the demonstrations were, “the largest gathering of people ever in Sydney, including the 2000 Sydney olympic games”. Of course the numbers were downplayed by the MSM.

People are sick of cynical and endless wars of choice then and more so now. Political parties ignore this at their peril.

Pretty Chinese Girl

video 2MB

Kaliber missile strike

There was a large Kaliber missile strike on Lyvov and we are now seeing confirmations from several places of what was struck:

“A stockpile of American, German and British anti-tank missiles was destroyed at a military depot in Lvov. According to our source in the SBU, the attack on the logistics base in Lvov was a complete surprise. Several tens of tons of various anti-tank weapons were destroyed at the facility, including German PanzerFausts, British NLAWs and American Javelins. It was expected that these funds should be enough for a month of active hostilities against Russian troops. According to our source, the plant was carried out secretly on commercial and civilian vehicles. Therefore, an investigation is now underway as to how the Russians were able to figure out all three storage sites.”


“Poland is secretly preparing a “liberation campaign” against Ukraine. For this purpose, a set of measures is being carried out – the supply of weapons, equipment and mercenaries across the Polish-Ukrainian border. Several formations of the Polish Army – the 18th motorized rifle division and the 6th airborne brigade – are preparing for a “peacekeeping mission”

BULLETIN — Russia Informs Citizens to Prepare for NATO Retaliatory Nuclear Attack, THIS SUNDAY

World Hal Turner Hits: 35588

This content was previously for Subscribers only but is now UNLOCKED for the general public.

As of 7:00 AM Moscow time TODAY (Thursday), the Russian Ministry of Emergencies published information on their web site instructing Russian citizens to prepare for a NATO Retaliatory NUCLEAR Attack this Sunday, 24 April 2022.

As any thinking person is aware, the only way NATO would make a “RETALIATORY” nuclear strike, is if Russia launched a First Strike.  So what does that tell you about this coming weekend?

The official notice placed on the Russian Ministry of Emergencies web site.

What it is like to be arrested in China

This is the real deal and what it is actually like. video 10MB

3-Ingredient Chocolate Cherry Dump Cake

“I have made this several times for potlucks or family dinners. It is always a hit. Like eating a brownie with cherries. Tastes almost like the cherry chocolates you buy around Christmas.”

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3-Ingredient Chocolate Cherry Dump Cake

From Betty Crocker, and so easy to make and so VERY delicious.

Our Chocolate Cherry Dump Cake brings together the dream team – sweet cherries and rich chocolate. This cherry dump cake recipe calls for only three ingredients and is best served warm with a scoop (or two!) of vanilla ice cream. While this cake is easy to make, the flavor is out-of-this-world and sure to become a family favorite. Whip up this cherry dump cake recipe for an ooey, gooey weekday dessert or for a special occasion!


2022 04 22 18 28
2022 04 22 18 29b
2022 04 22 18 29

Bioweapon birds; death from above

Migratory birds of mass destruction and US bio labs around the globe, some nuggets:

“The UN Security Council held an extraordinary event on April 6 under the rubric Arria Formula Meeting on Biological Security regarding the biological activities in countries including Ukraine. Predictably, the US and UK representatives didn’t show up at the event and the western media also blacked out the proceeding.”

“A mind-boggling “discovery” that Russian forces in Ukraine stumbled upon is the use of numbered birds by the Pentagon-funded labs. This almost falls out of science fiction and Sir Alfred Hitchcock could have made an epic movie out of it where deception mixes with innocence and man’s cruelty to nature becomes unbearably grotesque. The project works like this…”

“…the US has so far point-blank refused to accept any supervision and verification of such incriminatory evidences and has stonewalled the demand for a verification mechanism. It is unlikely that the US will permit an international verification process that holds the potential to expose it as indulging in crimes against humanity…”

From HERE.

Zelenksy get JFK award for defending democracy with Storm Trooper Nazis

I just shake my head in disbelief.


Retro 1960 horrors

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I remember the 1960s.

Beautiful Norway

It would be a grand place to visit. But you know, it’s terribly expensive.

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Volodimir Zelensky nominated for the Nobel Prize

The European Parliament has nominated the president for his heroic bravery in the face of unleashed evil agression.

Although we are aware that this is a break with procedure, we believe that this break is justified by the current unprecedented situation. It is our democratic duty to confront authoritarianism and support a people fighting for democracy and their right to self-government.

The veneer of civilization is paper thin, we are its guardians and we can never rest."

From HERE.

Huge Sell-off of United States treasury bonds

Thirty year US treasury bond reached today the highest yield in last fifty years, indicating a huge sell off ahead of expected FEDs three quarter point increase. For me, this by itself is the most important news today.

What’s gonna happen with tens of trillions of printed fiat money?

Only applies to women

I suppose that men can try this technique as well.

2022 04 22 15 10
2022 04 22 15 10

Europe to deepen military ties with the US.


“The pact would allow routine interactions between American and EU institutions on defense issues and open the door for U.S. defense contractors to participate in the bloc’s growing defense spending under certain conditions.”

From HERE.

Lovely Chinese girl

Shes a favorite. video 2MB

Adorable Scene from Barbarella (1968)

Well, spaceships of the future have shag carpeting, what do you know. Here’s a clip from the most groovy movie Barbarella.

A List Of 16 Major Fires That Have Occurred At Key Food Industry Facilities In The U.S. Since The Start Of 2022

by Michael

Can anyone explain why absolutely massive fires just keep erupting again and again at critical facilities all over America?  The tragic destruction by fire of the headquarters of Azure Standard in Oregon shocked millions of people, and since that news broke quite a few readers have been reaching out to me about the long string of unusual blazes that we have been witnessing from coast to coast in recent months.

I decided to look into this phenomenon for myself, and I am sharing what I have discovered so far in this article.  Dr. Benjamin Braddock and others had already been digging into this, and their research proved quite valuable as I began my investigation.  Some of the incidents that people have reported I was not able to independently verify, and others I felt were too minor to be put on this list.  With all that being said, the following is a list of 16 major fires that have occurred at key food industry facilities in the U.S. since the start of 2022…

#1 Salinas, California

As the smoke settles near Taylor Farms, questions remain on the future of the business and the roughly 1,000 people employed at the Abbott Street facility.

There is little to nothing left of the processing facility due to fire and smoke damages caused by Wednesday night’s blaze, according to Deputy Fire Chief Sam Klemek.

“About 85% to 95% of the building is a total loss,” he said.

#2 Hermiston, Oregon

Multiple workers are hospitalized following an explosion at a food processing facility that has nearby residents on alert for possible evacuation.

The explosion occurred Tuesday evening at Shearer’s Foods in Hermiston, a city in agriculturally rich eastern Oregon. No deaths have been reported from the blast, but the extent of the damage to the plant and its future were not clear. City officials are concerned what the fire could mean for the community and local economy.

#3 Conway, New Hampshire

Neighbors banded together to support crews as they battled a fire in Conway for about 16 hours Monday night.

More than 12 departments and agencies worked together to put out the fire at East Conway Beef and Pork.

#4 San Juan, Texas

On March 31, 2022, a structure fire significantly damaged a large portion of the largest fresh onion packing facilities in South Texas.

#5 Jonesboro, Arkansas

“The situation at our Jonesboro factory is under control and we are looking into the cause of the fire,” a Nestle spokesperson said. “Thankfully, no employees were injured and all are safe. We appreciate the quick response of the Jonesboro Fire Department and emergency response teams. The factory will remain closed as we assess the damage and return the factory to full operation. We plan to continue to support our employees financially during this time.”

Nestle opened the plant in 2002 and in December 2020 the company unveiled plans to invest more than $100 million to expand the frozen foods plant, including the addition of 90,000 square feet and a new production line for Hot Pockets frozen sandwiches. In addition to Hot Pockets, Nestle makes products under the Stouffer’s, Lean Cuisine, DiGiorno, Tombstone and Sweet Earth brands at the plant.

#6 Mauston, Wisconsin

A portion of Mauston’s Wisconsin River Meats burnt down during an overnight fire Feb. 2-3, with the cause of the fire still under investigation.

“The old portion of the plant is a total loss,” Wisconsin River Meats said in a Facebook post about the fire. “We humbly ask that you be patient and please give us some time to sort out the cause of the fire and for us to transition some of our business and invoicing to our warehouse.”

#7 Fayetteville, Illinois

Operating from what company officials referred to as the command center at Deli Star Corp.’s St. Louis Innovation Center, the Siegel family-led operations and executive team have spent the week scrambling to fulfill customers’ orders and work with local officials investigating a Jan. 11 fire that destroyed its 75,000-square-foot processing plant in Fayetteville, about 40 miles southeast of them.

#8 Belfast, Maine

Fire crews from several towns have been battling a fire at the Penobscot McCrum potato processing plant in Belfast. Crews were called to the scene at 28 Pierce Street around 3:30 a.m., according to Maine Department of Public Safety spokesperson Shannon Moss.

#9 Leoti, Kansas

A fire at a fertilizer company in western Kansas prompted evacuations Tuesday afternoon because hazardous materials were involved, officials said.

The Ford County Regional Hazardous Materials Team deployed to Leoti for the fire and was fighting the blaze and removing hazardous material, Wichita County Clerk Lynda Goodrich said.

#10 Claypool, Indiana

Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) said on Wednesday a fire had broken out in a bag house at its Claypool, Indiana, soybean processing and biodiesel plant on Tuesday and the affected systems had been suspended.

No employees were injured and the fire was put out by 9:15 p.m. central time on Tuesday, LDC said in a statement. LDC’s website said soybean deliveries were suspended at the plant on Wednesday. LDC says Claypool is the largest fully integrated soybean processing and biodiesel plant in the United States.

#11 Winston-Salem, Carolina

An uncontrolled fire at a fertilizer plant in North Carolina forced thousands of people to evacuate as firefighters stood back Tuesday because of the danger of a large explosion.

Authorities drove through neighborhoods and knocked on doors asking residents to leave within a one-mile radius (1.6 km) of the Winston Weaver Company fertilizer plant on the north side of Winston-Salem, where the fire started Monday night. Overnight, bright orange flames and thick plumes of smoke could be seen shooting into the sky. No injuries were reported.

#12 Sunnyside, Washington

A smoldering pile of sulfur quickly became a raging chemical fire just after 1 p.m. Monday at Nutrien Ag Solutions, 1101 Midvale Road, Sunnyside Fire Chief Ken Anderson said.

The fire destroyed one storage building on the southeast corner of the fertilizer storage facility in the Port of Sunnyside and damaged others, but adjacent Nutrien buildings and storage tanks containing hazardous chemicals were spared, Anderson said Monday evening.

#13 Lecompte, Louisiana

A fire started at the Cargill-Nutrena feed mill in Lecompte, LA in the early hours of Thursday morning and burned for 12 hours, coverage by local television news station KALB said. An explosion reportedly occurred as firefighters were working the scene.

#14 Maricopa, Arizona

It’s a long road to recovery for Maricopa Food Pantry after a fire destroyed around 50,000 lb of food. The fire happened just 15 minutes after their food bank closed on Monday morning. Smoke was still coming from the rubble 24 hours later. “It had to be 40-50 feet in the air, just pure black smoke. It engulfed the entire neighborhood,” said Maricopa Food Pantry President Mike Connelly. “The heat we could feel down at the corner.”

#15 Dufur, Oregon

The headquarters of Azure Standard, the nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire overnight. There were no injuries. The cause of the fire is unknown and under investigation. The loss of the facility and the impact on companywide operations is being assessed and expected to be limited and temporary. No other Azure Standard facilities were affected.

#16 Planfield, Indiana

Investigators from the ATF’s National Response Team began its on-scene investigation on Friday into the massive fire at a Walmart facility in Plainfield.

The team, led by Supervisor Christopher Forkner, is working with the Plainfield Fire Territory, Indiana State Fire Marshal’s Office and the Plainfield Police Department, according to a press release. ATF special agents from the Indianapolis Offices of the Columbus Field Division will also be assisting.

Of course it is not unusual for there to be fires at food industry facilities, and fire departments are accustomed to responding to such fires and putting them out.

But in many of these cases, we are talking about absolutely uncontrollable fires that seemed to erupt very suddenly.

And in many of these cases the firefighters that responded were not able to save the structures because the fires were so enormous.

Needless to say, the collective loss of all of these facilities will make the coming food shortages that I have extensively written about quite a bit worse.

MM Comment

Remember that the Trump administration, under the direction of John Bolton, was active in trying to create mind-numbing famine inside of China from 2017 through 2019. That is a full two to three years.

Chinese always respond “tit for tat”.

China different boxing technique

The Chinese have many differnt ways to box and fight. Here’s one. video 3MB

Pretty Chinese Girl

video 4MB


I like this picture. You got a cat, good food, pouring coffee and a killer view. I hardly think life could be any better than this.

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Appreciate what you have.

Record-setting cold snap hits Europe, France

A historically intense April cold snap has descended on Europe, with temperatures plummeting to 20 to 30 degrees (11 to 18 degrees Celsius) below normal. The record-breaking cold has triggered harsh frosts, shocking early-blooming plants and crops in several countries.


Slovak minister says paying in roubles an option, country needs gas

PRAGUE, April 3 (Reuters) – The economy minister of Slovakia, which relies on Russian gas for around 85% of its demand, said the country could not be cut off from Russian gas flows and if it had to pay in roubles it would, although it backed taking a common European Union stance.

From HERE.


Chinese girl

Another one “for the road”. video 2MB

Going to work when newly married

“That’s what makes mornings so tricky. Getting out of bed and ready for work is already a challenging task, but having to leave your significant other behind is much worse. So trying to squeeze in just 5 more minutes is totally worth being a little late for work.”

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Waking up…

Blueberry Cobbler

“I love this recipe! I made a few changes such as using triple berry’s and so I had to add a little more auger over the top but Oh My God it’s delicious!”

7b62ac5c f44f 4d01 a838 c688f76f5d17
Blueberry Cobbler.
Make the most of summer's fresh fruit and mix up an easy Blueberry Cobbler. With a tender topping and a berry filling, this easy Blueberry Cobbler with Bisquick™ Original Pancake & Baking Mix is a dessert you'll be asked to make again and again. If you don't have fresh blueberries on hand, frozen blueberries achieve the same, great taste. For this Blueberry Cobbler recipe, just make sure the total volume of fruit remains the same if using frozen blueberries. Spoons up and enjoy.



  1. Heat oven to 350°F.
  2. Pour melted butter into 8 or 9-inch square baking dish.
  3. In medium bowl, whisk together Bisquick™ mix, sugar, and milk; pour over melted butter.
  4. Sprinkle blueberries evenly over Bisquick™ batter.
  5. Bake 42 to 47 minutes, or until golden brown. Serve warm.
2022 04 22 18 50

Kitty playing with an HO scale railroad

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Kitty at play.

Kung Fu Clowns

Enjoy this old television commerical. It’s a hoot!

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Global Sitrep with heavy Ukraine influence an update for 1MAR22

This is a sitrep for the Russian / Ukranian / Western collapse in coils as of early march 2022. It’s a bit all over the place. It includes fighting updates, control of the media narrative, pretty Chinese girls, jokes from Satan himself and hamburgers. Hamburgers too. Lots and lots, and lots of hamburgers. I hope that you will like it.

We start off with some food porn; the lovely hamburger.

In fact, I will go as far as to proudly state that this article has been brought to you by the lovely hamburger (Well, in this case a cheeseburger.) and I hope that you too end up appreciating the news with a flavor for excitement!

One of the residents of one of the new Republics.

This explains so much! Guy is from one of the new provences, the LDR or the NDR (not specified) that is joyous about Russia stopping the Ukrine shelling of their homes.

“Now I am constantly among the fighters. Many of my colleagues talk about the progress of the liberation of Donbass and Ukraine, so I focus on something else: I talk about the mood of our guys.

I don’t need to say that they are all on the upswing, their morale is high and they are ready to carry out the tasks assigned to them. What is important is that none of them has any bitterness or desire to fight for the sake of war.

For everyone, this battle is a battle for freedom. There are many, many young men in the ranks today from among those who have a home in the territories yet to be liberated. Can this be an invasion? It’s a homecoming, as they themselves say.

There are many volunteers who come without summons, at the call of the heart. And regardless of age, civilian occupation, place of residence – they are all united by the desire to liberate the Republic and Ukraine from Nazism.

This is not a war for the sake of war, this is a war in the name of peace, and the civilians of Ukraine are not enemies to these guys.”

Comic of the year!


American “news”

Heh. Heh.

"Want some comedy? Go take a look at the front page of the Drudge Report. I’ve never seen such mass propaganda in my life. How do they possibly retain a shred of creditability on anything after this. The desperation reeks."

Yeah. The American “news” is all full about the mistake Russia made and how it is now in a disastrous quagmire. Oh No! Here’s the top, highest promoted links on the Drudge Report today. Nothing is balanced. Nothing is accurate. Nothing is a view about the entire situation. It’s all emotionally driven bullshit…

Yeah. The proud, brave man who is taking on Russia all by himself.
Oh. Right. So the reason behind the Russian incursion is to disarm the Ukraine. And that is what the West does not want at all. They want an armed Ukraine, and a long quagmire.
Brave Ukrainians ready to die for their homeland. Actually, the truth is more like Russia stepping in and stabilizing a very unstable place. Anyone who lays down weapons can continue their lives, and return to their roles once the situation stabilizes.
Cut out all alternative viewpoints. Subject the Western readership to a cardboard paper cutout; evil villain. 
4,300 dead, 146 tanks smashed...
Massive losses on Russia! What a mistake that Russia made!
Fuel, logistics problems frustrate advance...
What a mistake! It's identical to the "Battle of the Bulge" where the proud Americans won against the evil Nazi Germans.
Soldiers Were Told They Were Going to Drill?
Putin lied to his soldiers. See! You just cannot trust a communist.
Forces attack children's hospital...
Killing and maiming little children! The Russian monster!
Radioactive Waste Facility Struck By Missile...
Oh no! Nuclear war is any minute now!
Kyiv skies glow orange...
Fighting in Kiev right now, and the proud defenders are holding on, but just barely. They need NATO intervention.
Bloody fighting erupts on streets of 2nd largest city Kharkiv...
Fighting in Kharkiv right now, and the proud defenders are holding on, but just barely. They need NATO intervention.
368,000 flee...
Putin started a humaritarian crisis.
Navy seizes 2 boats as war goes to seas...
Russia has taken over two Naval vessels. The NATO alliance needs to sail to the coast and get involved!
The West fights back using high-technology abilities that the RUssians have no defense against.
Moscow central bank urges calm amid cash run fears...
Russians are freaking out, and the entire financial well-being of Russia is about to collapse any day now.
Inside the anguished flight from Ukraine as women, children search for safety
Yes. Women and children and displaced people. Yes. It's horrible.
Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, claims victory against Russia
Brave fighters holding off those dasterdly Communists!

But the truth remains the same; the louder the shrilling, the more obvious the defeat of Western forces is.  Indeed. The more vicious the propaganda gets, the more likely it is that NATO is loosing badly on the ground. Popcorn time.

While in the United States

Yah. It’s a completely different reality. Far removed. Living life. Just bombing the rest of the world to pieces and provoking wars left and right. But in the meantime, just enjoying life. video 4MB

For youse newcomers to MM…

I sprinkle content all over the place. You have to see the big picture, and realize that everythign is connected. When you see the big picture, and break up content MM style, you disable the vault 7 influences imbedded inside of all Western electronic media. Your mind adapts quicker than the vault 7 influence.

Additionally, it serves as an easy check to see if someone ACTUALLY read the article. Hit and run commenters don’t. And if you read the articles, and not comment on the food, pretty girls, or side ventures, then I know that you haven’t read the article. Like this joker…

2022 03 01 16 24
2022 03 01 16 24

Pretty Chinese girl

Let’s lighten up the mood here. video 1MB

Falsehoods in wartime

Historian Anne Morelli has summarized Arthur Ponsonby’s classic book Falsehood in War-Time as this:

  1. We do not want war.
  2. The opposite party alone is guilty of war.
  3. The enemy is inherently evil and resembles the devil.
  4. We defend a noble cause, not our own interests.
  5. The enemy commits atrocities on purpose; our mishaps are involuntary.
  6. The enemy uses forbidden weapons.
  7. We suffer small losses, those of the enemy are enormous.
  8. Recognized artists and intellectuals back our cause.
  9. Our cause is sacred.
  10. All who doubt our propaganda are traitors.

Ah. Isn’t that exactly what you are watching on any of the American, Western, UK and Australian “news” media?

Another cute Chinese girl

Here is a fine lady who is caught in the rain without an umbrella. Oh snap! video 3MB

The Situation in the Ukraine: Predictions vs. Reality

By Dmitry Orlov and posted with the author’s permission. 

Last Thursday I reposed my “top ten signs that Russia has invaded the Ukraine” from 8 years ago when the Ukrainian regime change and civil war first started and the West continuously made claims that Russia had invaded. Well, last Thursday Russia did indeed invade.

Russia had the full legal right to invade the Ukraine from several perspectives: to defend its allies in Donetsk and Lugansk;

  • to defend itself against Ukrainian WMDs, which the Ukrainian president threatened to start producing at the Munich Security Conference;
  • and to stop NATO from continuing its advance toward Russian borders in violation of its previous commitment of “not an inch to the east.”

Russia exercised its right of self-defense under article 51 of part 7 of the UN Charter.

  • The Ukraine had forfeited its right to territorial integrity under the 1970 UN Declaration by refusing to honor the rights of its Russian-speaking population.
  • It also refused to renew its Friendship Treaty with Russia and therefore no longer had a defined border with Russia that Russia was obligated to honor.

From a strictly legalistic perspective, claims that “Russia violated the Ukraine’s territorial integrity” or that this is “an act of Russian aggression” is just pure twaddle.

From a moral perspective, the fact that the entire international community idly stood by and ineffectually discussed politics for eight years during which the civilian population of Donetsk and Lugansk was continuously shelled by the Ukrainian “anti-terrorist operation” is utterly shameful.


People who are now speaking out against Russia’s military action in the Ukraine need to answer a simple question: Where have you been for the last eight years while [1] the carnage in Donetsk and Lugansk was going on, while [2] people were being burned alive in Odessa, [3] while the Ukrainian government organized terrorist operations on Russian territory and [4] while the entire Ukrainian population has been forced to kowtow to Americans and to speak Ukrainian, most often against its will?

If your answer is “I didn’t know” then you have forfeited your right to an informed opinion on what’s happening there now. Please keep that in mind and act accordingly.

Now I will go through the 10 predictions I made 8 years ago and see how well they held up in light of events that have unfolded for the past three days.

A reasonable expectation would be that I got them completely wrong; if not, then that’s something of a minor miracle. Please keep that in mind also.

1. Ukrainian artillery fell silent almost immediately. They are no  longer shelling residential districts of Donetsk and Lugansk. This is  because their locations had been pinpointed prior to the operation, and  by Thursday afternoon they were completely wiped out using air attacks,  artillery and ground-based rocket fire, as the first order of business.  Local residents are overjoyed that their horrible ordeal is finally at  an end.

Not quite true. Donetsk and Lugansk is still being shelled sporadically, although most of the firing has been suppressed and as more and more territory is being liberated from the Ukrainian forces by the Donbass militia (with Russian forces playing a supporting role). At the same time, new possibilities for civilian carnage are resulting from the fact that the Ukraine’s Nazi battalions, under guidance from their US/NATO minders, are hiding heavy weapons in residential districts and using civilians as human shields.

2. The look of military activity on the ground in  Donetsk and Lugansk has changed dramatically. Whereas before it involved  small groups of resistance fighters, the Russians operate in battalions  of 400 men and dozens of armored vehicles, followed by convoys of  support vehicles (tanker trucks, communications, field kitchens, field  hospitals and so on). The flow of vehicles in and out is non-stop,  plainly visible on air reconnaissance and satellite photos. Add to that  the relentless radio chatter, all in Russian, which anyone who wants to  can intercept, and the operation becomes impossible to hide.

This is obviously the case. No sane person would now say that there are no Russian forces in the Ukraine. They made their presence about as obvious as they possibly could and the sight of endless columns of Russian military vehicles rolling unhindered through the Ukrainian countryside appears to be effecting a sea change in the mindset of the Ukraine’s population. Throughout history, it has always been quick to switch allegiances as circumstances and battle lines shifted, and this time will probably be no exception.

3. The Ukrainian military has promptly vanished. Soldiers and officers  alike have taken off their uniforms, abandoned their weapons, and are  doing their best to blend in with the locals. Nobody thought the odds of  the Ukrainian army against the Russians were any good. Ukraine’s only  military victory against Russia was at the battle of Konotop in 1659,  but at the time Ukraine was allied with the mighty Khanate of Crimea,  and, you may have noticed, Crimea is not on Ukraine’s side this time  around.

Again, not entirely true. It turns out that there is a hardened Nazi embedded with each and every detachment of Ukrainian forces whose job is to shoot those who try to surrender. Nevertheless, some unknown number of Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered, signed a promise to no longer fight against the Russian army, and have been given some food and sent home. In all, the Ukrainian military is turning out to be no different from other NATO-organized, NATO-trained forces, be they in Afghanistan, Georgia, Iraq or elsewhere. All of them immediately turn out to be completely useless as soon as a real military force arrives on the scene, be it the Russians, the Taliban or the Islamic Caliphate. Also notable is the fact that the large quantities of weapons recently supplied to the Ukraine by the US have been shown to be completely useless. The Javelin anti-tank missiles, which helped line the pockets of some of the Pentagon’s top brass, have been worse than useless: by the time they can be set up to fire there is generally nobody left alive to fire them, so the soldiers don’t even bother with them.

4. There are Russian checkpoints everywhere. Local  civilians are allowed through, but anyone associated with a government,  foreign or domestic, is detained for questioning. A filtration system  has been set up to return demobilized Ukrainian army draftees to their  native regions, while the volunteers and the officers are shunted to  pretrial detention centers, to determine whether they had ordered war  crimes to be committed.

Not true at all. The Russian troops are not engaging with the civilians in any way, scrupulously avoiding residential districts and doing their best to see that the delivery of electricity, water and other essentials is not disrupted. As far as denazification, I am still not sure what the plan is, but my hunch at the moment is that this will be left up to the Ukrainians themselves. There is a good chance that once they realize what the Nazis and their Western masters have been doing to their country, they will do their best to round up the Nazis and hang them on streetlights. The Nazis will see this coming (some already do) and will run away to Poland or Slovenia or points further west.

5. Most of Ukraine’s border crossings  are by now under Russian control. Some have been reinforced with air  defense and artillery systems and tank battalions, to dissuade NATO  forces from attempting to stage an invasion. Civilians and humanitarian  goods are allowed through. Businessmen are allowed through once they  fill out the required forms (which are in Russian).

The Ukrainian border guards along the Russian border have abandoned their posts. Some of them walked over to the Russian side and surrendered. The Russian and Belorussian borders are under control from the Russian and Belorussian sides. The western border crossings are crowded from all the people flying to flee.

6. Russia  has imposed a no-fly zone over all of Ukraine. All civilian flights have  been cancelled. There is quite a crowd of US State Department staffers,  CIA and Mossad agents, and Western NGO people stuck at Borispol airport  in Kiev. Some are nervously calling everyone they know on their  satellite phones. Western politicians are demanding that they be  evacuated immediately, but Russian authorities want to hold onto them  until their possible complicity in war crimes has been determined.

Flight radar shows zero flights over all of the Ukraine. In fact, air traffic has been disrupted over much of Europe, with many airspaces closed and lots of new restrictions on traffic. Many vacationers, especially those from the Ukraine, are stuck wherever they are. The ones in Egypt are lucky: the Egyptian government is paying for their hotel stays while they are stuck there. The Westerners, on the other hand, having learned their lesson from the fiasco in Afghanistan, fled the Ukraine ahead of time. Since there is a long list of places for them to get the hell out of before their luck runs out, it’s good that they are getting the knack of it.

7. The usual Ukrainian talking heads, such as president Poroshenko, PM  Yatsenyuk and others, are no longer available to be interviewed by  Western media. Nobody quite knows where they are. There are rumors that  they have already fled the country. Crowds have stormed their abandoned  residences, and were amazed to discover that they were all outfitted  with solid gold toilets. Nor are the Ukrainian oligarchs anywhere to be  found, except for the warlord Igor Kolomoisky, who was found in his  residence, abandoned by his henchmen, dead from a heart attack.  (Contributed by the Saker.)

The number one Ukrainian talking head, the president-cum-comedian Zelensky, is hiding in a bunker in Lvov, Führer-like, surrounded by his Nazi henchmen. His jumbled missives to the faithful appear to have been prerecorded. At the same time, the information war is proceeding apace, with numerous new fake news items arriving daily, too many to keep track of. The real fun will start when the TV channels in Kiev get denazified and Ukrainians stir from their eight-year stupor, figure a few things out for themselves and become extremely angry at those who have been lying to them for eight long years.

8. Some of the over 800,000 Ukrainian refugees are starting to stream back in from Russia. They were  living in tent cities, many of them in the nearby Rostov region, but with the winter coming they are eager to get back home, now that the shelling is over. Along with them, construction crews, cement trucks and  flatbeds stacked with pipe, cable and rebar are streaming in, to repair  the damage from the shelling.

This is yet to start happening. It will be a slow process, given that the number of refugees now, eight years later, is in the millions and scattered over numerous Russian regions.

9. There is all sorts of intense diplomatic and military activity around the world, especially in Europe  and the US. Military forces are on highest alert, diplomats are jetting around and holding conferences. President Obama just held a press  conference to announce that “We don’t have a strategy on Ukraine yet.” His military advisers tell him that his usual strategy of “bomb a little  and see what happens” is not likely to be helpful in this instance.

This is definitely the case. The goal for Western leaders now is to look purposeful and strong while doing nothing of consequence. They keep talking about cutting Russia off from SWIFT bank messaging system, but keep recoiling in horror when they realize what they will mean for their energy prices (which are already dangerously high). The Russian posture vis-à-vis Western sanctions seems to be “Bring them on; we are ready!” Apparently, eight years have been enough for Russia to thoroughly prepare for this event.

10. Kiev has surrendered. There are Russian tanks on the Maidan Square. Russian infantry is mopping up the remains of Ukraine’s National Guard. A curfew has indeed been imposed. The operation to take Kiev resembled “Shock and Awe” in Baghdad: a few loud bangs and then a whimper.

Russian tanks are unlikely to enter the city center; they are concentrated on destroying military installations, demobilizing the Ukrainian military and destroying the Nazi battalions. There is indeed a curfew in effect in Kiev.

One more significant development worth mentioning: Russian forces are taking charge of the Ukraine’s nuclear installations, including the one at Chernobyl, which is now under joint Russian/Ukrainian control. This will reduce the chance that the Ukrainian Nazis will try to blow up one of them on their merry way to hell. The Ukraine has 15 nuclear reactors, and since it is virtually out of other sources of energy it has been running all of them flat out. Two of them went off-line recently because of technical issues. Russia is working very hard to make Chernobyl 2.0 less of a possibility.

I am not sure what grade I should give myself for my predictions. Russia’s political and military planners have turned out to be quite a bit smarter than me, but this is not at all a surprise. After all, they have all of the intellectual resources of a huge, powerful country whereas I am just a guy with an office chair and a laptop.

Do I care to make some more predictions about the Ukraine?

Sure, why not!

1. Donetsk and Lugansk regions will continue on their path of closer and closer integration into the Russian Federation. They are already part of the Russian currency space, their educational systems are integrated with Russia’s (same standards and procedures), their defense systems are fully integrated and diplomatically they act as a well-synchronized unit.

2. An area further west, probably encompassing the entire basin of Dnieper River and the Black Sea littoral, from the Belorussian to the Romanian border, will be part of a Russian zone. The regions within this zone will be given political autonomy within a general security and economic framework linked to Russia. The rough outlines of this area can be determined from the following language map. The areas in red and orange—is Russian-speaking and is naturally part of the Russian zone. The only two exceptions will be a Carpatho-Russian enclave (in purple) which will need to be administered separately and a Hungarian enclave (in green) that might as well be absorbed into Hungary.

3. Further west will lie a zone that will be wrapped in fancy paper with ribbons and bows and presented as an extra-special present to the EU to love to cherish and to suffer migraines and aneurisms over. Roughly speaking, the yellow area is Ukrainian-speaking and is an all-you-can-eat (please don’t choke) buffet for the West. It has relatively poor soil and high incidence of iodine deficiency and imbecility in the general population. It is also where Ukrainian nationalism comes from and where the current Ukrainian Nazi plague originated. The Russian stance should be (if I may be so bold as to recommend what the Russian government should do) along the lines of “If you like your Ukrainian Nazis, you can have your Ukrainian Nazis.”

Why the Chinese system works

Here we have a son who has a mental issue. He left home 11 years ago. But in China, everyone is monitored, and it is the duty, the requirement; the responsibility of each local govenrment to know who is in their jurisdiction. So they found this young man. And they used AI to find out who he was, and contacted his family. In this video, the mother and his sister comes to get him and take him home. It is not right for him to live hand-to-mouth on the streets alone.

video 13MB

Some meals of desperation

Sigh. Life happens.

Life is too short not to eat well.

I argue that it is better to drive a distressed automobile but eat extraordinarily well, than you drive a nice car and live off fast food. And you can take that opinion of mine “to the bank“.

Love her belly

I like this girl’s belly. It is appealing. Like a milkshake. video 5MB

Taiwan Leadership argues for a change in alliances

Well, it is obvious to us here, but hidden from the rest of the world. The United States does not care about you or your country, and will abandon you and leave to to rot if it is to their advantage.

Well, it looks like people in Taiwan are watching the events and wondering “what about us”?

Former Taiwan Vice President from the pro Independence Party 民进党 (The people progressive party) openly criticized her own party and current president.  She now promotes discarding alignment with America, and a military buildup. She now is endorsing reunification with China. Wow.
Use Google to translate.

Look at the bright side…

For those of you that are worried about all the changes and the onslaught of “news” about this or that, keep in mind what Satan thinks…

Do good works

It doesn’t take much. Just try to add something to your environment. Generate good thoughts. Over time, you will see a big difference.


The USA accounted for 81% of all global conflicts

This is obvious to me, but not so for the rest of the world.

‘Never forget the real threat to world’: Amid Ukraine crisis, the Chinese embassy in Russia slams the United States. Among the 248 Armed conflicts that occurred in 153 regions across the world from 1945 to 2001, 201 were initiated by the US, accounting for 81% of the total number.

Be the Rufus

It’s all about community. Participate. Make the world a better place. Be like the Chinese. video 6MB

Austrian Minister of Defence, Klaudier Tanner

According to SD, this might be the person who would launch World War III. Whether it is soon, or far off. This is the face of the person to initiated the nuclear conflagration.

Austrian Minister of Defense, Klaudier Tanner.

Satan has some advice to Americans / EU

Taxi Driver gives a ride for free

He’s a true Rufus. He sees a young girl carrying a baby all alone,a nd stope and gives them a free ride. What a Rufus! video 6MB

Now, let’s talk hamburgers.

This piece of work really speaks to me. You know…

Hamburgers for all.

What do the Chinese think?

Maybe a tiny percentage of netizens are very interested in the situation in Ukraine, following it constantly, but I’d say majority (95%, I guess ?) of Chinese just get on with their life and feel grateful that they can live in a contry where NATO/US & its 5-eyes allies can not come and bomb it.

MSM/some people keep on posting this or that about Chinese/China’s stands on the on-going situation between Russia and Ukraine, it sometimes seems to me like a part of the Western psyop to drive a wedge between Russia and China and their supporters/sympathisers.


Russian SWIFT cutoff

According to the Russian National SWIFT Association, Russia has the second-largest number of users after the US, with some 300 Russian financial institutions in the system, more than half of Russia’s financial institutions.
This is not the first time US, EU banned Russia from SWIFT. So Putin is not caught by surprise.
Russia is the world second largest exporter of resources, so, by imposing sanction on Russia from using SWIFT (yet again), it will force the world hungry for Russian resources to trade through China in RMB.
Only this time, the Chinese RMB international transaction system is established and ready to welcome the world with confidence.
As a result, we can expect the continue rising in value of rmb, this will attract more and more investors using rmb as reserve currency, and will speed up the replacement of US dollar to rmb worldwide.
There is always good reason behind an inevitable empire collapsed:
US regimes are basically run by elderly who born in the 1930s and 40s, these are out of touch extreme supremacists. They are self centred, know no consequences, one leg already in the coffin; truly ugly, old folks. Their stupidly and aggression will send their country into poverty, backwardness, and disintegration. Well, it already has, but so far the decay has been hidden from prublic view.
As the Chinese word 危机 (crisis) suggests; 危 is for danger, and 机 is for opportunity.
So each time the West creates a crisis for China and others, China will identify the opportunities to turn the crisis into opportunity and make herself stronger.
Each time, US and Europe push and promote aggression against China, they are actually helping to create an enemy that they cannot defeat.
Welcome to the coming new world order with more fairness, equality, and freedom from the nasty; nasty American-lead unipolar global dictatorship.

China’s Xinghua News journalist reporting from Ukraine and Belarus

– Journalist at Gomel, Belarus says the safety measure for the negotionation place is extreme high. Police does not journalist to get close the place where negotiation to take place:;

– The Russian delegation says they didn’t sleep the whole night while waiting for the arriaval fo the Ukrainian delegation, which delayed/changed due to their logistical issues:;

– Feb. 28th around 8: 30 local time, the same Chinese businessman of yesterday’s vido I posted, who lives in Kiev suburb, tells Xinhua News that the suburb of Kiev is quiet. It’s safe to stay at home. He also says there’s only one TV channel in Ukraine right now only reporting the war:;

He also says bread and water at supermarket are basically gone, lots of empty shelves, and restrict to 2500 Ukrainian hryvnia per purchase:

Hope these videos from Xinhua News give your guy some extra inform that differs from Western MSM’s perspectives.

And also speaking about hamburgers…

I think that all this is making me hungry, but you know… as they say at Burger King, “It takes two hands to handle a whopper”!

He’s got two huge burgers.

Other actions by the United States

Here’s some article in my morning feed. Obviously part of the mighty propaganda machine, just a churning things out left and right and my opinions…

U.S. To Expel 12 Russian Diplomats At UN

Is it even possible? The USA does not run the UN.

Ukraine Seeks To Join EU As Round Of Talks With Russia Ends

If it cannot join NATO then it will try to join the EU. Man will that destory the EU financially. Whoa!

Ruble Dives, Stocks Sink As West Tightens Russia Sanctions

It's all "play money". Don't be so sure about things in global economics. It's an entirely new "ball game".

Russian porn stars banned from OnlyFans amid invasion of Ukraine

The horror!

Biden updates nuclear explosion guidelines to include SOCIAL DISTANCING as Putin readies missiles

It's progressive, don't you know.

US closes embassy in Belarus and threatens more sanctions if it joins Russian invasion of Ukraine

The USA "color revolution" failed.  So the USA now treats Belarus as a Russian state.

Six American special ops veterans join the fight in Ukraine

Many Americans can't wait to kill those pesky commies!

Dan Murphy’s and BWS to pull all Russian vodka from shelves in opposition to invasion of Ukraine


Remember what America has become

No, it is not the image of a “great and wonderful white shinging building on the hill”, but rather a corrupt, third world nation that is falling down into black hole of decay and internal rot at all levels. video 51MB

Why I think that America has been taken over by Satan…

Think Hamburgers

This lass certainly does.

I thought we were reasonably free of Trump and I ignore most of his utterings. But this one – it got to me.

TRUMP: “Under Bush, Russia invaded Georgia. Under Obama, Russia took Crimea. Under Biden, Russia invaded Ukraine.”

“I stand as the only president of the twenty-first century on who’s watch Russia did not invade another country.”

America’s brutalist belief system

No wonder, the bully still thinks it’s 20 years old, muscular and tough. When instead, it’s an old seniale man, with a walker. video 3MB

From the attack dogs’ own mouths—how stupid can these people be?

Why I think that America has been taken over by Satan…

Here’s rifle training in middle school. I wonder what the American school kids learn in schools today. video 3MB

Yeah. Trolls hate me putting up pictures of pretty ladies. Oh, boy oh boy! Do they hate it. It drives them bonker-crazy! But no one has yet to complain about my love for hamburgers.

Here we have a vintage lass hold a fine burger in her hands. Now, what’s wrong about that? Whoops! Mind the nipple flash. I think that it must be a “wardrobe malfunction”.

At the operational level there have been mistakes such as about convoys undefended. At the strategic level things are very much on track. Russian procedure on clearing towns is excellent and was used extensively in Syria.

Step 1 approach the town and assess the chance of their surrender
Step 2 surround the town, cutting off resupply.
Step 3 based on initial recon begin with very targeted strikes weakening defenses
Step 4 send in probes to gain a clearer picture of internal defenses
Step 5 begin degrading them
Step 6 open humanitarian corridors
Step 7 begin probing attacks from different sides 24/7 to disturb and confuse and sleep deprive (your troops can rest)
Step 8 when defenses are sufficiently weakened invade

Chinese Term ‘Wuxin Gongzuo’: Can’t Focus on Work Due to Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Chinese netizens are so focused on the Russian attack on Ukraine that nobody can focus on work (wuxin gongzuo).  From HERE.

2022 03 01 15 20
2022 03 01 15 20

A comment

The Grand Chessboard reveals all. 

The purpose of NATO is... 

keep Germany down in Europe, 
keep the USA in control of Europe, 
keep the Russians out. 

With the combined factors of; 

Russia’s rise and dedollarise; 
China’s rise militarily and economically; 
Germany’s pending approval of NS2 to increase Germany’s economic strength; Germany being the dominant economy and country in EU; 

America had to find a way to scare EU and tighten America’s stranglehold on the EU. 

What better way than to provoke a war in a part of Europe not exactly vital to EU? 

Ukraine is going exactly to plan: it’s a win win for USA and Russia. 

Russia knows its LNG sales to other countries, like Japan, will not be targeted. Can you imagine what will happen to Japan if LNG from Sakhalin is removed? The depressive effects will spark a global depression. 

You can bet China is studying this Ukraine conflict very intently. 

We have reached an inflection point. 

The world will shift to a path different from the hegemon’s choosing. Whatever deity you choose to praise, do thank him/her for your salvation.


Pretty girl

Here’s one of the popular girls on Douxing in China. She’s impressive. video 3MB

How about some hamburgers?

While all sorts of crazy stuff is going on in the United States, the rest of the world is fine and following plans. So don’t get too worked up about it. how about enjoying a fine hamburger instead.

Elon Musk deploys SpaceX’s Starlink Internet satellites over Ukraine after request from vice PM | Euronews

There seems to be an obvious connection between the United States military / government and Elon Musk. From the attack on the Chinese Space Station to this, it’s obviously suspicious.

Here she is again.

Nice view. She’s a strutting down the street don’t you know. video 3MB

Oh, and don’t forget about the fries!

Sheech! I am so accustomed about eating hamburgers with french fries that I forgot how to eat a burger without them. Usually, I try to substitute potato chips, or potato salad instead.

Americans, Brits and Europeans should stop clapping with glee…

This is the latest comment from Aaron Hawkins (Storm Clouds Gathering):

“ As this war heats up you will see many cheering for one flag or the other; promoting escalations and retaliations. This is a trap. 

Who exactly benefits from a major war that sends millions of young, fighting age men and women to slaughter each other in Eurasia (at the precise moment when civil disobedience with teeth was beginning to spread)? 

And what do you suppose is about to happen to the monetary system now that Russia is being cut from SWIFT? 

Did you consider the fact that not only does Europe depend heavily on Russian gas (that the U.S. cannot even come close to replacing), but Russia and Ukraine also happen to be the world’s two largest wheat exporters comprising approximately 30% of global production? 

All of Ukraine’s exports have been halted, and with Russia cut off from the western banking system all future customers will have to work outside the dollar. 

Even if the physical war were to be contained to Ukraine (spoiler alert: it won’t), the consequences of the cyber and economic warfare already underway will be devastating. Western leaders are setting their populations up for much more than just parabolic price increases. Widespread shortages and famine are on the horizon. This will not be a short term phenomenon."

Five days into the war and the first inkling of truth is presented to Americans

Video 15MB. Well worth the watch.

2022 03 01 15 33
2022 03 01 15 33

Alex Rubinstein tweets,

Watch Yevhen Karas the leader of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi terror gang C14’s speech from Kiev earlier this month. Straight from the horses’ mouth, he dispels the many narratives pushed by the Western governments, the mainstream media and the State Department.
He claims:
  • – Ukraine is being armed as pawns of the West because “we have fun killing”
  • – “We have started a war”
  • – “We have the most Javelins on the European continent”
  • – The European family has already collapsed
  • – Maidan would’ve been a “gay parade” if not for Nazi influence

America is pushing all this warfare

Keep in mind the ugly face of what he Hell that everyone is dealing with right now. The United States is NOT a happy, safe, and healthy nation right now. video 3MB

Now that’s a serious whopper!


Great Video Speech regarding Ukraine & Russia 2014

Well, worth the watch. I watched it, was going to record it, and then Boom! No longer available in my region. Sigh! I urge everyone to watch it.

Playing the mighty Wurlitzer vs Reality

By Chris Faure

Do people seriously imagine Russia simply blundered into the Ukraine not knowing what the west would do?

You may be surprised to hear that the world is actually still spinning.  All we have to deal with is the mighty Wurlitzer which is an old-style pipe organ for theaters, and also a propaganda instrument.

Allow me a moment to explain:

In 1967 the magazine Ramparts ran an exposé revealing that the Central Intelligence Agency had been secretly funding and managing a wide range of citizen front groups intended to counter communist influence around the world. 

In addition to embarrassing prominent individuals caught up, wittingly or unwittingly, in the secret superpower struggle for hearts and minds, the revelations of 1967 were one of the worst operational disasters in the history of American intelligence and presaged a series of public scandals from which the CIA’s reputation has arguably never recovered.

CIA official Frank Wisner called the operation his “mighty Wurlitzer,” on which he could play any propaganda tune.   

Hugh Wilford provides the first comprehensive account of the clandestine relationship between the CIA and its front organizations. 

Using an unprecedented wealth of sources, he traces the rise and fall of America’s Cold War front network from its origins in the 1940s to its Third World expansion during the 1950s and ultimate collapse in the 1960s.

Covering the intelligence officers who masterminded the CIA’s fronts as well as the involved citizen groups—émigrés, labor, intellectuals, artists, students, women, Catholics, African Americans, and journalists—Wilford provides a surprising analysis of Cold War society that contains valuable lessons for our own age of global conflict.

Now, the Mighty Wurlitzer, exposed during the cold war, has never ended.

We see it in full swing now.

Here are a few snippets, a few items from memory (it has to be from memory as most of the Russian sites are still down, or up or down, in a relentless cyber propaganda war and this cannot be meticulously linked to source).

And you know what, the Ukraine inherited its own theater and mighty Wurlitzer, where they are designing and producing for the common man, theater productions for this current time.

Excepting now, it is all done in studio with breathless journalists playing war and running around in front of green screens.

So, while the tinny and discordant theater music sometimes drowns out even our own ability to think (it is torture, you know!) let’s look at a few realities.

Sanctions.  Big Big Headlines – Russia is sanctioned for this or that and for basically everything, even Vodka.  The latest is SWIFT (but only for a few banks).  Take a good look at the sanctions.  It is paper production for the purpose of paper production.  The German sanctions on Russian banks for example have fine print.  (They all have).  They’re sanctioning Russia from hell, but of course, this does not apply to gas or oil payments.  Those will continue, says the fine print.

Sanctions on Russia are now the latest fashion accessory.  The one that can play that Wurlitzer the loudest is the one who wins.  So what happens if they don’t win?  What happens if they are busy shooting themselves in the heart, and not even in the foot?.  What happens if the fervor to punish Russia simply accelerates their own demise?

Russia is decoupling as fast as what the West is sanctioning.  A headline that comes to mind is: “European Commission: The disconnection of a number of banks from SWIFT “will actually block Russian exports and imports”.

No Einstein, it will hasten de-dollarization.

How about a plate of double cheeseburgers?

I could easily eat all of them up. WHat they do need is a fine strawberry milkshake, don’t you know.

Chinese girl

Let’s take a look at this fine Chinese lass. Here she is inside of her house. I’ll bet she is fun to be with. video 1MB

America’s Anti-Russian “news”…

This morning from Medvedev:

‘Final review’ of Russia’s relations with West now possible – former president

Dmitry Medvedev has dubbed European organizations “meaningless almshouses”.

Western sanctions could be an “excellent reason for a final review” of Russia’s relations with the nations that have imposed the restrictions, the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council and former president, Dmitry Medvedev, said on Saturday.

Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, which was launched on February 24, has prompted outrage in the West and a new wave of harsh sanctions against Russia. In a lengthy post on the Russian social network VK, Medvedev called the restrictions “a myth, a figment, a figure of speech.”

Sanctions could be an excellent reason for the final review of all relations with those states that have introduced them. Including interruption of the dialogue on strategic stability,” Medvedev wrote.

[sidebar] Take another look at that sentence – why now? It is because most of the western world do not have answers to Russia on strategic stability, so they decided to play that Wurlitzer pretty loud to attempt to hide their inability). 

He added that in principle, it is possible “to renounce everything,” including the New START Treaty.

Yes, and diplomatic relations, in principle, are not particularly needed. It’s time to close the embassies with barn locks. And to continue contacts by examining each other only through binoculars and weapons’ optical systems,” Medvedev said.

Commenting on the decision by the Council of Europe and Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to suspend Russia’s membership, the former president said that while this is a “flagrant injustice,” it could still be considered as a good reason “to finally slam the door and forget about these meaningless almshouses forever.”

This development could also be used to “restore a number of important institutions for prevention of especially serious crimes in the country,” he said, such as the “death penalty for the most dangerous criminals, which, by the way, is being actively used in the United States and China.

He has no assets abroad and to the UK sanctions against Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote:

Neither Putin, nor Lavrov have accounts neither in Britain nor anywhere abroad. Maybe the kingdom’s government got something frozen off rather than it froze something?”

We are in a new world.

A few more:

Russia has just suspended cooperation with NASA on the international space station .. including the launch team which will not be available to the US.  Russia will work with China.


Are there any US astronauts there at the moment?  I don’t know, but Elon Musk will have to get them home.

Let’s take a look at few more of Mr Putin’s actions these last days.

Russia’s President Meeting ( with Security Council permanent members

💬 Vladimir Putin: According to available information, and this is confirmed by objective monitoring – we are seeing this; Banderites and neo-Nazis are putting up heavy weapons, including MLRS, right in the central districts of large cities, including Kiev and Kharkov. They plan to force return fire by Russian strike systems vs residential quarters. They are acting in the same way terrorists act all over the world – using people as shields.

It is known for a fact that all this is being done on the recommendations of foreign consultants, primarily American advisors.

❗️ Once again, I am appealing to the military of the armed forces of Ukraine. Do not allow neo-Nazis and Banderites to use your children, wives and elders as a live shield. Take power into your own hands. It seems it will be easier for us to come to terms with you than with this gang of drug addicts & neo-Nazis that have settled in Kiev and that have taken the Ukrainian people.

President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation ( with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The Presidents discussed developments related to the special military operation designed to protect peaceful civilians in Donbass as well as Ukraine’s demilitarisation and denazification.

☝️ Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed understanding of Russia’s actions.

The Presidents also touched upon certain current issues on the bilateral agenda. They reaffirmed their shared intention to continue the development of the Russian-Uzbek strategic partnership with a focus on implementing specific trade, economic, and humanitarian projects.

President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation ( with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping.

The President of Russia gave the President of China a detailed account of the reasons behind the recognition of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic and the start of a special military operation to protect civilians from genocide and ensure the demilitarisation and denazification of the Ukrainian state. Vladimir Putin also noted that considering the signals received from Kiev he was ready to send a delegation to Minsk to hold talks with representatives of Ukraine.

☝️ Xi Jinping stressed that he respected the actions of the Russian leadership in the current crisis.

The two Leaders assessed the current international situation from a common perspective. They reaffirmed a mutual readiness to closely cooperate and support each other further at the UN and in other multilateral platforms.

Held at Kyrgyzstan’s initiative, the telephone conversation ( between President Vladimir Putin and President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov focused on the situation with the special military operation carried out by Russia in Ukraine.

☝️ Sadyr Japarov said that Kiev was responsible for derailing the Minsk agreements and expressed his support for Russia’s decisive actions to protect civilians in Donbass. Vladimir Putin thanked the President of Kyrgyzstan for his principled solidarity.

The two Presidents reaffirmed their mutual commitment to strengthening the strategic partnership and allied relations between Russia and Kyrgyzstan in all areas.

President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation ( with Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan.

The Parties continued their exchange of views on the practical aspects of the implementation of the agreements documented by the November 9, 2020, January 11 and November 26, 2021, tripartite statements by the leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia on Nagorno-Karabakh, including efforts to ensure stability and security on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. Some items on the current bilateral agenda were also touched upon.

The Ukraine is dancing to the music of the Mighty Wurlitzer.  Don’t you do that too!  Turn the music off. Zone B is way behind Zone A in playing the organ, but way ahead in creating a life friendly to human people, for this planet.Margarita Simonyan focused on the 5th and 6th columns with a devasting phrase:

“If you are now ashamed that you are Russian, do not worry, you are not Russian,” she wrote in her Telegram channel.

And in the event that you are worried about China, they just posted this from their Russian embassy.  They truly understand that this time it is Russia, but for the throw of a set of dice, or a different tune on the Wurlitzer, it could have been China.


USA’s and UK’s “lethal aid” To Ukraine captured by DPR and Russian forces. SMAW-D & NLAW

It’s about how you look at things

It’s all so easy to get caught up. Don’t. Sit down. Settle down and enjoy life more.

Serious considerations

I imagine at this point President Putin has convened a Stavka and he and the general staff of the Russian Armed Forces are now looking at all thinkable and unthinkable situations that could evolve that would impact the safety and security of the Russian people.

The President of the Russian Federation has to prepare the State apparatus for:

1. Sustained war against Russia
2. Explain to the people what they must do and why they must do it
3. Insure all civil defense structures are ready to house and feed the masses
4. Speak with the clergy to address all military personnel and give them the spiritual confidence to fight hard
5. Seek allies including China and make them all realize they will have to engage their forces now or perish

Russia waited too long and now she will saddle up and ride as fast as possible to meet the enemy head on and at full speed. The time for principled diplomacy has ended; the shashka has been unsheathed and it will cut the beast a thousand times and stab it in its dark heart until it is dead.

Oh, and what about Coronavirus?

Imagine that!

2022 03 01 15 50
2022 03 01 15 50

A fine Chinese lass


It’s all so pop contemporaneous China. video. 3MB

Report from Russia

Transated from this article –

The feat of the Russian special forces opened the way to Kiev –

The Russian army entered Kiev on Friday. This happened only on the second day after the start of the special military operation in Ukraine, which means that what is happening can be assessed as a grandiose success. However, there is reason to believe that the entire plan of the operation hung in the balance – and everything turned out successfully only thanks to the real feat of the special forces soldiers.

The most important event took place in the north of Ukraine, in the region of Kiev. It was there, at the Gostomel airport, on February 24, that several helicopters landed with Spetsnaz commandos.

In the video, several people, without fussing, set up a firing position on one of the outskirts of the giant Gostomel airfield to the sound of automatic bursts. The pathos of the plot was powerful and straightforward – Russian troops, just a few hours after the start of the operation, found themselves on the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital. It was unthinkable to imagine something like this the day before.

The Antonov airfield (officially called Gostomel a few years ago) is the “home” airfield of the famous Antonov company. This is an airfield with a huge runway (three and a half thousand meters), covering hundreds of hectares. It operates and is equipped with everything necessary for the takeoff and landing of heavy military transport aircraft.

From a military point of view, Gostomel has a number of advantages over other Kiev airfields (Zhulyany and Boryspil). First of all, it is not used as often, it has much less staff and people in general. It is located on the right bank of the Dnieper, where the main administrative buildings of Kiev are located. It is closest to the city center. And most importantly, it is closest to the Belarusian border (only about 60-70 km), from where the Russian landing force advanced.

Apparently, special forces helicopters covered this distance over the Dnieper, which in these places, from the Belarusian-Ukrainian border to Kiev, is extremely wide. The instant appearance of a division of the Russian Airborne Forces twenty kilometers from the center of the Ukrainian capital means a knife at the heart of the Kiev regime.

Of course, the significance of what was happening was instantly understood in the Kiev military leadership. Throughout the night of February 25, there were reports of an intense battle was going on in the vicinity of Gostomel. The British Minister of Defense even announced that – “the Russian landing near Kiev failed, Russia lost hundreds of fighters.”

However, on the morning of February 25, it turned out that the skirmish in Gostomel did not subside at all – as it should have happened if the special forces had really been destroyed. On the contrary, it intensified. And in the neighborhood of Gostomel, other battles suddenly began. And there were reports of completely different tanks – Russian combat vehicles were found near the village of Vorzel, ten kilometers from the airfield.

It was, apparently, a special aid group made her way all night to the special forces soldiers surrounded at the airfield – and finally released it. Following which, there were reports of other combat groups of the Russian army approaching Kiev.

And a little later came the official message.

“On February 24, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out a successful landing operation in the area of ​​the Gostomel airfield in the suburbs of Kiev. During the capture of the airfield, more than 200 nationalists from the special units of Ukraine were killed,” said the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov. Later it was stated that Russian troops completely blocked Kiev from the west.

We have before us an example of exceptional valor and military skill, shown to all of us in what is called real time.

You must realize why America is pushing this war against Asia…

Fight, fight, fight is all about distract, distract, and distract. The true face of what America is, is NOT pretty. I wonder why these images are not shown on CNN, BBC or FOX “news”?  video

It’s about how you look at things

The end of SWIFT

China’s Cross-Border International Payments System will give Russia a lifeline and accelerate the de-dollarization of the world.

This Chinese girl is in a purple place

It’s a weird place and state to be in don’t you know. All purple. All the time. Purple. Purple. video 5MB

It’s about how you look at things

France seizes suspected Russian-owned ship in Channel

Russia seeks explanation after ship thought to belong to company targeted by US and EU sanctions is held.

From HERE.

French sea police have seized a ship in the Channel that authorities suspect belongs to a Russian company in one of the first visible displays of the West enforcing sanctions on Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine.

The cargo vessel transporting cars, which was headed for St Petersburg, is “strongly suspected of being linked to Russian interests targeted by the sanctions”, said Capt Veronique Magnin, of the French Maritime Prefecture. The ship was diverted to the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer in northern France between 3am and 4am local time, Magnin said, adding that checks were being carried out by customs officials and that the ship’s crew was “being cooperative”.

The US Treasury Department has issued blocking sanctions against the vessel saying it was owned by a subsidiary of Russian lender Promsvyazbank, one of the Russian entities hit by US sanctions.

The bank’s CEO, Pyotr Fradkov, is the son of Mikhail Fradkov, a former head of Russia’s foreign intelligence service, who also served as prime minister under Vladimir Putin. Pyotr Fradkov was himself included in the latest round of US sanctions. Promsvyazbank, in a comment sent to Reuters, said its subsidiary no longer owns the Baltic Leader, and that it was bought by a different entity before the sanctions were imposed.

The Russian embassy in France is seeking an explanation from authorities over the seizure, Russia’s RIA news agency quoted the embassy as saying. The embassy also said the ship’s crew had been allowed to come ashore and move freely about the port.

The United States, European Union, and other Western states this week imposed extensive new financial and trade sanctions on Russia after it sent military forces into neighbouring Ukraine. The US Treasury said Promsvyazbank was put under sanctions “for operating or having operated in the defence and related materiel and financial services sectors of the Russian Federation economy.” It was also targeted by EU sanctions.

MM comments on this article

  • French sea police have seized a ship
  • The US Treasury Department has issued blocking sanctions
  • The Russian embassy in France is seeking an explanation

Ergo; France is a proxy nation taking orders from the United States.

It’s about how you look at things

Just focus on what is in front of you. One fry at a time.

Chinese girl on a bed

It’s pretty typical. yah. Nice smile. Like she ate a bird. LOL

video 5MB

Build up to Nuclear war?

From everything we see in the news lately about all the attacks against Russia,we may actually be heading for WW3 after all.

If the EU does provide military aircraft to Ukraine, and they allow them to based in NATO countries next door…

…then they emerge from their safe bases in NATO and fly out and attack Russian forces and then scurry back across the border.

There is no way Russia will tolerate that.

What they will do is that they will go across those borders and destroy all those bases, and the weapons there.

If that brings war between Russia and NATO then Europe needs to be sure they have enough nuclear bomb shelters around, because they are going to need them.

I saw on RT that Russia was going to start evacuating their citizens from the EU.

Now just what do we think that says… eh?

An important tweet

I think that Richard Moore, the chief of MI6, certainly revealed a lot when he tweeted this

“With the tragedy and destruction unfolding so distressingly in Ukraine, we should remember the values and hard won freedoms that distinguish us from Putin, none more than LGBT+ rights. So let’s resume our series of tweets to mark #LGBTHM2022.”

Peter Mann Comments

Not everyone knows the details and background of events happening halfway around the world, even for well educated and smart people. If they sit there and watch the mainstream news, they will obviously be victims to pervasive and well coordinated propaganda.

Confirmation bias is a strong force.

If you’re not careful, whatever you hear first becomes the truth regardless of facts. Even very smart people may be susceptible. Sometimes, arguments ensue. The first part of the comment relates to finding the truth, the second part more specifically on the current armed conflict, with a small prediction for the end game.

No need to argue. Challenge the seeker of truth to find out.
Here is a short clip from Brian Berlectic, an ex-Marine who has been living in Thailand and has done very good work showing his viewers the sources of his information, usually directly from the liar’s mouth. This is very similar to I. F. Stone, who exposed the liars by meticulously digging through information provided by the liars. My first exposure to I. F. Stone was his “The Hidden History of the Korean War.” It is important to know who the liars are, and then never trust anything they say.
How to learn the truth? Stay smart, read widely, read beyond the superficial, read between the lines, read the fine print, learn about the writer/speaker and his organization, get into the head of the author, be careful of false narratives, reject insidious adjectives, learn about deliberate omissions and obfuscations, look in the mirror, question everything, including your own beliefs.
Liars are not hard to expose, yet people prefer to believe in liars who are known to do nothing but lie. Ask yourself why. It’s very difficult if not impossible for a hypocrite to admit that he or she is a hypocrite. Americans like to elect them for a good reason.


Here is a clip from an Ukrainian girl Masha who is from Donetsk in the Donbass, about 20 kms from the war zone. She speaks almost perfect Chinese and works as a translator for Chinese businessmen in Kyiv. Her family has been living in the shadow of war for the past 8 years. Masha has done vlogs showing the bombed out areas. American poison has been creating hell for some Ukrainians but the hypocrites do not see it. Who paid for the poison? The American people of course.

There has always been a solution for peace; it’s known as Minsk II. But it’s another lie just like Camp David and Oslo. The Palestinians are weak and divided, so they will suffer what they must. But Russia is the largest country in the world with the most nuclear arms. Its people have destroyed Napoleon’s previously invincible Grande Armee and single-handedly killed over a million German soldiers who dared to invade their country. American lies of how they have saved the world from the Nazis are laughable for people who have read history beyond American propaganda. Why should anyone be so delusional as to believe that the Russians will sit there and be bullied into submission without a fight? The stupidity of these tiny European chihuahua countries like Georgia and Lithuania are so poisoned by the American lie that they really think they want to goad Russia into war. And when they have it, where is their protector overlord?
Ukraine is of course a basketcase. It is just a puppet government installed by the hegemon, and its comedian head of state has been following the American script of forcing Russia into war. All that suits America of course. This war would not have happened if America wanted peace. The war would be easy to avert and it’s not by America imposing the mother of all sanctions on Putin (the false narrative around which the political partisans are fighting; American mainstream media has become a farce). America only has to agree to let Ukraine be a non-military zone. How hard is that? How evil is Russia’s request? Russia’s position has been very clear from Day One. If America won’t agree, then Russia will turn Ukraine into a NMZ. For some reason, many pundits refused to see it. But America does not want peace. America wants wars that Russia will be fighting with its European neighbors. It will let America put its European vassals on a short leash, get Russia and Europe to destroy each other’s economy, and create bad blood for Russia and its neighbors while providing a lot of good propaganda for America, allowing the Empire to maintain its hegemony. It is nefarious as hell. And of course, the morons of America will suddenly decide that the lying politicians and lying mainstream media are telling righteous truths. Evil Russia has out of the blues invaded Ukraine without provocation. The stock market goes up because oil goes up and the Military Industrial Complex expects big contracts. The hegemon wins again, thanks to the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis acting as America’s attack dogs.

Once you cut through the bullshit and understand what’s going on, it’s easy to predict what will happen.

These people and countries acting as attack dogs for the empire must therefore be taught an unforgettable lesson. If you don’t put down the rabid dogs, they will get up and bite you again. Therefore, Russia will not take half measures. They will not stop unless the surrender is total, and punishment for the miscreants dealt out accordingly. Otherwise, this operation will be for naught.
Why argue? There is no morality in politics. If anyone believes there is, then they’re fools. Show me a country willing to crusade for the Palestinians and I’ll show you a moral politician. In geopolitics, one does not own anything one cannot defend. The rest is bullshit and balderdash.
For the same reason, I wrote two years ago that a golden opportunity presented itself for China to summarily reunify with Taiwan without bloodshed. I suspect a well planned operation at the golden moment will only take hours, certainly less than a day. The sooner it happens, the less mayhem America can cause with its poison, paid by American taxpayers of course. The American people will starve and die on the street, but they love a good war, and will spend any amount of money to fight the Russians to the last Ukrainian. How happy they will be to see the Chinese fighting the Chinese!
Peace out!

Putin and Xi Peng

Great video. Video 2MB

How to defeat ‘Bot Trolls

Wow! Since I have incorporated my mix up of multiple subjects in articles, there was a near collapse in troll activity on MM. Of course, youse guys wouldn’t be aware of what’s going on as I don’t publish the majority of comments. But yeah. It’s all way, way down. It drives the algorithms crazy. They cannot handle dialog and it causes them to go zoomy! Whether a person or a ‘bot. They cannot handle mixed content in an article.

Quick update from the talks in Belarus:

Russians and Ukranians are trying to discuss how to end the conflict. The dude in the cap from Ukraine at the talks demands the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from the Crimea and Donbass. Russia wants the end of NATO encroachment.

So don’t expect anything from these negotiations.

You will note that the Ukrainian negotiators all have their iPhones laid out on the table so that the US curators can hear every word.

Sovereignty, eh?

It’s about how you look at things

And today. We are looking at hamburgers.

Question everything!

An outstanding video. Very true. video 9MB

2022 03 01 16 00
2022 03 01 16 00

War in Ukrainian: cowardice, lies and chaos

Translated on MM from Russian.
Shooting at residential buildings, distributing weapons and hunting for "saboteurs" - in war, all means are good
Valentin ALFIMOV
Due to the fact that Ukrainian troops hide their equipment in cities, shells fly right into residential buildings.
“Ukrainian nationalists place armored vehicles and artillery in residential areas of cities, using the population as a “human shield,” said Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov.
It turns out, indeed, that the Ukrainian warriors showed the world “innovative tactics” of combat. With a 100% guarantee, they learned how to take their technique out of the blow. Everything is very simple: you just need to brazenly stick a gun or “Grad” at the school, kindergarten or just under the windows of residential buildings. In other words, hide behind civilians:
Here in the residential quarter of Severodonetsk, right at the school stadium, there is a calculation of 3 howitzers, a kindergarten was left behind the scenes. Ammunition is laid out next to each, the fighters are at the ready.
In a residential area of ​​Severodonetsk, right at the school stadium, the Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed a crew of 3 howitzers
Here is a military truck on the steps of the Odessa Opera House (an architectural monument, by the way) hiding from Russian intelligence right under the roof.
Military truck on the steps of the Odessa Opera House
Here is a self-propelled gun of the 92nd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine rested its caterpillars on the balconies of house No. 308 in the Solnechny microdistrict of Kharkov.
And there are hundreds of such photos and videos now. The residents of the cities are starting to lose their nerves – in the same Severodonetsk, people went out into the yard to drive away the Ukrainian armored personnel carrier with the words to the soldiers “get out of here, we have a full basement of children.”
But Mariupol is especially affected by this , which was turned into a fortress by the nationalists of the Azov Regiment and the Right Sector (both banned in Russia). They placed mortar crews right on the roofs of high-rise buildings!
In Severodonetsk, people are trying to drive Ukrainian armored personnel carriers away from their homes
Due to the fact that Ukrainian troops hide their equipment in cities, shells fly right into residential buildings. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that a Ukrainian Buk missile hit a residential building in Kyiv.
The most striking example is the “Russian missile attack” on a high-rise building in Kyiv – the Zhuliany district. “The Russian aggressor is shooting at residential buildings!” – the news rushed through the Ukrainian propaganda channels and networks.
The Russian Defense Ministry found out: “At night, there was a failure in the missile guidance system of the Ukrainian Buk-M1 air defense system and the missile hit the corner of a residential building.” And in general, “the Russian army does not strike at cities.” He doesn’t even hit the barracks, so that there are no big casualties. Only at military air bases and warehouses.
A little later, local residents confirmed that the rocket came from where the Ukrainian units are stationed.
Under such pressure, even the command of the Ukrainian army surrendered, they admitted that it was their missile.
But the NATO and Ukrainian media are already silent about this. The culprit has been found, but it has already been hammered into people’s heads – “Russians are hitting home.”
The icing on the cake of Ukrainian war tactics was the massive distribution of weapons. Anyone. Who wants. From trucks, machine guns are dumped on the asphalt like potatoes. Come, take it. Kiev set the trend, Kharkiv, Zaporozhye, Odessa joined a little later…
“Political studies” for Ukrainian women and children
From the armed people they form detachments of “territorial self-defense”, as under Makhno. These gangs have already begun arbitrariness and looting on the streets. Approximately every first one is seen as a spy. If they notice two, it’s definitely a sabotage group.
So in Kyiv, a truck of the Ukrainian army and an anti-aircraft gun, which were driving to a shelter, were mistaken for Russian spies and opened fire on them.
The crew of the truck fell down, and the anti-aircraft gun managed to leave, crushing a civilian car in a panic. A little later, the deputies of the Rada identified all the dead and confirmed that they were all Ukrainian soldiers. But this was already after the crowd had had time to mock the corpses: “So you, Russian saboteurs.”
In Kyiv, the Strela-10 air defense system ran over a car driving along the road
In the same Kyiv, a family of five people who tried to leave the city were shot right in the car. They were also mistaken for saboteurs. Parents and one child died. Two more children are in critical condition in the hospital.
A family of five was shot dead in a car in Kyiv

The Nazis went wild – in order to get to Kyiv, they demand to correctly pronounce the word “Palyanitsya”. Russian-speaking Ukrainians can easily get shot for just mispronunciation.
Women with children are trained for the same. “Political classes” are held right in the courtyards, where employees of the Security Service of Ukraine explain to residents: “Whoever has personal weapons at home, you can calmly use them to kill. Quietly, carefully from around the corner – and then dump.
And the apotheosis of all this was the statement by the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine that it was releasing prisoners and distributing weapons to them. Ukraine is rapidly sinking into the Makhnovshchina..
In general, the fight against saboteurs has been raised to an absolute level, Everyone is looking for them and everything is under suspicion. And they do catch! Packs!
So in Ukraine, more and more fakes with Russian “captives” are being launched. They are crushed in two counts. But the enthusiasm does not subside.
So on one video, allegedly a Russian prisoner sits under a yellow-blue flag and lows through force: “Glory to Ukraine.” Only the director of this production grinned like a fool: this “Russian prisoner” turned out to be Panasyuk Yaroslav Fedorovich from Ternopil, a participant in the punitive war in the Donbass. His proud profile has already flashed on Facebook.
Allegedly, the “Russian prisoner” turned out to be Yaroslav Panasyuk from Ternopil, a participant in the punitive war in the Donbass
Another guy in the video. Users found out that he did not come from Russia, but lives in Kyiv. “Warrior” happened to be handed over by a girl – she already posted pictures with him on her page and never deleted it.
The detainee allegedly “OMON” from Novokuznetsk, turned out to be a member of the military-patriotic club from the Ukrainian Nikolaev.
In the area of ​​the city of Gostoml, where the Russian Airborne Forces fought a hard battle for the airport, the Ukrainians shot down a Ka-52 helicopter, a local resident, Mikhail Pavlushenko, approached him. It was then that the SBU officers took him! And they managed to show in the news to report – “Russian pilot in captivity!”. Only later did it become clear that he was an archpriest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. But at least someone is already interested.
Archpriest Mikhail Pavlushenko was passed off by the Ukrainian media as a “Russian pilot”.
Meanwhile, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko addressed the population and reassured them that there were no Russian troops in the capital. And why then does the hunt for saboteurs among the civilian population continue?


It’s certainly curious timing.

USG Issues NuclearBlastSurvivalInstructions large
USG Issues NuclearBlastSurvivalInstructions large

Hamburger thoughts on a nice sunny day

Ah. But it’s all postering. There is not way that any serious concerns are given to Americans about Nuclear War. It’s all a game of “Chicken”.

Let’s think (instead) about a delicious hamburger!

The evil communists!

Ever since Trump it’s all been a big war against “evil communists”, but sheech! What changed? China is doing well now. Russia is doing well now. The West is turning into a shit hole. video

The 10 Rules of Ikigai

They are:

1. Stay active and don’t retire.
2. Take it slow.
3. Don’t fill your stomach.
4. Surround yourself with good friends.
5. Get in shape for your next birthday.
6. Smile.
7. Reconnect with nature.
8. Give thanks.
9. Live in the moment.
10. Uncover and Follow your Ikigai.


2022 03 01 15 53
2022 03 01 15 53

Slowing life down is a mindful and deliberate choice. While not always an easy one, it leads to a greater appreciation for life and a greater level of happiness.

Solid MM advice, don’t you know.

ZIRCONs On The Move — UPDATED 6:30 AM

2022 03 01 15 03
ZIRCON missile.

ZIRCON Hypersonic Nuclear Missiles (Land Attack Missile Version) have been loaded onto tracked, Road-Mobile Launchers, and are presently on rail cars being moved publicly inside Russia.

Prototypes were test-launched from a Tu-22M3 bomber in 2012–2013.

Launches from a ground-based platform followed in 2015, with first success achieved in 2016.

In April 2017, it was reported Zircon had reached a speed of Mach 8 (6,100 mph; 9,800 km/h; 2,700 m/s) during a flight test. Zircon was again test-fired on 3 June 2017, almost a year earlier than had been announced by Russian officials.

In November 2017, Colonel General Viktor Bondarev stated that the missile was already in service. Another flight test reportedly occurred on 10 December 2018, during which the missile demonstrated that it could attain a speed of Mach 8.

On 20 February 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed the missile is capable of accelerating up to Mach 9 and destroying both sea and land targets within 1,000 km (540 nmi; 620 mi). By the year’s end, on 24 December 2019, Putin stated that Zircon’s land-based version was in development.

Warhead > 300 HE , > 200 kt tnw nuclear


Zircon can travel at a speed of Mach 8 – Mach 9 (6,100–6,900 mph; 9,800–11,000 km/h; 2.7–3.1 km/s). This has led to concerns that it could penetrate existing defense systems. Because it flies at hypersonic speeds within the atmosphere, the air pressure in front of it forms a plasma cloud as it moves, absorbing radio waves and making it practically invisible to active radar systems (Plasma stealth).

The final section of the missile’s trajectory will be overcome in under 10 seconds.  As such, the enemy does not have time to carry out all the necessary procedures needed to even TRY to intercept it.   Moreover, the Zircon exchanges information in flight and can be controlled by commands if necessary to alter course of change target.

Missiles like this could, in theory, be fired from Russia, and hit the Capital cities of NATO member countries bordering Russia.

You know, the Capital cities of countries participating in ejecting Russia from the SWIFT banking system; or other countries supplying weapons or now fighter jets to Ukraine, to be used fighting Russia.    It would happen so fast, and with such Stealth, that the countries being targeted wouldn’t even know the missiles were coming until their Capitals got hit and blown up.

The 200 kiloton warheads would obliterate the cities that were hit. In comparison, the USA blasted Hiroshima with a 15Kiloton warhead.


From Russian Ministry of Defense:   “In accordance with the order of the President, the duty of the command posts of the Strategic Missile (nuclear) Forces, the Northern and Pacific Fleets, and the Long-Range Aviation Command have begun combat duty with reinforced personnel.”

This means that the order Putin gave earlier, to get them ready, is now being fulfilled and they’re operating in a high alert/readiness mode. Nukes will be armed and prepared & ready to strike — if order given.

7:18 AM EST–

Russia’s top military command has ordered heavy strategic bomber flights in effort to block US and EU military aid from getting to Ukraine, per a defense statement. Russia has tried to “fully destroy” Ukraine’s airfields with missile attacks, per Ukraine MoD -Foreign Policy.


The “masses, who are asses” (in Kiev) are lining up at . . .  Supermarkets . . . . trying to buy food.   As usual, the overwhelming majority of the general public are so utterly stupid, they make absolutely ZERO plans and take absolutely no action to protect themselves,, even though they’re in Day 4 of an actual shooting war.   Don’t be like these morons – get your preps right now.  Don’t wait.

When the missiles start flying, you don’t want to be like these people.  Oh, and if the missiles start flying, credit/debit cards won’t work because all the computers and communications lines will be out.  No way to get authorization for any purchases.  So you’d better have cash money in your possession before all hell breaks loose!


Russian Ministry of Defense — Russian Air Force has gained air supremacy over the entire territory of Ukraine as of this morning.


Kremlin blamed nuclear alert on Liz Truss. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov:

 "There were unacceptable statements about possible conflict situations and even confrontations and clashes between NATO and Russa. I will not name the authors of these statements, although it was the British foreign secretary"

Kiss of Death?


(HT REMARK: When government tells you things are safe, that’s when you panic)

Deliveries of Germany's weapons to Ukraine make us wonder if the process of denazification was completed in Germany itself 

- Russian Foreign Ministry


3:00 PM EST —


The US State Department said that Washington stands for the defense of the principle of non-nuclear war and does not see the need to increase the level of readiness of its deterrence forces.

Russia has not shown any interest in some sort of deconfliction mechanism with the United States over the Ukraine invasion, Pentagon says.

UKRAINE NEWS@kuringechuwa· At the moment, military pilots from Ukraine are in Poland. Today they receive 29 Polish MiG-29s. With full weapons and electronics.

(HT Remark: So Poland has now become a defacto Ukrainian military base.   This won't end well.   I suspect the very MOMENT those planes take off, Russian fighter jets and surface-to-air-missile batteries will be ordered to target them all and destroy them all as soon as they cross into Ukraine air space.)

No one in government seems to grasp that It’s all bait.

That’s why it’s the OLD Russian tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, trucks and stuff in Ukraine. I suspect it will only be Two or three more days.

Putin will act.  He warned everyone publicly.   He meant what he said.  He WILL act.

I suspect Poland first.

Then US/UK.  — Especially the UK.  I think they’ve been severe trouble makers around the world for decades and I personally believe they need to get absolutely crushed by Russia.  Mercilessly crushed!  It will not surprise me at all if the very first UK strike is against the CITY of LONDON within London itself.  That’s where all the contracts are.  That’s where all the global financial shenanigans get decided.  I hope they glow.

Possibly Germany after that, it seems, from the “de-Nazification” comment reported on this page earlier today.

4:53 PM EST — 

Looks like the ground war in Ukraine is about to turn much darker.  Putin is sending a 17-mile long convoy of artillery and tanks towards Kyiv with intense helicopter support and fighter jets all over it to take out any attackers.

Programming the Retards Has Begun:

2022 03 01 15 14
2022 03 01 15 14

Could A Small Nuclear War Reverse Global Warming?

Ukraine Armed Forces says that if necessary, the planes they’re getting from other NATO countries “will be able to be based on Polish airfields from which Ukrainian pilots will perform combat missions”


  • Bulgaria  (MiG-29) – 16
  • Bulgaria  (Su-25) – 14
  • Poland  (MiG-29) – 28
  • Slovakia  (MiG-29) – 12

Tomorrow Finland will begin a Parliamentary Discussion to join the NATO Alliance, this could take weeks or only a few hours it just depends on how the Finnish Government is feeling, NATO has already said Finland can be admitted to the Alliance within 24 Hours after a decision.

This will result in only one of two outcomes…


[1] Putin feels the overwhelming pressure on his border, takes a win, and slowly works to try and repair the extreme damage that’s been done to his economy…


[2] He’s decided that Russia will no longer cow to the threats posed by NATO and decides everything to the west of his border will be reduced to ashes.

It’s a terribly risky strategy being run by the Europeans…they’ll either wind up looking like heroes and saviors…or like nothing at all and with no one to care.

China nurtures it’s best and brightest

Meanwhile the USA does the exact opposite. School selection is determiend by lottery with attendence optional. Sheech! And all these people are armed with guns! video 3MB

Open letter to TV watching western armchair generals

From the Saker

My dear TV western armchair generals,

I get it, I promise.  I really do!

Your entire life you have been trained to see a successful military operations like so:

    • Begin by bombing the shit of the “hadjis” or “sand niggers” with bombs and missiles, then flatten their town à la Fallujah, then move in with heavy armor and shoot everything which still moves or breathes.
    • Then distribute chewing-gums to a few kids while on video.
    • Then take the city center, drop a statue in front your embedded presstitutes, and then declare victory.
    • Then, after declaring victory, stay another 20 years or so (Blinken was clearly projecting!), ruin it completely, then leave it again and declare another brilliant victory.
    • And don’t forget to declare urbi at orbi that you reserve the “right” to bomb the shit out of them anytime you deem it is needed.  And fuck their sovereignty or anybody else’s while we are at it!
    • Lastly, once home, don’t forget to “thank” your “veterans” for their “service”.

I get it.

Now YOU try, please!!

Now, in spite of this conditioning, please at least try to understand the following points:

First, the Russians do not see Ukrainian as Hadjis but as their own brothers.

Second many/most LDNR soliders have relatives in the Nazi occupied Ukraine.

Third, yes, Russia can turn any Ukrainian city into Fallujah, but who do you think will then have to pay for its reconstruction?

Fourth, please understand that the double goals of 1) denazification and 2) disarmament implies that any person which is not a Nazi or is not armed and hostile is not, repeat, NOT the target of the Russian armed forces.

Fifth,  the Ukie military was 80% defeated on Day 1.  Get that?  It was gone as a coherent fighting force.  THAT is why they are blowing up bridges, distributing weapons and releasing convicted criminals.  NOT because they are winning!  I mean – how stupid are you if you believe that?  Ukie stupid?


Right now you are the object of probably the biggest PSYOP operation in history. If you realize that and treat these PSYOPs as you should, that is as “informational warfare from the bad guys” you will be able to tell your kind and grandkids “I never believed that crap”. Good for you!

But if you don’t, well then, just don’t tell too much about you in 2022 to your kind and grandkids, save yourself the ridicule and embarrassment…

That’s it. My very last attempt to wake you up.  From now on, I will pretend like you don’t exist and instantly ban any comments parroting kind of self-evident nonsense.

Now I will quietly leave your room, switch off the lights, and let you watch your TVs.


How is Chinese media reacting to growing tensions in Ukraine? How are Chinese citizens talking about this on social media? 

During the last few days, all the western embassies in China have been releasing a flurry of statements, like never before, with the aim of pressuring the government to distance itself from Russia, and to affect Chinese public opinion on the issue. However, on social media people have been mocking this campaign and questioning why this seems so coordinated, lots of jokes and memes have arisen.

Overall, Chinese people do not see a need to comment on a conflict that isn’t theirs. Until recently, everyone understood this as a western attack on Russia, and now the discussion is about why the west feels the need to play out their conflict on Chinese social media.

I saw one comment saying that the west ‘thinks we can’t see international news because of the firewall, that’s not true’. Above all, China does not want to be involved in any kind of war and always believes in doing everything to avoid war. While the Chinese government maintains that position, the Chinese people will not feel the need to react to these kinds of conflicts.

Hamburger / cheeseburger thoughts

The Winter Olympics are now over, how do Chinese people feel about how the games went? 

I think people are feeling a bit empty now that it’s all over, it was a highly successful event. It has awakened, for the first time, a huge interest in winter sports and people are buying the gear.

China performed well, winning 15 gold medals, placing them in 3rd place [above the US]. This success has been the number one tendency everyday on Chinese social media as people have been able to interact with the games virtually but without disrupting everyday life because the whole games took place within the physical bubble created within Beijing.

The Digital Yuan, a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) was adopted in a big way for the time during these games. What is it like to experience the birth of this CBDC? 

The Digital Yuan was used during the games but it was not the only form of payment permitted. It is a long way from mass adoption within China, it’s being used in some zones where there are trial runs, but not on a mass scale.

China already has multiple venues for digital payments for everything, the country never really saw bank cards, it jumped from a cash economy straight to digital payment through phones etc.

WeChat and Alipay are the most prominent ways to make payments within China, so the government will have to work to promote this CBDC, which is basically a cryptocurrency, and change the habits of consumers.

China banned private cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin firstly for environmental reasons. The country has strict goals for carbon reduction and mining Bitcoin is extremely harmful.

The CBDC was launched with international commerce, rather than domestic commerce, in mind. It is being launched as an alternative to the US dollar, it is very far away from achieving that, but existing as an alternative option to USD for international trade is the aim and so the US sees this as a great threat because they use the power of the dollar to enforce sanctions. For example, the US was able to sanction European companies that were trading with Iran because the trade was in dollars.

Pretty girl in a red halter

I always liked halters. Most women don’t however. They tend to keep sliding down, and so you’ve got to tug and tug and tug to keep them up high. Sheech! video

PM Comments;

Art of War, Sun Tzu. America harms Russia without suffering a single casualty. America doesn’t care about Ukraine. Its just an attack dog.

In a real fight, the attack dogs die first.

But the attack dogs can bite and harm Russia.

What about America having to spend billions to arm Ukraine so the attack dogs will have teeth? Money is nothing to America.

They print their trillions, which come from the people’s debt, while the money created goes to the elite-owned Military Industrial Propaganda Complex. Which a part of which supports the political/technology/media structure which keeps the country in perpetual war and provides unlimited budgets for war. It’s a perfect cyclical economy that supports the capitalist Big Lie that a number on a ledger created out of thin air represents wealth.

Not only that, but the rest of the world eventually helps to pay for the war budget because the USD is the worlds reserve currency.

Anyone who disagrees will be starved or bombed to the Stone Age, except for China and Russia who can defend themselves.

America prints trillions and the world suffers from inflation, not just America.

The elites don’t pay for inflation, as their property holdings will increase in value, the people who pay for groceries, rent, and daily necessities suffer from inflation but who cares.

Not only that, but distant wars actually help the American war-based economy and cause the US Dollar to rise in value against its profligate printing.

In war zones, people tend to hoard US Dollars, taking US Dollars out of circulation.

America also makes it hard for US Dollars to be repatriated.

So the hegemon wins when you are forced to fight a war against your brethren who have been turned into attack dogs for the empire; you’re also paying for it. This is a good lesson for China to not find itself in such a poor strategic situation.

What can Russia hope to achieve from this unwanted war? Russia must from now on be much more influential in the affairs of Ukraine.

  • All de-Russification must be reversed, including the separation of the Orthodox Church.
  • The Russian language will be one of the official languages to be taught at schools.
  • The Neo-Nazis will be deligitimized and their crimes duly prosecuted.
  • Ukraine must have a treaty with Russia and be a member of the federation.
  • Foreign media and NGOs must be licensed (actually best simply kicked out and kept out, as they are mostly disinformation agents and spies.—TGP)
  • There will be Russian bases. Then we’ll have peace.

Alternatively, Russia will employ FOABs (enormous bombs short of nuclear—TGP) which will kill everything within a 300m radius. It will be cruel, but such is war. Learn from Sun Tzu, do not get yourself in that situation.

Hopefully, the Ukraine side will finally come to its senses. When Russia succeeds in their operation, it will be the turn of the three Baltic states to shake in their boots, NATO or no NATO.


It’s about how you look at things


Look at the big picture, and then relax. The war in the Ukraine is not a sporting event. Rather it’s a catalist forcing the world to choose sides. The aftermath will be a bio-polar world rather than a uni-polar world, and those that stick with the USA are going to be in trouble.

Big picture so far:

[1]  Europe threw itself off the cliff. It is Officially Game Over. All that’s left is the autopsy.

  • RT & news blocked,
  • Cultural, sports & local-carriers air travel to Russia blocked,
  • A separation from financial infrastructure,
  • Open hostility evident through support of Nazis in PsyOps and ostensible but meaningless arms.
  • Everything calculated for a generational rupture and impotent group-hate shriek at Russia..

Predictable results:

  • A near-term loss of existential 50% petroleum products,
  • A loss of 40%+ grain products and the withering away of Europe.
  • Pity. European cost of living will be Biblical come next Dark Winter.. And an exodus to Russia and other sane points likely beforehand.

[2] The “WW3 OR Sanctions” threat by Biden was actually directed at EU. It was the trigger to get the loons to leap off the cliff. How will Russia punish the deceitful USA piper, which has now wrecked the western peninsula of Asia for the next 3+ generations?

US squats, toad-like, pretending to be the whistling innocent bystander at the scene of the epic European ritual suicide. It is in the role of Annatar during the Fall of Númenor – urging the fool King Ar-Pharazôn to sail on the gods themselves.. the Sundering and drowning of Númenor itself is next on the playlist. Someone should send that memo to the AZE; Europe and Anglo-lands are now forever chained together..

[3] I saw this amusing movie with Clint Eastwood decades ago, “Every Which Way but Loose (1978).” The operative mission regarding Russia is now, “Weaken Them Every Which Way Possible.” And to destroy the gutless Europeans simultaneously is a bonus treat at the Bonfire of the Vanities.

So current calculations focus on the DAILY $700-750 million Russian export earnings. Much of these daily earnings is to Europe. They do not have time for a war of attrition this time.. It is a cold shut-down.

In part, the group hate and hysteria campaign is to “psych themselves” and convince the sane in West it’s a necessary cost, to hurt themselves to hurt Russia. Cut off your damn nose Frenchie, we have excellent plastic surgeons in the Bayou.

[4] There is no nuclear war on the current cards (Phew!). According to the Kremlin, their action yesterday was in reaction to words from Perfide Albion. They have since been put in their tiny place. Deconfliction is on between Americans and Russians. The relevant issue is the suiciding of Europe, not the longed-for first strike.

[5] China (& India) sit pretty. A 500-year Beast is making a dramatic exit from the stage. Pfizer is doubly doomed – folks are so excited in Zone B, there is no need even for Viagra anymore. What support Russia needs, be it diplomatic, financial, new business arrangements (buying that grain and extra gas), lighting a million candles, are quietly being made.

Half-cocked Korean Rocketman rattled off missiles in his no-longer-pudgy fist, to help the loonies focus fully on their Death March in the heavenly rich black soil of Novorussiya.

Indeed, this is the Last March of the Russia Haters, in commiseration with the Last of the Mohicans. And both shall soon be in the museum with the Dodo. An ongoing flood of Ukie refugees is the cherry on top.  So Russia extracted the necessary concessions from Zone B partners to wield the brass knucklers on behalf of mankind.

It has the depth of support in Asia to see to the necessary dirty task.

Maybe all-in-all, maybe things will go “tits up”, or maybe not. What I do know is that now is the time to relax, regroup, and plow forward in new and exciting directions. Eat some delicious food. have a good time. Play with friends, and by all means; be the Rufus.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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China is breaking all barriers while the USA just is acting like a crazy senile old chicken without a head

The US is no longer the self-confident colossus that bestrode the world a few decades ago. America in 2022 is a financial, political, economic, military and social basket case, and its UK ally is in the same very leaky boat. 

The liberal Anglo world is further disturbed by the situation in Canada, which is now in the critical phase of a historic struggle between the Trudeau regime and a large and well-organised section of the working population. 


So I get up this morning, and after my normal routine, I grabbed my cup of coffee and checked my email, and all of that. After I responded to a few tight communications, I then headed towards the “Drudge Report”. It’s a “news” agreggator that collects daily “news” out of the United States. It’s routinely full of bullshit, and it’s one of the reasons why I just don’t read that bullshit any longer. I have a blood pressure issue, and anger just doesn’t help.

Today is day two since the Ukraine started shelling the pro-Russian Ukranian provences in Eastern Ukraine. And Putin and Russia has been very clear. They will not get involved in any of the “baloney” and nonsense out of NATO, the Ukraine and the United States. So they aren’t.

So what does the American “news” report?

Take a look…

Russia has put it’s foot down and stated boldly that there will be no fighting on it’s doorstep. So it sent in peacekeepers to stop the shelling.

That’s hardly an invasion!

But, the US media spins and spins and spins.

I don’t know about most of the other subjects, but I do follow the situation inside of China and with Russia. And I can POSITIVELY confirm that almost every American “news” report regarding them are lies. Or, at best detail omitted distortions.

There is no way that Russia wants Kiev. President Putin, and his foreign ministers have repeatedly stated so.

But they DO want [1] nuclear weapons, and [2] fighting off their borders. That’s a fact. It’s a reasonable fact. They also want America, NATO and the Ukraine to follow their treaty signitures.

What’s a document and a treaty is it is not ever being obeyed or followed? It has gotten so bad that I task the reader to find one treaty that the USA has followed to the letter. I cannot find one. And I looked.

The USA (and NATO) makes and breaks treaties at will.

What’s the point of having treaties at all?

You do know what Genghis Khan would do, right?

You do realize, just by looking at the map above, that Russia and China are the inheritors of the Genghis Khan empire. You DO know what that means. Right?

As far as American “news” goes…

So where in FUCK do they get the intel?

Conservative talk radio? Here’s from hal Turner that is pushing the “silent war” angle with “stealth invasion by Russia” narrative…

Where do they get this intel?

Oh, excuse me. They got it from un-named experts in the United States. That’s where.

Un-named “experts”

Here’s another…

The Washington Post newspaper is reporting that according to “U.S. Officials, U.S. intelligence intercepted an order given to Russian subordinates that said that they were to proceed with a full-scale attack on Ukraine.”

People, I cannot confirm this intel AT ALL.

According to the Washington Post newspaper:

The Biden administration has been warning of imminent attacks for days. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Saturday said Russian forces “are now poised to strike,” bolstering President Biden’s warning on Friday that Russian President Vladimir Putin had “made the decision” to attack Ukraine. 

The White House said Biden would convene a rare Sunday meeting of the National Security Council to assess the developing situation in Ukraine.

However, some high-level European officials have expressed frustration that the United States had not shared the intelligence that led it to surmise Russia’s intentions with such certainty. 

U.S. intelligence that provided Biden with the confidence to make the assertion came from an order given to Russian subordinates to proceed with a full-scale attack, according to several people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity. 

The United States obtained intelligence on the order as Russian military and security officials were taking steps to implement it, and did so very recently, the people said.

Oh. So it’s automatically truth, eh?

Long time readers of MM know the truth about all this.

Truth is evident in behavior.

Now look people. If you are doing well, if you are successful, and if you are happy and healthy you act that way. You do not lie. You do not apologize for your actions. You do not go around hiding behind others, or making false promises.

You do not.

You don’t.


Because you don’t NEED to.

It’s like people saying that China is lying or covering things up. Like torture, starvation, etc. etc.

Yada. Yada. Yada.

China, people! It’s a Communist country. They don’t NEED to lie. They tell you the way things are and you deal with it. Simple and painless.

And like China…

You become confident in your success and who you are. You act like Dwayne Johnson. You act like Clint Eastwood. You act like Bruce Willis in “Die Hard”. You become a bit proud and if you made a mistake, you say something like…

"Yea. I made a mistake. Do you have a problem with it?".
Dwayne Johnson (AT THE FAR RIGHT) in one of the movie Jumandi sequels that he starred in.

That’s not the case of losers, children, infants, and those with poor self esteem, or those that have things to hide. They must lie, and distort things.

Like in a “democracy” where the opinions of others determine your role in society and government. You have to lie, and make promises, and cover up truths.

These people, well, they come up with excuses and distortions. They act like Chris Tucker in “Rush Hour”. And when caught in a lie, they tend to ignore what you said or lie about it.

"It was not my fault. Besides, I was right and you are wrong. And what I am telling you, you must believe, and obey or else!"
Chris Tucker in “Rush Hour”.

And that is how human beings act.

Using basic human nature as a guide, how would you classify the “news” coming out of the United States today? As that of a healthy and proud nations, or as a losing, dying nation?

The fundamental targets of the NATO warmongers in this crisis are not Donbass, nor even Russia, but Germany, and China’s One Belt, One Road initiative. 

They are trying to keep Germany down, and China out; failure to do both means that the US will become an isolated rust-belt island thousands of miles away from the core economic block of the world.

The same development also spells the forthcoming end of the dollar as the world’s financial reserve currency, while America’s time as a sole military superpower has already clearly ended. 

This is a classic example of the Thucydides’ Trap, the moment when an emerging power threatens to displace an existing great power as the hegemon of the age, a transition which all too often is accompanied by a war of desperation.


The point

To Americans, the elite and the general population alike, wars are things that are fought in other peoples’ countries. Despite the fact that the US hasn’t won a war since the campaign against Japan in 1945, the general view in Washington, in particular, is that there is nothing to fear and plenty to gain from war. 


I argue that the United States is doing everything that it can to hide the face of it’s true and actual nature.

Not only to it’s citizenry, but also to other nations.

It has been bribing it’s toadies for compliance, and manipulating everyone else. It has also been involved in creeping antagonism at all levels against most every threat whether real or not.

Those in the West call it a “hybrid war”.

I call it what it is actually; the publicly exposed elements of a real, on-going, war. It’s the tip of the icebreg that is never reported.

The anti-China propaganda roars forward…

It’s from Bloomberg. Of course. Screenshot. The article itself isn’t worth your time to read.

I live in China and I didn’t even know there was a scandal. Imagine that!

So are girls, women and mothers “chained” inside of China?

Are you fucking serious?

Do you even know what a Chinese woman looks like?

Chinese girl in black

Most Chinese girls and women look like this. In fact, if your nation allows you to access Douxing, you can watch them all the time. Too bad that it is banned in the United States, Canada, The UK, and Australia. You know, for “national security”. Don’t you know.


The reality of what China is has been so massively distorted that no one in the West knows the truth any more…

This t-shirt *ISN’T* dirty!!

So what is going on inside of China? Well, consider this…

This is exactly what GOOD marketing is about:

Yujian Xiaomian 遇见小面 is a noodles brand that may not be known to all of you (especially abroad), but there’s a lot of marketers and brands can learn from them.

This t-shirt is such a simple idea, but it hits the nail on the head.

What’s everyone’s issue when eating soup noodles? The oil stains.

Happens. Every. Time.

So how do you fix that? They decided to create this limited-edition t-shirt to give out for free to anyone who gets their white t-shirt stained while eating at their store.

(+They also sell on WeChat)

So they’ve taken the MAIN thing that gets people worried and used it as a linchpin for their campaign. Brilliant.

Not only that, but the wordplay on the t-shirt is great too:

It makes clever use of the expression “Jia You” (literally: add oil) which is used figuratively to motivate others, like saying “Come on! You can do it!” and changing it to “add some oil AGAIN”.

The best part is that people expressed very mixed feelings about this online…

Some left comments like “this is gross” or “this makes me want to wash it” – while others thought it was very funny and creative.

BUT – that’s precisely what great marketing is about!

You want to spark conversation!

BE creative, BE divisive, get people expressing polar views – that’s what’s makes this whole thing so fun and engaging.


I kind of like the marketing aspect of this, and it’s unique and a good thought. Though whether or not I’d buy one is unknown. I’m of a different generation, don’t you know, and my tastes and ascetics are somewhere else.


What about the chained up women? What about the horrible plight of the Uighur Muslims? What about the poor oppressed young Chinese yearning™ for freedom™ and democrac™y?

Chinese girl in a cute miniskirt

But, the ignorant, stupid, moronic American screeches… chained Uighurs! Chained Chinese women! Starving people pining away for freedom™ and democracy™!


This is what Chinese women look like…


A new world order

Nope. It’s not the George Bush NWO.

It’s a REAL *new*, New World Order; its a revised world order.

Why is the United States in such a hysterical hissy-fit? Well, for the last 100 years (probably longer) it’s all be lies, built upon lies, constructed over lies, and now ruled by the best liers and the most corrupt individuals. It’s a “house of cards” that is falling down, and the rest of the world doesn’t want any part of it.


Countries grouped around their most important trading partner.

1990 versus 2020

Chinese girl in a village

And when you point these truths out, there is this period of silence, and then the computerized megaphone yells out the preprogrammed narrative; “‘Merica! It is the best and the brightest! It is the house on the shining hill. Everyone wants to lvie in ‘Merica!”

Then followed shortly afterwards with…

“Chained Chiense women. Fake false flags. Olympic failures”.

Here’s the real deal. This is what is going on inside of China. This is the real picture.


But some technical folk do see. Maybe not the entire picture, but maybe their little part of it, and see that there are serious clamering bells and alrms a wailing…

China’s 5G Soars Over America’s

In some U.S. cities, it’s slower than the old 4G system. Washington should make it a priority.

At this point, football fans have seen so many ads from AT&T and Verizon claiming to have the fastest and most reliable 5G service on the planet that those without a 5G smartphone might think they are really missing something. Don’t be misled. Unless you are traveling internationally, you won’t enjoy faster speeds with a new 5G-enabled smartphone than you’d get on a 4G phone streaming games from New York, Los Angeles or many other U.S. cities. AT&T’s and Verizon’s new 5G networks are often significantly slower than the 4G networks they replace. America is far behind in almost every dimension of 5G while other nations—including China—race ahead.

America’s average 5G mobile internet speed is roughly 75 megabits per second, which is abysmal. In China’s urban centers 5G phones get average speeds of 300 megabits per second. Though that’s not quite the fastest 5G in the world—South Korea claims that title at over 400 Mbps—it’s still fast enough to download a high-definition movie in two minutes. Mobile internet speed is a central advancement of 5G, which enables a new domain of breakthrough applications with potent economic and national-security implications. American 5G upload speeds are slower than those of many developed countries, including Israel, Singapore and Canada. In Boston, Chicago and New York City, AT&T’s 5G speeds are at least 10% slower than its 4G; in Washington, Los Angeles and Austin, Texas, Verizon’s 5G speeds are at least 20% slower than the company’s 4G.

The U.S. also trails China in the global market for 5G-related services. Although American sanctions have hurt Huawei, China’s national champion is still the global leader in supplying 5G infrastructure with 30% of the market, while no U.S. firms sell 5G infrastructure abroad. Strategically significant countries including Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey have installed Huawei infrastructure and are already using it to deliver 5G services.

While Beijing has prioritized broadening its 5G network, Washington has a dysfunctional relationship with the U.S. mobile industry—as typified by the Federal Aviation Administration’s hysterics over the proximity of American airports to 5G services, which operate near scores of airports around the world with no problem. For its part, China has been rapidly allocating the most efficient part of the wireless spectrum, called midband, to 5G service providers. China has deployed at least three times as much midband to 5G providers as the U.S. has. AT&T and Verizon are using the same spectrum bands for both their 4G and 5G networks. As a result, as one industry analyst aptly put it, their 5G networks are “just 4G with sprinkles on it.”

Washington’s dithering has left America well behind China in the race to build 5G infrastructure. Because 5G signals have short wavelengths, reliable service requires proximity to many wireless base stations. China has installed more than one million 5G base stations, while the U.S. has built only 100,000. The American fiber-optic network is also less dense than that of many developed countries like Japan, making it more difficult for mobile operators to deploy these small cell sites.

China’s investment in 5G also dwarfs America’s. The Innovation and Competition Act, which Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer hailed as “the key to preserving America’s position on the world stage as a current and future technological leader in the 21st century,” would authorize $1.5 billion in spending on 5G mobile networks through 2026. China has already spent $50 billion to build out its 5G network and is on track to spend an additional $100 billion on 5G over the next five years.

The pathetic U.S. performance in the 5G race is a sign of America’s larger failure to keep up with China on strategically important technologies. China is also ahead of America in high-tech manufacturing, green energy and many applications of artificial intelligence. On current trajectories, by 2030 it will likely lead the U.S. in the number of semiconductor chips it produces and in applications of biotechnology to defeat diseases like cancer.

In 2019 the Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Board tried to sound the alarm, stating bluntly: “China is on a track to repeat in 5G what happened with the U.S. in 4G.” The transition from 3G to 4G made possible a previously unimaginable world of mobile computing, smartphones and applications from Google Maps and Uber to Facebook and Instagram. The step up to real 5G speeds will lead to analogous breakthroughs in autonomous vehicles, virtual-reality applications like the metaverse, and other areas that have yet to be invented. Applications abound that could advantage a country’s intelligence agencies and enhance its military capabilities.

It will take far more than an additional $1.5 billion investment from Congress to change this. The Biden administration should make 5G a national priority and take the lead in building digital highways across the country as the government did in creating our national highway system. Otherwise, China will own the 5G future.

Saga of the chained Chinese girl…

Again. You saw what the Drudge Report said…

When you read the AP “report”, there is no evidence. Just an accusation that is repeated and treated like it is fact. Sheech!

AP screenshot.

And you know, it doesn’t look at all like what is really going on…

Chinese girl cute at home


The rest of the world is seeing this. And theya re starting to take action.

One of the Five Eyes has blinked over China

New Zealand has defied the wrath of its Anglosphere allies to sign a big new trade deal with Beijing

China and New Zealand this week completed the ratification of their upgraded free-trade agreement, which will come into force in April. Although the deal was a long time in the works, it expands the number of tariff-free goods New Zealand is able to export into China, securing what is its largest market and a key source of income for its farmers.

The agreement comes despite the growing tensions between Beijing, the United States and its allies, with Washington seeking to put the brakes on China’s expanding economic ties with its allies, in a view towards strategic containment.

This has led to claims that New Zealand, a member of the Five Eyes Anglosphere intelligence alliance involving Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, has not been sufficiently ‘loyal’ to their agenda. Jacinda Ardern’s more cautious approach towards Beijing, as opposed to the absolutely relentless hostility to China seen in neighboring Australia, has seen her country mocked as ‘New Xi-land.’

So why is New Zealand acting differently to its partners when it comes to Beijing? And will the pressure to get it to take America’s side succeed?

New Zealand, for many reasons, is a country which is fundamentally different from the other Anglosphere nations; its world outlook is more moderate, less elitist and more progressive. While the other three countries, Australia, Canada and the United States, were once British colonies established through the near total, unapologetic destruction of indigenous inhabitants in the name of Anglo-Protestant settler supremacy, New Zealand was established as more of a compromise between the British and the native Māori population. The Maori were not entirely displaced, but instead remained a cultural and political force within the country.

In recent years, Maori culture has in fact been on the ascendency in New Zealand and unlike its Anglophone counterparts, the nation’s broader identity has absorbed it. This means that in foreign relations, New Zealand is less inclined towards the zealous imperialist and supremacist mindset seen in Washington, Canberra, London and Ottawa.

Wellington is considerably more peaceful and less contentious in its outlook, which in turn influences its attitude towards Beijing. As a nation of just five million people which relies significantly on agricultural exports, China’s market of 1.4 billion hungry mouths represents a trade bonanza that is simply not matched anywhere else in the world. Why, in such circumstances, should New Zealand subscribe to an aggressive anti-China agenda?

Yet for all intents and purposes New Zealand does, on paper, effectively take a side as part of the US-led security order in the Pacific, even if it is not considered a leading player or part of concentrated groups such as ‘The Quad’ strategic security grouping of the United States, India, Japan and Australia.

Whilst British and Australian media outlets are quick to accuse Ardern’s New Zealand of being subservient to China owing to trade, this is misleading. One may note that New Zealand has banned Huawei from its 5G networks, that it still engages in naval military drills against China in areas such as the South China Sea, still puts its name to anti-China statements pursued at the United Nations and elsewhere, and so on. But, significantly, this is done in a non-aggressive, discrete and non-confrontational way.

It might be said that Wellington ‘follows’ the US agenda in its own moderate way, but does not attempt to lead or put its head above the pack needlessly. For example, New Zealand has somewhat embraced the Xinjiang-focused human rights discourse, but has notably avoided the ‘genocide’ accusation as pushed by the most aggressive Anglosphere politicians. Likewise, when the AUKUS deal to provide nuclear submarines for Australia was declared last year, Ardern announced such subs would be banned from its waters as part of its anti-nuclear stance.

These distinctions remind us that New Zealand’s foreign policy is not ‘pro-China’ as such, but a careful balancing act not to frame itself as an explicit enemy to Beijing in the way Australia has done, a move that resulted in China banning numerous exports from that country throughout 2020 and 2021. New Zealand, were it to follow suit, arguably has far more to lose as a much smaller nation.

Yet this also alludes to the underlying reality: that Wellington is part of an economic order which increasingly revolves around China, albeit while simultaneously being part of the US-led security order. Whilst these conflicting modes of existence have caused more discomfort in Australia, owing to its much stronger sense of Anglophone exceptionalism and historical embrace of ‘yellow peril’ rhetoric, New Zealand seems to be deftly riding out the balance.

The upgraded trade agreement with Beijing illustrates this existence isn’t going to change anytime soon. Wellington is also part of the 15-member Asia-Pacific Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership that also incorporates China and commenced this year.

While talk of diversification in international trade is often thrown around, this is superficial and easier said than done, for there are no other markets the size of China’s. This is something that the US and some of its closer allies have been unwilling to face: Beijing is and will continue to be the economic heart of an entire region by the realities of size, geography and economics. No amount of denial can change that, however much America wishes it, as set out in its “Indo-Pacific” strategy.

This might mark one final distinction between Wellington and the rest of the Five Eyes states. Whilst the others are in denial, hostile towards a changing world where China is rising, and frantically trying to assemble strategies based on nostalgia or past glories, New Zealand, while still technically on their side, is more pragmatic and realistic about it all. It has not switched allegiances, yet it has few qualms or anxiety or hesitation about integrating and trading with China to its own benefit.

But, you know, those who have the money, and who have travelled, do know what is going on inside of China.

How to pick stocks…


Meanwhile the Chiense are moving forward with all kinds of innovations…

A drone within a smartphone?


The Chinese smartphone manufacturer VIVO caused a stir a few months ago. A video showing a drone within a smartphone went viral.

The phone appears to have a design similar to a modern smartphone but something is unique about the camera.

Instead of carrying large devices, the drone simply slides out of the phone, flying around and taking pictures.

With its own battery and three installed infrared proximity sensors, it will ensure that the camera drone will not fly against or hit anything.

Release date, price and other information are not yet available, as the product shown is only a patent so far.

But it will be the world’s first flying detachable phone camera.


drone with a smartphone-2022-02-19_17.49.17

But you know…

There’s a ton-load of bullshit on all American platforms. And they are subtle. Most Americans wouldn’t catch the lies.

This one, I caught today on LinkedIN…

But it’s NOT.

Apple is NOT the most popular smartphone in China. It’s not even number four.

Thanks to President Trump, and a rising patriotism thoughtout China, it’s not even number four. It’s way, way down the list, and maybe it was (iPhone) tops in China in 2015, it is no longer.

As long as the anti-China narrative continues, the Chinese interest in buying American products will continue it’s long slide towards ZERO.

Chinese girl visiting Korea

Korea is a beautiful place, and they are Han race, just like the Han Chinese. In fact, many Chinese live inside of Korea. they work there, and live fine productive lives there. This one gal here is an attractive lass (one of my favorites) that lives there. Her videos makes me want to hop on a plane and visit.


I’ll bet that she’d be a lot of fun.

The master mind behind HK riots files for bankruptcy

Well, I argue that John Bolton was the mastermind behind the HK riots, but there is no quesiton that Guo Wengui played a signifigant role.

The exiled magnate Guo Wengui is seeking debt relief while he gets his finances together.

Exiled Chinese businessman Guo Wengui filed for bankruptcy on Tuesday night, days after a New York court ordered him to pay $134 million to a creditor for moving a yacht out of U.S. waters to prevent it from debt collection.

Guo, a real-estate developer also known as Miles Kwok, said he fled China in 2014 after learning a state security official linked to him was the subject of a corruption investigation. Beijing later said it was pursuing Guo on a slew of criminal charges, allegations the businessman has denied.

Guo has since lived in New York City and amassed a large following, particularly among Chinese Americans, by painting himself as a mega-rich dissident and freedom fighter who is trying to take down China’s ruling Communist Party. He had an estimated net worth of $1.1 billion in 2015, and the Fifth Avenue penthouse he lived in was worth $68 million.

The Chapter 11 filing indicates that Guo is seeking debt relief and to stop all collection efforts against him pending a reorganization of his finances. He declared that he now owned less than $100,000 of assets but owed dozens of creditors to the tune of $100 million to $500 million.

Guo said his debts came from “litigation expenses, claims, and judgments,” and included a list of entities that were in legal disputes with him.

Guo has become an influential player in the conservative media world in the U.S. after he allied with Steve Bannon, former President Donald Trump’s adviser. He’s an investor and active user of Gettr, a pro-Trump Twitter alternative that claims to be free of “cancel culture.”

Guo’s popular video streams regularly lash out at not only Chinese officials but also other pro-democracy activists from China. He has been promoting false information about the pandemic and called COVID-19 vaccines part of a conspiracy concocted by the Chinese Communist Party.

A 2021 report by network analysis company Graphika found that Guo is at the center of a vast social media network which amplifies online disinformation and promotes real-world harassment campaigns participated by his fans. Guo denies encouraging anyone to participate in harassment.

Guo’s bankruptcy attorney, William Baldiga, did not immediately respond to a request for comments.

The 15-room Manhattan condo on the 18th floor in the Sherry-Netherland hotel, where Guo has lived for years, is now on sale for $45 million, about $23 million less than it was bought for in 2015.

Last week, a New York judge ruled that Guo arranged for a boat called the Lady May to leave New York waters for the Bahamas to shield it from debt collection. Guo, who has maintained he doesn’t own the yacht, was ordered to pay $134 million to a creditor.

Bannon was arrested on the same boat in 2020 on unrelated federal charges.

Last year, three media companies tied to Guo agreed to pay $539 million, without admitting wrongdoing, to settle charges that the companies illegally sold cryptocurrencies.

Here is how to understand China

Bruce Lee explains how China does things. Not just in Covid, Kung Fu, but in education, energy, trade, and military.


Chinese girl on a horse

Here’s my gal from Korea again. Can you see why I find her so alluring? Chained up abused little waif? No. Not in the least.


To truly understand what all these hate-filled articles are all about, one must divorce themselves from the “reporting on a comment, reported by another, that suggests that maybe XXXX happened”, to actually seeing what is going on via video, and first-hand observations.

Chinese girl outside a local store

Here is a Chinese girl outside of a typical small town store. This is a pretty much typical scene throughout China. She has the same hair color that MM has, don’t you know. Therefore, there is an immediate affinity for this gal. Though, I must tell you all, seriously… she’s much prettier than I am.


China is just moving ahead, and allowing the rest of the world to howl.

And, you know…

Unhinged America

They are really, right now, totally unhinged.

It’s funny if it wasn’t so sad.

Alex Jones

China Makes Breakthrough Ahead of Other Nations in Crucial Fusion Reactor Technology That Promises Endless Source of Power

From HERE.

The race for advanced weaponry has been one-upped with the stride in fusion reactor technology that places a Chinese tokamak ahead of other nations as a crucial future development.

China, despite the claims of the US, is now way ahead in arms and energy research crucial to lead countries as pre-eminent powers exceeding the American lead.

A self-contained sun or ‘Tokamak’ will be providing power for China, with inner temperatures as high as 120 million degrees.

China advances with the power of its artificial sun

Experts say that Beijing’s push to advance technology has enabled the development of fusion power in a compact casing. Advanced countries are racing to beat China to pursue cutting-edge scientific developments, reported the Sun UK.

The artificial sun breakthrough will cement the lead of the Communist Party in a power-hungry world. Fusion can power with safe non-lethal energy that is clean and renewable, the holy grail which the west wants to have.

Research to contain the immense heat as a source of power for the earth and the sun at its core. Compared to fission, it offers more options since the atomic age started in the 1950s, cited Techno Trendz.

The goal is for the contestants in this race to get the most wins to complete a fully functional Tokamak. The rat race to see the finish line is what western and eastern powers are gunning for.

The recent announcement that the Chinese Tokamak started up as a next-generation fusion reactor that burned with the heat of a star for 20 minutes, the longest time on record.

What is shown to the western allies is that Beijing might be at a tipping point that will be a sign of Chinese dominance of fusion technology.

According to two analysts, Thomas Corbett and Peter Singer, who have agreed that the drive for China to push for advancement is more than the west ever thought possible.

In Defense One, they stressed all success in research and development is all in China, and they are strides that exceeded expectations.

Achieving an internal temperature of plasma heat of 120 million Celsius for about 20 seconds in 2021. Compared to the sun with an interior heat of 27 million is less hot than the quasi-sun at 120 million degrees.

China’s Tokamak can replace limited oil supply at wartime

Any country that perfects the Tokamak will have all the energy it needs to be steady and clean. The energy shortages of the past will be rare, for example, the EU gas and oil crises, remarked Dr. Daniel Jassa by the Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists.

China’s Experiential Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) is on trial to sustain longer operation times. For the record, the funds for the development is has reached £700 million is a lot, but Beijing is still putting in money, unlike the west.

One consideration to develop the Tokamak is that it can replace the endangered oil supply at wartime, with 14.3 million barrels a day being threatened. It assures fewer power supply problems.

Economic development will benefit from it and fuel development faster. China sees what it means to have it when faced with old powers like the US and Europe.

The Chinese Tokamak is the peak of advanced fusion reactor technology, giving it a quantum leap over the west.

Chinese girl in her car

But the Chinese are chained up! And the food in the Olympics was so bad that the people howled and tore at their hair in frustration!

So says the British tabloids…

I just cannot tell you how many times that I have experienced this scene. See. It’s just like in America, or Australia or the UK. We all are the same, you know. It’s only our societies that are different.


7 Times The Speed Of Sound, China Claims Breakthrough With ‘Hypersonic Gun’ That Can Shoot-Down Missiles, Fighter Jets

The emergence of hypersonic weapons has forced nations to look for countermeasures. Japan has reportedly decided to develop “railguns” in the face of emerging hypersonic threats and it is not the only country to do so.

A railgun is an electromagnetic weapon capable of firing projectiles at Mach 7 — seven times the speed of sound — and is said to be capable of destroying ships, missiles, and planes. But on the flip side, the fast-moving projectile and its high-voltage electric current could produce irreversible wear on the rail or inner wall, lowering the gun’s lifespan and accuracy.

Now, China appears to have found answers to some of the issues plaguing railguns. Wang Xiaohe, a researcher at the China Huayin Ordnance Test Centre in the northwestern province of Shaanxi, claims that the country’s researchers have come up with some viable solutions in recent years, reported SCMP.

China’s railgun program has to go through a number of certification processes before it can be used in future battles. Wang and his colleagues emphasized that the volume and intensity of these tests would considerably exceed any previous tests, stating that a significant number of shots would have to be fired “nonstop at top energy levels” to uncover and address issues.

China’s railgun program is not new. In 2018, some images emerged on social media showing a large, previously unknown weapon placed on the Type 072III-class landing ship, Haiyang Shan.

The possibility of a ship-mounted railgun was mentioned by a verified Weibo account belonging to a retired Chinese navy officer. He said that a project to build a ship-mounted railgun had been authorized years ago, possibly with the help of the Beijing Institute of Technology and a China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation institute.

Does US Have Railguns?

Last July, the Pentagon declared that it had put a halt to its railgun program in order to free up resources for hypersonic weapon research. Aside from financial limitations, one of the main reasons was the need to replace a gun barrel after 20 shots due to wear and other problems.

The United States has been a pioneer in the development of railguns. It is said an American inventor had suggested the use of rail cannon to shell Havana from the coast of Florida during the Spanish-American War in the late nineteenth century. The Pentagon initiated the modern US railgun program during the Cold War period.

After decades of development and more than 1,000 rounds of tests, US researchers accomplished a variety of technological and engineering advancements that expanded the weapon’s operational range to over 100 nautical miles with bullets soaring at seven times the speed of sound.

However, the issue with the weapon is that its range would still expose American warships to enemy fire. This might be fatal in the face of an opponent (China) capable of deploying sophisticated missiles.

Wang claimed that research in the United States and other nations had benefited Chinese researchers a lot. China is using liquid metal in the rail to reduce wear. Chinese scientists also employed some of the models used by American railgun experts to simulate and analyze the occurrence of damage.

However, Chinese railgun had some unique designs that had never been seen before, Wang added. The Chinese design, unlike most railguns, would not have an additional mechanism attached to the muzzle to suppress an electric flash. To attain more consistent performance with minimal damage, it would employ a special coating technology.

In 2018, China undertook the world’s first live open-sea test with a railgun placed on a warship. A 25kg (55lbs) projectile was reportedly propelled to Mach 7.3 and hit a target 250 kilometers away with the prototype weapon. Chinese scientists are also working on hypersonic missiles that could be launched from a railgun and could search for targets, the report said.

China claims to have developed heat-seeking hypersonic missiles ahead of the United States, which could be used to attack aircraft carriers and moving vehicles. However, hypersonic weapons are expensive to operate. Railguns, according to the Chinese navy, might help defend the country’s shore due to its unrivaled firing range.

The plan is to add railgun interceptors to the existing missile defense system. Japan is also considering long-range missiles that would allow it to fire projectiles from afar. The three mechanisms would combine to provide a three-tier deterrent.

A total of 6.5 billion yen ($56 million) has been set out in the fiscal 2022 budget for the development of prototypes of military-use railgun technology. The system ought to be operational in the second part of the 2020s.

Moreover, the Japanese Defense Ministry will begin full-scale research and development of high-power microwave (HPM) weapons in the fiscal year 2022, which begins in April, according to Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper. The news comes days after Chinese media reported that the country is working on laser weaponry for the J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth aircraft.

“The ministry plans to work on a prototype over the next five years and has earmarked 7.2 billion yen [US$62.5 million] in next year’s budget plan for that purpose,” officials told Japanese newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun.

Japan’s Foray Into Railgun Domain

Last Month, it was reported that Japan has decided to develop an electromagnetic weapon system to intercept enemy hypersonic missiles. The decision to develop “railguns” came as Tokyo considers how to deal with the threat posed by hypersonic weapons from its neighbors such as China, North Korea, and Russia.

The rest of the world is getting angry at the USA

Oh, but NOT reported to Americans, don’t you know. Never report this stuff to Americans. They cannot handle the truth. Keep them living in fear and anger.


Chinese girl in blue near water

Oh yeah. She’s typical. You will notice that there are flowers and trees lining the road. This is normal. China respects the people and provides everyone a nice place to live in.  Especially in industrial areas like this one.


China set to achieve 14 nm breakthrough in 2022

An interview with Strategy Analytics
Tuesday 13 July 21

China consumes about 70% of global semiconductor production. But the country’s plans to mass produce 14 nm chips next year within the country is likely to make China the biggest semiconductor supplier globally.

A sudden surge in demand for electronics during the COVID-19 pandemic led to an unprecedented shortage of semiconductor chips worldwide.

Right from gaming consoles, laptops and desktop to even digital thermometers have been faced with an acute chip shortage due to a sudden increase in demand, bringing to fore the importance of self-sufficiency in semiconductor manufacturing.

China is taking a lead in addressing the global shortage of chips by accelerating the development and manufacturing of 14 nm chips, which are expected to go into mass production in the country in 2022.

While China is the world’s biggest consumer of semiconductors, a large part of that demand has been met through imports so far. However, the country is making rapid strides in becoming self-reliant and developing a strong ecosystem of semiconductor design and manufacturing.

China has a lot of work to do…

Chinese girl in a brown top

Is she sreeching and crying about being chained up?

I really like this girl. I like the brown and tan theme that seems to be her “thing”. It goes great with the rose sofa that she is sitting upon.


China eyes thorium breakthrough in Gobi desert

So far it has not proven to be cost-effective because its extraction is more expensive than uranium

On the edge of the Gobi Desert, at a place called Wuwei, China will soon test a safe, inexpensive nuclear energy, that will not need water to cool nuclear fuel rods nor uranium.

This experimental nuclear reactor uses thorium as a fuel and experts believe that China will be the first country to have a chance to commercialize the technology, German website reported.

The reactor is unusual in that it has molten salts circulating inside it instead of water.

It has the potential to produce nuclear energy that is relatively safe and cheap, while also generating a much smaller amount of very long-lived radioactive waste than conventional reactors.

Operated by the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP), the reactor is designed to generate just two megawatts of thermal energy — enough to supply up to 1,000 households.

If the experiments are successful, however, China hopes to build a reactor with a capacity of 373 megawatts by 2030, which could supply hundreds of thousands of households with electricity.

According to the government of Gansu Province, construction was to be completed by early September and a trial run is slated later this month.

What exactly is thorium and why is it important?

A weakly radioactive, silvery metal that occurs naturally in rocks and is currently rarely used industrially, it is a by-product of the growing rare earth mining industry in China and is therefore an attractive alternative to imported uranium.

“Thorium is much more abundant than uranium, so using it would be a very useful technology for the next 50 or 100 years when uranium reserves run out,” said Lyndon Edwards, a nuclear engineer with the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization in Sydney.

The reactor type is one of the “perfect technologies” that should help China achieve its goal of zero carbon emissions by around 2050, says energy modeler Jiang Kejun from the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission in Beijing.

The naturally occurring isotope thorium-232 cannot be fissioned, but when irradiated in a reactor it absorbs neutrons and forms uranium-233, a fissile material that generates heat.

Thorium has been tested as a fuel in other types of nuclear reactors in countries such as the US, Germany, and the UK, and is part of a nuclear program in India.

So far, however, it has not proven to be cost-effective because its extraction is more expensive than uranium and, unlike some naturally occurring uranium isotopes, it has to be converted into a fissile material.

Some researchers advocate thorium as a fuel because they believe that its waste products are less weapons-grade than uranium, making it safer and greener.

Unlike the uranium currently used in nuclear power plants, burning thorium does not create plutonium, a highly toxic chemical element.

There’s another advantage — this type of reactor does not need to be built near watercourses, since the molten salts themselves “serve as a coolant, unlike conventional uranium power plants that need huge amounts of water to cool their reactors.”

As a result, the reactors can be installed in isolated and arid regions… like the Gobi Desert.

Compared to light water reactors in conventional nuclear power plants, molten salt reactors, also known as molten salt reactors, work at significantly higher temperatures.

The result: You can generate electricity much more efficiently, says Charles Forsberg, a nuclear engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge.

According to, China’s reactor will use fluoride-based salts, which melt into a colourless, transparent liquid when heated to about 450 ºC. The salt acts as a coolant to transport heat from the reactor core.

In addition, rather than solid fuel rods, molten-salt reactors also use the liquid salt as a substrate for the fuel, such as thorium, to be directly dissolved into the core.

Molten-salt reactors are considered to be relatively safe because the fuel is already dissolved in liquid and they operate at lower pressures than do conventional nuclear reactors, which reduces the risk of explosive meltdowns.

However, some critics say the feasibility of molten-salt reactors remains questionable as it creates further technical problems.

“At very high temperatures, the salt can corrode the reactor’s structures, which need to be protected in some manner,” said Jean-Claude Garnier, head of France’s Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).

When China starts up its pilot reactor, it will be the first molten salt reactor to have been in operation since 1969. At that time, US researchers shut down their reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.

It will also be the first liquid salt reactor to run on thorium.

China’s reactor will be “a test bed to do a lot of learning,” says Forsberg, from analysing corrosion to characterizing the radionucleotide composition of the mixture as it circulates.

“We are going to learn so much new science,” agrees Simon Middleburgh, a nuclear materials scientist at Bangor University, UK. “If they would let me, I’d be on the first plane there.”

Molten-salt reactors are just one of many advanced nuclear technologies China is currently investing in.

In 2002, an intergovernmental forum identified six promising reactor technologies to fast-track by 2030, including reactors cooled by lead or sodium liquids. China has programs for all of them.

Some of these reactor types could replace coal-fuelled power plants, says David Fishman, a project manager at the Lantau Group energy consultancy in Hong Kong.

“As China cruises towards carbon neutrality, it could pull out [power plant] boilers and retrofit them with nuclear reactors.”

But even if China ends up claiming victory, they should not rejoice too quickly, said Francesco D’Auria, nuclear reactor technology specialist at the University of Pisa: “The problem with corrosive products is that you don’t realize their damage until five to 10 years after.”

If it is successful, series production could start as early as 2030, officials said.

Chinese girl at the piano

But… But…

China abuses it’s people, the American “news” reports say…

This gal is one of those girls that posts a lot of modeling photos on her DouXing. I can see why; she’s cute, attractive all in a small package. Her dress, don’t you know, fits her like a glove.


China’s new metaverse of product marketing

Check this out! This brand…

Used to be “LAME” when I was a kid:  When I saw this video my initial reaction was just wow – look how far we’ve come.

Not just in terms of marketing through the metaverse (can’t believe that’s a real sentence) and what that could entail once fully developed, but also just as a country.

To me, campaigns like these emphasise the importance + relevance of the Guochao (national pride/identity) trend.

When I was younger, you would try to avoid brands like Anta or Li-ning at ALL COSTS – tell your parents that you would get bullied if you wore their shoes to school. But those days are over!

These brands are coming in strong, and even taking advantage of the fact that brands like theirs used to be looked down upon (even by locals) for being Chinese.

They’re now playing up the fact that they’re home-made and can represent their country in a positive way.

Back to the metaverse – this is clearly just a vision / interpretation of how these experiences could look in the future. A lot of the stuff in this video isn’t possible yet. Everyone talks about the metaverse, but few understand it!

I think the first business to crack how to incorporate movement sensors / the appropriate hardware will see huge success in the coming years.

Did you like this video?

Would you want to try on clothes like this?

China branding -1-2022-02-18_20.41.57

E-Yuan implemented in Hong Kong

The digital yuan will connect with Hong Kong’s FPS mobile payment system making payments between Mainland and HK easy for the little guy!

This is big because it shows once again how all of the e-CNY’s cross-border activity will be focused on Hong Kong, and that the future is here now!

The link between the e-CNY and HK’s FPS system provides our first real example of how the e-CNY can be used to link retail payment systems.

FPS or “faster payment system” is Hong Kong’s new retail RTGS payment system which already handles some HK$ 5.2 bn daily. Hong Kong is China’s fourth largest trading partner and besides tourism there is a ton of e-commerce and SME trade with neighboring Guangdong. So this will potentially be a big help to many!

But if you really want to see where this tie-up is going look at Singapore!

e-CNY mobile cross border payments will be modeled after Singapore’s. Singapore’s mobile real-time payment system “PayNow” has connections with instant payment systems in India, Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia. (Did I miss any?) These systems make remittances and e-commerce a breeze.

It won’t be long after the national launch of the e-CNY before it will have similar connectivity within the region.  With the e-CNY making e-commerce a breeze throughout the region.

Understand that this will be a seamless experience. As these e-CNY payments are part of existing mobile payment systems like FPS in Hong Kong, e-commerce sites, retailers, and restaurants won’t have to do anything to accept and convert e-CNY payments. It will be a major benefit to SMEs within the region and Alibaba will get more business than ever!

It’s important to note that Hong Kong’s position as the leading international e-CNY center has been set in stone by the PBOC.

This is one of two critical projects that the PBOC is bringing to Hong Kong. Never forget that the PBOC and the HKMA are building mBridge the first dedicated global CBDC transfer system that will go into production this year.

What we don’t yet know is how the e-CNY payments will be handled by the banks setting up the system. Hong Kong users won’t have e-CNY UTXO style digital wallets so there will have to be a special link built to connect e-CNY tokens with accounts of FPS users. I’m curious to see how they do it.

Here’s what’s going to happen. The PBOC is going to call other central banks in the region and say: “Hi we want to connect your retail RTGS system with e-CNY.”  What country will say no given China’s commercial ties within the region?

That’s just one way the e-CNY revolution will start and before long you’ll see it on mobile payment apps throughout the region.

The future is here, most have no clue.

Hong Kong sets stage for e-CNY use, to launch pilot ‘soon after Spring Festival’

  • The pilot will strengthen Hong Kong’s role as an international offshore yuan trading centre, HKMA’s Eddie Yue says
  • ‘Restaurants and other shops in Lan Kwai Fong will like to join the test, because the e-CNY is the future of payments’: Allan Zeman

Thin and stacked Chinese girl in brown

But what of the Chained women?

Normally, for the longest time, I shied away from very thin girls. Now I know better. Everyone has these great attributes that lie under the skin in places that you just cannot see. Look at her. Look at her eyebrows. Lovely.



Such a very cute Chinese girl in the country

If I were a younger man…

Anyways, this girl is the kind of happy and pleasant person that I wouldn’t mind spending a dinner with. Maybe a nice light fish with some tasty vegitables and then perhaps a nice tea afterwards. Or maybe more.

Hunan Fish.

Such a cute gal.


Chinese girl with a nice chest.

Always a favorite. When I see her, I think of a fine robust wine. Some dancing, and some nice food snacks.

My oh my. Two glasses of wine. Obviously, you need someone to help you drink it. Don’t you know.


Chinese girl

Not chained up.

Not yearning for democracy™.

Not pining away for freedom™.

In a nice white dress while she is in the car. As I get older, I really, I mean REALLY, appreciate a fine nice patterned dress. There are so many, so so many styles and color and patterns. And OMG, the gals look so fine in them.


The model Chinese girl

I’ll bet that you all didn’t know that Chinese people have average and normal lives. Lives that did not include chains, whippings, and torture…

I do like this model, and the clothes that she models has appeal. They are thin, light and nicely tailored. I suspect they are some kind of polyester blend. All in all, it’s really nice to look at and watch. Notice the air conditioner behind her. This very common inside of China.


Chinese model – Outside slacks

You can bet that the photographer is standing nearby with one or two grips. When I go on a photoshoot, there’s literially from ten to twenty other people there with us. Sometimes there’s an entire buffet laid out so that we can snack during the shoot. They’ve got these large light umbrellas, and strobe generators, as well as all sorts of props.

Food spread.

But I will tell you that the table of food is the most delicious part of the shoot.


Chinese model – jiggle jiggle

Here she is again. Love her.


I just love these Chinese girls

I do. The “curtain wall” ceiling is something that I am well used to working with.


I do love these very cute Chinese girls

Don’t you? This video makes me feel young again.


Leggy Chinese girl

Like my mom.


Chinese girl in a stunning dress

Stunning. I love it. And she’s not “chained up”. Imagine that!


Chinese Girl in front of her apartment

So very typical. And not being in chains!


Chinese Girl in a lime top

She’s in a lime colored top and she isn’t in matching chains!

Oh, my goodness! Jeeze! Louise! She’s quite the stunner, don’t you think. By the way, this is what the interiors of what houses in China look like. Not like those squalor hovels that the American “news” provides the illusion of.


A beautiful Chinese Girl

Yes she is.

I wonder what her chains look like?


Chinese Girl at home

This is what it is like. It really is.

Do you see any chains?

No. It is not about be chained up in some kind of dingy cellar pining away for democracy™ and freedom™. For pete’s sakes.


Just today…

I often get a shit load of bullshit comments. Most I do not post. But I did post this one, and here’s an excerpt…

“All MAJesticmembers, are service to others sentience.”

–I doubt that far more than I doubt your story.

Don’t understand why, eh? Cannot understand why it is IMPERITIVE that The Domain only employ STO sentience? Obviously knows nothing about the nature of sentience and consciousness manifestation and sorting procedures.

Be the Rufus, as this fine upstanding African-American man so clearly defines.



It is difficult for me, being an American by birth, living inside of China. I read the American “news”. I follow the “American “politics”. Yet, I also see things with my own eyes first hand. And there is such a very profound difference between what is being reported “in the news” and what is actually going on.

Most Americans believe that China is a failed throw-back to old-world dictatorships and that the Chinese are just brainwashed. But thats wrong. It’s actually the other way around.

Meanwhile, China is plowing forward. It’s citizens are happy and doing well, and the entire world is adapting to the new power realignments.

But not America. And not Americans.

They are being a steady stream of lies and bullshit; designed for fear, terror and anger.

All the anger is directed to various targets. Whether by race, social economic targets, or foreign powers.

Thus making Americans, themselves, a very fearful and angry group of people.

I really need to trim down my American “news” feeds. I just cannot take the lies any longer. It’s not that good for my health don’t you know, and if someone wants to convince me that the United States is worth saving, please tell me.

As I see it from here, the most humaine thing to happen for the world and for the American people is to have everyone and everything associated with the United States government to simply die off and go away.

You would think.

And, you know, if you have been paying attention, the rest of the world has been reorganizing for a NEW; “New World Order”. Nope. It’s the the George Bush NWO. It’s something different.

It’s one where it is one where either [1] the United States sits it out, or [2] is the minor “player” that it deserves to be. A kind of “back water” off in its own hemisphere.

But America is fighting against the tide. It cannot be that stupid, you would think. There are many intelligent and capable people inside the United States. It is true. It’s just that they are not in leadership roles. They have been displaced for ideological reasons.

So, a redirection of interests and activity is seemingly not happening. They are pushing and pushing and pushing for WAR!

The rest of the world endured. It listened. It bid it’s time. And now the sand in the hourglass ran out.

Russia put it’s paw down. China stands right next to it.

What’s next?

Guess. It’s not what the American oligarchy thinks. “Some far away war while the American leadership enjoys safe haven from the conflict that it starts.” Nope.

The BIG boys are out with the BIG toys.


And as for China…

I’m sticking with a fruitful and positive Asia. One that is serious. One that is STO sentience, and one that will launch a new beginning to end this fucking, freaking out turmoil set upon humanity by the rude, crude and evil clustered inside their enclaves in the United States.


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Some really pretty Chinese girls and learning about China (Nov21 issue A)

This is a continuation of my posts on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. It’s all good fun. The idea behind this, is of course, to help expose people to what China is like, and by doing so while watching pretty girls. As the women within a nation are the best description that you can ever get of a nation and it’s society.

I’ve been putting this all off for a while as I have been dealing with other things and other issues, and then today, I am reading comments to my posted articles on LinkedIN. And some of them are astounding on how absolutely STUPID Americans have become. I mean STU-PID!

"You have now idea what kinds of filthy lives the Chinese live."

I don’t?  I’ve only been living here for twenty years now.


"You are crazy to ever want to live in that Communist sweat-shop. I hope that you enjoy your lack of freedom in that gulag."

Coming from an American in Philadelphia. Tell me about all that “Philadelphia freedom” eh? And…

"More lies from the fifty cent agitprop."

What’s an agitprop?


Ok. China is not just a match of the bulk of American middle class, it has surpassed it, and the bulk standard of living for the vast majority of Chinese is well beyond anything that Americans can ever hope to have.

Chinese homes are not made out of the cheapest materials or substances.

  • China windows = thick 6mm vacuum dual pane with aluminum anodized frames
  • USA windows = thin 3mm glass with cheap plastic vinyl frames.

Or the flooring…

  • China flooring = Real actual stone (marble, granite) on reinforced cement.
  • USA flooring = carpet over lowest cost plywood.

Or the doors…

  • China doors = Solid wood interior. Hardwood facing. Metal exterior doors.
  • USA doors = Interior doors are sandwich panel. Outside doors are typical vinyl.

In China, the typical family owns two houses all paid for and at least one car.

They enjoy working at companies with a two hour long lunch that includes nap time, and allowances for alcohol consumption . They get yearly bonuses.

They also have two months off a year for vacation that they must take. Nearly free healthcare. Top rate transportation and infrastructure, and for the vast bulk of the Chinese, only one singular tax. An income tax which is roughly fixed at 3%.

America cannot even dream of competing.

All, and the only thing that it can do, is lie.

The images

When you look at these women, look at their homes around them.

Or this one. These are typical kitchens. This is the real China.

The Girls

I’ve packed the girls up in neat zip files. You simply download the file, unzip it,  and they start watching the movies. 

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Most are very short. Under a minute, some are only seconds long. And some are screen videos with either me, my kid, my wife, or others talking in the background. Well, it’s a mess. If you think you can do better, then do so.

Some really awesome gals here. Like REALLY.

Some Examples

Here’s a video or two to show you what is inside these ZIP files. Don’t be the jackass that looks at the pictures, fails to download the content, and says “oh they are pretty, but American girls are so much more attractive”.  Download and view, otherwise the message is not provided.

It’s like going into a restaurant filled with delicious food, taking a few sniffs, and then leaving without tasting the food.  (Video)

Don’t be that guy. (Video)

Seriously now. Don’t be that jackass.

Lecture time

I notice that many of the Americans that talk with me are grouchy, irritable and demanding. I think that it is because their world is crumbling all around them and there is nothing that they can do about it.

They are wrong.

YOU can do something about the world around you. You can make your tiny slice of the world good, and decent and special. Like this person does…

And he strikes again.

Make the most of your skills and talents. He made these women smile. He made them happy. he made their day. He uplifted their spirits. What are you doing today? Are you making a difference in the world, or are you just going sit there and demand others work so you have something to criticize?

If we all work together

The oligarchy wants people to live in tiny boxes surrounded and manipulated by fears.

Just look at what amounts to “news” these days.

But if you venture out, and become part of your society, and when you participate with others. When you don’t ask for anything. You just be good, nice, kind and helpful… together we all can CHANGE the world.

Be the Rufus.

Please be the Rufus

Do the good works that make the world a little bit better place to live.

Do you want more?

I have more posts related to this in my Pretty Girls of China index here…

Pretty Chinese Girls

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Another nice collection of pretty Chinese girls – look at what China is today

Here is another article in my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. This particular collection is a response to a Bloomberg article of never ending hate found on LinkedIN that was splashed all over Gab, Freerepublic, and the normal set of mouthpieces… FOX, CNN, MSN, etc. etc. etc.

Someone please screenshot his series of tweets and translate into English. I understand he has begin to criticize the western media ongoing negativity against China. 

One of his tweets claims his dream of being a journalist has been destroyed by the requirement to keep up the massive campaign of anti-China demonetization over the years of his journalism career.

Yada. Yada. Yada.

You know this multi-million dollar funded program of lies and distortions is really too high of a mountain for me to climb. So I won’t even bother. If you are still too brain-dead to see that it is all propaganda, then it’s not my business to change your mind. It’s your reality. Soak it in. How’s it going for you?

Are you a better person for believing that China is a pile of shit?

The idea behind these “pretty girls of China” articles is to give everyone a rather unique chance to see what China is… without someone yelling (at the top of their lungs) you are only showing the “wealthy” not the “real” people of China.

Yeah. Right.

What ever you say…

What ever you say…

This view is of the girls, or all sizes and shapes posting their videos on Douxing. Some are just being attractive butterflies. While others are just being cute and playful. Still others show off their wonderful eyes and nice cheeks. Some have amazing eyebrows (to die for – I’ll tell you what), while many have a nice backside, bouncy chest, or artistic arms.

Attributes that I love. By the way.

By looking at these videos you get to see what China is in all of it’s totality. You see the poor, the average, the wealthy. You see it all.

This is what China is.

  • Are they starving from famine?
  • Are the buildings in disrepair and neglect?
  • Are they yearning for (that delicious) freedom™ and democracy™?
  • Are they all wearing blue uni-sexy clothing?
  • Do they look like they are abused?

Today is a morning rain Thursday.

It’s right after the mid-autumn festival and normally it’s a cooler time of the year and dryer. Not this year. It has been hot and very humid. Being at the dew point for the last five or so days. Ugh!

Today we had a morning rain. This is what it looked like.

Anyways, that’s what it is like where I live. Video is from my back porch. My “laundry” porch.

You know, there is a calmness in the rain that I enjoy.

It’s a relaxing peace.

It doesn’t matter if you are in a car… or in a truck in a corn field… or if you are in a tent on the side of a gurgling brook. It is the same. Whether you are in a nice cozy bedroom, and reading a book in a gathering darkness living room. Or a porch…

…a rain is lovely. Don’t you think?

A lovely rain.

I’m a little hungry

As the rain falls, it’s sort of cozy inside. It’s dry. Nice. Quiet. Peaceful. A perfect time to snack.

So I made myself a “Back to School” sandwich.

A “Back to school” sandwich.

About the concept here…

Let’s get on to the girls of China, eh?

The idea here is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people?

She’s attractive. Right?

A typical girl of Communist China.

Girls and food

The girl above is most certainly a cheeseburger gal. Maybe with a pearl tea, a side of fries, perhaps a beer later on. Not too much though, and a nice stroll though a park. I can picture it.

You have to be able to viscerally imagine and image your role in the world that surrounds you.

A fine delicious burger.

To Open the Files

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing. So it’s a pretty quick event once you download the archives and open them up.

Another beautiful girl of Communist China.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not.

For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

While I tend to prefer ladies with a more motherly and robust appearance, I find all of them to be very attractive. From the tall thin leggy beauties to the short cute little kitten like cuddle balls. One of the things that I enjoy about China are the oval face and the oval eyes.

Like this girl here…

You can learn so much about (Communist) China just by looking at the girls and the surroundings.

Girls remind me of food

Long time readers of MM will well know of my association of women and food. For some odd reason, I associate girls with types of food. Just like I associate guys with cars, truck, motorcycles and construction machinery.

I’m a Mercedes Benz C-class, if you must know.

If MM were a car.

Many times I will imagine myself taking this or that particular woman out and enjoying a nice meal together, having a great conversation.

Drinking some wine.

More talk. More wine.

A couple of jokes. Some crazy light-hearted stuff.

Just having a nice time. You know, dressed up a little bit. Shined and buffed shoes. Beard trimmed. Nice cologne. Finger nails manicured. A nice well chosen restaurant.

Or even if it is just a nice “burger joint”, you all can make it special with a theme. You eat and then go for a walk on the boardwalk, or explore a mall and window shop. Or even just ride those rent-a-bikes together.

There’s nothing stopping you from a fine delicious hamburger.

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it. Not everyone agrees what is beautiful or not. Which is just fine. I think that there is a woman for every man, and a man for every woman.

Or, in the case of the movie “Land of the Lost” (2009), maybe 7000 girls for every man.

A happy ending on “Land of the Lost”.

And I have said this many, many times before.

You all have to close that “idea” or concept that what you should do, should date, should eat, should consume, should inject your selves with, is what is being defined by your electronic media. It isn’t.

None of that garbage is real.

Try running a prayer / affirmation campaign based on the images and directions that you get off the media, television, movies or social media. Then you’ll see.

You, and only you, can define what you like.

Not media.

Whether it is an apple on the table, a new pair of shoes, a nice car, or making friends with someone. You are the only person who can make that decision.

Beautiful girls and women are all over the world. These are the girls of China.

Now, when I was younger, my tastes in women were shaped by the images and magazines of the time such as Playboy, and Penthouse. That’s all I had to go on, and as a young man, with my hormones a raging, all I could do is tremble as I asked a girl out.

Which most of the time was a failure.

But it’s all a growth phase that we all go through.

Now, all I want to do is meet folk, and share a meal, some drink and a laugh. And if we hit it off and have a great conversation, well, buy goodness gracious! That’s marvelous!

A fine healthy woman that I would love to share a hot pot and some wine with.


You know it, or you will.

And eventually you reach a balance point where your hormones are under control and all you really want to do is get to know the girl, have a good time together, and enjoy the moments. And really as you get older this becomes more and more pronounced.


Men change as they age.

Nah. It’s all good.

You savor the steaks you eat. You enjoy the perfume she wears, you listen to her talk and enjoy the night air after the dinner. You joke, you laugh, and maybe sing a song or two while walking on the jetty.

Women are magical.

Women are magical and wonderful.

I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see. It’s their choice of clothing, the area where the video was filmed, the selection of music, the way their hair is done up, and so much more.

Each little video is like a window to the soul. Where you get a little glimpse of the girl behind the mask. That little presentation is just pure gold.

The pandemic (Bio-weapons attack) really put a clamp on everyone’s style.

Some have personality.

And some really do. While others just have a strong softness. Some are calm and composed, some are happy and light. And some are stunning and serious while others remind you of Summer carnival rides, cotton candy and “bear claw” cakes to s’munch upon.

A steak dinner girl. She reminds me of red lipstick, a dry red wine. Baked potatoes and candlelight in a high-rise restaurant.

Some have a great body.

They have long legs, or great dimples. Some have just long, long hair or dark, dark eyes. Some have a soft touch, while others have a careful composed prettiness.

Some have a great personality.

Some are special in ways that cannot be adequately explained.

A thin, curvy body, long hair. What’s not to love?

Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment. Girls, ladies, women are like beautiful flowers that should be treasured and cherished. For they are all wonderful.

A little aside...

In 2004 - 2005 the Winter fashion for all the women in China were these knee-high boots. I have no idea what it was all about, but it drove me into a sexual frenzy every time I saw a girl in those things. And believe you me, they were friggin' everywhere.

Later on, Spring came and it was ultra-high mini-skirts and "ladder" high heels. (Yeah, 6" (150cm) high) High heels. Lord, how could you possibly walk in those things. But it was an awesome spectacle.


But do not mistake the cuteness of a tiger for the damage it could cause if you angered it. Chinese women are very, very capable people. You can take that “to the bank”. Never fail to understand that they are strong, knowledgeable and powerful in their own right.

Oval face with nice eyebrows. How is it even possible?

All are wonderful.

Such is the beauty of women. And for us, and for everyone, we need to appreciative the world around us more.

A beautiful girl of China. This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

That fat gal at the store that you see every day, she’s a kind, lovely beauty, who could use some TLC. There is nothing stopping you for saying hi, and saying something nice. Just do it, and if they don’t understand… well, don’t worry about it. Your mission is just to be nice.

It’s easy for me because the girls in China like to listen to others saying good and nice things about them. They get this big old smile. It’s like a sun shining though parting clouds. Try it some time.

Maybe if you two hit if off and don’t want to go out and get a coffee, how about a nice back or leg massage. Here in China it’s pretty cheap and a good way to pass a few hours. You just sit back and get pampered. I love it and I am a man, and all the gals I know think that this is a most excellent idea. It’s a great way to spend some time with someone you just met.

A nice relaxing massage. Yessur!

And that older woman wearing that elaborate outfit, just look at her, see how the light plays upon the details.

Oh, and I do love a cheerful gal with a sense of humor.

Cute and playful at any age. That’s how we should all be. Don’t you agree?

And that young girl going out with “her crew”, see the beauty of her age around and what they are doing. There’s a world of cheap eats out there. Ice cream cones to share. BBQ to enjoy. Little pockets of nachos and chips. French fries. Sushi.

Food and friends.

Lot’s of smiles all around.

What could possibly be nicer?

Share some delicious food with some new friends.

We have to be more aware, and certainly more appreciative.

When I meet a woman I always think of scenarios. Whether it is hiking in mountainous crags looking for the mysteries of the past, or having a cup of coffee in a pub on a foggy day. This is true whether it is images of romantic nights or just fun times on a train, or trolley. I always think of scenarios.

Cherish the moments.

Of course, I wasn’t always this way.

When I was younger, my mind was fully dedicated to sex and the more visceral elements of relationships. It’s that darn testosterone that all males have pumping through their body. But now that I am older I cherish so much more.

I cherish everything.

Most especially the little things. Like the details on her purse (You can tell a lot about a woman by her purse.) to the smell of her shampoo to how she treats her fingernails.

Oh by the way...
I do love those purses that have those little baubles and pockets and whimsy's all over it. But that is just me.

To the shoes she wears.

Notice the fingernails on this gal.

I do love the more sturdy and robust women.

The Videos

Let’s have a look at the videos shall we? I’ve got a bunch for certain.

What a beautiful set of legs. I would love to see her in a little black dress. I’d bet that she would look like steamed fish and oysters with a chardonnay.

In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

Collection one. FF-A

Download the archive HERE. 131MB.



Collection Two. FF-B

Download the archive HERE. 155MB.


Collection Three. FF-C

Download the archive HERE. 135MB.


Collection Three. FF-D

Download the archive HERE. 196MB.


Collection Three. FF-E

Download the archive HERE. 151MB.


Collection Three. FF-F

Download the archive HERE. 141MB.


You all might wonder why I am posting these pictures on the internet. But you shouldn’t.

Try to find pictures of beautiful girls from China using Google, Bing or any American or Western search engine. What you will get are stock images, advertisements, pictures of children, and professional photos associated with some Western “journalism”.

Google the women of China… this is what you will get.

What an American search engine thinks the women of China look like.


This in these series of articles, is what it’s really like.

This is the real, honest to goodness deal.

Oh, and don’t leave yet! Let’s talk about the girls for a spell….

She is wearing a lovely short skirt, that flows outwards. What fun. I am a real sucker for cute dresses and skirts. I really am.

Cute skirts

I really, I mean REALLY, love cute dresses or shirt flowing dresses. They are like sunshine and flowers under a rainbow sky. They are like popcorn, and blueberries and cream on a hot Summer day. They are like lipstick, and smile and cute little purses big enough for a cell phone, some makeup and a tissue.

They are like this. VIDEO.

I just love how those skirts move. It’s like poetry.

TWICE – What is love MV.

Gosh! I just love those cute dresses! OMG!

Swish. Swish. Swish.

And I also really like the puffy yellow one, and the pearl dress to the right, don’t you know.

About the girls

These girls are mostly between the ages of 18 years and 45 years old. The vast bulk of them are in their late 20’s. In China, if you are a woman, the ages between 23 years old and 30 years old are the dating years where you look for a husband worthy to start a family with. In China, if a woman cannot find a man by the time she is 28, she is considered a Spinster.  And is considered unmarriageable.

This lass is approaching the unmarriageable age, and in a few months she will be considered a “spinster”.

The age to get married for a woman in China is between 25 and 28. If they do not get married their entire family will sponsor these date-a-thons where they will have these programmed courting-rituals where the girl and the boy (part of a long line of boys) will spend time together.

The family won’t tell the girl beforehand either. She’ll walk into the house, and before she knows it, she’s on the fast track to get married. In the USA we call this a “shotgun wedding”. Only in China it’s the other way around.

The fish shape is considered very attractive in China.

I don’t know about you’se guys, but all these girls look pretty darn marriageable to me.  They would be on the “A” list in any man’s personal list.

Isn’t China beautiful.


To give you an idea of just how evil the United States and their client nations (UK, Japan, Australia) are, they want to have a war with China, and start killing all these lovely, lovely people.

They want to kill all these women here for democracy™ and freedom™!

And don’t give me that bullshit that a war “isn’t going to happen”.

American Military expenditures as a function of GDP is higher than at any other time for any other war in the entire history of America. The USA is planning for a very large, long duration conventional war against China.


I’ve got news for you all.

It ain’t gonna be conventional, and it isn’t going to be against China alone.

It’s going to be the USA (+it’s surrogate nations) against a unified nuclear Asia. And not to see that reflects a true head in the sand regarding the true and real situation in this world today.

So enjoy what you have around you now.

Enjoy what you have. Spend time with friends and family. If you see someone make friends with them. Especially if you want to know them better. There is no better time than right now.

Who know what it might lead to. Eh?

James Bond.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

Pretty Girls


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Why everyone from 6 years olds to those in retirement, within China, are all ready to fight tooth and nail to survive.

This article is about China. More specifically it is about the people of China and why everyone has military training, and why everyone is organized into military units, and why everyone is willing to blow up the rest of the world in a nuclear fireball without giving it a second thought. Yeah. It’s what all the bullshit out of Washington DC is saying, except they are not telling you that China is backed into a corner and this time…  THIS time, they are ready.

No. This is not your usual hate – hate – hate China bullshit that flows so readily out of the Western media mouthpieces. No, this is just an American expats view on what I see, based upon what I know, and in my discussions with members of other black programs. China is ready. Russia is ready, and Iran is ready, and the out of control “loose cannon” that America is is just about ready to have it’s wings clipped.

Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.


I’ve written about all this before. I’ve discussed training for military warfare starting at six years old to the unification of the social structure, and the intense anger towards what happened in China by the Japanese. There’s no need to rehash much of that. You all can go through the archives.

The big news this week is how Australia has torn up it’s agreements with France and the EU to become the nuclear staging point for American submarines in the South Pacific. Big News! Except no one else really understands the implications.

Let this video tell you…

By hosting American nuclear weapons, Australia has now made itself a target for immediate decapitation were a war between the USA and China to break out. There is no way that it can remain neutral. All of it’s coastal cities are now at risk for total and complete obliteration.


No one is taking China seriously and this is disturbing.

No one understands

Given the great ignorance in the Untied States and much of the West, it should be understandable. But it isn’t. I see otherwise intelligent people saying that a big buildup towards war is a good thing.  Maybe it’s because they haven’t held their loved ones in their arms while they died away in a painfully bloody broken death.

War is not a computer simulation.

War is not social media or a talk show.

War is not a newspaper you read while drinking your morning coffee. Nor it is a news feeds that you swipe away.

It is a nasty, nasty earth-shattering event. And it is coming to the West faster than you can what “wat”?

Even if the USA launches a first-strike nuclear salvo…

Systems are NOW in place to fucking throw America back into the coal age. You all do know what I mean by the coal age, eh?

It’s January 20th. Snow is blowing outside. There is no gasoline for your cars. All electrical systems are fried. Refrigerators are gone. Computer is a useless door stop. Cell phones are all dead. And you haven’t eaten for three weeks.

Coal age.

Here’s a small video of what each God Damn City in China has for their LOCAL RESERVIST CADRES… (VIDEO). Yes. This it the local reservist militia. Just imagine what the actual military would be like.

Local reservists.

Afghanistan it ain’t.

These are God Damn reservists guys. Do you have any fucking idea of what a war against China would be like?

It would be like a tiger against a Chihuahua.

No, it’s not going to be a throw back to the iron age (as I suggested before). Not the bronze age. Not the stone age. It’s gonna be into the coal age. The few straggling survivors will need to figure out how to make fire from sticks, how to tan hides for clothing, and how to farm without mechanized machinery.

75% of America will die.

Oh that’s so unfair, you might meep!

Some basic History.

Japan took over China and abused it horribly. This occurred after nearly 100 years of abuses of the British and European rule. If anyone thinks that China will “turn the other cheek” they are mistaken. China is ready for pay-back time. (video)

I do not blame them.


Somehow, everyone thinks that China is a peer manufacturer. Equal to that of the manufacturing giants of the West. Wrong. China is THE global manufacturer and they make everything and they have been busy making all sorts or reliable weapons systems for their 1.6 billion people nation. They do not play around.


China does not play.

Learn to pay attention.

This is supposed to be a message to the American military establishment. Check out all those neutron bomb smart missiles. Yes, tactical missiles for use in conventional warfare. I guess that the American military are too brain dead to realize that any war with China will be nuclear.

Vehicle after vehicle of ugly, messy, dirty neutron warhead missiles. Some for taking out land targets like towns and cities. Some for taking out fleets of ships, flotillas and armadas. Some for blasting the entire sky into a fireball to wipe out aircraft assaults.

Watch it.


Any war with China will be a nuclear war.

Why all this military posturing?

Well… The United States is being a fucking dick. The out of control giant is all about war, and the entire purpose of the QUAD is to support a war against China. Let’s be real. It’s not about fishing. It’s not about technology transfer. It’s not about immigration. It’s not about borders. It’s about conducting a war against China via the QUAD surrogates.

So China is ready.

Only an idiot (which pretty much describes most of the Western “leadership”) would still even conceive taking on Russia / China and Iran / North Korea simultaneously.

But you know…

While all this public display of terror and bluster is unsettling, let’s not forget what is going on behind the scenes.


What is NOT BEING REPORTED in the American “news”…

From PM…

An important event is going to happen tomorrow (Saturday;  Sep. 25th) but one can’t seem to find any news reports in the West about it.
Taiwan’s Kuomintang, the political party of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek, is going to elect a new leader. No one cares, right? Kuomintang has been totally discredited by its string of failures.
Its young members have left the sinking ship in droves.
There is no hope when all the candidates are well known imbeciles who know nothing beyond repeating the same drivel that everyone is tired of hearing.
Yes, let’s get back to the 1992 Consensus and keep the ambiguous status quo forever, as if Xi will let that happen.
I have a Taiwanese friend (an old ROC soldier, descendant of the Yunnan warlord’s clique) who is so disgusted with the KMT that he has given up hope that the party will survive.
Until a professor and the principal of the Sun Yat-sen School  leaps into the fray, and over the course of one month, goes from being an unknown to the top of the polls over his three opponents, two of them with significant entrenchment in the party.

His name is Chang Ya-chung [张亚中]. How does he do it? He advocates unification with mainland China to form One-China!

The grassroot support for Prof Chang is amazing.
There are thousands of comments on Youtube clips in which the dark horse candidate explains his policy, and practically 100% supports him.
It appears that he has stirred up a political storm.
If he intends to push for unification regardless of whether he wins the KMT leadership or not, and therefore creates a movement, he may become a power to be reckoned with.
In fact, Prof Chang could overturn the Taiwan political “applecart“.
We are now faced with several scenarios all of which mean the realization of the One-China union probably within the next five years. Let me explain. It’s another long essay; have patience.
I wrote in August of 2020 about a great strategic opportunity for China to unilaterally unify with Taiwan with minimal risk.
It was based on the predictions, all of which were backed by simple observation, that (1) Trump would certainly lose the election (2) Trump would certainly not concede (3) Trump would therefore try to destabilize America in order to remain president (4) Trump would likely not succeed but he would create a royal mess (5) Biden would no doubt continue the war on China, and would use Taiwan as a pawn. Biden’s public protestations of America’s love of peace are laughable lies that will fool no one. 
All of the predictions have come about.
There was however an overestimation of Trump’s team. Trump was not surrounded by geniuses, and rather than stopping the legal ratification of the Electoral College’s votes in December, he used the mob to disrupt the formality at Congress in January. It was an asinine and meaningless task. Trump will suffer the consequences of his stupidity. 
At the end of October 2020, just a few days before the presidential election, I wrote another article explaining how it would be possible for China to unilaterally effect reunification with Taiwan without much risk of bloodshed.
One only needs to look at how Russia reunified with Crimea without firing a single bullet, and recently how easy it has been for the Taliban to reconquer Afghanistan to know that it’s possible.
First of all, the narrative must be changed from “Unification by Military Force” or Wutong [武统] to “Defending Taiwan from Traitors and Foreigners.”
I’d like to see anyone try to stop the PLA from doing its duty of defending the sovereignty of China.
ROC soldiers are conscripted, most of them are ordinary young men and women with a family and the prospect of going home to live a long and fruitful life, hopefully in a peaceful and prosperous society.
They’re not going to be stupid, as long as they understand that the PLA is coming to help them do their job, which is also to defend Taiwan from traitors and foreigners.
Now, it is not possible that I was the only person who had the perspicacity to notice the strategic situation.
General Miley noticed it and he made secret calls to his counterpart in China before the election on Oct. 30th and two days after the Jan. 6 Trump revolution fiasco.
Pundits and mouthpieces have made all kinds of comments on Miley’s secret calls to the enemy, but they’re all wrong. It was indeed as General Miley had explained, he was simply doing his job.
General Miley called to deliver a tiresome Nixonian madman threat–we have a mad man at the helm and he may send nukes your way, so don’t do anything to give him an excuse.
The poor general also had to deliver a contradicting message–at the same time, America is not falling apart; everything is hunky dory and the well-oiled machine is running smoothly.
Which is to say, the Pentagon and the army are standing ready to attack when ordered. 
If I was General MIley and I knew China had a window of opportunity to take Taiwan at no cost, completely turning the geopolitical tables on the US ring of fire around China, as well as controlling the majority of the world’s output in microchip, that’s what I would do to stop them.
If I was China, I would of course ignore him.
America is good at posturing and bullying small countries; just check out its wars since WWII.
It will not destroy its dollar hegemony and the printed façade of its wealth by starting a nuclear war with China.
Just think if you’re the owner of a vast orchard with your finger on a button that will burn everything to ashes, including yourself and your family, would you do it just to kill off squirrels picking nuts from your trees?
I guess not.
The madman threat is just a ruse. it won’t even fool the squirrels. As I said before, not a single American will die for Taiwan. The orchard owners are not as stupid as we think, or they would not be owners and we their slaves.
I think, although I don’t know for sure, that China should know about all this, but it probably felt that a major factor was missing, and therefore preferred to wait for another opportunity.
This factor is mentioned in the second article.
Once the PLA takes Taiwan, how will China govern it?
It is a headache if you do not know for certain that everything will run smoothly rather than turn into a bloody mess. China no longer trusts the KMT, whose leaders are discredited and ridiculed, how can China depend on them to maintain order?
The emergence of Prof Chang and his army of ardent supporters from the general population provides a clarity that China needs for the Unification. .
What China needs is to change its narrative of Wutong to defending China and Taiwan.
The final contest for the KMT Chair is between Prof Chang Ya-chung and KMT Party apparatchik Eric Chu Li-luan [朱立伦]. The younger incumbent Johnny Chiang Chi-chen [江启辰] is a distant third. The fourth candidate Cho Po-yuan [卓伯源] is non-existent.
Prof Chang and Eric Chu are in a dead heat.
No one can predict the outcome of Saturday’s vote. Prof Chang’s participation and his Unification policy will at a minimum create a historic turnout.
The dark horse candidate is already causing much excitement not only for the KMT but his carrion call for peace talks with mainland China is eliciting a groundswell of support from outside the party.
This exposes the lie that people of Taiwan support only DPP’s (Democratic Progressive Party) policy of antagonism against China or KMT’s policy of the everlasting status quo of ambiguity.
A new and powerful voice says let us negotiate for union and peace for prosperity and a future for our children, and it is resonating on the island. 
Scenario 1: Prof Chang wins the chair and proceeds with his Unification plan. I won’t go into details here, but his plan is a viable one and receives quite a bit of grassroot support even at this early stage.
It may have something to do with Prof Chang’s charisma and his ability to win all his debates by logic and eloquent elocution, letting his opponents expose themselves as morons and moral midgets.
Assuming the Unification path becomes a KMT policy, it will culminate in the presidential election in 2024 as a contest of KMT’s peace with China vs DPP’s antagonism leading inevitably to war with China.
If KMT’s candidate wins, then there will be a peaceful progression towards a negotiated unification.
Let me place a caveat right here. It will likely not happen smoothly because the US will not let it happen. When push comes to shove, expect the chaos of Hong Kong to repeat on the streets of Taiwan or worse. 
Scenario 2: Many obstacles stand in front of Prof Chang even if he wins the KMT Chair. He may have to resign because the party scuttles his Unification plan, his Unification MOU with China may not be passed in KMT, and the KMT presidential candidate may lose out to the DPP candidate in 2024. Then what? 
Scenario 3: Eric Chu wins the KMT Chair, the comatose establishment of KMT breathes a sigh of relief, and goes back to their sinking ship, hoping the ship will somehow right itself by a miracle. It will not.
So all three scenarios say Prof Chang’s plan will fail.
How will Unification happen? It will happen because China now knows about the latent support for peace in Taiwan with the mainland. The Taiwanese people didn’t have a smart and courageous politician to take them to the promised land.
But now they have Prof Chang.
It is therefore important for China to change its narrative from Wutong to Defend the Homeland. It is a unifying call, and it’s not hard to understand what it means.
China and Prof Chang should talk about Unification regardless of what official status Chang has. Hire Prof Chang as a Peace consultant if necessary. But direct talk means that Prof Chang will understand his potential role as the leader and organizer of an interim government in case the PLA needs to defend Taiwan from traitors and foreigners, most likely within hours and without bloodshed. 
It will take time for Prof Chang, assuming he agrees, to prepare the infrastructure for such an interim government without violating any laws. .
The reward to Prof Chang for doing this is the solemn undertaking by the Chinese government to provide a high degree of self-rule for Taiwan and to let the Taiwanese people run their own affairs despite China having effected unilateral unification.
The five year period is a reasonable timeline, and by then, China will have surpassed the US in all aspects of wealth production, America will still be dealing with another Covid wave (I wrote an article explaining why), and Xi will be confident of success, establishing his legacy for future generations, so that the Central Committee of the CPC could start working on an orderly succession by bringing the next generation of leaders to the forefront. .
Beyond that, all is murky and muck, but stay healthy and we will live to witness history.

Remember – what’s really going on is not televised

We really do not know all of the story. We really do not know what everyone is thinking. What we do know is the visible actions that are taking place.

The news is talking about how Australia has torn up the agreement to buy submarines from France, and instead are going to buy them from the USA. Nuclear subs with nuclear weapons.

And that everything is under control with the QUAD meetings with Japan and India.

And the long-expected collapse of China is finally happening with the Evergrande collapse!

Nope. No. Not going on.


Evergrande’s share price collapse: The world’s biggest no-big-deal default
The monster debt crisis that utterly failed to cause any catastrophe this week was that of Evergrande, the Chinese property giant.

Read in Axios:

Evergrande’s share price collapse: The world’s biggest no-big-deal default

The monster debt crisis that utterly failed to cause any catastrophe this week was that of Evergrande, the Chinese property giant.

Why it matters: Evergrande’s share price has collapsed to pennies, its bonds are pricing in a default with very limited recovery, and even its customers are demonstrating across China. But so far the broader repercussions have been minimal.

Driving the news: Global markets fell on Monday on fears that Chinese markets would collapse on Wednesday morning, when they reopened after a two-day holiday for the Mid Autumn Festival. When Shanghai did reopen on Wednesday, it closed the day up rather than down.

Between the lines: A deal with domestic bondholders, combined with the company’s deep political connections at both the national and local levels, have combined to reassure investors that the Chinese government will contain any fallout.

Evergrande is the first big test of the global financial system — and especially the Chinese financial system — since the pandemic-induced chaos of March 2020, when central banks around the world were forced to take unprecedented measures to prevent total collapse. So far, world markets seem to be coping just fine.

Context: By any measure, an Evergrande debt default is likely to be one of the largest in history of the world.

To put its $305 billion debt load in perspective, Argentina’s massive foreign-debt default in 2001 was about $93 billion; Greece’s restructuring in 2012 was about $200 billion; and Lehman Brothers had about $600 billion in debts when it filed for bankruptcy.

Those defaults shook entire economies. Evergrande, by contrast, seems to have been successfully contained.

Between the lines: Evergrande debt has always carried a low junk rating, and the company was being described as “the biggest pyramid scheme the world has yet seen” as long ago as 2017. As a result, investors in Evergrande, much like investors in bitcoin or GameStop, were acutely aware that they were taking a big risk.

Financial crises generally happen when (seemingly) safe assets unexpectedly default, not when risky assets do something that was largely foreseen.

The bottom line: It’s normal and healthy for markets to fall when giant companies fail. The fact that Chinese markets have been so sanguine this week implies the existence of some kind of “Xi put” — and the idea that Evergrande is, ultimately, too big to fail.

So what is actually going on?

We have a bunch of school-yard bullies hitting each other in the arms and congratulating each other on how tough they are.

The Asian kids are in a corner of the school yard, writing in their books. Planning things. Drawing diagrams in the sand, and taking notes.

The rest of the kinds in the school yard are playing but keeping an eye on both groups; the bullies and the smart Asian kids. They are not doing anything. Just watching and waiting.

Do not believe anything that you see in the “news”. The situation is still fluid.

Watch “Meng Wanzhou Wins Her Freedom!

US Drops Extradition Charges Against Huawei Executive!” on YouTube. I trust this report more than any on the western media …

Meanwhile, here’s some Chinese military videos…

Just some video that I collected. Some are training films. Some are recruitment films. Some are just studies. Some are personal videos. All in all a good mix. It will give you all a great idea about the Chinese military capability.

Group 1

You can download the Video Archive HERE.101MB.

Some of the films have children in it going through training. These are the elementary-school Pioneers (the Chinese cub scouts). Everyone in China gets full military training. Those older kids, are in middle school. They are the ones wearing blue slacks with the white line training and shooting AK-74’s.

You will see closeups of the various electronic weapons systems, and the state of the art Chinese SEAL and Special Forces troops as well. You will see some videos about how Japan came into China and killed off so many innocent civilians. And note that now that every civilian can fire a gun, and fight, that is never going to happen ever again.

Group 1

Group 2

You can download the Video Archive HERE. 257MB.

It starts off with some more middle school assault weapon training.

Next is the elementary school pioneers who undergo physical obstacle course training. Notice that they do it while carrying a full military rifle. Also note that it’s both boys and girls. No one gets a pass. VIDEO.

Boys and Girls no one gets a pass.

The third video is the reservists. China has an active military and the reserves that meet every few weeks. VIDEO.

Reservists practice and drill over and over and over and over.

Fourth video is for the young Pioneers. For inspiration and training. Very, very interesting.

It’s all your fault that all the people are being rounded up in the city.

So many interesting videos. Watch them all in this massive collection.

Group 2

Group 3B

Here’s another group. HERE. 381MB

Of course there are all sorts of interesting things in these videos.

Group 3B


Those videos are very interesting. Especially the ones where New York City is destroyed by a massive nuclear explosion. As you watch the movies, you can see that the military is infused in every aspect of the Chinese life. From elementary school through middle school and into college. There are layers upon layers of military. All driven by merit. All with the latest technology. All with a memory of how China has been hurt and abused int he past.

Next time you watch CNN, FOX, Hal Turner, or any of the rest and they are talking about hate – hate -hate China, keep in mind that it is a narrative based on insane levels of ignorance. There is not going to be any war against China, for if there were, America would cease to exist. While China might take a few dings, and then brush itself off and rebuild up bigger, better, faster.

Where SHTF in America it will be every man for himself, and that will be a fiasco.

So, don’t poke the Panda.

Realize that what you read is all bullshit propaganda. And that China has everything well under control. So turn off that propaganda outlet, focus on what you see around your life and your home, family and friends. That is what really matters.

What you read in the “news” is just a lie to anchor your thoughts towards a catastrophic fiasco. Ignore them.

Just go forth and live your life. Adults are in charge. Never forget that.

Just go forth and live your life.


While this article is about China and it’s efforts to continue and thrive while the enormous American Military Empire has a hissy fit, do not think that that’s what is actually going on. Military Empires MUST have wars.

If they can’t have one with China right now, or soon, perhaps they can have one else where…

More than fifty-nine ships have massed in the central Atlantic Ocean, south of the Equator, in a non-shipping route area, and ALL have turned off their automated ship Identification transponders.

Ships massing off the coast of Venezuela.

No one can tell whose ships they are, or why they are gathering there.

Here’s a closer look:

Somethings up.

Somethings up…

Prep for an invasion.

Stand by.  What is this all about?

  • Invasion build-up?
  • Flotilla to collect Haitian refugees and send them to the Untied States?
  • Collect American Haitian refugees and send them back to Haiti?

Stand by?

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “China index” over here…



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A comparison of American Cub / Boy scouts and Chinese Pioneer Scouts

This is somethings that I have been wanting to do for a while now. What this is; is comparing the scouts programs for children. In particular we compare the programs found in the United States and those found in China. In America, the scouts are co-ed, which differs from what I grew up with. But that’s fine they are co-ed in China too. In China they are called the “Pioneers”. And they are quite active.

Actually, I don’t want to get into too much detail here. It’s not like a member of the American scouts is going to move to China and become a member of the Pioneers! LOL. Instead what this is; is a short visit to see how the philosophies of the two scouting programs differ.

Essentially, as far as I can make out, the United States scouting programs teach self-reliance, individualism, basic woodland skills, and obedience to authority.

Cub scouts of America.

While the Chinese Pioneers teach communication, working as part of a team, nationalism, and overcoming adversity.

It seems that the United States is about making the scout a better “rounded” person overall, while the Pioneers is a paramilitary organization that teaches defense of the homeland, strength during times of adversity, and leadership skills.

The United States Scouts

American Cub Scouts.

Cub Scouting is part of the Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), available to boys and girls from kindergarten through fifth grade, or 5 to 10 years of age and their families. Its membership is the largest of the five main BSA divisions (Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Exploring and Sea Scouting ). 

- Wikipedia

And the Boy scouts…

American Boy Scouts.

The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. To maintain such an environment, the BSA developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies and provides parents and leaders with resources for the Cub Scout, Scouts BSA and Venturing programs. 

-Boy Scouts

The Cub Scouts are one of the BSA’s premier programs, offering citizenship, character, personal fitness, and leadership for youth in grades K to 5.

Cub scouts of America.

The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.

[Note 1] According to Wikipedia there were 21,000,000 males age 10 -19 in 2000 in the US. Also according to Wikipedia there are 2,739,692 boy scout youths (age 11-17). That would indicate that more then 13% of boys are in scouting at a given time. 13% of American Children are in the scouts.

Cub scouts of America.

I think it sounds ok. Don’t you?

It’s a program to help young youth to become better rounded individuals.

Chinese Pioneers

I do not know about this program as an expert. I know of it as a parent. And that is a little different. But I can tell you that being in the Pioneers is a very important step in your child’s education within China.

It is very, very few people who will not allow their children to join the Pioneers. Mostly Christian fundamentalists. No problem with the Chinese Uighur Muslims,

It is a program that runs in parallel with the education system that provides group and community activities, rallies, a sense of community and belonging, not to mention skills, training, and social interaction. It is a critical system of development within China.

The following is an article that says more than I could ever say…

Chinese Pioneers.

This is from the Global Times

“Be prepared to struggle for the cause of communism!” As other children saluted the Communist Party of China (CPC) and swore their loyalty on the playground, Tao Hongkai, 6, was alone in the classroom studying.

Tao, a primary student at Wuhan’s Shuiguohu Primary School in Hubei Province, was the only one among his 50 classmates to not join the Young Pioneers – a State-run organization of 130 million children under the leadership of the CPC.

Check out this video…

As a result, he was not allowed to wear a red scarf, the emblem of the Young Pioneers, or join any related activities.

“I envied them so much that I saluted in front of a mirror at home,” Tao told the Global Times. “But I never felt empty because I had my own goals.”

Chinese Pioneers.

Six decades later, Tao is a sociologist and an expert on helping Internet-addicted children.

“I could focus on studying and accomplishing my goal – to be a useful person in society,” he said, looking back to the days when he was not a Young Pioneer.

[Note 1] Almost every primary school student between 6 and 14 years of age in China joins the Young Pioneers, which is widely seen as being a great honor. Being excluded from the organization would be seen as a blemish on one’s record. 98% of Chinese Children are in the Chinese Pioneers.

However, in recent years, as social values have diversified, some parents have begun to doubt the meaning of their children being “successors of communism” and discourage their kids from joining the Young Pioneers. They say they worry their children might be influenced by an ideology at such an early stage of life.

Chinese Pioneers.

Chinese Christians don’t want to participate

Xiao Yan, a Christian from Shandong Province whose son is about to attend primary school, told the Global Times that she and other religious parents are reluctant to see their children become Young Pioneers.The Chinese Young Pioneers National Working Committee declined to comment for this story, only emphasizing that membership in the movement is optional.

Even though it is officially optional to join, in many schools, new members are elected directly by teachers without being consulted or the entire student body is forced to join up.

Chinese Pioneers.

“I will tell my child the difference between the communism and Christianity, and I will make myself clear that as a parent I don’t want him to join,” she said. However, she admits that “if my child insists, I will let him do so.”

Xiao suggested that joining the Young Pioneers should be conducted by a third party.

“Schools are a place to teach knowledge, it should stay out of politics,” she said, “So if children are interested to join, they can apply to an external organization.”

However, Xiao said most children from religious families choose to be Red Scarves, often for fear of being left behind.

Chinese Pioneers.

Don’t be left behind!

In a secular society where many people do not share religious convictions and are not too bothered about ideology, Xiao’s case is rare.

“Parents often ask the teachers why their children are not in the Pioneers yet, and if there is anything that they can improve,” said Ma, a teacher in charge of recruiting new Young Pioneer members at the elite Asia-Pacific Experiment School of Beijing Normal University.

In Ma’s school, 1,100 of 1,400 Grade 1 students are all members of the Young Pioneers. The rest are on the waiting list. The head teachers for each class elect candidates based on their overall performance. “Star students” with good grades and talents will be the first batch to join, others join in the second batch.

Chinese Pioneers.

“But no one will be left behind. All the children will join the Young Pioneers eventually,” she said.

Many students are reportedly upset and unhappy if they are not part of the first batch. Ma explained this division exists to motivate students to behave themselves and study harder.

“Being a Young Pioneer means being outstanding. Of course star pupils should join first and set a good example for others,” she said.

Chinese Pioneers.

Scarves not so red

Most Chinese elites follow a set political career path: Students who graduate from the Young Pioneers can expect to join the Communist Youth League and then compete to become full-fledged members of the Party.

However, this ladder is not always straight and narrow now. Some teachers reportedly accept bribes from parents in exchange for helping their children become Pioneers first, and some teachers have even put their own children at the head of the line.

Earlier this month, an online post accused teachers at Southwest Central Primary School in Foshan, Guangdong Province, of ensuring their children to become Red Scarves before anyone else. This attracted thousands of hits and broad debate on wielding this kind of influence.

The Guangzhou-based Nanfang Daily quoted the school’s deputy headmaster Liu Xiuying as saying that some children in the first batch were teachers’ children, but that they were elected first because of their behavior and academic track record.

Chinese pioneers.

This was not the first time netizens had questioned the ideology of the Red Scarves. Last year, teachers from a primary school in Shaanxi Province gave green scarves to students with poor grades or bad behavior records, which drew criticism from both parents and educators, forcing the principal into an apology.

It was an easy leap for netizens to associate the elections of Red Scarves to the real world where power holds absolute sway.

Last year, the nickname of Five Stripes Boy, was given to Huang Yibo, 13, from Hubei Province who was pictured with a five-stripe badge on his uniform. The picture was to promote the Young Pioneers, but netizens said it resembled pictures of high-ranking officers. The Xinhua News Agency reported on Wednesday that a primary school in the province had canceled the use of the five-stripe badge to “let kids live as kids.”

Tao sees this phenomenon as a consequence of cultural deterioration.

Chinese Pioneers.

“I feel pity that some good traditions are fading and losing their meaning,” he explained. “It reflects concerns about the deterioration of China’s cultural, political and ideological environments.”

Considering this, some non-religious parents discourage their children from joining the Young Pioneers.

Fu Yongjie, the father of a young girl daughter from Shaanxi, said he would not push his child to join.

“What does a 6-year-old kid know about the goal of the Young Pioneers? I hope my daughter’s first lie will be denying she stole money to go out with her friends, not that she would struggle for a cause she doesn’t understand,” Fu told the Global Times.

Some religious parents have also expressed their concerns that they do not want their children to get involved with politics at such an early age.

Tao said the goals that the Young Pioneers are not always met, even once children join up.

“Interestingly, some badly behaved children I deal with are Red Scarves, that means being a member does not guarantee exemplary behavior,” he said.

Chinese Pioneers.

“Therefore, parents should not worry too much if their children are Young Pioneers or not, they should focus on their studies and their goals,” he continued.

Poor guidance

One reason why the organization has been losing its glory is also because Young Pioneers’ counselors, mainly head teachers or officials assigned by the educational bureau, do not know much about how to guide the Young Pioneers, Yan Kai, editor of Guangdong-based Children magazine, told the Global Times.

“Many children find it hard to accept the way they explain the organization as there are too many political terms,” he said.

The current generation of students has grown up with new media, which has become part of their lifestyle and affected the way they think, according to a survey issued in May by the Guangdong Provincial Social Sciences Academy.

It found out that half of the 5,000 students surveyed in 50 Guangzhou primary schools had microblogs and many had access to cell phones and iPads.

The education ministry announced in September that Young Pioneers activities would be listed as a required course in all primary schools, with one class every week for students from Grade 1 to 8.

Yan suggested that Young Pioneers’ counselors should broaden their approach to keep up with the new generation by organizing public or charity events rather than simply focusing on classes.

The organization also has a plan B. Earlier this month, on its 63rd anniversary, it announced that the Young Pioneers in Guangdong would now only receive counselors with master’s degrees.

Chinese Pioneers.

Three universities in the province launched a pilot project to create a new postgraduate program – children’s organization and ideological education. This aims to produce well-educated Young Pioneers’ counselors who could use positive discipline and show exemplary behavior to guide children, Xinhua quoted an unnamed director from the provincial working committee as saying.

There are over 170,000 counselors in the province. However, the pilot program will only recruit five students for 2013 although the provincial working committee said this number would increase according to the volume of applications.

“Those graduates can work in many education sectors like schools or NGOs. They will play a very important role in children’s education in the future,” the director said.

Chinese Pioneers.

Chen Xinyue, 12, who just graduated from Yahetang Primary School in Guangzhou this summer, was elected as the 2010-2011 excellent Young Pioneer of Guangzhou.

When asked whether she is aware that the organization has not lived up to its ideal, she said the title was a great honor but that she did not know much about what it mean to be an excellent Young Pioneer.

“I am really unlucky,” she said. “The reward was supposed to add some 5-10 points to my middle school entrance exam score, but the policy was canceled because some parents complained to the education ministry that it was unfair.”

Let’s look at some videos…

In China membership not only educates, but provides social scoring, and lays out a path for university and future careers. In America it is only a social club that helps one become a better person.

Here’s a bunch of videos that I’ve collected.

These little kids are tough little boys and girls and I really like how they use scaled down full-auto rifles firing smaller cartridges to train with.  When I say that China is a tough, tough nation that does not play, I really mean that.

Group 1 – 11 short videos

You can download the archive HERE. 79MB.

Tough little kids.

Group 2 -12 short videos

You can download the archive HERE. 67 MB.

Training in the use of firearms in elementary school.

Group 3 – 17 short videos

You can download the archive HERE – 17 Videos / 89MB

Tough little kids.


Throughout elementary school, Chinese children are encouraged to join the Pioneers. They become adept at working as a team, undergoing hardship, and learning basic paramilitary fighting, combat and shooting skills. Perhaps 98% join the Pioneers.

In Middle School, it is no longer optional. 100% of all Middle School students must take a two week “Boot Camp” military training every year while they are in school.

As all Chinese students study both English and Chinese, the students who graduate from High School make up the members of the irregular military force in their communities, were the need ever to arise. The best and the brightest are scored on their abilities, and their ability to become a Rufus. As China is a merit driven society, only the best can join the Communist Party, and then if they so desire go into the political administration of it.

USA – China meeting in Anchorage Alaska, in April 2021.

Which differs substantially from the buy-your-way into power, and set up a puppet show, “democracy” style. And you can see this.

USA-China meeting Anchorage Alaska April 2021.

China, being much larger than the United States is indeed a formidable giant, and the thought that somehow American (with Japanese and Australian military) could (somehow) invade China is a laughingly pathetic.

If you teach your youth to be strong, be tough, to overcome and to work as a team, there is nothing that they will not be able to accomplish.

Perhaps it would be best if America tackles it’s many, many systemic problems at home on the domestic front rather than worrying about what is going on at the other side of the globe.

And maybe, just maybe if the scouts would devote more time to community, communication and endurance, American wouldn’t be such a nation of ho-hos, donuts and booty wagging misfits.

Learning about the dangers of slingshots and chewing gum…

Teaching safety to cub scouts in slingshot use at the slingshot range.

…instead of having to rescue others in need during times of discord.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my China and America comparisons index…



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Some videos of China discussing global politics, what is actually going on and other neato things

This article is going for a kind of minimalist look where I present some “meaty” videos for you all to watch and ponder. And of course, it’s going to include China, because (well, you know) it’s the dominant force in the world today.

My intention is to provide a broad swath of videos that give the reader a fuller, and better understanding of China in all the many aspects of it. From personal to Geo-political, to social to governing, to people. By watching all these videos (and some are from myself) you will see exactly what China is today, free of the bullshit that you would find elsewhere on the internet.

I try to describe what is going on in the videos, but you can come to your own conclusions. Each video is from 15 seconds to five minutes long. Not really prohibitively large, but long enough to make the necessary points. Most videos presented are either banned, censored, or otherwise prohibited in the United States, Australia and the UK today.

I strongly suggest you watch each video one by one, in the order presented. I tried hard to put them in a balanced order to make a more reasonable impression to you, the reader.

This is what China is today..

Bridge Building in China

It makes America look like the corrupt, un-Godly moronic group of misfit nincompoops that it is. Here’s what the rest of the world thinks of America. Soak it up, and this video was made in 2017, and it’s only gotten much, much worse since then. HERE.

Night Life in China.

Here’s an expat walking around China at night. To those of you who are unaware, when the sun sets, China comes alive with activity. Kids, retired folk, workers and everyone come out to play and enjoy. No, it’s not a holiday. It’s just a typical night on a typical day in a typical part of China. HERE.

Give Credit Where Credit is due

In America it’s Communism is evil and bad, so says the person who knows nothing at all about Chinese communism, and who ASSUMES that it “must be horrible” because, after all Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, FOX “news”, Rush Limbaugh and CNN say so. You can trust them, right? Here’s who gets the credit for the amazing transformation of China. HERE.

Pretty Chinese girl in her house

For the last five years, the American (and Western) “news” media has cultivated the idea that the Chinese are poor, downtrodden, and helpless under a repressive communist regime. Don’t believe me? Google “repressive Chinese communist regime“. There are millions of articles with this them. And you know what? It’s all fucking LIES! Here’s a typical girl, in her typical house, in a typical small town, in a typical part of China. HERE.

End of the Year bonuses

Unlike the United States, China has end-of-the-year bonuses, monthly bonuses, and year-around award programs. And no, this isn’t a coupon for a cup of coffee, or a $10 gift card at Walmart. These are substantial bonuses equal to one to more months of salary. And on top of that, with the one to two month annual vacation, the companies offer generous dinner meals for the staff, and often they play these bonus award games. Like this one. You drink the alcohol, and you keep the money that it sits upon. HERE.

Facial Recognition is everywhere

Not only has QR replaced dollar bills and coins, but facial recognition is replacing key fobs, which (of course) replaced  keys. China is advancing in leaps and bounds. Seriously. HERE.

American attacks against China has no plan or goal

One of the first things that any student in the STEM fields recognize is that you MUST have a goal. Then you construct a plan to achieve that goal. But people who haven’t had that training, such as people who inherited their positions through wealth, relatives, or “connections” have no idea or concepts of plans, goals and objectives. And these are exactly the kind of people running the United States today. HERE.

A visit to the local clinic down the street

This is an MM video. here I narrative what my (old) clinic is like. I walk in and about. I show the traditional medicine offices, the Western medicine offices, the lab, and the pharmacy as well as the unhurried, easy going lifestyle that is so common throughout China today. HERE.

Some more Scouts

Here’s another video of the scouts. In general the scouts are a voluntary organization, while the middle School military train is compulsory. Never the less, the core ideas of community, society, achievement, merit are all strong Chinese characteristics. HERE.

Living next to a factory has it’s advantages

The bulk of the world’s goods are manufactured in China. The direct close proximity of these factories and the resulting personal and business relationships makes it very easy for wanna-be young designers and clothing manufactures to make limited runs of clothing and then sell them on social media. Such as this gal. HERE.

America is a Military Empire

In the last nearly 250 years of it’s existence, it has been involved in wars every single year since when it was founded in 1776. Only five years out of that time was peace, and only while the military-industrial establishment was retooling for the next war. Up until this week, America is currently fighting eight simultaneous wars with over 500 military bases all over the world. China isn’t like that at all. Listen to what Xi Peng has to say. HERE.

Africa is a rising star

With China’s help, both Africa, and the Middle East will experience exceptional growth and measurable, and tangible increases in their quality of living. China has set forth to make this a reality, and are busy building rail lines, hospitals, roads and much needed infrastructure to the people in these often (American instigated) war-torn nations. HERE.

A pretty girl.

I do like pretty girls. Here’s a nice pretty Chinese girl. There’s a softness, and a pleasantness that comes with life inside of China that I haven’t felt in the United States for decades. HERE.

An American comic tells it like it is

This one is classic. It’s funny because it’s true. There’s only one error in the video. He said that California is spending $6 billion dollars to build the high-speed rail line in California. The actual number is $77 billion plus an additional $6 billion to finish it by making the train to ride on the rails. HERE.

Chinese High Speed Train

These are commonplace all over China. They are cheap, fast, clean, and comfortable. They are far better than taking a plane. And the Chinese are all very used to them. HERE.

No one should underestimate China

This following speech snippet was twisted and distorted by the New York Times, and the standard neocon publications out of the North East of the United States. Who used this speech to declare that China was going to invade the world and displace the Untied States. This speech said no such thing. Instead, Xi Peng made it very clear that they will only be pushed so for before they bite back, and believe you me, you do not want to be on their bad side. HERE.

In America we salute the flag and say the “Pledge of allegiance”…

Here’s what they do in China. This is in a pre-kindergarden school. You must take note that the Chinese are very relentless patriots and since they serve their community and society, they think nothing of dying for it either. Any bull-shit ideas that China will run into the arms of “American liberators” for freedom™ and democracy™ is a pure fantasy. Check this video out! HERE.

Old Grandmother gives a wedding present

Even those on tiny incomes want to participate in good, happy and joyous occasions. Here we have an old little old lady grandmother giving a “red envelope” full of cash to the bride as her way of welcoming her to marry her grandson. Cute. Precious. HERE.

In a society where everyone participates…

The difference between the USA and China couldn’t be starker. In China, everyone participates and helps and works together for the greater good. In America it’s the “lone wolf” being the biggest and the baddest hoarding up all the money, and vacuuming up all the change so that they can sit on top of the pile of money. Here is what happens in China when you break the law. HERE.

China growth compared to America’s growth

Ai! It’s stark. China has grown, and no (it’s not like the USA) where only the rich become filthy rich and the rest suffers. Everyone inside of China has experienced enormous, and amazing increases in their standards of living. It is profound, noticeable and stunning. HERE.

MM posts a video

I made this video as I walked near my house. It’s just a bunch of first and second grade students hanging out together and playing near one of the family shops. It’s a young biker gang. LOL. HERE.

Africa is modernizing.

Soft power from China. America has decades (if not centuries) of proving pallet loads of money to local war-lords to buy American guns and weapons, so that those on K-street in Washington DC get rich. China has a better idea. They are surrounding themselves with prosperity. Those nations that have a growing middle class, that shun war, and want to be productive will become great friends of China. And that is what we are seeing in Africa today. HERE.

Chinese space station I

Congress and successive American presidents have forbidden China to have any access to American technology. This includes all rocket and space and avionics technology. So China had to build everything from scratch and just like the United States did in the early 1960’s, so did China, and now China has met, and surpassed the United States technology markers in space exploration. HERE.

A sexy video

Here is a Chinese woman making her family a fine delicious and healthy meal in the kitchen. Not only are women far better cooks than men (well, maybe not all the time, but in my case they are certainly much better than me) but they are expert financiers. No one can budget a household, AND provide daily tasty delicious meals like a woman can. And that’s my strong opinion in this matter. If you want to be healthy in body and mind, and you want to be free of financial worries, put the woman of the house in charge of fiances and domestic issues. Your life would be so much better. And besides, it’s so sexy! HERE.

Chinese and Russia Space Station II

There is also another video that also shows just how much larger the joint Chinese and Russian space station will be when it is completed. Of course, this is nothing that you will find on any of the Western media outlets. HERE.

Pretty Chinese girl

I am constantly amazed that Americans believe that all the women in China look like pre-adolsescent children. In fact, this was the argument that was used against me by the DA in Little Rock, Arkansas who actually made the point that the sole reason that I lived, worked and traveled to China was to indulge my fantasies of having sex with little children, and the Chinese women would naturally, by their child-like bodies would satisfy me. Disgusting. HERE.

Everyone Participates

When someone gets unruly, and rude, the rest of China will take action. This is their nation; their country. And it’s up to them to police it. And people must behave. There are far too many people, to not take an active role in society. HERE.

Hong Kong official discusses the HK Riots

It is no secret that the United States funded, armed, taught, organized and pushed for the (so called) “pro-democracy” riots. These riots killed dozens, caused massive hardship, interrupted the flow of life inside of China and caused millions of dollars in damages. Who is the ultimate culprit? Why, it is clearly the United States. HERE.

Chinese Scouts

In America we have “Boy Scouts” and “Girl Scouts”. But in China there is just “The Scouts”. And they learn discipline, culture, working together, and some basics of para-military training. I am always amazed and glad that China trains their children to be parts of the community, than a bunch of couch-potatoes that demand “me, me, me”. HERE.

Be the Rufus

In a society that has people caring for each other you will start seeing Rufus activities. Not because of some kind of reward, but that it is what you do when you are about others in your society. Such as this quick video illustrates. HERE.

America speak with a forked tongue

Here’s an interesting side by side comparison of (then) Vice President Biden telling the Chinese that America is committed to a “rising China”. And then next to it we see President Biden announcing to the White house press corps that America must stop China from rising at all costs. Sheech! HERE.

Nice Chinese girl

Here’s a nice Chinese girl. According to Arkansas she looks young. They told me that “everyone” in China looks like children. That’s the ONLY reason why anyone would ever want to visit that slimy, filthy, oozing, cesspool of pollution, crime and corruption. Look at her ooze childish filth! HERE.

Rural Africa now has factories

The Chinese have spent the time building factories, and training workers to make basic items in the  very remote villages and settlements of Africa. These areas used to be poverty ridden, and controlled by war-lords who lived on United States funds and corruption. But with the investments of infrastructure and a market for manufactured goods, the money now flows to these workers who make these products inside of Africa. HERE.

This vblogger was attacked horrifically by the BBC

They claimed that he was only saying good things about China because the communist regime paid him to do so. And then they took frames from his video, used photoshop to darken them, turn the lush green trees grey, turn the blue sky grey and then produced it to their audience of millions. Never a retraction. HERE.

The BBC tries to attack China on Global Warming

It’s unsuccessful. Anyone who knows anything about China will now defend China and no longer take the bullshit narrative at face value. That game is over. And here’s a nice video that illustrates this spectacularly. HERE.

BBC Journalist admits his directives

Pretty ballsy. After all, his future as a “journalist” in the West is now over.  He pretty much admits that the primary directives in most (heck, all) Western media is to malign China, and to provide a very false image and picture for the viewers of the BCC of what China is and what is going on. HERE.

Chinese cyberpunk

Cyberpunk is real and it is present today inside of China. The rest of the world, hidden behind agendas and fear-mongering has lied itself into a box, and the rising China, and all of Asia makes the rest of the world look like ignorant psychopathic used car salesmen in comparison, with collapsing infrastructure, a lack of morals, and no accomplishments except the theft of money from others. HERE.

This fellow tells you why the USA was in Afghanistan…

And also explains why the neocons on K-street in Washington DC are all “up in arms” and enraged over the American troop withdrawal. But don’t worry, the UK “news” media is already spinning how unstable that region is and the Biden made a “power move”, and yada, yada, yada. HERE.

Comparison in starting a business

Here’s an American telling you how it is when you try to start a digital business int he United States compared to one in China. The difference is striking and he is right. America is the land with a million tiny, tiny hands in your wallet all taking a million little bites of your money. And why no one in America is doing well today (unless they are a super wealthy oligarch). HERE.

Look at all those volunteers

First day of school. All those in red are not all teachers, but actually many are volunteers for their community. A mother brings her handicapped child to the school. Being a little kid, scared, and frightened on top of having a handicap, must be really difficult. Not so, if the school welcomes you as one of their own. HERE.

China is showing the way forward…

…And the United States leadership are petrified of it. Their cushy lifestyle, the belief that they are the “kings” sitting all on the top of the money pile, only works as long as the downtrodden slave-serfs are happy in their lot. But increasingly they are not happy, and they want change. And China is showing them the answer out. HERE.

A show of kindness

In a “dog eat dog” kind of society, everyone is living in fear, and hiding from others. They never stick their neck out for anyone else other than themselves. But in a society where the well being of the community is important, then everyone has a role, as this little girl clearly shows. HERE.

The duty of government is for it’s people

And if the government stops doing that, and / or doesn’t care or is unable to help the citizenry of that nation, then it must be replaced. We have seen this in China with the events of the “cultural revolution”, and then the efforts of Mr. Deng. Now, we see with great surprise how well China prospers when it’s government cares for it’s people. But we see the opposite in the United States. What went wrong? HERE.

Will you marry me?

This just happened at the Olympics. I guess that you all weren’t aware of it because it showed China in a good light, and that (of course) goes against American (and UK) “news” guidelines. HERE.

A five minute overview of what the Chinese Communist Party is

Here it is in a “nutshell”. In five minutes you get a very good, thick and comprehensive overview of what the Chinese communist party is, and why it has been so successful inside of China. It’s really quite well stated, and tell you as it is. Like it or not. HERE.

Inner Mongolia

Well, when was the last time you have seen a picture of Inner Mongolia? Don’t remember? Well, that’s understandable. There’s hardly anything on this subject in the Western press. Here’s an absolutely great video that covers so many subject areas, from infrastructure, to beauty, to planning, to nature. HERE.

Trade Tariffs

Well, what about those 20% trade tariffs that President Trump put on American products, and that Biden decided to keep in place. You know, “to keep the pressure on China”. What is going on? I have to tell you guys, the American leadership is so moronic it defies description. HERE.

Built like a fish

In the United States, when we see a well-built woman, we say that she is “built like a battleship”. Another term is that she is “built like a brick house”. African-American men, who almost uniformly prefer huge asses on women like to say “she has a big caboose”, or “she has some fine booty”. In China, an attractive woman is one that has the lines and shape of a fish. And so people say that she “has a nice fish shape” as this woman HERE.

Chinese Military

I’ve got tons of videos on the Chinese military. But let me just say that the Chinese believe in using enormous quantities of AI guided robotic missiles to destroy everything in it’s path before unleashing hordes of tactically trained professional troops to take over a given area. China does not play. HERE.

Oh, but China cannot innovate

They can only copy. Right? That’s the narrative. Isn’t it? Who are they copying with their bridge building machines? Who are they copying with their nuclear systems? Who are they copying with their 6G? Or their HarmonyOS, or their QR codes, or their High Speed Rail. The lies are so outrageous that when I hear someone repeat them, I no longer get angry. Instead I look at the person as being one of the most out-of-touch and ill-informed ignoramuses on the planet. HERE.

Playing with fire

In the United States, we have an idiom called “playing with fire”. It means to do something dangerous or risky. These provocations that the United States Navy is doing in the South China Sea could end up getting people killed. It’s not so much that I worry about China. They have time and time again, proven themselves to be intimately capable. But I would hate to see the seventh fleet destroyed with all those lives lost. HERE.

Dancing at night

I have discussed this numerous times. It all started with the “dancing grandmothers”, and now with the government’s help and direction, it has become a national pastime. Everyone loves to dance in China, and if you want to go and dance, you just go and do it. Woo woo! HERE.

Senator Mikulski warns that going against China would be very, very dangerous

I normally don’t care for her (personally). but she is actually quite right here. Pushing China like the USA is currently doing is very, very dangerous. And the morons in the control of the nation of America haven’t a clue as to how dangerous it can actually get. HERE.

Who are the CPC Members?

Another very good, and short video that tells you exactly what is going on and just how absolutely insane the Neocon United Sates radical military-lovers are when they make such outrageous pronouncements and demands upon China. Crazy! HERE.

Going to help others

A scooter gets in an accident in the middle of an intersection of two six lane highways. What happens? Everyone gets out of their cars and runs over to help the poor guy in his overturned vehicle. This is what communities do. They don’t drive slowly by and gawk or take pictures like an American does. HERE.


In the $4 trillion dollar budget passed by President Biden are billions of dollars to “suppress” China, further censor media so that China is villainized and made out to be an evil “thing” to be destroyed. It is my hope that this little article helps put things in perspective.

Do you want more?

This particular article is going into my China Summer Videos Index here…

Summer Videos


You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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A no frills edition of Chinese girls – a gaggle of girls to google, oogle and enjoy

Here is part ten of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. This particular collection consists of a very average selection of attractive Chinese girls, and you all might just be “blown away” by the content. Indeed, there are some favorites in here.

As I said, this is a “no frills” presentation. Download the zip file and open it up. Inside will be a bunch of pretty girls videos. I do hope that you enjoy them.

Of course, the idea behind this presentation is to show that the people in China, and most especially the girls, are good and fine folk that do not resemble anything that is being portrayed in the American “news” media. And when you watch the girls, listen to the (mostly) Chinese pop music, you will start to notice something…

…they are happy. They are well fed, the buildings all look like they are well maintained. They eat well, the night life is alive, families look normal, and these none of that crime, and LGBT ram-rodding down your throats like you would see in the West. It’s refreshing.

This is China. It’s the “real deal”.

And for “new comers”  it tends to be a bit of a shock. As they had no idea that Chinese women looked like this. They still hold on to the fantasies that are well promoted in the American press. But you know… it’s all a fiction.

Here’s what the girls in China look like…

Group AA

First up is this bevy of beauties. Some nice all around girls. For certain. The folder and files tend to be on the large size. Sorry for that.

You can get the zip file HERE. 490MB. It’s large and might take some time to download.

AA – A “buffalo wings” kind of girl

Here’s one of the girls from the mix. She reminds me of a dish that used to be common in the United States. They were called “Buffalo wings”, and you would get this basket of deep fried chicken wings and a small saucer of blue cheese dressing to dip them in.

Chicken wings girl.

I well remember one time in Syracuse New York, my wife (at that time) took me out to a restaurant on South Selina street, and we went to a (then famous) chain called “The Ground Round” and she bought me a set of eight “Buffalo wings” and clue cheese dressing to dip it in. The cost came to $120 something and just under her entire weekly pay check.

I wonder if the current crop of American leadership has ever had that experience? To live in a land where you work hard, and for your reward all you can afford is eight measly chicken wings. If you call that “exceptional government” then you have a hole in your head. China has a basic guideline that food, clothing, shelter, medical care, housing and clothing, as well as all government services should be affordable by 90% of the nation.


This girl reminds me of this basket of chicken wings.

And here is what a basket of chicken wings look like…

Buffalo wings.

By the way, does anyone know why this is called “finger food”, because sure as shit your fingers are gonna get messy eating these things.

Group BB

You can get the zip file HERE. 448MB. Again, it is a large file.

I tend to associate girls, women with food. It’s an association that I have, and I make no apologizes for it. Women are delicious, and so is food. Here’s some of my favorites from this group.

BB – Cream of Asparagus Soup girl

This lady reminds me of a nice bowl of cream of asparagus soup. With crackers, or those little “goldfish” crackers that you put in it. As well as a nice little mound of mild cheddar cheese, ground up and place don the top. And for some reason, I’m not quite sure why… A tall glass of mint iced tea.

Cream of asparagus soup girl.

If you compare her to the picture of an actual bowl of soup, you can easily see what I am talking about. Right? Or is it just me? This girl reminds me of this…

Cream of Asparagus Soup.

BB – (Not-a-Upside-down) banana split girl

This little cutie reminds me of an “banana split”. Served in a ceramic dish shaped like a boat, and a nice little flag on the top near the cherry.  Can’t you just imagine going to an ice cream parlor and sharing a split with her? I can. It would be wonderful.

(Not a Upside down) banana split girl.

Come on! Can’t you just picture yourself sharing a banana split with this lass, chatting and just handing out in a fine air conditioned ice cream parlor?

An “old fashioned” banana split.

BB – Poached eggs on toast girl

This little lass reminds me of a simple meal. Poached eggs on toast with salted butter, some peanut butter, chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper and a drizzle of olive oil. Oh, and orange juice. This is the kind of girl that is best enjoyed in the morning.

Poached eggs on toast girl.

This is a morning girl. And what is more, she is most certainly a poached eggs on toast kind of girl…

Great poached eggs on toast.

Group CC

You can get the zip file HERE. 299MB.

The following girl is representative of this particular group. She is most certainly a baked ziti lass.

CC – A Baked Ziti Lass

You would think that I would be eating baked ziti all the time. After all it’s cheap and delicious and it is easy to make and delicious if you take the time to add the proper meat, and cheese.  But guys, for me, that was not the case. I can never get it in China. And we tend to eat better than the cheapest foods that I grew up with. Further, I never ate it in prison, we mostly ate beans, global, artificial eggs and mashed turnips. So it’s been maybe two, possibly three decades since I enjoyed a fine well-made ziti dish.

And when I think of that dish I think of women like this. She is my ideal ziti girl.

My ideal ziti girl.

I can just see us going outside for some fresh night air, as the boisterous crowds in the orange lit interior carry on with singing, dancing and a clinking of glasses. Ziti is best served with wine; a nice red wine. And some crunchy Italian bread, some cheese, some olives, maybe some red lipstick on my collar…

…heh. heh.

And you know, maybe I’m wearing a nice tux. Not a rental. A custom fitted tux like the one I used to have years ago. Made out of a fine weave and dark blue material. Not a shawl collar. A nice set of cuff links and a chance to wear a very extraordinary bow tie. Maybe something in a vibrant red, or purple / blue pattern.

Oh, but I digress…

And here is what a deep baked ziti looks like…

Deep baked ziti.

CC – Australian Prawns girl

The largest shrimp that I have ever seen in the world come from Australia and they are called prawns. They are bout the size of a small chicken, and believe you me, they are delicious. It’s sort of like a cross between a lobster and a shrimp and so very tasty.

Well this girl reminds me of giant prawns.

On one of my trips to Australia, the staff took me out to a meal and we ate some prawns. they ordered two enormous prawns for me, and I surprised them by eating the entire things. Well, I was hungry!

Anyways, this girl reminds me of two giant prawns.

Giant prawns girl.

Australian prawns.

So very delicious.

Australian prawns.

Group DD

You can get the zip file HERE. 344MB.

The following is a notable girl from this collection…

I am always a “sucker” for a girl with a big smile on her face. The smile just attracts me to her. Smiles always do this. Don’t you know.

A smiling beauty.


I am going to call it “quits” for now. I hope that you enjoyed these tasty female delights and learned a little about China in the process. I have many more videos and I am going to post them when I get a chance.

Have a great day you all.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

Pretty Girls


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Holiday extravaganza from MM to you all.

Ok, guys and girls. This is going to be a little bit of a strange article. I make no apologies for it. It’s going to be confusing, rambling, and apparently unordered, but that is by INTENTION. I fully intend to produce this article in this manner, and if you don’t understand, then it’s simply because you haven’t learned the most basic tenants of MM.

Life is complex.

You cannot isolate certain sections without influencing everything else.


All through life we have been taught to do one thing at a time. We studied reading, then we put our books away, and then we studied History. Then we put those books away, and we went to gym class. After that, we change our clothes and studied Math. Everything was nice and compartmentalized. So nice. So neat, and so tidy.

But as we became adults we realized with a big shock that the world is not fine, nice, neat and tidy. It wasn’t that way at all. When we married a person, we inherited an entire slew of interpersonal relationships, not one singular one. When we went to work at a company, we were expected to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Not one singular one that we studied in school. We didn’t like this change. But we adapted to it. We adapted coping mechanisms. We learned to “multitask”.

But no one has breached the most basic point. Which is that life is complex, colorful, and encompasses multiple things, events, relationships, ideas, thoughts and emotions simultaneously. And unless we train our mind to handle and sort out this onslaught of data, we will be forever easily manipulated by it.

And what is what is going on today. People are being manipulated by the “fire-hose” of manipulation. And since people see things out of context, they believe the manipulations without questioning what’s going on.

Even the most intelligent and skeptical people fall into this trap.

An Example

Today, for example, is this little blurb on the “Drudge Report”;


The Chinese military announced HOW they will attack Taiwan!


Well, I (being an interested person) ran to the site to see what is going on, and there is a very detailed explanation of a war plan. It looks like something out of a World War I American military college. Not something that the Chinese leadership would ever do.

So many interesting pictures, details and diagrams.

Ok. I’ll bite, where did this come from. I want to read the original.

Screen capture of the article.

So if you look in the article it says…

"An article in a state-controlled publication has offered a glimpse of a..."

Ok. So what is this article, and where is it? Who wrote it?

Nope. Nothing. But the article does go on to say…

"The article states: "The attacks against Taiwan’s airports would continue until [Chinese] surface troops had accomplished an assault landing.""

Ok. I want to see the article. I want to see it myself.

Still nothing. But it does say…

"the article states YJ-91 and CJ-10 cruise missiles..."

Still nothing about the source. Where did they get this bullshit? I want to know. So I read further…

"Finally, the article said warships and land-based rocket forces would wipe-out any remaining obstacles so the PLA’s marine corps..."

So I scroll down all the fancy graphs, and maps showing fighting. I scroll down the pictures of Chinese military. And I go all the way to the bottom of the page.


The entire article is based on one big lie.

How do I know. I did a Baidu search. I did it in Chinese. There are no Chinese articles about this at all. It’s all made up bullshit.

Drudge said that the Chinese Government released this battle attack plan. Instead the truth is that a supermarket tabloid claimed to translate an important document in a Chinese magazine. Both of which are lies.

Many things

Right now the globe is a caldron of quanta seething and boiling over with the various interactions being generated out of the United States (and the UK).

It’s spitting quanta balls, and most humans are unable to grasp what is going on. They are being pelted with quantum “slime balls” and it hits them, manipulates their thoughts and sets the stage for some very, very bad and catastrophic things to happen.

And if you get your Intel from the American (or Western) “news” media, mainstream of alt-any, you are being deceived. Nothing like what is being stated is actually happening.

We need to see things AS THEY ARE. Not as what is being presented to us.

This article

It began simple enough.

I just wanted so show the real and true face of China.

And I do this by my very successful method of showing very pretty Chinese girls in their homes, in the public spaces, on bridges, inside restaurants and other places inside of China. And people come to MM to look at the pretty girls, and in the process see that the China that they see does not resemble anything like what is being showed at them out of the Western oligarchy.


Here is a part of what was intended to be part 11A of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. (Don’t ask me about the interruption between series nine and the rest. It’s a long story. )

This particular collection consists of a very average selection of attractive Chinese girls, and you all might just be “blown away” by the content. Indeed, there are some favorites in here. And with each grouping, I have isolated and make a key social and societal point that I want to make.

These points are well understood by long time MM readers. But I “feel” the need to underline, or “underscore” these points so that the reader can best understand things in the proper context, and the most important context; THEIR context.

Undoing American propaganda

When you look at these women, please pay attention to the China that they are being filmed in. And ask yourself “Does this in any way represent the narrative promoted by the American MSM “?

And you need to.

The United States is out of control, and it’s going to get each and every one of us killed.

The western world is being led by people who are functionally insane, that is not hyperbole. 

There are any number of things that we 'could' 'should' 'might' or 'must' do about the situation but a lack of sane and workable solutions is not the problem. 

The problem is the vast concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a very few mostly unelected people.

People who would (and probably will) see the world go up in flames rather than relinquish their largely unearned and unwarranted power.

Posted by: MarkU
"No U.S. president will risk New York over Taipei City." one would think, but the crazies running usa foreign policy seem to have undue persuasion with usa presidents, as witnessed the past number of years usa behavior... maybe they want to go down in a blaze of glory? what do the end of worlders, or born agains think?? 

Posted by: james

Please kindly excuse me for my entanglement of thoughts, opinions, beauty, China, and Geo-politics…

Group A of Chinese beauties

And the first point that I want to make is that all you see on the internet is a fiction. It is a lie. It is a construction. Just like Hollywood has created illusions, so has the internet. What you read, and what you get has no bearing on reality. So the first point that I want to make is…

The reality is much better than what you read about.

According to the National Review, the Chinese are miserable and are just “pining away” for liberation from the evil oppressive Chinese government. You can see this oppression in the videos out of China.


What? There are NO videos showing this “oppression.”

What, oh, that’s right, Chinese videos are BANNED in the United States. Well, here we will show you just how oppressed the Chinese are. Here’s a typical woman just wanting to be liberated by the proud United States Marines from the “Bright and shining city on the hill”.

One of the Chinese girls from group “A”. Does it look like she is living in squalor and filth and needs to be liberated from the oppressive Chi-Coms for Democracy and Freedom?

Ah yes.

If these people actually believe what they write then they are delusional and need to be locked up in a mental institution for a long, long time. If they aren’t and they are lying. Then they need to be put in a situation where they can personally experience the horrific consequences of what they are tying to provoke.

Group "A" here. You can download a file of about thirty or so micro-videos of amazingly beautiful Chinese women. OMG!

But forget about the crazy man on the “shining house on the hill”. He’s really a mess and so fucking crazy that he’s not worth your time of day.

American neocons started the pandemic, tried to start world war III, and are constantly pushing and pushing to start a major war with SOMEONE.

But their reality is not YOURS.

So instead, Let’s concentrate on the girls. Ok?

Some of the girls from group “A”.

They are all awfully pretty, don’t you know. And when I look at them (like this particular beauty, for example)  I think of strawberry shortcake. I mean, really, when was the last time that you had a strawberry shortcake?

When was the last time that you had a strawberry shortcake?

Let me “single out” one especially delicious lady.

I choose this girl to discuss (in this particular instance).

Man! I do love a cute little pleated skirt.

Actually, this (particular) girl reminds me of a girl that walked in the restaurant where I was eating dinner today.

We ate some szechuan food.  It was truly delicious.

A “gaggle” of beauties came on off from work, they must have worked at the same company as they were all wearing the standard black and white office address code attire, and a lanyard around their neck with an ID QR code.

Szechuan food.

I love it when friends get together and are all happy and smiling. I like there attitude, and their nice fellowship.

She was a smiling, and chatting away, and while I wasn’t rude enough to eavesdrop, I could tell that they were all passionate.

This kind of event warms my heart and gives me hope for the future. You just cannot expect mankind; humans to grow and advance as a species, when they are living and toiling inside of sterile grey cubicles and chained to electronics media. No matter what the wealthy oligarchy believes.

They are wrong.

Anyways, this girl is most certainly a strawberry shortcake kind of gal. Admit it! You do KNOW what I am talking about, right?

Strawberry shortcake.

Just looking at her and her happy smiles and friendships put me in a great mood. It really does!

And so dusting off this old song from my parolee-bicycling days in Erie, PA, I present to you…

Group “B”

And the point that I want to associate with this next group of Chinese girls are that happy people are a real treasure. You need to associate with the happy, with the up-beat, with the cheerful, and the energetic.

I haven’t yet covered this, but we can exchange quanta (qi energy) from each other. Sad, disturbed, mentally ill, sick, upset and angry people can steal from you. And close association will them will drain you. Long term effects will destroy you.

Be around happy and cheerful people.

Happy people are a treasure.

Surround yourself with them.

One of the Chinese girls from group “B”. I am such a “sucker” for a nice wide smile, beautiful and clear eyes, and long lush hair. I mean it. The hair in Asia and in Africa are just amazing.

Group "B" here. It's about twenty five to thirty great videos of amazing Chinese women.

Some stunners, indeed.

Here I go again, with my association with food and beautiful women. There’s something that I just cannot “put my finger on” but I really associate beautiful and attractive ladies with food, conversation and companionship. And for me, well at least for me, that means food and chatting at a table.

This girl reminds me of an Australian meat pie. I guess you could refer to her as my “meat pie lady”.

Australian meat pie.

All men need a nice meat pie lady in their lives.

You all don’t probably “get” (understand) what I am trying to say. Women are like these big capacitors, or reservoirs that men can use to recharge. If the men give to them, the woman’s “battery” charges up and is there and provides the energy for the both of them (or more, if they have a family) and then combined, anything is possible a great meat pie lady can do this.

I think that meat pie ladies are not appreciated. They are the people that go visit a dying friend, and violate the pandemic restrictions to do so. They are the kind of people who will go out of their way to help a friend, a loved one, and an animal. They are natural Rufus’s.

They communicate with the unseen. They are in tune with nature, and the hidden. They can talk with faeries, and humans. They can understand things in a much greater scope than most of us can.

Meat pie ladies.

Totally and completely underappreciated.

Group “C”

And you know what? I’m going to talk about mothers.

Appreciate your mother.

Women are amazing. When the world is falling apart, they gather their family together and offer hope, comfort and protection. They help relatives, and provide a refuge from the storm. Whether it is Haiti, or Southern California. Real women are amazing.

A smiling girl from group “C”.

Group "C" here. It's about twenty five to thirty great videos of amazing Chinese women.

She is , and the rest of the gals are just lovely. This woman above embodies how I remember my mother. She was such a happy person on the holidays. But me, nah. I was a sultry spoiled teenager, and I made fun of her singing when she was cooking the meal for the family on the holiday.

I was such a little dweep-shit.

Family often takes people, roles, contributions as “givens”, without taking the time to think about how just very special these other people are. You all shouldn’t worry too much about your families and how the family dynamic exists. Just accept it as it is, and be the best you that you can be.


Women, especially (and mostly) those that smile and participate, are like precious treasures.



And you know what this woman above reminds me of? I cannot help myself. They remind me of fresh vegetables and a fine delicious fruit salad. She reminds me of my mother, and in the Summer she would help us cut up fruit, and add cream and make a fine luscious Summer snack.

That’s what a true and fine woman can do.

They can evoke strong, visceral emotions, and trigger actions… which could lead to great things.

A fine delicious fruit salad.

Group “D”

Be part of something bigger.

Then you are never alone.

Video "D" cluster. HERE.

Lately I have been going through my old archives. I wrote a post on what it was like while on parole. And the situation there. And one of the groups that heavily influenced me at that time was the Japanese group Funky Monkey Babys. Of course, here I was, trapped in the United States under the jurisdiction of the Arkansas crew and in a “recovery / rehabilitation” system in Erie which was smack dab in the middle of poverty-central.

Both places had good people, I am sure. But I surrounded by the under-educated, the impoverished, the mentally ill, the survival-group of the criminal class, and the professional social networks that supported them. I felt very much alone and out of my environment.

I coped with the materials at hand. One of which was healthy up-beat music, my cat, painting, and my prayer affirmations with a goal of living an exceptional life inside of China. One of the videos that I watched, I just managed to dig up. Like all the music and videos from that time, they brought up memories of the things and images that I clutched to keep me going.

You know, I felt alone.

I was alone. It’s very different to have friends as a “sex offender”. So I was really isolated.

But then I would watch a video from Asia. Whether it is Korea, Japan, or China they all pointed to being part of something. Not being alone, and lonely. These videos pointed a way; a route and a direction for me to follow. They reminded me over and over that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You are always part of something bigger.

As this video shows. This man is part of a trio of three people, but he always believed that he was alone. Nope. He was one of three. Together we are strong. Together we can do great things. Together we are significant.

Entire video HERE. Zip of the MV video HERE.

You are not alone.

You are NEVER alone. You are part of something bigger.

It’s just that those in the West (most ESPECIALLY Americans) don’t see this because the entire government and social structure is one of divide and conquer. Put people in isolation. Make them alone. Feed them drugs and passive entertainment. Get them addicted, and feed off them.

But in watching this video spoke to me. I could see that there was an option out. That I could join a society where I was an equal contributor and one where I was appreciated, and had a role. And now I am part of something bigger socially. And like this video, where the fellow was part of three. I am now part of a place, and a people that accepts, appreciates me.

We all need this.

Do not buy into the belief of isolation is being a “lone wolf” and that it will make you fantastically rich and wealthy. It’s a fucking lie.

Be part of a community.

Group D Videos HERE. It's about twenty five to thirty great videos of amazing Chinese women.

And here’s a little preview on what to expect…

But America is exceptional!

Today is the 100 year anniversary of the government of China.

Do you guys have any idea what happened in America on it’s 100 year anniversary? Yeah. It was right after the American Civil War, [1] the Federal government formally dissolved the tenth amendment (States Rights), [2] legalized slavery by renaming it “being a felon”, [3] destroyed the entire South-East of the United States under “Reconstruction”. And shortly afterwards went forth to fight wars with everyone.

All this, all these actions, have consequences. They are not “something” that “happened in the past”. All things must be bought and paid for. Even though those particular individuals have died, and their bodies have long rotted away, their souls, and their beings live off the quanta that they accumulated in those times.

Those quanta are still active. They are still “alert”. They need to be “dispersed”.

It is not that there is some great celestial “goal keeper” keeping score.

But rather, a recognition that the physical reality is far more complex than most humans realize. Everything is attached with everything else.

And since there is no such thing as time, the events and crimes against humanity that happened two hundred years ago still must be atoned for. The quanta-attachments are not settled.

It’s a “ticking time bomb”.

My guess is that during this generational turning, the build-up of the unseen must be rather enormous.

In America today

I am glad that I am not living inside of America right now.

It’s all starting to unravel.

But it is not being reported in that manner.

Here’s a scene from New York city…

Here’s another scene from the United States.

Just a “random” event. Nothing to see here. Keep moving on. Eh?

Some thoughts on stuff

What does food, pretty girls, media manipulation, bombs in New York, the concept of being part of something, and meat pie ladies have in common?


They are all the outcomes of elements, of a host of events, that are occurring in the NON-PHYSICAL reality.

Our brains make it so that we want to keep things isolated in nice little neat boxes. There is a war in Taiwan, and it will be way over there and won’t affect anyone in Utah. Or, wearing a mask is a sign of loss of rights. Or that America is number one! And was, and is the best!


Yes. Really!

Silly, me.

Let’s take a look at the deaths for the “pandemic” shall we? It seems that America is actually the WORST place to be on the entire world right now. And the only way that you can justify this kind of “in your face” data is to deny it. To go around saying that the COVID is a hoax. To go and say that all media is bullshit, except the USA media, and so on, and so forth.

But that’s the bullshit that is being fed to Americans today.

You cannot take these selected snippets of information and consider yourself an expert on things.That is silly, but that is exactly what these “experts” in Washington DC, and those “think tanks” do. They don’t see the entire picture.

They write about China, and have written about China for five decades now, and never ONCE stepped inside the nation, learned Chinese, or had shao Kou.

They are like the guy in a restaurant that is complaining about a broken toothpick will ignoring the food, the table, the others in the room and everything else. Eventually he will rant on and on about that fucking toothpick, walk outside and get hit by a truck.

It’s the Fourth of July

America is NOT exceptional.

America is a failure, and American democracy is a failure. And these two truths must be reckoned with before the United States, and the people of the United States can get off their collective asses and start to do something about it.

I want to see America perform a course correction.

I want to see the American government to start caring for the American people. Not promoting one war after the other. They are going to get huge numbers of people hurt.

US strategy looks to be based on the thought that China will capitulate when the stakes become nuclear. Limited conventional war to blockade China at which point China capitulates. It is going to be an exceptionally bloody war if US goes down that road.  They will experience what Modi's "brave jawan" experienced in the Galwin valley. 

Posted by: Peter AU1

From all indications, the American oligarchy will not permit a controlled implosion of the American nation. They want to externalize it. They want to go out in a volley of hell and destruction.

That scares the living crap out of me.


Be part of a community.

What we see is only a fraction of what there is

This is what I am trying to vocalize, but the subject is way too deep to get involved in.

Beauty, food, love, relationships, being good, Rufus behaviors, constructive efforts all are positives in building quantum associations in the non-physical reality.

While the build up of negative and destructive elements of quanta continues as well. Generational turnings are a release from the build-up. If the release is suppressed or avoided, the build up will continue until it becomes an enormous avalanche. And is very dangerous.


Most of what you see is a distraction.

However, when taken as a whole you can see that there is a great deal of bullshit, distortions, and illusions that are shrouding the judgments in the West. The greater the media influences, the less people are able to reason things out.

What is actually going on is far more interesting, and not all that gloomy. Those in Washington DC think that they know what is going on, but they are about 45 steps behind in the great game of Geo-political chess.

  • Rufus is the embodiment of the good.
  • Guns, wars, threats and destruction is the embodiment of the bad.

Let’s look at some videos, and images. Here’s some things to ponder…

Boy Gets a mangled leg. Rufus rescues him

This is real-life. This is in China….

Video HERE.

A Rufus rescues a baby on a skyscraper

This is real-life. This is in China…

Video HERE.

Scene from a popular American Movie

This is a fiction, but accurately describes what America is today…

The community gathers as one Rufus

This is in China today.

The video is HERE.

Rufus saves a drowning boy.

This is in China today.

Video HERE.

American exceptionalism!

Here’s an example of what America is today.

Video HERE.

Rufus saves a driver who has collapsed at the toll booth…

This is China. I would post these kinds of Rufus movies from America if I could find them. But they are getting fewer and far between as time moves on.

Video HERE.

China teaches and instills discipline in elementary school.

All Chinese students MUST take part in paramilitary training. The big major training period is in middle school. This is the most fundamental training for the formation of the Chinese “irregulars”. But certain geographical regions require earlier training in elementary school. Check it out.

Video HERE.

Here’s another video.

Video HERE.

And a third video.

Video HERE.

And keep in mind that the Chinese DO NOT PLAY. They are a serious, serious nation and they are fighting for their lives against a belligerent American Military Empire run by complete psychopaths.

Video HERE.

In the UK (An American client state)…

We see how far the rot has crept…

Video HERE.

Helping an old man cross the street.

Chinese style.

Video HERE.

And THIS is how much the Chinese people LOVE their government!

Soak it in. The American main stream media would NEVER show this.

Video HERE.

And this is Downtown America.

Soak it in. If you are an American you know how true this is. This guy was waving the flag of Puerto Rico which is an American territory. But that angered the illiterate urban youth who shot him dead.

Video HERE.

And this is America too…

It is not a healthy nation. She’s doing “her thing”, and all that “freedom” stuff. That’s why she is dead today. There is no freedom, just a bunch of words bantered about by the ultra-wealthy.

Video HERE.

A Rufus comes in all shapes and sizes.

In China.

Video HERE.

Meanwhile in Turkey

No matter where you are, or your situation, show some humanity.

Video HERE.

He’s only a delivery boy…

But he really likes this one girl. This is China.

Video HERE.

Just because the United States is completely falling to pieces, does not mean that the rest of the world is.

Actually the rest of the world is getting on far better now that there are some attack-dogs (China and Russia) willing to bitch-slap the out-of-control monster that the West has become. And with the guardians of tradition and sensibility in charge, the psychopaths have only one, and only ONE option, to maintain control. That option is destroy the world and hope that they can survive in their bunkers.

So is there going to be world war III?

What is actually going on? Well, you know there’s a great big build-up of negative energy, quanta, or qi in the United States right now. Not so much in the rest of the world.

Just in the United States, and it’s client nations.

And a release valve needs to be tapped. It doesn’t matter if it is a nation, a people, a place, a thing or something else. Understand what it is.

Accept it as it is.

Video is HERE.

Spread the good stuff.

Please be the beacon; the light that shines happiness to those around you.

  • Contribute in your community.
  • Smile more
  • Be helpful
  • Be the best you can be.
  • Participate.
  • Make friends, over and over, until you have some good ones.

Be part of a community. Once you are part of a group you will never be alone ever again.

My final present

Absorb this. The measure of our worth, as determined by our benefactors, is how we help and assist others within our community. For that defines our most important trait. A trait which gauges our relative value.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

Pretty Girls


Articles & Links

Master Index


  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


So many beautiful women! Yet, why do Americans consider Chinese women to look like adolescent children?

The narrative is out there, and well known.

"Chinese women look like adolescent children, they are flat chested, petite, subservient, timid, and look like little "brown" waifs."

It’s not at all true. It’s not at all realistic. It’s a terrible distortion of reality.

And it irritates me.

Most especially because I was facing 80 years at hard labor in the hot cotton plantations of Southern Arkansas. And the litany of excuses used to turn my life upside down were spellbinding in the lies, distortions, corrupted understandings, and just pure hatred that spewed forth from the Arkansas legal system.

  • I painted in figurine oils, so I must have a sex fetish.
  • I quit my career as a “heavy hitter” upper-management Vice President in a technology company to take care of my dying mother, and that became “lives with parent, unemployed, with no friends”.
  • And all my travels to China were not for business. Instead they were to indulge into my wild sick fantasies of sex with women who looked like little children.

Oh. It’s all fun and games. That is, until you are behind bars, and everyone despises you. They sit at you. They sneer, and call you names. All on bogus lies, and accusations.

The beliefs of many Americans are shaped by the government, wealthy oligarchs, and a rabid group of for-profit televangelists that emphasize the collection of money to fight “the scourge”.

And I was “this close” from spending the rest of my life behind bars because some red-neck hicks believed that Chinese women looked like little children.

About the girls

Chinese women are many things. But scared waifs, brown skinned, short tiny and petite, and flat chested are not them.

Rural Nigerian girl. Often confused as Chinese by her oval eyes.


Here is part ten of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. This particular collection consists of a very average selection of attractive Chinese girls, and you all might just be “blown away” by the content. Indeed, there are some favorites in here.

I was told, directly to my face, that “Chinese women look like five year old children”. This is by the entire Judicial Department in Little Rock, Arkansas. Does this woman look like a five year old to you? To me, she must be at least over eight years old.

Let’s get on to the girls of China, eh?

That’s why you are here, eh?

The idea here is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people? And don’t you lie. It’s biologically encoded in all humans. (Bet you didn’t know that!)

And when I look at women, I look at them with different “eyes” than most do. Certainly, when I was younger I looked at at attractive woman and thought about sex. But that pretty much evaporated as life hit and I entered adulthood. Now when I look at an attractive woman I look at…

  • Form, and shape. This is my “artistic eye” that I use to judge what it would be like to paint her on canvas. Eyes are easy to paint. It’s the face frame is this more of a challenge.
  • Her personality. What characteristics she alludes.
  • Her body structure. I personally prefer a stout woman; a robust woman, that has a nice “fish shape”. But that does not mean that I am not attracted to other forms. A petite, or thin, or even short curvy woman are all attractive in “my book”.

And finally…

  • I always imagine what it would be like to go out. Maybe on a “date”, or simply just for lunch or dinner, or coffee. With them. Talking. Chatting. Looking good. Feeling good. Eating delicious foods, and drinking things in a nice slow pleasurably leisure pace.

And seriously guys. And then, say maybe mid-meal, I pretty much know how I want or desire to proceed with the relationship after the meal. Whether it’s going to be playful fun, a good friend, a ship that passes in the night, or something more substantive.

To Open the Files

Like my other posts.

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing.

A fine Chinese woman. She’s in her late forties, early fifties. She’s a “looker”, and attractive. She is in no way a “child appearing brown-skin waif”.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not.

For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

While I tend to prefer ladies with a more motherly and robust appearance, I find all of them to be very attractive. From the tall thin leggy beauties to the short cute little kitten like cuddle balls. But of course, most people from Arkansas think that my interest in these gals are because they look preadolescent.

A Chinese girl in her 20’s. She is attractive. But does not look like a child.

Really. Do you think that this beauty looks like a ten year old child?

I like women in all their attributes.

Just like I like cats in all their glory.

Women are like cats. You accept them as they are. You do not try to change them, or make them “better”. You live with them in peace and shared affection, or they will get up, leave the room, lick their wounds and find another place to hang out at.

Many women get this serious unsmiling look on their face. Not attractive. If you want to see attractive women, watch a J-Pop video. Like TWICE.

This gal has everything that I find attractive in a woman. Big smile. Clean appearance. Longish hair that is clean, healthy and well maintained. Robust Chest, is playful.  Is wearing comfortable clothes that fit her well.

TWICE “Heart Shaker”

You know, all of the girls of TWICE are ethnically Han Chinese. It’s a K-Pop group.

TWICE (트와이스) is a girl group consisting of 9 members: Jihyo, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu. The band debuted on October 20, 2015, through the survival show Sixteen, under JYP Entertainment. As of February 2020, JYPE is partnering with Republic Records to help promote TWICE worldwide.

Here’s one of their videos. This one is “Heart Shaker”.

Notice how great and happy they “feel”. I argue that it is the smiles that they have. The smiles. The big glorious smiles! Watching the video will show that it’s the smiles that radiate…

Go ahead watch it. Pay particular attention to the smiles.

TWICE Official Accounts:
Official Website:
Official Website (Japan):
Twitter (Japan): @JYPETWICE_JAPAN
Instagram: @twicetagram
Instagram (Japan): @jypetwice_japan
Youtube: Twice
Fan Cafe: TWICE9
TikTok: @twice_tiktok_official
TikTok (Japan): @twice_tiktok_officialjp

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it.

This is true for the human sexes, as it is for animals, for flowers and for things such as building and art. Personally, I find art that massages the soul to be truly beautiful and inspirational. Which is why I have a complete index devoted to the subject.

If you had a choice, wouldn’t you prefer to surround yourselves with beautiful things, beautiful creatures, beautiful places, and beautiful relationships. It is up to us to attract and emit the same kinds of attractions. Whether it is beauty, kindness or happiness. We become what we emit.

Maybe that is why I associate women, girls, ladies with fine and delicious food.

Some women remind me of delicious steamy burritos covered in hot delicious cheese.

This post discusses Han Chinese women and why they do not at all resemble the American narrative. And I am also including a MM lesson here. Smiles will increase your relative attractiveness to others by a good three (3!) points. After all, four points are all you need to have someone consider you to be attractive.

  • Be clean and well-groomed. (+1)
  • Dress comfortably and be yourself. (+1)
  • Smile (+3)

You will attract others. With +5 points you will be unstoppable.

This is important if you are going out on a date, interviewing for a job, meeting in-laws for the first time, trying to get a customer, or just want to make new friends. Smile.

Again. Check out the smiles on these girls from the group TWICE. The song is called “Ooh-Aah.”

Go ahead watch it. Pay particular attention to the smiles.

As I have said before…

Being a man, eventually you reach a balance point where your hormones are under control and all you really want to do is get to know the girl, have a good time together, and enjoy the moments. And really as you get older this becomes more and more pronounced.

You savor the steaks you eat. You enjoy the perfume she wears, you listen to her talk and enjoy the night air after the dinner. You joke, you laugh, and maybe sing a song or two while walking on the jetty.

Women are magical.

When I think of women, I tend to think of doing things with them. You know like some Korean BBQ.

To go out, chat on in a mall, go window shopping with, and enjoy a nice meal. Maybe Thai or Viet food is always a pleasure with companionship. Colorful, tasty, delicious and relaxing. I can easily picture sharing a steamed fish and some coconut / pineapple rice together.

Delicious and savory South East Asian food.


I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see. It’s their choice of clothing, the area where the video was filmed, the selection of music, the way their hair is done up, and so much more.

Like the clothes that they chose to spend the evening in, and the choice of shoes that they wore. Guys, you all had best be more attentive. Don’t you know.

I do not know what it is called, but boy does it look delicious.

Each little video is like a window to the soul. Where you get a little glimpse of the girl behind the mask. That little presentation is just pure gold.

They make me hungry.

I can’t help but think of buttered French baguettes, and some delicious soft cheese. Which reminds me of a friend that I was chatting with. She told me about the sad, sad story about how rural towns in France have been replacing their hand-made home-made (authentic) baguettes with machine made replacements. It’s horrible!

I mean… WHY! In God’s name; WHY?

Ah….(authentic) baguettes.

These wonderful, and delicious crunchy bits of Heaven are now being replaced by these pale imitations of robotic mass-production…

Fake baguettes have now flooded the rural French countryside.

For me, it is like replacing a nice dry red wine with grape soda. There is NO comparison.

For me it is like replacing a beautiful flower bed full of roses with plastic flowers stolen from a cemetery.

It’s horrible!

Notice the lack of air pockets, and the lack of a tough crusty exterior. No personality at all. Just a homogeneous blob.


I just cannot imagine any French person referring to this , this as a baguette.

Back to the girls of China

They like women all over the world, have beauty. And like elsewhere they all have their charms.

Some have personality.

Some girls have personality.

And some really do.

While others just have a strong softness. Some are calm and composed, some are happy and light.

Some have stories to tell, and adventures to experience.

Maybe you too can become part of their adventures.

Some girls are living an adventure.


Some have a great body.

Some girls work on physical training and it shows. I, myself, love to life weights. Though I have really toned down my passion in this area, I cannot help but admire the effort that these gals put into their program.

They have long legs, or great dimples. Some have just long, long hair or dark, dark eyes. Some have a soft touch, while others have a careful composed prettiness.

Some have a wonderful smile.

Some girls have a natural smile that is warm and inviting.


Some women are comforting.

They calm me. They sooth me. They relax me. They are like clean laundry blowing in the breeze on a sunny Spring day. Or like a nice toasted cheese sandwich that you eat with a bowl of tomato soup.

Some girls are like a nice toasted cheese sandwich that you eat with a bowl of tomato soup.

Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment.

Some girls look great in a particular outfit.

Girls, ladies, women are like beautiful flowers that should be treasured and cherished. For they are all wonderful.

But do not mistake the cuteness of a tiger for the damage it could cause if you angered it. Chinese women are very, very capable people. You can take that “to the bank”. Never fail to understand that they are strong, knowledgeable and powerful in their own right.

The girls of China tend to be very beautiful.

All are wonderful.

Such is the beauty of women. And for us, and for everyone, we need to appreciative the world around us more.

Some girls remind me of a cat that ate the bird.

Some girls take me to another time and place; and reality.

Some girls alter my reality.

And that’s what relationships do. So if you want to have a great adventure on your world-line travels hook up with a partner that will accentuate your world-line adventures through the MWI.

Some girls remind me of ravioli. Good. Warm. Delicious. Tasty. Pleasant aroma, and so fulfilling.

Some girls remind me of ravioli. Good. Warm. Delicious. Tasty. Pleasant aroma, and so fulfilling.

This girl reminds me of ice cream stands on hot Summer days. Maybe with a nice creamy orange-cream ice-cream. Or, perhaps a “Blizzard” with crunched up Oreo cookies as a topping. Or maybe a frosty root-beer float.

This girl reminds me of ice cream stands on hot Summer days.

As I have elaborated upon in other posts, I now associate women, girls and ladies with food. In fact, when I look at food I think of women. And when I look at women I think of food. I suppose that you all must think that I am completely bonkers in this regard.

But that’s just the way it is.

This gal reminds me of hot buttered corn, with Lays potato chips, dill garlic spears (pickles), potato salad, and Mr. Pibb. (An American soft drink.)

When I think of women wearing comfortable casual clothes I imagine us in the house together. She’s cooking on the stove wearing an apron. I know, I’m such an old fashioned chauvinist guy, and us talking. I sit there sipping on a wine, and helping her, maybe doing some food prep and she’s busy talking about this or that. Nothing too serious, but fun, light conversation that is engaging and delightful.

A delightful woman is like a fine loaf of bread, piping hot, out of the oven, hot and toasty.

Now, I know. I know. I mean it; I know that this is not what anyone really WANTS to hear.

They want to hear about sex, and porn. they want to hear about expensive clothing, makeup and beauty perfection. They want to hear about the salacious details on dates and relationships that have turned sour.

Not here.

(I’ve) been there. Done that.

I just want to have a good time and munch.

These two girls remind me of the silliest thing. I imagine left over meatloaf, on two slices of white bread with a bunch of ketchup on top. Don’t ask me why. Because I am not aware of the associative meaning.

And just because I enjoy the more curvy robust girls, that doesn’t mean that I do not find other women just as attractive. Some of my favorite girls are short, thin and very petite. But that is just me.

I like them all.

Just like I like Pizza, cheeseburgers, steaks and fried chicken. Don’t force me to choose. I just cannot. I love them all. And that is the same with beauty. There is no set idea of perfection, but rather a wide and diverse spectrum of characteristics that all work together to create an “image”.

A wonderful woman is like a fine roasted chicken. Tender and hot on the inside, and a bit crunchy on the outside.

We have to be more aware, and certainly more appreciative.

Not every girl is a “ten”. But that rating scale is based upon appearance alone. When the actual characteristics of a person consists of a wide spectrum of attributes. From appearance to personal grooming. To manners, the way that they talk, their friends, and their interests. To kindness, dreams, and opinions on life. Everything combines to a whole. And you all will not get that in a static image.

This gal reminds me of kite flying, a blanket on the lawn, two bottles of red wine (or chardonnay) and some hard crusty rolls with Gorgonzola cheese.

When I look at something, or someone who is beautiful it first strikes my interest. This is a normal reaction and there is nothing evil, disgusting or slimy about it. People naturally gravitate towards the attractive. But you know, and I am certain that some dog owners know, that even the most ugly dogs have characteristics that make them very special and beautiful in our eyes.

And that’s one of the great things about life.

It’s to experience beauty in everything. To appreciate beauty in everything, and to contribute to that beauty in good, substantive, and helpful ways. To make the life better for friends and family; to improve society and to rid the world of the evil, the confused and the horrible.

This girl reminds me of a jar of hot mixed vegetables. When I mean “hot”, I mean spicy. When you pickle vegetables with hot peppers. It’s oh so tasty. Like this woman here.


In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

You all might wonder why I am posting these pictures on the internet. But you shouldn’t.

Try to find pictures of beautiful girls from China using Google, Bing or any American or Western search engine. What you will get are stock images, advertisements, pictures of children, and professional photos associated with some Western “journalism”.

Now this is sexy.

Nonsense. This is what it’s like.

This is the real, honest to goodness deal.

The Videos

  • All the Videos HERE. It’s all in one big zip file. Just download and open up and watch. I hope you all enjoy them. 337 MB.

Oh, and don’t leave yet!

Special Bonus

Here’s another TWICE video. Please pay attention to all the smiles, and the upbeat action. This one is a favorite of mine (and my daughter) because it was filmed in Boston. And I have many, many fond memories of Boston Massachusetts.

The song and video is “Likey”. As you watch it, please keep in mind that people are attracted to smiles. You might be ugly as shit, but a big toothy smile will open doors for you.

Chalk it up to MM survival hints 101.

Go ahead watch it. Pay particular attention to the smiles.

Do not forget that a nice big smile can open up many doors.

And if you are a woman, and you want to snag a man, a very special guy, then smell like donuts. (Just joking. Kind of.) Actually, though, there is an entire website to the science behind perfume selection in this regard. You might want to visit it here.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

Pretty Girls


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  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


What our world will look like after a war with China.

I wrote this with Australia in mind.

With all the flood, and I do mean flood, of war-war-war narratives being pumped out of both Washington DC, Australia, and even India no one is even contemplating what the result would be. Somehow it is being “painted” in large brushes as some way to “suppress” China, and “prevent it’s rise”. All the time absolutely ignoring the facts of the matter.

Jim Christian says:

June 7, 2021 at 3:43 pm GMT  Lem

The benefits of war with China? Well we’ll finally be done with carrier-based task forces. You’ll find said task forces at the bottom of the South China Sea. Sorry about the boys, girls, gays, trannies sent to the seabeds but that’s what they get, too. Fuckem.

Now, unlike other articles and other posts, where time is painstakingly devoted as to WHY I come up with the conclusions that I have, I am going to do something radical. I am going to spew out what the fuck is going to happen, with near total certainty, if the dreams and wishes of these moronic idiots who want war come to pass.

People! Listen up!

World War III with China will NOT be a long drawn-out series of skirmishes off in distant lands. It will be fast, dirty, nasty, full of betrayals, and up front and personal in YOUR home town. It will not be “news” reports of fighting in far-off bum-fuck-astan. It will be on your front lawn, while you will be busy trying to deal with things you don’t understand under conditions that you have no hope of controlling.

Jim Christian says:

June 7, 2021 at 3:38 pm GMT


A war with China? Laughable shitstorm. An invitation to get our dumb asses kicked, our ineffective air wings and carriers sunk exposing the MIL as a grifting operation designed solely to extract profit from the goyim. For decades. Man, when you talk about torches and pitchforks, that’s the crew you get after.

But first, some really basic ideas and concepts…

Basic Concepts

I am not going to waste my time going into the details. I have covered them elsewhere in exhausting detail. But for those of you who are new here, I will outline the basic points.

  • America has been engaged in a war with China since 2017.
  • America tried to start a famine using eight (x8) strains of bio-weapons targeting food and livestock. Neocon John Bolton ran this operation. They failed.
  • America tried to cause a color revolution in Hong Kong using NGO assets. It failed.
  • America tried to stop the BRI in XinJiang by making up a fantasy about Uighur Muslims. It’s still in process, but it has pretty much failed.
  • America launched three (x3) “novel” bio-weapons against the Chinese people on CNY in 2020. (COVID-19 B-strain, Dabieshan tick virus / SFTSV, Swine G4) Neocon John Bolton ran this operation. They failed.
  • America modified drones to spray bio-weapon particles in a mist over livestock and people. Not only did it fail, but the CIA assets turned themselves into the PLA.
  • America tried to destroy the largest and newest VTOL carrier by China. China retaliated by destroying the largest American Navy VTOL carrier. It was a “wash”.
  • America launched an eight (x8) carrier naval flotilla against China in the South China Sea in late 2020 before the American Presidential Election. It steamed home with no conflict. Trump fired his senior Chief of Staff as a result. The entire fiasco was a big failure.

Now that is what can be found on the “news”. Everything that is listed above is well documented, though only a small fraction actually was published in American or Western “news” outlets. To read what actually happened regarding the above, you just have to read foreign reports. Often in Chinese, Russian, Hindu, Pakistani, Japanese and Korean.

Astuteobservor II says:

June 8, 2021 at 8:00 pm GMT

It is called threat escalation. John mearsheimer puts it very well. It is basically demonizing the target in the eyes of your own population. And it works on a minimum of 80% of the stupid public. How dare China not kneel!!!

All you would read and hear is Wuhan lab leak, not an American bioweapon attack.

We do know that America is acting like a big bully. Has threatened both China and Russia and laid out their terms for the rest of the world to surrender or face extinction in March 2021 during the Anchorage Alaska US-China summit.

This caused China and Russia (along with Iran) to join forces. Today, Russian headquarters, and strategic military planning is completely integrated with Chinese military, and vice versa.  As a defensive force, Russia and China can now act as one singular entity.

anonym25 says:
June 8, 2021 at 5:05 am GMT

That is true, since Russia will step in. Russia won’t certainly lose her biggest ally in face of more economic sanctions and possible exclusion from SWIFT. Also, Russia knows that China is not responsible from this outbreak as they spoke with them as early as February 2020.

We also know that America has decided that the future battlefield for World War III will not be on American soil, but has established Australia to be the land that is targeted for war. And it is earmarked to become ruins like Syria is today. Like Yemen is today. Like Afghanistan is today. Like Iraq is today. And Australians are quite fine with this. Many are very willing to sacrifice their families, their children, their homes, their businesses for people like Mike Pompeo, Tom Cotton and Donald Trump.

Many Australians are ready to die for the United States.

What we don’t know is the myriad of “black operations” against China. Most of which are not reported. We only hear a precious few things here and there that are oddities; suspicious oddities. A fire here, a missing plane there, the death of a key researcher, some missing American special force troops on “a training exercise”, and a software glitch.

Which is the way it works, don’t you know. Real secrets are actually secret. And if there is an inkling of what actually happened somehow hits the internet, immediate a flood of contrary narratives moves to bury the releases. Such as what happened with the “Wuhan bio-weapon accidental release” narrative to cover up the actual three-pronged bio-weapon attack by John Bolton.

Anon[347] • Disclaimer says:
June 9, 2021 at 4:52 am GMT

I am beginning to consider the possibility that our guys created Corona and then released into China in some dip-shit scheme to weaken China.

Anyways, both China and Russia have established “red lines” that the unilateral aggression’s by America and it’s allies dare not cross. If they do, an decide to cross those lines, then both Russia and China have warned that a MAD level response will occur.

anonym25 says:
June 9, 2021 at 11:02 am GMT

This is what Ron Unz has been saying from the beginning. If you look at it geostrategically, this is most plausible conclusion.

They released the virus in China but those who created it suffered a massive blow-back and even worse China came out of it even stronger than ever before.

They were hoping China would crumble but instead got stronger while they weakened. That’s why they are fanning out a major Anti-China propaganda campaign to contain her now openly with an overwhelming support of western citizens.

This frenziness displayed by western politicians is the reflection that China is on the verge an unstoppable economic powerhouse within a few years and they need to put the brakes right now. It is an implicit admission of desperation. The tussle between China and the US is going to dramatically intensify.

What is a MAD level response?

Mutually Assured Destruction, or mutually assured deterrence (MAD), is a military theory that was developed to deter the use of nuclear weapons. The theory is based on the fact that nuclear weaponry is so devastating that no government wants to use them. Neither side will attack the other with their nuclear weapons because both sides are guaranteed to be totally destroyed in the conflict. No one will go to all-out nuclear war because no side can win and no side can survive.

I idea behind MAD is that those that try to push the boundaries and cross the “red lines” would have a devastating war of the likes that their nations would never be able to recover from.

To many, mutually assured destruction helped prevent the Cold War from turning hot; to others, it is the most ludicrous theory humanity ever put into full-scale practice. The name and acronym of MAD come from physicist and polymath John von Neumann, a key member of the Atomic Energy Commission and a man who helped the US develop nuclear devices. A game theorist, von Neumann is credited with developing the equilibrium strategy and named it as he saw fit.

Proponents argue that the fear of MAD is the best way to secure peace.

One alternative to MAD, adopted by the Trump administration, and continued with the Biden administration, is fielding small sized nuclear weapons for “controlled” and target tactical strikes. This is an attempt to limiting the risk of MAD to “acceptable” levels and scope.

Life after a MAD level conflict would be unlike anything you would expect.

Mutually Assured Destruction is based on fear and cynicism and is one of the most brutally and horribly pragmatic ideas ever put into practice.

The idea that it is in place now, today, is a sign of how dangerous the United States is at this moment and point in time. Anyone who mistakenly believes that…

  • You can attack China, and Russia would do nothing.
  • You can attack Russia and China would do nothing.
  • That you can define a time, and a place, and a people to fight your war for you (e.g. Australia)
  • And that a “red line” is just “posturing” and is actually meaningless.

Are insane crazy.

American Advantage

All in all, taken as a whole, while America does enjoy a significant advantage in the size of it’s military, it’s enormous deployment capability, and it’s association with regional allies, it’s leadership are completely incompetent. Even if they were, somehow, to regain a level of maturity and sensibility, it might be too late to stop the “locomotive that they have set down on the tracks”.

Neocons Are Back With a Big War Budget and Big War Plans

Ron Paul wrote this prescient article back in 2018…

On Friday, President Trump signed the omnibus spending bill for 2018. The $1.3 trillion bill was so monstrous that it would have made the biggest spender in the Obama Administration blush. The image of leading congressional Democrats Pelosi and Schumer grinning and gloating over getting everything they wanted—and then some—will likely come back to haunt Republicans at the midterm elections. If so, they will deserve it.

Even President Trump admitted the bill was horrible. As he said in the signing ceremony, “There are a lot of things that we shouldn’t have had in this bill, but we were, in a sense, forced—if we want to build our military. . . .”

This is why I often say: Forget about needing a third political party—we need a second political party! Trump is admitting that to fuel the warfare state and enrich the military-industrial complex, it was necessary to dump endless tax dollars into the welfare state.

But no one “forced” President Trump to sign the bill. His party controls both houses of Congress. He knows that no one in Washington cares about deficits so he was more than willing to spread some Fed-created money at home to get his massive war spending boost.

And about the militarism funded by the bill? Defense Secretary James Mattis said at the same press conference that, “As the President noted, today we received the largest military budget in history, reversing many years of decline and unpredictable funding.”

He’s right and wrong at the same time. Yes, it is another big increase in military spending. In fact, the U.S. continues to spend more than at least the next seven or so largest countries combined. But his statement is misleading. Where are these several years of decline? Did we somehow miss a massive reduction in military spending under President Obama? Did the last Administration close the thousands of military bases in more than 150 countries while we weren’t looking?

Of course not.

On militarism, the Obama administration was just an extension of the Bush administration, which was an extension of the militarism of the Clinton administration. And so on. The military-industrial complex continues to generate record profits from fictitious enemies. The mainstream media continues to play the game, amplifying the war propaganda produced by the think tanks, which are funded by the big defense contractors.

This isn’t a conspiracy theory. This is conspiracy fact. Enemies must be created to keep Washington rich, even as the rest of the country suffers from the destruction of the dollar. That is why the neocons continue to do very well in this Administration.

And it just kept being pumped alive. When President Biden came to office, he increased the military budget to insane levels.

Thus we have the following most probable forecasts…

Things that no one is talking about.

If the “news” media are all talking about war, why isn’t anyone talking about how THEIR lives will be impacted. People (!) this is not going to be a “low intensity” conflict or “police action” in a far away place. It will be right there, at home, in your kitchen.

The Discussion

We will discuss, briefly, in an overview outline the highest probability outcomes for the following nations / locations were “red lines” be crossed.

  • Australia
  • The United Kingdom
  • Canada
  • Guam
  • Diego Garcia
  • America
  • Korea
  • Japan


Gosh, if you read the Australian “news” media the entire nation is gearing up to go off marching to China and fight for “freedom!™”, “Liberty!™” and “democracy!™”. All they need to do is hand each solder a jar of vegimite and a Fosters, and off he would go to die for Mike Pompeo!

It’s not going to happen that way.

Australia has agreed to be “ground zero” for a ground conflict. And America, and the Australian leadership are just fine with that. It’s (as they say in the land down under) it’s all “fair dinkum'”.

But China does not play.

Oh, maybe you didn’t hear me… let me tell you in words that you all can understand…

China . does . NOT . play !

Anyone who thinks that the Chinese leadership is going to be just fine and dandy engaging into a long, multi decade war on Australian soil is an idiot. Further, anyone who thinks that America will come to the rescue is also dreaming. America does what is good for the American leadership. No one else matters. they would easily throw Australia into the rubbish bin, if it gave America a slight edge in the international global standing.

The facts are that Australia is strong, but vulnerable.

  • Australia is self-sufficient in food and exports 7.3% to other nations.
  • Australia is 42% self sufficient in crude oil / gasoline.
  • Australia is more than self-sufficient in LPG.
  • Australia only produces two thirds of the amount of manufactured goods it consumes while most developed nations produce excess.
  • Manufacturing as a percentage of GDP has fallen from almost 30 per cent in the 1950s and 60s to just under 6 per cent in 2020.

Were there to be a war, and after all that is what the “news” is talking about, we can expect the following…

  • Russia and China would team up together.
  • All shipping in and out of Australia to end. Australia would end up ringed with hunter-killer Russian and Chinese submarines.
  • All Australian military bases would be devastated by Russian Kh-47M2 Kinzhal and Chinese DF-3, DF-4, DF-31 and their submarine launched cousins the CSS-2, CSS-3 missiles. This is not a singular strike at the HQ building. This is a major flattening of the entire region by the cleansing of a nuclear warhead.

At this point in time, the Chinese leadership would see how the situation evolves. If Australia does not immediately surrender, then China would cleans the nation of people by eviscerating each and every major city by the cleansing effect of high yield nuclear weapons.

Which wouldn’t take much. Look at where all the Australian people reside…

By strategic nuclear warheads targeting the major population centers of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, and Brisbane, China could effectively decimate the entire population of the nation due to the debilitating effects of radiation, and the complete collapse of the support services within Australia.

Yes. There would be survivors. And I am sure that they would be mightily pissed off too. Do you suppose that they would vent their anger at China and Russia, or would they vent it against their government to sleepwalking Australia into a war for America? I don’t know.

So in summary…

Australia would survive a blockade. But exports and internal industry would take hits, and the economy would collapse to a point where many of the services and benefits currently offered by the government will no longer be feasible. How will this affect the nation? Will the people roll up their sleeves and with a “can do” attitude, survive and grow as a people, and as a nation? Or will everyone break off into little groups squabbling amongst themselves, and how will this affect the government?

Australia could survive a military strike against it. Sure there would be causalities, massive ruin, billions of dollars in damages, and turmoil. At this point, what happens is up to the leadership of Australia.

If they [1] sue for peace. Australia will probably be permitted to keep it’s government, and systems intact, maybe even get rebuilding support, but will no longer to act as part of the QUAD. If [2] they get angry and cling on to America for protection, then a full war footing can be expected as promised. And thus, what is next is what China promised

Australia could NOT survive a MAD level nuclear salvo. I don’t care how proud and mighty the Australians are, when you have no electricity, no potable water, no gasoline, no food, no medical care and you turn to America for help, you all will end up as the worst form of beggars. You all will be like Calcutta style poverty in the radioactive ruins of something that looks like Yemen, or Iraq.

The ONLY way to prevent any of these very plausible events from occurring is for the Australian people to oust their moronic and crazy insane leadership before everyone in the nation dies.

And no, it will not be anything like what the movies portray.

Mad Max.

The United Kingdom

The UK and Russia are trading partners, big ones at that. Additionally, the UK trades with China rather substantially. While the UK is part of the “five eyes” an pretty much follows the United States lead in everything that it does, if push comes to shove and a hot war is imminent, we can expect the following likelihood of things to occur…

By following the United States, you can expect that your life would be completely changed. You would need to adapt, and to strive in ways that you can’t even dream of today.

Betrayal. The UK would sit out of any global conflict with Russia or China. While they will say the right things and offer a minimum of assistance to the United States, actual participation in a hot war is very risky for them. They will sail their ships to the South China Sea, participate in war games, and say all the right things, when the shit goes down, Britain will play it safe.

But if Britain agrees to join the United States in any substantive way, then we can expect nuclear salvos to decimate all strategic cities, bases and facilities within the UK.

Here’s a big map. Copy it. Study it. Yikes!

Notice the location of homes, and their prices outside of the blast zones. If you think and believe that the UK wants to participate in the madness of the United States, then you might want to relocate to one of these areas. And live the movie “Threads“.

Yes. Nothing quite describes what a nuclear war would do to the UK than this movie “Threads“.

Absolutely terrifying, utterly disturbing. (Spoilers) 
charlieboy809 September 2005

Having just purchased this on DVD I was eager to watch it after waiting years to see it after it was unofficially banned from ever being shown on the BBC again. I was four when it was first shown and my parents switched it off, too frightened to watch it themselves never mind let me see it.

I have to say it is absolutely terrifying and utterly terrifying in the extreme. This could have actually happened! I was impressed by the way the film conveyed what it would be like if thousands of megatons of atomic bomb was dropped on the U.K. Normal life comes to an abrupt stop. One minute people are shopping in their local supermarket, going to the pub and wallpapering their new flat and suddenly they are plunged into Hell. Civilisation is blown back into the stone age.

The most scary part was the way the authorities were shown unable to cope with the scale of the attack (perhaps why the BBC never aired it again). We always think that it could never be that bad because someone would come to our rescue, someone would maintain control. But no, the bombs / missiles keep raining down and down prompting one traumatised emergency committee member to scream, "not another one!" They just did not expect so devastation and are completely helpless. Later soldiers shoot people for food, people wish for death and the emergency committee, those meant to be running things, die in the supposed protective bunker, trapped by rubble.

Ten years later, nothing is back to normal. What young people there are behave like wild animals, raping and fighting and speaking in a bizarre caveman manner.

Since the Cold War ended people have stopped being frightened of nuclear weapons. Everybody in every country should watch this film and realise that if there ever was a nuclear war, still possible with growing tensions between a superpower and its rivals, those left alive would wish they had been caught in the blasts and killed outright.

I don't recommend this for sensitive viewers.
From the movie “Threads”.

About the movie “Threads”

Threads is about the horrible deaths our political leaders have prepared for us.

From HERE. All credit, etc, etc…

I still remember back in the early eighties having vivid nightmares about mushroom clouds above my street. Probably I was aged around nine or ten, hearing rumors that the city of Hull was a target for a warhead due to our city once being a major shipping port, etcetera, so as a child it does play on you. It was on the radio, the TV, in magazines and people in the street talked about the crisis.

Then along came Threads — a BBC production so chilling, so merciless, that viewed today it still leaves an impression. The Day After was good, but retained some mellowness. When the Wind Blows is a very strong touching message, but the bad dog of nuclear holocaust movies has to be Threads.

Scene from the movie “The Road”.

The BBC I assume put it together just to inject sheer terror into the hearts of everyone watching. When I introduced my Horror Soulmate to this a few years ago, her face fell, literally fell. Threads pulls no punches about the aftermath of a nuclear bomb on any country remaining.

As a spider weaves its web, a narrated introduction explains just how society is a mass of threads connected and how this can basically make society weak.

Welcome to Sheffield, UK, 1984. News reports have begun to tell of building tensions in Iran between the United States and Russia. The first mention is captured briefly as a teen, Jimmy, spins his car radio dial as he sits overlooking the city with his girlfriend, Ruth. Life continues, day by day, regardless of the news. People sip in their local pub, a papergirl does her rounds, meanwhile the tabloids lap up the tension.

Jimmy discovers Ruth is pregnant so their parents all meet up, and they discuss how Jimmy wants to marry Ruth and have a place of their own.

A typed heading tells us that Sheffield is England’s third largest city with over 54,000 people living there. So as the United States hint at sending troops to Iran, the Soviet Union see that as a direct threat. Life still continues, everyone goes shopping, people go to work. We’re introduced to Clive Sutton, a man who, if war breaks out, is handed governmental powers in the city. He’s making phone calls. Nothing critical, just in case.

The United States have accused the Soviet Union of moving warheads into their new base in Iran.” Jimmy sits in the pub watching this report and discusses it with his friend. “Don’t it scare you what it might lead to?” Jimmy says. Meanwhile Britain commits itself to the Middle East tension. Anti-War demonstrations march throughout the streets. “You cannot win a nuclear war!” shouts a woman.

One day in Iran, B-52’s attack and the Russians strike back. In Sheffield citizens are in the throes of panic buying tinned food and other items, emptying stores who are upping their prices.

American buying up toilet paper.

Then a new fight begins, Soviets versus United States all out attacks on ships. Violence erupts in the streets and many families decide to evacuate their homes. Jimmy’s father watches, “Won’t be safe anywhere.

A neighbor states, “Nothing will happen.

Hospitals are cleared for any possible casualties. Many able patients are returned home. Panic evacuations creates chaos on the roads. Sutton goes underground with a small team beneath the town hall to form an emergency HQ.

Radios and TVs hand out ‘helpful’ messages in case of an attack. “You are better off in your own home. Stay in there!

Americans are told to “shelter in place”.

At 8:30, one morning, the streets are busy with shoppers on their search for supplies. Sutton’s team are discussing things when the attack warning suddenly comes.

Sirens echo across the city and hundreds of screaming people run in every direction. Jimmy and his friend hide under a truck. At 8:35 a warhead explodes above the city, power goes out and the blinding mushroom takes the area apart, as blasting winds tear around. Jimmy sees the cloud, he tries to reach Ruth. His mum and dad hide behind doors and a mattress, Ruth and her family close up their basement.

All HELL will break lose under a MAD scenario. Why are the “leaders” so Hell-bent on engaging in such a war?

Then comes the heat wave.

In total silence we see streets burn (some stock footage included), milk bottles melt, buildings crashing down, and a lot of burning corpses. 210 megatons hits the UK altogether, amassing approximately two to nine million casualties.

This is the power of Threads in a nutshell.

Unlike The Day After, when each character seemed to have some kind of knowledge of fallout, radiation, whatever and repeats it like a government issued health scare, in Threads, nobody knows a thing.

There are scared, not ready, just bewildered and terrified.

These are real neighbors, real shoppers, real families thrown head first into a nightmare. I suppose the closest comparison would have to be Jim and Hilda from the aforementioned When the Wind Blows.

The holocaust itself, I could easily bring up the last moments of The Divide as Eva leaves the apartment building basement and sees the remains of the city. Take that brief section and then continue it on-wards. You get the idea.

Survivors find themselves either trapped without air like Sutton’s team buried under the town hall, or burnt like Jimmy’s mother, or traumatized by the bodies of loved ones.

Then along comes the ashes and the radioactive fallout bringing blisters and sickness.

Scene from the movie “The Road”.

Food supplies fall under government control which causes violence in the streets and looting. As the days go by people become more desperate.

Ruth leaves the basement and walks the streets seeing what is left of her city. A woman cradling the charred corpse of a baby, hands playing with burnt Star Wars figures, a bandage-faced traffic warden (who incidentally became a sort of poster boy for the production, featured on the cover of the Radio Times) and overcrowded hospitals.

It’s all kind of downhill for the survivors from then on unfortunately.

There is an impressive gallery of burn and blister make-up effects (by John Humphreys who also worked on TV series like Doctor Who and The Young Ones, as well as Rawhead Rex and Charlie & The Chocolate Factory), along with some blood here and there that makes Threads special.

Like I stated earlier, it’s not out to be kind, or make friends, it wants to wave a dead child in your face, it wants you to almost taste the ash in the air.

Scene from the movie “The Road”.

Oh things can get really bad.

Here’s another movie review. This one is about the movie “The Road”, from HERE

The story is straightforward: America has been devastated. Habitations have been destroyed or abandoned, vegetation is dying, crops have failed, the infrastructure of civilization has disappeared.

This has happened in such recent memory that even The Boy, so young, was born into a healthy world.

No reason is given for this destruction, perhaps because no reason would be adequate. McCarthy evokes the general apprehension of post-9/11. The Boy and The Man make their way toward the sea, perhaps for no better reason than that sea has always been the direction of hope in this country.

Scene from “The Road”.

The surviving population has been reduced to savage survivalists, making slaves of the weaker, possibly using them as food.

We’ve always done that, employing beef cattle, for example, to do the grazing on acres of pasture so we can consume the concentrated calories of their labor. In a land where food is scarce, wanderers seek out canned goods and fear their own bodies will perform this work for the cannibals.

Although we read of those who stockpile guns and ammunition for an apocalypse, weapon stores on the Road have dwindled down.

The Man has a gun with two remaining bullets.

He is a wary traveler, suspecting everyone he sees. He and The Boy are transporting a few possessions in a grocery cart. He encourages his son to keep walking, but holds out little hope for the end of their journey…

…yes. And that is the way it will be.

There will be a long period, maybe decades, where the world will try to rebuild. Some nations will do better than others. Some will not.

I would guess that Australia wouldn’t fare too well, because they want to be the “tip of the sword” for the United States. But you know, Canada might survive all right. It just depends on whether they decide to sit things out or not.


Canadians like to think of themselves as independent of the United States, but the fact remains that the Canadian government is just a puppet government under the control of the American oligarchy.

From the movie “Threads”.

What might happen?

Anything, actually.

Interspersed throughout the movie are still shots that are all the more disturbing because they are beautifully done. 

They make me want to hammer Brian Williams in the face with a brick, for ever saying anything as stupid as “guided by the beauty of our weapons.” [wp]

Fawning media totalitarian proto-fascists like Williams, who accept and glorify the necessity of nationalized violence, are the facilitators that are going to bring about this sort of disaster, if or (more likely) when humanity finally decides to pull the toilet-lever and flush all of everyone’s hopes and dreams away.

Jackson sets us up for exactly that scenario.

We meet a typical pair of English kids from the 60’s: they go to the pub, they drink, they make out in the back of his Cortina, parked on a pretty bluff with an idyllic view of the city of Sheffield.

Well, it doesn’t seem idyllic, at first – it looks like a typical industrial town full of people hanging on the edge of working too hard, drinking their desperation away.

The movie gets rolling slowly, and – did I mention? – it gets worse.

Naturally, the girl gets pregnant, and there are some poignant “meet the parents” and “set up an apartment” scenes.

Brilliantly interwoven in the ordinary dreariness of their lives are flashes of news: the USSR has invaded Afghanistan.

The US issues an ultimatum and deploys B-52 bombers and troops.

There are reports of skirmishes. Life in Sheffield stumbles on, gut-shot, but not knowing it yet.


Since 1945, the world has had a nagging question in the back of its collective mind—what would it take for a nuclear war to start?

After the Cold War, it seemed nuclear fever had died down in North America—sure, India and Pakistan both got the bomb, but that was really far away.

Those fears have escalated again recently as the United States has begun signalling that it’s willing to take unilateral action against China.

While China is well known to have a sizable and formidable nuclear force with both ICBMs, and hyper-velocity MIRV vehicles, these new developments come as international institutions go through a period of intense instability.

The good news is, a nuclear war might not be the world-ending cataclysm you would think it is.

The bad news is it would still be very, very bad.

The worse news is that there hasn’t been any kind of plan for how to deal with such an attack on Canada since the 1980s. Worst of all? Canadian experts think a nuclear exchange in our lifetime is just a matter of time.

Canada stands to get out of this relatively unscathed. But Vancouver, grab a seat. We need to talk.

How it starts

No matter how unhinged you think Washington DC might be and how terrifying it is that anyone in Washington is handling nuclear codes, none of the experts I read about, thought it particularly likely that America, as provocative as it is, is likely to be the one to shoot first.

While several experts pointed to a nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan as something that could conceivably happen at some point, it’s doubtful that would end up with any North American cities becoming targets. Of the other nuclear powers, it’s hard to think of a scenario that sees England, France, or Israel (whose nuclear arsenal has never been confirmed) striking out at the USA.

The consensus was that both Russia and China would have far too much to lose by hitting directly at North America (proxy nuclear wars in parts of Europe or Taiwan, respectively, remain on the table).

However, as I have repeatedly stated, both Russian and China has made it absolutely clear that any provocation or military action that crosses a RED LINE would result in the unleashing of a MAD level retaliatory response.

When the bomb hits

According to NUKEMAP, an algorithm that combines data from Google Maps and available information on nuclear weapon capabilities, the initial devastation of a strike on downtown Vancouver would be considerable—a fireball with a radius of 200 meters would appear over the city as the bomb explodes in midair. Every building within a two-kilometre radius would be virtually destroyed. Almost everyone within 16 kilometres of the explosion who survives the initial blast immediately suffers third degree burns.

The tally: almost 30,000 dead and over 100,000 injured almost immediately.

While NORAD radar would detect any ICBM or submarine launch, the warning time would be roughly 25 minutes—nowhere near enough to even begin evacuating a metro area with a population of over two million.

What would make matters worse is that currently there are absolutely no governmental plans for minimizing the death toll should a nuke hit a Canadian city.

“There isn’t [a plan],” John Clearwater, author of Canadian Nuclear Weapons: The Untold Story of Canada’s Cold War Arsenal, told VICE. “We’re all going to die.”

During the Cold War, Canada did have plans in the event of a nuclear strike. In 1961, an underground hideaway was completed outside of Ottawa. Located 40 kilometers away from Parliament Hill, it was meant to house hundreds of government officials and military officers in case of a nuclear attack (it now functions as Canada’s Cold War museum). Dubbed a “Diefenbunker” after then-prime minister John Diefenbaker, it was one of over 50 such multi-story units built across the country.

Fred Armbruster, the executive director and founder of the Canadian Civil Defence Museum Association, said parts of Canada are still home to the rotting and overgrown remnants of nuclear bunkers—a surprising amount of buildings in western Canada, in particular, are home to long-forgotten shelters.

Canada still has nuclear bunkers.

People don’t realize the amount of bunkers that were constructed in Canada,” he said. “It’s phenomenal. For example, every single municipality around Edmonton has a bunker.”

Today, almost none of those facilities remain operational, mothballed after Canada got rid of its nuclear weapons in 1984.

“There was no more plan because there was no more expectation that strategic nuclear weapons would fall on Canada,” said Clearwater.

Crawl out of the fallout

In the immediate aftermath, thousands would die due to untreated injuries, dehydration, exposure, collapsing structures, and general unpreparedness in the face of such a disaster.

Armbruster pointed to the Fort McMurray fire as an example—just as nobody expects a nuclear attack, nobody was prepared for a blaze of that size. During the peak years of nuclear panic during the Cold War, information was regularly distributed on how to prepare for a strike—blueprints for bomb shelters, what supplies to have on hand, what to do if an air raid siren went off. In Fort McMurray, few had the emergency supplies or knowledge necessary to get through the ordeal.

“People didn’t have bottled water, they weren’t able to react. Many people ran out of fuel because they let their fuel tank go past half full,” he said of the lack of preparedness that preceded the worst wildfire in Canadian history. “Back in (the Cold War), they were sending out pamphlets to every single household educating people on how to be prepared for a manmade or natural disaster.”

When a largely unprepared population is faced with a disaster of this magnitude, it puts even more strain on governmental institutions like Public Safety Canada, who would have to improvise ways to decontaminate, shelter, feed, medically treat and house hundreds of thousands of refugees.

Nukemap3D Shows What Nuclear Bombs Would Do To Canada's Cities

If you've ever stayed up late in bed worrying what a nuclear bomb would do to Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or Ottawa, now you can find out.

Nukemap3D, an extension to Google Earth written by Alex Wellerstein of the American Institute of Physics in Mayland, allows you to model what nuclear blasts of different sizes would do to literally any location on the planet. (There have been server issues with the site, but you can also access it here).

The website allows you to select the size of the bomb, from the 15-kiloton weapon dropped on Hiroshima to the 50-megaton behemoth Tsar Bomba tested by the Russians in 1961. You can also watch an animation of the mushroom cloud, see an overlay of the blast effects and fallout and get an estimate of causalities.

The results can be terrifying. A bomb as small as the "Little Boy" weapon used on Hiroshima would cause nearly 400,000 casualties if dropped near the CN tower in Toronto, according to the program. A Tsar Bomba would cause more than 3 million.

Those downwind from the blast would be affected by fallout, but even then, according to Schofield, it wouldn’t be apocalyptic. Airbursts, where a bomb detonates several hundred meters over its target rather than on the ground, cause a larger shockwave but also result in less radioactive debris.

Of course, there would be no cars, the automotive ECM’s would all be fried into slag by EMP bursts, nor would there be electricity, and internet.

“The general rule of nuclear weapons is, the radiation effect which is lethal is well within the lethal zone of the shockwave,” he said. “Radiation is not going to kill you.”

Still, he warned, leukemia rates would likely spike in affected areas for several years.

On the ground, Canada’s third largest city would probably rebound fairly quickly. While fiction would have you believe that nuclear weapons leave nothing but a scarred, uninhabitable landscape in their wake, Schofield said he wouldn’t be surprised if Vancouver was rebuilt in a decade or less.

The bomb that struck Hiroshima in 1945 was 20 kilotonnes—not that much smaller than the largest tested North Korean bomb. But that city’s population had returned to pre-war levels by 1958.

“Hiroshima … was built out of wood, [so] the whole place burned down,” said Schofield. “There were a couple of buildings that were 200 meters from the Hiroshima bomb that were still standing.”

Of course, China and Russia field nuclear weapons thousands of times more powerful.

Canada gets mad

Canadians would go through a pretty intense period of mourning and shock after the detonation. Then they’d get really ticked off.

“If a bomb goes off in Vancouver, most people’s initial reaction is: we need to get a bomb so we can threaten other people so they don’t bomb us,” said Schofield. “For Canada, I think we’d say we need a nuke and then we’ll probably revert to the Americans and have a much tighter security cooperation.”

In 2005, then-prime minister Jean Chretien refused to let Canada participate in the construction of a continental anti-ICBM defense shield.

Still, it needs to be stressed: the likelihood of Canada being involved is very, very, very low. Our lack of a plan isn’t necessarily a bad thing—as Clearwater points out, it just means resources are being used on things that actually matter, like diplomacy.

“We should not be wasting taxpayers’ money on a plan for something that results in our deaths,” he said. “We should be using a fraction of that money working towards a global zero [amount of nuclear weapons]. You can get a lot more working towards zero than you can distributing survival packs, shovels, doors, water purification tablets and blueprints for backyard shelters.”

So take heart, Canadians. Yes, your government isn’t doing much to prepare for a nuclear strike, but that’s because no one thinks they really have to.


Would the Chinese, or the Russians conduct Naval assaults on that tiny island? Would they saturation bomb it, and then invade using landing craft?


They would erase it.

Depending on the detonation altitude and the mega-tonnage of destructive power, the  remains could vary from a radioactive flat glassed mound protruding above sea level to a underwater crater. It all depends on the “message” that the Chinese wants to make.

Scene from the movie “The Road”.

Diego Garcia

This island will also go the way of the Dodo bird.

The idea that it would be eviscerated by the cleansing effects of a nuclear blast is so high that I would put it at a 90% probability.

If, somehow, it would survive I would say that anything trying to reach it would be destroyed long before they reached the island.

As the tension between the USSR and US, dimly glimpsed in flashes, ratchets up, the viewer begins to feel a very real and inescapable dread. 

I’ve seen scary movies that build tension but nothing like this, before.

Perhaps the worst part is that the fragments of news could so easily match what is coming from Korea:

Both sides rushing troops to the area, chest-puffing, threats.

Jackson’s decision to set the film in Sheffield, which is mostly uninvolved in the war, was doubtless because of the practical exigencies of movie-making and his target audience – but the sense that all of this war stuff is going on somewhere else, is brilliantly rendered in the half-heard snatches of news.

I spend a lot of time trying to hear those fragments about Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Korea, Nigeria – and reading between the lines in Threads is so well done there were times that my hair literally stood up on my neck.

It’s all “somewhere else”, until – wham!

We see a bit of the “preparedness” efforts of the government – the town administrator is told to begin storing medical supplies, water, gasoline, and so forth – he’s a well-meaning civil servant with no idea what is looming over him.

But, then, nobody does.

That’s why Watkins made the movie, after all.

In the last few months the US has seen images of hundreds of thousands fleeing by car, of the traffic jams and shortages: now, imagine people trying to flee from something from which there is no place to hide.

There is another movie in this vein, Miracle Mile [imdb] but somehow it becomes a disaster movie with a bit of action flick hidden in it.

Threads has this methodical rhythm that somehow makes it clear that nobody is getting out of anywhere – I think a lot of that is a result of positioning the film in Sheffield, far from where anyone would expect war to come, and probably far from where anyone expected to do anything about it.

Scene from the movie “The Road”.


America would suffer the worst effects of MAD.  This is non-debatable. I have covered this in the past. I have many many articles regarding this. You might as well go to my supreme master index to read about this.







That’s one of the most powerful messages I took away from the movie (other than “the living will envy the dead”) ...

...the vast mass of us sit in the shadow of this horrible thing our leaders have planned for us, and we feel that there is nothing we can do.

Or perhaps there is nothing we should do because it’s all so far away.

But they built this for us – they planned this for us – they used our money and our work to fund it, and the very worst of them talk about it as though it’s a casual game of golf.

No halfway decent human being should countenance this thing for anyone.

We, the people of the world, should rise and rip our political leaders to bits for preparing this bath of fire for us.

Naturally, our political leaders have bolt-holes, where they expect they can hide and weather out the worst effects of their utter failure.

Jackson doesn’t address that directly, but obliquely and powerfully shows us how that works, as well: the mostly well-meaning political leaders of Sheffield take shelter in their command center under the town’s office building, and are trapped when the building collapses over them.

They die slowly and horribly.

But so does everybody else.

From the movie “Threads”.

Korea & Japan

Both are allies of the United States. Both hold military bases that station American troops, and both do not want to get involved in a war with China. Were there to be a military conflict, I am near positive that both would prefer to sit out and be as neutral as possible.

However, if any nation, or both decides to actively participate alongside the United States in attacking China, the consequences will be horrific for those nations.

My guess is that World War II would be short lived and over quickly. As a result the events would unfold before these nations would be drawn into a conflict and would sort out their relationships with America after the smoke clears and the radioactive radiation does down. Whatever leadership remains of the United States, I am confident that these nations would dictate the terms, and would side with their Asian neighbors irregardless to what events happened in the distant past.

Aside from it’s terrifying military, America has no friends in the world except for a handful of nationalists in Australia and Israel.

The story follows its little cast of characters that eventually dwindle to one, the young pregnant woman. Then, the documentary aspects begin to pop in, with freeze-screens that blandly state facts that are so scary your mind wants to crawl someplace safe instead of reading them. 

I imagined I had a pretty good handle on nuclear war, but there are things I hadn’t thought of, which Jackson’s researchers did.


We’ve all heard of nuclear winter, but I’d never thought of the plagues of rats and flies that would follow having 20 million unburied corpses (never mind the sheep, cows, etc) or the side effect on agriculture.

There was a report yesterday about an intensive care unit in a hospital in Puerto Rico that suffered a power failure and all the patients are now dead.

In Threads we see doctors throwing up their hands in despair at the uselessness of trying to help patients who will die from radiation exposure.

The medical infrastructure at Hiroshima and Nagasaki collapsed, similarly.

What Watkins makes us see is that it’s not a partial collapse, like “no power or water” but a total collapse. “No nothing.” Our modern civilization is tightly integrated and god damn it we depend on each other – it’s like a Jenga tower – politicians imagine that they can just destroy part of the world without affecting the rest.

Fucking morons.

Morison and Trump both believe that a nuclear war is winnable.

Jackson’s projections are that, after radiation and secondary die off, nuclear winter and the destruction of agriculture and supply, England would be back to medieval-level population again, 30 years after the war – about 1.2 million people.

England, frankly, isn’t much of a target, so their suffering would be long-term collapse.

That saying about “bombing someone back to the stone age”? It’s not funny or accurate: it’d be early iron age.

I have more in common with a typical North Korean peasant than I do with Kim Jong Un or Donald Trump or any congressman. So, do you.

We are all living under the threat of this thing, built by power-loving politicians and their Renfields, in order to make themselves more important.

They are the same people who talk casually about “axis of evil” when they’re actually founding members of the axis, themselves.

We need to finally acknowledge that the nuclear powers (in spite of what they said in the Non Proliferation Treaty [npt] they shoved down everyone else’s throat) never intended to do anything but achieve and maintain a monopoly.

Non-nuclear states are obliged not to make or develop nuclear weapons, but the nuclear powers will continue to maintain and upgrade their arsenals. And when was the last time that the citizens of the USA or Russia had any say in whether more nuclear weapons would be developed?

When it comes to nuclear war, nobody is isolated.

Compared to the hostile powers our own leaders have arranged against us, any disagreement any of us might have with a citizen from another country is piffle.


They are nowhere near the threat to anyone that the commander of the US, North Korean, Russian, (on down the list) is.

Sure, they are repugnant, cruel, murderers – but they are rank amateurs compared to our leaders, who are prepared to murder on a vaster scale and who, in fact, have pretty much murdered ISIS (and 50,000-100,000 noncombatants along with them)

I can negotiate with ISIS – probably it wouldn’t go well, but I can try – militant nationalism doesn’t permit negotiation at all: they make us pawns in their game and they’ll throw us in the fire at any moment without feeling particularly bad about it (unless it’s bad for business).

Why can’t we rise up and put these motherfuckers up against a wall and shoot them all?

anon[390] • Disclaimer says:

June 7, 2021 at 4:53 pm GMT
Trump is now demanding reparation from China. Full time China hate is his only schtick left, no one is listening to him on anything else. China hate is the only thing that could still get a few of his mindless minions riled up.

But you know…

…it’s a dangerous game these morons are playing.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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Some videos of China showing all kinds of stuff, and a ton load of other assorted Chinese videos

This is going to be the “everything but the kitchen sink” kind of post. I wander. I spew out videos and pictures. I discuss things like girls and hot dogs. I even spend some time on Russia and then throw in some stuff about unhappy Americans. So I guess you can actually call it a true garbage bag of stuff. A “sack” of stuff.

There is NO set theme, for those of you who like everything nice and orderly. But rather this is like a messy mechanics work bench, a chef’s kitchen during the preparation for a large and elaborate meal, the living room after three two years olds entered it, or what happens when you give a dog a laxative and lock him in the house. The shit is everywhere.

And that is what this is, don’t you know. It’s a collection of videos that I picked up out of Chinese media, and what I myself recorded, as well as some interesting articles that are banned or not being presented inside of America these days.

I took a bunch of videos over the last few weeks. I am going to post some of them here so that you all can get an appreciation for what it is like here. And that’s really good.

I also have collected some more pretty girls videos. And I am going to post some of them here too. I mean, why not?

Pretty Chinese girl.

While I am at it, I have collected some Chinese military themed videos which are interesting if you follow that sort of stuff. And who in America doesn’t these days? After all America is a big enormous military empire. Even the multi-trillian dollar budget was just throwing billions of dollars to ramp up the already enormous military to fight world war III.

And some pork and beans.

Oh, and some other themes too. I guess you could call this the “kitchen sink” of Chinese videos.

As an aside, we have all been having mass testing for COVID. Really, really efficient. They announce it, then three days later, it’s all completed. In a city five times the size of Seattle.

Today I made myself some hotdogs. I suppose that I am getting homesick a tad bit. I do miss those days where (as a boy scout) I would gather around a fire and cook up hotdogs and marshmallows. It’s that time of the year, and if you have the means I would suggest you all go out and explore and have some fun in the countryside.

Cooking hotdogs the American way.

You all should go out and do this.

It’s cheap. As I recall, a package of twelve hotdogs was under a dollar. If you buy a loaf of bread, and some ketchup, you can end up feeding a family for under $5 USD. Just don’t forget the beer. Add a bag of ice for a $1, and there, for around ten dollars you’ve got the great makings for an outing.

Well, things might be a little bit more expense today. But still, the point is that it’s a very inexpensive way to have fun. And just doesn’t the memories evoke stirrings in your soul?

There’s nothing quite like watching the hot fiery embers while roasting a hotdog and drinking beer. It’s a special treasure. One that seems to be over-looked in today’s society.

But before we get into the videos, let’s see what Mr. Putin has to say. Like Xi Peng, he is a calm and stable leader. When he speaks the world listens. Unfortunately the Western press refuses to to report on it. Thus leaving Americans and their allies unaware of the events going on in the world that America is part of.

Of course Putin has things to say. America is one BIG mess, and it is angry, belligerent, cocky and arrogant.

Sometimes, it just seems to me that there a only a precious few “adults” in the room remaining. Us “normal’s” are like rambunctious high school students, and the American and European leadership are like spoiled three year old children.

Encino Man

Excerpts of Putin’s Meeting with heads of international news agencies, St Petersburg, June 4, 2021


A. Causes of the Covid-19 pandemic:  

Allow me to refrain from speaking about the causes of the pandemic because so much has already been said about it that I think it makes no sense speaking on this topic, and I am unlikely to say anything new or intriguing.

Keep in mind that in 2020, both China and Russia filed formal complaints about the Coronavirus and the United State's role in it.

But I suggest we proceed from the fact that we have faced this pandemic and we are living with it now. The world has yet to overcome these challenges and restrictions and we must continue our joint fight as an effective outcome cannot be achieved unless we work together on combating the pandemic.



Mr. Putin discusses the American led "QUAD", the "Asian NATO" that is designed to counter, contain, and suppress China.

We do (not) participate in this initiative, so I do not think I should give any assessments on the participation of other countries in it. Each country makes its sovereign decision about with whom, how and in what capacity, and to what extent it builds its relations.

Let me state, though, that any partnership between countries should not be aimed at being friends simply to align against someone else. We need to be friends with each other so as to achieve common goals, to solve the tasks that states face.

I will repeat once again that we do not see ourselves in this configuration.

However, this does not prevent us from working both with India and China. I do not see any contradictions here. Moreover, we have created conditions for India, China and Russia to be able to work within the same organizations and they are well known: we collaborate in BRICS, and the SCO, and we work together in the United Nations.

Yes, I know, of course, there are certain issues related to India-China relations.

But you see, there are always a plethora of issues arising between neighbors. But I know the attitude of both the Prime Minister of India and the President of the PRC, these are very responsible people and in their interactions they treat each other with great respect.

And I think that they will always find a way to resolve the problems and issues they face. The main thing is that extra-regional powers should not standing their way.

Mr. Putin wants the two nations of India and China to continue to work on their differences together, and he doesn't want "outsiders" (you know, like America) to interfere and cause problems.

As for Russia-India relations, I repeat, they are unfolding very successfully and in a trustful and traditional manner. We really appreciate this level of relations with our Indian friends.

These are relations of a truly strategic nature, as they cover a whole range of areas for interaction. They include economic issues, energy, and high technologies.

They also include the military-industrial complex, and here we are not only talking about the sale and purchase of Russian weapons.

I have already spoken about this more than once, that we have very deep and trusting relations with India, which manifested in the fact that we and India (probably the only such partner of ours) take up joint efforts to design and produce, including on Indian territory, cutting-edge and advanced weapons systems, including missile equipment.

Russia and India are working together to design cutting-edge military technology, and systems. This is R&D and NPD for brand new weapons systems.

But these are just a few; there are other areas in which we cooperate.

This is why I have no doubt that Russia-India relations will continue to develop consistently to the benefit of the peoples of India and the Russian Federation.

The outlook for India to work with Russia on strategic developments is highly positive.


You mentioned the [2011] Treaty, which undoubtedly played a vital role in the development of Russian-Chinese relations.

They are truly unprecedented in terms of the quality and level of interaction.

But we both understand that it is not just about the Treaty, although it really is a very important thing, an important document, and an important milestone.

The point is that Russia and China have many overlapping interests. This is what underlies the development of our interaction.

In this regard, one of the key fields of cooperation is the one you already mentioned at the start, and that is economic cooperation.

Quite so, several years ago now, President Xi Jinping and I worked out a plan to reach the $100 billion mark in our mutual trade.

Now I should tell you (you know about this) that we did actually reach this milestone, and more than this, even despite the challenges of the pandemic in 2020, we kept to that level. Despite the slight decrease, it amounted to 104 billion.

China and Russian foreign trade and cooperation is proceeding splendidly.

And I think that over a period of the next few years, as we agreed, as we wanted, we can reach 200 billion even by 2024, despite that slight decline. We have also discussed this with President Xi Jinping. The pace we have gained and the growth rate we have achieved in the first quarter of this year also confirm this.

It is of upmost importance that we cooperate across a wide variety of areas.

We are following global trends and we are increasingly focusing on the most important fields of high-tech.

I have repeatedly mentioned that we continue to work together in aircraft manufacturing, we are more and more expanding our cooperation in space, including the joint lunar program; there are very interesting prospects here.

Quite recently, you are aware, President Xi Jinping and I broke ground for four new nuclear reactors in China. This is very important high-tech collaboration.

Work continues in other segments in the energy industry too. On the other hand, I believe our cooperation in nature conservation and in the humanitarian field is no less important.

From year to year, we hold a variety of forums, all kinds of cross year projects.

This brings people ever closer together. All this requires good support in terms of infrastructure, so we are developing it as well. Quite recently, you know we have opened a bridge in one of the most important regions of the Russian-Chinese border.

Roads and rail between Russia and China are opening up, being forged and trade is increasing at an astounding level.

Russia and China are jointly working on major projects that have an international dimension.

As you are aware, China is promoting the New Silk Road idea, including in the economy. This is quite consistent with what we are doing within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The BRI benefits not only China but Russia as well.

We have many overlapping interests and fields of activity. I simply do not doubt for a second that we will continue to be as active as possible, keeping in mind both Russia’s and China’s interest in maintaining collaboration on the international arena…

… and this interaction is undoubtedly one of the most important factors of stability in international affairs.

The stability of the world depends on Russia and China working jointly and together in unity.


You know, I am not expecting any breakthroughs following this meeting.

Now, what does that tell you all about how America is viewed by the rest of the world?

But I believe that (you are absolutely right) that, despite the disagreements, which were not created by the Russian side, we, nevertheless, have coinciding interests.

You have now mentioned some of the subjects that would be of interest to the United States and the Russian Federation.

This includes the solution of environmental problems, strategic stability and joint work to resolve a number of regional crises.

All this is highly important because this is linked with our countries’ security matters, considering intra-regional crises, such as in the Middle East. What do these unresolved crises lead to?

They cause an upsurge in terrorism, and this is extremely dangerous for everyone, including the United States, Russia, Europe and other regions.

These unresolved matters are the cause, and terrorism is the direct consequence of what is happening in these regions.

Strategic stability is extremely important.

Strategic military power is extremely important to maintain global balance and stability.

We don’t want to scare anyone with our new weapons systems.

Yes, we are developing them, and we have achieved certain results and successes here.

But all leading countries and leading military powers are doing this, and we are just one step ahead.

We realize that other high-tech countries, such as the United States and other states, will achieve similar results sooner or later.

Therefore I believe that it is better to reach agreement in advance on how we will live together in a changing world.

We are ready for this.

I assume that President Biden is a very experienced politician who has been dealing with politics all his life, he is well-versed in many of the problems I have mentioned because he was time and again involved in assessing similar matters, in different capacities.

This is why I hope that our meeting will be constructive. 


Germany is one of our priority partners in the economy; on a global scale, it is one of our largest trade and economic partners, our largest partner in Europe and one of the biggest in the world after China.

We have a large number of friends in Germany and we have a strong interest in developing our trade and economic links.

Thousands of German companies operate in Russia, with our mutual investment amounting to $29 billion.

These are significant resources, and our business partners invest not in financial operations but in the real economy and real production.

We very much appreciate this and try to provide our help and support, which we intend to continue

In the political sphere, I really hope that, considering the special nature of our relations and our people’s particular interest in continuing cooperation, Germany’s future leadership will build its political relationships with Russia accordingly.

We are ready to fully cooperate to overcome all the difficulties you mentioned. 

It is true that Angela [Merkel] and I have a businesslike relationship, and I appreciate her a lot.

She is a very experienced politician and a straight-forward but reliable person.

If we have agreed on something, then I see – which is frankly surprising to me, but it is true – that she is consistent and knows how to defend her position.

We feel it too; we feel it in our joint affairs.

Some things we may like, some things we may not, but she is a reliable, stable partner. 

I would like stability and reliability to remain in the activities of the German government to come, too

Let me say this once again: Germany is an important partner for Russia, both in Europe and in the world, and we very much hope that the situation will consistently improve.


The main thing that needs to be done is to treat each other with respect and take into account each other’s interests in the broadest sense of the word.

But this is not a general phrase, it is a meaningful matter.

It's not a platitude, or a saying. It's a very serious issue.

President Biden belongs, in my opinion, to the most experienced class of international politicians, as I mentioned earlier, because in different capacities and at various times over the course of many years, he has personally participated in the discussion and preparation of the decisions on all issues that matter today for the entire world and bilateral relations.

But it was not us who drove Russia-US relations into the state they’re in today.

We didn’t do this.

After all, we have never taken a single first step in matters that are detrimental to Russia-US relations.

Did we impose sanctions on the United States?

No, it was the United States that imposed sanctions on us and continues to impose them for every reason or for no reason at all, just because we exist.

But they will have to live with this, because Russia was, is and will be here.

Just as there is and will be the United States, which plays a very important role in the world.

I would very much like it to play a stabilizing role.

But in this context, in my opinion, Russia-US relations are also important.

To reiterate, I would very much like our meeting to be held in a constructive manner.


President Lukashenko explained to me, he did not order the plane to land.

There was a bomb alert and, as far as I remember, the captain, who could have landed in Vilnius, since the plane was closer to Vilnius than to Minsk, decided to land in Minsk.

Nobody forced him to land – at least this is President Lukashenko’s account of the events. That is it.


And I would like to strike the ball back to you: what do you think about President of Bolivia Evo Morales’ plane being forced to land in Vienna, escorting him off the plane and searching the presidential aircraft?

So, the same thing happened in Vienna; in Vienna they grounded the head of state’s airplane…

If you can ground the plane of the president of an independent country in Vienna, why can’t they land a plane in Minsk, especially if there was a signal that a bomb had been planted on board?

We just need to measure similar situations with the same yardstick, and not only in this case, but in general.

We need to get rid of double standards; you can’t always say that one person can do this, and another cannot.

Not with the United States. The USA is all about "double standards".

Let’s work out common approaches and come up with common assessments.

Using tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons to disperse demonstrations in Europe, and knocking out eyes with rubber bullets, is okay, but when there is an arrest in Belarus, maybe, done in a harsh manner, it is unacceptable.


Because European countries are democratic and they can do this in Europe.

Let’s then come up with acceptable ways of handling street protests and define what exactly is unacceptable.

Let’s develop common criteria and approaches, at least develop common definitions that will be understood by everyone the same way.

Then it will be easier for us to give assessments to the events that are taking place in various regions around the world, including Europe.


The vaccine market is estimated at about $100 billion a year, probably even more

…the delays in registering the Russian vaccine in Europe are due to the commercial interests of those who are doing so…

…since they are thus gaining time for the competitors of Russian producers of the vaccine to take over the European market…

… since long-term contracts are being concluded for the supply of vaccines.

When the relevant European agency issues a permit to use the Russian vaccine in Europe, it will become clear that the market is already 100 percent full, and long-term contracts have already been concluded.

That’s it; the ship will have sailed for our companies.

We are the only country in the world that is ready to pass on technology.

We are doing so and starting production at foreign facilities.

We are ready to do this in European countries as well; we can see no obstacles here.

In fact, this is just another myth about the use of the vaccine. 

Before this, we had not produced vaccines at such a large volume, and primarily only for Russia.

I think that in July we will reach a production level of 20 million per month. We have enough for domestic consumption now.


The United Kingdom is one of few countries in Europe, and even the world, where economic relations continue to be on the up side.

Even last year – the pandemic year, when our trade with many countries slumped, trade with the UK grew by 54 percent.

This is record high.

So, if nobody interferes, everything will be good and mutual trade might help Russia turn from a withering country into a prosperous one.

If the USA doesn't interfere...

We strongly hope that Russian-British relations will contribute to this process…

The most important thing is that we have respect for each other, trust each other and hope that nothing occurs in the UK…

…that would allow us to come up with assessments like those given by the new head of your country’s intelligence service [MI6]…

…with respect to Russia [namely, that it is a declining power and behaves irresponsibly.]


We welcome the normalisation of relations between different states of the region, including between Arab countries and Israel.

When ties between states are restored, it always benefits the peoples of these states.

At the same time, and we are now clearly seeing this, it is hardly possible to achieve a stable peace and a stable situation in the region without a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Here, we need to restore multilateral formats of cooperation and multilateral formats for discussing the problems at hand.

There are issues that require special attention from the international community.

Of course, overcoming inter-Palestinian differences is among the essential elements.

I think that this entire range (I am not talking now about Israel’s settlement policy etc., but many questions accumulated in that area), the entire range of issues, of course, needs to be studied very carefully.

And Palestinian settlement must not be pushed back to the periphery of international politics given the pressing nature of this issue and the importance of this problem not only for the Arab world but, I think, the entire world as well.

We very much hope that the issues of fundamental importance, namely, the creation of two states, including the Palestinian state, will be resolved on the basis of mutual interests of the peoples living in this region, and taking into account the future.

It is very important to look into the future, it is very important not to be guided by fleeting political opportunistic considerations, but to create conditions for a lasting long-term settlement.


As for the dollar, I have already said that we are not trying to get rid of the dollar…

It’s not that we do not like the dollar because the United States is bad and it imposes sanctions on us, which forces us to get rid of it; of course not.

The question has a practical dimension. Let’s assume we are unable to make payments in dollars with our partners in defense cooperation.

Such as with Iran. -MM

You see?

We have a problem.

What should we do?

We switch to paying in national currencies or currencies of other countries.

Our US partners force us to do this.

We are not moving away from the dollar purposefully, we are compelled to do so.

When we do this, a system of financial relations with our partners is formed outside dollar transactions.

But why are the US political authorities doing this?

They are cutting off the branch they are sitting on and will crash to the ground in the end.

Everyone in the world can see this, you know?

Everyone can see it, hence the question about the reliability of dollar transactions.

This is leading to the decline of gold and foreign exchange reserves in dollars, and not just in our country, but almost all over the world, including US allies.

The volume of settlements in dollars is on the decline…

You will see that the volume of dollar transactions is decreasing every year, and gold and foreign exchange reserves in dollars are also going down, and not just in our country.

All of that is being done as part of some internal political processes in the United States.

The people who are doing this seem to operate on the premise that the economic power of the United States, its military and political power is so strong that it does not scare them – “we will get through this,” is what they are thinking.

America is about printing money endlessly without consideration of the mountain of debt that it is creating.

You know what the problem is? I will tell you as a citizen of the former Soviet Union. What is the problem with an empire?

And so he answers.

They think they are so mighty they can afford minor faults and mistakes. It is okay, we will buy these people and scare other people; we will reach an agreement with still others, give beads to those and threaten others with our warships – problem solved.

But he notes...

But problems are piling up, and there comes a time when it is no longer possible to cope with them all. And the United States is firmly and steadily following in the footsteps of the Soviet Union.

You don't say...

I will say it again: this is not our initiative. Some of our companies, for example, in the oil sector, are reluctant to leave the dollar, mindful of the volatility of national currencies. But if the United States continues to force them into this, eventually, they will find a way to de-dollarise their settlements and convert to national currencies or currencies of third countries. They will just find a solution, end of story. And this will be a severe blow to the dollar as the global reserve currency.

Multiple reserve currencies and units of account are a good thing for the global economy if we want to achieve a more stable situation in international finance and the global economy in general.

Nothing that you will find in the American “news”. Though you will find this understatement of the year…

Now that Mr. Putin said his piece, let’s get on with the videos…

Videos of pretty girls

"Chinese women look like pre-adolsecent girls. that is why all the child predators flock to China. So that they can have uncontrolled violent sex with these child-appearing women."

Long duration readers of MM know my love of the female form.

Chinese woman with a robust Chest.

Here’s just some more videos of Chinese girls being cute and attractive. I have other dedicated posts elsewhere, but I just wanted to throw some out right now and get them off my hard drive. Pretty girls, yeah, but I only have so much room. Don’t you know.

Chinese Hunan girl wearing her ethnic attire. (I just love Hunan food. You betya!)

Aside from girl after girl, I threw in two special videos.

  • One is a Tictok girl (just like these here) who died. And the hospital staff honoring her death.
  • A CGI showing the Chinese ideal.

Ugh. It’s a pretty big collection and it might take a little long to download. You can download the videos in a ZIP file HERE. Just open them up and they will play one by one. 345MB.

Typical Chinese girl displaying her “fish shaped” body for the world to admire.

What is going on in America today?

I just read this most interesting article. It says…

Worn out and disgusted by crushing neoliberal policies at home and murderous neoconservative policies abroad, Americans elected a political neophyte who ran on a populist platform which criticized both Bush and Obama. Trump promised to “drain the swamp”, end the wars, and fight the establishment in the interests of ordinary people. This time for sure there would be change.

But the wars kept going, and the swamp got even fuller, and the US empire kept chugging along on the same trajectory it had been on throughout the Bush administration and the Obama administration. Despite all this, the Democratic Party and its allied media institutions acted as though some drastic deviation from the norm had taken place, insisting that the United States had been plunged from a free democracy respected around the world into an isolationist fascist dystopia.

In order to stop fascism, the American people had yet another people’s uprising against the corrupt status quo and… elected Obama’s vice president. Lifelong corporate crony and empire lackey Joe Biden now sits in the White House, advancing all the same murderous, oppressive, exploitative, authoritarian policies as his predecessors, as a result of the latest fake, decoy revolution against tyranny.

And that’s all mainstream electoral politics ever is in the US empire: a fake, decoy revolution staged for the public every few years so that they don’t have a real one. A symbolic ceremony where the public pretends to cast the abusive status quo into the sea so they feel like the battle against their oppressors has been won. And then their oppressors just keep right on oppressing them.

Every few years the public gets to choose between two reliable lackeys of the oligarchic empire, and then all of the evils of that empire get pinned upon the winner. The public then directs their rage at the lackey rather than the actual power structure which has been oppressing them, after which they have another election to rid themselves of the scoundrel once and for all. They hug, they cry, they celebrate, and the oppression machine continues completely uninterrupted.

And it is accurate, I believe.

As Gore Vidal once said:

“It doesn’t actually make any difference whether the President is Republican or Democrat. The genius of the American ruling class is that it has been able to make the people think that they have had something to do with the electing of presidents for 200 years when they’ve had absolutely nothing to say about the candidates or the policies or the way the country is run. A very small group controls just about everything.”
That small group is the plutocratic class whose legalized bribery and propaganda machine has immense influence over US politics, as well as the imperial war machine and special interest groups with whom the plutocratic class is allied. 

It is necessary to form coalitions of support within that power cluster if one wants to become president in the managed democracy that is the United States, and no part of that power cluster is going to support a president who won’t reliably advance the interests of the oligarchic empire.

From this point of view, the oligarchic power cluster is essentially running its own employees against each other and having them promise to end the injustices which are inextricably baked in to the oligarchic empire.

Americans live in a totalitarian state whose most important elections are rigged from top to bottom, and they’re fed news stories about Evil Dictators in other countries rigging their elections to remain in power.

Politicians cannot change the status quo to one which benefits ordinary people instead of their oligarchic owners, because the oligarchic empire is built upon the need for endless war, poverty, and oppression.

You cannot have a unipolar global empire without using violent force (and the threat of it) to uphold that world order, and you cannot have a plutocracy without ensuring that a few rulers have far more wealth control than the rank-and-file citizenry.

For this reason, even politicians who run on relatively progressive-sounding platforms are themselves a part of the fake decoy revolution unless they demand a complete dismantling of oligarchy and empire.

The politicians who present themselves as progressives in America today offer only light opposition to some aspects of empire and oligarchy, in effect merely supporting an oligarchic empire that gives Americans healthcare.

Since keeping Americans poor, busy and propagandized is an essential dynamic in the hub of a globe-spanning oligarchic empire, this is a nonsensical position; the oligarchs don’t want ordinary Americans to have money to burn on campaign donations and free time to research what’s really going on in their world, because then they might meddle in the gears of empire...

...A power structure built upon economic injustice will never permit economic justice.

The door to meaningful change in America via electoral politics has been closed, locked, bolted, welded shut, and barricaded with a metric ton of solid steel.

The only thing that can cause an end to the oppression and exploitation is an end to the oligarchic empire, and the only thing that can cause the end of the oligarchic empire is direct action by the American people: mass-scale activism, general strikes, and civil disobedience the likes of which the nation has never before seen, in sufficient numbers to bring down the plutocratic institutions which maintain the status quo.

The problem is that this will never happen as long as Americans are being successfully propagandized into being content with their fake decoy revolutions.

There is a zero percent chance of electoral politics leading to an end of the empire, but a concerted effort to spread awareness by those who understand what’s going on just might.

All positive changes in human behavior are always preceded by an expansion of awareness, whether you’re talking about awareness of the consequences of one’s addiction leading to their getting sober or an expansion of awareness of the injustices of racism leading to racial justice laws.

Making people aware that the mass media are lying to us about what’s real, aware of the horrors of war, aware of the underlying dynamics of the economic injustice which is grinding Americans into the dirt, that can lead to a chain reaction which sees the collective using the power of its numbers to shrug off the chains of oppression as easily as you remove a heavy coat on a warm day.

What’s needed is for the people to awaken to the truth. An entire empire is built upon a pair of closed eyelids.

Please read the entire article at the Greenville Post HERE.

Videos of Chinese Military Aviation

"The Chinese air force is a joke. The best that they have are 1980's old-Soviet Union hand me downs. All cobbled together with that shoddy Chinese workmanship and piloted by CCP members that would defect to the Untied States in a heartbeat."

It’s a narrative that has been pumped into the American heartland for decades. The truth is something all together different. Especially since 90% of the American military aviation, and parts are currently made inside of China. If China can design and manufacture for the United States Aviation companies, they can do so for themselves. Which is why we see all sorts of interesting home-grown and home-designed, and home-manufactured aircraft in China these days.

You can download the videos in a ZIP file HERE. Just open them up and they will play one by one. 41MB.

Oh, I almost forgot about Pepe…

You know the drill. From HERE. All credit to the author and edited to fit this venue.

The upcoming G7 in Cornwall at first might be seen as the quirky encounter of “America is Back” with “Global Britain”.

The Big Picture though is way more sensitive. Three Summits in a Row – G7, NATO and US-EU – will be paving the way for a much expected cliffhanger: the Putin-Biden summit in Geneva – which certainly won’t be a reset.

The controlling interests behind the hologram that goes by the name of “Joe Biden” have a clear overarching agenda: to regiment industrialized democracies – especially those in Europe – and keep them in lockstep to combat those “authoritarian” threats to US national security, “malignant” Russia and China.

It’s like a throwback to those oh so stable 1970s Cold War days, complete with James Bond fighting foreign devils and Deep Purple subverting communism. Well, the times they are-a-changin’. China is very much aware that now the Global South “accounts for almost two-thirds of the global economy compared to one-third by the West: in the 1970s, it was exactly the opposite.”

For the Global South – that is, the overwhelming majority of the planet – the G7 is largely irrelevant. What matters is the G20.

China, the rising economic superpower, hails from the Global South, and is a leader in the G20. For all their internal troubles, EU players in the G7 – Germany, France and Italy – cannot afford to antagonize Beijing in economic, trade and investment terms.

A G7 rebooted as a Sinophobic crusade will have no takers. Including Japan and special guests at Cornwall: tech powerhouse South Korea, and India and South Africa (both BRICS members), offered the dangling carrot of a possible extended membership.

Washington’s wishful thinking cum P.R. offensive boils down to selling itself as the primus inter pares of the West as a revitalized global leader. Why the Global South is not buying it can be observed, graphically, by what happened for the past eight years. The G7 – and especially the Americans – simply could not respond to China’s wide-ranging, pan-Eurasian trade/development strategy, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The American “strategy” so far – 24/7 demonization of BRI as a “debt trap” and “forced labor” machine – did not cut it. Now, too little too late, comes a G7 scheme, involving “partners” such as India, to “support”, at least in theory, vague “high-quality projects” across the Global South: that’s the Clean Green Initiative , focused on sustainable development and green transition, to be discussed both at the G7 and the US-EU summits.

Compared to BRI, Clean Green Initiative hardly qualifies as a coherent geopolitical and geoeconomic strategy. BRI has been endorsed and partnered by over 150 nation-states and international bodies – and that includes more than half of the EU’s 27 members.

Facts on the ground tell the story. China and ASEAN are about to strike a “comprehensive strategic partnership” deal. Trade between China and the Central and Eastern European Countries (CCEC), also known as the 17+1 group, including 12 EU nations, continues to increase. The Digital Silk Road, the Health Silk Road and the Polar Silk Road keep advancing.

So what’s left is loud Western rumbling about vague investments in digital technology – perhaps financed by the European Investment Bank, based in Luxembourg – to cut off China’s “authoritarian reach” across the Global South.

The EU-US summit may be launching a “Trade and Technology Council” to coordinate policies on 5G, semiconductors, supply chains, export controls and technology rules and standards. A gentle reminder: the EU-US simply do not control this complex environment. They badly need South Korea, Taiwan and Japan.

Wait a minute, Mr. Taxman

To be fair, the G7 may have rendered a public service to the whole world when their Finance Ministers struck an alleged “historic” deal last Saturday in London on a global, minimal 15% tax on multinational companies (MNCs).

Triumphalism was in order – with endless praise lavished on “justice” and “fiscal solidarity” coupled with really bad news for assorted fiscal paradises.

Well, that’s slightly more complicated.

This tax has been discussed at the highest levels of the OECD in Paris for over a decade now – especially because nation-states are losing at least $427 billion a year in tax-dodging by MNCs and assorted multi-billionaires. In terms of the European scenario that does not even account for the loss of V.A.T. by fraud – something gleefully practiced by Amazon, among others.

So it’s no wonder G7 Finance Ministers had $1.6 trillion-worth Amazon pretty much on their sights. Amazon’s cloud computing division should be treated as a separate entity. In this case the mega-tech group will have to pay more corporate tax in some of its largest European markets – Germany, France, Italy, UK – if the global 15% tax is ratified.

So yes, this is mostly about Big Tech – master experts on fiscal fraud and profiting from tax paradises located even inside Europe, such as Ireland and Luxembourg. The way the EU was built, it allowed fiscal competition between nation-states to fester. To discuss this openly in Brussels remains a virtual taboo. In the official EU list of fiscal paradises, one won’t find Luxembourg, the Netherlands or Malta.

So could this all be just a P.R. coup? It’s possible. The major problem is that at the European Council – where governments of EU member-states discuss their issues – they have been dragging their feet for a long time, and sort of delegated the whole thing to the OECD.

As it stands, details on the 15% tax are still vague – even as the US government stands to become the largest winner, because its MNCs have shifted massive profits all across the planet to avoid US corporate taxes.

Not to mention that nobody knows if, when and how the deal will be globally accepted and implemented: that will be a Sisyphean task. At least it will be discussed, again, at the G20 in Venice in July.

What Germany wants

Without Germany there would not have been real advance on the EU-China Investment Agreement late last year. With a new US administration, the deal is stalled again. Outgoing chancellor Merkel is against China-EU economic decoupling – and so are German industrialists. It will be quite a treat to watch this subplot at the G7.

In a nutshell: Germany wants to keep expanding as a global trading power by using its large industrial base, while the Anglo-Saxons have completely ditched their industrial base to embrace non-productive financialization. And China for its part wants to trade with the whole planet. Guess who’s the odd player out.

Considering the G7 as a de facto gathering of the Hegemon with its hyenas, jackals and chihuahuas, it will also be quite a treat to watch the semantics. What degree of “existential threat” will be ascribed to Beijing – especially because for the interests behind the hologram “Biden” the real priority is the Indo-Pacific?

These interests could not give a damn about a EU yearning for more strategic autonomy. Washington always announces its diktats without even bothering to previously consult Brussels.

So this is what this Triple X of summits – G7, NATO and EU-US – will be all about: the Hegemon pulling all stops to contain/harass the emergence of a rising power by enlisting its satrapies to “fight” and thus preserve the “rules-based international order” it designed over seven decades ago.

History tells uss it won’t work. Just two examples: the British and French empires could not stop the rise of the US in the 19th century; and even better, the Anglo-American axis only stopped the simultaneous rise of Germany and Japan by paying the price of two world wars, with the British empire destroyed and Germany back again as the leading power in Europe.

That should give the meeting of “America is Back” and “Global Britain” in Cornwall the status of a mere, quirky historical footnote.

Oh, and let’s talk about some food.

It’s near supper time, and it is early Summer. To me, that means buttered corn on the cob, watermelon, baked beans, hamburgers, fried chicken, tomato-onion-salad, cole slaw, and potato salad. Most of which you simply cannot get here in China.

Hamburger with a side of baked beans.

Well, you can get mashed potatoes at KFC, and potato salad at a Japanese restaurant. All of the others you can get, but they will all be cooked Chinese-style, which for the most part doesn’t resemble what I think about as hot Summer American food.

I’m not really complaining.

It’s that you adjust to your situation. You appreciate what you have when you have it. You realize that it is fleeting and the idea that you just “can always go out and get a hamburger” isn’t really true outside of the United States. Just like you just cannot go out in America and get some Hunan fish when ever you feel like it.

Now, it’s kind of “cheating” to take frozen fries, some left over chili and cheese and wrap it all up in aluminum foil to throw onto a campfire, but I don’t care. This is the year 2021, not 1854. You learn, you adapt, you strive, and you accept.

Some may call this cheating.

Once, I am fed…

… I have some videos about the Chinese military forces. Well worth a look.

You see, China must build up it’s forces. America is eyeing it for invasion. And it is not going to go away, back down, or moderate it’s position. Conflict is inevitable.

And the world spins around and around…

Meanwhile from HERE, we have this jewel from UNZ …

China Notes That the Same Journalist Pushing Wuhan Lab Hoax Pushed Iraq WMD Hoax



Neocons. They are some sick people.

China is inching dangerously close to dangerous anti-Semitism.


 China’s Foreign Ministry blasted the resurgent interest in the Covid-19 lab-origin theory, noting that the journalist behind a report about Wuhan scientists falling ill is the same one who peddled lies that led to the Iraq War.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin took aim at Michael R. Gordon, a national security correspondent for the Wall Street Journal and one of the authors of the report that added fuel to speculation about Covid-19’s lab origin.

“Not long ago, Michael R. Gordon, an American journalist, by quoting a so-called ‘previously undisclosed US intelligence report,’ hinted [at] a far-fetched connection between the ‘three sick staff’ at the Wuhan lab and the Covid-19 outbreak,” Wang said at a briefing on Friday.

“Nineteen years ago, it was this very reporter who concocted false information by citing unsubstantiated sources about Iraq’s ‘attempt to acquire nuclear weapons,’ which directly led to the Iraq War,” he charged, referring to the 2003 US invasion.

The WSJ piece, published on May 23, cites “a previously undisclosed US intelligence report” as saying that three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell seriously ill in November 2019 with symptoms “consistent” with Covid-19 as well as a seasonal flu.

The report got picked up by other mainstream media, which recently began shifting their coverage on Covid-19’s origins from outright dismissing theories that the virus was man-made to admitting that a lab leak remains a possibility.

Gordon is supposedly not Jewish, but he co-wrote the New York Times pieces with the Jew Judith Miller.

Furthermore, I wouldn’t personally point to Gordon as the source for the “Wuhan Lab Leak Hypothesis” – I would point to the Jewish neocon Josh Rogin.

Rogin, like Gordon, spent years promoting various atrocity hoaxes in the Middle East and pushing wars for Israel, and is the original source for the version of the “Wuhan Lab theory,” that is currently circulating, writing a Washington Post column promoting the hoax on April 14, 2020.

The point of course is that everywhere you look, there are neocons – most of them Jewish – promoting this Wuhan Lab stuff. They are the absolute source of the claim – they and a Falun Gong Hong Kong CIA feminist woman, Li-Meng Yan.

She is claiming to be a “whistleblower,” despite the fact that she in no way meets the definition of that term. The term necessarily implies insider knowledge – usually, a whistleblower is an employee or former employee of the organization they are blowing the whistle on.

Though none of the media promoting her says it outright, there is an implication that she worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. She did not. She worked at a university in Hong Kong when she was funded by Steve Bannon to write a paper making the claim that the supposed coronavirus is a Chinese bioweapon.

Bannon has recently been associated with Guo Wengui, a billionaire who was exiled from China for fraud and various crimes. In June of last year, Bannon declared that Guo is now the real ruler of China in a bizarre video on a boat.

While they were on the boat in front of the Statue of Liberty saying they were going to “overthrow the government of China,” they flew planes around with signs announcing their new government.

No one understood what was going on, and even Fox News reported on “confusion” regarding the banners and the livestream on the boat. The livestream has since been deleted, and there is no news from the Federal State of New China. But there is a Wikipedia page documenting this incredibly strange event.

Guo also runs a fake news website (I use that term in the most literal sense) where he published the Hunter Biden footjob videos.

The point is: this is a very weird operation, and it is absurd to take a person funded by these people seriously, as Tucker Carlson shamefully has.

(I’m not attacking Tucker over this, he’s overall great and is sometimes just really slow on the uptake, unfortunately – but it is shameful to get involved with a Hong Kong woman who was literally given money by Steve Bannon and his “Federation of New China” group to write a fake science paper.)

To pretend that she is a whistleblower, to pretend that political organizations funding papers with a predetermined outcome is serious science, is non-serious behavior.

The first time I heard the Wuhan lab leak theory it was being promoted by neocon extremist Tom Cotton. It was then promoted by neocon extremist Mike Pompeo, who was then in the process of trying to start a war with China. Now, it is being promoted by the Jews of CNN.

There is no one involved in claiming that the supposed coronavirus came from a Chinese lab who doesn’t have vested interests in starting a war with the Chinese. This goes for all of these Jews, as well as Steve Bannon, who has actually declared “overthrowing the government of China” (his words) to be his goal.

It’s very obvious to see how people who want a war with China would use this hoax, and it is great that China is making the link to the Iraqi WMD hoax. It truly is the same thing.

The United States is a country with a lot of problems. None of those problems are the fault of China. China is not promoting gay sex to children, they are not flooding us with millions of brown people, they did not steal our election, they did not take all of our freedoms and collapse the economy.

Our enemies are domestic and they are Jewish. Any attempt to fear-monger and attack China is intended as a distraction from what is going on in this country, and intended to stoke a war.

Furthermore, this “lab leak” nonsense is designed to get people to continue to believe in this coronavirus hoax.

I need a beer…

I swear, the United States is seventeen degrees shy of the loony-bin.

Everyone is pointing fingers at everyone else, and all of them are just shear nut-cases. I swear.

I’ll tell you… the world cannot take much more of this insanity. Something is going to break. Sooner or later


Videos of Chinese Military Forces

"The Chinese military are nothing more than a bunch of uneducated conscripts that has been handed a cheapo AK-47 clone, and told to fight. They are a cake-walk and nothing to worry about."

Um. Don’t test them. The Chinese are a serious-serious people. And if they fight, they will be defending their homes and their families.

I’ve got some great videos showing the Chinese forces using some of their weapons. The one with their unique flame-thrower / plasma projectile weapon blaster is really interesting.

Some of the videos are propaganda with a rah-rah-rah feel. Others are just illustrative of the techniques and the means that the Chinese military train to use. And some are just interesting.

You can download the videos in a ZIP file HERE. Just open them up and they will play one by one. 377MB.

Videos related to Technology

"Just some videos related to technology".

And here they are.

You can download the videos in a ZIP file HERE. Just open them up and they will play one by one.

Videos related to America

"America is the bight and shining house on the hill that everyone wants to emulate, copy and be part of."

Um. Sure.

Here’s a collection of videos that show how America is viewed upon by the rest of the world. Some of the videos are just scenes from things like the televisions show “cops”, while others are international scholars discussing the Role of America on the global stage, and it’s relationships with China. It’s good stuff. This is how America is viewed by the rest of the world.

You can download the videos in a ZIP file HERE. Just open them up and they will play one by one. It’s 73MB.


I could use a beer. The world seems to be fucked seven ways past Sunday, and all I want to do is chill out, hang out with pretty girls, drink a few brews and munch.

BluEidDvl says:

June 6, 2021 at 9:46 am GMT • 5.1 days ago • 300 Words   

These times we’re living in are absolutely surreal. Not surprised though, we’ve been doing this for a long time now. Alas, a great many of my fellow White Americans will fall for it completely & be all in for a war with China.

None of them ever even contemplating what that would mean for us & the world. But, these are the same people who boast “we’re number one” when we rank at or near the bottom in positive stats for all developed nations, beset with crippling societal ills.

The same people who think we can vote ourselves out of this mess & Trump will win in ‘24 & somehow save the day. The same people who think our best days are ahead when our productivity base has been utterly gutted, our infrastructure is collapsing & our ability to maintain it & the skill set needed to sustain that productivity/infrastructure is slipping away. The same people who boast of “muh freedoms” when their freedoms & their children’s future is being pulled from right under their feet. The same people who think we’ll always be on top even when every example of history shows that every empire in history has collapsed.

We’re racing toward a cliff but they still think “god” is on their side & won’t let it happen or we’ll stay on top because, well, “we’re America”..

Utter denial & abject delusion seem to be a central aspect of our people..

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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A curious collection of wonderfully beautiful Chinese girls – Collection 9 – oh La La with images of food and delicious pastimes

Here is part nine of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. This particular collection consists of a very average selection of attractive Chinese girls, and you all might just be “blown away” by the content. Indeed, there are some favorites in here.

I’ve been spending way too much time dealing with the rubble of Metallicman after the three detailed attacks on my system, my content and my subscriber base. Apparently the people who attacked MM were not so worried about what I had been posting, but they wanted to know who have been subscribing to it, and since they couldn’t extract the data they tried to brute-force crowbar their way into the databases.

They failed, but boy or boy did they leave a lot of wreckage behind.  I guess, I really don’t know, but I guess, that their normal loopholes that they normally exploit revolve around the profit ends and the collection of data in that venture. And since I don’t do that, they were left scrambling to find other means to enter. All of which failed.

I wrote up a great post, that has been up for hours and no one is reading it. So I wonder why. Well they also corrupted my URL assignment code. Jeeze! Don’t these guys have better things to do with their time?

Well, I corrected the messed up URL and released the latest post about the movie Push and the United States media control. Why the Coronavirus narrative about vaccines resembles the science fiction movie Push. And it got zero hits. I mean What the Fuck! people. You asked me a questions and I wrote up a detailed answer and no one is checking it out. Really?

It seems really strange to me. Most MM readers are rather congenial, don’t you know. So I figure it must be a problem on my end. Sigh. So I’ve been debugging it all evening. Jeeze part two. Can’t I ever get a break?

But something else curious has been happening.

More than just a few people have been writing to me through the ‘back channels” telling me of similar events that they are experiencing. Taken as a whole, it seems that something bigger than just a nefarious hacking attempt has occurred.

I am a regular reader of your site. I am living in France, so I guess I must be 7 hours behind you. In any case, I experienced the problems on June 2, given the time difference from where you're at. Anyway, I had a "taunting" kind of dream very early in the morning and my husband couldn't stop bugging me. I couldn't gather my thoughts. He only calmed down and went to sleep after I started thinking that some outside force was using him as a conduit to bother me.

It was a blatantly ridiculous dream where someone tries to haunt me by saying "we know what you did in the past", which I brushed off and thought, "well i'm not the only sinner here hypocrite, and even then I'm a fucking saint by comparison"... But still, this is not a typical dream. Usually my dreams are just nonsense. It felt like it was a deliberate attack. A bullshit attack to be sure, but definitely felt "deliberate". I can't explain except that's how I felt when I woke up. I have no "proof". Just a very strong feeling, so take that as you will. 

Anyway, I wake up to my morning routine, which includes visiting your site for new articles. I see that your site is loading very slowly or not at all. I tried several times, but no dice. Then I immediately get a rash of appointment cancellations. I told myself to stay steady and remember my "homing thoughts" and to not break my stride. I also thought that this attack would not come if the resistance was not on the correct path. 

The next day, your site is working fine again. I get some additional perfect reviews and new appointments. I'm not saying the events I experienced are connected to what happened to you, but I had a sense that something was going to go haywire in the early morning of my suspicious dream. I was surprised to find out that Zhuhai experienced a suspiciously prolonged electromagnetic storm during this time.

Maybe you had other readers who experienced something strange or "off" the day your site got attacked. If this occurred, then it's definitely something worth remembering and keeping in the back of the mind for future reference. 

In any case, I (and I'm sure many silent readers as well) are grateful for your work and the information you put out there. 

-Anonymous M

Well, yeah. How the heck does someone not connected with the operation of the site also have odd and unusual experiences happening to them as well? So I responded…

Thank you for that. You are not the only one. Something has occurred, and it's bigger than what we humans understand. There was a battle, or reset, or "something". Call it an adjustment, if you want. But something happened. Yeah, you are not crazy.


Speaking of a “break”…

I’ve discovered another fine “white wine” that I have “taken a shine to”. It’s very cheap, and tastes great. But it’s at 43% alcohol instead of 55%. Never the less, aside from that, it’s rippin’ good. So it charges me up and refreshes me at the same time. Perhaps I have become more like Bender Bending Rodríguez who needs alcohol to function properly. Heh heh.

Bender Bending Rodríguez

I’ve been so wrapped up in dealing with the carnage that I haven’t had the time to enjoy the little pleasures in life. Like good food, good drink and fine companionship. Now that’s a shame, eh?

Let’s get on to the girls of China, eh?

That’s why you are here, eh?

The idea here is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people? And don’t you lie. It’s biologically encoded in all humans. (Bet you didn’t know that!)

Women look at other women with “different eyes” than men do. Of course, everyone knows this. Let’s look at this picture below.

Here’s my comments.

Her eyebrows are perfect. Just perfect. You can see the lines and details in them. very nice. Very sweet.

Nice robust chest with a very comfortable top, and the way that those jeans fit her is really awesome. This is the “go around town” outfit where you feel good and comfortable and wear the clothes like a second skin.

I like the necklace. But I wonder what is it’s significance. Does the letter “H” mean something, or is it just an accessory? Us guys usually haven’t a clue, but when we are out eating a noon meal with the woman in question, ti would probably come up as a conversation piece.

I have to say that her hair is distressed. It’s thin, and seems to be over processed. I think that she needs to seriously condition it. My guess is that she has been changing her hair color far too often than she should.

She looks to be in her 30’s. But this is China, she could easily be in her 40’s without any issue.

To Open the Files

Like my other posts.

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing.

Here is a younger lass. She’s in her 20’s. She have a very Asian face, and a very round face as opposed to an oval face. Like all Chinese, her eye color is brown. But with black hair and brown eyes, what’s not to love? I do love the way that he lips part, and the red color just matches her skin complexion. You will notice that the skin is pale. This is considered to be beautiful in China. Even in the Southern regions near Guangzhou.

She has a nice robust chest, and is wearing a cute top with a curious pattern. It seems to be embroidered, which (if you know me) is one of my loves. I just love embroidered work. Especially shirts and jackets.

Judging from the video, I would guess that she is in her middle 20’s and is healthy and fit. But I could be wrong. She might be 80 years old. It’s difficult to tell the age of a Chinese woman, don’t you know.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not.

For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

While I tend to prefer ladies with a more motherly and robust appearance, I find all of them to be very attractive. From the tall thin leggy beauties to the short cute little kitten like cuddle balls. But of course, most people from Arkansas think that my interest in these gals are because they look preadolescent. Really. Do you think that this beauty looks like a ten year old child?

This gal has everything that I find attractive in a woman. Big smile. Clean appearance. Longish hair that is clean, healthy and well maintained. Robust Chest, is playful.  Is wearing comfortable clothes that fit her well. And has hands that dance…

…do you know what I mean “that dance”…

…smooth articulated moments that move like water, and are graceful and calm. Peaceful and eloquent.

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it.

This is true for the human sexes, as it is for animals, for flowers and for things such as building and art. Personally, I find art that massages the soul to be truly beautiful and inspirational. Which is why I have a complete index devoted to the subject.

But, what I consider to be beautiful might repel others. And likewise, what others find beautiful repels me.

Consider this work of “art”…

Is this “art”? Is this “beautiful”? Does this evoke the senses?

I argue that it’s a contemporaneous joke that is trying to capitalize on the current contentious political scene. Not any kind of work of value, no matter what your political persuasion is. Art evokes the senses and stirs the emotions. If it fails to do so, then it is not art.

But beauty comes in many forms and many shapes. While this particular post or article is about the beauty of Chinese ladies, I argue that beauty can be found everywhere. Look at cats for instance…

A beautiful cat.

And I have said this many, many times before.

If you had a choice, wouldn’t you prefer to surround yourselves with beautiful things, beautiful creatures, beautiful places, and beautiful relationships. It is up to us to attract and emit the same kinds of attractions. Whether it is beauty, kindness or happiness. We become what we emit.

Again. Nice eyebrows. Very Chinese eyes.

Short fingernails. She’s obviously a working or office girl. You try typing on a  keyboard with long fingernails. Oh, Lordly as if that’s going to happen. Not!

Nice chest. Very cuddly soft sweater. Personally I find the bright blue too garish for my personal tastes, but she looks good in it.

Now, when I was younger, my tastes in women were shaped by the images and magazines of the time such as Playboy, and Penthouse. That’s all I had to go on, and as a young man, with my hormones a raging, all I could do is tremble as I asked a girl out. Which most of the time was a failure.

But it’s all a growth phase that we all go through.

This chick has over processed her hair. I really don’t think that she should do this.  But in all fairness, she is going for a “look”. You can tell by her clothing and her lipstick color.

Notice the background. She is in a typical Chinese housing complex, and the view is very common throughout China.

Bing a man, eventually you reach a balance point where your hormones are under control and all you really want to do is get to know the girl, have a good time together, and enjoy the moments. And really as you get older this becomes more and more pronounced.

You savor the steaks you eat. You enjoy the perfume she wears, you listen to her talk and enjoy the night air after the dinner. You joke, you laugh, and maybe sing a song or two while walking on the jetty.

Women are magical.

I will bet that this girl (below) would be fun to be with. To go out, chat on in a mall, go window shopping with, and enjoy a nice meal. Maybe Thai or Viet food. Colorful, tasty, delicious and relaxing. I can easily picture sharing a steamed fish and some coconut / pineapple rice together.

I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see. It’s their choice of clothing, the area where the video was filmed, the selection of music, the way their hair is done up, and so much more.

Like the clothes that they chose to spend the evening in, and the choice of shoes that they wore. Guys, you all had best be more attentive. Don’t you know.

Each little video is like a window to the soul. Where you get a little glimpse of the girl behind the mask. That little presentation is just pure gold.

Some have personality.

And some really do. While others just have a strong softness. Some are calm and composed, some are happy and light. And some are stunning and serious while others remind you of Summer carnival rides, cotton candy and “bear claw” cakes to s’munch upon.

Like this girl below. I would love to ride on a merry-go-round with her, a roller-coaster, or just explore a fun house while snapping videos to post on Tictok.

Some have a great body.

They have long legs, or great dimples. Some have just long, long hair or dark, dark eyes. Some have a soft touch, while others have a careful composed prettiness.

Some have a wonderful smile.

Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment. Girls, ladies, women are like beautiful flowers that should be treasured and cherished. For they are all wonderful.

But do not mistake the cuteness of a tiger for the damage it could cause if you angered it. Chinese women are very, very capable people. You can take that “to the bank”. Never fail to understand that they are strong, knowledgeable and powerful in their own right.

This girl below has artistic hands. Much like I have. She’s really pretty typical, but this particular pose would be really nice to paint in oils. Just remove the damn camera phone so that I can get a decent look at her face. You do know girls that there is more to your being than just your hips and chest. Your entire face is what presents your image to the world. Omit that, and you are just a thing.

I get it. You are proud of your attractive body. And I, like most me, appreciate that body. But when I am with a chick it’s how I picture us interacting together that means more than just the appearance. From the simple morning hello, to the nighttime escapades. What makes a person special is how they carry themselves.

All are wonderful.

Such is the beauty of women. And for us, and for everyone, we need to appreciative the world around us more.

Some girls just make me melt, and some with pony tails are just adorable. Here is a girl in a country backyard garden. It’s pretty typical China with blue skies, bright green colors and warm temperatures.

Oh, I guess that I am a tad bit crazy. When I see an attractive girl all I want to do is be with them and talk. Hopefully over food. This idea that I would associate attractive girls with food is nothing that I would ever believe when I was younger. But here we are.

In those days, I was always in a hurry. Eat, run, work at a frantic pace. Get laid off. Hustle to find new work. Work at a frantic pace to learn the job. Hurry up. Do the task. Complete the task. Crash. layoff. Repeat.

Now I savor life.

I savor the time that I share with others, and I appreciate the time that they devote in getting ready to go out with me. I appreciate the clothes that they wear, and the behaviors that they have. I pay special attention to what they have to say and why.

Speaking of food…

Here’s a random selection of some of the food and meals that I had over the last few weeks. Just like in my prayer / affirmation campaigns; “I eat fine, delicious and healthy food in a calm and relaxed manner with friends and family”.

Sweet and sour pork. Authentic Chinese Guangzhou style.

Sweet and sour pork is one of my favorite Chinese dishes. There is a sort of pale-copy of it in Chinese American restaurants back in the United States, but the real deal is fresh. It’s not pre-packaged out of a bag and cooked up on the stove like it is in America.

And here’s what I talk about when I eat beef….

Vietnamese style ginger beef. Oh so tender and so very delicious.

As much as I love a fine steak ( Filet mignon is my favorite), I do love those really tender slices of beef that are cooked oh so very right. So yummy.

The next meal was taken in a Dim Sum restaurant and the lunch meal was extraordinary. Of course, the main meals are great and tasty but make for great conversation pieces, like these little tank crapes…

Battle Dim Sum meal.

I love food in all of it’s many incarnations. And being in the Guangzhou area we get a fine selection of South East Asian food. I must tell you’se guys that Singapore food is just awesome, as is Malaysian, Cambodian, Thai and Vietnamese. Many of them have ingredients that are unavailable in the United States part of it is because of price, but a lot of it is because they are banned.

For the children…

…don’t you know.

Check out this nice Thai shrimp…

Sweet curried prawns.

We have some favorite restaurants that we hold VIP membership with. These “memberships” are an on going thing all over China. You get 20% off the price, a waiver of the various fees for tea, napkins, seats and rice, and preferential treatment. To get it you must deposit a few thousand yuan in the establishment and then you pay your bill drawing from that account.

And here’s a nice meal that I had in one of our “family restaurants”…

Pork neck and curried chicken.

For some odd reason, I now associate women, girls and ladies with food. In fact, when I look at food I think of women. And when I look at women I think of food. I suppose that you all must think that I am completely bonkers in this regard. But that’s just the way it is.

When I think of women wearing comfortable casual clothes I imagine us in the house together. She’s cooking on the stove wearing an apron. I know, I’m such an old fashioned chauvinist guy, and us talking. I sit there sipping on a wine, and helping her, maybe doing some food prep and she’s busy talking about this or that. Nothing too serious, but fun, light conversation that is engaging and delightful.

Now, I know. I know. I mean it; I know that this is not what anyone really WANTS to hear.

They want to hear about sex, and porn. they want to hear about expensive clothing, makeup and beauty perfection. They want to hear about the salacious details on dates and relationships that have turned sour.

Not here.

(I’ve) been there. Done that.

I just want to have a good time and munch.

And that young girl going out with “her crew”, see the beauty of her age around and what they are doing. As I have said, beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, ages, and types. And just because I enjoy the more curvy robust girls, that doesn’t mean that I do not find other women just as attractive. Some of my favorite girls are short, thin and very petite. But that is just me.

I like them all.

Just like I like Pizza, cheeseburgers, steaks and fried chicken. Don’t force me to choose. I just cannot. I love them all. And that is the same with beauty. There is no set idea of perfection, but rather a wide and diverse spectrum of characteristics that all work together to create an “image”.

I just love how she parts open her lips. What a very nice image.

We have to be more aware, and certainly more appreciative.

Not every girl is a “ten”. But that rating scale is based upon appearance alone. When the actual characteristics of a person consists of a wide spectrum of attributes. From appearance to personal grooming. To manners, the way that they talk, their friends, and their interests. To kindness, dreams, and opinions on life. Everything combines to a whole. And you all will not get that in a static image.

When I look at something, or someone who is beautiful it first strikes my interest. This is a normal reaction and there is nothing evil, disgusting or slimy about it. People naturally gravitate towards the attractive. But you know, and I am certain that some dog owners know, that even the most ugly dogs have characteristics that make them very special and beautiful in our eyes.

And that’s one of the great things about life.

It’s to experience beauty in everything. To appreciate beauty in everything, and to contribute to that beauty in good, substantive, and helpful ways. To make the life better for friends and family; to improve society and to rid the world of the evil, the confused and the horrible.

What I like about this particular picture is this model (and she is a model. She models trousers) is how comfortable she appears. She has a nice chest, thin waist, but the pants fit like a very comfortable glove. Haven’t you’se guys ever had clothing that felt so good when you put them on, that you felt… regal? Well, that is the feeling that I get from this particular picture.

In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

You all might wonder why I am posting these pictures on the internet. But you shouldn’t.

Try to find pictures of beautiful girls from China using Google, Bing or any American or Western search engine. What you will get are stock images, advertisements, pictures of children, and professional photos associated with some Western “journalism”.

Nonsense. This is what it’s like.

This is the real, honest to goodness deal.

The Videos

Oh, and don’t leave yet! Let’s talk about the girls for a spell….

Talking about the Girls

Smiles that can open up all sorts of doors.

Let’s talk a little about the girls.

These girls are mostly between the ages of 18 years and 45 years old. The vast bulk of them are in their late 20’s. In China, if you are a woman, the ages between 23 years old and 30 years old are the dating years where you look for a husband worthy to start a family with. In China, if a woman cannot find a man by the time she is 28, she is considered a Spinster.  And is considered unmarriageable.


The age to get married for a woman in China is between 25 and 28. If they do not get married their entire family will sponsor these date-a-thons where they will have these programmed courting-rituals where the girl and the boy (part of a long line of boys) will spend time together.

The family won’t tell the girl beforehand either. She’ll walk into the house, and before she knows it, she’s on the fast track to get married. In the USA we call this a “shotgun wedding”. Only in China it’s the other way around.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

I don’t know about you’se guys, but all these girls look pretty darn marriageable to me.  They would be on the “A” list in any man’s personal list.

And no, someone had best hit those morons in Arkansas on their idiotic moronic  heads. They do not look like pre-adolescent children do they?

What age do you think this lass is? Ten or twelve?

A special bonus

Now here is a very special bonus that I am including in this article.

You know that the United States is all upset that China is forging relationships with nations in Africa, and the tried and true methods of giving wads of money to African dictators no longer works. And the Chinese help, infrastructure and investment is changing the nations of Africa.

But you NEVER see or hear about it.

China is leading the world in Change. Look at these beauties. Gosh their hair is so wonderful. And look at those eyes, and lips. My goodness!

Not once did FOX “news”, CNN, Salon, the Huffington Post, or Free Republic ever mention how the good works that China is doing inside Africa is transforming the societies there. It’s “soft power”, don’t you know, and America hates that. You cannot make money on wars when everyone is happy.

Here’s a video showing the good things that are happening in Africa, and not this is not a propaganda flick. Like all the videos in this article, this is the real deal taken by people who are participating in it first hand. Notice how beautiful the African ladies are. Notice how happy everyone is. Notice that they are providing a stable source of income and a future.

This is Africa today.

This is because of China. And notice how they are all speaking Chinese in Africa. It makes a difference when you are not blowing up their houses, machine gunning down their cattle, and carpet bombing their cities.

You can download the video HERE.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

Pretty Girls


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A rather nice collection of pretty Chinese girls – Collection 8 – This is China.

Here is part eight of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. And this one is a collection where I try to offer a different selection of all sorts and sizes.

Today is a nice lazy Saturday.

I went out to pick up some packages at the local “box store”, and then went off to the MeiYeJia quick-mart that I have mentioned before. It’s all so mellow. I passed one of the neighborhood kitty cats. He is a young gun. Maybe a year old, and taking a nice nap in the front. Like this…

Life is hard. Then you nap.

I went in to get a coke.

I don’t drink sodas like I used to in the United States. It’s far too sugary, and actually in China beer is just about the same price. So I tend to drink beer. But I wanted to get a “Black Coke” with is a zero calorie coke. I don’t care whether it has sugar or not. It’s just not as sweet as the regular coke.

And as I got it, I saw both of the children studying.

They are in first and second grade. And here it is on a Saturday at 3 in the afternoon, and they are there, next to their parents in their franchised quickie-mart, studying. So I slyly took a serendipitous photo of her while she was engrossed in her studies.

People. This is what China is.

First grader studying next to her parents in the family store on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

You would never see this in the United States.


Let’s get on to the girls of China, eh?

The idea here is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people?

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

To Open the Files

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not.

For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

While I tend to prefer ladies with a more motherly and robust appearance, I find all of them to be very attractive. From the tall thin leggy beauties to the short cute little kitten like cuddle balls.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it.

And I have said this many, many times before.

Now, when I was younger, my tastes in women were shaped by the images and magazines of the time such as Playboy, and Penthouse. That’s all I had to go on, and as a young man, with my hormones a raging, all I could do is tremble as I asked a girl out. Which most of the time was a failure.

But it’s all a growth phase that we all go through.

And eventually you reach a balance point where your hormones are under control and all you really want to do is get to know the girl, have a good time together, and enjoy the moments. And really as you get older this becomes more and more pronounced.

You savor the steaks you eat. You enjoy the perfume she wears, you listen to her talk and enjoy the night air after the dinner. You joke, you laugh, and maybe sing a song or two while walking on the jetty.

Women are magical.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see. It’s their choice of clothing, the area where the video was filmed, the selection of music, the way their hair is done up, and so much more.

Each little video is like a window to the soul. Where you get a little glimpse of the girl behind the mask. That little presentation is just pure gold.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

Some have personality.

And some really do. While others just have a strong softness. Some are calm and composed, some are happy and light. And some are stunning and serious while others remind you of Summer carnival rides, cotton candy and “bear claw” cakes to s’munch upon.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

Some have a great body.

They have long legs, or great dimples. Some have just long, long hair or dark, dark eyes. Some have a soft touch, while others have a careful composed prettiness.

Some have a great body.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment. Girls, ladies, women are like beautiful flowers that should be treasured and cherished. For they are all wonderful.

But do not mistake the cuteness of a tiger for the damage it could cause if you angered it. Chinese women are very, very capable people. You can take that “to the bank”. Never fail to understand that they are strong, knowledgeable and powerful in their own right.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

All are wonderful.

Such is the beauty of women. And for us, and for everyone, we need to appreciative the world around us more.

A beautiful girl of China. This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

That fat gal at the store that you see every day, she’s a kind, lovely beauty, who could use some TLC.

And that older woman wearing that elaborate outfit, just look at her, see how the light plays upon the details.

A beautiful girl of China. This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

And that young girl going out with “her crew”, see the beauty of her age around and what they are doing.

We have to be more aware, and certainly more appreciative.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

The Videos

Let’s have a look at the videos shall we? I’ve got a bunch for certain.

In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

  • Collection one HERE. 51MB.
  • Collection two HERE. 69MB.
  • Collection three HERE. 85MB.
  • Collection four. HERE. 78MB.
  • Collection five. HERE. 92MB.
  • Collection six. HERE. 95MB.
  • Collection seven. HERE. 123MB.
  • Collection eight HERE. 156MB.
  • Collection nine HERE. 147MB.
  • Collection ten. HERE. 149MB.

You all might wonder why I am posting these pictures on the internet. But you shouldn’t.

Try to find pictures of beautiful girls from China using Google, Bing or any American or Western search engine. What you will get are stock images, advertisements, pictures of children, and professional photos associated with some Western “journalism”.

Nonsense. This is what it’s like.

This is the real, honest to goodness deal.

Oh, and don’t leave yet! Let’s talk about the girls for a spell….

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

About the girls

These girls are mostly between the ages of 18 years and 45 years old. The vast bulk of them are in their late 20’s. In China, if you are a woman, the ages between 23 years old and 30 years old are the dating years where you look for a husband worthy to start a family with. In China, if a woman cannot find a man by the time she is 28, she is considered a Spinster.  And is considered unmarriageable.

The age to get married for a woman in China is between 25 and 28. If they do not get married their entire family will sponsor these date-a-thons where they will have these programmed courting-rituals where the girl and the boy (part of a long line of boys) will spend time together.

The family won’t tell the girl beforehand either. She’ll walk into the house, and before she knows it, she’s on the fast track to get married. In the USA we call this a “shotgun wedding”. Only in China it’s the other way around.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

I don’t know about you’se guys, but all these girls look pretty darn marriageable to me.  They would be on the “A” list in any man’s personal list.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

Pretty Girls


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A super duper treasure trove of pretty Chinese girls – Collection (7) – All super, all duper. Whoa!!

Here is part seven of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. And this one is a “mother lode”.

Definition of motherload

“…a huge shipment, large in quantity.”

The idea here is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people?

To Open the Files

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not. For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it. What is attractive to one person might not be attractive to others. A case in point is a girl who I had a relationship with when I was in High School working in the coal mines. Everyone thought that she was ugly because she did not have a great face. But I liked her, and her body was absolutely rocking.

Like, (hey!) guys, you have no… NO!… idea.

I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see.

Some have personality.

Some have a great body.

Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment.

All are wonderful.

Such is the beauty of women. And for us, and for everyone, we need to appreciative the world around us more. That fat gal at the store that you see every day, she’s a kind, lovely beauty, who could use some TLC. And that older woman wearing that elaborate outfit, just look at her, see how the light plays upon the details. And that young girl going out with “her crew”, see the beauty of her age around and what they are doing.

We have to be more aware, and certainly more appreciative.

The Videos

In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

Group 1 (Sorry it got lost in the sorting. I blame a host of problems resulting in a “perfect-storm” of erasure, deletion, and loss.)

Group 2 HERE. 129MB.

Group 3 HERE. 108MB.

Group 4 HERE. 112MB.

Group 5 HERE. 98MB.

Group 6 HERE. 107MB.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

Pretty Girls


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A treasure trove of pretty Chinese girls – Collection (6) – Many amazing beauties

Here is part of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. The idea is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people?

To Open the Files

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not. For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it. What is attractive to one person might not be attractive to others. A case in point is a girl who I had a relationship with when I was in High School working in the coal mines. Everyone thought that she was ugly because she did not have a great face. But I liked her, and her body was absolutely rocking. Like, guys, you have no idea.

I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see.  Some have personality. Some have a great body. Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment. All are wonderful.

The Videos

In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

Video Set A

The archive starts out with a lot of cute butts, and a lot of shaking. I do love girls that are soft and cuddly. That’s one of the fundamental differences between the sexes. Mean tend to be lean with muscles everywhere. Women tend to be soft and nurturing.

You can download this file archive HERE. 56MB.

Video Set B

This grouping is a fine OMG archive. I hope that you like it.

You can download this file archive HERE. 48MB.

Video Set C

Look at these girls. You can control how your life will manifest. You do that by thoughts, and verbal affirmations in a prayer campaign. What’s stopping you from making the kind of life that you yearn from materialize? What is stopping you?

You can download this file archive HERE. 61MB.

Video Set D

All you need to do is show some compassion to animals, to others, and to the down and out, and you have won my heart. You can look good, and be super attractive, and you will be noticed, but it is what is inside of you that will act as the glue that will hold your life and your relationships together.

You can download this file archive HERE. 61 MB

Video Set E

Yes this is China, and some of the outfits would get you arrested in the United States. That’s a fact. Oh, but I do love China.

You can download this file archive HERE. 53MB.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

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A treasure trove of pretty Chinese girls – Collection (5) – What a batch of ladies.

This is collection five.

Here is part of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. The idea is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people?

To Open the Files

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not. For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it. What is attractive to one person might not be attractive to others. A case in point is a girl who I had a relationship with when I was in High School working in the coal mines. Everyone thought that she was ugly because she did not have a great face. But I liked her, and her body was absolutely rocking. Like, guys, you have no idea.

I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see.  Some have personality. Some have a great body. Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment. All are wonderful.

The Videos

In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

Video Set A

All these girls are lovely. There is one video that takes place in Vietnam; that’s the one with the girl on the arm of the Westerner. There is also a video of a hiding space inside one of the apartments. The Chinese have not forgotten their past. They have secret rooms and access areas no matter how safe the world appears at the moment.

You can download this file archive HERE. 56MB.

Video Set B

I threw in one American girl Tictok video for comparison purposes and one WTF video showing how the government monitors people via drones and gets you to help, safety or to correct bad behavior. I also threw in a Chinese translation app that is really handy to have around. Check them all out. The rest are all cute girls.

You can download this file archive HERE. 95MB.

Video Set C

Here’s an interesting group with one video of a guy in Vietnam trying to pick up some street girls on break, and some other pretty Chinese girls. I do like to show compare and contrast videos for the viewer and reader to see things in a different way that is not intuitively obvious.

You can download this file archive HERE. 46MB.

Video Set D

More beautiful Chinese girls, with one from Thailand. Can you determine which one?

You can download this file archive HERE. 57MB.

Video Set E

My favorite clothing model and a girl that has flesh colored tights but doesn’t want to be filmed. Ah. It’s all fun.

You can download this file archive HERE. 62MB.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

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A treasure trove of pretty Chinese girls – Collection (4) – More, more and more!

Here is part of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. The idea is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people?

To Open the Files

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not. For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it. What is attractive to one person might not be attractive to others. A case in point is a girl who I had a relationship with when I was in High School working in the coal mines. Everyone thought that she was ugly because she did not have a great face. But I liked her, and her body was absolutely rocking. Like, guys, you have no idea.

I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see.  Some have personality. Some have a great body. Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment. All are wonderful.

The Videos

In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

Video Set A

We start this set with an American girl. She’s not bad. Nice. Fun. Kind of cute. Then we follow up with the Chinese girls. Look, and see how they all present themselves. Some are elegant. Some a fun and playful. Some are nice, and others are exciting. All of this is what China is about.

You can download this file archive HERE. 56MB.

Video Set B

In this group I almost overdosed on cute. So many cute girls doing cute things. Why it just takes me back to a younger time, and an easier time. That’s magical. And that is what makes women so magical at times.

You can download this file archive HERE. 53MB.

Video Set C

Yes.  There are some beautiful girls here in this set. But the ones that I like the most are the girls being themselves in a normal situation, such as the girl in her college dorm room. You see, you don’t need to get all dressed up and made up to be attractive. You just need to be yourself. I find that amazingly refreshing.

That is not to say that I don’t like a woman to take care of herself. Because I really like it when she gets read, looks her best and goes out with me. But I really like the real girl. It’s the personality that makes the difference.

You can download this file archive HERE. 58MB.

Video Set D

Some girls are thin, some are beautiful. Some are cute, and some… well they just defy description. But each and everyone of them is appealing. It’s their dress, their actions and their choice of music that illustrate how they feel at the particular moment in time when they made that video. And they are all a treasure. A precious treasure that you just want to be near and appreciate.

You can download this file archive HERE. 44MB.

Video Set E

Some awfully wonderful girls here. Some would make great companions. But that’s just me, don’t you know.

You can download this file archive HERE. 51MB.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

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A treasure trove of pretty Chinese girls – Collection (3) – Lotta Lovelies.

Here is part of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. The idea is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people?

To Open the Files

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not. For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it. What is attractive to one person might not be attractive to others. A case in point is a girl who I had a relationship with when I was in High School working in the coal mines. Everyone thought that she was ugly because she did not have a great face. But I liked her, and her body was absolutely rocking. Like, guys, you have no idea.

I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see.  Some have personality. Some have a great body. Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment. All are wonderful.

The Videos

In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

Video Set A

Some very fine active chest action with these girls in this group. I also threw in (accidentally) a video depicting how this one particular crew of pick-pockets operated by crashing into people and stealing their belongings when no one was watching. Don’t worry, they were caught and are now in prison doing time, and organ harvesting. After all, they were really bad. But the girls here are nice, and I love the aggressive boob action. Hey! If you’ve got it, let it rip!

You can download this file archive HERE. 63MB.

Video Set B

Some of my personal favorites are here. Maybe you all would enjoy them as well. Huh?

You can download this file archive HERE. 61MB

Video Set C

This is a pretty good collection. The second video shows some KTV girls getting paid for their time at the club, and it’s a pretty interesting set up, eh? And there are some really cute girls thrown in the mix as well.

You can download this file archive HERE. 62MB.

Video Set D

This is a nice set. I sort of “polluted it” by throwing in two American Tictok videos into the mix. Can you figure out which ones? Take your time. It’s tricky as one girl is an Asian-American.

You can download this file archive HERE. 59MB.

Video Set E

There’s a video of an American and one of a Mexican lady in this mix. Can you tell who is who and which ones are not Chinese? It’s a fun game. I have personal favorites here, and I think that you all might appreciate them.

You can download this file archive HERE.  63MB.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

Pretty Girls


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A treasure trove of pretty Chinese girls – Collection (2)- Lots of beauties

Here is part of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. The idea is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people?

To Open the Files

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not. For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it. What is attractive to one person might not be attractive to others. A case in point is a girl who I had a relationship with when I was in High School working in the coal mines. Everyone thought that she was ugly because she did not have a great face. But I liked her, and her body was absolutely rocking. Like, guys, you have no idea.

I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see.  Some have personality. Some have a great body. Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment. All are wonderful.

The Videos

In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

Video Set A

You can download this file archive HERE. 13MB. Generally comparatively small.

Video Set B

Let’s play a game. I threw in one American girl from the American version of TicTok in the group can you find her? Look carefully. LOL. How would you describe her compared to the rest of the Chinese girls?

You can download this file archive HERE. 27MB.

Video Set C

Now the fun and games continue. I snuck in two (not one) American girls in this group. Can you find them? Can you identify them? Come on! It shouldn’t be so hard, eh?

Additionally, one of the videos, I think that it is the 9th one down shows an entire family. Note that the mother looks just a beautiful as her young 19 year old daughter. China is amazing.

You can download this file archive HERE. 76MB.

Video Set D

Here, we also have some girls from Vietnam thrown in to the mix. Can you identify which videos they are? Over all I strongly believe that there is a girl for every guy in this world and beauty only goes as far as to attact and get noticed, but it is the personality, the inner strength and their skills that maintain a relationship.

You can download this file archive HERE. 52MB.

Video Set E

Again, here there are many girls from China. They come in different sizes and shapes. Some are like beautiful flowers, while others are like cute little dolls, and still others are strong confident women. And for me, personally, all of them are attractive. I think that the beauty that a woman possess goes far deeper than what she displays to the world outside, and I hope that these little videos show that aspect.

You can download this file archive HERE. 53MB.

Video Set F

Again, some beautiful ladies that come in all sizes and in all shapes. This is why I have come to appreciate China. How many tattoos can you fin in this grouping? How many enormous asses, and how many are lifting their asses up high to wiggle for the world to see? Eh?

You can download this file archive HERE. 59MB

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

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A treasure trove of pretty Chinese girls – Collection – New Firsts

Here is part of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. The idea is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people?

After viewing this “treasure trove” of Chinese beauties, you too will have a better than average understanding about what Chinese ladies look like. Sure beats the stereotypical narrative by low-educated American sheeple…

"Chinese girls are all short, frail, little tiny women, that don't have chests and look like pre-adsolescent children."

To Open the Files

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not. For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it. What is attractive to one person might not be attractive to others. A case in point is a girl who I had a relationship with when I was in High School working in the coal mines. Everyone thought that she was ugly because she did not have a great face. But I liked her, and her body was absolutely rocking. Like, guys, you have no idea.

I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see.  Some have personality. Some have a great body. Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment. All are wonderful.

The Videos

In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

Video Set A

I have to apologize that I have four videos of the same girl in this particular collection, but she models those pants so well. And I am a sucker for bouncy chests on thin girls, don’t you know… (giggle).

You can download this file archive HERE. 59MB.

Video Set B

This group highlights eight (8x) videos of a more robust woman that I personally find quite alluring. But that’s just me. But I will tell you that even though I enjoy the women who wear the short cute little dresses, what I really love are all those traditional clothing, whether it is Han, or as shown in this collection the “Gone with the Wind” style. I think they are awesome.

Aside from my personal love of big smiles, big hair and big chests, you will note that all these girls are inside of China. Does China look dirty, filthy, stinky or disgusting to you? What about the buildings? Does it look like things are run down, work out, or that the infrastructure hasn’t been repaired in a long long time? No. Of course not.

You can download this file archive HERE. 54MB.

Video Set C

The featured girl in this collection of videos is so sweet that I could fall heads over heels over her and not realize what I am doing. This collection kind of shows that it’s not so much the appearance that a woman has, but rather how she acts and carries herself. Being feminine is surely very attractive.

You can download this file archive HERE. 58MB.

Video Set D

This is a pretty large archive at 128MB. But as large as it is, the length of time for the movies are comparatively long as well. So that’s a plus.

I threw in a video of some Middle Eastern girls in the mix. Can you pick it out? Is it easy or difficult to sort out. LOL. The last video is of the same girl that is the first video, and she is from Hunan. She’s a Hunan girl. And in the last video you can see her mother next to her.  My father always told me that to see what will happen to the girl that you marry, look at her mother. I would argue that it’s not always a direct correlation, but it has some merit worthy of thought, eh?

You can download this file archive HERE. 120MB. Pretty large, and might take a few minutes to download.

Video Set E

This collection is much smaller than the previous one, and would end up loading much faster. It’s a great way to look at some fine Chinese girls quickly.

You can download this file archive HERE. 29MB.

Video Set F

You can download this file archive HERE. 53MB.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

Pretty Girls


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  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


Some fine examples of what Chinese ladies are like. All are in short video format.

This article is devoted to one of my more neglected sub-indexes. Which is the “learning about China by looking at Chinese girls” sub-index. Well, in this article we won’t be teaching you all all that much about China so much as we are showing you images of what the girls are like in China.

I know, I know… the American propaganda mills have been working over-time to make China look like an evil monster, dark, gloomy, sad and dirty. It’s nothing like that. But you know, the sheeple love to read things like that. It makes them feel good about their sorry lives.

So what I did was I got on my local internet and started collecting short videos made by gals here in China. They are in no particular order. I just went ahead and vacuumed them up as I found them. Over all, they are a great introduction to what the girls of China look like today.

I took the micro-videos and grouped them into batches of ten. Then I zipped up the file so that you can download all ten together. It’s much faster and easier for you to check out these ladies this way. I did make a point to put at least one “noticeable” worthy girl in each group. I’ll have you know.

But first…

Realize that just because the girls like to dance around on Chinese social media does not equate them to be the “standard, and normal” Chinese lass. They tend to stand apart in one way or the other as this video clearly indicates…

Video HERE.

What the American propaganda says…

But first, let’s see what kinds of images that you can find on American Internet and American websites that depict what Chinese girls must look like. OK.

This is a screen shot of a Bing Image Search…

Chinese girls according to Bing Search.

You know, there are ugly people all over, but seriously, the density of all these types of girls gives you the illusion that this is what all the Chinese girls look like. It’s not even remotely true.

Some Examples of Chinese Girls…

OK. Here’s some fun videos of come pretty Chinese girls.

  • Click on the link under the picture. It will download a ZIP file.
  • Unzip to a folder.
  • Then when you open the folder you will see the ten videos.
  • Click on the first one, and the computer will play all ten one after the other. You should be able to go through all the ten micro-videos in just over a minute.

Group 1

The ladies come in all shapes and sizes. Some are busty. Some are not. Some are short, and some are tall. All are lovely.

And you can access these young ladies by clicking HERE.

Group 2

Most of the Chinese girls like to wear tight fitting clothes. It’s the current fashion, I figure. I am not complaining. It’s like when I lived in California back in the early 1980’s, and all the girls wore these one-piece spandex suits that they rode bicycles in.

And you can access these young ladies by clicking HERE.

Group 3

All of these girls, no matter what size or shape, all have one or more attributes that are attractive to me personally. I think that it is their personality that comes out on these little videos.

And you can access these young ladies by clicking HERE.

Group 4

You will note that not all Chinese girls have long black hair. Many have brown or shades of brown hair. And while the predominant eye color is brown, there are other colors that manifest from time to time.

And you can access these young ladies by clicking HERE.

Group 5

When I look at these girls, a flood of thoughts assault me. And one of the dominant thoughts is, of course, sharing a bottle of wine with them and eating some fine delicious food.

And you can access these young ladies by clicking HERE.

Group 6

All of these gals have a story to tell. Wouldn’t you like to sit at a table, enjoy some fine food, play some games. Drink some wine and listen to their stories?

And you can access these young ladies by clicking HERE.

Group 7

The gal on the bottom row in the middle is wearing some traditional Hunan clothing. I find the gals, the food, and the hilly countryside very appealing to me.

And you can access these young ladies by clicking HERE.

Group 8

The girl in the blue jeans is showing off her butt. It’s a pity that she doesn’t turn around so that we can see her face, and shape. But that’s the way life is. Sometimes people want to emphasize what they feel is their “best” physical attribute.

And you can access these young ladies by clicking HERE.

Group 9

Girl number two here is quite top heavy. I think that the outfit doesn’t do her justice. She might be better served with a long dress and a expansive top. But that’s just me, don’t you know.

And you can access these young ladies by clicking HERE.

Group 10

Having cleavage is a “thing” for girls in their 20’s in China, I guess. But you have to see them outside the work environment and in the clubs or KTV’s to appreciate it.

And you can access these young ladies by clicking HERE.

Group 11

The girl cutting up food is a real turn on. There are few things that get me more excited than a woman making and cooking dinner. It’s a fetish I suppose.

And you can access these young ladies by clicking HERE.

Group 12

This first gal in the golden spandex has a very nice butt. I could watch her a walking all day long, I’ll tell you what.

And you can access these young ladies by clicking HERE.

Some final thoughts

Now that I am older, when I look at a pretty and attractive lady, I think about going out together. I think about talking, eating fine delicious food, and drinking some nice alcohol. It makes me want to put on my “best side” also and just spend a lovely day or evening together. Engaging in free talk, and just having fun.

If something else happens, then great. If not, well, that’s fine too.

In every event, we would all have a great time. Talking, being our best and sharing our thoughts, our lives and fun together. It’s a precious thing.

One of the things that I really like about China is that you can speak freely to each other. You don’t have to worry about offending someone by your mannerisms, or your language or your subject matter. And this fact really becomes pronounced when I meet someone from the West who comes to China on a  visit and I immediately notice they stiffen up and get uncomfortable when I speak, or smoke or drink.

But what’s their problem. I offer them a cigarette. You know?

Jeeze! They are so imprisoned that they don’t know what freedom actually is.

Being afraid to say something, least the person gets offended is not freedom. Freedom is the ability to be yourself. So be it. Don’t try to please others. Please yourself. You’ll end up being a heck of a lot happier in return.

Throw in some fine delicious wine.

And some tasty food.

And some great conversation with some attractive ladies, and you have the makings of a wonderful time. I kid you not. You can believe  me on this. And that is really true if one of the ladies is an animal lover, a cook, a gardener, a history buff, a poet, an archivist, or a dancer. My experiences with these kinds of women has always been extraordinary.

And don’t even get me started on some of the prime MM subjects here. You’ll never get me to shut up!

Generally speaking in China, the more you can drink, the more respect you will earn. If you can drink excessive amounts of alcohol, still stand up, form relatively coherent sentences and follow proper Chinese drinking etiquette (see below), you’ll no doubt impress your table-mates and leave a good impression. If you fail, don’t worry! You probably won’t remember it anyway. Obviously never drink more than you can handle no matter what the pressure.

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my Pretty Girls of China Index here…

Pretty Chinese Girls














Some micro-videos of China showing elements of contemporaneous Chinese society along with notations and comments.

And that is what this is, don’t you know. It’s a collection of videos that I picked up out of Chinese media. I have highlighted certain parts of the videos for your attention and I comment on it. It’s not really a complete investigation into Chinese society, but rather snapshots of what exists today. And if you look carefully you will be far better served to see it for what it is, instead of the heavily promoted narrative that China is bad.

I like to think that these videos are fun. They are not made by the Chinese Government as part of a pro-propaganda campaign as the folk on Alex Jones claim. It’s just average folk posting videos. Much like average folk in America have been using Tiktok. Same thing, more or less.

Please click on the picture to watch the movie. It will open up in a separate tab.

Small Business Opportunities

When I was a young boy in Bridgeport, CT I had a “girlfriend: all of 5 years old. She was much older than the 4.5 years old boy-of-the-world that I was growing up to become. Anyways, in our neighborhood, it tended to be lower middle class and the time frame was the early 1960’s.

Everyone had a side business that they were running out of their basements. Our neighbor had rabbits in cages that they performed experiments upon for the United States government. And there were others who operated small stores out of their living rooms. My “girl friend” had a father that made rock sugar candy and other elements out of big 55 gallon drums in their basement.

We used to sneak down and get a string or two out of the big barrels and chew on them as we went off adventuring as part of our childhood.

You really don’t see that much any more. Few people try to operate their own businesses out of their residences for money. It is too expensive, not just in the regulations and OSHA requirements, but the IRS, the DHS, and just about everyone else will have a say at to what you are doing. And if you break one of the millions of unspecified laws, you can be guaranteed a trip to jail, if not prison.

Americans tend to no longer have self-employed businesses out of their homes any more.

But this is not the case in China.

For the ladies trying to get started in their own clothing line…


To the guys who want to make things out of steel, and bars…

Most Westerners will probably relate to this story…

But the Chinese think small and then work their way up. Westerners like to think big and try to sustain it no matter what.

Here’s an interesting story about the “high life” that Westerners have become accustomed to within China, while the rest of the Chinese nation toils on a mere few dollars a day.

From Frans… (and NOTHING having to do with Metallicman)…

This is a story I have to share, it is sitting in my mind for too long.
In  this story, I do not mention the real names of the people involved.  Instead, I use either initials or an alias. People, familiar with this  story will obviously easily recognize who's who.  Please don’t share  this story with others.
From 2009 to 2012 I worked for a small WOFE, owned by a Canadian businessman; let's call him "Bill G."

We had a manufacturing plant in the Southern suburbs of Shanghai and a luxurious headquarter in Jingan district. 

Bill  and I were the only foreigners, working in that company, making medical  devices for clients in various European countries. We didn't had  Chinese or American clients. 

Bill had earned some money in Saudi Arabia and moved to China in 2005 to establish the new company. 

Bill  had the appearance, but not at all the personality of Leonard Cohen.  Bill was by all means a special guy. He was irascible and very  short-tempered. Several times per week, he was loudly scolding Vivien,  his private secretary or other Chinese people of the middle-management:  the purchase manager, finance manager, quality manager, production  manager and very often the HR manager. (She was loudly crying, each time  he scolded her)
I was the Engineering Manager, and to be  honest, Bill paid me very well. I was also often acting as the General  Manager when Bill "disappeared". That happened quite often and nobody,  not even his ex-wife or his son in Canada knew where he was or why he  was away. 
One day, after I submitted my expense note from  a business trip to Hong Kong, he blustered to my office and started an  abuse tirade to me. I shouldn't have booked a business class ticket and  stayed in 5 star hotels. "do you think you're working for MNC here ?" he  shouted. (Yes, I have worked 15 years for MNC before and I was used to  business class flight tickets and 5 star hotels). During his tirade, I  packed my laptop and other belongings and called a taxi to leave. When  he noted that, he asked what I was doing.  I explained him that I no  longer wanted to work for him. He returned to his office but when the  taxi was there, he came to me to excuse him. He promised never to do  that again and I stayed. 

That was only 3 weeks after I worked for Bill G.  We later had many other collisions. 

One  day, when we were traveling in the company car (both with our private  secretary) to potential new suppliers in Ningbo,  we got another  explosion. He wanted to buy an old fashioned, yet solid, cheap, but  highly unsafe cutting press, while I wanted a much more automatic,  modern machine with all kinds of safety protection screens and devices. I  threatened him, saying that in case he would buy the unsafe machine, I  would write an email to him with cc to the local police station,  explaining that he, not me, will go to jail in case of a work  accident.   After another abuse tirade, he agreed to buy the machine I  proposed. 
He was terribly envious on me because I could  speak Chinese with everybody in the company and he, in spite of all his  efforts, couldn't. He rented a private teacher to learn Chinese, but he  didn't had the perseverance to learn to speak some sentences. Every day,  at the back seat of the company car, he used his carton cards with  Chinese characters and their meaning. I told him he shouldn't learn  hànzì characters but instead learn pinyin and speak Chinese. But he  didn't accepted my recommendation because his Chinese private teacher  was full of the beauty and cultural significance of hànzì characters. 

One  day, he said to me (probably out of envy) that I shouldn't "lower  myself" by speaking Chinese to the people in the factory !  He also once  said to Mr. Zhao, the production manager: "I'm the company president, I  expect everybody to speak proper English with me". 
From  time to time, he blustered to the workshop, climbed on a pedestal (a  couple of palettes) and started shouting to the poor assembly workers,  almost all very young Chinese girls who came from the countryside to  Shanghai and who didn't understand one single word of his tirade in  English. 
One day, he came to my office and sat down in a  corner, silently.  When I asked him what was wrong, he explained that he  finally realized that there was something wrong with his attitude. He  had decided to go to Tibet for 3 weeks and convert to Buddhism there.  When he came back, he was indeed much calmer and controlled, but after a  while, his tantrums returned, albeit less often. So then he registered  for yoga classes. With a private teacher, every evening one hour. It  indeed helped a bit. 
At the end of 2011, his daughter  came over to Shanghai to study Chinese language at Shanghai Normal  University. She went back to Canada one year later. 
At  the Chinese New Year dinner (and the KTV afterwards), Bill didn't knew  well how to behave. Sometimes, I or Lina (the HR Manager) had to take  the lead. It was an act, not a spontaneous party. 

One day, Bill  invited a potential new customer from the USA for a factory visit. They  came over with 3 people; none of them had ever been to China before.  During the dinner in a famous, very Chinese restaurant, one of the three  pushed his chair away from the table and refused to touch the food. He  was "afraid to be poisoned". Really !
Bill was living in a  big luxury apartment in Huangpu district. With an attached small  apartment for his Ayi. When I told him that opposite to his compound,  there was the biggest escort service company of the globe, he acted as  if he didn't knew. There indeed were several thousands of girls (and  boys) working there and luxury cars were driving in and out the basement  day and night. But he didn’t knew it. 
He didn't trust  people, he was unable to build a stable relationship with Chinese  people.  "All Chinese are cheaters" he often said. No wonder he was in  constant conflict with staff, suppliers and our European customers.   Vivien, his Chinese private secretary, acted to the outside world as if  she supported Bill unconditionally.  

One day, when he once again  messed up the whole factory, the workers threatened to strike. I called  his brother (let's call him Rob G.) back in Canada in an attempt to  persuade Bill to be more reasonable. Some days later, Rob came over and  stayed in China for a while. He finally gave up his job as policeman to  act as a handyman and go-between between Bill and the production staff.  By the way: Rob was very different from Bill. He was a man of the world,  although he had a very particular language with a lot of spicy words.  He was living in a house in the famous Thames town in Songjiang, far  away from his brother. 
One day, we got an official letter  from the local government, announcing that, because of the hot weather  (and everybody in Shanghai switching on their air conditioners), the  whole industrial park would be switched off from the electricity grid  for two weeks. When Bill was in utter panic, preparing an email for our  clients to announce the shut down, I was able to calm him down. And went  to the other factory owners in the industrial area. In a meeting that  afternoon, we decided to send a  Chinese factory boss to someone of the  local government to persuade them to not switch us off. The hongbao  (small fee) that we collected from each of the 12 owners was very  convincing for the guy from the government. We were not switched off  from the grid. 
To release his stress, Bill decided to go  to a Jazz club every Saturday night. He paid for a private table, right  in front of the Jazz orchestra and invited Vivien, his Chinese private  secretary (she was happily married to a chief constable) and his  daughter (when she was in Shanghai). He didn't had real friends. I, as a  Jazz music addict, went to that same club for years, usually sitting in  a more dark corner in the back. Every time, he invited me  enthusiastically at his table but I often declined as I didn't wanted to  expose my friends to his behaviour. 
Because of a new EU  commission regulation, we got in trouble with the sales one of our core  products in Europe. And consequently Bill's company came in financial  trouble. Before, I had tirelessly tried to convince Bill to increase the  sales price of our products. As I had, much more than him, excellent  contacts with our clients, I knew that they would be prepared to pay a  bit more for our services. But he didn't listen to me. Instead, he  started to cheat both our suppliers and customers. He didn't pay  suppliers, some of them entirely dependent on our products. He borrowed  money from our main customer and never paid it back. 

I told him that he should fire me because the company could no longer bear the cost of my salary. But he didn't. 

Sometime  later, when I returned from a trip home (and to one of the customers),  he asked for a private meeting in a restaurant near to my home in  Shanghai. There, the high word came out. Right before, I told him I knew  why we were there. During my trip to Europe, the day before I returned,  he had secretly fired my tooling manager, quality engineer and my  private secretary.
I still today have excellent contacts  with all the former people of that company. Back in 2017, Mr. Zhao, the  production manager, who also had taken over my tasks, called me to  inform me that Bill once again disappeared. Two days later, when the  salaries to the (remaining) workers had to be paid, Bill had blocked all  bank accounts. I recommended Mr. Zhao to close the factory. 
Today,  Bill is still without a trace. Even his ex-wife, his son, daughter or  his brother don't know where he is. He's certainly not in China anymore.  Some people suspect that he is living in hiding in Venezuela.
When  I was living in Suzhou and went to that Jazz club in Shanghai, I met  there by big coincidence Vivien, Bill's ex private secretary. She was  drunk and hooking up with an older American guy, something I haven’t  seen her doing before. 

When I said to her "Hi Vivien, how are you  doing ?" she replied: "Hi Frans, you're looking well, but I'm no longer  Vivien, I’m Christine now".  I was speechless. 
Last  year, Mr Zhao started a brand new company in Songjiang from scratch. He  has gradually taken over the manufacturing of some of the products we  made before. He has the full confidence of our former clients and  suppliers. When I was there last year, he had only five people working  for him but the future of his new company looks bright.  

-Bill Brockenblock 


But enough of that. China has changed. It’s a new world out there and the high powered days of living well inside of China are merging to a new reality.


This world is filled with all sorts of people. But humans are humans, men are men and women are women. It’s how we interact with each other that is important.


That’s the ol’ softie in me. Don’t you know.

Incidentally, the restaurant that they are both working in is a “Hot pot” restaurant. Basically it is a big pot of soup that you dip meats and vegetables into. Much like a Fondue. However, you also then dip it into sauces after you eat it, and you get to make your own sauces. It’s all very delicious. In the background we see a guy spinning what looks like pizza dough. Nope, that is how you make noodles in China. You make it by hand and that is what he is doing.

Now, you all might be confused, but this is taking place in a restaurant where they both apparently work, which is something that you can see by the aprons that they are wearing. My guess is that this is the very famous restaurant chain; Hai De Lao.


The Haidilao  brand was founded in 1994 in Jianyang, Sichuan. Since 1999, it has  gradually opened up markets in Xi'an, Zhengzhou and Beijing. In 2015,  our restaurant opened up in Taiwan was, and 10 stores have been opened in Taiwan by now. In 2017, our restaurant opened up in Hong Kong and opened two stores by now.



Hotpot. Great in the colder weather. As it tends to steam up my glasses. LOL.

Hai De Lao Hot Pot. The meats are a selection of beef, chicken, mutton, and pork. Note the meatballs and the various vegetables that you can add as well. Not shown are the noodles, fish, shrimp, and all the other things that you can fry inside the vats of tasty oils in front of you.


A “Brick House”

In America we refer to a strong stout woman as being built well. Or as we say “built like a brick house”. You can find these women all over the world. Not just in the United States, but in China as well. Here is a woman that I would consider a “Brick House”.


Speaking of relationships, here’s some more girls.

Girls that resemble friends of mine

Here are some girls that resemble some of my friends that I have inside of China. As you can well guess they are nice and really sweet. They are smart too, and really interesting. Each one is like a book… full of stories and adventures.

Many I have met in the KTV’s, but also others that I have met in my day-to-day activities. All are really nice, and they are absolutely great conversationalists.


This next girl reminds me a lot of a friend that I met at my last KTV trip. She was a lot of fun, but unfortunately I was drinking fake VSOP and that really took away from the full enjoyment of the evening. Word to the wise, when the alcohol is in question, don’t drink it. Buy your own. Bring your own, or stick to beer.

Contemporary versions of Chinese pop

Here’s a couple of contemporaneous renditions of a very popular Chinese pop song by Jay Chou. The song itself is around ten years old, but the singers breathe new life into it, and it’s all very lovely. This is the kind of music that people sing when they go to KTV’s and get drunk and belt out a song or two.

The name of the song is 千里之外.

But the new versions will not make any sense, or give you an appreciation for what is going on unless you watch the original music video. And that is why I have embedded it here…

千里之外 the original MV

Please click and watch this cute four minute mini-drama.

It’s in *.mkv format.

MKV files are actually multimedia container formats. An MKV container can incorporate audio, video, and subtitles into a single file—even if those elements use different types of encoding. For example, you could have a MKV file that contains H.264 video and something like MP3 or AAC for audio.

-What Is an MKV File and How Do You Play Them?


The video is in the MKV format, which should be read by both windows and Microsoft systems. However, if you are unable to view the video, you can access it here…

The song is about life, relationships, and taking opportunity even at the cost of love. Ouch!

Oh. You have to let those your love move on with their lives…

Screen shot from the original MV.
Screen shot from the original MV.


In the video is a story about a young boy and girl.

The boy is just a handyman, but the girl is a singer and she is destined for great things. She gets an opportunity to become a great singer, but she won’t leave the boy. She loves him, don’t you know. And she wants to day with him. No matter what.

Screen shot from the original MV.
Screen shot from the original MV.


And then one day, her big break happens. A big important man comes to her and offer her an opportunity of a lifetime. It’s an opportunity that you just do not turn down. It is something you just don’t say no to.

And she says no.

But the boy loves her.

He can’t allow her to waste her life with him.

So he tells her to go. He forces her to go. He grabs the contract and says “yes” before she even knows what’s happening.

Screen shot from the original MV.
An opportunity of a lifetime.


Yes, and she leaves. Three years later, she returns. Rich and famous. But the boy is there. Just the same old job, making ends meet. And the song has a refrain about your loved ones moving on to bigger and better things, while you are left behind…

Screen shot from the original MV.
I send you away beyond a thousand miles…

The Lyrics to 千里之外

Jay Chou – 千里之外 (Far Away)

Chinese Lyrics

"Far Away (千里之外)"
 (feat. Fei Yu-Ching)

English Lyrics

Beyond A Thousand Miles (Faraway)
The roof is like a cliff ,the wind chimes are like the blue sea I wait for the swallow to return
 The time has been arranged to act out an accident you quietly leave
 The story is outside the city,the heavy fog won't disperse,can't see the dialogue clearly
 You cannot tell by listening the sound of the wind doesn't exist,it is me who is sighing with regret
 I waken from the dream ,Who is at the windowsill opening the ending?
 That future which is as thin as a cicada's wings cannot withstand being torn apart by whom
I send you away beyond a thousand miles,you are silent, black and white
 The silent era perhaps it shouldn't have been,the too distant love
 I send you away Beyond the end of the sky,are you still there?
 Where is the sound of the piano coming from? It's hard to predict life and death I use all my life To wait
I hear sounds of tears so I enter the woods searching for the white pear flower I only get a row of moss
 The sky is beyond the mountains,the rain falls down on the flower stands, I'm grey at the temples
 I hear sounds of tears so I enter the woods,searching for the white pear flower I only get a row of moss
 The sky is beyond the mountains,the rain falls down on the flower stands I wait for you to come
Glazed white all over you,transparent like dust your flawless love
 From the rain you come,the poem becomes sorrowful I'm drenched now
Pick up the lotus from the water surface,it's as if the shadows of the boat sailing are still there,yet you don't come back
 Covered by the years,the flower you spoke of blossomed,the past becomes blank
I waken from the dream,Who is at the windowsill opening the ending?
 That future which is as thin as a cicada's wings,
 cannot withstand being torn apart by whom
I send you away beyond a thousand miles,you are silent, black and  white,the silent era,perhaps it shouldn't have been,the too distant love
I send you away beyond the end of the sky,are you still there? Where is  the sound of the piano coming from? It's hard to predict life and death I  use all my life
I send you away,beyond a thousand miles,you are silent, black and  white,the silent era,perhaps it shouldn't have been,the too distant love
I send you away,beyond the end of the sky

 Are you still there?
 Where is the sound of the piano coming from?
 It's hard to predict life and death
 I use all my life To wait

The remakes of 千里之外 (Far Away)

The first “remake”…

In this, we have a British talent show. Very similar to “America’s Got Talent”. And it takes place in the UK as you can tell by the judges and the musicians. Of course, it is being judged by both British folk and by Chinese folk.

I think that this young Chinese lass has great potential and an outstanding voice. And when she hits those high notes, I just get goosebumps. It’s pretty exceptional, and a real surprise to the song. A real twist. I’ll tell you what.

The first remake… sung by a lady named 阿兰.


And the “classic version”…

And the classic version that everyone and their grandmother sings to in the KTV. When you watch the other “judges” and the audience look up to the ceiling, open palm their hands, and have that “far away” look in their eyes, it is this guy that they are emulating…


And it is indeed grand.

The song sung in Hong Kong

Here’s another fellow in Hong Kong. This guy really belts this song out. Check it out. It’s pretty much an attention grabber. It’s two singers 林峯、and 王祖蓝 and they both sing 千里之外.

Now for the BEST version

This is the BEST version, and I just love it. In fact, I think that I like it better than the original, or the KTV versions. It just stands on it’s own. I think that female singer just really makes this version so very, very special.


If you want to download the next file directly click on this button. It is one of my most favorite renditions.

If you don’t, then no problem. Just click on the picture below.

You will also notice the show and the audience. This is all China. And as stupid and crazy as the show appears, this is the normal kind of thing inside of China. With those strange cartoon sounds, the text bubbles that float in the air, and the really strange dressed television hosts. Yup. It’s all China.


This gal is a stunner!

Yes. She is breathtaking. I rarely say this about a woman, but in this case, her beauty, her confidence, and her stance is just… well, astounding… and breathtaking.

I just love her strong confidence, and womanly charm.

As I have said, it’s my favorite version.


Are you tired of this song yet?

I think that I have beaten this dead horse long enough. LOL. I guess that none of the neocons in the Military-Industrial Beltway in Washington DC has ever heard of this song, could care less about the Chinese people and their society, and just want to destroy things so that they can get a new addition to their third mansion.

But that is just my opinion.


We need to compare China with America for some real educational benefit. Let’s take a glimpse at some American Country and Western music…

…and some urban music.

One of my personal favorites… (*.mkv format) is Tim McGraw singing about his plans to get out of the rat-race and get down to a more stable and slower pace of life. I really enjoy this song and what it represents to me. (On a personal basis.)

Music of the American Countryside…

Jen, this video is for you. 


Music of the American Urban Areas…

This is pretty typical. If not threatening to steal, kill, rape or murder, the gals sing about how tough and strong they are and how invincible their “booty” is.

“It’s a very sassy song, very kind of woman empowerment,” Lopez said in a behind-the-scenes video posted to her YouTube page. “[It’s] kind of giving you taste of what you give out, letting guys know that we’re not going to take any junk."

-Jennifer Lopez flashes her butt in risqué new music video


I have my own opinions about all this. I guess that music represents the society that it originates from. But I am the outlier.

I am a minority opinion.

The Internet rages on and on about this last video…

Sometimes, a song is so steamy, the only logical next  step is a super-sexy music video. For that, we can thank trailblazers  like Prince and Madonna, who established the right to show a little skin  in music videos like "Kiss" and "Express Yourself." 

MTV deserves its  share of credit—can anybody ever forget their first time watching  t.A.T.u.'s music video for "All The Things She Said"?—but then YouTube  blew up, and suddenly you could watch any steamy music video any time you wanted.  

It became a sort of guilty pleasure, listening to a great song while  watching a hot person do hot-person things like make out with someone  equally good-looking, move their hips like no one was watching, and wear  an outfit so tight you  wonder how they got it on in the first place. 

You could spend hours  watching gorgeous celebrities pour suspiciously watery milk on their  Spandex-bound bodies (we still love you, Fergie!). And, if we're being  honest, we have spent hours watching that (and we still love you, Fergie). 

If I had a choice between the strong woman singing the Chinese song, or J-Lo singing about her empowered butt, I would choose the Chinese Lady (金志文 and 白雪). Not the American gutter trash.

But that is just me.

Chinese Gals

Now, after watching J-Lo promote her booty I have to ask myself if this is what America has become?

And maybe I’m a “little out of it” being inside of China.

Maybe the comment that I have become too distant from what America stands for. Maybe I am not “with it”. That I need to get more in tune with what America represents…


Just ask the “Doctor of Democracy” himself, El Bush-Bo’ Limbaugh.

But I don’t stand shoulder to shoulder with the evil psychopaths in Washington DC. I stand with the founders of the United States who believed that the United States must stay a Republic. And that once a “democracy” it will turn into an oligarchy, and in short order, a military empire.

They were right, by the way.

But to be honest, if America stand for people like Mike Pompeo and big booty, I don’t know if I really want to be part of that reality. It’s uh…”yucky” don’t you know.


So anyways, here’s a sampling of the chicks that surround me in China. And no, they are not all big, black and stacked with enormous “booty”. They are just average and come in different sizes and shapes, just like they are supposed to. And I am just fine with that. Short, plump, big, thin, robust, or petite. I love them all.

For instance, here’s a tall thin skinny girl…


I like her, she’s a cutie.

Next up is a “village girl”. We would call her “corn fed” back in rural Pennsylvania. We see her dancing about with her hat, and her arm protectors. Ah. It’s so China.


Common Chicks

Moving on, let’s check out this chick. She is really a rather common archetype and is the kind of girl that you would meet time and time again in all the adult venues and establishments. She’s cheerful, fun and playful.


I know, I know, you all want to see more than just pretty girls. Well, I’m going to get on to it. I promise.

This next girl is dancing in a restaurant.

Most restaurants in China have private dining rooms. You just book the room, and you close the door and you eat in peace. It’s everywhere, and depending on the establishment, you can have a bathroom, a television, a tea set up, and a Majong table. You just have to go to the right restaurant, and the cost for the room isn’t all that expensive either. So most people tend to use the rooms than to sit in a big open eating area like you have to endure in the United States.

Check it out…


Now, I would like to continue with (yet) another girl.

I would say that she is pretty typical. And she really is. I can go to just about any public area and point out tens of girls that look just like her. And see, not all girls in China are all that busty. So don’t get confused. I think she is cute and having fun, and it is that sunny disposition that I just love and can eat up.


Maybe I should have called this post learning about China by looking at pretty girls part 75, eh?

Parking Garages

I’ve covered this before, but the parking garages in China are beautiful, clean, well-lit, and attractive. And I have mentioned it before, it sure is a drastic contrast to the dungeon-like dark, dingy, dirty, cesspools that Americans use to part their cars in.

Here we have a typical chick dancing inside one of the parking garages that are everywhere.

At a train station

Have any of you guys gone to what constitutes American trains lately? Yeah. I’m talking about Amtrak. And yeah, it’s pretty awful. All the train-stations combine the worst elements of Detroit and the US Post Office. Well… not all of them are like this. Some are nice. Especially the ones near the large Urban Areas.

Amtrak Cincinnati Union Terminal
Amtrak Cincinnati Union Terminal


Well, I think that American rail is under utilized because of the cultural differences between the USA and China. I have to ask the reader, just how often do you and your friends and family ride American rail?

Well, with the massive network of High Speed Trains in China, The rail is used extensively. It is cheap, clean, well taken cared for, and is often preferable to flying in aircraft. The Chinese rail network is vast.

Here is a cute chick inside a Chinese rail terminal. Yeah, they all (stations that is) kind of look like this, more or less…

In a grocery Store

Here we have a chick dancing inside a small town supermarket. I do like these places and the prices are truly affordable. But don’t expect to get high grade Western food there.

Road Construction

When I lived in PA, that’s Pennsylvania for all you’se guys who aren’t aware of the Pennsylvania slang, the local department of transportation was constantly “fixing” the roads. You would think that the roads would last more than a few months, but then again, the very next season, more millions of dollars needed to be dished out to pay for road construction.

The potholes in PA are a big long-time, on-going, joke.

They’ll never get fixed. It’s just a big ol’ slush fund for the wealthy to siphon money from Pennsylvania taxpayers. But, anyways, I well remember one summer when it too two entire seasons lay down a new bridge. That’s five to six months. A real slow pace, and the disruption of our lives in the local community was horrific.

That’s what happens when you have a nation run by corrupt bankers.

China is a nation of engineers, builders and designers. And it shows. It’s not just two complete 6000 bed, and 10,000 bed hospitals going up in two weeks like what happened in March 2020. It’s everything.

Here’s a bridge going up in one day.


Chinese Idea of Beauty

It all has to do with the shape of the face. Sure there are numerous characteristics that might mitigate the value of a person’s beauty. However, for the most part, if you are clean, have a good complexion, are pleasant, and have an oval face with strong thick black hair, you will pretty much be considered attractive.

I would say that this next chick has a face that well-represents the Chinese idea of beauty.

Average Life

Here’s just two girls going for a walk in the city.

It’s very common, and this is what it is like. It shouldn’t matter one way or the other, but the Mike Pompeo narrative is that the XinJiang Muslims are terribly repressed within China. That the Chinese people are starving, and hungering for “freedomTM” and “democracyTM” and they can’t wait for the great American military to invade and rescue them!

And the lonely Muslim women are forced to sleep with government officials…!

China forces Uyghur Muslim women to sleep with govt …

Nov 08, 2019 · Han Males are sleeping on the same bed as Uyghur Muslim women in China whose male family members, often husbands, are locked up in ‘reeducation camps’ in conformity with a diktat by the Chinese regime, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported last week. The information comes from government officials who spoke to them on the condition of anonymity.


You must be brain dead to believe this propagandized bullshit.


Oh, by the way. These videos are from Tiktok and WeChat. Both of which was banned by Trump / Pompeo. So if you watch them you are risking a life in prison for …

…I don’t know.

The official reason is “national security”, but when the DOJ asked to prove it the administration came up empty handed. Never the less, if you are an American, you’d better slam your computer shut, and erase everything before a NSA or DHS SWAT team breaks down your door and takes you off for questioning….

Speaking of an average life, here’s two chicks running in Chinese park in the dead of winter.

Improvements to selfies

Many Chinese women like to improve their pictures by adding special effect and other colorful enhancements. I don’t really like them, but then again, I am from the “old school”. I guess to “each their own”…


Here’s an article out of the United States in Yahoo! that disagrees with me.

They say that the Chinese ideal is thin with big eyes. Yet they don’s provide any pictures of this ideal, and I can tell you that it is not something found in China. But you can read their opinions yourself here…

Nowhere is this difference more obvious than on Chinese social media, where you won’t find any of the contouring, lip-lining or thighbrows that fill Instagram feeds in the United States. In China, it’s all pale skin, big eyes and rosebud lips.

The fair-skinned standard: There are overlaps in how each  nationality shoots its self-portraits: Chinese girls take photos at an  angle to slim their faces, just like selfie queen Kim Kardashian West recommends.  Chinese women are also influenced not only by their own country’s  ideals but also those of neighboring East Asian countries like Japan and  South Korea, all of which favor slim figures and youthful,  innocent-looking beauty.

Combined with imported Western beauty  ideals like large breasts, these influences have fused to create a very  definite Chinese physical ideal with little wiggle room for women who  fail to meet the standard.

“Chinese beauty ideals basically come  from the media: TV shows, celebrities. A lot of Chinese beauty ideals  are quite Western,” Chinese culture expert Janny Chyn, who provides  cultural immersion tours through her company Shanghai Pathways, told Mic. “The main difference is that we like white skin.”

Many women in China strive to be baifumei: pale,  rich and beautiful (with a heavy emphasis on pale). The ultimate  baifumei is actress Fan Bingbing, adored and emulated for her  translucent white skin, large eyes and “melon seed” (oval-shaped) face.

“There is a strong standard of beauty in China, and it requires you to  be as white as possible, with big eyes,” Thibaud André, consultant at Daxue Consulting in Beijing, told Mic.

Cute wins out over sexy: Flick through Instagram in the U.S. and you’ll likely see a lot of flesh, especially in the summer. Everybody from Kardashian West to Drake  has been known to get a little thirsty on social media. Not so on  Chinese social networks like Weibo, where big eyes, bunny ears and cute  slogans abound. And it’s not just among teenagers.

“The big  difference is that we want to be cute. You will see women pretending to  be teenagers when they are grown-ups,” said Shanghai Pathways' Chyn. 
“Pretending to be cute is never offensive. It’s more controversial to be  sexy. If you’re cute, no one can disapprove.”

One Chinese guide to taking selfies says “innocent and cute”  photos will always prove the most popular and are also easy to take.  That means less vamping and less makeup aimed at overt sexiness. While  girls all over the Western world might have been sucking on bottle caps  last year to get Kylie Jenner’s lips, women in China are more likely to underplay this feature, using lighter or coral lipsticks.

This  desire to be cute also manifests itself in big, puffed-out hamster  cheeks, a sweeter alternative to the more overtly seductive “duckface.”

When skinny trumps curves: There’s no denying that Americans feel huge pressure to be skinny, what with 20 million American women  experiencing a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in  their lives. Social media plays its part in promoting skinniness,  glorifying thigh gaps and spreading "fitspo“ slogans. But the recent movement  to embrace plus sizes, along with the popularity of curvier celebrities  like Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj and the Kardashian crew, has brought a bit  more variety to social media that makes space for curves. (See: ”belfies.“)

Chinese  social media, on the other hand, sees the glorification of skinniness  above all else. This has led to a number of selfie trends, including one  challenge  to twist your arm behind your back to touch your belly button and  another to stack coins on your collarbone to demonstrate thinness.

”[Actress]  Angelababy represents the beauty standard right now, super slim,“ said  Daxue Consulting’s André. "All over Weibo, Chinese women are posting  pictures showing how slim and how white they are. That’s definitely a  trend.”
And while America isn’t perfect — a curvy body is still  more celebrated when it includes a slim waist — there is at least some  diversity in the types of bodies deemed attractive.

“Americans  prefer a fit body, a fit figure. It doesn’t need to be skinny, it  doesn’t need to be chubby but it needs to be fit and healthy looking… In  China I only hear, ‘Girls should have really thin bodies,’” said one  participant in an Asian Beauty Secrets video about American vs. Chinese beauty standards.

Who needs makeup when you can digitally edit your selfies? Selfie trends like contouring and strobing have changed what products many American women have in their makeup bags, as we prioritize looking “camera ready.”

Not  so in China. Although the cosmetics market is growing, women there  still wear far less makeup than girls in the states, according to André.  There’s little need for special selfie-ready makeup when you can use  apps to change what you look like instead.

“Our selfies are very  high-tech,” Chyn said. The functions on Photoshop-like apps lay users’  beauty desires bare: The most popular Chinese beauty app, Meitu Xiuxiu,  allows you to whiten your skin, slim your face and make your eyes  impossibly huge. By contrast, Facetune, an app used by Tyra Banks, focuses on whitening your teeth, smoothing out skin and applying more makeup.

Understanding  the pressures women elsewhere face might be just the thing to make us  examine where our own beauty ideals come from. Maybe we’ll even put down  the bronzer, delete the Photoshop app and face the world as we really  are. Just maybe.


The “news” out of America is about 80% bullshit, 10% truth, and 10% out of the “outer limits”.

I have yet to find even ONE armpit selfie in China, and I have been looking!

This reminds me of an event while I was in university. Friday was designated as “wear jeans if you agree with LGBT rights” day. Well, since I and about 90% of everyone else in the university ONLY had jeans, we were left with two options; [1] wear the jeans or [2] stay home and miss class. Most, like myself, came to class wearing jeans.

It had nothing to do with anything else.

I think that most Chinese Goth folk are taking selfies because they are human, and it’s a thing that everyone is doing. Not that they are trying to “protest” the “evil communist tyrants”. Or whatever the Mike Pompeo narrative is today.

Gyms in China

Yup. China has gyms and the rates are pretty reasonable. The only thing that I do not like is that they tend not to be air conditioned. That is because the Chinese believe that you need to sweat to get rid of the bad chi (energy) inside of you.

While people are realizing the importance of sport for health and better  appearance, fitness industry is also booming in China in recent years.  More and more people become members of fitness studios  and the fitness apps are being used everywhere. 

With the technology  development and the changing lifestyle of consumers, the fitness  industry also needs to work on new concepts to adjust people’s needs for  fitness in the future. Fitness industry in China was facing transformation. 

Instead of working  out in gyms and fitness studios, nowadays fitness can take place  everywhere. Due to the high penetration rate of smartphones in China, fitness apps are well used  by fitness enthusiasts. People can easily get fitness tips, find  fitness studios and get connected with other fitness enthusiasts and  professional trainers with apps in their smartphones. 

According to rough estimation, there were nearly 100,000 fitness studios  in China. Most of them were opened in bigger cities.  Beijing and Shanghai are the Chinese cities with the biggest market for  fitness studios. 

Fitness studios with innovated concepts are also first  introduced to these two metropolises. 

To be noticed is that the numbers  of fitness studios in second-tier cities are growing faster.  Considering the brands and types of fitness studios, the Chinese market  has showed a great variety. 

While the big chains owning hundreds of  studios are still expanding, the smaller boutique studios which focus on  more individual personal training for certain groups are becoming  increasingly popular. And people are apparently willing to spend more in these boutique studios. 

With the growth of the fitness market, the consumption of high-tech  sportwear and wearable devices are also expected to grow. 

Fitness  studios with high-tech apparatus might also be more competitive in the  market, while the less qualified trainers are facing the pressure from  their customers who can get professional information from various  channels. The future of fitness industry should be a cooperative  competition of various industries and sectors with more highly  personalized and individual offers. 

-   Fitness industry in China - statistics & facts | Statista                                         

Chinese Beaches.

If you perform a google search about beaches, or swimming in China you will see these images of hordes of people all crammed together. It’s actually funny. that’s not the way it is at all. It is the narrative that the American government wants people to think. But not the way it really is.

The Chinese beach lie.
The American view of Chinese Beaches. Pretty crowded and impossible right?


So what is it really like?

Well, I have a house on the beach. And every day I see it, watch the sun rise and the sun set on it and watch the people come and go on it. And NOT ONCE did it ever resemble what you might find on the American websites, search engines or “news” articles.

Here’s some images of what Chinese beaches look like. It’s the real deal, you-all.


And here is another young lass… She’s a bit on the thin leggy side, but you know, isn’t she attractive though? Look at that smile. I love her confidence. Smile (check). Confidence (check). Beach (check). Small bikini (check, check, check).

Dance Class

Dancing is very popular in China. Perhaps the biggest “craze(s)” lies in the styles related to “Spanish Samba” and K-Pop. In my office building on my floor (were) two K-pop dance troops and one Samba studio. Making my floor about 50% devoted to dancing with pretty girls of all ages.


The girls above seem to be middle school age. My guess.

Forward Thinking

Global Times editorial celebrates moon mission and poverty elimination, a tandem neither the Outlaw US Empire nor any other nation has achieved. The key as ever is balance:
"For a long time, some people believe China has not done enough to  balance these developments. Voices have existed that China invested  excessive resources to fields such as aerospace. Despite difficulties,  compared to other countries, China has tried its best to reach a balance  and has achieved positive results.
"Since China implemented the reform and opening-up policy, the most  prominent and well-known national goal has been achieving a moderately  prosperous society. People's livelihood and fairness and justice have  always been the focus of attention in Chinese society. A  technology-centered national strategy and people-oriented economic  development have highly integrated. 
"In the past few decades, the Chinese people have been developing the  aerospace field, but their livelihood has also been improving. The  lunar exploration project is not a political vanity project - it is well  within the ability of Chinese society.
"The progress in high-tech areas such as aerospace has pushed up  China's strategic competitiveness overall. At the same time, people are  living better lives. Without the advancement in high-tech areas, China's  prosperity would lack the backbone and long-term guarantee....
"China has long implemented a market economy, but has maintained  the guiding role of the government. This prevents our market economy  from repeating and hovering at a low level, and also prevents us from  being satisfied with the low-end prosperity of the global value chain.  The Chinese nation's self-motivated spirit continues to release  momentum, successfully supported by the country's system. Thus, we can  move forward in a balanced manner and with a clear sense of direction."  [My Emphasis]
This same methodology can be seen in Putin's governance and also  glaringly absent from all Neoliberal driven nations, which partially  explains their problems. I'm going to single-out this one sentence from  the concluding paragraph for it admits a truth no Neoliberal nation has  even acknowledged:
"There are unlimited possibilities in space, and most resources that support the human being's future development must be outside the Earth." [My Emphasis] 
I know of no major nation that has admitted directly or through its  main media voice that the earth is finite with a limited amount of  resources that will govern the overall degree of potential development.  For me, that means China has admitted to itself that at some future  point there'll be a requirement to shift to a steady-state type of  political-economy for all nations and thus the world. 

That's a far more  advanced view of economics from the Neoliberal model that doesn't admit  to scarce resources or that there's a limit--a Junk, unrealistic model  to be sure. 


School is much more intense in China than it is in America. For starters, all the children must learn English AND Chinese. Their classes are very regimented, and success is mandated by culture. If they want to be an individual and “go their own way”, it is not permitted. they must work as a team, be a team player and do their best. Failure is not an option.

Final comments

What the American (and British) media presents as “China” has very little resemblance to what it actually is.

Pompeo unloads on US universities for China ties

Dec 09, 2020 · Pompeo took aim at universities across the U.S., claiming they refused to address the Trump administration’s concerns about China’s attempts to influence students and academics. He specifically called out the president of MIT, alleging he refused to host Pompeo’s speech, and a senior official at the University of Washington over a case ...


Exclusive -- Mike Pompeo: China Infiltrating Our ...

Dec 14, 2020 · In September, Pompeo  said he was “hopeful” that branches of the Confucius Institute — an  organization run by the Chinese government — across America’s colleges  and universities would be closed by the end of 2020. The Trump  administration designated the Confucius Institute’s programs as foreign  missions of the Chinese Communist Party.. China is a greater threat than Russia in the ...


Pompeo vows tough U.S. stance on China but is open to talks

Aug 21, 2020 · Pompeo said the Trump administration is open to talks with Beijing but the U.S. would maintain its tough stance. “President Trump is serious about protecting our information, our networks and ...

China is depicted as an evil, dirty, corrupt, tyrannical “regime”. When in reality it is a single-party, social democracy based on Confucian values and traditional culture. Over the last four decades the nation has worked hard to make China what it is today, and what it is…

…is really astounding. It is a middle class neighborhood populated with hard-working, intelligent people. They are fiercely patriotic, almost hysterically so, and all the nonsense from (former) President Trump and his side kick Mike Pompeo are all lies.

Pompeo blasts China for suppressing coronavirus ...

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laid harsh blame on China on Sunday for engaging in what he called a “classic Communist disinformation effort” and for working “to make …

As a sanity check, here is a video of the the events in China during 2020.

As you watch the three minute video can you identify which items that you are aware of from the Western news media?

Go ahead, watch and count the number of events that the American and British “news” media reported on…

Do you want more?

I have more post like this in my China Index and all the sub-indexes.


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More pretty girls and learning about China by looking at their videos.

This is a continuation of my posts on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. As with my most recent posts, just click on the picture to open up a short video of the girl. It’s all good fun. The idea behind this, is of course, to help expose people to what China is like, and by doing so while watching pretty girls. As the women within a nation are the best description that you can ever get of a nation and it’s society.

Do you want more?

I have more posts related to this in my Pretty Girls of China index here…

Pretty Chinese Girls

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To go to the MAIN Index;

Master Index


  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.


More pretty girls within China (8) and why finding the right girl is important.

Here we continue, yet again, with more videos of Chinese beauties. In each case, the video is associated with a picture, and if you click on the picture, a video will open up in a new tab. These videos were all taken during the months of June and July 2020 within China, and posted by the respective girls on those dates. I find all of these ladies quite lovely and I hope that you, the reader will agree with me on this.

I suppose that I tend to post in clusters of related posts until I am tired of it, and the Metallicman audience grows tired of my articles. There’s much going on in the world today. With Pompeo saying that “new” techniques and methods must be used to “suppress China”, at the same time that two complete invasion carrier fleets are steaming towards China…


Enjoy the pretty girls.

Do you want more?

I have more posts along these lines in my Pretty Girls Index, here…

Pretty Chinese Girls

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You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

To go to the MAIN Index;

Master Index


  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.


Snapshots of Summer in Asia (part 7).

Let’s continue with more most excellent videos…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Local Talent Singing

In China they have their own versions of “America’s got Talent”, and here you can see all kinds of local hopefuls singing their hearts out to a gleeful public.

中国达人秀. China has talent, Wikipedia entry.

And, there are many, many such singing programs in China.

The Voice of China - Wikipedia
The Voice of China (Chinese: 中国好声音; pinyin: Zhōngguó Hǎo Shēngyīn) is a Chinese reality television singing competition broadcast on Zhejiang Television. Based on the original The Voice of Holland, the concept of the series is to find new singing talent (solo or duets) contested by aspiring singers drawn from public auditions. The winner is determined by votes cast by a media judging panel and live audience.

I really like these kinds of programs. Here, hopefuls sign their hearts out to a very appreciative audience. It’s really quite awesome.

Of course, in America anything that will take the eyes and ears of Americans outside of the American mainstream media is considered to be a threat. That will not do, and so the media warns Americans. You know, “for our protection” against such things.

So while you might have enjoyed those two micro-video snippets, here’s what the American mainstream media has to say about all this. They DO NOT want you (the reader) to listen to any Chinese opinions, music, new, movies or thoughts. It might distract you away for the American media narrative. Check out this…

America warns against the Chinese music networks.
Can you actually believe this nonsense? This is from USA today.

Even older folk…

Yuppur even older Chinese folk get to have their day in the limelight.

Tragedy and Rescue

Life has both good and bad moments. Sometimes things can be really terrible, and we need help. That is why there are police around. That is why there are firemen. That is why there are doctors and nurses. Their role is not to make sure that we observe approved behavior “American style”, but rather to let us live life, and then offer a helping hand when things go wrong.

And, people… things can go terribly wrong…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – The Pretty Girls

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

This is part 6 of 17.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

KTV Appearance

The KTV will be lit up like a Casino. You will typically be driven directly to the front door, and an assistant will open the door open for you to exit the car from. It is important that you take your time. Stand straight. Smile, and look around you. The manager of the girls might greet you there. Though, she would make a bee-line to the factory boss first.

You will be led into the lobby.

It will be well-attired and look like the inside of a casino or movie theater from the 1920’s. Lining both sides of the lobby, and forming a path would be two lines of girls. They would be Chinese pretty girls. One on our left, and one on your right. Big KTV’s might have a couple of hundred girls in the line up, while smaller KTV’s might only have a handful.

KTV lobby lineup
Here is a typical lineup of girls in the lobby of a KTV. This is obvious a small-town or rural business KTV. There are only a few girls and the establishment is more hotel than KTV. They girls are all wearing identical dresses and welcome you. Typically they might bow and welcome you to the KTV, while the lead girl might take your arm and lead you to the room chosen for you.

The Chinese pretty girls will all be wearing the same style outfit. Typically a dress. It seems like the classier places have the girls wearing long gowns. The girls will all be made up, and smiling. Every time that I go through these kinds of lines, I end up getting a great big grin on my face. The girls see this and start giggling, whispering to themselves, and smiling back.

All are stunning.

After you file though this gauntlet, you will be led to your room. The rooms have as few moving parts as possible. A big long couch lining the back wall, a couple of marble tables, a few TV’s in the front of the room (and one in the back at a classy joint) and one computer. They also have a wall panel in which you can control the temperature, the lighting (you can choose normal lighting, crazy dance lighting–disco ball, flashing lights, etc–or very dark) and the volume.

The KTV staff will wheel in a shopping cart and set up all the snacks and booze for you. This will be the bottles of liquor, the mixers, the cups. They will also give you a microphone condom to put on the microphones for sanitary reasons. This is a pretty good idea as that thing would be covered in gobs of spit by the nights end.

KTV girls upon arrival
Typical KTV girls. Some wear the same kinds of outfits, while others dress for the theme for the day or week. The girls need to purchase all the clothes that they wear. Most KTV’s require them to wear traditional Chinese dresses with a slit up the one leg and one shoulder bare.

After a while, perhaps ten to twenty five minutes, the girls will be brought in.

Some KTV’s, especially in the smaller towns, cities and rural areas only have a few girls to choose from. You always get a better and bigger selection of girls in the bigger cities. In places like Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Beijing there might have 250 to 600 girls to select from. All are stunning.

I only wish that I could have photos to post about this issue.

Only the Best Girls can be Hostesses

Only the best Chinese pretty girls can be hostesses.

That is true. Since competition to work as a KTV Hostess is so high, the KTV management can be quite picky as to whom they let work there. So forget about the propagandized notions of the “poor kidnapped sex slaves”. That’s a UK fantasy used to sell tabloid magazines.

The truth is quite different.

Hostess clubs in China are nightlife entertainment that only the rich can afford. Similar to the hostess clubs in Japan, in Chinese establishments the rich men pay for an attractive woman’s company, service, and conversations. And, if they like the woman enough, they ask for the girl to leave with them and continue businesses elsewhere. 

In Chinese, these type of hostesses are called 女公关, which translates loosely to “female public relations”. Recently, the top hostess club in Zhengzhou was shut down by the government.

To become a hostess, you would first need to have the right look, the right figure, and be within the proper age range. Since hostess clubs depend on high-class customers, they can’t allow their hostesses to be from the lower classes, so they prefer white collar workers, models, and art school students.

Step 1: Interview
After meeting the initial criteria, you need to be interviewed by 3 to 5 interviewers. Good looks + good body: 60. Highly educated + high alcohol tolerance: 80. Can play the role of a flight attendant: 100. According to a report on Zhengzhou’s Huangjia Yihao, all candidates are interviewed by at least 5 interviewers who rate you based on your appearance, height, education, skills, and culture, and then the overall score is broken down into a price.

Step 2: Professional Training
Physique, etiquette, smile, and conversation skills. After the training is completed, a hostess can officially start working.

Work Hours: 9PM to 2AM
Main Work Locations: High-class Hostess Clubs, KTV and night clubs, bars
Work Responsibilities: Accompany clients, drink with clients, sing, and others

The most famous hostess club in Beijing, Tian Shang Ren Jian (Passion Club), was one of the most expensive clubs in Beijing before it closed. The club was membership only. VIP customers included socialites from China and abroad, entrepreneurs, domestic and international film and TV stars, as well as ambassadors. Clients need to pay an initial fee of 1,000 to 3,000 yuan to talk to girls. To have a girl’s company for an entire night costs at least 5,000 yuan.

Huangjia Yihao was praised as an ideal “platform where politicians and businessmen communicated”. Gold card holders mostly treated others to discuss contracts and projects, or to ask for a favor. The previous report quotes that the club earned over 500,000 yuan per night. The reason that visiting the club became a symbol of social status is that the hostesses only chatted, sang, and drank moderately. A girl’s company cost 400 to 800 yuan, and to take her out was extra.

-A peek into the world of Chinese Hostesses

Where a girl might make 5000 to 10,000 RMB a night, you need to appreciate that this is serious “cheddar”. A middle class salary is from 6,000 RMB to 15,000 RMB/month.

This night rate is on top of everything else. So if the girl dances, sings and meets eligible wealthy and successful businessmen, and has sex with them, they can pretty much earn in the top 5% of everyone in China by having three customers a month.

It’s no wonder that many of the older gals have their own businesses, and own Starbucks, McDonalds and KTC franchises. I don’t know about youse guys, but it would take me a century to save up to buy a McDonalds franchise on a top engineer’s salary.

Demand for the Hostesses is High

In fact, the demand for the girls to work is so high, that the KTV’s often have to turn away girls and charge them to work there. That’s absolutely right. They have to pay a monthly fee for the privilege of working there. However, it makes sense when you really think about it.

KTV Hostess
The girls are considered Hostesses, as they not only entertain their client during the KTV adventure, but they can sing, and dance as well. I have five years semi-professional ballroom dancing experience, and all can follow quite well. Notice the girls. They all have a darker complexion, wider noses, and shorter in statue. They are obviously from the Southern section of China.

From the girl’s point of view…

The best way for a girl in her 20’s to meet a successful businessman, or middle manager is though a KTV.

That way, she can get picked, and if she likes the man, she can stay in contact with him. Often making other arrangements. Many girls date men this way, and often have a group of guys that follow them around and give them money and such. As the guys, just like the girls, want to pick a high-quality mate.

Most KTV girls have a string of guys that follow them around like puppy dogs. The combination of friendship (with benefits) and their KTV activities enable these girls to rake in enormous amounts of money.

These girls spend all of their time looking good and marketing to find the most desirable men as possible. They aren’t looking for love. They are looking for one of three types of men…

  • A potential good father for their future children. He owns his own company or has a serious senior role in a company.
  • A handsome guy with money. The key is that he also has money that he is easy to part with. These men can join a string of like-minded men, that the girl will keep tethered to her with the promise of sex and fun.
  • A man who is fun to be with. And, of course, who has some kind of advantage that the woman could eventually leverage. Maybe he owns a chateau in France. Maybe he is the son of the owner of Amazon. Maybe, he has a Ferrari that he will let the girl keep.

Notice that love and romance was not included in the calculus above. These girls are beautiful and know it. They know to cater to men and they will have many men eating out of their hands. Be careful!

In China, it is critical that the girls get married before they turn 28. They are considered to be non-marriageable after that date. The Chinese term is “spinster”.

So what the girls tend to do is spend their 20’s looking the best that they can, and doing what they can to attract the most suitable man. Otherwise, their parents will fix them up with a date. While the girl can say no, what usually happens is the girl just gives up and shrugs her shoulders and say “well, he’s good enough”.

To prevent this from happening, many girls work as KTV hostesses if they are in any way attractive.

Attractiveness is a cultural construct. The ideas of what is attractive varies from culture to culture. In China the attractive girls tend to be pale, frail, with big eyes, long black hair and a shape that is known as “fish shaped”.  In the states, especially over the last decade or two, the ideas of female attractiveness has migrated towards dark skin, big pouty lips, big breasts and big asses. Which often causes some surprise to the girls who work at the KTV. They ask “why do Americans always pick the ugliest girls”?

Especially when there are many stunning Chinese ladies to choose from.

I’ve got to tell you, there are beautiful women all over the world. I love the girls in Australia with their big long lion manes of hair. I think that there are some amazing girls from Brazil. The girls of Eastern Europe and Russia are just stunning. But, I’ve seriously got to tell you all… China has the most attractive girls in the world.

Chinese ideal for beauty
Ideas about physical beauty vary from culture to culture. In China, the ideal is pale skin, a calm and pleasant demeanor, long black hair, big eyes, and a pleasant smile. They tend to have a fish shape for a body and walk in a calm purposeful manner.

It’s a cultural thing.

If you read my post about the r/K theory, culture and society migrates biologically towards situations that improve species survival. In the United States, it is a r-society. It is a society where there is abundance. So people act similarly to rabbits.

In a K-society, like China it is a land of scarcity. So they tend to be more predatory, like wolves.

r/K selection theory

That translates into many aspects of society. One of which is conceptions of beauty.

Now, I had best make this clear right off. A hostess doe not necessarily have sex with the clients. No. Instead, they party with them. They play games with them. They drink and dance with them. If there is a mutual interest, the manager can broker a financial payment arrangement that favors the girl.

There is no guarantee that the girl will trade sex for money. In China, the girl controls what will happen. It’s all up to her. The only thing the guy gets to do is pick her out of a line up. Everything else is fully scripted and controlled by the girl.

Whether or not a girl will have sex with a client is a decision made by the girl.

Sometimes she just feels like she wants to have sex. Sometimes she doesn’t, as it might be her period, and in China this is a big no-no. Maybe she isn’t going to have sex because one of her girlfriends in the club is not having sex. Maybe she doesn’t like you. Maybe you stink, or remind her of someone else. Maybe you are too old, too young, too poor, or just too drunk. Maybe your skin color is too dark, or you are Arabic, or you showed a lack of manners.  In all cases… she decides what will happen.

In any event, the girl’s manager will know exactly what is going on and will steer more willing and able girls your way if need be.

KTV room
The KTV rooms are often lavish. They are nice and typically dark so that all kinds of activities and things can occur. The bosses aide will get the thing going by talking to the room manager and arranging for food and drink to be brought forth.

Sorry for this digression. Ok, now where was I? Oh…

When you enter the KTV, you will typically walk through the gauntlet of girls, totally overwhelmed, and be led to your KTV room. These are nice private rooms with bathroom facilities, food trays and all sorts of drinks. As you go in, you pick a seat and make yourself at home.

Soon enough, they will start bringing the girls in. They will bring them in at 20 a time. They girls will parade in front and form a line. Then upon command they will turn around so that you can see their back. They will then strike a pose. There are numerous poses that they take on. All are very becoming and quite attractive.

Staged KTV Hostesses
Chinese KTV Hostesses waiting in readiness for a line up. Typically they get together and stage themselves in an empty KTV room or in the hallway.

Nothing out of Jerry Springier, and no fat girls waving their enormous spandex tight asses. That is reserved for President Obama’s America. No. Here, the girls are demure, polite and act respectful. After all, day in and day out, they are paraded in front of factory bosses, internet CEO’s, Directors of banks, and other managers of high regard.

They want to look their best, and be their best.

A Paradise for Sex? – Hardly

Contrary what the news media or the internet might say, China is not a “sex monger” paradise. It just isn’t. China is a nation of hard working nerds. If you want to experience some of the rewards of hard work, labor and study, then come to China. Otherwise and else look elsewhere.

These girls will smell a fake a mile away. You had best be working hard. Show that you know your stuff, and are willing to provide fun and entertainment to your business contacts. China is all about hard work, and relationships. If you are willing to work hard, and have built up a presence in China, and going to a KTV would be your reward.

They only respect and admire achievers. And if the personality match is there, perhaps there might be something more in the future. The truth is that this is the way for many a poor girl to latch on to a very wealthy man and greatly and substantially improve their lifestyle.

Some notes on the songs…

Just a word on the song selection. For the most part, they are surprisingly diverse for China. It’s one of the first things that a foreigner notices. As most foreigners have never heard of Kougu or YouKu. They are unaware as to how metropolitan the Chinese are in musical taste. The music is quite different than would you would find in the States for example.

In China the music is updated every couple of days, while in the USA, the music selection in a (so called) karaoke bar might be months or even years old.

Of course, there are the big wigs, like Lady Ga Ga, and Justin Bieber. There is also a surprising number of smaller less known hits (internationally I mean). Things like TLC, Bee-Gee’s, R.E.M., and a ton of classic rock.

I typically make a bee-line for the American Country & Western songs and I like to sing them, as well as some hits from the 1980’s, and Aerosmith. But, that’s just me. (Shrug.)

The songs play in the order that you choose them. The music video starts with the words on the bottom just like any karaoke anywhere.

About the Videos

Also, regarding the videos, I don’t know why, but some songs don’t get the rights or permission to use the real music video so they have some hilarious stock footage instead.

The song Barbie Girl has a video of people from the 80‘s at an amusement park for instance. These videos are a hoot. The older the song, the cheesier the video. I’ve got to tell ya.

Being Wild and Crazy

As everyone’s drinking, and singing, things can tend to get a little crazy. And, that is just how I like it, I’ll tell you what.

Yeah, Bottles and glasses get smashed, but the staff checks in regularly (the doors have windows) and they try to keep things clean.

Meanwhile, of course, people in the other rooms are also getting drunker and drunker and going out to find the bathroom can be quite funny. KTV places are just a winding, twisting maze of rooms and it’s near impossible to find your way around.

But, not to worry. They have workers stationed all over helping you find your way, but of course some calamity ensues; Guys stumbling drunkenly with their girlfriends on their backs, people walking into utility closets thinking it is the bathroom.

Many times I would help hold up a drunk Chinese stranger at the urinal so he can pee. It’s what friends are for, and it really builds your guanxi, don’t ya know.

Duration of the Party

In general, all KTV’s work within a certain set of hours. For all KTV’s, whether they are business or family KTV’s, you pay in advance. You pay for the room in a set number of hours. In short, you rent the room for a certain numbers of hours, and once your time is up the computer locks itself and you cannot choose any more songs. When that happens, the waiters will come in and start cleaning up. If you STILL don’t get the hint, which happens at times, they turn on the lights and eventually a manger or someone comes in and harasses you until you leave.

In all the big cities the KTV’s are open all night, and we would leave at around 6am. Smaller cities might shut down earlier, with 2 and 3am being the norm.

This is not a problem with Business KTV’s, as eventually you do want to go to your room to chill and have a decidedly different kind of party there.

Continue reading for some of the more (ahem) interesting aspects of the nightly pleasures…


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Business KTV's

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Selecting a Companion

Here we talk and discuss about a Chinese business KTV companion and their selection.

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Part 7 of 17.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

The General Scheme

In general, you can select a person to have a good time with. If you are a guy, this would be a girl. If you are a girl, this would be a guy. This would be your Chinese business KTV companion for the evening’s events.

You pay them, maybe 300 RMB ($50) and they will play games with you, sing with you, dance with you, and talk with you. This is all over China. It’s common from Bars, to clubs, to hotels to KTV’s. It’s a great way to pass the time, and make some new friends.

They are rent-a-companions. It’s a common scheme throughout China and began a long, long time ago. You can obtain these companions at any bar, club, or KTV.

The basic setup is (for guys) a group of girls will work with the establishment and position themselves off to the side. In a large club, this might be near a side door, or near the stage. They are paid a small amount by the club to be available. When a new person enters the club, whether an individual or a group of people, the manager will welcome them. He / she will take their orders for drinks and set them down at a table or location. In a KTV, this would be a “good” room.

The manager would also ask if anyone would like a companion. If so, the price of the companion would be added to the bar tab or club bill. Then, they would wave the girls (or guys) over and you would select one or how many you want.

The girls tend to be young. This is from around 18 years to maybe 21 years old. The older girls either get married, get a different job, or graduate to the KTV scene. Being a youngish companion, the girls need to be watched by the manager. Or else they would just sit there and play with their cell phone. They would do this instead of playing with the patrons, getting them drunk and singing and dancing.

And this is how the basic setup works.

The difference is that at a Business KTV, the girls are (slightly) older, more mature, better dancers and singers, and much more beautiful. And..

And… they are also willing to spend more (ahem) quality time with you afterwards. They also tend to be more frisky. Heh heh.

All for a price, don’t you know…

Age of the girls

Where the companions at a bar, or club might be youngish girls in the 18 to 21 year range, the girls at a KTV tend to be older and more experienced.

The age of the girls differs from most other KTV and bar avenues. Inside a business KTV, the girls are expected to provide a service. That means, that they are forbidden to sit there and play on their cell phone once they are selected. That means that they must play with the client, and monitor his drink intake. It means that they must control the environment so that he has a good time and does not lose any face. Young girls are too inexperienced, or not mature enough for this level of responsibility.

The girls in a business KTV are typically between 22 and 29 years of age. I would guess that the highest percentage of them are around 23 to 25 years old.

Girls of the Business KTV.
The girls that you will encounter as Hostesses in a Business KTV in China will tend to be attractive, and stunning. These girls are really high quality, young and intelligent.

Girls at a KTV – The Lineup

The girls at a KTV will be presented to you in numerous ways.

Firstly, they might welcome you at the door when you come in. It is not at all unusual to go through a gauntlet of 400 to 700 girls when they are lined up this way. And, even more commonly, small groups of girls, from ten to thirty girls will be brought to your KTV room where you can select them from a lineup.

The girls will be trooped in, and the music will be turned down. The lights will be turned up so that it isn’t so dark, and the manager will introduce the girls to you and your associates.

The girls will all be wearing matching clothing. Or, if it is a big establishment a couple of different types of dresses. I used to wonder about this, but it’s all pretty simple. The girls go in and out of different costumes as part of their presentations to the various clients. Some are involved in other skits or activities such as selling cigars or working in one capacity or the other so they might be wearing a different uniform. Some girls will be pulled in off of an activity where they are scantily dressed. In that case, they might wear a white man’s shirt to cover themselves with.

Your job, at this stage, is to select a girl to be your hostess for the night.

Girl Selection

The most important thing, and the only thing that you have any degree of control over is the selection of the Hostess.

Pick the girl that strikes your fancy. If she is in the first line up, so be it. I typically get a girl by the time the third line up enters. I mean, goodness, if you cannot find an attractive girl when 60 attractive females are paraded in front of you, then you are useless.

You can ask the girls to turn around so you can see their backsides.

You can also ask which ones speak any English. Though, for the most part the KTV’s are loud and noisy. So we just use YouDou or WeChat to translate. In any event, you want a girl that you will have fun with. So, pick a girl that suits your fancy.

If you see a different girl that you like better, swap them out. The girl won’t care. Not really.

During the selection process the girls will typically all have a number pinned to their dress. This number is the number of the girl and is used for billing purposes.

There will also be variations in color. The color range is usually based on three stages; cheap, middle, and expensive. Maybe yellow, green and red for example. As an American, my tastes do not match those of a Chinese man. So, as a result, a cheap priced girl I might find fantastically alluring, while an expensive priced girl might be too thin or pale for my tastes. In any event, if the boss is paying your way. Price is no object.

The girl will remove the number shortly once she settles down with a client. Generally, she will continue to wear the introductory dress for the first hour or so, then she will leave to go to the locker room and change into her day to day clothes. High-end girls will typically change into a nice party dress, while more “regular” girls will change into street clothes. This might be a sweater and a pair of jeans or something similar.

In all cases, I personally find the girls to be much more alluring when they are wearing their “own” clothes. But, that’s just me.

Often, I have been given the opportunity to select two girls, and even three, to play with. Sometimes it is planned, and sometimes it just works out that way. You knew can know. Personally, I like having three girls play with me, fuss all over me, and have fun with. It’s just… well…

… you know, I am just a man. I am not a machine.

I am a man. I am not a machine.

Now, this is not the USA. You can play with the girls and you most certainly will. Throughout China, the girls are “hand’s on”. Which means something different than what the American idiom means. Instead, it means that you can pretty much explore their entire body with your drunk roaming hands. Now that pretty much remains the case whether or not you take them to the room upstairs with you.

All companions are this way. From the young girls in the bars and clubs to the girls in the KTV establishments.

However, please take note, that a slimy drunk slob is not someone that any of the Hostesses would want to spend any time in the room (or bed) with. So, as a rule, I for the most part remain a gentleman, and only initiate sexual contact when edged on by the other boss, or if presented with that opportunity by the girl herself.

KTV lineup
KTV hostesses lining up at the start of a workday. Like all companies in China, there is a morning “tailgate” where the new of the day is presented and the workers are reviewed for appearance.

That being said, depending on the time, place, and the situations, sometimes the girls might elect to  go semi-nude. They will take off their dress and be with you only wearing their panties. Unlike the United States, the rest of the world doesn’t have the same kind of taboos about woman’s’ breasts that Americans have. So if this is indeed the case, just enjoy and have a good time.

It will be a good time.

Sometimes the girls might come to you.

Depending on your role and the conditions, it just might be favorable for you to just stay in your hotel room, and call up for some girls to be your companions. That’s fine.

If that occurs, for what ever reason, it will look a little something like this… (Sorry for the quality of the video, I was having trouble extracting an embedded video in MS Word.) Check it out…

Selecting a companion in your hotel room.

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The Chinese Business KTV Experience


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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Pretty Boys for the Girls

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Page 10 of 17.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Let’s look at KTV pretty boys.

Of course, as a man, I concentrate on all the pretty Chinese girls that work as hostesses at the KTV establishments. I do so because I am a man, and having a time with handsome men just isn’t my thing. I like to be with the pretty girls. I love their actions, their appearances and everything about them.

I am not at all shy to say this. For biologically, a healthy man, will always be interested in the female gender. Men who are not interested in women have a mental illness. Yes, I know that this is not politically correct, but heck, I know that science (and history) is on my side.

Here’s to beautiful girls…

But that is just me. You know.

I am “old fashioned”. I am not all hip to this new progressive multi-gender lifestyle and one where being queer is normal and expected. Nonsense. I never was interested in having same sex relations outside of friendships. I am quite satisfied just being with attractive girls.

That all being said, the Chinese recognize that women have needs and desires. And thus, it can be profitable to cater to them. Thus, there are many KTV’s that cater to the ladies, and of course, the men that also like men…

And for the girls…

There are KTV pretty boys.

Now, you shouldn’t be under the opinion that China is a sexist nation. It’s not. Everyone is equal here. Just like the male Bosses can go to a KTV and  pick out an attractive girl to play with, a female boss can go to a KTV and pick out an attractive boy to play with.

For some reason, one that I am unsure of, the KTV boys that service the ladies all dress in white. Everything is white. They tend to be in their twenties to mid thirties. They, just like the ladies have their own network of clients and “favorites”. Often the wealthy female boss would buy expensive presents for the boys. For instance, a Ferrari, or a Lamborghini.

Yes… they are that wealthy.

Men in white
The men who take on the Host role for the female bosses would all dress in white. They would look something like this. All would be thin, well groomed and attired.

The guys typically defoliate their entire body except for the head so that there isn’t any hair. None have facial hair. They are also impeccably attired and very very clean. They take classes in how to dance, talk and make interesting small talk. Once they are chosen by the female boss, they give her every attention.

There are those who have ended up doing drugs, but for the most part, they try to keep clean and sober. They will drink but really do everything they can so that they will not embarrass their client.

The number of guys to girls ratio is smaller. If the KTV would have maybe 600 girls, it might employ only ten or so guys. The need for guys, while present, is not as great as a demand that exists for the girls. Often the guys would be friends with the girls and there would be many dates and fun times together outside of work. Both hosts and hostesses know how to have a good time so the time together tends to be of high quality.

In many ways these guys are very typical of the male version of the female Hostesses of the KTV’s in China. A well-heeled female boss can expect to have her pick for a companion for the night.

Typically, but not always, the same manager for the girls would manage the boys.

The boys can make much more money than the ladies do. If they find a rich and maybe lonely female boss, they can easily earn a couple of million dollars a year. (Seriously!) The females that hire these men are typically 40 years old and up. Many are millionaires, and some are even billionaires.

The young men who do work in the KTV’s tend to be very popular. They have cultivated their skills, and do everything that they can to be a pleasing and suitable companion to wealthy Chinese clientele.
China does not discriminate between girls and guys.  While most KTV’s maintain a contingent of girls, there are those that have a mixtures of girls and guys, and even some that are guys only.  The men, typically in their twenties are all handsome, well groomed, (clean) and attractive.  They (at least the ones I am familiar with) wear all white. (It’s a Shenzhen thing, I hear.) The situation and selection for them is the same.  The only difference is that what a woman finds attractive in a rent-a-boy is different than what a guy finds of interest in a rent-a-girl.

They also tend to be rather torturous with the young men. I have heard stories of the women getting the guy so worked up and horny and not permitting him to ejaculate. And sit there, with their friends, enjoying him suffer. They would make sure that he would take the necessary medicine to get an erection and drive him insane with desire. Then watch him pine away in agony.

Male 女公关 line up at a Chinese Business KTV. This is pretty common in the venues that offer services for the ladies. Some establishments cater ONLY to the ladies, and they have all sorts of fun inside. Fun and adventures that I can only guess about.

I have heard stories of women burning parts of the boys skin with cigarettes and melting hot wax and pouring hot oil on parts of their bodies. Some can be rather cruel. I have no idea why this is so. Maybe they are tying to get back at the male gender for some reason or the other.

I understand that some KTV’s allow the boys to mix up their outfits somewhat. This is only hearsay. The KTV’s that I know of have a strict all-white dress code to prevent confusion. I have heard that some allow certain exceptions to the dress code so as to be on the cutting edge of fashion.

White uniform
Certain KTV’s permit the boys to accessorize their uniform and costumes somewhat. As in China, the boys do not have the same kinds of freedoms that the girls have when it comes to the working environment and dress codes.

My former Marketing Manager thought that having an attractive man to tend to her every need was a good thing. She really enjoyed the company. I can confirm this two times, let me tell you…


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The Chinese Business KTV Experience


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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Conclusion and Summary

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Page 18 of 18. This is the last page of the series.

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This was a compilation of information that is sorely lacking on the internet; information regarding “Business KTV operations” in China. It is a huge industry, it employs millions, there isn’t one single factory or business boss that hasn’t gone to one. Everyone knows about it. But…

But no one ever talks about it.

Those that try, are often shouted down by the ignorant and the legions of enraged SJW who want to make the world perfect with unicorns prancing under a rainbow hued sky. They shout back in anger and feigned disgust. So, what happens? People just live their lives, and keep quiet.

Well, now you know.

You know, knowledge is a good thing. Overall, I think that it is refreshing to hear the truth about things rather than live a lie painted by others. That’s how you grow, experience life, and make decisions upon.

We need to look at the “big picture”. We need to see how everything connects together. We need to see the reality of what is, before we try to change things to make something “better”, “improved”, or “wonderful”. Or else we will have to endure a childhood wearing bubble wrap…

Playground Comparisons

Or a lifetime of eating plastic cardboard boxes…


Or, banning things because… you know… just because


Now, while the Business KTV has a degree of prostitution, you should not be blinded by that sole aspect of it. The true and real purpose of a Business KTV is to reward high performing bosses and talent for contributions to the company.

Or, perhaps you think that Alibaba, and Huawei got to be so big by giving their high performers paperclips and cheap pens with logos?

Is a Business KTV good or bad?

Seriously, the thought that I would be rewarded with a fun night with other bosses really motivates me. That is far superior to the ball-point pen with a logo that said “Success is a way of life” that Magnavox gave me for saving the company five million dollars.

It is also superior to the coupon for a free coffee at Tim Hortons that Pollak gave me for designing, producing, and perfecting the E-ETRESS system.

I personally think that it is far superior to the corporate note pad with the company logo on it that I got out of Delco Electronics for perfecting a remotely programmable SIMM on the ECM modules.

When you work and toil in your corporate job, look at how they reward you.

Girls vrs pens
What motivates you to work harder? Which is the better reward for skipping vacations, working overtime with no monetary benefit, and working weekends? Which is the better reward when you save the company a few million dollars?

I think that the Chinese system is superior.

Important Notes

  • Never refuse the offer for a dinner or KTV. While the boss might accept and agree to work with you, it will be done so reluctantly with a “clothespin on his nose”. As you have insulted him, his factory / business, and the Chinese culture.
  • Understand that the arrangements for a dinner, KTV room, and girls have already been arranged days ahead of time. To think or expect otherwise is an insult to the boss who places a great deal of time and effort into your meeting with him.
  • Going to a KTV does not guarantee any kind of sexual encounter. That is up to the participants and the environment. Remember, it is the girl that decides what will happen. You never make that decision, no matter how much you want to.
  • If you are unwilling to do business in China using Chinese industrial norms, then you should expect the consequences. Don’t, for the love of God, be the “Ugly American“.
"Ugly American" is a pejorative term used to refer to perceptions of loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant, and ethnocentric behavior of American citizens mainly abroad, but also at home. Although the term is usually associated with or applied to travelers and tourists, it also applies to U.S. corporate businesses in the international arena.

Take Aways

  • KTV’s are popular in China.
  • The business KTV’s cater to bosses. They have their own ways of doing things.
  • Both women and men can enjoy themselves at a Business KTV.
  • There is the potential for sexual pleasures at such a KTV, but it is not guaranteed.
  • Visiting such an establishment can be expensive, thus they are typically only reserved for special occasions and special business relationships.
  • Female hostesses work at a KTV for various reasons. The most common is to find a mate with a good job and a steady income. You go to where the best likelihood of finding what you are interested in, is.
  • Male Hosts work at a KTV for their own reasons. I do not know their reasons. It varies from person to person. I do not know what they are.
  • If you go to a Business KTV, take ED medication, and control your drinking.
  • The best way to impress a Chinese boss is to drink hard and eat a chicken’s head.
  • When having sex with a stranger use a condom.


Q: How can I find a Business KTV?
A: Ask the factory boss in the town that you are doing business with. He will probably be able to point you in the general direction. Else, you can go into a Business Hotel and chat with the manager there and ask where any exciting girls and girl action might take place.

Q: Is a Business KTV the only type of prostitution available in China? 
A: No. Not by a long shot. In fact, it is a rather small subset of society that caters only to company leadership, management and bosses.

And, keep in mind, the potential of prostitution in a Business KTV is determined by the aggressiveness and the ambitions of the local girls / women in the community where the KTV is located. They determine the need, the rates, and the quality of care.

There are other venues such as escorts, and the like that a person can visit and use if all you want to do is to have sex with a girl.  If all you want to do is to have sex, you can go to a salon, or pick up a street walker for maybe $25 to $50. It need not be expensive. You go, get the gal, pay the money and get yourself off. It’s far better than reliance on internet images and magazines.

Besides, these gals have families to support. Instead of giving some rich California software king your money to download an x-rated porn movie, give it to the girl’s so her children can eat dinner and her husband can get a new pair of work boots.

Q: What are the types of prostitution in China?
A: There are many.

  • Mistress or Second wife (二奶, èrnăi): She gets a monthly salary in exchange for regular sexual favors. Even if she usually does not offer romance or family life, sometimes she lives with the customer and may wish to marry him.
  • Packaged girl (包婆, bāopó ): Similar to second wives but only work for limited time, as on business trips. These two upper tiers correspond to the ancient concubine, although the second wife and packaged girl are mostly kept secretly rather than in the household. Only rich men can afford them, therefore these girls are often considered to be linked to corruption.
  • Female companions (陪女, péinǚ): You can find them everywhere in China: restaurants, karaoke – the (in)famous KTV xiăojie, – bars and clubs. Often, in bars and most typical establishments, they usually stay in a corner playing with their cell phone and drinking some cocktails till a customer arrives. Many of these girls are employed to dance, sing, drink with the customers that pay for a table or, it the case of KTVs, for a room. Some of them will eventually leave with the customers. Business KTV’s is a subset of this class, where the best girls work.
  • Escorts. These girls are available either to your room, or at their house or at a mutually agreed hotel room. They advertise on the internet, and tend to be moderately expensive. A typical example is this link for Shenzhen massage. The girls are all attractive and speak English.
Escorts can make a good decent salary, and like all industries, rely on repeat customers. Most work hard at it for five to ten years and then retire after they either traveled the world, established a family, or started a business.
  • Ding dong girls (叮咚小姐, dīngdōng xiăojie): Literally like pressing a door bell “ding dong”. Typically, they go to a hotel that seems to have a lot of customers – single and lonely men. What they do is that they rent a room there and call the other rooms offering their services. They do this by sliding a card under your hotel room door. This is usually a “massage.” Of course. having a massage with a happy ending is legal in China. It used to be that they would knock on your door, or slide a card under your door to offer you some fun services. Now, it is quite possible for other more intimate participatory services can be offered for a reasonable fee. That is always negotiable. You can add to this category also the girls that look for customers on QQ (the Chinese MSN) or on the web in general.
Ding dong cards.
Ding Dong Girls cards that were slid under my hotel door when I was staying in Shanghai. You can find these cards all over China.
  • Hairdressers and masseuses (发廊妹, fàlángmèi): Chinese hair salons and massage parlors are the place to go if you want to get a cheap “happy ending” (usually by masturbation or oral sex), especially the ones full of bored half-naked girls lighted up by pink lights you can find close to a train or subway station.
Gils in a salon
Typically the girls will be sitting around in the salon waiting for a customer to walk in. Truthfully, there are usually many many girls, often thirty to fifty that occupy one room. Great selection. Low prices and happy endings all around.

The fàlángmèi are often migrants from the countryside and perform contractual work under a proprietress (lăobănniáng) or a pimp (pítiáo) who provide them with housing, clothing and food, as well as a cell phone and monthly subscription. They do not make much more money than a worker, unless they receive tips from the customers.

  • Street girl (街女, jiēnǚ): The name explains everything. They solicit customers in the halls of the hotels, bars and other entertainment outlets. They may offer petting (shàngbànchăng, first half) or intercourse (xiàbànchăng, second half). Street prostitutes may be accompanied by a lăobănniáng or work on their own. They are those at greatest risk of being apprehended by the police. We also call them “chicken girls” which is the English translation of 街女.
Chicken girls
Here is a group of ladies photographed so that their faces remain hidden. You can easily see that they are free of tattoos, piercings, rashes or pockmarks typical of drug abuse, of normal weight – not obese – and pretty normal girls.
  • Underclass girl (下工棚, xiàgōngpéng): They live in urban slums (such as they are), or the seedier and poorer neighborhoods in the fifth tier towns.  They can typically be found at construction sites. They fill a social and sexual void, as the migrant workers usually have left their wives at home, and are paid with food.

Q: Is prostitution rampant in China?
A: No. It might seem like that because If you were to compare percentages you would be surprised to find that prostitution, by percentage of the population, is actually very tiny. Remember, China has a huge population.

Like any other nation, prostitution will exist. However, China is a very conservative and traditional nation. Prostitution is not considered to be a good thing.

On the whole, if you want to see a prostitute, you should to go Thailand or the Philippines. Not China.

China is NOT a sex monger’s paradise. It is a paradise for hard workers, those who strive and achieve, and people who believe in working together for the common good. If you work hard, study hard and do your best, China will reward you. There are no easy routes in China.

In China, it is the person with their “nose to the grindstone” that becomes a success.

When I see articles saying that China accepts prostitution and that sexual sales and slavery of young children exists, I get mad. That is absolutely not the case. NOT AT ALL. I tell you this two times. China has been very hard on the prostitution industry and many things that are fine and dandy in the West is forbidden in China. Such as unedited R-rated movies, and such. China is a conservative, traditional nation.

Q: What is the best alcohol to drink at a KTV?
A: For a business KTV, you will need to drink with the boss. After that event is finished, please heed my advice and chill out. You can drink all the beer you want. Alternatively you can drink severely watered down whiskey. Take it from me, you don’t want to wake up nude with three girls ready to have fun with you, and you are way too drunk (too much alcohol in your system) to “get it up”. Heed my advice.

Q: Are these girls clean? Do I need to wear a condom?
A: Yes the girls are clean, and yes you do need to wear a condom. They work six days a week, most of the year. They typically have three to seven sexual adventures per week with who knows who. You do not want to catch any type of sexually transmitted sickness.

Also keep in mind that while the condom might be good, note that if you have a cut, a bruise, and a pinch from the zipper fly in your jeans, then don’t have sex. Illnesses can be transmitted through sweat and precious bodily fluids just as easily. When in doubt take care and be careful. If need be, cancel and reschedule until you are all healed up down there.

I advise NEVER to have any sexual romps with anyone if you have a cut or an open wound, no matter how tiny, and no matter where it is located. Do not take the chance.

Thank you.

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The Chinese Business KTV Experience


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Things that I wish that I knew when I was 25 years old

Here is the advice that I would give myself when I turned 25 years of age. It is the advice I would give my younger self after attending the school of “hard knocks” for around four decades or so. Back then, I had just got married to my first wife. The world was wide open to me. I was poor, but very hopeful. As were both of us.

Now, in my 60’s, I look back at my life. I look at the mistakes that I made, I look at the assumptions that I had, and I see how they affected the life that lived. If I had a time machine, and go back four or so decades, what would I tell myself?

What would I tell myself to do differently in the early years of the Ronald Reagan administration? What would I advise myself to do, and not to do?

Would I tell myself “buy as much Microsoft, McDonalds stock as you possibly can”? Or, would I advise something different? Would I concentrate on obtaining huge sums of money or would I concentrate on happiness?

Truthfully. I think that I would advise happiness over money.

Ah… Back then…

Well, like most people of the “boomer” generation, we were taught that if you applied yourself that you would get a “great job”, and the company would take care of you for the rest of your life. We believed then, laughingly so, that we would get a pension. And, that our retirement years would be fully funded by both the social security system and the pensions from our employer(s).

What a laugh!

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Here is the Career Advice that I would give my 25 year old self. And, for starters, the very first and most important lesson that I would give would be this…

[1] Be your own boss. Working for someone else sucks.

All my life, at home, at school, in the boy-scouts, and at the jobs that I worked, I was constantly told that I must “work hard”, so that I can reap the rewards of being a loyal employee. I could get all the “perks” of management. I could get bonuses, extra vacation time. I could get a generous pension, and the pride that is instilled by being a “loyal” worker.

Nonsense. Not one employer valued my labors appropriately. Not one.

Hey! That E-ETRESS device in every single General Motors vehicle, you know the one… this disables the car by remote control via satellite. Yeah, well I was the fella what designed it. I was the project manager and that little baby was mine.

This little puppy was easily worth millions to GM, and I am sure helped them get millions of dollars in military and government contracts as well. Don’t tell me that I don’t know what I’m talking about. I was also involved in contract negotiations regarding it.

Hey! What did I get?

What did I get for all the long nights, and working “unpaid overtime”? What did I get for my innovations, my organization, my contribution? What did the company reward me with?

I got a ball-point pen that said “Success is a way of life”.

Inspirational pen
Here’s some inspirational ball-point pens. The one that I got from GM was similar to this, only with a different saying and color scheme. And, I only received one pen. American companies will prefer to give out cheap gifts than to pay for innovation and effort.

Once the program was finished, I was let go.

This is what many companies do with their high-end technical experts. They "pull a NASA". (Referring to the mass layoff of about 90% of the "Rocket Scientists" by Tricky Dickie when he killed the Apollo Moon Exploration Program in the early 1970's.)

It happened on a Friday, about five minutes after I had my coat on and walking out the door. My manager ran up after me and asked me to walk with him to the HR office. I was told to hand in my badge. I wasn’t even permitted to go up and clean out my desk. The security staff did it for me.

I didn’t even get a severance package.

I was given a piece of paper that simply said that they would not contest my unemployment benefits.

(I had unknowingly trained my replacement(s). These were cheaper foreign H1B visa engineers out of India.) 

This would of course ONLY happen as long as I agreed to leave quietly and not divulge anything that I knew to a competitor (for five years).

The NDA (Non-Disclosure / Compete Agreement) is a staple in the industry. It is used to silence employees and control what they do once they leave a company.

Living paycheck to paycheck sucks. You take what you need to take.

Working for someone during this time was one of scrambling to find a new job while your saving depletes. Then scurrying to learn the new job requirements, doing your best, and completing your project. Then, rinse and repeat.

Rinse and repeat.

Different companies, same story. In one, I was given an award for the “Most Valuable Employee” and had my picture taken and put into the newspaper. The day the paper hit the streets, I was let go. In another, while everyone gathering the pot-luck lunch for Christmas eve, my boss took me to his office and let me go. I didn’t even get a chance to eat with everyone else, and the dish that the tuna casserole that I brought in was never returned.

This was my story from the 1980’s into the first decade of this new century. It wasn’t until I started working for companies based outside of America did I start being treated like a valuable human again. In the USA, there are no employee protections. No matter what the law says. Functionally there are no protections.

Your experience might be different. I hear that companies in California care about their employees. They give them all kinds of "perks" to show their affection towards the staff. Like ping-pong tables, free sodas, and caramel latte coffees every morning with whole-wheat buttered toast with vegetarian spreads and guacamole.

Meanwhile, outside the USA, it is quite different.

Here is how Chinese companies reward high performers. They give them cold hard cash as tax-free bonuses. Those little bundles that she is handling out is around $12,000 USD to each person. The last time I received a bonus was when I was working in the coal mines. At that time it was equal to two weeks salary. Today, I never hear of American companies giving out year-end bonuses.

Watch. You’ll see the Chinese companies eat American companies alive. You can’t compete when you treat your star performers as disposable fast food containers.

The lesson here is simple. The only way that you can control your life is by yourself. Never. Never. NEVER expect a boss to give a rat’s ass about your life, your efforts, or your contributions. Be the boss or be a worker. There is no in-between.

Working for someone else is what losers do. A real man is his own boss. For it is better to be the boss of your tiny $5 empire, than to prostitute yourself for table scraps.

[1.5] Don’t expect to become rich overnight.

It’s not going to happen. Here’s a great article on this subject. Read it, but don’t get discouraged.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you. They are deceiving you for their very own personal gain. You will need to learn and experience some failures first. It’s how the system works.


[2] Have Patience.

You need to go at your speed to achieve your goals. That is, more often nothing approaching “light-speed”.

Do not let your perceptions about the lifestyles of others force you to speed up or rush. It does not matter is people are getting rich off of “junk bonds” or “bit coin”. It’s none of your business if the Savings and Loans are making money hand over fist. Nor it it your business if your neighbor bought a new pick-up. Life is not a competition against others.

Life is not a competition.

All through school you are educated to compete against your classmates. Grades are put on a bell-shaped curve, and you need to be on the top of the curve to make a great life for yourself.


Your life is controlled by your thoughts, actions and deeds. Be yourself, exactly as you are, and let the rest of the world burn in flames. It’s none of your business.

You be true to yourself, your family and your friends. The rest of the world can worry about the boy-scouts becoming the queer scouts. The rest of the world can worry about pleasing the boss. You have more important things on your mind. You have a life, live it well.

You have a life. It’s a short one. Live it well.

[3] When an Opportunity Comes – Take it, and don’t look back.

Opportunities do not come often, and yet when they do come, we find ourselves questioning ourselves. Don’t.

Stop. Make a full stop right here and right now. Listen to me. The best things that I have ever experienced in my life came when I took the opportunity that was presented to me.

Sales Pitch

Don’t be the old man who wishes that he would have gone out with the pretty girl who desperately wanted to eat pizza with him. Don’t be the sad loser who complains about the time when he should have invested in the “Cracker Barrel” restaurant chain or “Apple computers” when he had the chance. Don’t be the old man still talking about the “good old days” when he was the star quarterback in High School.

The difference between you and everyone else; the difference between a magnificent man, and an “average Joe” is one of degree. If you always take the safe road, the road that everyone else travels, then you will be…

Well, you will be just like everyone else.

When an opportunity comes, take it! Don’t look back. Grab it by the horns and give it every single ounce of energy that you have. Fight for your dream. Fight for the opportunity. Make your dreams happen. The spotlight is on you. Take the opportunity and ride it to personal perfection.

[4] Most success is through constant dedication and repetition.

You need to get good at something first, then expand on it. You just can’t go jumping from one project to the next. Pick ONE. Pick only one project and work at it. Work at it every day, constantly and tirelessly. Maybe your initial tries will be failures, but eventually you will become good enough at it.

This might mean long days, and long nights.

If you happen to have a “green thumb”, then keep at it. Learn about plants. Enjoy the soil, the nutrients and the joys of harvesting. If you happen to be employed flipping burgers, then be the best Gawd darn burger flipper in the industry. Flip those burgers over and over.

It doesn’t matter if your are making furniture in your home shop, or designing a computer system for the next stellar probe. Be the best at what you do. Keep at it, and don’t jump around. Many times you will be alone. Many times you will live a life that you “didn’t sign up for”. It doesn’t matter.

Plow forward. Never give up.

[5] Don’t get all caught up in having a “career”

Once you are fresh out of the military or out of school, you start to work “on your career”. Trust me, there’s nothing all that great about having a career.

Yes, there is a difference between a “career” and a “job”. A career is more like a ladder that you build upon, year after year. A job is a one-shot deal for exchanging your time for money.

The problem is that 90% of the managers and bosses in the United States will treat you as an employee working at a job (for them). While there will be some lip service given to “educational advancement”, it’s for the most part, just lip-service. What they really care about is whether or not you can provide a service for them at the lowest price possible. If they can get it done cheaper, without too much risk, they will replace you.

Thus, in the big picture, a career is just another word for a job.

The end game isn’t about all the degrees you have; all the certifications you carry, the patents you have or the papers your wrote. It doesn’t matter if you have twenty five years experience in designing windshield wipers for automobiles, or being an expert in the setting up of strip malls.

None of that matters.

What does matter is YOU. What does matter is your family. What does matter are your friends.

Never neglect your family, your friends, and most importantly, your health for a job, a career or a boss.

I had my first (and hopefully my last) heart attack when I was 35 years old. I worked in Shreveport, Louisiana for a tyrannical manager who placed impossible goals on all of us. His belief (quite popular at the time, and well-promoted in the professional media) was if you place an impossible goal, the workers will strive to attain it.

The only thing is, the goals really were physically impossible. And failure meant being fired.

You can scream and moan. You can threaten and cajole. You can throw chairs around in the conference room, and demand that people work until 10pm at night. None of that is going to change the fact that it physically takes a finite amount of time to hog out a plastic injection tool made out of P3 steel. Machines can only run so fast.

Now, here’s my little story.

At the time I was rushing, like everyone else to make the end of week mandatory meeting at 6pm. (These things lasted from one to three hours long, and were every Friday. We would finish the meeting, and then we would drag our asses back home at 9pm or so to our families. We would eat reheated supper plates in the microwave and then turn in from exhaustion.)

The manager insisted that the door to the meeting room be locked, and if you can’t make the meeting, a black mark was placed near your name. You didn’t want a black mark. Bad things happened to people with black marks.

At that time, I was involved a a pretty tricky reverse engineering of an electric powdered chainsaw, with an impossible implementation time line. As I was scrambling to leave the machine shop after working on a prototype, I suddenly felt like some giant pulled a string out of my heart. I collapsed on the floor and could not get my breath. I’ll never forget that feeling, and it scared the living shit out of me.

I went home. Went to the hospital during the weekend, and discovered that my heart was damaged by the attack. The doctor gave me some pills, and told me to take it easier, and do all the rest. yada yada yada. I rested up and then showed up for work on Monday as usual.

On Monday, when I came into work, the manager called me in his office and reamed me up and down. He even called in other co-workers to agree with him and this party of four people belittled me for hours. A weaker man would have given up. He would have said “Fuck it!”, and left.

But I had a sick wife. I could not afford to quit the job. So I stuck on.

All this being said. It was my fault for walking into this situation and dealing with it. There were other options that I could, and maybe should, have taken. But I didn’t take the alternatives. I thought that I could persevere and work everything out. I was wrong.

Don’t be like me. Prioritize you life, and no not allow anything to distract from your priorities.

  • You come first. Be healthy. You need to be physically, emotional, socially, and spiritually fit.
  • Family comes next. Take care of your immediate family, and then make sure that your secondary family members are not neglected.
  • Friends come after that. We are not lone wolves. We need community, church and friends. Cherish and cultivate these relationships. They are more important than we tend to realize.

Never forget what friends are for…

Never Forget What Friends are For.

Prioritize the people in your life. Cherish and respect their importance. Take care of them, and they, in turn, will take care of you. We are not alone in the wilderness, we are part of a community. Take on and fulfill that role.

[6] Lunches are your time. Make them count.

Over the years, I have eaten a lifetime supply of fast food for lunch and then would sit in the car listening to the EIB network on the radio. I would drive the car to a shady spot, Eat my burger and fries. I would drink my cola and chill out.

I was wasting my time.

Life is too short to waste on fast food, or sub-standard meals. This is true whether it is a bag lunch made out of baloney sandwiches, or a fast food meal. Don’t skimp on YOUR time.

For lunch is YOUR time. Yes, I know that there are companies that insist that you “train” during lunches (like a few that I worked in while I lived in Boston), but this time is yours. Use it wisely.

Life is too short to eat substandard food.

One thing that I have learned over the years is that other nations don’t rush and wolf down fast food in order to come back after lunch on time. They take their time. They spend time with friends, co-workers or family. They take naps, and even drink and smoke during lunch.

Yeah. Imagine that!

Enjoy life more.

Up until the 1970’s many American companies provided a free lunch to their workers. The workers could either eat at the company cafeteria or go out and get a bite at a local restaurant or bar. This was very common at the steel mills in Pittsburgh.

Then during the 1980’s many companies shut down or relocated to the Southern states. When they relocated, they cut out or severely curtailed the lunches that they provided. Additionally, they cut down the length of time for lunch. It went from two hours to one hour, and in many cases to a half an hour. It is no surprise that as companies reduced their lunch breaks, that there was a corresponding rise in the popularity of fast food establishments.

And, with the increase in fast food restaurants, and their diets, came an increase in national obesity. I guess that you could easily show a link between American’s diet and health problems and the degradation of the way workers were treated by companies

So, now you know.

Take care of yourself. Lunch is your time. Make it count. Have a good healthy meal, relax and rest. Instead of rushing about… Go to a restaurant. Order the special. Sit down. Relax. The food will be delivered to you and savor it. Then once you are finished, go to your car and take a nap for the remainder of your lunch break. Rest. This is your time. Never forget that.

[7] Things will always end

My father tried to tell me this when I was enduring a particularly bad low point in my life. Yet, it is true. No matter how bad things are, they will eventually change around. Yes, it might take years, and for some…decades, but they will turn around. The most important thing to realize is that you, as a man, must keep slugging though the storm.

This can mean a difficult day at the office, or a marriage that is on a bumpy road down hill. It can mean anything, but it is true. Our thoughts and our actions will eventually reach a point where they will say “enough is enough!”, and it will start to dissipate. Oh, maybe you the reader don’t know the connection that I am referring to. But, it is the truth. All things eventually end.

All things eventually end. That means the good and the bad.

Change is a staple of our life. Embrace it and learn that life is not static trench warfare with red and blue lines advancing and moving slowly over battle field maps. No. It is a a dynamic and constantly changing mish-mash of confusion, and it is your responsibility to keep your head level and above the fray.

Just remember that it will, some day, eventually end. It really will. Whether by exhaustion or you taking action to remove yourself from the situation. All things do end.

Keep in mind that maybe Forrest Gump was right that “Life is like a box of chocolates, you’ll never know what you’ll get”. You can change the box.

YOU can change THE box.

[8] When a friend offers you advice, take it.

I was once dating a phlebotomist in Boston. This gal collected the blood from people all over the area and sent it to the labs for testing. It’s a job, and she did it well.

Well, one day, for fun she was showing me how to sample and take blood. We sampled from her arm and then we sampled from my arm. The thing is, that when we sampled from my arm, the blood (once it settled out) was not all red with a little bit of white at the bottom. No. It was about 75% white with about 25% red.

She looked at it. And, again. She looked at it and studied it. She said that in all the years of her sampling blood, she had never seen that happen.

She thought about it, and said “this isn’t right“.

So she sampled again, and then a third time. In all cases, my blood would be mostly white with only a smaller portion that would be red. She kept on saying…”this isn’t right.“.

She told me that I should see a doctor. I said, “Hey I feel fine.” and left it at that.

The next day after work she asked me if I saw a doctor, and I told her that I didn’t need to see one. So, she huffed and told me to get into the car, and she drove me to the emergency room, and told the doctor what was going on and showed them the tube with the blood sample.

They set me down and drew some blood, and then after looking at the results, immediately took more samples. They moved me to a room off the ICU and put me on emergency medicines and I had to spend three days in observation.

It turned out that I had a rare condition. (Who’d figure?) I had a thing called “hyperviscosity syndrome”. (One like THIS guy had.)

Yeah, I got all fixed up. I was told to severely change the way I ate, and to lower my stress levels. That eventually (with many starts and stops) set me down the road to “Fuck you! Take this job and shove it. Be a human or not, It’s not my problem anymore.”

Businessmen hire high-performers and demand 200% performance 100% of the time. But that is never realistic. I don't know what they are teaching at universities today, but the crop of MBA's out in the industry in the 1990's were really out of touch with human interaction.


When a friend tells you something important, then you have to listen to them. When someone you care about tells you that you need to change your hairstyle, appearance or clothing… listen. And, when a loved one wants you to go to the hospital…you friggin’ go!

[9] Don’t act you age

All my life, I was told to “act my age”. This was something that my father wanted to instill in me. He wanted me to be mature, serious and a “good young man”. Nonsense! He was wrong.

I did things his way for the longest time. What did I get out of it? Well, I got a heart attack, clogged arteries, a fine average life working for tyrannical bosses and being laid off suddenly every year or so.

Fuck. That.

So I leaned how to ballroom dance. I learned how to paint in oils and paint figurines and nudes. I learned how to write poetry. I learned how to enjoy and taste food. I learned that singing a song, drinking wine and just being playful was enormously attractive to beautiful women.

Smile and have fun.

Incorporate elements of play into everything that you do. Make your projects into “games”. Stop being so serious. Turn exercises into fun dance routines.

Have fun when you are doing things.

I started enjoying life more, and when I did so, my health got better. My enjoyment of life increased exponentially, and I became notable and (dare I say it) popular.

People want to be around happy, relaxed people. People want some sunshine in their lives. People need to feel connections with others. This is your life. Make it count.

If you are 40 years old and want to build a tree house. Do it! If you are lonely, and always wanted to meet women, learn how to dance. And… finally….

Don’t act your age. Act how you want to act, and to Hell with everyone else. If you want to play, then play. If you want to work and build up a life, then do so. If you want to sing, dance drink wine and carouse with girls, then have at it. And… If you want to succeed in business, act and behave like you are 35 and full of piss and vinegar.

[10] Learn to identify threats

When we are born and grow up in our own individual families we are taught that the way we live is “normal”. Anything outside of that is either abnormal, or an improvement of our accustomed norm. Later, when we attended school we were taught that everyone was different and that everyone had their own ways of doing things. Yet, there was always one “best way” to do something. And the school taught us that “best” way.

All of this is nonsense.

I think that we need to look at our life in a different way. We need to think in terms of a “starting place” that can be improved or subtracted from. What we want is for our life to constantly improve. What we want to avoid is having things subtracted from our life.

Anything that takes away from our life is a threat.

Looking at life like that is clearer and cleaner. There is no “absolute” best. There is only “your best” and “your ideal”, and you compare everything to your needs, your experiences, and your desires.

This way of looking at things enables us to divorce ourselves from the land of grey, and go into the cleaner black and white reality. As such we can identify threats and related problems before they become enormous problems that would eventually consume us and change us in ways that we do not want to have happen.
This way of looking at things enables us to divorce ourselves from the land of grey, and go into the cleaner black and white reality.

This way of looking at things enables us to divorce ourselves from the land of grey, and go into the cleaner black and white reality. As such we can identify threats and related problems before they become enormous problems that would eventually consume us and change us in ways that we do not want to have happen.

Look at things in stark black vs. white. If things are in shades of grey, you identify the dividing line, and keep everything simple on YOUR terms. As such, using this method you can easily identify friends and foes. It is absolutely critical that you master this. That way, you can avoid threats to your life, in every aspect. Make no exceptions.

Bonus Advice

The rest of the world is living life. They are growing. They are advancing and they are living life. We are all far too caught up in our “American bubble of reality” to see what it is like outside. We think the world is a dark and evil place. But that is not the case at all.

While the American news is all full of the (so called) “saber rattling” of China, and the terrible Tariffs that the great Russian spy – Donald J. Trump is, the rest of the world is just moving forward oblivious to the internal propaganda inside the USA.

The rest of the world is living life. They are growing. They are having fun. They are enjoying the nice blue skies and eating fine food. They are spending time with pretty girls and having a great time drinking wine and singing.

Life is not a prison.

Get out of the mainstream American news media narrative. Both liberal and conservative. Experience life on your terms.

Live life on your terms.

The rest of the world is living life. You should as well. This is your life. LIVE IT WELL.


Yes, if I had a time machine, I would NOT advise myself to get absolutely rich.

That is a direction for fools. If I went in that direction, I would have a “successful life, full of plenty“, but it would not be a “rich, colorful life”. You want a happy life. Who cares how you got there. All that matters is that you are enjoying life to it’s fullest.

I think that I am far happier as I am now. Now, that I have experienced the highs and lows of life.

A person who spends every day in paradise soon takes it for granted. While a person who visits it is enthralled by the scents, moments and elements that are present. The only way that we can appreciate the life that we have is to suffer from the highs and lows.

My advice to myself is pretty basic;

  • Eat delicious, high quality food.
  • Drink some wine while you are at it.
  • Take your time, enjoy the moments.
  • Sing, laugh, dance.
  • Surround yourself with friends, listen to them.
  • Bad times come and go.
  • Have patience and enjoy the “now”.
  • Look for opportunities and take them when they appear.
  • Get good at doing what you love.
  • Forget about having a career. It’s a big-assed lie.
  • Have fun and act however you want to.
  • Be your own boss and do things on your own terms.
  • Don’t be afraid of anything.
  • Stay away from threats and bad people.

Yeah, I know it sounds like a list that you would find on any of those click-bait sites. But it is all true.


Why aren’t you out fishing right now? Why did you have a burger from the big fast food chain instead of one at the local diner? Why, in God’s name, did you even bother to check the news on the internet? Why didn’t you ask that pretty girl out for lunch? When was the last time you enjoyed a bottle of wine?

Life is too short. Don’t waste it.

Live Life.
We should appreciate that life that we are living now, and not wait for some “better time” to come along. Our life is the now. It is controlled by our thoughts and our actions.



Quick interlude about Huawei…

Oh, and by the way… while I am at it.

You know that stuff about Huawei, right? Canada arrested the boss of Huawei and carted them off to America for this reason or that. In return, China warned Canada that there would be consequences. And now American companies are going to show China. They are going to teach China a lesson. Right?

Well, watch out.

Not… “watch out” and see what happens. I mean (screaming) “WATCH OUT!!!!” as a cement truck comes barreling towards you.

The Chinese don’t mess around.

If you want to pick a fight then you had best be prepared. The Chinese plan for decades, while American companies plan on short term profits. While American trains are using 1950’s technology, the Chinese are using modern high-tech bullet trains. While American NASA is going to capture an asteroid the size of a dishwasher sometime before 2030, the Chinese are already building the components for their moon bases.

Heck! America can’t even build a wall on it’s own sovereign soil.

The companies that treat their workers as humans, instead of pawns in a huge money-making industry will ALWAYS win in the long run. That’s the secret of why Apple was able to recover when Steve Jobs was asked to return. The best companies to work for are also the ones that treat the workers as humans. Not as some kind of pawn, or mindless working drone.

And Huawei treats it’s workers as valuable high-performing talent.

If the USA wants to play a game using Huawei leadership as a political pawn, then Americans should expect the consequences. Listen to me. The Chinese do not mess around.

The Chinese do not mess around.

They are a serious and capable nation run by intelligent people who are not handicapped by socially progressive baggage or political infighting. While the American companies have meetings with “Diversity Managers” to plan how to advance their agenda in the next four months, the Chinese companies are working on another level entirely.

And now, America wants to mess around with Huawei, the current global leader in wireless telephony. All I can say is you have no idea what a shit-storm you have started. The top-line high-performers are taking this threat seriously, and they will not tire. They will not give up. They will be ruthless in their response.

China is always being under estimated. People laughed when they said that they would put a man in orbit. People laughed when they said that they would construct the “silk road”. People laughed when they said that they would convert all their passenger trains to bullet trains. People laughed when they said that they would dominate global electronics manufacture.

Oh look HERE, I’m right. China is going to construct a California-sized “Chinese Silicon Valley” in the Shenzhen – Guangdong region. How about that for a response?

I, for one, am not laughing. American T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon will all be a footnote in the annuals of market dominance. And, you can all thank the American Deep State for making it happen.

Anyways… sorry about that.

Final Comments – Private Responses

Since I posted this, I received a number of private messages that took offense to my digression about Huawei. They argue that Huawei was the global leader in wireless telephony because they stole from US industry.

Sigh. I feel like I am alone in the world trying to warn everyone about this. Heck! no one cares. It’s almost like the football team that is convinced that it will win the Superbowl because they were champions back in the 1970’s. It’s that silly.

Well, my comment on that is simple.

If your company is founded on the theft of technology, at best the most you can ever achieve is to match the capabilities of the company that you stole from. You would not exceed them unless you were doing something quite different.

Huawei is not the global leader in telephony because they copied. They are there because they innovated and did things differently. Though, the acquisition of American firms, I am certain, played a role. As well as hiring top American talent and paying them well.

But, that’s all specious.

American industry is failing. The American government is failing, and in the globe, the Chinese industry WILL dominate. Check out these two videos. You don’t have to like it. As I stated in this post. Change is natural. Accept it or not.

The rise of China over the last two decades…

The rise of China today leading into the next decade. But, not to worry. American industry is getting ready for this. They are hiring “diversity officers” and paying them enormous amounts to assure that racial quotas and progressive values will guide and lead American industry. Just like they lead the Former Soviet Union and make Soviet technology well-known the world over! Yessur!

The idea that Strength through diversity will radically transform American industry and make it…

"While we bicker over which pronouns to use, the Chinese are preparing to  assume leadership of the world. As more and more technical and  scientific literature is published in Chinese, this trend will  accelerate. "

-3/9/2019, 10:39:54 PM by beef

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Links about China

Business KTV
Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

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