We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
Short and not my videos. but please start off the new year properly! Remember that your actions define your quality of life. Not just now in this life, but in all subsequent lives. Make a difference. help others.
Be THAT Rufus!
Animals That Asked People for Help & Kindness | Best Moments Of 2022 !
This poor kitten was struggling for his life in his last moments on a cold morning!
Kitten Stuck In Net Fights For His Life
Man is ambushed by 13 homeless kittens
Best Inspiring Animal Rescues Of The Year
Bullied Cat Bursts Into Tears By A Man’s Love Who Became His First Friend
Paralyzed homeless cat makes an UNBELIEVABLE recovery! My mind was blown!
Homeless cat asks for help
Cat Abandoned When Owners Moved Jumps Into His Rescuer’s Arms
I hope that you all are having a nice day. Today I wanted to do something a little bit different. Today I want to post some sexy images. Of course, I don’t mean sexy as in pornographic, but rather sexy as “appeals to the senses”. And to this end, I do hope that you will all agree that this is a nice way to start the day.
Start the day right
What ever you do, never, ever, ever, give up. Video.
Sensory Overload
There are numerous people on MM that are suddenly having experiences. My guess is that you have verbalized participation with The Domain or volunteered to be a Rufus. These experiences are very personal ones, and if you try to describe them, you will sound like a “mad man / woman”.
Can I respectfully suggest that everyone put their experiences here, but ALWAYS preference it with “things are happening” after I did XXXXXX, and this is what the craziness appears to be like.
From DM… 19SEP21.
This is a weird one, even for me. Last night I had fallen asleep without realising it. It was a false dream in that I thought I was still awake thinking about certain topics.
I suddenly remembered something to do with a particular thought I was having about certain experiences in lucidity. This thought equated to there being heavy time travel element in one of them. It was so startling I went to sit up in bed and turned to face Storme to tell her to remind me about it in the morning. But as I did, something caught me. i was instantly aware I was in sleep paralysis.
There was this weird vibration thing going on. It felt like when you have a guitar amplifier turned on but the jack not connected to the guitar. If you try and plug it in, miss and hit the metal part of the connector on the guitar, this is what it felt like. it was this very low and loud vibration sound that permeated through me.
It was like every time you hit the metal, my body would “click or switch in or out”. It felt like someone was welding something into my astral body. I could feel it coming from the wall right next to the bed on my side, like I was connected to it.
Like someone was scraping something along the wall. It felt like something was trying to tune my body for a broadcast; I am absolutely sure this is what it was. Although it was a very strange feeling, it wasn’t completely uncomfortable.
I am pretty sure whatever it was deleted the thought about my experiences being related to time travel. I have the time travel element but nothing else. it was a fucking intense experience. Something was definitely fucking with me whilst in sleep paralysis
I suppose that this short mini-video is sort of what last week was like with all the comm channels opened up with The Domain. Try to explain this video and you will see how difficult it is trying to explain your experiences.
Kitty love.
Not everyone will appreciate this picture. But PL will…
It does make someone like me - who never felt “complete” until my cat adopted me - feel like there is a piece we cannot obtain. But that cat - which grew into a marriage to the love of my life and a ton of farm animals - they give me a purpose. Maybe not anywhere near the cosmic connection as a child, but there is always a yin to a yang.
I posted this short mini video over a year ago, but it’s time for a nice refresher. Remember everyone, the rest of the world is doing just fine. Just fine. It’s all going well. Do not get too caught up.
Surprise.Enjoying some fine cream.Whoa. What just happened?
Dancing her little heart out.
Everyone has a dream. Sometimes you get the opportunity to live that dream, and when it happens, you give it all you’ve got. You go girrrl! Check out this short video clip.
Dancing her heart out.
Kitty playtime
Kitty playtime.
Hello there.
Hello there.
Low and behold!
His coming was foretold in the ancient scripts.
Kitty hugs
I miss my little guys.
Taking the dog out for a walk
Boxing Champ
Boxing Champ
Snow patrol
Snow Patrol.
Big Jumper
Big Jumper
Little kitten, big appetite…
Hungry kitty.
I hope that this article finds you all well. It’s a good day to start it off on a good frame of mind and in a good way. Be the Rufus… as in this video…
Be the Rufus.
Be the Rufus, and leave the rest of the world smiling and glad that you are there.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
This article is about something that is very close and dear to me. It is about meeting our pals; our little buddies after we die and go to Heaven… or wherever we go. It’s a very neglected subject, yet I consider it to be a very important one.
Now, it’s going to get a bit obtuse, but hold on. I know all you who visit here are hurting. Don’t worry. I have some answers.
Where do I get this information?
Recognize that I relate from my background in MAJestic, and my readings of “Alien Interview”. If you do not know what I am referring to, then you will have to go to the About Me to discover what I mean about MAJestic. And to understand what I am talking about regarding “Alien Interview” you can go HERE. Additionally, I can confirm that much of what I relate is in accordance with the Geography of Heaven as described by Dr. Newton.
Recognize that [1] I was part of an organization, and that I had tasks and operations that had tangential associations with this subject. So, to put it another way, I’m the closest thing you are going to have to an “expert” on these matters.
And that [2] the discovery, reading, parsing of Alien Interview helped me to clarify some experiences that I was exposed to. It will be the elements from “Alien Interview” in this narrative that will help clarify some issues. As I think that it might clean up some issues.
Let’s begin with some basics…
There are different kinds of heavens.
A "Heaven" is a "Universe". There are many of them.
Our normal, day to day lives, is within a universe. We, not knowing any better, think that this universe is all that there is. It's not.
When we, or our pets, die we (as consciousness in wave form) float around. We can stay in this (physical) universe in the spirit form, or we can leave it. And if we leave it, we will go to a completely different universe.
Cats tend to go to a "Cat Universe". Also known as a "Cat Heaven".
Dogs tend to go to a "Dog Universe". Also known as a "Dog Heaven".
Horses tend to go to a "Horse Universe". Also known as a "Horse Heaven".
Humans tend to go to a "Human Universe". Also known as a "Human Heaven".
There is one thing that is in mutual agreement with my MAJestic “training” and the “Alien Interview” dialog is that there are many Heavens.
And Heavens are the same thing as Universes.We as humans have inherited these general words and phrases without understanding what they represent.
So when we talk about Heaven we must be specific. We cannot be general.
There is a “Human Heaven”. And there are Heavens for other species.
There is a cat heaven. There is a dog heaven. There is a horse heaven. There is an eagle heaven. There is a parakeet heaven. And so on and so forth.
All this has to do with the idea that (way back, early on when the very first mega-universe was created), the other universes sublimatednaturally by specific quanta associated with the species that developed and came into being.
Or, in other words, there is one Heaven for each species, and this is a natural consequence of the nature of the overall “mega-universe”.
If you do not want to believe this you can leave.
There is NOT one singular Heaven where every single life exists in once you die. That is a fantasy based on ignorance of quantum physics.
Within "all that exists" (which I refer to as a the mega-universe) are bubbles. These bubbles are universes.
Every life that exists is attuned, by it's quantum makeup, to one specific universe. This association is called "soul".
Thus, we are on this "physical-universe", and when we die our consciousness travels back to "soul" which exists within our species universe. We call this "going to Heaven".
But the Earth is unique…
Further, apparently, and I am now pretty convinced of it, is that there is a specific “Earth Human Heaven”.
Sounds OK, really.
Doesn’t it?
Or better stated, a Human Heaven that is geographically located that services the “Sentience Nurseries” (Prison planets) in this geographic section of the galaxy.
What this means is that there is an overall “Heaven” for all humans all over the universe. But also that there is a very “special” Heaven for humans that reside in the earth or in associated other “sentience nurseries”.
And you can refer to them as being “Prison Planet” if you like.
But I like to think of it as a “sentience nursery” for the purposes of reforming the “inmates” forced to live and exist int his environment.
Now, to be honest, I was unaware of this during the entire time that I was active in MAJestic. However, the narrative in Alien Interview has clarified so many points, and then when this issue came up, I achieved an “Ah ha” moment. And then so many other things feel into place.
Now, this idea that there is an “Earth Human Heaven” that is separate from a “General Human Heaven” is very profound. But we won’t get too bogged down in it here.
General Human Heaven
Specific “special” Earth Heaven.
Humans have two "Human Universes". One is the "General Human Heaven", and the other is a special area. This other one is just for our physical geographic area only. So I refer to it as "Earth Human Heaven".
Most Earth Humans have a "soul" that is part of the "Earth Human Heaven".
Let’s stick to the issue at hand…
Humans need a guide to visit those other Heavens
According to everything that I have experienced and what I have read, we all need a guide or a person to help us to enter into different Heavens.
I refer to this guide as a “Mantid”, but other might known them as “guardian angels” or “angels”.
Basically, it is a non-human entity that helps you meet with your friends who might belong to a different species as you do.
Now, from what I understand from Alien Interview, this entity is utilized to assist in the meeting of two different species in a neutral environment. While it might appear that it is is in one heaven or the next the reality is that is is something else.
You see, different universes operate differently from a Human Universe, and the Physical Universe. And we need to be “configured” to visit there. It isn’t automatically easy. If you wanted to visit a “Cat Heaven” you would need to temporarily conform your consciousness to fit in a Cat Heaven.
Think of it like a key.
If you want to open a door, you have to have a key of the right shape.
But earth humans, we don’t even know how to do that, let alone what it is. So we get help from someone who does know. And we can refer to these entities as “guides”, “angels”, “assistants”, or what ever you want to refer to them as. In my experience they tend to be other humans in the spirit form. And / or Mantids (Angels).
However, knowing what I do know, most earth Humans do not have the memories, the skills or the abilities to perform these things. Maybe we once did. But now, today, the vast numbers of humans no longer can do this, and thus needs a “guide” or a person to help them.
When a creature dies, is floats around in spirit form (wave form), and then migrates up to it's Heaven. This is natural.
Your pet will be in it's Heaven. And you will be elsewhere. Typically, you will be in your Heaven.
To visit each other, you will need a "guide", an "assistant" to help you two meet. This person will be able to "key you" to the kind of configuration that will allow you two to meet.
But according to Alien Interview you should not need a guide at all
The thing is that you should not need a guide to accompany you to visit your friends. Being consciousness that is all knowing and all capable, that you should (theoretically) be able to see and visit these other Heavens (universes) as you will.
Unfortunately, for a host of reasons, the ideal no longer exists.
Somehow, along the way, humans on the earth ended up getting their very own “special” Heaven. This Heaven is different from the normal Human Heaven that the rest of the universe has.
Alien Interview calls this area a “Prison Planet”.
MAJestic refers to this portion of space (and five other solar systems) as a “Sentience Nursery”.
What ever it is, and why it is, is a vast and huge subject. It’s covered elsewhere, and we will not dwell in it too much here. Instead we will just simplify things and say that if you are on the earth, then chances are that your Heaven is the “special” Heaven constructed for this region.
And those of us associated with this Heaven have erased skills, memories and abilities. And that is the way it is.
Ideally, we should not need assistance to visit other universes. But most humans here in this geographical region of space is associated with a "special" Earth Human Heaven. This association is one with erased memories, skills and abilities. And thus we need help to perform most tasks.
This suggests that the “guide” is actually something else
Since we are associated with a soul with this “Earth Human Heaven”, and we need a “guide” or “expert” to accompany us when we exit our Heaven to go to another one, what does this tell you?
What is the closest analog in our physical reality universe?
Corrections officers escorting a prisoner outside of Jail.
The easiest way to understand how Earth Human Heaven works is to imagine it as a big prison. This may or may not be true. However, the aspects of it that requires...
[1] Memory wipe to enter a physical body. (Parole)
[2] Escorts when you leave the Earth Human Heaven. (Jail transport)
...is strongly indicative, and most easily imagined, as a minimum security prison.
As far as I know, and from all of my experiences, only humans have these limitations. Other species do not have these limitations.
But, you know, it can’t be really bad…
The idea that we can get help to visit other Heavens, and the idea that we are supported to return back to Earth (abet with our memories erased), does indicate that there seems to be a freedom of movement in the non-physical Heavens. Though this freedom is monitored, and supervised, it does appear that there is a great degree of latitude of where you can go.
Certainly a Cat Heaven or a Dog Heaven is so unlike a Earth Human Heaven, and that we as consciousness can visit it, certainly says that there are some freedoms that we are permitted.
I wonder if we can visit the General Human Heaven?
Why are we earth (and the other local solar systems) segregated from this General Human Heaven? What is the problem? Do we have some kind on non-physical virus, sickness, bad behavior or anything like that?
For, and the reason why I mention this, is that (by all accounts) the General Human Heaven is substantially older, larger, involves far more souls than the Earth Human Heaven.
With this in mind, it must also have resources, places, abilities and functionality that our Earth Human Heaven does not have.
There are two Heavens (two universes) for Humans. Maybe there are more. But in general there is a local, regional to this section of the galaxy that services the earth solar system, and five others that service other solar systems. This Heaven, known as the Earth Human Heaven, is much smaller (though quite enormous) and younger (while still old) compared to the General Human Heaven.
Were the consciousness, you for example, wanted to have unrestricted access to do anything, you would need to go to the General Human Heaven to do so. Otherwise, you would suffer through the realities and restrictions of the Earth Human Heaven.
Tunnel of Light
Everyone knows what the “tunnel of light” is. Right?
When you die, you are compelled or instructed to “follow the light” and enter in this nice long tunnel,
My experiences strongly supports the notion that this “Tunnel of Light” actually exists in the non-physical realms. And that it is not some kind of biological event that occurs when your body starts to shut down when you die.
Dr. Lakhmir Chawla, an associate professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at George Washington University, asserts that near-death experiences are simply caused by a surge of electrical activity as the brain runs out of oxygen before death. However, the oxygen-depletion theory is only one of many classical neurophysiological theories challenged by people who have undergone near-death experiences.
I argue that it is a real event that you may or may not experience.
This “Tunnel of Light” has nothing to do with your consciousness leaving your (now deceased) body, but rather that it is a secondary “step” that many human consciousnesses experience upon death.
First you leave the body.
Your consciousness remains in close proximity to the physical world, but being in wave form is unable to interact with it.
You can move about by thought.
You may encounter things, creatures and events that are not apparently present in the physical reality.
The world-line travel, as part of the MWI stops.
Your consciousness resides as part of your final egress world-line.
At some point in time, you might encounter “old family”, “former friends”, “guides”, or “Angels” that introduce you to this “Tunnel of Light”.
And 99.999% of Earth Humans enter this tunnel. They go to Earth Human Heaven, and exist in that place.
This does NOT happen to other animals that I know of. It only happens to Earth Humans.
What is the closest analog to a “Tunnel of Light” in the physical realms?
In prison is a very special room called a “Sally Port”. It is essentially a long hallway with a door at each end. You enter in the hallway, and line up. Then the door behind you is closed. The corrections officers then make sure that everything is in order, and the inmates are all secure. When everything is fine, you then proceed to the end of the hallway. There, that door will open up and you will be inside the prison proper.
Asally port is protected point of entry into a secure location, such as a prison or a military fortification. Often, a sally port consists of an enclosed area with a solitary gate on either side, only one of which can be opened at anygiven time.
-My Law
Here is a photo of a prison sally port…
A prison sally port.
Cats, Dogs, Horses and other species do not appear to have a "Tunnel of Light" for them to enter their respective Heavens. Only earth Humans have one.
The closest earth analog to a Tunnel of Light is a Prison Sally Port.
Following the models laid out by the other species, it appears that it is a very natural and easy thing to move towards your species Heaven (Universe). Your quantum make up attracts you to it naturally.
You do not have to be "guided", "directed", "led" or "taught" to enter this tunnel. If left to our own designs, our consciousnesses would naturally move towards the General Human Heaven instead.
Thus, no matter how much love, beauty and attractiveness that you feel emulating from this "Tunnel of Light", if you allow yourself to migrate to the true nature of your species you would naturally move towards the General Human Heaven.
Hard Labor
There are many kinds of prisons. In the ADC they had…
Diagnostic Prisons.
Maximum security prisons.
Minimum security prisons.
Prisons for behavioral modification.
Prisons for Hard Labor Punishment.
Prisons for Boot Camp Punishment.
Work / Factory Prisons.
I spent time in both the behavioral modification prisons and in the Hard Labor Prisons.
In the Hard Labor Prison (East Arkansas Regional Unit at Brickeys) we would transit the Sally port four times a day. We would go to and from the prison to the fields where we would work on the “chain gang”. Better known as “Hoe Squad”. In Arkansas, prison is the “punishment” portion of the criminal sentence. While parole is the “rehabilitation” portion of the criminal sentence.
In a like way, Earth Human Heaven appears to work the same way.
You enter and leave the “Tunnel of Light” to transit between the locked-down security of Earth Human Heaven, and the Physical Earth MWI. In this analogy, the Physical Earth MWI appears to be the “Hard Labor Punishment” aspect of a prison sentence.
The physical reality MWI is much larger than the Earth Human Heaven. And it has a great diversity of life, and species. There are plants, animals, creatures, and all manner of interactions. While the Earth Human Heaven is a specific Heaven that contains only two (as far as I can discern) species.
These are;
Human consciousnesses that comes from the Earth.
Mantids (Angels).
I can positively state, unequivocally, that I have never seen or encountered any other species in the Earth Human Heaven. That includes the Type-1 greys, dogs, cats or horses.
Earth Human Heaven access of all species other than Earth Humans, and Mantids is prevented. The only way in and out of the Earth Human Heaven is via the "Tunnel of Light". It acts as a secure gateway to and from the MWI.
Earth Humans are issued a Pre-Birth World-Line Template upon birth. This is a set of instructions (like like those on parole have) that prevents them for straying too far off from their assigned pre-planned experiences.
Since the MWI and all the world-lines are jointly shared with all species, physical and non-physical, it serves as a great staging area for meeting up with our non-physical pets, and to move away from any "parole restrictions". The key is in Affirmation Prayer Campaigns that slides you off this pre-birth world-line template onto one that you can control.
So there are multiple ways to visit our friends
So you all need not despair. You will certainly be able to meet up with long lost friends, family and pals. And what’s more, there are different ways to do so. Now that you have a butter understanding of what Earth Human Heaven is, we can look at some of these methods.
Method [1] in the non-physical realms associated with the MWI
Once you die, your consciousness naturally stays in wave form. It’s impossible to return to particle form as your physical body no longer functions. And being in wave form, you are initially trapped on the final egress world-line that your body was on in the MWI.
You can move about, explore, and check out everything. It’s just that you are in spirit. You are in the wave form.
By using the power of thought, you can “will yourself” to a beloved pet. And you will appear next to it in what ever form or shape, or condition that it is in.
Dogs will know that you are there, but are unlikely to join you in wave form. They will try to interact with you in their physical form.
Cats, well they can enter and leave the physical body at will. They can join you in the non-physical form. And you and your bud can have many fun times and adventures together.
Depending on the consciousness components of the species, you ability to interact with them will vary. Dogs will differ from cats. And horses are a completely different “ball game”.
In any case, I can confirm that upon your death, it will be profoundly easy for you to visit your lost beloved pets.
Method [2] in their specific pet Heaven
Once you have migrated into wave form, you are free to go anywhere. For most casts, they tend to want to hang out on the MWI, while Dogs prefer to spend some periods of time in Dog Heaven. Depending on your time of death there may or may not be your beloved pet in the MWI with you. Instead their consciousness might reside in their particular Heaven.
The technique is a simple one. You must “will” yourself to that beloved friend. And you will go as far as you can. If you are unable to enter their particular Heaven due to your quantum alignments, then you must vocalize a request for help. Alternatively, you can wait them out, until they return back to the MWI.
Asking for help is a very effective mechanism to help you during this period while you are in wave form. However, you must be especially cautious on who is offering it.
In my opinion, I would suggest a Type-1 grey as a valid source of help. While a Mantid (Angel) would project love, care and concern to and would arrange to have your help and assistance realized. Only, you would have to Enter The Earth Human Heaven first.
Method [3] Via a guide from the Earth Human Heaven
What is well understood is that you will be able to meet your beloved pets while you go to the Earth Human Heaven. The local Mantid will arrange help and generate parole that will take you to the pet Heaven for your visit.
This is what you do if you want to visit your loved ones in Heaven
In all cases, to the best things to prepare for this kind of activity once you die is right now. I would add some specific affirmation prayers in your campaigns. Not much. Just one or two, that would manifest upon your death. Even if your death takes place fifty years from now, they will have actual potency upon your final death.
Might I suggest;
Upon my death, I will be able to meet with my beloved XXXXXXX.
My beloved XXXXXX will meet me and be near me when I die.
We are deeply concerned about the growing information circulating on Internet about avoiding at all costs the tunnel of light that many go into when their incarnation on Earth ends.
As we have explained, when that moment arrives, a number of events that leads a person to Heaven can occur.
Quite often, a loved one, a friend or a member of the family arrives to escort the newly liberated person to the Heavenly spheres.
Equally, the person may find himself, seconds before his demise, in this beautiful tunnel of light that will conduct him to the light.
This light is heaven and when he steps into this bright area he is met by a noble soul that is there to greet him and explain his change of status.
Now, for various reasons, people are spreading a message on social media that this is a trap and the person will be captured and sent back for another incarnation.
Equally, they say that if the person, who is coming to the end of his incarnation, is visited by loved ones, this also is a trap and those loved ones are in fact demons pretending to be loved ones and the object is, once again, to entrap the person dying and push him into incarnation again.
These are dangerous lies and one should not listen to them and, certainly, one should not try to avoid going to Heaven whether it be by the tunnel of light or by friends or family guiding them.
We cannot express too strongly that one should, at all costs, reject this dangerous mis-information.
The origin of the message is Archonic.
Some people promote this false information quite innocently, as they just quote “collective wisdom”, but others are under the influence of negative entities and promote these lies because of that influence controlling their speech and actions.
If a person avoids taking the path to Heaven he has to go somewhere when he is liberated from his physical body. So, he goes to a place called Limbo.
This is an area full of lost souls and, generally, the people there are deeply unhappy.
This unhappiness is food for the evil ones who thrive on unhappiness.
Therefore, we have this conflict going on that must be stopped as soon as possible.
On one hand we have evil or misguided people promoting this false idea of avoiding going to heaven and on the other hand we have the workers for salvation trying to educate the public to act in a loving, peaceful fashion to help the Ascension process.
So, people must choose.
Either to follow this evil, Archon based concept of avoiding the tunnel of light, or avoiding being taken to Heaven by loved ones in which case the person will end up in limbo, or to reject that Archon based information and accept our advice which is to go into the tunnel with the assurance that you will end up in Heaven or go with your loved ones who, also, will guide you to Heaven.
We repeat, you have a choice.
Either to reject the tunnel of light and reject the loved ones who come to assist, or to enter the tunnel, accept to be guided by loved ones, and be taken to your home in Heaven.
You have free will. What you decide to do will happen.
So, choose to be guided by our Archon information or choose to be guided by God’s angels.
I am sorry to spend so much time getting involved in some of the geographic aspects of the nature of Heaven and the mega-universe. But that understanding is necessary to flush out the true and real options available to us when we wish to meet up with our beloved pets.
I can positively and absolutely confirm that it will be absolutely possible for you and your beloved pets to be together upon your death. I sincerely tell you this. In any event, the bond between you and your beloved pet is a strong one and that bond will never disappear. It will still exist. Even when you die. So have hope. Good things will occur.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
I am not in America. I live in China, and I am getting these occasional “feelings” that indeed something was wrong. Something inside of America is seriously wrong.
Not “wrong” as in… The Fourth Turning is in process.
Not wrong as in “get your SHTF” preps in order.
Not wrong as in “Uh oh, the USA wants to start World War III”.
Wrong as in “why are my cats hiding, and where is my dog? Hey! Where are the birds?” And why is the sky so dark? Wrong.
Of course, I know all about the Fourth Turning. I know about the collapse of empires, and I am aware of the social upheavals that can occur when empires collapse.
I’ve written about them extensively, and I have suggested that others get on a “lifeboat” and sail off away from the United States to safety. It’s just that I never…
…in my wildest dreams…
…thought that the idea that you need to abandon the USA would become a meme, or a widespread theme that many others, not just preppers, would embrace.
And so, yeah. I knew all about the changes and the collapse and I have written about it extensively. It’s just that the full extent of what must be going on RIGHT NOW inside of the USA, just surprises me.
It’s not just for preppers any longer…
I suppose it all began when Nomen Nescio said this in a comment…
“Yes, they still believe Democrats are the worst, Biden sucks, Pelosi is the devil, etc, but they still feel pretty burned right about now.
They went from FNC to Bongino to Infowars to Rush to Breitbart, back to FNC, over to NewsMax, on to QAN, and...
...finally, now, many have just found some new hobbies.”
Does that mean that Americans have pretty much “given up” and succumbed? That they no longer believe in the “news” or in a political “savior”, or hope in change from the Washington DC establishment?
What happened to the America that I grew up in?
Yes, boys and girls, change is upon us all. But there has to be some kind of baseline of hope. Even if it is far away off in a far away land. There is always hope.
When I was in my darkest days in Prison, I still had hope.
Hope is what keeps us going on. Hope is what anchors us down and in place while the hurricane rages, and hope is what energizes us to calm down, accept things as a fleeting passage of time.
In the America that I grew up in, it was a very calm and relaxed pace of life. The worries that seem to permeate modern society were absent.
All my SHTF writings relate to a handful of survivalists who are paying attention to what is going on, and are thus taking the necessary steps to assure survival in a contentious and changing environment.
But something unexpected is also going on.
Mr Joe and Suzy Average seems to be accepting the prepper meme. Many want to “get out of Dodge”. And that is shocking (to me) and illustrative of the late stage of societal collapse that is in process.
So it’s no longer “just” a small minority of Americans that want to bail (out of the insanity), but it is an ever growing proportion.
And as this proportion grows and increase in size, very bad people; very crazy people, very silly ideological-minded people can use the fright and fear that these people hold, and manipulate it to bad ends.
...I thought of these curious examples because, recently, a 31-year-old wanted my guidance. Not the best idea, but sure, why not, so we chattered via Skype.A Vietnamese-American married to a Filipina, he was pondering moving to Vietnam.“How many times have you been there?” I asked.“Actually, none.”“Wow! Why not?”“I never had the opportunity.”“Have you traveled much?”“No. I’ve only been to Canada.”“Man, you’re in for a real culture shock. You might hate it! Just go there, and see how you feel. Who knows? Has your wife been to the Philippines?”“A couple times.”“Hey, why don’t you move to the Philippines? Your wife will fit in better, and you can get by with English. Many Filipinos speak English. They’re all over Asia, singing American music!” I laughed. “First, though, you must go there and see how you feel. Do you have money saved up to last a while?”“Yeah.”“You’re probably ten times richer than me, so just go there and see how you feel. Don’t overthink it. Just do it!”Why would someone with a decent job in the federal government consider moving to a country he knows almost nothing about? Because there’s no sanity or security left in America, and no meaningful resistance.
Constantly cowed, everybody is hiding and, hunched over, guarding his cans of baked beans, with the only boldness unleashed pseudonymously online, nearly always against the wrong targets. Unlike Hamas or Hezbollah, Americans don’t even know who they must fight!
Why indeed?
Why would an American with a good job want to leave it for a nation where he has never been to?
As in…
"Hey! You know my mail is late again. Where is that pesky post-person? I'm sick of this. It's time for me to move to Greenland!"
Maybe for something like this…
I mean, I understand why I left the States. But I was different. I had no other options. No friends. No family. No money. No ties. No job. No job prospects, and forced to live as a third class slave. So I left.
It made sense for me.
Living in flop-houses, eating at soup kitchens, and living alone with no job, no job prospects, and shunned from society is not a life.
And, of course, if I rode in a car …
…and the driver owned a gun, or a cell phone…
…or even had an outstanding warrant for jay walking…
… I would immediately violate the law, just by being in close proximity of that person. And then…
I would go back to prison as a two-time offender and looking at forever-prison as a consequence. I did not want to go back to the ADC. I did not enjoy working on the chain gangs, and I most certainly hated hoe-squad and picking cotton. And don’t even get me started on the institutionalized gruel that was “Global” that they fed us.
Nope. I did not like it.
The threat of a return to the ADC was part of the reason why I bailed out onto my lifeboat.
But what of the rest of you all in the “bright and shining castle on the hill”? You still have work. You still have jobs. You have family, friends, clubs, associations and roots. You don’t have that same kind of Damocles‘ swordhangingoveryourhead. As I did. You all don’t need to leave. It’s just a tad bit uncomfortable for you. Not really lifestyle-threatening.
Is it worth chucking it all away?
What would your ancestors think?
America was founded by hard-scrabble pioneers. Not prissy-boys who flee the first moment when someone says a mean word or two.
Then he adds…
“Something very evil is coming,” I wrote to a Pennsylvania acquaintance, “but it won’t just be in the US.
In Albania, there won’t be race riots, at least, as stoked by the Jews. I don’t know what your work or family situation is, but it would be wise to at least think about leaving the country, just in case life there becomes too dangerous or just unbearable.“You should also consider what to do should they shut down all airports and close all land borders.
You can also escape to a safer and saner place inside the country, of course, but you must think ahead about the possibilities. This is not paranoia.
All the ominous signs are there.
Yes. I know all about the social re-engineering efforts.
But, if people have jobs, a career, and a chance to build a life, it all fades into the background. You just go to your job. You put food on the table. You invest your money and you plan for your family and their future. You spend time with loved ones, and you don’t worry about life or “what might happen”.
I just cannot imagine that the “woke” reality has saturated American culture to such an extent that people want to flee the USA.
Why flee the USA when you have an entire life ahead of you?
Seriously is all this “woke” culture all that bad? It’s not like you are being forced to wear golden stars of David on your lapels, or being chased down the streets by mobs with clubs. Is it?
It’s not like you will lose your job for not having the right political viewpoint, or not getting a promotion because of the color of your skin. Is it?
So what is actually going on?
Yes, flee the USA for better opportunities. Flee the USA to avoid insurrection, riots, and discord. Flee the United States police state.
But to flee it because a minority of vocal woke activists are spouting nonsense is absurd.
So what is going on?
Woke folk.
What is really going on?
Is the “woke” culture far more invasive than it appears to me (sitting outside the USA), or has Americans become just too sensitive to handle a diversity of opinion?
You just don’t leave a comfortable life with loved ones simply because of an expression that you read about on social media. You just do not.
Chances are you might read about it, and maybe ponder it, but you won’t take action on it aside from a trivial Google search, or an article or two. You won’t be traipsing down to get a visa for the nation you want to go, and you won’t start emptying out your bank accounts. Will you?
A worry free life with a big cat.
So what is really going on?
You are too busy making a life than to worry about chucking it all away and fleeing to a “third world cesspool” to quote Mike Pompeo about the rest of the world.
Certainly the people that are “running” the United States today are bat-shit crazy, dysfunctional and insane. Their toadies might be more capable, but hardly, and the ship that they set in motion is far too difficult to steer, to navigate and to dock.
All the “noise” in the daily media barrages cannot compete to the reality that you are working, that you have a paycheck and a chance at the “American pie”.
President Biden says that “America is Back” and industry is roaring back to life.
He continues…
“In early March of 1975, I was still going to school and taking judo lessons.
By the end of April, I was on a military transport plane to fly to Guam, where I would live in a tent as a refugee. Normality can disappear in a flash.”His response, “I have thought long about where this is all headed. It is pretty obvious that the US is fucked five ways to Sunday. The masses just haven’t figured it out and are slowly cottoning on.“You asked about my family and work situation. I work in the construction field doing semi-skilled labor and maintenance and have started learning HVAC over the last couple years.“I’ve been with the same woman for about 13 years. We aren’t legally married but own a house together. I love her and her family very much. Her mother is widowed and in her 70’s. She has an aunt and uncle that live up the road from us. We look out for them a bit too.“At this point it’s hard seeing a way out. I’ve known a lot of people over the years that have had to flee. I’m old enough to have met Polish and Ukrainians that got out during or right after the War to Save Stalin. Same with people such as yourself. While traveling through Vietnam, I met old ARVN guys who stayed and were ‘reeducated.’ Certainly do not envy them.“Lancaster is a great town. However we did not escape the peace riots of this past summer. This area has been overrun by New York ‘creatives’ and their pets, the various lumpen proles that have moved down because the welfare benefits are good and the Section 8 voucher goes further.“The city council mayor and head of police are all avowed BLM and Antifa supporters. In essence I am behind enemy lines.“My lady is pretty level-headed and no dummy as far as certain non-PC topics are concerned. Working in health care and moving from small town PA to Baltimore will do that, I guess.“However she is reticent to leave the familiarity of family and friends for more rural, less populated areas. Ironic because most of her family and social circle are essentially on board with the whole raft of neo-Bolshevik BS that is being churned out by the multinationals and Zionist Occupied Government…“At the end of the day, I don’t see any real way to get out from under the falling limbs of this dying empire. If I were single, I would be holed up somewhere in the mountains of Appalachia. Possibly west Texas. Maybe overseas.”Although fleeing abroad entails its own complicated and drawn-out set of problems, just about every nationality, save Americans, have had to do so during the last 100-odd years. I’ve fled twice, and am still drifting.
Why does everyone want to leave? What are they afraid of?
Getting yelled at?
Somehow I do not, or cannot, believe that people are terrified of hurt feelings.
Why do Americans feel this way? It seems uncharacteristic.
Perhaps it a general feeling of discomfort; a generalized anxiety disorder that has entangled vast swaths of the American population. And I do not make this statement lightly. Aspects of this is something that I have learned to live with ever since I was implanted.
Since I moved to China, all my worry (for the most part) ended. The only time that I start worrying is when ever some jackass in the United States tries to lob bio-weapons at my home, discusses firing ICBM's in my front yard, or making arbitrary rules concerning my passport.
Perhaps, living under the thumb of out-of-control psychopaths inside a military empire…
…and see the entire nation decay and collapse as the entire nations is geared, not for serving the citizenry…
…but rather to destroy the rest of the world at the pleasure of the oligarchy…
…is the source of this discomfort.
And like frightened rabbits, the citizenry are trying to run and hide from the voracious wolves that are running all over the fields untamed and unchecked.
For American preppers there’s only one solution: move to a red state.
Most red states are in the South. So the best place to ride out America’s collapse is a region with a history of racial tension and antagonism towards the Federal government, a region with a Ford F-150 lifestyle totally dependent on cheap petroleum and cheap imports.
Hmm, but guns right?Call me crazy but my native California doesn’t sound so bad in comparison: https://linhdinhphotos.blogspot.com/2015/04/postcard-from-end-of-america-silicon.html. At least there’s some anti-anti-White Asians and Hispanics around.
Maybe I’ll go teach English in Asia or live in Europe for a while.
Call me a commie traitor but I have no ability/desire to become an Idaho potato farmer / small arms instructor.
Others have different ideas.
Americans from different backgrounds and parts of the country are saying the same things.
Americans in the Bubble are the 21st century equivalents of the British Colonel Blimp. It’s good to snicker and make snotty remarks at them because they’ll be the last ones to see it coming and even then they STILL WON’T BELIEVE IT.I’ve seen well-off almost rich dudes go homeless. It happens because they can’t believe this sort of thing happens to them, only “losers”.A loser is any one of us whose luck runs out. Hope your luck holds, and don’t let the bastards get you down.
Those who have never experienced the hospitality and happiness of ‘poor’ foreigners have absolutely no idea of life. Those with no experience of Albania, or Bulgaria, or Romania, Lesotho, Botswana, Chile etc. don’t have a clue.
Mix with the working class (as well as the bankers) if you want to know what life is about.
The hospitality of all Arab people is beyond belief.
Ignore the USA-USA-USA mob, they are brainless and take their limited horizon as being the whole planet. Thank you for bringing light to those of us who have not the opportunity to visit the east and parts of Europe.
What about those that have already left the USA. What are their thoughts?
What about those that left the United States, what are their thoughts?
That is a key reason why I moved out of the US.
I see no hope for at least a few generations.
Whites are very uncomfortable addressing the blatantly anti White hate that is permeating nearly all institutions.
The JQ is completely off the table for 90 percent of whites.
Asians see what is happening so they increasingly mimic Jewish hatred of whites even though most don’t actually hate whites.Whites spring from one simplistic solution to another.
The most recent is Secession.
Thinking that Secession can happen requires not dealing with the reality of the country. Even if the country did break into two, that would just mean that the Jews had two countries to rule and spread anti white hate and degeneracy.I just can’t see being associated with a country that flies the BLM flag at its embassies and publically worships a repeat felon who died of a drug overdose. Sometimes societies are just too stupid to survive.It is a big world out there and there are pockets where things are much saner than the US and not under a Jewish stranglehold
But according to the news media everything is just fine.
Don’t believe for a second that the majority of Norteamericanos believe the claptrap that is being promoted by the digital minesweeping social media or the coastal newspapers. That’s the mistake.Election results don’t mean much in the scheme of things, except in 2020. I live in a county that voted 75-25 for Trump. All of the counties in this region have similar numbers. I’ve obtained this information from NYT election data, so it’s not my wishful thinking. Every county in America outside of those where open blatant ballot box stuffing took place have similar results.Since Trump accomplished nothing governmentally important and even advanced policies I find disgusting, he has to be seen merely as an indicator of discontent with the Ruling Class.
The Ruling Class has corrupted the entire education system, has made economic progress meaningless and has insulted anyone with a modicum of traditional morality. A Trump vote was a protest vote, both in 2016 and in 2020.
The article itself soon fell apart with the “Jews, Jews, Jews” narrative. Jeeze and I stopped reading. But I am still wondering (pondering) about these various comments. It seems like these “proud” American are very unhappy. And so, I wonder how can that be?
The mutterings that I am hearing just don’t match the “news” that is being reported.
Why is that?
Fundamentally, the media must reflect the opinions and feelings of it's readership, or else the people reading it will leave. So eventually, "news" becomes an echo chamber for the readership.
Yet, what I am apparently seeing is that all flavors of the "news"; Alt-Right, mainstream to Alt-left are out of touch with what the vast majority of Americans feel.
The speed of the collapse
I admit that I am a little stunned that the collapse has moved ahead so quickly in what seems like a matter of months. For it has been less than six months that the general American population has suddenly embraced fundamental prepper beliefs, and most regard America falling into a SHTF situation.
This is FAST.
And while I have announced that I believe that the year 2020 was the climax of the Fourth Turning, I have never the less been stunned by the rapid conversion of most Americans to “abandon ship”.
What is going on?
Well, here are the four signposts of American Collapse that the Soviet Union experienced when it collapsed.
Article from HERE. All credit, etc. This article from the Russia Insider archives and was first published on RI in June 2018. You guys all know the drill.
"Having witnessed one collapse, and now witnessing another, the one approach I would definitely not recommend is doing nothing and hoping for the best."
In thinking through the (for now) gradually unfolding collapse of the American empire, the collapse of the USSR, which occurred close through three decades ago, continues to perform as a goldmine of useful examples and analogies.
Certain events that occurred during the Soviet collapse can serve as useful signposts in the American one.
Thus, allowing us to formulate better guesses about the timing of events that can suddenly turn a gradual collapse into a precipitous one.
When the Soviet collapse occurred, the universal reaction was “Who could have known?”
Well, I knew.
I distinctly remember a conversation I had with a surgeon in the summer of 1990, right as I was going under the knife to get my appendix excised, waiting for the anesthesia to kick in.
He asked me about what will happen to the Soviet republics, Armenia in particular.
I told him that they will be independent in less than a year.
He looked positively shocked.
I was off by a couple of months.
I hope to be able to call the American collapse with the same degree of precision.
So what to expect?
It is difficult to concentrate on things that matter to you when your government is acting like an out of control lunatic.
I suppose I was well positioned to know, and I am tempted to venture a guess at how I achieved that.
My area of expertise at the time was measurement and data acquisition electronics for high energy physics experiments, not Sovietology.
But I spent the previous summer in Leningrad, where I grew up, and had a fair idea of what was up in the USSR.
Meanwhile, the entire gaggle of actual paid, professional Russia “experts”…
…that was ensconced in various government agencies in Washington or consuming oxygen at various foundations and universities in the US…
…had absolutely no idea what to expect.
I suspect that there is a principle involved:
[1] If your career depends on the continued existence of X, and if X is about to cease to exist, then you are not going to be highly motivated to accurately predict that event.
Conversely, [2] if you could manage to accurately predict the spontaneous existence failure of X, then you would also be clever enough to switch careers ahead of time. Thus, you would no longer be an expert on X and your opinion on the matter would be disregarded.
People would think that you screwed yourself out of a perfectly good job and are now embittered.
What he is seeing…
Some people say that it is time to pack up and leave.
Right now I am observing the same phenomenon at work among Russian experts on the United States: they can’t imagine that the various things they spent their lives studying are fast fading into irrelevance.
Or perhaps they can, but keep this realization to themselves, for fear of no longer being invited on talk shows.
I suppose that since expertise is a matter of knowing a whole lot about very little, knowing everything about nothing—a thing that doesn’t exist—is its logical endpoint.
Be that as it may.
But I feel that we non-experts, armed with the 20/20 hindsight afforded to us by the example of the Soviet collapse, can avoid being similarly blindsided and dumbfounded by the American one.
This is not an academic question: those who gauge it accurately may be able to get the hell out ahead of time.
While the lights are mostly still on, while not everybody is walking around in a drug-induced mental haze, and mass shootings and other types of mayhem are still considered newsworthy.
This hindsight makes it possible for us to spot certain markers that showed up then.
And are showing up now.
The four that I want to discuss now are the following:
1. Allies are being alienated
2. Enmities dissipate
3. Ideology becomes irrelevant
4. Military posture turns flaccid
All of these are plain to see already in the American collapse.
As with the Soviet collapse, there is a certain incubation period for each of these trends.
Each incubation period ended up lasting perhaps a year or two.
And during this incubation period, not much seems to be happening.
… but when it is over everything comes unstuck all at once.
1. Alliances
As the Soviet collapse unfolded, former friendships deteriorated, first into irrelevance, then into outright enmity.
Prior to the collapse, the Iron Curtain ran between Eastern and Western Europe.
After the collapse; three decades later, it runs between Russia and the Baltic countries, Poland and the Ukraine.
Whereas in the post-war period the Warsaw Pact countries derived many benefits from its association with Russia and its industrial might.
But as the end neared their membership in the Soviet camp became more and more of a hinderance to progress.
In effect, hampering their integration with the more prosperous, less troubled countries further west and with the rest of the world.
Similarly with the US and the EU now, this partnership is also showing major signs of strain as Washington tries to prevent the Europe from integrating with the rest of Eurasia.
The particular threat of unilateral economic sanctions as part of a vain effort to block additional Russian natural gas pipelines into Europe.
As well as to force the Europeans to buy an uncertain and overpriced American liquefied natural gas scheme.
Other issues include Huawei, 5G technology, and the BRI.
All of this has laid bare the fact that the relationship between the USA and Europe is no longer mutually beneficial.
And as Britain splits from Europe and clings closer to the US, a new Iron Curtain is gradually emerging, but this time it will run through the English Channel, separating the Anglophone world from Eurasia.
Similar developments are afoot in the east, affecting South Korea and Japan.
Trump’s flip-flopping between tempestuous tweeting and conciliatory rhetoric vis-à-vis North Korea have laid bare the emptiness of American security guarantees.
Both of these countries now see the need to make their own security arrangements and to start reasserting their sovereignty in military matters.
Meanwhile, for the US, being incoherent is but a pit stop on the way to becoming irrelevant.
2. Enmities
Enmity | Definition of Enmity by Merriam-Websterhttps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/enmityEnmity (which derives from an Anglo-French word meaning "enemy") suggests true hatred, either overt or concealed. Hostility implies strong, open enmity that shows itself in attacks or aggression. Animosity carries the sense of anger, vindictiveness, and sometimes the desire to destroy what one hates.
During the entire period of the Cold War the United States was the Soviet Union’s arch-enemy.
Any effort by Washington to give advice or to dictate terms was met with loud, synchronized, ideologically fortified barking from Moscow:
"The imperialist aggressor is at it again; pay no heed."
This self-righteous noise worked quite well for a surprisingly long time, and continued to work while the Soviet Union was making impressive new conquests.
The Soviet Union continued to advance, in space, in technology, science and medicine, in international humanitarian projects and so on, but as stagnation set in it started to ring hollow.
After the Soviet collapse, this immunity against American contagion disappeared.
Western “experts” and “advisors” flooded in, and proposed “reforms”.
Reforms such as…
The dismemberment of the USSR into 15 separate countries (trapping millions of people on the wrong side of some newly thought-up border.
Shock therapy (which impoverished almost the entirety of the Russian population),
Privatization (which put major public assets in the hands of a few politically connected, mostly Jewish oligarchs)
As well as various other schemes designed to destroy Russia and drive its population into extinction.
They would probably have succeeded had they not been stopped in time.
Symmetrically, the Washingtonians considered the USSR as their arch-enemy.
After it went away, there was a bit of confusion.
The Pentagon tried talking up “Russian mafia” as a major threat to world peace, but that seemed laughable.
Then, by dint of demolishing a couple of New York skyscrapers…
…perhaps by placing small nuclear charges in the bedrock beneath their foundations (those were the demolition plans that were on file)…
…they happily embraced the concept of “war on terror”…
…and went about bombing various countries that didn’t have a terrorism problem before then but certainly do now.
Then, once that stupid plan ran its course, the Washingtonians went back to reviling and harassing Russia.
But now a strange smell is in the wind in Washington: the smell of failure.
Air is leaking out of the campaign to vilify Russia, and it is putrid.
Meanwhile, Trump is continuing to make noises to the effect that a rapprochement with Russia is desirable and that a summit between the leaders should be held.
Trump is also borrowing some pages from the Russian rulebook: just as Russia responded to Western sanctions with countersanctions, Trump is starting to respond to Western tariffs with countertariffs.
We should expect American enmity against Russia to dissipate some time before American attitudes toward Russia (and much else) become irrelevant.
We should also expect that, once the fracking bubble pops, the US will become dependent on Russian oil and liquefied natural gas…
… which it will be forced to pay for with gold.
(Fracking involves a two-phase combustion process: the first phase burns borrowed money to produce oil and gas; the second burns the oil and the gas.)
Other enmities are on the wane as well.
Trump has just signed an interesting piece of paper with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. The deal (if we call it that) is a tacit act of surrender. It was orchestrated by Russia and China. It affirms what North and South Korea had already agreed to: eventual denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
Just as Gorbachev acquiesced to the reunification of Germany and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from East Germany, Trump is getting ready to acquiesce to the reunification of Korea and the withdrawal of American troops from South Korea.
Just as the fall of the Berlin Wall spelled the end of the Soviet imperium, the dismantlement of the Korean Demilitarized Zone will spell the end of the American one.
3. Ideology
While the US never had anything as rigorous as the Soviet Union’s communist dogma, its hodgepodge of pro-democracy propaganda, laissez-faire capitalism, free trade and military domination was potent for a time.
Once the US stopped being the world’s largest industrial powerhouse, ceding ground first to Germany and Japan…
… then to China…
… it went along accumulating prodigious levels of debt…
… essentially confiscating and spending the world’s savings…
… while defending the US dollar with the threat of violence.
It was, for a time, understood that the exorbitant privilege of endless money printing needs to be defended with the blood of American soldiers.
The US saw itself, and positioned itself, as the indispensable country.
A country able to control and to dictate terms to the entire planet.
As such, terrorizing or blockading various other countries as needed.
Now all of these ideological shibboleths are in shambles.
The pro-democracy rhetoric is still dutifully spouted by politicians mass media mouthpieces, but in practice the US is no longer a democracy.
It has been turned into a lobbyist’s paradise in which the lobbyists are no longer confined to the lobby but have installed themselves in congressional offices and are drafting prodigious quantities of legislation to suit the private interests of corporations and oligarchs.
Nor is the American penchant for democracy traceable in the support the US lavishes on dictatorships around the world or in its increasing tendency to enact and enforce extraterritorial laws without international consent.
Laissez-fair capitalism is also very much dead, supplanted by crony capitalism nurtured by a thorough melding of Washington and Wall Street elites.
Private enterprise is no longer free but concentrated in a handful of giant corporations while about a third of the employed population in the US works in the public sector.
The US Department of Defense is the largest single employer in the country as well as in the whole world.
About 100 million of working-age able-bodied Americans do not work.
Most of the rest work in service jobs, producing nothing durable.
An increasing number of people is holding onto a precarious livelihood by working sporadic gigs.
The whole system is fueled—including parts of it that actually produce the fuel, such as the fracking industry—by debt.
No sane person, if asked to provide a workable description of capitalism, would come up with such a derelict scheme.
Free trade was talked up until very recently, if not actually implemented.
Unimpeded trade over great distances is the sine qua non of all empires, the US empire included.
In the past, warships and the threat of occupation were used to force countries, such as Japan, to open themselves up to international trade.
Quite recently, the Obama administration was quite active in its attempts to push through various transoceanic partnerships, but none of them succeeded. And now Trump has set about wrecking what free trade there was by a combination of sanctions and tariffs, in a misguided attempt to rekindle America’s lost greatness by turning inward.
Along the way, sanctions on the use of the US dollar in international trade, especially with key energy exporting nations such as Iran and Venezuela, are accelerating the process by which the US dollar is being dethroned as the world’s reserve currency, demolishing America’s exorbitant privilege of endless money-printing.
4. Militarism
The Soviet collapse was to some extent presaged by the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Prior to that point, it was still possible to talk up the “international duty” of the Red Army to make the world (or at least the liberated parts of it) safe for socialism.
After that point the very concept of military domination was lost, and interventions that were possible before, such as in Hungary in 1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968, were no longer even thinkable.
When Eastern Europe rose in rebellion in 1989, the Soviet military empire simply folded, abandoning its bases and military hardware and pulling out.
In the case of the US, for now it remains capable of quite a lot of mischief, but it has become clear that military domination of the whole planet is no longer possible for it.
The US military is still huge, but it is quite flaccid.
It is no longer able to field a ground force of any size and confines itself to aerial bombardment, training and arming of “moderate terrorists” and mercenaries, and pointless steaming about the oceans.
None of the recent military adventures have resulted in anything resembling peace on terms that the American planners originally envisioned or have ever considered desirable:
Afghanistan has been turned into a terrorist incubator and a heroin factory;
Iraq has been absorbed into a continuous Shia crescent that now runs from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea.
US military bases are still found throughout the world.
They were meant to project American power over both hemispheres of the globe, but they have been largely neutralized by the advent of new long-range precision weapons, potent air defense technology and electronic warfare wizardry.
These numerous “lily pads,” as they are sometimes called, are the opposite of military assets: they are useless but expensive targets located in places that are hard to defend but easy for potential adversaries to attack.
They can only be used for pretend-combat, and the endless series of military training exercises.
Such as the ones in the Baltic statelets, right on the Russian border…
… or the ones in South Korea, are meant to be provocative, but they are paragons of pointlessness…
… since attacking either Russia or North Korea would be a suicidal move.
They are basically confidence-building exercises, and their increasing intensity testifies to a pronounced and growing deficit of confidence.
People never tire of pointing out the huge size of the US military budget, but they almost always neglect to mention that what the US gets per unit money is ten times less than, for example Russia.
It is a bloated and ineffectual extortion scheme that produces large quantities of boondoggles—an endlessly thirsty public money sponge.
No matter how much money it soaks up, it will never solve the fundamental problem of being incapable to go to war against any adequately armed opponent without suffering unacceptable levels of damage.
Around the world, the US is still loathed, but it is feared less and less: a fatal trend for an empire.
But America has done quite well in militarizing its local police departments, so that when the time comes it will be ready to go to war… against itself.
This analysis may read like a historical survey detached from practical, everyday considerations. But I believe that it has practical merit.
If the citizens of the USSR were informed, prior to the events of 1990, of what was about to happen to them, they would have behaved quite differently, and quite a lot of personal tragedy might have been avoided.
A very useful distinction
A very useful distinction can be made between collapse avoidance (which is futile; all empires collapse)…
… and worst-case scenario avoidance…
… which will become, as collapse picks up speed, your most important concern.
Your approach may involve fleeing to safer ground, or preparing to survive it where you are.
You may choose your own collapse markers and make your own predictions about their timing instead of relying on mine.
But, having witnessed one collapse, and now witnessing another, the one approach I would definitely not recommend is doing nothing and hoping for the best.
No matter what happens, or what crazy shit is going down in the United States, never forget your humanity. It’s not what happens that matter. It’s how you deal with them that does.
Remember your humanity.
Others might not understand
Do not try to convince others to understand why you are doing what you do. It’s not their business; it’s not their reality. You are doign what feels best to you, for the good or the bad. And sure, they might think you crazy, strange or a little bit “off your rocker”, but so what.
It’s your life.
Do what you want and live your life as you see fit and let the rest of the world howl.
Do what you want and live your life as you see fit and let the rest of the world howl.
Everything follows cycles
Empires come and go, and during the sunset period it is a time of harvesting what you can and then move on to the New Beginning. But some hate change, and they have made a nice cushy life for themself and they don’t want the change, and they fight it “tooth and nail”. But MM readers realize that when you see things go cyclic, you hop on the train and ride it out of town.
Cycles are natural.
Cycles are natural.
What about war?
Well, there is a lot of provocations being made by the United States on the international front. The aggression is spellbinding in breadth and with as well as intensity. And no one can predict the future, but maybe we can take a look at what happened with the former Soviet Union for some guidance.
From HERE. It's titled "Russian Missile Tech has Made America's Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete". With a sub-heading of "Times have changed and America can no longer project its military power like it did in Iraq. Those days are over.". All credit to the author and note it was formatted to fit this venue.
For the past 500 years European nations—Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, Britain, France and, briefly, Germany—were able to plunder much of the planet by projecting their naval power overseas.
Since much of the world’s population lives along the coasts, and much of it trades over water, armed ships that arrived suddenly out of nowhere were able to put local populations at their mercy.
The armadas could plunder, impose tribute, punish the disobedient, and then use that plunder and tribute to build more ships, enlarging the scope of their naval empires.
This allowed a small region with few natural resources and few native advantages beyond extreme orneriness and a wealth of communicable diseases to dominate the globe for half a millennium.
The ultimate inheritor of this naval imperial project is the United States, which, with the new addition of air power, and with its large aircraft carrier fleet and huge network of military bases throughout the planet, is supposedly able to impose Pax Americana on the entire world.
Or, rather, was able to do so—during the brief period between the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of Russia and China as new global powers and their development of new anti-ship and antiaircraft technologies. But now this imperial project is at an end.
Russian battle tanks.
Prior to the Soviet collapse, the US military generally did not dare to directly threaten those countries to which the USSR had extended its protection.
Nevertheless, by using its naval power to dominate the sea lanes that carried crude oil, and by insisting that oil be traded in US dollars, it was able to live beyond its means by issuing dollar-denominated debt instruments and forcing countries around the world to invest in them.
It imported whatever it wanted using borrowed money while exporting inflation, expropriating the savings of people across the world. In the process, the US has accumulated absolutely stunning levels of national debt—beyond anything seen before in either absolute or relative terms.
When this debt bomb finally explodes, it will spread economic devastation far beyond US borders. And it will explode, once the petrodollar wealth pump, imposed on the world through American naval and air superiority, stops working.
Chinese hyper-velocity nuclear missiles.
New missile technology has made a naval empire cheap to defeat. Previously, to fight a naval battle, one had to have ships that outmatched those of the enemy in their speed and artillery power. The Spanish Armada was sunk by the British armada.
More recently, this meant that only those countries whose industrial might matched that of the United States could ever dream of opposing it militarily. But this has now changed: Russia’s new missiles can be launched from thousands of kilometers away, are unstoppable, and it takes just one to sink a destroyer and just two to sink an aircraft carrier.
The American armada can now be sunk without having an armada of one’s own. The relative sizes of American and Russian economies or defense budgets are irrelevant: the Russians can build more hypersonic missiles much more quickly and cheaply than the Americans would be able to build more aircraft carriers.
Russian aircraft.
Equally significant is the development of new Russian air defense capabilities: the S-300 and S-400 systems, which can essentially seal off a country’s airspace. Wherever these systems are deployed, such as in Syria, US forces are now forced to stay out of their range.
With its naval and air superiority rapidly evaporating, all that the US can fall back on militarily is the use of large expeditionary forces—an option that is politically unpalatable and has proven to be ineffective in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is also the nuclear option, and while its nuclear arsenal is not likely to be neutralized any time soon, nuclear weapons are only useful as deterrents.
Their special value is in preventing wars from escalating beyond a certain point, but that point lies beyond the elimination of their global naval and air dominance.
Nuclear weapons are much worse than useless in augmenting one’s aggressive behavior against a nuclear-armed opponent; invariably, it would be a suicidal move. What the US now faces is essentially a financial problem of unrepayable debt and a failing wealth pump, and it should be a stunningly obvious point that setting off nuclear explosions anywhere in the world would not fix the problems of an empire that is going broke.
Chinese ICBM with MIRV nuclear hyper-velocity warheads with swarm targeting ability.
Events that signal vast, epochal changes in the world often appear minor when viewed in isolation.
Julius Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon was just one river crossing; Soviet and American troops meeting and fraternizing at the Elbe was, relatively speaking, a minor event—nowhere near the scale of the siege of Leningrad, the battle of Stalingrad or the fall of Berlin.
Yet they signaled a tectonic shift in the historical landscape. And perhaps we have just witnessed something similar with the recent pathetically tiny Battle of East Gouta in Syria, where the US used a make-believe chemical weapons incident as a pretense to launch an equally make-believe attack on some airfields and buildings in Syria.
The US foreign policy establishment wanted to show that it still matters and has a role to play, but what really happened was that US naval and air power were demonstrated to be almost entirely beside the point.
More Russian food.
Of course, all of this is terrible news to the US military and foreign policy establishments, as well as to the many US Congressmen in whose districts military contractors operate or military bases are situated.
Obviously, this is also bad news for the defense contractors, for personnel at the military bases, and for many others as well. It is also simply awful news economically, since defense spending is about the only effective means of economic stimulus of which the US government is politically capable.
Obama’s “shovel-ready jobs,” if you recall, did nothing to forestall the dramatic slide in the labor participation rate, which is a euphemism for the inverse of the real unemployment rate.
There is also the wonderful plan to throw lots of money at Elon Musk’s SpaceX (while continuing to buy vitally important rocket engines from the Russians—who are currently discussing blocking their export to the US in retaliation for more US sanctions). In short, take away the defense stimulus, and the US economy will make a loud popping sound followed by a gradually diminishing hissing noise.
Needless to say, all those involved will do their best to deny or hide for as long as possible the fact that the US foreign policy and defense establishments have now been neutralized.
My prediction is that America’s naval and air empire will not fail because it will be defeated militarily, nor will it be dismantled once the news sinks in that it is useless; instead, it will be forced to curtail its operations due to lack of funds.
There may still be a few loud bangs before it gives up, but mostly what we will hear is a whole lot of whimpering. That’s how the USSR went; that’s how the USA will go too.
Our economy has been goosed in the last decade (and even more so recently) by:
Artificially, and permanently low, interest rates.
Rampant money printing.
A never-ending supply of “stimulus” packages and tax cuts to goose the economy.
An experiment in Universal Basic Income by paying out of work people more than they were paid working to not work.
Blatant political cronyism far in excess of the usual – your elected representatives are even trying to bail out Jeff Bezos’ so he can compete with Elon Musk’s SpaceX®. This is actually happening (LINK).
One hundred miles per hour sounded like it was really fast to me when I was driving a pickup truck that wouldn’t go that fast downhill on a mountain pass (topped out at 95). But the economy is so goosed now that we see $100 plywood sheets tumbling in the breeze as we cruise down the highway. The stresses from the velocity as we shamble and skitter between the lines are evident.
What’s next, a $50 ribeye?
When they film a post-apocalypse movie in Detroit, they have to use CGI to repair buildings.
I didn’t use Texas, because I like Texas and Texans, so I picked Minneapolis because I think it’s on its way to becoming a quaint “Detroit on the Mississippi” where the primary source of amusement is Thunderdome Friday nights. Large Marge, a frequent commenter, called me on this quip (edits only in formatting):
A) Military recruits from prison
I am a former Corrections Officer.
I worked at three penitentiaries . . . including a max.
Some of the most intelligent individuals are prisoners. The most intelligent of them are organized and exceptionally efficient in the use of violence and intimidation.
Although better people than me might question their primary loyalties — gang/club? or Constitution? — I would expect them to continue to hone their adaptive skills in a military setting.
In fact, I would anticipate them quickly establishing a hierarchy and running the joint in no time… while eliminating slackers. Anybody they cannot eliminate, they recruit. No middle ground, no spectators.
Two of my ‘adopted’ sons are also Corrections Officers. Both are Marines, one was a SEAL. Intelligent, competitive, dedicated, observant.
Ask around, you may discover your assumptions to be the opposite of reality.
And assumptions can get somebody hurt.
B) Military recruits from inner-city slums
Happens daily. Pigment is no guarantee of inbred stupidity or ineffectiveness, however, it is a guarantee of tribal acceptance.
Anybody not in the tribe is prey:
If you are alone, they are five.
If you are five, they are a faceless two hundred in a spontaneous leaderless non-thinking swarm . . . they act, then disperse into nothingness.
Similar to recruits from prison, these folks are effective at violence and intimidation.
Just do not expect complex thought processes resulting in traditional long-term ‘White Collar’ crimes.
Complex planning is not required for crimes of opportunity.
C) These A and B elements are not exclusive.
Expect cross-overs.
Flyers can ruin your afternoon.
Large Marge is, of course, right in every respect.
The first point is that the general attitude is that all of the Left is represented by the soy-boy weakness we see from the Left’s poster children.
It is not.
A final thought
If any alarm bells were ringing earlier, it should be considered to be foreplay.
Right now, the Civil Defense sirens are blaring, and everyone should be running for their underground bunkers.
There might be world War III any day now, or not.
There might be riots in the streets, or maybe not.
There might be a complete collapse of the US Dollar, or maybe not.
Do not be lulled into complacency. There was a nice Memorial Day holiday. I hope that you enjoyed yourself, and worked on prudent measures to adapt to a changing environment. To quote from the above article…
If the citizens of the USSR were informed, prior to the events of 1990, of what was about to happen to them, they would have behaved quite differently, and quite a lot of personal tragedy might have been avoided.
And this one…
But, having witnessed one collapse, and now witnessing another, the one approach I would definitely not recommend is doing nothing and hoping for the best.
Of course, my opinion is well understood.
From the movie “Aliens”…
And my Video
I am not in America. I am in China.
It is my “lifeboat” while the USS Titanic American sinks under the waves.
And for me, sitting in my lifeboat, I am watching the rats scurry all over the deck. A few are starting to jump into the cold, cold ocean. But most are still on the deck and starting to fight against each other.
That is the way it is, and to end up this article, let me provide a final glimpse of what my lifeboat looks like.
Here is an end of article video for your enjoyment. It shows a little about what China is like where I live. HERE. 127MB.
Do you want more?
I have more posts like this in my New Beginnings Index…
Hello everyone. Did you know that I died? Yup. I did. But, you know, I didn’t really die. I just experienced a sudden death event that was short duration and then snapped to a nearby world-line.
Strange, eh? Yeah it was.
In 1992 I was living in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. I loved it there. Rural. Lush. Friendly. Great catfish. Easy going. Warm. Fragrant. Great place to live. But the people couldn’t drive for shit. I mean it. The road would be straight as an arrow for miles and miles and miles, and sure as shit, someone would drive off the road and hit the only tree for miles around.
Anyways, I’m in the car with my wife (at the time) and we are at an intersection. As I recall we had one of our cats with us. Probably taking it to or from the vet in it’s car-carrier. We drive down the twisty rural road and go to the intersection of one of the major highways in Mississippi.
I look left, and I look right, and suddenly I’m dizzy. An emergency slide occurs. Next three seconds, I’m reliving the moment. I put my foot on the brake hard. And a tractor trailer flies right in front of me.
We (my wife and I) died.
But we didn’t.
That is an event that I want to stress. And that I want to discuss right now. And you can say that it was my imagination, or that my guardian angel was by my side, or that I am reading too much into it, I can tell you that I know what happened and the mechanisms involved.
I died.
A tractor-trailer rig was flying down the road and hit me square on the drivers side and smashed my body into a bag of jelly and bones, and completely wiped out my wife next to me. Bam! Swoosh!
Restart button.
The world, the universe, the MWI is not at all what you think, and you have far better control on what will happen in your life than you believe.
There was a Star Trek (The Next Generation) Episode that rings a bell here…
Here’s some science fiction to get us started in this journey…
A temporal causality loop, also known as a causality loop or a repeating time loop, is a type of phenomenon whereby a specific moment in time repeats itself continually inside an independent fragment of time. (TNG: "Cause and Effect"; VOY: "Coda", "Q2", DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
Ai! It’s science fiction. But you know, it can be useful to understand (sort of) what is going on.
The following is an article titled "Cause and Effect: The Star Trek: TNG Episode That Stuck with Me" or the by-line "How one time loop stayed with a fan long after the Enterprise escaped." It was written by Christina Griffith on 16DEC20. Reprinted as found. All credit to the author. Edited to fit this venue.
It’s a Monday in the spring of 1992, and I’m 12 years old. I finished my homework, rushed downstairs to park myself on the couch in front of the TV, and flipped on Star Trek: The Next Generation.
THE ENTERPRISE IS EXPLODING. The bridge is in chaos: the starboard nacelle has taken a direct hit, casualty reports are coming in from all over the ship, a warp core breach is imminent, and Captain Picard is shouting “All hands abandon ship! All hands abandon sh-”
BOOM. Theme.
What the hell just happened?
This is the frenetic opening of “Cause and Effect,” the 18th episode of the 5th season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. During the decades of seemingly endless syndication, I caught the odd episode here or there, but I don’t recall ever seeing this one in its entirety again. And yet, that imagery of the shaking bridge being slowly engulfed by 90’s-era CGI flames and the pieces of the Enterprise blasting away into empty space again and again stuck with me long into adulthood. There are few programs that I can vividly recall the experience of the very first watch. What was it about this particular episode that got to me?
The Enterprise being destroyed is the most in-media-res opening possible. Translated to “in the middle of things,” what we’ve actually just witnessed is “the end of things,” if this were a linear story. But it’s not. After the credits, the episode picks up at a familiar poker game. We assume we are at beginning as we follow Dr. Crusher through a seemingly routine day that includes minor incidents of déjà vu and odd phenomenon until Worf reports they have encountered a temporal disturbance off the port bow.
I knew it, thinks 12-year-old me, fists clenched. Of course, the way out must be time travel! There’s an alternative timeline or a paradox we must avoid to prevent the ship’s inevitable destruction. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a show next week — and we know there is.
This is not actually a time travel episode, at least not for our protagonists. This is a time-loop, a repetition of the same events (usually over 24 hours) in which the characters are trapped. It is often referred to as the Groundhog Day trope after the movie of the same name, which coincidentally was also released in 1992, though this plot device does pre-date the film.
The oldest generally accepted example is The Defence of Duffer’s Drift, written in 1904 by British Major-General Ernest Dunlop Swinton under the amusing pseudonym Lt. Backsight Forethought. In this story, the protagonist dreams over and over of the same battle, learning more about tactics each time until the mission is successful. In some incarnations of the time-loop, characters can change prior events at will, like in the 1965 Japanese novel The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. Some stories use the time-loop as a trap within which the characters are deliberately being punished and must right a wrong to escape. There is even, of course, an entire Christmas-themed subgenre.
It is the storytelling that makes this episode so ingenious. You might think watching the same day unfold over and over would be unbearably repetitive. Fortunately, director Jonathan Frakes and writer Brandon Braga construct a puzzle of a plot that builds on the subtle changes in each repetition as the characters realize what the audience already knows and generates increasing suspense even as events repeat themselves.
The magic of this trope is that its conditions are flexible. While time-travel in the Star Trek universe has rules and prerequisites, time-loops can be magical in nature, divine intervention, a curse, necessary to “fix” someone or something, or require discovering the loop’s trigger to escape it. The trope’s namesake-movie famously addressed neither the cause nor nature of Phil Connor’s never-ending Groundhog Day.
But this is science-fiction, so the explanation is half the fun! As the bridge officers report to deal with the temporal distortion, the tension was palpable for 12-year-old-me: I was about to see how the Enterprise is destroyed or how it is saved. However, the mood on the bridge is lo-key, as no one seems particularly concerned about this deceptively inconsequential sounding “highly localized distortion of the space-time continuum.”
It just looks like a nondescript space cloud… then the power drops out. You can hear it in Troi’s voice when she says, “We have to get out of here, now.” She is only that definitive when things are serious. And then it emerges: a ship from the midst of the distortion. They can’t move, the helm won’t respond. Shields are inoperative. No response to hails. Impact in 36 seconds. Riker suggests depressurizing the shuttle bay and Data suggests the tractor beam. They engage the tractor beam, but as the mystery ship is deflected, it strikes the nacelle.
In the ensuing chaos, Data’s eerily calm monotone narrates each failure:
“Initiating an emergency core shutdown!”
“Emergency shutdown is unsuccessful. We are losing antimatter containment.”
“We have to eject the core!”
“Ejection systems are offline. Core breach is imminent.”
(I would like to pause here because 12-year-old-me wants this addressed. This is a Galaxy-Class Starship, the flagship of the Federation. Why is it that, while sailing through space all day long, the computer doesn’t suffer a single malfunction until the very moment the ship faces what could be just a minor inconvenience, and then invariably the shields stop functioning, the helm doesn’t respond, the warp engines can’t be shut down, and for some reason the ejection system is offline, and now we are facing death?)
At this point in my re-watch, I distinctly remembered what disturbed me so very much about this scene. It was the sound. As the inertial dampeners fail and the Enterprise careens out of control in space, it emits a noise: a terrible groan that could only come from a 640-meter long, 460-meter wide tritanium-hulled starship whose spinning bulk is stressed past maximum tolerances as its warp core self-destructs. If a machine could scream, this is what it would sound like.
Yes, I know that in space, no one can hear anything scream, not even a machine.
The Enterprise explodes, the screen goes dark, and we return to our poker game to do it all over again.
What the temporal disturbance does for our time-loop is ground the experience in spacetime principles that ensure when our characters relive the day, they have no knowledge of the day that already occurred. It is a causality-loop, where the event resets time itself. It makes that moment in the observation room briefing when Riker asks if they could have had this same conversation a dozen times and Geordi confirms, “We could have been trapped here for hours, days, maybe years,” so disconcerting.
When the crew does manage to breach the causality-loop with that vital information needed to avoid the collision, we don’t have a sitcom-like reset. We were never at the beginning of the story; in fact, the Enterprise has been missing for nearly 18 days. The U.S.S. Bozeman, captained by Frasier himself, has unfortunately gotten the worst of the temporal distortion. Believed lost in 2278, it has traveled 90 years in that same 18 days.
In those moments just before the Enterprise was destroyed, I watched in terror as every option was stripped away until there was but one decision to be made, and the wrong call, even if it seemed right, would doom the ship for eternity. To be trapped forever reliving the same choice without knowing seemed more horror than science fiction.
The elements that come together in this episode—ingenious use of the plot device, well-crafted storytelling, and smart directing— coalesce with just the right effects and acting skill to deliver an unnerving, dark, though ultimately triumphant experience.
Stories that don’t fit conventional understanding
Here’s some stories that I have collected on the internet. They are, I believe true, as viewed by the person telling and relating the story. Other people have experienced what I have experienced, and it is only because of my role within the MAJ and our benefactors that I have some degree of insight as to what is going on (and some examples where I don’t).
I place it here for thoughtful consideration.
Examples of World-line slides that I collected from the internet.
We will begin with a narrative that describes something similar to what I experienced so long ago. A guy died, but then didn’t.
So this actually happened last week… It just took me some time to come to terms with it…
I got a phone call from my next door neighbor late in the evening asking if I can help him move a mattress into his upstairs. His mom is ill and has a big heavy sleep number bed. I of course ran over to help because they’re great neighbors.
I get over there and his friend, who is also a priest, was there to help. I helped them figure out how to separate the mattress from the bed so we could fit it up stairs. We get it all moved up and back in place when my neighbor asks if I can help them move an armoire upstairs too. I think nothing of it and we pull it out of his travel trailer and start bringing it up the front stairs of his house.
This is where I died. The front stairs are 11 steps. I was on the lower end of the armoire about 6 steps up when my neighbor and his friend lose a handle on the armoire and it comes crashing down on me and I fall backwards towards the pavement…
I then wake up in my dining room to my phone ringing and my wife asking me if I’m going to answer the phone. It’s my neighbor asking me if I can help move a bed upstairs for his mom…
I go over there and meet his priest friend again, as this has been the first time I met him. I say I can help with the bed but I cannot help with the armoire. My neighbor was like “how’d you know about the armoire?”. I then proceeded to tell them I’m pretty sure I just died.
I spent the next hour talking with the priest.
He had so many questions. My neighbor didn’t believe it until I described the upstairs bedroom in perfect detail down to the metal mattress frame on the floor and the intricate headboard leaning against the wall and I had never been upstairs in their house before.
The priest asked me what I saw after I died. I told him I never actually died. Before it happened I woke up at my dining room table.
TL;DR… I experienced my death but woke up alive about 20 minutes earlier in my life.
And here’s another example, from another person.
My mom and I were on the highway driving home, and there was a semi truck in the lane next to us. Suddenly the semi swerved in to our lane. Luckily my mom was able to get out of the way before it hit us, but soon after I began feeling strangely. The entire right side of my face felt hot and sticky, I tasted blood, and smelled the very pungent scent of gasoline. Then my head and right arm started to ache really badly, and I couldn’t feel my legs. Just as soon as the pain started to worsen, it went away, replaced with a cold eerie chill. I told my mom about this and she couldn’t come up with an explanation. I think I was feeling the pain in another timeline where my mom wasn’t able to avoid that semi.
Here’s yet another…
So I work for a joinery company and was delivering a load to a construction site about an hour away from work, and whenever I’m out and about, I just play reddit compilation videos through my headphones.
I was about 8 minutes into a video when in the middle of the town at a red light, with a bad feeling of deja vu. the video started buffering. I thought it was odd since I had good reception but was just going to wait it out. The light went green, and the video played just long enough to say the word “wait” and started buffering again. I couldn’t see anything at all, The road was clear, but I thought I’d listen, looked left, then right again and there was a massive semi at Speed that appeared out of nowhere and ran the red light. It would have taken out the drivers side of the cab, and I’d have been toast if I didn’t wait. Definitely reminded me of my own mortality.
A redo
And yet another example, only from a bystander.
This technically happened last night, but I was just starting a graveyard shift and am only now getting it all down.
I work at a gas station chain with only numbers in its name. We’re just outside of a large chunk of suburbs- none if that “middle of nowhere”, like we aren’t exactly near any other businesses but we are rarely completely dead for hours at a time.
It was just past midnight, and with everything going on in the US right now not a lot of things other than gas stations and bars are open at night anymore so it was a slower evening.
I was the only one in the store and a car pulled up to one if the 2 double-sided pumps out front. Pretty standard white four door. I’m not great with car brands but it was a little nicer, like upper middle class and probably only a few years old.
A woman gets out and starts walking towards our door like she’s in a daze. Legit this woman looked like she saw a ghost. She wanders up, sort of freezes at the door for a second with a thousand yard stare before opening it and coming in. She didn’t go looking for anything, didn’t start shopping, just sort of stood inside for what felt like ages.
Again, bars are still open so I think maybe she’s a little drunk or had a rough night or something so I give the usual “Welcome to ‘gas station’ let me know if you need any help finding anything” and she finally notices me and immediately asks me the weirdest damn question I have ever been asked on the job. “You can see me right?”
“Yeah”. Like what else do you say? She breaks down crying in the middle of my store so I’m already headed around the corner to see what’s up. I have my cellphone out incase I need to call the cops or something for her.
I get her to sit down on a nearby pallet of soda and I’m grabbing her a bottle of water and after she catches her breath a little she tells me “I thought I had died”. Again I’m thinking maybe she is on something but she’s a middle aged woman who looks like a standard local suburban housewife. We’re a pretty boring township without your average junkies like you’d find closer to the cities.
So she asks if she can call her husband to pick her up and wait with me. She has her own phone and does so, not really telling him anything either just where she is at and if he can come get her. He says he’ll call an uber and be there as soon as possible.
We’re waiting, so far nobody else has showed up, so I’m keeping most of my attention on her- and eventually she starts to explain to me-
“I was driving home from dinner with my coworkers and as I’m driving through (nearby intersection I recognized) a truck ran a redlight and hit me.” Now, her car is still at the pump without a scratch on it. She goes on to say she remembers her car being pushed into a pole, going airborne, and then nothing.
I tried to calm her down letting her know that her car is out front and it looks fine, but she insisted that she completely blacked out, woke up in an ambulance for a split second, passed out again, and then woke up again in the driver seat of her car- at the intersection waiting for the light to change, perfectly fine.
This whole thing freaked her out so badly that she drove to the nearest anything (us) just so she could get out of the car.
Husband eventually showed up to get her. He asked if I had any idea what happened and even though she sort of explained to me I just shrugged because no, I had no idea what was happening anymore. She reluctantly got into the passenger seat of the car and he drove them back home.
That was hours ago, after which I worked an entire shift at the station trying to wrap my head around what the absolute hell I had just witnessed.
World-line slide
What about this one…
Do you guys know the whole theory about how when people die in one time line, they shift into another? I think that may have happened to me.
Back in early July of this year, my family (M45, F54, Me:19, B16), S(13) were going on a road trip to Montana to visit our grandparents. Prior to the trip, I had a horrible, horrible feeling about going. I kept having flashes of car accidents in my head, and I was sure that we were going to get in one if we left. It was so strange, because I have a pretty severe anxiety disorder, but this didn’t feel like my anxiety at all, and I never have anxiety about road trips: I love them!!
So we left Saturday of that week, I had told my parents I had a bad feeling about driving up there, but they dismissed me as being anxious, but I had never felt so certain about something in my life. Getting into that car felt like signing my death sentence. So we get about 6 hours in, and at this point, I start to think I was being ridiculous, and a wave of calmness just washes over me. This is where shit gets strange. My dad passes an underpass and everything just shifts. I feel like I saw everything in slow motion for a whole 4 or so minutes. My parents were joking beforehand, but their faces moved so slowly, and then the light in the car started to shift. This was the scary part because I thought I must have been going insane. For a few seconds, there was a huge illumination of light into our car, and I looked at my family, and could not tell who they were or what they meant to me. And then it’s like everything just came back. The light shifted back, and I knew who everyone was, but it felt like something imperceptible had changed.
I closed my eyes and tried to make sense of the past few minutes, and when I reached back to remember; I saw blood, our car and another minivan in shambles on the side of the highway right beyond the underpass, and mangled bodies. I remembered sensations I should not have known: what spattered brain matter looks like, the smell of something burning, the way I couldn’t breathe. But this never happened? Yet I remember that the car in front of us had switched lanes even though there was a truck in front of us, realized it at the last second, and hit us with a lateral impact.
I have no history of psychosis, and I have never been in any sort of car accident. This wasn’t PTSD, and I have never had anxiety over being in the car in any sort of way prior to this. And maybe I could have just brushed it off, but I still think about it when I’m driving in my own car. And it’s made me a more cautious driver. I don’t know what happened, it was just a weird situation, and I remember having the distinct feeling in that moment that I had died in some sense. I am not a spiritually sensitive person by any means, I am a scientist at heart, but this truly was something I cannot explain. And I fully accept that I might be reading to much into this, and for some reason, I imagined an event that never happened, but I thought I would share anyway.
I was driving about 50 mph, and a car ran a stop sign on an on ramp and pulled out right in front of me. I remember bracing for impact and then I was about 300 yards down the highway and I saw the car at the ramp in my rearview, just about to pull out. –Chaithecat
Blink and you are elsewhere
But you know, it doesn’t necessarily mean that someone needs to have a near-death experience…
This is only a small thing, but it still confuses the hell out of me and I can’t think of any explanation.
I was playing fetch with my dog in my living room. I threw the ball, she’d bring it back, you get it. My dog dropped the ball on my foot and waited whilst I leant down to pick it up, but then I blinked and it was gone.
I quickly checked under the sofa, thinking she’d nudged it under there or I’d accidentally kicked it, but it was nowhere to be seen. My dog was still staring at the spot where she dropped it and when it disappeared she looked just as confused as I was and jumped round looking for it.
I scoured the whole room (which wasn’t very big) and eventually found it on the opposite side of the room in the middle of the floor, even after I’d looked everywhere. We only had this one particular ball at the time, so we couldn’t have mistaken it for another one.
Not particularly exciting, but I can’t think of any explanation. My dog was just happy to have her ball back at least.
Doggie Mysteries
Dogs can be a trip…
About 30 seconds ago I was sitting on the couch, as my dog walked by to go sit on her bed we have behind the “L” part of the sectional. She had something small caught in her throat last night, I think a popcorn shell, so I was paying attention to her breathing just to make sure she got it out.
For a few minutes she was breathing fine, and then what sounded like a light snore started happening. This is semi-normal for her depending on what position she’s laying in, so I didn’t bother to go over and check on her. That went on for about 5 minutes, until the most disgusting(and to my now realization, terrifying) snore/cough/wheezing sound started happening. I go over to her to make sure she’s okay, and the exact moment I looked at her bed the sound stoped ‘mid-breath’ and she wasn’t there.
She was outside with my parents, had been for around 30 minutes. There’s no way to get out of the room without walking right past me. I don’t know who’s fucking dog I saw, and what was making that creepy ass sound 5 feet away from me, but I’m going to be staying outside for the rest of the day and hiring an exorcist.
A Slide
And this one…
My dad drank out of the same black cup everyday. One day he filled up a different white cup. I asked him what gives and he claimed to always have used that cup. I asked the rest of my family and they all said the same thing.
Slide to a different world-line template
As is this one…
I dropped my phone in the kitchen and I looked to grab it off of the floor but it wasn’t there. I heard it hit the floor but I couldn’t find it. It was in the middle of the room too, there was no way it could’ve gone more than 3 feet away from me. I checked under everything and went through the entire house looking for it but it was gone. I had my mom call my phone and it said that my line was disconnected. I checked the Find My IPhone app and it said it couldn’t find my phone because it couldn’t find a signal. That was 4 years ago, and we still haven’t found it. It’s like it hit the ground and immediately disappeared afterwards.
Shared memories of a different world-line
And check out this one…
My husband recently took an overnights job to help us out during covid. He’s only been there about two weeks and works evenings/overnights, 9pm-6am.
Last night was no different, he left home around 8:15pm. Our daughter, age 11, and I decided to make it a movie night. Around 11pm, I heard keys in my backdoor and the usual sounds my husband makes when he comes home. I creep out to the kitchen to make sure it was him, and it was. He told me he needed to grab his knee compression sleeve, walks down the hall, says hi to our daughter as he passes the living room, and goes upstairs. He came back down, gave me a kiss and left again.
We finished our movie and went to bed. In the morning when he got home I made a joking comment about him forgetting his knee sleeve. He was genuinely confused as I recalled the previous night. Our daughter confirmed everything I said and he still was acting confused. I pulled up our security motion camera on my phone to show him when he popped in quick. But there was no footage from the night before, or any other night, of him coming home after he’s left for work.
My daughter and I both heard him, saw him, and I touched him. But he was never home during that time. Nothing else out of the ordinary happened that night. We seriously have no idea what happened.
Memory wipe
And check out this one…
The year was 2011. I was in med school while my brother joined engineering college in same city.my brother is 3 years younger to me.
One day i asked him to come to my hostel as it was his free day from college.(he used to come in his free day as he missed family )
We were chatting and having foods while he suddenly asked me about a girl.
Bro- do you remember nisha(altered name for obvious reason)?
Bro-it seems like you have forgotten her.good for you.
Me(visibly confused)-which nisha you are talking about?
Bro(still playing)- don’t try so hard brother.you know exactly about whom i am taking about. Leave it if that’s still hurting you.i shouldn’t have bring her up.
Me(thinking that he is pulling my leg,i started to play along)- yeah i remember.i forgot her.it was bitter.i am not in touch with her.
Bro-it is not like that you can be in touch with her anyway..
Me(trying to play along)- yeah.she is probably married by now.
Bro(visibly confused)- now what nisha are you talking about???
Me-exactly the nisha you are talking about..
Bro-leave it then..
After 30 or so minutes after lunch is over
Bro-do you really not remember her?nisha?
Me(tired of this game,agitated)- bro stop this game it’s not funny anymore.i am tired of this stupid game.
Bro-what game ?
Me-i don’t really know nisha.who is she?
Bro-forget it.
And he left for the day…
I asked mom after few days about nisha.she was distraught when i asked about her.after few mon she told me that she was my gf while i was in school.she was my brothers best friend. she died in a car accident few years back.
I was dumbfounded.i don’t even recall her name,face,memory .nothing..
Her memory is totally wiped out from me.
I was disturbed and went back to home where mom showed me a pic where i was with a girl and my brother.i don’t even remember the girl.
In some cases of ptsd selective amnesia happens.but that repressed memory can be triggered by related memory.but in this case i didn’t even recall her.i was agitated because i don’t remember her.
Till this day i don’t recall anything.according to family, we were close.i didn’t try to ask her family or any other people because it seems insensitive..
World-line slide
Check out this one…
Me (M26) and my girlfriend (F25) have been living together in an apartment for two and a half years. Everything has been normal until quarantine started (around 4 weeks ago), when I started noticing some odd things.
For instance, for the last three weeks or so, my GF has been putting sugar in her morning coffee, while throughout our entire relationship she’s always been very much against it. It may seem like a small detail, but she’s always been complaining about how I don’t know what real coffee is since I put quite a lot of sugar. On the first day that I saw her drinking coffee with sugar I asked her why would she do that, and she looked at me weirded out and said something like “What are you talking about? I’ve always been putting sugar in my coffee”. I felt a bit confused for a moment but then we started talking about some other things, so I didn’t think anymore about it until the morning after, when she did the exactly same thing, and had once again the same reaction.
Fast forward a few days and another odd thing happened. We were having sex and she suddenly suggested a sex pose that we had already tried once, but it had gone wrong and it hurt her a lot so we had simply decided not to try it anymore. Naturally, I was very surprised with her suggestion, and reminded her about the time when it went wrong, and she just completely dismissed it, saying that i probably mixed her up with some ex-girlfriend or that I was just tripping. We then did the pose and we actually enjoyed it.
Today, the weirdest thing happened, which is the reason I’m writing this post. In the afternoon, I was working at home (I’m employed as a PhD student at the computer science department of a university), when my gf asked me what’s up with a guy who I’ve never heard of before. I asked her who is she referring to and she said “Well, it’s that colleague of yours who you always talk about, the one from the company where you are employed at”. I froze, and asked her to repeat, and she said the exactly same thing all over again. Then I told her that I don’t work at any company nor have I ever worked at any company, since I started a PhD straight after my Master degree. At this point, she also completely froze and we were just staring at each other completely confused and shocked for a few moments. She then asked me wtf is going on and I reminded her about the coffee thing and about the sex pose and that I don’t know anymore what is going on. At this point, she started crying too and asked what is wrong with us.
Nor she, nor me nor anyone in both families have ever had any mental problems in the past. We don’t know what to do about this.
Can anyone explain what’s wrong with us?
Yah. It’s all pretty crazy.
But all of the above examples can be explained as either intentional, or accidental slides or cross-dimensional effects.
Some examples of slides
Here’s some examples of what the slides or pre-birth world-line template switches work.
In the first example is a “slide”. You actually “fall off” your pre-birth world-line template, or the template map that you have been following and onto a new map, a new template. It diagrammatically looks something a little bit like this…
I have described slides in other posts. But in this post I also bring up “Glitches” and “jumps”. These are mini-changes to the world-line path that may or may not result in a slide to a new map.
And here’s an example of a “glitch” or a “jump”.
I really do not know why these things happen, or the mechanisms involved. I just know that they do happen, but are not an “everyday” occurrence. In a person’s life, it might only happen once in a “blue moon”.
The easiest explanation for a “almost death” is that it just wasn’t your time. But that’s a pretty lazy answer. Don’t you think? But it’s the most reasonable answer that I can think of.
As far as “glitches”, “jumps”, and “accidental slides” go, I just haven’t much of a clue. There are “holes” in our reality that open and close, and sometimes we, or things, fall through them.
And as far as I am concerned, obviously, I was “pulled out of harms way” intentionally in an “emergency slide”. The mechanism and what was going on, well… I haven’t a clue.
Let’s look at some other events which might be misunderstandings, examples of elements within our MWI, or something else. In any event, they could be “head scratchers”…
Hello Son
So, this happened about seven or eight years ago. My husband and I were laying in the bed one night, watching television. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a child in the doorway of our bedroom. Thinking it was our only child at the time, I tapped my hubby and said “Hey, shhhh b look, but I think Connor is going to try to scare us ! He turns and looks and this child walked into our room. I can’t explain it, bc it was one of those moments that seemed … somehow different. We watched in silence, soon realizing that this child was NOT out son. He toddles in, head slightly tilted back, curls bouncing and diaper squish squishing as he goes to the end of our bed.. we see his head go down (like he was crouching) and when we got up to look- he was gone. I looked at chris (my husband) and said “ Did we just see a ghost?!” Then, almost as an after thought, I said “well, we know if we have another baby, and he has curls, that he was here before he was born.” We both laugh, bc We were not trying for another baby at the time. Fascinated, we go to check on our son, and he was fast asleep. A few months later.. I’m pregnant. (Surprise!) So fast forward aNd our new baby, Liam, is two. He toddles in the room, head titled slightly back and curls bouncing, and it hit me like a bucket of ice water.. holy crap, this is the baby that came to visit us! I mean, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind.. now, on top of that, whenever Liam is staying the night elsewhere (like with my parents) he comes to visit me in my sleep .. for example- one time he came and just smiled at me while I was taking a nap.. He was in a little red shirt, and his hair was cut short (he left with it long) the next day I go to pick the kiddos up from mom, and lo and behold- his hair is freshly shorn and he is wearing a little red shirt. I asked my mom “did he wear this yesterday?” And she replies “oh, yeah he did, but he insisted on wearing it today, so he is..”. So, I look at him and say “did you go see momma yesterday in mommas dreams” he just looked at me (he was four) all big blue eyes and serious, and nodded his head.
So that’s my glitch in the matrix story. One of many, but the most profound. Our son, I guess, travels astral, and even stopped to see us before he was born. I would know those curls anywhere. the fact that my husband witnessed it with me makes it even more weird, but utterly fascinating. Thanks for reading and forgive typos please
My mom died 13 years ago. About four years ago my dad was on vacation in Arizona with his girlfriend. He said he was up watching tv and the hotel phone rang.
He answered it and said it was my moms voice saying “I’m ok” he said he said “Cass?” And he said the phone was crackly and said tell HEATHER (me) I am ok” he said his girlfriend was confused why the phone ring.
He immediately called me even though it was late and he was crying. My dad doesn’t believe in the supernatural but still to this day can’t explain that call.
Message through time
Three days ago I was having conversation with my father and he was telling me about his university life. Basically my dad came from nothing, he had a very difficult up bringing and went to the worst school and high school in our city. When it was time for him to join university, my grandfather passed away leaving my dad to take care for the rest of the family as he was the oldest son. He took a wrong a major because of the wrong advices of the people and how he regrets that to this day. The courses were taught in English which is a second language for us and how he didn’t even know the language. My dad told me that it was the darkest times in his life and he just wanted to run away and was even thinking of taking his own life. Now very recently he got his masters in English literature and he was telling me that he didn’t think it would be ever possible for him. My dad just recently finished this degree at an age of 55.
The next morning my dad had to drive to this town because his distant relatives live there and they are struggling financially, my dad is very a kind soul and he wanted to help them . The town is 3 hours drive away. He usually takes public transport but didn’t because of recent crisis. He drove there and my mom was worried so we decided we will keep calling him after every hour to check. Well i decided to call him , now keep in mind because it’s highway network signals get very weak. He told me to wait and parked at a nearby restaurant it was like a check point for trucks. I don’t know what came over me but I started crying and went on to tell him how proud i was of him, i just babbled and kept saying that he shouldn’t think he is lacking because he is not. He was an amazing father and a great person to look up to.
You guys my dad started crying he told me that he will talk to me when he returns. Well he returned and he just hugged me and was telling me that how 30 years ago he was visiting the same town and it was the time when he was at his lowest. He was visiting the same relatives and he was in a bus which stopped at a petrol station. He called his mother and when he picked the phone without even dialling he heard my voice. It was me telling him the exact same thing which I just said yesterday. He said that he didn’t even called my grandmother, he just stood there and cried. It gave him strength to keep fighting. He said he just now realized it was me whose voice he heard.
My parents are now taking this as sign from God who helped my dad when he thought no one was there for him.
World-line switch
I am a bit shocked.
I had a very good friend who crafted small jewellery and I have a few pieces from her. I got a pair of earrings more than 8 years ago and lost one of it after wearing them just a couple of times.
I always told her she had to craft a replacement but unfortunately she got very sick and died of cancer very quickly, she never had the chance to craft anything else.
I kept the single earring in a little box with some other small random memories and trinkets.
I am now moving to my own place and checking the memories in this little box, both earrings are there and I can’t explain when or how or why.
Probably in other universe my own me lost the unique earring she had.
World-line glitch
This is my first post, so bear with me, but after reading many other glitch stories, I wanted to share mine here.
In early December 2015, my now ex-boyfriend’s mother passed away in the home following surgery and other health problems related to her heart (she was born with a rare condition). Unfortunately she went into cardiac arrest and we were unable to save her, so the event in and of itself was extremely traumatic and unexpected.
A couple of nights later, we decided to go see some friends who wanted to offer their condolences to my ex; everyone loved his mom. We were all sitting in our friends’ living room watching tv and, to be honest, they were really trying to distract us from everything.
One friend was just being her goofy self and I was taking Snapchat videos and I DISTINCTLY remember taking a video of (let’s call her) Amy… I saved the video, but when I looked at my screen to watch it, it was not Amy…. it was a grainy video with a background that appeared to be outside and 100000% not in a living room, but on the screen was my ex’s mom…
She said the words, “I’m okay baby. I’m okay” and multiple other friends saw it on my phone before it disappeared. She looked young and vibrant and has a huge smile on her face. Someone had tossed my phone to another friend across the couch to see and the video then disappeared. When we watched the original video back immediately after, my ex’s mom was gone. It was Amy in the video again just like I saw it while recording it in the first place.
My ex and his mom had a very close relationship, best friends really, so when we saw her on my screen letting him know she was okay… it was astounding.
I saw it first and everyone noticed i was visibly upset. I cannot imagine what went through my ex’s mind and heart when he saw that, but to this day, it’s something we talk about and something he shares with new friends… something we simply cannot explain other than her coming thru in a glitch to let us know she was okay.
Visit to the past
I live in a very small town. We have a small grocery store, hardware store, you know the drill. I was done getting groceries and hopped in my car to head home. As I pulled up to the end of the driveway of the store, blinker on to get onto the main road, I see a big, white, lifted Chevy pickup driving toward me that I need to wait for. I watch it as drives closer to me, remarking to myself that it looks so similar to my husband’s, just older and rusted around the edges. It even has the same black emblem and large iron cross bumper. As the truck goes past me my jaw nearly fell open. Staring at me intently was a man almost identical to my husband… but with a longer, greying beard, and grey hair around the ears. I quickly gathered myself together and pulled out behind the truck and up to the stop sign that followed. He was staring at me still in his side mirror. Glancing away and then staring at me again. He took off like a shot the first chance he got, and I tried to follow to see which direction he took, but a car was coming and I couldn’t get out behind him in time. The truck sped off toward my road, but I don’t know if he turned in that direction or not.
I know that’s a little crazy, but I couldn’t help feeling the total connection I feel with my husband when I saw his reflection in that side mirror staring at me. It gives me goosebumps to think about it because it was like he knew that I was me, and I was the wrong age, and that he needed to get out of there before i could follow. I got home and my husband was there, working in his woodshop. I told him about it and he chuckled and asked if he looked hot when he was old. I mean…. he did if it was really him!
Disappearing gal
So mobile alert . This happened two days ago.
I was at my home because of quarantine and according to me i was sleeping.
When i woke up my mom was looking at me having a very shocked and worried expression and tears in her eyes. She asked me where the hell i was and i said that i was sleeping right here in my bed. She didn’t believe me said she checked and i wasn’t there.
So apparently, my family woke up in the morning and i didn’t come for breakfast, my dad came into my room and just saw the blanket and pillow (i do sleep with blanket on face). Then my mom came to wake me up and took the blanket off no one was there . Then she panicked and told my dad. They searched the entire house and tried calling me nothing worked. Then they asked the neighbours if they had seen me leaving but neighbours couldn’t help as well. My mom was very afraid at that point and they called the police and that’s when my dad had went to file the report and i woke up.
We called my dad and told him i was back and he wanted an explanation and I couldn’t give one. I said i was just sleeping and then i woke up and this whole thing has happened.
I wanted to make it clear that i do sleep with blanket covering my entire body and my mom did made it clear that she took the blanket off and no one was there. We all are very shaken rn.
Strange ghosts
Let me preface this by saying there has always been creepy shit happening around me and I have several stories of my Dad’s old house which myself and my siblings all agree is haunted as fuck. I also had my dead best friend visit me twice which was nice.
So this evening, my partner (42 M) and I (30 F) were upstairs sorting laundry, when his daughter (17) called us downstairs as dinner was ready.
I was heading down the stairs, my partner right behind me, literally two steps behind me.
He did his usual thing of tickling the back of my neck as we walked.
The bottom of our stairs is wooden so you can hear when somebody steps onto it from the carpeted stairs. When we got to the bottom, my feet hit the floor as usual. I turned to ask him something and he wasn’t there.
He wasn’t fucking there.
I totally froze for a second and looked up the stairs and there he was. On the top step, pale and shaking.
Asked him what the fuck just happened and he kept saying
“I don’t know, I don’t know, I was behind you and before I hit the bottom, the next step took me back upstairs!”
We are very freaked out. Didn’t say shit to our girl as she is already leery of this stuff although he and I are somewhat used to it.
I am trying to get the courage to leave my laptop recording audio overnight because there definitely is SOMETHING weird happening.
I was JUST talking to my partner about the jump while we were cleaning our bedroom and the second he made a joke about “Spooks A-Poppin'” our bedroom door and bathroom door just slammed shut one after the other.
I’m chalking it up to our bedroom window being open a crack…I don’t want to think of alternatives.
To the people messaging me saying my relationship is “yikes” and to join certain subs (Female Dating Strategy) I appreciate the concern.
To the other eejit who messaged calling my partner a sexual deviant, kindly relax and focus in your own relationship, if you have one. We are together 11years. I’m second Mom to the kids.
Not every relationship with an age gap is abusive. Not every relationship with an age gap is coercive.
I love him and the kids more than anything, and I would DO anything for my family.
So please, I appreciate the concern, but don’t assume he is abusive or that I was “groomed” as one lovely person messaged.
And finally, to the person who asked me why I would want to be “fake Mom” to his kids- I’m sorry that’s how you view my life from this one small snippet I posted and I hope you are content in your own life.
Goin’ to California
Back story, this is important later: for about 9 months or so I was planning to move to California last September. Plans fell through do to financial reasons and other opportunities had come my way.
This happened to me while I was at work closing, so I was completely alone. A customer came in, he was maybe in his early 60’s (I’m 21). I wouldn’t say he looked like me, But he was definitely dressed similar to me, and that’s how I’d expect myself to dress at that age. Kinda old man surfy SoCal vibes. But this guy says “man I need some caffeine, I know it’s late but I’ve been consuming that stuff daily since I was a little kid.” I told him “ME TOO! Since I was about 8 I started drinking coffee” which is a fact about me. This guy continues to talk about how he loves the music I was playing in the store, etc. Then out of the blue this guy says “so I have to ask, why’d you choose not to move to California?”…. I did not mention California to this man at all, I have never met this man, I don’t know who he is or how he knew. None of my coworkers, or really anyone beside my family knew about my plans for California. I served him his drink, and as he walked out he said “you’ll go, maybe not now, but you love that place”… Again, I never spoke about California to him, but he knew I was planning to move there and he knew I loved that place. He walked out and I have not seen him since. I asked my parents and anyone who knew about my plans if they had told anyone, more specifically an older man. They all said no per my request to keep it on the down low. To this day I am still in awe.
Seeing with better eyesight
For a bit of context, my eyesight is horrible, even half a foot in front of my face is nothing but blurry color. Yesterday my mom and brother picked me up to go to an appointment. I was running a little late, so didn’t have time to put my contacts in/ do my makeup and was getting ready on the drive.
So while mom was driving I was in the passenger seat with the mirror down. I took off my glasses to apply my eyeshadow. My brother, who was sitting behind me, asked me a question and I turned to look back at him. When I turned my head back around, I quickly finished my eyeshadow and shut the mirror.
I was looking out my window at the farmland just off the road and thinking how beautiful it was when I suddenly realized that I hadn’t put my glasses back on, they were sitting on the dashboard. As soon as I had the realization, my perfect vision went back to being just blurred colors. It was instant, like flipping a switch on my sight. It was so shocking that I yelled “Holy shit!”
My outburst startled my mom and brother, so I told them what had just happened and they said they believed me but couldn’t think of a rational reason for it. We tried to figure it out for the rest of the drive but honestly couldn’t. Tbh, if there’s some secret to magically fixing my eyesight that I accidentally stumbled upon, then I wish I could find it again!
This just happened, and my heart is still beating like crazy.
I was chilling on the couch, scrolling through instagram, when I heard my cat jumping down from his bed. He usually wants to go outside after sleeping, so I looked at him and said «you wanna go outside, buddy?» with my annoying cat-voice. He just looked at me, not answering, like a normal cat. I was ready to go let him out, but looked back at my phone for just a second. That’s when it hit me. I let him outside a few hours ago. I turned my head to look back at him in confusion, but he wasnt there.
I went to the front door, and yep, he was outside and came running when I opened the door. I have no idea what just happened
Alice in wonderland effect
This happened a few days ago. My husband and I were at home, neither of us were intoxicated etc, just a normal evening. For reference, I’m 5’8″ and my husband is 5’7″; we’ve been together for years and know very well what the other looks like head on. I had gone to the kitchen to make a sandwich, and something felt off. I wasn’t sure what until my husband asked if I was taller than usual. I was flat footed and barefoot, but realized my viewpoint was as if I was on my tiptoes – I could see the top of the fridge, and my hips were above the kitchen counter. I turned to face my husband and he seemed much shorter to me than usual; our eyes are usually pretty close to even but they seemed much lower than mine. He says he felt like his height didn’t change at all, just mine.
Understandably, we were both freaked out and were wandering around our apartment trying to figure out what was going on. Suddenly, everything felt right again and I returned to the kitchen; I could no longer see the top of the fridge and the counter was back even with my hips. My husband returned, and both of us looked “right” again to the other. It was like once we couldn’t see each other anymore, it fixed itself.
I’ve heard of alice in wonderland syndrome before, but for it to happen where someone else can see it seems impossible. Has anyone else experienced anything like this or have any ideas?
Unspoken communication
Visited my BF’s parents in a city where I had never been before. We sat around in the kitchen talking and then his mother asked me to get her her scissors. I got up, went to the guest room dresser, opened the second drawer and got them out. There was no way I could have known where they were.
Consciousness sharing / Transposition
We were all completely sober , quick preface.
I’m currently driving home from my lunch break so I’m using Siri to talk hopefully this makes sense. So back in the summer we had a huge friend trip to Lake Powell. For anyone that has been there you know it’s absolutely beautiful, anyways we were boating through the canyons and going deeper and deeper into the canyons lake Powell.
At one point I thought in my mind something along the lines of “damn, this place is so beautiful it almost looks fake or like it was designed to look this way by something” when I started saying that in my mind, a friend turned around to me and said “dude, it feels like we’re in a movie and we are looking at movie props, it looks so fake” and I turned around and looked and and said “dude what the fuck did you just say? I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING.”
We were both freaking out about it but then it got a little freakier. We were sitting at the back of the boat looking at our 10 or so friends standing up while the boat was slowly going through the canyons, and as I watched them looking at the scenery I experienced an altered state of conscience. The best way to describe it is the façade of the human experience was dropped and all of a sudden my friends looked like gods or angelic beings experiencing “earth” and just enjoying the moment.
My friend turned to me and said, “dude, look at our friends, they’re so beautiful and alive, they look like angels!” And I knew at that moment we were both experiencing the same thing.
The best way to describe what we saw, is it looked like we placed ourselves in a video game and were enjoying what we created. It’s super hard to describe this experience. If you’ve seen maze runner, you know how they make you forget everything before you go into the maze but yet you had an existence before? It felt like that! That nature of reality teased us and slightly withdrew, and we saw our friends and this earth for what it could truly be for a brief moment in time
EDIT #1. I heard a story of a man who experienced something similar where at random times he also would “tap in” to this outside reality whilst being sober. He came up with a theory that human consciousness and our Brains can act like a Needle finding the groove on a vinyl record. Once we tune it specifically and find ourselves in this “groove” music can be played, or in other words, we can start experiencing some fascinating things. I have to find where I read this though, but supposedly it happens randomly to a lot of people!
I worked at Applebee’s and an older coworker told me he’d gotten in a car accident that left him with a scar and some brain damage. So he had memory problems, but also said he’d developed powers. He said he could get inside people’s heads and feel exactly what they were feeling, and could even influence their feelings, and also influence the objects around him. This seemed bizarre to me, and I thought him looney because of his brain damage. Well, a few weeks later we had a busy shift, and some customers pissed him off. I asked what was wrong and he shouted that they were assholes and gestured with his arm up in the air. At that instant on a table several feet away, everything flew off of it–plates, cups, napkin holder–everything! They hit the seat and wall, and I stood there shocked because no else was nearby. He didn’t even notice. I told him later, and he was embarrassed, saying when he got angry he couldnt control his powers. The guy got fired soon after and I never saw him again
One more and this one has happened to other people. You can even search this one up to hear their stories too. It’s dreams of 9/11, before it happened. It was 1999 and I had a dream about a plane and 2 tall buildings. A plane crashed into one. The next plane I’m on it, and talking to an older lady across from me. Next thing I know I’m out of the plane and I see it crash into the other building. Then there was an odd shaped building and a plane crashes near that too. A dream like that for me at 11yrs old was odd. Did I dream of 9/11? It still haunts me. Same year, I dreamt of a train crash, deadly one, it derailed badly. Woke in a cold sweat. Got up, go to living room, my mom turns the news on, then we both see a train accident, exactly what I just saw in my dream. I was so shocked, I wouldn’t speak that day. My mom even called a counselor to come over, but I still wouldn’t speak. And no, that news wasn’t on while I was asleep. It was breaking news. And it happened in another country
Meeting dead people
A beautiful thing happened to me a week after my dad died. I had slept at my mums house with my 2 youngest kids to keep my mum company, we all slept in the living room, I was on the couch and the kids were on the sofa bed. I was dreaming that I woke up and my dad was standing over me smiling. I told him he looked like one of my brothers and he just smiled wider but didn’t speak. I could see all this from above like I wasn’t looking out of my eyes but watching from above. When I woke up I was in the exact position I had been in in my dream and my kids were too. Its probably nothing just my subconscious showing me what I wanted to be real, but I like to think it was real and he was showing me he was still there.
A visit from Dad
Not too long after my dad died, I was sleeping on the couch and my mom on the floor of the living room. She suddenly woke up and saw my dad standing off to the side watching me. She called his name and he looked over at her and disappeared. Story 2: I graduated college a month after my brother died. My brother was a very silly and goofy person by nature. As I was walking with my classmates to our seats at the beginning of the ceremony my mom took a video of me and mentioned that my brother was here with us. I don’t think my brother ever went to my campus before he died either. When we looked back to the video we see the screen just contorting going every which direction until filming was stopped. It seemed like my brother was just trying to mess with me one last time.
Loss of a loved one
The only “supernatural” thing thats happen to me and I don’t quite know if its my psyche or really happened. My half brother who i was quite close with took his life nearly 11 years ago now. I was absolutely devastated when I found out the next day. The night before (when he was dieing) i had this absolute horribly bad feeling in my chest and i kept saying to my husband “something doesn’t feel right….something really bad is happening. I forever regret not calling family members to check on them all and have tremendous guilt over it. I feel like God was trying to tell me and I just didn’t realize.
So what is going on?
Answer: “Many things”.
When I generate a flat terrain topographical map to illustrate the pre-birth world-line template, I just describe it as a simple frame of dots connected by lines. In reality, there are “other things” also present. Maybe best described as a kind of “cloud like” area that pulls, tugs, or alters the movement through certain sections of MWI travel.
I will cover all that later on.
I guess the point is that humans don’t really understand our reality very well.
Oh. We think that we do, but we do not. And if we pay attention and listen to the experiences of others, we can see elements of our reality and the lives that we live.
I have some insight as to what could possibly be going on, but I do not have all the answers. Perhaps some astute MM reader might do some sleuthing and come up with some ideas or conclusions where I cannot provide insight.
In any event, I do hope that you enjoyed this post.
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OK. Here is yet another thing that you will not find elsewhere on the internet.
This post deals with the quantum attachments of one species consciousness (human) with another species consciousness (dog, cat, horse, etc.) during the MWI world-line switches. Which we tend to refer to as “time”.
The universe is composed of quanta.
Quanta can form “clumps”.
Over time, these “clumps” can obtain intelligence.
We refer to collections of “clumps” as species.
While I have repeatedly stated that “time” is how our consciousness experiences a sequences of world-lines, I have pretty much let it be understood that everyone else isn’t actually sharing those world-lines with us. Instead, they are “what it” versions of other people. Whom I refer to as “quantum shadows”.
Well, now I am going to lay down some really astounding information to you all.
When it comes to pets, and loved ones (really close pets, and really close loved ones), their consciousness does ACTUALLY share many of the same world lines that you would. (Not all of them. Not every one of them. But enough to consider a pair or trio of consciousnesses following and surfing the MWI together.)
You are not truly alone.
Here we are going to talk about this. But, first we need to really hash out a review of terms and concepts. Just a refresher for all you metallic men and women out there…
Review – The MWI
What everyone seems to think “Heaven” is this big old guy in a long white beard on a throne sitting and telling people to life in paradise as long as they worship him.
Nah. It’s not like that.
It’s a place, yah. And it is many things. It is more than what our physical reality is. That is for certain.
Heaven is also graduated. It possesses different regions and areas. Each region or area have different concentrations of quanta. (Quanta is the building blocks of our reality.)
They form different densities.
Some of which are very dense with one type of quanta, and others are dense with other combinations of quanta. It is a complex “soup” or “stew” of quanta that pop in and out and move about all under the influence of other “influences” (I will discuss these later.).
Consider "Heaven" to be everything. It includes the physical universe and the unseen "Heavens" often referred to in religious writings. It is a place where everything is composed of the smallest building blocks or components possible - quanta.
Within this realm, are clumps and arrangements of quanta. The quanta naturally starts to entangle with other quanta. They form arrangements, and dance about in certain ways. Over time, they get larger and more complex. They form things. They precipitate into simpler, slower and coarser things such as physical rocks, dust and energy.
On many websites, and books, the concentration of the “Big Bang” theory always revolves around the formation of the physical universe. It rarely discusses the formation of the unseen universe, and the components of branes, strings, and quanta.
Eventually, some of the quanta form into constructions that obtain sentience. The groups of quanta with sentience are called "souls".
The souls realize that the way that they can grow and advance is to organize their quanta. There is only one problem. Quanta can only organize through entanglements. They need to entangle with other quanta.
The way entanglements work is through association, or better yet, experiences.
Our Bubble of Reality
So, in order to obtain these experience, the soul creates a bubble within Heaven.
It is an environment where the soul can obtain experiences. These “bubbles” are regions that can best be defined as a construction. They are constructed regions manufactured by a given soul to obtain experiences within. These regions are unique and custom for a given consciousness.
A soul exists within “Heaven”. It creates a “bubble” and places a physical body within this bubble. This body experiences the bubble as “reality”. That is what our reality actually is. In the picture above, we see a particular soul, soul A creates an construct. This is a bubble of reality. That reality consists of a physical person surrounded by a physical and a non-physical reality that is determined by the senses of the physical person so constructed.
A soul would connect to this bubble of reality via a “tube” or an interface. We call that interface as “consciousness”. Souls can have multiple consciousnesses but only one consciousness may occupy a given reality at a time.
A bubble of reality consists of four set “dimensions”. Three spacial dimensions and one of entropy; time.
The "passage of time" is simply our reality bubble changing by our thoughts. Additionally, other nearby bubbles also move about and change. They can influence our bubble as well.
The control over this bubble of reality is quite possible. That is because our reality changes with our thoughts. Each thought changes it.
Thoughts of the consciousness within the reality can alter the reality. Thoughts can make or break the experiences of the consciousness. As such the soul can learn from the consciousness and it’s decision making process. This is of course, through manipulation of the three dimensions plus the “dimension” of time.
Consciousness experience events within the reality. As such they generate thoughts. The thoughts alter and create the reality that the consciousness exists within. As such, the consciousness obtains experiences and learns from them.
A really basic diagram of the general organization of “Human” Heaven. Each individual soul constructs a “reality”. It them provides a conduit to the biological presence within that reality. This conduit is known as “consciousness”. Note that no two consciousnesses share the same reality. However, there can be influences in the non-physical reality aspects.
“Seen” dimensions typically are referred to as the physical world. While “unseen” dimensions are referred to as various levels or dimensions of Heaven.
But, what exactly is heaven?
Please refer to the image above. How “heaven” is organized. (above). This diagram if a simplistic version of what a human “heaven” looks like. Let’s suppose you (the reader) is sitting down in your house reading this manuscript. That figure is the icon of the blue person shown by (B). You exist within this “bubble” or reality also shown by (R1). This “reality” includes the chair you sit in, the television show that you are watching, and the coffee beside you.
Extending beyond your (physical) reality is your “extended” (non-physical) reality (R2) which consists of your thoughts, memories and everything associated with it (also known as the “quantum cloud”).
Your thoughts regarding what you are now reading are moving about in this (R2) reality. This area contains not only thought, but emotion and other generated “influences” (far too complex to discuss at this time).
However, you have a soul (A) that is part of who you are. This soul only partially occupies your reality. In fact, it spends the vast bulk of it’s time outside of your “reality”. You know it exists, but you are unaware of it’s “day to day” experiences, challenges and behaviors.
Your soul can create numerous “realities” with numerous “individuals” (of which YOU are but one of the people that your soul creates) occupying those realities. This can occur at different times and at different locations. However, for now, let’s keep it simple and suppose your soul has created only one “realty” (R1) and (R2) for one person (B), you the reader.
Now, let’s suppose that you are married to another person that is part of your life. (A pretty common situation.)
That person would be represented by (C) which is but a “quantum shadow” of another person. It is not the ACTUAL person. It only seems that way. (Though in your reality, that person is just as real as anything else in your reality.)
What you see is their world-line version of where they married you and share your reality. It is not an actual reality (from their point of view, but rather the world-line version of them). (Your quantum-shadow spouse is but one version of a near infinite number of world-line variations of that particular person.)
That person (D) is actually living within their own “reality “just like you are. They may or may not see a quantum shadow of you. It is all determined by their version of reality. This of course is determined by their soul (E).
What is of most interest here is how their thoughts affect your reality (R1 & R2). While we all have our own “bubble” or reality that we live and exist within, our reality is constantly in flux by the thoughts of others (G). We view these effects as the “passage of time”.
A really basic diagram of the general organization of “Human” Heaven. Each individual soul constructs a “reality”. It them provides a conduit to the biological presence within that reality. This conduit is known as “consciousness”. Note that no two consciousnesses share the same reality. However, there can be influences in the non-physical reality aspects.
The influence of the quantum-shadow of those nearest to us absolutely shape and mold the realities that we participate in. We can alter their influence by having “strong personalities”, or trying to isolate ourselves from others. However, the more we do so, the less likely we are to learn lessons and have experiences. It is the overlap of thought influences that create the experiences that we learn from.
Both your (A) soul and your spouse’s soul (E) exist within a heaven (F).
Your soul’s can work out different “realities” or “adventures” for both of you to share to obtain experiences.
A given consciousness with interact with the quantum shadows of other consciousnesses. Together they share experiences. The experiences can be good or bad, but they ultimately help align quanta so that a soul can grow and learn. Thus, it is very important that a given consciousness get the BEST experiences while it is part of a given reality.
The idea, of course, is to obtain experiences and configure the quantum clouds associated with the constructed realities that the soul utilizes. As soul grows and configures itself, it can “improve” and evolve. Hopefully towards an approved soul archetype and sentience.
In the movie “What dreams may come” a Hollywood version of what Heaven might look like is provided. It’s a nice image. However, Heaven can be anything or nothing depending on the thoughts of the soul. Our sentience creates the type of Heavenly realm that our soul inhabits. Which is WHY it is important for humans to have a single defined sentience; one that does not disrupt the sentience’s of other species. In other words, an approved sentience and physical archetype.
As it improves and grows, the vast bulk of it’s quantum configuration dwells at different energy states. Each different energy state has a different place in heaven (F). Two are indicated by (J) and (I).
To prevent confusion, I would suggest that the reader consider “reality” as the first three dimensions, plus “time” as the fourth dimension.
I would then suggest that the fifth dimension, as world-line swapping (alteration of the “reality” “bubble”). This is very easy to visualize by using the above-mentioned model. For to understand what is happening in this case, the “quantum shadows” within your reality are being rearranged.
Fifth-dimensional travel as world-line travel.
In “world-line” travel, all that is taking place is that the “quantum shadows” are being rearranged within one’s “bubble” of “reality”. This is fifth-dimensional travel. In the example above, Fifth-dimensional travel as world-line travel.
Quantum shadow (C) changes to fit the new revised “realty”. (It is now a yellow person instead of a red person.) We, as a participant within our reality look upon these changes as “world-line” travel.
From this point of view, it should be clear. That obtaining world-line dimensional travel is actually accessing our own soul and requesting it to alter our reality to fit our needs, while at the same time keeping the educational lessons that we are to obtain the same or better. This can be accomplished through certain techniques. In my case, we utilized a biological artifice to bend reality (within the confines of my experience structure).
So, in all actuality, there isn’t really any kind of “travel” at all. What is actually happening is the “reality” construct changes in accordance with the wants and needs of the soul.
If a given person, within a “reality” bubble wants to change his “world-line” he would be able to do so with the proper technology. However the changed “world-line” that manifests would be one that would either have the same and equal types of experiences for the soul, or that it would be one that would have more or “better” experiences.
There are even more interesting nuanced versions of “world-line” travel at the “higher” dimensional values. However, for our purposes, let’s keep it simple. I would then suggest anything above the fifth dimension as the realm of “heaven”. (Whether it is actually in a Heaven Universe, or within our “reality” universe.)
Review – What “time” actually is.
Most people have a really crap-tastic idea of what the MWI or multiple world-line theory is. They just cannot visualize it for the life of themselves. They have no idea what to think, or how it would manifest.
They come up with visualizations such as this…
Contemporaneous visualization of the MWI.
One major hurtle…
The problem with all these contemporaneous visualizations is that the artist, philosopher, or scientist does not isolate the concept of consciousness from that of a physical person. It is assumed, and defaulted to one and the same identical thing. When in fact, they are entirely two separate things.
Everyone assumes that all those people around us also possess a consciousness. We assume they are also like us; that they have an active consciousness and an associated soul as well.
We make this assumption based on our interactions with them.
They appear, to us to be fully actuated and in possession of a soul and consciousness. We argue here that the appearance of something does not equate to the de facto possession of something.
There are differences between [1] a “consciousness”, [2] a “physical body”, and [3] a “person”. For our purposes, a person is someone with an active consciousness. Most people think that all three things are just different names for the same thing. They are not.
The differences between a person, a consciousness and a physical body when discussing the MWI, or multiple world-line theory.
Most laymen, and many scientists do not understand this simple fact. They assume that everyone is a “person”. That we share our universe with other people who all have internal “consciousnesses”.
We do not.
We are a consciousness. Not a physical body.
Instead we are consciousness, that inhabits a physical body, forming a person. (As in the picture above.) We then occupy a reality.
In this reality, we are surrounded with physical bodies, but none of them possess a consciousness. Instead they appear to have a consciousness simply because of how they interact with us. This interaction of these others is how the soul obtains experiences and thus grows and advances in the quantum sphere.
Within our reality, we are the only one that is in possession of a consciousness. Everyone else is just a shadow version of themselves. In reality they (too) inhabit their own reality elsewhere, where they too are alone and surrounded by the quantum shadows of others.
Thus, our universe is comprised with a near infinite number of world-line realities. Many are empty, and some contain a consciousness which is inhabiting a body to obtain experiences with. Our universe, thus looks something a little like this…
This is how the universe actually is, and exists within the MWI. It is a place where consciousness travels the infinite world-lines alone, and interacts with shadow equivalents of other people, persons and things.
Why this is important.
If you want to know the “secrets of the universe” then you will need to forget everything you learned in school and college. For all of it is based on assumptions that are rock-hard, firm, fixed and imputable.
Most of it is really, really incorrect. For our “reality” is not what everyone thinks.
We do not “share” our universe with others.
We live alone in our universe.
Everyone else are “shadow copies” of their true forms.
These “shadow copies” are other people acting and living as if they were to share our universe. They are what could possibly exist and manifest. Not that they actually do manifest.
Shadow copies
For simplicity purposes, we simplify things to understand them. And in the case of these “quantum shadows” or “shadow people”, we say that they are empty and devoid of a consciousness.
But that is not really true.
Every shadow person, on every possible world-line has a teeny-tiny part of the quanta associated with another consciousness. It’s really sparse, and really small, but it does exist there. We just simplify things and say that a person; a consciousness, occupies a world-line alone.
It’s a simplification. And here we can see how the simplification helps us to understand things…
What it looks like is NOT the way it is.
We all think that there is just one universe, and one Earth, and it is populated by all of us together. That we share the earth with each other and that we are all equal and are in the same time-line.
All these assumptions are wrong.
We believe that we share our universe with others. No. Instead we share this universe with “versions” of other people. These versions are constructs that interacts with our consciousness while we exist within our reality world-line.
We do not share our universe with others.
Not. Even. Close.
Instead, we occupy a universe alone. We do not share it with anyone. Oh, yes, it does appear that we share it, but we really do not.
All those other people that we interact with are not really what they appear. They are a version of that other person. This is the version of that person were they to actually share the reality with us.
All those other people that we interact with are not really what they appear. They are a version of that other person. This is the version of that person were they to actually share the reality with
They are but quantum shadows of the possibility of interaction.
In Plato’s classic Allegory of the Cave, a group of people living in a cave have a very false view of the world because the only thing they can see is the shadows on a wall. Plato was trying to teach his students that the philosopher must see beyond the shadows to the reality that is projecting them, but what exactly is that reality.
The reality that Plato wanted his students to see is not the physical form of the object casting the shadow, those physical objects are just another level of shadows! The world of matter is the shadow world, the world of illusion, the world of deception. It is not at all what it appears to be because our physical eyes, and other physical senses, can sense only the shadows called matter so we are deceived into believing that it is real. That is not to say that matter is not real. Matter is real just as the shadow of a tree is real, but the shadow is not the tree and matter is not true reality.
-Cosolargy International
To understand this please note.
We are not a physical body. We are soul.
Now, do not be offended.
This does not at all mean that there is no love, that there isn’t a thing called togetherness. That there isn’t all the physical, emotional and spiritual relationships that we have with others. Do not be silly. Of course they exist.
What changes is the understanding of what a physical body is.
Instead of one (and only one) physical body that your consciousness inhabits, there is an infinite number of physical bodies. Each one within a unique and separate world-line.
You, as consciousness, moves in and out of all these other bodies of yours through thought.
This is what a person really is. We are multi-dimensional beings with a singular consciousness. We (as consciousness) move in and out of the MWI world-lines entering similar physical bodies associated with our consciousness.
This is also true for the entire rest of the universe. Everyone else also possesses bodies such as this. Your dog has this kind of body. Your cat has this kind of body. In fact, the felines are actually quite cognizant of this ability.
We are NOT a physical body. We are soul that manifests a consciousness within our reality.
Knowing and realizing this, makes some of the passages in the religious books far more reasonable, and easier to understand. It doesn’t matter if it is the Koran, or the Bible. Understanding the way the universe works, and truly works, adds a far greater understanding to the wisdom that resides inside of these great works.
The soul creates a “consciousness” that it places in a “container”. This container is a “world-line”. Our “universe” is a near infinite number of world-lines.
We are placed here for our consciousness to obtain experiences.
We navigate in and out of the world-lines though our thoughts. Our rate of travel (in general) is (for most humans) about 4 Hz. Or, four cycles per second. (Four world-lines each second.)
There are different rates of travel, and different species travel the MWI at different speeds. In general, the rate of travel is proportional to the operational speed of the brain. This of course varies.
If you dull your brain to such a degree that your brain is slower, then you will not travel the MWI as fast as others would. And you might find your life slowly "falling behind" that of others.
We are consciousness. We “rent” a physical body for a fleeting moment of time.
Our reality is NOT shared. Instead our consciousness occupies a singular world-line. It is a momentary event.
We (our consciousness) migrate between momentary world-lines through our thoughts.
This movement is known as “the arrow of time”.
The best way that I can introduce the reader to this “radical” understanding of how our universe actually works, is to use the “movie projector theory”.
Movie Projector theory for the MWI.
This is an illustration of what time actually is. Time does not exist. It is a perception that our consciousness has as it moves and weaves in and out of different world-lines. Here we use an old-fashioned movie reel projector to help illustrate this understanding.
Thus, the idea of the actual way things work is really, really, REALLY different than what everyone assumes or believes. The difference is so stark, that many researchers are handicapped in their understanding of reality. Ah, but it need not be that way.
Come on! You can well understand the movie projector analogy, can’t you?
If you can, well good for you! Award yourself a gold star.
The Movie Projector Theory in more detail…
The problem with that analogy (and it is a really good analogy), that that it does not take into account the individual frame selection in the film role. For in actual contemporaneous movies, it is the movie producer that selects the individual frames, and the person just sits back and watches the movie.
In reality, it is more like an entire bank of projectors, and we (as soul) selects the movie that interests us.
In this model, we have numerous movie projectors, all running simultaneously (at the same entropy)… Ah! At the same time.
We can “jump into” any scene portrayed by any of the movie projectors at will. We just look at the projected images.
Instead of a producer selecting the frames in a film and arranging the movie, and content, the soul consciousness does this instead. Using the movie projector analogy, it is similar to being in a room with multiple movie projectors all running similar films simultaneously. You, as consciousness, can decide which movie to watch. The further away the movie projector is from the movie that you are currently watching, the more effort is required.
The further away the movie projector is from us, the harder it is to watch that movie. So we must watch closer movies (momentarily) and then “edge our way” closer to the movie projector that we are interested in.
Most people, sadly, do not do this. They allow the movie projectors to operate randomly and they find themselves watching movies that they may not really care for.
How it manifests
So, using this film / movie projector analogy further it is exactly how our consciousness selects the “life experience” that we obtain. Each frame in a given movie reel is a world line. They are all playing about simultaneously, and our consciousness selects the world-lines to occupy by hopping from frame to frame. (World-line to world-line.)
By selecting each frame in a given movie, we can navigate within the movie, or even “jump” to another completely different movie all together. It is all dependent upon our thoughts, or the navigation of our consciousness. Our soul decides the very first frame, and the very first movie reel that we will enter. However, it is our consciousness that decides how to make the best of our life, and how to navigate within the framework that is provided to us by the divine.
Nearby movie projectors are nearly identical to the one that we are viewing at the moment. Their divergence from our “present reality” is often very small.
As we move further and further away to more distant movie projectors the divergence gets larger and larger and larger.
This is why it doesn’t seem like we are moving from one world-line to the next. It seems smooth, seamless and transparent. That is because the deviance in nearby world-line (projectors) is very, very small.
Our thoughts select the world-line…
In reality, the “film spool” (a collection of “frames”) is known as the “life experience” of a given consciousness as it takes on a life.
It is a record of our travels in and out of different world-lines. Where a “world-line” is represented as a frame within the movie reel.
The individual “frames” that are selected, are chosen by the thoughts of the consciousness that inhabits the body. We migrate to things that we think about. We migrate to what we think about.
Not necessarily what we might desire. It is what occupies our thoughts most of the time. (So shut off that stupid manipulative television, why don’t ya!)
For all its popularity, Facebook isn’t without its share of scandals. In the latest one, details came out of an experiment conducted on 700,000 Facebook users over the period of a single week in 2012. News feeds were manipulated to contain positive or negative news and content, then users were monitored to see if the change made them use more positive or negative words in their status updates.
And it worked—people’s status updates showed a change in emotion that went along with the kind of news that they were exposed to.
The term used was “emotional contagion,” and it confirms something pretty frightening.
According to the study, people don’t even have to be physically around another person in a bad mood to absorb the negativity into themselves—negativity can be “caught” just from looking at a computer screen.
There doesn’t need to be a personal, emotional connection for emotional contagion to happen.
Not surprisingly, the study has brought up a number of disturbing questions, and it’s now being investigated by organizations like the Information Commissioner’s Office in Dublin. Those questioning the ethics of the study state that it’s nothing less than psychological manipulation. As if that’s not shady enough, Facebook users were unaware that they were having their emotions and moods manipulated through another party controlling just what was popping up in their news feeds.
-List verse
I am hungry, but what do I want to eat? It is our thoughts, coupled with our memories and yearnings that help us decide what actions to take. So what to do? Eat a bowl of dog food, or have a nice tasty delicious pizza? Decisions. Decisions. It is our thoughts that determine which world-lines to occupy, and for most people, they just go with the flow and end up with whatever is provided to them.
No two thoughts are the same…
One of the problems that people need to come to grips with is that thoughts are not equal. Thoughts are “weighed”. Each thought is different. And thus each thought has a different degree in influence in world-line selection.
Thoughts and emotions together form a complex stew of “influence” that can absolutely affect your world-line travel adventures. For instance, consider the scenario of you being hungry and desirous of eating a fine New York style pizza. Now your enjoyment at eating that pizza will depend on your emotions at the time. Obviously you won’t be able to enjoy it if you were angry, now would you? Our emotions, our memories our physical health and other factors all work together to influence our world-line navigation ability.
Thoughts and emotions together form a complex stew of “influence” that can absolutely affect your world-line travel adventures.
These thoughts are comprised of “levels of influence”.
Duration of thinking about something.
Emotional attachments with the thoughts.
Prior memories of similar events.
Prior physical experiences.
The thoughts of the people (shadow consciousnesses) around you.
Cultural variances, needs and desires.
Mass thought manipulation (Have you been paying attention to the news lately?)
One’s inherent belief system.
Ah, no two thoughts are equal. They have a “weighed” value or influence factor. Further, they are also modified by other thoughts by other “shadow consciousnesses” (Individual proxy consciousnesses that share a given reality.)
Think about it. It has to be this way, or else an obsessed person should be able to have their dreams manifest quite easily. But, the truth is that they don't. That is because of a slew of factors. One of which is the "level of influence" that a thought is given within a given world-line.
One of the most important and significant factors in thought-directed world-line selection is one’s inherent belief system.
Consider the cow.
One mighty big cow.
Let's use the cow analogy.
For instance, you might be starving, and ready to die of starvation.
A typical American would not have any qualms with butchering a cow and eating steak. A Hindu would not, and would rather die than kill a cow. A vegetarian might be against eating it, but would not have any qualms drinking it's milk.
Our actions are determined, in large part, by our belief systems.
It is our deepest belief systems that have the greatest influences in our thoughts.
It is our deepest thoughts and core belief systems that have the greatest influence in thought direction and world-line selection. For no two people are the same.
This is a very important subject, and I will cover it later on. For now, let’s look at things simply. Consider that all thoughts are simple, unique and they can easily select the “frames” or world-lines that the consciousness will migrate to.
The actual “landscape” of the MWI as viewed by the individual consciousness.
Imagine a “road map” of nearby world-lines.
Now, what would it look like? What would it resemble? How would we be able to take into account all the different variables that are constantly shifting and changing all around us?
Obviously, it would have a form of sorts.
It would have (as an illustration) globes representing a given “world-line” (or “frame” in the movie using the analogy above). It would also have lines. The lines would represent a path of migration. Which is the most probable paths for a consciousness to take when moving from one world-line to another.
Movement in and out of the world-lines in the MWI by using the movie projector analogy to describe the way that consciousness moves in and out of different world-lines though thought.
Now, this is a pretty good analogy as far as it describes the path that a consciousness would take. However, this analogy ignores the world-lines that are not taken. And in general, there a millions or much larger numbers of world-lines that are constantly ignored.
So a better way of mapping this procedure is to do so in a three dimensional framework.
Moving away from the movie projector analogy and mapping it upon a three-dimensional grip, it might look something a little like this. With the positions of the world-lines geographically positioned relatively to the pathways as a function of the intrinsic value of the particular world-line.
The path that consciousness takes might be just as well placed on a map of sorts. This map might show nodes and paths where the consciousness might migrate depending on thought manifestation, generation and progression.
However, it would not look so much like a cluster of grapes, or bubbles on a foamy sea of bath water. No.
It turns out that the highest probability pathway forms a kind of sheet or flat surface when plotted in the three dimensions.
If you end up plotting everything, you can't make out heads or tails of the map. It's just this one big mess. But, if you plot the pathways that have the greatest probability of travel, it simplifies immensely.
Instead of a cluster of grapes, it would look a little like a mesh or a grid. With the points being world-lines, and the lines connecting the points as the shortest distance to that world-line.
Now, if you take a step away from this “map” of “world-lines” and their lines of “high-probability” consciousness transfer it might start looking a little like this. Where you would see a “surface” of “highest probability” pathways, with the relative ease of travel and the strength of character needed to traverse affecting the heights and valleys of the apparent surface.
How the world-lines with consciousness migration paths might look when a person takes a larger overview. You will see that the map is not a flat surface, but rather undulates. It forms hills, valleys and “mountains”. This surface is the “geography” of the world-line transition map. Each possible destination world-line would have a different value of “potential”. Which is a potential for the consciousness to move towards it and occupy it.
The “surface” that this map forms is the HIGHEST PROBABILITY of consciousness movement from one world-line node to another.
Going above the surface indicates a strength of will over the combined strength of inertia of a given world-line.
Going below the surface indicates a weak strength of will and a consciousness being overwhelmed by the inherent inertia of a given world-line.
Moving to the left upon the mapped surface indicates more freedom of movement upon a given world-line reality.
Moving to the right upon the mapped surface indicates less freedom of movement upon a given world-line reality.
The topographic map display is a useful tool in understanding the hurtles and trials that one needs to endure to travel forth on the MWI.
The movement on the topographical map of the highest probability paths is accomplished via thought.
However, the rate of travel is fast…
The thing is, however, that the rate of travel through each world-line in the MWI is quite fast. It is around four world-lines per second. (For some people it is much, much higher.) Thus, for any topographic map to be of any use, it will have to have to exist on a much larger scale than what is presented here.
As such, the individual world-lines would appear as tiny pixels, and for the map to be of any use, it should describe a travel duration in terms of weeks rather than seconds. This means that the map would look like a smooth gradient rather than an array of “floating”globes.
MWI geometric map showing an array of highest probability world-lines in a seven second cluster of time. As the resolution increases the similarity to geologic topographic maps increases. Often these maps resemble landscapes and other recognizable surfaces.
Mapping the surface.
Here, we are going to take a look at the way the landscape actually looks from the point of view of an individual consciousness. It is NOT simple and flat. It is undulating with all sorts of “nearby” world-lines that the thoughts can select and migrate towards.
In general, it might look something along these lines…
The general topography of the MWI.
In reality, this topographical map is much more complex and complicated. However, I was able to (functionally) navigate it using a sort of simple 3d understanding, and that understanding is one that I will provide here. Yes, these are my conventions distilled and illustrated as a teaching aide.
Here we look at it is the substantially simplified version that I am accustomed to using.
The meanings and purposes in the three-dimensional topographical portrayal.
Now because this is a very simplified diagrammatic representation, numerous variables are incorporated in the “X’ and “Z” axes. (Not to mention the entropy axis “Y”.) In general, as I understand it, the characteristics of the “X’ and “Y” axes are an algebraic sum of the inverses of the individual contributions to the axes elements.
OK. I know that I lost you. Just think of it as a sum average of all your thoughts.
Internal Influences
Internal influences should be understood as the ultimate result of comparative thought-driven MWI transitions by the given consciousness.
Suppose the mind has a wide selection of thoughts. Everything from anger at a spouse, to frustration at work, and influences in the news, to a loving thoughts related to romance. All these thoughts will work together to generate a (singular) "value" on this axis.
But, it is more than that. It is also the weighed value and the intensity of the thoughts, coupled with the apparent carry-over duration longevity of the thoughts as a person migrates in and through the other world-lines.
Let's keep it simple.
Look, if you drop a slice of pizza in the middle of a muddy road, would you [1] pick it up, wipe the mud off the pizza, and eat it. or [2] say "heck with that", and leave the pizza in the mud as a lost cause.
For most people, they would give up and abandon the slice of pizza.
The amount of mud is far too distracting to enjoy the slice of pizza. That is that way this system works. For if you abandon the slice, like most people would, your would occupy a world-line on the surface of the undulating map.
If however, against all probability and convention, you decided to eat the slice, you might be above or below the surface, depending on other factors.
Here’s an example.
Let’s suppose that you are a simple fellow and you have five things going on in your life.
A spouse that wants a divorce.
A boss who is hinting on firing you.
A yearning for a club sandwich and an ice cold beer.
A pet that loves you and is very loyal.
Memories of fishing with your father.
In this example, some of the items would have more emotion attached to it that others. While other issues might be better at controlling your emotions and directing your thoughts. While still others might be able to erase the thoughts completely (if for a short period of time).
You might be an emotional wreck and your thoughts would manifest a life that would reflect your thoughts.
As an aside, drugs and other stimuli can also influence thoughts and behaviors. All of these complexities can alter the navigational ability on the MWI.
There is no way to judge which thoughts or issues affecting the thoughts would have the greatest influence on the person because it is their deepest internal core belief systems that would result in how the world-lines would manifest.
Charlie Sheen’s Public Meltdown in 2011
All that one can assume is that all the factors would be weighted together and balanced though the core belief systems of the soul / consciousness. This would influence the momentary section of the next world-line.
Is it no wonder that when things start going wrong, that they often end up spiraling out of control?
External influences should be considered the inherent inertia that comes with a given world-line.
Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state. Once you have a bowling ball sitting on the floor, it is a little difficult to get it to move. However, once you get it moving, it's hard to slow down.
That difficulty... getting it started to move, and stopping it from moving... is what is known as inertia.
For our purposes it is the accumulated influences of the “shadow thoughts” of those (non-consciousness) apparent beings that share a given destination world-line. These are all the physical and non-physical influences that would affect the thoughts of a consciousness while it is in a given world-line.
You see, there can only be one consciousness per world-line. All those other "people" that we share the world-line with are actually "shadows". They are the bodies and representation of other consciousness were they to share the reality with us. As such, not only are their physical being present with us, but also their thoughts, dreams, desires and urges as well.
A "shadow" is a person that we share the specific world-line with.
However no consciousness inhabits their body. Their actual consciousness is off in another reality. We are observing their 'shadow" or a portrayal of how they would behave, act and think were they to share our reality with us.
The arrow of time.
With this being understood, a consciousness… a person might experience world-line travel at a rate of around 4 Hz, and visit numerous world-lines in any given instance. Thus the “arrow of time” might look something like this…
The topography of the MWI showing the apparent “arrow of time”.
Thus in this simplified diagram showing the geography of the MWI you (the reader) can see [1] how the passage of time manifests, [2] how your thoughts can alter and change the “X” vector component, and [3] how a given world-line can influence the path direction via a “Z” axis vector. You will also notice that the “arrow of time” [4] moves along the direction of decreasing entropy.
A measure of the amount of disorder in a system. Entropy increases as the system's temperature increases. For example, when an ice cube melts and becomes liquid, the energy of the molecular bonds which formed the ice crystals is lost, and the arrangement of the water molecules is more random, or disordered, than it was in the ice cube. We can assume that in a macrocosmic universe, that it can be best represented as time.
The migration process.
Our consciousness moves from one physical body in one world-line to another in a different world-line. For most humans, most of the time, the rate of travel is around four world-lines per second.
Expert hint;
If you are using "the power of intention" to manifest your reality, what you are doing is focusing on a destination world line. If you track your success or failure in this effort, you will discover the amount of time it will take for your intentions to manifest.
If it took 6 months, then that means that you had to pass through 62,208,000 (more or less) world lines to arrive at your destination world-line.
Figure around 10 million world-line transitions per month.
The way that consciousness is able to move in and out of the various world lines is though wave propagation behavior.
While it is a given world-line, the consciousness occupies the body in the particle form.
While the consciousness moves from one world-line to another, it is no longer occupying a body. It is thus in a wave form.
It is not that a quanta changes, it is how the observer views the quanta that makes the change. Our soul controls consciousness. Consciousness can be in different states depending upon the point of view of the person (the observer). Here we can see that the two apparently different states are one and the same thing, depending on the point of view of the observer.
This all happens rather quickly. In most people, mostly the rate of travel from one world-line to another is around 4Hz. For most humans our brains have a difficult time observing the changes in these movements. So we think that we are living in one singular world-line that we share with others.
Here is a gif that kind of illustrates the point, and the system at work here.
Wave and particle duality and illustration.
The entry process
This is how the consciousness changes from wave to particle for entry within a body within a reality. Our consciousness naturally exists in the wave form.
However, the moment it “crashes through” into a fabricated world-line reality, it changes form. It becomes a particle. It’s a natural process.
This is how the consciousness changes from wave to particle for entry within a body within a reality. The consciousness takes on the particle form in order to operate the physical body and exist within a reality or world-line reality. Otherwise, it operates in wave form outside of the body.
Our “universe” is often quite confused and mislabeled. We use that term to define what we observe, when in reality, what we are observing is a string of static world-line universes while we experience “time” Each moment is a snap-shot of a “world-line universe”.
Time is the movement of consciousness in and out of world-lines. What we see as time is actually the differences between each world-line as we pass through it.
All of these world-lines lie within a much larger physical place with is called the “physical universe”. It contains many things. Including many non-physical things.
Review – We inhabit world-lines alone.
So… what have we reviewed?
The reality is a series of world-lines. Each a “frozen” moment in time.
Time is the movement of consciousness through those world-lines.
We travel alone, with the only thing of interest is our consciousness.
Shadow people lie around us, but they are “empty”.
Now all of this pretty much sums up the idea that everything that you know about the universe, life, spirit, and the physical world is wrong. In fact, it is so very wrong that there can be absolutely zero recognizing the two. You either believe the way things actually work, or you don’t. Instead, or going with the way things actually work, you might try to fit it into the fantasy that we have constructed for ourselves over the last 5000 years.
Now all of this is a radical notion.
It is one where the physical universe is a construction. It is used by consciousness (which is controlled by a collection of quanta, known as “soul”) to obtaining new experiences. And experiences is what cause quanta to become entangled with other quanta.
Thus, the entire “secret of the universe”!
Ta Da!
But are we really always alone?
As such, in order to best describe this process, I explained that consciousness goes in and out of world-lines. But that it does so alone. That each world-line appears to be populated with other people, other animals and other things. But those aren’t “real” people, animals and things, that they are actually “quantum shadows” of others instead.
Which lends people to mistakenly believe that they are all alone.
But this isn’t true. Not at all.
In reality, those quantum shadows are just elements of other consciousnesses and other souls, it’s just that their representation in any given particular world line is very tiny.
Your consciousness is 60% present in a given world-line.
Everyone else’s is a shadow and only 0.00000000000000000000001% present.
When your consciousness is in a world-line, it really isn’t there 100%. It might be there 60%. With the remaining 40% spread out among 100,000 trillion other world-lines.
And that is true with every other animal, person, critter and plant.
For simplification purposes, it’s just easiest to imagine that you are alone surfing the MWI with empty quantum shadows of others.
But that simple way of thinking is really just “training wheels” to understand the MWI and world-line travel.
In reality, you are actually sharing a world-line with others. It’s just that (from their point of view) they are hardly participating in the one that you are in. Their other world-line where they are on might have a reality quite different from yours. But they are touching your world-line, it’s just not that strongly.
And now for the new stuff…
Love is very strong and it is an emotion that has quantum components that “plug into” our very bodies, our very natures, and cause us to build up great entanglements with other people, places, things, and …
… loved pets.
When we truly love someone and something, we want to be with them. And it is this strong desire that forges very strong emotional bonds. These bonds can quickly become physical with would result in quantum entanglements.
And that means…
That something “special” is going on when someone loves another.
And this “special” thing is the entanglement of emotions, and the quantum entanglements of the two consciousnesses together.
Which means…
That a world-line that contains your consciousness at 60%…
…would attract the consciousness of another…
…so that both you and your love interest (pet, lover, family member) would both (for a while, at least) share the DOMINANT world-lines together within the same cycle.
Or, in other words…
Instead of…
Your consciousness at 60% occupancy within a given world line.
Your pet, lover or friend occupancy at <1%.
It would be different.
It would be more like this…
Your consciousness at 60% occupancy within a given world line.
Your pet, lover or friend occupancy at 60% as well.
Both of you two would travel the MWI together.
Shared world-lines.
Pair consciousness exploration of the MWI
What this means is quite significant.
No longer does your sole thoughts navigate your destination world-lines. Instead, something else happens. The navigation becomes quite different.
Both of your now navigate the world-lines together. With the dominant personality taking on the majority of the dimensional navigation responsibilities.
And we can see his effect in all sorts of ways. Both good and bad.
Beloved Cat, Horse or DogThe consciousness and the desires of an animal is different than that of a human. Thus the human who is paired with an animal friend might find their life takes on a kind of controlled calmness and sensibility. If you have a stressful and crazy life at work, it will be the cat or dog that will create a tranquil life for you at home. They will navigate the world-lines while you are with them, and the times will be calm, cool and collected.
The beloved pet will navigate the world-lines for you. They will migrate towards comfort and happiness.Married to an alcoholic, or someone with an addiction.Here, the drives and desires of the chemical addiction will alter all the navigation control. The spouse of the alcoholic will find that the alcoholic or addicted person will drive the navigation of the world-lines, and over time, the life style and calmness of life will become more and more chaotic.
The alcoholic would navigate in a very focused and directed manner. It would drag everyone along with that person towards the world-lies they want, whether you want to go or not.Married to someone with a mental illness.A person with a mental illness will be just as bad as someone with an addiction, only more so. They will not have the reasoning ability of a "normal" person, and often their odd thoughts and crazy unrestrained emotions will result in all sorts of bad and dangerous world-lines.
Being a caretaker for a person with a mental illness is not a happy life. At best, it will be chaotic with all manner of stops and starts and redirections.
The only way that a person can get off this crazy union is to [3] have a much stronger personality, or [2] sedate the mentally ill person under strong medication, or [3] leave that person and do not look back.
Entanglement of different species.
I can see a lot of lovers, long well-established couples, and animal lovers all over the world nodding their heads in collective agreement. Yes, it is true, as long as the love is present, there is a strong likelihood that the two consciousnesses would share the given world-line switches together.
You would not be able to tell when you are both on the same world-line actually or you are with a quantum shadow of your beloved. But that is fine. It doesn’t matter, that much.
In general, the greater the love that you generate towards others, the stronger the associative world-lines are. As long as the love is strong, then the world-lines would either be shared, or at the very least, cluster together.
Emotional Connections
Which means that as long as everyone is “on the same page” or in agreement with the ways things should be or get accomplished (family, work, life, friendships) then you can well expect that the life would be calm and controlled and pretty nice.
If however, you have a dominant personality in the group, and that person does not think the same as the rest of the group, then the entire group could very well be dragged with that person’s thoughts and desires. And this can become very dangerous.
Which is why I say that both LOVE and HATE are the same thing as far as quantum associations are involved.
Both will tie you to another, and actually result in you sharing the same world-lines or at least associating with theirs.
Be very careful concerning this. As both the emotions will tie you all together, how the world-lines will manifest will be by the thoughts that you all would generate. And the truth is that hateful thoughts can create very, very, very black world-lines.
Be particularly cautious of people who spew hate and dangerous thoughts. They will drag you towards very bad places.
And control you there.
Why pets?
There is an association with our pets that we build up. Whether it is a dog, a cat, a horse, or any of the many, many pets that we might associate with. We share real love with them. They become our buddies and are more than just friends to us. They are our special companions that have a very precious role in our life.
And I just want to tell everyone that this role also has a component during world-line transitions.
So please kindly pay attention to my observations…
Quantum shadows or shadow people and pets are not devoid of consciousness, it’s just that most only have a very tiny occupancy when your consciousness is on a given world-line.
If you have a strong emotional attachment, and they have it as well, you will both end up sharing the world-line cycling together at the same time.
The dominant personality will take over the navigation during this period of time. There will always be a dominant and a passive component to this relationship.
Beloved pets will mellow out your world-lines considerably. If happiness is your ultimate goal, get a beloved pet.
Since you would have an attachment with a person or a pet, and you would share world-lines together for a period of time, then it makes sense that you would have a strong bond of attachment whether you are alive or dead.
This attachment will come in handle when you two reunite in the non-physical worlds.
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A post-apocalyptic tale based on a novella by Harlan Ellison. A boy communicates telepathically with his dog as they scavenge for food and sex, and they stumble into an underground society where the old society is preserved. The daughter of one of the leaders of the community seduces and lures him below, where the citizens have become unable to reproduce because of being underground so long. They use him for impregnation purposes, and then plan to be rid of him.
-Ed Sutton
Here we have a movie where the chicks lay up with really thick foundation. Heh he. But, you know they really need to. It’s tough living in 2024.
Despite its ironically cutesy title (“A Boy and His Dog”) and a plot premise that might’ve come out of the Walt Disney archives (dog and boy share telepathic communication), this movie is about as darkly comic and acidic as anything Stanley Kubrick ever did (“Clockwork Orange”).
In the tradition of the great 70s dystopian/postapocalyptic scifis like “Clockwork Orange” (1971), “Rollerball” (1975), “THX-1138” (1971), “Soylent Green” (1973), “The Omega Man” (1971) and I’ll even throw in “The Stepford Wives” (1975), this movie has its appeal in a sort of minimalist presentation that presents a chillingly emotionless and sterile future.
The first half is something like Mr. Ed meets Mad Max, with its equal portions of chatty humor and dusty violence. But right in the first scene we realize that, despite the cute banter between boy & dog, there aren’t going to be many warm fuzzies. In the opening scene we learn that the boy (Don Johnson) is looking for female survivors so he can rape them.
Atparts, this movie getssostrangeyoucan’tdoanythingbutlaughatit, whichisdefinitelynotabadthing! A Boy and His Dog isnotsomethingthatwilleverbeuniversallypopular, butitisagreat movie forlatenightsandallnerds. Aclassicpieceofsciencefiction.
If you can swallow that highly disturbing premise, which the director makes no bones in presenting at the outset, then the rest should be an unsettlingly fun joyride all the way to the film’s very memorable punchline.
Things get really trippy in the 2nd half, and even though there’s minimal nudity, certain things happen which would make D.H. Lawrence blush (particularly involving a certain mechanical device attached to the male anatomy).
Definitely NOT a date movie, nor any sort of movie you’d watch with your parents or kids, “A Boy and His Dog” is really like a lost cousin of “A Clockwork Orange” or “Dr. Strangelove”.
Vic and his telepathically talking sheep dog, Blood, travel post-apocalyptic Arizona. Besides scavenging for food and sex, this movie features old, terrible porn clips, evil Amish looking people with clown makeup and possibly the greatest pun in movie history. Blood provides hilarious commentary to all Vic's endeavors, his comments while Vic and a girl he finds have sex are particularly entertaining. At parts, this movie gets so strange you can't do anything but laugh at it, which is definitely not a bad thing! A Boy and His Dog is not something that will ever be universally popular, but it is a great movie for late nights and all nerds. A classic piece of science fiction.
- emma505013 May 2004
A Boy and His Dog is as surprising an effort that has ever come into the genre. It is a movie where imagination is pushed to its most cynical, rotten roots. It is a movie where a wealth of pitch black comedy awaits those who have no problem..
… with the repore between a slightly dim dude and a dog…
… a dog who seems to be part comic relief, part ‘get-your-head-out-of-your-ass’ voice of reason.
The Characters:
Vic – Don Johnson! A solo who survives in the wastelands left after World War IV, he is constantly hunting for food and women.
Blood – Highly intelligent and telepathic mutt who pals around with Vic, in addition he has radar.
Quilla June – Brazen girl sent to lure Vic underground, though she wants to replace the ruling council by using the solo. Ends up as dog food.
Mr. Craddock – Jason Robards! Senior member of the ruling council and a very dour man.
Dr. Moore – Fairly boring member of the ruling council, though he has the best memory.
Mez – Female member of the council, not a pretty sight when laughing.
Gary, Richard, and Kenneth – Conspirators who follow Quilla’s lead, all three get their necks snapped.
Michael – Powerful robot which looks like a huge country bumpkin, if one of the ruling council points at you the wrong way he snaps your neck. Disassembled by Vic, but it appears the council has an entire warehouse full of replacements.
The Screamers – Apparently they are green glowing mutant elephants. (We do not see them, but they do glow green and sound like elephants.)
It should be way too ridiculous to be taken seriously as a piece of legitimate cinema, perhaps as some gonzo experiment that’s dug up by cultists for tongue-in-cheek purposes.
Yet, Jones’s film is, in its way, a weird landmark.
It’s a snapshot of a moment where the basic fronts of a 70s ‘exploitation’ flick (action, comedy, randomness of the 70s, nudity) are put through the perspective of a filmmaker with brains and talent to make it stick in your mind.
This disorderly pre-Mad Max spree is one of the most entertaining post-apocalyptic future movies ever made. You know why? Because it has no taste and in that, it has no inhibitions about the questions it asked about what will happen after the world is spent by nuclear war. It asks about how procreation will happen, how basic sexual feelings will be satisfied, and other things. It has a genuinely original plot involving telepathic dogs that are more literate than their human masters,gunfights wherein the dogs direct their human masters, an entire society underground that discerns who is apart of them or not by wearing clownface at all times, and other crazy things.
It's a wild, crazy, tasteless, sex-obsessed adventure that affords the viewer one of the greatest luxuries of the movies, one that is rarely completely fulfilled, which is unpredictability. It's so inventive in every way that you don't know what happens next. Even the comical theme song is so out of place for the genre of the film, but the theme of a boy and his dog makes it suitable. A Boy and His Dog is not a great film, but it's worth watching repeatedly and showing our friends. Another buried treasure.
- jzappa
This is extremely low budget but not bad. The conversations between Vic and Blood are hilarious (and Blood’s face and movements totally match the dialogue).
I love the bit when Blood asks Vic to name the presidents (remember, this came out in 1975). He responds “Nixon, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy…” When they meet Quilla (about an hour in) the film falls apart. The sequences down under are, at first, scary but get quickly repetitious. But it leads up to a twist ending which is great.
was issued in 1975 with a horribly exploitive ad campaign. It showed a
woman lying down on the ground. You don’t see her face–just her body
and all she’s wearing is a shirt and covering her breasts and other
parts. Blood has a paw on her and a proud look on his face and Vic is
standing beside him holding a gun! The implication is obvious and the
rape aspect of this bothered a lot of people.
Atparts, this movie getssostrangeyoucan’tdoanythingbutlaughatit, whichisdefinitelynotabadthing! A Boy and His Dog isnotsomethingthatwilleverbeuniversallypopular, butitisagreat movie forlatenightsandallnerds. Aclassicpieceofsciencefiction.
The Plot
Armageddon is a difficult thing to rationalize, lending itself to outlandish scenes of violence and debauchery. The idea of a pubescent Don Johnson wandering the lonely wastelands guided by an intelligent and telepathic dog is a new one on me, but for some reason it all fits. Particularly so when the pooch in question has a bottomless stomach and spouts an endless stream of acidic criticism at Don Johnson. (Often complaining about Vic’s libido. A dog complaining about a teenage boy’s libido, I love it!)
The two lead an idyllic life, scavenging for food and water in the
desolate landscape, but sometimes Blood is able to sniff out a female
companion for Vic. For some odd reason all the women are in hiding,
other than a ravenous and horny Don Johnson hunting them I can’t imagine
Well he ends up following Quilla into an underground fallout shelter,
there the last “civilized” remnants of society are carrying on
tradition. Country fairs, ice cream, and prizes for the best canned
goods in addition to trapping fertile males from the surface to
impregnate the young women.
Atparts, this movie getssostrangeyoucan’tdoanythingbutlaughatit, whichisdefinitelynotabadthing! A Boy and His Dog isnotsomethingthatwilleverbeuniversallypopular, butitisagreat movie forlatenightsandallnerds. Aclassicpieceofsciencefiction.
Before you start thinking this is not a bad deal let me explain. Vic is immobilized and his genitals attached to the equivalent of an electronic milking machine. (Aiiiieee!) In short succession the lucky brides are wed to him, presented with a bottle of special sauce, and sent on their way. Nearly incapacitated by blue balls the ferocious young man stages a retreat from the complex after being freed, taking Quilla with him. The first (And last might I add.) marital problem results when Vic discovers his faithful pooch waited outside the shelter’s entrance this entire time and is on the brink of starvation.
Zany and fun to watch on a rainy day, plus the girlfriend will never look at your faithful hound the same.
Things I learned from this movie:
Dogs would make excellent history professors.
Porn films used to suck, in a real bad way.
Men are confused and a little put off by women who want sex.
There is a fundamental difference between “hang” and “harangue.”
A secret and powerful society of mimes inhabits the underground areas of our planet.
Green plants grow nicely underground, even without artificial light.
Interrogating a dog is pretty darn difficult.
Nobody expects a crowbar in the middle of a bouquet.
If a very large, but slow moving, man is trying to break your neck I suggest running away.
Dogs make the worst puns.
Atparts, this movie getssostrangeyoucan’tdoanythingbutlaughatit, whichisdefinitelynotabadthing! A Boy and His Dog isnotsomethingthatwilleverbeuniversallypopular, butitisagreat movie forlatenightsandallnerds. Aclassicpieceofsciencefiction.
Surely those who were looking for nothing more than what Hollywood usually delivers when they invoke the words "science fiction" were disappointed, because this movie resembles the usual horror or action film masquerading as sci-fi very little.
Its source material is a novella by Harlan Ellison, a writer who's recognized by many in the sci-fi community as a master on the same playing field of "psychological sci-fi" as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick.
From Ellison we get a very dark tale about a strangely human dog and his boy. They live in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where Phoenix Arizona used to be, and hunt women and food with the same predatory zeal. But when Vic (or as the dog calls him, Albert) is lured into a surreal society living in a large bomb shelter, their friendship is threatened and Vic is almost forced to become a sort of sexual machine for the good of the State.
Just to run through some of the aspects of the film that I enjoyed, I really liked Tim McIntire's voice work as the dog, perfectly crisp like a cranky old man. How exactly the dog knows so much or is able to speak to Vic is never really explained, but I think there's a clue in that Lou (Jason Robards, Jr.) believes that Vic has spoken to a dog he encounters in the shelter.
That, along with the "Committee's" seeming obsession with recounting facts and figures almanac-style, makes me believe that the dog actually came from the shelter. Perhaps he was sent there to "observe" Vic, as Lou tells him they have been doing for some time, and he rebelled against their control. Like all good sci-fi the idea is vaguely proposed but never explained.
Don Johnson did pretty good work here, I mean it doesn't strike you as all that impressive at first but when you think about the fact that he had to do so many scenes with just this dog as his co-star it's a pretty tough act to pull off as well as he did.
Susanne Benton was decent in her role as well. I loved when she tried to sweet-talk the dog, basically the same way that she treated Vic. Vic seems confused about her intentions all the way up to the end, which is excellent -- if he had figured her out completely then the ending would just feel mean-spirited instead of humorous.
As it is, it's as if Vic believes he's making a sacrifice but the dog knows better and turns it into a joke. By the way my girlfriend thought the last line was too tacky but I thought it was perfect, it gave narrative closure to the film as well as filling in those who might not have understood the scene with the campfire.
Honestly the only performance I wasn't crazy about was Jason Robards'. There's these great scenes he gets to play with Alvy Moore ("Green Acres") and Helene Winston (great laugh she's got... she didn't make a lot of movies but strangely enough just this week I saw her in Curtis Harrington's "The Killing Kind").
He just has no energy, I guess that's the way he wanted to do it but it's annoying how he kind of mumbles through the dialog and I just didn't feel that the dialog was supposed to be quite that casual.
Basically I just did not like the way he decided to play the character, I didn't think it was scary at all. His android assistant, like a twisted American Gothic, is pretty strange though.
Plus I never understood why everyone down there was wearing clown makeup. Was it the idea of the forced smile?
Anyway, I salute the film because I think it was a brave decision to make it as it is and not to try to turn it into a more conventional thing with romance or too much action. I think I can see some influence from this movie on George Miller's "Road Warrior" (though I was told that he claims he hadn't seen it), and definitely on "Slip Stream" with Mark Hamill from the 80s.
But this isn't really the kind of movie that was made to fall into place inside the pantheon of "sci-fi" anyway. It's a closer relative to "Electra-Glide in Blue" and other films of the early 70s that explored the bitter end of "hippie" idealism, the same trend that Hampton Fancher was trying to catch onto when he wrote his first drafts of the film that eventually became "Blade Runner."
Frankly I can't remember seeing another sci-fi film that is so close to the feel and ethos of the most transgressive and anti-establishment sci-fi of the 1960s.
- funkyfry
Stuff to watch out for:
1 min – You have to respect any film that starts off with nuclear war.
8 mins – That is Phoenix? I see that it has not changed much…
23 mins – Don Johnson apologizing to a dog ladies and gentlemen.
25 mins – Good dog! Hehehehe!
37 mins – Blood just managed to kill a full grown man who was armed with a rifle?
45 mins – Sort of a canine teleprompter…
71 mins – Now, will Vic eat that or wipe it on his clothing?
78 mins – The true colors of Quilla’s womanhood come to light.
79 mins – That is about fifty yards I guess, easy shot with a rifle…
Watch the movie. It’s a great romp into 1970’s science fiction. And, as such, perfect for a nice lazy afternoon, or a boring evening at home.
If you enjoyed this article, please check out similar articles in my Movie Index…
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More examples of personal heroism in China. This is part twenty.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference.
When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Make a difference. Be like Rufus!
Please kindly
note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to
view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your
These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds
to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to
load to get the full experience.
Video 1 – Rescue of a baby trapped in a car that overturned and is in the river.
What would you do if you watched a car go off the side of the road, then land upside down in the dirty brown water below? What would you do when you rush over to the side and hear a frantic mother screaming, a baby crying and a man trying desperately to open the door? What would YOU do?
Video 2 – Husband freaks out his wife.
This guy is so bad. But, I like the video because it shows how a loved one would react (emotionally and physically) to an emergency regarding their loved ones.
Video 3 – Confused old man needs help.
There are tons and tons of old people in China. Many are in their late 90’s and they go about, doddering about in their daily chores and activities. Totally, in many instances, rather oblivious to the world around them. They are not thinking clearly and need help.
Video 4 – Emergency CPR at a roadside rest area.
This is a roadside rest area. They are common in China, just like they are along American highways. The roadside rests have public restrooms, and a few convenience stores and maybe a restaurant or two. Here we have a situation, caught on camera, of a man who collapses inside a restaurant.
Video 5 – Emergency going up…
All malls in China have escalators. They are very common. There are a a lot of old people and little kids, and because of the large numbers of people, there are often a higher percentage of accidents that can occur. Here we watch what is going on…
Video 6 – Helping children cross a flooded road.
Rufus helps Jesus carry the cross. Real heroes come in all sizes and shapes, and will do things that will soon be forgotten. This is my tribute to them…
Video 7 – How to tie a tie.
This video is a set-up. It illustrates just how helpful Chinese people can be. This actor pretends not to be able to tie a tie. (I can’t blame him. I hated wearing the things.) And we can watch how others react to helping him or not…
Video 8 – Muslim take-down outside of a school.
The radicalized terrorist Muslims are all over the world. Unlike the United States, China has ZERO tolerance for them.
So when you see a Muslim carrying a knife or butcher chopping cleaver towards a kindergarten or an elementary school, you call the police, and get ready to defend the children. The Radicalized Muslims love to kill babies so they can get into Heaven and cavort with their seventy virgins.
Video 9 – Police arrest a Muslim extremist.
Speaking of radical Muslims, here’s another video.
They believe that they will go into heaven if they can commit horrible crimes while shouting the words “God is great”. Silly ? Yes, but that’s just the way it is.
Video 10 – Police clear a path…
When emergencies strike, where will you be. Will you be recording the event on video or taking the time to participate and do the good work by saving and helping others? It’s your life, and how you handle it will forge your future in the Heavens.
Here we have an infant that is collapsing and is having trouble breathing and will not regain consciousness. Obviously the mother is terrified and in Shock. What would you all do?
Thank you for reading this.
God bless.
We do not know when the calling will come.
However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you
wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference
when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help
others. It’s our highest calling.
If you enjoyed this post, please click on this link and check out the rest of my Rufus series…
Here are
some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you
might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up
in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have
broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones
actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little
different, in subtle ways.
Funny Pictures
Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.
Articles & Links
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find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
More stories of personal heroism in China. This is part eleven.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos
all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday
people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and
an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run
and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or
will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference
in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the
Make a difference. Be like Rufus!
Please kindly
note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to
view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your
These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds
to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to
load to get the full experience.
Video 1 – Baby left inside a locked car.
So, you are walking down the street and you hear a baby crying. You look inside a parked car nearby and you see that there is a baby locked inside. It is crying and you are worried. What are you going to do?
Pretend nothing is going on?
Or will you be the Rufus and spring into action?
Video 2 – Young child hops on a farm truck and takes it for a spin…
Except that he’s not so good at driving and crashes it right into a bridge. If you watched this, what would you do? Why, if it were me, I’d spring into Rufus mode…
Video 3 – Child falls into a pond and is drowning.
You hear screams and cries. You look over the railing and there is a small boy flailing his arms trying to keep his head above the water. What are you going to do? Call the police? Call the fire department? Or, as in this case, you kick off your shoes and go in and save the child.
You be the Rufus!
Video 4 – Small boy wants to meet his football hero.
Ok, so the bodyguards chase him away. No big deal. Famous people always have to deal with adoration of the mobs. But not this time. The football player (Soccer player, in American English) calls the boy over and chats with him a spell and sends him on his way.
Video 5 – Granny is trapped in the ice and is fading fast.
That’s right. It’s not just little children that can get into trouble. Somehow this grandmother fell through the ice and is having a dickens of time getting out. You can tell that she is fading fast and cannot move her arms very well. Who knows how long she has been in there? But you are the only one available in this small rural community. You need to save her and you need to act fast. Are you up to it?
Video 6 – Car hits a mother with her son.
Not only that, but you have to deal with a furious little boy. What are you going to do, and how are you going to handle it?
Video 7 – Husband helps his pregnant wife.
Been there done that. Yup, this is China, and this is the kind of things that a husband will do for his wife heavy in pregnancy.
Video 8 – Bridge rescue.
Flood waters have carried a man off and down river. He’s a goner for certain. Yet, there is a bridge across the river. Maybe if everyone rushes to the bridge they can save him. And that is what happens, the entire town rushes there…
Video 9 – Being the good guy.
You know, giving your seat, or place in line for the needy is a good thing to do. It’s a Rufus kind of thing. It shows character, worth and value. Be the Rufus.
Video 10 – A Tribute to the workers of the world.
Not every job is 9 to 5, sit within a cubicle, and stare at a computer screen of spreadsheets and emails. There are people who actually perform dangerous tasks daily. They risk their lives every single day, and no one notices or cares.
Here’s a tribute to them.
Oh, by the way, this first video of the man in the steel mill was a job that I actually did. It is hot, hot work and terribly exhausting.
Thank you for reading this.
God bless.
We do not know when the calling will come.
However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you
wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference
when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help
others. It’s our highest calling.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are
some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you
might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up
in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have
broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones
actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little
different, in subtle ways.
Funny Pictures
Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.
Articles & Links
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find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
More stories of personal heroism in China. This is part eight.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos
all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday
people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and
an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run
and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or
will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference
in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the
Make a difference. Be like Rufus!
Please kindly
note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to
view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your
These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds
to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to
load to get the full experience.
Video 1 – Dog saves a little girl.
A dog is man’s best friend. Well, also little girls as well…
Video 2 – You can be the first responder.
When things go wrong what are you going to do? Call the police? Wait a half an hour until help arrives, or will you be the Rufus?
Video 3 – High stakes save in an apartment building.
This little tyke in his terrible twos (obviously) thought that it was a good idea to climb over the railing in his high rise apartment. Lucky for him, that a number of Rufus’s were nearby to come to his aide.
Video 4 – Young driver going the wrong way on a busy road.
Well, you have to give the kid credit. He’s not going to wait around and learn how to drive in school. He’ll just go out on his own and make his own way in the world. And so he does… just about breaking every rule in the book and being a danger to himself and others.
Lucky there is a policeman nearby.
Video 5 – Rescue of a man in a wheelchair.
This crazy guy tries to take his wheelchair down an escalator. Oh my goodness! Well, it doesn’t work out well and everything falls apart rather quickly.
Lucky for him that Rufus was nearby…
Video 6 – Preventing a train accident.
Of all the places to break down… why does it have to be on top of railroad tracks? Well, that’s the kind of thing that happens from time to time and when that happens, it’s pretty much “curtains” for you and your vehicle. But in this case, he was lucky. Rufus was nearby…
Video 7 – Tribute to firemen.
Here’s a tribute to firemen. Whether you are in China or the Untied States, Africa or Russia, the firemen are always there to help you, save lives and risk their own for the betterment of society. They are all the RUFUS.
Video 8 – Emergency Police ride to the hospital.
Emergencies happen when you are least expecting them. And when you need help you run to the people that can help. Here, in China, it is often a motorcycle police officer. In this case the infant needs to be rushed to the hospital. There is no delay, when the calling shouts at you…
…you take action…
Video 9 – Police helps and old man.
This old fellow needs to cross six lanes of a typical city highway. Yet he is slow and pokey as can be. I’ve seen snails and turtles go faster. Yet, no one helps him. That is until a police man steps in and offers a helping hand.
Video 10 – Rufus cleans up the street.
You do not need to rescue people, or fight fires to make a difference. You just need to be helpful, positive and good. Smiling helps as does doing your own very small part int he community. Take the leap and just make the world a little bit nicer for you, your family and the community that you are a part of.
We do not know when the calling will come. However, when it calls, you must take action.
It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death.
Be the Rufus.
Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are
some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you
might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up
in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have
broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones
actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little
different, in subtle ways.
Funny Pictures
Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
We continue with the video exploration of Asia, as well as my often cantankerous narrative. As we proceed, let’s talk a little bit about the splash screen above. It’s from the wonder 1960’s movie “Our man Flint”, which is a sort of parody of 007 James Bond movies.
James Coburn stars as super-spy Derek Flint in this action comedy which takes the tongue-in-cheek wit of the James Bond series and shifts it into high gear.
Flint is an ultra-sophisticated operative of international intelligence agency Z.O.W.I.E.
He’s a master of martial arts, electronic gadgetry (his cigarette lighter can perform 83 special functions), languages both human and animal (he can communicate with dolphins in a pinch), and even gives ballet lessons to the dancers of the Bolshoi.
Being a specially trained secret agent, he is able to rest most comfortably in the most unusual circumstances. Here he is getting a full weeks rest in a few hours by using his super powers of concentration.
So when his fellow agents begin dropping like flies, Z.O.W.I.E. assigns Flint the task of finding out who the killers happen to be.
One of the things that I, and many others, enjoyed is the bevy of attractive women that secret agents always seemed to have surrounding them. It comes with the territory… that is, as long as you know your real purpose… heh heh.
While James Bond was obviously the king of the international spy boom of the 1960s, there were many pretenders to the throne – Dean Martin’s Matt Helm, the Men (and Girl) From U.N.C.L.E., Richard Johnson’s Bulldog Drummond, television’s Maxwell Smart. even Neil Connery as 007’s alleged relative in Operation Kid Brother. The only super-agent who came close to Bond on the big screen was James Coburn’s know-it-all Derek Flint, the man from ZOWIE (Zonal Organisation for World Intelligence and Espionage).
Flint is the sort of fellow who meditates by suspending his life functions for a three hours, fills his spare time by compiling a dictionary of dolphin language or teaching ballet in Russia, and lives in a chic, gagdet-filled penthouse with four varied glamorous girlfriends.
It doesn’t pretend to be a serious thriller, though Coburn – the man who made silver hair and roll-neck pullovers into icons of cool – has some Bruce Lee-tought martial arts moves in acrobatic fight scenes which require him to toss stuntmen around the room.
By the time of the third James Bond film, 1964's Goldfinger, the spy craze had exploded across pop culture, spattering the walls with poison blow-dart ink pens and steely-eyed, ultra-virile heroes.
Perhaps the Cold War fantasy adventures of "real men" ruggedly vanquishing godless Commies and other evil empires, all while bedding improbably beautiful women, were a meat-eating guy's antacid against the discomforting reflux from real global tensions — not to mention home-grown indigestion embodied by the Beatles, antiwar protests, and the Women's Movement.
Plus, utilizing the Cold War for entertainment sure simplified things for moviegoers and TV-watchers. Head-throbbingly complex geopolitical currents were reduced to sprightly three-act suspense dramas that could be wrapped up within two hours.
Guns, gadgets, and girls were the primary colors of the comic-book spy universe. Certainly there were serious-minded Bond imitators, such as the Harry Palmer series starring Michael Caine. But someone was bound to play the genre for laughs, and in short order the Bond spoofs outnumbered the Bond movies themselves.
In fact, the film version of Ian Fleming's first Bond novel, Casino Royale, hit the screen in '67 as a clowned-up comedy.
Cocktail crooner Dean Martin starred in four mixed efforts featuring soused secret agent Matt Helm. Then as now, a Hollywood trend didn't end until it was well past tired, and titles such as Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine and Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs, both starring Vincent Price and his army of lethal fembots, made sure that we all tired quite thoroughly.
The best of the spy-spoof bunch was 1965's Our Man Flint, a hyper-kitschy and entertaining time capsule starring James Coburn as a Bond surrogate played so straight you could shave with him.
This tongue-way-in-cheek action comedy garnered favorable reviews and became Fox's third highest grossing film of the year. Coburn — terrific with this dry, crackling material — is Derek Flint, ultra-secret agent aiding Z.O.W.I.E. (Zonal Organization for World Intelligence and Espionage).
Our Man Flint made a shrewd move by sticking to the Bond template. The brilliant and resourceful Flint works alone, follows each clue to the next level, employs superhuman physical and mental prowess, beds gorgeous gals, gets captured, and prevents World Domination in an orgy of destruction at the evildoers' secret volcano island.
However, instead of being a bozo-nosed vaudeville like the Austin Powers movies, Our Man Flint out-Bonds the Bond films by respectfully retooling the familiar Bond elements and then turning the knob to 11.
-DVD Journal
There’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment in beloved spy spoof Our Man Flint when an extra blatantly cops a feel from a curvy, scantily clad actress. This unintentional detail probably as much about Our Man Flint’s place in the firmament of swingin’-’60s camp as anything else in the picture. Released at pretty much the zenith of the “spy craze”—clinched by the James Bond films and carried on by slew of imitators on screens big and small—Our Man Flint introduced private superspy Derek Flint, as portrayed by the inimitable James Coburn amongst bevies of “babes.”
The plot is the usual hokum and Edward Mulhare isn’t really eccentric
enough to compete in the villainy stakes, but Coburn is plainly
enjoying himself so much, and the trimmings are so stylish, that it’s
impossible not to enjoy.
Jerry Goldsmith provides a jaunty, hummable score. Coburn and Cobb returned, in similarly lightweight style, in a sequel, In Like Flint, which took the super-agent into outer space a decade before Roger Moore got there in Moonraker. The character later reappeared, played by Ray Danton, in Dead on Target, a 1976 TV pilot that didn’t go anywhere.
To the extent that Our Man Flint works, it does so due to its tossed-off wit. For instance, like the odd mismatch of names and faces for mad scientists Doctors Krupov (Rhys Williams), Wu (Peter Brocco), and Schneider (Benson Fong). And let’s not forget the sheer oddity of Coburn, the toothy, gangly character actor who nevertheless charms his way into stardom here with laid-back cool. You know, there’s definite nostalgic appeal in the shag-adelic style, which laid the groundwork for Austin Powers (which sampled Flint’s Presidential-hotline ringtone).
This movie is a classic of the spy-genre, in its all-out parody glory.
Age has only added a new sheen of humor, as we guffaw at the retro aura such as the kung-fu grips, the 1960’s womanizing, go-go dancing, and ridiculous faux-buddhist upper-class chicness.
Our hero, having just returned from teaching ballet at Moscow's Bolshoi, is called into service. Z.O.W.I.E. agents have been killed while seeking the mysterious masterminds behind G.A.L.A.X.Y, an organization controlling the world's weather and holding humanity hostage to a plan for a scientifically regimented (and otherwise wonderfully beneficial) new world order.
While enforcing The American Way, Flint performs impromptu surgery, stops his heart for prolonged periods, repeatedly annoys his flustered boss (Lee J. Cobb) with his undisciplined ways, invents a Zippo lighter with 82 functions ("83 if you want to light a cigar"), traces a poison through a bouillabaisse recipe served in only one spot on Earth, jump-starts a man's heart via a light bulb socket, wisecracks with British Agent "Triple-O Eight," judo-chops gangs of bad guys, avoids disintegration in an electrofragmentizer, and finds his four live-in lovelies ensnared within G.A.L.A.X.Y's Dr. Evil-like H.Q.
Supported by Jerry Goldmsith's way groovy musical score, Flint does it all while keeping his tux spotless, his demeanor cool, and his women satisfied.
Comparisons between Flint's pastiche heroics and the Austin Powers series are obvious. However, Our Man Flint and its sequel, In Like Flint, are exaggerated burlesques of their own time and the pop superspy tropes that flourished then. Therefore, we can more accurately compare the Flint flicks with Scream or Not Another Teen Movie, two sendups of contemporary conventions and clichés that had grown so familiar to audiences that laughter was the only response left.
-DVD Journal
Our Man Flint is an essential entry in the genre of parody, and actually manages to stand on its own without knowledge of what it is trying to parody in a way that the more recent (and less sophisticated) Austin Powers has managed to do.
Yet where Austin Powers is slapstick hilarity, Our Man Flint is buffoonishly mock-serious…. a parody style that fits the spy-film genre far more comfortably and more satisfyingly… and has aged remarkably well for a highly topical parody.
Derek Flint (James Coburn) is America’s answer to James Bond but, unlike his British counterpart, Flint is a bona-fide master of, well, everything: Disguises; Karate; Languages; Gadgets; Ballet; Zen (Flint ‘relaxes’ by suspending his stiffened body between two chairs, one under his head, one under his heels. No special effects or support required, Coburn could actually do this). Women throw themselves at him, and men want to be him. Everybody, that is, except his frazzled old boss Lloyd Cramden (Lee J. Cobb) who, against his better judgement, must persuade Flint to come out of retirement when the evil Galaxy corporation unleash their wicked plot to control the world’s weather. Flint’s globetrotting takes him from New York to Marseilles to Rome and, finally, to Galaxy’s island hideout (which bears a striking resemblance to the Fox Ranch seen in many other films), a spectacular paradise full of bikinied beauties spouting phrases like, “All that is asked of me I shall perform.”
And guys, you may want to think twice about watching Our Man Flint with a wife or girlfriend. As part of their broad comedic approach, both Flint films unashamedly parade coprolitic sexual attitudes that would make even Mr. Powers wince.
By their nature, '60s spy movies bared a phallocentric revolt against the era's "sexual revolution." Our Man Flint is giddy and harmless while still being sexist in ways that no one could get away with today. Flint's sybaritic lifestyle includes a Manhattan penthouse staffed by a quartet of pliant babes who, it's clear, exist to provide him with anything he desires.
The sexy villainess (Gila Golan, Miss Israel 1961) likewise falls into his arms and bedsheets within minutes.
The film's final third is an adolescent male Disneyland of bikini-clad centerfold models brainwashed to be smiling, willing "pleasure units" who "offer their bodies for the good of G.A.L.A.X.Y."
Although played for good clean "Yeah, baby!" fun, the scenes of Joe Blow henchmen queuing up to enjoy the "units" like Happy Meals might even leave a few Maxim readers squirming. (Another raise of an eyebrow is occasioned when, as the space age lair self-destructs, we watch Flint and company cheer while hundreds of uncondemned people, including a crowd-scene's worth of those "pleasure units" we just saw, are blown to smithereens.)
-DVD Journal
Our Man Flint contains lots of nods to his more famous British counterpart, James Bond, in several silly ways. At one point we encounter a celebrity agent known only as ‘0008’ (Bob Gunner, who looks a bit like Sean Connery), a spy with his own series of novels. Flint asks if the criminal organization known as SPECTRE could be involved, and 0008 replies, “It’s bigger than SPECTRE!” Earlier in the film, Flint is initially offered a Walther PPK and a briefcase with a concealed throwing knife – as seen in Dr. No (1962) – which he dismisses as crude.
This is a great movie.
It takes you back to a time when it was fine to talk about sex, and sexual situations without offending anyone. As such, it is a precious look at a world that the United States has lost and may never recover again. I would suggest the reader go ahead and watch this movie. Watch it before it is either banned, or the person who views the movie get penalized by the up-and-coming social-scoring methodology.
Anyways, back to Asia…
Sword Dance Exercise – China
It’s perhaps a cultural thing, but the first time that I visited Asia, I went to Hong Kong. There, at the wee hours of 5 am (jet lag, don’t you know) I saw the early risers get up and do their daily morning exercises.
Some would exercise doing Tai Ji, others would do the group dances, and others would do various forms of martial arts. The most popular is a kind of Kung Fu with fans (the “fan dance”) and others using swords. Here’s a cute video of a girl who is obviously a master of this kind of exercise / kung fu / dance. Taken in mainland China…
Cambodian Singer
I came across this gal singing her heart out in this music video. It think it’s well done, but might sound a little strange to our western ears. I love how she is putting all her emotion and passion into the music and song. I also love the simplicity of it. You don’t have a lot of bling, and complex African-American rhythms with huge assed girls wagging their asses all over the place.
I think that this gal is from Cambodia, but she could as well be from Laos or Thailand. I do think that she is great and she is certainly worth a listen.
No it’s NOT easy.
I commented on an essay that I found on LinkedIN the other day. In it, Fionn Wright wrote his comments on a statement by one of Donald Trumps’ advisors. Who said…
“The Chinese economy is crumbling. It's just not the powerhouse it was 20 years ago."
- White House Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow August 2019.
This is a pretty drastic comment. “Crumbling”? WTF. Ain’t nothing “crumbling” don’t you know.
So, Fionn Wright wrote…
What a simple Google search tells us: Chinese Economy: 1999 GDP: 1.09 trillion (nominal) Figure for 2019: 14.2 trillion (nominal) That’s 13X
1999 GDP per capita: $3,800 (PPP) 2019 GDP per capita: $19,520 (PPP) More than 5X
The #ChineseEconomy has also surpassed the US in terms of PPP and is #1 in the world
Larry Kudlow is the “Economic” Advisor to the #WhiteHouse So I have to assume that he knows this If he is referring to the #GDP growth slowdown, it’s still 3X the US
That would lead me to the conclusion that he is consciously misleading people The main problem here is not that he’s lying (or really incompetent) It’s that a lot of Americans will actually believe these kinds of “absurd” statements as Ian Bremmer puts it (People in Britain do too - welcome to #Brexit)
Business Insider, CNBC, MSN and a host of other media sources publish this as if what he is saying makes sense. If this isn’t #FakeNews I don’t know what is? 🤷♂️
And, you know what? He’s right. Compare the numbers.
So I wrote…
The propaganda is flowing hard and fast. Do not think that the recent upsurge in HK protests is organic. Trump is involved in full-scale passive-aggressive economic warfare. But, you know what, the Chinese are the toughest on the planet.
I hope that things ratchet down a peg or two.
All in all, pretty benign.
I just agreed with him, and argued that there are forces bigger than us that are taking place. Donald Trump is fighting this war on behalf of the American people, and China is striking back. Both are formidable forces, and I hope that it gets resolved soon.
To which case, this Mr. Caspar Smeets (A pro-Gay Activist, who works as a design director) responded to me most aggressively…
Could you not promote the Chinese Dream in its own right without your political rants and America-bashing; on LinkedIn out if all platforms? You tell us zero news, sound so childish, unnecessary, uninspiring, and boring for someone claiming to help people achieve their Chinese dream, which incidentally is of course based on an American concept. Go play on Twitter or something where you can start your own private trade war.
Pretty uncalled for. But that’s a Jack-Ass for you.
He’s from the UK and living in Oman. He knows nothing about China, never been to China, and comes at me out of the blue with this kind of response.
I’ll tell you what, it’s disheartening. For me, as the target of such shit, it hurts. It’s sort of along the lines of this…
Well, then out of the blue, a fellow comes to my defense. He writes…
Caspar, got out of bed the wrong side this morning?
The conversation continues. With sparing banter back and forth from the antagonist, who eventually admits to why he was so nasty responding to my rather bland opinion. He says…
Don't get me started on happy go lucky western people getting all smart about a totalitarian, repressive, rascist dictatorship over the back of America.
Totalitarian, I can understand. There is one party. The traditional party. If you want anything other than conservative, traditional China, you will suffer.
Repressive, it depends on who is being repressed. I’m not gay, transgender, I’m not a SJW trying to force other people to do things such as banning straws, or turning playgrounds into “safe spaces”. I’ve been living here heading towards two decades. So far, I’ve never been repressed.
Racist? China has over 65 minorities, and invites everyone into the nation (provided they have something to contribute). They have enormous public work projects all over the world and are almost single-handedly building up a middle-class in Africa.
This Jack-Ass doesn’t even realize that I am a conservative, American-expat, Trump follower who lives in China. That I wish peace between both nations. That I recognize that both sides have valid arguments and are engaged into a trade war that I hope, will soon be resolved.
He just shows just how off-the-wall insane these progressive democrat Marxists are. They really, really are just like those NPC meme’s you see on the internet.
NPC Meme describing progressive Marxists.
At which point, my rescuer replies…
Well, at least we're all in agreement about the US being a totalitarian, repressive, racist dictatorship. That's something we can build on.
Moving away from the nonsense…
In case you are all wondering, I dropped out of this nonsense a long time ago. Every nation has it’s strengths and weaknesses.
America = Oligarchy. With citizens treated as serfs for profit. Maintains the appearance of a Democracy (Modified Republic into a Democracy) with zero accountability. The Oligarchy control the mobs by offering social re-engineering efforts via propaganda outlets.
China = Single party, traditional conservative Chinese.
Which is better?
It depends on who you are and your role within the stratified communities that make up those two nations. Different people have different situations and thus would have different points of view on this.
Certainly if you are wealthy, America is best for you. There are two sets of laws, rules, public discourse, and juridical systems that favor you. They favor you to a point that the government will pay you at tax-time rather than you owing money to them. They favor you to a point that you can commit treason, sell of American assets, get people killed, and break just about every law in the book including the systematic rape of children, and be allowed a pass.
Also, if you are dirt poor, illiterate, lazy, slothful or have addictions, America is also better. As you will be taken cared for and given special treatment than the rest of society. Thus people with mental illnesses, the gender confused, and those misfits that are not trying to fit within society will be cared for with “special” treatment.
However, if you are a working “stiff”, middle class, with ambitions to move up the social ladder, then most certainly China will offer you more opportunities, take less of your money, and provide a much healthier place for you to raise your family within.
That’s just the way it is today.
A comparison of the social-economic favoritism that the countries of China and the United States can provide for their citizens.
The United States, being an oligarchy, is perfect for the massively wealthy, or the incredibly poor. The nation has systems in place for people within those two spheres of influence to prosper within.
China however, provides advantages for the vast bulk of the citizenry, say 80 – 90%, though it is an environment where the poorest and the wealthiest may find disadvantage.
Looking at the nations as automobiles
Here’s a fun exercise for those of you who don’t like to read charts, tables and look at numbers. Think of each nation as a car. That’s it, think of each nation as a wonderful car.
Now, the United States started off with the most pure and perfect automobile design ever conceived in the history of the world. God created man. Men creates governments. The governments serve man so that they may serve God.
Wonderful. Pure and simple.
So this is America as it was designed and forged back in 1776…
America as designed. Simple, robust and pure. This is an image of what America (as designed) would look like. A beautiful Bugatti.
But, you know, times change. People want to make “improvements” and game the system for their own benefit. You know, like ignoring the tenth Amendment, setting up “free Speech restriction zones”, and of course going “Red Flag” on gun laws. Sort of like this post…
Anyways, all these changes has resulted in America looking quite different from it’s original intent. Indeed, today America looks something like this…
This is what America would look like if it was a car.
Of course, other nations would look quite different.
China, where I live, would be more direct, traditional, conservative and functional. It’s rather harsh on the rules and doesn’t throw money away on trivialities. So, for China, it might look something like this…
This is what China would look like if it was a car.
To better understand the point that I am trying to make, you can check out this link below (it opens up in a separate tab)…
Sex Doll Technology is really advancing…
In China there are two industries that you (the reader) should keep your eyes on. One is the robotic industry, and the other is the sex-doll industry. Both industries concentrate on specific features, function and utility. However, both like to use human appearing body structures.
As both industries lie within close proximity of each other geographically, I can well anticipate cross-over technology advancements within the next five years. Just like how China took the personal drone industry from zero to the powerhouse it is today.
El paso shooting survivor’s mother left her gun home the day of the mass shooting by a radical progressive Bernie Sanders follower…
OMG! I just read this today. Check it out…
“Christopher Grant said he recognized the sound of gunshots, “So I ran toward my mother to try to shield her and I’m like, mom — cause my mom, she’s a gun-wielding grandma. She carries a snub nose Smith & Wesson, .38 special with a built-in scope in it, everywhere she goes,” but she did not have it on her.
“An hour before we went to Walmart, she decides, ‘We’re just going to Walmart, I’m going to put it in my room.’ So when I went to her, no gun. And I was like, ‘Oh, my God, you got to be kidding me.’”
Grant ran off and saw the shooter in the Walmart parking lot and started to throw bottles at him to distract him. The shooter then started to fire his rifle at him, hitting Grant.”
The police broke up this counterfeiting ring. Here’s a video of their operation. I found it interesting.
OK, let’s move on…
I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single
post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of
the videos in this post, please continue…
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Links about China
Here are
some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader,
might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.
China and America Comparisons
As an
American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United
States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is
the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the
British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal
press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what
China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Parks in China
The parks
in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very
mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Really Strange China
Here are
some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem
odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events,
while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
What is China like?
purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world,
outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they
might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank
And while
America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources,
and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has
done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and
you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
Summer in Asia
Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
Thank you for continuing with me in the adventure.
But first, let me explain the photo splash at the top of the page. That picture is of two of the band members from the 1980’s hit rock/pop group “Tears for Fears”.
The Seeds of Love is the third studio album by the British rock/pop band Tears for Fears, released on 25 September 1989.. The album, which reportedly cost over £1 million (GBP) to produce, retained the band's epic sound while incorporating influences ranging from jazz and blues to The Beatles, of which the latter is most evident on the hit single "Sowing the Seeds of Love".
Tears for Fears – Sowing the Seeds of Love
Sometimes I really wonder about what is going on in the Western world these days. Back in the 1980’s, yes things weren’t perfect, but at least you knew that there were two genders, that a water fountain was GMO free, and that the English Queen was not transgender.
Now, today, you haven’t a clue. The news media completely and absolutely lies about everything and changes the narrative left and right. For instance, consider the latest mass-murdering shooter…
The Liberal Progressive socialists in charge of the American mainstream media and the software giants have rewritten the narrative of the events that transpired.
He was a Obama-following Antifa member, and now his history was changed to a crazed Trump QANAON.
There’s only one thing…
Real Conservatives, if pushed to violence, would not strike out at innocents. They would attack the instigators, the leaders, and those that finance what ever problems that they are dealing with. This fellow attacked innocents. Ergo – not a conservative.
Leftists Change Shooter Patrick Crusius’s MyLife Page
No kidding!
You have this Antifa progressive Obama follower who shoots up a ton load of people in a Walmart. Immediately the news media is blaming Trump for “Right Wing” Violence. When it was no such thing. Now, plastered all over the internet is the rewritten narrative that he was a Right-Wing Trump following kook and guns must be banned.
Perhaps, a little peek at what the news media did and handled this is in order, eh?
Some history…
A Walmart in Texas was shot up in August 2019 when a gunman rampaged through the store using an AK-47 clone. The event is known as the Cielo Vista Mall shooting in El Paso, Texas. He left a manifesto where he claimed to be a follower of Trump and wanted to kill all the illegal aliens in Texas.
Sounds pretty damning. Why it fits exactly the mainstream press narrative of a typical Trump supporter.
Then they got the guy.
Washington Examiner reporter Anna Giaritelli posted the name and a photos of the alleged shooter, sourced to law enforcement. “A law enforcement official in El Paso told me the Walmart shooter is in custody. His name is Patrick Crusius of Allen, a town in Texas outside of Dallas. He is pretty young, having just turned 21 years old this week.
A law enforcement official in El Paso told me the Walmart shooter is in custody. Patrick Crusius of Dallas. Just turned 21 years old this week. pic.twitter.com/CEJh6rYij1
— Anna Giaritelli (@Anna_Giaritelli) August 3, 2019
But don’t ya know, Patrick Crusius has a profile on MyLife.com.
MyLife is an American information brokerage founded in 2002 as Reunion.com.
MyLife gathers personal information through public records and other sources to automatically generate a “MyLife Public Page” for each person, described by MyLife as a “complete Wikipedia-like biography on every American.”
While people can edit their data, the software organization MyLife can change and rewrite a person's profile at will.
So, you would think that the American mainstream news media would take this information and disseminate it to the public? Nope…
On 3AUG19, at 2:46 PM the website MyLife had this profile for the deranged killer Patrick Crusius. It was quite clear. His original profile at 2:46 said he was a registered Democrat.
Look for yourself…
The deranged killer Patrick Crusius is a progressive democrat.
While he was in jail, right after the police caught him, there were some changes made to his profile. How? I do not know. What I do know is that his political affiliation was changed from Democrat to Republican on the day of the mass shooting.
Here is the changed profile. Check the dates and times. Notice what they wrote on the Summary…
Mall shooter has had his past history rewritten.
Yes. The leftists wrote;
"Before becoming a mass shooter / murderer, Patrick was a registered Republican, and Evangelical Christian. A former campaign worker for Donald Trump, he was also a QANON conspiracy theorist, and INCEL. "
Ethnicity was changed to African American, as well. WTF?
Now, if that wasn’t bad enough, it was changed yet again…
Leftists rewriting history yet again.
By Saturday night it continued to be revised. Now including anti-Jewish racial slurs and all sorts of the things that fit the CNN black & White narrative of what a Conservative is.
Progressive Democrat Socialists rewriting the MyLife profile for a mass murdering Antifa member.
Now what can we take from all this nonsense? Well…
Do Not Believe What You Read on the Internet
As far as his political leanings are concerned… traditional conservatives do not harm innocents. Only progressive leftists do. Don’t believe me? Crack open a fucking history book won’t ya?
Last minute commentary…
It seems strange to me that all of a sudden this push for gun bans and Red Flag laws, and "Alt Right" violence. It is almost like the time-table for the Hillary / Socialist take over of the country never reset after the election of Trump.
It's like everything is just following the same timetable that was put in place under Obama.
Here are six posts that discuss this matter in detail…
OK. That being said, let’s move on out of the 1980’s and into contemporaneous Asia…
Bring back the Summer, lover…
I really like this.
I haven’t figured out what it is. Is it a movie? A cartoon? A music video? A narrative? Or what. Whatever it is, I like it.
Imagine this in the USA… not!
You would NEVER see this in the United States. It would be considered cultural misappropriation.
Remember, boys and girls, China is a meritocracy. You must strive to be the best that you can be, or go begging in the streets. There is no room for sloth, welfare moms, and freeloaders.
Remember everyone…
Universities in the United States have been discriminating against Asian students because their success makes racial minorities look and feel bad. Do not think that there will not be some kind of blow-back to their social re-engineering efforts. Ah. You do not mess around with the Chinese. Fools.
As we used to say in Pennsylvania…
You can put on lipstick, curl the hair, wear eyelashes, and put on a nice dress… but a pig is still a pig.
Diversity quotas are like putting lipstick on a pig. It might sound good, it might make the pigs happy, but very few people will actually find the pig beautiful.
Welcome to YiChang…
China has so many cities. Many (so called) towns would pass as large cities in the United States. Here’s an example of the small town of YiChang. Check it out why don’t ya…
Religious girls in Thailand
Just look at these beauties. They are so very yummy.
You know as I get older I really realize that it is our actions that complement our inherent attractiveness. It is how we behave, and how we interact with others that define our overall appearance.
Chinese Aviation
Aviation. I love it whether it is my very own background in American Naval Aviation, or aviation elsewhere, it is an interest and a passion of mine. Yes it is. Sort of like cats, dogs, and pizza. It’s like how I feel about pretty girls and red wine. I love it all.
Here we have a nice video (micro-video natch) concerning Chinese aviation.
Moving up… stay up
The Chinese culture is one of merit. That permeates the entire society. Anyone who tries to cheat, or get special privileges is pretty much shunned. They are known as “Fu er di” and pretty much considered the rich spoiled kinds of society.
Oh yes. The wealthy buy spots for their children in (the easy to bribe) American colleges, but the vast bulk of Chinese society is based upon merit. Every movie, and every song reinforces this notion.
Here is just a small snippet of how this all manifests within the Chinese society.
Yeah. You show that gal that you moved way past her…
Hong Kong Protests
Yeah. There are these “wanna have democracy” protests in Hong Kong. The American media promotes it as a some sort of a “proof” that China is gonna fall apart any day now. Yah right.
Don’t hold your breath.
China and Hong Kong are totally separate entities. Sort of like how Pago Pago in American Samoa is different from Kokomo, Indiana. (Bet ya didn’t know that Pago Pago is a part of an American territory.)
Yup. Hong Kong has their own government and their own laws, and pretty much Beijing allows them autonomy in their affairs. If it didn’t, you would see many changes in Hong Kong that would better fit the traditional Chinese social model. Hong Kong is NOT run in the way Beijing prefers.
Of course, you would never know this, or even have a clue to this situation by only reading American news media. Their role is to keep Americans ignorant of the true situation, huddled and fearful, and easily manipulated to follow heard and group behaviors.
Screen shot of Drudge Report American news aggregator, taken Sunday 4AUG19. What a load of nonsense.
Now, that being said, here’s a video from the Hong Kong government about the situation.
You’d NEVER see this on American mainstream media. It doesn’t fit inside the narrative.
Actually there is so much information regarding this, that I am afraid that I will need to post 4 or 5 videos about the protests to help put things in context. This is done in the next part – part 13…
I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single
post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of
the videos in this post, please continue…
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Links about China
Here are
some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader,
might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.
China and America Comparisons
As an
American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United
States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is
the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the
British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal
press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what
China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Parks in China
The parks
in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very
mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Really Strange China
Here are
some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem
odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events,
while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
What is China like?
purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world,
outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they
might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank
And while
America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources,
and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has
done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and
you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
Summer in Asia
Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
Here we continue on our video exploration of Asia. But first, before we begin, let’s take a look at the picture splash at the top of the page. It is from the movie called “The Patriot”. It’s a great movie, and a large degree of effort went into making it as accurate as possible.
ThejumbleofeventsinThe Patriot, forexample, werecreatedby making Gibson’s character a composite ofnolessthan 4 realpeople! Somanyoftheeventsofthe film wereverylooselyinspiredbytruefacts, butthenchangedandalteredtofittheneedsofthedramaticstorythescreenwriterwaslookingtotell.
Screen shot from the movie The Patriot. There are those that claim that this fictional movie is not accurate enough for their tastes. Well of course not! It’s a fiction for Pete’s sake. Then as all progressive liberals, they point out one inaccuracy and then claim the entire film is inaccurate. It’s the black and white, the all or nothing. The need to ban peanut butter because less than 0.0005% of children have an allergy. All or nothing. It’s the Marxist way, don’t you know.
Accuracy. Though you would never realize that if you used the internet to research the making of the movie. The “accuracy” of the movie is then put into question because it is a fictional work, when people are actually asking questions about such period events as…
Tying the boyfriend into a sack when he slept overnight.
Young boys being able to shoot guns.
The role of the Loyalists in the colonies.
The role of the German mercenaries during the war.
If you read the internet you will discover that this fictional movie is not accurate. The main characters, aside from one or two historical figures never existed. You will discover that all the more conservative elements were all nonsense, and that the American colonies lived in peace and the Revolutionary War was a mistake made by tax dodgers and swindlers. Well, that is the impression you will get if you used the internet to get your information from. It is thus no question why so many millennial youth hate the United States.
However, you would never get that impression by reading all the anti-accuracy posts on Google and Bing. In fact, you can plot the opinions on the accuracy of the film on two axes. One by political leaning / ideology, and two degree of accuracy. When you do so you get a chart that sort of looks like this…
Plot of opinionated accuracy relative to the movie “The Patriot” by political ideology of the writer of the article.
Of course, to see the “Right Wing” opinions, you need to go to pages 50+ in both Google and Bing. The highest rated opinions are found on liberal platforms, of which are moved to the very front of the search results.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Two year old Crawls onto porch
This is another sad video.
This happened in my city of Zhuhai in July 2019. The mother checked on the baby, and he was asleep. So she went next door to buy some vegetables. Apparently the two-year old got up and thought it was a good idea to crawl onto the porch on the 6th floor in the high rise.
He reached up and climbed over and above the glass balustrade rail, then got on the outside and slipped…
People watched in horror and filmed it in real time as people rushed up to the apartment and tried to break in to rescue the baby. But they were too late.
Now a happy ending…
As shocking as that is, it is not uncommon.
Many parents absolutely MUST put fencing on their balconies or run the risk of a child getting into trouble. Here we see what happens when a child tries to crawl through the protective bars…
A happy ending.
Donald Trump visits NK
It’s hard to imagine that the news media in the USA would make a bigger deal than what came out of China. China was ecstatic when Donald Trump was in Korea. Though the American mainstream media picked it apart and made fun of it.
They thought it was dangerous, risky and unpresidential.
The American conservative press thought of it as a good thing, however…
American conservative reaction to Trump visiting North Korea. In general, it was viewed very positively.
Of course, that is in the balkanized United States.
In China, when Donald Trump visited North Korea, he was loudly promoted as a man who was going to bring calm reason and stability to Asia.
Indeed, it’s a mjor big change from the jokes and laughable behavior of the Obama’s and Clinton’s.
Archery in China
Yeah, this is how it’s done Chinese style. I also like the eight-point buck on the wall in the background.
Oh, and by the way, in many parts of China you don’t need a permit to hunt. You just go forth and hunt to your heart’s content. However, if you do abuse that privilege, like trying to round up 300 does (female deer) and instigate some kind of mass slaughter, the police will find a reason to arrest you.
And, getting arrested will be the least of your problems…
American Awesomeness in China
The Air Force bomber B2 is an amazing piece of equipment. For decades it was kept secret and hidden from the public. Even when it was announced publicly, all photos of it, and it’s operation were kept secret and hidden.
That was the case up until Obama became President, and he immediately removed the shroud and cloak of secrecy around many of America’s weapon systems. One of which was the B2 bomber.
Now, today, the Chinese people are well acquainted with this amazing plane as all sorts of videos can attest to.
Snail Races
Yup. It’s a thing. Who’d figure?
I don’t where this is. I do not think it is in China, but the video does come from Asia. Looks like English or Russians enjoying the race.
I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single
post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of
the videos in this post, please continue…
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Links about China
Here are
some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader,
might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.
China and America Comparisons
As an
American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United
States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is
the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the
British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal
press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what
China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Parks in China
The parks
in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very
mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Really Strange China
Here are
some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem
odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events,
while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
What is China like?
purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world,
outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they
might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank
And while
America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources,
and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has
done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and
you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
Summer in Asia
Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
About this photo splash. This is a scene from the classic 1980's movie "Better off Dead". Hey!, you know, if it's too hot outside, or it's raining, today might be a great opportunity to call some friends over, get a couple of cases of beer, and order some pizza and watch this grand old classic. What do ya think?
But first… speaking of the 1980’s classic movie… here’s a noteworthy review…
Hey! Try this. You go into a restaurant where everyone is waiting for a table. Than, when things are kind of quiet, say very loudly “I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS!”
I guarantee that you will find other fans of this crazy movie, and get into some interesting conversations, and maybe… just maybe make some nice new friends in the process. Try it…
Let’s continue forward, shall we…
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Shenzhen Dogs
Seriously, the dogs of Shenzhen are treated quite differently than any where else on the planet. I don’t really know why, though I do have some (worthy of discussion) theories.
Now, most people reading this will not have a clue as to what is Shenzhen, or where it is. That’s understandable, given what the American media has devolved into. But it need not be difficult. Shenzhen is the Chinese city next to Hong Kong. It is like this…
Here is the map of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Shenzhen has 14 million citizens, and Hong Kong only has 8 million people. To put that into perspective, New York city has 6 million people. There is a constant flow of people in and out of HK though SZ. As many people who live and work in Hong Kong, actually have homes and residences inside Shenzhen.
Shenzhen is a very young city, and many people, before they have children will adopt dogs as pets. (And cats too. But, here we are talking about dogs.)
As such, Chinese culture enables them to treat their pets very specially. This can manifest as wearing clothes, hairdos, nail treatments, massages, and all sorts of special dog treats and toys. Now some have taken the more drastic steps in treating them like children, even training them to walk up right.
As this video attests…
I’ve got a ton load of movies of Shenzhen dogs. If you want me to post more of them, just send me a note. And, I’ll make up a complete post only on Chinese dogs.
Migrating Fish…
It’s tough being a fish. I don’t know what the story is on this, but it sure is interesting. Why are they taking this road? And, where do they expect to go to? Ah. It’s all a big mystery.
Oh, and a special message to the jack-off trolls. No, this is not photo-shopped. Why waste your time trying to convince me otherwise?
Passing the class…
It is tough being in a meritocracy. You have to get the best grades and do your best or else you WILL be begging in the streets. It’s the Chinese way.
China has the yearly exam that determines the fate for millions of students. This exam covers everything, and does not award “diversity points” to “balance the score” in favor of protected classes of people like corrupt nations do.
Well, this is no big deal to me, but to a first time visitor, it makes a great impression. Shanghai is a modern, cutting-edge, beautiful Chinese city with large Western influences. If I would be so bold, I would say it is perhaps one of the most beautiful, cleanest, and most diverse cities on the planet. Most certainly better than London, Paris, or New York.
Today, if you want to graduate from the university and get into Banking or Finance, you migrate to Shanghai. It’s the odd man out that would instead go to Los Angeles, or Chicago to start a banking career.
Personally, while the Bund (the river with a nice wide walking boardwalk) is nice, I myself prefer the old city and the tight streets, the cool and interesting buildings, and the fine delicious night food that seems to be everywhere.
Rural Swimming Hole
This could be just about anywhere in Asia. Though, to me it looks a lot like Thailand or Vietnam. Water-holes and swimming areas are a natural environment that should be protected and cherished.
Whether it is a swimming hole, or a tree-house in an apple tree, people need to go forth and be out in nature. Oh, and by the way, don’t forget your friends, your pets, and some delicious food and drink. Icy cold beer is always a pleaser. Make sure that you remember to bring a bottle opener if you go the glass-bottle route.
I well remember how, in the 1960’s and the 1970’s, many (if not all) of the waterholes and ponds in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana were being filled in, or paved over for “safety”. Oh, you know, “for the children”. Yet, was any children actually ever hurt? Nope. Just an excuse used by the timid and fearful to control others…
If you can take your grandchildren, or children, or friends to a watering hole in the United States, then you should consider yourself lucky and truly fortunate. These gems are becoming rarer with each passing day.
In the mean time, spend more time outdoors and spend time with the people that mean things to you. Life is far too short not to.
I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single
post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of
the videos in this post, please continue…
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Links about China
Here are
some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader,
might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.
China and America Comparisons
As an
American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United
States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is
the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the
British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal
press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what
China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a
series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It
is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I
am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series
of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and
Parks in China
The parks
in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very
mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Really Strange China
Here are
some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem
odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events,
while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
What is China like?
purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world,
outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they
might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank
And while
America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources,
and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has
done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and
you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
Summer in Asia
Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
We all have regrets. Don’t we? Unless you have a mental illness, you will have regrets of one form or the other.
Do you have regrets about your joining MAJestic?
Sometimes I actually do. But these are short lived events often triggered by physical needs such as worry, fear, shelter, hunger, etc. It’s hard being “MAJestic retired” in the USA.
That’s why I said “Fuck this”, and moved to China.
What do you have to say to those who do not believe you?
Fuck you.
How do you know that you are not “brainwashed” or manipulated by the probes in your brain?
I do not know. I could very well be played the fool.
However, it really does seem like a vast waste of resources to take an educated person who exceeded in college, then got accepted to fly Naval aircraft in high stress situations to turn them into some kind of a joke or lab rat…
I mean, think about it.
The President of the United States (Ronald Reagan at that time) does not authorize a program that depletes the Naval Aviator candidate pool (a very selective and elite group) only to use the people as “lab rats” or “test subjects”.
Now, if it was another President… like Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, or George Bush… well, that could be a distinct possibility. But I do have a real difficult time believing that Ronald Reagan would deplete the Naval Aviation ranks on a whim.
Military Space Command since the 1970’s
If you go on the Internet, you will read people who claim to have gone through dimensional portals, much like I lay claim. They will talk about high technology, and weapons, and “space marines”. So, naturally, the inquisitive person will go ahead and ask me about this.
Others who have claimed that they were part of MAJestic state that there is a military space command where human battle extraterrestrials and defended the earth. Were you part of this contingent?
As far as I know this is all nonsense.
While Ronald Reagan wanted to increase our military in numerous areas, it would take centuries for us to be able to successfully battle against the Type-I greys and the <redacted>. They have an understanding of reality that is beyond our comprehension, with supporting technology that could implement just about anything that they desire.
While we would try to figure out some new kind of “pulsed ion cannon”, they could simply flick a switch and move our entire world-line into the center of the sun for about five minutes. Then move it back, all smoking and roasty-toasty. Then they would simply start all over with fresh life on the planet.
They are that powerful and capable. The universe is not what everyone assumes it is. It’s not even close.
MAJestic Career Path
The fucking thing about this is that I entered MAJestic for a singular role, and that was it. Nothing else.
If you were in MAJestic, why didn’t you advance to a more impressive leadership position?
That is not how MAJestic works.
MAJestic is not set up like a conventional business or military operation. Once we join, our roles are fixed.
Yeah. Tell me about it. It does fucking suck.
None of us advance or change roles or tasks unless it is specifically intended (by non-human beings long before the selection process ever occurred). We operate in that role, obtaining and gaining experience, but never advancing in position or responsibility. There are no “pay grades” in MAJestic.
Dimensional Portal Technology
Good question this. Pay attention.
Can the Jump gate technology (dimensional portal) be used to traverse the galaxy to other solar systems?
I do not know officially, however it is my personal belief
that this technology could deliver a person [1] anywhere in the known universe,
as well as [2] anywhere in an alternative universe, as well as [3] anywhere in
an alternative time line.
I personally believe that some of the numerical values in my “manual mode” operation of world-line travel involves physical and time coordinates. However, I could not (easily, and on a whim) manipulate them. I do not know that this was the actual case, but I suspect it to be true.
The “manual” mode indicated only seven alpha-numerical values.
However, the mode using the circular glyphs (the one driven by the drone pilot) was far more intricate and complex than just seven variables. If I were to provide a raw number, I might suggest a much higher value on the number of variables. Perhaps hundreds, or even thousands of different variables that would alter and tailor the destination world-line that a person can travel to.
The circular glyphs were always that complex.
This tells me that the “manual” mode was a greatly limited version of what was possible through use of the biological artifice. If I were able to fully control all the variables open to the drone pilot, I am sure that I could travel to anywhere in the universe, at any time, and on any world-line at any degree of deviation.
From what I can gather, the answer is “yes”, you can travel anywhere, at any time, all over the known (and unknown) universe.
However, you will absolutely need to fully understand your destination coordinates, otherwise travel could be fatal.
Fatal, as in dead.
What information does the <redacted> allow you to disseminate?
They have their own purposes, of which I can only speculate on.
I have thought about this issue a lot. I have thus come to the conclusion that somehow, in some way, whatever I discuss is of some importance to some (one or two) key people. I am absolutely convinced that I am not destined to provide information to the masses. But rather to provide some insight that would benefit mankind in SENTIENCE sorting.
What that information is, can be anyone’s guess.
It could be anything from the importance of eating a well-made club sandwich, with a frosty icy beer, to the psi realities in how the universe is actually constructed.
On a personal note, I have answered some perplexing mysteries that the alert searcher should pay attention to.
The Cambrian Explosion was initiated when the moon entered orbit around the Earth.
The CARET gliphs are ladder chains that have defined indexing features.
The moon has an enormous void and within it exists an long-duration colony of extraterrestrials.
The “Mantids” are native to the Earth and evolved to become multi-dimensional beings.
The “passage of time” is actually world-line switching in the MWI.
Consciousness does not share physical reality.
At the bare minimum, don’t you all think that either [1] I know this from MAJestic entanglement like I say, [2] that I am an absolute fucking genius. Or, else [3] I am bat-shit loony-tunes.
Choose one.
Why didn’t you manually
explore really “interesting” or strange world-lines?
There is a cost to do so.
The greater the deviance, the larger the effect or influence on the consciousness. If I were to go to a world line of say 30% deviance, and return, my consciousness will be affected and influenced.
Long term influences are problematic because once I return to the previous world-line my integration or “fit” into it alters. I will start looking, thinking and reacting to things differently. My memories reside outside of a given world-line. They exists outside. And, no (chuckles) they do not exist within the brain. Only a simpleton thinks that.
World-line travel affects a given world-line just as much, or maybe even more so, than thoughts do.
Think about that for a second will ya.
A great example of this is a scene in the movie “The butterfly effect” where the hero goes from one world-line where he was in prison, to a new world-line where he was “normal”. However, when he was in the new world-line, he still maintained his previous prison behaviors (such as covering his meal when he ate). This was a habit that he picked up in the “prison world-line”. While in his new world-line, he had nothing to do with prison, his habits and actions reflect his memories of his previous excursion in the “prison world-line”.
The Butterfly Effect is a 2004 American psychological thriller supernatural fiction film written and directed by Eric Bress and J. Mackye Gruber, starring Ashton Kutcher and Amy Smart. The title refers to the butterfly effect, a popular hypothetical example of chaos theory which illustrates how small initial differences may lead to large unforeseen consequences over time.
World-line travel can result in uncomfortable realities.
World-lines are realities constructed for one purpose only; they create experiences for the soul. While we can traverse nearby world-lines with little consequence, distant world-lines (in terms of deviance) will have consequences.
Not to mention, my most important consideration, which is that once you have a “good thing going”, you don’t want to risk it all on a lark.
It is very easy to leave a perfect world-line on the promise that the “grass is greener” on another world-line only to find out that it is worse off in many other ways. Please take my word for it, when you have a great thing going you DON’T FUCK IT UP.
In a Treehouse of Horror episode, Homer changes the past and comes back to an alternate universe where his family is rich and happy. All is fantastic, but when Marge does not know what a donut is, Homer freaks out and leaves abruptly.
Homer goes back to the toaster-time-machine to travel back through time again. He obviously doesn't want to live in a world or universe where there are no donuts.
However, we learn just when Homer leaves, it starts raining donuts. (On that world-line, donuts are called rain.)
Sometimes you need to stop when the grass is green enough.
Yes. I do get these kinds of questions.
Were you ever involved in an abduction of a human?
However, I have “observed” the collection of biological samples from Americans who were not physically or consciously aware of the collection process. (Entanglement had it’s benefits.)
They were treated well, if indifferently, and were returned back to their point of acquisition without any memory of the engagement. There was none of that nonsense that you might read on the internet about.
It is my understanding that their soul had given prior approval to the collection process. This could be considered, by the ignorant, as an abduction event. Not to be insulting, but I do mean “ignorant of the realities of consciousness migration”.
A little bit about "observation" in this context.
Though entanglement with the artifice I can "observe" certain events. It’s very difficult for me to describe, but I can “tune in” to various events that the Drone Pilot was involved in. It’s similar to being in a crowded room that is full of noise.
You can selectively “tune in” and hear certain conversations by focusing on a a particular subject. For instance, if there are some High School girls talking, you can focus on them. If there is a pair of old people, you can focus on them. It is like that.
Which brings up an interesting point. The Drone Pilot was NOT only my pilot. It was the pilot for all of us Drone Commanders. Thus, by concentrating on the feed, or “noise”, we could observe or see what was going on elsewhere.
I could “listen in” on what other drones were doing through their Drone Commanders, though I could not at all access the Drone Commander myself. I could only access his feed as it passed through the artifice to the drone pilot.
Another interesting point is that, if my impressions are correct, the number of people involved in this program is far less that what I have stated. I have stated that it might be as high as 12. Yet, the truth is <redacted> artifice.
Maybe I said too much. Eh?
Area 51
Have you ever been to “Area 51”?
Alternative 3
What can you tell me about “Alternative 3”?
I was never briefed on it, nor was there anything regarding this in the <redacted> My personal opinion is that this is a human fabrication for some reason or the other. Yes, as far as I know, this is an Internet hoax.
Personally, I really do not believe it. However, that means nothing. What I can say is that I have absolutely no experience with this or anything like it. To me, it sounds outrageous and far fetched.
The following was found on the Internet. I do NOT agree with the information presented. It is only for the reader to know what is being discussed without needing to go sleuthing on the Internet themselves.
“Alternative 2 and Alternative 3 are again secret programs of the “Secret Government” having to do with the colonization of the Moon and Mars. Alternative 2 was the program for the colonization of the Moon. This occurred long before our first official public landing on the Moon by astronaut Armstrong.The basic plan of the Alternative 2 program was to build a vast network of underground cities and tunnels in which a select representation of all cultures and occupations would survive in case of a nuclear holocaust on Earth.Alternative 3 was a similar joint Soviet Union and United States plan to set up a similar colony on Mars. A space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of an environment that could support life. Not long afterward the construction of a colony on Mars began in earnest. This information was obviously not released to the American people.”
Cell Egress at ADC Pine Bluff via MWI
You said that the core kit #2 group of probes provided you with world-line travel ability without using a dimensional portal. Why didn’t you exit your cell (at ADC Pine Bluff) if you regained access to that technology?
This is a very good question. Once, I was able to regain control of my implants after Lester the “good ol’ boy” messed everything up, I did indeed try to jump to alternative world-lines.
In fact, I suspect that the two feducials directly opposite my cell door in Pine Bluff were for that distinct purpose, or if not, something similar in regards to the MAJestic program. When I saw the feducials, I knew proof-positive, that I was at ADC Pine Bluff for MAJestic retirement.
As such, I did try.
Man, I will tell the reader, I tried and tried. I must have spun through a thousand switches. And you know what, they were almost all alike. (I knew that I was actually successful in switching. The dialog <redacted>.) In every case, I still ended up inside the Pine Bluff prison cell.
Tells you something about fate, eh?
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Here we continue with our exploration of China through some curious and amusing videos.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Pets in China
Most Americans think that the Chinese eat pets. This is a falsehood propagated through ignorance and comedy. Yes, there are a few hillbillies who still eat dogs, and fewer still that eat cats. They cluster in the rural sections of the Guangzhou region. They have their own festivals and menus, and I am sure that you can find all sorts of things about this on Google.
You won’t however, find out about the much, much larger dog culture there. Google is just a voice for the oligarchy. They want to keep you ignorant and living in fear.
The reality is actually much more interesting and very, very strange. Many people treat their dogs like family members. They dies their hair, and have them wear clothing and sit at the table and eat with everyone. It’s pretty darn strange.
This video is not an uncommon scene…
Making Noodles
This is the traditional way of making noodles, and yes, you can see this in just about every city in China. It’s common place, though to a Westerner, it will seem strange and exotic.
Crowd Control
Actually you have to hand it to the Chinese. They do know how to handle crowd control.
Rocket launches
China has an active space exploration and utilization program. It operates unfettered by the political winds of the nation, unlike the United States. As such, they have a crewed space station that is occupied by the same number of people as Americans have on the ISS. They are also developing their moon base initiative, and they are proceeding forward with it via joint venture with the Russians.
When ever there is a rocket launch, which is fairly common, people gather from all over to watch the spectacle. It’s pretty impressive.
Duplex community pools
Yes, China has suburbs. There are all sorts of different kinds of housings and housing developments all over China. One of the latest trends is to have duplex complex communities with a shared pool arrangement.
Instead of a back yard behind a duplex or condo, the Chinese prefer to have low maintenance shrubbery and a communal pool. These pools tend to be long, like a waterway. You can enter them from your back door and take a swim any time you want.
As far as I know, this style of building or living arrangement is unique to China.
And here’s a different one. Like I said and alluded to, these are all over China. Most Americans will, unfortunately, never encounter one because they are usually never given the opportunity to visit a home of an Chinese coworker, colleague or businessman.
OK. At numerous videos for this part, let’s go and move on to the next post which covers even more strangeness inside of China this month…
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Links about China
China and America Comparisons
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find
in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American
liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music
in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at
that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews.
However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for
investigation and enjoyment.
Parks in China
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China is a land where society changes every couple of months. You leave a town, and come back in six months and all the roads are different. New buildings are everywhere. The kids are using new slang, and new apps and everything is radically different. It’s kind of unnerving.
Foreigners come to China, and are amazed at how different it is compared to their expectations. Locals are totally immersed in the change and look outside China with wonder at how could anyone stand to live elsewhere where everything changes at a glacial pace. China is rushing head-first into the new year… yikes!
Here are just some microvideos taken around China by normal people. All of the videos were filmed and collected in January 2019. By watching the microvideos you might get a mere hint at what is going on at the “middle kingdom”. Enjoy.
Important note; If you are having seeing the videos or if they are not easy to see, please reload your browser. This will more than like fix 80% of the problems you may encounter.
This first video is showing one of the many, many…many Chinese soap operas being filmed. The Chinese love these historical dramas, and really, who can blame them. It is sort of like the “Game of Thrones” on steroids. China is a nation with centuries of fighting, court intrigue, romances and horror. It’s no wonder that the soap operas are so popular.
What’s going on here? I wonder. Is she racing to save her loved one? Is she fleeing from the army that will destroy her village? Is she on the way to deliver the magic sword to the hero? Who knows?
Here is BlackPink which is a very popular group in China these days.
Over the last few years the C-Pop, K-Pop, J-Pop and T-Pop have all kind of merged into a kind of standardized popularity format, all sharing the same distribution platforms. The result has been an overall increase in the general exposure of this music across all walks of life. It is difficult to go shopping in a grocery store, check an application, or ride in a taxi without listing to popular music.
I don’t know where this was shot at. It could have just about been anywhere. My guess is Shenzhen.
OK. Here is one of the latest fads in China, the Bunny-hat.
Yupper for now up until right after CNY, many gals are sporting these funny (and cute) bunny eared hats. They are functional in that they keep your head warm, but they are fun as you can see in the video.
I write this post just before CNY. CNY stands for Chinese New Year, and it is a very special time.
Now, you should also realize that CNY is a time for friends and family to get together. For one month, basically all of February, it’s all drinking and singing and dancing with friends and family. The following video is typical of what just about everyone is doing in China these days…
Now, of course, this is China. China does not mess around.
There aren’t many laws. Certainly not like the USA, but what laws there are, you sure as heck better follow them. This is in everything. From not selling illegal drugs to parking your car illegally. Here we see just what happens when you park in a no-parking area.
You obey the law in China.
Now, here we look at the amusement parks.
With the huge population, China has amusement parks and recreational areas just about everywhere. Further, all the amusement parks are competing against each other for the most challenging rides and events. Here is one such ride.
I don’t know about youse guys, but this might make me hurl…
Now, of course, China is not the USA.
They have dealt with SJW types numerous times in the past and their progressive agenda of destruction of history, elimination of gender, and political correctness pretty much sent China back to the stone ages. The government has vowed never…ever to allow that to happen, and all the SJW types are immediately secured and imprisoned before they ever get a change to mess with the traditions of China.
That’s pretty much why you will still see attractive weather-girls on television, pretty girls in bathing suits selling cars in auto shows, and age and appearance requirements on job postings. Political correctness, progressive values, and similar distortions are prohibited in China. Even suggesting that there should be changes to 5000 years of tradition can get you thrown into prison and organ harvested.
Here we see a training exercise for stewards and stewardesses for a Chinese airline.
See any overweight gals? See anyone over thirty? See anyone with dark skin color? See any women with pink hair, shaven hair, tattoos, or nose rings? China does not tolerate disruptive behavior from mentally ill people.
One thing about China is that it is the world’s leader for manufacture, and is well on it’s way to being the innovator of the world. Today, most of the Japanese innovations originate out of the Chinese center of Shenzhen. As soon as there is some kind of innovation, typically it is the Chinese who will try to see if it will pass muster. Will the new idea sink or swim?
Well, we know that the shared GPS and APP enabled bicycles hit like a nuclear bomb and propagated throughout China. The problem was that the demand was too large, and the supporting infrastructure was so scant that the idea mostly collapsed except for some well thought out investment strategies. So yes, the shared bicycle industry is still “hot” in China, but it is not the crazy gold-rush that it was one year ago.
What about other innovations…?
All of these innovations and new buildings and investments in infrastructure come at a price. You have to make sure that they are maintained and not abused by some adolescents with time on their hands. You don’t want it to be abused, damaged or corrupted in any way. You have to make sure some illiterate grandmother from the “hills” won’t come and disassemble it and cart it off home to her house.
Now, that’s not to say that all the new ideas and innovations are useful or are marketable to the public. There are some really silly things being sold to the Chinese consumer. many of which would never be seen outside the country, for various reasons. Such as regulation, testing, and perhaps… need…
Give me a break, why don’t ya?
China has all sorts of police and staff used to make sure that all the new infrastructure isn’t abused.
They do not tolerate graffiti like it is tolerated in the West. They send out officers to make sure that the rules are followed. This differs from the United States where the police are used to enforce behavior and make sure that people obey the LAW. In China, the police are more like High School monitors who observe, and correct behavior without having to resort to arrests or drawing a firearm.
Here’s a typical police chick…
Let’s talk a little about work.
In the USA, corporations rake in enormous amounts of profits. They pay their employees a competitive wage and give them benefits. But many of the traditions of the past have been either eliminated or removed for the new progressive reality of a “cleaner and better” work environment.
For instance, you no longer can smoke in the offices, and all the free medial insurance is now replaced with subsidized health plans. The biggest difference between today’s progressive work environment and the traditional work environment is in terms of the end-of-the-year party and bonuses.
China being traditional, of course has lavish and full-on drinking parties for the employees. They also give their employees bonuses. These bonuses are handed to them in raw cold cash. Often they represent from one to six months salary in one lump sum. Just like it used to be common in the United States.
Ah… the “good old days”…
Of course, today, companies wouldn’t dare serve alcoholic drinks at a company party, nor would they consider bonuses. Amazon could give yearly bonuses equal to six months wages to every employee and the leadership would still be raking in millions of dollars every year. Won’t happen. American CEO’s are greedy son-of-a-bitches.
Here is a Chinese boss giving her workers astounding-sized bonuses…
And, here is a typical company party.
Of course everyone wants the company to succeed. In China they do not “reward” employees with paperclips and pens with inspirational phrases on it. Instead they provide them with wine food and song.
They provide them with good hard cash. In the picture the boss is giving the workers bundles of 100 RMB notes. That bundle is probably around 50,000 RMB. or roughly around $8,000 USD.
They provide them with meaningful rewards…
While China is a very traditional nation with traditional family roles, the work roles for both men and women are interchangeable. Women are often involved in the hard labor positions such as construction, and truck driving.
Of course, unlike the United States if you are in the role you must compete at it on an equal basis. If you want to be a fireman, not a fire-person, but are a woman and the requirement is for you to carry a 200 pound man down three flights of stairs in ten minutes, then you will have to meet that standard. The Chinese do not lower standards based on gender. Nor do they do so for personal hardship, or ancestry.
Here’s a truck driver fixing a tire…
There are many pastimes in China that are no longer popular in the United States.
The Chinese like to go out and eat together in groups. They like to sing and dance. They like to bowl, play golf and go skating. Here is a typical roller skating rink…
Here’s a girl fishing. Fishing is very popular in China. Come on! Wouldn’t you just love to be out there fishing…?
Of course, all the cities are much, much larger than the cities in the United States. They also tend to be quite modern, with many buildings younger than ten years.
The Chinese government has placed certain residential restrictions on all development in such a way that public spaces are mandated for just about everything. That is why you will find all the new parks and green areas in China. They take green areas and spaces very seriously in China. When was the last time you saw a park going up in the Untied States? When was the last time you saw the city or town government planing a tree? When was the last time you saw pedestrian areas being made?
Here is just a typical night scene in some nameless third-tier city in the Chinese hinderland…
And, of course, the Chinese love their pets.
Dogs and cats are treasured and treated like exalted members of the family. That MSM, and CNN narrative of eating dogs and cats is so old, and so painfully obsolete that it is a wonder that anyone still watches CNN. I mean, for Pete’s sake, just how far removed from reality can you get?
Here’s a typical example to give you some idea of how the critters are treated…
Oh, yes. Before I forget. People are people. They fall in love. They have babies and build up families. They work and tend to their families. They spend time with friends, and they build a life to the best of their ability. This is true in the Untied States and it is true in China.
In China, often the man has to work far away to earn money for his family. The wife will stay home. He will send her his entire pay check and she will disperse it to fund their familial requirements and give him a percentage back to live on. Then, once his job, project or work period is over, he will return home to his family. There, the wife would be waiting for him.
It’s sort of like this…
Finally, there are many people who say that China is a “hell hole” and that it is a Communist nightmare run by a tyrannical government. They use pictures from CNN, an article or two from the Guardian (UK), and hearsay, from some friends who might have visited China. To them, it is a terrible grey place of sadness and despair.
Believe what you want.
These are just some videos taken in January 2019 from all over China. You don’t have to believe your eyes. You can believe what ever you want. Last I heard, CNN was reporting that Trump is an actual Russian secret agent, and that he is going to be impeached because he stands in the way of how a “proper” government is run.
You are an adult. You can select what ever news you want to believe.
So, yes there are old and decrepit places in China. They are being preserved for historical purposes, else some Chinese businessman would tear them down and pave over them with some new high-rises. So, yes, you can still see these places. I find them charming. They are beautiful in their own way. I, for one, and happy that the Chinese government recognizes their importance.
These are just some micro-videos collected in January 2019. I have added some minor narratives to help the reader to better understand what is going on. I hope that in this little post, you the reader, can see what is going on in China for better or worse.
Posted on FR 1FEB19
This post was posted on Free Republic on 1FEB19. Of course, the vast bulk of comments on a post of this venue would be negative, and by people who wouldn’t even bother reading the post.
I mean, really… really how can you equate a response such as the nonsense about “chinese agitprop behind a fake identity” with cute bunny hats, end of year bonuses, and police seizing a car? What does this two dimensional label have to do with how Chinese soap operas are made?
Once you struggle, or better yet, ignore the disparaging remarks you can find some gold nuggets. Here’s some on a more positive note…
I recommend reading this and watching the video clips. I’ve had two long stays in China in recent years and what this blog is describing is a lot closer to what I experienced than most of what I read about China on FR.
The author doesn’t shy away from the fact that China has an authoritarian government and will harvest your organs if they are so inclined.
Watch on youtube “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”!
..Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a 14th-century historical novel attributed to Luo Guanzhong. It is set in the turbulent years towards the end of the Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history, starting in 169 AD and ending with the reunification of the land in 280. ....”
I spend a fair amount of time in China for business, and both versions are true. Vannrox's blog is one side, and many, many people in the first tier cities are able to live quite well. Many other people are denied much chance to advance because the government is still dominated by Maoists who are scared of the emerging middle class and hanging on to power by their fingernails. Not much different than Pelosi and Schumer, here.
China was essentially on the right path until Xi Jinping arrived - he has stopped the county's progress toward a true market economy and changes to the laws are going to make him very hard to remove. I'm not sure whether to formally label him a "bad guy" or not, but Chinese I speak to privately hate him and consider him a dictator, not a president.
"The Philippines press enjoys all the freedoms of the US system but fails the people: a wildly partisan press helped Philippines politicians flood the marketplace of ideas with junk and confuse and befuddle the people so that they could not see what their vital interests were in a developing country. And, because vital issues like economic growth and equitable distribution were seldom discussed, they were never tackled and the democratic system malfunctioned. Look at Taiwan and South Korea: their free press runs rampant and corruption runs riot. The critic itself is corrupt yet the theory is, if you have a free press, corruption disappears. Now I'm telling you, that's not true. Freedom of the press, freedom of news critics, must be subordinated to the overriding needs of the integrity of Singapore and to the primacy of purpose of an elected government.
“Singapore’s domestic debate is a matter for Singaporeans. We allow American journalists in Singapore in order to report Singapore to their fellow countrymen. We allow their papers to sell in Singapore so that we can know what foreigners are reading about us. But we cannot allow them to assume a role in Singapore that the American media play in America, that of invigilator, adversary and inquisitor of the administration. If allowed to do so, they will radically change the nature of Singapore society, and I doubt if our social glue is strong enough to withstand such treatment."
-A Third World Perspective on the Press. RH Lee Kwan Yew, Prime Minister of Singapore. C-SPAN, APRIL 14, 1988
Every day I take my dog out for a walk. I actually do it twice a day. It is first thing in the morning and at the end of the day after the evening meal. We live on the beach, and there is a nice long park right in front of the house (it is a boardwalk) with an absolutely magnificent view of the ocean and the skyscrapers of Macao in the distance. While we are out there enjoying the morning air and watching the joggers on the beach, our dog is nose-to-the-ground and smelling everything like a canine vacuum cleaner. He really enjoys it. He cannot wait to smell the latest news on the road, and contribute a post or two of his own.
Every morning, I too much check out the latest news. However, as of late it is so boring and predictable that I just simply scan the headlines. It’s always the same old news, just repackaged. Buy more stuff! Support a war! Be afraid! Hate Trump! Pay higher taxes! Oh, and don’t forget Global Warming! Russia! Russia! Russia!
Are we any different? Humans are just as bad as canines. This has gotten me thinking…
About Dogs
I personally like dogs. While I am, I suppose, a “cat person”, dogs are very special to me personally. There is nothing better than coming home from work, and my loyal buddy (Shao PiPi) is lying down at the door waiting for me. (I know, my wife takes photos to show me. He gets in position about a half an hour before I arrive home. Cat’s too. But my little buddy is special.) Then he gets so excited, grabs his little toy (an old sewed up sock ball), and wants to play with me with it. Then he is all over me in happiness. It’s the best!
Here is a scene from a great movie about a dog in Japan. The dog’s name is Hachiko, and it is a true story. If you haven’t seen it yet, you need to.
Animal haters won’t understand.
Dogs are wonderful creatures. From when they are puppies to their old and grizzly old age, they are wonderful, loyal and quite compassionate. However, you and I both know, they are not human. No matter how much we may want to dress them up in clothing, teach them to “speak”, take them out and tell them not to eat out of the trashcan, the fact remains, dogs are dogs. For them, poop is wonderful, trash (the smellier, the better) is an adventure, and there is nothing better than smelling another dog’s ass.
(BTW, someone had best describe this to the folks in China. They don’t treat dogs as dogs. They treat them as little children. They just love to dress up their dogs in clothing including underwear, hats, socks, and shoes. Well yeah, even my dog has socks and shoes. But, really, it does tend to be a little strange, especially with all those ever-changing doggie hairstyles that seem to come and go with the local doggie fashions of the day. Indeed, China can sure be weird at times. The Chinese, for the most part treat their pets as family members. Oh, one more thing… Dog lovers far outnumber the dog eaters in China. Don’t fall for all the anti-China propaganda.)
Anyways, dogs are dogs. That is neither good nor bad. It is a statement of reality. Dogs, regardless of the breed, are members of the canine family. They have certain individual differences depending on which breed, but overall they will all act like dogs. You can dye their hair fashionable colors, and dress them up in outfits. You can put socks and shoes on them, and give them eyeglasses and a LV handbag, but you can’t change who they are. Dogs are dogs.
Dogs can do things that humans cannot. We might not want to recognize this fact, but it is (after all) a fact.
Dogs can Smell
What I know about dogs come from personal experience. I never studied anything about our canine friends. What I have learned about dogs comes from the Internet. (In addition, perhaps an odd television program or two as well.) So the reader can take my opinions however, they want. I am decidedly not an expert. I am at best a generalist who has the ability to put various “puzzle pieces” together in very interesting ways.
I’m just an average dog lover. Maybe like you? Eh?
You (the reader) should realize this, but many people do not. Dogs can smell much better than humans can. Whoa… let’s replace “much better”, with “unbelievably, superbly, and stunningly better”. It is really true, and I am not at all exaggerating in the least. In fact, a dog’s brain is specialized for identifying scents.
While we need room in our brains to think, and work, dogs use a huge portion to analyze scents. We use our brain to help us think and reason. They use their brain to smell. We use our brain to better understand the universe. They use their brain to smell better. We use our brain to try to fix and repair things. They use their brain to best understand the ways of smelling.
Dogs can pretty much smell anything. They can be trained to find scents that represent danger and serious medical conditions. Photo is from a National Geographic article published in 2014 (Go here to read a report on the article.)
There are all kinds of reports and studies on just about how much better a dog’s sense of smell is than ours. The problem is that there are so many variables that it’s nearly impossible to quantify or perform comparisons. In a true sense, it is like comparing a black and white photo of an apple, with a freshly baked pizza hot out of the oven. There just isn’t really any good and real way to compare the two.
Real Estate
A dog’s sense of smell may be much better than over 1000 times better than ours, making it the most sensitive (and vulnerable) part of its body. (Other reports place this figure much higher.) Comparatively, if you look at the mechanism of smell between humans and dogs, you can see a striking difference. The human nose has only three-square centimeters of olfactory membrane. While, compared to dogs such as Bloodhounds, can have as much as 150 square centimeters of scent-sensing material in their noses. So that means, we have three (3x), and (some) dogs has one hundred and fifty (150x) cm squared of area to smell with. More is better, right?
A small parabolic dish might be able to pick up a satellite signal with come careful positioning, but a larger one will have a much better change in getting the signal and locking on to it. The same is true with dogs. Their snozes give them ability.
Brain Power to Process the Scents
Dogs also have forty times more scent processing cells in their brains than humans. They need this computation power to be able to handle the enormous sensory input from their huge snoozes. It’s never just an issue with size, it’s an issue about what you can do with the larger members and capacities. (No sexual references, here please.)
“Dogs can smell 100,000 times better than humans. In tests, dogs have been able to detect a chemical in a solution diluted to 1 to 2 parts per trillion. The human brain has a large area devoted to vision, while dogs have a large portion dedicated to olfaction, in fact, 40% more of a dog’s brain than a human’s is committed to smell. The average person has 5 million smell receptors, while the average dog, depending on breed, has 125 to 250 million smell receptors. The Bloodhound has an incredible 300 million smell receptors! Dogs can smell things up to 40 feet underground. Dogs can even smell human fingerprints that are a week old!”- The Incredible Sense of Smell in the Dog
We who hang around dogs, know that they can “feel” or sense our emotions. If you are around dogs (or cats) and haven’t noticed this, I would be truly surprised. It’s a very common thing. Not only is it common, but research seemingly proves this as well. Indeed, it’s quite likely that dogs can actually smell emotions. (I would say that it is a given, but you know there are always exceptions to the rule.) Dogs can smell fear, anxiety, even sadness. The flight-or-fight hormone, adrenaline, is undetectable by our noses, but dogs can apparently smell it. In addition, fear or anxiety is often accompanied by increased heart rate and blood flow, which sends telltale body chemicals more quickly to the skin surface. Oh yeah, your dog will most certainly know your feelings. Not only that, but there are indications that dogs can even smell if you have cancer.
“Dogs read about the world through their noses, and they write their messages, at least to other dogs, in their urine.” - Stanley Coren
Doggie Facebook
I know, I know, the dog is spending way too much time smelling a fence post, or a pile of shit. You are getting impatient, and want him to get a move on. But, he is just there, oblivious to the world around him, just totally absorbed in what he has just “discovered”. I know that it’s tempting to drag your dog away from that pile of shit. I have actually done so myself (when we used to walk him out on a leash).
But… even though he’s sniffing everything with an annoying slowness, maybe we should give him a break and let him spend some time at that post (get the pun?). Let him have some time to smell the local neighborhood gossip. And, if he is satisfied with it, let him give a “like” to it. Let him do a posting on his own.
Dog urine is the “ink” of the dog social-network. Think of it as an exciting blog post on Facebook or your favorite social networking platform. Instead of “Face-book”, it’s “Doggie-ass” and just as important.
Information is Hidden within Scents
When dogs start sniffing each other’s asses, the chances are that they’re really learning a lot. It’s far, far more than what we can comprehend. Indeed, it is obviously much more than just simple idle chitchat. The ability to smell given the geometry of the nose, and the ability to interpret that information in the brain can lead us to some interesting conclusions.
Exactly what the dogs are learning, and what they do with that information, is unknown. As of this writing, no one has figured it out yet. (No one is even studying this, as far as I know.) Many people claim that it is “simply” just “marking their territory”. However, it’s probably much more than that. In fact, it’s very likely far beyond “this is my territory, keep out!”
I really don’t know. But, I would guess that it’s probably more along the lines of, “Oh, you’re a nice male dog, 3.26 years old. You are a collie and beagle mix. And… I notice that you’ve been hanging around the park on Dixon Avenue again, you had some baked chicken wings recently (that you found on 8th street), and you like to sleep on your left side.”
Here’s some great links on dog’s ability to smell;
Stanley Coren on Understanding a Dog’s Sense of Smell
While dogs communicate through the sense of smell, humans communicate through the written word. (Yes, I know that there are other mediums. Let’s not get off track here.) We communicate through writing our thoughts down in printed media. This can be electronics or on paper.
It wasn’t always that way. It used to be carved in stone, but that is rarely done these days.
In the “old days” people would chisel their writings into stone for everyone to know and remember. These records would spell out major events, and accomplishments. They would tell stories and help us understand our relationships with the Gods of Heaven. It was written and carved to be everlasting.
Kings and rulers used to carve their deeds, rulings, laws, and pronouncements into stone so that no one could misinterpret them, or rewrite them. The only way that the history could be forgotten was if the stone or writing was physically destroyed. (Image Source.)
Ah, but you know, Humans are a mercurial lot.
When individuals come to power, they want something that is easily erased and written over. In the old days, they would have to chisel off the names of their predecessors on all the temples and government buildings. It took a while, and left garish scars on otherwise beautiful structures.
For what ever it is worth, let it be well understood that the Egyptians were pretty bad at this.
OzymandiasPercy Bysshe Shelley, 1792 - 1822
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Now, let it be known; the printing press really rocked our world. Not only could things be printed on paper and mass produced, but governments and individuals in power can host periodic burning of books and records. They could rewrite history to fit their new narrative. (Maybe sort of, like how a dog will try to over pee another dog’s urine.)
Ah. Yah don’t say…
Book burnings are very common. They go by many names. Progressive liberals and their established socialist governments always have book burnings. It’s their thing. It’s kind of like how they like to wear white sheets, hate Catholics, and use masks to cover their faces.
The progressive socialist nationalists of Germany (Nazi for you under-educated folk) held massive book burnings. They really took the time to make them impressive. They would have uniforms, orchestrated dance and march movements, flags and special effects. It must have been impressive. Huge barn fires rising up into the Heavens. People dancing around in uniforms with crazed people throwing books into the fires.
The Nazi’s really loved to use school kids to do it. They would organize these rallies and allow the school children to leave the school. The kids were, of course, happy to do so. There, the kids would gleefully destroy their own history.
Progressive Socialist Democrats in Germany (Known as NAZI.) having one of their many book burnings. These were often festive affairs with music, speeches, and youth that gleefully toss their collective histories into the fire. Book burnings are ALWAYS associated with power struggles. (That and other things such as statue desecration, and politically correct types of speech.) When one movement ascends to power they start to rewrite history. (Image Source.)
The Chinese which is also a progressive liberal government structure (officially socialist with Chinese characteristics ) held massive book burnings during the Cultural Revolution. They also used children to promote their agendas. This included the full range from gun control to destruction of history, to (of course) book burnings. Unlike the Germans, who able to recover about two decades later after a global war, the Chinese took around four decades to recover, and in many ways the cuts and destruction were too deep. Various aspects of the Chinese culture never really recovered.
Darn those progressive democrat socialists. Always trying to mess up everyone else’s lives!
In many ways, the Antifa movement is a cross between the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and the German Socialists of the 1930’s. (I do cover this in another writing elsewhere.) You know, you don’t really need to be a student to history to know any of this.
You just need to be awake and listening.
Which, I am sad to say is a real rarity today. For the record, book burnings occurred in the Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba, and Argentina as well as just about any other nation in the world.
One of the best books to describe how history, rules and laws are rewritten is the book by George Orwell titled “Animal Farm“. As history is always being rewritten in order to manipulate people into doing things that go against their well being.
Now that everything is migrating to the internet, the ability to erase and rewrite history has never been easier. Indeed, the internet is like one large “white board”. You erase what you don’t like, and rewrite it to fit your new revised narrative. There are all kinds of examples. I have covered one myself on the subject of Calexit and the American Civil War by President Obama.
It is the way that it is done. There isn’t too much that we can do about it. Except change our behaviors and be skeptical of all the news. Especially to take notice to avoid any kind of pre-approved or “fact checked” news deemed worthy by others. Indeed, that is the most dangerous.
News in America in 2018 has completely gone full-on Orwell. George Orwell well predicted the American media in his book “Animal Farm”. Good is bad. Happy is sad. White is black. American media in 2018 is absolutely off the charts in insanity.
Have you noticed any trends? Man, I’ll tell you it seems like everyone is writing on and on just how bad Russia is, and that there will eventually be a world war between the great powers. How can that be? Bill Clinton was paying Russia to keep it’s military intact through most of the 1990’s. Now why would they want to nuke us now? Didn’t Hillary Clinton just give them 25% of our nuclear stockpiles? It just doesn’t make too much sense.
We’d make a far better trading partner than an enemy. But, anyways… Now what do you all think is gonna happen once, the USA and Russia nukes each other? It’s a great question. It’s one that deserves some thought. What do you think is going to happen once the USA gets involved in a nuclear war?
Nuclear war is terrible and it is nothing to take lightly. If a nuclear war were to break out, there would be many things that would be nearly impossible in a post nuclear-exchange United States. Things such as easy cell phone access, nope the War Powers act will limit that. Things such as your Starbucks coffee are also going to be changed as the headquarters would be reduced to radioactive glass. Nope, a nuclear exchange will impact YOUR life in ways that you are unaware of.
Do you believe that the world will be over? Is that what you really think will happen? Do you believe that since the USA is number one, that the rest of the world will just scurry under rocks or something? Is that what you think? Ha!
Not. Going. To. Happen.
What do you think China will do while both Russia, Europe (of course the EU, as they are driving this war narrative), with the USA are in ruins with radioactive rubble for cities?
Do you think that the rest of the world will continue to live like a scene from a “Save the Children” commercial? Do you think that it will make a big difference in the lives of other people in Sydney, Australia? How about Osaka, Japan? What about Sao Paulo Brazil?
Hong Kong is a very western Chinese city. It is very modern and very crowded. I like it, but I can only take it in small doses as they use Western pricing and it tends to be too expensive for my tastes.
Do you think that they will care…?
The rest of the world has a vibrant middle class. There are factories, farms, subways, tollbooths, ATM machines, and McDonalds all over the world. They have toothpaste, football, cars, cable television, and the internet. If American shuts itself off from the rest of the world… the rest of the world will go on as if nothing happened. America will just be a footnote in the latest Wikipedia entries as maintained from Beijing servers…
Do you think that the USA will still be able to project “it’s interests” globally? Do you think that the domestic issues, internally, will be just the same-old same-old script? Nope, boys and girls, it is going to be awfully hard for most Americans. Especially those from the cities.
Most especially for those urban or suburban folk.
What are they going to do when Starbucks runs out of coffee? When Wi-Fi has zero hot spots, or when girls will need to “put out” for a half-bowl of pea soup? Know your history people. How do you think that the young lasses of Germany survived when the Russians moved in through the devastated countryside? How do you think the people of Cambodia, and Burma survived? I cannot predict the future, but I can report on what happened in the past when this situation raised it’s ugly head.
Nuclear tipped ICBM’s are nothing to take lightly. Yet, here we are with the media promoting war as if it was just “another” issue like “racist peanut butter and jelly sandwiches”. Ugh!
Oh sure, the surviving Americans will try to leave the glassed rubble of their cities. Though, I doubt that they will make it very far into “deplorable land”. You know with all those squads of “good ol’ boys” hunting down all the urban folk escaping from all that glassed wreckage.
Oh, their Prius or Tesla might make it a few hundred miles into “flyover country”. They might even get some militia assistance. Oh, some will make it to FEMA camps. There, of course they will be pre-screened and set to work.
Ain’t nothing for free in this world. We all will have to pay the tolls. The tolls will, or course, be guarded by men with guns.
While the USA is all busy straightening out it’s house, the rest of the world will continue as if nothing happened. Since the exports to the United States account for around 11% of what China makes, there will certainly be an impact.
However, it won’t be life-threatening. China will survive. The nuclear exchange between the USA and Russia will be noted. Maps will be redrawn with huge “Forbidden to Enter” areas marked in red. But that will be about it.
If the United States were to get involved in a hot nuclear war, those nations that do not participate in the war would benefit. Many of these nations, such as China, South Africa, Europe, Dubai, Tokyo and many others are just as advanced as the United States is and would thrive if competition from Los Angles, San Francisco and New York were to end.
China will take over. Not a bad thing. I’ll tell you what.
War with the President
Oh but not all the news is about trying to get people to go to war. Jeeze! This is not 1960 people! While America might be populated with half-asleep sheep, they do know when they are being manipulated. At least the older ones do. The news is really pretty obvious. The only way that you wouldn’t notice the obvious propaganda is if you were on some kind of drug like a painkiller, or an anti-depressant…
Anyways, the other news concerns president Trump.
It’s a non-stop hate fest. I have never seen such vitriol and hate from the American propaganda mills. These idiots actually believed that Hillary the Horrible could actually be elected. They thought that the game was rigged in her favor, and even if she did manage to become President that no one would bat an eye and it would be accepted. Hah! I’ll tell you, these people are absolutely delusional.
So, when I see the “Russia, Russia, Russia!” anti-Trump narrative, it just bores me. It’s not news. There just isn’t any news there.
It’s just a bunch of attractive actors reading scripted lines, and being paid large bucks to make up news.
I’m beyond bored with it. I will honestly say that I haven’t seen ABC, NBC or a CBS newscast in over a decade. It’s all just junk. CNN? Give me a break. I was turned off from them way back in the 1990’s when they were caught staging a protest.
CNN staging a fake protest. In this case they reported that a huge groundswell of Muslims were protesting Islamic terror. Those individuals weren’t even’t actual Muslims. They were paid actors. Jeeze!
It’s all propaganda with a set agenda that benefits the richest people in the world.
That is why it is important to read grass-root reporting. Read from small-time bloggers, and get your news from other sources. Of course, the powers-that-be don’t want you to do that. No sir ree! You can bet that those in the oligarchy want their control over all thought, ideas and media. You will follow their directions or not at all. The Bill of Rights, and the first Amendment can just go to hell as far as they are concerned.
Here is Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein on her attack on people who have a “five dollar blog”…
Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein making a formal statement that the Bill of Rights does not apply to American Citizens. She makes the case that it ONLY applies to elected officials. Therfore, it is important to prevent citizens from writing or blogging on the Internet using their “five dollar blog”.
Diane Feinstein talking about the need to only allow properly vetted, government “approved”, people to have “Free Speech”. Doesn’t she look like the teacher from Hell? (Image Source.)
I wonder why there are no progressive liberal attacks. I guess that it is just ok to take away freedoms… how about we start with Facebook, then Tumblr, Pinterest, Google, Snapchat, for starters.
Unless you have lived under a rock for the last ten years, what constitutes news out of the United States today is anything but news. It has become a complete political propaganda machine that is populated by highly paid actors and actresses reading scripted lines. There is a science to this, and there is a feedback loop that dictates what propaganda that should be dished out to the American population at which specific times.
American media is just propaganda. Nothing that you see is real and truthful. It is all distorted lies and partial-truths.
Real news would tell us details about the hidden cavity in the Great Pyramid, or a review of NASA funding for the next fiscal year. It would cover topical news; a protest here, a murder there, and a car crash there in brief one or two sentence bites. When a President speaks, they would play his entire speech, not show him speaking with the audio off and then translate for us what he is saying.
They would not have “panels of experts” who are just actors with nice titles (not nice titties, or… um I take that back), farmed out by rich organizations for propagandized purposes. They would provide balance of different viewpoints (if they wanted a broad viewership base). Or not have any dissent on the editorial sections if they wanted to become the foremost expert in their political narrative.
This reminds me of an incident in my own house with my own dog…
Our floor is mostly hardwood and tiled marble. It’s the Chinese way. That is unlike the States, where the floor is carpeted (wall to wall) over a plywood floor if the house was built after the 1980’s. In China, most houses have a stone floor. The stone is typically cut at a ¼ inch thick sliced tile, polished, and provided into two feet square sections. Most floors use a light colored granite or marble. In upper-scale homes, wood floors are provided in the bedrooms. Cheaper flooring methods such as linoleum or carpeting are never used.
As such, we have a few throw rugs to lie down and make the house a home.
Now our dog knows, absolutely knows, that peeing in the house if forbidden. We have a rule that he must pee and crap in the bathroom (if not outside). We have trained him to use a blue mat (Indoor/outdoor carpeting that is blue instead of green.) just for this purpose.
In fact, the reader should know, that the way we trained him was that we got a really large mat, and put it in the shower. (In China, the showers do not have a tub. Therefore, the shower goes straight down to the floor.) Once the dog knew that he could do all the peeing and crapping he needed to do, on the shower, that is where he went. Over time, we cut the mat down smaller and smaller. It was one yard by one yard, then it became two feet by two feet. Then one foot by two feet, then one foot by one foot. We kept cutting it down. Finally it was one square inch, and you should have seen him trying to aim and hit that tiny little mat.
Anyways, long story short, he knew that he could only pee in the shower.
Well, we also have a few throw rugs. We decided to not use them when he took up the (terrible) habit on peeing on them.
Now, I really don’t know why he would pee on them. Maybe it was because he was trained to pee on mats due to his bathroom training. Or, perhaps, maybe he wanted to make the house feel more lived in and “doggie friendly”.
One day, we decided to lay down this black and white shag rug that we have. (Yeah, I know that it is shag, but it fits with our modern Asian décor.) We wanted to make the living room area more comfortable, and that would include a rug nested in between the sofas and the various chairs. However, we were very concerned because our dog had a propensity to pee on the rugs.
So we laid the rug down. We told him, in no uncertain ways, that it was “off limits” to pee upon. We then watched him like a hawk.
I can tell the reader that he knew not to do anything. He would walk near the rug with a hunched back look, and with tail down. He was afraid to do anything with that rug. Indeed, he would walk around it rather than walk on it.
All was well. Then one day, the wife saw him do a “dryless pee” on the rug. That I mean to say is that he pretended to pee for a split second, but no pee came out. She chalked it up to him getting old, and let it fly. Of course, the reader might say, “Hey, why don’t you simply lift up the rug, you moron?”. Well, we couldn’t. The rug was under this massive marble coffee table. It is an enormously heavy sheet of brown veined marble (Also known as Adobe Granite, Golden Brown Marble, Canadian Mahogany, or Deer Brown granite.) that is at least one inch thick, with beveled sides. It weighs a ton. It is far too heavy for me to move alone, or even to have two people move it. You actually need four strong men to move this friggin’ coffee table.
Well, the design (with the cold gold metal sides, and the glass bottom) looks a lot like a KTV table. Which wasn’t our intention, but hey the wife picked it out and now we have it. Anyways, the other ends of the rug are buried under large sofas and leather chairs. So for us to move everything about, would take a lot of effort. It wouldn’t be something that we would ever do casually. So, we just let it slide.
A few days later, I thought that I smelled pee, but the rug was dry. It must have been my imagination, I reasoned.
A few weeks later, my wife too smelled something. It was driving us crazy. The rug was dry, but the smell of urine was unbearably strong. We had been watching him carefully but he wasn’t doing anything. When it looked like he would pee, nothing came out, and so we took no action. So, to us, it was very perplexing.
Finally, around six o’clock on a Saturday, we couldn’t stand it any longer. We moved the sofas out, and the (enormously heavy) coffee table away. Then we lifted up the rug.
My God! The entire underside was wet and saturated with dog urine! Somehow, the shag carpet stayed dry on top, no matter how wet it got. But the underside acted like a massive sponge. It absorbed the urine and just collected it there. It was absolutely horrid and disgusting. Weeks of moldy pee saturated the matting making it look and smell like an outdoor shithouse in the middle of August.
Apparently what had happened was that our dog knew that it was wrong to pee on the rug. However, when it wasn’t punished for tiny efforts to pee, it thought that it could pee at will as long as it wasn’t caught. We were delusional in thinking that the dog would not do this. The end result was that our intention (of a pee-less rug) never materialized. Our dog thought it could pee away… as long as it could not be caught.
I guess that is what happens when we let people get away with things that are wrong. Unless we stop them in the early stages, their behavior will get worse and worse over time.
I have seen that this is true, and I am sure that the reader knows examples of this. Perhaps with children. Maybe with criminals. With classmates, and with other things as well. It just seems that if you do not have limits, it is within our nature to treat things as without limits. As such, we tend to keep pushing and pushing until we start to hit some roadblocks.
News and Politics
Which of course, brings us back to the Democratic Senator from California, Diane Feinstein and her attempt(s) to ban the first amendment. (Now, she like any other “good” Democrat is off trying to ban everything from ice cream to baby pacifiers. It’s in their nature. However, for now, let’s just focus on this one particular instance, and not get sidetracked.)
You know, she (and others of her ilk) believes that they can get away with their actions simply because no one is stepping up and stopping them. Like our dog, who needed a good hard paddle after his first attempted pee, this woman needed to spend five years at hard labor when she first started to suggest banning a Right. It would have stopped her dead in her tracks, and served as a notice to others who might try to follow in her footsteps.
Newsflash to everyone; Senators are just like everyone else. The only thing that they have that you (the reader) do not have is a title, and a good PR firm. They must follow the rules. It doesn’t work that way of course. But it should.
The young millennial asks “what rules, and what laws are you referring to?”
To this, I must teach the reader something that is a very well-kept secret. Yes, it is. Why it is the “Preamble to the Bill of Rights” of course. This is one of the most secretive documents in the entire United States. Everyone tries to hide it, because it clearly and plainly says what a Right is, and what the purpose of a Right is. Hey! Surprise! Here it is so you can read it for yourself.
THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.
And, for those of you who only have a public education, let me translate for you.
The Bill of Rights is a special set of rules inside, yet set apart from the Constitution. It is designed to prevent the Constitution to be used to harm the citizens of the United States. It offered protections in that it clearly stated that no elected official, nor anyone appointed by them, could influence, takeaway or disparage any of the RIGHTS listed in the Bill of Rights.
That’s correct.
No one, let alone a Senator can even consider taking or limiting a right. That means ANY right, for those of you who are confused out there. Now there are ten Rights. The first group of Rights is in a collection known as the first amendment. One of these rights is, of course, the Right of freedom of speech. Which means that you can say anything, or write anything, or even think anything NO MATTER WHAT. You offend someone… tough cookies. You swear or use profanity…meh. You call a person a bad name, or say something that someone doesn’t like… no problem.
The RIGHT to speak your mind; America used to stand for this freedom. Not anymore apparently.
Ah… but I digress yet again.
Bad Behaviors
Wouldn’t you think that being a Senator, and not following the Constitution is wrong? Wouldn’t you think that it is a “bad behavior”? I would.
But, you know, defining what “bad behavior” is and what isn’t is really meaningless unless there is an enforcement arm.
When we were all children, we knew that there were things that we were not permitted to do. If we crossed the line, and did those “naughty” things, our parents would get angry and punish us. Now, we all had friends who could seemingly get away with anything. Their parents apparently didn’t care in the least. They were always on our case, acting like bullies or worse. Their parents were either oblivious, or defensive of their actions. It was truly frustrating. However, now that I am much older I see where the lack of discipline and parental guidance led the kids. It wasn’t pretty.
I would guess that perhaps one of the reasons why the United States is in such a mess today is partially because there just hasn’t been any enforcement to follow the Constitution. People could seemingly get away with anything. As such, they never would get in trouble. Look at Louis Learner, and the rest of her ilk, and how they were never punished.
This all reminds me of my dog, and when he’s acting poorly.
Being in the Dog House
Here in China, it is very crowded. As such, there is a necessity in making sure that everyone follows certain basic rules. Because, one or two odd balls behaving badly can cause all kinds of trouble in a crowded environment. Now, that is not to say that China has their act together, as there are many things about China that could use some improvement. However, there are things that they do right.
One of the things that they have in China that just isn’t so popular in the United States is security guards in every building for the purposes of keeping order. That differs from the United States, where security is used to enforce laws. In China, while laws might be enforced or not, the primary purpose of a baoan (security guard) is to keep order.
In a crowded place, especially a residential building, excessive noise is not tolerated. If you think that you can jam with your stereo up all night long and not have the rest of the building lynch you, you are sorely mistaken. You will have a baoan knock on your door, and if you are not corporative, they will pick up your stereo and toss it of the 65th floor below. If you complain, they will arrest you and in China, this is decidedly NOT a good thing.
Anyways, back to my dog.
For a while we had two dogs. Our current dog (Pipi) and a younger dog named “Super”. Super was a beautiful dog. The problem with him is that he hated my guts. He just could not stand me. When I would come home, he would bark at me all night long. It would continue hour after hour. He would be bleary-eyed from lack of sleep, and his voice would be hoarse, but he would keep it up like it was his duty. He would bark like there was no tomorrow. You could hear his voice getting hoarser and hoarser. It would crackle and dry up, yet still he barked. Then when I would leave the house, he would collapse in his bed from exhaustion. I know, as my wife would show me pictures of him collapsed from exhaustive barking. He would lay there on his back, his mouth open and his tongue out exhausted.
For my wife, she loved the loyalty of the dog. However, she saw that it was a problem. On more than just a few instances, we would have the guards knock on our doors to get the dog quiet. One time they were going to toss him off the 63rd floor, if we didn’t get him quiet. Indeed, for a long time it was a real problem. That is… until we consulted a vet about what to do.
When confronted with this problem, many Chinese simply cut the vocal cords of the dog. That way, they can live their life normally, but they will no longer be able to bark. Now, before any reader has a heart attack, please relax. We didn’t do any such thing. Instead we turned to technology for an answer.
We put on a barking shock collar on him.
Whenever there was a loud sound the dog would get a three second beep. If the barking continued, there would be a shock. The collar would then wait for five minutes. If there were additional loud sounds in those five minutes, there would be four louder beeps and a louder shock. This continued up the scale to ten. If the dog were still barking after fifty minutes (10 x 5 minutes = fifty minutes) of barking, a very loud shock would be released.
Super was a smart dog, and quickly discovered how the system worked.
Anti-barking training device used to train dogs to stop barking. This particular model is available in the United States. Chinese models are (ahem) more efficient.
Anti-barking shock training collar for dogs. (Image Source.)
Problem solved. Right?
Now Super whispered his barks. Instead of BARK! BARK! BARK!, it was bark… um, bark, … bark. (Timidly.) It was cute, and it did work. Our dog had figured out how it worked and realized that he could no longer bark in the house. There weren’t any more visits from the building guards. Great right? Of course it wouldn’t work if the dog were not bright or slow. But Super was smart, so it worked.
But then, again our other dog (Pipi) was smart as well.
And he too discovered how it worked. He discovered that he could shock Super by barking at him. Super could be sleeping, and our dog would walk up to him and bark right into his collar. What a shocking way to wake up! Oh, my goodness! What hath we wrought?
One day we came home to barking and howls of pain from Super. Our other dog Pipi was pacing around Super barking crazily, and watching him get shocked. Then he gleefully would start up again, to watch it all over again.
We had to put an end to this mess.
We initially didn’t know what to do. We were afraid that if we removed the collar that Super would start barking again. There was a real and serious risk that he would find out the hard way how to fly. We needed to do something. We discussed it back and forth, over wine (as was our preference) and decided a solution. We put shock collars on both of them.
That’s right. Now it wasn’t fair. But it was the best thing to do.
We had a small cage for both of them, and put them both in it with shock collars. We then put on a camera and watched them from our cellphones, and left the house for dinner.
Sure enough, our one dog would start barking and Super would start to cower in fear. The only difference now was that both collars started to beep. Now, both dogs got a shock. Our dog didn’t know what was going on, so he started to bark and attack Super. Then off goes the stage-two beeps…then shock. It continued, and then Super started to fight back. He started to bark back. There was a mess of fighting, howling, beeping and electric shocks. It took maybe two hours before they all collapsed from exhaustion.
Neither dog would bark after that.
After that one massive battle, everything went quiet and peaceful. Neither dog barked. Though, they didn’t look at each other either. They would take turns eating and they would stay in separate rooms in the house. The good news is that Super wasn’t thrown out the window, no dog had a operation to stop barking, and the Baoan never visited us again. Mission accomplished.
That makes me think…
I must admit that I am pretty sick and tired of Congress. Not one of them are acting the interests of their constituents. Not one of them. They are self-serving and evil.
It makes me think that maybe we should have shock-collars for everyone in Congress. The moment they start to put restrictions on people and any of their Rights, that they get graduated electric shocks. Maybe that would teach them that they couldn’t violate the Constitution no matter what their excuses are. Try to ban free speech, get a shock. Try to ban guns, get a shock. Try to ban religion… get a shock. Try to ban large sodas… get a shock. Try to ban straws… get a shock. Try to ban bikini’s… get a shock. Try to ban chewing gum… get a shock. Try to ban bacon…get a shock. Try to ban knives and forks… get a shock.
It’s a win-win situation!
When does information stop and propaganda begin
Well, isn’t that the way life works. You start talking about dog shit and end up talking about putting shock collars on American Senators. Ah, my goodness, life as an American.
People say that we live in an “information age”. I disagree. We live in an “age of manipulation”. I say this because never before have we ever been so assaulted upon by propagandized media, and surveilled so severely. Face the facts.
All, the totality of, American media is owned by only six people.
Everything that you see on the “mainstream” media is directed and spoon fed to you by the desires of six people.
Why use propaganda unless you want to manipulate, and why utilize surveillance if you have no intention about using the information you obtain. The answers to both questions point squarely towards manipulation.
This being stated…
How does the news benefit you?
Really, how does the “news” benefit you? If you were to go without watching, reading, or listening to the news for a week, would your life collapse? Would your quality of life decrease? Would your income drop?
Do you like being afraid of the latest pandemic being shoved right before your morning coffee?
I am willing to bet that your quality of life would increase. Your stress level would definitely decrease, and your levels of happiness would increase. I think that maybe we have become so addicted to the news that we have forgotten it’s relative importance in our lives. Since most of the news is used to manipulate and alter your way of thinking, it is refreshing to ignore it.
People who ignore the news, and the warnings about all the wars and troubles in other nations, go out and are happy outside of the USA. They are not afraid.
Those who ignore the news, don’t know that they cannot do certain things, so they do them anyways. They survive and succeed. News in many cases, is like a big weight around your neck that weighs you down and holds you back. It holds you back.
So, like a dog, I would suggest that you ignore that big pile of shit on the sidewalk. Let other dogs smell it. There are other trees to pee on. Other places to run and play. Don’t let anyone tell you that you must smell that pile of shit and no others. You can choose your very own pile of shit and do with it as you may.
You, yes YOU, can choose your own pile of shit to smell. Don’t let anyone tell you what shit to smell.
What you can do
To steal a quote from the movie “Forrest Gump”, life is like a box of chocolates, you don’t know what you are going to get. But, my dear friends, you can most certainly choose the box. Don’t listen to the propaganda.
"Ben Rhodes from Obama’s national security apparatus made the comment that your average journalist today is 27. They don’t know anything; they believe everything we tell ’em. It was a snap.
It was right out of the page of Jonathan Gruber, who was the architect of Obamacare, who after it was signed into law, ran around the country bragging about how easy it was to lie to the American people about it because the American people are essentially ignoramuses."-Rush Limbaugh
Likewise, don’t do what all the other dogs do. Don’t go towards the biggest and most popular pile of shit. Be different, be selective in which shit that you smell. Only pee where you want to be.
Don’t go from tree to tree peeing indiscriminately. Use some thought and planning. I am sure that your life would benefit from some judicial peeing responsibility.
We cannot change the world, and maybe we shouldn’t even try. All that we can change is ourselves.
If there are something’s that I urge the reader to do, I would suggest the following;
Stop watching, reading, and viewing all the “major” media outlets. (CNN,MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc.)
Replace the time with something involving food, fresh air, friendships, or animals. (Oh, sex and pizza with wine would be a good thing also.)
Now, that should take care of most of your need to take medication (if you are an American). Now, in addition I would also suggest a phased approach of the following suggestions;
When you go on the internet, do not visit any of the “minor” news sites. (Drudge, Huffington Post, Forbes, WaPo etc.) Give yourself a break.
Avoid sites that promise to tell you “the truth”. Or “fact check”, they will just inform you of what the truth is relative to the person who paid them. They are always lying for financial gain. While Snopes is perhaps one of the most famous, all of them utilize a financial model that promotes one version of the truth over others for financial gain. There is nothing free out there. You have to pay a price for everything. Being “educated” so you are manipulated is the price that you must often pay as an American.
Avoid “Social media”, like Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, or any of the others. If you need to go on it, pledge to stop using “likes”, and responding to posts.
Go there, do your task, and leave. A kitchen timer helps too.
The goal to all of this is to simplify your life by removing the anxiety and excitement of the internet from your life. You don’t need it. It hasn’t helped you at all, and it has only made your life miserable. Forgetaboutit.
I’ve noticed that in my rush to check out Tumblr, that I ended up acting like my dog anticipating a great pile of stinky poop. I just couldn’t wait to what was on my feed. But you know what? It’s just another addiction. It doesn’t really matter. Don’t be like my dog that just cannot wait to smell the freshest pile of shit in the park. Then he just has to pee on top of it. You don’t need it. It’s addictive, and other people know that you are addicted to it, and use that to control you.
Other people control you this way.
Some Final Comments
This being my opinions, and with the world populated with others, there will be some disagreements. Maybe some readers won’t like my comparisons between American news and dog shit. But, you know, that is exactly how most of America views the media, reporters, and those who are on the news shows. We think that they all stink.
Idea: 689,003 Facebook users participated in a social experiment during which researchers wanted to see what would happen if people started reading bad news every day. For an entire week, some users had to view news posts which had negative information, some of which were incredibly stressful emotionally. The opposite was also tested out by using positive news instead of negative posts.
Result: Like a lot of us instinctively predicted, reading lots of negative news over 7 days changed Facebook users' behavior online. Not only were they more prone to posting similar information as in the negative news more often, they were also more likely to emphasize negative emotions. Meanwhile, positive news stories made people feel happier, act more compassionately and kindly towards others. In other words, the news that we consume on social media shapes how we react because, on some level, we feel that what we see and read happens to us in reality.
Maybe some readers will take offense on what I have to say about Nazi’s, Liberal Progressives, and similar organizations like the Antifa and the KKK. Well, heck, that is what the First Amendment is for; the ability to speak your mind. Or to paraphrase the good Democrat Senator, “to express non-approved ideas on my five dollar blog”. Well, there is a solution that will prevent you from getting upset. Don’t read any of my opinions. Leave. Thank you.
This entire article is based on one thing; the musing that I had while I was walking my dog along the beach in front of my house. I noticed how excited he was smelling crap and his urgency to pee everywhere. In turn, I too wanted to see what the latest feed was on the news. And then, for a brief second of clarity, it became totally clear to me. Dogs and humans are the same.
We are the same, and you cannot convince me otherwise.
In my desire to keep my dog focused, and to keep him from getting hit by a car, I would often need to direct him. He cannot crap in the middle of a road, and not run blindly across a road to smell a fire hydrant. It is dangerous in many ways. As such, I need to help him and to protect him.
Isn’t that the same with us humans?
If we blindly react to the canned news that is fed to us, and the manipulative narratives that tug at our hearts and souls, we can get ourselves into a great deal of danger and hurt. I suggested the Russian narrative that is really being pushed by CNN, MSNBC, and Drudge. But other narratives are just as dangerous. America has been at war for over two hundred years. Don’t you think we all ought to give it up and chill out some? Really!
Take Aways
Well, there are some take aways from this dialog;
Dog poop is stinky.
Dogs like to smell things, and what they smell is more than we humans can understand.
News can be compared to dog crap.
There is no reason for us to be so interested in the news, as MOST news does not affect us personally.
News or Social Media is addictive to humans. It is like stinky shit to a dog.
Addiction to news can be dangerous, and it MIGHT be a contributor to the opioid problem in America today.
Manipulation of the news is equally dangerous, and could result in a most terrible turn of events.
I think that it might be a good idea to have Senators wear shock collars
Q: Do you think that all news is bad? A: No. I am just concerned that all news is used to manipulate. Our addition to news and Social Media might be harmful to us.
Q: Do you hate dogs? A: No. I actually love them. I also think that they should be permitted to smell all the stinky stuff they want. They just need to be careful so that they don’t get hurt in the process.
Q: Do you hate Senator Feinstein? A: No. I think that she is more than a little confused.
Old age does that, you know. You forget things and your sense of judgment tends to be distorted. She came to Congress when telephones had dials and hung on walls. There was no such thing as computers, and people wrote letters with “Bic banana” pens. Everyone was saying “Groovy”, and the movie Jaws just came out. I think she should have retired three or four decades ago. Like when Microsoft DOS first came out.
Q: Do you read the news and listen to it? A: Yes I do. However, I have been actively trying to reduce the impact of it in my life. I think that I have been far too involved in it in the past. Looking back, I can see how silly it has been.
Posted On Free Republic
This article was posted on Free Republic in the chat section on 31JUL18. It was edited as the language was deemed improper. It used the word “shit”. The comments can be read HERE.
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